Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
In the Interests o! the
Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter oo January .21, 1821. at
Postofflo o£ Omaha. Nebranka. under the Act of March 3. 1878
To Address Forum -tier
'BER 8, 1935
VOL., XI—NO, S>.
| Important Discovery
IIFT TO RF |%P a ^ e s ^ n e ;
Jerusalem (WNS)—Discovery | of a revolutionary method of exLeo Abramson to Speak For; tracting pectin from the white Fathers and Carl Milder inner skin of oranges by Professor For gens Bergmann, one of the German Jewish scientists on the staff o' The fourteenth annual Father the Daniel Sieff Institute at Rehoand Son banquet will be held at both is expected to open the way the Jewish Community Center on for the development of an imSunday evening, November 10, at portant new industry in Palestine. A number of new clubs for Pectin is a gelatine used in the 6 p. m., under boys and girls are now being manufacture of gum. the auspices of formed at the Center. Any Hitherto it has derived chiefly the Social Servboy or girl between the ages of KpMn anrt Mrs, T*avjd A. :":-->'.-;from potatoes. ice Committee. 9 and 16 desiring to join one stein will be Iwmrcfl V*y f'1*" in»:rIf Professor Bergmann's discovThe army of workers for the.kowitz, A. Greenspan, Julius E. of these clubs, call tho Center, Eugene Blazer herf- of the TSeiri-Kl ronp^^pf-"'-~~ Solomon, Teresa G. Sommer, and JAcksbn 1366. ery can be made commercially •will be toastmasannual Community Chest cam- Miss rt a dinner next Vodnesc'j-.v. >>Blanche Zimman. Captain, useful it will not only solve the ter at the banThis applies, whether their vember 15. et the J. C, C . «-.*..-1paign which starts next Tuesday Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky; lieutenproblem of disposing of fruit surquet. The invoine: five years th?t RsTiM s'lm.-rwill include a large contingent ants, Mesdames Lawrence Gross, parents are members of the pluses but will also lead to the cation w i n be scein har. been spiritunl if.RiUt: .,'. of Jewish men and women, spir- Dave Levine, Louis Lipp, E. I. Center or not. development of a gelatine indusgiven by Stanley the synagofrue. try. Silverman. ited campaigners who have vol- Rubin, Charles Schlaifer, and J. The affair wil! PIBD be n "' '."^ Davidson. Captain, Mrs. Bert B. Following the unteered their services in the tory dinner,'' ondinp thp .";:•>-{ lieutenants, Mesdames Dadinner Communidrive to raise $555,300 f o r Hene: building: fund campaigr, tf VI-IM* vid Feder, Al Mayer, Dave Rosenj ty singing will motley lor the new ?)('(• 1 <-.' twenty-eight agencies. Emil Xiidwig stock, Fred Rorenstock, and Sam be led by Lawsynagogue building vhick •»••.•;.• >f The campaign •will swing into Wertheimer, jr. Captain, Mrs. rence F i n k e 1Emil Ludwig, the internationalerected at 4Ptli and Fgrnsu-. full action on Tuesday morning, Max Holzman; lieutenants, Mesly famous author, will open the stein. The beneAll Eppech-mEkinp will br ,-uf •when all workers will meet for dames David Goldman, Morton be Bhort. The proprnm xvi1,] in.-^'i.-.f Omaha Community Forum series ! diction an "early bird "breakfast" at the Killer, Sam Josephson, Morris j given b: a musical extravaganza, "*•. N. Fontenelle hotel at 8 o'clccK, Milder, Harry Rosenfeld, and Da- The installation ceremonies for at the Jewish Community Center Holzman. The Dundee branch of the loMembership," with the lpprU •:•>.-*Rabbi Harold A. Berger, the new Women's Division vid Wice. Captain, Mrs. H. A. this coming Tuesday evening at Leo Abramson will give the fa- cal Talmud Torah made an inp taken by Earl Koss r-tif: vr-s.. A large number of Jewish Newman; lieutenants, Mesdames spiritual head of the Vaad H'lhr, 8 p. in, ther's message, and Carl Milder, j auspicious start this week at the j Hyman Bellman. Other Tntwr.h^riwill be held during the week-end •women will take an active part Milton Abrahams, Paul Blotcky, in the cast ere Sandrr- Jps<-r ."•:.->•.•>His topic will be "The Fate of son of Mr. and Mrs. William'-, classrooms at 105 South 50th in the canvassing of the residen- Albert B. Newman, Harry Shu- of November 15 io 17, it was annion, Milton Robinpon. •")• nounced Wednesday by Morris Europe, 1914-1940," and few are Milder, will respond for the sons, j street. mow, and Sanders Steinbach. tial division. ; Dnnsky, pnd Use MeFdiiniPF t- .'--. As an entertainment feature, Burstein,' general chairman of ar- better equipped to discuss this T h e enrollment figures are alJits. Renben Kulakofsky is on Major, Mrs. Arthur Cohn; cap- rangements. ' Solomon. WilliRrn KpsntRn,. Kenneth Carlson, the magician,: r e a d y g r o w i n g i a n d t h e Jewish the advisory committee of the tain, Mrs. Jack Bramson; lieutenquestion than Ludwig, who haswill present a series of magical jp a r e ntE in that district are being Theodore, Perry Si'vpntiRn, ?:.-.<•>• Three guest rabbis have been 1 women's division and is in charge ants, Mesdames Max Davis, Robbeen observing the European | s t u n t s > a a d P h i n e a s Wintroub ! ;: ffp " d "" l0 " -roll their chilfi-er o'f TT)our Cohen, rnoi Jacob riBv.r.i.-tinvited to Omaha lor the occaj scene and its chief actors from j . , " S e « to enroll their chUfi.en o. wU1 p r e s e a t a m o t i o n picture of clubs and churches. ert Kooper, Samuel Theodore, sion. " Rabbi Jacob Greenberg, The dancing <horus. imdei- .1:.- *:iI school age while the classes are Mrs. J. H. Kniakofsky is a di- Sam Stern, and Sam Zlotky. Cap- dean of the Chicago Theological the neutral territory of SwitzerRabbi David A. Goldstein reciion of Milton Reick, v>-i!' ^.••:~The members of the Social Glasses are held ! _ _^_ Philip ^ „..*..*,; ' t n e r e beginning. visional chairman, heading divi- tain, Mrs. M. D. Brodkey; lieu- Seminary; Rabbi Ephraim Ep- land since 1907. Service Committee are: Dr. sist of the Mesdames; San; S;,'.-'n. d a i l y > except Saturday, from who will be honored st a testiLudwig was born in Breslau in :S n e r i chairman; William Holz^ 4 to G p tenants, Mesdames Max Barish, stein, one of the founders of the ; sion4 'E." Meyer Stern, Hyman Grpp» 3->;-vx ui., divided into three monial dinner by his congregaThe five majors in Mrs. Kuln- Dave Sherman, Leon Graetz, J. J. seminary, who occupies the pulpit 1881 of Jewish parentage and e d - | m a n j i s a d o r e Abramson, M a x groups. Phineas Win ..roub, Phil f.:.->n.-,;rtion Wednesday, on the occasion kofsky's division are Mrs. Irvin Greenberg, Jake Blank, and A. at Congregation Knesses Israel in ucated at Breslau:and Heidelberg. Barish, Eugene Blazer, Rabbi blatt, and Max R. ShostarV. Mrs. William Milder has been ' of his fifth anniversary in t h e Xevin, Mrs. Philip Iievey, Sirs. D. Frank. Captain, Mrs. Jay Mala- Chicago, and Rabbi Irving Meisel He began his writing career as a Frederick Cohn, Dr. J. M. Erman, voluntarily aiding in the enroll- pulpit here. ; Annette Ricklin Pilvermcr; i> Ben Silver, Sirs. J. M. Newman, shock; lieutenants, Mesdames Al- of South Bend, Ind., who is Rabbi dramatist, but later turned to Dr. O. C. Goldner, Rabbi D. A. lan Kohan, Bill Yousem, Harry Berger's brother-in-law, have in- psychological essays which led Goldstein, Dr. M. I. Gordon. Dr. ing of new pupils, and Talmud, and Mrs. Arthur Cohn. him to the fields of historical M. M. Greenberg, Philip Klutz- Torah leaders give her much of; These five majors -will enter- Malashock, Joe P e p p e r , Jay dicated that they will be here. i and >!rs. J. MalaFhock. CnK;i. K-^£ Wright, and Harry Steinzeig. His books, "Napo- nick, Rabbi David Wice, Irvin the credit for the growing regis-: biography. tain at social events today. Mrs. I ere "heinp made by "Mrs., f.'^>i.-.-J The guest rabbis will occupy tration at the branch. j Levey "will entertain at a tea Captain, Mrs. Phil Rosenblatt; the pulpits of various orthodox leon,". "Goethe," "Bismark" and Stalmaster, and Harry Silverman. ; 1 Kooper and Mrs, Snrah R«-:.'.J,.% Reservations at sixty-five cents at 2:30 p. m. for her captains lieutenants, Mesdames George synagogues on Friday' evening, "Hindenburg," have been transGraduation Exercises j Mrs. A. D. Frank, sncl T-•'->.. -• by "calling ! The graduation exercises of the and "workers at the home of Sherman, Mose Silverman, Hymie November 15, and Saturday morn- lated into every modern language! pp e r plate p a t maybemade y b e m a d by ij Solempn, In charge1 oE n-n h b e rated ted as a best b t ssell t h e center, JAckson 13 66. andd have been Mrs. Ernest Nogg. Mrs. Levin Milder, William Milder, Sam ing, November 16. I Talmud Torah at. the Jewish Com?.Trs. Hyman Greerberp. J and Mrs. Cohn will each enter- Greenberg, Shrolly Goodman, Sey- The ceremonies w i l l be cli-lers in two hemispheres. 1 munity Center have been postThe whole production ii- >'''•• •-•" As a biographer, Ludwig's out-1 tain her own group at home mour Cohn, William Levey and maxed with the formal installaParis (JTA)—The Committee the general riirecUon of ?.''-s ."!s» I poned to Sunday afternoon, No•with a dessert-luncheon at 1:30 Nate Horwich. Captain, Mrs. B.tion Sunday evening, November | standing'gift has been to combine t*0t*UHl OH. .X OUttl I vember 24, according -to A. Katz, of Jewish Delegations has decided ; vid GoUlstein P.nd J\'VK. .SS"1 '-'V.~'.'W p. m. Tea -will be served at 3 A. Simon; lieutenants, Mesdames 17, at the J. C. C, when a. ban- historical accuracy'with dramatic 'principal of the Talimid Torah. that the projected World Jewish clore. vividness. Because of his prop. m. at home by Mrs. Ben William Racusin, David Blacker, quet will be .held. {Ten student?..will- be graduated, Congress will be called before the Keservpiion? must he iv.sui.- ^»! Silver and Mrs. J. M. Newman. Sam Beber, Ed Simon, Julius . Reservations Jor- ;the-- .banquet found - historical knowledge and and- they will enroll in the He-eafi"o£ 1DSC, Monday niphi. keen'observations, his analysis ol _Mra. JVU. Kulakofskyjind Mrs. Haykin andJdhn-Frieden" brew high school, Present Et.the meeting st which which is '7 a cents per plate may Howard"Rushton, head ot" the All workers are being urged to be made at the Center, JA 13S6, the present state of Europe with the decision was adopted WRF ! Judah Wolfson is the instrucBoth Rabbi find Mrs. O; Chest's women's division, -will turn in their own pledges to their or with Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, a discussion-of trends which may . The' Round Table o Jewish . Chests w Abraham Goldberg, New York have remarkable- records. t o r o f t h e graduating class. e influence the future is of striking drop itf on each gathering to J" j majors-so that their contributions AT 5534. journalist find Zionist leader. Youth will sponsor a series of " Born in Minneapolis. significance. plain details of the plea for^funds jm^ ^ iincluded thereport report to to n c l u d e d i in n the Youth foruniL this . year on the ! Mr. Goldberg, who arrived in , Goldpfein atsentled the in the Community Chest *camMr. Ludwig on his limited lec- general theme, "World Jewry at the early bird breakParis en route to New York from schools ihcre. He v.~ps •"•• ture tour in the United States is T o d a y a n d T o m o r r o v r . . paign. • •„ • fast. Palestine, was instructed to in- extra curricula-; F.ffairs said to display the same brilWomen Workers Men Workers f o r m American-Jewish leaders: University of Minnesota, ":- !> These forums will begin liance on the lecture platform as Sunda The workers under each major that the European Jews would nor red in debate t»nd was »-•? Jewish workers are also active ^ evening, December 1, with in his writings, and is being d s c u In division " E " include: insist on democratic elections for of the MenoTHh chapter. Hr n in the various divisions of the' "Russia and Biro warmly received wherever he | ? f !by ° Rabbi Major, Mrs. Irvin Levin; cap- men workers. delegates to the world congress. ; uated from the Jewish TK Bidjan," Harold Berger. speaks. tain, Mrs. Joe Goldware; lieutenIncluded in the initial gifts diThe idea ol a congress repre- cal Pemicsry of NPW Yovfc i Harry B. Cohen is general On Sunday evening, January 5, ants, Mesdames Leo Abramson, I. vision are J. A. Farber, A. Goldsenting J e w s throughout the fore coming to Omaha. 1 David W chairman of t h e Community H. Stein, Jules Shapiro, Pearl stein, A. Herzberg, Louis Hiller, ! Forum. It is' still possible to ob-"The Western European Coun- Permanent Southwest K-egiou world is being pressed by the cupiefl the rutlpii: of TSP;T" Perelman, and Abe Kazlow-sky. William L. Holzman, J. H. KulaCommittee of Jewish Delegations: Rocksway Park, X, Y.. ;v. Rabbi Frederick Cohn Formed; Dr. K." Levin Plains States Conference of j tain some tickets for the lecture tries." Captain, Mrs. M. F. Levenson; kofsky, Henry Monsky, H. A. under the leadership of Rabbi: years. will discuss "The Central EuroPresident Community Centers and Fed- by calling Mr. Cohen or the Com- pean Countries," on February 9; lieutenants, Me3dames M o r r i s Wolf, and Harry B. Zimman. Stephen S. Wise of New York. j Mrs. Goldstein v.*os p •'>• munity Center. • erations in Des Moines Katelman, Dave Epstein, O. S. On the speakers bureau are Rabbi David Goldstein will dis-1 New impetus to B'nai B'rith I student, slso. f?hp rece'vpr r-"-.c Belzer, Joseph Freeman, A. Pra-Sam Beber, Rabbi Harold Berger, "Palestine," on Sunday, March j work in this district was stimui mpdali- as the hi^hPsf. •• A delegation of Omahans. is Sam Cohen. Captain* Mrs. dell, Bam uouen. uapuiui iiii=. i - 15, and the discussion of "United j lated at the southwest regional ; s'tident upop h^r gxadii3>ir»»- ":v..-2 Rabbi Dave Stein; lieutenants, Mesdames ! n Frederick Cohn, Max From- planning to attend the second anStates." will be presented on conference held at • the Jewish j I the Minneapolis high Fchpn: --«*» nual Plains States Regional ConT. A. Tully, David R. Cohen, | William ^ ^ ^ ^L.i ^ v i d A^ Goldstein, Holzman, Ben KazlowApril 12. I also from the llpbrew hi?:V. H.-i'.-v.i. Community Center in Omaha last | Jack Kaufman, Milton Tndelsori," sk ference of Community Centers I At the University ot M'SISTSPM.-^S,.. Sam Steinberg, and Hyman Bel-j st y» J a c k W.Marer, Henry Mon- and Welfare Federations to be j Through these open forum j Sunday. : pile made Phi Fein TCs.pTUi, ;.•;•*-.;• man. Captain, Mrs. Julius Stein; j y« *• Morgengtern, Irvin Stal- held in Des Moines, November meetings, the youth of this city A permanent organization was j '•• uatlng SKmms rum IPIKIF. will be"able to "obtain a vivid pic- formed at the conclave, embraclieutenants, Mesdames J. Abra- master, Harry Trustin, Rabbi Da- 16 and 17. n ture o f t h e Iife New'York <JTA)—The Zionist; Mrs. Gol<1stpin P-.IFO t nl -n,-.v?> lfl f N b k I from Nebraska, Iowa hamson, Herman Cohen, I. Dan-vid Wice. On the Jr. Chamber of Two patriotic nroerans nave i organization This conference was organized ; programs have e c o n o m i c a n d political utIcal status o Commerce speakers bureau are • grsc'Tiate work nt Colvmbi* !-•"•• • status of | and South Dakota, and plans are Organiaztioc of America Exenisky, H. Belmont, and R. Bordy. here in Omaha last fall. economic vprgity, and pvadusied ftv>" :•-."* tive .will shotly call & meeting of being formulated for expansion in Captain, Mrs. Phineas Wintroub; included Don Brodkey, Sam • Ep- The Des Moines conclave will been arranged by the Jewish War .n t h e s Q c o o a t r i e s a n d a lieutenants, Mesdames D a v i d stein, Al Fiedler, Philip Klutz- again serve as a clearing house Veterans of the United States, in j presentation of the possible trends this territory. Over a 'hundred all Zionist groups ERG parties and' brew Teachers Institute- n,' v.-v Greenberg, Harry Z. Bernstein, nick, Stanley Levin and 'E. L. for problems of Jewish organiza- connection with the observance of of Jewish life that will take place delegates from this district at- friends of Palestine to create a .York. After conducting *• '•&;•.:.•:•( tended the sessions. United Palestine Froct, it was s.n-c o u r s e f o r t h e w o n ; on n ' ;!>r >;.>M. L. Stern, L. Albert, and Sam | Marks... during the next decade or so. Abe Goldstein is the major of tions,, subjects pertaining to fed- Armistice Day next week. Dr. Harry M. Levin, of Sioux nouncefi this week following a. ciety for the Advn.ncruij-i.; .'.r The Round Table debate tournaPeltz. On Sunday, November 10, from the stores division in the indus- erations and community chests, meeting of'the E. O. A. Adminis-' Judaism of New York. t\hr it J.J ;,: Major, Mrs. Philip Levey; cap- trial group. and their relationship to public 1 to 1:30 p. m., central standard ment will get under way elected president of the region. trative Committee. ; French for onr ypp.r v,t ;hr '.::.?the coming week, and finals will tain, Mrs. Ernest Nogg; lieutenAmong the captains in the agencies. Other regional officers chosen time, a program has been ar-j , _ b g h e d Qfl D e c e m b e r 17 T h e The committee, meeting ' pt the 'verslty ot IMir.nfr.ots.. ants, Mesdames David B'alac, men's division are included as On the featured list of speakers Nathan E. Gilnisky, Coun- Hotel Astor, adopted a resolution ; Rebl)i P.nd Mrs, Gnldnffiii. i.N Harold Brodkey, Albert Stein- captains, Harry B. Cohen, Ben for the conference are two Oma-ranged over_ a nation-wide hook-1 subject for debate this year is, are: cil Bluffs, vice-president; Julius for the United Front which would : tended the Minneapolis Tf-ir. i:i berg, Morris Levey and Manning Ravitz and Ed Shafton. In the hans—Henry Monsky and Sam up, over the National Broadcast-! "Resolved, that the encourage- Bisno, Omaha, secretary, and direct all Palestine fund-raising: Torsh and university p.t th? KJ.--.-? Handler. Captain, Mrs. Hyman lieutenant list are Ben Civin and Beber. ang company facilities. J ment of extra-religious activity in Jack Cohen, Lincoln, treasurer. the bodies and coordinate them in a time, and bclongpfi to tb.p f.11.-.;.:.'. F e r e r ; lieutenants, Mesdames Harold Saks. In the industrial The Commander-in-chief of the j American synagogue is deteriOther speakers will include: Mrs. A. C. Laufman, past presMorris Ferer, William Fritz, Abe division are Ike Levi; Paul Blot- Dr. I. M. Rttbinow, Cincinnati, ex- Jewish War Veterans, - Abraham I mental to the development of United Palestine Ar>epr.l. j of the Talmud Torsih PIK :>» TSlenorah chapter, wlierr >..':*s» ident of the B'nai B'rith women's Greenberg, Sam Robinson, and Ir- cky, H, B. Zimman, J. H. Kula- ecutive secretary of .B'nai B'rith; Kraditor of New York, will speak. Jewish religious needs," Goldstein was vice-presid^M ;".,rauxiliaries for this district, spoke vin Stalmaster. Captain, Mrs. kofsky, Abe Goldstein, A. Herz- Samuel A. Goldsmith, executive The music will be furnished by Other Round Table events for at the luncheon Sunday noon reing the rabbi's tern: as prrsi.-irii ;, Morris Linsman; lieutenants, Mes- berg, Lester Meyer, Helen Green- director of the Chicago Jewish the U. S. Navy band. ? W t. the year will include the annual garding the organization of B'nai T h ey w c re m a vr i e c•. j n 1f".' 7. dames Joe Rice, Moe Venger, Leo berg, M. L. Cohn, William Holz- Charities; Prof. Gustave Klausoratorical contest in February, Kince -cotrLing to Omshf.. :. * * iPKEW Braviroff, I. Solzman, and David man, Bert Moskowitz, N. Perlis, ),ner, St. Louis; Arthur Brin, Min- On Monday morning, November the dramatic tournament in Jan- B'rith auxiliaries to the lodges in 11, from 9:15 to 9:30 a. in., centhis district. She was so enthusiGoldsteinP havp helped bi-.:'(• :"!;.*.;r Brown. Captain, Miss Sara Ferer; Philip Greenberg, Harold Farber, neapolis; Charles ! Rosenbaum, uary, and an all-city yo.uth Purim ji astically received that immediate Jerusalem CWNS-Ps.leor Agen- congregation to its prwm-'. !.;>£. lieutenants, M e s d a m e s Sam Hubert Sommer, L. Graetz, M. Denver; Milton Firestone, St. tral standard time, the governor carnival in March. of Pennsylvania, the Hon. George plans were started for the forma- cy)—A new labor settlement, or,,; level end have aided cnsiKirii.'.^-fSwartz, Elmer Gross. Joe Jacobs, Swartz. Paul; Samuel A. Goldsmith, Chi- H. Earle, will speak over the Officers of the Round Table tion of these auxilaries. the site of the ancient city of, ly in all communal>«. Ruben Brown, and James Corencago; Prof. Edwin E. Whitte, Columbia Broadcasting s y s t e m for the year are Loyal Kaplan, Samaria in the vicinity o ' Xshr'- 1 The above lists of workers is At the banquet Sunday evening man. C a p t a i n , Miss Roddie Madison, Wis.; Louis'Steinber, St. T' T™^ ^i ^ * i Sherer; lieutenants, Mesdames| incomplete, representing o n l y Louis; Louis H. Ehrlich, Kansas from Philadelphia. He. will be president; Fannie Witkin, vice- which climaxed the conference, al. hag been launched b* r g-.->t r /f*s$ president; Ernie Nogg, secretary; Ben Samuels cf Chicago gave the of fifty young Jev,T of 11 r r n ^ i tnose »Leo Waxenburg, Nate Green, H a r - ! names which had been City; Nell Ziff, Minneapolis, and introduced by the Commander-in- Joe Goldware, treasurer. 