February 14, 1936

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Interests of the

& B y LTJDWIG- LEWISOHN* (This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in isrhole or in part strictly Jtorbidden. Any infringement'on this copyright "will he prosecuted.) •


Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January IL 1521, a t ' PoBtofllc of Onisba, Nebraaka. under tbe Act of March i. 1J">


~AEY 14, 1335

VOL. XI—No, ?

Propaganda Is today an evil ] word that stands for an evil thing. We think of propaganda as unI.K ^f scrupulously partisan, violently U> mendacious, hysterically, insistent. We are quite "right."". One ' has to read Professor Frederick L. Schuman's masterly volume "The Nazi Dictatorship" to learn how a gang of ignorant and brutal, fanatics "by a method of propaganda efficiently calculated to play upon the blck -places- in the nervous systems of their fellow-countrymen turned a highly civilized country into a cross between a Monsky ~ and Beber Attend All Are Members of Asti-Sen-; medieval madhouse and a parOrder's Executive itic National Democrat ticularly foul and cruel prison. So . Meeting Party . it is clear that propaganda can be tine one of the most evil things In the Cincinnati—-"A definite and Warsaw (WNS)—The arrest of \ (L,OlinClr ; world. permanent contribution" to the f twenty leaders of the anti-Semitic NTT "f But it has not always been nor upbuilding of — Palestne - will be gang that, has been terrorizing need it always be. The origin of made by B'nai B'rith, it was de.iy»! William L. Holzinan, Henry j Polish Jewry hv a series of bomb the word is often forgotten. It cided a t the annual meeting of 1 expected to put an : Monsky, Sam " Beber and . Philip j outrages is is derived from the name of that the Order's Executive Committee William L. Uolsni^n v m s ' t ^ t s find enr EVOV.T- not Xasi i end to this phase of the a.nti-j M - "Klutzsick were named mem-: unaniKiouslr re-elected press- f e r ! n ? : pcv-]:rCollege of CardL-als in Rome in Cincinnati last week. : bers o f a 'Jewish campaign. In announciEEJ National Council f o r which, takes care of the foreign f^-teed « In his report, President Alfred I the arrests the police said that a n i Palestine of the United Palestine: dent of the Jewish Comirmi^r U l H^ PF ! n r ( p f { b f i ! t missions of the Latin Church and M. Cohen declared that the "upA eal {t v a s Center End Welf « Feri^fc P ; cf those taken into custody were; P? snnounced at the ; which, is therefore known as thebuilding and increased absorptive • . ,T , , " . . fire hf.rpv inuler HiUer. Fear Rnt: 1'membe-s'of the anti-Seraitie x a - ; s e S E i o E S o f t h e National Confer-; Congregatio de propaganda fide capacitF" of Palestine "must be J< c •, %; ' I ' i, J . ---'-';-^ terror keer him in power behind . the congregation for the spread- regarded as the sacred duty of tional Democrats but had organ- ' ence for Palestine, held in "R'asfc- : hpla ct the ..;. C. C. T\ ecincsdsr m u , . K i o n ? . s r i { , R m T O l , R i ; i o | 1 ^ ,.u, ing of the faith. Now when men every Jew and of every Jewish ized themselves into a separate iEgton last week. The Council is composed of e v e n i n g . PsMniPted <li»i. hr-lv-pep. I f ptn.' have in them a deep faith in some organization. I am sure that the group in order not to endanger representatives ol Jewish comtruth, in some vision, in some way vast majority of our membership their party's existence. The o t h e r ofTieers vrcr? r i s e "''' Vr' rer.i. p[ r,\p Gr-roans of life of which, they are certain are in favor of B'nai B'rith makTheToVice p r e s s e d confidence' ™™j. tics « » ™ S l l ° a t t h e " L ' r J t e d re-elected. T h e eoniplete list i ^ i r P r t ] " hpnent;.in f ; fron> \v.y:. that it will make their fellow- ing a definite and permanent conthat there would be no more inile ' ~ BrP re"lly f o r K i ; ; l e r - ihf The national c_uota for Ameri- : of officersmen better and happier, it is hu- tribution in that direction. A bombings. Meanwhile, however, can Jewry in the-United Palestine '. man and natural and inevitabl number of 'suggestions along this He p(?J]g(3 ( h e FarliPif in pov-p-; new anti-Jewish disturbances had Appeal during 1PS6 was set at Cent. Dr. PhiUp Shcr iT) that they should seek to spread : Honorary President of Jewish j President of the Jewish Comma; broke out at the University of E c r r j Ivlonskr, first ric£-' ^F-n-sr- "ivcpkhlu cue?r pi-f 3,500,000 at the conference. The or propagate that faith. It is,line have come to me and they CoBamnnitv .Center ana .Welfare nitj- Center and Welfare Fa3era- i Warsaw when natinalist nationalist stu stupresidsilt; • Hitler. Gocrinsr. G^bbek. iUvcibe presented a t this meetmoney raised is used to further will indeed, a duty, is it not? It. is an dents tried to force Jewish stn. jtion. the settlement ;n Palestine of Federation. ' . S Eeber. un.escapable duty. If I know ing." sd ritedents to segregate themselves in Jews from Germany, Poland and Omahans present were Henry something t h e knowledge o T)** lecture rooms, other lanes. the Monsky and Sam Beber. . which will benefit others, am I Complete exclusion of Jewish In a message to the National W bound to seek to tel them about students and professors from the iv_r it? Hence it is clear when we con- Conference for Palestine, which Polish universities was demanded f sider carefully that all communi- met in Washington, D. C , at the iat a conference of nationalist stuAbe GrOlCEtcin, trfiS.S'nJ'Cr. If-ttsrt's; vvnv, {icfpnppiesp iprTiv!-. cation of are, science, religion, same time, President Cohen's andents in Grecow. The conference \ Honorary Officer*: •C'UPJP. Ke <=>n espls.inefl hrv philosophy is propaganda and nouncement that such projects I adopted a resolution approving Dr. Philip Shcr, hoSOrarr-pfrFirhpr. rhi^-: .Tpw-Jmiier in thrthat, by the same token, all edwere being considered by the OrPrinceton, N. J. (WXS)—^hile! t h e establishment of the Aryan residest. worlrt. hsp vo'-Ui..v,-i(ip roriscu. ' ucation is propaganda, Is the der created a w a v e of enthusirinci 3e ors en asm. • spreading by communication of Prof. Leigh Leigh" Page Po r s wi31cl1 P * ^ t s &nd profesS. SimjS&S, licn^r&rt- trying to rU stamina to prits-SpjTi Prof. Page of of the the Sloaae Sloaae P baa on Jews.' The German refugee situation Outstanding Entertainment IS; Physical Labora ory- Tale •-• Uni- jjssors some, faith that is in ns. In brief > wi31cl1 » »eans * The Lodz branch j • J. T 0. r> n iJBy •; versity, i ti Hi a sew1 The branc of the Y. M., . propaganda, like all other mortal was discussed at length by the w was making public Planned at C. A Executive Committee. things, takes its quality or moral recently adopted the; Official. A s a o m c e a e n t cf Aprelativity theory - different and! C. Local Lodge !*. . A rcpori v ? s rr-rif:.p?pC pi ihr •"No matter how carefully the~ principle, has changed its color from the moral quality of purportedly better than that de.| I&S. HsrTT H. Ln.pi5.T5S, bO3l- meetinc PP. tf^ woTk prrnirpljch-. problem is studied," President the human "beings who use it. and has invited the Maccae<ib t h s Shortly by Dr. Albert Einstein, j The big ente tainment and fveloped prcsMsnt." >' ferlerR-aon (Hiring tlif Jeremiah was a propagandist; Cohen declared in his report, "the to send a group of Jewish ather ol smoker sponsored by B'nai B'rith relativity, the latter j rticii>ate In a bo-inEa answer points more and more to Hitler is a propagandist. The profor IjRpidnis Coremnnitr Past year, be atdesigned work onto; a posers participateby m . bo.in* IJTAI—CIT'cial r r phet of • God propagated truths Palestine as the world stands at wlll be held Monday night, Feb} 1^5 new revealed theory ofto matter tourneyto sponsored the Y. present." of \Yp rr^o.rtTrr* which the ages have not yet r f ruary 17, at 8 p. m. at the lodge,,: - • <r . cf Sir K "rl-~"ra. ro-ed T". reached; the German hysteromanHe said that this problem "will room in the J. C. C. This was the | eliminate the defects in his earl-; ^ A theory. r l event postponed from February ^sn ir L 'CSL*"- pr r~t ~ t" iac propagates delusions that require the united effort of all as valid the criticism: have degraded and will endr by^ organizations a n d individuals 3 on account of inclement weathr ' Accepting Dr. LBdwik-iSilbsrsfceia. of _ 3"or-; I T-JS : - - destroying"a 'great peoplB-r ; ' - ' -.aware.pf.-and ?lert_tij t ^ .planned We Jews are an old people and Jewish peril" "and that "the 'salAccepting as valid the" .criticism I a wary people and not, we flatter vation of German. Jewry is pri-wilt be presented, and the commitly. it v as leErrci 'E.~; -week eighth annual "Psi Xu tot Dr. of Tor.-| ourselves easily taken in. I ammarily, if not together, the task tee in charge has.secured one or be observed by the PFI It w£* iincercioou t h r ; ? r XPUI not BO sure that -we are clever as of world Jewry." Discussing the two two other group Ii ontothat 1J K l "I 1 . ' - I ' otner big Dig attractions. aixracuonE. A A group • • the : . i »«„ «r_ on Sunday, Marci accepted tbp ii^Sit'p- tfip- F C< <=K . •"-• -we think we are. The majority Samuel-Bearsted-Marks proposal of entertainers headed by: Cliff |develops no power o f ^ v U a t i o n |Mu fra Clf "rft n-Tir a foil program ol Winehill from from a a local local night night club, club, !Dr. Einstein is completing work ^ 2 . As of. us is pretty apt to be taken in to take 100,000 Jews from Get. Winehill, r'-r r "' - • - -T ' I I i activities Et the Jewish Commu: ! by any kind of propaganda com- many, he said: COT* T* I" — ^ ^t will present singing, dancing and | on his new theory^ nity Center will be planned. ing from a Gentile source that is "It will require an Immense fun-making. Abner Kaiman, who ! Izz Tretiak is general chairOne of S-- Xe " s f,—; f i ' - r s not openly anti-Jewish or even amount of money to take them now lives in Los Angeles will be j V . ; . ' - t man, assisted by Sain Epstein, TK 11 h*1 to r&Tl r r irtc~-Ff > rr r n(and then our heads are turned away and establish them else- present to renew his old friendHenry Ginsbnrg and Jay Stoler. i r i T t corfe-erce to v-"r,jcr ti p a t once) throws us some friendly where. Perhaps that is the least ship, and to give greetings from n £r~ ^ r r l ~ > r --i A leading basketball team from U n / p d PtatE= •»•;;; be , ; r,'Pi" r r TTTV ' » r " i i ' . sop. And on the other hand we of many perplexities, foremost of sunny California. Kansas City or Des Moines TI .11 ourselves are very poor and very which is finding countries willing I "> - n 1 " " ^ r r T i " be brought here to play the Psi Irving Hill, brilliant young ori. lazy propagandists for ourselves to receive them, for it is well ator of the "University of Nebras, Mu's „ „ „ ^c^^^*...