Interests of the Jewish People
Kntered as Second Claea Mali Matter oo January 21, ,1>21. al Posiofflet 61 Omaha. Nebraska^ under the Act "of Jlsreb X. 1171
Symposium at Temple israelNext
Friday Hope to Show Antt-Berlin Olympic Sentiment Through Insufficient Fnnd-Raising
VOL. XI—No. 44.
00^3etvish Families FRENCH "W^jetde in Biro Bidjan AN INCREASE IN REICH
Leo Abramson Named Secretary of Committee
New is«w York—(WNS)—One l o r i - u ^ ^ - v - thou-i —- ; ground for a private vegetable Leo Abramson, who is secretary , destitute Jewish families 0J^*f™ % . Long term credits A' symposium on t h e outlook sand destitute of the board of county commis-- "Rain From Heaven" To s be Poland, Lithuania, Rumania .5, J°' for',the new-year will be held at be settled dur- WJU extended to each family French Legal Service Predicts siofiers, has been named executive . Produced January Temple Israel a week from to- j Sir Herhert to Have Wider That Further Increase in secretary of t h e County Assist. for the purchase of a house, live ing 1936 in Biro Bidian, the, « , ' . • ^ IS and 14 Authority Than James G. F a r m c r s night, Friday, January 5, - w i t h ance Committee, which includes j Refugees Expected b e centlv created autonomous Jewish . . . . . . . «^«,t»w i^tn r-niRowland Haynes, Rev. Frederick 4 MacDonald jcently created the five county commissioners j observed immediately into colWhen e a r l y this year S. N. Clayton and Rabbi David H. Wice treasurer. T h e territory in the Soviet Union, a s i u e ™""/' ! 1 ' i l " " i l - " • " " - ' • . .— Xe-w- York—(JTA) — An inin- and the county treasurer. participating. London (WNS-Paicor Agency) !i the i co-operative enterprises. . result .. of. an . _ agreementA ___-v_!lective- farms and artisans into c r e a E e d now of German refugees Committee came into being under Behrman gave TO the TlieatPt ^; Clapton is t h e spiritual IJZ**™ ££*£%£{ ^ ^ a l !led e dby V tthe h e American committee for ™ committee is to provide: a c r o s g l h eb o r d e r l n t 0 France dur- the provisions of the social secur- Guild his production. Ram From Americancommit
New York ( J T A ) - A movement is under way to prevent sub-, j ^
^f , ' £ r H a ^ n S ' ^ S - ! Party leader i. to a s s u m e W j ^ « t U e » j n ^ J e w ^ * ^ o ; ^ r o x i m a t e l y
Heaven," the bert of t h e antiNazi plays opened to the emarl l seuiement in oiucr ^ ^ u u . ^ o — , - - . " ' S U m . ' " l ? 0 J ^ - J ^ f 1 - ! ? *Z' ^ e.d by the Service Juridique pour; T n e committee will h a v e N e w York audience. Mr. Beli*-man is considered to be the Amerpast few der the auspices of t h e League of was announced by. W i l ° ^^^ (Legal Ser- c h a r g e o f o l d p e n s i o n , blind pics next summer ican theatre's foremost p.tithor <v, ' " - ' — ^ - T » - I — A ^ n c v ] f i a r n - ! l i a m W. Cohen, chairman of the ' ™ \ Z T i ^ ^ , J n i i t u r e S c - - ^ e ^ r German Refugees) tc.the" pensions, child welfare, and diestimated that cnairman oi me with 1 Nations, the Palcor Agency learn smart dialogue and o n e of iff. by the decision of American base- years, h a s icommittee, at a luncheon in the Je used for for ^ d i t u r e s outside: A_ m e r J c a n J o i n t D_l s to red from reliable sources t r i bau t statement, l o n Com- :j;their e c t r e lwork ief. Iwill t i s involve a E u m most brilliant playwrights. ball club owners not to approprib p t i s e d I o r to the Rus-j^ .Among refugees, according over a million dollars per annum. invited | It i« understood t h a t . agreement visas; transportation expenditure outside; ^ B P r othe r ( ! i B e t 0 a statement! their work will This play, considered by mst.v ate funds for an Olympic team. " The public is border, clothing, tools. !t o t h e T e p o rt, are "partly Jews { — bert will be given wider authority provides: critics to be onp of the oiUstanrFaced with a request lor $20,-to attend the symposium. Jean" escaped from new persecup . L li— -; The chief speaker was w h o by the LYeague than that which j 1. The selection of immigrants is ing productions of this year ni; _000 to help in selecting a base- Arens, consul-general of the U.S. itions and threats, partly be- JT U U U t Broadway and tlie most brJHip ^ was exercised by James G. Mac-, to be carried out by the ball team for the games, the club h described ibd couples of Jews and product o[ Behrmcn, will be pvcDonald, who recently resigned! tee's representatives in co-opera S.R. in New York, who owners' of the American and Nasented by the Center Flayers ni. i bow his governme from the post of High Commis-! tion with the. representatives of.S-K. in :sew IUIK, " ^ U «="""">»: tnromea coupes ^i „....., , tional League curtly retitsed to ! Monday p,nd Tuesday Fvenirips,, setlements. in2.charge Pros- bow ating his Jewish life alongisproductive are threatened with;j a<Aryans' n d therefore sioner for German Refugees. Jthe Soviet organization government rehabilit-\ who will not separate contribute a, cent. The Tepoi-t of Sir Herbert's ap- of . Jewish setlements. 2. Pros g January 1,7 anri. 14. rt the Car1 Indications increased throughOf . Jewish " *" ' " " " "that " " " ^in ' " •creatH V P :j .j a_i Jl 0^ . c o n „ „„„ «V,w=tonert with! pointment as High Commissioner .pective settlers are to be selected lines. He'"*• declared c e ntration camps ter auditorium. out the week that Olympic chiefThe entire Jewish community follows close on the heels of the (chiefly from Poland, Lithuania, ing Biro Bidjan the U.S.S.R. wasj The French X,egal Service furIt offers a story wkh P. Fper-i:." tains would have a hard time, colThey motivated of the League of Nations j! Rumania .- and -_^.. Germany„ «„ ,3. TIIPV desire to-where give Soreports viet Jewrybya aterritory it'ttion ^ " d e v ethat l o p m"in e n t sconsiderain~Ger-!is invited to m a k e reservations h e r o*f Jewish audiences. 'i'l>« lecting the ?3||M)00 which is. esNew York (WNS)—Appealing Commission on the Ger-: will be met at the Russian border; ; ol t h e exiled t-iuvr Jby government representatives could establish a national stat. ' m a n T yrB m n s t „ „ . , _ _ that soon for the dinner being given "Wedtimated as the necessary amount to "the conscience of Christen- man-Jewish refugee problemnJewish. Tefgee p J —*-- _ . n „„„„ f o r their trans- Predicting Biro Bidjan -would ul- the number of refugees will fur- j nesday, January S, at tbe Jewish thp musir critic of G""to finance the team " ernumber increase." j Community Center in honor of j many, ^ ' * ' e n S ioffer a forceful and (!'•? drive began to dom" to meet Nazism's "deliberAfter consultation with repre-i-who will arrange for their trans- Predicting Biro Bidjan would **"" ul the of After consultato p . Meanwhile, a *ate challenge to the teachings, of ntatives of the the foremost foremost Jewish portation to the success the ther increase." call a special convention of the Judaism and Christianity" and its feentatives relief ana settlement ageiiuica, m<=,portation . —Biro Bidjan, and pro-, timately enjoy republic,of Mr.! During 1935 the French Legal | Aliza Shidlowsky. ot Palestine, mafic picture of the lot of Mir Soviet of Jewish to A i a saidSoviet M r !Service, Duringwhich 193 aids both Jews and j under the auspices of the local German Jew. AVillens. tliouf.J^ Amateur Athletic Union in Janu- "threat to Western culture a n d League experts recommended the; route. 4. Upon arrival in Biro; Adams that republic "like the Ar-; only an riplith-pnri Jew, jv.diip.rary to reconsider the Olympic civilization," organized religious .•.<.wt«iin.(.iit. o f . a seperate ; Bidjan, they will .be provided with menians, the foreign Je-vr will find I non-Jews, received monthly sub-! Pioneer Women. ly finds himself "a marked pf.--participation issue, 'It was point- Jewry in the United States, speakfurniture and oth- a new fatherland *-*•*•--'«-* where -n-v.oT-0 he ho will -will be hf>T!^( OTHnll3 from the Joint Distribu- j An outstanding labor lender in son." nnd becomes proud of t'tt-t ed out that a majority of- the A. requirements. 5.'able to join the common work of tion Committee, Joseph C. Hy- the Holy Land, Mrs. Shitllcwsky A. U, delegates at-the recent conman, secretary of the J. D. C, : has spent many years in buildirp "speck" of Jewishness as he osiU GeVmanyithef "trill also be alloted a plot: my country." . vention did not approve participa- d l of America, issued emigration irom specialized farm training lor it. Hoiv V\'illens solves his i>i'(.>>stated. The French Legal Serv-: nup e r p(?x a n v a s o r i e o f tion, but the votes of sue a affili- assailing "the degradation of the and re-settlement 4n other lands. relief committee in i ^ * h e pion- lem and the various couiitei-iilfi,* ice is the ated bodies as the German-Amer- status' of t h e Jew" in_ Germany Some observers maintain that Sir in a cooperative girls farm interwoven into t lie play ini:V* ^ "that there has not ican sports club swung the vote. and deploring this a povcrful Pncl briUinn \vi*to refugees on passport^ r e s . Herbert SaEUjel's intimate knowl: . c o m p l i e d rlurtjon. The NCJC news service report- been a- sufficiently impressive cry edge of 'conditions in Palestine, dence permits expulsions wortmg ? 3 5 0 p e rfam ny:
Of ^
p a s t f e ww e e k , , i s
report-; Uy act.
To Hear Talk By Palestinian
Council Appeals To Christendom for Reich Jews
ed that Rev. Dr. Charles H. Mc-of horror at what • has taken place vhere he served as High Commis• ' .": • Farland, general secretary emeri- in Germany." ' sioner from 1920 to 1925, will be Signed Samuel Schul- ^ - -n,^^QMi council of gned -by Dy Rabbis luiuuia oaLuuv.. »wu^ tus of tne Federal Churches, had written to t h e man, Elias Margolis and Da^id de helpful to Mm in his new duties, three American members of t h e Sola, Pool, representing Reform, since it is expected that a majorO l p i c Co Internationall Olympic Committee Conservative and Orthodox Jew-|ity of the Jews leaving Germany Weizmann and MizraeM Leaders urging them to read "The Nation- ry, respectively, the manifesto de- '• settled in «»i==«wo Discuss Religious al Socialist Concept of Physical clared that "We know the theory Training" by Dr. Bruno Malitz. that thfere can be no interference Situation . He cited the book as evidence in the internal affairs of a nation, there is that Nazi -principles "violate in but we also- know that unity of the a thing as a "" - •• ' Jerusalem (JTA)—Dr. Chaim spirit and practice both the Olym- such the western moral culture of moral cu Weizmann, president of the world pic and American ideals of sport." Zionist Organization, held a conThe" book nolds that only Ger- world. , Thisv is threatened whereever- any minority Is exposed to ference with leaders of the World mans can be sportsmen i n ; GerTel Aviv (JTA)—"The United Mizrachi". Organization, orthodox , the tyranny and contempt of the many and that politics belong in majority^ We appeal to all that States is the only country, -with to re sports. is best in Western culture and to the exception, of Palestine, -where j iZionist group '-?+„=*! all those who have power and can a Jew can live a completely Jew- |i —•—Among the subjects touched on exert' 'influence to defend the ish life," declared Zvi Hirsch Mas- '
Declares Center of Jewish Life in United States
Earlier Deadline for Next Week's Edition
: Tickets for the production v,~.:.~ i be obtained from any meml"'V n: various Ministeries involved and Mrs. Shidlowsky will leave Im- : tbe cast or at the Center, TVTFU*other administrative bodies. Since the print shop -trill be mediately after the dinner l o r pers of tne Center are entitled ;r closed next Wednesday because Sioux City, but will return to admission on the presentation oi their memtierslur cprd. »f the Xew Year holiday, the Omaha to be a guest here Janudeadline for news articles and ary 10 and 11. j society items for next weet's Here as a representative of the ' issue of the -Press has been adMoatzoth Hepoaloth. sbe is anx- . vanced. . ious t o return -to Palestise ?o as For n e x t week's edition, to aid in the placement oi Ger- 1 please have all c o p y in the man-Jewish children in her colCopenhagen (WNS). — Since Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. For the past eleven years
Train Refugee German Jews As Chalutzim
the spring of 1933. 230 young : ony. has been a member of the Jewish refugees from Germany Cooperative, R have been trained on the chalutJ p r t . f c 1 P m (W' zim farms in Denmark and have ; colony for already men. and i'v has settled a larjre l Apencyi,—Preparatory work gone to Palestine. Anot ol G< -are -BtiU receiving training dollar Shlmshon Cement ru.r>; but ai have been seat to training farms sorb more of them. was reported suspended owinf: u in other countries to serve as the withdrawal nf the prinrinr.; &: meeUiig j m e n t of koshTr food laws in the According to Mrs. J. Kichlin. seeks to brutal group leaders.. Associa- •communal kitchens of the general chairman in charge of the shareboldpyp from abroad, i-n-ti stroy The work of and program, Mrs. Sliul- Melchett wns said to have invps,tion here. Mr. MasHarisfcy recent-. tine- Iiabor Federation, enforce-a s direction of lv came "here from New York to.'; m e n t of Sabbath regulations -in: cChicago ((WNS)—A W N S ) - A new is under under the thedirection c l Benjamin Benjam enthusisstically ed approximately SITS,000 (.'•;..h i c a B 0 new g£ s s ': is ! Jewish National Fund colonies ;t r e a t m e n t to sober up those who :s l o r ? a Palestinian Jew now liv- , ' " ^ ; thus 000 pounds) and Israel M. Si?'.",.. e i ,iVe J He asserted that the basis of; and a proposed government b u d | from too much : Copenhagen. The Danisn: London (JTA)—The possibility h a v e p a s s e d O H t i n g i n T i s i t e d -. . , . _ " ' , _ -SS^^^-f^ Philanthropist, a n . 7,ioiiifi. H e asser ; b I the ^ f J i s h ecclesiastical : l h l i liquors has ; J i h German Relief Fund exe x -t of extending further facilities for i ,,. was listed as Zionist operations m u s t be In t h e ^ get- f o r Jewish ecclesiastical : i m b i b i n g otf alcoholic liquors has i Jewish German Relief * una b u t E 1 B 0 D T all Jewish • leader, the entry of Ger man-Jewish refugroups bought 5,'O.OOP worth of prn;l TJnited S t a t e s , - w h e r e " . t h e center | courts. • : I been developed by t w o . Jewish t e n d e d five dollars per month p e r . eer^x omen D all. Jewish . gees is being investigated by tne i when t h e plans for (he COTIPI'---H are to hear her. of J e w i s h gravity lies. H e cited Dr Weizmann expressed his in- , physicians from Boston,, accord- jn e a d for the refugees to furnish • g ^ invuea ^-, :iion of the cement plant a t AT1;) Palestine Government, it was disM r s . Philip ?,ollotuchen is terest in the religious problems j g a report in the J-ournal of them with health insurance. i n t o ; closed this week by.Colonial Sec- where robbery of a Jew's propJews live in the United and stressed t h e importance ofithP of ' t n e American American Medical Associa- ; travelling expenses and working chairman of the committee which on the Tjydcis-.lprusalem rFii!-Tif retary J. H. Thomas in a written erty went unpunished by a Ger- lion coalition b e t w e e n , t b e Mizrachi j j I clothe= prepare the dinner. Addi- were t o n received reply to a query by Graham I»it- man court vras reported by t h e States. T h e t w o physicians. D r s . L e o n ; T h e Relief F u n d He lauded the support - t h a t and other Zionists. T h e recent is to the general committee in Many leading industrial, prgpniwFrankfurter Zeitung from the the impp'-iJ-'American Jews are giving to Zioncharge include Mrs. J. Feldman tions, including tie. town of DirmassenB in the Rhine Mr. Thomas points out in Ills Chemical Industries in €',:-:^\, ist work in Palestine. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan. ' J. letter that the degree to which district. Britain, were also interested It Solution providing __ ,„,,„„ _ According to t h e account,, an I more refugees m a y be admitted the Shirnshon Cement. Wovks. jservance in farms, factories, BERMCE c e n t oxygen and 10 percent car- | ^ h o n u m b e r 6,000. also -maintain will be determined by the High "Aryan", whose identity was' not nll dIn 8 a D C O l O £ S s u rted fion of th.P chief ir,ypp;.-i-t Kffht A n t i S e m i t i s m u T ? i.' l ^ , P P ° non dioxide is an effective treat' r the. refugees in 1 a S { r a p w t c h e n f o Commissioner for Palestine on the disclosed, aided by relatives, stole r i g m A n u - a e m i u s m ,b y j e v n s h national funds; J>bserv- | m e n t in acute cases of alcoholism. . Copenhagen. the result of P. COT^;*'.!.-•; • RECIPIENT OF The B'nai B'rifh lodge has i basis of the country's-absorptive a cov from a local Jewish cattlethe cement plant spt! ;>-f - i ance of kashruth in the labor kitMiss Bernice Perimeter dealer. The police traced h i m raised 511,000 to send , __ _ _ rara, thp German Trajis':-" Antwerp (WNS)—A society of !c b e n s a n d empowering the Zioncapacity. and hailed him to court for the Jewish children to Palestine and :a.t the Municipal l.niveiEii>. prpvidinp the transfer '-r. Ihristian merchants pledged to ji g t Executive to enforce the reso'Mr. Little had asked Mr. Thom- theft... ; ' V three-week vaca- : the recipient ol two honors of She resourcrs .-.: as if, in view ot t h e continued ombat anti-Semitism in Belgium ! i u t i o n " ~ -• Despite the defendant's confeschil- cently. She was elected to repreGermany pmipr»;;i,s persecution of Jews in Germany, has been organized here. '.*''( dren in Denmark for the last two ; p ? n t the university in the annual ! steps could not be taken immedi- sion, the court refused to convict This unique manifestation of j t 0 'issue of "Who's Who'Among Stu- ' when PnlePtine. DUficulties him. the Shimshon Cement TM^-'• ately to increase Palestine immiTel Aviv (WNS—Palcor Agen- : years good will coincided with an andents in American Colleges,'' and was unable to necept, orf'f-'f A closed session -of the Associa- nouncement by the ministry ofh benefit b f i t of of tt h he e cy)—Special plans f o r bringing I gration for the tion of National Socialist Jurists .he interior that it ^rould amend was also appointed official dele- placed with the Kasvnrj?, b^fs i..<;; Switzerland into closer trade re- i German Jews. has approved a projected law the markets law which endanger©E P f f C C T u r n p P a t e t 0 t h e national convention of thai, would have •conetitu'er- * lations with Palestine in accordESJCi.uULdi rlEiE.L Phi Alpha Theta, national honor- violation of thefltiti-Nfi?.iboy.-1^.:;... completely eliminating the Jews, d the livelihood of 2,000 Jewish ance -with the commercial p a c t Weizmann Proclaims New " I ary history fraternity at. Chatta- However, nepottations have. )I.->.-T. including the war veterans, from peddlers. recently signed by the Jewish nooga. Tenn.. December SO a'n d bepun with p view toward RP;*!.:*Faculties at Hebrew U. law practice in Germany, the The interior ministry acted af- Tryouts for "Ten Nights in a Agency with the Swiss govern- Friday evening. - January SI. Members of t h i s German press reveals. Rabbi Simon Greenberg of Philaing the support of o'her invPKt.