f: -
Interest Jew Ft
IiUDWXG LEWISOHN' S (This, column is copyright by the Sevetf Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in ^rhole o r . in part strictly! forbidden. Aiiy infringement on this copyright •will; be prosecuted.) .
Enleirrt as Second Class Slall Matter on January 21. 1921. at Poatofflr- or Omaha. Nebranka. under thi- Act nt AJareb a. 1ST?
German Statesmen Alarmed over NaziAnti-Jewish Trend
MOBELIZATIOX >.• The ringing cry, in the letter which James G. McDonald has addressed to the Secretary General ol the League • of.-Nations,- the manifest cry of both horror and r.larm for lips of this judicious American should and .must silence once and for all- the mutterings of those non-Jews "who want to believe in an anti-German campaign and the even more contemptible interior" protests of certain Jews "who "want to be left .alone, hope that, •whatever happens to the Jewish people as a whole, they themselves .will get by. "Desperate sufferings in the countries adjacent to Germany," Mr. McDonald -wrote, "and. an even more terrible human calamity within the German. frontiers, are inevitable unless present tendencies in the .Reich are checked or revers•--ed." Note these, well-weighed words in the part of a very sober man: "desperato", "terrible", "in* ^^evitabie." And indeed every news11 % item, the elimination of 'Jewish §T commercial travellers, the fura ther arrest of rabbis, confirms the |. truth that the Nazi are waging | a war of extermination against M German Jewry. At the same time as Mr. McDonald's letter there reaches us the protest of Weizmann and his
-No. 45
r r
Berlin. (JTA) The Je*s of, property- practiced' by the Bol1 Germany still possess a. capital j sheviks; 2. by ruining the Jews, j fp ^ ! exceeding two billion m a r k k a j t h e Naris a r e B i m a ita n € ously Actives Wider ^Scope Be-| high" government official^ told I ruining "thousands to" Gather at Coaaasnity in«r Planned to Bedeem iElias Tobenkin, American-Jewish ;v h o a r e r e n d e r e d jobless bv t-UCh . j journalist and novelist, who left! t r a n s f e r s ; a n d 3 , the attempt by j Center Land in Palestine Germany alter a short stay. I-Nazi leftwingers to establish a This is the first official esti- j "Nazi International" for the purAleph Zadik Aleph's own "TriA broader, wider program for the work of the Jewish National mate of the financial position of j pose of propagating Nazi views j ple-A" — Advisors, Alumni and Fund Council in Omaha is being the Jews since the advent of the j abroad, similar to the Comintern' Actives — will gather at a planned under the leadership of Hitler. regime. In informed cir- j of the Soviet, might have similar j "Pep Rally" in the Jewish Comi i . La, rt.. Judah "Wolfson, who was recently "cles here, the estimate is be- i international repercussions. raunity Center Lodge Room TuesThe carefully-guarded secret of elected president of the Council. lieved to be exaggerated. A former minister in the Kais- \ &B? i the identity of the hostesses seOther officers chosen include: Tobenkin told American corre- | er's government told Tobenkin, he I The tourna-. i e c t e d for the A. Z. A. tournament Isadore Dansky'and Joe Radinow-i spondents today that he gathered! disclosed, that "if we'd been al-| ment of A. Z. A. to ba held in ;t 0 b e h e l d h e r e February T-S-9 A delegation of Cms harts lism .T. Shrodpr. of Cincinnati, preFiden) of the National Council, ski, vice-presidents; I. Morgen-j f rom interviews with a number ! lowed to vote on the Jewish ques- : Omaha next February 7-S-9 i will represent the local ."?civis.h Dean Isirtcr LOP)V ol Washing-tor. stern, treasurer, and Miss Good-; that Ger-jj tion, two thirds of Germany; be the main subject which d of leading- personalities h lveiltion I ConnnTtnitv- Center Rnd "Wcl• ••••- jmany's "elder statesmen" are j would have voted for abolition of-: past' and present Alephs will dis-: C O IThe committee. binder, secretary. five executive girls named for the •fare Federation at tbe msfi University. St. Louis, 'will pre«. Fide, i CUSS. The executive committee and filled with alarm at the extent to J the anti-Jewish legislation." honor Ere Jean Beber, Helen General Assembly of the Nathe various chairmen will be ap-j which the Nazi extremists are In acidi'ion to the rieip^aw "Grown-ups realize," the ex-| The (TO local chapters — Mo-. Greenberg, Mary Kaplan, Lottie tional Council of Jewisli Fed- iron: Tlie €7 fpderniions and WPIpointed -within the week. carrying out the anti-Jewish pol- minister is quoted as saying, j ther Chapter No. 1 and Sam Beber * Rips, and Betty Soref. ; ' crctions and "Wolfsre Fumls to fsre fuDdp th?t jnal<e up She NaThe work of the National Fund I jCy. "realize that the anti-JewIss Chapter No. 100 — have been! The hostesses' main duty at the has become of extreme import-^ said these statesmen are! propaganda i s . .merely political, [working enthusiastically for the;'tournament will be to assist the be held ct St. Louis >SE turd in- tional Council, u'aiiy iinorgBniref"s incethe particularly apprehensiva forthejbut the youths who starting April IP&st-month in preparation for the ; committee in charge cf dating o£ to Monday. .Tcnuary 2-5 to 27. snd unaffilipied romnnniifics sirance toworld large influx of immigrants to Pal. following reasons: 1. The policy j i are to be compelled to join Xazi! tournament. All committee chair, j the out-of-town Alephs. They will • The feature ol' this nssemlily Fendinc rpprpFeni.Eiiivps to tr-Vf' estine was stimulated by the mass of forcing Jews to sell out to; youth organisations might g r o w ; m e n will.be given an opportunity ,'also assist at the luncheon pponpart in t h e tu?.rus=ionp f.nt'« '•' will he the introduction of Sir seek solutions for iheir intlividn;-,' migration from Germany. to report on the plans ; s-ored by the B'nai at tbe "Aryans" is essentially no differ- j up with distorted views on t h e ; a t t h e - • • B'ritb _ - H e r b e r t .Samuel. Viscount community profrrRms, The National Fund .buys land In !e n t " fTom of their groups for the conclave. Temple Israel Saturday, February expropriation of j Jewish question.. Breasted and Simon ilnrks. Palestine in the name of the Jew-| A large attendance of Omaha ' s - E n a w i l J b e Bursts of honor at Sidney Kollaiuier. naHin'orc., .' who will make their first pub- chairman oJ the ..'ropi":!!! Comfhe r i n a I ish : people, the land becoming the ! alumni of both chapters is e x . ; banquet ; lie appearance since tlicir ar- mittee, rnnounref thnt Th r T>"T': perpetual property of the Jews. I pected, and the advisory board? j [ rival in this country from Enjr- frrntn for thp IP"'? Gpner?.! ArWhen the land is purchased, the i of both groups will be represented ; land. They will be the chief Ecmbly has beer, built nround ibv immigrants are thus enabled to ! fully. speakers at the opening: ses- penprsl ih?m"?. "facint; Our Te<\colleagues against the establish- settle and cultivate the property The program for the rally will Ument of a Legislative Council in —thus increasing the absorbtive sions of the Assembly on Sat- erntion Problpms,"" sr.o wi.'l on?'i be equally divided between fun, ^Palestine. "The Jews of the capacity of the country. urday evening. January 2-3. pirter t h e rhfinping FOPJJP ir. Henry Monsky was elected first j pep talks, entertainment and world are now summoned in a , • According to reports, the thrpp Amprican socisl RIH'I economic •iff Since Nazism-jcame into power, . j vice-president of the Family Wei- j "eats." mobilization." This is the call the tempo of Jewish National leaders of British iJewry came to End its effect upon Jewir-li FOCIS? Rabbi Charles E. Shulman, f a r e a s s o c iation at the fortieth] Musical numbers will be by Mr. that the Zionist Executive issues Fund work has steadily risen, and this country to place before Ampr- work. leader of spiritual the North | i meeting held last Thurs: and Mrs. Al Fin" el, , ianist^ and The Children'? Theatre sponannua to world Jewry. And it is the now more and more funds are ; icon Jpvrjsh Icadprs n plnn for Thrrp vrV,\ be r. phori; hnsinncr [ Acn Niemann, vocalist with the; sored by the Center Players will the mass exodus of Inrpe numbers pession right an4 -timely call; it" is the needed with which to purchase. Shore Congregation, Glencoe, 111.. ! , j a T . ic np?n thp. progrpm on hold-try-outs for the operetta. only call. F.or -what is it that the land necessary as a haven of j will address the Brotherhood of Rabbi "David H. Wice was one j College Club orchestra. of German Jew?; from the Keich. Pundpy, clpvoted me inly to pi po"Hansel and Gretal" on Monday, has prevented diplomatic pres- refuge for the refugees. In addition to reports of the eight new trustees elected at j Omahans Atteiifl tion of officPTP tint' aciiort on ibrI of sure on the Third Reich and what committee chairman, short talks '• T u e s d a ^ and TVednesday RfterThe National Fund^is one of the IPSfi iHulppt of the Civnci'. TIIP the meeting. n0OEE 27, 2 8, 29 from S | The Omahans who plan to atis it that has.caused stupid Colo- most important groups on the tournament will be deliver- '• > of the balance oi! ;be n>orr.int,- vill he nial officials to devise the plan Zionist organization and has the by Executive ''~ -etary Julius to 5 p. m. in the Center auditor- tend the sessions in St. Louis in- devoted to ft prePPTjIp.tion of 1?-r; ium. of a Legislative Council for Pale- cooperation of all Zionists. ! elude Henry Monsky, Sam Beber, impact of pv.bJic welfare programs'Bisno and Asst. Secretary Max This operetta based on the op- :Paul G ldblatt. Mrs. L. Nevrleff. stine? It is the supiness of the Baer. Wolfson, in stressing the need f.nd other rhp.nfrin?; POP;pi s n r: era of the same name by Humper- Rabbi David Wice, Rabbi Harold Jewish people; it is the contemp for greater J. N. F. activity, points pconomic condin'oriF npor. the «?ptible Ghetto spirit of large mass- out thai the fund used to depend A recent Important" change, in :d i n a h i s o n e o i { h e a i o s t c o l o r . Berger. and Euperie Blazer. Kevtivities of feclprstior, apencioK, am] es of Jewish people. the tournament plans which has jf u l a n d b e a n t i f u i o I operettas. It ' era] others are unciecided. b u t on a few people and small dona- J a tli?cri?sion on 1" o w {PdprpMnr;. aroused added interest in the af-: } s t h e f E m i l i a r l e g e n d o r t h e may attend. I would to God that that indict- tions, but with the change of comPtrurttire-F VPTX ber-t h~ a.iEPiprl irfair is the announcement that. b r o t h e r E n d sister H s n s e I a n d ; ment were untrue or that it were plexion of the world Jewish scene Beber is a member of the n a . meet ihppp fhsnfrcK. TIMP p.3"t p." Tra-City Chapter No. 40, with a ]G r e t a l v h o E r e l o F t l n t h e f o r e s t ' tional executive of tbe Xstional ib.p proRT'sn). wiii !><? carried ot: too severe. But is it? 'If 'al! large contributions by an ever„. . . . . . . .- _ - I membership composed of Alephs ; a n d w a n d e r t 6 t h e c a n d y and i Council Jews in all the constituencies in widening circle of Jewish people i of Jewish Federations into the- innchpoti BPpsion of fb.r Give . Address at . Jewish from Burlington, Ia., ock Island. ! jnarshmaiiow home of the old the "Western democratic countries are redeeming Palestinian soil in df\y. ' and Welfare Fuisfip. Center I » and Davenport Ia., has been ^ ^ Gretal is Eble t 0 t r i c t t h e had tirelessly and proudly' pre the name of Jewry. a c d e d t o t h e l i B t ot ! • Monsky IIRP served ois the naT'np pftprno.nn pr^^f;?nt! of? ;:M:T?-Zebrttary S. ' chapters com- o l d v i t c i a E d throw her into the sented the cause and plight: o tional executive of the NnioricU &py vr\\] 1>? £;ivpp ^-^v lo £ fur— — — — ipeting here. Other chapters t h a t ' c^idron. In the end. boi]ing their people, to-the.parlianxentar1 cupsion of finances. UIP. vaiidit*. -Hapgood;-puwrclsrand ifJ!* ^:.represented ia the three- t h e s e t T D r o n E g s t e r s Me -found by Council. . - ian :whoEV-they -hfilpj^to^lsfitj -if. j j Goldblait is s member of tho of the f.rppnls' prrspnfefl by ?arj. a commentator will speak here oni* f. eompetiuons ia aratorj-, te-1 their anxiocs parents and all ends national program ccmitiiitee of : every Senator and every Congressnd basketball are Lincoln ci:s local find noTi-lnoal CPUSPS, the Omaha Commsnity: Forum j £ . ! * * - " * b ^ s k ^ t b a l } , a r e L!f.cola j happily. man in-"Washington: and.ev.ery : the National Council. No. 3, Des Koines CSap'r.r.d s prpFer.tntioii of n<?w Bourcrsparliamentarian- in"- "tondon. and series- on "Wednesday evening, T h i s operetta, to be presented I Konsky has been invited to pre- of incornp to rnppt the prowinc 4. Council Bluffs Chapter; i a A p r i U c a U g i o r a l a r g . e February 5, at S p. m. at the Ottawa and Cape Town and Paris . Bide over the MOIKIEV mnrninc tjppcl? of iocr;l ?n(' nnn-1ocf;l Jp-^^^ .v Chapter No. 12 j jjdren between the apes of 6 o f c r ish Community Center. His topic I •"•"'.. , _ ,. and the Hague and Brussels and will be "Industrial Democracy." | ^ d the wo Omaha chanters and 16. There are many excel- . session on "Inter-city Federation iph pp°n'c!PF. Tlip main add^psf every capital that is still pledged, 1 The rally will begin at : o clock, of tliis spssior. will lie flelsvnref? London (JTA)—Despite t h e ' singring parts, dancing r c m . • Co-operation." if only on paper, to democracy I Bebcr is or^ ihe ppenkinsr vrc- by Joseph Willen, who if-. f-xert>Mr. Hapgood, a native of Chica- ia n d a U &lnmni a r e i a v i t e d t o at_ and dramatic bits. Kiss and freedom and human rights rapid modernization of the Holy .' ' pram for the Saturday morning liro go, studied at Harvard where he | t e n ( j ( director of tbr Piir-iTiPPP Merritt, who is directing the prohad been sent dignified literature, Land, Palestine is the Iraqi King- i session on "National Jewish Prob- I ^Ipr-'F CoiiTiril, tbp- finKi-rpiFiiu; received his Bachelor's, Master's j ' dom's second best customer for I duction with the assistance or Sylhad been personally approached lems." and Law degrees. He abandoned : orpar.iw.tiori. of the TCew "5'ort van Frantel, is very anxious to Rabbi Charles Shnlman. by dignified men and if it were camels, according to the Board of | j General Assembly his law practice after a year and Overseas Trade report on econ. I City Federation. have as larpe a number of childknown that this literature and i The General Assembly is the omic conditions in Iraq just made I Temple Jsrael in the vestry rooms entered the field of journalism. Five round tab!