February 7, 1936

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the Jewish Peopl

...WINDOW... >By LUDWIG LrEWISOHN' (This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction In whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on this* copyright will be prosecuted.) v _About a year ago I -wrote, as I done since and will necessarily do again, urging our young men and women to identify,themselves inwardly and outwardly with our people, its faith, its work, is aspiration. And a young Jew from Brooklyn wrote in replyi "What would' Mr. Lewisohn offer to these younc Jews? A petty nationalism when the world is so big? Or would he, instead, offer them full lights as befits a " citizen of the world?" I have nev. er. forgotten 'those words -r— their pathos,- ': "their utter intellectual confusion,7 their dreamy unreality. Yet I suppose • they echo well enough the vague yearnings' of thousand's after what they conceive Jto "be-freedom, after something which amid the concrete realities "of life, must turn out to' be either a false form or formlessness.

Entered.as Second Class Mail Matter on January 21, 1921; at Poitofflo. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. lili



] f( CONCLAVE AIx $3,500,000 QUOTA TO AID PALESTINE' jf. \



Washington, D. C. (WNS) — Stirred by a message from President Franklin D. Roosevelt laud- Eir Herbert Samuel Tells of ing the rebuilding of the Jew'ish Plan for $15,000,000 Homeland in Palestine atid de- - Emigration {daring that the American people would he ready to cooperate New York (JTA) — Fortified : generously in further activities, i with the . enthusiastic endorse! the 1,200 delegates attending the I National Conference for Palestine ment by 600 of America's most Due to the extremely incleadopted a quota of $3,500,000 to Influential and wealthiest Jews,: ment -weather, registration for Jewish leaders here continued: FRIDAY be raised by the Jews of tbe Untheir conversations with Sir Her- the College of Jewish Studies Registration, 3. C. C. all day.' ited States during 1936 forthe "Citizen of the world?" Where Basketball, J. C. C , 10 a. j United Palestine Appeal, t h u s j b e r t Samuel, Lord Bearsted and! will remain open at the Jewia .your world-state? Where is ish Community Center Monday The regional A. Z. A. tour-' m. to 3 p. in. The annual meeting of the: evening vrill be delivered by •; I add ing. SI,000,000 'to the p r e v - t!as ii lms o no f Marks of England on de- evening, at S:15 p. m. your federation of man? But let nament is in full swing today j tne laa SRmilP Debate, J . C. C , 1 p. m. jiously determined goal. The inP which will enme for a" moment grant you your Jewish Communitv' Center and !. ™ ] S l *}"'y?vhSf «\ a b I e Oratory Contest, Beth El 'creased quota was adopted in re. , Congregation 13 urn eTehiulr.I 25,000 Jews annually for wild and rather adolescent dream. in Omaha with Nebraska, Iowa i City, Mo. Welfare Federation -will be next few years to emigrate sponse to a cabaled plea from the 'the j Suppose' s o m e day, centuries and Illinois chapters . repre-' Services, J. C. C , 8 p. m. 1 . Ksbbt House Parties. Mayerberg- r,pent j Jewish Agency for Palestine for i f r °m Germany to Palestine and hence, there; were to be a cooperheld next Wednesday evening , SATURDAY slimmer in Germany "where br ative world of equality and of sented at the three-day cpn-i increased funds to make possible other countries. February 12, E.t the J. C. C. an opportunity tc observe B'nai B'rith. luncheon, Tem- I the settlement in Palestine of the peace. Then, more than ever men clave. Early arrivals appeared j Endorsement of the project ple Israel, 12:30 p.-m. auditorium, starting at S ;15 hand the situation of tbe J f would cling to their culture- Thursday evening and. are be- j tens of thousands of Jevs from was given at Temple Emanuel at people under the Nazi rpEime. Iowa - Nebraska Association j Germany, Poland and other coun- a reception to the three noted groups. Because man cannot live p. m. promptly. his pridress t>« thp Rulviect. " without- form, both group form ing registered today at the' Meeting, Temple Israel, 2 p. m. I tries whose position fi now hope- British Jews Jby the Joint Dig. Election of officers for the Deathless Jew" v;iH not only Semi-Filial Debates, Temple | l e s s . ' Norman Hspgood, author, ediand individual form. Universal Jewish Community Center, the j • • tribution Committee. Israel, 5 p . m. tor, lecturer, and a former minis- i ensuing- year End cornprchen- ord his Impressions of thp » uniformity would issue in form- tournament headquarters. I After hearing Simon Marks, noA resolution, presented by WilDance, Jewish Community lessness, in the withering away of |ted British Zionist and a member liam Rosenwald and unanimously ter to Denmark, eddressed S large js i v e reports .on the activities Etion there but will also The feature public event of the Center, 0:45 p. m. both civilization and humanity. | of the delegation of English Jews adopted, pledged cooperation in Community Forum attendsnee of the Federation during the Jewish life EF P, whole. tourney-—the oratorical finals— SUNDAY Wednesdaj' evening at the J. C. C, Precisely as the individual 'must j now in this country, outline a effort to raise 815,000,000 speaking on "Industrial Democ- past twelve months' vrill feaDebate Finals, J. C. C. Lodge ;plan for aiding the emigration of the keep his " I " intact in order to will be held at the Beth El SynWilliam IJ, HOIKTOBTJ, prppliifthoughout the world. The res-racy." live sanely and fruitfully, so peo- agogue services iff the Jewish Room, 2:30 p. in. ture. Also, seven trustees will of the Jewish Community C'r.i.i j 100,000 German Jews between Basketball Finals, J. C. C. {the ages of 17 and 35, at least! olution concludes with recognition ples, culture-groups will have to Community Center auditorium toThe speaker declared fhat he be elected for the Hsrry H. and Welfare Federation, wi'.! r.of the fact that the plans in no "cannot Gym, 3:30 p. m. keep their individualities intact night, Friday evening. conceive of freedom t o - : , . , ! half of whom will go to Palestine, j side at Ihe mpetint: and wii; Seven picked orators' will deommunity T r u s t port . Award Banquet, if. C. G. j over a period of four years at a ;way "contemplate or include any day without capitalism, but it has ' i j E P l r t u s and sharply defined "in order to or* the work oJ the ovgsu.!-. liver addresses upon the topic of Antlitorium, O:3O p . m. live and" produce. Expressive lit| measures which will aid or fac-, pi .» Fund. cost of 515,000,000, the confer.!'.";:.";"""/ "'""* "'"• *" *""" t o b e c o n t r o U e d c a t a I i E l n tion during: the past year. 1 lllta fe i n t h e e x p o r t oi erature will never be written in "A Great Jewish Personality of principal irtrtrrs* of <he He pointed out thst the United ence approved this project but I . , German Kepnrts will be diafribiitPf; t? Esperanto. It may legitimately Recent History." Omahans enterenipnazied its opposition to a n y - 1 g o o d s - adding: that this assur- States has the finest theoretical ing of the. work of the vjivif ed in the contest are Macy Baum be asked whether the Highest civa n c e Is regarded as an essential thing that would increase German political democracy in the world, committees, including P, repnr; ilization is not already endanger- and Nathan Crounse. exports and resolved that any condition." but argued that in business our i relief -work for xarnUieF Rnr- >~1 Baum is representing Mother ed by the universality of those That sum of $15,000,000 had country Is autocratic. This was phase of the emigration plan afjdren by Mrs. K. A. Wolf, .-in. mechanical devices which, for in- Chapter No. 1 and will speak on fecting Palestine should be de-1 i man of the Family Welfare Cn stance, bring Hollywood to vill- the life of Theodore Herzl in an I veloped with the help of and ex•mittee: a. report, of activities • ages', in Manchuria. Remember oration entitled "They Called Him ecuted by the Jewish Agency for the Jewish Community Center Dreamer;" Crounse, of Sam Beber that the broader your initial ap' J a c k W. Marer. chairman nf ;natural resources, peal in politics, art, thought, re- Chapter No. 100, will speak upon The National Workers Alliance Palestine. that the Jews of England. Hollj Center Committpp; p repnr; Stephan S. Wise was elect! ligion, the lower correspondingly Bialik, the Hebrew poet. Other will present the New York Trio, ed Dr. used them for their own benelr is national chairman of the Uni-|^ n d ' Belgium, France, and other j and °"^ "Whistling in the Dsrk" has jthe Women's Division hy r>?"s, composed of Al Harris, Bella Bal[ ^ respect, .he praised contestants will represent Council 1 must,me.the plane of your appeal. ted Palestine Appeal. National} European countries were under- j*' :" been chosen as the nest produc. J. Greenberg, president; repo--: Worldiwideness means mass.wide Bluffs Chapter No. 7,. Lincoln lerina of the Vilna Troupe' and co-chairman were Rabbi Israel | taking to raise one third of tl th-i:s-i1t n e administration most highly j t l o n the Center Players. The Social Service Committed fey • Ben Bossenka, in an evening of, ^—„..—-„ i*°r the TV A: project, the h'/iding ! RT ness; Mass-wideness means the Chapter No. 3y Des Moines Chappresented on Mfirch Philip Kbcr. chairman: nnd k. ' banking"! P' *"« Goldstein, Maurice Levin,; Judge I SUES, t o b e with^ the^ other two-thirds. company act, aod the largest common denominator.. It ter No. 4, Sioux City Chapter No. Jewish music, drama and comedy jWfUlam.M. Lewis, Louis l.ipsky, j " supplied by American Jew. | measures. • • , lfi s n d .port oti 'br- f,t>n.nr:is.i opcrati'isir 12 ,-nn.d Bock Island,; 111., Chapter Stjnday, February 9, at the means sterjllty^and idocy and gad,-: i Morris Rothenberg jand Rabbi Ab-! er ?- • • _ • iTPT ~ This "mrsierr" play enjoyed 8 fhp Federation (luvinic: IP?.'-. - gets. -ItiaeaiisJ&e^aisa^ai-scien- N o . . : . 4 0 . \ ' • - , . ; . - ' ^ ; _ . : . ; - . . . : . • - • • ^ • ' • • ' j ^ - • - . - - • 3 Knights_of Columbus hall, RosenbuTg,T ith ..the" present efi-j long- end successful Broadway run; printed report of the work ru ; ltly in accord "' ' :-^^w^li-??br"HineT:Silrirr ^ a l s e l T i r ^ o n - ^ ^ ^ " * 1 yT~J tifie--heir so. auberbly • delineated •"•"• Judges1 "na^meTTfoF". thecongest* . by Aldous Huxley in "Brave New are Harry Silve.rman, Irvin Stal- known artists whose repertoire i orary. chairmen were Dr. Cyrus i vice-chairman of .the J.D.C.. pre- ministration, He attacked un-j with Edward Arnold. jmrt Ernes! ; Jpvisli Fhilfintlirppies ]«?;f y,? Yiddish songs, "dramatic JAdler, Alfred M." Cohen, Cover-j siding.; t the reception , disclosed j limited spending, • boondoggling Trnex-in the leading rolcp. It-hns : including a list o* coniribuffi W o r l d . ' ? , ,,.;•'-•••.• ' maBter," and Ephraim-Marks. The includes" sketches; comedy and recitations. ! nor Herbert H." Lehman, JudgeUhat Lord Bearsted and '.Mr. • critics of the ; 'a clever and ingenious plot a n d ' i s ; win also be distributed. riiiiir T.V. winner will be announced at the They have been heard by capacity J Julian W. Mack and Miss Henri- i Marks "were Jimon^ four British constitution, chairman of flip nuiv So much, for the dream or the Award Banquet at the Jewish the spoils filled with'clever dialogue p n mi!tee, will report briefly, night-mare. Which does not mean- Community • Center Sunday night audiences in Omaha before and etta Szold. Nathan Strauss was j Jews who between them had tem. plenty of tense moments. ! A constitutional P.ITIPIHTTI?."!-.'that I am untrue to the Jewish when Sam Beber, the founder of t h e committee in charge of ar- chosen national treasurer and {pledged more than $1,000,000 to. He called Roosevelt's greatest j j vision of an olam haba on earth. A. Z. A., will present medals to rangements for this evening has Mrs. William Dick Sporborg of ! ward this fund. dan£er bad "Whistling in the Dark" is the ?will he presentee! by Jack M e x - . Later, James McDonald, f o r m - 1m e d t h s"t r e c earithmetic" but opBut note what the Prophet says: all winners. The oratory cham- already received . numerous calls New York was named national chairmen of the constitniifiNt." nt acts *" d B t B t e - story of a crime novelist End his iamendment committee. The r.-i* chairman of the women's divi- er High Commissioner for R e f - j m e n t s b r t h e "The wolf ann the lamb shall pion will receive a-.trip to Duluth for tickets. President, indicate fiancee who stumble itpon a geng- ; teed together." He does not say: in March to represent the Iowa. ' The Trio will present a half- sion, with Mrs. Rebekah Kohut as ugees, Said Mr. Marks had p l e d g - jt h a t h e i s , • ,., ed personally that he would c o n - ' *™S»»S away from •ster'B hide-out. The author is! 08WSmethod n i eelectingilt r o u lthe There shall.be neither wolf nor Nebraska region in the District hour program over 4he radio on honorary chairman. faced a t the point of 8 pun to !; P. TG " m e n dof -' r t pse* tribute $500,000 to the fund. station KOIL Sunday morning lamb: All ultimate wisdom is in 6 finals. -,, in their dig- ''* committee and members , . A like sum is understood to have limitless s p e n d i n g . Whether j -orrite the perfect, crime which the the board of governors. our scripture, Search it, If you Services will be conducted', by from 9:30 to 10 o'clock. Roosevelt is reeleeted o r not, he , gangsters plan to use been pledged by Lord Bearsted. Tickets for" the evening pro' would know. members of the Omaha A. Z. A., he can convince the people that poss.1 oi! the Po'ice Commissioner. GuesS Spesker In his address, Sir Herbert re. he knows what to do with his But, unluckily or not, there is and, as a special feature, t h e gram may be obtained at Harry The author complies with n p i n iterated previously made assurKsbbi Mp.yrrherg. the pt' arithmetic. no world-state for your citizen- choir of Sioux' City Chapter No. Crounse's store at 16th and Dava t . h i s side - - but in the end he ip reputed to be R" ances that the proposals do not enport or from any member of the cleverly turns tables on the gang; speaker. ship. So what in.fact the young 12,. will chant. House parties will Hapgood pointed out the Col-S1c 6 r s oellent. speaker. He is R crfjii'hinge on promoting export of Ger. Jewish National Workers Alliance Jew does who h a ' that vague be held following services. umbia Conserve company, operat- ' s.te ot the Hebrew Union Coi'srf or at the box office. man goods. yearning a f t e r a universality ed by the Hapgood family, as his Those taking part in. the produc- and the University of Cineir.su^ •. Other Events I made it clear from the outwhich does not exist is this: he , ideal of "industrial democracy." tion a r e : The author He served RS aseistant rabbi >••'• Other events open to the pubset," he said, that in no cir- jE v e a d l i r i n f f t h e deP res S ion. no Porter, Joe Solomonpw; Toby, hip abandons his culture-group for Temple Beth-El. Detroit, for '••<••( Berlin (JTA) Julius Streicher, I another: he tries to give,up his lic include the basketball prelimemployes were fired though fiancee, Bess Gold ws re; Dillon. years, was Ilabbi at Dsvtou. .'"•... known as Germany's high priest 1 form for another form; he sells inaries and semi-finals to be held the '•boss," Sol Tiichmsr: his for eight, years, and lies br.'T. ir. ] were cut. The company h of anti-Semitism, launched an at the Center gymnasium Friday out his Jewish culture for some transferring Germanprop, jem pioymeRt iEsurance, old age Joe Cohen, Harold K"Tisap City piptii ypprp, | open campaign against Minister morning and afternoon. The first ( other. A wider, deeper, richer erties through the exportation of | p"enVionsriealth "and me'dicsl ser- | Katelma^ MHton" Frohm. Dick Rp.bbi jUnyrrborE i ; P fo;*!nf>r of Economics, Hjalmar Schacht, one? Not at all. Or one more game will be the Omaha lOO-Linand the workers - own 63 per Hurwitz, snd Harry LevlnBon: the prpsinent of Pisfrict. Granrt T,r>;l,-r The Women's Division of the ordering the Nazis in the district German goods. I was not preparcoln game at 10 a. m. Council comfortable to his nature? That is ed to act as a commercial traveler c e n t ' "f t h e £ t o c k _ H e K a i d t n a t , housekeeper, Martha Himplstein.'. No. r of the E'na? B'rJ'h, P TTVIS1Jewish Community Center and impossible. It is our flesh that Bluffs and Bock Island play at 11 jWelfare Federation is sponsoring of Francionia to disregard his for German trade, and that was t h e y R e T e r expe rienced labor diff- i her of (he T?o,ir<1 of r)irefto"5 «• orders against molesting Jews in fits over our bones. Not some- o'clock, and Sioux City and Oma- a community-wide dessert lunchfully understood by all those who Jcnlities ' the Jewish Welfare Fetieratinr n.*; one else's. What then In hand ha No. 1 meet in the final first eon bridge, to be held at the Cen-commerce. were concerned." j H e a s k e ^ that the American Kansas City, t h e United ,Tevis}; round game at noon. "_The Des "Instructions Issued by the and harsh fact does-he do? He He also denied that the plan's p e o ple do cot go back to the; ter Wednesday, March 4, at 1 Reichs Ministry of Bconomics are Charities and the American '•-'•'.' apostaslses either (1) as an es- Moines team, defending cham- p. m. main concern is with the r e s c u e ! " c r u d e capitalism" of Harding,; Scouts. Ke is also prefiideni />.' invalid for the Nazi Party," de- of wealth cape from his own form and cul-pions and favorites in the tourand property. Coolidge and Hoover, but go for. the Jev.-ish Children's Home hiu'; The affair will be in the form ney, have a first round bye. clared Streicher In his newsture and people or (2) toward 'We are concerned," he declar- ward in checking big business. professor o ' OUI Tostainenl Li'?'"•• • The two semi-final .games will of a. Kitchen shower, all funds go. paper, Der Stuermer. some other form and culture and ed, "far more with the human Eugene Blazer was chairman. p.ture find Hebrew iTistory t-.t -!'f ing toward replacing kitchen supAddressing a large meeting at and with economic aspect. If it be Harry E. Cohen, Forum chairman, people (this includes socialist so- be played at 2 o'clock and 3 Unlvevslty of Konsap. vhevf b* cieties as well) .in which he sees o'clock Friday afternoon. The plies at the J. C. C. Nuremberg, Streicher repeatedly possible, as I have said, for them introduced Blazer. conducts two credit couvsps e**n?T" or thinks he-sees some worldly finals will be decided in the Cen- All the Jewish women's organ- demanded that "whoever cannot to withdraw their properses also, Rehearsals have begun for Tuesday. advantage, positive or negative, ter gym Sunday afternoon at 3:30 izations will participate. A com- follow our steps in this direction well and good. But if not, they mittee of twenty-five will be chos- had better give up.his brown 'Hansel find Gretel." the onerel- j Present OfJicevs for himself. So if we analyze o'clock. . must come, If they do come, with, j from the various groups in shirt." : ta of the Children's Theatre of the ; Following Kre the present this yearning after "full rights" Admission to t h e preliminary en out, and in any case our effort is HEAD O F P I TAtf P i Jewish Community Center. and "world citizenship-" •&&. get and semi-final matches is free. A charge. Mrs. L. Neveleff is chairHe added: "Those in our ranks , cers snd honorary oliicers o back to the modern analogue of 10 cent charge will be made for man, with Mrs. Herbert Neveleff who patronize Jews constitute *o secure for the younger gener. This operetta is B colorfuland ; Jewish. Community Cetuer ation the widest opportunities that good ..old baptismal front the • final game. Lee Grossman, as co-chairman. Al Lew was elected president ; begi;tifu3 sdrptation in three fifts j Welfare redevptinn: the greatest danger for us." Tickets will be thirty-five cents that can be obtained for them in which, as Heinrich Heine said,. Is J. C. C. Athletic Director, will o£ the Omaha chapter of Pi Tau o j ; t j , e original opera by Hamper, i! Dr. Schacht has ordered that (other lands." •\Vitlian) It. llolzmnti. f and may be obtained from any the admission ticket to European referee all games. Pi fraternity last Sunday at the ' d i n c k a n d will be p r e s e n t e d in I Jews not be molested in the field v ^JoHsKy, first civilization. In other words it's . Opening debate rounds will be committee member. They go on of trade in commerce until legal home of the retiring president, A p r i l . Most of t b e rnwsic Is *hf.t! Sr.m T?cbci-, K sale the beginning of next week. the old mashumad with new rea-at 1 .o'clock Friday afternoon at i Leslie Burke&road. of f.he o r i g i n a l o p e r a , find t h e ! definition of their status is an. sons and new rationalizations af- the Center. • The debaters -are arOther officers elected for the bea.nti'xsl s e t t i n g s s n d d a n c e n u m - < nofinced. g ter the fact. It is not a pretty guing • the question, . "Eesplved, INSTALLATION BY B1KUR "proposing to interfere with the , T h e HirSCh C o m p a n y of jyear were: Bob Singer, vice-pres-i bers help make this one of the. picture. It is, unhappily, a very That the prineiple of public as PUnilM NVYT'tmtinAVi' Frank. autonomy, the self-government of | , d e H a r o 3 d g a c k s e c r e t LtlULlfil HtAl MONDAY |a m-Main, a large Jewish I most striking and delightful <u j stoin, trrnfsisrrr. P a n ! GoldWnfi. realistic one. l K e l T , B Berkowits, treasKrer; ! operettas, opposed to: private, ownership of ' j owned metallurgical firm, is one those eagase m this work." I l«t cxccnlire v'Jircctor. 1 "We have no desire to central- i H o w a r i i K a p l a 3 5 j chapter editor; ! Those taking parr P. r e Irving'"; A petty nationalism when the j land in Palestine should be en. The_Blkur Cholim society will j o £ t h e Jewish concers revealed in world is so big?" Thus wrote my couraged." Lincoln meets Omaha hold their installation of officers German newspapers as having tee Jn-London or . anywhere en-1 L a z a r K a p l £ a > chaplain; Leon iWobJner, thr father; Bs.rhp.rpJ young Jew from Brooklyn. What 1, and Sioux City 'debates Omaha Monday, February 10, at the J. been sold out to "Aryans." Others j gaged r.tr""" in "^ this >sphere," ~* V he added. | F e r e r ( gergeast-at-Erms. 1 Monskr, the mother; PPUIR Kuth ; ?!OI>Your Cara ai ns for ur n has-, the, physical bigness of the 100 in = the first round, while C. C. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will listed are the E. Weil Company1 purposes I Belroont. Gref.pl; Stanley Piir-pr-.' ? S y ° ° ^ will go foward, and we )n f saarbtuecken, the Plaut Deworld to do with it? Why is our. Council Bluffs and D e s Moines induct,the new officers. iman, Kansel; Miriam Ptrauss. the' be sorry indeed if any action A-program of Jewish music has j p a r t m e n t store at Uelzen and the . nationalism ^petty? Because we draw byes. 1-witch: Alden Lincoln, Justin | The progrfim romnnttee r o r would divert funds • PROGRAM been arranged. Those who will yenstein Lamp Manufacturare not the most numerous of Le i KOSP, Stuart Franks!, en<5 Donald I pir.ts of Philip Khttsnifk. ct»; I? •The second round will be at - needed in other quarters j peoples? "Were the Athenians of 5 p. m. at Temple Israel, and the take part are Mr. and Mrs. Al ing Coinpany at Hagen. : Dctcac, the sandmen: Barbara' w n : PF-vifi GrtdiiiPii, ^Trss. «T. *.> • -needecS-urgenilj" both here and ; the great age as numerous as the finals will be in- t h e J. C. C. Finkel and Miss Lorraine Fregi Lincoln, Roaaid Cohn, Sally Mar-i Greet)ber?:, .Tack Marer, Mrp, J, :-i Many firms,' snxions not be |in other parts c£ the world.! seething, slave-masses of Persia? lodge room Sunday afternoon, ger, who will play the piano and considered as Jewish, are adver- j i er. End Donna. Lee- SsEgor, the ! Kulpkofpky, Dr. A. . . ,., . „ in . con- .Least of all wiil we do anything sing, respectively. A tea to honor Are- the Danes as numerous as 2:30 o'clockl . ,„ jdewnifn; l-.ee. White. Frances BorThe nominsihip fommitteo crai. The date of the Ch&misna Using their V'Arranwm" in ^ n | /_ c the Turks- Our, nationalism Is all Ernest Prlesman and Macy the new officers will be held afudy, 1 itEthel ll UK1 Kadis, Arlene Solomon, u 1 of B'Shevat ( t h e New Year of the ; -' • '^v-aui*. * » t K ^ "" -'"'' things you like except petty. Baum are debating for the Mother ter the meeting. nection with current bargain , j ^ ^ a m p a i g n s o f l t h e b e h a , f Philip Klut^nirlk, Ir^irt Sti?tf»i»f"-. of Palestine." Trees) program b y ' t h e Ts.lmnd iS R c i Gesevieve Stein, the w itches; ter, Milton Abrahams. WU51«n? Due to the fact that there will Hooted In the most glorious spir- Chapter. Jay Wiesman and Myom za L e e e r n s { e l n to Sun Lord Bearsted in his speech | Torah has been cha.Eged to Snn-\^ erald \ F'T ^; K&rclcl . , ,p ; M-ilder, p.nfi K. A, Wolf. itual history among all the fam- ron Cohen rperesent the Sam. Beb- be a program and tea.the meetCobn, S.i it! J Ing will begin promptly at 2 Jernsalem Gets Gss for Cooking. toidlow-Ihe'pUnto herp'thVcTer-! &lfmo™i*e~Teb™w ilies of mankind, born witness er Chapter. rhyllis MSlfier, the cookie chil- j the auditorium of tbe jSrpE; Evelyn. Pinkewitz, Shirley; Evpry member of the Jev.-{sT. o'clock. All members are invited to by sages and martyrs and conman Jews emigrate had been j a. m.. Xinncheon Saturday" Comninnity Crnt.rr and Wplfj>-*f; Jewish Community Center. to attend. • . _.. Jerusalem. — The introduction [ ived and aloag whst general fessors "through innumerable iron eTO EpBteSR, JPBT? KOPS, MF.rvln Si-j Fedevation Rnd rvcry .contributor Omaha B'nai B'rJth Lodge No. Children and their parents are of gas in Palestine has been aplines it would be followed. ages, re-born In a spirit of peace 354 will be host to the visitors Pearl Richmsn, Beryl W?.!-' of tile Jewish Phfianthropies i»invited-to'enjoy this enter'ais'tip mon, Cincinnati—Fascism was pred- proved in principle by the Jeruand love and benevolence toward at a luncheon at the Temple Ist.ers, Milton Koneokj'. and Joe iveloorae to "iiF-nd, jprbgram, particularly members of Be'siout, all men in this inost,bitter and rael, 12:30 Saturday. The Iowa. icated by Plato more than 2,000 salem Municipal Council, which the chorus, : I the :Deborsh Society, -:.• For Akpsrts decided to grant a concession for barbaric age of oppression and Nebraska -Alephs, Association will years ago, it was announced here Helen Merritt wsil direct f. h e | Bi'.cJip.rest (,TTA) Featured .will' be siEglng, stror-i Haifa—The new budget of the by Dr. Levi H. W. Diesendruck, a gas supply for -cooking purof Wood, our nationalism, our re- meet following the luncheon. ies, .recitations, movies" end Pal| production with the assistance of I Jacob Isaac Niemerower, c!?ffif Palestine Government provides professor of philosophy at the Heposes but not for lighting. Three integration with our .people's will The tournament dance will be and vision, our Zionist hope and held at Jewish Community Center brew. Union-College, who has just groups ' have submitted bids to the sum -of 200,000 pounds for estiniatr goofiies,'-as bokse'r, figs.j Ejit-sn Fraokel. Betty Fellman is j rahM of Rumania, was etected finished the first Hebrew transla- supply the gas, which has never the construction of civil airports j dates, etc. There-'will toe no- ad..-J musical director o£ tbe produc. i honorary president of the Eu'manian Zionist Organization. tion of Plato's "Republic." i missioa charge. before been used here. (Continued on Page 8.) (Continued on Page 8.) at Haifa.


