• : "gg*-
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Interests of th'c Jewish People
Entered aa Second Claaa Mall Matter up January 21. 1921. at Postofllc> of Omaba. Nebraska, under the Act of ilarcb 3, 1819
JAPANESE-BORN GERMAN Ethiopian Offer of Colony MAID PREFERS AMERICA Refugee Rejected
VOL;, XI—NO. 41,
dress ri
Yiddish Is Official Language In I Bidjan
"Jewish people here seem so are few professionals. London (WNS)—From an unmuch more free and friendly," Moscow (WNS)—Yiddish is to "I Would like very much to commented c h a r m i n g brown- make my home in this country. impeachable source it is learned be the official language in Biro Increase of Two in House of haired Gertrud Altschuler, Japa- When I return to Japan I shall here that a year a g o Emperor Bidjan, the Soviet Government Commons Over Last nese-born young German maid, make .an effort to get papers al- Haile Selassie of Ethiopia sent a ] I announced in a decree made pub: I lie here. The decree provides for j who is visiting here. Miss Alt- lowing me to come to the states confidential -agent to London to Session I j the use of Yiddish in all govern- j schuler was born in Japan o£ to live. I would like to live in offer to Jewish leaders an extensive tract of • land in his country jjment documents and institutions,! London (WNS)—In t h e next German-Jewish parents. In 1920 California." Thus Miss Altschuler as the site for a German Jewish I the railroads, schools, telegraphs j Parliament there will be 18 Jews her family moved back to Ger-further emphasized her liking for refugee colony. j and signs. j in- the House of Commons, two many where she studied nursing America. The .Emperor's offer included more than in the last Parliament. at the Jewish hospital in FrankGertrud stopped here in Omaha The Biro Bidjan radio stations By parties the Jewish members of fort. to see her friend, Dr. Walter not only land but complete econwill broadcast in Yiddish, a n d ; the new House of Commons are In 1934 Miss Altschuler and Lowenstein, whom she met in omic rights and the privileges of | Russian. organizing a Jewish self defense divided as follows: 9 Conserva- her parents again moved back to Frankfort, Germany, when she j In the factories, where the tives, 5 Laborltes, two Samuelite Japan. In the course of her nurs- was nursing at the Jewish hospi- orps. His offer was rejected beJohn Ilsynps Holmes, ' Majority of workers a r e Jews. cause it was regarded as impracLiberals and two Simonite Liber- ng duties there she had occasion tal and he was a student at the clergyman a n d lorturer, v i l ; ! Yiddish will also be used. tical. als," the latter being supporters o take care of a missionary who university there. "peak her? on Wednesday evpof the-government. The Jewish was. very ill and whom she had Miss Altschuler speaks a very mng, December 4, at S p- rr>. s-! * Conservative M. PJ'S a r e L. H. o accompany back to his home fluent though somewhat accented the Jewish Community Cental: Gluckstein, Marcus Samuel, A. M. n Iowa. She is now on her way English. However, the accent under the auspices of the. O>ti'Lyons, D. B. Joel, Sir Isidore Sal- back from this duty, and will merely adds to the already abundmunity Forum. His topic wiU b*' mon, T* Levy, H. G. Strauss, Sir ravel to Japan by way of Cali- ant natural charm of this young "Is Our Civilization Worth PTfArthur Samuel and Sir Philip Sas- ornia and Honolulu. German girl, who in the course '•erring?" sopn, under-secretary for the air The fact that Jews here are" so of her life has been practically Dr. Hoimes is pastor ot ;1i*. ministry. Jewish Simonite Liber- happy and free seems to have around the globe. She says: Community Church, one of 'b*als in the House are Leslie Hore- most impressed this visitor. Also "English is almost universally ; Irrgest congregations in N>v Ben Aronin Belisha, minister of transport, the opportunities for education spoken now. In almost all counYork. He is one ot the direcfo-s Duties As President of New York and S. B. Strauss. The two Jews and learning, so much easier to tries if you know English you Yiddish and Hebrew Melodies What Makes a Jew Smile," of the American Civil I.ibevii"? Board of Aldermen Paramong the handful of Samuelite obtain here than in other coun- can get along." Featured on Sunday's be the title of the talk to be Union, chairman of the City- 'hir Liberals are James de Rothschild tries.. ticularly Heavy given by Ben Aronin of Chicago nirs'Committee of New York, cruv. Program We wanted to ask more quesand Sir Percy Harris. Jewish at the open meeting of B'nai president of the Ward Regiplri:> In Kobe, Japan, Miss Gertrud's tions but with a friendly smile Lahorites elected are S. S. Silver- home, there is a small Jewish Gertrud said we "have probably New York (WNS)—His health League. The Hazomir Choir opened the rB'rith,,sponsored by Omaha Lodge man, George R. Straus, H. Day, community composed of Jews enough material for an interview" Jewish lecture and -concert series \ No.". 354 next Monday evening, | « a « ™ ^ d by the terrific Btr.in Dr. Holmes has given hie m;rEmanuel Shinwell, the latter hav- from all parta of the world, but and that there really was nothing December 2. • j o£ his public duties and by the port e.nd energy to every imi>»:#of the Jewish Community Center f l o o d o f ing defeated former Prime Min- mostly Assyrian J,ews, in the main more she could tell us which Aronin, who. is a noted lecturer, I extra-official -functions tRnt organization, and moremt>r^ on Sunday evening, November 24, ister Ramsey MacDonald. Sir Her- orthodox. would be of interest, so we de-at the Center auditorium. . ... •' ' novelist, and-playwright, is also a !h e h a d bfen * t t e ° ^ n g l s b y ™}™ rational and international, tba«. '* jtaimtw bert Samuel and Barnett Janner, sisted, and merely expressed the concerned with world peace stu. In Tokio there, is quite a large Th* first liart of the nrosram famed story-teller, and his talk j °* the office he held Bernard ?. Liberals, and Major Harry L. . i n e I i r S l p a n OI m e p r o g r a m . . . . . . . . . , , » . , , nontcrVi nrpsMpnt rsf t h p \ p i i hope that she would, accomplish ™r,=i<=tf>ri | social justice, and has made l.if Ker. John Hayncs Holmes Jewish community. Most of the f « cprip* nf Yiddish i which /will deal with Jewish huueutscn, presraem oi m e .\ e w n Nathan, Laborite, were the only ... c o n - !Ivnrv ntv Board -Rnsrri of nf aldermen, aidwmpn. a-nri her desire to make the United consisted of a series oi xiaaisn; Choir Imor. past: and_ present, will York City and [ career a constant and viporrui» Jews of Japan are in the exportJewish members of the last Parfolk songs by the entire tain many-funny stores and jokes. I President of the American Jewish States her permanent home. campaign in behalf of his ccv.vU-"liament who failed of reelection. ing and importing business. There Among the : numbers presented Those who heard-Aronin talk at j Congress from 1929 to 19oo. died j FT* | QJ. tions. Jewish newcomers to Parliament were: Heler Wunder, Shabos the A. Z. A. camp convention last j suddenly at his home here at the He has traveled widely t h r o w V are H. G. Strauss", Conservative, Bein Hashmoshos, Mir Shmieden, out this country and abroad, ':••'> i sji a £ e o f S. S. Silverman and H. Day, LabZu Meln.Folg. Rozenkis Mit.Man- "summer ; " " " " say ~ " that - - - - Omaha - " - " - Jewry ""-- ~ . Deutsch N oo n e k n e w t h a t M r has visited Palestine on eevf^'s..: orites. Shinwell was not a memdlen. The second part of the-pro- due for a rare treat when n e , d m b f h}t: occasions isnrl is one of .!'* ber of the last Parliament but . i senpiiVe TVTrmrisiv p v p n i n c > « « S i n u n t i l m e u < ± > utriuic ixis stsunchest supporterR of Eiov.ifcn,. gram consisted of a group o f | :? e a K S Monaay evening hp ripath d e a l t l n e i i«ued ssuea aa Public ststehad served in the House of Com«»-h^=t^ *,,,mw»r=- v , , i i n m AhuBen Aronin was born in n o r t h - !m e n t PUDIIC 6t«te has lent his support Rnd ef.'i'»'!; Hebraic numbers. Kullpm Ahu-1 e r n W i ' c _ . , announcing that on the orH e graduated i mons before when he was minisL.Gordeeff, the Torgsin Kepre- tHe o cver v w o r t h w h i i p vim, Zmiros, Onu Bonu Artzo, and i from Wisconsin. t±e graduated •j <3er _ of ^ . ._ _ ,._ m ^_ i _,_ the University of Chicago in his physician he was taki * ; • " " ' 7 " ; ' ' r n U e T s ^ t ^ n i *ctM^ "ter of mines in the two Labor l ! ! Naomi'' 1925, and-since then has led a! ing a week's rest and w o u 1 d , **££™ ^ £ * t ^ ^ ^ ^ Jewish intrrest Rncl life. governments of MacDonald. Cincinnati (WNS)—Inspired by As special numbers ^ a ° m l • varied career as vagabond, sol- I henceforth curtail all evening en- ! « - - d to-da, t w Ten pupils, comprising the class ,n , , e , o ; tLe , anea BO1 i the distress of Polish Jewry Gross presented two piano solos— J « ^ r as ^ D O D Q , " I ":"ements not directly connected decree of the Council ot P e o r W ] t i e s " 'l iUeBh"a"FU 1t ;o 't i nB<1i nUm .»'»« *v1' fl C t The defeat of Sir Herbert Sam- of 5696, were graduated from the which he feels has been ignored "Malaguona" ?and "Scherzo in E ««er. a n d lecturer. He I S the au-, | a f e ^ f n S * o t ™£_ °SJ" !; i Commissars of the V. S. S. K. orj ; * ^ uel, leader of the majority wing city Talmud Torah at exercises ^ . - w M ^ H o L e ^ n I • T ™ Tin. I thor of -two best-selling novels, I with h s official position For the . , ! n i , i r i a t i n n of t h p • n n m e r o u s books, among 11 because of the greater tragedy of Minor," by Mendelssohn. Two vicof the Liberals, came as a great held last Sunday afternoon at the German Jewry, an anonymous upset. There is a plan on foot to Jewish Community Center. The graduates: Harvey Bur- Cincinattian h a,s pledged $5,000 Kreisler and "Orientale make a seat in the House for him stein, Marcia Finer, Ephraim Ger- to Cincinnati's 1935 Jewish Wel- were presented by Nate by having a Liberal member from Cantor Selz delighted the audience politan •• journals a safe Liberal district resign in shater, Harry Goldstein, Rose fare Fund Campaign, on condition ji Deutsch's d e a t h with his rendition of Jewish songs that 19 other persons give $5,000 Goldstein, M a x • Kirshenbaum, Sir Herbert's favor. Janner's failDaily i shock not only and the Hazomir Trio presented He also ;' administration ure to win reelection also came as Celia Lipsman, Rebecca -London, each. News, Amazing Stories. a group of violin numbers. If there are 24 others who will -•The Ha omir. Choir 3 ^ firga^^rote.arplay which was producedjbut• to-the Jewi a surprise.because he was a can- Stanley Silverman, and Harold 2 s give--$4;00^~each, he will g $ r e Born in" Baltimore, __, . , didate zirom. Whitechapel,^. thje ized nine years ago by Harry i by^the--Chicago Little Theatre. 1 011 vil l execute all orders , , ' The' program: ~~ $4,000. •••• _ Jewls'n district of London. H i s ! M m f l s Admission .to Monday's lecture 5, 1SS4, Deutsch was educated! -^ Bender who has worked tirelessly *""'««»»' •» " ' ""••" Cohen is general chairman ot .'!-•? Introductory r e m a r k s , Dr. in t h e public schools of N w ; *'hich reach'the recipients by Dee defeat is attributed to the fact B e £ that the Labor Zionists supported Philip Sher, program chairman Choir today is'rated as one of. the in-the Jewish. Community Center | Jork, the CoHe « « *° ^ ^ jh a V e until February 1, 103 6, to . ^ edn?«lRr evening \*<"f™ his Laborite opponent. By defeat- and honorary president; march of . . . . . . • i ^ » m . i , , m will «T»n be ><n fifty fiff-o- cents i-ontt per nor i'^6« lOih. o c a i>ew iorb. u A w , • will begin promptly Rt S p c!n.:k. auditorium, ] finest choral groups in the city. the graduates, with Shirley Selz Admitted to the bar in make their purchases. . ing former Prime Minister Macticket. All members of Omaha [School. Cantor A. Schwaczkinis director r t ' ^ o ! Tt'-ruvi -m-hn o r Q i n i r n n r i i l S O o , h e q u i c k l y a t t a i n e d a d i s - , On that date the Torgsin orDonald, Shinwell became a na- at the piano; introduction of of the group. The members of £ " 1 * n t h wh are in good | ^ &r which seHs only for a t i o n . A sa y o u n g |g a n i z a tion, graduates, Harry Goldstein, class tional figure. S o n of a Whitepresident"; Harvey Burstein, "The the Choir are: Harriet Bernstein, J ^ ^ J ™ ^ X J a i l This i ^ y e r of 26 he organized a cru-| foreign currency, will be dissolv chapel talior, Shinwell is a vetRose Novak, Jeanette Coltoff, ed and its stores ar.d s t o c k s ; eran of the Labor Movement. His Grea,t Assembly;" Max Kirshensponsored by the in- js a d e o n , * h e E a s t s i d c Naomi Kuklin, Lois Gerlisky, program • i.i. ; corrupt rnrrmiL juufce. UJUEK Aitnougn Althoueh ne he IOSI lost ; turned over to the regular state i vote was double that of MacDon- baum, " R a b b i Johanan Ben tellectual advancement committee t _ _ _ <,™-irat,JEi l ! n d e r the su-i Bernice Izeman, Charles Mogil, of thP local lodee of which I h i s f l g h t - h e T o a t h e esteem of tracing ald in the mining constituency of Zachai;" Rebecca London, "The ^pp^ratus, of flip the C; Commissariat .for ; , « „ . . Governor ^ '[ lpervision w r v i s i n n nf Seaham. A great many non-Jew- Geonim;" Marcia Finer, "The Growing Number of Reich Jew- Leo Bernstein, Leonard Bernstein, 01 W e -lOCai XOQge, OI V,11U.U civic leaders. In -192S Josephine Nathan, Morris Tepelis- Ephraim Marks is chairman. Smith appointed him to the New : Inter Trade. I ish friend of Zionism were also Vision of Ezekiel;" Rose Goldish Firms Advertised ky, Morris - Bernstein, D a v i d York State Municipal Court Com-1 The reason f o r this move is elected while John Doran, Con- stein, "Rabbi Juda Halevi;" StanFor Sale Slobdinsky, Louis Sax, Joe Sax, mission. Five years later Deutsch : that the greatly increased supply, servative, the only outspoken anti- ley Silverman, "Restoration of Adlcr. End Fortig; Hyman Gendleman, E p h r a i m was named to the committee on \ and variety of products in t h e . Semite in the House of Commons, Palestine;" Celia Lipsman, "An Historical Summary of Jewish ceived in Audience Wit!?. Seltz, Liberty Cooper, and Dena character End fitness of the first j regular stores and steadily de- j was beaten. .. Berlin (JTA)—At least fifty Life and Aspiration." Two Yid- million marks is required for the. Brody. President I judicial department, the body i dining prices now make it un- j dish songs were dung by Cantor purchase of Jewish firms which Praha, Czechoslovakia (JTA) j which passes upon the Qualifica-! necessary to maintain a special j E. Sellz, accompanied by Shirley have already announced their inMinister of Interior. Josef Cerny I tions of all applicants for admis-' system of stores. Washington (WNS) — A Sellz. Talks were given by Rabbi tention of selling out through the w a s - t h i s week considering steps sion t o t h e b a r in t h e boroughs A r r a n g e m e n t s a r e being work- o n r , . . e s 0 I l l conditions in H. Berger; Aaron Katz, principal medium of newspaper advertiseto .halt deportation" of Jewish r e f - j o f M a n h a t t a n a n d t h e Bronx. j ed o u t whereby in t h e future, r e - a n dt h e r r o p r e s s 'o; - t h ( ? j P V , { s v of the Talmud Torah, and Judah ments, the Rheinische Landeszeiugees from Bohemia a n d Moravia, j After m a k i n g a notable record j niittances t o t h e U, S. S. R. will ; dpvelopmpnt there was prpp^i'^^-. Wolfson, instructor of the grad- tung reports on t h e basis of a • A complaint t h a t Jewish aliens ' as presideut of t h e Bronx County | be handled i n a m a n n e r similar :t f ) r r e s i d e n ( . Roosevel', by' :\.r^ uating class. Principal of 'thesurvey it conducted. w e r e being discriminated a g a i n s t ! B a r Association a n d vice-presi-; to t h a t governing the sending of jJewish jpaders whom he veC;>!