January 10, 1936

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Eulerert a> Second Clus Mall Matter on Jmiuatj si. IVi'l. ai PostoTilc< of Omaiia. Nebratka. under th* Act of Marcb !. 1




VOL, XI—NO. -4fi-



Palestine High Commi*sioner


epss •

Jerusalem (T<r Always seeking to provide Arthur —Lieutenant' our readers with the best posreappoint•Grenfell sible articles describing the !| ! Omaha, the home of Aleph je d f o r a s e c o n d „ _ _ as . _ _High . "Newspapers in America do not' present Jewish scene, the Jew- || Zadik Aleph, is preparing to play commissioner for" Palestine and tell the real news of Palestine," isfi Press w i l l inaccurate ati j i host to another A. Z. A. conven- ; Transjordan it was officially an- i declared Mrs. Aliza Shidlowsky, the next issue a weekly column tion. Inounced through the British sec-!labor leader from PaJestine, who \ by Jjndwig Ijewisohn, outI For the'first time since Omaha r e t a r y o j s t a t e for t h e colonies. | addressed a large audience Wed-; standing author and critic. v was the scene of the international! s j r " Arthur who first assumed inesday evening at a banquet giv- ' i L* Landed by ~mzny as the 'convention in the summer of h j s d u t i e s 3 n p a i e s tine on Novein- ea in her honor at the J. C. C.' greatest living writer, liewisJosephine Roche, the assistant '1933, local Jewry will entertain a b e r r 1 9 3 1 > f l m g a i n P ! l f a m e a s by the local Pioneer Women. • ohn will portray in lncid style Secretary of the Treasury, will conclave of the Junior B'nai; a n o f f i c e r l n t J l e Black Watch and - "Thejr stress only the sensation- ; each week his views on Jewish speak here on "Wednesday eveB'rith order February 7, 8 and l a t e r a s c^let o f t h e Britis-a s e c . si, as communistic activities, riots ning, January 15, at 8 p. m. at the 9, when t h e Iowa-Nebraska ret i o n o f t h e i n ter-AIlied Commit- and strife.'.' she continued, "inJewish Community Center. H e r T* T* gional tournr.ment will be h e l d : tee of Control in Berlin from 1924 stead of informing the people of; ' ; topic will be "Social Security—a here. L Lii.L | the constructire, upbuilding work 'to 192" Continuing Challenge.'* Though the February gathering being created. From the AmeriA native of Nebraska, Miss , will be small in comparison to can newspaper "accounts, o n e Roche received her Bachelor's and t h e mammoth meeting three would gather that the Palestinian Master's Degrees from Vassar and : years ago, local A. Z. A. members Jews are sitting on a volcano. iress Columbia "Universities. F"or twenLondon f (are preparing for the event with straining, being spied on, nerver i£tS)lsk-tf€$$: JKPRfiS ty five years Miss Roche has com, scheme br which world Je*-'vr enthusiasm a n d thoroughness wracked. The contrary i strue. s bined active -work In behalf of AVIY 'comparable to t h e preparations Politics in Palestine is the same ,on of 100,000 to r?O,POf» -"*".""•» human -welfare and training and j which preceded the International as every place else." This evening Rabbi Simon ^"C^CZ^l r " « C*TtT^ CtV*1*'* ; - r m Germany to 2'p.leBtinp ' t r - t research in the field of economics V convention. Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) .Mrs. Shidlowsky painted a viv- Greenberg of Philadelphia will r ' h e r British tfrnt.pHes;, ISSR hnr.r •with extensive administration and Chapters competing in the con- A coalition of right wing parttrilling_ picture of Jewish re- speak at the Beth-El synagogue. PHFFPBtP'i to ,Tpv.-fO. business experience, , tests of the tournament will be j ties re-elected .Major Meier Diez-i habilit:at7on in Palestine emphas- Dr. Greenberg- conies to Omaha in by epokesroep. for -I1* Her experiences vary from that J Josephine Roche the midst of his tour of the midthe Mother Chapter No. 1. and;« n goff as head of this all-Jewish : i j j n , t 1 a ep a r t pi a y e d by the mosi .regime, sn<5 is to be Istfi 5«*" of probation officer and later Di- Assistant Secretary of Treasury Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 of:i city's administration at the first!:dern pioneers j.-~*.~~.«. " T h e Chalutzim dle-western states. He is a grad'c't American Jewry ROOII. rector of the Girls* Department of Omaha, Lincoln No. 3. Bes Molnes of the new municipal " ;'meeting " . - - •; flare their troubles," she pointed uate of the Jewish Theological The propoBed plan ir>vn""«> the Denver Juvenile Court to that Np. 4, Council Bluffs No. 7, and; council. -Nothing is easy, and theSeminary of America, and attend- l ionU 11" ee poiisis: 1—Jews mup- >'•'•• of president and general manager Sioux City No. 12. | This returns to office the 74- ichalutzim know the hardships ed the Hebrew University in Jeri 'es.t EritRin to pern-it shlf-- ''lU'of one of the largest coal comCompetitions will be held in , year old veteran leader and fonn-: they mnst undrego. But they usalem. He is also past president. j \% <\*\' : < s M l i vH T ) Tnher of GerTOpri Jews it- Kpanies in the "Westoratory, debating and basketball. | der of this city which now con- j delve into their work with deter- of Avuksh, the co'legiste Sionist ] *~i nsfprreci to Pfilpstinr P" ?>">'• Miss Roche has made extensive Tournament headquarters will | tains a population of almost 150.- ^ n a t i o n and energy and obtain organization. Rsbbi Greenberg is irV territories;; " — Jewi? \ct.-Us studies for the Russell Sage Founhe at the Jewish Community Cen- j 0 00. Meier Diezengoff has been j therefrom happiness" and satisfac- one of the leaders in the conserve- j PTmarsy "itnc^er t!-iF r-!sp w.iS" ^f tive rabbinate. j dation, served as Director of the ter, and registration will o p e n , jt s guiding spirit a n d foremost Theirs is the spirit that is rit'e to t».kp 'tjh.f'r CP.PIIS! T.-I.I. Editorial Division of the United there Friday, morning. February ] personality the past twenty-six rebuilding a Jewish homeland." On Saturday afternoon 1he wo-' •hem only iv. O p r r e a K f o o d s . -IUK; States Children's Bureau in "Wash.7. Preliminary rounds in basket- j rears, ever since the suburb garof the congregation will pa"The American people are not aft ,ievrp croinc: "to jPEJs5Bti?}p r-/i^: Tells ington. and was special agent in! Minister of Interior Injrulescu hall and debating will be held a t . den city of Tel Aviv was dedicatct an Oseg Shabbos F,t theM o s l e m 'Germany s r e -allowed1 tn flo: ••-•• tc of Mr. and Mrs.ftTaxBarisb. "En^land and the United States for ! c „ • , —.. .. 'the Center Friday, and the orator- ed on the sand fiunes outside of g world Jewry is to Ta-lse the jn.'ii'f,*;ical finals will take place at the j the old city of Jaffa, the Commission jiiuDi<iiJu auu uucfor uuRelief K " in Bel-, s M c Government Dissatis- j Friday evening services of t h e - Although Mayor Die.zengolf re- land water was found so that the :Mrs. M. D. Brodkey -B-iil he corequired for liquittttting t h e ;;."•--hostess -with Mrs. Bsrish. Rabbi gium during the "War. I there was : men csporJs n'hich tht: f:nsi* :»•••• fied with Police | Beth-El Synagogue. The cham-| } ed no more than 2,010 votes Ce V "The As a business executive and admean little to Greenberg" will speak on 1 pion orators of each chapter at-: f a total of 21,687 ballots in his Jerusalem fJTAt—The British o ministrator'of the Rocky Mt. Fuel Bucharest TheRouR o u ; . / ^ us, but to them it is all-important ; Equipment o£ the Jew. ' Mrs. Bucharest (TV^S) —The 4 T Although no detail* oi ih«- Tiii-r. • bid for re-election on an inde- to know that the land is habi- Nathan Nogg will give .purreEt Colonial Office has . retuspft tc Co. of Colorado, Miss Roche has m&ni&n government's determina- <a ltending s a n d w.H take part in the comply with Arab cemsnds for foiilti' "be obtsinec frore s r . r ' >• events. Mrs. Simon Greenberg is been instrumental in eliminating ! t ion" to" do everythingin"its"power deliver addresses upon; pendent ticket, the fact that both table." j 7 cwIr h qsis.-;:•-• halting iRimigretion -of 0-crmp.t". th.oritp.tivf the difficulties between miners jt o s n p p r e sB anti-Jewish riots and 1 ooutstanding Jewish personalities Ijthe labor and progressive feleThe Jewish people, she declar- accompanying her husband to Om-Jeyp JTHO P^.l^F'Jne, if t* rpveslec! f and employers and raising t h e ji t s dissatisfaction with the police, ! recent years. and the right wing groups rfi, are "malting Palestine larger; in t h e i!P«»lIj" well-informed Arp.b tioTif= h^rf^. Tbilp ^opth^ to HIK."1!;^* Jiving standards and wages of allwho have failed to end the roits. Visitors will be entertained a t :[ments e a c h won seven seats of a total through cultivation w of hitherto Ee^ Epa|>er. Ei I^ivEa.the project, "which ~v.'t?\\\e3. i^'--,*i"'rswere expressed by Minister of the \ house parties following t h e ora' of fifteen on t h e Municipal CounColorado Miners. barren wastes and the discovery >a The B^-wppaper qnr>tets the- Co- . maps. esod.Es oC liBpreopdf?!---.",-. Miss Roche's record in t h e j interior'lngulescu a t a conference torical ' ' contest. ' ' !cil placed Mr. Diezengoff in a po-of water. She, estimated the Jew- ; lonial Office' E? replying So a .proportions iii modern, timpis. '•>"• political field a r e equally a s -well' o £ p o i i e e chiefs from all. parts of i Saturday t h e convention scene; sition where h e held t h e balanee: ish population of Palestine ss j 'memorandum submitter! by Arab 1 officially pointed ptit the .w.c">*known a s h e r work In t e h a l f o l i the ' country' "Severely criticising <w i l 1 b e transferred to t h e Temple of power. i 400,000. 26 per cent of the totsl J social welfare. She w a s a candi- ( t h e p o l i c e Io V t h e i r mi f d t r e a t m e n t ! Israel, where a buffet luncheon i Having been elected to the fit-; parties to Eigh Commiseioner ov.s. tliificuUieE Rti.-l ohi5i.fl.cl~r irpopulation. 60,000 entered legal-; date for t h e Democratic nomina- jo j t j , e r o { t e r g | ]g] e scu warned that ' ' vrJ11 b e s e r v e d in the vestry rooms. ; teenth seat in the Council, he was j that tile li&Hinft'. of ii«At the last, convention of the tion of Governor of Colorado in i anti-Jewish rioters would receive followed by a general meeting of : able to swing his support t o t h e ; She paid particular praise to r>* Ge.rrnsp ,"cv%r -'.'tv.p.^.i Sijnna Alpha Mn fraterrJrr he36 If" 1934, was a,member of t h e Colo- j n o m e r c y f r O m t h e government, ',the Iowa-Nebraska Alephs Asso- j right wing parties and give it m a - ' T bj the won en is in St. Louis, ilo... on.X»erember 2!>. who pnf thir, rado Advisory Board of P . W. A., j i n g u l e s c u ' s attack on t h e police : ciation. of which all those attend- jjority control despite t h e f a c t isie. Wompn imis a memher of t h e N a t i o n a l , c o i n c J d e d v i t h a n -unusual state-. i n S a r e memhers. ' . t h a t t h e groups opposed to the i tiBve h^coxnp sell-. BrHs.ii"* a n d F r s n f : ? hltv!.^^ i u" 3 . ,... . . .^^ " ' - * - — ' ! - m e n t : issued by DrZ_Algxan.der | ' •^g5* n r d a .y Jeventns t h e tourna--_ i , r .esen.t r adjninistratio= poll.edJewish natioDRl home. "•• anfi take their ptace At "t Is ** B£tne time.. 'iZX I.i»"8.E pkir;?v il,ai if i t •*••«•€> not .»;'^i.>the Advisory Council for Econ-j of~theTa"nti-Semitiacnparly?'in which '• Birchwood Club; Finals in de- c e n t of t h i total votes cast in t h e iing "for a common cause. saj's. the Cplociai OiKcp promised . ed t!;e KUSer s.o^crBnietiL x^h^u.. T i ! e Octs.pon 'is coreprisP.1 o f io SEieguard Arab interest? 4n pr.oose3 vVth f.'Pti more r:icjv'.ii:s - omic Security. v they repudiated h e recent pudiated tthe recent antianti ij bating and basketball will be held : elections of December l o t h . In regara to the economic sit- eight consuls, from which are connection with salen . of Arnb TOeaFiirpB Rpainft. the o«>vint,i President Roosevelt appointed i uation, she told how Palestine is chosen -the national officers, E M tand incident. They said such {Sunday Center, s. The NR~5 pgeptp s r e tC'T1."'?-'the afternoon tourney at willtheofficially to JPWS t>y iepuine ir the her assistant Secretary of the jattacks;.^-^-ere unnecessary because today prospering and is paying J. .D. C. Urges Aid for i j = charge of some r tiRTp -afr"! th»t tit?. (Spit.' •'•* e a c i c o n ! ? n s n d th t ill officially close Saturday night with an Treasury in 1934. Since then she |t h e p a r t y . s anti-Jewish program rich has also taken charge of the Unit- | c o u ] d . b e carried out peaceably. award banquet at the Center, A t ! pie 1 yet various consuls have not been until he p*"'P1i" ed States Public Health Service; i K U i e s c u ' S statement has some- the banquet medals will be pre-j tfivr homeland. assigned to their •various and is the Treasury. Department-: w h a t a i l a yed the fears of the Jew- j sented to. winners in oratory, de- x e w York (JTA) — Warning enough FO'1 tn bate a n d told T representative on the President's \ i s h population, which feared that i basketball. Winners of :of a "general collapse" of aid to . The. Colonial Office repir, the ' > ETr? '•'•KTh ''fewiFh pc>!itic«l Mr.;- Cohen'" attendance st Octa- newspaper says, referred to t h e ; " 1 * ! Tiphtp-was motivet-. i: 1,- *Economic Security Cabinet Com- jfa ji" ure oi t^e police to deal rigor- ! the regional contests will also rerefugees in Holland un-' tinlan life partic- gon meetings which are held in recently •• proclaimed .legislative : dOB.i'te 1o-afford J e w r y ' a n mittee of the National Youth Ad-j o u g l y ^ l t h t h e s e r l e s o £ a n t i-Jew-i <"eive free trips to the "••«'"•"' « ^ iless additional funds are received^ ularly German-Jewish children. New York City Rt the National council !or Palestine RS e step . tuniiy ^ to act upon j fc h was issued by the American Joint! ish incidents during the past fort- \ convention at Dulnth, Minn., ministration J. Feidnian "was chairman toward tlemoerfilic government. Should \i\ is v. be ht-. Fcie-ctcn, fcje-ctcfi, tike would lead to a nationwide j March to compete against winners Harry « . Cohen, chairman of >?v put Inff «?feci of anti-Semitic attacks. Al- ! from other regions. The Arch meinortintlum de the Forum Committee, will preready the Bucharest riots have | Speakers and judges for t h e Eanded rcetrictionE on Jewish im side. had their effect in Jassy where | various convention affairs are . . . . on End on 1 P.ncl sales it nationalist students invaded the; now being selected and will be tirely to the daily arrival of new : Jews. Jewish quarter and assaulted j named later. -refugees and the registration of *FPS'^t' JPVTF- from 1 ah. H. Bon-braska won the Founder's C"cp Jews and broke windows in Jew-! Macy Baum. international vice- German Jews who have recently I darin for the National "Workers last, year, and this • year, plsrefi ish stores. In Bncharest itself * president of A. Z. A., is general \osi their work permits." V' involve thf ri5iF;.r!|? of J Verband. Rabbi David A. Gold- First Honorsble Mention, while gangs of. hoodlums are patrolling ; chairman of the tournament. As- \ T : withSn fouv y e a r s , ' t h e stein, "and Celia Hermanson for his chapter at Tv*ashinfrton t r,iMrs. Max Fromkin was Tuesday the main streets and molesting j sisting chairmen in charge of | A^-fa-, tQ / - « « .n«rmcr I fffi i j egTEf-hic Agency leera ed. the Goldie Myerson club. versity St.. Louis won the onp for elected as the new presiding offi- every pedestrian who cannot j various iufunctions are ~v~ Joe „Guss, <,vt«u«o ».=. — , ; j5 er i} n — A totsl of 150 Jews Tb«»e British 3t Si v A sketch on Pioneer work was mo-t improvement. Mr. Cohers hes cer of the Vaad Auxiliary of prove he-is not u. -ew. . The situ- ; housing; Lou Hurwitz, athleUcs; ! Ipsrnefi, have RI y seeking permission to given by a cast including H. May-I been a member o£ Sigma Alpha !J a y Weisman. debate a n d o r a ' Omaha. atlon here is so serious thai Jews of the

Will Address Forum at Jewish Community Center


• \ van ft

ender? to









A. M." Honors

Mrs. Fromkin

Presparing. t®r


boxers P.n-tl fan? of;

braska in 1S26. He was graduat- ; Palestine - B K T " produce * '"ing ed from that University in 1H2Sj champion in the r e r r ^ear .»j!i.Mrc. : with high scholastic honors, being' : A frroup oi theim hsve just VAPI elected to Flu Beta Kappa. He 1 in Tel'AVIv KEG decided to raise: 'nf the TlrifrH"^. 7,inp.i*i OrgKr.' also served, ES President or the;a fund to give t h e Bct5n»-:l.eoi3Erd chapter and BK it? flele~:f!fe to the! Boxing- Club, perinsnent ejB.arterp, ' convention. He ha? since attend- i F o r t h e time -beinR they wili Hiph Commissioner 'of. • P»'ls»?.'*Jr: ed six convention" of the frEtern- use one o* t h e V>cil<3i.Rgs ot the j ity, as well .as served as President , Levant Fair ors the seashore. So prrtPliU- Arency tbai. he «' unSHr, of the Omaha Alumni Club of • many- embryo hetsvyweifrhts a T, C. Jai!i!|!.ry 1? for New TorT< v-"iViscount Besreterl Rtisi Mr, jWt.-t S. A. M. J welterweights P.'T.& liphtv-'Eigbti;

Jews are beginning to feel the ef-! Crounse, banquet and luncheon; Milder. Other officers are: Mrs, Sidney feet of the/absence of Jewish cus- i Sam Kaplan, dance; Ernie Nogg, Katleman, recording secretary; tomers,' who are remaining at i dating; Dan Miller, social; Harold Zelinsky, reception; and IrvMrs. I. Fiedler, nnanciai secre- home. tary; Mrs, D. B. Epstein, treasMeanwhile the Bar Association ; *ng Taffe, registration. urer. has decided.on measures to oust! Plans -are being formulated^ to all Jews from the legal profes-; M p r n k p r c n f have the installation of the newsion within the next -*»--.*« lVieillUerb Ul officers at the regular February Because of its popularity a n d 5 OR ihf. M&jePtif*. meeting, a t which time Mrs. TRANSFER PACT WILL 1 hnvf come to this cottntTy tn s*1the interest aroused, "Rain From jl o v a h J e explorer. Others in t h e Fromkin will announce her board H e a v e n " will be presented by t h e ] cast a r e • Pearl L a s a r c s , as J o s n he oWBli-ifti K the rc«or?/ ir, 'il of directors and chairmen, of com- ' CONTINUE, GERR1AN T. G Center Players on both Monday j Eldridffe, Una Gross as Mrs. DrinI°P ther-pi3sixers ' T r ra Germr.Tt^v K<?w To~k Time? ' h p t Kr?"!. n mittees. ••.-'•• STATES The six board members of t h e ; a n d Tuesday evenings. J a n u a r y : g j ^ K o r n i s n W o h l n e r as Sascha ithpt t h e BecCsFcr-f maieriEl existe Mrs. Fromkin has been active Alvin ELECT Friedman was elected •to build tip t n effective .athletic p.A R pl"-T; for triBfs eicocUjfc > ' . . — ~ i Highland Country C l u l \ w e r e r e - : 13 a n d 1 4 , a t t h e Jewish Com- Barascbev, Jack T e m a as Nickoin local women's organizations, B e r l i n - ( J T A ) — A spokesman j elected a t their meeting held a t i m u n i t y Center a t S:30 p . m. H e l - i l a i 'Jurin and J o e Hornstesn as president of the Omaha Sets, Bets being, particularly prominent in Tail graduate club, at. a meeting for t h e Reichsbank informed t h e j t J l e Hotel Paxton Wednesday.: en Merritt is director. I cien'don Wyat* S-> frr " Talmud Torah and Hadassah "~r , Jewish Telegraphic Agency t h a t ; n i g n t . a r e Dr. A. Green-j The play was first produced in | .,-p,,,,," ^ r " m . r m , , , „ • ! , « held last Sunday. Other officers T n e y work. : elected were James Selzenstem, t h e PaleBtine-Germany t r a n s f e r jb e r g , J e r o m e Heyn, I . B . Zimman,: New York last season with J a n ! . , _ „ ' ? „ _ * " J J , , t ^ «« - i r M h ei htb secretary; Herbert- Kaplan, treaI agreement, by which German Jews j D r . M . L. Gordon, Abe Herzberg, j Cowl and J o h n Haliiday in t h e i ," £ f H l I E O * l l l e n s - 8 n ^ ELECT ETHEL STOLER

