December 20, 1935

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals o! Judaism

Bnterert as Second Class Mail Walter OD January 21, 1921. at Postaftlc- ot Omoba. Nehranka, under th« Act of March S. 187»

i", DECEMBER 20, 1935


Earlier Deadline for Next Week's Edition Because the print shop will be closed next Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday, the deadline for news articles and society items for next week's issne of the Press has been advanced. For next week's edition, please have all copy in the Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. Tuesday, December 24.

VOL. XI—NO. 43,



in This

The vote at the A. A. TJ. con-, participation are vitally interest-1 vention in New York -which failed ed in the staging of these games. j Robert Ley Admits Germany Is to bar American participation in Men like Lyman Bingham and Near to An Economic the Berlin Olympics of 1936 does Ferris are on salaries and many Collapse coaches keenly anticipate the trip , not fully reflect American opinabroad. ion," declared Irvin C. Levin, -who Berlin (WNS). — D a m a g e Berlin (JTA)—That Germany "It means much to their reputclaims totalling many millions of returned this week after attendis a "besieged fortress" with its ation," he continues, "and none ing the conclave as an official marks have heen filed -with the population facing a desperate of the coaches present would have German foreign office hy Czecbo- delegate from the local district of struggle for existence was t h e dared vote against participation Slovakia, Roumanla, and Holland ! the Amateur Athletic Union. , He statement made by Robert Ley at was among those who fought I for fear of risking the enmity of Josephine Roche, assistant i — •' in behalf of their citizens of Jew•the closing session of the conventhose coaches and the rostrum -of American participation unless the secretary of the Treasury, will \ This evening. December "f.. * ish race or faith who are being tion of the German Labor Front deprived of their property and games were removed, from Ger- so-called celebrities who make speak on the CommunHy Forum of which he is leader." single waxen candle will Sv economic rights in Germany, a s j m a n y . a n d participated actively in the trip at the expense of the Although the speech was de- series on Wednesday evening. a result of the new Nazi drive to I the deliberations, including reso- Olympic fund, lighted in Jewish homes »•»>£ January 15, instead of Janulivered Friday, it was so frankly force foreign Jews out of the Uution writing. "Thas battleground was thereary 8, as scheduled. ; synagogues , . , nshorinjc: i* , . . _ hand bluntly worded that it was eld t v the country. Diplomatic quarters here Levin explains that although j fore very unfavorable, and with I m p o r t a n t governmental o f V a a Q ' ^P Ministry of Propi Channkah, the feast of HRMV the odds of defeat almost certain report that virtually every foreign only two and a fraction votes was I aganda and not made public un- business has necessitated the and the large vote merely demon! On each of the seven MICCP.-V'-the margin of failure necessary change of schedule. country will shortly make similar Nathan Levinson was re-elected jt i l J ? o n * a f , ^ • « «,•/•* The lecture will be held at : ing nights one srlriinon?,! csmHr claims and will unite for joint in- to passage of the Steuer amend- strates genuine sentiment -against president of the Yaad H'lhr or] The v.rtual admission that Gerthe Jewish Community Center I will be lighted. - - two on the SP."-ternational action through the ment putting teeth into Kirby the repulsive discriminatory conresolution, "it must be rememberduct on the part of the Nazi govi ond, three on the third - - nn:i: Union of Orthodox synagogues at W ^ ^ 4 / ^ an usual. b y M r . world Court and the League of I the eighth night ~'hp .lews v i ; , the meeting of the commissioners Nations, unless Germany reim- ed that many of those voting for eminent." Ley, who said that such a situahave completed the observance ••>• The Kirby resolution condemnheld Monday evening. burses foreign Jews for their tion was "due to the cold war ing Germany but not interfering the holiday. property. Some observers here I. Morgenstern was elected sec- Jews abroad are conducting to dewith the participation of the athThe story of Chonukah iv ibelieve that if Germany remains retary, and N. Wilfson, treasurer. stroy t h e Reich hy boycotting letes at the Berlin games was tribute to .1 u c' a h MarcRbeiss. adamant, foreign countries will Ben ,E. Kazlowsky was re-elect- • Chairmen for the various di- German goods." handed to the anti-Olympians for ed president of the local lodge of visions of work were selected whose heroism restored the "> n:retaliate by impounding the propBut lor the Jews, Mr. Ley deexamination. Levin sat in with the B'nai B'rith at a meeting held .f r o l » t h e o t h e r commissioners. pie to the Jewish people and v-"' erty of German citizens in their clared, Germany* would now be the group rewording the thought the world en inrvoaprd p.pprp.'Ucountries. playing an important role tn inThe commissioners Include: this week. and making clear somewhat hidtion of th? principle ol relij-ifiu The entire prohlem, which may ternational affairs. He complained Other officers: Ephraim Marks, Morris Burstein, I. Morgenstern,. expressions. Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) liberty. An elaborate reception for Aliza den yet result in an international pro"It is rarely" Levin States, I vice-president; Harry Frieden, N. S. Yaffe, Louis Epstein, Mor- that "Jews are hampering us, are -There is no room in Palestine i Leading hip li"ncl rf p. test to Germany, grows out of the Shidlowsky^ noted woman labor treasurer; Sam H. Green, secre; ris Potash. N. Levinson, N. Wilf- doing oar best to minimise ©or "that one can attend a meeting for Jewish minorities with totali- . ppainst over? helming fact that foreign Jews are sub- leader o£ Palestine, who will be where the excitement and pitch tary.; Dr. Abe Fellman, warden; ! son, I. Goldstein, and B. Linden- importance and are spreading tarian aims such as exists in Ger- f Mnrrabetis dnred npr>ocp the ject to the same restrictions and in Omaha Thursday, January 9, of debate is so full of feeling and Alfred A. Fiedler, guardian. Trus- j baum. atrocity stories against us all over discriminations as German Jews. is being arranged by the local the division so keen. Words were- tees are Russell J. Blumenthal, i the world. The happier our peo- many and Soviet Russia, Dr. rany of the Syrisn monprrh, ; •— •Unofficial estimates show that Pioneer Women pie are, the more lies the Jews I Ch*™>. Weizraann, President of , tiochus Epiphanes. and tnns David A. Finkle and William strongest of ; / ^ d ^ d ^ e strongest oJ | th l d Z niBt there are 90,000 foreign Jews in T * T ™ I * . A^V *•» spread abont ns. They've started 1 ® ^ °»*»niMtion •<* the wBy for * victory . T j? A dinner and program will be j „ Werner. Elected to the executive | w a g 1 1 g e d fxom t i m e t o Germany; 56,000 from Poland; held at the Jewish Community l a Q DIES A T A G E 6 7 a boycott against ns W h i c h l 8 j and of the Jewish Agency for Pal- victory not of war and cor committee were Julius Bisno, Dr. time." 20,000 from Czechoslovakia; 5,- Center that evening. nothing less than a cold war t O j e B t i n e ' s a i d l n a defense of demo- ;but of religious freedom The local delegate points out j Ben Slutzky, Hymen Shrier. Carl 000 from Roumania; 1,600 from Mrs. J. Richlin is general chair- t n a t i t i s n o t ^ ^ that, the A.A.U. | Lagman, Harry Sommer, and Si-; Mrs. Fannie Greenberg, 67, hniniliate our nation. Our only cratic principles before the an- brotherhood. nual conference of the Jewish : The Jewish people of all ronrHolland; 500 from England; and ', died last Friday morning at a answer to that can be that the The assisting committee jc o u i a n o t have prevented Amer- mon Pizer. tries and all age? vp.ioiee in .bf smaller numbers from France, man. Kazlowsky reported that the! hospital. She is survived by four 1 German nation hopes for nothing here. participation in Germany. | holiday on Chanukah. In •!>* United States, Hungary and Au- includes the Mesdames. Harry j j c a ' S membership had reached a peak sons, David, Hyman, J. J. of from abroad." Bush, S. Okun, M. F. "Levenson, Their by-laws provide f or the T h e democratic franchise is a synagogue, in the religious schnn. stria. Making t h e analogy between of 550 members. Reports were Omaha, and Abe L. of San FranJ. Chorney, Judah Wolfsoh, I. committee on foreign relations Notwithstanding private asrendered by the various commit- [ cisco, and three daughters, Mrs. Germany a n d a "besieged fort- far- better form of rule than the and in the home, the entire fi,tr[ I Morgenstern, Dave Resnick, Os- I having jurisdiction over the comclenched fist, t h e world Zionist ' j]y participates in the joyous •*">•aare l surances that foreigners exsurances inw ioreign«« « " " car Slutzky, A. Brookstein, Her- p e t i t i o n o f U n i t e d States athletes tees. Announcement was made ! David Sherman of Omaha, Mrs. ,ress." Mr. Ley declared: out. Greeted by . ebrations. Children listen * ! >. "The situation in which empt from Nazi racial laws, thouA «refusal f n « i tto B ondarln. MarPromkin. Sam l w , ^ n nertifv A certify hv by that I. P. Padway of Milwaukee, Simon Galitzky of Topeka, Kans., sands of foreign Jews have al- Nitz, S. Weiss, M. Epstein, H. ,1 president of District Grand Lodge t h e A.A.TJ. would have the same ready lost their livelihood in Ger- Rothkovitz, Herman Mayerowich, effect of keeping the American No. 6,- will visit the lodge at its first meeting in March. many, either by being deprived of j K a r n l c k f L R a z nick, Charles athletes at home. their p positions, or being forced •H e r m a n Max Goldstein. AdDelegates were elected to the He lauded the address made t of business through loss of next district grand lodge conven- i out of business through loss of ditional names will be added !DV president Mahdney in opposing National Home. deemed tbe Temple of Israel tion, which is to be held July 6 | Mrs. Greenberg was a resident; man people must know the truth. licenses or the anti-Jewish. boy- later. American participation. idoltrous bands. to 10, by way of a boat trip on of Omaha for 44 years. She was i They must tell it not with femcott. Foreign Jews who want to An entertaining program is" beThe Syrian king - - idol v.-.~. the Great Lakes, during the pe• affiliated with many Jewish orj inine sob?, but in the manner of emigrate from Germany are also- ing prepared. shipper at the sUnr of "Ze\if" - riod of the session of the conren'. ganizations, participating actively.; man to man." unable to take their property or bad caused F. paean, s l t a r to J« A resident of Palestine for fhe tion. „.. ; ,The funeral was held Friday j Mr. Ley disclosed that tbe money with them. These pracpet up in the Temple ol the , ' s r twenty^thxee years," .-.Airs. p ^ y^ y The "following delegates and alafternoon at three o'clock from | country "has hardly any gold re•M»^y»eopstitutea-Tiola,tion of Geriph people, defiling the PStictut.v!' ternates . were elected to repre- '. the home of J. J. Greenberg with , serves left, that there is a forty many's treitre^with.virtually ev- ShidipwEky' was" one of the first of God. The Jews; rebelled, uin. to realize the need for specialized sent the lodge at "the July district i whom his mother had'made her; per cent shortage in clothing as ery country in the world because under the inspired leadesliij- .'.:

In Behalf of Foreign Jews in Eeich Who Are Deprived of Property

Postpone Date of Lecture By Roche

IsraeFs Fit | Freedom Recalled ! By Chanilafc

N. Levinson Is Re-elected

"No Room for Dictatorship in Palestine"

Woman Laborist From Palestine To Be Honored



all foreign governments . nave farm training for her sex and was convention: Isadore Abramson,; home. Rabbi David A. Goldstein j well as in certain foodstuffs and insisted that their citizens, re- one of the: pioneers in a co-operaIrvin Levin, Max Barish, -Ben | officiated, j that foreign exchange coverage is gardless of race or creed, must j tive girl's farm school at KinKazlowsky, Philip Klutznick, Dr. j Interment took place at the: extremely limited. have the same fights in Germany neroth. He further revealed that h a d Jewish Leader Refutes Ffilsc Declares Zionism Stands as Bul- A. Greenberg, Irvin Stalmaster, Golden Hill cemetery. Germany used its credits to al- i Statements Made by Keichsas German citi/ens. Since then she has played a Rabbi David Goldstein, delegates; i — wark Against Assimilation leviate the food shortage, there ' • Most seriously affected by this leading part in the establishment Dave Blacker, I. F. Goodman, ii*fuehrer Hitler ; Honorary would have been a minimum of i drive against foreign Jews are of two-year farm training courses and Communism Ephraim Marks, Harry Trustin, 4,500,000 persons added to t h e ! the Polish Jews. In the first j for -women in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Leo Abramson, Sam Green, Dr. ! * « ACW Lttaen Xew York (JTA1 — Keichsplace they are the most numerous | chedera, Afule and Fetach TikPhilip Sher, and Julius Bisno, al-j Tel Aviv—Miss Henrietta Szold j unemployed lists because of t h e Jerusalem (JTA)—Z i o n i s m fuehrer Hitler's statement thRt amongg the foreign Jews, Be- yah,-all of which schools are sup- was characterized as a bulwark ternates. ! veteran American Zionist leader. : lack of raw materials which are i anti-Jewish laws w rteressarv Henry Monsky, Sam Eeber and j -was named an honorary, citizen of now being bought instead of food. I cause few of them have been do- ported by the Pioneer Women's against assimilation and against to save Germany from CommunOrganization of America. • Sam Leon, past presidents of the j this all-Jewish city, marking the j " i t is for these developments,-" j Communi6.*j by David Ben Gurion ing more than earning a bare livism were rediculed hv Dr. CITTIS

the Maccabees made {.heir rr>b.-;>lion both p. spiritual and P ir<;-tial Fuccesp. Three years IIUPV. -rthe day. Judah Maccabeus rppKpHired the temple. For eight CIRVF the JPVF- o l w " " -

ed the ceremony of rcdpdicpiinr. Depend says-that onl ope RIM.:. CTUPP of holy oil T S R avp.ilpblf '':>' thp Trrnplr. for ?11 the rer-t T*<r«-