<-«v. Talmud Torah is Max M. Barish. lodged w i t h Cerny b y t h e ! d e s t of t h e New Y o r k County ; money, orders t o other c o u n m e s . •£ { t h e w h U e H o u s c _ Bucharest (JTA) — Police auMost of the firms, t h e paper The diplomas' Avere 'presented states, employ between 100 and by Dr. Philip Sher.. 300 workers. Government Belatedly Announces Tlie number of smaller f i r m s Its Determination To for sale is impossible to estabEnd Excesses lish, the paper admits,' explaining that these are sold without rew o r k of t h e Jewish Refugee Com-; . u l banks a n d member PC the Jewish "Warsaw ("WNS)—Acting with f ^ c h led t o t h e s m a s h - : aers sent b j these course to p.dvertising. It states, Semitic excesses in various parts mittee, Hicem- and- t h e J o i n t Dis-! ^ the designated ^administrative corcmiUee; niul %., belated vigor, the Polish governm ol a T f l a v y e r S W h 1 t h e m L L of the country. however, that firms in this group, t r i b u t i o n - Committee, which h a s ! / ?f ° ° T ° > " * - i^ ™ " . ^ ;Msldwin Fertig, former COBCSS, ment has closed all branch heade d o naccideEt Tlctums valued at less than 10,000 marks, T h e o r d e r authorizes t h e police providing for m i 1 I n 1SS2,; recipiects. Dr. Leon Fellman will speak in s u c c e e d e d i n e | to the President when he « t i quarters of the anti-Semitic • Na1 to take dracoriic measures against are practically all' out of Jewish gration of refugees j• when a l l t h e b a r associations, of - • • of' thousands ' | governor of New York, tional Democrats, spread a drag- behalf of the fathers and D o n hands. New. York united to protest all persons disturbing the peace. froin Czechoslovakia." | Although the Jewish SPSU!.'.*'*. net for their leaders, and instruct- Brodkey will speak for the sons against t h e method o £ selecting It also forbids t h e wearing of In this connection, it is point• declined to discuss their iruprvi;-«, ed local officials throughout the at the annual father and son bannominees for judges of the Sued out by the Essen Chamber of uniforms and the display of I beyond saying that the rrwuim.; country to take rigorous measures quet to be held Sunday, December preme Court, Deutsch was nomJml Terms badges by unauthorized persons. Commerce that German commerw a s well-informed about Vu'.:\>>to crush the anti-Semitic cam- 8, at the Temple Israel v e s t r y ' Warsaw—A"• summary c o u r t ] mated at candidate of the IndeThe authorities are specially cial life Is well on the way to : tine, and that he showed gvc-f-* 5rrpaign of violence which took the rooms. commanded to watch the activi- sentenced-.- Sta"nisiaw Uniszewski { pendent Judges Party for justice complete compliance with article Sam Josephson will be the maslives of three Jews and cause the itevost in the work there, It V-M of the Supreme Court. and-Jan. Sa'winski to fifyt-day jail ties of those organizations which injuries to nearly a hundred in a ter of ceremonies, Harry Mala- 16 in the Nazi party's program conduct national confessional pro- terms . for .- hawking pamphlets 'lpavned from other gniu'cps n » ; Despite the lack of funds and a which provides ~for t h e creation 1 series of outbreaks in Warsaw, shock will be in charge of t h e the nilrtip.nee WOP rit-r.inr:<5rt R! i.J'fj small campaign committee, he paganda tending to incite to urging an-anti-Jewish boycott. of a "healthy middle class" una i n Lodz and Lemberg. program, and Jake Slosburg will ^ f Premature mass ,mm. E ra- ; p r p p . f l p ^ rpqnpsn Vhpn v , . hatred against each other sections • Tie.-pamphlets.-had formerly | Polled over S00(000 votes. • H i s ;tlon Following an interview between be in charge of arrangements for der "Aryan" principles. >een'.confiscated by the authori- phenomenal run put him in the \ , t o Ecuador v a s J ^ u e d ^ » f i R o o s p v e l l c o n f P m , f l rerentlj- *-.thfc of the population on racial and The executive board of the BerMinister of the Interior Ladislas the dinner, to be prepared by woipq- : • ' limelight as a possible candidate ^ e e k h> t h e H l ! l S ' c l e l ! 1 d e ' l K r r r r t i r , t h e Isttrr diwtiwi'.i religious grounds. Rackiewicz, Minister of Education men of the Sisterhood, under the lin Boerse has circulated an ap' for mayor when a Fusion ticket; Deutschen . Juden, leaaing Ger^-"'1- the .Trwish question with hiir. Konstantine Chylinski, Chief Rab- supervision of Mrs. J. j . Fried- peal to all members urging them ?ociety. in so doinsr mentioned was being considered to i i g h t 'man-Jewish philanthropic PC not to encourage stock transac• bis Schorr and Rubenstein and man. Tammany Hall. Deutsch was | The warning points out that, ex-j T h e P r e S idenl: is undcrscofw; Jewish members of parliament, There will be a table for fath- tions, the Jewish Telegraphie finally nominated f o r president: perls .Ere now investigating the thpve l o l f i M r _ F e r t i g G» hi,, ,:,yt the government announced that it ers with daughters only, and one Agency learned from the most reof- the board of aldermen, which | possibilities of Jews i n . . i interest in MPrtlr.t. : r i e s denfs> was determined to suppress the f o r bachelors. Dave Rosenstock iable sources. I is equivalent to vice-mayor. He I.Ecuador but. are as yet not r e p f i >" ; e n ( i asked him to lay bpforf- i-^s; The appeal is' believed to have anti-Jewish riots and that it had will be in charge of t h e table | was elected and carried .the whole j to submit a report. This report, \^,o^ \(m'p f0 t j m j " infornif-Jfftr.' already taken steps to bring the that is for fathers with sons only, een inspired by the heavy offeri Fusion ticket into office with j it is expected, will be issued n e x t j dealing "with" t h e ,Vcv-ish F o » ^ ings of stock by Jewish owners -violence to an end. month. 'j a n d Eugene Blazer will preside Rabbi Harold Berger of t h eCommunity Center is composed of i him. landIn order to suppress the anti- over the aggregation of bachelors. who fear the confiscatory • nature Vaad Ha'Ihr will-open the Round The.Hilfsverein. the siatemcntj O n t he strength of this every • Jewish • youth . organization ; of the expected decrees impleSemitic movement and to fix resFathers comjng without their menting the Nuremberg anti-Jew- Table Forum series on Sunday I emphasizes, is eager to effect as , j | - r _ p e r t i g is believer! to h *• r s of ponsibility for the violent out- sons will be provided with boys evening, December 1, a t 8 p . m., in -the -city. • - Its - program—educa- j Resigns CS I early as possible the transfer of j j ) p P n pjypn the p.udienf.~ t.ofrf'-l'.*^ breaks, the government has clos- for the evening. Members of ish laws. | Jewish groups to Ecuador, but a at the Jewish Community Center. tion, .social, .and.communal—con- ^4. J . C . D r . Adler find Mr. As a result of the appeal, traded all the colleges, raided head- Scout troop 82, with Dave NewRabbi Berger will discuss the sists .of jvariaus; activities such as I New York—Rabbi Joshua L. ' careful approach to the entire ing on the Boerse was exception: quarters of .the National Demoman, scoutmaster, will be pres- ally light, with no new declines subject, "Jewish Life in-Russia." the all-city youth -: forums and ; Goldberg has resigned as secrc- ] problem is held necessary be- j crats,, issued search warrants for' -In his talk. Rabbi Berger will dancesi-the/debate tournaments,-1 tary of the American Jewish Con-: cause it is not as yet certain, tOUp ent. The Temple Brotherhood is of importance being registered. their leaders and confiscated their emigration to sponsoring this affair which will However, in recent weeks the present a_picture of Jewish life oratorical .c.o n,t e's-.t s, dramatic ! gress to devote himself to the As-! whether m a s s records. The government was and discuss the possibilities for the j tournaments, and active participa-i toria Center of Israel, of which ; Ecuador is altogether possible. j New York—Thr German-Am*?-shares'of such concerns as Siemoved to take this action in or-start promptly, at 5:45 p. m. development, of Jewish life -within tibn; in all: Jewish-communal life. \ he is spiritual leader, and the j The land, it is pointed out by ' : " ' j ' ' . „ " f ( ? r c u l t u r e ' s n .*>^mens Halska have plunged thirty der to curb nearly two weeks of the next decade or so. The The Round Table, • which began j Queens Jewish community. the Hilfsverein, has proved good . anti-Semitic excesses in m a n y points, its current p r i c e being Forum will begin, promptly at S, j its extensive program last year,] . claiming ». memberslrAlliance Israelite Protests i'for plantations, but European set- I o j RUm parts of the country, the most quoted at 159 as against 189 sev- and is open to all Jewish, youth ,000, was on record t ~fc « * . ? as'.,the;iirst;att.empt a t ; a 'co-j g r f j j f £ j £ s Itleraents h8.ve h i t h m o be«n «*-. W P r k " o m , 0 s i n g the Eeriia serious of which occured in WarP a r i s (JTA)—A resolution eral weeks ago. Similarly, the In the city. ' ordination .of -Jewish youth groups **""*• " " « • ' • ' " v.«.MiiB t n^ | successful in Ecuador because of P .,,'ICB, .saw, Lodz and Lemberg. strongly protesting against the shares of Allgemeine Electrische At 9:30 p . m., following "the j in;'ttiis section of the country. Its I Berlin—A long-standing c o n - i ^ g ]E€}c Of roads, the adverse cli: Gesellschaft are now quoted at 33 Nuremberg laws "which with the Forum, a dance will be held • in program'/has/now grown so popu-jtroversy In the Berlin Jewish rnaUc conditions end other difJerusalem—A maritime depart- subsequent measures are threaten- against 48 not long ago. . Essays the Center auditorium. Music for | 1ST that many other such proups! community between the Zionists ! nculties. ment has been established by theing to exterminate half a million The Deutsche Bergwerkzeitung, the dance will be furnished by the j have been organised in other End Berlin—Students of al! univer-e is";i:e ; Jewish Agency for Palestine, it people through hunger," was organ of heavy Industry, fore- College Club orchestra. No stags : cities. sities are reanpsted to enift? 6, ' of control cf the was announced here. adopted at a meeting of the cen- casts that the Boerse will witness •will be permitted to attend. Tick'• Officers this year a r e : - Loyal ' settled amicably v h e s both par-; M&k&gMSSl t\ I nation-wide essay contest on ;J>* . The new department will de-tral board of the Alliance Is- a further decline since the sale of ets may still be purchased' at the [Kaplan; president; Fannie Wiikir.,' es agreed to divide cfficts andj Rome—Gustave Castel Bolog- { subject, "The Jewish Inflnener IT. velop Jewish navigation and stim- raelite,, leading Jewish organiza- shares cannot be stopped by arti-idoor. I vice-pVesident; Ernie Nogg, secre-; membership in lbs coraar-ujnty oninesl was elected Chief Rabbi of (Science and Art," it is ulate all maritime business. tion of France. I The Round Table of the Jewish ! tary;' Joe. Goldware,' treasurer. ficial measures. ' a lifty-fifty b&.£is. 'fey the Berlin Mil&u.
Fainois Clergyman To Lecture at
Wanted: 19 Jews To Graduation At Talmud Torah Give $5,000 Held Sunday Each
Father-Son Banquet Planned at Temple
Forum.Series for. Youth to
lected over a quarter -million sig-» father as a result of the arrival proud of this great mentality " a natures from a petition*-in .which of a daughter named Judith . . . I (Copyright, ^ ^ . w l - h Te,egraphlj The officers of the local the expulsion xtt the v Jews.- from Dr. Heinrich Bruenircg, former 1 , men's Mizrachi take pride in the jGermany -was demanded. .-Nietz- CatholJc Centre Party leader and 1 ! announcement that a check, has! sche loathed Foerster and all he the last Reich Chancellor before Junior Hadassah just been mailed by t h e local! stood for.' Nietzsche's hatred and Hitler, was in and out of t h e group to the national headquar-' contempt for knti-Semitism were United States recently without The Junior Hadassah will Temple Israel ters in New York. ." • | such that even- in vhis--last tright- the press being wiser, until the next Thursday evening, December' Rabbi David H. Wice will base . Included in this remittance- is ifyl illness .* .'". he yet managed Say of his departure . . . He'll be 5, at g p. m. at the J., C. C. his sermon on Sinclair Lewis' a hundred-dollar contribution to' td scribble" on'a card, 'All anti- back in the spring and we'll wager Arrangements will be comnew book, "It Can't Happen Semites' ought to be shot' " . . . pleted for the tenth annual souththe Beth Zeiroth Mizrachi girls'; Here." ! . western regional convention of school in Jerusalem, a technical j MISH-XASH . . . Services Saturday morning will high school for German and Pol-: ANOTHER ECHO . . . • T,h-e German financier, Dr. Junior Hadassah which will be be held at 10:30. • is girls supported by the- Mizrachi Another recent death t h a t Fritz Gebhardt, who was slain by held the week-end of December women of America. Mrs.'I. Beber, shouldn'rt- have passed unnoticed a pretty -.youTig woman of hi? ac- 7 and 8 in Kansas City, Mo. ApThe second in the series of teas chairman of the gift fund, collect- was that of. Edwin G-. Pipp, in De- quaintance in his New York apart- proximately 2 5 members, of the By BERTRAM JONAS for mothers of pupils in the re- ed $38 for trees to be planted in troit , . . Those who remember ment, was married to a "non-Ary- local chapter expect to attend the As . his contribution to * the the fact that his daughter, Clara Twain's writings which show .how ligious school will be given for Palestine, and this sum was sent the Henry Ford of the Dearborn an" woman in Germany . . . He convention and. must attend this . the mothers of first, second and at the same time. n a t i o n - T r i f l e celebration of Clemens, had marries Ossip Gab- he felt about the Jews: Independent days will recall that had been separated from her for meeting to make reservations with "The Jew is not a disturber.of third grade pupils "Wednesday, ' Mark Twain's centennial on rilowitsch, the eminent. Jewish Pipp was the man who organized six months at the time of h i ? Miss Ida Fine, local chairman for December 4, at 3:30 p. m. at the Mrs. I. Beber, chairman of.the that-publication in 1918, but quit death . •. . The separation, we are the co.nvention. November SOth, Mr. Jonas gives musician -who is the conductor of the peace in any country." gift fund of the Women's Mizrachi It in- -19-20 when Mr.. Ford insist- told, was t h e result of official "That the Jewish home is a Temple. . ns in this article some timely the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, organization, announce the fol- ed on attacking the Jews . ... In pressure . . . Ed Sullivan in his thought about the Jewish prob- Twain had shown himself familiar home in the truest sense is a fact Patronize our advertisers. lem and cites quotations from with many phases of the. Jewish which no one will dispute." The Bible class will meet Tues- lowing contributions: Mrs. Mary an ^interview • in 1927, Mr..-Pipp Broadway column in t h e Daily problem. Nowhere in his writings Sidman, in memory of her hus"The Jew is noX a burden on his w r i t i n g s to prove that explained that he left the paper News sayE some mighty nice day, December 3, at 1 p. m. at Twain was sympathetic to ,the 1B there to be found anything that the charities of the state nor of the' home of Mrs. 'Sam Singer at band; Mrs. S. Platt in honor of because he "didn't want to be-a things about Mr. Justice Cardoza TO RENT . the birth of a grandchild in Lin- party".to the attacks which.began . . . Quote: "Brilliant, thoughtJews long before, his daughter can be construed as offensive to the city." I the Buckingham Manor Apts. coln; Mrs. Libby Moskovitz, ,in a month-after his resignation . .... ful, human to a vast degree, leanmarried a 'famous Jewish, mus- Jews. On the contrary,- all- his. "A Jewish beggar is not imFURNISHED r o o m . H6me references to the Jewish people: possible, .perhaps,, such a thing honor of the engagement of her ician. "'. .''.'-. ing more to an interpretation of The father and son banquet are sympathetic and"; friendly. daughter, Jeanette; Mrs. I. Shafer, may exist, but there are few men —THE EDITOR. the spirit o-f the law than its let- privileges. Couple. Close . la. Twain admired the Jews as a that" can say" tKey "have seen that will be held at the Temple Sun- in honor of the marriage of her MORE ENDS-. , . • Gardozo's career is «s rich • day, December 8, at 5:45. Sam he slipped into ter, daughter. Rose; Mrs. S. Kriiel- •As- quietly-as • 1 and deeply-toned as a benediction i Reasonable. Garage. WE 4773. "I am.quite.sure.that (bar one) race and, as one of his biograph- spectacle." will act as toastmas- man, in honor of the engagement New York, one of England's- im"His (the Jew's) race is en- Josephson . . . The Jewish race can well be | I have no race prejudices,., and I ers -points out, considered them ter. Dr. Leon Fellman will give portant-Jewish .leaders and finanthink I have no color prejudices, "the most g i f t e d ; race in the titled to be called the most ben- a talk for the fathers and Don- of Sol and Frieda, and Mrs. M. jciers left the other day to return nsr caste prejudices, nor . creed world." He, knew many, of the1 evolent of all the races of men." ald Brodkey will speak for the Brodkey in honor of the birth of to London .