Dedicated to the Idealsof ' Judaism
Enter«fl <u> Second Claea Mail Uatter uu January rl, 1821. at PoBtalllc of Omaha. Nebraska, under iht Act of March t. 1X14
VOL. XT—NO, 40
NOVEMBER 15, 1935
To Celebrate Anniversary i Chanukah
Sef er Torah To Be Presented on
bi ti. berarer
A Sefer Torah is being preo "No Jew can be an anti-Zionist before the spirit of anti-Semitism sented to the B'nai Israel synaAuthor Predicts Fall of Hitler, I opined Dr. Emil' Ludwig, 2,100th anniversary of the Chan- Harry Silverraan Elected Pres- gogue, 2 5 th and J streets, by internationally-famed biographer accentuated by the fact that there ukah festival, which commemorIn Community Forum ident of Synagogue Mrs. H. Franklin, Morris End and historian, in an interview always has been a stronger cur- ates the victory of Judas MaccaAddress Congregation • •while in Omaha for the ComKalah Franklin nest Sunday, No- | rent of anti-Semitism in Germany beus, over t h e Syrian emperor, munity Forum address Tuesday. than in other countries. vember 17. The Siyum HaSefer Antiochus IV in -Ifi5 B. C , an"The greater part of the Ger- However, he pointed out that Over four hundred members of will begin promptly at 3 p. m. Ludwig emphatically asserted nouncing a jubilee celebration of man people hate the Hitler re- Palestine could only partially This is the first Sefer Torah to gime," Emil liudwig, noted au- solve the Jewish problem. Com- his belief in a "World Jewish Con- this great event in. New York on Beth-El gathered at a dinner thor and historian, declared in plimenting the work of rebuild- gress. He swept aside the con-December 22 a n d calling tipoa Wednesday evening at the J. C, C.be presented to this synagogue, his address on "The Fate of En- ing in the Jewish homeland, Lud- tention of opponents of the Con-Jews throughout t h e world to to honor Rabbi and Mrs. David and consequently a large crowd rope," Tvhich opened the : Com- wig declared that in his opinion, gress that it would give the Nazis make fitting observance o f . t h e Goldstein in observance of five is expected. The public is cordially invited munity Forum series at the J. C.strengthened by talks with Weiz- a chance to propagandize about I occasion was adopted at a special Formal installation of "R;-hi [years of service by them to theto attend. No invitations are beC. Tuesday evening b e f o r e a mann and Ruppin, Palestine could an "international conspiracy" by j meeting here of' the board of di-i Harold A. Berger F.S pnir"•'s>' ing issued. Refreshments will be capacity crowd. and themeeting, community. absorb 300,000 of the 400,000 questioning with force: "Should ! rectors of the Jewish Education synagogue leader ot the Vnad Hp.'Thr hf At the business elec-; served. "Three religions have been of- Jews remaining in Germany, we give up a good idea just be-' Association, tion of officers for the ensuing•' been made the orcnslon frv fended;" he explained. "The poor within a decade. cause the Hitler propagandists term was held. Harry Silverman main has had his -wages greatly "The 200,000 who have left will twist it to their liking?" was elected president. Other ofstart this evening RPrt Whirl? ^-• /reduced. The rich are fearful as Germany," he averred, "are much He pointed out that the Gerficers: Dave - Cohn, first vicehe rnnc'iUiPtl with f* hanqisp? •"• their fortunes dwindle vrith the too happy to return, even if thej , Jews were not prepared for I president; David Greenberg. seeSunday even in jr. ; country rapidly approaching bank- Hitler regime is overthrown. And H i « e J B " s e - t 0 •and j ond vice-president; A. D. Frank, ruptcy. The faithless Hitler has despite a change in German ruler- anti-Semitic program because they The inPtr)UPt ior cPT*FTnpfnrF- v j secretary; Reuben Bordy, treaskilled his friends, and placed the ship, I do not think the Jewish made the mistake of thinking that j urer. reichswehr or "regular army over people who left Germany should such a p r e p o s t e r o u s thing E ' n s i Israel synagogue tVtip f" j On the executive committee are "couldn't happen." He said that the hro-wn shirts who put him in return." ning at. 8 p. m. Rabbi !;•<•;: B. A. Simon, Art Cohn, Philip German Jews today have lost power. These former followers Meisel of Scuuh Bentl, IncH-iLudwig evaluates the anti-Nazi the To Use This Means To Provide Klutznick, and Irvin Levin. Said to Be Result of Greater:! hate - him forit^ The reichswehr boycott very highly. He believes hope for themselves, retaining will deliver t h e sermon, an ft •''•*•'; On the board of trustees for a and Agriccltcrai Fnnds For Jewish tor A. Schwaczkin a n d his- <">'.-> hate nim, because he killed two of it an important factor in bring- only hope for their cbildren. • | one-year term are Mose Tousem, Progress Winter Belief will chant, t h e services. their wellrliked leaders in the ing about the bankruptcy of the Born of Jewish parents in '1 Dr. A. Greenberg, John A. FarJune 'purge.' From these, not Nazi state. He stated that For- 1881, Ludwig drifted further and ber, A. B. Alpirn; two-year term, On S a t u r d a y raoTnip.r,"- T"'-t< London (JTA)—The heavy Berlin (.~K~SS)—A 11German i Max Barish, Irvin Stalm aster, from the Socialists, will arise the mer Chancellor Bruening had told further away from Judaism. The avengers." him that the bankruptcy of Ger- turning point for him came in Jews will fast one day a month i Morris Arkin, Paul Bernstein; flow of capital to Palestine is in Yiddish at t h e B'np.s IK'-R chiefly the result of great expanLudwig predicted that there many would be a recognized fact|'22 with the assassination of hisduring the coming winter and the \ synagogue, loth FP.II Cl >'•"•*;; sion in immigration to that counwould not be a revolution in Ger-by next spring, although the coun- i intimate friend, Rathenau. "WJien money that would ordinarily be isky, M. F. Levenson, Harry Som- try and the great strides made '> streets, pr.d in t h r pfterronr i many, because that is against the try Is already in actuality bank- asked concerning his return to spent to provide food for that day jrner, Louis Sommer. v,-i!l talk at. t h e Beth HaJui.-lv.-.> Judaism, Ludwig replied simply: will be contributed by individual | Among the guests present were in agriculture, the Ministry of' nature-of the German people. riipt. Hagodcl, nt l!Hh p.nd Burt nt;-^:-: "I feel much happier since re- Jews to the separate Jewish win- jRabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz Foreign Trade reported last week. I When the change occurs, he The rising immigration, the re] The noted historian thinks that An open mprting, will hf- l>.': ter relief fund. Thit, means .of j prophesies, the army will take Hitler will fall, either through a | turning to Judaism. It has given of Sioux City, Rabbi and Mrs. port points out, is tending to inj Sunday sftrvnoon Pi 2 T>. U.. Rabbi BaroiiT A. control and will restore a consti- war or through bankruptcy. If me new pride and new strength," raising the millions of m a r k s , of Lincoln, Rabbi and crease 1935 imports to Palestine: the E'nai Israel synagogue. needed to care for 36,000 needy; tutional government because of and when the reichswehr (regu1 Berger, Rabbi and this meeting there will Jews in Berlin and thousands of Mrs. Frederick Cohn, and Rabbi which are likely to exceed the fig- : fear of a boycott. Then, he said, lar army) takes over the reins, ures recorded for the previous i speeches by Rabbi Ephxp.:«-, '-<l others in the provincial towns of the peace of Europe may not de- which Ludwig thinks will happen, 1 year. Business has been brisk: stein, r i CUicp.ro, one (>•; .) Prussia was adopted following a and Mrs. David H. Wice. pend on an adventurer. then he predicts that the antifounders of t h e Chicago TIIPO'-'J*. suggestion by Dr. Stahl, president The speakers all lauded Rabbi i and the failures few and unim- ; The speaker was gloomy in hisJewish laws will be relaxed so as cal peminnry; by Rsliln T.i; :;-.: of the Berlin kehillah, at a meet- and Mrs. Goldstein for their serv- : portant. according to the report, j to wop foreign public opinion. It ice. view of the European situation. ! . Values of exports and imports • nnrl by Kabb; Dpvid T\"ice of Ciw. ing of 700 invited Jewish leaders. "Experiences of a Chalutzah," Because the Jews have been offiThe invocation was given by in 1834 almost tripled those of! He thought the world is headed will take many years, however, ;ha. Ra'obi Jacob Cohen of ;':.-•(. will be the title of a talk to becially excluded from the' govern- Rabbi Cohn, and the benediction 1931, t h e ' report states, 'while | for another war, his climax being oil Blufis will preside pt •!• reached when he said that "the The .fourteenth annual Father meeting;, v h i c h will be rov.-Uw-. given by Bella Pevsner, interna- ment's winter relief fund, German by Rabbi Rabinowitz. J. J. Green- revenue approximately doubled. fate of Europe lies with Amertionally known Zionist, at the Jewry is forced to raise its ownberg, outgoing president of the | Imports to Palestine in IB31 to- and Son banquet. \md "• the EUS-in time to permit those vrlioT ^ i ; . congregation, w a s toast-master i tailed 5,9940,000 pounds, where- pices of the Social Service Com- to a t t e n d presentation ot V:v. ica." The people of this* country, regular B'nai B'rith meeting to be | relief funds, and chairman for the evening. he stated, must recognize that the Dr s t a h l also i as the 1P9O4 figure was 15.150,- mittee of the Jewish Community ceremonies Ft t h e PoutU O"'*-' disclosed t h a t ; held Monday evening, November j A. D. Frank reported that tbe idea of the League of Nations was Center and Welfare Federation, 18,'in the lodge room at the Jew-the Jewish community will n o t ] congregation started with 170 i 000 pounds. Exports were valued was held at the Center on Sunday right though the form wrong and I at 1,570.000 pounds in 1S31 as Tlabbi Bprppr'F instr,lit-; •:••;• only have to care for the Jewish i ish Community. Center. members and had now grown to should on these shores establish evening. November 10, »t G p. m. cerpmor.ies will be clii7.is.xpn v ' . h needy but for the needy among j 220,000 pounds last against Madame Pevsner has had athe Christian non-Aryans who \ S21. Dave Greenberg. membera world organization which would Stanley Silvermsin gave the in- R. bancupt on Sunday evpr.in*. ?-; The Hazomir Choir will open Revenue last year amountinsure peace. "This is the most the Jewish lecture and concert varied and interesting career have also been barred from re-1 ship chairman, reported that 47 year. vocation. After dinner, eve-yone 5:1)0 p. m. F.t tlip Jrvish ,"'..-iirto 5,452,6SS por,nds ss against since the days of her early youth ceiving aid from the official win- •new members bad been obtained. ed dominant continent nad the.least i preseTst joined in rDmmt'r.ity ; muniiy Ccnt.r-r. Ir. p.tlrlijini. 2,354,000 poiisfis In 1831. militaristic, and must take the series of the Jewish Community when she was associated with the •ter relief fund. Mrs.. .David Greenberg . .reported ' "As""long" as immigration con- 'singinc; "with Lawrence Finkel fii- i thp ra-bbis fsbove nstn?d. ?";».?:>.. -.-_'-..-* j Center on-Sunday— evening;-"No- revolutionary -movement in'"RusrectiEg arid Mrs. Al Finkel at the Abrsham Isap.o C-Rrflpn, ov •!•' The decree excluding J e w s ! that ?37S had been raised in thetinues 'to increase,, the report In his address, Ludwig said vember .24:-at 8 p. m. at the Cen- sia. -Later she threw herself in- from the benefits of the winter j coffee sale. points out, there is no reason for piano. Mr. YCiniam Holzman de- Hebrew Theological Semiri^vr. •"•• to the Zionist movement, and for Sam Beber, chairman of the apprehension with respect to the livered the benediction. that "no great German was ever ter auditorium. Chicago, Eiui K a b b i >*;:ri-r., relief "fund was followed by an-! the past thirty years she has spent building fund campaign, reported annual adverse trade balance of anti-Semitic." He quoted PresiLeo Abramson, Epeaking for Ladorman of Denver v,-U! ppo^'i- '••"• The choir lias prepared an ex-much of her time in Palestine as other ordering the immediate re-! that $3S,697.S3 had been pledged. I 10,000,000 pounds. dent Masaryk of Czechoslovakia cellent program ol Hebrew and , the fathers, stressed the need for the bsnq\iet. moval of the honor rolls of the i as saying that one must be "either Yiddish melodies under'the direc- a chalutzah (Jewish pioneer) and German war dead of the names j ' Featured on the program was a J e r u s a l e m (TTNS>-Falcor the maintenance of the Jewish Other Omaha rabbi? win s,<.y.Christian or anti-Semitic — the tion of Cantor A. Schwaczkin. the rest of her time traveling all of all Jews killed. There were m u s i c a l extravaganza, "S. S. ' Agency)—The discovery of a tern- • home anfi the responsibilities of eppear on the program. over the world spreading the mestwo together won't do." some 12,000 Jews who laid down Membership." The leads were j pie dating back to 5,000 B. €., ! the Jewish lather toward tbe upThis choir is rated as one of the A feature of the ban on pi. x-,".\ "The outbreak of pogroms in finest choral groups in the city sage of the Zionists. their lives for the Reich during taken by Earl Ross and Mrs. Hyi the early Bronze A-ge. on the ; bringing of hi? sons as loyal ; be mr,sicr>l srlpr-tionF by JTrs, ; .or Madame Pevsner has been in Germany," he said, "could only be and is rapidly gaining distinction man Bellman. Other members in IIbiblical site of Ai, where Abra- I Jewish men. In his response for the World War. Kesp.rvr.iifir.f ; ?.Iarcui? of Chicago. possible on a.lost war. After vic- in the musical circles of Omaha. over 35 countries all over -the | ham was said to have built his the sons. Carl Milder, son of Mr. I at sevpTity-five centB per r>i- •'• Liquidation globe in the interests of Zionism. mon, Milton" Robinson, Dr. I. tory, the Germans never pogromBerlin Mrs. William Milder, spoke I may br madp by raUinp JA !•>•>•'•. The program will be free to (JTA)—The rapid, pan- jD a n s k T i j .H . Kulakofsky, Sam j firet altar to Jehovah, was re-'. B.nfi ized. In vain was it pointed: out members of the Community Cen- Her present home is in Palestine,.. on a closer relationship or. the i before ? p. m. today. No rpsp-"'pI ported here. that the Jews constituted only ter on the . and she was visiting in Sioux City I >cky liquidation by Jews of their jB e b e l % a n ( i t h e Mesdames A. J., ^ The find was made by a Pale- part of sons to their father and of ; tion will he accepted nftpr .I.J.; one percent of the population— presentation of the _ realty and security hold-! "vnni Racusin, J H ! .. . w i t h r e l a t i v e s ^ . h e nt h e Omaha business, S o l o m o n > am stinian woman, Judith Krause extending the Father and Son ; time. membership ings is causing increasing concern Kulakofsky, William Alberts, IIU and twenty percent of the Nobel ticket and an admitpersuaded her to address ings is causing increasing concern Kulakofskv. William Alberts. Bon ! !! whose work was origin- : week ideal throughout the year. L o d tance fee of 35c will be made for ! ^ meeting" in Nazi circles. t e prize winners. In vain was it Theodore, Perry Silverman, Sey- I ally financed by the late Baron I Kenneth Carlson, the magician. non-members to the Center. ^ The swift rush to sell at any pointed out that the percentage rnour Cohen, and JacobJ Raznick.! • • - , • . „ , de ,;? *,_+,, •-^•i* : Paris gave a half hour's performance ^1. J- iEdmoaa Rothschild Other numbers on the Jewish price in order to avoid the re- ___ of Jewish soldiers in the German The dancing chorus, under the di] j is now being continued by land amazed and delighted those lecture and forum series will insults of expected measures rearmy was higher than their prorection of Milton Reick, consisted ; the French National Musem. The ; present with his feats of magic. stricting Jews in economic portion to the general population, clude the exhibition of Saul Rasof the Mesdames Sam Stern, place of the excavation reported i The program concluded w i t h ! spheres is bearing out Minister of or that 13,000 Jewish soldiers kin, the celebrated painter, on Meyer Stern, Hyman Greenberg, is at Dair Divan, near Remallah, ' t w o morie shorts presented by December 10 and 11, and Marvin j Economics Hfelmar S c h a c h t s died on the battlefield lor the Omaha's pranf! opera pf<fis-,,-.r, Lowenthal, noted writer and Jew- The Women's Division of the j earnings, many times, repeated. Phineas Wintroub, Jack Luttbeg, seven miles north of Jerusalem. | Phineas Wintroub. Fatherland." will open n e s t •Wednesday, v-""and Max R. Shostack. Mrs. AnFound in the Temple are fragSher is chairman of the SoJewish Community Center and t h a t any restrictive decrees nette Ricklin Silverman wss in ments of-oblations with potshreds ] cialDr. He ridiculed the armament ish scholar, on January 22. Committee. Other on vember £0, with one of (be u<n.<..; Welfare Federation will hold an against Jews In business would charge of the dancing. Accom- peculiar to the early Bronze Age. : the Service conferences, and the dictators of committee are: Isadore inevitably upset the country's open meeting for all its members Europe, and predicted the even- Interest Growing panists were Miss Rose Steinberg Complete fortifications of the ! Abramson, Max Barish, Rabbi general economic equilibrium. I on Tuesday afternoon, November tual fall of each of the present and Mrs. J. Malashock. Drummer structure were also uncovered '-. Harold . Berger, Eugene Blazer, " " luesaay anernoon, ivovemDer h «n - ^ j-ii dictatorships. was Irving Block. Costumes were and reveal that the building was : Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Dr. J. M. Matron Classes Imunity 26, at 2Center p. m. in the Jewish Comauditorium. This Holland Basis Anti-Nazi Book handled by Mrs. Robert Kooper, destroyed about 2,000 B. C. ^Erman. Rabbi David Goldstein, Interest in the new gym classes meeting, f o r which an excellent Mrs. Sarah Berman, Mrs. A. D. Amsterdam—Minister of Jus| Dr. M. I. Gordon, Dr. M. M. for Jewish matrons at the Jew-program has been arranged, will tice von Schaik has bannedj Frank, and Mrs. I. Solzraan. In Greenberg, Wm. Holzman. Philip ish Community Center is growing be followed by a social hour. from Holland the anti-Nazi book, charge of props was Mrs. Hyman AFY2.I1 Klutznick, Harry Silverman, Irvin each week, and a number of Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, chairman i "The Brown Network," purport- Greenberg. J Stalmaster. End Rabbi David matrons are making their first of the Women's Division, and theing to expose activities of Nazi The whole .production was un- I | ngQfY IS S Wiee. Mrs. L. Neveleff and Mrs. appearance on the floor each time chairmen of her committees, have agents abroad, after reported ob- der the general direction of Mrs. William Milder assisted with the the class meets on Tuesday and made extensive plans for an ac-jections by the German Embassy arrangements. Thursday m o r n i n g s , Mrs. Iztive program on the part of thehere. "Washington ( J T A ) ^ T h e first Levinson; chairman, states. Women's Division for the 1935London (JTA)—Julian Huxley, group of non-Russian Jews will New names added to the class 36 season. Among the plans now \ noted biologist, a n d Dr.. A. C. BLAST1KG OF TEE0M be settled in t h e Jewish' autonoroster within the past week folbeing developed are the redecora: l Haddon. reader in ethnology at ; mous territory • of Biro-BidjaTi OF WFERIQR RACES' lows: Mesdames Max Shostak, tion of the building, an active soCambridge, state in "We Euro- j next Spring, i t was announced this William Racusin, Al Frank, Dacial and educational program, and j peans," published here this week, week following a conference beMoscow (WNS)—Proof f. h a t. vid Blacker, Reuben Brown, Hy-improved library facilities' at the that the "Aryan" race is entirely i tween Soviet Ambassador Alexthere is BO such thing as "lower man Greenberg, Sam Green, Phil Center. Mrs. Greenberg in commythical. ander A. Troyanovsky and former races'* was offered, by the BckhLevey, A. A. Greenberg, Sam menting on the program states: The purity of racial descent Representative William W. Cohen Robinson, Isadore Chapman, Har- "Through our Women's Division, Omahans -will play a prominent: represented by William L. Holz- particularly lacks adequate basis teroff Institute of the Brain in and Sol Low representing t h e ry Shumow, Morris Ferer, Hymie which includes over-300 women part in the deliberation's at the \ man, president of the J. C. C. and in Germany, the scientists empha- Leningrad on the strength of its American Committee for t h e Setexamination of more t h a n 5CO Ferer, Phil Handler, Jack Marer, of the entire Jewish Community, second annual Plains States Ke- j Welfare Federation; Paul Goldin the book, where "nearly brains. tlement of Jews in BiroBidjan. Mostyn Thomas Mickey Krupinsky, Sam Wolf, J. we hope to bring the Center and gional Conference of Jewish Com- j blatt, esecutive director; R u t h size one person in every eight is offiMr. Cohen and Mr. Low in- J. Greenberg, Julius Hornstein, its program closer to every Jew Exposing; t h e so-celleil theory beEutiful grand operas in .-!•* munity Centers and Welfare Fed- \ Allen, educational director; Rose cially listed as having been born formed M. Troyanovsky t h a t t h e David Greenberg, Arthur Cohn, in the community." that some of the. darker races are ;repertoire—"La Trsviata," erations, to be held at Des Moines ! Bisno, case worker; Philip Klutz-I illegitimate, American Committee had just re- and Harry Trustin. inferior because of t h e ape-like Committee chaimen are: Motor this Saturday and Sunday, No- j nick, member of the executive; In the leading roles will lit ceived official authoriz'.tion from ridges in their brains, the Insti- of the finest operatic trios I Swimming in the Center pool corps, Mrs. Wm. Milder; citizen- vember 16 and 17. committee and on the Plains • flffS. Esther Q&pE&E the Komzet, Soviet commission for follows the gym workout. A ship, Mrs. Sam Wolf; clothing, tute stowed that these epe-like • in recent years*—Luciie T.u< deliver a States Conference program com- j settling Jews on land, to proceed family membership in the Com-Mrs. J. Blank; kitchen, Mrs. L. Henry Monsky ridges are to be found in t b e -• whom Chicago cal'ied the "j.;paper on "The Effects of Social j mittee, and a large number of • Died la Kansas City brains of many famous:: scientists with t h e plan. munity Center entitles a matron Neveleff; membership, Mrs. Da-Security, Legislation and Other I Omaha visitors. \ est, coloratura of the day;" rs , ; Mrs, Esther L. dayman, mothThe representatives expressed to participate in these classes, or, vid Greenberg; social, Mrs. A. snd of many persons of European : fri Onofrei, a tenor of \\w Measures Upon Delegates from Iowa, Minne- er of S. M. daymen cf Omaha, stock. gratitude for the Soviet Govern- a matron's membership for 510Greenberg; family welfare, Mrs. Governmental \ rsnk, Kind 2v3ostyn Thomas. W Social "Work." Discussing j sota, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kan- died in Kansas City Monday ment's attiude toward . ewish im- for the season. H. A. Wolf; dramatic, Mrs. Samthe subject | baritotse, who tliri'led lniff. * with him will be Sam : sas, Missouri and Colorado are ex- morning. migration and in graning them All those interested are asked : ences Is si. year with las i^rii j Beber, who will talk on "The j pected to participate in the sesr the privilege and exemptions of to call Mrs, Levinson, or the Mrs. Clayman Is survived by Rabbi David. H. Wice has brer, : able performance ir, Faglipiv-i. I Effects of NYA on Jewish Social j sions. A large dinner-meeting ! f i v e other sons and c _ : daughnative settlers, the announcement Jewish Community Center. appointed to the National com- • On November 21, Pup.-.