-i--j. Bar-Room," the next production ment were made public here. Jerusalem (JTA)—Dr. Chaim delphia will speak at the Beth-El i must have a h'igrh academic The newspaper accounts point ter former Premier Emil Vander- of the Center Players will be held The Palcor Agency learned that snd be especially interested in Weizmann, chairman of t h e out that the law was prepared by velde. Socialist leader, had interI on Sunday afternoon, January 5, Switzerland intends to take great- synagogue Board of Governors of the He- the Nazi Party in close collabora- vened. Rabbi Greenberg is counted as j history er interest in t h e Levant Fair, l a t 2 : S 0a t «.,«r . » , ~ n n . < n . n » < . . , . . . the Center auditorium. of the outstanding younger j Miss Perimeter left. Wednesday, brew University, last week offi- tion with- State officials. which is to be held In Tel Aviv j one raovemeEt j she will return after the" first of :' cially proclaimed establishment ENGLAND PROBES NAZI JThis will be the first presentation of one of the old time melo-| n e xt April, and to extend its rep-Headers of the Zionist Wi(e*«*r of faculties in Nature Study and J Players 1 ik i s W ^ * * , dramas by the Center and reservation at this bi-ennial trade ; in the United States. He pas. TEXTBOOK PROPAGANDA the Dramatic '-Committee ^' " is -mat- exhibition, particularly in the j president of Avukah. the is In Mathematics at a public meetZionist Ins on the university grounds on L o n d o n . (WNS) — this field of machinery. j Youth Federation. At present. »n Tlfibbi David Wire of Mount Scopus. , JEWS Isrp.fl v.'will apenk OP t h e Rr>i;* public school authorities have|»- g j T S e ' l S l o ^ The . „ , .play . . . , - During „ _ _ . the. course of the Lev- i addition tc his duties as Rabbi Dr. "Weizmann also inauguratF< launched an inquiry to f i x r e " ' c a l l s fo r m a n y p a r t s f or men, and ! ant Fair a Swiss week will be ; of ose of the largest synagogues Table of Jewish Youth ed a faculty in Chemical Physics. on Sundry r v eninp, .' Vienna (JTA)—The old Aussponsibility for the unauthorized jth^^ ^ m &UQ fee p l e n t y o f op-1 celebrated in order to cement | in Philadelphia, be is the espeet the Center at S oV nv-1.. ln t h e n o fG e E _ inclusion in the list of s c h o o 1 j _ o r t u I l i t T I o r singers to warble j trade relations between the twoicially appointed advisor to Jew-;M a n I discuss "Jewish. IA students at the University of ; , . ^ > p r a l B a r o n o d e ] g & l a s t e c k p B l d ; New York York ((WX&)—The Feder-j fc of German textbeoks con-, ._ , Gilded ! countries, boo s ;j g <glle n l y aa BBird i r d l in n aa ) j Qnly n e gg O Persnsylvauia. high tribute to t h e bravery of Western Europe." ns the F-f1 al anti-kidnapping law, familiarly talning anti-Semitic speeches by jC a g e " a n d s u c h other well-known | episode in this sevies 01 pi." Rabbi David A. Goldstein, who known as "the Lindbergh law. Nazi Propaganda MinUter Goebdays, ol .lewish life Slip world ov*' was a "Classmate of Rabbi Greenbels and excerpts f r o m Hitler's SeSwm h e t l y ^ t ^ o u r ^ | "S^At^T Excepth** 1 which provides capital punishThese forum scrlcp JUT OP Permht'ei hi Reich berg, s t a t e s t h a t " T h e B e t h - E l ;t^hh8' 8t t . ' tt hhrroonngg e d t h e T e m p l e S y n a berg, ment for kidnappers, w h o ' take autobiography, "M e i n Kempf." everyone interested is urged to be : all the Jewish youth of i\\p synagogue is unusually fortunate I , . assisted ir, the unveiling of Discovery of the books created a their victims across state lines, gc gue present'at that time. fhrT to of Jewish Jewish rp]]ovrmp tile forvi), l t d iJnfln-n a tablet f h thei memory f Berlin (JTA)—Apparently as \ in Having so eloquent and sensation through, ut the countryhas its counterpart in the O l d Prague (WNS-Palcor Agency) the result of unforeseer. d«Ilcul- [ entlal a Rabbi ss RsMn Green- war veterans of the twentieth "V i- be p flpnof in the Center P«I Testament, it is pointed out by —The second winter Maccabiad TO POLITICAL ASH HEAP district. Dr.Mnrmelstein iurn. The dance will he p •" ties which the Nuremberg anti-; berg to occupy Dr. George Luther Clark, profesenns ot the Maccabae World Sports Oraffair, and no flaps wil hr at the ceremony. sor of law at Nuw York Univerganization will take .place, ttpin mitted. Mnsic wilt be turn sity, in his new annotated transBrussels—A 1 1 Jews employed by i h e College Ch'.b o~a:h: February. 18 to 24, 1936, in Ban-lation of the Old Testament. in Brussels' world-famous dia- with Ann Xieman as soloisi ska Bystrica, located in a beautiDr. Clark eites chapters 21 to Word has been received- here refugees was thrown on the iFrick Tuesday decreed that cermond industry will now he able ful mountainous region of C z ^ ash-heap when parliament reject24 of the Book ot Exodus as con- from Los Angeles of the .sudden . ;tain "non-Aryans" may apply dl-| to observe Sabbath ss= a result of chsloyakla. ed a. measure introduced by taining a law similar to the Fnd-death of Betty, Solomon, 16,./af. jrectly to Reich Chancellor Hitler The sports program will include Salociki (TVNS1—Ir an effort the industry's decision to estabter an: illness of only S."hour's. Semitic deputies to establish a a s for exemption from the laws. 6kiing end tobogannlng contests, eral anH-kidnapping law. merous clausus for children of j to capture the bulk of the Jewish lish 8 five-day work week. 6 k g Exodus - says that "he who Betty was the only daughter of d ' «--'-•*—The" decree speemes tnai perw i« _ The five-day week plan v-as put ice-hockey : V nu C ^ ^ ^«. Ice-skating- a n d . an steals a man and either sells him Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Solomon, for- alien parents. mission for such appeal is to be passenger traffic Eastern Europe into effect KP the result of an tournament. ' •:••., e-rant.pd "in extraordinary cases and Palestine, the Soviet authori- agreement between the diamond different or keeps him' in his possession, merly' of Omaha. Mrs. Solomon , \ Candidates of . 15 i,CE COtl workers and the diamond dealers. countries:-have already been en- shall surely be p u t to death," will be remembered as the former. j BwrS Restaurant Blacklists whic his almost identical with the Mo'llie Hirshberg, sister, of Mrs. ' Danzig—Senatrr Boder, chief j ']n&l\{y st3 " c3l exemptions in the in- \ their attitude of opposition to tered in the events, the arrangeZionism and to make important Berlin of the propaganda department of | t e r e s t s o f t n e totalitarian State." ^ ^ i Federal law. Herman Hirshman of- this city. T e l e p h o n e s practieally ments of which are under t h e concessions to Palestine-b o n n d Hitler Youth Organization IT; I. Besides her"-parents, a brother, the Free City,-has' prohibited ex-i priceless in Palestine . . . You've auspices of t h e Czechoslovaks tourists and immigrants, it w a s hibltion of Blacklists citing res-' M twsr 9 flTWFCSFS J | Fred, survives Bettyto have a. drag t h a t , leads attend courses devoted to "••{••' authorities. , Mayor of Berlin Ousted learned here from sources close to :got taurants which are frequented by\»**™Z £ JS.WS.SSS.S A subjects, mciuntnj: including ne iM),^n=» new Soviet Black right up to Buckingham Palace it-.subjects, Berlin—Following h i s recent officials of the fleet. j self in orfier to get one instaUeti. . marriage and cHixonpi\!p Sf.-.v-*.. I BEST-BRESSEB expulsion from the Nazi party be- Mount Carmel Entirely Jewish jjews. Violinist to Palestrae Sea "mercantile —„„„;„„„ rf,, S:TO hpar . . . However, in the last I The announcement EtRt.'.'l "• ro Jerusalem — Historic M o u n t ] " E a c h restaurant," Senator! However Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- cause he had been convicted by P a r i s (WXS) — Two of the Among the concessions planned Te bear jBoder's declared, ~ "to order " " - Jews • "is « • _en-j . _ . world's 20 best-dressed women by the Soviets *re reduced ticket s.x months 1.4C2 instruments leaders of the organization decide whetheare; OO— Word has beetf^ received a party court of patronizing Jew- Carmel and its surroundings titled ; ( . But about; qualify in special esarnitift: here tnat Bronislaw HubermaTin, ish-owned shops, Dr. Heinrich were entirely Jewish this week as to be admitted, but owing to the i are Baroness Eugene" Rothschild i prices" between Odessa and Haifa : have been installed . . lions . and cain a diploma, in racist a result of the purchase of the nenna, and Mrs. John. Mar-! and free rail fare from any point: the" same number o. world-famous violinist, will ar- sahm, mayor of Berlin, resigned in be »b!e to tracts' of Mishor Hacarmel and Is) economic situation of Danzig and j of Vienna l a t e O t t o ; i n P o l a n d . o r t h e ' B a l k a n c o u n t r i e s I f o r p h o n e s h a v e b e e n g a t h e ring |ence "ii Tive inPalestine In January and his office. Jewish cap-. | also the foreign . situation, it isjriott, daughter of the raelin by a group of J p j p o l l o f j t o O d e s s a , t h e h o m e p o r t of t h e d u s t o n t h e m f o r m o r e t h a n t h r e e Ion a l l q u e s t i o n s of Na?.i fIt is generally known, however, probably settle permanently in - — 1'months •~,^.T.-!>,O 'policy." italists for immediate develop- j necessary to avoid coerciTe meas-:H. Kahn, according to a poll of *~\ to Odessa, the that Sahm's resignation was unthe country. Mr. Hubej-mann is a 'nres."T ' _ '" "..". ' tne'leadiiTg. dressmakers of P'arisr* Black" Sea fleet. der compulsion. • - " raent — native of Poland.
**:Z£l. "
Tuesday, December 3 1 .
j Jewish Doctors Find sTo Soter Up
Nazi Court Frees 'Robber of a Jew'
Belgium Christians To
Relations.'With Promoted
Plan Try-Outs for Next Guild Play
't t
Says Kidnapping Law Taken from.OTd Testament
World Jewish Winter Olympics Next February
n i MUS:
irr~: JPAGE
ish mandate and the Jewish home- Egypt. "It is an established fact," land with the aid of Arab extrem- he said, "than an .Arab leader has ists. This, he said, accounts in passed a year traveling between • ••• part for Great Britain's vigorous stand against Italian aggression. Rome and Paler Line, conferring He cited documentary evidence with Fascist leaders, and t h a t that Premier Mussolini h a s de- Mussolini has h a d an agent partment store magnate, boasts signs on Palestine a n d part of among the Arabs in Palestine." tnat he once nought a Chicago department store from five Jews and sold it to seven Scotchmen at a profit . . . E r i c Seelig, the German-Jewish refugee, who is the latest boxing sensation in America, always -visits a rabbi before he goes into the ring . . . Must be good idea because he hasMrs, n't been defeated yet Dionne, mother of the famous quintuplets, has nothing on Mrs. iy PAUL*A! PETERS Minnie Schwartz of Chicago. Mrs. Schwartz gave birth to a baby girl four months ago that weighshort for fanatics ( than the cated only 23 ounces . . . Lena Levy, ABOUT MAX (BLACK ering firm of J. Lyons and Co., sister-manager of Kingfish Levin- SHEEP) NAUMANN . . . There must have been precious an old Jewish house . . . Maybe sky, the boxer, has been committed to an insane asylum . . . The few tears shed over the arrest by the Nazis will use that fact as an bust-up of the United Jewish Ap- the Gestapo of Dr. Max Naumann alibi for^the 3-0 pasting they took peal will be hotly, debated at the and the dissolution of his League January pow-wow of the National of German-Nationalist Jews, the Council of Jewish Welfare Funds so-called Jewish Nazis . . . We MISH-MASH . . . happen to know that shortly beThe Jewish population in Hain St. Louis . . . fore he was booby-hatched as an vana is concentrated on two BACKSTAGE enemy of the State, he was inter- streets . . . The streets are Jesus Francis Lederer, Hollywood viewed at some length by a vet- Maria and Inquisitador . . . Almatinee idol is determined to be- eran American newspaper corre- bert Bein, ex-convict w h o concome filmland's worst dressed ac- spondent stationed in Berlin . . . quered his past and knocked the tor •'. . He hasn't bought a new The interview was never publish- critics for a loop with his play suit in three years, never wears ed, for s o m e reason or other "Let Freedom Ring," had a preneckties, and carried a fountain . . . In it, the baa-baa boy pulled decessor . . . Several years ago a pen in his hip pocket. . . Al Jolson off quite a number of nifties . . . fellow by the name of Urke Nahas made more money out of his He w a s even condescending to chalnik, of Warsaw, after having talents than any other actor in Herr Adolf d e r Scheme, stating spent time in the dungeon, wrote the country . . . His total earnings "Hitler has been able to bring a novel that brought him fame are estimated at §15,000,000 . . '. some good things . . . "And He and many shekels . . . Berl LockIrving Berlin is the telephone had a few words of chastisement er, noted Zionist labor leader, lompany's best customer in Cali- for "the big international finan- who's been spending some time ornia . . . He makes at least two cial Jews," who, he said, "if they in New York on important Ziontranscontinental calls a day . . . have no direct connection w i t h ist matters, was staying at the The world's first Jewish marion- Hitler, have means of getting ad- Barbizon Plaza Hotel . . . Lookette theatre has been established vice to' him, but it is false advice. ing down from his room" one day in. Latvia, but it is being moved They ask him to pour ashes on he noticed a picket parading in :o Palestine next year ; . . The his head, beat his breast and cry, front of the hotel . . . a windowlate David Belasco had a man 'I have sinned.'" . . . Then the cleaner's strike was in progress keep a day and night vigil at the black sheep gave voice to this: . . . Much as he Jlked the room, mausoleum of one of the famous "I believe if I had Hitler on an he told an interviewer, he'd clear producer's daughters for many island for three hours I could ex- out of the hotel at once if invesyears . . . Aline MacMahon, film plain things to him." . . . Per- tigation showed him there w a s star, who in private life is the haps that pious w i s h somehow really" a strike going on . . . At wife of Clarence Stein, the archi- got around to Der Fuehrer and he last reports, he was still at the tect who designed the old Temple decided to give Max the oppor- hotel, the strike evidently having Emanu-El, has gone to Japan to tunity . . . In a concentration been s e t t l e d . . . . According to add to her collection of Oriental camp, instead of an island . . . Leonard Lyons in the New york art . . . Post, Fritz Krelsler has b e e n FOR READERS mum on the Nazi situation beTHE J. D. C. AND cause he has tremendous properNew York's Zionist Club is plan- PUBLICITY . . . ties in Germany which he fears ning the publication -of a series Louis Popkin, who's the tops of pamphlets, the first of which in organizational publicity, a n d would be confiscated if he said so is to contain Prof. Franz Oppen- the Joint Distribution Committee, much as "boo" . . . Fellow by the helmer's lecture on "Race" de- have just been divorced . . . 'Pop* name of Stuart Rogers, staff writlivered at the dinner recently ten- has been handling the publicity er on the Daily News, turned in dered him by the Club . . . We for the J. D. C. off and on for as biased a bit of reporting on the hear that American Jewry is soon about twenty years . . . He has Mecca Temple anti-Olympics ralto have a new monthly journal, been succeeded by Herbert J. ly as could be found in a Nazi to be edited by Stefan Zweig, Dr. Seligmann, formerly with the N. sheet . . . This was his lead . . . Abram Coralnik and Dr. Rudolf Y. State Unemployment. Insur- I "The first 'big gun' in the offenKayser, former editor of "Die ance Administration, and N. C. j sive against American participaNeue Rundschau", which under Belth, formerly of the Brooklyn I tiqn . . . went off . . . with a lot his guidance was Germany's fin- Eagle and more recently publicity of noise, but did little damage to est literary magazine. . . It seems director for the National Council the prospects of Uncle Sam's athletes matching brawn and speed o us that we have been hearing of Jewish Women . . . with the world's best at Berlin of this new monthly off and on next Summer." . . . He goes on to ever since Zweig's visit to these say that the rally proved "only ihores last year—let us hope that SIDELIGHT OX A BIG that John Q. Public as a whole it is actually approaching reali- SOCCER GAME . . . Believe it or not, the 10,000 doesn't give a whoop about zation Nazi rooters who crossed the j Adolph Hitler or whether or not AULD LANG SYNE Rhine and the English Channel the Berlin sportfest will be made Drs. Abram Coralnik and Dim- to h'eil their soccer team in its an instrument for Nazi propagantri Marianoff renewed their ac- majch with the British squad, had da." . . . In other words, Mr. puaintance the other day .Dr. to violate one of t h e cardinal Rogers doesn't agree with his loralnik, as you'should know, is principles of the Nazi party . . . bosses on the paper who write now one of the editors of The N o t to patronize Jewish enter- editorials every other day damnDay, national Jewish daily, while prises . . . There w a s no other ing the Hitler Government and Dr. Marianoff is not only the son- place in London big enough to urging that the U. S. stay away in-law of Mrs. Albert Einstein take care of t h e entire 10,000 from, the' games . . . ~. (now quite ill at Montofiore !ans (and "fans," incidentally, in Hospital, New York—send her a card) but- also leader-of a Jewish aricultural movement . . .Back in 1917-18 the two had quite a run-in in Kiev, Russia, where Marianoff~ was a Soviet commissar and Coralnik head of a Kerensky-ite school . . . But time cures all, and here in New York the two are* the best of pals . . . (Copyright, 1935. by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)" -
PHINEAS J. BIRON POLITICAL POT The New Deal has turned .thumbs down on Governor-Henry Hdrner o£ Illinois. . . .. Roosevelt .leaders in Illinois have informed .the; Governor they will not back "him lor renomination . . But Horner is determined to defy the -Democratic bosses and intends to ''seek reelection . without their shacking . . . Jerome N. Frank, one "of the orginal members of the socalled "Brain Trust", will celebrate the new year by bidding ;farewell to the New Deal . . . He's ^giving up his post as assistant counsel to the railroad division of the RFC to return to private ' law practice . . Washington's newest cocktail, the "Virgin Island," j a credited to Mike Straus, directo r of public relations for the Interior Department Politics may go musical in a big way next year if George Gershwin is serious about his announced intention to tryhis talented hand at politics Did you notice that Dr. Francis E. Townsend, author of the Townsend Plan, wears a Hitler-like ^moustache? . . . Out in St. Louis -'a certain "William Schneider has rorganized the "Moses Wing Organization," which has as its mottto "every man a Moses" and. its •Jgoal guiding of America out of the TWilderness of economic depression . . . : PERSONA T/f A •_>: Elsa Wise, duaghter of Rabbi -Jonah B. Wise, be married in January to Melville Mertzberg "of New York, a baking company -^executive . . . If you want to do "& raitzvah drop a card to Mrs. A. H. Fromenson,1 widow of the late '^Abraham Fromenson, publicity :Tvitard, . who is in Beth Israel "Hospital, in a plaster cast as a
'.result of an accident
•vBelth, a former publicity director of the National Council of "^Jewish Women, is now handling fpres relations for the Joint Dis•tributioi Committee. . . Dr. Jonah •WiEe is up and around again after a siege of illness . . . Judge Jonah ,J. Goldstein is the new president -/of that famous East Sidd alumni ;rgroup, the Grand.Street Boys Association Justice Brandeis brings his lunch from home to rrthe Supreme Court every day . . . S-lt. consists of. two sandwiches made by Mrs. Brandeis Josof ^-Israels, II, son. of the late Mrs. ^Henry Moskowitz, Al Smith's one'-woman brain trust,- has gone his She "was mother one better ;'only . director of publicity for a ^governor and potential president, -?but her son is now "publication ."counsel" to an emperor—Emperor •Haile Selassie . . . Dr. Joseph Ro•ien, head of the Agro-Joint, slipp e d into town without/any fuzz ^ being made about his arrival . . . :ON THE NAZI FROXT Mrs. James P. War bug Is one • of the patronesses for the Olympic j o c k e y and skating trials at Madison. Square Garden on December 30th . . . Proceeds will go to II-" .'nance the American Olympic team •: ; ...... The swastika is boldly disp l a y e d by on© of the leading toy -?stores' on New York's Fifth Aveinue . . . Knut: Hamsun, Norwegian 'jwriter and'winner of the.Nobel •CPrize in literature in 1920,. has returned Nazi.. . . .America's selfstyled Hitler, Heal'ey, is living in *> ritzy New York hotel under the • name of McGillicudy while, wait;'ing word that he has been ap• pointed an assistant, to • Premier ^Gqering of Germany . . . "When the "Nazi fans- attending/ the Anglo- German soccer match in London •went back* to. Germany they took •with them thousands of pounds --of butter . . . Butter is almost un,'-obtainable in Naziland . . . !-POTPOURRI Gordon Selfredge, London de-
An expanding business h a s "caused the Neon Radiant S i g n Company to move its factory and ^-offices.from 24 and Douglas to enlarged quarters at 2036-38 Farnam street. 7 John W. Dorrington, presi- Jj dent and general m a n a g e r , ^points to t h e •increasing number of install-etions of neon "-lights as indicative of t h e growing POPU- J - w - Dorrlngton clarity of his company's work. The Mother officers of the . corporation are: John W> Towle, yice-presi • dent; H. I. Gannett, secretary; W. Stockwell, salesmanager. Among the recent installations V those at the Liggett stores, Suxis Flower,. Metropolitan Drug, •Walgreen Drug, Feltman. and ,Curme, Virginia Cafe, Silk Shop, i Uotel Fontenelle a n d Fontenelle -Drug. 'They also put up the sign If or the new South Omaha bridge, -near the; Deaf, find Dumb institute llln Iowa where the new road cuts ,?off to the bridge.; The Neon Rad\iant Sign5 company has also been - selected by the WestinghousElectric company as the exclusive users of their electrodes in -this territory. " The firm has been in business tiere for eight years. Their phone ,-number is Harney 3400.