*5 jrronp- wil! ren as possible participate. She is 1 deliberative ' and legislative body these leaders represented not a of the Temple.next Tuesday eveSince that time Mr. Hapgood's mppt on T.IOIHIRV n.iorninr; for thp public. Syria was the largest purespecially anxious to have older . of the National Council, .a coop* t r u g g 1 i n g organization still ning, January'2S.' '" • * ' ; experiences have been varied. He fliscnspion and intensive ron-oidef» boys and girls who have good, eretive organization "Vfought and resisted to their ever- chaser of Iraqi camels. ,' epifiblished Preceding the address, a dinner was associated with the Chicago Palestine bought camels valued singing voices tse present st these ; by the organized Jsw;?h commu- p.tion of proWr-n'iB re'fiJing' l.n lasting shame "by Jewish snobs will be served at 6:30 p . m . Evening Post, the New York Eveat 18,197 pounds, from Iraq in and Jewish cowards . and Jewish tryouts. Betty Fellrnan will di- ; nities cf the country to serve r." Jewish Ijflucp.t.'nn. Fsmily We!Rabbi Shulman is a graduate of ning ?ost and from 1903 to 1911 fere. Child Care. Ag'pn. am* traitors but that this literature the year from August, 1934, to A group of local young men and [ rect the ronsic. JE clearing house for veifarr ideas Health. ThPT vi!1 be a luncheon tms literature j ^ 9 3 ; t disclosj the Ohio Northern University Law | edited"Collier's Weekly. In 1913 j ! A g u s t ( 1 5 t h e r e p o r •and these men ;— (and experiences, and to net as c pension on ih?.t ii.ny, main!;' for represented tbe e g ; B u ^ . , g t l i p o f t h e d e s e r t " j school, University of Chicago, and he became editor of Harper's! women feeling that something moral will of worldmore concrete should be done to ' rtR^TT ! research end experiments! body CIPIP^'RIPP from fho^c c-iiPt: sitprorld-Jewry and rfew^n^mb^saM^uelom-jthe'HehrewUnfon .„ , „ „ in j _ _-,, >j™ i , , » ncom1 Cin-iWpptlv. »nr? enpnt-. thp prp.ater ! [sfew numbers value g ml,^,» nand n m . ! thp Hebrew Union Colleee. College/CinWeeilyTand spen^ the ^ a t ; \™ ^ J e w ^ ^ n d ^ ^ ' r o m : ' STFI I I f f F P T f l e that every Jew frqnr the highest S in fieveloping; principles? for Jew- porting 'TTelfpiT- .Ftu'.rts. to take nared to motor.car Palestine.Icinnati. "World War "War in Europe | out „ . . ? of S town ; _ _ attending 1^__^__"._,,__™ • S j H L L f t i ? L l u I I I I\*J motor-cars jcinnati. Since his graduation part of the World R in Palestine, to the humblest could be counted pared colleges ; ish social work and in conrrlinat- up bndppirry and pR.mpa.ijrn nieththe value • of lautomobiles importfrom the Hebrew Union College, as a special correspondent. -• . — He on to sustain this.movement with the value of lautomobiles impor h t r e closer to the JewiEh com- j I inEr Jewish welfare art h"!tieR. h hasj>ccupied h i d pulpits l i t in i JohnsJh was the first head of the League munity are undertaking the spon-j ' oc*.s, publicity and jusblic rela\his last penny and his last ounce ed in 1934 being 578,271 pounds, he j Oihers who v \ i pj-eak st Ihe tions, inchifiop. of agencies, and town. Pa., and Wheeling, West of Free Nations, now the Foreign Total exports from Iraq to PalSsjt strength — if that had' been so sorship of a Friday night Oneg j ; dinner Fession Ssturday nipbt vrill : possibili; i<?s of proviilinp; speciai of could.i)e made scy the picture estine increased during 1934-35 Va., before being called to his Policy Association. Fhabbos dinner in honor of all ( | be Felix M. Werburp;. pr.tl TCii- ' irtpr-rity services, for (he njitionRl present pulpit. from 31,000 pounds in 1932-33 In 1919 Mr. Hapgood was ap- out-of-town J e w i s h of world Jewry would not be the students. A keen student of world Jew. pointed Minister to Denmark and ! These students will be their ; esmpajenp of the com.snf," rear. thing of blood. and . tears and hu- and 151,000 pounds in 1933-34 to ish problems, Rabbi Shulman has I Other FpfiFtprg v b c will talcs At the same miliation' "more desperate than 237,000 pounds. served in his capacity .until 1921. jj for r the entire evening. are sche entire eening. , ..Registrations .„_. ... _ still being:... j part ir; the. p.hove program will time, Palestine exports to Iraq written a book entitled "Probblood and tears that it-is today. Mr. Hapgood at present is one ol j j cepted for the second semester of T h edinner w J Ub e iTea a t t h 5 : inclnde Satr.iip! A. Goldsmith, decreased from 83,000 pounds-in lems of the Jews in -the ContemWhat are we? A Blob-loosely 1932-33 tHe directors of the Columbia Con- B , n a , I s r a e , cf Jewish Studies ta t h e 80 _ j the College Chicp.ro: Louip Iiing. Jr., Cleveto ' 11,000 pounds in porary World." He has also writ- serve company, aaenterprise \ hall Friday evening, January!l wnich on Monday, Fefarclotted together by dporadic fears, 1934-35. ; enterprise h i h begins b i Md Fb •ior-.ri; Ira M. Toiinker. N. V.; Mrs, ten a number of articles for news, j " j f e ^ ^company 0 ^ n f ^ ^ aap i 0 ™^"^' 0 *rk at 6 p. m. The members of In a l 7 "• Classes will be held on and a taste for gefillte fish.. "Well, Florenfp Switton. SSP. Francisco; papers_ and magazines and for ji n i n d u s t r i a l democracy. He prepare i Monday a n d -Thursday evenings ladies auxiliary if we are that and nothing "but Den Tlospn, rhiladelphia; l»eo several seasons the directors of so author of many boks, his best f r o m S : 1 5t o E E E ( iI r o l a p 1 ( ) t that, then "perhaps we deserve our to : Fr.lipr, St. liouis: T-Townrd Lehhis congregation-printed his , ser- known worts being "Industry and a n d ' s e r v e t h e d i n n e r . A l l local j9 : 5 5 ln Xew Tork ('JTA) — In orcic-r fate and the contempt that manyoung men and women are- inP- man. X. T.: Tiflwiri OoldmriTi, Bf?!mons which were widely circulat- Progress." kind heaps upon us. What whips, ._. " T„h e . A d I f n e i n f JTited to attend. The cost will be Courses to be offered, or, Mon- that the delegation of 1hrpp Brit. ed. . : Hour" and j?h .Tewjsh leaders, coTisir-fniE; of timorr: JPPIPS TI. Jipckpr, Chi™ The Changing Tears. | a n o m i n a l I e e o f fiftr c e n t s . p e r | flaT creninp are: "Elementary He. what Bcorpions will still, be .needRabbi Shulman is reputed to "be SiTnon Tdar^s, Sir Kerbpr' Sr-mnf*] eppo; ?>n^F PrRP.cp^ TtHi^igr. N". plate. i brew by Mr. Katz and advanced ed to lash that mob into, being a a speaker of much force and conpeople? Is Germany not enough or A program is being arranged, j Hebrew by Mr. TTolfson. In both and Lnrri Besrstpd. may partici- :Y.; MOSPF Trinke!?!ein, Syracuse; viction, v Poland, or Rumania or the perZimroth "Shaboos community I t h e s i e courses the classes will pate, the National Conference on IT, J, J. Gohsb, X. Y.; Mrs. A. 1 Tickets for the supper and lee. Max Baer will return' to the secution of "Zionists in Russia or singing" a guest speaker and ser- >tudy Hebrew reading, writing r,nc Palestine, orpinslly priipculed for T). Koint, ChiPRgc; P r . IdcweSIyn ture are eighly-five cents. even the the thousands exclusions prize ring in Omaha Tuesday ! vices are part^ef the program, i conversation. Sttsdsnts on Mon- February S find P. will be iselfi ir.- Sals. Si. Lorn?-; eufi D". E. M. and taunts and deliberate misun- night! The Beth-El auxiliary fifth an-i The services will be followed by| d a J" evening win also be given an stead Febr«P.ry 1 HJIG r r.t thf Blup^tonp.. l^f. X, He will be the third man in the A feature of thp Ap=PFlb]y will derstandings and subtle slights nual Winter Dance will be held j a forum and reception. The topic ; opportunity to choose from one of KotPT TT'Tif-rfl, TTfiFliiTi.et^r.. TV C, and grosser afronts in the so-call- ring_at a boxing bout to be held Saturday, February 1, at the Pax- i for discussion will be "The Place ! t b e following courses: The Bible., i{ T S ? BrTioiinnpd by th° p"ovi'=. be an cxhibii of ptptisttcpl charts. ed democratic countries? ATe all as part of the entertainment at ton hotel.- Mrs. Robert Kooper, j of the Student in Political and' Survey of Jewish History, Great iniiEl committee, headPd by Dr. campF.i^n mpferialF, and pubJieity these things not enough? When' the A. Z. A. tournament raily at ! Jewish Personalities, and "he Siephen S. Wisp, which is plan- crranppd by the rp?sarch staff of chairman, announces that some j Economic Movements.'' the XaHona' Councii Ter Iine will we mobilize? "When w i l l we the Jewish Community , Center The Third Forum and Dance of | * entertainment has been Because no'money can be eolJ Jewish JTorld View ss Expressed nine the Washington Confp^pnce. F-a(I,?rp.iions p.tui welfare funds be a people again? We are, as lodge room Tuesday night! i nT n e The decision tn chanpp IIIP ela'.e j , _ +-L. -.._._ Iected a t t h e time of the dinner : lainiLu. (Ed. Note: The Assistant Exec- the Round Tabla of Jewish Youth O n tlif fnTlov.-in? cities, are once we were -aforetim^e; a mob of the meeting; followed a series from all reservations must be made and 1 Thursday evenings Those who prefer playing cards in the desert; Then we accepted utive Secretary of A. Z. A., is also will be held on Sunday evening, to dancing will find that tables paid for by Wednesday evening,! Monranstera will give s course in cT telephone conversations with memberF'. of tbe Katlonsl Council; February 2, at the Center at 8 p. the Law and became a people. named Max Baer.) January 29. Further informs- | Yiddish, both spoken end written. members of the dPlcpation in Akron. O.; A It none, r?..; Aehem. Rabbi Frederick -Cohn will have been set np in the lounge The Law is offered us again. The Berger will continue his LoTidon w i n nrped ttsf t h ° COTJ- ;villr-. N. c . : Atlanta. Ga.; B»UJ« for them to play on. tion can be obtained by calling discuss "Jewish Life in Central chauce to' become a proud great classes in My- Philosophy cf Jud- ferencf Tickets may be secured from the Vaad. office, Ja. OS87. srhednip be revised BP more. ?It'.; Boston, Masp.; Brook" Europe" as the third of the series people is offered us again. Either • lyu, N, T.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Can. j aisni and Jewish LEW. r. Katz that they rotild bp prpp^ntany member of the auxiliary. of lectures on "World Jewry Towe accept the Law Dnce more in toe. C : Chpt.tpnoopa. Trnn.: ChiHebrew j will BIEO continue -..his The Kationnl Confercticp on _ day and Tomorrow." The Forum its new and other and yet eternal PP.ETO, 3!!.: Cincinnati. (').: Cohsm* | classes on this evening. PalestiTP. -iriteTifietJ B.F S mobilizs. Jerusalem (JTA)—It was re-j is open to all Jewish Touth in the guise or our doom will be upon bn?-. 0,; ClPveJF.nd, O.: Dallas, tion of ATTI^Iicp'n. JPVU'I; ]?".c;rTF ; a class is Jewish Social Service in response to the rriticg.1 fcitua TPKHS; DRv-tpn. O.: P p R Moines, us, nay, it is upon ns now. Now. liably learned this week that the city. is Is.; Detroit. Mich.; Fort Vortts, the forum, the "Following I will be conducted by Mr. Golfi- tion The choice is before of JOWP fihroad. l;as been Texas; 1-7 a-rr is in: r p. Pa.; Hartford, ing -new and more rigid restric. monthly dance of the Round Table blstt on alternate Monday aftertion -within the briefest time or The second annual 'Rose! Show' nooss beginning February S. and rsltefi tn Ftiirinlats American in- Conn,; Indisnspolis, Tnd.; Kan* terror, shame,; extinction. \; tions on immigration, including will be held in the auditorium. t of the Ladies Auxiliary of the ! M. Wolfson will teach a, class in terest in P. larpcscele program RP.S City. Mo.; I<op Acccles, Call.; a rule "whi<h woum make immi- The College Club Orchestra feaI ask myself again and again | Beth-El synagogue will be given i Hebrew on the saras afternoons. far ibe Eciflf-mrnt in Pfilepiino of Louicvslk, Ky.: M^mpliiB, Tc-nn.; turing Ann "Nieman, soloist, will $n all humility and patience: What) rreat numbers of ii-p JPVF of March 31 invalid if not used within four Berlin (JTA)—A drive play for this affair. Like the These classes are especially de- Gcrrflanr sue! oilier Central and is it that makes Jews still hold months of issuance. gotten under way in several dis-1 scisool auditorium under -the diprevious dances, the dance will be "signed for .those who are enable East European lands. off and hold out against their peoThe contemplated restrictions a couple affair only. tricts of Germany to prevent j section of Mr. Milton Rieck. vtlle. Tcnn.: Kev Orlcaiis, La.; to attend Vhe- evening classes. ple? What prevents;every Amer; Tryonts for the show w U be The ProvjFionsl Corfprcnrp Xe.w Tork. X. Y.: Ofiklf.usl, Calif,; A registration fee cf 51.00 is Tickets for this and the re- "race defilement" among cattle, ican Jew* from allying himself would invalidate certificates to held again this week as TOT'.JWS: tn Dr. Ki??-BrB FfHis. N. T.; Omaha, made. It. is possible, to take as Comroi;tiec in nculitioR with his people and, the work of Europeans after three months and maining Round Table Dances may it was disclosed this week in the Sunday, January 26, at 2:30 p. Nr:b.: Fporia. 111.: Philadelphia, many as lonr subjects, two on Step'nr-n S, Wise, irchii that peopleV redemption if not for residents of the Far East af- be obtained from the Round Table Frankfurter Zeitung. The newater five months. Entry of relachildren; Monday, January j ^ondav ys.i;r.S; paper stated that in Hesse rs.; rm-zhu-Th. Vz.: 3'ortland, TO en Thursday for rsel Goldsfeir... for his own sake, if not for the tives of Palestine citizens would members or at the Center. at S. p. m., chorus; Tuesday,! I-,, * ^Z-B Nassau official orders have been Tennis Tjipslcy. Morrj? 71 Ore.: Kirlup.onf*;, Va.: Kochester, sake of his, fellow-Jews, then .for" also be curbed. issued prohibiting the mating of January 28, 7:30 p. in., specialty.; End Kathsn Pn-anF. K. Y.; S t Loi-ii;, M e ; St. Paul, the sake ofhis children and. their Required capital for admission Loan. to Jerusalem, bulls owned -by • "Aryans" with numbers • and • -dramatics. AH' try. ; IiTir-r,; t-~v Diesro, CnHf.; SEJI redemption; In the:day of their outs will ne.-neld at 314. So. ISth into Palestine nnder the capitalist Use fed j Jernsalem.—An expeded r,»E Frj!nci?ro. CpHf.; Scrsntpn, Pa.; "|Teed? What is it?; AndJauestlons category would become §10,000. ' Jerusalem—It was reported that Jewish-owned cows. The, paper "recounted "that one St. •J Warsaw-—The "tra.rsa'w T. M. C. • r.w •which was to be prom u ICE t- Sentt.jp, VEsh.; Siowx City, 1$,; That are asked me; and/observa- instead of the -present. ?5,000 the Palestine Government has alThe coiamiitse .ia clmr.Ee is I A; lias refused to rent its swim- . d Et tbe beginning of this year Syrnruse, N. T,; Toledo, O,; Tortions that are luado to • me.''have minimum. Toirrists' d e p o s i t s located from 5ts treasury surplus farmer in. Wiesbaden,. prompted of more than $.*;o,0OO,OOO a loan by necessity, -wrote a letter to the making every effort to m a t e t l m i rai&g pool to a club which. h.a-d j litniL;r,g the number oi physiciaTss onto, Canada, Tyler, Texas;. Wfl» p led to believe that the reason Is -would be increased from §300 to I ot $1,000,000 for public works Governor of the'Sistrict asfclag an year's Capera aa" OElBtending pro-j planned events Is •wliicb. Jewish; who couM practice in Palestine jiiinKtoa, Del.; M'orcester, Mass.; (Continued on.page 8) 5400. .in Jerusalem. exception from-.the regulation. YtH.mgsi.OWE;, O. duction. 'swimmers were entered. ih&s !a!!e-d to materialize.
Disclose Identity of Hostesses
Rabbi Shulmaii jMonsky, Wice Honored Will Speak a t |fcy Family Welfare Body Temple Tuesday
I Jewish Leaders to Participate j in St. Louis Assembly of National Council
Children Invited
T EJPflF utvlLL
ran.ee Date of
Max Baer Will Be Referee at Rally Tuesday
Palestine Mapping Immigration Gurbs
Nazis Try to Make Race
for Beth-EI
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1936 stine Transfer Agreement Itself more determined and implacable might have to be reconsidered. boycott and a reinforced attack The answer to the infamous all along the front to harass, Nuremberg decrees and to the weaken and finally to crush this shameful acts of blackmail. and bloody foe of civilization. gangsterism to which the Nazi 1935, Jewish Telegraphic regime Is now resorting must be a (Copyright, Aeency, Inc.)
