December 13, 1935

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Entered a* Second Clans Mail Uatttr on January U , l»31. «.t Postolflcs o£ On) a ha. NebraoJca, under ihe Act of Mmtxb.t. 1871

AT ANNUAL VAAD MEETING SUNDAY Commissioners and Members of Board of Governors Selected

OMAHA, N E B R A S K ^ ^ f ,.TT, DECEMBER 13, 1935

DeHAAS T A J ^ ^ V B'nai B'rith Election

\ewty Active in

EMk^flON of 'Tuberculosis Seals MASS INTOMESHE

B md J? f Monday



B e r l i n Olyix to


The : B'nai B'rith will have a charge of Kilpatrick's booth and .meeting: and election of officers; is assisted by Mesdames L. Fell-'•[ Zionist Leader Back From Toor, Monday, December 16, at the J. Most Effective Union of Forces man, Elmer, Gross, Lawrence IC. C. in the Lodge room at 8:30 in History of American Says Enrope FricBttly Gross, David Cohen, Joe Jacobs, ;p. m. This meeting will mark Zionism ToIdea •'• John -Faier, Louis Lipp, J . Davidj the last.time that officers will be son, -M. Krupinsky, M. A. BercoN e w York (JTA)—Joined in N e w York (JTA)-—European elected for a semi-annual term. yici, Jack Marer, Ronald Glad, . ., . , , _ •. . : By the provisions of a recent <t h e m o s t 8 o l i d u n i t e d front in the . Omaha Jewry is doing its share stone, _ I. _-. » r . T . - - governments, particularly Poland, Soloman,-- A . Solomon, ! ° . . *..-. . . #••_. of American Zionism, in helping the Nebraska Tuber- Sam ' Green, cT „ , „ \ it, w » i , a r e f r i e n d l y t o t h e i d e a o f m a s s amendment to the constitution of history S . G i l i n s k y , M o r r i s , , . . . . • ' , . , . „ . • , , , , > „ , , _ „ Hbe district lodge elections will be Zionists and non-Zionists will seek emigration of Jews to Palestine, culosis ^association In its 28th Jacobs, and A. Brodkey. g l " i i ^™ annually annually henceforth henceforth. 52,500,000 next year to push the annual sale of penny health seals. Mrs., Jack Bramson, health declared Jacob" de Haas, Zionist Mr. Ben E. Kazlowsky a n ~ j upbuilding A feature-, of' the campaign is chairman .. _ . p g of Palestine and make r leader and author, • who arrived of the • Parents' and the sale of health seals in downfrom a three-month tour of Eur- nounces that reports of the vari- p o s s i b l e absorption o£ thousands ous committee heads for the past of refugees. The Icor of Omaha will spontown booths at stores, banks, hoin ^ i n t e r v i e w . . tels and post-office. Mrs. Reuben 1935- Health Seal Committee, j : The Polish cabinet, he said, re- six months will be given at this The decision to form a United sor two new Russian talking picKulakofaky is' the general chair- Ainbng' those who were busy in ! ceived him and asked, h i m to <,meeting. Palestine Campaign -was made by tures. "Biro-Bidjan" a n d "Harman '*>f the Booth Seal Sale. The getting the 30,000 letters enclos-J draw up definite immigration 1,500 delegates representing all vest Festival" Thursday, DecemCouncil of- Jewish-• Women have ing health seals and letters of! Plan? for presentation to the govZionist factions and a number of ber 18, at S p. m. at the J. C. C. "Biro-Bidjan" is an epic decharge of two booths, MrB. Mor-appeal to Omaha homes and.busi-| eminent. He will return to Eurnon-Zionists Et an extraordinary ; ris-katleman is captain of, the ness firms, were Mesdames Her- ope in four mo:ths. picting the first steps in the buildconference in the Hotel Biltmore. . ! group selling i t . i h e Omaha Na- m a n . H . , A n e r b a c h , T . N . chemiss. A steering committee including; ing of t h e Jewish autonomous Concerning relations with the j

Women Play Leading Role Agaiust


Election of commissioners., and members of the board of gover'nors featured the annual meeting of the Vaad Ha'Ihr or Union of Orthodox synagogues, held Sunday evening at the B'nai Israel synagogue. The following faree -were electe d commissioners: Morris Burstein, I. Morgenstern, and N. S. Yaffe. The following ten men were elected to the board of governors: Sam Epstein, Max Fromkin, Max Chasen. Dave Crounse, J. Shyken, Dr. A. Steinberg, Max Arbitman, tional Bank Bldg..: She is assisted Zelda Cherniss, Joseph Weinberg. World Zionist Organization, Mr.! Sol Lagman, Louis Margolin and by MeBdames Albert Newman, Leo Rosenthal, S. Gilinsky, Jack i de Haas, who was president of the . D. Soref. ••.'..Ben Kazlowsky, John Rosenblatt, W. Marer, MorriB Katleman, constituent congress of the New j Seven members-at-large elected The commissioners represent- E. I. Rubin, Ben Ravitz, JRobert Zionist Organization in Vienna in to the board of the Talmud Torah ing the orthodox synagogues, re- [H. Kooper, Charles Schlaffer, W. Abraham Greenspan, Rodie Sher, Josephson, September, declared that t h e cently chosen, are: Louis Epstein j A. Rosenberg, . Harry Rochman, •Morton Hiller, Sam ,- ; j cleavage with the NZO had been at the annual meeting last Monand Morris Potash, B'nai Israel; I. H. Wiener, M.Silverman, Al and Martin Trustin. jttrs. Martin Trusting who is j aggravated by the Palestine-Ger-; day evening at the J. C. C. were: N. Levinson and N. Wilfson, Beth] Fiedler, and Miss.- Bernice L-years "young," hearing her I many transfer agreement, but | >i a x M. Barish, J. J. Friedman, Hamedrosh Hagodol; I. Goldstein, sem and Miss Cyril Leop. daughter, Mrs. Jack Bramson, en- j that negotiations were at present jM r g M a I ' r r o m t i n , Ben KazlowB'nai Jacob,' and B. Lindenbaum, Mrs. Mai L. Holzman rolling other volunteers, asked to I under way between the: two or-I Adass Teshureh. Nathan Levinson, H e n r y be included and worked as fast or j ganizations .on. immigration cer- j i m g a The. nine, commissioners will i even faster-than any of the other j tificates and after these", negotia-; Monsky and N.'S. Yaffe. meet next Monday to elect offivolunteer^' jtions some . way might be found Reports summarizing t h e accers for the ensuing term. Dr. Jfiseph Weinberg and Dr. j to "patch things up." tivities of the Talmnd Torah and Morris Burstein acted as chairMax FJeikhman as members of i Mr. de Haas said he- had inter- its affiliated groups will be renman of the meeting Monday. the sptEkers'"bureaust?:illed many viewed government' officials in dered. Annual reports were given by speaking engagements^ at meet- Poland, Rumania "and CzechosloThe meeting Monday mainly N. Levinson, president of the ings and on the radio explaining vakia and other countries on the concerned itself with t h e transVaad: I. Goldstein, chairman of Omaha chapter of the Junior ' tKa needs" and work of the question of Palestine .settlement portation situation of the Talmud the Meshuloehim, and I. Morgenstern; educational director.. Rabbi Hadassah sent the. largest visiting ! brltska Tuberculosis association; a n d found them favorably dis-: Torah, as the elimination of the Harold Berger spoke. Refresh- delegation to the" tenth annual j Officially known as the 1935 posed to the idea. "There can be j busses had lessened the number Southwestern Regional convention j Christmas Seal Sale, the name no question of the desire for emi- |o f pupils enrolled. The board was ments" "were served. of Junior Hadassah held. Saturday carries no religious significance, gration in ' all countries east of | given a mandate to look for ways and Sunday, December 6 and 7, • being so called only because the the Rhine," he said, "nor of t h e j a n a means of remedying the sitin KanBas City, Mo. Nebraska Tuberculosis association Teadiness of young 'Jews to equip ! u a tion. , Delegates-from the local chap- with, its 2,000 affiliates in other themselves physically tind ' Intel-L At the end of t h e month a ter who took an active part in the parts* of the United States con- lectually for new callings.' i meeting of the board will take convention were .the Misses Dora ducts1 its drive at the Christmas The general policy of the NZO. ! place, and the officers and coinFreshman,. Kalah Franklin, Ida season of the year. - •••• he declared, would be "to bring j mittees will be elected. Fine, Jeannette Resnick, Ann The sale of the penny seals .in important phases of Jewish ques-j Max M. Barish is president of Hahn, and Fannie Katelman. Omaha finances a ' giant- health ttons into the open" and "to seek j the Talmud Torah. Aaron Katz London (WNS)—Professor M. ; Miss Kalah Franklin was elect- program- which- includes the adWagner, a German chemist, who ed regional, treasurer, and Miss ministration of the Lions' Club the aid of the governments con- ! is principal, cerned" for settlement of Jews in ! is half-Jewish, is now imprisoned Dora. Freshman "was chosen as re- Health Camp for needy sick chilin a Nazi cell fitted out as a com- gional board member. Miss Frank-.jareri, nursing service; nutrition | j pletely equipped laboratory in orsaid that: Omaha,i-vrork, plinics, and- an •• extensile the" economic condition' of, the j der to force Tiim to complete-bis lin Is-Becretary of. the Oh ..researches! on Pulvergas, a pow- chapter and Miss Freshman is I health educational;^^program- f~^ij;3ew»:''"siinply"iero" 'tart "-.that-

Biro Bidjan Talkie By r at J. C. C. Thursday

To Board of Talmud Torah

Proponents of Boycott Lose Close A.A.UIrrin C. Levin, Omnlw fs« nev, who nttciKlf-d <he A, A, convention in Nrw York I •week-rnri as nn official rtr1rp of the local district of thv A. I"., TVHS among wjio«e opp




1036 Olympics, «H?C«;K i


e.t vere removed, from T Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Morris • state. The picture is with YidRothenberg and Louis Lipsky is dish anfl English dialogue-titles. "Harvest Festival" is a picture arranging a huge national conNew York < WN\S1.—Fipli : in; ference in January -which will of- of the collective life in the Ukgallantly against terrific odd1., opficially launch the campaign. raine. It. has in it music a n d ponents of American particips •'•">!Under the resolutions adopted, dances of the region. in the Berlin Olyn'.'iic Ga nipt n' the Jewish National Fund a n d Tickets m a y be secured from 15)36 went, down to detept T. h.->i, the Palestine Foundation F u n d a n y member of the Icor or Et the Icor or Et the turmiltoup! hitter !!•.-•.->.retain their separate identities box office Thursday evening. Adclay anrms! convention o" ,*i>r but share as equal partners in mission -will be twenty-five cents. Amateur Athletic Union find;-;-/. the joint campaign. a direct and definite decision .->r. Speakers stressed the fact that the Olympic issue hj vniius. the end of the agreement between i 61 11-20 to 55 7-fii So fPh the Zionists and the Joint Dis- j resolution afrninpi American tribution Committee does not j ticipation. defeated by r vo* mean that rivalry will ensue, for j 5? 1-4 to 5 5 0-4 B pvopn«;;s the aims are different. The J. make American participation D. C. eerves as a "palliative for j pendent on. 'he repnr; of pr, the European Jews, speakers said, Warsaw (WNSt — A demand while the Palestine campaign will for more severe punishment for raise funds for settling t h e Jews those convicted of anti-Semitic woulfi investigate ronditioris.. in Palestine. rioting is voiced by Gazeta Pol- Germany, p.nd ndopfpd v.V.h "While I shall be the last to ska, semi-official organ of t h e dissent a resolution which in deny the importance of ameliorat- ; Polish government. The paper feet reiterated ihe IP"" A.. A. ing the fate of Jews in oppressed | declares that a few days' imprip- resolution plus s Kip'ome^'. lands, we Zionists feel we must! o n m e l l t i s E o t enough for those clarinc that American parti.-; finn FRP v.ot to he mrp -nrf work for the permanent solution \ ho cripple Jews for life. of the Jewish problem," said Mr.! This plea to the courts to deal VRI of Nnri \ Rothenberg. • more firmly with the anti-SernAlthough hp.Skerl by y Dr. Israel Goldstein, president I itic hooligans coincided with the tary maneouvrps siul of the Jewish National F u n d . organization in fo T > of a. movement tactics tti h their t h i efforts ff stated that the fact that the Ker- among- Christian intellectuals to ihe A. A. 1". on rpcorri as h en Kayemeth (Jewish National combat, the wave of anti-Jewish strains). American pnrticipa; Fund) "is to l e an equal partner j terrorism. Under the leadership the opponents of pariicipaiinn with the Keren Hayesod '{Pales- of Madame Soikovski, -rife oi r, y scored. 8 Ftrikinc m tine Foundation Fund) is note- professor st the University of victory by virtue of the ; worthy" because "it reflects the! Warsaw, the intellectuals are mo- t h p A . A. U . if.FPlf, rppvp«tf--ji;- .'r,;. recognition' by all Zionists that at '• bilising their forces lor a coun- 33 district sppociation?- 'IsrAu the present juncture't h e Keren; ter-campaign ajrainst the anti- out the country, actually vn Kayemeth is of crucial import- Semitic agitation. i53 7-f.P to 48 11-C0 not. to u, ance, and has always b e e n of; Although has the resolution snd S4 J i to «.' „__ the government ... take place at the J. C. C. Lib- fundamental importance ^in J.he:r e o p e n e ( i t n e universitieF in the to sppoinl: R commission.

Omahans Active At Conclave of Junior Hadassah

Jewish Chemist Being Forced To Perfect Poison

Ask for Stiffer Punishment for ators

Annual Carnival

irluT^i^n^^^*5^»ca5Seri-; government .was friendly; to | The convention-included a tea, 16 not a of the Omah^ ctrate any gas mask, itHra's learn- banquet^,- and formal dance a t the- Cammunity -•'-•' - - ... H e said | Chest ana finances ;lted here f r o m weTHnformea -Hotel Muehlebach Saturday' night; selt eoleiy" through the sale'^of the j sources. , of going through " attended by 250 couples. Sunday, 6 e a l s : •' ' •' ' " . • • • ' . • ' . - • • • ' ' . A native of Elberfeld,; Protes- the business sessions were held, mense If V B P only flip VOTPP 'if sor Wagner was determined that followed by a- luncheon at the riots is ever, isolated outsidr allird nspociation?. v-b coming to the top and the work- I kin are in charge of the affair. j his .-formula'-, should not fall into Hotel Muehlebach. - Guest speakit.ic incidents were reported from : representatives seldom attend ing people were supporting, the j There will be games, dancing,, the hands of the Nazis and he ers were Rabbi Albert I. Gordon Radom, Kielee. and Fosnan. A. A. U. conventions, hvl middle classea against Commu-ja country store, and novelty left his home secretly, bound for of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. Harry JeWS j | In R a d o m a three-year-old •e mobilized for thir- «< ' >i { the Czech border. j booths. The admission will be F^riedberg of Kansas City, presiChristian child vras badly woundi by thp sdvorptrs of ppv, i, Just as he waa about to, cross dent.'ot the- Zionist organization, 175 cents per couple and children,! led when a bullet, intended for p. :i. who cast the dccidinr ••' the frontier tie was captured. and Mr. Irving Levitas of Kansas pareBts LADIES LABOR LYCEUM \ Jew struck the youngster, Win- QXIt ] , e n »,tion to table t.1ir- J :.•.'••• ^ ' When his identity w a s learned <!ityj director of th© College of Jerusalem- (WNS-Palcor; Agenflows in Jewish Fiores ann proups voted 1,1 In Z in O:; i . The chairmen announce that and the nature ot his formula es- Jewish Studies. CONCERT MET SUNDAY there • j were smashed by hooligans find iirmritive. and on 1'ir prnpno-, ' •: cy)——The Vorid's first'radio anhave been more donations tablished, tie "was -thrown into Berlin (JTA)—Instructions j in Fosnan Jews were assnultefl in C i t i e a represented included fippnirii s commir-'ior; the1" •••• •"•• The Ladies Labor Lyceum club i this year than ever before. Many prison and tortured in. order to Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City,. Des nouncer • to proclaim -his w a.r.« s published in the Deutsche Poliextract -from him a promise that Moines, Wichita,". St. J.o s e p h, | over the ether waves in the lan,-will give their first annual con- beautiful things are to be given zeiheamte, German police gazette. the university. Eiprit ot the IPP.CI- 15 1 o one F-EPinsf ii. A', vo time durmjr she roi--f.~he would complete his research Council Bluffs^ Tulsa, Denver,; cert and drawing Sunday,-Decem- away and sold. There will be re- empower policemen to a r r e s t ers of the illegrsl National Radicals hare been arrested by the t.inp vere. iho delpfrate?; pivrr ».T ol the Bible is to b e i e - ber 15, at 8 p. m. at the Labor j freshments. and turn over his invaluable. for- Kansas CltyTst_ Louis. without a warrant Jews seen in police. : ; ledted soon, by a commission of j ; The Vaad auxiliary has worked i mula to the German authorities: opportunity <o vote dirpct!*- '.v L y c e u t t ; 22nd and'Clark Streets, the company of "Aryan" women : Among the-Omaha delegation The same source that disclosed were the Misses Rose Abrainson, experts in Hebre-w language and j A musical program has been &T-|to make this an outstanding i at restaurants and other public • Wagner's story revealed that the Betty Burstein, Ida Fine, Goldye dictlonWhat has just- b-fi e n -ftp-j ranged. Jidniission will be 25 ievent and urges all its members places. Tnnt ihp rPBUltp of the two rwiiJi i laboratory in -which he is work- Fish,. Dora : Freshman, Kalah pointed by "the Pale&tlne^Gorern- cents. i aiid friends to participate. At the present time there Ere : BAHQUET AT TEMPLE •v-prp generally rfpsrded SF *.I ing was. equipped "with funds ob- Franklin,:.. Sarah- German, GerBccurste reflection of t h e rr->ino.-» no laws prohibiting Jews f r o m ; tained through a credit with the Guss, Ann Hahn»" Eva .Katzman, ment. tive strength of t h e two Firl?>*. The commission, consisting of dancing with "Aryan" women, or j Several hundred enthusiastic Bank of England. I>fspitr Oicis- cSriif^i. &2 Z 2i," "Aryans" from selling realty to fatherK and pons uttencied the anFannie. Katelman, Bess Kirahen-1 Isaac Epstein, noted authority on convention, I h e opponents J>' Jews, but the gazette points out jB u g l f a t h e r E E I l f l pr)ViS of baum, Lillian koom, Ann Kuznit, J Hebrew phonetics; Hanna. Rowparticipntion intend to COJIISHM.i Frances Kornfeld, Jeannette Res- j ina, star of the Iambus Hablma SAMSTERN WILL that arrests in such cases are jus- jT e m p l e i s r a e i held last Sunday Ft the fipht.. .TudEP Mahoney, tvi*.\ nick, Freda Softer, Bess Swarti, j theater company, and- Avinoain tified in the interests of. preserv- the Temple vestry rooms. 1