^..^ championship HU***.^... quintet. T ; and for our cause which happens known' that the gates of practi- ka, will address the crowd-on the j Fannie Goldstein, well known j g p m e w f f l b g f o l ] O T r e d DJ,E n - f . K P v ;11 "EJTi-ir - r " " - > t ' ' to "be in this particular age more cally every country are closed to subject "A Young Man Looks attlihrarian and educator, will speak U r n o o n &&nce v J t h t h e visits-£ t h ° *T"t P n i l i c raeetire r*r t1 «• | B than our cause but rather^ the the admission of immigrants and As~eirlly, Et -n h cl Brith; Hill has won aa ((here on Wednesday evening, Feb- tt ee aa mm aa gghh oonn-oorr e a g n e s t s . 17 T > B'nai B'rith;" symbol of whatever of freedom, of there seems to be a total lack of Bnai . p-^n .F Pf ST7 T ; V>; ' c p e r r r c r e r t s d to be held at E f^ i i i - r host of honors on the Nebraska | ruary 26, at 8:15 at the Jewish; tolerance and of goodness is still readiness to relax present strin- campus, besides being a past in- Community Center. Miss Gold- J A b a n a u e C i iU he Irker. T_H. ,"-i'*l " ,t ; !( i downtown hotel, with the date15 left among men. We have no ade- g e n t immigration regulatons. ternational president of A. Z. A. s~n r J. v ;h th rr- dow ntovn botel> vitn the datr r quate press; we have no daily Only one country in the world is stein comes here under t h e aus-,o f t " h e f r a t e r n i t y m e n s s h o n o r e o s . - X I J:n 4 P-Uh 'press at all; we remain as a group an exception to this rule, a n d He is nationally renowned a3 aConcert Series o£ theLecture Center. Her young orator. o -' ' ' r- , T, i , have the Scnal.ier.d pro .- •' p \i' pices of t h e Jewish and i upon _ those members u w bestowed h o i<=rforces s t s H o n o r s v i b e and as a people on the defensive; that is Palestine, which in 1935 V trn-J.r">->ltr topic will be-: " I Read What I 1i 'f r - - "i - — been outstanding. War. He ret-rci »r, l : < ri Another prime attraction will Please—Jewish Literature." we have and use no propaganda &t received more German Jews than ; E?T of ?4. lie i* c' r-rrrr- rT all. neither inner-Jewish propa- all other countries combined. ,-It be a radio broadcast, prepared by i Miss r Goldstein comes from pi •" -^ , r '^ ' r Jerusalem — It was learred K O ; P , Ins-.tiite of ;• ; < T T ' ganda nor propaganda- for the committee. In true , , behooves the Jew, therefore, who ci f 1 rf t! c " - i It h a t . approximately 2,100 Jew.sh Affairs, world. Why is that? Have we has a care for the woe of his fel- •March of Time" style, lots of the *?^*™£?„* i. ?™" West End Branch of the Pub- . j >, o s r e of t t e no faith in ourselves and In ourlow-Jew in Germany or • else- fun will be poked at prominent lie "Library. Her record ia t h e m m i g r a n t s e n t e r e d F s ] e E t n e i a N c h S v r e p C 1 ' 1" ( " ; . r r , •" "a Co members of the" local lodge, and cause and in our future? For Ifwhere, to uphold the hands of field of library - work, especially i I ' • l' ' 1 - ( 1I f f * I we had the faith, would we notthose who seek the upbuilding of one or-two stirring news events that of the Jewish- field, is- out- i have been dramatized on the rabe compelled from within to make Palestine." ~ . , , - . J f dio. Eight members of the lodge standing. She originated' Jewish i it known, to spread it, to propa1 A. Z. A. Keport ti r r i 7 --'• • ' i will have parts in,the skit. Their book week in America,, now a U'ITI gate it? A very intelligent friend annual-event, and it was d-ae to Beber, as president of the Su- identity has been kept secret. said to me one day: "Yo'u are a preme Advisory Council of A. Z. Free sandwiches, pop, beer and her knowledge of Jewish books ••T, t ' i i ^ ! ' i' fanatic". I answered: "If I am A., B'nai B'rith's Junior Order smokes will be distributed by athat the compilation and annual it is the penalty Imposed on mefor hoys between publication of Jufiaica was ef15 and 21, re-committee headed by Sani Green. by your indifference." Macy Bauin. was the OTitstsrdfected. ported that many thousands of All -V- V f ~ ' members of the lodge will be ing figure in the three-day regiorJewish youths and their parents admitted Miss Goldstein has done refree, and in addition, r" ' ' r r al conclave of the A. Z. A., held In fact I am not a fanatic at participated in Jewish 1programs i«ru«p»«u * " . t - " - - " U6 '".T° each member Is entitled to bring search work for, the Russell Sage in Omaha, last week-end. all. For the fanatic Jfs one whose during Foundation, specialized in Amerthe last twelve month*;-as his guest oone _ f i „non-member. „_„„,„„, faith is not based on reason or under the auspices of A. Z. A., and' library projects : Baum, who is internsticjial vice The smoker will be opened at icanization I I I i reflection or study or kindly com- which now nas about 5,000 memfor foregin born, was cited and president of the order and v.l-c merce with men and a perception bers a n d 200 chapters through 8 p . m . with a very brief business was general chairman ia cbsr;^ ' Vi •i I i of their true- needs. His flame, the U. S. and Canada. of the conference, WES awarocl ner's and other kindled by some sickness in his He also Teported that the A.dent Ben the oratorical - charapioiisnip cZ soul, desires all the-world to beZ. A. experiment last Bummer of the. region asd teamed' Trlth -Err Is merely its fuel. And -therefore holding the convention in. the written and Priesina,n to capture the Beetle-—1 Magazines, his propaganda:is always a prop- form of a summer camp proved Marks, guarantees that the event lectured on Jiteratqre,_ especially debate title. He represented the aganda not of light and love but so successful that the practice is will be held on February 17 re-Jewish literature before tlie lead- Mother Chapter No. 1. j — ']*'*" of force and fraud. Analyse any being continued. The next inter- gardless of weather conditions. ing foruin groups sad colleges cf The third regional aspect of Nazi propaganda that national conclave will be held at the East. T&is will be Kiss Gold- ship, in basketball, was happens . to come your way andPalisades Parfe on the ocean i r - P stein's first appearance'.,here. toy the Des Moices Quintet, v L J you will find in it the two ele-beach outside Santa Monica, Cal., 1 The lecture will be free to Cen•won-In the fiaals c-rer A. Z. A. ments of force, that is, of intim- July 20 to)21- Regional tournat e r meinfeers. An . admission No. 1, by a score cf'32 to 15, idation by threats of violence and ments are now being held in 17 charge c | 35 cents will be made "r - « • •Alephs from Nebraska, I c r r , ol fraud, that is, of intimidation districts, the largest number-in to and HHnois participated In t i e based upon lies and delusions. A. Z. A. history^ The ."Women's Division of the non.inembers. r P ti 1 three-day events. The award bs.rBut many Jews, past-masters of Jewish Community Center will i V » iP The- Executive Committee au- sponsor a dessert luncheon, a n d F. Leveason,'Morris Levey, Philip ' qnet StindEy evening at the J. C the tricks by which they can keep f |Ttheir comfortable Indifference and thorized the opening of an elev- bridge party on Wednesday, Levey, J. M. •Malashock, J a c k i e . • the conclave. Pfc:: r i fc enth B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundalazy inertia, defensively stamp as March 4, at 1 p. m. at the Cen-MaTer, H. P. Milder, Hymie Mild- M. Klutsnick presented t h r r' tion at" the "University of North fanatics and as what i t has- beS er, W E . Milder, H. Koddle, I. Ro-awards' to the -S'iEners, -who r r s ter Audirotium. come the silly fashion to call Carolina. i» ^ senberg, Harry Koseafeld, Irrin not? ellglbis to cdiapeis in the C.saffair This community - wide "mere propagandists" anyone who A warning against the idea will embrace all the women's or- Stalmaster, Julins Steia, Harry jtrict -ffnals1 Is" Bulntt Ia March. t 4 i \U, that the crisis in American antihas deeply and passionately at ganizations of the city, and the j Trustin, Sam ZacharSa, a n d j The oratorlc&rcbatest T,*SS Tr'lZ , ' i 1 * , up Semitism is over was issued by i 1 ! , « \ iu" • F P heart Israel and its fate and i t s Sigmund Livingston and Richard proceeds will be used to Te-equip j Blanche Zimman. at the -BeJia-El synagogue FriJs: - 1 « thp to both the laacaeoa evening, bat the results -were kcrt r-lvcd cause. Gutstadt, chairman and director the Jewish Community Center.) andTickets 1 bridge are thirty-fire cests, secret BE til Sunday's bsstju-i. Very well then, I am a prop- of the B'nai B'rith anti-defama- kitchen. and may be oBtaiaed at the J. agandist—a Jewish propagandist. tion league. Judges Xrria Stalnisstcr, :c c^ ~ i . Mrs. Louis Neveleff is chair. "^ man: of the affair. Mrs. Herbert j C. C. desk or from any member Harry Silvenssn" sad Ephra.an be rrcci Tjtu,' There are far too few. '"That is Eleven new B'nai B'rith lodges Neveleff is her co-chairman. Oth- 'of the committee. the only trouble. There should were established in the-TT. S. dur,'' £ Karks. Bs.iiJa*s subject w s c er members of the committee'are 1 be groups of Jewish propagandists ing the past year. "They-Called Him. Dreamer," bc- c.t TC!"j "C I racl Etlu'w Mesdames M- M;- Barish, Heary | MOVE ^REHEARSAL and thsse groups should have iv.g on thelife of Keril Belmont, J . Bernstein, Arthur I The rehersal rooms for -the Con- I: The' A. their press and members of these A. No. - , , _J«-^groups should go up -nd down Bml&irig. Upturn A C o h n , - D a v e C r o u n s e , I . Ds&isky, s e r v a t i v e C a p e r s r o a d s h o w have ' s e a t a t i v e i s o r a t o r y i r a s N a t i - s t 1 :- 1 r . \ •i -- ibr r*«. i -» -•-the land and win Jewish souls Mi Tel Aviv—-Construction h a s J o h n ' F a i e r , ' - A r t G o l d s t e i n , I . ( b e e n m o v e d t o t h e . t h i r d • floor of j C r o u a s e . ' - . • * » I away from their Indifference and been started on 200 houses and Goldware, A. M. • Greeabaum, A. |the Eaird Building at 17tiv and}' ia ' debate, 'the Century «hap- II..1 cZ 11 . t in from their Inertia and -open their co-operative dwellings for 100 Greenberg, Dave Greenberg.' J. J. iDouglas'Bt. This more iseffecUve'iter'lOO tes.ss ol Jay Weissan j families for a new labor suburb Greenberg, Max Holzman, Morris j Monday . - liT — *, .. r i ' i i i , y evening, February 17, at [Myron CO1I.ES. TTOE fisir way .(Continued on Page 3.) "' south of Tel Aviv. Katleiaan,.: Piilip Klutznick. ; M. T:SO p. is. i the finals, saednnbuig before t i e


