December 6, 1935

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In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered aa SecoDd Claua Mat! Matter oo January 21, 1»21. B.I


FostofUe* o£ Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1179



Noted Liberal Stirs Capacity Crowd at J. C. C. With Eloquent Talk

Session at Paris Hears 50,000 Roumanian Jews Victims of Famine

in 1© ixive GIVES ADDRESS Preside Hebrew


VOL. XI—NO. 42.

Reception for Famed Married at Funeral Artist Wednesday of Bride's Mother Afternoon

Annual Talmud Torah Meetingg To Be Held JC at J. C. C. on Palestinian Leader To Be Guest In Omaha

"Civllization cannot be saved Paris (WNS)—A report that unless we f o r m a united front 50,000 Roumanian J e w s -were against fascism and nazism," emstarving in Bessarabia -as a rephatically declared Rev. John sult of famine wag presented to Haynes Holmes, noted liberal and pastor of.the Community Church the central board of the World of New York, in an address on ORT Union meeting here in plenSaul Raskin, the celebrated Atlantic City (WNS) — The "Is Our Civilizrtion Worth SavAliia ShidlowBky, outstanding ary session. After hearing' the Jewish artist, -will present an il-wedding anniversary of Mr. anding?" before a capacity audience Palestine labor leader, will be u tidings from the Roumanian delelustrated lecture on Jewish art |M d Betton of New York at the Jewish Community Center Mrs.- A Alfred honored guest of the local chapat the Center on Tuesday evening, WJJJ a i w a y s hare a sombre mem- Wednesday evening. His address gates, t i e conference, under the The annul meeting of the uted to the Jewish Philanthropies ter of the Pioneer Women on December 10, a t S p . m. was the second of the Community is a member of the Talmud Torah ;ory associated with it b e c a u s e leadership of Henri Bodenheimer, City Talmud Torah will be held and is urged to attend the annual His exhibition, over 125 oil they were married during the Forum series. Thursday, January 9. president of the World ORT Unpaintings, water colors, and. etch- funeral of Mrs. Betton's mother. In answering t h e question A dinner and program will be aext Monday evening, Decem- meeting. Ings, will be on exhibit all day The latter had expressed a dy-which was the theme of his talk, ion, votel to provide Immediate j The officers of the Talmnd g l T e n l n M n u shidlowsky's honor j ber S, at 8 p. m., in the lodge j Wednesday, and a reception un- ing wish that the marriage take I Dr. Holmes declared that civilizarelief as well as s t a r t i n g on t h e , a t t h e Jewish Community Cen- room of the Jewish Community Torah are: der the auspices of the Women's place as soon as possible and in'tion as a mechanism to keep life preparation of a detailed plan for ter. Mrs. J. Richlin has been ap- Center. jj Max M. Barish, president; N. Division will be held for Mr. Ras- accordance with an ancient Heb-j going is worth saving because it the aleviation of the Jews of t h e P ° i n t e a ^ a i r m a n in charge of *rReports summarizing the ac-S. Yaffe, vice-president; M. D. kin on Wednesday afternoon at rew tradition. Rabbi Joseph E. does keep the machinery of existof the Talmud Torah and Brodkey, treasurer; Mrs. Mas ccmntrv. 1™^?™"^:,, w „ V 3:30 at the Center auditorium. Kaplan,'who officiated at the fun- ence going and in order. CiviliFromkin, secretary. Max F r o m k i n The Educational Committee of the eral, married the couple in the zatio as a culture - - meaning art, I Mrs. Shidlowsky h a s b e e n a ««t!_i._j ••» «— The members of the executive 8 1 Women's Division with Mrs. I.undertaking p a r l o r where ~ the | literature, music and spiritual In t h e course of its four day resident of Palestine for t h e p a s t ! " M*" **** groups -mU h e Max F r o m k i n , w h o was elected committee i otalmaster, chairman, and the Sosession, which was attended by twenty-three years. She is in this j rendered. bride's mother, Mrs. Fannie Eff- things - - m a k e life worth living president of t h e Omaha Hebrew | representatives from Poland, Rus- c o l l n t r y as a representative of t h e M. M. Barish, Dr. Philip Sher, cial Committee with Mrs. A . ron, lay In a coffin. Seven members-at-large to t h e and therefore a r e worth saving, Club last Sunday, h a s outlined an i * l a ' R o m a n i a , Latvia, E n g and, M o a t z o t h Hapoaloth. Sam Beber, Simon Pizer, Ben Greenberg, chairman, will b e rance a n d Talmnd T o r a h board will be he emphasized. ambitious program for t h e local : f Germany a s well a s ; Kazlowsky. Nate Levinson, Mrs, hostesses. elected Monday evening. He pointed o u t t h a t every civM. Fromkin, N. S. Yaffe, Pliit A i y a i l E x i l e T o Max M. Barish, president of Mr. Raskin vras born J n Rusilization known t o m a n h a s BUC- |I organization . ..during the fortheon-i^.""^™™^?!!!!^^' the delegates heard" reports testhe Talmud Torah, will preside. Klutznick, S. Ravitz, Rabbi Milsia and came to the United States cumbed in t h e battle with t i m e , j i n B S 1 X m o n t h s tifying as to the efficient workFromkin served as president of Reports will be given by: Dr. P . ler, Rabbi Goldstein. in 1904 after he had completed and t h a t every time t h e mechan-1 ing of all the ORT agricultural the Omaha Hebrew club eleven The. members of the board: Sher, chairman of t h e education his studies at the Universities of ism of civilization died, t h e cul- j „ colonies and trades schools. The I. Morgenstern. A. G. Weincommittee; Simon Pizer, chairBerlin and Paris. He has since t u r e died w i t h i t " W a r , " he ? e a r s . a E ° fo _ r t h r e e t e r m ^ report stated that since 1933 the __ |I Other officers named: S a m •man of t h e finance committee; N. Ptein, Ben Kazlpwpky, H. Marcus, spent all his time in America exaverred, "wrecks t h e mechanism ORT has o p e n e d seventy new and with i t the culture. w i T i s ! Bloom, vice-president; John Feld-, S. Yaffe, book of life chairman; Max Kirshenbnun-i, 1. Goldstein, cept for his periodical visits to workshops and instituCleveland (WNS)—After. 24 The Workmen's Circle, branches man ' secretary; S o l Rosenberg, tions. In all, there are one orNo. 173 fend 25S, will sponsor a Nathan Levinson, chairman of t h e M. Katzmsn. Psv» Crounse, Mrs,1 Palestine, the land which has years of service devoted to the made by the exploiters." He said ; ;• Q R T a c ; . v J t i e s - n ^ _ Talmud T o r a h Association mem- M. F. Levenson. Mrs. Wni. Mild*". . greatly inspired and influenced development and maintenance of that fascism is a desperate effort \ treasurer. Trustees are Sam Feld-! 4 com- lecture by Rudolph Rocker, Ger- bership drive; Mrs. K. Tatle, Mrs. Chas. R n « . Mrs. I). Green^ his works. Mr. Raskin's paint- medical and public health insti- on the part of the exploiters to I man, Louis Morgan, and Sam Alt-I throughout EasternE u r . man Aryan exile from Germany, berg. Mrs. M. M. Barish, Mrs. .!. Ings have been displayed in the tutions in Palestine as its major keep their civilization going, b u t j » n u l e r . . 'ope. ! who will speak on t h e "Persecn- A. Katz, principal, will outline in J. Friedman. Mrs. Sarah 'Weircountry's leading museum, among function, Hadassah, the Women's that fascism could not succeed in x r o m s m announces i u a t a , T h e d e l e g a t e s h e a r d v i t h ^ ^ j t l < m o f J e v g .^ G e r m a n y . . W e d _ j summary t h e work accomplished man. Dr. A. Green horg. Dr. O. C. them the Metropolitan Museum, Zionist Organization of America, its purpose because of forces delight the reports of the sue- nesday, December 11, at 8 p. m. i hy the Talmud Torah. Belzer. Milton A Virnliams. }];•-•• £^theK^^^ urated by the Hebrew Club shortthe Congressional Library, the adopted a new program of ac- stronger than the movement. ceseful inauguration of the $500,-, a t the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and I All addresses and reports will ry Malashoek, Pan- P.eliev. 7i" •••*,. New York Public Library, and the tivity when its 21st annual con! be brief. Every member of the A. Schwaczkin. Mrs. .">. J. (,'ren000 American ORT Campaign un-; Clark streets. Newark Museum. He is a mem- vention approved a resolution re- of his audience throughout with j Jewish community who contrib- berg. Mrs. Dave Cohn, Mrs, s~., der the national chairmanship of j Mr. Rocker was exiled two ' ber of the New York Water Color commending that Hadassah be- his forceful speaking and his dy-about five hundred, and they David A. Brown. "The American > years ago. Although he is an Marpolin. Phil Klutznifk. M. r.. Club and the American Water come affiliated with the work of namic personality. As one of the hope to raise this figure by two campaign," said M. Bodenheimer,' Aryan, he speaks Yiddish fluently. Brodkey, K. I.,sckfnv, Frank A.-;,Color Society, and recently re- transferring r e f u g e e children potent necessities to avert cataserroan. Max Fromkin, Dv. Pl'iMr ceived the Logan Prize at the Art from Germany a n d other coun.-* trophe, he warned t h a t wealth nun e. " . , , ., ... . . , , "appears the onlv hope of all our • At present he is on a lecture tour May the TUnited States, Sher, S. luavi;?;, Wm. 15ol;:rn:;t,. A city-wide ball will be h e l dinstitutions. ,^^^. „ , ; _ it J ^be blessed'. >.,„„„,* •nof t <*„ T « U ^ ct=t«. Institute of Chicago. must be distributed m o r e fully tries to Palestine. with success for only in that way \ Herr Rocker is recognized as Goldstein. Hahhi tU.-at the auditorium during March. and on a wider base. In addition to his paintings, By 'adopting the youth aliyah can we continue our very necess-one of. the outstanding liberals of An old Knbbi N. Berger, "The mechanism of civilizaMr. Raskin has written many ar- project as part of Hadassah's proary work among under-privileged \ Kurope.. He was editor for many r, V, form. ticles on aft and is the author of gram, the convention, held joint- tion," he said, "is like a human program Wire. MJ. M. Bnn: "Palestine in Word and Picture." ly with the convention of. Junior body - - the life stream or blood Fromkin states. T h i s will in- Jews." The plenary session—over i years of the London Jewish a number of speakers, some th^e signatures of M. Bodenheimn" AiHbett«—Freint. Having himself N. Levinson, J. ,T. -Admission t o Tuesday jevening's Hadassah, puts "Hadassah into a xnuit- be '-distributed' to all the oclude f them being from other cities. er, Dr. Leon Bramson, ehairinan Telt the effects of Hitler's regime, M. Fromkin, Wrr M i i r ' ^ r . lecture is free to Center members. new field of work. parts of the body. Complete dis-! Mr of the executive committee. Dr. Rocker is in a postion to London (JTA)—Important his= Golrtstein. Mrs. 1 A. -nominal fee of thirty-five cents Reports received by the con-tribution is the only way to' have ; A. Singalovsky and Dr. David speak on his chosen subject. i torical facts shedding light on Kafz. ."OP Tretiak. P-TI Hand will be made ,to non-members. vention f r o m Mrs. Benjamin a healthy civilization. Up to now ANNUAL MEETING OF vice-president — dis-: Admission will be twenty-fivej the policy: Great Britain -is pur- John Felclmnn. M. Potash, > Wednesday's reception is open to Gottesman of New York, national only a few received the, life VAAD NEXT SUNDAY Lvovitch, patched the following cablegram'. cents. Everyone is invited t o : suing with respect to eptablish- K. Tatlr. Mrs. X. Finkel. Mrs, everyone. stream or wealthy the rest never h e a r this organization chairman, showed ment of a Jewish national home WnU. Mrs. T/. Kneefrr. Mrs. lecture The Vaad will hold their annual to the leaders of the American from birth to death what that Hadassah n o w has 45,000 knowing in • Palestine were disclosed for Pernsiein. Mrs. 8nrp1i Fvohm. of init meant not to be hungry. When'meeting Sunday evening. Decem-; ORT:—"After four days members, organized in 300 chapthe first time this week by Sir M. Margolin. Reuben r>ordy, the people are hungry, they canj ber 8, a t 8 o'clock at the B'nai j tensive work the Central Board ters, including 2 1 established in Herbert Samuel, first High Com- p p r ) e izer. Jack Marer. Fin jof the World ORT Union terminthe past year, and in 13 profes- not appreciate the culture of civ- ! Israel synagogue. missioner for Palestine, in the Pizer. Pav.l GoldlilaH. /There will be an election of ofj ated its sessions. Testimony was ilization; hence, that, too, dies." sional a n d business women's course of t h e Second Memorial The n e v board will m.oe' R Dr. Holmes declared that Eur- ficers and the annnal reports will '-heard as to the growth of the groups. Address before the Jewish His- elect officers for :;hf> ens*;; be given at this time. All memwork in all countries and great ope is "dying." He stressed that The 2,000 delegates attending T a l m u d Tovah p-ear at ihp end satisfaction was recorded by the Rehearsals are now tinder way torical Society. the convention a l s o heard Mrs. we in this country must t a k e bers are urged to attend. for "Rain From Heaven." the Discussing his own role in the the m o n t h . The bourd is cor,sii:i conference. This progress has celebrated Samuel J. Rosensohn of New warning and try to save our civN. S. Behrman play at orcpni-pi i i been due, in great part, to the the Center. This production, the Balfour Declaration of 1917, ed as follovp:c E-nfh York, national treasurer, report ilization before it is too late. which pledged the British Gov- c o n t r i h u t i n r . r-r' or lvorr to ; JACOB FREED, 65, Berlin (WNS)—Asserting that that during the past year Hadas^aid of the A m e r i c a n ORT to W. F . Baxter introduced t h e second of the Center Players this ernment to aid the founding o£ 200,000 German Jews must find sah had sent ?315,000 to Pales- speaker and was chairman of the whom the leaders of the World season -will be presented on Tues- a Jewish, national home in Pal-Jewish Fhilnrf hropips dpsipnpf DIED ON THURSDAY new homes within the next five tine for its medical a n d public evening. Harry B. Cohen, Fornm I ORT Bend their