1 chief of the Jewish War Veterans, principal address on "The Jewish on land supplied by itP JcvirT ry DuBoff, Lester Lapidus, and turned into Community Chest Irving Levitus, Kansas City. *s, w & f§. FS* x I' | i f^fFt-ii *l f t Abrahajn Kraditor. ; headquarters by Tuesday noon. New Year—What Does Our In- National Fund, Herman Auerbach. Max Baer of Omaha, assistant It is expected to.V-be substantially ventory Shew?" The members of the r " ? F-I~ Major, Mrs. Ben Silver; capexecutive secretary of the A. Z. Monsky Ijcasis Fontsn tlemeist. ranging from *hr PE.P n' tain, Mrs. Sam E. Gilinsky; lieu- increased by the time the cam-A., will take an active part in a- EMIGRATION FROM CUBA • | A highlight cf the conclave was IT to 14, are chiefly the first tenants, Mesdames Phil Gilinsky,- paign gets under way. OUTSTRIPS IMMIGRATION Mrs. Reuben TCulakofsky, as Jewish Youth Forum, one of the Pracrue (" ii the the open open forum Iortiui on on national national and and children of the settlers of the adA. S. Rubnitz, Louis Kulakofsky, ^ conference iighlights. Itas joining colony of Nslisle.". «.r Morris Rubenstein, and Harry head of clubs and organizations, ; of Czeclioslcvakia Jerusalem {WNS-Palcor . Agen-| i ational policies of the B'nai E t e r a Delegates from Iowa, MinneHavana (WNS) — Because of The land allotted to the new la- specisl burea.u nt the vpJiMr-i Rubenstein. Captain, Mrs. Jack urges each Jewish organization to sota, the Dakotasi Nebraska, Kan- the new law making it manda- cy)—English imports of Pales- j B'rith, led "by Henry Monsky, a bor settlement by Nshaial also seminp.ry in PreRsSutrg sr i'Marer; lieutenants, Mesdames show its moral support and co- sas, Missouri and Colorado are tory for 50 percent of the e a oranges !i a v"e increased • isember of the executive of the includes an old forest redeemed. with fhr l-.rndreclK. c£ rr-^r-a Leon Fellman, Sam Green, How-operation by making a contribu- expected to participate In the con- ployes in all business and manu- j tine i international order. sharply as a result- of the esca-j from German Jcv-'fsh conf;,r;-> by the Jewish National Fund. ard Milder, Hymie P. Milder, and tion to the Chest campaign. facturing establishments to bejbargo on trade wita Italy arising; Monsky pointed out. that in its Every organization has received clave. Christianity to be taken hs:-\ Dave Greenberg. f Captains, Miss policies, the B'cai B'rith conThe Plains States conference is native Cubans Jewish emigration] fro mthe preseat situation in cretely carries into execution the to the Jewish fold. Ruth Pollack; lieutenants, Mes- a letter of appeal. Those which Although the rsMsiwate \r. 'a; dames M. Krupinsky, Arthur have met and have signed a under the supervision of the Na-from Cuba" exceeded Jewish im-! Ethiopia, i t was learned from ideals of the order as enenciated wih numerous. ccinspHea.imii. Goldstein, Phil Gerelick, Harold pledge a r e asked to send their tional Council of Jewish Federa- migration during the past eight j London where the first shipment in the ritual. months, accordin- to the sexni-an- < from Palestine's new citrus sea- He further told how the B'nai A Siyum HaSeler will be held cause- most o fthese conrevU- T»i Pollack, and John Rosenblatt. signed pledge into Community tions and Welfare Fundsl at the Congregritlon of Israel, rietl Christian wives eiu'i liS nual report of the Havana Jew- \ son was received. Captain, Mrs. Ben Shapiro; lieu- Chest headquarters, 204 Union B'rith soEght unity of leadership .• • j Tjj e curtailment of citrus' im-|-in the Jewish fold and the efforts £eth and J streets, Sunday after- children born FSS ChrSsUf-Tis. «.-•-•• tenants, Mesdames Louis Sogolow, Pacific building. Those organiza- P. 774. OF OMAHA TALMUD ish Center. oC these .Tewish Kpostatps lis Nathan Turner, Ben Kazlowsky, tions which have not yet met to In the past eight months there j ports from Italy has brought a! expended by the order to achieve Boon, November 17, at S p. m. TORAH TO MEET TUESDAY discuss their contribution are hern re-p.dniittfid to ,7«<Jsinm. John Faier, and Jack Melcher. were 302 Jewish immigrants and | greater demand for the Palestine {that unity through a joint ; Captain, Mrs. Sam Wolf; lieuten- nrged to meet immediately and Thr rpbbtnstp !hf"P is K.if»r I 0! representatives from the lead- Ah Strpjce trt 322 Jewish emigrants. product. The opening meeting of the " ants, Miss Cyril Leon, Miss Doro- make their pledge. Kjpged by Aryp.ri GPTOIRT; p: The new citrus sea,Eoa, watch i isgr '-organisations. The B'na! Talmud Torah. Parent-Teachers' Tae Jews leaving Cuba went to For any information, call Mrs. Association will be held Tuesday the following coun Hies: • 105 to \ opened la Palestine on October! B'rith. with lodges ia thirty coun- the Rumanian government is en- v-h.f vsfu to ^ec>0TT!e .levpssnj.. thy Margolin, and Mesdames Hyman Greenberg, Iz Levinson, and Reuben Kulakofsky or the Chest evening, November 12, at 8 p. m. the.TTniteti States; 130 to Poland; 11st, indicates prospects of a Iarg-i tries in every part of the world. deavoring to introduce- a regesJar order to be able to marry Je*/k. headquarters. J. Cohen. The Aryan giris -asset*, th at the J. C. C. All the parents • 27 to' "Roumanla; . 15 to 'Lithii-1er crop.tfan Jastvear, when morel** Jn^a positioa to lead in Jewish sir service 'between EuchareBt and Major* Mrs. J. M. Newman rThe Jewish Community Center of .the Dundee Talmud Torah are ania; 9 to Chile; 3 to Argentina; than s*>v»n and a half laiHion activity. L;7fidp., nesr here, 'briisg-iijp Pales- der t)'-e influence oi Nasistr.captain, Mrs. Ben T. Friedman; if one of the beneficiary agencies especially iirged to attend this 28 to Palestine; 2 to" Mexico; 3 j cases of citrus fruits were sold j He told numerous incidents of tine within ten hours distance Germaa young men have lieutenants, Mesdames Sam Ber-j o£ the Community Chest. meeting. to Honduras. 'abroad. ' (Continued on Page 2 ) . from the Roumanian capital.
Canvassing for $555300 for 28 Agencies To Start Next Tuesday
New Clubs at J. C. C. for Youngsters
'Honored I
Installation for Rabbi H.Berger
Dundee Branch
Jewish Congress FBe Called Before 1937
Armistice Programs By Jewish War Veterans
ZOA Issues Call for United Zionist Front
vie •wthe Encyclopedia could well While on the subject of charity, of New York received a wired in- opponents of military science at social workers are still working \Titation from t h e White House the college. Prof. Robinson was be used by inteligent Jewish comovertime trying to get the sons of the other d a y signed by against many, but he worked munal leaders as a roll-call of the old-line wealthy Jews pepped Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . Mrs.PO skilfully with t h e umbrella vailable material for Jewish leadup on the subject . . . . Up until Roosevelt asked Judge Kross to that all the 'pacifists had to reership. The biographies contained the German business began you address her class at the swanky treat" . . . in the Encyclopedia also reveal could comb the land from coast to Todhunter School . . . The invithe error of regarding American coast and tail to find one of thej tation is, believe it or not, f o r • Jewish leadership as a money MARK LEON WRITES wealthy youngsters who was will- j next March, and urges J u d g e leadership. The bulk of those ing to put money and time and efKross to act on it at once . , . recognized as Jewish communal fort into charitable endeavors . . . figures are not, as the EncycloINSURANCE of Every BREAKING THE BOYCOTT . . . In fact, Type - - Strong Reliable pedia discloses, men of wealth but Warning to Jewish business Companies, ONLY XAZI HOSPITALITY rather people of ordinary means In Charity's Xanie . . . . men and others: Beware of JewTnis w h o A p o p u l a r sport these days story comes from an at>talents City Finance & insurance Co. T article analyzes and In- Jews are the children of people jpedia of American Jews also re- and efforts to communal affairB. among social and charity workers j solutely reliable source . . . We ! ish salesmen f o r German firms AT 7667 . 140S F A R N A M • W A 5150 j who try to sell you Nazi goods who didn't come to these shores j als some .extremely interesting T e terprets tbe rcecntiy published Although the average reader is trying to guess who that person j start it with that statement beBiographical Encyclojxwlla of until after IS80, the proportion information about American Jew- looks upon a biographical encyc- is who is giving ?69,000 annual- i cause we're certain you'll find it i by telling you that their families ! are starving in Germany . . . We hard to American JeTra. The author of of Jews and non-Jews to the nacredit otherwise, so in- j have it on the best of authority ry. Again assuming that the 2,547 lopedJa as a dul reference work, ly to a well-known Jewish charity j this sorrey points out that the e P and is about the only anonymous j credible does it sound . . . The new' who's who of American rep ud7aUo n° of 'the" myth "tha? Jews I included in the Encyclopedia re- it is apparent that the seemingly donor extant to retain completely i reader will recall that not long | that, this is part o£ a, plan recent'fleet the general stratification and cold pages of the Biographical ly conceived and adopted by a Jewry contains a wealth of ma* are aliens. Equally interesting the cloak of anonymity . . . . They ago an international conference large number of German firms to social complexion of American j Encyclopedia of American Jews are the figures concerning educaterlal which contradicts comdon't even know whether it's a of penologists was held in Berlin monly accepted "facts", and tion. Of the persons listed in Jewry, we discover the followingiteem with source m a t e r i a l of man or woman . . . . The current- . . . Although there were many circumvent the anti-Nazi boycott j paramount importance to Amerwtaich has cut such inroads into throws a new light on the strat- Who's Who. 25,355. or S5 per-facts: • *can Jewry. Probing deeply Into ly famed guess is that it's a w o - protests, l e d by Samuel Unter- their business here . . . The praccent, are college trained. In the The average Jewish family has I11 ification or American Jewry. myer, an American delegation atman w h o lives in Boston . . . . tice is reported especially com— THE EDITOR. Biographical Encyclopedia of Am- 2.66 children; about ten percent' ot discloses clues to many phases tended the conference . . . So mon in the wine business . . . of the adult Jews are unmarried; \ American Jewish life. In its erican Jews there are listed 2,025, to your grateful were the Nazis that the a The famous R. D. B. (Ralph that 10 percent of American Jews;P ses the patient digger wil dis-lig, the German-Jewish boxer who From time to time -we hear the or 80 percent, who are college are engage* in some form of lit-!cover incontrovertible evidence was stripped of his titles by Hit-Americans had elected to come to D. Blumenfeld, in case you don't Germany that they went to amaz- know), British Jewish journalist, tna complaint 'made that too many trained. ler . . . One of the most common al- erary endeavor, including publish-! t but for racial origin and reing lengths to be nice to them used to be a Western Union teleJews: are doctors and lawyers, ing, journalism, editing and writ- j »Si°us difference American Jew. . . Here, for example, is one of that the Jews control the banka legations against Jews is that ing; 10 percent In social work, In- T i s a counterpart of any com- POTPOURRI TORGS!N STORES ere You can look for an announce- the "lengths" they went to . . . graph operator in Kansas C i t y located in the forger of the country, that Jews domin- they predominate in business. eluding the rabbinate; 7 .percent I posite group of American citlzen. . . Aleph Katz, editor of the Yidment shortly about • plans for a The Ministry of Propaganda and ate American business, that Jews Let's see what the Encyclopedia dish department of. t h e Jewish Jewish pavilion at the New York! Enlightenment of which Dr. Paul Telegraphic Agency, and a first- cities of the Soviet are aliens and that J e w s hold reveals. Out of a total of 2,547 in educational work; 7 percent in To the Imaginative investigator World's Fair of 1939 . . . That!Joseph Goebbels is the chief "ma- rate Yiddish poet, should be back Union end carry varimore than their proportion of biographies, only 387 persons, or theatrical, musical, movie and rathe Encyclopedia will unfold the 15 percent, are found engaged In dio activity; 6 percent in various swelegant office provided for Jus- cher," ever on the alert to see in harness by t h e time this is ous domestic end impublic offices. These unequivocal accusations have been rationaliz- business, banking, manufacturing fields of science; 3 percent in art; | dramatic stories of men and wo-tice Brandeis in the new' Supreme (that good (or bad, for that mat- printed . . . He spent his vacation ported crticles of high ed into justifications for anti- and various subdivisions of com- one percent in agriculture; and men whose antecedents go back to Court is not being used . . , Bran-i ter) Germans are not enlightened in Havana, in between hurricanes, quciity. Semitic prejudice. Baseless as mercial activity. Now compare one-half of one percent In sports, the early days of America; of the dels prefers to do his work at! on what's going on in tbe rest the lucky stiff . . . The Day, New Prices compare It •would bo wel for the student sons and daughters of immigrants home . . . Lehman Brothers, the | of the world", assigned individual York Yiddish daily, had a nifty these charges are, they neverthe- these figures with an occupational less require an anBwer. And the analysis contained in America's. of the contemporary- American who have taken their place side bankers, are putting a couple of! "invisible" hosts to each and ev- editorial about City College Pres- favorably with only effective reply is one based Toung Men, an encyclopedia of Jewish scene o give careful study b yslde with those who labor in hundred grand Into radio station j ery American delegate to the con- ident Frederick B. Robinson's those in America on unimpeachable statistical facts. prominent Americans between the to these and other figures which the cause of human progress; of WOR . . . Sidney Franklin, Amer- vention . . . The host had orders statement that he favored U. S. Unfortunately, American Jewry ages of 26 and 40. could he adduced from the En- men and women -.-ho have enrich- lean Jewry's gift to bull-fighting, to follow every move made by his participation in the Olympics . . . This analysis, based on 4,182cyclopedia. They not only give a Jed American culture; of men and is fighting illness in a New York "guest" has never troubled to analyze itThe purpose of this We quote: "If anybody is quali- Per Terpsiis «r«are Eelf, to examine its occupational, biographies, reveals 540 engaged clear picture of who's who in Am-j( women who have attained wealth hospital Do you remember close surveillance was to see that fied to have i n opinion about the • * • jrmar I©«fi9 bank professional and business stratif- in business, banking, manufactur- erican Jewry but what is perhaps land eminence in commerce and that we told y o u a couple of!no American delegate engaged a question of boycotting the Olym- er et3th«rSs««E agent ication. Tet it Is only from such ing, or 14 percent of the total. more important at this time, of industry and have used their weeks ago that the Joint Distribu- German in private conversation in pic games in Germany next year, a-study that the needed facts can Bearing in mind that this volume who's who in American J e w i s h wealth to further education, art tion Committee was going to course of which "contraband" in- it would certainly be Frederick B. deals only with men under the leadership. Careful examination and institutions for public wel- break its shidduch with t h e formation might be exchanged . . . Robinson, president of C. C. N. Y. be drawn. . r ' Despite the absence of an all-age of 40, we begin to see that of these statistics will show that fare; and of men and women who American Palestine Campaign . . . Now this is what actually happen- He demonstrated his prestige as inclusive s u r v e.y of this kind, it's simply poppycock to speak of it • Is from the ranks of lawyer are in he van of movements for Well, it's happened . . . And ifed to one of the delegates (and an athlete about a year ago in the AMTORS TRADING CORP.' there is nevertheless an indirect Jews controlling American busi- that Jewry draws most of its lead- social and economic betterment. you read the announcement that | it probably happened to others of umbrella incident when with the 261 Fifth Ave., New Y»rk K, Y. i way of obtaining a fairly accur- ness. Carrying tnese same fig- ers. Names prominent in other j On every page there will, be found Mark Hellinger is quitting t h e j other nationalities) . .- . Mr. X aid of an ordinary umbrella, the j PUS'iA ures one step further, it might be columning business don't forget | had made an appointment with an professions are conspicuous by i concusive proof of the Jews' thorate cross-section of A m e r i c a n brave professor vanquished t h e pointed; out that only 69, or 2% thelr absence from American Jew-jough integration in the woof and that we predicted that event, too j old friend, a German They Jewry, namely, by a statistical . . . The name of that Palestine j were to meet at a beer garden for breakdown of the new Biograph- percent, of these listed in the Bio- ish affairs. From this point of warp of American civilization. film made by the Keren Hayesod j a snack and a drink . . . And to ical Encyclopedia ot American graphical Encyclopedia of AmerIs to be changed from "The Land j talk over old times together, havJews. On the assumption that ican Jews identify themselves as bankers, while 113, or 3% perof Promise" to "The New Pales- j ing been school chums . . . They the 2,547 Jews whose biographies tine" in order to avoid a conflict \ met . . . But the conversation was are included in this volume re- cent, of those listed in America's • • • • with Max Reinhardt's production j somewhat peculiar and restrained flect the life and achievements, Young Men are described as bankof the Werfel opus, "The Road of j . . . Just as the American s a t the thought processes and reac- ers. These figures are especially Where Omaha Shops with Confidence Promise" . . . Speaking of Rein- j down opposite his friend, a strantions,, the habits and mores of significant since the leading bankhardt reminds u s to tell embryo ger to both of them sprang up the 4,500,000 Jews in this coun- ers of the United States are well INSIDE STUFF PERSONALIA young actors and actresses t h a t ! from a nearby table and introductry, It Is possible to draw a num- past 40. Is there any possible connecCongratulations are in order the Jane Manner Drama Studio in j ed himself as the American's ber of reasonably acurate and It Is also said that' Jews hold significant conclusions regarding too large a proportion of the pub-tion between General Charles H. for Morris Margulies, popular New Y o r k is offering a "Max j "host" assigned by t h e German government to this particular delthe make-up of American Jewry. lic offices in this country. Again Sherrill's pro-Olympic propagan- secretary of the Zionist Organiza- Reinhardt scholarship" egate . . . The. "host" coolly sat da and his life-long ambition to tion of America, who recently a comparison between the biogThe first thing that strikes one FILM FACTS down and dominated the converinstudying the sketches contained raphies I n the Encyclopedia of be United States ambassador to eloped . . . No one knew about it One of the most thrilling se- s a t l o n between t h e two friends Germany? . . . Any chance the until Morris' absence from t h e American Jews and America's in his Encyclopedia is the large quences In G a u m o n t-British's number of prominent American Young Men Is illuminating. The General ever had to represent last meeting of the Zionist Ad- forthcoming film, "Rhodos, t h e from the first moment of their meeting to the last, not for a moUncle Sam in Berlin is now gone ministrative Committee attracted Jews who are native born. Thus former shows 97 persons, or 3% Empire Builder," depicts t h e ! m e n t permitting t h e m to enter attention . . . Since he never missforever Helene Mayer won't we find that 1,379, or 52 percent, percent, of those listed in — 2 T clash between Rhodes and Barney i conversational channels that of all those listed, were born in percent, in national, state, coun- admit it but the real reason that es a meeting, h i s little secret Barnato, South Africa's famous | m i g h t l e a d t o d a n g e r o u s "enlightshe finally accepted the invitation qujckly came to light , Maurice the United States. The current ty and municipal offices, and 51 Jewish diamond king . . . Inciden- \e n m e n t " for the German friend of -" issue of Who's Who in America, persons, or 2 percent, holding jud- to represent Germany in the 1936 J. Karp, one of t h e American tally the picture was directed by (- the American delegate ."* . ThorOlympics was the terrific pressure members of the Jewish Agency icial offices. ; " : • The latter reveals which contains sketches of 31,000 Berthold Viertel, Austrian-Jewish o u g n > t h e E e N a r j s , what? people, shows 28,250 natlveborn, 96, or 3 percent, in n a t i o n a l , brought to bear on her by herExecutive, is creating consider- film director . . . The wives of or 85 percent. Considering the state, county and municipal posi- mother who is a pure Aryan . . . able talk in Zionist circles by hisMervyn LeRoy and E r n s t Lufact that the masses of American t i o n s , a n d 49, or 1% percent, It is curious that Helene's broth- mysterious mission to Biro Bld- bitsch, Hollywood's megaphone IXVITATIOX . . . The tour of the American wielders, are putting up the holding judicial posts. If we re-er, who is also a crack swords- j a n Judge Anna Moskowitz Kross is b a c k member that the figures drawn man, has not been asked to fence Ballet was cancelled suddenly be- money for a wholesale dress facfrom the Biographical Encyclo- for Germany . . . Incidentally Miss cause its manager, Alexander tory . . . Irving Thalberg carries for your pedia of American Jews represent Mayer has been deluged with let- Mayerovitch, went insane and hada luck charm containing strands ALL Jewish office-holders while ters both congratulating her andto be put in a straight jacket . . . of hair from the heads of his two Afternoons those from America's Young Men bitterly criticising her for accept- The guests at that party that Mot- children and his wife, N o r m a (Continued from previous page) include only office-holders under ing that invitation H i g h ty Eitingon, fur magnate, threw Shearer . . . Eddie Cantor may beanti-defamation work by the or- 40 years of age, it is plain that government officials in Washing- for Max Reinhardt, could easily moan the fact that h«» has only der, examples of how the B'nai Jews do not hold too large a pro- ton have received at least 1,000,- have imagined themselves at a daughters but one of them,' Mar000 letters from various parts of League of Nations meeting be- jorie, is now preparing his meals B'rlth defends the Jewish name portion of the public offices. the country demanding the elimin all corners of the globe. Another frequent complaint ination ot Jews from public of- cause almost every known lan- because Eddie and his chef couldguage was spoken at the blowout n't get together on t h e Cantor The growing interest in Pales- against Jews is that too many of fice . . . menus . . . Al Lichtman, who retinian activities by the B'nai them go in ,for medicine, law and cently stepped out as the boss of B'rlth was emphasized at the dentistry. Many Jews havo them- MAIL BAG SPORTS CHAFF United Artists, will soon be assoforum, in which delegates and selves admitted this to be true Our recent report that J a c k Just so you won't be surprised visitors took part. and there haye been efforts made Cominsky, the new national ad- we're telling you now t h a t a ciated with Metro-Goldwyn-MaySamuels Speaks to direct Jewish youth away from vertising manager of the Newgroup of prominent American er . . . A past president of the district, these professions. Without going York Times, is an alumnus of the (Copyright, 1935, by Seven Art« INSURED CABS Feature Syndicate) Samuels in his address stressed into the merits of the question Rochester Jewish Ledger, riled athletes, all famous for their achievements in one particular the growing part B'nai B'rlth one way or the other, le us seeMax Mannheimer of Toledo . . . sport, are readying a hot stateplays in JewiBh life. what the figures "show. Of theAs one who was associated with He placed special emphasis on •2,547 persons listed in the En-the Ledger from 1929 to 1935ment on t h e Olympic situation 9tftsm nm iw eamau. three phases of present B'nai cyclopedia of American Jews 294, he says he never heard of Comin- . . , Buddy Myer, second baseman of the Washington Senators and Z. A., the the A. B'rith work, or 12 percent, are" lawyers; 244, sky It so happens, however, American League batting chamjunior B'nai B'rith for Jewish or 9% perecnt, are physicians; that Cominsky was on the Jewish pion, will be wearing Yankee livyouth; the anti-defamation league, and 34 or 1 percent, are dentists. Ledger staff from 1924 to 1928ery next season . . . A n d Phil which constructively c o m b a t s Comparable figures drawn from anti-Semitism, and the Hillel America's Young Men show 3 per- during which time he was also Weintraub will be drawing h i s city editor of the Rochester Dem- meal tickets'from the Phillies . . . White King Granulated Soap foundations, • established in the percent law- ocrat and Chronicle . . . Edward Milt Galatzer, Cleveland outfielduniversities to aid Jewish college cent doctors, Large pkg.