tor Albert Greenfield for grabbing Calif. Miss Marion Davies and j and'into your presence 6.6 & lifeoff the Demecoratic National Con- Director Frank Borzage called off j like companion. vention . . . Bernard G. Richards, rehearsals of scenes in which Dick As a cosmetician, Factor conies ex-secretary of the American Jew- Powell appears, in order that t h e ish Congress, is making a hit as famous singing-actor might enter- from a family who have been art. a Zionist speaker in Washington, tain his guests. Among those who ists of make-up for generations. where he is connected with, one o£assisted Powell "were Hal Wallis, In his; native Russia lie began his the New Deal agencies . . . Speak- chief in charge of production at life's work at the tige of S as an apprentice to a wig maker in ing of the Jewish Congress reminds us that no one lias yet beea W a r n e r ; Bros.; H a i r y Joe Brown, Lodz, now an important city near named executive secretary to re- Archie Mayo, Al Jolson, AI Dub-Warsaw. Max, • through years of in, Harry "Warren, Frank Borzage hard work, became make.up ad• ••• place Joshua Goldberg . . . By ABBA HILLEL SILVER of and 3everly Roberts. With Jack visor . -~ cosmetics ~~und —.^ T. .fe xuou. BETWEEN IXXIXGS The Jews of Germany will not where in Europe and, for that energy upon the successful proBy PHINEAS J. BiRQN Don't be surprised if Dolly Benny, Powell is co-sponsor of ions to t h e artists of the Russian an leave Germany. Regardless of the matter, anywhere in the diaspora. secution - of our war against HitStark, big league baseball's only Mount Sinai Home's "All Star Grand Opera, He Boon graduated number that'will emigrate In the It- Is the pointrof view of Herr lerism, upon the outcome of which JUST BETWWEN US illegitimate offsprings . . . Olden Jewish umpire, is named business Show of 1 8 3 6 " to be presented by next'five years or^ten years, the George Kareski, the super-impos- the political, economic and social . Credit M.Maldwin Fertig with also found that one of Hitler's manager of the Brooklyn Dodg- fifty of t h e leading film, stage to the rank of court cosmetician g of the Rtissip.n Imperial Court majority of the Jews now residing ed head of the Jewish Kulturhund security of fifteen, million Jews that little White House scene at brothers, Alois, served a couple ers . . . There's a young lady in and raddio stars in Hollywood and powdered the noses of femin Germany will continue to re- ofi.Germany, now.'friead and tool in the diaspora depends. The Jews which President Roosevelt and of prison terms In Austria . . . inine aristocracyRichmond, Virginia, who h a s late this month. side there. Any attempt on the of the Gestapo; who recently gave of Germany are In the front line Dr. Stephen S. Wise buried the DIAIi TWISTER But all work and no play makes agreed to honor and obey Irving HOLLYWOOD'S SIAKE-rP part of Jews to. liquidate that im- his apostatic benediction to the trenches, it is true. They are hatchet . . . FDR and SSW had Sounds funny, but Gertrude Jaffe, the ice-skating star . . . .Tack a dull boy, so Factor left the portant Jewish community in the Nuremberg laws "which disfran- today bearing the major brunt of been on the outs ever since the Berg, author of the radio sketch, ] Friends of Sammy Stein, the CZAR Hol]vwooa's czar of make-up 1 I a n d ot t h e V o l * a f o r A m e r 5 c a heart of Europe is: impractical,: chised and degraded his people in the attack. Their plight is ser- latter called Roosevelt to account "The Rise of the Goldbergs," 'wrestler, will be happy to know Max Factor, is one person whom ! H e s t a r t R f l R cosmetic huMness in short-sighted and dangerous.. Germany'.ious. That is tragic but unavoid- for his handling of the case of wrote the plot for the radio ver- that he has won his light to de. the film industry finds indispenCertain 'leaders of Jewish life Jews have lived under all sorts able. There have been other com- Jimmy Walker when FDR wassion of the Ziegfeld Follies . . . feat blindness and is working in world's fair was in progress. in this country and abroad, when of » oppressions and tyrannies in munities in the past who found governor . . . Fertig, as a good Jan Peerce, the East Side's gift Hollywood . . . The million dol- sable. He makes the stars photoThose were the days of the old first the' German-Jewish tragedy the past in all parts of the world themselves in such desperate situ- Zionist and the former counsel to to radio, will make his operatic lars that Lew Tendler, Benny graph with natural loveliness, and ,. Biograph, Triangle end broke upon the world, rushed to —under persecutions and disabil- ations. The Jewish people can- Roosevelt, did a swell job as debut in Italy this summer . . . Leonard's persistent challenger, from his new $600,000 film city, Lubin, laboratory is able to meet all t h e l ^ " 8 . c ° m r t a n i e E their favorite nostrum *— charity. ities far worse than those now not capitulate to Hitlerism and peacemaker . . . So much so that The rare distinction of a layman won in the ring, is gone . . . If demands placed upon him bv the! organlzationn were extremely Jews are suffering; send them re- tisited upon our people in Ger- to the Nazi International," and lay shortly after he visited the White being auoted by an important you find football booming in" ' j backward and who CE.me to F a c . EtU(jjOg lief. That Is their customary, pre- many. They suffered, endured down its weapons, just because House Wise issued a blast at Al- medical publication has come to Chile credit it to Jack Grossman, secription for all Jewish afflic- and waited for the dawn of a bet- one section of the front Is under fred E. Smith . . . New York's Myron Weiss, associate editor o£ j former Rutgers' star, who h a is Countless times Mas Factor's'! tDTJ,0T f l d 7 l c e " , • , * , t T he tions. There must be no protests, ter day.' :, Whenever they were deadly bombardment. , ™**-W ^ n g hcRTd about high society is up a tree over the Time Magazine . . . The full text I gone into the importing business genius has saved a picture or a I no demonstrations, no demand for able,, particularly in the last few j in the South American republic star. When Rudolph Valentino! Holi^-ood end entrained for Los The Jews of Germany should presence of Prince Otto von Bis.of a radio speech he made on j with his father-in-law . . . King. needed a special make-up f o r | Angeles m IOCS where he_ opened political action from international decades, they Joined the forces of "Dowertess Doctors and Penniless marck, grandson of the Iron Chanagencies charged with such res- the opposition and became the be helped to maintain their insti- cellor and a pal of Hitler . . . Patients'" was reprinted in the fish Levinsky's ex-wife has gone "The Four Horsemen," Mas made U n establishment on Thiro atreet. ponsibility, as boycott — only the most active leaders and adherents tutions and their-communal or- Under ordinary circumstances the Canadian Medical Association back to the stage . . . it- T h e first body make-up lm-JH o l l ^ 1 0 1 ° a b o ^ e ; a , r \ 8 , n d ^ ' n ! Germany. "Tsedakah Pushke . . . " Through of revolutionary' movements, aim- ganizations within ROXYETTES mune to perspiration was perfect- ™ s f a U s o m e b o d y , backyard but Journal . . . Via short wave we "400" would be in a fever over lachrymous relief campaigns, and ed against the tyrannical govern- Every assistance should be render- the privilege of entertaining Bis- hear that Florence Kahn, London ed for Douglas Fairbanks in " T h e ! " 1 6 Jar.seeing Factor peered Into .through gentle, tactful interces- ments which oppressed them. ed to enable them to maintain marck, but his Nazi sympathies actress and radia star, has won a Roxy, one of the greatest Thief of Bagdad." and for Rex! ^ f u t » r e ; . He g e l d e d the pow. sion with fifth Assistant Secretar- They resisted! The thesis which their morale and to ease their showmen of all time, died with a ingram'a picture, "Mare N o s . ! fer puff, the LipBick and msBcara make him an unwelcome guest . . role in the Gaumont-British film ies of State, t h l matter will be holds that as coon as a hostile suffering during the period of minus sign in his bank account trum," Factor created the first b r u f o v e r . ™\ / " c h " sllae "Secret Agent" . . . In private life His hostess is the ritzy Mrs. Harfully taken care of.. • , „ , l\ movies, find painted ana wigged political party gets into power in their great tribulation until the rison Williams, whose guest list she's the wife of Max Beerbohn, . . . He was so broke that he had , t under water make-up. For desert; r d Ickfor l n her one reefer day of their redemption—which j to sub-let his sumptious apartWe argued, three years ago, any country and proclaims that it includes many who are not keen the satirist and artist . . . Recupfalms other formula, were « t ™ . | j , ft g o n5n h e r M a c may not be far off — will have ment and move to a second class •when High Commissioner McBon- does not like the.Jews and proon meeting the Prince . . . That erating fro,m her radio program, hotel, where he died . . . Reports duced that could withstandd exces-1 «;ennet^ h&m e « 1 comedies. come. Those Jews who must b ceeds to put pressure on them, the ald was first appointed, that the accounts for the care with which Molly Picon is planning a full g e } Rbf>ut { solution of the Jewish problem Jews must forthwith emigrate, is leave Germany should be helped the "400" is scrutinizing the length talkie oX Jewish life in about his planned comeback were «ve dryness and heat hooey . . . He never got t h a t H !S latest brainchild is techni-/ fc e n dt find in Germany was political in na- a startingly new, most. dangerbus through existing agencies to re- guest lists at parties in Birmarck's English . . . make-up, recently used in $179,000 which the Rockefellers color _ , _,..", . " ""' ~. ""i since tt then lias become a leader in ture and not philanthropic. The and cowardly one which, strange establish themselves in other parts honor . . . Father Coughlin is us. THS 'X THAT Jock Y, hitney s pioneer produc-j,,. » agreed to pay for the release of High Commissioner ' himself has to say, the very people who glor- of the world and to find oppor- ing the legend that Alexander Mike Jacobs, the boxing imtion, "Becky Sharp." For the pic-' now confirmed this fact. But our ied in the diaspora to the extent tunties for work and a livelihood. Hamilton was a Jew in his fight presario, is considering the offer | his contract . . . It was ironical ture he developed color harmony j to see Erno Rapee, the Radio City assistance Jewish leaders here and abroad— of scoffing at and deriding the Generous financial against the Federal Reserve Bank of a million-dollar syndicate to bemake-up shades that, under a tri. bankers, financiers, and their— need of a /Jewish homeland, are should be given to them in their . ' . . Since Hamilton was the fa- come president of a 500-mile au- | conductor, at Roxy's funeral, be2 rooms with kitchen RCCOMOcolor technicolor process, photo; cause insiders know that Rapee now most ardently advocating. new homes. No effort, however, entellites ;— continue intransi. ther of the idea of a central bank, dstions. Garage, Everything^' tomobile race track in Los An. j had lots to do with Roxy's elimgraphed the stars in their natural should be made and no institution gent in their adherence to their Is the situation of the Jews in should be established to facilitate Coughlin is spreading the story geles . . . Bernard Baruch's auto- ination from Radio City . . . Our colorings. They even went as far furnished. Young couple. Res." discredited policy of attempting to that Hamilton's real name was biography is ready for the printer boss, Joe Brainin, once occupied as to show delicate variations in eolve the German-Jewish: problem Germany quite as hopeless as and to speed up Jewish emigration Levine . . . sonable rental. Call We. 2176, . . . There'll be at least two Jews i Roxy's swanky office in the old facial coloring, as well as differthese leaders seem to assume? from Germany, and no ransom by means, of' a philanthropic proHITLERIA on the American Olympic boxing i Roxy Theatre . . . Roxy will nev£46® Ijothrop Strert ences in facial density. Thus Max cedure which has' now become What information have they that should be paid to their tormeni er know that one of the theatres team . . . Jack Benny has taken All Nazi denials to the contrary is not available to the rest of the brought the star out of the screen tors. , The Jewish people should fraught with the most serious dangers to the position of the world which has led them to the not be maneuvered by Hitler into notwithstanding, • Hitler is suffer- the place of the late Win Rogers j being built in Palestine is to be ,<2«esesx$3»»s3J3S3«sjej6^^ Jews throughout the world!. It is conclusion that the' present re- becoming his sales-agents and ing from cancer of the throat , . as the biggest individual earner called "The Roxy" . . . now proposed to assist a mass gime will remain in power indef- bankers to recoup the squandered That's why he hasn't made a pub- among theatrical entertainers . . . emigration of from one hundred initely? Have they, perhaps, ac- fortunes of Germany and to reha- lic speech in two months . . . His Universal Pictures is preparing to two hundred' thousand Jews cepted the Nazi wish-thought that bilitate its broken-down domestic associates are urging him to sub."By Exile Express," the first film from Germany, who will presum- their regime will last for at least economy. This is statesmanship. mit to another operation but they with an immigration angle . . . ably be permitted by the^German a thousand years?.. . , Is anyone All else-Is blindi piddling, penny- can't find a" first-rate throat spec- Jacob Suritz, Soviet ambassador tor By LOCIS PEKARSK1" government to export their, capi- justified in setting in motion the wise - pound - foolish trafficking ialist who is 100 per cent Aryan . to Germany, was conspicuous by liquidation of one of 'the great tal, Reichs fluch steuer (emigrawith the enemy — dangerous as Our Amsterdam correspondent re- his absence at the swanky, opera DICK POWELL EXTERTAIXS ports the publication of a book ball given in Berlin by Hermann tion) tax deducted, by way of Jewish communities in Europe, well as disgraceful. Dick Powell recently had inthere called "Hitler, Apostle of Goering . . .All the diplomats and German goods,' payjnent for part with all its terrifying internationVKeweigh Palestine Transfer" Might", which reveals that Hit. Nazi bigwigs were there . . . Only valids of Mount Sinai Home for of which at least, will have to be al repercussions, because of his The Palestine Transfer Agree- ler's real name is Schuecklgrubor Suritz and the American ambassa- Chronic Invalids in Los Angeles made in foreign exchange. The conviction based on the sole fact plan contemplates a Bank of Liq- that the Nazi regime hafe succeed- ment was bad enough. We yield- . . . According to Ruldolf Olden, dor were missing . . . John D. as his guests at Warner Brosuidation which will become, to all ed through terror and' brutal op- ed to it only on the plea that It author of the book, Adolf's pap- Hertz, millionaire Chicago trac- studios. The institution's ambulintents and > purposes, an export pression,' .to maintain itself in was of no aid to the Hitler gover- py was quite a gadabout, having tion magnate used to be a fight ance conveyed the patients, a "A Qu&Iity Product for Seasoning" agency for German manufactures power, for three short- years?.;Are nment in as much as it did not been married thrice, divorced manager . . . Philadelphia credits number of •whom Ere cancer cases bring; any foreign, currency into these* Jewish leaders really "con*s; to flood the markets of the world once and having fathered three publisher J. David Stern and real- to the big studio at Burbank, •with Geman goods. The Jews vinced that the.'.majority of the Germany. The- Transfer arrangeof the world will be a$ked to re- German people approvekr.pf Hit- ment: was strictly limited, to the lent in their anti-German boycott ler's mad anti-Semitism and that, one country"-— Palestine—whose in order to make possible the sale under a new regime, a new read- economic absorptive • capacity, it of-'these German goods In the justment and a normalizing of the was argued, would be materially name of Jewish charity and for Jewish status will be Quite im- increased as a result of the Agreement, making It possible for many the sake of saving Jewish capital. possible? more thousands of German Jews The pla& wil help to replenish the ^oa-<OHARHsys».. What else is behind this agita- to settle there. It was definitely depleted: gold reserves which the Nazi regime can no longer obtain' tion besides charity and a desire understood that the German exWhere Omaha Shopt tcitk Confidence . a depletion which is., undermining to help conserve' some of the ports marketed by. the Haavarah Its economic position and threa- wealth of some of the Jewish em- would be strictly limited to the igres? Are certain of the upper confines of Palestine. There was tening, its very evistance. classes of German Jewry, bankers also the persuasive argument that and industrialists, hoping perhaps a great historic national purpose, Pound 29c "Would Betray Anti-Xazi" that by the removal of a hundred namely the,upbuilding of a Jewish This proposal is made by Jew-or two hundred thousand Jews homeland, and not merely the in2 Pounds 56c One Sherbet Dish Free ish leaders at a time when the from- Germany, the pressure- upon terests of the individual emlgree, Jews of the world, united. with themselves will be relieved? Has would be advanced by this transMiller's Cereals P. & G. BEVERAGES other forces fighting against the the Nazi government, perhaps, in fer, without in any way strength» . . as this goes to press . . . the bloody barbarism of • Hitler, • are the hop'e of breaking the world ening, the Hitler regime. LDIE RICKEY engaged in a lite and'death strug- boycott, brought.pressure.to bear prices of raw fur skins ere reWHITE SODA or gle with, the Nazi regime and arethrough the many channels availNo, one assumed or suspected employing the boycott as the most able to do It upon certain leaders that attempts would be made to GIXGER ALE ported to be advancing with' effective' weapon in their struggle. of German Jewry to ask'for'Such universalize this practice and to In" the; name of Jewish charity, liquidation? General " Goering'sj convert what was clearly to be an Whole Wheat Flakes every auction! . . . We hesitate these Jewish "pushke diplomats" 'Essener National Zeitung" de- exception into a rule. In the light Package 10c 2 would unwittingly betray these, clared a few days ago that mass of the new proposals which are forces which are now fighting the emigration of German Jews will now. being made, which If carried to call this a "lifetime opportugrimmest battle of modern • times be considered by Germany only into effect, will spell _the doom of tor civilization and for the elem- 'if Jewish capitalists abroad ex- our concerted economic attack nity" +0 buy a FINE Fur Coat at entary rights and decencies of ercise their influence to see that upon' the Nazi regime, the Pale, men.' ; the Jewish .boycott .measures such, a saving . . . BUT IT MAY What madness has swept over against Germany are completely these men who have assumed the stopped throughout the world." •BE JUST TH ATI.., grave responsibility of Jewish lea- Does this tell the story? . . . dership in these serious times? 'Solution is Overthrowing Xazis" Are they not aware that they, are The German Jewish community playing Into Hitler's hand? Are they not aware that they are sign- will not liquidate. Whatever fiRegular or Drip Ing the. death warrant not alone nancial -relief is extended to it wi}l prove of small significance in Grind of the Jewish community in Germany but all, other communities the ultimate solution of its proin Eastern Europe who are today blem. The ultimate solution lies in the anti-Semitic danger zone? in the overthrow of the • Nazi reIf the Nazis succeed in getting rid ime. The greatest service which of the Jews of Germany through can be rendered, to ' the Jewish the ready and efficient coopera- community in Germany and tq tion of the Jews themselves; if Jewry throughout the world is to Shelled Black Walnuts, lb . _ _ they , succeed. In strengthening concentrate every ounce of our INSURED CABS their own regime with money: exShelled Pecans, lb. : „.» propriated from their Jewish subNo. 2 cans Standard Tomatoes, 3 cans jects and with foreign exchange brought into Germany via Jewish No. 2 cans Peas, 3 cans .... deportations, .Iwili not' their adNo. 2 cans Evergreen Corn, 3 cans .................. mirers and would ' be imitators In the neighboring countries — 6 pkgs. Macaroni or Spaghetti — in Austria," Poland, Hungary, Rumania and elsewhere — be Campbells Tomato Soup, 3 cans encouraged and inspired to do . . . at Spectacular..' No. 2 can Yatch Club Cherries, pitted, can the same? It will pay. those cquntries to. drive but the Jews!. It Savings^"'' jfti%SjKJ!Kjfl fc^ Ef9 ( A £ 9 JSMtHBtEll Kj3i B^^f EQU^^il fiffiji jB( | ^ ^BsKi2» iH3fl^^*^1 vBljSB^S ap^BiKjjSjHfisBjal 2 oz. cans Mushrooms, 3 lor will be good business! And how 3 lbs. 40-50 Prunes, ™._.-.. ....... easy! Jews themselves are at hand to offer their services to 5 glasses Jelly for ....... ..„ facilitate the work and to insure 5 lbs* Central Market Flour .— ...™ the success of the operation . ; . '^*&3&5&i . .)=^^^^^^|S^8i^^S^g^^^^BJ^^^^^g3gj^^ How simple, how orderly, how Texas Oranges, fancy, 5 lbs.... ....— legitimate and how profitable.will Texas Grapefruit, 70 size, each . Jewish expulsions become! Ternifl. Plan a Surrender Texas Pink Grapefruit, each „„
Butternut Jell
6 Pkgs. 2Sc
Bottle 12i/ c
Qt 37c
Folger's Coffee Mother's Best FLOUR 5 lbs. . . . . . 23c 1 0 l b s . . . . . ' 4 3 c 1 lb, . . . . . 30c . 59c 24 l b s . . . . . 1.00 2 lbs
The Hitler regime is three years eld and already these leaders of the Jews have lost their faith, their courage and , their morale. They have supinely accepted the Kazi thesis that there is no room for Jews in Germany and they are proceeding on that' basis. What a staggering and frightening surrender! For, If there is no room for the JewB in Germany, there is no room for the Jews any-
Deficia Apples, 80 size, doz. 35c, bos „. California Green Peas, 2 lbs. ........—: .... Large Bundles Broccoli, bundle - „.:„...._.„.... Green or Wax Beans, 2 lbs . — Large Bunches Beets or Carrots, each „ Head Lettuce, head 7cj.3-ior ....... : Fancy Cooking Potatoes, peck .—
NartKern S e a l . . . Queensland S«a! . . . Bering Seel and Brawn Beavereffes and many clhef'samples.Included «t this prfea.
