January 17, 1936

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I T H E WORLD'S ...WINDOW... 5 By LUDWIG LEWISOHN" (This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in whole or in part itrictly forbidden. Any infringement on this copyright will be prosecuted.) • -

Entered as Second Class JJall Hatter oo January 21.-19SI, at Postofflo of Omaha, Nebraska, under thr Act of March S. 1X79


Massachusetts Bill Against Racial Bigotry

VOL. XI—NO. 47

•rew Literature

For Jewish Blind

The Joint Distribution Committee has now set Its goal "for •JIB year 1936, namely, 3,500,000 lollars; the United Palestine; Ap?eal had already announced i t s Boston (WNS)—A bill to pre-j New York (WXS)—-A book purpose of collecting $2,500,0.00. vent the organization of a Nazi I which will make available for the American Jewry will be called movement or of any other move-; Anxious to Aid G c m a n first time t h e treasure house of upon to give six million,. dollars ment" having race "hatred sad to Iscape Toils of Hebrew literature to t i e blind (rithin the next twelve-month. It bigotry for its' objective has Ifszisa throughout the world h a s been Is not an excessive sum f o r a been introduced in the Msssachucompleted here by Rabbi Karry froup of four and a half million i setts legislature t>f people to raise in addition to j tives Lawrence tts ordhiary obligations. There Thomas E. Br.rry of Jamaica states c a r r y them two 1 ire nearly a million more Jews In. Marvin Lowenthal, world f amSocial security, which is vitally p l a l , n a n d E * s t B o s t o n . r e s ^ c - «nct plans for the consideration ,. A £ b chrestomatbv."' the and traveler,' will the United States than there are ous comme'ntor of American Jews, the Jewish Telnecessary for the well-being and o l t n n e i n c I u r l e s -extracts from the Danes in the entire kingdom of speak : a t the Jewish Community progress of this country, stands The bill would impose' & fiae jegraphic Agency learned from re- TOld Testament, the Talmud. JewDenmark. It should also be r e -Center on Wednesday evening, out as a continuous challenge to of from $200 to $55,000 and a j liable sources. ish prayer books and modern membered that except In the very January'22, a t 8 p. m. Mr. ,1.0- the people of this country. That prison term of from 90 days to | one plan is concerned with Jewish literature in the new in- The College of Jewish Studies- ; The second semester of the Co'ihigh income brackets we Ameri- wenthal*s subject will be "Jewish was the theme of the address de- three years for ' individuals or j measures to enable German Jews ternational Braille code, which announces extension courses will lege of Jewish Studies will stnvl cans do. not yet pay direct taxes Life at the CrossroadB." He is be-livered to the Community Forum groups w h o promote hatred or; to settle in Palestine. Its origin Rabbi Brevis invented. be given under the auspices of on Monday evening, February g, against other individuals iR attributed to Simon Marks, comparable to those paid by the JinS brought here by the Jewish Wednesday evening at tbe Jewish oviolence the College end by members of and resist rat ion p sre now be ins. Born in Russia SS years ago. groups for reasons of race, re-J British chain store magnate .and Rabbi Brevis came here in 1911.the faculty beginning February S. accepted by Sal Jlichnick. regirTrench, the English-or the Scan-[Forum-and Concert series of the Community Center by Josephine j r 10 color o r Roche, assistant secretary of the |"f, "'. ™a«°er of wor- z i o a j s t leader, and one o£ t h e H e linavians.' There is no reason on Center.-^ • , . In answer (o many recites'.!? on trar. w h r will I T fit (I'.f offirc o> b I t e d 1n 1 9 2 6 < ship. three who will visit America on »arth why one million Jewish In- Mr. Lowenthal, after his grad- ._„._„_„ the part of individual vomen and . the COUPETP ir- ' i ' p ,7rwir-ii Coi;-the mission. , Ilvlduals should not pay six dol- nation from Harvard, spent al- treasury. | women's organizations, t h e Col-' munity Center every Monfip.v The framework and the ground,most t e n years In traveling The second plan embraces esI lege has asked Mr. Paul Gold- Thursday evening from r . w or,. work for our social security has tablishment of an international Clasge? v;i)\ meet rrgularly nt.ents a month. That is the mer- t h r o ngg . Spain, 'blatt to give a special series of p , Portugual, Italy, been laid by the new deal, the liquidation bank, details of -which »st trifle. The price of four pac- the countries : of Asia Minor seven lectures on the subject. Monday and Thursday e v e n i n g tdeclared, and appealed to have been previously disclosed. "Jewish Social Services in Anier- ?:15 and V'.f'o and v.-jll roiitinrtages of cigarettes or of two ba-Palestine. In the course of these speaker pioneer spirit of the west to This bank, -with headquarters in ica. and in t h e World Today." ; to offer n corerl^te c c c v s c >-<: tana-splits or; of one movie-show wanderings Mr. Lowenthal stud- hte aid in pushing forward,the ideals London, will enable German Jews OK These classes will be held repu- studies i n v . T e v . ' i s h R i i b i month- Many rich m e n will ied the life and philosophy of the of social security. to emigrate to countries o t h e r . larly every first and third ?.Jnn<iay ; Monday e epinf: the five, as they h'a v e been doing, Jews of these lands.' Miss Roche proved to be a than Palestine under terms of an He found synagogues 800-1500 afternoon at 1:50 at the Jewish pubjrc'F FTP being: offered: large donations. And so they staunch as well as able defender agreement similar to rthat in ef- ' years old hidden inthe backstreetsI . FVcliminnrj- K c »> : r r iv by Community Center. ihould. But I should like to see Ci deal, particularly Co - operation Between feet between Palestine and Ger-: National The course -will cover a com- Apron KP\'Z. Ihe day come' when these larger of these countries: many, of these of the new lack of a positive Federations and Welfare stressing the .Itcbrpw by Anti-Jewish Leaders of the I many. By this method German prehensive examination ... of the lonationa would represent addl- synagogues contained ancient art program by the opponents of the objects still intact a i d in use. Mr. | Jews-will be enabled to transfer Funds Hakes Report entire field of Jewish Social work Wolf son. Two Countries lional-sums. We should build up wrote of these experi- administration. their capital . into merchandise, In nflni'ipn, Fttidf? in America today. The philosophy !he fundamental million souls Lowenthal ences under the heading of "The She "emphasized that in recent the bank to handle t h e entire New York (WXS)—Income of Jewish social service? and the lerec! the choice of r rora rith their" fifty cents a month. Vienna (WNS) ' doea-j transaction and turn over to tbe for TSTon.rlf Adversary's Notebook," and these years, the sufferings experienced appeared monthly in the M.enorah have taught us a number of im- j mentary evidence published in the je j a j g r a n t his money in the cur-$4,926,509 for 1S34-35 -were re- non-Jewish social services will be evening: We cannot begin to """do. so at- Journal. His stories also appear- portant lessons. Most important, I Vienna press, it appears that most r e n c y o f t h e Ea tion in which he ported to the National Council of considered, -while special attention )nce, with the highest- effective- ed in many other publications she' opined,w a s the realization of the violent anti-Jewish settle. ... Jewish Federations End Welfare will be given to the distinction less on account 'of the by nowthroughout the country. which has been sweeping S. The .'•evrish AVovld I'icw H^ that social security depends upon j tion Sir Herbert Samuel, former Funds by 27 nationally-organized >otorious divorce of the "Joint" Poland for two months has High Commissioner for Palestine, Jewish agencies in the fields of between the philosophies under- ExT»pes!=Pct in the TalBinfi. .Mr. Lowenthal returned *° ; the extent and soundness of the lying nstions. interrj£tion?il s E d jrom the Palestine Funds. Cqn- America from "Paris five years security enjoyed by all individ- its origin in Nail Germany. 4, The BiMc, and third member of the delega- medical -service, immigration, edr jerning ..this matter many words ago land since that time has been According to this evidence the tion, it is understood here, has ucation-cultural activities, ciric- locsi Jewish programs, OP. ThurfdP.y evening!?. irsFtriicThe only progress, she uajs> In addition to this course, tbe tave been ' written and . spoken studying the Jewish Communities out, • is the progress of: Nazis have set up special head-; b e e n c h o s e n a g the coordinator protective activities, overseas re- College is also prepared to offer iion in Klpiuontnvy TSebvPW *>tu: md argument and even invective of America. His book "A World j quarters in the - border town of io f b o t h p r qj e c t E Aclvnncpcl Ifebn-w will be continconstruction and relief and coiave. flown back and forth. Let Passes By" has proven extremely jall. Harry U. Cohen, chairman of i Beuten where they prepare ma- j Meanwhile, it w a s learned in ordination-research services, sc- the services of Mr. Judah Wolf- ued and a special class in 1"i(I«Us'i: son who will conduct c'aspps in ne say at once for my own hum-popular here. He is also an edi-i t h e Community forum, presided, j terial for distribution In Poland ; Government circles that the Jew-! cording to an announcemen i n i Hebrew, pro idinjr 8 sufficient both oral pnd writt.°ri, inrliulini. He person that, though I shall tor of Harper &-Bros. \lS.ls*Roche was introduced by E. j and^traln^ Polish^anti-Semites^ leaders who have been negothe current issue of Notes and ! registration is assured. These g Ftutly of Yirirtish litern'uvp wii" iollow the call of t h e Palestine Mr. Lowenthal comes adequate-j p . Witte, state NERA administra""* /T*TXTO-V f v Warsaw (WNS)—The Jannik •t 5 a t i n g w i t h the Government have News, the Council's organ. The c i aS p eS ; v:\\] be conducted between be given by Mr I. Morppnfi'pi-i.. •funds, with a happier conviction, ly prepared to discuss this timely Naradova, organ of the anti-Sera- p r a c tj c a uj- agreed that foreign chief sources of income were in- ;{ j , e h o u r s pf l : " 0 and G:00 p. m. •Krbbi Hrrold Berger v.-ill ror;^ i t i a deeper sense' of fulfill- subject/ He is an Vftceptionally iUc National Democrats, admitted j c u r r e n C y s j j a l l b e p a l d Germany j dividual contributions and feder-: a n ( j ^jj] j , e started as soon P.S Rtinue his two clflpsep OK TJmrpment,' with the triumphant know- fine speaker and has proven one . day evenings—"Sly 1'htiosophy o-~ in an article .that the Polish a n t i - ; l o r & ^&Tt o f . t h e merchandise' a tion fedge of being engaged, in a work -of the most popular" lecturers on j • Juflnism. which meets a., S:15 p.tu; Semites are working in close co-!. emigrants will be per-| tiocs. w h i c h t h e I registered. if redemption "and n o t of mere Jewish forums in recent years. •.Tr»rish 3'^sw, which pireif Pt i) :'"'•'»operation with the Nazis in Po-, e d to take with, them under More than half of t h e 1ofal inmitt Registration for the ex-.ension "Mr. GoU;Mnft will rontinup VI* jalliation, nevertheless I shall do Tickets for this lecture are 50 sen and Silesia. jt e ' r m s o f the international bank come, ?2,855,251 or 57.7 percent, classes ennmersted above msy be •ess ill I can, all that lies within the cents and may be ^obtained }at the il^-^r of was' received fcv six overseas r e - made at. the office of the Jewish Jewish students at the Lemberg | p r 0 J - e c t. power of one individual, to Center. Members :ol" th"e 'Center tfl Phnrt construction and relief agencies, Community O u t e r ps sr.y time. JPolytechnique Academy a r c re-j s the foreign currenB e c a u e ot »elp the J. TJ. C, too. I'm1 pretty j8 r e admitted ion'.the* presentation i maining away from class es a r e - ^ c y feature, -it vras further disclos- including t b ? Joint Distribution Other extension' elapses will be fell acquainted with the world-j ot theftJifem¥e^|li»^rd^i » sult of failure the sutaori-; international back plan Committee., t h e ATnericati. Pales- pftPTrfl 8.tn3 confiictcd br th? Col- There IF P reristrption f°e "" — Convoca' ties t o the carry o a t of orders f r o m e d ; t - hethe fltnation ol t h e Jewish . p e o p l e - 1 . , : ' j - - - .j'^.t'/T:*^:--:•:.• ' - ' ~'-._ ::':" New'York Si.00 v,-hir h cdr'it.s She Pturten^ support of Br. Hja!-| tine- -Gstftpa-j-pjK—H-a d a s?p,h.- Amrr- lege rcrcn :rec.t!Pf?t, •


Famed Commentator to S o d a ! Security Appear on Jewish Forum Series

Extension Courses Wil Second Semester • Be New Feature Start: at I. C. C. of College Feb bruary 5



fhere are millions who^cannot-.Be j ' V ^ adeemed."'who can only be' help- | id, but -whose sufferings can be

'•" ' " " ! Scan Friends of thp H-ebren- lTTahowever, t h s t : rersity, Mizrachi Palestine f-und.

ithe" foreign exchange involved ' and National' Labor nitigated and whose rights? c a n iwiil represent only s small irac-; for P&lestJne. Nest in ie fought for In their exile. And sis health - y o reduce the sum of human and ! giqnal'; conventions • for that pur! Their protests to Rector Casirair,j • jf Jewish suffering at any given ! pose' were recommended in one \ Bartel and to the professors pr'ov- j l a n 'differs significantly from which had a combined income of j noment is one ol o u r highest 5S79.407, 19.7 percent, of t h e ] lof a series of resolutions adopted Ie d unavailing. luties. the- Palestine-Germany transfer total.. Seven agencies operating in at an emergency meeting of the I . . .. | . . _ -. - f a t the Jerusalem ("U'NS-Palcor £ genagreement. By the terms of the ithe field of education-recreation. cy)—Important new facts reMeet CanceUed riational e l e c u t i v e committee of l a t t e r pact; G e r m a n d o e s n o t re far, so. good. What grieves Polish-German GROSSMAN HEAD !ce ve ' oreiE ^ -J such as the B-nai B'rith Wider carding ancient Tiberifs. v When Haas Object to the American Jewish Congress, fnd disappoints me is that t h e nv? PUVXTD A If AfllClIA ' ^ * ^ exchange for any'Scope Committee and the NationAlthough the committee reafEotholz the frreetesf culture! rer-.ter joini; Distribution Committee perUl 1 L l i f c V K A l i A P i d s t A part of the goods taken out of!S l Farm School, raised S4S5,260, wag firmed its adherence to the prinof Palestine after tbe clesf.ruciior, bitted the divorce between itself . ithe country by the Jewish emi\ or 9.2 percent of the total. The of JeriisalerTu, were' revealed here ind the Palestine Funds to take Warsaw (JTA)—A Polish-Ger- ciple of general direct and demoThe Chevra Kadisba of the i ^ a n t s t 0 Palestine. ] Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. with the discovery of E Roman llace, that the J. D.-C. did notman boxing-match was called off cratic, electons of delegates to a Ight and struggle against the di-when the Nazi team declared it world congress, it decided to Congregation B'nal Jatob syna- j It was further authoritatively : one of the two national organiza- building of thst period by Dr. tfsion. For its failure to do. so would not participate if Shepsel choose,delegates for the first ses- gogue held a business meeting disclosed, to the Jewish Tele-1 tions • dealing with immigration ElesEer Si;keni"k, Professor of and dinner at the home of Mr, I. graphic Agency that opinion in {problems"(the other being the Na- Archaeology at the Hebrew Vni% melancholy evidence of the Rotholr, Polish champion and sion of the world congress through Blacker last Sunday. The annual I Government circles is divided on itional Council of Jewish Women"). versity o" Jerusalem. The expert|the and immitigof the Jewish act .that the 5 permit whole- had. fin income of ?240,?54 for it ion which Dr. Snkpnik heafls unible disasters )f German Jews. the fiscal year ending December. ; covered a- re5ic of "Roman rule. j congress itself would set up the j this time and the following were lave left the J. D. C. unillumln- take part. Rotholz almost lost machinery for t h e democratiza-j elected: M. Grossman, president; Extremist members of the cab-1SS4. The American Jewish Com-!! In T93Y Christisr>ted and essentially hopeless - back to the nrs, no later A. inet are in. favor of getting rid mittee and the American Jewish dating his standing when he'refused to tion oCelections of all future ses-; B. Shafton, vice-president; j..,. ETl a r ! d rP i lopeless of doing anything except Congress reported receipts 'of ^ ^ " "-aiBlr H i r s c h, treasurer; a n d I. of the Jews regardless of the -ulthan the first half of the ppcond V .pplying palliatives, b i n d i n g meet a German boxer in protest sions. ~The executive committee also i Schwartz, chairman of the tele- timate cost' t o Germany. The ?217,57S. Five agencies engaged century /.. B. The buiUling winch against Nazism. "The Polish Box* rounds with no certainty t h a t moderate, on the other hand, in coordination-research activities, he. itncovered is round in form p authorized the Congress' admin- j phone committee. fiese wpunds will not be re-in- ing Association ordered him to ! fearing t h a t Germany is facing such.as the Jewish Welfare Board sr,(! made of bp.salt. It 5s weli a 1 The ladies auxiliary of the ldi V Hcted.t jn other words, giving j get into the ring with the Ger-istrative committee to- set up 1 ! economic collapse, believe that no and Bureau of Jewish Social Re- brrilt end modelled. Mrs. E. manyy adversary. cooperating national committee of j Chevra Kadisha elected j matter how inuch Germany wish- search, reported an income of - haritable giftsr After the Arab conqr.pst of He met the German champion. 100, comprised of elements affil- Jacobs as president. es its Jewish population reduced, f 209,565 or • 4.2 percent of the Palestine in the seventh century, •;-•- Now charityWithout is great, necescharity the Sponnagel, at Pozman and trounc- lated or non-affiliated with t h e The group collected $2S.OO for a system of selective emigration total. the building WBS used as 8. pot„ . - - Jewjed him. This entitled him to a Congress, but sympathetic to the j the Jewish National Fund at this is advisable and even necessary. ieart would wither. Every For in"*-S4, twenty-two of the tery kiln. It. is difficr.lt precisely •nn T^w need<? d tto be i place on the international boxing idea of a world Jewish congress, 1 meeting. above-mentioned 27 agencies re- to determine i h e esac! nripinal God forbid that I ! team which came to Chicago for | to' cooperate with the administraported receipts o* $4.15P,S54 as nature of the building b « t Pr, Golden tive committee in preparing for or compared with $4.S3 8,205 the elections, and called upon all Suker.ik believes that if served a* eainBt those thousands and thou-,j «fove ^matches He gave Patsy 1934-S5, aa increase of 16'per- a rro'iir-r r r -- f national Jewish organizations af, of saintly Jews who in the W - ^ i t * W W . t - - u n d filiated" with the Congress to unc e n t . Disbursements increased



TO (T-ny sndal! classes.


ks Ancient Ruins UbcGYerecl

*st and in the present have of i bating and_ won the.matenr flyfrom 54.57S,OSS in 193S-S4 to dertake immediate measures to ?4,757.Se2 in 1934-S5, or sbout cove » o* f ' f . heir charitableness mitigated the j insure the participation of their T t a printer by voca4 per cent. Thirteen of t h e s e tifferings of Israel. But note how local units in the elections. lish Y tion and the son of Warsaw orj agencies, which reported an aggain and again our sages, while , Tib-'- " 5 An enthusiastic atidience DCulcatlng the duties of charity, i thodox Jews. restrained.- trnW noble, with !E'egate incoKe of $1,419,504 for i l y the J. C. C. auditorinm to ram the giver against the wrong 3 i 1SS3-34 and $1,529,£5S for 1SS4T A T I ^ i c i t y * M o n < i a y a n d Tuesday eveS5 increased their receipts from aethod of giving Tiis gift. "Rabbi Sophie Rosensicm to * 1 A i L l l : niags to seevand applaud tbe Censubscriptions, donations a n't? beannai once saw one give a poor



In c'-lss'-i words, any student may choow two classes for Monday evening and two classes for Thiu'sd?\ evening- for t h e pf?,me registt'B.iir>i' Dr. rtiiiir the College. T h e m e m b e r s of 11'f fr-culty P.re: A p r o n K f ' i , ?\P.t'l>. Dr.vid Wic<?. Kfibhi T . A. Golf':steiTi. K^l^b' Jucish Tt'oifsor Ptadlnr. RnVil-ii

Dcrger. onrl Vi

J'rltli to Meet 00 Moni ay Judge Hf-rlievt Khostles will b<r Mic ppe^-ker r-t t.V'F F''f)^J B'r' r * 1 meeting to be helrt Motifiay, J R T v.pry tc. p.! f:"'1 p. in. in t?T lodCF room of (he.J. C. C. Jutijrf Kb OH rl es