-rv This bit of oil vat- rpoimh. '<> '•• the Ismps dr.rinE ;!•! country as a representative of the ment of tjie "World Zionist Execu-I gates to the conclave by virtue of rT,?;rP rrT-0Tt10Iir i; s« „' _'„*»,. '„»*.?*»_*,*, ,>a if^oV nast nffirev Moatzoth Hapoaloth. • tive, in a press conference. ! their past office. being prepared.' He declared that it is the move- j The children of the honprboif; m e n t ^ a i m to conquer ; the Jew-j the tapers: PP.-!. assist ir, Hghiinp th ish p.eople" for Zionism and to de- j ing the .:•»;"•ni-ht and in reciti velop-Zionist, comradeship for the i tional Chanukah i i l C h k h benediction b sake of inner unity in the movefhpm. Gift^ arp rxcliRiipprt, ment. ; '. crr-ms and piny* nre civoT Discussing the recent World the spirit of joyousness PCWI In support of the third'national Zionist Congress at Lucerne, Mr. evp.rywliprr. congress of the American League Ben-Gurion listed its greatest ^ r i ^ - KynHCOE'iiP pprvipr against War and Fascism, Omaha achievements us follows: By Rabbi Abraham H- Israelitan re?ding of 1 h r Scriptures r is to have a conference which will First, the return to the presiDo yon know the origin of vU:]p * V:U})- 1 1 l p 'hpmp or tbp be held on Sunday, December 29, dency of the WortS/Zionist Organcustoms associated with the celiivrO, notably tbe stirript: 1at 3 p. m., at the old Woodmen ization of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, ebration of Chamikah? In this •! The story of the miraculous oil , Two large Yugoslavian Nazi or- Bolshevists." from the prophet ^ncbnrinTi ^'' of the World Hall, 1 3 1 7 ^ Capi- veteran Zionist leader and noted ^ - -Adler -"-factual outline, Rabbi Israeli- is not the only explanation in the ; ganizations have been dissolved ]i Dr. hsF been the FP.^t^ipinp F'ri^i tol Ave. near the post Office. scientist. ancient Rabbinic literature f o r [ by the authorities as a result of j "jt seems that some men have tan tells us many things we Delegates will be elected to attend of Nazi propapan-' r e r y s n o r t memories. Hitler is of Israel through the ceutt:: Secondly, ..establishment of a never knew abont the observ- the lights and the eight days of! ddissemination a "Xot by might, tmr by ppwer. the National Congress in Cleve- coalition executive comprising repChanukah. j among Yugoslavians of Ger-; Q 1 3 j t e o ] a enou?rh to remember, if by My spirit, saith dip I/O"'f land to he held January 3-5. John resentatives of the leading Zion- ances of the Feast of Lights.— The Midrash has the following : man descent. he wishes, thai: it was Germany THE EDITOR. Haynes Holmes, Roger Baldwin, ist parties, interesting statement: Why do we | Members of the organizations which made possible the Bolshe- Hosts." Dr. Harry F. Ward, Robert Morss kindle lights on Channkah? Be- j were obliged to pledge by t h e ;r i k revolution in Russia. ' Thirdly, the transfer to JerusLovett, Lincoln Steffins, Heywood alem of the organization departi. cause, when the Hasinoneans con-1 swastika flag that they would: -The Kerensky revolution had Brown, president of the American ment. The "dreidel," the ceremonial i quered auered the Greeks a n d entered tnarry only "Aryan" Germans I decla red itself on the side oi the newspaper Guild and General top of Chanukah, has been ex-; the defiled and desolate Temple. and that, they would no contact' ; .allk;s and proposed to continue Smedley Butler are among the naJews. Serbians or Magyars. ' t n e % f i p . n l OT t h p 5 r p i 6 p B , 1 t 1t plained by some in the following ; they fonnd tSere eight iron spears i tional sponsors, as well as the manner: The cruel Antiochus of ; upon which they kindled lights. | was the Germany o[ the Kaiser. J. .7. Y'rir-dmpn. vb.t> V--RF -TCleveland Federation of Labor, Syria had decreed that no o n e iv. i Zionist Organization Fcvnid 'of Ton Hindenburg. ol Luden- cpntly flesignatpd by the T~n>-^:Maurice Meyer, 77, of 3430. 22 theogical seminaries in the should study t h e Torah. Jews, The ancient Jewish code, the: dorff snd the other great, get"!Webster St., died Friday, DecemStatPF En-plnyee?' CompetiK!-.; i/ir. Germany's army, that . . . „ . ' erals of Morris Meyer, 57, 1503 North however, were desirous of study- j Mishna, contains the following;' r ^. ber 6, in a local hospital after a east, and Tarious farm organizaOslo—A Zionist Inion of > or-, T, ,.,.,• • ing the sacred Law, and so'they! law: If a camel was laden with now endeavoring to reh a s been month's illness. Mr. Meyer hadjtions have endorsed the national 40 St., was found dead of a heart , organized in Oslo to store _ w h l c h a c t u a l l y D r o u E h t this com.miP.~ior in Omabn un:. attack at his home last Saturday would frequently gather together ] fiax and passed along the public lived here for 50 years. He was a congress. , vicinity, has assumed the rt%:;i.~-t in groups and study their h o 1 y j road, and-some of the flax pene- i co-ordinate and extend, the worfe a b o u f t J j e B o l s h e v i k r e v o h l U o n . The local conference has been morning. native ol Germany and a member of hi? P.ppointn"!ept. endorsed by: Miss Helen.Gauss _„„ . . „ . otject . , . _ was to _ break dov II. j of the already esistrng regional, "The ol Temple Israel. He is survived by his wife, two writings. But, in. order that the \ trated into a shop, was set alight Mr. Meyer is survived by his of the Social Settlement House; m Oslo. Trono.neTm and • l h g e a ? { e r n f r o n t s 0 __ _ 5 daughters, Rose and Pearl, and Syrian officer, w h o might enter j by the lamp o£ the shopkeeper I potips in a wile. Bertha, a son, Joseph, and Paul Goldbatt of the Jewish Comnumber .of the smaller towns Z a n y ' s strength could be. conren- chprfTo of fiiy C&^PF nf pny T'? ^'" four sons, Louis and Phillip of their midst, should n o t suspect! and' burnt the building, the own-! f • prnl rmplovrp wlin j? injur^t' -a* a daughter, Mrs. Grace Goldstone, munity Center; Ben Kazlowsky, OB the wpp prn front. Omaha, Abe of Manilla, la., and them of studying their precious! e r of the camel is liable, because | throughout the conn try. The. n - all of Omaha. attorney; Rabbis Frederick Cohn, 'of Seattle Wash-" two Torah, they carried with t h e m j he had no right to put so much' the prmips of Francp. ol umm Organization. party. In such capes, he nrvs*David Wice, and Harold Berger; brothers, Abe and Ernest of Oma- I "dreidlach." When they noticed , flax on his beast of burden. If j [England and of the s p r t s ibe Oompensntion Co»>— C. C. Galloway, Rev. Van Wagen- ha, and a sister, Mrs. F. Goldstein'••an officer approaching, they im- i however, the lamp was outside States."' f?ion tmder its ripht. ol Enhrnj-JtI en, Pilgrim Cong. Church. mediately took o u t their "dreid-1 of t h e store, t h e n it is t h e shop- discuss t h e question w h e t h e r a; Answering Hitler'? of Philadelphia.

ing, they are on the verge of starration Bince their working permits and business licenses -were revoked. Friendly relations between Germany and Poland has kept the Polish government from protecting the Polish Jews in the Reich. Hundreds of these Polish Jews have been ordered to leave the country. In Berlin they have been ousted from the public markets. In the provincial centers they are even refused, food. Since most of the Polish Jews in Germany have lived in the Reich since the World War their situation is desperate. If they remain in Germany they are certain to starve, and if they return to Poland their prospects are hardly better because the transfer restrictions make It impossible for'them to take their property with them.





this head Of t h e organization depart-J district, are automatically -dele-! first

time in


city's history i Dr. Ley concluded, "that the Jews : will


- president of. the American ; that such an honor has been con- have been waiting, but we ~ " I Jewish Committee, in a interview i ferred HT»OTI a woman. ! never ccartiftilsie.*' apuu ((with the X'nited Preps. He announced that German;; Referring to arguments arivanchousewives s e II housewives will will shortly shortly be be aasked to dispense entirely with butter , e d b?~ Hitler in an interview with fats and will be taught to cook'<Hugh Baillir, president ol the U.P.. Dr. Adler declared HitCP D Adl d l d tthat h t Hi without fats. ler brought in 1he Bolslifvist ipsue after scientists had dcmolir-hed his race theories. "Like a. good strategist in E bad cause," Dr. Adler asserted. of oil must have arisen af."Hitler abandons the race theory ter the time of Josephus. Belgrade, Yugoslavia (JTA)— and now declares the Jews are | III.


uaint Cystoms serving vjtanukah Ban

Nazi Groups in Yugoslavia


Maurice Meyer, 77, Is Taken By Death

Morris Meyer, 57, Died Last Saturday

'Junior Council



All churches, trade unions and

l a c h " a n d began spinning them, keeper w h o m u s t pay t h e damage, j benediction should be pronounced ;thBt Jews hn€. ."ought to usurp tion'anci the. injured party^for Funeral services were held from !tbe professions while German of- amount, over and above the .-v>i«A n d it is in memory of this deRabbi J u d a h said: If this 1 a m p ' before r e a d i n g it or n o t . The Junior Council their of Jewish organizations reguested to elect interested delegatesare to the residence Sunday afternoon. ception of t h e Syrians by t h e Jews j outside of t h e shop, happened to ; Women will sponsor first | other VI. •: ficers had to accept menial jobs, pensation. annual dance Sunday, .December the Congress in Cleveland and Burial was at Golden Hill ceme- of Maccabean times that we Jews I bo a Chanukah lamp, then the | According to the Bible critics, : Dr. Adler said, "These officers' As E-T>. example—in of .>.* 22,'at the Paxton-'hotel. Bobby I also to send delegates to the lo- tery. of today spin our "dreidlach" on | shopkeeper is not liable; because ! an fl many conservative scholars, -who in times of peace, bad been death of s VC. V, A. Mr. Meyer had been 'a resident Bowman and his orchestra will ! cal conference on December 29. it is the custom during Chanukah | there is a book in the Old Testa-: trained lor professional oeenpa- , killed while ir. the course or hi*. of Omaha for the past 40 years. Chanukah. play for the dancing. j to put the lamp outside, near the j raent which w a s written during lions naturally v e n t back to these employment, the com pen sr.: i.-.s II. Until three years ago he was acMiss Clair Feldman is chair-, 'door, and'therefore•" the— owner of •I those days when Israel was strug- j occupations," sddir.g that "clur-; fni?d would become liable _ ; — — — - •» ——- — — —• — - ~ — i l l u m e (-*€*..? O v\ AJ.\* ±1 1 ^ 1 d t i. Vt d ^ ^ , L i U. fe ~ I ^ * ' man in charge of the dance; Irene h l d have h b h empire i Jews J ?Sf0 Uve in the grocery business here. The famous Jewish historian of ;jtt n e c a m e ll should been ex-; g i i E g against Antiochus. Is is the : "*c the were not! per- SS.500. Should such a Hirsh is in charge of ticket sales; jthe first century of the Common c e e d i n g l v c a r e f u j a s he drove his '• Book of Daniel which thev%av" : mitted to become army officers • settled for f 10,000, tbe Rose Rosenstein - is in-charge of Berlin.—Luebeck suburb which j Era.'' Josephus Elavius, in speak-j a n i m a I through the streets. ! ^ a s written by a pious'and "paVi-' in the German armv." safion fund would b c rei decorations, her committee made Benjamine Kramer, 73, died had .long borne the name of Is-j ing ot the meaning of the, Chan-j ' o «c Jew of those dar<= to rire ! Discussing the race theory, he and the-funeral expenses v . the decorations from original de- Thursday morning, December 12, r-aeldorf (literally the village of u k a h lights, d w s n o t s e e m to who declared: .to the fund and al! over ».n. ' ' j. I n t h e M 'iddle Ages, it was cus- !C O T j r B g e to bis co-religionists '" Eigns; Sylvia Jonisch is in charge j at a hospital here after a long Israel) was moved into step with know t h e well-known Talmudic j t e r n a r y in m a n y synagogues t o ; ^ - e r e gtruggling a r a i n s t the Sv"Xot even German snthropolo- above that would go 'o She hans*of arrangements. I illness. . I gists and ethnologists were will- ficiaries less s Teatsonp.ble i'hu-.'f-tthe modern Nazi trend when it story of t h e cruse o f - o i l which,4j.fiad on Chanukah a Megilla ' r i a n monarch Many dinner parties- are being j Burned for eight fla v&, - This, his-, fscr.611), just as we do today on! Mr. Kramer is survived by a was renamed Karlshof. ing to defend it at -the Interna-; for obtaining: the eettlettiPJi'. ^T VII. planned to precede the. dance. daughter, Mrs. Sarah Nathan, At the same time Luebeck au.. torian writes: "And ftoni^ a a t i the-.Pnrim festival. This Chann- j One of the monarchs of t h e tional Anthropological Congress j judgment. There are also a number of -post- 4422 So. 19 St:, with whom he thorities dubbed one of its prin- time to this we celebrate^ this fes- ! in London in 1SS4. And morel FrietlmaB's T."orli under (.JiS* Scroll, which contained the i that people of Southern dance "parties scheduled. had made his home. cipal boulevards Thavenmnnder tival and call it LIGHTS. recently that theory has been de- ; appointment will.,--'not inte'r/af* of the:Feast of Lights, was Tickets are $1.25 per couple | The funeral was held at the instead of Israeldorfer and a sec- pose the reason i v ^ because this ; ^j-jtten about the eighth, centurvj.'' " molishetl by Prof. Julian Kuxley, i v.'ith his private practice, boi fc-l and kmay be secured "from- any i Chesed Shel Ernes "Friday morn- tion of the city known as Jeru- liberty beyond our hopes appeared 1a n d > 3t i s interesting to note, be- I iag the eighth century, was nam- BOB of the great Thomas Huxler, • claims will be handled from. >.Js ! ed Chanukah. member. or~ at the door Sunday I ing, December 13. Burial took salemberg will henceforth be of- to us." and himself a great authority, and '. office in the First National • came EO sacred in t h e eyes of | ArtS evening. Ificially called Kreuzberg. by Prof. Haldanc, i building. Evidently the story of the little , many people that Rabbis "began to 1 ^^^ziurTkJvMcztJ**1 place at Fischer's cemetery. v