fraternal greet- day and Wednesday evenings. estine, Sir Herbert revealed that one merrshpr to iti" Tslmuri Tnr hoarrl; e?ch r-yvp.fn^v,^ ri rriT-; =•, i to ten years because they have no health work, had contributed chairman, introduced Mr. Baxter. * Jacob Freed, 65, died Thurs-'ings. We in Europe hope that January 14 and 15. he had urged Sir Edward Grey with Ihp Vann rirrifrnpi^^ n future in the Reich, the Juedische $44,000 to the Jewish National November 2S, at his home, jyon in America will continue deThose selected to take part in as long ago as November, 1P14, member to the hoard. Thc Vr. Rundschau, organ of the German Fund and raised $114,000 for the otl g the production are: Louise Fitch •to restore the Jewish State in the designates throe Ttieirbrr?, 2877 Maple street, after a l o n g | 7 ^ Zionists, devoted the entire front construction of the medical cen!to the development of the ORTas Lady Violet Wyngate, Sylvan Holy Land. Bcfh-El Fynncotue F.IK! T n u t page of its current issue to an ap- ter in Jerusalem which is being illness. work." Frankel as Hugo Willens, Mrs. According to Samuel, Sir Ed-Israel tv;o each. A! i h e peal to all the nations of t h e built by Hadassah and the AmerMr. Freed is survived by his David Brodkey as Phoebe Eld- ward was favorably disposed to m e e i i n p s e v e n nt iavpo Eire f>lp world to open their gates to the ican a Jewish Physicians' Commitridge, Una. Gross as Mrs. Dingle, • hte idea and promised that he. ed. T b e T h i i a i U h i opies Blumenthal Associated Jews forced to emigrate f r o m 4 tee. Pearl Lazarus as Joan Eldridge. : -R-ould work for restoration. AskGermany. Joe and Schoal, and 4 grandchilWiiii Leoa and White Alex Lipsman as Hand Eldridjre, ' ed -whether ?yria should be al- five menibpvp and the l>o v*.ldren. After conceding that Palestine Jerusalem {WNS-Palcor AgenJoe SolononoT as Hobart Eld-; tached to Palestine. Samuel decannot absorb all the German The funeral took place from Russel J. Blumenthal, formerly ;r j ( j ? . e i Xorrosn Wohlner ss Sascha clared that he answered in the cy) — T h e Palestine legislative Jews and admitting that t h e council will be constituted t h i s the Chesed Shel Ernes. Interment associated with Carnazzo & Kaz- J Baraesnav, Jack Teroin as NickLeague of Nations High Commiswas at Pleasant Hill cemetery. i lowsky, announces his association jo ] a { J u r i l l i 8 n ( j j o e Hornstein as Sir Herbert also riisrlosed t.hnt winter, High Commissioner Wau- Rabbi N. Feldman officiated. sion for German Refugees h a s with the law firm of Leon & Wyatt. he h a d disenssed t h e Fsipptip p chope told the leaders of f i v e been a "complete debacle," t h e Mr. Freed had been a resident White, 504 City National Bldg. The Jew's strongest weapon is From Heaven", was oneQuestion vrith Pavifl j,?rycl Rundscliau makes the following laughter, Ben Aronin of Chicago Arab political parties in a two-of Omaha lor 25 years. He vras Mr. Blumenthal, who graduated of "Rain the outstanding dramas of last : who was a keen aflvnepte of th^ plea: told a large crowd at an open hour interview at government active in Omaha Hebrew club from Creighton university in June \S G a g O n. It was prodnced hy the Jewish State idea. However, It .lev. i..!. Tlie R o u n d 1';A>\P o • "Since the proclamation of the meeting of the B'nai B'rith held house. • work and was a member of the | of this year, is affiliated with Pi; Theater Guild with Jane Cowl as soon became clear. S i r Herberi Y o u t h b e g a n t h e i r Y o u t h r o ' Nuremberg laws t h i s matter at the Jewish Community Center B'nai Jacob synagogue. Lambda Phi fraternity. Lady Wyngate and. John Halliday isaid. that this plan F S J s e r i e s on SmulHy evr.nins.. DP.' 1 ; Discussing with them a t length (Jewish emigration) has become last Monday evening. as Hugo Willens. This celebrated ; ticable. b e r 1. v i i b ' B (lis'1iiss-ioTi or, " J r even more urgent than before. A Aronin, w e l 1-known lecturer, Arab-Jewish relations, the legisplay, rated by critics as Behr- : Referring to the Inrnpiis Mc- isli L i f e in P-ivo r . i d . i n n , " l>y 1" large part of the Jews have no novelist and playwright, made the lative council and other importman's finest production, is the Mahon pledge, Samuel declared bi H a r o l d B c r c e r of i h e V s p t l , prospects of maintaining their audience roar time and again with" ant political problems, the High story of a German music critic • that it. <5ifi not spply to Palestine economic existence in Germany, his droll stories typical of Jewish Commissioner, during the interK o h h i r>erger in hip < F P who because of his faint Jewish bv.t to Transjordan. For that reamuch less founding a new one.humor. His gestures and jtoses, view, condemned t h e tactics of on the 1 heoret ical V nlues heritage is exiled. He seeks refuge son, he. said, the British Govrrrt h e Arab leaders in conducting No proof is needed for those liv- even more than the content, put in England at the home of a high- mect was rot encouraging immi- Biro Bid j 8 n o i i ors t o the Je* demonstrations and' agitation in * ing in Germany that the desire his tales across. ly cultured and influential Eng- gration to that territory. (The people {IF• P plat*e of I T fnpe toi Palestine. j Seattle (WNS)—Paul Robeson, to emigrate is greatly increasing. iiro .Fi(' said. "Perhaps that's why I feel \ lishwoman, and here seems to McMahon pledge is the term giv- However.. he st Because he has no other re-All Jewish emigration offices are course, the Jew sometimes laughs A warning that the Arab popu-1 one of the world's most famous so close to Jews - - that, and thetemporarily find security and en to correspondence between Sir besieged by .those seeking advice. his enemies to death, Aronin de- lation is growing more radical in singers and the son of a Negro fact that in London a n d New' t n t li r r-oblen .Many German Jews look w i t h clared. "The Jew is t h e older its opposition to the government slave, wants to visit Palestine, he York both, my best friends a r e ' even the love of his hostess. How- l Henry McMahon and Arab leaders msr.y think ir T.-il! b e. Tn ever, he forsakes it all to return ' during the World War in which great anxiety to the future. They brother of the world, has lived was given to the High Commis- told Nathan Krems, associate edi- Russian Jews. Jews have helped • course o f his tpllc he • rvpllu must master the enormous exper- through 'growing pains,' and now j sioner by the Arab leaders, who \ tor of the Jewish Transcript. Re- ; me on the way up. I'm watching to the land of his birth and fight the former stated that in certain both Biro nirl.iKn <UK1 Tnleriipf n^ for the principles he prized. It .areas, where they were free to sot ience to Tvhich they have been stands aside and laughs a t t h e demanded t h a t Great Britain j vealing that he's learning Hebrew the h solution l f the h J i h probb is filled with intense drrnaa. bril- • without detriment J,r> the interest. ^olutioTiK to tlir ,Tr\v|ch prnhlrniJ of Jewish exposed and they stand before the antics of his younger brothers. change its policy in Palestine, the and that he already knows an lem because I think my people , liant conversation and exciting \ of France. Great Britain would and as CPEtPIT P I Jev-iFb. liff-. mighty mental and physical defrom a beth, Robeson said, can take a lesson from the Jew- | In ATonin's cpinion, the worst Palcor Agency learned. This discussion beeaii the ';•>'. j recognize and support the indemands that finding a new home type of humor is the practical It is reported that Ragheb Bey "I've already got recordings of ish people in self-respect and i Helen Merritt is director. of s. series ol live forums- on ;''?jpenflence of the Arabs. Alleged make on every individual. I t is joke. The Jew, he says, laughs Nashashibi, former mayor of Jer- Palestinian songs. The Negro pride in their culture. Instead of j | failure of the British to keep this theme, "World Jewry—Today s.m. necessary to visualize uncounted at everything, but of some things usalem, and leader! of the Na-spiritual and the Hebrew chant being proud that he has some- j j promise h a ? beer, one of t h e Tomorrow.'* Other topic-- tn br individual fates in order to keep with reverence, such as when he tional Defense Party, walked have the same plaintive note. thing of his own, the Negro in ; : grievances held hy the Arabs, At. free from all bureaucratic routine. laughs about religion or his wife. abruptly from the High Commis- Both of our peoples have known America despises his culture. He j f t^f • t ; the time of the correFpnT>fiprep, CentrP-1 Enropr. Palestine, sou. These people l a v e gone through [sioner's office, following the lat-oppression and I feel at h o m e doesn't want me to sing spirituals • Q£ JCWlSu i Sir Henry was High ComiKiFsion- thP *. Tilted StPTPS. much, b u t their -strength is not singing in Hebrew." ; or talk of Africa as our homeH i er for E g y p t ! broken; on the contrary, it has JR. HADASSAH MEMBERS r r In the first interview he hasI land. the Arab political azis | Sir Herbert eniphssizpn t h a t v ^ c h lr1 if ' h - Ppnfnr ?iH]i;or;t;Ui even been pushed out into reality. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE ever given to a Jewish newspaper "You had the same thing in : The College Ciih Orr-hrsira f i For some, Palestine has proved A large delegation of Junior Nashashibi, who acted as chief J in this country, the noted Negro j the early days of Zionism. If only j Berlin (WNS>—A week after British interests were beirig serv- nished thp miiFic witb Ann Vir their salvation, but tens of thou- Hadassah members is planning to spokesman for the Arab leaders, | baritone, who was a four-letter' we could have the same self-re- ! the suppression of t h e ultra-as- ed hy Jewish enthusiasm for Pal- men as poloiFt.. sands do not know where to turn. attend the tenth annual South- protested against increased Jew-] man a t Rutgers, member of Phi j spect of the real Jews, who is' similationist League of National estine and that at the same time Hr-Fkel! Cohen IF chairmsn n" Therefore we appeal to the na-western regional convention to be ish immigration, land purchases Beta Kappa and selected by Wai- ! proud of his culture - - that is j German Jews, the confiscation of the Arab population EISO deri"ves the Forum End Parice FPVIRS . benefit from that enthusiasm. tions of the earths open y o u r held the week-end of December b y and discovery Camp f o r his All-American | our problem. How long will j its property and. the arrest of its ! CL-ucien. Woll -was f o r many Those assisting him are MiUm. gates, we want to "Work and weS and 7 in Kansas City, Mo. of arms smuggling and declared team, confessed he knows dis-! America be able to kick 12,000,- I president and founder, Dr. Mas years sn outstanding leader ol Frohm. Sonic Koitsfein. shall be grateful to you." The official delegates are the j t h a t unless t h e government crimination. After tellingg Mr. ; 000 people p o p e around oun like a rubber ; Naumann, the Nazi secret police i British Jewry and WRS the first Witkin. Bernice Borriv, and This temporate - plea, between Misses Dora Freshman, Minnie changed its policy on those ques- Krems that he's- been denied ad-| a d | ball?" Lynchings L h i a d discrimicadiscrimica | confirmed f i d the th b&n'on b ' th organii j ^^ P S and the oi ' the Jewish Historical Hurwitz. the lines of which can be read the Froom, Ida Fine, Kalah Franklin, tions) the Arab leaders would lose mittance to hotels in New York j tion against Negroes in America. | Estion, which has been called the : Soci j Societv ) tragedy of German Jewry, w a s Jeannette Resnick, AnnHahn,l and their influence over the A r a b _. . because he's colored, Mr. Robe-) he said, a r e less important to the !"Jewish Nazis." Eiyen special point because it was Eannie Katelman. populace among which feeling College CIHIJ son, his rich voice filled w i t h ! world than the persecution of jj An official statement explained : « ^. j . « » made on the eve of the anticipatThe convention headquarters against the government is run- emotion, Eang 'Ovinu Malchainu,' • Jews by the Nazis. Russia, Robe-j "The Effect of the jthat the league w a s disbanded i bUttca 01 {frCtCC ed publication of a, n e w decree will be at the Hotel Muehlbach. ning high. traditional chant of the syna- son declared, is the only place I because the "attitude ol its mem- | Montreal — Peter Bercovitch on Vocational Guidance," wi Vwhich will -wrest from t h e Jews The program includes a tour of The Arab delegation demanded gogue for his interviewer. "See," where Negroes and Jews are the subject of Rev, Francis Doju':their last chance of making a liv- the city, a banquet and dance Sat- that the government reply to its j he said, "the same deep feeling ! treated as human beings, with- ! bers was hostile to the state." {and Joseph Cohen, the two Jewish egis- man. S. J., Student. Councillor a* j The specific charge w s s that | members of the provincial leRising.: In-expectation of this decree, urday evening. Business "sessions lengthy memorandum within l t h d hi a Ias our spirituals. In Hebrew, it!j out discrimination. Eyes glowing, ! Dr. Naumann had spread islse in- i latare of Quebec Province, were CveiRhton vinivers-ity, when h: Propaganda Minister G o e b b e l s will be held Sunday. There will month, but the H i g h Commis- means 'Hear us, O Lord.* " | he told how he heard 'King Lear' I formation regarding the rights of (both reelected in the provincial • speal-rs to the. College club ifcU warned Jewish and nqn-Aryan ar- also be a luncheon and buffet j sioner refused to stipulate a n y "The Negro and the Jew liave | in Yiddish in Russia. "Marvel- i Jews _ in t h e winter relief cam-j election. Bercovitch was returned . coining Sunday at p. IR. in tv.s supper Sunday. tists not to use pseudonymns. definite period for his answer. the same problem," Mr. Robeson ] ous," he said. paigiu to office by acclamation, 'assembly room ol ereple Isrpni,