Fitted, SwEgger snd Prfe cess Modeh. ScH-Trimmed sad Trimmed with Fhch and Marten. All Six«&—12 fft 44
Ikiri Flow
each, his particular method of j has been known to be rewritten ; test every loot of a mo%-ie set to j pic forecasts a ?J. o, k. o. (ho*-work made It necessary for him -several times In order to better I detect scueaks so that such noises j office knock-out, BP though ynt to know all about each, of them, meet the attack from, the flanks. j Trill not be picked up by the mi-j didn't know). Max Factor jour* This is the key to his special ~ Counsel and Judges may differ crophone. jneys to the I'Diversity of Wisoxir-Quality. Once interested in a wih Brandeis' individualistic philt 0 3 udfre t h e c problem he does not know how to osophy and his belief that bigness Then there is the man who fBin ' ° - e d 1oine ea u toyf cfnmr "r test Dora Scllfn stop until he has literally ex. is in itself a danger, but the" bar manufacturers cobwebs and fogs.! " ^ ' ! hausted all the available informa- and bench bow their heads before He has devoted rears to the pro-1i na ee v e r ithw***' v™*e «yarn ?"• auction of fogs that photograph I . ^" . ™ ^ ! e e r m g iin tion. And his faith and passion h i s seemingly inexhaustible! for facts caused him to invent a knowledge of the facts and theBy the Sendee Life Insurance realistically . . . and spiders could : stuffs, entitled, "The Public take a few lessons from him in:Eat." new type of brief. law and bis convincing • integraCompany, Omaha the matter of fabricating gossation of the two. Confronted with the problem of mer webs. Thumb-print biography: persuading the Supreme Court If you had walked up a certain i THE JEW M. Loev's first job was SK a jourJanuary 28th will be 20 years that the conditions of modern inTHE JUEIST street in a certain city one rainy j nalist on thp New York Globe.-f-fp : By Jacob de Haas dustry necessitate laws limiting since President Woodrow Wilson By Florence de Haas Sunday morning, vou would h a v e . . Overheard at tbe Post Office: has travelled to the four eonip^ the maximum hours of labor for appointed Xionis D> Brandeis to seen, dumped upon the sidewalk, ;*°«n* Talmaoge Jessel wasn't of the earth . . . has flown around " The Zionist Brandeis is a.deep- the Supreme Court, .the first Jew . . , , . , women, Brandeis marshalled tfie the worldly possessions of t b e \ Perm^ed to a.tend the opening the v-orld. AF the son of the. .er etching "of the furrows that to reach that high office. In this , * l a , L m ! \ . T i t h , . a n - a . b U . n d ? n t fa<*s of industry in the By HELEN 23GMOND daughter cf a man who in his ^Oim aGeorge s show . . . because "she founder ol Loev.-'g Enterprises, make the Lincolnian head of dual feature we present an ap-head of gray hair sits quietly be- to a brief which limited the legal •"•""•••""'"•"'•••^•"• k e s him hind the bench.. Occasionally he fiav was one of the prominent! nervous." Kainer show business is in his Wood. £i. Brandeis, the jurist In 1910 he praisal of Justice Brandeis. th< I family reursioned overThe argument to three pages while It Hollywood — Highlights in business men of the city. the holi- !j present Arthur is vice-president ! days . . , approached the Jewish problem, jurist and t h e ' Jew as seen nods, unconsciously reassuring devoted hundreds to its facts. This ' their careers! Luise'e brothers, Hans j j O e w . f . Into a wash boiler, tbe remunder the influence of the •writer, through the perspective of two counsel that he follows their arg- then was the man who became a Bsla Lugosi played leading parts nants of a once extensive library iB.na Fritz and her father. Heinz, ! ^ in the same fact-finding spirit. I t decades. Sir. Do Haas, Justici ument. Suddenly he leans for- member of the bench of the Su-in almost tbe entire theatrical re- had been dumped, over two chairs in Hollywood. The t i o w | p ~ "* " — » ward and a Brandeisian question may' be ' doubted "whether there Brandeis* biographer and one o: preme Court in 1916. pertoire from ^Hamlet to Loiloin was a wornout mattress and a bespectacled Al Jolson was elect- ! are a dozen Jews in the United his closest friends, is a veteran is on its way. "What type of quesAnd if every man's actions are before he entered the movieB. cot. Over ail was a piece of wornMayor of his place of residence, ; tion will it be? Why does an ill1 States who have the same grip on Zionist whose interest in the a reflection of his past experience AtYhe age~of":L3, Sam KatzTpro- | out linoleum which flap _ _d In"the { f " 0 1 ^ _£° e ?f_.n_er_ l s topr°Tin£ Three Rooms. Upstafrg, prepared counsel shrink? The i his Bev-Hill home to the extent or Unfurnished. Home the essentials of • Jewish history movement dates from the days o certainly Brandeis' opinions not ducer, was the piano player in j wind. of eight thousand smackers . , . Close In. Modern Home, Rea. and Palestine aB: Justice Brandeis. Herzl. Miss Dc Haas, a daughter obvious answer lies In t h e fact merely reflect his social theories Carl Laemmle's "Nickel show" on The woman's father died w h e n l a n d h e - so n ! y a r e I ) t e r ! T h _ S a n sonable. The problem v ln one sense comes of Jacob, is a brilliant young at- that the immediate Brandeisian but his specialized knowledge. Chicago's West Side. she was under age. Her property, ; m>plin i 1544 No. 20th St. We. U50 within' the scope of. his : general torney associated with the Becon. emphasis is upon the facts—the In one of the articles in Vol. 45 Binnie Barnes . . . under tbe which amounted to a considerable IF r a n c i s c o pTevievr ol t h e C " •-facts, of the immediate case and n o f outlook. Brandeis does not ad-struction Finance Corporation, —did sum in real estate, was managed "Texas" Barnes the background of facts of which of the Harvard Law Review com-! a&me mire bigness.' The whole area of The Editor. rope-spinning act in Africa. 75th by her uncle until she became of the case Is an Instance- No gen- j Jesse Lasky played a cornet for age. But mismanagement, carePalestine, east and west of the Birthday, Henry Wolf Bikle eral knowledge of constitutional Jordan Is within the compass of traces the whole development ofj a living. lessness, the advice of uninformed Ernest Lubitscb studied acting people, all contributed to the loss, a'•• man's yislon; t h e problem af- never been tempted to change a principles will answer his ques- railroad regulation in the fifty tions. word in itSo too, -on the pracfects 16,000,000 people, not too odd opinions the Justice has writ- while clerking in his father's piece by piece, of the property. But Brandeis Is no more en- ten on this subject- In the same clothing store. many to be dealt- with success- tical sld.e he: drafted his famous Money left under monthly in"Zeeland Memorandum," in 1920 cyclopedia of knowledge. There is publication P r o f e s s o r Felix George Gershwin was once tbe come contracts cannot be misinf u l l y , •.-••••• ..••;• and"it remains. Me gnide as to the no member of the bar or bench Frankfurter lists and classifies accompanist for Nora Bayes and vested, cannot fluctuate in value, • By" 1914 Brandeis" had con-things to" be done. His road to the Louise Dresser. cannot be misspent, cannot be vinced himself. that the Jewish conquest of' human - spirit is who better expresses the ideal of the four hundred fifteen opinions the living law. There Is no judge borrowed by relatives, csnnot be the Justice had handed down, at OUR DIRECT REDUCTION LOANS FOR Problem could be Bolved, along through education," and his form- in any of the English speaking MORTGAGE PLAN WILL. Dave Dnbin, film sales mana- misspent by exaggerating size, 5-10-15 YEARS Herzlian lines, provided men de- ula i s in doing things, or urging countries who Is more venerated that date. There is no use trySAVE YOU MONEY NO RED TAPE ger, enjoyed the unprecedented cannot be lost, burnt or stolen or voted' themselves t o its solution, people to do things In the belief than Brandeis. His Is a iiame to ing to out-Frankfurer Frankfur- occurrence of putting t o . rout taken away, and cannot be aster, •with the same aptitude- and inter- that the act will arouse intellect- :onjure with. Vince Barnett, Hollywood's fam- signed, attached or drawn in adSince Holmes' est they devote to business or ual curiosity, and every success, death it is questionable whether But it might be of some use to ous "ribber." Barnett approach- vance. Tbe monthly income plan U. E. KAT'L BAKE ELDG. profession. Nothing that' has however small, will stir the emo-there is anyone in the legal field characterizes his opinion for tbeed, brimming over with his stock is the iron-clad plan of making happened since has caused him to tions of those who contribute to who has the same aurora except benefit of the non-legal reader. of insults. Dubin interrupted the future for a beloved wife or change his mind. On the contr- the action. . ' • • ' • * perhaps, Holmes' successor on the His exhaustive method of study with, "Say, I know you you j daughter absolutely safe, insofar ary he is more convinced to day Twenty years ago Justice Bran- bench. causes ' him to offer footnotes play bits in pictures!" That top-1 as financial happiness is con. than .a decade ago of the urgency deis asked his fellow Jews "to To trace how this has come summarizing all pertinent infor- ped Barnett's ribs and he made a i cerned. of the solution. He has listened stand up and be counted," for j about one must go back to themation, whether cases or articles, hasty retreat. (Established J8TS) to scores of suggestions, tempor- Zionism. He stood up, and stands with a frequency far above that days of Brandeis at Harvard Law a r y expedients, local palliatives, •for the long pull." Brandeis, SchooL Brandeis, the student so of the other Justices. This re-j Because of his weakness for • a moderate-living at this one spec— Co. Bluffs — Sioas City — Si«rax Falls appeals for relief funds. Very the Supreme Court Justice and young that the Board of Trustees suits in opinions which are tbe i chewing gum Paul Muni had to • i a l 5 f r e q u e n t l y j t n a k e retakes of his tests for. quietly ha serves as a court That called to mind other o3d Brandeis, the Zionist separate In young that the Board of Trustees, Phone S&. 0551 — Phone 591 Phone 88685 _ _, „ more com-!««__,.,.,. A W meticu- J cinema occupations. There is the find itthem clearer and i "Good -&„„+>, Earth." •>Always last resort-to- Jews Interested the orderly precision of daily made a special exception so thatji.j:,, Manufacturer. various phases of Jewish life. Al- tasks, but the mental unity is they might graduate the manj plete than the usual textbooks l°us about his makeup, he went | wobbly-furniture Asbestos most without hesitation he has complete. The Jewish caller who who, In an institution proud of itsand law articles. He writes in a I onto the set in perfect oriental j His line is constructing furniture l a c e Sl&te-THe turned them' all downr they hold attempts to 'gloss Tils' tactlessness earning, made a scholastic record simple style—aiming primarily a t ; but tbe i tbat will fall apart at a toucb . . . _ and costume out no prospect of meeting the with Asphalt ant! Gravel emotional - outpourings, never equalled before and only clarity, a factor of special utility "rushes" disclosed a slant-eyed he works mostly for comedy provital Issue; they promise no con- squirms just as much as the coun- one since. Then one must study in the reading of his many com- character popping and clacking a ductions. FKEE ESTIMATES —EAST TERMS The "squeak-tester" has a pewad of gum in good old. occidenttribution to the end he seeks. sel who In the silence of the court the career of the young Boston plex tax decisions. culiar job . . . i t is his task to a-wyer, would fight causes for al fashion. Brandeis Is no: joiner. His realizes, that his-appeal to prinname will be found in any of the ciples does not begin to parry he pure joy of fighting for and ' For a real measure of the man, j lists which make their routine ap- that precise barbed; question on helping the triumph of the right- it is not his majority, but his dis- j Director Mervyn LeRoy was a peal to meet Jews. They are all fact ' which has. disturbed his The Brandeis who became known senting opinions that should b e i m e m b e r of the orginal cast of the as the people's attorney. Imbued read. Majority opinions must al- "Squaw Man'-' . . . just n i n e interesting Tint not essential. Of equanimity as well as his case. most of them he-would be tempt; (Copyright, 1936, by Seven Arts with a strong sense of social con- ways be written to satisfy the months old, he was carried on the sciousness and an analytical mind thought of at least four -other stage . . . a heap fine Indian paed to say that' they lead away , Feature Syndicate.) which would not stop until i t saw men. Minority opinions leave the'poose! from the consideration of the the full problem In detail, Brand- writer free to forget all the non.' main problem, whereas .thesmall"We met a man tbe other day eis not merely found himself in- essentials and to swing free and ;• estveffort which bears on;-the deolved In litigation Involving par- clear at the point. Holmes' dis- who specializes in gorilla parts . . velopment of Palestine holds his ticularly labor, banking, insur- sents are perhaps wittier and athis antics and make-up are so mind, it may fit Into the scheme, ance, public utilities and the con- times more sharply critical. But authentic that producers hire "him of things; •-it'. may' aid. in making servation of natural resources, a Brandeis dissent is Ench a force in preference to an unruly anithe Idea •understood;, it/may be a but as he became Interested In 'ot logic that the majority opinion mal. HeTsays he is abl© to make salient contribution to the, main purpose(WNS)—There Is . There canistfll b e . found in NewjoyYork in the Hittler family of Roumania • pictures of " Justice great he Bronx now that Supreme Brandeis : labeled "President of 3ourt Justice John' I*. Walsh-has the-JewiBh State" which ; were granted t h e m permission to freely distributed in the Balkan change their name • to^ Hilton. country during the: first flush of Leon'Hittler, head of the famenthusiasm that followed, the • is- ily,-, told the court that he' had j suance of the Balfour Declaration, hot.; Introduced himself to stran- for in that country It was Bome~ gers under the name of Hittler how realized .that it was his auth- i :ince V1933 because "the unforority which had made "that docu- ;unate similarity\of his name with %s merit possible". Yet in the years i that of the German leader had that'have followed, Brandeis has caused him much : embarrassInsisted more and-more on these ment.' acts that shall make the end posHittler's two sons, Harry and sible, than indulged in; any ; dis- David, who are. salesmen, testified cussion of the end.ltself. • In that that they had lost much business he has set an- example, not only because "prospective customer's by his contributions but by hisnormal Bales resistance might be self-imposed limitations of inter- raised by mention- of the name est. . He has kept abreast of allHittler." f t happens in Palestine, keenly watching the general tendencies and experiences in the diasporas Turkey Bans Citrus Imports Tel Aviv—Turkey has banned which he Is more and: more convinced should ."concentrate on ser- all Palestine citrus Imports, acving the Palestine development.. cording to a report in the evening Davar, which also states that TurHis fact-finding m i n d assures key has curtailed- the import of him that the Galuth is in process other Palestine products. of liquidation. He does, not de- Turkey's sales to Palestine in bate the point, his Interest being 193-1 amounted to 495,000 pounds in what contribution the momen- (about $2,500,000), in exchange tum is making towards the future for which it-bought.5,000 pounds in Palestine. His faith being swell ($25,000) worth of Palestine anchored, he J is in no desperate products. OUR OLD,STOVE If , hurry.to force the end. He aids DOWN but does not press the inevitable, assuming that Jewish will force Twelve Swim Records , wili conquer and • overcome the * Vienna—A new : aspirant for obstacles which he not only recog- the ' swimming championship of nizes, but which he believes Europe emerged this week in the 'should whet the Jewish appetite person of Judith-Deutsch, sevento.achieve success." '. teenVyear-old member of the Ha-: He wrote his' "Zionism: • A" Solu- ah^ Sports Club. The Marathon tion of the Jewish Question," in Committee,, famous . A u s t r i a n 1915. It Is. , a closely packed sports body, awarded her a i gold brochure which has gone through medal for setting' twelve new a number of editions, but he has swimming records.
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SiiiSliiili Ipjfplllillllllfilllpi
The German Problem Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscriptiofa P r i c e , o n e y e a r ; - : • ' . . » • • •• A d v e r t i s i n g r a t e s furnished on' application.
Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER '.- - Business and Managing Editor FRANK K. AOKBRMAN - • - - • • - - E d i t o r FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN.PILL . - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent ; Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
Conclave at St. Louis A; representative Omaha delegation will attend the deliberations of the General Assembly of the National Council of Jewish Federations and "Welfare Funds, to be held in St. Louis on, January 25 to'27. Meeting with' them will be leaders from practically every important Jewish .community in the country, and they will discuss all of the social problems so vital to Jewry at the present moment. The St. Louis conference is called together at a time when a mobilization of all of the spiritual and material forces in Jewish Life is necessary to "carry on." Sir Herbert Samuel, Viscount; Bearsted and Simon Marks—three, outstanding leaders of British Jewry—will speak a\ this conclave for the first time since coming to these shores to lay before American Jewish leaders their ideas on how to best rescue the remaining Jews in Germany from the tentacles of Nazi terrorism. On the national scene, the problems which must be faced socially by the various communities will be thoroughly aired. The interrelation between the various local Federations will be discussed pro and con. In all, the local, national and international Jewish needs and problems will be thoroughly gone over by a group of men and women who have experienced leadership and calm, deliberate judgment behind them, individuals who are highly sensitized to Jewish needs here and elsewhere.
Dealing with Lawlessness A killing is revolting in any sense of the word, but a coldblooded assassination of an individual who has never harmed anyone, a holy man, is the height of dastardliness. In no other classification can be placed the attempted assassination last week of Dr. Jacob Isaac Niemerower., chief rabbi of Koumania. Dr. Niemerower was shot at in broad daylight by three young hoodlums as he was leaving his house in Bucharest to go to the synagogue. "We can be thankful that his wounds were slight. However, the fact that he was not seriously hurt does not change the complexion of.the situation. The three assassins were members of the Iron Guardists, the same anti-Semitic band that was responsible for the slaying of Premier Ion pDuca in the latter part of1933. For jobviousjr_easons, the information was given out that the one would-be murderer wno was caught was insane and that his act was merely that of a madman. Actually, there is sufficient ground for the belief—shared by the Jewish leaders of Eoumania—that this attempted assassination of Dr. Niemerower,'who is a member of the Roumanian senate, is part of a well-hatched plot to stimulate anti-Semitic activities in Eoumania. This is significant, regarding who is back of the killing. Eecently there was created in Koumania a united anti-Jewish front by the National Christian party of Professor Cuza, the fascist groups of Dr. Goga, and the rebelling faction of the National Peasant party under the leadership of former Premier Vaida-Voevod. Shortly after the close range, firing upon Niemerower, Vaida Voevod announced his withdrawal from the united anti-Semitic front. It may be coincidence without causal relation, but we are inclined to think that Vaida Voevod couldn't stomach such tactics by his new-found political allies. The lesson to be drawn is that the encouragement of lawless elements, be they Nazi or Iron Guardists, results in an undermining of the state, eventually bringing about a downfall of those institutions dear to the life of a people. There is only one time when force can be effectively used—and that is while the radical movement is in its infancy. Once it has obtained a foothold, it is too late. If the Eoumanian government is to stop a wave of terrorism, it must damp down the lid on the Iron Guardists immediately.
By SABBI FREDERICK COHN To the editor of the Jewish Press: S i r i
• • • • ,
You invite further discussion of the proposition to assist the wholesale emigration of the Jews of Germany and the plan proposed. Three prominent British Jews have made a special journey to this country to confer with American Jewish leaders. They will be present at important meetings in St. Louis and Washington. The attempt will be made to raise fifteen million dollars to help finance the settlement of German Jews in Palestine and in other countries. Not only is the undertaking tremendously difficult but is quite impractical as well, besides being highly objectionable as seeming to fall in with and further the plans of the Nazi. How can you get from one hundred thousand to t^iree hundred and fifty thousand Jews out of Germany, overcome all passport'Obstacles as well as arrange for their settlement in other countries? What will you. do not only with the balance of the five hundred thousand Jews in Germany, not to speak of the millions that in the eyes of the Nazis being "non-Aryan" are Jewish? . I believe with Lincoln that "nothing is ever settled until it is" settled right." The only way to settle this matter right is to attack the.evil at its source. Germany by her monstrous injustice has made a problem for all nations and these nations are justified in taking action against what so deliberately affects their internal, domestic, economic and social condition. They should formally and firmly protest and if these protests remain unheeded they should sever diplomatic relations with Germany. America under President Taft did that with Eussia with most beneficial results. If it be said that would lead to war the answer is there will probably be war anyway. Ger-, many wants war, is preparing for it, the whole country has been described as "an armed camp." Germany is not quite ready yet, it is said she needs about two more years, but even before that events and mainly her own iniquitous doings may precipitate war. The nations might as well take time by the forelock. There was no war with Eussia and today Czarist Eussia is completely destroyed. The Jews are citiiens in the fullest sense of the word and not only is there no anti-Semitism in Eussia but it is forbidden by ,the government and severely punished. What happened in Eussia can and will happen in Germany. Let us learn from history. What seems "idealistic aild visionary" may prove the most practical in the end. The Czar is dead, the Kaiser is in exile. It is Hitler who will make Ms exodus and the Nazi regime go the way of the Czarist despotism. The real solution of the German question (more than merely Jewish) lies in international action on the basis of the highest and most effective diplomacy, that of righteousness and justice. FREDERICK COHN.