iOmahans - Named on.

Einstein Prepares Theory to Remedy the Old

jSeven Trustees Elected for Ins Community



V t




To Give Address on







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ts t e n




Plans-Made, for; ' ; . ,; ^Luncheon-Bridge







and $1,308.02 from other sour-1 work is to prevent children from proportion to environment. Durces. Total disbursements were j going to the Juvenile Court. Most ing the past year, I handled! 12 I parents have learned by this time cases and none were referred to $3,798.37. Mrs. *A.. Wolf is president of | when difficulties arise to visit me j the Juvenile Court. We JewB of the Daughters of Israel Aid and at my office, usually with the j Omaha may well be proud of our Mrs. Kate Tatle is treasurer. child. After a conference, and in j record as far as Juvenile Court is Members of the Jewish Old Peo- some cases after the child leaveB. | concerned. Numbering roughly 5 ple's Home Committee for 1935 we make a social diagnosis and I per cent of the population of the were: Harry Malashock, Mrs. J. prescribe a treatment. In most!city, our proportion of delinquents Finkel, William L. Holzman, cases," where'the cause of delin-jof Juvenile Court children Is .less Mrs. Mamie Kneeter, Robert quency is due to environment,'than one-third of one per cent of Kooper, Mrs. I. Kulabofsky, Sam treatment is successful—the child j the total number. • Brief" but comprehensive re- Round Table program, which want to add my personal appre- and still are at the Jewish OrphRavitz, Mrs. Kate Tatle, Mrs. A. '"Tbrts on the manifold activities brings together- the entire .Jewish ciation to the Center Committee an Home in Cleveland. Others Scholarship Loans is put on the right track and Wolf," Dr. Philip Levey, Dr. Nath"of the Jewish Community Center" youth of the :city several times —William Holssman, Milton Ab- were placed locally i n ; private We have continuously attemptstays right: but when the cause an MuBiin, and- Dr. A. A. Steinand Welfare Federation-./were each month, thru forums, dances, rahams, Eugene - Blazer, -David boarding homes, where our worR. of delinquency is.due to heredity, ed to help students, wrth good By Philip M. Klutznick berg. made at the annual meeting held and lnter,club. tournaments. In Greenberg,'.' Robert Kooper, Irvin er visited regularly to insure our tesk of correcting the child is scholastic records End who sHow at.the Jewish Community Center the Round Table, the young, man Levin, William Milder, Mrs. L. proper care and to check on each difficult. Fortunately, the cause promise of success in particular The J e w i s h Philanthropies last Wednesday evening. • • ' arid- young woman learns to co- Neveleff, Dr. D. C. Platt, Dr. Phil- child's development and possibil(Continued on page 4) Campaign for 1935-6 which was of heredity is a small factor in P r i n t e d h e r e w i t h a r e t h e r e - operate in (communal _enterprisresr ip Romonek, Dr S. Z. Stern, Fred ities. The care of children entail. and learns, to respectrand work White, "Rabbi David Wice — and e d a n expenditure of $1,-- begun on May 7, 1935, brought a p o r t s i n detail.- . ' _ , _ • ' ' • By Dr. Philip. Sher total of $33,530.31 In pledges with individuals of other shades all members of the various other 896.00 last year.. ' from 3,043 contributors. This of opinion, and of other groups in Committees w h o have stood by TRANSIENTS The work of the. Social Service Campaign succeeded In procuring the community. Here we are" es- and made this program possible. From January to about the a larger number ot individual Committee covers the following) tablishing a' democratic' form of (Established 1S7S) By Jack W. Marer . . middle of September, "the Feder- contributors than was eVer be- activitie's: active participation in' communal al Transient Bureau offered care fore, recorded by our Philanthro1. Juvenile Court work. for all transients. Most pf our pies. The sum pledged was in ex: The place and need of the Jew- affairs which will be excellent 2. Scholarships to deserving! Jewish transients were referred cess, of any similar- campaign students. ish Community Center in the life training ground ' for communal , By Mrs/ Harry Wolf Phone Ja. 0551 — Phone 594 — Phone SS6S5 to the Federal .'Transient Shelter since 1931, of Omaha •_Jewry, is becoming1 leaders of the future. The Round 3. Father and Son banquet. The year 1935 found our Wel- at 22' and Hickory Streets, where more pronounced each year. Every Table has. already demonstrated 4. Chanukah presents to orThe Executive Committee of Asbestos In' training fare Federation enmeshed in the food, clothing and lodgings were year its responsibilities and tasks Its effectiveness the Jewish Community Center phans in the- Cleveland Orphan youth for responsibility. For the Slate-Tile serious problem of providing re- provided, and frequently the Shel- and Welfare Federation recently Home. . have increased and its accomplishments multiply. Many of these ad- past two years, it has assumed re. lief, which affected every relief- ter found' it possible to return authorized the publication of a 5. Reception for high school Asphalt and Gravel ' vances go unrecorded, but the'fig. sporisibtlity for various' communal dispensing organization in the these people to their homes. At Year Book which is now ready graduates. activities, particularly, the Youths' country, whether public or pri- all times, we maintained the reFREE ESTIMATES — EAST TERMS - • . "Tires of our activities during 1935 Juvenile Court Work Division, of the Jewish Philanth- vate. For most of the year, the sponsibility for the care of the and will be distributed to every in themselves, show the extent to The principal object of this contributor. This Year Book lists ropies. Not only has a fine organ- Government continued to provide Magid, the traveling rabbi and . Trhich we have reached and afization beef developed and built, relief funds. As the year drew to thru private homes, took care of not only the names of all confected an . increased number of but the actual returns in the a close, i t tried to "get out of the those transients for whom we felt tributors of $5.00 and over but, persons, toth young and old." In in addition, lists the various parnumber-and amounts, pledged has relief business." Naturally, this kosher meals were essential. 1934, the total attendance of inticipating organizations and profar exceeded our finest hopes. decision affected every person dividuals In activity'was 166,908; •••.•• Since the Federal Transient. grams. ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN who was receiving relief whether Bureau closed, we have again as- . Our collection experiences durin 1935, it grew to 1$3,1S3. ' In ' During the past year the child- from the public organization or :other words, during; 1935 the ac. ren of qjir community have come from ii8 and, naturally, it affected sumed complete responsibility for ing the past few years have been *tive use of our building Increased Jewish transients. Our policy has far from satisfactory a n d have In for .their share of Center act- the work of our organization. '.by 18,275 over the previous year been to provide food and lodgingB resulted in our being behind in ivity. The Summer Home Camp FAMILY WELFARE Where Omaha Shop$ with Confidence «. • • or an average of 140'0 more peo. has been one of the most success- When I submitted my report for for anyone who applied and where payments to national and Inter' pie each month wio took advant- ful projects. One hundred and special circumstances seemed to national organizations. We made age of the Center program. This twenty-five children attended the 1934 at the last Annual Meeting, warrant it, to communicate, with a special effort this year to inhas been due primarily to a more tiamp^ .during the summer, an av-I reported ,that we had worked relatives or give other special crease collections and have been intensive program, and has been erage* of seventy-five being in at- out a special plan with the; local consideration and attention. Dur- successful. By February 1, 1936, accomplished without any'mater- tendance at all times and every relief administration, the Douglas ing the year 1935, we took care after seven months of operations, County Relief Administration, by ial increase In expenditures. we collected a total-of $21,472.child benefited directly and mat- which we continued to Interest of 218 transients. "WOIEX'S DIVISION 91. Of this sum, $17,534.86 was erially from Its work and from its ourselves in every Jewish family, FAMILY WELFARE collected on the current cam••••• Our Women's Division, which program. A number of clubs for which was being helped by that COMMITTEE paign. This represents a (total of : \raa organized early In^ 1935, is children have been formed, child- organization. Ours was the only The members of the Family developing steadily and surelyun- ren's operettas have proven pop- agency which maintained this co- Welfare Committee met regularly j 52 per cent of the amount pledgder the leadership of Mrs. J. J. ular, dancing classes have been operative relationship and the during the year.at least once each ed. Actually for this seven•Greenberg. It now has 300 mem. organized, and; bur recreation basis was tha,t of Insuring that month, sometimes'more frequent- month period, we collected $3,^ers enrolled and actively inter- room1;has given children a' furth- every Jewish'. family in' this city ly, to give special consideration 148.00 more than was collected ested In our activities and pro- ,er opportunity io profitably spend would receive adequate care. The to family situations which requir- during the similar period last year. gram. Recently, pur "'Women's their'leisure time. . Douglas County Relief Adminis- ed it, to study the necessary During the next five months, Division took an important tor. PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT tration took cars' of only those changes' In our program in order' • ward step in attempting to/work •-• Attendance and activity In our families In which • unemployment to meet the changes in the Fed-' we shall make every effort to in'•'out'-a program of cooperation and Physical Department has also in- was the cause and we took care eral relief prograni and to set crease collections. The future of our Jewish Philanthropies organmutual planning between the var- creased .Special mofning classes of all others. During 1935, there- general policies. ization is dependent _on pur abilious 'women's organizations In for women are beginning to prove fore, we took care of an average We were not as successful In! : our city." . ' -. '•:-• ' more popular, our business, men's of 150 families each month, eith- 1935 as we had been previously ity to collect the sums pledged. classes and health club have at- er directly or in cooperation with in finding work for people in We cannot pay commitments with COMMUNITY itoBTJM' tracted an increasing number of the Federal Agency. Of these, an whom we were interested. Still, pledges alone. We must realize a -,-, For the past eight years, the individuals, and hand ball, basket average of forty-eight families ac- w.e can record with pride and maximum colfection on o u r - Jewish Community Center has ofpledges. I urge every contributor fered "to the city of ' Omaha a ball,' and volley ball tounaments tr.