New Program for Hadassah Is Mapped Out

Reports To Be Rendered; To Elect Seven Board Members

Speak at Lyceum Next Wednesday



Rehearsals Begin By Players Guild

Inauguration of Council in Holy Land Predicted

Aronin Speaks To B'nai B'rith

Forum Is Opened rv Rabbi Berber

Paul Robeson, Noted Negro Singer, Is Studying Hebrew

Announce Suppression




istering to the sages, by attacher, he returned to New York to Current Topics ing one's self to colleagues, by plead at a private dinner for a GEMS OF THE BIBLE discussion w i t h disctples, bv The subject of Rabbi Frederick Jewish. cause, and returned to •••• sedateness. by knowledge of the AND TALMUD Princeton the s a m e n i g h t . . . Cohn's next talk before the CurScripture and of the Mishnah, by When Franz Werfel left tLc, recep- rent Topic group of the Temple By O. O. DASHER moderation in business, in interBy PH1NEAS J. BIRON tion tendered to him b;'. Yiddish Israel Sisterhood, will be "Engcourse with the world, in pleaswriters tlo ether day, he whisper- land and World Affairs." He will Wises . . . . Stephen S. Wise will he heap up silver as ure, in sleep, in conversation, in DEUTSCHIAJNA . ed to his escort: "I'm glad I have speak to the group on Tuesday, theThough dust and prepare raiment as laughter, by lon^ suffering, by a There- are ugly rumors—we head the Palestine campaign and been pardoned for writing in Ger-December 10 at 10:30 a. m., at the clay he may prepare it but good heart, by faith in the wise, don't believe.them—that the sud- Jonah J. Wise will direct t h e man" . . . The author of "The For- the Blackstone hotel. the just shall put it on and theby resignation under chastiseden death of Bernard S. Deutsch JDC campaign . . . The fatter, in- ty Days of Musa Daj/h" referred innocent shall divide the silver. ment, by recognizing one's place, He had is being: investigated to speeches by s o m e outstanding Abe Bergman was runner-up in cidentally, is a sick m a n But wisdom where shall it be by rejoicing in one's portion, putpow&rful enemies because he wasPittsburgh will play host to the | Yiddish writers who branded him the 1934-35 midget league, but found? And where is the place ting a fence to one's, words, an uncompromising foe of a mul- next national convention of the as a "foreign" writer . . . they have improved so rapidly of understanding? Man knowetb. titude of chiselers who had grown that the competition in a much not the price thereof neither is claiming no merit for one's self, Council of Jewish Women . . . THE BACK ROOM fat on special privileges from, prefaster league has as yet offered it found in the land of the living. by being beloved, loving the AllJewish college fraternity leaders Through the smoke-clouds that no opposition to them. vious city administrations . . . Present, loving mankind, loving • I was eyes to the blind and just causes, rectitude, and reAnnual Year-End Clearance The weak before Deutsch died he are readying a project to prove fill the backrooms'Of New York's that Jewish college men are more feet to the lame. I was a father attended a private luncheon at political clubhouses comes w o r d In the mixed swim decathlon to the needy and the cause of him proof, by keeping one^s self far •which he tried to convince a few than rah-rah boys . . . Jacob, Billi- that t h e scramble is already on meet, from honor, not boasting of one's Norman Polonsky leads the kopf recently raised ?S,000 to of the richest Jews of New York among Jewish lawyers for a place, rest of the field for the month of that I knew not I searched out. learning nor delighting in giving maintain a German-Jewish refuUnto me men gave ear and to contribute money to a Jewish on the next-\Democratic municipal with the total of l,S40 waited and kept silence for my decisions, by bearing the yoke cause . . . One of them, a well- gee scholar at Bryn Mawr College ticket . . . T h e death of Aldermanie November Norman turned in the council. After my words they with one's fellow, judging him known art collector, explained his . . •. By the time he had raised President Deutsch makes room for points. best time the 20-yard breast spoke not again, and my speech favorably and leading, him to reluctance to give on the principle the money the scholar, who wasanother Jew on the ticket . . . A stroke withfor truth and peace, by being com11.1. Betty Nodguard the greatest woman mathematithat Jews should keep quiet nownumber of New Jersey rabbis who led all the girls in the 20-yard dropped upon them. posed in" one's study, by asking of TALMUD adays . . . The tongue lashing that cian- of all time, had died have been earning pin mone> breast stroke to maintain second and answering, hearing and addDeutsch administered to this genThe Torah is greater than the ing thereto, by learning with the place with the total of 1,820.'For priesthood tleman -will remain a. classic, for and than royalty, for will have to find o t h e r the month of December, the two of teaching and by learna long time to come . . . Deutsch $2,000 to raise the money needed sources of revenue . . . The state events which will be considered royalty demands thirty qualifica- object ing with the object of practising, to establish a Brith Sholom colw a s a' tireless worker . . . He the priesthood twenty-four, by making Make Your Selections Now the scoring is the 40-yard free tions, one's master wiser, came down to City Hall as early ony in Palestine . . . This is the budget commission is preparing in while the Torah is acquired by While Stocks Are Complete style and the 20-yaid backstroke. to put an end to the ?10 fee paid fixing attention upon his disforty-eight and these they are: By order's way of keeping pace with to prison chaplains every t i m e as eight in the morning course and reporting a thing in Al Oruch, swimming instructor, By audible study, by listening accepting public office Deutsch changed conditions under which 2205-7-9 they make a visit All rumors is organizing a Jewish -women's ear, by distinct pronunciation, by the name of him who said it," so sacrificed literally t e n s of thou- the old lures of fraternal groups to t h e contrary notwithstanding, matron swim class immediately understanding a n d - discernment thou hast learned, "Whosoever are no longer effective . . . The Farnam St. sands of dollars of yearly income, Morgenthau, Jr.,. will not after their morning gyrn^ class. of the heart, by awe, reverence, reports a thing in the name of for he was one of the city's most ariti-Cahah faction in the Social- Henry ist party will give B. C. Vladeck a resign from the cabinet . . . But meekness, cheerfulness, by min-him that said it brings deliversought-after lawyers . . . ance into the world." testimonial dinner in January on Jesse Isidor Straus will give up In the inter-gym competition his 50th birthday . . . Incidental- his post at the Paris embassy as for the Junior boys, the Huskers C0MMUXA1* FRONT all men to join these classes ^ We hear that some very b i g ly, Vladeck -will remain with the soon as FDR can find a suitable are lodged to first place with tage of these daily work-outs. L§= 1,540 points. Points are given substitute . . . shots in Jewish life a r e quietly Forward after all . . . for relays on track and on the trying to restore harmony beThe.J. C. C. pre-season handifloor, basketball, order, attend- cap handball tournament came to tween the Joint Distribution Com- FAMILY ALBUM ance^ new recruits. Witn the ad^an end last Monday with the forHank Greenberg, Jewry's leadmittee and the American Palesdition of three new mejnbers the mer A. A. U. and J. C. C. singles tine Campaign . . . If they suc- ing g i f t to baseball, is going places and doing things with Mary ceed t h e United Jewish Appeal In a thrill-packed game, the Gophers: took the coveted second champion, Manny Goldberg, addKirk Brown, the society gal whoOmaha Jobbers nosed out the place position; "witli a total of ing another trophy to his collec• Where Omaha Shops With Confidence . . . m a y be continued Among 1,340. Running a close third is tion in defeating the highly-touted those said to be opposed to sepa- once thought she was engaged to formidable Psi Mu five, 28-25, the Tiger team with 1,150. The Murray Wintroub, 21-13, 21-19. rate campaigns are Dr. Cyrus Ad- Max Baer .Get ready to con-to win the J. C. C. Class A.pre- inter-gym competition has created In front of one of the largest galH i s season basketball league with five ler and Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan gratulate Irving Berlin a new interest the Jewish leries that ever watched handball frau, the former Ellen MacKay, is . . . Incidentally, if there are two wins and. no losses. With lanky youngster which for is already being competitoin at the J. C.-.C., Manny drives it means a battle of the expecting mister stork . . . Adolph Reggie --„„-- Weidenbeck ana flashy shown in their reaction to this proved himself a little too tough Lewisohn can now get a pass to P a u l Bogdanoif paving the way,novel physical development. for his adversary by taking the the Commons Gallery of without the British House jt h e j o b b e r five overcame a first difficulty .first game in a very well fought half lead to defeat their ,, bitter The senior men are enjoying match, 21-13. In the second •Ernest Davie, Laborite M. P.,rival. It was a close game from is the husband of of Lewisohn's! s t a r t t o finjsh with the outcome Sunday morning -work-outs in ad- game Manny came from behind grand-daughter . . . W o n d e r ja i w a y a . j n doubt till the last dition to their evening class.; Lee to lead the contender, 20-14. Murwhether August Belmont 4th j -nestle. The Psi Mu quint started Grossman, physical director, urges ray pulled himself together to run knows that the heir his missus, |of f i n a b i g w a y catching the Jbb- one should always take the pre-the score up to 19-20. In an i Harry Silverman, president of the former Elizabeth Saltonstall | b e r na pping to roll up a 10-7 lead caution of remaining in physical series of exchanges which kept the Beth-El congregation, haB an-of the Boston Saltonstalls, is which the Psi Mu held during the trim. Exercises feature the work- the galleries in hysterical susnounced the committees for the about to present him with, would opening half. As the second pe- outs with Lee Grossman right on pense, Manny then proceeded to be a non-Aryan in Naziland . . . riod started, Paul Bogdanoff iept hand to assist in any way. Mr. make 'that final point which ensuing year. They are: August's great grandfather, t h e the' Jobbing five in the game by Grossman who is a very promi- brought him the championship. It Finance Committee Dave Cohn, chairman; •Irvin original August Belmont, c a m e tossing a basket. He then put nent instructor on the subject of was one of the finest handball Levin, co-chairman; Nate Turner, over here in the 1830's as the fis-the champions ahead with a long the care for the human body, en- thatches ever witnessed in the J. Art Corn, Phil Klutznick,' Reuben cal agent of the Rothschilds . . . field, goal from, mid-court.' The deavors-'in this class to build-up C. C. handball courts and Manny Bordy, Harry Du Boff, Mark His name then was Schoenberg game see-sawed back and forth every muscle in the body. ' •;>'•• truly deserves the title of handball champion. Murray Wintroub Leon, Harry Frankel, Morris Ar- . . . If you know your French and with each team keeping right: on The Health Club Volleyballers displayed skill with either hand kin, R . H . Kooper, Irving Greene, German you will note that Bel- the heels of the other, but the Dave .Greenberg, Dr. H. Hirsch- mont and .Schoenberg mean the spectacular play of Bogdanoff put have progressed in great shape but the deadly pinning of Manny same thing—beautiful mountain the Jobbers in the lead '"which and will soon endeavor to line-up defeated him. Manny Goldberg man, Harry Sommer. games with tther city teamk Lee with his decisive win over Winthey held.till the final whistle. Membership Committee The Ramblers turned ' out ah Grossman promises t h a t tnp troub is being rated as one of the Dave Greenberg, cHairman; Art PERSONALLY SFEAKCfG easy victory over the,XI Lambda's Health club will make a good outstanding handball players in Cohn, co-chairman; B. A. Simon, ' The S«ren Arts' editorial famwith the final score b'elng, 39-19. showing against any city oppo* the Mid-western A. A. U. circles Simon Bordy, M. M. Barish,- Gail ily is welcoming anj addition in Henry Riekes of. the Ramblers nents. The Health club practice and already is being touted as the the person of Allan Abel of Chi-was the mainstay of the winning daily during the noon hour with [ one to beat in city competition. cago . . . Allan, who has heen five, countering for 10 points and many business men taking advan- !. . • —By'RAY SCHAPIRO. doing a radio column for the Chi-playing a bangup game on the r cago Sentinel for ten years, has defense. joined the Seven Arts as radio In the opener, the.young A. Z. editor and will do a monthly column on Jewish radio news and A. team No. 1, after a good start, personalities . . . Joe Louis' forth- folded up to let the rejuvenated coming European t o u r doesn't A. P. T. quint run.wild in tha last score,.an easy victory, include a stopover in Berlin be- 2period cause he couldn't find a non-Ary- !S 6m"i t"h- ' t o sws mi gt inD eagle-eye Will an manager to handle his affairs | a n d f o u r free t h r four field goals . . . The black bomber wants no !A t e a m c o u l d" n o °t w s . -the A. Z. part of Aryan managers . ... Sam-j f -u r i, o u s o n s l wl.tnstana the uel Rothapfel (Roxy to you) i s!! aught sufficiently to a ast due to make an announcement ?**? minute rally. Aukie soon that will shake the entertain-: 7 agf £ ee.l eg hstarred for the losers, scort P01Dta ment world . . . Did you know that! ^ Walter Damrosch is the son-in-law of the late James G. Blaine, for- In the Junior league, the Jack mer Secretary of State . . . Dr. Spratts have found no stiff comFritz Gebhardt, whose murder is petition as yet and has rolled up still front-page stuff in New York, a total of five wins with no setleft Ivls entire fortune to his Jew-backs. On the Jack Spratt five Harry Silverman ish wife, despite the fact that he is: Ben Kutle>, John Meaches, Richards, Charles Stein, Margolin, J. Rosen, I. Chapman, was estranged from her . . . Our Sonny Kirchenbaum, Nathan Green, Herman Cohn, Phil Klutznick, I. old friend Chao Kung, the Bud-Joe and Morton Soreff. The league Abramson, Dave B. Cohn, Phillip dist monk who used "• be Tre-leading five which is coached by Greenberg, M. F. Levenson, Mor- bitsch-Lincoln the Jew, has gone ris Friedel, Wm, Alberts, I. Berto Spain with a delegation of Budkowitz,: Morris Fox, Jack Marer, dhists to, negotiate for t h e purR. H.. Brown, Al Wohlner. chase of a monastery on Madeira, HATS where he intends to lecture and do Building anfl Grounds Cleaned Sam! Beber, chairman; J. H. Buddhist missionary -work . . . SinKulakofsky, J. J. Greenberg, A. clair Lewis has been engaged to do and the official biography • : the late D. Frank. Adolph S. Ochs . . . Prof. Einstein Cemetery Committee Blocked Irvin.; Levin, chairman; M. M.has the following record to h i s Barish,; Simon Pizer, Dave B. credit: Sunday afternoon, t w o weeks ago, he drove through a Cohn, J. J. Greenberg. blizzard from Princeton to N e w Golden Book Committee York to attend the Dr. Franz OpDave Cohn, chairman. LOUIS PALMERpenheimer reception, and drove Publicity Committee "Omaha's Premier Hatter" back to his Princeton home t h e Art Cohn, chairman; Irving same, night . .. . T h e n e x t day, 414 So. 17th JA 9390 Greene. - We Call and Deliver In through the same Inclement weathDowntown District • Sabbath-Morning Service Committee Gail Margolin, chairman; Sam Kaplan; A. B. AlRirn, A. Theodore, M. D. Brodkey, J. Shapiro, Gerald Wezelman, Dave Lewis, M. Lerner. Service Committee R. H. Kooper, chairman; J. H. Kulakofsky, co-chairman; J. J. Greenberg, Art Cohn, B. A. Simon,. I. W. Rosenblatt, Paul Berstein, Wm. Alberts. According to Silverman, the congregation is enjoying the largest membership in its history. A busy season Is planned. • .

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informal Initiation of • new mem- thirty-seven years of the frater- tion committee for thp ronvenbers this Sunday afternoon at jtion, serring as publicity chairCarter Lake park, Iowa. Those The/headquarters "will be at t i e>man. to be initiated are: Myron-Cohen, | Palmer House, and t h e annual |. Zeta Beta Tan is America's oldMelvin 'fiadman, William Poster, ] banquet will be held j . t the ex-jest and-largest Jewish fraternity, and Arthur Gould. (having chapters active in 34 colelusive Standard Club. * Athletic committee chairman, Nathan Jacobs, formerly of ! legos in the Imited States and Beth-El Ben Wintroub, reported that there | At services this evening Rabbi will be an Inter-chapter boxing : Omaha, who is now living in Chi-Canada, and 37 active graduate By the Service Life Insurance 'David A. Goldstein will speak on and wrestling tournament be- ! cago, is a member of the conven- clubs in nietropolitan cities. ; the famous Dreyfus case. tween the Century and Mother Company, Omaha Next week his topic will be "A chapters. Dr. L Dansky, senior Strange Episode in Early Ameri- adviser, will donate a trophy cup Today the man of wealth pos- ] can Jewish History," In which he to the victorious club. Photographs for Your London—There is a popular speaking more from pique he felt are remiscent of Caesar's "Gallic sesses a substantial estate which | will discuss Mordecai Manuel Sunday evening, December 8, fctory about Hitler addressing a toward the British military men Wars." I doubt that Caesar in he expects, after he has gone, to ;Xoah, "the first American Zion- the chapter will hold a smoker at inass meeting in the days before than from an appreciation of Gen- his graphic descriptions . of an do certain things for his family. ist." the home of Aleph George Shafer. Thrcp 8 \ 10 Gold Temp Oil he came to power a n d "working eral Monash's ability. army at work'surpasses Monash's Then he dies. And his family reArrangements are being made by Paintings in lAte Likr ceives a smaller estate, an estate Wmself up into a frenzy against But increasing k'n o w 1 e d g e description of a modern army at Aleph Shafer and Aleph Joe Guss, so much Emaller than he had Vaad Colors—Mounted ia folders the Jews. through publication of previous- work even though the latter writsocial committee head. . • At services tonight Rabbi Har- The next executive committee "The Jews lost the war 1 o r ly unknown facts reveals t h a t er had t o suppress important de- planned for them to receive that the anticipations which he had old A. Berger will speak on "Themeeting of the club will be held Germaay," he screamed. f r o m whatever reason Lloyd tails because of the censorship. A little Jew in the front TOW George spoke, he spoke correctly "My command is more t h a n entertained before his death can gods versus God." at the.J C. C. Tuesday evening, Four I'oses to Saturday morning Rabbi Ber- Decemberv 10. sagely nodded agreement. "Too and as Captain Liddell Hart two and a half times the size of never materialize. Why? SimpFrom ^ many Jewish officers," he ex- WTote: the British Army under t h e Duke ly because the estate property be- ger will speak in Yiddish at the plained. "If the war had lasted another of Wellington, or of the French fore the family receives it must B'nai Israel synagogues. Next week Rabbi Berger's ser- Governor Homer to "What do you mean, too uany year Sir John Monash would al- Army under Napoleon Bonaparte pass through what might well be Make Your Appointments mon topic will be ""Radicalism, Jewish officers, you fool," Hitler most .certainly have risen to. an at t h e . battle of Waterloo," he termed the transfer mill. Early. Greet/Brother Z. B. T.'s Religion and Judaism"—a comsnorted at him. "Don't you.know army command and might. even wrote after his appointment as When the family comes home Satisfaction Guaranteed. there weren't any Jewish officers have risen to commander-in-chief. corps commander. "Moreover I after the funeral, it does not find parative study of economic moveWhen the many Omaha memHe probably had the greatest ca- have in the Army Corps an artil- the estate which the husband and ments, religion and the approach in the German Army?" | bers xjf the Zeta Beta Tau social "Sure, I know," was the an- pacity f o r command in modern | lery which is more than six times father left, for before they re- of Judaism to social reform." ; fraternity go to Chicago the latSunday morning at 9 a. m. the as powerful as that commanded ,war among all ' who held comswer. "Too many Jewish officers ceive It the law steps in, takes by the Duke of Wellington. I have {charge of the estate and disinter- fathers' and sons* services will be !ter part of this month for, the mand." on the other side."And today, when the true hisA prosperous engineer w h e n | besides arms services and depart- estedly passes it through the ex-held at the B'nai Israel • syna- annual Zeta Beta Tan conclave, tory of the "World War is com- the war broke out, Monash had ments not dreamt of in his day, pensive legal mill of estate trans- gogue. ; There will be a sermon- they will have the privilege of being; greeted by Governor Henry ing to light in the letters and the rank of colonel in the Aus-all of the highest scientific com- fer and administration. And then, ette In English. Horner of Illinois, a frEternity plexity." . • . , . . • " ' . ' • . memoirs of the leading partici- tralian militia arid no previous •when -the - law • has completed its brother, who will serve -as hojiorpants and official records, no war experience. Gallipoli was hisI Yet his grasp of the problems grinding processes, the family reary chairman of the convention. Temple longer necessarily state secrets, first taste of war but he distin- I involved in commanding s o large ceives whatever of the : estate is 1612 DOUGLAS S t . More than.four hundred memRabbi David H. Wice will speak la force w a s so complete that h e are being published, proof of that guished himself by his mastery of bers, of. the fraternity are expect1 on "A Jewish Reaction to Mercy statement is being furnished. To- organization and military tactics ! was able to evolve a traffic sys- - A man's estate does not pass ed to attend the convention, the day, credit for the methods which and strategy. His rise was steady, j tern to prevent delay in forward- to his heirs in the-form-which he i Killings." ; There will be regular services first to be held-in Chicago in the brought what Ludendorf f h a s from command of a brigade to a i ing supplies to the front, to form ?s?s?ix:ssss\^xs*sz^<s^^ called "the blackest day for the division, to the Australian Army a pool of men's socks with a huge sees it today; It first Is ground i Saturday 'morning at 10:30. in the transfer mill, where death i The • College club will meet laundry behind the front BO that German Army"—the great Allied Corps. His word carried increasTictory of August S, 1918, is un- ing weight in strategy planning. every man ia the trenches had a takes its greedy toll—not in hu- Sunday at 4 p. m. Rev. Francis reservedly given to a Jew, S i r He led his troops to brilliant suc- fresh pair of socks each day, and man lives, but in estate assets. Deglman, S; J., Student CouncilJohn Monash—a civilian soldier cesses at Messines, Ypres, in sav- to take care of every need of his The toll is taken 1n depression lor of Creighton University, will - value much depreciated, In-liabil- speak on "The Effect of the Dewho rose to an army command ing the line of the Somme a n d men. on the Choice of a Voand might have become comman- checking t h e German slash at To a letter suggesting that af- ities created by the fact of death pression cation." !, " itself, and in charges peculiar to der-in-chief of the British forces Amiens. ter the war he might make the The Father and Son dinner will the transfer upon the had the War continued. But, as it is now known, Gen- Army his career, he replied: "You say, I might take up mili- owner's death. Why not remove , be held Sunday at 5:45 p. m. Monash's great Tole in the War e r a 1 Monash originated t h e "transfer mill, of estate by has come under appraisal again scheme and worked out most of tary work as a profession after this leaving your loved ones-life inthe war? I hate the business of partly as a result of the project the details for the great offenA. Z. A. 100 of Jewish war veterans to erect sive of August, 1918, and the sec- war, the horror of it, the waste, surance? Sunday afternoon, December 1, a Monash memorial in London, ond offensive undertaken the fol-the destruction, and t h e ineffiSam Beber A. Z. A. chapter 100, and partly because of publication lowing month, which finally broke ciency. Many a time I could have with a perfect attendance of Brokers Ousted of letters written by Monash dur- the Hindenburg line and brought wished that wounds or sickness, alephs and advisors, held a. fine ing the War—"The War Letters the war to an end. In both these or a breakdown of health would I Berlin—Eighty Jews have been business meeting at the J, C. C. of General Monash." offensives, , the spearheads were have enabled me to retire honor- expelled from German exchanges, Following the election of Milt When the War Premier, David the troops under his own com-ably from the field of action— the Jewish Telegraphic; Agency Frohm, Creighton university stu-. • Lloyd George' wrote in his mem- mand - - in the second offensive like so many other senior officers. learned. dent and active man in the Round My only consolation has been the these included two American dioirs: "Since the War I have been Table, as junior advisor to the told by men whose judgment I visions - - the 27 th Yankee Divi- sense of faithfully doing my duty ter of ceremonies. club, Aleph S'gan Irv Kaiman to my country, which has placed value that the only soldier thrown sion, and the 30th. Awards will be made by Wil-gave an account of the executive np by the war on the British side A great deal of the person- a grave responsibility upon me, liam* Byrne and Lyman Burkhold- committee meeting held at the who possessed the necessary Qual- ality and character of the manand to my division "which trusts er, Scout commissioner. Center last Tuesday. Charles ifications for the position was a is revealed in these letters most and follows me, and I owe "some-I The public is invited to attend j W e i s s, membership committee Dominion General. But I knew of which were written throughout thing to the 20,000 men whose | these ceremonies. ' head, announces there will be an nothing of this At the time . . . the war to his wife and daughter | lives and honor are placed in my He was a civilian soldier when back home. His concern for his hands to do with as I will. "But my duty once done, and the war broke out . ." he later troops, his attention to every deexplained he had General Monash tail and his ability to convey by honorably discharged, I shall In mind. It was thought, how- w o r d a comprehensive under- with a sigh of relief, t u r n my • ever, that Lloyd George was standing of what he is relating back on t h e possibility of ever