of knowledge, will finally be exposed when somebody will a s k him some Question," Rabe observing that Rc.l'bi Hammiina was prolonging his i prayer said, "They leave eternal DR. THEOBOEE N. LEWIS life, the Torah, and occupy themDevise not evil against thy selves with transient life, prayer." Eabbi, Mount Steal Temple, Sioox City neighbor seeing he dwelleth seIt was saifi of Rabbi Jochanan Yearbook, Central .Conference And this will to live was given curely by thee. ben Zakai. Never in his life did American Rabbis Volume 45 reality and power by the unceasStrive not with a man without he speak in profane language; he ing cultivation and study of the I cause if he have done thee no never walked four cubits without Chicago The Central Conference o t Hebrew language and literature, harm. studying the, IF.W; ho was never American Rabbis is the oldest rab- by a touching love for and devoEnvy thou not the msn of vio- ', preceded, by anyone in the house binical association la America, tion to Palestine, by a sublime lence and choose n o n e of his | ol learning'; he was always the having been' founded in IS89, religious faith, and by an amazing WE3'S. ; last to leave the. house of learnsince when it has met annually. sense of brotherliness and kin;ing; hr was never found to be Enter not into the path o£ the Volume 4 5, the subject of this re- ship with world Jewry. wicked and walk jsot in the way sitting in silence but Silwnys view, contains proceedings of the The essence of Dr. Silver's re- of evJI men, avoid it, pass not by • studying the Torah; nobody else 1935 convention held at Chicago. markable paper is that "nation, ! it, turn from it. | except he ever opened the floor Because that year marked the fif- race, land and language were alj for his discipies to enter; he nevTALMUD tieth aniversary of the adoption ways vital and indispensable con' er BP.id a thing he had not heard Rabe said, "A man shall first of the so-called Pittsburgh Plat, cepts in Jewish life, inclissoluisly study the Torah and think how ! from his teacher and be never form, an important Reform pro- associated, of course, with reli; said it was time to leave t h e explain It." nouncement, the major portion of gion." This is true today, as it to Rabbi : house of learning except on ihe Samuel said, "He who the Conference program was de- has been throughout Jewish his- lowers himself and exposes his ! evenings of Passover, and the Darvoted to a re-examination of that tory. A unique quality of liberal | ignorance for the sake oJ learn- es f Atonement. Rabbi Eliezer, his declaration. Judaism Is absence of dogma, and i ing the Torah shall finally be ex- ! disciple, followed his teacher's Dr. Felix A. Levy, Rabbi of the creed. Certainly the opinions of i sited, but he who is ashamed to • grand conduct. hicago Temple Emanuel and I. M. Wise, Einhorn, Holdheim j ask his teacher because he wants President of the Conference, read and other early Reform theolo- to conceal his ignorance, his lack Patronize our advertisers. profoundly philosophical and gians are no more authoritative stimulating paper on "God and and no more binding than the Reform Judaism." Dr. Levy is a more ancient rules and precepts happy combination of thinker, of the Shulchan Aruch. To esscholar, and devout Jew. He is at cape from the sterility that is en240 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phoss AT 8113 home in the best of current phil- casing it, to increase its numbers, osophic and religious thought, and to give the ritual and synagogue STOCKS, BONDS AND COMMODITIES a master of Jewish lore. In his service new vigour and emotional address, Dr. Levy exposed the power. Reform Judaism must corMEMBERS ALL PRINCIPAL EXCHANGEE • fallacy held'by many of the early rect its greatest mistake and re• NEW YORK • MINNEAPOLIS Reform theologians that univer- chart Its course. Palestine must • CHICAGO • DENVER ealism was incompatible with Jew- receive the place due it. Hebrew • KANSAS CITY • OMAHA ish nationalism, but, the two are must again become the basis of • LONDON, Engiand Inseparable. The very prophets Jewish education-. Emphasis must Offices is Other Principal Cities who daringly proclaimed God as be shifted to people and tradition K. A. LININGER, Resident Manager the universal Father were at one and away from a shallow univerand the same time supremely de- salism and platitudinous monothevoted to the national fortunes of ism. Only thus can Reform Judtheir people. The Jewish people aism escape the threatening doom. created the Jewish God concepDr. Silver is magnificently right tion. God and the rich attributes when he says that "in our long of Deity were the product of the history we never had uniform intellectual striving and spiritual planning or a formula for surstruggles of our people. vival." The reform theologian Dr. Levy gently but firmly- cas- and thfr fanatic Jewish nationalist tigates those Jewish humanists have alike been guilty of fierce who, in their seal for the Jewish dogmatism, of wild exaggeration, people, forget God. The theocen- of gross misinterpretation of the tric view of the universe is de- facts of Jews life. What should fended. God is an imperative be avoided at all costs is a philnecessity, indispensible. And he osophy of Jewish life adopted with must become a potent force in our an eye to the fleeting needs of lives. Students are indebted to the changing scene, or one deDr. Levy for dealing the problem sigaed to silence the malicious at. of God in a scientific and essent- tacks of our enemies or one moially Jewish, way. tivated " by the desire to curry Thfe statement in the Pittsburg favor with those good will we Platform, which more than any seek and think, often erroneously, other has alienated the Jewish must have. We should formulate masses is that which asserts with a Jewish philosophy of life, rea SInaitic finality bordering on ligious and cultural, a programme the ludicrous, that "we consider of action without fear and com. ourselves so longer & nation but promise, with definite and ever a religious community." This present regard, only for the conpresumptive declaration dictated crete needs of world Jewry. by fear, necessary expediency, and These splendid papers will asa naiv© romanticism has given Re- suredly help re-shape and re-diform Judaism that anti-Palestin- rect Reform Jewish thought into tian complexion which it has pos- authentic Jewish channels and sessed until recently, and which i thereby render a magnificent serhas seriously impeded the num- jvice to the cause of Jew and Juderical growth of the movement ! aism. and robbed it of inexhaustible spiritual resources.
To the Editor of the Jewish Press: The following is my reply to your editorial entitled "We Must Eefuse" printed in your Jan. 10th issue 'For some three years, the Nazis have reigned Germany, and during that time the Jews of this, once mighty Empire have gone through the tortures of hell, only equaled by the Spanish Inquisition of the fifteenth century. Yes, three years of torture to our Jewish brethren of Ger Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, the many by madmen, and still there is no sight of peace. We have scholarly Cleveland rabbi, and inprayed, boycoted Germany, donated'money, and yet the per- ternational Jew.ish leader, in dealsecution continues. The Nazis are in power, and despite ru- ing with the important concept of establishes the falsity of mors of their decline, Hitler and his National Socialist Party Israel, the statement, its anti-Jewish grow stronger day by day, and with their increased strength character, lack of consistency and newer and more novel ways of torture for the Jew of Germany most inexcusably, its pitiful disare designed.' regard for the practical needs of ROBERT STONE world Jewry. Dr. Silver, an ar- NORTHByAMERICA It is with this picture in mind that this writer says that dent lover of Palestine and chamthe recent proposal by the Nazis should be accepted. In short, pion of LEADERS ©F REFORM SYNliberal Judaism, conscious they have offered to the Jewry of the world a means by which of the irreparable damage the AGOGUES TOLD JEWS SHOULD we may take the Jew out of Germany, a country which in all early German leaders did to Re- BE USED TO ANTI-SEMITISM its history has never had any use for the Jew. The Nazis have form Judaism by their bitter, pa- . . . Which is just as impossible as only brought this ancient long hatred to an immediate climax. thological opposition' to Palestine. getting used to a cancer. unsparing in his criticism and What efforts the Jews of the world have put forth to alleviate is WALL STREET TURNS COLD condemnation of a theology and the Nazi attack have gone for nought. Hence there is no a Jewish philosophy of life whose SHOULDER TO NAZI EMISSARother alternative, but one: The wholesale removal of the Jews chief concern was not basic needs JIES SEEKING NEW LOAN . . . from Germany. of Israel, but non-Jewish opinion | Germany is a bad risk no matter from what angle you look at it. and hostility. Your editorial says that we must refuse this Nazi plan N. Y. CHANGES LAW TO because to do so would be giving backing to Nazi-Germany, In Reform Jewish theology the A V O I D PRIMARY CONFLICT and for that reason you would allow our Jewish brethren to "mission" idea occupies a promi- WITH PASSOVER . . . Good polnent place. Dr. Silver gives It a continue to be persecuted. You would sacrifice some six mil- genuinely Jewish interpretation. itics when you consider that In lion people for the sake of a principle. He maintains, and correctly, teat New York City every third man Common sense should tell us that unless we do remove the prophets with whom it orgin- Is a Jew. the Jew from Germany, we can only prepare ourselves for the ated never anticipated ; that it ARYAN-JEWISH C O U P L E , There is at least one oasis in the Nazi desert. While for- worst. Certainly, it ought to be plain by this time, that the would supplant Jewish national- FACING PRISON IF DEPORTED ism, that it would be so misinter- BACK TO GERMANY. MAY BE mer legislators and ex-leaders bow and faun before the Hit- Jew is not wanted in Germany, and if the Nazis cannot get rid preted and distorted as to Justify PERMITTED TO REMAIN IN U. of him through their exodus, the Nazis will get rid of the Jew lerite movement to eave their own precious necks, the worldand demand the extinction of the S. . . . A love so great that it famous Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science through more drastic means than those employed in the last Jews as a people and a race. dares defy the Nazis should be reyears. Certainly, it is, not in keeping with the Jewish Never, throughout Jewish history warded by being given a haven. stands forth in present-day Germany as a beacon light to pro- three precepts of our religion to say: let the Jew of Germany suffer, did any Jewish group or move- EUROPE gress in darkness. , let him continue to be persecuted and tortured, let him be re- ment dare proclaim the disper- NAZIS SUSPEND ANTI-JEWits a, blessing. In doing BO, ISH DECREE UNTIL AFTER The Nazis failed to coerce the Society into adopting the duced to slavery while the Jewry of the world continue to sion Reform -Judaism outraged the OLYPMICS . . . Even if active fight for foolish principles. Aryan paragraph. The leading Nazi government; officials deJewish spirit, and blindly asd ob- anti-Semitism is given a holiday liberately and purposely shunned the .silver jubilee celebration Is it the duty of Jewry to fight Nazism? Should we be stinately ignored the daily ex- during , the Olympics the poison of millions of harassed remains ever present in Hitlerof the Society when they learned that the achievements of concerned about what happens to Germany? Our duty is to periences and oppressed Jews to whom the land. our Jewish brethren. We must save them, and when we have som of its Jewish members would be cited. Only Dr. Hjalmar dispersion was and is a dire calasucceeded in that mission, what will ultimately happen to Ger- mity. LATE N A Z I ENVOY ' TO What the doughty and asSchacht, minister of economics, and Baron voa Neurath, the many should in no wise be our concern. The fact remains that simulated apostles of a Jewish FRANCE INSISTED ON JEWISH only two non-Nazis in the cabinet, were the sole high-ranking the best lesson we can teach Hitler and his sordid cohorts is i mission religiously ignore 1s the DOCTORS . . . If he had survived bis illness his preference would officials present. . : » ^ remove the Jews from Germany. The Jews can most cer Impossibility for the Jew, indivi- never have been made known. dually and collectively, to be true tainly live\without Germany, but someday Germany will learn The Nazis dared not say or do anything, despite the fact POLISH ANTI-SEMITES URGto It. Physical Insecurity creates that Dr. Max Planck, the Society's ppresident and Nobel Prize it cannot live without the Jews. And though this time might In the Jew "a nervous adherence ED TO DIFFERENTIATE BEdistant, it is sure to come as it came to Borne and Spain to the ethical 'demands and stan- TWEEN JEWS AND JUDAISM . . winner deliberately rebuked the Hitlerite policy of anti-Semi- be far . In the meantime,, however, if we as Jew^pride ourselves dards of the environment." Haun- Which is tantamount to saying; tism. We might even picture Nazis bitterly storming inwardly as humanitarians, we.will accept without question the Nazi ting fear robs him of spiritual that Jews aren't Jews. or gnasMng.in vain when Dr. Planck praised the services of the plan to take our brethren away from this land of torture, and freedom, of dignity, makes him NAZIS IMPRISON* JEW WHO and coerces him into ac- IMPERSONATED STORM TROOlate Dr. Fritz Haber, Jewish, scientist, Nobel Prize winner and place them in Palestine where once more they might resume servile, cepting, in shameful subservience, PER . . . Serves him right. In their lives in peace and in contentment. inventor of the synthetic nitrate process that enabled Germany immoral dogmas which his soul some districts in New York he would have been lynched. It is with this thought in mind thai; il say: Accept this Nazi rejects. to carry on. the war, and who was driven into exile and death by the Nazis', and the late Franz von Mendelssohn, treasurer of plan. Accept it without reservation, if compromises in the In the Diaspora the mission idea PALESTINE cannot be made with the Nazis. - Accept it without is.a farce,— and unless the Jew ORANCE GROWERS REPORTthe Society at the time of his death. Dr. Planck's address plan thought of what might be the result in other countries; accep is ready to court martyrdom, ut- ED TO HAVE REACHED TRADE focused attention on the fact that there are still quite a few it at once; accept it because it is the only means left by which terly impossible. Only in Pale- AGREEMENT WITH GERMANY Jewish scientists identified with the Society for the Advance- our Jewish brethren may be saved from the deadly persecu stine can the Jew Indulge ia the . . . Any agreement that breaks boycott is inexcusable. ment of Science, notably Otto Meyerhoff, Nobel Prize winner, tion being pronounced upon them hj madmen—tyrants dis luxury of moral leadership, take the - ' FIND - HEBREW NAME FOE. his mission seriously, aad become Frau Lise Meitner, chemist, and Dr, Eichard Goldsmidt, pioneer guised as men. To accept means not a vote of confidence to "a light unto the Gentiles." And BUS CONDUCTORS . . . CongratNazism, but a vote of freedom and liberty to our German only in Palestine is he doing so. ulations. And what's the_ Hebrew in animal heredity. brethren. .The cardinal and most signifi- for quintuplets? If only more dared speak out like Dr. Planck! Yet we cant element in Jewish history (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Yea, as Jews, we cannot refuse. We must accept. Feature Syndicate) kaow that there are many who would like to, and this knowlis tha Jews' unconquerable will ' Yours truly, to I!v® &s & distinct and peculiar edge lends hope and encouragement for the future.. people, Ms defiant refusal to die. , HYMAK A. GOODSTSIN. Patronize our advertisers.
Footnotes to
Courageous Scientists
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• THE JEWISH PBESS, FRIDAY, • JA2OJABY 24, 19S5 PARTT Beth El k Next Book Review Mr. and Mrs. S. Korney and family and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar j Mrs. Davifi B. Cohea end Mrs. j § P Wednesday Evening Taub entertained at a surprise j Irrin Levin will be co-hostesses Et | s party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. the home*of Mrs. Cohen, S06 So. j WE M. Jacobow upon the occasion of Look ;IMVH," by A. Mrs. Max Mayer, well known • Mrs. Cyrus Mason, who has retheir fifteenth wedding anniver- social worker of Des MoSnes, la., cently returned from six months SSrd St., to the members of the j | ; F M » Dprid GnlftBeth-El Auxiliary Saturday, Jan'• sary Sunday, January 19. fnr hiF fifth lwv>V will be the guest speaker at the jttriaeT e l i nt h e Orient, will talk to iinry 25, a t 2:S0, w h e n Rabbi; At serrices this inpnshbi Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leoannual Hadassah Linen Shower j Council of Jewish Women, speak or. David Goldstein will confinue his Harold A. Berger Taub and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wednesday, January 29, at 2:30 ! M D a d a r» January 27 at 1:2 1 u. the J.C. C. Rf. * "Thornism—a Study ol the Thorn lectures os the Bible. Robinson and family, Mr. and following an informal p. x\\ Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum and Mr. The Center Players Guild -w-ill i luncheon at the Jewish Coiniau- For this Gseg Shabboth, he has :| Concept in Jewish Thought." Cantii! ? l.in nl. chosen the Prophet Amos as his tor A. Schwaczkin and the choir and Mrs. J. Lehr and family. (,yy: o f i li-rpresent a playlet. Mrs. Sam The- j n i t ? Center. She will speak on j e m e OIIP o v i n b eo £ E will chant the services. - His ^ ^odore and her committees will1someeoff the th highlights highlights of ofher hertrip, trip 'j ^ interest w iincl to the woen oJ the Saturday morning: Rabbi BerDESSERT LTJXCHEOX A musical program by Miss Ida have charge of the tea. al the WEDDING DATE A dessert luncheon at the home r-v fp Mrs. Julius Abrabamson and B'nai Israel fynaporiir. The marriage of Miss Evelyn of Mrs. Herbert Keveleff will ba KUP31AIi3 in r •s. Benjamin Brodkey a r e coAt P o'clock Sunday morni apprecittjos cf the etchings ot the to precede the Miss Frieda Zoorwill of Omaha, Blumenthal, daughter of Mr. andheld Tuesday, January 28, at 1chairmen of the Linen Shower. stu 1 ^' o f I ]' the repulBr lather cr.rt son s prophets by the artist, Saul RasMrs. Harry Blumenthal, to George p. m. Rabbi H. A. Berger will daughter of Mr. and" Mrs. Save eon, starting at 12, with the kin, which have been bought for vicfP •^•'iH be held at the E'i la I"1 or rvc, Ci\ son of Mr. and Mrs.delivar the second lecture of theThey are being assisted by the luncheon planned ft>r 1 o'clock. Tickei? fo • 1 HI- fllHI Zoorwill of Philadelphia, former- Weisberg, Mesdames M, Yousera, D a v e Louis "Weisberg of Akron, Ohio, Jewish personalities series, "JoMrs. Ernest Nogg is in charge the Kyncgogue and which will be Israel Frnfigogue. bc< loviiiE book ly of Council Bluffs, became the will Stein, Joseph Goldware, T. A. presented is the near futake place Sunday, February F r b m n r y ' f1. on "Oir" Jr. bride of Max Kriiolaan, son of2, at the home of the bride in the hanan ben Zakai—Pacifist and Kaufman, B. A. Simon, Julius of luncheon wrsffigements, assist- lture. ed by members cf the Opportuihc: box ot Tcsple Israel Mrs. Pauline Krlselman, of Oma-presence of the immediate family Homerist.* Stien, Joseph Goldware, T. A. Mrs. Sazanel Stern will fiiscuss IIF ha, Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock only. The services tcmieiri v Tally, Sam Browne, N. S. Taffe, nity Bureau. Publicity, and Com-current evects. munity Co-Operation committees. at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. A reception for relatives and TO ATTEND KANSAS CITY conducted by TViliism HoIzmRn. H. Rochman, R. Bordy, H. Rosen- Included ' are the Mesdames E. I. M&ndel, friends of the young friends will be held from 3 un-CONVENTION ag Kabbi David H. TN'ice is slter.dblum, Sam Cohen, and Leoa FellRubin, Milton Abrahams, Hyman Mr. J. Robinson and Mr. Max i ing the General Assembly in St. couple. Rabbi Harold A. Berser, til 6 o'clock. Cohn, B. T. Friedman, Izadore Korney left Monday, January 20, xaan. ' Louis. assisted by Mr. M. Markovita, perThe public is cordially invited Weiner, Lawrence Krasne, Harry for Kansas City, Mo., where they TUP Tf n'.pic .i^r. formed the ceremony. will attend a. fruit dealers con- to attend the shower and tea. Rubenstein, Charles Schlaifer, | light the candles this evening-. * Curre-r.i Topic? 