—35c yers, and 1 percent dentists. Ex- .Lindenbaum, physical director of er, is a bang-up cartoonist and is students. White King A Plus Health cept in medicine the percentages "Judaism," he declared,; "is are identical. The large propor- the Jersey City Jewish Commu- now branching out into oil paintSoap, 3 Cakes—14c nity Center, is getting a sweat up ing Max .Stone, the new amamore vital than it ever has been tion of Jewish doctors shown by over our remark that the physiteur lightweight champion of VicWhite King Toilet Soap before, because of the influx of 3 cakes—14c young Jewish blood really edu- these figures is in great measure cal director of' a- certain Jewish toria, Australia, is a former East cated In things Jewish. As long accounted for by the fact that Center in New Jersey is going to Sider . . . Jules Seligson, former as we have institutions like the America's Young Men contain no the Berlin Olympics as coach of intercollegiate tennis king, is now the American gymnastic team . . . wielding a mean pen in selling inA. Z. A. and the Hillel founda- biographies of men over 40. LIMEBICKEY If we apply these percentages Lindenbaum complains that If we surance tions, we do not have to worry Believe it or not but WHITE SODA about the Judaism of the future to American Jewry as a whole It meant, him we were all wrong and Joe Jacobs, who manages Max becomes clear that there has been points out that no coach has yet Schmeling, Hitler's favorite boxGINGER ALE or Jewish leadership." er, is a second cousin of Eric SeeHe Illustrated the work of the a vast amount of misrepresenta- been selected . . . anti-defamation group by giving tion with regard to the professeveral incidents of how they ef- sional and occupational startificafectively combatted outgrowths tion of the Jewish population in the United States. of racial bias. Apar from furnishing a valAt the banquet, Dr. A. GreenTjerg, second vice-president of the uable factual reply to many undistrict, was toastmaeter. Samuels founddd charges against Jews in was' introduced by Sam Beber. this country, the statistical breakDr. Levin, new president, spoke down of the Biographical EncycloKieffer PEARS, briefly. * '. ./ market basket Opening Session Fancy GREEN At the opening session in the BEANS, Ib. LEMON or VANILLA morning, ' welcoming addresses Pascal CELERY. 5-6 Stalks were' given by Mayor Roy N. Inspect Your Furnaoe N0W1 in Bundle, Towl, William L, Holzman, presieach dent of the J, C. C. and Welfare Federation; Ben Kazlowsky, presSonkist ORANGES, ident of the local lodge; Dr. A. 288 Size, dot Greenberg, second vice-president 2 DOZ. ...35c of the district, and Julius Bisno, Texas GRAPEFRUIT, general chairman of the confergOSisso, 5 for ence. . . . ftahionc With th» rttht Philip M. Slutznlck, a member Jonathan APPLES, *tr of simple etefance—for of the general committee of the market basket thow> Important afternoon* district, presided at the business —MitlaasM. Bark Crep«a— Llbby's Whole Kernel CORN, No. 2 can.... ."_." a session. M«t*lies — nd ROSED ALE PEAS, No. 3 Sieve, No. 2 can, each. 12y 2 c trims—ttiu IS to ii in Ac the luncheon, B. L. Marks ular tart a»H»*U«i. presided. Mrs. Meyer Beber introduced the';speak*r> Mrs. Lauf-
ciwecn u)ti
of American
Strictly Confidential
Progress in B'nai B'rith Work Seen in Conclave
BUTTERNUT COFFEE Pound 29c 2-lbs. 56c
. pkg. 23c Bottle I21/2C
is i 1
25c 35c
aanl e
OMAHA pi otthB features of the conSteve Repair Works elavn - was , the initiation -of the fednterence class" by a' degree 1206-0S Douglas AT 2324 , '? -tean} headed by Hy Shrler.
2-02. Bottle ISc 4-oz. Bottle 35c Millers Corn Flakes Pkg. 10c Millers Whole Wheat Flakes—Pkg. 10c
ORANGE BLOSSOM HONEY, 12 oz. jar.™.... ..23c SHRIMP, Texas No. 1 can ._.12^c Monarch Whole Kernel CORN, No. 2 can... .„„ 1 4 c DEL MONTE RAISINS, 1b. p k g . „ — . ^ 7
Of course, ' no father would Cerf's permanent address will be leyball, games, and swimming will 'both Palestinian and local i;ht.--v think of letting any valuable in- New York . . . she'll commute feature these new classes. This Ities. Report on ticket ,«a1rp ^ •-• work to the coast. Whenever class will be under tlie direction [be made liy ' J\UFF Ann "!T».iir,, vestment run along -without. hav- to Francis Lefierer picks up the i of Lee Grossman, and anyone in- ticket cliiurmnn. nncl P rppo~; ;.r. ing it insured, neither should they phone he says, "Here is Francis terested in entering this CISFP pee publicity by Wiss Fannie Kt.".-"let their investment in their chil- Lederer speaking." June Travis him. publicity chairman. didn't bet on Pop's team to win An interesting and entertsl'-. ins: dren go uninsured. the series . . . she put her salary program is being arrang-ed, J-.. The tureout last Sunday to "Primarily life insurance on .- ; --. ~ - - - , •. I children is used to defray the ex-on the Cubs though her father watch the first senior leasrue members are urgreti to attend. is an official of the C h i c a g o games was very encouraging 1'pth By the Service Ejfe Insurance pense caused through" death and iWhite Sox. The forming of SelzCompany, Omaha long continued, illness, but there nick International Pictures by to the players and to the Center " '"• ;.— . ... ".'". '•" ' is also the reason or object, which David Selznick smacks of the oldphysical department. It is hoped A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 liH;: s. Life insurance •;. answers •, t h e j is 'an endowment to be used when days when his father headed Se- that similar enthusiastic follow- regular meelinp after the b;o:li'..-: question an'd~expl'ains. how - a. man ! the children are.,ready to be mar-lect Pictures. And rumors would ers oi basketball continue to at-hall game Suiuia;-, Novewlipr ;., afternoon Au inspiring- Uilk was t'Vfii L" can live when-lie is dead. A- man's ried, to :start in business, or com- put Sam Katz back in the saddle tend these Sunday love for- h i s ' family -lives on plete -plans they have already un- at Paramount, his original berth. games. If so. the regular season Louis Iviklin. treasurer oi .!:.'• : Sarnies will be continued according chapter. v;lu> resigned becau^f <•«.' This scholarly a n d intensely Jewish' merchant is n o t only sue- longer t h e order of the day. This through life insurance'. Children dertaken. Are Sylvia Sidney's parents rift- to the present schedule. (he ffict that UP IF, lenvinp 0n-.«.1i!.. need life, insuranceeven-though The father doesn't profit by interesting article was. penned cessfuV but Jewish. The cause metamorphosis, however, has not ing or- drifting? Favorites in the first annual The group voted to pive Mir. & l j y i ^ l o c a l airthor, Ellis Weltz- for prejudice does not lie in" the taken place because the Jews few fathers stop to consider the this insurance, but should he be Decatliolon which is being: spon- token in appreciation of WF sr:-"man. The depth of his thought fact that he is financially suc- from necessity turned their hands investment- their children repre- taken from the home, the mother A certain Johnny Walker has sored by the J. C. C. are progress- icps 1o the club during hi,« T"-""'and t h e poetry of his-.writing cessful, rbut in the fact that he is to building and planting. I t is sent. By the time his children needs its protection against the produced a Yiddish talking picstyle belie his youthful age of Jewish. Else why be so selective but t h e r e s u l t of an educative reach college.; age' they \: represent ] day when thev children must b e ! ture . . . is now busy cutting an a ing very nicely in the various bersliip. lion also scrvod <i? n-r^swimming events which sre part iflent of ibr cliapler cf on? ;fri'.-: "twenty-foiir. _ ' •••"•-' . taken care of. in his economic envy? No, anti- process working contraray to rac-one-sixth of his income. assembling it . . . and he knovs of this swimming olympiad. Rubrn Ijippntt was t-Jprtrf' •'.' Weitzman came to Omaha Semitis. mis a state of mind, a ial prejudice, to a liberal and unnot one word of Yiddish' take ovfr the treasury uniil ,•'.'.rfrom .Atlanta, . Ga., t w o years mental attitude growing out of a biased training of people, to an uary, -when, a new term of o.^'-'v ago. H e received his A. B . de- slanderous educative process, and emphasis upon brotherly-love and Junior Hadassah In the studio lunchroom they Itpgrins. A nev,- lurmbcr. A '•'•'» gree from Emory university, no ' sheer economic viewpoint. If mutual aid. Certainly, a Russian The Junior Hadassah will hold Lipsman, v a s elected lo sssu; nif were discussing the spelling -and Atlanta, i n 1932, and his M. A., the'Jew'lived "among people who brought up in an atmosphere of pronunciation of a word. Sid Sil-an important meeting- -next Thurs- (lie dntiPF of p'hletic nin-napr''in educational psychology, from possessed for aim a feeling of prejudice might object as readily vers cracked, "The 'G' in it isday evening, November 14, at S New memberp of the c)u-.t>;:-~ Creighton-university this year. fraternal "and well-wishing, they to a Jewish construction foreman p. m., at the J. C. C. fi silent like in my salary'" " were given their official A, V. .\ Rubinoff prefers broadcasting Hollywood—Somehow— the e Since June, 1034, h e has been would .be. delighted to see himas a salesman in capitalist AmMiss Kalah Franklin, general membership pins. Aleph S.^t-r. luxe premiere of "Midsummer to movie-making"*. .- . "In N e w an investigator l o r the. Nebras- prosper. I chairman of the Thanksgiving Den Slirier g;i»vp o report ot; .Vferica would to a Jewish propri- Night's Dream" had the farcical York you stand in front of the Cheerio! k a "Belief Administration. 39"5. Jewish Telegraphic jtiaBce to be held November "S at finpncipl PTICCC^P of the v^^^i i Were the: Jew to listen to theetor. It is the Russian's Liberal air of a man hitching V microphone and look it sternly in (Copyright.-- ^gencj'i Inc.) ,.,-.'• •.. —Editor. the Hotel Fontenelle. announces A char Hatsunis "rtpner of v-j.i.-h well-intentioned exhortations of training alone that a a s ended at a Rolls-Royce, or putting an elec- the eye . . . in Hollywood the darn that all copy for the Dance Uook- he was chairman. long last Russia's anti-Semitism. things are so tame they follow Joseph ^Mayteson, he would hencetric light b'uIB over a candle. 1593 . I n the* September i s s u e of let must be turned in at this The Jew's economic posiion has brought up to 19351. So "Will you.around!" Tile next meeting will be b.-.v' forwaTdVreliiiquish all commerc;Scribner's magazine, Joseph B. meeting. The Thanksgiving dance, at J. C. C. Sunday Bftprnnon, -*>.->given him his greatest security. Shakespeare finally landed a sceial, professional, scientific and Matches in the handicap Land- •which is the outstandiiiE; event of Mayteson • published an a r t i c l e 2 7. An interest inf p ••.•*• On occasion, he has been able to The aitermath. of the Marx ball tourney which starte'a 'last the club's activities, is piven an- rember about--the destiny of the - Jewartistic pursuits and devote him- buy suscease from torment. Cen- nario job in the movies. The genpra,n!, "The Jew? in self' exclusively to such "productry attended the opening en rnasse Brothers' preview was almost as Monday are being played off that- challenges immediate crltinually to raise various quotas for hag been arranged turies long ago t h e Je-w learned -.cism: , This .noted Anglo-Jewish tive"/occupations as farming and that money offered protection. . . . phish-lined limousines in .a hilarious as the picture . . . what per schedule ana as vet there lias laboring^ -Instead of a Freud or double rp-w"'j)16ughed. through the with all the dear little autograph been no upsets. 'journalist, -who has become an For this reason alone did the acIrving Greene best L". Berman. American' citizen and writes un- an Einstein,-he would strive to bequisition of "wealth mean more to m o b . . . waiting 'microphones hounds pouncing on everyone a good* plumber or carpenter; inbore greetings of quips and quirks with a moustache or a cigaT. And 1S-21, 21-15, 21-lSr J. Adler deder, the" pen-name of "Mayteson," : the Jew than to the Gentile. The is of -the opinion that Jews can steid jof •; wielding t h e violinist's Jew with p a s s a g e funds could to a straining world . . ' . a n . up- all the time, standing quietly feated Dr. B . Go!dware, 21-S. 21bow, with;.genius, he would seek to rooted forest embraced the the-aside, was Groucho or Chico. Or 10; Len Herman edged out Dave <-<">m ivrc j»i- o save themselves only by a hasty readily leave the p o g r o m s of atre entrance . . . a banker mas- was it HarpoJ? -Anyway, one ur-Richards. 21-11- 21-20, and Sam wieldi the. worker's hammer and r*.. Be jliri' reversal of- their historic course. gusto. What a noble Czarist Russia for the democratic tered the ceremonies . . . a n d a chin collected nine M a r x auto- Ban beat Walt Kurs, 21-lfl, 21-17. In excellent and precise language, sickle.-with 1 shores of America. In America, . All players are urged to ar"the noted author tells us that the goal to offer- a people who have only when the Jew had acquired plague of metal- sheweth the graphs! range their matches as soon as J e w : has too long engaged him- ever s o u g - h t to hold aloft the e n o u g h money could he send three Warner brothers cosily ensconced between M a 3: Reinhardt i Chieo-'s remark in "A Night at sthey can so that there will be no self in the: "non-productive" com- bright torch of learning! Schiffskarten for his wife and at all degrad- family. The rich German Jew acnand Billy Shakespeare. i the Opera" that "he's-not Italian, delay in the tournament. mercial and professional walks of There-is-nothing , n : but bis lather and mother a r e " life. Jlerein lies, to him, the chief j * S in; toe occupation of a chaf- buy protection from Hitler's poBut seriously, it required the feur, a ~ bricklayer or a street- lice; or he can leave to f r e e r Warner brothers* courage to r e !- reminds us of t h e time we did a Complying with a request of a cause: of anti-Semitism. ; I little' sleuthing about Rosemary few Jewish matron women, to The writer in question is of cleaner.; Such-work is exceedingly lands. The poor Jew must re- move Shakespeare from the pro| LaBie. Is she Jewish? we asked. start another matron women's necessery to' the world's welfare. the : opinion that "it is only the main in eGrmany and be denied fessors* shelf and give him back ; "Well, no-o-o," we were inform- class, Lee Grossman, j . C. C. phyeconomic ' causes for antagonism There 'isf no .reason that certain even the dole,—unless the Amto the People from w h o m he ed, "that is, not exactly. But her sical director, showed his willwhich still retain their force in Jews,' .lacking in t h e ability to erican Jews charitably foot the sprang. father i s ! " Hollywoodized, she'll ingness and started a - class . last the world- today; to them alone become :_yaluable physicians or bill for settling him in Palestine. The p i c t u r e ? "Midsummer emerge as Diana Gibson for your Tuesday. This class meets every lawyers, should not become exdoes the modern mind respond as Again and a g a i n he has been Night's Dream" is. a . t h i n g of approval.; Tuesday and Thursday mornings . . . to a live issue!" If such is t h ecellent IabpreTs. B u t there is notaught that in w e a l t h there is beauty to live forever,"fashioned at 10:15. Special exercises,' volcase, why, maght one ask, does reason .that" a greater number, if safety. of gossamery webs, of star-dust Petitions are going the rounds so suited and inclined, should not persecution continue in Germany If the Jew has a Taison d'etre, from the, Milky-Way, of tintina- of the studios -calling upon t h e now that; the Jews have been im- be free t o become doctors and it is in his great contributions to bulation, ot, ribaldry, of "Laugh- American Olympic Games Comlawyers and merchants. Nor is poverished, by boycott? If we look the arts and sciences. The just- ter holding both his sides." Mas mittee to withdraw from the Berdeeper into the problem, we a r ethere* anyone-to say that the proification of such a national entity Reinhardt is a genius w i t h a lin event. Petitioners state that duction of. pottery is more valconfronted by yet another quesas Germany lies in a Beethoven, magic touch. the racial and religious discrimtion t h e journalist h a s n o t . an- uable than the creation of poetry. ination in Germany violates the not in a Hitler. The Jews, who Our feeble-minded institutions are swered. He forgets that in addiThis story i s . a little late but spirit of t h e games. A nationtion to rich Jews, theTe is an full of people who can perform have their primary "excuse for wide campaign is in progress to even greater . number of wealthy the menial and monotonous tasks being," in their incredibly high not so late as were Sally Eilers effect the withdrawal. and hubby Harry Joeon, their percentage of scholars, sphilosoGentiles. Why, then, does not even better than flighty poets and the poor Gentile pick first upon restless artists. So say, a t least, phers' and scientists. I t is just way to Temple, eve of Tom Kip-| this intellectual superiority, this pur. They dashed from the house | On and off^the lots: Hans and hia rich Gentile brethren as; ob- our wises psychologist. intense interest in the nobler and into, their, car . . . . .speeded madly i Fritz Rainer, brother and cousin, jects of persecution? . - • True, anti-Semitim is dying in more difficult fields of endeavor, past signal nights , . . lurched to 1 respectively, of Luise Rainer, are The answer is simply that t h e Soviet-Russia; pogroms are nothis scaling of the mental heights, a stop in front.of an imposing ed- having a look-see at Flickerville. t h a t has brought to the_Jewish ifice. . . ..rushed breathlessly.jap Likewise, Wolf gang, •- M a x Reinrace whaever dignity and admir- the steps, through the double hardt's son, wishes to enter film* aion it as received from t h e rest doors . . • r and found themselves work. Harry Green has given up of mankind. Were the Jew to. . . in t h e First Presbyterian I comedy for.a funnier business . . . [he's an agent! Sylvia Sidney sacrifice his intellectual position, Church! he would lose the esteem and prestige i t has taken him thousands, of. years to acquire. Not by clambering down t h e intellectDr.W.H. ual ladder will the Jew solve his McNichob problem. . for 363 No. 41rt Rjomain Rolland, in the deathless tales of Jean-Christophe, says that the Jews, without geographic CHIROboundaries of their own, a r e desPRACTOR tined to destroy the boundaries of all nations, to tear down their require* proper light "It*s the best news I've beard walls of separation, until all t h e and .hear. The new electric for a Ions time. I t means world is inhabited by b u t a sinrates will more amply'supplyjam electricity in our borne.** mast7 human needs and ina- gle nation of men living together proro health.** ' "A Quality Product for Seasoning" in fraternity and good-will. Here, the Jew is offered the most glorMamie Ail ious of objectives, the greatest of Chesley all earthly missions. Such a goal Mrs. diaries would require a contrary course 3080 Sol to that offered by Joseph MayG. Root teson. I t would necessitate yei MILLINER 2213 Country greater intellectual strides upon Quo Blvd. the par of Jews,—and it would . •"Omaha'a dump - electricity., offer r i c h e r rewards than t h e ' '— my home eomfortablo.' p l a n t i n g of cucumbers or the • I especially appreciate tha tKat's the byword of STGS e l e c t i o n of skyscrapers. Only redaction in mtea because I TaaTO ju»t - purchased a new through mental enlightenment, homo, and will use more else through striking off mankind's chains of ignorance, can the Jew rid himself forever of t h e curse Charles J. of anti-Semitism. Therefore, let Port Anderson him remain in the front ranks of 5102 No. 40thft. those who l i g h t the ignorance that breeda prejudice and inttolTELEGRAPH erance.