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again- having- -to -go through such an awful time. Of course, if Australia." wants my service in some administrative capacity in connection with her future army, permitting me the freedom of an independent citizen, well, that is


another matter, but not unless it becomes necessary for our bread and butter, and all other means had failed, would I dream of becoming a paid servant of t h e State in any capacity whatever. I have fought all my life for personal independence, and shall not give up what I have Ton except as a last resort." (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

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BOY SCOUT TROOP TO HOLD COURT OF HONOR NEXT WEEK Troop No.. 82, sponsored by the Temple Israel Brotherhood, will hold the Eagle Court of Honor Monday,-December 16, at 7:30 p. m. at Jackson school. D. M. Newman is scoutmaster of this troop. The program Tvill be as follows: Rev. Laurence Plank will give the invocation; presentation of Star Award to Donald Rowland and Patrick Almgren; presentation of American Flag to troop by Al May, commander, on behalf of American Legion; receiving flag by Donald Rowland; response by. Pat Almgren on behalf of troop; presentation of Life award to Robert Lee Hill; presentation of Scout Masters key to the Scoutmaster; presentation of Eagle Award to Melvin Tahnenbaum and Jerry Bleicher; demonstration of troop activities by boys of the troop, opening troop meeting, allegiance, first aid, signalling, games, and friendship circle; benediction by Rabbi FrederickCohn. Homer Benson, chairman of the troop committee, will be mas-




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Pure Mint Jelly, 12oz. jar

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Jewish National Fund of ^tremendous significance and urgency, The blue-white flag is the emblem of the Jewish renaissance^^ call of hope and a beacon of light for the future.

BOOK NOOK gy Dr. Theodore N, Lewis, Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sionx City

Published every Friday at Omahti, Nebraska, by

No Effect? Subscription Price, gne year - - - - * --. t« --Advertising rateg furnished on application. :


Editorial Office.; gOQ fir&5Sei§ Theater Bujldjnf, Sioux City Office-r-Jewish Community Center

PRANK jl, ACKERMAN * « ». • * KATELMAN Council Bluffs, ANN

iprint Shop

The Nazi Lie, This past week many newspapers, ippludiflg gne of QUr dailies, carried s«i interview with. Adolph Hitler ty Hugh. president of the far-flung United/Press. Because of tfie fact the statements by the Nazi Helchafuehre.r are jammed with de-* liberate lies and misleading falsehoods, such iiitervtews. are unwittingly damaging to the. Jewish people, fo giying theae inter-; Views, with the hope that they wUJ be. widely published, Hitler ia merely following the well-defined path outlined by him tii bis vicious book, "Mein Kampf," the present Na?i bible. He has open^ ly written, that if you tell a lie, often enough and convincingly enough, it will soon be believed by the mass .of people, And sp, to his interviewer> he solemnly repeats that*}ie which, b.e. has gold to his followers—that the Nazi campaign spinst the Jews is justified because the German Jews are, the. purveyors p | ?olahevism and "the necessity of combatting Bolshevism j g ene of the fundamental reasons for Jewish legislation in Germany." What good is the fact that his charges are. trumped-up, malicious falsehoods? Most people do not analyze such statements, Hitler banks heavily on his own theory that a lie repeated enough is soon accepted as a fact. ' . . In the laat free presidential election in Germany, when ler was soundly defeated by Hindenburg and Thaelmann W8S the communist candidate, Jewish leaders throughout the Reich campaigned for Hindenburg against both the Nationalist SjpQialigt and Communist candidate?. The very occupations and vocations, of the German Jew! were diametrically opposed to the theories .of the sommuniats. The Jewish^wned, powerful German daily newspapers, the Fran.kfu.rter ?eitWff ^ d the PerHflex Ta§eblatt, unmitigatedly foyght CQmmuwsm in th.qg§ pre-fljtteF days, Not H single leader was ever iidentified with the communist party in Germany. The Nasi government itself issued, statistical figures which shew that only1 one Jew was to be found among the seventy communist deputies \n the Hejchgtag of 3.930, and not a single Jew was to be found among the elghty^one comdeputies pf the Reichstag in 1933. And, even the intelp lect of a ten-year-qld can figure out the atqry contained in the fact that in the last vote under the republican form of government si$ million .communist, voteg were cast, while, the entire number of German Jews eh'ifible tg vgte did not eve& come, to three; hysdjed thgugsaa, ^ , The facts* sail the Na4 lie. to the mast , , , the same com' munuist lie under which Hitler masks his persecution of the Catholics, the Protestants, the Masons, the liberals, the authors, the laborists, and destroys the foundations of freedom of the press, of speech, of assembly, and even of thought,


The fate of the American participation in the. Olympic, games, scheduled for Berlin next year will in all probability be decided at the gathering of the A. A. U., now in progress. It is our sin-t cere hope^-as, weH as the sincere hope of all lovers of fair play —that sportsmanship will reign supreme in the amateur athletic councils of this country and the A. A. U. will refuse to certify athletes to the Berlin Olympics because the Nazis have made a mockery of everything held sacred by the true athlete. While brazenly claiming that the Olympics will be entirely free from discrimination, the Nazis continue to flout barest prin? ciples of sportsmanship. Two members of the American trio on the international Olympic Committee continue to prate about the fact that Germany is merely the scene of the Olympics and that the Na?is have no avenue through which they Qould qse the Olympics for thejr propaganda. A clearer view of how effective this last argument is can be gleaned from the fact that just last week, following the appointment Of an official from the German Propaganda Ministry to the executive body of the Olympics arrangements, committee, the committee issued the following order: "AH landladies in Berlrin who have registered their rooms with the authorities for rental participants and guests at the Olympic Game? a^e requested tP attend special propaganda courses."

"Sabotaging Jewish Unity" By PR. MQHDECAI M. KAPLAN Distinguished Jewish Leader and Thinker _ While the enemy is battering, away at the defences of Jewish life witfl unprecedented savagery and determination, those who are in command of the hard-beset surviving forces are once again indulging in the Juxury of falling out among themselves and acting like wilful children instead of mature men entrusted with the responsibility of leadership. This time their quarrel is between the Joint Distribution Committee and the Zionist Organization. So well and. so heartily dp the leaders in both camps enjoy their scrap that they are trying hard to keep it a secret lest some neutrals leam about it and spoil their fun by insisting that it is most untimely and expensive at the present time. -We of the ReconstructiQnist, having learned of what led tb,e elders of the J. D. C. and the Zionist Organization to part company and to decide upon conducting separate campaigns,, regard their action as unwarranted and as fraught with great danger to Jewish life, Both parties in this instance are equally guilty of damaging Jewish unity, The Zionist World Congress, at Lucerne, it appears, railroaded through a resolution to the effect that Zionist campaigns should not be conducted jointly with other local campaigns, The representatives of the Zionist Organization of America, realizing

A CHILD'S HISTORY OP THE HEBREW PEOPLE, by Dorothy F. ?eligs. BIpch P^iblishing Cenir pany. 179 Pages. $S1<23. The crucial importance ol Jewish education is steadily dawning upon the masses of American Jews, and especially upon their leaders. All Jewish groups are greatly concerned over the pitifully inadequate Jewish training Jewish youth receives. And well they may be. For, unless the growing generation receives thprougli and systematic Jewish discipline, Judaism is doomed and Jewish life will cease. The greatest single menace to the physical and spiritual welfare of American Israel is the vast and deep Amh'Arazuth. The abysmal ignorance of Jews about most elementary and simple facts of Jewish life is astounding and terrifying. All peoples must perish for lack of knowledge, but especially the Jews. Of the many serious problems confronting Jewish education in this country, in addition to those of time, money, and teachers, is the curriculum which depends in no small degree upon adequate, interesting and psychologically sound textbooks. The old school manuals, written by devout and well-meaning Individuals with the sole aim of inculcating "goodness," were dry and uninspiring. They left the pupil not only u,ninstructed, but bored and definitely hpstile to any further attempts at educating him Jewish^'. Tljis conditjqn }s b e i n g gradually remedied by a new type of Jewish textbook which is being introduced, into our Jewish schools. The mod.ern textbook utilizes the best and most up-to-date psychologic and pedagogic knowledge. It seeks^ not only to impart information, but to do so in a manner that will harmonize with the well established facts of child psychology. It must not qnly instruct, but interest and delight the youngster,

"A Child's History of the Hebrew People" is an excellent example of this new type of Jewish textbook. It is designed to meet primarily the educational needs of Jewish children in the fourth and fifth grades. The language is simple, the subject matter carefully selected, and prethe ineptitude of. such a policy for American Jewry made an at- sented in a manner unusually aptempt to qualify it. Instead of vigorously refusing to submit to j P e a l i n e t o t h e m i n d of the child. , .. , ., ,, , lt , , , , , i One unacquainted with the source such a ruling, however, they allowed themselves to be swayed by j p f t h e s e s t o r i e s w o u l d n e r e r s u s . some, members,of the Executive who openly stated that it w a s ^tehc et ? that their origin is chiefly to conduct a separate Zionist campaign even if it meant ] , , j W e ' Eo skilfully a r e t h e y "•• • « >related. collecting less funds. They accepted the ruling in principle, though The author. Miss Zeligs, dithey l r f t themselves a loophole by which they hoped to circum- vides her material, covering the beginning of the life of early Isvent that ruling. rael down to the destruction of This, fact together with the tactical mistake of the Jewish the Second Temple by the Romans, l^atiqnal Fund last year, which, in its zeal, conducted a drive on into six divisions, the titles of are: The Nomadic Life of oft-re.eurring problem—but one whi<?h must be satisfact- Us. ewn aceount, was taken advantage of by some in the J. D. C. •which the Early Hebrews; How the Heorily solved for international well-being—is the problem of the councils who had originally been opposed to co-operation witji the brews Lived in the Land of

"SI is

Canaan; The Hebrews in the Land of Babylonia; The Hebrews' Return Under the Persian Rule; In the Time of the Maccabees; and Under the R.ule of the Romans. Under these six headings the child is given a clear view of the essential facts of Jewish history with all unnecessary and burdensome details eliminated. A seventh division entitled, "Things to Do and Talk About," offers the teacher and the pupil helpful suggestions about concrete projects. It also contains a bibliography of illustrated material and the names of some reference work for handiwork. All in all, this is a very worthwhile book fpr the Jewish school, both for the Sunday school and for those that meet more than once a week. The only criticism one is tempted to make is against the title. The word, "Jewish," for "He^ brew," would have been more appropriate and correct, Because of the odium that our enemies have -attached to the term., "Jew,'' many of our pwn people use "Hebrew" as a substitute. However, no self respeptinf Jew pftoujd consciously or ptherwis,e accept thp sinister interpretations pf "Jew" giyen by anti-§VmHe.s. It is up to us by constant use tP make "Jew"' a synonym for all thope noble virtues that are gym-: bolized in the public mind by the term "Christian," We nvust raige "Jew" from tfee level pt an iw suiting epithet tP a term pf honor.

ii< • 4: stl C

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Zionists in any relief campaign, and who were waiting for some incident tq which they might point &s a valid reason for severing conn.eptip.ns.. The action of the World Congress provided the needed incident. The explanation proffered by the American Zionist leaders was not accepted, and it wag decided to dissolve the merger of the two campaigns. There is rejoicing among the Myrmidons in both groups. They have been praying for this all the time and have contributed largely to the fulfillment of that prayer. . •< It is evident .that once again there flared up the fires of bitter dissension between the two extreme gFQUPS in Jewry, the fanatical Zionists and the determined assimilatioriists. The former would sacrifice diaspora Jewry for the prestige of Palestine; the latter destroy Palestine in order to facilitate the assimilation of diaspora. Jewry. The fanatical Zionists have no interest whatever in the millions, of Jews who c&n never come tq Palestine a.nd who are struggling to achieve.a modus vivendi in the diaspora. They would urge unlimited concentration upon Palestine even at the expense of Jewish communal life and Jewish institutions in the diaspora. On the other hand, the determined assimilationists, seeing in Palestine a cohesive Jewish* influence and a source of new strength to the Jewish cgnsciqusmess, would, agree.with a certain late Jewish millionaire when he said that he would give millions for settling Jews in Russia but not one cent for settling them in Palestine. They could npt but be restive under an arrangement which included the upbuilding of Palestine. The fact that Palestine has absorbed the majority of Jewish pefugeej from Qerjnany and that it has demonstrated its value §a a. practical solution for thousands of homeless Jews does not j allay the blind prejudice of the assimilationists against Palestine, nd. the fact that without Jewish unity and life in the diaspora Palestine itself cannot be rebuilt seems to make no difference with In various Jewish communities throughout the United States the fanatical Zionists. All that was necessary was to find a plausZiionj Flag Day will be observed Saturday and Sunday, December ible casua belli and the entente was broken, and already ^h ate 7 and 8, stimulating interest in the upbuilding of Palestine as the mosphere reverberates with attacks and recriminations. At Jewish National Homeland and in the task of the Jewish National Fund to redeem the soil of Palestine as the inalienable property tic City, one of the major generals of the J« D, C. recently fired a barrage at Zionjsm. So far there has been only sniping from the of the Jewish people. opposite camp; presumably the heavy artillery wlil soon go into The proceeds of the Flag Day will be applied to the acquisi- action, ' tion :of a. new land tract in the Holy Land, to be placed at the dig* We insist that Jewish leaders have no right to use their posal of refugees and immigrants from lands of oppression, who power to rend the Jewish body in twain. Anyone who assumes come to settle in Palestine as tillers of the soil. During the past the right to take a leading., part in a Jewish undertaking should two jyears, Palestine has absorbed more than 100,000 Jewish, im- not dare to spurn the hand that is offered as an expression of mjgrants, ineluding J32,000 refugees from (Sermany, A consider- willingness to co-operate. Jewish unity is today the only hope, of able; number of the new arrivals have been enabled to settle on a Jewish future, and one who deliberately destrroys it should not tfee Janfl: in the -tWPty*Qne new agricultural settlements estab- be permitted to have a voice in Jewish affairs, whether he be lished on the MtiOBall&nd areas ©f the Jewish National gioniat or anti^Zionist.. We plead in the name of all that is holy, Jn viewing the Palestinian Situation, we must bear in mind an4 for the sake of the Jewish people, that the fatal decision to tgatithouga the Jewish people in Palestine now constitute twenty* conduct separate campaigns be rescinded and an effort _made by sgvepi pe? eent ^ the BopulBtion, they own only six and a half both'groups., to transcend their prejudices against each other for p§r cent of the land. This makes the land redemption work of the the sake of the martyred people to which they both belong,