•-. . His presence- un- 1 a grandchild. "The" Christian c a n claim no sons." :" prejudices. Indeed, I know It.. I leading Jews of his day intimatemarked save by the -few" "in the lyi "At one time Jie was actually superiority over the Jew in the can stand-any society.' All'that know," -Otto M. Schiff left on the 1 I care to'know is that a man is a in love with Adah Isaacs Menken, matter of good citizenship^" .•. . Although only S4 human-being—that is enough for the exotic Jewess who was the "Nine-tenths of the hostility to BETWEEN YOU AND MEAquitania Beth-El years ol-d. an age wlikh is ac- r darling of the theatre in the me; he .can't be any worse." the Jew comes from the average counted strrpling in t h e philanAt services tonight Rabbi Da1860's. There is also a record Christian's inability to compete In those words are contained thropic field,- Broker .• Benjamin A. Goldstein will base his ECHOES FROM A GRAVE . . . the philosophy of Mark Twain, of his enthusiastic interest in a with the average J e w in busi- vid The death in Weimar, Ger- J.- Buttenweiser-of Kuhn; Locb & sermon on the new- book, "Festiour greatest humorsit and the au- project for a Jewish children's ness." val at Meron," by Harry Sackler. many, of one Mrs. Elizabeth Foer- Co. is chairman of the brokers' thor of books that have become theatre on New York's East Sid'e. "The persecution of the J e w | This book tells the story of some ster should not have been allowed ] division 'of the New York FederaAnyone familiar with Twain's is not due in any large degree to of the most thrilling episodes-in to pass unnoticed by both t h e tion's campaign . . . He is chargAmerican classics, the centenary of whose birth the nation cele- work also knows how deeply he religious prejudice." Jewish history. It describes the Yiddish a n d Anglo-Saxon press ed with-the task of seeing that brates on; November 30th. Like was inspired by the Bible. There "On the score of religion . . . revolt of Bar Kochba and Rabbi .'. . Mrs. Foerster was a sister of his group raises one million dolhis.prototype, the late Will Rog- are well over a hundred Biblical it (persecution of the Jew) has Akiba and tells the life of Rabbi t h e "superman" philosopher, lars, the .largest quota of any sec- i ers, who often found himself in allusions in Twain's writings. He' already come to an end. Oil the Simeon Ben Yochei. Friedrich Nietzsche, from whose tion in the city . . . Ira A. (he i hot water-because he directed also sympathized with Herzl in score of race prejudice and trade, At Sabbath morning services' ideas the Nazis admit having calls .himself Dory) Hirsehmaim, some of the .sharpest barbs of his his organization of the Zionist I have the idea it will continue." which begin-at 9 o'clock, Harry, drawn freely . . . While Nietzsche, vice-president of Saks Fifth Ave* Hope You a Good Portrait of Yourulf? native wit toward subjects which movement and was one of the "Jewish persecution. is not a son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Gold- judging from letters that h a v e nue, one of • the New York's bigsome people thought should be first American" writers to com- religious passion, it is a business stein: will become Bar. Mitzvah. been published, was opposed to 1gest stores,- is still in his early .. • * Planning to G'we One to a Select Few of outside the ken of a humorist, ment on Zionism. His interest .in passion." anti-Semitism, his Bister was al- jthirties . . . He started his career Next week in responseto Toor Frienit? Twafn refused to be encumbered Zionism was particularly strik"Who gives the Jew the right, ways trying to win his support i not so long ago as an errand boy by the Inhibitions .that shackle: ing since he made many -uncomp- who gives any race the right, to numerous requests Rabbi Gold- of schemes with an anti-Jewfth in the advertising department of ; • Tien this Offer It for You! writers who are not regarded as limentary references to Palestine sit still in a free country, and let stein will discuss • the Dreyfus purpose . . . Thus, not long ago |Bamberger's (famous Newark de- ; humorists. He wrote about many, after visiting that country in somebody else look after i t s case and what it teaches. the Manchester Guardian wrote! partment store) . . . Dory is also • A choice of several positions. Pize of perthings and said what he liked 1867. Twain's trip to Palestine safety?"tralt SxlO inches in Gold Tone Oil Painting • "Few men in modern times can) chairman of the bo:rd-of trustees i • »in Life Like Color. Each one nicely mounted. about them. One of the subjects also took him to Gibraltar, Tan- : "Get up volunteer regiments have hated all the Nazis stand for of the University in Exile . . . Make, your appointments early. Satisfaction Vaad on which he wrote was the Jews. giers and Morocco, where he composed of Jews solely, and guaranteed. The subject of Rabbi Harold as Nietzsche did. He was exasthe when the drums beat, fall in and Long before his ideas about the found much in the life of perated intolerably by the impor; ; Berger's sermon tonight will be ' •• Jews could possibly have been af- Jews to distress him. tunities of .his sister who, under j TAGORE TO VISIT go to the front, so as to remove "Jews and Radicalism." PALESTINE . . . fected one way or the other by Below are a few extracts from the reproachment that you have Saturday morning he w i 11 the influence of her husband tried Rabindranath' Tagofe, f a m e d few Massenas among you, a n d preach in Yiddish at. the Beth to win him over to support the "Where Conrt«sy and Service Prevail" that you feed on a country but Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue at maid scheme of creating a colony Indian poet and philosopher, will visit Palestine in 1936"to attend called Nueva Germania, to be indon't like, to fight for it." 19th and Burt streets., 1612 Douglas St. JAckson 3666 conference of'the TVdiid Peace "The Jews have the best averSunday morning at 9 o'clock habited by pure Nordics—ra kind aLeague of Jerusalem ; . .' Israel of precursor to the Third Realm age brain of any people in the there will be a father and son Posnaksky, boycott expert of the world." service at the B'nai Israel syna- —in Paraguay. Foerster was a American By HELEN ZIGMOND Je-w-ish Congress, is a bigoted anti-Semite, and once cdlr . "They (the Jews) are peculiar- gogue. ly and conspicuously the world's Hollywood—-Did you know that lunch; by Eddie the other. noonthe four "Warner brothers, Harry, <fay, and so put' on hts bes^|bib intellectual aristocracy." .• Albert,.'Sam (now; deceased)-, and and tucker. When he arrived! he' • "All things are mortal but the Jack made film history? T h a t found the least spread" in Caritqr.'s Jew; all other forces pass, but they < are, accredited 'with numer- dressing-room, which measures. he remains." ,-v From ; these.-statements , it Js ous'y &Rts'';.in."tn.e.Tnarcli ofprtgr ",.,.- ., •.;-,£ *,.',. "fa Where Omaha Shops, with Confidence ~ C i m L n e t Si 1900 ress up CinemarLanet Since,, 1900; he could,'do just jugglin^tKSIiii- "clekf tliat; •had-'giveh : siderable tBought^ to ' the *i they have been.'cpnnected. with; allj •verw.are^. ^.;.';.: phases"' of-this.' business,;» 'exfiiW-, ^TFb^C'^anto^sSoMb'les^DaYe^^^^? 1 - v-ire%th*d,vno', .use; .for tion, distribution,.production.'-;In' each^ broken''a/leg; s'tunUn^for -eringinB, arid- cowardly ; Jews; It was his-idea that Jews ought to 1925 they were the-first produ- him, in the..picture. FRIDAY and SATURDAY cers-to.become interested in sound -\ Cantor, 'does'one stunt himself organize politically as Jews. in,orapparatus, and for a year carried .]. Vmakea.a, parachute dive while dec:to: obtain their.rights. He was on ;experimen;tB: with spund-on- hanging onto Parkyakarkus' feet, sincer.ely, -but- mistakedly, .confilm in their New York studios. falls1 into a, circus net,'and lands vinced -that. the . Crucifixion h a d In 1926 they'-produced the first- I%:~the. hand's ?of-the men on the nothing, to do with the;origin of A Quality Product for Seasoning^ . moving picture with" a "synchron- flying trapeze. ' n • . anti-Semitism. T w a i n believed ized musical accompaniment ..- . Eddie '• averages about f o u r j hatred, of the Jew. hacl its roots r "Don Juan," The following .year hours sleep a night these days (or only in— economic -rivalries-• a n d Christian jealousy of Jewish.inthey were first in t i e field with a" day. these Bights"."'* ..have it a movie in . which talking w-a s y.our/own jwayKbecauBe shooting tellectual attainments. With that heard -.- - Al Jolson.talked a lit- on "Shoot "the Chutes" requires j uncanny ability to make shrewd tle and sang.much in-"The-Jazz most of the day and preparation predictions: that sp often .characSinger."; In 1928-they produced for • his broadcasts, most of the terized the humorist,* Twain,-knew two generations ago that - on' this the first all-talking film, "Lights night. '• of NewiYork," And in 1935 they And by the way, Cantor broad- score anti-Semitism wquld;;ne.ver are the first to give-Shakespeare casts twice each Sunday . . . al- be. eradicated. He himself>offered for the Jewish prob-; a hearing. .•• ; • •'• • ' - . though you. only hear him' once. no solution P. & G.BEVERAGES but he recognized •'Its existIn cognizance of the Warners' He goes on the air at 5 p. m. for lem, and attempted to., explain ;it contribution :to cinema, develop- the -8 p. m. eastern program . . . ence, i-.-i , ' WHITE SODA ment, the Film Museum Library and again at 1 p. m. .for the west- In his own way. (Copyright, 1935. by-Seven Arts GINGER ALE is compiling the life Btory of; the ern eight o'clock tuner-iriners. Feature Syndicate) . Pound 29c brothers for documentation. And the Warners _ have presented-, to Bottle 12i/»c. 2 lbs. 57c visiting;hls the Library .prjnts of. t h e first .Arthur Caesar Kappa Sigma Chi . talking pictures and other_ data old cronies in New. York before • Kappa'Sigma Chi, a'newly orBUTTERNUT hs.hop d n . . . had to o ganized . sorority, sponsored by Mother's Best his.hop to London concerning sound development. PANCAKE FLOUR take a'.good deal of ribbing. Some Mrs.. Morris Roitstein, met SunFLOUR Si/r-lb- pkg. 23c George E. : Stone's role in "An- of his pals made. sly dig's about day, November 24, at:- the- home 3 Mole Swaggers his polo; activities in Hollywood. 5 lbs 1... 27c WHOLEWHEAT thony Adverse" won't.worry him of the •"Misses Pearl and Sara : "Why not? Why shouldn't i play • 2 Tropical Seal Swaggers 10 abs. ...„ 53c PANCAKE FL.OUB . . . but his make-up will, He's Schneider., < _; • •' f polo?" snorted Caesar. "I love to play. Sanchez the "Cat" ..•..• - Officers . were .' elected as • fol24 lbs .98cr b. pkg. 25c I Civef Caf Swagger a special make-up. of - face and horses. In fact, I was brought up lows: Pearl Schneider, president; 3 Kiclskln Swaggers .' wig that" requires eight hours to with horses - - . - only they had Ida Gbrelick, vice-president;. Eva put on i (with practice- he can "do wagons attached!" . Kuznit, secretary, 'and - Gertrude -3 Russian Leopard Cats •it in four)' is • necessary to'sugRubinstein, reporter.; . ' : From all the child actors "In MIRACLE WHIP 6 Block Lapin Swaggers gest his feline character. A regular business meeting Hollywood, :Geofge Breakstbn was was held. The group will- meet 6 Beaverette** Swaggers SALAD DRESSING by Max Reinhardt for his every other -Tuesday at the' J. C. Rubinoff discloses the reason selected Broadway production of "Road of 7 Northern Seal** Swaggers C. . They are planning aNew Year why a stand-in was necessary for Promise.". party. . v .; • :• his Stsadivarius while making 5 Northern Seal** Coats "Thanks a Million." The company Fade-out. ' • JONATHAN APPLES •1 59 •which insures the instrument (Copyright, 8 Northern Seals** (with Fitch) Jewish Press advertisers merit 1935. Jewish Telegrraphic feared it would be damaged under your "patronage. a bushel. . Agency, Inc.) '2 Northern Seals** (with Jap Mink) the powerful kliegs and so deDELICIA APPLES manded a part-time substitute. SALAD DRESSING 12 Primier Bonded Coats a box . l-i. i,• l.uc:'...:. I, :.*.„•; _ '. •.. '^ ; George Giyot had his schnozL1NGONBEEEIES Buy Now for -Christmas -zola rebuilt to a modern design qt. box .„ ............. . . . and he.may suddenly emerge Pay a small deposit. . . . . as a romantic film star . . . .Who
Women's Mizrachi
Rejigious Services
; A f e f Thanksgiving Clearance
FUR SALE . . . the Values speak v for
qt 39c KRAFT
News item states that Joe Penner, as a youngster, 6ang in a church- choir. What? A wouldbe c&sssin who has come to naTig&tjbut quacks?
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Fitr Trimmed
Jersey SWEET POTATOES, 6 lbs. ...„_ _ 2 5 e
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Added scenes from the Cantor Scene: Jack Benny was invited to
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2 No. 2% cans :..«I.^.....ij
20c 69c 55c 65c
MONARCH COBN ON THE COB, dozen ears to the can ._....„............... '. • SUNKIST BOYAL ANNE CHEBBIES, 2 No. 2*4 cans for ;„„•„'.;„:.^L....l^.....i:.. SUNKIST FBUIT SALAD,
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•.' PAGEV -THRfilL;
: rare to. be given "tocttie-fing in one of the biggest upsets .that physical'•'relief •••which S*IWK tieanv, and ths tournament-'^of1 the tournament. jso much''in; his business .life 'n*: is for 'Health.'Club members only. • .; •—• j'well as in hjp athl^tir .life, i f hf The; Health"- Club -is-forging- ahead'! : • L e e Grossman is contemplating ; is no! in condition:-• I.rc Gfowin::t4LteJr-.Toll€yiball.pr..oEesB.''wi.i'fh j a r r a n g i n g games f o r - t h e m a t r o n man-offers the .Je.vrfth' meM, oMfci» L e e ; G r o s s m a n , : physical..director,.: .-women's volleyhall class with t h e ' c o m m u n i t y t h a t contemplating- matches ••with other "•. Council Bluffs Y. W . C A. End the youthful spirit l?y'joining: " intST-city-teams; • ~ • • • - • * • j other •women's teams. He a l s o class, .'—Fy KAT PCT-r.VnTF* :'• • : ; " "' * j •'' :•.. . j Btates t h a t he is drewing u p an j -• The.prfr-seasoni'han-dicap-'.h&nd-:.-•Jntra-mural basketball srheclule ball • t o u r n a m e n t • is''-•coming •-. t o , a : for the business women's class. i our advertisers. close -with'; M a i n y " Goldberg,'. for- ; i Take advantage ol t h e men's Saving^ money 'a."n d putting^ it m e r •Ar"A."Ui 'Eiii?;36s;xhairtp,-forgT ing into th\e f fiaj£ls;-.wjth.*a'. v i ' £ • . g.e t into condition, class which Unto.the-bank is oae way of acover . Jack_Baii.--2i-19; ; aiia 2.1-10. meets each Thursday evening a n d Basketball 'again.r.take > .'the quiring-; an,, estate. It is-creation Manny was/behind. 19-10 a n d ' t h e n on Sunday mornings. Many m e n LARGE room in.mpflprn home. spotlight.'in. last wefik'is spftrt-.ac- by accumulation. staged a pulse tstirring-^cqmeback'i have espressed their £rpreci£.tion Single person or couple. N tivities at the J.' C. C':;. Six, gaiaes . But putting money into life into score ll^'p'oiiits."aajd-'take t h e o* this conditioning class Rnfi in featiired; the card last' week; and surance-is-.creating an estate by game. -In- a their own words clcim that no ' ' •; the cage 'fans were treatefl toreal contract. " HA 16 ST. 3 4 01 Webet-er Si, insn can have that freedom of 'TfieM-'is''-an ^essential difference Murray Win'IrQub; di^eatedbasketball thrillers: ' Grossman -21rl6 and..21:2, tcT.n -;rcrna. that exhilarating feeling and r betieaen tne't-sfco.methods, in that basketball coSfe'st t&l* day,;; December! 1 for: the: Class the first method is constantly en-' "A" players while[';• the Junior dangercd by" t h e uncertainty of time,".while" t h e second method boys still1 hSvi ' the final p l a y . ' : : - . '--'•:.•. . :.'!." ' .. -. -:-. ' creates:' tfie •' estate - instantly and In last* Sunday's- cag« games, thus offsets this hazard. The estate is built by a contract the, v i e t .oil«;»:j;: AP.T"s cams throirgh • in trouncing the former between you and the life insurleague leading ,Psi? Mu's, 37-22. ance company. It is created in thirty seconds The revised'and.Teiuvenated APT five-started in the-first ten sec- by a drop of' ink and a stroke of : onds • .of- play^ and" W"ere .never "in a ••pen/.-'•* danger throughout, th«" gatce. - •; .Nothing.; is-.left to uncertainty. Lanky Wiil'' Smith • . aiid. , Herb i- You . bind--; the -company with a Marks proved , disastro?s, to the ' contract whereby it must set aside Psi Mu five an^l between'""tiem in your name-'and in the name of "0&~ Mk scoreff^B'p.ojnts,'four pbints"more your . family, an estate, the size than the combined.'total of-.the of which you determine upon in Psi Mu team. Marks. • although advance. • ; • • !
