In the Interests c f the Jewish Pcsople
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Uulereri aj> Second CIsusa Mall Matter OD January 21. 1921. a t
VOL. XI—NO. 45
Po.'iorJlc. of Omaha. Nebraska, under ibe Act ot.Marcb I , I
Arab Cigarettes Get Jewish Names
NewTcf Tomn
Greek Anti-Semites Nominate 2 Jews
Saloniki (WNS) —The Liberal Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency) | party of former Premier Eleuthe—All's fair in love or war— and j rios Venizelos, which in recent business, too, it would appear. years has been definitely • antiAn Arab cigarette factory of Semitic, has named two Jewish Bethlehem has been producing candidates on its ticket in the (under the name of "A. Kleminforthcoming parliamentary elecoff, Jerusalem") boxes of cigartion. This was done to convince _ ettes names "Arlosorof t" and the Jewish electorate that the par_ , , _ , * " ' i "Herzl" in the hope of attracting A well-known Palestinian "woty is sincere in its announced deThe Sunday morning father and J e w i s h c U e n t e i e . other brands S'l termination to forget its past anti-: man labor leader, Mrs. Aliza Shidj t s e r v e s conducted in t r a d i - j p u t o u t i n c l u d e . ' G e u i a h ' \ "Habilowsky, will be honored at "a ban- son tional manner in Tails and Tep- j m a h Jewish record. I In reviewing "Rain F r o m "Hatikvah", and "Adin". quet to be held a t the Jewish htlim, sponsored by. the Vaad at Budapest (WXS) — Hungar-; Heaven" by S. X. Behrman, RobT h e nnames a to historic Community Center next Wednes- the B'nai Israel synagogue every „ r e s a n d a c t i yrefer San Jewry is at" a loss to explain ert Garland, dramatic critic of the The memory of Harry H,'on. grapefruit, palm, Jerusalem itles. I n g p i t e or day, January 8, at 6:30 p. m., un- Sunday, have grown In attendance I ^ a e H c a t e compliment paid id by b how it happened that Isidore New York World Telegram, says: Lapidus will be honored by the pine, sycamore, acacia, pistacio, der the auspices of the local Pi- since started five weeks ago. I n - j t h e A r a h manufacturers to the Weicz a Jew, was elected to the "When taken by and large it is, Ca^unrinR and firs, oneer Women. eluded in the services are con-, j e w l s h Natlo naX revival, the Jewmunicipal council of the town of its brilliant author's m o s t bril- chapters of the Aleph Zadik Following the dinner and pro-gregatlonal singing of. several |l s h p o p u l a t l o i l l 8 advised by the B'rith Szolnok on a Nazi ticket. Some liant play." This celebrated pro- Aleph of the B'nai The Ijapidus Memorial Fo f\' gram, Mrs. Shidlowaky •will speak prayers and a sermonette in Eng- |J e r u s a i e m Workers' Council not believe that Weicz was nominated auction will be presented by the throughout the United Stales project was first conceived by on her impressions of -Palestinian lish by Rabbi Harold A. Berger. t 0 p u r c h a s e t h e tobacco because as a joke, while others feel that Center Players on Monday and and Canada by planting a mem- Omaha Chapter number 1, . work. She is in this country as a "It is commonly admitted that , t ,„n o tc i e a r w h e t h e r J e w l g h l a b . the Nazi didn't know he was a Tuesday evenings, January 13 orial forest in Palestine. A cam-mother chapter of ihe A. "/.. A., representative, of the Moatoth much of Jewish religious life h a s l o r e r s a r e e x n p l o y e d a t t h e factory. and 14 at at SS p. m. at the Center. paign to raise $1,500 among .shorily alter the de.a>h of. Mr. J , P Jew. Hapoaloth (Women s Council of | d i s ^ p p e a r e d D e c a u s e Of conflict Mr. Behrman used the story of the various chapters is being pidus. Other chapters were askAlfred Kerr, the dramatic critic ed to ir. a k p voluntary contribr'" t < ? i ? . ^ , T, ,-••*•' . ! between its observance and the Henry Monsky I of the Berliner Tageblatt as the launched this week and_will tions for the purchase of trees, »-r: She has lived in Palestine for e n v i r o n m e n t i n which we live. .'*, the past twenty-three years, ever H ( m Sun(Ja morning being .basis-for his play. Kerr, who had terminate on Jewish Arbor Day, which seli at 51.r>U each.. In ihift Henry Monsky w a s elected i since she was seventeen years of f o f s u c h c o n f H c t s i s a a Oppor• risen to fame in Germany sudden- February S. president of the Talmud Torah at) way close to ?"i)i' has been coiage.. Coming to Palestine as part t u u e t l m e t o u s ei n r e v l v i n g w h a t . - - brlovofl civic, lect.ed to date. a meeting of the board of direc-! : ly found himself an exile when : V*. of the second immigration wave, ever part of traditional religious the Hitler regime came to power, business ami philanthropic leadtors last Thursday evening. However, feeling that p nptionthe young girls found little or no life we can," says Rabbi Harold • and the writers and musicians er in Omnlia licforc his lintimr- F.1 committee under the p.upcr\ • Other officers named include N. . place for women in the Palestine Berger. whom he had helped achieve na- ly death lour years nco - - was sion of the national headcjuRrtpr>= S. Yaffe, vice-president; Simon - of that day. She was one of the Rabbi Berger states: "The retional fame through his criticisms nationally uotod for his many could, more effectively and more Pizer, treasurer; Mrs. Max From; first to realize the need for spe-markable thing about the services j Assistant Secretary of Treasnry kin, secretary. | " " ! turned against him. With this as onts<an(linsi roiiiribut it)ns lo vignrour,ly pursue the campBipn, cialised farm -training for her sexis that no Inducements or emJewish life. Kis nicmovy is br- and bring it to an earlier onncli:In accepting the presidency, i Carries Sign Urging Boycott o f ; a theme, Behrman created t h e to Talk at J. C. C. character of H u g o Willens, an : ing particularly perpetuated by sion, the Mother chapter assigned Monsky pointed out the great imshe was one of the pioneers! b e l l i s h m e n t s were necessary, such Jewish Store Selling January 15 portance of > Talmud Torah a n d eighth-part Jew, and made him an the A. -X. A. because he was the project to the Supreme -Ada cooperative girls' i a r m ja g b r e a k f a s t j chairmen or prizes. v Nazi Goods school at-Kinereth. exile from Germany. He set him treasui'ei' and one of the first visory Council. I This is a good sign that Jews Josephine Roche, assistant Sec- urgecf^everyone to work with him in improving the work and servin a background of culture and members of the Supreme AdvisThe present campaign will l>r Since then, she has played a who have once been subjected to !>•>•: leading part in the establishment jt r a d I t l o n a l J e w l s h l i f e r e m a i l l | retary of the Treasury, will be ice of the institution. ory Council of (ho order. Kew York (JTA) — For all. political intrigue at the home of the first national effort to hono~ T •».;.• of two-year farm training/courses it. It j s the next Forum speaker, on W edof training.'courses (fundamentally fundamentally loyal loyal to to it. Tile forest will consist of one Lppidus on the par! of the A. '/,, her sixty odd years, Mrs. Stephen; a charming titled Englishwoman. nesday evening, January 15, at S *• for women in Jerusalem, Tel Indeed thrilling to see European is. Wise, president of the Women's : Here the exile finds physical se- thousand trees. Popular varieties A. The members of A. 7:. A. feel p. m. at the Jewish Community Aviv, Chedera, Afule and Petach' fathers, here for some 40 years, djvision o f the American Jewish j curity and even love, but men-of trees growing in Palestine that a forest in Palestine is O'e Tikvah, all ot which schools are and their American-born sons, Center. Her topic will be "Social Congress, stepped out on the pic-j tally and morally be is an exile. which will probably be included proper and most fitting v/p.y irSecurity a Continuous Chalsupported by the Pioneer Women. standing side by side in Talis and i ket line for the first time in her,| Rather than resign himself to his in the forest are cedar, oak. oiivr. memoriali^e Ijapidus. They feei lenge." 4 For the past eleven years, Mrs. Tephilim united In common pray:life to express her "horror" that j fate, Willens chooses to return to almond, vine, carob. orange, leni- that, while they are. doing someMiss Roche was born in Xeligh, Shidlowsky has been a member of er." thing; to perpetuate his memory. - • Nebr., a n d attended Brownell ;a toy firm headed by a Jew has : his native-land a n d "rediscover the KInnereth coopextaive, a farm Ithry are r-t the same time m i : j been celling large quantities of. humanity," though that return Hall in Omaha. Following h e r colony for men and women. She ! tributing something worthwhitr Friday evening, January 10, ; German goods. • j may mean death. graduation she studied at Vassar T has been in charge of the vege! toward the rebuilding oC Palerthe Beth-El synagogue will have Flanked on one side by Mrs.! h e play is filled with brilliant and there obtained her A. B. detable garden.; ; tine. Tleforestrption is s very iir.gree in 1908; She also studied Rabbi Simon Greenberg of Phil- Samuel Calm, vice president of, conversation, tense moments, and 1 Program Wednesday portnnt part of the Palestine reia in. the Women's Division, and on the ; sparkling wit, and in addition to at Columbia, receiving her Masts A musical program has been 'building program. Not only pvr Greenberg comes to Omaha in the other by Mrs, Harriet Kirsch, a j ' story, the author, in the words ter's Degree there, and Smith Colf arranged for Wednesday's dinner, fruit trees needed, bvA, Jree? t.;--p lege conferred the Degree of Doc- midst of his tour of the middle friend, Mrs. Wise marched back j ° Burns Mantle, famous dramatic featuring Abraham Dansky, pianneeded for building locs.lly o tuwest. and forth for an hour in front of | critic, "has a shy at crumbling tor of Laws upon her In 1932. ist. There-will be "positively no tor timber export. Trees are P'S." He is recognized in the East . Shackman large showroom > democracies, expanding dictatorMiss Roche has f o r over 2 5 appeal for. funds," at the banquet. necessary for shsde and beautiiMyears been actively engaged in so-as one ot the most _brilliant ora- j ^ 3 ^ u " s^'and"Fifth" Ave. bear-; ship. >Of floundering capitalism. _of indirect Poll by Fortune Maga- cation of the country. They r>vr : Reservations must be made by t o r s i n . t h e rabbinate a n d is - a j •„, p r o ' u d i y u n d e r a s a n d w i c h M i d d l i n g C o m m u n i s m , a n d of l i b nine Shows Eclnctsncc to Monday, January 6. As the Details Issued, Implementing cial welfare work and had ex-leader among Conservative r a b - j * ^ h i c h . a ; k e d t h e public not' eral humanism. All h e says is ;V1MO psFfrniisl to assure a futr,;*f. tensive administrative and busiis limited, reservations should- be 'coal F-upp'y for thp JevisU hon'.^ bis He J^mtich in demand as "?n ; ' ^ • , [inteiligenUy ' s a i d and brightly Reich Nuremberg CitiIntelligently 'said and EscssI Antagonism H u l .experience.'. S i t e Served as ] bis.. He J^much.m ..demand as *n ; t Q , ) n j r f r o m H m e r _ made early. -Those wishing to land, '• phrased." | Probation Officer and later Di-; exponent of Zionism. i zenship Laws maJte reservations are asked to i Tickets may be obtained from The members of She A. E. A. New York (WX$'» — Nowhere rector of the Girls'Department of i At the University of Pennsyl-• "W^ reporters, photographers call Mrs. Judah Wolfson,, Wa. 1 the Denver Juvenile Courts, made i vania Rabbi Greenberg is special < and the public at large clustered : any member of the cast orfit.the in the United .Stales is r.nti-Pemi - feel (hat in pI<uUin& P. fovest t h e 8755; Mrs. J. Feldman, At. 1438; j Berlin (JTA) — Classifying - . j advisor to Jewish students there. • about her. a detail of six police Center. Members of the Center ism yet strong enouprh to he P. pol-will he nhle to Fee,.jn their pvr. or Mrs. H. Bondarin, Ja. 7056. the Jews in the same category a s , sen sage ruuu- He is the Rabbi at the S h a r', attempted to disperse the pickets, are admitted free on the presenla- itical factor. Fortune Jin,engine lifetime the results of their (•(• The general public is invited. ["criminals and enemies of the', ! tion of their membership card. declares on the basis of replies re- forts grow and expand. agent for! Zion Temple, one of the leading! but met with a firm refusal. a u u u > o^ t>v.^ „„ Mrs. Shidlowsky will leave im-1 state" the long-awaited detailss j udation, served as special s ceived in various parts of the T'ort Wnynr Alcph Is Chnirniwn in Philadelphia. Asked to halt for u moment so mediately after the program for | implementing the German citizen . {England and United States f o r ! synagogues Rabbi Greenberg c o m e s to. | photographers country to the question: "Do you' In another part of the papo": - - - j ' T...1.VI n 1 „ „ „ , „ „ ! „ '^ n t n ^ a n i i c r s could better get Sioux City, but will return to js n l p l a w s p a s s e d by the Reichstag \ Commission for Relief in Belgium believe that in the Ions: run Ger- Eppears a copy of. the cer! if i.-a't w i s e replied J a7tir R p r v p l 1 a s Omaha to be a guest here Jan-a t Nuremberg on September 15 " " ' — **" " Direc-i many will be hoiter or worse off sent to each chapter upon rnt;-. nary 10 and 11. 'were issued by State Secretary i ' it drives out the J e w s ? " Con- tributing to file memorial projp^.. . . t h e United States Children's; 1 synagogue. She is anxious to leave for her j Dr. Stuckart, author of the orgin- Bureau in Washington, and from! ceding that, "there is certainly Nicholas M. Brazy, I I S A\>y: Saturday afternoon, January arrested if she did not keep walkhome in Palestine, since her col-al decrees. . propaganda at work fuscinc it. W'ryne. For!. Wsyue, indiEns.. i>1928" on "has" managed and con-111. he will address the O n e g ing. ony is preparing to care for more (anti-Semitism) wider." Fortune chairman oC t. h e nallonal can; They provide: German-Jewish children who are 1) J -•<-<? can no loi jer be con- trolled the Rocky Mountain Fuel' Shabbos meeting on the theme,, R a bbi Wise himself last week New York (WNS) — Birth con- employed the inrliivc* method to paign. Company of Colorado. She was | "The Equipment of the Jew." i a d e a twenty-five cent purchase being sent from the Reich for set- j g l ( l e r e d c , t l s e A y o f t h e R e i c h t determine the extent o[ anti-Semfor thp Democratic Mrs. Max Barish will be hostess i:_ t n es tore to establish that Ger- trol is a violation of fundamental itism because it felt that " t h e use During the post fifteen ycn"'j.u P l t i jj 22) TThe tlement iin Palestine. ^ per- ( m i n a.iiriato h e J Jews e w g a are r 6n no o , longer onger a million and a half trees o!hi' t i o n for Governor of Colo-I at this Oneg Shabbos which will jm a n goods were being sold before : principles of traditional Orthodox • - hold i . . ' j -..vii~m~™ *^.i . . . !,__ -^ . _ -, I Mrs. AVise would picket. j Judaism, according to a statement of a trail questionnaire putting than fruit trees have been pl?n»sv: The mother of two girls, aged.. m , U^ to h.n* b U c o f f ti» c j n . irado in 1934, is a member ot the j be at ther home, eight and twelve years, Mrs. Ic l u d j n g judgeshlps, notaryships,) C o l o r a ( j o A d v i s o r y Board for the \ The action marks the first time'issued here by Rabbi Herbert S. the question indirectly showed in Palestine. Shidlowsky is said to be a very positions as public auctioneers or the American Jewish Congress has Goldstein, Orthodox leader and that people are almost l o o per Other Memorial fnresfs in " « • plain woman, the type which has even, as members of criminal or ,i ^ ^ B o ' a rad omember oI the Na- INSTALLATION OF HEBREW resorted to this tactic in its boy- ; head of the Institutional Synago- cent reluctant to voice an out-and- estine the Bp.lfour, K i '• i" f D i r e c t o r s o f the become known as the typical cha- civil juries. CLUB TO BE HELD SUNDAY cott campaign. The decision to gue. Commenting on the contro- out rifcial antagonism." Peter. Einstein. British Jewry piui lutza. Youthful and vigorous, she 3). The position ot the doctor! federal The results of its poll on the Koumanian Jewry Forests, The Omaha Hebrew club will picket was taken by the Boycott j versy aroused by Cardinal Hayes' is not young in t h e American and lawyers will not be consider- j j recent attack on liberal Protes- above question wprc as follows: Security. j hold a meeting and installation Committee of the A.J.C. manner. There are no frills about ed as public offices. she was appointed as-•• o f officers Sunday, January 5, at Others on the scene, p i c k e t i n g : t a n t a n d Jewish clergymen for Riitter—Total 14 per cent, NerfhIher. She is serious, austere, peasEast 15.1 per cent. Mid-West 1R.1 m. at the J. C. C. The prin- or directing, were Dr. Jcseph int'-like. In appearance she re- 4) Staatsangehoerige ( s t a t e sistant Secretary of the Treasury c3i p. members) will be able to per cent. South-East T.r> per cer.t. She was s immedi- i P a l speaker will be Rabbi Harsembles the American Indian with c U l z e i I 8 h l w h e n t h e y r e a c h a c e r . | by Roosevelt, j South-West 1-1.7 per cent. West old A. Berger, Nathan Yaffe will ere birth con! ceptional cases her h,gh cheek-bones and_ herjet j - t a I n a g e > e x c e p t l n g . . o p e n e n e m i e s ' ately assigned to take charge of cott Committee; Isreal Posnansky, trol is permissible." | H.S per cent. Pacific Coast 14.?< United States Public Health install the new officers. secretary and Joseph Rosen, , black hair, parted in the center of the state, criminals and Jews." j per cent. Worse T. per cent, A fine musical program has Rabbi W i c e of Temple Isrnr>; aDBointed to act chairman of the Picketing Comj Economic reasons and overpopand sleeked down over the ears 5) Each citizen will receive a been arranged. All members are julation, cited by the advocates of X ,E. 5C.T per cent. M. W. 55.1 will speak on the subject 'VU.-v.*Department rep-1 without the slightest suggestion certificate to distinguish him from | as ur ed t o mittee. birth control, "are satanic," Rab- j per cent, S. E. fiO.O per cent. S. W. ish Life in Westrrn Kurope" *-I attend. resentative on the President's ! S of a wave to lessen its severity. the State member. resena bi Goldstein asserted, pointing out 52.4 per cent. W. 41.0 per cent. the Hound Table of Jewish Yoiwfc. 6) No young man will be able Cabinet Committee on Economic j that "in its general aspects, birth P. C. "fil.l per cent. Pon't. Know Forum on Sunday evening, .Tpr.irto achieve citizenship before he Security. Since then she has also control is a violation of the very . T. 31.4 per cent, N. E. 3 2." per nry 5. at S p. m. at t h e Cer.fssr. o e e u appointed 1 completes army or labor .camp j been ^ i " " " - — by -•> ;Roosevelt - " " • - " to " first commandment Riven to mancent. M. W. 2S.S per cent, S, E. This will be the pocond c t a p;;''.' ' « . . „ from _ _ „ mwhich ^,_T, TJews „ „,„ „ „ ! serve as Chairman ot the Execu"2.5 per cent. P. W. 52.0 per cent, service, are„ prooi lecturpp on the ppnp: p' topf.': as we read in the 2Sth verso of tive Committee of t h e National hibited. . ths first chapter of the Book of W. 4 9.2 per cent. P. C. per "World. Jewry - - Today and ToYouth Administration. morrow," On the heels of the announceGenesis— 'Be fruitful and multi- cent. Because of her record as adThe first meeting under t h e ment of the laws, Minister of In-ministrator of the Rocky Mounply.' " In t h e eoin'Pe of f i s lefin?^ i Commenting on these figures. , n e w administratlpn of t h e local teriorWilhemFrick decreed that | . i C o m p a n y o t Colorado, Rabbi Goldstein stated that "in • Fortune concludes that "Obvious- Rabbi Wice wili. present: p ptut*" lod$r$ of t h e B'nai B'rith will he Jewish physicians who have until | t a i n F u e Neilson of Smith Colcertain cases, however, where ly, in no part of. the country is of t h e organization., economic T>>-held a t t h e J . C. C. next Monday now been permitted to. practice ;P, r e s M,e a t health is involved, the rabbis have anti-Semitism at presen-t strong siiirtn, rcllEious liie snrl insff.'ve n c o n f e r r i n g t h e De J|ree of evening a t 8:30 p . m. because ^f their service at the | [ D o c t o r o f L a ws upon her, stated indicated methods for legitimate count politically. The tious of t h e Jewish, people in il>* Irvin C, X.evin, who was a deler front in the World War. must j birth control. In such cases, lay- smallest amount, was In be found Western European countries. ';'!'• is who has man gate a t the. A. A. V. convention 7 .. £ a WO t h t B e __. gate HI m e A . « . v. wi».uUv.v« | _ men should not take the law inin the Southeast and the West, Iccttire will be open to all <1T have held recently in New York, will j surrender their positions in the; s u c c e e d e d w h e r e m instrumental their own hands, but should seek where there are very few Jews. Jewish youth in the city. any m e n in the "inside story" story of the con-I P u b l I c health, system and even In ! failed." She was instrumen >give the."inside Ii i counsel from the proper religious On the other hand in the NorthFollowinc: (lie lecture, s fen,-1; private hospitals before March 1, eliminating the coal strikes of vention. 5 M I authorities." n d e r t h e rovisio n £ east, where 7 0 per cent of the will be held in t h e auditorium (•"• Colorado and raising the wages Harry Friedman, who recently u P ° ship lays barring TJews from hold- and living standards of all ColoAmerican Jewish population is P:.°-n. ^'usic for tliis nffair v.-iii. celebrated his ninetieth birthday, i concentrated, the percentage op- be furnished by the College C'uf. rado coal miners. will be specially honored by the ing public offices. posed to the Jews was only 15.1, Orchestra wirh A n n Nieroan '••' In certain cases, his announceTickets for this lecture m a y lodge at this meeting. and wp,s actually less than that, in soloist. The dar-ce JP firicriv J. ment said, the ousted officials | m i be obtained at the Center. s The semi-annual report on the the JMidwcst. Most significant couple Effair P.IK1 no P'agF xli: •work of the anti-defamation com- will receive a contribution from answer is the 'don't know' answer, be perinitied, TirkPti? may be obmittee will be given by William the state. These payments will Jay Stoler Head for it. probably can be made only tained at the Center or from fi,v be made "if they deserve and need Holzman, charfman. 