-'ly needed relief monthly. The pleasure five or six specific in- to pay his pledge promptly and inall have been popularrand well atCommunity. Forum, . Lwhich,' has we found full. amount «of relief. given to these stances in. which brought the. best talent available tended. 'The swimming pool has families averaged $20:80 per work for young people who provin America, on the lecture plat- continued to attract, both young ed satisfactory to their employers form. 'Our Forum has been rec- and old;of .both, se^es.-.Good sport- month, per familiy. These relief |a n d w h o g e f a m l l y d}fficultieB ognized by the leading civic and marisJhipC and-'-the Vpibmoticbi, of needs were determlnde after care were helped considerably because By Harry Silveraan educational leaders of our- com- good; health for all -who attend fjttl Study. Every effort was made of these efforts. . ' . : has Ireen thei^keyattts and philos,^o meet minimum needs and at munity and has" received thelif CONCLUSION--~ •••$: —The Jewish Old People's Home whole ihearted support. Our 1934- ophy" of bur Department, and the tfee'^atpe time to insure the propis administered by the Daughters "Many Individuals*, groups, and 1935 Forum, not only brought us excellence of the program attests er distribution of the meager organizations helped us carry on of Israel A i d Society.-. A joint I the very finest material, but end- to the fine'Work and the interest funds at our disposal. committee, representing the From time to time. We have pur program during the year. Daughters of Israel Aid Society ed Its year without cost to the of the Chairman of OUT Athletic Space does not permit my Center. This year's Forum should Committee, Mr. Irvin Levin, and heard people talk about the lux. individual thanks to all. We are, and the Federation, determines uries enjoyed by people who have even excel that of- last year. So his entire committee. all basic policies and budgetary been maintained on relief. Does however, partlcualarly ,grateful to needs of the institution; also defar, 447 season tickets have been LIBRARY the Live Wire Cleaners who, withsold. - Harry B. Cohen was chair- ' The library has been used quite It seem like luxurious living that out charge, cleaned a large num- cides on admissions and disman of the Forum; Committee, extensively aa a reference room the average amount of relief re- ber of articles of clothing and charges of inmates. and' he and his committee are to during the past year. Limitation ceived by a relief family thru our wearing apparel which was given Investigation on all applicabe highly complimented on this of funds during the past year-has organization (which undoubtably to us by individuals-for, distribu- tions for admission and on all PREMIER BONDED, brown excellent program and record. ,' affected the utility and: value of maintained the highest relief tion. The Needle Guild, under the forms of service to residents in our rental department. Our Wo- standards in the city) w a s and black swagger and fitted CENTER PLAYERS' GVTLD chairmanship of Mrs. B. A. Simon the Home are made by the Case models. All beautifully satin The Center Players' Guild .has men's Division. Is giving serious $20.80 per month? Such relief in. the Clothing Committee under Worker of the Federation. These lined . . . and made to our grown from a small group to a attention to the - possibilities" of eluded food, clothing, rent, coal, Mrs. J. Blank's service, and the services include all types of care, own specifications. Sizes 12 extending this latter and may be splendid little - theater. A year gas and electricity, hospital care Motor Service headed by Mrs. excepting food and lodging, and to 20, S3 to 48. or two ago,, we had some diffi- able to effect an improvement and drugs, whenever any of these William. Milder did valuable work the recommendations of the Case culty in getting an audience for during 1986, services were necessary. The aver- during the year. Worker . are considered by the one night presentations. This year MEMBERSHIP age family has between 3% and 4 joint committee in determining This year has been particularly special care and special needs as we "have been able to ^show bur people; $20.80.per month doesn't difficult for those who have been productions, for two "nights, .with the occasion arises. The number of members who provide luxuries. Incidentally, I a good audience in attendance on p a y dues to an organization of feel that these figures show how engaged in carrying on the work. During the year 1935, there each of the evenings. People in- our type Is usually the indication carefully and widely we have With a case load far in excess of was an average of -eight residents any in our history, Mrs. Rose BIsterested In the drama, both. Jew- of Its effectiveness and its ability spread the small amount of mon. in the institution at all times. no, our Case -Worker, continued ish .and lion-Jewish, as "well .as to reach, into the consciousness of ey which has been ln.our^hands. Funds for operating the Home • tb,e dramatic critics of our news- the Individuals within the .coin, . We were called upon' to per- the . high standard of service come chiefly from the Philanwhich has always been a credit to papers have "attested to*the per- mimity. This past year- saw a ma- form many other services besides thropies funds. The total receipts formances and qualitity, of work terial, Increase In the number of that of providing food, shelter, the- Jewish community. during the year were $3\755.52done by our players; Miss Helen paid members. • and absolute • necessities —- diffi- ^ The year which is ahead of us $2,447.50 from Philanthropies promises to be far more difficult Merritt, our Director, is deserving ficulty. between parents and childOn December J l , 1935, we had of particular commendation. ren; trouble between parents and challenging. Federal belief, a total active paid membership of JEWISH LECTURE; AND themselves; people who applied according to latest reports, is def944' Individuals, against approxCONCERT SERIES • for, relief, and assistance but initely discontinued. At the presimately 720 on December 31, The fall,-of 1935 saw the re. 1934. We have Increased pur ac. whose relatives should have "as- ent time,., a local citizens relief organization, of pur. Jewish Lec- tlvltieB, we have reawakened an sumed responsibility; old people committee is cooperating with the ture and Concert .Series. Starting interest in- Center affairs on the for "whose "maintenance. their county officials, endeavoring to •with a fine program by Omaha's part of many individuals, and this children ..and other: relatives procure funds for relief. Just own Hazomir. Choir.the second awakening reflects itself in the should have -\ been ' responsible. what kind of a program will be developed is, of course, uncertain monthly program brought a • re- increase of dues-paying members. These were /but a Jew of the at the present time. To meet our markable exhibit of paintings and CONCLUSION major services which; we were responsibility for 1936 will be . ••'•. drawings by the .artist, Saul Rascaled upon to per- doubly difficult/The Community This report of activities for constantly kin, who also .gave a talk on 1935 gives adequate indication of form. : Chest, which failed to reach their, The finest bonded seals, "Jewish Art"; then, a fine lecture the progress, we have made. In in addition, to those services, guaranteed for two years. Qii "Tho Crisis in Jewish, Life" looking forward to. the-program there was also the type of service goal, found It necessary to curtail for relief. On the Linings guaranteed tor 2 by. Marvin Lowenthal. This phase for the future, we cannot 1 o"s e known as "incidental," which in- our allotment 1 years. Especially tailored. other hand, the breakdown of the of our prograni should and will sight of the fact that much still cluded . contacting families for Regularly to $139. Swagpublic relief program has consldundoubtably prove, more popular remains to ger fitted models. Sizes be., done to actually such agencies as the Child Adopin time, as it becomes more deep, make our 12 to 20, 38 to 46. tion Committee before adoptions program communityly rooted in the consciousness of wide and all-inclusive. More and could be made, handling applicaour people. more,/w© are bringing the diverse tions to Leo N. Levl Memorial COLLEGE OF JEWISH STUDIES elements ' of our community to- Hospital,' the National Jewish The College of Jewish Studies gether through our program; Hospital, and other national inIs meeting regularly on Monday more and more we are attracting stitutions, verifying residency of and Thursday evenings and bffer- boys and' girls and ..men and wo- transients (when situation warJng glasses" on subjects of Jewish men from all walks of life. With ranted came), etc. An. average of interest, "It ..affords ahother exam- the record of 1935 behind us, we twenty-nine families came to as pie of a community-wide educa- can look forward to the day when every month for this type of sertional program which' agrees with the Jewish Community Center vice. Although it did not neces. the basic principle' of the • entire win, realize Its goal, aim, and pur- sarlly entail' large cash expendiCenter, program. The College is pose and become the only, central, tures.it. did take_the time and efFtill in its. .Infancy and despite unifying factor for the entire fort of our .one Case Worker. some disappointments, Dr. Sher, Jewish population of Omaha. i All In all, three hundred difltd President,, and those closely I desire to express the thanks ferent famines came to us for connected with him in this enter- of the Committee and- my "per- help, advice, and consideration prise, feel certain that it will sonal thanks to,Miss Ruth Allen, during 1935. One' half of these "•grow to be* a very important part who I feel deserves special .com- came for some form of relief or of *he educational life of our city. mendation for the work she has major service; the other half for ROUND TABLE OP JEWISH done during the pasf-'year. The Incidental care as explained aYOUTH growth In our educational pro-: bove. ' The training of youth for act- gram, thn work of our young peoCARE' ive participation In community ple, the development ' of the Our responsibility for the care llfo is an integral part of any well Round Table, etc.1, has been In a of famllless carried- over to the organized community program. large measure directly due to her care of children, either from broOur Center has undertaken, thru efforts. I want to thank our Ex- ken homes or those who had no tropical the Round Table of Jewish ecutive Director.-Paul Goldblatt, families. In 1935, we found ourAnt€rfctui B ' Youth, $o provide such training our Physical Director, Lee Gross- selves responsible for' the care of and development .opportunities. man, and the members of o u r twenty-two children, who came Every young people's -organization staff who nave ^cooperated so val- from -eleven different JamiHes. In tho city participates In the iantly during this trying-year. I'some of these children had been «HS COATS-THIRD FLOOR


erably increased our responsibility. It Is<-our hope, aim, and desire -to continue to provide, even In these most difficult times, at least a minimum, decent level of living for every Jewish family which will come to us during the yeaK In carrying out this program, we shall need the support and backing of the entire Jewish community.