Glub Board Re-elected


;.are permitted to emigrate to P a l e - j a n d M . E . H a n d ] e r . j leading roles. Tts production by ] }• ^ ^ L correspondent. portion of their capi-j p l a n s for a sixty-by-twenty-five-| t h e Center Players here is t h e ' power an exile from , his native j It wss voted that the four ofj tal in the; form of goods, will c o n - : x o o t addition on t h e east wing of ! first in this region. Miss E t h e l Stoler was elected I t i n u e . i n -effect for an unlimited j t h e clubhouse were announced a t j S t a r r i n g 4n t h e role of t h e ex- land. He. finds refuge in England ' ficers -will serve ss the. executive at the home of X>s.dy Wyngs.te and Icommittee of the group. The meetpresident of t h e F a Hon sorority peripd." • . ' - • • . • ' • . . I t h e meeting. I t is planned t h a t j iled Hugo Willens, t h e lamous here in this setting of culture and jing was-attended fcy l<et>n Dover, a t a meeting held at t h e home of Because of t h e various m e a - j a p e r m a n e n t locker room be i n - ' m u s i c critic, is Sylvan F r a n k e l . ; .lev f T' < Miss Miriam Greehberger Monday, sures passed, recently by t h e G e r - j s t a i i e d in t h e addition, and t h e ! F r a n k e l is a n old favorite of t h e charm he resolves to return to inational traveling secretary of ; pro* 1 r <• f Germany andfight for those prin' J a n . 6. Other officers: Sally Pollay m a n Government, placing e m b a r - ; O J,J i o c k e r room in t h e basement 1 Center audiences and is w e l l . the fraternity. that have been j Flans for an active year were ; rir%. ~*v ' P e S e destroyed, e s t r o y e a secretary; E t h e l Kelberg, t r e a s - goes on export of goods for which jy r m b e r e m o d e l e d into a recrea-j known to t h e Community Play- '•ciples The play calls for mature a n d urer; Leah Siegal, sergeant-at- no foreign exchange Is received. >t i O n room. , I house theatergoers, I T-- f X highly perfected acting. The set, I arms, a n d Mrs. I . T r e t i a k , r e - it h a d been predicted in Jewish club professio-l Louise Fitch plays Lady Violet B i n schuchart, that of a lovely English drawing porter. • '. •. circles h e r e t h a t t h e transfer pact jaa\i ^n b e m a n a g e r a s well as • Wvngate, t h e charming English-. ••»,>, • eix a e m s n e a s n a Installation of officers will be would be abrogated by1 Germany, j c l u l ) p r o n e x t season, it w a s a n - ' woman a t whose home t h e exile I™0™' 1 Brinkema.' Mr. held J a n u a r y 20 a t t h e home of The Heichsbank spokesman also [ n o u n C ed. The newly elected .board I finds a refuge. Miss Fitch has es-j? . ^ of the. Isadiug Miss Kelberg. declared that the number of cap- o f directors are scheduled t6 meet \ tablished an enviable reputation !B 3 t m k e l a a l s .. .scenic artists in this region and I Nuremberg (JTA> — The ori. the . . officers - : ,jfor,. herself at the „ T h e g r o u p is planning t h e i r it'alists permitted to quit Germany next Monday to select S deS 8d tte next a n n u a l bridge party which under the transfer pact would not of the club. : gisal • Eiancscript contaieiEg: the B i*n will be held a t t h e J . C. C. be reduced from twenty a month ent is one of the staff artists rf Community Playhouse sets.. 'marriage and citizenship laws s-

PRESIDENT OF FA H0N! s t i n e w J t h . a




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to ten, although no official decisThose assisting with' the play | dopted hy the Reichstag-at its. IKOIL Broadcasting station. ion on this,; he stated, has yetCATHOLIC PARTY j session here on -September 15, Tryouls Thursday been adopted. (To enter PaleJ known officially a.s the "-ghetto There will be a second try- istine under the capitalist cateI laws," will shortly l>eroine tJse Brussels out for "TEN NIGHTS IN A | gory, an emigrant must possess tion was created throughout Bel- r . Eldridge, 11i e A m e r i c a n j 1nE L'lncola, stage -manager; Mary i proafi possession of this city, it i sr BAR-ROOM," the third pro- the equivalent'of §5,000.. gium when the Catholic Party, capitalist. This part will be play- j ionise Wise and Agnes-. Kresl, :vrzB aEBoencefi hy Meyer Liebel. duction of the Center Players : He ssid that Mieister of Inter- ; t r ' " -' the largest in. the country-, an-|ed by Joe Solomonow, who star- make-up. this season, on Thursday eve- Nad Deported nounced that it would admit Jews;red'"in Big Hearted Herbert, the Tickets tor this production are ; ior Wilhe'm Frick had ccissen-ted ning, January 16, at 8 p. m. • to tunt "lip manoscript over so I E " r . < ! - ^ ' r Count 'Paltry, for- as members if they recognised the! first production, of : the Center I fifty cents and are for sals-by any ;the city for inclusion sn it* srVienna at the J. C. C. 1 member of the cast or s t the Cenmer Hungarian deputy was order- supremacy of religion in the life!Players this year.. i %f v « i *, : | chives.. Tbe rioenment will be ; i v - «» : • • - 1 f . 1 ' - • Those interested a r e urged ed deported by,the Austrian authter. • Members ef the Center are of the country. Hitherto Jews j Alex L!psman,-a aersrcoHier this to be present. orities for engaging in open Nazi (were barred from membership in • season, to the Center Players, will admitted free 02 tbe presentation j placed on public display in theUs r 1 f > ' 1 ft « " r* Csty Hall. . •. . be Rand Eldridge, a young and j of their -membership card. lot f c •— T j 1 >rn the Catholic Party. propaganda.


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Jew . . . His name is Sam Mon- representing a cripple . . . Ano- ing his lifetime was particularly ' as a result of the generosity of a circular with the photograph of Bo.-ton. Speakers included Me™ gomery . . . The Philadelphia Ath- ther tale: .In the days when Rein- striking because he never attempt- ! group of 28 men prominent in the Governor Hoffman and a state- Rothenberg, president of O letics have signed up Louis Weis- hardt was looking for a "Moses" ed to disguise his orgin. Unlike • film industry, including some of ment by New Jersey's chief exe- 7- O. A.: Louis Lipsky. honor! man, a Jewish outfielder from \ for "The Eternal Road" he had Disraeli, to whom he has been; the biggest men. in the business in cutive, on an official lenfipt of president; Col. Benjamin , Brooklyn's semi-pro league . . . • dinner at Volsin's, the fashionable compared, he was always a Jew. | Hollywood. , the Association of Republican Evans, president, of the New Enfc L'ong before he became Ricardo j entery and saw a very Impressive • It is curious, however, that: The considerable cost of install- Clubs to a copy of a letter he ad- land Zionist Region; and Mendl Cortez, the movie. star, Jacob I gentleman, a six-footer with gray Reading himself took no interest ing a projection machine in a fire- dressed to Rev. Charles E. Cough- Fisher of the Jewish National DID Ti6v KNOW THAT? Krantz was a member of a New j hair and a melodious voice . . . in Jewish affairs, his son and heir, proof booth for the exhibition of lin of Royal Oak. Michigan, in Fund. \ One of the leading office build[York City championship scholas- To Dr.; Koramer, who was with Viscount Erleigh, who now be- talking pictures was defrayed by which the charge is made that all Mr. Stone was hailed as t h 3 ings in Detroit Is called the Machim, Relnhardt said that this was j comes the second Marquess of donotions made by the following: Communists, not. only in Russia founder of the New England Zion-, cabees Building v . . Dr. I. C. Ru- j tic basketball team . . . the Moses he had been looking for I Reading, is one of the leaders of Jack L. Warner, vice-president but also in America and in Great whom Jewish life in New England bin, one of the world's leading BACK-STAGE "Why don't you ask him to i English Jewry. As the son-in- and production chief of "Warner Britain, are Jews, 1st region, " a s the axis around While filling a Chicago engage gynecologists, is a brother-in-law play the part?" asked Kommer. law of the late Lord Melshett, the Bros. Studios and his right hand i: Smythe urged Father Coughlin has been revolving for 25 years'! of Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan . . , ment in "The Verdict", Yiddish ! I'll introduce you to him" . . . I second Marquess of Reading has man, Hal Wallis; Edward G. not to be afraid to speak out in and as the man whose life stori Dr. Ben : Reitman, the newly drama, Jacob Ben Ami suffered hAnd he took Relnhardt over to i not followed in his father's f oot- Robinson, Irving G. Thalberg, his broadcasts because, "the Amer- "since the year 1910 is the hisL an injury to his leg, a muscle becrowned king of the Hoboes, is a i the table, and introduced him to ; steps but has already carved for Louis B. Mayer, Joseph Schnitzer, ican people have at last awaken- tory of the growth and develop-! member in good standing of the ing badly twisted . . . Physicians told him it would take weekg be- I Bernard M. Baruch . . . There's | himself an important niche in the Lou Edelman, Robert L o r d , ed to the menace of Judaism and ment of Zionism in New American Sociological Society . I an amusing itory connected with ; Jewish community, a fact which | Charles Rogers, Sol Wurtzel, Jules Communism and their close al- land." Myron Weiss, only Jewish editor fore his leg would heal sufflcientJ the appearance of Miss Henrietta j further emphasizes the strange Brulatour, David Selznick, Leon liance." He encouraged the raof Time Magazine. is readying an j ly to enable him to play again . . . | Szold in the current number of i aloofness of Rufus Isaacs from Schlesinger, Hunt Stromberg-, Phil dio priest by telling him-that the epochal history of medicine . . .' Unwilling, however, to disappoint I the Hearst Metrotone Newsreel . . his people. • Goldstone, Sam Bischoff, Harry only time he really got the proper Yehudi Menuhin and Mischa El- his thousands of Windy City fans, jThe film had to be taken three Joe Brown, Michael Curtiz, Harry support from the American peoBy his 'extraordinary achieveman are not on speaking terms . . Ben Ami put on his thinking cap . 1 times . . . The first time Mrs. Ed- ments as a diplomat, conciliator, j Rapf, Walter Wanger, Eph Afher, ple was last year "when you namGeorge Gershwin has a real talent A telephnoe call, and a playwright ward Jacobs, Hadassah president, administrator and jurist the first Joseph Schenok, Maxwell Arnow, ed the real money-changers in our for oil painting . . . An Eddie Can- was set to rewriting the Ben Ami who has addressed millions of Marquess of Reading, Is almost: B. P. Schulberg, Ben B. Kahane, midst.—the Rothchilds, the Lehtor joke book is being edited by part . . . And for the remainder (Continued from Page 1). people, got gtage-fright . . . The ! half a century of British life, pro- Al Dubin and Sam Briskin. man Bros., Kuhn-Loeb, Goldman the ;•: Columbia Broadcasting Sys- of his engagement the star playsecond time Miss Szold ended her ! ved himself a great Briton. He Jack L. Warner and Hal Wallis Sachs, Solomon Bros., the Bar- Germany-Palestine transfer agreetem . . . Al Jolson's mammy can of the role, and were heard to remarks b y saying "I s that \ was one of the most dlstinguish- sponsored the project which is to uchs, the Frankfuiters, etc." At- ment, which would result in the now call him "hlzzoner" because on to the stage in crutches . . . I enough?", not realizing that the ' ed Engishmen of his time—but bring many hours o£ enjoyment fached to both these circulars— capital actually being removed in he is the new "mayor" of Enclno, With the result that audiences | question was being recorded on i he might also have been one of for the unfortunates who are en- the letter to Father Coughlin and the form of German goods. a movie residential c o l o n y . . . were enraptured by his portrayal | the sound track . . . T h e third i the greatest of Jews. ; deavoring to recover their health the Hoffman statement—was also The part which would be playThe Nancy Cardozo whose poem of the hole, and were heard to time everything clicked. . . (Copyright. 19S5. Jeuifh Telegraphic at this institution. Max E. Mark, a copy of a letter that Smythe had ed by the British and American appears in the January issue of remark thaV here was the best Agency, Inc.) former Chicago newspaperman, received from Senator William Jews would be the provision of a Scribner's Magazine is a niece of proof of Ben Aml'i versatility— (Copyright, 1935. Jewish Telegraphic executive director of Mount Sinai E. Borah regarding the reorgani- fund to finance the exports. not once did ho forget that he was Supreme Court Justice Cardozo Agency, Inc.) Home, today asked this column to zation of the Republican Party— Liquidation of the experts would Movie director Josef von Sternappreciation of the thus linking another prominent be necessary because of the reberg Used to answer to the name i express the of this magnificent ges- name with an anti-Jewish pro- sistance to German goods encounof Joe Stern . . . Carmella PonChristophe Goldstein has been', patients tered in Palestine and among ture. Not only have these men paganda effort. selle, the opera. star is sponsorappointed general manager of donated Jews the world over. the motion picture equiping a movement to get the radio R.K.O.-Radio'g branch in Poland, | ment but have also arranged to "The alternative to consent to people to. make it obligatory to with headquarters in Warsaw . . .' see that their studios provide the this scheme f o r mass deportasing all Italian operas in English . Dr. Otto Klemperer, conductor | pictures for the weekly show. By BERTRAM JONAS tion," the Times said, "would be All the synagogues In Terre Few Jews In modern history t »*>«»« made him one of the most; and musical director of the Los a further tightening of t h e Haute, Indian Orthodox, conser- conferred as much prestige and brilliant figures in British legal, Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra,; (Copyright 1935 by Seven Arts screws of persecution already so^ (Feature Syndicate.) vative and Reform — have been shed so brilliant a lustre on their annals. Boston (WXS) — The name of! terribly pressing upon the Jews' • „ , . _ . . , ! who has appeared as guest con-! merged in the United Hebrew race as the late Marquess of Read- j When the World TVar broke ductor of philharmonic, symphony | Elihu D. Stone, New England's within Germany." Congregation under the leader- ing. The only man In British j °»t Reading was one of Britain s ;and other orchestras of outstand- j outstanding Zionist leader and the ship of Rabbi J. Marshall Taxay man credited with the passage by history who was not only Lord i greatest diplomats. It was to him ing calibre in Hollywood, New j The wife of William Rosenwald, Chief Justice, but also Ambassa- j«»« Lloyd George turned when York, Roehestra, N Y. and many ; j Congress of the historic LodgeI Fish resolution, which gave ofyoungest son of Julius Rosen- dor to the United States and Vic- England needed a skilful pleader; other American cities, was given j ficia.1 American sanction to creawald, is 50 per cent Aryan . . . v eroy of India, the prime minister | I n t h e United States. As His Ma- ja nice piece of sculpture by the j THIRD REICH was the one post within the gift i} e s t y' 8 special ambassador t o : Carnegie Corporation in honor of j Detroit (WNS)—Informed by '• tion of the Jewish National Home, Americ u>r iwill be permanently identified with j Reading J)ecamea : his part in commemorating the j The leader of the underground of the British Empire which was ! b r o n * He discarded the mantle j centenary of Andrew Carnegie. ' the editor of the Detroit Jewish i Palestine through an Elihu D. anti-Nazi movement in Germany, not his. It was a post which would j f Chronicle of a trick resorted to who is now in this country, in- have seemed to be the natural cli- of the law for the vestments of! Here is a strange New Year's by an anti-Semite who Jinks his i Stone Grove, which New • England's Zionists voted to plant in imperial" dignity In 1921 when 1 wish. It is that motion picture forms us that the . organized op- max of that amazing series of proname with an anti-Jewish cam- : honor of his 25th anniversary in position to Hitler in the Reich is gressions in public life which were King George appointed him Vic-; producers will forget her with \ paign. Governor Harold G. Hoff- ' Zionist work. pitifully weak and small . . . All the reward of his devotion and eroy of India, a regal post second their generous offers, because she 'man of New Jersey has ordered sensational rumors to the eontra- brilliance. But unlike Disraeli, j '» importance only to that of the; is too engrosed in radio, and any- that a stop be put to this practice. | Plans for the Elihu X), Stone ary notwithstanding, the under- who alon© of British Jews has! King. His administration was way, she does not want to go to Governor Hoffman made the fol- \ Grove were announced at. a testi- ; ground organization has less than served the crown as its first mini-! one of the stormiest in Indian his-. Hollywood. That is how Gertrude lowing statement to Phiiip Slomo- j monial dinner given to Mr. Stone • | by 300 leading Zionists from all: but his wise statesmanship; Berg's press representative says 3,000 members, thanks to the fer- ster, Reading was denied that I tory. vitz, editor of the Chronicle: "I j parts of the country under the i l a l d tQ e groundwork for the de-i she feels about it. Gertrude Berg. ocious efficiency of the Secret po- honor not only because of his u n i - i of Indian home rule. > If you know your radio well, is am today asking Edward J. ! auspices of the Kadimah Club of' INSURED CABS lice . . . Nazi guidebooks to Ger- que combination of emotional and ' velopment When h intellectual qualities but b e c a u s e ; e retired as Viceroy In the author and one of the leading Smythe, executive member of the many describe a certain secion of 1926 hls ubUc c a r e e r to players in "House of Glass" that; Association of Republican Clubs, the Rhineland as follows: "Here it was his destiny to be one of the b e o v e r b uPt i n 1 9 S 1 w h eseemed n Be w a s to forthwith cease the distribushining lights of the Liberal Party j : extremely popular, fascinating tion stands t h e imposing, legendas of this literature. I have inat a period when that party was I P ' seventy, he was again called ! and delightfully entertaining serhaunted Lorelei, theme of many u n to formed that I gave no authdisappearing from the political ! P ° serve his country as Secial program that holds millions i orizationhim poems, thft first words of one of for the distribution of . j retary of State for Foreign Affairs s c e n e of radio listeners everywhere tense : which - are 'Ich ireiss nlcht was the 'Republican Leader' circular soil es bed,euten' " . ;:.-Which, In The career of Reading was uni- : in the National Government of with interest before their receiv- '•with the letter addressed to Fa• Where Omaha Shops icith Confidence . . case you don't know, are the first qne snd scintillating. Born Ra- j Prime Minister MacDonald. At crs on Wednesday night. Rumors Ither Coughlin attached thereto. that time he was already one of that the studios were trying to words of Heinrich Heine's fam- fus Daniel Isaacs in London on Unintentionally or otherwise, as ous poem !'Dle Lorelei" . . . Jul- October 10.1860, the son of a Britain's elder statesmen an aus- interest Miss Berg in a film ver- you have pointed out, this injects tere dignified and respected fig- sion of this great radio feature me into a matter concerning diius StreicKer's friends believe the Jewfah merchant, he was a cabinthe high priest of Nazi anti-Sem- boy bound for India when he was ure whose strength of mind and have been rife for some time here. versions of opinion of religious itism has -Borne sinister hold on 15. Not particularly proficient at vitality of body remained at that A MAGNIFICENT GESTURE The manyaged sufferers of can- ,and racial nature." Hitler^ y^sp'therwise'he\wduldn't I in th cer and others who are bed-rid-' The literature distributed by be publicly Boasting that- as long | Throughout his scintillating ; den with Incurable diseases and Edward J. Smythe, to which Govas Hitler remains Strelcher's powj career Reading remained inordln- ' have no relatives or friends who ;ernor Hoffman took exception, er •will be unimpaired . . . when he became bankrupt on the| ately proud of his Jewishness. Yet are able to care and provide for was circulated on the official staSPORTING DEPARTMENT Stock Exchange. He was 27 when he also held himself curiously a-, them and who are now wards of ,tionery of the "Association of The American Olympic . Com- he entered the law. Within a j loof from Jevlsh affairs. It is j the Mount Sinai Home for Chronic • Republican Clubs, Inc." with mittee expects American athletes decade he wag the leading bar- j difficult, if not Impossible, to Invalids found unexpected joy last' headquarters at 2 21 West 5 7th to be beaten up by Nazi sports rister of London, an advocate for point to one phase of Jewish life Street, New York. The stationery fans during the Olympic Games . . whose services all of - England and say that Reading was identi- week. These sick and old folks states that the "Republican Leawill now be able to witness week< That's the interpretation being clamored. Possessed of a striking fied with it. Notwithstanding the der" is the organiEation's oficial placed on a document drawn up presence, a handsome mien, a bril- epochal changes in Jewish life, ly motion picture shows at the ;organ. Smythe had attached a for the Committee leaving it free liant mind and an unnsal gift for the tragedies that have befallen^ Mount Sinai Home in Los Angeles ' of financial responsibility for ath- oratory, he was well on the road the Jewish people In the last half letes who suffer major accidents to fame and fortune before he was. century, Reading had no part in during the games . . . Heywood 40. them. There was something about A MANUFACTURER'S Broun is circulating a private petIn 1904,' when he was 44, he this great Jew that made it imition among leading sports writers CLEARANCE OF entered Parliament as a Liberal possible for hiir to assume the and athletes, asking American member of the House of Com- role of Jewish leader. It is true EXPENSIVE withdrawal from the Berlin Oly- mons. He had already enjoyed that behind the scenes, in the conmpics . . . The,University of Ark- sufficient climaxes in life to satis- ference room and in inner circles, ansas will have a Jewish football fy ten men, but each great honor his influence was always exerted star next year in the person of became merely a stepping-stone in behalf of his people when the Leo Price, former New York high to some unpredictable higher goal. need arose, but the arena of Jewschool track ace . . . Don't be sur- From a plain King's Councel he ish life knew him not. Even beprised if Dolly Stark, the only became Sir Rufus in 1910 when fore he married a Christian as his Jewish umpire in the big leagues, he was named solicitor-general, second wife in 1&31 Reading was quits bis job as basketball coach and later attorney-general in the perhaps the one great Jewish figat Dartmouth . . . si. Francis Col- Asquith cabinet. In 1913 he was ure in British public life who had legef, a Catholic institution in elevated to the Lord Chief Justice- held himself austerely aloof from Brooklyn, has an athletic trainer ship, the Highest judicial posi- things Jewish. Perh&ps the one with a Scotch burr who ig a Scotch tion in the British Empire. Both action that might have be con•