'Guest Rabbis Tc j Officiate At I Cereoionies
Bella Pevsner To Speak Here
Father and Son Banquet Given at J. C. C. Sunday
Hazomir Choir To Open Jewish Series atJ. C.C.
Open Meeting By Women's Division
Non-Russians To Colonize in Biro ~ Bidjanin Spring
said. These privileges include membership In collective farms of, in t h e case of artisans, immediate state employment; free allotment of land for homes and g a r d e n s , ' long-term credits for providing settlers with housing, cows and other necessities. The American Committee will shortly launch a campaign for ftmdB to carry o u t t h e settlement •nlan. ; .
. | Work;" Louis Steiner of the Jew-i Sunday evening will climax the iter; Nate, Schultz. Ben. Mas, Mrs mittee OE Church and Stste of the ™ T « i "• ? ; - ® ? n c a " o n ^ j isk Social Work Service Bureau conclave. j William and Mrs. Rose Miller, all Central Conference of American Mrs. I. Stalmaster; building, Mrs. o £ g t _ L o u i .' . ^ a n d M i s s •L n c U l e J o u I of Kansas City, and a sister, Mrs. ! Rabbis. H. Trustin;. library, Mrs. H. P. gS a l^i ovi si Co iOs M Organized m. Omaha C OeMce tc et eddwwi itt lh l JJ e w w. ! v fV I eThe r e n c ePlains v a s States regional con- | Marr Fabis. a.so of KEESES City. Rosenfeld; Farberi program, athletic, Mrs. Mrs. I. LevinHarry - gThe . v o r k i nafternoon Minneapolis. hs o c j a lSunday panel 1 made into a perina- j Cerrectisa No. son. discussion -will be devoted to t h e ! n e n t body at the organization !
Mrs. Anna Meyer, 5S, 1553 20th St., died Thursday evening, subject of "Jewish -Youth Faces I meeting held in Omaha last fall. ] November 1, in a hospital here. TALMUD TORAH P.-I. A. the Community," and will be led j T l l e conference, which is under j Mrs. Meyer had been a resident by I. M. RHbinow of CinciEBati. i t h e sponsorship ...of the National-; of Omaha for over 40 years. The Parent-Teachers meeting Omaha'will be represented by I Council of Jewish Federations.; Mrs. Meyer is survives by three of the Talmud Torah which -was Max Baer, assistant executive d i - ! a n a Welfare Funds, serves as a i daughters, Mrs. Charles Cohen, to have been held November 12 rector of A. Z. A.; Loyal' Kaplan, j clearing houre for 'problems ofj and Miss Ruth Meyer of Omaha was postponed Wednesday, No- president of the local'" Round 1 Jewish organizations, subjects; Amsterdam—Queen Wflhemina and Mrs. David Epstein of Losvember 20, because of various |Table of Jewish Youth, and Mil-! pertaining to federations and created Herman Leydensdorf, Angeles, and two grandchildren. conflicting activities in the com-j ton'Frohm and Haskell Cohen, j community chests, aud tieir re'amous Jewish -violinist; a Knight Funeral services were leld last munity. This will be the first I also representing the R o u n d lationship to public agencies. it the Order of Orange and Nas-Friday morning irom the Chesed meeting o t the year and all par- Table; - Robert Lappen of Des Moines is j Shel Ernes. au. ents are urged to attend. The local Federation is also I ch&irman for the conference.
Registration for £©!!ege
i Ftory of "Madame Bnttcrfly" i be given with Hisi Koytee, TM ! Japanese grand opera star ir. I title role. I F T i d a y evening, Impr«'!« I In last week's "Town Ram- i Gallo, presents his briglstPsi j blings,". an' item appeared con- I of the year—the leading '» ' cerning a charity stag in Council ; nerian Boprano from tbe tvssli opera house Bluffs where tickets were sold Ipolitan G r> *
Those students still desiring:: Ljun.gt»«?rg, -who It to be for ?£. to register lor the College of i In rDportlnE the affair, the 'artist in "Lohengrto," • Jewisli StJaSics may do go dur- ; writer inadvertently said that j SattirdET xnsttaee, ing the coming week. i purchasers of tickets received i£S, "Faust," v\u be
Tee College meets os Mon- ! nothing i s retxsn. for their money. lend Saturday evening, day and Thursday evenings. ! An evening of entertainment, ;2S. "II Trovatore." Ticket*! t # There is a $1.00 registration j w!tli a fielicioBB Sinner, was pro-I the event are on sale now ©» 'tit*. jvided, however, all proceeds go- I mats floor of t h e fee. ing to charity.
no -objections to such a procedure. American Jewish history •«• n e n | Jewish organizations is toying families, are strictly Orthbdox Women's Mizrachi Stating that the Government the communal forces were crystal- j with the idea of singint; in the . . . Taking a leaf from Abie's A meeting of the Women's will even encouragp transactions lizing and their organisation be- j choir of a church . . . She needs Irish Rose, Harris Cohen & Sons Mizrachi will be held at the J. of this nature. . the newspaper came the conscious aim, not of', the money because her lord and goes on to say that it is "reliably Individual feaders~ only; but of all', master" keeps a lock on his "purse !s p o n s o r t h e I r i s h m u s i c a n ? , s o n E S C. C. next Wednesday afternoon, i! informed that the Government is S on 1 November 20, at 2:30 p.m. t h e people interested in Amer- j .• . . Young Israel is said to be Js?*° ^ V . - i - « „ _ . , ' „„!!" e y c *f™ ity A board meeting will be held st ; ready in such cases not to inter/ ;, • Maurice^ Ravel, cornlean social forces. It, is especially planning a "national" $ 25 COO? re- j pret "too strictly the regulations valuable to have h e r comments construction campaign The poser of the "world-famous "Bo- 1:30. The guest speaker will be Rab- ! for emigrating non-Aryans a n d on the beginnings of the organi- American Pro-Falasha Committee lero" is a very sick man in Paris help them as far fis possible." sation of Jewish women's endeav- Is looking for a philanthropist to . . . His nurse reports that he bi H. A. Berber. A group of •• -will The paper urges that Jews who ors, such as the National Council provide it with new rent-free whistles the "Bolero" all day songs will be sung by Mrs. Hym&n sell out their businesses in the Bellman, accompanied at the of Jewish Women, of which she quarters, having received notice long . . . ! provinces be forbidden to move to piano by Mrs. Al Finkel. is one ot the founders,'a move- that it must vacate the office it POTPOURRI the larger German cities. The , Mrs. M. Brodkey and Mrs. E. ment which is flowering Into a has been occupying gratis for the The world's champion pie-maki suggested prohibition is prompted Consolidation of Women's forces past several years The latest er is Momoe Strause of Boston I Weinberg will report on the pro- by the fe&r that t h e Jews will | ceeds of the card party and drawof rich promise. gentry to take to the stump are . . . If you find the he-men of By LILLIAN D. WALD 'Mrs. Kohut's future m a y be a number of young Jewish fana- America taking to wearing mon- I ing. Mrs. N. Levinson and her : open new shops in the cities. Lillian. D. "Weld, foflnder ot grants, .chiefly Irish and German, S t a t e s Employment Clearing prophesied from her past. M a y tics who are preaching Orthodox! ocles blame Noel Meadow, the I committee Is arranging a tea in ttift Henry St, .•;Settlement, is who had also known oppression House' and first president of the she give for years to come and Judaism a la Billy Sunday from ! press agent, who has been engag- . honor of the new members. • Inchation To Foreign Students AmGrfc&'a outstanding s o c i a l and difficulties and life in the Federated Employment Bureau of she will give abundantly. The rummage sale is being held soap boxes on New York's West 1 ed by a glass manufacturer to Salonica—Approached by Chief .worker. Rebekhh S o h u t is new world was not easy to many Jewish Oirli. l a more; recent Side. . . Wearing yarmelkes, these ! popularize monocles . . . Collier's I at 316 So. 13, and those having Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Koretz with a (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts years *he served on Governor Feature Syndicate) Americas Jewry's first lady. In of these arrivals. Large numbers 'young zealots are thundering that Weekly will shortly publish an ar- I articles are asked to leave them I request that m o r e Jewish stuthis article Mlsfc W&ld tells of were unable to fit themselves to Roosevelt'B advisory council on earthquakes and wars and anti- ticle on the late Dutch Schultz by ! there. dents be admitted to Salonica her association -with Mrs. So* the new environment and many employment, submitting a minorSemitism are the result of the Quentin Reynolds in which t h e University, the rector declared hut, dean of American. • Jewish were exploited and received but ity report in support ot unemployGodlessness ot the present Jewish author reveals that Schultz was ment Insurance. She also served ] that he is willing to admit Jews poor impressions of the land of women communal workers, -who converted from Judaism to Cathgeneration • . . ! with foreign diplomas. is being honored on the occa- the free. They needed renewed on the advisory committee for the olicism on his death bed In order NAZI-IRIS York Employment Service : Such admission would be consion of her 50th anniversary in demonstrations of democracy And New please the mother of his son and t h e State Joint Legislative The latest Nail propaganda to needed friends. M r B. Kohut be'' trary to regulations, it was pointpublic life, 'at a dinner in New . . . That all-Yiddish talkie, "Yidtrick In this country is a series dish King Lear," was produced by By PHINEA8 S. BtRON ed out. York on November 21st when came one of those who answered Committee on unemployment. of popular songs boosting Hitler Johnny Walker, an Irishman . . . Rebekah Kohut ha* been fora golden Joblleti fund of 550,- the call. . . . One ot Broadway's leading Dr. Denis Scanlon, another son of Patronize our advertisers. The passing of the years did tunate in her heritage and in her CAPITOL STUFF OOO will be presented to Mrs. , Berlin • (JTA)—Barter w i t h song has received (and environment. She is the daughter • Kohnt for distribution among not lessen the problems which If certain Republican ,blgwlgs turnedpublishers Erin, offered one the dollar for | Germans holding property abroad down) six ditties glorifythe organizations to which she s e e m e d inevitable accompani- of an eminent Rabbi, Albert Bet- have their way the G. O. P. camGerman rights to the film . was held out this week as a mething Der Fuehrer In the last couple telhelm, and a descendant of a ments of poverty and bitter strughas devoted h e r life.—THE paign guns in next year's presiYou wouldn't believe it but Kuhn, od whereby Jews could liquidate Bifhent tirade Enamel*. (2.00 gal noble family which goes back to gle; therefore fitting people into And, incidentally, Loeb & Co., one of the chief ri- their holdings in this country, EDITOR. / I election will be heavily toth eweeks WATBKI'KOOF ALL-rURPOMi the s a d ghetto days of central dential Nazi propaganda bureau is employment made a pressing aploaded with the kind of ammuni- responsible for a lot of the more vals of J. P. Morgan, filed t h e i In an article en t h e subject, Kebekah Kohnt St'AJR VAKNIS'I. $1.30 OnllOD Europe. No less fortunate has she peal to her sympathies and her : To those • w- h 6 know Rebekah ntelligence. Mrs. Kohut was a been in h e r early environment, tion you'd expect to find only in lurid anti-Nazi yarns to give it a only objection when Helen Mor- ;the Westdeutscher Beobachter of All the myths chance to deny them later on and gan's new night club registered j Cologne, leading Nazi organ in Omaha .Fobbing Company . Kohut she represents the ultimate pioneer in t h e establishment of for in her youth she became the a Na2i organ of Morgan" | Western Germany, declares that an No. 15,. JA M04 in two things—unselfish and de- employment services for girls and •wife of one of the really .great about "Jewish control" of t h e shout about "atrocity tales" . . . itself as "The House voted service in 'the field of edu- organized the bureau ot t h e figures of the American syna- New Deal, the malicious tales Since the* Naais blame the Jews . . . Kilhn, Loeb & Co., owns the j the German Government will raise cation and social -work and her Young Women's Hebrew Agsocia- gogue and a giant in the realm about FDR being of "Jewish" an- tor everything, how are Hitler's j property on which the club stands Abiding and everlasting faith in ion in 1914, later affiliated with of Jewish learning, Alexander Ko- cestry and similar canards are be- agents going' to explain the short- . . . Leo Lowenthal, protege of Wash- age of pork and ham In Germany Senator Robert F. Wagner, is the Hebrew tradition as away of similar n o n-sectarian organiza- hut. Likewise she was influenced ing dusted off for use t h e 193G . . . Judge Jeremiah T. Mahoney, slated to be appointed Federal ington sources expect life. by one of his children, George A. ions. There was chaos, allevlatMarshal for the southern district In New.York on November 2lBt sd to some extent by such organ- Kohut, who, until his passing re- campaign to outdo the 1928 elec- generalissinio of the anti-Olym-ilot York . . .After seeing his more than & thousand persons, izations. The unemployment per- cently, 'was ft figure of light and tion, when the bugaboo of the pic forces, is being called human- firstNew game football, Emil Lud"Pope over the White House" Jews and Gentiles, who unite in iod of 1914-15 was perhaps the beaming. it-Aryan by his friends . . . And wig put theof O. K. on the great helped swamp Al Smith . . . Only their value of these rare qualities, most .serious and widespread that speaking of the Olympics, watch ' / never realized radios imMrs. Kohut's American roots will pay tribute to Mrs. Kohut at America had experienced up to reach to the generation that tol-i next year the Pope lie will make for a big receivership scandal in fall pastime S a i d Ludwig: proved go much until 1 way for the lie about the "Pro"It teaches boys h o w to fight a dinner la the Hotel Commodore hat time. lowed the Civil War. The patri- tocols of the Elders of Zion" . . . Chicago which will involve one ot without heard Floyd's nev? 1936 teaching t h e m to murIn celebration of her halt century archal mode of living had not yet As a matter of fact this phase of the noisiest pro-Olympicites . . . der" . . . If communication with With the outbreak of the war, Zenith! It was certainly a of service to the highest appeals Mrs. Kohut's experience became been completely disrupted. X h e The ears of a certain Broadway the dead were possible, the late the campaign Is already in full revelation! We tuned in to our life. They meet to honor a available as a "Dollar-a-Year- South in which s h e spent h e r blast '. . . The Federation of In- restaurateur are still burning Adolph S. Ochs and his business creative leader, •;; whose achieveFrance^ England, Germany early American years was not so the castigation he received genius, Louis Wiley, would turn ments it would take a -volume to tfan" as a member of the federal stricken but that the chivalrous dependent Republicans is flooding from ——as well as a great number f r o m Magistrate Brodsky . . . mployment clearing-ho u B e. It over in their graves at the rethe country with letters containrelate adequately. And "at the traditions of a more prosperous of American Stations! came time thousands who will not was under her direction, too, that past softened the asperities of im- ing such statements as "race and While dining in this gentleman's port that the New York Times be able to attend: that golden cel- h e National Council of Jewish poverished and frugal households. religion have entered the national establishment the Magistrate dis- has been passed in the race for ebration will signify their faith in Women organized its Reconstruc- Her California years gave inspir- scene and will defeat Roosevelt" covered a "made in Germany, .total advertising lineage by the her and her work with contribu- ion United for relief work among ing pioneer memories. The Rich- and "the American people a r e 1935" label on the back of one It a b i o i d D a i l y N e w s . . . Without any tions to the $50,006. Jubilee Fund efugees during the war and in mond and the San Francisco ot fully convinced that Jewism and of the dishes (Copyright, 1S3S. br Seven Arts which is being collected for those he post-war period. Communism are one and the same j ado Brodsky called the owner and Feature Syndicate) Mrs. Kohut's time bear little reUnsurpassed by Any How deeply Mrs. Kohut was incauses to which Mrs. Kohut has and that Roosevelt is the puppet gave him a replica ot the famous semblance to;the Boston and New given many years of her rich life. erested in employment problems York of; the East European little of the Baruchs, the Cohens and talk which made the swastika an Radio in the World Is But I am interested at this time and labor conditions can be judg- Jewish girl's experience. international issue . . . The the Frankfurters, etc' to Be Found in the New 1936 HATS in speaking solely, and I fear in- d by the willingness with which stationery, on which these letters ON.THE PODIUM' he gave of her energies to ameladequately of Mrs. Kohut She, There is a difference between are printed carried the names of Cleaned That* $150,000 Stradivarius on herself, has told; and written of iorative agencies. She served on Mrs. Kohut's life | several important Republicans . . . which Jascha Heifitz plays is dethese interests so eloquently that Mayor Mitchell's New York Com- other American Jewesses w h o The executive secretary of t h e livered to him just before every and she needs no. help from me, but mittee on Unemployment In 191-5- have made great contributions to outfit distributing this stuff is one concert in an armored car at a Blocked I cannot resist bearing testimony 17; she was a member of the em- America. There has been no es- Edward James Smythe . . . This cost of |100 . . . After 12 years >loyment committee of the M&y- trangement between the generato her and my love for her. T'B Committee on National De- tions as far as she is concerned. is the same Smythe who peddled as an alien, Serge Koussevitzky, religious campaign slogans to the conductor of the Boston SymI first met Mrs. Kohut in 1894, lense; organizer. Ot the United There has .been progress a n d Republicans in 1928 and 1932 . . . phony Orchestra, has taken out the year after the establishment identification with the changing his first citizenship papers . of t h e Henry Street Settlement. LOUIS PALMER _ concept but. she :ifi the effective COMMITTAL FRONT Mrs. Kohut then, as she has been Thanksgiving Dance Don Richards, the orchestra lead"OmshaU Premier Mattel"' After 14 years" in the same lolinking of the, generations. While ever since, was interested In is not Jewish, but hia Egyp'-displays her"; characteristic cation the American Jewish Com- er, 414We So.Call 17th JA 9390 .health protective work, child welBy Junior Hadassah she and ian father a n d . Italian mother, Fhcxe JA 5588 mittee has moved tw 461 Fourth energy^ and seal in; participating Downtown Deliver in fare and child education. Under District who were both' raised in Jewish j Avenue, just a couple of blocks in t h e American secular ideals, Plans are Hearing completion the sponsorship of the Emanuel For Home Demonstration Sisterhood she had organized a or the a n n u a l Thanksgiving she is, at home" o n . t h e Jewish from its former headquarters . small day^ nursery and kindergar- dance, gfven by the Omaha Chap- scene. She gives: us glimpses of That neighborhood Is rapidly beHear the new 1836 Zenith in the ten, a project which has grown in er of the Junior Hadassah, which the stru?