. Philanthropies

Social Service Committee


Jewish Community Center

Family Welfare Committee

— Co. Bluffs — Sioux City —• Sioux Falls' )

GOLDSTLIN CHAPMANS liny during the w i n t e r sale and save from 33£% to 50%


Old People's Home






Regularly fo $9875 FUR COATS



The proclivity of the Jews for JeiviBh ubiquity and power disapfinance, trade, and exchange has pears. Indeed the immediate rebeen frequently noticed by Jewish action is that the Jews, who can writers and the concentration of lay better claims than most nonJews in the cities is a. present as Jews to credit for the creation of well as an historical fact. Over the present economic order, are 1,000,000 of the 4,500 000 Jews less well represented in many dic • • The Jewish War Veterans of of the first century lived in Alex- rections than they should be. The Jerusalem (JTA)—At a closed the United States will conduct it* andria alone and 95 percent of Jews and the English were the meeting of the Jewish National present American Jews live in chief designers of finance capit- By the Service Life Xnraraace Council , the heads of Palestine annual Washington Birthday I>RAmerican cities of more than 10,- talism ia the last century bat Jewish communities unrt Jewish triotic program over the Colnrru O Omaha. 000, while S4 percent live in cities only the English have profited organizations gave cnanimoiu a p . N * Broadcasting System, national A SURVEY (Part Two) correspondingly. The Jews hare .nd of Dr Dr. Chata Chshn jhooknp. on February 22nc, from Should American Jews be fact that, they have preserved, ence and hence of clannishness of more than 100,000. This ur- seen themselves surpassed in one If you live, you will acccmc. proval to the stand fearful of the future? Have though: scattered among the na- on the part of the Jews, it may ban concentration is a circum- business or banking province af- late an estate for yoxir family. If Weizmann, president of the Jew-j^* ° •*•'• G p. in., C. S. T. <0me.' Jews monopolized economic op. tions ot the. earth, their, national also affect minds to which neither stance of considerable importance ter another by upstarts who were you die before you have accumu- islt Agency for Palestine, in opp- ! " a tlme-> Mr. Albert. W. Jacobson, COTT>pbrttmlties In this country? identity. They.are,unique among ignorance nor narrowness can be in the present connection. Oae still swinging swords or pushing lated that estate, who is going to osing the government's projected Are they over running the lib- the peoples of the -world not be- ascribed. Any minority, and par- of the effects of modern indus- plows when the Jews were traders care lor your family? How are measures restricting Bale of Ar- mander of the Washington, D. C. Post No. 58 will present the Naeral professions? Do. they con- cause they "have bold nosesr^- ticularly any self-conscious minor- trialism has been to increase, the and the bankers of Europe. It is you going to solve that problem abs' lands. tional commander,- Mr, Abrsha.Tr relative -Importance of the cities. ity, will develop centripetal tentrol banking? Do they domin- only a small percentage ol one thing for a non-Jew to say without using life insurance? It was disclosed that Weizmann Kradit.or, -who Y;U\ preside, am) ate the movies? Are the Jews have the Jewish nose — but be- dencies. Members of the minor- The great metropolis is the true "Oh, the Jevs run everything." If you live, yon -will pay the would shortly leave for Europe will in turn introduce the gi.iPR< more Communistic, in propor. cause they. alone, of all peoples ity will tend-to agglomerate. And expression of modern life as the It is another for an impartial ob- mortgage. If you don't live, how to rally sentiment against the speaker, Ferdinand Pocountry and the castle were the this the Jews have notoriously tion, than any other racial known to history, have retained server to see exactly what they do will it be paid? How are you go- Government's policy and to meet cora. TheJustice latter will speak fronunit? Is the New Deal a "Jew in exile and dispersion and over done. Though they are very far, true expressions of medieval life. ran. ing to solve that problem without Sir Herbert Samuel. New York city. The army foami Deal"? Are the radio, publish- a period . of thousands . of years as we shall see, from monopoliz- In consequence any group which using life insurance? Previously, High Commissioner of Washington will render e.v ing and amusement worlds run their distinction from the peoples ing American Industry, they nave is numerous in the cities will If you live, you will senfi yocr Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope propriate selections. ' by Sens? Ho Americans con- among •whom they live. The Jew nevertheless made fair progress seem more important than its children to college. If you don't transmitted a letter to the Jewish sider the Hitlerites justified in isjeverywhere and everywhere the toward monopolizing those sub- actual numerical strength would lire, who is going to pay the col- Agency for Palestine explaining ' driving out the German Jews? Jew is strange. Japanese are divisions .of industry In which make it. For example, nearly half lege bills? How ETC you going toj^.^y tlie Government is preparing Report Haifa. WII Be the Jews in America live in New In short, do American Jews run strangers in California but not in they have established themselves. solve that problem without using restrictions on sale of Arabs' Mask Military Harbor • this country? Japan. Scotsmen are outlanders Indeed the very fact of the exis- York City alone, and the fact that life insurance? When a man con- lands. the city of New York is so imtence of discriminatory quotas siders additional life insurance Amazing and ' ludicrous as in Paris but not In Edinburgh. He stated that the interests of , Jerusalem portant to the life of the country . . _ (JTA) — It vftK only one real point is at issue, ' such queries might appear, they The Jews are outlanders every- and barres and the like In Indus, taken together with the fact that try and education and the prothe Jewish national home and the ; | e ' a r n e ( j ujgjj the government in namely: "You have certain prob• hare been analyzed, investigat- where. The country of the Jew, Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Ag30 per cent of the population of lems to solve. How are you go- welfare-of Palestine made essent- jp r e p a r i n g p i a n f - to make Haifa * ed and statistically surveyed as Schopenhauer puts it, Is other fessions is proof, not only of Gen- that city is Jewish has the effect ency) — Habit dies hard. tile injustice, but also of the Jewial the retention of subsistance | p u r e i y military port raid to roJews. by the famous American pebliing to solve them without The old pre-war orthodox Jewof throwing its 1,765 000 Jews in areas by the Arabs. This princi. EerTe * t h e J a t j a havbor for civil ' c - B t i o n "FORTUNE", a n d And therein Is the key .to the ish tendency to inundate a field very high relief. ish community of Jerusalem is life insurance?" pie, Sir Arthur declared, was not jxp l i r p o s e s ,. - through special arrangement peculiar destiny of the Jews. The where other Jews have made enaccustomed to time pieces shoeWhen you solve these problems rved by the Jews in purchasj |f ^ trance. It is natural trait and an ( o b s e Ha a e u s e d 8S e Urbanization has also of course with the editors of "FOB- quality which makes them the ing the time according to the old trait but it serves certain substantial effects upon Arab method of reckoning, -which with life insurance, you put pic- ing land. During the last five j e a n b a s i _ f o r l h ( ? B r n i B l l understand TUNE"; the Seren Arts Fea- scapegoats of Western history is understandable tures of guaranteed future happiyears land purchases vere quadli off Jewish life and: hence upon Jew- greatly differs from the time as ness into -your safety depost bos, rupled, he said. ture Syndicate and the Jewish the anality which makes them ;o exaggerate, the feeling ish successes. It is largely resstrangeness and hence the prepress are publishing this BUT. strangers In 'Western history — we know.it. each policy a picture of an amThe High Commissioner added vey In a series of five articles their devotion to their own cul- judice which that feeling inspires. ponsible, for example, for ; the The -wardens of a Meah Sbear- bition in life wnich you would that in view of the race that His of which the following is the tural tradition under conditions Seeing Jews clannishly crowding Jewish concentration in the learn- im synagogue pat in one of the like to cave attained. Majesty's Government had decidsecond. Next week we will pre- of almost impossible hardship together in particular businesses ed professions. The Jews share new-fan pled clocks in the lobby. ed after obtaining his advice to If policies were pictures, -what z sent the third article. and the psychological traits which and particular localities the non- with the Scotch and certain other EOSEEE But fanatic Agudath Israel —The Editor that devotion has established. Jew (who doe3 not think of him- peoples an almost morbid passion youth objected to this because it stories they would tell—ana k ^ j e n a c t t b e restrictive DELICATESSEN AND ^ ^ gee t o H t h a t t h e E s e . Jews themselves, but not non- self as acting clannishly) is more for higher education. But that showed a tendency of "heretical anxious we would be to complete • GROCERY ETOEE • jc t l t i T e cf t n e J e 7 j s b Agency was The second and fundamental Jews/ think of the Jewish reli- than ever impressed -with the ex- passion would have been fruitless reform" like the Zionists. And our nsurance program. consulted before the measure was question then presents Itself. Are gion as the chief cause of the otic character of this unusual had the immigrant Jews not re- when the wardens refused to re- ficzi Less Extended mained in the large cities. The move the new clock, they smashed there . any facts to support a Jew's universal strangeness, and people. promulgated. Long Established And being impressed with the American system of education it. . charge that Jews have monopoliz- the Christian religion as the chief The Jewish Agency Executive Vienna — A Vienna court rulBusiness ed or are monopolizing economic cause of prejudice from which he Jews' difference from himself and makes it possible for a poor boy replied vith a statement charged that the German law prohibiopportunity in the United States? suffers. Non-Jews, on the other hence their foreignness he is all living in a great city to carry himting intermarriage between "Ar- ing that the contemplated resBs?x IS Jewish Press Before this question can be an- hand, cite such complaints as too ready to resent their