.Has-:/" i First Hebrew Air Announcer





Rose Softer, Ann Goodbinder, Yelliri, Crovernment inspector ot ing order. During the cotjrse of the din- rofnscd so be a mudifSs?? ?'•>; j Bettye Tuchman, Sibyl Cooper- Jewish-schools, are. to interview The instructions further point ner, the fathers and sons exer- rc>r]eciion io t h e pr^s.idenp* J»The Thorpeian Athletic : club i man, Sonia Rpitstein, Lucile Kap- candidates, for the; post of Hebrew tlie A, A. 1*., urmoniirefi thni ii: out that section 14 of the police "Today is. the first has elected the following officers !lan, Julia Zuker, Tibbie "Wolfson, announcer i n ' the "Ho ly- 'Lafid'a that the Menorah com- code is "most elastic" and en- cised their vocal chords under the view of <lie f f ' i thnl ihr f o r direction of Harry Stieller by Jew is beginning to; play a promi! for the coming.-{erin: Sam Stern, j and Marian Weinberg. all the elements of perfect first radio .broadcasting station, nent part in art and beginning to art The vertical line in the titles policemen to act on their sirijring appropriate songs. president; H. Z. Bernstein, -viceThe next convention will be scheduled to open within, a few hr rouirt not Folio-wing the banquet. Toastmold a typical Jewish Art," center symbolizes strength of OWE discretion "in the spirit of president; H. Chudacotf, secre- held in St. Joseph, Mo., in No- w e a k s . •• ; ' ;••".. the Nazi aims." curry out he master. Sam Josephon calied upstated Saul Raskin, the celetary; D.FJnkle, treasurer, and If. vember, 1936. British.,radio- experts: are nowbrated Jewish painter in his talk men against the forces of nature. he a rawditlntr 1o PIK on Dr. Leon Fellman ss E "repreMeyers and A. Softer, sargeantsat -work at Ramallah, near' the on *"A ' Jewish Point' of View. in standing for imagination t n d inpelf, sentative father with vest experiat-arms.. Holy City, on the final stages of Art"-' at the Jewish Community telligence. All 'branches' of the "I lepve," IIP R'n'cl. ence in the knowledge of raising Tne organization is planning B'NAI ISRAEL PLANS Menorah. end" in a horizontal line : the station's equipment; children" to speak for the fathers. of Ihp morpl victory of this <'•«=' Center on Tuesday- evening. "The and it is this horizontal line that their annual New Tear's eve p*arWhen completed its programs artist in order to-create art must CHANUKAH CONCERT Dr. Fellmen, whose family COD.- for which I hfivp hatred ir J'ty which will T>e held this year represents restfulness, quiet, the will .be broadcast In. three lanBists of a. fiix-month-old FOB. hpat the Elks club. Reservations The B'nai Israel synagogue, guages -" • English, Hebrew and be in the mood for that creation," ethical note in life. The curved gan with the remark ihst his en- that thp American -Olympic ;"•'•*•» stated Mr. Raskin. "It often branches of the Menorah symmay be-made with any member of 18th and Chicago streets, will Arabic, takes weeks, months, and even bolize charm and beauty and the 'Kaunas, Lithuania.. (JTA) -—tire speech was culled frorn. his mittre JP Kfraui to face the ."«-:•• the club ."or by calling Iryin C. give a Chanukah concert Sunday,' years before an artist can create lights on the Menorah symbolize | T n e Prospect of living in Germany .vast store ol knowledge on raie- For myself. I conpider the- "i>.' L e v i n . . ' • " ' • .•.-'-.' December 22, at 8 p. m. at the i j a piece of..-' art." Mr. Raskin light and a message. .Tins, Je-w-j w so unpleasant to them — that 'ing children. «-»---synagogue. Cantor A. Schwaczkin ! i stated that he himselj had to wait ish art combines intelligence,' tv^Ety Lithuanian women last Don Brodkey was called upon the games in Germany sins: 1 and the Hazomir choir -will sing j I-UK eontimied ns the only way of ?>•• 61 not Jewish and-Hebrew selections apethics, - beauty, and charm and | """e ! : took dramatic a c t i o n to to respond for the sons. His speech, "How to Raise Fathers." serving the Olympic ideal, I his" first visit to Palestine in IS 21 gives the world a message. The ja T O l d 3 t propriate to the season." .4. —Endorse-j New York able: to^:create any art. Jewish'note in art is "Art for! T h e w o m e n are the wives of, was satirical, end drew a number ; pprUirp from office in the Rabbi Harold'Berger will give ment pi. the $50(U>00- American -league (WNS)—Proving t h e X'. leaves me free to confirm? oung So itis"with nations. The Jew- life's s a k e " not "Art for art's' German-Jewish experts in various ; of laughs from both the flevote my enprpiep to prpR^r'. truth of the old adage that "poli- a talk in Jewish and in English wait " ' iskin I fields vrho have been living inland old. on the Feast ol the Maccabbees. this week by the International Qr;t w the honor of American athiefp tics makes strange bed-fellows," years to prepare themselves In describing his own works, « country. When their 1ms- j Ernie Adams, athletic conch vt The concert Is free and-every- der of B'nai B'rith tnrougn the the Zionist-Revisionists ot Czej The withc'rpwfil of Maiuw art. Yet, no nation is better | Raskin sUted that he wants bands were ordered by the Littiuj Benson High, Fpoke. on the adM r choslovakia and the extreme Jew- one is cordially Invited "to attend. medium^ of an editorial in the equipped because tne Jew, by napurposes of football. Pnd. the rntire plate prrparpr: the Je Jewish people a Ianian authorities to return to Ger- j vantages b r i a g t o the pp ish asslmilationistt. have united This is to be the outstanding December issue t>f the B'nai ture, is very expressive and. emo- ^t o entertained thp anti-participation ^roup tno the women petitioned, the • Later, the their life. He loves the ictnTB oi B'rith Magazine, official organ .of to lorm a new people's party Jewish concert of the season. i by a magician, and then three; possible the election oi A'.-s tional and; desiroiis ot expressingi j j i h faces. They represent"i.Government lor divorces, declaro d ew s the largest Jewish fraternal orwhich is violently opposed to the • movie shorts -were eho-wn. : Brtinfiage. chief advocate oS r>t h e s e - emotions tio and d leelings leelings. jt o h i m dignity, "restfulness, EBd ! i n ^ they they pp rr ee ff ee rr rr ee dd sseparation epati in the existing Jewish Party, a pro^Zionj There are todayJnTCew York City j eternitv itself. He said a ymiEg i f r o m t b e i r s ?o« s e s to living In ; Scotst troop S2. sponsored by ticipation and president ox • that ist organization. i the Temple Brotherhood, were the American Olympic Committee, « » ™rd Reich. but an 'honor guests of the occasion, .president of the A. A. U.. iojrf>;l grades I Therefore, lie is trying to paint ! hv the entire communitv R 5 well! Members ol ihe sisterhood served.; vritli a complete pi'o-partioip*.:i;>t Afforestation Plan The program was unde the di- administration. In order to Jerusalem — A five-year" plan o CT : She tight against pnrtieipt. rection of Jake Slosburg. \ tures and ideals to his people, i in to admire his work. Mr. Rasfor afforestation on a national help himself," the editorial the Holy Land. -< Announcement ! jMahtmey else resigned frorr ^ i art. This is the particular phases j The Prophets are his great love, j kin has scale has been drawn up by, the a national reputa- : jexecutive committee of the An Palestine Government, the' Palcor tion Govern- ' c a r l Olympic Committee, hv.'. of th Agency has learned. Berlin — The Italian. resentatives of true religion and i-are now on display in some of the Inhabitants ot Jerusalem to ab- j "is'Httle enough to ask." He allies himself with the Shatz idealism. He has often felt bad- i leading museums of the world. ; rnent will put no difficulties in tained his membership in Barren stretches of land are to stain Irom - using alcohol," has I Committee itself. School'of Art in Palestine;, Ute j ly, lie stated, that DO Jewish artist j On Wednesday afternoon, the i-the path' of German Jews be planted with trees at the.rate just been made and Palestinians Qtikt Miss Charlotte Epstein. .?. Shatz, he Ieels; that the Jewish j i a s given his conception of the ] Women's Division of tne Jewish i wish to tafee of $5,000 domains a yfear. o£ i he are -urged turn a deal ear Dr. Leon E. Fellman announces people are not jufit a people of j Prophets. Heretofore, bea-u-tiful j Community Center were hostesses Nazi Government's offer to permit, of the vomeiTi; Olympic swimi to the Society's -appeal for Bupthat' after Decemoer 16 he _TFI11 feeling but a heroic; nation that a s ' a r e the Prophets' of'. Gentile! to a reception and tea for Mr. them, to eisigTKte to Italy with team, resigned from the Ol^-i port. MonteHore Chmr have nis offices in suite'722-24-26 has a significant and meaningful palaters, tfeey could only give us j Raskin, to which the Jewish wom-i 50,000 marke, the Italian Consul- Committee. Louis De Bene<'fn;-v London—A campaign to raise There is "a pressing n e e d," Branfleis Theater Bldg. His" new; meEsage to "the: wofid asid there- their interpretations as Gentiles, j en of Omaha were invited. Mr.-ate stated.; o£ Ke-w- Orleans, secretary-:T-A $75,000 among the Jews *>f Great sober population, a happy family telephone number "Will be HAjfore-itB art-must be.beaHtfful and JHis Prophets are irom the Jewisa j Raskin was--brosg-ht here nsder i The offer permits Jews to emi- ; iirer ol the Southern A. A. t,. s.c£ r Britain to establish;' a ^hair in says the Society, "for a cleaner '3737.' '" ' ' " 'symmetrical meigful H k iepoint S t off view i d representt th i J i hL t t tto IItaly t l -with ith tthat h t sum p f th bld liI symmetrical and and- meanihsfnl like and the , th tne auspices of£ th the-Jewish Lecture ! grate pro-::mover ol the ttabled English literature at the* Hebrew city, a cleaner country, a more . . ! - - - -ideals. - - j. vided . - . .they tske it in the form ol. \ tioa resolution., resigned Ircnia IhfDr." Fellman is a graduate of the people. j and- Concert Series ol the Jewish "University in memory of. Sir Moses life,' and peaceful relationship Creigrhton university and cora- .- Mr. Raskin, stated that the Mr. Raskin's collection was on • Community Center. Mrs. Irvin) s Reichsbanfc check to be ex-; Olympic basketball team an£ <*>*• Montefiore has b e e n launched among young men and honest In- j pleted hiff dental interneship at .Menorah is the only artistic crea- exhibit all day Tuesday and Wed- Stalmaster was -chairman of Tues-i changed, at a 40 per cent loss, j executive committee o£ the here. terconr8e between individuals." • 'St'. Joseph hospital heTe. ' "' tlon that to,"this day is .typically [needay"and was favorably received'day evemiEg's lecture. ' icaa Olympic Committee for lira' credits. ;