1.?*•u;rc> b y 1\; The bride wore a gown of white HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE Ben Ehspiro, Harold Pollack, and vention. They will return next The College club will ir.ppt Su Fretierii-k ("ohii v lace and her attendant, Mrs. Ben Mrs. Sam Fellman gave a party week. The Hadassah Sabbath croup Archie Jacobs. • f 5 0 : r,fi a t day afternoon. Jp.nuarr -P. ft Hill of Lincoln, student .Zoorwlll, a sister-in-law, wore in honor of Miss Ida Sorine, will meet Saturday, February 1, On Tuesday, January 28, theat the University of Nebraska, p. m. Dr. Edgar Holt, clrnc r liotol black lace. Little Marilyn Gerber whose engagement to Morris Fell- ON BUSINESS TRIP at the home of Mrs. M. Brodkey, Civic and Legislative group will was recettly choeen ES t h e the College ol Art? ani? Scienc be, 'The Ms: .h oi Time. man was recently announced, at was trainbearer. Mr. A. H. Brodkey left l a s t 3322 Webster St. Mre. I. Dansky hear Major H. C. Sweeney, pro- school's Man cf the Tear. TMsat the Omritta r r i v e sity. will • Sol Krlzelman served his broth- her home last week. Twenty-five week for a business trip • to thewill act as co.hostess. fessor of military science and j g on "The Spirit of American p | speak p boner couisr, to Hill on top guestu frere present. The program will include a talk commandant' cf the Creighton j { cumerotis er as best man. east. He will return next week. other honors which i Democracy." 0 by Rabbi Harold Berger and aUniversity R. O. T. C , speak on ; n e A -, • Miss Harriet Bernstein sang, ii fiuriiig his discussion of current topics by "The Neutrality Act," Et 1 o'clock at C91V t-" will RETURN FROM EXCELSIOR accompanied by Miss Pearl Mar- HONORED AT LUNCHEON th". college. Beife-ES Mrs. Peter Greenberg. held TKPKdr; SPRINGS at the home of Mrs. Harry Kulacus. The Riley trio of Fremont Lsst year be "STE, ? co-chairmsn This Friciav over Mrs. Louis Fogel was honored p. n-.fiiTlir Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg is chair- kofsky. Mrs. Sloe Bercovici will of the junior-senior prom commit-; David Messrs. Sam and Dave Epstein played the wedding music. A. Goldstein v.-ill pive the at a luncheon given by members returned from a week's stay in man of this group. ; j nt.b and be assistant hostess. Sixty close relatives attended of her family at the Paxton hotel tee. He played the part of the s e r r n o n that was postponed las! cC oiiic the ceremony. Out-of-town guests Wednesday, January 22. She wasExcelsolr Springs, Mo. in the Kosmet Klub produc- ; H e will b a s e hi?- i a l k on Time. \f were Mrs. Save Zoorwill^ mother presented with a gift. Mrs. Fotion of "Kiss Colutnbo." Into-: "josepbuB," by Lion Mr. Paul Goldblatt will begin PARAGUAY CANCELS, cents, senior SISE'B honorary, g e r . of the bride, of Philadelphia; Mrs. gel with her young son leaves RETURN FROM EAST a series of seven lectures on "The Mrs. Marian Yawlts and daughH. Novey of Chicago; Mrs. M.Friday to join Mr. Fogel in Los Scope and Trend of Jewish Social ORDERS RESTRICTING > elected him treasurer on Ivy Day. j " K e s t ^.^Tg- rl?])nj f f. Ross and daughter, Ruth, of Sen- Angeles where they will make ter, Geraldine, returned recently Service" Monday, February S, at J E W I S H IMMIGRATfOH! E e h o l d s t h e Dttice Ot P r e s l d e n t \ will speak on "The Je«0 ver; Mr. and Mrs. Jake Berek and their home. Mr. Fogel has been from a seven-months' stay in th© J. C. C. at 1:30 p. m. These . of the stucert cc*cncil and m this j t y Feucrfv.-angrpRochester, New York, where they lectures will be given every other son, Samuel, of Fremont; and there for the past two months. P a r i s (WXS) — Instruction <*P»dty !««« the stndentB in v E rvisited relatives and Iriends. Miss Elfreda Henson of Council Monday and are open to Hadassah from the Republic cf Paraguay to TO SPEAK SUNDA They also visited in Buffalo, members. Anyone wishin? to atBluffs. New York City, and Niagara tend is asked to call Mr*. US. F. ""After a short wedding trip east BAR MEEZVAH SATURDAY Falls. They returned by way of the couple will make their home Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berman an- St. Louis, where they stopped for Levenson or Mrs". Julius Stein, who are in charge of registration. in. Omaha with t h e groom's nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their in KansES City in December. a short stay. Mrs. Yawitz and This course will be open to & lim. ed through the intervention mother. • •' * Hill also ranks very high In '"England arid World Affa son, Jack, Saturday morning, Geraldine were extensively enterrepresentatives Ited number of women and is scholarship sod v&s one of NeJanuary 25, at the Adass Ycshur- tained by their hosts. without charge, so that those in- joint braska's candidates for £. Kfcodes in synagogue, at 25th and Seward HIAS and the Jewish Colonisation terested are asked to earcll at HIAS CONCERT BY ARTISTS Streets. AH friends and relatives Association, '-AXSAS CITY once. Eesides his Bctivsties on the invited to attend. No cards TO V* here at HICEM TO BE GIVEN HERE are W-. . : . •. -Mpirin left last F r i school cajajrus Kill finds time to have been issued. If these instruction; day iu»- ;,j.ajas City, Mo., where be MUT* la Jewish actlrlues permitted to stand they The Art Group of New York she will remain for eeveral Vsad Auxiliary have had the effect of completely City, consisting of L. Harris, Bel* FOR BRIDE-TO-BE weeks. She went there to see her An installation luncheon will : la Bellarina and Ben Basenko, son and -^daughter-in-law off forbe held February 4 at the J. C.cutting off Jewish immigration to Mrs. J. M. Baker entertained at the South American republic, since Oa Bctzel Lki will be presented In a concert a bridge party in honor of twoFlorida and Cuba. ' C.' by the Vaad auxiliary to for.few prospective Jewish sponsored by the National Work- bride-to-be, the Misses Eva Bog. mally induct the newly elected grants are"qualified land workers. ers' Alliance of' Omaha Sunday donoff and jfda Sorine, Saturday RETURNS FROM TRJP Warsaw—The authorities officers. An interesting progrfim evening, February 9, at the Rescinding of the instructions j prohibited the sale en the city'E Mr. Louis Shrler has returned afternoon at her home. Prizes is being arranged for th& <ccaKnights QJC Columbus hall at 8:30 were won by the Mesdames H. after an extended trip west. means that the old law, which re- streets cf "R*artc, t n snti-Semitic sion. For reservations call the quired immigrants to bring with | daily recently foucfied here, bep. m., in their latest iraprovisa. Richlin, Charney, J. Zelinsky and Vaad office, Ja. 0887 or Mrs. I.them a aiini=nn3 capital of 50 j cause the EewBboyE hswkics; the tions, songs and playlets. An en-H. Orange. The guests of honor TO HONOR RUSHEES Fiedler, Ha. S003. tirely new program never played were gold pesos. HICEM headquarters j paper -wore swastika, srm-bands. Mrs. Charles Hermanson was presented with gifts. in Omaha will be given at that said that i t is not possible f o r ; y^e action was taken since the appointed by the Senior Pioneer time. Jewish tailors, artisans and man- j swastika constitutes the official "Women to sponsor and re-organufacturers to settle in Paraguay, j German colors. Harry Crounse is chairman of Hazomir Society Ize the Junior Pioneers. The aim The Jewish community in Par- j o n the newsboys vere arrangements. .'.•[' of this group for the coming year aguay. consists of 200 families, jca rfis attesting their mem,, Elects Officers will be the study of life in PalLondon (WNS)—English Jew- most of whom are concentrated in J j n a Polish Nazi Party with estine and also social activities. 4. !The-Hasomir singing society a t X-ofiz. Plans for a slumber party to ry is greatly wrought up over the Asuncion, the capital, and are en- ) elected ,tlie following officers at be held at the Rome hotel Feb. strange activities of Alfred Wolf- gaged in commerce. j their: last meeting: Mr. H. Ben-ruary 1 are now under way. stein, a wealthy Jew, who is carder, president; Mr. Morris Tep- o Twelve rushees will be honor- rying on an independent camBy Mrs. Davifl SL "Newsma litsky, vice-president; Charles Mo- ed at an: afternoon tea at thepaign with regard to Nazi GerA regular meeting of the gul, treasurer; Rose Novak, secre- home of Mrs. Hermanson Sunday, many. , Chocolate Velvet Cake Ladies Goldsn Hill society will be tary; and Harriet Bernstein, re- February 8. Beginning his mysterious activ- held Tnesfiay, January 28, at the Take 2-3 CUD3 butter porter. Cantor A. Schwaczfcin will Any girl interested In joining ities •with measures designed to B'nal Israel BynEgogue Et 2 p. us. lacuna sugar continue as director. this club Is asked to call We. break the anti-Nazi boycott, "Wolf- All members are urged to attend. S «gg yolfeB ; The society is planning a draw- 4986. stein has now arranged through 3 squares bitter chocolate ing to be held Sunday, February a number of members of the zyz cups flour 2. An original oil painting will House of Commons to s a k e a trip 1 cup milk Pleasant Hill be given away. Tickets may be The 1 teaspoon soda meeting of the to Germany to invesitsate the "Would like to share ssy home secured from any member of thePleasanttegular 1 teaspoon cream of tartar. Hill cemetery society condition of the Jews because he with coaple or single person. society. «, 3 egg whites will b e held at the B'nai Jacob has publicly declared that he does < l teaspoon Tinilla synagogue at 24th and Nicholas not trust the reports received Or will rent sleeping roosa. All CORRECTION* Sts., Tuesday, January 28, at 2from that country. Cream the butter, add sugar, In last week's Jewish Press- an p. m. A tea will be given after conveniences. Call AT. 4530. beaten yolks and then melted error was made in the- announcechocolate and beat again. Add ment of the death of Jacob Bern- the meeting. Patronize our advertisers. flour and milk gradually. Dis- Bttein.. It was stated that he died solve soda in 1 tablespoon hot water, add to flour and add cream in a local hospital. He passed of tarter with the last addition away at his home after an illness of flour. Add egg Whites beaten of two years. I I ^ stiff. Fold in and add vanilla. \ B a 2 e in layers, at 400 degrees IT WILL PAY YOU for SO minutes. • To Consult Brown Sngar MALASHOCK'S Take 1*4 cups brown sugar When buying 4 tablespoons cold water DIAMONDS l i teaspoon cream of tarter 1/tNUAET ONTO W£DD1K6 RINGS Cook sugar water and cream WATCHES ->SILVEEWARB A dependability that s.akes the rrasLcf. io-^ci of tarter until ; it spins a thread. ll as the grandest banquet c>t*j prc Icv.r JEWELED Seat 2 egg whites with 2 tea. and genuine economy. spoons water and % teaspoon Bait until stiff. Add slowly to syrup EH and beat until thick. Spread on cake.
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ELOBIDA WIND TOPPLES FRENCH PLANE—'After making a 2,000-mile flight in 20 hours from Martinique, West Indies, to Pensacola, Fla., the huge French transatlantic plane, Lieutenant de Valsseau. was upset by a sudden small squall in Fensacola Bay Just after landing. Above is a view of the plane as she arrived in the'bay. The plane left Paris early in December. '
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MONGOLS — Dispatches Iron Urga, Outer Mongolia, report clashes on the border between Mongolian and Mancht&uo&n detachments. Warning comes froa the Mongolian Government that dangerous consequences -will follow any further attacks on Mongolians. Here are typical Mongolian guards such as are stationed along: the border and who captured seven Mancaukuoan soldiers found entrenched in Mongolian territory, according to reports.
"f^ ^ ^
r <. OXXGEN ADMENISTEEE3!>—Nevs of the illness of King George V or Great Britain, at the rcral estate at Sandringhasi, in Norfolk, came .as a shock to the British people and caused deep anxiety throughout the Empire. Physicians said the trouble was cardiac weakness aggravating bronchial catarrh, to which the King was subject for some time. King George recently had his 70th brriJadar. He observed his 25th coronation snnjversery in Mar, *f3£.
.[•: «»-^
JAPANESE—Thisr is the newest strfe Jn.:the way of; streamlined locomotives, designed by Japanese engineers. The new engine will run on the main line of the Japanese railway between Tokyo and Osaka, cutting -down the present running time by two hours and covering the distance In-six hours, the time of the present express train.
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MONARCH OF SIAM King Ananda Mahido!, born ia 1S24, Siamese monarch, shown with his mother. Princess Sangwal Mahldol, Intent upon the winter sports at Morgins, Switzerland, where they were enjoying a vacation. The young king succeeded his uncle, King Prajadhipok, when he abdicated March 2, 1935. Ananda tried hockey and skiing and decided he liked them both. V ^
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V ICING THE ICE—This load of ice was being delivered, at the old
administration building on the world's fair site In Chicago when it skidded on the Icy pavement. Down went thence into the icecovered lagoon. Br-r-r, It's icyl
W^JM-4 V Ji^ ^fe<J?^
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ACQUITTED IN SCANDAL—Mme.ArletteStavisky, widow of the French swindler, who was acquitted In Paris, with 10 other defendants, of the charges of complicity in the $10,000,009 frauds. She smiled for the first time in months when the verdict was returned. She is shown with her two daughters in her Paris home
SHOWBOAT A LAND NAVIGATOR—Yo-ho-ho for a-good voyage up Lexington Avenue, New York City, and may she never ground in the traffic tide! aids is how,a 45-foot sedan looked on her way to ^tha motor boat show in preparation for the opening. Craft of all kind, from huge cruisers down to canoes and kayacks weighing less than 50 pounds, struggled to get into the show. ^ __
*4 ^tf'-^i-WJ^aj^f***
£N BOTAErEOFES—King Geo-re Fnd QUPPI RTpri of Tngland in tlie Toyal robes they wore at some of the official ceremonies last summer in connection with the celebration of the ' Kiag's 25th coronation anniversary. Ceremonies were held throughout the British Empire *n honor of the ji,thice, althoughto®KUIET'S hPalfh at t*ie time prevertep his leaving England to attend them.
WALES—The Prince of Wales. Britain's future ruler. He is the eldest son of King-George and Queen Mary, born in 1894. Educated at Oxford, he served in France,.Egypt, Italy, and Belgium \duriilg the World "War.: He-has been a great traveler - throughout the Empire, asfwell as in the United States and in South America
" * -c*t^» ®?»^»T<^*-JrfA'fl[lj1t*v
SNOW QUEEN—This charming lassie is Virginia Skingley, IS chosen to preside as snow Queen of the carnival at the winter sports park at Grayling, Mich The; carnival wss planned &s a climax to-J±ie three-weeks program of winter events scheduled for the park, spoken of as the Lake Placid of the Middle West
ROYAL EESIDENCE—A view of" Windsor Castle, chief residence of English rulers since William the Conqueror. Edward i n constructed the Round Tower, and the castle has been rebuilt and improved by successive sovereigns. In its: vaults are buried several of England's kings. The castle proper lies in the Home Park, and on the grounds is ,a beautiful lake, Virginia Water.
EOTAL COLONXX-nc-Crrrr—An5 l Intcc^tonp Picture o' the Prince of Wales. BrtairTs roj-s' bi e i'-1o'*. RS h° arrived ir his capacity of ColoncI-in-Chief, at ihe Dake c* Tork'fa Boval MUitary School, Davcr, Kent, to presort the colors to the 2nd battalion of tfct Sosiorlli Hisrh'tnuorL ^crni'j- the Prince had assumed s trover men t*i—• 'rr~>c*"Ir. RS the fact grew upon him that soon he might accede to the United
Jewish youths for colonization. |be trained in oredr to adapt them 'German Jewish relief organization fessors of the University of Cop- against "Ivinp ar'ti-Jewish t»!«>••*" Movement for • As the culmination to a steadily | to requirements and conditions in i and other bodies, , enhagen to issue a statement. such as the Protocols o£ tht K>~ demand foT opportunities ! through the official Danish press ders of Zion. Settlement in growing to emigrate to South America, a I South America. After the training period is Danes Warned on : agency, Ritzauburo. demanding ' _ . _ , ^ of leading central Jew. South America isconference organizations anounced the es- completed, the youths will be as- ! that the Government suppress I 1
tablishment of a training camp J sisted to emigrate to . Argentina, Berlin (JTA) — A movement similar to the camps for training | Brazil and other South American ! lands by the Jewish colonization Copenhagen (JTA> — Increasfor settling Herman Jews in South prospective Palestine pioneers. A model, farm will be set up Association, which was endowed \ ing Nazi anti-Jewish agitation American countries was. launched last week with the completion of and an artisans training center by the late Baron de Hirsch, the j prompted the Bishop of Copenhaplans for training the first 12 5*i where the first 125 jouihs will Hiltsverein der Deutschen Judeix, \ £en in company with three pro-
TELLING IT TO THE JUDGE . . . if ancient, Israel — the priest of If that yoiing pediatry student ;he temple in the Old Testament." "who ''^--successfully -petitioned a . . So far, BO good . . . The Judge Hew York court lor the right to ras on solid ground . . Immedichange-his' name from Morris ately thereafter, however, he lelt . Cohen to. Louis Murray Kagan himself open to a sharp counter •were a linguist he could have told :ross to the judicial whiskers City Court Justice Joseph T. Eyan when he implied that the name - 'something about nomenclature Kagan is exclusively Irish, having that might have "won the day for derived from Keegan name borne him and turned the tables on the by a Breton family members of good judge .". . The judge, you whom spread -to Ireland in the may recall, In refusing the peti- fifteenth century . . For the intioner's request made him feel formation of. both Morris Cohen pretty low at ihaving sought the and Judge Ryan, we humbly point change by telling him a few things out (and our authority is none about ."what the name Cohen sig- other than Aleph Katz, .office linnifies and how many a Jew bear- ;uist) that Kagan is a perfectly ing that tag has achieved success ood Jewish name . . .Because it and fame . . . "In a sense," Judge happens to be the Russian form Ryan declared, "the name consti- of Cahan, which is merely another t u t e s ^ badge'of noble heritage," form1 of Cohen . . . Cahan becomes and signifies that" its bearer is a Kagan for the simple reason that descendant * of "the priestly class the Russian equivalent for the letter "h" is the letter "g" . . . . Former President Hoover, for example, was always called Groover . And that, Judge,Ryan, is that • .
McDONALD AGAES* . . . The Xi Lambdas swept into Have it on the best that James third "place in the J. C. C. Class A G. McDonald, former League High AIR CONDITIONING basketball league last Sunday Commissioner for Refugees, will nosing out the Camel Distributors be tilting his brogans on a New for every purpose 24-23. Jake Adler, star forward, York Times editorial desk on or ran -wild in the last half tq score about JMarch 1 . . . Meanwhile he's Distributed by lour field, goals -which put the XL Testing and tying up the loose team in the front to —eep-them ends of his League publication of there until the final -whistle. In that story from London about the the other Class A game, the fight- three British-Jewish leaders . . ing Alpha Pi Tau live -won its first Incidentally/ when the yarn broke 104 So. 18th St. AT. S454 game o* the season by defeating it also almost broke this gossipthe AZA No. 1, 21-15. At the monger's heart . . . Your Mr. start of the second half -with the Peters was all set to scoop the count 9-8 against them, lanky world with the information that Will Smith of the APT team, shot the three were on their way to in three field goals -which dis- the U. S. on an important mis heartened the AZA's enough to sion . . . . I Ask Year cost them the game. The Sharpshooters -went into DID XOU KXOW THAT? I Grocer for undisputed first place in the Class The word "schnorrer" is to be JB league -with a decisive win over found in Webster's International FORBES TENDER CRUST the J?a_ts Store by the score of Dictionary, which describes it as BREAD
WESTERN Air Conditioning Corp.