1 out of a complete dispassion about member of t h e Kound Table. it," the oredr states. New York (JTA — The Nazi the whole subject. It. is interThe committee jn charg-p cor-The notaries will not receive a theory of race purity was scored esting that this balance wheel of .fists of UasUoJl Cohen, chfiirmp),,1 Next Book Review The Psi Mu fraternity at a regpension or a contribution. The ] as contrary to history and anth- anti-fanaticism, one wpy or an- Milton Frohm, Joe Gokiv.-in'ft concession made to them in ular meeting held Monday eve-1 on Monday Evening only ; ropology by President Nicholas other, is nowhere lew than <• Soni?, Beriiice Bnr<!;Lthe ordc- ;s that they will be per- ning elected Mr. Jay Stoler as Rowland Hajnrs I Murray Butler of Columbia Uni- of the entire sample, ex- Dick Iturwi'?,. and Fannie Kev. Frederick W. Clayton their new president. He succeeds mitted to break the leases on their The next in the series of book cept on the Pacific (.'oast, and versity in his annual report. A symposium on the subject,] on "World Prospects—1936." Samuel E. Epstein, who has been lectures given by Rabbi David A.- offices and homes. Without mentioning Germany •not significantly less even there. "booking Into 1936" will be held j Before assuming the presidency president several times. rrv FAIUJRE T Goldstein will - tako place Monday Other officers elected for theat Temple Israel tonight,- January! of Omaha University, Haynes was by name, but referring to the race that it outvotes anti-SenU.iism evening, January 6, at 8 p. m. KEEP generally more I we doctrine preached "in at least one PLEDGE IK SAM to one. ann | Rabbi txbldstein" 'will 'discuss, Tryouts for Next Center coming term are: Henry Gins-j 3, at S p. m-.V following the regu- active in the fields of education, ris ( W X P 1 — A pvoi'.->y.; social service and government. He j modern land," Dr. Butler summed burg, vice-president; Millard Sig- lar Friday evening services. i'ive-to-one •atie in the '. "Road to War" by Walter Millis. rises to st Oermsny's failure to Itp^.r, Guild Production The guest speakers will be also served as federal atiniinistra-' up the race theory in the words of West. Bj' f-ize oi p ice and by : ! al, secretary; Leo Brown, treasThis book is most timely today her promise not to molest ' ! * tor-of relief for.the state of NeH. A. I>. Fisher, historian: President Rowland Haynes of urer; Leo Berman, parliamentarTie.t'i-. occupation, uUfprenees VTVI when war,; cloudR are gathering Sunday Jew in the Sofn' region for ot>f "Purity o£ race does not exist:; gible, except that farm ian; Aaron Epstein, reporter; and Omaha Municipal University and braska. so threateningly over the world. year aff l f territory was ;*?•Tryouts for "Ten Nights in Irvin Pasoff, sergeant-at-arms. RBV. Clayton is an outstanding i Europe, is a continent of energetic v'pi'R far out of line—~0 j Dr. Frederick W. Clayton, rector "Road to; War" tells the dramatic turned the r-ipjeh has been lora Bar-Room," the next producreligious leader and is well-known mongrels." of All-Saints Episcopal church. The club will honor the new cent being anti-Jewish." story of how we were drawn into warded to the Leapue of. Nations tion of the Center Players, will officers at a banquet to be given „ The subject matter will be ap-to the Jewish community. j Dr. Butler declared that origin-; the last war and .the by the. Comniittec of .Tewifh Oelj*-alomon, Eugeae Blazer, a member ofial race groups have become so; Jerusalem——K proached from three diverse angway how to avoid being drawn be held Sunday afternoon; Jan- soon. uary 5, at 2:30 at the Center the board of trustees of Temple • completely intermingled that the liiRguifhed Germrni-Jcwish orch- {rationK. Sam Giller was officially | les,'giving, a-picture of the prosInto the next war. Mr. auditorium. voted into the organization at this ! pectus: of the coming J-ear. Presi- Israel,..will serve as chairman of'term "race" has "very little mean- estra conductor of Berlin and Ba- The Committee points on), the! "This book ought to be requirEveryone interested is urged meeting. . 'dent Haynes will speak on "Gov- the evening and will introduce the'; ing" for the student o£ western den-Baden, has been appointed virtually all of t h e anti-Jewish, ed for all who earnestly want to the director of music or Pale- legislation in. effect in to be present. There will be The Psi Mu members are plan-i ernment and Education"; Dr. speakers. Rabbi Wice will offici-' civilization. keep America out of another He urged international-mindedsiine's first ratl:o broadcast sta- proper has been applied to only one tryout. ning many affairs for the near j Clayton on "Church in the New i ate at the regular services. world war," stated Rabbi GoldJews in t h e Saar. ness and progressiveness of spirit, i tion. future. 'Year"; and Kabbi David II. Wicej The public is invited. Stein.
Banquet Shidlowsky on Wednesday
Services by Vaad Growing Popular
Play, 'Rain From
Praise of'Critics
lant I tees in part
1' I
Rabbi Greenberg of Philadelphia
States Orthodox Judaism Opposed to Birth Control
Youtli Forum to
To Speak At Symposium
President Butler of Columbia Uni Hits Race Myth
of PsiMuFrat
Certificate for Lapidus Memorial Forest
week is LeRoy Prinz, Paramount the headlines with honors, this studio dance director, whd\ has been, named a member and major o£ the Ligue Internationale des Aviateurs, an international group of aviators. Membership in the league gives the pilot permission to fly in and over any nation In | the world. Prinz was attached to i th£ Lafayette Escadrille during !the "World "War.
The most intimate friend of the AttWt 2A&IK AUW OfTO*M M BftnU • .Prince of Wales is noije other ^than Arthur Schwartz, the Ameri'• can composer . . . Schwartz and the heir to the British throne are together almost every day and (( IN IN PAL«STIN-E PAL«STINE )) CAVT GET AWAY FROM IT - have been malcine the rounds of Once you are stamped -with a London's, night clubs . . . Engtrade mark, you never lose it, Joe , land's brilliant young foreign sec,.tf Penner has discovered The forretary, Anthony Eden, has no use Sfjj mer Detroiter hasn't used his lor Hitler . . . Eden first made Igjj "wanna buy a duck?" line for a his mark in diplomacy by the has honorablq fulfilled its obligation to « ^ year now, but he is still known blunt language he used in con-| the establishment and completion of the Sijsl i as the "duck man" to everyone ferring -with Der Fuehrer two Kfjj at Paramount Studios The radio LflPDDlUS FO.R€STfn€mORIlflL • years ago .. , . Vladimir Jabotin-I t^et star has just completed a picture sky, would-be fuehrer of the Jews, j Sn grateful acknowledgment thereof Stt:/ii here He arrived without any is moving the headquarters of his the Supreme fldvi'soru. Councfl awards ;5E.j ducks and determined to let byRevisionist party from Paris to ' gones be by-gones. But to no London . . . Pity the poor Nazi this certificate. fa avail. He is "duck man" to diplomats . . . On orderB from everybody including the fan mail Berlin they have been sentenced he gets and now he is resigned to ' to live the lives of hermits behis fate. • cause they must govern themSOXG WRITER'S SCHEDULES selves abroad by the anti-Semitic Cfu&mou, of IUvtotiU Cemmtt&G So keen is the interest of Irlaws . . . That means that in this ving Berlin in the progress of the ! country . the German ambassador new RKO-Radio picture for which must avoid all functions attended he wrote the musical score that by Secretary of the Treasury Morhe makes almost daily telephone genthau and Justice Louis D. Brandeis . . . Italian Jew3 in PalePictured here is a reproduction han, who in addition to his other preme Advisory Council.' The j calls from New York to Hollystine are falling all over them- of t h e certificate which is to be multitudinous activities w a s one original certificate is 15x11 inches. wood. The famous composer will selves to show their loyalt.' to II sent to each chapter of the A. Z. of the great early leaders of the The story about the national A. make a trip across the country Duce by donating wedding rings A. which makes a contribution to junior B'nai B'rith. Z., A. memorial campaign appears just to see this film when it is and other jewelry to the Italian the Lapidus Forest Memorial in previewed in Hollywood. He can't The name of t h e chapter will on page one of this issue. wait until it is edited and shipped Vienna Nazis now Palestine, honoring t h e late Oma- be filled In, in the place of 'Su•war fund to New York where he can see it greet each other with "Hell Selasfree. ' . sie" because the Austrian govern- stein of Chicago for a vacancy on tale to tell about the late Presie Flash! Morris ment has tabooed the "Heil Hit- the U. S, Circuit Court of Appeals dent Gomez of Venezuela . . . Levin Song writing inspiration follows about a year and a half ago, 'Pop' (Mush) Wiener, sports editor of ler" business . . . . . . Bias D. Steuer, the eminent accompanied 400 doctors on a the J.T.A., will be married Jan- no time schedules, Irving Berlin FAMILY AFFAIRS • lawyer, gave his enemies a big uary 12 . . . Her name is Dorothy told us. "It may take a week, a month, or sometimes only a day One of our landsleit in now re- laugh recently when he appeared trip to Maracay under auspices of pelin . . . Mazeltov . . . lated by marriage to George as a witness in his suit to recover the Pan-American Medical Associ- (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic to write a song," he said. "And Agency, Inc.) While aboard ship heone stands as much chance as the Dr. Walter H. a 5150,000 fee from one of his ation \yashington others of becoming a hit, so far K r a u s of New York, psychiatrist clients . . .Famous for his badger- ceived a report that Gomez had Arriving In Venezuela, as time in creation angle is cona n d leading authority on Jewish ing of witnesses, Steur was re- died cerned." Berlin says he does not geneology, has become a lands- ported to have squirmed under "Pop" succeeded in getting an interview with the famous dictatorbelieve in sitting back and waitm a n of George "Washington by cross-examination The Ku ing for inspiration. Work, he be\ m a r r y i n g . Victoria Bowe, who is Klux Klan is showing signs of life president to prove that the report By LOUIS PEKARSKY lieves, stimulates writing. When . a descendant of Mary Ball, "Wash- again . . . It sounds funny but the was greatly exaggerated . . . He he is in the throes of actual com"We can also electrial union is picketing the tried to get a photographer in DID YOU KXOW DEPT. ington's mother Jack Benny's recent increase in position, he has worked as long as claim- the late Mark Hanna, Fres- new Samuel Gompers Industrial with him to snap the president, •jf ident McKinley's one-man brain High School in the Bronx . . . This but the cameraman was politely salary makes him top-price man 24 hours without a break, except :'.*• trust, as a landsman since his school, which is named for the escorted out of the presidential among radio stars. He gets to sip black coffee. Despite the Incidentally, Gomez $7,500 and tops Cantor's salary mental hazards and the technical ^granddaughter, the former Mrs. late president of the American palace K Charlotte Hanna Hume Merritt, is Federation of Labor, had some of spent $20,000 in putting up and for broadcasting by §500. Joe requirements, Berlin is enthusias•'h now married to Luigi Rothchild, j its electric fixtures installed by entertaining the doctors in the Penner says he prefers to stay in tic about writing for pictures. He beautiful city of Maracay . . . v Hollywood and in the movies and likes Hollywood. And Hollywood, ;K tanker, man-about-town and for- non-union labor . . . \l.-: mer Princeton football star . . . is said to be holding out on radio it might be added likes Irving ;K Hqthchild is no relative of the HITLERLWA for §10,000 a week . . . David O. Berlin and his music. MISH-MASH . . . Anti-Nazis are applauding AlexlU-^European Rothchild clan . . . One The Rev. Dr. Charles S. Mc- Selznick is in line for the Motion ";'""ToI the younger members of the ander "Woollcott because he gave Farland,: general secretary emeri- Picture Academy Award with two jS H E - S PARTICULAR I'i. Montefiore family of England is u p ' h i s ' lucrative radio program tus of the Federal . Council of productions which he completed M a r t a Eggerth, Universal's rather than bow to his sponsor's getting ready to say 'I do" to a demand that he lay off his attacks Churches of Christ, couldn't be- for MGM this year before he start- brilliant Hungarian-Jewish opera lieve his eyes when he read Bruno ed his own independent com- and movie star, who- Is now at .'• Mrs. John New York showgirl on Hitler New York's Magis- Malitz's "The National Socialist pany, gelznick International Pic- jj work t i . Schif f, grandaughter-in-law of the on her. first American film, Ford has a sense of humor Concept of Sports," which Is imLi late Jacob H. Schiff, and grand- .trate tures, Inc., as1 announced here a i r e f u s e g t o g i n g a n y m i l sical c , , m . . . . "When a Jewish policeman by ;& daughter of the famous banker, the name of Hitler arrested 30 pregnated with anti-Jewish, ve- few columns back George Cu- position,, except opera, introduced -jJ.'V George F. Baker, attends services Jewish peddlers on Broadway and nom, so he got a copy of the Ger- kor, who will be associated with by an artiste other than herself. man original and had his own Mr. Selznick in future film pro- She has had 140 songs written ;f •; at Temple Emanu-El in New York, then pleaded for clemency, Ford |j.j- although she Is a Christian . . . said "case dismissed on recom- translation made And that's ductions, is a candidate for the for her voice by composers of ;t; Poor old Kingfish Levinsky is mendation of Hitler" . . . York- why he wrote that open letter to Academy's award for the best di- nine different countries and she ;BS naving his troubles . . . First his ville's Nazi are beginning to get the three American members of rector's work during the past year can sing any of these ^numbers In ;js! sister-manager-is put into a strait-. a taste of their own strong arm the International Olympic Com- . . . Sylvia Sideny will go to Lon- seven different languages. mittee urging them to read the don after the first of next year g; Jacket and now his fan-dancing (CopjTight. 1935. by Seven Arts methods Anti-Nazi Germans book It is reported that anti- to'appear in a single GaumontFeature Syndicate) I,! wife divorce* him . . . are treating the Hitlerites rough Nazi forces have gotten hold of British picture on a loan from jJ3 WE'RE TELLING YOU . . . Hardly a night passes with- a'copy of the constitution and Walter W.anger Productions . . . Fj< James G. McDonald, who has out some Nazi getting a licking . . Pi Lambda Phi Medal guide book of the German Light Hollywood today faces a serious! fe just resigned as refugee High (Copyright 1935 by Seven Arts Sporst Association, which even beauty shortage! This alarming 5? Commissioner, will probably beFeature Syndicate) New York—Mayor Fiorello H. more than the Malitz pamphlet statement was made by Mark j;; come executive editor of the New shows just ?.ow sportsmanlike are Sandrich, director of film musi- La Guardia has been chosen to &'. York Times . . . Henrietta Szold Nazi sportsmen . . . The somewhat cals. The shortage is in quantity, receive the Pi Lambda Phi Tol1^; had a swell time on the boat comerance Medal for 1935, conferred perilous device of having, the doc-not quality, girls, Mark added |^ ing back to this country until her annually upon the man who best uments stolen from the office of i"^ fellow Jewish passengers disCovexemplified the spirit of tolerance, Dr. Theodor Lewald was used.. i?S ered her Identity . . ± Then she MORE HONORS it was announced here by Herbert Leach Cross, once a handy fellow :'; -was besieged and had to run from Sid Grauman, veteran showman with his fists, is a dentist and £ a barrage of kisses, hugs, and othnurtures ambitions to* write stor- tucky colonel in America's film nity's national council. er annoyances . . . Mrs. Rebekah ies of the ring and cupid . . .The capital. The governor of that •u- Kohut is conducting her commundeath recently of Goldsmid-Stern- state has just sent a commission al activities from a room in Mt. Salomons of England, a former tied with lovely ribbons to Grau- Culture? Sinai Hospital, where she is laid Munich — The Jewish Culture mayoress of Tunbridge "Wells ana man, manager of the world-fam"1 » tip' with a broken leg . . . And the Union had to move a cultural exwidow of Sir Divid Salomons, mo-joUs Chinese Theatre, whose ac- hibition from the Munich Museum reason Rabbi Samuel Goldenson toring pioneer, recalls that she is complishments in the motion picof New" York's Temple Emanu-El j MISS SZOLD PULLS A PAST commonly credited with having ture business make one of the to the building of the Munich Jewhasn't been heard from lately isjOXE been the first person in all Eng- most thrilling success stories that ish Comunity as a result of an orOnly a handful of persons knew American that he's not well land to employ the services of a has ever come out of Hollywood . der issued by the Munich authorwhen Miss Henrietta Szold, grandJewish women will soon have ..a est dame" of them all, was due to chauffeur . . . Roger W. Straus {Great Britain's mighty new sub-ities prohibiting Jewish meetings magazine all to themselves It'll be called "Eve" . . . Emma j arrive from Palestine for her must have been quite surprised marine has an honorary "ship- and exhibitions in buildings ownRedell, world's greatest Jewish j first visit to the United States, to see himself listed In a newspa- mate" in th.e person of lovely ed by non-Jews. er account of a Who's Who among Merle Oberon, English star ap'„v. operatic singer, will contribute all her native land, in six years ' . earnings from her Town Hall con- Two days from port, aboard the j Jews as among sixteen non-Jews pearing in Goldwyn Studio Picdid most during the year to tures. "Notification of this honor "" cert on January 20th to the Amer- Statendam bound for Hobokeri, ' lean Committee for the Settle- she radioed Hadassah headquar- improve relations between Jews came to the Londoner in the form of a-large photograph of the un-1 ment of Jews in Biro Bid Jan.. . . ters here her whereabouts . . . and Christians . . . dersea fighter, with officers and And included . in the radiogram ~* The Jewish War Veterans is growr crew lining the decks, and in-l ing by leaps and bounds . . .New were the words "please, no re- KEEP YOUR EYES OX THIS scribed "To Merle Oberon, with posts . are being organized " this porters." . . . And that's why the FELLOW ... it "., month, Miami, San Francisco, press which would have given -her The author of "Name Your sincerest admiration—from her a tremendous play, didn't know Poison," A. H. Woods play which shipmates of H. M. S. Submarine Trenton and Nashville . . . j. OLYMPIAN' HEIGHTS ^ she was' already safely home in has just gone into rehearsal, Is Oberon." This nautical friendship when Merle was in London * Jewish sportsmen in Europe are Baltimore with her family . . . Herb Lewis, a former staff mem- began recently and received a request Miss Szold, who was 75 on Satber of the late lamented Jewish - Jrunning a fever over.the decision urday, Dec. 21, was met : at the Daily Bulletin . . . A young fellow, from the sailors of the Oberon for of the Hagibor, fatuous Czechos- pier by Mrs. Edward Jacobs, pres- he attracted considerable atten- an autographed picture. The star - Iovakian Jewish sports club, to ident of Hadassah,. and members j tion among the Broadway cognos- responded, not only sending her • participate in the Berlin Olympics picture, but a case of rum as well - . . . The Hungarian Olympic team of the board Among the first centi when he did a swell job of . The third film notable to hit •will have at least five Jews . ., . to greet her were her sister, Mrs. doctoring on the hit "The Night INSURED CABS Thomas Seltzer and Miss Alice of January 16.." . . . At the preYou can expect some big developments in the Olympic situation Seligsberg, one of the. earliest sent time he's a rewrite man on / in this country as soon as the New members and co-founder with the N. Y. American . . . Watch his '"- Year festivities are forgotten . . . Miss Szold of the women's Zionist dust . . . He's going places . . . The silence of the past fortnight movement . . . The moat modest Marion Rubenstein, Cleveland "Was only a holiday truce : . . In- of persons, Miss Szold has always girl who wrote "Adventuring in - «idently, "Judge Mahoney, leader shunned the spotlight Hardly Palestine," may be In Mexico by ," of the anti-Olympians, has as his anyone in Palestine was aware of the time this is in print . . . Her chief adviser on procedure his the fact that she had 1 departed, literary agent is taking orders ' nephew, Quentin Reynolds, the the press there getting wise to for a series of stories and art on J, magazine "writer, who recently the fact after she was; welf out that country Mark Levant, young violin virtuoso, is the first ,« spent a "year in Naziland . . . Rey- on the bounding main . . . American to occupy the chair of 'J Holds is the'fellow who was the Assistant Concert-master at the "• literary ghost for Putzi Hanfsta- THAT FELLOW GOMEZ engl, Hitler's press" agent, when He Louia Popkin, publicity man Metropolitan Opera House Putzi wrote an article recently whose name has appeared in this | used to be known, in his earlier for Collier's magazine . . . column before, has an interesting | dress as a concert soloist as Mose3 POLITICALLY SPEAKIX'G All rumors to the contrary not"" -withstanding, David T. Wllentz, N e "W Jersey's . attorney-general, •will not resign to rua for gover(Established 1878) nor . . . Although Dave might like to make his resignation •would displease the Democratic Phone j a . 0551 — Phone 594 —, Phone 88685 powers in New Jersey . . . It he qnlt-Governor Hoffman, a RepubAsbestos lican, would bo able to appoint a Republican attorney-general, who Slate-Tile '{*, would then be able to oust 30 Asphalt and Gravel *V Democrats from lucrative jobs , . . c . The American Federation of LaFREE ESTIMATES — EASY TERMS tor Is booming Benjamin Gold-