Lithuanian Wives Prefer Divorce To Reich



Temperance Drive Begins in Palestine

peSr^mlnV ^ L S j S i ^ S L : " • ^ e T ^ P o S j ^ t ^ ^ ^ ^


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^ ^ » ^ »«*-outsWer. who





home, when they were privately) 1806 he organized battalions ofltunlties in the store. Thalberg's limited so he accepted a chance yesterday t h e African influence, | p ilar impetus to the industrial deinformed and rushed at onceJ803 men and 60 officer, ajl Jews, i ambition has never let him stag- to join forces with Louis B. (arrived - - as exemplified by Sally : velopment of the country by putto t the th Deutsch D t h h home < j i h hi i in the | to accustom Jews to military j nate. Feeling that his equipment j er, then an independent film pro•••• j Eilers, blonde film star, who we ting new credit at the disposal of Bronx . . . service . . . That the decline of; would find him a better position j ducer. Later when the Metro- 'saw on her way to work in Eddie Palestine's Jewish manufacturers the Portuguese Jews in Holland | elsewhere, he sought further em-j Goldwyn-Mayer Studio consolida- Cantor's next picture. On Sally's will also be established by t h e WEDDING BELLS . . . ployment. tion took place, Thalberg aligned in the early 18th century was ! throat was an Addis Ababa chok- Banks Commission. Within a few days or so after He put a situation want ad in ; himself, in partnership with May- j er, on her wrist a war-mfice type and Negro cultists . . . Claudette | said to be due to their frequent TIA SHORT WAVE . . , , . . , marriage of relations in order to a newspaper for a position at sec- j er in the operation of the studios, of bracelet. Fashioned from the ',;. "Visitors to the Tomb'of Rachel Colbert is about to disqualify her- iF_ ls, hel famed : of or-1 keep family fortunes intact and retary-stenographer. He accepted! At the age of 24 Thalberg became ; noted actress' own designs they, Jewish Fencers Score . In Palestine have been stunned to self in Germany . . . Her fiance J t_h o d=o x - w h o wchampion rote : "My 40 <because they didn't want to have one of four jobs offered. His next; production head at M. G. M. ; are of heavy chain silver with . Budapest—Two Jewish fencers ilnd that', picture post cards show- Dr. Joel J. Pressman, is a n o n - iY e a r s y : position w a s stenographer to j Since that time he has super- : onyx and gold separations and big scored the h i g h e s t number of Aryan . . . Al Jolson and George i struggle for a Principle," anything to do with the "Tode: ing the Inside of the tomb offered y 11 sailing to Palestine scos"—the German and Polish! H u E ° Windner, export manager j vised production of hundreds of ! coral and turquoise studs. /•• points in an athletic exhibition pro!™ ; for sale ere made in Germany . . . Jessel are both planning to profor a the State Theater in conN. • Y. firm. His employer V M. M B. B adds this | p y jjt h e most successful u c e s u l pictures picures - It is also a fact that picture post duce their own pictures next year : Among the things he win dd i Jews . . . And V. j HAS XEW JOB ' nection with n e x t L Summers *?_ d note about Yehu'di Menuhin, vio-M eft R lasting impression on Thai-1 shown on the screen, built stars cards almost anywhere in 'Pales- . . . Paul Muni's next role will: I Anne E. Meyers, who was on wll l be to get married . tine bear a made-in-Germany be the lead in "The Life of Louis | . . . Interviewers noted when berg. AH executive, his demand j to tremendous magnitudes; guid- '•the editorial staff of the Los An- Olympic garaen. mark . . . A n d this has nothing Pasteur"".".7 Scheduled for star- jFJschel, who, incidentally is a to England from for meticulous accuracy instilled ed directors to new heights of jgcles Evening Herald and Express to do with t h p transfer agree- dom next year is J u n e Travis, f/and'at*earK. a n d ' *** • •' a J5 B f L i n -| i 'hl7soVth'lirieaxr'tow7 toaV^!ta t h e y° u n * stenographer a re-! achievement; supplied minions of for a number of years and was as- Power To Tax >'• ment,-either . . . Speaking of post Jerusalem—Taxing powers alsistant women's club news editor ' of his work today, j have demanded—the real secret •' cards reminds us that the .Nazis G ^ i n l r ^ " most equal to those possessed by until recently, has a new position a n d F a p p a aI rose to the position of of a film executive's success, 4 are now destroying hundreds of cago White Sox vice-president... . | binate, will wed the daughter of is capable of t *ed,. today talking for Yehudi himself | with the Helen Ferguston motion governments were granted to th« thousands of cards showing .a Eugene Meyer's daughter, Flor-' an English rabbi . . . —and does . . . Also that he jassistant manager of the firm in j One night Thalberg visited a picture publicity organization in Palestine Jewish community by 'blonde little Aryan b o y posing erice, -will 'make her theatrical de-! j neighborhood movie house. He sports a little mustache and] a year's time. Hollywood. In her new work she the Palestine Government. . w i t h Hitler . . .Selected* by Hit-j but in Meyer Weisgal's produc- i MISH-MASH . . . .. looks forward to two years on- his Chance determined Thalberg's j saw a flash of youth on t h e jhas the task ef publicising t h e future. One holiday he visited his i screen. She was Norma Shearer.' . ler's advisers as the finest speci-j tion of Max Reinhardt's spectacle, | Jascha Heifetz, who's quite California "ranch." great film stars and her writings grandmother, who had a cottage j He induced her to come to Holly•Franz! handy with the fiddle, and his '•:• men. of Aryan childhood, the "The Eternal Road" . (Copyright, 1935. Jewish Telegraphic near the beach of Edgemere, Long | wood. Three years after t h a t reach newspapers and other pubWerfel'ff "Forty Days of M u s a; wife, the former film star, Flor• youngster; turned out to be the Ajjency, Inc.) lications from coast to coast. Ance Island. Carl Laemmle lived next i Thalberg ventured his first 'date' ' grandson: of a Dusseldorf rabbi, Dagh" will be filmed after all, rence Vidor, are one of the ten is also gaining a reputation us s,n door. Thalberg immediately re- j with Miss Shearer. In 192S they and t h e s o n of a mixed Aryan- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer having de- i happiest cbuple3 in the world, acable movie fan magazine writer. alized that Laemmle was a man ' were married. Two children have Jewish marriage . . . O n e of the cided to disregard diplomatic ; cording to Miss Maxwell, society's She is a very clever and capable from whom he could learn a great. gladdened the union, Irving Thai-( conditions in the 'settlement of (pressure on the part of the Turk-j know-it-all The death of a writer and newspaper woman and ! deal. After a meeting, Laemmle berg, Jr., born in 1930, and Kath\ the libel suit of Putzi Hanfsta-j ish government . . . Emma Redell, Kansas City man from a sneeze should go far in her new activity, j By LOUIS PERARSKY offered him a job. Thalberg did- j erin'e, born in 1936. engl, Hitler's press agent, against one of the finest singers in this recalls that the "zum leben" of (Copyrifht. 1938. by feeven Arts n't take it because it seemed too The advent of talking pictures .'.Lord Beayerbrook's London Daily country, is the editor-in-chief of a the Jews was based on a legend IRVING G. THALBBRG Feature Syndicate) simple. in 1929 threw the film industry ' Express was a promise that all new musical publication called that one died from & sneeze . . . _. , . , . . . i The biography of Irving G. W« arrange tit* ftaaaec te Seeking another position, Thalinto a. turmoil. Whil# others were but one of the Beaverbrook pa- "Aria." Hans von Stuck, greatest auto ^ ^ ^ n o t e d m o t i o n lcture berg found himself on Broadway, caught in t h e maelstrom, Thal: pers would look with a m o r e ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW r e m o d e l er repair jomr ' * ! ! f J n - S f m a n y f ^ 8 J f * " ! l d . . a Producer, vice-president and as' kindly eye at the Nazi regime . . . Maurice Levin, head of Hearns j Jewish girl . . . And will conse- sociate of Louis B. Mayer of Met- N, Y. He was attracted to the berg's attitude w a s watchful building at low rates aa4 Universal Films executive offices. waiting. After considering all Only the fact that he's a J e w Department Store, has more fol-jquently be dropped f-om racing ro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, is the small paymeatft—ffa Nteaey He went in and sold himself asj angles, he produced his first keeps George Mandel, French lowing t h a n any other Jewish I teams representing Germany . . . Jerusalem (WNB-Ptleor Agen- j story of a brilliantly successful secretary to D. B. Lederman, as- sound picture. It smashed record* I : minister of communications, from leader . . . The recent testimonial i Pig bristles are being hoarded in Dowa. ey)—A Jewish Agricultural Bank career founded on unbounded ' being, a certain successor of Pierre By the Govern- energy, an amazing capacity for sistant to the president. The as- throughout the world. He follow- j that will offer cheap credit to by the Ye-! Germany sociation proved a great education ed this with a long line of sue-1 farmers in Palestine employing i Laval as premier . . . Although a shiva for the purpose of raising! ment . . . According to a dispatch j hard work and clear thinking. to the boy. He delved into the cessful productions, constantly | Jewish labor is to be established > conservative, Mandel is persona funds attracted 2,000 people . . . j in the New York Sun, "if every e SS Ca n n1 b m a Ur ed Let us plan and •atlNi«t« th« building new personalities, a n d jsoon, according to a decision of •J grata to lights and lefts . . . T o Morris Rothenberg, Zionist prexy, I bristle "is saved -nd utilized, Ger!-!i . -, . ...°. . J t. ! l . i fiim7ndu7t"ry Tt em erery* »n*g"le T e»«t ef ysur ptfMtottfti «••<»— i keep peace in the family Hitler" is ;going to launch a plan of re-1 many will not have to import in terms of success. His is meas- and found it the outlet he had was the first to introduce two or the Zionist Banks Commission' h ;- has ordered Propaganda Goebbels organization which will create a!any, and this will*help Dr. Hjal-\sistently ?™Ltt Lpopular A.f, t l admotion lJ!!! r J?.i**-*Z • pictures i »ou*ht "*ior" Ws" imbltioB° andmore stars in one film, climaxing I which was made public here. :" to make up with his frau, whom l o t ot t a l k talents. his history-making efforts in this Abranam £he recently ™*J!,HT Z M f r i . l i " M " I ' ' ' Flexner, | mar Schacht to retain his sup\ Vd of years. They have The creation of the Agricultur- j a per direction w h e n he screened ousteu from his bed j ^ e a d Q[ t h e I n s t i t u t e f o r A d v a n c . | p l i e a o f g o l d a n d { o r e j g n e x - j wov6r as one of c o n h i m r e c O g n i tion LAEMMLE'S "RIGHT and board . . . "Grand Hotel" w i t h an tlNstar al Bank, which was voted by the ed Study at-Princeton, N. J., en- j changes, it is said." . . . And j the ablest production executives HAND MAN" recent World Zionist Congress at cast. THIS AND THAT tertained the other evening, at his (houses must be painted with paint I in the film industry. He wears Lucerne, -will be supported by the , Back from a visit to his studio i' Judge Joseph Sanders of t h e Princeton home, Einstein, Rein- having no oil content : . . Wil- j the honor modestly. Ever alert in Universal City, California, the HOLLYWOOD BOUXJEVABD Jewish Agency for Palestine and ; Detroit common pleas court, may j hardt, Weisgal Ham j . Wollman gavo his sixth | for new ideas, he sifts the gems I eTdeV'LaVmmr*" waTked"*into' the . On Hollywood's neon-lighted the- Anglo-Palestine Bank. hardt, Werfel, Werfel, Weill Weill and and Weisgal ; be appointed U. S. District Attor- . . . In case you don't know it, annual Betty Wollman Thanks- from the rubble with astonishing o H l c e a n d f o u n d Thaibere work- great white way we saunter along An industrial bank to give elm-, •' ney for Michigan , . . He's also | Mrs. Abraham Flexner is one of j giving Dinner to 4,000 New York- success. He knows a story t h a t ! l n g a t a typewriter His observa- on a. mld-summerlike 4ay in Der a candidate for a Federal judge- j America's most famous novelists |e r s w h o couldn't afford their own [will make a picture the moment1 i i the young man convinced cember to learn what's n e w . . . If you're wondering why;—none other than the author ot j gobbler . . . Betty Wollman was j he reads it or hears it. His de- t o n s o him that there w a s a definite among the Jewish folks in an T \ you haven't heard f r o m Rabbi | "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage;i RIU'K Bill's mother, mother, whose whose DO portrait i cisions come rapier-like, but n o t | p i a e e in his busines» for such an around the tremendous motio V Solomon Goldman of ' Chicago j Patch Iso, she doesnt use |h a n g g i n o n e of the Kansas Capi-1 Without m a t u r e consideration, indefatigable worker. He made picture industry. Jo« Penner an :• these last' few months, we'xe tell- the Flexner name^n her writing t a l b u l i d i n g a a 8 a "typical Kan- from a. penetrating mind always Thalberg his private secretary. At Mrs. Penner, former Detroiters i ing you that he's suffering from a ; . : • J . . f ! c ! ^ 5 ! ^ A ™ ^ " i l ^ , e . * . ! ! 8 M Pioneer" . . . Prof. Einstein j at w o r k, probing, analyzing, | l a s t Thalberg had found his P rb P - just back from Pfclra Spring throat ailment The real rea- fracture of his ankle in Chicago j JTSUH "as'modest VB~€Ter . . . searching. In rare- combination jer niched In" two years he had 'a where they enjoyed a few days' J son' why Vice-Investigator Dewey ^ e > O t h e r l d a , y > . * ° i _TU1 b e _ l a i d | w h e n introduced at the premiere with his sagacity and astuteness vacation and California's deser ifWhert Omaha Shops with Confidmnem •« • i of New York discontinued using up for a couple of weeks . . . Read of "The Land of Promise," he ' as a business man is the wistful complete understanding of the in- sunshine One of the close: nermost workings of the film in01 f the term "Shylock" td.ldescribe a c ^ T i ^ ^ i ^ ' V " " " ' 7 \ t i bower;etao*wledg.ment*to N ^ j ^ettc'tluam; ot"hl8"drea"m.'.~The dustry and Laemmle took him to counterparts of the sketch whic j the loan-shark: racketeers is the l " - _ . f _ F i ! ? . . ; O ' h O m ^ > . - _ ^ ' * h e | t h a n Straus from his seat in the j one makes the other come true. Cecil B. DeMille sent out in hope; z, fact that Tie remembered • -he pay- December issue of Stage, the audience and it was only after j His complete understanding of Universal City as "right hand it would find him an ideal Deman. %. ed his way. thf ough the University theatre magazine—it's a pippin' repeated storms of applause that j the public's entertainment desires lilah for "Samson a n d Delilah Laemmle wanted to make a 5 ot-^Michigan by;singing in a synahe half rose and briefly nodded is described as uncanny. trip tq Europe and he was anx-turns out to be «. Chicago fir! \ gogue choir. . •, . Mazel tp.vs are (Copyright, 1935, - by Seven Arts to the audience.. . . the Jewish, ious that studio affairs be placed with the unusual name «.' Joi Si Feature Syndicate) i due Abe Goldberg, Zionist orator, NATIVE OP NEW YORK police sergeant, Moshe ^Rosenfeld, in first class shape. He watched . . . Paul Muni, we hear, has wo ii on the-marriage of his daughter, | who was killed by Arab brigands ?Z?L?' Z^^JIL™?.}* ™\ Thalberg attack studio problems the most important role of his •:. Natalie, who is a physician . . . born May 30,with dynamic energy and bring brilliant career in the theatre, th> | in line of duty, appecrs to have inspiration. He was «.-- Superior Court -Judge Joseph Sableading part ia M. G. M.'s "Th been the victim of German bul- in an old-fashioned brownstone order out of chaos. i ath of Chicago • is celebrating, his According to the offi- house in. New York, the son of a At 19 Thalberg was made gen- Good Earth." Musi is considered lets t- 2Eth anniversary on t h e bench lace importer. After finishing his eral manager of Universal Studios jo n e °* t ? l e outstanding charaete: j cial account of his slaying . . . * . -N. During that time he handled public school education he elect; L actors in the United SUteg.. Irv and Laemmle sailed abroad. • "Sergeant Rosenfeld's boots had ?' 46,0.00; marital rlfts^a n d -r.?coned to train himself for business jbeen the murderc;3 and found employment in hi* . Thalberg was too young to sign ing G. Thalberg told m of hi !. ciliated. 3,000 , coupljes :. . S- Did checks," but n o t t Q o" young""°tojfinal choice for the role after W and three empty cartridge cases grandfather's store. t you know that theJword "Reich," There he *' the Ethiopian term' "Ras" a n d (German) were found near the taught himself typewriting, wrote make good pictures out of bad | e ^ a I ' w *5 k . B . o f - s e 5. r e t t e s t * ""'' Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Selection - "Re," "Roi" and "Rey," the Ital« body." . . . . advertisements for th? Brooklyn ones. Handicaps became stepping of Muni for this part comes a :gun. A. INTERS ian, French a n d Spanish words" Daily Eagle and found time to stones as he poured new ideas an added tribute to aa actor wh for- king, all' stem- froni the HeTHINGS WE DIDN'T KNOW . . . etudy shorthand and Spanish in into the producing centre. He astounded Hollywood with his pic- is recognized as a genius in make j brew word "RoBb," meaning first DEATH PASSES OVER That is we didn't know them night school. up, a reputation which he won in tures. until that noted expatriate VicA PARTY ... His facile mind rapidly graspseveral dramatic films . . . Mus The reader may remember that! tor M. Bienstock, chief of the ed the fundamentals of b o t h JOINS LOOS B. MAYER solini could never h*ve predicted SPORTSTUFF p n r h e J# T ThU ambitious Jewish youth what his war in Ethiopia would Bernard s". "Deutsch* died" jf"J° " "! T!."^Li ^V!sfudies. .In"lour "months' he"felt There's a' rumor current that | when gave us tthe lowdown That that he had exhausted his oppor- felt his progress at Universal was B of hls do to Hollywood fashions, b u -Beiny" Leonard" h'as'bVen "as"ke~d |onue ^ death was mysteri35 Jewish officers fell at the bat;• to come to Palestine to help the s l y Th he l ret UP tor several hours tle of Waterloo That the





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VJews ther^. develop athletics on • • • energetic Aldermanic, _ f o r c e s who broke! ^American ^style :.r. ... While we're I President and former head ; American t ore e s who broke o f ^ . the American Jewish Congress i through the German line in the (

: on. the subject- of rumors we died at nine-thirty o'clock on t h e ' B a t t l e o f t h e Argonne-fought uni might say: that < all the talk about night of Thursday, November 2 l i d e r t h e f a m o U 5 Jewish general, J anti-Semitism being the cause of ... . Yet.It was not until close t o ! S I r Jbb.n Monash, whojiommand"that free-for-all during the N. Y. tw o'clock Friday morning that " the '" Australian ' *"" Army ' *Corps * 0 U<-Fordham g a m e I s a lot • of news of his death was released That when Louis Napoleon -.' 2i4j o e y Incidentally, B o b - 2Smith, the; starI of the N. Y;. U. to the press We have dis- i took-the throne of Holland in 4 eleven, -who is non-Jewish, is a covered that there was a definite j I brother-ih-Jaw of Bob Pastor, one reason for the delay . . . The' ';. of the luminaries of last year'snight of Mr. Deutsch's death was j : N. Y. U. team, and now a prom- the night Mrs. Rebekah Kohut -'ising heavyweigh't . . .Bob's man- was being honored by a distinBennett L. Cohn, who his - ager, Mike McTigue, predicts his guished gathering at a testimon^protege will bis the' number one ial dinner to her fifty years of leased the premises at 17SS Jacki challenger within a y e a r . . - ; social service work . . .- Mr. Deu- son street, will operate a. new firm t h e r e — to " Hank Greenberg is reported to tsch* was to have attended that be known as the .be a holdout .. • Among t h e dinner . . .Mayor LeGuardla was Bennett M o t o r ; boldest race track betters in the one of the principal speakers . . . Sales and Servcountry are Izzy Sllverxnan of In- As was also Rabbi Stephen S. ice. . : . dianapolis and Benny Silverman Wise . . . The bereaved family's Mr. Cohn Is ' of New York . . . Maxey Rosen- first impulse, of course, was to well-k n o w n in i "bloom, ex-light-heavirweight king, inform both Rahbi Wise and the l o c a l business ?is planning to marry Mary Camp- Mayor Immediately . But on circles^ h a v i n g : bell, the soup heiress . . . Ernest reflection it was decided that such been . active* in - L e e Jahncke, American member action would throw a pall over t h e automotive ;• of the International Olympic Com- the dinner and completely ruin field for : a num'*j mittee, issued his ' recent statethe testimonial to Mrs. Kohut, a ber of years. cxaent against American participaclose friend of Mr. and Mrs. DeuThe new conI tion l in the Olympics from t h e tsch Hence, the news was cern under Mr. i"University 'Club in New York, withheld until afteh the dinner Cohn will handle ^whlch is strictly Aryan and doeswas over and both Mayor La- Bennett L. Cohn. ?B't' permit iany Jews as members saleg a n d 8erTjce Guardia and Rabbi Wise were on both new and used cars. *or TlBltors'U . % A hot aati-Olymvplcs blast will be Jimmy Walker's |f{rat public1 statement since h i s ^return to America . . . . *BROADWAYSIDE •i ^Despite all denials to the con|traryj Sylvia Sidney has definitefly split with her: husband, pubIlisher Bennett Cerf . . . She's go^ ^ ^ ^ ^ R H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ® ^ ^ I ^ ^ iiOifk ^iiiv iiii ^^^^ra^a ?lhg to London to inake a picture sfor Gaumbnt-British . . . , Observ|ers at the; lAstor Theatre in New TYork, where the Palestine flick\er, "Tie Labd of. Promise" is still jBhowing, ha,ve noticed among the 'ipatrons, Baptist and Presbyterian "ministers, Christian missionaries





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end Upwards Third Floor




in good faith the lies that ! before he would receive a Toronto Mayor Heads Anti-Jewish told to you. I even feel sorry for delegation asking for the reopp.ivyon because you became the Tic- \' Riots m. HiiEgary End ing of the university, the rinlt Anti-Nazi Boycotters • tim of Nazi lies. But you all to Budapest (WXS)—Discovering I "wilfully accepted lies as truth al- j Toronto ( W K S ) —Accepting that they had been duped by "ir- : here subsided, It is understood that the rlni* though you had the possibilities : "•with pride" the honorary presi- responsible political agitators," iI v.-ere promoted by agitators P-'OR* of checking up those figures. j dency of the Anti-Nazi Consumers student leaders at the fniversily : to Premier Gpemboes? who soiu.^»: There is but one course open League, an organization founded o* Budapest disclaimed responsi- i to use the outbreskF BP P TH*>.KSI» to you, Mr. Pastor, if you -would to boycott German goods, James bility for the simultaneous outdo your duty to your religion and By the Service Life Insurance j Simpson, mayor of Toronto, took break of anti-Semitic violence in | ol embarrassing Kozma. to mankind: a pledge before an audier.ce ol sll the universities and pledged Company, Omaha Acknowledge your error openly. 2,000 Christian and Jewish citi- themselves to preserve order. (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic When a man dies, his estate is zens of this city not to buy any As a result of the disclosure Agency, Inc.) virtually placed in a temporary German goods "until t h e Nazi that none of the recognized stu- Three Rooms, Upstair*. t"urnl«Jw • Minister of Justice in Prussia Prior To the Nad Regime receivership. Today he is the persecutions have ceased." Mayor dent leaders had participated in or Unfurnished. Home Pi'lvlleps». '(Hndson, N. Y. is a town ol any other country." Are the Jews, Medlcine, Haber in Chemistry, owner of a substantial estate pro- Simpson also joined those w h o the outbreak and the 'fact, that Close in. Modern Home, Rat> 12,000 population. Recently a. however, responsible lor this geo- Einstein in Mathematics, Rath- j ducing for him a n d his family j are opposed to sending a Cana- Minister ol Interior Kozma de- sonable. enau and Ballin In industry and ] sensation was c r e a t e d {here graphical situation? We. 543Q (under his management) an in- j dian team to the Berlin Olym- manded a restoration o£ order Indeed, you say further: "Af- banking. Tietz and Wertheim in when Rev. Well returned from come which he pictures as con- • pics next year. : ^Germany and read from his pul- ter the war had come to an end, the business world, Ullstein and tinning to them after his death. | - p i t a statement by a high Nazi the distress prevalent in Eastern Mosse in t h e Press, Reinhardt His estate is a profitable "going | BROADWAY BETS ©Br* "official attacking the Jews in Europe, coupled with . o t h e r and Elizabeth Bergner in t h e ! concern." But-with his death, it Now that radio amateur proNew York;(WNS)—Arrangecauses, induced large numbers of Theatre, Lubitsch and Pabst in "not.too civil terms. passes into this period of admingrams are so popular, you ought ments worked out with the au?The town's two dailies print- Jews to cross, the German fron- the films. That the Nazis do not thorities in the S o v i e t Union , istration . . . „ and . . probate. . „ .,The ^ "go- , to know that George Jessel fath. edj the "sermon" verbatim, and tiers and to take up their resi- recognize their achievements as whereby destitute Jewish families i l n ?, ^ s i n e s s finds itself temper- e r e d tb&t t y p e o f p r o g r a m i n 1931 Three gxiO Gokl Tone ®u a Btir was created that spread dence in Prussia." Will you con- contributions to German culture never got a tumble from the from Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Paintings in I .iff1 L i 3k «~ from Hudson throughout the vince that the German Jews should not have made you blind, other European countries will under the supervision of a pro- airmen . . . T h e chief financial country. Rev. Pfeil is answered are responsible for the dire need too. Colors—Mounted in court. And only after the backer of Billy Rose's "Jumbo" be assisted to establish themselves bate r e c e i v e r h a s m e t a Tariet o f es i n t h i s open letter by Dr. Ros- that compelled the people of the Challenges Pickpocket Facts y ~! is Herbert Bayard Swope, former enfeld, who, until the Nazi reg- East to go to the .West? Let us take up your "facts" on in the recently created Jewish Bi7<> t a t e o b l i p t i o n s a n d charged the j executive editor of the New York if ime, "was Minister of Justice in Eastern Jews Helped Build "pickpockets." "Prior to Nation- Autonomous Territory of _ estate with the expenses of this > World . . . That's what the pubPrussia. —- Editor). I You, who w e r e fortunate al Socialism's coming Into power BIdjan in the • USSR, were an "receivership," is the estate busi-, l i c t h i n k s . . . The fact is that Four Poses to Choose j enough to. emigrate to this won- this class of theft was over- nounced here at a meeting of ness turned over to the heirs. From Swope is merely a straw man for the American Committee for the Why do you not tell the truth, derful country, which h a s ab- whelmingly carried out by Jews," It then resumes resumes its normal Bernard Baruch, who some years Settlement of Jews in Birobidjan. Mr. Pfeil? . sorbed so many immigrants, this 'you say. "In 1932 there were 411 Prospective settlers will be met function as an income producing ago was Billy Rose's boss . . . Make Your Appointment* • According to the reports in the country which has become great I arrests on account of pickpocket- at the Russian border by govern- | u n i t "under new management" as j The movie moguls are falling all Early. Hudson Daily Star and Evening and prosperous with the help of j ing, 193 Jews included." I have ment representatives, who will it were, but the new managers over themselves in offering Rose Register of a speech made by you these immigrants, c a n hardly seen the official statistical year- take them in charge and arrange (the wife and the children) find huge wads of money to come to Satisfaction Guaranteed. if. at • your church", you quoted; one deny that these * very Eastern book. According to these figures for their transportation to Biro- that they have succeeded to a Hollywood . . . That long-delayed iit Herr Daluege, newly-appointed In- j Jews have also helped to build 96,846 persons were arrested in Bidjan, and their food and other much smaller business which sim- picture based on the life of HouBpector. General of the Nazi P o - | this country. Should you there- 1932 for petty thefts and tens of necessities en route. Upon arriv- ply cannot produce for them the dini is now being screened . . . lice, as' scientific authority «for j fore reproach those Germans who thousands of these w e r e pickthey will be provided with liv- income which the o l d manage- David Warfield, veteran actor, has " supposedly authentic statistics re- j aided Eastern Jews to settle in pockets. Why, then, did you and al, r s Quarters," "and" furniture a n d j m e a t secured—even if they were fooled old man depression and is if garding the past and present sta- ; Germany and protected them Mr. Daluege choose arbitrary fig- household utensils to the value of j sufficiently^ experienced to_ oper- still the country's richest actor ii tps of the Jews of Germany. I against dire need?. ures of 411 cases and then claim ate it as efficiently as did the dej . . . The Artef Theatre, Yiddish 1,000 rubles for each family. that 193 of these were Jews? Do you know who -were t h e Top need not have gone to Gerestate owner, which usu- troupe, is to dramatize the famFarmers will be absorbed im- ceased many, Mr.. Pfeil, to import Herr i ones who at first encouraged the Why don't you speak of murally they are not. ous novel, "Haunch, Paunch and Daluege'B statistics. You had on- Eastern. Jews to c o m e to Ger- der, robbery, arson and o t h e r mediately into collective farms To expect the wife and family Jowl" . . . Jane Manner, whose and artisans into State and co1612 DOUGLAS ST. ly tO'^read the "Volkischer Beo- many? None other than Hlnden- crimes? to take what is left after the es- collection of material f o r drai bacnter1' of July 21st, 1935, in burg and Ludendorff who, when Gould your Nazi informant not operative enterprises. JA 380© tate "receivership" is over, and matic readings, entitled "The SilEach family will be alloted a which appeared the same infor- they marched.Into Poland, in the j give you some figures on those mate it produce anything n e a r ver Treasury," has gone into its mation as that which you cited as' now famous manifesto to "my j branches of crime? T h e Nazis plot of ground for a private gar- the former income, is to expect second printing, is a very busy 5vS3««SSC»%SfV««VSSi»«?i»^J^^ coming from General Daluege. dear Jews," promised these peo- j know . t h e practice of murders, den, and long term credits will virtually the impossible. Life in- woman, what with innumerable , pesirouB of demonstrating the pie freedom and happiness, and i robbery and arson only too well, be extended to each family by the surance does not p a s s through readings, radio auditions and the great influence of the Jews in urged'the Polish Jews to go to ! and they admit that Jewish par- Soviet Government for the build- any such "receivership"—it is the like in addition to h e r regular ing of homes and the purchase of wise business man that leaves the classes, yet she lias found time German politics, you state that Germany to woik for the interest | ticipation is negligibly small. ,,the Social Democratic Party had of Germany. These two German \ What do the "so-called" crimes cattle, poultry, etc. The only pay- bulk of his present worth to his to inaugurate a daily course in 39 members on the committees of heroes are the ones most respon-i you charge against the Jews sig- ment required within the Soviet heirs in this form. English for refugees from Hitlerthe Reichstag, of whom 38 were. j sible for the immigration of East- nify compared to the mass mur- Union Is the sum of $200 per land . . . Jews. Who gave you these fig- ; ern Jews into Germany. Some of ders of Haarmann, the millions family, and the American Com(Copyright, 193S. by Seven Arts Those advertisers who use the Feature Syndicate) tires? I these immigrants were forced by stolen by Lahusen, or the burn- mittee aims t o Taise an additional columns of the Jewish Press dej the German Army to go from Po- ing of the Reichstag by- Van der sum of $150 per family for the serve and merit your patronage. 14 Jews in Reichstag. Patronize our advertisers. The trpth. -is that in the or Lithuania-to Germany. Lubbe- -all of p u r e "Aryan" expenditures required outside of the USSR—transportation to the Never and nowhere in Germany blood. man Reichstag, elected July 31, border, clothing, tools, etc.—thus 1932, there w e r e 608 deputies, did these Jews or any other Jews Mr. Pfeil, I followed your only fourteen of whom were of organize^ the systematic disinte- j speech, word by word, paragraph for an outlay of 5350, it will be j ; Jewish birth. Of these fourteen, j gration of the German people" as by paragraph, and did not deny possible to save a destitute family j twelve were Social Democrats, out jyou say, Mr. Pastor. If you have that which was true. I did not of five persons, and to start them ; of a total of 135 Socialist depu- exclusive facts about this hitherto deny that also Jews have human | on the road to an independent j for ties. Out of twelve Jewish So- hidden from the whole world, failings, and that crime is crime j livelihood. cialistic deputies you can bring please let us have them. no matter who commits it, but I Misleading -Statistics forth 38! How the Jews h a v e did remember what you ignored The,greatest misrepresentation about the Jews of Germany, and JEWISH PROFESSOR SOLVES multiplied for your anti-semitic PUZZLE IN MATHEMATICS purpose! Out of more than 120 about the Jews who Immigrated the Jews everywhere in this world '*V Socialist members on t h e com- into Germany Is your statement: are not an iota worse than the mittees of the. Reichstag you can "A few statistics may be helpfnl j non-Jews. Charlottesville, Va. (WNS) — make 39! How the Gentiles have to know the extent to which these I challenge solely your state- A means of measuring the so-callbeen diminished f o r yoiir anti- alien residents gradually succeed- ments and the false statements by ed horn angle, formed when two «f' Semitic purposes! You were a ed in spreading- their Influence which -you try to prove that the curved lines branch out of a comA Quality Prodact for Seasoning** important, professions a n d Jews . of Germany brought on mon stem, thus forming the shape too willing pupil of your - N a z i upon Spi IS! fn:'TaTi6u8faHied domains." But themselves by their own miscon- of a horn, a problem which has teachers in Germany. "•".7 ' "-•' Mr. Pastor, you wish to con-: t h e statistics you give about the duct the barbarous persecutions puzzled mathematicians since the vince the American public that number of Jewish teachers, law- of the Nazi Regime. days of Greeks, has been found the Nazis are justified when they yers,^ physicians, actors, authors, Asks Acknowledgment of Error by Dr. Edward Kasner, professor "• nk persecute the Jews, because the industrialists, businessmen, do Your whole speech rests upon of research mathematics at Colnot refer at=all to the Jews who German Jews allowed their Eastlies and nothing but lies. I con- umbia University, he told the Naern brethren to immigrate • and emigrated into -: Germany during j ce*de"uiryou"lnay"liaVe"accepted tional Academy of Sciences. remain in Germany, where they or- after the war. The high perexercised a pernicious influence centage of Jews-who took part in economic and political affairs. in the cultural life of Germany You are correct when you state and to whom we can point with that "owing to'-her situation, Ger- pride, embraces all Jews living many has always attracted to her- in-Germany,- very few of whom - * diklSK^. self a larger proportion of Jew- immigrated : after the war. Think ish erv'.~*"ation from the East than of Ehrlich- a n d Wassermann in