- - f

\v If" 4-3 ^ The annual election of officers ; xirge ot the Deborah society was held cavr snti welfare fund. the The Junior Council of Jewish Tuesday,. January 14, at the J. efforts only to sit r 11 aoressed their inWomen held the "first notice when it percent. These same election of officers at their Jan- a l l re-elected: Mesdames K. (apparent that these boys and for her work Trith these reported a ; ; l i s t V, nary 5th meeting. . • . Tatle, president; A. Wolf, first girls who t o o k their parts so people. She has coached a group ; percent decline ia earning, interr.Officers are as follows:, Sophie vice-president; J. Bernstein, sec- ably were out of the realm of j of young players of -whom we may j est &nd incbtae from investment. por"-"* <v we51_ be proud and from whom we • dnr-Rosenstein, president, Sally Mor-|o n a Tice-presldent; . J. Finkel,\ the -nsnal amateur talent. the , v '••r,.* -L. -i. ^ J *». 1K a y espect to see more such pro- | gan, vice president and Lylyan j treasurer; Charles, Ross, recordChudacoff, second vice president, i i n g secretary; Max Fj-omkin, fi- leading feminine role o. \iolet, cast included: Pearl Las-1 should exist among m e n Hlrsch, recording secretary* nancial secretary. played her part in a most conAlex jid, above all, among the Ruth Shyken, corresponding sec.." - - Hor dlcUoii and Tincing jmaaaer. ^ e r ui t u O a ^ " I j o e " Solomonow, Louise Fitch, iren of Israel. Charity is iTTTl 1 Brr., >r, retary, Claire Feldman, 7 d. But there is something bet- er, Dora Markowitz, auditor, EXPORT OP T::r^rj^ ±* ^ - ^ woM»er,••*#**• m n . The Bikur Chollm society h< : e r than' charity- There is re- Dorothy R 0 s e n t h a 1, Berthe jtel, Jack Teiaia, Joe Hornstein, .. FUNDS BY GREECE | things for this young lady. lemption from slavery, from Wbltebook and ' Ida Fine, directheir regular meeting .and ann 1 Helen Brodkey. - designed _• Ot the male players. Sylvan The sets were e n d lopelessness, from darkness, from election of officers Monday, .7' • Saloniki. ( W N S ) . — A serious |Frankel, in the role of Hugo Wil- executed, by Robert Brinkeina. 11&TT I S , s t t h e J . C. C, Mrs. laluth even, for those who must tors. Several cultural groups ' have setback was given to. Greek Jew-j lens, gave an oatstanding- perlor-j others assisting in' the..production j Neveieft wss re-elected pr n a l n a n d suffer in the Galuth. Mrs. ^Fredericks ish emigration to Palestine and | mance. His interpretation of t h e j w e r e i r T j n g Lincoln,-stage man-1 Other dollar of charity will help and ( officers a r e : Mejaames twe lectures of the to Greek financial relations with .German refugee with one-eighth! a g e r ; j,i rs _. g lumillale them. A dollar of re-j i s Block, proper-1 Fish, M. Katiman, and S. Chr on "Personality. Com- j p a } e s t i n e ; w i , e a the- Greek govern- i p a r t Jewish blood in him who had jt i e s : Martha Himelstein, cos- ! vice-presidents; J . Far.kel, reco ' lemption will lift up and rebuild j questions from t h e lis- -, m e i l t > l n ah attempt t o conserve \ suddenly been made aware of-his ; t u m e s ; tTns Gross, prompter; j lag secretary; TTm. Epstein, heir, souls. I wish that the,-j. tenera and a d d greatly to t h e interest its gold assets, issued a . decree | non-Aryanisia was very capably j jforman Wohlner,'mnKic; M a r y i nancial secretary; K. Burste ). C. has made all its charitable forbidding t h e export of Greek done. | Louise Wise" s E d Agnes-Krell, j corresponding secretary; Cfcar lollars'. at. tiie'same time dollars of these classes. k !I Ross, treasr.rer. Joe Colornonow, In t h e part of]i make-up.. it redemption. They would »,«»^ cost t l n Miss R u t h Diamond is instruc- money, r




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Head Junior Council


:I " 1


nan a zuz publicly. He said to he man: 'Rather shouldst thou ave him nothing than give apd .-ut him to shame!!" Or again: "He who is charitable in secret las more power with God than roses himself." Wnat. is -the aeaning? Charity so easily af•ronts and humiliates and detroys that spiritual equilibrium


year? lite judge of the do3iic«Hr reletiorsB Rnti divorce court ir Pouplaf- County, l i e "P-ill be presented by P r . DiiHp Shc-r, wlw hfis m?.intr-iTiec^ contact w 1 * ^' .Tudgp Kboades for many years by reasofi of 3i>?- work OR .iuveruU delinQucnry, T h e . topic os Jiulpe Khoafle-''t.B'V on H'ondRv vill hp on sows


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group was 10 more Nay they' would* have i S classes in Interpretive Dane-1 T h e effect of t h e decree .Js to i the American financier with Fas-j T h e play tells the dramatic. (I The . „ . „.„_,. . . _ .„o „. ., .,„, have tai •O't less' F o r every dollar of r e - 5 " S each Wednesday evening a t prevent Jews going to Palestine , cist ambitions, actually s e e m e d ' s t r o y . of an, eighth-part J e w who;prosTan5 and tea. b a t or.t of 6 lempiion redeems n o t only h i m ' ^ Jewish Community Center. jfrom taking their capital with j the financier so natural was h i s ! finds ' himself, an exile from his'spec'}, for Mrs. Charles Ross, v Soap carving under the direc-,i them unless they take i t in the j dramatization 'of t h e character, j native Germany upon the rise of i lost her father, this w a s c .* rho receives it b u t him who gives Special., praise, is also due - Jack j Nazism, He finds a haven in Eng- ; celled.. ^f t. And redemption ot him whotion of Miss Rose Rosenstein j form of Greek, goods. v fives is cheap a t t h e price ot-any starts .Thursday,• January 16tfi.j Monies, raised for the various TemiBv w h o ' had a difficult role J land, b u t decides to return to I An executive meeting ; will be ' listed • Continued on page 2)

1 1



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1 1

v 1 1 • v Hi

P * nt-

rt.f rafepre&idcwt Yiddish mother i of the Jewish National Fund of This first .class will be held at ; zionist funds are exempt from the I to perform..'.He played, the Dart Germany>nd fight for those pria-1 held next week at which time the 1 tonpne, while only 19,000 gave j America for his third cotiseca: the home of Sally Morgan. '"idecree/ '" " . of a Russifn refugee,' melanchol- ciples dear to bisa. . . board win be chosea. • . Polish ss their langnage. | tive term.



Germans, for -whom it is m a d e tween yesterday and today, but in for 1,500 refugees in 1935, placgained the unassailable place oS daily more difficult to keep them- accordance with the painstaking ing 500 of;them. in permanent jobs first orator in Jewry. Had not . .--. At a private reception at the selves fed, must permit them- plan worked out by one stratum. mysterious destiny scattered the Alas, at first it was o n l y a New York City home of Felix M. selves to be told that cannons are children of Israel through the more • important t h a n butter.. handful of vermin. But this stra- Warburg, former League o£ Nafour corners o£ the earth end had tions R e f u g e e Commissioner Hollywod—To the ladies! An-i right that she had arrived at 6 "World Rule!" The hope of this tum has itself grown. It is not they been concentrated -within, is fed to a degraded society of any single class; several classes James G. McDonald was presented other page! Another year! New a. m.! some circumscribed geogrephleti] Germans who have not even ever have contributed to it. The stra- with a silver service set . . . Pre- stars are in the ascendent . . . confines, there can be no doubt Did you hear the o n e about but that he would have pressed been a b 1 e to master themselves tum at present in power contains sentation was made by Paul Baer- old stars are on the wane. Let's and for this very reason h a v e within itself, everything about the wald on behalf of the Joint Dis- take a panoramic view of thb Jack Benny? He was jostled his path to the peat of power by Germans that Is . completely evil tribution Committee . . . Nancy i feminine faces that fluttered into;about in the pre-holiday rush End the sheer hypnotism ot his declaHelnrieh ; Mann, brother of |They would be top few? But the]fallen Into such hands. was getting more irritable every mation. a n d - irrefutably - inimical to life. Cardoso, niece of Mr. Justice Car- the Cinema Circle of 19 35. Germans Follow Jews .Thomas. Mann, has won fame in Kumanian Jews, for example, are The roster of our newly-arriv-; minute. Finally he burst out, no greater In number. They have In truth,-the Germans are fol- The ruling vermin and their mil- dozo of the. U.S. Sttprmee Court, is his own right as a journalist and Though now beyond the allotauthor. His article,, presented in simply been brought up in ways lowing in the path of their Jews lion full-fledged citizens could writing fine poetry . She has a ed Lassies include; Luise Rainer, j "That fellow Madison gets all the ted three score years. AVise still Sybil (Jacobs) Jason, Binnie publicity. Look at that and that peoem in the Jan. issue of Scribtwo parts, interprets t h e basic that have nothing German about ja n d are, moreover, becoming have come into power - * indeed retains the full vigour n£ that arpolicies behind, the Nazi deprad- them and their reactions are de-j completely identified with them. had to---.* because instincts inim- ners *. Isidore Kresel, lawyer who (Gittel) Barnes, Louise (Hei-|and that! . . . Noel, Noel, every- restingly dramatic personality mann) Henry, Elizabeth Bergner, j w^here! I'm. going to change my made a sensational comeback afical to life, in Germany more so ations on the Jews. Herr Mann termlned either by respect for the Themselves oppressed, themselves which, from his earliest public iKitty (Cohen) Carlisle, June name to Yom Benny!" Is now in exile' from Germany— law nor by reliance u p o n the without any rights, close to the than elsewhere, w e r e developed ter some pretty shabby treatment days, seized the imagination not most extreme poverty and impell- in the course of long centuries of by fate, got married the other day I (Grabiner) Travis, Francine LarEditor. state. only of American end European . . . Wonder if Max Steuer was an unhappy history. Now suffer! rimore, Diana (Labie) Gibson, Here and there: A Rumanian Jew once said to | e d towards devastating cataBtroJewry, but of the non-Jewish as invited to act as best man . . . June Clayworth, Paulette (LeAfter a cross-country lecture well. In the course of the next At first glance the fate of the a German Jew: "You put us tojpte - - a n even larger number of Your Jews are showing you how it's done. Through suffering they BIRTHDAY .GREETINGS . . . j.vee) Goddard, Marcoreta Hell-1 tour Louis Golding, the author, few days he will address the ConJewish, people in Germany ap- shame, you let. yourselves be ledJthem'are going far enough In this Hope the following will par- iman, Ann (Kurtin) Loring, Max- winds up In this town as a have been raised somewhat above too much. In our country there | i degeneration to take it all any comparison, gress of World Zionists. With m o r a pears . beyond you. However, t h e mountain of don us for not having sent them line Reiner, Mary Ellis, and E1-! screamie-scribbler. jaunty step he will mount the tri",their attitude towards life 'well are pogroms. B u t if the m o b j out on those who are even more suffering -which t h e y inhabit is birthday cards on time: William jeanor Whitney. | Mack Gordon's future tailor bune in the conference hall, .nigh incomprehensible. But it Is were to come into my house, into harassed. ' And this- was exactly spreading down into the land, Fox, who become 5 7 on New Among our waning satellites j will be the U. S- Tent and Awn- densely packed with an audience, my yard, I would cry 'Stop! If the object of their teachers. , not so by any means. Their exThe Jews must suffer immeas- and, although steeper in s o m e Year's Day . . . Edwin Franko we may list: Barbara Barondess, j ing Company . . . he didn't re- not all o£ whom will be admirers ,periences lie entirely along t h e you don't, everything will be flyplaces.and lower in others, it is Goldman, •white-haired band mas- Marion Byron, Mary Doran, Sue j duce. of his person or enthusiasts for German road, and •Whatever Is ing through the air, including me urably because the rest of t h e the same everywhere. ter, who turned 5^ on the same Carol, Sidney Fox, Roberta Gale, j The Reich's film exports hsve and you." . . ' . • Germans a r .e suffering a great his utterances or i.is methods, but • Jewish m a y in an abbreviated, "Bluff," ajaculated the Ger- deal. All. together have reached (Copyright, 1935. Jewish Telegraphic day . . . Alexander Smallens, ba- Sari Maritza, Lillian Roth, Car-j been cut 33 per cent, the boycott -whose expectancy will be tense condensed sense be called. Gerton-wielder, who clicked off the mel Myers, Miriam Jordan, Mitz! being one of the chief causes. Agency, Inc.) man Jew upon hearing this story. this point - - not.unaided, not beand electric. man. forty-seventh milestone on the Green, Patsy Ruth Miller, E v e j Dave Gould, dance director,) The tall thickly solid massive "Nothing would have g o n e flyAside froin the fact that they same date . . . Dr. Maurice 3. Sully, Vera Gordon, and Racquellwill be the dance authority for; are Jews^they are as German, as ing." form will stand square to the es»Karpf, genial social service ex- (Osterman) Torres. jthe new edition of the World' sembly, dominating it with Its . i all the rest—and more BO than .But the Rumanian insisted: pert, made it 47 on January 3 . . Those of the'old-timers still at i Wide encyclopedia. j physical solidity and domineeringmany Germans who are not In "Yea, it would t o o . Everything Big handsome Herbert Bayard jthe zenith are: Sylvia Sidney, Charlie Chaplin will be rele- it with a certain flamboyance of the very midBt of the German na- would.". Swope, former editor of the old I June Knight, Fannie Brice, Leila gated to the historical (or is It attitude, encouraging to supporttion as the Jews are. The Jews • Now taking one's life is ah exWorld, perched smilingly in his Hyams , Joan Blondell, Sally Eil- hysterical) past when h i g life- ers and defiant to opponents. The are petty bourgeois and diligent \otic way of doing things. It would fifty-fourth milestone on the fifth ers and Helen Mack. sized sculptured figure is placed heavy leonine jowl, surmounted scholars "of the"German spirit; If j be unfair to expect it of everyof the year's first month . . . And in the.L. A. Museum. by a massive head covered with P, not merely of its ignorant manl- one; in Germany this did not ocdon't forget to send cards to the The recent "altaring" of Dr. shaggy mass of waving hair, will festatlons. They know sno other cur until lately. The German following: B. C. Vladeck, who's And then there was the exec be set pugnaciously, its clean spirit than the German, they have Jews had no time to learn this AyPAUL" A! PETERS 50 on January 13 . . . Felix M. Joel Pressman and Claudette Col' never felt themselves bound to trait when it became useful. ConWarburg, 65 the next day . . . bert calls to mind several other who, wearying of title chsiiges, shaven stavkness made doubly ar' any other kind on earth than the sequently, the National Socialists Samuel Zemurray, 59 on Jan. 18 screen couples o! like make-up, of "Let's call it this" end "Let's resting by the deeply bitten, lines Bacon and, bam imports continu- and Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, 43 on i. e., a JeVish chap and a non- call it that," Quipped, "Why not on his countenance and the long German. The Jews have b e e n found them in an advanced state I R O N Y . . . .,•.--. tight line of a large mouth which This concerns. Dr. Kurt Rosen- ed to rise . . And live poultry the 28th of the month . . . And j Jewish actress completely confused by the-cats-j O f defenselessness, as w e r e , by among t h e just call it off!" traverses it. A long honey finger feld . .". The reader may remem- flew from 50,337 units to 150,853 don't forget Eddie Cantor, who'll happily married are Irving Thalgories of German thought, no less j the way, all the Germans, at the end of a long outstretched than by a l l ' t h e commonplaces' ber, that not so long ago, Dr. Ro- . . . All of which seems to indicate make it all of 44 on the last day berg and Norma Shearer, William ASios! Hitler Orerrales Nature and.peculiarities of German comThe fate of the German Jews senfeld was a person of impor- that last July at least, things were of January . . . Wyler and Margaret Sullivan, Ar- (Copyright, 1S3E. Jewish Telegraphic arm will point aggressively at the Agency, Inc.) serried ranks before him. munity life. For a long time they is fearful. When one follows tance In Germany, occupying the still booming in Palestine . . (Copyright, 1935, Jewish Telegraphic thur Sheekman and Gloria Stuart Agency, Inc.) have had neither the inclination their course one fallows that of post of Minister of Justice In THAT CHERTOK I?ELLO\V . . . At the conclusion of e. pause, . . . among the affianced are BarRemember Leo Y. Chertok? . . nor tha aptitude for fostering the • Germans, their inseparable j Prussia'. * . Then came Hitler . . . Intentionally and emost painfully ry Trivers, writer, and Florence , characteristic traits. "With respect companions. The Tules for enforc-'And then exile . . . Dr. Rosenfeld He's the young chap who popped prolonged, a deep sonorous voice McKinney, Bob Hirshon and FlorV< been '"* lecturing in i this ' " '~ " coun- up out of nowhere to startle the i t o t h e rest of Europe, th.e Ger- ing the "Jewish laws" are every "has *"~~~ will boom out a sentence whose ence Rice. What he earned in this world with the announcement sharp tone end content will seti mans have been themselves pecu- bit as petty and painful as all the try BT A. L. EASTERMAX the audience -rigid and hold it in liar and t h e Jews have been like laws which go through the hands manner constituted his sole source that he had an option on half of The Bounty sailed into Hollyof England A famous lawyer Ethiopia . . . You may recall that ' them. Greater talent, assuming of the German Philistines. T h e of income wood during the holidays . . . "Hear, O Israel!" That ages- a vice-like grip. Up and down ' t h a t t h e Jews exhibited it fre- details of the witchcraft trials, in in'his own country, Dr. Rosenfeld we informed you at the time that Sam Goldwyn presented every! old injunction, terrifying in°its on the scale of emotions the oraquently.-Btill does not stamp any- their time, did not leave anything j began to plan resumption of his Leo was a classmate of ours in employee*recelving less than $200 , tense, stark simpliicty, which ech- tor will play with his hearers. There o n s • as a national exception- In- to chance either; a woman could j law career In He will bellow in vreth and *~ New *T vYork '" . . . rrfc —— Bridgeport, Conn. . . At a New a week, an extra week's pay-jOed thunderingly across the destellectualism In particular is a not be burned as a witch unless were, he learned, certain formal- Year's party we met another of In a mo,. i soothe in eppeasement. I check. of Sinai to' to" rally the wayerts l! social fact, and only that." It can her finger nailswere shaped a cer- ities "with which he had to com- Leo's classmates . . . This one is Racquet Wielders Show an Im- Al Jolson gave f i t s to every ! ward Hebrew hosts, must have ment of ecstatic declamation he more be "uncharacteristic" jttaa{{nn a y This no m n the ply before qualifying for admit- an attorney . . . He whispered in This preision precision In m cast and crew, of h i s ; been uttered by some remote En- will titter a critical phrase that provement Over Previous ! member, A certificate our ear that the only thing Leo d " It , than it can "conform to kind." It II atrocities is German, and purely tance to the bar " Singing Kid" company to the j cetstor of Stephen Samuel Wise, will rouse a volcanic eruption of Year ifi deplorable enough, that truths German. In the same way at pres- of character, for example, is a has thus far gotten out of the mil| tune of two thousand cartwheels., long ago in the dim beginnings of furious indignation among his such as these still h a v e to be ent the admixture of blood Is prerequisite . . Where else should lion-dollar-worth of publicity is-. . | Max Factor, t h e cosmetician, Israel's epic story. For a quar- enemies end pandemonium of A lawsuit . . . Seems a fellow who New York (WNS)—The annual " pointed out. sorted into three-quarterB Jewish, he get. one if not from the counhanded his employees ten thous-: ter century past, the voice of this wrathful outburst will break out around him. Amid the confusion If Reich Jews Were Less German half-Jewish, o n e-fourth Jewish try in whose service he spent the had forgotten Leo existed sudden- national rankings of the United a n d silver pieces in bonuses [ most spectacular of America's the rock-like figure will stand Had the German Jews .b e e n blood. And each variety is sub- best years of his life . . . So he ly recalled that he owed him' States Lawn Tennis Association | dollars, not dimes. I Jewish ecclesiastics has trumpettoweringly, for a second noniless German, they could h a v e ject to distinct commands and wrote a letter to the police auth- something on an old transaction . for 1935 show that Jewish play' ed through the Western world, plussed by the sudden storm, then r demonstrated this to t h e Third prohibitions. Those who are one- orities -of the city of Berlin, ask- . . So he brought suit and was ers are steadily climbing to the Did you know that Eleanor There, in resounding and fiery deReich *• -> by resistance to Its at- quartef. Jewish 'may wed only ing for the certificate of charac- Leo sore! . . . The other classmate top in the amateur tennis world. Whitney, at the age of three, Tras inunciations of Jewry's detractors, quickly transformed into defiance. Miss Helen 'Jacobs is ranked A moment later, a faint glimmer tacks. That.could never happen? "AryaHB"—as though the, race| ter . . . In Germany one goes to also told us something that conone of the most promising pupils ! there, in defiant proclamations of of. satisfaction may be detected In firms our suspicon that Chertok ! number one among women's sin- I|jpf breeders can for»?ee what the the police for such things Bill Robinson the colored tap-!justice for his oppressed brethren, (Continued on rape S.) outcome of such an arrangement his letter he enclosed a two-dollar hasn't changed in all these years | gles players, and Mrs. H. W. Blu- I per? ' j and ever and sgain in ringing . . . Visiting Leo in his Chamber I .menthai is placed 11th. bill to cover the cost of certificamight be. But when all.has been ——jcastigation of the weak-kneed and Among the men's singles Henpedantically arranged, a- solitary tion . . . The other day, Dr. Rbsen- Street offices not long ago, he Hrmle Fink is a man who gets-Hiy-livered among his own peofeld received the follcrwlng reply was given a gorgeous spiel on a ry- Prusoff of Seattle is ranked gentleman;, appears and reserves (Continued from jage ,1) j-nls picture! Katherine Hepburn'pie. for himself- the right to hand out j to his request: "In.reply to your million-dollar plan Chertok was 13th, Edward Feibleman of New had wagered one thousand ducats If ever there wss a living In-! working on . . . The young proletter, we Inform you that the issYork 21st and Leonard Hartman number of dollars. He still re- dispensations. This -solitary genthat no news photographer could;carnation of Vox Populi, it. stands uance of certificate of.character moter concluded with the remark: of New York, 2 4 th. mains God's debtor. tleman can bring it about; that a { J ^ n l e d yoa'aTyou have already 'If I only had $500 I could put The greatest strides were made snap her face. But Hymle is a [in the person of Rabbf Stephen Jew be no longera Jew. B i s L ^ ii nn ff oo rr mm ee dd by g by STAPO STAPO (State (State t over." . . . Put this In your hat by Jewish players, in the junior 'magician . . . has photoed more; Wise. He ranks, in this regard, Now let's get down to what in j pleasure upsets Nature a n d T The amount of $2 which nd remember we told you to: and boys' divisions. Marvin Wach- stars, wary or unaware, than any;with England's Lloyd George in America; are" known as »-brass jumps" ove7 'Race,""for the sake iIpolice) ^y °"u -^h aJ'lW*^^ v *.?T* b ve •.*«»'. w . 7.i tat.-.i-nftw iiL.'Hvi.i. •— «_.v.,» * -, ! _ „ „ „ „ us has been for- *eo Will either talk himself into man of Milwaukee ranks fourth other cameraman. He won t h e , t h e heyday of his rebellious and m s t fc tacks." We Zionists know as wwell j o f which, ostensibly, the-law was warded to sent, the" State Treasury as a million some day (not In that among the junior singles, follow- bet . . . now he's driving a new; radical youth- and only in the as the non-Zionists that we can't framed. This trick and this ques-. mesmeric power of the human j thiopian business, we'll wager ed by Melvin Lapman of N e w caryou are listed as one who fled liquidate the Galuth even of Ger- tioning attitude in the f a c e of < tongue to sway the multitudes j without having paid your taxes. a plugged nickel) or else he'll York, 13th, and Louis Bernstein many, not to speak of Poland, in confirmed principles is German Early morning workers were I with Germany's Hitler and Italy's | The case Is herewith considered talk himself into a mess . . . of San Diego, 17 th. Brownstein the next few years. We're per- and characteristically German. • as ended. Your further , letters is placed fourth in junior doub- J surprised the other dawning on; Mussolini. Like these men in • fectly realistic. But take the J. It is not by any means t h e in this matter will not be answerles and Lapman and Marvin Kan- j seeing Sally Eilers waiting out-j their spheres, Wise has talked his !• D. C. They're also realistic Jews alone, but all the'Germans ed< » . ^ T h e l e t t e r w a g s i g n e d b y iHSH-MASH . . . trowitz get 9 th place, with Wach- ; side a make-up salon. So anxious way to the front rank of Jewish i , enough to know that the young, who are dealt "with in this fash fash- a n o f n c i a l l n t h e office o£ the {was she to get her make-up on life and beyond question has man placed fifth. ZNSUBED CABS A cousin of Prof. Enstein, a the able, the hopeful can be truly Isador© o Bellls of Philadelphia ion. The human mass which has p o i i c e president in Berlin, who is ournalist of some note, has just helped only by befngr taken' out of become the object of this Jewish | count Wolf von Helldorf . » . rrlved in the United States . . . is the ranking boys' singles playGermany and, if possible, out of legislation does not in the least j SUCCESS . . . He's a refugee from Hitlerism er, followed by Seymour Green,' Poland, and even out of o t h e r consist of Jews alone. For Inter-' nd has spent two years in France berg of Chicago, 2d, Joseph FishOands, including the Zionists of coure with a Jewish woman an Through this column's frequent . . We are asked to withhold his bach of New York 4th, Melvin Russia and the oppressed of Ye- "Aryan" m a y be imprisonedSchwartzman of New York, 11th. men. vWhere will t h e J. D. C. Even in. this "racial" aspect these mention of the fascinating statis- ame, but he is 38 years old and may soon be working on a metrotics to be found therein, the Pale'send these younger people? A laws exceed the bounds. How olitan newspaper if plans go trickle m a y go here; a trickle much sd, thfen, w i t h respect to stine Commercial Bulletin, which hrough as expeeted . . . On organmay go there. The gates of free the willful confiscation of prop- telis you how much of what came hrough as expected . . One organ- i Herzl Asked Burial countries In which Jews could \ erty! The great majority of Ger- into the country and how much hat has assiduously avoided the on Mt. Carmel ,Uve are n o t likely soon to be! mans are subject to laws which of which went out of it, is about imelight is the New York City Vienna (JTA) — Dr. Theodor opened. So that the most effee- are only a little behind the Jew- to gain one new subscriber . He's Maurice L. Avner, Pittsburgh oordinatlng committee for Ger- Herzl, founder of political Zionittre work of the J. D. C. must ish laws. . Nevertheless, they are attorney, who has written us for man refugees, affiliated with the ism, expressed a wish to be burialso be directed toward and done somewhat behind. the publication's address . . . We ewish Social Service Association. ied on Mount Carinel in Palestine, in Eretz IsraeL Why then this one think, therefore,] Siset Its officials will be surprised according to a sheaf of documents commission, one might might think, therefore, c i a i mu « ^ u u . . . OI a in ««uii. rPalestine 12 to 20 Why this psychical that laws" were incidently, the November iBsue of o see this item, but it should be including letters to his friends t a t the "Jewish Jewish laws d l tto compensate th holding out? History and the j fframed merely the1 the Bulletin is at hand a brief ecorded that the committee cared and collaborators. 38 to 44 :fate of the Jewish people a r e Germans for, their own servitude.1 glance at Its columns informs us * manifestly shaping themselves In Twelve million full-fledged citi-i of the following interesting facts: • one Inevitable way toward o n e zens in Germany play the part of Brandy and cognac imports soar; concrete goal- Why n o-t accept a ruling caste, fifty-four millions, ed In July, 1935 totalling 638 •that with joy and with creative the Jews included,'being subject litres as against 300 the previous participation? Why not make a to this caste. Whatever riches year . . . At the same time, the virtue of necessity? No, that Is these fifty-four millions have sav- folks must have sworn off gin, '•no low but a high thing to do. ed are controlled by those w h o imports of the noxious liquid :As Maurice Samuel pointed o u t build castles for themselves and dropping from 1,020 litres in July, .some years ago. all of life's hlgh- maintain- bodyguards, but whose 1934, to 540 in 1935 . . .Beer In - e s t activities consist ln making student years 'and travel years bottles mounted sensationally t 3 l r , t l l ! s ° L ° " f °! C t!!! tle3 .'. o r > a s i were" passed "in institut'ionsfor'the from 46,995 to 240,413 litres, but •I have put jit, incorporating ne- weak-minded and demented.- The barreled beer dropped sharply . . . cessity into your will, or, it you prefer, submitting gladly to the Included''-Are 57 Former Third Floor •will of God. It is all one. It is Dretiet , . » Values to $14.95 'the only ( way. And. the proof of *it is, I tnink, offered by the very common observation that Zionists are much happier than non-Zionists. They k n o w exactly where .they stand; on one central matter at least they have laid, t h e specter of doubt and healed the They're ill "copies11 of much, MUCH higher-priced paralysis of' unbelief. They a r e STARTING JANUARY IS, the special rates which have frocks! •-;"••••.• -at one with the fata and with the been in effect on station-to-station calls after 7 o'clock each night will now extend to all day Sunday. Special night 'will of their people. Their hearts, _ , The gayest-of prints, bright crepes . . . black | | and Sunday tates apply on any ststion-to-statioa call for are at peace and at home. And I crepes with'WHITE!'.. ..just the cheery frocks your | | which the day rate is 40 cents or more. •wonder" If t h e divorce between winter-, wardrobe needs! lv.-f/*'•'* AMD Ithe J. D. C, a n d - t h e Palestine . . . . . • • f • ' :wFunds has made the- members of STARTING JANUARY 15, there will also be special rates Frocks with pleated sleeves, crisp white lingerie on person-to-person calls every night after ? o'clock sod til the J. D. .C. any happier, a n y details,, fewelry touches, huge sheer •sleeves . . . . . day Sunday. These special night and Sunday rates apply more liarmonious within?, They in general on person-to-person calls foe which the day rate twe-pisce effects that iook like little suits . . . all | •won't tell. But I wouldn't mind is 55 cents ot more. •. . ; SO nsvft • . * end ALL so Irresistible et $5.95. betting . . . •'•'•'. . TYPICAL THREE-MINUTE RATES Second Floor (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Sisiion-b-Slaiioa Bsiea ferssa-te-Petsek Bales .•.-.-•• Feature Syndicate) \ Vfttk Ni0btU!l Week NigMand