Latpiidios f o r e s t Memorial
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SALE OF BLOUSES Entire stock of silk, crepe and satin. Values to $4.95. Special
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SALE OF LINGERIE Bnlbriggan Pajamas, all colors. Eegular $1.9S. Broken sizes
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1936 ! perate suffering in the countries MRS. J, FINKEl HEAD the theory of "Nordic race" sup- • the Jews in Germany, voted, -with • adjacent, to Gerincy. and an ever remacy and the desire to eliini- j the single dissent of Germany, in OF MQVNT SWAt GRQf>?.more terrible human calamity nate "foreign racial" elements j favour of a further resolution: within the German frontiers, are from the life of the country; it'; that the principle "must be ap- \ T h e JUMti;! Piuni ( T m o t e r y P.KVinevitable unless present tendenrests also on the conception of plied •without exception to all! cies in the Reich are chocked or iiinry bplri t h e i r r e c r l p r nMl"" the absolute subordination of the ; classes of nationals of a state! reversed. I cannot remain Film*. individual to the State. An in-',which differ from the majority of; I am convinced that U is the tlr.ty srofrup FT "-"tli frpr! Sew.nrd Ftreort;. fluential section of the Party is: the population in race, language; 1 of the Higlt Commissioner for Offu^' "'^ vrpr^ o'erter i'or the cotractively promoting a " revival of '< or religion." The German Jevs, : Refugees, in tendering insr term. They pre: MesdamPK -•„ neo-Paganism which sets itself: although not claiming or desir-; By the Service Life Insurance German his resignation, to express ;:v. op-Fink el. pre-iOent ; S. Fell(in«r«. in t 0 b ea against both the Old Testament I s minority, are within; Company, Omaha P- Fish, scofui inion on the essential Hpn*nit.s o: vife-rire^iiioni; ] and parts of the New Testament. \\ asthewS Ca0sPset aot ettdMastPrinciple because, ] the task with which the Coimei! vice-prinsiderii : Albert. thWl virot h e as w a s s t a t e d a t t h e Assembly, as! of the League entrusted him. !>rrsidcut; Ttubinstoin, reoordiur Assembly The conceptions of "blood, race,\\ . . . as! t M n I : o f H f e insur_ think of life, not "When domestic policies threaten sfcretEry: A. Ki^sninn. lm«Pfi:,: , .,„ . . . . ,. .soon as there is legal discrimina-, demoralization arid exiie of spcrpia.ry: S;im .Sfritiiierg. co~".'^By JAMES G. MCDONALD c.! esoil nthu,sipropagated asm, men acef^anatialone ™ 2 S S the and -with :tmeaning i; o— E> a — m i of n o— rmodern ity ^ e s i slaw. tV s ^ i t^ h i n t^ h e ;' J S hundreds of thousands of hun-.aji ppondinp secretary: A. Koohni:;r, cal enthusiasm, menace not alone, within my province to state to when the emergency of death falls beings, considerations of diplo- treasurer. ; Former League of Nations High Commissioner for German Refugees main defiantly loyal to who the old extent the practice in this i upon the family, but we think of matic correctness must yield to the Jews, but all those re--R-hat The )>onrcc menibprs wiil be s r ideals of freedom in the State, i matter of the community of na, it as a source of great satisfaction those of common hurnnmiy. 1 nottneed later. After more . than two years uary, 1936. It has been the dren are stirred to hate the Jews and threaten the Church with pol- tion in the last hundred years and •' a i c *v, ,i ur n o nj s w n e n everytMr^ should be recreant if I did not Alter the meCiiDC Mrs. J. Fint' of work as League of Nations sense of the Governing Body that and the Christian "non-Aryans", i t i c a l Et t i o n s ha be is going well in the home. call attention to the actual situa- el served tot; in honor oC IMrt-. s. work of assistance in the to to spy upon them and to attack t h i n t e r sd °oft^t ht ieotnw- o °^ *f}»?'. ° ^ f ****** f ^ % "' High Commissioner for German the 1 t There are benefits which no one tion, and plead ih;n wovlc . opin- Fc'ilniiin, w li p returned reoc: I' countries of refuge. .could he betthem, and_*• to incite their own par- j = T e a t C yh " Eand ~ ™ r Y ,7 ^stomarj interKefugees, James G. McDonald . . , . . ' . ! » . * x " v .__,._:(.:„„ j _ ri national law; neither am I called
has resigned. .His resignation was announced in a lengthy letter to the Secretary General of the League of Nations. Because ol the Historic importance of this letter, which suggests, ainong other things, that the League of Nations and the great powers hring pressure to bear on Germany to ameliorate the conditions which are creating the refuge© problem, we present herewith, the full text of this document as a special feature." • • ' ;—Editor
t T man ter carried forward by an organi- ; ents to extirpate ithe Jews alto- ; l a n communities in werrm anj " " " :
need die to secure.
ion, p.cting through
The Lenpue
frum X e v York City.
zation directly under the author- I gether. I t is being made increas- j aborad rise their voices in protest.; U P O ° l° J °f ,. , , „ Z, To the father, adequate life in- and its Member-States and other ity of the League. It is now clear | ingly difficult, for Jews and "non- i against this attack which threa- ; ^ ™ £r!o~ to 1933° a r e i n them- surance the knowledge countries, move to aver; ;he exthat the effectiveness of the High j Aryans" in Germany to sustain j tens to increase the number of selves sufficient to establish legal that he has done his duty. 'The istine' and impending tragedies. T h e IJ <-•• l h -El S u n d a y H C 11 o. > 1 v i l ; Commissioner's efforts was weak- I life. Condemned to segregation j refugees. l,e_ • thought of it comes as a seal of ''presumptions. But r e s u m e Sv.ndsv, . I s m a r v .r>. i;i. ; i ened from the beginning by* the j within the four corners of the j The developments since 1 9 3 3 > lieve, are sufficient both, approval and ss a benediction of T.0 p.. n\. T h o r p will lie a Chamtks:J: compromise which was agreed up- legal and social Ghetto which has)a n d ^ p a r ti c u lar those following la n a p p e a l t ' o t n o s e broad'consid-: " w e l 1 d o n e " u P ° n t h e ' feplans of Manlya Gkzer. £,&, procram v.iu..-lt w a s po?tpo:>f>.-: on at the time his office was setnow closed upon them, they are !!the Nuremberg legislation, call; erations of humanity and of inter- ' a good man. t h r e e iv»rk= n p n . T h e mipils ti!. Dies After up—that is, the decision to sep-increasingly prevented from earn- [ life insurance makes it posMiss. D o r o - h y Si!vermar.'K ptu1; 'for fresh .collective action in renational peace which are the basis? i b l eFor arate it from the Leam an j : t0T t l m living. Indeed more than Miss D o r o t h y W e i s i e r ' s cl;i =;>"•"-. _ . definitely . • . ,ing , . ,their . . . . i r d to the problem created by of the public law of Europe in the ; *° redeem his pledge r t T Ka Miss Marilyn Glazer wiil u . k e jiiirt. J o s e p h i n e Co''."1! gue. This compromise was ac-j half of the Jews remaining in Ger- g ara w ine iprom me t '• „=„, „and „ , , t religious L 1 ; s H r > t o c a r e f o rt h o s e w h o m h e l o v e s ; maUBr nof f „racial The matter n cepted in order to avoid the veto many have already been deprived !! it is his guarantee and assurance Harney St., died S'.r.'.fi ai!(l Tv'ddy ..iiM-sltun v i l l t ; v c t of Germany, which was then an of their Uvelihood. In many parts moral authority of the League or minorities. that regardless of what may hap-ber 29. in a local ho s p i t of the country there is a systema- Nations and of States Members The growing sufferings of the pen to him. he has made good a long illness. active member of the League. minority in German" is survived by li Progress has been made during tic attempt at starvation" of the of the League must be directed: persecuted oihe' ,7pvi-;h Press Pi'iveriisprf and the menace of the growing provision, in advance, for his Mrs.She Rose Glazer; t w istrr: the last three years in settling Jewish population. In no field! towards a determined appeal to exodus call for friendly but firm family. :i n d 0 r On October 26th, 1933, the Uhe refugees from Germany. Of of economic activity is there any j the German Government in the It is easy to see how much sa- Mollie and Jeanne; with the German some In a m e o f humanity and of the intercession President of the Council of the t n e m o r e than SO,000 who have \ security whatsoever. For Government, by all pacific means, tisfaction of heart and of mind ! brother, Mike. VARK LEON WRITES League of Nations did me thealready left the Reich, approxi- time it j principles of the public law ofon the part of the League of Na-the knowledge, that he has arFuneral services wer h f l d l a ; honor to appoint me High Com-mately three-fourths have now Jewish business men and shop- j They must ask for ations, of its Member-States and ranged so that they will never Sunday afternoon from t h e .lew missioner for Refugees (Jewish found new homes more than half i keepers to carry o ntheir trades m o d i { i c a t i O n of polici icies which other members of the community want, brings to the father who ish funeral home. F^a b i Davi I in fact. INSURANCE r* F.v»rv i and Other) Coming from 'Ger- of these in Palestine— or have 1 to small towns The campaign, constitute a source of Type - - Stronc Reiiab'e L f ,unrest and o £ loves his famjl3\ A. Goldstein officiated, n t ermev y and reason many, to "negotiate and direct" Mother thinks of life insurance took place in Pleasant X i 11 i'en the world, a chall^ must inspire the hope that interthe "international collaboration" of origin. This accomplishment systematically prosecuted, the conscience of man-; cession will meet with response. not as something which, benefits etery. City Finance & Sirssnranee C?,, I necessary to solve the "economic, in the laTger towns. Despite the! enge to has been primarily the work of each one of the family in equal necessy restrictions upon migration from i kind, and a menace to the legiti-1 the problems caused by the per, | AT 766" - 1409 FARN.AM - W'A r W ' | l " f ! measure. It is for the others just financial and social problem" of jt n e refugees themselves and ' of Patronize our adverts the provinces into the few largest mate interests of the States af- secution of the Jews and the "non1
the refugees. I hereby beg to the philanthropic organizations- — Aryans" will not be solved by as much as it is for her. cities where Jewish economic act- fected by the immigration of GerAnd both father and mother. submit through you to the Coun- Jewish and Christian—irhose dephilanthropic action, but will concil of the League my resignation voted labours have been ceaseless-! ivity is not yet completely exclu- man refugees. looking into the faces of the childtinue to constitute a danger to from this office, to become ef-i ]y carried on in many parts of the! ded, the Jews are fleeing to those i Apart from the tipper Silesia international peace and a source r e n -a r e - l a d f o rt h e l i f e insurance fective as from December 31, world. Probably not more than cities because there only can they j convention of May, 192 2, Ger- of injury to the legitimate inter- w h i c h makes it possible to know ^1935. In the period of over two 15,000 refugees now remain un- hope to escape, at least for a time, ' many does not appear to be ex: that these children never will be years since the establishment of placed. (An account of the wort from the* more brutal forms of pressly bound by a treaty obliga- ests of other states. education. opportunity, The efforts of the private or- denied the office, conditions in Germany done for the refugees since April, persecution. tion providing for equal citizen- ganizations and of any League or- and a fair start in life. •which create refugees have devel- 1933, is being published). The This influx has exhausted al- ship of racial, religious or linguis- granization for refugees can only eped so catastrophically that a re- care and the settlement of these ready the resources of the Jewish tic minorities. But the principle consideration by the League of remaining thousands of refugees philanthropic and educational in- of respect for the rights of minor- mitigate a problem of growing treaties, than a sure foundation In thein the fact that the protection of Nations of the entire situation is could and would be borne by thestitutions in Germany. The vicities has been during the last gravity and complexity. essential. The legislation and ad- already heavily burdened private tims of the terrorism are being three centuries hardening into ob- present economic conditions of the individual from racial and religious intolerence is a vital ministrative and Party action a- organizations, were they not fear- driven to the point where, in utligation of the public law of Eur- the world, the European States, condition of international peace and even those overseas, have gainist "non-Aryans" were stead- ful that the number of refugees ter anguish and despair, they may ope. That principle was recogily intensified, and culminated in may be increased many times by burst the frontiers in fresh waves nized in some of the most impor- ]only a limited power of absorp-' and security. I am appending to refugees. The problem [ this letter a comprehensive analy- '; the autumn of 1935 when a series new flights from" Germany. of refugees. tant international instruments of j : tackled at its source if ; sis of the German legislation, adof new laws and decrees initiated Again,'as so often during their j the nineteenth century The facts which arouse these ; disaster is to be avoided. This; ministrative decrees and jurisa fresh wave of repression and long heroic and tragic history, the ' refer to the provisions of the Con- : g apprehenisons are indisputable. function of the League, \ prudence, ES well as of their efpersecution of a character which Jewish people are used as thegress of Vienna, the treaty of j is essentially an association j fects on the problem of refugees. •svas not envisaged in 193.3. The They are evidenced clearly in the scapegoat for political and parti- guarantee following upon the of states for the consideration of I I feel bound to conclude this intensified persecution in Ger- German laws, decrees, Judical desan purposes. The National So- ion of Belgium and Holand, matters of common concern. The! letter on a personal note. Prior many threatens the pauperization cisions and Party pronouncements cialists level against them charges collective recognition of the inand practices during the last two Covenant empowers the Council , to my appointment as High Comor exile of hundreds o£ thousands c r e a of the most outrageous and unten- dependence p of Greece, the ' ; a n d t h e Assembly to deal with any ; missioner for Eefufrees Conline women and years. The culmination of these o { Germans—men, ^ ; able kind. They ignore all of the tion tion of of the the autonomous autonomous pnncipnncichildren—not only Jews but also attacks on the Jews, the Christian of in p a r t i c u l a r G e r E fourteen any_ facts of the continous loyalty of "non-Aryans," and the political palities of Moldavia and W aua-;. the,during the years lollovt y o f t h g L e a g u e o p a f f e c t i n g the "non-Aryan" Christians treatfor ex-) chia. It was affirmed at the Con-peace of the world. The effort. ing the "War, I gave in my forand religious dissenters was thethe Jews in Germany: ed as Jews, and Protestants a n t t | a g T aeglslation announced at theample, during the Empire when gres of Berlin in 187 8 in relation of the League to ensure respect; raer office frequent and tangiKe Catholics who in obedience to Party Congress at Nuremberg last Jews helped to unify Germany to newly recognized states. It for human personality, when not' proof of my concern that. Justice their faith and conscience dare September. The core of rthat en- and make it strong; during the was deliberately reaffirmed in the grounded on express provisions of; be done to the German people. to resist the absolute rwlll of theactment was the law limiting cit-jWar when a percentage of JewPeace Settlement of 1919 and in
"A Quality Product for Seasoning"
the National Socialist State. izenship to those who "of German ish youth as high as that of anya series of special minorities j treaties as a vital condition both i A.part from all questions of or cognate blood," and who also other religious community in the principle and of religious per- conform to the National Socialist Reich gave their lives for the Fa-of international justice and of the; secution, one portentous fact con- conception of loyalty to the State. therland, and Jewish scientists preservation of the peace of the I In the case of newly-; fronts the community of states. As the direct result in Germany | and men of affairs helped so no-world. More than half a million persons, not only the Jews, who now num-tably to enable Germany to pro-created states its express . recog- j against whom no charge can beber about 435,000, but also tens long the struggle; and under the nition constituted a condition of made except that they are notof thousands of Christian "non- Republic when Jewish leaders admission to the League of Na•what t h e National Socialists Aryans" who are classified as: aided in saving Germany from tions. chotfse to regard as "Nordic" are were some of the worst effects of de-1 Neither was the attitude of, being crushed. They cannot es- Jews, lost their citizenship, made ineligible feat. Instead, it has been found Germany in this matter open to; cape oppression by any act .of j to hold public office. Indirectly, j useful to attribute to the Jews the any doubt. During the Peace Con- : their own free-will, for what has through this new law, a constitu- responsibility for the misery and ference, the German Delegation, been called "the membership of tional basis was laid for nnre- dejection which the German peo- in urging the adoption of the non-Aryan Tace" cannot be changstricted discriminations against!pie suffered during the last years principle of protection of minorities „,. of ^ alien in _ her ea or kept in abeyance. Te _ ns ° r ja n . those -whom the Party may j of the War and the decade that ,..„ ^ Uorigin „ terriiia^ ~ thousands are to-uay anxious y ^ ^tQ p e n a i i z e _ T n e aenational- 1j followed. Though less than a i tories according to the same prinseekirig ways to flee abroad, but ization by the German Govern- one-hundreth part of the total; ciples." The Allied Associexcept for those prepared to sac-ment of thousands of German cit- population, the Jews are held res- | ated Powers expressly took note rifice the whole or greater part izens has added to the hardships ponsible for all the "adversity j of that declaration. From the of their savings, the official re- of both of those remaining in Ger-which the German people had to ; moment of her admission to hte strictions on export of capital ef- many and of the refugees while undergo. As in the Middle Ages, ! League Germany took the lead fectively bar the road to escape, in .possession of German national- when they were massacred and I in securing the effectiveness of and the doors of most countries ity. expelled from German States as the principles of international proare closed against impoverished Relentlessly the Jews and "non- the cause of the Black Death, so tection of minorities. fugitives. Nevertheless, if the Aryans" are excluded from all to-day they are eliminated from 'The Assembly of the League in •present pressure is not relieved, public offices, from the exercise the economic and cultural life of 11922 adopted a resolution which it is inconceivable that those who of the liberal professions, and Germany and degraded on the j expressed the hope that "states can flee will remain within Ger- from any part in the cultural and ground "that they were the cause i not bound by specific legal obintellectual life of Germany. Os- of the German humiliation. So j ligations in the matter of minorany. many The task of saving these vic- tracized from social relations with far does this hatred extend that J ities will nevertheless observe in time calls for renewed efforts "Aryans," they are subjected to even the Jewish war veterans who | the treatment of their own minorof the philanthropic bodies. The every kind of humiliation. Neith- fought and were wounded in the i ities as least as high a standard private organizations, Jewish and er sex nor age exempts them from front line trenches have been j of justice and toleration as is reChristian, may be expected to do discrimination. Even the Jewish foreed from their positions in the i quired by the treaties in questheir part if the Governments, act- and "non-Aryan" children do notpublic services, and the names of tion." The Assembly in 1933, ing through the League, mate escape creul forms of segregation the Jewish wax dead may no long- when considering the question of possible a solution. But in the new and persecution. In Party pub- er be engraved on war memorials. the persecution of Jews in GerThe attitude of the German many in connection with the discircumstances it will not be en-lications, directly sponsored by ough to continue the activities on the Government, "ATyan" chil- Government is based not only on pel doubts whether it applied to [ behalf of those who flee from the Beich. Efforts must be made to remove or mitigate the causes -which create German refugees. This could not have-been any part of the work of the High Commissioner's office; nor. presumably, can it be a function of the body to which the League may decide to entrust future administrative activities on behalf of the refugees. It is a political function, •which properly belongs to the League itself. At the last meeting, on October lGth, 1935, of the Permanent Committee of the Governing Body of the High Comission, at which my intention to resign was fully | discussed, action was taken to i liquidate' the office of the High Commissioner at the end of Jannary, 1936, or sooner if before that 'date the Council of. the League had made other provision for the co-ordination of the activities | on behalf of the refugees coming j irom Germany. : It was the expectation of the Permanent Committee that the Committee of Exports provided lor by the Assembly of 1935, to study the re-organization of the activities on behalf of the "German" and of the "Nansen" refugees, would complete its investigations in time to