73, Died Thursday




dish daily, T h e Day, bought a of her seventy-fifth birthday ancopy . . . And the make-up man, niversary, for his sermon tonight. By Kay Sehapiro feeling that some one at the photo Everyone is urged to attend. • • • • agency had made a mistake, nulWith the regular J. C. C. Class lified all of Nini's and the photoThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. A basketball tournament starting By PHINEAS J. BIRON grapher's efforts by putting in the 688 of the B'nai* B'rith will hold Sunday, December 22, the enthusi§2,000 diamond bracelet for fifty picture—upsdie down . . . A. A. lT. AFTERMATH a regular meeting next Monday astic followers of this winter A serious tactical" error was cents in a raffle held during the evening, December 23, .at 8:30 sport will have in store for them (Copyright. 1935. by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) committed by the forces opposed recent Hadassah convention, is some real thrillers. The Class A o'clock at the Eagles Hall. to- American Olympic participa- considering returning it . . . The teams in the league this year are tion "when they permitted Louis di bracelet, which was part of the The cultural.class of the Senior very closely matched as the folBenedetto of New Orleans to in- jewels donated to Hadassah by Hadassah will meet next Monday lowers of the pre-season league troduce the non-participation re- Irma Lindheim before she settled evening, Decmeber 23,- at 8:30 will assert and every game should solution . . . Many delegates from in Palestine, brought in only ,§400 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- prove to be very close with the the North and the East felt it at the raffle . For the benefit roel synagogue. Rabbi Jacob outcome always in doubt. Teams was the height of chutzpah for of Jewish community chests, we Cohn will conduct the class of entered in the Class A league are Benedetto to offer a resolution report the following salaries of BY F. R. K. "Jewish Customs and Ceremon- as- follows: Omaha Jobbing Co., condemning racial prejudice in Borne important Jewish departpre-season winner; Xi Lambda, ials." Germany when the Southern A. ment store magnates . . . Simon Psi Mu, 193 4-3 5 champs; A. Z. Father-Son Banquet Sunday A. U. Association has been the Lazarus of Columbus, §100,440 Misses Sylvia Ross and Rae A. No. 1, A. P. T.,"and the Camel Approximatelyone hundred chief offender in discriminating Louis E. Kirstein of Boston, $80,- twenty . reservations have been Wolfson returned home Tuesday Distributing Co. The Omaha Jobagainst Negro athletes . . . . Gen- 400 . . . Walter N. Rothschild of made for the Father and Son following a week-end visit in Iowa bing Co. will find the going tough eral Sherrill claims that he's not Brooklyn, 557,500 . . . Fred Laz- Banquet to be held Sunday eve- City, where they attended the and will have to keep stepping to t h e American representative on arus, Jr.,'of Columbus, §100,320 ning, at promptly 5:30 o'clock at Sigma Delta Tau House Party as win the regular season. The t h e International Olympic Com- . . . Lincoln Filene of Boston, the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synago- the guests of Miss Maxine Leibo- Jobbers have bolstered their linemittee but the Committee's rep- $80,320 .'. . Simon F. Rothschild gue at 618 Mynster Street. This vitz. Miss Leibovitz is expected up by the signing up of Phil resentative to this country . . . fo Brooklyn, §44,000 . . . A. H. affair is being sponsored by the home today from Iowa City, where Gerelick, former Nebraska U. The Brnndage-Sherrill crowd are Lubin of Chicago may be a house Sisterhood of the Talmund Torah she is a student at the University star. The A. P. T. five who lost understood to be determined to wrecker but he's a swell financier Society and members are working of Iowa, to spend her holiday va- their first three games and then raise all t h e money needed to too . . . H e paid $25,000 for the to make this affair a big success. cation with her parents, Mr. and made a spectacular comeback to send a full American t e a m to salvage rights to the buildings of Mr. Louis Bernstein will speak Mrs. Abe Leibovitz. win their last two are expected Germany, even If they have to get the 1935 world's fair at Chicago for the Fathers and Floyd Yudel-: to be right in the thick of the it from anti-Semitic quarters . . . and sold the materials f o r ?1,- son will respond for the Sons. Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg melee. Jack Adler, who starred Quite a few delegates voted in 000,000 . . . Rabbi Jacob Cohn, who will give and small son, Michael Lee, of with the Ramblers during prefavor of participation because the Invocation, will give a talk Oakland, California are leaving season play has been signed up they fell victims to a whispering NAZI TfOTES for their home today following by the Xi Lambdas, will be exA final checkup of the recent also. Dr.-I. Dansky of Omaha will an extended visit here at the pected to add the necessary punch campaign that -if the United States give humorous readings. Nathan •withdrew Germany would win the vote for Supreme Court justice Cilinsky will serve as toastmas- home of Mrs. Greenberg's parents, to the X. L.'s scoring power. The Olympic Games . . . That clever in Queens County, New York, ter. Psi Mu five have won the regular Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks. proposal for an investigating com- shows that one voter cast his balseason for the last three . years Following the Father and Son A Girls Cultural Class of "Jew- and will have to show real basketmission offered by Aaron Steuer, lot for Hitler . . . Fritz Kreisler's is said to have been fathered by failure to say anything about the Banquet, a short Chanukah pro- ish Thoughts" was organized at a ball talent to cop the laurels for Harry- J-. Applestein, president of Nazi regime is flue to the fact gram will be given at the syna- meeting held Tuesday evening at the '35-36 season. The Ramblers the Pittsburgh Y. M. H. A. . . . that he owns too much property gogue promptly at eight o'clock the home of Miss Marian Katel- who proved to be the dark horse Stuer and Aaron Frank-of Port- in Germany . . . Propaganda Min- and everyone is cordially invited man, 417 Oakland Avenue. Rabbi in the pre-season tournament are land, Oregon, made a good im- ister Goebbels is slated to get the to-attend. Two brief skits will be Jacob Cohn is in charge of the now playing for Camel Distributpression on the convention . . . axe in the next Nazi purge, which presented by the children of the group. The next class will be ing Co., is expected to finish close Harry Schaffer, senior vice-com- is due right after the Olympic Talmud Torah and Sunday School, held next Thursday evening, Dec- to the top. The A. Z. A. No. 1 mander-in-chief of the Jewish Games . . . The Nazifled version under the direction of Rabbi ember 26, at eight o'clock at the quint, the youngest but scrap[War Veterans, who attended the of the famous Christmas carol, Jacob Cohn. home of Miss Rose Fox, 106 piest team in the league, will convention as an observer, was "Silent Night, Holy Night," subNorth 8th Street. Anyone inter- make the going tough for the busy trying to sign up Steuer and stitutes the name of Hitler for Chanukah week begins this eve- ested is invited to attend. other teams. the holy family of the Virgin ning, with the lighting of the Frank as JWV members . . . Mrs. Al J. Friedman of Union Mary, Joseph a n d Christ . . . first Chanukah candle. AppropriFOR TOUR INFORMATION Readers of Time Magazine a r e ate services will be held at eight City, New Jersey arrived here Due to the scarlet fever epiThere are 15 Jews by the name getting a belly laugh from a par- o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- Wednesday for an extended -visit demic among public schools, the agraph dealing with Putzi Hanfat the home of her mother, Mrs. of Stretcher living in New York roel vSynagogue. Rabbi Jacob J. C. C. physical department has . . . On the letterhead of the Jew- staengl, Hitler's press agent . . . Cohn has chosen the subject of Rae Ross. discontinued the junior swim ish congregation in Honesdale, When asked "if the party sets so "Henrietta Szold," in celebration class until further notice. In the A large crowd attended the Pa., there is a picture of three much store by pure German Senior Hadassah meeting held swim decathlon the best times in ' cats because t h e congregation's blondes how does it happen that Wednesday afternoon, December the 20-yard back stroke were three trustees are all named Katz Hitler's hair is dark?" . To Belt Is Elevated IS, at the Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. made by Bernard Epstein in 16 . . . Gabriel Heatter, the radio which Putzi is said to have reBy Phone Company David A, Goldstein of Omaha gave seconds, Norman Polonsky, 16.5, news commentator, is a brother- plied: "On his head, ja, it is dark a very interesting report of the and Betty Nodguard in 17 secin-law of Isaac Assofsky, general - - but you should see under the After 16 years as president of National Senior Hadassah Con- onds. In the 40-yard free style, St. Pat- arms!" . . . manager of HIAS •' . the Northwestern Bell Telephone vention, which she attended te- Norman Polonsky and Bernard rick's Cathedral in New Y o r k Company, W. B. T. Belt was ele- cently in Cleveland, Ohio. A pa- Epstein in the time of 2 8 seconds. recently celebrated a special high JOURNALESE vated to chairman of the board geant, entitled "The Menorah of Stanley Feltman and Betty NodPaul Block, New York publishmass to mark the ninth annivera meeting of the directors Mon- Palestine" was presented under guard turned in the times of 29 sary of the death of Jules Mast- er, is one of the insiders booming at day. Arthur A. Lowman, former- the direction of Miss June Mey- and 30 seconds respectively. Governor Landon of Kansas for baum, a Jew . . . Mastbaum, who vice president of the company, erson. Taking part in the pawas one of Philadelphia's leading the Republican presidential nom- ly succeeds him as president. Both geant were Mrs. Ben Telpner, and Lee Grossman, physical direcphilanthropists, gave thousands of ination . . . Irv Kupcinet, Seven are the Misses Ida Lerner, Lorraine tor, has been officiating interOmaha men. Arts sports editor, is now on the dollars during his lifetime to inHorace G. Conger was elected Meyerson, : D o r o t h y Saltzman, city high school games and is bestitutions caring f o r crippled sporting staff of the Chicago vice president in charge of op- Florence Meyerson, Thelma Pas- ing considered as one of the fairRudolph Block, Jr., Catholic children . . . Leopold Go- Times Miriam Saks, Pearl Meyer- est and squarest referees in the dowsky and Josef Lhevinne, the son of the globe-trotting Hearst erations, succeeding Mr. Lowman. ser, son, Sylivia Endelman, June Mey- city. Mr. Grossman's two games Mr. Conger has been general manwriter, Bruno Lessing, is now secpianists, are amateur astronomers erson, Ethel Joyce Richto be the two outstanding of ilo mean ability . . . The pres- retary to the mayor of Seattle ager of the company for Iowa and ards, Esther Gordon, and Eleanor proved games in the state for the past ident of the National Association . . . He used to be city editor of will move from Des Moines to Passer. Mrs.Sacks, Albert Krasne was for the Advancement of Colored the Seattle Times Publisher Omaha to assume his new duties. in charge of this affair, which week. South High opened "its People is Joel Ellas Spingarn, a •Eugene Meyer of the Washington His successor in Iowa will be I. was in" celebration of Chanukah season with a win over Tech and Jew . . . Winnipeg boasts of a Post picks his board of directors G. Carll, of Fargo, who has been the seventy-fifth birthday an- Creighton Prep, '34-35 state basJewish playwright'called Tolstoy from the Capitol's merchants, general manager of the company and niversary of Henrietta Szold. Mrs. ketball champion lost fo a re. . . Harry Hershfield, who holds press agents, bankers and other fo r North Dakota. Mr. Carll for- Herman' Marowitz was program juvendted Tech High five in an the record for presiding over tes- big shots . . , Mark Hellinger has merly lived in Omaha. chairman. Assisting hostesses overtime period,-21-18. timonial dinners'to the great and changed his mind about deserting The four officials of the com- were t h e Mesdames George the near-great, is being given "a journalism for Hollywood . . . pany, carry with them into their Krasne, Nathan Nogg, Ike Krasne, In the doubles handball tournatestimonial dinner of his .ov/n on LONG LABOR LOST new executive positions a total of Ben Gershun, and M. Krasne. ment which began December 19 January 26th by t h e Broadway Nini Theilade, the. Danish dan- 145 years of telephone experience. Following the meeting, a social the following are entered: Lee Cheese Club cer whom Max Reinhardt has fea- Mr. Belt has been 47 years in the hour was .held and a large Birth- Grossman-Earl Siegal, Ben WinMax Baer will tured in a number of recent pro- business, Mr. Lowman 41 years, day cake and refreshments were troub-Harry Fox, Jack Adler-Max s o o n be a father . Frances Turner, Stanley Shapiro-Art Coductions and wliom he has im- Mr. Conger 34 year? and Mr. served. Grossel, former secretary of the hen, Morris Atkins-Ray Sehapiro, Intercollegiate Menorah Society, ported for his presentation of Carll 23 years. and now lecture manager for such Franz Werfel's "Eternal Road," notables as Molly Picon, Oswald hed her picture taken by one of Garrison, Villard, Marvin Lowen- t h e major news photo agencies thal and Louis Adamle, is now the the other day . T h e photofrau of Lionel Reiss, the artist grapher, anxious to get an unusual pjDse, spent an hour persuading • •• ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE Nini to 1 e t herself be snapped FINANCIAL REPORT CANDLESTICKS SUGAR-CREAMER The gentleman who won a standing on her head Nini Up From consented at last, and accomplishUp From ed the difficult feat of standing $10 $10 ft. perfectly motionless on her head "WinterW Beer COMPOTES enough for a good time exSALT AND PEPPERS Becomes Popular long posure . . . The photograph was Up From Up From a huge success . . . Then the YidOmaha, Nebr.—That the public $5 Pr. demands a different kind of beer for cold weather than in summer has been definitely established by the sales records being hung up by Storz Winterbru Beer, a product of the Slorz Brewing Company, Omaha, Nebr. • The product was introduced in October to fill the need f o r a . mild-tasting beer, yet o n e that had extra high strength. According to chemists and executives of the Storz Company, Winterbru beer is higher in alcoholic content.'than most ales—ye; it has none of the strong, bitter ale taste.;

J. C. C. Sports


Henry Ginsbur w -Leo Btirman, in his free throw area with or Hyman Giller-Jay Stoler, Leo H. without the ball for more than Berman-Leo Brown, Saul Levey- three seconds while the ball is in Sam Teper, L e o Blacker-Dr. play, and in possession or control Goldware, George Schapiro-Art of his team. Weiner, Irv Pazoff-Abe Bergman, 4. It is provided that when a Alex Lipsman-Irying L i n c o l n , ) foul is committed against a playJack Sadofsky-M'illard Sigal, Hy [er, who is not in the act of throw.endleman-Irving Cohen, L e w i ing for a goal, the official may Sachs-Morris Bernstein, Charles; award an extra free throw for Mogil-Lee Bernstein, Jack and Hy junsportsmanlike conduct. This Temin, Jack Ban-Paul Grossman ' penalty would apply in the case and Al Soffer-Morris Franklin. of an unusually rough foul. Berlin.—The United States has The Health Club Votleyballers this year imported ten times as have been taking* daily noon many Christmas toys from Gerworkouts in the Center Gym with many than in 1934, it is reported fast and snappy games taking in the German press. place. The following have shown considerable promise of being | Report potential volleyball stars: Dr. ' 'Schoolboy" Ellis, Sam "Porky" Gfilinsky, Dave "Pants" Cohn, Paul "Potatoe" Steinberg, Joe 'Game Point" C o h e n , Les 'Spiker" Burrkenroad, Joe "Puffed" Rice, Phil "Tiona" Feldman. Lee Grossman, physical director, is contemplating having either a basketball or a volleyball intergym league in his Monday and Wednesday women's' class. The women have shown great promise in both these sports and so Lee will have a vote on which sport his class would rather participate in. The J. C. C. matron's volleyball team started Its season in great shape by defeating the Council Bluffs' Y. W. C. A. at the Center gym last Monday in three games out of five. The visitors took the first and third games, while the home lassies staged a spirited comeback to "win the fifth and final game. Lee Grossman has hopes of scheduling games with other city women's centers.



Cameo Ring Dress Sets "Cigaret Lighter Set Belt Buckle Sets Billfold, Keycates Desk Sets D«sk Clocks

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Birthstona Rings Compacts Costume Jewelry Bags and Purses Dresser Sets Dresser Clocks

Watch Bands

And Many Others From

$2,50 to $25 Buy on Brown's New "Income" Charge Account

Value . $98,00 YOURS , And Yoitr Old iimtin

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GOLDSTEINCHAPM4N5 •^ Where Omaha Shops With Confidence

GIFSforCHILDREN* BOYS1 COWBOY SUITS Complete with chaps, fiennel shirt, fur felt hat, lariet and gun find holster. These suits are beautifully trimmed with fur and metal. Also brilliant studded leather trims. Sizes 2 to 12. Tan end black—

and $ BOYS1 NAVY SAILOR SUITS All-wool flannel, with Gob pants. Silk braid, tie and emblem trim. Sizes 3 to 8. Christmas * P" O O special ^D.7O

BOYS' BLOUSES Boys' Blouses in new patterns. Buttonon style. Sizes 6 to 10 .'


BOYS' SWEATERS Wool Knits, ripper neck, blue, grey, brown, red. Sizes 28 to 35. Regular $1.98, ^ special * BOYS' G!FT SETS—Consisting of novelty kid and leather belt. Very attractively boxed. Special

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Buy your iittle tots a Teddy Bear. Cuddly and cries.

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Belts-". EfV '





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CHILDREN'S ILfx In washable_ taffeta, uilk, crepes, in tailored, umocked and party styles, A voritnble rainbow of colors. SiEe$ 3 to 6x—Special—


In silk end wool, novelty plaids und plain. Frinae trims.

MEN'S SCARFS Attractive patterns, hand tailored

MEN'S HANDKERCHIEF end TIE SETS Attractively boxed


An attractive organdy. Novelty—for c lovely g ift. ,Specia!

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N'ickcy Mouse Leather For boys—Brown and

black, Specia!


In Beacon cloths £,nc all-wool flannel. Pink, blue, marine and red.


A m s t e r d a m — A Jewish physician, Dr. A. Colaco, h a s b e e n placed in c h a r g e of a n ambulance unit leaving for E t h i o p i a . T h e u n i t h a s been outfitted by t h e Netherlands Red Cross.

Ccltec-Maker . . 10.00 AH-Wave Aerial $.00 EMI® Atlas . . . . .50;


P g

Heads Ethiopian Ambulance Unit

4»J'tEtE tXtX. » AMI HI UBir

Changes in Basketball Boles . Those attending this year's basketball games will note the following major changes in the rules. 1. If a free throw resulting from a personal foul is successful, the ball is to be put into play from out of the bounds by team scored upon. 2, On jump balls In the free throw circle all players except the jumpers must remain, outside the free throw circle until the ball is tapped. 3. A player may not remain


Large selection Compacts, Cigaretta Cases, Novelties, wide range of prices, up from

At an election, by the Hebrew camp of the Modern Woodmen held last week, the following were named: S. M. dayman, counsel; Gail Margolin, treasurer; A. J. Shamberg, Wm. Weiner, and Albert Kaplan, trustees; A. Richards, escort; A. L. Rosenberg, watchman.



Chanukah Gifts for A l l

Hebrew Camp, Woodmen •


INFANTS' SNUGGLE RUGS Detachable hoods and zip- ( per. Pink and blue * Fourth Floor


BATH ROBES !n all ^-oo! fSnnneis, Attractive pSsid trime—• 1 to 6

f *r« $2.98 Red—Blue—Brown

Girls1 Pajamas For gilts, Rsyem, «uede-du-ray and batbngga'n—in t Rnd ?.* piece styles. Tearose, crab*' apple and red. Sizes 2 to 16 yrs...






