In the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of
Entarcfl tut Second Class Mall Hatter OD January 21, 1321. at PostoMicr of Omaha, Nebraska, under l b s Act of M i t c h J, 1S71
Graduation at Talmud Torah Next Sunday
VOL. XI—NO. 4f
Berlin Mayor Tried I for Buy?"" Prom
The graduation exercises for .\S)—The antS-Jewthe 5656 graduating class of the Nazis caught an ualocal Talmud Torah will be held Three-Day Ceremonies big fish when Dr. Keia- j « j Life" Cliarges Astinest Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 mayor of Berlin since With Basgset At ewislx Crss-sis LSEBSCSHKI p. m. at the Jewish Community -il, IS SI, was placed on trial J. C. C. Sunday By E Center auditorium. The public ^efore a. secret Nazi party court j is invited to attend. on charges of buying; in a. JewRabbi Harold A. Berger was • H o l l y w o o d (TV. — The The graduates are: Bines ish-owned store. greatest anti-Jewish crusade in ewis. Celia Lipsman, Harvey Bur- officially installed as spiritual 1 Although few details of the .acstein, Max Kirshenbaum, Rebec- leader of the local Vaad Ha'Ihrj cusation against Mayor Sahra are the history cf America . has been cah London, Marcia Finer, Harold or Union of Orthodox synagogues,;| available, it is tnown that two j launched on a nation-wifie scale Slutzkin, Harry Goldstein, Rose during a three-day, observance Omahans -were consistently in Kpvno (WNS)—-Jewish impor- Goldstein, Ephraim Gershater, last week-end, with ;many noted |<* e c k s h e nBf, t 0 p a y * ° 5 h i s ^ | in Los Angeles under the directhe foreground at the Plainswere discovered by a: > I tion of tbe American Nationalist orthodox rabbis from other cities •chases chasesclerk ^erewho discovered b y a Nover azi Berlin (JTA'i—The long t-vStates regional .Conference of ters here are largely responsible and Stanley Silverman. bank turned than. Party, a consolidation of the 5ew- The final report luncheon of in attendance The graduates will enroll in Jewish Community Centers and for a striking increase In imports t o Nazi arty pected executive decrees jtiiri!~' baiting Silver Shirts, the morithe Community Chert campaign Friday "evening and Saturday j P °«1<*»1«Welfare Federations, held in Desfrom Germany, it w a s disclosed the Hebrew high school class. bund Kn Klux Elan and the Nazi- for S5."p,S00 will be held this menting the cnti-JewiPh is. v» rabbis from midwestem cities Moines, la., last week-end. by the ministry of commerce fanned Frienfis of the New • Ger- noon. passed by ibe KoJHislnp F.f >"i;"*spoke to members of the various Henry Mons&y was elected a when it published a report showmany, it is charged in & front The Jewish division in the • emborg on Soptf-mbrr 15 v. ; ' t Vaad groups. Sunday afternoon membef-at-large .of the executive page article'by. James Sargent in women's group has been doing: an installation program was held ing that imports from Germany committee, of tlie Region. the .November-8th issue of the i outstanding work this rear, as officially promulgated last V-.TI. at the B'nai' Israel synagogue, had doubled. during the last ten The Omaha delegation included weekly Hollywood • Life. Accord- i usual. Under the chairmanship over the eignaiures oi r.tu.-.l and Sunday evening Rabbi aad Henry Monsky, Sam Beber, Philip months. ing to this article the No. I Jew-! of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, this . Chcncellor Adolf I-IiUc. riHuif-f" Mrs. Berger were honored at a I baiter is Ingram Hughes, chair-1 division, "E," has brought in p.of the Interior "Wilhrhn FricT- ».•'.'• Klutznick, Paul Goldblatt, Ruth. Because of t h e strained relabanquet given at the Jewish Coin- | Allen, Rose Sisno, Dave Goldman, tions between Germany and Lith[ Dr. Louis Feinberg of Cincin- man of the American Nationalist! total • of . fS.S76.SC to date. In- i Ruciolrh Hess, MiniRirr wiiiv.i.i The Father and Son banquet to munity Center. vlll be here as the guest of Party which maintains • headgear-j eluded are 29!? new pledges. David Blacker, Loyal Kaplan, uania over the question of Mem- be held December 8 at the Temple N. Levinson, president cf the j I portfolio. Men's club and the Study club ters fit 6S0 West 4th Street, Los Haskell Cohen, and Milton Frohm. el and because of Lithuania's ad- Israel vestry rooms promises to Taad, was chairman at the SunMrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, on 1 The decrees {ICEI with oi: i•-•..-;•" At the opening session Satur- verse trade balance with t h e be much more than just 'another! day afternoon open program, j! of the Beth-El synagogue this Fri- Acgeles. Mr. Sargent asserts • that the women's advisory committee . ship and the repuk'lion? "fn;. . !ir - day evening, MonBky delivered Reich, Lithuania is preparing a , the party "has already fiistrib- j and heed of churches and clubs, protection of Germat; hlooi": s-f.' Speakers included Rabbi and Son banquet.' one of the t-w o principal pa- decree prohibiting German im- Father pecial sermon at the | ^ t e d several million pieces of in-i reported ?1,1S2, with sbout 200 German honor," but do not iU\::v:I Epstein, president of the Theo„ , , , , „ „ . T o V . cin-^n-, „_.» Epstein, president of the Theo* pers, his subject being "The ports until the trade balance is flammatory anti-Jewish literature j more in prospect. Slosburg plans and •which . ,' . . _.. , services tonight.JL *™™I"L"i " » * > s. called or a boycott of | The Community Chest needs the statnF of .ipwp. anfl Pi ! • ' committeeJake are making Effects of the Social Security Act equalized. " , — hisChairman "non-Aryans'' in the. field of .-".'.n-l G l c a l Rabbi Berger graduated; Is e_ £c ;e J**?"* 5 ' Rabbi Abraham member of the Con- j a l l . nn«,Tnitt»» •»*. ™«w«».m««« S Seminary Cardonof in ChicagoChicafrom \ outstanding ™ *°° *f" and Other Governmental Measbusinesses until j approximately Jll.EOO more to merce. This omission is bplir"^.. that is different. Rabbinate and as a most December 21" and that on Janu-lgr ever the top. ures on Jewish Social Work." I go, a member of the Seminary ! eservative to have bpeE prompted by 1. tof ! l o ( l n e n t speaker and story teller. In addifr n to the regular table I faculty; Rabbi David Sam Beber "was a discussant of fear that if the decrees' oi; ary xltintends t0 i 1 cl I the Men's • club A f t e r E e r T i c e s - - ociTitca m C Men!s • club L j B j k j n g o { j ^ } ^ merchants for Fathr and sons, there will I Temple Israel, Omaha; Rabbi I •«After services the this paper, speaking on the effects Jrws eomplotrly from tlie i be what r. ''mown a,f:.a "consola- j Irving Meisel of South Bend, Ind., ! will be hosts a t a tea and informal ! practiced in Germany." 1, of N. T. A. on Jewish social work. ornic life of German;-- were v I reception in the lodge room of tion t-T"Ms'V—for' fathers with brother-in-law of Rabbi Berger. According to Mr. Sargent the |: "Beber is on the national execuulgp.ted they would ir-ih J. C C. At this time there party claims & - membership of daug!j'"' 'r ctily. .Dave Rosenstock tive committee of t h e National Morris Burstein was chairman j the America in staying ot;{. of. j. t also be an informal discus- 150,000 in- Southern California,' will •? ia cpirge of this table. it Un.Lh Council of Jewish Federation arid in charge of arrangements for thewill Olympics. As H result it i-< sion. ' '?'(•& rround him are expected is . organized on a semi-military j Welfare Funds. installation banquet. Rabbi Meisel pected ihey havr T>POR c'r-fp A feature of the reception will basis for mobiliration in csse of i Sam Appleman, Joe Pepper, was toastmaster. Speakers inThe conference was formalhe the fact that the men will act call for .mass action, and is so j Morris Jacobs, Milt Livingston, eluded Rabbis Epstein and Car-, „ ly organized into a permanent All Jevyish Women Invited; Is until F.CtPr the meeting in IV as "hostesses," vel1 asthe well-financed - that it has at its ' region under the name of t h e Auxiliary t o Coinmimity Cen- Les Burkenroad, Bud Cohen, Har-! d o n ; Rabbi Jacob Greenberg of'" her of t h e Anifitcur Ad of the tea disposal more than 1,000.sntorno~ '. Voted To T a l k a t Tnion e.t which a final clef ry Wilinsky, and many other boyChicago, also on the Seminary West-Central Region of the Nater and Federation biles for .the distribution ,of liters- . J. C. C. less fathers. faculty; Rabbi Manuel Laderman serving. tional Council of Jewish Federawill be taken. Harry DuBoff, president of the ture and the .transportation of tions and Welfare Funds. According to the decrees. December 4 The Women's Division of the In addition, there will be a of Denver, Rabbis David A. Gold-! Men's club, invites everyone to members. eipn citizens mr,y not. be trir Active In the Sunday discus- Jewish Community Center and table for all bachelors, This one i stein, Frederick Cohn and Nathan attend. The article also .asserts that John Haynes Holmes will speak charges of "Rassenpchfinfir' sions were Monsky, Beber, Klutz- Welfare Federation will hold an will be presided over by Gene j Feldman of Omaha. "there is & movement on foot to here on Wednesday evening. De-• fore the ministripF o Congratulatory telegrams from nick and Goldblatt. Klutznick, open meeting on Tuesday after- Blazer. aI1 discredit certain Jewish picture l b e .IT who served on the regional execu- noon, November 26, at 2:30 in A program of entertainment j Parts of the country were read. THANKSGIVING BAMCE interior F.re con? executives with the intent of beat- cember 4. fit the Jewish Com„ has been provided, and a repre- Greetings were given by the beads tive the past year, presided over the Center auditorium. BY' 1VN10R HABASS&H ing, down the. price in a.sale of £ munjty Center, the second speak- authorities. the Sunday session, Monsky servw m"^"«""-nivi^on was Uentatire father and a representsof the various'groups affiliated The regulations clp;n.riy i of the O m a h a Community womens Division was *• U . i , +v, •Mrs. M™ T. vrewi»ff The large major stufiio to an immense er Q vo.ii. the Vaad: L. Neveleff, Fo ed on the program committee. tbe FtatUP of Jev-'i? Rtld formed last January as an auxili- tive son will give the customary Women's auxiliary; N. Levinson, Plans have been completesfor j ' ™ of the Center. comE i Ua icatioss combiae who a r e ! n-Aryens" drcip.rin E t i n tDe Junior unior M contest with a share of the; Dr. Holmes is widely known Particular reference was made ary organization to the Jewish talks. Hadassah . r n n n S82, „ A ^by |Vaad president; Ephraim Marks. I ,nthe ' dance .to " ' "be - ^ helu ^ , . Thanksgivtrt % B not 9 CTlnnc he non-cHizens. They Scout troop at the business sessions to the ef- Community Center and Welfare sponsored * ' | . j i g Thureflay; fem t kfs »-bat- want td be ia on the ; throughout America, both for his 1 hibi t the isifermnrriat:p of fects of Goldblatt's field visits in Federation. During the past ten t h e Temple tple Brotherhood, with jjunior fu me o°r s v».« « ^ H « W ^ T ^ v ! ? " evening. November .28,. at iheiCrh S production -profits --as well .--» .. j oratorical ability end Ins progres- ETid " A r y s n s . " " n o f. r A • Vaad "auxiliary; I. Morgen «vman. scoutmaster, wUl -.>*?*. auxiliary I , Morgen- [H o , e i F o n t r a e l l e - iSin ^ KEJ£!I \ making the conference at D e smonths it has grown to include Newman, will " ^ \ , There- Till .be attempts to.'-Btsrti sire a»d liberal views. The-Conichairman" of the Suaday! Moines a success. The executive women of the ; Jewish be present, at the occasion. Every stern, ..;Jrasfelin is'•-chairiaa'a. sa€ is being-; p"ogroiai~a».d ir.tesse aftti-Semitic i menity Church where Dr. Holmes tbm ;r vhn r r e only OTIP •; school board. director of the local Federation community .and- Tias devel6p*efi"*aT father who comes without a son assisted by Miss Ann Hah'n, -ticket :fectiOn.-.against-the Jewish -picture ! is pastor is one of the most popu- "non-Ary?.n." had visited Denver, Council Bluffs program, to-include all phases of will be provided with one for the ) chairman, and .Miss Faanie Katel-; ese€lI tives with t'.etasled i&lse cc-jlsr in New York City, F.ntl Iron; ke j ; and Sioux City on' behalf of theCenter activity and Federation evening. . ! lie regulations; TOE' publicity -chairman. ' i couEts cf znoTtl ol!eases against' his pulpit thousands hf.^e received y iolr.ii nr ?* that conference. no fhsrgrs of v assistance. .. \ A large delegation -is" expected The banquet will be sponsored ! Other-'crimes both i inspiration, guidance end a clesr- h e ote<:;i or ,', laws "ior the pr DIED LAST FRIDAY from. Sioux City,-'Lincoin and' Des Gentile^girls: On the round table panel disThrough the. various commit- by the Temple Brotherhood, and! legal. and moral will •'be .charged :, er. .nnderstan^inr of. life's prob- tGerman blood e.isd Qt^rasis 1 ;.-.!.• • . . , ' cuBsion Sunday, afternoon on thetees of the Women's Division, an will begin at 5:45 p. m. Les i B. M. Brown, 65, died last Fri- Moines.. by the instigators of the crusace • lems. He has long been a chamA feature of this gala event to'incite anti-Jewish feeling to pion of religion? tolerance end o r " niny bs bronprhi e pnin;; subject, "Youth Looks at the efficient motor corps, clothing Burkenroad is president of the! i day at his home, 4622 Douglas will be an eshlblticn dance by the highest pitch. Hollywood good-will End has always aided in eigr ; citizens- wiiliont !:he .-,--inji.-r Jewish Community," three Oma- committee and Family Welfare Brotherhood. . St., after an IS-month illness of Miss Rosalie Alberts and William ha youths represented the local Committee have been developed has learned this anti-Semitic every Jewish cause and program of' t he Heirh Ministers heart trouble. Round Table of Jewish Youth: to assist the Federation case Pangle.. Bobby Bowman and his jO T . g a l l i s a t k ? a i s . being helped in for the betterment of Jewish life. End the Interior. He is survived by his widow, "•--•- Masters he Ifw prphn>U.iiir; Masters will will furnish furnish the the its financing by certain members b Loyal Kaplan, Milton Frohtn and worker with her program. The Dr. Holmes will speak on the Ida; one daughter, Mrs. Sam Haskell Cohen. This discussion group has also given assistance music for the dancing. of the industry. There are s subject. "Is Our Civilisation 45 ypp.r? of RJET PS CIOTIIPK; *.-> Swartz; one son, Reuben H. was led by Dr. I. M. Rubinow of to those persons who are not now Tickets may be secured roia number - of rtsrs acd featured •Worth PresernBg-?" Brown, and two grandchildren; to l>e applied also to Jew? o;' .' Cincinnati. American citizens in becoming any member of the chapter or at !-plaTers.of-the various studios who Some season tickets may still eifn citizenship w b c a r c jims-i: air of Omaha. , Thanks t h e F o n t e n e l l e t o t e l o n citizens. The 1936 conference will' be Ben Aronin of Chicago will are out to get their bosses-fcythis be obtained for this lecture am! ent residents of thp. cour.irj. A very large crowd attended: held next October in Kansas City. The Center program planned speak before the Omaha lodge of the funeral which was held Sun- | giving night. means of siding a group circulat- those ol Josephine Roche, Norman Vs'hiie t h e Xurpmberg i;;v.s. Officers selected included: George for the Women's Division will in- B'nal B'rith in an open meeting day afternoon from the Jewish ing anti-Jewish propaganda and H&pgood, arm Dr. Alfred Afiier, they were pvoclaimPG Pep;rii,l Jill LllC jewlSil j U | • Oppenheimer of Kansas City, clude assistance to the Center to be held Monday, December 2, Funeral Home. feeling. who will follow. Tfee?e tickets are 1h, dOK.lt clearly v.'liil .ir1^*."^ s>: Rabbis H. Ber- i oSSinilZg chairman; Max Brettbn, Kansas Players, the sponsoring of vari- it was announced Monday by ger and N. Feldman Mr. Sargent also . cites the officiated. ?2.00 for Center members end City, secretary; Arthur Brin, Min- ous educational projects -at theEphraim Marks, chairman of ther"p a 7f b " ea " rers Jews for Mosey Crisis! "p T p c 1 a m a t i o n" circulated 3JS.0O for con-members the I "non-Aryfins?" PF WPII, thur. {-••i: neapolis, vice-president and pro-Center, such, as the -Jewish Lec- intellectual advancement commit! throughout the country, but espe- ,!C e n t e r ris Katleman, Sam Rodman, Sam ing t h e hnpcf- of ) iunrtrp .-"!>• gram chairman; Louis Steiner, ture and.