Blue-White Flag

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Refugees Und^r the League

Jewish an4 We have frequently urged, that the League of Nations must take oVer the refugee problem, instead of its present set-=up of having a High Comnu'ssioner whose hands are tied, The League has a twofold problem i11 this regard: to definitely fix the status of those refugees Who are today "staatenlos,e" or people with' out a/country; and to remove from areas of perrsecution those who a,re being §ppresed. James G. McDonald, who is High Com? missioner for Jewish and other refugees from Germany, has ala.o re-iterated the above nceeasity. He urges that the League establish a special office under League supervision which will handle the problems of the refugees. He. suggests, that the office be headed by an intemationally'known statesman and emphasizes that sue.h_ an office would fulfill its mission only if it closely cooperated with the c.e.ntra.1 Jewish relief organizations. The League committee of experts favors that the refugee work be transferred to the Nan^en Office, rather than have a special permanent qommi?sariat created to take care of the refugee problem. The Nanaen office is already taking care of Saar Jewish refugees, succeeding in securing for them a legal status. Under the Nansen office, the refugees would have the advantage of being under League supervision. Alao, the Nansen machinery ia already well-established, thus offering a saving over the cost. of setting up new machinery. Many months have passed since we first started talking about the advisability of the refugees being under direct League of Nations supervision, The situation i>? growing «o aeute that it ia time talk changed, to action,



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TTEDDIXG AXXIVERSAKT PIAXO RECITAL Al finkel, piaHo teacher, A surprise party was given in his pupils in a piano rehonor of Mr, and Mrs, M. i l . F e j sen,' upon t h e occasion of theip cltal a t the Hospe auditorium twelfth wedding anniversary, at Wednesday evening, Decenjber their home Wednesday evening, 11, at 8 p. m. The annual Chanukah bazaar Those who will take part are: and dance of the Vaad auxiliary November 27.

m'Vaaid Auxiliary B

Charlotte Morgenstern, Leonard Morgenstern, Mar-iam Chorney, will be held Sunday eveajag, b 1 15, at the h J Jewish ComShules Weiner, Diana Lagman. cember and Mrs. Mrs. A. A. A. A. Steinberg Steinberg D r . and munity Center. • " Dr. . Mrs. LihiJy Kaplan if general have returned from their wedding *Bernice ° * ? * M »Creunse, " " ? • M eBetty T f " Abram8c C trip and have taken an apartment

Daurhttrs offaredAid

We Incite Tour Charge Acctwnt

The Daughters of' Israel Aid Society will give a Chanuk&h e&rd party at the J. C. C Tuesday. December 17. t©r the benefit of the Old People's home. The public is invited.



The JJIkuT Chialim will meet Hobday-&$ 2: ?« l> m. at the 3. i^**'V£2!?'. *' ^ * * j C. G. This will "be a very kin as co-chairman. There will also be card playing I tant meeting and every member and various other fames besides [is ur*ed to attend. dancing. Admission •will be PreBS advertisers raerit ty-five cents per couple. The fallowing women will he in charge of the booths at the

at the Radcliffe. Mrs. Steinberg son, ABna-Sh}ae5;BlumaKevele«; Lillian Weiner, Emma Ruth Eris the former Celia Marx of Linman, Bernice Robinson, Jack Lincoln. coln, Arnold Lincoln, Gertrude at the home of Mrs. K, Trilling. BOMMEK-GOLDSTJEIN Roceoferte, Shirley Epstein, SylThe business meeting was Brer EXf ERT44K FOR ENGAGEMENT via Epstein. Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein an- ceded by a desgerWuncheqn. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Citlin eaGuest soloists for the evening nounce t h e engagement of their Tbe December meeting 'will be tertsined twenty guests at a daughter, Tobie, to Hubert Bom- held s t the home of Mrs. Benja- fet-supper and bridge at their will be Margaret Margolin Bel- bazaar: Mesdames Sam BTOWB, gian an.d Lawrence Finkel, Mrs. Le mer, eon of Mr, and Mrs. Louis min Milder, 3420 Poppleten Ave. new home Sunday evening, will be th.6 accopip^nist. i **• vinson, D. Denepberg, B. B. Sommer. cember 1. The program will feature en.; Epstein, L. Turkel, A. Katz, M. Three Rppms. Up«tajr«. Furnishes The announcement of the en-TO RECEIVE or Unfurnished. Home Privileges semhle piano Playing. jBurstein, and Dave Crounse. gagement is made . shortly at? Mr. and Mra. Morris Katelm&n ENTERTAINS FOR The public is cordially invited ] Mrs. A. Greenhaum and Mrs. Clcsa In, Modern Home. Reater the return of Miss Goldstein and Mr. and Mra. Robert H, sonable. Mrs. Abe Singer entertained at to attend. IS- Lagman are in charge ef from a month's trip t o New YorS, Kqoper -will receive on Sunday, three We, 5450 tables of bunco Saturday, INITIATED . j tickets. •where she visited her brother^in? December 8, from 3 until 8 November 30, in honor of her At an initiation held at t h e law and Bister, Mr. and Mrs, JCay o'clock at the home of Mr, anddaughter. Fay, .who graduated Kamen, who accompanied her t pMrs, Kooper, ?707 County Club from graa> school. Guests were Hotel Blackstone last Sunday, seven new members were initiIT WB<L PAW Omaha. Blvd., in honor of Mr, and Mra. ated into Sigma Rho chapter of Rase Singer, Reva e-BtroYich, To Consult Ben Bavitz, whp were recently Both Miss Goldstein and Mr. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club Pi Tau Pi, national social fratmarried. No cards are being is^ Helen Minkin, Ruth Miller, BesSommer a r e graduates of t h e will hold their annual concert and sie Lefitz, Helen Fagel, Bessie ernity. University of Nebraska, wh^re. eued. drawing Sunday, December 15, at Finkelstein, Sarah Cpoper, Ida The newly initiates are: Lloyd 8 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, When buying She was a member of Sigma Delta Chodak, Sylvia B a u m, L.ibby Malashpck, Julian Milfler, WarDIAMONDS Tan Borority, a n d Mr. Sommer 2?nd and Clark streets.' A very Baker and Annette Ostrosky. ren Aekennan, Bud. ?losburg, interesting program has been ar- WEDDIXG RFNGS •eras a member of t h e Zeta Beta ENGAGEMENT Prize? were won hy Reva Qstro-. Harlan Milder, Howard Kaplan, ranged. Tau fraternity. Admission will be 2 5 WAf Cm& - SILV vich, Helen Minkin and Ida and Jerome Milder. With the ex- cents. No date has heen get for the Mr. and Mra, William and GIFf JEWELBV Chodak. ception of the last named, a 11 dan off announce the engagement Redding. A special meeting of the organmembers of the junior chapof their daughter, Eva, to Mr< isation will be held Tuesday, Deter of Pi Tau Pi. Herman Perer, pan of Mrs. S, E. B. T. MOTHERS' CLTJB cember 10, at 3:30 pt the Labor Ferer. No definite date has heen ENGAGEMENT The November meeting of theget for the "wedding. Lyceum. All members are urged Mr, and Mrs, Abraham J5. B. T. Mothers' club was held to attend,. burg announce the g RAIMAX-SPIEGAL and approaching marriage of their A festive luncheon in which all The marriage of Miss Bonnie daughter, Lepna, tQ Mr- Harold *«*»*»**tt •••#•••••••#•» gpiegal, daughter of Mrs. JarohTO Kasin, son of Mr. Samuel Kaain the Jewish holidays Will be repre^ eenteg by tables appropriately Kula.kofsky, formerly of Qmaha, of Chicago. The wedding will of Chicago, to Al Kaiman, son of take place Sunday, December ?9. decorated, will take the place of the regular December meeting of Mrs. R, Kaiman of Omaha, will the BethJEl auxiliary Wednesday, be performed in Chicago at the December 11, at 1 o'clock in the Hotel Monterey, 8unday, Depem- RESIDING IN OMAHA Mr. and Mrs. Maoris M. Shapiro, ledge room of the J. C. C. The ber 8. who have made their home in. luacfteon is 35 cents per plate. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiman will moNew York for the past few years, Each guest is asked to bring a tor to Florida where they will are BOW residing in Omaha. Ms. ChaHukah gift aet to cost mere regide for the, •winter. Shapiro has opened an aceeuating than ten cents. These gifts will office here. He is known to many be exchanged. CENTRAL MARKET A musical program an4 On^ahans, having fermerly been Mr. gam Epstein, formerly asr a L i l i t nu.mbers pertaining te eoclated with Cofelfa, is now the have been, arranged. «Ttl#it manajfer far Central Mar- TO VJ8IT JN LQS A Reservations mast', be in ket, Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Monday evening. They may be Bahich- ieU' Thanksgiving made with Mesdaraeg William Aling Tof a TwWwfBETS vibit TB Angeles, They are the Jfuests of son, WA 690G, and Morris Arkig, Mr! and Mrs. Prank Suttin. -GL 14fie. The hostesses who will preside By Hi*. Paviig M, TO BlESipi; IN CHICAGO at the tables are the Mesdaraea' B.abbi and Mrs. z. Joe lilech, Arthur Cohn, Isidpre Cinnamon Apples whp have resided here fqr a n\imr Chapnian, Joe Freeman, Donald Take * small apples, hi c u pher of years, are leaving to make Fisher, §a,m Gross, J. H. Kulakofred cinnamon candies, § cups thieif home in Chicago. Rabbi sky, Mae Liflsman, Gail Margolin, 2 cups water, Barbakow has served many fam- E. A. ??egg, Joe Rice, Harry L. Wash apples. Pare a n d core. Saramer, Max R. Shostak, Harry Combine sugar, water and candy SilveFmaii, Mae Venger and Al and boil for 5 minutes, Add the\vTXS I J A U R E L S AT Wohlner. After^dark glitter . . . clips, br&ce^ a.ppleg and cpqk slowly until ten^ ACADEMT let, ao. evening bag. The jewelry der, if desired apples jnay be cut Bennet Somberg, son of Mr, r, in rings. Serve on the outside ol —hasd set rhiBestones on n firm, and Sb Ben Somberg, has oeea the platter with hot meat, chick- made^ a member lasting backing . . . new baguette of the FusUeers, en or fish, itQiiej, Tbe pune—laame •. , . crack drill platppri pf the Mis-: The Hadassah gab path group; Ftm Frm du will meet Saturday at the home | souri military academy. dairitily beaded and enibrpiderecl. Bennet has also, been awarded of Mrs. Ben Fisher, 4520 MayH Each, $4.95." Butter % padding dish and line football letters at the Missouri berry. Mr, Jw4ab Wolfsan will j it w i t h vanilla wafers (whole), military academy speak an Shmarya Levin. Mrs. j Mexico. y put a layer of sliced hananr M. F . Leveasan will discuss cur- j his parents have been, infornjed, rent events. . another o f wafers, Repeat i as p He played center on the team. the layers and make a custardd off I cup milk, 2 eggs, sugar to taste, PLA3f XEW YEAR The Hadasaah history group 1 teaspoon lemon. Pour this ever will »§et at thehome ef Mrs. The first meeting of the mixture and bake- Serve hot orSigma. Chi sorority was held %X. David Goldstein Monday. This cold with whipped cream. opportunity ef the J. C. C, December 3. DefiB}te will he the plans were made for a New Year anyone wishing to join this greup party to be held at the hP^e of an enrollment will be closed after Monday. Miss Lee Fellman. In last week's notice the B&me The H a d a s i a h membership of Mis? Sarah Resnick, treasurer $1000 2-parat perfect of the group, was ommitted. luncheon was held Wednesday, WWta Btoeki December 4, at the J, C. C. Mare cijt diftmoo^ ririg with 26 than two hundred women atOMEGA KAPPA email stones, unusual fire The Omega Kappa sorority held tended. Madam Bella Pevsner of Pal-! ft^d beauty, Platiuwn mQunt' a ineeting ^t the J, C, C. Sunday, Jftcefert estine Vfts guest speaker. Her I DJAMONIW—W ATCH3ES December 1. ThiB group ing. Private party will sacriJ subject was "Weman as Maker ] Trtb F J 3oinBd the Bound Table of Tonrtb Flacu^—City J.'»tlanal Bolldlnc fice for ?350. Toqth. Lepna Letwin and Flor= and Breaker af Worlds." ' Hanwj »t Sixteenth . A playlet, "What Price Hadas1UU ^ ence Sklar are the representatives. was presented. Mrs. David The girls are p,lanni8§ a has^ Write Box %, Jewish Press Goldstein who has just returned ketball team. from tthe national convention in (Dyed Muekrat) Cleveland gave «qme highlights ef the convention. Mr«. HenFy E. Belmont and Mrs, Libby Kaplan were in charge h af ft llunchegn.


Ladles Ubor Lyceum


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Tjehor-fth Bociety will held a regular meeting Tuesday, December 10, at 2 p. m. at the J. C. C. AH moaners are urged to attend.


Fall Swagger







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Pioneer Mrs. J. Raznick is chairman of the sixth annual bazaar, which wil be given by the Pianeer Women at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark streets, on December 29, She reports aa improvement in the articles being donated te the bazaar, both quantitatively end qualitatively, Mrs. William Zolutuchen, who was chairman ef the recent Flowr er Day held by the Pioneer Women, has expressed her appreciar tion to those who helped make the evflt successful. These advertisers who use the columns ef the Jewish Press tle' serve a.nd Sierit your patroiiage.

Fortnerly $16£5 to $19.98 NOW

Coats 100

A special board meeting of the epeB.V Miyrachi has been called for Meflday, December 9, at the Jewish Community Center. All board members are urged to attend. F}ans are being made for an entertaining program far the next meeting of the organization, to be held Wednesday, December


Any coat may bp made to your PTVB selection of

style and to your own measur-emept.

\AgOli.A COURT/ -•


Sizes 3 3 to SIR


RE PICTURES League Secretariat in New Peace Home yyv






(Courtesy League of Nations Information Service)

WORLD NATIONS' NEW PEACE HOME—Already the Secretariat of the League of Nations is moving into its new palatial h6me, shown above, in the beautiful woodland setting of Ariana Park, northeastern suburb of Geneva, Switzerland. This general view of "the new group shows the court of honor. The buildings.are of white limestone, costing in excess of $8,000,000, and the cornerstone was laid Sept. 7, 1929. Five famous European architectsrwho designed the group were H. P. Nenot. Paris, inspector; M. Broggi, Rome; M. Flegenheimer. Geneva; M. Lefevre, Paris, and M. Vago,-Budapest. • '

REPLY TO SANCTIONS—Here is how Italy has begun to answer -the imposing of oil sanctions against her by the League of Nations vote.'ior her invasion of Ethiopia. This autobus in Rome formerly used/gasoline for fuel, but under H Duce's precautionary orders, all such vehicles have been converted into wood burners. The men atop It are shown stoking it with wood.