-'-; with underlying prin- coming a mecca for Jewish organprivacy of your home, without cost isations , . . Neighbors of the tC8 ecope with the years. • • will be held November 28 at the ciples instead of the-more Com1^2 or obligation! You'll bs am&zed at rebellion against the burden Committee are the ORT'and the From, our East Side Streets, Hotel Fontenelle. Bobby Bow- mon Its performance. Jewish Welfarr Board . . .One of of customs and ceremonial, which Mrs. Kohut, like others, felt the man and his Music Masters will the best known national Jewish does not Involve the inner alienaplay for this affair which is the Irresistible call tor help. The per. secutiona in Russia and Roumania outstanding social event for the tion from her past and her tradi- organizations is shopping f o r a > ] tions. Her own spiritual develop* new publicity man,. . . W e hear had caused the exodus ot thou- Holiday night. Miss Kalah Franklin is general ment and the spiritual develop- that the new JDC drive will get sands to us and they lived pitifully and often dangerously with us. chairman in charge of thfs affair, ment of the American Jewish under way at a big pow-wow in They peopled the narrow streets Miss Ann Hahn is ticket chair- community are Identical to her; Chicago sometime in December and payments to suit your convenience . and squalid tenements which had man, and Miss, Fannie Kateltnan In her autobiography :"My Por- . . . The Job of executive secretary Now Offered for Sale by of the American Jewish Congress will be a r r a n g e d on the balance! tion," wrtiten some years ago, she is publicity chairman. The dance b e e n discarded by earlier immicommittee Include the Misses Una makes a contribution Jo the avail- is still open . . . T h e wife of an Gross, Goldie Zusman, Jeannette able material on ttftt period in official ot one ot t h e national Resniok, Mildred Whitman, Mollye Special Plans for Roitstein, S a r a h Taub, Rose Game at Marquette Abramson, Ruth Swengil, Freda Softer, Ida Fine, Bess KirshenThe Creighton University Boos- baum, Lillian Kushner, and Sonta ters are making arrangements Roitstein. for a special trip to the CreighForeign Reception Tickets may be obtained from ton-Marquette football game, No- any member of the above commitvember 23, at: Milwaukee, Wis- tee. Miss Dora Freshman IB presconsin. :; ident of the local chapter.
Strictly ..Confidential..
Bartering Plan Urged As Spur To Liquidation
A special committee on ar, rangements has been appointed: Dr. M. J. Healy. V. J. Skutt, Ike Levy, Dr. E. G. Maloney, D a n Gross, Tom O'Connor, W» J. Barber and James: English. . This committed h a s arranged special train rates, entertainment and many other feaures for the. trip. The special coaches w i l l leave Omaha, Friday, November 22,at 8:15 p. m. and return either Saturday or Sunday, via Chicago A. general invitation to Boosters to participate in the trip has been extended* Any mmebers of the committedj will receive reeery&ttons. !|
Mother's Best FLOUR
Pound 29c 2-lbs. 56c
48 lb, sack................... $1.98 24 1b. sack........ ....... 1.05 5 lb. sack...:.........».:.. 27c
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KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP Qt39c KRAFT MAYONNAISE ....... Qt 49c SHRIMPS, 4. oz. Glass.......-. SHRIMPS, Teeas Can., wet or dry SOAP CHIPS, 10c Value, Big 4 Seedless Grapefruit, 8 for Dozen 39c
5c 10c
2-oz. Bottle 18c 4-oz. Bottle 35c PEEL, Orange or Lemon, lb
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© Your clothes are washed gently buf thoroughly in this speedy Westinghouse Washer. It "cushion" washes clothes CLEAN. You save up to 50% of ironing time and effort with the Westinghouse Ironer. Best of all, you save both clothes and money when you launder the Westinghouse way. The lo.w cost of these famous Westinghouse models is saved many times over during the years they serve. We will gladly show you in black and white. Ask us. Come in today.
5 wave bands in S simplified dial ranges that illuminate Sn i n d i v i d u a l colors. Times American «mfi foreign stations, aviation and amateur conv^sationg ana tMpu *t sea. This console model is a so-iking example of the cabinet maker's art—beautiful hand selected walnut and i ^ 1 I s n l R u r c ' wood Ife used throughout, 64nch Ma^ navisiort dial, ao-lnch <3ynamso speaker, many other fea» tures.
Sold on Easy Terms
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Candied Pineapple, assorted colors, lb..............45c Ground Glazed Fruit, ready to as^....»-:....»™.~...-30c and
Tunes American and foreign etations; police, amateur, aviation conversa-tion and ships at sea. Incorporates split - second tuning, triple filtering-, chassis floated In rubber and the famous black Magnavision dial. Wave band* individuaUy illuminated In colors. Beauti* fully designed and an outstanding value.
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A Demonstration Will PROVE WhatY@arlound Savings You Can Mate
S^ded or Seedless B&tslns, Sonkiftt Brand, per lb. pkg...,.10o ;'W&cJ&eansTot-Green «B*aiws»;'&tte& tede*. p*f !b....^.«..^10c
KIEFER lEARS^ bskt. * - 25c
THE JEWISH PRESS, TTJDAT, NOYEMEEE 15, 1935 tlemanly or churehly language • delegate, Smith related, had been . . . Also without comment, the; hearing quite a lot about the town's two dailies reported the j scenic wonders of Switzerland "sermon" . . . . . practically ver- :. . . When "he got to Switzerland batim . . . Publication of the ; finally, he snoretd to one cf his "sermon," of course, created a \ colleagues, "Hupfh, take awsy furore among the town's Jews ; the lakes and the mountains, and i . . . The whole affair was brought\ what have you got" . . . j to the attention of the aforeiaen- | jtioned Christian leaders and about • j-mrier and'Tanner . . . ! the time TOU are 'eyeing- these i , , , „ ,., , , iwords • j the *i. Hudson TT J * should i. u be.. i> Moshe fur , „ ,Snnlansky .. . is a . fanner . . to fly and there will be . . . . A Palestine pioneer, lie s also i squirming in that town such as famed as-a writer of Hebrew tales 1 can't be witnessed outside of a of pastoral life in the Holy Land ball and discovered that i e -was . . . Z. Stalbpw is a furrier in Lon| Holy Roller meeting a "natural.* don . . . He is also an enthusiast Then to Creigiiton Prep we on the question of the Jewish Nai Mark Twain Could Have Told sauntered, and among such names l tional ..Home.. . . A n d a friend of Smilansky; who always wanted to as Kelly, MulqUeen, R o b i n o . j Mark Twain, the hundredth see Smilanslty's Hebrew stories Burns, w e thought o u r mission;
I earns
By ROBERT M. SINGER Until Tecently, "Jewish . high.',:cide'd as to That college he school football players in Omaha attend, having already Teceived had one thing in common with several 'offers' from prominent February 29. Each came o n c e | schools, but he "Will likely c a s t these aside in favor of '.Nebraska. every four years. And then Justice continued, And the Jewish lad who played ".Gordon is only a sophomore, and
e O1 ; anniversary.oi ™ ° s1S ™ on ^ov e m b e r 30 1S3o bem cele
! life in Palestine, serves one" . . .
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j-' \'r"*t'^'
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de- ever gets into trouble, a; a pn">' port out 61 its; difiicultic:-" . . . • u " 1 '" 1 ''
Question . . .
VChat head of a nearby country Thosp -irVOTHSPTF wlic U ' P *li pulled one or t h e classic boners c o l u m R S o f l l ! f . j P V : i , . h r r e s ^ .•:.or all time when he sent ai: un- S G r v < ? a m l m e r i ! y o , , r r a u . o n R p t solicited Kosh. Kashonah grreetinp ——^——————————-——————--— By' t h e Service X-if e Insurance " t o t h e -Tews o f . . . v a n d a i l -| Company, Omslsa MARK i.EOIN WRITES Inasmuch a? only those who dressed it to an ''underground",! carry ample life, insurance know organization of Jewish free think- | the -mental -comfort it brings, lei ers under the impression thr.t it | ,„ f s c i - i N S U R A N C r o< E V ? - > Type • - Stvpne Re'i a young man. buy a. life, insurance ; was a representative Jewish bony i\ Gonmanies. ONLY policy and lie-at. once irets a new . . . Tile organisation, existence of I conception of his .own economic which is forbidden, has carefully 1 City Finance & Insurance Co. filed the greeting -under lock and life value. A T 7SC - 140? FARNAIV . WA 51">-' It. is a. buoyant, encouraging:. key and expects to iisr it. if i; ,i
steadying influence against adver- ^.^^ 7s < 5 ^ as?iSlS:;e ^^
-* a n d I e a T a n s * = i v e s i i i e P e r " son a new picture of the -value of his brain power in the.world, the
high school football was held j "Gordon is only a' sophomore, and had been in vain, but working .translated into English . . . And much in awe bv his Jewish ne still makes a lot of mistakes, \ out with the squad was a T e d i > > S "'now let Tic-Bienstock, Chief of friends, who trailed h i m as but with the experience he is get- j headed youth who looked more Ibt hJ a t e d ' ™ c e **.T.°.te something j European Service of the J. T. A.'C°WWith insurance dollarample' and cents value. cs a "Bounds as if it were written tell the rest of the story "The background, though he were a seventh won- ting this year, I expect "him to I Irish than the fellow by the name | -you can get- into develop into one of the outstandof Dugan teamed with h i m at j Zionist Organisation, which has der. His mother, too, was forced ern . . . In a news- financed publication of many. your automobile and know that to do a good deal of explaining ing backs of the state within the halfback. It was Sam Ziegman's a eHitler-heilers r Eeries of next two years. As for JMuskin, j son, Irvin, who although only a I P P 'articles, called books on Palestine," he writes me >'011a r e "^orth more than the car. as to why she allowed Sam, Joe, The u s t a s fool he lacks experience, but is not j freshman, gives promise of deI " Sweaters of the Tenements," from London, "has strangely over- Jan ishcar. asitr,i,"ismuch to drive or whatever the name might be the uninsured more lacking in light, and next year hejveloping into a regular back withfollowing passage appears looked these stories of Arab life to play "that horrid game of lootso to drive an insured car with"This gTeat mass of ghettoreveal so much insight and will be one of the best linemen |in a year or two. We have Coach ball." are living refutations of ; sympathy for the "fellaheen tiller out your life insurance paid. But that was several years ago. in the city—-watch and see." |Palrang's word that this 15 year adwellers popular anti-Semitic libel—that: ot t h e s o i l . . . i t remained for Z. Life insurance n i a k . e s you • Quite a .tribute, we had decidold newcomer to the gridiron picIn the last few years, more and Uxe ture has the makings of an ace i Jew'is congenitally a money- • stalbow, a London furrier, ardent. straighten your shoulders, put as -we departed to* the Techmore Jewish youths took a try at ed, neT s i n iEto m:r T l k a n d s e t 1 sX changer, a trader and not a workbeliever in the National Home, ad' ^ ?" ~ O J C e ball-carrier. football, with the Tesult that 1 ^ Bigh practice lot. man, a manufacturer, an actual; m i r e r a n d fri end of Smilansky, ;^ u _ a l ;t? pace^of the man^who Omaha h i g h school footballj there, we singled out Elmer i Truture Graysons ,t 0 arrange "Sniilansky's-debut to knows he has dene his part-in. squads are better represented byjGreenberg, line coach, and one off And then—-North, Benson, and •producer of wealth." . . . . tn se \ ;— \ the English-reading public . . . • the .w.orld... Jewish youths this yeaT than at'| P once-in-four^y e a r s Jewish |South. But there were no Jewish J o l i e ••• ' Stablow at first tried to get a „ any time in their history. ; high school stars in Omaha that; ball players on these three squads. I ! J^avia David Mondzac. enterprising; group of friends to finance the the.first copy off-the ipresses . . . w ITV' e were informed, however, that' Who are these youths that are j e referred - to earlieT. TOun '•, — the second teams 'and — the Iresh-, i S journalist who has just j publication . . . T\'hen that failed. If medals .are being, passed out Two a t Tech doing much to destroy the old 11- , lusion'thatiootball is not a-game j "Any Jewish boys on the squad, I man squads were well represent- S started publication of the TVash-; he went ahead on his own, ar- for Palestinian srevices. this act, for a Jewish boy? TVho are they? ; Elmer? " w e asked. j ed with Jewish boys that would ! ^ t o ntown Jewish breezed ranged the pub-; which is buond to of reveal hitherto the Review, other day and; ;lication andtranslation last week and received neglected-aspects Arab-Jewish We decided to-find out for our- : "I'll sar- There's Harry Spiegal i be playing on the varsity next, selves. and George Lerman. Not on I T ! year. The same condition exist- \ Wiled, this nifty . . . 'The head At Central High ! are they on-the squatl, .but they're ied at Central'and'Tech,—and so ; °* a s m a u ^lUage in the German Strolling over towe t hdiscovered e Central j both Tegulars," Elmer declared. 'next year, there should be even \ hinterlands, anti-Jewish when informed of boycott. High practice lot, More inquiring led us to the! more 116 of Omaha's young Jewry j 1sat officialand composed the folthe pigskin' (if you're! down three fine looking Jewish youths, information that Harry Spiegal j'pursuing losing wire to Goibbels: 'Send who apparently know what the was a regular tackle, weighing a • ultra-religious, call it 'pursuing I us t w o eTrs ?n ^ immedir.tely or boygame of football is a 11 about. mere ISO :ppunds, and is one of the football'). Each succeeding' Number one was "Hub" Monsky, the stars of the line, although he!year should bring forth a larger ic o t t ^ m b e failure. ' • ' . . . Monone of the 17 yeaTS old and E senior, "whose {is only a sophomore. We were j representation a m o n g Omaha's ! most incidentally, enthusiastic is fellows we've ISO pounds and six leet one inch- told that this seventeen year old!Jewish boys. U ' es make him very useful at a reg- scrapper, playing his first year on | And after they have graduat-} e Ter . ™ across in the Anglo! Jewish field . Tou can mark j ular tackle position at CentraL t h i s w a sgame. a third stringer ed, itgoison entirely possible that footthey I to shine in college Prediction in your memory ! Oh, yes, and then there's Dick the untilsquad, the North Harry was jwill Gordon, X5 year old sophomore, inserted in that fray "when North ball—a branch of sport that, too, | b ° o k and hold us to it some time who Beems to iit in very nicely nad the ball on Tech's four yard is more and more feeling the in- | ^ the future: he'll be one of the at a regular haifback position. In line. .SeveraT plays were directed jfluence of Jewish young men. most successful Anglo-Jewish pub- ' the event that your memory, fails, -—misdirected would be better, at what w i t h Mickal of Louisiana, j Ushers, in the country MODEL £10-F Dick was the first freshman at Harry, and; he stopped them cold, Grayson of Stanford, t h e Kauf-1 Central in a decade to win hiskeeping-North from scoring. He!mans of Princeton, Smukier of Split Ticket . . . major letter 'O' in football. Leon- has been a regular ever since, and i Temple, Londe of Missouri, FortMorris Rothenberg, president ard Muskin was pointed out to us. has starred in practically every Imann of Colgate, B e 11 of Mar-! of the Zionist Organization of We found out that this -was fif- game. ! quette, Kramer of Michigan, Gol-1 America, was given a dinner on teen year old Leonard's first year Crouched next to him on the! den berg of the Army, Millner of i the occasion of his return from at football, but that he "was do-line is 18 yeaT Among those atold George Lerman ! Notre Dame, Prank of Tale, and : Palestine ing so well with his 178 pounds •who fromy1 his guard berth, col-ja number of others playing to-1 tending were two of Mr. Rothenthat he "was dividing duty at tack- laborates with Barry in stopping j day. When one considers t h a t1 ; berg's sisters (he has five sisters ...le opposite Monsky. brothers) And everything that comes their way, Millner. a Jewish boy, is the cap- | and three ami AK-WBW JUriol "While there, we had to find out and says, "we Jews must stick tain of Notre Dame's Fighting' those two sisters are Biro-Bidjan Rabbi Stephen S. -what their Coach thinks of the together." Although George, 163 j 'IRISH'; t h e n anything is pos- j rooters boys' ability, and Coach Justice pounds of' fighting lineman, is a sible. i Wise, at his opening sermon, said • A splendid f BB size answered "With.: "I believe t h a t senior, this is the first year that And now to the ever growing \ that to most New Torkers. "the I Ixjwboy cabinet \rith new Hub Monsky is one of the best he has played football. George contingent of Omaha high school I world is bounded on the North Precision Dial, .Automatic ' linemen in the state, and I pre- had worked every night after j football players, we say—"Keep! bT the Yankee Stadium, on the "Volume Castro!, AotoEsatdict a rosy collegiate future fOT school nntil this year, when he ju p the good work"; with each j South by the Aquarinm, on the , ic -Asrial Selector, Bsiilt-ia Jfaim." Incidentally Hub is nnde- decided .to try his liand at laqt- | climb, -we say, "well done"; with't West by Hoboken and on the East Koise . F i l t e r s , and, of. 'leach fall, we say—"happy land- i!bbT Coney C IIsland." l d " H He probb coarse, gives you worldably wasn't referring to his son, wide reception. James Waterman Wise, as one of ^ ^ ^ " ^
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those New Yorkers .. . . James, among his other varied activities i in liberal • causes, is now an assoj ciate editor of "People's Press," handsomely gotten up radical tabloid weekly of twelve pages, printed in Chicago Incidentally, Pere Wise doesn't hesitate to state that in ^ his . opinion the greatest American Jewish -figure today is Mr. Justice D. Brandeis, •whose seventy-ninth birthday'falls on November 13 . . .
