Is f i e Interes! Jcwisii
(This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in -whole or^in part .strictly forbidden. Any infringe^ ment on this copyright will be prosecuted.) .
Enteipf! «s .Set-uuiT Clu* Aiail Uatter an January II, IS21. at: , Pdamffits or Omaha. Nehranka. uarter th* Act of March i. 1S7S
"THE JEW OF ROME" The historic figure whom Lion Feuchtwanger has chosen as the .protagonist of his most ambitious •work Is the spiritual- ancestor of a type who is more than likely to be your neighbor on West End Avenue or on Drexel Boulevard. Until two years ago he tried to hold his own even in Kurfurstendamm." The Etoile quarter in Paris still knows him well. He is the renegade Jew with an evil conscience. In his contemporary guise this gentleman is hard.beset and his mental tricks'are immensely complicated. In the yea-r SO of our era the type, being rare could be pure. Joseph ben Matt*, hias, having permitted himself to •witness the destruction of Jerusalem and of-the Temple of God " ' from the camp of the Romans, •was bound to become in mere • self-justification Flavlus ' Josephus, Roman Knight-and was bound for the rest of his life to defend jjr- the point of view that one could ' *•' bo at the. same time Greek and Jew or Roman and Jew and that Jewish nationalism is; and ought to be, as Dr. Feuchtwanger de" clared in an essay published in /Paris in 1933, '.'cosmopolitan and Messianic. Such", at least, are the conclusions which Feuchtwanger carries ;. from his present into the -past. I
VOL. XI—No. 49
]Roumanian Peasants Organize Against Anti-Semitism
:•• Bucharest" (WNS) — Aroused by the increasing anti-Semitic propaganda" that is sweeping over Ilembers aad Their Guests Inthe country and alarmed at the result o£ a senatorial .by-election vited . to; Giant lacker in Bukowina, where the anti-Sem- j sad ites unseated tHe incumbent can- jTALMUD TOPJtM PROGRAM ( didate of- the National Peasant: A giant smoker and entertain-j Party, the latter organirstion has I FOR CHILBREM O f SUNDAY, Norman Hapgood, famed comment will be given, by the Omaha j decided to revive the "peasant mentator and journalist, will be B'nal B'rith Monday- evening, | guards", a private militia organThe Talmud Torah is planning the next noted personality to adFebruary 3, in the lodge room of ized to defend the party's meetChamisha Oser" B'Shevst (the dress the Community Forum, the J.. C. C. The committee in ings against attacks by anti-SemTear of the Trees) projrram itic hooligans and to protect the j * speaking at the Jewish CommuA proposal * to raise -it*.] 5.charge promises a score of "thrills, or the children Ecd their friends 000.000 as sn oprrrtingr fend ers in far-Huns1 Jewish population in outlying disnity Center on Wednesday eve{laughs, and novel surprises. ning, February 5, at 8 p. m. His parents Sunday morning, to remove the ^etvisli vonth j . One of the features w^ll be a tricts. It is hoped, however, that ft* The reconstitution of ttsis peasubject will be "Industrial Demoradio broadcast, written. s.nd diy 2, m the auditorium o£ from Germany was broachpd; • wo weeks e definite protrram will cracy." reeled- by a secret committee of , sant militia is. regarded as the the J. C. C. by Sir Herbert S r ^ n r i , Brit-: befeiii to take shape. Kugene Blazer will introduce the local lodge. In the skit prom- jf i r s t Ete P in a militant campaign M«*s*n'*njr fr> C?n>nh*i Special feature cJ the program ish-Tp-wish ipjRclrr, Ft tbe G( Hapgood at Wednesday evening's inerit members oi the B'nai B'rith I against anti-Semitism. Trihi?J this: prf*~ will be recitations, poems end ectnre. Harry. B. Cohen, chaireral Assemhlv of tlir Nfitinr will be "lampooned" and "put on j _ ^ . . : : songs, in aa atmosphere portrayman of the Forum, -will preside. CovmcH of .Trvrish FPCIT: the gridiron." "Also a special j Trvnfirf-% # « ? • ing Palestine. Refreshments Euitish community, Pnnl. <3o1c«?>3«ff Hapgood is a native of Chicago. broadcast of news eveats, as re- ! i r Y W I H f O T eble to the occasion, fcokser, figs, zvd "Welfare Funds, held Pt H meai": He received his Bachelor and Law dates, etc., will be served. Mrs. >?t. Louis Ifsst •^"celr-cncl. ported by the 'committee, -will be, ihai vre Ifpvp ia degrees from Harvard "University, David A. Goldstein will presented. Sir Samuel, t.og-ptlVer with Visi Ji js. con>. and shortly after, his graduation XORMAN* HAPGOOD A group of entertainers from a tr* lilPf! niu' VPMpoKslSlsii" for "Whistling in the ;-moving pictures of scenes in Pal-; r P U T , t BeEFPted ET>fi Simon Marks' oined-the reporting staff of the Who Will Speak at the J. C. C. local night club, headed by Cliff In f}e?^3»n*i! .Ifwrj*. Tlil^* Dark," the next play to be proChicago Evening Post." CEine to this country from the if . Kest "Wednesday Winehlll, will furnish additional duced by the Center Players, r r TDtiPf r c TP-. f rUhfr From the Evening Post, HapBritish Isles to confer with Ameri entertainment. Ann Xieinas, well- be held at the Jewish Communitv ihr Jfiris! good went to Milwaukee and there icBE Jewish leaderf- on rr&yp end ' known Omaha -""blues" singer, Center nest Sunday afternoon, did political reporting, writing ed. tneariB of F.lleviEting: the Jewish; will present several' SitsinberE." February 2, at 2:SO p. m. torials on local politics -and draEiftiEtion in the Reich, i Another ' -unusual. . feature will This three-act mystery comedy matic criticisms. for the "MilHe is former High Co-missioneT , shwi vrc. here be an interview between a. young•was one of the outstanding EUC waukee Sentinel:" His next newsof Palestine, f.nd a, leading Brit- twicp n*- much as ire tit-e HO«. er and an older .member of the c e s s e s o f the 1P32-S3 season and paper venture took him to New ish statesman. j raising RHCT «oi onl; t5o«Wr «is-= ; lodge. The principals in this w i l l , I ! t a r r e d E d w a r d Arnold and ErT o r i where he wrote for the am'not so sure that Josephus, tal- 'Evening" Post" and the "Com. Sir Psrnne! prononrced as di-1 rhllantlsropips JTOR" but ncf««'be Dr. A. C FeUmaa and Dr. A. n e s t T r i i e x . . T h e s t o r T j s t b a t o f | ented wrlteT thoug a poor enough iaercial Advertiser." in 1903 he ~ j rect •nsisq-notstioni*' th»; PC'VPTK-P }r r*»'?frt "ihr- mone;* sm& p«5 i*. A. Greenberg. What, they w i l l j a m i { e r o j mystery stories w h o ' , , . • •creaure that he "was, would have was appointed editor of Collier's •OBfereSCe for Pal- ! ne-w-?psper report? thst the Brit- flirert'.v t r \hc. Gormsii pf'ir-t" diECUES in their. interview prom- w l t h n i s f i a a c e e , -«rander upon a ! National ish Ipaders would propose a mass agreed. Feuchtwanger drops him Weekly - and served in .this capa- Toirrnaineiit to Be Held ises to be of great interest t& the | gangster's, hideout while house estise to Convese ia exodus of German Jewry in which around the year 80 or 81 under- city until 1912, when he, became lodge. - .... • hunting. They find the gangsters Omaha, February "7, 3 ! the emigres would be aliotrec rn going the deepest shame- to which editor, of "Harper's Weekly." Members of B'nei B'rith are in-j very hospitable, even to a drink, : and 8th . take German-made goode insteec his equivocal situation condemned vited to attend and-each.-member j and the author soon finds hjm- | Washington—Three of the im- : of their property and the Nazis During the war, Hapgood serv! him. But Josephus lived until ed as a w a r correspondent and in insy bring one outside guest." A; self telling the gangsters that he portant addresses to be delivered 100. . In 95-or"96 "he published 1918 became t h e first president of - Irving Hill, former. Interna- I ticket for the guest Is fc'cl.tided la! can Trite the perfect crime. The j at the Kational Conference for would also be given some foreign , pt his .small wort commonly called the 'League of Free" Nations Asso- tional. President of .A. Z. A. ?"hriS«; • "B'nal S'rlth BrexitlES,". the offi- ! gangsters, ansions to rid them- i Palestine, which will open in exchange. "Against-Apion," a defense of his ciation. Hapg'ood was appointed an outstanding student at the newi5paper-of tbs.local lofl^e, Iselres of tbe police commissioner, j WaEhinEtoE Saturday, evening. University of Nebraska, lias- been •people lacking neither in courage minister to Denmark in 1919. WEB -mailed, to every Ben • immediately set "him to work—at! February 1, will be broadcast BrbTr. "F-R*= rP'rlrrtrd to pp secured as speafeer tor the in In that work the fioTt trt >-|io srp j the point of a gun.- He plans the • over national hook-ups. Since 1931, he has been a mem- banquet of the A. Z. A. • tourna- j B'rith Th-arsday., rxerut'ive rrtmmitte? af Ihr . nor Graeco-Rom assimiiationist In. passion. ber • of the Columbia Conserve ment to be held here next Friday, I - Refreshments . will be serred, \ perfect mnrder with horror in his j From'"9:SO p. m. to 10 p. m. S Co^nTiril o f fTfT*-i^. i w"ho f^"according to Feuchtwanger, Company of Indianapolis, widely Satorday and Sunday, February 7, j also Graeco-Roman sraolces.-- S?m Green, i n j1heart t n t professional^ priae in his | Central or Omglia.Standard1 time, s rsnd Welfare W~u.T* ! At the SEturdev jiifrht. p ""had remained a Jew while be- known for. Its w o r k ' i n t h e field he : the >'stional Broa desisting Com-, : delegation o j charge - of refreshments, * is • pre- resoaree£nlnes;b=£&_'n d other voted pppsVerp in p .sad 9. coming a Roman," i a s .fallen eil. of Industrial democracy, .jtixras. -the tables on the gangsters, jp S E y Trill csrrytJie sderesses of: p *.;• ;••" a r i D foT -at th?» roncSnve ii , to fbc Britlrih re presorts liv • 'Hill iriil deliver the main ad-[P ^ *00:to attend. e ent. It Is the priest Joseph ben chairrcan of •ed Kabbi Harold Rei-p-pr, " He is t h e author of " T h e not i ^ *}*? reaches, an unexpected D r . Stephen-S. JeviRifior l.neli. A short- business ? president oi Hi dress^at the a-vrard banquet .-which Matthias who defends his people Changing T e a r s , " • " I n d u s t r y and wil -20 climatic ._end. ... the conference IpTsel Golfi- David \Ticc. Hubbi Frp L ouis,; WitFcfiera ioii ai Hour/ I l-«lose the three-day meet. The j expected to .-last longer-" than and his people's faith against the T e ^ « r e are: many excellent i>arts ;s t e in. president-pi the J ; ,T. Shroecler, who was G«hn, Etsgcne ES&ZCT and Progress, •The li ffor a \ tional hostile pagan "World. this .play, ' which "calls f pd Fvp~\6.'i\i of lie National and co-author of "Up From' the banquet -will be''held'in -the,Jew- j -minutes,- will fbe. -held before =the iih-. Community Center Auditor-1 stnoker entertaininent * ~Doted &nd member ' " * ' Of that last phase there Is no City Streets." .. ;. :-: : Ticil of ,?f-wish F«?dp~-f i Sen-Kailbiriky, ptesMent. \ nsJ <1«>T!-K the Iocs' Et here uin, Sunday <eyeniag.-- . • foreshadowing, in "The Jew of elix; I'*. tn? is ache*, ed t o ..Urt The OmahEns tooV sirti*<-e _ : Hill is. •ac^ao'wiedsed^ as- oiie^oJ rho^S'ave-come to this coun/; The^.-Stary. iurns in. Its VCnrbnvi 0' Xev,- York, 4 ; in the forums snfl CifrusRio-nF io!-. t h e iitte"st7yp"urig ;Epei%:ers in"this [ a t :'S~ p." t& be present Stiafisy. and-everyone.-interested is tirged try to cor ; 'er with leafier!? of lDTr Oihcr- iUg region. - I n ' 1934 Vhe'-tfon .the. A. " T h e following cosilaittifee is i n | . " Americaij Jetfry' on-a rrngrom for • i n E each details upon the problem of the served KS '$, 'Tnpmber oC the [ Th? conference BtreaseA ;. A. .oratory championship in the charge -of ,general .arrangsmesis: ! J the solution of the German JewJew wlio, dreaming of a. -univer! nsfciontl prcigTsni committp!?. «-ag . nternational. finals at; Washings Ephraim-Marks; chairman: Julins ish problem. •salism that does not exist, simply on .several foicniittees for ibe con-. ton, B..C. Previous to this he had ! Bisnd, Harry Sommer,-Al-Kedler. - Sir .Herbert Samuel, another changes Tils nationality for anoth: ference. won regional, and district elhnin-j Max Baer. Prank. ActerauLB, Ben p.(i» r=iu; preater surport o* member of the delegation, .-Kill be atipn meets. er and thus falsifies his charac Kazlowsky, and.Sam Green. ttcs»finn by *br entire r heard over 'the Coltimbia Broa-di » British GovrrnjnPnl ro AM wi and life and spends his time New York (JTA) — The culHe .served as Grand Aleph .Goter A tbnrn^ijrb r!J?fCT?PFio F S F Tif>f" casting System from 12:45 p. m. ' In bis address Saturday PTCinventing justifications that leave ture of the Sephardic Jews, who dol (international president) of! I to 1 p. m. Central or Omaha si.snpr> thp ntpthods of rais , nine, Pir SETP-UP] ("Pclaret! thf.t him hollow and explanations that were expelled from Spain In 1492, A. Z. A. in 1934-35. Hill has won •. Registrations are still being j "*," * ^ a r y 2. the PIBTI developed "by the Frit- •for welfare -fu-nds. and t h e a will be extinct within one or two nuinerous honorg on\the ."Dnirer- ~ do not explain. | taken for: the second semester ofj Feti! ish Jp-wry -WSF not s plsn to f". Sity for mEintaining* R Even if we had not the flag- generations, it was predicted by sity of Nebraska campus, and, was j the -College -of Jewish Studies. | eration etandsra. i rhf.npe rnmmndit i-ss for people or rant witness of Feuchtwanger'B Professor TederiCo de Onis, exe- recently named "Man of the Tear." | which begins on Monday, F e b r u - j ^ ^ ^"*" The need to provide, for .lewish | fo-r funds nor was it a plan to Paris pamphlet ("Nationallsmus cutive officer of the Department Admission to the banquet is InCahn will! ary " . Classes will aseet on MOB] ismilie;; find Jewish cl'lUlrer. a»ri •RabbiFrederick of Hispanic languages of Columjtake only the -n-ealthy Jews or and Judentum"), it would still be cluded in the registration fee. speak on the. subject 'Jewish Life*'day and Thursday evenings from j {o -msiTitEir. niUurpl P,n(=, "ec<"'"-'their wealth nut of German;*-. -^i!" obvious to the discerning reader bia University. B'nai 'B'rith -members and alumni in Central-Europe' 'at t h e . Round j S:15 t o S and from 9:10 to 9:55 j ! He explsinpfi fhst. -the-ir poljry He disclosed that the depart'that "Josephus" and "The Jew of who wish to attend only the banTable of Jewish" Youth Forum oi! p. ra. "^"ft? prf*nci*nr.ny ennrprp^ f,, trith Rome' ' are Feuchtwanger's own ment has organized a research quet may reserre jilates at" one Sunday evening; February 2, at 8 Courses to be offered on Mt»n-j the -ymiiip Jewish men and -*-c- tion. program to preserve the -culture. dollar each. Reserrations may be justificatives. Thence pieces p. m.-at the Jewish Consmuuityi day -eveninicr are: Eleaentary H«- | rnen in Germacy bet-ween the Records of their art, science and made by Thursday with Nate arises the merciless moderniza. brew by A. Eatz, and advanced sixteen cud twenty-five. Cronn^e, banquet chairman, Ja. XJOU of the Bubstance of that lore will be kept at the university. 1 One method being used is to in2982. " , antique world with, which the vite members of Sephardic com• . X.-7A. A. Dance -• stories deal. I do not. mean that munities to the university where A limited number of tickets for Feuchtwanger lacks scholarship folk ballads that they • remember the A. Z. A. tournament dance to l the contrary. He has read al are taken* down. ; " be held Saturday, February 8, is course of these forums, each lec- iWorld View as Expressed in TEI-* Charles E. Shulnian of Glencoe. British Gcrernme-t had river, RFbooks, He is great in minn: One of the most colorful Sep- on. sale for alumni members- of turer has" takea' one phase of the ' mud, and'the Bible. ; III-, who Eddressed an open meet-isurancep that tbeap people can b? tlae. He is equally master He o hardic communities jtoday, Prof, subject and discussed that subject I The courses now beins offered; ing at the Teisple Israel vestry' removed to the British^ Roman and Talmudic law. " • de Onis stated, is found on New the two Omaha chapters. The dance-will-be at the Birch- from a political, economic, and 011 on Thursday evening will again;.rooms. iwherevpf practira.b!e. There will ' knows the technique of divorc Tsna laurBuit 1 . " ^ ' - s ""» ^ s - ^ . . . ^ ^ ^ . and burial customs. But (he lets York's lower East Side. Sephardic wood Club and-will start at 9:45 religious point of view. The for-! b e 1 or p younptopeople ic "ri«. taught during the second se-] He pointed out the falsity and; be opportunity transport the Galilean John of Gishala" customs have been kept there al- p. m.-The regular registration fee ums are open .to all the Jewish | most intent. There are also Sepcountry, but the rhief TP'V-" of $2.50 includes admission of j youth .*- in J_ the <u. city. .it, . • iroester, students may enroll self-seekng: behind the " ' **«">» -nnn-nio tr • explain the Marxian view of hisiin these and. courses: Elementary He- ji attacks madepurpose -upon the be Palestine, Following the forum, the regu- j . , tory; he attributes to Joseph a hardic settlements in Brooklyn one couple to the dance. Alumni in speeches, rafiio and brew b and in the Bronx. for the ensuing lar monthly dance will be held i n [ ? A'Kate. Advanced He-j people He -urged co-operation o X j No definite plan has been evolv- " conscious perception of the last (Continued on Page- 8.) Since 1870, Prof, de Onis conin E.nti-defamstioB: ed. TTfcilP Sir Samuel was Epflak- term for tbr City TalTOafi TorsSs the Center auditorium with the I b r e T r b ^ Judah "Wolfson, Yiddish-j press. •conclusions of "Freudian psycholi ins in St. Louis, his fellow-repre-, ' 5 a r p b( ?"^ TpieaEPd this -reck by College Club orchestra, featuring I Language and Literature by 1.1E n Jewry ogy; he depicts the Patriarch tinued, about 80,000 Sephardic Jews have entered this country, •VTilliam L Tfolzmpr presided 'peiJtatives. Visconrt Bearsted and | HeT?ry ^on^ky. presklent. Ann Nieman. The dance is a jMorgeristern. My" Philosophy of; • Gamaliel II in terms^ which nearIllteiE!B sb!) R a r o W B e r couple affair. No stags TlH,be!-and ^ R Law ' by BabW ^r'! ly twenty centuries prove fals* most of them from Moslem-ruled Jewish Ber-;The committee in charge consist* - I Ov- ihe "W't'Vf committee sr* countries in Turkey, North Africa | the officers- pv.<\ nine other m e m . and shallow to the core; he at permitted. Tickets may be obtain- ' " " * Te""I*=h lcnxr *Y R a b b i B e r - ed of Lest Burkenroad, HorEire and Eastern Europe. 6 ger. Henry Monsky, i hers, ~bn Final tryouts for Conservative | f - at the Center^ or Jrom mem- As an extension of the College, ] Rosenblum anfl Edwin Sornmer,. rSlSStlllianS finCI tributes to Joseph's friend and The speech of the Sephardic Rffc, vie? i preFic of the Round Table. • rival Justus an intellectual nihil\T £_„ Jews, since they have been out Capers of 1936, second- annual afternoon classes, meeting on al-;Of the Temple Brotherhood, sponher, honor hlch negates all values and 1sm -w of touch with Spain for more than road show to be presented by the ] t.ernate Mondays and * begisjning | etir,E. s. honorar s o r s o f t & e me all creative -wort: "All .knowl- 400 ,years, he said, is an archaic ladies auxiliary of the Beth-El February's, will be offered. These! .. edge noes ». ^_. out of the simply synagogue, will be hpld. Monday, edge rises Spanish. They afford scholars jwill include a Survey of Jewish j Q - Q A ry <-« struggle to gather argumente to the opportunity of studying what February 3, at 7:45 p. m. at 314 i Social Work by Paul Goldblatt. j D 6 l S 3 5 * 7 D . L . SS justify oneself; e s l ; all knowledge is Spanish was like when Columbus So. 19th-street. Children's try'and Hebrew by Judah Wolf son. ;r\ C U Tt outs .will be held Sunday, Februonly a means to buttress one's sailed to seek India. > A | 1 registration fee -entitles j U S l 8 01 O U i? conditions- amir cy)—Chs ary 2, at 2:30 p. m. it against inst own nature and the student to enroll for, all j £ fresh net By next week complete casts i It is possible to enroll I the world. And. when a truth Is guage he Jerusalem (JTA) — 'Serious courses. will have. been chosen for all of foar subjects for s not adapted to justify one's own idly chai dissension has arisen "between the j . xr«axiin*asi of the,acts, including dramatic;skits, j age, then one tinkera about -with Boston (TTNS) — Returning bulary is . -two on Moaday and t w o music,-dancing and comedy. Re-{British represetnative in Trass-t T it until it is." How naive of from his IPth year of archeologi- of develr P r l ! c n e f 1r "l hearsals will begin immediately ! Jordan and Premier Ib'raham Hss-j Thursday evesings. . Peuchtwanger to have written cal research in PElestir,e. Frofes- \ For exam pi after aU of the "pasting "is com-! hem over the Question of permit-! .._,_,„_„_, - „ «rtrj<»8?r A» sor William Allwight of Johns ' that passage without suspecting ting Jews have ? New Y o r k ( J T A ) — Unless pleted, - - - according • - - •-'- to •••• 'Mr.— *Hilton — • - A. • I*'— T ™ to *„ settle eO*f1» there, t h W . the t-h« A r s b ! INTEREST IE COURSE 0 i ! Hopkins University reported thr.t that some one would quote the 'lEWlSE-mClM SERVICE new docuaeEts uncovered at La- . newspapers reported -this week. tckini Horatian phrase he knows so greater assistance is received from Rieck, director. T »• i 10 The papers stated that while abroad, the Tarbuth Hebrew elele -pc The review will be held Tuescish show that, this city of .ancient i •well: De te tabula: narratur or About thirty women have almentary, secondary and ' trade day, ;March 31, at Central High the Arab favor admittance of nn Judah was captured bythe Baby-! the cap fits. Jews, Lieutenant Colonel C. H. F. ready registered for the course of schools in Poland and Lithuania last in 5FP B. C . The modernization' of sub- will be obliged to close, one by school auditorium. Cox, the ageat. oi-High • CdnnaiB-I seven lectures-on "Jewish Social Btance and .character consists in Y to sioner Sir,Arthur Gresfell Waoch-j service. Its Scope and Tread," to \ strong-hold blocking the a reduction of everything to ma- one, the Joint Distribution Com- Latmch-MUlU®be given by Paul Goldblatt under j Jerusalem, ope, refused, to" allow them" to 63. terial causes and shallow reason- mittee disclosed on the basis of l h t ' T*-"*«"". fessc-r DrAlbright rise? reof * the i local chapter of • *' Vjiot .TOT 'Polish' JeWS \ ter, saying that' he does not want Tea3eii t h a t a report from the Lithuanian Cen* - * J c h n Garstanc of tors Ere kartac Jngs. I t negates all that counts. tral Committee of the Tarbuth, New York (JTA)—A 51.000,000 ian "additional headache;" Hadassah.' will start oext-Mon-| Liverpool "University has found ticket), kartisa Jjfo qudte once more from X>r. which partially subventions t h e campaign to aid the Polish JewsJ. . Transjorddp-n, adjoining Pals-, TbTEeries hihp I)T. she? .,„„ «,^.,w= „ hiculararst). yeuchtwa.nger's Paris pamphlet: Lithuanian and Polish. schools." was launched by an American Ap-]sUne,'is'a'separate British man-! <j*y afternoon at 1:30 p. m. at j evidence that Jericho was the "The careful cultivation of hisj est occupied city in the wori Closing of the schools will re- peal Committee of promlneat Jews | dated territory. The Palestine • the J. C. C. rs tot -a few more j-dating bsck to 6.000 B. C. toric and mythological tradition sult in Jews losing opportunities and non-Jews at a-luncheon ar- j-High Commissioner, who-3s-also j There ' is. room is a cleverly used means That for entering professions since the ranged by Kev* High Commissioner of Trans TranEjor-women. '.