Registration for Jewish re

Full Program Mapped . A. Z. A. Tournament Out for Visitors At a Glance and Locals

Norman Hapgood Speaks to Forum "Industry

New York Trio In Concert-Here Sunday Evening

Cast Selected for Mest Flav


i •










great singer for 11 years . . . . warm welcome they had gi<n ^ LCBITSCH AX AMERICAN When he heard she was ill he flew her, end declared herself co. :>CITIZEN from California to be at her bed- dent that the German public ( " n Ernst Lubitsch, famed motion • « • • side in Madison, Wisconsin . . . He not-share the prejudices of i's picture producer, has renounced engaged a special nurse and a pri- rulers, ,but is terrorized into sllhis native Germany — and for vate car to get her to New York nce. good reason — and has become a citizen of the United States. He BACKSTAGE DRAMA Jewish following to carry New . . . When she was on the way to "Even under the Republic," recovery he left for London . . . received his final papers in Los There's a mystifying angle, York State for Roosevelt next A few days after Robeson's depar- Miss Redell pointed out, "Ger. Angeles this week. which most of those present mis- November . . . That's why Farley ture Miss Davidoff died . . . The mans were intense nationalists. VERA GORDOX IX JEWISH sed, to the introduction of the re- is putting such terrific pressure on Hollywood censors have turned My being cast for the leading PliAY solution endorsing the plan to Lehman to get him to announce thumbs down on the screen ver- role in La Forza del Destino, an For the first time in the his- raise a huge sum to finance the his candidacy for re-election soon sion of Sinclair Lewis' novel about opera which had not been heard tory of her career as an entertain- exodus of German Jews , . . The as possible . . . If Al Smith really Fascism in America, "It Can't in Germany for thirty years, the "coporatlon" er, A week ago we published an follows the head of the Reich Diet, palatable t h e internationally-famous the warpath against FDR Happen Here" . . . . . . brought the leading critics from article by Felix M. Warburg on Dr. Kurt Muensch: "The non- is invented to conceal the elimina- Jewish actress, the creator and resolution was, as you should re- takes the presidential campaign Lehthe whole country to hear me and the Gennan-Jewish. situation. political, so-called neutral athlete, tion of labor's hard-won right to portrayer of the most beautiful member, introduced by William in man will be in a tough spot . . . SPORTS PARADE gave me a national reputation "We present herewith the chal- is unthinkable." "Those who are collective bargaining; the "Stak- Jewish mother types on the Amer- Rosenwald, youngest son of the Lehman's political debut was late Julius (Sears, Roebuck) RoLeonard Maidman and Milton overnight, PO to speak. And dehanov plan" to glorify the "speedpolitically blind," he added, canlenging views of the editor of ican motion picture screen and by Smith and when the Schulman, two Jewish stare of spite my being a foreigner I was , Foreign Affairs, scion of an old not be allowed, to be victors, be- up" and the stretch out"; "co- stage, Vera Gordon, will perform senwald, at the Temple Emanu-El sponsored Warrior was governor Leh- N. Y. U.'B crack basketball team, given every opportunity to dea n d distinguished American cause "Victors must be pioneers operation" and "unification" to in a Jewish play. The play, au- reception of the Joint Distribu- Happy was one of his cloest advis- will not go to Germany if their velop into a Wagnerian singer; family and the best representa- in political influence." Which is cover the dispossession of the thored by Joshua Alkon, will be tion Committee for Sir Herbert man tive of the group from which to say that the word "sport" does minority and the transfer of its premiered late in February in Los Samuel, Viscount Bearsted and ers . . . Now Lehman will have to Steam is selected as the American once they discovered that I could Simon Marks . . . One paragraph choose between Smith, and Roose- j representative in the Olympics . . sin-: Wagner, the public and press James G. McDonald, ex-High not mean a game, or even a com- belongings to the party unfaithful. Angeles. in the resolution expressed satis- velt . . . The same dilemma faces jThe sour showing m&de by Amer- asked that I appear more often Commissioner for German Ref- petition; but the business of con- While phrases like "protective IRYTXG BERLIN'S JUBILEE faction with the export of German Governor Homer of Illinois . . . I ica's ice-skating team in the pre- in "Wegnerian roles. But now it ugees, graduated into interna. ditioning young men for service custody" and "for reasons of More than 150 of the. foremost goods . . . It was at the office of Turned down by the Democrats Olympic matches in Europe are is alii off. Germany is now her. national affairs. Sir. Arm- to the state, with war not just health" join the older alibis like strong's analysis of the great a -dire possibility but something "shot while trying to escape." song writers in the United States the Non-Sectarian A n U - N a i i for renomination he is undecided blamed on the fact that Jack metically sealed to Jewish artgulf between the ideologies of ennobling and desirable in itself. History itself Is called back and paid tribute to Irving Berlin's 25 League that some one discovered, whether to make an independent Shea, 1932 Olympic winner, and ists. I am mire that the audience Fascism and Democracy Is a sig- Mussolini's phrase, "Peace is ab- rewritten. A man who died for years of leadership by honoring in the current issue of the Anti. race and risk the chance of split- Irving Jaffee, 192S and 1932 Oly- who heard me in the past would nificant document that is par- surd,"has a'hundred German ver- his country is no longer a hero the noted composer at a silver jub- Nazi Economic Bulletin, a story ting his party in a crucial polit- mpic champion, boycotted the today he no less enthusiastic if I ticularly timely now. when hu- sions. . The twelve-year-old boys it his mother or his wife was a ilee testimonial dinner in.Los An- headlines "Sears Roebuck Still ical year . . . We hear that Al 1936 team . . . Among the hottest returned. But it is not up to man freedom and liberty is on.' I saw one Sunday morning near Jew. That Is long way from the geles. Besides the composer pre- Buying Reich Goods despite 1934 Smith didn't take Dr, Henry Mos- track and field f^ns in the coun- them to say who should sing for the Wannsee, throwing dummy patriotism of a Washington or a sent, the dinner was marked by Pledge" . . . And this is the my- kowitz's advice to tone down his try are Eddie Cantor's five daugh- them. During the Republic I was der attack everywhere. ' hand grenades at each~ other, Lincoln, a long way from the con- the attendance of numerous not- stery—whether young Rosenwald speech . . . Moskowitz, husband ters . . . They seldom miss an im- known as 'the child of the new —THE EDITOR seemed a long way from baseball ception of history held by John ables from the moton picture in- doesn't know what his firm is do- of Smith's late advisor, Mrs. Belle portant meet . . . Harry Danning, world,' owing to my American ; on the back lot, hockey on the Stuart Mill or Lord Acton— too dustry. ing, or whether he introduced-the Moskowitz, counselled different third string catcher of the Giants, origin. But now the country , I have come to the conclusion villiage pond, even from that thin far, I believe, for us to follow The dinner was arranged by the resolution to make amends . . . . . tactics . . . Robert Moses, ex-New will be the only Jewish player on where I spent years in building that good international relations upper crust of spectacular Ameri- even in our minds. York secretary of State, s credited any of the New York teams this my operatic career and concert Song Writers' Protective Associa- NAZI REJOICE cannot exist in a -world that is can Bport which is publicized and with having "written much of the year . . . W. A, Benswanger, pres- career has vanished from the tion and' one ot the striking feaJewish news is making the headIn short, there is a great gulf half slave, half free. I don't see promoted for cash. tures of the program was a song lines in Naziland at the time of Smith speech . . . Moses is also ident of the Pittsburgh Pirates, earth. fixed between the two conceptions how there can be -satisfactory retracing Berlin's career writing . . . Here in New York reported to be urging the Repub- used to be quite a music critic . . . lations between peoples which •How can we discuss legal rights of life; and there is almost no parade from 1911, year he wrote Max Reinhardt's production of licans to name Al as their presi- Bea Gottlieb, the Jewish gal from hold different fundamental con- and wrongs with people to whom way of bridging it with words, bt- "Alexander's the Band", his, Franz Werfel's "Eternal'Road" is dential standard-bearer . . . .That Westchester who was the only wo- FrJestinc Bars Demonstration ceptions about everything of im- "law" is party expediency or per- cause words no longer have any first big hit, Ragtime to its quarter of a having a financially and technic- meeting between Roosevelt and man to beat Kng Edward .VIII at commonly accepted meanings. portance, and which use words sonal whim? Dr. .Hans Frank, century climax when he wrote the ally difficult time (we're not wor- Max D. Steuer, who is a Tammany golf, will never swing a club Jaffa WNS-Palcor Agency) — and symbols in such a different Reich Minister, Weeping, aside The danger of such a situation musical score for a new RKO-Ftabig-wig, was part of the plan to again . . . Her left hand is per- Attempts of Arab youth leaders sense that inter-communication the civilized conception that what' is obvious. With two such utterly dio picture. . L. Wolfe Gilbert was ried, for we have complete con- make peace between FDR and th.e manently stiff . . . is not prohibited is allowed, writes, different systems, each must nec- master of ceremonies, and Joseph fidence in the ability of Meyer becomes almost impossible. of Palestine to hold sj-mpathy Tiger . . . The National Republi.On one Bide we* see a constella- that when no specific law applies, essarily eliminate the other from Schenck was the principal speak- W. Weisgal, the sponsor of the can Committee Is plenty worried (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts demonstrations supporting the Feature Syndicate) spectacle, to overcome all diffi- over the flood of anti-Semitic litrioting nationalists in neighbor'. tlon of nations which believe that Courts shall mete out punishment the face of the earth. Mussolini er. human beings have individual "according to the underlying idea and Hitler have often announced A thoroughly human chap with culties — but Hitler doesn't know erature being issued by antiing Syria were frustrated when Meyer) . . . And over in Berlin mands, will and aspirations, and of the penal code or according to this war. Said Mussolini in Octc^ the Jaffa District Commissioner streak of sentimentality the papers are joyfully proclaim- Roosevelt outfits . . . Stuff like that this is the fact which differ- h e a l t h y public sentiment." ber, 1930: "The struggle between aanddeep' issued a stern wp.rning that the that has a way of becoming a a firm foundation of sincerity "Whose idea?", Professor Mclltwo worlds can permit no coming the collaspe of an anti-Nazi entiates them from other animals; government would disperse any in his .makeup, Berlin keeps his Jewish enterprise . . . Werfel com- boomrang . . . The State Departthat they, have in themselves cap- wain asks. And whose/sentiment? promise. Either-we or they. finger gatherings or processions. ment didn't like that plea by Senon the emotional pulse of acities for improvement, even if The official organ of the German Either their ideas or ours. Either his fellow humans and therein mented on this situation as fol- ator King of Utah to open the Bar simplifies the matter still' our state or theirs!" I believe Very slowly; and that they should "The Berlin Olympics -will the secret of the genius that lows: of America to German-Jewand state their aspirations, and further: "A handful of force," it that in this struggle we need all llea take place •— how, then, can we gates has enabled him to sway the be'allowed to exercise their minds, writes, "is better than a bag-full the strength — moral and intell- heart of the world with music for Jews let 'The Eternal Road,' our ish refugees . . . New York (WNS) —Breaking manage their own affairs, as a of justice." What accepted mean- ectual and physical — that we 25 years. answer to Hitlerism, be abandon- THIS AND THAT a three years' silence, Emma Remeas onf learning how to do all ing can we find for the word can muster. ed?" . . . AU ot which reminds ns Texas' contennial baby is a BarJUNE TRAVIS SINGS "justice" if it, can be made to these things better. - • . that Max Reinhardt's son Wolf- bara Joyce Beck, the first child dell, American Jewish operatic Therefore we welcome "exiles cover jail and torture, without star whose succesB in Germany Like the ads you read in the On the other hand, we see na- charge and without trail, whether form their own countries who papers, they didn't know that gang quietly got married in Holly born in Dallas during 1936, which, was cut short by the advent of wood the other day, advising his tions which have never' accepted at is Texas' centennial year . . . Anne have come to help us, who have or in Siberia, or June (Grabiner) Travis, Chicago's Hitler, recounted her experiences that conception of human pro- on branienburg, father only after the fact . . . Lee Patterson, Miss America of proved their abilities and value latest contribution to the movies, the Lipari Islands? in the Weimar Republic to a gress, or which.have abandoned 1931, is now the wife of Joseph in the sort of free life we want could sing until she surprised her LONDON BULLETIN ! WNS representative after her reit because it is aggravatingly Some sort. of religious belief, to continue having here, who were friends by doing so. In her new Did you know that King Edward Dandier, a New York Jewish man- cent New York recital brought slow and undramatic. Those na- whether organized or unorganized, not of nature to recant or to give role for Warner Bros. Pictures VIII once considered a public de- ufacturer . . . The official doortions are now so distant from us is common to most of us. What up or to accept to be stifled and of Sir Oswald Mosley's keeper of the United States Senate her popular find critical acclaim. plays the* part of a night club nunciation Expressing deep sorrow et the that they seem on different plan- if "religion" means something ex- frustrated. Their presence here, she anti-Semitic blackshirts? . . . Sir is Joseph Singer ot Portland, Oreets. Those planets revolve a- clusive, something that makes and the fact that they have been singer. Herbert Samuel is said to have gon . , . The Federal Drama pro- change which the Hitler govern"Of course, you really won't declared, at a private gathering ject in New York is planning &n ment hes brought into the Reich, round different sums from the you cocky and ruthless, some- welcomed here, show that there one we know. Each of these SUM thing to be withheld from others are common ideals left in the have to sing," the director told here that there is nothing for anti- Anglo-Jewish theatre for playgo- Miss Redell voiced her gratitude Is a man — only a man — sub- rather than shared with them? world and common languages in her. "You'll only have to look Nazi forces to be worried about ers who don't understand Yiddish to the German people for the like you are singing." ject to the weaknesses, bodily and How can people talk quietly and which to give them expression. in the King's friendship for Ger- . . . The last two volumes of Yemental and; moral, of other men. sensibly about Christianity when They will remain good Germans "But I think I can sing," an- mans, evidenced several times hoash's Yiddish translation ot the But he is set u pon high In a one group adopts the degraded and good Italians. For, as Lord swered tbe pretty daughter of the during the funeral ceremonies for Bible are now ready . . . There owner of the Chicago White Sox, the late King George V . . . For are T.OJOO German Jewish refugees position where his aberrations af- superBtitutipn that the race to Acton said; "Exile is the nursery Harry Grabiner. fect the comfort ^and the security which Christ belonged is compos- ot nationality." while Edward VIII is on very in New York . . . German wines . T h e y will also and even the lives of millions of ed of mongrel cosmopolitans?- And remain good liberals, because — So .the director asked her to friendly \ terms with many Ger> were served at the American Libi and the results showed that other men and women. Those what: communion can there be he is violently and unal- erty League's dinner in WashingActon again — "Oppression sing Miss Travis not only has a pleas- mans, subject people are not' able to with those who say, as • does te Lord terably opposed to any type ot ton.. . .Among those present was is the school of liberalism." We Where Omaha Shops with Confidence •• influence his views or- tell him leader of the German Faith Move- are glad to have them here, re- ing voice, but she has a clever persecution . . . Maxim Litvinoff, Grayson M. P. Murphy, the gentheir views, or protect themselves ment, Ernst Bergmann: "We can- cruits —- or rather veterans — knack of puttng over a number. Russia's representative at King tleman named by General Snaedley from his possiblyfolly. Once they not kneel down before a God who to help us in our struggle to ad- And a song has been added to her George's funeral, was kept, apart Butler in connection with a Fas. have accepted him, they are pays more attention to the French cist plot against the New Deal . . . our form of society to the part in the film. from the Nazi delegation because Dr. caught. They lie still and do hlB than ot us. We hate the alien apt (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Jonah B. Wise is due for conneeds ot modern life the latter threatened to stay away gratulations biding. Or their fellow citizens Christian God with all our changing Feature Syndicate) on the marriage of without the sacrifice of essential if the Soviets' Jewish Foreign who hold Bimilar views, and IBO. hearts." . his daughter, Elsa Helen, to Mel' liberties and without InterruptCommissar was placed near him . lated from like-minded men In C. Hertzberg of New York . . . JEWISH AGENCY LIMITING . . For the same reason the King's vin What communication can there ing the stream of civilization. other nations. Or perhaps they Jewish leaders areai't the only (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts state banquet was limited to royRELATIVES' CERTIFICATES protest Individually, and are jail- be with scientists who think that ones conferring with Sir Herbert Feature Syndicate.) alty . . . And while we're on Lon- Samuel, Simon Marks, and Visthe word "Aryan" Is a race term; ed or escape abroad. who think there is siich a. thing Jerusalem — (WNS-Palcor Ag- don let us remind you of our count Bearsted . . . A delegation As I have Baid, communication as race purity; who think' there engy)—In order to expedite the fourth British visitor, Joseph L. of prominent Christian have been between us and those' planets is such a thing as .fixed .race sudistribution of immigration certi- Cohen, secretary and adviser on in consultation with the English hardly exists. We have certain periority; who mistrust the pure ficates for relatives of Palestine Jewish affairs to one of the much- visitors to offer their cooperation conceptions of civilization. We science and favor applied science, By LOUIS PEKARSKT residents, the Jewish Agency Ex- publicized three, Simon Marks . . . in German relief work . . , Paul have terms for describing" those and yet who think that discoveries SAM SCHLEPJPERMAN ecutive has decided . that hence- Cohen, some of you may recall, Robeson, the Negro singer, is conceptions. . W e have instru- in'that field made by non-Aryan was while Sam was perform- forth it will receive applications was the first man to recruit vol- heart-broken over the death of ments for giving them effect, and scientists are to be ignored be- ingIt in for the ..Jewish Legon in 22-year old Amy Davidoff, daugha comedy act at the fam- for such certificates only for rela- unteers v means for changing those instru- cause they must be devices to ous Friar's New York during the'world war . ter of a New York high school Club Frolics in New ments if that seems desirable. We degrade superior peoples? The York that Jack Benny discovered tives in Germany, Russia and Ye- IN BACK ROOM teacher . . . Miss Davidoff had know more or less what we mean fact1 Is,: of course,' that the true : Sam Schlepperman, America's new men, and only for unmarried sons New Deal is banking heavi. been an intimate friend of the when we talk to each other about scientist begins at the opposite Jewish.dialectician and one of the and daughters below 2 5 from oth- ly.The on Governor Lehman's huge art, law, sport, religion, philoso- end of a problem from where the most popular radio and stage com- er countries whose families are phy or science. already living in Palestine. dictator begins. The scientist is edy characters of the present day. The new order resulted from "We can talk to each other whe- interested in truth for its own Schlepperman, whose real name is ther we are Christians or atheists,. sake. He wants- to build his chain Sam Hearn, spent years on the the fact that there are 13,000 ap•_ ^-whether we like African sculp- of knowledge..and invention and vaudeville stage and appeared In plications for relatives' certifi. (Established 1S78) ture or Gainsborough or Dall, discovery, link by link, out into several Hammerstein and Schu- cates waiting in the Jewish Agwhether we belive arthritis can the,void of the unknown. He does bert musical shows before he took ency Immigration Department. be cured or not, whether or not not care where the chain of rea- part in the Friar's show. In the Because of the great number in•we believe in mental terepathy, soning and fact is going to lead latter event he took part in a Bkit volved, the requests could not be Phone Ja. 0551 — Phone 594— Phone 88885 whether we like skiing or cross- him. But the dictator forbids of his own composition. Jack attended to. Asbestos word, puzzles, whether or not we that sort of adventure.' He for- Benny and • his script writer, For that reason the restrictive believe in the recall of Judges bids curiosity. He assigns the Harry Conn, were in the audience measure was decided upon, so Slate-Tile or a federal educational system scientist his conclusion in advance, at the time and immediately Bign- that at least the groups believed Asphalt and Gravel — i K e Man - taior labor injunctions. by inventing supporting theories ed him for their radio show. to be in greatest need of the cerWe can do this because we have and tells him to substantiate it FREE ESTIMATES — EASY TERMS tificates at this time might beneSchlepperman says Jews and lored Spring Suit words which we all understand, and by neglecting facts of a con- Gentiles ' are about evenly divided fit. • words with meanings which we trary nature., . with a Bond Street on his dialect. all accept. But how are : we to In these distant worlds which "My safeguard aganlst offense", talk to people who say familiar a i r . . . slim, smart, been describing, slogans he says, "is to draw from real ' words but mean.something else? Iandhave taboos replace research and life characters. Many of my lines sophisticatedl . . . How are we to discuss art with self-criticism. A new Jargon is come from the conversation of - people who say "art 1 ' and mean elaborated to make old evils more friends I have known for years." jacket w i t h the propaganda"? How are we to compete with people to whom right casual ro «port is propaganda? One of the clearest avowals of the dictator's to its ' p e a k e d conception of Bport was printed in laps . . . trim the Herad-Tribune, quoting as