economic self through college and even Raps Participation yans" and Jews is applicable to trictions contravened the terms of successes as a kind of outside inthose gathered together in "Cathswered It is desirable to see preprofessional through certain in Nazi Celebration Jewish subjects of the Keich liv- the League of Nations Mandate cisely why it presents itself. What olics, Jews, and Protestants", a vasion ot his world. He is all schools free, whereas . a similar ing in Austria. for the HoTy Land.. agree that if the too ready to study undertaken at the request boy living in a rural community difference does it make even if London (WNS) — A sharp proJews have more than their will be stopped after high school test agajnst the acceptance by Jews do run. away with the sys- of the National Conference of tem? Why shouldn't they monop- Jews and-Christians. These are: 'share", the Jews must be oppos- by the cost of transportation to British universities of a Nazi inolize any profession or branch-of "Aggressiveness, •'sharp business ed. It is useless to argue that the state-college town and by the vitation to participation in the industry they a r e intellgient practices,' clannishness, and lack the conclusion is a non sequitur; cost of board and food away from celebration of the 550th anniverenough to capture? A man'B job of sensitivity to the feelings of that there is no reason on earth home. The result has been to sary of Heidelberg university is should not be determined by his Gentile groups," the preservation why a man's, blood stream should give the children of certain city- voiced by the Bi.shop of DarLam * achieve""" dwelling types of recent Immi- in a letter to the London Times. parentage. To this proposition among the Jews of "the 'haggling* qualify Ills economic and to thexelated proposition habit which'most of the Western ments. The only truly convinc- grant an educational advantage Basing his opposition to the that any- discrimination against world has outgrown," "the use of ing answer and the only real ob- over the children of native Amer- sending of an English delegation ican and other stocks living in Jews in the professions or in In- shoddy' tor poor materials," the stacle to anti-Semitic propaganda to Germany on the ground that dustry is unjust there is no an- fact that "Jews are considered by of this most dangerous sort is the rural areas. The proposed nation- Germany has violated everything wide scholarships at Harvard are for which universities stand, the swer in logic or morality. Both certain leading insurance com- appeal to fact. are unanswerably sound. But panies as a poor fire risk," etc. And the fact is this: that there one response to this situation. bishop declared that British parthere is an historical answer. The truth is that neither these is no basis whatever for the sugBut though urbanization of the ticipation in the anniversary fete Which is that a disproportionate ancient chestnuts of racial pre- gestion that Jews monopolize U. Jews is a matter of.real import- will be interpreted as English ap. Jewish participation in the econ- judice nor the "equally ancient, re- S. business and industry. ance in some connections its prin- proval of Nazi Germany's intoleromic life of a country has been ferences to religious history, exTwo points should be made at cipal effect remains in the field ant policies. found capable of arousing anti- plain the Jew's position. They are the outset. First, the number of of appearances. If appearances Semitic feeling. ' merely rationalizations of-the Jews who can be thought of as are disregarded and replaced with Jewish Press advertisers merit Why this should be so—why derlying feeling of forelgnness—- threatening non-Jewish control of facts the general impression of your patronage. the success of; the Jewish minor- instances' of difference made lo U. S. -industry^ J s n o t so large as the Jewish population estimate of £«»SS«S5SSS3S3C«SSC«£^^ ity should ba BO irarticnlarljr- re- stanS~ipr the*"aifferenca^ sented by otfiefpeopieS'i---^ }si:«•- The true" difference Is cultural. 1933 would Buggest; th'e great complicated question whch'is ren- AH other immigrant peoples a c mass of the 4,500,000 American dered more complicated by the cept the culture of the country Jews, like the great mass ot fact that anthropologists- are now into which they come. The Jews American non-Jews, is~ made up of for generally agreed .that the .Jews for centuries have refused- to ac- workers, employed or unemployare not a race i a ' a n y scientific cept it and are now, in many ed, to whom the control of U. S. sense of the term—no more of cases, unable t o : accept it when industry is a purely academic a race, for example, than the Ger- they would. The habit of pride matter. Second, the number of mans. They were . orginally a the long, proud stubbornness of Jews who can be thought-of as cross between a longheaded,^tall- their ancestors. Is too Btrong : in threatening non-Jewish control of Ish. dark Mediterranean race J.the them. Even many of.those who U. S. industry is not BO large as Bedouins) and a nhortheaded, have deserted the tradition of the seeming prevalence of Jews shortish, dark Alpine race. Those their people and.accepted in every would make it appear. The Jews •who remained In. the Mediterran- detail the; dress and speech and seem to play a disproportionate *A Quality Product for Seasoning* ean hafiin. working around into life of the non-Jewish majority part for two reasons: the Jews * the Spanish peninsula, were fur- are- still subtly but recognizably and particularly the Polish Jews CSSE3gSCS0S3SS9CSSSX3CX3£JSS3S3^ their, ghetto background are ther modified by additional Med- different. \ " • with the most urban, the most cityiterranean blood, Tnosd who That difference alone, with ig- loylng; of.aU.peoples, and the favcrossed through Syria into Eas- norant • or • parochial minds, is tern Europe and on into Germany cause for. prejudice. When : It Is ored occupations of Jews in the received additions of Mongol, Al- combined, as it frequently is, with cities are those public. These are pine, " and Nordic characteristics. an equally strong sense of differ- matters of common observation. The result is the distinction, of the two types famllar in America the Sephardim or Spanish Jews on the one hand and the Ashkenazlm or German Jews on TNE the other, The first, of whom LEMON or VANILLA Pound 29c Justice Cardoso and Bernard Bar. uca are examples, are character2 Pounds 56c 18c ized by thin features and spare bodies which of ten take on a typically Yankee look, curly hair, and short body of common associ- - LEIE EICKEY ation. A third type Is. sometimes WHITE BOBA or distinguished aa representative ot GIKGES ALE those Ashkenazim (a great majority of the groan) who have 31/2 Lb.¥kg. 23c -Bottle 12%c' lived for centuries among the • The longest stretch of cold weather in Omaha's Slavs of Eastern Europe. This history has brought the family circle closer together, type is physically like the German Jew eave that light hair and eyes • The.Telephone Company reports & tremendous inare common and pug noseg are more frequent .than hooked. crease- ia telephone vac People sre using the teleThe three groups, moreover, phone instead of venturing out into the cold. 5 lbs. 25c 19 IBs, 49c lib. 30c 2 lbs. 49c are distinct not only In appear, ance. They originally differed • The Utilities District reports E. new all-time high also In language, since the first for gas consumption over last week-end with & record spoke Spanish or Ladino (a fifNo. 2 Batavia Vegetarian Beans l | c , 3 for..—...25c teenth-century Spanish), the secoutput for ond German, and the third YidIb-CaaCsii Asparagus dish (an alloy of Hebrew and • More -electricity is being used in the home because German.) And they maintain a Extra Jumbo SIz© Ripe-Peaches : 17^c,.'3'Ibs..50c of the-long stretch of cold weather. There was a eertain aloofness among themv selves. The pride and exclusive25.8% increase In fee use of electricity last Sunday . . • Santa'Clara-Praiies 18-24''m. I T ^ c , 3 f©r_~.5©c" ness of the Spanish Jews of anciour largest output cf electricity for a Sunday. ent settlement in this country are 40 to 50 Pnmes §c perlb., 3 lbs, „ „ ; ' .,, - ,-25c most sharply felt by the Ashken• Because the people are staying Borne they are using azim. And the hatred of German Fancy Dried Pears, Jumbo Ske, per ®.'__-__— Jews which Emma E. Levinger^it .more lighting to read more hooks, to play more home Special Sale on SEEHSI Cora, Mo. .2 size, can 10ctributes to Polish Jew immigrants fames and for study. They are using the radio more. •was warmly reciprocated by their Order oae-dosea for :„.„„—: §1.19 Electric hesters snd other appliances are being used 8:30 pmLv. OMAHA Ar. 7:20 am -Tprecedecessors of German orgin. , The word "kike" is not ot Gentile more than wer before. No. 2 SizsCsii of.Mission Brand Sngnrsd Psas 8:30 am Ar. CHICAGO Lv. 6:15 pm but of German-Jewish coinage. 2 cans lor. .„;. 25c • Because o£ this, electric service bills might be tem"What then is the explanation o* anta-Jewish prejudice. if the porarily increased some, but the cost would have been Solid Packs Tomatoes, No. 2-'size,.3 csss 25c Information and Tickets • •• Jews are not a racial U J H ? The much greater if it had not been for our recent rate answer would seem to be that BURLINGTON TRAVEL BUREAU Extra Fancy Large Size Wiaesap Apples, dss 35c anti-JewisTr prejudice is the clas16lh and Farnam • Phena ATlwrtie 6831 sic, example of that dislike and J, W. SHARPS, Genera! Agent Fancy Roman'Beauty Apples,'5 lbs. for ^.25c fear of strangers which the Greeks knew as xenophobia and Cauliflower,. per • IL 1 He -which appears as & familiar phen109 Size Spnkist Oranges, each' 4c, ebzsiL-: 45c / omenon among primitive peoples , \ a n d peoples reverting to primiU Texas Oranges for Juice, 5 lbs. 25c ivlsm. .The outstanding fact about the Jewish people is the

Jewish War Vet Broadcast on Land Sales Planned


Old Clocks Instead of New in Palestine



More Phone CallsJ

More Electridty Used! More Home Games Played! More

Butternut Coffee BUTTERNUT



J. B. Coffee

this Summc/t V


THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1936 . . . At the J. D. C. reception he Federation Reports Review pulled several ntfilies, of which this is an example: "We want to Activities During Past Year be your partners in this under-

Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Prle«, one year - . - - - . - " $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. • Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER •"' • •Business and Managing Editor FKANBL K. ACKERMAN . . . . - 3 - . - • Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL • • • * Sioux'City, Iowa, Correspondent . Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