mount signed him to a contract and he made a dozen pictures as leading man in plays ranging form heavy drama to light comedy. A year later, he was the great Garbo's leading man in her first feature picture, and then he really arrived. Many prominent roles followed and he rode the crest of the wave until the "talkies" came in. His accent halted his career temporarily, b u t he soon overcame that and attained new fame and popularity. He made two outstanding' films for Warner • Bros.-First National Pictures. Thus, ten years after Paramount signed. him to his first contract, the same studio g a v e him a new one as a. full-fledged star. Cortez was born in Vieima and when he was three years old his family came to New York. STUDIO CHATTER Although Luise Rainer could not speak a word of English when she left Europe for the United States, she could carry on a conversation in English when s h e reached Hollywood . . . Groucho Marx sang as a boy soprano in a Protestant Episcopal church choir . . . The Marx Brothers were given their unusual names by Art Fischer, a monologuist, in Peoria, 111. . . . Norma Shearer has won the distinction of being the only motion picture star to receive twice Photoplay's Gold Medal Award. This is considered one of the finest citations of merit in the film industry . . . Joe Penner has traveled more than 50,000 miles in the show business without leaving the United States . . . Blondes are definitely passe in Hollywood, says LeRoy Prinz. He should know because he is dance director at Paramount and deals in screen beauty. At present he h a s 200 girls working in pictures in production . . . Chico Marx is considered by experts to be one of the finest bridge players in. the country and has written a book on the subject . . . In 1913 the Marx Brothers met a vaudeville actor in Los Angeles and urged him to accept a $100 a week film job that had been offered to him - - he was Charlie Chaplin . . . Paul Muni has returned from his New York vacation, during which he saw the current plays, read several play manuscripts submitted by Broadwav stage producers and visited friends. He showed no interest in the play manuscripts
FOUR IN OXE Al Jolson will be surrounded by three other stars and featured players of the Jewish faith in his next musical film for Warner Brothers Studios. The two noted comics of the New York theatre, Frank Mitchell and Jack pur ant, and Sybil Jason, the new wonder child star, have been engaged for the Jolson screen play. Jolson's stage career really began when he played o n e of a group of children In "Children of the Ghetto," at the Herald Square Theatre, New York. Following this he went into vaudeville and minstrel s^ows. His first real opportunity came in San Francisco just after the earthquake. To make himself heard over the din of the city being rebuilt, he sat on the piano close to the audience to sing—in blackface make-up. The idea caught on and shortly after he was signed for a Broadway appearance. He was the biggest and most successful drawing card the Winter Garden in N. Y. ever had. "His favorite screen role Is one with a Jewish theme, "The Jazz Singer." Jolson, whose real name was As'a Yoelson, and who was the son of a cantor, would like to see "The Jazz Singer" made Into an American grand opera with himself in his role. Jolson's o w n style of "mammy" singing clearly shows traces of the religious chanting which his father performed as a synagogue cantor. Frank Mitchell and Jack Durant were born Michael Freundlich and Jacob Dudwich on N e w York's East Side, where they both attended Talmud Torah and were bar mitzvahed. Mitchell, slightly the elder and considerably t h e smaller of this famous team of acrobatic and knockabout comedians, capitalized on his diminutive stature at the age of 12 by posing as a midget in a vaudeville show. In 1926 he joined the Walter L. Main Circus where he met Durant, who, in a curly blond wig, fooled the public as a daredevil girl acrobat. Between performances, they helped pull trucks and put up the tents, which muscled Durant to the point where Jack Dempsey wanted to b a c k him as a light heavyweight champion. Interspersing appearances in s u c h Broadway successes as SPEAKS BROKEN FRENCH "Hit the Deck," George White's George Seitz, M. G. M. direc"Scandal's" and Earl Carroll's i tor, was making tests for a "Vanities/* with vaudeville tours i French gardener for his next picthroughout t h e country, they ! ture. In each case the applicant vetoed the first motion picture | was asked if he could s p e a k contract offered them in favor of | French. Finally, he came to a the vaudevillian's dream—an en- i small German. "Speak French?" gagement at The Palace Theatre I inquired the Jewish director. In New York, and performances in "Veil, yes. broken," c a m e the London and Paris music halls. reply. Mitchell and Durant are now under contract to 20th Century— "SLAPSIE MAX1E" Motion picture and other celebFox Studios. rities of the Jewish faith are very CORTEZ' RISE TO FAME much in the news this week here •Ricardo Cortez really secured I in Hollywood. First to crash the his start in the theatre as an ac- ! headlines—and with a triple antor wien he answered an ad for | nouncement at that—was Maxie extras at a Fort Lee, N. J., stu- ! Rosenbloom's news of his engagedio. He arrived there three hours ! ment to an eastern heiress, his ahead of time and obtained the i retirement from the boxing ring job. More extra parts followed. He | January 1 and his debut in mowas-so earnest and hard-working I tion pictures. Maxie, former lightthat he was chosen to do "bits," heavyweight champion of t h e small parts, next. In 1923 Para- world, has been signed for an im-
ture executive, has been chosen portant role in an RKO-Radio pic- by Nicholas M. Schenck and Louis ture. B. Mayer to take charge of Met"I like acting bolter than ro-Goldwyn - M a y e r productions fighting, anyway," pays Maxie. "I abroad, Tho appointment crystal* prefer comedy parts, but here I \\?.r-r- plans for European producam cast in the rolfc of s Kanpstcr." tion, particularly in England, anRoser.bloom, whow: unorthodox 'notmcpd pome time ago. Goetz ia but effective, ciyi^ of n;iUing v/on to PP. ii for London in about two him the title r,f "<-;Ui;mie Max," will umloubU:.''1y earn hi* ftudio One of the best known figures pay, judciiuc fr<,ra tht: action in in t h r motion picture industry, various Hctxiw- filfi.i.*-(l for lihu. fiocfz has M e n executive viceGROOM ICO FtMi KTAU£M>M prfpiriprt of the Consolidated ; Attract'.vf. Jinn; Tri. v in is one of y\x yout:j: i!.r:!rf;;'S'f^ officially Film Industries, Inc., for the last desiKiuiifd \<«};,,y by \V;;rtKT Bros.11 years. Previously he was an Studios OK i,u>.rW?. of IT'S". Thisofficial of the Erbograph Laboram<:;ariF! Mint, durir:;: t h i r-rrninr tory, -which was merged with Conyear f;hc v/111 !m fivr-n important solidated. "While no definite announceleading roW'B and groomed f o r stardom. MJrK Travir; IR the- so- ment is forthcoming as to t h e cially prominent dzuurhUrr of Har- pictures to be made by MGM in ry Grabinrr, vicr'-prnfificnt a n d the foreign field, officials indippneral manager of thf; Chicago cated to us that there were definWhite Sox btif-fjball team, She has ite plans for considerable producj u s t finisher! a role zz leading ; tion, not only in London, but in lady for James Cagney, the Yid- other European cities. dish-speaking Irishman, and Pat |A BABY COLONEL O'Brien in an RKO film. | The youngest Kentucky colonel Also in the news (spotlight this I on record is a Jewish baby and week is Paul Muni and his newest | he lives in Hollywood. This we film based on a French scientist's j learned with t h e announcement life. Both were accorded an im- j of Governor Ruby Lafoon of Kenpressive tribute by the Academy j tucky that he has appointed Harof Motion Picture Arts and Sci- 1 ry Joe Brown, Jr., as an aide on ences at a banquet f o r H. G. Wells and Charles Chaplin. Muni i his staff. The official papers have already been signed, sealed was the guest of honor. and delivered. The new colonel, LOTS OF MONEY TO SPEXD Attention: Advertising Mana- j son of the noted Hollywood film gers of English-Jewish newspap- : producer and Sally Eilere, Uniers. Paramount P i c t u r e s is jversal movie star, is 18 months launching a national advertising j old. Colonel Brown has not yet campaign covering the expendi- | been measured his his uniform. ture of more than half a million dollars in the newspapers of this country during the first quarter of 19SG. Newspaper advertising is the most effective selling aid the motion picture studios have, in the opinion of Neil F. Agnew, vice-president in charge of. sales for Paramount Pictures, w h o made this news public at t h e company's semi-annual sales convention- in t h e Drake^Hotel in Chicago. Joe Pennef and Sylvia Sidney are starred in two of the eight Paramount pictures to be advertised in this campaign. MGM PICTURES IX ENGLAND Ben Goetz, pioneer motion picIKSUEEO CABS
FEAR OF REVOLT SAVING HITLER, STATES YLADEK New York (JTA)—The only thing that keeps Reichsfuehrer Hitler in power in Germany is the fear of a Communist revolt, declared B: C, Vladeck, general manager of the Jewish Daily Forward and president of the American ORT, in an interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on his arrival from Europe last week. Mr. Vladeck, who visited Germany, P o l a n d , Czechoslovakia, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia and France on' his seven weeks tour, declared that the continent is horrified by the re'cent Nazi "ghetto laws." , .. He predicted that Hitlerism would•* not last long because ,of economic circumstances w h i c h "will obliterate even the most fanatical loyalty." The downfall of Hitler will result from an alliance of the middle class and . the Socialists, he said. "The only thing lacking for the overthrow of Hitler," he continued, "is a constructive program. The Fourth Reich is' going to be a union of labor and the middle classes based on equality and democracy." --..•-• ._ Mr. Vladeck visited ORT colonies r a n d trade schools whiler in Europe. "I come b a c k to this country,',' he said, "eager to do my part in the S500.000 American ORT campaign." Jacob Fishman, editor of the Jewish Morning Journal, who also arrived on the Lafayettt, said Palestine Jews fear an attempt by Mussolini to overthrow" the Brit-
Where. Qmaha Shop* with Confidence
Hirsch, head of the ReichsvertreStar of the Silver Screen . . . . the boy had been receiving ten SCTEXTIFJC PROOF tung der Deutschen Juflen, the Maybe Hollywood will be of- cents a week. He had informed Borah: TChrU. mrilces yon FP.'1" representative body of the Gerfering the aged Mayor DizengofI the Rabbi's wife that he was mak-that chemistry is s Jewish sciman Jews, made the front page of Tel Aviv character roles soon ing good use of the money and ence? when he was arrested for signing . . . . In a film depicting Palestine she could not understand why lie Zornh: I have conclusive evia Yom Kippur manifesto read in history of the past few decades, should all of a sudden deprive dence for this contention, T 1>. r all German synagogues. the Mayor plays the role of the himself of his earnings. first discoverer oi chemical knovThe Italo-Ethiopian war introfounder of the first all-Jewish The following Sabbath the boyledge must, have been a Jew, fn~ duced to world fame General city . . . . He is shown first as he was asked to explain his absence when you look r.f. the initials til Rudolfo Graziani, the Italian Jew- By the Service Life Insurance apeared twenty-five years ago, a the preceding week. the four most important CIIPTHV ish general commanding t h e midle-aged inan sporting a musCompany, Omaha "I'm sorry I couldn't come." cal elements, namely, Carbon. By BERNARD POSTAL southern front in Ethiopia, where tache and beard and then as he is said the boy, "but I had to go to ,Oxygen, Hydrogen aiid Nitrogen, today, clean-shaven . . . . The film schul with my papa to deliver my you c a n notice immeditely thai, In this year-end survey of the as the most exciting dramatist of tation of all the oil, gold, silver, Mussolini's forces have made their During the span o flife, most new Jewish, personalities of the year, Odets became a "bigand mineral deposits in Ethiopia, greatest progress. Georges Man- men are able to purchase suffici- is an all-Hebrew talkie . . . . Bar Mitzvah address." they spell COHK. 1035, Mr. Postal makes his an- name" not only because his plays an announcement that made him del, minister of communications ent life insurance to cover the . . . . Just to keep the record nual selections for the gallery won acclaim in the theatre, but a figure of world-wide importance in every French cabinet during customary necessities. They will -we learn that Dr. MauroJ^ new Jewish, faces.—Editor because they created ^public con-in view of the Italo-Ethiopian 1935, and a veteran of French do this because they want to straight, ice J. Karpf •will not visit Biropolitics, entered t h e gallery of troversy throughout the country, war. new Jewish faces by virtue of themake i t possible for their famil- Bid j an after all . . . . if: One of the primary axioms of by stirring social protest without ies to continue on without having Last year the sporting world's if19S5, Jewish Telegraphic Journalism is that names make arousing charges of propaganda. contributions to the gallery of fact that France excepts him toto be financially dependent for (Copjrig-ht, Agency, Inc.) be the next premier because he is news: .the "bigger the name the for One of the most vigorous perJewish faces were H e n r y the only leader acceptable to both the necessities of life. if bigger the news. Frequently, how- sonalities among the new Jewish new THE SHABBOS GOY Rather than scrimp and save Greenberg, the baseball star, and ever, men and /women -who arefaces of 1935 is Maurice Levin, Mas Baer, world's heavyweight Left and Bight wings. Emanuel' The Rabbi's wife "was greatly not -what the press calls "big who won dual fame by his strik- champion. I n 1935 Greenberg re- Shinwell's sensational defeat of to meet the payments, life insur- surprised that the blond Irish boy names", make big -news. No daying achievements in the business tained his place on the front page former Prime Minister Ramsay ance should be considered the did not show up on a certain Satpasses but that some hitherto ob- world and in Jewish philanthropy. while Baer became a has-b e e n. MacDonald in the British Parlia- greatest method of keeping t h e urday morning. He had been t h e scure person flashes into head- As president of Hearn's Depart- The Jewish newcomers to 1935's mentary elections stamped him aswolf from the door.. Shabbos goy of this East S i d e one of the coming political figline prominence overnight by vir-ment Store in New York he be-sporting family for the past two years, atLife insurance enables a man front page were Helene ures in England. No stranger to 'tue of one event, dead • or "word. came the talk the country by con-Mayer and tending to t h e stove regularly and Er.ic Seelig. Miss MayOf course many of those momen- verting a virtually bankrupt bus- er has been in the limelight since fame, Franz Werfel clinched his to fulfill his place in the home taking care of other things which A Quality Product for Seasoning" tarily catapulted to fame or no-iness into t h e most progressive 192S, when she won the women's place among the new Jewish faces and make his dependents financi- observant Jews dare n o t do on toriety are quickly forgotten as and unique department store in fencing crown in the Olympic of 1935 by the phenomenal dra- ally independent after he is gone. the holy Sabbath. For his matic work, "The Eternal Road," their contribution to the news of the country. At the sams time he of that year but in 1935shortly to be produced by Mai the day becomes a newspaper succeeded in galvanizing Jewish Games she achieved international prom- Reinhardt. Henri Bodenheimer, clipping and ia buried away in fund-raising efforts by his unique- inence for the first time as a re-world president of the ORT, is a newspaper morgues. But some of ly successful achievements in beof the question which arose real newcomer to the front page, the newcomers do remain in thehalf of the Jewish National Fund sult over whether Germany would in- because it was not until he visitglare of publicity, and by retain- and Yeshiva College. vite h e r to join t h e German ed this country in 1935 that the ing their hold on public interest Committee and whether Jewish public learned of his William Rosenwald and James Olympic become "big names" in the sense she would accept the invitation achievements in Europe in behalf that they have ' important news Marshall, the sons of Julius Roand if extended. Eric See- of ORT. value. Any newspaper reader can senwald and Louis Marshall, re- when lig, Who was exiled from Gerlist several dozen people whose spectively, are included among many after being stripped of his names were unknown in 1934, but the new Jewish faces of 1935 be- title as A well-to-do American Jew who Germany's light-heavywho through some happening in cause they made their public weight champion, had spent many years in a small replaces M a x 1935 became and remained front debut, so to speak, during t h e Baer as the most important town moved to the city and was f new page figures. In a year studded past year. As one of the national Jewish personality in boxing be- made chairman of the ritual com•with events of major import to co-chairmen of the United Jew- cause of his successful record in mittee of a large synagogue. BeThursday... the Semi-Annnal the Jewish people, 1935 yielded ish Appeal, young Rosenwald, the this country. fore the High Holy Days" it was quite a crop of Jewish newcomers youngest son of the famous philhis duty to engage a cantor. When anthropist, appeared in many Overseas the number of n e w the transaction was completed the to the front page. parts of the country in behalf of Jewish personalities was even Turning back to the history of German-Jewish relief and Pales- more meagre than in the United latter inquired: "How about a shofar?" the outgoing years reveals that tine reconstruction. He also be- States. Notwithstanding the phenthe dominating personalities of came active in the work of theomenal progress of Palestine, the "My chauffeur?" replied t h e the Jewish scene remained un- Joint Distribution Committee, to only really important Jewish new- Jew. "Why, I haven't a n y . I changed for the most part. Not which his father gave so many comer to the front page in that drive the old bus myself." is many new figures arose to chal- millions. Young Marshall, w h o country was Dr. Hugo Bergmann, lenge the prestige of the old had previously made a name for the new rector of the Hebrew uniMARK LEON WRITES IS •names. that have made Jewish himself as campaign manager for versity, who climaxed a lifetime IS THRIFT-UFE-FIRE nistory for a generation or more. Mayor La Guardia in 1933 andof Zionist service by becoming the In fact, , INSURANCE ot Every In a year of unprecedented Jewish as a member of t h e executive administrative head of the famous In keeping with our policy to clways show new and fresh stocks . . . and not carry over goods Type - . Strong Reliable tragedy, no really dynamic and committee of the American Jew- institution on Mount Scopus, The oi any 1mA from season to season . . . . we oiler our regular lines of fine suits and overcoats at Companies, ONLY colorful Jewish personality emerg- ish Committee, continued h i s tragedy of German Jewry w a s real close-out prices, even in the face of advancing prices of woolen clothing'of the better grades ed as a leader of his people. The climb toward-the top when he equally unproductive of new Jew- City nuance & Insurance Co. . . . these reductions are most outstanding. really important new Jewish faces was appointed to the New York ish leaders, although Dr. O t t o A T 7667 - 1409 FARNAM . W A 515Q of 1935 were not in the field of City board of education and the Jewish service but in the broader city charter commission. spheres of business, sports, literaJustine Wise Tulin, daughter ture and politics. The following, to make it certain and swift in the opinion of the writer, are of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, belongs (Established those Jews who, by virtue of their among the new Jewish faces of achievements during 1935, de- 1935 because' during this year she was appointed judge of the New OMAHA serve recognition as the new York domestic relations court, the Jewish faces of 1935: Phone Ja. judge of that rank in Hugo'..Bergman, rector . of theyoungest the entire country, and the first Hebrew "University; Henri Bodenin New York State to be ieimer, world president of the woman given a court position more notOKT; .Magistrate Louis[.-By Brod- able than-fhat Amazing Offers That Challenge Comparison xrf city inagistrate. Bky; LeoVy. Chertbkypromoter 1- As the vice-president of. the New Three Great Assortments of Rndolfo Graziani, Italian.general York Times, Arthur Hays SulzOtto Hirsch, chairman of the berger, son of the late Cyrus-SulzReichsvertretung der Deutschen berger, avoided the limelight, but Juden; Maurice Levin, depart-. could not escape it when the ' ment store magnate; George "Man- he death of his father-in-law, Adolph Our entire stock divided into three groups . . , not a coat del, French minister of commun- S. Ochs, made him (Sulzberger) reserved . . . Balxnaccans, Ulsters, Raglans, and Street Coats, ications; James Marshall, mem- publisher the New York Times, ber of the New York City board a positionofwhich.; Double breasteds . . . plain and velvet collar coats . . . All entitles him to of education; Helene Mayer, fenc- a place in the gallery of new Jewgo at these Clearance pricesl ing champion; Clifford •• Odets, ish faces. playwright; William RosehvcaSl, GROUP TWO GROUP ONE Louis B. Brodsky and Leo Y. philanthropist; Eric Seelig,rb3xef; Chertok are the perfect examples Hress Styles, 'Raglans, UlAll Coats Sold Regularly Emanuel Shinwell, member "y?f of people previously unknown to sters and Boucles, Sold all front 27*50 to $30. Now British Parliament; Arthur Hays Season from 37*50 to $45 Sulzberger, publisher;. Justine tame who become internationally VrlceaWise Tulin, jurist; Franz "Werfel, renowned by one utterance or playwright; David Wflentz, at- deed. Magistrate Brodsky was a liberal attorney who had been a torney-general of New Jersey* New York magistrate for several With the exception of Franz but beyond the confines of Werf el, all of the names included years, New York he had attracted no 1—38.40 Zero Disin this list were virtually ununtil his n e w historic No.tillate 7c Gal. known to most Jews before 1935. attention opinion that the swastika was a Some of them did enjoy fame in pirate's emblem made him an in- No. 2—32.36 Zero Gas Oil 65£c Gal. GROUP THREE a small /Way, but none had ever figure and the subject No. 3—28.30 Zero Fuel made the front page in the literal ternational All Coats Regularly of diplomatic correspondence beOil 6i/2c Gal. or figurative sense of the term. tween Berlin and Washington. 555 to $65 The list includes people from the Chertok was an obscure promoter United States, Great Britain, with no claim to fame before he Italy, Austria, France and GerCome Early the world last September many. It also -contains the names startled by announcing that he had an exfor Vest of two women. Among the "new Jewish faces" are two who areclusive concession for the exploiSelections! the sons of men who were "big names" in the Jewish world throughout thir lives, one who is Croup three includes Rogers Peet and imported the daughter of a "big name" in coats . . . Ulsters, Raglans, and Velvet collar coats. Jewish life and another who is the son-in-law of a "big name". How many of these 18 will be "big names" so far as Jews are concerned in 1936 remains a Sensational Discounts question, but for 1935 they are the new Jewish faces. In the United States the most Made in important Jewish newcomer to the front page, was unquestionably dapper, youngish David T. At Three Greatly Medueed Prices! Wilentz, who, by virtue of the fact that he was attorney-general of the state of New Jersey, had GROUP TWO GROUP ONE the spotlight thrown on him as the chief prosecutor of Bruno Richard Hauptman, convicted . murderer and kidnapper of the Lindbergh baby. Prior to the sensational Hauptman trial, Wtlentz was unknown outside of New Jersey, although he had a brilliant Suits of better grade Worsteds, Men's and Young Men's Suits in record as an attorney. As a reGabardines, Twists, Unfinished all models, colors and patterns. sult of his key role in the HauptWools, Worsteds, Tweeds and Worsteds. Sports models. All sites mann case he has become as well Cashmeres. Regularly priced $30 included, up to SO. Every suit in known as the principals of that WESTINGHOUSE LICENSEE and $35.. this lot sold for $35to$401 cause • celebre, and therefore unquestionably belongs among the new Jewish faces of 1935. It is rather unusual for a playAmong America's Finest axd Oldest Mesnd'TtMmred Suits Arc Those fry wright, especially a new playwright, to become a national sensation overnight, but that's-exactFormerly 24th and Douglas Sts. ly what Clifford Odets did to crash the front pages in 1935. .• . These Sold Formerly at $55. $§§ and "Not since Eugene O'Neill set the critics shouting hosannas m o r e Handmade, custom tailored suits, the finest made suits, we believe, • than a decade ago has Broadway in America. Men who nsaaHy pay tailors $100 for clotkeg vrili apacclaimed a new playwiight with The Original Meon Plant in Nebraska preciate these at Clearance Ssle Prices . . . Choice such encomiums as greeted Odets Browning King—Mmn Floor after the presentation of his We Invite You to Visit Our New Modern Sign Plant "Awake and Sing" and Ms two one-act play3 "Waiting for Lefty" and "Till the Day I Die," Hailed
Names in in 1935
Suits and Overcoats W1NT
ew Location!