ANOTHER KOCKNE IN ACTION-Galloping down the gridiron as quarterback for the Miami, Fla., Military Institute football team, here is_Knute Rockne, Jr., son of the famous Notre Dame football coach, as he runs the ball for a goal in a practice game. Young Rockne expects to enter Notre Dame within the next two years. The elder Rockne was killed in an airplane crash in 1930

14/ POLICE FACE BURGLARY CHARGE—A dramatic scene in the prosecuting attorney's office in Seattle, Wash., as eight men, six of them city policemen, faced charges of petty burglary. Above are shown Policemen H. B. Nelson, George Addams. S. H. Odell, C. F. Buchanan and W. H. Volz, with Charles Marchand, county road employe, and National Guardsman H. J. Lee, questioned in 12 burglaries.

^ VfU* x'

FILM CZAR — Lord William George Tyrrell, 69, former British ambassador to Paris, recently elected British film censor.



'WELCOME TO BIRD GIRL—Jean Batten, holder of the England to Australia record for women, adds to her laurels by spanning the ;sbuthem Atlantic in solo flight. Here she is seen as she was welcomed by Brazilian.aviators on her arrival in Rio de Janeiro. Her crossing of the ocean was made in 13 hours 15 minutes from Dakar,'Senegal.


FOR BONDS—Senator William Gibbs McAdoo of California, who recently urged World War veterans in Los Angeles to march to Washington "in your hundreds and thousands," to compel Congress to pass a satisfactory bonus bilL

CHIEF EXECUTIVE CARVES—As he has done for many years, here Is President Roosevelt presiding at the. (Thanksgiving Day dinner tor patients and members of the'Warm" Springs .Foundation in Georgia, which he established for sufferers from infantile paralysis. Mrs. Roosevelt is at the left and Russell! Reynolds, Jr., has a favored position next to the President, at-the right.- This position "was drawn jjtor among 13 honor-patients.

BARBED BARRICADE IN RELIGIOUS STRIFE—A detachment of Sikhs, Britain's native Indian troops, drawn up in Lahore in front of barbed wire entanglements during the recent strife between Indo-Sikhs and Moslems. The trouble began when a mosque was turned over by the high court to the Sikhs, who converted it into a temple. Then 60,000 Moslems marched on the city with axes and swords.

GRID PRIZE—A trophy to be presented soon to "the most valuable football player In the east," shown at the Downtown Athletic Club, New York; with Frank Elsou, sculptor, and Wally Fromhart, Don"Elser and'Wayne Millner of the Notre Dame team. The winner will be determined by a ballot of sports writers.

t ««

MOTHER WOUNDS SON—Jesse Livermore, Jr., right, 16-yearold son of the New York Stock Exchange operator formerly known • as the "boy wonder' of Wall Street," shot and wounded by his mother in Santa Barbara, Cal., as he tilted a bottle of whisky to his lips. He is shown at his home with his.mother, Mrs. Dorothea Livermore, and his younger brother Paul.

GIFTS FOR IL DUCE—Children responding to a call by Premier Mussolini for salvaging of metals of any kind, especially tin and iron, as a response to the determination of world nations to impose sanctions en Italy. Here these'youngsters in Rome bring to the government collectors a medley of objects they have discovered in their leisure time. The objects ranged from discarded toy'tricycles to outmoded watches and rings. ' • - . - • •


Cojjj-rislat Cntted - Nevsplclnrai

-ili:; 6, 19

named, showing a . carefully Sunday. December IS, at the. JL !7. Habbi Cohn will review "Blooii Acting officers are Miss Sophie I Lyll ' Chudacoff Ethel Cohen, , Rose Roeenstein will be in charge Junior Council worked out zoning system for C. C. All members are urged" to I Relations," by Sir Philip Gibbs, RoBenstein, president; Miss Dora Claire Feldman, Estelle Gilbert, of decorations, and Miss Irene. the regulation of itinerant beg- be present ' I before chapter M of the P. E. O. To introduce the newly formed;, Markoritiof Council.Bluffs, Tice-\|JesB Goldberg, Ann Jonisch, Ann Htrsch will be in charge ot, ging. No injustice should be ' —. — - fr Tuesday evening, December 10, Junior Council of Jewish Women, 1 president; Miss Sally Morgan, Lintzman, Dora Markovitz, Esther tickets. ]; done to those transient poor ADDRESS BY DR. COHN j Dr. Conn -will deliver an address j members of this group will give I secretary; Miss Claire Feldman, \ Morgan, Sally Morgan, Ruth Polwho are actually seeking out » • 'at the • Y. W. C. A. on current; their first large affair, a subscrip-! treasurer; Miss Dorothy Rosen-i lack. Rose Rosenstein, Sophie relatives to help them." But ' Rabbi Frederick Cohn spoke \ topics. i tion dance. Sunday evening, De- ; tnal, reporter. Mrs. Morris Katie-* Rosenstein, Ruth Shyken, Lillian New Terrorist Gang people are otherwise admon- bEfore the South Omaha Women's j Rabbi Cohn will speak before' cember 22, at the Paxton h o t e l ' m a n a n d Mrs. Ben Shapiro are; Slotzky, Helen Steinberg, Esther Jerusalem — A new terrorist By PAUL GOLDBLATT ished not to allow themselves club Tuesday, December 3.; Heithe Monmouth paik school Par- ballroom. 'Senior Council ; dvisors. \ "Wemberg, Bert Whitebook, Ann , gang operating in the Nablus di«to yield to sentimental pity." reviewed Sinclair Lewis'- new I ent-Teachers1 association Wednes- \ This group, organized in Octo-\ Charter members of the group-;Zalk. JEWISH MUSIC—JEWISH (This from Ephraim Frisch's book, "It Can't Happen Here." [day, December 11, at 8 p. m. on her, with a charter membership include the following: Misses Bess \ Miss Claire Feldman has been trict was discovered by police. ART—JEWISH CULTURE The Jewish Forum and Con-"A Historical Survey of Jewish Saturday afternoon, December'"Religions Training of the Child.** j of 25, now includes 60 members. | Bernstein, Esther Blumenthal, | named dance chairman. Miss • No arrests have yet been made. cert series got o££ to an auspicious Philanthropies, p u b l i s h e d in start when the Hazomir Choir 1924.) An indication of the extent to presented an evening of Hebrew and Jewish folk music recently. which we will go to help tranThere were - sixteen young voices , isents, who seem to require or male and female—four violin- i merit special consideration and, ists and a pianist, led by Cantor ! incidentally, some of the difficulA. Schwaczkin and exemplifying j ties we encounter because of the the finest art as expressed in folk j lack of understanding on the part melody, Yiddish and Hebrew. It \ of local individuals, is evident was really a magnificent program 1 from one of our recent expefi—too bad more people didn't j ences: One Friday, we were noticome. You know it is free to all! tied that a young man had fainted Center members. ,| from hunger in the office of one The next Jewish forum evening of our local merchants. He was will come on Tuesday, December sent to thaXenter and we immedi10, when Saul Raskin, one ofately arranged, for him to stay at America's foremost painters, will a private home over the week-end. talk on the development of Jew-The young man, about 25 years ish art and incidentally exhibit i old, told us quite a l o n g story between 75 and100 of his ownof having been an assistant to a works in water color, oils, and physician somewhere in the South, and exhibited government vouchetchings. On "Wednesday, January 22, ers made payable to the doctor 1936, Marvin Lowenthal comes to whose assistant'he had been. He it, he is a loafer: if he gets it, -Omaha to tell of his wanderings also told us that in his childhood, WE ADMIRE AIR CONDITIONING LIQUOR STORE a grafter; if he doesn't get CLEANERS all over the globe, exploring the he had been placed in an orphanMrs. Martin Trustin, 81 years he's it, he's a bum. still existant traces- of former age and that he had studied at old, mother of Harry Trustin who Jewish civilization. From Old one or two universities. When I is helping to work at Christmas Spain to China,, from Africa to he returned to the office on MonSeals headquarters of the Nebras- Odds GLADSTONE BROS. CALL US t t e wilds of Northern Mongolia, day, we had checked on some of :ka Tuberculosis association. Xate Reiss of K. C bnt forM 207 So. 15th Marvin Lowenthal has followed his stories, and found that they AIR CONDITIONING merly with as here, "doesn't beUP the trail of the Jewish people could not be verified. f In the NOT THE CHEAPEST Josh, By Gosh lieve in that teaser, "All things meanwhile, people in the neighsince earliest times. for every purpose Who is the reason for JBen come to him who waits (or is BCT THE FINEST <ud>bw Cuts tmd SOMETIME Since coming to Omaha, I have "borhood where he had been JfoodelTs frequent .trips to Mar- It he who waits?"). He was to placed, became interested in him Gold Seal New York Wines frequently heard folks talk of"the Distributed by 1 shaUtown, la., eh? have been wed on January 17, need for advancing Jewish cul- and a job was-^founf for him. We (RE. 1500) Ribbing or no ribbing Leo bnt decided the quicker the 10 YEARS OLD $1.20 ture. Well—here it is—Jewish then asked him for further inBernstein must have bis gal, sooner, and is to take the step WESTERN CO. formation regarding himself, his This Line of Wines Featured music, Jewish art, the Jewish hiseh, Dena? on the 5th of January instead. o « Air Conditioning Corp. toric past and other programs to parents, and relatives, but by this By Gladstone's for Over Ben AronhVs reference to In last week's Jewish Press come—yours for the taking. time we were fairly certain that Tkon« Q±.4626 Ephraim'* Marks as a second • A LITTLE DIFFERENT we read (just so you'll know 40 Years. AT. 8454 Watch for the dates and attend he was not telling us the whole 104 No. 18th St. Abe Lincoln wasn't the first • A LITTLE BETTER ire read the Press) In a headtruth. He gave us Borne addithem all. time the resemblence was men- line (we read the article, too) tional information of an early tioned. Xow we're worried "Wanted: 10 Jews to Give experience in a neighJ. D. C. AND IT. P. A. TO childhood he'll get that mm-m-m-m, well, . $5,000 each." We wondered MORTCACE LOANS boring city where he was helped BAKERS. DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP FLORISTS COAL. yon know, that mania Aronin what the reward was for the by a Jewish Federation. He also On and after January 1, 1936, mentioned. capture ot these elusive CTeaof having attended a unithe collection Campaign partner- spoke Harry •Freshman did. his tnres. versity and claimed to have been Ask Your ship of the Joint Distribution a member of a well-known colIn Appreciation of Your year's good deed when he so It'll be announced most any First Mortgage Loans Committee and the United Pales- lege fraternity. obligingly handled the large time now—the engagement of Grocer for Past and Future tine Appeal will dissolve its partunder Federal Housing Act crowd at the Junior Hadassah Ben Simons to Evelyn Epstein. nership." The joint organization, j Since he had procured work, dance last week. Patronage Doesn't Marian Graetz look Repaid Over a Period ol Five you know, has been in operation we guaranteed his board for the like a Russian noblewoman to Twenty Years for two years, but it is all over week and asked him to return to with that stunning black hair Remember - - Twelve now. Both sides feel that they us and report on hft progress. On Also Straight Loans at 4*£, 5 'dressed Ifke that? Years Ago? , could have done a much more ef- the morning of the third day folROSS PETERSON Per Cent Practice np on yonr black; \The Height of fect propaganda and publicity job lowing this interview, when he Mrs. Nathan Mantel /was re- j jack (we mean cards not HOTEL FONTENELLE separately; each feels that sepa- was scheduled to appear in our elected president of the Women's i weapons) for it's coming back Fine Flowers Moderately I Good Taste! rately they could have reached office, we learned that he had Welfare Federation ' ' - J •with a bang. Everyone is playPriced Subsequently we and will reach many individual left town. "We had a B'nai B'rith auxiliary ing it, but few are experts at FORBES BAKING CO. Open Evenings and Holidays 204 Keeline Bldg. AT. 8240 contributors, »who were not inter- learned also that he left town 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 •. • ....-.•... Big Chief Semi, $10.50 here. AT. 83OO AT. 6226 it. Bluina Xeveleff can teach ested in the joint appeal. It is through the assistance of local Bennett Cohn was a student at OCAHAVTEED " it, or .a** yon keeping the recipe an amicable dissolution with a people who had gathered together the University of Nebraska. • ' s e c r e t ? ' ' '-' • ' • ' • " . 7 " . " ."• continuing consultation agreement some money, purchased, an 'overMr. and Mrs. A» Heriberg reand—"How will that effect Oma- coat for, him and . paid • for his tarnfid .from a sewn-week txfcp to DAIRIES BEAUTBilSHOP ha?" you ask.^ Well, we -shall' in- transportation: " <3n'.' "this •""same Europe. • '•-•: - •; ... Crystal-Gazing clude both these organizations in day, we received a letter from the Israel Gottfried of Boston left HERE IS SOMETHING for our future Philanthropies Cam- Jewish Agency to which he had his 40,000 dollar estate t-> charity Mr. Ripley's Believe-It-Or-Xot. paign, and our Budget Committee referred us, advising us that they Paxton Mitchell Co. 1 because none of his six children Bnd Slramow and Jerry Gordon will consider the organizations had a young man answering his ; would say "kaddish" for their are very good friends, and oddFoundries BEAUTY SALON separately when preparing its description, using another name, j mother. STA1SDAKD SHOE ly enough each was born on 27th and Martha HA. 5523 budget for we have united all ourhad been heard of repeatedly in February 25, 1O17, «t approxiREPAIR Features • §weet Butter Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft campaigns in Omaha under the various communities and had \SVCCESS SfORY~ mately the same hoar. ^This Shampoo and finger wave 50c Philanthropies. been committed to an institution • Dated Milk Grey Iron and Semi-Steel CastI The Greenhouse family, former- item would be more approprifor mental treatment from which THE NEW • Sour Cream ings. Wood and Metal Patterns lly residents of Omaha, are living ate right before their birthday TRANSIENTS Zotos Permanent "Wave 'with he had escaped. '... •examples, of success. Nathan is takes place, bat then we need and many other products, S t a n d a r d s i z e s B r o n z e a n d Iron IN THE HEART no machinery and no electriBush-Ings. S e w e r M a n h o l e s , C i s t e r n I have given only some of the What do you do about tranj making lots of money; Daniel is it now to help fill np space . . . ask your grocer or c a l l . . . OF Rings and Covers, Cleenout Doors. city nsed at $6.50 and up. sients; How do you take care of facts; I cannot begin to explain | | foreign representative in South All LEW will soon arrive in DOWN Sash Weights a n d Yellow Brass TOWN Plumbers' Ferrules. carried In them? This question is asked of •the channel ^vhich we tried to : j America for M-G-M, movie con- Omaha to become resident 716 Brandeli Theatre. Bldg. ROBERTS DAIRY stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze and me repeatedly. Business men toexplore, as long as we f e 11 we icern; Ida is traveling with Major manager of the Blackstone hoAT. 4333 Cast iron Grilles a Specialty. HA. 2226 whom transients may appeal for were able to help the young man. j Bowes amateurs, having a grand tel (scoop) . . . THE FELhelp; housewives who find Jew- But you see how hard it is for us '\ time and getting ..a marvelous JX)W who answers to the name ish transients at their door; those to do a job if local interested in.salary; Bertha is happily married of Friedman, and who went to who attend daily services at the dividuals will not co-operate in i to a well-to-do man; Blanche has what he was told was to be a BEVERAGES DELICAIEVSENJ synagogues all ask the same ques- a program. !a very good position; and mother stag was very disappointed to tion. | Greenhouse beams with happiness see several honrs roll by—and ! these days in New York. still no stag. He was duped Let me say first that every

The Jewish »s-Scene-:-




Beit Hewitt

Peerless Cleaners

IForbes Fresh

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Bakery Goods




Library at J. C. 0 .