k on "The Old App Pension, set by the enemy, appeared sudBEN SHRIER HEAD NO TEMPLE SUNDAY The meeting is to be at the T>o'> denly before the enemy's camp, of Mrs. Ben Silver. Mrs, D. and smote it with panic and conOF A. Z.A. NO. 1 SCHOOL GilinsKy will he CP-IIOFIPPS. fusion. The foe was overwhelmed. I There will be no Temple Israel Lysias, the King's chief-generBen Shrier has been elected | S i m8d a >' t hs ceh s°coa1r l eutn t i I J a n u a r - V Bal, was dumbfounded. He decided Aleph Godol Of the Mother Chap-I*" *° fe^er epidemic. that he could no longer entrust Junior ter of the A. Z. A. to succeed iuAl at rt h a t t i m e t h e r e Wl11 b e t h eTeZ~ the matter to subordinates and. Ernie Nogg. Other officers elect- : services, and a belated ChanThe Junior ITadassr-h rfuuifr next year, in 16 5 B. C. E., he ed were: Dan Miller, Alepb ukah party. met Thursday at. thp J, C. C. himself collected a force of 66,- By the Service Life Insurance Sgan; irvin Yaffe, Alepb MazReports v.-erp cirrn on ;1I 000 foot and 5,000 horsemen to kir; Ruben Lippett, Aleph GIEsouthwestern regional convention Company, Omaha BROME TO SPEAK crush the Jewish nation out of bor; Lou Hurwitz, Aleph Shotare A program in celebration of '•!< Clinton Brome, Omaha attorexistence. Judas rallied all his There are several ramifications \! Godol; Max Falk, Aleph Shotare ney, is to address the civic and seventy-fifth birthday of llenvif-J forces and in a fierce charge at Kotone; Macy Baum, Aleph SophBeth-zur, south of Jerusalem, ut- in connection with an estate that er. and Ernie Nogg, Aleph Kohen. legislative group of the Omaha ta SzoUl nnd oC Chanukah was - must not be misunderstood. When Council of Jewish Women. Tues- ranged by Fan nip Kstehuan, ryr terly routed the mercenaries who Alephs Yaffe and lappet were day, December 24, when he will gram elunrinHn. By DAVID EMANUEL there is an estate to be settled, fled in panic. matters of personal a n d family re-elected. Mr. Emanuel, a student of been driven out of Jerusalem. His dwelt Mattathias, an o l d priest, There followed a breathing finance are taken up along genDave Weiner was elected to the Jewish ! history, retells' in this wrath, embittered by Ms check in and his five sons. An altar was spell for Judas who took advan- eral lines and then acted upon ac- post of athletic member of the thrilling account t h e story of Egypt, found a convenient out- set up, the people assembled, and tage of it to clean the Temple of cording to those needing the most athletic committee and Alex LIpsthe great and heroic struggle of let. He sacked Jerusalem a n d the officer called upon the priest |i t s heathen pollutions. In Kislev attention. man non-athletic member. Senior (Established 18T,"S) to officiate. He sternly refused. |o { t h e y e a r 1 6 5 B . c . E - i h e e n . the Feast of Lights.- This dra- robbed the Temple. and junior advisors will be electThe entire estate is studied as matic episode from Jewish hisTwo years later he again de- A Hellenist Jew stepped forward jt e r e d Jerusalem and went up to a whole and is handled in such a ed at the next meeting. InstallaOMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sioux City — Sioux Falls tory is particularly timely, for i scended upon Egypt. This time to perform the sacrifice. T h e n |t l l e Temple. "They saw the sanc- way as to benefit the Individuals tion of officers and advisors will we are now celebrating the ' he was summarily ordered home Mattathias struck. He killed the tuary desolate, and the altar pro- concerned in the b e s t manner take place at the first meeting in Phone Ja. 0551 — Phone 594 — Thone 886S5 2100th anniversary of Chann- by an emissary of Rome. Antio- traitor and in the affray which faned." For about three weeks. ; possible. January. ^ followed, "the king's soldiers fled, kah.—THE EDITOR. chus had to obey and his humilifrom the third day of Kislev to ! A good estate consists of many The chapter has begun active Asbestos ation was complete. Again t h e leaving their officer among their the 25th, they worked at the lab- things, some of them being com- participation in a drive to estabSlate-Tile or of purification. On the 2 5th, This year the Chanukah can- Jews proved a convenient scape- dead. of real estate, business in- lish" a forest in Palestine in memThereupon Mattathias proclaim- •with sacrifice and song, they re- prised dles li a v e extraordinary signifi- goat. Giving credence to a rumor Asphalt and Gravel vestments, or investment securi- ory of the late Harry Lapidus. cance. This year they illumine a that they had rejoiced at his de- ed revolt. "Whosoever is zealous dedicated the Temple. For eight ties, but it is an acknowledged This project was begun by the FREE ESTIMATES — EASY TEKMS remarkable anniversary. Exactly feat, he attacked Jerusalem on a j of the law and maintaineth the that life insurance plays the Mother chapter in 1932 as a metwenty-one centuries have passed Sabbath, when the use of weapons j covenant, let him follow me!" wasJudas ordained that, forever af- part of the hero in most of our morial to one of the great foundsince the Jews, through joy and even for self-defense, was forbid-j the stirring call he issued. Then ter, the eight days beginning with true life stories. ers of Aleph Zadii Aleph. Now sorrow, have been" celebrating this den. Thousands were butchered J he fled into the mountains. The the 25th day of Kislev, shall be till of the 206 chapters throughWe Invite Your Charge Account Christmas is coming—presents Feast of Lights. a r e bein or sold into slavery and the city j time for resistance had come. ! celebrated as the FestivalThat of Dedwas E purchased, and Santa is j out the country are uniting in a From all sides men came flocking ication, or Chanukah. Two Millenia are a long period, was nearly destroyed. i busy—it it were not for life in-j drive to establish this forest. Into Antiochus' twisted" mind to him, and he decreed that it was exactly 2,100 years ago. but the Jews have a long memory. A Chanukah program will feasurance, next year who would be Ipfl It was only the first phase of Santa In homes, in synagogues and in crept the idea that the Jews were permissible to defend oneself on ture the next regnlar meeting of - - IF? the Sabbath. a long and desperate struggle that schools, at organization meetings j responsible for his humiliation. the chapter. Ernie Priesman and HTM A CMAHA1 smict The Chassidim rallied around was concluded by this first cele- j and other gatherings, this Anni- They were different, so he susMax Falk, chairmen of the culhim. They swept into' the villages, bration of Chanukah. But it was' Jewish Press advertisers merit pected and hated them. He de•versary -will be noted and feted. tural. committee are in charge. In New York, for example, the termined to destroy their separa- pulled down the heathen altars, this phase that laid the lounda-your patronage. The meeting will take place at —: : '" Jewish Education Association is \ tism, to compel them to adopt the harassed the king's troops and re- tion, both material and spiritual, \ the J. C. C. Sunday, December 29. turned to their caves. of all that followed. The joyous ji o u s a e a th. His capital, the City turning its annual dinner into a ! Greek gods and the Greek way For about a year this guerilla Festival in Jerusalem was a fit- jo l Antioch in Syria, became a special Jubilee Celebration. On j of life. In the Temple he erected such an occasion the old story' a statue of Jupiter and sarificed warfare continued. But Matta- ting symbol of it. It was a les- | hot-bed of conspiracy, intrigue A.Z. A. 100 a swine on the sacred altar. Then thias was old and nearing the end tival ot purification, of rededi-; a n d treachery. Finally, in 12 B. deserves to he retold. A. Z. 100 held a business of his days. Calling his s o n s and of light. It dramatized jC - E > a n e v emperor/DemUrra? meeting A. Twenty-one hundred years ago, followed decrees forbidding, on about him, he appointed Judas to cation at the nothing else could have done,' n , freed the Jews of all taxes and !December 15. J. C. C. Sunday, the Seloucids "who ruled the re- pain of death, circumcision, the be their general, exhorted them as the victory of right over might, tribute. Simon, the last of the observance of the Sabbath, or gions north of Palestine, and the Aleph Sam Kaplan, cultural of the weak over the strong, of Maccabean brothers, " b e c a m e committee Ptolemies who ruled Egypt, were even the possession of the Torah. to fight on, and died. chairman, presented an Judas- now faced the problem the few over the many, of spirit "prince and high-priest" of the engaged in mortal combat to de- The Chassidim, as t h e zealous .interesting March of Time and reof meeting the Syrians in the open over brute force. No wonder that cide which of them should possess loyalists called 'themselves, fled nation. The Jews had won their ported that he will present anwhat was left of Alexander's short to the caves in the hills of Judea. field. He could not depend on in these days of renewed persecu- independence. Their faith a n d other pne at the next meeting on The harsh decrees were enforc- guerilla warfare alone to rid the tion and renewed worship of brute Itheir * nationhood were saved for 22. Election of officers will also lived empire. Caught between the two warring nations, as in t h e ed with great rigor. Martyrs glad- land of the king's forces. Appo- force, Jews turn to this Festival, !f u r t h e r u f e a n d achievement. take place at this time. jaws of a vise, was tiny Palestine. ly gave their lives to encourage lonius, Governor of Samaria, and this anniversary with renew- { T h u s h a v e tyrants come and gone; The next executive committee There lived the Jews, clinging to the people to be steadfast. Eleaz- came out with an army to destroy ed faith and hope. thus have the Jews fought and meeting of the -chapter will be their old spiritual faith in a er, an old man, respected by the him. Judas marched up and atThe second phase of the great; overcome them. held Tuesday, December 24, at world of Hellenistic skepticism people, was commanded to e a t tacked him and routed him. It struggle may be said to have end(Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts the J. C. C. w a s an incredible victory. AnFeature Syndicate) and paganism. But even among unclean food; he refused and was ed with the death of Judas five | them the canker had begun its put to death. Hannah and her tiochus raved. The Jews flocked years later. He died on the field i depredations. Many of the Jews seven sons w e r e commanded to to Judas in greater numbers than of Eleast, when, with a force of i were casting off the faith of their worship an idol; she refused and only 800, he faced a Syrian army j fathers, having sipped of the exhorted her sons to refuse. They Another mercenary host as- ot 22,000 men. For his fortunes ; heady wine of the Greeks, which were put to 'death one by one. sembled against Judas and was had waned and men, having lost i in the end leaves a bitter taste. The-officers of the king destroyed routed. Antiochus was beside hope of ultimate victory against for But their defection only increased schools a n d houses of worship. himself. Only trouble in outlying so mighty an Empire, had desert- ; They followed the Chassidim into districts of his Empire prevented ed him. All day the battle raged. : the zeal of the faithful. In the year 170 B. C. E. (Be- the hills and on a Sabbath, fell him from, attendin-g to these un- At nightfall the few who were '. fore the Common Era), Antiochus upon them and massacred a thou- heard-of Jews in person. left retreated. But Judas Macca- i IV, ruler of Syria, dreaming of sand of them. Nevertheless the bens, the flame of Israel, lay dead ' Under Gorgias a host of 40,000 world empire, marched his armies people stood firm. field. ! troops, foot and cafvalry, march- on the into Egypt. The campaign ended Into every village c a m e the ed out and pitched camp at EmUnder one brother after anothin a stalemate, and a peace that king's soldiers, erected an altar, maus, Judas marched his forces er the struggle went on. In the . was only a truce was signed. On and forced the people to sacrifice to Mizp'ah, where, after prayer Far East, whither Antiochus had . "A Quality Product for Seasoning" the way back he learned that the to Zeus. To the town of Modin, and consecration, he set forth gone to put down other uprisings, ' Jewish Hellenist,' Menelaus, who in the foothills of Judea, also with 6,000 picked men. By bril-jthe tyrant had died an ignoininhad recently paid him a handsome liant strategy he escaped a trap Bum for the high-priesthood, had came a troop of soldiers. There





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Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY

By Dr. Theodore N. Lewis, Rabbi, Mount Sinai Sioux City

Subscription Price, one year - . - - - 52.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.


Editorial Office: 600 Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANli R. ACKERMAN Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

LighttheWay Tonight practically every Jewish home in the city will light the tiny tapers which signify the beginning of the holiday of Chanukah. Jewish history takes on a deeper significance, our heritage is enriched, and the deathlessness of our people assumes a new meaning when we stop to realize that tonight marks the 2,100 th anniversary of the victory of the Maccabees over the invading Greek-Assyrian armies. Tonight we are celebrating events which transpired two thousand one«hundred years ago. Every year during those centuries the Jewish people lit candles to celebrate the victory of a handful of determined, courageous Jewish heroes—fighting for an ideal—over an overwhelming host. Through the ages the candles in the Menorah were more than a celebration of the victory of light over darkness. To the Jewish people, it was symbolic of the victory of right over wrong, the victory of the worship of one God over pagan gods . . . a memorial to the first martyrs who died for religious liberty. Tonight the Feast of Lights comes opportunely. Darkness once more threatens to enfold the world. The forces of wrong and evil are on the rise, and the spirit of 2100 years ago will stand us in good stead in our combat to make right triumphant The tiny tapers.are our inspiration in the days ahead when light and darkness meet in grim battle.

By Jacob 8. Minkin. The Macmlllan Company. 886 Pages. 93.50. This is a fascinating and scientific study of the myatic movement in Judaism known as Hassidlsm. It vividly portrays its rise, its rapid growth and swift decay. The author not only knows the history of the movement; he has penetrated its very soul, . caught its spirit and message. Though he writes with a glowing fervor that becomes contagious, he does not fail to indicate and condemn the defects and vices and evils responsible for its loss of influence, its virtual disappearance.

and by relegating the authoritative rabbis to secondary places, aroused their bitter wrath and denunciation. Levi Yitzhok, of Berditchev, "was distinguished for his. great and touching love for Israel. Schneir Zalmaa, the rabbi of Ladi, battled courageously with the revered and feared Gaon of Vilna, whose stringent banns against him and his followers inflicted permanent injury to the movement. Nachman Bratzlav, a very popular • preacher, rejuvenated it, but only for a while. The germs of decay had already set in, and -responsible, though unwittingly, was none other than Levi Yitzhok, who introduced the institution of the Zaddlk, or "saint." To this position of leadership, trust and honor, a group of greedy, vain and unscrupulous men succeeded, radically different from the' eaTly pious and God intoxicated leaders of Hassidism. Self enrichment became the sole aim of these worldly creatures. Each Zaddik diligently strove to outstrip his rivals, to attract to his "court" the wealthy, the influential, the aristocrats, and the rich gifts and prestige they brought. The Zaddlk preyed upon and encouraged the superstitions of his followers, who imputed to him miraculous powers to ^ure the sick, to change bad fortune into good, to make barren women fertile, and in general to satisfy the host of human needs that weighed heavily upon the fearfully harrassed Jews. The ignorant, the poor and the credulous were criminally exploited to the greater glory, enrichment and power of the Zaddik and his dynasty. This, more than any other cause, led to the disrepute that overwhelmed Hassidism and to its ultimate disintegration. Rabbi Minkin has earned the gratitude of all students, Jewish and non Jewish alike, for giving the English speaking world this authoritative and moving study of Hassidism, a study remarkable for ripe scholarship, profound erudition and eloquence of style, and the first of its kind in the English language.

Few Jewish philosophies have been as bitterly maligned, as grossly ridiculed, as misunderstood'. The more educated Jews despised it and held in sharp contempt its leaders and followers. The simple folk, the undistinguished masses, found in it religious inspiration and cheer. Only recently and thanks to the tireless efforts ol Martin Buber, one fo its ablest expounders and most devout of champions, has it begun to receive the earnest consideration it merits. That it can make substantial contributions to our dry, intellectualized and emotionally unsatisfying Judaism. Is beyond doubt. The character of eighteenth century,, Jewish life in eastern Europe offered fertile soil for the seed of Hassidism. The Jewish masses were heartlessly exploited, cruelly oppressed. Derision, danger and injustice met them at every turn. Relief from the grief Tomorrow is the seventy-fifth birthday of Henrietta Szold, and the darkness; an easing, even founder of Hadassah and considered by many to be the greatest if momentary, of the burdens that tortured, their souls and racked, living Jewess. For the past half century, she has played a not- their bodies was an imperative, a able role on the Jewish scene, and Jewish hearts warm to the un- crying 'necessity. The legalistic and dogmatic Judaism of the selfishness of her work. When Zionist history is completely written, when the his- rabbis, stressing ritual and belief, left their spirits hungry and tory and romance of Jewish womanhood is completely written, the yearning. Life, outside the synaname of Miss Henrietta Szold will fill a prominent niche. In gogue, was full of travail and paying tribute to her on this occasion, we pay tribute to the danger; inside, it consisted of mortification, of study, of masfinest in selfless service by Jewish womanhood. tering Halmudic intricacies and casuistry. Hassidism answered The Maccabeans of Old the need of the hour and provided and of Today the spiritual pabulum Talmudic The word Maccabi is derived Judaism could not and did not from the initials of the following In central Europe, Czechoslovakia has stood forth as a bul- offer. four words of Hebrew: "Mi wark against the rising tide of fascism. With the swirling waters Hassidism proclaimed happiness homouch Boelim Adonoi?" Who of hatred and bigotry threatening to engulf the whole of Europe, a religious obligation, branded is like you among other gods, O . . . ; ' , Czechoslovakia has served as a strong, impregnable rock which sorrow as sin, repudiated ascetism Lord? ! and made light of the learning This outcry of 2,075 years ago with ease has withstood the whirlpool. and authority of the rabbis.' Tal- is just as timely today as it was The leading reason for the liberal and democratic outlook mudic Judaism and the rabbis then. We are confronted today in Czechoslovakia has been Thomas G. Masaryk, 85, who this gloried in intellectual achieve- with the same difficulties of preweek resigned as president of his country. Known as the feather ments, extolled mental qualities serving the Jewish ideals among and discipline. Hassidism apworld whose mode of living is and liberator of his land. Masaryk has been a tried and tested pealed chiefly to the emotions, acontrary to the" principles of the friend of progress and democratic ideals, as well as an unyielding and emphasized the heart as the teachings of our fathers. crux of faith, r.nd the principle foe of naziam. Just as the Maccabeans of old path to. God. Prayer was given were forced to an inner fight Austria rejoices over the Masaryk resignation, because he the eminent place held by learnwith their own brethren, "The was one of those responsible for the downfall of the Hapsburg ing and study. Meditation, com- Misiavnlm," who co-operated with dynasty. But under Masaryk's rule, Czechoslovakia has been munion with the Divine provided the Greeks to persuade the Jews celestial joy, helped one forget to forsake the religion of their blessed, and we can hope as well as expect that his successor to the injustice and suffering of a forefathers and to adopt the leadership of the Czech nation will follow in his historic footsteps. hostile and pagan environment. Greek worBhip of idols, BO the In addition to prayer, the Has- Maccabeans of today have the sidic movement encouraged and same struggle with the modern developed song as a means of in- assimilators who are trying to inreligious ecstasy, of fluence the Jews to follow the • Following is a statement made last week by Dr. Ley, head tensifying prolonging the mystic speel and new gods (doctrines) of the 20th Df the German Labor Front, supposedly speaking for the Nazis of cementing bonds of fellowship. century that are to us the same The author is superbly correct "Avodozoro"—strange service. officially:. . . when states that "Hassidism "Eretz Israel" is being rebuilt "The situation in which our country finds itself is so serious, may behedefined as the religion of rapidly, - but the danger ol forthat there's no need to fool ourselves on the actual state of af- song and melody." The leaders getting our old motto:* "Mi fairs or to conceal it by means of artificial enthusiasm. The Ger- of Hassidism were masters of the Chomouch Boeilim Adonoi?" is man people must know the truth. They must know it now, not art of song and utilized it with just as great today as it was telling effect. Much of the mu- 2,000 years ago and just as then ynth feminine sobs the minner of man to man . . . " sic of the sect has crept into the victory over the Greek cul, Otto Tolischus, Berlin correspondent for the New York Jewish life, making it more beau- ture was brought about only through the effort of the handffimes, wirelessed this story last week: '.'Germany in effect re- tiful and joyous. The. only way to describe the ful of the most devoted Jews pudiated today her Reich mark notes circulating abroad by pro- message and growth of the move- (MaccabeanB), the same thing is hibiting their reimportation into Germany and their use within ment, is to deal with the striking happening now when so many of .Germany except under certain strict limitations that reduced the and original personalities who the builders of our land are init in the face of bit- fluenced with the idea of "Nehie notes to a small fraction of their value. By this action the Ger- championed ter and uncompromising opposi- Kchol Hagolm, Bnei Isroel!"— jnan mark which has been sold abroad sometimes at a large dis- tion, often resulting in ^acrimin- Let us build our land on the same jcount ; . . formally takes its place . . - . as a purely domestic cur- ous Btrife and division within principles as all other nations!— communities; Most skill- Comes a handful of the modern rency, the parity of which is determined by government fiat Jewish fully, with deep affection, yet Maccabeans (Mizrachim) and israther than by any intrinsic value of its own . . . The edict was with absolute impartiality does sue the same proclamation of the published in the official gazette and affects several millions of the author deal with the virtues old priest, Matisiohu: "Mr Lafrailties of those unique and donol Eiloi!" Who is in favor of marks in German bank notes, estimated to be in foreign coun- and magnetic spirits who gave Hes- building our holy land in the tries, as.the result of the increasing flight of capital from Ger- sldism the vivifying influence it spirit of the Holy Torah shall many caliused by National Socialistic policies and the enforced li- exercised on Judaism.- The found- Join us! er, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tob, The Mizrachl organization of quidation of Jewish capital and property." or Besht as he is called, was born America is having now a cam; Naturally, Hitler and Goebbels and the other false leaders He has* long been a- fascinating paign for 25,000 new members to of the Reich blame the Jews for everything. As they sink deeper around 1700-in Podolia, • Poland, celebrate the 25th anniversary of and illusive Jewish character. Mid deeper into the economic morass, they blame the Jewish peo- Many have attempted to pene- its organization. Everyone is into come to our monthly p'le for their ills more vehemently. But their propaganda ii leav- trate the secret of his power and vited "Mlave Malke" this Saturday at the mystery of his hold over dising the German people cold. Greater and greater grows the unthe congregation B'nai Jacob at ciples. Interpreting G o d In rest of the German people. It is only a matter of time until the terms of Joy exclusively, Besht 24th and Nicholas streets. ELIHU BLOCH, whispering that is going on will turn into open mutterings of proclaimed "that man should ap- Secretary, Mizrachi Organization. discontent. Time passes slowly, but if we will only wait . we proach his Creator not in tears and weeping, but with a happy will,see Hitler and his Nads treated to their just deserts. and singing heart," that "gloom Those advertisers who use the ! . '• is the devil's fastest method of columns of the Jewish Press detempting man to Bin." Penance, serve" and merit your patronage. fast and mortification he denounced in scorching terms as Austria has challenged the leadership of the German Nazis hindrances to perfect communion over the;'Teutonic peoples. Prince Starhemberg, the leading per- with God. And the Jews of his sonality'on the Austrian scene today, openly defied Hitler for day, desperately poor and heavily oppressed, welcomed this unheard that leadership.of message enthusiastically. Austria seems to seek the helm under a return to the HapsIn 1760, three years after his burg monarchy. Regardless of any other results, a battle such death, the leadership was trans- aa predicted by the Austrian challenge would at least curb the ferred to Dob Baer, popularly FOR SALEATYOUQ as the "Preacher of Nazi grtiwth. We do not think too highly of the Austrian treat- known,' GROCER-DRUGGIST Meseritz." Fortunately, Dob Baer ment of their Jewish people. But at least there has been no of- combined unusual Talmudic learnFRUIT STAND ficial, legal strangulation of the Jewish populace, as the case in ing and great emotional, fervor. leader, Jacob Joseph, Nazi Germany. While the Austrian situation could be improved Another made the institution of the ZadItiis in itself a marked betterment over the Reich. dik; the capstone of Hassidism,