present a plan for consideration, and it v a s "hoped Ior action, by the Council at its meeting in Jan-
on international: But convinced as I am that des-
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on this point. FORMER YESHIVA STUDENT WINS RHODES SCHOLARSHIP . . . But -we always knew that Talmudic training is excellent for the Published every Friday at Ouiahn, Nebraska, by mental development THE JEWISH-.-PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY JEWISH "SANTA CLAUS" DISTRIBUTES TOYS IN ADIRONSubscription Price, one year - - - • - - - $2.00 their Aryan doctrines particularly t o the farmers, saying they!: b y j o s c P h Gollomb Dodil M e a d ' i c i a t i o n T i U be 3 5 years old inhave knowledge for the ear trieth DACK^ . . . The idea is good as Advertising rates furnished on application. • "the • • new Germany as envisioned by the iand Company, 529 * * j September and in the same month ; words as the palate tastes food. an expression of the Chanukah were the backbone• •of pages, 'S2.50. j the Jews of Holland will cele- j Let us choose for us that which spirit. Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. Nazis. And the farmers—taking somewhat of their statements field Jewish immigrant life offers brate the 140th anniversary of is right. Let us know among our- liATIX-AMKRICA MAYOR OF HAVANA ACCEPTS Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center literally-r-decided t o use their backbone and fight the encircling \thB n o v e i i s t dramatist and poet. j| t h e i r P ° l i t i c a l emancipation. Oc- ; selves what is good. nVpoet HONORARY PHECIDENCY OF j Notwithstanding my right I am DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor Though the theme is olda n d ! tober marks the 2oth anniversary i accounted a deceiver. My world ORT CAMPAIGN . . . A splendid talons of vulturous Hitlerism. FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - > : - - - - * Editor threadbare, though it has b e trial e n of ? Mendel f ^ ^ ^Beilis ^ ^ in l ^Russia, ™ ! ! is incurable though I am without gesture, which we hope will in* FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent the subject of books without end, and the 110th aniversary of the, transgression. sure the success of,the Cuban ANN PILL - - -• - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent it still fascinates authors and at- passage of Maryland's "Jew bill", ! lie respecteth not the persons campaign. Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street tracts readers, as the publication which gave the Jews of that state , of princes nor regardeth the rich KIROPK We regretted t o read of the confiscation of the property of jot this volume attests. complete civil and political equal- I more than the poor for they all HUNGARIAN TOWN ELECTS all Jewish religious organizations in Turkey, especially since i t ' The characters of "Unquiet". JEW TO CITY COUNCIL ON A n d i n De cember it -will be ! are the work of His hands. i NAZI TICKET . . . The German TALMUD deprives the Jewish community there of virtually all sources of •m a ^ e _ their^initial appearance i n j j U ' s t a quarter of a century since i roof the United States abrogated its Nazis, too, had many Jewish supThe commercial treaty with Russia be- I We are taught that Rabbi Aki- porters at first. • The resignation of James G. McDonald as the League of income. However, there is some consolation which can be gleaned j o f . ba said, "For three hygienic, cusNations High Commissioner for German Refugees means the loss |! from the fact that the new law to the effect that all property of \ open and bitter hostility of thecause of the Czarist regime's dis- ; toms I do admire the Medians. S P A I N CLAIMS SEPHARDIC of a diligent, conscientious worker on behalf "of innocent unfort-jreligious communities and organizations belongs to the state. I t | ^ ? ^ £ ^ S muUtituS^ that crimination against American When they carve meat they do it JEWS IN GREECE AS SPANISH ! on the table (because it is theCITIZENS . . . Four centuries unates.- However, his message of resignation helped the cause h e | k not anti-Semitic in character, and while we think the action ; p r e c e d e d t h e m . A c r o n > R a c h e l a n d -ight 19 35 by Seven Arts i cleanest place); when they kiss from now will the Reich claim 0Q a n d supported in that it forcibly brought to the attention of the | ™ S fallacious we nevertheless do not want the Jewish re- : their children drift upon arrival Feature Syndicate) they <5o so only upon the hand dependents of German Jews in treated anv any different different than than the the others. others. For For a a lone, long, to the' lower East side of New ' (because the mouth is full of bac-Palestine as German citizens? world a. situation which'should Shock and shame the world out ^<™s * ™ " * treated i teria); and when they h a v e a I BRITISH BOY SCOUTS DROP time the vast estates of the Mohammedan Church in Turkey had | ^ ^ ^ p of its complacency. : public meeting they arrange it in| SWASTIKA AS EMBLEM . . . Says McDonald: "When domestic policies threaten the de- been confiscated by the government under Pasha. We want;ation emotional conflict a life • an open field (because there is ! Just another period in the career ! of this Hindu good-luck symbol. Nation and exile of hundreds of thousands of human be- e * u a M y ° f f a t m e n t before the law and therefore must take the devoid of cheer and beauty. ! plenty of fresh air.") The author is at his best when | .'URKEY CONFISCATES PROmoralization j Rabbi Jochanan said, '-Even if bitterness of equality along with the sweet. he depicts Jewish life in Russia, j PRRTY OF JEWISH RELIGIOUS 1 ings, consideration of diplomatic correctness must yield to those the sword already touches the ! BODIES . . . Persecution, unfortThe picture is fascinating- and ar-i throat yet a man should not re-unately, no longer constitutes of common humanity." Common humanity, it is high time we resting. The trials and ordeals! i train from praying; for mercy." news for the Jews. all agreed, is the essence of our present need. He made plain of Russian Jews are many and | : Rabbi when he had finished his New York (WNS) — In a terrifying-. One appreciates the the fact that the Jewish people in Germany are being made the Germs • boring outward from within are more deadly than bitter hostility and hatred of the il e n S t h >' letter to the Secretary ' daily prayer made the following victims of a cold pogrom and are being systematically ousted germs on the surface of the skin seeking to worm their way in-: Russian Moushzlk, the physical in- I General of the League o£ Nations prayer, ".May it be Thy will, O TREE SENT BY KING OF ENGLAND PLANTED IN PALESTINE from the economic as well as cultural life of the country. He wards. We refer—with disgust—to George Kareski, newly ap-! security and the emotional ten- '< announcing his resignation asLord, to deliver me from arrogant FOREST BEARING HIS NAME . . men and from arrogance; from recommends that which \ve have advocated for some time and I pointed president of the Reich Federation of Jewish Cultural Un-;sion that drove millions of Jews:league High Commissioner for a bad man; from a n y mishap; His name will always be honored German Refugees states the Leaby Jews for more important reawhich will have to be done soon—the aiding of oppressed minor- {ions. I t is said—and the facts bear it out—that Kareski is ai fro ™ t h e i r ancestral homes. « u e a n d i t s members: m «*t m a k e from bad associates: from a bad sons, also. • • • ' . • • .. a• rr . , T b e second chapter entitled e f f o r t s t o r e m o v e o r miti- inclination: from a bad neighbor; | from severe judgment and from (Copyright 1035 by Seven Arts ities requires, intercession with Germany by the league itself.! tool of the Nazi party. Just this week he gave an interview "The Ghetto" protrays sympathopponents, whether it be a Feature Syndicate) Thus far the refugee problem has been diverted,as a side issue j which appeared in Der Angriff, official Nazi organ, headlined with! etically and honestly the lives O f| s a t e t n e causes which create Ger- ; severe son of the covenant or a son not aQ 1 1 6 3 to a commission, but the time has come when the League of Na-: "The Nuremberg Laws Fulfill Ancient Zionist Demands" d ;^ ^ l "^ ^ ^ ™ ^ ^ " ^ ^ I ^ r o b i e n i ^ s fOT^aHtica^ ^ "w^u of the covenant." tions itself must assume direct responsibility for what happens j prefaced with the editorial comment that the Jewish people are!' i o n S j misunderstanding and con _j as philanthropic solution. AssertIS THIS YOUR ' • Abaye was accustomed to say. to the refugees. McDonald makes no bones upon blaming Ger-lnot as unanimous about the Nazi anti-Jewish laws as the "inter-! flict between parents and c h i l . ;ing that "the growing suffering? "Man should always be deliberate ATTIC? many for making the office of the refugee commissioner ineffec- national press" would have one think. In the article, Kareski! dren - t n e striving after that _ ,1oftt the persecuted minority in Ger- for the fear of God, reply softly, • - . . • , • . • • • , . . • , . , , t • i.i.. , , , . . . • .. .... , jt h i n g called " A m e r i c a n i s m " , a n d •> and the menace of the! try to pacify anger, and speak growing b u t f i r m exodus • call for friendly ' peacefully with his brethren, with tive, the Nazis, doing everything in their power to damn the'justifies the Hitlerite attitude. 'above all the grinding poverty,' Actually, Kareski, who had been a leader of the State Zionist the unequal struggle to eke out! intercession with the lives of the refugees after being the direct cause of their being , . _ .. , . . . , , | . „„.„„_ „_.•„,.„-„ (German government, by all Paci- his relatives and with every man a !fic means driven forth homeless. party in Germany, was appointed over the strenuous and vehe-; Rachel, the mother, is pure, - o n t h e P a r t o f t h e so that he may be beloved in ' League of Nations and other Heaven and below by men." Any student of the refugee situation knows that McDonald ment objection of the recognized Jewish leaders of the German l n o b l e a^d self-sacrificing, con-ge self-sacrificing, con
Semion Petlura, " y Sliolom sider themselves indeed unfortunate that they cannot hang the • Schwartzbard, comes in JIay. In GEMS OF THE BIBLE farmer dissatisfaction upon a Jewish peg, The Nazis in Germany 'August it will tie ten years since have so conveniently used the Jews for a scapegoat that they By Dr. Theodore X. Lewis, | the Soviet Union announced its AND TALMUD | plan lor establishing a Jewish auprobably feel a bit nonplussed to find that now they can't utilize By O. O. BASHER Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, | tonomous territory at Biro B-id. Sioux City this perennial excuse. Because they have barred Jews from till'jan. ! Hear my words, ye wise men, I ing the-soil or even owning the farm land and have preached "I'XOUIFT" ! '^'^le J e w ' s ^ Colonization Asso- and give ear unto me ye that
Equality—Bad With the Good
Refugee Relief
The Worst Kind of Enemy
is right when he.declares that the problem demands a political Jewish community. In their objections, these men accused Kare-'sumed by a passionate love for II members of the community of na; !her E rin n " T\Ti» McDonald , , I HAT»C Q I n warns •n.-nrnc that that °ffP , s and bewildered byj^° ^ a n d r e"MoT^rtr* as well as philanthropic answer. If civilization is to save its face, ski of being a paid agent of the Gestapo, Nazi espionage circle.\ h £f d b l d d b a s o n aIike m u s t i n ! „ . , . , . ,, , , _ , , , ;her inability to provide for them i " it must demonstrate with vigor that in the family of nations no ( Considering what problems world Jewry faces today, we are : decently and comfortably. • ! spire 11 mthe e e t hope w i t h r that e s p o n sintercession e because country can belong which violates the principles, of decency and; in the midst of a time when courage must be at a premium. We] Aaron, head of the family, is! 7T ? " Build an additional room at little *»•«• t o *** cost in your unfinished attic. humanity/ Jews must fight with every ounce of strength against the fruits : t Use insulating material* and J e s a n dt h e n n A r a n s w i U n o t save fuel. offered by anti-Semitic Nazis. Unquestionably a man like Kareski i ^ ^ ^ y ^ £eacTae"so"ea-j *' ° - J" Goixl contractors recombe s o l e d b hiI philanthropic action, is well paid for his traitorous declarations but a man worthy'! gerly anticipated, met with out-!but y >" P a: will continue to constitute a Ask us for i'roo estimate Of being called a Jew would die rather than betray the heritage !jdemned rageous disappointment, was « fl -1 J ^ l f to'SeraationaTwaee "nd NORTH AMERICA ^"t.;-ifor life in a miserable ; danger to international peace and ;MRS. STEPHEN S. WISE PICAs IJOW as S0.00 Per Mo. Dr. Judah L. Magnes, president of the Hebrew University of a his people. sweatshop, where despite hard \m asource of injury to the Iegitt- i KETS TOY STORE OF NEW © ru-imxiji 5 in Jerusalem, has injected an explosive topic of conversation into toil under revolting conditions | t « interests of other states. i YORK JEW SELLING GERMAN'• Add Rooms g Palestine by proposing that the Holy Land be permanently neuand for long hours, never earned) Predicting that "desperate suf- ; MADE GOODS. . . Let's hope lu • Install Storm Sash enough to provide the elementary'• fering in the countries adjacent '; took the lesson to heart. K tralized by the great powers. The proposal was accompanied Finance needs of his loved ones. - i to Germany, . and an even more i RABBI HERBERT GOLDSTEIN* £ by a demand that Palestinian sanctions against Italy be revoked. Frustrated, unhappy, impotent! terrible calamity within the GerJSAYS ORTHODOX JUDAISM OP6 Dr. Magnes made his suggestion at a time when the tenseand furiously rebellious against j man frontiers, are inevitable iin- | I>OSES BIRTH CONTROL . . . By BERTRAM JONAS a cruel fate, Aaron is indeed a! less present tendencies in the | Fortunately for Judaism nif i % ^ ness of the Near East was at a high pitch because of the rupwe came to tbe centennial of the! tragic creature. Who can ^plumb i; Reich are checked or reversed," *».nj«A»«r*3<n;itr3 ii-3ovw*in.i;« ( u i u wt; cctixit: LU m e c e n t e n n i a l o t m e ~ — ° — ' ' ' — . • ^*2-Uuls ErO inCIIIlCG 10 8 m o r e 1 t Anniversaries associated -with q tured British-Italian relations. In any open hostilities, Palesgreat men and events in Jewish [death of Nathan Mayer Roths-''tt hh ea t depths of despair and misery, the retiring High Commissioner,; e r a l interpretation of the Talmud di tine would play an important role. But critics were not slow history will be plentiful in 1036. Child, founder of tbe London i reduce life for millions of j who has directed the refugee; ^ in coming forth. According .to Lord Melchett, British indus- In this timely review of the branch of the famous banking i Karons into ashes and shambles? jwork since October 1933. declared ; Rubin, the eldest child j that the moral authority of tbe; •^ trialist and Jewish leader, who termed the proposal "neither forthcoming celebrations 3Ir. dynasty; the 80th birthday of a nUpon, d h e r o o f t h e stor of Nations and of states [ I Jonas presents a Jewish alman- Daniel Guggenheim, noted phily- t h e Strug-; sj .practicable nor honorable," Palestinian Jewish youths had assured ac for the coming year.—Editor anthropist; the 50th birthday of|s I i n S couple place their ambitions ; members of the League must be j 3s him of then? readiness to volunteer for the British army in case Prof. Nathan Isaacs of Harvard, 1iIaonmdb hopes. And so does Mr. Gol-j directed towards a determined, the 70th birthday of Judge Jul-1 h i s " Y e t -t h o u E h b e describes: appeal to the German government; of war. The idea motivating Dr. Magnes is in our opinion "honThe year of 1936 will be a full! X. "= "B adventures and for-1 in the name of humanity and of] orable." In event of war, he does not want Palestine involved, i o n e f o r t h o s e interested in Jewish jianW. Mack the 60th birthday t u n e growth, s in adversaries, which, which, for forthe thepur-i°f pur-i ofDr. Dr. I S. V . Rosenbach, the j ^ f 5 , «"* Teattently | the principles of JJe PubUc la« ; ,»n. ' . , j . , . .. _- , T , . .. i aniversaries, When we consider that the Holy Land is the source of the three ; p o s e s o f t h i s : r e v i e w may be*de-| number bibliophile of tbe' monotonous detail, Rubin remains, of Europe. They must for a ' 1 1 1- aone n great religions of Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedanism, j fined as commemorative obS obser-j^o " " .' and d the er-'world; the50th 50th birthd birthday o£ essentially mediocre and weak,', modification of policies which; 1 vances o r ,j. -cvith not an iota ot conspicuous i constitute a source of unrest and; as well as the source of traditional peace ideals, it is'not being i celebrations of a day j Mrs. Estelle M. Sternberger, dis - , , - • • ' , . ' tseparated of AVorld separated bv by10, !0, 25. 50, 75, 100, l o c arector t o r ot World Peaceways. The, T h e !Irom - h ^ v e m e n ^ distinguish^ him j perplexity m ^ world, a chaU-' far-fetched to say that sentimentally Palestine could well be a 1 1 5 0 , 200, 250, 300, or 400 years 80th birthday of the great Zionist; w h o thhae thousands of other boys; enge to tne conscience oi manBtarting point for neutralizing mandated territories. Besides, if! from some of past event of spec- Philosopher, Achad Ha'am, will! ^ emerged from the Ghet-: kind, and a .menace to the legit.big iM ort tside : to - ° We took the war value away from mandated lands, perhaps these ^coming P twelve - ^months ^ ^ twill o r r be . Th.|be commemorated In August, j t o the big and wide world on,mate of the states affect-. " !e d b yinterests the immigration of German theNovember brings the centennial .. ,, , ; . , .. , , ,, ... I coming twelve months will be the Though tke story of Unquiet is j refugees." 1 of the birth of Cesare Lombroso,' big powers would not be so anxious to fight for the privilege of occasion for scores of celebrations "O) j of the father of modern criminology the '< interesting, occasionally fascinat-j Emphasizing that "when domes'• having mandates. bmarking irth rthe de anniversaries in •However from the practical viewpoint we cannot c=PP bnw s ° aths of famous Jews'SOth birthday of Justice Louis D.! ^ it is marred by a mass of de-j tic policies threaten the demorali-: -However, from the practical viewpomt we cannot see how, a n d o f r e a t e v e n t s a n d I a n d .l B randeis ; the 70th birthday o t ; taUe i inconsequential and often ir-1 z a t i 0 n and exile of hundreds of; ent Dr. Magnes could effectively put into practice his proposal a t j m a r k g t n a t l o o m l a r g e o n t n e !Dr. Abraham Flexner, head of t h e | r e av Ul - I n h i s d e s i 1r ee t 0vep a i n t t! Wthousands of human beings, con-' v nr an t0 the present time. So long as-Great Britain has the mandate over scroll of Jewish history, when j Institute for Advanced Learning ; to t}} , f_ / ?.°, , ^?l siderations of _ diplomatic correct-; h e^} *. 3 Dlace'at Princeton; and the 60th birth-L imagination, Mr. Gollomb ness must yield to those o£ comPalestine and practically controls the country's entire modus m a n y o f t h e s e ! has taxed the patience of his |m o n humanity," Mr. McDonald their significance or influence on • day of Louis Lipsky. The year I their significan o) operandi, it would seem inevitable that the country be involved the future of the Jewish people! comes to an end with the SOth i readers unnecessarily. pointed out that "the problem were neither recognized nor sus- j birthday of Louis Marshall, and. Ji must be tackled at its source if *" in the policy of the Mandatory. '•.*•• 1 jFlanked with idealism, we could well look into the future pected, but viewed from the per-j the SOth birthday of Dr. David! sary of the opening of Jews' Col- j disaster is to be avoided, ; since | spective of time they have been jWolfssohn, Herzl's successor as'ilege in London; the 280th anni-1 the efforts of the private organ-' ni and see mandated territories which are not outposts of imper- invested with far-reaching his- I president of the World Zionist Or- j versary of the excommunication izations and of any League organil ialism—and by the same token we could look into the future and torical importance and, the dates I ganization. I of Baruch Spinoza; and the tenth ization for refugees can only mitiGreat names in the history of | anniversary of the creation of the gate a problem of growing .grav£1 see no more strife between nations—but unfortunately, that re- on which they happened are, conity and complexity." Urging the drama, music, literature and re-: Synagogue Council of America. squenUjv observed as anniverej mains in the far future and not the present. • ! 1 iligion also fill a large place on To students of Jewish history League to make the Refugee Comsaries. Anniversaries commemorating| the roster of Jewish anniversaries] 193 6 will yield a rich crop of an-mission a part of its organization .* L* •the birth or death of prominent! for 1936. In January there is theniversaries associated with indi- working directly under it, rather persons in every field of human' centennial of the.birth of Mendele viduals, events and institutions. | than as a separate unit as it has j The death this week of Lord Reading, former viceroy of!Iendeavor are always the most | Mocher Sephorim, father of Yid- The coining year will be the 400th j been during his term of office,
Neutrality for Mandates
r r
\ nnn*, i»_ - _ t-roniiv*.