-.Anyone ..AByone interested rns.y } by the Federation of Po-jHigh j or-1I frosaea. is exactly what it is not. If it Lithuanian Government plans to lish Jews in America.." dan, is -represented there by Col. i register ,-with. Mrs. M. P . Leven- jj Street fcr R gain were'that" it could not live or per- bar ^candidates for professions son. Mm. -JEIIBS Stein, or else at-1 Cairo — The Egyptisn Eiithor-; Je-K-if"1 Former Secretary of the Trea-! Cox. .1 F^ TT.' i: Bist. No more stupid ,word could I tend _Monaay aftersoos's sessson. | jties have "Rained a street in the.'wide Bist. No lacking secondary school educa- sury Ogden %•. Mills, the principal j "tp.v 'he San ; Holsirifa'i, ChivinHan; K. .Levinson, r— ; _ U'-». JAbbssiah qcsrter BPST tb? Jew- relief be word d "clever"lever tion, the J. D. C. stated. speaker, emphasized that, increas-j Jernsalemn (JTA) —- B'uai i . :•-' be used used than than that t d *tp of IP**? e\?6 ' A, G. T".-csnsrem. Mrs, K. Tatl®, ish Bcioo] after Hoses Maimoni-! ed -nationalism after the. war had 1 B'rith,international . Jewish frsj Of the 335 educational insti,1y." The great imponderables of f.5, Jess than! Dr. Philip SI«r. ! here r "human life have nothing to do tutions in Poland, t h e Tarbuth aggravated the problem of . the | .ternal. order, . has-.established -,s j • Er,- Or S.- Belzer ajinounces the oes. 'tF7 re , ad resigned RE I • EErolJmcnt Committee: Ka-bbt Heaceforth thz markers on the;a ir>os< cleverness. Cleverness never committee there reports, 136 may the Jews, adding that, a problem iBialik- Lodge is- ion or. el' Cfisia j remoTaV o£-liss -offices from -8 02 sides of the-"buildings will have j executive director of the United ! H. Berper, Chairman; H. Ma'fcnS, Approaches them; cleverness can be considered stable." The remain- oi group relationships As involved j Nachmss'.- Slalik,. Hebrew • '>3fet ] Medical Arts' '"Bide.* to. 8 IS * Mefli- iasoribefi in Arabic "Chareh MUEE j Jewish Aid Societies, an affiHate Louis Epstein. ; ! never grasp them. Cleverness^ is der are continually faced w i t h in the • Polish-Jewish" . situation I who died :Jn!y ' 4, 1S34.. ifes£e J cal Arts Bldig., Saturday, FehruTorah .Assn. I>rire: which cannot be ..-solved* by slo-jcbeloncbe.-was. elected'president jaiy 1. * His. *new*telepltcne ?.:umber Ibn Maimon" "and la FreacJi "R-ae 1of the Brooklyn Federation of j liquidation by the Government however the well-known refuge of i than Jvevinsois, Chairman. Charities. -'-Maimonides." because £f inadequate frcilities. gans. •win b® HE; ..8266.* .'-.....;, of the "lodge. (Continued on page 8 ) '
"Industrial Democracy Is Subject of Address -
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Anecdotes from Life • B e c a u s e of the traditional friendliness of the British royal family for Jewry the British Kings have been the center of niany legends in Jewish folk, lore. In this article Mr. Salomon, a distinguished EnglishJewish art connoisseur, tells of t h e ; Jewish legends woven aronni} the late King George V. - ^ • E d i t o r .
"' ' •
It is symptomatic of the traditional friendship of Jewry for England that round no other *oy. al house hare ;• so many legends been woven in the Jewish, imagination as that of England. Some of the legends are based on true historic^ events, others are just Imagination. And the more the Jews' were oppressed, the greater their hardship la one country or another, the more fertile became their imagination In relating tales about the English Kings. There is of .course an adequate explanation f<hr thi;s phe. nomenon: it is the just treatment of the Jews In England as com.pared with the opressions, persecutions and discriminations they have to suffer in so many other countries, and the Englishman's love of the Bible. In no other Christian country in the world has the lore of the Bible manifested Itself so strongly and sincerely as, in England. "And whether or not the Jews: believed in their Kinship -with the English people, as the, lost ten tribes of Israel, this common reverence for the Holy Scriptures was sufficient to establish, a mental bond between a harassed and dispersed small leopleand a great country and its powerful Kings. "Whenever a crisis from outside faced a Jewish community they always hoped that at the last moment the English King would Intervene on their - behalf. Thousands of stories were circulated • from mouth to mouth about the active support given by Queen Victoria to, Sir Moses Montefiore on his missions to Russia and the near East in behalf of oppressed Jews. And in the same way aim-
GERMAN-ZIONISTS BID FOR CONTROL OF JEWISH LIFE Issued Proclamation Indirectly y Defies Nazi-Appointed • .' Georg KaresM : Berlin (JTA) — The German Zionist Federation has made a bid for complete control of Jewish life in Germany, demanding national- autonomy for the German Jews and indirectly defying the 'Nazi appointment 1of Georg'Kareski as head of the Jewish Cultural Union. • in a proclamation by its executive board, the federation asked that the Jews be permitted to , "settle their own affairs in the Belch, Independently and as a eolld national group Demanding-; that the German Government recognize the" Zionist movement for exclusive conduct of the work of nationalizing German Jewry," the statement maintains that • a 1 r ' JewiBh- communities throughtout the country and the Reich Representation of Jews In Germany "should be dominated by tho Zionist spirit." . The statement declares: "The German Zionist Federation is convinced that it haB recognized the 'Clearest needs of German Jewry today and that it has the power to meet them. Therefore It does hot Bee how it can possibly limit Itself solely to special activities but demands definitely, and considers it absolutely necessary, that it should play a leading role in all central and local bodies engaged in carrying out the adjust-, ment of Jews in Germany to their sew existence." ' The statement outlines a ,fivejoint program to be submitted for discussion and adoption/ at the first all-German Zionist' conference since Hitler came into power, which will tike place on February 2. The program provides: l)That all efforts to change the structure of German Jewry be made within the framework of present .German laws. , . 2) That there be created economic, cultural and social conditions which will give the German Jews possibilities for existence3) That German Jewry be converted into organized national conscious, solid Jewish nation. 4) "That large scale facilities for educating Jewish children be 'provided. ... v . , . : 5) That activities in the field of adjusting Jews to new professions and artisanship and to emi. gration be extended. ; . The statement also appeals to Great Britain against restricting Jewish intmigratlon Into Palestine 'and protect the "endangering of •Arab Jewish conciliation by premature parliamentary experiments," referring to the recent /announcement by the Palestine ,High Commissioner of a representative legislative council.,
liar tales, with variations^ to suit the time and the event, were attributed to King George V. . If a pogrom did not take place in pre-war Russia when one was expected this wonderful change was promptly explained as due to the intervention of ' the Royal House of'England. 'It1 is a fact that Jewish history, throughout the twenty-five years of King George's reign is dotted with such "interventions", mostly purely imaginary, but characteristic of the picture of King George which had been formed in the mind of every Jew, particularly the six million of Czarlst Russia. About a year after King George's accession
to the throne the powerful antiSemitic Russian minister of the interior, M. Stolypin, was assas. sinated by a young revolutionary
of. Jewish ancestry in the Kiev Oprea House in the presence of the Czar. The assassin, of course, was killed. But the Jews of Russia ' expected that the Czar's revenge would not be satisfied by meting out Justice to the assassin alone. The fact that the assassin had Jewish blood was sufficient to make the Jews fear new pogroms, not only In Kiev but throughout Russia, on a scale reminiscent of 1905. But no. A day passed, and a week and a month, and the Jews, still holding their breath, secretly wondered "is It possible? Is it likely that after such a crime we should be left alone?" The internal political complications which prevented the anticipated pogrom was beyond the Jewish masses. They needed an explanation which would satisfy them beyond any doubt, and there could be only one Buch explanation —- the intervention of His Majesty King George V. Indeed, a few weeks after the event a whiBper ran through the width ~and breadth of Russia to the effect that King George had intervened, that he had asked his cousin. Czar Nicholas, not to cause any new bloodshed. Two years later when messages poured in from all over England expressing indignation at the ritual murder accusation. against Mendele Beills, the driving power which made possible the torrent of protest was, in the minds of the Jewish masses, King George. How else could they explain the fact that the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, the Bishops of, London, Oxford, "Worcester and Winchester,1 the Dukes of N o r f o I k , Northumberland, Lords Roseberry, Selborne and Cromer had dared to raise their voices in protests against this outrageous accusation, unless King George wished them to do so? Could any prince or commoner in Russia, archbishop or deacon, express his opinion unless the Czar graciously allowed them to do so? The hand of King George was seen everywhere. Every measure of relief was traced'back to Buckingham Palace, to golden towers built on the hills in the heart of England from which kindness and justice were equally bestowed on every subject. The Jews of Russia always believed that the warning finger of King George was before the eyes of the judges at the Bailis trail, and only owing to this was the accused acquitted. The crowning achievement of King George in Jewish history was undoubtedly the Balfour Declaration. King George is already known among the Jews in every corner of the earth as the modern King dyrus, who delivered the Jews and enabled them to go back to Palestine. The enthusiasm with which Jews in the Allied countries obeyed the call to volunteer for the Palestine campaign is perhaps without parallel. Like an electric shock the report ran through the Jewish masses throughout the world. It was with the cry of "Hear, O Israel" that the Jewish Legionnaires went into battle for it was not until; 3917 that the Jews of Eastern Europe saw a purpose In sacrificing their lives, to fight under the English flag for the redemption of Palestine. The establishment of the JewNational Homeland in Palestine made King George, to Jews everywhere, a King of the. Jews. To them he was the King of their hearts upon whom they bestowed a love and reverence based on sentiment. One of the most striking examples of this occurred in 1929 when the Walling Wall was descrated in Jerusalem. The an. cient stones were stripped of their "petitions" which Jews placed In their crevice's. The book of Psalms was trampled upon, clumsy
officials, whether Intentionally or hot, gravely offended the national honor of the Jew. Immediately a cable was flashed to His Majesty: "King, My Sire, Thy Servants have trampled the Psalms which their forefathers havo always kept before their eyes, and which they translated with such devotion. Thy servants have thrown into the dust at the Temple these Psalms. Has this been done in thy name?" The sender of the cable was the late Chief Rabbi Kook of Palestine. Naively but Bincerely he 4believed that the King of the Jews, King George, would, not less than himself, be outraged by this national dishonor.":
" '•.'. •";•'.'•. .-•'
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Only recently we have had additional evidence of the great faith of the Jews in King George. Unable to obtain- Palestine visas through the ordinary channels, scores of Polish and Roumanian Jews appealed, directly ,tol King George, confident of ,the King's help. Characteristic of these pleas was one from an elderly Jew, burdened with a large family for whom he was unable to provide, who, when all hopes were chattered, sought as a last resort help from King George in the following words: "Your, Majesty, for years I have been longing to return to the Holy Land, May I find favour in thine eyes. I pray that thou instruct thy consuls to give me immediately a certificate for Palestine." The great joy with which the Jews of Greece welcomed the recent restoration of the monarchy was rlso due In large measure to the King George tradition because the Greek king family. is a kinsman of the British royal It Is no wonder that a forest has been planted in-Palestine as a tribute of-British. Jewry-,to King George. It is a synbol of the great English monarch whose name has become a legend among Jews. (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
NAZIS IN DANZIG FORCED TO BACK DOWN IN GENEVA Yield Before League Council's Determination to Enforce Danzig Constitution Geneva (JTA) — In the face of the League Council's determination to enforce the Danzig constitution, the Nazi-controlled Senate of the Free City yielded on all points, agreeing to revise all laws and decrees opposed-as -unconstitutional by League High Commissioner Sean Lester. The routing of the Nazi forces was announced to the council by British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden; repporteur on Danzig.' - After hearing Capt. Eden's report, the council adopted a resolution calling on the Danzig Senate "to take, in general, all measures which are required for1 order to prevail, in conformity with the spirit of the constitution." The resolution noted with satisfaction that the Senate had agreed to compensate petitioners to the League who had complained of discrimination and to rectify other grievances. "' Satisfaction was also expressed over the Senator's decision-to take measures to change decrees adopted last August 29 and to amend the penal code to bring. it Into conformity with the Hague decision of December'4. , The council expressed confidence in Mr. Lester, asserting that he" would be able to rely upon all powers represented in the council in the execution of his work, especially upon Poland. It was also announced that the Danzig Senate had agreed to modify four other laws according to the wishes of the council. The Senate's laws had been opposed here on the grounds that they prejudiced the rights of minorities.
To City of Berlin Berlin—The well-known Stern Conservatory of Music, founded by a Jewish family of that name in 1850 and operated by that family ever,, since; was turned over to ihe City of Berlin under orders of Julius Lippert, Nazi Commissar for Berlin.
Leaders in - A* Z» A* Conclave Religious Services j ,e
BOOK: Here's an item that should interest the Jews of Philadelphia: On the shelves of the City of Brotherly Love may be found one of the most unbrotherly and unlovely volumes ever written . . . It's the "Handbook on the Jewish Question" . . . Author Is Theodor Fritsch, who devoted his entire life - (he died several years ago) to spreading antiSemitism . . . The book on the Philadelphia library shelves, In German, is the thirtieth edition . . . It's the bible of the Nazi party . . .
ARTIST: Mrs. Stephen S. Wise, when she isn't occupied* with her manifold duties as president of the A. J. Congress women's division, stands before an easel with palette in hand and paints,In oils . . . Her latest canvas is being exhibited in1 the 45 th Annual Exhibition of the National Associa. tlon of Women Painters aad Sculptors Jan. 25 to Feb. 11. ONE ON REINHARDT: John Chapman tells this one on the Master in his column In the Dally News:' The role of an old man in Reinhardt's forthcoming production is taken by one Al Clifford, not a tribesman . . . During rehearsal one day, the Master was instructing the actor in his role thus: "When the rabbi enters the synagogue, you treat him with the greatest reverence. When you say, 'Have you any news, Rabbi?' there must be awe, compassion and entreaty in your voice, like this." . . . After several unsuccessful attempts to duplicate the Master's feellng.the. Gentile mime turned to Reinhardt and said: "I think I could do It better if we changed the script to 'Have you any news, Bishop?' . . . STATISTIC: Here's my good old fireside companion again, the Palestine Commercial Bulletin, whose December issue brings me this startling bit of information . .... Garlic imports for August, 1935, shot up to 13,931 kilos from a piffling 1,222 kilos the same month In 1934 . . . So there appears to be some basis for those reports that the Italians are tryIng to grab off the Palestine man. date. . . if they can't do it with garlic, maybe they'll do better with oil . .'..'of olives . . . And bearing out reports that Palestine has been having depression symptoms, Is this Incontrovertible
Washington, D. C. ( The .United States should do its Fhare in providing B refuge for some of the thousands of German Jews exiled from the Reich, Unit. ed States Senator William H. King, Democrat, of Utah, told the Senate. Speaking as a member of the Senate Immigration Committee, Senator King urged the mod. ification of the existing immigraRabbi David A. Goldstein will tion laws to make possible the adspeak on "The Jew of Rome" by mission of a substantial number of the Jewish refugees. Lion Feuchtwanger. Emphasizing that France, HolNext week the services will be Slfacj- Bama conducted by A. Z. A. chapters of land; Czechoslovakia and other this region. They will also hold countries of Europe have been liver the main address at the ban- their regional oratorical contest. very generous in opening their quet at the Jewish Community doors to the refugee, recalling Center Sunday evening. that the United States had pro. vided a haven for many distinMacy Baum, Omaha Chapter No. 1, is international • vice-presiAt the dinner given in honor guished German? and noting that dent of A. Z. A. and general of the out of town students at "at present Jewish people are bechairmain of the tourney. Congregation B'nai Israel tonight, ing sent to countries already burDoctor Abe Fellman, instructor at dened with economic stress," Sen. ator King, declared thst. "this is ture Herald, Tower Publications, Crelghton Medical school, will be ja problem ttfat invited the atten. the principal speaker. ImmediateModern Screen and other periodij tion of his Congress." cals have repeatedly lauded his ly after the dinner, regular Fri. Citing the recent report of (day night services will follow. pictures and awarded them medJames G. Mcdonald. former High Rabbi H. A. Berger will speak on als, cups, and other great honors. Commissioner for German Refu- < X PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS T "The Place of the Student and gees and denouncing the Hitler I Religion in a Changing Worid." Sally Eilers will leave for government's war on the Jews as Europe with- her husband, Harry ;A reception snd forum will be a violation »£ the post-war minorheld after the services. Joe Brown, as soon as her present Saturday morning Rabbi Ber- ity treaties. Senator King said that picture is completed . . . Motion ger will speak in Yiddish at the the situation was too outrageous picture fans are becoming amaz. II Adass to be ignored by adherence to dipYeshurin synagogue. ingly 'music conscious', according j Sunday morning the regular lomatic formalities. to Alfred Newman, director of j father and son services will be Lauding the traditional Jewish music for Samuel Goldwyn stud- held. contribution to civilization, the , ios and the latest Eddie Cantor The Sunday school attendance, Utah Senator said that "we should I picture. Newman bases his dec- (which has been low due to the not turn our backs on this people^ \ laration on the fact that within inclement weather, is again reach- of genius. In recommending libthe past year his department has ing normal. eralization 0* the Immigration been receiving an average of 100 laws Senator King made no defleters a week from picture goers inite proposal. throughout the nation who com. Palestinian Tcarists ment on the musical accompaniJerusalem — The Palestine Applause is the spur of noble ment of Goldwyn films they have Tourists Association at a meeting viewed . . . Mack Gordon and here reorted that 107,000 tourists minds, the end End aim of weak Harry Revel, Paramount Studio visited the Holy land in 1935. ones . . . Colton. song writers, have just been awarded three of the 12prlzes awarded quarterly by the AmerL can Society of Authors and com. posers for the best songs. For the benefit of A. R. Goldenor, a read, er of the Jewish Examiner of Brooklyn, N. T., we repeat that •jf Where Omaha Shops With Confidence V Gordon and Revel are of the Jewish faith . . . Color pictures will be one of the outstanding developments of 1936, according to Ernst Lubitsch, managing director of Paramount Pictures . . . , Leila Hyams, RKO-Radio star,-is one o f Hollywood's ranking bridge players . . . After 5 years, Irving Berlin still sets the pace for the world's popular song writers . . • Gosh, there's no end to the honors being won this week by Jewish notables in the film industry. Now comes word that Cecil B, DeMillo has been awarded first prize for photography at the Third International Cinematographic Exhibition held at Venice, Italy . . . (Copyright, 1936, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction without permission prohibited.)