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that even in the Midwest an anti- since 1800 means nothing according to the following COBO»«. Semitic propagandist would have without an -examination of the tions: up to 8 4 per cent of the poptila- figure from which departure Is C mi M l4 1 ''' '"^*'s ' ° a n *s repaid JT? ion actively or passively against taken. And in any case it is the \ j 6 n i i S H l \ S O O n S l S : money in the country to which. l him. j trend and not the total which Is § ; is going to the amount, of 65 p The conclusion Is unescapable i significant. "There were only a Jerusalem (WNS-Falcor Ag-jcent of its present value in ix-v hat current American anti-Sem-| few thousand Jews in America in ,ency)—A certain plant or herb i marks, beginning --vritli oi$e-ir?5 itism is feeble. It is German in 1800 and the reason why there Igrcwinjr exclusively in Palestine i of the amount plus Rccnnuils ••* manufacture and was to be ex- were only a few thousand was that j holds the secret of the embalm-i interest fit 4 per cent In J pected in the light of Hitler's ca- Jews were not permitted to live | g y the Service Life | ing process that vas known to! fourth rear after his exotfu reer. But Germany is 4,000 railes in England at the time of the i jthe ancient Egyptians it is fie- j Thereafter the balance is pair! Ooapany, away. It is not pleasant to have first British settlements In Amert'clared here by Sev Neiman, Ems. ; equal 8.nnuities \\v, to the IZ individuals like the Reverend ica. The reason for the enormous The Life insurance Is the most m-\tew chemist, whoEe announced 'year ipclnsivp Winrod-of the Defenders of the sixfold increase in world Jewry selfish savings plan in the world. I <3iscoTery of the embalming sec- : and. Fiich Germ BE A SUBVBY (Part One) rets r tie ihristian Faith or like Mr. Ro- between 1800 and 1933 was the It guarantees that the full ben-i ° ancient Egyptian? hss ! bsve beer, arranprcl are gritp Edward Edmondson who fall in the death rate, chiefly the t = « ? t - h o -r,i.*-n E T I S I I nVvme r e cc r e a t e d widespread i n t e r•est • teed hT pn5<ring the whole or Should American Jews be answer can be given. First of all timated half, million people may bert e£ts of the plan shall come at 1 manufactures hate in New York infant death rate, brought about aclpqiiPte vvri of tJie borro^T"'*. throughout Palestine. fearfnl of the future? Have i t , may be - stated authoritatively attend occasional anti - Semitic !ity inviting the country to at- by medical, sanitary, and eco- 1 once to wife and family in case i Mr. J-Teiman, vrho is SO years exports throiifrh thr bookp of fn-rJens monopolized economic op- that there is-no reason for anxiety meetings, etc., there are probably tack |father does not live'to complete your: people. But neither is nomic advance—phenomena from portunities in this country? BO far as concerns the record to no more than 15,000 loyal Jew- it important. ! the savings and to enjoy the mon. : old, is a well-to-do property own- eign tmefeeF sreeptabip to boJh which all populations profited! 7 I er of Haifa and Eichron Jacob, sideF, so that the cnnuiUep sue Are' they over-running the lib- date of the organized forces : of hating group members in the them. this intelligent and inform- more or less equally, though the j Thus the life nEurance itrho has with success n the interest on UIPTIS wp.y be deeral professions? Do- they con- anti-Semitism, Attempts have whole United-States and many of edAll American Jews knows perfect- Jews, whose high fertility was no- jplan becomes in effect a protected \ «sb. coves and other creatures. ducted from, the incoming toreipr. trol banking? Do they dom- been'made ^to "expose" an antl- these are loyal only in negatiTe more!:,. ted} His specimen of a mummified payinertE." inate the movies? Are the Semitic, offensivey of dangerous and receptive manner. The prin- ly well. He may occasionally lose ticed-by Tacitus, increased .. , , i investment account ! rabbit is veil preserved after Jews more Communistic, in pro- proportions^ .But neither these cipal anti-Semitic organization is his sense of proportion and see than twice as rapidly The advantages of this Fche-Tno, t ^ ™ 1 ^ against the portion, than any other racial attempts nor the activities of an German in .name and almost en- Silver Shirts under the bed but the Times rcintj out. ere tlint !l;f in general it is not Silver: Shirts no longer holds. The Jewish birth which so frequently steps in to j many rears. unit? Is the New Deal a "Jew efficient. Jewish information ser- tirely German or German-Ameriemigrating .lews enable iirmc break down t h e financial plans Deal"? Are the radio, publish- vice have succeeded a turning up can in membership. The second that bother hinu What keeps him rate, like other birth rates be- | men make for their own happiwith export capr.cifr to inrreaping and amusement worlds run anything of serious importance. in point of fame is bankrupt. And awake at night Is the thought ginning with the French about I ness and for the happiness of their exports because liter lirv*that a 'situation exists in America by Jews? Do Americans - con. Shaken down to bare fact and de- the rest hardly supply material which at some future.time breed 1811, has now fallen to meet the]'their families. the u?e of cheap money for a lone Eider the Hitlerites justified in scribed without the Scotland Yard for a half column n ithe county animals much worse than Silver new conditions of survival and! But this is only one of the benterm, protects the exporting Jivvn? longevity. Ruppin remarks that driving out the . German: Jews? mystifications dear to the profes- papers. ags'nst losses by firing them *. Shirts and much more numerous the most etrikng present feature efits. For life insurance' is the In short, do American Jews run sional . exposers, American- organHS per cent margin, Ffives il'S The truth of the matter is that —animals as nearly like a Nazi of Jewish, vital statistics is the fall Golden Ptule in action. Should a this country? • German government i;nbrcnti<>!-.f: ized anti-Semitism is a poor thing the virus has not been acclimated Brown Shirt as one species can from an eighteenth-century birth man live to old age, the last years become the best years. Should he to csporticg firms, ir.creaEes Gc~on-this continent and that the ef- be like another. The situation Amazing and ludicrous as indeed. : o old. ctge, it protects his many'E 'foreign exchange throne?-; such queries might appear, they By, anti-Semitism .is here :in- forts of the doctors to Inoculate may be described as follows: in of eighteen in 193i This wife anfi family, sheltering them j Hitlerites Seek to Get Advan- rising exrports. End ma Ices (l'f: have been analyzed, investigat- tended not. the latent; prejudice the American mind have failed for ttie year 1800 there were 2,500,- rate moreover declines from East emicrRting' J e r s B. psriy to Gered and statistically surveyed by against Jews which is a common that reason. Surveys of national 000 'Jews in the world, half of rate to West In New Tork the rule thro-cgh all the years. tages from Wealthy opinion indicate either hostility to many's continued prosperity hfthe famous American publica- phenomenon, in history and which, them in the United States. In 1933 breaks down, the Jewish rate be-1 Life Insurance—it is money In jj CPUEP their money i? tion "FORTUNE", and through as Rabbi Joel Blau put it,' "dates anti-Semitic dogmas or, what is there were 16,000,000 Jews in the ing higher than the non-Jewish. | t h e * o c k e t °* tixB °m and : special arrangement with . the back to the beginnings of the "Jew- worse from the agitator's point of world of whom more loan a fonr-i (The Jewish 193S rate of 17.5 is to wife and children if j editors of "FORTUNE", the ish people/' -Prejudice, against view, complete indifference. It j Details of a new Nazi scheme th were resident in the University to be compared with the rate for death, comes too soon! Seven Arts Feature Syndicate Jews is at.least as old as 1654 was the opinion of *95 per cent of at Life icsurance rewards Tinsel-; to capitalize on the independT" non-Jews of 16.5) The Jewish adJerusalem, having changed in and the'Jewish Press win pub- in North-America and its negative those questioned in October, 1935, the eighteenth century from an vantage, however, is probably to \ fishness—doing the most you can j emigration of the -w-eathier by the National . Conference of evidences may be • found in the lish this survey in a series of Oriental people to an Eastern be explained by the fact that ! for your family by buying t h e • an Jews by enabling them t five articles of. which this one histories of most, of the clubs and Jews and Christians that there European, have in the last few about half the Jews living in ' maximum life insurance for their : realize cash on 6 5 percent colleges and; residential' districts was less anti-Semitism in their is the first. The others will folof the country. -By. anti-Semitism communities, at that time than generations changed from an Eas- America are still first-generation j protection, you do the most pos-; their capital in Germany over low each snecessve weefe. -• 13-year period on terms tern European people to & Wes- immigrants largely from Eastern I Bible for yourself. THt<! EDITOR Is meant the deliberately incited, there had been at the beginning tern European and an American. Europe with the high Eastern Life insurance is the he£t of tajreatiE to German industry r r affirmative • racial phobia ,, which of the depression. An Inquiry all investments. for every member beneficial to German expo~ The apprehensiveness of intelli- European birth rate. "When the head ol Lous XVI has produced: the social and econ. made by FORTUNE a month later gent Jews springs from this fact. of your family—yes, every mem. were revealed in a London The fact of the matter is, in omic and. sometimes physical poincidentally to. the preparation of Realizing that Jews have been the fell, all the monarchs of Europe i ber. to the Kew York Times. The felt their fleets; -when the blow groms ^of • modern", Germany, just this article produced a comparable scapegoats of all Western history, other words, that an enormous j scheme, in brief, enables U € as It produced.the mufderbus'peincrease has taten place. Bnt! result. Few of those replying felt that they have been made to bear fell on the head of German Jewry, •wealthy German Je-vr leaving groms of Czarist.Russia. Of. that the further facts are, first that j JEWISH WOUNDED TO that anti-Semitism was a live Is- responsibility for everything from many of ns other Jewri began to country to turn over his disease there Is.no American clinthat increase is attributable to a sue. On the contrary a considerwonder what future had In store the Black Death to the economic temporary unbalance between GET GERMAN MEDALS before departing to any G ical "record." .Not because the.hisfor various branches of our peo. tory of; America has been, free of able number felt that it was no ills of the Germans, these observi industrial -concern "whose Jewsh birth rate and Jewish death issue at all. pie." ers fear that the eaoriaocs in- rate in Eastern Europe in the Intolerance and -persecution, ' but Berlin. (JTA) — The official I or possibilities of exports More Informative than either of crease in Jewish numbers in. nineteenth Professor L. B. Namier, the because the victims of intolerance gazette revealed last weelc that a i worth -while to the Keich. .century, second, that distinguished professor of modern and persecution : were not, 'down these responses, however, is the America will lead to charges that that unbalance lias largely cor. medal has been created for solS- j transfer is registered and is reply to a question in the most rethe Jews hav& monopolLsed the history at Manchester University, to 1921, -.Semites. They were rected itself, and third, that the iers tronnded in the V^orld "R'ar j ered as far as possible br mo-iwho wrote these words, is not Quakers and Baptists in the seven- cent FORTUNE Survey. That opportunities for economic ad- gates of immigration into the and that no. distinction -will be [gages and the emigrants recount alone in wondering. Misgivings teenth'century, Irish Catholics and question avoided the habitual re- vance and that, these charges will United States are now .closed. The and uneasiness have colored, the Negroes in the nineteenth. Jews ticences by aiming its inquiry at pave the way for Fascism here as three tides, first, of Sephardic thinking of-American Jews as suffered •. certain .legal'.. civil dis- the much publicized German sit- they paved the way for Hitler in Jews from Brazil, Holland, Eng•well. T'aced with the unbeliev- abilities, in T the colonies - and in uation. "Do you believe that In Germany. Non-Jews who prefer land, and the Spanish Americas in able record of • Nazi barbarities some of the later states and cer- the long run Germany will be bet- democratic Institutions to dicta- the eighteenth century, second, of faced now with the proposal of tain evtralegal , social disabilities ter OE worse off if it drives out torship share that fear. German Jews in the first half of Sir Herbert Samuel that they aid in both, but they buffered no per- the Jews?" The answers were as the nineteenth, and, third, of PoTo determlna whether it Is a in the enormously costly depor- secution .untUjfthres years after follows: lish and Russian Jews between tation ol all Jews from Germany, the - War] Then, in the atmosWorse; Total, .54.6 per cent, fear deserving of serious atten- 1SS2 (the year of the great Rus- leading members of the Jewish phere! of pbst^War nationalism and Northeast 52.7 per cent, Midwest tion, it is necessary to sian pogroms) and 1925 are not community in the United States reaction, -with the Ku Klnx Klan 55.1 per cent, Southeast 60 per first, what significance the extramen who had previously looked '"riding?; again- (in -Fords). at" the cent. Southwest 52.4 per cent, ordinary numerical increase In likely to be followed by a tourth. to the future with complete con- instigation r of • a pair >f high-pow- West 41 per cent, Pacific Coast American Jewry actually has, and, There Is therefore little reason fidence —• have been shocked into ered publicity .paiijandrums;- Jews 61.1 per cent: Don't Know; T. second, whether there .Is any fact- for spprehensiveness o n t h e fear. .- The. : apprehensiveness of came- In: for" a ^shaie • of the - Catho- 31:4 per cent, N.E. 32.2 per cent, ual basis for charges of Jewish ground merely of anti-Semitic AmericanJews haB become one of lic opprobrium. .But even'BO the M.W. 55.Vper cent, S.B; 32.5-per monopolization of Americas trco- propaganda based upon increasing I numbers. the Important influences in the persecutions were '• - bloodless -and cent, S/W. 32:9 per cent, W. 49.2 nomic opportunity. social life ol our time. i brief. 'In the early twenties there per cent, P.C. 24.6 per cent. As to the increase In numbers, Better; T. 14 per cent, N.E. 15.1 a little reflection should per&Stade It is important to non-Jews as were np to;2y500,000 "Aryan" cit- per cent, M.W. 16.1 per cent S.E. even those Jews who, lite ProfesMiscbli&gs Barrel izens parading.,in streets.. Thirty •well as to Jews. Any nation which 7.5 per cent, S.W. 14.7 per cent, sor Namier, think of numbers as Berlin — "Xon.Aryans" with ' permits a minority to live in fear journals -Including . Henry...Ford's W. of persecution is a nation which D E A R BOB. N INDEPENDENT cent.9.S per cent, P.C. 14.3 per dangerous ("to a outside Pales- only a small ^sreentage of Jewish tine, they have always constituted blood ("mischlings") do not have invites disaster. _ Fearful: minori- were In full' bray. •" Serious-minda danger") that the danger here the right to publish newspapers The significant category here is ties become suspicious minorities and suspicious .minorities, their d people were' telling each' other the "Don't know" category. Don't is more, apparent than real. Num- although they are not deprived of defensive reactions set on the hair about the" Jewish .plot to; take :over know" in this connection is almost erical increase Is always purely their citizenship, It' was officially trigger of anxiety, create .the an- the earth." And copies of the_for- certainly equivalent to indiffer- relative. A 1,5 D 0-fold Increase announced this week. imosities they dreadl The con- ;ed Protocols of 1the ' Elder* " of ence. And indifference, though sequence is a condition danger- lion were" passing solemnly; and Jews may think it callous, Is the £ ous to the State at any time and secretly from'hand to hand. But most effective prophylactic against ; doubly dangerous at a time like a few-years later the New York the pestilence of hate: those who the present when-the primitive World's exposure of the racket don't care either way will smash emotions of men have been--de- behind'the klan had had its ef- no windows. It will be observed fo? liberately exploited in the interest lect, the Cbolidge boom had given that -anywhere from a quarter to of Fascism. The connection be- the. paraders something else to a balf of the replies were "Don't tween Fascism and Jew-hatred is thing .about, Henry Ford had apol- know", while from 40 per cen not accidental. Fascism, having ogized and retracted, and the' Pro- to 60 per cent were explicitly opnothing for sale but dictatorship tocols'weTe on their way to "the posed to discrimination against and no selling point-but the neces judicial examination which even- Jews. The result is to suggest sity for force,- requires civil riots tually; stripped them to the' frauin order, to advertise Its goods and dulenUskln.'...'... a civil triumph to complete the From that collaspe not even \ sale. Jew-hatred, as.-. the Nazi the depression, traditional ally-of "A Qualify Product for have proved, does very well-as an all phobias, -was able to save the excuse. for the ; first and the Jew cause.! Anti-Semitism languished and still 'languishes. T i e great EB a victim for the second. Consequently, any man who shift- from < sheets to shirts . has loathes . Fascism will fear anti- failed to save it. .Although an esSemitism. And fearing; anti-Semitism he will fear also the various conditions' -which- encourage it— of which the., apprehensiveness of v^-* This label in' a *ull the Jews themselves is one.. Aware though he is of the European reameans fhst it's a son for Jewish anxiety he . will suit wttri quality as nevertheless be troubled toj find its heritage. h i s American-Jewish - -neighbor 6 .Packnfes 29c. taking offense /where ,no .pffense is intended. He will be troubled One'Dessert Dish Pound'29c by the uneasy reticence,; the: cirFREE 2 Pounds. 56c cumlocutions* the sense of strain. He will be troubled -by; the fact : that certain Jews carry th^ir race BUTTE1MJT like an Irishman's, lighting, shill• . . . -EE5£E elagh : while , others resent,- as though.lt were a deliberate insult any reference-;to their, blood, aT0D3TS ESC?2 voiding friends who.speak; of it For women who "live" ir> suits . . . and ound WHITE SODA er' RUED CHEESE BALLS boycotting publications w h i c h lor these who wear them ©ccasionaiiy ' Ahovei GINGEE &JM publish it in print. He will wonPackage ...' V/i cop* SSB*4 tnasa cixtu, . . . impeccable manish fashions • with G e faiiSa^ with-new der whether such an attitude is Peter Pia twtd, Peter Pta qualify sewn In their seams, and §eod tepe!s: :sfitched: in red. necessary.- • He will ?wonder speciSunkist. Greasa Etyl^ "Special, WMte tasfe stitched info every line of iheir D o u b l e breasted. In fically whether, the growing •a or-Yellow Bantam, 1.50 value, per doz. precision faiiormcu . It's e shame f© e w prehensiveness of American1 Jews flemel . . . . . . . . 4 9 . 9 5 ceo r Kmll rdi J. Drat roll»-»ith Kraft's -'Chocolate, -. er ihem now with coats « . . but ihai'i has any justification in fact. The s. ud F<tir Pza brad crsmin. Fn> ta c!cs? lwt iat moil t whet a!! the smartly dressed women «r» leaders' of American : Jewry1*- have 1b. can 29c—2 lb. can... . ttinn. Cnua ca essbad pipzr. Eight: earnestly asked themselves the doingl TUI3 1H same question in the recent past. Morning...suit- in bankIt is a question to which an ••3cn» cad Martha" er's crey. Ffsia osffonl Other McM-ToUored Suits, ^ Thcr., Frl. cosf with striped sidrt Witt saiia scarf 4f.9S