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THE JEWISH PEESS,-FRIDAY, JAKTTABY 17, I93S hoping the lightning -prill strike j One of the pupils attending | student days, one for piano and v'i Olson EEd his viie recently: bought an estate in Encino and' twice and hit his production of (classes In the Scranton (Pa.) j the other for composition. Miss Akins' "O Evening Star." I Talmud Tcrih is a Polish Catho-i Before he was 16 he was much I have gone into orange grow in r Max Gordon h a s been compara- lie priest . . . Judge Philip J. Mc-jin demand as a soloist with and -walnut raising cm a big tively inactive, boasting thus far Cook, who is presiding over thej VET i o n s symphony orchestras scale. I only of the stage version of Jane kashruth trial in New York City, throughout the East, at the same BEXXT WEARS CTKLS Austen's novel, "Pride and Prej- speaks a perfect Yiddish, but has time studying lighter music and • When Benny Baker, the newlywed comedian of Paramount picudice." Still going strong is difficulty in understanding when musical comedy composition. | tures completes his current role "Three Men on a Horse" which witnesses use the Galitizian'er dihe says he will heave a sigh of brought Alex Yokel into the coinalect . . . The tenth person in the By the Service Life Insurance By BERTRAM JONAS the age c* 16 he was offered relief. Not that he doesn't like pany of the tax-paying elite while to be elected an honorary At Ooirvparrr, Omaha. the the part, but because he has to In this informative review of Only the fact that t h e Pulitzer to run the ..gamut of shows pro-i the Shuberts are represented by world director musical member of the American Socio-i P°"k°n curls. Tish. Tlshl You cars; the first half of the theatrical pundits have decided not to give duced by non-Aryans- Gilbert "Mid-West" a n d their usual as- logical Society is Prof. Franz Op-! f o r o n e o f ' T o r k 6 musical .. . , , . . . , The whole story of n F m ' s ' season, Mr.' Jonas tells us of their accolade to the same play- Miller, who bulks large in this sortment of musicals. N e w tb penheimer. ranked as one of C-erskows, t t e first of George White's :'iow imagine the that joshing frombeen h.ssubfel- and (be service n{ life- inPiivfin.'** For the nest f e w plaj-'erE he has the Jewish playwrights and wright twice eliminates the Kauf- season's theatre scheme, is thejBroadway is B. P. Schulberg,'the tocanaals iriRv bp summed v.r in two words, man's foremost economists before I producers -who a r e making man play from consideration. man behind "Victoria Regina," j movie man, whose presentation Herr Hitler made him leave . . . years he remained as conductor! jected to on the lot, Benny has 'THE PAST AND T.HC rVTVTlt..: f o r the Sliuberts and for t h e : 3 u s t returned from Tuna w i t h stage history and' reveals what . With Kaufjnan out of the run- starring Helen Hayes, "Parnell,"-! of "Tapestry in Gray" gives film Conscientiously, or lincousoifi"|his new bride. Baker's real name tioupiy, would happen t o a ilazi the- ning that hilarious farce about a dramatized version of the life fans a chance to get a close up Just to give you an idea of what George Gershwin musicals. every iiifin. h p p p. i this means we'll inform you that Newman is at present on a loan 1; is Sifkir. end he is E native of There are certain things he w o i . l i atregoer on Broadway—THE Hollywood, "Boy Meets Girl," of the great Irish leader, a n d of Elissa Landi and Melvyn the last celebrity to be so honor- to Charlie Chaplin's studio a i d Nebraska. EDITOR. George Abbott's presentation of "Libel," an exciting English Douglas. like very much In do. Con;: i n <>!• was President Masaryk of! engaged in scoring the i XEWI/TWEOS COVthe joint product of Bella a n d court p l a y . Al Woods, o n e of jpctlves lie woulr like vfr.1. After looking over Broadway's ed Czechoslovakia Another GerSamuel Spewack, t h e only succomedian's new picture, Newman ! GRATCI/ATEP tc reach. If he enn !li<-ii . Although t h e weather^ bureau cessful married team of collabor- Broadway's forgotten men, makes offerings our Nazi-minded the- man-Jewish refugee who has |j also provided the musical back- j Although Dr. Joe! Pressmar, then no matter vhs.1 p'sp his comeback as the producer ofiatregoers would have the alterfound a -welcome here Is Dr. Eu-| ground declines to concede the e n d of ating playwrights in captivity, ha.ve been for Eddie Cantor's latest |3nd Claudette Colbert, pens, in life, he will flie fi •winter before March 21, it's al- stands as good a chance as any the year's best mystery play, native of staying home or cabl- dolf Kayser, of whom we havei film. Since assuming his present j married id only l two weeks, tlie Parways a sure harbinger of spring of winning the Pulitzer laurels. "Night of January 16th." With ing Herr Hitler for a special dis- told you before . . . We mention position at Goldwyn Studios New-1 amount star has received nearly cess. •when Broadway begins speculat- High on t h e list of prospective the, 1934 Pulitzer prize for Zoe pensation until Broadway w e n t him now because this former ed- m £ n h a s d o n e t h e m u B i c a I B C o r e B ! 2,000 congratulatory messages „ ing -'as- to potential winners of the Pulitzer winners is also Maxwell JAkins' dramatization of Edith Aryan. ltor of Die Neue Rundschau, who r number of the bigtrcst and date from fans in all parts cf the to he educated. A good home •the comfort and rlpas'.ive of Pulitzer prize for the year's best Anderson's poetic dream, "Win- Wharton's "The Old Maid" dang- (Copyright 19 CG by Seven Arts is also a son-in-law of Mrs. Al- i b e s t known United Artists pro-! country Since Eppeering Feature Syndicate) play. When talk of the Pulitzer terset," thanks in same measure ling at his belt, Harry Moses is I bert Einstein, has been engaged j ductiocs, featuring such stars as :: a recentt Salvation Army broad- i family SF to be established. sum of money as a liCo resowi prize begins to be heard along to Anatole Winogradoff, a formto give two courses at the New|, Charlie Chaplin, Miriam Hopkins, i cast, Kitty Carlisle, the beautiful to be built i;p. It a THRU vor. the Bialto it is taken for granted er star of the Yiddish stage, who fOr S aI eS6arCh De ™ ° ° L », ° " ^ ^ ° ! Edward G. Robinson, Wallace songbird of the Marx Bros, pic- ; lies to live end oiijcy rood h^f that the theatrical season has al- gives an unforgettable performon Nietzsche, the „•»,other on T^..__ Euro- ' B e e r ^ E d d j e cantor, Merle Ober- ! ture, has likewise received thousis- gpinfully nniploypd, lip ^ ready run half its course. That ance as the old rabbi, whom the pean literature . . - "Tomorrow's i ands of congratulatory messages, •and accomplish v rertain ppvt o*r being so, custom demands t h a t author has made*his mouthpiece, a Holiday," the John Golden-Jo- on and othersi we are told. objective ar, li^ goes fiionc, •we take stock of t h e theatrical and to Jo Mielziner's superb setseph Schildkfaut production of A GUEST CONDUCTOR ; (.Copyright IPS 6 bj Seven Arts itiiportant. cuestion for Is i m By PHINEAS J. BIEON season to date .and compile a ting. "The Children's Hour," last Leo Perutz' Viennese play, turn- Varying his duties at the stu- i Feature Syndicate t answer i= "HOW IvrrOU v;i who's who among Jews on Broad- year's hit by Lillian Hellman, is IXSIDE STUFF 4 we can tell you from -which Jewsjed out to be a total flop—butjdio, he has served several times REMAIN TO BE DONE AFT it served a useful purpose none' as guest conductor "with, the Cinj "wav. still going strong and continues They aren't saying anything | you can get money these daj-s, or il x\lSI GOXE?" Tlirre's the '• * to pour a stream of gold into "the for public consumption but it's a at least which ones have money the less . . . For it presented to ! cincinati Symphony Orchestra, the j ewish Women's •.The one point in his p-lnn to r . . Among the Jews named as I Broadway that deft Hitlerexiled American Orchestral Society of If Heir Hitler or a n y of his coffers of Herman Shumlin. The fact that t h e Non-Zionists have' his objective which TO n y bri r\ getting hefty salaries during; comedian Curt Bois, whom both! New York, Los Angeles, Philhardisciples came to New York they only ' t w o Jewish Newcomers not abandoned their fight for; hefty •OUPS Urgamze dewn. would find it difficult, if not im- among t h e season's playwrights parity in Jewish Agency Execu-jl934 are: J- A. Rubenstein, sell-j the audiences and the critics im-j monic • Orchestra and the Kolly• He can rliniinai? ibr isVint: possible, to select a show which are "Albert Beta, whose 'Let Free- tive . . . It is understood t h a t ing agent of Security Mills, Yon- -mediately their bosoms', wod- Bowl Orchestra. - New York (WNS)—Fire of the this chance <<f lonving cnyili - - •To- •m• o•ttook •i o-n p ito H Q I X Y W O O D i leading national Jewish women's cture executives: ; WHAT'S N E W would be one hundred per cent dom Ring," a challenging drama they are threatening non-cooper-! kers, N. Y., $118,239; Mas Anby ir.vosting F t'.f-O' Aryan, either in authorship, pro- of life in the South, is set for a ation in all Agency activities un-jnenberg, circulation manager of [Better make a guiek? grab for him .Paramount Studios :nform t;s organiaa.tions have organized the undon? amount of money in HCr in* that Boris Morros has been apduction or personnel. On the long run under the beneficent less their demands are satisfied! the N. Y. Daily News^ $120,716; i Conference Committee of National ; ance programmes, been use life: •he's one of the most versatile strength of the season's offerings auspices of t i e Theatre TJnitfn, We hear that t h e revolt H.. P e r l s t e i n , p r e s i d~e n t of ~P r e - j c o m e d i a n s on t h e s t a g e t o d a y . . . ; P o i n t e d h e a d of t h e PPaar a m o u n t ! Jewish "Women's Organizations in , surance if; P. plan vliiri'! guni' thus far the Broadway stage, and Irving Stone, author of last i against the present Z. O. A. ad-imier i e r - P a b s t Corp., C h i c a g o , $100,- T h o s e of y o u w h o a r e i n " o u r ' e t " a d i o M u s i c D e p a r t m e n t . As t h e , en effort to bring about closer tees the accomplishment of which means the American stage, year's best-selling novel, "Lust I ministration, which has found! 000; Samuel Rothschild, presi- metropolis late in January a n d c z a r ° f i t W \ studio t he j cooperation between the organiza- I objectives which h? perb.aps presents a picture which must be for Life," whose first play, "Tru- j expression in the organization of I dent G. Levor & Co., Gloverville . I early in February are hereby ad-j succeeds Irving Ta. vho ha-E;uons_ to axoid unnecessary dupli- ; not today reached ant! mpy. b e e n a c t i E a s t e l n very painful to the exponents of ly Valiant," brought Gustave the ..„,. emporary h e a d ;, cation .of activities, and to perve : fortunately, never reach. New York Zionist Club, ....-,-hasjN. Y-, --, $65,038; . . Map . Epstein . .[vised to visit t h e Ehrich New-: S „ so-called Aryan culture. At this Blum back to Broadway after an spread to Brooklyn . . . "When Sir! chairman General American Tank j house Galleries, where Eric Gold-: o f t l l e department, and who ask-| S S a n -nformativs e agency and e ied t 0 b e writing New York's theatregoers absence of two yearsHerbert Samuel arrives in t h i s Car Corp., Chicago, 560,000; berg -Kin be eshibiting relieved of those duties ! clearing house lor programs. ig his his paintpa , "have a choice of 29 productions, country to lay before American Walter Winehell, $52,000; Henryji n g s The Commitiee includes repre- Federation of Temple PiFfprboi so t h a t h e C0Bld pay particular a t - !as ' a musical director. resnme In hisbecomwork f i sentatives of Hadasseh. the Na- • is vice-chaii'man and ?.1rs. War six musicals and 23 plays, only In a season already notable for Jewish leaders that plan f o r a t Ittelson, chairman Commercial tention to And a canvas entitled Jer"four of which could possibly meet having made Broadway regard mass exodus of German Jews he investment Trust, N. T., $120,- usalem, for 6 head ui of tt h music ucijan-niona] depart-; tional LOUECW Council OI of .iewisa Jewish Women, M. Milicr. executivr divrotov thereby hangs a tale' ing for thereby i±eiiu ^ ce iuus«. the Nation?! Coinu-il of Jew the rigorous specifications of Ary- the depression as merely a b a d will stay at the home of Telix M. 000; Sydney J. Eerzberg, manaFor you will not see the orig- j Bient and taking over the control, the National Federation ; Women, JB Kecrptary-tvet>.Kur«?'i'. anism. Before the month is over dream, two Jewish personalities Warburj nd ger Prudential Insurance Co., Women's inal canvas which he painted durIncidentally that ras -which naintpd dnr-ia supervision of everything; pie Sisterhoods, the there will be 11 more productions contributed far-reaching novelties Jewish news agency's report that Shorewood, Wis., $157,000; Syl- ing his visit to Palestine a few i .o the musical end of; Branch of the Union of Orthodox ! holding forth on Broadway b u t to the stage. Billy Rose c a m e S i r Herbert has contributed via Sidney, Hollywood, $110,5S3 ing bis visit to Palestine a fewi Congregations, end t h e j years aeo—because that painting ! Paramount films, Morros adds; Jewish Congrreonly s i x of these would be in- forward with the gargartuan 5500,000 -toward t h e proposed; If you haven't swooned after was w-as stolen from the Goldberg the most important chapter to a; Women's Leagu e ot t h e United I stolen from the Goldbersr cluded on a Nazi white list of "Jumbo," a musical circus which fund to finance t h e exodus is j reading these figures let's t e 11 studio a couple of months a g o 'icolorful career, I I years of which i Synagogue of America. Mrs. Sam-i Three s. Upstairs. rurnl«h»i' plays. is n o t only making' R o s e the plain cockeyed . . . Sir Herbert I you about a brave little woman, . . . So that Goldberg had to d i g i b a v e b e e E E P e n t vrith Paramount, j uel Spiegel, president of the Wo-; or t) n Close Modern Home, f>>?^ Since Broadway appears to number one showman of the town hasn't got 500,000 pennies . - . ' . { M r s . Celia Denis ( y e s , she's a up his ^ketches for the canvas \ From our day's mail we also, men's League, is chairman of tbp ' have made it tough f o r a con- and restoring the Hippodrome, An observer a t t h e recent annual i good Litvak, despite the French- and recreate the painting for this! learn: That Nat Dorfman. N e w j Committee. Mrs. Ali-r, ,\ J'r-.. c. scientious Nazi to see a show this which houses the titanic produc- meeting o f ' t h e American Jewish | sounding n a m e ) , who, when her exhibit . . . He tells us that he I York playwright a n d Hollywood' Presiaert of t l ^ Nrv r c L i\i l F , season without getting a one-way tion, to its former glory, but is Committee remarked t h a t t h e ! husband lost his business, went felt much more annoyed t h a n | much more annoyed 't h a n| scenaria writer,_is_the new_pub;_ticket to a concentration camp or causing people to forget Rose's Committee's meetings a r e like! to Work to restore prosperity to felt flattered a t first, b u t n o w is': city director of George White's fa-r compromising with h i s Nazism, traditional complaint that he's annnal shindigs of the exclusive i her family Celia is a good! cherishing more kindly senti- i "Scandals," which opened in Nev * - ! \ - c ' ' let's see what a good N a z i is known only as'Mr. Fannie Brice.' Gridir.on Club in Washington . . . | cook, strictly koBher, and her chic-J ments toward the thief," for the; Tort last week. His^ brother^ Jacfc missing in the way of entertain- George Gershwin, whose music Reporters a r e never present asjten soup with mandeln is some-' new canvas turned out to | is still in Hollywood . . . Befo-e [ ment. Anyone who hasn't been to has done so much for B^roadway, reporters but only as gentlemen thing to dream about . . . But did much better than the old . . ! he went to New Tork, Eddie Can- i Broadway since the last theatri- contributed a new type of musii tor appeared in Phoenix, Arizona, Press representatives at the j she start a restaurant? . . . Not (Copyright 1926 by Seven J 'r \ cal season would find compara- cal play, "Porgy and Bess," the meeting were there as the invit- she . . . For In the course of her I in response to Governor B. E. Feature Syndicate) tively f e w newcomers, either Theatre Guild's magnificent pro- ed guests of the Committee JMoeur's invitation to aid the cam-', culinary experiments she discovamong.,the authors or the produ- duction of Du B o s e Heyward's The report of Morris D. Wald- ered a special clabbered milk, | paign to raise funds for Arizona's f f* r « v$ T7 „„ . . . T 1;\L cers^' The old faces and the;*,old play of Negro life, directed by man, secretary of the Committee, J which, when made the main feaunder-privileged children- In the names still retain their hold on Reuben Mamoulian, the Armen- created quite a stir - . . T h e j t u r e of a scientifically concocted past, Will Rogers has always rrr the public The hits of the year ian Jew. " i headed this Ehcw. There was r Bureau of Jewish Social Research j diet, enables t h e overweight to i i are credited to practically the Among the musical shows there will be officially abolished at thej lose so much as five pounds aj J guard of-honor for t h e CantcBy LOTUS PEEARSKT same group of playwrights a n d isn't one in which a non-Aryan forthcoming meeting ot the Na-jweek . . ..So now the Denis fani'party in Phoenix, consisting of showmen w h o were responsible hasn't had a hand. Moss Hart, tional Council of Jewish Federa- ily is running a strictly kosher - Alfred Newman, Director of! gun-toting cowl'.ovs w h o £E-< C for the stage successes of the past librettist, satirist extraordinary, tions and Welfare Funds and its "mUk f a r m " at Nanuel, N. Y., Music for all Saraeul Goldwj-n j them a 21-revolver salute two or three seasons. heir apparent to George Kaufman work merged with that of t h e and we're telling you about it so Studio Productions, who has been j News of t h e death of Michael Cere; Clifford Odets, the young find and author of last year's hit "As Council a new 5-year contract at j Fox, S0-year old father Of Wil. . . Is there any truth in that you can advise your hefty j •whose- "Awake and. Sing" ,was Thousands Cheer," teamed up the report •* S that the Canadian maiden aunt to spend a couple of i a higher salary to replace hieiliain Fox, prominent film produ last year's sensation, is back with Cole Porter to turn out the p r e s e n t c o n t r a c t w h i c h still h a s | cer, a t H o t S p r i n g s , A r k . , h a s vmr s D% again with another play, "Para- words and music for the current Jewish Congress may be liquid- weeks there . . . two y e a r s to r u n , w a s b o r a i n : b e e n r e c e i v e d h e r e . .C i. ^ c dise Lost," which, as staged by success, "Jubilee," starring Mary ated? . POLITICAL CORNew H a v e n , Conn-, M a r c h 1 7 , ! j O L S O X - A X ORAJTGE G K O W E l 1901 the almost exclusively non-Aryan Boland. George White's "Scan- REICH FACE A group^f wealthy Jews r e ! ' H e Parted studying piano! It's Mayor Al Jolson BOW! AnYou can expect to read a hot Group Theatre, is not only a dals" is again oneyof the most at t I l e a g e o f Felix' " a n { J b e c a m e pro-i other Jewish Mayor! The smash hit but the most talked of tuneful of the year's shows. The interview with Hitler • on the cently called on Prof ficient so rapidly he made a j my sin er who h a s entertained-' i production of the season. Keturn- team of Laurence Schwab a n d Jewish question any day now . . . Frankfurter and pleaded with public appearancethat when he was!millions in the theatre, in tLe Ing to the Bronx locale of 'Awake Frank Mandel, which :: a v e us A leading American writer is now him to remove himself from con- only another year older, playing j films and on the radio, has becc tact with the New Deal in order and'Sing,' Odets has fashioned a "The Desert Song," 'Good News,' getting his notes on that interr-iT i among other things, Beethoven's j made Mayor of Encino, Calif c~.iiX ,rv<J provocative play on the theme of and "Follow Thru." n~inng oth- view into final shape . . . Despite i not to jeopardize Jewish inter- "Waldstein Sonata." He contin- i nia, by 'unanimous acclamation." j F the tragedy of the middle class ers, is again doing business • the boycott Germany was still i ests in America . . . Lanky Sain ued his studies in New York, as; He was presented v i t t a gloss^ l | r rn and has given such distinguished the old stand with "May Wine, the chief source of American im-; Silvertnan, who was the organzz- a pupil of SigiEmund Stojawski j gold-leafed scroll to prove ports from Continental 'Europe er of the New Jersey "Roosevelt actors as Stella and Luther Ad- a grand operetta with score by right to the title, The presentplater with Paderewski. ler, Morris. Carnovsky a n d Elia Sigmund Romberg and book and during 1935 . . . The Department j for President" clubs back in andNewman was awarded two gold j tion was m a d e in behalf of c - Kazan a vehicle suited to their lyrics by Mandel and Oscar Ham- of Commerce reports an increase! 1932, is now organizing the state medals within 2 years during his group talents. Also ringing the bell merstein, 4d. The ditties of Ar- of 5 per cent in Nazi imports . . . ' of Hague and Hoffman for t h e again is Sidney Kingsley, author thur Schwartz and Howard Diet*, Peter. Yust, who was Hitler's ser- Townsend Plan Robert Ly•i Cof the 1933 Pulitzer prize win- two of the country's leading song- geant major in the Austrian ons, the gentleman who is trying ner, "Men in White," who has smiths, are teatnred in 'At Home army during the World War, nowto sell Republican bigwigs on the runs a tailor shop. in Madison, idea of nominating Senator L. J. set the town talking with "Dead Abroad.'1 (Established 18TS) German aircraft Dickinson of Iowa as Roosevelt's End," a story of poverty on the Wisconsin . But that's not all that would opponent, is a former bigshot in salesmen in this country are ofEast Side, produced by Norman OMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sons Citj One of Bel Geddes, f.h e stage designer, confront a theatregoer seeking to fering South American prospects the Ku Klux Klan whose settings for this play have be guided by Aryan dogma in his free passage to Germany if they the authors of that section of the Phone J a . 0551 — Phone odZ — Plione SSSS5 been acclaimed as the most mag- search for Broadway" entertain- will give Nazi planes t h e once Social Security Act which distriment. If he had eliminated all over before examining American butes $8,000,000 to the states for nificent in a generation. Since a Broadway season would hardly he the plays written by J e w s or goods New York's Nazis are public. health work is Dr. I. S. complete without B. George S. starring Jews, he would Btill have going in for politics in a big wayiFalk; an associate of the Milbank u l : vc at the November elections . . . A several years ago with the disKaufman opus, it is scarcely news that "First Lady," a clever satire CZECH JEWS ENABLED complete ticket, Including candi- covery of the Influenza germ . . . FREE ESTIMATES — EAST TERMS dates for governor, members" of Those rumors about Jesse Straus on "Washington society, co-auju. TO f/ITHDEAW. CAPITALCongress a n d municipal offices, resigning: as a m b a s s a d o T to thored by Kaufman and Katherwill be nominated by the Amer- France- have cropped up again . . . • c ^ "»-•<-,' ine Dayton, and starring Jane Cowl, is packing them in nightly. , Berlin <WNS)—In an effort to ican National Socialist Party, ah POTPOURRI forestall a reported plan by offshoot of the Friends o! t h e There's a Jew in Montreal who Czechoslovakian Jews to bring New. Germany . . . Denmark has s e l l s crucifixes to Catholics 3 £.2 i:liite»E LI I d 4,350 Certificates suit against the German govern- banned an anti-Nazi play because throughout the Province of Queto Jewish Agency ment in the International Court it fears that any affront to Hit- bec Mrs. Miriam Horwitz, Jerusalem (JTA •—:The Jewish at The Hague for losses suffered ler will cost it a big order for daughter of Mayor Meyer Ellenas a result of Nazi anti-Semitic J^' butter and pork . stein of Newark, is in the Jewish Agency for Palestine has obtainlegislation, the ministry of finance BIG S Hospital, St. Louis, ES the result ed 4,350 immigration certificates for the coming year, according to has made a concession to Czech Thanks to the IT. S. Treasury of an automobile accident a corrected schedule disclosed this JewB resident h e r e by allowing week. .A thousand certificates will them to withdraw more of their be deducted in advance and 1,200 capital than is permitted to other \ 0 c~.* "^r 'c"? reserved for illegal immigrants. . Jews. In addition, 250 will be reservThe concession enables Czech ed for the Government and 1,900 Jews with assets in Germany to for relatives of laborers already draw on these assets through in Palestine. Jteichsbank checks which can he QT, . The Agency had requested 11- cashed at the Czechoslovakian 000 of the Palestine Government. National Bank.