pics will be the coming" general European war, and'this'is,not an abstract question io-bs" posed for effect at- the, end-of^Ms article. It is Bomething.whi(?h'np;one;.aare forget, n o r dare anyone forget that German^ Fascism _and. allots consequences, as much .as."a ny. other single'. factor, *will be re-; sponsible for'that war. : ; ; . . ' • ; (Copyright, 1935, /Jewish' Teiegiiphie B7>fhe'*Sexrks' l i f e .Isssoraacs • •. . Agency.Tlnc.) '.'• ify> '•Conajsaiiy, Osssalsa
By WILLIAM B. CHAMBERiliH Should this ^ody refuse to cer• EDITOR'S NOTE: The open- it far more difficult for European ins ©* the critical Amateur countries to take the lead :in,-this; tify, any athlete for participation, Athletic Association convention movement than it is for the "Unit- the less democratic American i n New Tork n e x t Thursday, ed States. The European coun-: Olympic Committee, t h e chief December 5 . makes' this article tries are, however, in a position function of which is to provide by the executive secretary ..of: to follow the lead of the *Unite.d the financial and moral backing the" Committee on Fair Play in States on this matter;; and ,for. for, American Olympic athletes, Sports, which is leading t h e that reason rightrthinking citizen^ •would- be practically powerless to fight against t h e Nazi Olym- of the United States have an ob-r do aught else than follow t h e ligation to the devotees of fair mandate of tad Amateur Athletic pics, of timely Interest. play, both inside and outside thV Union. Although Its members sport world, who • are • at present hare virtually asserted, according As the Amateur Athletic Union fighting a losing battle with the to press repdrts,. that they will convention approaches, m a n y forces of barbarous reaction in carry on with the Olympics rethings impress themselves upon Europe. " : ' • - . . • • • . :. gardless of w,fi*t t h e A. A. V. those -who most' strongly h a v e But the situation is; far from does, they would have difficulty been urging non-participation in simple even in the United States. in certifying athletes themselves, the 11th Olympiad. Not least foras they have n& Apparatus for so te k ith Many In this. country- insist that doing, and «Bould they get any those opposed to^ the.Berlin cibly have those been struck the fact that nad the intensive pics - are .. both j unsportsmanlike athletes, the litter would think campaign begun earlier there and subversive, elements in our twice before -violating an express •would be less. uncertainty as to society. The. arguments whicji ruling of the A. A. TL, whose aputilize some- prejudices, on whitih proval is thfe Bine qua n o n of the outcome. Because of the fact that t h e Hitler himself .capitalized, during American amiteur competition. . % fight against participation in the his ascent to; power.. But the light at the A. A. U. They are arguments which T<=£ Convention is not all. Berlin Olympics has ' been so Even grossly misconstrued, both inten- fuse to t a k e into accountt'hye should the advocates of removal tionally and unintenionally^ it/is" foundation -of-; athletics,; in-'• tlie be rebuffed in the A. A. U. con-; •well to reiterate at this point the Third Reich. No one who_ pro- vention, there; i£ some time befact that the issue at stake is the pounds these, for instance, could fore the summer Olympics will be issue between sport in a demo- seriously propound theln after h e l d . Meanwnlle, increasingly cratic a n d civilized world a n d having .- digested the':" following large sections ioft h e American sport degraded to serve the ends statements ol Bruno Malit2, one populace will be Sensitized to this of the sports leaders of the Storfji issue and will stand up and make of an atavistic state. ••" ; * / ,-• c; themselves heard. The respon• The campaign to remove t h e T r o o p e r s . Games from Berlin is in no sense "Don't Give Hang for Champion'' sible sport bodies are not unaware an anti-German campaign; it is "For the Nazi policies • belong of this vital public opinion. directed against the present rul- in sports . . , We/Nazis should Aid! ers of Gerjiany -who are them- decide that we'don't give a hang This public opinion can be selves anti-German in the sense for a world champion; in the 100-- made effective not - only psychothat Germany has long been held meter dash if the majority ol.the logically but also more directly. as the cradle of a -world-renown- people are not able to undertake A .more vital economic pressure ed culture literary, • scientific, a strenuous pack-match^. . . We can and will be brought to bear artistic and social. National Socialists reject sports by^th« members of: the American Fighting for Germany What is a victory labor movement, who have not for women Those who are against AmeriWe Nazis forgotten their brother t r a d e over foreign ors? can participation in a Nazi Olym- see no value whatsoever in having unionists in Germany,-once indepiad are not fighting against Ger- Negroes travel through-Germany pendent and strong and now many but are fighting for Ger- and meeting 'our finest' in com- crushed beneath the iron heel of many, IOT tno Germany of Albert petition:" . '.' Hitlerism. Not the most inBignifiEinstein, of Karl von Ossietsky, How the proponents o£ Ameri- cant-of.the Gerfflan sport organiof Thomas Mann, of Emil Lud- can want participation after read- zations before -Hitler came into "wig, of Jakob. Wassermann and ing statements like this from the power was t h e Reichsbanner t h e long list ol less illustrious official Naz Isport press should sport, organization, and labor has but no less substantial Germans forever be a mystery. Those who not forgotten this either. •who have held that conviction is stand' for t h e removal -of the Everything to Irose more important than security and •Games from Berlin heartily r e The individuals and organiza•who have sought liberty m o r e ject the Nazi sport philosophy as tions in the United States which t h a n life.••••-.• expressed byiHerrMalitz^.and in- are_the_ most. fundamental a n d The fact that -the—Olympics sist that American., ideals .would most important in onr society must be moved from Berlin and be degraded and made a mockery haveveveryihing, to lose and nothheld in some non-Fascist country should we participate in a n ing to gain by-tolerating a Nazi rather than "boycotted" cannot Olympics 'based" on t i e demonia- Olympics. Their will shall not be be stressed too strongly. Those cal conceptions of a Malitz, a disregarded.*: •_• who have been fighting most Tschammer-Oster, *a Goering, 6 - The pne,3i^aer ithing which may strongly against & Berlin OlymGoebbels and a Hitler. ; : move o r Atfp- "the- Berlin Olympics are at the same time fighting The most decisive-battle in the most strongly for a true Olymlong fight l o r removal • of t h e pics. "We are all for removal of Games or against American parthe Games to some more hospitticipation in t h e Nazi Olympics able place than Berlin. Only as will be fought at the convention a last Tesort, it the removal of of the A. A . U. This is the most the Games Is impossible, shall "we democratic of the major sport urge jion-participation of t h e bodfes concerned. It is the body American athletes in the 11th which, with its various sport Olympiad. clubs and local associations, proThe movement for removal of vides the channels through which the Olympics from Nazi Germany t h e fittest' American Olympic is n o t confined to. t h e United competitors may be selected.. . States alone. From Amsterdam Committee Must Follow A..A. TJ. Ve near that the Royal Netherlands Athletic Union h a s voted that Dutch athletes shall-not participate in . the Games. From France we read that one of the Inspeet Yeur French bobsled teams will not go . to the winter Olympics. 3T r o m Austria we hear that several sport groups have condemned the Nazi Olympiad. •'••••• From the Scandinavian- peninsula, we hear that all has n a t fared well with the proponents.of; participation, a n d ; from Canada we Tead that the Canadian; Athletic Association has refused to commit Canadian athletes to participation in the Nazi Olympics nntil \ Great • Britain takes.._ its stand/ United States Must Lead-
.This does not mean that the United States Is not in a lcey position In the movement. The ^European political situation; being as confused as it is, makes
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T i p JEWISH PRESS i Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by JEHE JEWISH PKESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.00 • - • • ' [ . . Advertising rates furnished on application. :! Editorial..Office: 500 Brandcla Theater Bulldingr. r Sioux City Office—Jewfeh Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Baslnes: and Managing Editor FRANK H. ACKERMAN - - . - . - . - -• - - Editor FANNIE 1CATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent ; Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
The Polish Scene
'at killing Jews and Britons. At the funeral of the Haifa victims, 'neighbor, his sufferings and hard- For thos^ still dwell in: Those advertisers who use th«j I ships appear unreasonable, nnja«- spirit sal darkness, •who indulge columns of the Jewish Press d^l i thousands of Arabs rioted, wounding two British, policemen and ; ti£ed and unbearable. He rebels in self hate and pity, it is an in- serve and merit your patronage I storming the police station. By Dr. Theodore N. Lewis, '.against a blind and cniel f a t e dispensable, an Imperative volOf course, the above does not'mirror the sentiment of Arab Babhi, Mount Sinai Temple, : that has singled him out for erne. .tragedy. He painfully lacks -what public opinion. A small minority can make- a big bulabaloo and Sloax City j : his'ancesters had is rich absndcan attract a lot of attention- But the difference in viewpoints _ ance, £a undying love fcr JcdaCURRENT TOPICS is interesting. The Jewish and British call these Arabs a "gang : •BEBIRTH," a Book of s Ism, for the Jewish people, f o r era Jewish Thonght, Selected and of terrorists," while the Arab nationalist newspapers call them :• edited by Ludwig Lewisohn. Har- the Hebrew language, for Pales- '•Because Americanism is so es'patriots." The mandate government in Palestine must share P«r an<J Brothers. 341 pages. tine and for the Jewish tradition. sentially based on principles of He lacks all Jewish aspiration, is liberty, union and human welfare I part of the blame for these incidents, which are the fruits of a ;$3.50. bereft of hope and faith. Life is; all other nations of the world ! | "Rebirth" is an anthology of a ceaseless and vain look to the United States to prepolicy of too much leniency.
Don't Put Off
Writing History As the scroll of time unwinds itself, history records the passing shadows of the years. And history is always silhouetting something new. The latest phenomenon displayed in Jewish history occured in Tripoli, when the 20,000 Jews of the Italian colony in Tripoli en masse formally abandoned their customary Arabic-Jewish dialect and adopted Hebrew as their official language. Prior to this change, the sages of Tripolitan Jewry experimented with three thousand children in eight hundred Jewish families, all agreeing not to use a single word of their old dialect for a full year but to instead employ Hebrew only. So successful was this experiment that the entire Jewish population decided to embrace Hebrew as their language and accompanied the exchange with mass celebrations. And so in one more Jewish community the living Hebrew breathes new life and new fire into Jewish progress . . . an example for others to follow.
serve -world severity," Dr. Fredthe choicest modern J e w i s h against galling obstacles and | thought, carefully selected f r o m hurts that c a n never be over- -crick Cohn stated in his talk on jthe writings of twenty-five world,come. "America and World Security" 'famous Jewish scholars, authors,; One remedy exists, Zionism. : before the Current Topics group [and leaders, and brilliantly edited[ To the authors the word does of the Temple Israel Sisterhood! by Ludwig Lewisohn. ;not symbolize what it commonly at the ESackstone hotel Tuesday,! I In the introduction the editor ' d o e s t o t ! l e professional and her-'! Nov€dber 26. ;discusses with dignity, with t r u t h ; e d i t y anti-Zionist, namely, phys!-1 "Thus," he said, "it becomes, land without evasion t h e Jewish i0*1 return to Palestine. All 2ppre- seeessary for us to champion «V-I 'problem, the essence of which is., elate the fact that the vast major- er? cause of liberty, union and' i"How shall the Jew live in this j ^ ^ o f Jews will be oblfgt-d, cr l h e Promotion of material and (pagan world . . . which is alien \ v i n Prefer, to remain in the Bias- E 3 > ! r i t n a l vell-belng as the carat-] to all his principles and instincts? jP° r a - Zionism is csed as a syn- c a I Principles of American Dei. . . Why hare our devotion andi o n j r i 1 1 * o r J"£2tesi, with a land- n i o 5 r a ^ - " ;our creative living within theilanguage and people, an interpre-".. _ C o l m Predicted that despite th tation o. e Father Coughlins, the Borahs, | e S •Gentile civilization not b r o u g h t | Judaism had till JU3 peace and tolerance and I r e e - i c a ^ e d emancipation. It requires and ,. . others whom he termed j s te idom? Why are we embattled t o - ! a f r a E k a&<i proud recognition of; * ° . , * Isolationists and! JeW! sl1 reacnonarles that A m e r i c a ! [day and brutally attacked on ev-i ' nationality. Timid souls. shonld and must some day join j jery front of the so-called civilized i fearful of the term, nisy acquire the League of Nations in accord-1 world, as we have not been since • c o a r a s e a E ^ understanding from ance with the logic of our ,-prin- > the Middle Ages?" ; t h e brilliant contribution of Jus- ciples of union. He pointed totice The distinguished contributors kosis D. BraEdeis. It sym- the arms embargo, trade and • agree upon certain fundamentals; bolizes the rebirth and, for the travel embargo and the prohibitouching Jewish life: T h e per— J e i r ' t J l e primary importance of tion of exporting oil as evidence manence of antf-Semitism; t h e " H e b r a i c culture with its cn':<sue that that our svmDatnie sympathies are with tne falsehood of Jewish emanrfpa-^nspirine literature, ancient aEd^L J J J " non-pare fie* £ t i o n ; t h e futility a n d d e g r a d a t i o n | m o d e r n , sacred a n d secular. I t ticipation. ticipation. ca s or a
Thci Polish government has been making a serious mistake, which it; is,now taking pains to rectify. The present regime evidently thought that it could avoid being the target of the radical elements in the opposition through letting them vent their spleen on the innocent Jewish population. As a consequence a wave of pogromizing spread over Poland by the anti-Semitic National Democrats and National Radicals. • . .„ The rest of world Jewry were too absorbed in the Nazi probSem to pay to Poland the attention the seriousness of the situation commanded. Little or no attempt was made to bring the hooligaiis to heel. Those who were arrested were given puny fines for their violence. The government had seemingly winked its eye at the offenses and thereby given impetus to them. We do not know what happened to change the official picture in Poland.:It was surely not remembrance that the government had promised equality and justice for alL It was surely not a latent or belated consciousness of duty or wrongdoing. But regardless of a s s i m i l a t i o n ; a n d t h a t t h e corz-f '* * distinctive a n d rich 'fused and h a r r a s s e d modern J e w ) J e w i s h l i t e ; o n e t h a t will a d e of the reason, the last week saw a reversal of policy by the gov- ; The first foreign Jews to volunteer for the Italian army in •can achieve salvation, individual- j i u a t e l y satisfy t h e h i d d e n y e a r n ernment;. The anti-Semites were ordered disbanded; raids were * Ethiopia came from Turkey. Many set that down aa a desire for ily a n d collectively, in t h e aceep-! * n £ s °^ t h e soul of t h e J e w ; o n e conducted on them with more vigor; the government actually adventure by excitement-craving young men. But recent events jtance of t h e Zionist philosophy. !^ n 'which religion, t r a d i t i o n a n d Seemed determined to stamp out this violence upon an innocent ; show that it went deeper than that - - - it was an act of despera- I A trenchant and irrefutable i mores will play conspicuous and 'psychological analysis of anti-j unimpeded roles. It promises a scapegoat. • ; tion. This is rather amply demonstrated by the information that jSemitism, one which unfortunate- i security and an inward peace. Regardless of what the reason we can only hope that this two hundred Persian Jews, representing about half of the Persian j If is constantly verified In Jew-' harmony and a self respect, t.r?policy continues. It is the only just and fair one. And, which ; Jewish colony in Turkey, have jointly appealed to the Ethiopian |ish experience, is that given b y j wt hi Ie 1 e T e r he beyond the reach c* famous German-Jewish B O - ' foulest of anti-Semites. probably weighs far more with the Polish government, it is the ' consul in Istanbul to permit them to join the Ethiopian army as [the jciologist, Fritz Bernstein, who in-' T h e rica scholarship, tested wisest political course. Perhaps the government leaders have \ volunteers, the request being forwarded to the Ethiopian authori- J sists that all struggle against j w i s t i o i a a n < J absolutely uncom; anti-Semitism and battle with I Promising truthfulness of "E»come to the realization that terrorization of one minority of the ties in Addis Ababa. i anti-Semites are futile, and why? i birth" insure it a -wide distrib^population ia only a prelude to the terrorization of yet another ! The plight of the Persian Jews in Turkey is the cause of ! Because "It is not real lacks o r | t i o n ' a cordial reception and p-=>rminority, that violence once allowed to get out of control sweeps this gesture. For months they have petitioned the Turkish gov- i vices which evoke anti-Semitism.! nianent place. It is a duty, as it wildly qn under its own momentum. Perhaps, they realize that ernment to give them citizenship, but in vain. Nor have they been jit is of no avail to argue againstishould be a privilege, to listen .No. 1—C£.iO Zero Dishumbly a n d eagerly; tillate _ Tc Gr.l. this violence is an indication to the rest of the world of the in- I able to get visas to Palestine. The recent liquidation of the Jew- '• anti-Semitic reproaches, to dem-\reverently, Sonstrate t h e i r groundlessness.^ 0 £ u c & honored a n d auihorita- No. 2—S2.S6 Ze-a Qzs stability of their government and the poor risk it becomes among jish Colonization Association in Turkey under orders of the gov- | Anti-Semitism is not based u p o n ; t i T e teachers as Martin Biiber, Oil__ _..6~,c Gel. the nations of the world. The situation of the three million Jews j eminent virtually condemned the Persian Jews to starvation be- them. The character of the Jews j A c n a t J Ha'am. Einstein, M o s e s No. 3—2S.3G Zero Fed GaL is utterly irrelevant. What thev': Hess and a host of others. Ladin Poland is severe enough economically, without the final touch ; cause the ICA had been caring for thent do or fail to do is equally so." • V 1 S Lewisohn sends forth their of inhumanity contained in nauseating anti-Semitic rioting. words in such beau'i| The moral is that individuals - - - like nations - - - will go to Anti-Semitism is incurable, in- : challenging digenous to o u r pagan civiliza-\ ful a n d eloquent style as to mak<(war when desperate. tion, which masquerades u n d e r ! t b e r e a < iing a per^stually increa=-
i War in Desperation
Violating a Treaty
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the cloak of Christianity. Paper \in% ^eliS^t, "Rebirth" will brine bcn e £ t and blessing to many. guarantees and solemn a c t s of World sentiment condemning the latest Nazi decree interparliaments cannot soften, much preting ithe national citizenship law and the law "for the proThe Hebrew University at Jerusalem, which has grown to | less uproot the Innate perversity, tection of German blood and honor" has not yet receded from the adulthood in such a brief span of time, should receive an impetus the instinctive brutality of t h e ! I boiling point, Jewish indignation afthe decadence of Germany to to even greater and more rapid growth with the election of Dr. pagan. Civil emancipation conferred j the exttoit of returning to ghetto days is matched by Christian in- Hugo Bergmann to the newly-established post of Rector of the upon the Jew equality, but only | dignation which has eloquently and forcefully expressed itself University. theoretically: actually, it d i d ' in many parts of the worfcL . Dr. Bergmann has been director of the University Library, nothing of the sort. In his in-; In the United States an important question has arisen because and in that capacity has already rendered distinguished service visible ghetto, the liberated Jew to suffer galling a n d the new; Nazi decree announces that the Jewish ghettoization laws (to the Hebrew University. He is a scholar of undisputed rank, and continued fierce forms of persecution. For not only apply to German Jews but also to foreign Jews resident under hi3 guidance the University library has become the largest j the very limited rights of citizenin Germany, This«i3 a direct violation of the treaty betweeft this in the Near East. An accomplished linguist, he has lent his best iship granted him, he paid an exprice; he repudiated the country and Germany. The German-American treaty of friend- efforts toward achieving peace and understanding between the jorbitant national character of his people, ship and commercial and consular rights, Article 1, contains the Jews and the Arabs. He was one of the founders of the Brith [renounced his history, speech, following paragraph which clearly indicate that if the new de- Sholom, whose aims are peace and social justice. He can be ] culture and his distinctive ethic. For the 'crumbs of freedom* hecree is applied to American Jews in Germany the United States trusted to safeguard the spirit of freedom in both teaching and abandoned that tradition which! will regard the treaty as violated: research, and we have every reason to believe that his efforts in the pre-emancipation era gavel "The nationals of each of the high contracting parties shall be will result in an enduring contribution to the development of the his ancesters great strength, un-j dying hope, inward peace a n d ! permitted to enter, travel and reside in the territories of the other; first University of the Jewish people. spiritual dignity. In truth, many! exercise liberty of conscience and freedom of worship; engage an. 'emancipated' J e w in spite, | and because, of the freedom he j in professional, scientific, religious, philanthropic, manufacturing enjoys, suffers more frustations, I and commercial work of every kind without interference; carry more bitterness, greater humilia-l Every once in a while a ray of sunshine pierces through the tion on every form of commercial activity which ia not forbidden by loand more self hate than the I cal law; own, erect or lease and occupy lands for residential, present ominous clouds. . ghetto Jew ever did. One and all j Sizes 14 to 22 scientific, religious, philanthropic, manufacturing, commercial and This week's news contains information from South America our distinguished company of au-1 thors emphasize the falsehood ofi mortuary purposes; employ agents of their own choice, and gen- where anti-Semitic groups in two of the. south countries have Here they are in all their smart style effecmere civic emancipation, Its utter j erally do anything incidental to or necessary for the enjoyment received serious setbacks. In Brazil the chamber of deputies ap- 1 inadequacy. One and all f h e y j tiveness—Belt Backs—Full Belts—Wrap of the foregoing privileges upon the same terms as the nationals proved a Laborite bill to dissolve the Integrelista Party, pro-Nazi [plead for'auto-emancipation, forj Arounds. All the smart warm winter color* of thefc^tateof residence or as the nationals of the nation hereafter and anti-Jewish propagandists. And in Mexico, the laborists of jcultural and spiritual autonomy;! Other Student's Overcoats .servitude, they "insist, must! to be the most favored thereby, submitting themselves to all local the country—outraged by the actions of the anti-Semitic Gold j inner give way to inner freedom. j laws and regulations duly established . . . " The nationals of each Shirts—proclaimed a nation-wide general strike to continue until The present status of the Jew,! high contracting party shall receive within the territories of the the Gold Shirts and all other fascist bands are dissolved. The especially where he enjoys political.rights, Is one of deep spiritual other, upon submitting to the conditions imposed upon its nationals, Mexicon senate appointed a committee to demand from President servility, of cringing subservience the most constant protection and security for their persons and Cardenas that he dissolve the Gold Shirts, who have been backed to the mood, thought and passion of the majority, whose good will property and shall enjoy in this respect that degree of protection by Nazi money. and favor, because they are inthat is required by international law." . ' dren a r e pleasing to righteous dispensable, he courts obsequieand pleasing to the world as it is ously. For being tolerated, f o r said. 'The hoary head is a crown being allowed to exist, the Jew They're nil genuine liorseliidc snd of glory if it be found In the' way must at all times.be super-patrimade as only Albert Richards can Offhand, you couldn't think of any beneficial use of a cobra. of righteousness.' A n d it says, otic, even in Poland a n d Roumake them. Double breasted, full By <X O. DASHER mania, where progroms and econ: : "The glory of young men in their .Yet, a Jewish pharmacologist - - - adding to- the 'constantly-' belt. The tu-teitggh cuff for growstrength and the adornment of omic boycotts- are a national tra' growing list of vital contributions to the medical science by Jewing boys, gives you longer sleeves Thou hast not given -water: to old.men is the hoary head.' And j dition; he must never challenge when wanted. Sizes 6 to 20. ish men of medicine - - -.has discovered that cobra venom, the the weary, to drink and thou hast it says, 'A crown unto the wise is j the immoral and pagan concepts deadilicst of all snake poisons, is an effective killer of pain in withheld bread from the hungry their riches.' .And it says, 'Chil- of his host; he must never reas a mighty man who hath dren'^ children are the crown of pudiate nor even question the! . hopeless cases of cancer as well as in some other types of pain and the earth, and as a leader of man old men and the adornment of momentary gods of the mob. Inj Other Albert Richards such an atmosphere and environ-1 when used in small diluted doses. The pharmacologist, Dr. David w h o hast sent widows away- children are their fathers.'" ment t h e much-boasted of mis-] empty. Great Is the Torah which gives Coats $12.75 to $16J>0 . I. Macht, explaining his experiments on a hundred human sufHow hast thou counselled; him life to those, that practice it in sion of Israel becomes a. tragic \ ferers, said that the cobra venom had been found more effective that hath no wisdom and plenti- this world and in the world to ] and grotesque farce. Physical in-j in relieving pain than morphine, and had the added advantage of fully declared sound knowledge, come, as it is said, "For they are security, which is omnipresent, j ; not being, habit-forming nor producing the dangerous effects with whose mouth hast thou ut- life unto those that find them creates in the emancipated Jew a! tered words and whose spirit and health to all their flesh and "nervous adherence to the ethS-{ often resulting from the use of morphine. it says, 'It is a tree of life to them cal demands of the environment." j came forth from thee? Albert Richerds Superb Quality Thus we add to the alleviation of human suffering . . . with Surely" my lips shall not speak that grasp it and of them that up- As-long as he enjoys civic ernan- j unrighteousness, neither shall my h o l d it everyone is rendered | cipation - - and only partial at neither, suffering nor progress recognizing races or creeds. happy.' " best - --at a price, as long as he tongue utter deceit. is tolerated - - and he always will Till I die I will not put away be - -, the Jew cannot and -will mine integrity from me. My Rabbi Wise Suggests Vienna righteousness I hold fast and will New York—A proposal that ac- not indulge in the luxury of morThe raiding brigands of yesteryear find their counterpart in not let it go. My heart shall not tion be taken to transfer t h e al leadership and be a "light unto Olympic games to Vienna was laid the nations"; he will not chamthe terrorists of modern civilization. In the Jewish homeland in reproach nie BO long as I live. •The wonderful warmth-of Laskaa- Lamb • TALMUD before the National Boycott Comr pion the prophetic ideals of social Blouses, plus Albert Richards quality, gives Palestine, British police are scouring the country in search of a Seek not greatness for thyself mlttee of t h e American Jewish justice; he will not proclaim the! £o utmost value. Sizes 8 to 18. group 'of Arab hoodlums whose activities have resulted in several and court not honor. Let t h y Congress last week by Stephen S. high spiritual, Intellectual, andj works exceed thy learnings. Crave Wise. . ethical truths which are his heri' deathsj'and, indirectly, a riot in Haifa. not after the table of kings for Speaking at a meeting of the tage and which.' he cherishes. /As The "gang", first came to public attention when three weeks' thy table is greater than theirs committee, , he declared, i *'A 11 long as he is tolerated he will - ago-a. Jewish police sergeant was murdered while tracking grape- and t h y crown (The Torah) is America is united in the Olympic not be, and he'cannot be, loyal to than -theirs and thy Em- boycott. If Hitler can bring civ- his mission. - - unless lie is ready ' fruit thieves. The Palestine police have clashed with these Mos- greater ployer is faithful to pay thee the ilized nations to Berlin, it will be to suffer martyrdom. lems; ;ln one melee five Arabs and a British policeman were reward of thy work. his crowning victory. I want the Because-.life for t h e modern Rabbi Simeon said, "Beauty, Olympics to be brought to Vien- Jew Is sterile spiritually, because killed. 11 An Arab newspaper reported that one of the captured -CORMBCr'APFAMS. FOP. SEEN .AND WOMEN riches, honor, -wisdom, na. It would save Austria from the modern Jew is not an l o t a • prisoners admitted secret organization of a gang at Haifa aimed strength, old age, a hoary head and chil- Hitlerism." different from Wi
I Helping The University
Student s
A Bright Ray
\ $1 Q50 ;
$1650 to $30.00 "*
Albert Richards
Outside Credal Bounds
All lln The Viewpoint
Laskan Lamb Blouses $11.75 and $13.75
r+» a
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1935 HERE PROM LOS ANGELES Miss Lucy Koroposs of* Los Ang-eles, Calif., is here as the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen.