The Slaying of a Nazi By a Jewish Student

weapons. But study the heart-rending story of these victims, their twisted lives and bleeding souls. A man stabbed in the back forgets himself, and in his pain is liable to do something desperate. The cure to such assassinations as Gustloff's does not lie in giving the slayer the maximum penalty - - but in (Continued from Page 2.) eradicating the violent, unnatural, beastly causes which lie fields, -with loans to continue their schooling. During the past behind the scenes. year, six scholarship loans were


taking," he said, adding after a work. We must accept and carry pause, "junior partners, it's true." forward our responsibility tor . . . He was referring, of course, those individuals living in t h e to the fact that European Jewry city who are obliged to come to would try to raise $5,000,000 as PREDICTED FASCISM," as for food, clothing and other against double that sum by U. S. S PLATO AYS CINCINNATI PROFESSOR necessities. The , failure of the Jewry . . . The crack brought the I h l c h m a k e s t n e ol <I Greek Community Chest to meet its goal house down end probably spurred!" • • ^ last year has meant a cut in their more mental pledges to the fund j one or th< appropriation to us. More money than the most impassioned plea! RABBI ISRAEL FINDS ANTImust come from membership and made that night SEMITISM GROWING AMONG from other activities in order that NEGROES . . . When Jews are enwe may meet these needs. tirely free of anti-Negro prejudice SCOOP While the rest of the j they'll have a right to complain, Your officers and Executive' r e P r t e r S

made. Father and Son Banquet The annual Father and Son banquet makes it possible for y fathers and sons to get together American sportsmen who love athletics dearly but who a social, pleasant evening, at love the idealism of the sport arena more than the competi- for least once a year. Approximatetion itself fought bravely but in vain to keep the United States ly 200 fathers and sons attended busy taking notes | NEWARK CATHOLIC PRIEST from sending representatives to the winter games of the Olym- the banquet Receptions for High School pics, being held in Nazi Germany. They argued—though in Students vain-—that the Nazis violated every commandment in the The reception SHIP for high school this Ssort O r t aan> r e a a sportsmen's code and that it would be contrary to the spirit students brought out a large . . . . , -- our acquaintance tures number of individuals, support and participation in o u r j i Lord i sign of the Olympics to send athletes to Germany to participate in 6 n e a k e d ott a n d n t e r r i e w e d committee is contemplat- activities and program. There j Eearsted1 s valet . . . He reports | the games arid thereby give condonation to the practices of ingThis a rocational guidance advis. „ . ,, „ , him a typic8.1l3r reserved, cock-, LOW the Nazis as well as financially aid and abet a Nazi regime ory committee. tion of our organisation which