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bership and Cultural Activities, be putting a premium on persecution and not only an indorsthas been announced by Alfred M. Reject Numerus Cleusus ment of what the Nazis are doing but co-operation with them Cohen, President of the Order. Belgrade (WNS) — Representin their nefarious doings. Rather must they be resisted even Rabbi Richman, who enters atives of Jugoslavian, Greek, Bulupon his new duties immediatley, garian, Turkish, and Roumanian to the point of sacrifice. The German Jews cannot suffer more Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by will not only coordinate B'nai universities, meeting here for R By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS than they are already suffering, short of actual pogroms. They B'rith membership efforts on c discussion of common problems, THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Rabbi, Mount Sisal Temple, Sioux City j national scale, but will develop unanimously agreed to oppose any are already experiencing a "cold pogrom," silent relentless anI Jewish cultural and communal measures in their countries for Subscription Price, one year - - - - - ». $2.00 nihilation, and the assassination of their good name in the barA BIKirS-EXE VIEW OF on© thousand years and greatly I programs for the guidance of the the establishment of a numerous Advertising rates furnished on application. gain. The Jews of the world will not be guilty of such crimJEWISH HtSTOBY enriched its commerce, art a n d (Order's 400 American and Cana- clausus for Jewish students. The By Cecil Roth. Union of Amerliterature, and when this happens I dian lodges. delegate from Roumania, where inal folly and stupidity as to fall into the trap set them by Editorial Office: 600 Brandela Theater Building. ican Hebrew Congregation. 884 in the twentieth century, is any Born in Latvia 3 2 years ago, agitation for quotas for Jewish Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center the Nazis. Acceptance of their plan is inconceivable! What an pages. $2.00. Jewish community anywhere ab- Rabbi Richman was brought to students ie . particularly strong, DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor example it would set to Jew-hating peoples! What a surrender solutely safe from a similar dis- this country before he was a year also voted against a numerous FRANK R.ACKERMAN « - V - - - ••'••-' Editor old, and received his public clausus. to monstrous injustice. Perhaps we have been too cowardly Mr. Cecil Roth enjoys an hon-aster? Jewish - history honestly school education in Columbus, FANNIE KATEL.MAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent read permits only one answer, no. ored place in the world of Jewas it is. 1 erhaps we should have demonstrated some of the ish letters and scholarships. His What anti-Semitism is doing in Ohio. Later he attended ColumANN PILL • ••• * - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent bia University, New York Univer- monument to blind Rabbi Brevls, Maccabean spirit of our ancestors and resisted the Nazis to most recent work "A History of Germany, Poland, Roumania and sity,, Print Shop Address: 4604 So. 24th Street and Rollins Coilege. Florida, who made the book possible. elsewhere it can do, given the the death! We could not have fared worse. We have gone the Morranos" has been reeeived Inecessary JUDGE NAMED RYAN REwhere he received his degree. He economic background, enthusiastically a n d is destined was induced by Rabbi I. S. Moses FUSES COHEN PERMISSION TO too far, suffered too much to yield now. I believe whatever to {everywhere. All our loyalty, sacbecome a classic. Large and Refugee Assistance Temple Beth-El, New York, to CHANGE NAME . . , And y o n practical step is feasible for the emigration of as many Jews interested audiences read his fre-rifices, contributions and services of enter the rabbinate, and he grad- wouldn't catch the judge changwill be shockingly denied and recontributions to current ing his name because it sound? The arrival of three British Jewish leaders in this coun- as is possible should be adopted—but the great majority of Quent jected. Is our salvation, is our uated from Hebrew Union College too periodicals. Irish. in 1932. He married Miss Miriam try to discuss .a plan for expatriating German Jews and with- Jews should remain in Germany, bide their time, endure hero- In this volume he undertakes refuge is our permanent security Carolyn Blum, of East Cleveland, EUROPE Palestine? In Bira-Bidjan? Or drawing their capital in 'the form of German goods which ically what it is necessary to endure (no new role for us Jews!) a truly difficult task, to condense in in a far distant era when human- Ohio. 100 ROUMANIAN J E W S TO Jewish history, covering a long initiated with the aid of funds raised by world until the tide turns, as turn it must, as it is beginning already span of nearly four thousand ity will become truly civilized and EMIGRATE TO RUSSIA TO ESCAPE ANTI-SEMITISM . . That's •Jewry is the cynosure of Jewish attention the world over. to turn.' The influence of the world is working. Moral indig- years into a moderate sized book. I free from its primitive heritage of barbarism? Only the future about the only place left for reWhile the plan has both proponents and antagonists, the ma-nation against the increasing activities of the Nazis is mount- He succeeds admirably. Within jican tell. To be able to predict ! fugees from Jew-baiting who the scope of not quite four hunjority of opinion in this country is definitely opposed to the ing. Witness the rebuke to Germany in the letter of resigna- dred pages he paints a complete its course with any measure of : can't get into Palestine. i HUNGARY EXEMPTS H E plan. Jn broad terms, their objections simmer down to those tion of Commissioner McDonald. Witness the implied rebuke and fascinating picture of Jew- intelligence, Jews must know *** t o *>•• their past. And this volume will BREW SCHOOLS FROM LAW "numerated in these columns last week - - objecting, in the to Germany in the speech of President Roosevelt at the open- ish life, from the earliest of times help exceedingly. MAKING HUNGARIAN S O L E down to our own days. AH the iiuai, because it ariiounts to ransom for German Jewry and ing of Congress. God's cup of fury is nearly full, and thesalient facts are here; all t h e i LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION ;A boon which Hungarian'Jewry jecause it breaks the back of the anti-Nazi boycott movement. Nazis will have to drain it to the dregs. Not the Jews but Hit- crucial, stirring events, which Bj- ROBERT STOXE '1 hardly dared expect, so bad has have shaped Jewish destiny are GEMS OF THE BIBLE XORTH AMERICA its situation become. The discussion of the "mass exodus" of German J^ews has, ler will be deported 1 (He is an alien anyway!) The persecu- here. The bewildering problem 16-YEAR OLD BOY NAMED tion will pass in Germany, as it has in other countries, with the of selection is executed with rare CZECH JEWS PLAN TO SUE AND TALMUD However, served to forcibly focus attention on the question SECRETARY OF SEATTLE SYN- REICH B E F O R E INTERNAdiscernment. The reader is spared overthrow of the brutal, insane Nazi regime: the Jews will By O. O. DASHER AGOGUE . . . A hopeful sign for TIONAL COURT F O R LOSSES sf refugees. "With anxious interest, therefore, do we scan the burdensome and confusing de; SUFFERED THROUGH N A Z I "publication in Geneva of the proposals of the League of Na- attain to even a prouder place in the history of Germany than tails; controversial, but lor our i That the wise man may hear Seattle Jewry. COLLEGE F R A T E R N I T Y ; REGIME . . . The best comment day, irrevelant, issues are omittions Council Committee on International Assistance to Refu-. in the past. Germany will become a Democracy, as Emil Lud- ted. The result is an illuminating ! and increase in learning and the \ LAUNCHES DRIVE TO A I D on this is a later headline: 'Reich gees, especially since we have consistently advocated what wig said recently before six thousand anti-Hitler German and absorbing record of the ; man of understanding may attain j GERMAN JEWISH REFUGEE ; enables Cr.ech J e w to withdraw wise counsels. j STUDENTS IN AMERICA . . . capital." James G. McDonald recommended in his letter of resignation Americans celebrating "German Day," and the Jews will come career of the Jew, in a style that I.unto How long, ye thoughtless, will i The refugees will appreciate this PALESTINE is a joy to read. is High Commissioner for Refugees this month - - that the to their own in Germany, as everywhere, the right to be them- The vast material is divided ye love thoughtlessness? How! fraternal spirit. : JEWISH HOMELAND'S FIRST nations of the League intervene directly with Germany in the selves, with full rights, as human beings in every part of God's Into five divisions or books. The long will scorners delight them | AMERICAN JEWISH C O N- BREWERY COMMENCES OPERfirst book "Israel" (1600-586 B. in scorning and fools hate knowl- j GRESS CALLS WORLD CON- ' ATION . . . And soon the corner natter of refugees and that the refugee problem be made a habitable earth. edge? j C. E.) presents.basic facts of bibGRESS FOR SUMMER OF 19 3 6 part of the League itself instead of being sidetracked into a For wisdom shall enter into thy j . . . A headline with a familiar delicatessen may be stocking lical times. The second book sigbeer "made in Palestine." Yours very truly, Commission. When the problem first arose, the league could nificantly called "Jew" (58 6 B. heart and knowledge shall be jsound. i JERUSALEM GETS NEW WApleasant unto thy soul. C. B.-425 C. E.) portrays the forEDDIE CANTOR OFFERS $5,- TER SUPPLY AFTER 2,000 not take direct control but had to set up a commission because FREDERICK COHN. TALMUD tunes fo our people up to the 000 SCHOLARSHIP FOR PEACE YEARS . . . A development in Germany was then in the League and would have vetoed the Our rabbis taught that the Ro- j PLAN rise and triumph of Christianity. . . . A workable peace plan line with t h e. progressive spirit man government once issued a I project. But now, since Germany is.no longer a member, the "Diaspora," the third book (4 25is worth all of that and much, Western Jewry lias brought into 14>2>, describes vividly t h e decree forbidding Israel to study] much more. the Homeland. pray is clear to League sponsorship. " the Torah. What did Rabbi I THE EMIGRATION PLAN




growth of Jewish communities

Akiba do? He established many'