Tribute to Henritta Szold

Letters to the Editor

Liberal Leader

Economic Morass



! • ;

i V


Austrian Challenge




«* t o «—



I am young and ye are very old wherefore I held back and durst not declare you mine opinion. I By ROBERT STONE said, "Days should speak and NORTH AMERICA multitude of years should teach LUCIUS LITTAUER G I V E S wisdom." $2,000,000 TO HARVARD FOR Is it not the great that are I SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMINISwise nor the aged that discern Judgment therefore I say, Heark- ! TRATION . . . And the Jewish en to me I also will declare mine | People's University, recently chartered, is unable to raise $20,000. opinion." PRESIDENT R O O S E V E L T They are amazed; they answer | URGES WORLD TO FOLLOW no more; words are ' departed AMERICA'S EXAMPLE OF REfrom them. LIGIOUS FREEDOM . . . What I will speak that I may find he means is, look at Germany and relief. •' I'll open my lips and an- weep. swer. Let ine not, I pray you, re' spect any man's person neither iEUROPE will I give flattering titles unto 12 DEAD AND 300 INJURED any man. IN ONE MONTH OF ANTI-SEMITIC RIOTING IN POLAND . . • TALMUD Rabbi Huna had four hundred ! And world Jewry still does not barrels of wine which had turned [realize that Polish Jewry is livinto vinegar. On hearing of his ling on a volcano. misfortune Rabbi Juda, accom- t JEWISH RESTAURANTUERS panied by some Rabbis came to FED 10.-000 NAZI SOCCER FANS visit him. "Let the master," said IN LONDON . . . For once Jews they, "investigate his affairs." | profited from a Nazi mass move"What," said he, "do you believe jment. •' : me to have been guilty of wrong- I FIRST ZIONIST ORGANIZAdoing?" "Shall we then," re- i TION FOUNDED IN -NORWAY . . sponded they, "suspect the Holy I That's a bad . sign; it coincides One, praised be He!, of exerting ! with the beginning of anti-Semitjudgment unjustly?" Rabbi Huna ism in that country. then said, "If you have heard any RUSSIAN E M I G R E S IN thing against me don't conceal it. LAUNCH DRIVE Tell it to me." So they said to FRANCE JEWS . . . S o u n d s him. "We heard that the master AGAINST worse than it is; Russian emigres allows his tenant no share in the in France are mostly waiters in wines when t h e y are pruned." more or less fashionable cafes. "Aye," said Rabbi Huna, "he has YUGOSLAVIA BARS GERMAN stolen a great deal of the produce of my vineyards and left not very GROUPS SPREADING A N T I much for me." "There is a max- j SEMITIC PROPAGANDA . . . This im," they replied, "that whoever (headline omits to say that these steals from a thief smells of ! same groups are also engaged in theft." "If so," said he, "I prom- I undermining the Yugoslavian govise to give him his share." There- ernment. GERMANY FORBIDS IMPORupon according to some the vinegar turned to wine again and ac- TATION OF KOSHEH MEAT . . . cording to others, the price of Nothing clean may enter Gervinegar rose to the price of wine. i many.


POSTPONE CONCERT The Chanukah concert to have been given by the B'nai Israel congregation Sunday has been postponed due to the inability of Cantor A. Schwaczkin to participate. The concert will be given at a later date. At that time Cantor Schwaczkin and the Hazomir choir "will present a group of Yiddish and Hebrew songs.

College Club The Colege Club is sponsoring a program dedicated to youth, at the regular Friday evening services of Temple Israel to be held Friday evening, December 27. A special message to youth will be delivered by Madam Bella Pevsner of Palestine, world traveler, and inspired worker for the cause of Israel who will speak on Jewish youth as she found it in the four corners of the world. A reception will be held in the lower auditorium following the program, and everyone is invited. Members of the college club will act in the capacity of ushers and hostesses. This will be the eighth night of Chanukah, and all lights will be lit. The benediction will be 'Chanted by Harry DuBoff. Berlin.—A course aiming to j teach marriage bureau officials i how to apply the Nuremberg laws j so as to "prevent Jews from continuing their Rassenschande activities" was opened here Tuesday with officials from a thousand communities attending.

REICH BANS IMPORT OF KOSHER MEATS " " B e r l i n (WNS)—An official Nazi ban on the importation Of kosher meat has forced the Orthodox J e w s of Germany on a strictly vegetarian EEd dairy diet. When the practice ol schechita was outlawed in Germany, t h e Orthodox Jews obtained kosher meat from Holland, Switzerland, Austria and the Scandinavian countries, but the new decree cuts off these supplies.

JEWS PERMITTED TO LEAVE YEMEN Jerusalem (JTA)— A new decree of the Crown Prince of Yemen permits emigration of Jews from t h e country on condition they leave ten per cent of their wealth with the government, according to reports reaching here. Previously all emigration was prohibited. Patronize our advertisers.


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I just received a supply of Chanukah articles: Chanukah candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and stiver plate. Also, Chanukah Erecting cards. Anyone buying any of the above mentioned articles will pet a story of Chanukah in English and Jewish -with Benedictions and.Hymns of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FREE.

'•Felt Juliets

f t SO

Fur Trimmed


• Boudoir Slippers $ f 50 Padded Soles $2.45


• KidD'Orsays

$ 1 75

Padded Soles


• Bridge, D'Chmys Leather Soles

• Satis Mdes


Leather Soles . . .


• Daniel Green Boudoir Slippers .

• D&uiel Grccss $2.45

Kid B'OrsEye . . .

• Fancy Woolen No. 1—38.40 Zero Distillata 7c Gal. No. 2—32.36 Zero Gas Oil ,6?£c Gal. No. 3—28.30 Zero Fnel 0il..._...™.....6'/ic Gal.


Comfy Mules . . . . AU White Satin Slippers tintecJ t© match at no extra charge.





© Soft Kid Opera*! Pafldefl Sole, Keel.

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A BOYS' FINE KID © BOYS' ELK LEATHER J EVEBEXTS MOCCASINS * and Operas -Leather Soles. Padded Soles and Heels.