Annoimce Plans For Colonization in Biro Eidjan

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the only attitude that England! for economic planning h a s just can take in keeping -with the high • returned from a tour of South 'JEWS MUST STARVE/ SAY NAZIS IN RETURNING FOOD j American countries. The hue and cry has been raised in the far corners of the character o; her ideals." Dr. Cohn pictured England and | The paper expresses the hope earth that the Jewish people are not farm-minded, that they Prague (WXS1 — J e w s 1 c the United States as the two that Canada, Australia and South Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by are in no wise capable of agricultural pursuits. It means naught • world powers with synonymous | American countries w i l l be in-Czechoslovakia who have been THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING; COMPANY to these brayers of defamation that the Jewish people were orig- | ideals, and said that both nations.: duced by tlie League of Nations sending food packages to their and friends in the small inally and historically an agricultural people, that after the dis- appreciating the value of union to permit immigration fo German relatives $2.00 Subscription Price, one year and peace, must co-operate to J ^ s and that the League -will towns of Germany where the Advertising rates furnished on application. persion they were forced by the rulers of the countries they in- curb European aggressors threat-[also influence the United States Jews face starvation because of habited to seek such trades as commerce and finance. Even ening the peace of the rest of t h e ' a n d Brazil, non-League members. the Nazi boycott have had their Editorial Office: 600 Brandela Theater Building. In connection • w i t h Palestine, packages returned by the German though the Hebraic refugees of yore were anxious to till the soil, world. •; Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center the Rundschau demands that the post office with a notation readthey were denied the opportunity. Palestine Government consider the ing, "Jews must starve." DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor Naturally, we find in the forefront of the aforementioned present situation a "case of emerFRANK R, ACKERMAN - - - . - - - - Editor gency" and admit Qualified Immi-1 Patronize our advertisers. brayers of defamation the Nazis with their philosophy of a RosenFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent grants from Germany who a r e ANN PILL • * • - ' - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent berg and a Goebbels. While on the one hand they blaspheme that over the age-limit of 35. j ; Print Shop Address: 4504 Bo. 24th Street the Jewish people do not want to settle on the land, on the other The paper advocates creation of an international organization; they have carefully promulgated their official decrees barring to supervise Jewish emigration ! any Jewish individual from owning or tilling the soil. f r o m Germany and transfer To these brayers we point out the eloquent lesson to be deabroad Jewish money under an i Emigration May Be Directed To extendedoftransfer Sportsmen who placed the.ideals of athletic competition agreement with j ducted from the news item in this week's dispatches. To quote: Palestine or To Any above individual glory had founded high hopes on the annual con- "Seventeen years after the British drove the Turks out of Palesthe Germany Government. < Other Country "German Jewry is n o t In a vention of the A. A. U. last week-end. Nad Germany had violated tine, a delegation of. the Turkish Government arrived here to position to wait any longer," the Berlin (JTA)—Disclosure that appeal concludes. every fundamental of fair play and squareness in her treatment study the modern agricultural methods of the Jewish pioneers the German Zionists have changof a defenseless, small minority, the German Jews; the Nazis that since 1918 have transformed many parts of the Holy Land ed their attitude on emigration would not let them compete for places on the German Olympic from barren wasteland to flourishing farm settlements. The Turk- was made by the Juedische Rund- Tribute To Book team; Catholics and Protestants, laborists and liberals, men of ish delegation, which is accompanied by representatives from schau, Zionist organ, which pointBy Mrs. A. Bengis ed out that the situation of the character and distinction - - all had been discriminated against Iraq, will visit the leading Jewish colonies." Jews has reached the point where Mrs. A. Bengis' book, "I Am a boldly and sneeringly by the country which was to be host to the . Jewish farmers, Jewish tillers of the soil, were given an Zionist leaders In Germany a r e Rabbi's Wife," Is still enjoying not particular whether emigration 1936 Olympic games. Underlying Hitlerite action was a contempt opportunity . . . minus the cloud of discrimination . . . to make is directed toward Palestine or glowing tributes from various members of the press, rabbinate, for such un-nazi ideas as fair play and sportsmanship. The Nazi good in Palestine, a land which the Turks and the Arabs and the toward any other country so long and the layity. • Let bus savings help British and of the world thought was barren and sterile. as It proceed rapidly. foot the Christmas bills! leaders actually openly prated that it was scandalous, for exThe New York Post said of "I Emphasizing that it speaks In In a few years they have magically made bountiful crops grow Regular low fares drasA m a Rabbi's Wife": "A well ample, to let an honest-to-goodness'"Aryan" enter a ring with a the name of thousands of German tically cut for the holifrom rocky terrain, they have once more transformed Palestine Jews written book which reveals the irrespective of party affiliacolored man who could defeat him. And so, sportsmen in this into the land that flows of milk and honey. And also convincing days. Frequent service tion, the Rundschau appealed "to Joys and sorrows, gratitudes and over smooth, all-weathcountry thought that the United States would surely champion is the fact that thousands upon thousands of other Jewish indi- all nations" tc open their gates ingratitudes in the life of two young, modern, intelligent people er highways. Big, easythe ideals of athletic competition by refusing to send a team to viduals are anxious to settle on the land, if only the opportunity to German Jewry. cast in the role of Rabbi and Rebriding buses that are The newspaper declared that as bitsin." the Olympics next year unless the games were removed from is made available. And to make more such opportunities avail- a result of the Nuremberg "ghetcomfortable and warm Anyone wishing to purchase a on coldest days. Berlin. able should be the immediate goal of world Jewry. to laws" and the regulations recopy of the book may do so by cently issued Implementing them, The hopes of those sportsmen were dashed with ice water the Bituation of the Jews has be-writing to Mrs. Bengis at 118 5 at the A. A. U. convention. After a bitterly-fought battle, the come "unbearable" and that emi- Lebanon Street, Bronx, N e w UNION gration Is the o n l y remaining York. men opposed to United States participation in a Nazi-sponsored PACIFIC hope. So repulsive is the general bestiality which pervades the STAGES Olympic were out-voted. And so the A. A. U. certified the Amer"The main issue is," the RundName Omitted By Error European nations, that we are often prone to overlook those ican athletes. , schau stated, "that t h e League countries which are waging a relentless battle against the forces create opportunities for Jews to Through- an error the Jewish Press omitted in last week's issue The world has dealt idealists many crushing blows, particu- of ignorance and medievalism and unenlightment. More and be admitted to any country." The paper disclosed t h a t Dr. name of Miss Goldie Freed as j larly in late years. In the field of politics and government, in more of the countries in Central Europe are finding that despite Arthur Ruppin, head of t h e athedaughter surviving Mr. Jacob j the lead taken by such formerly-brilliant countries as Germany, education, in economics, in society . . . in so many human realms World Zionist Executive bureau I Freed.

Returning To Learn



Fighting Forces of Evil

were the idealists put to rout. But, despite these setbacks, hope anti-Semitism is a manifestation of deep-rooted ills which are sprang eternal. l a one field, discrimination was taboo. Sport poison to the body politic The latest nation to make it clearly known that anti-Semiby its very name connoted fairness in play. No matter how much an individual may be crushed economically or politically, in the tism would be strongly battled is Lithuania. The general secrearena of sport it is t»an against man, and may the best man win. tary of the National Front, the government party, is authority The United States was a lover of sport. Due credit and deserved for the statement that the Lithuanian government is launching praise were given to the champions of athletics,~be they Jew or a campaign to crush anti-Semitic organizations in Lithuania. Declaring that all Lithuanian citizens must enjoy equal rights, he Gentile, black, yellow or white. Jeremiah T. Mahoney, president of the A. A. U., himself led pledged to exterminate anti-Jewishness completely. The Lithuanian government is planning to deal quickly and the crusade to remove the American team from the Olympic unceremoniously with the Verliniki organization, which recently competition unless the games were taken away from Nazi Gerlaunched a drive to oust Jews from the commercial and indusmany. Other nationally-famous men came forward in support of trial life of the nation. The best and only effective way of ridding .this move, all saying that'the purpose of the Olympics should not t « besmirched or polluted with Nazi propaganda. But, what a country of, these parasitic, self-interested groups is to "crack was disappointing was the other side of the picture. Two of the down" on them without delay and before they have obtained a ; f" ' Jj ? "* three United States members of the international Olympics com- foothold through insidious propaganda. mittee said the matter was not even to be discussed. Everything, in Germany was "O. K." they guaranteed . . . for hadn't Hitler' himself told them so? They would personally gain if the United The development of Palestine is bringing joy to the hearts States entered the Olympics, and were personally in favor. Even more disappointing was the ^jmment of many star athletes. True, of a sorely-tried world Jewry. And word comes from the Jewish some stodd by the colors of their sportsmanship and declared homeland of a new process of extracting salt from groundwater themselves opposed to the Olympics unless removed from Berlin. that will have an important bearing upon the further developSome of them-promised to refuse to try out unless the games ment of the country. Large scale colonization projects now being were removed from the Nazi atmosphere. But, many of our na- considered in order to make possible the settlement of. tens of tionally-noted athletes came out in favor, and their reasons were thousands of Jews in the Negeb region in the south of Palesin this vein, to quote one,of them: "Sure. I think we ought to tine will be greatly aided in that section of the country. The send a team to Germany, 'cause I think we have a good chance new method of extracting salt was discovered by Abraham Werber, noted hydrologist, who is now waiting for the government to win." to confirm his application for a patent of his process. Mahoney and those who agreed with him went down fightIn distinction to what is going on in the rest of the world, ing. They would have been victorious, had the vote been rePalestine continues to march forward. stricted to members of the A. A. U. But, allied groups, as the skating and skiing organizations, were allowed to vote, and they swung the balance of power. Of course, the path of the Olympics committee is not entirely strewn with roses, since the "trifling" With Palestinian progress, the Near East advances with modmatter of funds' still remains, and many previous donors have ern civilization's tempo. This past week witnessed the telephone already signified their intention to refuse to contribute unless spanning the Arabian desert, when a new direct line between the games are removed from Berlin. Jerusalem and Baghdad was officially opened for the first time. The fight of Mahoney and his followers - - •- who have deToday's innovations makes this indeed a small world, and if clared that despite the A. A. U. action they will continue to bat- progress marches on, the East and the West will eventually meet tle the holding of the Olympics in Berlin - - - will always brighten the record of American sportdom. The action of the Brundages better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.' And not only so, and Sherills, on the other hand, will always be a black stain blotbut in the hour of man's departting the honor ©f our athletic philosophy. ••,. • ure neither silver nor, gold nor

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precious stones nor pearls accomBy O. O. DASHER pany him, but only Torah a n d good works; as it is said, 'When And now I become their song. thou walkest it shall lead thee, We are.asked for contributions to funds of one sort or an- Yea, I am a byword unto them. when thou liest d o w n it shall other so often that we frequently accuse themselves of over- They abhor me, they flee from watch over thee, and when thou awakest it shall talk with thee.' " . ' generosity. We are therefore somewhat startled out of our com- me. Ben Bog Bog said, "Study the My soul is poured out within placency by David A. Brown, national chairman of the American me. Days of affliction have taken Torah and if finished, study again from the beginning for there is ORT campaign, who declares that in the past six years, 1930 hold upon me. If I have not wept for him that everything In it and contemplate through 1936, the Jewry of the United States have given .only was in trouble but my soul griev- it and even when thee wax grey thirty-seven cents per capita to European relief. ed for the needy, yet when I look- and old do not stir away from it The meetings by Jewish leaders to discuss the conditions of ed for good there came.evil and for thou canst not have any betthe Jews in Germany and other countries in central and Eastern when I waited f o r light there ter guide for your conduct than the Torah." Europe and the consideration of the part Palestine can play in came darkness. Ben Hai Hal said, "The reward It I have walked with vanity helping them, says Brown, present "a picture which many; Jews and my foot hath hasted* to de-is always according to the labor prefer not to see. It must, however, be faced. It is a picture ceit let me be weighed in a just you put In." : showing that for the past six years the combined total of thebalance. TALMUD CURRENT TOPICS funds raised by the chief money-raising agencies for European Rabbi Jose said, "I was once relief including Germany and Palestine, but excluding Hadassah walking by the way when a man Addressing the Current Topic group of the Temple Israel Sisterand; the Jewish National Fund, has been less than $10,000,000. met me and saluted me and I re- hood on "England and World Afturned the salutation. He said to Reduced to other terms, this means that American Jewry has me, 'Rabbi, from what place art fairs," at the Blackstone hotel, contributed an average of $1,600,000 per year for the past six thouV I said to him, 'I came Tuesday, Dr, Frederick Cohn deEngland against criticism years, or on a pro capita basis per year (based on a.population of from a 'great city of sages and fended scribes.' He said to me, 'If thou. for refusing to allow other na4,500,000) approximately thirty-seven cents.'' art willing to dwell with us in tions to build up empires imWe know that most of us contribute more than our fair I our place I will give thee a mil- perialistically as she herself did golden dinars and precious by saying that England must forshare. 'Where, then, is the discrepancy? It lies with the laggards Ilion j stones and pearls.' I said to him, bid this in order to preserve and slackers, those who shirk their duties and instead heap them 'Were thou to give me all the sil- world parity. upon the next fellow's shoulders. If we are conscious of thever and gold and precious stones He said that a series of accipearls in the world I would dents accounts for present British acute need of our brethren, then we cannot help but give. And and not dwell anywhere but in a place possessions, and not deliberate those among us who—knowing the dire and catastrophic condi- of the Torah.' A n d thus it Is imperialism such as Germany, tion of European Jewrjr—desiat from giving, anyway, do notwritten in. the book of Psalms by Italy and Japan are pursuing. the hands of David. King of Is-"Although England is criticized belong among us. rael, 'The law * of the mouth is for her 'hypocritical attitude,' it is