*- Concert .Series assist- tee of the local lodge. Kevno. (WNS)-—Estensive emi- ! cislly on the Pecific Coast and in Ban, all of Omaha; Louis H. [thousands of persons in thp. .St. Louis, treasurer.. ance -•*aiiffi^lto'n?6r^hip pinfe %pons?6rship • of. of Junior "What makes a Jew Smile" and Sam Katelxnan of gration of Jews to Palestine and ' New Eagland, fey tSe American ! egory who had e-xpffieil lbs:: ;! In addition to Monsky, the Clubs, added*' and increased li- will be the title of. Mr. Aronin's Katelman council Bluffs, anr. Leonard Hoc- their withdrawal of 100,000 £ o M |KatioEaliSt Party; reveal* that would be exempt from the - r a s members-at-large on t h e execu- brary facilities, development of talk, which will deal with Jewish | tenberg of Des Moines, la. ,. -,»«__ „„, . . Hughes is the author of two antitions. tive include Dr. J. M. Morris of tbe Center physical department humor, past and present. Aronin Mas ($17,000,000) in t h e past one of ^ Mas ($17000000) in t h e past | ^ Interment took place at the An exepptior. IF TTIRO.P *r : Denver and Robert Lappen of Des for -women, the decoration of theis a brilliant story-teller, and his year are blamed by the Lithuan- published by t h e Aryan Book j Golden Hill cer-stery. decrees, however, ior "nor-.~ Moines. • • Mrs. A. Susman. 5S, 2P65 NewCenter building, and a series of talk will contain many examples ; ian government for its action, in Store in Los Angeles, &s affiliate j a n ? " h F . v i n f ; e r r - « l p w i ? l i jr"*. By the newly-adopted constitu- community-wide social functions port avenue, died "Wednesday of t h e Friends of the- New Ger-1 :PF.rpnt, " N o c - A r y a t i f ; " t i m ••• tion, the chairman—with the ad-during the year. among the Jews. ^ \ ™*&r RULES FOR nssny; • charges • t h a t one Kenrv j sight a t a local hospital. ! three Jewish graTxipareptF i-.-t clamping a tight ban on the exvice and consent of the three Allen, who WES arrested for post-j She is survived by_ her busbp.nft; j be considered fr.ii-blooupd ••? As'special features at TuesBen Aronin is a novelist, play- j PALESTINE SETTLERS portation of money. members-at-large—will appoint a day's meeting, Lee Green, well ing t h e lurid tuti-Semitic "proc- ; four daughters, Mrs. D. Dlugof£. ! Those wish {wo Jewish ?:vr..ti.-'17i wright a n d lecturer. He is the | _ _ J e r u s a l e m ( J T A ) T o n r i s t s member-to- the executive com- known in local musical circles, author of two best-selling novels: > _ . _.„_ , Economic observers here, how- laraation," is a former active I Mrs. J . Broscow, Goldie and Mar-ects wiM nlso be conpidrrpf:. •>: mittee to represent each state in will offer a series of vocal num- •»rW iTr,n^ r . M « ^.T,f-T, t- „' i ' h ° P1*111 t 0 of t h e Silver Shirts; and I tlia; and a son, Joe, all of Omaha. .providing tliey ?irp Tnembprc .-. n wnich is a ;u n d e r t h e c a p i t a l i s t category un-1 ever, regard Jewish withdrawal cf zssistoer which there are member organi- bers, and the Center Players will "The Moors Gold," that most * tlie distributors oi Funeral services were helfi K\. : Jewish religious croup nr hnr:. funds as only party to blaiae and the party's ofliterature zations. The officers will a l s o present a playlet;" with Bess Gold- story of Spanish Jews during the, ire able ti are' mem-the Jewish funeral home Thurs- • m e i r . b p . ~ p oi* P. Chrii=.tiBTi cA-.x. serve on the executive. , . | i e u > » u j t h e possession of the r e - consider Germany's e c o n o m i c bers of the friends o£ the Newday, with burial in Golden Hill ware and Sylvan Frankel as _ .. „ . E t t e r f - p p t e m b e r lb, 1 S " R , lU-rf Tnbe, a book for children. Mr. r q n i r e ( i | 5 ( 0 0 0 c a p i t a ] w i U b e blockade of LithuaaSa as the chief Genasxy. leads. . - • • cemetery. 'the Nureirsl.'PVf; l e w ? pv<t.-lt.j Arbnin. has acted as Rabbi in nuto return to their coun- factor. Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, chairman merous pulpits and has lectured tcompelled • tion, r i e s o £ o r l g i n f o r T i s a s > u v a s c£_ The rigid control on foreign exof the Women's Division, urges extensively. Descended from a ' According; to the doerers. "i> change is expected to be a heavy m ADDRESS every Jewish woman to attend long line of RabJis, Mr. Aronin ficially announced. ; Aryane" i«r.rrjed to Jews v i l ! Jesrs from Germany and Turblow to Jews planning to emiTuesday's meeting. Officers for has won recognition for his many ror.Kidifrerl Jewp P.RCI chikirp.r; COLLEGE CWS SUKBAJ key are exempted from this order. grate to Palestine. the Women's Division are: Mrs. , illegal mrirrinpPF with Jf-v/j.;. •<< and. lectures on Biblical J. J. Greenberg, president; Mrs. articles Dr. Herrnac Jahr, secretary of. be regarded F.K JPWS. interpretation. Aronin also acted Irvin .Levin, secretary, and Mrs. j the Dougl&s County Medical A P The regulation?, provide : ' .": as educational adviser a t t h e 1935 Health, companionship, and A. A. Greenberg, treasurer. 1 sociatioa, will address t h e Col-' cannot be cilizenB oi the '''•:< convention of A. Z. A. -fun are but three of the benefits Committee. chairmen are Mrs. "Aronin will deliver a talk t h a t sra .,.Sa.lonikL.JWlsS.l—A . Israp'. Fun- They Jieve no voting rii-i'.-'c that members of the newly-Iorm- William Milder, Motor Corps; fit 4 p. m. m •will open for Greek Jewry with [ fiE5% November 24., at ed Jewish -matron's class are Mrs. Sam Wolf, Citizenship; Mrs.will be remembered for a long oilier-, the restoration • of tlie -monarchy |t h e T e s try rooms of theTemple, maintain a n y time," stated Dr. A. A. Greenberg, finding these days in the gym of J. Blank, Clothing; Mrs. L. aad theretcra of King George, it \upori upos the the"subjectsubject- "Has "Has a Doctor ish p'ficial.? nre n«1oniBt.Jf«*'iiy the Jewish Community Center. Neveleff, Kitchen; Mrs. "David who h a s heard him se-eral times. I was declared, here "by Chief Kabbi the Right to Kill the Unfit?" be dismissed OR December ?.".. Many of the women are enroll- Greenberg, Membership; Mrs. A."He is a master a t telling funny jZvi Hirsch Koretz and M. Alalouf I Tbis discussion is in connection they participated in t h e "i'V stories." ing with an eye to either reduc- Greenberg, Social; Mrs. H. A. open piano solos, and Nate Seterman U ^ "A&ber Ksills.li, the two J e w - ! witls E«tb.enasia end the recent War fit ihe front. t"ipht«is;- •' Admission t o t h e talk will be ing or gaining weight, and Lee Wolf, Family Welfare; Mrs. Sam Concert will present a series of violin must- 1 1 ^ members : cl parliameat. j "niercy" killings in EnglaEC. Rnd Gernnamr find her nlli^s, they free to paid-up members of t h e Grossman, physical director," has Theodore, Dramatics; Mrs. M. L. bers. The Hasoiair Trio- will be 1 . KeferriEg' to the recent p3ebis- ' arranged a special course of ex-Cohn, Clubs; Mrs. I. Levin, Pub- Omaha lodge a n d their wives. series of t h e Jewish Community featured i a a group .of Hebraic | c » t e -wbich gave E,B overrhelaiing | the similar controversy in the to receive pensjorp." ercises to meet each individual licity; Mrs." I. Stalmaster; Educa- General admission w i l l be fifty!I Center with a concert of Hebrew melodies. They will be accom- jm a j p r l t y ' for ' the moaarclsy, t h e ! United StEtes engEged ia by the The reputetJoTu: furiher fi.f>r: W'iPt "prfsiTS of re'ipions rnis' and Yiddish melodies oa Sunday panied by t h e Saks Brothers with | t hre® Jewisk 2©sders predicted i American MeSlcs.l demand,, according to Mrs. Istion; Mrs* Harry Trnstin, Build- cents per ticket tr-n6. nifjfp "i~p r o t fp '•>? *?ffentf>fl Levinson, chairman of the wom-ing; Mrs. Harold Farber, Library; e puWie .Is furltpg Bella Pevsner, note'*. Zionist {evening, November 24, at S p. m.the violin and Naomi Gross j t-hst under tJbe -snosAETCiiy tfee. ^^w- ] this leuislttion. The pciRift/ir. en's athletic division. Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, . Program; leader", delivered the featured talk (at the Center auditorium, I the piano. | ish' coainniuity would €BJOT peace i •Tewish tearherp in t It e ,'f^ In addition to the standard ex- Mrs. I, Levinson, Physical Dept. at. the meeting of the lodge on This Choir, under the direction] .'.The members of the Choir are: | a s a prosperity. public schools rcniains inian*;\ -TfT^H ercises, games and Bpeclal events Monday night, November 18. Benof Cantor A. Is rated i Harriet Bernstein, KOES Kerat, I Alalowf .said .that "only n o w penc'.icg reorg-Ruization of are a part of the program, as •well Kazlowsky, president, presided. as one of the finest choral groups j Jeanaette Colto'f, Naoai Kuklin, will Jews 1 become eqaal -with .nonJewish school eypitm.'' as swimming which follows each in the city." Its members have | Lois. Gerlis&y, - Bensice Isemaa, Jews in G-reece.* Tfee- King trill Only Keleh&fueljrer VLh Earlier !.' class.- Al Oruch has charge of spent continuous effort anfl study I Charles Mogtl, Leo Bernstein, bring an 'era. of "proEiJsrity for Jews. Plan To sel[ lias the vi£ht to ma? tlie BWimming instructions, and | to prepare the program for SOT- t^onard Bernstein, • Josephine the Jeirs." Ma'laft, -wSe IE S -pcrfor - "•RaiB From ti t the ssbo'.-o l a v s tions he promises that while there may Doe to the L®Btr01 BQBIU I day's performance. Nathan, Morris Tepelis&yt Morris iniim&ie. friend of t h e by. * S. ^ . Sc-hrm^ri Heaves, in provided in tlir bo no Gertrude Ederles among holiday nest; Thursday the paThe first part of t h e program Bernstein, DSLTH Tuesday and on "the fesve j f VTin iKtpr o* tepp. Thf the Jewish women of the com- per will go to press one day Warsaw (JTA)-^—A central gov- j will feature a group of Yidciish | Louis Saz, Joe Sax, .'Hyrsan Gea-j C2C,Egg s- tragic dssp ing's, Novens;er is taeir ; j .We&sesd&y Prick, I. tcvior. Wil munity, many frill learn to acquit erning board of all Polish-Jewish j melodies sujig by the entire j dlemaa, Ejphralra Selts, Liberty I j.j t j -w-ltJi "tlse &•,£ t T:SC at tbe E 0T of the re- i j Rudolph F Itv'vdeput themselves creditably after a earlier next tveekcommunities will be estaTjIished, ! choir. These melodies hare been s Cooper and Desa Brody. ' E&rry j public. A isew ' era el fressam ; | SewiA offim»sitr " € tt t P r. ThereJore, all news items, i t . was decided at a conference jj arranged and adopted for choral; Beadsr Is orgasiser- aad- psst! a n g order is }. Riven the right o course of swimming instruction 1 Icnow lor I \ This celehrctea pley ' 11 be the MB ship front n on-Jews ur.5 s s In the J. C. C. pool. social notes and articles nrnst here-of representatives of Je-wish; singing by Cantor Schwaczki jpr seeoB-d prodHctipa of the Cen- Ril-incluE5ve citizenship 1 .eat of the Kasoiai? . Choir. t&ia tlist the aA special women's membership he in tbe Jewish Press office eommunitles in sixteen large The second part of the prograsi | Kaoiai Gross, accosspaEist, ana i ~?e£.test syiaps.tlrT'Jo?- .tfe= Je^s,*' ter Players for' -tise reason. The sued. of ten dollars .for the year is be- &ext wepk by 3 p. in. SCnesdar, cities. feature choral arranggmeBts j Cantor A. SchwacEkln, director. \°* . " 111 *' play calls for a mumber of older Further details of the ing offered at this time, or any A committee was appointed by j oi "well-knuwa . Hebrew melodies, j Adiaissiaa .to Susday ef-gsias^ Eieii asfi "women as weU as decreeis follow: Jfovemlwr SO, to appear in tbe •women may participate in these the conference to draw up stat-JAs special .nambers oa tine eve-j concert ia free to Center members ji" young people. Foreign citizens classes by usia g a familr mem- forthcoaiing eaitloa. u.tes"for the proposed, board. {aing's-iirdgrgm, Naomi Gross, wlsoj on .the preasEtatioa o£ tnejr'mens--j. Tel" ATIT—Babbi Moses A?l£-ij Ev&ryoEe iateres.fefl is elig1 bership. This special class meets TOOT co-operation •will be .. The coalerence' was called by j recently received many homers In]bership ' ticiet &nd . thirty-fiT^ llor Aaiel '••&" AtAwetp, Belgium, jible to participate in the try- marry a Jew or: « '"non-Aryan' fct : 1 Germany iBay not toe each Tuesday and Thursday morn- appreciated! A. -Mazar, president of the War-1 the state and regional musical'jceats.' to .inoB-mejafeers o* tbe';lJE» '"been -el«ctcfi elitef rabbi o'ii oats. ing at 10 o'clock. saw on page Community. contest, -srill offer a gTOtip of j Center. all-Jevisit city. «•-•
Jews Boost German Exports Into Lithuania
en High In Community
iMew High Reached Is Legal
Temple Planning "Different" Son, Father Banquet
.'.Mi". *
to At Open Meeting
* • *
'citement. Lee Grossman is antiso heavily in volume that it was dicap tournament which has ad- ] attendance, promptness, and newcipating having inter-club basketnecessary to add two more floors. vanced to the semi-finals, there is members on e a c h respective ball and volleybaH. Herzbergs continued to grow, much interest being shown. Man- > group. The Huskers are leading: —B.v Ray Fchapiro. ny Goldberg, former JCC cham- ;With 980 points and therefore in and soon it became necessary to pion, : had a easy time defeating expand further . . . and the fourth B. Sokoloff, 21-10 and 21-0. In line for the prize to be given the Rack Jewish Paper Reappears floor of the Brown Block to the the other quarter-final matches: I team with the highest number of . Berlin—The Israelitische Woichenblatt, Jewish newspaper, reThe silver anniversary of the west was leased for the now- S. Tepar took three games in de- \ points. feating S. Levey, 16-21, 21-5, and | A senior men's "get into con- appeared after having been susHerzbergs store celebrated last famed Pin Money shop in 1928. 21-20. M. Franklin didn't provide dition" class has been formed and ipended by the authorities for With the twenty-fifth milestone Thursday is, in epitome, the story much competition to Millard Sigal i will g e t together Thursday eve- | three months. reached and prospects bright for of Omaha's growth. continued growth, the employes losing out 9-21 and 7-21. In the jning a n d Sunday mornings. In In a quarter of a century Herz- of Herzbergs frolicked merrily at only other quarter-final match |the preceding years this class has ' Granges To Germany bergs — Omaha's first-'women's the big birthday paTty. played, P. Grossman won over L. met only on Sunday mornings but : Jaffa—Returning f r o m Gerspecialty store to observe a twenAn .amateur hour, with all of Ricklin by a default. with the revised basketball sched- ! m a n y, S. Tolkowsky, director of (Professor of English at New York University) ty-fifth birthday-^has steadily the store employes participating, ule more time is being given to t h e Jaffa Citrus Exchange, deThese most unscientific quotagrown . . . from a • small one- was conducted with Jerry Herzog, Recent dispatches from Ber- idea which it represents is entirecalisthenics, volleyball and inter- ! clared that there were prospects Swimming also provides a winlin report that the Nazis are ly false, of course. The myth o! tions were all written before 1933. story building to a spacious seven- vaudeville entertainer, as master ter diversion with m a n y taking ; gym basketball. L e e Grossman I of exporting 450,000 cases of Since that time, false doctrines has had a story structure . . . from two Aryan superiority' planning to abandon the Aryan of ceremonies. Talks of conof the excellent condi- i urges that all wishing to profit ! oranges to Germany ia payment label as a yardstick of German curious history, Most often the about race, race purity and race struggling departments to two- gratulations were given by three advantage tioned pool. . Al Oruch, swimming ! by these "get into condition" i for goods s e n t to Palestine in superiority have been used as a superiority" is times-ten flourishing divisions . . . citizenship and to replace- the phrase "Aryan of the guests: Mayor Roy N. supervisor in conjunction with 'classes begin at once as there is • connection with the Transfer terms Aryan and Non-Aryan used as if it meant the superiority pretext for the greatest cruelty. from five employes to over two Towl, Alvin Johnson, chamber of the JCC is sponsoring a decath- ; no time as the present f o r reAgreement. , with German, and Jew, respec- of the Northern European peo- What is written and said today hundred. commerce president, and Sam lon with Norman Polonsky turn- ] gaining that youthful vigor. And as the store advanced Beber. tively. This article, based on ples—the Germanic group alone by the leaders and teachers of excerpts from a pamphlet called —not of all peoples speaking an National-Socialism c o n c e r n i n g through the years from the petti- ; Abe and Sam Herzberg and ing in the best time for the jun-I The woman's class which meets MARK LEON WRITES Aryans and non-Aryans is not coat age to the airplane era, the Dave Goldman spoke briefly, j iors in the twenty-yard dash with Mondays and Wenesdays have dis"Who Are the Aryans?" pub- Indo-European language. played a great deal of interest in lished by the Anti-Fascist Strangely enough, it was a only quite unscientific but also merchandising methods.of the firm thanking employes for their serv- the time of 1.1 seconds. ' the inter-sports. Attendance for In fact, INSURANCE of Every Volleyball, the everlasting conLiterature Committee, Is there Frenchman whb first advanced quite mad. It would be unworthy kept pace with the times . . . ice and co-operation. Type - - Strong Reliable ditioner, is now being favored as : these classes has greatly Improvfore particularly timely because the theory of Aryan (and Ger-even to refute such statements in Companies, ONLY the sport by the Health Club. The ed with more enthusiasim being It deals with the origin of the manic) superiority, using- the a serious discussion, but a few Health Club, consisting of busi- : shown weekly. Volleybrll and cal- City Finance & InsGrsnce Co. Aryan myth.