rgssrgg5rgg;srgfe^ss*;it5?: rrrc^gr-^^rcs;^
^ T ^
THE JEWISH PRESS ; Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
family in San Francisco of; his dream of buying this land at the top of the world. The Sehlosses interested Senator Cole of California, who died a few years ago at the age of 105. Senator Cole sponsored the purchase,- got Secretary of State interested. Before he died the Senator told me how Goldstone was really responsible for Alaska's purchase and I have seen his letters to the same effect. Seward was given credit for the purchase because of his vanity. The Congressional Record for those days, which I have read, reveals the story."
tourist trade than it now enjoys. Whistling in Hebrew lastest cultural development . . . We don't know Hebrew, but we've been whistling in Hebrew for the last fifty years . (Copyrig-ht, 1935. by Seven Arts Feature, Syndicate)
I chaeological find to be made this Palestine Diggers 'year. GEMS OF THE BIBLE Last May archives with Hebrew Unearth Ossuaries inscriptions AND TALMUI) corroborating t h e Bible during the period of the By O. O. DASHER Of Centuries Back Kingdom of Judah were uncov-
ered in the. ancient city of Tel Behold now, I have opened my Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- Adduveir by a British archaeolo- S u b s c r i p t i o n Price, one year . - - - - I2.0Q mouth my tongue hath spoken in cy)—Ossuaries dating b a c k to gical expedition headed by J. L. | Advertising rates furnished on application. my mouth my words shall utter several centuries before the deI Starker. the uprightness of my h£art and struction til Jerusalem, and bear- \ _ Editorial Office: 5 0 0 Brandeia Theater Building. By Dr. Theodore N, Lewis, that which my lips know they ing Hebrew inscriptions recalling , Sioux City Olfice-'Jewish Community Center shall speak sincerely. j the nomenclature of the New Tes- i N E W JERSEY MEMBER OF Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Surely thou hast spoken in my ! tament. have just been uncovered : "JEHOVAH'S W I T N E S S E S " Sioux City DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor hearing and I h a v e heard the I in a number of tombs in caves on i CHARGED W . T H INCITING' FRANK Jt, ACKERMAN - - - - - - • "" Editor voice of thy words. I am clean j a hill and slopes in the Valley of il-IATE AGAINST JEWS AND FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent We have always maintained that whatever we in this coun- THE CHURCH AGAINST THEwithout transgression. I am inj Kedron outside the old city of ! CATHOLICS . . . Poor Jehovah— ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent WORLD nocent neither is there iniquity in I Jerusalem, it was learned by thewhat sins are committed in Thy try do to show up the Nazi regime in Germany in its, proper '••• ; print Shop Address:.4504 So. 24tb Street ^ light is not antagonistic to the real German people aa we have By Xelbuhr, Panck a n d Sillier. me. ! name. j Pfilcor Agency. ! Wlllet Clark and Company. 156 j Dr. Eliezer Sukenik, professor In a dream, in a vision of the SEATTLE JEW'S V7ILL FORknown them but is instead doing what they would ask us to dopages. Price $1.50. night, w h e n deep sleep lalleth j of Archaology at the Hebrew Uni- j BIDS EXECUTORS TO PAY BEwere they not afeared of their lives. .The Nazi government has Dissatisfaction with the current upon men in slumbering upon the | versity of Jerusalem, who h a isQUESTS TO RELATIVES IN status of organized religion Is bed, then He openeth the ears o£ j been conducting an exploration of GERMANY UNTIL NAZI REofficially stated that there are still hundreds in Germany who The Jewish answer to the British proposal of a legislative widespread. Its enemies delight men and by their chastisement ! the ancient necropolis of Jerusa- GIME IS OUSTED . . . Right— I lem for many years in order to why support the anti-Semitic cfttticouncilin -Palestine was - - as expected - - a polite but nonethe- are secretly undermining the Hitler regime and that it will take in branding it as opium, as a nar-sealeth the decree. ' Its friends are disappointed ; shed light on the burial customs ipaign through taxes? If thou hast anything to say less firm "no." Dr. Chaim Weizmann, world Zionist leader, was years to eradicate all the opposition. As Dr. Frank Bonn, econ- cotic. with its paet performances a n d answer me. Speak, for I desire of tlie children of Israel, told the omist who recently returned from Germany, asserted "There is U. S. NOT INDIFFERENT TO the Jewish spokesman who let the government know definitely agitated over its future. to justify, if n o t ' h e a r k e n j Palcor Agency that the ossuaries I R E L I G I O T S PERSECUTION not a single man or woman in Germany who can whisper a proIn this small and valuable book thou unto me hold thy peace and j were contained in well-kept caves What our reply was. | ABROAD B U T WON'T INTERthree devout and intellectually I will teach tlaee wisdom. in which were also found speci- | FERE, ROOSEVELT T E L L S At the present writing it ia expected that the Arab answer test . against Hitler and live." honest religious leaders analyze mens of pottery used as funerary CATHOLICS . . . Which iss anothWhatever the opposition in Germany does, it must do silentTALMUD will also be in the negative, though they may switch from their with a frankness and truthfulness Rabbi Elazar once became sick. ornaments. ly. In this country, however, there is no necessity for such er way of saying "we can't afford that are both amazing and grati- Rabbi Jochanan came to visit him previous attitude and support the legislative council as their The ossuaries bore such in- to be just." silence. And so to substantiate the views we have expressed fying the basic ills of organized and saw that he was sleeping in scriptions in Hebrew and Greek most expedient political avenue. Should the legislative council METHODIST BISHOPS' CONreligion. Since the authors a r e a gloomy room. Whereupon Rab- as "Martha, daughter of Annias, the German-American League for Culture, an organization be formally adopted for Palestine despite the opposition, then FERENCE HEARS RABBI F O R Christians, they direct their rigMariam (showing t h e proper Jochanan uncovered bis own FIRST TIME . . . Another sympthe Jewish people should and in all probability will abstain representing 100,000 anti-Nazi German. Americans, sponsored a orous criticisms against Christian- bi arm and immediately the room spelling of the name in those | torn that America is juat In re^ large anti-Nazi demonstration meeting in New York to show the ity and the Church. The stric- grew brighter (because; he wastimes), Salome, Jonathan, Simon, from taking part in council. Under the proposed set-up, the tures, however, are as valid for, very handsome). Rabbi Jochanan etc." similar to those mentioned i Iigious good-will. Arabs would have twice as many on the council as the Jewish country that not all German-Americans are Nazis. This was the and apply with equal cogeny to, then noticed t h a t Rabbi Elazar in the New Testament. Remark- j SOUTH AM ERICA first anti-Nazi German Day ever held in the United States, and people. With-such a disproportionate .representation, it is obIsrael and the Synagogue. was weeping. "Why art t h o uably w e l l preserved skeletons j ECUADOR GRANTS 120,000 In. the first chapter, "The Cri-weeping?" asked Rabbi Jochanan, were found in several of the os| ACRES FOR JEWISH REFUGEE vious that Jewish progress would be stifled. Judging from the will do much to bolster anti-Hitler sentiment among the Germansis of Religion," Wilhelm Pauck, "Is it because thou hast cot learn- suaries. This important archaeo- COLONY . . . But who will finance surface, one might say that such representation is justified, con- Americans in the country. Professor of Church History at ed sufficiently of the Torah? Be- logical discovery is expected to their coming? The atmosphere prevailing at the meeting can best be ex-the sidering how many more Arabs there are in the country than Chicago Theological Seminlight on the racial probpressed by the statement of Ernest Lee Jahncke, former assist- ary, defines the crisis as "the con-hold we are taught in a Mishnah throw lems of the Jews of that period, Jews.', ' . • " - . • no matter whether o n"e offers ant Secretary of the Navy and member of the International Olym- viction of many of our contemporaccording to Dr. Sukenik, w h o But, this is only a surface viewpoint. Going deeper, we find pic Committee and scion of a German-American family: "The aries that man can lead the good much or little only the intentions J said that the Hebrew University of his heart shall countfor the Dealer in Jewish Books and that neither the Moslems nor the Turks could make Palestine present German regime does not typify the spirit of Germany life without believing in God."sake of Heaven. Is it because you I intends to undertake antbxopoThe respectable a n d widespread Other Hcligious Articles ! logical measurements with special productive. Jewish financing, Jewish initiative, Jewish industry, nor represent the spirit of the German people." atheism of our day has adopted a are in need and poor? Don't you | instruments that were purchased Jewish labor, Jewish manpower and planning transformed Palmodern nomenclature, e. g., mod-know that not everyone is lucky recently. 2429 Decito We 3527 ernism, secularism, etc. The newto have both riches and'wisdom. estine from barren rock, to blossoming groves, made an oasis out Excellently preserved in the 1 .lust received 8 supply Chanuterminology does not, however, Is it because of trouble from your original reddish brown pigments kah articles: Chanukahof candles of a desert, and brought prosperity while chaos enveloped the children? -You are not the only change the essential character of candlesticks, very beauHfu! with which they were painted two and brasa and silver plate. Also. Chanrest of the world. This constructive Jewish progress is the reacontemporary atheism.> T h e au-one who has trouble. Look, here thousand years ago, the ossuaries ukah Even if they do not abound in intelligence, we must admit thor greeting; cards. Anyone buyrecognizes that God has de-is a sign of my tenth son whom | are decorated with rosettes, flow- Ing: any of the a.bove mentioned arson why the Arabs - - attracted by.the high wages and rising that the anti-Semites of Greece have plenty of "chutzpah." RepI have buried." "I weep," said ticles will fret a Htory of Chanuparted not only from the street, kah in English and Jewish •with standard of living - - flocked into Palestine to take advantage resentatives of Venizelos, whose party is responsible for most but from t h e Church. Modern Rabbi Elazar to him, "for that ers and geometrical designs. Benedictions find Hymns of Chandiscovery of the ossuaries ukah ABSOLUTELY FREE. of the Jewish-inspired prosperity. To the Jewish, people solely of the anti-Semitism that exists in Greece, approached the Jew- man, even when he affirms belief beauty which will decay in theis The the second extraordinary arthe Deity, does not take the earth." "For that," said Rabbi belongs credit for the phenomenal growth -in Palestine, and itish leaders in Saloniki with the proposal that if the Jewish people in affirmation seriously. A more de- Jochanan, "You really ought to would be obviously unfair as well as costly to "kill the goose will support them, they will end their anti-Jewish agitation. weep," and both wept. "Do you structive atheism Is n o t to be We are prepared to offer Qmaharas love the afflictions?" Rabbi Jochfound. that laid the golden egg." Yet that is what would happen should The proposal does not even unmask the cheapness of the anan asked him. " I love neither The second chapter, by Francis the Moslems overwhelm the legislative council in Palestine. Par- anti-Semites, since we already were fully aware of their caliber. Chairman of World Stu- them nor their rewards," answerticularly is this true .when we consider the fact that the Arab And we would have been sorely disappointed if the Jewish com- Miller, dent Christian Federation, though ed Rabbi Elazar. "Then give me for the Holidays in Various Assortments politicians have shown by their previous actions that they are munity had not rejected the insulting offer. You cannot trust a addressed primarily to American your hand." Rabbi Elazar did so made especially for gifts was m a d e well by Rabbi not interested in what happens to their fellow-Arabs. but are rattlesnake, and any individual who will fan the flames of reli- Protestants, is, like the rest of the and Jochanan. volume, richly applicable to all GET OUR PRICES ON ALL KINDS OF interested only in furthering their own personal power and gious or racial hatred in order to serve a political or financial religious groups. It embodies a Rabbi Zutia said, "The chief NUTS AND FANCY BOX CANDY glory, though it be directly at the expense of their people through purpose belongs in the rattlesnake category. passionate protest against mili- merit for observing a fast day is tant nationalism, against the en-to give charity." Whom they climbed to power. ALBERT slavement of organized religion KAPLAN'S L'ooking at the situation from the British point of view, we to the State. Religion, to be wor- Those advertisers who use the thy of the name, must be univer- columns of the Jewish Press de106 So. 18th St. have the feeling that they are sidestepping an issue once more. Elks Olnb Bidg. salistic, must rise above the petty serve and merit your patronage. Countries where enlightment is frowned upon should pay They have consistently followed a vacillating policy in Palesnational loyalties and the crimtine, evading problems and shifting burdens. They: seem to for-heed to the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of theinal divisions that set races and get, conveniently, the Balfour declaration of November 2, I{)i7, United States, who in a recent address upon acceptance of ancreeds against one another. The dangerous loyalty of modand the pledge therein that "His Majesty's Government view, honorary degree from Notre Dame sharply rebuked religious per- most ern, man is nationalism which has with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home secution such as is practiced in Germany, and Mexico today when rightly been called "man's other for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facili- he pleaded with the nations of the world to follow the great torch religion." The State demands from Us citizens a reverence, an tate the achievement of this object." The establishment of aof religious freedom and tolerance held aloft by the United States. allegiance, a n d an obedience The president said that "there can be no true national line which God alone can claim. Belegislative council on the basis proposed by the British government is not our idea of facilitating the establishment in Pales- either within a nation itself or between that nation and other cause religion has become nationidentified with the culture nations unless there be the specific acknowledgment of and the alized, tine of a national home for the Jewish people. ot each country, the universally support of organized law to the rights of man. In the conflicts •valid truths which it must teach of policies and of political systems which the world witnesses to- have been shifted into the background, completely forgotten. In-» day, the United States has held forth for its own guidance and stead being the master of the Next Tuesday evening we ring in another new secular year.. for the guidance of other nations, if they will accept it, this great State, of religion has become t h e When we as Jewish people close the books for the year and make torch of .liberty, of human thought, liberty of conscience. We handmaid, & docile a n d subserour inventory, we will write the results in red ink , . . not thewill never lower it. We will never permit, if we can help it, thevient tool.
German-American Spirit
Legislative Council
Insulting Proposal
•i i%
i! 11-. \ 5
President's Sentiments
As shown in ESQUIRE
Hart Schaffrier &L Marx
A New Year
red of paper losses but the red of agonized blood. light to grow dim. Rather through every means legitimately withThe thesis of the third chapter, As Jewish individuals, we feel keenly the lot of our breth- in our power and our office we will seek to increase that light written by Professor H. Richard ren. The pendulum of time is swinging backward at the mo- that its rays may extend the further; that its glory may be seen Neibuhr, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics »t Yale, is that ment, and while we have patiently waited for it to come to a even from afar. Every indication of the sanctity of these rights "the Church is In bondage to caphalt and start its swing upward, we have waited in vain. The at home, every prayer that other nations may accept them, is anitalism," Organised religion is lessons of the year should teach us that we cannot place too much indication of how virile, how living they are in the heart of every definitely and irrevocably committed to our present capitalistic ortrust in nature to quickly end the backward slide of the pendu- true American." der of society. The principal »uplum . . . we must by our aid help nature in starting it forward. porters of our religious and educational institutions a r e those The ills of the Jewish people in such countries as Germany who have greatly prospered under and Poland are linked to the general sickness to which present economic arrangements, A long-felt need wan met Tuesday evening when the first They enjoy vested privileges, inas a whole has succumbed. Eruptive political and economic results are found whenever times are bad, making the populace Palestine radio station was officially opened. From our point of herited rights and unfair advantages. Their continued support Is prey to any whim which will serve as an outlet for their pent-up view, the most important feature of the broadcasting will be theconditioned upon the acceptance discrimination of news. . emotions. The death-like hand of threatened starvation or econThe government is laying emphasis upon news broadcasts. of orthodox economics by the omic travail make a whole people lose its balance and vent their The broadcasts will be in.language which anyone could under- Church and its authorities, upon approval of the status quo. The unbalanced wrath upon a helpless minority. stand. It will reach into the homes of the most ignorant and 'pillars' of Synagogue and Church In countries like the United States and England, the spec- illiterate Arab fellah, and in this is its prime importance. One of forget that true religion m u s t champion the oppressed, the extbr has not been so foreboding. And until general prosperity the great evils thus far has been the case with which false and ploited, the poor and the downreturns to the world we in these countries must do out utmost dangerous rumors spread through the Arab populace.; Among trodden; that religious teacherB . . . not only by relieving the distressed and helping reconstruct the illiterate peasantry, rumors have spread like wildfire, without have suffered and died for the their lives through financial assistance by also helping direct any other means of communication to combat it. The slightest liberation of the masses IT ova. darkness and injustice. They igpublic opinion to the flagrant violation of human decency by such incident becomes so magnified after fanciful repetition, that it nore and resent the insistent debarbaric movements as nazism and thus hastening the day when takes little to make these Arab peasants believe a Jewish menace claration of contemporary relibigotry and intolerance and ignorance will be dethroned. The is threatening. The new station, however, will in all probability gious teachers that our present order is unethical, Inhuman and pendulum may move slowly, but its course upward is inevitable. deal a lethal blow to rumor-spreading by giving complete and ungodly. Religion must either convert its supporters to" the BIN impartial .news broadcasts in understandable language.