By PHINEAS J. BIRON SCOOPS James M. Barrie's famous play, "What idvery Woman . Knows, ' •was inspired by the late Marquess of Reading's first wife, who had a great deal.to do with her husband's phenomenal career . . •. The next High Commissioner for German Refugees will probably be selected «from among Lord Lytton, Lord Lothian and Sir Arthuur Salter, all Englishmen . . . Jewish leaders- are opposed to having a Jew as Commissioner . . That's why Sir Samuel won't get the job . . . There'll be a new Anglo-Jewish • weekly in New York shortly . . . I t ' l l be called The Star . . . Incidently, James G. McDonald, the ex-High Commissioner, was presented with a silver service by the executive committee, of the'Joint Distribution Committee at a reception in the home i of Felix M. Warburg . . Angelica . Balabanoff, an aged Russian Jewess, who is supposed to have given Mussolini his Socialistic education In the days •when II Duce was a left winger, Is now in this country . . . A certain immigration Inspector in the New York area may lose his job because he has been asking German Jewish immigrants whether they are racially German or Hebrew : .;. Though since the U. S. Immigration code lists the Hebrew race as a distinct nationally this seems somewhat illgical . . . . THE BACK ROOM Governor Hoffman of New Jersey doesn't know It yet, ,but his political enemies are responsible for a malicious campaign in •which the Governor is falsely accused of being in cahoots with anti-Semites k , . . Representative Florence Prag Kahn of California is the only Jewish member of Congress backing the Townsend Plan . . . James Marshall; son of. the iate Louis Marshall, may be the next president of New York City Board of Education . . . Former Senator Bernard Gettelinan of Milwaukee and Julius Conn of Cleveland are credited with giving Senator Borah's presldental boom its greatest impetus . . . If Governor Herbert Lehman cannot be prevailed upon to seek reelection next November Henry. Morgenthau, Jr., may resign as Secretary of Treasury to run for lieutenant governor of New York"... . The Democrats want a Jew on the state t i c k e t . . . Jerome Frank, exmember of the Roosevelt brain trust, has become a partner in a big New York law firm . . . Justice Cardozo, a Hoover appointee to the Supreme Court, has upheld the New Deal more often than any other member of the Court . . .

Upturn in Buying of Modern Gas Ranges

Nazis Propose "Mass Exodus"



Zionists to Honor Stone with Grove

Attempt to Link Noted Men With Propagandism


Mrs. Omaha is going shopping for a new kitchen! In keeping •with a nationwide movement toward modernization, O m a h a women are discovering Just bow truly Inviting and pleasant a kitchen can be, with proper equipments ' ', . . . • As evidence of this local movement, Mr. W. J. Barber, assistant General Manager of the Metropolitan Utilities District, cites the recent upturn in the purchase of modern gas ranges. "Our sales of:gas ranges have Increased definitely during the last three months of 1935," Mr. Barber says. "In fact, we can hardly keep pace with the inordinate demand for modern g a s cooking ranges"." •';-.. "I am firmly convinced t h a t thls^indicates a healthy sign of rapid recovery. Women are dis"Tender Crust Sliced Bread" is eatisfled with their old stoves, now being offered the public their old refrigerators, their drab through the grocers by the Forbes dark kitchens. They feel, and Bakery, 2711 No. 24 St., We. rightly so, that the kitchen is the 6400. place to start modernizing. Usu"Tender Crust sliced bread" ally .the most important Blngle contains a liberal quantity of milk piece of equipment in the kitchen with a fine vegetable shortening. is the gas range. A range that is The Forbes Bakery recom'good enough' is often antique mends this loaf since "it is a high and inefficient, requiring a great quality loaf that Is 'extra' good deal more labor and drudgery in for children because of its bodycooking meals than the new, mod- building ingredients." It has an ern, up-to.-date gas ranges." orange wrapper.


' , - : > - • ^ C " • • • ' - ! • • ' • •'•••: * " . i • - • •••-. •'-.''

I L -!

as a criminal lawyer and civil ad- strued as specifically indicative of vocate he towered over his com- his direct interest in the fate of peers, but hlB, gift for interpret- his people wa» his resignation ing and fashioning the law, his from the presidency of the Anglorefusal to indulge in the buffoon- German Association in 1933 as a ry of the successful criminal protest against Nazi persecution pleader or to stoop to the chi- of. the Jews. His failure to ascaneries of courtroom dramatics sociate himself with the great plus his calm persuasiveness and movements that swept Jewry dur-

ITEMS in This Advertisement ar© EXCLUSIVE in th© Downtown Store in the Faicfley Bldg/, 16th and Douglas, but all items ea rried IM in all Hinky-Dinkv Stores are also stocked here)' We Operate the Only

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an opportune moment, its justifij producer with Paramount, but he Paramount and another for Samcation by the passage of a law. At | usually does o lion's share of .tho uel Goldv-yn. the moment, t h e world must be I writing' o£ the motion pictures lit engrossed in something that is i produces. KIT" ByHELEM happening far away and must be Benjamin Glazer immigrated to very much distracted. At the time this country when lie was a child Hollywood — One of our large air for a brand ol soap. that the' first Jewish laws were ... . ,_ . .. i and his family moved to riiiladeland exclusive department stores proclaimed In Nuremberg, Musshia - H e attended Central Hi E h olini was evoking more anxiety suddenly found itself "holding the - T h e y were shooting the finish-pSch Oi a a Qt h e University of Penon the part of the world that the bag" during the recent holiday ing "takes" of Canter's "Strike I ° shopping day season. Having been Me Pink. . . scene called f or j nsylvania from which He was laws did. . approached' about their continued -Eddie, as an aged larnaer, to ride | graduated Trim a L. L. M. degree. AIM TO LEGALIZE STARVAI Then for six -rears he trade in German goods, they a rickety buck-board with TION air. However, pursuing t.lie course F T the Scnirp IMfp Ir»s*irai»w shrugged and answered that they sweetheart, Ethel Merman. , Moreover, these applied only to of Orrote that of a Procthe civil rights of the Jews, who, would buy where it pleased them. company congratulated Eddie .on !t o By HEINRICH MANN In consequence, a major studio, his-realistic make-up. "Hen. hen," 1 to be sure, were reduced to nothit should. Glazer began to The chief demand f o r insur(Heinrlch Mann, brother, of cialism transcend the law and,' an" merchant concerning the sale ing in the eyes of the law. How-with a tremendous buying power, cackled Cantor, "I don't 'feel a ! We t»* e Thomas Mann, noted author, has indeed, create laws. In the in-rof the Jew's property would .much ever, they had arrived at nothing- withdrew its account and its in-dav over, a hundred. But if j-on | ™ newspaper editorials for theance on the live? of chiu'ren 1* Tress and doing •won fame in Ms own right as a terim, that which "serves the rather see the so-called "Aryan" ness some time previously. The dividual members closed their ac- think my make-up is good, take j Philadelphia re t l m e . y ° r k a.s a newspaper for protection purposes. The chif'C That position of the Jews in economics, counts. The news got out . . .ana a look over there at Parkyakar-! *P& journalist and author. His arti- erman people" has become right mob of 1933 in his store. while continuing his legal appeal ol ordinary a n d endov-cle, presented in: two parts, inter- be it ever so vicious, ever so in-mob wrecked the fixtures and on the other hand, has even yet since the store always had had a kas." They turned to see a nun- j reporter r ment insurance I o r children itrobbed the cash bjx; one could not been touched upon at all. Inpronounced anti-Semitic policy to- gry-looking goat crunching stra-n- i P scnce. prets basic policies behind the famous. wards Ithat« 7 7™ ^ IliIe ?oin£ thlB ™ r t found in the opportunity provide: Nazr •'depredations on the Jews. Things have come to such a make the best of that- A Jewfact, -until a short time ago t h i s ih a s employees . .its business in the back of the wagon. he conceived the Kiea for a received a considerable crimp. Herr Mann is now living in exile- pass that the Jews p/obably look who is discerning, as so many of position was officially declared to establish insurance e^iPtep rf*"play which he called "The Mas! Did TOU know: The article originally appeared in back upon the outrages of thethem are, sees in this the extrav unaffected. In the meantime, soly in life v h e n health is good r.n--: ter." TThen he finished it he Freckle-faced, red haired Sam- | That Sally Eilers eats only one found to his joy that it vus good cost it l o v . German i n Die Neue Weltbuehne early days as idjdic. They were agant whim of a small group called "Aryans" are depriving often struck down, often mocked which he would find agreeable, if them, one by one, of their pro- my Cohen 'welier've you been, I meal a day while working on aenough for Mrs. H. B. Harris to of Viena.—Editor.) and, -with placards on their only it had not chosen him as itsperty. In this they have the co-Sammy?) is back on the Scenema. | picture? (but we saw her sneak- produce with Arnold Daley as the The knowledge thai: F. definite savings fund is being: sccuniiilatp." | ing a snack between scenes). The German Jews are being breasts, -were chased through the victim, and which might, indeed, operation of the party and theAs the stoker of a ship he was star. systematically annihilated. Of streets. Their stores were boy- be a subject for his compassion- state. Before the state put it cavorting before the cameras I That Max Factor's labratory T\"ith Fuch great encouragement for definite jmrpospp hy mentis '•• respectively into paragraphs, 'race when suddenly he was hurled in uses white rabbits to test their Glazer threw his? law practice f.nd life insurance is a powerful ;•• this there can no longer be anycotted, occaionally even plund- ate admiration. violation' too was for a long time an avalanche of coal. Up he bob- cosmetics because the skin of rab- newspaper work overboard <im! fhiencp in flevplopinj: ROIUHI tV.rir-" doubt. Two years ago cautious ered. That was all bearable. BARGAINING BY COERCIAN Such things could be ascribed to elderly Jews "Were saying: "But But" the' "Aryan" merchant of only the pretense for directed ex- bed, black but smiling . . . ex-| bits tummies is more sensitive went to New York to <1°vrte hi? hp.hifs IT? thf life of the < Tii 1 rl. r-r . plained that it didn't hurt much than that of .your face? •we live in a Rechtssat"-—which the unsettled times and, partic- 1935 acts deliberately rather than cesses. tin-e entirely to the theatre, Hi? periri'y when Hie rhi'ri is pivpr they -wished to look upon as theularly, to the "movement." But in the flush of intoxication, be it The National Socialist state it- "because it was only SOFT i That the reason you won't recs first assignment came from tlie an allowance pud is trained to SP>" I ognize Paul Muni in "Pasteur" is. noted Molnar L'or wnom he ada.pt- aside s portion of it in his s f unalterable protection against all even the movement, in the long alcholie or nationalist. There can self brought up the question and COAL!" I the false, hair-off-tne temple fore- ed "Liliom", "The Swan" and ings account f o r his insurance the excesses of emotion and ofrun. calls for the norm rather be no mention of this to the "Ar-provided the adherents with a propaganda that threatened. The than for lawlessness. It is law-yan" merchant intent upon wrest- new activity, the meting out of Joe Pinner's vacation at Palm j head he uses as part of his make- "Fashions for Men." For the next premiums. first pogroms had already occur- lessness, indeed, which has since ing the Jew's business from him justice through lynching as penal- Springs was perfect bliss . he up. Juvenile insurance plans fippc'~": several years he was kept very at one-twentieth its value. The ty for race violation. Later the basked in the sun red by that time. Since calm fol- become the norm. he soothed j That Eleanor "Whitney has busy •with his playwriting £nd aalso because they offer P. PK*'.-J. | three majiagers . , . one abroad. dsptations. Then he moved to certain r,nd convpnient nic-RnB t*'.. lowed, it "was easy to persuade The pogrom and the boycott Jew expresses himself much- as state intervened and took over his nerves in peace and quiet oneself that, in the last analysis, have been instituted as regular so- the average negotiator of every legal punishment. Of late the pop- until he met an Indian. Pen- ! one in New York, one in Hoily- Hollywood, the film capital of accumulating funds for bupinpt" the law was stronger than the cial procedure, and now have time has always done. The dress ulation is being encouraged notn e r became interested in his wayj wood? America, to write for the motion or educational piirposes by t h. t time the children reach a certeii; spirit of the people or those -who their proper place in human in- and bearing of the "Aryan" mer to relinquish anything edible to of life . . . accepted his invitation . j picture screen. governed i t No one believes that tercourse as well as in business chant also bespeak the customary the Jews. The object, perhaps a to visit the reservation and his Ernst Lubitsch. and his guest j His first work was for JI.G.M. age. any more. It has been shown life. The Jews who in 1935 must and the conventional, which fact result of the scarcity of the necess- squaw. Trotting their horses to- chatted amiablr'in the living room j where he completed two scenarios. that the interests of National So- negotiate with a so-called "Ary- serves to heighten" the illusion ities of life, is to elevate the com- wards an indefinite point on thebefore dinner. "I want to cor- • t h c r one :o v r \ x Films ii lor Talrouize our advertisers. However, from the very first word plete, merciless -starving-out of desert's horizon, they talked. "I gTatulate yon on your pictures" . and even before that—the Jew is the Jews to the status of public suppose you collect autographs complimented the guest, "Th°j ample of the dangers of hastily fuly aware that this is no care- law. from all the movie stars?" re- are in such g-ood taste." "Thark for Tour $ glorifying persons for scientific fully phrased agreement between That would be the final step. marked Penner, casually. "Yes, you," brightened Lubitsch, tbici.achievement . . . And in that con- two persons on an equal plane, They are no longer citizens, have quite a few," was the slow answ- ing of his celluloid concoction^ i. nection we seem to recall that a but that one of the two parties no title to free sexual choice, have er, "but my grandfather collected "I always try to make them atcertain Anglo-Jewish writer rush- is being forced by extra-commer essentially lost their freedom of their scalps." Penrfer's laugh tractive." "And who painted t h Tlve.i S.\1O Gold Tone Oil ed to his typewriter when the cial, extortionist methods. They movement about the country, for died aborning . . the Bronze face eme in that corner?" asked th<Paini ingc in Life L i k e press disclosed Dr. Brodie's ex- are not coercive methods of theevery place recieves them with its beside him didn't bat an eyelash." ] guest. Whereupon Lubitsch caire /; Colon—Moi3"fetl in folders periments and dashed off a pan-individual "Aryan" merchant and placards reading "undesir- Joe turned his horse abruptly . . . {to with a thud: 4" egyric in which the young doctor asks one where does he get theable." The protection of property through clouds of sands he shout(who specifically and level-head- courage? Two years ago the Ger-has been denied them alone; at ed back, "I'll mail your wife my j edly made no such nonsensical man merchant would noi have be- least, it affects them primarily. autograph!" • Fr nr Po*<. s to Choose - | claims for himself) was describ- lieved anyone who would have Personal security is no longer THE SUMOR THAT WON'T DIE ed as nothing less than a "savior predicted the scene and his part guaranteed them; whoever atWhea Sonya Leviea, scenarist By LOUIS PEKAKSKY Like a bad penny that keeps of mankind." . . . in it. Actually, it is his associa- tacks them acts ont of self decoming back, the rumor pops up tion that - Is acting through him fense; their dangerousness is con-on the Dionne Quintuplet picture, N!aks Your Appointments •was in Canada, she promised Dr. I BEXJAMIX GliAZKR again that Dr. Hans Luther, Gerto carry out its purpose, the comEariy. sidered established by their very . i A U a n D a f o e t n a t s n e w o u d | Among Hollywood's "Who's man Ambassador to t h e United KEEP TOUR E I E S OX THIS pulsory transfer of Jewish busi- presence. Their money is tied up, Satisfaction Guaranteed, States, is slated for early recall FEULOW . ~ . nesses. Behind it all there stands large withdrawals from Jewish ac- his biography. Publishers have |"R"ho" this distinguished Associate been bidding lor it, and she -will j Producer of Paramount Picture' . H i s name is Lou Tepper . . . by his Government . . . This time the menacing Party, r r the State counts being punished. probably start the "wort -when the j rates very high. As one of the there seems to be some good foun- H e ' s only'28 . .". B u t h e ' s already (one might cay moth, for they Only as beggars may they leave "qtLint" picture is finished. most outstanding playwrights and dation ior the report . . .Among built himself t h e reputation of aro the same). the country and they cannot even ! "motion picture minds" in Holljother things, the boys who runbeing one of the most successful For a few short weeks, perhaps, do that, for every country has the Reich are said to be very much trial attorneys in New York City Turning the Inside Ont: They j wood on anywhere else possibly enough already. annoyed over that recent cross- and that's taking in a lot of terri- the Jews hoped that the "laws beggars are grooming June Travis ' for•he- can credit much of his success 1935, Je-nish Telegraphic country tour the rotound fellow tory . . . If you ask Max Steuer, pertaining to Jews" would stipu- (Copyright, Agency, stardom in. 19 3 S. Helen Mack | in the. entertainment field to the Inc.) made and during which he ac-in whose- office he worked for late and restrict the Injustices novr claims to be a. MacDougall . . ! fact that he was born in Belfast. cumalted some highly unwelocme some time after graduation from that might be committed against In Czechoslovakia "We'll concede her the prefix . . . i Ireland —the-land of romance, 'in case you don't know it,- critics publicity . . . And on top of that, Columbia Law School, he'll pro- them. But the Jewish Jaws make Praha — Despite the statement bnt on her mother's side they 1612 DOt'GLAS ST. of course, is the old story that his bably agree that Lou has gotno mention of the most recent made by Konrad Henlein, leader must. have, all been Mac—cabees. irate- Glazer_ (a native ol Philailelphia,- Pa.-)-as one of the six best Nazi Party .affections are still a something on- the ball when it actual experiences of the Jews, as of the German National Socialist Lnise Eainer is "in loff" •with Roberta Gilicr bit too lukewarm to suit the red-comes to getting the jury to turn for example, the compulsory sale Party in Czechoslovakia, during a European diplomat. Al Boas- I writers in the- United States. Since Jackson S366 of their property. A law may behis recent visit in London that berg owns three theatres, but xtot i 1931 he has-been an associate favor . . . R e hots in Berlin . . . Perhaps next in verdicts in his : "ijjjttiassas»ac*»e!£*»3C^^ promulgated about this later, cently Lou won one of the biggest week we'll be in a position to tell his party was not anti-Semitic, one has played a picture that he you whom they've got to replace verdicts an attorney his age ever when the procedure is so old itthe anti-Jewish boycott movement scribed. Elaine (Jacobs) Barrie succeeded in getting . . it brought no longer alarms anrone. The in the German districts of Cze-bounced into Hollywood. Followhim at Washington . , , his client $130,000 . . . Lou, who Jewish laws, by design do notchoslovakia is growing in inten- ing, his colleagues' ballyhoo of lives in Brooklyn, worked his waykeep pace wih events. In every sity and is causing great concern toothpaste, oil, lotion, etcetera,. NAZI SUBTLETY . . . through college : by playing on a case there is, first, a new breach among the Jews. Edward Robinson will take to the If you want to indulge in a of the law. This is tolerated, and couple of good snickers at the ex-jazz band . . . He's working on a penetrates deeper and deeper into case now which, if it breaks right, pense of the Nazis, g e t yourself customs and manners of the some of the travel literature the will land .him in the headlines in the people. Then there follows, at German railways issue . . . Here's a big way . . . a literal translation of what appears in one of their pamphlets: "Here stands the imposing legendhaunted Lorelei, a jagged .mass of rock rising 430 feet above the Rhine, that has formed the scene of many poems of which the most popular is that beginning -with the words: 'Ich weiS3 nlcht, was-soil es bedeuten.'" . . . That's going ILEMON or VANHXA p r e t t y far out of their way to aPound 29c $ o i d mentioning the fact that 2 Pounds 56c v.Heinrich Heine, a Jew, was the poet who penned those immortal words . • • P. & G. BEVERAGES