These two members of Aleph Zadik Aleph will play important roles in the A. Z. A. tournament to be held in Omaha next Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 7, S and 9. • Irving Hill, Lincoln, will defact;'In August, 1935, there was a sharp drop in champagne Imports, to 324 litres from 590 the preceding year . . . Even gin imports dropped in that period . . . And a company that can't afford gin had better send for a brain trust . . . CRIME WAVE: They're different in Cyprus . . . Our crime reporter from that British territory, informs us that when Cyprot kidnapers go a-kidnaping they're more interested in magnetoes than in children . . . The rackeeters of Cyprus would lift the magnetoes from farmers' tractors and other machinery, at the height of the harvesting season, and hold them for ransom . . . And the farmers found it cheaper to pay the ransom and get back to work than order new magnetoes from London . . . The police, however, who have no imagination in Cyprus, put an end to the cute practice . . FLASH: Our Tel Aviv book critic writes us — and you can appreciate the shock he suffered on making the discovery — that Nazi literature can be purchased in almost any book shop In the all-Jewish city . . . Well, for the love of Haavara, If that doesn't beat all . . . . (Copyright 193 6, Jewish Telegraphic. Agency, Inc.) ' « • • bldbthe(6onaphmfo-T
JOTTINGS NOT JEWISH Our competing Hollywood chat, ter columnist persists In including Paulette Goddard and Charlie Chaplain as Jewish personalities in Hollywood In the face of dei nials made to the writer by Chaplin's studio publicity department SElANICK'S HONORS Hollywood is lauding David O. SeUnick as one of its most significant leaders as new honors daily accrue to his productions. While his latest production, "Tale of Two Cities," is garnering wide tribute as "the perfect picture," the Selznick-produced • "David Copperfield" added further medals to its growing array. It was named the "Best Picture of 1935" by Film Daily after a national poll of 450 critics. Among the critics and exhibitors everywhere who are showering honors on Selznick pictures are the National Board of Review, which.classed "Copperfield" and "Anna Karenina" in Its divisions of best pictures and most popular shown in 1935. The youthful head of Selznick International Pictures Is the only producer to have two pictures BO significantly identified for two successive years. Hollywood freely credits Selznick with pioneering in.this new type of picture, which, based on the classics, is sweeping the coun. try. Parents' Magazine, the In. ternational. Motion Picture Exposition, ' Mussolini, Motion Pic-
Finis New Method of Tret&ing Anemia Chicago (WNS) — Dr. E. A. Greenspan of Montreal has r e . ported to the Journal of the American . Medical Association a new method of treating pernicious anemia. Dr. Greenspan's method calls for the preparation of a new substance made of gastric juice and animal stomach linings f r o m which the natural pepsin has been removed . Beauty without grace is the hook without the bait. Beauty, without expression, tires . . . Emerson.
Go Smith
Call.. .
in your
Spring Suit . . . or.
$20,000 Endowment Fund
Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) —An endowment fund of 4,000 pounds (approximately $20,000) for the-Hebrew University in Jerusalem has been received by the Zionist Federation" of South Africa from the estate of the late Morris Kutcher, according to a report published in Haaretz. The gift was in the form of landed property and shares.
(Established 1S7S)
OMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sioux City Phone Ja. 0551 — Phone 594 — Phone 88685 Asbestos Slate-Tile Asphalt and Gravel
Utah Solon Declares U. B. Should Open Doors to Germany
Irving Hill VISTORS: Mr. and Mrs. David Mondzac (publisher of the up-andcoming Washington Jewish Review) dropped into ye ed's office the other day . . . After several months of publishing an AngloJewish weekly, Dave hasn't lost an ounce of his enthuiasm . . . Sally (Mrs. Mondzac to strangers) is doing a swell Job as society editor of the publication ._. . Incldently, the Review was responsible for one of "Washington's big dailies r-.aking a drastic change in the make : up of Its society page . . . This page had what amounted to a "ghetto" polumn, in which it confined society notes about Jews . . . The Review printed a corking, caustic editorial on the practice, the following paragraph of which is worth reprinting: "If the' newspapers make it convenient for us to find social items about the Cohens and the Levys in column 3- of the third social page, why should we- not hope to find all Jewish advertising con. fined to a certain section every Sunday morning?" . . . The editorial did the trick, the daily dropping the "ghetto" column lik« a hot potato. ROOSEVELT: F. D. R., smile and all, has been invited personally by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise to attend and speak at the national conference on Palestine in Washington February 2 . . . At this writing, the President is considering it.
Rabbi David H. "Wice will base his sermon on the important conference held' in St. Louis last week at which Felix Warburg and Sir Herbert Samuel spoke. His sermon will be "Shall There Be a Wholesale Exodus o£ Jews Out of Germany?" Services Saturday morning will be held at 10:30 a. m. The Bible class will meet Tues. day at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Julius Newman, 3 509 Pine street.
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THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, JANUABY 31, 193S business dependents. These kassas are doing their -utmost and are working most energetically and successfully in this respect— but oatside of this activity funds are needed. Then there Is, of course, a great need of funds for emigration. If under present conditions and under the new laws, emigration has not assumed the proportion of mass emigration, one must not think that thla will remain so.
The following review of the situation of the Jews in Ger. sumy after three, years of Hitlerism was written exclnsirely tor the Seven Arts Tfeatnre Syndicate by Felix M. Warburg, American Jewry's leading philanthropist and head of America's chief agency **or overseas - aid and re-construction, the Joint Distribution Committee. —The Editor.
eceive training or retraining out-1 In these cities today makes the ide of Germany. Such retrain-- Iexpenditures of larg© funds necing work outside of Germany does ] essary •— some, of these funds are not take In more than, 1500 to needed as loans and the loan kas2,000 people and there are still; sas of the American Joint Recon6,000 to 7,000 young people leavr- struction Foundation, subventioning school year by year. It can ed by the J. D. C. and ICA, have be seen how limited is the scope i lent out 800,000 marks to 2,000 of the work thus far,, when we people and have helped, in this know that today only around manner, more than 12,000 people 4,500 are in training in Germany) with their family dependents and ; —2,000 outside of Germany,The new law requiring that The Jewish emergency in Ger- Jewish children attend only Jewmany has now reached the end ol ish schools makes the construction its third year. I t seems hardly of numerous new Jewish schools accurate to term it an emergency imperative. It is altogether unany longer. The Nuremberg laws certain how mnch the state and have made the current situation the communities will contribute permanent and it is no secret to to their cost, if they contribute The British Privy Council, the anyone "who has followed the re- at alL body which officially proclaimed ports emanating from Germany in But even if contributions are the former Prince of Wales as the daily press that no change for made, it will not be on the scale King Edward VUI, includes six the better Is likely In the near required and, therefore here, too, Jews . . . Jewish Privy Councillors future. considerable new sums from out- are Leslie Hore-Belisha, minister " The measures taken againBt the side are needed. Schools cannot of transport; Sir Philip Sassoon, Jews by" the German government be established in the small com- under secretary for Air; Sir Herneed no recounting here. I am munities where the number, of bert Samuel, who, however, was . chiefly Interested in showing the Jewish pupils is less, than 20. In in the TJ. S. at the time; Emanuel conditions of the Jews In Germany no case can government subven- Shinwell, former minister o f and what we as American Jews tions be awaited here. In these mines; Sir Isaac Isaacs, retiring small communities traveling tea- governor-general of Australia, and can do to ease their struggle. There are Btill between 430,000 chers will have to assume the task Sir Michael Myers . . . The late Marquess of Reading was also a and 450,000 Jews left in Ger- of Instruction. member of the Privy Council many, that is approximately 250,At the present time there are Synagogues throughout the Brit. 000 families. Of these 270,000 some 100 to 110 Jewish schools ish Empire will have to print new f are bread-winners, 150,000 hav- in Germany. These are located in prayer books in order to replace ing their own businesses; 120 all of the big cities — Berlin, the name of George V by Edward 000 being employees. In face of Hamburg, Munich; Cologne, Bres- Yin . . . The Nazi government the economic restrictions, condi- lau, Leipzig and Frankfurt, and took no chances on being snubbed tions today are such that 40 per- in many smaller placed , in the by the new monarch, because Gercent of the Jewish population is Provinces of Westphalia, Hanover, many was represented at King without work. It vehaps would the Rhine, Hessia, Bavaria and George's funeral by a delegation not be stretching the truth to say Wuertemberg. which did not include a single that at present 100,000 Jews are It Is certain, that more than 100 member of the Nazi party . . . on winter relief. new ones, will have to be created. Speaking of Germany reminds ns With the setting up of the Nur- As attendance at non-Jewish high- that the new king will be the first emberg laws the position of the er schools is out of the question British ruler to be crowned withJews in the small towns and Till- for Jews, certain Jewish higher out the use of his German titles . . ages has become even more acute schools have been reorganized so George V was Duke of Saxony and direction require- Prince of Saxe-Coburg . . • Durthan that of the Jews in the lar- that in this ger cities. Eventually the Jews ments are being more closely met. ing the War, when the British will become concentrated in Ger- Adequate suniB are needed for royal family changed its name many in the ten or twelve largest these higher institutions of learn- form Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windcities, living on an-ever decreasing ing, including thejtheological sem- sor, the German titles were drop* • economic scale. It is not only inaries. ped . . . The late MorUmer Schiff the laws themselves that have The impoverishment of the Ger- waa the only Jew invited to the made the position of the Jews man Jews makes it necessary also exclusive stag dinner tendered Edunbearable, but the fact that for welfare organizations and in- ward VII when he visited the Unthese laws are left open to the in- stitntons to be enlarged and; new ited States' in 1924 as the Prince terpretation and the whims of lo- ones established. - • • of. Wales:. . . During that visit cal party leaders who attempt to The driving out~of the Jews the Prince was the house guest outdo each other in their zeal for from the smaller cities has caus- of Jack Curley, the Jewish wrestpersecuting the Jews. In the face ed an internal migration to the ling promoter with the Irish name of economic ruin and social os- larger cities. There Is a tendency . . . King Edward was indentified tracism, there seems little hope among the Jews in Germany, as with Palestine from the day of his left for the Jews of Germany. has been pointed out, to concen- christening because. the water Nevertheless, between 250,000 trate in two or three dozen larger sprinkled on him was from the and 400,000 Jews have to remain cities instead .of being scattered, River Jordan in Palestine. In Germany during the next ten as was the case formerly. The POLJTCAL STUFF years. They c&nnot all flee. Many opening of some sort of business are too old to adjust themselves in Postmaster Albert Goldman and new countries. Most have not the M. Maldwin Fertig, counsel to means to emigrate, nor for that Franklin D. Roosevelt when he was governor of New Tork, are ..-matter can they find countries among the candidates being conV' which will admit them in large sidered by Tammany Hall for the numberB and so the problem'reDemocratic nomination for Aldermains that the vast majority of manic President.. . Turned down German Jews must be.helped at for renomination by his party, this time within Germany. Their Governor Homer of Illinois will lives and communities must be seek the nomination in the party reconstructed, certainly on narrower lines, but at least in such Palestine Arab Party Places primaries unless he gets a Federal Conditions Upon Accept-. judgeship before then '. . . The manner that life will-be tolerable. snooty set in Boston has-organiz. With the exodus of young ance of Proposal ed an American report about jfradnlts, which has been continuing in a steady if slow stream, for Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- Henry Morgenthau, Jr- leaving his the past three years, there re- cy)—A six-point program on job as Secretary of the Treasury. mains in Germany the problem whose basis Arabs would be will- . .-Wonder what the Republican of caring for the rearing the ing to participate in the proposed bigwigs are going to do about the young who must go to school, the Legislative Council has been sub- anti-Semitic literature being cirproblem of youths and adults who mitted to Sir Arthur Wauchope, culated by the beat-Roosevelt-atmust find' a living -somehow. And High Commissioner for Palestine, any-price gang..-. Certain G. O. P. then there are the old people, who by the Palestine Arab Party, politicians are scheming to nommust patiently, without ~hope of headed by His Eminence, Haj inate as a dark-horse presidential anything good, await the end of Amin El Husseini, Grand Mufti candidate a lame-duck Senator their days. These problems will of Jerusalem, which is the most from the Middle West who used to remain true even if, as we know, powerful Arab political group in be a power in the Ku Klux Klan . the death-rate exceeds the birth- the Country. The memorandum , -. Assemblyman Saul Streit is rate by 2,000 or 3,000; even if submitted to the High Commis- reported to have won the appointthis excess of deaths increases sioner demands: ment to the vacancy in the Feder- year by year. For the next gen- : First, the establishment of a al judiciary in,New York . . . Ateration, we, have to face the fact National" Government responsible torney-General Wilentz- of New that hundreds of thousands of to the Council; Second, all mem- Jersey is still denying that he will Jews will remain in Germany, and bers of the Legislative Council run for governor in 1937 . . 9 thla fact in itself is an answer to should be elected by Palestinian WE'BE TEUJDfG XOTT That New: York : Times-North the question whether :• any " help citizens only, in proportion to Is necessary for Jews-inside Ger- their representation; Third, t h e American Newspaper Alliance armany or. not. Council's scope must be extended ticle by- Whilhelm Frick, Nazi ! It ia upon that promise that to cover all questions affecting minister of the interior, which ' She Joint Distribution Committee Palestine; Fourth, the President "eiplaincl" itae sti.tu'1 o* the Jev»s operates within Germany through of the Council must be appointed in Germanj, will b" tha Central Aussehnss. Here in by its members and he must not summary are the needs: . -, be an Englishman; Fifth, there Help Is needed from < outside must be a cancellation of the JewiBh organizations for. the re- High. Commissioner's power of training of the young people who veto; Sixth, the relationship bewill in time want to leave* and tween the British Government, as must leave Germany, but who represented by the High Commismust prepare themselves for such sioner, and local representatives - ** must be based on a treaty similar an emigration. • ", Only a BmaH proportion - can to the Anglp-Iraql pact.
Today in" Germany there is "the calm before the storm." German Jews are trying to collect all their financial facilities and the getting ready for emigraton. They are waiting for the regulations in the Nuremberg laws to see what they can save and how they can put in the way of emigration, a large emigration will break loose. If in some way emigration cannot be regulated, it will overflow all borders and create an even greater tragedy. (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
• • • •
By PHINEAS J. BIROH shortly by an article in the same medium . . . International News Photos pulled a boner in connection with the arrival of that delegation of. English Jews . . . The photo sent out by INS of Lord Bearsted was really a picture of bis father, the first Lord Bearsted . . . Speaking of Bearsted, we can tell you that the mission which brought him here with Sir Herbert Samuel and Simon Marks is definitely not connected with any scheme for breaking the anti-Nazi boycott . . . When Albert Einstein becomes an American citizen he will have the distinction of having been a citizen of three different countries . . . Born a German, he was later naturalized as a Swiss . . . The absence of Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the American Jewish Committee, from the Committee's annual meeting, marked the first time he ha dmissed an annual meeting since the Committee was founded . . . He was sick . . . Thanks to the swell job of editing by Charles Angoff, the American Spoctator, now a monthly, wilt soon appear as a weekly . . . A certain Mrs. Blakely is doing a book on "The Jewish Citizen In America."• FAMILY AFFAIR The Irving Berlins will Increase the population some time in June . . . Hank Greenberg, the Bronx's gift to the world's champion Detroit Tigers, is reported to be engaged to a Detroit girl by the name of Helen Yousg . . . A recent survey by a New York professor shows that only 58 per cent of men students would marry outside of their religion . . . Girl students care even less for intermarriage, only 42 per cent of them approving marriage with men of another faith . " . . As we predicted, Sylvia Sidney hss busted up with her husband, publisher Bennett Cerf, for good . . . She is getting ready for a divorce . . . When the Princess von Bismarck gets back to Germany she may find herself ostracized . . . At a recent party given in her honor by Ne-B' York society the wife of
Hitler's pal sat at the same table with Sirs. Raimnnfi von Hotel axinstahl, the former Alice Muriel Astor, whose husband is the son of the faiaocs Austrian Jewish poet, Hugo von. Kofmasnstahl . . . And Hitler won't like the idea of his Washington ambassador, Hans Luther, breaking bread with. Boris Skvirsky, the charge d'affaires of the Soviet Union, at the President's annual diplomatic dinner in-the White House Mrs. S. Stanwood Menken, one of the few Jewish biggies in New York's societies, has launched a campagn to reform the manners o* the "400". . . .
WHAT IT DOES. New York (JTA)—The Amer-1 g
t h e S e n i c e Lffe
r,,v,& rreredcnt.
E £ f l d I | | i l l 5 1 5 ! movement failed for the
j « d epidemics; TTUI head the nev
part to enlist such finterest U,w. •„ OT ,,,-Ct e^r-h ^fl I1department of public health ber * C T «t Eanfl i London (JTA)—Reports published in the United States and other co-entries that the rightwing Ne-w Zionist Organization is seeking an Italian mandate for Palestine trere emphatically denied last weet by Vladimir Jabot, insky, head of the organisation, in a statement to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Commenting on a report from Rome by Louis Fischer in The Nation, -which also appeared in the New Statesman, stating that Italian authorities had given concrete encouragement to the rightwing Zionists in. seeking an Italian mandate, Mr. Jabotinsky said: "Anybody asserting that Revisionism (right-Tving Zionism) or the New Zionist Organisation favors the transfer of the Palestine mandate from Great Britain to any other power is a liar. "Secondly, anybody who asserts that Revisionism holds Fascist views is equally either a liar or an ignoramus."