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SpotMght on Small Town . . A cirj' of about 12,000 . . . I t ' s i Another Joke . . . | c a l l e d Hudson, appropriately j Louis Smith, hustling young gi I enough, bieng located on the east executive editor of the Jewish g) I bank of the Hudson river, about Herald of Providence, R. I.. • p j half way between Albany and dropped into this columnist's of- i _ City _ fice the other afternoon, said! 5^ Hi New York About the!
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_ you" are reading iiese words", 'some nice words about Between;^ that town is going to be one of 1 Y o u ^^ M e ; and; left with a laugh I g the most uncomfortable places for j ringing in,his ears . . . The laugh j Sj as t h e bigots and such anywhere in the! "*' result o£ this story he , Jg t o l d a b o u t o n e of t h e United States v,. . T e have it on i t o delegates j * the highest authority that a group i i t^t w t World Zionist Conference)-* of outstanding Christian leaders, I ^ ° m he snake shortly after The return from Lucerne NAMES who are prominent in the anti-Nazi movement in this country, are preparing to turn the full glare of a. powerful spotlight on that community . . . Pirst, they Ycnr Furnsce'ROW! will conduct a complete survey of the situation there if the survey produces the expected results, Hudson, N. Y., is to become Exhibit A in a campaign sponsored by this group to demonstrate how Nazism can take hold and spread in a small city in the Tlnited States ... . •.. The whole affair started when a Lutheran pastor, "Walter J?feil, came back from Germany stuffed full of antiJewish propaganda . . . Pfell, on his first -appearance before his block, stood in his pulpit and read, without one word of comment, a statement handed to him personally by a high Nazi official . . . The statement was from start Steve .Repair Works to finish an attack on Jews and AT 2524 it wasn't couched in mild or gen- 123&.G3 SosgSoi.
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
• Subscription. Price, one year - - - - - - - ?2.00 i| Advertising rates furnished on application.
kdltorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. ;j BIoux City Office—Jewish. Coinmunity Center ! DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor PR^NK R. ACKERMAN - -.- - - - - - - Editor : FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffg, Iowa, Correspondent ' ANN; PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent j! Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
"';! '
. •
Dh Ljudwig's Viewpoint Emili Ludwig, the internationally-famous historian and biographer who spoke in Omaha last Tuesday, confirmed in anXin.teiview the picture of Germany as has been painted- to us by press dispatches. Although Dr. Ludwig left Germany to reside in Switzerland many years before" the Hitler" regime came into power (following the assassination of his dear friend Rathenau), he has kept in constant touch with the German pulse and is in a position to speak with accuracy and knowledge. Ludwig predicts the downfall of Hitler. War might bring Mm down or bankruptcy of Germany might accomplish that end. In fact, Ludwig states that already Germany is bankrupt and that the; economic situation is daily growing worse. The thing . sre are most interested in is what, in his opinion, would happen 3to the Jewish people in Germatiy if Hitler fell. Ludwig answers by saying he thinks the reichwehr or regular army will take Hitler prisoner at the opportune time, and that these military leaders will abate the anti-Jewish laws --- - because they will want to regain the confidence of the world. He pertinently points out, howeverj'that evene if this transpires, the seed of hate by the Nazis will not be eliminated for a number of years to come. And he further expresses the opinion that if those refugees who fled the Hitler country saw things in the manner he does, they would not return to Germany after the clouds blew over. Is tiiere a bright side to the Jewish outlook as viewed by Dr. Ludwig? There is . . . and as seems ever the case of late months, Palestine, where a Jewish National Homeland is being rebuilt, is the scene of the sunny side of the Jewish horizon., Enthused over the rehabilitation program being effected in Palestine, Ludwig declares that With Transjordahia opened, Palestine in a decade .could take care of 300,000 of the remaining 400,000 Jews in Gerpiany. The 100,000 who could not be moved in his opinion are the Older Jewish people living in the Reich. Palestine is the country of the Jewish future, and while it will not solve the entire Jewish problem,' it will ease Jewish suffering by offering a haven of refuge.
Federal Funds For Nazi Workers The, Nazis have figured out many ingenious ways of contrayerting the boycott being enforced against them in every corner of the globe. One Of these means is the subsidization of Nazi industries so as to so far undersell other countries that the Nazi goods would be bought because of the cheap price. To aid this, the standard wage in Germany has fallen so low that those countries with a decent standard of living cannot-compete with this Cheap labor. But in spite of our knowledge of this, we were nevertheless deeply hurt when we learned that German steel had beeii purjchased for public works projects at Morehead City, North Carolina, and the great Triborough Bridge in New York City, dumped on American shores through Nazi methods of undercutting. The Bolace we receive from the situation is the indignant protests pouring in from every section of the country, demanding thai the contracts be cancelled. The laborists of America unequivocally let it be known that organized labor will not tolerate the spending of emergency relief funds for foreign Bteel While American workmen stand around idle. And the manufacturers pointedly and logically protest against the injustice of taxinf American industry for PWA to give business to foreign competitors. It ; would be a good idea for the PWA officials to get it .through their heads that the*money appropriated by Congress was meant to relieve; unemployment and to stimulate business and industry in this country, not to give a prop to Nazi Germany.
Semitism in this country, Shuster states: "Cowardice beyond compare and hardness of heart deadlier than any that once appalled Jehovah would be rightfully attributed to a people who, lest the shadow of some far-off possible pogrom creep nearer to' them, voted to overlook the outrages made into law by Hitler. I repeat:—if it is possible to insult the Jew of these United States, then General Sherrill has insulted him." ' The arguments presented against Olympic participation by Shuster "from the Catholic point of view" said in part: "Firsts The Berlin Olympics of 1936 are na ordinary athletic games, but are designed to reveal to the world in a grandiose way what the Third Reich has done for the adolescent male. Second. Being what they are, the Berlin Olympics have an evident and sinister anti-Catholic purposee. These games are to seet the seal of approval upon the radically anti-Christian Nazi doctrine of youth It seems to me quite incredible that the Catholic clergy of these United States will not raise their voices against this new temptation to offer incense at the altar of Baal, provided they realize in time what issues are at Stake." The Catholic and the Jewish groups are not the only ones who are opposed to the Olympic games in Berlin. Every sportsman worthy of the name, every lover of liberty and of fair play and justice is opposed to our participation in the games where the hosts have enunciated and carried out a program which is diametrically opposed to the foundation blockB of sportdom. If all antagonists of American participation will united to force the issue, then the games can still be removed to some Other country. For the sake of the idealism of athletics, this should and be done.
Zionist Fund-Raising When the divorce occurred between, the' Joint Distribution Committee and the Palestine Campaign in their fund-raising activities, the reason given* for the separation of the campaigns after a joint effort last year was that neither felt satisfied with the amount raised. Their decision subjects the American Jewry to two campaigns, where, one was held previously. This is not of immediate concern to us locally, Since we have the Jewish Philanthropies, by which one drive is held annually for. all beneficiary agencies. However, we are indirectly affected, and we recognize that the unification of a multiplicity of campaigns into one single campaign is much more advantageous. This same principle which has worked out locally would likewise help nationally. In this connection, the administrative committee of the Zionist Organization of America is convening a conference of all parties and organizations within the Zionist movement, to create a united front agency to take over the direction of all Palestine fund-raising agency and to unify them into a United Palestine Appeal, today, the various Zionist groups — The American Palestine Campaign, the Jewish National Fund, the Mizrachi, the Poale Zion, the Hadassah, and others are all interested in the upbuilding of Palestine, yet they enter into direct competition with one another in raising the money to advance their work. The result is a weakening of the Zionist structure. If a unification plan for fund-raising is worked out, it will be a magnet toward Zionist unity, besides eliminating over-lapping in effort and overhead. All Zionist parties must co-operate to effectively establish that united front. *:
Holland Sentiment It was in this month, three hundred and sixteen years ago that the Council of State in Holland granted the Jewish people of their country fuli freedom to practice their religion. Jews were settled in the Netherlands before the year 1339, and despite their handicaps and obstacles they flourished in Holland, being given religious emancipation in November, 1610. Now, three hundred and sixteen years later this same country of Holland has shown that it has progressed much further along the road of freedom and equality, fair play and sportsmanship, by giving open opposition to the Dutch participation in the Olympics next year if they are held in Berlin. The Netherlands Athletic Association has decided to keep its Olympic delegation home. The Billiard Union decided not to - participate in tournaments in which German teams are entered. A protest mass meeting for Dutch sportsmen, has been called for next Wednesday. All manifest a deep, rising sentiment in the Netherlands against the total lack of fair play of the Nazis. Whether Holland officially takes part or noti the sports-loving people of the country have demonstrated conclusively that Holland ia atilL to the fore in tolerance and understanding.
BOOK NOOK By Dr. Theodore N. Lewis, j L
Rabbi, Mount Slnal Temple, Biotix City
• •
THE JEWISH PEACE BOOK By Abraham Cronbacli. Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Cincinnati. -114 Pages. No people is as passionately devoted to peace as Israel. The word for peace, Shalom, occupies in Jewish literature and Jewish thought a place second only ia importance to the word God. Our prophets, sages and rabbis teach that peace is the foundation of the universe. The abolition of war Is one of the cardinal elements in the traditionally Jewish conception of Utopia. "The Jewish Peace Book," though not a current publication, havinfe appeared in 1932, is of pertinent Interest because of the recent observance of Armistice Day. The book Is intended for use by and for Jewish groups who big nations. Every one of his dictators being or trying to substitute Napoleon, finely developed a combination of big power and ridiculous farde. His analogy of Germany at present and its leader, Hitler, with the great composer Wagner, was one more of Herr Ludwig's achievements in the field of presenting historical masterpiece in the form of a lecture in just one hour and 15 minutes. I want also to give tribute to Herr Ludwig as a. person possessing a great deal of sense of humor and tact. 1 refer to the few clever remarks and little anecdotes told by him while being in one of the most serious moods. They certainly made the atmosphere more pleasant and brought out in the audience a good hearty laugh. His tactfulness and keen observance could not be any better expressed as it was in his short and careful remarks in regard to the attitude of the V. S. toward the European situation at the present. In conclusion I want to say that even Herr Ludwig's slight dificulties in mastering the English language did not interfere with the brilliance of his lecture. For the short time I am living in Omaha, since last March, three times I.had a chance to experience a sense of enthusiasm and a vision of great beauty: First whea I attended a performance of the Ballet Russe; second, attending a series of lectures by Dr. Sachar, and the third time listening to the lecture of our beloved Herr Emil Ludwig. More of that kind and we will forget of the depression. Aufwledersehen, Herr LudWlg. •—Mrs. Lucy Loewenstein.
Letters to the Editor
• " ' ;
1 On The Olympics
1 *'! ,-
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Night ?
Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out and the spark of his fire shall cot shine, the light shall be dark in his tent and his lump over him shall be put out. How long will, ye vex my sou and crush me with words? These tea times have ye reproached me, ye are not ashamed that he deal harshly with me. My kinsfold have failed and my familiar friends have forgotten me. They that dwell in my house and my maids account me for a stranger. All my intimate friends abhor me and they whom I loved are turned against me. TALMUD ture was hlB interpretation of the Whosoever causes the multi- Today is an anniversary of the death of a great figure in characteristic differences of Ger- tude to be righteous over him sin Jewish life and Jewish philanthropy. It was on November 15, many and France as nations and prevails not, but he who causes as individuals. He presented these the multitude to sin shall not have 1868, that death took James de Rothschild, "the last of the five An Open Letter to the Editor of differences as probable reasons the means to repent. Moses was frankfurters," the last surviving son of that Mayer Amschel for the tvar between the two na- righteous aha made the multitude the Jewish FresB;—• Rothschild who founded the famous house. tions. righteous, the righteousness of Dear Sir:— The name of James 'de Rothschild conjures up so much in I wish to express my sincere Speaking of Russia he certainly the multitude was laid upon him. gave tribute to the. many of the Jearboon, the son of Nebat, sinthe Jewish mind that we cannot help but reminisce. He was also thanks and appreciation to the wonderful accomplishments of and caused the multitude to Forum of tha Jewish Community the youngest of the ten children, having been born on May 15, Center for giving a chance to the Soviet government for the bene- ned sin, the Bin of the multitude was 1792. Baron James, as he became, was the member of the family public of Omaha to listen and fits of Its people. And here, Herr laid upon him. Whosoever has those three atWhich settled in France and founded the great Paris banking greatly enjoy as brilliant a lecture Ludwig did not miss to express aB -was presented by Herr Bmll hia own personal appreciation of tributes, a good eye, a humble house. He had previously represented in France the Interests of Ludwig. the new Russia. speaking of mind, and a lowly spirit, is a disthe family and specially of his better-known brother, Nathan It takes a man of international Italy he did some justice,to this ciple Of our father, Abraham; Mayer of London. The influence of Baron James grew to consid- knowledge, broad pbiloBophical country, pointing out, particulars btit whosoever has an evil eye, a and practical, reasons for the warerable! dimensions in 1830 when Louis Philippe became the French understanding of life, and, of like attitude of Italy towards haughty mind, and a proud spirit, course, as keen an observer as Of the disciple* .of Balaam, the monarch. James Bad lent a helping hand to the king previous, and Herr Ludwig it, to be able to pre- Ethiopia. Of the iatter he did is Wicked. not forget to express bis sympathy the monarch did not forget. Rothschild became a pioneer of the sent and focus the eoence of all Judah said, "Be bold as a leopthe minority finding other pard, swift as an eagle, fleet as French railways, though his success was phenomenal in all lines. the outstanding events of Europe for ways than war of bringing In situations a hare and strong ad a lion to do ,'i But we would rather best remember him for his innumerable of the political and diplomatic civilization to a nation which is the will of thy Father who is In most in need of it. '(}•• philanthropies. He was the universally accepted head of French world of more than a quarter«ot heaven. „ ; , Slightly touching upon his own century. Jewry in philanthrophy and public service. Judah said, "At five years the since pre-war times, age is reached for the study of in a painting of a great mas country Switzerland, he did say quite a the Scripture; at ten for the study Baron Edmond de Rothschild was the youngest and last sur- terAswe aee in the type' landscape few favorable' things about this of the Miahnah: at thirteen for the viving son of Baron James. or any other expression of art the beautiful and peaceful country, fullfilmeftt of the commandments; real nature of a nation, certain but somehow not being in sym- at fifteen for the study of the places, city, people and so on pathy for keeping with Seeing in that particular picture closed windows, notherself at eighteen for mar permitting Talmud; the universe, we, at the s a m e the fresh air to penetrate riage; at twenty for making its in(Commonweal, influential Catholic weekly which has until time, detect the idea and the in- terior. livelihood; at thirty for entering into one's full strength; at forty now consistently opposed all boycott moves against the Nazis dividuality of the creator. Herr Ludwig did not forget to tor understanding; at fifty t o r I am taking the risk of bringin Germany, prints an article by its managing editor, George N. ing an analogy! between a master- mention almost any other country counsel: at sixty a man attains Shuster, declaring "from a 'Catholic point of view'" that it op- piece of art and the lecture of of interest to the audience, as old age; at seventy the hoary much as time permitted him. Ludwig. t head: at eighty the gift ot speposes;! the Olympic games in Berlin in 1936. The article asks the Herr In just a few short and vivid The second part of his lecture, cial strength; at ninety he bends Catholic clergy to "raise their voices" as "no.Catholic can share illustrations he most attractive- which was very interesting and beneath the weight ot years; at . in these games, jeither as a participant or a supporter, without ly presented the times, nations amusing to me, personally, and I a hundred he is as If he were aland its leaders, the-prevailing ana believe to the average, was his ready dead and passed away aiding arid abetting an effort to destroy, the Christian faith. dominating circumstances, of the vivid and realistic presentation of from the world. In answer to the statement by General.C. H. Sherrill, Ameri- pre-war times, present times and some of the most famous statesThose advertiser* who. use th« men and id the main the characcas member of the international Olympic Committee, that Jew- the future years to come. To my opinion the most inter- teristics of the several dictators columni of tha Jewish IPrfess d»i ish opposition to the Olympics -would precipitate a wave of anti- esting part of Herr Ludwig*^ lec- ruling at the present a, few of the serre and merit your patron***.