34-15. Young Milton Saylan, forward for the winners, scored 15 points for the days honors, in the other Class B game carded-ori last Sunday's' schedule, .the Jact Sprats "went into second place by roughriding the AZA Vq. 100, 22 to 8. Benny 'KuUer showed real basketball form . i n scoring 11 points for the -winners. Schedule for January.28. . A_A No. 100 vs. Pants Store, -at W - '
" y '!•";•'-"• ;:-"~". ~, •' ':'~ _
Jack Sprats VB. Sharpshooters, at 8.L._....._..:.:..' •.:.... \ . \ . A free throw tournament is being sponsored by the physical department with Lee Grossman physical director, In charge. There •will be no entry fee charge and awards : will be-given to the winner. 'Members of the. J. C. C. are eligible with the rules and regulations to be drawn up shortly. The -entries close January 30 and the tourney will get under way Sunday, February 2. Those entered.to date are as follows: : Ben "Wintroub, Harry Fox, Jack Morton Soireff, Ben Kutler, Herb Marks, •' George Schapiro, Dave Epstein, Ed Gerber, Chas. Stein Richards, Charles Weiss, .Ray Schapiro, Morris Adler, Manny Sims, Israel Katz, Irvin Gendler Max- Delrow, Vernon "Wintroub Joe Kirschenbaum, Jake Adler and Millard Slgal. "
deriving from the German "schnurrer,' to hum, whir, hence, from the sound for the musical instrument used by strolling beggars to beg-?" - . . That Selfridge's, biggest London department store owned by a former American, during the recent Ynle holidays sold "genuine kosher Christmas puddings," containing only vegetable fat and fruit that came exclusiveiy from Palestine ?-. . , That in a London -synagogue recently the Header introduced that Civil "War favorite "John Brown's Body." . ,. That Dr. Rudolf KayBer, son-inlaw of Prof. Albert Einstein, will give a course-in Nietzsche at the New School for Social Research in New York and another on European literature? . . . Sinee the second course will be limited to the Nineteenth Century (which according to the Hitler historians was still the middle ages) we doubt if Dr. Kayser will include that" w e ll-k n o w n masterpiece, "Mein Kampf." . . T h a t Congressman Bill Citron of . Connecticut caught pneumonia in Moscow because he ignored warnings of London friends to take his heavy overcoat with him, preferring to travel light? . - . . T h a t Henrietta Szold. didn't get New York City's Certificate of Distinguished and Exceptional Service, as she . was supposed to, during the official City Hall W.elcome by Mayor La Guardia? . . . Because the certificate hadn't been engraved in time for the ceremony . . . And Miss Szold had to be content -with getting it later by messenger . . .
•Jake "Cowboy" Sadofsky, stellar Psi Mn forward, will be los to the teaniibecause of vacationing lor a month in California. Morris Bloom will replace "Cowboy" a forward. •'-•.'. FIDDLER _V POLAND . . .
A Trial Will Convince You
FORBES BAKING CO. 2711 No. 24th St.
WE. 0400
The KRASNE BEAUTY SALON SPECIAL FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY . $6.50 Permanent Waves at ;™..$5.00 $5.00 Permanent Waves at $4.00 716 Brandels Theatre Bldg.
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$9.50 Per Ton Guaranteed to Satisfy
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For... ROBERTS • Sweet Batter • Dated Milk • SOOT Cream and many other products, ask your grocer or c a l l . . .
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Come In and try omr Friday nite and Sunday specials We feature Chopped Herring —Chopped Liver Chicken Kreploch Soup Hot Sliced Corned Beef Apple Strudel Cheese Bllnties •
and many other delicacies.
CITY CLUB BEER CO. 422 So. 13th St.
AT. 5903
Efrem Zimbalist isn't particuSunday, January 26, marks one larly fond of Poland and this Is -of the most important dayB to flate the reason why .,-.'..• Scheduled to on the 3. C. C. physical calendar give a concert In Lodz, '• city of It marks the day of the annua many anti-Semitic disturbances, . Milk and Shoe Fund Benefit gam police came to the" .distinguished which brings together in the fea violinist's5 hotel two hours before Stop for Your tnre thriller the Omaha Jobbing curtain time and informed him he and Psi Mu teams. Both five; couldn't go on' since he had no are as yet' undefeated in the reg- visa giving him the right to make ular Class A league at the Center money In Poland . . . Zimbalist, which alone marks the fact that a In a huff, left the country without AT THE hair-raiser is in store for the fans, troubling to cancel engagements The Omaha Jobbing five holds a in Warsaw and Cracow, where STAR BILLIARDS Blight edge having scored 151 crowds which came to hear him points to the Psi Mu's 132, bu stormed the box office and de* I AND LUNCH * the Psl Mu team has that .unbeat manded there money back when able spirit which' has carried them he failed to appear. "816 .So; 15th through many victories. As i stands, the charity game this year promises to be the outstanding MORE ABOUT SOME TIN CANS Seems that item of ours some basketball game in state amateur weeks back about the Del Monte circles and with two such teams . as evenly matched, as so perfect- people and the boycott kicked up ly :co-ordinated jthat • the specta- quite a fuss . . . All the way from tors can:, be assured of the fac San Francisco came the following We Are Serving a that throughout the-entire; game letter from the California PackSpecial American Dinner Ing Corporation: "We wish to inthere will not enter one dull mo'-, ETEBY'SUNDAY • ; . ment. Jay Stoler, in charge o form you that . . . neither this corporation nor any of its sub'- the charity day events,-has no sidiaries have used any cans, tinbeen satisfied to offer the publii plate, labels, or advertising, wrap- 75c AND 85c PEB PLATE just one game and*so has made pers made in Germany. All of 4 Courses Complete arrangements fpr the Jack Sprat these materials used by this corFrom 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. five to meet the Christ Child Cen- poration are of American manuter team in the preliminary. Sta- facture." . . .Well, that's swell. . \ tion "WOW has offered the enter- Grocer, send us a couple cans of tainment for the day.with John your best Del Monte peaches and 816 So. 16th St. K. Chappel acting as master- o charge It . . . UPSTAIRS ceremonies. The entertainers an (Copyright 1936, Jewish Teletb.e 3 Notes, a harmonious trio graphic Agency, Inc.) Bud Olsen, pianist, and Rober Chezek, Instrumentalist. A sound system will, be installed so tha Bialih Cultural House nary/a person will miss the day's Jerusalem.—A Jewish cultural events. The entire proceeds wil center known as Bialik House help the Bee-News charityfunds was opened in the Ramath Gan bulge. , " • settlement.
Lunch and Relaxation
« t '
Peerless Cleaners
WHITMAN'S Open Daily and Sundays Till Mldnlte
Lct Gould Attend Yozr Drug Neds • "Visit us in our new location where you: will find a " complete stock of Drug and Sundry items.
Gould .Drag Co. SOU) & Dodge Sts. WA. CS02 PARKEVG SPACE Prompt Delivery
This is going to be an outstand- ,G a b l e .
T o n m i g M
sorority sisters danced . . . IREXE :sa me time in Omaha, the other ROSEN-MORRIS, who recently! -halves' vere consoling themwas promoted to the position of; selves, end were seen out topelh. | buyer for Herzberg's, is having : e r , . . THE JEWISH PRESS has ithe time of her life in New York,; a T e r y ardent reader way out in where she is on a buying trip Ssn Francisco. It is the former IRVIN TAFFE has developed into ; Ruth Ziev CleineEt . . . SOMEI quite a basketball player. At the ! ONE CALLS our attention to the present writing he is t h e high ; fact that Joy Yousem, is gTowing scorer on the Central High team ; into a very 'cute' younjr lady . . . . . . LVCILLE WEISS BRODKEY, | JULIE GOLDNER is expected to who was a scarlet fever victim, j be in town curing the next "Tew is now.out and around, none the : days, coming up from New Orworse for her ten-day siege . . . ! leans where he is interning, and "SCHOOLBOY" ROSEN is the his fiancee, "Ditty" Rosenfelt, is guardian, and sole resident of the said to be counting those precious Hiller domicile, while they a r e ; moments until his arrival . . . . vacationing in the East and South | JUST TO DISPROVE rumors that . . . DAVE EIALAC recently car- j we Quit mentioning the name of ried out a custom that he started i Leon 'the Chief Ferer in this colthree years ago, -when he sent j umn because we valued our life, three gardenias to his "wife, the j we'll tell yo-j that the Chief is former Ruth Kohn, on the occa-1 back from Bermuda, where he sion of their third anniversary.! was the 'sensation,' end that "the Should Dave continue this prac-i Chief is still Chief" to Quote EDtice it will be quite an expense body else but our old friend, Leon along about 1960 T H E Ferer . . . EVA SUE Blotcky, age BRIDGE FOURSOME, consisting two, who calls herself the 'South- ! of Tobie Goldstein/ Jane Apple- paw' because she is left handed, man, Helen Chernieck, and Elaine says a number of cute things. The Berkowitz are reputed to be the other day her mother, Mrs. Frank i fastest players in Omaha. While Blotcky, was going out to a par- ] they are playing one hand, the ty, and was dressed formall}-. Eva ' 'dummie' deals the next, and Sue chirped, "Oh, mama, you look sometimes they even sort the next just like a lady" . . . A PROMINhand, so that the minute one hand ENT Jewish figure in Omaha's is completed they pick up t h e public life was called at his of. cards to the. following hand—and fice by a friend l a s t Saturday. are all ready to go. When asked The friend was told that 'the boss' why, a member of the foursome was out for a few minutes—so said "Because we get to play more he left h i s name and number. . SEVERAL ADMIR- Five days later, the important
Tea Years Ago
Blotcky is a gro-wn-up £-ou_g men in every respect, he still eeeas quite lost, as his mother is vacationing in Excelsior Springs . . . MISS CHICKIE BERGMAN, who celebrated her 18th birthday last Saturday, ha3 three different orchestras play the familiar "Happr birthday, y, dear a Chickie" to h e r
Philip Gerelick was Epoken of as the coming basketball star at the University of Nebraska. He was Epoken of as having "speed, a dead eye, and quick.wits on the floor." • Harry Kcnonovitch was the di- during the course of that day. rector of the Community Center j
&r An
anti-Semitic literature. •: The statement, sifrnefi by Fug- ! against a part of the Danish r*o'sang Damgaard, Bishop of Copen- : ; hagen, and Professors Aa.ge Ben. j tzon, Johannes Pedersenn and , Federik Torm, warned the Danes Patronize our advertisers.
ing social event in Jewish circles. are" a dead ringer for Mickey "We'll be see'in you there. TVe IMouse. understand that the scramble for dates for this affair is causing several people headaches. TTell, 'Round and 'Round FRIEXDS HERE of Bill Gereyou ought to know by now that getting your date early is the only i lick report that he is doing Quite weI1 I o r way to make sure you'll get one*. I Himself in Oklahoma City We saw several of our "promin-! a s t b e manager of a shoe store ! ents" shopping for the "the gown i there . . . THE YOUNGER set is j that'll make him sit up and take \ speculating as to which marriage notice." | will take place first—the Hubert Morton X,ipsey is being talked; Sommer-Tobie .Goldstein or t h e about for Commissioner. A c l u b | E d ' " ' i n Brodkey-R a e Bernstein to boost him was formed recent-! knot tying . . . MA"I\'IXG- a n d Handler were seen very ly. Max Fromkin is secretary. much ^rspped up in each other's The United Food stores recenta't i ly elected Al Wohlner as their ] conversation at a tete-a-tete a't i new president. ' o n e °* t b e hotels recently. Pretty ; j The attendance at Friday eve- 'much en ideal couple . . . HOMER ining services this last week w a s : B E N S O N > formerly Binsrwgttfrer, ' i so poor due to the extreme cold ; though now a resident of Des : ! weather that the. rabbis had to | koines, still finds time to be in. i postpone their sermons. They will i Omaha every week-end to see the j be just that much better t h i E ' girl-friend, Helen Kohn . . . LILI week as the rabbis have had an ; LLA.X and HAKO-D Farber are j extra week in which to add tO ; back in town, and haven't much.' else to do but wait for the new ! their material. Farber heir . . . HERMAN GOLDSTEIN and Florence Appleman go Frown Scramblings 'steady.' So do Marjorie Killer A FAMILIAR sight at the Pas- and Eddie Rosen. Therefore, it is ton Hotel last Saturday noon was worth mentioning that Herman the table with twenty U. T.'s—[s.-nd Marjorie were together in and during the course of the Philadelphia a short time ago, j lunch, the girls got first hand in- : -where Marjorie was -visiting and formation as to how well their • Herman goes to school. At the
hands" ERS advance the name of Ruth j one's secretary called the friend, Friedmangirls as one the most at- j talk and to said. to tractive in of Omaha, o. K., Mr."Do you still Thewant answer was "no' . . . ALTHOUGH SITE ON who's next?
jat S14 So. 19th St. You'll find 'the schedule elsewhere in the T h e annual Beth-El dance ; P r e s _ w h o k n o v r E , y ou may be a comes around again February 1- potential Greta Garbo or Clarfe
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committee of Omaha Post No. 1, American Legion. Harry TruEtin AT. 8511 AT. 0221 TALENTITIES is a member of his committ.ee. . If you are a singer, dancer, 1 To TViiliam L. Holsman s n fl Every laundry Servkc comic, tragedienne, general nuis- i Harry A. TColl, who were re.electWET'\TASK TO FIX1SIJEB ance or what Iiave you, here ia; ed corporate members of the your chance "to strut your stuff. American Jewish committee. The Beth-El Capers, annual road To Henry: Mcnsky, who WS,E one ILct us keep your show, is again holding tryouts. j of five citizens chosen by Mayor immaculate Anyone who Trishes to take part Towj to aeet with the coHiniis- We take ilm% to eso Jt right is welcome to try oat for "what- sionsrs to discufts ways of meetbeing Blew and careful ever _e can do. Tryoxits are held ing the relief problem.
MWT f'K/.rr- SHOP
C. Mlddlemlw shnble Shade? bey Nfvcr Cr-ack or .B
For BeflrooniK. m n C Bath* rooms "We alec cJsan anfl rev#r»e rour o!d Bhaties Sh&dcE. as how tm 29c - cm Xonr Chi-n BoilersSSOO . - ' Mammon
• PAGE EIGHT. tor Piiskin and t h e choir will chant the ritual. ^ Tomorrow anorning, D a v i d Kuntz, son of Mr; and Mrs. J. Kuntz, will celebrate his .Bar Mitzvah. He will read the entire portion of the Law in addition to the prophetic portion. He will also read the Law at the Junior Congregation service. . Following the service, Mr. and Mrs. Kuntz will give a reception honoring David, in the social hdll of the synagogue. Candy will be distributed to the children of the Junior Congregation, by Mr. and Mrs. Kuntz in honor of the occasion. , ". Last Friday evening, students of the graduating class of Cen. tral High School.were in charge of the service. Newton Sacks, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sacks was the chairman and introduced the speakers. A large attendance heard the third book review in a series given by Rabbi Rabinowitz. The book reviewed Monday was "The Jew of Rome" by Fuechtwanger. The next review will be Tuesday, February 4, when Rabbi Rabinowitz will review "The Coronet" by Komroff.