lorma.l Clothes
Radioing News
ceselty of a Just social system based upon abundance instead of Scholarships should know no ra-scarcity, or repudiate them. It It makes no material difference in American history whether cial or religious discrimination, must choose between serving God but should recognize ability alone. and serving Mammon. Seward or a Jewish individual named Jack Goldstone was reEUROPE v sponsible for the purchase of Alaska by the United States. But The superb truths embodied 000 Greek Anti-Semites seek Jewish the knowledge of Jewish contribution to. the purchase of this votes In elections ; . . When it here ' in logical a n d terse forpays, anti-Semitism takes a holi- mulas, constitute an inescapable valuable United States possession is worthy of addition to the challenge to the Church and the day. service rendered our country by Jewish patriots. 536 German-Jewish refugees Synagogue. Only by meeting it To quote J. E. Ballaine, the sourdough who founded Seward, NORTH AMERICA trained as Chalutzim in Denmark courageously and without evasion Mount -Verndn Rabbi leads light will religion vindicate its authorAlaska, and built the" Northland's first railroad as well as served to remove pan on Christmas Carols , , .And this Nazi hate helps build ity and claims, give the lie to its the Jewish national homeland. as secretary to the State of Washington's third governor, a Jew- . . . Right! Real reifgion knows Christian nurses study Yiddish enemies who traduce and viliify ish fur trader by the name ef Jack Goldstone was responsible no • sectarianism . to get Jobs in Warsaw hospital . . it, and justify the hopes and faith Northland pioneers cites eviWhy the amazement? Yiddish Is of its friends. for ,the United States purchase of Alaska. SayB Ballaine: "I dence that Jew was responsible Jby more than six millions have positive proof that a Jew was responsible for the most for IX. 3, purchase of Alaska , : , . spoken throughout the •world. WINNERS fortunate purchase ever made inAmerican history - • the sale Which despite the cold Is not one Sir Herbert Samuel to be named RHODES Swarthmore, Pa.—Two of the teiiiand eight times the sizes of the State of Washington for of the frozen assets of the U. S.league of nations refugee ;. com- 38 students awarded R h o d e s these days . . $7J2.00,000, a* land;which has" yielded $650,000,000 in gold alone New England synagogue sets missioner . . . We predict that he scholarships are Jews, it was rew.on't accept the job even if it'sported here by the office of the Bince the Klondike rush and other* millions in fish and fur. In precedent by joining ; Zionist or-offered him. Aisaerican secretary to the Rhodes the days of the'Civil War, when Alaska was a wild land inhabV ganization . . . A non-Jew would PALESTEVE trustees. The two Jewish winners not understand this headline—he Holy Land bars divorces to non« were Walter Rostow of New Havited'bnly by Indians and a few Russian trappers, Goldstone, rea-^ thinks every Jew is a Zionist. citizens'. V . But as the Reno of en, from Yale University; a n d Using the richness of the land and fearful that the Hudson Bay America leaves $1,000,000 for the Near East Palestine could peric Nu»fe*vm of Santa Fe, New Yale scholarships open only to trades would get Alaska as British territory, told the Sebtoss bare developed &a even finer Mexico, from Harvard University. Christian Anglo-Saxon students . •
Looking Back at History
Footnotes to
Fashion magazines everywhere tell of the first major change in yews In men's formal great vogue for the new color1—Midnight- clothes. Hart Schaffner * Marx were quick Blue—in formal clothes. By daylight the blue is apparent, bet nnier srtsfical light, t« sense the new trend, and have produced where evening clothes are always worm, the for us formal clothes new ta design mi fine blue becomes the smartest, blackest ef all In workmanship, which we show s»fi you will felscks—a black that is fvll of life. It's the wear with pride,
BAB MTTZVAH Volunteers LEAGUE GROUP ASKS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turkel anRome—While the Italian presB [ounce the Bar Mitsvab of their AID FOR REFUGEES was attacking Great Britain for on; Ralph, Saturday, January 4, converting Palestine into a militt the B'nai Israel synagogue at By HELEN ZIGMONDVienna <JTA)—The Executive ary base in alleged violation of :Sth and Chicago streets. A l l Committee of the Austrian League the Palestine Mandate, Premier Hollywood—We • often imagine years "thin"fcs it will be per( riends and relatives are cordialof Nations society lias addressed Mussolini publicly t h a n k e d a that fabulous salaries for actoralmanent!' He is in Hollywood, be Beth-El ly invited. to attend, No cards an argent request to the British fn-oup of Hungarian Jewish stuhad never been before the heyday says, not of it! Students home on college vahave been issued. of Hollywood . . . but the famous cations are especially Invited to ! League Society to launch a cam- dents studying in Italian univeri paign for arousing the conscience Eitieg v h o had volunteered for team of Gallagher and Shean, at Mali's rarietgated career in- attend the services toaigbt. Mr. j of the world and of the League service is, the Italian a r m y in GUESTS FROM SlOUJt CITY their zenith, earned eight to tencluded Irvin Levin, a delegate to the A. jobs u cook, miner, bantMr. and Mrs. H. Sol Novitsky i thousand dollars a week. ZiegEthiopia. U. convention, "will give a brief In favor of the German Jews. and daughter, Lois and Gloria, of feld paid t h e m $2,500 in theer, fisherman, teamster, mer- A. The Executive, meeting under address, "Fight Against Nazism chant, bar tender, mail carrier, Sioux City* are guests in Omaha "Follies" . . . at the same time a Olyiapic Games." Rabbi David I the chairmanship ot Ambassador SPECIALIST MOVES TO this week. They are visiting with picture company paid them 53,- ship's engineer, cameraman, ac- in SIMONS-EPSTEIN GolfiBtein will Bjeafe en "A Chal- 1 Pursb&, elso asked the British BOMrB. Novitsky'a mother, Mrs. M. 500 . . . and private entertain- tor. Now be aims to be a crooner. lenge ENGAGEMENT to Jewish College Etu- j ciety to deroamj that no German PALESTINE Chuck Rieaner'B family has cot iross, and her sister, Mrs. George ments for the Goulds, the VanderI refugees be expelled but rather be Jerusalem—Dr. Emil M a y of Earlier Deadline for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Epstein andents." Gaspar. ! afforded opportunities for em-Bad Nauheim, lamoue heart Bpebilts, and such, netted them fif- a "telent." He is «. top-notch dinounce the engagement of their After the services the congrehis son, Dean, is & fullNext Week's teen hundred to twenty-five hun- rector • ployment, and to influence Brit- cialiRl End veteran. Zionist leader, daughter, Evelyn, to Ben Simons, fledged screen actor hia fath- gation is invited to a Sabbath ten j Bin to permit a larger number of has arrived in Palestine with the dred an evening. Often they reEdition eon of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Simons. TO PRACTICE MEDICINE jives by the women of the auxiler is a, well-known poet tad novceived three thousand for singing intention of Bfi Ko definite date .has been set for elist in Hungary . . . his nieces, iary, students will be guests of Jews to enter Palestine without Since the print shop will be seven verses at a Bocial function. capital. the wedding. Dr. Arthur M. Greene, eon of Mary Ann a n d Carolyn Mason, honor. The British nation mill t h u s The official announcement was closed next Wednesday because Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene, will 'And I've got just $1.75 left," acted in Shirley Temple's latest, Next Friday creni&r, Rabbi I earn the thanks . of the civilized IT WILL PAT TOU made at a cocktail party at the of the New Tear holiday, the return to Omaha to practice-about sighs Shean with mock sadness. Goldstein will speak on "Coals of And us theueh that weren't world," the resolution concluded. He's a dapper little beau bnra- enough. Chuck is scribing & book Firt." To Coiustslt Epstein residence,' Tuesday eve- deadline for news articles and January 1, 1936. Dr. Greene society items for next week's mel, is Mr, Shean . . . a bit of & on child psychology. ning, December 24, preceding the issue been in Chicago at the Michael of the Press has been adKappa Tan dance. Reese Hospital where he was lo- gay Lothario, too . . . a natty Blmchlut 9f Jtwhk vanced. cated for the past two and one- dresser . . . wears his white hair When buying For n e x t week's edition, half years in medical and surgi- n a semi-bob effect that remindi Jack Benny s a y s , "A HollyFriday •v«ninr will be Students Compners KASOf-GINSBURG DIAMONDS please have all c o p y in the wood cocktail is a swimming Berlin—A blacklist of Jewish Nifht. The following will apeak MARRIAGE cal service as well as tumor and one of the old "Music Master" . . . to the student gneats: Russel composers and musicians dating WEDDING RINGS The marriage of M i s s Leona Jewish Press office by B p, m. cancer work with Dr. Max Cut- has twinkling brown eyes w i t h with an actor in it!" Tuesday, December 31. wrinkles of shrewdness about the Blutnenthal, "Jud»aim Through back to 17S0 has been i s s u e d WATCHES - SILVERWABB ler, radiologist. Ginaburg, daughter of Mr. a n d brow . . . a flat nose . . . He looks the Eyes of the Tounr Profession- here under the title "Jewish Mu- and GIFT .TEWELEY Mrs. Abraham Ginsburg, to Mr. Cautious Georgie Jeaael! He Irish . . . his name (he claims it's arrived early at the studio t h e al Man"; Rebecca Kirshenbium, sical ABC." Harold Kosin, son of Mr. Samuel ZEINER-BLUMENTHAIi RETURN FROM CHICAGO The pamphlet aims, acording the original) sounds Irish . . . has Kasin of Chicago, will take place ENGAGEMENT morning. The rate-man re- •Being a Jew, Is It Worthwhile?'; Mrs. Richard Bpiegal and herbeen taken for an Irishman most other Fanny Witkin, "Grundyism or to the German press reports of Sunday noon, December 29, at the marked, "Fine d a y we're havMr. and Mrs. David Blumenthal but he's a German in'!" George muttered, ""I don't Judaism"; and Sidney Neveleff, i it, "to help cembat the Jewish Paxton Hotel. Rabbi David Wice announce t h e engagement of young daughter, Arlene Joy, have of his life 'and a darned good one!' know yet will perform the ceremony in thetheir daughter, Esther, to Emil returned from a two week's stay Jew the boss hasn't ar- "The Jewish Student Away From ! cultural bolshevism of German i Home." music." presence of the immediate family Bloch Zelner, son of Mr. and Mrs. in Chicago where they attended he declares. Was born in Dorn- rived!" Isidore Mittleman will chant and out-of-town guests. A dinner Jacob Zeirier of Des Molnes. Mr. the wedding of Mrs. Splegal'B sis- um, Germany . . . his father, a ter-in-law, Bonnie Spiegal, to Al will be held immediately after. Eddie Cantor, Sidney Skolsky, the services. A reception and for- JEWS WILL BUILD ICE Zeiner has -made his h o m e in Kaiman, both former Omabans. traveling magician and his mothhad orthodox a n d Norman Taurog, hypochon- um will be held after the services. Out-oMown guests, who will ar- Omaha for the past two years. No Mr. and Mrs. Kaiman are spend- er, a harpist Saturday moraine Rabbi Har- FACTORY AT EL AKABA upbringing . . . Hebrew, Bar Mits- driacs of the first rank, were havrive for the occasion are Mr. Sam definite date has been set for the ing the winter in Florida. Jerusalem ( J T A ) — A Jewish old Berger will speak at the B'nai vah has forgotten most of it ing a cheerful chat. Cantor comnel Kasin, Misa Freddy Resin and wedding. company has botained the rer- i now, but attends Temple. i plained of a headache; Skolsky Israel,synagogue in Yiddieh. Mrs. Frank Abrahams, sisters. of Sunday morning at 9 o'clock mission of the TraEBjordaB GOT- ; His parents were also the had a toothache; and Tauroc w«s TO CHICAGO the groom, Mrs. Rose Joffee, Mr. KAHN-MEYER | «rnment to bulid an ice factory \ the regular father and BOS sergrandparents of the Marx brothMiss Kalah Franklin left Tues» happy to admit that he felt aa b&d and Mrs. Charles Helberg, MTB. Mrs. Charles Cohen announces and a sardine packing plant at vices will be held. ers . . . Bhow business is in their day morning for Chicago where as usual. One suggested that they Sophie Blumenthal and daughter, the engagement of her sister, Miss El Bkaba, port on the Red See,, blood . . . Shean wrote the first SALE A" VOUR she will visit relatives and friends. visit a doctor. "Fin«!" said BkolRita Ann. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen. Ruth Meyer of this city, to Mr. it was learned here this week. sketch the Maries ever appeared She plans to return in two weeks. sky, "And low blood-pressure Mr. and Mrs. Ginsburg will re- Donald Kahn, son of Mrs. Edith Temple Israel Work on the projects is expectin . . , he himself began in vaude- pays!" FRUIT STAND ceive their friends in the evening Kahn pf Ventura, Calif. M i s s This evening will be a Youth's ied to be started Bhortlr. ville at the age of 18 . . . first from 6 to 9 o'clock, in honor of Meyer will leave in the near fu- VISITHf G WTH PARENTS Service. Mrs. Bella Pevaner will Bernard Chapman, a student at teamed with Gallagher in 191$ Film Fluff: the bridal couple, at the home of ture for California where t h e address the young people; B u d Jewish Press Advertisers merit . . . last appearance together In Luise Rainer it going "Garbo" Slosburg of the trniversity of Netheir children, Mr. and MrB. Wil- marriage will take place. T h e the University of Illinois, Is spend- 1925. Gallagher has since died, Tour patronage. ing the holidays with his parents, . . . refuses to look a camera in liam E. Joffe, 4315 California St. date has not been definitely set. but the "Juniors," Gallagher's the eye except on the Bets. Patsy braska and Robert Rose&feld, of Mr. and Mrs. Max Chapman. The .couple will reside in Chison and Shean's son, carry on . . . Ruth Miller -will listen to t h ethe University of Iowa, will have LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE cago. they broadcast over N.B.C. using wedding bells again. Gloria Bios- charge of the reading ef the serFOR HOLIDAYS Mrs. Jules Shapiro entertained Richard Hiller, who holds a some of the old team's set up, and dell, Joan's slater, is acting in a vice; members ef t h e College FRIEDMAJJ-BAUMER twelve guests at luncheon a n d Club will serve as ushers a n d MisB Rose Baumer, daughter of bridge at her home Friday, De- position in hir father's Mason with success. New York stage production, Max hostesses at the reception to be It was Shean who wrote the Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Baumer, be- cember 20, in honor of her cous- City, Iowa, office, is spending the Factor'a premiere for his elegant gives after the services. All young came the bride of Philip Fried- in, Mrs. Morris Shapiro, formerly holidays with his parents, Mr. and music to the famous song . , . new beauty saloa lasted f*r, farpeople are Invited to attend. says the whole idea jUBt came to into the night . . . and your inviman Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. of New York. Mrs. Shapiro used Mrs. Louis Hiller. EatunSay moruiag services will him in a flash . . . together t h s m. at the home of Rabbi Harold a centerpiece of amber and blue tation was BO large it practically begin at 10.-SO, partners wrote hundreds of verses Berger. candles. • filled a room BO matter where The religions school will conCouncil of Jewish Women . . . today it is still being publish- you T h e bride wore an afternoon placed it. vene again ca January 6, 18S6. The board meeting of the Coun- ed with about f o u r (selected) dress of^blue and a white hat feat- VISITORS HERE verses . . . Shean continues to recil, of Jewish Women next Monnring a veil. Her flowera were George Bnrss: Gracie, let's Beses Heiges AH The MiBEes Eva Ivner and day at 1:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. ceive royalties. gardenias. have a eereal for breakfast tor Edythe Fineberg of Sioux City are is to be open to all members of Nowadays he goes in for charJPraba — Government support Miss Barbara Baumer, sister of visiting with MiBB Dorothy Zolloa change." the Council, Mrs. Manuel Grodinfor proposals to help Germanprefers picture acter comedy the bride, was her only attendant. tuchen during the holidays. Many 'Music in the Grade: "George, if a short Jewish refugees ii Chechoslovakia work to stage She wore a blue afternoon dress affairs are being planned for thesky, president, announces. There will be no luncheon or Air" was his first feature . . . story isn't good enough for break- was pledged by Dr. Eduard Benes, also and a blue hat to match. Her guests. program. Slide, Nellie, Slide," h i s latest fast, I'll stop cooking for you," Minister for Foreign Affairs. I flowere were talisman roses. The regular business routine flicker. In spite of his woeful The pledge was given to Deputy! Harry Friedman. Berved his Hadassah Come again. will be followed to acquaint the tale of the dollar seventy-five, he Dr. Angelo Goldstein in a con-i brother aB best man. general membership with the far-sightedly salted away those (Copyright, 1885, J*wirt» At the last meeting of the Omaferenee with Dr. Benes d u r i n g ] Agency. Inc.) A reception" was held from 4 board's procedure. palmy days. Has one Bon and one whleh the refugee question was; p. in. to lQ.p. m. at the Baumer ha chapter of Hadasaah held Mon grandson . . . has been married Jewiih Press advertisers merit discussed. home, .After a short t T l p the day. December 23, Mrs. David A. The-next meeting of the nutricouple will make their home here 'Goldstein gave a report of the tion class will be held January 8, to the same wife for nearly forty your patronageHadassah a n n u a l convention which she attended In Cleveland at the home of Mrs. Leo Milder, month. She explained in de- with MrB. Hymie P. Milder as coYoung Jewish Girls Club last tail the "Youth Aliyah" move- hostess. A new club to be known as the ment which is a project to help Young Jewish Girls club has been salvage the juveniles of Europe organized. The first meeting was and settle them In t h e Jewish Licenses Withdrawn Bucharest — After agitation in held Sunday, December 22, at the Homeland. This project is being home of Frances Berg. After the adopted by HadaBsab aB its nex the anti-Semitic press, licensee business meeting the girls played great project. In addition t h e were withdrawn from eighty*one bunco. Lillian Pollay won t h e great value -of educational a n d Jewish people's banks throughout prlje. cultural programs were stressed Rumania. The agitation was conducted on The new officers are Betty at the convention In order to acthe ground that the Jewa intendKtiklin, president; DoriB Pln quaint every Jewish woman in Tits, secretary; Frances Berg America with the importance o ed to buy up Rumanian peasants' &BTON. 07 Pound 29c treasurer; and Lillian Pollay, re- HadaBsah work and as a means lands. porter. of continuing their sympathy and 2 Pounds 56c support for the magnificent work Volunteer for Ethiopian of restoring to wanderers a per- Army A. Z. A. 100 A. Z. A. No. 100 will h o l d manent role in life through the Jerusalem—-A number of Pertheir next meeting and election settlement of Palestine. sian Jews after an unsuccessful WHHT2 EO-BA cr of officers Sunday, December 29 Mr. and Mrs. Al Flnfcle enter attempt to enter Palestine nave at the J. C. C. at 2:30 o'clock. Al tained with piano duets of Span- volunteered in the Ethiopian aralepha are urged to attend. ish, Russian apd American muBic. my, it was reported here from The chapter Is planning to at- • Mrs, Irvin Levin, Medical Fund Turkey. French room Crepes . . . Wools . . . and Knits . . . that you'll wear tend services at the B'nai Israel chairman, reports that drawing synagogue this evening. tickets are Belling fast, There are AIL spring... are offered at big savings! still many who have not arranged HOIWRED BY FU1LAUD Jerusalem (WN0-Palcor Agen tor their "Give of Get," they are VALUES TO $25 asked to communicate with MrB. ey)-—Saul TBchernlchowsky, famLevin if they are in a quandary ous Hebrew poet, has received the la Clearance at • medal of the Order of the White as to bow to raise their quota. Rose from Finland. «jr tfn. David ES. VAWJES TO $39J5 The sixty-year old p o e t was : , .. RECIPES Pioneer Women la Cluraace a t . . . . . . * made a Commander of the Order jCheose jmd Green Pepper Souffle The Pioneer Women sponsored by the Finnish Government two VALUES T O $ 6 9 J S Take 3 tablespoons butter, 3 a Chanukah celebration at t h emonths ago for translating into tabhwpoons flour, % cup soft Jewish' Community Center last Hebrew the greater part of FinE DUMO ! B Clemranee a t . . . . . . . bread crumbs, 1 cup milk, 1 tea- Saturday evening, with a larg land's classic, Kalivala. spoon baking powder, 1 cup grat- attendance present.BUBSIAN IMFOETED ed American cheese, 3 tablespoons Mrs. J . Feldman gave a report FOOTNOTES TO HEADLINES . - . chopped green pepper, % tea-' 200 PERSIAN JEWS IN TURon the year's" activities, which Bpoon salt, 8 eggs. showed a.successful program car- KEY VOLUNTEER FOR ETHIOMelt the butter and add green ried out through the cooperation PIAN ARMY , . . Jews are ready pepper. Cook 1 minute and add ot the members. Herman Mayer- to fight on all fronts. NAZIS TEY MAYOR OF BER flour sng seasonings and grad- owich s»re musical selections, a.e Drastic reductions on our quality fur c o a t s . . . bring these three big its* ... ually uie milk. Stir in the cheese, companies by Gertrude Oruch al LIN FOR BUYING FROM JEWS Tiiue groups! Buy on CONVENIENT TERMS, ernmba and baking powder. Add the piano. J. Morgenstern gave . . . . Ha deserves capital punishtht beaten yolks and whites whip- an inspiring talk on Chanukah. ment - - - he never paid his bills J E W S CHARGED W J T H ped etiff. Bake in a butter bak- Mrs. J. Hasnilclt presided. Ho. fca; «i»h set in pan of hot water The organization's annual ba- BOOSTING GERMAN EXPORTS iblmetl to TO LITHUANIA . . . Jew* In Ger.tor 30 minutes at S75 degrees. SUKHS1! zaar will be held Sunday, Decem. ber 20, at the tabor Lyceum. The many are charged w 1 t h being Sr«wfi II EA2LY JUNE TJntwnal rilled CooUlea affair will begin at 9 6. m, and Jews find no lawyer can e a v e lUil to them. 1 cup butter, 3 CUPB brown last all day long, ending with 18 JEWS ELECTED TO NEW HUNTS IBAKB tujttr, 3 eggs, 4% caps flour, 1 musical program, E , "pt" III B R I T I S H PARLIAMENT . . Utapoon cinnamon, % teaspoon elng, accompanied by bis No. 2% Cast And how Mosley is burning up. te soda H teaspoon salt. ter. Cream butter, add sugar gradThe public Is Invited. Admis- PALESTINE Ha. POLICE PROHIBIT A N T I ually *nd blend well. Add beaten sion Is free, Many excellent arHITLER DEMONSTRATION . . ., SWEET egg. Slit dour once. Measure ticles will be sold. A rather strange edict for the inand lilt twice with cinnamon, habitants of t h e Jewish Homeeoua ana salt. Add gradually to Ladies Free loan land. . mixture toeatlfls "well. Chiu dough' The Ladies Free Loan society HEBREW PRESS OPPOSES DWfle flough In 2 parts soa roll Coat prices skshed! Savings arc so great it will pay you to buy oat each- piece l a repfanguHsr will not have their monthly meet- SOVIET SHIPS IN PALESTINE ing on Wednesday, January 1, fce» TRADE . . . . Stupid • when one shape 1-3 toeft tftick. Spread with now tot Rest season . . . if you don*t need a new one just now. considers that Palestine is dealfilling roll up tightly like a jelly causo ot New Years. ing with the Nasits. roll. Wrap tolls in wax paper VALUES TO $49.95 (Copyright, 1936, by Seven Arts and place In refrigerator to chill. Workmen Circle 173 .feature Syndicate) •} mg* ^.^—.... it , , Slice in cricleo end bake 15 a i n Branch 173 of the Workmen' utes at 875 degrees; Circle will celebrate their SBt VALUK W I T I J S FILLING. ?0 dates, % cupanniversary Friday. December 27 •ugar, % eup wi.ter, 1 cup chop- at 8 p. m., at the Labor Lyceum I i Clesnsst i t « . . . , . . • Jemthaa APPHS, lias _ 2.1f ped walnuts. Stone the dates and A muBlcal program has been ar chop. Cpc-k all ingredients to- ranged. Refreshments will hi VAtOES TO 1 1 1 0 MIXED NUTS, Di,•.„ gether to :. smooth panto Btirring served. All members, their faro I s Oesrsse® s t . . . . . . Extra Lsrf@ Diara®s| Braid WJsits, Hi. lie occasionally about live minutes. iliea and friends are cordially In Cool and spread on dough, -. vitfid t o attend.- - •
Apparel Clearance
FAHCAKE FLOUI 31/2 L B . P K G . 2 3 c
Kitcki Chats-
24 Lb. 1.15
French Room Dresses
Bottle 12J/2
48 Lb. 2.19
.......... Qt.37c .. -,QL49c
28c 35c
Fine Fur Coats
BULK OLIVES •«»"««»•"
Winter Coats
0EAMGE5, Sfa.~
BOXING Joe Louis, Detroit, contender for the heavyweight boxing championship.