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Maurice Schwartz can't take It any more, judging from the fact that he's suing a theatre group in Warsaw for producing a parody of his famous play, "Yoshe Kalb." . . . . Seems that Maurice is presenting the original in Warsaw himself and the competition from the parody was getting a bit tough • . . According to an Arab paper,'Italy has returned a shipment of Palestine oranges as a gesture of reprisal against the sanctions the Holy Land imposed upon her in company with other nations . . . Lots of important people have reached or are on the threshold of the noble age of 75 . Dr..Nahum Sokolow will be perched on that distinguished milestone this month, Meier Dizengoff will get to it in February and Henrietta Szold is already there, just to mention a few . . . . I n connection with the recent celebration of the 100th anniversary of the St. James Theatre in London It was recalled by -the London press that a Jewish singer, John JJraham opened the theatre with a song, "Nelson's Death," which he composed-himself . . . Magistrate Louis 'Black Flag of Piracy Brodsky got a big hand on his recent trip abroad . . . The press of some of the cities h e ' visited characterized him as "the man who in one stroke had crushed many of the imperialistic hopes of Germany." . . . Wonder how the Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity felt when, after, having decided to give its award for outstanding achievement for the year to Dr. Maurice Brodie for his research in infantile paralysis immunization, i t learned from the newspapers, practically on the eve of officially making the award, that nse of the Park-Brodie vaccine on children had been discontinued . . . The Incident should serve a3 an excellent ex-

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champion; Isaac Kashdan, New York State chess, champion; Joseph C. Lewis, national men's foils fencing champion; Norman Armitage, national men's saber champion; Helene Mayer, State national women's fencing champion; Miss Sylvia Annenberg, New By RE. THEODORE N. LEWIS York State women's golf champion; Jack London, national oneR^bbi, Mpoflt Sinai Temgle, Sioux City wall singles handball champion; Dan Levinson and David Margojies, national one-wall double h^ndbaj|l cliaiapicva; Herbert express the hope t h a t he FESTIVAL AX *24 pa'Sjes. Cq- choose to interpret other dramatic ^ winder pf President's cup in mptor boating; Victor B y in Jewish history a n d Barna of Hungary, worlds ping gong, champion; Abe Meron- vicl, ICriede Publishing Co.' $2.50,. moments impart to them the life, beauty

w h a t you would have done if \ And no doubt finds the insurance! thou hadst stod before a mortal j field more fertile than the ' ' king who is with us here today 1 ious. and may be in his grave tomor-1 PALESTINE JEWRY SEEKS TO row, how much more need I then DEVELOP ~ — ~ - BOXING Published^ every Fridas at Qmafca, Nebraska, to to be careful when standing beWe'd like to see a. match beTHE; JEWISH PRESS' PUBLISHING COMPANY fore the Supreme King of Kings, \ tween Herr Schmeling and Kid the Holy One, praised be He, who : Palestine. Subscription .Price, o n e year - . - - • ?2.00 Hveth. i.nd endureth forever to all (Copyright 19SG by Seven Arts eternity." The prince became ap~" ' 4 d ^ « i " t f n r n i s h g d gn. a p p l i c a t i o n . Feature Syndicate.) peased end the pious man went peacefully home. (This ought to Editorial' Office:600 Br^n4??a Theater be a good lesson to our congreSioux C(t» pffice—^VfiSh? qqmmunUy Center : Tbis imaginative and absorbing and power that he gives to the gations to observe perfect decorBLAOgEIl - - Business and Managing Editpt national ping pemg cha^pjqn; Ilu$ Aarqna, national um durinE piece of'fiction appears at an hour B. ACKERMAN - s, r - = * .-• * $0H°? b national i en's ping pong champion; Helen Jacobs, women's singles most propitious ' for Jews. O u r ill-fated rebellion of Bar-Chocliba. i gATELlLpi Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent; tennis champion; Isadore Ballis, national boys' singles tennis spirits, even of the most couraP?LL -~ s •"-• = $\?.ux City, Iowa, Correspondent and hopeful, are low and champion; Marvin Rantrowitz and Isad.pr? Ballis, national boys' geous ' Print Sli0.pAafire§{j: 450* So. 24th Street weary. The slow, strangulation of Hightstown, X. J. ("YTNS) : doubles tennis champions; Henry Cieman of Toronto, 50-kilometer German Jewry, the barbaric perT Contrary to reports that the Jewand 50,QP0 meter walk champion; Milton Saddler, men's, national secutions in Poland, Roumania, ish subsistence colony at HightsBy O. O. DASHER and other European town has been abandoned by the senior, indpor 6>QQ-meter ru^ titleholder; Ralph SilveF3tein,f n.a.7 Austria lands, the strong wave of antiFederal Resettlement Administraa Nazi proposal to Jewish in? tional collegiate 175-pound wrestling champion; Samuel Servis, Semitism in o u r own country, There is no. darkness nor shadFrom L,(iqc{Qn comes, W?l4 tion, John H. La Duke, resident ow of death where workers of inhave affected us unwholesomely, engineer, who is directing the tereats which is wide in scope and sensational in nature. Spokes-; eastern intercollegiate 145-pqund wrestling champion. are forcing upon -us the futile and iquity may hide themselves. INDT'STRIAL-IST j building of the project, annonncBy reason of the multitude of BEQUEATHES ?85,000 TO GER- ed men for the Hitler regime in Germany have approached Jewish shameful question—why be Jews? that it would be ready by Auop/pressions they cry out; they, cry World hostility rarerly as univerMAK JEWISH REFUGEES , . . \ sust 1, 1P36, s month ahead of leaders of Great Britain with the BrppQaitfon that the Jewish, for help by reason of the arm of sal, as menacing, as unprincipled Why must such gifts depend the original goal. Because of in all parts of the world finance the'mass emigration of The Players Guild at the Jewish Community Center has de? has damaged our pride and in- the mi|hty. the death of the donor? weather conditions work has been If thou be righteous what giv- LONG ISLAND BUSINESS MEN; slowed up and the working staff our self-esteem. This' mov100,000 to 250,000 Jews from Germany te Palestine or pther veloped into pne of the fine little theatre movements, and is a jured ing story of Jewish heroism, of est thou. Him or what receiveth j SWEAR OFF CARD PLAYING- IN i cut from' l.SOfi to 350 but conBritish territories. The Nazi plan; revokes aboiut three cardinal high compliment tp th,e type and quality of interests, stressed by brave though unsuccessful defi- He of thy hand? Thy wickedness j SYNAGOGUE AFTER HOLDUP struction will be speeded up Efter of Rome, then the greatest concurreth a man as thou art and . . We doubt that they have the the first of the year. Foundapoints, as follows: 1. Jews must get Great Britain %o permit thja our J. C. C. in its member program. Some oi the performances ance power on earth, will repair the thy righteousness a son of man. intelligence to take the lesson to tions for 200 homes have clready by this group of amateur actors compare most favorably with large number of German Jews to be transferred to Palestine or beart. damage, increase our self-respect, TALMUD been laid, the sewer system lias professional performances, an,d the steadily increasing audiences make us a little stronger to bear Our Rabbis taught: Once a AMERICAN OLYMPIC COM- been installed end the constructerritories; 2. Jews emjgratipg frqm Germany uiiderjjtfs t ; g give proof that our Jewish community ia appreciate of the the taunts and attacks that greet piou? man while praying on the MITTEE MOVES TO WEED OUT j tion of streets is nearing rompleplan will be able to take their capital with them gnly in German Standard^ set bY t h . e guHd- s ,° heartily have their successes been us everywhere. road was met by a prince w.ho FOES OF PARTICIPATION IN tion. Plans for building a gar"Festival at Meron" is a splen- saluted him, sayipg, "Peace to BERLIN OLYMPICS . . . A move ment factory where the colonists gpods, jus.t as Jews going .to. Palestine from Germany are al- received by the public that n.e?t Monday and, Tuesday the could supplement their earnings did fictionalization of one of the you." But the pious man did cot that, was to be expected. lowed to. do; 3. world Jewry is.to raisg the money needed for liqfrom agriculture have been ebanter Blayers Guild will seek a new- ambitious highTwater mark in most- dramatic events in Jewish respond. The prince waited till EUROPE uidating- the German exports which the emigrating Jews would the end of his prayer. After he BELGIAN CATHOLIC PARTY TO \ doned, presumably because of optheir program, presenting a play for two nights. For this under- history, the daring but futile re- had finished his prayer, the prince ADMIT JEWS And many j Position on the part of the needle bellion in 132 C. E. of Bar ChochSir Herbert Samuel, former High Commissioner for.. Bales* taking they have selected an outstanding play—"Rain from ba (Son of the Star) against sa,id to him, "Good for nothing, jews will flock tp their banner, j trades unions. Homesteaders will REFUGEE | get en acre of ground and pay The military leader, Bar behold! It is written in y o u r GERMAN-JEWISH tine; Viscount Bearsted, head of the Shell Oil Conipany, Ltd., leaven" by S. N. Behrman. "Rain from Heaven" should have & Rome. Torah (Deu .4 .9) 'Only take beed WINS SPANISH TENNIS TITLE I S5po down, the balance ppvable Chochba enjoyed the absolute and Simpg Marks, English chain store'magnate, are leaving Eng- 'articular appeal to us, since it clearly presents the picture of confidence a n d s unstinted assist- tp thyself and guard thy soul dil- . . . Spain knows better now than I to the government in monthly inJ ! Etallmects. land for American shores ne?t Monday to lay before American the exiled refugee, his problems and what he must live through. ance of Rabbi Akiba, a leading -sently.' When I saluted thee. to discriminate against Jews. why didst thou not answer me. If CHARGE JEWISH INDUSTRIArabbinical authority, whose voice, Its sidelights on the Hitler regime in Nazi Germany are vivid leaders the, Nazi proposal. To make it stronger, the Nazi agents, carrying decisive weight, won for I had cut off thy head with a ! LISTS SUPPORT POLISH ANTI- Td Aviv fair have reportedly told tfce Englisir Jewry that the final economic ind realistic. the cause great enthusiasm and sword, who wpuld be able to de- I SEMITES Unfortunately, the London — The Department of We know, that those who have seen recent Center Players Guild popular support. mand thy blood from my hand?" | charge is very liable to be true— j Overseas Trade is to Have its own restrictions of German Jews un^er % Nuremberg laws^ have Skillfully and subtly does the "Wait," the pious man said to • vide the early history of the Nazi official bureau at the Tel Aviv been delayed qnly so as to h^aye the Jewish leaders consider this iroductions will be in the audience either "Monday or Tuesday Fair, Captain Euan Wallance, author reveal his profound admir- him, "until I shall appease thee j party. plan, sffid that if they Jewish pegple rejected this plan the per- :yeqing. Wf Wpuld, lilte to s,ee the other m.embers of ti^e Jewish ation^ for Secretary to the Department, lias the rebels, his worship with a few words. If thou hast I AFRICA |E)ecution against their Jewish brethren in Gjermany would bi§ Community Center avail themselves pf thiat priyilfge free ip, C§n-, of their ideals and principles, his been standing before a mortal I T A L I A N JEWISH VOLUN-1 told the House o£ Commons. TEERS IN AFRICA TO SETTLE j —_ tightened. :er members and enjoy a real show. Not only do they deserve devptipn to the cause for which wouldst thou h a v e answered IN ETHIOPIA ' . Will they feel they fought valiantly, desperater MARK LEQfil WRITES We have thedeepest sympathy for pur brethren in Germany; four suppprt, but they will also provide a highly' ly, and died heroicjy. It was a him?" ''Nay," the prince replied. at home among the Falasbas? I . question of 'independence; f r o m "And if thou hadst done so what PALESTINE $lielr plight has touched and seared- the innermost recesses of aqd enjoyable evening. INSURANCE ef pyery Rpme, of cultural, political and would the king have done unto A R A B CIGARETTE BRANDS i In fact, pur hearts. The Jewish tears h.ave not yet dried, .over the Nazi T.vPe - - Strong Reliable religious freedom. Even w h e n thee?" "He would surely have NAMED FOR JEWISH LEADERS i Companies, ONLY ^medievalism, money has been gene.rpuglydpna.ted to alleyia.te th? he Roman authority in Judea oTdered my hea.d to be cut off . . . But it's not so easy to fool j e With a sword," replied the prince. Jewish chauvinists. j was mild the Jews were restless, suffering, emigration plang have ^?. ? liberally suppprted-r-^veryPity Finance & Insurance Co. Senator Karl Algeyar and Deputy Yqd,pys^^, whp represent The pious man then said unto ORTHODOX RABBI BECOMES! thing possible has been done to s,pf ten tfce. blow of Nazi madness. Lq4z in the Polish parliament, make, the charge that Jewish in- bitter ,* n d rebellious under it.' him. "Behold now. If t h i s is FIRE INSURANCE" CHIEF . . .' AT 7667 - 1409 FARNAM . WA 6150 Even at its best, foreign rule is But in this instance—though it would mean additional suffering dustralists in Lodz are lending financial support to the nati-. oppressive and foreign influence hatefuf. Rome had no business in tp German Jewry, despite the fact that we hpnes|tly believe they Semitic National Democrats in hopes of averting anti-Jewish Palestine, R.ome had no right tp pxe beyond feeling tb.e'pin. °* additional suffering-r-in this ininterfere in the; internal affairs sentiment from tl^eir factories. |tance we wpuld without question reject the Nazi proposal. In Jews, in their politics and The history of the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe gives ofn the their religion. No measure of " $ timer like thi§ th.e Jewish people, must have; a broader view not credence to this story. It is tq the shame pf certain members consideration and caution upon hampered by nearsightedness. Tomorrow is more important to pf pur race tha.t Jewish financiers in Germany gave economic the part of the Roman governor us than today, and ix^. a crisis guch §s we are now undergoing could soften t h e ineradicable (courage must be at a premium. A pain-rkilling palliative, means assistance to the Naas when they were seeking control,—or that hatred for the invader, whos& nothing, if the pajn will return at a greater degree. To accept .Jewish bankers ai^ed the Iron Guardists in Rumania, or that only claim to rule ove.r Palestine aqd fiRanciera lent aid to the N.azi putsch resided in superior might. th,e Hftlerite proposal is to. giye. •fewis^. Peking to Nazi Germany Under Hat'.rian, the '^benevoand to flagrantly violate and strike a telling blow at the anti- which cost Dollfuss his Ufe, or that Jewish industralists in this lent" policy of Rome underwent Nazi boycott. When the Nazis are literally "hanging at the country gave money which went into the cpffers of prganizatipns a' sudden change. The traditional Roman tolerance toward the "obropes" because of economic desperation we, the Jewish people carrying the anti-Semitic label. Men of this, caliber—they are stinate" Jew? .was supplanted by not worthy of the name "Jew"—-are our worst enemies. They of the world, would come to their rescue. And the successful cona policy of coercion, oi cpmpul-. clusion of such a proposal would b§ such a tempting invitation to put their economic caste above their pepple, with both being the sory assimilation tp Roman ways of thought, conduct and worship. other nations who are in financial straits and would hereby see ultimate sufferers. Observance^ of the Sabbath and a simple way of making their Jewish minority hostages for getdietary laws was put under ban. Circumcision of m$le children was ting them out of their economic entanglements. These are the prohibited. Most geripus, the important objections, b,ut numerous others force themselves upon The German government—a week, late—h^s. made its reply academies and schools were orour attention. The raising of fifteen million dollars in four years tq the statements pf James G. McDonald, who in resigning from dered closed and rabbis prohibitIs too stupendous a task. The sudden influx of so many people his pQS,t as Sigh Commissioner for Refugees, castigated the ed from teaching, under penalty Of death. The brumal enforcement at one time ijito any territory would be more than the economic and called fpr direct intercession by the League pf Natipns of these inhuman a n d immoral absorptive capacity of the country and would surely result in in behalf pf persecuted minorities, Jewish and nomJewish. The decrees drove the P.eoplg into fury and open rebellipn. Great jgritain rejecting the proposal so as not to upset her teri reply W3? exactly what we expected. In curt, hpstile langThough, the Jewish forces were ritories economically. Not to mention the small matter of ime, the Hitlerite§ tpld the League of N,a.tiqns to mind its own no match either in numbers, in practicality. . '.• or skill against the Robusiness §nd to take care, instead, of the minprities in thqse training man legions, the rev pit continued • We are in a death struggle, with the Nazis of Hitlerland, and. countries whi$h are members pf the League. for three years. Because it inthere can be no quarter by civilization until the Nazis, have been The N,$zi gPYeri}ment can take such an attitude only because jured Roman prestige an,d necessitated an enprmcju^ expenditure been driven from their bestial power. the natipns qf thg league have invited it by their previous acts of men and money, it was crushor lack qf acts. When the Nazi§ seized fower ig Germany and ed with savage ferocity. Many, esbegan a series qf cruejtifs unequalled in modern civilization, the pecially the prominent leaders, crucified; thousands w e r e natipps q^the league could not bring themselves tp interpose, wer.3 carried away captive, a Q d sold Brundage, presidfnt of the American Qlynjpic Com- though Hitler wa.s, cq^emned at the bar of public opinion and his jn{p. glayery or thrown to the lions mlttee and head man in the recent battle at the A. A. U. con- decre.es yiqlated human decency. When Italy started h e r ^ in the arena. Palestine was again vention to get America tp participate in the Berlin. Qlympics next pf Italy and Qre^t Britain's economic interests in Africa stood unjier the hgel qf foreigners, and inhabitants at the mercy of year, has admitted that he is skirting clpse to the shoals, finan- a chance qf being jeopardized, then suddenly John Bull becamp thf heartless and furious conquerors. cially, with Ms Olympic set-up. That the ppponents of Ameri- terrificaPy intere§tf!d pfficially, in that abstract term "justice." It is amazing and incredible that ? was crushed, can participation in the German games have by no means let And nqw, when Hitler has made severer an,d severer his bar- though the rebellion Israel was not » n d Jud.Ms.m was jup in. their fight may be seen from n by Mr. Brundage ed u$$$. a defenceless minority, Great Britain— not. that only $16,000 has been raised for the $400,000 necessary to as spearhead pf Lea|fue action—-dpes npthin|. The reason Hitler- The J,ews, cpntinuefl, first secretly and then openly, to observe Send the athletes across the ppnd. can ^g so curt with Anything the League may do is that past e the Sabbath'and dietary laws and !The A. A. U. battle centered cgnsiderably about Nazi dis-: perience has shqwn that wfaen the direct interests of the pqwers- to send their children io academy 8chp.pl. They remained steadjerimination. A tacit admission that there will be no Jews on are npt igyplyed, they yeill ta^p r^o ^ctiop. A forceful lastly loyal to their Torah and any qf the 1936 German Olympic teams, despite promises lesgon to Herr Hitler today might saye this same League God! Spiritually, the Jews a n d pledges to the International Olympic Committee and the Ameri Judaism remained unconquerable. more trouble later! ' wisely dpps not can Cjlympic Committee w§3 made in Berlin by Minister of nore the ass'imijatipnist of those Interior Frick when he' gave qrders to von Tachammer a^id Osten, days, who, while standing in awe Nazi sport commissioner, tp m,ake. su^e that a^l n)enhers of thi and trembling reverence before



Must Refuse

Hightstown Colony Will Be Ready August

**-* to **•


Real Enemies

Now ff8 Impwkm&'-H Kmw the Seven Wwd$ on the Storm Flag Above !