—THE EDITOR. phrase in its narrower sense. The instances will serve to convict ness men, -has taken up this sport I isthenics feature these classes, Comte de .Gobineau- published a themselves of madness. With the coming of winter, bas- and find it very interesting. Men with basketball providing the-ex- AT 7667 • 140S F A R N A M - WA 6150 Hermann G a u c h, In Neue book in 1854 called Esfeai sur During the last few years ketball again heads the sport ac- rounding into potential volleyball Americans and Europeans have l'Inegalite des Races Humaines Grundlagen der Rassenforschung, tivities at the J. C. C. The cold stars include: Paul Steinberg, Dr. been hearing a vast amount of (Essay Concerning the Inequality raises the question: weather sport enthusiastics will Paul Ellis, Joe Cohn, Reuben "If non-Nordics are more talk about race and "race, purity." of the Human Races), dedicated again be able to witness s o m e Brown, C. B. Schoppe, Joe Rice, At the sanie time, they have been by the way, to King George the closely allied to monkeys and real thrillers. Pre-season basket- Phil Feldman, Dave Cohn, Sam hearing of and witnessing terrible Fifth of Hanover, Germany. In apes than to Nordics, why Is it ball is now under way and t h e Gilinsky, Ben Shapiro, Bob Koopit he claimed that the races of possible for them to mate with and ugly deeds which are perfans attending these games have er, and Les Burkenroad. Lee petrated in the name of a fierce white men naturally higher than Nordics and not with apes? been treated to some clcssy play- Grossman, physical director, urges H Three 8x10 Gold Tone Oil all others, and among this chosen The answer is this. It has not passion known as race hatred. ing, the teams being closely all men to take advantage of the 1 Paintings in Life L i k e Newspapers have been full of ac- group the "Nordic Aryans" were been proved that non-Nordics matched and playing with the vimopportunity to getting i-to condi- I Colors—Mounted In folders 1 counts of violence and blood-shed, supreme. In the north, he said, cannot mate with apes." and vigor of real Class "A" com-tion by joining the Health Club the virtues of masculine activity economic b o y c o t t , and even According to the same apostle petition. and take advantage of these noon threats of war, excused by the predominated; In the south they of. "new" race theories: Basketball In the Class "A" work-outs. were "lost in an excessively femipretext, of racial differences. In " . . . the Nordic race alone league has brought•forth s o m e Four Poses to Choose Germany, Jews have • been, perse- nine element." Gobineau placed can emit sounds of untroubled thrilling games, several of them the black races at the bottom of From cuted by economic boycott, by clearness whereas among nonThe Jack Spratt five has walk-i being lost or won b7 a single cruel and sometimes murderous the human scale, next the yellow, Nordic men and races the propoint. The Psi Mu, winners of ed through all competition In the j attacks, by enforced exile, and by and on the top the white. He nunciation is Impure, the indilisted ten chief civilizations of 1934-5, and the Omaha Jobbing, Junior basketball league, winning: Pictures Finished Within confinement in concentration vidual sounds are more con1934-5 pre-season winners, are two and losing none. Lee Gross- j Ten Days camps, on the theory that they are the past, and tried to prove that fused and like the noises made both deadlocked in f i r s t place man has started in his Junior the natural enemies, the "cor- they were all "Aryan" but one, by animals, such as barking, both winning three and having no boy's gym class a new fad which; rapters," of their so-called Aryan the Assyrian, which (he claimed) snoring, sniffing, squeaking." is proving very popular and which losses. fellow-citizens. In America, the owed its rebirth to the Aryan (Translated by John Gunther, persecution and lynching ot Ne- Persians. Yet in his list he The Nation, CXL, 1935, 149f). L a s t Sunday's competition has also increased attendance 100 j "Where Courtesy and Service Prevail" Abe Herzberg. groes by members of the white omitted the Judaic and Arabic proved that there is to be no let-per cent. Points are given for all j 1612 DOUGLAS ST. JACKSON 8366 S u c h incredible aberrations activities, including cleanliness, | race is no new story. In the civilizations! When he came to would be laughable if they were down if any one team is to making it at all times an out\m Orient, the Japanese have been describe the "Aryan" Germanic fraught with such tragic im- standing store offering "style emerge victorious. In the opener, made to suffer humiliation, both peopie his admiration knew no not the Jobbing five downed the without extravagance" to the as a nation and as a race, because bounds. He even went so far as plications. Some day, when the causes of women and children of this lo- young A. Z. A. No. 1 quint, 24 to of legislation by the United to argue that the Frankish (Ger- race 16. Iz Novak, flashy Jobber forhatred have been removed, cality. States designed to keep them out manic)' element in Northern the pogroms ward, scored 10 points for t h e and persecutions of Abe and Sam Herzberg started of this country on racial grounds; French made it superior to other contemporary history will seem I victors, with Aukie Yaffe starthey make no secret of their re- French dialects. Here is a typi- like a mad nightmare. When no this institution on its road to suc-I ring for the losers. The Psi Mu cess twenty-five years ago. And sentments •; at this treatment, cal quotation: • human being have the power to Thursday Abe Herzberg, store | also emerged victorious, downing which is one of the excuses for exploit their fellows, when the president, was presented with a ithe Rambler five, 27-19, w i t h "The Aryan is, therefore, sutheir war-like policy today. From *k Where Onuaha Shops with Confidence few no longer profit by the star- silver-plaque by the employes, Millard Sigal scoring 13 points many quarters of this distracted perior to other men, chiefly in vation | for the winning outfit. For the and misery of the many, who appreciate the executive world the cry of race hatred is the measure of his intelligence race hatred will die because ability directing the firm's growth. j feature thriller, the Zi Lambda's raised. ..It serves, as an excuse and energy; and It is because then it will have nothing left to feed Also honored by the employes at had a hard time winning their for terrible deeds. It divides of these two faculties that on. In that happier age, all the the anniversary celebration were first game of the seas' by downonce he. has subdued his paspeople who should be able to work races of mankind will be devel- Sam Herzberg, vice-president, and Ing the APT's, 30-29. Elongated together in peace and amity. It sions -and his natural needs he oped to the highest of which they Dave Goldman, secretary-treas- Will Smith proved disastrous to makes enemies of those who is privileged to attain a much are capable, the L's by scoring 14 points for without discriminahigher morality . . . This same Bhould be; jbr others; it kindles the •• • the Fmhion-Choice and Values in This : ; None will be a foil for the urer. high man of the day. vilest•; and!jta0Bt -brutal -passions Aryanj appears before us in. the tion. It was in the spring of '21 that iione wiUL haStel. to bear Pre-Thanksgiving Event • • • by means of empty, often mean- western branch of "his (racial)' others, icornerstone for the present the brunt of mistakes made by the ingless words; it 4s one, of the family, as vigorously endowed, the Running a close second to basHerzberg building was laid. Five others. Instead, all will conugliest and- most inhuman of the as beautiful in looks, and as tribute from their several talents stories were erected, but two ketball for the most popular winwarlike in spirit as he appeared hatreds which mar the relationand endowments Ho" the • general years later business had expanded ter sport is handball. In the hanto our admiring gaze in India, ship of peoples today. .' ' in Persia, and In Homeric enrichment and delight of manGreece . . . Mounted thus, on a kind. Today, while we are still Since there is BO much wildly sort of pedestal, standing - out far away from this ideal state, It Irresponsible talk about superior sharply against his background, is nevertheless important to keep and inferior races, and especially the German Aryan Is a creature it constantly in mind as the goal towards which we must work. And THAT ARE ADVENTURES about the' Aryans, it Is important of great power." one of. the most important imto discover what these words IN GLAMOUR The flowery language of Gobi- mediate tasks is to encounter really mean. The very word neau, Be a "new you" by submitand his completely false hatred and lies with the scientific "Aryan" has become hateful now doctrines, were all too influential, ting to the sophistication truth concerning the false claims by its associations. Anyone who especially in Germany. The Esof fascinating lines, the understands the real causes ot say waB * reprinted: in 1884. Its of any "race," whether Aryan or chamellon effect of alluring other, to dominate over its felrace hatred and race persecution doctrines were received with encolor, the glorious glitter of lows or to persecute them on the lame and the romance of must wish to fight againBt them. thusiasm in. many quarters. They ancient jeweler art. But to do so, he must know bet- are partly responsible for such grounds of a mythical, nonGoldstein-Chapman's "forter than those-people who are chauvinistic books as Problemo existent superiority. rnals'* rise above the realm deceived ; into hatred. He must 19 Jahrhundorts (Problems of mere dresses and carry be able to refute lies and mis-des " \ you to new adventures in Jewish Press advertisers merit of the. Nineteenth Century) by Btatements; he must be able to Houston glamour. Stewart Chamberlain, an your patronage. tell what the words really mean. Englishman who became a GerHe must be able to use the wordB' man citizen more fanatically pa-, BLACK and WHITE DAYTIME "race" and "Aryan" intelligently, triotic than, the natives. His book instead of being blinded by pasGermany's cla<im to a sion and1 prejudice. Often words justified world empire on the basis of Inspect Your Furnace NOW! merely cover .up Ignorance. When racial superiority. 1 Gobineau's doc4 you begin to talk about race trines have also 'contributed incoolly and dispassionately, you directly to the fantastic and in• • Rise to (he Height of Fashion are forced very soon to admit credible claims ot National-SocialKnowing that you want that there is very much about the ist writers on the basis of nona good Black Dress to nubject :*which we do not know existent "Aryan purity." form the base of your winter wardrobe—Goldand" can! never know. After exstein-Chapman's feature Another Frenchman, Vacher de plaining! the facts so far as we an important collection know tfem, it is much easier to Lapouge, contributed to the same trimmed in white. explain also the real reason for general result by his extravagant such as this: race hatred in the world today; statements nis Inflexible will-power, the attempt to divert the flaming the"By proves that he Is indignation of -starved and ex- to beAryan master'... .-This'Quality' ploited'peoples throughout the Btrorigly contrasted with the world away from those who are Is of the peaceful roundresponsible, by victimizing those character head (brachycepbal), the patiwho are! innocent. ent Bervitor of the blond longOMAHA the slave race constantly Stove Repair Works With BO much loose talk cur- head, in quest of masters . . ." (From AT 25Z4 rent about Aryans as a race L'Aryen, 1206-08 Douglas. son Role social, 1899). (when, as we have seen, there really Is no such raca), it Is no wonder that there is also mucU foolish ;i talk about "Aryan BUBerlority." This- highly unscientific phrase, whatever it may used to justify political actions of the greatest cruelty. The
an Myth"
25& Anniversary of Herzbergs Is A'Success Story'
J. C. C. Sports
I Loved Ones • •
for $3.50
Hlgfeett tirade Enamele, ts.oo gal
Omaha Jobbing Company
Keep your rugs healthfully dean and sanitary with a Hoover. Think of getting a Hoover at this price! Each one of these machines is a Genuine Hoover, • a previous model reconstructed in the Hoover factory. Each has new bag, belt and cord and new ball-bearing sweeping b r u s h . GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR. -'
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REVIEW ON MONDAY BY RABBI GOLDSTEIN The second in the series of Rabbi David A. Goldstein's Book Reviews will take place Monday evening, November 25, when he will review "Vein of Iron," by Ellen Glascow, one of the outstanding books of the year. There are still a few season tickets available at |1.50" for the five remaining reviews. Single admissions are 50 cents. For any further information call Mrs. Irvin Levin, ticket chairman.
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Sklar, president; Lily Mae V.>>:.-son, secretary: Florence GTinstone, treasurer, and Min Y «..*;•*., reporter. The Kadassah membership mon, and Elmer Greenberg. The group is planning The National HedBsssh con- affairs for the coming Benson.. drive will end with a luncheon honoring the new members Wed- tention will take place at CleveJewish Press advertisers m;vi: nesday, December 4, at the J. C. i land, Ohio, November 2S to Deyour patronage. j eember 1. The important quesC. This will terminate the first i tioii to be discussed will be half of the two-rear drive which i will increase the enrollment to (Whether Hadassah w i l l take HATS 50,000 members by 19S7. charge of the Touth Alir&h moveThe luncheon will be in charge i rnent of which Miss Szold is cponICBI1C& of Mrs. Henry E. Belinont and her! sor. This is the colonization of co-chairman, Mrs. Libby Kaplan. : German children in Palestine. The membership committee, i Mrs. David Goldstein is planwith Mrs. Sain Theodore, social ning to attend the convention. chairman, will act as hostesses to i the new members. C Mrs. O. S. Belzer Is in charge of the program which will inThe Omega Kappa, a newly orLOUIS PALMER... clude a prominent speaker EEd a j ganized sorority, held its first "Ornaha'B Premier Hatter'-' playlet, "What Price Hadassah." ! meeting November 17 at the J. 414 So. 17th ^ A J)S3f? Those taking part in the play- j C. C. The following were elected We Cali and Deliver In let are Sylvan Frankel and Dick' officers for the year: Florence Downtown District
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after the Junior Hadassah Dance at the Grandest Place in town to Dine and Dance. Plan a. party now at the KEVT TOEKEB . . . It's only a stone's throw Irom the ItonteneUe Hotel.
A de luxe, »li-st«e! train providing high-speed service with complete comfort. Air-conditioned dining-parior-observation ear and coaches. Northbound, The Marathon leaves Ksnsjs City 4 30 PM, arriving Omaha E:30 PM., Convenient connections to and from St. Louis.