TENNIS Wilmer Allison of Texas, winner of the National Tennis championship.
MILNE KIN—Mrs. Frederica Milne, mother of Caleb Milne, 4th, kidnap victim found bound and gagged in a ditch near Doylestown, Pa., on her way to her son's bedside in Doylestown hospital. With her is her 16-year-old son Aubrey, who accompanied his mother on her hurried trip from Philadelphia. Alvin Karpis, gunman, was reported to have led the kidnapers.
• t
WRESTLING Danno CMahoney, "Irish Whip," heavyweight championship claimant.
RACING Wayne Wright, Jockey, of Rexi burg, Idaho, who rode 186 winners."
TENNIS '' Helen Wills Moody, Californian, who won women's title at Wimbledon.
THREE DH5 IN SCHOOL BUS—A view of the wreck In which-four school children were killed when a New York-bound train crashed into it near Holbrook, Long Island. The bus was taking the children to school for their last day of study before the Christmas holidays. One of the dead children boarded the bus about 50 feet from the crossing. Tae driver and three others were seriously injured.
TRACK Jesse Owens, Ohio State University, who set three new world records.
WORLD COURT—Manley Ottmer Hudson, Bemis professor of international law at Harvard University Law School, who has been nominated for one of the judgships on the World Court, as successor to former Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg, resigned. The League of Nations will hold its election in Geneva in September, 1936.
BASEBALL" Mickey Cochrane, catcher-manager of world champion Detroit Tigers.
GOLF W. Lawson Little, Californian, British and U. S. amateur champion.
READY FOR OPENING—Speaker of the House Joseph W. Byrns of Tennessee at his desk in his reconditioned office in Washington, as he took up preliminaries for the opening of Congress on January 3. He had recently returned from a trip to the Orient with VicePresident Garner, during which they were present at the inauguration of President Quezon of the Philippines.
WITNESS—One of the last persons known to have seen Thelma Todd, screen comme,dienne, alive before her tragic death in Hollywood was Ernie Peters, above, Hollywood chauffeur. Peters drove her to her cafe in Hollywood and saw her climb the steps of a hill beside it. Later she was found dead in a garage.
-f •
TODD FAITHFULS PAT LAST RESPECTS—A'long- line of friends and film followers file past the casket of Thelma Todd,. film star, who was found dead of monoxide poisoning. Many of them wept openly when they viewed the movie beauty lying in state in a Los Angeles mortuary chapel, as above. ANOTHER BARRTMORE ACTS—Diana Ban-j'more, left, 14year-old daughter of John Barrymore and Michael Strange, his second wife, as she rehearsed her role as one of the Three Wise Men,with Jane Shaw and Carol Case in preparation for the Christmas play at Norwalk, Conn., High. School.
CHAMPION TROTTER—Greyhound, owned by E. J: Baker of St. Charles, 111., the champion trotting horse of 1935, shown with the veteran jockey, Sep Paliri, at Goshen, N. Y., where the horse won the Hambletonian. Greyhound earned $26,712.52 in the year, winning eight races and losing none.
BEARDED MUSSOLINI—Vittorio (left) and Bruno—the latter sporting a newly sprouted beard—represent their famous, father in active flying service on the Ethiopian front; They appeared thus on the field at Asmara, during General de Bono's leave-taking fierijmpnlea'
GETTING INTO SHAPE—Three members of Harvard University's varsity polo team put in some early work at the Commonwealth Armory in Boston for the forthcoming season. They are, left to right,.TownsendWinmiii, Captain Edward Oerry,an<L!^kiddy''yon.Steade1 allol New York, and an . hard-riding polo enthusiasts, • '" "" :'' ~ ' ""* . •
TO RESIGN—Washington advices have it that Professor Rexford G. Tugwell, Under Secretary of Agriculture and Resettlement Administrator, expects to resign after the beginning of the new year. Whether he will become American observer at Geneva or go back to his professorial chair at Columbia is a question. In any event, it is said, he is determined to get out.
IT'S A MAGNET—-Loading -a four-ton magnet pole piece on a truck to be shipped to Columbia University as part of a complete giant experimental 'magnet being sent the institution from the Naval Radio Station at Annapolis, M&. Picture shows the transfer from train to truck in New York City. United Ncwspfcircrca.
l ^
M. PaTsasztucz. lender of t h man of Yorkville and Harry Jung, | Che J. T. A., who maQe Long John prompting . . in appreciation of the clean and FORTUNE GOES TO WORK \ Lei OH "Ecsy' pogrom gang, received one yea true gentlemanly sportsmanship OH THE AXTI-SE5HTES . . . vigilante organizer extraordinary js i ] v e r a n d t n e o t i ! e r Treasure Is- •what's happened to old Reuben Warsaw — Seventeen anti-Sem- in prison. displayed on the J. C. C. court. Fortune, the magazine that of Chicago . . . The author, a Miss j i a n a e rs speak Yiddish, has made Weisman, the first prompter in i t e s o n t r i a ] f o r t h e i r p a r t i n . t h e The J. C. C. physical department costs a young fortune to buy, isBoth, is drawing heavily on ma- ] Benjamin the Third speak Engthe history of the Yiddish stage r •, headed by Lee Grossman is de- doing a series on the Jews and terial that appeared in the late-; ijgj Wins Sweepstakes—Dies Collaborating with Eva In addition to having serving of many thanks and con- their foes . . . Among the Amer- lamented Jewish Daily Bulletin |D o D k i n , he's turned out a trans- j • ;;J e T s were killed, scores injured, W a r s a w — T h e shock of winninfc gratulations for the way in which ican foes the series will run are . . . Now^the tycoons who r e a d ; l a t i o n o f t h e famous Mendele's | a prompter, Weisman translated ; a n d damage done to Jewish approximately 550,000 in a lott has handled the opening of the old, old friends George H. Chris- Fortune will know what the com- ; best-seller, "Travels of Benjamin j Shylock c. c. He came to the Yid- • property, escaped with mild sen- tery proved too much for Ctaaim By PAUL GOLDBLBATT regular 1935-6 basketball tourna- tians of Chattanooga, "William mon people knew several years ;t n e Third" . . . Incidentally, Men- [ dish theatre at the invitation of j tences when the Grodno c o u r t Ratenberg, a poor boxmaker of I Can't Use the Gym, Why Should ment. A new policy is in store 'dele Moicher Seforim's 100th Abraham Goldfaden, known as ; found them guilty but let them: Ocwock near this city, who diert Dudley Pelley, the North Ca'lina ago. I Join the Center? for those following the J. C C. ystic; Royal Scott Gulden, the ! birthday anniversary will be cele-1 the father of the modern Yid-j off with prison terms of a year! of a heart attack when advised of LTFRT A'OTES . So frequently "when I, or some events. Mr. Grossman wishes' to hifi fortune. He wts 42 years olfi. Wonder; dish stage a n d spent SS years 1 or less. Aleph Katz, Yiddish editor of;brated next month member of the Center, approaches announce that all paid-up mem- un-down-at-the heels real estate a person and discusses member- bers of the J. C. C. will be adship, vie get t h e reply -which mitted free upon presentation of heads this article. But it iB nottheir membership card to all basa satisfactory answer at all! You should join the Center, whether ketball games. Admission to outor not you can use the gym, for siders will be 15 cents. On Bchedmany reasons. Let me list just ule for Sunday, December 29, the Psi Mu vs. Xi Lambda at 2:00, a few: ' A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Camel Distrib1. Dues coyer not only gym uting at 3 and the Omaha Jobmemberships but active and sup-bing Co. vs. Alpha Pi Tau at 4. porting membership as well. 2. T h e development a n d The Junior league will open its gTowtfc of educational, cultural schedule Monday, December 30, and other programs at the Cen-in place of the regular Tuesday ter is entirely dependent on hownight play because of New Year's much iB collected in dues during eve, however, all games thereafthe year. ter will be run off on Tuesday's 3. If the Center building is to evenings. ~T h e Jack Sprat five, be opened free of charge to peo-pre-seaBon winners, Pants Store, ple who cannot pay, those who Sharp Shooters, and the A. Z. A. can do BO should become mem-No. 100 will comprise the league. bers, even though they possibly The Jack Sprat five, who were , cannot take full advantage of al" never headed in t h e pre-season activities at the Center. tournament, are more than likely 4. In addition, the extent of to set the pace in the regular sea! and direct relief.. S. 0. S. LIQUOR STORE our relief work for families and son play. The basketball f a n s To the following Central high One of our m o r e popular children - - local people as wel who h a v e followed the Junior misses wants to know if some- students who won the 120-word as transients - - that also depends league play have been treated to one .•wouldn't invent something December shorthand a w a r d s : upon how much dues we collect, real veteran basketball talent at to hold np the flimsy straps Celia Bachman, Bernice Bordy, .The more we collect in dues an the expense of t h e Sprat five. 207 So. loth they p n t on evening dresses Ruth Falk, Ruth Finer, Ahuvah nually, the .more we can spend on The Pants Store quint, coached now. She nearly lost hers at XOT THE CHEAPEST Gershater and Pauline. Rosenrelief work. by Morris Adler, have been roundone of the dances last week- baum. BUT THE FINEST So - - whether yon can use theing into shape and should prove end (I mean the dress, not the for every purpose gym or not, you should be a mem- to be >at the top of the heap. To little Shirley Brodkey upon Gold Seal New York Winer invention), and was she nerv- winning ber of the Jewish Community a Shirley Temple doll in out. Took five stiff o n e s to Distributed by Center - - to help others, to help a letter-writing contest. 10 YEARS OLD $1.20 Mr. Lou Weiner,. former first (KE. 1500) brace her np. I o n ~»nst be carry on Jewish life in Omaha. year Creighton U. football and English. This Line of Wines Teatnrefi WESTERN You cannot afford not to be a basketball star, and who is conTwelve Years Ago . . . member of ihe Center! By Gladstone's for Over tinuing his teaching course at the Air Conditioning Corp. A. Herzberg 'was.elected presi*Pkon« Qi.4626 Hot Tips Kansas State Teacher's College 40 Tears. • A LITTLE DIFFERENT Status of the Jewish AT. S454 HAROLD CHERXTEK r e - dent of the Associated Retailers at Pittsburgh, Kans., is taking ad- 104 No. 18th St. • A UTTLE BETTER Philanthropies sented our mentioning that he of Omaha. vantage of his vacation by keep., A little ever six months ; ago, ing in trim by taking daily workonly -wears his ties once before Fred White was head of the we conducted a campaign to outs on the J. C. C. floor. Mr. throwing them away. "Twice," Omaha Hebre-w club. ..: raise funds for the Jewish Phil- Weiner, playing football under said Harold . . . SAM WERTHanthropies. ?3 3,59 9.31-was pledg- Blue Howell, former Nebraska U. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Turner 1sEI3IER, Jr., will give yon ed by 3,048 individuals. AB thestar, and is now playing varsity Stanford plus 24 their sned invitations for the Bar Mitzhalf year, which started on. July basketball. \ e w Year's" Day game w i t h vah of their son, Max. : In Appreciation of Your First Mortgage LOEF«£ Ask Your 1, draws to a close, it is interestSouthern Methodist, if you will Mr. Elmer Greenberg, assistLazar Kaplan was elected presPast and Future ing to check up on • our experi- ant football coach at Tech High Grocer for under Federal Housing Actgive him six-to-one odds. He ences. We have collected a little is now taking work-outs during already has several bets that ident of the A, T. A. club for boys Patronage Repaid Over a Period of Fiv« over $18,000.00 since the cam-the noon hour with the Business read like that • . . HERMAN* bet-ween the ages of 13 and 16. to Twenty Tears paign, of which about $15,000.00 Men's "volleyball class. Mr. GreenROSEXBLATT, t o p hat, tails Meetings were held at the City was collected on this year'B berg starred in high school at and all, is visiting t h e home Also Straight Loans nt 4}t, *> pledges, the remainder coming Central and then continued h i s town . . . I/EOX "the Chief" Talmud Torah. o r o i j Per Cent ROSS PETERSON from old balances. These receipts football prowess at'Nebraska. Ferer, ivho we're not mentionI The Height of HOTEL FONTENELLE total about $2,700.00 more than ing this week), is his running QUIZZICAL QUERIES Fine Flowers Moderately [GoodTaste! the amount collected for the simWHAT SIAKES Chickie Bergmate . . . A GIRL, who eats, Priced 27 teams are now entered in ilar period last year. By the end man so fond of mistletoes? . . . sleeps, talks, and does—dancOpen Evenings and Holiday* 204 Keeline Bldg. AT. 824 of thiB month, we will have paid t h e J. C. C. handball doubles FOR AX EXJOYABUE few minis vivacions Louise RothAT. 8300 AT. 6226 Big Chief Semi,, $10.50 ing, about ?11,000.00 to organizations tournament which has been de> 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 utes have Bobby* Stiefler give kop, who althongh dancing in GUABAJfTEED outside of Omaha; of this sum, Iayed because of the holidays you some of his imitations of the Bee-Ruth ensemble, must Play will start January 6 and al about $8,500.00 applied on old lion Holtz . . . JOE PICK, Omdance (ballroom) every opporentries must be in by January 2 allottments and the remainder on aha Business man, suddenly tunity she gets. Her date doesThere -will be three classes with turned -inventor, and reports n't usually object, however, for Local organizations the teams being seeded accordingthis year's. that he is doing quite well with JLouise is rated as one of the received close to ly to their playing ability. Al will h a v e his 'spike tamp", a national sellbest dancers in t o w n . . . $7,00,0,00, : .... . — . - . . - • paid-up members should form a er to be used on lawns . . . A MANY OF THE MEMBERS of doubles team and enter into t h The Philanthropies has" a long REAL coincidence is the large the younger set apparently look competition. as handball is a fin Foundries ways to go before it catches up number of Omaha Jewry who forward to spending their New and overcomes the depression- way to keep in condition. 27th and Martha HA. 552S celebrated their birthdays on Year's Eve at the Aquilla Court years. We still have a deficit of Features Christmas Day. Among these Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft* party, which the three yonng • Sweet Butter about $6,000.00 to make up be- The swimming pool at the Cenwas Attorney Fred White, who Grey Iron and Semi-Steel CastZebe pledges -are planning . . Shampoo and finger wave 50c • Dated Milk fore we will be on a paying basis. ter was thoroughly cleaned an didn't mind when a friend told ings. Wood and Metal Patterns • Sour Cream Those of UB who are more act- scrubbed and refilled with ires THE NEW him "That makes two famous Standard sizes Bronze a n d Iron water so as to assure its patron ive in. maintaining t h e Philanand many otber products, Zotos Permanent Wave with What Does It Mean? Jews born on that day". . Prom Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern ask your grocer or call • . . thropies program hope that we of dean healthy water. The Junno machinery and no electriRings and Covers, Cleanout Doors, A LARGE list of names, the We understand that Abe Sash Weights a n d Yellow Brass wlil he able to include this. Bum ior class is still discontinued and city used at $6.50 and np. Katz (w b. o threatened us, by "Forty-Xiners"' has been sePlumbers' " Ferrules, carried In in next year's campaign and actu- will not be able to use the pool 716 Brandels Theatre Bidsstock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze and lected as the name of the new the way) has been assisting a Cast Iron Grilles s Specia!t>. ally achieve our goal, f " V ? until all traces of the scarlet fevAT. 4333 cocktail room and delicattessen certain young lady in biology HA. 2236 er disease is cleared up. The sen•which Louis Soinmer win open class at Creighton. Is that what "Rain From Heaven" W ior men and women have been on the corner of 4!>th and is known as the biological I s a w "Rain Prom Heaven" taking advantage of the pool and Dodge . . . MARJORXE HILurge? when it opened in New York City all those who have as yet to take LER, who is leaving for a lenglast year, and I want to.recom- their first swim in Omaha's finthy trip next month to Xew mend it to every person in Oma- est indoor swimming pool c a n York and Florida, bought a ha as ah especially fine dramatic rest assured that it is as sanitary Miss Esther - Faier is visiting number of new formal s for the Come in and try our Friday production. It gives the experi- as possible. here. Washington apparently is I occasion, and now everytiine nite and Sunday specials ences of a German, refugee agreeing, with her. We think she | you see Marg, she dazzles with HATS We feature England against a background of SCHMIDT'S The Business Men's Health looks very nice, don't you? i a new formal . . . GERALD Cleaned and Chopped Herring — Chopped Liver a liberal English lady, a naive Club class, who are taking daily Blocked Only HaTold Margolin blevr in (or! GROSS, in his first year at OmChicken Kreploch Soup American explorer, h i s hard- work-outs, h a s brought forth Hot Sliced Corned Beef SHOES is it flew in) from Kansas City, i aha. University, lias been spApple Strudel boiled American business man some" real volleyball material. Repaired While for a Pleasant Surprise He plans to spend several weeks ' poinfeci Business Manager of Cheese Blintzes You Wait brother and t h e latter's fooliBh Paul-Steinberg, Les Burkenroad, and many other delicacies. in the "old home town.". Sa-*v ; the school annual, the first one HAVE TOU TRIED FREE—Pick-up anc! Deliveries Dr. Ellis, C. B. Schbppe, and Joe In Downtown District him admiring the girls at the U. wife. ever to be put out by Omaha SCHMIDT'S Each Additional Mile Only 10c T. dance last Monday. Same Har-; V. . . . AX HOXOR wns conferPhone HA. 4550 Out of the play, a "very definite Rice should form the nucleus of No Chargr for Extra Pa CALL DELICATESSEN & LUNCH old. Few pounds, to the good (de-| red upon Commissioner Harry picture is drawn of the difficul- a very successful volleyball team. Boeder! j>rivere Fully . ties which the cultured refugee The noon hour class is just the 12417 Parnam JA. 4874 pends on how you look on that! Trustin -when he "was named a LocaUv Owned — Locally Operate* though). SHOE KEF A m CO. encounters in adjusting himself thing for business men who are member of the engineering adOpen Daily and Sundays THOMAS J. CASEY, President AT. 5903 Till Mldnlte unable to break away during the 422 So. 13th St. Miss Bernice Perimeter 1 e 11 visory committee of the League to a foreign environment.1SOO Famam "Wednesday f o r , Chattanooga, j of Xebraska Municipalities . . . Our Center Players will again evenings for their conditioning. Tean., as one of the two repre- i FROZEX CARS were the rule do its fine job of presentation and sentatives of the Municipal nni- j rather than the exception fol portrayal. THE DATES—Monday NEWS OF THE STUDIOS versity at the national convention • lowing the Appleman open and Tnesday, January 13-14. You Mack Gordon, Paramount song of Phi Alpha Theta, national hon-; house for the young Kansas City know your membership card ad- writer, has left t h e Cedars of orary history fraternity. She is guest Tuesday nigM. .The late Lebanon Hospital where his docNon-members pay mits you free secretary-treasurer of t h e local departers took turns pushing tor ordered him to go for reducLet Gould Attend Your 50 cents. Stop for Your chapter. ing treatments. The medico hopes each others car around town in Drug Needs Eesl Estate and Property to take off about a third of the Dr. David C. Platt is visiting an effort to get them started. CALL US FOR • Visit us in our new loca- in New Orleans, La. We tried and and it was well nigb. onto four Management 300 pounds Mack possesses. The GLEAN LIKENS famous s o n g composer lived in tion where you will find a tried to find out if there was a a, m. when their respective A T '»'H Ik style at the hospital. He had a Tour Purs Are Valuable 17th and Vinton AT. 2*R7 complete stock of Drug and reason but he's getting too good j homes were reached. -' By BAY SCHAPIRO auite on the top floor and did a . at dodging my informants, so j Eave Them Insured; With Cs ' Playing before one of the largSundry items. you'll have to guess. for §5.00 per Tear est and most enthusiastic gallery lot of entertaining . . . Sylvia Sidto ever witness a J. C. C. tourna- ney has purchased shiny Let UP koep your prsrm^r.ts We're in doubt. Maybe give Leila Hyams, ment game, the Omaha Jobbers, yellow coupe S5 Douglas Block fre&b and longer and WITH PRIDE rhat it is. One of life. ! can tell t 50th & Dodge Sts. WA, 0602 pre-Beasoh basketball champions, leading lady to Richard Dix an a We point to the fact that « c t h r e e JACKSON 1325 P A R K I N G SPACE Call WE, J2S4 316-So. loth are getting m o r e like Winchell I million and thirty-one and playing in the feature game, open- new RKO-Radio picture, received readers sent it in, God "For Insurance See Frankel Prompt Delivery ed its schedule with a win over beautiful red roses from her hus! every day m every way but one; turn? or her? the fighting XI Lambda quint to band, Phil Berg, on their eighth - - well - - maybe two. We have j The gal wanted love and wedding anniversary, which ocrothe .tune of 31-22. The X. L.'s i even received threats of a beat- j nance played superb ball in the" first curred while she was on location ' ing and a one-way ride. However, | But, alas, she was homely by half to keep the Jobbing five on with the troupe in Kernville, Call: j the column must go on, so we j chance. , . Joe Penner is vacationing at fv* r^a^.'^^T*ta!a^Sgj'a^T^ their toes to reserve a slim marbravely hide our fears and con- j She was clever and had brains Bin of one point. Lanky Reggie Palm Springs, California's desert HAMILTON STREET tinue. However, should anything j galore We Arc Serving a "Weidenbeck, Jobber center, open- resort Jeff' Lazarus, head of happen to me, my assistant knows j But 'tis brains that the fellows WINDOW SHADE SHO? ed the second period with a fol- pWamount'a editorial board, is Special American Dinner even more dirt than I—so 'twould j C. Mldfilemlss abhor. LAIMDRiES low-in shot to boost the winner's also just out of the hospital where EVERY SUNDAY Washable Shades be in vain. j We suspect a female author of 234 Insurance Bldg. lead.' The Jobbing five were nev- he went for a sohrt rest and phyAT. 8811 AT. C221 The?7 Never Crack or BraaV '• at the above, but we may be wrong. er headed and played real cham- sical check-up . - . Luise. Rainer Shndow-Proof Shade* • Wiring of all Muds. Mazel Toy Every Lizsnity Service pionship basketball throughout has been awarded one of the most 75c AND 85c PEE PLATE For Bedrooms a n d Bath• Motor Installations. the entire game. In t h e other coveted screen roles of the year 4 Courses C-omDlete To Mr. Leo Abramson upon his ; OXE HUXDRED PERCEXTER rooms WET WASH TO FINISHED after making only two pictures in games carded on last week's appointment to t h e .position o* ] Teacher (in an East Side gram* • Lighting Fixtures. \Ve also OIPRT. end revers» From 11 A. M. to 8 P . M. WOR-E ypur old shades schedule, the Camel Distributors Hollywood. She has been cast to Eiecutive Secretary of the Coun-lmar school): And n o w let us Shades as Low as 20c o* Estimates Gladly Furnished ran TougoBhod over the Alpha Pi play opposite Paul Muni in Irvty Assistance Committee. This! have some names of objects be- Let us keep your weaning 'apparel Your Own Rollers Immaculate Tau's and scored 34 pointsi to ing G. Thalberg's next MGM proeommittee will decide upon the j ginning with the letter " T . " Call take time to do it right by their opponents 16. The Psi Muduction . . ; Sha-sha-a, Bernard 316 So. 18th St. WALNUT 3300 expenditure of a million dollars) Tony: Telephone. AT. 6479 being slow anfl careful through the Old Age Pension, five opened Its schedule ~with: a Newman; and Gail Patrick hav< Elizabeth: Train. 4202-4-6 Hamilton UPSTAIRS Blind Pension and Child Welfare decisive victory over t h e young been going places together. Their Jake: Tails and Tephilin. A. 2. A. No, 1 team 30-13. The friends Bay it's a mutual admira tion society of t w o . : . Z i o n spectators were treated to some real basketball jtalent and were Myers, associate producer with has; left for. Eastern kept in an uproar throughout the jRKO-Raaio, . on a month's vacation entire three games. Good offici- points From New York he will go to Ke -•04 ating and clean playing were in West and Havana. evidence and the appreciated bas- " (Copyright. 1935, by- Seven Arts ketball-fans shouted in acclaim Feature SyndlcatO
Peerless Cleaners
IForbes Fresh
Ross Fiord Shop
Bakery Goods
Paxton Mitchell Co.