Asking Boycott of




All Day Long

With Hurt Blatantly Look!






,*G (I'o Lird Used)

If esraska 100-Ib. saek





form congregations which are covering a herb to account for the anti-Semitic. Now, his Liberal party won an electoral victory, lead by rabbis devoted to Pales- longevity of the Jewish people. and he seems headed for—a powerful place in Greece politics. tine are exceedingly active, gain- (Copyright 19S6 by Seven Arts After the Liberal party triumph, Venizelos wrote a strong Feature Syndicate) ing in numbers, exercising rich and positive influences over the denial that he is an anti-Semite to the Saloniki correspondent Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by 6 currents cf Jewish life in their of the Jewish Morning Journal. He-states that "for political By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY various communities, and that GEMS OF THE BIBLE Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City reasons my opponents falsified/my statements and made me such leaders enjoy the confidence Subscription Price, one year - • - - — - 52.00 and the affection of the Jewish out to be an anti-Semite. But I assure you with my whole heart Advertising rates furnished on application. The author then deals -with masses. Palestine fructifies Judthat I am a loyal friend and defender of the Jews." We know JEWS IN TEOUBLB By O. O. ©ASHER Zionism -which is to him the oaly aism and Jewish tradition because By IiUDWIG LEWISOHN that Venizelos supported Jewish minority claims at the VerEditorial Office: BOO Br&adeis Theater Building. solution for the Jewish problem. it is a symbol of maximum loyalty (January Atlantic Monthly) to the best in Jewish life and Worry in the heart of man sailles Peace Conference. But we also know that later, when The Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center subscribers to "The Jew- He traces the humble b-Tinning thought. kills him prematurely but a good DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor it seemed politically propitious, he leaned toward an anti- ish. Press" are urged to read in of the movement, its rapid growth word mafceth it glad. FRANK R. ApKBRMAN . - - > . . - - - - Editor the January Atlantic Monthly a and progress since the Balfour MEDITATION OX THE CROSS Semitic program. The righteous is guided by his declaration of 1917. He writes by Toyohiko Kagawa. £11 pages. FANNIE KATBLMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent magnificent article by the distinj friends but the way of'the wicked If we guess correctly, then our surmise is that Venizelos Willet, Clark & Co., ¥1.50. of Palestine with, a passionate guished author, L'idwig Lewisohn ANN PILI* » • - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent has come to the conclusion that it is not politically expedient entitled "Jews in Trouble". It is fervor, with a deep and moving The "thief interest of this book [leadeth them astray. Print Shop Address; 450* So. 24th Street The light ot the righteous refor Jews lies in the intriguing perfor his party to be anti-Semitic. And so in having his letter moving: throbbing statement of love, heightened by his conviction sonality of the author. As a JeWi Joiceth but the lamp of the wickthat only in Palestine will the the hitter, galling and degrading widely published he is informing his followers, to abandon their afflictions Jew be able to live in peace snd I hare meditated more than once ed shall be put out, of our people. Several The Annual Federation Meeting Hope deferred niaketh th» anti-Jewish tendencies. striking paragraphs vividly por- freedom, that only there will he be upon the Cross. It symbolizes for heart but desire fulfilled is me and for millions of Jews the spared the hateful necessity of The annual meeting of the Jewish Community Center and Our answer to his letter is this: Talk is cheap. We will tray the present European Jew- compromise, evasion and apost-! I a t e and destiny of Israel, to suf- a tree sick, of life. * ish tragedy. Can any one improve Welfare Federation will be held next "Wednesday evening at be more prone-to forgive after his actions have proven that • • fer an unbroken crucifixion, to j TALMUD upon this description of the un- asy. the J. C. C. "We have so thoroughly and so efficiently organized his mind and policy is free from bigotry and bias. eneatable disaster that has over- His fervor occasionally misleads be a scapegoat, an atonement for I Our rabbis were taught,. It him. Some very powerful Jew- the sins, crimes and stupidities of i there I'P an aped, scholar among our communal problems into one central organization, embracwhelmed German Jewry? "The half million of men and ish groups and individuals are mankind. The Cross is an em- / them he should address the con'ing practically every Jewish activity in the community outstill bitterly opposed to Zionism pnatic and tragic reminder that! if not then a young women and cnildrea -who aree side of the religions, that we seldom realize the potent forces Palestinian Policy though the world adores; glorifies scholar should address them and and Palestine. Mr. Lewisohn trapped amonp the sixty million and defies the Jew whom Pilate j if there is no scholar among them The British government is preparing new restrictions curb- Germans constantly at work to make the Federation program a success. have been rendered ta. errs again when he states that the conspicious Reform rabbis have | executed centuries ago, it insists j then a prominent man should adOurs is a live community, and in the standards set through- ing Jewish immigration and sale of Arabs' land, we are re- boo, •within the strict meaning of abandoned the historic position of upon crucifying the race and the ] dress them saying, 'Brcthi hren J the term. They are isolated as out the country we can take pride in both our leadership and liably informed. The Arab political leaders had demanded savages isolate things or persons Reform and are now either avow- people to whom that Jew belong- neither sackcloth nor fasting our constructive good. This does not mean that we have complete stoppage of Jewish immigration into the Holy Land, accursed or sacred, so that in edly Zionistic or exceedingly fav- ed and whose wisdom and learn- causes forgiveness hut repentance orable. Quite a number of Reform ing and teachers were not only | and meritorious deeds.' •reached the acme of perfection or that there is no longer any and Al Liwaa, Moslem daily newspaper in Palestine, quotes many cities they suffer hunger rabbis in key positions are still his chief but exclusive sources of Rabbi Benjamin said, 'i[t is thts because no one will sell them food. High Commissioner Sir. Arthur Grenfell Wauchope as telling •'" room for improvement. On the contrary, the very leaders in that people say. 'When the fox They spend the greater part of hostile and bitter toward Zion- inspiration and faith. ;. "Federation work most sincerely recognize that we must con the Arab delegation: "Sorry, this is all I could get from the their time in their houses, for ism, even though Palestine has Mr. Kagawa is one of the most has his day bow to him.' " Rabbi Samuel paid. "The study the • streets are never safe for absorbed more German Jewish re- unique of modern personalities. i etantly improve our communal service and that our aim is Colonial Office after great efforts." them. They pray for drenching fugees than any other country, His reputation is world wide. He of the Torah is o£ more imporalways to do the best possible within the framework of our We realize fully that the Arab paper may be exaggerat- rains in «rder to go comparative- and even tho,ugh it is the only is the leading Christian in Japan! tance than the building of t h e facilities. There are those who criticize certain portions of the ing or putting too high a mixture of imagination into its news ly unmolested Tip on. the most nec- genuine and permanent haven ofi and insists upon practising the; Temple." (It is nearly nineteen essary errands. All that for cen- refuge. | tenets of Christianity. For years ; hundred years since the destrucFederation work; we have no quarrel with criticism when it stories. Nevertheless we have reason for anxiety in the trend turies they have built up or acJewish i Kagawa lived in the elums of Ja-1 tion of the Temple .and we have The realities of the is constructive -• - - in fact, we welcome constructive criticism. of British policy in Palestine. Palestine has become the cen- quired of scientific skill or prac- world situation make such opposi- \ pan in Kobe. By identifying him-! f o u r time?, as many Jews as wo at. that time, but if we should But the moat dangerous force we have to fear is the apathy ter of Jewish hopes and since" the German catastrophe has tical work or property is being tion incomprehensible. At a re-! self and his fortunes with the i chad crunched into dust under an iron cent meeting in St. Louis ad- j poor and'downtrodden, he has be- j l o s e «P o u r Talmud Torah's for of the general public. We cannot continue to expect a hand- proven its magnificent worth. The Jewish homeland in Pales- B8el. a They are pariahs; the great dressed by Sir Herbert Samuel j come known and loved among the j century, there would hardly be ful of men and women to carry the full brunt of all of the tine today give the Jews moral sustenance and spiritual faith. majority are already paupers; to- and Felix Warburg, the two gen-| disinherited. To ameliorate the ja trace left of the Jewish people, The disciples of Rabbi Nechtlemen publicly declared that Pal-! conditions of the poor, he has Federation work. "We. have to spread the base of voluntary Hence, we must do everything possible to see that nothing morrow they will all be." In masterful fashion Mr. Lewis- estine is absorbing more German given of himself unstintingly to unia asked him. "Whereby have helpers. More and more members of the Jewish community occurs to shatter that hope and faith. ohn analyses the obscure and hid- Jewish refugees than any other Japan's labor movement. A pprison you merited to live so long?" He p must take active part in the multifarious phases of FederaThe British government is obviously following a vacillat- den but ever present and ineradi- country in the world. Palestine sentence for leading a strike in ! answered, "I have never tried to causes of anti-Semitism. is the only country to which op- the shipyards was his immediate |i elevate tion work. , • '' myselflf att the l t th expense off ing, wishy-washy policy. The Balfour declaration irrevocably cable The Jew is disliked because des- pressed Jews can go without caus- reward." Since then he has been my neighbors. I never went to The starting point is the annual Federation meeting. Here pledged Britain toward the establishment of a Jewish national pite his physical weakness, de- ing international complications watched by the government ag a bed before I prayed to God to foris the time when a review and analysis is made of the work homeland in Palestine. Ramsay IlacDonald in 1930 and other spite his being at the mercy of and perplexing problems to other most dangerous person. give every one that may have indone during the year past. Here is given the condensed form high British statesmen from-time to time have reiterated the those superior to him, and more Jews. In view of the vast num- He is Japan's leading social sulted me during the day and I he preserves his Ident- ber of Jews who are flocking- to worker, author, preacher and was very liberal with money." of Fjederation achievement and aspiration. The work being British pledge to facilitate the -upbuilding of the Jewish home- powerful, ity, follows his own traditions, re- Eretz Israel and the still larger Christian evangelist. His chief done is our work, and if we wish to enrichen the efforts of land. After the Balfour declaration, Britain assumed the man- ligion and philosophy, obstinately numbers who would like to go interest is the coperative movethe Jewish Community Center and "Welfare Federation, let date over Palestine, with, the open assurance not only to world refuses to "bend the knee" spirit. there but cannot for one reason ment in whose behalf he is now His fate is a constant, em- or another, antagonism to Pales- touring the tJnited States. The us start putting our shoulder to the wheel more often and more Jewry but to the organized nations of the world that she ually. phatic and unpleasant reminder tine and Zionism reduces itself to most important thing about this diligently. that the non-Jew is a Christian a blind and obstinate refusal to fearless leader of men is that his would aid in the establishment of the homeland. The majority in name only, that he does not facts, is a nationalization of life is directed by the social gosof the Arabs fully realize the benefits that have accrued to practise charity, love and forgive- face adherence to obsolete theories, pel of Jesus which is nothing but them with the influx of Jewish capital and Jewish initiative, ness. This is a penetrating ana- the falsehood of which is being an adaptation of the gocial teachThe German Exodus lysis. Jewish hatred t~ fundadaily in all portions ot ings o£ the prophets of Israel. The plan for the exodus of a large number of German bringing in its wake higher wages and a higher standard of mentally a disguise of fear, and established our so called civilized world. Blood Principle and Not Reand hate are indistinguishJews from the Nazi Reich is beginning to change from shadow living^ But the Arab political leaders, who have for years sel- fear What Mr. Lewisohn might have ligious Principle" to Be able, as Mr. L«wisohn. says. said with justice is that the- Reinto substance, and although none of.the.ideas are yet com- fishly maintained power and richness at the expense of the Guiding Factor plete, we can begin to visualie the general shape of the poor and ignorant Arab masses, see in the Jewish development challenge to their power and a threat to their continued en- doing, many phases of their own program may have to be proposals. . Berlin (JTA) — Divorces in *•*"• tO ••* richment at the expense of the poor. Hence, under the guise discontinued or incorporated -with other groups. Such action IDS6 will reach an all-time peak When Sir Herbert Samuel, Simon Marks and Viscount in Germany as a result of the diBearsted left English shores for this country, they were pre- of a nationalistic appeal they are doing everything in their on the part of Omaha Jewish women is significant, indeed, and vorce law recently drafted by the ceded by news reports that they were coming to America to power to stop further Jewish development. And Great Britain, we are happy to join with the Jewish Women ^Nationally who German Academy of JurispruXOBTH AMERICA dence, it is predicted in the Gerlay before Jewish leaders here a plan for the mass exodus of thinking first and last of her colonial future, is willing to con- are working toward the same goal. N. Y. JEW EXPELLED FROM man newspapers. > —Mrs. J. J. Greenberg. German Jewry. By this plan, the Nazi government would be veniently forget or. slip over her moral obligations and "make SYNAGOGUE F O R CALLING Newspapers and Government ofa play" for the numerically larger political support. Recently, given part of the value of the emigrants' capital in foreign HORSE BY NAMES OF MEM- ficials are seeking to determine BERS HE DIDN'T LIKE . . . He just how the proposed law, which exchange and the rest in Nazi-made goods. By the time the this may be seen in two important moves. First, was the proMeeting a Crisis thinks it's the horse who should wouldn't make race sufficient British leaders had stepped foot on American soil, a storm of posal of a Legislative Council. This would doom the Jewish By BABBI FBEDEEICK CO EN have objected. grounds for divorce, would affect eople to a minority status in Palestine, with the balance of protest had swept that proposal into oblivion. True, some To the Editor: KASHRTJTH SUPERVISION BY certain classes of intermarriage. were in favor of rescuing German Jewry regardless of how power in the hands of men inimical to a Jewish homeland and I have just returned from St. Louis where I had the priv- KABEIS UPHELD BY N. Y. SU- Interest is particularly evidenced Sounds like || in the effect on intermarriage be. -it helped Hitler or what example i1> set for other anti-Semitic openly opposed to the Mandate. It would be wholly unfair to ilege of hearing Sir Herbert Samuel who leads the delegations. PREME COURT a logical decision to us. countries, but by and large the Jewish public opinion con- the Jewish people and would not take into account the Jewish that has come to America on behalf of the fiendishly-perse- EIGHT-YEAR tweenand "Aryans" and o£ converted OLD BROOKLYN j| Jews the children such undemned it as contrary to our principles. In the addresses given money and initiative which made Palestinian prosperity pos- cuted German Jews. JEWISH GIRL HEADS PRESI- ions. BIRTHDAY COMMITCommenting on this aspect of by the British leaders while here, they have strongly denied sible. The second move is the proposal to put shackles upon From, reports in the press also the plan seems to he to DENT'S TEE The thrill, that comes j the situation, the Voelkischer Beoithat the aforementioned plan was what they proposed . . . he sale of land from Arabs to Jews. The British government raise a very large sum of money, here and abroad, to aid our once in a lifetime. j bacliter. reflecting the Governevidently does not care whether the Arabs receive an un- unfortunate co-religionists. and so we are safe in forgetting it completely. FORTUNE MAGAZINE SURVEY ! ment viewpoint, makes it clear FINDS FEARS OF ANTI.SEMIT-j that "the blood principle F.nd not In the main, the present proposal seems to be that world usually high price for their land or whether these Arabs can Now we all know the value of money. It is powerful. It ISM IN AMERICA IS GROUND- the religious principle will be the find lucrative employment in a country where today there . Jewry should raise a fund of fifteen million dollars, ten million is indispensable. .But we must not delude ourselves in think- LESS . "We sincerely hope the determining factor. are interested in ing that money can prove our salvation in any great crisis, correct. The same view is expressed by to be raised by American Jewry and the remaining five million is a shortage of workers. They seemingly 1 only one thing to appease the Moslem politicians. Hanns Reich Minister for by the other Jewries of the world. This, in the words of Sir particularly such as the present one which threatens not mere- ORTHODOX JEWS OPPQSE Church Kerrl, Affairs, according to the What the-British government fails to realize is the obvious , Herbert, is "no plan to ransom or to specifically help the ly the security but the very life of the Jews of the whole world. ZIONIST MOVE TO CONTROL i Frankfurter Zeihing. wealthy." It is primarily to take from 100,000 to 150,000 of xuism that weakness on the part of the government will not! More powerful means that even money must be evoked. The . GERMAN JEWRY Which! Discussing the law in the offic. ,. the young Jewish men and women out of the Reich and trans- ippease the Arab politicians. On the contrary, it can only „ , ,, ,. , , <• i • n • should convince Herr Hitler that ial organ of the Academy, Dr. Ripplant them, with vocational guidance, to Palestine and other [uicken the movement now on foot to expel British rulers inj Jews of the Sir world must Samuel enlist the powerful-influences i n ; cumstances. j e w s c a n - t U D i t e u n d e r a n y c l r .U',odivoTce counsellor, states that be granted wherever n , i aw -'will the world. Herbert andmost his compatriots might well countries over a period of four years. Sir Herbert gives assur- alestine and the Near East.. Perhaps the British are taking confer with the leading and most influential American Jews not ATHENS JEWRY BUILDING! continuation of married life is SYNAGOGUE OPPOSITE rendered impossible on account of ance that the British government will cooperate in ita terri- dvantage of the fact that the Jewish people have not vocifer- merely as to the best means of raising funds but as to now t&ey j NEW ACROPOLIS . . . Twenty centur-1 race. Divorces will be msly protested against a violation of promises that are in might commandeer the mightiest influences in the world to jies from now Munich Jewry will j Dr. Risson explains, if the applitories. . < slack and white. If it is a show of protest that they desire, cope with this international iniquity which constitutes also an be building a synagogue opposite •'cant "made the mistake ot not Reports from every part of the country indicate that Jew'; realizing the importance ot racial ive can accommodate. But we'hope that fair-mindedness on international scandal, as well as a disgrace to universal Chris- the site of the Brown House. ish leaders are enthusiastically in accord with the proposal TURKEY ORDERS JEWS TO I affiliations." the part of the British government will not make such action to rescue the younger Jewish men and women from the humiltianity, civilization and the world. We must remember that DROP JEWISH NAMES . . In j Writing- in Deutsche Jusiiz, . . '. , • . •••.'' • •- ' > iation and degradation of Nazi Germany. These leaders, who ecessary. Sir Herbert Samuel is a powerful political personage, having this country such an order would I State Secretary Dr. Fveisler, dewelcomed by many. j clares that divorces will he grant. will have to shoulder- the greatest responsibility in raising been not merely the first Commissioner of Palestine for Great be POLISH PREMIER BOYCOTTS j ed where "continunton ct married this fund, are nevertheless happy" at the opportunity to do Jewish Women Alert Britain under the League of Nations but a member of the NAZI CONCERT Is it because I life hinders the fulfillment of obthe Nazi boycott his Jewish wife? I ligations to the German nation." their utmost to save a minimum of 100,000 souls. The rate of By MtfS. J. J. GREENBERG, British Cabinet (the only Jew ever to have,attained that honor) PALESTINE The German Government, it is removing a young Jew or Jewess from Germany and placing ,; President, Women's Division and leader of the Liberal Party in England and mentioned as TIBERIAS HOT SPRINGS IS (revealed ti the Voelkischer Beohim or her in a position to earn a livelihood is set at the low The editorial in last Friday's Press entitled "Cooperation likely to be Prime Slinister if that party should come into NEW PALESTINE HEALTH RE- bachter, is now engaped in com1 SORT On the whole, Pales- piling data on mixed mariages. amount of less than $150. This is certainly inexpensive enough, >r Rivalry" is worthy of serious consideration; power. Surely he commands' great influence not merely in tine seems to be a healthy place According to the Beohachter, 15)15 For a long time it has been apparent to those of us who Great Britain but with the statesmen of the world. We have for Jews Such a proposal is in a far different light than the pre,marked the peak of intermarri. nowadays. yious one. It is an appeal of mercy, the freeing of young men re connected with women's organizations that in our eager- Jews in this country who by virtue not merely of their wealth TEL AVIV JEWS PLAN PALES- ages, when the proportion of marTINE'S FIRST STOCK EX- riages between Germans a;.fi and women from the Nazi bondage. We are willing to help ness to be of service to the Jewish Community we have often but of their position and prestige possess great influence. And CHANGE . . . Soon they'll be dis- was 4.1 per thousand. such an emigration, glad to help it, if its features do not con- undertaken activities that were being conducted by the other there are powerful Jews in other countries. How better can i -71tain provisions which -would break the boycott'or give, the groups. they employ, their powers and the intellectual abilities Jews1 * •In oiir zeal to see our.organization thrive and grow, we Nazi government the direly-needed foreign exchange. In the axe reputed to possess than in bringing to bear such influences **- t new plan, no mention has been made yet as to how the capital have only too often forgotten other groups and their programs. that shall put an end to the intolerable conditions in Germany / of the emigrating Jews will be withdrawn. If we can help the As a result when we sat back, it became apparent to us that that shock the moral sensibilities of the world as well as conyoung German Jewry, not help Hitler, then %ye want to do many" projects, were being duplicated, that our programs over- stitute the gravest "international danger. Commissioner Macwhatever possible: to aid, these young folks • "fill their lungs lapped and* that our efforts and energies were often being Donald, now one of the moral heroes of mankind, has pointed •with.the fresh air of liberty." But before undertaking the dissipated in unnecessary channels, We discussed this mat- out the way. Appeal must be made to the "community of naat the executive, meetings of the "Women's Division of the tions' (by which he means the,whole world) to take effective project, we must remember that this is not a matter to be ter r treated lightly, as it calls for a mobilization of the spirit of . C. C. and Welfare Federation many times,- and" last «week means not merely to plead with this criminal of the nations American Jewry., It truly calls for us to give more than a lanche Zimman, chairman of the Committee on Community but to thwart, him, to arrest his colossal wrong-doing, and ren"piece of loose change" - - - it requires a "piece of our heart." Cooperation, met with the presidents of all the Jewish Wo- der him powerless. Compared with Xari Germany and Hitler, men's groups within the city to discuss -with them just such Italy and Mussolini are angels of light. Yet the nations of problems. As a result of this meeting the Jewish Women's the world have not hesitated to rebuke and oppose, with armed organization of Omaha laid the foundation for just such a might if necessary, the malefactions of the latter. The'murExperience has taught us to be skeptical of wolves that >rbgram as the national organisation- outlined. We are proud derous' criminality, of the Hauptman among the nations, still l seek to parade in sheep's clothing. The anti-Semite who throws f this accomplishment,, for an accomplishment it is. remains to be'dealt with. .•' off his mantle of bigotry at will can hardly be trusted. It clearly shows that the,Jewish women of Omaha are Jews of the world unite! You have nothing to lose "but In Greece, Eleutherios Venizelos was the leader of an anti- cognizant- of the needs in Jewish communal lite today, and your suffering and your degradation f Semitic party. When his abortive rebellion was squelched last that they are willing to do their part in bringing the -women ' -. • • • . ''.'•• Yours very, truly, . yea* and he was sent into exile, Venizelos denied that he was ogether and ultimately the entire community, though by so . • : • • ••' ' ' • •• '. ' • •••'. - - ' P S E D E B I C S C 0 H N .