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I Meet Your Friends
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I Hurwitz, and the Mesdames Dave Hadassah Luncheon JBrodkey, Hyman.Bellman, Meyer .' :" Will End Campaign Stern, Peter Greenberg, A. Solo-
These are parlous times in Pal- it an enhanced market for food- please the Jews and not antagestine. The Jewish homeland is supplies and other materials. onize the Arabs. Mlave Malkeh caught in a welter of political and But the Arab nationalists are An other of the reasons for this A Mlave Malke Mizrachi meeteconomic forces that may reshape basing their hopes oh a war that change lies in the second domthe world, l e t . alone Palestine. will involve Palestine and Great inant fact that Britain has learn- ing will be held at the Beth Political horizons a r e changing Britain, declared Mr. Goldberg. ed: the Jews are more dependable Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, and old - political concepts a n d They reason that when John Bull than the Arabs. This she has had at 19th and Burt streets, Saturmodes must give way to the new is involved in a war he will be occasion to see from the Arab re- day evening, November 23. Habbi Politik. amenable to Arab demands f o r action to the war scare. While H. A. Befger, newly installed Rabbi of the Vaad H'lhr, will be Abe Goldberg, journalist a n d concessions. They stress the ar- the Jews rallied to the support of the principal speaker. Zionist leader, has just returned gument that-the last war brought Britain, Arab leaders looked forEveryone is invited to attend. f r o m Palestine, where he spent the Balfour Declaration for the ward eagerly to a war in which two months pressing his ear close Jews; the next war will bring one they might cast off British "shacto the ground and listening to dis- for the Arabs—if not from Brit- kles." tant rumbles in London, in Bom- ain, then perhaps another power. Britain realizes that were it not bay and in Addis Ababa that were Although the financial crisis for the fact that the Ethiopians, echoed in Palestine soil. He found has subsided, there is still war in with whom the Arabs h a v e a A war of dictators against Palestine emerging successfully the air. There" is a great market great bond, were the adversaries from a financial crisis engendered for rumors of fortification a n d of Italy in this latest situation, democracy should Hitler align PLAN JEWISH PLAY by the war scare. He f o u n d railroad building. . British war- the Arab pro-Italy movement himself with Mussolini, was seen The Progressive club will give Great Britain, impelled by inex- ships slide in and out of the Pal- would have been decidedly more by Rabbi Frederick Cohn Tuesorable facts of politics, swerving estinian harbors. The Arab press, pronounced. Even so, it is known day morning in his talk before a Jewish four-act melodrama, away from the Arabs and leaning in particular, is a great clearing- that Arab leaders have been the current topic group of the "Chasia The Yosome," by Jacob Sisterhood of Temple Israel, at Gordin, sqpn under the direction toward the Jews. house for war rumors. It talks flirting with Italy. the Blackstone hotel. He spoke of Mr. Ben Martin, assisted by He found the Arab leaders con- continually of war. It is trying its Britain has taken into account!i on "Germany and the Present Mr. Paul Nerenberg. Music for centrating their attention on a best to make the Araba popula- t h e significant demonstrations i the play will be under the direcSituation." new world. war, motivated by a tion war-conscious. against her rule organized by thei The future progress of history tion of Mr. S. Yaffee assisted by political philosophy t h a t interMr. Jake Zelinsky. Great Britain does n o t sleep. Arabs of late. True, the J e w s preted the last one as the w a r More than ever the Ethiopian demonstrate against Britain at | is headed toward democracy, Rabthat liberated the Jews and the crisis has made Downing Street times when they feel there are | bi Cohn declared, and he said Pleasant Hill Cemetery next, one as the war to liberate realize how vital is Palestine in abuses that must be rectified. But that should Hitler and Mussolini forget all rivalries and join the Arabs. The Pleasant Hill Cemetery sothe Empire scheme. Britain rea- there is a difference. The Jews forces, there would be percipitated The present scene in Palestine, lizes full well that just one bomb demonstrate to gain something j a world crisis in which the de- ciety will hold a regular meeting as viewed by Mr. Goldberg, is a would have to strike a ship in from Britain, not for a moment mocracies of the world would be Tuesday, November 26, at the scene of normal prosperity—nor- the Suez Canal and the route to dreaming of changing British pitted against the dictators of B'nai Jacob synagogue at 2:30 In the afternoon. rule. But t h e Arab extremists the world in a death struggle. mal because it is based on immi- India would . be blocked. to overthrow t h e British gration. Despite denials from cerThat accounts for the reports In such an eventuality, every tain quarters, he found that there of railroad building between Hai-* regime, Oneg Shabbos other European nation would had been something of a crisis fa and El Akaba.on the Red Sea For the future, Mr. Goldberg rush into war against Germany All members of the Beth-El accompanying the Italo-Ethiopian —a route paralleling t h e Suez. saw Britain throwing in her lot and Italy. Japan would join auxiliary are invited to attend the war and the tense diplomatic sit- That accounts, too, in part, for with the Jews. Britain will con- Italy and Germany to crush Rus- Oneg Shabbos Saturday, Novemuation it engendered. intensified building of airdromes tinue seeking friendly terms with sia, lying between them, Dr. ber 23, at the home of Mrs. Leo When Great Britain became in- that Britain is carrying on in Pal- the Arab population, b u t there Cohn said. As the champion of Waxenberg, 3925 Dewey Ave. Tolved in t h e diplomatic crisis, estine. Palestine is fast becoming will be a shift of emphasis. In democracy, the United States Mrs. O. S. Belzer will lead the disthere were fears in Palestine. a vital link in Britain's air chain. addition, Britain will attempt to would be inevitably drawn in to cussion on current events. Rabbi bring the Arabs and the Jews toThere were disquieting thoughts Haifa is the terminus of the gether. The divide and rule pol- finish the job left unfinished in Louis Feinberg of Cincinnati will hat Great Britain might go..to be the speaker. This is to be the 1917, he believes. .•war. That would mean, a s i d e Nosul oil pipes. Now there are icy cannot be carried on in Paloutstanding Oneg Shabbos of the "The world," he said, "is eyeunder construction oil refineries. estine, where there is a civilized .from other things, that the inyear. ing Germany with growing con. Visionaries must give up the Jewish population, as it can be Itlux of immigrants would s t o p hope that Britain will relinquish carried on among untutored na- cern for outrageous actions tond prosperity would be retarded. Palestine. Mr. Goldberg l a i d ward Christians as well as Jews." These fears, as expected, tight- stress on this point: Britain must tives of the African colonies. Striking at Christianity from Mr. Goldberg sees the Jews med credit. Financiers w e r e keep Palestine if she is to retain within, he says that Germany is :hary of investing and business India and h e r colonial empire. quite willing to move toward trying to reintroduce Paganism, en stopped to contemplate be- And the likelihood that Britain amity with the Arabs—but only as more truly characteristic of the fore going ahead with new enter- will give up her empire can prac- insofar as it, does not prejudice ruthless and militaristic teachings the homeland. If the Arabs recog- . .f _ ,. _. . ,. irises. "Wait!" was the - watch- tically be eliminated. than Christianity With ord. Wait to see what develops nize that fact, the Jews will be i ° Germany Great Britain, has learned two willing to aid them, even outside jiits teachings of peace and tolerefore making further commiti ance. ents. Arabs began to sell the important facts in recent times, Palestine wants militant wariritlsh .pound sterling and hoard according to Mr. -Goldberg. > She• • The author and journalist also | r i ."Germany has found out, first, that the Jews saw for the future a shift of the o r s a n d i s A c t i n g the youth |gold. But the great financial institu- must go to Palestine. She h a s Jewish population center f r o m •with this military spirit to raise ons of Palestine' rallied' and turned inquiring eyes towards Europe to the Near East—Pales- such a future generation." He said that the "world realizes that oosened credit. The .government Germany and Poland and has seen tine, Cyprus and Bagdad. Germany is seeking to destroy the Jews being relentlessly forced dertook public wo'rks. The High (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic Christianity as -well as annihilate Agency, Inc.) ommissioner " assured the popu- out'and drawn as by an inexorthe Jews and assassinate their lation the war was localized. And able magnet to the Jewish homeThose advertisers "who use the character. espite the ban on Italian ships, land. She begins to realize that jwhich had previously been carry- Jewish Immigration m u s t con- columns of the Je-wish Press dePatronize our advertisers. ag most of the Palestine immi- tinue and at an ever increasing serve and merit your patronage. fgration, newcomers c o n t i n u e d rate. Britain, as always, realistic in fcoming—on polish liners and on her foreign policy, accepts Jewish $Rumanian ships. MASK3TT ITW5?3TE3S8B3 Palestine weathered the crisis, immigration as inevitable and is Mr. Goldberg said. There was a setting about to cultivate a friendresumption of industrial activity ly and dependable Jewish populaand an urge in the air that spell- tion. Until now her aim was to ed growth and expansion. As a please the Arabs and not antagmatter of fact,.the war even spur- onize the Jews. Now she is changred Palestine trade,;bringing with ing her course and will try to
Yellowstone Whole Peeled APRICOTS, No- 2Vi can.. . : 3 cans CMmes Brand Sliced PEACHES, Heavy Syrop, No. 2l/2 can. . . . Monarch .BLACKBERRIES, extra large Fancy Fruit, No. 2 can „
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@ Certainly, with the new 1936 Zeaidbs jov. hear programs from ail over the world. It's easy to tune German,, French and other foreign stations with- Zeniths' Split-Secosd Tuning, Then yow log them.—and return to them easily the next, time they are cm the air—it's that easy, ©There's a new IS36 Zeolfh Radio to fit jour purpose aad psrse. Hear the new 1936-modeIs
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FOREIGN JEWS SUBJECT TO conference at Madison, Wise, home of the University of WisNAZI RACIAL LAWS . . . B u t consin, Hans IwUther, German ambassador to the United States, during the Olympics Hitler give* anti-Semitism a leave of absence. was .finally forced to quit the room, as a dozen University organizations made his visit an occasion for an expression of their sentiP PnbllsbecJ every Friday a t Omaha, Nebraska, by By O. O. DASHER ' H U G O I5ERGMANN ELECTED ment regarding Hitlerism, As the Nazis grow bolder, so does THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY RECTOR OF HEBREW UNIVERAmerican sentiment grow more forceful and more voluble in de- Have pity upon me, have pity SITY . . . Which proves that t h e Montreal (WNS) — A n ambiSubscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.00 Palcor Nev,"fi r e p o r t several upon me, O ye my dear friends, nouncing: Nazism. • tious and business-like project to months ego of Magnes' resigna•}. Advertising rates furnished, on application. for the hand of God hath touched raise §1,000,000 for the purchase j -NORTH A5IERICA But even far more significant that the student demonstrame. PROTESTS F L O O D WASH- tion was a real scoop. of land in Palestine on which to Editorial Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Building. tions is the action of a New Ulm, Minn., business, group, who MAGNES URGES PALESTINE Knowe3t thou not this of old settle the impoverished German INGTON OVER USE OF FEDJERgioux City Office—Jewish Community Center cancelled a speaking engagement by Luther for this Wednesday time since man was placed upon Jews is being undertaken by Can-! AL, RELIEF FUNDS TO B U YBE ELIMINATED FROM SANCSTEEL * ! GERMAN HTD^TA v c T r t ? r . . . . rThis T]-. ic Ameri mpr- ; TIOXS . . . Rc-diculous- -Palestine DAVTI)' BLACKER N - \ - Business and Managing Editor adian Tiinm'era Zionists. on the gruonds that there "had been too much adverse criticism." \&&rfh, that the triumphing of the ariinn Suggested by A. J . Freiman, j ican-German. steel deal is some-j must follow England s l e a d in FRANK R. ACKERMAN - Editor And New Ulm is a predominantly German community. The Rev..! S K X ? ? moment! ! °°ff** president of the Canadian Zionist i thing that Roosevelt will never be world politics. FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent (Corj-i-iKht. in."3. by Srve Henry Scherer, New Ulm Catholic priest; sums up the growing | Though wickedness be sweet in Organization, it has been approv- able to justify. ANN PILL - - - - "Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Feature Syndicate) ed by t h e annual convention of JEWISH PUBLICATION SOGerman feeling when he avers that "the present German govern- ! his mouth, though he hide it unPrint Shop Addressr 4504. So. 24th Street the Ontario Zionist Region a n d CIETY OFFERS $2,500 PRIZE he spare B .meat is looked upon as antagonistic to the rights of our people." ? i t ewill * ? pnot * i e let * go, ?g* S " !will undoubtedly win the support j FOR BEST NOVEL OF JEWISH Palestinian Surplus it «and yet*« his food As further evidence of the mounting tide of anti-Nazi feeling in his stomach is turned; it is the of the Canadian Zionist Organi- ] INTEREST Rather vague de- j Jerusalem—The Palestine GOTEvery good novel is of ! ernment had en income of almost scription. zation. The Nazis in Germany have fashioned into an art the ability | sweeping the country, Cincinnatians defeated the only. two Nad. gall of asps within him. '• 3,000,000 pounds (£15,000,000) The plan provides for obtaining Jewish interest. his •*. , •, •••". ^* «. . „,=*,<- ;* k o m m M _ _ ! endorsed candidates in their mumcipal elections, one of them, a 51,000,000 loan from the b a n t s ! JN'F AND APC JOIN IN CRE-during the six months ending Septo keep denying something up to the very moment it becomes a n ; . ^ , . i. M to be paid back over a period of ATING U N I T E D PALESTINE tember SO, ID-Cu. H was learned u • i- U J r </ J 4.1, ^ f^^f n, ,™, wrni-h nf wnrM •Councilman Glenn Adams, being the only incumbent councilman against U m t h e .accomplished.fact and then confront thea aT angry wrathit-of world , „ „ _ , „ , „ , , . „• „ . , . . . , „ . All Zionist funds by the Falcor Agency. Expendithe contributions APPEAL " Thim i tp ;lose, and the other, Carl W. Rich, being the only board of edu- his house shall depart, his goods opinion with an "it's too late to d( tures during this period amounted received from Canadian Zionists. should join in one appeal. shall flow away in the day of his cation candidate to lose out. As collateral for the loan Zionists EUROPE to 1,750,000 pounds (58,750,000) they denied that Germany was re-arming, and then after the wrath; th$s is the portion of a will be asked to sign notes coverHOLLAND VOTES AGAINST increasing the cash surplus in t h e The basic principles of equality and no discrimination because wicked man from God. world had been discussing the pro and con of their denials for ing the sums 'they would give to ; PARTICIPATING IN B E R L I N Government treasury by l,250 f of race or creed is too closely interwoven into the American fabric TALMUD Zionism during the next .five | OLYMPICS . . . America's deci- 000 (56,250,000). some weeks, they came out with the flat statement that they to be torn loose by Nazi poisoned propaganda." sion will make or break Hitler's Rabbi Meir .said, "Whosoever years. had already accomplished their re-arming in violation of treaties. A similar plan raised $500,000 : Olmypics. labors in t h e Torah for t h e love And thus, also, they denied that they were persecuting German of knowledge merits many things in 1927 when the Canadian Zion-! ENGLAND EXPELS C H I E F Jewry, despite the daily evidences as reported by personal oband not only so, but the whole ists undertook to acquire the] N A Z I PROPAGANDIST . . . world is indebted to him. He isWadi Hawareth area in Palestine. That's more than America dares servers andf reputable newspapermen. Side by side with their T h e N a z i o u t p o u r m g s o f hatred and malice against the Jewto do. called friend, beloved, a lover of denials, they encroached little by little upon the new, flimsy i g h p e o p l e i n n o w i s e a f f e c t o r diminish the continual discoveries the All-Present, a lover of manAUSTRIAN JEWISH VETERANS PLAN PALESTINE CITY rights left:to the Jewish population in Germany. When the ques- j b e i n g m a d e b y J e w i s h p a y S i c i a n s , contributions to medical sci- kind. It clothes him with meek- Vienna Church Organ Vienna—A world boycott of IN MEMORY OP GERMAN JEWtion of participation in the Olympics arose, the Nazis vehemently je n c e f o r thQ b e n e f i t o f a l l humanity - - - including those "Aryans" ness and reverence, it fits him to become just, pious, upright and \,,„ , _ A - . - 1 ? ? ^ . e a m 5 8 In Ber-j ISH WAR HEROES . . . We'll apand indignantly refuted charges that the Jewish athletes were je x t o l l e d i n Hitlerized lore. ** * * » plaud when the building begins. faithful. I t keeps him from sin licher Staendestaat, official clerUSSR BUILS FLEET TO HANdiscriminated against In vain was it pointed out that Jews were and brings him near to virtue. f i g h t i n g tuberculosis, cancer, pneumonia, blindness ical J o u r n a l i n U s DLE PALESTINE S H I P P I N G ! Through him are enjoyed counsel current iseue. barred by decree from German sports clubs, that they were given jJ f c w i s h m e d i c a l m e n b a v e m a d e revo iutionizing progress of late. a u uc u u i i u _ _ , , u u u w s l M U TRADE . . . The Soviets realize: and sound knowledge, understandJewish Press advertisers merit the future of Palestine. no training facilities, that they were kept by a hundred and one ;A n d n Q WD r C h a r l e s A . Elsberg, neurologist of the Neurologi- ing and strength. & It gives him j GERMAN COURT R U L E SI obstacles from competing for the Olympic teams. The Interna- jc & 1 j ^ y ^ e o f N e w Y ork has laid before the New York Academy ! sovereignty and dominions and your patronage.
Canadian Jewry Plan Project on Palestine Land
Nazi Tactics
Eloquent Answer
tional Olympic committee heads were satisfied - - - didn't they j rf M e d i c i n e - S
gection of 'neuroiogy
and psychiatry, a discovery i ^ ^ o f th? ToSh are°rSSlST
have the official word.of none other than Adolph Hitler himself jw h i c h t h e m e d i c a l w o r l d believes will revolutionize the entire field i He is made like a never-failing that there was no discrimination? Rumors then grew persistent iQ f Ueatment o f b r a i n tumors and thus save thousands of lives a ! spring and lite a river that flows that the Hitler government was planning to take away the citi- | y e a r b y m a W n g p o S 5 i D i e e a r i y diagnosis. Dr. Elsberg's discovery I becomes' ^ m o d S f ' " h i g h ^ S r i t e ? ! zenship rights of all Jews in Germany in following up the Nurem- j . g t h e p e r f e c t i o n o f a n e w technic by which the presence of brain and forgiving of insults and iti berg "ghetto laws." Since an athlete to compete in the Olympics i t u m o r S f ^ ^ s i z e a n d i oca tion, can be determined through ex- j magnifies and e x a its him above! must be a citizen of the country he represents, this would auto- p e r i m e n t s o n t h e patient's sense of smell. Starting from the j a U « e a t n p e " He who learns from his commatically bar the Jewish athletes of the Reich and would there- k n o w l e d g e t h a t b r a i n t u m o r s p r e s s o n t h e olfactory nerve, strong- ! pa nion a single chapter, a single fore substantiate officially the charge that Jewish athletes i i i | l y e n o u g h t 0 a f f e c t t h e s e n s e o f s m e i l , p r . Elsberg devised a I rule, a single verse, a single exGermany would not be given fair play. But of what avail were ; , h d f d e t e r m i n i n g a s t a n d a r d measurement of smell which . h t tn n f l V h,m hn nr fnr, 0 such arguments to men Hke Brundage and General Sherill. Hadn't e n a b l e g h i m t Q c Q m p a r e ^ n o r m a l ^ ^ ^ a b n o r m a l a n d s u b . I ^ U ^ Sa" d ' ^ n g Tt £ i l Hitler himself said there would be no discnmmaUon? normal. Although previous investigators have been baffled by rael, who learned only two things;' Nazi tactics have not changed. This past week Hitler and ; t h e f a c t t j i a t t h e g e n s e o f s m e u n o t o n i y varies widely with the l ^ n T a t ^ i ^ m a s t e ^ ^ ^ ^ u i d r a n d ^ his hooligans present to the world the accomplished fact . . . in i individual but is conditioned by and external 1 familiar friend. As it is said, y various subjective j executive decrees over the signatures of Reich Chancellor Adolph j circumstances, Dr. Elsberg perfected a scent yardstick called the "But it "was thou, a ' m a n mine Hitler, Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick and Minister without "minimum identified odor" which establishes a constant sense of equal, my guide and my familiar friend." Portfolio Rudolph Hess, the Jewish people in Germany are desmell for each substance used. This Is t h e way in order to prived of their citizenship. Nor can they have voting rights in Dr. Elsberg's gift to medicine is but one more eloquent acquire t h e knowledge of t h e Torah. A morsel of bread .with political matters, or hold public office, all Jewish officials through- though silent answer to Nazism. : • salt hou must e a t a n d ' w a t e r hy out the Reich being automatically dismissed. Even intermarriage measure thou must drink. Thou is banned;;not only between Jews" and non-Jew3 but between Jews must be satisfied to sleep upon the ground and live a life of and those; who had one Jewish grandparent. The sum total of The storm of protest which swept the country from Maine trouble while thou studiest t h e the Nuremberg ghetto laws and these latest decrees constitute, Torah. "Happy shalt thou b e " the blackest blot on modern civilization yet conceived. It demon- to California upon the disclosure that U. S. federal funds were in this world. " I t shall be well strates conclusively that intellectual beings can place ho faith being used to buy German steel in the construction of PWA with thee" In the •world to come.