NEW BOOK OPENS HEBREW (Copyright 19,1fi by Seven Arts

throughout Europe; their achieveLITERATURE TO J E W I S H The League of Nations Council Committee of Experts on Feature Syndicate) By JOSEPH SALMARK ments in the realm of letters and I congregations in public places j BLIND . . . This headline is a j and lectured to them. Whereupon i International Assistance to Refugees made suggestions for their contribuations to commerce; their tribulations and sufferings j Papus found him and said to him, J both temporary and permanent approaches to the refugee under Islam; their persecutions j "Aklba, art thou not afraid of | problem. The outstanding temporary measures for softening Jewish circles in America were deeply disturbed last week and expulsions under the Cross, I the Roman government?" Rabbi the misfortune of the refugees include the appointment of a by the'publication o£ a story from London purporting to de- the symbol of the religion whose ! Akiba replied, "Art thou, Papus,: called the wise? Listen and l; prominent person to continue the work of JamesG. McDonald, scribe the forthcoming visit to this country of a British Jewish chief t e n e t is supposed to be jj will relate a parable to thee. A j Love. T h e division closes with irho resigned as High Commissioner for refugees; the convo- delegation consisting of Sir Herbert Samuel, Lord Bearsted a chapter appropriately called fox walking by the river side no- \ cation of an inter-government5 conference forunifying the and Simon Marks. The dispatch from London described the "The Crowning Tragedy," the ex-ticed the fishes therein swimming ; and fro so he said to them, legal status of the refugees; the evolving of a program for purposes of this delegation as follows; one, to help raise a pulsion of the Jews from Spain. to "The Break of Dawn" (1492- •Why are ye swimming around?' j promoting emigration ko Palestine, South America and other large fund for the settlement of German Jews, largely in Pal- 1815) deals with events closer to 'Because we fear the nets that are placed for us,' they replied. JANUARY CLEARANCE suitable countries. Their suggestions regarding a' permanent estine, and two, the establishment of a liquidation fund de- us, and of greater concern. Here "Come to shore then,' said the fox we meet with such revolutionary wlution of the refugee problem centered about the creation signed to transfer German Jewish propexty to other parts of movements as the Lutheran Re- to them and live with us just as o£ an autonomous organization under League auspices, and the: world through, the distribution of German-made goods. formation and the disintegration my ancestors lived with your anThe fishes exclaimed, ;he combining of refugee organization with the Nansen office Justifiably all Jews who commented on this*report were out- of Catholicism; the rise and prog- cestors.' 'Art thou called the wisest of the ress of liberalism; the spread cf with an eminent person as president. The organization.would raged by the suggestion that the Jews of the world were to democracy; t h e slow though beasts. Thou art not wise but foolish. Ife we are in danger become autonomous when the Nansen office is liquidated. make themselves the agents for the stimulation of Nazi trade. steady emancipation of Jews. Of very in the element in which we live ! deepest interest is the last book, The nations of the world are beginning to realize the obSince the story originally appeared there has been clari- (1815-1935) which has for its • in the water how much greater rious truth that a minority people in one country cannot be fication and explanation. The truth is somewhat along these theme the powerful opposition to j would we be in danger in the elebrutally persecuted without having repercussions which affect lines. Simon Marks, a distinguished British Zionist and finan- Jewish emancipation, the growth; ment in which we die (on shore).' it is with us. If at the time the entire world. The problem of the German Jews is the cier, and other British Jews became deeply concerned over of Anti-Semitism culminating in So the rise of Hitler, and the rehab- j we study the Torah, of which it problem of all civilized peoples. , is written (Deu 30.20) 'It is thy the plight of German Jewry. They realized that unless heroic ilitation of Palestine. lifeand the prolongation of thy and instant action were taken the great bulk of German Jews "A Blrd's-Eye View of Jewish days' we a r e in danger if we is not a catalog of Jew-ceased studying the Torah how are doomed. Accordingly they undertook to formulate a con-History" ish events, but a record author-, much greater would be the dan We Can Learn structive plan in consultation with James G. McDonald, former Itavely interpreted, skillfully arIt is related t h a t in a ger.' We can learn a valuable leesson from theiwisdom of an League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. This plan ranged and * attractively present- short Rabbi Akiba was ared. The frequent and pertinent, rested time and imprisoned. Papus Irish judge. Justice Joseph T. Ryan in, New;-York City refused is centered largely on the proposal to raise a r huge sum with criticism that. Jewish history conwas arrested and placed in to allow a 25-year-old student by the name of Morris Cohen to which to finance the' emigration of between 15,000 and 20,000 cerns itself too much with, an- also the same prison. "Papus. what : cient and far-removed days canthange his name to Louis Murray Kagan. "The surname Cohen German Jews a year. The majority of these Jews would go to not be applied to this volume. brought thee here?" asked Rabbi • Papus replied, "Happy is a badge of noble! heritage," the judge iieclared,. in criticiz- Palestine. Modern Jewish life with its com-Akiba. art thou, Rabbi Akiba, that thou plex a n d troublesome problems art ing the applicant for his "lack of respect for his own name." for studying the TorAt the same time it is realized that something must be generous space. The var-ah! arrested Woe to me that I was arrestOurs is a noble, heritage, a heritage whose golden sheen done to rescue Jewish property in Germany from confiscation I receive ious literary efforts of our peo-ed for vanity." Rabbi Akiple, their significance and influ- ba was led forthWhen is all too frequently tarnished by our own hands. to execution it by the Nazi 'government. It is estimated that there is in Ger* - * • . . - •*..

ence, are fully considered. The

just at the time of the mornmany today Jewish property worth between two and two andintellectual leaders of Israel who, was ing Sh'ma. As they tore his flesh, the final analysis determined Tempered Celebration a half billion dollars. No sensible person would wish that this in iron curry-combs he was deJudaism and Jewish life, receive with taking upon himself the recognition. The- institutions votedly .In Budapest last week a large audience of Hungarian* accumulation of wealth should go to enrich the ^Hitlerites if just yoke of Heavenly Kingdom and ideals, the aspirations a n d with love.theHis some method could be devised whereby this sum could be asked Jewry met to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of complete the hopes which have played so him, "Rabbi, howdisciples long wilt thou used to finance the settlement of German Jews elsewhere. The large a part in the miraculous Jewish political emancipation in tliat country. ' preservation of Israel are empha- continue your prayers?" "O," anHungary is one of those countries that;blows hot one daydelegation of tEree British Jews has made it clear, that it does sized. Students will find, at the swered he, "all my life I worried as to how I could fulfill the inand cold the next. Interspersed with the attacks upon Hun- not propose to sponsor any plan which would have the effect end of the book, stimulus and junction 'Love thy God with all of flooding the American and other markets with Germanhelp from the discussion topics, garian Jewry are the assurances by government officials that they soul' which means even if and from references to original soul be taken away from you. anti-Semitism will not be tolerated. And in such a dubious made goods. At the same time, however, Americans who wish sources arranged according to thy I asked myself when would such to examine this problem in the light of realities rather thari chapter. (There are thirty'chapatmosphere the Jewish^ people must make the best of the situr ters in the book). As an ideal an opportunity come to me that ation. But we cannot help but feel that the numerous clauses on the basis of emotion will take into Bccount the fact that introduction to the history of Is- I might fulfill it? And now when It finally comes to me shall I for Jewish students in the universities/the repeated outbreaks the German government will not permit the removal of Jew- rael few books can surpass it. not fulfill it?" With a long-drawn ish wealtli unless it is in the form of goods. Is Jewish wealth and the. economic discrimination have cut deep inroads into out voice he was saying the word One cannot help but ask after to be allowed to remain in Nazi hands in order to spite the considering Jewish history, How "Echod (Om) when his soul dethose rights .won by Hungarian Jews four decades ago. German economic system, or is Jewish wealth to be removed long? Here is a people innocent parted. from Germany despite the emotional repugnance to barter in of any wrong-doing, unusually .A'mooted question being widely discussed in Jewhas rendered distinguished German-made goods? That is the crux of the question which gifted, service to mankind in every ish circles, in every part pf •• the globe is the Nazi proAppointed will.be considered at the conferences next week between the branch of human activity, a n d posal l o r a "mass exodus" of Jews from Germany. yet has never received e v e n a British Jewish delegation and the leadrs of American Jewry. minimum of the toleration, equalThe proposed: plan involves three points: 1—Jews ^

and considerateness, to which There is a natural suspicion against any plan to liquidate ity it is entitled,' from the peoples German Jewish wealth in the form of distribution of German of the world whom it has served goods. This is based on thV fear that a number of extremely and serves magnificently. Its "rehas ever been ruthless opwealthy German Jews may try to exploit the present sym- ward" pression. The most prominent pathy for German, Jewry and. save from Nazi destruction the characteristic of its history has bulk of their amassed wealth. Any deal which would insure been persecution. It is sickening to read of the inhuman attacks, the survival of a few plutocratic German Jews at the expense of the fiendish discrimination, of of the great masses of German Jews without means would the wholesale confiscation, of the apostasy, of the expulsion arouse the horror not only of Jews but of all- human beings forced and exile which have ever been anxious to solve the German Jewish problem ethically and con- tha fate of the Jew. The present structively. The leaders who will meet in New York. next collapse of German Jewry, dlabollically Identical •with the f a t e week^ to discuss not only the raising of a large fund for thewhich overtook Spanish Jews four emigration of Jews without means but also the liquidation of hundred years ago, forces upon To the editor of the Jewish Press: serious minded the question, You ask for expression of opinion regarding the Nazi pro- German Jewish property arc warned that Jewish public opin- the whether the Jew is ever secure ion will not tolerate any program that concerns itself solely posal for the deportation of the Jews in Germany through the against expropriation, persecution financial assistance of their brethren in the manner described with a small minority. If these wealthy German Jews are will- and expulsion. W h e n an'alien Rabbi Paul Richnian and ignorant sign-painter caa be Cincinnati — A p pointmect of. ing to convert their large properties into a fund to be used for the in the public press. instrument of the destruction Rabbi Paul Ricbmaa as Director I am-unalterably opposed to it. It is another instance of all German Jews without means to facilitate their emigration of a cultivated Jewish community of the newly-established B'nal that has lived In a land for over B'rith National Bureau of MemiUhe brazen impudence and effrontery of the Nazis. It would then'there may be some rationally in the proposal.

must get England to permit the German Jews to' bo ' transferred to. British territories. 2—-Jews leaving can take their capital only in German goods. 3—World Jewry is to raise the. money required for liquidating the German exports which the emigrating Jews would take with them. The Nazi government would get part credit in foreign currency. We invite comment on the proposal.—EDITOR.


Sizes 12 to 4$ They're the fnrs everybody is so enthusiastic; about! . . . hut It isn't often yarn find £hem in such q u a l i t y peltries! Up-to-the«nsiMiite styles in both fittest nmd swag* ger. Some said: *fInt|i©saible"—Jrat The Nebraska h a s the seemingly p ble! ' §©© the*coatet Wanes'*—Thlr< Floor





FLEDGE PARTY Daughters of Israel Aid '.Local P i L a m b d a The Sisma Delta Tau sorority Spi'virPK S(i i -ifili'.y morning' viV bouse gave a pledge jparty in Lincoln last -week. Misses Pearl The Hi'Dle clnss v i ; i IUPP; TimrA regular meeting o* the The Hadassah culture group Osoff a n d Dorothy Sherman of CiSy. J;nni?,:-y H i . ni \ 1)•"• lioii-ip nC meet Tuesday, January 21, at i Daughters of Israel Aid Society J ! r ? . Uvvvy V-v\i\y-hor\,. i'.^cS F u r Melvin L. SoTnmer. president of Omaha and Edith Krasne of Oak-] the home of Mrs. William Polac*,j o f t h e Jewish Old PeGpIe's Home 7iam S t . . p ( 1 r . n ; . land, Isebr., Chi chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, ,— x - v . w e r e ou t-of-town i G19 No. 34th St. Mrs, Abe Roff- || w y , J n b e h e l d T u e E U a f J a n u a r y 2 1 wJ11 b e h e l d T u e U a y Beth-El Thp Coi!;1£P Tir!> T ' i l ! \>n)ti guests. . „ „ national social fraternity, returnman will act as co-hostess. A des-,,a- t. , pr- in-~_ a -t t h-— e _ *.~~.i. At • services Tonight Kabhi DEV- i b r i r TIPXI i>if--: i n c S i n n ! a y i \ f i p r sert-luncheon will t l h ill precede d the !!C n a r l e g St_ Friends and^members ed from thp annual convention of iil A. Goldstein will d^Iiv^r ihe novri. . T a n r , r r y i ( i . it 4 Ji. i n . TlifZ. B. T. MOTHERS CLUB program which will include a talk ja r e u r g e d t o attend. Annual elec- t fhr eo mfraternity held in New York first of tvci ?prnion.= Kispd - on V e a l ; f r v.'iil lie T>v. K r l t ' r r 1-1 o ! i , The January meeting of the Z. by Mr. Julius Bisno, executive tion of officers will take place at December 2 S t 0 -Taraiary 2. the work of the- prrr.; G.-'vnu:ri- Fclffsn of t h p ( ' • . I 1 1 " C P of A r t s P U J ; B. T. Mothers club Trill be held ; secretary of A. Z. A., on "Napo- this time. He reported that the locnl chapat the home of Mrs. Harry Mala- j leon and His Effect on the Jew of ter won a. msjority c£ the awards Jewifli author. Lion FeiKh'vsn- cS i ' j p n c p s u t O i i u . h n r n j v f T s i t v . J f i s gcr. u b j ? r ; v.-jli l.u; " T 1- p S p i r i t o.; shock, 520S Farnam St., Thurs- • His Day." Current events •will given annually. Tor.ifht. Kp.bbi Gold?-r;n'H sprday, January 23, at 1:30 p. m. be given by Mrs. Meyer Stern. The Tolercnce sward which mon will br- on "Joscphu^." Nrxf Beth-EI Auxiliary last year was presented to James week he will discr.sF the "Jew of BAR MITZVAH SATURDAY KRIEDMAX-SOFFER The. Hadassah History class ffliklas honors Jewish Leader Mr. and Mrs. Charles Canfield GUEST FROM PALESTINE* The Ladies Auxiliary of the G. McDonald. Hijrh Commissioner ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Louis Richards of San met Monday and decided that all Beth-EI synagogue will produce for German Refugees, WEIR this Rome." Mr. Iilorris Soffer announces announce the Bar Mitzvah of given to Fiorella La Guari n m n MF.X Sdiiffmriii. ;corfor-'P(! the engagement of his daughter, their son, Le Boy, Saturday Jose, Calif., arrived Tuesday to [ meetings will be held_every other their second annual Road show dyear ia pr* 1 sicl IT: i of xhf* H f ' k o ^ i SpoV'*- Mayor of New York City. The Vaad Frieda, to Herman^ Friedman, son morning, January 18, at the B'naijbe the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R.; Monday at the J. C. C. Those sn- ion March SI a t t h e Central High A1 services ibis even in p TIP.M>; C l u b , ' l i e ( i n k i e r , O ' V I P J - of A'pv?; of Mr. and Mrs. A.. Friedman of Israel synagogue, ,lSth and Chi-. Kulakofsky and of Miss Blanche; terested in joining are asked to school auditorium.. Mr. Milton presentation was made by Br. Ali call Mrs. M. F. Levenson. fred M. Hellman, Supreme Res. Kansas City, Mo. No definite cago streets,' at 9 o'clock. A l l Zimman. Harold Brrgcr will speak on .Air. S c l " . i f H I E n . W!K> is l ' » ; u ' of ; ' i ' Rieck is the director. F o r the first time since the "Thornism—a Study of the Thorn vc h o 1 e s;u *"• r i ^ m oi' b r l u f . ' i r t r n ; V>~*~date has been set for the wed-(friends and relatives are cordialThe coraittee in charge of arBeginning Monday, February of the fraternity in lESH Concept ding, ily invited to attend. No invitain Jewish Thouciu." i h o t ' s . \y H i i : P I T . b o r °< * 11o .Ir^vi^l rangements is planning an elabo- founding SORORITL ELECTION 3rd, there will be a series of 7 one chapter won a majority of Cantor A. Schwacskin will chant C o n n v , u n : ; y E x ^ i u t i v p . . . . • ' tions have been issued. rate show. At a recent meeting h e l d at i ec tures on "The Scope and Trend the awards—Chi chapter pf the services. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS the. home'of :Miss Mary Kaplan, o f Jewish Social Service," at the Those who wish to try out o r Creighton "University. The scholSaturday mfrninc Rabbi B<-rMr. and Mrs. P. M. Goldstein HERE FOR WEDDING the E. T. C. sorority elected Miss, to be eiven bv Air Paul the chorus, specialty nutnbers, arship award ' o r the year was per will preach in Yiddish s\s she Shcri of Fimf'S announce tie birth of a BOB, Mrs. Morris Ross and daugh-jJJ ; ; e c " t?ve director of dramatic or children's numbers -won by t h e chapter: the junior Beth HameclroFh Hc-fiodnl fynnN'PV- Y o r k — Ci;:]••• ?. 1 «?.t• fs 0 o." Sc]jneider pr ; sident . o t h e r ; Saturday, January I I , at the • ter, Ruth, of Denver Colo, have f ^ . S e l e c t u r e s which are asked to come t o ' t h e r e h e a r - scholarship award for t h e yesr gOFUf. t b e n i p r n v i i i i r ;p"y f •! n o . n t i c >;(>?•••<•• M i g s e s Mn_ . be guests at the Methodist hospital. be given every other Monday, al room, 3 1 4 v S o . 19 St. Tryouts ; 19S4-35 was won by Morton Adrtu-. :\ni^vii-r.Ti Mal Si'.ndny morr.ins: ?t - r*"clorV s a r y \p finEiM-eZoorwill Z be held according to the fol- ler, now attending the University t h e repr.Sr.r fr.ilirr snti sr:i ppr- iCtini? in " b o £»^'"iir. Oj^'ii'iPicp ~I\F.^ Max Krizelman January 19; Mr. and Mrs. C. Chazan schedule; Monday, J a n u - o* Iowa; t h e sopisoruore award vireF will be hold r.i i.he B'nni i h u F fr^r he? n <'<^j i ^ r t ^ " ' . it vrnv nounce t h e birth < Stein or ary 20, a t S. p . m. Chorus; Tues- was won by Abe Katz. who also I s r a e l s r n a p o p u e . uiilioiini'Rtl b y A v r v y ]ir>:mi H - P . ed to call Mrs. Monday, January 13, kit the Meth- j Pauline Krizelman and friends emnriiiiu: oi ihc Amprivan Olyie. j Mrs. M. F . Levenson, .-who are in jd a y ( J a n u a r y 2 1 , at 7 p. m. won the freshman award last the^ meeting. odist hospital. fand relaUves here for two weeksThe group is . p l a n n i n g , a f i n l , c h a r g e o f registration. There will 1 5 p e C j a l t i e B a n i j d r a m a t i c s : Sun- year; the freshman award w a s of be no charge for this coarse spring program. | Temple day, January 26, at 2:30 p. m., won by Harry Perelman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Breslpw of | ! lectures. children's numbersj; The convention discussed exLincoln announce the birth of a•! - M r s ^ax Fromiin, newly elect-. Last w?c-k a Liermnn spokesMARK LEON VVRiTKS !• pansion plans which will get un- man msde a proposal to 5 Eng- I son ThurBflay. Janua y 9, inLin-, e d presiding officer of the Vaad HEADS S^.M. 5IOTHERS CLUB Mrs. .Irvin Levin, Medical Fund derway at the beginning of the lish. Jews which involved ih*.' coin. Mrs. Breslow is the former !aus iiiary. entertained the new!- Mrs. Sam Epstein was elected THRIFT LIFE FIRE f announces that she has MONTHLY M'iAVE next school year. The New Year's • wholesale migrstion o: Gcniinn S In fact. INSURANCE of Every •• officers"at a~ dessert-luncheon at! presiding officer' of the S.A.M. chairman, Sarah Kurtzman of Omaha. some new . and interesting ways party was held in the Rain- JfTrry. These mm arc now m; • hr hfr loml • T S ^ day afternoon.! Mothers club at the election T y P c v ,. r6ir0i)g t e n a b l e ': r_ FiIALKE OF MIZRACffl eve bow Room of the R.ockeleller Cer.- lii^rb s?ss conurig tc "ilif I'FKPC I|i afternoon- Other offic- to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Resnick The afternoon . a , spent in'd i , | Crmponies, ONLV !•• ter. Vincent Lopez's orchestra States to confpr upon ihis pvo- i are: Mesdames Jo» announce the birth of a daugh- jc u s s ijig plans for the year. '<" The Mizrachi monthly M'lave piEyed. pnssl. Kaliii; David Wire will I City rinanee & Insurance Co. ^ ter at tbe .Methodist hospital Jan- I . seph Goldware, treasurer; T. Fie| The Malke meeting will take place Justin Levey of Kansas City, discuss this in his sermon. "En- I AT 766" - 1-iO? F A R N A M - W A 61:.C I dler, flower chairman; Julins : to call her for information. uary 7. j VISITING HERE TTtOM Saturday evening, January 19, at : an alnrnnus member of Chi chapi drawing for the trip to ' * |NEW YORK j which the Medical Fund is spon- 8 p. m. at the Adass Yeshurin ter, was appointed midwestern TEA HONORING BRIDE-TO-BE M r Ralph H. Gross of N e w chairman. of the new officers j E o r i n E w U 1 . t a k e p l a c e i n Feh™' synagogue at 25th and Seward divisional consultant for the secMrs. Meyer L. Stern and Mrs. York' City arrived Tuesday eve- Jfc invite Your Uuirge Account streets. Rabbi N. Feldinan will onl consecutive year. to spend ten days here, witb i n take place at the nest regu-| a r j r " _j w Samuel H. Stern have issued in-' - - be the guest speaker. I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry . lar meeting of the club which will vitations for a tea next Saturday, The annual Linen Shower will January 18, from 3 until S o'clock Gross, his brother, Leon, and his jDe held February IS a the home be held at the J. C. C. Wednes- Matters of vital importance will j C J T j c g £TOSS in honor of Miss-Rose Rief, -whose brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and 'o f Mrs. B. Fleishman, .115 So. 50 day. January 29. Members a n d be dicussed. Delegates to the Governors Island, V T. — One *; marriage to Mr. Louis Binstein Mrs. Jay M. Malashock. Avenue. their families a r e asked to at- national convention in Washing- of the great Jewish heroes of tbe (Trill take place February 9. The \ _ tend. An interesting program and ton, D. C. will be chosen at this TVorld War. Corporal Louis Kleaffair is to be at the home of Mrs. a tea have been.planned for. the time. banow, Russian-born p r i n t i n g Jr. Hadassah Samuel H. Stern, 342 North 35th occasion. All members and their friends salesman, was belatedly honored A large crowd attended t h e ! Ave. are cordially invited to attend- ,b y t h e United States Government Mesdames Irvin Levin, Harry meeting of Junior Hadassah held j ; when he received the Distir.jrniPhChalntzim Training Farm J. Haykin, Abe Cohn of Gretna, last Thursday evening, January 9, j ed SerTlce n r D M C T r i V ' e a Cross and an oak leaf Providence—Plans f o r estabu r n D Isadore Sokolof and Miss Blanche at the J. C. C. ' " ' ! J A L U o Jt>LKPlall!Ji^, »)", .cluster to accompany his medal. : lishing a chalutzim training farm Binstein •will assist the" hostesses. . Miss Rose Dolgoff was elected i Of All Remaining in New England were adopted at DIED SATURDAY NIGHT be - - - second D.S.C. membership treasurer for the re- ! thp. first regional conference of Jerusalem . (J T A)-—Palestine g e mainder of the term. Women's Mizrachi I Miss Ann -Halm, who was tic- Jewish land settlement bas reach-j the New England branch of Ma-1 J a c o b Bernstein 5 9 244S IT WILL PAY YOU : |ket chairman for the Thanksglv-• e d its second generation. I sada, Zionist youth organization.: St., died Saturday; To ConsnJt 1 evening at a local hospital after; An interesting meeting of the announced that prize; Miss •o f The first sons to and daughters & campaign to beforlaunched n g Dance, Women's Mizrachi was held at \ jFannie Katelman. won first Jewish farmers receive por- jishortlr to raiseis funds buying ''a Jong illness. . MALASHQCK'S the J. C. C. Wednesday afternoon. for selling the most tickets, and-tions of land hare just been al-|the farm. He - is Eurvived tj his ^ife, When buying An informal discussion on the Miss Rose Dolgoff w o n second ; lotted a 1,000 donam tract by ( Up to $89.95 Fannie; four daughters, Mrs. Al- DIAMONDS Mizrachi movement was held un- prize, and presented the winners j the Jewish National Fund, MRS. SARAH BERflSTEW t e r Pitler of Phoenix, Ariz.; They are the fifty workers and der the leadership of .Mrs. B. with .lovely gifts. WEDDING EINGS DIED IN LOS ANGELES Mrs. Charles Ross, Mrs. "William WATCHES Following the business meet- j their families who for the next Handler, with all of the members - SELVEEWAK-E (Epstein, and Miss Bess Berning. a delightful program was j f e w years will he engaged in participating. s3 GUT eEWELEY Mrs. Abe Solomon,. one Bernstein, S5, died i stein, all of Omaha; Mrs. L. Rosenblatt will give a presented. , . , planting, . _ . and tending t h e King!, Mrs. _Sarah .