•»— n * . 4-1> _ ' . m i l 1
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4. i_ _
^ * «tT*i TTl hist*
/«Antartniil •
Lesson From Life
Tnfeattlwooonf.^ntvfi,. " ' i_*i " vJ~ numerous on any year's calendar dish literature. Heinrich Heine's | anniversary of tbe admission of Mr. McDonald said that "this is a i India, a t t h e age of seventy-five removes a colorful personality; o f a n n i v e r s a r i e s / T h e l t o t o f sOth birthday is observed in Feb-jthe Spanish Marannos to Holland function of the League, which is; «i from t h e Jewish scene. His ability and initiative carried him! Jews to be honored by anniver- ruary. March brings . the tenth land the 1300th anniversary of the | essentially an ssociation of states] ]S through t h e successive steps of fame, until he had traveled f r o m ! s a r y f e t e 3 during 1935 is not only] anniversary of the death of Jacob | capture of Jerusalem by the Mos-jfor the consideration of matters; V ' tli* ,,;nr»t»Ti«niiQ ^ K «* »«!,•« v, , + ^ J -U- i~ \ « • . i long but unusually rich in color- P . Adler, famous Yiddish actor; ] Iems. There will also be cele- j of common concern. The Covenant; t h e unpretentious job of cabin-boy to t h e second highest Office a t ; { u l 5 a n d d r a m a t i ^ personalities.! and the 60th birthday of Herman brations of the 90th anniversary | empowers the Council and the As-; fc* the command of Great Britain. The year opens with the obser-j Struck, the artist. April's anni- of the organization of the United i sembly' to deal with any matters | vance the 50th birthday of B. iversaries include the 50th birth- Order of True, the eldest existing! within the sphere of activity of; j0 He gave a life, of service. His record is a convincing answer i Jewish women's group in Ameri-jthe League or affecting the peace | p? In these turbulent days to those who would anchor a man down! ^ j e ^ j e w i g h D a i l y ca; the SOth anniversary of the I of the world. The effort of the Forward. In of;the New York Post, and the -• because of his race or creed. In Great Britain, they did not let! April there is the 70th birthday | centennial of the birth of Abra- founding of Ha-Maggid, the first] League to ensure respect for hupersonality, or international S blind selfishness obscure their vision. With statesmanship they! 0 * Representative A. J. Sabath of ham Harkavy, Yiddish philologist Hebrew weekly periodical, the 35th anniversary of the organiza- treaties, has a sure foundation in The tenth anniversary ofof the ""nois dean of the House of Rep The tenth anniversary th allowed good-men to reach, the pinnacle so that Great Britain resentatives; ^ ^ ^ ^ " the L ^50th ^ Hbirthday ^ ^ Lof^ death of Sholom Aleichem comes tion of the Jewish National- Fund the fact that the protection of the would not retrogress but would continue to progress. The suc-Judge Jonah J. Goldstein, the in May. June marks the 75thland of tbe HIAS; the 30th. an- individual from racial and religicess of their policy is exemplified by the success of men like Lord' 60th birthday of Dr. Bernard birthday of Rabbi Bernard Drach-1 niversary of the opening of theous intolerance is a vivid condiKahn, European director ;,pf them man. . In August g there will be eob-! ffamous o u s Hebrew bre High g School in tion of international peace and seRea'ding and the prestige enjoyed by the^EngUsh today.
Joint Distribution Committee; theserved the tenth year of Isreal ] Jaffa; the 30th anniversary of the ,; curity." 35th anniversary of the death of Zangwill's death,, the 25th anni- j opening of the Bezalel Art School j In his letter, which i§^ accomBaron Maurice de Hirsch, found- versary of the death of Josef Is-! in Palestine; the 20th anniversary: panied by an appendix containing er.of the ICA; the SOth. birthday raels, the painter; and the 70th! of the organization of the Hista- • an analysis of the measures on Under the surface in Nazi Germany trouble is brewing. It is of Dr. Edwin R. .A. Seligman, birthday of Dr. David Neumark, 1 druth Ivrith; and the 10th Jew- \ Germany against "non-Aryans" world famous economist;, the SOth late professor of the Hebrew Un-iish Academy of Arts and Sciences j and of their effect in creating re-
Revolt Brewing
? N n o t news^ t o US-that conditions in Hitlerland are becoming des- b l r t h d a y o f H e m . y M o r g e a t h a u ,i o n college. Dr. Moses Caster, i and the SOth anniversary of the! fugees, Mr. McDonald reviews the _, jM perate, b u t more.and more frequently are the Nazis themselves Sr., - • • •former • • • • • -ambassador to Tur' chiet Sephardic -- rabbi - - - -of - the •- - 'j American - • - - Committee. ' - — BriJewish
i work of the Commission since its key; and the 140th anniversary tish Empire, marks his 80th birth-l January will'mark the 20th an-! establishment in the fall of 1933. making announcements which show the trend toward trouble. Isaac Adoiph Cremieux, noted day in September, and in Octo-i niversary of the appointment "of j He said that 80,000 refugees have The latest manifestation of open dissatisfaction in Germany of French statesman and founder of her comes the 25th anniversary of Louis D. Braadeis as the first j already left Germany. Of this is the active revolting of peasants and fanners. Goering ordered the Alliance Israelite Unlverselle, the death of Joseph Pulitzer. The Jewish member of the United number, he stated, aproximately three-fourths have found - new the mobilization of the secret police—and it is important; to note May brings us to the tenth an- year winds up with the 25th anni- States Supreme Court, and the niversary -of the death of Oscar of the death of Rose Ey-]70th anniversary of the emanci- homes, more than half of them in that the secret police were used instead of the regular army Strauss, the 80th birthday of Dr.versary tinge, noted actress, and the 80th I pation of Jews in Switzerland, Palestine. Fifteeen thousand refto enforce compulsory milk, cream and butter deliveries. An Sigmund Freud, the SOth birthday birthday of Naphtali Herz Imber, | Zionists will commemorate the ugees still remained unplaced, be ] 4 0th anniversary of tbe publica- added. He praised the cooperaofficial decree was issued by the Nazis attacking agricultural of Zvi Hirsch Masliansky and theauthor of "Hatikvah." BOth birthday of Al Jolson. Some interesting anniversaries • tion of Theodor .Herzi's "Juden- tion extended by Jewish and "saboteurs and- traitors" and warning them of death or im- In June there will be obser- associated with Judaism as a re- staat" in February. The National Christian philanthropic groups in prisonment if they resisted tlie I«,azi milk and dairy marketing vances of the tenth anniversary of | ligious force also come in 1936, 'Farm School, America's' only Jew- the aid given to resettle the refureSTUlStiOIlS. The Issuance Of the decree was preceded by an | the death of Meyer London, the j notably, the 40th anniversary taf i ish agricultural school, will Ob- gees and added, that the task of first Socialist member of Con. | the founding of the Isaac Elchan-j serve its 40th birthday in April, saving "those victims calls for emergency conference of all provincial governors. gress." Anniversaries -will be spec- j an Yeshiva, now known as Yes- The tenth anniversary Of the fclay-renewed efforts of the philanthroWe don't doubt for a moment that the Nazi humbugs con- ially plentiful during July whenjhiva College; the SOth anniver- Ing of the notorious pogrom pic bodies."
the New Year RIGHT. Use more CHEAPER ELECTRICITY and be a happier, healthier person! The new low rates are now in effect. Begin a t once to cook, refrigerate, clean, wash, iron, heat water the 1936 way — ELECTRICALLY ! You may now use considerably MORE electricity at NO I N CREASE IN COST! SEE YOUR DEALER or any employe of the company End learn the many ways you can use CHEAPER ELECTRICITY for happier years from now on.
Co. • Servfc® - Lew Rates
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1936 TO ATTEND WEDDING Mr. Samuel L. Fellman and daughters, Betty and Mrs. Harry Saltzman, left £ o r Cleveland, Professor Edgar Hoit of the Ohio, to attend the wedding of his Municipal University will address son, Louis, on N e v Year's Day. t h e Hadassah culture group at Before returning home they plan I their next meeting, Tuesday, Janto stop at Chicago f o r a brief; uary 7, at the home of Mrs. Jules visit. Shapiro, 4331 Chicago St. H i s subject will be "The Social MilGUEST FROM NEW TORK Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Levin have | lieu of the Jews In America." He as their guest Mr. Levin's cousin, ) will take the time from the Civil Miss Evelyn Levin of New York i War to the present. Mrs. O. C. Belzer -will discuss City, • ' .• current events. A dessert luncheon will precede VISITING IN SIOUX CITT Miss Beatrice Sommer is visit- • the meeting. This will be served ing i a Sioux City with Miss Alice ! at 1:15. Pill. The Hadassah history group TO CHICAGO will meet with Mrs. D a v i d A. Miss Pearl Osoff left last Fri- jGoldstein Monday, January 6, at day morning for a ten-day visit! 1:30, at her home. in Chicago with relatives and friends. '
KATXAS, ],i;>Uiarn?. (JTA>-~ prorkuvmi ioii over the sipneElection cf officers will feature j^"* tui-f-s of i ho .\!mis!er of Interior, the nest tneetins of the Vaacl Auxiliary, to be held Tuesday after- ! Jerusalem (WXS-Falcor Agency) : The company is now <-or.irolled . U l p j I i r i s i P r 01; F i ,, a , 1 ( . e a n d , h «. the governor off Th Thuvir.pis and ; r J o r o l K noon, January 7, at the B'nai Is- —The Palcor Agency learned I| by th - ™ " a s - Published its name lias b??r rnr.rged to the ^ ' ' rael synagogue, at 2:30 p. m. from highly authoritative sources £ n hu A Au l)I 1 Ne Rabbi Harold Berger w i l l that James and Robert de Roth-i ^ - " ^ ~- ' ' -*" ' . . . , speak. Lorraine Fregger will sing. child, sons of the late Baron Ed- !h i c I e W o r k p ' n o 1 1 o l U l e *r--"<WM orpin* accompanied by Esther Silver- raond de Kotichild, known to ::auon, She Yershniid. and dr~ man. world Jewry as the "great bene-' Those ndverMsors wh;. »se the wands <l>e practice of lolfiran.-r factor", will bring the bodies of' column? of. the Jewish Press de- ami ec;uiUiiy of ri^hls {'or all cii>^ ;serv their parents to Palestine this e and merit your pnironnce. ze;:s. : Junior Hadassah spring for interment. i \ * The Junior Hadassah wiij hold Barcn <ie Rothchild instructed an important meeting Thursday, his heirs to arrange for burial for January 9, at S p. m. at the J. C. himself and his -wife in Palestir. r . C. All members are -urged to at- ; where he is celebrated as the ''fav u \ i. v r- f tend this meeting. ' ther of Jewish colonization." h n A part of the program will be ing been the founder of the fi" c- i : a presentation of scenes from the Jewish settlements in the K.'i; ' * > ^-* 'current Center Guild play, "Rain Land mere thac fifty years ego. i From Heaven."
RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobs entertained at a reception at their home New Year's Day from 3 until 6 o'clock. One hundred and sixty invitations "were Issued. Those assisting the hosts were the Mesdames Archie Jacobs, Joe Jacobs. Louis Somberg, and Ber^KEK-BASS ENGAGEMENT IVIr. and Mrs. Sam Bass of nice Natelson. Sioux City announce the engagement of their daughter, Eva, to Al Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baker of Omaha. .Miss Bass graduated from Central High School in Sioux City. Mr. Baker is a graduate of Central High school of Omaha. The date of the wedding "will be March 1.'•.." BINSTEIN-KEIF Mrs. Sara Reif announces the engagement of her daughter, Rose, to Louis Einstein of Grand Island, Nebr., son of Mr. and Mrs. David Binstein of Omaha. KAHN-MEYERS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cohen announce the engagement of their sister, Miss Ruth Meyers, to Donald Kahn, of Ventura, Calif., son of Mrs. Edith Kahn of that city. The wedding •will take place in early spring in California. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. William Alberts announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, December 31, at the Clarkson hospital.
VISITING PARENTS FTSKEL-MALASHOCK Mr. Harold Saxe is here from Miss Sarah Malashock, daughter of Mrs. Esther Malashock, be- "Washington, D. C , to visit with came the bride of Sam Finkel, son his parents, MrT and Mrs. Abraof Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkel, Sun- ham Saxe. day afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock at the home of her uncle and aunt, VISITING WITH FAMILY Harold Kotler of San FrancisMr. and Mrs. J. M. Malashock. Rabbi Harold A. Berger perform- j co, formerly of Omaha, is visiting here with his family. He will ed the ceremony. go to New York from here, on a The bride was attended by her business trip, before returning to sister Reva, who was maid-of- California. honor and Mrs. Leon Mendelson, sister of the groom, who was mat- WINTER IN FLORIDA ron of honor. Dave Finkel served j Mr. and Mrs. Al Kaiman, who as best man to his brother and were married in Chicago, DecemMilton Malashock ushered. ber 8, are in Miami Beach, FlorThere was a reception for a ida, where they will spend the few friends and members of the winter. They are residing at the families immediately after the Norton Apts., S33 TVest Ave. Mrs. ceremony. Ont-of-town g u e s t s Kaiman is the former Bonnie were the bride's sister, Janet Mal- Spiegal, daughter of Mrs. Jarohm ashock of Los Angeles; Mr. and Kulakofsky. Mrs. Louis Galler, grandparents of the bride, of Kansas City; and VISITING HERE Miss Elaine Adams of Denver. Mrs. H. Novey of Chicago, 111., The couple will make their is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. home at 2702 Fort St. Pauline Krizelman. Mrs. Novey will spend four weeks here. Her many relatives and friends a r e ONE O'CLOCK LUNCHEON Mrs. Harry Whiteman enter- planning to entertain her extentained at a 1 o'clock luncheon sively. Monday, December 30, at t h e home of Mrs. Hymie Harris. Eigh- YISIT IN CHICAGO teen guests attended. Prizes were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rezefc have won by Mesdames Sidney Gold- gone to Chicago where they will berg, Meyer Levy, Harry Lefko- 1 spend a week visiting friends and witz, and Harold Siegel. relatives.
Vaacl Auxiliary
KIiT2IN.rOLL.ACK ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Henry Pollack announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruth, to Jack I. Klein of Kansas City,. Mo. The wedding •will take place the latter part of January.
Beth-El Auxiliary
of Jewish i Women j
Nazis Grab Huge Industrial Finn
The Beth-El auxiliary will Sold a regular meeting Wednesday afternoon, January 8, at the J. C. C. This will be an important business meeting and will precede a musical program with Betty and Rosaline Rosen, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen. Betty will play the piano and Rosaline the violin. Mrs. Moe Venger will present, "Gems of Yesterday and Today— What Do They Tell Us?", based on the "Jewish Caravan."
A number of interesting features are being planned for the Beth-El auxiliary dance which will take place February 1, at the Faxton hotel, according to Mrs. Robert Kooper, chairman. Mesdames Moe Venger and Max Davis are co-chairmen.
Salmon Mousse Use 1 package lemon jeTlo, 1 % cups boiling water, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup Balmon flaked, 1 cup chopped cel• ery, 3A cup mayonnaise, 1 green pepper* chopped and ^ cup whipped cream. Dissolve jello in boiling water, add vinegar, and salt and chill. When slightly thickened beat with rotary egg-beater until the consistency of whipped cream. Fold In remaining ingredients. Turn Into a wet mold. To serve, cut in slices on crisp lettuce^ Garnish with cucumber slices and mayonnaise.
A. Z. A. 100
g ••
| | secre- |
president; Dick Hur-wltz,. tary; Joe Guss, treasurer; George S Eltinge, senior sergeant-at-arms; | Benny Wintronb, junior sergeantat-arms'; Sam Kaplan, publicity; M §T and Nate Crounse, chaplain. The first meeting of the new | administration will be held Sun- g day, January 12, 193 G. 1
. . '.
Those who attended the Oneg Shabbos last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Al Wohlner enjoyed Rabbi David A. Goldstein's 'discussion of the Prophets. The next Oneg Shabbos will take place January 11 at t h e home of Mrs. M. M. Barish.
Ccnncn's •Si
OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER \"\-. '<TH AN? H i r , ^ !
s ESring im GniaUa
Northern Seal (DYED COXEY)
Pnrchased In 3 Purchased in New York FBIDA
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1614 Hamey Street JANUARY 1,1936 As Shown by Books a t Opening of Business December 26, 1935
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Loans—Secured by First Mortgages on Improved Real Estate .? 8,161,023.19 Delinquent Interest — . .. 4,104.55 Loans on Pass-Book Security „..„___ . 11,935.53. Loans in Foreclosure . 638,344.65 Keal Estate Sold on Contract 29,523.93 Real Estate Acquired Through Foreclosure 282,244^51 I! Office Building and Future Office Building Site at 18th and Famam Streets 288,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures .._ ..._.„ 1.00
MALASHOCK'S When buying
Savings That Make Comparative
LIABILITIES Credits to Members' Savings and Paid-Up . Accounts —.. .....$14,1S5,291."5 Balance Held for Borrowers .... . 28,038.50 Eeserves '_ . .. ..._~~_ 1,239,002.70 Undivided Profits . . 21.S1S.47 Borrowed Money NONE Total I
$15,544,209.42 .-.
OBiAHA H O M E - L O A N S -
Values Unneeessarv . . .