Palestinian Woman Leader To Speak Before Hadassah
PAGE FTVT3. in the Opportunity Bureau f f c $ to Iraq Sisterhood Plans rolled of the Council were displayed. ' Jerusalem—D i r e c t telephone Panel Discussion ;I Those advertisers who use the ' service between Palestine atul one
c m c c
'columns of the Jewish Press tie-I Iraq viil be inniiKuvr. ted n e x t A panel discussion, such as is '. serve and merit your patronage. - week, it i v s announced here. VACATIONING IN NEW YORK Mrs. Sam Fellman is vacation- Mrs. Bella Pevsner of Palestine : h o m e o f M r s _ D a v i d G o ] d s t e l a . used at the University of Chicago, will be the procedure to be used of ing in New York City as the guest will be the guest speaker at the T h i s w i u b e t h e f i r g t meeti in presenting the program for the anfl n e wiglli t0 of her brother-in-law and sister, Hadassah membership luncheon t h Sisterhood of Temple Israel, Mon_ ,_ ^ , ; .,„ Mr. and Mrs. M. Weiner. She Wednesday, December 4. She !irii rnrfli w n v t p r t t n EO join is cordially invited to do so.day, December 2, in the vestry will speak on "Woman as Mater j will be gone a month. and Breaker of Worlds." A play- j The Hadassah Sabbath group rooms of the Temple, Mrs. Samuel Joseplison, chairman, lias anVISITOR FROM NEW YORK let, "What Price Hadassah," is • meet Saturday, December 7, nounced. Mr. Bernard Rehfeld of New also on the program arranged by ;awill t t h e h o m e of Mr6- B e a FisilBTj Rabbi David Wire is to be York city is visiting here at the Mrs. O. S. Belzer. j 4 5 2 0 Mavberry st. Mr. judah home of his sister, Mrs. N. ManTTUEIMVIAN-BAUSIEB WlilSliEKG-BIvXJiVIEXTHAIi Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz Is toting, W o l f s o n ^ m s p e ak on the "Life chairman, and the panel will contel. Mr. Rehfeia came here to reservations. Mrs. Sam Theodore; o £ S c a m a r y a L e v i n . . . M r . L e T i n sist of Mrs. Harry Trasttn", Mrs. ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Baumer help his father, Herman Rehfeld, and her committee have charge of jw a s o n e o f t h e fo r e m o s t i ea ders Julius AbratLamson, Mrs. L e o n Mr. a n d Mrs. Harry Blumenthai announce the engagement of announce the engagement of their celebrate his 88 th birthday. the decorations. Mrs. Henry E. i a t h e Z i o n i s t m o r e m e n t , a n d is Fellman, Mrs. Louis Lipp, Mrs. Jules Newman, and Mrs. Leo R.oBelmont and Mrs. Libby Kaplan t h ea u t h o r o f m a n y b o o k s _ their daughter, Evelyn, to George daughter, Rose, to Phillip Fried- VISITING IN T17I/SA sentfcal. The subject, "T h e are in charge of. the luncheon. "Weisberg, son of Mr., a n d Mrs.man, nephew of A. Lazero'witz of Mrs. M. F. Levenson will lead Chanukab. Festival," will be disMrs. Morris Turner is visiting Omaha. There •will be a board meeting the discussion on current topics. Louis Weisberg ol Akron, Ohio. in Tulsa,- Okla., with her son-incussed informally by these six, No definite date has been set for No definite date has been set law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. prior to the luncheon. seated around a table, and then, Madam Pevsner has visited for. the •wedding. . the -wedding. Morris Breitfeld. . " • Eretz Israel ten times. She has following their discassion, the Vaad Auxiliary subject will be open to the auditraveled in Jewish interests to all WINTER EST NEW YORK BAR SIITZVAH • A regular meeting of the Yaad ence to discuss. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Miss Betty Segal left Wednes- parts of the globe. She has ; auxiliary -will be h e l d Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen anMrs. William Feller is to be in nounce the birth of a eon Novem- •will celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of day, November 20, for New York played a' part not-only in the re-i December S, at 2 p. m. at the charge of the luncheon, and reserber 27 a t the Lutheran hospital. their son, Harry, Saturday morn- city, where she will spend the demption of a recognized part of j B'nai Israel synagogue. • Reports vations are to be made with her. Mrs. Rosen is the former Esther ing, November SO, at the Beth-El winter with relatives and friends. the land of the Keren Kayemeth; on the progress m a d e on the An exhibit of the Arts and Crafts in the Hadassah, Wizo and Be- j Chanukah carnival to be held De- class is planned under the leaderMarcus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. synagogue. Invitations have been CONVALESCING zalel, but also the winning over j cember 15 will be given by the issued. H. MarcUB. Mr. Jacob Lieb Is convalescing of thousands of women to Zionism |r a r j o u s C h a i r n ien. Election of of- ship of Mrs. Jack Cohen. at home after an illness. • He is and to work for its institutions. J ficers f o r t n e coming year will be Mr. and Mrs.~ Morris Breltfeld DINNER-BRIDGE now able to receive his friends. — 'held. Council 0! Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Irving Ruben enof Tulsa, Okla., announce the Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, chairj Berger will speak R a b W H a r o ] a CANDELIGHT TEA tertained sixteen guests Sunday birth of a daughter, Carolyn Women Mrs. L. Neveleff was hostess man of the membership drive, an- -o n "Chanukah a n d Its ImportPearl, November 13. Mrs. Breit- evening at a dinner-bridge in honnounces the following new memI a n c e •» to the girls of the Junior Vaad New members of the Omaha or of their third wedding annifeld la the former Ida Rose section of the Council of Jewish versary. Those -who won prizes Auxiliary and to prospective mem- bers of the Hadassah: Mesdames j Mn ._ g a m Turner of Omaha. bers at a lovely candelight tea Harry Bloom, H. P. Milder, David ; m J t t e e Women include the Mesdames EerTe t e a after t were Mrs. Jack Levey, Mr. Sam at h e r home Sunday afternoon, Greenberg, M. Grodinsky, Isadore Jerome Baer, S. S. Ash, Julius Schwartz and Mrs. B. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Berg of Sioux November 24. About fifty girls Levinson, S. Geifman, D. Blacker, Hornstein, Morton Killer, and Ben Leon Fellman, Julius Bisno, Sol City announce the birth of a son, attended. Ravitz, Mrs. David E.. Cohen, Tuesday, November 12. Mrs. BIRTHDAY PARTY Beth-El Auxiliary Miss Bess Kirshenbaum presid- Miroff, David Krantz, Sam Greenchairman, announced Monday, Mrs. Edward Lincoln enter- ed over the beautifully decorated berg, Leo Abramson, Moe Venger, Berg • Is the former Florence One hundred and fifty women when the Council met at the Jewtained thirty little guests at her j tea table, and the- following as- Sam Rosenblatt, William Kaiman, j attended the last Oneg Shabbos ish Community Center for lunchZnker of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. N. Zuker -were home Saturday afternoon in hon- sisted in serving: Misses R o s e David Wice, Harry Z. Bernstein, j held at the home of Mrs. Leo eon and an afternoon program. visitors in Sioux City of their son- or of the "birthdays of her daugh- j DolgofI, Evelyn Epstein, Blnma A. B. Alpirn, Sam Elewitz, Mas i Waxenberg Saturday, November About one hundred women atin-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ter, Barbara . Jean, who is six Neveleff, Lucille Kaplan, R u t h Breslow, James Corenman, S. when Rabbi Louis Feinberg tended the meeting which, was adSol Berg, during the week-end of years old, and her son, Harlan, Wise, and Goiaie Wolfson a n d Corenman, Elmer Greenberg, Bon 'of Cincinnati entertained them dressed by Dr. A. C. Stokes, preswho is three years old. Theodore, D. Riseman, I. B. Zeig- vrit.li a talk on "Jewish Wit andident of the Omaha chapter of the November 15. Mrs. H. Neveleff. . The table decorations were carMiss Mollie Roitstein was chair- man, M. Cohn, Nathan Weinstein, Humor." American Red Cross. His t a l k , The next Oneg Shabbos will on Japan was illustrates by pic-' Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Levlne ried out in the Thanksgiving man of the program which in- Seymour Cohn, Samuel Weiss, announce the birth of a daughter, motif. cluded a brief talk by Miss Sarah Harold Berger, Harry Bush, Hy- take pla.ee Saturday, December .14, tures taken when he was a dele"Wednesday, November 20, at the German, president of the group, man Belman, Harry Krantz, Mor- a t tfce home of Mrs. J. H. Kula- gate to the international Red ; She'll thank you, too, for Nelly Don HONORED AT DINNER Methodist hospital. a violin selection by Miss Shirley ris Feldmai., Al Feidler, Himel- ] kofsky with Mrs. R. Kulakofsky Cross conference there a year ago. stein, Savich, Julius Ravman, Harco-hostess, as smocks like these. Pretty to give, pracMiss Rose Paperny honored her Fiedler, accompanied by her sisMrs. Ronald Gladstone was chairsister, Sylvia, with a dinner at the ter, Miss Marian Fiedler, a dra-ry Loewenstein, and A. G. Weinman. tical to wear, and a year-long reminder SLUMBER. PARTY Mrs. John Faier, chairman of Fonfcenelle hotel last week. The reading by Misa Sylvia Sil- stein. Much impressed by the excelThe F a Hon sorority held a occasion was Sylvia's seventeenth matic I the Eake sale, announces that lence of the Japanese school sysverman, an original piano compoof your thoughtful selection. Blumber party at the Paxton hotel birthday. The Hadassah cultural group 1 this was the most successful sale tem, Dr. Stokes said that this acsition by Miss Bluma Neveleff and Saturday, November-23. All the I in the history of the Beth-El counts in good measure for the an interesting b o o k review by will meet Monday, December members of the group and several at the home of Mrs. Dave Brod-1 auxiliary. Mesdames Henry Bel- very brilliant students among the Rabbi Harold Berger. SURPRISE PARTY guests were present. A dinner-meeting of the organ- key. 2322 Webster, at one o'clock. J mont and Leo Abramson w e r e Japanese. Five imperial universiMrs. Harry Marks surprised An Important business meeting Mr. Harold Larson, instructor ; co-chairmen. ization will be held Tuesday eveties are supported by the state, her daughter, Jeanette, upon the •will be held Monday, December 2, ning, December 3, at 6:30 a t the at the University of Omaha, will j The' next meeting of the Beth- much as curs are, he said. occasion of her sixteenth birthday at the home ol Mrs. N. Kaplan. B'nai Israel Synagogue. All girls speak on "The Economic Condi- j El auxiliary will take place WedLuncheon assistants were Mrs. A drawing 1B planned for the near with a party Saturday afternoon. who wish to attend are asked to tions of the Jews during the Mid-jnesday, December 11, in the form Sold in Omaha only by Hcrbergs Guests at the affair were the Ernest Nogg, Mrs. Paul Blotcky, future. die Ages." Mrs. Sam Peltz will j of a festive luncheon. Back table call Sarah German, We. 3294, for Misse3 Isabelle a n d Bernice Mrs. Josepn Freeman, Mrs. Harry give current events. j will represent a different holiday Malashock, Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, Rutholz, Gertrude and Evelyn reservations. Hadassah members wishing to j and will be presided over by a Mrs. Lawrence Gross, Mrs. Joseph Miroff, Gertrude and Ruth Magzatt WILL PAY YOU Join the group may call Mrs. Iz i hostess. This luncheon will also Jacobs, Mrs. Henry Newman, Mrs. min, Ida and Reva Gerelick, Helen Levinson, chairman, Mrs. M. F. serve as a welcome to the new I. I. Solzman. To Consult Burstein, Charlotte Sklar, Car- Women's Auxiliary of sponsor, or come Mon- members. lotte Mayer, Evelyn Greenbaum, Congregation of Israel Levenson, Garments made by women enday to enroll. Mrs. Sam Theodore will preEvelyn Waldman, Sarah Mae The Ladies' Auxiliary of the a Chanukah program and Graetz and Joyce Marks. When baying Congregation of Israel will hold a • The History study group will j sent Mrs. I. Dansky will be in charge DIAMONDS very important business meeting meet Tuesday, December 3, at the j of the luncheon. GUESTS FROM SIOUX CITY Monday, December 2, a t 2 p. m. WEDDING EINGS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morgan had in the assembly room of the synaWATCHES - SILVEBWABE as their guests the past week-end, gogue at 25th and J streets. and GIFT JEWELRY ' Mrs. E. Hurwitz and Mrs. J. An interesting program has Friedman, aunt of Mrs. Morgan, been arranged by Mrs. Nathan of Sioux City. Mrs. Hurwitz is a Perelman. Refreshments will be close friend of Mrs. Morgan, her- served. All members are urged to attend. self a former Sioux Cityan. _
'Thank Your Lucky Stars for
puts yoyinto
for formal daytime wear I/NITS come away • from sport side Hnes and into drawing rooms with Sunday Night Knits. Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and the New Yorker feature them as foremost fashions, and Brandeis Sport Shop is showing a charming collection of t h e s e g a y "partygoers."