Lesson Needed

Three Marweleus

In fKelfthletic Worfd



' Gernian Olympic teams were educated in "the spirit qf the Nazi

In this d$y and $ge, it is ne^a tq find, two poultries!?

over the citizenship of Jews, each cl^iniing the privilege. Yet, Btaty* mention of discrimination against Jewish athletes in internatiqnal 'complications between Spain and Greece are brewGermany an<| the general subject of sport recalls that Jewish ing over the status of the Sephardic Jews of Greece- The G|reek athlete:-! won' individual, international, national and regional government recently announced that Elephardic Jews in Greece, Championships during the past year in thirteen sports—in boxing, i. e., thoqe wh.o are descended from the Spanish Jews who emibaseball, fencing, golf, tennis, handball, motor boating, ping pong, grated here after the expulsion fran} Spain, are t% be walking, track and field and wrestling as well as, being on the i a s G r e ek citizens. Spain, on the other hand, insists that all Seteams in baset^ll, b^sljetfaall and che?s.. Henry Green-. phardic Jews, no matter where they, live, are Spanish nationals. berg, f|rst baseman Qf the Detroit he]pe^ his te^m win ue, ifhea two pandits the American ri L League pennant and the world series. The na- Business Men Swear Off too}? a haud in the game by shouttional collegiate basketball championship was won by the New ing "h.ands up". five, an all-Jewish York The interna- Cardplaying in Ordering the players to distional chess title was won, b,y the a^-Jewish, team from the United Synagogue^ robe in order to. prevent .them States and the intercollegiate chess championship was captured from escaping, the gunment robCoye, Lang Island (WNS) bed the players of their watches by Qity College's ^ltjewia^ team. Bob Messier ypass a member —rThe're will be no more cardof Purdue University's tjgsketba^l team, which wa.s. co-c^amp^pn Blay|ng in the vestryroom of Con- and several hundred dollars in cash. The bandits escaped and of the Big Ten. |ndjvjdual Jewish cha.mp4pns were: Henry gregation Tjfereth Israel. ISIeyen Jewish business men, the Jewish business men Greenberg, V9ted the most valuable player in the • American all members of the congregation, ^n oath never to play cards in the League; Buddy Myg? Of ^ § W§aMugt95 §?fl8|qrg, ware enjoying a poker game in the

tempi ali'lhingj Jewish. To these the 'struggle against Rome was not only'fu'tile but a grevious error. Thgy ye^rnpd tp embrace Rome, to'live under the secure wings of Roman law, culture and ideals. Judaism was archaic, ob-: solete, inferior. As today, these renegades, fortunately, constituted f hopeless %v.dt (leEjpised, even th'qugh powerful, minority. Jewish spiritual ipdependfence was inajntained in spite of their treachery. • . Mr. Sackler has drunk d e e p f rqm the 'nourishing wells, P,f Jewish life and literature. His pride in the heroic record of bis people is always evident. T|ie conviction ^hat Israel if an 4mmortftV EPP.ple, with a noble and : deathless tra-r ditipn undsuhtedly served as an inspiration for this moving and hsauUful and nab\f> stqry. So splendid a job does the author, do t h | t th» reTi^wsv pannot igljt

and America






iETURKS FROM Deberah Society Aiiu Ilafiassali Dr. Da-rid C. Platt has returned The' Bikur Ciriicr. society will The annual election of officers from a trip to Central America. ho!d a regular msetins: Monday at of the Deborah Society will . he He "was gone sixteen dars. Sliover T*?11 tr-.ke placf- Wfiltificite J. C. C. £t £ o'clock sbarp. held Tuesday afternoon, January rl?.r. ,TRnr,rry Tf. pt. tin? .T. C, C-. = !iin"!:i;M!i"i:;('!:iT"rr?! !!'Kni^i; -i"i'!i!';';': >![ :-n;'!:!:i'if'-'r— ct tnls tixnp. 14, at thefj. C. C. at 2:30 p. m. I •?iitUillHit(iiiiilii.^iuiii)iiihiiilHi..u:i.>>lh:aUltlLl:l.l)iuattiilUlilUi>i" OUTHERX TRIP r t T:"0 p, ni. Tt'rp, >TriT Mayw program will be presented by Final plars for the "bazaar will Mr. Albert Shrier has returned theAchildren of the Talmud. Torah. ^^ discussed. After ;lie meeting of Pef JToinrs v.-fll he the £!!"«< Tcsipls Israel a vacation trip south. All members are urged to be Election cf officers will take pls.ee speaker. T h t Center Guild vriii present. tea Trill lie serrecl. I Tlie siil'iect of Rnbbi Drrid PI. present <\ playiei. snd ica will lv : RETURNS A board meeting- at 1 o'clock : VCice's permon this evp-ninp: vili served. Mrs. Se.n: 'i'lieoiicn'e ^"fS Dr. Yictar E. Levine is bads: •Kill precede the meeting. j "be, "A IV'issioSi "VTiihont MissiorWomen's Mizrachx . tram a trip to Washington, New j aries." A very bera-tiful - ritual Sirs. I. K. Srffin. nve in. chtirgp <•>•.' Tort and St. Louis. A regular meeting of the WoI for the ligrhiing oJ the Sebbaih the iea. J.'rs. JUIUIF AbrsUaniKO'"men's Mizrachi will be held next Ve na P HERE Wednesday afternoon at the J.C.C. . time this Friday evening-. The reto Speak Miss Sadye Deutch of Kansas A surprise program has been sponsive readinp ami the iigrhi.ing m e n df tlie LiM-i; f>l.tovr-v. P R _ "JiloCern Treccls in Interior Mrs, W. Fried announces the Mr, • and "Mrs, EU LSTfis qf Be- ity, Kansas, is the house guest planned. A novel idea "will be Decorating" is to be clisc-assed by oi ilie lights will be condutied in ; marriage pi ber flaugaterr ROSB, ;rpit, Mich, announce the WFth of f Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friedel.' tried out at this meeting, in ivticli TCIss Yelms -Fiizsimcus. recogniz- XYS. ?il. L. Colm, vktvpreiakleRL of fripntli- riVt" F.zlr.6 ic p<1-n^. ':'> ; all the members can participate. prico of PilTiiiPfion if P pii-pr o-'. of Chicago, to jjjr. Sidney Block, daughter on January, 6. -the Sisterliooti. ed EUthoriiy on the subject, "^hen ' Mrs. William Knklia "will reMEMBERS Of CAST BOD oi Mr. and Mrs. Blorris Blqcfe . Mr, ip^vls is the son of Mrs. slie spea-ks Wednesday, Cannery : Serrkcs Satuid:;] iiiori;Ii:g; v i a linwi ((ovf-1?. p i ' l o ^ ' fti.Kos. Fihpf*» port on the progress of tte l>aThe Dramatic Committee ol the of Chicago. T h e marriags tpoK Ax^na Lewis of Omaha. 13, s.t i, p. m., in ;.he vestry rooms :b£E:in a l 1<<:Z\$. iVpxneri's Division . will entertain -fzaar. Members and their friends ..place Saturday eVening,«peceint>er [ T h e Colloc'e Club T i l l me.ei ors 'Tpc.vf. }-: p ^TPn' TT^ti for tV'P^r oi Temple Israel. Mr. and Mrs. pain Rosen ant he members of the cast of "Rain. are invited tp attend. 28. The cpiiple' -ffill. mate their Sur.clr.y a t t e r n o r i pi 4 p . m. Ttifi 1 Lliss Fii.zs:rnoi;s is being prehqine in Omaha-after February 1. ounce the birth of a con Jan- From Heaven" at the home of • Tea and "refreshments will be '. PVl'.isct to be ciscupppc! i? ibfi (I7'tic"ipp ;n 1 hf prr-pf !'* tin^.r pv^'u sented by Urs.Isacore Ecsei:served. Mrs. Bhineas Wintroub on Tuesuary 1, at the Lord Lister hos? thcl's circle ci the Temple Israel frtine. pitaL " " "•...•.' ' • " "' day evening, following the last SHEE3IAN-I/EVIN Sisterhood, and the general pub- I Ksbbi Frederick Cofcii'F current performance^ Hostesses will -be CGKBHJ of Jewish Women l.c is invited. Ar. open discussion : topic? CIKFS will mePt Tupsday A news rvrl showinp STISB !?«• : Helen Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, Mrs. IrMr. and Mrs. Jay 'mornir.g at the Biacksione hotel riects S?oUi ov. h e r nrrivs? i' Mrs. Bam I*evin an' The Civic and Legislative group Helen Brodkey, .a favorite vriih will follow Ivliss Fitzsimons" talk. : a t 10:S0. AmericR r n c h?v rpocption eo«'nounce the engagement at their 1002 So. 37th street, announce tla Levin, and Mrs. J. Bramson. of the Council of Jewish "srcmeri Sirs. Jack Colien is in rtiarsre reirf.ee will be pvesr.ntpu ei »''.:• Center Player -Guild audiences, of Erranrerr.erts. daughter, Rose, to Max Sherman, he birth of a Eeven-pound son will meet at the home of Mrs. T.irs. ±aarry ; Circle t.h-?;-ifr Tnestiay. Ww'nff son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sher- Sunday, January 5, at "the Meth-: The fourth annual Beth-El win- David R. Cohen, 301 So. 50 Ave, Trill * appear in t h e production, Z. Eosenic-ld vrill be in charge of ; day 6ii0 Tiiursday ol m-st vpf-5-. n»an. No definite date has been odist hospitai. Tuesday, January 14, at 1 p. m. "Rain From Heaven-," Tvhicli Trill tea tcble Pppoir.troerts, Assisting I ter" dancg'ql'the Women's AuxiliThose viio iii'f int.ftresied lit •<•'• set for the •wedding. Mrs. David Browa will be co-hosbe'preeneteiTst tne J. C. C, next her Trill be the IVIesdsraes S a m .i ,A1 Ferric?? t p r i r t t Kphhi Piary yrili 'toe" giTg-i at the Paxton yp FOIS. GUEST tess. Miss Gauss will be the guest Monday and Tuesday 'evening, Berko-vvitz. Simon Berger, Sam • fflon Greenbergr vill cleiivpr the led hotel Saturday evening, February Mr. and Mrsi Morris Fr e] enspeaker. She will speak on the Pepper, and I<. E. Hern. Other . sermon. tertained at their home "Saturday 1. Bobby Bowman's orchestra Old Age Pension. January IS and 14. members cf I.Irs. EoseEtbai's cir- I Next Friday evening' H«.l>bi has been secured for the occasion. evening in honor of their guest, Mr. and Mrs, Max • Grossman Miss Sadye Deutch of Kansas cle are assisting in t h e ticket , Goldstein will base hi., permoc on The ballroom will J>9 especially Nutrition class of the Coun•' the new book by Lion Feiichfwnn- ,n,ep.' w'0IU,ar „, £ . ^ JK]n. „,. ;V of St. liouis, formerly ol Omaha, City, Kansas. Twenti-four coup- decorated for this dance. Those cilThe sale. Psi Mu of Jewish women will have ; ger, "The Jew of I ; ,_ c^ c ; ^ pari(1 A_ Go]mf.h announce, the engagement ol their es 'were present. %hp prefer- to play ca: "5 will find their nest meeting Wednesday, The Psi Slu's are E.e:ain playing daughter', Elisabeth, to Arthur CURRENT TOPICS basketball this year for the Eee- I i is t h e le.ider of thf- classi. A' Out-pf-tpwn guests were Mr, tables placed in the" lounge. January 15, at 1 o'clock in the iinBtga?tenr son ol Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. gillie Fer^ber of Chi|NeTvs Free Milk ar.d Shoe Fund, j Rabbi Frederick Cohn in bis ; tb;osf in'!evt>!~tf>J in it'iiiiTi?;: h": vestry rooms of Temple Israel. •William Imstgarten ol Omaha. No cago and Mr. a n d Mrs. PeP 'cskp.il to ccnif: ov t o rp\\ M r s . "A; After their own meeting the mem-j Their > opponents .trill be . t h e \ first lecture of the new year vrVA definite date has been set for the Penningtpn. ~--" The Omega Kappa sorority gave bers " of this group plan to attend I Omaha Jobbers. Both, teams are ! speak on "Main Currents of ,the ! The sermon topic of Ei-Wii Hcr- F . J ^ v c n p o n . Vi*;;. <>S5(?, for iv . redding. Mr. Jack Freiden entertained a New Year's eje party at the the talk on Interior Decorating by !so far nndefeated. Tickets a r e I Ne-sv- Year," before the current i olu A. Berper this evrninfr will ; f o r m ? ! i n n . Miss Grossman is at present the guests With songs. Paxtpn Hotel. Eleven couples at- Miss "Velma Fitzsimons, interior ! note av-ailable at the J. C. C. cr j topics class cf Temple Israel Sis- ! be, "Shearing: or Shnrin?:." Cruror visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A. tended. The group is now plan- decorator, which will be given at i from any players on either team, • terhood Tuesday mornirgr. Jan- I A. Schwaczkin will r,h?.T:t the serFnironize or.r aflvprfisers. Lewis and her uncle and ning a bridge a n d luncheon at 2 o'clock In the vestry rooms. j The entire proceeds ere going to ; nary 14. at 10:20 at the Elack- vices. D R I V E r s s^osjf"""'".• : Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krautz, Hayden's tearoom Saturday, Jan- This talk is being sponsored by the fund. Both teams are donEt- i stone hold. Saturday rnornicp Kal^bi Berf " ! Sirs. Sam Gilinsky is the group : will preach in Yiddish r t . 1. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snader and uary 25.' Miss Rose Marie Wolf- Mrs. I . Rosenthal's circle of the I ing their s~rvices. BRIDGE IiTJSCHJEOSr ; chairman. son. Bob, of Milwaukee, T^iscpn- son-is* in charge." She "is being as- Temple Israel Sisterhood. lAdass Yehurin Eycr.fogiie. " jirs. Harry Dn Boff and Mrs. sin, drpve in to be with \$i sisted as head of the ticket com'• At nice o'clock Sundr.y "moiTV < *' I vaWisheci paying VAAD MEN'S CLUB AleWndpr Frank were joint " mother, Mrs, R. Snader at Linr mittee by" the * Misses Bertha ir.g the regular father SITU! son t ' 1M-*-, T--^ In lienrt v* :Q1J)-TIME RESIBEOT The Men's club of the Vaad will Greenberg and Mabel Slntzkin. ABE IIAISEL, 42, esses at a bridge luncheon Satur- coin, who is recuperating from a vices will becrin. f n r r r : Illrffs hv • sponsor a Father and Son ban! DIED LAST TUESDAY ; The religious school will c r t day nopn at the Fontenelle, in tpnsilectpmy. They ajsp spent sevDIED'ON SATURDAY ;<juet Thursday, January IC, at the hpnof of Mrs. Du Boff's Bister, eral days here with J$r..'Snacier's ESI MC _,. , . , ; vene fit 10 o'clock Sunday inevi| B'nai Israel synagogue. Reserva- : Caroline Scklesinger Ad- ing. Miss Sheila Mortson, ol Lqs An- brpthifrin-:iaw"anfl sister, Mrr and The Fsi Mu" fraternity held a Abe Maisel, 42, of 144 No. 84 t i o n s must be in by January 14. •ler,Mrs. 3719 Dodge St.. died Tuesday, geles, who Is visiting her here. Mrs.'Juliug Newman. opbanquet" at the Fontenelle hotel st.f died Saturday morning. He jCall Ja. CSS7. I January 7, in a local hospital. New York — A g-ift of $?0.0.'f Fifty guests attended. Mpnday evening, January 6. This is survived by his wife, Sarah, and Death was due to pneumonia. payable over a period of ten yer i-h. RETURN'S, TO STUDIES tppff the place of the regular a son, Philip. S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB BERTHA MAYPER ! Mrs. Aaier. who had lived in was given to the American Sohp, If Miss Beatrice Sommer returned meeting. The "affair was to honor The funeral took place Sunday Omaha for S3 years, was the first of Oriental Research by Felix ' . The Mothers club of the Sigma to school in Lincoln after spend- the new officers. three o'clock from the Jewish DIED SUNDAY MIGHT ;• president 01 Temple Israel Sister- "U'arburg, noted Jewish phil;.1"Alpha Mu fraternity will m e e t ing her holiday vacation with the Mr. Jay Stoler took over the j at Funeral Home. Rabbi David A. i hood. Tuesday, January 14, at the home. Misses Myna Slptsky- a n d Alice presidency at this meeting. throrist. s<ZZ~ Goldstein officiated. Interment Mrs. Bertha Mayper, "4, S01 , Two sisters, 3,!r=. Charles Koseof Mrs. I. Fiedler, 123 No. 33 St. Pill in Sioux City. "' ~ " ' Tfras in Pleasant Hill cemetery. South 53 St., died Sunday night ; water and Sirs. Theodore Mayer, The meeting VUl be called to prr BEQEESS jin a local hospital- She had been are survivors. f : der promptly at 1:30. Mr. Harry Braviroff, piano inisjf Ey sioujp c f y nrt n r ^ r c« ^ t~ iill for some time a n d became I Services were held this marnstructpr, "wliQ has been ill for two COHEN, 31; DIES' ! critically ill a week previous. Mrs. Jack . Br-psco^ and her. months, has re-opened his stndio. ! ing from Burket's Chapel. daughter,' "Eileen Shirley^ sp.ent He is also director of "the Beth-El '^AFTEi; BRIEF ILLKESS ] She is survived by her husband, SAM I Milton; a son, Stanley and a the week-end "inSip^x City as the, choir. ;c. Tkih — f-r-rr C-r — SkBi Falb > Abe Cohen, 31, 14T4 L.athrop i daughter, Adele; her father, Davguests of Mr§/L Friedman, Mrs St, died Friday, January 3, after jid Garboff of Philadelphia; and \ The College Club will m e e t \ Phone 3a. 0551 — Phone 524- — Phone SSGS5 Brpscow's mother. They attend.-: " Sam Colick was installed i four sisters living in New York \ Sunday. January 12, in the vesa brief illness. ed the Brith of the son of Mrs HEADS ident pi the Alpha Pi Tau at the Leon Shuikin, a sister of Mrs. Th? Ehi Beta Sigma sorority •' try rooms of Temple Israel at 4 Survivors are his parents, Mr. ! City. Egmi-annual banquet held Sunday, Bypscpw. has "elected Miss Charlotte SWar and Mrs. M. G. Cohen, and his ! The funeral took place Monday j p. m. 3,1 r. Jerome McGargil'. one January 5th, at the Virginia Cafe. as president fpr the coming year. wife. Rose. ) afternoon from the Jewish Funer- ; of the leaders fo the Townsend Gravel Other officers Installed were Herb TO SPEAE JS BES MOIIfES Other officers elected are the Services took place Sunday ; al Home. Rabbi David A. Gold- plan movement in Omaha, will Marfes, yice-presjdent; Joe GreenT Rabbi David H. Wice will give Misses Bernice Bothhplz, seerer from the Jewish funeral h o m e i stein officiated. Interment was in ! address the group. The public is FKEE ESTIMATES — KASI" TERMS tope? secretary; Ben*"Lefitz;Veas-" the address at tte Installation of t'aryf "tsabf 1 Bothhplz,' treasurer; and burial was' in Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill cemetery. invited to attend. •nrer; Chas. tjendler, Eer^eantratT B'nai B'rith officers In Des Moines Helen Burstein, reporter; and cemetery. a^ins, and Phil Katzman, reporter. Sunday,. January 12. ™7elyn rWal'ajnio? sergeant -^atr Lou' Canaf, retiring "president arms. " Madrid. = Moses Slayer, a Ger•waa toastnuaster at the" banquet, BACK FRQM ^ § man-Jewish refugee, is.the new and resumes pi the activities oi Miss Pi?yllig Lesser hag return- Misses Elinor Cohen, $ara Mao men's indoor tennis champion of the" fraternity were given by all of ed; frpm a ifn-day' visit with Graetz, and Evelyn Spain. A resident' of Spain for tht) committee chah'inen. friends "in KapVaiGity. §he F.lan^ less than two years, Mayer easily ••• JToe Greenstone "was, selected as to iea?e Weflnesflay for her home •won the annual Spanish tennis njjiinager qf the' club basketbal. in Oakland Califqirniqi." •"t tourney. team which has entered the 3. C C. Senior basketball league. SETS fl ^ Nathan Reuben, 64, died ThursMiss Freda' Zoorwill pi IT WELL PAY YOU Bluffsi! daughter' of Mr. ang Mrs. day, January 2, at a local hospiTo Consult tal. Funeral services W^e held Dayid' Zoorw'ill of Philadelphia, at 1 -p. m., Friday, January S, at P&.,"fprmer]y pf Council Bluffs, IfALASHOCIC'S Installation pf officers by £ chosen Sunday, January 19 the htjin^ of his niece, Mrs. Dave Eeber A. Z. A. Chapter No. 100 has' baying 815 So.' 29' St.' Kabbj as the date"pf her marrjage tp •will take' place at the J, c'. C. this Mr. A. Goldstein officiated; j Sunday, January 12, -at. 2:30 P- TO- Max Krizelman, ec-t of Mrs. Burial tbglc "place in the B e t h ! EDfGS A| this same meeting Alepb Gpdo1 Pauline Krizelma^ qf p ^ Hangedrosn Hagoapl cemetery. - SILVERWARE " Mrs." D?.Vid . ZoQ^will arrived Max Novak will" deliver his fare " Mr. Benben is survived by three GIFT JEWELRY here from Philadelphia Tuesday brothers, well address. H§rry, of Omaha; I. B.,' Tournament work far the com- to;'visit until' after * vthe marriage of iips Angeles; and William, of of ^ " 4 i h t ing regional tournament to be Fort* BodgV, lat, and"three sisters, held in Omaha February 7, 8, 9 Mrs. Joe Hertzberg of Omaha; has already begun and is rapidly Sigma Mrs. J. Abramson and Mrs. Dave Hearing completion. The Century At the" national convention o: Lnrie of Fort Dodge. ,| chapter is" taking care of the S?gma Alpha Mu" Fraternity .held J Housing, Reception, ilance, Ban- in~S> i<°.uisj Missouri; December 1' . quet Oratory "and Pebate, and 29, "30.,' and 31, Harry B."poben, Omaha, Alumnus of Sigma Omit Transportation.|| - The present advisors ol the cron chapter ol the University of 'a chapter have been reelected for Nebraska, •was gi^en a signal" ii . aiigt^er - teem, They are: senior or by^elgcte^ to t^e, Qctagen, f advisor. Dr. I. Danskyf junior "ad tipn.af executive ^rpup.. The delegates to the convention .'* visors, Dan Lintzman,' Haskel Cohen,Loyal Kaplan,' Bill Wolfe were" itax Kramer, Council Bluffs, Milton Fiqhm, Julius Bisno, exe pinaha ^.lumni Asspciftionj Jerry cutivp secretary of the S. A. C. P. Cohen, Sioux City, Sigma Omi\-> *\!>>^ -'-' It... reconstructed m% Sidney" Coyne, Scoutmaster o cron chapter f^Karl" BraTerman, tin Buna factor chapter'alte'rnatef and Morris ZoTrppP, 62. lo't,'Lincoln, Lincpln -A^H-inni Glu,b. Others attending' were Irring Jewish Girls Clyh Hill, Lincpln, who delivered the Lincoln, m^in address at the opening fj'p. 1—38.40 Zero Dis; i third meeting of the "Foxjng guet of ths cpnTentpin: P j ipk I T 7 Gal. Jewish Girls club was held Gptdw^re, Omaha, Dafid Zplpt home of Doris Pinko\'itz Wednes: Lincoln; Dr/Hajry Rich,' Omaha. 4 day, January 1. Alter a businpss At the convention the local chap> No. S—28^0 Zero Fuel meeting'the girls played bunco. ter was selected fiFBt honorabl G i l J 6 « / i e Gal. Lillian Pollay won the prize. Re- mention in the awarding of th freshments were served. The dec- Founders' Cup. This awafd i pUT fT mgsns sa orations were carried put in col given to the outstanding chapte No o t h e r cleaner can,, ora ol red and white. excelling in both scholarship ant much! Fine f a b r i c s like match The Hoover in extra-curricular activities. cleaning ability or years ihase rustic linens, novelty Irving Hill, president of th of service. Now you have prints and nubby weaves. UniYer'sity " Bt'^dent cpupcjl, fa: the opportunity to get the_ dejf!|ate of "the' University p: A nicety ol trim and workone of these fine cleaners Kebraska^ai the Nfttiipal f oaven at a price far below the -IJy l$ts. tipn" of the' Fedqratipn pf gtudenj Then "Just Try p usaai one. Each Hoover " hi^ ^^'ild i ' g One Or/' to enjoythe IssiPquncjls, w ^ ^ ^ p Special is completely reGrape Clnster Salaa constructed at the Hoover ing proof pi a Nelly,Don— Brain l a r g e canned peirs; sas' City, December 26, 27, factory by the company's Spread the rounded sides w i t h "Arnold Levin, Rosalie, wa fh fit. AD'this, and they Prom BhOadel^hia cream cheese which elected tp t£e JuniprTSenipr own experts. Bag, belt l^as been i|pf^en?d Tvith a littf committee. He: i§ |n £hargg pf cost no morel and. cord are new. So js dpepraUpns and'j'ublicity'fpr thif mayonnaise. Cover with ialve the . ball-bearing'-, besting Leyin was aisp l t see4r'^rep'e|-. ??' the small end pi affair/ and sweeping b r u s h . ' : ljif'p'^ar'insert a grape .stem s as Juniorrme'n»ber of the ? GsmrEsteed FOR GME ^^thei ?alad iesembles a hupcli unipnb^ujldiiigcpmmittes of which FULL YEAR |Jill is,"chairinan.' *" • ii S on lettuce leases "irYing" Sve|tel, Grand ^ and Aaron Finkie.Stein"{• Lincoln; were cliojen as:"menjbe?a "of thf!arbpiY" t heftd. of University varsity debate team •which lias been d3vlded into fpllpwing p t T f arate, flpwfrs. Dip e^ch e Dari4 gernstein, Qpiaha$ has into the batter and fry to 4eei been clipsen as cp-!p.ep leader fo crisco until brown. Batter:! cup miik, 1 cup llour the games and rallies pf the ensuing- basketball'season. % ieaspooi salt and"! egg. r