Welcomings and Goings
J. C. C.
Lunch and Relaxation STAR BILLIARDS * AND LUNCH *
Gould Drug Co.
sky of Omaha, a talk .by Louis! 47 years ago, he was reared in' tine as the focus of his Jewish j HE NEED XOT BE msTURBED ! MONSKY^^GRODINSKY, MARER COHEN. Attorneys Bernstein who represented the an environment" that still retained ! work. As national chairman of! The villager realizing that his j 737 Omaha National Bank fathers, and response by Floyd some of the pristine trading in-! the land redemption fund of the son would have to-celebrate his Yudelson who represented the stincts that had won fortunes for j Jewish National Fund he has gal- Bar Mitzvah within .two years enxoTiorc i s H R R E B T OIVFX that ' sons. Nathan Gilinsky was toast- so many shrewd Yankees. Before jvanized and transformed opinion j gaged a private melamed for hen-1 i m | tl'P^undersigned^ have formed n corn-,-,master. Members of the Sister- he was out of his teens he was in I in this country with regard to trom an adjoining town. 1 ne i oration 'Nebraska. pursuant toThe the name laws V'corp. r |{JS'$ s t R t p of 1 MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent § hood of; the Talmud Torah served the molasses business in Cuba. J that agency. Not only has hechild did not make much progress • corporation is " H A \ V K E V E COMPA*3 the • dinner. . This affair proved With his brother-in-law, Levin, personally pledged $2,500 every .•_ j;AXT". y with its principal i i l o r .-W« * n.i _x..j..__ nrfnclnal np|.,™ ninunnniurmnniiuTsiiinunHiinni'iir^nymiiiJiiiHnniniinniiriiinininiTniiiiiJiiijrnjinfiiinmjJiiiiiiinniiniij^' in ,..•_ his Hebrew studies. 'business in Omaha. Pougln? Poiintv suchj^uccess^thjit j>lans! a r e > j f p'the~Sufear" Produces Com" ,.\>braska. Thp objects for whfeii "hi,' Simon Greenberg of Philadelphia, lives but he At the end of the first year the bul t U Mrs. Irving Overfelter of Dewill be the speaker of that eve- troit, Michigan, visited this week Ing made to have this an annual later merged with the Un-jhas given a practical and busi-! villager came home one (lay and event. ..'•-•• d<"a! an<\ ning. His subject will be ited States. Food P r o d u c t s . ; ness-Hke turn to his Zionist act-; to his surprise, found the melamed trade generally in any and all kind* in the h o m e of Mrs. Herbert Following the banquet, a short of machinery, equipment and * „ „ Through daring deals and skill-;ivity. It is not generally known j teaching- his son the Kaddisli. Equipment of the Jew." Marx. Chanukah program was presented ful operations- Levin became the 'yet that Hearn's is the exclusive ,,„., ..,, . , .plies: to purchase, lease, register n? ,' '"ft h a t ! " cried the father. " acquire any tradp-martv at 8 o'clock attended by a large expect, me to die .soon?' j trarte-names. patents, inventions u,,' 1 Children of the Temple and The Misses Eva Ivner and crowd. The program included a "Molasses King" of America. Ac- agency for Palestine wines nor is j you ,,, . . jprovements find processes of evi-i Synagogue Sunday Schools and Edythe Fineberg are visiting in Chanukah playette entitled ^"Jud- quiring substantial Interests injit known that Hearn's makes noj Friend," replied the meiam- j kinrt and character: to iHiroliHse <i\other industrial undertakings, he! profit from the sale of these Pal-'ed, "don't wory. By the time your , ,„ 11 , 1 , ( . meu ,, ess „, Talmud Torah held their annual r v i u r I I l .^ s Omaha with Miss Dorothy Zollo- as, the Strong-Hearted," and - Chanukah celebrations Sunday afand chat-actor; and to bu. tuchen. They a r e being • exten- three brief • pageants, entitled "A amassed a large fortune before he':estinlan products but turns the j son masters the Kaddish you will jimkind Four engagements announced sively entertained. ternoon, in the Annex of Mount 40. Despite his wealth, how-; profits over to the Jewish Nation-! have long completed -vour three o I " t p a - p ' if>a"e- number ami' d^'i Day in a Jewish Home," "A Daywas 40. Sinai Temple and in the social this week, forecast a season of " l^'o/'every.^od I Z ^ ^ l in the Synagogue" and "The Thir- ever., he was a stranger to thefal Fund. Thus at one stroke Le-[ score and ten." company shall have authority, to borHall of Shaare Zion Synagogue. many parties and social gathervin has opened up an important Mr. and Mrs. H. feol Novitsky teen Principles of Faith," which public eye. r row money and to issu*1 evidences r<f At Shaare Zion Synagogue, a ings for the.brides-elect. BRAVERY and daughters, Lois and Gloria, were presented by children of the In all of these enterprises h e i nm a r k e t t 0 a k e y Palestine product \RFA1j indebtedness tliel-efor. The total R<IMr. and Mrs. R. H. Emleln. an- left for Omaha, Tuesday morning Talmud Torah and; Sunday school disclosed the boldness and intre-> <l<l at the same time has made; thorizecl capital .Stock Is $2n.(ioo.uu capacity audience witnessed t h e ,,.,.„,..„ „.„„ unBt, „tn a par -valtip SJOD.OO per share. .Ml stock plays and t h e program. Harry nounce, the engagement of their to spend the balance of the week under the direction of Rabbi Japossible for the Jewish Nation-! A G e i m s n w a s boasting to nis common and shall be fully paio that have alwavs characof Nailer kindled the Chanukah daughter .Frances to Ben. D. Kal- in Omaha, as guest", of Mrs. No-cob Cohn. Mr. .Morris Grossman, a.nd non-assesfihle when issued. TV\*> ^ Fund to derive a s u b s t a n t i a l ^ the unparalleled bravery successful American bust corporation shall commence business lights, opening the program. A in of Mitchell, South Dakota, son vitsky'a- mother, Mrs. M. Gross, president of the Talmud Torah, ness men. It was not until he ac-1 revenue. . o { h tihspa n c e s t e r s .nnrl "Have you heard i upon thp filing of the Articles wlin successiui American DUSI- , of Mrs. Rose Kalin of Sioux City. skit entitled "Three Little Goats ' ' the County Clerk of Douglas County and sister, Mrs. Geo. Gaspar. They also spoke. quired the Hearn store in August With all of his tremendous actand shall continue until January ls{. Miss Emlein, who attended the will return Sunday night. written a n d directed by Hazel 1932, however, that he found full ivity Levin is nevertheless a re-1 20"fi. The highest amount of indebtedKantrovich, was presented by University of Nebraska, is a memness shall not exceed two-thirds nr scope for that lusty imagination tiring sort of person whose tastes by my ancient forefathers." Rev. A. Diamond spent Sunday Raehael Ginsherg, Dorothy Rob- ber of the Sigma Delta Tau sor"My ancesters, too, were very the capital stock. This restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secinow, Selene Skalovsky, Dorothy ority. She is a graduate of Cen-j JUNIOR HADASS AH DANCE in Lincoln, Neb., where he served j which has carried him to the topjare simple. He has no affecta- j nowprfnl' ured by real estate. Thp number nf as "Mohel" at the "Brith" for the j of the heap in the department jtions. Widely read, he -writes philKarp, Rosalie Kaplan, Robert tral High School and an accomMore than 400 people attended "Have you heard of the Dead Sea members of thp Board shall be proinfant son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam store b u s I n e s s. When Levin | osophy for amusement and plays j j Pale's'tine?' vided by the By-laws, but shall hot n Pliskin, and Dorothy Goldstein. plished pianist. t h e annual Junior Hadassah be less than two. nor more than five, Goldfein of Lincoln. bought Hearn's it was practically a dub's game of golf for recre"Well, what of it?" Dance last Sunday evening in the The wedding will be an event which Hoard shall administer the #t"My Candles" was presented by defunct. Its prestige had vanish- ation. And when you learn that "Why, it was killed by my an-fairs of thp corporation. The stockBallroom of the Warrior Hotel. Anna Kanofsky, Lorraine Raskin, of-late winter. holders shall hold their annual- meetMiss Gwendolyn Meyerson, stued together with its business and j his store, to which he comes early cesters." • Proceeds of the dance will go Jean Shubb a n d Doris Kaplan. ing on the second Monday in January of each year nnd olect directors. The Mrs. Ben Pill announces t h e toward the Palestinian Fund of dent at the University of Nebras- i the store was burdened with a j and stays late, is not only his Recitations were given by Dorodirectors shall elect ft President.. Viceengagement of her granddaugh? the Junior Hadassah organiza- ka at Lincoln, arrived home last $1,000,000 defict. Even to a vet- business but his hobby, you have . thy Dikel, Bernard Heligman, President. Secretary and Treasurer. Friday to spend the holiday vaca- eran department store executive [an idea of what sort of man is He whom the gods love dies The corporation sliBll. have n seal. Morton Raskin and Irene Levit- ter, Miss Alice Wintroub Pill, to tion. tion at the home of her parents, 1'yion authority given byfiSper cent that was a forbidding j rospect. j this ex-newsboy who has set the The Misses Eva Orlikoff, Mary young. aky.i The Hebrew School choir, Ed Kan tor,-son of Mrs. William ! of the issued and outstanding-, capital -—Hypsaeus. stock the directors _ shall have th<» directed by Mr. Sam Krupr.iok, Kantor, 1923 Jones Street. Miss Rozofsky and Mrs. L. Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson. j And Levin was a rank novice in department store business on its power to sell or otherwise dispose m : ,'the retail field. But he was also'ear. Because of the phenomenal with Mrs. Krupnick at the piauo, Pill Is a student at the Univer- in charge of arrangements. Jack the assets of t h r corporation an »n Mrs. Abe Bear and sons; Aaron I great showman endowed with a I success he has achieved by his sity of Nebraska, at Lincoln, Nea Reams and his orchestra supplied Jewish Press advertisers merit sang a . g r o u p of Hebrew and entirety or a going concern, upon David and Myron Max, of Leaven-1-wealth of ideas and the energy i precedent-smashing tactics the your patronage. such terms and conditions as thev braska, where she is a member the music for dancing. Chaoukah" songs. shall deem fit. The Articles may u'u worth, kahs., arrived here1 Monj needed to translate them into actJm a n who was an unknown of the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. amended '.;pon notice us provided for. A play, written and directed by ! Mr. Kantor attended the Univerday 'for a visit at the home of : j . And it was this flare for the not so long ago is now one of the Dated November IS, ]!>,"o. on Mrs. 'William Kutcher; was preREED, RAMACCtOTTI £ ROBINSON sity of Iowa and was affiliated Mrs. Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. j dramatic that he brought to the , dominating figures of America AND E. U. MARKS, Attyt. .T. Hr SAKS sented by Neomi Finkenstein, E. SCHWARTZ 91? First Naticnal Bank Bldg. considerable department Ilene "Shubh, Dorothy Shapiro, with the Phi Epsilon PI FraterA Students service will be held Julius Katelman. "They expect to j department store business and with t2-13-4t Omaha, Nebraska • made it his own unique contribu-'store history to his credit, Dorothy Sterling, Jean Menin, nity there. at Mount Sinai Temple this eve- visit here for about two weeks. Tn the County Court of D o u g l a s (Copyright. 1935. by Seven Arts tlon to retail merchandising. The date for the wedding which ning when visiting students from Marcia Menkin, Edith Gelfand, County. Nebraska. Feature Syndicate) Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson LOUIS E. LIPP, ATTY. Riza Lazere, Shirley Guttleman, will take place this winter, has the various colleges and univerIn t h e .Matter of t h e E s t a t e of BenjA man who likes stunts', shows 504-10 City Natl. Bank Bidsand son, Robert, are leaving today] amin Goodbinder, also known a s not been set. • and Bob Lipshutz. sities will participate. Rabbi and drastic action. Levin felt that ] Omaha, Nebraska Ben Goodbinder, Deceased. Theodore N. Lewis will speak on for Miami, Florida', where they To all persons interested In saidj Miss Lillian Romlrowsky diis no death! the estate, both, creditors a n d heirs: | Notice is hereny piven tliat the ting 0 Mr. D. S.' Friedman of Peoria, "Responsibilities of t h e Jewish rected the p i a y "A Ulaccabean bargains. To test out Tou a r e hereby notified that on the ! dersigiied have organized p. coiporadown - . . • - - • Cure" in'which t h e following Illinois, announces t h e engage- Students." I his idea he started a cotton cari 19th d a y of December. 1935 Sarah I tion. The name of the corporation is Miss Carolyn Rosenteld, student jTo rise upon some other Goodbinder. petitioner, filed her peti- I General Garape Company and th> children t o o k part: - Charles ment of his daughter, Miss Han[nival during the; store's annual j at.the Academy of Fine Arts at shore, tion i n ' t h e above master, setting forth j prSneipal place of its business is the Shindler, Annabell Satin, Sherman nah Friedman, to H. Bernard amonff other thinps that Benjamin bra.ska. The genera! nature of Its Chicago, arrived home last" week sale of cotton gods. A theatre (And bright in Heaven's jewelled Goodbinder. STUDENT HONORED Sperling, Sidney Mason, Thelma Rocklin, of Des Moines, Iowa, son also known a s Ben Good- business is to operate frarages a n d tovisit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.was built in the store and thecuscrown b i n d e r , a - • • ' - - - • • - - ' —-•••••-— —'- — Shindler, David Kuntz, Bernard of Mr. and MrB. M. E. Rocklin. Newton Sacks, student at Cen-. Juliul Rose/feidT" She will" return i t o m e r s w e r e regaled with a free They shine forever more. Miss Friedman attended t h e tral High School, received a sigHaligman, Bernard W'einer, Irvin cotton show" featuring a band, - —John L. McCreery. University of Illinois, where she nal honor recently when he wasto Chicago January fifth. Glvot and Bertan Lipshutz. dancers and singers. Outside he r of the following described real es- Own7" l o a ^ r ' e x c h a n g e nnd morteajre ".:' Candy was distributed to thewas .a member of the Alpha Ep- elected president of the ParnasnIled t h e undivided One-Rixth • real estate and personal Propertv Mrs. Nathan Brown and daugh-! sidewalks with bales of and, to the ^outli wherevpr situated and to do ail things children by the Hebrew Mothers silon Phi Sorority. Mr. Rocklin sus Club, an honorary Literary ter, Miss Ruth Brown of Chicago,! raw c o t t o n o n w h i c h colored boys > feet of Lot Eight i incidental to pml ^rasrai-v fnr tha Association. Chanukah gifts to Was graduated f'om Central High society at the school. The club is arrived here Sunday to spend j strummed banjoes and sang SouthSouth Omaha Sun advertisers lunrlrprl J'orty-nine , cana the teachers of the Hebrew school School and is assistant manager composed of Senior students iii couple "of weeks here visiting their lan -. - — .'" or Omaha, in thp i tnt-i merit your patronage. . ! <* tunes. This novelty was an City of Omaha. County of Douglas j c o , - orat n i shall he divider' and Sunday School were present- of the Montgomery Ward and the English classes who are incousins, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks. I instant hit. Persuaded that he and State of Nebraska as surveyed ' into :liares of th<> par value of ed by: Mr. Jack London in behalf Company, store-in Des Moines. the upper third of their class and and lithographed: that said petitioner ' sin'i n<V en h. to he- paid for in cash or I was on the right track. Levin fol!S the widow of said deceased. Benj- : p , . o n p r t v ' inti t>e rion-Rssesslble -when of the Hebrew School Board of Their.- wedding date has not been who have been recommended for GRODINSKY, MARER & amin Goodbinder. also known as Ben i issued " The time of r-onimencement NKY, M .- • • directors, and Mrs. J. H. Mosow, set; !' membership in the club by the The Sisterhood of the Talmud (lowed up the cotton carnival with MONSKY,,COHEN, Goodbinder: that the heirs of 'Yaw of' nT^hc mr, COHEN Att Attorneys rporation' shall be NovertiTorah socelty has postponed its j a "kiddies' f e s t i v a l " , which said deceased are. Sarah Goodbinder. ' her 1 - i. " r>.-and Us termination Shall in behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary ' Mr. Rocklin and hisfianceeare instructors of the school.737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. — -. and Ann Goodbinder. widow and"; be fifty years thereafter. The hiffhregular monthly meeting until j brought thousands of children of the Synagogue. . Newton, who is the son of Mr. Visiting here this week, and. were and NOT1CE tS HEREBY GIVEN t h a t ! daughter, respectively, that the pray- IP S t a m o l l n t o f indebtedness or liabllthe guests of honor at a family and Mrs. Abe I. Sacks, is the pres- Wednesday afternoon, January S, i i n their parents to a free circus the undersig-ned have, pursuant to the Ie r . o f , S 8 I d Pe"ti°n is for a decree jty to v.-hiph th<> corporation shall - * instead of next Wednesday, at the j the store, and a p 1 a y farm laws of the State of Nebraska, form- determining: the time of the death Of Rny t j n l e subject itself shall ident of the Chrestomathian Club dinner "Wednesday in- the Rock- " ~ ^ - of -' his ^.- heir>. -. the names mothers c a n bring their ed a corporation. The name of saJd " " " " ' " ^ At Mount Sinai Temple, a play lin home. also, and in jthe Graduating class Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue | where is T U C H H A N FOOD at G18 Mynster street. Rabbi Har-j c h ! W r e » as often as they like for J corporation •written, and directed by Rosabelle Play. STORES. INC.. -with its principa old Berger of Omaha will be t h e * r e e milk, play and rest. Hearn's place ^if business in the city of Oma c r WigodBky was presented by Joan ha. The obiects for which the corp- I , . . . . • , vMr. and Mrs. A. Herzoff anguest speaker. AH members and competitors s c o f f e d a t these oration Agranoff, Allen' Goldberg, Harold 1 he p ra r t m l r s is formed are to maintain and | Tlvi " , ' r a t ] O n 01 his jucnt. secretary and treasurer. ? s t ..