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A. Z. A. 100 Dr. Victor E. Levin e, who r e cently returned Irom Alaska, served as the principal speaker at the anniversary banquet of A. Z. A. chapter No. 100, held at the Mary Stein cafe Tuesday evening, November 5. Frank Ackerman, one ol the founders and the first Aleph Godol of the chapter, served as toastmaster. The group was celebrating t h e seventh birthday of the chapter. In addition to the present alephs and advisors a number of former Aleph Godols and alumni were present. Among the guests were: Ben Kazlowsky, present president of the local B'nai B'rith; Philip Klutznick, former executive secretary of A. Z. A.; Sam Beber, founder of A. Z. A., and president of the Supreme Advisory Council; Dr. Victor Levine, Crei^hton . university professor who has just returned from an Alaskan research trip; Frank Ackerman, editor of the Jewish Press and t h e South Omaha Sun; Max Baer, assistant executive secretary of A. Z. A.; Rabbi David A. Goldstein, A. Z. A. advisor, who gave the benediction.
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jment but any maltreatment of ance, Isaac Abarnvmel, "who He- CZECH JEWS TO BUY made minister of war. The Nazi government's action in protestanimals. |spite supplying t h e i r majesties: urrefiTFCC f%E RFIfH ing the article created considerable resentment in British jour- j j with plenty of gold with which toj BUDincao UT ACJivra i Asked br the government for nalistic circles where it was widely interpreted as a Nazi attempt j By Pr. Theodore 3f. J^wis, i defeat the Moors and c a p t u r e ! — A erorp 0of'its opinion on a new bill to safeA group I ; l t lt b to censor the British press. And of even greater significance wasj Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, G r a n a d a , could not prevail' Prague Published every Friday at Omaha, Xehraska, by against the burning and fanatical' Czechoslovak .lews here Is o Sioux City the manner in which the Foreign- Office rebuked the German j THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLJSHING COMPANY j j eloquence of a Torquemada. On;izing a company capitalizeu » - i c l u d e a c i a U s e to outlaw any government for its protest, bluntly informing the German Ami 1 KjMarch 31, 1492, the fateful de-; 1 0 ,ooo,00o Kronen (750.000) f o r ; f o r m p f S ] a ughtering which does $2.00 Subscription Price, pno year bassador that it does not exercise control over Mr? Churchill. | " " ^ r a ^ S S f s P ^ S r ™ jcree of expulsion and exproapn-, t h e purpose of buying the b u s 5 - : n o t l l 3 V O i r e stunning. Advertising rates furnished on application. Churchill's article was entitled "The Truth About Hitler." | by V a I p r i n M a r C H . p , e V i k i n g 'ation against innocent and h e l p - ! n e s s establishments of German \ „.._,. _ „,„„,.„ make Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. Referring in it to the Jewry of Germany, he writes that "a com-1 Press, New York. 181 Pages, Sioux City Qfficers-JFewish Community Center. munity numbered by the hundreds of thousands has been de: Isabella. Spanish Jewry went tto o ' their country. DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor witi exile. . • j Tjj e company aims to pay these' clared a foul and odious race . . . The twentieth century wit-1 _.. .' . , FRANK EL ACKER31AN - - - . - - " " " Editor 1 lsr&el pr udIr reca s tbat o f G e r m a i l J e w s ful1 v a ] u e f o r t h e i r nessed with surmise not merely the promulgation of these ferotray?,' Ipeipquent style, the high ° " ' ' FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent j " t t f « * •t»=*y«i«="i. »i*«, me uig.ii the 300,000 Jews, only a-handful: to start life anew outside o GerANN F I L I J • - • • - — - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent. w y achieved^' ve,submitted baptism Under Under the dous doctrines but their enforcement with brutal vigor by the eminence Spanish Jewry submitted to q baptism. and the depths of grief and deso-! d e a t I l d e f y ti n s i e a d e r : W p of .their! Print Shop Address: 4504 So. S4tn Street government. Past services, proved patriotism, even the wounds Wiw. Iation l a t i o n T.tthat h.a t ooverwhelmed ia\ " v e,,r w "h e' l"m"e^d "iitt in *"bhira&Ms, the Jews of Spain, after;| l - . • n *JI___ h farewells, left the! Austria Considers sustained in war do not procure immunity for persons whose only 1492 It is peculiarly appropriate! heartrendi -. . brought them into the world. Every - n o w b e c . 4 a s e . , a n ^ e n t i c a l - i f .^ o t jland which they go marnjficiently crime is that their parents Ban Upon Schechita Mnd of persecution, grave or petty, upon world famous scientists, i a m o r e terrible, tragedy is taking ;Eer ved and nobly enriched. Hist.H *. ---« * u. *~ Place before onryery eyes In In NaUJ Armistice Day next M^dayT November ^ ^ J J f=OiS An official records few similar episodes Vienna (WXS) „ * C Q m p 0 S ers, at the top, to wretched little Jewish chil- Germany. Thoueh seventeen years have elatsed, we cannot forget the courage, loyalty and .devotion ] ) a n o n shechita in Austria beGPQCER-DRU6GIST „ n.- ^ *~s «. «««™,T,«r««.n<- thatidren m the nation's school, was practcied and.glorified." Churnd of baseless ingratitude and :c a m e s distinct possibility when FRUIT STAND and wild acclaim with which we greeted the announcement that • , * _ , '. , :." ouii IVUU a^,,™— n • ° , , ; chill expresses astonishment that German people not only did Spain pr.or t o j h e a r t I e s s c r u e l t y . ' It h e A u s t r i a n Society for the the "war to end war' cad been concluded. We felt that we had _ _ r^?_ t h e_ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ , , of _,..;___ J L year, „ ; _ , _but „ / _even „ _ otheir n ^ T i ^expulsion n a t ^ *r were T« » the TU m oi s Jt ! A l x e x c e l l e « t companion volume prevention of Cruelty to Animals blopdbaUi" June ^ 30" last emancipated of Jews. They l e d i f n t . h l , b o o b i s C e c { 1 R o t h , s d a s - ;i n f o r m e d that cruelty to animals come to the thresahold of a new era which signified the end of j *» * * -*» _ _. ,-•-. "The History of the M o r - : a o e s not mean wilful mistreatand a fuller and more meaningful brother- endorsed it strife among ence, in w e a 11 h. They w e r e | ," Mr. Churchill, concluded, "is the. frightful r a n o S i » published by the Jewish; were a god. hood among men. strongly entrenched in the econ- Publication Society. The lack or; f a c t before which w h a t left proved us wrong. Today, on the eve of the seven- j *» <* European dvinsaticn m ^ t bow omic and political life of their e of notes I country. They were highly re- iannd iicnadt ei nx &a no dr i ?tShl ei a aj b saenndC anthoritateenth anniversary of the signing of the armistice, the nations of ' its head in shame." yarded by their Catholic neigh- U r e g O u r c e s a r e d e f e c t s ; though; i the World are at each other's throat. The world is an armed camp, bors. They were thp envy and not serious. The lay reader who the pride of world Jewry. Despite want$ a brief and well writteji nationalism is rampant, and at any moment another world-wide the a b s e n c e of constitutional story of the expulsion of the Jews conflagratipn may burst forth. Fortunately many sane people, waits for no mortals, and every minute; ticked off by guarantees, which were then un- f r o m S E a { n w i l l b a v e I 1 r e v a r ( l e a many sane leaders are fully cognizant of the fact that such a the clock records another jotting in the annala of history. A Be r Q ti0 he obtains a cop,yof Mr. ?5!^as ^!l ™ Jews jWhen catastrophe might be so far-reaching as to destroy civilisation' panoramic view of the Jewish events of the past week include: jcure that ^of flthe °German Marcu's volume. itself. Hence, every effort is being bent in the direction of peace The name of Sholo* Asch, fanapu, Yiddish writer, is proposed | £ £ L f J ^ e ^ o f "Sden^e! i n aIst not the Spanish tragedy and Jewry a warning by peace-leaders. The odds are overwhelming, yet the work for f o r t h e N o b e l P r i z e f o r l i t e r a t u r e b y t h e M a n c h e s t e r E v e n i n g t h e i r w e a l t h a n d c u l t u r e a n d !that " n d of l r erely l y T onot t ex we exnd a p ^ a t w peace never ceases. . N e ww s i nn E n gg laann dd . . . T hh e I n t te r nt a t i o nl a l O i mt i t t e e S pa anniiss h lloyalti N O l y ml p iic C o m o y a l t i e s c o u lldd n ot t w ii tt hh- || c I y . s i av e l y u p o n t h e t e n d e r h u t Armistice Day is an appropriate tiine to pay tribute to those through its spokeman intimates that it wiU close its eyes to the "**"J t J h » ? * t i S l °l * ; shifting mercies, upon the made, when combined with1°J^'j tain good-wpl of our neighbors? many fighters for peace, among whom are some of the most dis- j f a c t Helene Mayer was barred from German citizenship superstition of an Isabella of the world wide and tinguished of contemporary Jews. In the League of Nations ef- by the recent Nuremberg Jaws and would permit her to compete the avarice of a Ferdinand. menacing wave of anti-Semitism, The mmedlate reason for the E h o u l d v e B o t d e ( f i c a te ourselves forts, for peace, for example, we find the names of Paul Hyams in the Olympics, despite the fact that Olympic statutes directly was the presence of a ' w l t h e T e r greater-energy and deof Belgium, the late Karl Melchior of Germany, Max Splweitchik forbid a non-citizen from representing a country's team . . .The mauisition large number of Morranos—bap-' o t i o H t 0 t h e t a s k o f mating P a J . of Lithuania, Dr. Simon Asbkenazy of Poland and Maxim Litvinoy Committee of Jewish Delegations declared in Paris that the World tized Jews who embraced Cathol- e s t i n e a g e c u r e a n d p e a c e ful home of Russia. Five years before the establishment of the League, Jewish Congress would be convoked before the end of next year icism in the h o p e - o f achieving; for it8 'unhappy and outcast sons security and full s o c i a l ; a n d d a u g h t e r s ? Salmon. O. Levinson of Chicago achieved international fame . . . Holland proclaims a ban on the a.nti-Nazi book, "Brown Net- peace, ; equality with their Christian felthrough his propagation of the i4ea of making war an interna- wprk" , . . Salonica Jews grew vehement over the fact that a j low men. The author does well t Those advertisers wh.° use the tional crime, Ms work bearing fruit in the Kellpg-Briand Pact of Jewish leader had raised the Nazi swastika qyer the branch office!*' "* i columns of the Jewish Press de* " «----. ^ ^~ 1929. Four years ago, Mrs. Theresa Durlaqh founded World Peace of a German insurance company of which he is local head . . . masses entertained for these, ]s e r T e a n d , n e r i t y p u r patronage, Posters out of her conviction that the purposes of peace move- Scandinavian rabbis held a joint meeting for the first time in his- their new brehern in faith. Thei Inquisition ferrested them out ments can be realized only through a program that reached the with fanatical zeal; tortured and tory to protest against a proposed Swedish law for compulsory burned them at the stake with masses. Since, her organization, has been expanded into World stunning before slaughtering, which would violate schechita laws sanclfjed, hypocrytlcal remorse, Peaceways, Inc., that militant crusading organization for peace . . . Separate campaigns will be conducted this year by the Ameri- and with particular delight. directed by Mrs. Estelje. Sternlierger. Nor does the list of leaders Why were the converted can Palestine Campaign and the Joint Distribution Committee . . . stop there. The list would include Albert Einstein, who has been the special object of the InquisiThe Revisionists in Palestine announce a plebiscite on abolition tion's cruel wrath? First, because an inspiration to war-fighters; Francis Leder, wb.° founded World of the Palestine-German barter p a c t . . . The Zionist Organization they were extremely wealthy, and Peace Federation; Edward A. Filene, Boston philanthropist who of America issued a call for a United Palestine Front by Jewry. confiscation of their estates, up-r offered a $25,000 prize for the best essay on how to prevent war. on execution or as punishment, enriched the perpetualy empty Together with clergymen of other creeds, the- American rabbis coffers of the Inquisition and the have been in the van in the movement to renounce yrar. State. Secondly, because both the -Wed., Nov. 27 masses and the Church author^ ;—-— The battle for peace is an uphill fight, but the soldiers in this Rosh Hodesh Kislev sensed the undeniable truth Chanukah, 1st day , Pec, 21 Hies army want to avert bloodshed instead of shedding it. spoken by a Jew when he declare Dec 27 ed "That In three cases was waRosh Hodesh Tebet ter poured in vain, when the rjy-i er flows out into the ocean, when! water is put into wine, and when j "Be A Good Neighbor" is thealogan for tlie Community Chest GEMS OF THE BIBLE a Jew 13 baptized." ' j campaign which will open ne^t Monday. This exhortation is unThe Nazis have given the tecb-j AND TALMUD 0t* nique of the Inquisition a stamp: necessary for the JewisTi community. In the years past the Jew*** By O. O. DASHER of modernity. Its chief instru-; ish people have demonstrated again and again their traditional ment was denunciation, obtained generosity, infusing the warmth of their deap-rooted liberality My spirit Is consumed, my days through misleading promises of; into Community Chest drives and contributing their fair share, are extinct, the grave is ready mercy; a method despicable be-' yond words. The victims were: for me. By ROBERT STONE and more, to constructive upbuilding. tried secretely, never permitted i He that denounceth his friends There is no reason for a reversal of this traditional approach. to face their accusers or to re-' for the sake of flattering even NORTH AMERICA AMERICAN R E V I S I O N I S T fute the false and often malicious' Charity is a cardinal virue of Israel; the sufferings endured on the eyes of his children shall fail LEADER SAYS JEWISH ae testimony given by personal ene-; the road of the ages, have made them appreciative Pf t n e bless- to see him. BEING FORMED TO DEFEND mies or jealous rivals. So as to I He hath made' me also a byings of a warm heart. They have always been pn the alert to alSTATE . . . The Jewish give a semblance of legality to word of the people, and I am JEWISH which we haven't got. leviate the suffering of their fellaw-nien? be they Jewish or non- one wholesale confiscation, conf es- j in whose face they spit, my State BARNARD COLLEGE GIRLS slons were d e e m e d Imperative, j Jewish. . • "• eye as, dimmed by reason of vex- HEAR MRS. ROOSEVELT REBarbarous tortures persistently) ation and all my organs are as This year the (Community Chest seeks a total of $555,300. BUKE RACIAL SUPERIORITY applied loosened the tongues of a shadow. * OP NATIVE AMERICANS . , , tbe most obstinate. To escapo the needed tp carry to fruition the beneficial {This is the My days are past, my purposes And Better speaks as straight helish pain, the victim would conwori: accomplisaed by the agencies affiliated with the Chest. Much are brpken otf even the tnougnta Mrs/Roosevelt as she thinks. fess to anything the examiner inWhat is value in shirts? . , . It's the superfe more money could be used; less money will seriously handicap of my heart. « HADASSAH TO SHIFT MAJ- sisted upon. And this was done $tylin£« tailoring, fit and specislJj woven TALMUD OR WORK TOWARD PALESthe program of construction. Each individual in our community the name or a religion of love, | fabricsH-not found in ordinary shirts. Oply are f o u r characters TINE YOUTH IMMIGRATION . . . in Tehra and out of deep compassion for I who himself does not receiyei must give . , , m.ust give the largest The Nebraska presents a combined showing t e n d the High time. The youth is the fu- the sould, of the erring sinner! l, jj amount possible. In times like these, each member of the com- house of study; He who goes and ture. of the shirts that have these outstaBiinf h i d the; The JnquIsiUon championed value-features. Ir| all the west, nothing Ukf SOVIET AMBASSADOR SAYS munity must give a strong sympathetic helping hand to the doe3 not practice the duties of which he has studied secures the it elsewhere. neighbor in need. reward for going; he who praci JAN TO HAVE SAME RIGHTS learned of that day Your have {ts origin, not amongst Arytlces the commands of the Torah, AS NATIVES . This is t h e but does not go secures the re^ basic principle of a country in- ans, but amongst the Inhabitants Monogram of the Pyrennes. The search for ward for practicing; he who goes, tended for pioneers. purity of blood became a mania, Expertly embroiSelect from the For bright news on the cloudy Jewish horizon, we must at and practices is.a'saint; he who EUROPE as it is in contemporary Germany. dered Free On All neither goes nor practices Is a POLAND SE^DS JEWS TO What a useful tool the belief in all times turn in the direction of Falegthie, where there is being wpebed man. Shotting of Shirks and Pajamas. NEGOTIATE FINANCIAL PACT the devilish and Inferior qualities built a Jewish homeland which ia a credit to Jewry everywhere. There are four qualities among WITH GERMANY Merely be- of Jewish blood can be Is evililn other lands the Jewish peoples find themselves crushed tbps,8 that sit before the .wise; cause of their abilities. they are H&e a sopnge, a funnel, CZECH JEWS CREATE COR- denced by sad fate that overtook under the weight of Being a small minority, with the barbs of bias a strainer and a sieve. A sponge PORATION TO BUY BUSINESS the Inquisitor of CordQva. This and (prejudice aimed in. their direction, at any pretext. In*Pales- which sucks up everything, a fun-; OF GERMAN JEWS LEAVING gentleman was so barbaric and 10 unsparing in hla efforts to eradr tinej the Jew is reborn; here he is not a guest, but is living in his nel which lets In at one end and REICH . . . A ridiculous story. No icato heresey that even the Car out at the other, a strainer which Jew Is stupid enough to buy any own homeland, A few years ago there were skeptics in the Jewish lets the wine pas3 out and retains business under the Swastika re- tholic citliens rebelled against his cruelty. Unable to resist public fold concerning the advisability of pouring money and man-power the dregs and a sieve which lets gime, If he can help it. GERMAN J E W JAILED FOR pressure for hla removal, Torqueintdj Palestine; today, Jewish leaders in all climes and all walks out the bran and retains the fins flour. KISSING ARYA>* GIRL . . . The inada threw his agent into a dun^ gepn and proudly announced "that of life realize and recognize that Palestine must be prepared fop Whenever love depends upon German girls wi}I get a thrill beas many Jewish immigrants as possible, as fast as possible, It is some material c a u s e with the ing kissed by heroes who g i v e h e was a, Jew in disguise who want wanted to make work of the their liberty for 4 kiss. therefore highly gratifying to read that immigration into Pales- passing away of that cause the them Holy pMice look ridiculous." E?fGLAND'S FASCISTa WILL ^-Coat style, love too passes away, but if it To expell the Jews and to detine! [reached a new record in the history of the country with the he N O T CONTEST PARLIAMENcloth to pur? not depending upon any mainflux of 52,000 Jews during the first ten months of 1935. This terial cause, such a love wil hist TARY ELECTlOff .".' . England's stroy tee Morranos, mass hatred ba4 to be created, and here, as Fascists arp, through. unprecedented figure reports an increase of. 10,000 Jewish immi-! foreT er. Yes* In Germany of today, malicious •• AUSTRIA* PROHIBITS JEWS Every controversy that Is-In falsehooda, carefully disseminate grants over the total number of 1934. en P*}«mm «£ Th* $i<t$*m£nh \\ FROM ADOPTING CHRISTIANthe name of truth shall in the aerysd admirably. The ritual end lead to permanent result, but SOUNDJNG NAMES . . . Sure— ed, murder charge was given priestly every controversy that is not in the Aryan name will not protect approval? Every Section a Store in |he bogey of Jewish the name of truh shall lead to a them. dominance, of Jewry's evil der Superb New K result. The controv- VIENNA JEWISH SPECIALThe Nazi government is evidently under the impression that permanent Hosiery, the ersy of Rabbi HHIel and Rabbf IST REFUSES TO TREAT HIT- signs against C h r i s t i a n s and Gloves, tnanv just because they have put the stop-gag upon their newspapers, Shamai was in the name of truth. LER . . . He should have treated Christianity and similar cunnlag and vile lies were resurrected an,d. him—but the way he deserved. The controversy of Karah and al| Underwear, every freedom of the press and freedom of thought.and, opinion in other fe4 the tojoqd lustful mobs, EST his cpmpany was not in the name PALESTINE Sport Lealiic* Js *» countries could juat as easily be throttled by the wave of a Hit- of trath. TJNEAglNpSS OVER, ETHIOr peclall? bitter, as in Nazi Gerr W d . S p o r t many, were the middle classes. PIAN COIfFLICT PASSES A8 Ierized hand. In this country we have been troubled several times BANK DE.FQS?tai RESUME NOR- Who, jealous Of and Inferior to by Nazi.protests because citizens of the United States expressed Dressmakers' Boycott Wool Flaan^l RoLe* $\t MAL FLOW , , . Palestine felt as their more successful Jewish rlvr themselves frankly on the Nazi debacle. Word comes from Lon- Paris—Acting upon the request secure as England all the time. ajs, saw Jn the Inquisition a po^ Lounging R«3>i$e» of Quailtv.. , to lent force »ot only for speedy andon) that in England the Nazis similarly are seeking to abridge of American dress buyers, t h e ONE-DAY ARAB STRfKB IN nihilation of their competitors, Paris dressmakers, through Pais, PROTEST AGAINST* ALLEGED^ the freedom of the press of another country. their trade association, have disr JEWISH GUN-RUNNING PASS- but more Important, an I The latest incident of such interference was the protest made coiitinued shipping New Yorlj ES QUIETLY , , • Those are/mere- tunfty for gersonal gala by manoeuvera by politicians and pulsory eijjropriatioa. by the German Ambassador to Great Britain uoon instructions bound models on the German ship ly Bremen and wjjl now ship then) even the. Arab masses are getting Torquemada, the General Infrom Berlin, against an article in the Strand Mjagazjne by on the new Frencli liner Norman-r fed up with them. aulsitor, who took office October g y Winston ^ (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arta The acHfln of Pais will short17, J483, found a worthy but Churchill in whiQh Hitierispi la bitterly Renounced. Significance dig. COBBEGT Feature S d i t ) ly be followed by dressmakers not successful antagonist In Sp is attached to this, in light of the fact that Church^ may be affiliated with this organization. Patronize our advertisers.