support "particularly since a S organized at the medical number of the anti-Semitic agita- • school of the University of North tors -were exposed as cranks and ji Carolina, it was announced here. racketeers -whose irresponsible] incitations made them the laugh- j ing stock of the decent minded people of the country." Anti-Semitic movements, the ] R2" report continued, "are fostered j by adventurers with varied mo-1 tives, who seek to capitalize dis-1 content fox the promotion of per- j nicious doctrines directed nrimar-' ily against the Jews but also against the fundamental prin- \ ciples of our democracy. i if
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lean Je-srish Committee forwarded „ «_,.w c Longer Count in dorto the League of Nations a reso-i ^O^p^J^W^* luetioa asking intercession -witli | Germany, as proposed by James j After all is said EES done, the Berlin (JTA)—The 'Nazi vJrv... G. McDonald, to avert "existing' l o S i c of life insurance Is irresisiarid Impending tragedies." j ' b l e - T h e r e i s n o ans-wer to it no'point." has officially replaced rv>'-~ A resolution praising Mr. Kc-1 argument which, can stand up : inp; and precedent as tlie basis <>.' * GerniEta justice, Donald for his work -while High Ia £ a i n s t itPublished instructions previ^f; Commissioner for Refugees End| Here is the man vhc -rants to POTOURRI that henceforth tlie l.msiF o£ «.!' Tee wH of Samuel Rotha-fel asking League action -was; sdopt-1 leave a decent estate to ti.= fram(Rosy to you) confrms what we ed by 200 delegates representing i ily, "ft-ho vrr.nts to make sure that. | verdicts vi!l be the be • point a.P formulated, in the sad last week that he ded broke fifty committees attending the j in his old age he never, vi : . . . He left only $5,000 . . . Mau- committee's trenty-ninth annual j forced to eat the bitter bread of Tarty program fnn ir> HIP pp. I charity or burden his children i es of R.eiclisfurhrer Hitler, rice the Canadian-born doctor who meeting-. ith t i s ar The decline of anti-Semitism in | Y c e. ! The National Socialist Pp'-fr--. is credited with the development of an anti-paralysis serum, will the United States during- 1PS5J Kovr is he going to solve these : Korrespondenr., official Jsoti r*s*. be featured in the February issue •was recounted in the report of j two problems -without using life ty organ, published the iriPtm>-of the March of Time . . . One the esecntive committee, read by i insurance? If he had time gnar- '. tioivs delivered by lleich MiKtstf.'*' of New York's leading athletic Sol M. Stroock, chairman of thej anteed him, perhaps he could 'of JuFtice I-Ianf? Frank to n COP.clubs allows the local branch ol executive. "The forces -working:; solve the problem of an estate by ' ference of .inrists Pumrnonpff "fngood-will," particularly the j accumulation providing be was ' the purpose of ereciinr,- p. prof^the Silver Shirts to use one of its for rooms . . . Palestine has the high- Christian churches, -were credited; 100 times more lucky than is the ' tive barrier ajrainst false p-pi.;.. est birth rate of any civilized •with the decrease in anti-Jewish | average man But he hasn't the ; Xazi interpretations of the lndf-; country—41.6 per 1,000 as coin- agitation. time, and BO he must use i:£e jiendence of the judge in tbr pared with 17.1 per thousand for The report -warned, ho-wever, insurance to create his estate or ; Third Reich." else. \ Rulings and decisions' Iicurif^' the United States Friends of that the agitation is continuing The facts of life are against I dorn before the Xasi revolution, Scripta Mathematica are giving a and "in soiae section of the coundinner on February 16 th to Har- try thriving as a result of unset- j k}™ in the matter of saving an ! the instructions state, are not f.cOld M. Phillips, -who is one "of the I tied" economic^ and political con-1 old-_age fund. The facts of life ' be used iss precedentt if their firtestify that very, very few men •plication serve as a deterrent t'.publication's angels . . . Proceeds | ditions-" are to save an old-age fund, j the present "healthy will go to the Journal . . . Jewish The resolution on the Nazis was ! centers running amateur boxing moved'bT Joseph M.'proBtaneriJThe J h o u E a n d ^ ^ ^ o l ^ jnen jrho \ of the German people." shows may have to choose between former Supreme Court Justice'! today are facing the prospect of ' j a penniless stretch of sunset cays their shows and financing the Ber- who declared: The firms advertising its. . , lin Olympics The Amateur in G Ge e rri- i ^ ^ f ^ ^ t ^ v r u n e s s e s ^ to the Jewish Press merit and <3es "Iffthenon-conformist the non-conformist in Athletic Union is trying to raise manyy may be destroyed and if the Practical impossibility of saving your patronage. Olympic funds by collecting part worldd will sit silent while that | fn olt2-a&"e ^ a . How is he gro1E t o s I r e t t i s of the receipts from amateur destrnction rnction is being consumsted,! ? ° Problem without consumsted, l u e events held underTts auspices . . . than the world has confessed it-\\usms insurance i there were some other -way ; (Copyright 193S by Seven Arts self bankrupt in its own e neao | endeavor Feature Syndicate) to preserve and continue the his- j bt ei a an l i f e insurance, there might tory of the struggle for civiliza- j logical argument against itit. ,» But there is no other wa way But The executive's -report warned of the likelihood of "even more drastic measures" by the >.azi Boston (WNS)—Dr. Miltoc J government. of ** the ™}e* v-orld"^ leadu . i M u i i u jwftuus, i<-r Discussing i i i ^ S i EEnti-Semitism nti-Semitism in the | ?Rosenau, ° » « « . °one « °* ^
were deprived of their licenses. He strolled and meditated on the pain of being a Jew and gave hie min<~. deeply to the problem: What can a Jew do to make himBy O. O. BASKUB Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by self pleasing to everj'body? Herr By H. L. LURIK Oppenheimer had let, his imaginaTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY The righteous Khali never be tion take up a fantasy in which moved but the wicked shall not he himself became a great nationwhereby separate small communi-. In the field of community" and $2.00 Subscription Price, one year group activities, just as In busi- tion in the same geographic re- al hero by saving Hitler from inhabit the land. Advertising rates furnished on application. When pride cometh then comness, the existence of a genuine gion will combine in all-inclusive death even at .the moment a 5Ut he who keeps him. need over a period of years -will and all-embracing organizations, {faithless Nazi waiter Editorial Office: 600 Brandels Theater Building. The League of Nations Council last week treated the inevitably result, in bringing into iself humble there is wisdom. p Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center* coming General of poisoned soup under Hitler's; With his the impious problem of refugees from Germany in a disappointing man- existence an organization to deal willThe give evidence of theAssembly real val-j| nose. DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor ! man distroyeth Ins neighbor but with that need. This has been ueillofithe National id f th l l j Council. New | ner. The Council adopted temporary measures for aiding re- shown to be true even though the methods for dealing with the pfo- In gratitude for this, HitlerIj through knowledge shall t h e FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - V - - - - Editor fugees until the Assembly meets next September, laying off general notion prevails that fewer blema brought about by changing i f l g M ?r* a m n e s ^ *° *il1! ^h j righteous be delivered. FANNIE KATBLMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent .,„, _ . , , ,__ !_*_.> C_ . • Jews and all sales-I Th*v,,u nof r fh all the traveling salesa ,-,-crather than more organizations conditions The In?it, the righteous is a ANN PILL ' • "••"'.•, - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent will be presented by a imen might be allowed to take discussion of a permanent plan until, then, and in effect ac- should be the rule. Certainly tree of life F.nd he that is wise Print Stoop Address: •4501 go. 24th street cepting the report of, the experts committee of five. Most re- was the case with respect to theexperts. Among the subjects to i winneth souls. return from their exile, and gretted is the failure of the-sub-committee on refugees to take formation of the National Council be discussed are the eltect of so-jsors TALMUD the Jewish Federations and Wel-clalTetf station'ttpoa VewtetVeT j t h e ^er^restored np the problem of preventing a new wave of refugees from the of Rabbi AsshI said, "A scholar In honor of the fare Funds. fare work; the possibility and ad- j who is not firm In his conviction Reich. Also, the Council rejected the plea made by James G. who saved As they scan the Jewish horizon of today, the sons of IsFor years the Jewish federa- visability of making changes in j can not be considered a scholar." poisoned soup tions, scattered throughout the the present Federation structures; rael are sad and sorrowing . . .except that when, they look in McDonald in his resignation as High Commissioner for Ger-•United When Rabbi Nachman was to back States, had felt the lack the means of gaining new sources everything that has been the direction of Palestine, hope softens their gaze. Palestine man Refugees that the nations of the league intercede with of a central national organization of income for local, national and i d o n e against the Jews" . . . Thus depart he said to Rabbi Isaac, me." And he answered, proclaim to all Ger-"Bless is the land of hope for the Jewish .people, and in Palestine's Germany on behalf of the refugees, as well as passing over his which would serve as a clearing overseas needs; the desirability of i Hitler omight "I shall tell thee a parable to n house for the exchange of experaccount of Herr Oppen- which may this incident of your and.)^ destiny Great Britain plays the leading role. Small wonder recommendation that the League extend aid to the Jews in ience and information and which cooperation between Jewish and. general welfare agencies; and a j heimer. Germany. request be likened unto, that o£ .then that Jewry wonders whether there will be any change in would do for the individual fedprogram of inter-city cooperation i He was deep !n these happy a man who once went into the The Council did vote to continue the High Commissionererations what most of them were -English policy toward the Jewish homeland with the death j meditations when Goering'g r o a r ; d e s e r t a n d v ,- hen he became huntoo small to provide for themsel- for 1936 campaigns. of King George V and the accession to the throne of King ship for German Refugees and allowed credits of $16,000 for ves in the way of social services. Campaign Data to be Shown j drove from his mind all thoughts !gr y f thirsty and tired he found a the office. Between now and September the new High Com- This was particularly true when One of the sessions will be de- i save how to get out of the Zoo,; tree bearing luscious fruit and Edward VHI. _ . • . . voted to consideration by small i for he was far in it; and he WES j affording plenty of shade with a it came to dealing with the apmissioner's duties will be to arrange an inter-governmental Many commentators' think that a British monarch has peals made to local Jewish groups round table groups of the ques-j close to the gate when the cap-spring o£ water running: under, wife fell into his arms. neath. He ate of the fruit, drank little or nothing to say in British politics. But others are of conference with a view to setting up a system of legal pro- by national and overseas Jewish tions discussed at the other ses-j tain's But what to do with her be-' of the water and rested beneath of the General Assembly. the opinion that the new king represents a forceful, young tection for refugees from Germany; to undertake consultations welfare undertakings. Particu- sions There will also be an exhibit of came an unimportant problem the shade. When about to leave point of view and that he will make his influence felt in Eng- with different governments with a view to ascertaining possi- larly after there was such oversea campaign material, forms and when of a sudden the lion him-he turned to the tree and said, and national welfare agencies, j publicity for use of member Fed- self appeared from behind a tree, "Tree! Tree' Wherewith can T lish policy. King Edward is no- bigot, and we feel certain bilities for finding homes and employment for refugees; and to facing increased support. The erations in future campaigns. Herr Oppenheimer dropped her. thee? That thy fruit, may that he will follow the liberal policies whifch made his father's establish such liasons as may be desirable with private associa- extent to which this support was Through programs such as the He and Goering stood face to bless be sweet" These you have. That reign suoh a great success. From his views on the continental tions, dealing with assistance to refugees, emigration and em-merited to say nothing of theabove, and through its field and face, the captain's wife at hisa spring may be near thee? Even needed effort to provide it were research service, the National feet. these thou hast. That thou' '•"'•'.•• .European picture, it is none too reassuring to remember that ployment. questions with which many of our j Council is well on its way to be- Now Herr Oppenheimer was n o ; s h o l l l d s t afford plenty of shade? Strong illnesses require strong remedies. It is unfortunate he was the one that suggested that British and German war local groups found themselves un- coming a most significant force braver in the presence of a l i o n ! A l s o l h a t t h o u h a s t - T h e o n e in the Jewish communal and welveterans ought to exchange visits,so as to create a better un- that the League, recognizing the obstructions the Nazis wish to prepared to deal; than any Storm Trooper. H e r r | t b i n E l e f t v ; h k h l c a n w ' i s h t l l e e fare work of the United States and In respones to these needs men derstanding between the two. However, he personally dis- place in the way of solving the refugee problem, should not Oppenheimer, indeed, swooned a t ' l s t h a t a U t r e e s Panted, from thy like William J. Shroder of Cin-Canada. Those in charge of ad-flrst, then quickly gathered h i s ' s e e d m j " b e 8 S fruitful RB tuou likes Hitler but favors a policy of being friends with all thedeal with an iron hand. More forceful action directed against cinnati, Samuel A. Goldsmith of ministering Jewish welfare activAfter all, there was n o t h - ! a r t ' " S o ! t i s i r i t h l h e e < s h a 1 1 countries and thereby avoiding Great Britain's being dragged the Hitlerites and their barbarous policies ^would lend backbone Chicago, Ira M. Younker of Newities already label it so. As thesenses. ing for him to be afraid of a n rr b l e s s t h e e w i t h k n o v ; I p ( 1 ^ THIS general public becomes more into war. He is. regarded as favorable to Palestinian develop- to the League and help effect a suitable answer to a grave York, Edward M. Baker of Cleve- aware more. He had been in a concentra-1 thou hast Shall I bless thee with of the range and value of land, Louis E. Kirstein of Boston, tion camp, had suffered some o j| d i *[ n i t >' ? T h i s t h o u a l s o h i \ s t - s h a 1 1 ment, as we look forward to his co-operation in furthering the situation. ^ Solomon Lowenstein of New York, the work done by the Council, it I bless thee with honor? Thou aims of the Jewish National Homeland. and others, persisted and kept on will come to regard the organiza- his hair to be pulled out by thehast that also. Shall I bless thee roots, had been beaten with rubtion as of paramount importance working for a national-body made with riches? That thou hast also. Thoughts of the new king bring back memories of his preup of the organized Jewish com- to the Jewish communities of ourber truncheons, had been deprived Shall I bless thee with'children? country. of his living. munities of the country. decessor. King George's attitude may be summed up in the ; Even children thou lackest not. (Copyrig-ht, 1835. Jewish Telegraphic The worst Goering could do; Hence all I can say to you is this. In 1932 a National Council of "We would like to think of the Jewish people as fully deAgency, Inc.) statement he once made to Dr. Ghaim "Weizmann, noted British Federations and Welfare would be to tear him asunder and May be God's Will that the chilscientist and president of the "World Zionist Organisation. The void of criminals, but since we know that all of us are sub-Jewish Funds was formed by delegates devour him. That might be a dren be as good as thou art." monarch stated: "It is written in the Holy Scriptures that the jected to human frailities the most we can ask for is that the from 16 cities. happy conclusion of everything. Herr Oppenheimer struck GoerJews will return to Palestine. I am glad my government is proportion of Jewish criminals be Ies3 than our percentage of In 1933 the National Council had a membership of 28. ing sharply on the nose with his j the population. helping." In 1934 the membership had B v AT SFfJAT [umbrella and at this show of op-j That hope is answered in official figures just released by grown to 43. During the reign of King George, British Jewish statesThere w af a Goering retreated, growl-j waf a tumult in int thheePosition ing H ee rr rr i n ga a tt H Dr. H. S. Linfield, director of the Jewish Statistical Bureau, The steady growth of the Na-Hamburg Zoo and it was no won-1 men achieved an unprecedented success. His reign witnessed _ 1 OPP^heimer I tional Council Is ' sufficient evithe issuance of the famous Balfour Declaration, for a Jewish which reveal a low rate of criminality among the Jewish peo- dence of the need for the organi- der that women fainted and chil- Goering's teeth seemed not &e dren screamed: The big lion sharp as the pain Herr Oppenhomeland and saw the rise to glory of such leaders as Sir Isaac ple of the United States. As an example, let us consider New zation. named Goering had broken from heimer had suffered the time The National Council did not, Isaacs, Sir Herbert Samuel, Lord Reading, Sir Philip Sassoon, York State, which has by far the largest Jewish population. of course spring out of thin air. his cage. If you gathered togeth- they pulled his hair out; Goe r- i \OBTH AMERICA ins s i d e open seemed cap- j JEWISH FAMILY OF HITTLERS vLeslie Hore-Belisha, Sir Matthew Nathan, Sir Julius Vogel, There, during the year ended in June, 1935, of the total At the National Conference of er the roars~of 10 lions you would!a c i o' > a s^ have the roar of this one lloni enough' to swallow Herr | I N K B W YORK CHANGE NAME Sir John Monash and many others. Under the benign rule of number of persons committed to prison less than 3,000 or 5.1Jewish Social Service, held in named Goering;'so frightened he | Oppenheimer (who weighed_ only TO HILTON After all, what Molnes in 1927, the National King George, Reading was the first Jew to become a Marquess per cent; were Jews, despite the fact that the Jews constitute Des 139 pounds) at one gulp and that rose wants to be called a skunkAppeals Information Service was WES. ' and the iirs\ Jew to hold the position of Viceroy, Lord Chief more than fifteen per cent of the totafpopulation of New York formed to work together with the On account of his colossal voice would not be an unhappy con-i ca i)bage? j summation for Herr Oppenheimer j ROOSEVELT HAILS TJNIVER. called Goering. Justice and Ambassador to the United States. In Croll, ^fiaere1State., "Av total of 57,901 persons were committed to all theBureau of Jewish Social Research he Sowas it can be well Imagined jw h o ( sl nce the day the traveling jsiTY IN EXILE AS SYMBOL OF as Its agent, to supply local comemerged in- Canada the first Jewish cabinet minister. Also/ prisons in the,; state of New York during the year, and these in- bunities with confidential Infor- what terror was in -everybody's' salesmen were dismissed) had j AMERICAN TRADITION . . . It Isaac Isaacs, son of Melbourne tailor, reached higher in And-,cluded 2,9(35 Jews. Also in other states of the Union, crim- mation regarding the scope, activ- heart in the Hamburg Eoo a s 1 D e e n th^king much on the pleas-;is a particularly noble instance o£ of quick death. I refuge provided for the persecuttralian politics than any Jew had previously attained, also inality among Jews; judged by the number of persons com- ities and finances of non-local Goering ran and leaped and roar, ed, driving all before him ; before There was, therefore, no cause! ed. agencies that appealed to them for being the first/Australian to be named Governor-General of mitted to the prisons, was less than among the total population, funds. one roar of- Goering, people were to be afraid of Goering and Herr j REPORT SHOWS GIFTS TO that territory. His daughter became the first woman asso- Dr. Linfield found; In Illinois, for instance, the Jewish prisonno more than chaff in a great Oppenheimer advanced with blow I JEWISH FEDERATIONS UNBegins Field Service ciate judge in Australia. And Sir Nathan is'believed to have ers constituted 1.4 per cent of the total number committed to In 1928 the Bureau of Jewish wind. Aye, the stoutest Aryan after blow on Goering'g nose, j C R E A S E D SUBSTANTIALLY hearts withered; for until this Goerta^ had always enjoyed a j DURING 1985 . . Does thf.t mean been the first Jewish Governor of Hong-Kong, Gold Coast, the state prisons during 1930 and 1931, while the Jewish pop- Social Research instituted a field time,the courage of Aryans had great deal of respect at the Zoo; jmore prosperity, or greater need? service, to give practical help and Sierra Leone, Natal and Queensland. . ulation of the state formed 4.74 per cent of the total popula- advice to federations and other been tried only against Jews. This i no one had'ever struck him on! SEFHARDIC JEWS IN AMER.1groups throughout the was a new experience: A lion! |the nose before, a most humilat-jCA T O RECORD ANCIENT The sun never sets on British soil, and we are proud of tion. Similarly in Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, New Jer- welfare If Goering had been a Jew they! ing inflnction; bewildered Goer-; SPANISH CULTURE . . . 5n which country, and to help in organizing sey, Ohio and Pennsylvania. These seven states, together with the part played by Jewish statesmen in building and retainthis most tradition-loving group and administering welfare pro- could have done with him Quickly | ing withered before the blows of']; oi ing British rule.: It demonstrates the good accreting from a lib- the state of New York, comprise eighty per cent of the total grams. This was entirely the re-and efficiently, as has been done j Herr Oppenheimer's mystifying Jewry played a large part. 