Phi Wins Honors



(Land Settlement



trr rimmed

benefit card party at her home [of the club's sponsors, presented j George Jubilee .Forest. | Sunday, January 12, in Los An-;sons, Maurice of Columbus, Neb., Wednesday,-February-5- All pro-'aque."dramatic reading, "Hum oresi it is estimated that twenty ; i e s,daughter, California, at "the of| andFuneral .Leo of services Omaha. were**held Et ge Miss Harriet "Bernstein j dunams can support a family, her "Mrs. M. L.home Woolf-i' ceeds will go to Mizrachi.

sang a group of songs, accompan- | , son, with -whom she made her; the Jewish funeral home Sunday ied at the piano by Miss Liberty / » ' " ' • . home for the past 10 years. Prior afternoon at 2 o'clock. A. Z. A. 100 Cooper. A scene from "Rain From Lonvenmg ! to that time, she had been a res- . Heaven," starring Miss Louise j New York—A call to Jewish . 5 l j e n t o I Omaha and Council The new administration o i Fitch, and Sylvan Fraflkel, w a s ; communities throughout the coun-' jjiUffs for 0V er 35 years. As a j try to elect delegates to the sec- j r e s u i t o f an accident four years Century Chapter of AZA was in- presented also. augurated Sunday, January 12,1 The next meeting of the Junior ; ond annual national conference- ago she sustained a hip fracture at the J. C. C , when the new of- j Hadassah will be held next Thurs- j on Palestine, which is to be held f r o m •R-hjck S}ie n e ver fully refieers were formally installed by day evening, January 23, at 8 | in Washington, D . - C , February i covered! the outgoing Aleph Godol, Max o'clock at the J. C. C. Sth .and 9th, was 'issued here by j Mrs _ Bernstein Is survived, by Novak. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, chairman of • 2 daughters, Mrs. Fannie Isaacthe provisional committee in con- •s o n a n a ji r E . The newly-elected Aleph Godol, L. Woolfson of Psi Mu sons,, Mose and Harold Zelinsky, pledged himself j venlngthe gathering. The con-iLos Angeles; g ; and his fellow officers, to wrok The Psi Mu fraternity announc- ference, which is to be the secondd jj Louis Bernstein of Council Bluffs, for the common good of the chap-led at their meeting held Monday annual Palestine Day celebration, ;i a _ t a n { j Max Bernstein of Los Anter. Following the instillation. | evening the following new com-! will consider d the h measures Ji o r | g e ] e s ; i sister, Mrs. Bessie Levy the' new committees were were an- jmittees: Membership, I s a d ojr e j enlarging American aid to t h e j O t Omaha; 15 grandchildren and chairman; Aaron Ep-j upbuilding of Palestine, 7) great grandchildren. aounced. They will be publicly Tretiak, stein, and Maurice Ginsburg; en-1 <Funeral services were held in announced nest -week. Los Angeles Monday, January Dr. I. Dansky, senipr advisor, mtertainment, Harry• Staler, chair-] 13th. Interment was in Los Anpresented a brief but interesting an- M ° r r i s B l o o m and • Millard MRS. MORITZ ADLER

resume of the sermon by Dr.|Slsal: Good and Welfare, Irving Simon Greenberg, guest rabbi a t Pazoff, chairman Barney Atoams and Sam Epstein; Epstein; constitution constitution, and Sam the Beth-El synagogue last Fri- Leo Brown, chairman, Maurice

)$day night.

Kitchea Chats By Mrs. Davia M. Newman Spiced Carrots Steam carrots until Combine 2 tablespoons and 2 tablespoons sugar, cup butter and 4 or 5 cloves. Pour sauce over Season to taste.

tendervinegar add U whole carrots.

Ginger Bread With "Whipped Cream ' " Use iyz .cups molasses, % cup butter, 1 cup hot water with 1 teaspoon soda, 1 egg, i teaspoon ginger, 2 % teaspoons cinnamon, 2 cups flour, i/n teaspoon salt. Beat the butter" and molasses together. Add the egg, mix well. Dissolve soda in the hot wafer and add alternatively with t h e flour mixed with salt, ginger And cinnamon. Bake in a loaf pan at 350 degrees for 45- minutes. -Serve . warm with whipped .cream.


Mrs. Moritz Adler, 70, died Faulk and Max Kaiman; athletic j suddenly Saturday evening at her committee, Abe Bergman, chair- • home, 1112 Park Ave., after a man, Iz Bogdonoff and Irving \ heart attack. Mrs. Adler had been a resident of Omaha for 20 Green. years. Besides her husband, she is Workers Order survived by two sisters, Mrs. M. The International Workers Or- Gross of Omaha, and Mrs. Sarah der Branch No. 126 •will sponsor Tauber of Palestine, and a broa lecture' Wednesday evening, January %2, at t h e J. C. C. at tber, Sol Fried of New York city. Funeral services were 8:30 o'clock. Aaron Kurtz, noted lecturer and author, will speak! Sunday afternbon a t - 8 o'clock on "The Jew in Soviett Russia and IItRT ob mb l the Leslie O- Moore chapel. D l d Gldti ffii officiJewish Literature." Mr. Kurtz i s ! R ta b b l D a T l d A Goldstein considered one of the outstanding ^ d Jewish lecturers. He comes here from New York. Tickets may be obtained from members. Admission is 15 cents.

EX-TEACHES, MUSICIAN L I N G U I S T , active lady passed middle-age will exchange lessons, tutoring or otner service for home with CULTUEED family. Bos; 76 Jewish Press.



the music goes 'round and 'round o-o-o-ho o-o-o-lio ALL NEW FUN Night







America's His IC-Pieca Sosd ttf ef CsromsaSex Denea WITH A <BRAND NEW SS1LUANT R O O I SHOW

. : • ADA'LEE ei fass


Right in front of tbe Electric Euil<iinf, 37th «nd Haxney every day It's the furmiest program you ever heard. Tune in every day except Sunday or cosae downtown. Find out how you can •win theatre tickets.

A drastic dose-out of our Finer F*ir-Trimni«I Coats at prices which ure truly scfisational. The favored -colors «re here. Ea^h coat richly lined and wsrmly interlined. Such %-alue-giving is rare even at Carman's. Comltf—Second Floor



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. SEEKING. POTENTIdL ENEMY—Aboard the big men-o'-war the radios crackled. Somewhere in the : Pacific, according to advices from H. Q., a potential enemy lurked, waiting to attack American shores. "Go get'iml" came the orders. Here the battle line is formed in tactical exercises pursued by the • American fleet. This view was taken from the deck of the flagship Pennsylvania.











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LADY LUCK GREETS YOUNG TENOB—Because of illness or engagements; no tenors,were available at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. Then Giuseppe Bentonelli, above, born Joe Benton, of Oklahoma, was summoned. A few minutes later, he got the job.


KNOW THEIK A-B-C-P's living boy quads

names are alphabeticaL _ . . . smartest. There are two sets of girl quads in the United States,

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' CONTRASTING PICTUKES—The 54th birthday of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, will occur Jan. SO. Soon he will begin his fourth year in office. How has the "man-killi ng Job" he holds affected him? At left is how he looked shortly after 35 TONS IN ONE PIECE—-This gigantic cross, weighing 35 tons, his inauguration in 1933. At right a recent picture. Neither is a reto uched studio portrait. The pictures seem to Indicate he has neither was cut from a quarry at Barre, Vt., one of the largest ever1;aken lost nor gained weight. His features hardly bear additional lines of care. If there is any decided change, it may be suggested that he out in one piece. It is 21 feet highland eight feet across and is has become calmer, more mellow in office. Among other means of keepingfitphysically, President Roosevelt has employed swimdestined for a monument in a Chicago cemetery. Above, it is being ming. Almost, every day he finds time for this favorite form of exercise in the White House pooL prepared for shipment. . .

HOW-IT COULD BE BONE—-At left, with chalk in hand, is Welker Cochraa of San Francisco, champion, demonstrating to Willie Hoppe of New York, challenger, a difficult shot, at their match in Chicago for the world's three-cushion billiard title. Cochran won his title in the November tournament.

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NEXiSTAK-^Helen Jacobs, California net star, becoming accli^ mated to' English' weather' in preparation forth% Wimbledon tennis championships.' She is shown attending-the South Oxfordshire hunt near Wallingf ord. Although she was * defeated - at. Wimbledon last year by Helen Wills Moody, Miss Jacobs was ranked'first-by the U. S;Lawn Tennis-Association.


OLYMPIAN ICE STABIBM—^Here Is-the scene bf:the:internatipnalhockeycontesS3;tp;bs':hsId';in.3 few weeks when representatives of many countries'will: gather lo, participate'in*the Winter Olympic games at Garmlsch-Partsenkirchen, permany. This ice stadium has been bullt:especially:fof the gsmes/ Artificial lights Illuminate-thelrink without.casting."shadows bn. the Ice, 4 .

• FS£NCp:lfKp:M>UNESS FOE ITALY—-Italians were-not alone in-their response for contributions ; to" make;; the country self-sustaining in the face of imposed sanctions. Here is a throng of French : veterans from'the Midl-^the south of France, west of Italy—placing gold offerings in the u m a t the ~ *>of:the Unknown Soldier ui.Rome,^^ to help their erstwhile Italian comrades-in-arms.

.EDITOE—Anna Louise Strong,, authoress, formerly of Seattle, Wash., who has been living in Moscow for 14.years and who is an associate editor of the Moscow Daily News. Shown as she arrived in New York recently from Russia, she asserted the United States could learn much from the Soviets about social systems, politically and economically. Oalte£ Newspictee*..




Camel Diet, vs. Xi Lambda at dates of the annual winter re- rector at the Center, refereed the win over J a k e Adler and M a s i follows: Dr. Goldware-Al Oruch The convention also plerlg-e.rl fr.n 4 -o'clock. . gional A. Z. A. tournament which South-Creighton Prep game last I Turner, 10-21, 21-10, 21-10; Pin-j winning over Lou Saks and Morcooperation with th<= Xationa"; )•»-•• . (End of lirst round of play) will be held in Omaha this year. Tuesday evening which turned bor Committee for r?.l»"'in.p. vc| ny Wintroub-Jay Schriehmsn won < ris Bernstein, 21-13 a n d 21-19, A. Z. A. is a national Jewish out to be the outstanding state ! ted to support tli° T'r.itpcl Ppl»*The athletic council of the Jew-youth organization that holds as high school game of the week. ! over Sam Horwich-Earl Sigal, 2 1 - j t o enter semi-SEais a n d Paul , ish Community Center held their its main effect is to further Jew10, 21-10; George Shapiro a n d i Steinberg and J o t n n y Rosenblatt! ~ ' I " . 1 5 : 5 ' ° r t' ',„',},_;'":.„"" siine Appeal and agreed to rat«f ', \>i gTa-Ill^H t 1OJ4 i l & Cliajll i/jiUl LICI ill'* meeting at the Center, last Mon- ish youth. Chapters entered are: s mini mum of Fl.rOO for the JewThe regular season doubles By PAUL G0LDB1ATT day night, January 13. Irving C. Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Sioux handball tournament h a s prog- Art Weiner over Sol Levey and j became the favorites by virtue of i ; E g farm in the Tinted State? for ish National Fund. Eeilig- S. HarLevin, chairman of the council, City, Des Moines, and the t w oresssed rapidly with the following iSam Teper, 21-11, 21-6; and Max; their win over Melvin Shrier and i Jewish intellectuals planning to ris of Philadelphia »;a= redectef? iAltsuIer- Sol Yaffe won over Abe ' Max Friedman, 21-6, 21-5. I settle in Palestine was voted by The meeting of the General As- presided. A detailed report on Omaha Chapters. Class "A" players advancing into 'Faier-Manny Goldberg, 1S-21, 21-j | [the 11th annual convention o'f president and Sylvia, H. Binder ot sembly of t h e National Council the work of the physical departthem "semi-finals: Jack Ban and7, and 21-16. | Avukah, student Zionist organ!-; New York was again named HRof Jewish Federations and Wel-ment for the past year was giv- Mr. Lee Grossman, physical di- Paul Grossman by virtue of their I tional secretary. ' •zation. C l a s s B s e m i - f i n a l i s t s a r e a s ; Patronize our advertisers. fare Funds, which, -will he "held en by Lee Grossman. Various in St. Louis f r o m January 25 conditions were discussed and through 27, -will undoubtedly have approved. a salutary effect on Jewish social •work in America for the next few It seems as if the Jack Spratyears. ". • , ••• r - . fire are not as invincible as JuThe General Assembly brings nior league basketball followers together outstanding individuals were beginning to Relieve. T h e into t h e in the respective communities, Sharpshooters went men who for years have borne league leadership by defeating the responsibility for carrying out the lornier unbeatable five by the ' Jewish social work programs and score of 19-13. Through the efJewish Federation a n d Welfare forts ' of Leo Sherman and Milt Saylan, who scored 13 points beFund organizations in many comtween them, the Jack Sprats went munities.' donw in defeat for the first time Perhaps one of the most im- in 7 starts. The Pants Store went portant problems facing TIB today- into a tie for second place by deis the role ol Federation'in the feating the last place A. Z. A. immediate ,- and remote future, "No. 100 team, 28-9. Manny" SiWhat will be the'effect ol chang- mon, stellar Pants Store guard, ing economic conditions upon, our scored 13 points,' which w a s various income classes and t h e enuogh to defeat the A. Z. A. resulting effect -upon Jewish Phil- boys. "Due to ' a Jewish Players

a n t h r o p y ? Is, there to be a sharp 'dividing line between.public and private welfare agencies, and if not; : how far can one carry on Into the territory of t h e other? What will be the effect of various forms of Bociar legislation upon Jewish Federations ? How / far r-' shallrSJewish Federations go in •' helping to organize, formulate and develop social legislation? Changing social and economic conditions present new family and group problems. What are they, and how can our Federations meet them? Are there any ways of improving and extending the structure and organization of


AIR CONDITIONING for every purpose

With Paul "Pep" Bogdanoff taking over vthe reins, the A. Z. Distributed by A. No. 100 should show vast improvement over their former mode of playing. "Pep," starting forward on the Omaha JobAir Conditioning Corp. bing five, should prove to be just AT. S454 what the youngsters need for the 104 No. 18th St. ; Federations? Particularly in view advancement of their team showOf all that is happening economically, socially, and politically, to ing.

K f•

•what extent does the Federation of today represent the entire community interests? These and- many other pertinent questions will be studied and considered by .the General Assembly under t h e general; head of "The Function of the Jewish Federation." Questions of technique and method of raising funds will also be carefully studied while serious consideration will be given to t h e ^question of whether t h e Jews carry their legitimate share of responsibility, not only lor their own services but f o r other Boclal welfare functions in the general community. On Monday, the concluding day of the Conference, there will, be held a series of Round Table Conferences,'. dealing extensively and - m detail with, the questions disIn"addition^ Cus"sed' oSTSunday. those cities that have organized Welfare Funds for financing national, overseas and special Jewish needB will get together; to compare notes on their fund-raising problems, budgetary methods, and to explore the possibility ; ! or inter-city cooperation for campaigns. . • ' '_•_ The National Council of Jew-

1 '


Al Oruch, swimming instructor at the Center, tells our readerB this week the advantages of swimming and the use of the J. Ask Your C. C. pool: Grocer for "Xo matter what physical make up one1 has, one can be FORBES TENDER CRUST greatly benefltted by participating in an Invigorating health? BREAD fnl exercise. The majority of Look for the Orange people require a sport that is - not strennons .but which develand Blue Label ops physical structure evenly A Trial Will Convince You a n d beautifully. Swimming, the universal sport fulfills evFORBES BAKING CO. ery requirement for healthful 2711 No.-24th St. WE. 6400 and beantifying recreation. The J. • C. • C. can boast the sanitary a n d excellent condition of its pool. The people o f Omaha sholild be proud of the chance to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to .preserve"and promote health."


What girl 'was the -wearer of the only orchid corsage at the Creighton TTniversity Military ball last Saturday evening? Can you "Peg" the answer? What caused Mel Sommer to shave his mustache upon his return from New York city? We suspect "gal"ivaEting. Did yoa see the lovely fits that Ami Hahn, ticket chairman for the Junior Hadassaii Thanksgiving Dance, presented to Fannie Katelnian as first •Rlnner, and Kose Dolgoff, as second prize winner, for selling so many tickets? Xice?






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5Iaxine Leibovitz of Council Bluffs was recently honored hy being chosen ES one of the twenty most beautiful girls at the University of Iowa, Maxine, who is a freshman, is also s talented dancer.

We have heard from several ; s c h ° o 1 f o u r o u t o f s i x members of I people that Miss Pearl Osoff is : the team are Jewish — Hannah lone of the prettiest girls in O m - i B a u T n ' J o e Soshnik, Morris K;riaha. We heartily agree. jschenbaum. and Sol Wezelmtn I Is the Irving Forbes-Jeannette IA t S o c t h High, half of their F.X 'Turner combination serious? j team members belong to "t'ue j Ann Ruback seen tete-a-tete! ^ i ^ " — Isydor Beber, Earl Kap|with a handsome stranger ( t o ! l a n - s n d C e ! i a L-Psman. Tech|us) at the Cocoanut Grove last:11'0211 a ! s o has .several Jewish stuSunday. • <2eni o n their debate squad, headLeo Marks seems to be having ; c d b j r L ouis Kartz. 7 competition troubles, eh Rose? j CT

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To the East, and then Florida.


was the destination of the Louis


Atitoiaolslie accidents sire costly . . . Be Prepared . . . Have yoty automobile Issured with

Gould Drug Co.

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Annette Riklin joined the Or- j Killers, and daughter, Marjorie pheum circuit. j Lou, last Wednesday evening. Bertha Greenhouse took part in^Marjorie says that she will spend 0 j the whole month of February Visit ua in our new loca- an opera "Don Giovanni Maurice Samuels spoke before '• resting in the Florida sun. Sounds. tion where you will find "a than 500 at the Brandeis; good, doesn't it, with the thcr-! complete stock of Drug and I more Grill. . He spoke on Palestine. ! inonieter hovering- around zero.; Sundry items. ! Judge L- B. Day spoke at a j Again the question is repeated— ; j regular meeting of the Jewish • What will Mr. Edward "School- j W o t n e n . ' s Welfare Federation.! boy" Kosen do wih all his new; j 50th & Dodge Sts. WA. 0502 Miss Ivy Siegel rendered several i found extra time ? vocal selections. ! PARKING SPACE I Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg of Kan- study of the German language in | Prompt Delivery |sas City, . daughter of Mr. and; New York's junior high schools • Mrs. S. Robinson of Omaha, spoke | dropped £3 percent in the current: at the convention of the United j year . . . Speaking of the boycott,;

Estimates Gladly Furnished Call

; i ,„,„_r , . .