Armistice Thoughts
every #11 bitrnet
Quick Serwice Pay or Night?
"Be A Good Neighbor"
Record Palestinian Immigration
|! !'
Press Stop?Gag
Every Man Wants Red Quality Shirts
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1935 PHI BETA SIGMA ©ANCE Phi Beta Sig na sorority held their annual dance, November 1, at the Fontepelle Park pavilion. Forty couples attended the affair. The door prizes were won by Joe Harris and Miss Bernice Radiiziner. The gifts were presented by the president, M i s s Jeanette Marks. Jack Lutts' orchestra played for the dancing.
NIGHT AT "Big Hearted Herbert?' Has AMATEURSISTERHOOD DINNER Lots of Laughs and Drama
The second One? Shabbos r»." The Deborah Society will hold the Beth-EJ auxiliary will tsVf an open meeting and tea at the ; place Saturday, November 9, fci J. C. C. Tuesday, November 12, rhe home of Mrs. Harry TrnsMr at 2 p. ra. Rabbi H. A. Berger at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Art lust will be the main speaker. i Colin will acf as oo-liofitess, All those who have money or I1 Mrs. David Greenberg will jdv* tickets to turn in for the card a review or current, events. lUrr.. party are asked to do so at this A. D. Frank will deliver e. t ^ t time. on "The Woman"? Position ii, Jewish Life." A study of tvrw Those advertisers who use the of Jewish women will be clisciisssf.". celumns of the Jewish Press de- by Mrs. Lar.-y Finkle and Mrt, serve End merit your patronage. Morris Margolin.
The Temple Israel Sisterhood dinner will be held at the Temple Attics are wonderful places for when he discovers his daughter, Wednesday, November 20, at 6:30 hiding old relics and family pic- Alice, is going to marry a Harvard p. in. A feature of the dinner tures taken "way back when," grad (Dick Hurwitz) this is more will be a Major Bozzo amateur night. Finalists who will combut in the Kalness living room, than he can gtand. "Big Hearted Herbert" believes Robert (Alden Lincoln) a nat^ pete are Reva Gerelick, Bernice in showing off the portrait of his ural boy of ten, makes a lot of SilvermaE, Irene Mirowitz, LilSLUMBER PARTY father to the everlasting chagrin noise, •whistles as loud as his lian Weiner, Harriet Bernstein, • The Delta Kappa sorority held of the other members of his fam- larynx will permit and is famous Rosalie Alberts, Peggy Friedman, a slumber party at the Paxton ho- ily. This handsome figure will for the "highwater mark" around Bud Shumow, Bubles Chaiken, tel Saturday, November 2, in hon- adorn the simple walls of a plain his neck -where the dirt ends and j Irving LincelE, Buzzie Slosburg, TO IlOJf OR CONFIRMA5JT . or of their new pledges, the home of a plain man at the perj and Patsy Klein. EPSTERf-FOGEIi More than 200 guests are ex- Misses Grace Resniek and Shirley formance of ''Big Hearted Herb- the water begins. To be sure, he Miss Harriet Bernstein, one. of Miss Annette Fogel, daughter pected hates to scrub behind his ears. to call Sunday at the home Fiedler. Miss Mildred Saferstein, ert," three-act comedy, by Sophie ol and Mrs. Maurice Fogel, the competed in the To make up for the eccentrici- Majorcontegtents, •will be married to Sam Epstein, of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs who president of the group, was in Kerr and Anna Steese Richardson, Bowes program here at the ties for her husband, is generous, Orpheum. Bon of Mr. Henry Epstein, Sun- will be hosts at a large cocktail charge of the affair. to be given at the Jewish Com- loving Martha (Martha Himelday, November 10, at the home tea in honor of the confirmation munity Center on Tuesday, No- stein) who makes the oldest piece The dinner and program are • ENTERTAINS COMMITTEE of her parents in the presence of of their son, Alan. vember 19. seventy-five cents. Reservations of furniture look like the newest MEMBERS Religious services for the conthe immediate families only. RabLike m.ost "dated" pictures, and is the go-between for all the may be made with Mrs. J. J. Miss Ann Hahn, ticket chair this, bi H. Grodzinsky -will perform firmation are to be held at the too, has a wide heavy gilt Friedman, HA &6t$, or NTTS. the' ceremony. • Invitations have Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel syna- man of the Junior Hadassah j frame, the kind that was popular misunderstandings. Thanksgiving dance which, will be a few decades ago, This picture, The scene where the plainess Louis Lipg, HA 2176. been issued to a reception at the gogue Saturday morning. held November 28 at the- Hotel I , . . . . of the Kalness household is exBladkstone hotel after the cereSaturday evening a dinner is Fontenelle, «Teals a prominent chin hibited, is more than Herbert can STEDJMKT5 SERIES entertained the memmony. planned for the immediate family of his father, ;a a most determm- t Q l G. Steinraetz, jr., direcMiss Fogel has been extensively and out-of-town guests, who are bers of the dance committees at me feature of character in the | flaTor feed , h c h u c k l e s a n d torEdward of the Community Playhouse, her home last Wednesday eveentertained. Among her hostesses Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, NorKalness inbe. gave his second is his series o{1 j typical family events. have been the Mesdames William folk, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry ning. To every" visitor that appears ten lectures Wednesday morning,' Following the discussion of the You'll see all this happen plus Epstein, I. Bernstein, Al Finfeel, Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Donoat the Kalness home, the picture the conceding of victory to the November 6, at the Blaeketoae progress of the dance arrangeD. Q. Fogel,. Irving Schneiderman, vitz, Mr, and Mrs. A. Jacobs, Mrs. of old man Kalness is something o t h e r m e m b e r s o f t h e { a m i I b hotel. He spoke on "The Yellow Louis Fogel, Harry Richman, I. Leo Rubenstein and son, Richard, ments, the remainder of the eve- "taken for granted" and when it,; H e r b Jacket," a Broadway success of the Jain m o f ., Weiflman and t h e Misses Edith Mrs. Rube Josephson and son, ning was spent playing bridge, will come down will probably be H e a r t e d Herbert," a homely en- the past season. followed by a midnight supper. Frank, and Mr. and Mrs. George and Ethel Epstein. the hoqse burns However, t e r t a i n i n g c o m e d y f o r e v e r y o n e Mrs. Leo Chaiken is in charge Covers were laid for the Misses when Peniston, all of Kansas City, Mo. when Alice Kalness (Bessie Gold- \f r o m s i x t o g i x t of ticket sales. Kalah Franklin, Dora Freshman, Assisting will be Mrs. Morris ware) prospective in-laws come to Jeanette Resniek, Fannie KatelHelen Merritt is director. MiBB Betty Rosen, daughter of E. Jacobs, Mrs. Archie" Jacobs, meet her family for the first time S. R.pBen of New York City, and Mrs, D. R. Cohen and Mrs. David jnan, Sonia Roitstein, Mildred and the picture is put into hiding, Whitman, Ida Fine, Goldie ZusShepherd Wolf, son of Mr. and Brown. HadassaK The Pioneer Women held a cul; man, G e r t r u d e Lewis, Rose things begin to happen. Right Fall flowers will be the decoraMrs. J, Wolf of Fremont, "were before their guest, Herbert makes tural meeting at the home of Mrs. The annual membership lunchAbramson, Ruth Swengil, Mollye tion. No cards are being issued. married Sunday at 4 o'clock. Roitstein, Freda Soffer, Bess the discovery and then the show- eon and monthly meeting of P. Zollotuchen Saturday, Novemceremony took place to Hadassah will be postponed until ber S. Mr. M, Minkin gave a talk Kirschenbaum, Sarah Taub, the down follows. Omaha at the home of the bridge- KRIZELMAN-ZOORWILIi Herbert, who prides himself in i Wednesday, December 4, because on the 19 th Zionist congress. Mrs. hostess, and Miss Edith Schwartz Mr. and Mrs, David Zoorwill of groom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Chicago, who is the guest of being a plain man, refuses to take of Thanksgiving Day, according J. Richlin reported en the ChicaMrs. E. Weinberg, in the pres- Philadelphia, Pa., formerly of of a taste of success by offering his to Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, mem- go conference. Miss Zusman. ence of the immediate families. Council Bluffs, announce the enThe organ izatiou is planning a family every convenience and edu- bership chairman. Plans for BE Babbi David A. Goldstein, assisted gagement of their daughter, Miss GUEST FROM CHICAGO cation possible. He counts no elaborate program Ere being for- Tag Day for the near future and by Cantor Mendelson, officiated. Frieda Zoorwill of Council Bluffs, Miss Goldie Zusman has as her college men among his friends. mulated. The membership cam- elected Mrs. Zollotuchen chairThe bride's dress of peacock to Mr. Max Krizelman, son of guest, Miss Edith Schwartz of He has no use for people who paign, which is still in progress, man. blue transparent velvet was made Mrs. Pauline Krizelman of Oma^ Chicago. Several affairs are be- can't show a hard working is nearing the goal set for the lo•with, long sleeves and a floor ha. No wedding date has been ing^ planned for Miss Schwartz. muscle. At ten years of age, cal chapter. Patronize our advertisers. length skirt. She wore a match- set yet. Her stay here is for an indefinite Herbert was contributing to his ing turban and face veil. Her Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, time. support by working. Two years SURPRISE DINNER corsage "was of Talisman roses. later, he quit school to work in fund chairman, announces Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kraft were RECEPTION SUNDAY EVENING a machine shop. On the side he j following contributions: M r s . Mr. Wolf is a graduate of the Mrs. S. Krizelman will give a sold newspapers. At seventeen, i Louis Laserowitz, in memory of University ot Nebraska. He is given a surprise dinner in honor '"i employed in the office of the de- of their 25th wedding anniver- reception at home for close friends he was supporting his family, her brother, Louis Udin; Mrs. With partment of utilities, at Fremont. sary by their son and daughter- and relatives Sunday evening, *'And many was the night I went j Ben Handler, in memory of her in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman November 10, from 7 until 10 to bed hungry because there j mother, Mrs. Stella Chaiken; Mrs. Poiiitle Kraft, S u n d a y , November 3. o'clock in honor of Miss Freda wasn't enough corn meal mush to Simon Pizer, in memory of her Satisfaction Twenty couples were present. Zoorwill whose engagement to go around," goes the history of brother, Sam Robinson; Mrs. Max Krizelman has just been an- Herbert, the plain man who fin- Reuben Bordy, in honor of the Mrs. Esther Malashock anWhen Simons tailors nounces the engagement of her BIRTH OF SON nounced. your furs you select ally attains esteem among the i marriage of her daughter, Ruth; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dandy anthe skips, the style daughter, Sara Mildred, to Samcity folk as a high successful man. j Mrs. I. Goldstein, in honor of her and gee the coat in uel A. Finkle, son of Mr. and nounce the birth of a son at the EVENING BRIDGE. The Kalness family weaves a j daughter, K&te. Mr. and Mrs. H. GLerber gave the snaking, double Mrs. J. Finkle. The -wedding will larkson hospital Wednesday, Nohome-spun comedy with their assurance of geUisg an evening bridge Wednesday, vember 6. take place in the near future. Hadassah is planning a celejust what you want, October 30, in honor of Miss homely wrangles and customs. and the prices are Jeannette Moscovitz whose en- But when Herbert bas to pay an bration in the form of a large very attractive, too. HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE ABRAWS-GREENBERGER gagement to Spl Krizelman was excessive income tax, his temper- Oneg Shabbos for December 21 in honor of the 75th birthday of ment reaches a new peak. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. William Epstein enter- recently announced. . • When J u n i o r (Al Oruch) Miss Henrietta Szold. Details will Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberger tained sixteen guests at a lunchclaims he is going to college and be announced in a later issue of of Grand Island; Nebr., announce eon-bridge Wednesday afternoon VISITS HERE the engagement of their daugh- at the Hamilton Cafe in honor of Mrs. Gertrude Lage of Los An- refuses to go into the factory with the Jewish Press. ter, Miriam, of Omaha, to Barney M3sa Annette Fogel, bride-to-be. geles, who is en route to New his father to work "from the Jewish Press advertisers merit Abrapis, son of Mr, and, Mrs. D. Prizes were won by Mrs. J. Bern- York, stopped in Omaha to visit bottom up," Herbert goes off on Sfrest Abrams of thi3 city. No definite stein, Mrs. Dave Fogel and Mrs. her cousin, Mrs. A. Magzamin and one of his wildest tangents. And]your patronage. 7 Mr. Magzamin of 3413 Dewey date-has been set for the wed- Sam Nepomnick. avenue, •\vhom she had not seen ding. THEATER PARTS' for thirty years. Mrs. R. Shapiro and her sister. KATLEMAN-WISHNOW Miss Ethel Epstein, were co- RETURNS FROM CHICAGO ENGAGEMENT Mrs. J. RJchlin has returned hostesses at a Theater party at Mr. and Mrs. J. Wishnow of the Brandeis theater Sunday from Chicago where she visited tp See HERZBERSS NELLY DON Style Revue et the Ak-5ar-Een Lincoln, announce the engage- afternoon, November 3, in honor her son, Isidore, who is doing Cooking School . . Orpheum Theater . . . ? to II P. M. ment of their daughter, Marjorie, of Miss Annette Fogel, whose post-graduate work-in Physiologito Harold Katleman, Bon of Mr. marriage to Mr. Sam Epstein will cal cbemistry at the University of and Mrs. S. Katleman. No defi- take'place next Sunday. Follow- Chicago. While there she. atnite -date baa been set for the ing the theater party, a supper tended a conference qf the Piowas served at. the Mary Stein neer Wonfen in whose work Mrs. wedding. . Richlin is very active. She met Tea Rooms, Covers were laid for twenty there Mrs. Eliza Chedlowsky, this guests. A color scheme of green year';j delegate from Palestine, and white was beautifully car- who will be here January 8 and ried put in the table decorations. Q. Mrs. Richlin speaks very Hy Mrs, David M. Newman highly of this leader and expresses the hope that everyone ENTERTAINS FOR will be able to hear Mrs. ChedBRIDE-TQ-BE Crumb Cako Mrs; Maurice Fogel entertained lowky when she will be here. Take 1 cup sugar, 2 cups flour, !% onp butter, i teaspoon cloves, at a trousseau tea November 5 in 1 teaspoon cinnamon, Vs teaspoon honor of lier daughter, Annette, Junior Vaad Auxiliary nutmeg, 3 tablespoons cocoa. Mix whose marriage will take place A regular meeting of the JunThose who assisted all the ingredients together as for Sunday. ior Yaad auxiliary will be held were Mrs, Irving Cassman of Chipie crust until mixture is crumbTuesday evening, November 12, cago, sister of the bride-to-be; ly looking. Keep out % cup to at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Mrg. D. C. Fogel and'Mrs. Louis be put on top of dough before Rabbi H. A. Berger will deFogel. baking- and to the remaining inliver a bpok review. gredients, add 1 teaspoon soda teaspoon salt, 1 egg, 1 cup sour BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bachman milk and beat until b a t t e r is IT WILL PAY YOU smopth. One-half cup chopped of 2420 Caldwell street, enterTo Consult "walnuts may be added. Pour bat- tained at a birthday party in honter \yXo Jqaf pan and sprinkle tqp or of their twin daughters, Jen•with dry mixture. Place in a 350 nie and Celia, Sunday evening, When buying degree oven and bake about 40 November 3. DIAMONPS minutes. VISITING WITH PARENTS • « « Mrs. Nathan Cohn of Sioux City WEPDING RINGS is the guest ot her parents, Mr. WATCHES - SILVERWARE Lemon Spongo Cnps Use 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons and Mrs. R, Tessler, for a week. and GIFT JEWELRY butter, 3 eggs, 1 ^ cups milk, 5 Mrs. Cohn is the former Shirley tablespoons leinon juice and rind Tesslerof 1 lemon, 4 tablespoons flour and a pinch of salt. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Cream butter, add sugar, flour, Mr. an4 Mrs. Max Turchen of Yeu«lMlf«rWfORE...«nd Bait, lemon juice and rind. Stir Sioux Falls, S. D., announce the they've just arrived . , .Nelly In beaten yolks mixed with the birth of a daughter, Phyllis Jean, Don? to see you through the milk. Fold in tha beaten whites. on October 6. 'Mrs. Turchen is Blgbest Grade Enam?!i, $7.00 winter! Styles qslsre . . . Pour into custard cups buttered. the former Hazel Zavett of WATERPROOF ALI.-PUKFOSi: "JUST TRY ONE ON." 45 miimtes in moderate ov- Omaha. SPAH VAKJilSn. $1.50 Oalloo en (350 degrees). When done Mrs. Jack Hellman visited ber Omaba Jobbing Company daughter, Mrs. Turchen, for three each cup will contain lemon a n Na. 15 JA 6BQ4J tard at the bottom and sponge weeks after thfi birth of her granddaughter. cake on the top. .