|1 l


- * \ J . ~ ' ,


Costs Ho More

Nebraska Power Co.

BADIOES TO MATE—Lovely Lady Susan Wilkins spoke over the radio from a New York-station and her husband. Sir Hubert iWUkins, heard her voice in far-away Antarctica. Sir Hujjert. himself a. famous explorer, is aiding in the search for theMbissing Lincoln Ellsworth who, with his pilot.. Herbert Hollick-Kenyon, has not been heard from since early irrNovember. '

GREETINGS—Welcome to two Congressmen "was extended by Speaker of the House Joseph W. Byrns' of Tennessee, center, as they arrived at the nation's capitol just before Congress convened. At left is Representative Vemer W. Maini Republican, of -Michigan, and, right, Representative Edward W. Creal, Democrat, of Kentucky. Main is an anti-New Dealer.

BOMBING AT DESSYE—^The only photograph made fay one of the ItaUan aviators in the squadron . of .18 planes that bombed the Ethiopian forces at Dessye on Dec. 6. White puffs of smoke in center show bursting bombs, indicating, Italian array headquarters said, that only light missies were used and that the rows of tents proved it a military encampment and not a civil community. The city itself is on the hill in the upper left and was not the objective of the attack, headquarters announced, though it was admitted one bomb struck the palace of Emperor Haile Selassie there. Headquarters said it was impossible to distinguish any Red Cross markings on hospitals.

:•• . - . " ' i - ' : • • . ; ' - ; • J : ' . : S ^•-K'-'S'^j.ici.w

y -


WILL TEST LONG MACHINE—How much life is left Iff .the.political machine set up by the.;late Huey-P. Long in Louisiana.-will' be tested-at the State's primary elections on Jan. 21. At left-.is, Apellate Judge Richard Leche, running for governor as a machine man. At right is Representative Cleveland Dearr anti-Long candidate. Congress had set' up election rules.

SENATOR—^An informal picture of Senator Carter Glass of Virginia-as he arrived at the White House to confer with President Roosevelt.

^0 TO SEE HAUPTMANN-DIE—Unless intervention occurs, according to Colonel Mark O. Kimberling, principal keeper of the State prison at Trenton, N. J., Bruno Richard Hauptmann, convicted of murder of the Lindbergh baby, will be executed the *eek of Jan. 13, with 30 witnesses in the death chamber. Above,: Colonel Kimberling in front of a prison workshop as he talked to reporters.

HEAD-DRESS—This flowing, feather-laden scarf, used to be a Comanche medicine man's headdress, though pretty Ninette Maxwell, Texas rangerette, displays it otherwise. From an authentic collection, of Indian relics, it will be shown in the Hall of State, during the Texas Centennial Exposition opening in Dallas June 6. •

NEW TOKK'S WOMAN SMITH—The smith a: mightyman—no, woman—was she. She is Martha Smith—Smith by name and by occupation, and she is New York's only woman who engages in the job of horse shoeing. She learned blacksmithing on her father's farm in Dexter, Mich., when she was 12. She is now in her middle twenties. Her husband, George, also is a 'blacksmith.

TENNIS STAB TURNS-PRO—Mrs. Ethel Burkhardt Arnold of Los Angeles, tennis star-In- the Wightman matches, who has recently turned- to professional rtennis." She is shown practicing ir» r San Francisco prior to leaving for New York where she planned tr appear in professional exhibitions. \-


ILYMPIC SSI TEAM—Skiers who will represent America in Germany next month. Left to right, eront: Ottar Satre, Salisbury, Conn.; Birger Torrissen, Norfolk, Conn.; Richard Parsons, Salisbury, SOCIETY CAMPAIGNER—After serving two terms as. National ,***mBaur, -a^, SCENE OP -THE iTOENTEB-GAMES—A street.-,scene in GaRnlsch-PartenMrchen. famous;Alpine re- Conn.; Warren Olivers, Dartmouth. Rear: Nils Backstrom, Norfolk, Conn.; Sverre Predheim, MinneRepublican jiommitteewoman for Illinois, Mrs. Bertha 's^PtvTeader "is campaigning for nomination torcongregs sdrtiinSoutliTBavarlsrGerniany, where the Olympic Winter gaine3wfflWhe!d Feb. 6-18.. Set in a apolis; Magnus Satre, Salisbury, Conn.; James Hendricksen, Canton. S. D., ana Walter Bietila, imoua^GoW c S d i s t r i c t of ttie m S e a t toeSo^E ' ^holjowiottha mighty, kllstije: community has all the pictqresgue'character of a typical Bavarian . Ishpeming, Mich. displays her dexterity with the gaveL . mountain'villase. Entries have been listed from 21 countries for the various events. "* ' Unite! Newsplctmctk

"THS -alfaVVIHH HHZSS, S E I D A T , .i&I<n~iiS.T 3.0, 1SSB CEIUSI Hist. "vs. 3Ii iamhtta *Et So 00 trr six months in jail t a r .il- Hayam, Hebrew daily. legal immigrants. The newspaper -prints -what ipirrThe law v.-as sharply critinized ports to 1H5 the content ni the ;]aw. Three 'basketball teams :mxve in -an editorial i n Tfttvar, .labor according .to which all illegals "vr ho been iformed in t h e Monday and Zionist daily. The -paper Eta ted entered Palestine Trrior tn August ^Wednesday, e-veml njgp •wom.en'B that "the :1HW IF :inhuman and -w.e ITJ., tLTtna, Trill be freed -with the w class with 3Jertha Guss, T>.ae Spar, will not Dbey it." payment of a one-pound immigraand HSva -Marcus acting as cap^Meanwhile, reports that t h e tion fee -plus a small penalty. tains. Teams will bfi •chosen and Government "will -shortly issue an The immigrants -will be able t o T t o l s s 3-rogress, IFecleral ileliEf, J-ptey rvrlil fbegm in the near future. anmesty law -on illegals, even treconie -naturalized after two IWhat.aboutTEheJJeeflj? "Volleyball .and caln-thenics also those who are serving jail sen'years residence in Palestine, the "all .parts uJ this country*: feature these evening -c*ork-outs ;, -were -published by JDoar i paper,! ; comment, criticism, ana Hand many oi t h e girls are already t over t h e ieHnrt oh the j in -mid-Eesann 3orm. Those on th.e vt t h e f e d e r a l Government iteams are: Testa Scott, Betty rto uet completely "out of -reliel." iTnchmnn, Uarlene HestDyy, PhylA-B m. Buhatitute, thru the .act oi ilis J3aref, 3lsva IMalashDek, 32va "CnngresB, "WB :have ihesn .off BrEd iP.Ddennan, 3!lorsnce Sklar, Ida , TV". 3?. -A., the JamrniE TWDrkB jluifclin. Belle Slntlerman, and i JA-flTrih-i-rtTi-tinn -program, jnuth Goldstein. -"-chat about t h e lamilies nt livelihood' To JSIT. GTosHman, ^physical "fliDnly t i e -homar JDI this vast iwo JJT j.TfiCtor, yests ias Jiesn t h e ;regu'lar jTsreek. After .much consideration aillawanne jtrnvuiBJl by l o - and thought, 3 I T . Grossman has rreliel agencies thru submitted t h e loilowing: grantEd t h e m thru t h e ~F&<&- I!he -J. 'C. C * B jrym, swimming , i a n d b a l l EourtB, a n d -mas.GnvEnnnent? S.ovr onany ol jamilieB -will be -able tD g e t sage xoom ones mot iiave t o take salons t™ 5=S.Ci) a ^nonth, -w-hich a backward atep rrom any :physiiis t h e Tats n i Tay ioT m o s t ol t h e j cal center erfeting. 1, twitose 'breadwinnHrB nxe i^spent t w o "WBeks t h i s "^isst sumenrjihsyea n n the^WorkB 3»ro-|mer in t h e -cast, can vouch for j t h a t lact.t 3?or t h e - m e n , "we -have T h e 'Community Client nJ Dm- j-our get-into-conflition class -which alia "in s e t t i n g TTD t h e ' b u d g e t Jiori tiSerE' pleasure -and Kport i o r "ins .Jewish Community Center s n d Lmany; i o r thB youngsters, we -WeHars ^Federation i a r X9S6 cut fhave n u r ;sym classes -which help materially t h e amtmnt allo-wed i o r ] build true- character and t r u e xeliel. Their Budget Committee /gentlemanly -sporte; 3 a r the -woEaifl " E r i v a t e i u n d s carmot Earry |:men, -we Dffer -a aivsrsifled -prDBD heavy -a Teliei burden a s they |gram drnm t h e dally program, "have :heen xarrj'niSi 'aain -we :must j_All iiuman bodies -need relaxation . t o m a k e arrangements t o land t h e physical department i s ss* certain -portionB of t h e Te-!here 3or t h a t omrpose:" -lief ?hurden "which .*yon cannot! cany carry Dvsr DVBT tD t h e p nublic agencies."]j T h e doubles handball tourna•Wiiat -will iappen to the TOOT, un- ;ment got under -way last Distributes Try 3nrtunttte inQiviflual caught "be- j-with t h e lollowing teams entered (SE. 1500) tween rtfaese tvro iinsitionE.7 Pri-! and divided into -.twD "classes, -vate Teliel agencies cannot carry : seeded Ticcordrng to playing abil-ths 3oad rand, public agencies arE ;.itj:: • Etepping \mrt DI t h e picture. I t ! CL.ABS ".A" • .A T,;'|"I'I<T: 104 Ho. 18th St. c. S454 Bsemsto me t h a t Dne Tif the iirst i Jack tBan-Paul Grossman, Jack • A JJTT1SE -acts -which Congress -must ^(er- j Adler-Hax Turner, Serbert Marks •iorm should bs that nf continuing j -"Eph STarks, ;Bam Bnrwich-Ear: i n some measurE the xelief ;pro- j Bisgai. -Al BDffeT-33orris J^rankfi.1 ~*X , " [ gram. I n the -meantime, and until !lin, Starry "U*introub-Jake BchriebihEre'iB a n aBsurantse xxL such con- iman, B nl ievey-Bam "Tepar, -tinuation, private ;sgencies such | George SchapirD-AT± T^TeineT, BDI » B BUTE annst be ^enabled t o carry | BuBman-Charles Susman, A b e 1 >4s^ TDCT •un t h e TBgularnrogram-which has IJ^ier-jaurray "Wintroub, Aaron J Grnrer fur hesn theirs Ior t h e past year. JT5p3tBto=Bam SpHtein, IMilt Altinrmp • iBchnleT-Snl TTattee. XDB^ fm the siars 'CLASS " B " 3n 2The Center .AntHtorinm Ormige Wrapper .TH. JFBI-CT-S. Bwartz, 3 . Tszofl•of :by the Per !TDH Bplenflid aance. to!! A. w = , " • b . m r a . Citi23 Gnarnntecfi -X. Brow. JJ. l Bui-" I?

lor every purpose



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Eorbss Fxesli Bakery Goods A Trial

Wil! Convtrtcs You <-

JOHBES BAKING CO. .2711 Ho. ,24th St.


TTE. G400


I blatt-P. Steinberg, X. BbxckSr-I>r. do mot com-

wealth Club Single, Club n to figure i t out :yet. j . only :bems J ^ ' j ^ the -answer.? :games win :be -played two «ut of I three, -with the game going till Features te l B T E n - p ^ t s . A onedal Ul be SfaampoD snd Snga* TEVB 50c •is Jewish life "-rchat sort til iuture lies he- ; S c a l t l l C l u b I I f f l l l i D u r -^jr acrtE t h e -Jew -in HEurope, JAmerica, 1 'Zotos TCTnanent -Wave "with a r B takmg advantage nf the snS. -fhronghDUt t h e WorhJ" are no anachinery nnfl no electricity TiSEtX at %0.oO ana np. y m w fol :Ure -quesiinns -Khich Trill a® aiEcnssed i>? .IHarvin ILnwenthal 7t6 Srandete Theatre January .26 is the tiate. The "TChHH iffi -^adrcESBS the Jewish lec. 43S3 ial Bee-3Jews charity basketr ttiiTB anfl 'Gontsrt Series con TV.eflgame is the event. T h e J . C . : -nssasy Bveriing. -January 22. 3 •C. gymnaaium the "place. T ' h s iDur BPEakeT jhas apent many in- Dmaha Jobbers -vs. Pai 3IU in the •years," tfnllowhTg t h e ! feature "game and Pather iFhtnnaJswiBh 'life throughout Tim iiiBtOTy Hnd aicross ) -y^jj,^.. ^ -afternoon -will thB 3at*e n i t h e globe. 2 B . "has ^ . ^ . t e r n q i m x ^ u spent as -Btufliea t h e xemants and -remainE ^ u i " help bulge the vni Jewish civilizationB ni the iiast ; The Sfi^Ketrs, in c i m r i t y 2lmfl; SCHSmiT'S in all countries ol iBurope, .Airica, ! I . D . O T t l ' m s t i o l l ^ l t hX e . B Grossman ana Asia, and Tecently -returned rto this country t o -BTTpiy ihis tnoTF(entertainment 'being iurnished by ledge n i history in considering t h e for a Pleasant ! a local -broadcasting .station. The -present -and iuture status of the j Omaha Jbbbing and the Psi 31UB BATE XOU TKHU) SCHHtDT'S I teams -v**ill light i t out n o t only 3Iarvin Xowenthal's -program is the -svinCA1O. : rprBsentefl as -part ol our Jewish an occasion CTffiCBrt ami Xjecture Series and tor the league leadership -will trf cnuTFe be iree to •members, the ~S. C. C.BClass "A" league. 422 So. 3.3th St. AT. S903 charge Tit 30 cents ttrr Bhnuld Insure the customer --••111 .be imade. 3t -a .real Bporting ^.rternoon. I n i e ivsll -worth -ynur -whih? tD the prelim, both f a t h e r ^FlanEgan's "Boys and t h e -Jack BpratE have good records and on edge and -rating -tD .go. T h e entertain-ment "will be "put Tin between the halves 01 t h e iinal game. AdmisSCffilSEO S o p for TOUT sion is nhly 2 s cents and tickets




.to Satisfy






u r r. ^ - " n i f . - r

ed by the Kszi tnithoriti-r- t r rr>- rn-r* •operate with th» IKEI T h r m rhry XEI rBgBTd a£ T* Jev.'isii spy nT tit? Ksr.: r *--' IT. T*rr77"-~F.

3?eflin All prnre^T- hrvm?: prnv-?c 'iv- G°r H ? ' o~-r*:n. I"1-?ing their bitter opposition to ^c tirr George Kareski, 'Nazi-appointed 'Tibligftl to Teacfc HE unn-rrrtr-TiD- >'u* wj a? b'u"E nr. * *-;>£* director oJ th° Iteich Tecieratioti 'ing with Kar-»sk-; "Enc t r r.jr-->? t r ":n inn!?; nr-« in;: nurivTr; ol -Jewish Cultural Tin inns. i=s- ••arr' mi: his orrier?.. T h e ~,v- m n * tr

Charming Pearl B-rrnstein, t h e ' ,rt. ot A. E.,.A." -was the . The Jvrr Sercovici's ~BXSTL TES in?: CE.ndids're tor t h e post oi btrm xm his lather's birthday. head "hoFtess. .but fc-r- departure Every ptey gnrBn ^y the Center f-nr CaiiinmiE. n^xt week makes 11 Players' Guild producsF -s. TDTnance, it seems. Tiw current one appears to be Pear! X<s^a~UE End Norrnas "WoUKier. 3I«ybe it's •Jast 12 C&s£ their "wish to irmciice lire authentic "Effect i n their i c r s ECS t D ivTiT1'-*- "-TIXHL -.I1?-"E t T*" T1 -"--"Si.-— j •Jlaylre - dressen girls, 3es~ Cooper and ! And .Isstea iv this tale of •T>oii and Ei5 3rndkey Trent t r Chicago. The main purpose of DOET going Tra& to see his brother and sister. S e got there ana found they had isft the day before for jSiew Tork. S e made a 'date, got mtr his car anii it -wouldn't .start. |Th<= guy that pushed hiis loosened tne fender and "the "fiarn thine rattled like . " T P .-complicate matwrs hi? hat "DIFW intc the fefc ; fit's " i l l "there, try the wsy-\ ana to cap th? -ciiiaas tire "hsnule nl 'his suitcase 'tsli off. HPTSTET, T>DE inEists hs had. s good time. and adds that he nsver -SETT -ED msr.y beautiful TPOHTCB in cis life a? those he SETT s t t i e Cnngress • iiotBl. To 'quote Den, "Thsy -rers just gcrgsDits."



f • Can&di&r, 3cr-n£s

at -PO heertHy ir DixoT;'? last 5atthes-v two jra^!? iiE-'F -B F:ant:insdate 'i'-p-ith «acr. otbsr 1 lor lunti: End E show every Saturday E-terHTJOH. f~By the vrny agE.ai. die ynr. ther, H a s . ar» twins*

""ell. you

Sylvia P a p e r r y t h i n k s t h a : Er^7h? t h i n g . tin,


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Cniiid Ermine lit. T i n * t

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:TH: hear X^ox Xor£ .beinc

Street last "^Vfi-ineE-clEy rinor." As5-: him about -r-fcict sh"o= hs w.t? or first ir,. the -morning. Ana spgakinr ci shoes Tentim:itF thst Bill Gerelick. v"e were inf-onnei. is D-Ea-gtrc'? Eh-« err--

i J


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' ' r r rrrr • ni)t, ant. U r

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vj!"arr-'t -art-


TOT Tesrs Airo

Gsz&i ..Attati Drug .'WSE£S




"Prompt O»hve*y

•sponsorEfl by tire StuflebEktrr ZVTTI. T-red Till it-? 'were -msmberE" of the TTlrat's the time. .LiilT Omaha T . "SI. E . A. 'Debate tssnj Tvf -are ire lag threaten"--: -with B which -cron s debate .frnin Bt. Till r-rrrzT ni tlirp thisr? by Tsutr-a--Loufe in that city. :'?c rBS-derr -of tiii? "Tr'.TiTnri. ^ir"-*-Th* 1C-i-X>--e-3In club was -riv"r. iear not. I sail; not 'desert i ing s. fiance at 'EelpiisE'E --iaiictcs "•Dti. gentle reatitrs. Get if? j academy. T h e B*nai Bfith -preirer.teu t. radio rpragT-aTK TIVBT raSio oration "W. n. .A. "vT-. The -pro-rram read

^ S


T-r-rmnbllr ix>-

—Xiilliar- - Chcdacoff : TJ-**S, -"-*ii-!--i .23.--: -"--"ci? * n y ; " t l y ie -sele-ction J:act -ins: the -olii arstt-m nf iissinj: .all j ;1 solo . — Bertha ih-? girl? ir right EF lbs "Hanattiiy Soys" — BEIC Hnfi JHsrry Green; PiEED Harr>- B r s f i r D " : Trio TTS' l s r - r a .SIsrkD, Gilbert. JaKy. ant! •Har-y jSrsviroft; . CoaietJy Tnnn- :-^jr?s-T?st, -wfep -TdiSn't r a k e t h e i p bcr — Aijri'er "Kabrtan; Tiolin sote •jidBitt in "til-; Eiiiae r-b.-rect "tar" 1 +%„, ,—Gilbert -^a'ffy.