transient receives some assistance, at least a meal or a night's lodgSCHMIDT'S ing, usually both. Sometimes he "Call It Sleep," by Henry Roth, is referred to the Federal Tran- a new novel- dealing with the sient Bureau, which, In some psychology of a sensitive child for a Pleasant Surprise cases, is better fitted to take care raised in the noise and ugliness of transients. of life on the East Side of New HATE rOU TRIED In explaining the treatment of York City two decades ago; and. SCHMIDT'S LATKL.X? transients to my class in the Col- "The Torch of: Life," by Dr. B. lege of Jewish Studies on "The M. Rosseter, an informative book CALL Survey of Jewish Social Services on sexual harmony written in a In America," we, agreed that the frank and sympathetic style, are method used by our organization the two books leading in popu- 422 So. 13th St. AT. 5903 compared favorably with the prin- larity in the rental sections of ciple set down for treatment of the joint Center-Council's circutransients in ancient times: lating library at the Jewish Com"They were always allowed munity Center this week. The.rental library, whose resomething save when exceptional local economic distress ceipts help support . free-loan prevailed. They were always scholarships to financially-disStop for Your accorded at least food'for "the tressed coeds through the Omaha day and lodging, but only small chapter of the National Council Lunch and Relaxation money gifts were recommended of Jewish Women, maintains a to private donors. In most modern collection of more than AT THE communities certificates had to 400 recently-popular titles, in adbe obtained by transients to dition to new books constantly bepermit them to ask for as- ing added. ' Books circulate to the sistance. Three instances of public for only three cents per widely separated communities day in the library, which is open •;*• A N D LUNCH * may be cited. The statutes of every evening and on Sunday the Avignon community in afternoons, on the second floor 316 So. 15th 1558 fixed one sou and two west, J. C. C. meals as the allowance for non- ' The library also acts as an "orresident poor not bearing cer- dering agency for the ordering of tificates, and three sous or magazine subscriptions or the purmore up to six, for those bear- chase of new books at a 10 per ing certificates. The Council cent saving to the general public. of Four Lands (Poland-Lithu- The public is invited to order any ania), at a Synod in 1623, new books or to place any new We Are Serving a adopted the following regula- or renewal subscription to any Special American Dinner tions: In order to guard against magazine through the library, at EVERY SUNDAY Imposition, itinerant beggars. a 10 per cent discount. Receipts • • " ' . • " a t must not be provided with more from the agency help maintain 75c AND 85p PEE PLATE traveling faro than is required activities of the Women's Division to get from one place- to the of the Jewish Community Center 4 Courses Complete next. They are not permitted a n d W e l f a r e F e d e r a t i o n . • ' . From 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. to stay more than twenty-four • hours in any one place. They must not be allowed to preach in public unless provided with 816 So. 16thJ5t. A regular meeting of the motha letter of authorization from er chapter of A.Z. A. took place UPSTAIRS






the head of the district rab- at the J. C. C. Sunday, Decembinical court. (Bet Din). Theber 1. , . people of the environs of BrestThe • group will sponsor a Litovsky (Brisk) must require .smoker under the direction of a letter from the head of the Ray Shapiro, social chairman, Bet Din o« Grodno, e t c A list Sunday evening, December ' 8. of large cities Is here given and The Kibitzer will make. :.n appearthej)r dependent towns and ance at this time. neighborhoods are specifically The next meeting will be held






WHITMAN'S DELICATESSEN & LUNCH 3417 Farnam JA. 4874 Open Daily and Sundays Till Mldnlte

Let Gould Attend Your Drug Needs • Visit us in our new location where you will find a complete stock of Drug and Sundry items.

THE IRISH IN HIM Dave Flanchek, one of the fe«v Jewish policemen on tne local force, was born on St. Patrick's Day. We don't sa> it put Mm on the force, but it may have helped.

WITH PRIDE We point to the following students at CreiglHcra university who were among the highest ranking in scholarship on the campus: William Rosenbaum, second with an average of 94 3-18 in sophomore class; Abe Katz, second in junior scholarship scores with an average of 94 6-17; Shirley Maltz, first in freshman class with average of 93 7-17, and Gertrude Oruch, second in freshman class with 92.

Thanks, Patterson

. . . THEY SAY that wedding bells will soon be ringing for titian-haired M a r i a n Fried, formerly of this cfty, and now of Chicago . . . WHO ARE THE four well-known Omaha Jewish women who bring their own dessert along with them when dining at one of the better hostelrys here? . . . THOSE WHO like to dance were treated "to two good parties last Thanksgiving eve—S. A. M. and O. I). D. You're welcome . . . A READER WRITES in to inquire why Helen Garber doesn't iriakc t h a t interesting announcement . . . THE SAME REAI>ER asks why the Alpha Pi Taus are allowed to go stag to the stagless round table dances. Search us . . . LEON "CHIEF" FERER was a very good boy this past week, so we're not mentioning his name

. THE We reprint the following phil--I in this column today osophy from the Patterson, N_ >'EW YORKER seems to be the Jewish Post: | rendezvous for the younger set . . . The rule of contraries is j judging from the crowd seen 50th & Dodge Sts. WA. 0502 one" of the features of the trip j there after the Round Table PARKING SPACE through life. j dance last Sunday . . . MAVRICE Prompt Delivery When a man is little, the big; KATZ and Minnette Lewis will | girls kiss him; when he is big,' soon be taking that binding ,the little girls kiss him. If he is; leap, for they were seen lookpoor, he is a had manager;.if he's; ing for a reception, hall one , rich, he is dishonest. If he is', sunny sfteraoon . - . AFTER 'prosperous, everyone wants to do! EXPERUtEXTIXG with immer.MWW^WIHWMMWIMIlW»MW^WBtVfjaWlH,. him a favor. If he is'in politics,; ocs names. Homer Binswanger it is for graft; if he is out of poli- ; is now Homer Benson, Retics, he is not good to his conn- \ cently he attended one of those try. If he doesn't give to char-; affairs 'for members only' and 224 Insurance Bldg. when he gave the name of Benit'y, he is a stingv CUBS; if he does. it is for show. If he is actively . son was refused admittance . . . • Wiring of all kinds. religions, he is a hypocrite, if he THE CORNER of 4Bth anil • Motor Installations. takes no interest In religion, he Dodge will soon be transplanted is a hardened sinner. If he gives into a busy liquor spot sntl • Lighting Fixtures. affection, he is .soft; if he doesn't | limch counter, if plans of Lcnis Estimate* Gladly Furnished _ he is cold-blooded. If he dies \ Soinmer go through . . . E. L. j young, there was a future before ' —Is it trne that yon spent an Call

Gould Drug Co.


AT. 6479

jhim; if he lh-es to an old age, he!evening recently as a crashee ' missed his calling. If he saves \ at a girl's pa jama party? It money, he's a grouch; ifhespenSsj -must be. Someone tola us.