An Orchid Frem Our Very Beautiful and Complete Selection «{
A very distinguished crushed velvet in DuPont Reyon . . . soft end jhirfweisf In msnner . . . with the new $lreet length- s k i r t . Sizes ! 2 to 23 in evergreen, sable brown, or bisck. Our many ether dresses fit this price include s p o r t , daytime, efternoon, and evening gewns . . . each with individya!
FRIDAY . . . the Us* Day!
Hie Label of FcshioE Security
Kitchen Chats
They're Htrt!
A New Shipment of
2,500 Smart Wools, Jerseyi and Silks!
Announcing! F]SH MARKET formerly located in the Hinky Dinky Store at
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Hues end jobwnv colJar. $98.
of Nebraska Women Try a
Merit See! is « rich, luxurious fur . . . deep «nd glassy , . . with lenej wearing ^ugiHies, in fact, it carries the sgme guarantee &i HU^SSR Sea!. Merit Seal i$ en exclusive imp^rieiion of See! Pyed Coney , , , csrefu!!y grown en f^rnw in Australia . . . tne pelts are then assarted . . and the finest imported fo America , . . for Kilpatrick's handsome Merit Sen! Fur Costs!
109-11SO.16th St, will continue business in tha same location in the
Metropolitan Carrying a fiiU Hue
Fresh, Silt
he* proven one of the most popular end mc$i wr« vicable of eur v ! c f t b 11 of our
bergt.. in Omaha.
Kilpetrick's Fpsfclou Floor—Second!
FEATURE PI Ethiopsr Learn Roman Salute—Japanese Arm Youth
Earth Tremors Shake
DEATH COMES TO FOUR—A View ol the wreckage of the giant air liner in \rtiich four testmen were killed near Cheyenne, Wyo. The big plane took oS in a snowstorm for a test flight, encountered zero weather and crashed against a thurnb-like knoll. Witnesses said its gasoline tanks exploded, scattering bodies and wreckage and bursting into flames as it bounded.
VIVA, MUSS^HNIJr-Already the boys from the province of Tigre, in Ethiopia, who went over to the side of the Italian invaders, have learned the Roman salute from the Fascist soldiers. Here they are, hands UpraiBed, and While their salutes as yet haven't the snap of a true Fascist, presumably they'll learn. Reports had it that as soon as the Italians fed them, they were lifetime buddies.
'QUAKES SHAKE NEW YORK—Two earthquakes, described as harmless surface disturbances, shook 17 Eastern States and three Canadian provinces, and was felt on'rock-ribbed Manhattan Island. Here are two houses in Brooklyn, N. Y., GO cracked by the tremors that they had to be shored up before police would allow the inhabitants to return to their beds.
STUDENT COKPS —Likfe most modern nations Japan builds & defense line among its youth. Here are high school students in Tokyo taking part in realistic war maneuvers held just outside the capital city. The maneuvers were under supervision of army officers. Tanks and other military engines were utilized.
EXES FOR THE ITALIAN ARMY—Reiterations by Premier Mussolini and King Victor Emmanuel that Italy^pursued a humanitarian course in its Ethiopian invasion were followed by sending more men and supplies to East Africa. Above, Italian troops are shown on the pier at Naples with airplanes, that will; be eyes for the army, waiting to go aboard the S. S.lrcania. . .
FOR A GOOD BARBECUE—Enter at left to the "guebi" of the Ras Hailou at Debra Markos, Ethiopia, in area toward which the Italian army is pressing in the north. The building with the triangular facade, is the "ardeach" where the chieftain serves a banquet to five or six thousand of his followers every Sunday—an old Ethiopian custom. •
JUNGLE CATS IN HARNESS—Page the ancient Babylonians who led their pet lions on chains! Here is how the California Zoological Society put two of the big cats to work, in Los Angeles, to pay for their keep. They have been trained to draw the feedwagon around: to the various pens and cages and Tarzan, left; and King seem quite content to stand without hitching.
BACKER—King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, breaking his long silence, asserted the justice and necessity of Italy's war on EthiI opia, thus refuting reports that i he disagreed with Premier Mussolini. "Today Italy continues . . . more united than ever in the superb force of:. its faith and will," he said, in a speech at the • new University of Rome.
WAR BIRDS GUARD FRONTIER—While peace, negotiations rose and fell like a feve* ti Britain not only refused to withdraw her fleet froip the'Mediterranean, but continued strength!her outposts. Here are Royal Air Force hydroplaneaijteadyr to;defen$ the border between Anglo-" •Sudan and Italian Eritrea, shown at their Khartoum onthelNile.
VICTIM—Wang Ching-wei, Chinese Premier and Foreign Minister, seriously wounded by an assailant who shot him three times, after the close of an executive, meeting in Nanking. Three aides also were wounded. The assailant. Sung Ming-hsun, posing as a cameraman, was wounded by gendarme. .
~SAMBI<EBi FUIXBACK^-Don Elser, Notre -Dame "University fullback, who has given-a-good showing this season. He has speed, plus 220 pounds of body to back it,;plus an'excellent amount of natural skill—all of which have made* him a valuable player for Coach Layden. His home is in Gary, Indiana.
WAR CHIEFS MEET—-A half dozen generals and a score of men of lesser rank, the most impressive assemblage of Japanese military leaders in years, were present at a luncheon eiven in Tokvo to George H. Dern, United States Secretary of War, when he visited Minister of War Yoshiyuki' Kawashima, recently. Above, Mr. Dern is at right, with General Kawashima. The luncheon was said to be characterized by friendly informality and good-humor.
MUSIC FOR FIGHTING MEN—Ethiopian warjriors are reported to be fierce in ger without regard for their hves. But evidently they have their lighter moments S and singers who accompany the fighting men to the North Ethiopian battlefront i h l t IJote N t the th Arab-like A b l i k turbans tub tthat h t are worn. ^ "i*>-"CAiom., specialties dduring a nalt.
Copyright United Newiptetarca
under the group's sponsorshiPi on on the card party and drawing ' ponents in the last few seconds league which is played on Tues- time Tuesday morning will ! Friday evening. December 27." ! will be given. A program and tea • of play and with the sparkling day evenings. The score was £0every Tuesday and The Workmen's Circle Branch The main project of this or- ; will honor new members. I fight put up by the scrapping A. to 19 in favor of the Jack Sprats. morning at 10 a. m. for gym arr 173 will sponsor a lecture on ganization is to discuss pertincit The rummage sale will be held I Z. A. No. 1 five in sta\*inE off aIrs the other game the Omsha swimming. Lee Grossman vrli" "Government and Economics," by : and current problems of youth.. ; the end of November. barrage of baskets by the Psi MuJobberE trounced the A. S. A. 100, teach gym and Al Orucli will 1if,v* Professor Heckman of t h e MuQuint, the l&rpe number of spec- SO to 4. charge of the primming,. wmnraniiinnnninnnnmnnnninnnraniTnininiiininiiniinninjnriB nicipal university at the Labor tators witnessed some sure fire Schedule for the next round is The class now has £5 memlw* Lyceum, 22nd and Clark streets, Kadimah BIBLE STUDY CLASS Vaad enrolled. Anyone interested ir, this evening, November 8, at The Kadimah club held a busi- ! hasketball, last Sunday afternoon as follows: Sunday at 2 p. m.. The Bible Study class, under at the J. C. C. gyro. Rabbi Harold A. Berger's ser- j the sponsorship of the Council of ness meeting at the B'nai Israel ; Although the Omaha Jobbers- Senior league, Ramblers vs. A. Z.joining is asked to do BO U-if Partnership Campaigns To Bemon topic this evening -will be i8 p. aa. A. No. 1, Psi Mu vs. the XL andweek. Women may join unrifK All members, their family and Jewish Women and the Temple synagogue Sunday, November S. Ended Because of Amounts "Wandering, and Wondering." friends and the public in general Israel Sisterhood, held its first Rabbi H. A. Berger spoke to theX I game was a nip and tuck bat- the ADT vs. Omaha Jobbers. In the special women's mem bet-shim Cantor A. Schwaczkin and theis invited to attend. Admission is meeting Tuesday afternoon at the members on methods of improv- tle the audience was kept in sus-!he junior league which is played of 510.00 per year. Raised pense until the closing gun. Theon Tuesday evenings, the Omaha choir •will chant the services. free. home of Mrs. Sam_ Berkowitz. ; ing their group. Jobbers won by the close margin Jobbing Juniors will meet the Saturday morning Rabbi BerI Esther Wintroub was voted in Rabbi David Wice gave'the first New York (JTA> — The Joint ;,of one point. The score was 2 3 Jack Sprats and the A. Z. A. 10UCitrus Oaihok ger will speak at the Beth Hameof his series of talks. His sub-as a new member of Kadimah. Distribution Committee and therosh Hagodol synagogues in . to 22. In the other games, the play the Pant's Store five. Prague — It is reported her* College Club ject was "Why We Believe Like The organization plans a party American Palestine Campaign, Yiddish on theportion of, t h e Ramblers beat the A. P. T.'s, 19 that Czechoslovakia has made * eek. • That." Thirty members attended. j to be held in the near future at The opening meeting of the •which have for the past two years to 5, and the Psi Mu, last year's reduction of 13^, in her impor<" ' the home of the president, Ann College club will be held Sunday, conducted joint drives as United The next meeting will be held I champs, had plenty of fight on SPECIAL MATRON'S duty on Palestine citru , product. November 10, at 4 p. m.,7in the at the home of Mrs. Phil Gilinsky, ; Pollav. Jewish Appeal, for settlement ot Beth-El I their hands before they defeated CLASS AT J. C. C. The cut in the tariff is expecfpfi lower auditorium of Temple Is- Tuesday, November 19. Jews of eGrmany and other lands j the much younger quintet, the A. to enlarge the market for PalesAt services tonight Rabbi Da-! rael. Rabbi David Wice will lead in Palestine, ' will conduct - IndeZ. A. ones, by the score of .16-18. "Take gym to give you vim andtine oranges in this country. id A. Goldstein will speak' on the group. pendent ,fund-TaisinE' campaigns After two extra periods of play, keep in trim," -will be the slogan Women's Mizrachi This group will sponsor the for those purposes in 1936, it was 'The Nazi and the Fascist Chal: the Jack Sprat foods nosed out of the special matron's class orlenge to American Democracy." Those advertisers who use th*; The next meeting- of the Wothird annual Youth Conclave on announced followln a meeting of ganized at the J. C. C. last -week. Next week Rabbi Goldstein will columns of the Je-n-ish Press de• the Pant's Store five by one point With the speedy Omaha Jobbers men's Mizrachi win be held WedMay 3. /• . the Executive Committee' of the : iase his sermon on the recently There will be a Youth service, nesday, November 20. A report putting the skids under their op- in the feature game of the junior The group -which met for the firrt serve and inerit your patronage. United Jewish Appeal.
Workmen Circle 173
Religious Services
iublished novel, "Festival at This action was based on theMaron," by Harry Sacler. Tills conclusion that "the sums Taised rook tells the story ol the heroism have not-shown an increase com- if Jewish rebels against the mensurate "with, the great need, might of Rome. nor did they measure up to' what •was expected of American Jewry." Discussing the plan* of individTemple ual campaigns the. statement IsRabDi David Wice'a sermon sued by the officers ot the United opic this evening will be "HitJewish Appeal said: ler's 'Surrender' to the Church." "One of the advantages of Bep-Services begin at S p. m. arate campaigns was that both Saturday morning services will the the Joint Distribution Com- begin at 10:30. v mittee and .the American Palestine Campaign would be free to intensify their special appeals and could enlist in their particular efforts additional supporters for their respective programs In the field of European aid and reconThe first meeting of the Civic struction and of Palestine up- and Legislative group of the building." ouncil of Jewish Women will be The statement of tlie Executive held Tuesday, November 12, at 1 Committee pointed out tha "theo'clock at the home of Mrs. Ronresults achieved by the United ald Gladstone, chairman. This Jewish Appeal in both 1934 andwill be In the form of a preliAIR CONDITIONING 1935, tangible and intangible, minary meeting to organize the could be regarded as satisfactory; group and to make plans for the but the general conclusion was general meeting which will be reached that the sums raised have held November 25 when the group not shown an Increase commen- will present the program. At that time Dr. A. C. Stokea will speak surate with the great need. "It was confidently felt that on the Japanese situation and will show pictures which he took in friendly relaions would be continued and that the good-will de- Japan when he went there last for every purpose v veloped between the leaders of year to attend the American Red Distributed by the Joint Distribution Committee Cross conference. and the leaders ot the American Palestine Campaign, as well as of Six classes in adult; education W E S T E R N -, their followers throughout the began last week with ; an enrollAir Conditioning Corp. country, would find expression in ment of 30 members who are being instructed in Americanization formB of practical cooperation in 104 No. 18th St. AT. 8454 work. Volunteer teachers are the the 1936 campaign."
Local Council, Jewish Women
I r 3
CURRENT TOPICS LECTURE BY RABBI COHN TUESDAY The second in JRaVbi Frederick Cohn's current series ot lectures will be given Tuesday morning, November"12, at 10:30 o'clock at the Blackstone hotel when.Jlabbi
Mesdames Sam Greenberg, James Goetz, Morris Pepper; Robert Rosen thai and the Misses; Fanny Witkin and Bern ice Perimeter. These groups will meet once a week in neighborhood groups and anyone interested in joining Is asked to call Mrs. jack Harer, AT 0703, who is in charge ot this work for the council.
I Ask Your I Grocer far
Forbes Fresh Bakery Goods
Cohn wiU speak on "Germany the Present Crisis," in -which he •The class studying nutrition •wiUdiscnss the German attitude, under Mrs. B. A. Kilbourn of the considered by . European states- Board of Education,- met WedI The Height of men a greater menace than nesday at the home of Mrs. A. Solomon for Its second meeting. Ethiopia. I Good Taste! Mrs. ."Sam Gilinsky is in charge There are 35 women enrolled. ticket sales. SeaBon tickets are available or single admissions will 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 0400 Sigma Alpha Mu be Bold at the door. James Hammerstein,- national executive secretary for the Sigma Alpha- Mu fraternity, recently Bella Markowitz r spent an entire week-end at the Died Last Thursday Sigma Omlcron chapter house, in Lincoln. He was entertained durMiss Bella Markowitz, 22, died ing his visit at a .luncheon given here Thursday, October 31, after by the Lincoln alumni in his hona long: illness. or, and also by a stag dinner at She is survived by her parents the chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Markowitz o: A few members of the chapter Features Merriman, Nebr., and flye sisters, drove down to Columbia, Mo., to Mrs. Joe Ratner of Sioux City, Shampoo and finger wave 50c Mrs. Leo Taiib and Mrs. D. Feld- attend the Missouri-Nebraska footman of Omaha, Nettie Markowitz ball game. Those .making .the THE NEW of Milwaukee and Mrs. Joe Leven trip were Irving Hill, Karl.Braver- Zotos Permanent Wave .with man, Irving Zveitel, Arnold Levin, no machinery and no electriof MInneapoliB. and Harry Ginsburg. •'•/-.- 1 -,.. The funeral took place at 1 At the bi-monthly cultural hour city used at $6.50 and np. 716 Brandels Theatre Bldg. o'clock Friday' from the Jewish held Wednesday evening at\the, AT. 4333 funeral home. Interment was atchapter house, Professor ' K. -M.. Mount Sinai cemetery. Arndt of. the Economics department, of the University of Nebraska, led a round-table disBooks Continue In cussion, "Major Douglas* 'SoPopularity at J. C. C cial Credit Theory of Economies'." Dave Bernstein, Omaha, and The books, "Call It Sleep," byArnold Levin, Rosalie, were the Henry Roth, and "The Torch of campaign speakers for their poLife," by Dr. B. M. Rosseter, con litical faction in the recent camSCHMIDT'S tinue to be the most popular ren pus class president election. tal books in the joint CenterHarold . Civin, Omaha, was Council rental library at the Jew-chosen junior intramural manager for a Pleasant Surprise, ish Community Center, according for the entire school year. Karl HAVE YOU TRIED to an announcement issued this Braverman, Grand Island, and week. Harry Weinstein, New York, were SCHMIDT'S LATELY? The former book, a first nove selected assistants in the IntramuCALL " for its author, deals very inter ral department. estingly and frankly with the lit' Harold Civin, Maurice TatelAT. 5903 •of a sensitive Jewish child raised man, both of Omaha, and Harry 422 So. 13th St. in the slums of the East Side of Ginsburg, of Dakota City, have New York City two decades ago recently joined Nu-Meds, honorThe symphathetic and e x a c ary pre-medical society. treatment of the child's thought and beliefs, a deep understanding Addresses by Rabbi Conn of the psychology of a sensitive Mi™ag«g««na Rabbi Frederick C o i n adchild to a harsh environment, and the novel manner in which the dressed the Omaha Bar AssociaStop for Your book is written, have contributed tion Thursday noon at the Elks greatly -to making this new book club on behalf of the Community Lunch and Relaxation one of the most popular books to- Chest. day. . No depths or heightB of Friday noon Rabbi Cohn will emotion, no ugliness of the Eas speak before the Continental club AT THE Side environment, and no qualm at the Paxton hotel also on behalf of the Community Chest. of convention, have prevented th author from writing frankly and daringly the naturally-flowin S. A. M. Alumni story of young David Schearl. The Sigma Alpha. Mu alumni The other favorite, the "Torch club held a meeting Thursday eve316 So. 15th of Life," which circulates only fc ning, October 31. Officers were adults, is an informative book on elected for the coming year. sexual harmony, written in a Those chosen are: Max Kramer, frank and sympathetic style. It president; Dr. Harry * Rich, rehas been popular for years. corder, and Jack Epstein, exAll books in the joint renta' chequer. library rent for only three centi Plans, were discussed for a per day. The library is open t Thanksgiving eve party to be held the public every evening and onat the Blackstone hotel. Sunday afternoon, on the secon floor west, of the J. C C. Patronize our advertisers. -
Subject of Kidding
The Observer . . .