TO MILWAUKEE HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE CouncS c! Jewish Womea ^aanmnn«1*nmniiinOTHminnirain:ramnaainsrf5r5si5arainHmi Miss Tobie Kohlberg, 2554 Mrs. Sam Novak entertained at Burt, left Thursday evening, Jan- the Hamilton Tuesday, February Weaker Causes Smoker uary 30, for Milwaukee, where j 4, for thirty-eight guests in honor Mrs. Arthur Bria ol MinneapoBe Postponed lis, president of the National she will make her home with her i of Miss Eva Bass, a bride-to-be cf Jewish Women, will be sister, Mrs. Benjamin . Minkin. I Those who won prizes are the The B'nai IVvitb Instead of the regular meeting Council Miss Kohlberg was secretary of Mesdames S. Nitz, J. M. Baker, the Beth-El auxiliary will have a the guest cf the Omaha Section on w h i c h Vsfis t o hav-p b e e n ]]pu> Beth-E the 1936 graduatng class of Cen- Glicken, Monovitz and Walters of leap, year luncheon Wednesday. Blocday, February 24, when E M o n d a y , F e b r u a r y ,*;, h a s b e e n luncheon will be given in Mrs. tral High school. Services tonigrbt vr be conDes Moines. I p o s t p o n e d Ixvaus-e of t h e inFebruary 12, at 1 o'clock. Brin's honor at the Jewish Com- ducted by the delegates to the ree l e m e n t weaflicv to 1 1'e ite%; The program and decorations munity Center. gional A. Z. A. convention. The HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON ~p£v.\pr Tnpfiinp riplif, Vov. RUSH TEA will feature Palestinian Arbor Selected among- the t e n out- Sioux City A. Z. A. choir will parMrs. Sam Nltz entertained at a (ley. Febmnry IT. The Junior Pioneers have is- Day and Leap Tear. Community luncheon in honor of Miss E v a sued invitations to twelve rushees singing of Palestinian songs will standing women of the past year ticipate in the service. Jay WeisThe cnmreittPf i~ rhPTpf Bass and Miss Evelyn Blumen- to a tea Sunday, February 9, at be led by Mrs. David A. Goldstein by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, the inan will lead the service. In piflted iVifi- fill of fhe- fpfiiurp-; t h a l , brides-to-be, Wednesday, the home of their sponsor, Mrs. with Mrs. Harry Du Boff as ac- noted peace leader, Mrs. Erie's place of the sermon the lova-Xe- planned for Ttip propr-nrn w i " BARM1TZVAH name was cocplefi with those ol braEta A. Z. A. oratorical contest 29, at home. Twenty- Charles Hermanson. Mrs. M. F. companist. lie piven ct this tirof. RIPO POTVIP Mr. and Mrs.. Jake Hahn an- January will be held •witb. contestants I Mrs. Roosevelt, Secretary of L&beight guests were present. Prizes Levenson will be guest of honor Those taking part in a Leap Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blumenthal nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their from Lincoln, Council BluffB. announce t h e marriage of their son, Norman, Saturday, February were won by the.Mesdames J. and will deliver a short talk on Year skit specially written for the I or Frances Perkins, and E.uth Sioux City, Pes Koines, RocK Bryan Owen, minister to DenKaplan, D. Giventer, D. Garrop, Palestine occasion by Mrs. Goldstein and danghter, Evelyn, to George "Weig- 15, at the B'nai Israel eynagogue. Island and, Omaha, The judpeF Mrs. Sara Theodore are the, fol- mark. hers, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Louis All their friends and relatives are and D. Nitz. vrill be Messrs. Harry Sitverrnari, lowing: Mesdames Leon Fellman, Long interested in the problems LEAP YEAR DANCE Wejsberg ol Akron, Ohio, Sunday, invited to attend. No cards have Ephraim Marks & n fi Irvin Sta)- i Ttif- Men's rlvh of ilir- Tirtci-K; Nathan Horwich, Jack Orlikoff, of women's Eulferage end world inaster, Junior Hadassah will hold a Leap February 2,; at 31:30 at the home been Issued. .. RETURN FROM EXCELSIOR | s y n a g o g u e w51i pivp i t i e i r ii"K' SPRINGS Year Dance at Peony Park Wed- William Racnsin, Meyer Stern, I. peace, Mrs. Erin turned to the •of the bride. ycxt Week ; m o n t h l y cliriPer ThiirprUiy, Ff-'i-rSalzman and Sara Zacharia. question of peace alter the balMiss'es Rae Borsky and Clair nesday, February 26. The bride wore a gown in SURPRISE BIRTHDAr PARTY Conservative synagogues the I a r y I S . Hi t h e J , O. C A HF.I int 1 "!Mesdames David Blacker, I. F. lot was given to women in IP IP. country over are observicg t he • ly k n o w n s p e a k e r vri',.1 be broup)-; 1 Members in good standing and aquamarine^ /with brown accessorMr.. and Mrs. "William Kuklin Katzman returned recently from ies. Her corsage was or gar- and. the members * of the "Young a week's v i s i t in Excelsior those who join Junior Hadassah Goodman, Donald Fisher, Nathan From 1S£4 to 1930, she was na- £0th Ychrzeit of the great teach- • h e r e f o r ihe- o c c a s i o n . IVu>~ Turner, and H. L. Steinzeig are a tional ccairisan cf the Council's denias, • . Jewish Girls club gave a surprise Springs, Mo., where they stayed before February 26th will be giv- special committee who will dec- department of Peace and in that er and scholar. Solomon Schech- prizes: will be jiivpn find Hie o o » ' en complimentary tickets. After the ceremony there was birthday party Sunday, February at the Elms Hotel. ter. Kext •vreek Rabbi David A, miffee i n c h a r g e promises- snsii;" To ihe girl who brings in the orate the tables and bring the at- capacity won nationwide recogni- Goldstein vrill speak on "Solomon novel f e a t u r e s fuul Furpri^p?-. Ali a dinner for the family only. "A 2, for the twins, Betty Eddie Kuktion as an Ercent worker f o r mosphere of Palestine into the most members by that date, a reception for relatives and friends lin, who celebrated their twelfth LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE Schechter and Kis Contribution to m Pin b e rp JIVP urpe<1 t r r t t f i i u . world peace and disarmament. i American Judaism." was held in the afternoon, from birthday. Prizes were won by Mrs. Jack Turek entertained at prize will be given, and special Center auditorium. Mrs. A. D. Frank, rice-presi- She WEB also Minnesota State 3 until G o'clock. The Sundey School is meeting Rose Singer, Marvin Zernovsky, a luncheon and bridge at the Tu- recognition given her at the night Pf.tror.Jjp our sul dent, will preside at a short busi- chairman cf peace for the Na- as usual. A Chamisha Oser Out-of-town guests were . Mr. Jeannette Greenfield, and Frances dor Arms tea room Saturday, Feb- of the dance. tional Conference OE t h e Cause Frances Kornfeld Is in charge ness meeting which will precede and Mrs. Louis Weisherg of Afe- Berg. The color scheme was car- ruary 1, in honor of Miss Rose and CuTe of War, End chairman E'Shevat proeram •will be fcelc this MARK LEON WRITfTS Reifi whose. marriage to Louis ot arrangements and will be as- the program. ron, parents of the groom; Mr. ried out in red and white. of the Joint Peace Committee of Sunday. Binstein of Grand Island will take sisted by Kose Rubenstein, Sylvia and Mrs. S. Seigal and Mr. and THRIFT-LIFE-FIRE women's organizations o* Minneplace Sunday, February 9, and Parilman, and Betty Burstein. Mrs. H. Maisel of Kansas City; HONORED apolis. • The meeting scheduled for last j Sn fact, INSURANCE nf Every Mrs. Melvin Plotkin, a recent Mr. and Mrs. J. TVitten and Mr. III the absence ol Rabbi EerMiss Evelyn Elizabetto DiaThe meeting of the- Hadass&h night was postponed until n e x t Besides the National -Council of ger, Haskell Cohen will occupy and Mrs. P. Brody of Des Moines. mond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bride. Twelve guests attended. Companies, ONLY Thursday, February 13, on ac- culture group which was to take Jewish Women, Mrs, Brin. is a the pulpit this evening. The topic After a short trip t h e couple David Diamond of Lincoln, Nebr., place Tuesday, February 4, has member of Hadasse.h, of the ColCitj" Finance & Insurance Co. : count of the disagreeable weathwill be at home at 3402 No. 16th received her A. B. degree from ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE ' been postponed to Thursday, Feb- j lege Women's Club, the League of his sermon will be. "Youth De- I A T 766? . T40<1 F A R N A M . VVA F1SP '• er. , street. mands -." Cantor Sch.vacr.kiii Mrs. Dave Oruch was hostess at the University of Nebraska with ruary 11. Mr. Loyal Kaplan, i of Women Voters, the Women's Mrs. Weisberg was extensively High Distinction. She was t h e six tables of bridge at her home and choir will chant the services. Creighton University law student, entertained prior to her marriage. only one so honored. Miss Dia- Saturday, February 1, in honor of ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Sunday morning at E:CO o'clock will speak on "The Czars and the ! International League f o r Peace The Society of Liberal Arts Jews"; Mrs. O. S. Belzer will dis- ! and Freedom and the Women's regular Father and. Son Services. mond is the fifth member of her Miss Eva Bass. Prizes were won ANNOUNCEBIRTHS; . At the Religious School Chamfamily to be graduated from the by the Mesdames Alperson, S. No- presents Mr. Walter Pach in an cuss current events. A new fea- I Club of Minneapolis. illustrated lecture, "Vincent Van ture of the program will be a Mr. and Mrs. Max "Breslow an- TJhiversity. vak and dayman. * iEha-Oser-E'Shevat will be cele, Gogh," in the Concert Hall of the question and answer period. nounce the birth of a daughter brated. Palestinian fruits will be Jewish Joslyn Memorial Sunday, Februon Thursday, January 30, "at the LEAVES FOR EAST wivnoimees his conmectioTi. distributed to the children. GRADUATES Mrs. Iz Levinson will be hostess ary 9, at 3 o'clock. Methodist hospital. Mrs. Breslow Mrs. Ethel Simon announces as piano salesman Grasps Are Isvited Miss Esther Shafton left for the to the group at her home, 515 is the former Ruth Slobodisky. At 4 o'clock there will be an So. 55 St.,?at a dessert-luncheon with the Temple east for a three month stay. While the graduation of her daughter, there she will visit with her sis- Sylvia, from the Murray F . Tuley crgan recital in the Concert Hall. at 1:15 p. in. Rabbi David H. Wice will speak Jerusalem — WNS-Falcor AgMr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cutler ters, Mrs. Abe Demeroff of New High School in Chicago Thursday, Ed Puifca Musk Co, ency—Factional differences which i on "But I Must Live- in the Diasannounce the birth ol a daughter, York City and Mrs. Ben Goffstein January 30. pora" at services -this evening". Oneg Shabbos estranged Jewish religious groups ; IS16 Farnam St. Ja. 4770 Jean Edythe, January 29, at of Albany and with other relatives CURRENT TOPICS ) in Jerusalem for decades have • Saturday morning eerviceE will The home of Mrs. I. Abrarason, home. ENTERTAIN FOR HUSBANDS and friends. ' The subject of Rabbi Frederick begin at 10:SC. Exclusive Baldwin Piano The Civics a n d Legislative 5417 Nicholas St., will be turned Cohn's nest lecture for the cur- jbeen healed with the formation, : The College club meeting has into a Palestinian abode when she rent topic gTOup of the Sisterhood j for the first time, of a united been postponed until Sunday, Febgroup of the Council of Jewish TO CHICAGO and Mrs. Morris Arkin will act as of Temple Israel, will be "Amer- I Jewish Religious Council which ruary £3, College Club Mr. William Lipsman has been Women entertained their • hus| The College club of Temple in Chicago the past few days on bands at .a meeting Tuesday eve- hostesses to members of the Beth- ica and World Progress." Ee is I will represent all Jewish sects, ning; February 4, at the home El auxiliary and their friends at to speak nest Tuesday morning at j The new council trill deal with Israel will, i o t hold its regular business. of Mrs. Jules Newman. Mrs. .Al- the nest Oneg Shabbos which will 10:SO o'clock at the Blackstone I all rabbinical issues, decide probmeeting Sunday, February -9, but bert Newman and Mrs. Henry take place Saturday, February S, hotel. Mrs. Sara Gilinsky is chair- lems involving ritual slaughtering will meet Sunday, February 23, at GOES SOUTH anci all synagogue affairs. Newman were co-hostesses. They at 2:30 p. m. 4 o'clock in the assembly room man. Lester L. Byron left for the The estabishment cf the CounSince the Jewish Arbor Day, of the Temple. south and Huton, Texas, where he | heard Rabbi David H. Wice speak Chamisha Oser B'Shevat falls on cil has been a goal of moderate ! on t h e Conference in St. Louis will visit with his uncle and aunt, DeboraE elements ever since the modem Mr. and Mrs. Abe B. Greenberg. where Sir Herbert Samuel spoke.j this day the program will center A.Z. A. 100 . around Palestine. Singing, an imreconstruction, of Palestine startThe Deborah Society will meet ed. A. Z. A. No. 100 held a special portant feature of the program, FORM NEW GROUP Tuesday at the J. C. C. 8t 2 p. in. meeting at,the J, C. C. Sunday, of Palestine songs. Ladies Auxiliary of Con- A new group, "Meeting the willMrs.consist Tea will follow the meeting. February 2. Abe Solomon will read "I Public," is to be formed by forThe group received an invitagregation of Israel mer members of the Nutrition Become a Worker," a true story tion to attend the B'nai B'rith FOE RENT The regular monthly meeting of one of the early settlers; Mrs. Ladies Free Losa smoker Monday, February 17. of the Ladies auxiliary of Con- class of the Council of Jewish William Racusin will discuss othSi©7 MASOX" STE.EET Women after an intermission of The Ladies Free Loan Society President ...Max Novak opened gregation of Israel has been poster notable leaders among the Palhold a basquet Sunday, Feb- 5-roora duplex. Will share ynih chapter registration for the com- poned until next month, Monday, two weeks. The first meeting will estinian women; Mrs. Jack Brainbe held at the home of Mrs. Leon ruary 23, to celebrate their fif- couple vrto have crvra furniture ing tournament. The Allan Cush- March 2. Fellman Tuesday, February IS. son will discuss current events. teenth Jubilee. For reservations —Reasonable. Call Krs. Lev. ing committee announced that This group is open to all members call At. 55S7, Mrs. Weiner or At. enson, Wellington Hotel. plans were- being completed to j of the Council. Patronize our advertisers. 772S, Mrs. J. Miller. bring Mr. Cashing here to speak JONAS ROSENBERG before the A. Z. A. chapters. DIES AT AGE OF 86