SPECIAL! HATS Cleaned and Blocked Only

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FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, Joseph von Sternberg has re- | certain star that is preventing her Mr. and Mrs. Herman Galinsky Senior Hadassah Jewish National i Jewish, Press advertisers merit KLUTZNICK, & KELLEY and turned to directing . . - . we said marriage to a well-known Jewish spent last week-end visiting in Fund. your patronage. ALFRED A. FIEDLER, Attys. DIRECTING . . . no m o r e fop- doctor. Leo Ginsburg, corned Minneapolis. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. pery, claptrap, gewgaws, and gar- beef chef supreme, was signed to BRODKEY and BRODKEY, Attys. ' PROBATE NOTICE [ 679 Insurance Bldg. Mrs. Ida Cpurshon of Chicago 688 of the Independent Order of goyles. The preview audience sat a CONTRACT by a Hollywood In the Matter of the Estate of Han-is in Sioux City'this week, visit-j the B'nai B'rifch will hold an im- spellbotfhd during the unreeling Boulevard restaurant. LEGAL NOTICE nah Venn, Deceased. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent ing with friends and relatives. portant meeting Monday evening, of his latest, "Crime and PunishNotice is Hereby Given: That the In the District Court of Douglas A rabbi would have no diffi- creditors of said deceased will meet, County. — r December 9, at 8:30 o'clock at ment." The simplicity of the sets Nebraska: ne> deeidedlv not in the o 1 d culty at Columbia for a sabbath ! * administrator of said estate, be-; in the matter of the Application of Mr. Max Goldman departed for ; the Eagles hall. Election of dele- • • • " e < - l u c u l -» " " , , ; . „ , . .. „ . fore me. County Judge of Douglas HOMER J. BINSWANGER: his home in Kansas City, after \ gates for the annual district No. Sternberg manner . . . leaves the , service - - t h e Conns a r e numer- County. Nebraska, at the County ; Notice in hereby given that on the A . Ltm A * Koom. In said County, on the j 13th day -of November, 1935. the Members of the A. Z. A. held spending several days with rela- i 6 convention to be held next July <?tatp clear for the actors a n d : ous to confusion. There's Harry Court Mannv Cnho-n Ralnh Tfnhn i * l s t < i a y o f January 1936, and on the!dhove named petitioner filed his'petl. • j will take plac3. All members are their conflicts. And Peter Loye's Cohn J he n R 1P KOhn a meeting and smoker, Sunday tives in Sioux City. »-V"; V ! ! ? - - _ ° , T ' , * . _ - " « / « • » ' » ? ! ? * " 3 « ; « » o'clock; tion in the District Court of -pougla. : Cohn. j A. M., each day, for .the .purpose of i County,. Nebraska. Docket 316. Page performance as t h e criminal is Ralph Cohn, and Jack —— (urged to ~ attend. " evening in the Jackson hotel, ! presenting their claims for examina- 86, the object and prayer of which is More than 75 girls attended when Max Baer, of Omaha, Nebr., | Dr. J. M. Lande spoke recently | • —^ superb. ! j ~ ~ j tion. adjustment and allowance. Three for the change of his name from that the Junior Hadassah "Paid Up" was the guest speaker. Mr. Baer before the Parent-Teachers' As-k Mr. J. Z. Stadlan returned to i; BRODKEY AND BRODKEY, Attys. I months are allowed for the'creditors j Of Homer 1. Binswanger to the name 579 it nn cood authoritV ' " s t a n c e Building, Omaha j to present their claims, from the 21st i of Homer 1. Benson. That a hearing party Wednesday evening in the is the Assistant Executive secre- sociation at Merrill, la., on "Men-! spending Thanksgiving week-end u on Whitney, goou duiuonu> , 1935. • will be had before the Honora-ble Wm West hotel. Only members whose tary of the A. Z. A. organization, tal Hybiene for Children." of the | NOTICE OF INCORPORATION O F | d a y o r December here with his family. Mr. Stadlan . . . that Eleanor BRYCE CRAWFORD. j G. Hastings, one of the Judges of the dues were paid were eligible to and spoke to the members j>n the County Judge. District Court - of Douglas County, is principal of the Des Moinesi twinkling toes, is also a "descend-! N E G | ^ A y s ^J' E E r A 'r < E O 5 T ,£TM Y A N D 11 -29-3t attend the party. — : . [ Nebraska, in his Court Room No. 8, Thirty . members of the _ Ivre Talmud Torah. work of the A. Z. A; ! ant, of the Tribes. She is expect- [ i or before some other Judge of this LEON and W H I T E , Attyi. The party was preceded by a Sam Epstein, advisor of the Club attended a- meeting and i.ed to cause a screen sensation ^rJisrJd I Court, at 9 o'clock A. M.. Tuesday, 504 City National Bank Bldg. a corporation 6 o'clock dinner. A program by chapter was a guest at the smoker, smoker, Monday' night in the j December 17. 1U35. or as soon thereMiss Shirley Maltz, freshman; equal to the recent Eleanor Pow- pursuant to the laws of the State of th S I after as will be convenient for the the members and music followed and Dr. Frank Epstein, secretary Martin hotel. Nrhraksa. " PROBATE NOTICE at t h e Creighton university,! ell furore. I Court, and that unless sufficient The name of the corporation is NEthe dinner. I cause be shown to the contrary." the of the Bnai Brith Lodge was also placed first in the first quarter j" BRASKA REAL, ESTATE AND IN- , . . . M „ a t t . r o f, t will be changed as prayed for. Miss Rose Finsod was in charge a guest of the chapter. J$T, e the Estate ;of Paul •name Mrs. Al Plotkin and children, honor roll in her class, with an;j An unusual character is Jac, VESTMENT COMPANY. The DrinHOMER 1. BINSWANGER. Phillpp, Deceased. cipal place of transacting business is of the arrangements. .: Petitioner. Plans were made for a Chanu- Rita and David of Omaha, spent average of 93.17 per cent. She is j the Barber. In the daytime he at Omaha, Nebraska. A number of Sioux City mem- kah program to be given this last week-end with the former's j the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.! cuts the hair of t h e producers A ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ J t t : BJ-BR°DKEY ANDHis BRAttorneys. ODKEY. U bers plan to attend the South- month. The basketball team un- mother, Mrs. E. WoskoXf. |. : . at night he trims their picj ^tr»«« «£££,£ %^% ^ ft£; I ! £ ^%&$t i&ffi <&%?. i ±±!!l Maltz. 0 west District convention of Junior der the direction of Milton . !tures, writing reviews for a Jew- sell, convey, lease, mortgage, or en- lptbrasKa,^ at the County Cpurt R.opm; i n 8ald ccumber u m b Hadassah to be held tomorrow Grueskin has begun regular prac- • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Guttleman real estate or other propertv i-funty. on...the Zlst day of i Ta n «*•* The "Jewish Customs and Cereal ish publication. " ™» ««»»« «r other ™ . r t«eli v JIII" ^ uar 19 " t y . on ,the J i s t personal or mixed; to give; take J J ' 36, and on the of > and Sunday in Kansas City. tice. Iarcn 19!8> a t 9 announce the birth of a daughter monial Class," sponsored by t h e ; • or assign notes and evidence of In-i 5 , o'cJock A. M.. eadi | Among those who will go are debtedness of any individual or cor- ' £•'• f f o r t h e Pur-P»Re of . presenting i at the Methodist hospital on DeCouncil Bluffs Senior Hadassah! About Peter Lorre . . . he's a poration as the business may require- mt h pe nl rt c aIna<i Jm s f o r examination, adjust-j: Dorothy Merlin, Bluma Merlin, cember 2. to borrow and loan money when nee- ' allowance. Three, months Cultural Group will meet Vext.! shy, soft-spoken little feliow . Gertie Kopel, Rose Shiloff, Maressary to conduct the business of said :a r tent""owed for the creditors to pres- ! he i r Monday evening, December 9, at j looks 25, but is 30 . . . does : maintain ] ]?"* ? 'clairns. from the 21st day of : garet Saitlin,- Rose and Gertrude ^aTnTain T i : claims a mm Dr. and Mrs. H.; A. Lazere, anRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will in part and to Oecember-loss 8:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai j believe in make-up for character- j construct Reznick, and Margaret Shulkin. nounce the birth of a son;at the - BRYCE CRAWFORD. Ylsroel synagogue at 618 Mynster: izations. The actor must be the j aiter.j-epah- and^ improve, houses and ll-29-3t speak this evening on "Gabriel County. Judge. Risser—Champion of a L o s t Methodist hospital on Decem- street. " Rabbi Jacob Cohn is in ! character, he says, not just a man ' ' " '*""°' ' """* under a coat of maJce-up. He loans on real estate. WM. L. RANDALL, Atty. Cause." Cantor A. Pliskin and ber 2. charge of the class. The authorized capital stock or aided in the scenario w o r k of The Community Center has be- the synagogue choir will chant aniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiifflnininnininiiniiniiiiiiig this corporation shall be $10,000.00. to! Notice by Publication on Petition for We arrange the finance to be dHided into 100 shares of $100.00! Settlement of Final Admlnla- ' gun serving cocoa and rolls to the ritual.' Plans are being made for the "Crime and Punishment," which each, all of which shall be common! tratlon Account scri took t e nm o n t h s t o Tomorrow morning. Junior the newsies each night. in the r e m o d e l or repair your monthly meeting of the Council j ^ ; and non-assessable when issued. The | In the Matter of the Estate of Jo»l« Bluffs Senior Hadassah which ^hough the picture was shot in indebtedness of this corporation shall Center. The boys can buy a cup Congregation services will begin Rogers, Deceased : building at low rates and not exceed two-thirds of Its capital All persons interested in said matof cocoa and a sweet roll for a at 10:45. Herman Barish will will be held on Wednesday after-j one month. Admits he is typed stock. jter are hereby- notified that on the small payments—No Money act as cantor and Paul Matlin. but a a s penny, .before they start selling The affairs of the corporation shall 2nd day of December 1935 John - P. noon, December IS, at 2:30 ! a character actor be managed by a. Board of Directors j Comstock Jr.. filed a petition in saidtheir evening papers. The dif- Reader of the Law. Candy will BX F. R. K. N Down. o'clock at the Hotel Cheiftain. j Psychological one. of not less than two or more than' County, Court, praying that his final ference in cost Is j made up by be distributed to the children by five members, who shall elect from i administration account filed-herein be Mrs. Herman Marowitz is in sil Mrs. Louis Shindler. Snippings: Elizabeth Bergner their members a President. Vice-j settled and allowed, and • that he be business men of the city. charge of the program which will The testimonial dinner for Mr. MADAME P E V S N E R GUEST be a ChanuTiah program and ob- ' in London stole the show from G. President. Secretary and Treasurer. I discharged, from his trust as adminiawho . shall hold office for a term oftrator and that a hearing will be had Let u» plan and estimate the B. Shaw when they occupied adThe Debate class met Monday John Lansberg, w h i c h was SPEAKER AT SERVICES year until the next annual meet- on said petition before said: Court on servance of Henrietta S z o l d joining boxes a t a premiere. Paul one cost of your remodeling needs— '"»• 11Tne annual meeting of the cor-1 the 2Sth day "of December 1935. ano evening with Irvin Lunin, after planned for last Monday, has been : TOXIGHT : ; birthday. . iur.,,,1 J . or, ^^r,«r.f , t H I H , , J , v A iPora "" shall be held on the first! that if you fail to appear .before said No obligation. postponed because of Mr. Lansa week's recess. Mrs. Bella Pevsner of Palestine Muni is an expert a t billiards. E d - Monday, in January of each year. Court on the said 28th day or Decberg's ill health. Ward Robinson handles a sixThese articles may be amended 1 ember 1935 at ft o'clock A. M.. and will be the guest speaker followupon affirmative vote of two-thirds! contest petition, the'" Court may The Shorthand class will meet shooter with skill on the screen,. ing the regular Sabbath Services , , , o f r t h e outstanding stock, : prant the prayer of sakl petition, ennext Monday evening at 7:30 in b u t COUldn t h i t a t r e e if h e h a d ) In Witness Whereof, the parties ter a decree of helrship, and make this evening' at eight o'clock at hereunto set their hands, this such other Jand further orders, allowthe Jewish Community Center. j to fire it. George E. Stone holds havethe Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaSth day of November. J935. • decrees, — •• * ances and as »— \o- ••-=this * Court a contract with Warners which -^ OORDON HARMAN. Dr. Theodore N. 'Lewis will gogue at 618 Mynster street. j may seem proper, to the end! that all WALTER A. NIELSEN. By HELEN ZIGMOND ! matters pertaining to said «state may has no termination date. He may l l 5 speak this evening on the recent- Madame Pevsner has visited Eretz i be finally settled and determined. ly published nove?. by Sinclair Israel ten times, and has traveled j BRYCE CRAWFORD. Hollywood—It was a gay yetremain on the lot as long as he I County Judge. Lewis, "It Can't Happen Here." to all parts of the globe in Jew- I melancholy occasi6n—C a r 1 La-lives . . . or as long as the WarnMONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER il2-6-3t The Sisterhood will meet this ish intrests. Madame Pevsner emmle's reception for Marta Eg- i e r s h o l d o u t - T h e contract is in &. COHEN, Attorney*. 737 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldfl. The congregation of Shaare noon for a one o'clock luncheon will speak on the conditions ex- gerth. An air of finality Covered j Payment of a debt of gratitude. Zion synagogue has set aside De- and meeting in the Annex of the isting in Palestine and will have in the air . . . for it will probably They say it is the mother of a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned have formed a corcember 15, as the date for their Temple. Following the luncheon, a message of interest to everyone. be the last official party given by poration pursuant to the Laws 0/ the LOUIS E. LIPP, ATTY. Annual Father and Son Banquet. Dr. Leon Galinsky will address The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Uncle Carl as President of UniState of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is ROSE ORKIN. INC.. of the Independent Order-of the j the members. Mrs. E. E. Baron In former years, this banquet has 504-10 City Natl. Bank Bldg. versal Pictures. Looking at the with its principal place of business been one of the largest attended is in charge of the luncheon ar- B'nai B'rith is sponsoring the spe- beloved little white-haired man, Omaha, Nebraska . in Omaha. Douglas County. Nebraska. The objects for which this corand outstanding affairs of the rangements, Dr. Delia Galinsky, cial services tonight. something tugged at one's heart. Notice is hereby .given that the unthe program, and Mrs. William congregational activities. dersigned have organized a" corporaRabbi Jacob Cohn will be in He wears a cheerful smile the corporation is jp a n t i l e f stablishments or departments Mr. Morey Lipshutz •will a<\t as Lazere will preside. charge of the regular service but the struggle has bowed his General Garage ofCompany and the , , P p Tuesday evening, Dr. Lewis ad- which will begin promptly at shoulders. Predictions are t h a t principal place of its business is the a n d t o d e a l i n ; D n v s e ] a n d d i s ! o s e chairman of the affair, and will of ladies', misses' and children's wearbe assisted by a large group of dressed a community meeting at eight o'clock. Rabbi Cohn will very'soon he will retire and turn City of Omaha, Douplas Countiv Ne- ing apparel, including- cloaks, The general nature of its iadies-'Teadv to" weaV ka . : • • . . ; • • the congregation. The dinner Sibley, la. give a short sermon preceding his company over to younger brals business is to operate garages a n d ;;55 nn oo ee ss ,, 3 3^ ^ f y p gg f u r n f s y n p s 8 n da U k i n ; will be prepared by the Ladies' Madame Pevsner's speech. -Every- hands. filling stations; to deal ,n store and | . , . filling stations; to deal ,n, store and | 33r e dd a n d o t n e r m ^ c h ^ ^d di s e o of f Auxiliary of the congregation. • one is urged to attend. repair motor vehicles, and other per- k i n d and character, with the right Someone asked a b o u t his sonal property; to make loans secur. , r i s a n d p o w e r t 0 p u r f n a s e j n q iant[ e : health. He shook his head . . . e d by rrfotor exchange vehicles; to buj. Fell. a n d t o d e a , i n s a l d comm^Aities q a t and mortgagee own IeaFe exchange and mortgagee \\ own, J. N. F . FLAG DAT SUNDAY.had played poker all t h e n i g n t j l estate and personal property d l | CHANUKAH BANQUET rea and"or ' S n ^ i c t . of am- k"nd ,The a n n u a l J e w i s h N a t i o n a l ! b e f o r e , h e c o n f i d e d . " A n d h o w w h e r e v e r s i t u a t e d l a n d to do. ail t h i n p i i n o i d e n t t tto t th No. 1— 3S.40 Zero bb u s }in e s s o f ft hhe o At the regular meeting of the 1 More than 125 newsies were . :lwM»r,tn.i to and necessary for the : tiHate 7c Ga!. p n n y a n d to p u r c n s e . I e a s e . hire and Fund Flag Day will be observed [ much did you win?" Musing npon ; Jewish Nationals Fund Council, guests of the Federation *f Jew- *• uiiu n a g uay wjn uc u u s e i v e u j u i u t a uiu j u u win; >«uam 6 upuu .carrying out of the above objects. The \othern-i=e acquire a and hold sue out of the above objects. The | o t n e r w l s , e acouire «nd tinlrl. snrh real! NTo. 2—32.36 Z c r - Ga« held Tuesday evening- in the Com- ish Social Service at their- annual locally Sunday morning, Decem-j the option on his studio, he wit- j total juithonzeci^ capit^ stwk o^__thjs j e s t a t e ar.d personal property a s may Oil <>?4c Gal. be necessary or convenient to the. munity Center, further plans were Thanksgiving dinner, on Thanks- ber 8, at the same time that all tingly answered, "not enough!" No. 3—2S.30 Zero 1 tic I operation of the corporate business or M a r t a Eggerth, a dazzling $100.00 each, to be paid for in cash or made for the city-wide Chanukah giving Day at the, Jewish Com- communities t h r o u g hout the Oil.._ 6 ' 2 c Gal. the accomplishment of any of its obcelebration to be sponsored by the munity Center. .The dinner was country" will be doing their part hlnnrtu "mscflpl" of rwpntv-nnp ' Property and be non-assessible when jects, and to sell, alienate, encumber blonde maeaei or twenty one , i s s u e d T n e t i m e of romraenPPmMt or otherwise dispose of any such council. property. The Company shall have! made possible by the generosity to make this Flag Day the most hails from Budapest and O f the corporation shall be Xovem- authority to borrow money and is-j The date will be set during the of the Sioux City business men, successful in the history of the years, ,sings 1 . . , itirp-a ni"h t i n e a l e Hpr bio- D p r ^- 19S5. and its termination like a ni The hishall B nungaie. Her DIO b p s thereafter. Bh- sue evidences of indebtedness there- | coming week, and tickets will be and through the'efforts of Mr. A. Keren Kayemeth. graphy 18 t y p i e a l o f musical prod- !P , t amount of indebtedness or liabil- for. TJie total authorized capital she concertized as a i Hi' Hi h ich h the ti .shall h l l att stock; is $10,000.00. par value $100.00 Hi to which t h rorpora-tion p printed and distributed. M. Davis, president of the FedThe Council Bluffs Senior ities :: a y ti subject itself shall not ex per share, all of which shall be ComHadassah will be in charge of /•hil/1 norfftrmpd with Rvmnhnnv any time subject itself shall not exeration. Stock and shall be fully r^id Mr. J. E. Keck addressed, the boys following the dinner. The invocation was offered by Mr. H. ident las County. Nebraska and upon sub- secretary and | r e « N. Slotsky. After the program who wishes to volunteer his or ror man) brushed a tear from^his J scription to at least a percent of its j her services for the drive is asked eyes. Another of our "mispoche" I L K L. " KAPLAN. authorized • capital and shall continue] the boys were guests of Mickey for a period of "ii years from Janu- | ' The Senior Hadassah Chapter Gross at the afternoon show in to call Mrs. Sam Meyerson, phone enraptured w a s Dianna Gobson GERTRUDE ary lsf. 3936. The hiphest amount! honored its new members at their the Orpheum. 1199, who is the chairman for the (formerly Rosemary LaBie). ll-29-4t. of indebtedness shall not exrppd two- j meeting held In the Jewish Comthirds of its capital stock. The num- J ber of-members of the Boai-d shall I munity Center last week. Followbp provided for by the. By-t>aws. | ing the meeting at which Mrs. W. whicjj Board shall administer the a.f- \ fairs of the cornorption. The stock- j C. Slotsky presided, a musical holders shall hold their annual meet-! program was presented by Miss inp the second ^TpdncFday in Janu- ] Try ft B&c Today nry nf each year Rnd elect Directors. • Libbie Olensky, pianist, and Miss The Directors, shall elect a President.; One of the lovely social events Jean Shindler, violinist. Vice-President. Secretary and Treas- ! urer. Upon authority friven by 65: Jingles written by Mrs. S. H. of the season was the reception percent of thp issued and outstandShulkin; were dedicated to the last Sunday evening, given by ing capital stock the Directors sliall new members. A paper on the Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman, have ihe power to sell or otherwise dispose Pf the assets of the corpora- [ •Aleyoth Movement was presented honoring their son and daughtertion as an entirety or a going- con- j by Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis. Fol- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shercern. upon such terms and conditions : man, whose marriage took place as they shall deem fit. The Articles lowing the'program, tea, at atmay be amended upon notice as prntractively appointed tables, was last month. vided for. The corporation shall have a seal. served by the membership comThe reception was given in the • Dated October 17th. 19S5. mittee. ballroom of the Martiu hotel with E. SCHWARTZ. The Hadassah Oneg Shabbos more than 200 guests attending. H. MARQUARDT. J. H. SAKS. was held Saturday afternoon in Dancing occupied the evening 12-6-35-4t. the home of Mrs. J. N. Krueger. hours with Jack Reams orchestra CASEY & CORENMAN, Attys. playing. Mrs. L. S. Goldberg spoke on Patterson Building Among the out-of-town guests "The Arab Situation in Palestine." Omaha, Nebr. Current events were given by were Mr. and Mrs. S. Reisman of NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Miss Lillian Romirowsky iind Mrs. Douglas, Nebr., father and mothRueben Miller spoke on? the life er of the bride. Others.from away The indebtedness of Smith-Robinson Motors. Incorporated, on Septemwere Bernice Reisman of Douglas, and work of Henrietta Szold. ber 1st, lH."i>. was Three Thousand. Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. S. Shafton One Hundred Thirty Dollars, a n d Forty-one Cents ($3,130.41). and family; Mr. and Mrs. Joe ^Signed. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs., Charles D. M. ROP1NFON. Pres. Reisman, Mrs. Karl Sessel, Mrs. Attested by p . 51. Robinson, and David Smith, being- a majority of the H. M. Ferer, Mr. and Mrs( Nate board of directors. 12-6-1L The first in the series of book Kort, Harold and Frances Kort, teyiews to be given by Rabbi H. all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. MilR. Rabinowitz will be held next lard Krasne and Mr. and Mrs. * JS Monday evening, December 9, in Herman Krasne of Council Bluffs, Hlshest (irade Enamels, ti.OQ cal la.; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan SkalovThe register of Hotel the social hall of the synagogue. tVATEKl'KOOF ALI.-PL'Kr<>!-Ii Rabbi Rabinowitz will review sky of Odebolt, la.: Mr. and Mrs. President reods likec il-AH VAKMS'I. Jt.50 Gallon "Flight to the Orient," by Mrs. Ben .Skalovsky and Mr. and Mrs. roHcalloftheNotiort Abe Skalovsky of Norfolk, Nebr.; Charles Lindbergh. Omaha Jobbing Company qreat. Those who can command The series of book reviews in Morey Kopel and Miss Gertie 317 No. 15 JA 0C04 the very best anywhere*, invoriably Kopel of Siour. Falls, S. D.; Ben the* past two years have held the select this world famous hostelry Interest of a great many people, Kalin of Mitchell, S. D., and Miss You toa can enjoy this comfert Rella Singer of Omaha. and BIrs. Robert 'Sacks, who is and luxury at jaw cost food that chairman of the ticket committee is nationally famous served in Word has been received here of reported that the committee anWITH BATH the Coffee Shop or the Wahut ticipates a large audience at the the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg of Los Angeles, Room. Garaqe right opposite reviews this year. Calif. Mrs. Greenberg Is the for- In our modern civilization, the variation in flavor might upset a hurst three times a day, 7 a. m., hotel entrance. mer Bess Zeligson of this city. cow is the foster-mother of many baby's stomach. 3 p. m., and 11 p. m. In order Sunday, the Greenbergs will have babies. It is important that the fosterThe Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare a Pidyan Ha'Ben for their son. At Ackerhurst Dairy Farm mother be healthy, just as it is that the milk come to the baby in Zion Synagogue wiH hold its anwhere Roberts Certified milk is important that the real mother be | t h e m o s t P e r f e c t p o s s l ^ I e . c o n d ! " nual Card party next Tuesday Miss Dorothy Merlin, and Mr. produced, cattle are given - every tion, the milk is chilled immedi- j evening', December 10, in the so- and Mrs. Bill Kutcher were among attention deserved by pure-bred, in; the best of health when-she is ately after milking. It is then; nursing her baby. A Teterinarycial hall of the synagogue. the Sioux Cityans who attended bovine . aristocrats in the r honorpasteurized in the most modern j Mrs,' S. Snoysky is in charge of the Bnai Brith Thanksgiving able role of foster-mother. For surgeon Is kept in constant atstainless-steel equipment, bottled, I BALTIMORE AT tendance at Ackerhurst. ' The catJUSTOUTOFTHE the arrangements and is being as- dance in Sioux Falls last week. example, a doctor prescribes foods tle are \. exercised regularly, - fed and double-sealed immediateljr, 14TH STREET NOiSE ZONE sisted by a large committee of for a nursing mother -which are properly, and repeated test prove after each milking. Experts from j auxiliary members. • Mae Pavlov and Herman Pav- nutritionally- correct to promote their perfect health, Roberts Dairy helped in the ; The' committee anticipates an low of Madison, S. D.,.visited with the health of tfoth child and equipment set-up. Tests , prove The cattle are Holsteins. Hoi1 ^rn attendance of more than 200 peo-friends in Sioux City this week. mother. . The rations for the^IosFOR SALE AT YOUR ple. Refreshments will be served Miss Pavlow will remain here for ter-mother at Ackerhu'rst are •sci- stein milk more closely ap- J the absolute purity of this CertiGROCER-DRUGGIST proaches mother's milk in chemi- fied milk. and attractive prizes given. * an extended visit. entifically balanced as to' nutri- cal composition than any other j Officials of Roberts Dairy wel- j FRUIT STANO ents. One of the results of these Those advertisers who use the Mrs. Fred Foreman of Madison, balanced rations is a milk of uni- cow's milk. The fat globules-are come visitors to Ackerhurst at j columns of the Jewish Press de- S. D., visited in Sioux. City with formly perfect flavor to .delight smaller," making the-milk much any time. Ackerhurst is located easier for the tiny baby to digest, j nine miles west of Benson on serve b.nd merit your patronage. relatives this week. the baby's palate. Naturally, any Milking- takes place at Acker- > Highway Xo. 8.

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How The Cow Is A "Foster-Mother"

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