Baron James
want to give a measure of realism How the' dreamers have dreamed advocate in the councils of nations. May contentment reign of the Peace-loving Age o peace sentiments and peace thoughts. It is not enough to When the Bword and the spear within its borders, health and within its homes. pray for peace, to wish for peace. Into farm-tools were turning; happiness Strengthen the bonds of friendOne must know how to refute the And the fire-sparks of HOPE in ship and fellowship between all specious arguments of the milithe Prophet and Sage the inhabitants of our land. Plant tarist and the false claims of the Were forever aglow, and in hearts virtue in every soul. and. may the lngoist. The purpose of the au- i love of Thy name hallow every still are burning. thor is to foster in Jewish chil-1 home and every heart. Praise be dren the "will to peace." Adults] Why the embattled hosts? Why to Thee, Giver of peace." should legions be lost; will benefit as much, if not more, than the young from this excel- And your victories won at a terent manual. rible cost? Dr. Abraham Cronbach, who is Yes, the Star-Spangled Banner of Peace will yet wave Professor of Social studies at the Hebrew Union College in Cincin- When your sons will not fill the dead warrior's grave. nati, has divided his material into three parts. The first division contains twenty-ope stories re- See your Heroes o£ Peace how unmoved they will stand, volving around the theme of peace, and the security and bless- And forever protest 'gainst a to your war's desolation; ing It confers upon those who put 'Tis the Souls of your Men, Cot their trust in it, who .rely upon the Guns of your Land, peaceful methods and not force. The s e c o n d part emphasizes That, at last, make the might and the strength of a Nation. TORGSIN STORES ere shocking, but little known,' and often consciously hidden, truths Friends of Peace that we are, not located in fhe larger the victors of war, about the nature of war, about cities of the Soviet its horrors, about its cost in hu- Reason ever will win that the Union end carry variworld's fighting for. man, life, and property, about ous domestic end immilitary glory, honor and bravery. Oh! It must be the flags o£ the ported crticies of high world will yet wave Many popular conceptions about war are exposed, its halo and O'er the Heaoes of Peace who are quality. truly the brave. sanctity uncovered, and its essenPrices compare tially barbarous, inhuman purOne of the most moving and favorably tvitb poses revealed. The third part beautiful prayers for jieace re- 1 includes excellent devotions for produced here as in many other j those in America peace. One finds superlative manuals, is a well-known selection j Biblical and post Biblical peace taken from the Union Prayer utterances; peace prayers; peace Book, which is a paraphrase of an f*r T«rgsin order* hymns; and responsive readings ancient petition for peaoec found ae« j-nsr locm! bsstiSs with peace aB the motivating In the traditional Jewish liturgy. er feafb«rtce£ agent theme. All the selections in this It reads as follows: division are appropriate for use "Grant us peace. Thy most in connection with synagogue precious gift, O Thou eternal services. source of peace, and enable Israel American peace lovers find the to be a messenger of peace unto M T O R O T R A D I N G C O R P Star Spangled Banner deeply the peoples of the earth. Bless A261 Fifth Aye., New V«rii N. Y. objectionable. No ethical minded our country that it may ever be a stronghold of peace, and its soul can recite the words "bombs bursting in the air" with & clear conscience. It is unfortunate that this bloody and immoral hymn, written during a moment of great crisis and passion should have become our national anthem. Dr. Cronbach Includes a modified and ethical version of this hymn, which Is free from warlike phrases and immoral sentiments. The author is B. Franklin Hunter, and his New Star Spangled Banner is as follows: Oh, say win you hope for the dawn of the day When the War-lust has fled from the hearts of a Nation? 1— 38.40 Zero DisAnd no more will men rush to the No.tillate 7c Gal. perilous fray. No. S—S2.S6 Zero Gas But with Peace all unite in a Oil _ 6?ic Gal. •world-fed°ration. No. S—28.S0 Zero Fuel Then no rockets of war, nor Oil 6V4c Gal. bombs bursting afar. Will we hail the bright beams of Humanity's star. And the Star-Spangled Banner of Peace will yet wave O'er the lands cursed with war that we Btill hope to gave.
&ut wax, Atovel
When you try & Hickey-Freeman Double Breasted Suit, two things are apt to happen. First, you'll probably "wear the suit to death". That is, you'll wear it and wear it and hate to change to another suit. Second, from that time on, we're quite sure you'll never be without one. To agree with us., .you have only to see the beautiful «Hsplay of Hickey-Freemaa Double Breasteds that recently arrived... Deftly hand tailored, superb in their drape sad fit, they prescBt that finality in style sad workmanship that only ttickey-Freeman can achieve. Only The Nebraska Features in Omaha the World Famous Qothes
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1935 OMKGA FORMAL DAJfCE The Omega Delta Delta sorory~_ will give a formal dance Thanksgiving eve, November 27, at the Knights of Columbus. Franklin Vincents' orchestra has been engaged for the evening. Miss Ann Fellman is chairman of the affair. She is assisted by the Misses Ida Blacker, and Rose Fox and by Mrs. Ralph Nogg.
GRpSSMAN-STMiSIASTEE KUPTlAIaS The marriage ol Miss Elsie Stalmaster, daughter o£ Mr, and Mrs. Louis Stalmaster, to Lee Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grossman ot Lincoln, took place Sunday, November 10, at the home ol the brlde'B parents. Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. The bride's gown -was of -white lace made -with a long train. Her veil was finger-tip length and she carried bride's roses. Miss Bess Stalmaster, who attended her sister, was gowned In del blue lace and carried pink roses. Abraham Grossman of Lincoln served as best man. After the ceremony a reception took place and that evening there was a dinner for the family. The couple left immediately after for a, week's motor trip south. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Grossman -will live In Omaha. TO RECEIVE SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Morris Katleman and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kooper will receive from S to 7 Sunday, November 17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kooper, 2707 Country Club Blvd., in honor of Mr. and :Mra. Ben Ravitz, who have just retnrned from their honeymoon. No cards are being issued. TO HONOR SON Mr. and Mrs. William Epstein, 3501 No. SO St., Will be at home Sunday, November 17, from 3 until 5 o'clock, in honor of their son, Lawrence's Bar Mitzvah. All friends are cordially Invited. No cards have been issued. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Dr. and Mrs. Maynard M. Greenberg announce the birth of a son November 6 at St. Joseph's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rifkin announce the birth of a daughter, November l i at the Covenant hoBpital. HOSTESS AT BRIDGE . Mrs. Henry Krasne was hostess at a bridge last Thursday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Ben Marylander who will leave soon •with Mr. /Marylander for Denver, Colo., where they will make their home.
EPSTE1N-F6GEL Dr. M. I. Gordon has returned Miss Annette Fogel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fogel, from New Orleans where he atbecame the bride of Mr. Sam Ep- tended the American Dental constein, son of Mr. Henrr Epstein, ference. Mre. ^Gordon, who acat the home of her parents Sun- companied Dr. Gordon, is visiting day, November 10^ at 2 p. m. Rab- with friends in St. Louis. bi H. GTodinBky performed t h e ceremony in the presence of the S. A. M. MOTHERS' CLUB LUNCHEON immediate family dnly. The bride wore an Arthur The S. A. M. Mother's club will "Weiss costume s u i t of vineyard; meet at a 1 o'clock luncheon at shade trimmed in natural lynx, j the Tudor Arms tearoom WedHer accessories were brown and! nesday, November 20. Mrs. she wore a corsage of talisman j Joseph Goldware and Mrs. Morris roses. Civin will be hostesses. Mrs. Irving Cassman, sister of the bride, who w a B matron of RECUPERATING honor, wore a copy of a Patou Miss Karah Nems^er is recuperbronzine green crepe with brown ating at her. home, 616 So. 30 accessories and carried yellow St., from a recently performed roses. Mr. Harry Epstein Berved his appendectomy. brother as best man. A dinner for 35 guestB w a s IN HOSPlTAIi served immediately after the cerMiss Esther Pollay is confined emony. • . , to the Lutheran hospital. A reception for 150 guestB was held at the Blackstone hotel in TO RESIDE IN DENVER the-evening. Mrs. Epstein receivMr. and Mrs. Ben Marylander ed her guests in a Louise Mulliand son will leave shortly for gan model of empire style in ruby red with which she wore a cor- Denver, Colo., where they will make their home. sage of gardenias. A nutnber of farewell parties The newly-weds left for a southhave been given in their honor. ern trip. They will be gone about two weeks. Mrs. Epstein's travel- Among their hosts have been ling suit was ot Schiaparelli in Mrs. Jack Joseph, who was hostemerald green wool trimmed in ess at an evening bridge; Mrs. Henry Krasne, who entertained Beaver.' at an afternoon bridge; Mr. and Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs.. Irving Cassman a n d Mrs. Max Minkin and family; Mr. children, Frederick a n d Claire; and Mrs. Jake Broo&steln; toy. Mrs. Harry Leon; Mrs. Jacob Fo- and Mrs. A. Shafer, and Mrs. gel; Mrs. James Cowan, Mrs. Jules Shapiro were all hosts at John Leon, Mrs. Ben Fogel; and evening parties. Mrs. Abe Cairns, all of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Seiden a n d daughter of Lincoln.
TO ENTERTAIN ; Mr. a n d Mrs. Maurice Fogel will entertain in honor of the outof-town guests who attended the Epstein-Fogel wedding at a dinner-party at home Tuesday evening, November 19. TO CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brodkey left Thursday evening for San Jose. Calif., where they will visit with Mrs. Brodkey's brotherrin-law and Bister, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Richards.
TO VISIT ON WEST COAST Mrs. Theresa Levin left recently for Los Angeles, Calif., for a DINNER PARTY two-month visit with relatives The E. T. C. Borority held a very and friends. successful dinner-party at Murphy's chicken hut recently. The CELEBRATE "BRITH V decorations were carried out in a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moskovit2 harvest moon theme. celebrated the "Brith" of their inAt the meeting ~hel£ Thursday, fant son Saturday morning, NoNvember 14, at the liome ot Etta vember 9, at the St. Joseph hosCamel, plans for a full winter pital. Rev. A. Diamond of Council Bluffs served as "Mohel." season were discussed.
A Special by the
UTCHER SHOPS OF OMAHA At a meeting of our Association the other day we unanimously agreed that we would close our butcher shops
at 9 P. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday We appeal to you, for your co-operation in making this possible by phoning in your order
The membership campaign ot the Omaha chapter of Hadassah is now in progress. HadasBah is the women's Zionist organisation of America, a national organization of American Jewish women dedicated to the purpose of upbuilding Palestine as the Jewish Homeland.. The program in America is to foster Zionist ideals and to stimulate and strengthen an understanding . of the importance of Palestine in Jewish life. The program in Palestine is to build up a health system and to create standards of public health which shall serve not Palestine alone but which shall extend their influence throughout the countries of the Near East. The Omaha chapter of Hadassah invites every Jewish woman to join its ranks. Mrs. Phlneas Wintroub, membership chairman, has designated Wednesday, December 4, as the date of the annual membership luncheon. This will terminate the campaign. , The first Bession ot the History study group will be held on Tuesday, November 19, at the home of Mrs. David A. Goldstein, 3560 JackBon St., at 2 o'clock. This will DB an intensive study for those wishing a serious course and will be under the tutelage of Mrs. Goldstein. Anyone wishing to Join this group of further information is asked to call Mrs. Goldstein or Mrs. M. F. Levehson. Hadassah Sabbath will be observed December 21, it was decided by the national board of Hadassah. Locally it will be celebrated in the synagogues and at Temple Israel. The Study group which met last week at the home of Mrs. I. Sokolof was well attended. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Max Wlntroub, 2212 Cass St., with Mrs. Phineas Wintroub as assisting hostess. Mrs. David Goldstein will speak on "Cultural Life of the Jew in the Middle Ages." This series was started by Rabbi Frederick Cohn, who spoke on "Why I Am What I Am." A dessert-luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock, preceding the meeting. Mrs. t. Levenson is chairman of this group. Mrs. J. Shapiro is secretary and chairman of the calling committee and is assisted by Mesdamea David Finkle~ Sam Stern and Sam Rosenblatt. Those advertisers who use the columns ol the Jewish Press SeEerveand merit your patronage.
CURRENT TOPICS TALK BY First Guild Play of Season Sisterhood Gving RABBI COBK ON TVESBM 'Major BQZZQ Hour' At J* C« C Tuesday Evening i
Final plans have be&n made for the Sisterhood dinner and Major Bozzo Hour at the Temple Vestry rooms November 20 at 6:SO. Additional finalists for the Majjor Bozzo program are Mr. Donj aid Brodkey and Mr. L&zar Kaplan. Mr. Louis Lipp is presiding a? j Major Bozzo, and the winner will i be chosen by popular applause. I Reservations are being made •with Mrs. J. J. Friedman, HA J402E, and Mrs. Louis Lipp, HA j 2170, or the Temple Secretary. I Miss Eerline Somberg. Some of jthe reservations already mafie 'are: Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Wilinsky, Mr. EEd Mrs. Sera ,Mr. and Mre. Abe Sorabere, Mr. i and Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, Mr. land Mrs. Louis Lipp, R&bbi and | Mrs. Frederick Cohn, Rabbi &nfi iMrs. David Wiee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tousem, Mr. BE& Mrs. Harold Brodky, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green, i Mr. and Mre. K. Malashock, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mr. acfl Mrs. Laurence Gross, Mr. Mrs. Milton Abrahams, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silver, Mr. and Mrs. Max Holzmaft, Mr. William Kolzman, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Newman, Mr. Ecgene Blazef, Mr. anfi Mrs. Mickey Krcpp.
"Big Hearted Herbert," the three-act comedy by Sophie Kerr and Anna Stees Richardson, will open the Center dramatic season on Tuesday evening, November 19, at 8 p. m. at the Center auditorium. The New York American in reviewing this comedy which had a successful Broadway run, writes that "the audience laughed practically from beginning to the end of the show." The story revolves around the plain family life of the Rainess' which is dominated by Big Hearted Herbert The family revolt against, the long endured plainness will give the audience a barrel of laughs. The quarrels aad desirea ot the fcalness family make the play a convincing and amusing plot of typical American life against a father of plain customs and ideals. Joe Solomonow, who played the part of the hard-boiled reporter in the "Front Page," will be Big Hearted Herbert and M a r t h a HimelEteln will play Elisabeth, Herbert's calm and collected wife. Miss Jtimelstein is welMtonwn in amateur t h e a t r i c a l s , having starred in euch productions as 'The Good Hope." "Sun-Up," "The JaM Singer," "The Torchbearers," "The Front Page," and "Another Language." Aldeh Lincoln, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lincoln, trill make his first stage appearance as the young son, and his characterization of the part will contribute to the humorous situations in the Rainess household. Others in the cast are: Rebecca Klrshenbaum, who has been active in the Iowa University Playhouse; Bess Goldware, Norman Wohlner, Dick Hurwltz, Al Oruch, Nate Cutler, Una Gross, Marva Cohent Bess Cooper, and Alex Llpsm&n. The production staff consists ot properties, Irene Hirsch and Sara Setertnan; scenery, Nate Sekerman; stage crew, Sol Tuchinan, Al Oruch, and Nate Sekeraan; prompter, Pearl Lazarus; makeup, Mary Louis Wise; publicity, Rose Hendelsoru The play is under the sponsorship of the dramatic committee of the Women's Division with Mrs. Sam Theodore chairman. Those assisting her are Mesdames J. M. Malashock, trvin Levin, Phineas Wintroub, Philip Romonek, Arthur Cohn, David Brodkey, J . Bramson, H. P. Milder, J. Solomon, Bon Theodore. Tickets for the play may be
Martha Himelstein obtained at the Jewish Community Center at fifty cents for non-members to the Center. Center members are admitted free on the presentation of their membership card. Helen Merritt is dramatic director.
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A L&rg^ Koom for Person or Cowplf The Beth-El auxiliary bake i COMPLETELY sale will be "held November EC fit Brandeis store. Mrs. John Faier ' Heated and her co-chairman, Mrs. Henry CALL GLEXDALE BUT* Belmont, are in charge.
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Israel held the .first meeting ti. "Germany End the Present ; the season last Sunday. Crisis," will be the subject of * At the next meeting. KoTe?r,T>;>: Rabbi Frederick Cohn's current ; £4, election of officer? vriU hi topic talk under the auspices of ' held. A feature of that meeiins the Sisterhood of Temple Israel, ' v-rlll be B discussion OE "Eulhprnext Tuesday morning' at 10 a. m.'•.asia." at the Elackstone. j This lecture was postponed : Jewish Press advertisers nu>~i: from last -week. •v o u r patronage.