Leap Year Luncheon By Beth-El Auxiliary

TAKE PART IN AFFAIR The following three members of the Toung Jewish Girls club have temporarily resigned so that they may take part in the Conservative Capers: Doris Pinkovitz, who was secretary; Evelyn'Pinkovitz, and Naomi Pevsner.

MRS. BETSY LEVEY WES IN ESTHERVILLE Mrs. Betsy Levey, 78, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Nathanson at Estherville, Iowa, Wednesday, February 5. She is survived by Mrs. NathanBon, another daughter, Mrs. Philip Freidman ol Glenwood, la.; four brothers, Ben and Lou Harding of Council Bluffs, D a v e of Kansas City, and•' Sam of New York; four grandsons and 2 granddaughters.* The funeral took place Thursday, February 6, at 1:30 from the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial took place at Pleasant Hill cemetery. Mrs. Levey was the daughter of the late Leiber Harding, an old pioneer of Omaha. She was the last of four Harding sisters and a member of one of the first Jewish families in Omaha.

Jonas Rosenberg, • 8G, d i e d Tuesday, January 28, .after a three-week: illness, at a local hospital. He is" survived by his sons, Sam of Omaha and Morris of .Los Angeles, and a daughter, Mrs. Henry Pollack of Omaha, and his foster sons, Max Mosher and I. Moskovitz of Omaha. Mr. Rosenberg had been a resident of Omaha f o r over fifty years.' The funeral took place Wednesday, January 29, at the Jewish Funeral Home, with Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiating. Interment took place at Pleasant Hill cemetery.

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Gef If cf Oifercsef If ©self nerfers Bet

the W o r l d ' s B t !




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I Ii



IN-STATE—One of the first actual photographs received in this country showing the catafalque of King George V as his body

: GRASS ROOTS LEADERS—Mapping his proposed campaign to T a l g ^ $ gn;"tt tt • s*ump the Jnation, at left is=Oovemor=Eugeng Talg'°^$g; >'New theDDemocratic nomination, >'N DDeal l candidate d i d t f forthe e c t i PPresidential ide • shown at the Grass Roots convention at Macon, Ga. In center is John Henry Kirby of-Texas, Grass Roots leader, with Thomas -Dixon; author of > "The1. Clansman" and other southern stories.

The body is protected by Yeomen of the Guard. It will be seen there are no flowers on the coffin, .though it is covered by a .silken pall. Dim lamps in the •lofty timbered ceiling added light to that of the candles.

CHARGES ^— Amandus Hochmuth, 86, witness la the Lindbergh case, against whom an indictment is demanded by Defense Counsel C. Lloyd Fisher in Trenton, N. J. Hochmuth swore he saw Hauptmann drive toward Colonel Lindbergh's, but Fisher claims he was almost blind.


DOUG'S MOTHER—Jack Whiting, musical comedy star, and his -wife, the former wife of Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., and mother of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., as they arrived in New York from a trip abroad. She formerly was Beth Sully, a society woman. *

I!'.' ii-


~~h King, Edward ITU, as uathp his on tne lace 01 "B"ritain's~~hew brothers he marches in the funeral procession of his father, the late King George V. King Edward is shown in the center, with the Duke of York at the left and the Duke of Gloucester at the right, as the cortege moved from Sandringham to Wolverton.

I Ii *iJliiiSE



"* 'T. 5 i


THREE DEAD IN TRAIN PLUNGE—View of the wreck of the crack Reading Railroad express which plunged 30 feet from a Susquehanna River bridge near Sunbury, Pa., killing three persons and injuring 37. The accident occurred during a blinding snowstorm and sub-zero cold that hampered rescue.

TJBttS IS HOW IT'S DONE-^-While they were waiting for spring baseball training to get under way in-the south, "Big Poison" Paul Waner of the Pittsburgh Pirates and Max-Carey, former, manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, set up this dingus in Miami, Fla., to show bow to swat-a low and a-high ball. Lpokihg on Is Leslie Mann, left, formerly of the Braves, and'Freddie Undstrom of the Dodgers.

MONARCH'S SONS—Sorrow_ftT\ri _



SORROWING QUEEN—Queen Mary, widow of the late British ;Eqvereign. as she left the funeral train with the new King, ^Edward'VZII, at right, at King's Cross station, London.

•• * * "

RIDERLESS PONT—Here is the favorite white pony which the late King George V used at the estate in Sandringham and which he rode through tne park a short time before he died. The pony followed the King's coffin from Sandringham to Walverton. J.

FKEED — Evelyn Frechette. 27, sweetheart of the outlaw, John Dillinger, as she took a pauper's oath in Detroit in lieu of the $J.OOO fine she owed the government. She recently was freed after completing a prison sentence at Milan, Mich., for harboring Dillinger preceding his death. •;

HOMAGE TO A KING—^A general \new of the crowd waiting- out-, side Westminster Hall, London, to pay their respects to their departed sovereign. The line stretched away for nearly three miles and more than 16,000 persons an hour passed by the bier.

UIXICUTIAN. BIG TOP—Starting at Miami, Fla., on a nation-wife tour, here is the smallest circus on record. Even though it 4s entirely contained to a huge motor bus, all the beasts and the birds are there, besides the easy-to-look-at showgirls who accompany it. An amplifying set reproduces band music and an "authentic calliope and maybe a roar or two from the jungle brutes. ' . Copyright Halted Newspictares. -

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19SS efforts, a team of young b o y s have developed into potential basketball stars. The young A. Z. A. No. 100, who has n o t won a game in nine games until " P e p " took over • the reins, suddenly through ! his coaclilng came through t o take t h e strong Pants Jerusalem (JTA) — The PaleStore squad without t h e losers stine Government is preparing a At a luncheon meeting of thescoring a field goal. Paul, ,fceing new law restricting sales of land Talmud Torah Association held a modest young, man, refuses t o belonging to Arabs. «. "Wednesday noon at the Commu- comment and BO writer has t a k . A vigorous protest against t h e nity Center and attended by t-wen- en i t upon himself to voice un,ty-flve men and'women represent- heralded glory to all.


contemplated' decree was lodged when Lord Passfield, as Colonial Beersheba district, where sales Protests Made with High Commissioner Sir ArI Secretary, issued a ""white paper" would be freely permitted because | Palestine Herb May Grenfell Wauchope by Dr. | drastically curbing Jewish immi- of the scarcity of water find beon Curbing Sale thur" Chaim Weizmann, president of the| gration and sales of Arab lands. cause there has been practically :Hold Embalming Agency for Palestine. JThe restrictions v e r e Eubseqruent- no Jewish coloaizatios tber* of Palestine Land Jewish He was quoted as having de- • ly modified, In other districts of the coun- ' Secret clared in a visit to the High Com- j Under t h e ' contemplated lavr, try, Arabs, in order to be able to missioner: j Arabs -would be limited in their j sell land, would have t o own E "You are forcing us to fight j right to sell lands, depending on 'minimum of 110, So or SO'dunyou as we fought against Lord 1 the extent of their holdings and ; am?, depending on whether the Passfield." A storm of opposition ! the region of the country. An ! land lay in the hills or plains or was aroused among Jews in 1930i exception •would be made in t i eI whether it was near a city.

The neTTBpfcper stated that 2 ctrades -councils and a lsrpe EUIT.,, ber of local units of the. Labor Perty adopted B resolution eal!;ing on British citizens not t..:hefc dealings v i t h Germsu n a tionals s.nd to refuse to purrhspf" ! London (JTA) — Organization I German good? until civil find r<v of a labor boycott against Ger- ligious liberties v e r e restored-ITS.' man nationals in England in pro. ;the Reich. test against the Nazi regime v a i • reported by the Daily Herald. Patronise our advertisers.

atives from the - various synagogues and Jewish organizations New championB have b e e n within the city, the campaign for crowned in t h e J . C. C. doubles members in the Talmud Torah handball tourney. Sol Yaffe and Association was formally opened. Max " Altschuler played bang-up Nathan Levlnson, chairman of thehandball to defeat t h e former Association, presided at the meet- champions, Paul Grossman and


i n g .

• ; • - ' • • •



Jack Ban, in three hard


At this meeting Rabbi 'Harold battles. Berger gave a report of the Jewish Education Conference held in A free St. Louis.

\ , . -•••'•


throw tournament sponsored by the physical department

"The.tendency in Jewish edu- in' charge of Lee Grossman got cation, at the present Is to de-under way last Tuesday, ^ congregationalize the J &.w i s h ary 4. All entrants must shoot training of children and place the their free throws in Mr. Gross,

institutions of Jewish education man's presence with the one tosson a community-wide basis ^ ing in the most free throws out Bpective. of religious differences. of the 25 throws alloted each man The Jewish child must be free to being crowned as the winner. secure all the information' about Those entered in the contest are: Jewish history, and traditions and Ben Wintroub, Harry Fox, Jack be permitted to determine his own Epstein, Charles Weiss, Milton personal philosophy as a Jew. "We Saylan, Jack Saferstein, Max Del•must stop indoctrinating our chil- rough, Israel Katz, Vernoun "Windren;' For this purpose a National troub, Manuel Himelstein, Carl Jewish Education Association was Fredricks, Joe GUBS, George Elorganized' at"x the conference to tinge, Norman Bordy, Charles secure t h e interest of Jews Stein, Irvin Yaffe, A1"* Grossman, throughout the country in such David Richards, • Morris Adler, program of communal Jewish ed- Ray Schaplro, Manny Simon, Irucation. . In our community, the vin Gendler, Joe Kirshenbaum, Talmud Torah Association can Morton Soiref, • Ben Kutler, Herb work, with those objectives as its Meches, Norman Gendler, Lee final goal/* said Rabbi Berger. Giventer, Sam Giller, Millard Sig-

BAKER for every purpose .

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WESTERN Air Conditioning Corp.





BEAUTY SALON SPECIAL FOE, A LIMITED TIME ONLY $6.50 Permanent Waves at $5.00 $5.00 Permanent Waves at $4.00

The inevitable has happened in New Tork (WNS)—-A nationt h « J. C. C.< Senior basketball wide Investigation made by the league/ The XI Lambda.live com- magazine Fortune into the profespletley outplayed - the heretofore sional, commercial and political 716 Branded Theatre Eldg. league' leading Omaha Jobbings, status of American Jewry definAT. 4333 nosing them but 30-29. Led byitely establishes, according to the Morris. Franklin V h o .scored 12 editors of the magazine, that fear points1,'the XI Lambda's took an of anti-Semitic persecution is the early-lead'and held until the fin-greatest clanger facing the Jews al moments of play when a field in this country because its Inquiry goal by Art Grossman and a field proves conclusively that at this goal, and free throw .by Morris time there is absolutely no basis Franklin iced the game for thefor such fear. Emphasizing that frat boys. It was the first de. its study discloses DO section of feat for the Jobbers in six games, the country where ijear of anti. SCHMIDT'S in regular season play, their loss Jewish persecution is justified, throws the league into a scramb- Fortune declared that fear of such led mess with the Jobbing five persecution may create the danfor a Pleasant Surprise and.the Psl Mu team tied for first ger of persecution. HAVE JTOU TRIED with, 6 wins and 1 loss and. the Discussing the professional XI Lambdas, right on the heels of SCHMIDT'S LATELY? the leaders with A wins and 2 stratification of American Jewry, CAUL losses. Iz Novak starred for theFortune finds that the pressure losers scoring 13 points -..nd play- of Jews on the professions arises ing a bang-up, game on /defense. from, the urbanization of Jewry, I 422 So. 13tb St. AT. 5903 In the - opening tilt, the winner- since 84 per cent of the 4,500,000 na^KSTTinr^mrsrr^a^g. i. j less A. Z. A. No. 1 squad took it Jews live in.cities of 100,000 or on the chin again, losing to thelarger population. Expressing the Psi Mu five 29-25. The younger opinion that Jews have a passion boys were kept well In hand dur- for making their children doctors ing the first' half, the score end- or lawyers, Fortune finds that in ing 20-5 in favor of. the .Psi Mu. New Tork from one-third to oneStop for Your It was during the last two periods half the lawyers are Jews and at of play that the A. Z. A. No. 1 least a third of the doctors. But five finally developed into a scor- despite these figures Fortune deing team and" outplayed and out-clares that non-Jews control legal Ecofed the winners 20-points to power in finance, railroads, adAT THE their 9. In the other game card- mirality practice, corporation and patents. In medicine too the sured on last Sunday's schedule, the APT's off. to a good start could vey finds that Jews do not hold not keep-up the fast pace and sopower, corresponding to their lost out to the Camel Distributors numbers or ability because hosby the score of 30-20. Due topital hoards are controlled by 316 So. 15th the regional A. Z. A. tournament non-Jews. Citing the' fact that to be held in the J. C. C. Feb. 7, 30 of the 420 directors of the 8 and .9, the regular schedule of leading members of the New Tork the senior basketball league will Clearing House are Jews, the magazine finds Jewish private Be run off Monday, Feb. 10. banking to be small and their inSchedule for Feb. 10: ..••".' terest in basic industries unimA. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Camel Dist., portant. 8:00. "•;•' :•;: . We Are Serving a XI Lambda vs. Psi Mu, 9:00. Turning to the question of Special American Dinner Omaha Jobbing vs. APT, 10:00. Jewish radicals, Fortune emphatiEVERY SUNDAY ° Class A Basketball Standing cally repudiates the charge that ' ' ' at' • • ....'•:••.: • • "Won L o s t "all Communists' ar© Jews and all 75c AND 85c PEE PLATE -Omaha Jobbing _ 5 1 Jews are Communists." Citing 1 the fact that for every Jew who Psi Mn _ ~ -^a-—~-S 4. Courses Complete .. ; 2 is a Communist there are thou2Ci Lambda .'. — 4 From 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 3 sands of Jews who are not ComCamel Distributing — , 3 s 5 munists, Fortune declares that of Alpha P I Tau«.....-..«..«»1 6 the 27,000 American Communists A. Z. A. No. 1_ 0 few of the higher officers and 31G So. 16th St. Team Scoring _214 points fewer than 4,000 members of the Omaha Jobbing UPSTAIRS




Lunch and Relaxation



194 points party are Jews. The apparent Xi Lambda ,161 points predominance of Jews among Psi Mu .158 points Communists, Fortune points out, Camel Dist. „ 125 points Is due to the centralisation of the Alpha Pi Tatu 112 points movement in New Tork, which is •;-A. Z. A. No. 1... the largest Jewish community in This week the "star" or thethe history of the world and to Intellectual leadership of the man of the hour is-Paul "Pep" the Bogdanotf. Through his sterling Jewish minority.

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Brass, Bronze Aluminum, S o " ] Grey Iron anfi Semi-Steel Curt Also, I feel you Ehoald know ings, Woofl finfi Metal it was Jonah, who sang. "I'm Standard slies Bronze i n t I T T liviug in a great big whale." Buehlnfss. Sewer Manholes, ClPte-r RfnpB and Ccvers, Cleancut P r c - s Ajjd in. a3flitioB, us & PEb. Sash Weights t n d Yellow Bras* scriber to the Press, I think I Plumbers' Ferrulss, carrli°c >n Btock. Bronze Tablets, B^on't e"r. am entitled to know whether Cast iron Grilles s. Speclal'tor not Chief Ferer isn't a fiisgnise for "Der Fnehrer." Let me hear from you Egsln, Jack, Much, obliged.