I |
g We have unlimited funds available for good hone 1 B loans on Omaha homes. jj | ". No commission . . Easy payments g H . Minimum' espense Low interest rates = m -Interest is reduced monthly as each regular payment S 1 .• is made, .' • 1 OFFICERS Edgar A. B»lrd, President James A. Sunderlsnt), 1st V. P. James A. Lyons, 2ntS V. P. -
The CONSERVATIVE Savings and Loan Association of Omaha
v • • -
Far Coats Values —. Thursday
89th Semi-Annual Statement
Quick Assets— Casn :. . U. S. Treasury Bills
WE INVITE TOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT Shop Carman's for Fur Coats Values Thursday
Kitchen Chats
A. Z. A. No. 100 held the last regular meeting of the year Sunday, December 29, and elected the following officers for the coming six months: Harold Zelinsky, president; Jay Wiesman, vice-
Berlin (WNSt —- On a trun pi ed-up charge of profiteering dr.tThe Junior Council oE Jewish • ing back to the days of the Wf I.. j Women will hold a meeting at the mar Republic, the Kasi atithcn- .- , „, ,, ri Paxton hotel, Sunday, January 5, ties m Tr.ur-.ngta hare continentt;]; r ; c - c ^T j J at 3:30 in the afternoon. E:ec- ed the Jewish-owned Industrie 1 Ko."^—«C'ib , > ' T Gr'' ! tion of officers will take place at firm of Sirnson Company. G:I this meeting. j 'Without any trial or other leg: 1 1 o;i A report on the Chanukah action, tfae Nazi forced the Sir- -. dance will be made at this time. ! sons to turn over control of t h n r ' The members are requested to i company and a.lso extorted fror. — — ! bring their tickets and money for : meeting are the social and eC>>t | a final check-up. Other important matters to be ' rational groups which the memdiscussed and arranged for at this bers will form. i
ANNOUNCE B A B MITZYAH Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turkel announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ralph, Saturday, January 4, at the B'nai Israel synagogue at 18th and Chicago streets at 9 a. m. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend. No HONOft DAUGHTER IN LOS ANGELES cards have been issued. Mrs. Simon Gorelick, w h o is Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Sorine entertained a party of forty guests visiting in Los Angeles, attended last week in honor of their daugh- a party there announcing the enWomen's Mizrachi ter, Ida, whose engagement to gagement of her Bister, Miss Alice , Mrs. William Kuklin, bazaar Morris Fellman was recently an- Novinsky, formerly of Sioux City. chairman, announces her commit- nounced. Mrs. Gorelick plans to return tees for this annual affair. to Omaha in March. Mrs. A. G. Weinsteia and Mrs. H. B. "Weinstein a T e vice-chair- ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Herman Auerbach RUSH TEA men. The committee includes the Phi Beta Sigma sorority held entertained a group of their Mesdames Joe Tuchman, L. Mortheir annual rash tea Thursday, friends informally after the Press gan, A. Shafton, E.'Weinberg, A. December 26, at the home of Miss Katz.'S: Krizelman. Additional club buffet supper Sunday eve- Charlotte Sklar. The table decorning, in honor of Mrs. Cyrus Manames will be added later. son. Among t h e out-of-town ations were carried out in the Mrs. Ben Handler, program guests were Miss Irma Gross of club colors of green and gold. The | chairman, is planning a surprise Lansing, Mich.; Mis3 Ethel Glad- centerpiece was roses. | program for the next meeting, to stone of San Francisco; Samuel Rushees who attended were the be held Wednesday, January 15. Shulits of Denver, and Jack L Misses Eleanor Cohen, Sara Mae Graetz, Reva and I d a Gerelick, Klein of Kansas City. TEMPLE SUNDAY SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Auerbach were Ruth Magzamin and Evelyn WaldMRS. S. PISKO T h e Temple Israel Sunday hosts at dinner Monday evening man. National Executive Secretary .of school w-ill be resumed next Sun- for Harold Saxe of Washington, the National Jewish Hospital at day morning at 9:45. There will D. C. BRIDGE PARTY Tje a belated Chanukah program The Progressive Hebrew club Denver, Tvhose birthday anniverand entertainment. Chanukah'reinvites its members and their sary was observed on January 1st. Pioneer Women freshments will be served. 31rs. families to a bridge party Sun-1 Mrs. Pisko's life has been devoted Julius Newman is Sunday school The annual bazaar of the Pion- day, January 5, at 2 p. m. at the j to social service, and her tvork for Sisterhood chairman. eer Women was held last Sunday J. C. C. A regular meeting will | the National Jewish Hospital has at the Labor Lyceum and w a s also be held at this time. j made her known and beloved by very successful. The organization reports that J thousands of people. Mrs. J. Raznick, chairman of the condition of Mr. Sam Nepomthe bazaar, thanks all those who nick, president, who has been ill Jewish Press advertisers merit your patronage. By Mrs. DaviS BL Newman helped make the affair a success. for some time, is improving. Chocolate Cooldes Take 1A cup butter, iy2 cups sugar, 1 egg, 2 Vs cups flour, i,{, teaspoon salt, 2 squares melted choclate, H cup milk and 2 teaspoons baking powder. Cream the butter, add sugar then beaten eggs, salt and melted choclate. Beat well and add alternately the milk and the remaining dry ingredients sifted together three times. Shape in rolls. Put in refrigerator over night. Cut into, thin slices and bake 10 minutes in a hot oven.
them several nuUion. marks, r.lle-pecily as eompensaiion ior "t:u:;'SK c o m
Clark W. Carnaby, Secretary Wayne C. Selby, Ass't See. J. Herbert McMillan, Treasurer
@ It vi.ll take but % glance ml these fur coats t oconvince y o uof their genuine value . . . t o persuade you that to nvm one will be s mark of distinction and a constant joy . , . lisa! to buy it now at this immeasurably low price vill. be a gesture o£ true economy. You msy select from self EXHI contrasting trims in varyisig lengths and styles. All are soft, rich, luxurious fare cf unmistakable quality and beantifBl de'^ga. Plenty of sizes for misses and! wousen, 12 to 20 and 36 to 46. CARMAN'S SECOND FtOOR
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INTERNATIONAL LEADERS—Three important world figures as they formed an interesting group in Paris recently. At left is French Premier Pierre Laval, who barely retained his place after the collapse of the Hoare-Laval peace plan. In center is Salvador de Madariaga, of Spain, of the League of Nations Secretariat, and Anthony Eden, new British Foreign Secretary. ^r.-*.
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ROSE QUEEN—Miss Barbara Nichols, charming 16 - year - old co-ed of Junior College, Pasadena, Cal., who was chosen to preside over the Pasadena Tournament of Roses on New Year's Day. Miss Nichols is a skilled rider, tennis player and swimmer. Names of several hundred young women were entered for the prized position, but she was chosen over all.
Courtesy March of Time.
LEATHERNECKS IN TROUBLED AREA—Charges by a Foreign'Office official in Tokyo that rioting against Japanese domination in north China was by Chinese students under English and American mission influence, aroused indignation. Meanwhile disorders spread in Peiping and other northern centers. Above is an.unusual picture of United States Marines at practice with their guns atop the " wall surrounding the American Legation in Peiping. Uncle Sam has held a small detachment of Leather" p^k-* there ever since the Boxer rebellion in 1900.
• 'V
NAM POWER—German torpedo boats Wolf and Jaguar plowing their way through the North Sea during maneuvers when they were on display for the first time. Reichfuehrer Hitler recently said he was not pleased with the Anglo - German naval agreement cutting German} 's ratio below other nations.
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SOLID PACK—Fierce storms and biting winter weather have been
met by fishermen all along the northern Atlantic coast recently.
BOX CAR ON FLYING TRAPEZE:—Here is how a steel box car. fully loaded, is handled at the construction of Boulder Dam, Nevada. To get it to the power house' being built, the car is put aboard this 150-ton permanent cable and gently dropped 800 feet down into Black Canyon. The car contains generator machinery. It was landed on the platform in the foreground.
FOR WINTER—This is how the venerable Viscount . Korekiyo Takahashi, Japanese finance minister, protects himself against the winter weather in Tokyo by wearing a fur collar over his shoulders. He is shown upon returning to his home after the 24-hour final cabinet meeting on the budget for the 1936-37 fiscal year. He helped in an increase of 15,000,000 yen.
The fishermen shown above had arrived at the Fulton fish pier in New York to unload their catch, when the photographer caught them. Here it is seen their cargo had become a solid mass of ice and the fish were taken out in blocks.
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GOVERXOR —W. Elmer Holt lawyer and former cow bo j , the first to become governor of Montana under the law of succession. Elected president ad interim of the Montana Senate, he automatically vent into office on the recent death of Governor Frank H. Cooney.
STARS IN THE SO.'—A delightfjl Dictii'-e cf ihr chaimmg KoiEpa sisteis of New York, iecoid-hokl *11- cv ri «-'ns a^ thev soak uo a b t cf rionda s v n r - i n c S T I ct C > • . I C M ^ At left 's Elizabeth, -uho has set moic lcco'ds thrn E r - : rM tnou"h both are backstroke •sonderp This r^ctu'*-' vr« *rK"n a* tlin practiced for the annual Miam* Biltmore acqjatic rwct
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SLAVE CHAINS IN ETHIOPIA—Premier Mussolini of Italy said one reason for his invasion of Ethir opia, was to eliminate slavery. That slavery does exist there is evidenced by this picture, recently taken In northern Ethiopia, snowing men and women slaves chained, together, despite the prohibitive ban ' decreed by Emperor Halle Selassie and a negative assertion by. an official spokesman.
CLIMBING WHITEFACE—Winter sports are in full swing at Lake Placid, N. Y., training center for many Olympic candidates. Above are two ski enthusiasts half way up Whiteface Mountain, 4,850 feet high. At:left Is Katharin Dewey of Lake Placid, with Dorothy O. Tumbridge of Brooklyn, N. Y.
RIOTS CONTINUE IN EGYPT—Students in Cairo. Egypt, continued to demand a return to the constitution of 1923 and rioted against British domination of their country. Here, as a precaution, Cairo police arrest loiterers, including street urchins, and load them into a lorry for a trip to headquarters. Police officers and citizens alike were wounded during the riots. .'•.•• . • • . Copyright UnMefi Newspictnres.
MIS. services mums By PAUL
The subject of this evening'B . "Judaism as a Civilization" sermon by Rabbi Harold A. BergConstantly and repeatedly, I er will he, "Imperialism—Jewish find myself turning to Dr. Morde- and Pagan.". The sermon will be cai Kaplan's unusual volume, an attempt to answer the follow"Judaism as a Civilization" "when ing problems: Is modern imperI want to consider the set-up o£ ialism compatible with Jewish rethe American Jewish Community ligious and ethical ideas? Can a of today.. In my opinion, it is the Jew religiously and morally acmost complete, comprehensive and cept the philosophy of modern imclear-cut description of the forces perialism? •which are actively shaping t h e Cantor A. Schwaczkin arid the form of life in the Jewish Com- choir will chant the services. The munity. Each of t h e . organiza- kiddush will be chanted by Hartions and movements is consider- vey Burstein who will be B a r ed and evaluated fairly and thor- Mitzvah at the Beth Hamedrosh oughly. Most'important, Dr. Kap- Hagodol synagogue S a t u r d a y lan does suggest a plan or a pro- morning. gram for continuing and strengthSaturday morning Ralph Turening Jewish life in the future. kelj who will be Bar Mitzvah, will ••-• II you are interested in t h e chant the entire service at t h e Jewish Community, of which you B'nai Israel synagogue. are a part, I recommend "Judaism Sunday morning the regular as a Civilization." It is not light father and son services will be reading, but it is well worth the leld at 9 a. m. • effort. Incidentally, you may purVaad religious school will be chase this -volume or. any other resumed Sunday, January 5. book, or periodical, at a savings off the list price, through t h e Center Library. Just ask o u r Services will begin at S o'clock librarian, Ben Gershater, for furonight. After services there will ther information. be a symposium, "Looking Into 1936." Speakers will be PresiJewish liife Moves Along In Chicago, where I have spent dent Rowland Haynes of the Muthe past lew days, I have had oc- nicipal University, Dr. Fredrick casion to observe, study and par- •W.; Clayton of the All-Saints Episticipate in the movement of Jew- copal church and Rabbi David H. ish life in this, the second largest Wice. Services Saturday morning will city in the "United States. From the teeming, noisy slums to the be held at 10:30. The religious school will be retall, pretentious hotels which line the lake in its South side, through sumed Sunday at 9:45 a. m. the industrial and market sections The Bible class will meet Tueswhich fill the Western portion of day afternoon at 1 o'clock at the the town,-we have met Chicago's home of Mrs. Ben Silver, 5408 j e ^ . r y W e bars visited with, them Nicholas St. during the day in their Standard and Covenant Clubs, at their shops, stores and offices, and— At services tonight Rabbi David in the evening—we have met them at night clubs, Centers, A. Goldstein will speak on "Coals theaters, studios and concert of Fire." Next week Rabbi Simon Greenhalls. Always present, regardless of where we went and of which- berg of Shar Zion Temple of Philever group we joined, was the adelphia will be the guest speakconcern with and interest in Jew- er. ish life today and in the future.
City Tournament "Doubles Champions: Morris Bloom-Paul Grossman. " PENG POXG LeoDsrd "Buddy" Goldstein, fourteen year oia J . C. C. entrant, "was •winner of City Junior' Title, Bee-News Tournament champion, and'finalist in the Missouri Valley Tournament. SWIMMIXG Betty Nodguard: 5 mile Jun-
ior Girls Marathon Winner, j Club Volleyball Champion. vi,,-: I Store, coached by Morris Adler, ' of Manny Simon of the losers EUT- Ptai ;.or tn Leo Alperson: 5 mile Junior j Max Turner was the recipient to win 11-9. The Sprats were be-. passed the play of all other me:; Geor EUinpe Boys Marathon Winner. I of the Irvin C. Levin Trophy for hind until the closing minutes of OR the court. Benny Kutler, of ;"or t h e losers, lies n i r. r Y .. J . C. C. BOXERS J being the outstanding sportsman play. Although the Sprats won. the winners, scored six point? to next week the CIP.F? T '"."l-i George Trupp: Golden Gloves' and all-around athlete at the cen- the Pasts Store can be credited lead the offensive play of t h e be run on Tuesday nit'ii jwith a moral victory. The much game, while Jack Safterstein • schedule-for next Tuesdpy and'"A. A. V. 126-lb. Champion.; ter. j more inexperienced Pants Store countered for five points to lead Sharpshooter? vs. r a n t s S;< Represented Omaha in Chicago. The J. C. C. Junior basketball; five outplayed the Sprats in al- the losers.. In the second frame T:i» and The Jack SpratsJoey Kaplan: Finalist in t h e ! World Herald Golden Glove Tour-.! league got under way last Mon-imost every detail of play but the on the schedule, the Pharpshoot- 2. A. 100 fit S:lo. _ . new in the HS-lb. division. | day night with the pre-season (short passing fast-breaking Sprats ers ran rough-shod ovrr the A. Jewish Pres? advertisers VOLLEYBALL j champs, the Jack Sprats staging!were much more deadlier in scor- Z. A. Xo. 100 by the score of T6A. H. Brodkey—Singles Health ; a come-back to defeat the Pants ling points. The defensive work . 11. Harry "Wolf and Leo Sherman , your patronage.
Temple Israel
Pretty Boy! .
AIR CONDITIONING for every purpose Distributed by
(KE. 1500)
-'• WESTERN Air Conditioning Corp. 104 No. 18th St.
The radical Jewish gronp, immersed in plans for further developing the project in Biro-Bidjan, compared the future of the Jew in Russia, in Palestine, and in the United States. At the studio of Todros Geller (Chicago's •most famous Jewish artist), -we discussed Jewish art and music, particularly in relationship to an artist's Passover celebration, for which a new type of Haggadah is being .prepared. It will include only—illustrations, drawings :and music - - not a word of printed text - - and each Jewish artist of Chicago will contribute at least one drawing, depicting some phase of the Passover service. At the home of a friend, whose work is in the field of Jewish Educa-
k %• <
Omaha Jobbing -.2 Psi Mu . _ 2 Camel Distributing 2 Alpha Pi Tan.. 0 A. Z. A. J f d . ' l 0 Xi Lambda . . . 0 TEA3I SCORING Omaha Jobbing 83 61 Camel "Distributing 55 Psi Mu ; 45 Xi Lambda : 33 A-*Z. A. No. 3 31 Alpha P i Tan
AT. S454
I Ask Your I Grocer for
J - r*-»:
2dL.iyj:I' • JM Try Oor City Service. fifl"n.v"!i;Ktrfi«9 PJ. • - ' - . ' ©ill
Forbes Fresh Bakery Goods
: J:
I The Height of I Good Taste!
FORBES BAKING CO. points points points points points points
The temperature in the g y m registers 110 degrees with t h e volleyball games played by t h e Health Club furnishing the heat. The games a t noon are getting hotter and hotter with the rivalry between- the captains and teams tlon, we argued over the future j-growing hitter. With games end17o£ Jewish Education a s well a s ing * - - in '-' scores such *- as — 20-1S, •>«'i'° -•"• -the next steps in community or- 15, and 16-14, one gets an idea how interesting the game of volganization development. _ Everywhere we observed- and leyball really is. New members remarked upon the deep, pulsat- and those connected •with the ing interest in things Jewish. game can vouch for the fact that These people seemed interested in volleyball is not an. o l d man's Jewish affairs and happenings all game but a man's game. Elmer over the world and were attempt- Greenberg, assisting f o o t b a l l ing to relate these experiences to coach at Tech, has the making of ".their own every day lives. In the a great- passer and Herb Marks process, they are enriching and is a natural born spiker. Mr. Lee j filling their own existences. I felt Grossman, physical director, has ^ , p happier and more hopeful for the been amply rewarded for his hard future as I prepared to draw my | work in forming this volleyball all-too-brief vacation to a close class by the appreciation: and enand return to my desk, my job thusiasm shown by the members. and my Omaha friends. Starting with t h. e next edition of the Jewish Press, this column will run a series of feature interviews with the memB y BAY SCHAPIRO T/wo very close games a n d one bers of the Jewish Community Iree-Bcoring game featured t h e Center on the values of such a J. Xi. C. sport card in last Sun- Center to the people of Omaha. day's Tegnlar basketball season The entries for the dou"ble play. The p-re-season champs, the Omaha Jobbing Co., went on a handball tournament closed last scoring spree to score 45 points night with t h e following teams to the Alpha Pi Tau's 15. Reg- signing In addition to those algie Weidenbeck scored 25 points Teady posted: Aaron and Sam Epto run his total for the first two stein, Herbert and Eph Marks, Sol Charles Susman, Melvin games to 38. In the most excit- a n d ' ing and thrill packed game ever Shrier and Max Friedman, John •witnessed on the J. C. C. court Rosenblatt a n d Paul Steinberg, . the formidable Camel Distribut- Pin Wintroub and Jake Schreibing won over, the scrappy A. Z. man, and Morton Ferer and Sam A. No. 1 five.27-20, after the con- Schwartz. Play will start Janu" test had gone two overtime per- ary 6 with the players entered beiods. The game went into t h e ing seeded into three classes acfirst extra period with the score cording to .their playing ability. tied 18-18, with each team scoring a field goal each to run the The writer believes that chamgame "over into the second over- pions should be acknowledged arid time period. It was then that the so In this way the winners of the experience and stamina of t h e 1935 Bports activities at the J. older men told and the much in- C. C. will be noted and praised. experienced younger team folded The year 1935 has gone and with < -up t o ' allow the Camels to score it many champions. M a y , 1936 7 points In three minutes. The bring forth the true champions in fans were treated to one of the sports in such a successful manbest afternoons a sport enthusi- ner as 1935 has gone. ast could wish for. All t l i r e e BASKETBAMi . •" games "were run off in such a Pre-Season Champions •.: _ sportsmanship manner that all „ ; . . _ _ . . . . Omaha Jobbing athletes derive from conduct -with Regular Season Champions . a physical 'department that is in . _ ; .Psi.Mu running OTder. The J. C. C. Bport Miaget LeagTie are ot one mind in terming _„.. . ; „„ Milder Midgets the 1935-36 Dasketball leaguethe J. C. C Open Tournament: closest matched in many a sea- " Class A.....-.......^Thallas Hatters son. Games carded on next SunClass B.-.i....... Trentinos day's bill are the A. Z. A. No. 1 HANDBALL vs. Omaha Jobbing at 2, Psi Mu Pre - Season Doubles C h a m vs. Camel Distributing at 3, and pions: Morris Bloom-Paul Grossthe Xi Lambda vs. Alpha Pi Tau man. at 4. Pre-Season Singles Champion: J. C. C. BASKETPAUi STANDING Manny Goldberg. REGULAR SEASON Regular Season Doubles ChamCLASS A pions: .Manny Goldberg-Jack SaWon Lost dofsky.
; J. J. C. Sports ,
2711 No. 24th St.
WE. 6400
l^lJSBTS&ilffiS&Mff^f71^!*?? x. Jl
Big Chief Semi, $10.50
For... ROBERTS • Sweet Batter • Dated Milk • Sour Cream and many other products, ask your grocer or call . . •
Shampoo and finger wave 50c THE NEW Zotos Permanent Wave 'with no machinery aod no electricity used at 36.50 and np. 716 Brandels Theatre Bldg. AT. 4333
a Pleasant Surprise
CITY CLUB BEER CO. 422 So. 13th St. X
AT. 5903
Come in and try onr nite and Sunday specials We feature Chopped Herring — Chopped Liver Chicken Kreploch Soup Hot Sliced Corned Beef Apple Strudel Cheese Blintzes and many other delicacies.
WHITMAN'S DELICATESSEN & LUNCH 2417 Famam JA. 4874 Open Dally and Sundays Till Midnite
"Pretty Boy" Floyd has been died almost one your now, so we can't Terify this story. But Marvin Xreller tells that several years ago, while Griving across the plains of Oklahoma in the capacity of a salesmrai, he stopped to give a hitchhiker a ride. After taking.the 'hiker' lo his destination, .Marvin relates that he alighted, said "Thanks. I'm pretty boy Floyd, here's fifty dollars." It might sound a little farfetched, but Marvin gives his oath that it's true.
! What's the Odds?
Let Gould Attend Yozr Drug Needs
Lunch and Relaxation AT
Visit U3 in our new location where you will find a complete stock of Drug and Sundry items.