Jr. Hadasssh
:ers The Omaha Chapter of the Junior Hadassah -will hold a speA regular meeting of t h e cial meeting next Thursday eve- Daughter of Israel Aid society ning, November 21, at 8 o'clock iwlll be held at the Old People's at the J. C. C. Final arrange- j Home, 2 50 4 Charles, Tuesfiar, ments -will be made for the I November 19, at £ p. m. All mem-1 Thanksgiving dance -which 'Will be bera are urged to attend. held November 2S at the Hotel Fontenelle. The Sigma Delta recently elect-; Arrangements -will be made also for the Southwestern Regional ed the following officers for the j! Charlotte Sacks, Convention of the Junior Hadas- coining year: sah which will be held December 1 president; Lois Geriisfcv, rice-j 7 and December 8 in Kansas City, {president; Dena Brofiy, treasurer,! Mo. All members who plan to jand Nellie Tatalbacm, tooter re! attend this convention must make porter. The group is planning a Bcaven- j reservations with Miss Ida Fine, ! chairman in charge of the con- ger hunt to be held son. vention. A large delegation trom the local chapter plan to attend the regional convention in KanIT WILL PAX YOU sas City. Headquarters will be To ConsBlt the Hotel Muelbach. The National Senior Hadassah Convention will fee held November 28 to December first in Cleve- When baying land, Ohio, at the same time ol DIAMONDS the National Senior Hadassah WEDDING KINGS convention. Convention head- WATCHES - SILVEEWAEB quarters will be the Hotel Cleve- and GIFT JEWELBX land, and any member who plans to attend the National Convention is requested to get in touch with Miss Dora Freshman, local president.
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CAVALBY—Italian airmen reported, during the Italian advance beyond Makale, that they observed many Ethiopians in trenches and dug-outs waiting to repel the invasion. But Emperor Haile Selassie has said that in the open country his chieftains would rely much on cavalry to combat the Italians, especially in guerilla warfare. Above are some of the Emperor's own cavalry on parade in Addis Ababa before leaving for the front.
FASCIST! BIRTHDAY—Traffic was held up for hours in Milan, Italy, as thousands gathered at Duomo Place to pay tribute to Premier Mussolini on the 13th anniversary of the Fascists march on Rome. Above is part of the crowd that sang Fascist songs and chanted of war. Black Shirts in the crowd displayed medals, some from the World War and some for Fascist! service.
lipipitil ^-xo.-:-:-;-:---'--. >.;
WELL, KEKE'S HOW!—Now for a royal good drink, is evidently the anticipatory thought in the mind ol King Gustaf of Sweden, shown here as he is about to quaff a glass of champagne. This picture of the King, one of Europe's most democratic rulers and widely beloved by his people, was taken at the opening of a new restaurant in Stockholm.
© Harris & Ewla_.
"—A>J1> SUDDEN DEATH"—At left is J. C. Furnas, author of the widely read article "—And Sudden Death," describing the horror of automobile accidents. This, with another article by Mr. Furnas and one by Ernest N. Smith, right, vice president of the American Automobile Association, on avoiding accidents, has sold more than 3,000,000 copies in book form.
iiiliii WATCHERS — During the new' Italian drive into; the Lake Tana district of Ethiopia, it was expected airplanes would prepare the way, bombing Ethiopians reported In strength along the " route. Above are native tribesmen keeping guard over one of the few caravan trails that led from the north country into the capital city of Addis Ababa.
. IS THIS THE CHAMPION ?—James J. Braddock, world's heavy-weight boxing champion, failed to thrill the crowd in Seattle, Wash., during an exhibition bout with Jack McCarthy, his sparring partner. Above, Jim takes a stiff one in the face.
TEIAL BY FEBE—One of the spectacular feats performed by a mounted policeman of Rome, during the recent review of the armed forcti by Premier Mussolini. The policeman has sent his horse through the flaming ring and appears to have escaped unscarred, though he covers one ear with a hand. ; ; ! "
CANDIDATE —Ohio's "favorite son" bid for the Republican presidential nomination n e x t year. He is Congressman Chester C. Bolton of Cleveland, chairman of the Republican Congressional Committee and a member of the House Appropriations Committee. He was formerly a steel industrialist.
EXPECTANT—Verree Teasdale, "screen star, and wife of Adolphe Menjou, reported from Hollywood to be expecting the birth of a child in the Spring. A native of Spokane, Wash., she later lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., and was widely known on the stage. She FAB WEST KICKER—One of the reasons that the University of and Mr. Menjou. were married in Washington football team, in Seattle is rated as a top-notch organthe Fall of 1934. ization in the Far West. He is Elmer Logg, quarterback, and his kicking makes him, like his team, widels- known. In fact, Coast fans will tell you he is one of the greatest kickers in the game. His weight is 170 pounds.
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m © Aero Service Corp.
ATHLETES WDLL i__VE---Controver_y continues,as to whether ornot American being conducted by the United " s Olympic Games to lie. held in Germany in 193S. Meanwhile the WINGLESS WAR BIEB—lavestigation.and military planes, Here iiere is an exclusive v^pic3 completing this village* as'•:&: home* for the international athletes : States Government to test the dependabiUty of autogteos as ^ i i i a ^ planes. P s over p^ja^pnia.Tne at Doeberitz, about 10 miles fromEeflin;; anil wUlhave-140 one-story ~ • ture^^f^^the Pitcaim wingless ship taken from an^^accompjinying^pid^c ^ war bird was on a test flight prior to delivery at Wright
MASD-WOKKING WABEEN-^Pferhajw-you-dont at first nize one of the best dressed stars of the screen to the above. Nevertheless, he's Warren William pictured hard • landscaping his estate af Van Nuys. CaL He.is also <"?• caring for several vaneties of fruit trees. : Unite*
TO ENLARGE ARK OFCOVENANT 1 Religions Services 1 SEEK FACULTY AS AID TO TOWARFRONTBY EXILED PROFESSORS aiaffliiiraiiiiiiiiniiiiEiHniiiiiiiffiiiniKininirtiiiiiniiinaiaiiiiiiii ^ IS
nounced by Sir Philip H a r t o g . : nes, president of t h e University j Whet An Offense 12,000 Jewish soldiers who died medium of Hftevp.ra, i president, a t a meeting of t h e ; as " t h e master builder of t h e which enables German Jews pp< Berlin—For playing cards with for Germany in the World War. i Friends. • ~ ! University which symbolizes o u r The Union is requesting t h e ing to emigrate to Paler-tine a Jew in a public -place, the mayor Redcliffe Salamon a n d Profes-; Renaissance." Jewish war veterans of all roufttake their capital out of Germ*, of the town of Mogendorf was dissor Gibb of t h e University's | tries to participate In the project, in the form of ihercli&iulipe. missed from office. London (JTA)—To make room School of Oriental Studies lauded ' Frankfurt-Am-Main—An "Ary; Amsterdam—The IMunicipp'U' for exiled German-Jewish profes- t h e University's contributions to ; an" business man w h o testified ; TilKTJihs Down of Amsterdam resolved to p ^ i . ; sors, the British Friends of the conciliation between A r a b a n d '• that he had been' forced to dis- ; Palestine Colony Jerusalem—The Palestine Gov- a subsidy of 11.TOO guilders if-K. | charge three Jewish employes was Vienna—At a meeting: here the Hebrew University will launch a J e w . Prof. N o r m a n Bentwich, form- • ordered by a local court to pay Union of Jewish T\'ar Veterans de- ernment announced officially that 000) to the Jewish Chfiritnbie Ar campaign next spring tor increasing the capacity of the Jerusalem er a t t o r n e y general of Palestine, I them each three months' salary ia cided to establish a colony in Pal- it has no inten on of ordering; sociation for pending weak SIK" estine in commemoration of the goods from Germany through the sickly children to the countryside university's faculty, it w a s an- (paid tribute to Dr. . W a n L. Mag-1 lieu or notice.
This Friday evening Rabbi DaScene of A n c i e n t Days Be- vid A. Goldstein will occupy the ulpit of Rabbi Solomon Goldman \Enacted By Dosby-Skinned n Chicago. In his absence the Africans ervices will be a special service n honor of the women's auxiliary Addis Ababa (WNS)—Re-en- t the congregation. Mrs. J. H. acting a scene like that -which the lulakofsky will read part of the Old Testament says happened ervice and Mrs. David. A. Gold"When the children of Israel car- tein will deliver the sermon. ried the Ark of the Covenant Next Friday evening the. conaround the walls of Jericho 3,500 gregation will have in Its pulpit years ago, once each day for six Rabbi Louis Feinbers of Cincindays and seven times on the sev-nati. Rabbi Feinberg 1B a gradenth, day, t h e Coptic priests of uate of the Jewish Theological Ethiopia loaded •what tradition Seminary of New York and is ^ays is the original Ark o£; the known as one of the most eloquent Covenant into motor' truckB and members of the Conservative sent-it to the Iront to.give spir- Rabbinate. itual nourishment, to* the -warriors of Emperor Haile Selassie. "While hundreds of priests stood guard At services tonight Rabbi David and a crowd of devout Ethiopians offered up prayerB, the tTO tab-"Wice will speak on "The Olympic lets "were taken from the Holies Furor." Saturday morning services Will in the cathedrals of St. Gabriel and: St. George and tenderly plac- begin at 10:30. ed on American-made -trucks. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will conGuarded by specially sanctified priestB who shielded the tablets duct his current topics class at •with umbrellas to prevent con : the Blackstone hotel at 10:30 tamination, the Ark of the Cov-a. m. Tuesday, November 19. His enant was dispatched, to" Dessye, subject will be "Germany and the where the main Ethiopian army Pr-esent Crisis." is mobilizing in anticipatipn of a The Bible class will meet Tuesmajor battle at Makale. day, November 19, at 1 p. m. at Although there is only tradition and legend to go by, the Eth-the home of Mrs. Phil Gilincky, iopians believe that the original 104 So. 54 St. Ark of the Covenant is buried unRabbi David Wice will speak der Aksum, t h e "Jerusalem of Distributed by .before the Council luffs chapter Ethiopia," : According to EthioofiHadassah Wednesday, Novem' pian folklore the Ark came into the possession of the Ethiopians ber 20, on the Falashas. In the time of K i n g Solomon. Menelik, Solomon's son by Queen AT. 3454 104 Xo". 18th St. Sheba, legendary founder of the fund chairroyal house of Ethiopia, was ed- Mrs. I. Beb'er, ucated at his father's court in man of B'nos Mizrachi, announces Jerusalem. When the Ark of the the following contributions: Mrs. Covenant was endangered daring S. Colick in honor of the marone ol the periodic sieges of Jer- riage of her daughter, Rose; Mrs, 1 usalem,. Solomon sent it to Mene- H. Steinberg in honor of the birth I Ask Your lik for safekeeping. After t h e of her grandchild, Deborah Sardanger, had passed and Solomon ah; Mrs. William Saferstein in I Grocer for sent emissaries to bring back the memory of her mother, Ida .Belle alashock; Mrs. I. Hurwitz in Holy of. Holies, t h e; Ethiopians kept the original and sent back a memory of , her- father, Joseph cunningly designed copy. On theMargolin. - • , strength of this tale the. Ethiopians claim that they have' the The Height of real Ark of the Covenant. Copies of this Ark a r e kept in every Good Taste! Ethiopian.church and it is one of By Mrs. David M. Newman these copies- which is now on its way to the front. 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 Choc-Xnt Cake Take 2-3 cup butter, 1 *£ cups brown sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 squares melted ;chocplate,-2 ~cups flour, Jy4 -.teaspoon The Pioneer Women will Bpon salt, "and % cup chopped nut sor a Tag day beginning Sunday, meats. November, 17. Proceeds of thi Mix the ingredients In the orcollection will' go towards th der given and bake in layer pans fund for building the dormitory- at 400 degrees 30 minutes. CovFeatures school on Chana Chizek's agricul- er with . chocolate icing to which Shampoo and finger wave 50c tural school in Palestine. Mrs. has been added 1 teaspoon of pepChizek, who'is well-known here, permint flavoring. THE NEW has operated the school for ten Zotos .Permanent Wave with years arid although other farm no machinery and no electriDivinity • buildings are completed* the girls Use 2 cups sugar, % cup white city used at 56.50 and .up. attending are still living in old Karo syrup, ••% cup water,Vz cup -716 Brandele Theatre Bldg. buildings and tents. Due to the chopped nuts, Iteaspoon vanilla, AT. 4333 immigration swell 200 girls are teaspoon salt, .2 egg whites. graduated annually and larger Boil sugar, syrup, salt and waquarters are needed. This kvut- ter together until it forms a hard zoh specializes in tree-grafting ball :in water (cold). Beat the and poultry raising and is under the personal direction of Mrs. whites stiff and gradually pour on Chizek who is an agricultural ex- the hot syrup, beating constantpert. • ' ly. When mixture begins to stiffen add nuts and drop from teaMrs. J. Richlin, chairman of spoon on a butter plate. SCHMIDT'S the Ways and Means committee of the local chapter of the Pioneer JR. VAAD AUXILIARY Women, hopes that "everyone apfor a Pleasant Surprise proached will do his share toward helping In this worthy and con- The membership tea Of the HAVE YOU TRIED Junior Vaad auxiliary will be structive work.". SCHMIDT'S LATELT? held Sunday afternoon, November 24, at the home •' Mrs. L. CALL Neveleff, sponsor of. the group. A The electric percolator drawing very, interesting program is beAT. 5003 sponsored by A. Z. A. No. 100 ing arranged by Miss Kollie Roit- 422 So. 13th St. was won by Mrs. I. .Forbes,. 3916 stein, chairman. No. 25 St. ' At the meeting of the group After the drawing the alephs held last Teusday evening, it WE8 held a committee meeting pre-" announced that the _ - meeting sided over by Aleph S'gan, Max will be a dinner-meeting, the Novak. Jay Weisman, Aleph date to be announced later. .Plans Sopher, gave a business and social were made for the showing of a Stop for Yotrr report of the chapter's anniver- movie to be held in the near fusary banquet held recently. ture. Miss Evelyn Epstein is Ben Wlntroub, athletic commit- chairman of this co-a. ittee. tee head, announced plans for a AT THE snooker tournament to be played within .the chapter and to begin immediately. ' Entrance fees paid The Vaad religious school has by players will be used to purorganized a Debate club for the chase a suitable trophy. purpose of acquainting the memThe cultural program, "Jews in bers with Jewish subjects in deEthiopia," to be presented at the bating. 316 So. 15th next meeting will be prepared by 1 The officers elected a -, the first cM11 u T a 1 committee chairman, meeting, held Sunday, November mmmmmmsmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmimm Aleph Sam Kaplan. 10, are: Bessie Lefitz, president; Leonard RIorganstern, vice-president; Helen , Fogel, secretary; The formal installation of Rab- Max Cohen, treasurer, and Helen ».i«^a«KMaf bi Harold A. Berger as spiritual Minkin, reporter. • ' We Are Serving a leader of the.Vaad will be held Miss Dora Treshman is sponsor this week-end,, starting this eve- of the group. Rabbi "I. A. BerSpecial American Dinner ning" and ending with a banquet ger is the spiritual advisor. EVERY SUNDAY Sunday evening. • -. at - . • • At services at the B'nai Israel 75c AND 85c P E E PLATE synagogue this evening beginning 4 Courses Complete at 8 p. m., Rabbi Irving Meisel The Jewish National Fund of South .Bend, Ind., will give the From 11 A- 31. to 8 P« M. council of Omah ., announces the sermon. :..-•••-'..'" On Saturday morning Rabbi following contribulions for the Rubenstein of Chicago will speak purpose ot planting trees in 316 So. 15th St. in Yiddish at the B'nai Israel Palestine: By friends in honor UPSTAIRS synagogue. In the afternoon he of the 35th wedding anniversary will talk at the Beth Hamedrosh of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Minkin; Mr. and Mrs. H. Priesman in honHagodol. An open meeting will be held or of the Bar Jtfitzvah of their Sunday afternoon at 2 at the son; Mrs. D. Sherman In honor B'nat Israel. The banquet will-bo of the marriage of her daughter, held at the J. c. C. Sunday eve- Bernice, to David Lazarus, and -•o Junior Pioneers in memory ot ning at~6:30 p.. m. one of their" members, Pearl Weinstein, Patronize our advertisers.
AIR CONDITIONING for every purpose
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first young lady to find she had . not even been home yet. Next : morning he called her to find out ' what she meant by standing him | up. She replied she didn't know i anything about what he meant. 1 Now D. is wondering who was the ! girl who waited for him to come • and take her to the Show. If she ; will call him again she would be : doing him a kindness. The poor
. . * When a certain baby was born at the Clarkson hospital a week ago, the doctor exclaimed, "This is a 'dandy' baby." He was. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dandy. . . . We have often heard that "there is no justice in the world." But there is. Behold Justice Xeveleff, eh, Bluma? I guy can't sleep nights for wonder. . . Dr. H., what do you of- ! ing. fer that so many young ladies surround yon at the luncheon table? . . . Winchell always gives scallions but that brings tears to m y eyes so I am going to inaugurate the order of the "Knights of the Garlic." Are you strong on the idea?
224 Insurance
• Wiring of all kinds. • Motor Installations. ft Lighting Fixtures. Estimates Gladly Furnished
AT. 8479
Gold Ssul Nev; York Winrt 1(1 YEARS OLD $1.20 I"<;r,r rf ""Tirsrr Tr^ir.-rt Gt.<irlr1niir'f for Ore
i Rumor has it that one of our i better-known.' men is about to \ take that step-by-step with an attractive out-of-towner.
TTC 207 So, lflth
I Ed Himelstetn sendB in the fol! lowing: Fifteen Yemi Ago . . . • She prayed for the answer to a D. M. Newman vas Scout- \ maiden's prayer, j
Forbes Fresh Bakery Goods
Kitchen Chats
Jest Speaking . . .