OHLY 2 . 9 5 A wonderful electric iron made by HOTPOINT that will last for years. Bay a good iron when you tray.
LEAMING metal lite an ancient coat of mail . . . smartly revived in ihe modern manner. The frock boasts a vigor and newness you'll adore. A necklace of antique gold adds dash.
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One of the test heating pads on the market. Wonderful in time of illness . . . drives away pain,
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.The new RCA Yiclor Instruments represent radio or its greatest, bringing you the cutstonding features known to radio science; niar.y cf them are exclusively RCA Victor features . . . end off ore incorporated with the skill ond knowledge of the world's leading radio engineers. From exquisite new cob•inetry to the smallest wire connection, Magic Broln rcdios ere finely engineered end durable instruments. Tck« 0 Yecr *o Pey en the C 1. T.-RCA Victor FlRsne® Plonl
81LY A beautiful toaster of modernistic d e s i g n . Mates perfect, golden"hrown toast.
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' DEATH LURKS HERB — San Francisco police considered the possibility of a maniac poisoner who planned wholesale murder, as they sought the Eourco of arsenic contained in hundreds of ^pounds of baking soda that caused three deaths and 13 illnesses.Above, officials have broken-open bulk packages in a San Francisco store, in their quest for the poison.
VISITOR—President Roosevelt, with "Mlssie" Margaret LeHand, his White House secretary, as he arrived at Warm Springs, Ga., for a two weeks' visit. With a skeleton office staff he established the "Little Whii* House" in a cottage overlooking the foundation which he set up to rehabilitate sufferers from infantile paralysis. His arrival was watched by several hundred residents from the village and countryside.
STRIPPED FOR FLIGHT—Preparing for its transpacific mail hop, here is the China Clipper, gigantic four-motored Sying boat, in a tune-up Sight over San Francisco Bay, with the Golden Gate bridge in the background. After this flight it was stripped of its luxurious furnishings to make room for approximately two tons of mail, estknated at 100,000 pieces.
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MANAGER—June Yvonne Myers, pretty San Francisco university graduate, who as special campaign manager was instrumental in bringing about Mayor Angelo J. Rossi's landslide victory. She is believed the youngest in her profession.
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riLOT — Captain Ralph Dahlstrom, pilot of the new Philippine Clipper, sister ship of the China Clipper, soon to be placed in transpacific service between" San Francisco and Manila. He guided the ship recently from Baltimore to the new base.
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DEVOTION — En route for the tragic business of war, a priest aboard the Italian troopship Gange holds a religious service before a makeshift altar on the ship's sun-baked deck. This picture was taken as the ship passed through the Suez Canal recently on one of its many voyages with soldiers and supplies.
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FOR PHILATELISTS—(Stamp collectors, to you.) This is the rubber stamp impression that will give value for years to letters sent by collectors on the first transpacific mail hop of the China Clipper from San Francisco to the Philippines. The big fourmotored flying boat was expected to have two tons of mail on board when she took off from the Golden Gate.
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liiiiidjilili?i';:*i RECORD—Son Ki Tel, Korean subject of Japan, who recently set a new world Olympic marathon record. He is shown as he made the new mark at the Meiji Shrine stadium in Tokyo. He is expected to be a mainstay-for Japan at the games in Berlin.
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STAR OVER MOSCOW—This huge star, mounted on Nikolsky tower in Moscow, is set with 8,000 amethysts and other gems. It weighs nearly two tons and bears the Soviet hammer and sickle.
SKIER—E. H. Htmter of Dartmouth college, a member of the United States 1936 Olympic ski team, as he left "New York for Germany to begin training for the Winter games there. He is one of the first American athletes to go to Germany.
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rsiPON'S EMFEKOE—A recent picture of Emperor Eirohito of Japan, mounted on his favorite horse Hatsuyuki (White Snow), as he reviewed a ceremonial parade at the palace in Tokyo.
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fe^s&^& i n : F O B A KING—Not long before he left England, to refXO^iriBB turn ito Ws former throne in Greece after 12 years of e*sile, King
Geor|{6 U stopped on a street in London-to buy a Flanders-poppy |rom![*ady Peferle. The flowers were being sold for a veterans' ' rellel fund.
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LIKE & LEAGUE' OF NATIONS—Descendancy from many nations Is represented by this siuuy oi youthful boxSig contenders, memfeers of the Chicago Catholic Youth Organization; left to right are: Bob Chan, Chinese; Tony Carlucci,' Italian;- Lou Roberts, English; Florentine Arrequin, Mexjcan; Hlner Thomas, African; Larry Strong, Polish; Robert Normoyle, Irish, and Frank Eder. German.
,%DOWN UNDER—These'huskies were all born with the recent Byrd Antarctic espechtow are shown here getting their first introduction to Amertcgn snow. They sre owsed by 5*e "woman ax the p_ictxire, Mrs, Milton Seeley of Wonalancet. N. H. The Srst snowfall in New England started tlseir training for a long series of dog races over the eastern section this Winter. .
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVJiMBER 29: 1935 tional Council of Jewish Federa- j announced the following chapter j will be held at the J . C. C. Sun-vest Festival," at the J. C. C. tions and Welfare Funds. The re-j committee heads for the coming • day, -December 1, at 2:30 p. Ed.Thursday evening, December IP, port and constitution "was pre-jA. Z, A. regional tournament: At this, time Joe Guss will an- at S o'cloclc. j
pared by Henry Monsky, Sam Housing, Joe Guss; transportaBeber, Phil Klutznick, and your tion, Richard Hurwitz; reception, Executive Director and was unani- Harold Zelinsky; banquet, Nathan mously accepted.- Compliments Crounse; -dance, Sam Kaplan; deand thanks to me for field serv- bate and oratory, J a y "Weisman. By PAUL GOLDBLATT ices which did much to make the The committee members will be ••This contribution, penned by Conference a success, brought announced within t h e next few Paul Gbldblatt, executive direc- blusheB to myface during this weeks. The next meeting of the chapter tor o l the Omaha Jewish Com- session. In the afternoon, a panel dismunity Center and "Welfare cussion participated in by 14 Federation, introduces a •week- young men and women and led ly feature. In commenting on Dr. Rubinow on "Youth Looks Jewish problems, movements by Jewish Community," found and activities as they affect at the of t h e members of our Jewish life in Omaha, Mr. Gold- three Round Table of Jewish Y o u t h blatt speaks as an individual, Loyal Kaplan, Milton Frohm, and as a -professional jrewish social Haskell Cohen — taking active worker, and hot officially lor parts in t h e presentation. Philip the'J. C.'C, the Federation, or Klutznick presided over this afterany other group "with which he noon session as well as t h e one is affiliated,—Editor's Note. which followed on "Fund Raising Methods." Discussion throughr A quick look at doings and out t h e afternoon- "was; enlivened happenings -in...-Jewish.""affairs- in by frequent appearances, of memOmaha' a;nd -throughout" the world; bers of our delegation. In the a brief 1 summary, of random course of the banquet which conthoughts and:observations on oc-cluded the program, Samuel Goldcurrences, happenings and. per-smith, Director of the Federation sonalities; answers" to questions of Jewish Charities of Chicago, that cQjne across "my desk which discussing "New Goals in Comare proposed to me by friends and munity Organizations," referred member*—that simply is the pur- often to the awareness of the pose of this weekly column. need, of visualizing new goals was GO characteristic of CENTER—WELFARE FEDERA- which our work here. .. TION—PHILANTHROPIES Out of this conference came a "WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? ^^^^^^^t^^^^^g^^^^ggj^^^j^^^^^^^^a In'the ninemonths that I have renewed sense of t h e soundness been" here,' people -have frequently of Omaha's approach to its comasked 4rWhat is the"difference be- munal requirements; and some tween the Center, the Welfare pertinent comment of the posFederation and the Philanthro- sibility of having Omaha take t h e pies?" . Let me answer that ques- initiative in and responsibility for for every purpose organizing the smaller communition -now. The central organization, which ties throughout the State of NeDistributed by directs all of t h e organized braska. Jewish social. work activities of WOMEN'S DIVISION GETS Omaha," is known as the Jewish UNDER WAY Comnvuility Center and Welfare The first meeting of the memFederation. Its two major de104 No. 18th St. AT. 3454 bers of the Women's Division of partments i r e : , the Jewish Community Center and •I.'-COMMtTNITT CENTER, •which ls ; responsible lor club Welfare Federation last Tuesday wort, lectures, concerts, drama- afternoon gave evidence of the tics, the physical' department potential power and activity of and sw.imming pool, banquets this group. Organized early this and parties," children's activities year to take over full responsibil-.1 I Ask Your —-in other words—the carrying ity for all women's work of the f on of a full recreational pro- Center and Federation, the Divl-| I Grocer for gram, as well as t h e main- sion suffered a severe setback ] tenance of the Center building. when its president, Mrs. Jeanette 2. WELFARE D E P A R T - Arnstein, moved to Boston, Mass. MENT,, which, takes care of Mrs. J . J . Greenberg (Vi t o all needy'and'unfortunate Jewish of us) took over the job and durpeople-—families, c h i l d r e n , ing the summer and early fall [The Height of transients, the sick, the aged, months built up a strong active body of over 300 members. Di-i and the orphans^ \Good Taste! The -money to carry, on this vlding the organization into 16 work comes from three, sources: functioning committees, each of a.^The. Omaha Community which was given a distinct task, 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 she has found a place and a job Che"st. < b. Receipts from affairs, pro- for each member. The meetfng of Tuesday gave grams, and activities. ,«. Membership dues. _ positive promise ~of real power The .Jewish Philanthropies is a and enthusiasm. ;.The organizasubordinate -organization of the tion will grDSsr'-ln-iumiera.and i n Center and Welfare Federation. activity and as it takes over more The Philanthropies officers are and more of the "work ol our Cenelected and appointed by and areter, it will demonstrate anew how responsible to the governing body potent a factor the Center and of thg;r<%ater and Federation. I t Federation Is in bringing together Features conducts an annual campaign for the different and divergent eleShampoo and finger wave 50c ments and groups in our city to funds . to take \ care " of Omaha's contributions to national and in-work for common purposes, for THE KEW terhatSonal Jewish needB and, Inthe good of all, for a "United Jew- Zotos Permanent TVave with addition, money for local needs ish Community.' More power to no machinery and no electricity used a t $6.50 and np. not provided tor.in the. budget of the Women's Division! the : parent" body.'j The Talmud 716 Brandels Theatre Bldg. JOHN HAYNES HOLMES Torah, -the ' H o m e f o r t h e Aged, AT. 4333 COMING DECEMBER 4 and the. Social Service Committee all.ihare-in. the-funds of t h e The Community Forum Committee certainly lined up a splenPhilanthropies. There is,'you see, only one cen-did group of lecturers for this '—-the Jewish Community season. Every person on the list Genteriand Welfare Federation— of five Is an ATTRACTION. Ev•whcih does its work through three ery speaker is a real person and departments or divisions. Every a platform favorite. Next Wednesday evening. Revphksei--ot JewiBh social^ work is SCHMIDT'S therefore provided" for and car-erend John Haynes Holmes, one ried! on under this one central of Jewry's foremost- friends and staunchest supporters, c o m e s back t o Omaha. He" has waged a for a Pleasant Surprise JEWISH SOCIAL WORK R E - life-long fight against" 'corruption HATE YOU TRIED and bigotry. Every liberal moveGI0NA1. CONFERENCE AT SCHMIDT'S LATENT? ment, every fight for justice and \':"':; DES MOINES for equal'rights t o minorities and .-v- -Comment and Sidelight CAUL. Omaha again figured most to the down-trodden has found prominently in the Regional Con- John Haynes Holmes in the vanference of Jewish Social Work guard of Liberty's champions and 422 So; 13th St. AT. 5903 held;in Des Moines,recently. From Justice's advocates. He is known, the/opening session on "Saturday, honored, respected and listened to through: t h e three sessions on from one end of the nation to the Sunday, and including the. closing other. Ton wili be well repaid banquet on Sunday, night, indV for spending t h e evening a t the viduals from Omaha and .th& gen- Center on Wednesday, December eral-communal . program carried 4, and for-an hour's delightful Stop for Your on by our city were always in evi- intellectual pleasure. dence.. :;.•'"• ' V " -"" '.""•'. Orf Saturday night the brilliant LUNCHEON MEETINGS AT THE CENTER paper by our own Henry Monsky By the way, do you know that AT THE on "The Effects of Social Security Measures on JewiBh Social Work," the Center is now prepared to Bhared principal tionorB with that take care of luncheon meetings by-5the., former secretary, of thefor committees and groups. We • President's Commission on Social now have Johanna Howard, who Security, Dr. Witte of Wisconsin, prepares delicious,, tasty foods,'at | 316 So. 15th who discussed the general plans the Center all the time. The meals \ of such legislation. The effects are, as usual, strictly Kosher and of t h e work of the National Youth well prepared—so, if your comAdministration was ably portrayed mittee meets at lunch, just let us know and we will.be glad to acby-Sanv Beber. ; commodate you. . - Sunday morning opened with a This rambling episode coines to discussion of Co-operation of National Agencies with Local Fed- an end. I have touched upon We Are Serving a erations. Frequently during this some few of the happenings and session mention was made of theactivities In Jewish life which Special American Dinner admirable manner in which Oma- occur to me today. Do you have EVERY SUNDAY ha was working out its relation- any- questions regarding Jewish ships with and'responsibilities to social work and life in Omaha or these organizations. Miss Blanche elsewhere that you would like to 75c AND 85c PER PLATE Renard of St. Louis_in presenting have me discuss? Are there any 4 Courses Complete relief work: in- the region repeat- problems concerning Jewish" life From 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. edly complimented the Jewish today or the workings of our own program or Its Institutions, which Community Center, and "Welfare Federation of Omaha for its far-you feel I can answer? Simply sightedness in-seeing its respons- write to. me either cjo the Jewish 316 So. 16th St. ibilities, for its admirable hanr Press or at the Jewish Community UPSTAIRS •dling. of relief problems and forCenter and Welfare Federation, the maintalnance of reasonable and I will try to meet your requests promptly. and decent standards. The business luncheon session brought out a report prepared by the Omaha committee which r e A. Z. A. No.. 100 held a meetEnltedin setting up t h e Region ing Tuesday evening, November upon a permanent basis as the26, at the J . C. C. Irving KaiWest-Central Region of the Na-man, Aleph S'gan, presided and
religious committee, is making College Club plans for the formation of a chnpRev. Francis Deglman S. £., The A. Z. A. No. 1 has vir; ter qunrtPt and choir. Thi? quarStudent Councillor of CreigSifor, ' tually completed plans for their nounce tentative plans for a tet will fin.? at msnr A. ~. A. Tickets will be 'tvrenty-five scavenger hunt and Sam Kaplan cents and may be bought from | next social affair. Details •will functions inclurtincr Pa-rents' Dey, L'nivevsny. will apeak before ibs. Collets C l u b oi Temple Isra^will present a cultural program. I members or at the box office the ; be announced s t the next meeting ana other chapter nffairs. evening of the showing. Every- '. -which -H-ill be held Sunday, DeAt a meeting of tbe chairmen Sunday. Pecen'ber ?'-. e! 4 o'cio.'l one is urged to see these very in- i cernber 1. Publication of the of the regional contention plans in the assembly r o c m oi t h t teresting and • enlightening fea- '• Kibitzer will be completed snd Tve-i? bpgrun for the conference. Temple. Icor will be distributed s t the meal- Mscy Battm is general chairman The Icor of Omaha will spon- i tures. ing. and is also national vice-president sor the showing of two moving j Jevrish Pre=s advertisers rnpvi* pictures, "Biro-Bidjan" and "HarI your patronage. Lou Hur'witz, enairman of the of the order. Patronize our advertisers.
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Why was Irv Kaiman playing ;m e a n a f e m s l e P C T S mi." T h e c i a s s one piece on his guitar while the \ i s E t m c h u c k i i r i g ; i rest of the orchestra was playing ; . ^__ f i something quite different at that \ "RECEPTION AL ; sorority dance? HATS I How Lillian Johnson manages Cleaned and : to look as though she had just Blocked Only There were two receptions held '; stepped from a band box labeled SHOES last -Sunday. One s t the Slosburg Dyed (Any ! Paris? we could learn to remem- ' residence for their son and daugh- '. Shade) Only FREE—Pick-up and Deliveries I ber a joke half hour after we i ter-in-law .and. one at the Green- ;; berg residence for their son-inin Downtown District i have heard it? law and daughter. The two P h o n o H A . 4-550 families live within several .blocks Fourteen Years Ago of each other and there was a SHOE KEPAIK CO. of rpeople going I j Temple Israel " celberated its constant stream __ __^_ ,,._„_„ ; golden anniversary with a three-if r o r m o n e place to the other. Many ; day pg program. were heard to remark that if peoj We had such clubs as Jollyettes, p | e a r e g O j n g to have receptions iLillies of Zior, X. T. C , the o n t t e E a m e day they should, like j Priscilla club and the Progress these people, live close to one anclub. (None of these is in e s - ^ o t l i e r s n d m a k e it easier for the ! istence now). 'guests to attend both. "ARRY A 'FRANK?! I Excerpts from the Je-wish Press i of fourteen years ago: "The A - m j r . o AC tl&lPUTZ AST Seal Estate &n& Property j Lambda'Sigma club closed its so- ORDER OF hMUHtb Ut Management Icial season Friday evening by en- QARUC-- Elected • vithoat honor, xay in-' i tertaining at an Orpheum theater fcrmants -who have ls.id down on j party. This club •will be reinemInsnrtmcc cf All Kbiis I younger bered asset.' a social Amongclub thoseolpresthe the job of infortaijij: me abotit were:. Misses Pauline Selicow, •what's -what and who's -who in Iient S5 Douglas Block | Edith Kenyon, Anne Gerelick, ! this town. JACKSOX 152S iMinnette Gross, Esther Brown, i ] Anne Fange'r, and Anne Zalk; and EfliM 'For insurance See Frankel First' j j Messrs. Ben Ravitz, Herbert RobLast weelc T E told you how j inson, Hymaa KubiBEteiB, Ben Leon Ferer, alias the "Chief," was | Frank, Harry Kneeter, Maynard figuratiTely taken "or a ride. This Greenberg and Sidney Morris."" week we're going to tell you how he really was taken for a ride. [THINGS WE RECOMMEND-- Sunday afternoon the Chief Mrs. S&m . Golcrtvare, jr.'s was sitting at home, attired in cheese "knlshes"'. and strncScl sweat shirt, and a homely pair of . . . Mrs. IiCtuis yevelefrs cakes pant?, reading about other famous . . . "Doc" Bansky's Jokes and people. Alone cause friend Jns!l AT. SSI1 AT. 0221 stories . . . Knssel Blnxaenthal's tin VToll, who attends the Unimlsdng and <iririldi!g cf cock- versity of Nebraska at Lincoln, Every- inanity Service tails (we 'don't knofr which he and asked the "Chief" if he'd care to gro for a little ride •with TTET WASH SO FINISHED does Tjetter so we recommend WOBS both) . . . this column, and a him. At first the "Chief" dissented, Let us keep your wearing eppare! raise in salary. saying that be wasn't c.resped for any public appearances, but final- We take time to do U right -by [WE'REPROUD OF--I ly consented to go, on "VToil's s.s'-fw and careful | Sol "Wezelman.- senior .at Cen- ( "{CoEtisned en page S) j trs.1 High school, "who "ras one of j
STAXDAED SHOE .!, L. Krapp Prop.