ATE Serving a Spscial


tT SIC5.


® "Wiriiis ;ni .sill lauas.


.Motor 2nE±sIiafims.

• • Hiigb£mg Inxtnrss. Satimatas -Sta-Jiy Tumishsd









Wtram 33.':&. 31. t o



"Xlsil us in nirr ^iew iocaiion "wliErE you mil -find a .EnmplHte stock of I t a i g and Sixadrv items.

-4 Cnu--seB

i-us? .?SE.~"' G ^ T ^ ' r ^ ' r Tinr~9rviti-)» ir. s1 w i " : n: j»c;u~f?r t r HP -!? !'v?rfi! tlyoi'rjiou* t h e "Un f W


T>r. TJarid C. Platt s a c Albert • Shrier hs-VE just 'TEturnsd 'ir.cn a trip t o Central AmericE.. They .is! tended crrginally tv g r 'to 7»ew elected to th«= OrtE-jr^r, S J * ' ~ B I Orleans only, tout necitied xm t h e esecntf^e r""irr rf t t c rj^gnc ^ ; spirr nf t h e Taoinent tr> gt> to C-ea-•pha. TSi! f^-s^»!~Ti-^*- st "*arr - r ? : t r a l -^SiETica. They 'were ithere . tinaa'T co*1—err:ox ir ?t X." a T ^ t • long enough to take some wttni3er- ! :ent!y Tiuf 1- tc= "i"- tirrc tna :"ful Tsirtures "Bnfi to s-^jTrire-a -real "E TSE.T f-CIE t " I t j . " " V F " t f P honest-tiv-goodness T-unbtim. liusgine: And us -^ratling through boarfi It 1= £ 'm--oE- —rEnow drifts. On thsir -way home To 3Le-raar xl5-"=rt1r*t ' . • Sweet'Butter they Etqrrpst! o n 'in Sansa-E City regions." ilr*er't*™' nr tt>c iri "• UateQ Milk to see 3\ate P^iss. lu-sivr Ornahan. err cHEr^cr- r ' th= Z r """ * Sour "CrEsm marrieci to "E. 3Iansas City las ernit^- a" t h r" nPt:^n" "rr~ many other p tita; r^ld ir Ccjcarrc T n r - ^ - . grocer or call i?. one cf tn«- inrgE-' ir t h ' fT XJorntty IVeirrer is -not vorking •at the J. TJ. C.r HA. 22SS IHsnnan Ticcer-blatt is IHTW I I T rng in 'K-ew Tork City ~whern he is -asstrciatsS with his "hrtrther in the Tiractice r£ ".tew. ILOUIB Sirrier is -still "basktei: hi Tn* e:the sun in Honolulul? 3 y the Tray Bt the PELStor hrf. on "bnat going uver he nact CDIHE iu .nnfl try unr PTi GrCrtruS Altshuter. Totnifc nlte and Snnfisy specials .girl, who -visiteii in Omaha TeraatJy. Small -world, isn't it? I f e feature EtappetJ Herrins— Chcmscri i-ivsr i Humor has rttbat George Grrot. ChrcScen K75jph3:ti EtJirp former Din<iiinE and " Greek" snti -HtJt SIteeti .Ccnrec! Basf Apple Strudcl .Alice TThite, "who is TIIW of 11? Cheese Slinires na= 'Dser. from ^tsw Jerssy, are to be ,mar" and many other delicacies. •Err-rnnit-ed t n t h e C r e i g h t o n Vni- I •riefl? • 35arney Tlossnilia" i? nn? of our -".'s;-i"-ts.T*t ir. •E.riBtnTn^- { best, cigarette mnochexET TTe sug- K*." '-xctiiig t"nc nivtl JC ItrE. Cijti ~: ti- ulnt i-nti^ gest that Boiaecme give him a .1A. 4BT^ Chanukah irresent nf a .year's supOpen XJatly and ply tsf the things. Till Mttintte "4 Ft.. 'h*?.~ mm n-rtifiet! thst .-ire i- th-p --ini!«rr ct 7 -Tr" -n-frh.


t h e Ilsagne, t h e Tni 3Iu, iiandea t h e >CsmBl J3istributors ihsir Jfirst iisfsat t o t h e tuire Dl SS-'31. -In t h e last -game an t h e Bcheaule t h e ZXi i a m h a a ' s deleated the .&. 3?. ~T.% ^0-"2X. "The Omaha Jobbing 2ivE fifepteyEa a JjewiiasrhTg -at-, taxk, Tjirmtes circles -arDOTid t h s i r (3TEA-) .A 3iew I s w 'DppimBntB -with "short -pasHes ^nii -providing "SBverer ^penalties 3nr dast Jareakins 3»laya. JkltKchiiter hillegal- i m m i g r a n t s ;hegan thbs, -anti Btilner iitityEd -snuofb flBfeii" jmsEk t o '--atir a a t o i i n iff'•-protest' 3ivE tall, TS-hile ^r-yalc ;Rna 3 n g -|:in J e w i s h circies. 3Iearn-rhile i t ; . xtsnrcSf Bhnt -perfect -paEHSs JntD j-was -repnrtefl tfairt t h e 'Government [ •fb-e fljrtstretchEd .arjuu -nf IRessiE ijntenas t o jpsTaon illegal :immi- j scoreEiHDnoints jsrautB -^-ho ^arrivea ihsre "..bctnre • t h e TdnnErs. T h e Oranha s i , a s " 5 ^ . •;•• • • : ' • ' " f "bins 2ive h a s one n i t h e -Emonth-, con trorEr-?y over i l l e g a l im- ; BBt -wnrkfajg -tEams t h a t BVET -phiy-. migrantB 3dllcrweB nn t h e "taBls 'DI i -e& t m t h e . 3 . C . C ifloor. rthe a n n a u n c e m e n t t h a t - a b o u t E2- j EchEdnle 3 o r O S S B "1A": 000 -JSWB -entereu P a l e s t i n e i n i XUSo,.setting 3 . rnewTecoril. ' J a n u a r y 2L2 •," TSi "XiELmbda -vs. ^ . IZ. ^ . ^ D . - 1 : •official -Government g a z *a .-3HT-T "Is"""- ;provid— a t ;2:J0B. • ' .-.-.. ' A l p h a H i "Tan "ra..,3?ai ~SLn . a t 3 .jing 3 n r 33tficter ^treatment <al tper-: Csmal Uist. T E . , Omaha jDHhins BODS 'nanvicted -DI entering t h e i c o u n t r y lllegaljy a n d iEor -psrsm-s; a t 4:tlu. raMhiE i l legal immijrration. .<Pi*eJanuary-IB : '^A.. 2L.. _4. 3-i-o. 1 ^t-s; ^Alpha -PS |TcinH-ily t i t e 3-rw rproviaetl 3ar &e'jiTYrhKf frm ' ^ l n d t\ -7Tif"-::*TTnfTTn . a t 2.-J00. •


At. 4214


.aaded anlast snt, .3. C. -CM C. 3 Bfter -nntch ia the J. C. C. •regu-at t h e 3ee-lNewB. aar-'hasfcetball league -with -three thrilling basketball samss Junior classes at the J. C . -place. T o -rermahi in E tie i i r s t jjhatre t h e -pre-HEasDn xham-pionB, Omaha Jobbing, ipassea 'the because xH the scarh2t'

X^tit^T*!!*-' i^*ic!-rn. tli? cei"tTTii b n c - - Z^ioi

'<*. W -A

• • Call ' AT. 5479

_AT= "J'SET ."6» t i r e niT

-*-!, the isai . about thf noBitng .A. 2 . A. tmrniand .GhiEsiiroEas, in E. bi ' metci ~Vn 'hs iiEia .Jn-'Dniahs ITcSraT. 3Js~t:Bitt;.raEr, site ".rsturusu "ary ~-I?-'!! ^hasis't itFe : -yet -nsrjisjy, -^iio -will xly City, l a t e r tltat'ikry E!H? T;--rat { ! [ &UV-T. tn .ifee ^tat-ion.-with -E friBEd i? ' ; ; • A. iE-H-fioxer! jEissss -BT? be in "whe -s-r-re ie.0T.ias: .for tire 'BRSI. EHS ,; .Lst" ire ; KElf-ctefi ;i>y 'tis? 'inctl c-naiBittep t 'iafiy 3EtrEv"h-tl 'a "-very .£ifffeuit J • . I !?B the -atficial '""teBss d-the .ttnrf ..tn .rests-sin Iren-Ell .froir. i vt> ^ i ^ y r w - tl . .rt« ,j> .ripnt j - , - .bttt thsir .'idsEtltias/TTtjn't d .until s t i i -we

VuV T T i s :



Shaare Zion

Palestine Gets First Brewery

Chatter Chips: They say Ricardo Cortez will be a Big-Wig at. Universal when Charles Rogers takes over the company. Benjamin Warner's will bequeathed ?100,000 to his three, rlaufhters. Irving Berlin's songs were played 124,000 times over, the air during 1S3 4. Eddie Cantor will have~a feature article called "Pick-ups" in a national mag next month. Ed Wynn. deserting other fields, proposes to become a stase producer beginning with a translation from the Hungarian. Sid Grsuman if asking the fans to select the next

footprints for his court nt:f=me at the Chinese Thestre . . , sfp.r receiving the crfRtest number of nominations will be footprints handprinted, in Ihe cement of the forecourt Cor posterity and publicity.