In Appreciation of Your
Master of Troop No. 62. His as-j Her prayer was heard, alas—! Past and Future sistants -vrere Bob Kooper find | alack. • Kenben Bro^n. , I They met, and then with a sigh Patronase Max ilolzrcan attended a mili- i of deep despair, , tary school. j She prayed the Lord to take We had a Beth-El social club. i him back. ROSS PETERSON(We thought, too, that it may HOTEL FOXTENELLE ! have been the start of the Con-Congratulations ... Fine Flowers Moderately • servatiTe). | We are very happy in con- • i gratulating Mr. Harry B. Zimman • upon his appointment to the spe-, Open Evenfngs and Holiflayp AT. SXOH AT. CZZfi .; That one of "our own" built .; cial jubilee committee of the Na, tional Ketall Dry Goods associa• i such a beautiful building us the j Service Life. It's &. pleasure to ,1 tion which will plan's nation-wide | j saunter by. We -wrote saunter be- four-day silver anniversary cele- ' I bratios in January. ' fore the cold tresther set in. • That Rabbi Berger and his -wife |are .making their home here. : I f ' s A Fact . . . I They are both charming people. j Ann Eonell (Rosenblatt)- is I That "vre have tickets to the ! getting so famous in the .theatriFoundries i Community Forum. We wouldn't ; eel wirld that Louella Parsons, 1 HA. 5533 •miss that for anything. who writes about film and stage ETtii and Martha i That our people' respond so celebrities, reported on the fact Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Hoft i cheerfully to the Community that Ann and her husband, Lester Gror Iron find gemi»St'fel Casti Cowan, were returning from their ings. Wood and Met*! Patterns i Chest drive. j That we didn't lose any money ; honeymoon. sizes Bronze a n tf Iron "William Frieden-is now work- Standard j on the football parlays. We didn't Bushings. Sewer Msnholes, C'stern 1 ing in Clintonville, Wis. He helps Rings and Covers, Clftsnout Doofft, \ bet. Weinhts * n d Yell.pw | to manufacture F. W. D. trucks. Sash Plumbe-y" Fer'i-H'B. CP"'»t Ir j We had to ask too. . Ten Years Ago . . . f r c d . Brpnzr T^h'ft? O-cr,r? i The Press carried Edna Fer- I It's not so hard writing this Crs* iron G- !ie? » S-rec ?,'*.", ber's "So Big" in serial form. i column, but you tell me how I'm (We don't like -breakfast food : going to set through the nest. | Oh, is that so: .either). I A new fraternity, Pi Delta Sig- ' We're told, the committee who [ ma, was organized at Creighton • met to plan the menu for the university. (They are now known [ Sisterhood dinner Xovemteer £0, j became so hungry visualizing the as Pi Xambda Phi). The Jewish Funeral Home w-as appetizing dishes to be served, HATS ^ purchased at 1912 Cuming. (This I they raided their hostesses frigidM Clear»tl arc: j aire. is ernes. Chesed Shel Ernes).
under Festers!. Housing Ar.» Kepaid Over e. Period of. F:"» to Twenty Years Also Strfiij or r> ^
T'rrr Of T
We're Very G l a d . . .
Paxlois KilcWl Co.
SPECIAL! Electee! On'>
Oh, Josh . . .
One young lady complains that all the Omaha "eligibles" go out of town for their brides. She says maybe it's because "familiarity breeds contempt." Any comments? Quandary. When n yosng lady has a toothache and there are tiro very personable young men practicing dentistry, which dentist to go to? Which did you finally choose, R? Don't you feel sorry for M. K. She needed a pair of shoes. Her boy-friend sells shoes and she wanted him to make the commission. But—ana here is where the shoe pinches, no that's not right—she also didn't want him to know what size shoe she wore. So-ooooo (you WjTTn) she told him the size and said she was btsylng them for her mother. All was well BntH she got home. The shoes didn't fit—her mother had a fit—they both "fit" asd "fit" —and the shoes had to be taken back. Was her face educated? (1'oti gnssed it—trell "red").
i; Slight
Mrs. A. Solomon, a member of the cast of S. S. Membership, made the following faux pas at 1 one of the rehearsals. She was . supposed to ask Earl ROES. I "Where is your respect." Instead | she sternly asked him, "Where is ; your self-respect?" Where was lit, Earl?
SHOES Dyed (Any Shade) Only FREE—Pick-up Hn« In Downtown District
Phone HA. 4550
; Wanderings . . .
i Wonder what's happened to I Gilbert Jaffe who used to be one I of our favorite orchestra leaders? I Any information. j Did R. S. go to St. Joseph with Eeal Estate and Property i a Fremont man or have we been i mis-informed? Management CLEAN UK ENS Is Dr. X. M. married or isn't ITth nnd Vint cm AT, CrJR" he? We've been asked at least of All Kinds | a hundred times, but we still ; I don't know. | Is Eugene Blazer &u Irishman? ; L*s UP k^ep your S3 Douglas Block ttesh enii ovi~»i. t<ni\ give I Dr. liudwig wondered. j JACKSON I5E5 lonser life. Ephraim Marks is- still wonder- ', ing whether he attended a lunch! eon for' Esiil 3uudwig or & local 'debate? Was that Karry Cohen's natural color when he was introducing the emlnect Dr. Lcfiwig? When did Jeck Marer join the Junior Hadassah? n.\rrC.TC.> 8TEFXT Helpi c? cs £e-Ls*xer vrerih A certain young attorney D. B. called a 'young lady to ask ner for Surprise? • . . There ss&y bs a surprise tor a' date. Tne young lady's mother AT. BB11 AT. G2S1 |Thoy Kcrcr Crack or answered that ehs vas not at those attendisg the Junior HafiaeI' • Shadow-Proof Shad** home and would call 'him trfeen sah dEEce at the FoctBtelle 'hotel « B. tl Every Laundry Service |. she came home. D. B. received a ThurEday, "Novem'ber 2S. We call from a young lady later ia the promised cot to tell. W E T 1TASB TO F1X1SEEB |! evening. He thought she said, WOBS Ii "Did you call?" So lie told her Let us keep your wSRrinu appare! ! "Doc" Hirschfeld, student at lie ^ranted to take her to the Immaculate Your <>%«? Bollem movies and would call for her at the University, of Nebraska Medi- \Vc take time to do it right by S o"clock. At S O'clock yroaiptly cal school here in Omaha, wett to be r>r L T prt" ca-t'i:' 480ffi-4-« Hamilton he arrived at the fcerae if the S en Page £).
! Judging from the number ..Of our er being appointed managing di- the author of 17 published books j citizens that have been attending rector of the Stoll Film Company. including two non-fiction works, j {he automobile show, it shouldn't -••-v In 1925 he formed his own com-"All About New York," and "Din- j be surprising 1o sec a lot of riew\ pany while acting as special rep- ing in New York." He has had a j 'cars in front of friends'' houses;; resentative in England for Harold colorful and exciting career dur- j '. 'ere very long. 5 Lloyd.. About three years ago he j ing the 36 years of his life. He BIF.R. S. joined G&umont-British and is ; has been a parachute jumper and MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent (Continued from Page 7 ) . I The J u n i o r splashers a r e p r a c now the key man in that organi- stunt man, historian for three Lincoln, several Saturday's ago to ticing regularly in preparation for zation. British archaelogical expeditions, see a football s a m e between t h e SERVICES TOMTGHT of the national A.'Z. A. would the The' number three man in G-Ban air mail pilot, a vaudeville act- University of Nebraska and t h e the first a n n u a l Decathalon which is.being sponsored by t h e J . C . C. leaders of Judaism come. The regular Friday night serv- is Michael Balcon, executive in or, and a lieutenant in the World University of Oklahoma. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will Among the favorites In t h e boyz' The invocation and benediction speak this evening at Shaare Zion ices at the Chevra B nai Yisroel ic h a r g e o f p r o d u c U o n . War. Innumerable screen plays Still The day was damp End dreary, at the meeting w e r e given by on the subject, "No Place to Gosynagogue at 618 Mynster street' man (he's only 39), Balcon are credited to the former Brook- ; and upon Doc's arrival there, he division a r e : Norman FolonskT, Stanley Feltman, Irving MfelaDave Wigodsky. Herman Rubin —The Tragic Problem of Jewish are proving quite popular and a entered the motion picture busl-ilynite who also wrote and direct! decided t h a t maybe lie wouldn't shook. Bucky Greenberg, Theoread a letter of greeting from Immigration." Cantor A. Pliskin large crowd attended the services ness as a director for the Victor | ed one film, and wrote and proi even go to t h e football game. And dore Cohn, Ed Gerber, L e o n a r d Harry Rothman of St. Louis, na- and. the synagogue choir will last Friday night. Rabbi Jacob outfit in England. Later he be- j duced another. ! he didn't—instead he spent t h e H e r m a n a n d Julius Cohn. In t h e Cohn, who is in charge of the tional president of A. Z. A. andchant the ritual. connected with the Gains-1 | entire afternoon studying a ' m e d ' girls' division, we find t h a t Doroservices, announced that his topic came Sidney Kalin r e a d a telegram PITTSBURGH ALUMNUS I borough Picture Company, then Tomorrow morning the Junior tonight at eight o'clock promptly course at t h e University Library. thy Thompson. ' Betty Notfgaard, Workers'-on the Inter Club from Sam Beber of Omaha, chairr Congregation will convene at _ oE At 27, Pandro Berman is one be "Dust and Ashes." Every- the largest in Britain, after the the Vioiette Council Carnival are beginning man of t h e A. Z. A. advisory 10:30 o'clock. Harry Nadler will will World War. He reached his pres-! youngest men filling a high W i t h his 8 8 t h birthday this B e t t y J a n e Howland. one is urged to attend.. • Sunderman. e n d Lee J a n e Greenthe final clean-up -work on tfie council. ent post in 1927, when a number ! executive position in the motion read the Law, and Seymour Robnext Saturday, genial H e r m a n . •• yarlous projects, and Mr. E. N. of the outstanding British f 11 m j P i c t u r * industry. He came to Hoi- j Rehfelt "feels g r e a t . " This berg: a r e favorites. A musical program w a s pre-inson will act as cantor. Candy Rabbi Wice Guest. Speaker distributed.to the children Grueskin, chairman of "the Car- sented by Esther and Lillian Rivunits merged. lywood in his 'teens after getting j pioneer Omaha business m a n , At Senior Hadassah Meeting And while we're on the subject his schooling in his native Pitts-! now 8 7 years old. goes t o work ! Those advertisers who use the nival, in an interview for T h e in and Sam Sadoff, president of by Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin. The Council Bluffs Senior of Gaumont-British we must not b u r g h a n d a t DeWitt Clinton j every tjay. a n d looks t o • be columns of the Jewish Press.,deJewish'Press, expressed his satis- the local chapter spoke. Joe GoldRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz spoke faction -with the progress made by stein was chairman of the meet- Wednesday evening at the Testi- Hadassah will held its monthly forget to mention A. P. Waxman, High School in N t w York. Visi- :j twenty-five years younger t h a n serve and merit your patronage. the committees and their work- ing and welcomed the members monial dinner given in Omaha for meeting next Wednesday after- G-B's advertising counsel a n d d i - tors t othe RKO-Radio Studio, his actual nge. o on, November 20, at 2:30 rector of publicity, whose m o s t where h e is a producer, a r e sur- i ers. . ;i •-•••-. and guests. Rabbi David Goldstein, rabbi of no'clock His friends wonder how lie B R O D K E V and E R O D K E Y , Atty«. promptly at the Hotel recent s t u n t of showmanship w a s prised a t his youthful appearance j 579 Insurance Oldg. The Donation Committee, headFriday evening, an A. Z. A. the Conservative synagogue there. until they see t h e penetrating j manages t o look nnd fer.l so Chieftain. Rabbi David Wice of to convert t h e n e w 38th Street - ed by Mrs. Louis Agranoff and Sabbath was held at Shaare Zion LEGAL NOTICE the Temple Israel of Omaha will Midtown Hudson Tunnel between keenness of his d a r k eyes a n d t h e I young, b u t he h a s n o formula. Mrs. Philip' Sherman began their Synagogue and Saturday evening, brisk m a n n e r in which he talks, j These same friends will help be the guest speaker. His subTn the District Court of Douglas New York a n d New Jersey into a canvas of the city this week, and the annual A. Z. A. dance was Nebraska: ject will be' "The Ethiopian Jew." little t h e a t r e in t h e r^w for a F r o m his s t a r t a s assistant direc- • him celebrate tomorrow, a s they County, hope to complete their canvas by held at the Bellevue Ball Room. In the matter of the Application of Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will tor he soon turned to t h e editing j have done every year for a s I. .BINSU'AXGER: . . the first of next week. r At the regular meeting Wed- speak this evening on "The Ethi- A group of Jewish songs will be special showing of G-B's thriller end a n d became a film editor. ; long ns they can remember. In HOMER Notice is liei'fhy given flint on the The Ticket Committee, with nesday, Sidney Kalin was in opian Conflict." The service will presented by Miss Harriett Bern- 'Transatlantic T u n n e l ' t o a group B e r m a n ' s first knowledge of t h e the meantime, Mr. Rehfelt con- 3 3th day of November. l'!K!5, the above named petitioner filed his'.petiMrs. M. Mushkin directing, was charge of the program which in- be a Peace Service, and several stein of Omaha. Following the of sandhogs a n d engineers. production e n d w a s gained by tinues t o feel more like t h e t o - tion in the District Court of' DoAtflti* divided into fifteen teams and the cluded musical numbers by Jack children of the Religious School program, tea and refreshments working in t h a t department. L a t - tal of t h e t w o n u m b e r s in his 1 County, Nebraska. Docket 31fi.,J%ge will be served. Mrs. Herman EX-PARACHUTE J U M P E R Sfi. the object and .prayer of which isf city divided in districts. Early re- Merlin,, and selections by Joe Mar- will participate. age ( 1 0 ) t h a n he floes 8 8 . e r h e for the change of his name from that Marowitz is program chairman of Rian J a m e s , w h o came t o Hoi! became t h e head of t h e film i. portB of this committee indicated on's orchestra. A business meetAt the service last Friday eve- the organization, and of Homer I. Binswanger to the name Sam lywood to write n e w s for t h e - ; c u t t i n S department. His ability It's not likely t h a t Sam Leon of Homer I. Benson. That a bearing: that the ticket sale will greatly ing preceded the program. ning, Harold Grueskin, s o n of Meyerson is chairman Mrs. "ill be. had before the Honorable INVni. in charge exceed that of last year, and the Mr. and Mrs. E. N.Gruespin, was of this meeting. Mrs. Meyerson Brooklyn Daily Eagle, has been was soon recognized and he waswill ever lose a pencil. And. not n. Hastings, one of the Judges of the signed to a long term contract by chosen as assistant to William Le so long _ , ago, ..._. he lost them with .,,-strict Hi lIlv , ,Court of Douglas County, committee reported that the re- BUSINESS GIRLS ELECT awarded first.- prize in an essay is being assisted by the following in his Court itoom No. S. sponse of; t h e community w a s RKO-Radio. This studio will now Baron, subsequently filling t h e ! marked regularity. In fact, everyNebraska. contest on the life of Captain AlThe Business Girls Club of the same or before some other Judge of this committee, the Mesdames Sam have his exclusive services as a } Position for David O. Selz: time he needed his pencil, he dis-'.<" highly gratifying. Court, at it o'clock A. M.. Tuesday, Jewish Community Center met re- fred Dreyfus. Second prize' was nick - Berman drives a tiny coupe j covered that he had misplaced it. : December IT. 10:15, or us soon thereT h e Car Drawing Committee, cently for a re-organization meet- awarded to Sidney Goldberg, son Bubb, Harry Bromberg, Max writer and will also be able to i after n>\ will br convenient for the I W h a t t o do? One day he was Court, and that -unless? sufficient' headed by Jack Robinson and Bill ing and Miss Dena Baron w a s of Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Gold- Cohn, Lawrence Krasne, and L.assign him to . productions as a and loves to play tennis. (Copyright. 1S35. by Spven Arts Cherniack. Both members and cause be shown to the contrary, <he • j in a n Omaha store, when he saw Kutcher, co-chairmen, reported elected president. Biss B 1 u m a berg, and Ruth Wiener, daughter director or co-director. James is y Feature Syndicate) be ;one of those big pencils ( t h e kind , ™™f\ that the raffle ticket sale had far Olensky was elected secretary- of Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Wein- non-members are invited to atB- pray«?<I:'forv I. SiVANGER. ' "•"• t h a t ' s used for display p u r p o s e s ) . ; surpassed its quota. The car hastreasurer. er, was given honorable mention. tend. Petitioner. By BROPKEY He purchased it, a n d despite t h e ! been displayed on the Sioux City AND KRODKBVv. The first in the series of book The group which will function His A Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krause fact t h a t it is over a foot long. 11-15-r.t. down town streets and in t h e under the name of Sigma Omi- reviews sponsored by the Temple «°'- ne - vsl ;: spent Sunday inLincoln, Nebr., and an inch thick. Sam uses it small towns in the Sioux City cron Sigma will meet o n c e in Sisterhood; this season, will be BRODKEY AND ERODKEY, Atty«,: where they attended a family dinfor all of his scribblings. trade area. 579 Insurance Building, Omaha . By HELEN ZIGMOND three weeks for dinner, program held this afternoon in the home net party given by Mrs. Krause's Presidents of every Jewish or- and meeting. of Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis. Mrs. brother-in-law and sister,-Mr. and NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Hollywood—Cantor, the Cut- j then on doors, At the front door ganization in the city have pledgNEGRASKA REAL ESTATE AND Charles A. Hoyt will review."Lust Mrs. Jacob Wishnow, in honor of up! Visiting Eddie on the set we ] Ruby met SidSilvers, who got The girl from St. Joe with the INVESTMENT COMPANY ed the co-operation of their refor Life." fc'nai B'rith their daughter, MisV Marjorie learned that when you see himthe idea at once. Soon the house spective groups, and reported that same first and last initial informs hereby piven that Hie nnThe regular meeting of the Wishnow, and Mr. Harold Katie- on the screen, you see only half was too small for them' . . . the their members have been giving us that she is not going to Illinois man of Omaha, whose engage- of the comedy that has been spun : Brown Derby proved a fine stampSenior Hadassah their full support to the project. B'nai B'rith lodge will be held V. because of a certain Omahan, The Senior Hadassah chapter of ment was recently announced. into the warp and woof of the ing ground . . . napkins, table- as we once mentioned, but she The name of the corporation Is N B The Carnival will be held Mon- next Wednesday, evening in the REAL KSTATK AND IN"shooting" . . . after each "take" cloths, waiters' coats, lal sub- did admit that he was "a nice TiliAKKA day evening, November 25, in the Jewish Community Center. The Sioux City presented a check for VESTMENT COMPANY. The prinnominating committee will make $100 to the Jewish National Fund city Auditorium, Seventh and Dr. and Mrs. Isaac • Sternhlll Eddie bubbles over with a crack mitted to the daub. Later they boy.' she plans on enrolling at cipal place of transacting business is Omaha.. Nebraska. Douglas Streets. Mr. Ben Baron its report during t h e business of America, through the "local