RAliBI AND MRS. BERGER TWO WEEKS HERE ! DELTA KAPPA land 4:30 after which the audi- i buoiness will be takon up, so tlir.t TO BECE1VE SUNDAY Miss Jeanette V. Herman, a 1INITIATION [ence will listen to a 15-minutc the general membership moy ob1 Rabbi and Mrs. Harold A. Ber- Btudent at the Art Center of I The Delta Kappa sorority held The Omaha chapter of Hadas- international broadcast over the serve the routine. ger will receive at their home, Southern California, is spending j an initiation last Sunday at the 'sah will hold a regular meeting N. B. C. network from Palestine Memberp who havr been namefl 2815 Davenport street, Sunday two weeks here with her parents, | home of Miss Lottie Rips who ] Monday, December 23. at 2:30 ; through New York city. Mies ! to represent the Oopnei! in the afternoon and evening, December Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman. Many Iwas in charge. She was assisted j p. m. at the J. C. C. Important ; Szold, who will be in New York ! Big Sister movemeni include thr 22. No cards have been issued. affairs are being planned in Miss i by Miss Helen Greenberg. Shirley • on the program will be the report for the occasion, will speak from ; jUpsdameF Hprry Kosenfelrt, chfvir! man ; Alheri Newnipn. Berveturr; Herman's honor. Fiedler and Grace Resnick were ! of the recent national convention ' that city. TO NEW YORK initiated. The next meeting will j by Mrs. David A. Goldstein. She I Hostesses whr will represent Fred. Rosep.Ptock. Sam Herlcowiu, Mrs. Louis M. Lustgarten of RETURNS SUXDAT « be held December 29 at the home will explain the "Youth Alij-ah" ; the Vead, Belh-El and Temple : and A. S. RubTUiz, Mrs. GroflinNorth Platte, formerly of Omaha, i sky hr-F nrrovincpr"!, movement, Raflassah's new pro- ; Israel Sisterhoods are Mrs. .Paul Wohlner la return- of Miss Pearl Bernstela. is going to New York city to visit ins Sunday after a three-week'B j Council TneroberF fiT; also ftpgram. Mr. and Mrs, Al Finkel, j Morris Bursteln, Abreham with her son. and daughter-in- visit in Milwaukee with her PLAN NEW YEAR PARTY local pianists, will entertain with : czkin, Jules Newman, A. D. Frank. Fisting the recently organized law. Enroute to New York Mrs. mother and son. Gene. Mrs. | David Cohen, Joseph Goldware, Junior Council, ir. plans for their The Psi Mu fraternity is plan- a piano duet. Lustgarten is spending a week- Wohlner was extensively enter-1 ning an elaborate New Year eve Members who have sola com- I Louis Epstein, Louis KulakofBky, first Rnmip.l Chamikah dance to PLOTK1X-GELLER end here with Mr. and Mrs. J. talned during her visit there. party. The committee in charge plete books of drawing tickets ' Dave Rosenstock, J. H. Kulakof- be held Sunday evening. RecemMARRIAGE Kaplan. of arrangements includes J a y are asked to bring the stubs to j sky, A. S. Rubnitz and M. F. i ber 22, at. the raxf.on hotel. Mrs. Earlier Deadline lor Mr, and Mrs. L. Geller of St. j Moe Ratleman r.nd Mrs. Ben ShaStoller, L e o Brows, Iz Tretiak this meeting. Levenaon. TO VISIT IN NEW ORLEANS Joseph, Mo., announce the marj piro, are pen.ior advisors for the and Harry Stoller. The commitj A cordial invitation Is extended A board meeting will begin Next Week's VISIT WITH FAMILY Mrs. I. Shafer left last Sunday tee announces that this -will be: riage of their daughter, Frances, I younger proup. to members of all sisterhoods and promptly at 1:15. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levitan arfor New Orleans where she will the outstanding affair of the Psi to Metvin Plotkin of Omaha. The Edition I Annonncptneni i? also made by their friends. rived from St. Louis a few days be the guest of her son-in-law Mu 1935-36 season. . wedding took place in Kansas j Mrs, RonElfi (Uiulstone of the ago to visit with their family Hadaesah members and their City Sunday, December 15, at the Because the print shop will both here and in Council Bluffs. and daughter, Rabbi and Mrs. j next meetingof the civic nnd Reservations may be made with ' friends are asked to attend servKeneth Israel Beth Sholom syna- be closed next Tuesday ere- They are staying at the home of Uri Miller. Mrs. Shafer plans to any member of the committee in i j legislative group on Tuesday, DeCouncil of Jewish ices Friday evening when Hadaegogue at 5 o'clock with Rabbi R. nlng and all day Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Noddle. spend six weeks there. I cember £4, v-hen Clinton Brome, charge or a n y member of t h e sah Sabbath will be observed in Hadas officiating. Women the deadline for news articles They are planning to return to [ Omaha attorney, will speak on fraternity. all synagogues and in the Temple. A board meeting, open to the i "The Old Ape Pension." This After their wedding trip the and society items for next Chicago the latter, part of the VISITING HERE Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher have U. T. FORMAL general membership, is planned as meeting ie to he held at the home couple will make their home in week's issue of the Press has month. Mrs. Levitan is the forton. B. A. Simon aisti Mrs. T.j the December' meeting for the of Mrs. Ben Silver, find Mrs. Phil Omaha. been advanced. mer Sara Ann Noddle of Omaha. as their guests their eon and MONDAY Tully, co-chairmen of the j Council of Jewish Women, when daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. DaMr. I. Plotkin- and Mrs. J. J. will be co-hostess. For next week's edition, The V. T. Club, -social sorority A. financial committee and. their | it meets the last Monday of the vid Sher of New York city. Freiden of Omaha, brother and please Tiare all copy in the of Central high school, are holdof workers will conduct a i month, December SO, at the Bister of the groom, attended the Jewish Press office by 5 p, m. RETURNING FOR HOLIDAYS ing their annual winter formal group city wide canvass for the collec- j j . C. C. Miss Thelma Gaspar is returnHill wedding. i VACATION WITH PARENTS Tuesday, December 24. dance, Monday, December 23, in tion of dues Sunaay, December ! There will be no luncheon and ing Saturday from Northfield, The rictisitnt Hill Cemetery soMiss E t h e l y n Kulakofsky, the ballroom of the Hotel Pax ton. 22, beginning at 10 a. m. Each Minn., where ehe is a student at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. The dance will becln at 9:30 member must be in good standing : no program, inasmuch as the ciety will hold $ repular monthly Carleton College, to spend the ENGAGEMENT Kulakofsky, is spending her school p. m., and Freddie Ebener and his before the publication of year- I! board meeting is scheduled to lnep'.ing Tnepdny, December 24, holidays with her parents, Mr. andvacation | at the F'nni Jnmh flvnapogue at Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Gelb of OPEX HOUSE 3UXDAY With her parents .here. orchestra, will furnish, the mufiic. book so that her name may ap- convene at 1:?.P p. m. Mrs. ManCleveland, Ohio, announce the ap- Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakof- Mrs. George Gaspar. Miss Kulakofsky is a student &t Pareate of club members will be pear among the list of members. I uel Grodinsky, president, is to | 2 4th End. Nicholas streets at 2 preside, and the regular order o£ 1 o'clock. proaching marriage of t h e i r sky have issued invitations for an the patrons. the University of California. Those who are working on this daughter, Selma, to Louis Fell- open house on Sunday, December TO SPEAK AT BEATRICE committee are the following: MesRabbi Frederick Cohn will ad- TO ENTERTAIN FOR DANCE man of Cedar Rapids, la., son of 22, from 5 to 7 p. m. to honor dames Dave Levine, Richard Pioneer Women Mr. Samuel Fellman of Omaha. their daughter, Ethelyn Kulakof- dress the Beatrice Women's club COMMITTEE The Pioneer Women will hold Wright, A. I. RulakofEky, Libby The wedding will take place New sky, and Phyllis LeBser of Oak- f Beatrice, Nebr., Monday after- Mrs. Robert Kooper is enterland, Calif. noon, January 6, on "The Birth taining the members of her dance a Chanukah celebration this Sat- Kaplan. Dave Epstein, Julius Tear's Day. urday evening at 8 p. a . at the Stfcin, F. H. Roddy, Sam Davis, jf a World." " Both young women, who attend Mr. Fellman is a graduate pharcommittee t h 1 B afternoon, at J. C. C. Simon Piser, Carl Riekes, Sam macist and attended Creighton the University of California, arwhich time complete plans will be A complete report will be given Peltz, Elizabeth Neveleff, Gladys rived Thursday evening. They will HOLIDAYS WITH PARENTS university here. made for the Beth El Auxiliary on the activities of the group dur- Perllck, Jack Kaufman, Edward divide their vacation time between Herman Goldstein,* son of Mr. dance to be held Saturday eveJ. J. Freiden, I. Dansky, Omaha, Kansas City and Dee and Mrs. Abe Goldstein, is spend- ning, February 1, at the Pazton ing the year. I. Morgenstern will Lincoln, FELIiMAX-SOREN'E Leo Waxenberg, Sam Steinberg, be guest speaker. A musical proMoines. Miss Lesser is the house :ng his holiday vacation from "the hotel. ENGAGEMENT OoquUle of Sea Foods Neptune gram will be presented, and the M. Wohlner, Dave Stein, Henry guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wharton School of Commerce and Mr, and Mrs. Hyman Sorine an- JCulakofsky. Mrs. Moe Vender, and Mrs. MaxChanukah tapers "will be lit by BelmonV M. Stern, Simon Bordy, Celery .Curls Mixed Olive*. Salted Almonds inance in Philadelphia with his Davis will serve as co-chairmen nounce the • engagement of their and E. MeyerE. Herman Mayerowich. :_•' " •" ••••••"' • •' . Supreme fo Capon Noit I>e Noel parents. Mr. Goldstein is a mem- with Mrs. Kooper. daughter, Ida, to Morris Fellman, The drawing on the turkey will Sweet Yams Imperials ber of the senior clasB. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fellman. RECEPTION SUNDAY be held at this time, and anyone A large attendance is expected <2reen Asparagus Ats Beurre Mr. and Mrs. H. Slutiky will No definite date has been set for CALIFORNIA!? VISITING HERE holding a tdket is invited to at- at the Oneg Sh&bbOB to be held Salade Bonne Antnee entertain at a reception at their SORORITY MEETING the wedding. Mlas Phyllis Gertrude Lesser, tend. Saturday, December 21, at the home, 2416 Caldwell, Sunday, De• MammSotifflp 1886 . At a regular meeting of t h e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. The Pioneer Women'B bai&ar cember 22, from 2 to 5 and from 3. T. C. sorority, at the home of Lesser of Oakland, Calif., is here will be held December 28 at the Blacksto&e hotel in tribute to the Petit Fours Moccha FROM SIOUX CTTT 75th birthday of Henrietta Sxold. 7 to 10 .o'clock in honor of the sponsor, Eva L. Konecky, to spend her mid-year school va- •Labor Lyceum. Valuable articles An Miss Rose Zelinsky of Sioux Bar Mitzvah of their son, Louis. heir elaborate program, which will he group was entertained by an City will arrive within the next Friends and relatives-are cordially extemporaneous debate on the cation with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben | will be eolfl and .auctioned off. begin promptly at 2: SO, will In-' ;': Sttne supper mtnn witfi two cockails, few days to spend the holidays invited. No cards have been is- question, "Resolved — that the Kulakofsky. Miss Lesser attends j A program will be presented. clude the following: Hebrew the University of California. There will be no admission ssags by Mrs. Nathan Green; an with her brother-in-law and sis- sued. ' - • • ' . ' onepint domestic still 'wine and Modern Girl Makes a Better charge, and the public is invited. historical account of the life of ter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krasne. Mother." Every member took VAAD DESSERT-LUNCHEON two glasses of champagne Henrietta Ssold, by Mrs. J. H. part. VISITS SISTER Kulakofskyi intimate glimpses la There will be a dessert-lunchWomen's BtkrscM Miss Yetta Wright, who Is enthe life of Henrietta Szold, by Sigma Delta Tau eon at the home of Mrs. William A well-attended meeting of the Los Angeles, spent laBt Milder, 4819 Davenport street, Women's Miirachi was held Wed- Mrs. David A. Goldstein; a jskit Gwendolyn Meyerson and Flor- route tohere Dancing Is Main Dining Boom and Ballroom with her sister, Mrs. Tuesday, December 24, at 1! nesday at the J.C.C. An enter- illustrating the life of Henrietta ence Smeerin took part In the Monday Leo Marcus. Miss Wright will Ssold at the age of 5 in which the o'clock. Rabbi Harold A. BerUniversity Players' production of stop in Kansas City, Denver, San taining program was presented, ger will deliver his first lecture and tea and refreshments were cast will be Miss Szold 'to be The Lake. Attractive Holiday Gift Baskets and wide selecBy Mrs. David ML Newman Francisco and Oakland during played by Doris Levenson; Mrs. of the Jewish Personalities series, served. The entire active chapter and her trip. tion of fine liquors &xid liqueurs in the "Akiba—from Shepherd to Tanna several alumni were entertained Final plane were made for the Szold, played by Mrs. Larry FinPaxton Package Goods Shop Soft Molasses Cookies and King-Maker." A discussion bazaar to be held Is February. kel; Rabbi Ssold, by Hy Shrier; at a buffet supper at the home of Take 1 cup molasses or syrup, an actress, by Mrs. Phlneas WinTO SPEND HOLIDAYS HERE will follow the lecture. their patroness, Mrs. W. SeelingAll who are called upon are aski teaspoon soda, 1 c u p sour Sidney Neveleff is returning freund and Mr. Seelingfreund. This is oper to members of the jed to contribute to help the Pale- troub, and Bongs by Mr. Harry Tea Dancing Every Afternoon from 4. until 6 P. M. Thursday . evening, December Sunday from the University of milk, Vt cup crlsco melted, 2 tea- Vaad auxiliary and their guests. stinian work of the Women's DuBoff, accompanies cy Esther Monday, December SS/Throtigtn Saturday, Jan. 4 Leaf. 19, the freshmen entertained the Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Ala., to spoon ginger, 1 teaspoon salt. Those wishing to attend are asked Mlzrachi. Add soda to molasses and beat! to call Mrs. William Milder, WA actives «at a Chanukah, party -and spend the holidays with his -mothTea will be Eerved between 4 Mrs. I. Beber, chairman of the er, Mrs. Louis Neveleff. thoroughly. Add milk, crlsco,; 3055, or Mrs. Hymie Milder, gift fund of the Women's Mizspread. inger, salt and flour. Enough j HA 0525. rachi organization, reports the flour must be used to make mis- { following contributions: Mesture of right consistency to drop WINS DEBATE TROPHY dames H. Greenberg, in honor of easily from spoon. Let stand sevEarnest Wintroub of Zeta Beta the marriage of her daughter; B. ral hours in a cold place to chill. Tau won the Long Trophy award- Garrop in honor, of son, Sam's Toss one half mixture at a time ed annually to the best freshman marriage; D. Silvenn&n, in honon a slightly floured board and jdebater at the University of Ne- or of Bar Mitzvah of her son; S. roll lightly to % inch In |hick- braska. The award was made by Rubin, in honor of daughter, OMAHA'S STYLl CENTER S f T U T H *HQ HARNtT ness. Shape with a Tound cutter unanimous decision of the judges Ethel's marriage; I. Serkowitz, in first dipped in flour. B a k e on who presided. honor of birth of a grandson; S. cookie sheet. At Central High school here Collck, in honor of son, Harry's Mr. Wintroub was a member of marriage; H. Staliaaster, in honSpringlcrles the debate team which won the or of marriage of daughter, Elsie; \ Use 4 eggs, 1 teaspoon anise state championship and 1. Sklar, in fcoaor of daughand which extract, 1 teaspoon soft butter, 2 jplaced "fourth in the national ter's marriage. tablespoons milk, 2 cups flour, 2 itourney. cups sifted powdered eugar, 2 j teaspoons baking powder, and a H WILL PA¥ ¥QU PHI BETA EPSILON pinch of salt. To Consslt MOTHERS' CLUB Beat yolks until light and lemEVENING GOWNS The Mothers' club of Phi Beta on colored. Add soft butter and DINNER DRESSES continue beating, using a rotary Epsllon, BOc 1 a 1 fraternity at egg beater. Add sugar, gradually Creieht6n:university, held its reg- Whea fonyteg 4 «£ Night sties . . . stars add milk and flavoring and 1 cup ular'monthly meeting .Wednesday, DIAMONDS ' i gleaming en a winter December 18, at the home of Mrs. of flour and beat thoroughly. Add WEDDING EIKGS eve . . . tropic moons the second c u p of flour sifted Morris Fox. WATCHES »'KLVEBWAgE shining on southern twice with salt and baking powsad .GUT SEWELSY ~. waters . . . bright lights der. Place in refrigerator over BAKE SALE night. Toss on a w e l l floured The Temple Israel Sisterhood soft shadows ... . . board and roll out. Cut in fancy 17111 sponsor a bake eale at Scars the magic witchery of Doubly Certified shapes. Bake in moderate oven at & Roebuck Saturday, December after dark is made a 300 degrees. 21. Mrs. A. Somberg is in charge. port of t h e . costume it




Kitchen Chats



is io glorify.




j In these stunni Christmas giving Everyone exctaims over the beaufy o> this gift—and its modest cos?! Lovely Holeproof Hosiery—-new mode bo?h Sheerer and Stronger, with $250,000 of improvements at no increase in price—packed without charge in one of the finest gift boxes we have ever shown. Shadowiess chiffons or light service weights . . . w#'H gladly rieip you choose the right shade .

Left: Swaying Pleats in ChIffon, SI6.95. Above: Gold F l o w e r s on S o f t Velvet, $35.00

We are pl&dsg on cpaslal cala all c? car nmr, rso&sni "Ecper" &s£ "EJagts Oof*. floor sampla sashes—AT ^T-t^ggBf*-PKXCBS fa? t2ss -Gitfistssss saaaoa. 23ses« £a». range*' sis SfSW—gaarasfces&vHei-afa 2rosr e&aaea t® get a C&ristma* ttt&s« at Isar^aln priaj©—bargala, lcag-tiksa tsssr^. "Sons cid issg® !s is^a«ptymaatt--?oa floa't pay a cast to? tb.4ty*i: Sto fcaisscs ES littla m P AM02CTB—«j> t9 2HSSS TEAKS TO PAY. O0123 IN EIGm1 AWAY. ~

pcir$ lor Spoilt In hamsnkinfl0ifsbox,Si.9S 1 pair in pif? hex, S1 For sfili more luxurious beouty, chocs* Hoiepmof sheers ot $1.15 1c Et ,§f- She pair.

Ft§CIi SL4SMI Chwllfy Omt&ntd ami Gveremimmd by Gotni. Hein«ic««ptn8M . . . **T««f»d end App?ov*4






MANHATTAN'S YULE LOGS—New York" receives its first shipment of Christmas trees direct from the forests of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania. Soon they will be displayed in front of every grocery store and Manhattanites will buy them to impart the merry spirit of Christmas. Thousands of trees are sent to the metropolis each year.

LEADER—Jose A. Barnet, former Cuban Secretary o£ State, who has been confirmed as Provisional President by the Council of State and the Cabinet. He succeeded Carlos Mendieta, resigned. Designated by a vote of 17-1, his own vote was the only one against him.

AFLAME—Washington fire engines pumping water into the new Post Office Department Building to get under control a seven-hour fire which swept the file rooms of the $10,000,000 structure, destroying many valuable records, and ruining the luxurious ofiices of Postmaster General Farley and other New Deal executives. Incendiarism was suspected.

ETHIOPIA'S "WEST POINT—Here is a young student at Genneth, Ethiopia, the officers' school long •maintained by Emperor Haile Selasie's kingdom, at target practice with the most modern type machine gun. These cadets are put through a rigorous training that has much in common with that of the American West Point. • -

FLEDGLING SONGBIRDS—Myrtle Leonard, left, mezzo soprano, and Helen Oldheim, contralto, two new American singers at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, shown as they rehearsed forthcoming roles for their debuts in the famous old auditorium. Miss Oldheim is shown above as accompanist.

RETURNS—Senator J. Hamilton Lewis of Illinois, as he arrived in New York on his return from Russia, where he was desperately ill. Engaged in debt negotiations with Russian officials, he said he was convinced their $30,000,000 pledge meant nothing.

JOHNSON STIRS ERE—General Hugh S. Johnson, former NRA chief, raised the ire of friends of Marriner S. Eccles when he took the Governor of the Federal Reserve system to task for what the General said were contradictory financial statements. Above General Johnson is shown delivering an address in Seattle, during his western trip.

EXAMPLES—Romano and.Anne Marie Mussolini, youngest children of H Duce, show they put into practice their father's dictums by handing over to government authorities in Rome all their personal gold and silver trinkets. They have been cited as examples for the children of the nation in the fight to combat the sanctions against their country.


QUEEN MART'S SKIPPER—When the gigantic Cunard liner Queen Mary makes her maiden voyage across the Atlantic from England to America next year, sne will be commanded by Sir Edgar Britten, now skipper of the Berengaria. Above, Sir Edgar is shown at his home in London, with Lady Britten and their charming daughter* Miss Mary Britten.

SKIMAN'S HOLIDAY — Count Felix Schaffgotsch, of Austria, got a little too much skiing in his native land and decided to come to the United States. When he heard about skiing on Mt. Rainer, Washington, however. he traveled there post haste, and here he is happily trying out the precipitous slopes.


IiEADERS—Their period of. rule was short, but for eighty hours . iLaurp I<ago, right, and Mario Paiya were high in Natal, Brazil, !as the "Peoples' Commissars," in other words leaders of the ComiWrrist party in power, Government troops quelled the rebellion, ' and the two are: shown above after they were taken into cusi«i*e--r--..-












• "





. • • - . - • :



• ; . • • • •


CRAZED—Victor Koussow, dental handyman,.whose crazed resentment against his, associates at the Columbia Presbyterian Medical • Center in New York caused-him to run amok, shoot two doctors to death, and wound a third. He then turned the gun on himself, committing suicide with a bullet through his heart.

PARISIAN LANDMARK GOES—The Trocadero Palace at Passey, Prance, near the Seine and facing the Eifiel Tower, is now being demolished to make room for the buildings of a new exposition. Tne Trocadero, favorite visiting place of American tourists, was built" for the Universal Exposition of Pans in 1878, and housed many, amusement features.

ICE CANDIDATE—Audrey Peppe, New York fancy-figure skater, who showefi up well during preliminary try-outs for the United States Olympic skating team in New Tort;. It is expected representatives Xrom 21 countries will take part in the games in Germany to be held in February. Copyright United Ncwspiciurcs,


1 Religious Services

After Graduation, What? One of the _most seriouB problems affecting students today is •what to do after graduation. The boy or girl graduating from high school or attending college is constantly worrying over these questions: What qualifications do I have that will fit me for a particular profession or trade? What qualifications do I need? What are the possibilities or limitations of an occupation or profession? Talking to one of the local heads of the National Youth Administration . recently, I learned that that organization was planning a program in Omaha which •will provide information on vocational guidance. I have also spoken to quite a lew parents in an effort to determine just how deeply they • have considered the future of their own children and how carefully they are planning •with their" children for the future. Despite Ihe fact that the National Youth Administration is attempting a similar program, it' is my conviction that the problems facing Jewish young people are different from those that face the general population and-that special consideration should be given to these" problems. We should Btart with a series of "Vocational Guidance Forum- meetings, at which questions such as the following should be studied and considered. • 1. What a re possibilities, limitations, and necessary qualifications in the fields of medicine, law, teaching, engineering, .' etc.? 2. What special qualifications does one need, what particular training, is necessary, and what are the opportunities in retailing, advertising, office . work, trade and industry? . 3 . What are the chances of a Jewish person in a field of education? 4. What do the leaders in the educational field in these Various lines think of the possibilities and the requirements? 5. outstanding Jewish professional and lay leaderB In these respective lines believe is necessary and possible? I believe that this sort o t a n . Inquiry would be both interesting to students and their parents, and if Bufficieni: interest is expressed I should certainly be- willing and happy to plan for a Yocationa Guidance Forum in the very near

Jr. Vaad Auxiliary

The Junior Taad auxiliary will hold a Chanukah. celebration in the form of a kid partv at the B'nai Israel synagogue Thursday, December 2 6, at 8:30 p. m. Prizes By PAUL GOLDBLATT will be awarded to the girls wearing the most childish costumes. '' • Temple "Twenty-One Hundred Years A varied program of games and go Today" will be the topic of entertainment is being planned. Miss Rose Sofer. has charge of he sermon to . be delivered by labbi David'Wice at Temple srael tonight. The Chanukah ights will be lit. Benediction ill be sung by Harry DuBoff. Miss Dora Freshman, local Junor Hadassah president, will make few remarks pertaining to the ife and work of Henrietta Szold, ewish leader who is celebrating her 75th birthday anniversary tomorrow.