* _ .*',"", friends are cordially invited to a t - stunts and predicted t h a t these fjooperate,* at^whotesale or 'retaVC's'tores ' ate. and for such other an Rosenthal, Billy Heeger, Margar-j nounce the engagement of their tend. ' unorhodox ^methods would prove | l \ t h e sal<? of .provisions of all kinds; j the_r relief as may be just and equit- ' X fit Mirken, Barbara Robinson anddaughter Miss Elsie Herzoff, to , „ _ „ . . „ encumber i a b ' " . ' ! - KArLAN. Morton Smith of-Sioux City. The Elaine Pickus. t o b e o n l y a f l a s h . B u t t h e y -were | real and personal property of everv ' . l o 1 1 a r ? , , t 1 h e r S ; f ^ ^o'lfp? that a | j x rnESKXCK OF: h a 11 !l1 b e ' • • - The corporation shall have au- f " S ' " ' h f - l d o n s a t d petition j G K R T R L - D K r E R L ] s . I business can be built up not A dance was presented by wedding will take place this winMore than 150 fathers and sons The Council Bluffs Agudas I wrong'. Levin's theory t h a t a the County Court Jloora of said i n-2«)-4t T 1 , . * . f . i „,, ! at Carol Mae Cohen, Fredell Sacks,! ter. r o l I T l t y i r i t n e 15 attended the Annual Father and 00" ! ^OUS''" County Court XY ' par value Both Mr. Smith and his fiancee son Banquet given by the Broth- Achim society will hold a regular by giving people a n honest dol- 3ivided tnto 100 shares,is%10.000 "1 daj o f J n ar V D and Harriet Holland. meeting next Thursday evening, $100.0(1 per share, sll common stock. f , ' ' f> » •)-,, A play "Children of' Today" j are graduates of Central H i g h erhood of Moui t Sinai Temple. ldr's worth b u t by dressing i t upfully paid ^vrhen issued, and non-as- ; \[ IS THIS YOUR January 2, 1936, at 8:30 o'clock was directed by Miss Ruth Marx, 1 School, The dinner was held in the West at the Eagles hall. All members dramatically was quickly vindic- sessable ATTIC? and included the following csst ated. Hearn's sales b e g a n t o articles Hotel. are urged to attend, . ; Clerk o of children: Josephine Rosenfeld, mount and t h e higher they mountMiss Edith Gruenberg, a stu- The principal speaker pt t h e shall continue until January ]st. tration of said estate. ed t h e less t h e other stores scoff- and Eugene Sherman, Doris Fill, Bob- dent at Radcliffe College, and Alevening was Professor Schmidt of BRVCE Cn.VWFOTVU. 2025. The highest amount of indebted. by Slptsky, Billy Prusiner, Bobby Klaher of Des Moines, neice and East High School. A musical proedness shall not exceed two-thirds of 12-20-3t County Judge .the capital stock. The affairs of the ! Pill, Arthur Miller and Herbert nephew of Mrs. Arthur Sanford, gram - followed the dinner. Talks These novelties, however, were corporation shall be be ^adminjstered-_by administered- by i M0NSKY,_ GRODINSKY. MARER & Holland. . are in Sioux City this week to by the fathers and sons completed j only a beginning, a sort of dress a Board of Directors to be determined COHEN. Attorneys , . . ! by the bv-laws. which shall be not Recitations w e r e given by spend their winter vacation with the program. jor 737 Omaha Nat'! Bk. Bldg. Maurice Levin is the Talk of s real pag or | j , than two nor more than five. e f s Board shall elect from i t s m e m members of Miss Sadie Shulkin's the Sanfords. Mr. and Mrs. SanYork's business world. He merchandising ideas. Just t w o 1 The NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bers a President. V i i class and poris Grueskin, Gloria ford held o p e n house Tuesday has revolutionized merchandls- iyears after he took over Hearn's ?££•£ aAS Novitsky, Sandy Baron and Al-evening for the collegiate group, iolder.« o f Fv Elected a t t h e a n n u a l m e e t ing. He has turned failure in- Levin startled the business world shallot the IXC, held on the 2Sth day of corporation which shall be i N bert Goldstein. honoring their guests. with an announceme-1 of the i-ember, 19SS, it was unanimously to success within six months. held t h e second Tuesday in January Ia ' Mrs. Leon Marx directed a play eetl that the corporation be dis- Build'an'additional room at little Mrs. Frederick K. Gruenberg of each year and immediately after | « Hearn Plan by which the owner- s a l Q "Who Is Manrice Levin and what cost in your unfinished attic. stockholders meeting. meeting, the d i r - j ' ° which was written for the occa- of Philadelphia, sister of Mrs. The Workmen's Circle No. 664 tnanno-OTTipnt ' nlpHirpri fnr nnp v*>ar I said sxocKnomers Use tn^ulating materials arid of sion byjHaskell Lazere. Children Sanford, is also a guest in thewill open their winter season with has he done? Read this exclus- m a n a g e m e n t p i e a g e a r o r o n e y e a r . e o t o r s ^ j , , ,m e e t a n d e I e o t _ . _ _ . . save fuel. November. i;i.;n. ive, revealing article. htn in the play were Dorothy Davis, Sanford home. Good confnirtorf i*croin« t o t a k e n o d i v i d e n d s o r s a l a r y , j The directors shall control the af- i • a banquet Sunday evening, De— THE EDITOR . turning everything hack into low-.,..*.....= = ......w...^v. .>y two-thirds Portland, Ore., ( I X S ) — A . T. Haskell Lazere, Robert Marx, J*.1,™ ....... «•vote cember 29, in the Jewish Comer price?.. In this Unprecedented jj affirmative of all outstanding Schubeck discovered that a -loud Robert Cohen, George Galinsky, Ask u s for frrc estimate proper notice. The corpMiss Dorothy Epstein, a stu-munity Center. Members o£ the Hearn's cancels all old unpaid P I a n Levin was motivated by thestock upon p p p horn, "when blown consistenth-. is Bernard Rosenthal, and Lawrence dent at the. University of Minne- Ladies Auxiliary of t h e Dodge oration shall have a seal. As IVO-M- as §0.O(> P e r Mo, bills! Hearn's opens Bureau of desire-to help people buy more Dated November 4th. 3!)35. "Slptsky. © Remodel : oft h e sota has arrived In Sioux City to will also attend. HAROL/D ROL S. TTTCHMAXvery irritating. Trapped in "a traffic j a m alongg -with, dozens o£ other BETTY TUCHMAN © Add Booms . ^Following the program, candy spend her winter vacation with • A musical program and several Human Relations! Hearn's store1 00 38 things they need, sell more to omit p r o f i t s for one year! ^ * ' stimulate trade, reduce 12-13-4t Vas ; distributed to the children. in corpora tors j t o r i s t s , Solinbeck proceeded to ffi Install Storui Snsh her parents. rlce a n d m o talks will be included on the eve-Hearn's to share business gains; P » provide employment, MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER j irritate everyone within hearing We Finance ning's program. Mr, M. Shiloff is with customers! These are some j Before the business world had &. COHEN. Attorneys. - UV-j by constantly bio-wing liis auto had a n Students from Iowa City, who in charge of the arrangements. 737 Omaha Nat. Bk. "Bl of the headlines New Yorkers i opportunity to grasp the horn. Finally his efforts got on Oneg Shabbos are attending the University of have marveled at without realiz-j significance of this step, Levin un- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That: the nerves of Policeman Hansen. •J fti.'J.The O n e g Shabbos Group of Iowa arrived in Sioux City this the undersigned have formed a corU t ! 1 another dramatic big ber-^t1or P u?su a nt'To the' £aw S 'of7b;^-ho promptly arrested him. _"^ ,t^b. e Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare week to spend their winter va- ADDRESSES OMEG SHABBOS ing that they signalized a revolu- leashed tha °y cancelling all lack debts State of Nebraska. The name of the ; police court, Shubeck was fined fe Synagogue will meet tomor- cation with their parents. Among Mrs. Jacob B. Grossman, ol tionary change in department| corporation Is ROSE ORK1X. IXC.Ieafternoon at 2:30 i n t h ethem are the Misses Dorothy Gel- New York City, a member of the store merchandizing as well as an j owed to Hearn's by its customers with its principal place of business Unparalleled departure from the j before it went on a cash basis. in Omaha, Douglas County. Nehrashome of Mrs. Milton Mushkin, son, Pearl Olensky, Dena Baron, National Board "of Hadassah, viska. The objects for which'this corwell-established - t r a d i t i o n s a n d This amazingly generous gesture jporation .2301 Virginia Street. ited in Sioux City last week-end Sophie Fish, Neomi Sacks, a n d are to maintain : an era of competition amount- andd operate formed . Rabbi: and Mrs. Harry Jolt of Ernest Epstein, Ed Miller, Mor- and addressed the Oneg Shabbos practices of o n e of -the o l d e s t ein i merone or more retail fl cantile establishments or departments a cash' gift of nearly a quarLincoln, Nebraska, will be guests ris Bernstien, Will Rozofsky, Ber- meeting of the Senior Hadassah, stores in the city. From that day j t e r to and to deal in, buy. sell and dispose ot a back in 1827 wben James A . | million dollars. Without of ladies', misses' and children's vrear. at the meeting. Mrs. William nard Skalovsky, George Kuntz, Saturday afternoon. ' ing- apparel, including cloaks, suits. Kutcher will speak on "Heroic Perry Osnowitz, Isadore Shindler, The meeting was held'e Hearn first: opened his store on i waiting to catch his breath he ladies' ready to wear merchandise, Efforts : of the Jew." Current Henry Greenberg and Dave Kap- home of Mrs. H i k e Skalovsky, Canal Street until the "gay gay ninenine S S l l l f e d up that that action ti by bya secc shoes, ladies' furnishings and all kinby ired and other merchandise of every LEventsand songs will conclude lan. 3301 Jackson Street. ties", when the 1 a d i e s of New j ond startling "Hearn Plan" Kind and character, -with the ripht the meeting. York made the Hearn store on j w h l c h customers and employes and power to purchase in quantities to deal in said commodities at 14th Street their shopping head-;* e ?"e taken into partnership and Among the students at the Uniwholesale if desired: to enter into quarters, Hearts was associated [through a s h a r e in the profits leases and I or contracts of any kind versity of Nebraska, who are in Sioux City for vacation are Mina in the minds of New Yorkers with lP lan - W h a t L e v j n proposed was incident to the business of the comhii<»5np^<i '-to share Hearn's future _growth pany and to purchase, lease, hire and ^ This-evening the Ninth Annual Slotsky, Alice Pill, Frances KalDusmess . mpthrxlt metnoas., ,, . .• . , . . " " i ' < \y. rotnrnlntr tpn nprrpnt nf nil otherwise acquire and hold, such real v Student - Service will be held at in,Gerald Cohen, a n d Rose AlBallyhoo was totally alien *o t h eabdydreturning ten percent or a n e s t a t e av6 personal property as may e •atorp Tndnv that h a s nil r h n n p . d business above its sales be necessary or convenient to the Shaare Zion Synagogue. Rabbi bert. BY P. R. K. Store. TOday that Has all Chang-1.budget, . . .giving . . nine ._, percent_to -the , ! operation of the corporate business :;." -Harry Jolt of-Lincoln, Nebraska, ed. Unique promotional ideas are the accomplishment of any of Us ob_.... JUlllIiilE and to sell, alienate, encumber _ will speak on "Three Against Renow synonymous with Hearn's. customers in the for-m of cash div- jects, The Alpha Gamma Epsilon Soror otherwise dispose of any such SERVICES TOXIGHT ligion." Students from the vari- ority of Morningside College gave Every department store executive idends, and one percent to em-property. The Company shall have authority to borrow money and is;.;. ' ous universities and colleges will a;party Wednesday evening in the Services for this Friday eve- has an anxious eye cocked on ployes in bonuses. evidences of indebtedness therei .Tafticipate in the service. Cantor home of Miss Rosalie Sacks, hon- ning -wiil be held promptly at 814th Street for Hearn's has be- These innovations, topped off sue The little things that do so much to for. The total authorized capital o'clock at the Chevra B'nai yis!• A.. Pliskin and the synagogue oring several of -their members stock is $10,000.00. par value $100.00 come the most talked of establishj by a phenomenally successful admake one feel at home ass especially share, all of which shall be Com:".'" choir will: chant the ritual. who are in the city for their win- roel synagogue at 618 Mynster ment of- its kind An A m e r i c a . vertising campaign, produced im- per mon Stock and shall be fully Pfid ' ..- .Following the service a recep- ter vacation. A social evening was street. Rabbi Jacob Cohn has Three •• years ago - a virtually de-mediate results. In the first year and non-assessable when issued. The evident at Hotel President Close chosen the topic "Dreams and corporation shall commence business tion for the. students will be held concluded by a buffet supper. of Levin's ownership, the store funct • store living on the mothupon the filing of the Articles in the to all the finesttheatres and shops Dreamers" for his sermon tonight. \-in the social hall of the synaeaten traditions of yesterday, it increased its sales by more than office of the County Clerk of DougEveryone is urged to attend. las County. Nebraska and upon subgogue. Students, representing the .Members of the Ivre Club have Splendid food in the Coffee Shop OF is now the most progressive and ?4,OQO,000. And the man responto at least 5 percent of its ^ T 1 various schools will speak and re- completed their plans for a New Among the students who attend one of the most successful de- sible for it all didn't get a cent scription authorized capital and shall continue Walnut Room. Price's most moderate • '.':••'• •• freshments will be served by' the a period of 25 years from JanuYear'3 Eve party to be held in the University of Iowa at Iowa partment stores in the country. because he is not merc'r a busi- for ary 1st. 1936. The highest amount ^Ladies Auxiliary of the syna- the Martin Hotel. Invitations City and are spending their holiResponsible for this business! ness man but that rare combina- of indebtedness shall not exceed twogogue. have been issued to the Ivre mem- day vacation at home are Miss upheaval which- l_a retail trade tion of a social visionary and athirds of its capital stock. The number of members of the Board shall Tomorrow morning in the syn-bers ; and several out of t o w n Maxine Leibovitz and the Messrs. circles, in an -uproar is Maurice practical man of . affairs. Levin be provided for by the By-I-aws. agogue, Donald Davis, son of Mr.guests. • • • ; • : Yale Meyerson, Robert Rosenfeld, Levin, president-of Hearn's a hu-sincerely believes that it would be which Board shall administer the af64MSf DIRECTLY QPPQSlft BarONCE fairs the corporation. The stockandi Mrs. E.. R. Davis, will celeBernard Balaban, Collman Yudel- man dynamo if there ever wasja good thing for American busi- holdersofshall hold their annual meet• brate his ' Bar' Mitzvah. Mr. and Bernard Lazriowich, a student son, Jack Gordon and Donald one. - This short-statured, execu- ness and industry to forget about ing the second 'Wednesday in January of each year and elect Directors. jlrs. Davis will receive their at the Iowa State College, Ames, Rosenf eld. . tive-looking, humanitarian-mind- dividends and profits for a year The Directors shall elect a President. ^friends and the congregation in Iowa, arrived in Sioux City to Vice-President. Secretary and Treased, energetic and hardboiled en-jand turn their efforts to building urer. Upon authority given by "the social hall of the synagogue. spend his vacation with his par- More than one hundred and fif- terpreneur BALTIMORE ctf I4fh STREET was a ]ad of. ten. Pedd- business instead. It is this social percent of the issued and outstandAt the Junior Congregation ser- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lazrio- ty fathers and sons attended the ling newspapers on the streets of implication of . Levin's business ing capital stock the Directors shall JUST OUT O f THE NO!SE"- vice, Milton Mazie will act as Can- wich. Accompanying, him to. Sioux first annual "Father-Son" banhave the power to sell or otherwise in the nineties" practices as much as his ballyhoo t dispose of the assets of the corporator, and Morris Ginsberg, reader City was Harry Diamond of Tor- quet the Sisterhood when Hearn's,' tion as nn entirety or a going conwith 70 years of that has made him t h e great fig-i cern. of the law.' Rabbi Jolt will speak onto, Canada, also a student at of .the Talmud Torah, which was business tradition upon such terms and conditions behind it. was ure he is. ! as they shall deem fit. The Articles to the children. Mr. and Mrs.Ames. Mr. Diamond, who is vis-held at the Cbevra B'nai -Yisroel the southern t e r m i n u s of the And i t is this same social Vision ! may- be amended upon notice as pro..Davis will serve candy to t h eiting the Lazriowfcli'home, is do-synagogue aj; 618 Mynster Btreet 'ladies' mile," the name given to d T h e corporation shall e a *""• 1 children, honoring their son. ing research work at Ames un- Sunday-evening. The program in- the area between 14th and 23rd and amazing energy that ^evin ;-™\? Dated October 17th. 1935. brought into-the sphere of Jew.The Annual' Election of theder a fellowship. K. SCHWARTZ. cluded in the invocation and talk Streets, which was then the city's ish life with which he has beH. MAUQFATIDT. Synagogue 'congregation will bej by Rabbi Jaoob Cohn. Numerous fashionable shopping center. J. H. SAKS. come identified. It was no acheld on°Thursday, January 9. Dr. I Mr. and Mrs. ^hchel Barish ' readings in"jewish"by Dr"iri>anBorn.In Lowell,. Massachusetts, cident that he singled out Pales- 1 ! - 6 " 4 t
I Sioux City News]
were hosts to a number of friends and relatives, ; Sunday • evening, honoring their son Herman, on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. Among the o u t of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Max Barish and children, Shirley, Lois and Buddy of Omaha, Nebraska.
Children Observe i Chanukah Fest
Society. News
Mount Sinai
iracle Worker
n Cove
Shaare Zion
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