Lei Gould Attend Your Drug Needs

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Irving Hill of .Lincoln has been chosen ES the campus "Man of the Year." This is quite an honor, but then Irving is used to honors. He is always winning; them. He was one of Nebraska's for Rhodes scholarship.

a monoply in local high school I debate circles. At Central hipt



224 Insurance Eldg.



Joe Sessel is interested too. '



; Beauty and Brains

EA. 5321 | as pipes are concerned, so much | f Brass, Bronze Alnnaintzm, Soft I so, that we can't even begin to I Did you know that several popGrey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast! explain it. So we'll pipe down, j ular young- female members of — ! the Omaha social set have formings. TToofi and Metal Pattern? ed a "Sp:nster"s Cluh" snd meet Standard sizes Eronire a n d Iror l for "bridge each Saturday evening. Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern Rincjs and Covers, Cleanout Dcors, j THE FRIKDMAN brothers, Al-; Each cf the members of the club Sash Weights a r c : Yellow Brass Plumbers' Ferrules. carrlee In Tin-and Lloyd, seem to be doing ; h a v e . E t e 6 f l r . b 0 T . f r i e n d 5 ; . v h o stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze end | pretty well for themselves in Z. B. ; h s p p c n t o b e o u t " o f t 0 1 r n a t p r e . Cast Iron Grilles a Specialty. :T. circles at the present time. A l j B e n t g 0 t h e c ] u b f o d to 1 1 long- winter eve- sssss *\™ IV:™ ** **? ?J??'*1J!\™V Pass i the Zeta Beta Tan Omaha «grad mugs. ! cluh, and younger brother Lloyd ! jis the president of Aipha Theta n ~ , T n o c ; chapter of Zeta Beta Tau at the | UKAl $JK$ i University of Nebraska. Jewish students seem to have



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MELVIN BERKOWITZ is a man of pipes. Whether he gets > j it from 'pipe' dreams or because j Friends of Bemice Yousem are j he took BO many pipe courses in i glad to know that she is again up '-. college,- the fact still remains that •' and around, following a recent this chap • h a s - a t least -fourteen•; illness, that saw her confined tc smokable pipes at home, and is ; her bed for several weeks. | still adding-to his collection. His!

. BEAUTY SALON SPECIAL FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY $6.50 Permanent Waves - at .....$5.00 $5.00 Permanent Wave3 at .$4.00


'Fitch, who fairly took my breath; :f away with her mature and finish-! ;ed acting, not to mention her : looks; Sylvan Frankel, for his sympathetic interpretation ofj Hugo WillenE, ore-eighth Jew;, !Joe Solomonow, who really sur• prised me with his natural interpretation, Jack Ternic. who had a j difficult role to enact, that of a meloncholy yet noble Russian refugee. To all of you, sincerely given bouquets. To Miss Helen Merritt, director, our unbounded admiration and congratulations .for this wonderful piece of direct-, .ing. We are looking forward to, , seeing more of the Guild plays.

| A CLASSMATE at the Tan ; i Sant's business college tells this j | one on Miss Chickie Bergman: i An instructor listed a number.1 of books that the class should ; read, adding that the list would j I constitute their 'outside reading ; i for the month.' i ! "But it's too cold to do any ! outside reading," the punning iMiss Bergman is alleged to have I said.


defeating the, Spar team. With only. three "teams entered, Lee Grossman' has conceived the idea of letting the first team to score four points keep- on playing un716 Branded Theatre Bids. ish. Federations and "Welfare til defeated. By virtue of their AT. 4S33 iorward to a is moving win over the Spar team, Bertha Funds is t h e GUSS'B S q u a d is in first place. most important position in jf lives of the Jews in America. The Teams entered and their members St Louis Conference should bring are: out many important trends and Eva Marcus, captain; Sue Marprograms for .the future. golin, E v a Kuderman, Vesta Scott, Phyllis Sorer. Annual Meeting of the , Eae Spar, captain; Esther SieJewish Community Center ana gal, Darlene Westover, Rose Ban, Welfare Federation SCHMIDT'S Belle Ruderman. Wednesday, February 13, 1936 Bertha Guss, captain; Minnie CITY CLUB BEER •i Plans are being made for an Yaffe, Ida Kuklin, Florence Sklar, ^interesting meeting of the mem-Becky Giller. for a Pleasant Surprise bership of the Jewish Community HAVE I O C TRIED Center a n d Welfare Federation The Omaha Jobbing five and on Wednesday evening, February SCHMIDT'S LATELY? the Psi Mu quint will fight it 12. the coveted first place for CALL out Every member of the Jewish position in the J. C. C. senior CITY CLUB BEER CO. Community Center and every league at the annual charity bas- 422 AT. 5903 So. 13th St. contributor of the Jewish Philan- ketball game to be held in the thropies is privileged to attend Center gym, January 26. Due to the meeting. Not only will re- the fact that the Omaha Jobbing ports of the year be. made, but team defeated the Psi Mu's duran interesting program is. being ing pre-season play and also to developed. the fact that they lead the league in points scored, the Jobbing quint, will enter the game a slight Stop for Your favorite. The co-holders of the league leadership will enter into By SAY SCHAPERO Lunch and Relaxation the spirit of the day which promThe Omaha Jobbing and t h e ises the basketball followers a real AT THE • psi Mu fives are still in the un-treat in the snap of veteran baskdefeated class at the J..C. C. Both etball talent. Tickets may be purteams lave run off their Bched- chased from any contestant and STAR BILLIARDS ule to da^e with four wins. In the .entire proceeds will go to the last Sunday's games, the Omaha Bee-News charity fund. * AND LUNCH * Jobbing five ran through the formidable Camel Distributors f o r 816 So. 15th Dancing as a fine art,, for the an easy win by the score of 31-first.time in the history of the 13. The Psi Ma's had a tougher Center, is being presented as a time of it, nosing out the APTpart of Lee Grossman's athletic quint; 38-30. It was not until program on Wednesday evenings the final moments of' the game for the women members. It is bewas the outcome certain. In the ing conducted by Miss Ruth Diaopener, the XI.Lambdas defeated mond, Director of Physical Edua disorganized A. Z. A. No. 1 five cation for Women at the MuniWe Are Ssn'Ing a to the tune of; 34-22... The Oma-cipal University. Thl first hour Special American Dinner ha Jobbing five, although sharing class; is a technique cla$s .which EVEB* SUNDAYS their lead with the • Psi .Mu team, includes body mechanics and at have the edge; in team scoring. fundamentals of rhythm while The Jobber team should undoubt- the second hour class will study 75c AND 85c PEE PLATE edly come through to take t h e advanced technique and Modern 4 Courses Complete league cham.pi6nship. Not only dance composition^ ' Prom 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. has Iz Tretlak, manager, a splen- • "This -new class," stated Miss did ccoperating .starting five in Diamond, "is not for the student Paul Bogdanoff, 12 Novak, Reg- dancer with professional aspiraKING FONG CAFE gie Weidenbeck, Leonard Seiner, tions, but the girl who finds the 316 So. ICth St. and Harry Altshuler, but also dance adequate as a creative acUPSTAIRS the reserve strength that any tivity, through which she may enwinning team must have in the rich her own life." personages of Art Adler, Bill It Is hoped that In the second Best, and Phil Gerellck. As it hour class, some research may be stands, the Omaha Jobbing Co. done with Jewish Mueic and Jew•tf team has one of the outstanding ish History in dance Interpreta-"^amateur teams in the city. tion. , Schedule for January 19: A \ Z. A. No. 1 vs A. P. T. at 3 . February 7, 8, 9 m a r k s t h e

J. C. C. Sports



Guild play, junior games which were" scheduled for last Tuesday, have been postponed until Sunday. Schedule for January 19;. Pants Store VB. Sharp Shooters at 1. A. Z. A. No.100 VB. J a c k Spratts at 2.

17th ant! Vinton

AX. 21S1

35 Douglas Blocb

S&CKSOX 1525 !

'For Insurance See F r a r <• r

' Synagogues of America at the! Longchamps Restaurant, ritzy | Hotel Sherman in Chicago. jXew York chain, may now be ssifl ! In a Fashion Hints column, j to have'turned kosher . . . After! I conducted by the Jewish Press, \ a long campaign by the Non-Sec- > Cast i we find: "The sash has returned-! tarian Anti-Nazi League, the chain • Large velvet bows on-ihe front of j is getting rid of its German-made; LAUIDME5 I the frock are much in evidence china and is replacing it with the ; AT. SS made-in-tT. S. variety . . . Kerb \ on the new models."


Y> v

" IT ^ * * ' lT ~ ^

, • i ,

Mandell, formerly in the advertis- i •Eve *y Lasndty Sr™< Jcr iag department of the late Jew- j W E T WASH TO rn.IilX, I. , ,, ish Daily Bulletin, is making ra- i WOKK "i We are going to take time out j pid strides as a song-writer j 5 to compliment and admire the en- j Rudy Yallee started off his first • 1 * Let HE keep your wearing %pp ; tire cast of "Rain From Heaven" | program of the new year by singImmBCUiBte ' fcr their outstanding performance j ing Herb's latest song, "Here's TTe t&ke time to do It rielst by • 1 I in this noteworthy play. We want: to You" . and to you, too, br ing eiow anfl careful



< v



, , i

•"• . . i '





. " 'nr> <• r r r

W e also cle«n and re versa

- 1

rc-ur QIC shafies S h s ttct= ns Irfiw as 20c on T o n r Own KoHers

• t


also to especially .mention Louis, Herb . . .