College Club

her accident, we are very glad to hear, back at work.



Beth-El Rabbi David Goldstein will devote his Chanukah sermon tonight o a tribute to Henrietta Szold, 'the greatest living Jewish woman." The Beth-El synagogue joins with - Jewish' communities the world' over in celebrating on this labbath of Chanukah the 75th birthday of Henrietta Szold. Next Sabbath is designated as Students' Homecoming Sabbath. Students home on vacation are especially urged to attend the services. Rabbi Goldstein will preach a sermon for students. Mr. Irvin Xtevin will present his report on the A. A. 17. convention. A reception in honor of the students will be given by the synaogue auxiliary. At this reception students of the various colleges will speak of their Jewish experiences.





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Martha Lippet says she would do anything to get her name in ! this column. No- need' for des| perate measures, Martha. Here ; you are. You're welcome. •-•''.. j "Wonder what -Ev Reuben is ! going to do now that .Aaron '• Krantz has 'gone -south _ for. a \ couple of weeks, or is if Henry ' Greenberg that's tops? ; Milton Frohm says he must ! like that Kansas City girl (Mildred?) 'cause he spent all of fifteen dollars on her. We'd say ; he's crazy—about her, of course. i Y\"e hear that Ben Smith boasts he knows who writes this column, ; but he's all moist. | Buddy Yveinberg insists that he | is a man what is a man. He i claims he has refused no less than 5or 6 (he isn't sure) dates for both the U. T. and K. T. dance. Tes, we'd like to know the names of the girls, too. But Buddy is mum on that.


Bakery Goods


County Judge.




evidences of. indebtedness of every' kind and character; and to buy, sen. REED, RAMACCIOTTI £. ROBINSON mortgage," lease, encumber and deai AND E. L. MARKS, Attys. ;enerally in real and personal prop912 First National" Bank Bldg. erty of every kind and character. Tne Omaha, Nebraska company shall have authority to borrow money and to Issue evidences of In the County Court of D o u g l a s indebtedness therefor. The total authorized capital Stock is $25,000.00, County, Nebraska. In the-Matter of the Kstate of Benj- par value $100.00 per share. All stock amin Goodbinder, also known as is common and shall be fully paid and non-assesable when issued. The Ben Goodbinder, Deceased. To all i persons Interested in said corporation shall commence business upon the filing of the Articles witti estate, both, creditors and heirs: the County Clerk of • Douglas County Touare hereby notified thai on the and continue until January 1st, •19th day oX December, 1D35 Sarah 2036. shall highest amount of indebtedGoodblrider,. petitioner, riled her peti- ness The shall not exceed two-thirds oi tion in "the above matter,; setting lorth capital stock. This restriction i m o n s .other things that • Benjamin the not apply to indebtedness secGoddbinder, also known as Ben Good- shall ured by real estate. The number of binder, a citizen and resident of, the members of the Board shall be prustate of Nebraska,. in Omaha, Doug- vlded by the By-laws, but shall not las County, Nebraska, died, intestate be less than two, nor more than five, therein, April 17, .1932 and possessed which Board shall administer the afof the: following described real es- fairs of the corporation. The stocktate, to-wit: An undivided one-stxth holders shall hold their annual meet<1-G) interest in and to the- South ing on the second Monday in January twenty-eight (S.ZS) feet of, Lot Eight of each year and elect directors. The (8) Block One Hundred Forty-nine directors shall elect a President! "Vice(149), original City of Omaha, in the President. Secretary and Treasurer. City of Omaha. County of Douglas The corporation shall have a seal. and : State of Nebraska as surveyed Upon authority given by 65 per cent of the issued and outstanding capital stock the directors shall v have tho and lithographed; that said petitioner power to sell or otherwise dispose oi is the widow of said deceased. Benj- th£ assets of the corporation as an amin Goodbinder, also known as Ben Goodbinder; that, the heirs of law of eaid deceased are Sarah Goodbinder, entirety or a going- concern, upon and Ann Goodbinder, widow and such terms and conditions as they daughter,- respectively, that the pray- shall deem fit. Tho Articles may uu er Of said -petition is for a decree' amended upon notice as provided for. determining the.time of the death of Dated November IS, 1035. J. H. SAKS decedent and. tho names of his heirs, E. SCHWARTZ fixinjr the decree of kinship of said 12-13-4t heirs, and the. right of descent of said 'real estate, barring t h e . claims * of creditors of said deceased, dispensing MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & with the further administration of his COHEN, Attorneys estate., and-for such other and fur737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. ther .relief as m a y be just and equitable. > NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' that You are therefor notifed that a at a. d u l y • constituted meeting of hearing will be held on said petition Stockholders of KRASNE MILLINat the County Court Room of said ERY, INC., held on the 28th day of county In the Douglas County Court November, 1935, it was unanlmousljHouse of Omaha. Nebraska on the apreed that the corporation bo dis11th. day of January, A. D. 1936 at solved. Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, t h i s 9:00 A. M. and if -vou fail to appear at said time and place and contest 2Sth day of November. 1935. this petition, the Court may grant ALBERT ICRASNK, tho same, enter a -decree of iieirship, President. and dispense with further adminisH. aiARQUARDT, tration of said estate. Secretary, BRTCE CRAWFORD, 13-13-it

Josh B'Gosh




Bikur Cboiim

Mount Sinai Auxiliary

"Man of the Year" will be the opic of discussion when the Colege Club meets in the vestry oom of Temple Israel this comng Sunday. Rabbi Wice will lead he discussion. • ' ,


» • J

the affair. She is being assisted will be held Tuesday, December J Clark streets. The club wishes to j held annually in conjunction with ' discussion be led by Rabbi by the Misses Bess Kirshenbaum, 24, at the Adass Yeshurin syna-' express their thanks to the enter- the bazaar. David H. AY ice. The rest of the committees will j Sarah. Schlaifer,. and Ann Hahn. gogue at 25th and -Seward streets ! tainers who participated in their be announced at a later date. The last Junior \ a a d auxiliary at 2 p. m. Matters of vital im- last concert. Wins Sweepstakes—Dies meeting was a dinner held at the portance will be discussed. All Warsaw—The -hock of winning synagogue. The dinner was' members are urged to attend, served by the Senior Vaad auxili- j approximately ?50.IM>O in p. lotThe Biker Cholim will hold ary. Ladies Labor Lyceum The College club will meet tery proved too much for ChEim their annual bazaar and auction The JJadies' Labor Lyceum club Sunday, January 26, at the Labor i Sunday, December 22, at i p. m. Ratenberg, a poor boxmaker of j will hold a special meeting Mon- I Lyceum. Mrs. Charles S. Ross I in the veBtry rooms of Temple | Ocwock near this city, who died The regular meeting of the j day, December 23, at 8 p. m. at i is general chairman. Mrs. S. I Israel. An open forum will diB~|of a heart attack when advir.ed of Mount. Sinai cemetery auxiliary > the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Fish is chairman of the drawing i cuss the "Man of the Year." The'his fortune. He wss 42 years old.

Services at the Temple will be held at 10:30 a. m., Saturday morning. "

Regular Friday night services will be held by the Vaad at 8 p. m. This Friday will be Hadassah Night at which time tribute will be paid to Henrietta Szold, The Height of founder of Hadassah. Mrs. Benjamin F. Margolin of Columbus, Good Taste! Nebr., member of the Hadassah regional board, will be guest speaker. : : 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 Saturday morning Rabbi Harold A. Berger will speak in Yiddish at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue. Sunday morning at 9 o'clock future.. '•'-•'••'. there will be regular father and son: :E6rvi£es--- a t --the;' B'naih Israel synagogue. ~ - • Now: that Saul Raskin has gone • Next week, Decmeber 2 7, will and his drawings no longer adorn be Students'Night. : the auditorium of the Jewish Features Community Center,: those of u Littauer Gives Two Million who were in any -.-ay^responsible Shampoo and finger wave 50c for the Exhibit can certainly feel Dollars Gift Cambridge, Mass.—A gift to THE NEW •well repaid for our efforts. I Zotos Permanent Wave with •was really inspiring, and beautl Harvard University of ?2,000,000 no machinery and no electriful to listen to this noble soul and fro mLucius N~. Littauer, of New to examine and enjoy his concep York City, manufacturer and ex- city used at $6.50 and up. 716 Brandels Theatre Bldg. tlon of Jewish: art and the deli Congressman, for the ••stablishAT. 4333 " cate.'ryet forceful, coloring of hi m e i t of a Graduate School of Public Administration, w a s anpaintings. : . Particularly - interesting . wa: nounced by President James B. the impression which Mr. Ras- Conant. kin's , distinctly. Jewish art mad Jewish- Press advertisers merit upon the general community o: your patronage. Omaha. So many: hdn^Jews, m came to view Mr. Raskin's works expressed amazement at his un- MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER COHEN, Attorneys derstanding portrayal of Jewis 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. SCHMIDT'S history. NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that The Jewish Lecture and: Con the undersigned have formed a corpcert series, which was- responsibl oration • pursuant to the laws of the for a Pleasant Surprise of Nebraska. The name of the for Mr. Raskin's coming here, ha; State corporation is "HAWKEYE CO3MPagain demonstrated the value o ANY", with its principal pljuie of HATE TOU TRIED business in Omaha, Douglas County, such, programs. Remember—the Nebraska. The objects for which this SCHMIDT'S LATELY? next program will bring Marvin corporation is formed are to buy, sell. e x c b. a n g e, manufacture, deal and Lowenthal, world-famed Jewish trade generally in any ana all kinds CALL traveler, who comes here in Jan- of machinery, equipment and supplies; to purchase, lease, register and uary. . otherwise acquire any trade-marks, 422 So. 13th St. AT. o»03 trade-names, patents. Inventions, imJewish Press advertisers merit provements and processes of every dnd and character; to purchase, disyour patronage. ^ :. count, sell and trade in generally m



Gay Time This week-end promises to be a very * eventful one. Dances galore. Get your- dates -with peaches, of course, In order to make pears, that is pairs. Kind <jf truity but sweet. Onch! Who threw that 1-emon? Anyway, there .is the Junior Council of Jewish Women dance.Sunday at the Paxton, the U. T. dance Monday and KV T. Dance Tuesday. Be seein* you.


Big Chief Semi, $10.50 OPaRAjrrrri)



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The Daughters of Isreal Aid Society save their ninth annual ROSS PETERSON JAKE APPLEMAN is departing ball for the benefit of the Old for Chicago to spend the holidays j HOTEL FONTENELLE People's Home. with her boy friend, but her place Fine Flowers Moderately Miss Angela Herzberg, "who atis filled by attractive Betty Lou Priced Kalis of Kansasa City, who will days with her parents, Mr. and Open Evenings and Holidays be a guest there . . . . THEY SAY j Mrs. A. Herzberg. AT. 8300 AT. 6226 that Harold Chernieck, the young j The engagement oi Ruth Gross financier, wears his ties once and ;to Jacob Malashock was announcthen throws them away. But there ' ed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. was plenty of excitement in the jH. Gross. Chernieck household, when HarMr. Phineas Wintroub was . old did the aforementioned with elected president of the Thorp| a tie belonging to brother Jay . . . . . 1 FOR CUTE sights, Bud W o l f ' s : e i a n c l u b > io 0 girls attend the first meetj baby daughter is recommended . . Foundries ;"IT'S TIME for your bath now," ing and dinner of the Junior auxof the Ladies Relief Society. 27th and Martha HA. 552S the largest gathering of Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft iMarlin Somberg. "I don't'think Jewish women ever held Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast!l want one," drawled little Marin the city. Mrs. Reuben Kulak- ings. Wood and Metal Patterns lin, " I had one yesterday." . . . ofsky was in charge of the girls. LEON "CHIEF" FERER doesn't Miss Molly Corby was elected Standard sizes Bronze a n d Iron Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern want it known that following the , Rings and Covers, Cleanout Doors. Pi Tau PI. conclave in New York ! temporary president of the group. Sash Weights a n d Yellow Brass Plumbers' Ferrules, carried In this month, he will embark for stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze and Bermuda. But it's Cast Iron Grilles s Specialty. picturesque CONGRATULATIONS •really the truth, the "Chief" has To J. J. Friedman upon his apibooked passage for January 2, pointment as attorney for the U. and will take command of the S. compensation commission for high seas for. a few days following Omaha and vicinity on compensat. . . A READER .asks"'what strik- ing third party liability claims | ing blond" divorcee was seen places under the WPA program. I last. Saturday night with apromTo. Dr. Herman Ktilly, Creigh| inent local Jewish, musician?' ton university oto-iaryngological |0.®K., Who? instructor, who is the recipient, of HATS Cleaned and a membership certificate by the Blocked Only National Board of Oto-larynRESOLUTIONS . SHOES gology. Suggested, resolutions for New Repaired While To Dr< Philip Sner who is listed ! Tear.. To join the Jewish ComYrou Watt munity Center. To become a sub-! in the annual "Who's Who" isFREE—Pick-up anri Deliveries scriber of the Jewish. Press and | sued•by the American Hebrew. in Downtown District To j P h o n e HA. 4 5 5 0 i to, pay for the subscription. ! attend services every Friday night; j in whatever synagogue my. f am-• SHOE REPAIR GO. |ily belongs. To take out the girl) Miss Bernice Raduziner, who _ her brother's grocery who gave me a bid to her sorority j s t o r e l iin 1806 Farnnm k e s Iresil thin s b u tn o t ' . & dance. TeTpay my p'hlianthroples 1 1 Fp¥K^:ME*aflF^f"**sg^;, pledge and to increase my next fresh men, even if they are holdup men. Witness Bernice's brave year's gift. act in shoring a gun-brandishing bandit away from her when, he ! THE-NEW APARTMENT that decided to get fresh. j the newlywed Al Fiedlers recently i moved into has already become j Real Estate s.n& Properly I one. of the show places of Omaha. Arthur E.osenblum of Los AnManagement i It has a bar 'neverything, but geles, formerly of Om^ha, one of | that's to be espected for Al is a our most ardent readers and Xotir Fitrp Arc Valuable I member of the bar. (all puns bar- boosters, writes in to criticize our Have Them Insured With tTs ! red) . . .; CYRIL LEON was sit-]Council Bluffs correspondent upfor SS5.OO per Year Sting in the dental chair of Dr. on the use of the name '"Indej Platt recently. Dr. Platt was ex- ' pendent Order of B'nai B'rith." So Douglas Block ! plaining about a block that dead-1 The "Independent Order" has JACKSOX 1525 ieiis pain. "Oh, ''re got a Block ( l o n S Dee n dropped from;the name, already," replied Cyril slyly. (Ed- he writes, and the use or the old "For insurance See Franke! F IrsV itor's note: The young lady is name in our paper prompted Mr. I Rosenblum, long active in B'nai engaged to Sylvan Block). B'rith circles, to write us. Thank you, Mr. Rosenblum. The error !! shall be corrected. Elaine Berkowitz and Marjorie Hiller lunching together and dig- j _ _ _ _ • _ _

Also Straight Loans, at 4}s>, ft or 5 ^ Per Cent


Paxton Mitchell Co.


Gould Drug Co.

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jtfSTIN WOLFSON hae been announced as the -winner of the] drawing sponsored by the IT. T. Club, and as a result he is five dollars richer, Several hundred tickets at. ten cents' each were sold, and the money was used for Ill Appreciation of Your several needy causes . . . . Past and Future


Ajax Semi


i Seen . . . Also Heard

cussing the merits of various pho- : SWEET BAUMER tographs and photographers. Also " Barbara Baumer, whose father mentioned Eddie. ' j is in the can-dy business, is deDorothy Rosenthal worrying j ploring the fact that every time about publicity for the Junior !_she wins a prize Et a bridge game ! Council of Jewish Women's dance.! or the like, it's always . . . (Yes, Donald and Eddie Erodkey j you guessed'it)—canSy! ! rushing madly through the PomJust like the other day when jpeian room of Brandeis store. they, were exchanging gifts at a [What was the hurry? : club" which Barbara belongs to, I Two charming girls, Louis Fitch.! she opened hers with much •exland .Gertrude Rothkop, walking; pecan cy, and then found, % candy. And now her friends are calling i down the street together. ' Roselle Handler, recovered from ; her the "candy kid".


y -Owr Ted -

THC j'iVi A S












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Sioux City News] MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent

Senior Hadassah Chairman Here


The Debra club met Tuesday evening in the home of Miss Gisela Pill. Plans for a dinner on December 8, were made. The dinner will be held at the Elks club, and will honor several girls who will be in the city for winter vacation from college. The meeting next Wednesday evening will be in the home-of Miss Rose Rozofsky.