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VISITING UV NEW YOBK Hilt Fund, are co-operating with I the hobbies of its members with members who wish to assist, ar» Progressive Hebrew Mrs. Harry Copelman is at the the Medical Fend this year. ! a view to organizing an educa- asked to call Mrs. K nfc1 i n «•«• ! San Moritz hotel in New York Mrs. I. Grossman, who has j The Progressive Hebrew club tional and social program for the WEbster 5?3r>. The HaSassah Trill celebrate ' city where she is visiting relatives the 75th birthday of Henrietta charge of the Hadassah rnmmage has changed its meeting date from coming winter season. | and friends. Mrs. Copelman will Szold Saturday, December 21,! sales, has completed her qsota. Tuesday to Sunday at 3 p. m. Jewish Press Advertisers merit The group vrill sponsor a card ; stop in Chicago for the New Year Tour patronage. an Oneg Shabbos and tea at Women Mizracbi | holiday. She will be joined there jt n e Blackstone hotel. Mrs. M. F. ' The Hadassah culture group party eoon. The date will be announced in a later issue ol the i ,A meeting of the Women's Miij by Mr. Copelman and they will re- ' has charge of the af-. will meet at the home of Mrs. Press. jrachi will be held next Wednesi turn to Omaha together. fair. She has chosen her com- j Sam Stern, 342 No. 35th Are., Mf. Sam Is'epomnick, president, t a a y afternoon, December 18, at mittee of women to represent the Tuesday, December 17, at 1:15 Violin ii»rtruetor S. A. M. MOTHERS' CLUB is convalescing from an illness in 2:30 p. m. at t h e J . C. C. Vaad, Beth-El and Temple Israel o'clock. Mrs. Sarah Berman will 3925 So. 2+ Near E The December meeting of the Rochester. j£ entertaining program has a For ADDointment Call as hostesses. An invitation is es-speak on "The Kaballa and the S. A. M. Mothers' club will be ,. . ^ „ ,_ , , . ,. , ~Z I J^~ IT been arranged for the meeting. AT. 2155 Just returned from Chicaao where held Wednesday December 18, itl*****1**}™***™" ^l™?*™?!*1^: .P™1.10*1™ JOIIlOr LOUnCU Mrs. Hyman Bellman will sing the home of Mrs. Sam Epstein, various auxiliaries to attend this I will be discussed by Mrs. J. Sha- The Junior Council of Jewish • Yiddish songs, accompanied at the he studied with R. Cierwonky. Oneg Shabbos. A fine program , piro. Anyone wishing to come is 1509 So. 33rd street. Women, one of Omaha's newest I piano by Mrs. Al Finkel. Annette has been arranged. This will be- i cordially invited to do so. GOLiDBERG-FKEED NUPTIALS RETURNS FROM EXTENSIVE organizations, has begun an ex-j Segal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs." at 2:3 0. Tea will gin promptly at ANNOUNCE PURIM BALL The' marriage of Miss Marian VISIT tensive activities program. The | Morris Segal, will give a group of IT WILL PAT YOU Hadassah Sabbath will be ob-; The Omaha Hebrew Club will | be served at 4:30 and there will Fried, daughter of Mrs. Wittie Mrs. M. Kurtzman has returned j group will give a Chanukah dance, • song and dance numbers, accomTo Consuls a Purim Ball Sunday, March j then be an international broad- served Friday evening, December j Sunday, December 22, at the Pax- panied at the piano by Rose Stein- | Fried, to Ralph Goldberg, son of from a three-month's visit-with Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldberg of Los ' relatives in Los Angeles. While j l . the program committee has an- ' cast from Jerusalem as part of 20, by special services in afl the !ton hotel. Bobby Bowman's or-, berg. A recitation will be given; MAIASBOCK'S J the program. Miss Szold, who synagogues and in the temple. | chestra has been secured for the; by Martha Finer, a pupil of the , Angeles, will take place Saturday, I there Mrs. Kurtzman visited with nounced. When buying elected j came to America for the occasion, j Mrs. Ben Margolin, regional presher sister-in-law, Mrs. J . Slaho. I Max Fr^mkin, newly December 14, at the Birchwood occasion. j Talmud Torah. jident, will speak at the Vaad; DIAMONDS club at 8 o'clock: Rabbi David and also with Mr. and Mrs. ! president, announces the follow- iwill speak from New York. Clair Feldman and Irene Hirsch ! Tea and refreshments will be A. Goldstein will perform the Charles Kurtzman. i ing appointments to the Execu- ! All of the 300 Hadassah chap-- Miss Dora Freshman, president of are in charge of the dance. ., served. i WEDDING KINGS ceremony. "Mrs. Kurtzman was extensively 11-*ve Board: Nathan S. Yaffe, • ters throughout the country Trill the local chapter of Junior Hadas- j A series of Saturday afternoon I The meeting, is free to friends WATCHES - SILVERWARE Miss, Rose Fried, sister of the i entertained in Los Angeles. She I Mendel B l a n k a n d Daniel ! hold similar Oneg Shabbosem and sah, will speak at Temple Israel, ! lectures and talks have be«n in- of the Talmud Torah and Pales- and GIFT JEWELRY "Will present special programs to and Rabbi David Goldstein "will augtirated with Dora Markowitz ; tine. bride-to-be will be maid-of-honor. j also visited in San Gabriel as the Schwartz. fleplct the epochs, in the develop- i address his congregation of Beth- in charge. The first of these was ! Mrs. William Kuklin and her Mr. Oscar Fried, a brother, will : guest of her brother and sisterment of Palestine in which Miss I El upon Hadassah and Henrietta held last Saturday. Rabbi David j committee have announced that serve Mr. Goldberg as best man. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pioneer Women Szold played a major role and Szold. Little Marilyn Wintrpub will be Weisman and family. Wice spoke In "Jews in Ethiopia." ;tbe annual bazaar ol the organizaThe Pioneer Women will.have flower girl. " . • _ '• In L03 Angeles Mrs. Kurtzman their cultural gathering and. tea j through which she became a figThe club is taking a. census of [tion will be.held in February. Any "Channkah Gift Gelt" cards A reception for friends and attended the marriage of Miss Friday evening instead of their ure of world significance. Those who will act as hostesses will be distributed among the relatives will be held immediate- Gertrude Steinberg, former Oma- customary date of Saturday afterly after the ceremony. The couple han. noon. This change "was made BO are Mesdames Louis Epstein, Mor- children of the various Sunday A. Schwaczkin, schools soon. This is the custom will then leave for a wedding trip that the husbands of the members ris Burstein, We Invite Your Charge Account Julru Newman, Louis Kulakof- j at this time of the year. An apto Kansas City. might also attend. The meeting Julius VISITS WITH FAMILY Out-of-town guests" expected at Dr. Joe Linsman, who "is intern- will be at the home of Mrs. J., J. H. Kulakofsky, A. D. j peal to the children to remember the wedding will be Mr; Sidney ing at Kansas City, visited here , Baker, 1802 No. 19 street. Mrs. Frank, Joseph Goldware, and j their less fortunate little brothers and sisters in Palestine, who deBlock, Miss Rose Fried, Mr. andthe past week with his family. J. Raznick, chairman of the cul-Fred Rosenstock. pend on the School Luncheon Mrs. Jack Goldberg and Mr. Isaac tural committee, announces that The first 100 women who make Fund for a hot meal once a day, Goldberg, all of Chicago; Mr. LEAVING FOR HOME a .very enjoyable program has their quota for the "Give or Get"is being made. The number of Oscar Fried of Fort Leavenworth, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fleisher, been arranged. and Mr. and Mrs. Sol Novitsky of ; who have been visiting with Mrs. Plans for the Pioneer Women's luncheon will have their names school children who receive hot Sioux City. Fleisher's mother, Mrs. Bertha Bazaar, which is to be held De- published in the Jewish Press J lunches through Hadassah has inLinsman, are leaving Sunday for cember 29 at the Labor Lyceum. within the next few weeks. Those j creased to more than 1,000. who have not already done so are Mrs. Jake Blank and Mrs. SamPXOTKIX-GELLEB their home in San Francisco. 22nd and Clark streets, are nearurged to make their quota so that uel Steinberg are co-chairmen of ENGAGEMENT ing completion. Anyone wishing the local School Luncheon Fund. • Mr. and Mrs. L. Geller of St. RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA to donate may call Mrs. J . Raz- their names may be Included. Anyone who is still in doubt as They ask that the children give Joseph, Mo., announce the engageMr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey nick, chairman of the bazaar. ment of their daughter, Frances, have returned after a month's The proceeds are to go toward to how to go about raising her whatever they can to their Sunto Mr. Melvin Plotkin of Omaha. vacation in California. They the fund for building a dormitory quota is asked to get in touch day school teacher or to their with Mrs. , Irvin Levin, Medical rabbi. The wedding will be an event of visited in San Jose with Mrs. on Chana Chizek's kvutzoth. Fund chairman or any of the folthe near future. Brodkey's brother-in-law and sislowing captains: Mesdames Louis ter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards. Jewish Press advertisers merit Alberts, MaxFromkin, J. H. Kula- your patronage. BLOCK-FRIED ENGAGEMENT T h e A. Z. A. No. 1 held a kofsky, Julius Stein, Julius Abra"Mrs. Wittie Fried announces PLAN BETH-EL DANCE smoker at the home of Ernie Nogg hamson, Henry Belmont, Sidney the engagement of her daughter, The annual Beth-El dance will ; Sunday evening. Rabbi Harold Katelman, Jack Bramson, O. S. Rose, of Chicago, to Mr. Sidney j take place Saturday evening, Feb-' B e r g e r i e d a discussion concernDr. Leon E. FeUman, Mrs. M. . „ _ _ . „ _ and _ _ . „,-_ „ Mrs. Robert Kooper is! ^ g i s h religious customs and Belzer, J. Shapiro. Block, son of Mr. r u a r y t Jcw DENTIST At the next meeting of HadasBlock of Chicago. No definite chairman and Mrs. Moe Venger jp r o D l e m s _ A f t e r t h e disC nssion Announces the Removal of date has been set for the •wedding. and Mrs. Max Davis, co-chairmen. refreshments were served. The sah Monday, December 23, a strong box will be provided into His Offices To first performance of the newly- which will go the stubs of the organized chapter quartet com- books of drawing tickets. Those SUITE 723-24-26 Oneg Shabbos posed of Lou Hurwitz, Ray Sha-who have sold complete books Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Chanukah and how to celebrate piro, Irvin Yaffe- and Sam Wolk, are asked to bring the stubs at this festival will be the theme of took place at this time. on Monday, December 16 this time. By Mrs. David M. Newman the Oneg Shabbos of the Beth-El A debate, "Resolved, That ExMrs. Sam Steinberg and Mrs. KEW OFFICE PHOXE auxiliary Saturday, December 14, tra-Religious Activities Outside of co-chairmen of the HA-S7S7 at the home of Mrs. J. H. Kula- the Synagogues Is Detrimental to Jake Blank, Butterscotch Cookies S c h o o l L U n c h e o n Fund, and Mrs. kbfsky. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky will Take 1% cups butter, 2 cups Res. Phone. GL-3274 the Jewish People," will feature and Mrs. Peter brown sugar, 2 eggs, 3 cups flour, i be co-hostess. 2017 X. 53rd St. the next meeting of the mother co-chairmen of the Mrs. Nate Turner will give cur- chapter Sunday, December 15, at 2 teaspoons baking powder, Vs. teaspoon salt, and 1 teaspoon rent events. T h e following wo- the J. C, C. men will Btage a model children's, cinnamon. party: Mesdames Mey-i Cream the butter, a d d sugar i Chanukah er A. Z. A. 100 Beber, David Blacker, J o h n and well-beaten egg. Add flour, i am Beber chapter sifted with baking powder and Faier* L F. Goodman, Sam Green,! an informal initiation salt, also the cinnamon. Mix toPhilip Klutznick, Jack Melcher, j new alephs Sunday aftern dough. Shape in a roll, wrap and William Pollack. noon, December 8, That eveningin "wax paper and leave in rethe group held a smoker at the frigerator over night. Slice thin BOOK REVIEW home of George Shafer. and bake in a hot oven.. Rabbi David A. Goldstein's The next meeting of the chapter next book review Monday, Decem- has been announced for Sunday Bate Cookies ber 16, will he on "Grandsons" One cup butter, 2 cups brown and "Native's Return" by Louis afternoon, December 15. An interesting program has been arsugar, 2 eggs, "1 teaspoon salt, 1 Adamic raged. cup dates, pitted and cut up, 1 j


Myron Cohen

A.Z.A. 1


Kitchen Chats




cup chopped pecans, 3 % c u p s ! flour, 1 teaspoon soda. ] Cream butter ai>d sugar. Add | beaten eggs, then nuts and dates j : nd then the flour mixed a n d l i.ifted with salt and soda. Toss! on a floured board and form in : t'iree long .rolls. Wrap in w a x ' , raper and put in refrigerator over j night. To bake, slice thin and < bake in a hot oven about 10 minutes. Makes 8 dozen s m a l l cookies.



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It would be hard for you to think of anything that w o u l d be more p i e a s i n g to her this Christmas than stockings, so why not come to Hayden's Saturday for a box of t h r e e pairs. Every pair ringless and come in both sheer chiffon and service weight. Picot top, E-Z knee and heel within a heel to i n s u r e longer wear. All the wanter Whiter shades in sizes : 8% to 10%. .-•;.Hayden't Main Floor

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By DAVID A. BROWN The room was noisy •with the .testing of-radios. At the workbenches were twenty or more young'men working on what were eventually to be short-wave radio sets. ; I was on a tour of inspection ot the building now being used in Paris by the ORT as a training school for- G e r m a n refugees. Some of these courses were for women, who were learning to make ladies' hats. Other courses were for dressmaking and corsetmaking. All very interesting, especially when you see the spirit of these girls and women whose lives are being remade. I stood watching the group in the radio class, wondering just what sort of work these unusually intelligent-l o o k i n g men had planned for themselves before the Hitler earthquake struck German Jewry.; • One of, the men was beaming •with joy and I was attracted to his bench."' He' had" just completed; his first radio and it had worked. He sure was an excited fellow. He had been able to get a number of countries with his short-wave set: England, Russia, Poland* Germany, all with a twist of the! dial. No wonder-he was excitedi He had completed his course,! with the exception of taking the. set to pieces again, so that some other student could work with the same material. I shook hands with him and of-; fered my congratulations. Clicking his heels together in German fashion, he made a bow that would have done credit to the famous Alphonse. He was proud of his accomplishment. He now could offer himself to somebody, somewhere, and possibly m a k e enough to support himself. My very bad- German brought out the fact that he had' never worked with his hands: "In your country I would'be what you call a lawyer," he told "me sadly, "but where can I use my legal knowledge? It is impossible any place in the world except Germany and there they will not let me ,use it. I must live and now I have the means :to ; earn my living, thanks to all who have made this school posaible." Is this a typical case of the average .intellectual who ran away from Germany's mad men? I believe it is, for I have run across many similar cases. Just outside of Kaunas (Kovno) Lithuania, the ORT has established a farm colony: where some fifty or sixty younglGerman refugees, men and

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women, are, learning to become farmers* We had motored the fifteen miles through the rain and I wasn't looking forward with any degree of pleasure to tramping over the several hundred acrps of land on a tour.of inspection. As we drove into the farm, there was a small delegation there to welcome us, the rest of the workers were scattered over the farm doing what the boss of the job said were rainy-day chores. There was no escaping the tour of the farm. It had been planned for several days' and, -rain, or no rain, I just had to make it. And so, we started. From, chicken-yard to cowsheds, from potatobins to beet piles, plus all the other farm products that had already been harvested and were being stored for winter use. We were rather a large .committee of the ORT organization that had left Kaunas, in the morning, some off whom had visited the colony before, and had been telling me about the young men and women who were being trained for life as farmers. Practically all of them, with'a few exceptions, had received college training and even in their working togs on this very rainy day they-looked the part.

ly with their families in Germany as are hundreds of thousands of similar young men and women In this country, and suddenly, almost without warning, to be picked up as though by a cyclone, hurled, turned, twisted, smashed up against a cruel •wall of antiSemitism. Families broken, children torn away from their parents, hearts broken, "But what shall we do with our young people," cry the Jews of Germany," there is no hope for them here. We must get them out of Germany as soon as possible." . • . I am in the home of a distinf guished Jew in one, of the large cities of Germany,^ It is a family of four, the father a former officer, in .the German A r m y , and known as a first-line "soldier. It is a beautiful home and delightful family, a son; twenty arid a daughter eighteen, both of them students in a new Bchool, t h e school of practical work. This handsome young man of twenty, whose life had been planned for him by . well-to-do parents, was now learning to make^ lamps. "Not ordinary_lamps,'\ he himself told me, "but lamps that are more than a mere lighting fixture. What does it matter what I was to be, or-thousands of other Jewish boys like myself in Germany? This is Hitler's day in Germany and I and all the others have no choice but to make out-

As we came across .one: group who were doing a little job of spreading manure, they, were being led in song by a handsome young fellow with an unusually good voice. He was wearing an old Derby hat in which several Hollywood—A great portrayal holes had been punched and out of which some straw or hay was by P a u l Muni in his "Louis P a s s t i c k i n g , evidently portraying t e u r . " Muni, in our opinion, is some character. You have guessed .the greatest character actor (exit, a former German actor doing cept Charles L a u g h t o n ) on t h e bits, but now out of a. job and screen. Be i t young, old, windly, learning to be a farmer with the vicious, scientific, gangster, Mexpromise of a certificate to Pales- ican, American, or a n y other p a r t - - h e plays every one with equal tine ini the spring of the year. •_ This group of refugees was the realism . . . he does not act . . . second-that Tiad received their he lives his roles. As W a n g in training. in. this - colony and - they the "Good E a r t h , " he will next were looking forward to spring be Chinese. Already h e h a s gone when their course will have been n o r t h w a r d to s a t u r a t e himself in t h e oriental atmosphere of Chinacompleted. towns in San Francisco, Seattle, The noon hour found our com- Portland. mittee at the main building — a combination of sleeping-quarters, Lionel Stander, who will speak dining-room and assembly-room. We.were to-be served the stand- the longest non-stop monologue ard dinner with no extras, and ( I believe It r u n s eleven minutes) that suited me. It was a good, in "Soak t h e Rich," got his first wholesome, farmhouse dinner, but ! radio j o b because of, his croaky what followed was rathe unusual. bass voice. He played t e n years Our chairman, Dr. Sadovsky, in drama, but since his • role of had made a few remarks as to the the comic poet in 'The Scoundrel,' why of the visit, telling these no one will cast h i m seriously. German refugees—future farmersOracle Eddie Cantor predicts a -to-be—a bit about their visitor and-; saying that; I had ipade in- time when s t a r s ' salaries will be quliy • as to Jjift, what thesj^young eliminated - - they will work on men and 'women had planned for a percentage agreement.' T h a t is theirlifers-woffcBefore Hitter and t h e system under which tie and his Nazis had entered their life's Sam Gbldwyn have worked f o r t h e past six years to their m u t u a l picture. , : * There was no hesitation on the advantage. part of any of the group. Four Irving Thalberg was being conor five rose to answer at once as Dr. Sadovsky sat down and dur- gratulated on one of his supering the next half hour I listened special flickers. "Boyohboy! I t ' s to a tragic recital " of lives up- a h i t - - looks like a million!" Thalberg answered drily, "it rooted. L a w y e r s , doctors, engineers, should . . . it cost two!" teachers, stenographers," clerks. These were the " hopes ' of > t h i s The Warners presented two young group whose age might av- complete moving-picture s o u n d erage twenty-three years; . . w h o equipments to t h e Philadelphia were now compelled to drop that General Hospital. T h e patients which they • aspired: to be for the attended t h e first showing en very practical opportunity of masse, some on stretchers a n d working the land in Palestine or wheel-chairs, some seeing a movie some other . country t h a t might for the first time,in their life. permit them to enter. I realize how inadequately Now that Chaplin's new picture these cold lines tell the story of will be out soon before 1940, we these broken lives, boys and-girls call to mind other Chaplin chapliving as.comfortably as peaceful- ters. Do you remember the scene in the "Gold Rush" where ravenous Charlie ate his shoes? Those shoes were made by hand out of licorice, sheets" and had candy laces and patches. Once Charlie refused 512,000 to pose .in a-certaln automobile f o r a magazine ad.. . . a few weeks later he did it gratis for the s a k e of his friendship with the editor. For years Chaplin has maintained his same production staff, during and between. pictures . . . t h e "betweens" being longer than t h e "durings," this maintenance costs him a fortune. That doesn't worry him, but one hint of production waste brings him running to investigate.