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oil traraef
MITT 4roe whatsoever on the integrity or moral standards of human beings projects at the New York Triborotigh bridge and Morehead, North rDccr'V No. 1—38.40 drugged by hatred, and fed on the dunghills, of bigroty and mad- Carolina, has had widespread repercussions. Henceforth, Ger- " " ^ . . „ ? . „ . . _ ! . A _ . tillate ANTI-JEWISH ACTIVITY So. 2—32.36 dened by; the continuous narcotic of a power with which they- man or other foreign materials will be banned from PWA project Oil unless collusion between American manufacturers is shown. know not what to do. * . Salonica (JTA)—Anti-Semitic No. 3—28.30 In the meantime the New York and North Carolina/con- activity of any nature is com- Oil By this latest act Hitler and his moronic cohorts are unmasked once and for all at their true face value. But the world tracts for Nazi steel are being held up. More than that, Samuel pletely outlawed by a new l a w passed in the interests of public has become so hardened to the blows'of Nazi excesses that this | Untermyer, president of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, de- order and protection of t h e relatest mark of the German nation's deterioration makes little clares that unless the contracts are annulled, the League will gime. I t prohibits "incitment of or no impression. The Nazis have already been condemned and seek an injunction against the Collector of Costumes and the citizens directly or indirectly for »*v-' -"#sentenced bfeore the bar of world opinion. The destruction of J Secretary of the Treasury to enjoin the entry of the steel as mutual contempt and hatred. .the Hitlerite cancer from the German body politic cannot be 1b e i n S against the Custom laws and particularly the anti-dumping achieved in a day or a year without upsetting with serious effects Iact> "*t h a t t h e g°°cls are being sold below the German cost, the a world already dangerously ill. But the world feels keenly, nev- loss being made up by government subsidy to the manufacturer, i ! ertheless. We have learned that the Nazi tactics have not only Untermyer pertinently remarks that the PWA scandal now existbeen discovered by ourselves but by all groups. The Nazis denied je n t would never have arisen if the anti-dumping laws had been persecuting the Catholics; yet, while they were denying it, Cath- observed against Nazi Germany. The American people are not in a temper "to finance Nazism olic priests and nuns were being arrested and the Catholic-clergythrough use of dumped Nazi articles, whether on public or primen intimidated and restricted. The Nazis denied interfering With the Protestant religion; yet, while the denials were being vate enterprises. made, a Reich church synod was set up and all Protestant clergymen ordered to take directions from the Nazi-controlled group. Homer Heads Z. B. T. ConvenOppositionists were arrested, the concentration camps were filled tion Committee with holy men, and the issue is still unsettled. The labor union Chicago—Governor Henry HorBelgrade (JTA)—The Income ner, one of the distinguished has beeii smashed, liberals have been crushed, the best German members of the Zeta Beta T a u writers and thinkers either banned or driven out, Catholic and of the Jewish National Fund in fraternity, oldest Jewish Greek Yugo-Slavia during the past year all youth groups except the Nazis have been barred, such groups amounted to 1,460,598 dinars, letter society, has b e e n named as the war-honored Steel Helmets have been dissolved, freedom which is an increase of 410,318 hoporary chairman of Z. B. T.'s 27 th annual convention to be held of press and freedom of speech have become a memory of the dinars as compared with the past in Chicago, December 28 to 31st. year, or 40 per cent. Zagreb ocpast, the entire country has been tossed into the vulturous lap 'cupies the .first place, -with 345,1WM *"™ of war-loving Mars - - - and still the Nazis, true to their false- 567 dinars, Belgrade second, with 144,007 dinars, Sarajevo third, face, have the temerity to indignantly question why the world with 112,202 dinars. feels so hostile to the Hitlerized Germany. The expenditure of t h e Jewish The world'feels the Nazi debacle keenly. And strangled ex- National Fund for t h e past year to 234,138 dinars, ports, an internal economic crisis, lack of credit, the growing amounted which is 5,695 dinara more than boycott; dissatisfaction by practically all elements: within the during the previous year. •.* country, lowered wages as contrasted to higher living, costs . . . Patronize our advertisers. all these are working day and night toward the eventual destruction of; Hitlerism. Time moves slowly, but inexorably . . . the No Money Down on home mills of the god grind slowly, but they grin^d exceedingly fine "THE COMMUNITY CHEST" repairs. . . . and though it may appear long in the offing, the day of judg- If a poor man comes to you and s a y s ; • ' • . .'.'.• I to 5 Years to Pay ment for Hitlerism is inevitable. "Could I please have a meal," And you don't. go and make him one, He's not getting a square deal. Let us estimate the cost of We Americans are noted for our good humor. In fact, we Now take, for instance, girls and the work you need. No obliboys' . ' • • : ' : , . • gation. are so good-natured that in recent decades foreign countries have In Community Chest. 0 been want to take advantage of it, thereby taking advantage Are you going to turn thein down? New Roof Or try to do your best? of us. ' .'.. .•••Art-BrieSiding There were no wrinkles of smiles when the Nazis wrested Many of you may say to your® Insulation control, of Germany from more liberal and intellectual leaders selves, ® Attic Room "My nickel won't help much." - • Built in Kitchens and enibarked on a program of persecution and barbarism. But* But they're just as good as any 9 we said very little. When the Nazis, blusteringly declaring themAdded Rooms • . one selves ready to conquer the world with their newest theories, If English or If Dutch. started, to inject insidious propaganda into our country, we proBut what if everybody said tested, !,but not sufficiently. .But by now the Nazis have" so far The same thing as above. overstepped1 even dreamed-of improprieties, that the last vestige We should give, and all we can, .For the sake of brotherly love. ..of our.'mature good-nature has disappeared. Witness the occur—By 12-Year-oldj xencesiin Minnesota this week. Heckled and harried at a piess LeRoy Canfield.
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Deadline Earlier
Council of Jewish Women Dance Is/lemhers Turn Mannequins
attend the international Red ; nated as -chairiiun of the eiv'h annual bazaar which will be held Cross conference. This November meeting is Rpon- December £i). Everyone is askefi sbred annually by the interna- to keep this date in mind. tional relations group, End is dedicated to tiie subject of peace. Patronize our advertisers. Mrs. Ronald Gladstone is group chairman. She will be assisted FOR KENT by members of her committee including Miss Fanny Grodinsky, Large, cozy room. lurr.ishetf. Mrs. M. F. Lsrenson, Mrs. Kerry For single person. "Walking Malashock, Jtlrs. Sam Pelts, end distance. Reasonable rentR.1. Mrs. Charles Schimmel. A buffet luncheon will precede 2? 62 Mason St. JA rose. the afternoon program which begins at 2 o'clock. The luncheon is scheduled for 1 o'clock, and a IT HILL TAT I'OC board meeting will be held et 12, noon. Assistant luncheon hostTo' Consult esses will include Mrs. I. I. SolzIll, rnan, Mrs. Lawrence Gross. Mrs. Goodman Cohen, Mrs. nr.vid Gold- When fonjing: stein, Mrs. Ju'ius Stein, Mrs. DIAMONDS Ernest Nogg, hospitality chair- WEDDING KINGS man, and Mrs. Paul Biotcky, co- WATCHES - SILVEEWARE chairmen. zn£ G7FT f]
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday next Thursday, the paper -will go to press one day earlier nes* week. Therefore, all news items, Members of Mrs. Sam Josepb- the garments or finding sales for social ntoes and articles must son's committee, in charge of the them. The Council supplies mabe in the Jewish Press office next week by 5 p. m. Tuesday, Council's newly-created Oppor- terial, and the women are paid November 26, to appear in the tunity Bureau, will turn manne- for making the garment. Abcut quins to model smocks, aprons, forthcoming edition. • pajamas, and other garments 30 women have alreafly enrolled Your co-operation will be which represent the finished ar- in the class which Is supervised appreciated! ticles made by members of the by Mrs. Lura Duvol of the voca- ] Bureau, during the luncheon hour tional bureau of the board of ed' ORABOIS-GREENBERG STEINBERG-MARX NUPTIALS when the Council of Jewish Wom- ucation. MARRIAGE At a beautiful afternoon cere- PLEDGE DANCE TOYIGHT en meets Monday, at the Jewish Mrs. Josephson states that or• >'• Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenberg, an- mony in the Georgian room of the The Alpha Gamma Chi sorority Community Center. ders will be taken for any type j . .jtounce the secret marriage of Cornhusker hotel in Lincoln, Miss of Omaha university is giving a Wearing the garments will be of article, including fancy needle j >~j ,3Iieir daughter, Ruth, to Henry Celia* Marx, daughter of Mr. and dance tonight at Jacobs hall. '• ^rabois. The marriage took Mrs. H. Man of Lincoln, became This is their annual pledge dance. the Mesdames Moiris Kaleman, work, expert monograming, for Max Shostak, Izadore Weiner, E. smocks, aprons, hooked rugs, - Ijiace February 21, 1934. Only the bride of Dr. A. A. Steinberg, One hundred and fifty bids have I. Rubin, and Charles Schaifer. patch work quilts. "Just tell us - Mrs. Grabois' parents and her son of Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg of been issued. Guests of honor Little Mae Grodinsky, what you want and we will make ^brother, Dr. A. Greenberg knew Omaha, Sunday, November 17. will be Mr. and Mrs. I. Dansky, daughterBaila of Dr. and Mrs. Mamuel it for you," Mrs. Josephson urges. Nearly four hundred attended the Mr. and Mrs. D. Silverxnan, and ;W the -wedding. Grodinsky, will model children's "Not only will you receive a fineceremony "which was performed Mis3 Ruth Diamond. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg -will ly made garment, but you will r ,',.'T-ecelve at their home, 5121 by Rabbi David A. Goldstein of | Decorations will be carried in wear. "Miss Kalah Franklin P J R " % " JDavenport, Sunday, November Omaha. He was assisted by Mr. All of the articles are made by help in the rehabilitation work Pioneer Women • a snow theme, pledges in charge Jewish women whom the Council we are accomplishing through this 324, from 3 until 7 o'clock. No Hertzberg. Miss Kalah Franklin is chairThe Pioneer Women's Tag Dny project," she says. fare Evelyn Dansky, Ellebelle Koris assisting by taking orders for ?V|5Titations have been issued. The bride was gowned in egg- ney, and Bertha Greenberg. Rose man of the annual Thanksgiving will be held over for this Sunday, shell satin made with a three- Fisher dance, to be held Thursday eveMrs. J. Kaznick has been inomiis president of the group. lowing board members: The IX ROCHESTER quarter coat, tb.3 neck held in Rose Kirshenbaum ning, November 28, at the Hotel RECEIVE SUNDAY is pledge misMisses Dora Freshman, Ida Fine, Sam Nepomnick, president of Fontenelle. Mr. and Mrs. J. Slosburg, Jr., place with jeweled clips both In Jeannette Resnick, Una Gross, ! the Progressive Hebrew club, is 11 be at home on Sunday a-fter- front and back. Her veil was of I tress. Franklin is being assisted Fannie Katelman, Goldie Seid- in Rochester, Minn., for an op-by Miss aon, November 24, from 3 until gossamer tulle made with a train. PHI BETA EPSILON Ann Hahn, ticket chairman, man. Rose Abramgon, Ruth Swea! eratioa. Members of the organShe carried a sheaf of calla lilies. 'o'clock, at their residence, 5302 and Fannie Katelman, publicity MOTHERS' CLUB gil, Evelyn Glazer, Ann Hahn, ! ization drafted a resolution wish- chairman. ivenport St., in honor of their Mrs. Julius Newman, aunt of The Phi Beta Epsilon Mothers* an and daughter-in-law, Mr. and the bride, as natron of honor club held a business meeting "Wed- Kalah Franklin, Minnie Froom. ] ing him, a speedy recovery. ra. L. E. Slosburg of Chicago, wore a cloth of gold dress with nesday, November 20, at the home Ann Kuznit, and Sarah Taub, and : GIVES PARTY yho are arriving Saturday morn- matching turban and slippers. of Mrs. Harry Rimmerman. Of- Mrs. Sidney Katelman. ! Mrs. Ed Lincoln entertained' Following the dinner and board ig to stay over the Thanksgiving She carried talisman roses. j'ficen? of the group are: Mrs. lolidays with their parents. No Dr. Samuel Morgan .served his Joseph Bloch, recording secretary, meeting, the members attended I members of the "Big Hearted regular business at the Jew- ; Herbert" cast at a party at her avitationB have been issued. couBin as best man. j and Mrs. Sam Rosenbaum, treas- the j home on Monday evening, Noish Community Center. Mrs. Marx, mother of the bride, urer. . • The International relations and Ivember 18. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS wore plum-colored chiffon and civics group of the Omaha CounFOR CENTER PLATERS Mr. and Mrs. David "Wohlner lace. MrB. Steinberg; the groom's TO VISIT IN LOS ANGELES cil of Jewish Women will preThe Dramatic Committee of the ; MEMBERSHIP TEA SUNDAY 'of New Tort City announce the mother, wore black velvet. Miss Ann Lintzman left Wed- Women's Division of the Jewish j The second annual membership sent Dr. A. C. Stokes, president birth of a daughter, November At six o'clock a dinner was i nesday lor Los Angeles where she Community Center entertained | tea of the Junior Vaad auxiliary of the Omaha chapter of the Mr. Wohlner is a former served the wedding guests. Many I will visit several months. En the members of the "Big Hearted i will be held Sunday afternoon, Red' Cross, at their Omahan. congratulatory telegrams were I route she for "will stop in Denver to Herbert" cast at a party follow- November 24, at the home of Mrs. American read at this time. A dance was visit relatives meeting Monday at the Jewish and friends for a ing the Tuesday evening perform- ;L. Xeveleff, 2867 Vane St. A Community Center. Dr. Stokes Mr; and Mrs. Louis Albert held in the ball room at 8:30. week. In Los Angeles, Miss LintzBabior announce the birth of a The bride and groom left at | man will be the guest of her ance, at the home of Mrs. J. M.i very interesting program, includ- will speak on "The Japanese Mesdames J. M. i: ing musical" selections and a book Situation," and show films he son weighing seven pounds and midnight for a week'n trip. "Upon cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Gor- Malashocfc. Malashock, David Brodkey and review by Rabbi H. Berger, is be- took while in Japan last year to ton ounces Sunday, November their return they will make their don. Arthur Cohn were hostesses at ing arranged by Miss MoIIie ] 10, in Los Angele3. The baby is home in Omaha. : Roitstein, chairman. the evening's affair. the grandson of Albert Babior, SIX O'CLOCK DINNER 1210 So. 13 St. TO RESIDE IN NEW YORK The Omaha chapter of the Jun- OMEGA DELTA DELTA Mr. and Mrs. Phil Katz of LinWomen's MIzrachi | ATTEND NEPHEW'S WEDDING coln have left for New York, ior Hadassah held a six o'clock FORMAL DAXCE dinner last Thursday evening, NoA large crowd attended the The Omega Delta Delta formal j Mr. and Mrs. Julius Blatt spent where they will make their fu13-TUBI MODEL C1S-2 vember 14, at Whitman's Delica- dance will be held at the Knights \ meeting of the Women's Mizrachi, I several days in Chicago. While ture home. Indudm «v»ry BIBJOT radio «<itessen for board members. Plans of Columbus, Thanksgiving eve, jheld at the J. C. C. last Wednes-! there they attended the wedding v a n a • • «*«*•• Tunine ran;**: were completed for the Thanks- November 27, with the Franklin ; day afternoon, enjoying an excel- j of their nephew, Isadore Grad. VISITING IN CHICAGO 140 1* * 0 ontf 5*0 le 60,000 i Miss Elaine Berkowitz Is visit- giving Dance to be held Novem- Vincent orchestra playing. Bids lent program. klteeyt]**. AH policy eviction, ber '28 at the Hotel Fontenelle. have been issued. j The feature address was made ; ing at the Mldinah club in ChicaI". EXCELSIOR SPRINGS •mataur, ^omwtie ond »of«ten Discussion was held regarding the bond* and eentinuMiss Ann Fellman is chairman ; by Madame Bella Pevsner, inter- j Mrs. B. A. Simon is staying at go for several days. National Junior Hadassah Con- of the committee in charge, as- nationally-known Zionist, who j 19J.75 eos U. S. aviation the Elms, hotel at Excelsior waalhsr mper!». OST-CONETRMATION DANCE vention which will be held In sisted by Mrs. Ralph Nogg, Miss was enthusiastically received. j Springs, Mo., for a few weeks. The Post-Confirmation class of Cleveland, Ohio, November 2 8 to Ida Blacker and Miss Rose Fox. Rabbi Harold A. Berger spoke The the Beth-El synagogues will .have December first. Plans were made Patrons and patronesses in-; to the organization. A group of VISIT IN SIOUX CITYalso for the Southwestern ReDisimctwe Place Mr. and Mrs. H. Mirowitz and a dance Saturday evening, No- gional Convention of the Junior elude Rabbi and Mrs. H. A. Ber-1 song3 was sung by Mrs, Hyman vember 23, at the J. C. C. Bellman, accompanied at the to Dine daughter, Irene, and Mr. and Mrs. Hadassah which will be held in ger, Rabbi and Mrs. David A.! H. Bondarin visited in Sioux City, Chaperones will be Rabbi and Kansas City, Mo., December 7 Goldstein, Rabbi and Mrs. David piano by Mrs. Al Finkel. Mrs. M. Brodkey and Mrs. E. H. Wice, Dr. and Mrs. Leon Felltheir former home, over the "week- Mrs. David A. Goldstein and Mr.and December 8. Special Saturday Luncheon man, and Messrs. and Mesdames Weinberg reported on the pro- for Children at end to attend the farewell party and Mrs. Jack Luttbeg. Pearl Covers were laid for the fol-Milton Abrahams, David Blacker, ceeds of the card party and drawfor Mrs. A. Stillman who is leav- Lipsey is chairman of the affair. s . ' " • * I P » * * 9' - - I I AQUILA COTJET Dave Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg. ing. A tea in honor of new meming for- Houston, Tex. AT 0201 Nate Horwich, Jack. Marer, Harry bers followed the meeting, with ilverman, and Irvin Stalmaster. Mrs. N. Levinson in charge. OSfcTEEPrEAST Mrs. Harry Copelman left last week for an extended trip east. She -will visit in Chicago, Newark and New York, and will return the first at the year.