'AMERICANS FOUND SOCIETY sponsibility of the Bureau, and with Jews these past three years. I umbrella. eral administration of government without discrimination as to Jewish population of the country. helped. There can, after all, be no criti- j Herr Oppenheimer's strength •TO PROMOTE BIBLE READING race, color or creed. The strength of Britain today is the best In this respect what we suffer from most is the unfair In 1930 the Bureau formed the cism of Aryan courage in this! expanded: This might be the way ! . . . That should make Hitler testimonial to such a course. And if the liberal sentiments of fact that when an Einstein propounds a new scientific theory, Continuing Committee of Feder- crisis, since it had come to an un-jto save .all the Jews. Ke would gnash his teeth. NEW YORK JEWESS WAS ONLY King Edward Vill reach fruition, we look to continued con- he is called an international savant but when a Jewish man ation Executives, to get together tried problem. \ snatch the Storm Troopers from WOMAN TO BEAT NEW BRITregularly to discuss those prowas,_ Indeed,_a picnic day in j the lion's jaws and Germany tributions $o good government by the coming generation of strays from the straight and narrow he is pointed out as apositions common to all federa- theIt BOO for the Hamburg Storm j would reclaim him nnd in hisISH KING AT GOLF . . . It's British-Jewish statesmen. "Jewish criminal." This imposes upon us additional strictures, common to all federations and toTroop battalion which, until the j honor the Jews would be spared. something she'll tell her grandand to compare notes—in moment'Goering broke loose, h a d ! T h j s v a g e r e n beter than saving children about. because "the weal and woe of Israel is in the hands of every tlons LATIN-AMERICA other words to be a clearing house been parading gaily against J u d - j H j t l e r fTOm poisoned soupindividual Israelite." " • of Jewish philanthropic and wel-aea with banners that plainly said | Herr Oppenheimer struck vig- i PARAGUAY CANCELS ORDERS?1 fare experience. JEWISH IMMIJudaea must perish. The roar of I orously for all German Jewry un- """"^*""" T These three groups and the Goering scattered their battalion til his umbrella was in tatters, This must be a Yesterday marked the third anniversary of the accession work they were doing formed the and,their banners fell and mingl- until Goering had retreated even blow to the 100 per cent Aryan of Hitler and hia legions of barbarism and brutality to power background for the National ed with the dust; for they were j to "his cage; then Herr Oppen- colony founded there by the Gerin Germany. Three years sorrowed by misery and lengthened Five of,the leading Jewish women's groups have organized Council when it was fully creat- Jew hunters, not lion hunters. j heimer fainted . . . The parade man anti-Semite Foerster, broby pain; three years which will blot the pages of history as nationally a Conference Committee of National Jewish Wom- ed. William J. Shroder, who had .Dreadful to behold was the 0 * the Storm Troopers resumed ther-in-law of Nietzsche. l been president of the National sight of unconscious women on! jt march; the banners waved MEXICAN GOLD SHIRTS INanother dark age. ..: ; s JURE 16 JEWS IN ANTI-SEMen's Organiations, representing Hadassah, the National Coun- Appeals Information Service, be-the roads and on the grassy plots | again • "Perish Judaea!" The cold, ruthless elimination of. the Jewish people from cil of Jewish Women,"the National Federation.of Temple Sis- came president of the new organi- of Hamburg Zoo, they had runj That. .evening ITIC OUTBREAK . . , Things are Herr Oppenheimzation. The Continuing Commit- from Goering until their senses j glowed as he told his wife all geting so that a shirt of any colGerman life was the focal point in the Nazi policy. But that terhoods, the Women's League of the United Synagogue and tee e r of Federation Executives was or means trouble for Jewfe focal point served the Hitlerites as a smoke screen to hide a the Women's branch of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- merged into the Council. The left them and they swooned and j that had happened, ECBOFE fell and lay there; and to lo.ok at]' "it will be good for the Jews," program which has given civilization and progress such a tre-gregations. A hope for real usefulness out of this Committee Council and the Bureau of Jewish them strewn far and wide was t o i n e said, SIXTY CHRISTIAN FAMILIES Research entered first into FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA EMImendous setback. The review of three years of Hitlerism is may be gleaned from their declared purpose "to inform all na-Social a working agreement with, each think of a battlefield after a' 'You saved the Storm Troopers) R A T E T o slaughter. from "being" eaten "by "he" Ii"on?" ? PALESTINE . . Seeka review of terror, one which saw a lethel blow dealt to demo- tional Jewish women's "organizations of the purposes, ideals and other, and, at last year's General i n to e sf a r as =»,» «^i«i™<.rt «<v«« Trtn he Tint,E set *™r Possible The wife of the captain of fbe Assembly in New York, were tenshe exclaimed. "You will be honcracy in the Reich. The labor unions were smashed, the free- achievements, of each constituent organization in order to from their Nazi neighbors? tatively merged, a combination Storm Troopers had held out dom of the press, of speech and of assembly were made a bring about a closer cooperation between them.and in order that the St. Louis Assembly is ex-longer than the others, but there ored." 'In me all the Jews will be JEWISH ICE HOCKEY STAR pected to put on a permanent bas- came a moment when even her j honored." RETURNS FROM EXILE TO Al» mockery, education was merged with Nazi propaganda, the to avoid unnecessary duplication of activities." is. endurance d ffaltered l and she sank "Little did we- think that l t GERMANY'S WINTER OLYMPIC rights of the individual citizens became chaff in the winds, and If co-operation will supplant rivalry, then perhaps the and fell into the arms of Hein- would be in your hands to save j TEAML. . . What pnce^glory ? TTotk Amplified even the Protestant and Catholic religions were made to feel women's Organizations may take the fore in establishing that rlch Oppenheimer who happened the Jews." I JUGOSLAVIAN J E W S L O S E All the work done originally by to be clo-3 by, having paused to the iron heel of oppression as*applied by a fanatical bigot. long-elusive unity so direly missed in Jewish life. the three groups that were the catch his breath; for; he had "I am proud," replied Herr Op- j LIVELIHOOD THROUGH SANC^IONS AGAINST ITALY . . But Meanwhile,; to divert the attention of the hard-pressed citiforerunners of the National Coun- been running as fast as any Storm penhelmer with becoming humil- j they have the (cot very material) ity. cil is being continued and amplizens, the Nazis directed every possible public effort toward Herr Oppenheimer was up early.) consolation of suffering in a good fied. The field service originated Trooper humiliation of the Jewish population in Germany. Ghettoizafor the morning paper, the j^use by the Bureau has grown nnder •Herr Oppenheimer was dls(Copyright 1CS6 by Seven Arts tressed to be seen holding an bachter, that would tell all Gertion was their lot. They were barred from selling merchandise, Rosh Chodesh Shevat Council. There are now,six ,. ..........Saturday, Jan. 25 the Feature Syndicate) Aryan woman In hie arms. Her many what a Jew had done to field workers working In various l were forced to sell out their businesses, were driven from the *Rpsh Chodesh Adar ..........................!.....»..Monday, February 24 parts of the country, helping and golden hair had fallen and hadsave Storm Troopers from the draped itself over his right arm; academies and schools, were dismissed from their public and ••Fast of Esther ..............,.....';.......Saturday, Mar. 71 advising Jewishx communities with she weighed fully 200 pounds, a heSmer eagerly unfolded the patheir problems and assisted by a professional posts, were denied entrance into the labor front. Purim ..„......„ ,......?...........Sunday, Mar. 8number of local federation execu- fact which was even more an em-per . . . The headline read: "Fe. Cold words looking stitled in type cannot begin to tell the Rosh Chodesh Nissan' Jew Attacks Tame Lion!" .............'........Tuesday, Mar. 24 tives who, on a volunteer basis, barrassment to Herr Oppenhelmer tJsan tale; of horror haunting the lives of German Jewry. To belBt Day of Passover have accepted responsibility for | (Copyright, 19S6, by Seven Arts London (WNS)-—The Jews of ;................,...,............Tuesday, Apr. 7 Great Britain will be asked to Feature Syndicate.) "torn by madmen from the fatherland in which your family had Lag B'Omer,,..............................,... .......,.«.......,....Sunday," May 10representing the Council in their a wind might blow It away. Herr Oppenheimer did notj region. The Council has been an contribute 85,000,000 of the ?15: M been rooted for; centuries, to be denied huumane treatment, 000,000 which w-IU be sought to' Rosh Chodesh Sivan ........."............. Friday, May 22 Important factor in organising un- know what to-do: If he held her •s Settled lit to be visited by the bitterness of life in all its intensity—this organized communities, and hashe might be accused of race polfinance a program lor transferilst Day of Shavuoth Wednesday, May 28 supplied expert guidance and as-lution; If he dropped her it would | ring a substantial number of is enough to try the courage of any people.. And, we are proud German Jews ot Palestine, it was Sunday, June 21 sistance to these communities. It b» said against him that he had i ' to say that the Jews in Germany lived up to their noble Jew- j*Rosh Chodesh Tammuuz haa experimented with new ideas abandoned an Aryan woman to nj Moscow (WNS)—Reports pre- learned here from sources close Fast of Tammuz Tuesday, July. 7 In community organisation, test- lioa. ish tradition. They have displayed a fortitude which shows F*nted to the annual meeting of to those charged with the task of Rosh Chodesh Ab ; Monday' Jufef 20 ed them and, when found practi- Kerr Oppenheimer had wanthe Biro. Bidjan administration raising the money. why the Jewish people are deathless. Tisha B'Ab Tuesday, July. 28 cal, made them available for usedered into the Hamburg Soo showed that 6,260 Jews settled in) It is understood that the Rothsby Jewish welfare groups. by change, not knowing It1 the Jewish autonomous region UhSlds? and the families of Simon And the summary of- Nai accomplishment is a negative, •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Sunday, June 21 Through its regional conferences quite j Marks, Israel • Sierff and Lord contained a Storm Troop picr.St during 1936. black quantity. The country is economically desperate. The NOTE: Holidays begin in the evenings preceeding dates It has brought active participation that day. Herr Oppenheimer had Biro Bidjan made such great | Bearsted have already pledged by lay leadership Into Jewish so- had nothing to do save to gostrides in agriculture during 1835 11,500,000. bar of public opinion the world over,has condemned Hitler designated. . . cial . work end. communal affairs. strolling since that day the 40,-that it Is now the leading farm and his policies. Germany is a nation isolated, with enmity '. *Rosh Chodesh also observed the.previous day. It Is sow promoting the formation 000 Jewish traveling salesmen of center of the Far Eastern terriJewish Press advertisers merit and distrust her boundaries. Her people have learned the mean- " **Fast observed on following Thursday. of metropolitan federations, Germany (of whom he wss one)tory of the. Soviet Union. your patronage.
ing of privation, with food shortages coming in bunches. And in the military sphere, the goose-step once more gains ascendency. "War is in the air, and Nazi Germany feeds the fear of a new holocaust. This is a picture of three years of Hitler, a new high mark in intolerance and bigotry.
League Council
Promotion of Jewish Communal Organization
The Fruits of liberal Rule
Low Criminality
'The Lion and the Reich Jew"
a t<
Three Years
Co-operation, Not Rivalry
"'" .
' '
H e b r e w Calendar
iidim Past Year
TO ENTERTAIX AT TEA ' banks Trill sooi! bf If otyvnoo- ?.To;p!itTsliip ip Tjie i.(pJ>oi- F;VU<. Cliesed Stel Emes j Mrs. I. Berkowitz Trill entertain! ; | bonne to produce "Ma-cn Polo," Is P Tfcuuremt'tit t o hf eh\t >'•• at a tea at her home, 615 So. 5C There -trill be a meeting of the j 'but. doesn't intend zo act in it. v o r k in Gprnian i n d u s t r y . street, Sunday, February 2, from Chesed Shel Emes at the build- i ' A b e -^eyer ovrns one of the most AVhi!'1 ">'>P L,;ibor F r o n t rft>i«!r.j ing Monday afternoon, February i 3 to 6 o'clock in honor of Miss . complete libraries of music re- closed io .lews, t h e suuiemicpinnr.; ZtGMC* Miriam Greenberger, •whose mar- 3, at 2 o'clock. All members are i: Hollywood H y w o o d — David David Selznict,' Selznict.sures inches cordings it coinp.i.seK S.'H'IO.- (. h fsures fvrentyaEdonehalf twenty-aEd-one-half inches riage to Barney Abrams takes urged to be present as very im- | o n e o f t h e youngest of the prod-1 around. Thinks it vas the dei.itli i.l.ii, d oo"i' fee* of cvw Vzz raid' folk P hi V f. i ! u " , t l O i that pulled h i e dov-n. place April 5. No cards have been portant business will be discussed. i u c e r s < h e ' s o n l j r 3 3 ) h a s h a d m o r e .pTession t sonp?on film THieii Leila I-Ivfui v iul n n i honors showered on. hiia than pos-: issued. i ?-V£CC?t?(l i h g f h e r OY'V. f a t h e r a i aibly any other filmogul. His; f i Friends are cordially invited to Plenty ol sound "but no music mother pla^ the chnrnoTpr vf n i rl i Beth-EI Auxiliary production of "David Copperfield" j was the outcome of the Marta Eg- o f her father end mother in her attend. The next Ones Shabbosb """h of the t h e Id IV>&s roie^ "best picture of j gerth cinema invasion. She ex- picture, they were turned uown . II auxiliary ~v S 6 t th ^ 1 8 3 5 " i a ' t h e Film r.'.- hi r i l ' i l l ,llP Daily poll of ipects to steam for Paris shortly studio said they rr-ca';. th* typ^' TO RECEIVE FOB Saturday, February hi * ' 'newspaper critics. The National j where she has concert engage. Carl Laeinmle'e ihirtkth unnsverBARMITZFAH home of Mrs. Iz Abramson, 5417 Board of Review singled out "Cop-i meats. The studio that imported sary in the motion picture JlT' T i l ' hi lift ' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Klai- Nicholas St., with Mrs. Morris perfield" and "Anna Karenina" to i her salvaged nothing from its eon- trv will be marked in Februar: , o WED . man, 3101 Cor by St., will have a NUPTIALS • _ ,„. | -~r their classifications of "best j tract. The reason wfcy? Ah. ro- by e. world-wide celebretioc o' The marriage, of Miss Kuth. Pol- Mr. S. Ravitz /was married to reception at their home, Sunday, \ falls on T -°?-T chairman, "L _ « „ _ _ !{Picture" "most chosThls popular." i body knows. Traversal employees. The Keler CVT T.' Mrs. Nellie Sievers of l<os AnFebruary 2, from 2 to 5 and from j Mrs. David Goldstein, £ £ £ j 8 e ^and 1 9 Bother lack, daughter of Mrs. Henry PolMack-Chf-rles Irwin Cvei will trio 7 to 9 o clock in honor of their — ~ lack, to Jack I. Klein of Kan. geles Tuesday, January 21. March. son, Maurice, who became tiar form of a Palestinian afternoon. i "Dinner at Eight" and "Viva! Luise Rainer is the aut'i sas City, son of Mrs. Hermine We heard that a yes.m&n w _. . , . . ,. T .'I Villa" for similar positions. Par- j a book of Viennese recipes. t"h, Mitzvah Thursday, January-30, at WEDDEfG Klein of that city, took place at firfd the other ne.." lor Ebser.i78. Those taking part are Mrs. Jack , . entg M l o e a w £ r d e d b l m a hnh> b u t C£a Bhe c o o t Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Sorine an- i the Adass Yeshurin synagogue, £Gd the Paxton hotel Sunday, Janu• medal for "Copperfield." And the ] mindedly murmuring "maybe"! fit r< lorpi ary 26-, at 5 o'clock. Rabhl Fred- nounce the marriage of their j Friends and relatives are cordial- MrB. William Racusitt. j International Motion Picture Ex. j Sid Silver gave Sidney Skolsky p i tfil. ly invited. No cards have been erick Conn officiated at the cere- daughter, Ida, to Morris L. Fellposition honored him with a cup|a doctor for a birthday present: Cheerio! in a i'i Mr. C+erbei•, who mony which took place in the man, son of M r . and MrB. Samissued. Karenica." ( Copyriclit 1£3C, Jewish Teie- hunie Bi the Hill lioiel , lia. And right practical too. meeting will be held February 12 f o r presence of members of the fam- Fellman. T h e ceremony took • Acen(.:••. I n r . i in the form of a Palestine Leap ilies only. Dinner followed. P l a c e i n Des Moines, Sunday, Jan- BAR MITZVAH Since young Selznick has j L e D i Riefenstthl, the reputed Fvuierp.1 FO 2G a t t h e C n ,The bride wore a pale pint ***? ' ™ f ,f ?/ Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohn announce Year luncheon. branched out with his own film I part-Jewish Nazi adviser, hag dieti hy TiRhin T")pvi(.' .chiffon gown with a short train, Zrael ^agogue Ratbi M. H. j the Bar Mitzvah of their son, factory, old-timers call to mind j rectea a film for fascists glorifyV as in rip.r^i V< c c * ' Sht> wore a tailored hat made of e l c W k officiated, j Theo Lloyd, Sunday, February 2. Junior Council of those days of twenty years ago ji E £ t i s e military machine. ths same material and carried a Berlin i.JTA)—The possibility J e w i s h WOBien I "flien his father, Lewis J., made On the other hancl. a heartenBible with two gardenias and a ter February 1 at 3552 Cass St. tives will be held at the Cohn i rrjje j u a j O r Council of Jewish j moving pictures. He did every- tg not is Eddie Cantor'p offer of th£t the roiiFiitur.ion of the Reich shower of lilies of the valley. Mrs. Ben Shapiro, sister of the BOMM-CAPLAX 3VIARRIAGE The marriage of Miss Bess bride and • her'only attendant, •wore a black crepe trimmed with Caplan to Arthur Romm took meeting sequins at the neckline a n d place Sunday, January 26, at t h e ' changed from 3:30 to 3 p. m. \hl6 r tand great Oriental pieces . . .j home of Rabbi David A. Gbld-1 DESSERT-XiTINCHEON sleeves. Mrs. Julius Newman and Mrs. 'Several important matters of | Ia11 ° on I« poor boy from Petrograd. j stein who performed the cere\ Robert Sight of Kansas City, which was "magnifigue" ! Jots from the Notebook: ShainTwo light housekeeping •| Louis Soinmer will be hostesses business will be discussed and at !I \~ ' . nephew of the groom, -was best mony. |I to -RabbiDavid Wlce's Bible class the conclusion of the " art' of" marinated • • - -herring, - I' d e l KaliBh, s. recent contractee at business i ' the e -The couple left immediately af. With all coEvcnirooms man. " at a 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon at meeting a program, arranged byilehi, his Jepanese servant, skilled \ Universal, will adopt a new tag . Out-of-town guests were the ter the ceremony for a short trip the home of Mrs. Newman, 3509 Miss Lylyan Chudacoff, will b'ei r e i e n e d over all as major-domo, jI before beginning her first picture en ccs. Verr reasonable, to Kansas City. Upon their re> i i 1 t bridegroom's- mother and h i s exploita Pine St., Tuesday afternoon, Feb- presented. ^resented jAnd Selznick's exploitation ideas ! nephew • • • if EOt sooner. Martin \\ die. turn they will make their home f f ' of Barney Barurh. is RE brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and at the Logan: apartment hotel. were a constant source of amazeTuary 4. . - • W<X.AX X*.*.. %^^>\/ Mrs. Jack Sight, Mr. and Mrs. ment .to people in the movie bnsi- "extra" in the flicker, "Lore beS Nelson Feld, Mr. and Mrs. Harry &e once offered Nicholas fore Breakfast." Douglas Fair- The Women's Mizrachi will jD Reosms a n o f f a j 0 ] , c t acting in picSight, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ka- ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barish give a benefit card party at the . tures- after "czaring" ha:! become han, and Jack Klein, a cousin, all the birtli of a son, Mon- The Vaad auxiliary meeting home of Mrs. Louis Rosenblatt, ; unprofitable, explaining to Nick of Kansas City; and Miss Flor- announce 3025 Webster, Wednesday, Febr- < that "he'd forget the brutal treat.ence "Mosher of Lincoln, a cousin day, January 27, at the Covenant i will be held at the J. C. C. There will be a uary 5. There will be prises. Ad- j ment received at the hands of the of the bride. luncheon at 12:30 and the instalMrs. Barish is.the former Lee The couple has gone to Mexico latter's Cossacks and let bygones i Iation of the newly elected offi- mission is thirty-five cents. • on their wedding trip and after* Shames. be bygones." ; i_. . J cers. March 1 they will be .at home at Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Heeger of Mr. Paul Goldblatt will speak the Haven Hill apartments In Sioux When 'twas option-time in HolCity announce the birth of | on "New Developments in Jew. Kansas City. • Joe a son January 22, in Sioux City, ish Life." Mr. and Mrs. Al Finkei p e a E er-s ticket was n o t Mrs. Heegar is the former Alice will present a piano duet. The Town Hall Forum will j renewed. Maybe his duck BERMAN-GROSS MARRIAGE Reservations may be made by p r e s e n t Walter Kotschnig, direc- m a d e t 0 ° I a a i l J ' "wise-quacks:" Mlnkin of Omaha. Mr. Henry Gross announces the calling Ja. 0887 or Ha. 3003. it O r of the High Commission for _. , ^ ^ . TI marriage of hie daughter, Ther- ENTERTAINS FOR :— j Refugees from Germany, in a lecHarry Warren and Al Dubin esa, to Sam Berman, son of Mrs. BRIDES-TO-BE as song-writers . . . ture on T h eF a t e o i HsdaSSaK ' " Freedom of are th Sarah Berman. The wedding took Mrs. J. M. Baker entertained _. ,T , * a u * * ^ " * • • | Thought under European Dictat- their new contract calls fer a o: place Tuesday, January 14, at the fifty-eight guests at the Hamilton The Hadassah Culture group J , February 2, at! fl sim a home of Rabbt Frederick Cohn, Hotel In honor of Miss Eva Bass, 1 1 'the ^ P ^ stupendous, eh, what? I ! ^ S ' A ^ Z *;, i « o'cfock in the" evening, at who performed the ceremony. SF YOU WANT TO SHARE SATURDAY'S whose engagement to Al Baker the home of Mrs. Iz Levinson, 515 Joslyn Memorial. Dewey Robinson's neck meawas recently announced, and of So. 56th street, at a dessert-lun-) SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE VALUES IH Miss Evelyn Blumenthal, a bride- cheon at 1:15. „ , ... , public the without charge. They are Junior Hadassah to-be. Individual table • prizes MARK LEON WRITES ^ l the ^ TJews. i L ^ L T'braska ^ ^ Society worship °* the Ne-j Czars and The Junior Hadassah will meet were given. of Colonial Dames O. S. Belzer will discuss current THRIFT - LIFE - FIRE Thursday evening, February '6, at of America. In fact, INSURANCE cf Every events. 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. TISIMNG HERE Type . . Etreno Relisbie Anyone interested in joining Dr. and Mrs. Irving J. Weiss this group is asked to call Mrs. MRS. ROSA BROWM Companies, ONLY of Minneapolis, Minn., have been Levinson. A.Z. A. 100 City Km&nee & lasorasce Co. A. Z. A. chapter No. 100 held visiting Dr. Weiss' parents, Mr. DIES AT AGE OF 68 AT 76E7 - 1433 FARNAM . WA 6150 a business meeting at the J. C. C. and Mrs, Meyer Wei3s. They have The annual Hadassah Linen been extensively entertained both Mrs. Rosa Brown, 6S, died at Sunday, January 26. The meetshower held at the J. C. *C. last Ian Omaha hospital January 22. ing'was attended by alephs and in Omaha .and Council Bluffs. n Wednesday was very well attend- j -. " t u n
i I T
P h
. a
Vaad Auxiliary
I 1 I I s I
Walter Kotschnig to Address
3 3 I
• - ...
g h e h a d b e e n
David Richards and B e n Schneider, received their formal first degree In an Impressive ceremony. Aleph Harry Fox, religious committee chairman, announced that the two Omaha chapters of A. Z. A. will jointly conduct Friday evening Services at the Beth-El synagogue Friday evening, February 7, in the absence of Rabbi David A. Goldstein. Aleph Godol Harold Zelinsky, appointed a committee of George Eltinge, Paul Saks, and V Ben "Wintroub to meet with the ^ Mother chapter and make arrangements to Becure the services of A. Z. A. alumnus Allan Cushing, Palestinian speaker, now traveling through America on a lecture tour. . • y Macy Baum, chairman of the coming regional A. Z. A. tourna•" ment to be Omaha, Feb0' ruary 7, 8, and 9, gave a'pep talk 1 on the work *eing done by the two chapters in making arrangements for the tourney. Jay "Weisman presided at an axecutive committee meeting held Tuesday,: January 28, after the tournament rally.