Gould Drug Co. SOth S. Dodse Ets. WA. 0602 PARKING SPACE Prompt D*Iivepy
We Are Serving a Special American Dinner EVERY SUNDAY •
Insurance Bldg.
7oc .AND 85c PEE PLATE
Wiring of all kinds.
4 Courses Complete
Motor Installations.
.Lighting Fixtures.
From 11 A. M. to 8 P . M.
Estimates Ciafily Furnished Call "AT. 64T9
S Canadian, Bonds aoci all Scotches-
* OfflfiKfi
What collegiate begins his dates j at 4 and 5 a. m.? And while we're asking inane' questions we won't answer, what \ young matron "adopted" her sis- i ter's former boy friend New j Year's eve.
If Bon Theodore has as good a memory for Tennyson as he has for a lesser known brand of poetry (ask him about i t ) , he must be a very learned man. Abe is one guy ivho has a lot Lillian Slutsky is one girl who of "Sett" appeal. Get it? pays her bets. She bet doughnuts Mel Sommer is making : to dimes, and paid the doughnuts. whoopee in Xew Xork tve uni Bertha Colick has resolved to derstand. He is there to attend i spread sunshine every day. We the Pi Lambda Phi convention. could use a little these damp and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Klntznick are vacationing. Mr. and Mrs. dreary days. Morton Richards are occupying the Kliitznick home and caring for the little Klntznicks during This happened ICew Tear's Eve. '; their parents' absence. And is One of the prominent young' Rnthie having fun! Mr. David Freeman was ask- j lady members of the young Jew-! ed why he 'was so thoughtful at °' ish social set dropped in at one : a recent party. His answer was | of the hotels where merrymaking that he was thinking of Helen jwas in evidence. She spied her •Hayes. The explanation w a s ! parents at one of the tables, so then given that he expects to : hastened to wish the folks a fcapWhile there, she see Miss Hayes' latest play jpy New Tear. when he is in New Tork. He is jwas introduced to the other merai of the party, going to Washington first. j She bid them godbye, £nd after | her departure everyone at the 'table was loud in their praise of Dr. J. M. Erman and Mr. Mor| a what a sweet girl srhe was. And ris BurEtein, members of the lo- • then imagine her parents embrass, cal of Veterans For-;^ ^ ^ ^ . ^t h e y l o o k e d ^ ^ eign chapter Wars, gave inspiringof radio iga . tlle:r "sweet'' daughter in a addresses for t h e bonus during clinch with a boy friend, not £i£the past teen feet away, in clear view of Herman Friedlander a n d J o e ail the occupants of the party. Fellman were chosen delegates o the American League Against ; War and Fascism to the national • | | g j j jj^g congress to be held in Cleveland, TrhEt'-K txld this column be | today. ' ^ •without the mention of Leon ! Several members of a local "Chief" Ferer? And besides he I fraternity have banded together would resent our leaving his I into a "We're not spending money name out- As you read this, the 1 on girls" group. They say they good " C h i e f is getting: ready to mean it. embark on his trip to Bermuda.
So What?
This and That
rnvrteATIlJ ATltoVZ i l l L e T e F u l t c i r a c i n g high in a COPSGKAlULAilUnb J typewriter sales contest. The We Friedman sincerely -who congratulate Mr. :c h i e f i s G E g e r f o r h j s t r i p { o B e r . Harry recently 'eelto start, for he wrote: iebrated his SOth birthday a i i d ; ^ , b e a E E 1 V experience for rr.= who wlil be honored by the B'nai h e c a u f e t h e 0 B l y c c n i n e c t j O n t h a t B'rith at their meeting Monday. ; j h a T e f T e r ^ w U J . ocioI,s w_ Mr. Friedman is the oldest living i fore is in member of the local order.
In Appreciation ci " ouv
Past and Future Patronage
under Federal Hoiis-ing- .*».%' Repaid Over a Verioc. o-, r : • to Twenty Tears Also Strnipht */oat>«. at *. 3,;; • or 5 U Ver Cent
ROSS PETERSON HOTEL FOXTEXELLE Fine Flowers Moderately PrieeS Open Everiinps and Holidays AT. SSOO AX.
Pi'-i l.Tlinr V...^
Tonndries S7th and Martha
EA. 352!:
Brass, Bronze Aluminum. Soft Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Castings. Wood unS Metal Pattern; Standard si^es Prongs s n r; Iror Bushings. Sewer ^*^l^holes, Cistern Rings and Covers, Cleanoui Dooi's Sash Weights & n ti Yellow Brasp Plumbers'" Ferrutes, carried ir stock. Bronze Tabie-ts, Bron?.e ant: Capt i-cn G-ihes ? Pppciplf . ,J3 K Mv»$»p«*w
SPECIAL: HATS Cleaned nnd Blocked Only S B Repaired While * - ""^ You Wait FREE—Pick-ur anf Pe'lveriee in Downtown Disxi-ict Phone KA. 4550
. j j
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J r-l
[ 1 , 1 ' c •• I i 5'« J i n 1* Ov n - r —i ^ m ! \ O r ' MS. ^ L M S I * Ff-e-u i |i
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Ads Slop for Your
: Ann Ruback suffered a "crush" ; - a t a "New Year party. We won't : mention his name, though. • i And was Harry Ravitz's lace ' red — and we mean deep red — when that inebriated woman he had never seen before threatened to embrace him. i Mike Freeman received a New : Tear greeting—and were his lips red.
Should you be in need of a bar tender we suggest Herb Nevelelf. His performance at the cocktail party given at the Xeveleff home Saturday evening, December "9, was truly inspiring. If it's entertainment you are looking for, get Ruth Goldstein to tell you Eonie stories. And thereby hangs a tale.
REPARTEE And did you hear about Mrs. R. who w a s asked a t ' a bridge party, "Do you contract?" a n d Mrs. R. shot back, " I contract colds, that's all." And Mr. Ben Kazlowsky, who when invited to a black j a c k game, said, "Ordinarily I'd say, what have I got to lose? But now ." And when I asked.a friend of niine if she liked the Press, she answered, "Yes, but' I think it needs a little more irony-ing."
Eddie Himelsiein, self-styled ! Douglas St. poet, sends in t h e I following: i I breatehd a kiss into the air. i For you, my dear, 'twas m e a n : I If someone else's kiss should ! come, ! Please accept the one I sent. I
Figure Ii Out?
HARRY A. FRAKEEL Kes? Estate spfi
A c t o r a o b i l © a c c i d e n t s tc o s t l y . . . B e P r e p a r e d . . . . j j '•"•1~
'-" - --<"
nave Tcttr antomoibllr in"U e don't, care about your mathematics, but what about your figures? The women's gym classes S5 Doncias Block at the Jewish Community Center JACKSOX 1 are growing steadily in popularity '. -. ". they "fijrure" it pays — the men, too, should figure t t r * |a family membership in the Jevs! ish ConimurJty Center pays r o t • only in petting rid of some un«jW^e«a«ija»2«i«»wti«(«- '&-#H&V!it&t-)M* 'iw^^'^a.a^ii ; needed "bay windows" as well a 1 i excess advordupoi? but also j.r j lending more than lip service V I the cultural, and educational &"j velopment ot Jewish life in the i jr.1rn "1 r^ri crit ! community.
»$' Please Notice
OXE ECXBRED PERCENTER In passing through the s h o e | Teacher (in an East Side graiadepartment of a local store we !mar school): And n o w let us came to t h e conclusion that a I have some names of objects Lt- I i_et us Keep ; o u , v s a i c t nsinyan could very easily be form- : ginning with the letter " T . " "snciiiPte I ed with the .Jewish clerks there. j Tony: Telcrione, ime to cc It right br ttke By the way, the head guy is Jew-| Elizabeth: Train. » L t d CS1'ish. J Jake: Talis and TepJulia. I
Vour Own Rollers \r«<Xl!T 5500 4?T-4-6 Hamilton
Shaare Zion
Award for Achievement
in the United
Perry Osnowitz, student* at the : States-and Canada, snrt the award University of Iowa, Iowa City, will be presented each y e a r herewill be the guest speaker at .after to a member ot the trat<?rShaare Zion synagogue this evejnity for outstanding achievement MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent ning. His subject will be "The in any field. Jewish Student — His Problems I ~ c i* and aspirations." Cantor A. PllsMONSKY GRODINSKY, MARER kin and the synagogue choir will Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agency) ; mann, President of the World Dr. Galinsky Accepts _ ,7, r- COHEN, Attorneys. —The mobilization of .world i Zionist Organization and the Jew- . 73 r'l •chant the ritual. , , Omaha J^atlonai Bank r > i s 4 Agency for Palestine. | Jewry to resist the establishment f?, E astern Post , Tomorrow morning Irving D u - j o t a L e g i s l a t i v e C o t t B c l l i n P a l e . j ' " • " ' ' ** NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION H ! 1 In the ECounty Dr. Leon Gallnsky, 2301 Jack- coffe, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. is t i n e a n d t o c o m b a t t h e Court ,,f I).,npla« menace Jerusalem (WXS-Palcor Agency) County. son street left this week for Sta- Ducoffe will celebrate his Baro f . - t h e d i s g r a c e { t l l Nuremberg! / In thp Matter of thp KstHt.. of F a n . ! —Great Britain was accused of nie TJi'R VI us tein P ' T f a s l ten Island, New York, to accept Mitzvah at the synagogue. lawi" of the "Hitipr i 1 i the Arab press o£ attempting to All persons h i the position as resident physician Jack Mosow will act as cantor ordered by the tate are het-pliy notifiprl jat the Seaview hospital at Staten at t the t h Junior J i Congregation C t i serv- fli*^X tion has been' filed ttiPtt in in said <-Pl,n)V '_. {island. jice and Harry Nadler will act as alleging that saul de<-easerl died W v J n ! i t wU! co-operation with the ' " ? ,"? . a"<i Pi-arinfifor art7Plans for the annual flag dayj D r3 a i i n s k y i sa former stu-ireader of the law. mlnlstration noon his estate nnd mat and to prevail upon the tor the Jewish National Fund, jd e n t o- t h e University of Iowa Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln, , masses i n all lands h e organized ,iJews lla(1 on H o n before T T *"'"•** ^ 1thp ' ' " Petiin nrmiipcrp in h e r inter tion said conn" on 25th and plans for the city-wide; J ;jand the University of South Dak-|Ncbr. : spoke last Friday evening immediately, the Zionist Ksecu- nAT-OVIQ an m v 1Mi; J 1 t ! lltl^onn aa ll OoWlgaUons thwuKh the The Sigma Alpha Mu F r a t e r n i t y ' t i l e paralysis immunization. The. fan ?£ J' ' -. "" 'at if f n a D U a t l o n s F. Banquet "were completed at;oota. g r a d u t d from the Har- iu t h t synagogue for the annual' tive declared that solidarity is esRfli r o i i r t o n th t a . He He graduated s t r o u g h the > " « .constitutional regime to which Award for outstanding achieve- New Y o r k City Department o£ said 25 the. meeting of the Jewish N a - i v a r d M e dical School. Dr. Galin- student service. His subject was January, lfi.^fi s t 9 sential because "the Palestine t h e j r a r e opposed. The fundamen- ment for t h e year 1935 was p r e - Health has provided him with a o'clock il Monday d e v e -|i s k y \Vm specialize in the study of "Three Against Religion." tjpnal Fund Council, Government which undertook to for the Arabs j sented at the 26th annual con-', special laboratory and the Warm . crant ""dm^fs'tnftinn' t h w m r and i s a dvantages for of said e,tatA ri(ng in the Jewisli Community! disorders of the chest in the New Following the service a recep- sponsor the Jewish return intends t a l ddisadvantages in the Legislative an- jvention banquet of Sigma Alpha ; Springs Foundation, sponsored by to .T. Harold Ki_... r Rome other Center. „ iY ork hospital. tion' for the students was held to establish a constitutional re- nounced by Sir ArthurCouncil suitable person n.nrt prooeert to i Wauchope, • Mu on December. 29th at the ; President Roosevelt, has recently settlement thereof The Flag Day will be held this j While in Sioux City he main- j and the following spoke: Henry gime which gravely jeopardizes! Commissioner, were analyz- i Coronado Hotel in St. Louis, Mo., equipped a laboratory for him for H i g h KRVCK m A1VFORD. Sunday, January 5, with members • tained offices In the Badgerow Ginsberg, Bill Lansberg, Dorothy r 0U r m n t e o opment j Coiintv Jurtge. y SSami a m i SSaarrrr aa jj , j o u r n a l i s t of' t o Dr. Maurice Brodie, a member t h e m a n u f a c t u r e of his serum in Of the Junior Hadassah chapter | building with Dr. Delia Galinsky. ! Epstein, Perry Osnowitz, Isadore _ _ . 5 v ! _™_°f.- - . = ! X ! l ° ? . f ! edd bby and the progress of immigration . of t h e McGill University chapter, g r e a t e r quantities. MONSKY, OROD1NSKY MARER «. t b e I s t a q l a l i s t p a T t v in. charge. Miss Rosalie Sacks, ~~ -. - - . Shlndler, Philip Silverberg, Arn- and settlement. COHEN. Attorney, Sarraj drew up an indictment of \ Dr. Brodie h a s won internationT h e vaccine i s t h e result of five 3. N. F . chairman of Junior Had'37 Omaha National Bank Bldg. old Levin, Rose Albert, Henry The mobilization is to take a the Council on the following sev- j ' years of intensive experimentation tissah, and a large committee of Himowitz, Harry Dimes, Morey form of enlarging the member-1 en points: "™"~ ' """ with monkeys. Belore subjecting! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX that Junior Hadassah members will Lefkovich, Rabbi Rabinowitz, ship of the World Zionist Organi( l ) the Council is a ruse to c n i l d r e n t o t h e vaccine. ^ n L t u i t , Dr. u i . B J D rI Uo-- i t n"e » i » t n ^i^iipy H H \ P iformed ormp<! a corn undersigned have a cornmake arrangements to visit each Rabbi Jolt and Mrs. Harry Jolt. die and six of his staff assistants Stfte^of'xXaska*1' Tn* I " " ; ' t h e „ , _ „ „ . „ __ _ • zation, to which one million Jews , lure the Arabs into united action ; Jewish fiome in the city, on SunMrs. S a m B a s s a n inoculated themselves without any . forporntion is •'t!.\\vKEY1E'ef'oMpt . , . -. " ! Saturday afternoon, Rabbi Jolt a r e to be added in the coming and co-operation with the Jewsi{s untoward effects. The serum has i;ANX"- v\ith principal place' of day, for Flag Day contributions.-nounce the engagement of their ; s p o k e at the.Oneg Shabbos meet- y e ar. The declaration issued by (2) i i s aimed to influence them b e e n u s e d b y the U n i t e d i x S , ' " T h ^ r S ^ W i The City-wide banquet planned .daughter Miss Eva Bass to A l : i n g of the Shaare Zion Ladies the Zionist Executive says, in t o acquiesce in Great BtfUiVsin- 1 Jewish National Council | Baker, son of J.The M. Baker of Om' part: -The World Zionist Con-1 teAatlonal- obligations through •will the be held Tuesday, January 14,'aha, Nebraska. wedding will auxiliarygress held in September was the j the League of Nations and the '1n the Jewish Community Center, jbe an event of March 1. -Sg»*v, largest rally of Jews in the his- j Balfour Declaration, pledging hpr |A prominent speaker from this Miss Bass is r. graduate of Centory over of the Diaspora. Representtheof promotion the establish•region will give the principal ad- tral High School here, and Mr. s ing one million members, It j to ment a Jewish of National Home , dress at the banquet. The pro-| Baker a graduate of Central at met the dangers of destruction in Palestine; (3) that the Councontracted infantile paralysis. Dr. proyenientp and procepsoR "of""everv kind and character; to purchase disgram will include Palestinian | Omaha. ^ v menacing the Jewries of many c u i s to be the means of introducPiodie plans to vaccinate at'least ooiint. sell and trade in generally in , songs by the Hebrew School choir lands and imperilling Palestine it- ing a bone of contention among 50,000 persons in order to defin-' Vi!?*nS-* "f indelitediipps of every hnracter; and to buy. sen. under the direction of S- Krupself by restoring the internal u n - U r a b parties; (4) the Council itely establish the safety'and efMr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein. BY P. R. K. niiirtRajre, lpase. encumber and d»ni nick, and Hebrew songs by C a n - ! 3 4 0 1 Nebraska street, will hold ity of movement. This unifica-! -n-m establish Jewish newcomers ficacy of his serum. The results, ffenf-rnlly In real ami personal prop^f tor A. Pliskin, accompanied . a t !open house Sunday afternoon, tion was timely, inasmuch as im-! as citizens giving them suffrage of his experiments to date have1 erty of every kind and character. The the piano by Mrs. S. Krupnick. i\. company shall hav% authoiily to bt» mediately after the Zionist Con-! rights; (5) the provisions assure January 5, from 3 to6 o'clock, SERVICES TOXIGHT ' ) t e n g i v e n a t s e v e r a l m e e t i n g s o f r o w " m o n e y a n d t<> IKSIK- e v i d e n c e s of Letters -will be gent out this; honoring their daughter Frances Sabbath Services will be held gress German Jewry was, over-; majority control for the Governthe_ American Public Health As- ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ u ^ t&tiW -week to every Jewish family in ia n d n e r n a n c e > B e n D . Kalin. tonight _ omptly at eight o'clock j whelmed by the disgraceful Nur- • ment in the new Council, since it c o n a t i o n , t h e New Y o r k A c a d e m y ' p a r value Jmn.nn vev share, AW sto.-ii of Medicine a n d o t h e r s ' i!=C ( 1 " i m n n «"d shall he fully paid the city, advising, them of the) T n ob r i d a l c o i o r s o f blue and at th^ "hevra B'nai Yisroel syn-1 emberg laws, while in Palestine j is empowered to appoint sixteen ' ari( -n,. a . , , , . ._ ' non-assfsaWc ivben issued. Tlie o banquet and its purpose. The [t e a r o s e w i lb e c a r r l e d out at the : gne f-t 61S Monster Street, j the Government which undertook •Of the twenty-nine members; (G) >ne b l g m a A l p h a Jill Frater-.rorpornlinr* shall rommenrr- business Board of Directors of the Junior 1 t e a t a b l e > w i t h tapers and flow- "Can J i '-'sm S 'ive Tr. ;perity" j to sponsor the Jewish return in- j the Council has no jurisdiction y A w a r d w a s p r e s e n t e d t h i s "W"i_the. fiiinpr of the Article the Hadassah, Senior Hadassah a n d | e r s o f s l m l i a r c o i o r . will be the subject of ths sermon j tends to establish a constitution- j over Jewish immigration and thus for the first time by the Sig- and shall continue until January isi, Pioneer •-. Women, wil meet togeto be given by Ra'-'n Jacot Cohn.'al regime gravely jeopardizing j has no power to control the Jev,n a Alpha Mu Fraternity, one of 2".'!fi. The liiR-iiest amount oC inriebtedDr. Maurice Urodie l n t h er e c e i v l n g i i n e w i t h M r . npsp shall not exceed tw-p-thirds ot ther Monday evening, to plan the! a n ^" M rs. ^ m b e Mrs.Thcse services a r j of interest for"i the freedom of our development i j S h labor immigration schedule, ' the largest Jewish national col- the capital stock. This restriction Mrs Emlein al fame for his research and deticket distribution for. the ban- jR o s e Kalin, . mother of Mr. Benboth young and old, and everyone and the progress of immigration a n d (7) the limitation ot the shall not apply to indebtedness for. ured by real estate. The number of quet. The city -will be divided Kalin. attend this evening. and settlement. The Zionist Or-j Council's powers reduces it into velopment of a serum for infan- REED, RAMACC1OTT1 & ROBINSON members of the Board shall he pruInto districts and every Jewish AND E. L. MARKS, Attys. , vided by the By-laws, but shall not ganization is now called upon to' glorified municipal council. a Parlor hostesses will be Mrs. jbe Ipss than two. nor more than fivo. 912 First National Bank Bldg. home will be contacted by a mem- Theodore N. Lewis and Dr- Delia Al is nearing his 5 0th birthday. The Sisterhood o£ the Talmud j enlist the Jewish masses to repel i ! which TloRid shall administer the atOmaha, Nebraska thi ! 'fairs of {he corporation. The Kio.'k•ber or the comlttee in charge of j Galinsky. Dining room hostesses Torah will hold its monthly meet-i s onslaught on our fundament-i i Tn the County Court of D o u g 1 a s holders shall hold their annual tneeting next Wednesday afternoon, al al rights and to strengthen the! the eplcoloasal adjectives^ ^ used the tickets. I bounty. Nebraska. • ling on the second ^'.onday in .inrniBiy will lie Misses Helen Levitt. Ida I Pittsburgliers can be proiul . , , t t i capacity it of f the th ZionZi \ »ovie advertising, advertising wed w e d suggest sug Proceeds of the banquet Will KO |L e v e y a n d M r g Lionel London, January S, at promptly at 2:30constructive the Jlatler of the Kstate of Benj-iof e a c h year and elect directors. The ! because Maxine Reiner showed • in smin the producers adopt the CalGoodbinder, al.