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The former members cf the B'nai Ami. club organized them, selves into a luncheon club. Charter members were: Ruben Yann, Moe Linsman, William Pearlman, Morris Vann, Max Tromkin, M. E. Handler, David Cohen, Alex Frank, Sam Cohn, I. Schlaifer, The WERTHEIMEE.S and the Fred White, Sam Bialac, Sam Schwartz, Julius Abrahamson, Er- HILLERS, good friends in Omanie Meyer, Harry Frankel, J. -J. ha, 'will soon have an opportunity Cleaned anti Blocked Only Greenberg, Albert Wohlner, Dr. to contirsue their friendship Eome M. Stein, Archie Jacobs, J. Gerel- 1500 miles from.here—is Florida, Repaired Whim ick, Ephraim- Toasem, End Im-•where the 'Wertheimers are vacationing a t present, and •where the You Walt manuel Yousein. FREE—Pick.up snS Delivers* Hillers "will soon embark for EevIn Downtown District Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster I eral •weeks. Phone HA. 4550 returned from their honeymoon trip to New York, Cuba and California. ALONE FOR A LQM SHOE EEPAIE CO. The Pi Tau Pi fraternity held iPOf HAROLD CHERNIEK, the big a Valentine party at the Blackloan man, found out what it was stone hotel. Hugo Heyn's orchesto be on the other side of the tra furniEhed the music. fence the other night. The popular young finance man was playing poker with a group of friends and ran out of capital after e We heard, recently of a 91-year short while. He had a hard time old Jew, Tehudah Shaflin, of convincing his friends that they Winnipeg, •who passed a natura- shouldn't charge him interest or lization test and' received citizen- look up his credit rating, as they ship papers.. A fine example for kiddingly threatened to fio. ActomoMe accidents s.re our younger men to follo-wJ costly . , . Be Prepares , . . We saw Marva Coha looking for hats the other day; and Ev- Quick tie-ixps: "VThen George Ks-ve TOCT EtifojuoMlr iuelyn Epstein, giving the stores the Burns and Grade Allen v e r e ali with Frsnkel once-over; and Rosalie Alberts tar-hitched, they took s. taxi to sipping a soda; and Naomi Gross the Chicago city hall . . . used np JACKSQJf 1525 boarding a street car and looking eighteen minutes Tor t h e cere•warm despite the below zero mony . . . and is-ere bscfe i t the See ,' ri"8'" •weather; and Mianette Louis hur- theatre i s time for the nest show. rying to •work; and SPRING . . . ON the Calendar. L •• > ' ' ' ** We thought -we -were going to For your "believe It or cut" get a call from the Phantom, oth- collection: Little Dsvey literally 1 sstv .::.' ~^rT~",~ T"T" erwise known its Buddy Wein- haunted the entrance gate of one berg, but he disappointed me. of the major lots. He had & leai look and people going in and out took to giving him food. His maWHAT - • - AGAIN? ma, distracted et his plentiful but ATi SS11 ' AT. €221 WE WERE GOIXG to write indigestible diet, finally hung & something about Leon tbe 'Chief sign around his neck, "Please do Every Leanity Service this week,, but someone • else not feed Mm!" WET 'WASH TO FIXTSEEB beat us to it. The 'Chief* is so WOKS popular that subscribers writing in, mention hia nasie^—which .apCleverness is serviceable for Let us keep jtiuf wearing sppure" pears elsewhere in this column. everything, sufficient for inimaeulate So there is-no need o£ dwelling ^ e iti-t t'rr* to do ii right by on his merits or demerits for this ~ His own ehsrsctsr is the arfcT'er !'• " I h'rw anfl careful week. of every cue's fortune.

Come in and try oar Friday nite aad Sunday specials We feature


T Pn. J.-ir

Jack Is Always Welcome

THE NAME of Florence -Appleman has been advanced in the FROM THE CLEVER Sack race for Omaha's prettiest. Agreed, but sorry boys, she's tied Davidson, an advertising man and loyal reader cf the Jewish. PresB, up. we received the following-•contribution through the malls:. MOW ABOUT IT? "As a native of that cosstry • Since we have been comment- I feel it my solemn. <5oty to give ing on and looking f o r pretty you the lowdown OH a very sergirls, how about giving the fel-iotas subject.. Viz &n& to wit: lows a break. Girls, who is your In Russia the muzhiks go rotmfi




Lead Ear To




PEGGY FRIEDMAN received a Who is the matron, who while lunching •with an attrac- handsome bouquet of roses one tive unattached male, w a s evening last week. A card acheard to remark, "I hope lay companied them, but no name. husband sees us, I'd lore to Peggy inquired everywhere possible, but as yet, she has been make him jealous." "Who is the bachelor-by-di- •unable to locate the obliging perTorce who Is said to be con- son who BO graciously sent her templating another trial at mar. the aforesaid bouquet. Miss Friedman will be glad to hear from riage? Who is the young mas who anyone who can throw any light •was refused, dates by three upon the subject. young ladies because "All he does during the whole evening is talk about himself?" "Who is the young swain who On Sunday morning, at 8:80 has bought his girl friend * o'clock there will t>e a halfCollie? Is it more than "pnppy hour Jewish broadcast over love?" KOEL which yon ought all to hear. The well-known New Tork Trio will broadcast a proPRETTY GIRL POLL gram of sougs and skits. It seems that Lorraine Meyerson of Council Blnffs gets t h e votes this Treek a s one of o u r prettiest girls. And again, who's The Zionist Record, a South next? As a matter of fact one African paper, carries the follovradmirer of Lorraine writes in to say that she is not only pretty b a t j ing announcement: The marriage is a swell date. The line forms | of Essie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Katz, to Issie, son of Mr. and this side of the bridge. Mrs. Shubitz, will be solemnized Sunday, December 2S.



A speakers bureau was organ- al, Jake Adler, Ed Gerber, Sam ized to visit the meetings of the "Wolk, George Shapiro, Morris various women's organizations Franklin, and Sam "White. and. secure their aid in making AT. 3454 104 No. 18th St. their husbands members of the Lee Grossman, physical direcAssociation. At the suggestion of Mrs. M. F . Levinson, a Program tor, will referee in t h e Golden Committee of five was appointed Gloves boxing tournament which to work out a concrete program indeed is a great honor. Lee is for the Association with commu- also rated as one of the best basnal Jewish education as its ob-ketball officials in the city. He jective. The following were ap- worked the South-Benson game I Ask Your last Tuesday, which was the top pointed to the Committee: I Grocer for game in high school basketball. Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman; Mrs. J. Hosenberg, Mr. Jack MarFOEBES TENDER CRUST The regional A. Z. A. tournaer, Rabbi David Wice, and Rabbi ment with the A. Z. A. No. 1 and BREAD Harold Berger. 100 acting as hosts, begins today The representatives of the con. with a round robin basketball Look for the Orange gregations agreed to initiate a schedule taking the spotlight. and Blue Label concerted, effort to make every Seven teams coming f r o m surmember of their respective con- rounding cities are entered with A Trial Will Convince You gregations members of the Asso- Des Moines, last year's winners, ciation. • ... being the favorites.' Teams enter3711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 Only men are eligible for mem- ed are as follows: Des Moines, bership- in the Association, the Council Bluffs, Lincoln, Omaha membership fee being one dollar No. 1 .and 100, Rock Island, and a yaar. Membership in the Asso- Sioux City. ciation entities one to quarterly reports on . t h e , - conditions and pf .• thfl-.wnrk-at- tha : Talmud' Torah;„•

J.C.C. Sports

This Week's Puzzles




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For BedrOOWB * n d jaRthrooias We also clean an<S reverse yptff oM Bhadss * Shades ar IfOW R® SJ»C OB Boilers .• " WAI, STTT SSKVft • 6 K«m4ttOB