MifS Barney St. i o
WHITMAN'S DELICATESSEN & LUNCH 2417 Farnam J A . 4874 Open Daily and Sundays Till Mldnite
let Gould Attend Your Drug Needs Visit us in our new location where you will find a complete stock of Drug and Sundry items.
Gould Drug Co. 50th <£. Dodge Sts. WA. 06C2 P A R K I N G SPACE Prompt Delivery
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] tvro students *rho led the school ! honor roll this year with six A'B; Sam Horwich will undoubted- 1 Betty Tarnoff -and Marion Strauss ly lock his car henceforth. One i irho had 5 % A's each, and Handay he left his car unlocked inah. Baum, Ruth Talk. Mildred •while he stopped at a place. Laytin, Betty Rosen, Morris KirHis coat was in the car. When • sh.enb.anm and Buster Slosburg he rame out the coat was no i •who had 5 A's each.. longer.in the car. I t was finally located in a pawn shop - -•• | where some tramp "had pawned ISPQTLIGHT it. Sam paid the pawn fee and j An interesting sidelight on the '; got his coat. Not long after ! opera here recently. Miss Hizi : that he again left his car un-j Koyke, "who played the lead i n locked. He had samples, grips I Madam Butterfly here, played in and other things in it including • the same opera in the Cincinnati a small bag of candy he had: Zoo opera two years ago with bought for his wife. Every- : David Lazarus playing the part of i IT j thing was intact, bnt—the i her uncle. candy was taken. What kind of candy was it, anyway? sr Nate Reiss of Kansas City, for- \ Jest _ . . I merly of Omaha, will take a; 1 : Will Dr. D. C. Platt blush in a:p i u n g e j n t 0 the marital sea Bome- In Appreciation of Your : minute: The other day he called t i m e i n j a n u a r y ^ i t h a Kansas Past and Future : your columnist "a social brat" ; city roaja. ; without knowing he was speaking | Hub Monsky has been named Patronage ; to the writer of this column. all-city football ;o n t h e official I Someone asked us the other day • t.eam He is the first Jewish boy : whether this "Chief"-gagging to be so honored since Elmer - becoming a second Bernie-TVin- , Greenberg •was selected eight ROSS PETERSON i chell feud. Thanks for the com- years ago. HOTEL FOXTENELLE ; parison to "Winchell—the only obif- |" g u ( j Shumow has been going Fine Flowers Moderately ference between us is_a couple^of ! c e s v i t n R o s e B m i e folle. Priced 'naughts in our pay checks. But p ] EThe Jay Bercovici's have moved Open Evenings and Holidays then naughts' are nothing, so , into a neT home. AT. 8300 AT. 6326 •what? ! In a wire released from a syna t ) Did you have a nice time ' dicated news service picking an j Ames, la., the other week-end, All-American all-Jewish team. ! JMarva Cohn? Of course it's quite B e r n i e Scherer of Nebraska was ; i incidental that Marvin happens to:n a n r e < 3 a t e H d o n t n e t h i r d team, j I "Well, Bernie is not Jewish for ; be there. I one thing, and if he were, he ! would surely be on the first team P&XIOR Mliefed! Co. COMMENDING - - Miss Pearl Lazarus played : for another. Fonndrics the part of Amy Lawrence in j Don't forget t h e first Round 27th an<2 Martha EA. 552S "Big Hearted Herbert," the | Table fiance Sunday. Brass, Bronze Alnminnm, So* Center guild play, npon only a Grey Iron and Scrni-Stcel Cnstfew days' notice. Pearl was • i ings. Wood and Metal Patterns notified on Saturday that she DEFINITION - - Dr. Waiter Lowenstein, German Standard sizes Bronze a n t ; iron would play the part Tuesday and those who saw the play refugee student now living here, Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern Rinps snd Covers, Cleancui Doors, didn't know that the frirl who presided at the College Club meet- Sash Weights 8 n (i Yellow Brass was playing the part was not ing held last Sunday. After the Plumbers' Ferrules, carried In stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronr.e and meeting a.n open forum was held the one who had rehearsed with and several boys gave their views Cast Iron Grilles r. Specialty, the group all along. but none of the girls. Waiter askHTYHUnrPrRf/"1 ' € ^ to hear from "the ladies" and ',
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on November 22, in the Methodist Hospital.
man School he s a n g important "When I gv traveling, I take two ! old pair of pants, and UP roles in the Kilbourn Hall pro- suitcases—one for clothes and the shave He later called a • ductions-and was also in the Ro-! other for pills. Well, N O r m a n from Omaha to bring his'.-in • • • • Chester Civic Opera Co. He made j Taurog is just as bad and eo is down to Lincoln which was ' Miss Lit>bie Braver has return,,<_ r™ Angeles ,„„.„,_.. debut ^ ^ . . . in *„ ..„„„. his Los ed home after spending the past Pag- t W s c e r t a i n newspaperman. One "I'm through r i d i n g By PHINEAS J. BIRON liacci." six weeks visiting with relatives day on the movie set* we'were ail strangers" was thP only comment : MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent In Kansas City, Missouri. feeling pretty low and figured we the Chief would make' about the ! JESSEL GETS RAPPED ABYAXISMS I organize a national chain of Henhad every kind of illness in the whole affair. n e r e essel's choice as a repMrs. Fred Sherman was the In- Don't • forget that it was rietta Siold clubs among girls too book. Finally I couldn't'stand the of the Jewish people spiration for a breakfast and that you first heard about t h e young ' to belong to Junior Halooks of anguish on t h e other Amors From Nazi tie-up with the murder of dassah? . . . You may have read ; ^ i t e d to the annual banquet of bridge Sunday morning, when a group of friends entertained as a Dr. Fritz Gebhardt, German econ- that Louis Lipsky, Maldwin Per-!^e^nlTer8lty Religious Confer- all three h a s oonferred the ordrr of t h e this week was criticized in examined. A n d Norman Since, we spilled the tig a n d Cyrus Adler spent an-J aence courtesy to her. The - breakfast omlst news Knip-ht of the Dutch Lion upon n the affair was"given in the Sioux Apartment dope it has developed that despite h o u r w i t h President Roosevelt, i t e n b up with: "Okay—we'll all his Jewish wife, Gebhardt was a i dfs - 1ISR , nr .p fl i«; R ti n o . . . R,,t c,,r f i -i ^ Tea Shop. . Kauffman, the doctor together for an exam- A. Ascher, president, of the AshBut _ sured i s c u s s I n g Palestine . . . _ kenazic. Jewish Community Which Clubs Go Over Quota In Giant ination—and the one pal of General Goering and due j fy~yo~u "did" not" read ill at several | n e w s e d i t o r ot ttie B ' n a l Shaare Zion Congregation will is celebrating its terrentary, and to replace Hans Luther as Ger-, Zionist leaders a r e terribly Messenger, Los Angeles weekly. lowest blood pressure pays Project Held Monday honor its president, Mr. John ihe order of Orange and Nassau man ambassador . . . Incidentally, w r o u g h t up because they w e r e The University Religious Confer- bill." ji Evening Lansberg, at a testimonial dinner : upon A. B. Vp(i er . president of ence is composed of Catholics, Vera Stretz, Gebhardt's slayer. overlooked Henry Montor, our IProtestants and Jews interested If Eddie Cantor were qnadrupMonday evening, December 2, in got Sam Paleslets he would be a •much'harr.^r ' h e C o m n " " 1 " r > executive hoard, More than 1500 people attend- recognition of the splendid Tand in promoting "co-operation withed the second annual Carnival whole-hearted work he has done o'clock. Jack Mosow, who could to a New Y o r k morning news- tine in the interests of the Pal-out compromise" throughout all man. For the hanjo-eyed comedLOUIS E. LIPP, ATTY. cor-WNS news service . . . sponsored by the Inter-Club Coun- the past eight years, the t i m e not act as Cantor last week bephases of religious activity In ian must divide his time each day Hitler will probably between four sets which'are widecil of i;Jewish organizations in during which he has served the [cause" of illness, will -chant the fire the advertising manager of MEDICAL REPORT 504-10 City Natl. Bank Bldg. campus life, developing tolerance, Omaha, Nebraska Sioux City, held Monday evening, congregation in t h e capacity of service tomorrow. David Kuntz his Voelkischer Beobachter when mutual respect and understanding ly separated. Ordinarily only one Congratulations to J o e Biben, substituted for him last week. Joe set at a time is used in a producIn- the £uditorium. h.v (riven that the tinpresident. The congregation will >-?i»T '* he learns that a Jewish business publisher of the Ledger chain of between various religious groups ' ' n o r d e r t o finish on tIon ned hnve oi-panizf.fi p rorporaThe ^project, made possible also.use this occasion to help Mr. Shaeffer will read the law. Re-man, now a refugee in this coun- Anglo-Jewish weeklies . . . H i s j through, eaucationai educational a n d a soria! TIIP name of the corporation is freshments will be served by Mr. schedule the romn-nv S0Clal through;! the united efforts of theand Mrs. Lansberg celebrate their and Mrs. Frank Gorchow. <.,piifM-pI Ga nitre Pomnany and th* try, got most of his money out of missus presented him with an-'contacts during college / , it necessary to work in four places principal place nf its husinef^ is the R e ] organizations and their members, twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Naziland with t h e unconscious j other son Mrs. Al Segal, wife Representatives from the The Shaare Z i o n Bible Class e a i l t o r iS r e q u i r e d in netted funds exceeding the quota It! of Al Segal, the "Jewish Heywood j gious Conference at University °f i ^ j ° t ^ s ^ e ^ help of the Nazi sheet . , T h e dinner will be served in , nuKiriPse is to operatp pu-acps a n d set by th e executive committee, the Shaare Zion Social hall Mon- will meet Tuesday afternoon, De- seems that this non-Aryan put an ! Broun," is recuperating from! Calif ornia at Los Angeles, t h e '• filiinp stations: to deal in. store and cember 3, instead of Monday as "Hollywood' does strange and surpassing the amount earn- d a y evening at 6:30. Reservaad In the Beobachter offering all pneumonia at Tucson, Arizona . . . j University of Southern California repair motor vehicles, ntt rl other pei-usual. The class will begin at to people. It has made me a onepornl property: To make loans neoured last year. tions have been made at ?1.25 a 2:30 in the synagogue social hall. his furniture for sale and inviting Louis Pekarsky, managing editor | arid the Los Angeles Junior Col- man relay team." Cantor told us. :' Pd by motor vehicles; tri buy. sell, bidders to communicate with him of the L o s Angeles B'nai Brith! lege, and religious and lay leadMr. E r N . Grueskin was chair- plate, and t h e committee In ; own, Ipase. exchange and mortfrnsp (Copyright. 3fl.'!n. by Seven Arts j ren.i potato nrni pcrsonnl propertv through a box number . . . After j Messenger, has taken a leave offers of the Jewish, Protestant and man of .the Carnival, and is pres- charge of the arrangements has Feature Syndrratp) ; wherever situated Ri!<! to <]o nil things the ad had appeared for a couple; absence for a couple of weeks to Catholic faith were present at the; ident ot; the Inter-Club Council. made plans to accommodate a ca• incidental to and ncfessary fnr the of days the Non-Aryan told the | nurse an illness ; . . To cheer him banquet. oarryinfr nut of thp above objects. The. Booths, sponsored by the vari- pacity crowd. total nuiliorized capital stork nf this Dr. Theodore N. Lewis w i l l 1 ous organizations, lined the -walls corpora tion shpll }>* Sin,fiou.(in divided Mr. Barney Baron will act a»speak this evening on "War Beobachter's circulation depart-j up h i s fellow Rochesterians on j Miss Kauffman stated in t h e 1 ment that he was, going abroad I the Coast elected him president of B'nai B'rith Messenger: into ion sharps of the par va.lue of of t h ej auditorium, displaying toastmaster of the evening. A ! i Jino.no parh. to lip paid for in cash or games, fruits, and merchandise of program of unusual interest has Against Religion in Mexico and for a couple of weeks and asked the Rochester C l u b of Southern "While no one could question J (Continued from Page 7.) i property and bp non-assessible when Germany." to have his mall forwarded . . . California O s s i p Gabrilo- Mr. Jessel's ability as a comedian, \ i issued. The time of commencement all descriptions. b e e n arranged. A skit entitled, ie would be back in The regular meeting or the SisHe t h e n proceeded to write 20 witsch, Mark Twain's son-in-law,! his choice as a representative Dancing, under the supervision "Th e International Career of her 1. m.";.T. and it.« termination shall ten minutes. be fifty years -thereafter. Tile, highof the AJ Z. A. entertained many John Lansberg" will be presented terhood will be held next Friday letters to himself in care o r that did not attend the Twain centen- j the Jewish people before a select So Ferer got into the car, and afternoon following a one o'clock est amount of indebtedness or llahilbox number and enclosed substan- nial celebration in New York, be-jg r o u p of Gentiles was decidedly a during the course of the evening. with a cast including Mrs. Wil; ity to which the corporation shall a t it wasn't very long before the luncheon. Mrs. E. E. Baron is in A Terraplane car, -which h a s liam Kutcher, Mr. Nick" Sherman, charge of the luncheon arrange- tial sums of money In each letter cause he's a sick man.. . . Frau j poor one. Such jokes as the fol-car, against the "Chief's" wishes, any time subject itself sbali nnt exAnd all the letters were duly Albert Einstein is. a very sick wo- lowing: 'Which comes first, Abie, coprl two-thirds of its capital stock.' been displayed on the Sioux City Mr. Rudy Shlndler, Mr. Earl .No- ments a n d Dr. Delia Galinsky, affairs of this corporation are to" forwarded Pressure is being man who will have to stay in bed Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashonah?' pulled up in front of the Hotel | The streets and in the small towns of vich, and Mr. Joe Shindler. be conducted by a board of not less chairman of the program. Dr. exerted to suppress the news that•': for the major part of the winter Cornhusker in Lincoln. than two n^r more than five directors 'I don't know, I haven't been betthe trade^territory was drawn for. The program will also include Leon Galinsky will give an illusAnd you can imagine the em-who shall elect a president, vice-presNumerous; smaller items were several numbers by the Shaare trated talk on "A Modern Ap- a publicity utility outfit in New i. . . Eleanore. von Mendelssohn, tingg on the e races aces lately' lately have have no barrassment on the part ' of the ident, secretary and treasurer. V. HCHXKB, drawn for during the evening. Jersey the Nazitomovewho was engaged to play a role (place In a gathering dedicated to Zion choir. Mr. Barney Baron is proach to an Old Problem." \J. KAP.U-\>.\ ment . is . . angeling It is interesting note in Relnhardt's coming -A. program containing 110 chairman of the arrangements as he strolled through the lobby that Max Reinhardt's, Franz Werstanding and mutual respect be- of the Cornhuskcr hotel on Sunpages wak sent to every Jewish and assisting h i m Is Mr. L. J. fel's and Kurt Weill's wives are in four places; she will have to tween religious factions. home and every advertiser before Kaplan. Junior Hadassah day afternoon with a sweat shirt. all 100 per cent Aryans and- who be replaced . . ..' the Carniyal. "We shall dismiss Mr. Jessel's "Paid up members of the Jun-have been put on the black list Mr. Lansberg's service to t h e Proceeds of the carnival will be corigregation has been particular- ior Hadassah chapter will be endiscourtesy to Bishop Baker, the FOOTMGHT FLICKERS LEON and WHITE, Attys. <irnde Enimifls, $:.0fl gnl allocated among the thirteen par- ly praiseworthy during the past tertained at a "Paid Up" party, by Hitler because they prefer speaker of the evening, by walk504 City National Bank Bldg. New York movie critics w h o their husbands to the present-day in o u t MAIKRI'KOOF ALL-PURPOSE ticipating^; organizations. attended t h e premiere of "Thei & without a word of excuse years, and he has devoted time Wednesday evening, December 4. Germany'"""! - PROBATE NOTICE il'AR VAKXIsn, $!.so Onilon In speaking of the success of and energy to the synagegue The party will be given at t h e Land of Promise," Palestine tal- with much grinning and benig-! I n f h p Matter of the Estate of Paul the' Carnival, Mr. Grueskin said: that has well earned the appre- West Hotel and will follow a S SPORTRAIIi kie, got their Invitations via cable nant bowing of his head to the ' Phillpp, Omaha Jobbing Companj I>eceased. • I t is with true admiration that I ciation the congregation is indi- o'clock dinner. 