Chanukah Program trt Brotherhood Father Auxiliary Meeting and Son Banquet • A Chanukah program, presided over by Mrs. Sam Krupnick, was presented at the opening of the Ladies' auxiliary at Shaare Zlon synagogue, Tuesday evening. The program included a play, "The Unlighted Menorah;" songs by Mrs. M. B. Herzoff, and songs by the Hebrew School choir, under '•• the direction of Mr. Sam Krupnick. Mrs. J. H. Mosow presided at the business meeting which preceded the program. Refreshments concluded the evening's program. Plans for the annual auxiliary dance were made at the meeting. The dance is scheduled for February 8.

held the 'second Tuesday in January of each year and immediately after said stockholders meeting:, the directors shall meet a n d elect officers. The directors shall control the affairs of the coropration. These Articles may be-amended by two-thirds affirmative vote of all outstanding stock upon proper notice. The corporation shall have a seal. Dated November 4th. 3935. HAHOI.D S. TUOHMAN BETTY TUCHMAN 12-13-4t Jneorporators.

The Mount Sinai Temple Brotherhood will have its annual Father and Son banquet, Thursday evening, December 26, in the West hotel. The speaker of the evening will be Professor J. T. Schmidt, head of the speech department at East MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER High school. & COHEN. Attorney*. 737 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. • Mr. Victor Mazie and Mr. Morris E. Skalovsky are in charge of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That undersigned have formed a corthe arrangements and reserva- the poration pursuant to the Laws of the tions. State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is ROSE ORKIN, INC.. A .number of college students, with Its principal place of business home for winter vacation will at- in Omaha. Dousla.K County, Nebraska. The objects for which this cortend the banquet.

operation of the corporate business or the accomplishment of any of its objects, and to sell, alienate, encumber or. otherwise dispose of any such property. The Company shall have authority to borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness therefor. The total authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, par value $100.00 per share, all of which shall be Common Stock and shall be fully paid and non-assessable when issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing- of the Articles in the office of the County Clerk of Douprlas County, Nebraska and upon subscription to at least 5 percent of its authorized capital and shall continue for a period of 25 years from January 1st. 193fi. The highest amount of Indebtedness shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The number of members of the Board shall be provided for by the By-I^aws. which Board shall administer the affairs of the corporation. The stockholders shall hold their annual meeting the second Wednesday in January of each year and elect Directors. The Directors shall elect- a President, Vice-Pi-psident. Secretaj-y and Treasurer. Upon authority given by Go percent of the issued and outstanding capital stock the Directors shall have the power to sell or otherwise dispose of the assets of the corporation as an entirety or a going concern, upon such terms and conditions as they shall deem fit. The Articles may be amended upon notice as provided for. The corporation shall have a seal. Dated October 17th. 1935. E. SCHWARTZ. H. MARQUARDT.. J. H. SAKS. 12-6-35-4t.

Mrs. Jacob B. Grossman, national Hadassah chairman of the Infant: Welfare Fund, will visit in Sioux City tomorrow, and will be the guest speaker at the Oneg Shabbps meeting in the afternoon. poration Is formed are to maintain The meeting, to which all Jewand operate one or more retail merish women' are invited, will be cantile establishments or departments At IA* A» and to deal in, buy, sell and dispose held in the home of Mrs. Mike Junior Hadassah of ladles', misses' and children's wearThe A. Z. A. chapter will hold Skalovsky, Saturday afternoon, ins apparel, including: cloaks, suits, Cabaret Dance its annual election of officers ladles' ready to wear merchandise, at 2:30 o'clock. ladies' furnishings and all kinnext Thursday evening in the shoes, Mrs. I Gr.ossman has been idenThe Junior Hadassah chapter Inter Club Council ired and other merchandise of every Jewfsh Community Center. Sam kind and character, with the richt tified with Hadassah for many will hold its annual Cabaret power to purchase" in quantities Meeting Wednesday Sadoff, president of the chapter, and years both in a local and national dance, Sunday evening, December and to deal in said commodities at will preside at the meeting. .capacity. She is a member of the 22, in the ballroom of the War-" wholesale if desired; to enter into A meeting of the Inter Club New members will receive their leases and| or contracts of any kind National Board of Hadassah as rior hotel. > Hostesses will beincident to the business of the comwell as national chairman of the Misses Ruth Orlikoff, Mary Ro- Council of the Jewish organiza- first degree initiation before the pany and to purchase, lease, hire and tions will be held in the Jewish B'nai B'rith lodge, at their first otherwise acquire and hold, such real Infant Welfare Fund. sofsky, Florence Major, Mrs. L. Community estate and personal property as may Center, Wednesday meeting in January. Mrs.: Grossman has -done out- Fish, and members of the dance be necessary or convenient to the morning, December 25, when a standing work in the field of Jew- committee. ish and Hebrew education. She Jack Reams and his orchestra complete report of the Carnival Sisterhood Book Review has taught in the Educational Al- will furnish music for dancing, will be made. The Book Review circle of the The final check-up meeting of liance, one of the first schools and tables for the guests will be Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood j which offered the opportunity of arranged around the dance floor the workers was held Monday will meet this afternoon at 2:30 i studying Hebrew for girls. She and on the "Mezzanine floor of the evening, and reports of the Raffle in the home of Mrs. Si Krueger. J Is the wife of Rabbi Jacob B. hotel. Parties who wish to re- Committees, C a r Committees, Mrs. Charles H. Hoyt will review j Cafeteria Committee and Ticket two books, "Spring Grossman and has an especially tables may do so by calling Committee Came on For-i were turned in to the line Jewish background. She has serve Miss Eva Orlikoff, chairman of ever," by Bess Streeter Aldrich, been actively identified with all Center office. arrangements. and "Mary Queen of Scotland and phases : of Jewish work and has theProceeds Mr. E. N. Grueskin will preside the Isles," by Stefan Zweig. of the dance will go at the meeting Wednesday. taken an important part in Jewtoward the Palestinian Fund of ish communal affairs. She is at MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & present an active member of the the Junior Hadassah. The sale of tickets indicate that COHEN, Attorneys Board of the Women's League of 737 Omaha National Bank' Bldg... the United Synagogue of America. an unusually large crowd will atNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mrs. Grossman is known for her tend, and many out-of-town guests undersigrned have, pursuant to the Miss Anna Pill will be the Ui« charming personality and brilliant are expected In the city for the laws of the State of Nebraska, forma corporation. The name of said speaking abilities. She has spent event. Many small parties will guest speaker at Shaare Zion ed is T U C H M A -X FOOD synagogue at the regular service corporation eome time in Palestine and is precede the dance. STORES. IXC. with its principal this evening. She will speak on place of business in the city of Omaveil acquainted with the work of The objects for which the corpthe life, and work of Miss Hen- ha. Hadassah in Palestine. oration is formed are to maintain and rietta Szold, the founder of Ha- operate, at wholesale or retail, stores At the conclusion of the Oneg "or the sale of provisions of all kinds; Chaniikah wfll be. appropriately dassah. Miss Szold will celebrate to and sell, lease and encumber Shabbos meeting, those who at- celebrated her 75th birthday, December 21. realbuy at Mount Sinai Temple, personal property of every tend will listen to an internation- with the services tonight com- Cantor A. Pliskin and the syna- kind. and The corporation shall have authority to issue bonds. The total, aual Broadcast at 4:30—during gogue choir will chant the ritual. thorized capital stock is $10,000.00, •which program Miss Henrietta memorating the festival, and with Members of the Senior and Junior divided into J00 shares, par value a children's celebration Sunday Szold w-ill speak. $100.00 per share, all common stock, afternoon, in the Temple Annex. Hadassah. are invited to attend fully paid when issued and -non-assessable. The corporation shall comAt the regular service this eve- the service. mence business upon the filing of its ning Dr. Theidore N. Lewis will Tomorrow morning, Herman articles in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska use as his sermon topic, "Chanu- Barish, son .of Mr. and Mrs. En-and shall continue until January 1st, kah." chel Barish will celebrate his Bar 2035. The highest amount of indebteThe program Sunday afternoon Mitzvah at Shaare Zion syna- dness shalT not exceed two-thirds of Mr. and Mrs. Enchel Barish the capital stock. The affairs of the will be at home to their friends wil begin at 3 o'clock. Children gogue. corporation shall be administered by of Directors to be determined Sunday evening, December 22, of the.Sunday school will present The Junior congregation will abyBoard the by-laws, which shall be not from 6 to 10 o'clock, honoring several plays tinder the direction meet at 10:30 tomorrow morn- ess than two nor more than five. BREWED IN OMAHA Board shall elect-from its memtheir {son, Herman, who will be of Miss Ruth Marx. Recitations ing. Seymour Robinson will act The a President, Vice-President. SecBar Mitzvah, Saturday in Shaare and a musical program will also as reader of the law and Howard bers retary and Treasurer. The Directors be included in the afternoon's fes- Sacks will be the cantor. Refresh- shall be elected at the annual meetZion synagogue. ng ot the corporation which shall be tivities. - . • ments will be served to the chilMr. A. W. Kaplan, 1212 Sum- Next Friday evening, students dren by Mr. and Mrs. E. Barish, mit street, departed for New returning home from college for honoring their son, Herman. York, Monday evening, to attend their winter vacation will be hon- ' Sunday afternoon, children of the wedding of his daughter, ored,- when a special Student's the Hebrew school and the SunSarah Kaplan to Victor Kahn, Service will he held. day school will have'a Chanukah BOH of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kahn of program in the social hall of the Kockville, : Conn. The wedding Many Attend Father synagogue. A play, "The Macwill take place December 29 at cabean Cure," will be presented the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. V and Son Banquet by Charles Shindler, Annabell Bernstein, 6718 S e v e n t y-fifth Satin, David Kuntz, Thelma ShinShe'll Never "Grope in the Dark," If You Give Her More than three hundred peo- dler, Sherman Sperling, Bernard street, Middlevillage, Long Isple attended the Eighth Annual land. Bertram Lipshutz, Irving Father and Son banquet at Shaare Weiner, Givot and Sidney Mason. The Zion synagogue, Sunday evening. Sioux Cityans who were in St. j play will be directed by Miss LilPaul last week to attend the wed-Dr. S. H. Shulkin was toastmas- lian Romirowsky. ter. ding of Miss Mollie Cooper of St. The Hebrew school choir, tinThe invocation was given by Paul, to Joe Marsh of Sioux City, der the driection of Mr. S. KrupRabbi Rabinowitz and the benewere Mr. Marsh's parents-, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marsh, Mr. and diction by Cantor A. Pliskin. Mr. nick, will sing a group of Hebrew Mrs. Leo Franklin, and Mr. and Henry Sherman spoke in . behalt songs. Recitations and a musical of the fathers; Morris Lasensky program will be included in the Mrs. Isadore Marsh. . RefreshAfter a wedding trip, Mr. in behalf of the sons, and Elvin afternoon's program. ments will be served to the chilSacks, the grandsons. Pick Them Up . . . They Light Marsh .and his bride will make A feature of the evening was a dren. The parents are Invited to their home in Sioux City. : three generation table, at which attend the program. Next Friday .evening, the serv- Mrs. Ben Schuleih has returned were seated grandfathers, sons, ice will be dedicated to the stufrom a trip to Pittsburgh and and grandsons. Complete with 4 ) John Lansberg, president of the dents who are attending college. Chicago, where she visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bettigheimer congregation, w e l c o m e d the Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln, Batteries and and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Heller. guests. Jackie Heller, Orpheum Nebr., will be the speaker. Bulbs. Pair Stage Star, was a guest at the din- • The Board of Directors of ner and sang during the program. Shaare Zion met Monday evening " Miss Ethel Baron, daughter of A skit, "A Boy for Sale," and a in the home of Mr. A. Mazie. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Baron will arrive in Sioux City tomorrow from poem dramatization, "The Angel's Plans were made for the annual Wellesley College, to spend a va- Penny," were included on the pro-election which is scheduled for Not only a decorative g i f t . . . bnt a gram. LeRoy Goldbiatt sang a January 9. Dr. Simon Greencation with her parents. "protective measure!" No uncertain group of songs. berg, rabbi of Philadelphia, will Norman Brodkey, son of Mr. steps in the dark . . . no dangerous be a guest of the congregation on and Mrs. John Brodkey, who is hunting with lighted matches with that day. studying at an Optometrists school Patronlze^our advertisers. Wireless Electric Candles. And isn't in Chicago will arrive in Sioux $1 little for so much safety and City this week to visit with his


bra-ska. The general nature . of its hitsiness is to operate pm-apes a n d filling- stations: -to denl in. store and repair motor vehicles, anil, other personal property: 1 in make loans securNotice by Publication on Petition for ed by motor vehicles; to Imy. sell. Settlement of Final AdminisI own, lease, exchange and moi-tfrape tration Account ' ! real estate and personal . 'prnpnrty in the Matter of the Estate of Josle wherever situated and to ilo nil things Rogers, Deceased: i inci'iental to mid npoessnry for the All persons interested in said mat- earrvinp out of the above objects. The ter are hereby notified that on the total anthorizpcl capital stofk of this 2nd day of December l!t""> John I'. corporation shall be SlO.dtMi.nii divided Comstock Jr.. filed a petition in said ; into l(io shnrps of thp pn r VR1U<* of County Court,' praying that his final ?jO'l.on earli. to 1>P paid for in rash or adminiKt ration account filed herein IK. . properly am! tie non-ass^s^ible when settled and allowed, and that he be issued. The time of rommenrempnt discharged from his trust as adminis- ! of the corporation shall i>f Xovctntrator anil that a hearinp: will be had i bpr 1. 3!Kit), and its termination shall on said petition before said Court on ! hp fifty years thereaftor. The hig-hthe 2X'th day of December ]!<.'!">, a tin pst amount of indebtedness or liabilthat if you fail to appear before sain | ity to which the corporation shall at Court on 1 the said 28th day of Dec- I any time subject itself shall not r s ember JO,?!) at f1 o'clock A. 11., and ceed two-thirds of its capital stock. contest said petition, the Court may I The affairs of this corporation are to srant the prayer of said petition, en- ;be conducted by a board of, not less ter a decree of heirship, and make than two nor more than five director* such other and further orders, allow- i who shall elect a president, •vlce-presances and decrees. a*= to this Court . ident, secretary and treasurer. may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said rstate may • V. HI"HXKE, j L. KAPLAX. be finally settled and determined. BRYCE CRAWFORD. • IN PRESENCE OF: 12-6-St County Judge. ! GERTRUDE PERt.lS. ll-29-4t.

COHEN, Attys. 737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.

LOUIS E. t-IPP, ATTY. 504-10 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska



.Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned have organized a corporation. The name of the corporation is General Garage Company and th* principal place of its business is the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Ne-

Isk fur ... . :.;M??^fP"-; • ••



It's a Sunbeam

Shaare Zion


Mount Sinai

Pepped U p . . . Stepped Up

and TRAY for Sis this year I

^unbeam TOASTER and TRAY



Miss Bernlce Galinsky, a student at the University of Illinois, •will arrive In Sioux City this •week to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Galinsky.

^GO PLACES" -—and get things done!




On the Dressing


For Dark Closets!

To Light Up the



On Sale in our Electric Shop


For Dressing Tables For Closets For Telephone Stands For Garages For Bedside Table For Hallways ERANDEIS—HoostwsrM—Fifth Floor

If she likes to entertain, give her this, beautiful S U N B E A M TOASTER AND TRAY. It's an ideal gift... and low priced, too. Only $5.95 for the two pieces. The guests serve themselves right from the attractive tray . . . has places for cheese, pickles and other delicacies.

uxurg men Cove


They Ring Like a Christmas Bell!

Harry Kanofsky. is recuperating after an operation for appendicitis in a local hospital.

Polished Crystal Glassware

Members of the Independent Farane will have their annual banquet Sunday evening in the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Leah Baron, 606 Virginia street,; departed last week for Chicago, [where she will visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irving. Goldstein.

Among the pupils of the Sioux City Music school •who are appearing in recitals this week are Gloria!-and Lois Novitsky, Bessie Lubmfan, Anna Daskovsky, Eileen DaskaTBky, Fredelle Sacks, Betty Bain,'.Esther Marsh, Jack,Krueger, Sandy Baron, and Harold Slotsky.

Wireless Electric

This family knows how to

Bernard Marks, a student at Harvard, will spend his winter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Marks. ,

Members of the lyre club met Tuesday evening in the Jewish Comniunlty Center. A smoker followeduthe meeting. • Mr.-' and Mrs. Joe. Merlin announce the birth of a daughter.


For HER Table!

The little things that do so much to make one feel ot home aisespecially evident at Hotel President Close' to ali the finest theatres and shops Splendid food in the Coffee Shop or Walnut Room. Prices most moderate



PERCY TYRRELL Managing Qirector

They have a rule for every day of the month—this friendly family who get things done—who always have places to gr and the time and energy it takes. On the first and last of the month—and many times each day in between— they





The ultimate desire of every hostess . . . crystal glassware. Choice of two beautiful shapes and cuttings. Goblets, sherbets, cocktails, footed high balls and wine glasses. BEANDEIS—CBto»—FJMh Floor



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