lives anew. I'll try and be a good lamp-maker." And the daughter, charming as was her mother, the typical refined cultured German-J e w i s h woman, what was she doing for the tomorrow which she felt she had to face? "Oh, it's very interesting," she told me, "I am studying to be a teacher of fine arts. You understand not for Germany, but we may have to leave here and with nothing but our hands, I want my hands to be useful." There are many forces at work to help lighten t h e tragedy of these broken lives. All together we are making, a .little headway, but there is so much* to be done and so little time to do it In. . ; There is no complaint, o n 1 y words of praise for those organizations which are standing by duringthis day of trouble. "Help our young people to find themselves,".-ask the Jews of Germany, "for there is no hope for them here." I told them what I am sure you would have me tell them - - or would have toldthem yourselves had you b e e n with me: that the Jews of America will not fail them, that we will continue to stand by, and In larger measure than we have in the past; that we will stand by until the Hitler of tomorrow will be only a thing of yesterday, while the Jews will still be of all the yesterdays and of all the tomorrows to come!

m BY F. R. K. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiinniiiiiii MRS. DAVID A. GOLDSTEIN TO BE GUEST SPEAKER FOR SR. HADASSAH The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah will hold its monthly meeting next Wednesday afternoon, December 18, at 2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. David A. Goldstein of Omaha will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Goldstein, who attended the National Senior Hadassah Convention recently in Cleveland, will give a report on the convention and t h e accomplishments of the Senior Hadassah. The meeting will be in celebration of Henrietta Szold's seventy-fifth birthday a n d also in celebration of Chanukah. A pageant will be presented by the members of the Emesel Club, un-; der the direction of Miss J u n e Meyerson. Mrs. Herman Marowitz is program chairman, a n d Mrs. Albert Krasne is chairman in charge of this meeting. Assisting on the committee are the Mesdames George Krasne, Ben Gershun, Ike Krasne, Nathan Nogg, and M. Krasne.

before a large crowd Sunday afJunior Hadassah ternoon, December 8, at the ChevThe Junior Hadassah will hold ra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. Her subject was "Palestine.'-1 Madame | an important meeting next ThursPevsner who came here from d a y evening December 19, at 8 p. Sioux City, has toured Palestine m. at the J. C. C. Reports will be given on the ten times and gave a very interesting speech. This meeting was j southwestern regional convention sponsored by t h e local Senior | of the Junior Hadassah held last week in Kansas City. Hadassah. An interesting and entertaining Miss Fannie Katelman returned program is being arranged by home Tuesday evening from Kan- | Miss Fannie Katelman, program sas City, Missouri, where she at- chairman, in celebration of t h e tended the Southwestern Regional j seventy-fifth birthday anniversary' Convention of the Junior Hadas- ! of Miss Henrietta Szold, founder sah at the Hotel Muehlebach. She j of Hadassah, and in celebration visited also in Leavenworth, Kan- of Chanukah. sas, where she was t h e house guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order o£ the B'nai B'rith held a l a r g e meeting Monday evening at the Eagles Hall. Messrs.-O. Hochman and Louis H. Katelman and Dr. Isaac Sternhill were elected delegates ; for the annual District Grand Lodge No. 6 Convention •which will be held next July. Alternates chosen were Dr. Julius M.'Moskovitz and Messrs. B e n Seldin and Nathan Gilinsky. The convention will be held on a boat trip between Chicago and Cleveland. Guest speakers at the meeting were Mr. Sanruel Shaiffer of Denver, executive director of the National Jewish Hospital in Denver, and Dr. J..Rosenfeld of New York City, representative of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America.

Young Israel Plans Rotating Colleges

Hoenig of New York, national president of Young Israel. T h e first of these rotating colleges ia already in operation in New York where 665 students are enrolled. Mr. Hoenig declared that this new project would Involve an annual cost of $35,000 and would care for 10,000 students. A faculty of 25 0 composed ot graduates of American universities is being organized, he said, pointing out that the classes will be simultaneously in all cities.


Liable for Libel Mexico City, D. F.—Col. Steinman, mining engineer and local Nazi leader, will go on trial here shortly on libel charges brought by the Jewish Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The charges are based on statements made by Col. Steinman in El Universal Grafico, a local daily, accusing the chamber of financing ! attacks of Communists on the anti-Semitic Fascist organization, the Golden Shirts.

Cincinnati (W N S) — Rotating colleges giving courses f o u r nights weekly in Hebrew, Jewish ceremonials and rituals. Jewish philosophy and Jewish history will be opened on January 12th in Chicago, Rochester, Detroit, Cleveland, Louisville, Toronto, and Cincinnati by Young Israel, Jack Benny says, "A Hollywood Orthodox youth organization, it cocktail is a swimming pool with was announced here by Moses an actor in it!"


Regular services will be h e l d this evening promptly at eight o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster Street. Rabbi Jacob Cohn h a s chosen the subject "May Jews Be Mrs. Louis London entertained Pacifists?" for his sermon. Evher "Cousins' Club" at a Dessert his gags . . . he'll'have to make eryone is urged to attend. Luncheon at her h o m e at 201 retakes. North First Street last Thursday "Maxine Marx, Chico's pride, Jewish National Fund Flag plays o n l y classical music . . . Day, which was scheduled to be afternoon. Covers were laid for Pops says one trick performer in held last Sunday, has been post- thirty relatives. Following t h e luncheon, bridge was the afterthe family is enough. poned until this Sunday, Decem- noon's diversion. "Francine Larrimore'a f i r s t ber 15. Anyone who wishes to screen test was a floppo. B u t volunteer to assist in the drive Mr. Samuel Schaiffer of Densince, has found her stride and Sunday morning, is asked to call ver, Colorado, left Wednesday looks like a hit! either Mrs. Sam Meyerson, phone "Irish James Cagney h a d to 1199, or Miss%-Fannie Katelman, evening after spending several teach Jewish George Stone a line phone 4491. Everyone is asked to days here aa the;house 'guest of of Yiddish dialogue for "Frisco co-operate as much as possible as Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill. Kid." the-Jewish National Fund work is Do You "Carl Laemmle's estate is the so important and necessary. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss largest among the cinemalites . . . Meyerson is chairman of the JNF entertained the members of their Want Something New in China covers thirty-six acres. for the Senior Hadassah and Miss Evening Bridge Club at their "Joe Penner travelled 50,000 Katelman is secretary of the lo- home Tuesday evening. .to make your Chanukah dinner more attractive? We miles in show business, n e v e r cal JNF council. The committee have 150 patterns to select from and all in open stock. Have your friends start your set now and add leaving the States. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. in charge of the collection will to it. We have all kinds from the cheapest to the "Luise Rainer, with • those ori- meet at 9:30 o'clock promptly at 7 of-the. A. Z. A. will hold a meetfinest, among them the Syracuse Ivory china. We ental eyes, is cast for a major t h e Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- ing Sunday afternoon, December have 10 patterns of this beautiful china. This Is a part in "Good Eartn." gogue at 618: Mynster on Sunday 15, at three o'clock at the Chev-fine American china for the American people. Before ra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. Plans "By January first all Jewish morning. buying any china see this line. will be made for the district A. theatre-owners in Germany must Z. A. tournament. All members be out of business . . . will have, A " Father and " Son Banquet, are urged to attend. to sell at the government's figure . . . for "the movie business sponsored by t h e Sisterhood of the Talmud Torah, will be held 1116-18-20 Harney St. is an Aryan industry." Jewish ..Press advertisers merit Phone AT 4842 on-Sunday evening, December 22, promptly at six o'clock at t h e your patronage. The Marxes are cavorting at a Chevra B'nai. Yisroel synagogue local theatre. On emerging from at 618 Mynster Street. Reservathe show a youngster asked his tions- may be m a d e by calling mother what about t h e fourth Mrs. Morris Yudelson, president Marx. "What w a s hla name?" of t h e Sisterhood, phone 5645. "Zeppo." "Oh, yes," he said Following the banquet, a Chanuthoughtfully, "he was the normal kah program, arranged by Rabbi one!" Jacob Cohn, will be presented at And because t h e Marx Trio, eight o'clock and will be open to sans Zeppo, is such a tremendous the public. Everyone is urged to hit, a w a g suggests a gradual make plans now to attend this elimination of t h e brothers so affair. that the greatest Marx Brothers' picture ever made will eventually A "Girls Cultural Group" will be produced without a n y Marx hold its'Initial meeting next MonBrothers! What a relief! day evening, December 16, at In St. Louis and Baltimore the eight o'clock at the home of Miss COMPLETELY AiR-CONOiTtONED theatres advertised "A Night at Marian .Katelman, 417 Oakland the Opera" as a laugh-getter or Avenue. Rabbi- Jacob Cohn is in Lv. Omaha 8:45 AM "your money back." There were charge of organizing this group Every Day — Everywhere Ar. Kansas City. 12:45PM. 110,000 customers and not a and has announced that girls inA de luxe, all-steel train providing high-speed service with single request for a refund! complete comfort. Air-conditioned dining-parlor-observation terested should attend the meetc»r and coaches. Northbound, The Marathon leaves Kansas Greatly rtductd fares — one way *»d IOMMI See you later. ing Monday evening. City 4:30 PM, arriving Omsha 8:30 PM. i Convenient contrip —still In effect between ill point!






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Through the movie maze . . . line by line . . . 3 "Rubinoff speaks nary a word throughout "Thanks a Million" . . . but his violin says everything. "Eleanor Whitney can dance sixty taps In four seconds. "Mack Gordon, tunester, deter- ! mined to drop one hundred of his three hundred pounds . . 7 weighed in at a local hospital for the ..


A goldwynian bon-mot. Asked whether he expected to sign up m o r e people on contracts, t h e ever-ready Sam remarked, "Why should I sign up more talent? I've got Cantor, Oberon, Hopkins - in fact, I've got a dearth of talent!"