Marrin Treller came in for .a . . . The wife of -what j known grocer won a pretty piece lot of good natnred kidding the ' : of cash the other evening at the j other evening at the Hallowe'en For Prompt Delivery and Cocoanut Grove? Roulette wasj dance given by the Temple IsExcellent Cleaning Service I the game. j rael Sisterhood. The door prize Call i . . . Kay Kamen, guardian ofj was being awarded, with Mas- ; 224 Insurance Bldg. ! Mickey MouEe, -will soon put in ter of Ceremonies Treller doing KENWOOD 1500 the fishing for the -winner, i ! an appearance in Omaha, and ne • • Wiring of all kinds. The Peerless Cleaners j may even make a public appear- He fished out a number, called j • Sf otor Installations. | ance, telling the locals all about it, and yelled out the number, i features its "That's mine," said Miss >£ini • lighting Fixtures. Mickey. • Alteration Service nie Wolf, a relative of Mar. . . That smile you've noticed • Cleaning Service Estimates Gladly Furnished vin's, who came forward to pet ; lately on Jane Appleman is the her prize. • Dyeing Service Cries of "conCall • Cleaning and Block- result of the boy friend, Dr. Da- spiracy" were heard, but Mar- i vid Wachsman—of the Chicago AT. 6479 ing of Hats vist established Ms innocence. ' jWachsmans, who has been visiting here for the past week. No Time Wasted . . . . . . Sylvan Bloch and his brideDoctor "Mike" Goldner, who is to-be, Cyril Leon, are known to interneing at the University hostheir friends as "block and pital, doesn't believe in wasting tackle.' • time, and should set a fine es. . . It seems that Jim Coren- I ample for his patients. The inan deserves top rating as a cook. | other day _Mik_e had s tonsilec- In_ Appreciation of \ o u r -}**sk-*is .-wife. . jtomy performed . on him. The 'Past'and Future "" | next day he wap up-and-around, • .-. . Hubert Sommer Is so confident that his ?25,000 sweep- ; feeling • like new, end three flays Patronage stakes ticket will be the winning I later, he was cheering lustily at one, that he has written a-way | a TTebraska XT. football game. for information about the new ROSS PETERSON Lincoln Zephyr car. \"Ab" Absent... HOTEL FONTENELLE . . . Dr. Victor Levine's best ! "Ab" Kaiman, locnT InsurFine Flowers Moderately quip is the one about how the i ance man, actor, promoter, masPriced Alaskans eat six meals a day. But ter - of - ceremonies, sportsman Open Evenings and Holiday* . . . {whew! that's enough) -who -Big Chief Semi. $10.50 let him explain, AT. 8300 AT. 0226 has departed for sunny CaliGUARANTEED . •'. . The young Mr. and Mrs. Logis Lipp are confirmed after- fornia, where he will sell indinner walkers. Regardless of surance, should do well. We the weather, they may be seen have it from a reliable source nightly sauntering down Dodge that "Ab" is 'in' with some of the moguls that make the street, right after meal time. . . . One of the Ed Brodkeys wheels of the movie industry (the appliance man) is an ap-go-round, and he has the right preciative individual. He received personality to do a lot of busia large order from another young ness there. Cleaned and Jewish fellow, so he treated him Blocked Only to the time of his life at all of the! Knows His Hebrew . . . SHOES I Omaha night spots—and even let Captain Frank J. Rose, South Dyed (Any i him dance with his girl the en-Side police head, isn't Jewish, but Shade) Only tire evening. he ' knows more Jewish words FREE—Pick-up and Deliveries tn Downtown District . . . The charity stag held in than seventy-five percent - of HE Phone HA. 4550 Council Bluffs the other night | that are. And this genial capfooled the locals. Tickets went tain isn't the •'least' bk bashful for $2.50 per, and when the boys about using the words. All day SHOE EEFAIK CO, reached their destination, all that long, he uses Jewish phrases, greeted them was a gambling while fellow officers stare a't him in wide-mouthed amssement. And table. he has taught a number of Jewish persons how to speak their Roaister Weather One of the comical sights of native tongue. ™ * ™ ' — * " •• our town these cold days, is to see j Mr. and Mrs. Dick Einstein, driv- If'* c Ctrl... COME TO Elmer Greenberg, Tech high Cascade-Leavemworih ing their eight-year-old roadster, with top down, through the chilly line coach, is mighty proud of streets.-. They're usually bundled the boys that play for him on fop up with heavy coats, mufflers, the Maroon front wall. Bet it AT. 8511 AT. ©251 THE B E S T HOT CORNED and blankets^—but "it's a lot of remains for » one-year-old girl to oust them froai his thoughts Every Laundry Service fun," say they. BEEF SANDWICHES at present. The one-year-old IN THE CITY WET WASH TO FIMSKEO little miss is Joan, Elmer's A Coroplemf WORK daughter, who recently re• Dr. M. I. Gordon hasftcom* Let ue keep your wearing apparel ceived s o honorable mention in DELICATESSEN Ss LUNCH plaint against newspapers — Immaculate a beauty contest for babies. 2417 Farnam JA. 4S74 sports pages In - particular. We take time to do it right by Yes, Elmer's far prouder than Open Daily and Sundays "Last year whenrayboy, Dick, Till Mldnlte being B'OW and careful when he was chosen All-Big •wasn't very good and was only Six guard when he attended a freshman, he got &11 kinds of Xebraska. XT. publicity. Tnis year he's playIng a much better game, bet THs One's Ferer . . . gets Tiary a mention." Leon "Chief" Ferer has a hard ^ a ™ ™ 3 Nat to Be Used time staying out of print. Not Let Gould Attend Your Fourteen-year-old Jimmy Lip- •that he tries too hard . . . But sey is one of the proudest boys ingetting back to the story. 207 So. 15thDrug Needs It seems that the "Chief" was Omaha today. For solving one putting in one of his personal apXOT THE CHEAPEST • Visit us in our new loca- j of Link Lyman'B football probBTT THE FIXEST tion where you will find a jlems correctly, Jimmy was award- pearances at a carnival—the kind a carnival where they raffle - complete stock of Drug and ied a new football, with the signa- or everything but the fixtures. Gold Ses! New York Wines jture of all the Nebraska U. Sundry items. Well, he took chances freely, coaches and players. Needless to 10 YEARS OLD $1.20 say, he treasures it very highly, and was very surprised when he held the winning number on e. This Line of Wines Fe&tarecl especially since there is one Imagine his 50th & Dodge Sts. WA. 0602 signature there that will appear bowl of goldfish. i By Gladstone's for Over FARKIXG SPACE no more—that of "Doc" McLean, embarrassment as he carried the 40 Years. famous Husker trainer, who died 'bowl of fish awkwardly around Prompt Delivery recently. Continued on Page S).
MORTCACE LOANS First Mortgage Loans under Federal Housing Ad; Repaid Over e Period of Fiv* to Twenty Years Also Straight Loans Rt 4:afe« •*•• or Z% Per Cent
2C4 Keeline Blfij,.
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Eeeh AijaHlnna! Mile Onlr e* No Cfcmr/re for Estm .Tmeengtim iioeetljr Ow«flI««i!hr Owrsi T R O K A S vr, C A M ; * . r?wii4wis
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Gould Drug Co.
SANITARY 'FOWEI-ft" I FMfTM *5 lullsEdl! 5 rnsm u i i l iv i CALl. t*S FOR
CLEAN I ..INENS 17th and. Tint on AT. z m
OMAHA LAiMQRY CO. Ijft UP k"er your pammnts »nft p!ve lonirer life.
tresh ana crisp,
Call WE J.S84
« Washable Shades They iNever Crack ov Break • Shadow-Proof Shades For Bedrooms a n <1 B***t?~ rooms We also clean and reverse your o!S shades
• Shades as XJOW a* 29c o*s
Yoor Own Rollers WA1AVT 5500 420£.4-« Hamilton
* 1 -~ " J
j Guggenheim of Lincoln on fre* writer on T h e Jewish Forward on his'way to. Columbia, , jquent trips to our metropolis . , » and The Day and contributor to -'Since every eoHimn fhust make1* the most important Jewish peri, This is another "embarrassing; s o m e TOeT.!tion abort? a couple < odicals of this country. Because there is no demand for the work I moment." i blessed-eventing, this wouldn't he^ of a writer ot plays in the origAt the .Highland Country club :c o m p j e t e without making some? inal Yiddish language, those au- ..§§ ; % BY F. R. K. " ^ • § |stag Tuesday, evening, the outside :m e n t i o n that the Ben Steins are'' MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent '; (Continued from Page 7 ) . thors who have been engaged in louiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniinniiiiil speaker happened to venture to ;a n e & e d to be infantieipating. this field n o w find It necessary : for the memajnder of the evening. the topic of Scoial Justice. Sabbath Services will be held "These . . . (mentioning a civic j and WHITE and UAZAR Kazlowsky, President ot Omaha to write with an eye to the pos-tonight at eight o'clock at the i But cheer up, "Chief.".- SOTESTIMONIAL DINNER • KAPLAN, Atty*. sibilities of adaptation in English. club) that go down and spend \ CIETY NOTE: Miss Marian . Lodge, To Be Guest SO* City Nat'! ~ " " One of Alkon's plays was produc- . C 1 O - . . „ s y n a g o g u e i Katz of St." Louis wilf stop off. |fift>" c e n t s a n i e a l t h i n k , t h e y . . . , . Elaborate plans have been beSpeaker ed in-New York w i t h Menashe at 6 U Mynster Street. Rabbi h e r e foT w l d n e x t w e e k , doing something big." he said,: N O T ) C E o f r P R O B A T E OF WILL gun for testimonial, dinner for gen- I n t h e c o „ n t , . court-of a Mr. and Mrs. John Lansberg, by ' Beginning a three-day program, Schulnjck, noted comedian, in the Jacob Cohn has chosen as his sub- o n her return from California. ! referring to all clubmen in — j e'ral. . ! "County. Nebraska. _ •" • • "Democracizing the Kingdom members of Shaare Zion : syna- the A.-.Z. A. chapter of Sioux City leading role. The others w e r e ject On hi<? Ipft was spated the ' ! n t l l e Matte'" of 'he Estate of Paul of Heaven." Services a r e open sold to Maurice Schwartz, a n d rr. v, 1 ; , seatea m e deceased. •. Phll|pp< gogue, on the occasion of the will hold an A. Z. A. Sabbath Highland president, Lou Hiller, AH persons interested i*i said es' Dr. H. M. Levin of Sioux City Lansberg's twenty-fifth wedding- service at Shaare Zion synagogue the • others w e r e purchased by to the general public and everyHis first name is Beryl, but who is the past president of. the t a t e ere hereby notified .^that .a petwas elected president of the anniversary.'- The dinner, will' be this evening at 8 o'clock. In ad-equally well-known personalities one is urged to nttend. ; ition has been filed in paid Court, few people know it. Referring to . . . . of the Yiddish stage. D referred t o . ! praying for the probate of a certain Southwest Region of the B'nal given Monday evening, November dition to the service tonight, the Beryl Hirschfeld, a medical stu- C1UMuffled ; laughs were heard in instrument now on file in said Court," The Sisterhood of the Talmud B'rjth District 6, a t . the first IS, in the social hall of the syna- program for this week-end will Alkon's latest offering, "Rooms ~v.i,. « c « c , who „ „ „ O ^seven , O 1 1 JCCL.O .6W 1 . ,, . . „.,, ,. ! purporting to be the last will and tesdent -here, yearsOago e aucUence b u t H l U e r t to o k uu Torah Society will hold a Beneregional conference held in Oma- gogue. came to Nebraska U. as a skinny! O0& ' ! tament of said a b a s e d , and that a J include a dance on Saturday eve- to Let," a comedy drama of Jew, , n r fr^hrr. ."What ' w k . t ^course , , , ^ » I% naturedly as no petiti ha last Sunday. an The Board of Directors, of ning, and an open meeting • Sun- |ish life in New York, has been fit Bridge Party next Wednesday ™ _ _._ harm was fj hearing „ wjHbp had .on said petition young freshman. mpant anA t h p sripator wao tipvpi- before said Court on the 16th day of Dr. Levin is a £ active member Shaare Zion expressed the opinion day afternoon. *«. o ^ was « « . o!' ' speaker was ne%er ,N o v e m b e T , l a 3 5 a n d t h a t if they fail sold to Vera Gordon, screen star, afternoon, November 13, at 2:30 are you going to take?" he t o W t h e l r U e o'clock at the home of Mrs. Dave hv memhprs of the frat 'Signilicance Of his : to appear at said Court on the said of | the local B'nai B'rith lodge, at a recent meeting that the servby members or tne Irat- ; r e m a r k ; i 6t h day of November. 1935 Rt 9 The: highlight of the program who expects to.produce it in the and was at one time president of ices rendered by Mr. Lansberg will be the meeting Sunday after- eastern metropolis and take the Fox, 106 North Eighth Street. ternity he pledged. | ' o'clock A. M.. to contest the prtfbato Prizes will be awarded at each o f s a dw the; lodge. He is president of the during his eight years as presi"Mpdifinp " hp nrnsxcprpd » re • ' ' " - 4 h e Court may allow and leading role as well, this season. noon, .November .10, at 2:30 table a n d refreshments will be Zionist organization here, and a dent of the synagogue, deserveda Medicine, he answered. | Affair probate said will and prant admjnisNegotiations, are now being commember of the Jewish National tribute of appreciation, and they o"-clock,: when • Ben ~ Kazlowsky, pleted in N e w York. "Crossed served;- Reservations m a y be And " O . ever K., since DOC,"that w a sday t h ehe reply, j «**«*»* 0 . . . i tmtion of said « s t a t e to Malkaret was president of the B'nal B'rith Fund. council. chose this occasion to express to lodge at Omaha, Nebr., will Wires," a comedy play also pen- made by calling Mrs. Fox, phone '• called by no other name than ' T h e Major Bozo hour, which | Philip?) or some other suitable per1 Other officers elected at theMr. Lansberg their sentiments.. speak. The open house meeting ned by Alkon, a Hollywood resi- 3642. Everyone is cordially in- "Doc." In fact, mentioning his Sisterhood quite £ * » ^ s p o will n s o r ebe d b y t h an e T e affair' n f p l e ^' V l ' Z I "Bltl'CE^ CRAWFORD ' ^ ^ 1 vited to attend. County conference were Nathan E. Gllinwith a fine array of amateur tal> io-2?-3o--it first name here, will be refreshwill be held at the Jewish Com- dent, was this week bought by sky; of Council Bluffs, vice-presient. and it is rum-ored that an up- : Jim Timony, manager of Mae munity Center and the public is The Council Bluffs Lodge No. ing to him. JOSEPH L. COHEN. Attorney dent; Julius Bisnb of Omaha, secand-coniing' young attorney will j West and the Hollytown Theatre invited'to attend. There will be 538 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. 6S8 of the Independent Order of retary, and Jack Cohen of Linserve as Major Bozo . . . The anj in the movie capital. Mr. Timony no admission charge. Mr. Kazlowthe B'nai B'rith will hold a regucoln, treasurer. anual Junior Hadassah dance to NOTICE OF INCORPORATION all the Jewish sky is an outstanding leader in says he will retain 1 At the Zimman's new palatial be held Thanksgiving, with Bob-' Notice is hereby given that the'unlar meeting next Monday evening, Among the Sioux CItyans who characters an *. Jewish angles in h o m tne o n e t n a t s o n a r d t 0 B'nai B'rith work, as well as a 'f . _ T, , . .. . . tiersfiotpd have formed a corporation attended the conference in Omaha thb play when he- produces i'. soon November, 11, at 8:30 o'clock at j , f <; Mr. Paul Goldblatt, executive , findl there is cause for rejoicing I y B o w m a n swinging the baton, ,,mier the l a w of the State of Newere Frank Margolin, president director of the Jewish Community leading.member of the community in Hollywood. If it is a success- . _ , _T „ . . . I l n o Eagles Hall. All members are | -J inere is cause ior rejoitmg.. p r o m i s e s t o b e a _ bra.-ka. The name of the corporation urged to attend. J a a f f a l r of t h e 'Sioux City lodge; Frank Center in Omaha, Nebr., will visit In Omaha. ful' play it Is likely to be produc- the has from pis his ill-„ . _ s u c c e s g f u I y a a d c a r d p a r t y -hall man recovered irom litiiu'ipal of Imsiness a t Omaha, AndHas the reason—Harry Zim-| he plai'e l*cene Lahorator^ v w»h Epstein, secretary - of the local in Sioux City next Wednesday and .The program Sunday afternoon ed on the screen. ness held at J. C. C. Tuesday had as ' Nehraaka. The peneru) nature of the will also include a musical skit by The Cultural Group of t*he sufficiently to allow him. to : chapter; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. address a meeting of the Board an nrifipd fontnro' the nnnnnnrp business to be transacted shall be to b e U a n d the Friedman twins, Pauline and P around again, which an aoaea leature—the announce- : m a n u f a c t l l l . e a n d y e l ! chemical, aitedtSlotsky, Mr. and Mrs. C. Raskin, MORE ABOUT PLAYWRIGHTS Senior Hadassah has organized a ment of the engagement of Sara oinal or pharmaceutical preparations; Study course of "Jewish Customs! makes glad his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Max Friedman, Mr. of Directors of the local Jewish Esther, and a skit by the pledge A n d speaking of playwrights, "r"J "ic""°jMalashock and Sam Finkle, which t o »uy. sell, lease, own, acquires'disCommunity Center and Federa- group of the chapter. The meetOf Milton Bolstein, Mr. and Mrs. and Ceremonials," which will C a D l e a s a course, that would be I M. G. M. this week, in the most ~ v * _,' T , . , 4 * 1 ^ Tilon^lio i S u r p r i s. e . . . T_ n. e t.S-e. t n - ! ;s pose o n a l and: p por tncumhcr y d e n t real 1 0 andv.j>ert h e p u r Abe Fill, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fish, tion. Mr. Goldblatt has been as- will be concluded with community spectacular "raid" Hollywood has meet next Monday evening, No- enough to make sxster Blanche | £„„«_ . _ _ _ The Beth-! sonal property incident, lo the-purp e ami uses o f _ this business; to 1 S v D O g o g u e B a k e S a l e t o b e ; OS S sociated'with the Omaha Center singing and refreshments." Everysmile, but in addition she is driv, , . , . . „ „ _ , . , . , , • do all thinpTP necessary or proper to Mr!'Max Lasensky, Mr. Ivan made on the N e w York stage, vember 11, at eight o'clock at the ing a brand new car—so new held NOV. 10 a t BrandeiS Should j ff t the purposes for which this for the past year, and ranks high one interested in A. Z. A. work is Laeensky, Mr. Abe Jacobson, and e ec Chevra B'nal Yisroel synagogue be well patronized. It's for a corporation is. organized. The authorsigned four Broadway playwrights urged to attend the meeting. Mrj John Abrahams of Maple- in his field in the mid-west. ized capital stock fhal! be ) at 618 Mynster Street. Rabbi that the mileage just turned to worthy1 cause. to long-term contracts. O n e of A meeting of the Carnival Comand all r>£ said sfofk ;.hnll be coni Jack Merlin will act as cantor three figures. ton, la. Jacob Cohn will conduct the class, par value $100 per share., and mittee of the Inter Club council at the service in Shaare Zion this them is Richard Maibaum, author which Is open to the general pubpaid up and noh-assessable. "it • was held, Tuesday evening, when evening. The ritual will be read pf "Sweet Mystery of Life," now lic. Everyone interested is cor-F l i p p i n g a C o m . . . commence -business upon fii reports on • the progress of the byj.members of the chapter, and being produced in New York: dially invited to attend. A former Omahan whose mail' articles with the _ County A young scribe faced a dilemma workers were made, and further antor A. Pliskin and the syna- Samuel Marx, head of M. G. M.'s is now addressed to Hastings, has ] rontfmte fol this week. details for the Carnival discussed. gogue choir will sing.-. Short- ad- story department told us he in- " Mrs. Ben Herzoff of Council •,-r -L. j u j j iv. T-_- „ : . „ i been seeing quite a bit Of a new- : highest amount of indebtedness: : Dr. Theodore Lewis will deliver terviewed more than 70 play! The first session of the -piano had attended the years t/niversity , .,„... not exceed two-thirds of i n Nebraska for two and I his'second sermon on his recent class at the Center was held Wed- dresses will be made by Rudy wrights before he signed Mai- Bluffs and Mrs. William Herzoff of He comer to Omaha, an attractive .,.. Schindler, Sam Sadoff and Joseph stork, hut tnis r c s t r l c tion v i the University of Missouri for two of Omaha returned Monday foltrip to Mexico, speaking this eve- nesday afternoon, with Miss Ber" " " ' ' *- •'"•"'°»'"» ••"» ' " " J S girl omp n p w rhas ite in to m inform baum and; t h e others for screen mn Who Pr connections t o r m• . . include indebtedness secured by mortGoldstein. .-•• He .. .