'is Hereby" Given: That the Somewhere in, this . country [.from- Keren Hayesod headquar-j audience, as being due to the fact j -Notice N i i H iil; tin. 15 J A 5GM congratulate those organizations cating by tbe-dinner Monday eveMiss Rose Finsod is chairman there a r e eleven Jewish college j ters in Jerusalem BroadwaT that he simply did not know anv ' mSlors of said deceased will meet executrix 1 that furnished the splendid work- ning. ( football players vbo will be sport-! Is anxiously awaiting the n e x 11 better. Our only regret is that County of the arrangements. _ . . . _ . . _ ... ....._ ; the ers for -the 1935 Carnival. It is ing gold gold footballs footballs pretty pretty soon soon as as!i productions productions of of Alex Alex Yokel,Yokel, prop r o - 1the audience was was unaware unaware that! that Xebraska^ at the rOumy Cmirt Room, The regular meeting of the j ing audience my hope that the untiring efforts result of of the the generosity generosity of of the the j{ ducer ducer of of the the sensationally sensationally sue-1 sue-1 Gilbert Gilbert Harrison, Harrison, who who delivered delivered " Junior Hadassah was held Tues- aa result i ^ X*a"n d o n ^ h e " m dav of the m o s t of these porkers will serve as an Jewish War Veterans of the Unitcessful "Three Men on a Horse," i outstanding talk among ; March IPSB. at s -o'clock A. ir.. each day evening in the Jewish Com!the Inspiration for an e v e n greater munity Center. Miss Dorothy ed States . . .Abraham Kraditor, which has passed-the 350th con-. student delegation and who ; ^ j r ' c i a i r n s f o rFX arid more wide-spread spirit of coMerlin, president, presided during Commander-in-chief "of the JWV, secutive performance mark n d | s o distinguished himself by and aiiowan ce. Three months' rk aand! y h i s | sment r f s'lowed for the creditors to presoperation In the future." has arranged to present gold foot- Is still going strong Mr, and Mrs. John Harlow re- the business meeting. Yokel's i wgentlemanly dignity, j a Jew, their claims, from the 21st day of h!le t n a t fact 'was so Sblatantly : December i<tss turned this week from Chicago, .Plans were m a d e by several balls as- awards to t h e players planning four new shows, one o f j BRTCE ORATTFORn. obvious to them in the person oft. where they attended the wedding | members to attend the Regional selected on the Jewish AU-Ameri-j them being "The Terrible Siren" | M r County Judge. SISTERHOOD CABARET of their son,' Isadora Harlow of ! Convention which Is to be hela can team by'Irv Kupcinet, Seven { by Emanie Sachs . . . A show by I - •Jessel." Arts FRADENBURG, WEES, BEBER, Maxle Roj O. H. P. Garrett has been rejecti Canton, South Dakota, to M i s s sports editor DANCE In Kansas City next month. BUYS TABLECLOTHS KLUT2NICK, & KELLEY and Sylvia" Fagenholz of Chicago. ih \ d b t It h -The annual Junior Hadassah senbloom, ex-king of t hh e llightjed because ot Its N Nazii theme . ALFRED A. FIEDLER, Attys. Gus Kahn signed a new longAmong the guests at the wed-dance has been scheduled for D e . I heavies, will have an important Helene Thlmig (Mrs. Max Rein- term contract with M. G. G. as a The annual Pance, sponsored PROBATE NOTICE r o l e ln Green Shadow," Radio: hardt) never caUs her husband lyric writer and then went to the /by t h e MTount Sinai Sisterhood, ding were Mrs. Rose Harlow-of cember 22. Proceeds of the dance p i c t u r e s > " forthcoming flicker . . •.!j anything but Herr Retnhardt dur- studio commissary for 3unch, and j will be held next Tuesday evening Vermillion, South Dakota, Mrs. will go toward t h e Palestinian Al Singer, former lightweight i ing rehearsals Belle Baker is wrote the lyrics for a'1 number—' Notice is Hereby Given: That tlip at the Mayfalr, Thirteenth a n d Henry Harlow of Danbury, Iowa, Fund of Junior Hadassah. champion, is taking no chances on j foresaklng vaudeville to take her on and Miss Rose Harlow of-Sioux j n - . i creditors of said deceased will meet a taDleclOtfi. tahlpclnth Tv'oiiW on a Kahn Pierce Streets. Jack Reams and that . t h e administrator of said estate, beV • - snunit the possible failure of hi3 come- \ first role in a legitimate play . . . lie has had to buv niore table-' fore me. County Judce of r>ou|fla.« his orchestra will provide music City. back . . . He's bought an interest j Sonya Levlen is doing the sceMr. Harlow and his bride will for dancing-, and a floor show has cloths from restaurants than any !Cc^\o^Uf^^a% ^ . . %™& make their home in Canton, South in a New York night club nario for that picture which will FOR t been planned. • song Writer, becaitse he gets i 21st day of January ISM. an'i on the Dakota, after a wedding trip. If you hear strange noises next \ feature the Dionne quintuplets Otner 21st day of March .1S3G. a t his ideas at meal times and al-j; -A. GPOCE R~ Mrs. Herman Miller and Mrs. 2 i t d f M m e M., 'each day, for the purpose of Friday, Saturday and Sunday they!. . . Jesse Lasky a n d Louis B. ways lacks writing paper. Sam Greenstone are co-chairmen 1 presenting: their • e)sim.« for examinsFRUIT won't be caused by an earthquake! Mayer, movie big-wigs, aren't ..Mr..and Mrs. Philip Sherman j tion. adjustment and allowance. Three for the dance, and have been asB t F. R. K. [ months are allowed for the creditors They will be the echoes of talking to each other . . . Mer-HE'S A HTPOCHROXmAC Will.receive their friends at a resisted by a large group of Sisterto claims, from the 21st to present'their present'tneir cl thp oratorical storm at the annual vyn LeRoy, son-in-la"w of one of •P/ijj- /-^^_J,_ . , , J V J. ception, Sunday evening, Decemhood members. Eddie Cantor tells this story on oay of December A.. A. U. convention in New York the Warner Brothers, may shift ERYCE CRAWFORD. ber l,..in the-Martin Hotel, honSabbath Services will be held Where the Olympic issue will be i n t o Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer . . . himself, Norman Taurog, who is County .Tudp-e. directing him in his newest picoring their son and daughter-inWe told you that Heinhardt's tures at Goldwn Studios, and a law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman, Auxiliary Sabbath Friday evening, November 29, at whose wedding was an event of t h e ' Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- president of the New York Ha- "Road of Promise" would be re-certain newspaperman in H0II3-koah Athletic Club, one of the titled Service Tonight last month. The new title is "Thewood. "You know, I'm really a gogue at 618'Mynster. Street. Rab. - M e y e r W. j hypochrondiac," s a i d E d d i e . Dancing will entertain t h e bi Jacob Cohn's sermon topic will leading soccer teams in the land, Eternal Road" The Auxiliary of Shaare Zion guests during the evening. Weisgal flew to Hollywood last is Dr. M ax Lowenthal, leading be "The Life Hereafter — Model Zionist Congregatioh will observe AuxilPalestine soccer week and spent exactly one day In BRODKEY and BRODKEY, Attys. T and Model V8." Besides the football team The «ry Sabbath this evening, by takHapoel will come to the capital of filmdom . . . The 579 Insurance Bldo. Mrs. A. W. Kaplan entertained regular services, a reading In He- America this Spring for an ex-,purpose and results "of this trip ing charge'of the regular Friday a group of friends at a dessert brew will be given by Rebecca LEGAL NOTICE evening service at 8 o'clock. hibitlon tour . . . will make the headlines in two luncheon Tuesday afternoon, honIn the District Court of Douglas; Women of. the Auxiliary will oring her daughter, Sarah Kap- London, eleven-year-old daughter weeks . . . County, Nebraska: read portions of the ritual. Among lan, whose marriage will be an of Mr. and Mrs. Max London of FRAGMENTS ; In the matter of the Application of; (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts HOMER 1. BIXSWANGER: ! Feature Syndicate) them will be Mrs. L. J. Kaplan, event of this winter. Bridge oc- Omaha. Everyone is cordially in- •" Leo Spitz, n e w boss of RKO Notice is hereby given that on the! pictures, is a nephew of Governor vited to attend.' Mrs. William Kutcher, Mrs. Solcupied the afternoon hours. JUth day of November. 1S35. thej Horner of Illinois . . . D o n a l d Seff, and Mrs. A. Beechen. . above named petitioner filed his peti- ' Tomorrow .evening, Mrs. Artion in the District Court of Doug-las Friede the Covici-Friede pubGreetings will be extended by thur , Kaplan will be hostess to The Council Bluffs Talmud lishing of County, Nebraska, Docket 31fi. Page' house, is trying to make Mrs. J. H. Mosow, president of sixteen guests at an evening of Torah Society will hold its reguS6, the object and prayer of which is; for the change of his name from thatj the Auxiliary. Mrs. M. Shubb will bridge as a courtesy to Miss Kap- lar monthly meeting next Monday up with his ex-wife, who is the 0/ Homer I. Einswangrer to the^ name 1 speak on the life of Rebecca Ko- lan. A buffet supper will be serv- evening, December 2, at eight daughter of Arthur Garfield Hays of Homer I. Benson. That a hearing' By LOUIS PEKARSKY '.•.-. After his London concert In will t>e had before the Honorable M'm. I hut, who is ] celebrating her sev-ed at the close of the evening. o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- January Yehudi Menubin will reG: Hasting-s, one of the Judges of the | No less a personage than Jack District enty-fifth birthday this year. Mrs. Court , of Douglas County. | roel synagogue at 618 Mynster tire from the concert stage for a, Benny has agreed to sponsor the Nebraska, in his Court Room No. 8, : I A. H. Baron, will speak on "The Street. year of rest and study on his Cal-1936 "Show of Shows" to be or before some other Judge of thi5 Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and Oneg Shabbo's." Mrs. Rubein MilCourt, at 9 O'clock A. M., Tuesday, j son Charles, Sol . Shulkin, a n d T h e Yiddish Staged in.Los Angeles next. Jan- December 17, 1935, or as soon there- I ifornia ranch ler is chairman of the service. The Sisterhood of the Talmud Folks Theatre is running a bene- uary as a benefit for Mount Sinai alter as will be convenient for the A large congregation has al- Leonard Baumstein, returned last Court, and that unless sufficient ways attended the Auxiliary Ser- week from St. Louis, where they Torah will hold a regular meet- fit for a New York Christmas fund Home for Chronic Invalids, Los cause be shown to the contrary, the ingnext Wednesday afternoon," attended the St. Louis and Missis. . .The children of Helene, Mon- Angeles. Dick Powell h a s con-name will be changed as prayed for. vice and the service this year has HOMER I. BINSWANGER. gained the interest of many. Can- sippi State football game. Herb December 4, at 2:'3O -o'clock at tana, will soon be attending sented to serve ag chairman of Petitioner. t h e Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaBaumsteinand Dave Bernard, school In a synagogue . . . Temple the great stage bill of film, stage tor PHskln and t h e synagogue Bj' BRODKEY AXD BROCKET, Sioux Cityans, are on the Missis- gogue at 618 Mynster Street. Emannel In that city has given its and radio headiiners that is asHis Attorneys. choir will chant the service. sippi team. Rabbi Jacob Cohn will be t h e'j building to t h e Montana Relief sured for this -worthy charity . . . guest speaker. All members are Commission because many of the Sopnie Tucker is the object of BRODKEY A N D BRODKEY, Atty«. 579 insurance Building, Omaha schools-were damaged by the re-much attention this week in the OnegShabbos Mrs. H. N. Slotsky was elected urged to attend. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF way of brilliant social functions c e n t earthquakes .. . . ' M a r k The Ones Shabbos Group of the chairman of the local committee NEGRASKA REAL ESTATE AND given Jn her honor by Hollywood Collman Yudelson, son of Mr. Twain's granddaughter, Nina Gabon "The Cause and Cure of War" INVESTMENT COMPANY Shaare Zion Synagogue met Saturday afternoon, in the home of at a meeting last week of the and Mrs. Morris Yudelson, h a s rilowitsch, daughter of Ossip Gab- celebrities, including • B i n n i e Notice la hereby given that the unbeen commissioned a second lieu- rilowitsch, the Detroit Symphony Barnes* Universal star . . . Ben-dersifrned have formed a corporation i Mrs. Mike Muehkin. Mrs. A. H. group. pursuant to the laws of the State of tenant In the infantry reserves, conductor, is a talented artist and jamin Zemach, Hollywood noted Nebraksa. Baron was in charge ot the meetJewish ballet producer and direc- The name of the corporation Is NEshort story writer . . . Is there the war department has announcing. Mrs. Louis Skalovsky departed REAL ESTATE AXSD IN- i Mrs. Bella Pevsner spoke on a recently for St. Louis, where she ed this week. He is a student at any connection between Hitler's tor, famed for his ballets on Jew- BRASKA VESTMENT COMPANY, The prin-j Palestinian subject. Mrs. H. R. will visit with her parents. She the University of Iowa at Iowa liquidation of the Steel Helmets ish and other them63 at ; the world cipal place of transacting business is-1 in Germany and Nazi dumping of famous Hollywood Bowl, is in at Omaha, Nebraska, • • ' f Rabinowitz sfaoke on the Canton- is the former Sadie Langsan of City. geneial nature of business to .j Bteel in this country?*. , . George New York on his honeymoon and beThe lsts and Rabbi Rablnowitz gave that city. transacted is to acquire by purchase or otnerwise, own, hold, buy, There's a friendly qreetinq awaitinq you the moment Mrs. Morris''(Je'rshuny a n d Jean Nathan has changed his will to direct the ballet for the great sell, current events. Singing concludconvey, lease, mortgage, or en-i Biblical pageant "Road of Promed the afternoon program. Jackie Kutcher and C. Roger small son, Teddy Leslie; of Chi-to include a good-sized bequest ise" which Max Reinhardt is stag- cumber real estate or other property, you' enterthe President. Every comfcrt and luxury at personal or mixed; to give. take, sell Shulkin, Sioux City children, won cago, Illinois, have returned to to the New York dramatic critics ing at the' Manhattan Opera or assign notes and evidence of in-I low cost. Rnest of food in the Coffee Shop or the honorable mention In the Nation- their home following a month's who are going to award their own House, New York, late in Decem- debtedness of aJiy individual or corporation as the business may require; VtfoJnut Room. Garage directly opposite entrance al Photographic Contest. T h e y visit .here\at: the. home of Mrs.prize for the best play In comA. 'group pf new members, were among the 200 children in Gershuriy's brother and sister-in- petition with the Pulitzer Prize hpr Hnrfor TW«>vor W WetRsrnl'a to borrow and loan monev when necPERCY TYRRELL Monafing QredtY fcus-inesg inesg o o ff ss aa ii dd Der unaer Meyer wma . v\Shearer, eisgai s ee ss ss aa rr yy (( oo cc oo nn dd uu cc tt tt hh ee fcus whose' names!will be announced the United States to be honored law, Mr. and; Mrs. 'Ben Gershun. . •. , If Hadassah wants a good management . Nor corporation; to rent, maintain and ' -; • I next week, were voted into, the in this manner. Jack is the son| M r s - Gershuny was extensively en- idea for marking HenVietta Szold's MGM-Etar who adopted the Jew-construct in whole or In part, and to j 75th birthday, why shouldn't it alter, repair and improve, houses and i ish faith when she married Irving A. Z.'A. chaptjer at their meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutcher, and tertained during her stay here. to collect rents, in general j G. Thalberg, has-presented h e r buildings; Wednesday1 evening. Ed Sperling i Roger is the son of Dr. and Mrs'. to manage real property; to make | WITH BATH loans on real estate. , j husband with a gold locfeet which •was in charge'! of the program at S. H. Shulkin. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson, stuThe authorized capital stock of PBOM that meeting. ; 688 of the Independent Order of dent at the University of Nebras- contains strands of their, two chil- thjs corporation shall be |10,000.00. to dren's hair and a lock of her own. be divided into 100 shares of $100.00 A committee headed by Irvin Among the piano pupils of Miss the B'nai B'rith held a meeting ka, arrived home f r o m Lincoln! each, all of which shall be common Maron, Bud Kalin and Leonard Goldeen Mead, presented in a re- Monday evening at t h e Eagles Wednesday to spend Thanksgiv- WINS OPERA GOAl and non-assessable when issued. The o sshall Indebtedness of this Indebtedness of this co corporation Lebowitch m e t Sunday to com-cital last Sunday afternoon were Hall. Plans were made for spe-ing week-end here with her pari h l d its capital t it i lj Music critics of Southern Cali-, s t o c k plete plans Xoiiithe Chanukah pro- Jack Schwartz, Fredell Sacks, cial B'nai- B'rith; Services to be ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mey- fomla are acclaiming the talent j The affairs of the corporation shall i gram which tfc!e chapter will give Dorothy Goldstein, Ruth Weiner, held at the synagogue on n e x t erson. of a youth from Rochester, N. Y., be manned br a Boar^o^Di^ct^J this month. !| Gloria Sanford, Josephine Rosen- Friday night, December 6, at fi/sr our or THE NOISE ZONE who was one of the featured per- five members, who shall elect from { . Members of. the A. Z. A. have feld, Elaine Sherman, and Betty eight o'clock, when - Mrs. Pevsner BALTIMORE AT 14™ ST The Council Bluffs Chapter No. formers ln the Los Angeles Opera their members a President. Viceof Sioux City will be the guest 7 of the A. Z. A. will hold an im-j Company presentations In Los President. Secretary and Treasurer, been collectings a n d contributing Rae .Mosow. , who shall hold office for a term of speaker. • A 'discussion on the portant meeting Sunday after- Angeles last week. He Is Nathan'one year until the next annual meet- 1 ^ood and madje> up a number of ng of the cor- ] -Thanksgiving baskets' which were Mr. and Mrs. William Mazie an-Ethiopian situation was present- noon, December 2:30 Emanuel and he is another con-! _ on the first} " distributed through the Jewish nounce the birth of a daughter ed by members of the local chap- o'clock at the synagogue. trlbution to operatic ranks from Monday in January of each year. 1 ter of the A. Z. A. on November 22, in the MethodCommunity Center. These articles may be amended! the Eastman • School of Music of upon affirmative vote ot two-thirds Jlilton Grueskin, chairman of ist Hospital. The Council Bluffs . Agudas t h e University of Rochester in of the outstanding: stock. the Social Service Committee, was ' The - Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- Achim Society will hold a meet-! Rochester, N. Y. For several In Witness Whereof, the parties hereunto set their hands, this Mr. and Mrs. T e d Fishman, ciety will hold a meeting n e i t Ing next Thursday evening, De-|years Emanuel was a member of •have Jn charge of'the Dance floor at Sth day of November. 1935. Flandreau, South Dakota, anGORDON HARM.AN'. Wednesday evening. December t, cember 5, at 8:30 o'clock at the!the school operatic department. the Inter Club; Carnival, Monday WALTER A. NIELSEN. nounce the birth of a daughter, at eight o'clock at the synagogue. Eagles Hall. evening. Ills final years in the East-
Sioux City News
Monday OVER 1500 ATTEND Dinner Honors President ANNUAL CARNIVAL Of Shaare Zion
Shaare Zion
Mount Sinai ^
Town Rambfings
Real Hospitality when YouVisit
f«' r i
7—ff^-a. - . -