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TEAM SCORES boys coming up from the Midget ! game. Norman BorUy. Irving tions and details were given at evening classes. To Mrs. William i Jews of Carpedhe-Rnssie Points League ranks. The team is coach- ! Forbes, and Jack Saferstein were Team. this meeting. All manager* that Kaiman and Mrs. Ed Lincoln the I3R Prague — In anticipation of * ed by Abe "Gabby" Bergman, ! outstanding for the Fants five Jack Spra.tR physical department in conjuncJobbing Juniors 127 were there were Informed atwrat government decree granting cultflashy Psi Mu guard, and much i while Manual Himmelstein and Pants Store -.. 101 the new rules for the coming sea- tion with the women's gym class ural autonomy to t h e Jews r>" credit is due him for the fine Milton Saylan were mainstays for A. Z. A. Xo. 100 are indebted for their contribuson in full detail. 49 showing of these youngsters. In j the Omaha Jobbing Juniors. For all basketball managers tion of a very nice victrola which Carpstho-Russia. the Jewish lend•:• the other Class B tilt the Pants j wishing to enter their team in the In the ifomen's gym clase math has helped the women in their ers o* that province have petitionJ. C. C. PRE-SEASON ed the Ciech ministry of educpBASKETBALL LEAGUE i regular season of play which is interest is being taken with con- exercises. By PAUL GOLDBLATT Rabbi Harold A. Berger will Store defeated the Jobbing tie-n to recognize Y i d d i s h an/I CLASS B TEAM STANDINGS , iors, 24-21 in a very closi j to start Sunday, December 22, a ditioning exercises featuring the —By RAT SCHAPIKO. speak tonight on "Radicalism, j Team. "W. L. I Hebrew as the official language work-outs. Attendance* for these ', very important meeting was held Day by day, and week by week, : Religion, and Judaism—a com- The game was a nip and tuck af- [Jack Sprats * 0 3 3 at the Center Tuesday night, De- classes arc increasing by leaps ; Jewish Press advertisers merit ef the 100,000 Jews of that provthe stream of Jewish life moves ; paratire Btudy of economic move- 1 fair with neither team over four I Pants Store ; Jobbinff Junior* 3 3 ince. points in the lead throughout the bounds in both morning and , scember 10, at 8:30. Full iastrncyour patronage. Fast my desk at the •A. Z, A. No. 100 0 « jments, religion and the approach ish Community Center » n d i o , Judaism to social reform and through the building itself, t a e .t h e l r sienificance in the modem current pours along. As people go about their daily occupations, Saturday morning, Rabbi Bermatters affecting Jewish life here ;er will preach in Yiddish at the and elsewhere concern them. Adass Yeshurin synagogue. They ask questions of me and of! Sunday morning at 9 o'clock members of the Center Staff. The there will be a father and son questions which seem to be of im-j service at the B'nai Israel synamediate interest to t h e largest gogue. number of people will be present' | Next week Rabbi Berger -will ed in this column. \ speak on "Classless Culture and | Religion—an interpretation of "No More Federal Heller' : Chanukah and its Significance i s "NO M O R E FEDERAL RE- • Modern Jewish Life." LIEF" - - says the government. •"What about Omaha n e e d y Jewish families?" you ask. Rabbi David Wice's sermon - Let me explain the situation. For the past two years, the Jew-topic this evening Trill be "Acres Iak "Welfare Federation has turn- of Diamonds." Saturday morning services will ed orer for relief t > the Douglas County Relief Administration all be held at 10:30. The Bible class will meet TuesJewish families a n d individuals who, although able and willing day at 1 p. m. at the home of to work, wer» unable to find em- Mrs. M. A. Venger, 104 So. 88 St. AIRCdNDlliONiNG! CLEANERS Next Friday evening, December ployment. Technically, they were This past snnuner while risitThe young * o a • ' the. Allen 20, the first night of Chanukah, known as "cases where unemploying California, popular Miss Koh&ns looks a lot like Dickie ment -was the major factor." We and Friday evening, December "Chlrkie" Bergman was glren Moore, child cinema star. Rare GLADSTONE BROS. -continued to care for families and 27, the last night of Chanukah, a role as an extra in • picture TO« noticed? . . . What will individuals which required special candles will be lit. Harry DuBoff there through friends associEddie Rosen do with his extra at>7 So. i s t a services because of sickness, fam- will chant the benedictions. ated with the movie imdostry. time when f r i e n d Marjerte KOT THE CHEATED ily difficulties, widowhood, o l d "Chiekie," who appeared in HiUer leaves BOOR for an exBUT THE FIKEST age, etc. W« also took care of ior every purpose one scene, hjMl scanned load tended racatien trip in the Beth-El G*)i>t*r Cuts and orphaned children and transients, papers daily looking lor the *rEast? . . . A new record was GeU Setl New Yerk Wmm, At services tonight, Rabbi DavDistributed by and provided f o r rent, hospital id A. Goldstein will speak on "A rircl of the picture she had ap- made for the hooks ef the na10 YEARS OLD f 1.20 (RE. 1500) peared in. tional social fraternity of Pi care and, at times, clothing, coal, i Strange Episode in AmericanTan Pi when three MUders WESTERN But alas and alack! Much to gas and electricity bills for some Jewish History - - or Mordecai Thle Line of Wises Wmtitsmi. were introduced iitte one chap* her chagrin she diteorered of the families being taken care Manuel Noah, the First Araeri# OfflftrlA • Air Conditioning Corp. By Gladstone1* fer Over 1rr (Omaha) at the same rime. that the picture had been diof by the DouglaB County Relief j can Zionist." C&4626 Their first monikers are Jnlian, • A LITTLE PIFFEREXT vided up into eleven part* and 40 Tear*. AT. 8454 104 Ho. 18th St. Administration. Next week Rabbi Goldstein's Harlan, and Jerame . . . • A LITTLE BETTER would be shown in aeri«l form When the Federal Program sermon will be devoted to a tribat the Town theatre. shifted to a Works Program and ute to Henrietta Bxold. "greatest She attended the first showth'« amount of relief given by the living Jewish woman." ing last week, hot failed to see jYouVe O u t . . . Douglas County Relief Adminisherself on the screen. She is tration was reduced, our responErnie Adams, head athletic undaunted though and plans en coach at Benson High school, told sibilities increased. W^ expect sitting throcgh each of the fn. this one on Harry Trostin (who that most of the Jewish families, The physical department of the Ask Yoxtr tore showings of the serial un- in the audience) at tae fa- In, Appreciation of Your First Rferigag c now under Douglas County Relief J. C. C. with Lee Grossman in til her face is flashed on the ther and sons banquet held at Past and Future Administration care, will h a v e charge, will sponsor a doubles Grocer for Eesslng Act screen. someone in the family employed handball tournament to begin Temple Israel last Sunday night. Patronage It would be indeed sad if the under Works Progress (W. P. A.) December 19. For the first time He related how he and Harry Repaid Ornr «. Periwd o* producers of the picture had played on the same baseball team within the next few -weeks. In in the history of the Center, Mr. te Twenty Tearjs failed to recognize trae talent, some fifteen years apo. some of these families, the earn- Grossman has conceived the idea Straight Rt and "cut" the sequence in ings will not be sufficient to proof training the handball players Their team was pitying in. seme ROSS PETEB6ON Cent which Miss Bergman had ap\The Height of small to-vrn. To make a Efeort vide for their needs'. We will un-: while they are still young and so HOTEL FOKTEXELLE peared. story long, it was the niBth indeubtedly have to provide supple- will have three divisions in this \ Good Taste! Fine Flowers Moderately ning, and Harry Truetin -rag at mentary aid. Until Old Age Pen-tournament, A, B, C. The teams Priced bat with his team cne run besions are made .available in Ne-will play in their respective Open Evenings mntl Holltlsyt ADMIRATION... hind, two cut, and the bases braska, we shall have to either groups according to abiltiy. AH 204 Kecline AT. 83<W AT. 6S2C Big Chief Semi. S10.S0 One of oar eorr«Bpondenti loaded. see to it that either the Douglas entries must be handed in to Sol 2T11 No. 24th St. WE. G400 OCAEAJ.TEEO wishes us to annoBBee that he It was getting dark in a hurry, County' Relief Administration pro- i Feldman, basket-room attendant, thinks Bess Cooper has the most and ta make it more firtraatie vides money for care of the Jew- together with a ten-cent entrance beautiful eyes in Omaha, Quote, the count en Harry wag three and ish aged or else -supply it our-fee per man before December 17. "They sparkle like stars at nlf ht." two. His teamtnates pleaded for sslv**. Our responsibility for Any Center member in good a hit that would bring is the -children, for hospital costs and standing is eligible for this tournecessary runs to wiss the EEES«. medicine* tor sick people, for nament. All paid up members of I Did Yon See . . . people needing • advice in their the J. C. C . will have a chance At this poict the catcher on family difficulties, for rent, coal, ln this tournament, and Mr. Th« smart tickets the Junior the opposing team walked out to clothing, gas and electricity — - Grossman urges everyone to take Council is usise for their Caanu- the pitcher's bos sad teek the ball BEAUTY SALON STAKPAE© SHOE EA, 55SS all these we shall continue to try advantage of this opportunity of jkah dance? They are silver and from the pitcher, telling hie bat- 27t!» and Martha KEF AIR Features te provide, within the limits of learning a fine sport. ! black—modernistic. tery mate that it was so dark that • Sweet Butter Brass, BrotiM AJnminnm, Soft J. L, Krage Prep, Shampoo and finger wave 50c our meager funds. In other The Saul Raskin picture dis- the umpire would be foeled into Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast* • Dated Milk 161S. Etarnej- St. words, the Jewish Community believine that the ball was deLee Grossman, physical -direc- THE NEW play at the Center last Wednes• Sour Cream ef in^n. Wood enfl Metal Pettem* Center and Welfare Federation tor, tentatively scheduled for next C«ntraS Market day? We bemoaned the fact that livered, when ia reality all the Zotos Permanent Wave • with and many other products, St»r>e!Eri! g(*ei B'onze a n r! Iron will eontinua to accept responsi- Monday night a volleyball game our purse and our inclinations pitcher need fie was go through no machinery . and no electriB , t ask vonr grocer or call . . . bility for th» care of Jewish fam- for-the matrons with th« Council the motions. Rings and Csvers, Clesneirt Dee^«. were at war. city nsed at $6.50 and up. S«sh NVeiBhtg * n n Yeliew Brann ilies and individuals who require Bluffs Y. W. C. A. volleyballers. So th« cutcher strode to his The lone li»t of Jewish work716 Branded Theatre Bldp, Plumbers' Ferrules. t«rrled In ROBERTS DAIRY it. We shall continue to make The public is invited to witness position in back of the piste. The «teck. Brenie Tsblfts, f>-triTe an* ers for the penny health seaJs? AT. 4«S3 Cast Iren Grilles « 6pecl«ltv. ijsa of other individuals (family, what the physical department HA. 2226 . We are certainly proud of these piteher wound up, and went relatives, physicians and friends) hopes will be the beginning of a through the motion of throwing people. and other organizations (County, very successful season. the ball. The catcher thudded it Stat* and Federal) so that each leudly into his jsitt. individual person and every fam"Strike three, y-e-r out," bawlThe Omaha Jobbing five, winWere You Born? ily should be saved from suffer- ners of the J. C, C. pre-season ed th« umpire, who assumed that A certain Jewish soldier In ing and want and give every op- basketball tournament, also led the hall had been actually pitched. Poland had served in the army. portunity to get b a c k to their the league in team scoring with Ani then it was that the presCOME TO He wanted t» g» ta South feet and be self-sufficient a n d a total of 138 points in five games ent Commissioner turned troucd America and applied for papers. supporting. which gives them an average of SCHMIDT'S He was asked for his birth cer- and EEouted to the umpire, Cleaned 27 3-5 per -game. Running a ': for tificate bnt coold not prodnee "You're blind. That ball wan a ElerekeiJ Only ; Sneeessful Youth Fornm ahd close second are the Xi Lambda's foot -ride." THE B E S T HOT CORNED it as his birth had never been ' Dance SHOES who placed third in the league, for a Pleasant _ SurpriseBEEF SANDWICHES registered. He presented bis Tho development of Jewish but scored 133 points in their Repaired While discharge from the army bat IN THE CITY youth organisation representing five games. Yeu Walt HATE TOU TRUED" the eonsnl shook his head and TWICE-TOLD TALES FREE—Pick-up ant! all Jewish young people's groups LEON "CHIEF"' FERER ealled Games played in the pre-season SCHMIDT'S LATELY? In Dewntewn SDletrlet remarked, "yerer mind about within a community is on« of the league were hotly contested with us not te let anyone know that HA, 4550 these papers, I want DELICATESSEN & LUNCH manifestations of the time. Con- many contests won and lost by a - CALL fee had just reserved the presithat yon were born." 2417 Farnam JA. 48T4 ditions affecting Jewish l i f e single point The hair-raising dential suite ef the WaldorfLoemHv P w m j — ti>e»ll» p SHOE EEPAIE CO, taronghont the world are having games in the pre-season league is Open Daily and Sundays ,(. CASCV. >r««llf«R Astoria hotel in New York for the Till Midnlte AT. 5903 their effect in this manner upon only an inkling of what the fans 422 So. 18th St. Pi Tau Pi conclave, which he will tfnr young people. They are, be-are to be treated to. With three attend the latter part ef this ginning to see the need In a Winnipeg piper w« find I inoath . . . DID YOU hear about d of f llearn- weeks elapsing before the regular ing to. work .together, socially and season, the teams will have the I the following ia a beauty parlor; the young grocer who seat a botintellectually, ieeording to t h eopportunity of putting on the Ud: "Lttiiem, we Eeefl your ' tle of tat most expensive .olives 'formulas'laid'd o w n by commu- final tonch and the polishing up •in our busiaess." in.his store to a young lady IricEG, 'aity-leaders during the past, will result in some real thrillers. fend ef olives, severs! hundred let Could Attend Your . .through t h e Community Center SAMITA1Y TOWEI- & Stop for Year milei from here. He. The pre-season. league not only Eleven Years Ago 'aad Federation program. I fWPM- € f IPfSf V Drag Needs to pick tteem pr©i5Erly tsA offered the bystanders real basf A kittle over;.a year ago, our Leone Novitskr. Merle Friefiel they arrived tfety were & combinaketball games but the-games were Lunch and Relaxation • Visit us in our new loca- and Ida I,astgarten were winners tion of broken EIEBS End olfres. 4Round,Table of;Jewish Youth be'• -CALL r e FOE played off . in such true sportstion where you will find a ^ gan its , work. Last year's proi in the Thorpeian popularity cea' CLEAN LIKENS She wrote teia a . vtry ebligiBg banship manner that not once was AT gram irai splendid. Starting with complete stock of Drug aad itest. Xtmt Fcrs A** Talnnbie 'think you' letter, but neglected the fastness of a real basketball JTtJe n.n<3 V i n t on AT. 12 groups, the Round Table finj Justin Wolf spoke for the seas to mention tfct condition in which Sundry items. Them fnstirre. With game Slowed' up by some unsportsished with 23 organizations which ! a* a father and sen banquet. fop $5.O tbey arrived. New a« is being manship act. Tepr«ented ;460 individuals. De| The Misses Ann and Bess told . . . EVERYONE m a t to be STANDINGS ' bates, forums, lectures, dances Team. JGreenberg, Betty Fine, Margaret getting behind t i e Varietr Club Pet. freuh fenfi erisp. &n«S give then. •SS g and socials provided f o r a full Omaha Jobbing Co. . . . . . 6 S8th & Dodse St*. WA. BSCS \ Riekes, Ann Piakel, tad .Blanche affair scheduled for t»ee. IS, be1,000 longer lift. 7ACKSOX S5S5 . .600 3 316 So. 15th PARKING SPACE year's work. This season; 25 or-Psl Mu j Greenhouse were dressed as Pal-cause the iBBB«y wlil go fer such .400 Xi Lambda S Call WE, i2M Prompt Delivery ^ Sanitations started t h e year by A. P. T. iestine nurses at the Htdassih a good cause . . . LAST YEAR .400 3 "For .400 .3 affiHatiag and sending representZionist ball. Maurice Pepper was Btroagly con.200 No. 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 ativw to the Round Table ExecuMiss Lillian Keeper was host- sidered to speak for the eon* 'at tive. Committee. In all,-630 Toung TEAM 4C6RES , ess to the Kid Soots dub. the Temple father-sea b&nssuet. people- were .members of the Team. , Points. Thin yet? h« was considered at a Omaha Jobbing Co. 1SS representatire epeaker for the XI Lambda ... . . . . . . . . 133 The opening mass function held Ramblers GREETINGS... 129) fathers. Fer in th« ercst thtt We Are Serving a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 recently, the first, in a series of P«i Mu Mr.- Abuer Kaimsa, who is i nyou're . aot up oa such topics, it A. P. T ..„„..... 1 1 6 SHADE SlOf monthly Sunday night .affairs con- A. Z. A. No. l Special American Dinner j Lbs Angeles, writes in to greet; would b* well te sttte that in the C. steering "World Jewry—Today i bi» Omaha, friends and to tell EVERY SUNDAY interim. Maurice 'becEine the In the final Junior League bas-. j 224 Insurance Bldg. Tomorrow," presented Rabbi I them he will be here in. February. •proud father el a btfey boy . , . a t • • • . ' • AT. 8811 AT. Crurfe Harold Berger in the forum, who ketbaU games, • Wiring of all Mads. apofce on "Russia and Biro-Bid- last Tuesday evening on the Cen-) 75c AND. 85c PEE PLATE Every Lmniry Sertki 0 Motor Installations. jan." "Dancing followed a n d ater court, the Jack Sprats basket ! QUICK REPARTEE \ A LESSOK IK 4 Courses Complete WET WASH TC» FZ5TISHEI? large number of people particl* artiste defeated the A. Z. A. 100 i A gToup TT&S diecussias s coa-j Teacher (to Jewis3i pupil is .'• Lighting Fixtures. From 11 A. »I. to 8 P. M. WORE pated. The next Round Table quintet, 24-11, with thfe elongated iing golden -wedding anmiYersarj-.; German school): Tc vhiclj race your okl shades Sunday night will be held on Jan- j Morton Soret leading the Estimates Gladly Furnished iEereral mentiossefl' possible gitts-fio the 3CTTB belong? u« k«ejs yeur «P Low m» «eld goals and two free uary 5. Rabbi David Wice w m lot gt>Id vhich they -would briag. j Pupil: Semitic. Immiciticli Call tnr0WB I o r t o f a l vl 316 So. 16th St. talk on "Eastern Europe": danc* ten points. I Lee White; tvelTt-Tear-oW,'comes S Teacher: Aag the take time tc <3c it Tieht WAIA'L'T AT. 6479 ing will follow the forum. Tickets |TMs victory gave the Sprats six UPSTAIRS •being- elo-w- anfl csrefvil i in -with, "I'll bring ray .triced,! Anti-Seraara being sold for the series of consecutive wins during the prei itic. GOLDberg." forums and dances at $1.00, and season play. This is the first year thin-sum a n y be applied on Cen-any of the players on the Jack : • •: i Sprat team participated in Junior ter membership. competition; most of'the The Round Table of Jewish Youth is but another indication of! ; = ; the quality and extent of leader-! program of the Center. It is one ship towards Jewish nnity on the I of the most hopeful signs of.Omanart of ihose responsible for .the f ha's Jewish future.

The Jewis


}• t







Peerless Cleaners

J. C. C. Sports

IForbes Fresh

loss Floral Shop

Bakery Goods


* •



•For • • • *~ ROBERTS








Gould Drug Co.







i '.:



PAGE EIGHT. iimminnniniiimiiflmrainiirairaniiiiniinnnuniim

Miss' Lottie Feinberg departed Baron, 3800 Jackson street, is making her home in Chicago at for New York City, Saturday the 'present time. She has ex-night, where she will spend a hibited several paintings and hasmonth visiting with, friends. earned favorable comment of The Debrah club met Wednescritics.


Polish Prmse

504-10 City Natl. Bank Sldg. "Warsaw — Admiration .for the Omaha, Nebraska Jewish pioneering in Palestine v/as voiced by Minister of the In- Notice Is hereby given that the unirsigTied /have organized a corporaterior Ladislpw Rackiewicz, dur- i:tion. The name o f the corporation is

MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER A. BRODKEY and BRODKEY, Atty«» COHEN, Atty*. 579 Insurance Bldg. > ';"•'

737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bltfg.; : LEGAL NOTICE Notice by Publication on Petition for In the District Court of Dongla*1 i, Settlement of Final AdminlsCounty, Nebraska: - tration Account' In the matter of th» Application of ., . . , _ , , i tion. The name p In the Matter of the Estate of Joile HOMER 1. BIXSWANGER: . , . ., I mg an audience granted to Leib i General Garage Company and th,Rogers/ Deceased: Notice is hereby g!v*>n that on the aay evening in tne nome or -tne >-o j a f f e^ t<nn director principal place of its business the All persons interested in said mat- 'l"th day of November. 1!>K5. ..the V,.~Aof the Palestine • - . i>Olty of nOmaha, Douglas County.isNen n inrinimniirnuiinuramiminmuimtiBUUHinmngTimminiuyninnimDnninniiunnmiiiniimijiimiinunnijmnniiij^ ter are hereby notified that on the president, Miss Libbie-Olensky. 'Foundation '""*" ~* —*•" ~ ~ ' ~ '--—•*•above named petitioner filed his-!p#tiFund. Ib r a ^ k a . i ^ e general nature of its 2nd day of December 1935 John P. iion in the District Court of Douglas Mr. Jaffe is in Poland directing r business is to operate garages a n d Comstock .Jr.. filed a petition in said County. Nebraska. Docket 31B. Page At a meeting Wednesday aftertho fnnrt ramnairn ' f i l I i n * stations: to deal im store and County Court, praying that his final : SS. the object and prayer of which is noon, members of the Ladies' tne i u n a campaign.. , repair jnotor vehicles, and other per- administration account filed herein be , for the change of hip name from that and allowed, and that he be ; of Homer I. Rinswangpr to" the name 1 1 1 auxiliary of the Beth Abraham ] sonal property; to make loans secur- 1| settled discharged, from his trust as adminis- of Homer i. Benson.-. That a hearing Attorneys own, lease, and mortgage MONSKY,COHEN, GRODINSKY. M A R £ R t ' frea.1 d byestate motorexchange vehicles; to buy, sell. synagogue elected Mrs. Charles trator and that a hearing; will be had : will he had before thp Honorable Wm. and personal property 737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Funeral services for Mrs. Freda Barriekis, president. Other offi000 000 Tvhere\-er situated and to do all things on said petition before said Court on : G. Hastings, one of the Judges of the the 2Sth day December 1!)35. ano District Court of Douglas Couiity, NOTJCK IS HEREBY GIVEN'' that. incidental to and necessary for the i that if you failof The annual Father and SonDvara Goldblatt, who died in cers elected were Mrs. J. Montto appear before said Nebraska, in his Court Room No. S. d u l y constituted meeting out of the above objects. The Marshalltown, la., were held In at a o f i carrying on- the said 2Sth day or Dec- nr before some other Judge of this banquet of Shaare Zion congregarose, vice-president; Mrs. J.'Shaolders of KRAS.VE I t o t a l authorized capital Stock of this Court Stockholde __ M1LX.1N_ _ ember 1935 at « o'clock A. M.. and Court.1 at !> o'clock A. M.. Tuesday, tion will be held Sunday evening, Sioux City Tuesday afternoon, piro, secretary; Mrs. M. Shulman, - •• on the 2Sth day of ! corporation shall be J10.000.00 divided contest ERY, INC., -held said petition, the Court may December IT. 1935. or as soon thereNovember, 1935. it was unanimously into 100 s h a r e s o f t h e par v a l u e o f grant th« praypv t>f said petition, en- rtfter December 15, in the social hall of with Rabbi H. R, Rabinowitz and treasurer, and. Mrs. J. Franklin, at- will be convenient for the $100.00 e a c h , t o be paid for in c a s h or ter a decree of heirship. and make agreed that the corporation be disthe synagogue, and if the ban- Cantor A. Pliskin officiating, and that unless sufficient NORTH AMERICA property a n d be n o n - a s s e s s i b l e w h e n such other and further orders, allow- Court, recording secretary. solved. causp be shown to the contrary, the issued. T h e t i m e o f c o m m e n c e m e n t ances and decrees', as to this Court quets of former years are a i Mrs. Goldblatt, who was75 ERIC SEELIG, GERMAN-JEW- Dated at Omaha. Nebraska,' t h i s j'Of. Following the election refreshname will be changed as prayed'for, - t h e corporation shall b e N o v e m - may seem proper, to the end that all 1935. HOMER I. B1NSWANGER, " • V barometer, a capacity crowd will years old, was the mother of ments were served by the newISH REFUGEE, WINS THIRD 2Sth day of November. | h e r 1. 1935, a n d i t s t e r m i n a t i o n shall l matters ALBERT KRASNE. t>ertaining to Said estate may Petitioner. Philip and Morris Goldblatt of j be fifty y e a r s t h e r e a f t e r . The highattend the affair. STRAIGHT BOUT. I N . QUEST President. members. j By BRODKEY AND BRODKKY, j e s t a m o u n t o f i n d e b t e d n e s s or liabil- 1i be finallv Settled and detprmined. H. MARQUARDT. BRYCE CRAWFORD. ' The dinner will be served Sioux City. Other survivors are F O R WORLD'S M I D D L E• His Attorn%>-». | i t y t o -which t h e corporation shall a t Secretary." • .• County Judge. n i 5 5 t | a n y t i m e s u b j e c t Itself shall n o t e x - 12-fi-3± WEIGHT TITLE . . . He would 1 2 1 3 « promptly at; 6 o'clock, and Dr. S.a son, Sam Goldblatt of Los An-