A program featuring an ad-! ^•mB ^
dress by M a Max Mayer of Des j NEW YORK TRIO ART Molnes was arranged by Mrs. O.! S. Belzer. Miss Alice Perelman i PLAYERS TO BE HERE presented a group of piano num-i
The Jewish National Workers Alliance of Omaha brings to Omaha the New York Trio Art Players Sunday, February 9, in a program to be given at'' the Knights of Columbus. The Trio includes the wellknown Al Harris, Bella Ballerina and Ben Bossenka. Mr, Harris has been in Omaha several times and is known to Omaha Jewry for his artistry in comedy and drama sketches. Bella Ballerina appeared, here with the Vilna Troupe with whom she w a s a leading lady. Ben Bossenka ,is among the best known singers of Jewish traditional songs, folk song3 and songs of Palestine. The group will offer dramatic skits, comedy and songs. Tickets m a y be purchased at Harry Crounse's store, located at 16th and Davenport, or at the Box Office at the Knights cf Columbus. ~
Young Jewish Girls Club A regular meeting of the young Jewish Girls club was held at the home of Zelda Weisman Sunday, January 26. Jeanette Greenfield was elected secretary to replace Doris Pinkovitz. •• ;' After the business meeting the jirls played bunco. Lillian Polay won the prize. The j booby srize was won by Betty Kuklin.
At Joslyn Memorial Ssnday The Joslyn Memorial presents ;he following diversified program Junday afternoon, February 2: at ::30, Mrs. Mary P . Hull will ipeak on ^'Glimpses of Japan" in he lecture hall; at 3:30 Dr. Palner Findley will lecture on the 'Gates of Life,"'also in the l e c ure hall; at 4 o'clock . Esther ^eaf will present an organ recital n the concert hall. ,These and other programs preented by the Memorial are withmt charge.
M r s
f o r jnst
% a r e Uro
X a t h a n
a n d
o f OmaIla. a of Council Bluffs: a
bers and the University players! b r o t h e r a n d fiIster fa c h l c a g 0 a n d of the Municipal U n i v e r s i t y , ^ - a n o t h e r s i s t e r i f l G e r l n a l l r . der the direction of Miss Bess i M r g _ B r o w n h a d l i r e d " i n O m . Greer, presented a playlet called,. a h a a n d C o u n c U B l u f f s f o r t h e "Vanishing Day." A «fat by Mrs.j t 4 0 y e a r s g h e h&& Tecently Sam Frohm and Mrs. Libby Kap. jm a d e n e r h o m e ^ . ^ M r g Ian completed the program. field at 367 No. 41 St. Mrs. Sam Theodore and her Funeral services were held committee were in charge of the Friday morning,' January 24. Rab-
HOME ami BUSIMESS LOCATION 6-roora modem iiorae and corner store room. Good opportunity f o r right party.
i i
TO $9$ AEt
Phone Mr. Miklin
Jacksoa 5000
tea table. bi Frederick Cohn officiated. A large quantity of useful linas many cash donaens, as tions, were received at the shower. These will be shipped to Palestine to be distributed among the hospitals, clinics and the needy. Mrs. Julius Abrahamson was chairman of the affair. She was assisted by Mrs. M. Brodkey and a committee. <
in >
1 3 4
Herzberg quaiity furs right frc rn regular higher priced stocks! Superior pelts . . . tinest workmanship , . values thef you owe it to you-e'f to see you o-e conside'-ing c vur coeAi
Omaha, Nebraska
Circumstances do not make a man weak, but they show what manner of man he is . . . Kempis.
PiTauPi There will be an important meeting of the Pi Tau PI fraternity this coming Sunday at 4 p. m. at the home of Leslie Burkenroad, president. There will be an election of officers.
Our Annual
[ u
Sleeping rooms or 4 rooms upstairs. Very reasonable. Fwirth Roor
2028 North 18th St. '
VV Swagger styles and fitted rtyles in the«e costs made cf prime buck pelt* . . . with each p#lt stamped. Rieh satin brocade lining*.
To Have A Good Time Follow the Crowd to Omaha's Most Beautiful Supper Club.
Presents ; A One Dollar Sunday; Dinner with a Peppy Floor Show and .Scintillating Dance Music Featuring Paul Sisters
Featured Harmonist
Freddie Sbener's
Pat Vernon
10-pleco Orchestra
.WeVe been busy regrouping our wlr-fes- ceuts . . . and! Saturday brings the new lower prices thct many of you heve bees wsifing for! Misses' and women's tize*. FOURTH FLOOR
and his Girl Friend Margie Lyons I In a sensational new comedy dance direct With 4 Beautiful Girls Songs and Specialty from Broadway Dances , !
Dance While You Dins!
i m o
t i i i I i i i i
No Cover Char-so Dancing Continuous Starting at 9 p. en.
Cliff Winehill
Night Club's Finest Comic and
with Paul Whlteman and Jack Benny -o,—
L |.
heve'ty fabrics with pretty tsiioreiS trimming. Eiiaek, brown and
rrck«n sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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AT CHEYENNE—Mary Helen ' Warren^ 18-year-old niece of General John J. Pershing, who has been chosen "Miss Frontier" for the 1936 Frontier Day celebration to be held at Cheyenne, Wyo., in July. Miss Warren is a student at Lelsnd Stanford Uni- t versity. Her father owns one of the largest ranches in Wyoming.
.STEADY THESE, LASSIE—If you've ever tried skiing you'll remember the first time on the runners and know, exactly how this little 22-months-old lassie feels as she tests out her'very first pair. «She is shown with-her dad, Erling Strom, ski racer, at Lake Placid, N. Y., and she's evidently attempting to emulate some of the professionals -who are practicing there.
DEFENDANT SHOT — O z i e Powell, one > of the: nine Scottsboro Negroes on trial on a statutory charge In Decatur, Ala., was shot in the head while he and the other defendants were being taken in three automobiles from Decatur to Birmingham. Police said Powell attacked Deputy Sheriff Blalock with a knife. Above, the defendants being led into the Decatur courthouse. .... '
^f9| -
SCOENS FEBEBATION EDICT—An interesting picture of John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers' chieftein, who scorned the demand of the American Federation' of Labor that he stop promoting industrial unions. The bushy-haired, dynamic miner Is shown as he addressed several thousand automobile workers 3a Cleveland recently, in his country-\risJe drive for industrial-union members.
r t ,..5 ? ...
CHARGED WITH SLAYING—At right Is Isadore Blumenfeld, known as Kid Cann, shown in a Minneapolis, Minn., court, where he Is charged with the machine-gun slaying of Walter W. Liggett,' crusading publisher of the Midwest American. Seated at the table is Blumenf eld's attorney, Thomas McMeekin of St. Paul. Five days were required to select six of the Jurors, as the trial began.
' Lewis B. Schwellenbach of Washington who assailed the- American Lib-. erty- League leaders as "leeches, rascals, crooks and bloodsucking lawyers," In a vitriolic attack In the Senate. He made no direct censure of former Governor Alfred K Smith, but he did turn bitterly on John J. Haskob &nd Pierre du Pont. k<nv—"ir. —r»K
ACCUSES' MOTHER—Ann Cooper Hewitt, 21-year-old heiress, , who testified in a San Francisco court that she was duped into a isterilization operation by her mother, Mrs.r Maryon Hewitt McCarter. The court session was called to determine whether criminal charges should be filed against the mother'after Miss Hewitt' charged in a civil suit the operation was part of a plot to obtain /her wealth.
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NOKEHERNEKS.DJ SOUTH—Two northern beauties sun themselves in St. ••Petersburg, Fla.,' meanwhile displaj^ing their interesting net bathing suits they said provided wide freedom for swimming. At left is Thelxna Louise Newell of Toledo, Ohio, with Helen Bernice I^chey of Erie, Pa. While the girls were in the south their home states experienced the coldest weather of the year. V I S I T OB — This charming young woman is a visitor to the United States, following her arrival in New York/aboard the Italian' liner, Corite di Savoia. She Is Miss'Mimy.Pavia, daughter of Angelo 'Favia, former Minister of Finance in.Italy, who is now • President of the Polish Corridor. ,Committee of the League of Nations.
A WARSHIP STANDS BY—Reports that Britain will Tetain four first-line battleships and nine destroyers in the Mediterranean while the Atlantic fleet of the French cruises there indicates, observers say, that these powers are cautious. Here is an interesting, contrast between the British warship Barham stationed at Fort Said and native fishermen ready to set sail
*«*»«J .CONTB&ST—to-the corps of Tesas rrar»ev*«»«w« .«»*.*««# wnen the' Texas Centennial E^osition opens in Dallas'June 6, they discovered Virginia,Carr, 6 feet, Vi lnchi-the,.baby rangerette of ;them alL m & way of height comparison with Patrolinian-L. S. •Jteevesrof .the cityiorce, this is how she measured,,- : : - : , ; . ; . T . " . : . :
" ' ^ . - . - " • • ' • ' • < * * •
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CSANGEB — Zdsnko .Koubek. above, 'was for years known ss ..ttisl outstanding .woman athlete of "Caecno-Sio-vaMa, the holder -of-'several-records.- Recently she asked authorities for permission to' undergo, an - operation to change - an •: unusual physical ;QtTAHE;SWA2XOIfB:--V3Bt£1At5E--More -than.S'OO persons, were dead and the'entire village-of La condition and now "she" is list,<CtorreMi,;in=toe~vic£nity-,of;TiK|i2®rres,-CQlciHibla, was obliterated £y an earthquake'and landslides in ed as a man ready to serve in the isouthem part of'the' Botsth 4«ierican!country»The wreckage shown above was all that remained :-. ota'-.palatikl-resideace In-tin Santa Ana -section after .thg.-QUstke,,. _ _ . . . . - •; -. . - ~ the-army of J'his'?. country. - -• . •
NET CBASIPS AICT FBGHT JB3KG—Jsiaes i'. Brafdork. welght basing cJiampitm, gets s pointer abont tennis from Marcelle Rainville of Montreal, Canadian net champion, while Bicardo Morales, of Havana, Cuban tennis champion, at left, looks on. They-are-shown at-Gr]&a£a,-Fla., during the Orlando tournament. -CaiteS Newspfctatts.
PAGE SEVEN. than Saul Fellman, basket' room Here is a letter addressed to lowing statement with authority. Radio to suggest stories of a top- communal affairs in Los Angeles i and released during the forthcommanager of the Center. Mr. Fell- the writer: Subway Rejected He is not of the Jewish faith. He ical nature. Klein's experience as and Hollywood. By BAY SCHAPIRO ing year, according to Jack L. man, the man who starts the phy- "Because I am now, and nave is Hungarian. Tel Aviv — Without Ftatiiu: tt» Warner, newly-wed rice-president a journalist covers 24 years ol ANOTHER EEDCHAEUT sical wheel moving has been in been for a long time, a reader of reasons the Palestine Government "Knowing that it is your aim to active newspaper writing. He has PRODUCTION in charge of production for vcgr. Before a packed gymnasium, charge of the basket room for the your column 'on Hollywood, I authentic in your statements, ha? rejected prcpoFP.lF l~r a jp-our A second Max Eeinhardt super- |n e r jif os. been connected with the Chicago the "Omaha Jobbing five routed •past four years. Mr, Fellman take the liberty of making a cor- be of Jewish financiers to build "*super special filia production will the Psi Mn team, 34.21, in thehas willingly contributed to this rection of an item that has. ap- I thought I would help you." (Copyright 19E6 by Seven Arts Herald and Examiner in many Penner's real name is Pinter. eubwey between this city. annual Bee^-News Free Shoe and column, the following, paragraph; peared in your column. editorial capacities. He -was as-be produced by Warner Bros. Feature Syndicate.) Studios on the same lavish and RKO SIGNS JULIUS KLEIN Milk Fund last Sunday at the J. "While serving as basket room sistant to General Roy D. Keehc, C. C. For three periods, the Psimanager, I have seen many im- "It is my good fortune to be Julins Klein, nationally known who was general manager for abitious scale as "was "A MidsumThere is great ability in kno*. private secretary to Mr. Joe PenAs Te advance in life, tr© learn mer Night's Bream". This pro. newspaper reporter, special feaMu boys were Tighttin the fight provements. A supply case has ing how to conceal one'e ability . Hearst in Chicago for many years. ner, and, as I work at his home, the limits of our abilities . . . duction will be one of 12 million ture writer and war corresponand,at the end of the third per- been added for the convenience . . . La Rochefoucauld. iod the count was tied at 20 all.of the members, a buzzer system am in position to make the fol- dent, has been signed by RKO-Klein Is Quite active in Jewish dollar feature pictures to be made ! Froude. It was then that the Jobbing has been installed in the handball team finally got hot and Heggie courts. Th© Health Club was •Weidenbeck, Phil Gerelick, Iz No-originated and private lockers vak, and Harry Altschuler rained have been Installed besides the In seven field'goals to the Psi75 additional lockers installed for HU'B lane point to take the -lead use of the Center members. We in the senior league with f i v e installin their minds the-necesstraight wins. In the opening sity of remaining orderly and quarter, both teams were tense gentlemanly by the system we use and played a waiting game with in our basket room. We inspire the Psi Mu boys scoring one field promptness by requiring them to goal and the Jobbing quint put- hand In handball reservation on ting in two free throws. In thetime, but most*1 important of all, second quarter, the teams open- cleanliness is our most vital obed up a little, but the Psi Muject and we have solved this proteam had the best of it with the blem by laundering all gyin outhalf ending In their favor, 14-10. fits each week." ' After two periods of having, Old Man Bad Luck dogging them, the Jobbers finally were able to hit the meshes for points and the third quarter ended even up. It was in the final stanza that the By I K H J I S FEKARSKT Omaha Jobbing team^really played basketball. After three periods Jewish geniuses in Hollywood WAS HIS FACE RED? Next of having iheir shots go in andare crashing the front pages and headlines in great numbers bethen .carom around the rim. and Ephraim Marks was venting his Last week -we said "Who's finally drop, out, they suddenly cause Of their latest exceptional opinion of Wm. Randolph Hearst. nest?" -when -vre mentioned pretdid a round about face and made accomplishments in the films. , He waxed hot on the subject and CALL US ty girls. Our mailman brought us jp e a U y e x p r e s s e d himself in no unGLADSTONE BROS. that basketball sit up and t a l k - From the wealth of good' news e r the paynoff. It was the Btelr about the Jewish ; personalities several letters nominating Helen j certain terms. Imagine his era207 So. 1'yth lar defense work of Reggie Weid- who make the wheels and5the UP Greenberg for top position in the I harassment when he discovered enbeck, and flashy floor-work of music go 'round' and 'round in Pretty Girls List. In fact, one!t t a t t h e society editor of the Bee. ior every purpose Iz Novak a n i Paul Bogdanoff, the the film capitalwe have selected . ,,. ,. , . iXews was sitting by him taking SOMETIME eagle-eye of Harry Altschuler, and what we think are the high spots. reader says, "In my e s t i m a t e , it < u in _ E ^ m m ^ . ^ Distributed by the steadying play of Phil Gere- IRVING BERLIN'S 8H/VER she's the tops." Sounds s e n o u . fa t h h e Esifl b t (KE. 1500) lick and Leonard Seiner that JUBILEE Well, again who's nest? wishes he'd known who the lady WESTERN brought victory and t h e league In celebration of Irving Berlin's was before he started speaking so AT GREATLY REBUCEB leadership into the lap of Iz Tre-25th anniversary as a successful emphatically. THE ANSWER Air Conditioning Corp. tiak, backer and manager. The song writer, leading composers of ' A MTTIiE DIFFERENT FFJCEF In case you've wondered to _ __ , AT. 3454 flame which hovered over both the motion pictures staged a tes- 104 No. 18th St. ' A LITTLE BETTER what is due the increased charm J 1 CH YeSTS A f 0 . « * teams throughout three entire timonial banquet in his honor In of the Junior Council girls let us periods of play and just needed Los Angeles. More than 100 outMrs. 3£&x Shapiro (Helen Robinform you that they are deeply inson) received her B. A. degree the tiniest spark to ignite It w standing writers of American popinterested in a series of lectures grasped by the Omaha Jobbing ular music attended the function, ?} from the sociology department ef on "Charm and Personality." team,. when. Iz Novak crashed unique In Hollywood annals, to the University of Nebraska. through a t the opening of the pay respect to a man who started Temple Israel was planning a last stanza to put tha winners In life as a humble singing waiter *" Sunday School annex. \ Ask Your Hawkshaws Attend 1 OIL the lead. The flashy play of Izin New York's lower East Side Twenty Jewish students were I Grocer for Bogdanoff and the defense work and became International figure One of our readers writes in j named to Central High School Past znd V DistribSemi Lump of Aaron Epstein and Abei Berg- in the years that followed. Since this query: "Will you tell me who j honor roll. Fatronace utors man, which for three stanzas kept he first charmed the world In FORBES TENDER CRUST is the fair Jewish maiden we see Miss Sophie Tucker, in an inRepaid Over a Period of Fi*"f. the high scoring Jobbers in hand 1911 with hla first big song hit, BREAD abput town wearing white ga-! terview In the Jewish Press, Etatto Twenty Tears of "Alexander's .Rag Time :Band," Per Ton was forgotten In the. fourth, a black fur coat, fur hat ed that Omaha ought to be proud Also Straight Ijo«nf? »t 4 *s^, .N Berlin -has contributed '. one or Cities Look for the Orange ter when the Jobbers "got. hot." Guaranteed . and muff? She is alway-s seen of its Community Center. She ROSE PETERSON (v ,* ^ " f r 4.'frit more song hits every year since f and Blue Label Service hurrying down Farnam St. about! claimed to hsve been reared In to Satisfy HOTEL FONTEMCLLE that time.. His record finds no 9 every morning." Here is your an orthodox home, and said that Fine Flowers Moderately Heating A Trial Will Convince- You parallel in the lives of his fellow CITY FUEL Charles Stein, substitute forchance to use that correspondence s h e a t t e n d e d C h e d e r " l i k e t h e Priced. Oils ward, iced the game for the Jack composers. school detective course. Mail r e s t of y o u . " FORBES BAKING CO. &XHLCO. Oren Evenlnps tne Holiday* A NEW CELEBRITY Sprats in the preliminary contest A t 4114 your answers to ye editor of this AT. ESOO AT. GZ AT. as he tossed In-two field goals In From the ranks > of the song 2711 No. 24th St. TOE. 6400 column. MERE, BUI EOT THERE— • the- ijclosiag fmihutes of play for writers comes another celebrity. a 19-16 victory over the Christ The young man, who in 1912, - DICK-HJLLER decided day beChild Center boys. The Christ used to stand -on a ; chair eo that Mistaken Identity bore yesterday that if his folks Child Center after being one point the congregation &t Jrig. father's - . Our editor, Frsnk" R. Acker- and--sister cas go en a rscatioii, beTtfne^iir 'teer entr -iot the,, first synagogue" - fa ; Syracuse, .N; Y. n a n in case you've forgotten, was that he could, too. So is just -BE quarter, wpnt into the. lead at the might hear him Bing, will be comswamped with calls last week long sg it takes to tell it, lie dehalt, l i - 7 ; "Pee-Wee" Wolfson, ing back to Syracuse soon as an from friends who heard his name cided to take a brief vacation in Jack Sprat forward,.finally work- invisible, but integrally important Fotusflries on the police broadcast and want- New Orleans with & friend, and ed himself free and fed- perfect part of a motion picture. BEAUTY SALON 27£h aaS Kartha EA. 552S is .leaving today. ed to know what it was all about. passes into his teammates' hands SPECIAL FOR A LIMITED The youngs man; who was seven It was a mystery to Frank. How. for set-up, shots. ' . • Sweet Bntter Brass, Brons-e Alumisms. Soft TIME ONLY when he felt the urge to'climb ever when the calls t e p t . coming AFTER ALL these years, Jsce Grey Iron enS Semi-Stee] Cast* • Dated RGlk upon chairs, and is,now going on $6.I>0 Permanent Waves he thought he'd better^ investi- Appleman receives her coveted • Soar Cream Miss Ruth-Diamond, dance in- 31, Is .Harold Arlen, debonaire gate, so h6 called police head- diploma, when she graduates ings. Woofl anfi Blete! PatternB at $5}00 strnctor at the J. C. C , harikin and many other procSncts, genius of music composition in Standard sizes Erertse s n i! Iron Quarters and asked the desk ser- from Creighton nest week. Her $5.00 Permanent Waves Bushings. Sewer Ms.nhoien, Cistern ask yoar grocer or call. . . ly Bubmitted to us her viewpoint the modern manner. Rings end Covers, Cleanout Doors, geant why his name h a d been j friends a r e saying'—What nest, at . $4.00 on the fine art of,dance: ' ;. His father is Sameul Arluck, Sash Weights s u e Yellow! i I
Peerless Cleaners
"The old Chinese proverb, 'You Cantor of; Temple Adath-Yeshucan' judge a kingdom by its danc- run in ^ Syracuse, N. Y.^ and Hari n g ' " still holds true today. In old's real name of course is neithe TJnited States the ' "field of ther Harold nor Arlen. Hyman dance with its different classifi Arluck ismore like it, but for the1 cations and varied kinds has be- sake of euphony and ease of recome very popular. Perhaps tap membering h'e twisted it in his and clog dancing have become the present appellation. . most popular because of the stage ArIen*B latest noteworthy efand cinema,, but the other kinds forts.., ol. composition are . foiir must not be .neglected. "Folk" songs that-feature. Eddie Cantor's and "National" dances are tradi- new. $1,500,000 production. Artional with most of us and are IBB'B greatest song bit was "Storbeing revived-with artistic fervor. my Weather." Examples of this can be found In THE SPEWACKS ARE BACK the English equare dancest in thiB Sam and Bella Spewack, the country and t h e Palestinian famous Broadway married writing dances in Palestine. These .re- couple, whose play, "Boy Meets vivals have made a very rich Girl", lampoons Hollywood BO background? for the- Modern Dance successfully that It is a smash hit, which Is being taught in up-to- have returned to Hollywood undate recreational centers, "Schools der contract to Samuel Goldwyn. and colleges, and studios." They are here to write a light "The Modern Dance embodies romantic comedy for Miriam Hopthe work of the dance classes at kins — and the Spewacks are past the t e n t e r to which all members masters of amusing dialogue. are invited to attend.' The begin- NAMES IX THE NEWS ning class curriculum is composMary* Ellis Is back from London ed of rhythmic exercises and tech- and doing a bit of house hunting niques which are essential for the i . ' . B e n n y Baker, whose success foundation of true dance. The ad- in stock plays will be readily revanced class deals with rhythmic called by Jewish Ledgers reader's interpretation and. dance -compo- in Rochester, N. Y., returned from sition. Last Wednesday ten wo- his honeymoon trip with Margery men braved the six degrees below Chapin Wellmari, his new bride, zero weather for the dancing found a real wedding present class and during the class, .besides when he saw his name in lights the routine techniques, created an for the frst time . . . This week interesting folk dance form." will find Sally Eilers enroute to London to make a picture for a In the Class B handball tour- British studio . . . Merle Oberon nament, Al Oru'ch and Dr. Ben picks Irving G. ThalLerg as the Goldware defeated Paul Steinberg most interesting of _all men in and John Rosenblatt, 21-16, 11- Hollywood and one of the most 21, and .21-18. Paul Steinberg arid attractive she has ever met. SamJohnny Rosenblatt entered the uel Goldwyn rankB fourth ion her doubles tournament the favorites list, being designated by Miss Oband up- •until the finals deposed eron" as the best-dressed man in of, their opponents In, such a man- Hollywood and the most dynamic ner as to convince the spectators of movie-town residents. " that the, championship was theirs. IS JOE PENNEB JEWISH? Al drnch and his partner, Dr. Although we have listed Joe Goldware thought differently Penner among the prominent Jew. though and proceeded to demon- ish personalities In Hollywood on strate just what they thought. Dr. the say-so of Paramount Studio Goldware and Al Ourch. can be publicity writers; we find now complimented on; their p 1 a y that we cannot claim him as one throughout ithe tourney. of our own people. Donalds Burns of Los Angeles Old Man Winter has not caused will be news-to the folks at the gym enthusiasts to breik away studio as •well as to the Hollyfrom their dally work-outs, but wood gossip scribbler of another on tho other hand has brought JewlBh press service who has into the men and women more zip been off in some of her listings of Jewish personalities of the stage, and go into their make-up. screen and radio and who consisThe fellow who does the work, tently conveyed the belief that but gains no glory la none other Penner was a son of Israel.