J. spent Sunday in Iowa City, where j or a gag that keeps the whole made Zeppo Marx's lamp shades the University of Missouri . . . at The geneial nature of business to meeting, and a program will fol-; council, for the chapters T h e r e N F and Mr. Sam Davidson have been they were the dinner guests of! company in giggles the long day j forever theirs. . „ . *'' Panting J u l i e Goldner, who is interning in be transacted is to acquire by purinscription in the J. N. F. Golden Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Steindler of; through. In fact he is barred off the town with ink . . . and were N e w Orleans, misses chase or otherwise, own. hold, buy, named co-chairmen of the com-low. fiancee, sell, convey, lease, mortgage, or enMr. Frank Margolin, president Book. The gift was presented Iowa City. mittee on arrangements, and their other sets because of the merri-; last seen rounding the bend for Ditty Rosenfelt, morehis than cumber estate or other property. he personal real assistants will be announced in a of the B'nai B'rith, will preside, Tuesday night at the regular or mixed: to Five, take, sefl ment he creates. i Hollywood Bowl. thought he would, and the feeling or assign notes anr! evidence of inforthcoming issue of The Jewish monthly meeting of the Council As we entered the stage, a! Miss Marian Katelman returned is mutual, we hear . . . Marian debtedness of any individual or corheld in the Community Center. Press. home Tuesday following a week- scene was in progress. Gangsters; On the dotted line: "Street KatZ. a t t r a c t i v e St. Louis g { r l < | P«™t'on as the^businpss may_ require; Bible Group .. and loan money when necPlans were made at fhe meet- end visit In Leavenworth, Kan., j approach Cantor, move up on him,Singers" Arthur Tracy is in Lon-w h o is -s "' • The Bible Group of Shaare Zion " < ><.o f Known here, stopped essnry to conduct the business of saifl ing for the Annual Jewish NaDirector Tau-; don playing his own life role in corporation: to rent, maintain anil synagogue has been reorganized where'she was the house guest of i surround him off for a brief visit here Monday construct in •whole or in part, and to Saturday evening and Sunday, her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.' rog orders, "Cut" . . . cameras • "Street Singer's Serenade" . . . night, but nobody saw her—that slier, repnir p.nd improve, and plans to meet regularly durhouses and halt . . . suddenly from the depths Lillian Hellman has a clause in is, if you're content to call Leon buildings: to collect rents, in general ing the winter months. The group tional Fund Flag day.to be held and Mrs. Abe Bear. • December 7 and 8. Members of to manage real property; to make of the huddle. Eddie bursts into her screen contract which forbids 'the Chief Ferer. a nobody . . . ionns on per*! estate. will meet under the direction of " Funeral; servcies for Nathan Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and thethe Junior Hadassah will be in her to fly . . Miss Shaindel a-a-de-li-i-ne" and the The authorized capital stock of Miss Pearl Meyerson spent the ("Sweet Dax, Slonr City theater man, who irst meeting will- be held Mon- charge of the Flag day and a can-past week-end in Lincoln, Nebr., j gangsters chime In with the Kalish. 19, hasbeen contracted I Miis enrnorntion shall be $10,"00.00. to 1RVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney be divided into ino shares of J1O0.OD vas of all the Jewish homes in the died last ^Thursday night of in- ay afternoon, November 18, in where she visited her sister, Miss i auxiliary harmony, Another time for the films . . . another cin-! e;ich. nil of which shall be common juries Buffered in an auto acci- the social hall of the synagogue, city will be made/ • -. . . . 301 Electric Building ;*nd. non-assessable vhen issued. The Gwendolyn Meyerson, -who is ,-a | the make-up man brushes Can- ! ernalite' for Us? indebtedness of ihiz corpora tion sboH A city-wide Chanukah celebra- student at the University of Ne-tor's coat. Eddie says, "One good \ dent, were held in Mount Sinai at 2:30 o'clock. The group will NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION not exceed two-thirds of its capital Temple, last Sunday afternoon, discuss the/Chapters 20, 21and tion, to be sponsored by the coun- braska. • • ' • • ' turn deserves another," takes, the | ' Arthur Caesar, en route to Lon- In the County Court of Douglas Coun- stock. •with Dr. Theodore N. Lewis offi- 2 of Genesis. Tiie Rffairs of th» corporation shall cil was also discussed at the meetbrush, and cleans up a surprised, | don, stopped off to see Mama in Nebraska. be managed by a Board of directors ciating. ing. The date and details of the The Senior Hadassah Cultural ] protesting make-up man. Again i New York. On arriving he dived Tnty.the Matter of the K s H t e of of not l<s? than two or more than FRANK C. XECBAUER. deceased: five members, who shall elect from Mr. Dax was injured in an auto celebration will be "announced in held its first meeting of; the cameras are set . . . the direc-; into his valise and proudly n* ! To al! persons interested in snlii e s - their members R President, Viceaccident near Moville, Iowa, a Junior Hadassah Bridge a forthcoming issue of the Press. group and Cere-'tor waits tate, both creditors and heirs: Sally Eilers is slow | sented her with the gold statuette, i the "Jewish Customs P-PSirlent. se.'rerjsry and Treasurer, •week before his death. Y are hhereby notified that on the who shall hold office for a term of More than. 150 people attended nionials" class last Monday eve--getting into place. "Don't hold his M o t i o n Picture Academy 1stYou day of November. ]P"S. Xora XPIIone year until, the next annual moetHe was prominent in local h e . annual Junior Hadassah ning at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel jus up," calls Cantor, "This is award for original writing. Mama bauer filed her petition in the above inc. The annual nieetinc of the cortheater circles, and . with v two Bridge party, Wednesday evening matter setting forth, amongpiher synagogue with a large crowd at- j costing $4,000 an hour . . . and studied it a little puzzled, then things, that Frank C. Neubacer at porp.tlon shall be held on the first in January of each yenr. •partners owned the Iowa and in the Ball Room of the Warrior tending. Rabbi Jacob Cohn is | Goldwyn raises his price every commented, "Hm, only one?" "All the time of his death was a citizen Mondn.y These articles may be amended •Hipp theaters. He also operated Hotel. Door prizes a n d bridge a n d resident of Omaha, Douglas upon affirmative vote of two-thirds conducting this class, and anyone j dayJ". A small, but ferocious, lit- right," agreed Arthur, "it's Nebraska, snd resided at 251S of the outstanding stock. Riverview Park during the past prizes were awarded during the one. So let Irving go out and County, interested is invited to attend the I tie dog. is a member of the cast. Mrs. Benjamin Goldberg, wife Jaynes Street and died intestate on In Witness Whereof, the parties summer until the close of t h e evening. the 24th day of February. J9?,2. seized hnve hereunto set their hands, this of Rabbi Goldberg, arrived in next meeting which will be held j He nipped Eddie's leg. As first- win another one to match!" and possessed of an -undivided one- 8th day of November. }!>"S. season. • '; Proceeds will be turned over New York City, yesterday on theNovember 25 at the synagogue. aid was applied the actor related, half interest in and to the following GORDON HARMAN. Mr. Dax was born in Russia, toward the Palestinian Fund of S. S. Rex, from Palestine, where described 7-eal estate, to-wit: "This reminds me of the time I 1VALTER A. N!rct,.SENT. "Lot IB in Rockford. an addition March 24. 1878, coming to Oma-the Junior Hadassah. she has spent the • past four was bit by a monkey . . . I had to the City of Omaha, Douglas A. Z. A. ha, Nebraska, in 1908. After livCounty. Nebraska, as surveyed, months. Mrs. Goldberg is exThe chapter i to go to the hospital and be 'Can- ; newly-organized ing in Omaha for several years, platted and recorded. pected to arrive in Sioux City next No. 7 of the A. Z. A. will hold a'torized'!" That she is the widow Tind sole and Ladies Auxiliary Mr. Dax; left there, returning Tuesday. Plans have been started "Stag Smoker" Sunday night, No- "Shoot the Chutes" gives Ed-j only heir at law of the deceased, that again to operate the Palm Theato The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare for a welcome banquet to be ten-vember 17, at eight o'clock at the, die a new role as a simple, little, the prayer of said petition is for a decree determining the time of the ter. Later he moved to Winni- Zion Synagogue will hold a desKecognized n s home of Abe Raben, 2115 Ave-j good-hearted fellow (in a suit death of the decedent, the name or peg, Canada, coming to Sioux sert Luncheon and meeting^ Tues- ered her by the United syna! names of his heirs, fixing the degree PRACTICAL SIOKEt, nue D. Plans are being made two sizes too small) who becomes j of kinship of said heirs, the right1 of City in 1915. day afternoon at one o'clock in ogues. the manager of an amusement for a Pool Tournament and all i descent of said real estate barring the Phone 1O5D Mr. Dax w a s a member of the social hall of the Synagogue. ; claims of creditors of said deceased park. Gangsters and other difAmong the Sioux Cityans who members are urged to attend. Council Bluffs, 5a. i a.nd for such other and further relief The business meeting,- during Mount Sinai Temple. Surviving XORTH AMERICA ficulties provide him with comedy vere in Iowa City last Saturday as may be just and equitable, and "are his widow; two sisters, Mrs which Mrs. J. H. Mosow will pre- for STATE DEPT. REPORTS 1,2 00 . determining that y o u r petitioner. and pathos. . ,. the Iowa-Minnesota game W. Binsfcy of Winnipeg and Mrsside, will'follow'the program. : Nora Neubauer, widow of the said deAMERICAN JEWS IN PALESwere Dr. Joe Krigsten, Mr. and There are no stern policemen, ceased, is the sole heir of the said Mrs. Sam Davidson is in charge HannaniFox of Kiev, Russia; THIS YEAR . . . Which rep- i'deceased and that s a i d estate de- \e r Jack Kosberg, Mr. and Mrs. no forbidding red lights, no TINE brother, I Israel Dax of Kiev; and of the program and the principal Mrs. resents slso millions of dollars for : scends to her solely a.nd alone. : Nathan Goldis, Mr. and Mrs. B. "keep .out" signs at the door of \ That said matter is set for hearing . speaker during the afternoon will the rebuilding of Palestine. three nephews, Philip Kay of Ish, Norman Satin, Sid Slutsky, Cantor's set. People wander in before the County Court of Douglas By LOUIS FEKABSKY ville, Iowa; Joe Kay of Winnipeg, be Mrs. M. P. Sumners who, is Sol Churgen, Inez Leaff, Tillie PHILADELPHIA RABBIS JOIN : county. Nebraska, on the 14th day and out. The company is a { and Herman Kay of Mildred, Can- known throughout Iowa for herShlndler, E. W. Baron, Lou Kap-LONDOX TO HOLLYWOOD CATHOLICS IN URGING SUN- :«day. December, 1935, at S A. i l . of said homey Informal group. Sally work in the Parent-Teacher's or• ada. .; ji "-' DAY MOVIE BAN . . . But the Dated, November 1. The big news in Hollywood this jE i l e r s , the feminine lead, em- movies won out just the same. ganization. She is also' a member lan'and Ephraim Baron. BRTCE CRAWFORD. week is the report from New York broiders a sampler between scenes County Judge. of .the Board of Education of the NEW YORK RABBI BLAMES that Gaumont-British Pictures is Mrs. William H e r z o f f and for her baby. Norman Taurog, CHRISTIAN JOB BOYCOTT OF Sioux Cityans Plan To Sioux City schools. planning to make films in CaliChildren of the synagogue will daughter, Rhoda Lee of Omaha fornia. . Mark Ostrer, chairman of jthe kindest and best loved direc- JEWS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF /jittend Omaha Dane appear and Mrs. Ben Herzoff.of Council tor in Hollywood, moves quickly In the program in a sketch Not RACKETEERS Bluffs left Sioux- City last week the board of G-B,.and one of the with a smile here, a word there, JEWISH entitled "The Children's Album." A number of Sioux Cityans most prominent Jews in England, and the players do more than the anti-Jewish boycott but t h e after a week-s visit in the home plan toil motor to Omaha on Twenty-five children from t h e of Mr. and Mrs. Max Herzoff. arrived in America for the cele- their best for him. Cantor chats, whole economic situation. POST OFFICE, AUTHORITIES Thanksgiving Day to attend the ages of 4 to 6 will participate in bration of the company's first an- jokes, with the grips, the set PROBE NAZI THREATS TO Annual itThanksgiving Dance giv- the sketch. Mrs. S. H. Shulkin niversary celebration in this coundressers, the sound men, the diWord has been received here en there; by the Junior Hadassah will act as reader for the Album. that Morris Lefkovich has been try with word that he is negotiat- rector, all in the same familiar MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY PROChapter i| of that city. The dance But nothing will be elected treasurer of the Phi ing for a production company to tone. No temperamental star this FESSORS •will he:faeld in t h e Hotel FonEpsilon Pi fraternity at North- be established in California. Ac- . . . work is fun, so let's be merry! done with the evidence. tenelle, with Bobby Bowman and cording to Ostrer, h i s American JEW LEADS EFFORT TO Early services tonight at Beth western university. orchestra furnishing the music. producing until will have English AFTER EARTH We believe that Eddie Cantor BUILD HELENA - Sioux;?Cityans who plan to at- Abraham and Tiphereth Israel financing backing. Jews have learned to QUAKE Miss Alice Pill, a freshman at Is one of Jewry's finest represen- rebuild instead of despairing. tend maijr obtain tickets from any synagogue will begin at- 5:15 the University of Nebraska, spent y Since we can now look forward Is one o d A of the following committee: Miss o'clock. tatives both in word and deed. A EUROPE to : Gaumont-British films with a last week-end with relatives In Tomorrow morning services ITALY SENDS THREE JEWKalah :Franklin, 3311 Q Street; "made in Hollywood" tag, let's false rumor accused him of shirkSioux City. . Miss Ann Hahn, 252D No. 18thwill begin at 9 o'clock with the ing his contribution to the United ,ISH CHAPLAINS TO ETHIOhave a peep at some of the genAppeal because he gave ^P I A N F R O N T . . . In war Jewish Street; iMiss Ruth Swengil, 2917 reading of. t h e Law. At 9:30 tlemen responsible for G-B's sup-Jewish only $250 from Hollywood. Pre- "Needs" are always taken care of. Bristol Street; Miss Rose Abram- o'clock Rabbi Goldberg will officess. The head of the organiza- vious to this' somu however, TWO JEWS ELECTED sbn, 3935 No. 21st Street, all of ciate at the service in Beth Abtion is Mark Ostrer who is a com- he had signed donation, a check for one SWISS PARLIAMENT AS ANTIOmaha; 'or Miss Fannie Katelman, raham synagogue. At 3:30 o'clock make one feel at home aie'especia parative newcomer In the movie 417 Oakland avenue, Council he will speak at the Beth'Abrabusiness. Several years a g o hethousand In New York. Cantor's SEMITES ARE BEATEN . . . The evident at Hotel President Cb h a m on "Charity Begins at Bluffs> Iowa. (JTA)—The Congress and his brothers, who were bank- charities are numerous . . a ! air Is too pure in Switzerland for Home.' Minchah Services will be- of Geneva gives his the Nazi germ to develop. money, his time, Moslems has decided ers, became intsrested in Gauto ail the finest theatres and sho gin at 4:30 o'clock, and Shalus to European ROUMANIAN PRINCE GETS approach t h e League of Na-mont-British, which had been himself. Shudas will b.e served at both tions Splendid food ?300,000 BEQUEST FROM .TEWand the British government making about two pictures a year. t0 Urging that the A. Z. A. frat- synagogues. j ESS ... . His reward for his antiSophie Tucker's welcome to warn them of the seriousness The firm dates from the 1890's ernity act as a bridge to clearer Plans have been made for, a of the situation" created by thewhen It was founded in Paris by Screamland' was worthy a Queen I gemitism. understanding between Jew a n dwelcome banquet to be given in Zionist aspirations in Palestine. M. Gaumont. The English branch of vaudeville. Ted Lewis hosted AFRICA GentilerJMr. Ben Kazlowsky, pres- honor of Mrs. Benjamin Goldberg GERMAN JEWISH REFUGEE for her to which came Mr. came into existence merely as an a nparty The action was taken despite a ident o£ the Omaha B'nai B'rith who will arrive home this week statement previously . made that outlet for pictures in the British | * d Mrs. Filmdom. Lewis and N A M ED HEAD OF LEADING lodge, spoke before the local A. after spending the summer in Pal the congress would occupy Itself' Isles, Since Ostrer became its . His job p e r f o r m e d > a s s s i t e d by ETHIOPIAN BANK Z. A. clcapter at their open meet- estine. i twenty singers and entertainers will be to get rather than keep ; solely with religious and cultural ing Sunday afternoon in the Jew- The Hebrew School is report- problems. The resolution was dominating figure Gaumont-Brit^ money. ish has become a major factor In ish "Community Center. Mr. Kaz-ed to be making good progress. after Ishan-bey-a-Dehab- the movie Industry and is creditHarpo received an invitation 1 PALESTINE Harpo lowsky ' told the members t h a t Classes are under the supervision adopted ri, Syrian Arab resident in GenPALESTINE ADOPTS DRASed with introducing to cinema authey wc/'uld b© the leaders of to- of Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg. from Otto Klensperer to be guest TIC SANCTIONS AGAINST 1 eva, acting as delegate for Paldiences Nova, Pllbeam, p.e t e r morrow ^ and that from the ranks with the New York Phil- ALY 'Palestine must follow estine, warned that Zionists in- Lorre, Marta Eggerth, Jan Kie-soloist harmonic orchestra: e vas He tend to create a Jewish state. pura and Jesale Pilbeam. Already Mi. Sinai Sisterhood speechless and abandoned f r a n t i c British HIGHpolitics COMMISSIONER ESThe congress also considered Its pictures are shown in 4,0001 struck his chase after two TABLISHED QUOTA ON MEDILulisfiesi and Farfel . Flans Annual Dane manifestos, from t h e French theatres from coast to coast. blondes. CAL LICENSES . . . An economic League against Imperialism and '! sold by Second only to Ostrer In G-B The Mount Sinai, Temple Sis Colonial Oppression and the In-is Jeffrey Bernerd, also an Eng- The other day Harry Ruby | measure, but we don't like it. 62,000 JEWS E N T E R E D ; terhood has changed the date ol ternational Committee for -thelish Jew, • who is general mana- acquired a huge rubber stamp COUNTRY IN F I R S T TEN' their annual dance from Thanks •which prints his address. He tried Protection of the Rights of Abysger. He came intp the movie field I 710 West 8th MONTHS OF 1935 A new recgiving eve, to December 3. Th sinia. It was decided to establish shortly before the War with the It on paper . . . it was fascinating i'Sioax City, Iowa * ord for Palestine. change in date was made to co a Moslem institute in Geneva. Motion Picture Sales Agency, l a t - \ . . looked good on walls, too . . . ! PHONE 87335 operate with the work on the Inter Club Council Carnival. The Dance will be held at the Mayfair, 13th and Pierce streets. Mrs. Herman Miller and Mrs. Sam Greenstone are co-chairmen on the arrangement committee.
Shaare Zion
Mount Sinai
Society News
United Synagogues
Moslems To Warn League on Sonlsm