WS 5 ' IS


WA'S.-'XI.TT 5500 4202-4-6 Hamilton




stein,;left Wednesday for Los An- whole business is her attitude land Ettitudes -which: detracts from own people cslls Turn onfp '.apRSfc geles, California, where she will toward Alfred. After all, their I the burning sincerity, -which he into the fray. All his life Ptepf1S. WlSC visit with relatives f o r several engagement was supposed to be undoubtedly feels for his causes en "Wise has hpen' a. v'arrior; He* weeks. announced when you get back, and-with, which'he endeavours to has stood in the forefront of the and I don't blame him for being ; proclaim them. He has a likeable battle for religious reform against Miss Frances Emlein, a brideelect, has been honored at a'num- • Mrs. Edward Weiner of VIllls- annoyed at her giving him the (Continued from Page 2.) 'personality whose- charm is un- orthodoxy; he has been one o? MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent ber of parties' this week, and sev- ca, Iowa, spent a few days here j air whenever her Irishman has overspreading the heavy features fortunately somewhat marred, by the bravest fighters for UIP organeral have reserved dates next this week visiting at the home of! an evening off. But when Alfred as though in pleasurable pride st dogmatism and obscured by exEp- ization of the Jewish ppopip in iiMiiiiiiiiiiiffliiiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiniiniin: j doesn't phone her for a few days week to entertain- as a courtesy her father, Mr. B.Markovitz. geratedi -w-ord and gesture, ss their ancient homeland of Pslps' Miss i£ose Fox returned home she's just as worried as if he the achievement of an oratorical i though always addressing: an aud- tine, he has wappd -vvnr for the to her.. ' forceSunday, Mr. and Mrs.'J. Kalin Wednesday following a • three were the only man in the world, • ience and eager to impress dra- advancement of his fellow citithe tide of fury were -hosts to twelve guests at a weeks visit with relatives in St. •!and phones him and insists upon signs of abating a matically. zens in the United Stafp? and Louis, Missouri. dinner in the Kalin home." seeing him again. Alfred doesn't wave of the arm will : Thus, while he holds the elsewhere. . His mightiest weapon like it at all, and I'm afraid that Monday, Mrs. Joseph H. Levin for a too rashly spoken i masses in ecstatic admiration for is the fiammg: tonpup anri thp More than 200 people attended entertained for Miss Emlein, at pretty soon he'll get tired of all penitence flight of fancy, anil sentence or his courage and forthrightness.' devastating power o£ the liuniHn the first annual Jewish National At a meeting this week in the an afternoon of bridge. this foolishness. two of honeyed words will allay, by the downright drama of hip'word. "Were )IP not sn nn?h{il-,pBY ADKLE LAVJELLE. Jewish Community Center, plans Fund banquet, sponsored by the Mrs. Ben Schulein was her hos"If only I could talk to her for the time, the tumult of hos- phrases and by the magic of hisablj- Rware of his own macie he local J. N.I F. Council, Tuesday It isq't often . that any one, were'made for the annual Federtess, Tuesday, at a luncheon and about it. But she won't let the voice, in the Council Chsmfier, have led not c o m p a r e s hm. least of all a member ot the subject be discussed at all-—just tility. Then, as thourh no rip-and at the conference table he iswoisid ation Banquet, and-the date was evening; in the J. C. C. bridge party in her home. battalions. -ple had disturbed the even Sow Rabbi David Polish of Cedar set for Monday evening, FebruWednesday evening, a group of younger generation, succreds in as. stubborn as she can be." of his eloquence, Wise will re- not so successful. There he has ary 3. The banquet will be given Rapids, Iowa, was the principal friends will have a no-hostess putting something over oh the old And much more in the same sume the firm thread of his dis-the faculty, by reason of the wayby the Federation of Jewish So- speaker of the evening. He bridge party in' the . Sioux T e a ladies of our town. You know vein. Manuscript of Thirteenth. ' course to a peroration of high wardness of temperament, of cial service and the • Community stressed the importance of t h e shop honoring her, and Thursday, what old ladies are: Shrewd, ex1 arousing opposition which often Just ten days after he received Center,, and will, be followed by Jewish National Fund in buying Mis? Lillian Magaziner was tier perienced, and endowed with an this letter Henry Newman was drama content, sonorous phrasing develops into hostility. Then, like Century L&cvcZcrc Ssloniki ("WNS — Manuscripts : the annual meeting of the Fed-land in Palestine, - where thou- hostess. uncanny knack of ferreting out back in town, having flown across and supreme artistry. . Achilles, he will retire to his tent, viiirh throw a new lipht on l"th One waits expectantly for a sands of Jewish refugees f r o m eration. •"" • into the open the hidden backThis afternoon Mrs. Max Bradresentful and black with brood- century Hebrew literature have most of Europe to catch a last Mr. E. N. Grueskia has been Germany and other lands will key and Mrs. M. Skalovsky will ground of the most intimate steamer, and having taken the drop curtain to fall and for theing. ', hpen discovprp.d in tin? nrchivpR crash of an orchestra to proclaim find a haven; named general chairman with an entertain friends 'honoring Miss i-events. In the course of a brief first plane he could get from New But not for long. The restless: of Jhe VaticRti Ijibrary, it was rethe conclusion of the final act. Rabbi Polish spoke of the Emlein, and tomorrow Miss Car-afternoon session camouflaged as executive committee consisting of urge of the rebel, the irrepress- por'ed here by Professor "Beleli, York. Mrs. Newman had conthe following: A. M. Davis, Morey psychological .Galuth .'of. the Jewolyn Fishgall will entertain eight bridge a quartette of them are sented to come back by a less The sudden realization that one ible impulse of being up and do- •noted philologist, who liar Just Lipshutz, Si Krueger, Mrs. Wil-and the physical Galuth, and the guests at an afternoon of bridge, fully capable of solving correctly hectic route only on his solemn is not the spectator in a theatre ing for his fellow-men ana bisreturned from Ttsly. Professor liam L/azere, Mrs, S a m Mosow, mental and physical hardship of following a one o'clock luncheon. such major mysteries as why Mrs. promise to settle the matter with- comes as a kind of shod: of disBelfili explained that-thp manuJohn tansberg, and Max Brodkey. the^ Jew in the diaspora. "B.ut Rosenbaum at last got the road- in twenty-four hours of his re-appointment, often allied scripts which he found reveal a sense of irritation that what the Jew is capable of gaining vicMONSKY, GRODiNEKY. MAKER & Mr. Mike Skalovsky is chairnew and hitherto unknown polrten Mr. and Mrs.W. C. SloUsky will ster of.1 which she had been turn home, and to radio her the offered as a political discourse COHEN, Attorneys man of the nominating commit-1 tory from most miserable defeat," leave today for New York City dreaming so long, why the Sha-outcome immediately. eporh of Hebrew rvilhsre. rompar737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. has, in fact, been a dramatic pertee. Mrs.-William Lazere a n d Rabbi Polish-said, "and the dark- where they will visit. k i piros suddenly decided to sauri able to the period o[ Judah HtuFive minutes after his arrival formance. In this lies the strength ! XOTICF IS HKF.EBT G1VF-X that Mrs. J. Kalin are. In charge of! ness and misery of the Jew in their eldest daughter to Enga d u l y constituted meotinc of evy. land for a year, why the Morrises, in his office, whither he had and the weakness of Stephen 3l the tickets a n d reservations. the ^Galuth is ;being counter-balStookholriprK of k'RASXK ,Vlt,1,lX. Mrs. Leon Gladwin has returndirectly from the airport, Wise, the clergyman-polltician-re- • ERT. .INC.. held on the 2Sth day of Morey Lipshutz is in charge of anced by t h e light and joy in ed to her home in Detroit, Michi- after a decade of childless though taxied ; November. in"5, it was unanimously NOTICE OF INCORPORATION O F Henry Newman had arranged Eretz Israel. T h e psychological former. He has an overwhelming BETH-EL SYNAGOGUE the program. •• gan,., after visiting here with her happy marriage, are now shop- that Murifel, Michael Flaherty and i agreed that the corporation be dis• solved. Mra. Dora Baron- and Mrs. Mor- despair of the Jewin the Galuth," parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Silver. ping for nursery furniture. Hist Alfred Roth would meet him sense of the drama and an emXr.iieo is hereby driven flint n r e harassing belief in its adaptability i Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, t h i s liErious corporation .the mystery of the Muriel Newris E; Skalovsky are co-chairmen he continued, "is counterbalanced knov.n as KKTH2Sth day ot November, 3ri35. there within an hour. His lawKI. S T X A G O W F , has boen r>rp»nby the development and redempto all causes and for .ill occasions. man triangle has always been beof "the dining room and Mrs. Sain Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mazie will i^ed. and is located at Omaha. Neyer's instinct told him that it GROD1NSKY, MARER Mosow is in charge of the menu. tion in Palestine. The Jew canentertain their friends Saturday, yond them; to do them justice, would. be best to interview the It tinges all his thoughts and -MONSKY, braskn. b u t ' h a p spiritual .iuris(l*ct»r*n &. COHEN, Attorneys. not live, function, raise his hand extendinp over the stalp of Xebr;!s4 we. must confess that the old In announcing the plans for the purposes and colours every ex737 Omaha Nations! Bank Eldg. I in the social hall of Shaare Zion ka. The purpose of the corpora ti'>n»banquet, Mr. Grueskin said "This or utter a sound unless Palestine Synagogue, following the morn- ladies themselves have been the three of them together. pression of them. He has played : is to promote i^nd to p d r s t v e tiip NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION religion. The corporation lh'S' year we are planning on a big-teems and throbs within . his ing service, honoring their s o n first to realize that the various' They arrived almost simul- a worthy and often a great role ' In the County Court of Douglas Jewish 1 authority to contract debts u}^ to the taneously; Michael Flaherty, who 'heart. That is the message of the solutions they have evolved all County. Nebraska. ger attendance at t h e Banquet in many movements for the adMilton, who will celebrate his Bar sum of One Hundred Thousand PolIn the Matter of the Estate of Fan- larp (Slilrt.drtn.iKn. but noi in escf:* had had to make special arrange- vancement of human liberty and fall short of perfection. than ever before. We have made Land of Israel," he concluded. nie Braunstein. Deceased. The corpnrstimi tri.iv. '"onments at the hospital, was the Included on the evenings pro- Mitzvah in the synagogue;, ' ; AH persons interested in said es- thereof. more elaborate plans and hope to the removal of wrong, not alone Which_is quite a feather J n the r a c t and shall be bound for its d^bf" are hereby notified that a peti- tand have a more interesting banquet gram jrf'ere a group of Hebrew may convey, encumber or chantre caps of Muriel, now Mrs. Alfred last to come. He found Muriel, as affecting Jewry but among the :: tate tion has been filed in said County songs%y Cantor A. Pliskin, Palthan at any previous time." Roth; of her husbard; of Dr. her father and Alfred, of whom unfortunate and downtrodden of alleging that said deceased died leRV- its property ir like msu-mpr a^- mp.>' no last wili and praying: for adThe program-will include an- estinian songs by the- Hebrew Michael Flaherty, the th'nl cor • he ..had heard and whoirc he other peoples and in many climes. inp: ministration upon his estate.and that of the s l a t e of Nebraska. TCverj- pernual reports made by officers and School choir, under the direction ner of the triangle; and of Henry recognized intuitively, sitting in America knows him well as onea hearing will he had on said ppfi- son elected to membership t^y the before said court on 1he L'5ih Kxecutive Committee nnd '•^'liC'Fe dci';* committee chairmen of the Feder- of Mr. S. Krupnick and accomNewman, father of Muriel and uncomfortable silence. It must of the doughtiert champions of so-; tion day of January. 1D.T6, nnd that if they shull not be rielin<i»!«>r!t ns presci-il'*-/!^ be confessed that he too felt unation, Reservations wjdl be sixty panied at the piano by Mrs. cial and political freedom, and as one of our shrewdest lawyers. to appear at said Court on the by th<= B>--T n\\R of the C<»'-|V->I-R ticw^j as the three pairs of a resolute and fearless defender i1 fail Krupnick, and >two ceilo solos by said 25th day of January. ]93B, at 9 shall be considered a m c m b T of the ' cents,. . s - , " ' " ' ""'". It all started several years ago, comfortable o'clock A. M. to contest said petition' corpora tinrj. The P>'na^roR\ie b^cnm^ Miss Gisela Pill. Mr. Barney Barof assailed minorities. when the elder Newmans left eyes turned on him. j the Court may pra.nt the same and a corporation on the I*>t>i day -of on ; was toastmaster and Rabbis Mr. Newman waved him toj of said estate December. io"*i, and if will t e r m i n town for ; three months on a From his Temple in New York, prantJ. administration Harold Saks or pom? other ate on October 1st. 2»". >. Tiie offiRabinowitz a n d Lewis spoke ward a chair. "Sit down, my as well as from the public plat- to The Council Bluffs Chapter No. j Mediterranean cruise, in celebrasuitable- person and proceed to a cers of the corpni-R ttorr nve p prp;:ibriefly. boy," he said, and waited.' : dent, a first vic^-p'-esidenv, p second settlement thereof. form, his blazing words have been 7 of the A. Z. Av-will hold its I tion of their twenty-fifth wedding vice-president. « tT-eas\tt-er and a secMembers of the Jewish Na- formal installation of new officers j ERYCE CRAWFORD. Michael felt *that he was ex-carried enthusiastically across the anniversary. Muriel, jusl out; 'of l-S-06-St. County Judge. retary, who. top-ether -with all of th** Fund Council, in charge of next Sunday afternoon, January] pected to speak, but couldn't past presidents of the corporation Twenty members were elected tional great western continent, and far arrangements included Mr. 19, promptly at two o'clock at college and' engaged in social find the proper words. At last beyond, and have been approving- FRIEDMAN &. SHRIER, Attorneys. and fmi" memberF-Pt-!arfre. constito the Board of Directors at the the work, stayed with her • married tutr- an Executive Committee, which Krupnick, Mrs. J. N. Kreu- t h e Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaFirst National Bank Bldg. conducts the affairs of the corporaAnnual- election "meeting held re- Sam sister, Louise. Of course'she came he blurted out: "She's a very at- ly cited in support of progressive tion. Miss Rosalie Sacks, Miss tractive girl, sir. And how • was cently .at Shaare Zion Synagogue.' ger, and democratic movements, irre'• NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PEgogue at 818 Mynster St. The of-j and went as she pleased, so thai Dorothy Merlin, Mrs. W. C. SlotI to know? As soon as I found I TITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF HARRY sn/VKKMAN, ~, rA£ ; the/meeting, DK Simonsky, Mrs. Meyer Daskovsky, Max fleers t o b e installed are: Presi-| her, friendship with Michael, who spective of race or creed. Indeed, I FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACDAVID nnRKXBERG. Greenbejrg, of Philadelphia^ was Mason, he is as much at home and is as! COUNT— dent, Herbert Ros«nthal; Vice j was interning in the hospital out—" A. R. AI.PIRX. M. Lazriowich, Mrs. I. Jn the County Court of Douglasthe guest, speaker and addressed Menen, Mrs. Sam Shulkin, Mrs. President, Norman Rosenthal; where Muriel 'did most of her! Mr. Newmon held up 1his hand. warmly welcomed in the pulpits \ County, A. I."). FRANK. .DAViD COHEN'. the-audience, on "The Equipment Sam JCosow and Mrs. Charles Secretary, Sam Kirchomsky; Pub- work, was quite well" established: j "How did you find out? ' and platforms of conJewish or- i In the Nebraska. Matter of the Estate of Solo.7. H. KI'UKOFSKT, of the Jew." . ' ' _" ' ; licity, Abe Raben; Sr; Sgt.-at- before it came1 to the notice of I ' "Why, as soon as I saw herganizations as he is in those of j mon Cohen, Deceased. AKTHTT. A. COHX, ' All persons interested in said rofltM. M. RAKISH, sister. And then, of course—but The members elected t o ' t h e' Raskin. his own people. He has poured Arms,' Meyer Dia"mond; J r . Sgt..- Lo.uise—and the old ladies. : ter ere hereby notified that on the B. A. SIMON. Board included A. H. Baron, Barthe full eloquence of "bitter scorn ! "6th day of December, 1935. Herman at-Arms, Harold Fox; Religious -. The old ladies were unanim- she doesn't know, does she?" TRV1N C. 1./EVTX. Cohen filed a petition in FRid County * Muriel was staring at him, beRR'FRX BOKDT. ney Baron, R. H. Emlein, M. and denunciation, which h i s Director, Bennie Kutler. ously agreed that.no good could wildered. So was Alfred. Court, praying- that his final nrlminfsF H i U F M. K1XTZXICK, Falk, .A Finkenstein, M. E. tongue can utter with matchless . trstion account filed herein he settled 'Abe Raben. is the manager for SAM BEBER, Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will jthe local basket ball team. The come of the friendship between allowed, and that he be discharpMr. Newman smiled ruefully Incorporators. Friedman, M. Ginseng, Lester force, on tyrants, and oppressors • and pretty -blonde Muriel—she's the ed from his trust e.s executor an<? speak this evening at Mount Sinai Heeger, J. Himowitz, L. J. KapI Chapter has played two games image of her mother, you know at them. "You'll -both know in a of all races, creeds, and countries. that a hearing- will be had on paid O<£. KAZUOWSKY, Atty*. petition before said Court on the 2nth lan, 3.. Kuntz,.-:J. Lansberg, ,M. Temple on "Moses Mendelsohn— j this season, winning, one and los- —and the flaming-haired young few insurance Bldg, day of January. M"6. End that if you 150 Years After His Death." SerLasensky, I. H. Levin, J. H. Moj ing one. Th^ir uniforms are in Irish,doctor. First and foremost, . fail to appear before f-'aid Court on Notice of Pu-bllcaticn on Petition for ; the sa.id £5th day of .-January. lOHfi. sow, Eli Robinow, B. Shindler, M. vicea will begin at 8 o'clock. • colors'ot'Gold and Black.: In thethere was the intermarriage As you say, you couldn't know Settlement of Finsi AdmlnU- . , at 9 o'clock A. Jt., and contest said The Temple Brotherhood will first game last week, when they trat'on Account at first, though you might have Shubb, H. M. Singer, and S. I. petition, th» Court may crant the Skalovsky. • . • * ' meet Monday - evening, January played in Florence,- the .team con- angle, which In itself was enough had an inkling. Yes, I know the prayer nf said petition, enter a decree In the Co\m':y Court of Doucla? , the here- of heirship. and make such other and 20, -with Mr. Victor Mazie presid- sisted of Robert Endelman, Her- to lend justification to the oldname's not uncommon, but as a CounLy. Xe'orn.ska: : further orders, allowances and deIn the -Matter of the Estate of LUCIA ing. Mr. Frank Margolin, local bert - Rosenthal, Norman Rosen- ladies' point of view. Then there ' creep. a.= to this Court may seem ALIANO. Decen.«i>d: *%* •**• * * • attorney will speak. The business thai, Norman Abrahamson,,Hymie was the attitude of .Muriel herj proper, to the end that all matters All persons interested in said m a t The local A. Z. A. chapter has meeting •will be followed by repertaining: to said estate ma}' be ter are hereby notified that on th^ 5 self: She never brought him understand that' later • your., posi-i . ... , „ . _ . Diamond; . with • Meyer Diamond finally Fettled and determined. 4th flay of January, IMS, A N G E L " Inaugurated a project, which is 'freshment8 and a social hour. BKICE CRAWFORD. PICCOLO filed n petition in said and Harold Fox, - as aubstitutes. home for dinner, never discussed lion was very difficult! and I'm ^ t withal. Wise suffers from l-"-S6-3t. new^ in-its.scope.- A choir h a s County Judge. County Court, prwyinjr th?it his final TheJBook: Review group of, theOn Tuesday evening they played him;with her friends—indeed, no not going to scold you for some-' a too-obvious chance on h,s dr*been.-, formed, to conduct services Sisterhood will meet this afteradministration account filed hereinj one would ever have known of FRADENBURG. WEBB. EEEER, he settled and allowed, and that ht in various synagogues,. arid t h e noon in the home' of Mrs. Her-the Iowa School for t h e Deaf, h i s be fiiKch».i-p<?d from his trust as adKLUTZNICK £ K E l t E Y , Attys. winning this game by a 33 to 25 i existence from any informachapter has be,en invited to con- man Miller. Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will ministrator and that a hfarine viH tion Omaha National Bank Bldg. yictory. The line-up consisted, ^of i supplied by Muriel. Anything There was a gasp from Alfred. had on said pent ion b^u>>'e s;ti(i duct, the Friday evening service] y crit- In Ihe County Court of Doug-las he two current Iriiore like a clandestine love af- His eyes, now keen with realizaCourt on the 1st day n;' February, In . Omgha, Lincoln, and Des Herbert Rosenthal, Norman ; Ab- fair could not be imagined; and IKS, and that if you fail to Riu'M>r County. Nebraska. r Molnea.Ja.ck Merlin will act as rahamson, N o r m a n - Rosenthal, the rumors "that flew about the tion, were darting from Henry in the "Matter of the Estate of Israel be o:-e sp.id Court on the said IF": dny of I'ciiiuary. J'XiX. at !• (("clock A. M.. Newman to Michael Flaherty and Kulakof.<ky. Deceased. captor, '..."/. Hymie Diamond, Abe Raben, with town gained credence from the pression of careful study of parts All persons interested in said mat- an'! contest said petition, the Court Meyer Diamond, a n d Eugene back again. tuny pmnt the prnver of said petiThe chapter is holding try-outs ter ere hereby notified thnt on the old ladies' distinct recollection of Telpner,- as substitutes.. Muriel turned her puzzled Sth day of January, 1PP-6. Sarah tion, enter a rtvrve ot heir.ship. nnri this -week fbr debating, oratory, MAX rROMKIN, Attorney make such other and further orders. rumors, never confirmed, gaze toward him, and then back :; Kula.kofsky and Morris Levey filed j Insurance Bids. •and : basketball. Teams In the • The fifth annual baccalaureate j The Club is getting prepared similar a petition in sairl Counfy Court, pray- «Ho-*vanc s ntid decrees, PK 1O '.VH* that had been current' in an to her father. "But what's it all Jhree ' fields "will. go to • Omaha in service f o r Jewish members of I for the Oratorical. Contest a n d ing- that their final administration Court mp.y seem proper, fo the et>»! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION that nli mnttet-s nertHininr to SRK' In the County Cou't ot Douglas account filed, herein be settled and estate February to represent Sioux City the CentralHigh Graduating class also for the Debate Tournament, earlier era, when "Henry Newman, about?" she cried. may- be finally settled and deallowed and that they'be discharged his now portly figure gracefully County. Nebraska. and plans will be completed for termined. :at the A. Z. A. tournament there. will be held at Shaare.Zion synHenry Newman drew a deep In the Matter of the Kstate of Ite- • from their trust as administrators slender, his now iron-gray hair BRTCE CRAWFORD, and that R hearing will be hnd on .-. J l r . Sam Krupnick h a s been agogue this . evening. Seventeen the tournament which will be breath. "It's very hard to tell becea Shapiro. Heceasej. Conniy .Tiidp*. said petition before said Court on the i-10-nt All persons interested in said estate 1st named advisor of the chapter, in students, members of t h e class, held in Omaha, February 7, to you, my dear, and you'll underday of February. l!>nf>, and that spair of every mother with a stand that this, must go no furaddition to Dr. Frank Epstein and will participate in t h e service, February 9.'if you fail to appear before said Court has beel on the said 1st day of February, IPHK. Leon Dobrofsky, who have served which-will begin at 8 o'clock-'with All. members are urged to at- marriageable daughter. ther. Louise will have to know, that said deceased died leavlnc no at S o'clock A. M.. and contest said Louise was frankly worried course—you'll find her very last •will and praying for administra- ; petition, a processional in cap. and gown, tend this meeting Sunday at two as advisors last year. Court may prant the tinnn his estate, and that a hear- prayer of the about her sister. She had learned charming too, Michael—but no ton said petition, enter a deaccompanied by the chanting of o'clock. ing will be had on said petition be- , cree of heirship. and mn.ke Such other of the friendship quite accident- one else. Least of all your fore said court on the Mh day of and further orders, the choir. * allowances and February, 3936, nnd that if they fail ; decrees, as 1o this Court FEACTICAL ally-—had noticed the two of mother. may seem Irvin - Maron and Walter Wosto appear at paid Court on the paid proper, to the end that all SERVICES TONIGHT matters Phone them in -the lobby "of a movie Sth flay of February, 1936. at 9. o'clock ; pertaining to said estate may The" Young Judeans wilt'hold koff will give the main addresses be Regular Sabbath Services will "You'll forgive me if I make A. M. to contest said petition, the Muriel COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1A. an open "meeting for new mem-of the service. T h e . Invocation be held this evening, January 17, house, had observed finally settled and determined. this story very short indeed. Court may crant the same and grant ! BRYCE Cn.WVFORn, bers Tuesday evening, in the Jew- will be given • by Annabell Emlein. at promptly at eight o'clock at pointing her out to Michael, had Michael administration of said estate to Vic- ; 1-10-nt. County .ludjrc. known it for years, tor Shapiro, or some other suitable ish Community Center, at 7:30Gerald Plotkin will .give t h e the Chpvra B'nai Yisroel syna- been amazed to see the young and I seehas person and proceed to a settlement that Alfred has guessed man bundle her sister off in the o'clock. Plans have been made class ple.dge, and Sally "Weinstein gogue at 618 Mynster^ Street. it. There remains you, Muriel— thereof. lor" a membership campaign .and the. valedictory address. Others "Visions of a ftew Future" will opposite direction instead of com- and BRTCE CRAWFORD. to you I can say only that l-16-3t County Judge. for''several fund raising projects of the class will participate in be the topic of the sermon to be ing up "for' an introduction, as Michael, who is only a few for1 Palestinian funds. Miss Hel- reading the ritual. Rabbi Rabin- given by Rabbi Jacob Conn. These she had expected. Later that eve- months younger than Louise, is— B E N E. KAILOWSKY, Attorney en ;Ratner is president of t h e owitz will give the benediction. ' services are of interest for both ning, at home, she asked Muriel he's entirely justified Insurance Bldg. in feeling group -and Miss Ida Lipton, adabout her red-haired friend, but Other members of the graduat- young and old, and - everyone is affection toward you, for he's NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ! Tisor. ' • •••' • • had to content herself with the w Jm ing class include Carolyn Fish- urged to attend. In the County .Court of Douglas bare facts of his name and pro-your brother. His mother died County. Nebraska. i gall, Marvin Cohen,.'Jack Zeligwhen he was still very small, In the Matter of the Estate or: son, Joseph Devine,. Mary Krlv, Miss Maxine Leibovitz, daugh- fession. Nor was she more suc- and he's been -brought up by her Abe Cohen, I>eceased. Milton Lehman, Sidney Metz, Lil- ter of Mr, and Mrs, Abe Leibo- cessful in the days that followed \ parents, I've been watching over All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition j "-' At a meeting Tuesday after- lian Orllkoff, Gene Salsman, So- vitz, was chosen one of the twen- in eliciting the Information she been filed in said Court n.llegins i thought she ought to have. With him of course—after all; he's my has noon, : Mrs. Louis Shindler - w a s phie Slutskyand Mateel Stein. that said deceased died leayinc no ty most beautiful girls on the only son—and for years I've been 1 I *K the result that she sat down to elected president of • the Hebrew At the regular service tomor- campus of the University of Iowa, Mothers Association of the Tal-row morning, Milton Mazie, son-at Iowa City. MisS Lelbovits is a write, the letter which brought trying to gather the courage to will be had on said, petition be-! mud Torah. The meeting w a s of Mr. end Mrs. Victor Mazie, will freshman' at t h e - University of her parents back from the Medi- bring him together with you inc fore, said court on the Sth day of; held, in the social - hall of the celebrate , his Bar Mitzvah. Fol- Iowa, and is a member of the terranean a full month earlier girls. To tell you the truth, now February. 193f>. and that if they fail : that ft's over I'm rather glad this to appear at said Court on the said ! Shaare Zion synagogue. , w B than their plans had provided. Sigma Delta Tau" Sorority. Sth day of February. 1S36. Rt S o'clock ' th 8 e r v i c e > r an business happened, to force my A. Airs. D; Matlin was elected vice I \° ^ __ ,l . ^ . \ ? M. to contest said petition, the! r Mazie will receive their friends Let us quote a few. passages hand, and I'm sure we all feel Court may srrant the samei end Errant • president; Mrs.-J. Himowitz, sec- in the social hall of. t h e syna1 from that letter: The little things that do so much to administration of said estate to Rose j The- Chevra B'nai: YlsrOel Som u c h better for having it G. Cohen, or some retary; Mrs. A. Mazie, treasurer; gogue, honoring their sdn. They other suitable per- i • "She absolutely refuses to talk ciety are making plans to hold straightened out." make one fee! ot home aieespecia'ly son and proceed to a settlement; and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, cor- will also distribute candy to the its Fifth annual Dedication Pro- about him or to let me meet him. I He stopped, and looked at his thereof. responding ,secretary. Junior . Congregation, ." following gram arid Banquet to be held:at Says . it's none of my business, evident at Hotel President. Cioss BRTCE CRAWFORD. I Following the election, Mr. S.the services. County Judge. j • / "•• and, anyway, he doesn't want to daughter. She was staring at him l-16-3t the Chevra B'nai Yisroel SynaKrupnick and Miss Lillian Romwith incredulous amazement. to all the finest theatres and shops. gogue- at- 618 Mynster Street on meet me. I did get out of her "So that's ythy I wanted both MONSKY, GRODIN'SKY, MARER &\ irowiskyi instructors. at the Talthat he looked at me sort of Splendid food in the Gofe.Shop or Sunday evening, February 9, at mud Torah, spoke on .the work Michael and Alfred at once," she COHEN, & J. HAROLD SAKS, Attys, j ' six o'clock promptly. Thig affair queerly, when he saw me at the breathed. A • sudden misgiving of the school. - Rabbi H. R. RabWalnut RDQITL Prices most moderate T37 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldq. ! The regular meeting of t h e will be open to the public and an movies, and remarked that we struck her, and she turned to Al- In the County Court of Douglas inowitz also spoke. Refreshments interesting and entertaining prb- don't look at all alike." Though fred; "Or don't you want to County, Nebraska^ Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare' • -£JL PERCY TYRRELL concluded the afternoon program. • In the Matter of the Estate of Saul ! Synagogue will be held next Tues- | gram -is being arranged by thewhy in the-world he should run marry me now?" Levy, Deceased. : fl^ffff jy&lpilfejj, Managing Urecfac Mrs J committee in -charge. Reserva- away from* mb-because I look like persons interested in said mat- ' ' We needn't assist at the mov- terAHare hereby notified that, on th" tions for the Banquet can be my father instead of my-mother Mosow, presiding. ing scene that followed. Suffice The annual-: Hadassah Linen Mrs. Nick Sherman is in charge m a d e ' b y calling either Mr. O.I can't imagine. I^evy filed a petition in said County Shower, sponsored" by the local of the . program arrangements Hochman or Mr. Dave Fox, who';•' "I'm sure there's something it to say that Muriel and Alfred Court, praying- thst her final admin. Roth were married the next s t r a t l o n ECoount fileri herein be setare in charge of ihe tickets. chapter will be held Tuesday, Jan- j which Include wrong, because Muriel has June; and that Dr. Michael Fla- ltied and allowed, and that. she. be an afternoon of Changed a lot since that night. discharged from her trust ss execuaary 28, ,in the Jewish Commu- bridge. Mrs.'I. H. Levin isassist- .Mrs. Sam Sacks entertained She's gloomy now, and though herty is on very friendly terms BALTIMORE et I4fh STREET tHx and. that a hParlnR w i u bPhBd nity Center. jing in the arrangements. Refreshnow with Louise too, though JUST OUT OF THE NO!SC- ZOHt twelve children at Jner home at she admits that she still Bees him Mrs. M. FTLevenson of Omaha, ments will follow the bridge, Muriel has always remained his on said petition before ssid Court on 820 Roosevelt Avenuei la.st-Thurs-1 both at the hospital and outside the sth day of Febn.arjISM, and: prominent in the Hadassah work favorite. that if you faii to appear before said l day afternoon' in "honor of the I gather that he isn't nearly as • And wouldn't the old ladies court there, -will be the guest speaker. on the said Sth day of Febru- ! fiftH b'irthday'o^ hersoa," Kenneth attentive as he used to be. Wh'fb ary. J93fi, at n o'clock a. m.. F.nA con- i The Annual Junior-Senior Hagive their complete dentures, r.J The third book review in. theSacks.-, TheVaifternbdn "was .spent should be all to the good, since ter a decree of heir?hip, and mske i dassah joint meeting is scheduled'for February 11, at which time] series being given by Rabbi H. playing games, followed by "re- he isn't Jewish. But the trouble both tipper and lower, to know the reason for this friendship? l Mrs. 3.' F . Margolin, of Douglas, R. Rabinowifz, will be held Mon- freshments. is that she's really very much (Copyright, 1935. hy Seven Arts Feature may seem proper, to the end that all I Nebraska, president of the South- day evening, January 20, in the Syndicate,) attracted to him, and I'm afraid matters pertaining- to said estate may; be finally settled and determined. [ west, regipn of Senior, Hadassah, synagogue social hall'. He will; _Ml_ss Pearl Bernstein, daughter he's hurting her. BRYCE CRAWFORD. will speak, review '•Coronet" by Ko'nirdfTi" * V.'iiHani* Sem"The Queerest part of t h e ' Patronize our advertisers. 1-1G-St , County Judge.

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Many at Banquet of National Fund .





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Synagogue Eleets i ; Twenty to Board


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Shaare Zion

Rev. A. Diamond


Young Judeans

the Luxury that, m i l LUomen Love \p


Hebrew Mothers


Auxiliary Meeting




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