^»o. H e was w a s chagrined chagrined to to learn learn f f ° ° , , J J ,, .. ,, ,m a n a ^ or d by a Board of Directors lowing a* week's visit with rela- years. gages liens. The affairs shall *f be ning on "Jewish Life In Mexico." tha Snovsky in charge. The class Saturday evening, the A. Z. assignments. managed by three a Board of Directors «f t h a t t h p t w o srhools were holding tt bb aa tt PP aa uu ll TT ee P less than members. The anP!!ll tt ss kk JJ rr 11 SS vv ee rr > >'' ffond not tives in Sioux City. ; The Sunday school honor roll, will meet once a week.' t h a t t h e t w o schools were n o i a i n g ! So w h a t ' . . . i " " « ' meeting shall he on the first m v t h e i r homecoming celebration o n , • • * Monday of January of each year, at announced. for the month of Oc- The Junior Dramatic club, -un- will hold their annual dance In STUDIO NEWS h a t s o m e o n e t e l l ? ch meeting meting the the stock-holders stockholders shall shall «s which Miss Eleanor Passer, young thP same d a v S a t u r d a y Nov 9 IA n d a I S 0 tBertha tober, Includes the following chil- der the direction of Idell Shapiro, the ballroom of the Bellevue Leila Hyams has been awarded glutsky tthat elect *B Board Directors, and there3 n f o r m Apartments. A floor show and a t h e same d a y S a t u r d a y , INOV. » ^ B e r t h a glutsk h t an U lct * rBoard d of f D i t elect th 3 n f o r m daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pas- He wanted to dren: Carol Mae Cohen, Helen has cast parts for a Chanukah to be be present «t. «t. shall shall elect a ad PresiPresiU ]]) )o no nlhf lhf,, Board the feminine' lead in a new RKOv i c e - r o d e n t , .secretary and Levin, Marilyn Miller, Bernard play and -rehearsals , will ;• begin rilne-p.iece orchestra will entertain Radio- film now. entering produc- ser, underwent an appendicitis both—but naturally this was i m . ; automobde must have gas and an f llp n t > v during the evening. Tickets are «n«IIil. m wn *:•*» h,,t !e n ^ i D e ^ e s - ^ e ' ^ in the dark ; ' Treasurer Any ^ ofand operation at the Mercy Hospital a t«?irt Bald Silverberg, Morton Greenstone, next week. , so what did he do but! tion. Outstanding among film may be held byt one theofgog • '• : •on sale at the Jewish Community i too on that one . . . The Al person. These articles may tie amendBarbara Robinson, Carol Rosen! The Business Girls' club held enter, and can be obtained from favorites, Miss Hyams h a s been Monday, and getting along satis- flip a coin. ] lers are again in our fold. Al- ed at any regular or sp.cial meeting 'thai, Sandy Baron, Stanton Cohen, is first dinner . meeting *of the —And as you read this, he featured and starred in countless j factorily. •most thought that we had lost ! « ^ J ^ stockholders.^ ^ t w o - t h i r d . Barbara Davis, Doris Grueskin, eason at the Center. The club any local A. Z. A. member. screen offerings . . . The Museum them . . . M r s . J. RichJin "stole | IN W I T N E S S WHEKF.OF. the parJack Krueger, Gloria Novitsky, was'' re-organlzed ' and - plans for Mrs. Dave Braverman a n d of Modern Art Film Library in the show" at the open forum of. t i e s h a ;, p - ' ^ t " " * 0 E^b/S.c';il?fd **%* Samuel Heeger, Robert Fill, Har- he year outlined. small son, Richard, of Iowa City, *v. T>-«-: c- . , x ReT, names this 14th day oi October. 1935. New York announces the acquisithe E'nai -D'--iu B'rith Southwest "Walter Uace old" Slotsky, Harold Grueskin, tion f o r permanent, preservation are spending a couple of weeks The Young Judeans, met Wedgional conclave. She had her say; Milton Mazle, Lois Novitsky, Sey- nesday evening, with' Miss Ro2ena here visiting Mrs. Braverman's M. Beard Services-at Sha,are Zion syna- of an important group"of motion in 'Yiddish' and when she con- tn the presence of mour Robinson and Ruth Weiner. Sacks acting as advisor. The. club ogue this evening will be. con-picture films from Warner Bros., brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and eluded, the r.pplause was thunder-. JOSEi'H L, COHEN •" New members who have joined B sponsored by the Junior Hadas- ducted by members of the A. Z.Pictures, which represents out- Mrs. Morris Goodman. Mrs. Brav10-1S-35-4I ous . . . Something more than j v the: Temple this month include ah chapter; standing examples of both silent! erman spent last Sunday in Lin••"». ' A. chapter. . .: 'just for the ride' brings Marian Mr. Ben Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. FRAOENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, George Harlow will act as can-and sound films and includes an Icoln, Nebraska, where she attendKLUTZNICK & KELLEV. and Tom Lasensky, Mr. and Mrs. Sol ALFRED A. FIEDLER, Atty». or a t the Junior, congregation historically important series of ed the Bernstein-Lotman wedIRViN C. LEVIN, Attorney Novitsky, Mr. and Mra. Meyer ding. . . 650 Omaha Wat'! Bank Bldg. experiments in sound film f r o m j Obstacles Placed in Path of Jewservices tomorrow morning and Levitt, Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen301 Electric Building Morris. Ginsberg will read the law. 1925 to '28. Edward M. M.WarNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ish Athletes Despite stock, Mr. R. L.. Strauss, Mr. and The Emesel Club entertained In the C o u n t y Court of Refreshments will be served to burg is treasurer of the F i l m Assurances... NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Mrs. Fred Sherman and Mr. and County. Nebraska: the children by Mr. and Mrs. J.Library . . . Sally Eilers has just its members a t a Banquet l a s t . In the County Court of Douglas Coun- ! n t h e Matter of the K?(ate of HanMrs. Roy T. Swarzman. evening a t the Hotel started work in Eddie Cantor's Friday More than 250 people attended Harlow. . ,, , , . „ . • . . 1 B e r l i n ( W N S ) A , n a t i o n - w i d e I 1 ty. Nebraska. ; "»h Venn Deceayert. new picture . . . Sylvia S'dney and Chieftain, When a l l m e m b e r s t o o k s u r v e . . „ _ . , . , , b v t h e r e c e n t ! " t h e Matter nf the E s t a t e of1 AH persons interested in said " t a U he card party, given Tuesday evey P r o m p t e d by. t ft e_ N has _recent NEEUUBBAAUURRRR.. deceased: deceased: are e hereby eby notified notife that a a petition p FF RR AA NN KK cc her brand new husband, Bennett t h e formal o a t h o£ i n i t i a t i o n . ning by the Senior Hadassah cbapS t a t e m e n t o£ o£ Dr. Dr Theodor T h e o d o r Lewald, L e w a l d To To ell ell persons p i t t d i said id es- bb**P Pn f l ! e < * i n SRl*i Cmirt,alleging l i ht Statement interested in that Cerf, wealthy new York b o o k Table decorations • er in the J. C^C. • d Rn<1 for administration upon a n d ly carried out in a You sre hereby notified that on the the Pra}ins for administration upon publisher, plan to make their perd I chalrnito o f the German' Olympic | *£ ™\<Z™™X*W™ .. ^* t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ ™ t Attractice,. prizes were . given d that h t a hearing; h i ill be b t day d fN Committee, t h a t J e w s a r e Being . 1st nf November. 1935 Nora Xeu- h e r estate, and will manent home in New York . . . black color scheme. E a c h girl allowed.'to and, K" refreshments were . served: t r a i n for t h e German; I bauer" filed her petition in ~the above'had on said petition before said court I Eddie Cantor is one of 11 nation- wore a-corsage with the Ameri. . . . ,, . ; matter setting: forth fimons- other o n *he Ihth day of November, \93b, roceeds will go toward the work ally-prominent Jews selected to can Beauty flower, which is theOlympic-team a n d t h a t ail Charges ; things, that Frank r . Neubauer R t > n r t t h « t if thej- fail to appear at said of Hadassah in Palestine. By LOUIS PEKAESKY serve on t h e Will Rogerts PerTHE STORY OF HAYM Drawing up an Anti-Nazi resomanent Memorial Commission by Mr.' and Mrs. - J. Kaplan an- SOLOMON lution at their meeting this week, nounce the engagement of'• their Vice-President John N. Garner Roman Freulich, Universal Pic- Cecil B. DeMille Is co vinced*that the! Sioux City Ministerial AssoMaccabee League «nd the sports j half interest in and to the following ment thereof. ciation requested the American daughter, Miss Sara Kaplan of tures scenario writer, tells us that the girl who can play EKTCE CRAWFORD _-«».•«.. «# •>.« T?»»i«>n nf TOTIrich - <3esoribed real e s t a t e , t o - w i t : i ' Olympic committee and the Ama- hicago, to Sam Terry, son' ot Mr.' the . patriotism . and wonderful his forthcoming p r o d u c t i o n , Rabbi Jacob Cohn has announcCounty Judge. and Mrs. M. Terry of Chicago. deeds of Haym Solomon, the Jew section Soldiers, of the Lnion Jewish, I o t 1(. J n R o c k f o r d a n a ( W i t i o n | are of prevented teur Athletic union to refuse to Samson and Delilah," is not ined that registrations are still Front to the City of Omaha. Douplas j 10-2u-3«-3t participate in the Olympic games The date for the wedding has notwho -is credited with having fi- Hollywood a n d a widespread open for both the Talmud Torah from participating in athletic ac- County, Nebraska, as surveyed, ] ———— -. • • nanced-the revolutionary war, has unless they-were conducted under been set. platted and recorded. ' search is on to find the girl for daily classes and also for the Tal-tivity. never been fully recognized. As That she is the widow and sole and another flag. this role . . . George E. Stone has mul Torah Sunday School. AlThe investigation showed that | only heir at law of the deceased, that Miss Bluma Merlin returned an indication of this, he points to « r « T • . t. • i-i.1 it 11. r \t n « prayer of said petition is for a t Stating that Germany would been'cast for an important role in though an increase Is shown in the 250 Jewish athletic Clubs af- < . c r / e determining: the time of the use America's participation in the home Tuesday after a ten-day Va- the fact, that in.gathering mater- Director .Mervyn LeRoy's new pic-each class, all parents are urged filiated with these two organiza- ddeath KecognJzcd as 1 8 of_ his hdecedent, e f x i n g thet h ename rep their' members . barred "f ^ ?? the !^v heirs, l . 1the , rieht ,df5 or f said Olympics to make -the people of cation in the Copelman home in ial for a film play about Solomon, t u r e, "Anthony Adverse" . . . to send their children next Sun- tions . find PRACTICAL, MOHEli . ot kinship of of' Omaha. • he found it necessary to secure from virtually every swimming descent of said real estate barring the '•Germany believe that the rest of Phone 1058 most of, .it from unpublished Jack A. Cooper, who handles the jday morning, November 10, at ten pool and beach in the country be- | claims or creditors of said deceased the: world approves Nazi policy. publicity for DeMille's newest . . . I ajid for such other and further relief o'clock promptly at t h e Chevra Council Bluffs, I». sources. Freulich is still at work Sam Edelman has returned The association, in their resoand on this script, tentatively titled, spectacle, has left Paramount and 13'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Cause hundreds Ot towns and | as may be just and equitable, petitioner, ; lution, . requested the committee home after a trip through Wyo- 'Man of Victory," and the major- joined the publicity "staff at 20th Mynster Street for Sunday School cities now have ordinances for- I Nora Nenbauer, widow of the said de-j ming and; other wester states. to;jrefuse to participate in the bidding Jews to use the pools and ceased, is the sole heir of the said ! ity; of the characters-are histori- Century-Fox. Before he took stu- registrations. ~ and that s a i d estate de- j Olympics in Germany. beaches which a r e municipally- deceased dio publicity Jack was a writer scends to her solely and alone. j cal. ;• •' • -. • . •.'•'. Helen Marsh, Jack Krueger, owned. The same thing goes for That said matter is set for hearing j on the Los Angeles Edition "of the The Sisterhood of the Talmud and Rosalie Kaplan appeared in Freulich" is a pioneer Zionist before the County Court of TXiufrlas ] Torah and the Council Bluffs tennis courts which a r e public County, Nebraska, on the 14th darj a music, recital Monday evening and served for close to three years Jewish Forward . . . property. 'Jews are also barred of December, 1935, at 9 A. M. of said i Senior Hadassah sponsored a In the Sioux City Music'school. in the Jewish Legion of the.Britday. from the, use of athletic fields. The second annual card party (Copyright. 1935. by Seven Arts Rummage Sale at 537 W e s t Dated, November I. 1S3.". ish Army during the-World War. .Feature. Syndicate) These restrictions have forced sponsored by the Junior Hadassah BRTCE CRAWFORD. Broadway on Monday and TuesMr. and Mrs. 'Abe ' Berkowitz He was a New > York photographCounty .Tudg-e. Jewish athletes to resort to the will be held next Wednesday eve- announce the birth of a daughter, er before entering motion picture day. Mrs. Ben Kubby and Mrs. use of open fields and farm lands ning, November 13, in the ball- on November 1, at the St. Joseph work.. At present Roman is unAbe Gllinsky were in charge. which are obviously unsuited to room of-the Warrior hotel. Pro- h o s p i t a l . . ' • '•.-.-• • : der contract to make a series of . ceeds will go toward the PalesThe Council Bluffs Senior Ha- first rate training. 24 film- shorts at "Universal demost significant feature of tinian fund of Junior Hadassah, dassah will hold its monthly meet- theThe picting Negro life. in. its true assurvey is the disclosure that anil which contributes toward the ing on Wednesday afternoon, Nopects!. • He' has made the first of all Jewish athletic clubs are unchildren's colonies in Palestine Plans have been completed for these with Clarence Muse, Negro vember 20, at 2:30 o'clock at the der the direct supervision of the where many German refugee chil- the meeting on, November 19, of singer: and composer of radio and Hotel Chieftain. Rabbi David Reich sports commissar, Hans dren are being sent. the Ladies' auxiliary of - Shaare screen' fame, w.h o is extremely Berlin (JTA) — The n e w l'y WIce of Omaha will be the prinThe party will begin at 8:30Zion synagogue. The meeting friendly with the Jews. For this formed Reich Institute for1 t h ecipal speaker and honored guest. von Tschammer and Osten, who o'clock, and attractive prizes wil will follow; a* dessert. luncheon, picture, Clarence composed a new History of the New Germany, Mrs. Herman Marowita is In is empowered to permit such clubs to' exist only when the pobe!! awarded. It will be open to and Mrs. Sam Mosow, presidentsong, "entitled, "I Heard of a City which w a s opened formally on charge of the program. lice have not banned them as inthe public. .. of cthe auxiliary will preside. Called : • Heaven,": 'which he de- Saturday, was this week preparcluding • "enemies ot the state." The Misses Eva Orllkoff, Mary Mrs. Sam Davidson will be inscribes as. the "Eli, Eli" of theing to carry into effect the dic- Plans are being made for theIt is also a fact that these clubs Jtozofsky and Bess Lipshutz are charge of-the program which will colored people. The Negro enter- tum of its president. Dr. Walter Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of must be affiliated with the offiIn; charge of the arrangements. include a skit entitled, "Shaare tainer had a birthday party the Frank, that "scientific anti-Sem- the A. Z. A. to hold an o p e n cially recognised workers' soZion's Children's Family Album." other day and about 75 per cent itism" be made a compulsory sub- meeting next Friday evening, No- cieties and there are not many The register of Note! Twenty children will take part in of his guests were Jewish friends. ject in all German schools. vember 15, at eight o'clock at the such societies that welcome Jews. President reads lite a the skit. He has a Jewish manager, Zeppo Systematic teaching of anti- synagogue. Unlike the wide publicity given rofiajiloftheNatwf* ' The first regular meeting o During the course of* the meet- Marx, one of the Marx Bros., and Semitism Is already a feature of to the endless economic, political^ areat. Those wtetan asnmanci the Mount Sinai Temple .Brother ing, seven new members will be a Jewish publicity manager, Davthe curricula of m a n y schools and social restrictions, these untne very best anj/viter^ inva?ia% hood will follow a six o'clock din welcomed into the auxiliary: They id Arlojn. , throughout Germany. Last week deniable handicaps on Jewish athner, Monday evening, November are'Mrs. Myer Shubb, 'Mrs. L select this worW famous hoste^y the commissariat of education in letes a r e carefully camouflaged 111 In the West hotel. Mr. Jesse Kaplan, Mrs. S. Gelfand, Mrs. LIKES DESERT LIFE >bu toQ can enjoy this comfort Saxony issued an order that all or dented altogether. Marshall will Bpeak on "The New.Emll. Levich, Mrs. Bill Kutcher and iuxufy attawcost, food that Jack Benny has gone in for the schools in that state must make Deal in the Constitution." An Mrs. M. Raskin and Mrs. I. Rivin. is nationally femous served fr\ wide-open and silent spaces. The study of the Nuremberg "ghetto Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenopen discussion will follow the WITH BATH the Gffee "bhof) a the Wainut M..G. M. film comedian and radio laws" compulsory. cy)—Palestine is now stirred by address. Room. Garage riqht opposite funster now goes to the California Prof. Frank at the opening ex- threats of a general Arab strike The evening will be concluded SISTERHOOD BOOK REVIEW hate! entrance. desert to Write his weekly broadin many cities an a result of the ercises of the institute announced with &> social hour and smoker. The'first in the series of'book Dr| Leon GallnBky, president o reviews, sponsored. by the .Sister- casts.' Benny is also going in forthat the University of Berlin, discovery by police that a total which passes on all history text- of five hundred barrels of arms thb Brotherhood will preside a hood of Mount Sinai Temple, is candid camera shots. books, would prepare' new ones in and ammunition were unloaded tht) meeting. Mr. Victor Mazie is scheduled for Friday afternoon SHILKRET SIGNED at Jaffa. I Berlin (JTA)—T h e "Aryaninicharge ot the meeting arrange November 15, in the home of Mrs. Nat Shilkret, nationally known accordance with the Nazi spirit. inents. There has been violent Incite-, j s m - of a 100 per cent "Aryan" In describing the aims of the Theodore N. Lewis. " " orchestra leader and composer Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review, this week was signed as musical institute,*. Prof. Frank declared ment in the Arab press, with t h e i s m n o t be affected by blood "Lust for Life," by Stone and thedirector of RKOrRadlb Pictures. that one of its functions is to Arab Youth Federation and the j transfusions from Jewish donors. BALTIMORE AT JUST OUTOf THE play, "The Old Maid." . He -will compose the scores for "bring scientific clarity to bear Nashashtbi faction issuing proc- it was announced by Prof. LoesI4TH STREET The Jewish National Fund ser of the Naii party's race deon a racial basis in the solution NOISE ZONE lamations. The party ».: HaJ Amseveral, pictures now nearing the council -will bold its first meeting of such tremendous problems as In el Hussein!, Grand Mufti ot partment. screen adaptation stage. SHAARE ZION REVIEWS under,the leadership of its newly the Jewish question constitute!*." Jerusalem* announced that it was Transfusion from a Jew does Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz wil NO FIELD FOR YIDDISH elected officers next Tuesdaj The institute will compile & his- preparing >n appeal to the Pales- n o t destroy racial purity, Prof. evening, in the Jewish Community begin his series'ot'book reviews PLAYWRIGHTS tory of the Jews of Germany since tine Government and manifestoes Loesser declared. on December 9, when he will reGeiiter. That there is no field for tal-the days of the Franks, it wasto the entire Islamic world for Riga, Latvia — T h e Hebrew illr. Barney Baron, president o view,-"North to the Orient," by ented , writers in\ the Jewish field announced. aid in the situation. the council, will preside. Plans Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh. —that Is, writers ot plays intendWith agitation on the A r a b Teachers Union, Hanaoreh, a n d The series of book reviews, ed f o r presentation before Yid : for! the coming months will be Those advertisers who use theside, running high, the climax is the League f o r Labor Palestine mgde and reports of recent col open to the public, will-be held dish-speaking audiences—is t h e columns of the Jewish Frpss de- expected to be reached in a series were dissolved by order of the authorities. throughout the winter months. belief of Joahua Alkon, former serve and merit your patronage. ot Arab strikes. lecitona made.
Sioux City News
Elect Dr. Levin Head of Region of B'nai B'rith
"0. K., Doc" . . .
Goldblatt To Give Address ?
things Looking U p . . .
Mount Sinai
Shaare Zion
Society News
Ministers Here Protest Olympic Games in Reich
.:- JOTTINGS ::•-
Junior Hadassah
Shaare Zion Auxiliary
New "Scientific Anti-Semitism" To Be Taught
4 5 0 ROOMS
Jewish Blood Does Have Use In Reich
Ij J. N. F.Council