«o known as'•directors shai! >'}frt f> Fresident. A*ie<*l toward the J. N. F . Land Re-j T h e w e d d i n g d a t e : . a s been set o'clock at the Chevra B'nai movement. The Jews of the i^ I such ability in "King of Burles; Ben Goodbinder, Dpceaseu. \ President, pecretarr- and Treasurer roel svnagogue at 618 Mynster . world t r e now summoned in a j Jtorma olive packers classlflca- • que" . . . she was awarded a long- ; To all demptlon project in Palestinepersons interested in said I The corporation shall hsve R pen), for February 2. •estate, both creditors mid heirs: i Vpon suthoi'Uy pivpf. byfinper wnt Street.' Rabbi Harold Berger of! mobilization—this time not iorjU°n — ^ives are either small, i term contract. j You are hereby notified that on the | of the issued and outstandine capital Omaha will be the guest speaker.! election purposes or in relation J3medium, large, mammoth, giant j lPth any Of Ppcpmner. 59"S Sarah: stork the direotors sii:i!l have (!i« Members of the Ivre Club and This meeting is open to both to internal party struggles—but! ", m b o ' o r colossal. This would Ooodbinder, petitioner, filed her poti- \ power to Bel! Or otherwise dispose or a number of out-of-town guests members and non-members andtorpurposes of defense and of-; allow the producer f>ve grades of This time i t sounds iiko more 'tion i n t h e above, matter, settinp forth the assets oT tbe corporation as an — .-- an a a rrumor umor . t h a t William • * m o " ^ T ^ e r tbinps that Benjamin' entirety aKoinp ooncovn. upon or attended the Annual Ivre New ! everyone is cordially invited to at- fense in a common cause which: « P j than • leavmg two sma Goodbinder. also known as Ben Good-! such, terms and conditions «? frt»v Reverend Adelard of the First Year's eve party, Tuesday eve• Fox returns to the picture field . . hinder, a citizen and resident of the Khali deem fit. The Avtifl affects all sections of our movej categories in which to shunt off mm Unitarian Church of Sioux City, ning in the Martin Hotel. Danc- 1 tend. upon notice a* provided for. •expects to reach Hollywood by the i ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ . W ^ m f e Rmended Da.te<i November IS, l'.ir,a. ment. A million additional mem- : t h e £ e w duds. wil speak from the pulpit of , n g followed by a midnight first of t h e year to form a new therein, April IT. 1932 and possessed .1. H. SAKS Mount Sinai Temple this evening buffet supper. entertained b e r ? . i n t h en e x t >' ear w i U b e o u r • ot the folio-wing described, real esE. PL'HKAUTK I company. tate, to-wit: An undivided one-sixth 12-1S-44 at the regular .Friday evening (1-fi) interest in and to the South i service. :— twenty-eij-ht (f(.2S> feet of Lot 'JEipht Sioux City's yonnser set fro- at the home ot Mtu Thelma Pas] It seems that Finkelstein -and (S> Block One Hundred Forty-nine Students from the various Il i c k e d T u e s d a y e Y e n i n g B t a n . I n . ser last Saturday night. . ... in the in self-redemption." !a n d they're still denying it! Aline I Ruben finally patched tip differ- |Col^t t .n oHKinai f city " o r Omfiha. MacManon and h e r colleges and universities who a r e ; t e r . F r a t e r n l t y party, held in the ~ nsinp^ n County otsurveyed Donplns The statement was signed b y i husband. ipnrp* j.ences and a n a hpcnmp Detame hniifiness p as rr tt -- a r i a / state°™ihn. of Xebrask-a as In the city for their winter vaca- j - ^ a r r j o r Hotel. A midnight sup- Abe Saltzman left Monday for Dr. Chaim Weizmann, and David I architect Clarence Stein, will quit;•ners. Ruben t h o u g h t it. would and lithoc-raphed: that saiti petitioner Recognized HS tion, were guests at the Temple j p e r w a g f o ] ] o w e d b y d a n c l n g . Denver, Colorado, following a ten Ben Gurion, Moshe Shertok, Issac , t h e cinema scene until Aline has [ look better if he changed his;. ^Ji^Z}ll^l^.. sa d e ! ed> B j r.?known A !. -as ™Ben nmln Goodbinder, .^. also FRACT1CAL MOKEt. service last Friday evening and day visit here at the home of hisGruonbaum. Dr. Rischel Rotten- j s e e n t b e they'll visit I n a m e to Dugan. The firm pros- •. Goodbinder: that, the heirs: of Iniv of narticlanted in the service. Amonsj M l s Tvr Phone 1(559 are Sarah Goodbinder. i, oI of t Des -n J parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltz- stretch, Prof. Selig Brodetsky, j t h e Orient first. Sylvia Sidney is pered and Finkelstein also wanted *^ » ^ e t ottt i-eO o^ Oppenheim »> Ann Goodbinder. Tvidov find them were Frances Kalin, Ber- j COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. boating to England for her nest to become Dugan, The firm ' man. Rabbi J . L . Fishman, a n d Eleazar j b t i t E l daughter, respectively, that the praynard Marks, Bemice Galinsky, sMolnes, Iowa, is • s i o u x this picture . . . Ah, me, London's no i became Dugan r.nd Dugan. The p r ° r . f a . u l petition is for a decree Kaplan. wee& w I t h f r i e n d s ! Mina Slotsky, Lewis Welnberg.' nearer Bennett Cerf than Holly- I names were a little confusing t o ! deceJenT'iuifi the 'nrfmes oWis'^hei^ Miss Rose Fox left last SaturNorman Brodkey, Harriet Rosenwood was. June Travis is brine- ! t h e telephone girl. "When some- ' P x t t l S t h e fleprce of kinship of snii nl w f o r Lou is London (WNS-Palcor Agency) \ David Olensky and Trvinr: Le« » 7 ' B f • ' Missouri f •« ;,.^^ heirs, and the right of descent of !?!!(' blum, Henry Greenberg, Ethel ing her parents, the Harry Grab- jone asked for Di L luQUliea ;r e a i estate, linrvinpr tbe claim?; of . Sioux _. 1 . . - this; . . for fnr a a iwo wepks visit with rela- —A legislative council in Pale-! City, visited Baron, Dorothy London, Alice vich. of to the celluloid village for J "Which. Dugan do you want tives. rreditors of said deceased, diBr>en^ini, stine would destroy all hope of j week with friends in Omaha. Pill and Naomi Sacks. witn the further administvation of h « welding the Arab and Jewish peo-i a vacation. At last, after months • Finkelstein or Ruben?" p.=tate, and for sniob other and fu-ther relief as may be just and equitMiss Lorraine Meyerson left pies into one nation. The New Of waiting and watching, Maxie I . able. Arnold Levine of Rosalie, NeSisterhood Meeting Monday for Sioux City, Iowa for Statesman, leading British politi- Rosenbloom got a studio "break" j'S all for today. \ o u are therefor notifed that n braska, a student at the Univercal organ, said in an editorial • • • Sot a long-termer and a fea-| (Copyright. 1333. Jen-ish -Teles-rnj hearmj? "\v;ll be held on said petitioi k. u u The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai sity of Nebraska, visited this week friends. ture r o l e i n at the County Court Koom of sTid commenting upon the rejection of i "Green Shadow." Temple will meet' this afternoon with relatives in Sioux City. county in the Douglas County Coin i the Council by Dr. Chaim Weiz-1 There's another Charles S. ChapHouse of Omaha, Nebraska on the in the Temple Annex at a one! Patronize our advertisers. The Council Bluffs Talmud 11th day of January. A. D. M.TR t,t I lin in movies . . . he's a film saleso'clock luncheon. Mrs. Herman J1:1'!! A. M. and if you to Torah Society will hold, a reguI man. The Sam Coslows' horse at said time nntl place and • The Debra Club honored sever- lar meeting next Monday evening, Miller and Mrs- J. H. Greenberg GRODiNSKY, MARER & this petition, the Court may came in and paid 65 to 1 . . . butI MONSKY,COHEN, Attorneys are co-chairman of the luncheon al members who are In the city the same, enter a decree of h o'clock at the ; j a n u a r y 6 ja t 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. they -were oceanbound and hadn't and dispense with further a< arrangements. for their winter vacation, at a iC h e v r a - B . n a i Y l s r o e i synagogue at tration ot said estate. ibet a penny on her. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that , Dr. Delia Galinsky is in charge ;-<«nner and theater party__Satur.-j j street. ERVCE CRAWFORD 6 1 g I y n s t e r day the undersigned have, pursuant to the •.? > > f i • > ,. By HELEN ZIGMOND ot the program. It wil include a evening. Covers for 25 were 1 County Judpe laid Eddie Cantor's laugh-getter, ,Iaws of the State of Nebraska, form-! ' " musical reading by Mrs. M. N. ! at the dinner which was held :ed a corporation. The name of said Miss Ruth Roffman was hos"Shoot the Chutes" will surely be j corporation is T U C II i l A N FOOT) MONSKY, "Weisberg, accompanied at the p i-!in the.Lattice Room at the Elks tess to the members of the Girls GROD1NSKY. MARER Hollywood—When Dave Rubin- a success — it's going through i STORES, INC., WltTl -its principal, COHEN, Attorneys ano by Mrs. A. M. Davis, and a ' c l U D I place of business in the city of Omaoff registers at a hotel, he signs, Cultural Group at her home at title-changing throes now . . . The objects for whirh the corp737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bittg. group ol dances by pupils of the "Rubinoff and his Violin." And (latest tag is "Strike Me Pink" in- I! ha. Oration is formed am to maintain and' wef^e^bert « S i j « WiUon.AW. K a b b i . a c o b KOTICF. IS HERKBY GIVEX that tale. "iears ago \ a s m n c i l a s E d d i e . s s c r e e n c n a r a c . I operate, at wholesale or retail, stores Carrol Dancing Studios. MrsR-DRU6GIST thereby hangs a tale, Cohn | for the sale ot provisions of all kinas; :at a (1 u 1 v constituted meptir.p of greener from .t e r > g n a m e J s M r ; P i n k - And Ed- : to buy and sfell. lease and encumber ! Stookbolflers of KRASXE M1L.L.IX"William Lazere, president of thesky students at the University of J s h T h o u h t / . Thursday evening, ' a n 18-year-old Hermine Kleeman. KRT. I X C . held on the 2Sth (lay of Sisterhood: will preside at the _ Russia obtained a job in a factory | d i e » n o t o n l y s t r u c k W m s c l t i n k ' real anrl personal property ot every I No\"ember, it wns unanimously who is Miss Alberts house Ruest*. • kind. The corporation shall haye tui- Iagreed that19^r>. meeting. the corporation be dise n t e r l i n ^ t a n ^ P O ^ . ^ W o r k ^ the lac-! . t h e o t h e r d a y > b u t flid a D a n g u p Miss Dorothy Saltzman I thority to issue bonds. The total p«Dorothy Gelson and Pearl oiensolved. job of red, black and blue. He ! thorized capital stock is $lf).(jOO.O0. . Dat«>d a t Omaha. Nebraska, t h i s Sky. students at Iowa University, tained sixteen guests at her home divided into 100 shares, par value •2Sth day of November, 1S35. had a scene to play in which he |i UW.OO per share, all common stock. ! fully paid when issued and non-ascracks a long whip. Practicing, g I sessable. "At their annual election held The corporation shall com- ; — to play a violin ! shall Opper of Chicago, who are spare business upon the filing- of its this week, A.Z.A. member? electMiss Razelle Abraham ot Map-(spending - the holiday visiting and to. watch, prize-fights. After he -wound the thong around his I mence jrticies in the office of the County neck on the first try, and bruised iClerk of Douglas ed Rudolph Schiridler as presi- leton, Iowa and her house guest, \ frie ds i n m a h a County. Nebraska long careful saving he managed . ,, . . , bis eye with the handle on the T1 i and shall continue «ntil January 1st. O dent of the chapter. He succeeds j M i s s M artelle EUman. spent sev- j ' f to buy a cheap violin. It became i o n d > Nice work if you like ; 2033. The highest amount of indebtSam Sadoff. edness shnH not exceed two-thirfls of j eral days in Sioux City, visiting; his greatest treasure and constantly? the capital stock. The affairs of the i Other officers ^re Irving Mar-! l n t h eh " o m e o f M r a n d M r s . Max! Louis Marcus, accompanied by companion . . . he took it to work, corporation shall tie administered by; i on,, vice president; Sam Sadoff. jE .Friedman. of Directors to be determined his son, Lowell Marcus, and histo the prize fights, even to bed'. Spewacks, Bella and Sam-• abj"Board Becretary; Nat h a n Rosenthal, son-in-law, Myron Waddell, left Hence, the slogan which has stuck uel,The the by-laws, which shall be not :. 1 have turned their Hollywood t h i s w e e k t o r S a n B i e 0 less than two nor more than fiye. | Senior Sergeant At Arms; Myron Miss Sadie Shulkin, visited with j ^ ' Califor- to him all these years, "Rubinoff sojourn to good account. Their J The Board shall elect from its mem- : n Heeger, Junior Sergeant at Arms; friends and relatives in Omaha !nni iaa tt o° 3^°* I bers a President. Vice-President, Seco m their their family family where where and his Violin:" "Boy Meets Girl" play on Broadretary and Treasurer. The Directors j they will make their future home. Milton Grueskin, treasurer; Jack this week. way is another satire on the ! shall be elected at the annual meet- j They made the trip by motor. Merlin, chaplain; Joe Maron, pubi ins ot the corporation which shall be \ Getting into the Jolson ranch screen world and hailed as a hit. Mv. and Mrs. Leon Shul'ln, 611 i held the second Tuesday in January! licity chairman. is almost like entering a castle ot Thirtyfourth street announce the of each year and immediately Hfter j Mr._.l.eon Dobrofsky and D r . ; M n h o f a POri o n December 2S. stockholders meeting, tlie dir- i The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- the Middle Ages. First your voice The new producer's building on i| said ectors shall meet a n d elect officers. Prank Epstein", both Active Bnai i : '. • .' ciety will hold a regular meeting! is transmitted through a device a certain lot was used as a prop ; The directors shall control the afnext Wednesday" evening, January to the inner sanctums Brith members are advisors . of fairs of the coropration. These Arit it one day when they needed an ex-iHicles mar be amended by two-thirds to S, at eight o'clock at the Chevra is recognized as that of a friend, terior shot of a maternity hospi- j affirmative the chapter. | Rabbi vote of all outstanding B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 61Sthe huge gate; silently controlled tal. After the scene was taken, i ?tock upon proper notice. The corpThe first degree initiation for; Address Shaare Zion i oration shall have a seal. Mynster Street. new members_and induction of! and operated by electricity, opens the camera and sound trucks were •' Dated November The little things that do so m 4th. IS35. the newly elected officers will be j before you. By that time, if you moved away but they forget the i HAKOUD S. TITHMAN make one feel at hone air e s p e c y BETTT TUCHMAN are still there, you "may enter. held a t the first meeting ot the Dr. Simon Greenberg of Phillarge sign, "Maternity Hospital." Ii 12-lS-4t Incorpovators. adelphia, will be the guest speakBnai Brith Lodge in January. evident at Hotel President. Clo^c "Ah, yes," commented a greenTryouts are being held this of the Shaare Zion synagogue on They do say that Claire Tre- eyed, waggish scribe, "It must be FRIEDMAN & SHR1ER, Attorneys. First National Bank Bldg. to ail the finest theatres and shops, vor is a Matzoh-Eater. We'll have that that's where ideas are born!" week to select representatives ofler at the annual election meeting 45O to do' a bit ot sleuthing for her j NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PE. t h e chapter a t the district tourn-' T h u r a e , a y evening, January 9. Splendid food in the Coffee Shop or I TIT1ON FOB SETTLEMENT OF ROOfftS 'real name. ament to. be held in Omaha, Feb-l „ , , . Hollywood — Al Jolson . . . I FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACWalnut Room. Prices most moderate. WSTHBWTH & COUNT— ' ruary 8? 9 and 10. Sioux" City | ^ e ^ e n new members will be enjoying the top rung of popularA national magazine will soon ity . . . has had a consistent, un- ' In the County Court1 of Douglas •wiU be represented in debating, > elected to the board at that time. ' New York (JTA) ,— Henrietta j County. Nebraska. PERCY TYRRELL oratory and basketball. iand John Lansberg president of Szold, women Zionist leader, is publish the "Memoirs of Fanny broken career. He considers his • In the "Matter of the Estate of. Soloi/vctor 1 mon Cohen. Deceased. Brice." Is she THAT old?!? earning power began as a young- j All persons interested in said matj tht synagogue will give the an _ listed on the honor roll for 1935 compiled T>y The Nation, Liberal ster in 1902. Started with a cir, ter are hereby notified that on the IN MISSISSIPPI GAME nual report of the congregation. weekly. Other Jews listed are Gregory Ratoff is SO excitable. cus . . . then elevated himself to ; "Bth day of December, 1!)S5, Herman filed a petition in said County Herbert Baumsteln, Sioux CityDr. Greenberg will speak on Joe Mielziner and Clifford Odets. In a rash moment he wagered a cafe entertainer . . . after which ': Cohen • praylnR that his final admhiis/f«j an, is a member ot the University | .<The Equipment of the Jew." He In addition, Jeremiah T. Mahoney one-thousand-bank-nottj that he he and his brother formed a .| Court. tration account filed lirt-pin be settler! roo ba11 t am 1 and allowed, and that he be rtiscViarsof Mississippi V ' | i s a graduate of Columbia uriver-Sjs lauded for his efforts on he- could lose thirty pounds in thirty vaudeville team. Has worked un- I ed from his trust as executor find TT f which playtd the Catholic Untver-. s l t y and studied at the University j half ot the Berlin Olympics boy-' days without rigid dieting. Now interruptedly since 1910 . . . esti- j that a hearing wi'.l lie had on 6MJ!.*\0R£ rt !4th STREET before said Court on the 25th i sity team of Washington, D. C. in j i n Jerusalem. In Philadelphia, I cott. 1 his problem is to win the bet. mates his earnings during his en- .'i petition day of January. M36, and that if you i .'USOUT Of THE Na,5X X.ONL the Orange Bowl a t Miami, Flor-,Dr. Greenbers is the president ofj The citation for Miss Szold foltire career total about fifteen ; fail to appear before said Court on thft said 25th day of; January, 3!i:!R. ida. i the Jewish Board of Ministers. He j lows: "Henrietta Szold, who at After reading the new crop of Million . . . his highest single ! 9 o'clock. A. M., and contest said j Baumstein, who is the son ot ,1s past president of the Avukah in seventy-five years ot age, after a week occurred in 1929 when he ! petition, the Court may Brant t h e ! i prayer of said Petition, enter a decree I Mr. and Mrs. M. Baumstein, of Philadelphia and a member of thecrowded lifetime; of work in be- | Palestine and settled them on the received twenty-three thousand . . ; of heirship. and make such other and Sioux City, graduated trom Cen-11 administrative board of the Zipnsays he dropped a neat pile of ! further orders, allowances and <1e• ; ci'pes. as to this Court m.-ty Sfem i tral High School, where he was.ists. ,Dr. Greenberg is advrsor to halt of the oppressed Jews of all land." million in Wall Street dur- '• proper, to the end that Rli 'matters I countries, is head of the Youth Mr. Odets is lauded for his seven a member of the Football team,'the Jewish students at the Uniing the crash. Thirty-three years I pe,r*ainins to said estate may bo • Aliyah movement, which has alplays and Mr. Miefeiner for hia , and active in the entire athletic i varsity in Philadelphia, is a long time In any profession . . ! finally settled and determined " ready transferred almost a thou- "beautiful stage designs" for thein show business it's a. miracle! i field. BRTCE H.lOfUlil'. JJ . ^"isl* ! sand German Jewish children to play"Winterset." • I 1-3-36-St. County Judge. , %i%fcAiijfeli
Society News
Mount Sinai
Rev. A.'Diamond
Our Film Folk
Miss Szold Listed by'The Nation'in 1935 Honor Roll