1 Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak this evening on the subject "The Land of Our Fathers." The sermon will deal with the Jewish Jerusalem (WXS - Palcor MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Nailonal Fund. Cantor PHskin Agency) — Palestine's first brewand the choir will chant the ery has commenced operations in ritual. -" the colony of Rishon le Zion, one Saturday morning, the Junior of the old established wine cellars Patronize our advertisers. Congregation will hold its service being converted for factory use. at 10:30 o'clock. Candy will be The brewery was founded on the Chief of European Service, J. T. ,A. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF distributed to the children by Mr. Great Britain has undergone I Mandel, one-time chief aide of initiative of Gaston Dreyfus, partBETH-EL'SYNAGOGUE ana Mrs. Ben Gelfand in honor of 'another shift of opinion despite ' Clemencesu; Minister "of "Posts "in 'nor in~the Dreyfus Bank of Paris. Noiice is hereby fc'iven thnl n r e the birthday of their son. j afll the treacly pap fed by the Lon-| the present Government. ! It is said that M. Dreyfus belitrious corpovatlon 'l;no\\-n as P.KTH. The Bible Group will meet jd o n p r e s s o n the occasion of the! M. Mandel, fifty years old, con- came interested in industrial inKl, SVXAf;')f;i.'E has t>..'n nrpanCedar Rapids Rabbi to tained at an. evening of bridge, Monday afternoon, in the syna- jr e cent visit of a German football I serative, one of the most efficient vestment in Palestine after heari7.ed. nnd is located nt Omaha. Nn« hrnskn. but has VTih-itnai jurisdicHon as a courtesy to her, and Sunday j. gogue social hall with Rabbi Ra-; t e a n l and its ten thousand roo-j ministers ever to sit in a French . ' j n g a speech on Palestine last Be Guest p.vteivlii^c: o\«r the sUite-of NelMasevening she was the guest at a {binowitz leading the discussion on ,t e r S j a n d now i o o ks at the Nazi '• cabinet (try the Paris telephone ! year which Dr. Chaim AVeizmann ka. The puipose of the corporation Speaker is to promote and to advance the party in the David Levitsky home.; the Book of Genessi. ', i Reich with something less tlian ' service now and see!)'.enjoys the delivered at the Sorbonne. Sub- MONSKY. GRODINSKY. MARER & .TMvish r'-lipifm. ' The coi:pov;tt ion has Dancing and a buffet supper ocauthority 10 contract dehts up to th"* COHEN, Attorneys Monday noon, .Rabbi Rabino- ja p p r O val. ; confidence of the Croix de Feu sequently they talked of economPlans for the Jewish National cupied the evening hours. sum of One Hurifli-pf' Thf)!!^:^^] l>ol737 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Blrig. witz 'addressed the local Rotary, I t i s difficult, of course, to ap-.and, it is said, would.be that or- ; c prospects in Palestine and the l»rs ($1110.(11111.DIM. -hut not inv excp?* Fund banquet, to be held in the Club on the-subject, "The Eng-j p r a } s e tjje value of such remark-1 ganization's choice for head of the establishment of the brewery rei i s H K R E R V G I Y F . X ' < i i a i thereof. . The corpora tior. ,m;i. conJewish Community Center Tuesit d u l y constituted inretinjr of tract and shall lie bound for its debt"! Mr. and Mrs. "Abe Baron and jlish Translation, of the Bible." ja W e demonstrations of protest i Government if Col. de la . Roque suited. ^tnrkhnlrtrrs of ICRASXK MIT-T,IN- and may conve> . encumber or chanpo : ; day evening, January 14, h a v e Beverly have returned home, after | Wednesday afternoon ^ he _spoke ! •I t j ' s hoped that the plant will KKY. I N ' C >if-l<l nn ib=> 2M)i day of its property in like manner n.s may a g a i n s t persecution as that which ever called on his million followbeen completed and Rabbi David visiting with Mrs. Baron's parents | on the same subject. Monday he j. £ Ip:i5. it was unanimously any other corporation under the laws National Assembly of the : ers to seize power, t e soon-attain-the production of 450-N'ovpmbpr. isri-pprl that, the corporation be rlis- of the STRIP of Nebraska. Kvery perPolish of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, will in Minneapolis, Minn. will address the Sioux City Min- | church of England provided, but j But M. Mandel is a Jew— and :ooo gallons annually. The first solvrrj. son elected to memli'rsiiii 1 hv the arrive in the city Tuesday to give KNeeuth'e t'oTinnittce nud wlu>^n di] f s r>at»ri nf rimalin. Xpbinska. t h ! ? Isterial Association on "The Tal-1 l t i s s a f e t 0 s t a t e t h a t regardless ; the history of the Third Repub-; bottles will be marketed on Janshall not b^ delimiuen' as prfst'i'il'ed -St.h dny -of November. 3!i:;,"i. the principal address a t the banmud." 10£ -what effect this protest may j lis has yet. to include a Jewish ' u a r y xoth. The Alpha Gamma Sorority | b> the Hy-l,;iv.s of the corporation quet. ; . shall be considered a member of the MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER h £ 1 d a formal initiation dinner j Next Friday evening the Fifth jn a v e had on the rulers of the ! premier. The history of the Jews corpora ticn. The Sxuris-o^u'1 becaipe & COHEN, Attorneys. Rabbi Polish is known through- meeting Wednesday in the West] Baccalaureate "service for gradu-i R e i c h > l t s e ff e c t on public opin- in France may have a new page n corporation on the ]!'th -ln\of 737 Omaha Nations! Bank Bids. out Iowa and the mid-west for Hotel. Miss Frances Jacobsen j ates of Central High School will ;l o n , h e r e h a s been tremendous. this month. DecembeT-, 1^r!.r>. and it r\v\U terniioate <m (ictobcr 1st. 2»:!. .. The offihis Zionist affiliations and activi- was in charge of t h e arrange-j be held in the Synagogue. The T h e A s s e m M , B p r o t e s t l s a r e . ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION _ _ _. In t h e County Court of PoiiKlas c^vr of the corpora tion are a presities, as. well as his , outstanding ments. Assisting here were the j g r a d u a t e s w i n h a v e a p r o c e s s i o n =3inniiiHmmiinMmnin!iin!tiiimuHiiiiiiiniiiim:iimnnminiir.iiHi^ dent, a first vice-p<-esiden!. a s<»co!v1 k a b l e e x a m p l e o f t h e change County. Nebraska. abilities as a speaker. ' , Misses Bluma Olensky, M a r y in cap a i d gown at S o clock.' , In the Matter of tlip Estate of Fnn- ^"ice-pres'dent. a treasurer and H sec" =• = = retary. who. tocetlmr with nil of the , nie Uraunstein. T>fcnas«il. The program will include mu- Edelman, and Rosalie Sacks. , Members "of the class will partiAll persons interested in said ps- past presidents of th<> corporation England with regard to Germany, m sical numbers by the Talmud ] New members of the sorority cipate in the reading of the serand four members-a t-lrn-R-e, consti|" Praha (JTA) — The new sup-tnte arp hereby notified that a peti- tute un It reflects an attitude which is j § Executive ("'onimittee, wliich tion, hap been Hied in raid County Torah choir under the direction j are Mrs. S. Krupnick, Libbie vice. • Newton Sacks is in charge iplement of the famous German coalescing and strengthening in j = •1 Jillepinir that said deceased died leav- conducts the affairs of tho corporaof Mr. Sam Krupnick, accompan- j Olensky, and Donna Jean Tobias. of the arrangements. tion. . ! Brockhaus Encyclopaedia has just inc no last will and prnyintr for «dofficial and semi-official circles BY F. R. K. ,T. .1. nFlKKXBRHO. upon hi? estate and thnt ied at the piano by Mrs. *Krup; been received here in its revised ; aministration Following the dinner and meet-; now that the honeymoon spirit hcarinjT will.be harl on said petiH ,\ r.HV SI! ,VRK.M A N. nick. Cantor A. Pliskin will sing j ing the sorority adjourned t a the ; Nazi form. tion before said eourt on thp "5Hi TiAVU.) nilKKN'DKRl-,. of the Anglo-German naval deal a group of Hebrew songs. day of January, inni;. and that if thpy A. R. AtyrtHN. ! The book is full of names of j fail to appear at said Court on the home of the president, Miss Inez has worn off and that deal is beA. T>. FRANK. This evening services will be, ±uc i!i=iauuuu me Talmud itim»uu ,. , . .., The Sisterhood ui of the The banquet is being sponsored Leaff, who is. confined fo h e r r>AV1P COHKX. held at the Beth Abraham Syna-! ing re-valued in the cold-light of \T o r a h • S o c i e t y h e ] d a v e r y l n t e r . j entirely obscure .scientists where- ! said 2T>th day of J a n u a r y . !!)"«. at '.' by the Jewish National Fund home suffering Injuries from an o'clock A. M. to onntpst said petition J. H. K r U K O K S K T . _ » , , v . Kkn mm-ninnnftav ' . . . . . . i as well-Rnora personalities are gogue. Tomorrow morning - t h e the morning after. the Court may pra,nt t h e sjimR and ARTHIT, A. C'<>HN, esting and entertaining meeting Council, • which iff"- composed of automobile accident. entered the following way: — Errant administration of paid estate M. JI. F.AHISH. Shachris service will begin at 9TIMES CHANGES STAXI> Wednesday afternoon, January' 8, representatives of the Zionist orto J . Harold Saks or prime othpr K. A SIMON. "Einstein. Albert. Removed in Winston Churchill, speaking a t the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synao'clock; reading of the l a w at suitable person a n d - proceed to a IRVIN <: -I.ICVIN. ganizations of the city. Particilis post as Director of settlement, Miss Roseannette Barrent de- \9:45; Musaf Service at 10:1,5. At j his mind about Hitler and his co- ;gO gue at 61S Mynster street. Rabthereof. KRIT.RN I:ORT>V. pating- in the arrangements are Wilhelm Institute for raiur M. KIJ URTCR CnAWFOTTD. the Zionists, Junior Hadassah, parted this week for Washington, j three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, ] horts, can be s a i d t o have spoken •fo}Harold A. Berger of Omaha County Judge. SAM BEllEH. t his citizenship and I-3-.IS-St. D. C , where she has accepted a j 1-10--! t. Rabbi Goldberg will speak on j for himself only. But today, the j the guest speaker. Mrs. Abe was Senior Hadassah, Poale Zion, Pilives abroad. FRIEDMAN & SHRIER, Attorneys. oneer Women, a n d Young Ju- position, and where she will make "The Life of Jacob." Shalus opinions he expressed are those i Gilinsky was chairman in charge CARNAZZO * , KAZLOWSKY, Attys, First National Bank Bldg. Max. her home. • insurance Bldg. Shuddas will be served a t t h e coming to be generally held a - ' o f t he meetin'g. Rabbi Jacob T "Liebermann, ., . . . , Painter , , , . - ot deans. S NOTICE BY PUBLICATSON ON PEB e t h Abraham synagogue at 5 I mong the ruling elements of the !C o h n o £ council Eliiffs introduced a s tP> •„ I , t t , ^ . i " , Proceeds will go to the Jewish Notice of Publication on Petition for TITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF resldent of t h e Dr. Bob Krigsten and Jerald o'clock. • • • ' I country. One of the symptoms \ R a b b i Berger to the guests. F o l - ' Academy of Settlement of. Final AdminisFINAL ADMINISTRATION ACNational Fund which- is organizArts." tration Account COUNT— The Ladles- Auxiliary of t h e \ of this charge is the new attitude '. lowing the meeting a social hour ed for the purpose of purchasing Pill returned to Chicago Tuesday, In t h e County Court of Douala.s In the chapter "Jews," the of land in Palestine. "With thousands after spending a week ip. Sioux Beth- Abraham synagogue met' of the Times, the paper all E n g - j w a s held and tea was served. County. Xebraskn. in the County <'ourt 1 Vuirlas the Nazified encyclopaedia conWednesday afternoon, a t which ' lishmen swear by. The Times onIn the Matter of the Estate of Soloof Jews from Germany seeking City. In t h e M a t t e r of Uif K p t a i e of l , l " ( ' l \ . tains the following statement:—mon Cohen. Heeeased. time the following new officers | ly .last Spring could definitely be T h g . . J e w i F h C u s t o m s a n d C e r e . admission to Palestine, the need A M A X ' i , Peccaspil: persons interested in said m a t "Should the readiness of theterAHare Now,. m o n i a l s - . • o ft h e S e n i o r H a _ berehy notified that on the -A]! p e r s m i s ititevesu-<l i n ' s n i d m a t Mrs. Morris: Albert departed jwere installed. Mrs. C. Barricks, j described at pro-German for4 land on which to settle the Socialist Party for the i r r fir*' lipTphv notified Uiyt nit M>» 2Rth day of December. ];i.13. Herman fi'S refugees becomes greater each Monday for Los Angeles, where ! president; Mrs. J. Montrose, vice j following publication of its m a n - i d a s M h w , n m e e t M o n d a v e v e n i n g 4th d a y nf . l a m m i r , T>nn. A X U l O L o shment of natural reiation- Cohen filed a petition in snid County FIOUOI-O filed a p p t i t t n n in said Court, prayinc that his finai adminisday. The Jewish National Fund sue will spend the winter with her j president; M r s . M. Shulman. terly editorial on the Nuremberg • at the j t h i a h h i T_ etween the German and the tration account filed herein be settled C n i m t y C o u r t , p r a y h i p itiHt h i s final \\ 1111 t\a DU1 J S " Jewish minority be repulsed and antl In America pledging itself at theson-in-law and daughter, Mr. andtreasurer; a n d Mrs. B. Shapiro, law decrees, the article on the; co^ C o h n * a d m i n i s t r a t i o n H.c<;ount filfd lvn-in allowed, and that he be dischargsecretary. Mrs. Benjamin Gold-1 Jews in Germany in which it dis-' ed from his trust a s executor and lie s e i t l e d « n d r , l i o « " d . iinri Unit h« Congress to raise a sum e a c h Mrs. Carl Weineri . . the incitement of international be d i s c h a r p p ' i from h i s t i n s ' u s aVithat a hearinc will be had on said berg spoke on "The Unity of the', passionately presented one of the month for the purchase of more The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- Jewry continue, then Hitler would petition before snid Court on the 2Sth min-lstratov. nrfi t h a t a h«"ii i-ititr w i n Synagogue." i most damning pictures of Nazi land in Palestine, is receiving the day of January. 3P3S, and that if you be h a d o n snid p p i i t ' o n >»frf«>rp saiil Miss Lillian Romirowsky reT h e Beth Abraham congrega-: brutality ever penned, and "its I dassah will meet next Wednesday consider further measures neces- fail to appear before said Court on i.'i'iirl o n t h e 1st d a y «f !''<.-lini:iry, fullest co-operation from every turned Tuesday morning from afternoon trie said 2r>th (Jay of January. Iftlifi. ]P"fi, a n d t h a t if yon rail to m>n.-Mr - January 15, at 2:30. sary." • Jewish community in the United Chicago, W h e r e she spent 'the tion gave a dinner and program 1 subsequent criticisms of the N a z i ; c l o c k nt !> o'clock A. I I . . and contest snid b^roi-f- s a i d O m r t on. thi- saiii l s i ' d ; i y t h eHotel recently,commemorating t h e ! regime, it must definitely be con| ° ' at Chieftain. j The Czech press expresses its petition, t h e Court may jrrant the ot ]'i?i)iuavy, l'j.ii;, s t <• n c l o . - k A. M., States. Sioux City Jewry, in spon- week end with relatives. p«id p e t i t i o n , t h . C o u r t birthday of Rabbi Shmeya Zal-! sidered anti-Nazi. This is a vie-j ~ astonishment that so important a prayer of said Petitirm- enter a decree am»a' ly ''oiijpst soring this banquet, joins hunp r a m t h e p r a y e r .of said v t i of heirship. and make such other and mon, famous Chassldic rabbi. Mr. Story which cannot be over-valued.! The Council Bluffs Lodge No.; scientific publication should sink t i o n . e n t e r p. ,]rrrcp of h » i r s h i p ; a m i further orders, allowances and dedreds of other communities in -Mrs. Ben Wolf of Borchester, crees, as t o this Court may seem m a k e s m - h other- a n d fni'fli'r o r d e r s , their efforts to raise money for Mass.i is visiting in Sioux-City ,J. Dimsdale was in charge of the j Now comes the Round Tab'lc,: 688 of the B'nai B'rith will hold to so low a standard of scholar- p:"oper. a l t o w a n c ' S a n d dor-rees, a s to :-,,i.< to the end that all matters i arrangements. The program in-1 a quarterly review, semi-official i a regular meeting next Monday . s*ip, and forecasts that a" great pertainingC o u r t m a y s p e m p r o p e r . ' to t h e e m i 1n said estate may bc.this purpose. with her mother, Mrs. Rose Kalin. I eluded addresses by Rabbi a n d j in character, and states': "Anglo- j evening at S:o0 at the Eagles hall, number of its foreign subscribers final'.y t h a t a l l m a t t e r s p o r t a i n i m r ;<> sail! Fettled and determined. Letters have been mailed to eve s t a r p m a y he finnlly sf-tt!ed.un<i d e wil1 ERTCE CRAWFORD. JMrs. Goldberg. Members of t h e j German cooperation is conditional! Mrs. Max Harris and daughter, refuse to pay fos it even if its termined, t ery Jewish home in the city, adj g i-3.3$-"t. County ,Tud~e. Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz will reBUYCK (T.AWlfOKD, Tising them of the Banquet on ; Ladies Auxiliary served the din-i on better treatment of Jews, and \ Betty, returned Monday foli publishers should sue them for 1 -10 J? t Counfv .Inilire. FRADENBURG. WEBB. BEEER, of Christians too, in the Third lowing a tw oweeW visit in .Fre-11 breach of contract. Tuesday, and reservations are be- turn today from New York City Iner. 1[ KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. I where she attended the wedding Reich." Referring to the repres; mont, Neb. ing taken by members of t h e Omaha National Bank B!dg. of. her nelce on Sunday. .. sion of the trades unions, the de-! Council. * fn (he County Court of Douglas . . -gradation of the Jews and Other! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss In charge of the arrangements Count}'. Nebraska. • Miss Fannie Cohen will leave RcVlCW On F n u S y j Nazi innovations, this authorita-1 have returned home following a pd as !n the Matter of the Estate of Israpl are Mr. S. Krupnick, Mr. M. MaThe monthly meeting of the: five publication points out that?: ten day visit in Chicago, where.. Saloniki (WXS)—Greek Jewry Kulakofsky. Deceased. son, Mr. M. Lazriowich, Mrs. ; J. today for Minneapolis, where she PEACTICAt, MOKEL All persons interested in said matup in arms 'over the (Jecis-ion N. Krueger, Miss Rosalie Sacks will spend the week-end with Temple Sisterhood Book Review j "what we can do to ameliorate'•they were the guests of Mrs. Cher-! of the Jewish Agency for Pale- ter p.re hereby notified that on the Phone I05S1 sth day of January. in:'fi. Sarah friends. . •' group will be held next Friday! them we must do." jniss's brother-in-law and sister, and Miss Dorothy Merlin. COUNCSL BLUFFS, IAv stine to give preference in the is- Kulakofsky ano Morris Levey filed afternoon' in the home of Mrs. j Hitler stock is low in Britain Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wise. in said County Court, praysuance of immigration certifi- aingpetition Herman. Miller. , . • j today. | that their final administration cates to Jews who speak Hebrew. account filed herein be settled and Mrs. Nathan Brown and her Greek Zionists feel that this de- allowed and that they be discharged PROTECTED JEWS Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will , „ . . ...^ ..„ „ , _. , . „. _ . t . daughter, Miss Ruth Brown of cision is discriminatory •since few from their trust as administrators speak this evening at Mount Sinai and thnt a hearinc will be had on j Horn" by Phil Strong and "North ' fc u l s with the greatest regret C h i c a g O i l e f t T u e s d a y for-, their said petition hefore said Court on the Forecasting-a spring wedding, Temple on "Looking Backward— I to t h e Orient" by Mrs. Charles j t h a t w e m u s t j a t c h age assert it-;n o m e . f o l l o w i n g a airee weeks' Jews here speak Hebrew. 1st day of February. lOSfi. and that It is an especially hard blow 1935." The service will begin at if vnu fail to appear before said 'Court 1 Is the engagement announcement i Lindbergh. self as Thomas Garrigue Masaryk, , •R h t t h home. of tSpir 1 on" the said 1st day of February. IMfi. S o'clock. of Miss Lillian Baker, daughter of i5ors d f h at S o'clock A. M.. snrl contest said father of the Czechoslov^kian Re^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ " ' men who are planning to settle crusader for truth and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Baker, to Lor- The children of t h e Temple petition, the Court may cvant the * £*• • prayer of said petition, enter a dej Justice, and defender of the per-: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld in Palestine. ence Silverberg, son of Mr. andSunday School whose names apJewish leaders here are trying cree of heirship. and make such other pear on the School honor roll for A Z.A. officers, recently elect- i scented, surrenders h i * responsi-, h a ( 1 a s t h e i r h o u s c ^ durjn Mrs. A. Silverberg. nnd further orders, allowances and to prevail upon the Agency to decrees, as 1o this Court may seem Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Baker held December are Carol Mae Cohen, .ed for the new year, were install- ; bilities to younger hands. Prof, f h na<5t k Mr and Mr* T proper, to the end that all matters Harriet Holland, Helen Levin, make an exception for the [ed before the members of rhe;Masaryk proved his friendship for open house Sunday ' afternoon, pertnininjr to said estate ma.y be and s; final!}" settled and determined. honoring- their daughter and her Billy •'Heeger, Barbara Robinson, B'nai B'rith Lodge at their meet- j the Jews years before the CzechoHarold Rose'nthal, Stanton Cohen, ing Wednesday evening. | slovkian Republic was anything BKTCE CRAWFORD. fiance. ' County Judge. Jack Krueger, Sam Heeger, BobAt the same time a class of j more than a dream in his brain, j T h council Bluffs Acudas A new idea in charity contribu- 1-10-St. Miss Baker attended the ' Uni- by Pill, Seymour Robinson and tions . . . Harry Rub/, Bert Kalten new members received their In all the years in which he guid| ^. ; WERTHEIMER.. & DEGEN A c M m Sodety ]{ m e e t n e x versity of Minnesota, and Mr. Sil-Lois Novitsky. 83S Live Stock Exchange Bidemar. Sid Silvers snd several other first degree initiation. ed the new republic, Czechoslovaverberg received his degree from _• • t Omaha, Nebraska ; movielites have formed a sort of Mf. 'Frank Margolin, president kia could truly be considered the ' the s a m e University. He is a The Honor Roll for the Hebrew hall. School class of the Sunday school rotating luncheon club. They NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS of the B'nai B'rith, presided at one country in all of Central Eur- j member of the Sigma Alpha Mu Notice is hereby Riven that on the includes the following children: the meeting. meet at each other's homes, first ope (with the exception of Swit-.. „ . •> » fraternity. r day of J a n u a r y . . 1936. the total Barbara Robinson, Harold Rosencharging themselves five dollars outstanding indebtedness of TVertzerland) where Jewish rights nOilOT TOgTOm Leader heimer and Desren Feed Yards. Inc.. thai, Joan Agranoff, Allen Goldwere always safe and Jews un-I Warsaw hy a rtecis- per Warsaw — — Angered Angered by a decisper person person for for lunch. lunch. At the end a Nebraska Corporation, -with its Honoring Mr. Silverberg and berg, B i l l y Heeger, Stanton Many Hear Book Review A large audience^ heard the sec- I questioningly possessed full equal- \ ion of the- Lemberg city council of the week the amount collected principal place* of busine.sr; in Omaha, Miss Baker, Al Herzoff entertain- Cohen, Barbara Davis, Albert Nebraska, was mon. 1 . i to name one of the city's streets ; is donated to a needy family. ed seven couples at an evening of Goldstein, Herbert Holland, Stan- ond in the series of book reviews j »>' in every respect. SAM Avjcr.THF.rArr:!'., leader of bridge, Sunday, in t h e Herzoff ton Kalin, Jack Krueger, Bobby given l a s t ' Monday- evening by j Jewry's sincerest good wishes h e Colonel. TMaUinski President. « " ^ o m ' ?™\f mem-1 Joe Penner has original ideas as home, 2310 Court Street. PamWertlieimer, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz in the; are with the old man in Lany 5 0 t h cl1 Slotsky, Sam Heeger,. an I Robert * ™ ' ! ™"" I ? " » « : meet-j to where and how to hold story A. midnight supper was served F. P. Tyler, social hall of the synagogue. i Castle now quietly watching and, • • . . , . -L- ..». ^ i • -;'••.•' Attest: J. J. f^ah. f->c rotary. in l lcl1 t h e decislon •following the cards. Out of town PHI. R a b b i Rabinowitz reviewed praying over the affairs of the i « » , ^ ^ c o n f e r e n c e s . His staff is station^TsJorif.' of l-j:-ectors. 1-10-lt. j ed at Palm Springs . . each mornguests were Bernice Sliarf, a stu- Mr. Victor Mazie has been nam- "Vein of Iron" by Ellen Glasgow.; great nation he carved with his r e a c ed president of the Mount Sinai j ing they ride out to the edge of j dent a t the University of Minneown hands out of the wreckage This year Sammy Goldwyn i s ' the dessert, find a quiet spot, and sota, Miss Hermine Kleeman of Temple Brotherhood, to succeed of the War. LINEN SHOWER playing Santa Claus . . . he offer-;-carefully work out the whole routhe University of Nebraska,- and Dr. Leon Galinsky, who departed Eddie Miller, a student at t h e last week to accept a position in . At a board meeting of t h e Sen- VAC.4JSCV IX REFUGEE POST ed two hundred thousand for; tine for Penner's new series of the cast. ior Hadassah chapter, held MonLeague circles in Geneva are al- Billy Rose's "Jumbo" show. broadcasts. University of Iowa. day afternoon in the home of its ready casting about for a likely president, Mrs.. W. C. Slotsky, a personage to direct^refugee affairs Patronize our advertisers. Patronize our advertisers. p ' Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein re .{NATIONAL WORKERS TO tentative date . for the Annual in the €vent that the League i'1 celved their friends Sunday afterBRING ARTISTS HERE Linen Shower was set for Janu- Council next month decides on i|i noon, honoring their daughter .Phi Sigma BelteFrstepiiltj Receives ~ — " jary 28. Plans were also made, for continuation of the High Comji'l Frances a n d h e r fiance, Mr. Ben The National Worker's Alliance the Purim Bazaar and the Give mission for Refugees from GerStudent Relief PI& j !• Kalin.. I n the receiving line also will bring;to Sioux City, on Feb-or Get luncheon which is sched- many in its present form. The | -was Mrs. Rose Kalin, mother, of ruary i 0 , a group of outstanding uled for early spring. Mrs. Sam" Council has to determine how the i'< Mr.-Kalin. artists of the Yiddish Stage. Greenstone and .Mrs. Abe Pill are work shall be conducted until the The artists who will appear in co-chairmen of the Give or GetLeague Assembly decides next Miss Jessie Mondschain of Min- the concert, which will be held project, and pledges for it are be- September whether to create a neapolis, Minnesota, whose en- in the Jewish Community Center, ing; taken. new agency for refugee work or gagement to LiOuis Franklin, son a r e L. Harris, Bella Bellarina, expand ; the Nansen Office, prool Mr. and Mrs. A. Franklin, was noted actress formerly of the Villonging its span of life until the announced Thanksgiving Day inna Troup, Ben Bosanko, and A. German refugee problem is setMinneapolis, n o w Is visiting in Ruback, pianist. ; '•'" tled. : the Franklin home and being Admission tickets will be sold League officials, I learn, favor complimented a t several parties. for thirty-five cents.;-Mr. Louis an 'Englishman.for the post. The Mrs. Herman Lelchook entertain- Shindler is in charge; of the tictwo whose nanies are most freed for her Thursday at an evening ket committee. The New York Berlin (JTA) -—The Nazi auth- quently mentioned-are Lord Lyt"ot bridge. office of t h e National Workers New Years Day, Mr. and Mrs, i Alliance is sending the group on orities have decreed'that the Zionblue-white banner is the ofFranklin entertained at a family i a -toiir •-with, "the cultural aspect ist ficial Jewish flag and may be dis- j ; 1932, and Sir Arthur Salter, party. Friday evening, Missesj t he principal idea. The local played under the protection of^the noted economist, who has served Sophie and Tillie Franklin, sister j chapter 197 of that organization police throughout Germany. the League in an advisory capacI 1 of Louis Franklin, entertained will sponsor the program here. The decree is based on the flag ity on a number of occasions. i i a t a bridge party in the Sioux law passeS by ,.the Reichstag at The name of Sir Herbert Samjf,i Tea shop honoring Miss Mondsthe Nuremberg session a t which uel has been bruited about in this r~' chain. the anti-Jewish legislation was connection also, but Sir Herbert Mrs. Julia Abrams a n d Mrs. ! as High : M. Heyman, Sioux Apartments, The Pioneer Wometi and theGerman flag. . ' " • • ' • left last week f o r Tucson, Ari- members of. the Poale-Zion held "It is up to the Jewish nation," ! gees had been offered to him. zona, where they will spend the a Joint meeting Thursday evening the decree states, "to decide for JEW AS FRENCH PREJQER? Arnold I. Start, president of the eight German students continuing rest of the winter. in- the Jewish Community Center, itself which are to be the colors Observers are of the opinion j Jewish Student Scholarship Fund, their education-here as guests of the when Elsa Shidlowski, represen't- of the Jewish national flag, but that January will witness "a j Inc., of Chicago, presenting check for Fraternity. The Fraternity \'oted .Miss Mollie Schwartz, o£ St. ative of the Council of Women until then the Zionists' blue-white change of government in France ; $1,000 to Aaron Benenson, o f New at its convention to extend the scop* Louis, has been the charming in r ! Workers In Palestine, spoke, flag, together with the symbols of with the Laval coalition giving York City, retiring president of the of the program, and to initiate a drive spiration for a number of social | The speaker told of' the work ; all the different Zionist groups, is way to another. A name that ! Phi Sigrna Delta Fraternity, at that for funds among its members Other Fraternity's recent Convention - ip. Jewish fraternities have been invited gatherings during the past week. I of the Women Workers in Pales- valid in the Reich as .the. Jewish crops up with increasing fre-1 Chicago, for Phi Sigma Delta's to participate with Phi Sigma Delta Monday evening Mrs. Jack Levit-1 tine and the activities of the Pi- flag and as such will be enjoying quency as the new prime minis-! Nations! program of aid to gifted in this work. Alan J Altheimer. of sky, Swanson Apartments, enter-[oncer Women in America. State protection." ter o l France is t h a t of M.Georges' German students. There are- now. Chicago, new president.is in the center.


Famed Scientists Slighted in Latest Nazi Encyclopaedia

United Synagogues

Sisterhood Book

Mount Sinai

Zionist Banner -'Official-JewishFlag by Nazis


Pioneer Women, Poale Zion Hear Speaker


Rev. A. Diamond

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