Council to Hear Stokes Monday
ENTERTAINS FOR CAST Helen Merritt entertain ted the members ot the "Big Hearted Herbert" cast at a party at her home following dress rehearsal on Saturday evening, November 1G. "
Prepare You for the Expected or Unexpected Overnight Guest
Announcing •
A Second Shipment
Your Old Set" Will Apply
(The first, a month age, was a complete stll-ont)
Celanese Taffeta
and payments in suit your convenience will bs a r r a n g e d on thg b l I
Bedspreads, Ea
(Single or double)
for BABIES .
Ask your physician about this superior milk for your Baby.
As you are doubtless aware, Certified Milk must meet the most rigid requirements ever devised. This milk is produced under th» direct supervision of the Douglas County Medical MMc Commi** swn. Repeated testing at frequent interval* hss provea the perfect health of the herd at Ackerhurst. The milk is produced practically under laboratory conditions, and o£ course it is pasteurized.
A shimmering fabric with quilted embroidery work . . . and lined with fine cambric. Double or twin size spreads with matching draperies fully lined and pinch pleated, 2}£ yards long with matching tie-backs. Many beautiful pastel shades of green, blue, orchid, gold, cedar, brown, rose and eggshell. Other Handsome Ensembles Include:
- Our collection of | evening fashions is i now at its peak
I priced from $16.95
The milk is delivered in the very freshest possible condition, for your baby. The milk is cooled, clarified, pasteurised, bottled and double-sealed at Ackerhurst Farm immediately after each milking. And the cows are milked three times a day. Why not give your baby the very best milk available? For Certified Holstein inilk call HA 2226.
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p cries, pair.. Kilpatrick's Drapery Section—Fourth Floor
We urge you to visit the beautiful Ackerkurst Dairy Farm, nine miles west of Benson on Eighiazy No. 8. Watch the milking eny afternoon at 3 P. M.
> nkssi foegip. e l 7 P. 14. e n j laol erslu 4 t l O A. M. le? csll« »n whkh yet: ask kmfesslkwiik sttyen* svsilaliis c t t n e teiepbenc «*]i«»»L V « B can telit 9O0 mlies for 5 5 cenift, 2 2 O milit« for 6 0 —se«f per mi"i«s a* (lirtanc* inenaesw*.
\ \ I /
EMPIRE STATE BIVEE ON RAMPAGE—Last Summer, after heavy rains, the flooded Susquehanna River in northern New York formed channels near Walton that did heavy damage. Recently three days of rain caused new floods that followed the Summer channels and here is a newly built bridge ripped to pieces, as many upper-tier cities suffered similar damage.
SALUTE—With muskets raised high in salute to II Duce, here are members of the Balilla, the young Fascist! military organization, as they greeted the Italian dictator in the Piazza Venezia in Rome. This was on the observance of the 17th anniversary of the Fascist march on the ancient city, when Mussolini came into power. -
"EDUCATION"—Just as, nearly half a century ago, thousands of children in the United States and France contributed pennies for the pedestal and the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, 9,000,000 modern - day children in Japan contributed 9,000,000 sen—about a third of a cent— for the building of this latest addition to Japan's air force. Here is the Shinto christening of the fighting ship, "Education" in Tokyo.
POLICE CHIEF OF CAIEO—An interesting picture of Russell Pasha, commandant of the Cairo city police. His men were reenforced by two battalions of British infantry to quell the recent riots when thousands of students in the ancient Egyptian city staged an anti-British demonstration. Four persons were killed and at least 150 were injured in the riots.
SHARE NOBEL PRIZE—Mrs. Irene Joliot Curie, daughter of the late Pierre and Marie Curie, co-discoverers of radium, with her husband, Dr. Frederick Joliot of Paris, who share the 1935 Nobel Prize in chemistry. Working in the same laboratory they discovered a method for converting table salt and other "elements into substances that emanate rays like radium.
HE CHANGED THE NAME—.Formerly this fashion shop in Rome was the "Prince of Wales." But when Britain agreed to impose sanctions on Italy and anti-British riots broke out, the proprietor changed its name to "Prince of Piedmont," in honor of the Italian crown prince. His ingenuity saved his stock and he avoided bricks through his windows.
JUST A COAL SHOVEL—But it happens to be the world's largest power dipper. Made in Marion, Ohio, it is in use,by a coal company near Wilmington, 111. It has 32 cubic yards' capacity, in comparison with the % cubic yard scoop in front of it. And see how it overtowers the girls!
Pis •
MERCY DEATH—Lord Moynihan, president of the British Euthanasia Society, reported drafting a bill.for the House of Lords that would permit doctors under certain restrictions to commit "mercy deaths." This report follows-theconfession by an English physician that he had produced death in five persons incurably ill.
OLYMPIC CANDIDATE—Katherine Durbrow of St. Louiss £ tichig a fancy step on the steel blades that she hopos will help her to a place on the United States skating team a t the Olympte games in Berlin next year. She is shown at the Ice Club in New York where preliminary try-outs were held recently.
ON STAGE—Llbby Holman, famous torch singer, making up in preparation for her appearance on stage in Detroit. She recently resumed her career, cut short by her tragic marriage to the late Z. Smith Reynolds, tobacco heir, whose death by shooting occurred at his home in Winston Salem, N. C, July 6, 1932.
" ^ »' * *.%Viv>«: til iff y . V * j - ^ s j *.*
RBiiiilM 1 allliiliSlllilK1
1« 11
UOAN TROOPS IN WAR GAME—While Shanghai and the Lower Yangtse Valley braced Pxnected Chino-Japanese ooUision in North China, Manchukuoan troops,, dominated by ^ were reported excellently drilled just across the border. Here are Manchukuoan soldiers T one of the most extensive war games ever held there. . /
GRANDPOP'S GREATEST.JOY-Remember Steve jockeys? Well, the love of horseflesh isi.ta-g* i . as h he urges a nag around the course att; Esom Epsom, —„—of his grandfather's skill in the-saddle and-of course the oia man was
croud proua.
BLUEBLOOD GEIBDEK—Captain Pepper Constable, bluebloofc scion of the Baltimore Constables, who has piled up an enviable record as fullback on the Princeton football team this season. When he bores in with his head buried in his massive shoulders, something has to crack. He weighs 190. Copyright United Newsptetarct
Sis women seated about a table I "Rabbi David Wice will serve as I gave the financial report of theFebruary, took ptece Wednesday A.Z.A.1 will discuss among thmselves 1 chairman. Mrs. Sam Josephaon evening at the J. C. C. with Macy i sisterhood rians A regular meeting of the •moth- ' Achsr Hataunis dance. "The Chanuiah-Christmas' Prob- is program chairman. Benin, general chairman, in Shapiro, ne~r chairman of charge. lem in My Home." After theii j There will be ner formality er chapter of A. 2. A. toot piece theRay social committee, announced talk there is to be an open dis- about this program, each is to ', Sunday afternoon at the J. C. C. for a stsg smoker to br j with a large attendance. Aleph plans A panel discussion, the method cussion by the rest of the audigiven within the next three •weeks. Honored > discuss from her own observation. used by the University of Chicago, ence. Those who will take part .; Godol Ernie Nog-g gave the ch&pRome -Frof. Kaf facie Campos, A program, "Lff's Talk." wa^ Vaad j A board meeting will be held • ter plans for entrance into The which promotes an informal dis- in the opening talk are the MesBefore a packed and enthusias•Jewish professor at the Univer•"orducted bv Morris Arbitmr.n, dames Leon Fellman, Jules New- | at 12 o'clock. The luncheon is i Round Table tournaments and , Aleph Sopher. tic audience, the Center Players j The subject of Habbi Harold sity of ratiua. was awarded t h f Berger'B Friday evening sermon I ^ ^ o lollop t ^ ^ *** ' " " man, Julius Abrahamson, Louis scheduled to begin at 1 o'clock. .'"the annual winter tournament i A meeting ol the chairmen of International Prize by TroX. Ciropened the 1935-36 season -with "Big Hearted Herbert," the iconstruct^he 's i ? t e r h o o d luncheon Monday, De- Lipp, Leo Rosenthal and Harry \ Mrs. Mollie Conn is in charge of ; which is to be held in Omaha this the committees for annual winter incione for his work on diseases Trustin. , Broadway comedy hit of last sea- historical, political and cultural cember 2. i reservations. jyear. Ben Shrier, Aleph S'; tournament which will be held in of the eye.
Center Players Score a Hit in First Production
iuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiUUiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaiiniiiiimikL- I O * i
Religious Services
V Til
Panel Discussion
son. setting of Hillel's time.. From the time the curtain rose Saturday morning Rabbi Beruntil it dropped on the final ger will preach in Yiddish at the scene "with Big Hearted Herbert, Adass Teshurin synagogue. the better and wiser for his experience, the audience was in a Temple continual state of lufighter rangRabbi David Wice will deliver ing from mild chuckles to loud guffaws. All together, the pro- the sermon tonight on the: subduction of "Big Hearted Herbert" ect, "Deliver Us From Our GosServices begin at. 8 p. m. gives promise of a splendid sea- sips." Services Saturday morning are son for the Center Players this held at 10:30 a. m. year.
Joe Solomonow as "Big Hearted The College Club •will meet Herbert" gave an excellent per- Sunday, November 24,- at 4 p. m. formance of -the self-made, Btern Dr. Herman Jahr will discuss and plain father and husband, Euthanasia. This meeting is open who at heart was just a "great to the public. big baby." His dramatic entrance in shirt sleeves and disheveled Mothers of children in the hair at his wife's formal dinner fourth, lifth, sixth and seventh party stopped the performance grades in the religious school of for at least five minutes, • so Temple Israel-are invited to a tea hearty were the laughs. Solomo-" Tuesday, November 26, at 3:30 now showed real ability and skill p. m. The purpose of this tea in the handling of. his role and and meeting is so that the parents we hope to see him again on the may meet the teachers and discuss Center stage. with them and the Rabbi prob§•'
i * \ / ' * »*
TOWN Jest in Fun !
,- What was George Shafer think-
- » «
! K
M 3
8 a
* *
g i M g M i M
w B
- '
s r
Then there was Martha Himel- lems of mutual interest in conetein, as the understanding and nection with religious school wise wife,-who showed up "Her-work. bert's plainness" in a most admirable way. Miss Himelstein, who for every purpose has endeared herself to the CenAt services tonight Rabbi Louis ter audiences, played in her usual Distributed by excellent manner. She is truly Feinberg of Cincinnati will deliver the sermon. Rabbi Feingood. berg comes to Omaha as the guest Little Alden Lincoln, the 10- of both the Study club and the year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Men's club of the congregation. Lincoln, is really an np and com-He is one of the most eloquent ing actor. He was probably the members of the Conservative 104 Hio. 18th St. AT. 8454 least concerned person on the rabbinate. stage and certainly one of the Next Friday evening Rabbi Dabest. vid A. Goldstein will discuss the Bess Goldware as Alice, the recently published Jewish historiyoung daughter, gave a creditable cal novel, "Festival at Meron." performance, as did Al Oruch as Junior. Due credit must also go \ Ask Your to the others in the cast: Una At a Junior Hadassah meeting Gross, Dick Hurwitz, Pearl LazaI Grocer for rus, Alex Lipsman, Bess Cooper, last Thursday evening, November Norman Wohlner, Marva Cohen, 14, plans were outlined for the and Nate Cutler, who all played Southwestern Regional Conventheir parts with real skill and tion of the Junior Hadassah which will be held in Kansas City, understanding. The sets for the play were de- Mo., on December 7 and Decem| The Height of signed by Nate Sekerman. The ber 8. The Hotel Muehlbach will I Good Taste! outstanding feature of the set be the convention headquarters. was the crayon portrait of Grand- About thirty members of the lopa Kalness, supposedly taken in cal chapter plan to attend. All "one: of his sober moments." No reservations must be made with 2711 A*o. 24th St. WE. 6400 wonder that Alice wanted "the Miss Ida Fine, phone JAckson I asfflSjWttmaBfowffiiwi^ monstrosity hidden when the pros- 0420. The program for the regional pective in-laws came to town. Sol Tuchinaii was,:. stage manager; convention include a tour of Kanpropertftff'TFfe're handled by Irene sas City on December 7,-end-that W»«sSKSSiMi««S.«iS«^^ Hirsch: and Sara Rae Sekerman; night a Banquet and Dance will make-up by Agnes Krell, and be held at the Hotel Muehlbach. On Sunday morning, the business Pearl Lazarus was prompter. And last, but certainly not sessions will be. opened, followed least, Helen Merritt, the director. by a luncheon party at the Hotel Muehlbach. On Sunday afterFeatures , a wins another laurel for her exthe regional officers will be cellent direction of the Center noon, Shampoo and finger wave 50c chosen at the close of the busiPlayers. ness sessions. The convention THP NEW will be concluded. that evening Zotoa Permanent Wave with with a buffet supper for all mem- no machinery and no electricity used at $6.50 and up. bers attending. Miss Dora Freshman, local 716 Brandeis Theatre 8ldg. A. Z. A. chapter No. 100 held AT. 4333 a business meeting at the J. C.president, and Miss Minnie Froom, a member of the regional board, C. Sunday, November 17. . Charles Weiss, membership will be delegates to the convencommittee head, announced that tion. Otber delegates chosen at there will be an initiation of new the meeting were the Misses Ida alephs within the next three Fine, Kalah Franklin, Jeannette weeks. Ben Wintroub, chairman Resnick, with Miss Ann Hahn and of the athletic committee, reported Miss Fannie Katelman as alteron ' the progress of the century nates. chapter's basketball team in the Plans were also completed for SCHMIDT'S J. C. C. tournament and arranged the annual Thanksgiving Dance the first matches in the snooker to be held Thanksgiving night, tournament. Herbert Forbes, November 28, at the Hotel Fonfor a Pleasant Surprise business manager of the team, tenelle. Reports were given by gave a special report on the bas-Miss Kalah Franklin, general HAVE YOU TRIED chairman; Miss Ann Hahn, ticket ketball team. SCHMIDT'S LATELY? The chapter made a survey of chairman, and Miss Fannie Katelman, publicity chairman. each aleph's scouting activity for CALL Following the business meeting, the S. A. C. and National Scout Headquarters of the Boy Scouts Miss Rose Mendelson gave a huAT. 5903 morous reading entitled, "Good- 422 So. 13th St. of America. bye, Sister." Max Novak was elected to tlie
(KE. 1500)
Air Conditioning Corp.