716 Brandeli Theatre Bids. AT. 4SS3
Come In and try our Friday nlte and Simflay Epecials We feature
CITY CLUB BEER CO. 422 So. 18th St.
AT. 5903
Chopped Herring — Chopped Liver Chicken Kreploch Soup Hot Sliced Corned Beef Apple StruUel Cheese BUntze* -
and many other delicacies.
WHITMAN'S DELICATESSEN &' LUNCH S4I7 Farnam JA. 4874 Open Daily and Sundays Till
Stop for Yost
Let Gould Attend Your Drug Needs
Lunch and Relaxation
• Visit us in our new location where you will find a complete stock of Drug and Sundry items.
. . ' . . - AT THE
called—since h e h a d a clear con-j Jane? Plumber*' Fe^fules, carrtet! Irs • science (we're just telling y o u stock. Bronze Tablets. Bronze «n Cast iron Grilier e SrPclal'.'-, what he s a i d ) . The desk sergeant BESS CAPLAN (Cappi ) informed him that a, " d r u n k " End Art Ko~ia set some sort of from Blair, Xebr., with t h e same record vhea they annonncea their name had been picked up, in fact i engagement one dsy, acfl "rere he was picked up periodically. So jwe< * t a e following day. —if you hear the name on police j I "airing" again, please refrain i
Did Ycra Know H a t
AND while speaking- of "Ceppl," they tell an interesting story involving her that happened this last EuaiEK at the Sixty Club. Cappi Lynae {that was her professional name) was among a party. Jackie Hose, whose real name is Morris Poaster, had just finished a cumber to the
Cleaned and Blocked Only
Rose Mendelson -writes the "HUlTop TatUec" column in the Repaired You Wslt Creightonian? FREE—Picfc.yp rnt' x>?"vt~'p$ That Ben Smith is knovn affecin Downtown D.strict tionately as Casanova? Phone EA. 435O That the Round Table Dance •will be held at the Center this crowd. Ha strolled over to the Sunday and that It Till be pre- party of which Cappi vr&s a memSHOE SEFAfl? €C5» ceded by a forum to -which TOU ber. Introductions were In order, are all Invited? Be there, you'll Al Fiedler rose to the occasion. see all your Mends there. "Capri Lynne inset Jackie KOBE, t That the Beth-El "winter dance Bess Csplan' meet Morrie Poaster" is tomorrow night and that -one said Al is. his imitaWe style. young lady reduced fire pounds just eo eh& could attend. Her formal Trouldn't cover the extra five Whether the Westher, pounds she gained during her
husband's absence out-of-town?
Is Buddy "Weinberg advertising a toothpaste? What's he El ways grinning for? We put this in be50th & Dodoe Sts. WA. 0SQ2 cause we didn't want him to think we were frightened by threats. PAKKING SPACE Three Z. B. T.'s Bud Slos. Prompt Delivery burg, Jerry" Malashock^ and Harlan Milder, won a lS27Buick in
Gould Drug Co.
from calling Frank.
BeaJ Est»t«
LEON "CHIEF" FERER (ma, that man's here again) can't get. used to the twenty below zero weather that we're been The juiap frora the of Eermufia to our frigid weather was Quite a blow to the. Chief, end reports have it that he has been studying just what \ Bermuda offers &s & market for ' typewriters.
10KI Be Frepsrei r ftBttrmobil
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dhttla \ «™*« V
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SS Dooplas Block
and crisp,
end g-ive
V? co! f• Vsl h a d J ° tl?& f 3^. Gregory E&tott recalls the time order to win it, so they chartered I
WB Are Serving a i Special American Dinner • • EVERY SUNDAY • ' . "
' • • ' • .
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• ' •
224 Insurance BlcEg.
75c AND 85c PEE PLATE 4 Courses Complete From 11 A. M. t o 8 P. M.
a cab to. cnuse around looking M . ECC0Sted h { m , for it Kow we wonder if t ^ cnerman?" " N o . " Ettswered KEtT T cab bill^was equal to the value of o f f - ..Hun^rtar/r' inquired H O T the ear. Marx, "No." "French?" persisted the old man. "No, not French." Finally at the end of s string of An AT. CSS1 nationalities, the $tiesUoner ixs- AT. SSU ~ Last Saturday, Bob Singer was , terogsted, "Are you • Esery Laundry- Saskt notified that he was to serve -es] "Tes, TEE, R-r-roEsisn, dot's WET %TASS TO FIK1SEE© Chairman of the judges in the;I am!" "M-ia-ia," cogitated Slsrs, ! South Omaha safety slogan eon- "1 fought so." WORK test. As he left his informant, Let us keep veur wearing; apparel lie hopped into Ms car, backed out Assaulted by snitogr&ph
• Wiring of an •: Motor i • Lighting Mxteres. Estimates Gladly Furnished. Call AT. 6479
Ironi Ms parking pises ia haste,}} Masis Rosenbloom asked the kid-) W» and badly dented both of his rear J dies, "How do you want my sig-1 fenders. What EE example! |nature? As a fighter or &E Ector?'r '
take time to fio it rigrht fey being- Kiev? an<2 careful L
ISWfcMu*M><MK* Y
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JTerer Oraefc or For Betiroztms- « B d rooms We also cifst! «nfl -r«ver8#
your ota 8ha.8es BB Low «g S9c
&lat o J c in the home of the bride, before »re does us more damthe fireplace,-and under an arch Ege t h f t n w a n t o f Leningrad. — CoEfirmstion o f ! knowledge . . . of\tlowers. Rabbi- Theodore- N. many Important events of the Old j Benjamin Franklin, Lewis, Rabbi H. R. • Rabinowitz, Testament, particularly the story i ' - -• and Cantor A. Pliskin will offiof Noah^and the Flood, is report-! • •- • ciate at the ceremony. (Continued from* Page 1.) MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent-. . ed here by. Dr. I. Hayrevr, a Rus- | NOTICE OF 'NCORPORATION Of ' The- bride, who will .be-, given ' • . Flavins Joscphus, historian memorable indictment of civilized ~ BET H -EL. tYNAGOGU E wish to attend the dance only sian expert, has , deciphered in marriage by her -father,. will and man of the world, has been justice- in "Success," ,who pilloried iiBiiiDn wear an aqua-marine dress, floor made the -subject for a fascina- the jew Suss in "Poorer" because may buy tickets for one dollar. la 5,000 years old tablet-found in | N Ot ice r ia hereby KiVf.n that a : r*length, fashioned princess style ting trilogy by Iiion Feuchtwa'n- the .latter misunderstood- the re- . -Alumni may make ticket reser- Syria five vears ago by French' Hpious rorpm-fition known as BETHt h M M At with a jacket trimmed In braid. gier. The reviewer of the latest lationship between bis private •volume in the biography comsuccess and, his public effects on Matching it;will be her- Juliet cap Ja. 1632; Other-experts have been unable '• hraskn. but bus spiritual jurisdiction of moline. She will carry a show- ments upon the startling resem* the Jews—If Feuchtwanger should Alex Llpsman, Ma. 3162, or Joe to. translate the inscriptions oni en ! £ £ 7 p ^ V t h ' : rorS-ratfon* .'blance.: between .eyents ;jn_tb,e renounce.that code of elementary^ er" bouquet "of."Tea""Rose's" a"fid' Harris.-- . . the tablet, but. Dr. Harrevy man- is to hpromote nnd to advance1 the sweet peas.. She will,.be•unatlehd- .time of Joscphus and those of ethics and racial salvation by en- ," A. Z. A. "PEP RALLY" aged to decipher them and found that ed. ..Miss Frances Kalln will play, oar own today..., ,-The Editor. haloing Flavjus Josephus for acts the .writing dates from an sum of One Hundred Thousand DolA full and enthusiastic turnout of treachery which he misinterthe Wedding March from Lohehl ancient Phoenician epoch and In-; of members of both Omaha A. Z. i clu<ieR g r i n . • • • - •••-,'-- - . .:.••.• , " - ' : > : . ' . •:."''. I' The problem-. of the worldly pretedTas sacrifice. PAW-UP MEMBERSHIP - many principal elements ; tract and shall be btiund for its debts A. chapters was the response of I Jew who still wishes to retain his There are in America as In Geri and may convey, encumber or change Following the ceremony, a wedPARTY local Alephs at the "Pep Rally" j contained in biblical stories." L its' property. in like manner as may identity with his people is as. f am-. many—as'in'otber lands probably I any •'other corporation under' the laws At a committee meeting held ding dinner will be served ln the iliar- today as .it was eighteen cen- —Jewish leaders who because of held at the Jewish Community j home of the bride's parents* The of the state of Nebraska. Every perCenter Tuesday night. j Rectal Issue -Vital this week, plans were made for a son elected^ to membership by the turies ago, when Flavins Josephus their eminence are a"ble to conceal Nearly a one-hundred percent j "Paid-Up Membership" tea, to be tables will be attractively appoint- was torn between the alternatives Rnd whose dues —not only frb.m those far-below Berlin—The racial question nt as prescribed given' by the Ladies Auxiliary of ed .•with'; flowers and tapers of the r of. Itoine; and Jerusalem—^and def the corporation them'but'even/from themselves— bridal colors. ••'•'•':•;•'• - - — . - . . a. member of th© • .Arrangements for the annual Shaare Zloi Synagogue. The date the Italo-Ethiopian war, the clded that the, twocould be .rethat their sage counsel Is merely Guests from away will'include corporation. The Synagogue became 100 braved the sub-zero weather Banquet and Meeting of tHe Fed- has been set for February 24,.arid Mrs, B.- Wolff, Boston, Mass.; Mr. conciled. ; What he lived was not self-deception, that their battle to take part in an inspiring dis- naral conference at London and a corporation on the l°th day of eration, of Jewish Social Service the affair willbe in the form of a arid Mrs. December. 1K5. and it will terminother world events. Dr. Walter merely a personal tradegy but an for Jewish rights is In reality a cussion of plans for the Iowa->qpN. Skalovsky, Odebolt, ;. on October 1st, 2035. The .offihare been completed, and a rec-Dessert Luncheon. Gross, head of the racial depart- ate experience, that comes at some struggle f o r ; , self-preseryatiori. Iowa;,'-Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards, cers of the corporation are a presibfaska regional tournament of A. ment of the Nazi party, writes in dent, Featured on the program will ord attendance is expected. The a first vice-prfsicient,-n second time to. every" Jew who-is conMen of immeasurably smaller talFlandreau, S. D.;, Mr. and Mrs. vice-president, a treasurer and a secbanquet is scheduled for Monday be two skits, "The Membership of MV. Wasserman,' Lincoln;- Nebras- fronted with' a 'choice between his" ent and vision than Josephus, they Z; A. to be held here next Friday, Voelkischer Beobachter. retary, who, together with all-of the evening,-February 3, In the Jew- the Auxiliary," <and "The March ka; and Miss Frances- Kalin,' of own future and that of his race/ may be sincere in failing to un- Saturday and Sunday, February 7, past presidents of the corporation' of the Calendar." ; . 8 and 9. : r ish Community Center, at 6:30 Lion Feuchtwanger, who" i derstand that what they propose • Sam Beber, founder of A. Z. A., Art is higher than nations, old- ! The Oneg Shabbos group of the Lincoln. • o'clock* '• -: -. . • shown a bravery possessed by few as right for all is merely expedient er than many centuries. j conducts the alfalrs of the corpora-, After a wedding trip, Mr. Kalin tion. • Mrs. Max Mayer, Executive of Auxiliary met Saturday in the aind his ; bride will make ,thelr other contemporary novelists. In for themselves. They counsel Jews and Julius Bisno, executive sec3. J. GREENBT5RG. home of Mrs. Eli Robinow. Mrs. retary of the Junior B'nai B'rith, ] MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER 4 . the Jewish Community Center at pursuing 'a'' theme ^fraught with to march .under the triumphal HARRY SlUVKRMAN, home In Mitchell, SouthDakota. • COHEN, Attys. DAVID GREF.NBERG, Des Mpines, Jowa, will be. the A. H. Baron, Mrs. Rueben Miller •; Among, the'- pre-nuptlal parties, dangers from .the; point 'of vleW. arch of-Titus', to\eridure the cack- spoke* briefly on the traditional 737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. and Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, parhospitality which t h e Omaha A. B. AI-.P1RN, principal speaker, of the evening. honoring Miss' Emlein, was an of popularity and complexity,'' has ling of frenzied mob. But they chapters were expected to mainA. D. FRANK. ticipated in the. program. Mrs. Mayer is known throughout PROBATE NOTICE DAVID COHEN, writtenin "The Jew dt Rome" fail to point out that the mob will evening .of bridge Monday in, the tain at the conclave. J. *ft KULAKOFPKT, thii state as an Inspiring speaker Emlein home.-by merhbers of-Mrs. (Viking Press) a book of far. remain unappeased by this gesARTHUR A. COHN, A heavy attendance of the out- In the Matter of the ERtate of Fanand .an authority on Federation M. M. BAR1SH, Emlein's bridge* Club. Tuesday greater significance than "Jose- ture of- submission and ,will de- of-town chapters is expected de- nie Braunstein, deceased. B. A. SIMOX. problems. She has been actively Notice Js Hereby Given: That the afternoon, Mrs. Rose Kalin, moth- phus," the first-volume In his -tri- mand-far more painful tokens IR.V1N CLEV1M, The Oneg Shabbos meeting of er, of the bridegroom, gave a'tfea logy of the life of Joseph . ben of surrender arid selfdestruction. spite the weather. Chapters in creditors of the said deceased will affiliated with the Zionist and REUBEN BORDT. meet the administrator of Bald esLincoln, Des Moines, Sioux City, the Senior Hadassah chapter will PWlAF M. KIATTZNICK, lladassah groups in Des Moines, in her home as a courtesy to Miss Matthias. There are bypaths of The history of Josephus, as of Council Bluffs and Rock Island tate, before me, County Judge of SAAI BEBEK, . , and has, visited Sioux City in for- be held tomorrow afternoon at Emlein. Douglas County, Nebraska, at tlve ' l-10-4t. introspecyon,'- In "The . Jew of Demetrius Libanus, - that great Incorporators. will .send full delegations to com- County Court Room, in said County, j mer years as a guest of Hadassah 2:30 o'clock in the home of Mrssi Rome." which divert Interest from Jewish actor wfio BO intimately on the 21st day of March, 1936, and ; pete in the oratory, debating and William Lazere, 2616 Jackson St. and as speaker for the Sioux City on the 21st day fof "May. 1(136, at 9 MONSKY, 'GRODINSKY, MARER A Dr. and Mrs, S. H. Shiilkin pre- the simple chronological-narrative affected the life of Josephus, basketball tournaments. The program will include curWomen's Club. ... ' o'clock A. M. each day. for the pur- COHEN, & J. HAROLD SAKS, Atty». but they- reward the reader'with proved that every Instance ot persided -'at a family, dinner Tuesday Committee reports at the rally pose of presenting their claim*" for • In addition to Mrs. Mayer's ad- rent events, • by Mrs. Sol-H. Nc^- evening celebrating the first their revelation, of Jewish- motives sonal aggrandizement wag pur737 Omaha Nafl Bk. Biag. were given by Irv Yaffe, regis- examination, adjustment «nd allowin the County Court of Douglas •',.'. dress, annual reports will be pre- vitsky; a talk on The Early His. birthday of their son, C. Roger and difficulties. •, chased at - a heavy price for the ance. Three months are allowed for County, Nebraska. tration; Harold ZelinBky, recepcreditor* to -present their claims, sented by Mr. A. M. Davis, pres- tory of the Jews in America by Shulkin. , -.-' > . Flavius-Josephus,'who:won the people as; a; wh,ole. And every tion; Joe , Guss, Housing; Dan the Jn the Matter of the Estate of Saul from the 21st day of February. 19.16. Levy, Mrs.E. NV Grueskin, and a ,talk Deceased. ident of the Federation and Miss condescending-favor :of "Vespasian, time that Josephus invoked his Miller, "Social; Dick Hurwitz, on Student'Life at. the University BRTCE CRAWFOItD. All persons interested in said mat'Dena'Baron,'superintendent. own destiny as. & measure, for the Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Heeger, ,of conqueror. of Jerusalem, by proter are hereby notified that on the l-31-36-3t County .ledge. transportation; Ben Shrier, " fi~ Mrs. M . B . Herzoff will offer a in Jerusalem.._ ..•/•. , . 14th day of January. 1336, Bessie Elk Point, S. .D., announce the phesying that he would become happiness -of his race, he embroil- nance; Jay Weisman, debate and The Linen Shower given by the J-evy filed a. petition in said County* IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney group of solos, accompanied at ed them even deeper in the hatred Court, praying thBt her final admin* oratory;. Nate Crounse, banquet Hadassah -Tuesday afternoon was birth of a son, .on January 22, at Emperor, gained progressive fame of the regime. ."...:'. 301 Electric . Bide. the piano by Pierce Wall. . istration account filed herein be set-' by a repetition,otthe.sameisychoand luncheon; Ernie Prlesman, wtH attended and a number; of the .Methqdist Hospital. tied and alloved. and that she be ' Has the world progressed since publicity; Ernie Nogg. dating; NOTICE OF CHATTE4. MORTGAGE ' discharged Reservations for the-- dinner pieces, of linen and bedclothlng phantlc* attitude toward Rome. So from her trust as executhe early years of the Christian . . • • • • « * . * . « . i trix end that a hearing will be had. have, been "pouring into the Cen- were brought to the shower by friendly did he. become with Vesand Lou Hurwitz, athletics. ' ort said petition before said Court on ter; [.office, according to Mr. E. N. the guests. The linens will be sent pasian and, later, : with; his spn^ era when Titus; awed by his deNotice is hereby given. All chairmen reported fine the Sth dey of February, l!)36, and Grueskin, chairman of the' ar- to Palestine for use In the hospiTitus> that.Josephus could event- struction .of.the Temple and anx- progress to date, but stressed the Monday. February 24, 193fi. at 10:10 that If you fail to appear before said m. at the Peoples Service Garage, ' Court on the said Sth day of Februrangements, and those in charge; tals there. ually write a- book about the Jew- ious .to - please, his unreasoning need for, continued co-operation a. • • 2701 North 24th Street. Omaha. Ne- ary, 1936. at 9 o'clock s. m.. and eon? : ; . are; making : preparations to ac- ..'. Mrs.. M. F. Levinson of Omaha, ish wars- of which it could be said subjects* poured his bitterness and | and help from all local Alephs in braska, the undersigned will sell at '.test said- petttion, the -Court m a y public auction to the highest bidder ! grant the prayer of ssirt petition, en£oniodate more than 350 people Nebraska, was t h e principal that It did-not offend the Jew,« the last-minute preparations. for, cash one 1930 Ptudebaker Coupe. ! ter a decree of heirship. and make a£ -jthe banquet. No solicitations speaker of the afternoon, tuning andyet pleased the Romans.;Whe- Josephus. was. merely the "Court Members ot the Omaha chap- Motor No. 79!), 6 cylinder, covered, by j such other and further orders, allow•will be made and no pledge cards of the place of Zionism in Amerther in Jernsalem.when he'yielded Jew", serving the same , purpose ters will register Sunday for the chattel mortgage in , favor . of the !ances and decrees, as to this Court seem proper, to the end that all •wilt be distributed, as has been ican life. Lucille Mushkin preto the Romans or. in .Rome .where that. Joseph Suss: was to in a far tournament. This arrangement is Forbes Baking Company, signed by! may matters pertaining to said estate may "The Chevra B'nai Yisroel SoClarence K. Lyons, said mortgage i later century. He. gave'the Embe finally Bettiert and determined. the- custom in previous years. he was "raised, to the nobility,; he sented a novelty dance, and-Mrs. being made in order to facilitate bearing date" of November 18, 1935. I .: The Federation holds' a unique Leon Marx gave a group of read- ciety; will 'hold an important afways rationalized his motives peror an opportunity to -excuse registration of the visitors upon and having1 been filed In the . off ice | BRTCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. position- in the Jewish community ings. Mrs. Louis Agranoff pre- meeting next Wednesday evening and deeds. He convinced him- bis savagery and. to hold him up their arrival at the Jewish Com- of the County'Clerk of Douglas Conn- 1' 1-lf-St Nebraska, on the 21st day of Noof Sioux City. It Is the focal point sided during the /program. The February 5,r at eight o'clock »at self tEat success fpr hlpi'meant as a symbol ot his kindness. With munity Center next Friday morn- ty. vember, 1935. i REED, RAMACCIOTTI A ROBINof all organizations, and its varii afternoon was'concluded with re- the'Chevra B'nai- Yisroel syna» hapjjiness arid, peace for Israel. his; wealth and his fame, he de- jing. SON and EPHRA1M L. MARKS, Said sale will be for the purpose ouS; departments make an earnest freshments and a social hour. ... gogue 'at'•''-•'618 ' Mynster street; So imtnersed was he In his" qw'n Attorneys of foreclosing said mortEag-p for cost ) Ann Niemann,' popular songPlans will Be completed" for their of sale and & U accruing costs and for effort to care for the problems fate tha.t he presse^ Titus 'to per- come.prosperous -and successful. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION banquet to be" given 6n -Sunday mit Paulus, ,4Josephus' son^ of 'a He thus -became-a cloak for the i stress of the College Club orches- j the purpose of satisfying the amount and emergencies, as .they are In the County. Court of I>ouglas due thereon, to-wit, lofi.nn; that eveninsr, February 9, at promptly Greek' mother; to 'become, a "Jew injustice and the oppression .which I tra," opened the rally with a group now brought' to the attention of the B'NAt B'mfH OFFICERS no suit or other proceedings- at law j of numbers. Refreshments were have In the Matter of the; Estae of Hai> been commenced to recover said Federation : officlals.i t h t .realizing elii ^ht' he"'thereby h " ' t h b was _xlslted upon .the gr;eat mass WILL BE INSTALLEDsi±l o'clock ' at the synagogue, without ry i?. McDonalfi. Deceased. j served following the close of the debt or any part thereof. which 'is In celeKratloii of the changed the" course of Jewish his- of his fellow-Jews, Jews pf great • The Jewish Community Center All persons interested in said esI. FORBES, doing business un- tate are hereby notified that a petifilth anniversary of the dedica- tory, since Titus immediately ban- wealth in-. «v.ery; age. with but few reports. * proyides a meeting place for the der : the -firm' name of Forbes tion has been filed in said Court alNewly" elected • officers of the organizations.^ The • relief depart- B'nai'B'rithlodge wilfhe formal- tion of the new • synagogue. More ned, circumcision of aliens to coun- exceptions, have, always tbeen. the Raking Company.- '• ' leging that ssid deceased died leavTo; Sam Better, fonri'der" of A". ment has.under its care,local Jew-: ly Installed "at Ja meeting of -the than one hundred and fifty reaer. teract his friendliness to one. Jew. destroyers and. Sot the benefactors ing no IBM y-il! nml praying: for ad. Z. Aj. goes the distinction of be-j ministration upon his ept«t*, and! ish! families. and individuals, in B'nai B^rith next. Wednesday eve-; vations have beeh. made already . Arid even at the'end"'-(of-this j of their, people..For a o t only\ have 1 REED, RAMACiQTT! A. ROBINSON that a hearing Trill be had on said deed of assistance. The legal de- ning,' February 5, in the Jewish tor the banquet, and as there Is novel,), when Josephus must per- they served to co.nceal the. wretc'h- Ing the' first person to register petition before PRM court on the 15th and E. L. MARKS. Attorney*. for the A. Z. A.- regional tournaday of February, 1936, and that if First National BankBldg. partment, composed of a number Community,;.;Center. a1* limited capacity, final reserva- form tjbe degrading'^nd httmillai- edness of their less endowed ment to be held in Omaha next • -• , they fail to appear Rt said Court ou of local Jewish attorneys, .offers .-. Dr .H.,M.;Le,vin ;w|'lV install the tions niust be: made today with irig act of walking' beneath;1 tte brothers,, hut they .have get np the said isth day of February, 193S, NOTICE OF ADMfNlSTRATION Friday, Saturday 'and Sunday, i >j i its assistance as does the medical incoming In the County- Court of Douglas \ at 9 o'clock A. M. in contest said officers, and iLester Dav- Mr. O. Hochman; phone 504J. A, Afct of. Titug as' a symbol o f the standards -of . communal d u t y February 7, S, and S. petition, the Court may grant the County. Nebraska. j department to which a number of idson, newly elected president and special program is being'arranged' and grant administration of defeat of the Jews, hefeels'tliat which • • been, • the- reflection ."Mr." Beber insisted on " paying In the Matter • of the : Estate of ' same said estate to Charles B. McDonald Jewish doctors have given their Frank : Margolin; retiring presi- for "this-affair arid' "everyone Is of ..their.-own snbcoascious .aims his registration lee at the*"Pep | helping to avert* eatastropho or some suitable person and services. • •: .• .-.;•"• estate proceed toother urged to -make* their, reservations from hiS fellow instead' of realii- and not the path, -to.».better, wel- Rally" held at the Jewish Com. i B settlement thereof. dent, will speak. . •'••;. -; . are hereby notified thBt a ERTCE CRAWFORD. The Federation has earned; the fai« for their |el!ow«. ,\ ., A buffet lunch and smoker will at orice-to attentf the banquet if ing that he was merely idded muqlty Center Tuesday night. j has been filed in said coon 1-14-St , County Judge. co-operation of the entire .Jewish follow the installation. Other new they have- not done so already. shame to their .other, burdens"." >.- By. endowing '.'Th« • Jew - el '^fqV Jfffris, of the Mother Chap-j community,. and, the evidence of officersr are' A.•- M; Davis, vice- Therbanqnet- and -program is open f^ xlcV detail of ter, was the first A. Z. A. active j tration upon his estate, and thRt a EEN KAZLOWSKY, Attorney In Josephus, .Fenhtwanger sees Jewish-history, by-m&king, Josethis co-operation is being shown president; Dr.. Frank Epstein, re- to the public. '•.''• - •-•hearing: will be had on ssid. petition member _ to register. All local i before Iniuranee Bids. a symbol of the unending Jewish Kaid court on the 24th day of In the enthusiastic response given cording secretary; Edwin-W. Barphus -the archetype of -Jews of members will register st the chap- | February. 193fi. and that if theyfsil perplexity: nationalist or. citizen to:the committee in charge of the on, corresponding secretary;' MorNOTICE' OF ADMINISTRATION The Sisterhood of the .-Talmud of. the world-? There." Is- only. one standing, either i>T-. virtue of fame ter meetings Sunday. to appear at said Court on the said in the County Court of Douglas reservations for the banquet. 24th day of February. 1S36. at S County. ris1 • Skalovsky, treasurer; - and iorah Society will hold a regular fallacy in" Feuchtwanger's posing or .wealth, Feuchtwanger has servNebraska. o'clock A. M.. to contest said petition, ed not only-literature but history. In the Matter of the Estate of meeting next • Wednesday afterFrank Margolin, monitor.. the Court may grant the same and Abe ot the question insofar, as Jose- He has .crested an epoch which Expanding Cohen. Deceased. grant administration of Raid estate noon, February 5, at 2:30 o'clock phus himself is concerned.'For the All persons interested in said estate AUXILIARY DANCE Haifa (WNS-Palcor Agency)— to Albert Harkins. or some other suit- are hereby notified that a petition * bear* startling resemblance . to at the Cheyra B'nai Yisroel synagreat historian of the Jewish peoJack Reams' orchestra has been able person and proceed to a settle- has been filed In said Court alleging gogue at SlSrMynster street. All ple .was only. Indirectly a, nation- contemporary . events. Then too An indication of continued build- ment thereof: booked to furnish music for'dancthat said deceased died leaving ho Ing and developing activity w a s a world was crashing about JewMrs. Mata Bernstein, Sioux City members are: urgei io' attgnd. "* alist: . He longed tor the hills and BRTCE CRAWFORD. last will and praying for administraing at the Auxiliary Dance, which 1-31-ot. County Judge. provided here with the announcetion upon his estate, and that a hear* valleys of Palestine -only when his ish h e a d s — and Individual Jews 13 scheduled for Saturday, evening, resident for the l a s t ' 2 5 years, ing will be had on sRid petition bedied Wednesday nlghtiin a local MAX FROMKiN, Attorney fore said court on the' Sth day of The Council Bluffs Chapter No. spirit was oppressed by the indiff- were., trying to save, themselves ment by the South Africa-PalesFebruary 8. ' • ." from the vreck, -" believing that tine . Binyan Corporation that it Insurance Bldg. February, 1936, nnfl thru 1f they1 fail The dance will be held In the hospital, following an Illness of 7 of. the A..ZA. .wilLhoId an"im- erence of Rome and the unhappi-; to appear at said Court on the said had decided to double its capital they .were preserving the interests several weeks. Mrs. • " Bernstein wa3 portant .meeting Sunday after- ness of his personal, life. But Sth day of February. ]!>36. Bt H o'clock --,_ Rainbow room of the "West HoNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION r t ind would issue new shares totalof Jewry. ^;ears old. • ; A. M. to contest said petition, the I In the County. Cou-t of Douglas | noon, Februarys, at promptly;2 even in*-moments of. deepest desteLand elaborate plans have been County. Nebraska. • ! Court may grant the samei and grant . * Funeral .;services were held o'clock at the synagogue-at .618 pair • he could think of his own Willa and Edwin Muir share ling $250,000 (50,000 pounds). made to make the affair an enIn the Matter, of the' Estate of lie- ; administration of estate to Ros« Thursday afternoon in the family Mynster • street. Final arrange- destiny only In terms of Roman with Feuchtwanger the credit for becca. Shajjiro. Deceased. I G. Cohen, or some other suitable pertertaining one. ••••-'. residence at 607 West . Fifth All persons interested in said estate son and proceed to a settlement "The Jew of Rome" because of ments-will be made for participa- preferment." If he went to the The ticket committees have be. are hereby notified that a petition < thereof. has been filed In said Court alleging j gun the work-of canvassing the Street, with Rabbi H. R. Rabino- tion in the district A. Z. A. tour- river to join otber Jews in casting their faithful and yet lyrical BRYCE CRAWFORD. The Viking Press, that said deceased died leaving no l-!6-3t County Judge. (Continued from page 1) city and a, large attendance is in- witz and Cantor A. Pliskin of.flci. nament which will be held In out his'sins during the ten days translation. last wili and praying, for adminisiraating. •-. ' ' dicated by their initial reports. Omaha February 8 and February preceding Tom Kippur^it was on- more than any other 'single pubton upon his estate, and that a'hearMrs, Bernstein, was • a member 9 at the Jewish Community Cen- ly because he felt a sense of guilt lishers in America, deserve com- the- equivocal Jew and material- Ing will be had on paid petition besaid court on the Sth day of < of the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare ter. - ' for the unhappy fate" 'of thfe son mendation' for the courage which ism (including the Marxian var- fore . • • - - • v February, 1936, and that if they fail: Zipn Synagogue and-of-the-/Heborn l o him of a Jewish wife. He they have displayed In sponsoring iety) his ultimate symbol of flight to appear nt said Court on the said i brew -Mother's Club. . Sth day of February. 1936. at 9.o'clock i was filled with pride to know that not only Keuchtwanger's trilogry from his people and himself. ' -^Carrying out their^program of Eecogulzcd 'as A. M. to contest said petition, the j Ben - Gershun has returned his was the only bust of "a Jewish but a host of other volumes which Survivors include her widower, "The Jew of Rome" is an. in- Court may grant the same and punt! active communal service, the Benjamin Bernstein;, four daugh- home following a week's stay in writer to be placed in the Roman PRACTICAL MOHEL show the. Jewish writer today at ordinately clever book. So agile administration of said estate to Vic- i Sioux City A. Z. A. chapter will ters,,Mrs. 'Rebecca Sherman, 'Mrs. Chiacgo, 111., and Milwaukee, Hall of Fame, without reflecting tor Shapiro, or some other suitable j Phone 1055? and many-sided, is its. sharp, dry person his richest and purest. a.nd proceed to * settlement! conduct the services at Sbaare Mollle Kutcher, and Mrs: Llbbie Wis. WhilR he was in Chicago, that Titus would impose some COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. (Copylght* 1936 by Seven Arts cleverness that at least thrice it thereof. ZIon Synagogue, in the absence of Kosberg; a i r of Sioux City and he was the. house guest of'his grave hardship on Jews la order BRTCE CRAWFORD, coires near to transcending Itself . Feature-Syndicate.) Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz. 1-16-St County Judge. Mrs. Edith Brown of Atlanta, brother-in-law and sister, Mr, andto show the Roman populace that »rd rising ino the world of he 'Rudolph i Schlndler, ^Aleph. Go- Georgia: * one'; son, Morris Bern* Mrs. M. Gershuny. • '• - he .was not really as great a Jewcreative Imagination. Once. In „ dbl of -the chapter, will preside. stein, of Iowa City, Iowa, and two lover as might be suspected 'from Pro-Zienisl the; delineation of Dorion, the Earl -Hlmovitz, alumnus, will brothers, Harry and Sam RItten. Berlin^—All - Jewish youth or- Egyptian- wife of Josephus, once Mrs. Leo Meyerson.and her sis. that act of patronshlp.... / speak on-the subject, "Be Thank, baum of Atlanta, {Jeorgia. Mrs. ter-ih-law," Miss June .Meyerson, ga'nizations -are now • pledged to at that moment.whfen Titus and lul You' Are an American Jew." Brpwn came byf airplane from At- are expected- home to"day from St. How skilfully Feucbtwanger has Zionism. At a conference of Jew- Berenice reunited after a long Samuel Sadoff, past Aleph Godol, lanta and , Morris arrived from Joseph, Mo., where they spent the protrayed Josephns, -how scrupu- ish youth groups from all parts absence feel the sudden touch of will Boeak on "Hebrew and Emo-Iowa City,, and -were., at the bed- past two weeks visiting at the lously Impartial he has been. in of the country the Zionist pro- disillusion and the presage of tions;" side :of their mother at the time home of Mrs'. Myerespn's' parents. presenting, his. features is evident gram was officially adopted. • death'and once again In those in the fact that one cannot fore' • The A. Z. A. choir, headed by of her death. . : Ilitherto-inpst" of the Jewish final paragraphs that show JoJack Merlin, and under the direcThe' Council Bluffs Talmud tell the judgment that the nove- youth societies had ' been' non- seph passing under the arch-of , tion of Samson Krupnlck, advisor . .;.,'"' ; Torah. society will hold a regular list will render upon Josephus. in partisan. Titus. But these are motaents. the final .volume 6t fiis triolgy, Of' the chapter, will conduct the meeting " next Monday evening, The book as-a' whole is written which is easily one of the greatest Tournament Friday evening serfrom the neck up. Neither the j Services this evening will be February , at 8 o'clock at the works in the literature of ttfe Fragments e/ Bihlkal Era vice In Omaha, during the A. Z. Chevra -B'nal Yirroel synagogue soul nor the viscerk have- had A. convention there on February conducted by members of the A. at 618 Mynbter. ."street. All mem-Jews. " As a citizen of Germany " Jerusalem. — Fragments of an much to with St. And artistic Z. A. chapter. Cantor A. Pliskin who has learned, in"-common with admonition to Christians In the 7, 8 and 9.and. "the synagogue - choir ..will bers are urged to attend. 500,00 others, that the world does Greek language:.not to enter, the creation like myth, like religion, The local chapter will also be chant the ritual.' not always welcome the eagerness area of the Jerusalem temple was though needing the criticism and represented ~in the debating, ora. The Council ' Bluffs Agudas of the* Jew to absorb its culture unearthed by workers excavating correction' of the intelligence, Tomorrow morning Junior contorical, and basketball divisions. gregation services will 'be/ held Achim Society will hold a regular and its ways, Feuchtwanger'may to build a road in the old section springs from sources infinitely The little things that cb-sewnuchto deeper. '. ; : with Harry Nadler, reader of the meeting next Thursday evening, be using Josephus as a target for of the city. / ' ".,..'mote one feel at home oc especially Law and David Kuntz acting as February 6, at 8:30 o'clock at the blistering .satire, of. &' disillu: The book will commend itself The annual "Dutch Treat" din- Cantor. Candy will be distributed the Eagles Hall. sioned as s 1 m i 1 a t i o n 1 a t. But evident at Bate! President Close to a very wide audience. Godless Feuchtwanger, though filled with British Eiscedert Urge ner, given by the Junior Ha- by Mr. and Mrs. R.- H. .Emlein, Gentile &nd Godless Jew will say •to all the finektete and shops honoring their daughter Fra'nces, i pride In Jewishn'ess, has • In his Protest dafesah' chapter, Is scheduled' for with equal satisfaction, conscious. Rothschilds Aid Refugees comments on Germany refused to next Wednesday evening, Februl whose marriage to Ben Kalln will Splendid food in the (Hfee Shop or Paris—Settlement of 200 GerLondon.—A conference of edu- Jy or.unconsciously: "Aha, so that ary S, with Miss Margaret Saitlin be an event o t Sunday. m a n Jewish refugee families Jn be embittered about civilization cational associations of England is the way It" was and is. Then Walnut ffean fees most moderate. In;, charge of arrangements. The agricultural - colonies In South as a whole." Josephus, then, may adopted' a resolution ; urging the we can go: on the same as ever. be h'is conceptlon'of the'"reason" dinner will be given at the CanAfrica has been decided upon'.by British government "In the inter- How modern! How clever! How PERCY TYRRELL ; non Tea Gardens. the Rothschild Committee for the with wnlch the Jew must reconcile est of common humanity" to take immensely Irreligious!" Precisely, ffector bis own worldly' aspirations with . The Junior Hadassah chapter Relief of German Refugees. . Immediate action directly and And how sophistical in the evil In the presence of the immedi- • A- number of refuc-ee. families the disabilities'imposed upon him through the League of Nations'to',and how untrue to every wtll conduct the service at Shaare Zipn Synagogue next Friday eve- ate members of the family, Miss have already been helped to es- by an Indifferent, if not hostile, protest against the persecution of t rath that makes for life and how •' ' •' ning. Members-who will partici- Frances Emlein, daughter-of-Mr. tablish themselves in South Africa world. Jews and other minorities In Ger- superbly contrived for both its pate In the service will be Mrs. and Mrs. R. H., Emlein, will be- by thiB committee. aim and Its fate—immediate popIt would ' - . strange, however, many. come the bride og Ben D. Kalln, •William Kutcher, Hose Pill, Mrs. ularity and early oblivion. If Feuohtwanger, who predicted BALTIMORE at 14th 'STREET. Einil Levich, Rose Reznick, Ellz son of Mrs. Rose Kalln, on SunAspiration see« only one side the" triumph of Fascism, in GerA sip is. tbe most that mortals' abeth Raskin and Florence Lohr- day afternoon, at 4 o'clock. JUST OUT OF THE N0SSK ZON£ of every question; - *n.any_iopjg before the ballots were If a man is worth knowing at are permitted from any goblet of p The ceremony will. take place many . .... Lowell. mnn, .. 3 3 who wrote that [delight . . . JBronsqa Alcott. all, he is worth knowing well. counted In 1 1933,.
In Days of Josephus
Sioux City News
Ilecord Attendance Expected at Banquet Mrs. Max Mayer to Be ' Principal Speaker Monday
Irving Hill to Be Conclave Speaker
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A.ZA, :
"theftixury that.
Women tove
Shaare Zion
Jr. Hadassah Dinner
, . Sodety. News