Sioux City NewsI MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent

Father and Son Banquet Sunday



Auxiliary Elects

Footnotes to

J. CCNews

! c e e d t w o - t h i r d s o f i t s c a p i t a l stock. like to fight Hitler. H. Shulkin >yrlll act os master of geles; another son, Harry of MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER [ T h e . affairs -of t h i s corporation a r e t o • j be c o n d u c t e d b y a board of n o t l e s s ceremonies:- Morey Lipshutz is in Mitchell, S. p . , and a daughter, SWASTIKA BANNED F R O M The Junior Dramatic club, un4 COHEN. Attorney!. \ than t w o n o r more t h a n five directors charge of the arrangements and Mrs. Abe Kaifetz of Marshall- der the direction of Idel Shapiro, SIX-DAY BICYCLE RACE IN 737 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldfl. ' j w h o shall e l e c t a president, v i c e - p r e s town, la. -. ident, s e c r e t a r y a n d treasurer. the program. . will broadcast a program over NEW YORK . . . Swastika a n d NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That i V.HUHNKE. A feature of the evening will the undersigned have formed a cor- i KSCJ this Sunday aftrenoot at fair play are unthinkable. poration pursuant to the Laws of the i fX P R E S E N C E O F':. L . K A P L A N . . be the three generation table, at Many at First of JEWISH FARM SCHOOL AT state of Nebraska. The name of the 4:45 o'clock. Children who will PERU?. which will he seated sons, fathers, ROSE . INC.. i appear on the program are Jor-DOYLESTOWN REPORTS PRO- corporation Book Review Series dan Ginsberg, Albert Goldstein, F I T A B L E Y E A R with its principal place of business' and grandfathers. . J e w i s h . farin Omaha, Douglas County, NebrasMr. Henry Sherman will speak Sam' Heeger, Frances Harlow, mers are learning fsat. ka. The objects for which this corFRADENBURG, WEBB. 8EBER, A large and interested audience Esther Begun and Billy Heeger. EUROPE In behalf of the fathers; Morris poration Is formed are to maintain . KLUTZNJCK, A. KELLEY and and pperate- one or more retail merALFRED A. FIEDLER, A«y«. Laseriskv jwlll respond in behalf heard Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz' FOREIGN ENVOYS EXEMPT- cantile establishments or departments of the sons; and Elvin Sacks will book review on "North to the and 'to deal in, buy. sell and dispose ED FROM NAZI ANTI-JEWISH •PROBATE NOTICE ladies', misses' and children's wear-* represent the grandsons fn his Orient," Monday evening, in the A telephone census of children LAWS . . . Ridiculous!^ and. sUll of ing apparel, including cloaks, suits, iiv the Matter of the Estate of Han. of school age will be taken by the social hall of the Shaare Zion talk. ; ladies' ready to wear merchandise, nan Venn, Deceased. Jewish Community Center during more insulting to German Jews. •thoes, ladies' furnishings and all kinA skit entitled "A Boy for synagogue. Notice is Hereby Given: That the REVISIONISTS A N D ANTI- Ired and other merchandise of every creditors ithe next week, to give the Center of said deceased will meet The review was the first in the Sale" will be presented by Rudy kind' and character, with the right ZIONISTS UNITE IN CZECHO- and power to purchase in quantities the administrator of said estate,, beSbiadler, Joseph Goldstein, Joe series to be held this winter. The a working list of children who SLOVAKIA fore me, County Judge of Douglas •". . . That's the right and to deal in said commodities at County. Nebraska, at the County Levin, George Shindler, Earl next review will be given the first are interested in group work "at line-up. wholesale if. desired: to enter into Court Room, in said County, on the Ncvich, Morris Ginsberg, Charles Monday in January, at which time the Center. . .Volunteer workers leases and| or contracts of any kind 21st day of January 1936, snd on the FRENCH FASCIST LEADER incident to the business of t h e c o m - . 21st day of March 1936. at 9 o'clock Ehiudler, and Herman Rubin. A Rabbi Rabinowitz will review will phone each' Jewish home to pany and to purchase, lease, hire and M.. each day, for the purpose of group of songs will be presented Vein of Iron," by Ellen Glasgow. get the names and ages the chil- DENIES HIS MOVEMENT IS otherwise acquire and hold, such real, A presenting their" claims for examinadren. Parents are urged to coANTI-SEMITIC . . . We're sick estata and personal property as may tion, adjustment and allowance. Three by the Talmud Torah choir under, operate with the Center to enable and tired of these futile denials. be necessary or. convenient to the months are allowed for the creditors the direction of Mr. S. Krupnick. i operation off h the corporate business or to present their claims, from the 21st the office to widen the scope of Chevra Kadisha The choir includes Paul Matlin, S C A N D I N A V I A N R A" B- the accomplishment of any of it* ob- dav of December 1935. The annual dinner and meeting their activities with the children. BIS C R E A T E • PERMANENT jects, and to sell/ alienate, encumber BRYCE CRAWFORD. Marvin Matlin, George Harldw, or'otherwise' dispose of any such j'l-1.-29-3t County Judge Joseph Shaffer, Jerry Shaffer; of the Chevra Kadisha was held FEDERATION . . . Rabbis also property. The Company shall have i authority to borrow money and is r Harry Nadler, Morris Ginsberg, Wednesday evening in the Jewish The Young Jud°an cluh will need protection. evidences of indebtedness thereLEON and WHITE, A y * . meet next Tuesday evening for a SANCTIONS AGAINST ITALY sue Harold Lebowitz, Morris Lass, Community Center. 504 City National Bank Bldg. for. The total authorired capital i Following the dinner, a promeeting and program. Refresh- j COST 500 JEWS IN T H R E E stock is $10,000.00, par value $100.00 j and Isadore Shindler. share, all of which shall be Com-I PROBATE NOTICE Le Roy Goldblatt will sing a gram of addresses by several ments will be served during the BALKAN LANDS THEIR JOBS per mon Stock and shall be fully paid > and non-assessable when issued. The ! l n - L - e M a t t e r o f j h e Estate of Paul i .-. . W a r is war. solo and a dramatization of the members and rabbis was heard. evening. corporation shall commence business! Pnilipp, Deceased. PALESTINE poem. "An • Angel's Penny," will Notice is Hereby Given: That the upon the filing of the Articles iri the WONDER - WORKING GERER office of the County Clerk of Doiig- creditors of said deceased will meet be given by Rachael Ginsberg, Open Meeting By An extemporaneous contest "will the executrix-of. said estate, before Adeline Stern, Max Rich and Mr. be held at the debate class, next RABBI TO SETTLE PERMAN- \scription to at least. 5 percent of its me. County Judge of^Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, ENTLY IN PALESTINE . . . WonS. Krupnicfc. A guest at the dinMonday evening.' The class meets authorized ca.pitaJ and shall continue Auxiliary Tuesday period of 25 years from-Janu- in said County, oa the 21st day of! ner and on the program will be under the supervision of Irvin der Rabbis are no rarity in Pal-for alst. January 1S36, and on the 21st day of ]936. TTie highest amount M h 1936 ' l k A. A M The Ladies' auxiliary of Shaare Lunin. estine. Every chalutz is one. Jackie Heller, Orpheum Stage 1936. att 9 o'clock Af.. each of Indebtedness shall not exceed two- March .for the purpose of presenting . p p pnting Zion will hold an open meeting FORMER HEAD OF GERMAN thirds of its capital stock. The mini- It h e i\ Star. lr ber of members • of. the Board: shall! claims for examination, adjust•Mr. John Lansberg, president next Tuesday evening in-'tbe synaTwenty-five prospective mem- ZIONISTS NAMED PUBLICITY be provided for by the ' By-.I^aws,;'"ent and allowance. Three months a r e which Board shall administer the af-| allowed for the creditors to presD I R E C T O R O F gogue Social hall, when an apthe af of the congregation, will welcome HEBREW UNIbers have been invited to attend th ir cIalr s rom their claims, the221st i T t " ' * " ffrom th 1 t dday of f fairs of the corporation. The stockthe fathers and sons. Rabbi H. propriate Chanukah program will I the meeting of the Brownie pack V E R S I T Y . . . T h e Nazis will h o W e r g s h a n h o i d their annual meet- December 1935.BRTCE CRAWFORD. R. Rabinowitz -will offer the in- J h e presented. The men of the Sunday afternoon in the Center. label him Jewish-propagandist. ^ng the second d Wednesday d ' \n Janu- llr~29-3t. County Judge. vocation and Cantor A. Pliskin ; congregation have been invited to A member of the local Girl Scout each year-and elect Directors. I S W I T Z E R L A N D MAKES ar>* The of Directors shall elect a President. •will give the benediction. Special. t he meeting and program, Jewish Press advertisers merit Council will speak on 'Brownie TRADE AGREEMENT W I T H Vice-President. Secretary and Treas- ! eongs for the banquet have been y r s - JJ, B. Herzoff will sing a activities at the meeting. urer. Upon authority given by 65 j your patronage, JEWISH AGENCY . . . Good luck percent of the issued and outstand- j arranged by Mrs. S. H. Shulkin.. group of sonrjs, accompanied at —to both. • ing capital stock the Directors shall! have the to sell or otherwise! An orchestra -will play during the j the piano by Mr. Pierce Wall. A The regular meeting of the (Copyright. 1935. by Seven Arts j dispose of power the assets of the corpora-; MARK LEON WRITES Feature Syndicate) jplay, "The Unlighted Menorah," i Business Girls' club, which was dinner hour. — — — — — — — _ !: tidn as an entirety or a. going con-I Mrs. Ben. Shindler is in charge; will be presented by Mrs. William to have been held last Wednesday MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & cern. upon such terms and conditions ... as they shall deem fit. The Articles: COHEN, Attorney* of the dinner for the event, and I Kutcher, Mrs. Louis Slotsky, Flor- evening, has been postponed un737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. may be amended upon notice as pro- i in fact, INSURANCE of Every Mrs. I. H. Levin will he in charge ence Lohrman and Rosalie Sacks. til next Wednesday. The club vided for. The corporation shall; Type • • Strong Reliabl* IS HEREBT GIVEN* GIVEN that have « seal-. Companies, ONLY of the dining room arrangements. The Talmud Torah choir will sing will meet at the Center for din- NOTICE IS Dated October 17th. 19SS. the undersigned have formed a. corpa group of songs, under the direc- ner and a meeting. A social hour oration - pursuant to the aaws of the E. SCHWARTZ. C5ty. Finance &_ Insurance Co. H. MARQUARDT. State of Nebraska. The name of the tion of Mr. S. Krupnick. vrill conclude the evening. AT 7667 . 1409FARNAM I W A 5150* J. H. SAKS. corporation is "HAWKEXE COMP- - . Junior Hadassah Mrs. S. H. Shulkin will speak 12-6-35-4t. ANY", with its principal place of Reports of the Southwest Re7 on the significance of Chanukah H e f e r e w S c h o o j C I a j $ M business in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The. objects for which this gional convention held last week- Mrs. J. H. Mosow will preside at is formed are to buy. sell, end in Kansas City, were made at , a short business meeting, and Raise Funds for J. N. F. corporation e x c h a n g e , manufacture. deaK and trade generally in any and all kinds the meeting of the local Junior M r s S a m s o n Krupnick will premachinery, equipment."and .supHadassah chapter held last nigbt m e d u r , n g t h e p r o g r a m > Three Hebrew school classes, of plies: to purchase, lease, register and in the Jewish. Community Center. taugh by Mr. Samson Krupnick, otherwise acquire any trade-marRs, Over two hundred people atMiss Dorothy Merlin and Miss tended the Auxiliary Card party have raised $25.00 to present to trade-names, patents., inventions, imand processes • of every Hose Shilolf, delegates to the con- which was held in the spcial hall the Jewish National Fund. In provements kind- and character; to purchase, disvention made the reports. count, sell and trade In g-enerally m view of the fact that the three Tuesday evening, under the chairof indebtedness of • every Miss" Lillian Romirowsky was manship of Mrs. S. Snovsky. classes have already bought one evidences kind and character; arid to buy, "sen. chairman of the program. A play dunam of land in Palestine, they mortgage, lease, encumber ajid deai in real and personal prop, entitled "The Unlighted Menorah" have decided to raise their quota generally efty of every kincL and character. Tjie •was presented by Mrs. William to $100, and then inscribe the company shall have authority to bormoney and. to issue evidences of Kutcher, Miss Florence Lohrman, classes in the Golden Book of therow indebtedness therefor. The total auMiss Rosalie Sacks and Mrs. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will Jewish National Fund. thorized capital Stock Is J25.000.O0, par value $100.00 per share. All stock Louis Slotsky. Ann Pill spoke on speak at Mount Sinai Temple this is common and shall be fully paia the life and work of Miss Hen- evening on "The Olympic Games." i and non-assesable when issued. ' The Sunday evening, Rabbi Lewis Jewish National Fund rietta Sz'oia, founder of the Hadas! corporation shall commence business i upon the'.filing •'of the Articles wit'i sah movement. Mrs. M. B. Herz- will speak at Sheldon, la., under ' the County Clerk of Douglas County Is off sang a group of Hebrew songs, the auspices of the Methodist and shall continue until January isv, churches there. 2036. The. highest amount of-indebtedaccompanied at the piano by Mrs. To prevent a conflict'of dates ness shall-not exceed two-thirds oi Four new members have been C. C. Robinson. the capital stock. This restriction with the Mount Sinai Temple Fa- shall added to the roster of the Temple not apply to indebtedness secPlans for the annual Junior ured by real estate. The number of and Son banquet, which is Hadassah dance, scheduled""for Sisterhood, according to Mrs. J. ther members of the Board shall be 'proscheduled for December 26, the N. Rosenfeld, chairman of the vided by the By-laws, but shall not I December 22, were completed and banquet to be given by the Jewish be less than two. nor more than five, reports of. the ticket committee membership committee. They are National which Board' shall administer the.afFund Council will be fairs of the corporation. The stockheard. According to Miss Eva Mrs. Fred Sherman, Mrs. Emil holders shall hold their annual meetOrlikoff, chairman of the dance, Levich, Mrs. Abe Epstein and! held on Tuesday, January 14. ing on second Monday »n January Tickets'have been printed by of eachthe a capacity crowd is expected to Mrs. Max Rubin. year and elect directors. The the Council and are being disdirectors shall elect a •President; ViceThe monthly meeting of. the attend the dance which will be President, SecretAry and Treasurer. held in. the ballroom of the War-Sisterhood Book Review circle tributed to the various organiza- The • corporation shall have a seal. will meet next Friday afternoon i tions. A nationally known spea-kUpon authority given by 65 per cent rior: hotel.; of' the issued and' outstanding capital The meeting was concluded in the home of Mrs. Si Krueger. j er will be brought here for thestock the.. directors shall have th» to'sell or otherwise dispose oi with refreshments • and a . social Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review two banquet and a program of unusual power the . assets of the corporation as an interest has been planned. current books. hour. . ; • . entirety or a going: concern, upon The Honor Roll of the Temple such terms and conditions as tttey shall'deem • fit. The Articles may Sunday school as announced in t y« OtjEGSHABBOS the Temple Bulletin includes the amended upon- notice as provided, for. Dated November 18, 1935. Plans have been made by thefollowing children: Harriet HolJ. H. SAKS Senior Hadassah chapter to bring land, Marylin Miller, Helen Levin, . • • ' • • • E . SCHWARTZ 12-13-U Mrs. Pauline C. Grossman to Mark Robinson, Fredell Sacks, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weiner have; Sioux City to speak before the Barbara Robinson, Morton GreenMONSKY,, GRODINSKY, MARER * Oneg Shab'bos meeting on Decem- stone, Harold Rosenthal, Allen received word of the engagement COHEN, Attorney! of Miss Josephine Stern of DeGoldberg, Sandy Baron, Stanton her 21. , 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. troit, Mich., to their son, Leonard 150 Specialty Selected NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mrs. Grossman is the former Cohen, Barbara Davis, Doris National chairman of Infant Wel- Grueskin, Enid Bruce Robinson, Weiner, also of Detroit. The an-the undersigned have, pursuant to the laws of the- State of Nebraska, -formMarion Levitsky, Albert Goldstein, nouncement was made there' Sun- ed fare in the Hadassah work. a corporation. The name of said Robert Pill, Samuel Heeger, Bet- day. Mr. Weiner is an attorney corporation Is I D C H M A S FOOD STORES. I N C . / with its principal ty Silverberg, Robert Lazere, Mil- in Detroit. No date has been set place of business in-.the city of Omaha. The objects for which the.corpton Mazie, Lois Levitsky, Betty for the wedding. oration is formed are to maintain and Both Miss Stern," who' is a ' AW,. On- Display in Our ' This evening at Shaare Zion M a r x a n d Wallace Rosenthal. daughter of Mrs. Milford Stern of synagogue, Rabbi H. R. RabinoDetroit, and Mr. Weiner are grad- to buy and sell, lease, and encumber real' and personal property of every •witz will continue his sermon on JEWISH TALKIE AT juates of the University of Michi- kind. The corporation shall h a v e a u "Gabriel Risser, Champion of a at Ann Arbor. thoritv to issue bonds.' The total auCENTERON SUNDAY Lost Cause." thorized capital stock is JIO.OOO.OO, divided.,:Into.1 100 shares, par. value Cantor A. Pliskin and the synaMr, and Mrs. Enchel- Barish J100.00 A Jewish moving picture, "Biro per share, all. common stock, OGUE and' House arid "Garden selected Brande's gogue choir will chant the ritual. Bidjan," "will" be rhown at the will be at home to their friends fully paid when issued and non-asexclusively In Omaha to display their special array The corporation .shall,comThe Junior congregation will Jewish Community Center, Sun- on Sunday, December 22, from 6,upon the filing; of its meet tomorrow morning at 10:30 day evening, December 1 5 , ' u n d e r j t 0 1 0 -P« m-> honoring their son, mence of gifts-. . . l5CUn all. These:gilts were made especially the - office of the .County Clerk: of Douglas County, Nebraska, o'clock. Bernard Weiner will act the auspices of the Icor club. I Herman, who will celebrate his and for these two leading publications, to aid you in selectshall continue until January 1st, as Cantor and Jerry Shaffer will 2035.", The highest amount! of.indebtTwo shows will be given, the i Barmitzvah on December 21. ing gifts "that are. really 'distinctive. read the law. edness shall not exceed, two-thirds of capital stock. The affair? of thp The Bible class will meet Mon- j second beginning at 9:30 o'clock. Miss Mollie Rappaport visited the corporation shall be administered ' by day afternoon at 2:20^ in the so-The picture will be shown in the in Chicago last week-end with a Board of Directors to be determined (See the Decemier issue, pages 77 to $7. in Vogue, by the- by-laws, which shall be not cial hall i f the synagogue. The big hall at the Community Center. relatives. end pages 39 to-44 iti -Sous* and Garden for iJe• less than two nor wore than five. class wilL; continue its study of The Board shall. elect: from Us memtailed information ioncerning them. But come to bers a President, Vice-Presiaent, SeciHe Book i of Genesis. tht Gift Shop, Srd'Ftoorito see thim for younelf.) _. _ .. ..• . __ «„««..« retary and • Treasurer - The Directors The Talmud Torah and Religi- PICTURE BY SIOUX CITY The Beth Abraham synagogue g h a n be elected, at the.annual meetous school, of the Shaare Zion are ARTIST IS ON EXHIBIT will have its annual dinner Sun- ins or the corporation which shall be You will find every single .anet,^ them on display Here. preparing11 for a Chanukah pro7 "»•«= --0 "• „ held the second January gram and' celebration to be held There's not a "dud"'itrtKe entire display. W e proudly A painting by Miss Mildred day socialevening, hall ofDecember -the synagogue. l o , in the In o f e a c h y e a r a n d immediately after Sunday, sJDecember 22. Plays, Ruth Baron, has been accepted charge ~bt' the. arrangements are said Stockholders meeting, the'.dirpresent therp as^unusual presents for everyone; from ectors shall meet a n d elect officers. recitation!) and a musical program for exhibition at the Joslin Me- Messrs. J. Dimsdale, Paul Kaplan; The directors, shall control .the afsmallest kiddies to'-fheir .great'grandparents. A gift dis•will be presented by the children, morial in Omaha, for the exhibit and Joe Gorchow. Rabbi and fairs of the coropration; Thesp Articles may be amended by, two-thirds play that- is a brilliant -combination of virtues. If these • and refreshments will be served of artists of five states, including Mrs. Benjamin Goldberg" will affirmative .vote of, all outstanding by'^the Htjbrew Mothers' club. . Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Min- speak- during the program. • Mrs. stock upon proper notice. The corpgifts don't help, "to" t a b tBe headache -out of-your nesota, and South Dakota. Miss Goldberg, who returned recently oration shall have a seal. . Christmas snoppiog^r.weB, ftere-isn't any Santa Ciaus. Dated November 4th. 1835. The Senior Dramatic club, un- Baron's picture is ' entitled "A from1 Palestine, -will speak on KAROTit*' 8. TUCKMAN Little House:" BBTTX Tl'CHMAN der the direction of Miss Miriam trip. . ' IRANDEIS—Gif* Cm^er-^mri Row 12-J3-U • Incorporators. 11 resume its meetings Miss Baron, who is the daughJewish- Press advertisers merit Blank, ter of Mr. and Mrs. E d w . a - r d your patronage.. next Suhi ay afternoon. our advertisers. ,


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Mount Sinai





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