Peerless Cleaners
Junior Hadassah
! about six foot seven. Correct me , i l l tit Gf Hfra YOU if I'm wrong). Les Slosbnrg will be ta town
Forbes Fresh Bakery Goods
•_-¥ - >
A.Z.A. 100
post of Aleph Godol upon the resignation of Nathan Grounse. PsiMu Irv Kaiman was chosen to fill The Psi Mu fraternity will hold Aleph Novak's vacancy in the of-a stag November 23, honoring fice of Aleph S'gan. Harold Hab- Barney Abrams, whose engageler, social service committee ment to Miss Marian Greenberger Stop for Your chairman, was nominated to take was recently announced. There the office of Kohen Godol, will be entertainment and an Lunch and Relaxation The next meeting of the chap- initiation. The committee in ter"wlilibe held at the J . C . C .charge consists of Jay Stoler, AT THE December 1. Sam Kaplan, cul- chairman, and Lee Brown. Two new members were voted tural committee head, will prei n t o the organization,* Harry STAR BILLIARDS sent a program. Stoler and Aaron Epstein. * AND LUNCH * The fraternity's basketball team THREE ITALIAN RABBIS is continuing on its winning ways. 316 So. 15th CHAPLAINS IN ETHIOPIAThe team as a whole haB been playing together lor the past live Rome (WNS)—To care ior the* years. A few had been playing spiritual needs of the 1,000 Jews together even before they joined with the Italian army on the Eth-the Psi Mu, but the two who have; iopian front the Italian war of-been together the longest are Jay fice has1 assigned three rabbis as Stoler and Jack Sadofsky. They official Jewish chaplains. Two of ••have been teammates for fifteen We Are Serving a the chaplains, Rabbis Amadeo years. Special American Dinner ' Terracino and Aldo Sonnino, have EVERY SUNDAY already left lor Africa. Progressive Hebrew at The third, Rabbi Catarivas, - The Progressive Hebrew club will go to Africa together with will have an education and enter* 75c AND 85c P E E PLATE the special Jewish battalion, com- tainment meeting Tuesday, No4 Courses Complete prising 500 Jewish volunteers vember 26, at S p. m. at the J. C. Prom 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. from Greece, Turkey, Morocco, C. All members, their families and Tripoli, who are preparing and friends are cordially invited KING FONG CAFE to embark shortly. to attend. Mr. J. Viener is chair-
Opens "Nut Housed
Mi. Sinai Auxiliary Albert Kaplan, who has been a A regular meeting of the Mount resident of Omaha for many yaers and who is well known here, has Sinai auxiliary will be held Tuesopened the "Nut House" at theday, November 26, at the Adass Elks Club building, 106 So. 18 Yeshuren synagogues at 25th and St. He sells California glaced Seward streets at 2 o'clock. Matfruits and nuts of all sorts. He ters of Importance will be disinvites his friends to stop in and cussed. All members are urged to attend. see him.
\31G So. 16th St. UPSTAtRS
On October 1, 1925, the Jewish
ing of when h e so comically fell'j Press published t h e following &rover himself in t h e lobby of t h e | t i d e which we are re-printing for J. C. C. recently? the benefit of those people who think t h a t Hitler is a recent disLeo Marks seems to hare ft ease: penchant for "roses." We underBerlin ( J . T. A.)—Ex-Kaiser stand that Rose Fidman has b e e n j w i ^ e J ~ i g ~ i a close contact with occupying his attention lately. \jAdoIph Hitler, leader of t h e GerIt's more than homesickness i m a n F&scisti Anti-Semitic bands. for t h e old home town which I according t o revelations made by brings Aaron Krantz of Lincoln• Deputy Streicher, member of the I to Omaha so often. E h , Evelyn? i Voelkische Party, a t a meeting in _______ j Munich. Let It never b e said girls can't j Deputy Streicher stated that keep secrets. Witness Ruth Green- j Herinine, the wife of the exIrerg who kept h e r marriage a i kaiser, visited Hitler twice on secret for nigh on to two years. \ missions of the former war lord. She was married to Henry Grabois in February, 1934. Ernest Priesiaan fcno-rn *i ~Z , , ,- i " T h e Magazine 'Kid." n One man whom we always look I up to is Leonard Posley. (He is ' - » . . jv
• i Try Our
City Service. Heetieg Oils Snares* teed
Big Chief Semi, $10.50 GCAKAKTEED
ROBERTS • Sweet Butter • Dated Milk • Sour Cream and many otber products, ask your grocer or c a l l . . .
WHITMAN'S DELICATESSEN & LUNCH 2417 Farnam 3A. 4874 Open Daily and Sundays Till Mldnlte
Let Gould Attend Yosr Drug Needs • Visit us in oar new location where you will find a complete stock of Drag and Sundry items.
Gould Drug Co.
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HENRY W.MD1ER 224 Insurance Bldg.
•• Wiring of all Mads. • Motor lEstaBatioiis. 8 Lighting Fixtures. Estimates Gladly Furnished Call
AT. 6479 -
this week-end, accompanied by his attractive young bride . . . Eightr-edght-j-ear-jroizijg H e rman Rehfelt, didn't even need glasses to win several games of part of our readers. (All fire of bteg© at the birthday party given in his honor . . . They them). say that Florence Appleman is counting the days, hours, minSTATISTICS utes, and seconds until Herman In checking over the male Goldstein returns home from eligibles we have come to the | school . ^ . The ycsiHg fellow conclusion that most of them are ] •who nine all the way from lawyers. Guess they're too smart j Ohio to le«rft the, clothing, bnsi.to get married. ness here, is also learning a Another statistical (phew) fact thing or two (that he didn't is that librarians" tell us that most knew) shoot poker . . . Celia Jewish readers like serious book*, Lipsman is the defense attorboth fiction and non-fiction. ney for saock trial* at South High school—the only girl ever to be tlrasly awarded i s the history of Sotsth High . . . And: A petition is being drcnlat«d Earl Kaplan, also of Sooth, among the younger set to get whose activity list is studded, Mel Soiamer to grow out that was recently named number Xazi haircut. one man to national honorary In moot court at Creighton society . . . What scribe on one university the other week, Bud«f the dailies will soon middle dy Weinberg vras supposed to aisle it with the daughter of a be a witness for the defense in 24th street hardware BOSH? . . . an injury case. The attorney That yoirag grocer from out for the plaintiff was qnestioaDcndee way tried his hand at ing Bad as to whom be saw picking football parlays, an?! get oat of the ambulance when came through with six out of it arrived upon the scene of the • seven. Very fine, only the six accident. "T h e " ambulance ont of seven referred to is six driver," answered the -witness. losers out of seven . . . Little "Anyone else?" qneried the Connie Wertheimer, the pride •wil.v attorney. "Yes, the plainand joy of all the TTerthcimers, tifrs attorney," shot back Bud. knows a number of "words for a The class is still rocking. lassie only eighteea months old . . . Harry Shmmcsw, the film man, felt very ratach at Order ofKnights of Gerlk We nominate all those people home and did well in. the role who attended the Steinberg-Marx of master of ceremonies on a wedding in Lincoln without any local stage last week on the invitations, thereby crowding the search t r talent program . . . bancuet hall which was set for Adele Wilinsky will soon middle aisle it . . . Bid yon see three hundred invited guests. Phyllis Greesberg on the screen at the Orphetmi? Octe . . . CHARMING SIGHTS Mrs. Harry DuBoff at a piano Leon Ferer, the "Chief,*' breaks . . . Miss Faye Gerelick walking into print once again. And all down the street . . . Mrs. Art because some Omaha girl called Goldstein holding hands with, her the' Chief last Sunday night, husband . . . Mrs. Ben Ravitz, telling him that- she was from bride of a few weeks, and a very St. Louis and had been tolfl to welcome addition to Omaha's look him up. The 'Chier fell for the etory »s only the Chief younger set. can, mud visioned a big evening, hnt the plans fell throcgh. Anfl now the Chief can be informed Harry Rubinstein of Denver, that he ~r&s taken for a ride. How about phoning in or bringing in your items for this column? All information strictly secret £8 to informant. . W« would like & little more co-operation on the
Foolish Facts
Gold Seal New York Wises 10 YEARS OLD $1.20 This Line of,Wines Featured By Gladstone's for Over 40 Tears.
In Appreciation of Your Past End Future Patronage ROSS PfeTERSON
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OMAHA LAUMDEY CO. X^ei us kf*ep your grsrmente clean, fresh and crisp, and giv« them longer life. Call WE. 1834
C. Miridlemlts
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AT. SS11 AT. C223 the Thorpeian dance heldfitth.ejf esse a to sis wrongs . . . "Then Every lesniry Service Kelpine Dancing academy. S&a < s J s t i i a - s Rrt;CTU tteeB. Triedel was la chtrc*. !, _„ WET WASH TO'PEMSHEU [ clouds," waf tfte peaslty . , . FOES Gertrnde Perils, published sev- j "And wJiere," tbe Inquisitor COBcral poems in. the Jewish Press, j tinned, "is that nsustadtes! 'man Let us keep ysur j Miss TobJe Goldstein is Saving: j who was here a minute ago?" time tofloit right, by ! a grand time in New York city . . . "He just left," came the ia- "We take being BISTW and careful I where'she is Tisitijis her sistsr, fforEsatioa, "to set hi* isotcr[Kate. ' lerele." . . .
•*'"- . - • *
J. L. Kraps P!*op.
161S Earnej- Si. t Poor vveft of Centra! Market
"Twice," the Mrs. William K©£b.schil&, 718 done wrong?" So. 3S St., died here a t t h e age i Premier replied . . '"Tien," was of 103 years. the decree, "run twice around Goebbels COEA Charleston coatest featnred j these clouds." •
Cleaned ar\6 Blocked Only
iusnrmce ef All Kinds formerly of Omaha, will leave shortly for a trip aroucd the world. Not bad for so young a THE WEEK'S BEST STGEY SS Doeglas Block business man. Louis Sarier, one Here is the aewfcst Hitler JudgJACKSOX 1525 of our youngest and most successment Bsy fable presecteS to yoa ful business men, will accompany "For tnsur«nee See. Franker Href -rith the compliiaeEts ef Leonard him as far as Honolulu. Lyons: Hitler, in co~paisy •with Miss Rosaline is EOW de-1 af-Geerinr _o_ Goebbels faced the filiated with thePiser advertising partment of oae of the -women'e '• Inq-niEitor . . . ."How many thaes," apparel shops in town. was asked, "have y o u
i - -.*»%,•"*>••
Repaid Over p Period of Five to Twenty Tears Also Strnipiit Loans at 4 $&, 5 or 5 W POT Cent
Fine Flowers Moderately Priced Open Evenings anei H&iidayr, AT. 8S0© AT. P£2f
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SRVSN C, LEVSN, Attorney
noff, M. Daskovsky, M. Skalovsky. William Lazere and J. S. Levin. Th.e refreshment committee wili be headed by Mrs. H. FIshgall Mrs. A. J. Galinsky and Mrs. G Friedman.
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent innniniiijnuiiflnnira^ •
Jnter^luh CotmxdlCarnwcd to Be Held Monday Evening Entire Local Jewish Community Cooperates in Giant Project
Deadline Because the print shop will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, all news for the Sioux City section of the Jewish Press mast reach the Sioux City Correspondent by Monday evening. • ". Please call or mail news to 171O Donglas Street before 9 o'clock Mqnday evening. *
Climaxing the work of two months, by thirteen organizations and more than 200 workers, the doors of the. City auditorium, 7th and Douglas; streets, will be opened at 7:30 Monday evening, November 25, tor the annual Carnival, sponsored by the Inter-Club Council of Jewish • organizations of Sioux City. The auditorium will be lined with attractive, booths, featuring games, baked goods, dolls, and The Oneg Shabbos of Shaare sundry items. Dancing will take Zion Ladies* auxiliary, will meet place throughout the evening, tomorrow afternoon at the home with Bill Franklin's orchestra of Mrs. Mike.Mushkin, 1210 Thirfurnishing the music, and the A. teenth street. Mrs. A. • H. Baron Z. A. chapter in charge- of the will preside. ; dance floor.•'* A " cafeteria booth Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz will prewill be maintained throughout the sent a paper on " f i e Cantonists" evening. Thp Car will be raffled and Madame Bella Pevsner will off during tl;e evening, and sev- present several, readings. Cureral smaller raffles will be held. rent Events will.be given by RabAn attractive program in book bi H. R. Rabinowitz. ' . form has been mailed to every An open discussion and singing Jewish home in the city and surrounding smdll towns, as well as will complete the program. to the advertisers. The book, contains 110; pages of advertising and printed'material, giving the history and officers of the various organizations. . Tie proceeds of the Carnival Children of the Shaare Zion •will be allocated^ to the various synagogue were featured in.a' pijborganizations^ who in previous gram before tne Ladies' auxiliary years conducted fund raising afmeeting Tuesday afternoon,'in the fairs for their own organization. social hall of the synagogue. The Organizations which usually meet children appeared in. a pageant on Monday evenings have postentitled "Shaare Zion Children's poned their meetings for next Album." .'-...' Monday to permit everyone to atThose taking part included tend the Carnival. The committees in charge are making ar- Helen Falk in the scene, "Little Marylin Weiner in rangements to accommodate more Hands;" "Mother's Helper;" Laurlne Kapthan a thousand people. lan and Maurice Shapiro in Mr. E. N. Grueskin is chairman Milky Way;" Ducky Rodin and of the Carnival. The executive Marylin Jackobson in "The Powcommittee is composed of Mrs. S. der Puff;" Junior Friedman in H. Shulkin, f Mrs. L. Agranoff, Sailing;" Estefle Mushkin in Mrs. E. E. Baron, Mrs. Ruben "Family Care;" Jack Heeger in Miller, Mrs. Abe Pill, Morey t i p - "Story Hour;" Edith Cantor in shutz, A. M.;Davis, Si Krueger, "Dressing Race;" Junior Levin Barney Baron, Jack Robinson, and Jimmle Sherman in "PlayJack Goldsmith, Louis Agranoff, mates;" Gloria Ginsberg and LenL. Schwartz and Dr. H. M. Levin. nie: Skalovsky in "The Parade;" Co-chairmen of the car drawing Marjorie Sperling in. "The Mirare Jack Robinson, Jack Gold- ror;" Jerome Wasserman in "Litsmith, and Bill Kutcher who are tle Piper of the Hills;" Roger in charge of' the street sale of Shulkin in . "Ambition;" Dawn tickets. Mrs. E. E. Baron, Mrs. Sperling i n / " A B C's;" •Sonny J. Kalin, Mrs; R. Miller and Mrs. Robinbw and Sgooleh Rabinowitz "W. C. SlotBty are co-chairmen in "The Ride;" Lucille Harris in •for the drawing ticket sale in the "Sunshine," and Rosalie Fienberg residential district. and Miriam Gelfand in "Musical Mrs. Milton Mushkin has been Top." The play was directed-by • -'; in charge of', the admission ticket Mrs. S. Krupnick. sale, with Mrs. Louis Agranoff ; Mrs. M. P. Summers, a member and Mrs. Philip Sherman in charge of the donation commit- of the Siour City Board of Edutee. Mrs. Sam Mosow is chair- cation spoke a t . the meeting on man of the i cafeteria booth and "Education ana the .Home." The program was followed by Ben Baron is in charge of the floor arrangements at the audi- a meeting at which Mrs. J. H. torium. The Junior Hadassah Mosow presided. Mrs. Sam David.organization:will be in charge of son presided during the program. the hostess tray raffle; the Unit- A dessert luncheon opened the ed Synagogues auxiliary and the program. 200 women attended. Pioneer women, the radio raffle; the Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood, the "V^aBhing Machine raffle, and the Senior Hadassah, the Rabbi H'. R. Rabinowitz will Secretary raffle. speak this evening on the subject, Cantor A. The advertising c o m m i t tee, "The Jew Pays." headed by Mr. E. N. Grueskin, in- Pliskin and; the synagogue choir cludes the] following: Louis will chant the ritual. Tomorrow • morning, H a r o l d Agranoff, Max Falk, Jack Robineon, Philip Sherman, Rubin Mil- Grueskin will act asreader'of the ler, Jack Goldsmith,, Louis Kap- law during the Junior Congregalan, Morey Lipshutz, Ben Baron, tion service and Jack Mosow will . .."..-• I, Singer, Sam Epstein, Milton be the cantor. Bolstein, Mike Grueskin, Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, Milton Mushkin, Barney Baron, Ephrlam Baron, Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, Si Krueger, Mrs. Barney Baron, M. Seff, A. M. Davis, L. Shindler, Joe Gorchow, J. The Debating Class of the JewShapiro, Mrs. Zella Lev!tan,' E. ish Community Center, which E. Baron, A. Greenberg, John meets. each Monday eVenlng,. will Levin, Abe Pill, J. Kalin, Mrs. postpone its meeting;until WedAbe Pill, S.iSkalovsky, Mrs. Max nesday next -week,: so the members Mushkin, Max Kaplan, Frank Ep- may attend the Inter-Club ~ Counstein and Max Ginsburg. cil. ••••• :•/; : / . : Organizations which will share The class met at the'public liin the proceeds are National brary last week, where they were Workers' Alliance and Poale Zion, instructed in the use of the library Workmen's -Circle and Ladies' for debate reading. Auxiliary, S e n i o r Hadassah, Auxiliary of Beth'Abraham Synagogue, Auxiliary of TIphereth IsThe Bible Class sponsored by rael Synagogue, Hebrew Mothers' Association of the Talmud Torah, Shaare Zion synagogue and under Hebrew Mothers' Association, of the leadership' of Rabbi H. R. the West^Side Hebrew School, Rabinowitz :will meet Tuesday Auxiliary ofi Shaare Zion Syna- afternoon, December 3. The Book of Genesis is being gogue, Mount Sinai Temple Brotherhood, Mount Sinai Sisterhood, studied by the class, which is Pioneer Women and the Jewish growing in numbers at each meetCommunity Center Building Fund. ing.
Children Entertain Before Auxiliary
Shaare Zion
Debate Glass To < Postpone Meeting
Bible Glass
A* £*• A* A number.^of new members will be formally initiated into the A. Z. A. chapter at a ceremony presented on December 2 before the B'nai B'ritli lodge. The new members have been In the pledge class for slxj weeks. Pledge masters have been Nate Rosenthal, Milton Lehman and Morris Mirken. 'i -An informal initiation for the members wiijl be held at a later date, under tjhe supervision of Ed Sperling.chalrman of t h e ' social committee. {• The chapter has been responsible lor filing a number of Thanksgiving1 baskets which will be distribute!! through the Jewish Community Center next week.