honor, her guest^«at a social evening in her home today. •
a lion's skin. How supremely pit- j Ky we must answer that call toiful, shameful and absurd that a ! day. ' ' " The Inter Club Council met (Continued from page 1) (Copyright ,1830 by Seven Arts thousand times the lion of Judah Sunday morning in the Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosehthal, Feature Syndicate.) Community Center for its regu- 2520 Jennings Street, departed! a subtle corruption in the very; tries to hide himself in en ass's lar monthly meeting. Allocations Monday for Kansas City, Mo., j core o£ the psyche of many Jews \ skin and fills the world v.ith the MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent to the various organizations who where they will attend the West- j that makes them believe privately ! din of his propitiatory braying.' NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Of that they have a choice In the \ participated in the Carnival, are erri Fruit Jobbers Convention. BETH-EL SYNAGOGUE [IlillilllHIS The time to be a Jew is today, j matter of being Jews, that they being made, as the money from The time to gird your 'oins for the Xoficp is hereby jrivpn thpt n r e per plate, and a capacity -Utendthe Carnival is being brought in. • The Ivre Club will have its reg. !can "opt" or not "opt" for their : lieioup rorprirtTtion known ;is BKTKance is expected by the commit, ular meeting Monday aight in the jJewishness. And to this subtle salvation of our people is today. E L S T X A Cc O O r E ha? W n orpnntees in charge. The Business Girls Club ap- Jewish Community Center. and stupid error they cling despite '. The call to mobilize has gone •i^ed. and i- lot^atcfl n,t (J>maha. N'ehut has spiritual .Innsdiction pointed a committee to work with all the manifest teachings of his-! forth. For the sake" of ourselves liraskn. cxf^ivlinf; n"\-pr th*> ptn.tp of Nobrnpsimilar committees of the Busitory and all the facts of conscious- and our brethren and our poster- K'R. Thp purposp of thp corporation is 'fc- p'.'omote nnfi to fwivnnee thR ness Girls clubs at the Y. W. C. ness and every evidence of univer- ; Jewish rplipion. Thp corporation has A. and the Community House for sal experience — of Jewish exper- '. authority to contract riobts up to the T h e annual Linen Shower, of Onp Hundred Thousand Dola Joint meeting to be h e l d in ience and of Gentile experience, j BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Attorney sum sponsored by the Senior Hadassah Insurance B!dg. ' lars (SKW.nnn.ixn. but not in e x e s * March, T h e committee is comFor, as I have said before, there | lh<"-rpof. TVip corporation may conchapter, will be held Tuesday afposed of Florence Lohrman., .Sarti'firt end Khali be- bmmrl for it? debts could be no such thing as anti-; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION and ternoon, January 28, in the Jew- .Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis and may ennvey, oncumher or chnnpre In the County Court of Dotiglns etta Krigsten, and Dorothy Mer. F. n. K. Semitism if there were no such; County. Xf-braska. ish Community Center, and Mrs. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will atits pro]>.?rt>- in liicr manner as may lin. _ any othor corporation tinder the laws thing as Semitism. Hate must j In the Matter of the Estate o{ M. F. Levinson of Omaha, Nebras- tend the Regional Conference of ! Abe Cohen. Denensed. of the ptnte of Nebraska. Tj\'er>' perhave an object. Love must have > ka, will be in the city that day Jewish Federations this week-end son elected to membership by the Plans are nearing completion \ All persons interested in said esinte Pomniittee mid whose dites to appear as principal; speaker of in St. Louis, where three repreCocoa and rolls are being serv- for the fifth annual banquet by jan object. Perception cannot func- are hereby notified that a petition Kxfciitlve been filed in said Court H.lloginjr shall not be delinquent as prescribed the afternoon. . ed to the Newsboys every evening the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Society i tion without a thing to be per- has by the. J>y~T,aws of the corporation sentatives from England, bringing that snid deceased <?ied i^avintr no : last at the. Jewish Community Center. Sunday, February 9, at 6 p. m.j ceived. will anrl praying for ndministra- shail be considererl a, member of the Mrs. Levinson is a past presi- a- plan to American, Jews for aid. corporation. The Synacoeue became tion upon his estate, and that a hrarThe newsies buy cocoa and rolls at the Chevra B'nal Yisroel syna- j Every Jew is born into Jewry. insr dent of the Omaha Hadassah and ing Jews in Germany will be •will be hnd on i:nid pptition be- a. corporation on ihr> l^th day of Every Frenchman is born into the ; for a penny and,, the difference in gogue, 618 Mynster. has earned recognition in. that present. fore s*id roUT't on ihe sth flay of Dfremlwr. 1!1S5. and H wil! terminj 1!>"H. and that if they fail ate on Ocloher 1st. 2u:!S. The offithe cost is defrayed by local busicity, for her abilities as a speakThis month marks the fifth an-! French people. Every.lew lives February. The meeting will be held in the to appear nt snid Court on the said cer;: <>f the corporation are R presiness men. as a Jew and dies as a Jew. His er, her. work in Hadassah, and Chase Hotel at St. Louis, and the Sth day of February. Iil.16. at !) o'clock • dent, R first vice-president, p. second niversary .since the dedication of i A. M. to contest snirt petition, the ' vice-president, a treasurer and a secher loyalty to all Zionist projects. sessions will deal with current the new synagogue. Over 150! choice is not between being a Jew Court may errant the same* and prnnt retary, who. together wtih all of thr She is chairman of tho Cultural Federation problems, and with The Young Judeans met Tues- reservations have been made to; an not being a Jew. His choice is ' administration of said estate tn r,o?e past presidents of the corporation exclusively a choice between bework of Hadassah in Omaha. G. Cohen, or some other suitable per- and four memhers-Rt-larfre. consti( day evening in the Community date, according to O. Hochman, I problems concerning the over-seas son and proceed to a settlement tute an T"'JXP<'U l i^'e ("omnti* tee. whi 'h Mrs/ Leon Mars will give a agencies. conducts the a-ffairs of the corporaCenter for their regular bi-month- secretary, who states that Febru- j ing a good Jew and so a creative thereof. tion. reading and Miss Rachel Ginsberg ly meeting. ary 1 is the last date for reserva- j human being or a poor Jew and BRYCK CR.UVFORn, The conference has been callso a sterile and' false and eelf- l-16-3t will present a novelty-dance. County Judge. I tions. The banquet is open to! ' i - i A R R Y 'SVIVVKKKI A X falsificd human being. For our. Mrs. Zella Levitan and Mrs. ed by the .National Council of Nephew of Sioux Cityans ]->AA"lD ORF,K\T,ERG. the public. . MAX FROMKIN, Attorney \ Jewish Federations attd Welfare A. n. AL1MKX, only way of being human is be- i Meyer Daskovsky are co-chairmen Date Set For A. n. FRANK. Insurance Bld{j. " .'• • ing Jewish even as a Fren-rhman's ;: of the arrangements. Members of Funds. Killed in Plane Crash M V I D iMHKX, Council Bluffs lodge No. 6SS of i NOTICE' OF ADMINISTRATION Rabbi Lewis left for St. Louis Auxiliary Dance .T. H. K I X A K O F S K T , Hadassah ..and. their friends a r e the B'nai B'rith will meet Monday i only way of being human is being In the County Cou-t oC Douglas AKTHl'll A. «'OHX. French. Our choice is. the univer- County. urged to attend the shower. The last night and Rabbi Rabinowitz - Dave Chernus of St. Louis, a Nebraska. ; 5!. at. F.AUISH, evening, January 27, at Si30 at Plans have been started by the! In the "Matter of fhe Rotate of lie- ' sal choice upon our specific terms. price of admission Is a piece of will leave tomorrow night. Mr. former Sioux Cityan and a nepI'». A. .SIMON. Eagles hall. ] Shau;ro. Dcensp.l. I 1KVIX ('. !,F)\"IX. linen '(towels, pillow-cases, sheets, Barney Baron has made tentative hew of several Sioux Cityans( was Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion The ass in the fable was no less becca. All persons interested in said estate j REUBEX Bonnr, bedding, bed spreads), or a cash plans to-be present at the ses- killed in the recent plane crash Synagogue for a Cabaret Dance, are hereby notified that a petition i; Miss Dora Markovitz, accom-1 an ass for covering himself with . has rKii-IP A!. KL.UTZN1CK. Saturday evening, February 8. been filed in said Court alleging: donation. There is a great need sions. : in Arkansas which took 17-lives. The dance will be gifen in the jpanied by her sister, Mrs. Julius that, said deceased died lea.vine: no I-3 0- *t- SAM BEDER. Sir Herbert Samuel, Viscount Funeral services for Mr. Chernus for these articles at the present Incorporator*. last will and praying for ndministraj Baron of Shenandoah, la., left; MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & ton upon his estate, and that a hear.-' time" in the hospitals in Palestine, Bearsted .and Simon Marks, who were held'in St. Louis this week. Rainbow at the West Hotel. COHEN, &. J. HAROLD SAKS, Attys. ing will be had. on said petition beSunday for Excelsior Springs', Mo., Committees have begun work due to the increase in immigra- arrived in -America recently to fore said court on the Sth day of He -was the nephew o t Sam and expect to be gone about two | 737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldq. tion this year. . present a plan offered by Ger- Herman Plckus, Mrs. . Mike Ska- on the ticket sale this week and They February, 10.T6. and that if they fall weeks. | In the County Court of Douglas 1o appear at said Court on the paid arrangements are being made for Refreshments will follow t h s many concerning the mass emi- lovsky,' Mrs. Morris Skalovsky, County, Nebraska. Sth day of February. 1036. at n o'clock Recognized as In the Matter of the Estate of Saul -V. M. to contest said petition, the program, and a short business gration of Jews from that coun- Mrs. B. Mahdelstam and Mrs. A'.first rate music and a brilliant Miss Rose Goldberg of Chicago ' Levy, Deceased. Court may prant the same and grant •PEACTICAL MOKEL evening of entertainment. try, will speak at t h e Saturday meeting. . . Horwitz. Among tHe Sioux Citypersons interested in said mat- administration of paid estate to Vic- \ spent the week here visiting at | terAllare Phone 1050 evening session. hereby notified that on the tor Shapiro, or some other suitable; ans who went to St. Louis to atthe home of her brother-in-law | 14th day of January. 10"(i. Bessie persnn and proceed to a • settlement | COUNCI1L, BLUFFS. IA. tend the. funeral were Mrs. Mor-"Paid Up Membership" i and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Su- Levy filed a petition in said County thereof. Court, prayinc that her final adminj ris Skalovsky, Mr.,' Sam Pick'us, PKTCE CRAWrORP, I istration account filed herein be set- l-16-3t County Judge. Tea By Auxiliary valsky. Mr. Mike Skalovsky and Mr.. Hertled and allowed, and that she he, dlscharced from her trust ns execuman Pickus. • •.' • ' • . . ' . . The cultural group of Senior | trix and that a hearing will be had CARNAZZO & KAZLOWSKY, Attv,. Plans were made for a "PaidInsurance Bidssaid petition before said Court on up Membership" Tea to be given Hadassa'h will meet Monday eve- j on Mrs. Max Mayer of Dea Moines, the Sth day of February. 1S3S. and ning, January 27, at S:30 p. m. I At an election of officers held Junior Hadassah - Monday, February 24, by the the synagogue at 61S Mynster. j Court that if you fail to appear before said Notice of Publication on Petition f o r ' ! Iowa, who is in charge of the Settlement of Final Adminiaj' jon the sakl Sth day of Febru- i Jewish Community Center in that this month, Lester Davidson was Members of the'Junior "Hadas- Ladies Auxiliary. Invitations will at tration Account i' ary, 3 33f>, at 9 o'clock a. in., and con- '< Rabbi Jacob Cohn wil conduct the city, will be the guest speaker at elected president of the Bnai sah chapter will attend =a "Dutch be extended to all members who test said petition, the Court m a y In the County Court class in Jewish Customs and Cere-' Douglas grant the prayer of satd petition, en- ' the annual Federation banquet, Brith lodge, to succeed Frank Treat" dinner next Wednesday have paid their dues to the AuxCounty, Nebraska: • • • * ter a decree of heirship. and make ' monials. oh Monday, February 3. Mrs. Margolin. Mr. A. M. Davis was evening, according to plans made iliary. such other and further orders, allow- ; In the Matter of the Bstate ot Ll'ClA ( ALIANO, Deceased: ! ances and decrees, as to this Court Mrs. J. H. Mosow presided at flayer is well known throughout named vice-president; Dr. Frank at a recent meeting of the'chapInterested in said mat- S. Shyken returned home Tues- may seem proper, to the end that all terAllarepersons the middlewest as an eloquent Epstein, recording secretary; Ed- ter. Miss Margaret •'Saitlin is in the meeting Tuesday afternoon, hereby notified that on the matters pertaining to said estate may > 4th day of January, M.ifi. AXGELO speaker. She is also actively af- win W." Baron, corresponding sec- charge of, the arrangements. - A and Mrs. Nick Sherman was in day after spending a few days in be finallv settled and determined. ' PICCOLO filed a petition in saui BRTCE CRAWFORD. | filiated, with the Hadassah organ, retary; Morris B. Skalovsky, trea- social hour will follow the dinner. charge of the afternoon of bridge St. Louis, Mo. l-l«-3t County Judge. ! County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein iration in Des Moines. surer; and Frank Margolin, monwhich followed. The afternoon Plans have also been made for he settled and allowed, and that he Barney Markovits left Monday REED, RAMACCIOTTI A ROBIN- be a bridge tournament for the mem- was closed, with refreshments. • The program at th e banquet itor. discharged from his trust a s . adfor Villlsca, la., where he will ministrator and that a hearing' wil! SON and EPHRAIM L. MARKS, Plans -were made for an instal- bers. The tournament will inwill also include songs by Mrs. be had on safci petition before snul Attorneys spend a couple of weeks visiting lation meeting, to be held FebruM. B. Herzoff, with Pierce Wall clude four evenings of bridge with Court on the 1st day of Februa' * Oneg Shabbos at the home of his son-in-law and 5, in the Jewish Community Cen- single prizes and a grand prize at 1036, and that if you fail to.apppt? at the piano. ^ NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The Oneg Shabbos mesting of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward beforp said Court on the said 1st day In the County Court of Douglas Assisting in the arrangements ter. Dr. H. M. Levin will install the close of the tournament. Proof I'ebiuary, 19"G. at S o'clock A. Ji . the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Weiner. County, Nebraska: the officers and addresses will be of the'banquet will be the fouowceeds will go toward one of the contest said petition, the Coh't In the Matter of the Estne of Har- ami ma..v grant the prayer of said petiJng women: On the dining room made by the incoming and out- Hadassah funds. Miss R u t h Zion Synagogue, -will be held tory S. McDonald. Deceased. tion, enter a decree of heirship. and morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Miss Mary Brotman, 29, passed AH persons interested in said escommittee, with Mrs. Dora Barou going presidents. Grueskin is In charge. such other and further orders, tate are hereby notified that a peti- make in the home of Mrs. Eli Robinow, away, at Glenwood, la., Sunday allowances decrees, BK to Ibis A buffet lunch and cards will .and \. Mrs. Morris SkalovBky as The annual Junior-Senior Hation has been filed in paid Court al- Court may and seem proper, to the end after a lingering illness. She is leging that said deceased died leav- that all matters chairman, the following women lollow the installation. dassah meeting is scheduled for 2136 McDonald street. 1 pertaining- to said Mrs. A. H. Baron will preside survived by her mother, Mrs. Eva ing no last will and praying for ad- estate may be. finally settled and de•will be included: Mesdames H. February 11. Mrs. B. F. Margol. ministration upon his estate. end M. Levin, J. Lehman, J. Givot, H. in, Regional Senior President, will at the meeting and Mrs. Rueben Brotman of Rock Island; a sister, that a hearing will be had on paid termined. BRYCE CRAWFORD. before said court on the loth Goldstein, Zella Levitan and Nick be the guest speaker. Miss Lillian Miller will give current events. Mrs. Lillian Gaines ot Chicago; petition County Judge. day of February, 1936, and that if 1-10-St Sherman. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will! Romirowsky, Junior-Senior chair- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will three brothers, Merrill and Albert they fail to appear at said Court on said loth day of February. 1H36. Assisting Mrs. Sam Mosow on speak this evening on "Mendele [ man, is in charge of the program speak on the life and work of of Rock Island and Joseph of Chi- the" at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said "Moses Mendelsohn, commemor- cago. the menu committee will be Mes-—the Man and Writer." Mendele arrangements. petition, the Court may grant the The body was brought to Coun- same and gTant administration of dames A. Vf. Kaplan, F. Gorchow. was the pen name for the writer On February 6, the Junior Ha- ating hundred and fiftieth annisaid estate to Chaxles B. McDonald H. Herman, and Phil Sherman. Abramowitz, who was the fore- dassah will be In charge -of the versary ot h i s death:" Singing, cil Bluffs for burial. Funeral ser- or some .other suitable person and discussions and refreshments will vices were held Tuesday afternoon proceed to a settlement thereof. The price of the reservations most'man of letters in his time. services 'at Shaare Zion SynaBRTCE CRAWFORD, constitute the balance of the pro- from the Beem-Belford funeral has been changed to fifty cents He was a teacher of Bialik. Can- gogue. 3-24-St • County Judge. gram. home. O. Hochman officiated. Burial was in Oak Hill cemetery. FRADENBURG, WEBB. BEBER, iinininiffliniiiiiniirairaiiiniiHiiiiffiniiiiiiniiniiiiiinaiiiiiiinnniiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniinija
St. Louis Conclave
Mrs. Max Mayer Lester Davidson To Speak Here Heads Bnai Brith
Shaare Zion
Mount Sinai The Burlington Railroad will place two ^ new streamlined super-Diesel powered Zephyrs in service between Chicago and Denver this summer, according to an announcement by President Ralph Budd. These new 10-car "silver streaks" will give overnight service saving a whole business day for travelers between the two terminals.
I'.; v -.
. . .
y, ;
-, ^
Reverend Joseph Fteel, pastor of the Mayflower Congregational Church, will speak from the pulpit of Mount Sinai Temple, in. the absence of Rabbi Lewis. The ritual will be read by Sidney. Kalin, Milton GalLcsty a n d Ted Skalovsky. Mr. J. Kalin wii! recite the Kaddish. ! Tuesday evening Rabbi. Lewis | addressed a meeting of the Boy Scout Council and Leaders.
OClETY. Miss Frances Emlein, a brideelect of next month," was guest of j honor at an evening ot bridge Tuesday, when "Mrs. Nathan Gorchow and Dr. Delia Galinsky entertained a group of friends In the home of the former. This noon, Mrs. Sam Cohen'and Mrs. Philip Kalin will entertain jointly, at a luncheon in the Cohen home, honoring Miss Emlein.
KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY, Attyt. Omaha National Bank Eldg.
Jew Saved "Aryan" Thanked by Reich
the County Court of Douglas Count;-. Nebraska. In the Hatter of the Estate of Israel Kulakofsky. Deceased. All persons interested in said matter are. hereby notified that on the Sth day of January, IMS. Sarah Kulakofsky and Morris Levey filed Berlin ( J T A ) — T h e German a petition in said County Court, prayGovernment has sent a letter of ing that their final administration filed herein be settled and thanks to a Jewish tailor of Co- account allowed and that they be discharged logne for risking his life to save from their trust as administrators that a hearing will be had on an "Aryan" from a blazing truck, and said petition before said Court on the it was officially announced last 1st day of February. 39H6. and that if you fail to appear before said Court week. on the said 1st day of February, 19">fi. Thetailor, Joseph Froehlich, is at 9 o'clock A. 1L. and contest said petition, the Court may grant the a war veteran. In carrying out prayer of said petition, enter a dethe rescue he incurred injuries. cree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and Froehlich's act of bravery, it as to this Court may seem was stated in a letter "by the Gov- decrees, proper." to the end that all matters ernor of Cologne, will be recorded pertaining to said estate may be and determined. in the next issue of the Official finally settled BRYCE CRAWFORD, Gazette. 1-10-SL County Judge.
the Cuxury that. Women Cove
One minute's time is all that's n e c e s s a r y to install this lamp in anv r o o m in the h o u s e .
Miss Alice Pill, grand-daughter of Mrs. Ben Pill, has set the date of wedding to Ed Kantor, son of Mrs. William Kantor, for February 9.
Mrs. J. Platt of Chicago is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuntz. Mrs. Platt arrived in the city to attend the Bar Mitzvah of David Kuntz, tomorrow morn, ing at Shaare Zion Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Kuntz will'.enteri tain their friends at a reception j in the social hall of t h e synaChicago.—Fulfilling the practical road has spent millions during'.reA study of the most recent fig- gogue, tomorrow, following the promise made by the original Bur- cent months In conditioning Its ures on Diesel-operated train mile- services, and Sunday evening in lington Zephyr In 1934 with its rec- roadbed between Chicago and Den- age .up to the first of the year In her their home., ' • ord breaking dawn to dusk non-stop ver for high speed travel Indicates the United States discloses the fact, run. of 1,015 miles:In 7S5 minutes that Zephyr service between these that the Burlington may lay claim Mr. Sam Cohen, Sioux Apartbetween. Denver and Chicago, two two cities has been a part of the to more Diesel miles than all other ments, spent several days-In Chinew streamlined stainless steel Burlington plans ever since the railroads combined. cago this week, attending the NaZephyrs to be christened the "Den- epoch-making run-of the original Diesel Mileage Mounting. - tional Canners Convention. Ter Zephyrs" are soon to be added Zephyr in 1934. The following fable indicates the to the fleet of four Burlington distribution by railroad of Diesel Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kantrovich - Operating over the shortest line Zephyrs now in service. up to' December 31, 1933, returned home this week from .,. Super-IMesel powered and" oper- between Chicago and Denver, the mileage by passenger trains In this Los Angeles, where they visited ated over a • right-of-way already Denver. Zephyrs will make ah easy totaled for three weeks in the home of prepared for high speed travel, overnight run of the 1,030 miles-, cov- country: these new 10-car speedsters will ering the distance in approximately 1 Zephyrs (Burlington).... 697,687 Mr. and Mrs. R. Weinstcln, for. offer overnight service between 16 hours. "While tho average run- Flying Yankee (B & M ) . . . . 177,501 mer Sioux Cityans. While in Los Chicago and Denver slashing many ning speed between the ,two termi- Two Rebels (G M & N').... 138,082 Angeles they attended the wedComet (XT.XH&H) S9.479 fcoura from present schedules. nals will be about CO miles per City >>t Portland (U P ) . . . • 75,000 jding of William Weinstoln. Miss-Hazel-Kantrovich has rehour, stops at some sis or seven Uoynl Blue (C & O) Roadbed Ready. turned fco.rtt a visit to Duiuth and . While plans for the new "Denver of the more important cities enMinneapolis. . Accompanying; her JJephyrs" have just been announced, route will call for a cruising speed Total Diesel mileage home was Miss Lee Walss of Mln. of 00 miles an hour or better. in United.States.., .1,217,S3S the fact that the Burlington 15ailneauolis.- Miss Kantrovich •will
The little thinqs that do so much to make one/eel at home die especially evident at Hotel President Close to a!! the finest theatres and shops "Splendid food in the Coffee Shopor Walnut Room. Prices most moderate
•3" •A:
T s k e a d v a n t a g e of jrrcatly reduced prices t o rci ! i c hitrneil out l a m p s . . . . 6 M a z d a - lamps for only- 90c . . . . 25,
40, 60 watts.
• -,