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nesday afternoon, February 19, man's language . . . Yehudi Men-' eau de Cologne. donated by Mrs. William Kantor I A 7 A clsred thst "Mexico cannot regard 2:30 p. m. at the Hotel Chieftain. uhln's two-year retirement for In honor of the forthcoming mar- **• t \ A * That Chuck R^isner was the itself re the stepmothpr of the Bridge will be. the afternoon's di- study on his ranch in California gag. man. for- five of Charlie Mexican .Tews -who v,-\]\ fjmr j n rlage of her son Ed Kantor to version. is going to cost htm exactly one Chaplin's pictures? Miss Alice Pill. Mexico a fatherland." ; Mrs. Max Simon is chairman In million dollars, it is estimated by The Book Review "which was Asserting that, the . erection of scheduled for' last Tuesday evecharge, and Mrs. Herman Maro- Mr. Patrick Murphy, a British You can believe anything of the school is further evidence of (Continued from Page 1.) MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent I ning, was postponed because of witz is program chairman. All I newspaper man who interviewed ' the Marx Boys . . . past present, the Jew's role In culture. Senator Saturday evening tit 9:45. Alumni members and non-members are j the young violinist in London . . . '< the cold •weather. It will be held or future. Groucho unearthpd a Medreno hailed the Jewish comon February 17, and Rabbi Rabin- of A. Z. A, may purchase tickets urged to attend, all linens going | The Menuhin family, incidently, story of the early days of their' munity for its spvvjppR ( 0 P( i,i 08 , ' to Palestinian hospitals. A door j now speak six languages f luently, j vaudevile career. .They -were all tion. owitz will review- '.'Coronet" by for one dollar. Award Banquet Komrof f.. prize will be given. not including the language of under seventeen then and Mama ' Professor Malan.o. <-hipf inspecIrving Hill, outstanding UnlThe Bible Group will meet next sharps and flats . . . Samuel Marr travelled with them and! Monday afternoon, at 2^30 In the versity of Nebraska student and • Council Blufs-lodge SS8 of the "Roxy" Rothafel, who put on the 'managed their fifty-dollar.a-veek tor of the M-exiean school system, lauded the Jewish colony as repsynagogue social hall with Rabbi former International President of B'nal B'rith will meet Monday most lavish stage shows on Broad- ' salary for the five so as to cover A. Z. A. and winner of the Inter- evening, February 10, at 8:30 p. way in his day and who cammand- all expenses, including- railroad resenting the highest tvpp of citiRabinowitz.; zen and added that vhpn.Je.wg - .Thursday, noon, Rabbi H. R. national oratorical contest in m. at Eagles Hall. ed stupsndous salaries, died a; fares. It took fractional arith- corne to Mexico City they remain ; 1934, will be the main speaker Rabinowitz addressed members of poor man . . . His wife estimated metic to make, ends meet . . . ,! as permenpnt find, highly desirat the Award Banquet Sunday the Kiwanls Club. his estate at "less than $500." . . . ; so the boys wore knee-length Mrs. B. F. Margolin of Dougf The cultural group of Senior : .[• Speaking before 300 people at The Testimonial Dinner for evening. Medals will be present- Hadassah wlil meet Monday eve- | Ashley Dukes, English dramatist '• pants, talked falsetto, and they! able residents. las, Nebraska, president of t h e the annual Banquet and meeting Mr. John Lansberg, which w a s ed to winners in all events. All land critic now in the II. S.. de- : of the Federation of Jewish So- Southwest Region of Senior Ha- postponed last month, has been winners will represent the region ning, February 10, at 8:30 p. m. scribed London as the "Refugee: traveled half-fare. It worked, but' Jewish Press Hdveftise'fi merit he mother never forgot the ssr. at the synagogue. Rabbi Jacob ; cial Service, Mrs. Max Mayer urg- dassah, will •; be the principal set for February 26. The guest at Duluth next month. ICity."... i castic tone of one conductor who your patronagp. . ' ' ,'"? speaker at the Annual JuniorCohn will conduct the class on fed her audience to assume their speaker will be Rabbi David Gold. Macy Baum, international vicecame to inform her that.one of Jewish Customs and Ceremonials. 'responsibility toward their fejlow Senior Hadassah meeting, which sleJn.'-.-' -. .' v. • president of A. Z. A., and- general RAZZ: That so-called news ser-j her "children'-'- was puffing a ci- MONEKY, GROD1NSKY, MA«ER * j: Jews in Germany and Poland Who will be held next Tuesday eve! chairman Of the tournament, will ning,. February 11, in the Jewish COHEN, Attyg; . »;•need their help. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman vice which specializes in lifting gar in the smoker and another! preside at the banquet. Community Center. . 737 Omaha Nst'l Bit. 'B'lti'g. was shaving in the Washroom! j I news painstakingly and honestly left Sunday for Las Vegas, Nev.-, : Mrs. Mayer Is the executive 'diHostesses who will -be among gathered by others "boners" will [ The meeting r t which the memPROBAYE NOTICE. rector of the Jewish Community The Hebrew Mothers Club of the guests of honor are the Misses for a month visit with relatives. be interested — and plenty red- ! bers of both Senior and Junior Gathered from the lots: They I. Center in Des Moines and an au- Hadassah .attend, is an annual the Talmud Tprah will meet Tues- Jpan Beber, Helen Greenberg, In th>> MaitPr nf th* EMatt: t:,f Fanfaced — to read the following: thority on matters pertaining to event, and important on the cal- day afternoon, February 11, in Mary Kaplan, Lottie Rips and Miss Flora Marks left Wednes- * Prof. Franz Oppenheimer, noted changed the story for June Trav- nip nrfiunM.Mn, neoppprd. • * •*- * • Xoticp is Hereby O!vr-r.: 5'.bfH th* Federation and Community Cen- endar of both chapters. • day for Chicago for a visit at the i German-Jewish sociologist, has is so that she'll have the role of the social hall of Shaare Zlon Syn- Betty Soref. asinge r Instead of a dancer. Thp creditors of the snid «ier.'eas?<.l will ter problems. Mrs. Mayer spoke agogue, at 2:30 o'clock. , home of her brother-in-law and . Committee chairmen of the meet the aritniniKtrntnv of pujd e « A skit, presented by members asked us to d?ny for him the re-' on the place of the Federation In of Junior Hadassah, and directed Children of the Hebrew School tournament are Ernest Nogg, dat- sister, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosen- port carried in the aforemention- lassie has a good voice, but isn't tate. hpfdi-e me. County.' -TiKlpp of so forte on the "light fantastic." Donplas County, NphynsWn. nt the Jewish communal life and touch- by Miss Lillian Romirowsky, will who will participate-in the pro- ing; Joe Guss, housing; Jay Wies- berg. ' ed gossip column ihat "Herr Hit- Bert Kalmar, Jr., son of the song- County Court. Room, in -safd County, ed upon many,problems that con- be given by the following: Mottle- gram • include Morris Ginsberg, man, debate and oratory; Ben on tlip l i s t day of Jtan-h. !?>:'«, am! ler made him leave" Germany . . . ! front Federations. Miss Pearl Meyerson was honor- I Expressing great indignation over ! writer, shows definite talent as an on the 2)st day of May,' 'I<ISB. •, at t Rappaport, Margaret. Saitlin, Til- Shirley Lazere, and Evelyn Stern. Shrler, finance; Ernest Priesman, A. V. each day. for the purRabbi M. Braver opened' t h e lie Shlndler,, Mrs. William , Kui- Miss Lillian Romirowsky and Mr. publicity; Harold Zelinsky, recep- ed last Saturday evening by mem- | the phoney report, the gentle old actor in a local legitimate per. oVioek of presenting' their . rlainiK (or Nice vacation Sam pose Banquet program with the invo- cher, Ida Heshelow, Delia Shiloff, Samson Krupnick, instructors at j tion; Max Marcus and Alex Lfps. bers of the Emeset club In cele- ! scholar said that it could get himformance. examination, mljustment and allowGoldwrn offers TV'p.lter Winchell the Hebrew School, will , also j ffian> dance; Nate Crounse, ban- bration of her birthday anniverThree months ar.> nllnuH] for cation. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis and Florence Lohrman. ; (into a great deal of trouble . . .• . . . seventy-five thousand .to ap- ance. the creditors to present their rijiims. speak. quet; Irving Yaffe, registration; and Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz sary. A party was given at the jHe declared: "I came here to i Refreshments and a social from the "1st day of Fph navy, lonfi. pear in a picture while the latter The Annual Talmud Torah Lou Hurwitz, athletic; Dan Mill- home of the Misses June and Lorspoke briefly, and Mrs. M. B. Her- ,h o u r y/m foUow t h e program, I study and I am returning to GerBRYCE CnA\VfTii';r>. is on his Hollywood vacation. Banquet is scheduled for Sunday er, . social; and Dick Hurwitz, raine Meyerson, cousins of the zcff sang a group of Jewish songs f o n m y .1rds;e. j many. I have been personally Kitty-chatter would separate Syl- l-"l-3fi-"t. evening, February 16, in the Jew- transportation. accompanied at the piano by honoree. Besides the club mem- very decently treated In Germany; IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney via Sidney and hubby Bennet ish.Community Center. Details of Pierce Wall. Mr. Herman Slotsky bers an additional guest was Miss j . . . I even have & small pension 301 Electric Bldg. the Banquet "will be announced in led the community singing a n d Rhoda Krasne. Miss Meyerson there . . . I came here on a Ger- Cerf by even more than three Cortez, "de NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE a'forthcoming issue of the JewMr. E. E. Baron acted as toastwas prenesented with a gold com- man steamer and witl. a German : thousand miles. SALE ish Press. master. • :L u x e " . . . pact with her initials engraved. (Continued from page 1) passport . . . It is very wrong to Mr. A. M. Davis, president of Then there's the story about Xotice is hereby driven that on say-that I am an exile." . . . i Plans have been completed for the Federation, gave his annual one of our favorite characters who Monday. February 24. lftSR, al lf>:fli) work is the noblest, the highest, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross, who a. m. a t the People? Service (inrncte, report. Important in'his address the annual dance, to be. given by •was discussing a script with the the most healing thing now vis-have been making their home for North 24th Street, Omrtrn. NePALESTINE: W. iting in The writer. He came to the term "ris- "701 •was the report of the Emergency the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare braska, the undersi.sn^'1 will sell *H ible on the horizon of mankind's the past year in Manning, la., Reconstructionist after a visit to Loan Fund which has been estab- -Zion Synagogue, and Mrs. S. H. public n.uetion to the highest bidder a-vis" . . . pondered over it a' bit. .Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will history. • have moved back to Council the Holy land, Edward L. Israel cash one i s .in Smdebaker Coupe, lished through the Community Shulkin, who has been in charge speak this evening on "The Rothen his brow cleared. "Oh, of for . But, of course, I understand Bluffs to make their home. Motor No. 7fl,i, 6 cylinder, covered by Center. The Fund was organized of the arrangements, announced mance of Chassidism." , states that people spreading the course . . . that's what the govern- chattel mortgage In favor of th"« by local business men who donat- that, the ticket committee has met The Sisterhood will meet this my young Jew better than he unreport that Jews eat camel's meat ment does to your passport. Forbes Bakinjr Company. Fifmrd by Norman Rosenthai and Floyd there are "bearers of false witClarence K. I^yons, said mortua|K« ed a •working fund to be loaned with, gratifying . success and a afternoon, following a one o'clock derstands himself. I have seen the same thing among young Gen- Yudelson, students at Thomas bearing date of November IS. IMS, out In the sums of 525 to ?100. large attendance-Is anticipated luncheon In the Temple Annex. tiles. They yearn for a freedom Jefferson high school, represent- ness." . . . The title of his article : Another week . . . Another Col- and having been filed in the offie* is "Camel's Meat in Eretz Yis- umn. . The dance will be held Satur- Mrs.'H. Fishgall and Mrs. J. Kalin that does not exist. Unwilling to of the County Clerk of TViucrla!" Coun"Miss Dena Baron, superintened their school at the Midland ty. Nebraska, on the 21st rlny of N o . dent of t.h e Community Center* day evening, February S, in the, are in charge of the luncheon ar- submit to the yoke of their in. debate tourney held at Fremont rael." • . . Israel reports that in Jaffa there is a restaurant which (Copyright. 1936, Jewish Tele- vember. 1!).75. . gave' h e r annual report, stating Rainbow room of the West Hotel.' rangements. . . \ Paid sale v.-Hl be for the nurposn born form,' they aspire toward last Friday and Saturday. displays an 'Histadruth sign an- ; that 15 clubs comprised of 390 In order ..to accommodate those Miss Marion Leslie of the Sioux formlessness or merging with graphic Agency, Inc.) of foreclosing said mortcajre for cost who work late *on'Saturday, the nouncing that "only kosher food < of snip and «!! accruing costs nnd for boys and girls, meet regularly unCity Tribune will speak on "The s o m e i a r g e r existent form that Is The Sunday School meets Sunthe purpose of satisfying the amount der the auspices of t h e Center. orchestra ( has .been engaged to world my Office Door.' . A not theirs. They want Atlantis. day morning at 10 o'clock prompt- Is served." . . . Somewhere we now due thereon, to-v-it. SSfi.on; that caught a Glimpse of a very inTwenty-nine families were given play from'9:45 "until 1:0.0 o'clock. musical program will- be'presentTto suit or other proceedings a t law aid by the relief department and Jack Reams and his orchestra ed under the direction of ' thfe They want a dream-world. Once ly at the synagogue. Rabbi J a . teresting statistic, to wit, that! have been commenced to recover saM upon a time that dream-Atlantis cob Cohn is In charge. All childebt or any part thereof. , since September 1, transients will play. Palestine has the highest birth-; . . Castle-Frank Music School. Dr. was America. And remember dren are urged to attend. I. FORBES, rioinc business unhave been cared for by the Fed- A" card room will be arranged Delia Calinsky rate of any civilized country — j Galinsky is in ch charge of the Goethe's stern words: "Here or der the firm name of Forbe* eration, with 60 tickets for night for those ^ho attend who do not J 41.6 per 1.000 population, against '< Baking Company. J g p r ag g r a m arrangements, nowhere is America." And howp Dr. Issac Sternhill was awardlodging issued to them and 140 1-31-HS-St d || Dr. Lewish will speak next well the Romantics understood it: ed the Junior Chamber of Com- 17.1 for the United" States . . .j —„ . , care tto dance. . But the nearest they've come to I (WXS-Palcor Ap- REED. RAMACIOTTI A ROBINSON meal tickets disbursed. Thirty- j Mrs. S.;H.,ShUlkln; has beenMn j Wednesday, February 12, before "Where thou art not, there is thy merce distinguished service key producing quintuplets in the Holy I Jerusalem seven out off town organizations and E. L. MARKS, Attorneys. i t i charge of the arrangements, in I the student Body of West Junior happiness!" ency) — The Jewish National j for outstanding communal service First National Bank ! | Land Is a set of triplets born In j received their annual ,contribuHigh School. Council is contemplating the for-' the absence of Mrs. Rueben Mill. Freedom, my young friends, can during 1935. The annual presen| the Jerusalem Government Hospitions^from the Federation; 14 of er from the city. Assisting .Mrs. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION be achieved neither by alien form tation was-made at a banquet last tal to one Taiybeh Aziz Yusef . . . mation of a special cultural de. them "were institutions in the "Shiilkin are the Mesdames John In the County Court of Pnuplns partment with the object ofi nor by formlessness. Neither by week. ; County. Nebraska. "United States, and 23 were Pal- Levin, Robert -Sacks, J.' H.- Mosspreading knowledge of Hebrew • In the "Matter of th» Kstate of paostasy nor by • deliquescence. Dr. . Sternhill was given the estinian organizations. The Tal- ow, Meyer Shubb,, Phil Sherman, T,,. McDonald. Pecenseri. Freedom means one thing and one award for his work as president . ART: Remember our tipping among the Jewish - newcomers, , Grace mud Torah -was also included in Mike Mushkin, I. H. Levin," Ben persons interested . hi sa.id estate you off that Jacob Epstein's new- particularly those from Germany, j areAll hereby thing only:. -Incorporating necesnotified that a petition of the .Council of Social Agencies the Federations Annual Alloca- Baron, Lou Kaplan, Nick Sherr sity into your will, affirming the and his activities in helping or- est art creation in London would j One of the most .popular_meth.. has been filed in said Court alleging tions. Miss Baron concluded her man. Milton •Mushkin, MoreyvLipthat said deceased died leaving no plunge him right into the midflle ods among both American and • inevitable. from within, being last will Rnri prayinfr for nrimlnf?rfeport- by thanking the volunteer shutz', I. J. Kaplan a n d Louis The Jetv^sh /Natijonal' Workers what you are as profoundly, no- ganize the Chamber of Commerce of another furore? . '. . Well, it's European immigrants and new-tratioij upon his estate, and that a and for his Boy Scout work; •workers, the Board of Directors Skalovsky. • ~ : Alliance rwill bring to Sioux City happened . . . The art critics are comers now is the method of: heavinfr will be had on saiil petition and the officers of the" Federa- - Plans have also been made by the New iyork- Trio- Art Players, bly, passionately as it is possible before Kaid rom-t on 1he 24!h day of at loggerheads" with him and with teaching Hebrew adopted by Da- j February. ]!!:!<;. and that if they' fail tion. : • • x "' tfie "Auxiliary for an ppen meet, Monday evening, ;February 10, In to be thati And what are you? one another over the famous var, Hebrew labor daily. This: to appear Bt said Court on the said Mr. E. N. Grueskin was in ing on February 18. Important a program to be given at the Jew-Jews. Self-affirmation is freedom I4th day of February, inn!!, a t n 1 sculptor's painted backdrop for paper publishes in its evening edicharge of the Banquet arrange- on the" program, that evening will tsh Community Center. The pro-and form; self-negation, is slavery : o'clock A. 5-1.. to contest said petition, ballet "David" . . . . tion a full page of voweled script, the Court may cr'-ant the same ami ments and was assisted by a large be a debate by. Dr. J. M. Lande gram will begin at 8:3 0 o'clock. I and formlessness, Even, the paadministration of said estate easy to read by those who possess! Crant committee of men and women. and Mr. Frank Margolin on "The The trio includes the well- gan Greeks. knew that a willing to Albert Harkins, or some other suit(Copyright 1936, Jewish Telea rudimentary knowieddge of He-j able person and proceed to a settleAdvisability of Paying Ransom to known. Al Harris, Bella Ballerina, obedience to necessity is the only graphic Agency Ice.) brew. The contents of the pace j ment thereof. Germany for Permitting "the Ger- and Ben Bossenka. Mr. Harris road to serenity and ,.freeedom. .BRYCE CRAWFOl'.P. are the day's latest news, both l-31-3t. County Judpe, man Jews to Leave Germany." has been in Sioux City twice and The Psalmist knew it in a both foreign and local, in brief, short; The Paid Up ' Membership tea is known to Sioux City for his deeper and higher sense — in our articles on.various aspects'of the! REED, RAMACCIOTT1 * , ROBIN. of the Auxiliary will be held on artistry in comedy and drama sense, "I will keep thy Law conL, MARKS, new Jewish life and development j SON and EPHRAIM February 2'4, and-will include a sketches. Bella Ballerina will tinually forever and ever (v'ethAttorneys here, and a glossary of new words j program. ' ;. . appeaT here for the first time. halchah ba-r'chavah) and I shall Bv HELEX ZIGMOND NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION with explanations in English or She is a leading lady in the Vil-walk In a wide space." The King MERGER: A whisper has reachIn th? County Court of Donplag German. James translators wrote: "At libCounty, Nebraska: na Troup. Ben Bossenka is among ed our receptive ears that the Sioux City's chapter of the A. Matter of the F,stae oi HarHollywood — Four hit tunes This enterprising sheet has won ry InS.the the best known-singers of Jewish erty." The Vulgate has: "Et am- Joint Distribution Committee is McDonald, Decefixpri, Z. A.' will be represented at - thein latitu that will tickle the public ear and a great many readers, who now i Al' persons interested in said es~ traditional singers of Jewish traA. ,Z. A. conclave which will be about to take the ORT, 1500,000 ness, wideness, freedom — all go 'round and 'round your radio j find it easy now only to follow, tate are. hereby notified thn< a petiiditional songs, fol] held in Omaha today; Saturday campaign and all, undre its ample tion has been filed In sn!d Court f»lthose Ideas are in'that tri-conson. dial were written for the Eddie j the day's news but also "to lesrn le^rinpr that said deceased died leavi songs of Palestine. and Sunday. The • chapter " will wing . , . The merger may have ing no last vill RTHI prayinc for adantal stem: Resh-Cheth-Beth. We Cantor flicker by a young Jewish ! to pronounce Hebrew words propj Twenty new books have been! The group will offer dramatic take part In the debating, oratoribeen effected by the time this is upon his estate, nnd ; ministration that a hearing will be had on said cal, and basketball tournaments, donated to. - the , Pubiic Library, skits, comedy and songs. Mr. are free and at freedom and free in print . . . There is considerably lad — Harold Arien. His birth- j erly. of the wideness of the world when tag was Hyman Arluck, son of the j petition before said conrt on tbe 15th and is also sending a choir to the 6th and JacksOn,streets, by the Louis Shindler, who is In charge speculation afoot and in the air day of February, lfl.16. and t h a t ' if, conclave, which will appear at the local- B'nal B'rith 'lodge. The of the. ticket sales, in announc. we obey law, the law both of our as to Just how this will effect the "chazan" o f Adath - Yeshurun [ they fail to appear at said Court on. i the said 15th day oC February; l!)."fi, ' Friday evening service tonight^ books are the annual gift of the ing the program said "Becauseof people and of our being. We by position of David A. Brown, who schul in Syracuse. Back in 1912, at !l o'clock A. J i . to contest gain the extremely cold weather, we being Jews were in and of those at present is chairman of the ORT litte Hyman used to sing for the Sam Sadoff will represent Sioux B'nai B'rith to the library. petition, the Court may erant the who created the Law. The Law congregation, but he had to stand same and prant ndfiiinissi'p.tiojt "f City in the oratorical field. In the /The books include City With- have been unable to make personcampaign . . . Concerning all of said estRte to Charles B. McOonaM was theirs • and Is ours and will oh a chair so they could hear him. i debating for Sioux City are Irvln out Jews, by/ Hugo Bettnauer, al visits to the Jewish homes to which the chairman of the ORT or some other suitable person and proceed to n settlement thereof. , Lunin and Rudy Schlndler. The Unquiet, by Joseph Gollumb, and sell, tickets for this program. be our childrens. The Law is in officially professed to have "no Asked about his talent for comus. The Law is us. Our freedom posing, he says "it's very simple" BRYCE C R A . w a U i P . basketball team is composed of Festival at Meron,-by Harry Sack-] However,.we trust that the lovers knowledge whatever." . . . Incil-2-(-3t County .Turtle. Mexico City (WXS) — Praising j Lester Lazriowlch; Milton Galin- ler. Ethics Of the/Rabbls, by Beryl of fme Yiddish programs, will re- of being and obedience are indis- dently, the merger and Mr. . . . he sits at the, piano, hits a few keys and presto! he has aj Jewish contributions to the eco-i BkyV Milton Grueskin, Joe Devine, Cohan, Jewish Peace Book, by serve this date, and make every solubly one. Brown'a future with the ORT are (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts tune. . It took longer to write nomic and cultural development' Sidney Baumstein, Lloyd Kronick_ Abraham Cronbach', Sussman Sees effort to attend the program." among the principal reasons for 'Stormy Weather', his best known of modern Mexico, Senator Feder. j Feature Syndicate.) and Eugene Salsman. The tlebat-' It Through, by .David Goldberg, that sudden, unannounced visit to date. Of the four new ones it j ico Medrano, former president of! Ing 'team' has been coached by Essays on Zionism and Judaism, from France by the genial David Recognized as is predicted that "Calabash Pipe" the Mexican senate, in a message! Earl. Himowitz, alumnus of • t h e by Achad .Ha.Am,- Ceremonies of Lvovitch . . . Speaking of Mr. PRACTICAL MOKEL will gain Instant popularity. chapter, who will accompany the Judaism, by .Abraham Idelson, to the Jewish community on the j Lvovitch, he and Meer Grossman, Phone 1059 team to the conclave. occasion of the dedication of the I The Story of the Jew, by Elma Mr.' and Mrs. William Shulkin, head of the Jewish State Party, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. We may have mentioned it he-1 new Jewish school, the first Jew-1 The A." Z. A.' choir Is. composed Levlnger, ' Rebirth. ' by Ludwig entertained members of their famboth might have received more fore, hut the irony seems more! ish public building in Mexico, de-1 of Jack Merlin, cantor; Sidney Lewisohn, The Jews and Minority ily.., and friends at a buffet supattention from the press but for Kalin, •Joe Maron,' Irvln Maron, Right, by Oscar Janowsky, Ex- per, Sunday evening, honoring one thing . . . They arrived on the acute now that Walter Woolf; BX F. B. K. pulsion of the Jews From Spain, their son Gerald, wh-> celebrated Ben Lebowitch, and Walter WosMajestic at the same time with King is again ringing the rafters j '-feoff. The choir has been trained by Valerio Marcu, Anthology of his' Bar Mitzyah Saturday mornViscount Bearsted, Sir Herbert in a Broadway musical. Walter; by- Mr.'. Sam Krupnick, Instructor Medieval Hebrew "Literature,. by ing' at" the Tipereth Israel SynaPlans have been completed for Samuel and Simon Marks . . . . Woolf, baritone, sang for ten Abraham MHIgttfm, -Social Ethics gogue.-. ' ' ; '••• at'tbe-local Hebrew School. the banquet by the Crevra Yisroel Which was considerable competi- years in operettas before he sucIn his The-advisory board of the A. of the. Jews, by Arthur MeyeroSociety at the synagogue Sunday tion for newspaper space . . . v cumbed to Hollywood. Z. A, will accompany, the. mem- witz, Romance of Chassldism, by first picture he sang one song Pledges of the Alpha Gamma evening, February 9, at 6 o'clock bers- to the conclave. They are Jacob Minkin, Bird's Eye View Epsilon Sororty will be hostesses in celebration of the fifth, anniver. LUNCHEON: Understand from which languished on the cuttfng:Sam~ Epstein,- Martin Kosberg, of Jewish History,'by Cecil Ttoth, to the sorority members at a din- saryof the dedication of the newa reporter who attended the Wal-room floor . . . in the next two, Sam Krupnick and Leon Dobrof- Jews in Palestine, by'Ai Revusky, ner, Sunday evening, in the home synagogue. • O. Hoctiman, secre- dorf-Astoria l u n c h conference he was just an actor . . . in the sky. The - Jewish Caravan by Leo ot; Miss Lillian T.ivin. The din-tary of the society, will be toast- which launched the million-dollar following one he -was cast as a > t •^ In addition to those . members Schwartz, The Encyclopedia of ner hours will be spent informal- master. Over 160 reservations campaign . for the relief, of the mnsieian — a violinist . . . then •who will participate in the tour- Jewish Knowledge,' by Jacob. De- ly. came another straight acting role. have already been made.- Cantor Jews in Poland that the chow, a l . naments the following members j Haas, and The Adventures of Pledges Include Miss Rivin, E. Selz of Omaha will entertain though very tasty was "slightly Finally hope flickered . . song plan to attend: Milton Lehman;jK'ton Ton. Mrs. S. Krupnick," Donna Jean with a group of Yiddish songs. unkdsher." . . . And that Rabbi I. would burst from his lips . . . he Nathan Rosenthai, Morris Mirken, Tobias, and Libble ,0'ensky. Members of the Sisterhood of the H. Levlnthal, who delivered the was to play in "A Night at the Nathan Levich, Leonard and Mor. Talmud Torah are in charge of invocation, pushed the "unkosher" Opera." Alas, the part was writrls Lebowlch, Archie Kantor, Miss Margaret' Kriv, daughter preparations for the banquet. platter away and had "vegetables ten for a tenor and the songs John Hurwitz, Myron Heeger," Joe of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Kriv, 915 Omserved instead . . . And that the were dubbed in with another The service r this • evening at" aha \ street, departed Sunday for Goldstein and Henry Friedman. fttfe things that 'do so much fc^ reason Ogden H. Mills . former Mr. and" Mrs. Sam Rosenthai Members of the chapter attend- Shaare Zion synagogue will be in Chicago, where she will study- were honored by about fifty rela- Secretary of Treasury, was asked Chico Js BO bridge-minded that mob one fee! at home oieespecially chargeof. t b c Junior. Hadassah nursing. ed the B'nal B'rith open meeting tives last Sunday evening at their to preside and»be the principal tn describing a recent dinner par. on Wednesday following an infor- chapter. Miss Rosalie Sacks will evident at Hotel President Ciose home at 1730 Third ave.; in cele- speaker at the conference is that t.y, he said, "Yeah, I had a good mdl Initiation' of * n e w members be. charimant Addresses will' be Sixteen friends of Mr. and Mrs.bration of .their twenty-fifth wed- he Is a close friend of writer time, but I caught the host dealmade by • Mrs.--'William Kutcher, to o!i the finest theatres and shops ; into the group. S. Kruinick, gathered at the George Sokolsky'g who is intensewho will speak on" "Men W h o" Krupniclc home, Monday evening, ding anniversary. A buffet sup- ly interested in the success of the ing the beets from the bottom!".{ Splendid food h ihe'.Cbfflse Shop or '.ROOJT Have.Found Refuge In Zionism," on hte occasion of their first -wed- pervwas served, and the remainder campaign". , .':And the Federation Did you know that: and MISB Rose, Pill, , w h o will ding anniversary. The evening of the evening was spent: playing 'of Polish Jews Jn 'America has VVbimjtfoom. Prices mast moderak bridge. ' '. ••'. .••;" _;'•"'• \ ''' Joe Penner was born in NadgMr. A. M. Grueskin was elcct- speak on '/Forerunners if Modern was spent lnfo~mally. Mr; and Mrs. Rosenthai were finally got itself a press represent- bekereck (if It's misspelledd, we PERCY TYRRELL * ~ ed president of the Ivre Club at Zionism;*' ' Participating in the presented-with a living room suite ative . . . He's Dave Schwartz, a stand corrected) ne'ar Budapest? their recent annual' election, to reading of the ritual'will be'Flor"i'redor . Members, of the Junior Hadas- of furnittjre. Among out-of-town former J. T. A. man . . . . That Eddie Cantor has only one succeed Jack Goldsmith, retiring ence Lohrman, Mrs. Emll LevJch,dinner, ,WCQIIP;C" ? evening. In guests were Mrs. Rosenthal's mosuperstitution . . . thst he innst Miss Elizabeth' Raskin'and Miss president. the .Canton Tea Garden." . The MISH-MASH: You got a very read the final line of. a script at Other officers elected we're Rose Reznick. Cantor A: Pllskin after dinner hours .were spent in- ther, Mrs. A. ; Maizie • of Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosin, good !<ff>a of how old it was in the very close? Therefore, he will Frank Margolin, •vice-president; and the synagogue choir will formally. . sky of Auburn, Nebr. N'Tork when you read Walter not rehearse it or repeat it until Leon Dobrof sky, secretary; and chant the ritual. Winchell's craclc that it- was "so the last scene is photographed. Roblnow,, treasurer. Junior Congregation services BALTiAWRE r t K t h STREET The firms advertising the The Council Bluffs Senior" Ha- cold here last night the thermomThat Masie Rosenbloom uses The election was,followed by a j will begin tomorrow JUST OUT O f TME' NO!§£- SON: wjslr-.Press--i are planning'a linen show- eter registered ten" degrees below perfume on his hands before a smoker and a buffet supper. '10:30 o'clock. Candy will b« 'your patronage. er at their monthly meeting Yv'ed- Hitler." . . . That's frigid in. any fight? S-swish: Maybe it's only

Three-Day Conclave Will Start Today

Mrs. Mai^olin to . MRS. MAYER Address a Joint GIVES ADDRESS j, AT BANQUET Hadassah Meeting

Hebrew Mothers Club

Make Plans for


Mount Sinai

German Jews



Sioux Cityans to Participatein Omaha Conclave

B'nai B'rith* Donates Books to Library

Statesman Lauds

Mexican Culture

Society News ^

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