Committees Named for Cabaret Dance ' Committees for the Cabaret dance, to be given, by the Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood on December 3, .have been named, and have begun work on the ticket sale this week.. The dance will be held at the May fair, on Thirteenth., and Pierce streets, with Jack Reams and his ten-piece, orchestra providing the music. Mrs. Herman Miller. and Mrs. Sam Greenstone are co-chairmen on the committee. .Assisting, them on the ticket committee will -be Mesdames E. E. Baron, J . - H . Greenberg, J. Kalin, Abe Pyi, L. Goldberg, S. Krueger, E._ N. Grueskin, D. L. Baker,. A, Agra•
• • • •
Tel Aviv—M e i e r Diesengoff, 301 Electric Building vestigation in New York, Prosecutor Dewey revealed that he Mayor of the all-Jewish city ofi NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION never uses the term but his chief Tel. Aviv since its establishment j In the County ~C^n~oTvonglae Couit assistant, Jacob J. Rosenbaum, as a municipality and one of its does . . . Friends of the Hebrew original founders, will not r n n of the K s t a t P of K « . ^ v.. ^ E r E A t ' E R . deceased: university fear that Palestine's for re-election in the forthcoming Toj -ail persons interested m -SP.IG esimposition of sanctions against municipal elections. The seventytate both creditors mid heirs. You" ere hereby notified that ori thf Italy may cost the university its four-year-old Zionist leader made is} day of November. 1S35. >ora V « chair in Romance language and this announcement in a statement hauer'filed her petition in the fl»°A£ literature . . . That chair was published in-"'Haaretz, • Hebrew matter netting- forth, «mon?r oLn?r things, that Frank O. Neubauer a t established two years ago by the daily. ' the time of his death was a citizen Italian government, which has and resident of Omaha, Doujrra* County, Nebraska, and resided Rt -»i» been paying the salary of ProfesERODKEY AND BRODKEY, Attys.' Jaynes Street snd died intPStRte on sor Heinz Pflaum . . . 579 Insurance Building, Omaha j the 24th day of February. 1!*.^- s"Mz»fi PERSONALIA ————— I and possessed of fin undivided one..:OF INCORPORATION OF '•half interest in Rr>d to the following Justice Louis D. Brandeis gives; NOTICE NEORASKA REAL ESTATE AND i described real fstpte. to-Tv't* half his salary to the American INVESTMENT COMPANY Lot 16 in Kockford, »n addition to the City of Omaha, Douglas Ecomonie Committee for Pales- Notice is'hereby given that the unCounty. Nebraska, as surveyed, tine . . . Although he doesn't at- dersigned have formed a corporation j platted and recorded. .to the la-srs of the State of That she is the widow and sole anfl tend the Committee's meetings he only heir Rt law of the decea.sed^ that keeps in such close touch with name of the corporation is.XEits work that members who sre of the decedent, the name on remiss in attendance or achieve- j cipal place of transacting- business is '•i death names of hi." heirs, fixing the degree ment are indirectly advised of his I at Omaha, Nebraska. of kinship of said heirs, the right of I The general nature of business to displeasure . . . Ellen Lehman, be transacted is to acquire by pur- descent of said real estate barring th* [claims of creditors of said deceased niece of Governor Lehman, is go- chase or oiherwise, own. hold, buy, ia.nd for such other and further relief sell, convey, lease, mortgage, or ening places with Dick Nesbit . . . cumber real estate or other property. i as* may be just and equitable, and i determining that your petitioner, Among the notables on the New j personal or mixed; to give. take, sell I Nora Neubauer, widow of the said deor assign notes and evidence of in- I ceased, is t h e sole heir of the said York relief rolls is Mrs. Emma debtedness of any individual or cordeceased - s n d that, s a i d estate deSwift Hammerstein, widow of the I poration as the business may require; ! scends to her solely and alone. ; to borrow snd loan money when nec- i That said matter is set for hearinggreat Oscar Hammerstein . . . | essary to conduct the business of said before the County Court of "Douglas Edna Ferber is one of the few corporation; to rent, maintain and County, Nebraska-, • on the 14th day in whole or in part, and to of December, 19,"o, at 0 A. M. of said literary lights w'hb neither smokes construct alter, repair and improve, houses end nor drinks . . . Financing a get- buildings; to collect rents, in genera! Dated, November 1, 3M5. to manage real property; . to make rich-quick invention of one of his loans on real estate. ERTCE CRAWFORD. :: friends has cost ca.toonist Rube County Judge. The authorized capital stock- - of Goldberg a young fortune . . . this corporation sha.ll be ?10.<iflO.OO. to be divided into 100 shares of ?100.00 He's considering a financial come- each, all of which shall be common back via a comedy act on the ra- j and non-assessable when issued. The I indebtedness of this corporation phsli dio . . . Mayor La Guardia of j not exceed two-thirds of HK capital New York probably lost some i stock. ! The affairs of tho corporation Fhsll votes when he sent a letter to the j be niajiaged by a Board of Director*! PRACTICAL MOKEXi Beth David hospital's annual ban- 'of not less than two or more ihan Phone 1050 quet saying, "I love the Beth Da- I five members, who - shall *>l*>ot from i their members,, a President. VieeCooncil Bluffs, la. vid Hospital"—and wrote it on
By PHIXEAS J. BIROX . . . The gentlemen who arranged IT'S TRUE' -,: - . ...;„• that swell. tribute to Judge MaDr. Fritz • Gebhardt, the Nazi honey, A. A. U. president, pulled economist:whose murder by Frau- one boner that went unnoticed lein Vera Stretz is the reigning . . .Among those en the dais, one Dr. and Mrs. S. Kline were in sensation -of New York, was an place removed from the guest of Minneapolis last week-end to at- indirect victim of Hitlerism . . . honor was Dr. Frederick B. Robtend the wedding of their son, Frau Gebhardt, • who- has been inson,, president of City College, Karl Kline, to Mis3 Rita Harris estranged from her husband for who is on record as favoring American participation in the Accompanying Dr. and Mrs six months, is a Jewess RuKline were their two sons, Ber- mora of a reconciliation between Berlin Olympics . . . Speaking of nard and Myron. Miss Helen the Gebhardts are said, to have the Olympics reminds us that Levitt, of Sioux City, who is visit- infuriated Fraulein Stretz, who isJudge Aaron Steuer, son of lawyer Max, will be one of the Jewing in St. Paul, was among the an- Aryan Incidentally, Gebish Welfare Board's representaguests at the wedding. hardt was the number one man tives at the coming A. A. U. conin this country of the Na-zi coun- vention . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kaplan an- ter-boycott organization because naunce the engagement and ap- his chief business was the con- WERFEL ARRIVES proaching m a r r i a g e , of their summation of blocked mark deals Franz Werfel, the distinguished daughter; Sara L. Kaplan, to Vic- with importers of German goods dramatist and novelist, who artor H. kahn, of Rockville, Conn., rived at New York the other day, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kahn was almost deported . . . He was of that city. so rushed by newspapermen and photographers that he forgot all Complimenting Miss Kaplan about the immigration officers, and Mrs. William Kutcher, a reand so did not have a landing \.' (Continued frompage 1) cent bride, • Miss Rose Chesen encard when the ship docked . . . tertained at an evening of bridge license "without consulting the The immigration authorities finalMinistry Of the Interior. last night in her home. • ly relented, but gave him a warnA two-course luncheon will folOnly: actual sexual'relations be- ing to be more careful next time low the bridge and the table deco- tween-'Jews and "Aryans'* are to . . .Which reminds us that Werrations and appointments. will be considered as "Rassenschande" fel's play, "The Road of Promise," carry out- the bridal colors. under the .Nuremburg laws. This which Meyer W. Weisgal will preprovision also includes sexual re- sent in a Reinhardt production, Miss Gertrude Kopel of Sioux lations'between'; Jews and "non- will mest probably get a new Falls. S. D., visited in Sioux City Aryans" having only one Jewish name . . . It seems that the Palesgrandparent." this weeje. tine film, "The Land of Promise," . Attempted "Rassenchande," on is confusing a lot of people, and Miss Rosena Kosberg, newly charges of which- scores of Jews although it is the film that plagi- the stationery of Mount Sinai elected president of the. Beta Chi throughout Germany have recent- arized the "Promise" from the hospital where he's recovering club entertained the group Sat- ly been imprisoned, are not cov- "Road" it is the play that will from an attack of arthritis . . . make the change . . . Franz Wer- LAXDSLEIT urday .veenirig, on-the occasion of ered by the.decrees. Marriage between Jews and fel is a very close1!, friend of Chanher 15 th. birthday. The only country in the world ' Miss Elaine Rosenfeld is secre- 'non-Aryans" with'only one Jew- cellor Kurt Schuschnigg of Au- ruled by a Jew Is the Republic of tary of the club and Miss Betty ish grandparent" is prohibited. stria and is a frequent visitor in Paraguay, whose president, Euse"Non-Aryans" with two Jewish his home . . . Burnette, treasurer. bio Ayala, is of French-Jewish exgrandparents. must obtain a spetraction . . . the late Baron ManW'RE TELLING YOU fred von Richthof,en, Germany's ;;Mr. L. M. Rice is. recuperating cial permit from the' Minister of The People's Press, of which greatest war-time ace, was part in his home after being in a Sioux the Interior and the Reich ChanCity hospital since August. Mr. cellor's deputy before marriage to James Waterman" Wise is one of Jewish . . . As commander of the I t Reich flying squadrons RiehthoRice was associated with" the an- "Aryan" or a "non-Aryan" the editors, is not so hot . is trying to become a large-circu- fen's second in command was Jewish Community Center before with one Jewish grandparent. Marriages between "non-Ary- lation tabloid and at the same Herman Goering, n o w Hitler's his Illness. . ans" in. the one Jewish grandpar- time maintain an aggressive peo- chief lieutenant . . . Robert Winent category are strictly prohib- ple's point of view . . . So far the terstein. new minister of justice ited on the ground•" that t h e y combination hasn't worked out j in Austria, is a baptized Jew . . . would increase the amount of . . . There's a definite lack of The 20-year-old girl who recently H a r r y became the wife of the 60-yearJewish blood in their families and vitality and talent that would be contrary to t h e Hershfield, cartoonist, columnist old monkey gland expert, Dr. plans of the Nazis, who are seek- and entertainer, has been signed; Serge Voronoff, is a niece of Mme. BYF.B.I. ing t h e - constant diminution of up by Joe Brainin for a regular I ftlagda Lupescu, red-haired paraSeven Arts feature . . . Stanley j mour of King Carol of Rouii Bnnnnnnussinsininiiniinii omiiiMniiiiiiiniiiinnnniiiiiiiinis 11S the proportion of Jewish blood. The servant girl situation is the Bero, who hasn't been paid by! mania . . . Regular services will be held subject of careful regulation in any communal organization for tonight promptly at eight o'clock he decrees. The regulations pro- many years, is doing more Jewish BROOKEY and BRODKEY, Atty*. at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna579 Insurance BIJ!B. communal work than most of the vide: : gogue at 618 Mynster street. high-priced professionals in the LEGAL NOTICE 1) No household may keep an Rabbi Jacob Cohn has chosen as field His latest achievement 'Aryan", woman if the head of In the District Court of Douglas his topic tonight, "What Fools is the reconstruction of the Schiff NebrasTca: ' These Mortals Be!'* Everyone is hat household is a J e w or a Memorial Fountain in New York County, In the matter of the' Application of "non-Aryan" of two or more HOMER I. BINSWANGEK: urged to- attend the services.by the city . . . Don't be surprised Notice Is hereby given that on the Jewish grandparents. l."tth day of November. 1935, the 2) An "Aryan" woman servant if the JDC will soon officially above petitioner filed his petiThe Council Bluffs' Lodge* No. may n o t be employed in a n y sponsor the Biro-Bidjan project tion Innamed the District Court of Douglas 688 of the Independent Order of home .where there Is a male Jew- . . . JDC leaders have convinced County, Nebraska, Docket 316. Page SG, the object and prayer of which is the B'nai :B*rith will hold a regu- ish boarder. themselves of the real possibilities for the change of his name from that this F a r E a s t lar meeting next Monday evening, of Homer I. Binswanger to the. name 3) In the category of servant territory holds for of Homer I. Benson. That a hearingNovember 25, at .8:30 o'clock at iris come not only full-time Russian and foreign Jews . . . will be had before the Honorable Wm. the Eagles hall. All members are G. Hastings, one of the Judges of the w.orkers but; also domestic help POLITICAIi STUFF District Court of Douglas County. urged to attend. paid by the hour. These may not Benjamin Golder, former Re- Nebraska, In his Court Room No. S. or before some other Judge of this work for Jews. publican Congressman from Phila- Court, at 9 o'clock A. M., Tuesday. 'The Cultural Group of "Jewish 4) "Aryan" women -*ho have | j e I p n i a > i s considered the most December 17. 1535, or as soon thereCustoms and* Ceremonials" spon- been i n u h e employ of Jewish. , i k e I y a p p o l n t e e a s controller of after as will be convenient for the and that unless sufficient sored by_ the Council' Bluffs Sen- families for many years may r e - ! t h e c i t y o f b r o t h e r i y i o v e . . . Court, cause be shown to the contrary, the ior Hadassah will meet next Mon- tain their positions provided they | M a u r l c e L _ R a p h a e l i s secretary'to name will be changed as prayed for. HOMER I. BINSWANGER. day evening, November , 25, . at attain the age of thirty-five be- M •A n g e l o R o s s i o f S a n P r a n . Petitioner. 8:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai bre: next January. By BRODKEY AND ERODKET. cisco • J. George Fred man, Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster His Attorneys. 5) . Foreign citizens who a r e street. Anyone; interested is cor- not permanent residents of Ger- former commander-in-chief of the Jewish War Veterans, is now the dially invited to attend. Rabbi many are exempted from the reJacob Cohn is" in charge of the strictions; with respect to employ- j boss of New Jersey's beauty shops § i | . . . Governor Hoffman named group. ment of "Aryan" women. him chairman of the state's beau- Ij ^ ^ | - The regulations in connection ty shop commission The Or-j|||§ |||§ . Mrs. George Steinberg, accom- with "Rasserchande"'and employder of Black Shirts, founded by j g = panied by her daughter, Mrs. Da- ment of "Aryan" women who are a group of young Italian-Ameri- j j§=j vid Kubby and the latter's son, to be applied to Jews who are cans In Rome (New York) as a; H LeRoy Kubby, left last Saturday "Staatenlose," persons without a semi-military Fascist outfit to j ^ g night for Excelsior Springs, Mo. country, as well, as to German make propaganda for II Duce, n n They expect to be gone for "the Jews.' : folded up after four days . . . s | remainder of the month. German courts, it appeared Protests from the American Le- j = earlier from press-reports of their gion and financial troubles did HH Now Every Little Mrs. Ben Kooler has returned decisions, could not agree on enthe trick Informed of pro- = = Girl Cen home following a month's stay in forcement of the Nuremberg ratests against the use of the term = = Chicago, 111. cial laws. Their confusion w a s revealed A Jewish Y6ung Men's Group In two conflicting decisions hand-, will be organized next Tuesday ed down invtwo"" cases" involving | evening, Nov. 26, at a meeting to the same principle and almost j be held at the Chevra B'riai Yis- identical circumstances. In both: roel synagogue at 618 Mynster cases Jews who had been disstreet. Rabbi Jacob Cohn will charged by their employers simpsponsor the group. .All yourig ly' because they" are .Jews, sued men interested are. urged to at- for compensation, And in both tend the, Initial meeting next cases,, too, the employers explainPOR SALE AT YOUR Tuesday evening at promptly 8:30 ed that they : had been forced to o'clock. ' GROCER-DRUGGIST dismiss the Jews since they wished to. display "Aryan" business FRUIT STAND • Mrs. , L. Cherniack returned signs and were ;i refused permis- , home Monday, following a ten- slon to dp so by the Labor Front's > day visit in Des Moines, la., district' offices unless t h e y dis- ! where she visited her mother, charged their Jewish employes. Mrs. L. Leavitt.
Society News
Jewry Stripped of Reich Citizenship
About twenty-five guests attended the A. z. A. Stag Smoker given by the Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. Sunday night, November-17, at the home of Abe Raben, 2115 Avenue D. A pool tournament was held. The organization is planning numerous other activities. A large crowd -attended the Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah meeting held Wednesday afternoon, November 20, at the Hotel Chieftain. Rabbi David Wice of Omaha was the principal speaker and honored guest. His subject was "The Ethiopian Jew." A group of songs was presented by Miss Harriett Bernstein . of Omaha. .Following the program, tea was served. The committee In charge of this meeting were Mrs. Herman Marowitz, program, and' Mrs. Sam Meyerson, general chairman, assisted by the Mesdames Lawrence Krasne, Max Cohn, .Louis Ihcrnlss. Harry Bromberg, and Sam Bubb.
; President. Secretary end Treasurer, who shall hold office for a t«>rm of one year until the next «r.m;Kj nn*ting. The annual meetinp of the corporation shall be held or. tl»*> Monday in January, of each ymr. These articles msy b« a m n upon affirmative vote of two-third« of the outstanding stock.
have hereunto set their hands, this Sth dav ot November. 1535. GORDON HARMAX. "WALTER A. NIELSEN. ll-15-4t.
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