The worship of violence has become a mania in many parts of Europe. But sane minds became alarmed when news an amendment to the Constitn' ! p was learned of the slaying last Saturday of Wilhelm Gustloff, which knew not the meaning of honor. unt.ii the resters (since ™«ter attended | cords show a total absence of These courageous sportsmen were unfortunately in the Nazi leader, who had charge of Hitlerite propaganda in Switznumber of individuals for the conWomen's Division some very distinguished gather-I criminals among Jews. duct of the affairs $f the Jewish icgs that doesn't sound a bit comerland, at the hand of David Frankfurter, Jugoslavian Jewish minority, and under the padded leadership of Olympic offiBy Mrs. J. J. Greenbere _ .. „ t ., ^. „ ,-— JEWISH S T U D E N T SLAYS B . He doesn't care LEADER OF SWISS NAZI . . . student.: : . cials who had their self-interests to consider, the A. A. U. Community Center a n d Welfare I pn m e ntary Federation for New York subways and he And another Schwartzbard case '' The bullet from Frankfurter's gun did not travel far, butvoted participation in the Olympics. These Olympic heads The Women's Division of the I M o r e & -n d m o r e > v e S h a 1 1 fit !preferred to reman anonvmous looms on the horizon. Jewish Community Center and! " tempt to intensify and extend the officially assured America that the Nazis have in no way disthe echo of that shot reverberated around the world. Gustloff Welfare Federation was organ, NAZI BAN ANTI-JEWISH AGscope of Jewish interest through in -January of last year, un- o u r ITATION DURING OLYMPICS . . had aroused the ire of most Swiss liberals by, his incitement criminated and would, for the Olympics, strictly adhere to ized der theTeadershin n frV r . T P™srams and activities. The! « " « l FINANCE: Reading of Sh the leopard change his . ^ ftte I™?!* ll°Ll :;Jf^: T*« »3« calls for-yes, it de-j«£. continued difficulties the to race hatred and his means and methods of spreading the the world's sport code. ette Arnstein. Its purpose then at will? mands—the consecrated support j ^ a z i schnorrers are encountering Nazi gospel, and many newspapers had demanded that he be wag to serve as an auxiliary or- and backing of every Jew in Oma- i n t h e i r ^We-flung money-raising GERMAN JEWISH REFU. expelled from the country. Frankfurter had been a medical The winter Olympic games opened at Garmisch-Parten- ganiaztion to the Jewish Com. fine program of comma- f o r a ' ' E a™°ng the nations, we,'re|ff E S BALDING SPAIN'S "HOLCenter and Welfare Fed • , ,,* • *. * ^ Ai. reminded of this story: Dr. Scha- LI WOOD" . . . And a new indusBtudent and had lost his opportunity to follow his designated kirchen, Germany. We will skip over the glaring fact that munlty n eratlon, and to carry outThis pro! | unifying * « ° 1 W *organization « * P f « « t e dinby the city, cht, rebuffed by a banker whom t r y i n t h a t which has had this Pr ^profession through the rise of Hitler. He states that his mo-though Germany promised not to utilize the Olympics for „.-•- s l x t e e a ^ p ^ t V ° •jthe Unifying organization inCenter and he had asked for a huge loan, \s e n £ e enough to regret the expulJewish Community i o n o ff l i liS2 S 2 were formed - s o m e tive in killing Gustloff was to avenge in some small measure propaganda, State Secretary Funk of the German propaganda insisted that his'nation could of-;ssion ii ' -jWelfare Federation. £ err ing directly with the Family Weiodod JEWS E D I TT SS *° security. "We have treaORTHODOX y y yyear's ears w ork *° security. W e have trea the wrongs Hitler committed against the Jewish people. \ hh aa vvee enioyfed enioyfed m my work ministry in a speech to the newspaper men urged the foreign f D s u r e s f a r e D e p a r t m e n t a n d o t h e r s w i t h ! * «"> « « t h a n d o u r F u e I T A L I A N F A S C I S T ORGAN t and our Fue w I t h y o u a n d S > ° forward To a press to fqllow the example of the Nazi press and advised er H hhr e r H *%£*} ST S S S * " l " Wih h l ™AT ATTACKS JEWS %£}: S e a s a T year S S u n d t a « I ' "ler." • • • Without he.lt.j ™AT ATTACKS JEWS . . .S Some BS It is a pity that the road to paradise is not paved with the correspondents to "use this opportunity to learn the truth The first year was a year of o r - ' tin %> t n « hanker replied, "Well, J e w s E r e l l k e t h a t > a c c o r d a n d act ivitv ganlzation. We had to enroll good intentions. There is no doubt that Frankfurter meant about Germany," offering to place at their disposal "trained „«.,*,„_ -rr-. ^ - . . . .... . . . ^ ^ r v r 8 ed d ASIA *• ^ ^^ ^ t h t members, who by the way. now —if you had the treasures above' AFGHANISTAN INVITED GERto right a-wrong, but he actually accomplished the opposite aides and guides." total over 300, to organize our ground, and the Fuehrer u n - | M A N JEWISH REFUGEE PROof what he desired. Instead of avenging the treatment accorded GEMS OF THE BIBLE the to plan programs, der, the loan might be arranged." | F E S S O R S • • • Thus making an The parade of the delegations past the reviewing stand committees, the Jews in Germany by the Nazi barbarians, he made their adds color to the Olympic spectacle. The Nazi spectators i and to start the wheels going, . . . Which reminds us of another i m p o r t a n t s t e P toward the culture AND TALMUD Now, in the second year of our . . . A New York Nazi leader re-1vrkich Hitler recognizes as too lot worse. The Hitler officials havft taken precautions to avert cheered lustily as the representatives of each nation passed existence, we have a definite proBy O. O. DASHEB cently addressing a Hauptmann jg o o d ior t h e ^eich. PERSIA any pogromizing against German Jewry, hinting quite strongly by. When the American athletes passed the reviewing stand, gram and are looking ahead to an , rally nifitied that "Hitler, n o t i WIPES OUT GHETTO however that payments will be demanded later. Obviously, the complete silence met them, ominous in contrast with the noisy active year. Through the various G o o d understanding giveth ' Hauptmann, was on trial at F i e m - ! L A W S AGAINST JEWS , . . The committees of the Women's DivJ grace, but the way of the faith, ington." . . . Well, maybe if w e ; N a j l demonstration of what ghetNazi regime is waiting until the winter Olympic Games are demonstration accorded the others. But again we skip over lsion, the women of Omaha will! less is harsh.. ' i| all get together and wish real]]to I a w s d o t o a country prompted finished at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, since anti-Semitic rioting ! ha r be brought into closer contact]- Poverty and shame shall be to - <*. it will be Hitler and not j t h i s at this time would mar the games and further'antagonize an this glaring example of true Nazi hospitality. with the Jewish Community Centhat refuseth instruction but ] Hauptmann who i,its in the hot As fortune would have it, the opening event of the win-ter and Welfare Federation and him Jewish Press advertisers merit he that regardeth reproof shall be • s e a t at Trenton some day in the already hostile foreign opinion, Madman Goebbels, in banyour patronage. its actirities. One of its projects honored. jjj n efa r t future ning •until further notice Jewish gatherings of any kind, point- ter season was the hockey game between Germany and the! and certainly one of the most imHe that walketh with wise men! • blank stated that this was only the first reprisal for the death United States. Rudi Ball, Jewish center, was on the German portant, is that of working oat a shall be wise, but the companion |MISH-MASH: The angel-hunt on MARK LEON WRITES of Gustloff. Further cause for alarm is to be gleaned from the team. His presence was a sore-spot to two groups - - - the program whereby the women's or. of fools shall be pungent for it. j Broadway not having been very Nazis and the Jews. The Nazis were angry because their leadganizations of Omaha may elimThe heart knoweth its own bitj successful, the backers of "The tnnir i - urn • announcement that -memorials for the slain Gustloff will be inate conflicts and duplication of terness and with its joy no stran-; Eternal Road" were at this writ- In fact, INSURANCE cf Every ers had-preached to them that the Jews were not worthy to] postponed until after the winter Olympics. The depth of GerType - . Strong Reliable effort in their program and event- ger can intermeddle. jing working overtime at an old Companies, ONLY man Jewry's apprehension can be gauged by the fact that be side by side with them in sports or any ather activity, and ually combine various phases of TALMUD I gag— trying to make a Jewish here was a Jewish player who was the star of their team. The; their work Into larger community Our Rabbis were taught, It | issue of it to save a purely com- City Finance & Insurance, Co. Jews do not leavo their homes except when absolutely essenhappened that Acher (the infidel mercial enterprise . . . Jewish lea- AT 7667 . 1408 FARNAM . WA 6150 tial and that both.the Central Union of Germans of the Jew-Jewish people were angry because Ball had played, knowing activities. The Women's Division during great scholar) was riding upon ders approached for funds are ish Faith and the Jeudische Rundschau joined in publicly con- well how his people were being treated and knowing well that the pa«t year can point with pride j his horse on the Sabbath a n d understood not to have been verv demning the assassination at Davos, Switzerland. Unable to he himself had been ostracized from German sports prior to to its accomplishments. It has I Rabbi Mair was walking behind receptive to the idea Perhaps gee anything except what they themselves desire to see, thehis recall. But Ball is Germany's outstanding hockey player helped replenish and maintain the him to leai-n the Torah from him; they remember a similar enterclothes department of the Wei. He said to him, "Mair, turn thee prise not so long ago . . . Carl fanatical" Nazi press cries about Gustloff's murder being the and his brilliant, scintillating play was the outstanding of fare Federation, it has assisted in backwards, for' I have already J. Austrian, well-known attorney, the game, he being given a personal ovation after the game work of an international Jewish plot, Streicher's Zeittrag sayD. C. drive in the promotion of the Home Camp, measured by means of my horse's j will direct the He's a member ol the Center Players Guild, and the hooves that up to this point is the!New York . ing that "an individual cannot be accused in this murder case. by the American,players. Jewish Forum; it has aided in legal limit of the Sabbath (that; the executive committee of the The whole Jewish iace must be brought before the court, for The ovation by the American players for an opponent, and the education of foreign born for a person can walk out the city)." ' American Jewish Committee Frankfurter acted for his race;" naturalization: it has helped build Rabbi Mair then said to him, one who was once ostracized from German sports, leads us to! thyself also." Where. the next striking feature of the Olympics. In the hockey game" the pctivities and enlarge the wo- "Return men's program of the Physical upon Acher replied: "Have I not Education Department. These are answered thee already what I | HERE'S The immediate cause of Gustloff's: death was, of course, between the United States and Italy, the Nazi sport fans a few of the Women's Divis. have heard from behind the cur-i SPECIAL mmsj the bullet emanating from the gun of the .26-year-old son of a demonstrating that sportsmanship for which, the Nazis are sobut tain?" ., "Return, O back-sliding; ion projects for 1935. ON BOTH, ' Jugoslavian rabbi. But, the important question to a groping famous - - - continually hissed the American* players while •In Ihe coming year, it will ex- children except Acher." Rabbi 'SPECIAL RATES cheering the Italians. The American players were used to Mair persuaded him to enter aworld is: what was the remote cause? "What were the factors tend these activities and organize ID&Q DISTANCE AND* of learning. He said to ft; causing Frankfurter to slay.the Nazi ringleader of the gang sportsmanship as displayed in America. Here we applaud an new ones. As Chairman of this place child, "Repeat for me the verse CALLS -ALL ®£Y CALLS B/EKf group, I feel that the Women's that lured back -into Germany so many German-Jewish opponent for stellar play despite the fact that we may beDivision during Ihe coming year which you have studied today." | SUNDAY TOO.' playing against him. But to hiss a visiting team without pro- can and will have a great part in He quoted to him (Is 48.22) : refugees? the program and development of "There Is no peace saith the Lord \ Sane people will pooh-pooh the bigotry that causes the vocation - - - that is truly the Nazi brand of sportsmanship. our unto the wicked." How did Rab. community program. Streichers.of the world to read a Jewish plot into the slaying. bi Mair study the Torab. f r o m 1 Acher, the infidel? . Rabbi Dimi Sane minds recognize that no people can be held responThe main Olympic Games are scheduled for this summer. Executive Director's said, "Rabbi Mair carefully sesible for the individual, isolated acts of revenge against a The athletes representing America at Garmisch-Partenkirchen lected the good and rejected the Report • representative of oppression; that the Jewish people have not know what was meant by Mahoney and others when they evil." Rabbi Illal said, "If one feels the power to restrain a short-sighted person who assumes to said that Nazidom has a distorted view of sportsmanship.' By Paul Goldblatt that his passion threatens to right a wrong single-handedly, particularly "when there has Under the leadership of Judge Mahoney the battle is still con- The reports of the accomplish- make itself master over him he in nowise been an incitement to violence on the part of the.tinuing to keep American athletes from going to Berlin this ments and. progress of the Jewish shall BO to a place where he is Center and Welfare not known and let him put on Jewish people. But sane minds will also seek to probe into ,a summer. The incidents attendant to the winter games should Community Federation during my eleven black and as he pleases, condition which would cause an otherwise perfectly normal fortify the proponents of fair play in their struggle. Funds months of incumbency are con- but heclothes shall not profane the name Special rates on. station-to-station calls now are in effect tained in the reports of the varimedical student to commit the assassination acting on his own have been extremely slow coming in, and the Olympic leaders not only efter 7 o'clock every night but also all da.y Suntous committees, which was out- of Heaven publicly." will and "for ideological reasons." ^ day. These rates apply on station-to-station calls £OJ? frankly admit that they are worried about how enough money lined to y o u by our President, •which the day rate is 40 cents or more. Unwittingly, the Nazi rulers - - Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, will be raised to finance the trips to Germany. With increased Mr. William L. Holzman, and which will be explained in detail Frick, Rosenberg, and all the other murderers who instituted pressure and the will to fight, opponents to American parti- in Also, there now are special rate* on person-to-persora the reports to be published by calls every eight after 7 o'clock and all day Sunday. These the German reign of terror -•- these,Nazi rulers are the ones cipation in German Olympics can yet win out. the Jewish. Press this week. raws spply, in general, on person-to-pesson calls for who effected the death of their fellow-hatemonger, Gustloff. The program of the , Jewish •which; the day rate is 5 5 cents ot more. Community Center and Welfare The one who incites violence must expect violence. Nor is the Federation encompasses the comTYPICAL THRIE-MS^UTI RATES above merely my view as a biased editor of an Anglo-Jewish plete range of Jewish communal £MioH-te-S5aiio£ Esis* Wwfc NlshttMl Y'ttk Niaht weekly in Omaha far from the scene of the slaying. The Bishop endeavor within this community Sunday D»? SwBdsy To the casual reader of the Jewish news, it would appear from 7 family and child care, reof Durham expresses the view that the "present rulers of Ger- that, too much space is lent to Eitlerized Germany and Nazi $ .ft $ M $ .38 $ .66 ICO creation, character-building and many" are those "ultimately responsible" for the assassination activities. The disproportionate share of news,copy dealing education to the financial responl,4«i 1.05 ,n _ of Wilhelm Gustloff, declaring that "I am convinced that his- with the Nazis is not pur fault, but the fault of the Nazis. sibility of providing Omaha's con- HEALTH XOTB: Last week's ,p§ i,jtp 1.88 1.40 tory, when passing verdict on the happenings in Germany Not content with the spraying of poison and false propaganda tribution towards national and In- column was missing because just 2,28 1.45 1.75 l.ec 4S9 Jewish causes. as -ye s'cribbler was all set to put 2.SI SGffi 1.1 S will hold the present rulers primarily.responsible for the vio-within their own borders, the Hitler cohorts have infected ternational We have passed through the it together a pesky streptococcas lence to which they have driven their victims." And the Acad- and t infested the other countries of the World with their hate- most difficult years is American bounded onto what is irreverently NORTHWISTCRN SELL TES,EPH©fc'I emic Freedom Committee, headed by the poet Lascelles Aber- mongery, and hence insidiously foist themselves into the news. history. We have been obliged to referred to as his schnozzle and materially cut our financial ex- raised hob witn it It would 1 crombie, writes to the London Times confirming that in their The Roumanian-' government ia fighting an official battle penditures f o r all purposes, in- have done ye scribbler'* enemies relief, at a. time when de- good — frora Choolius Stretcher," ~« view the Nazi regime is "ultimately responsible." ' with anti-Semitism in that country. Their enemies are notcluding for services such as ours who probably hatched the foul • . . When Hitler's Voelkischer Beobachter cries out that the merely political hay-makera in the confines of Boumania; they mands htve increased considerably. More plot to incapacitate your Mr. Pe- * Jews are employingassassination as a "political weapon, we include Germany and its Nazis. Minister of Education Cos- and more, however, the past few ters, down — to see the mesa dat cannot help but echo the^questions of the Basler National tacescu warns Boumania that the Government would not tol-months have demonstrated to. us olei dabbil jstrepotoccus made of that unless we give much his physiognomy Streptococci .Zeitung: Who was it that killed. Professor Theodor .Leasing erate the use of Nazi funds to arouse civil war in Boumania, alV more attention and fuller finan- are stupid devils . , . Seems they (exiled German-Jewish philosopher assassinated by a Nazi in unmasking to the country the fact that German funds are cial support to the program of don't know a ''good" Jews from Praha in 1933), or Walter Rathenau (Jewish Reich Minister being used to support Fascist and anti-Semitic groups in'Rou- our organisation, -we cannot hope a "bad" one . . ' . As a result, this inaintaia and carry on the life column is being born in bed, its of Foreign Affairs, slain in 1922), or Chancellor Dolfuss (killed mania. In castigating these bought-off extreme rightists who to of the Jewish community of our parent propped rap, with & portby Nazis in Vienna in 1934) ? Who is it thai today builds mein- are carrying on a terroristic campaign against their political city. > ' ' •' : able perched on the sun-drenched • orials to the murderers of Rathenau? Who was it that cold- opponents who are defending democracy and the personal lib- Some indication of our accep- (he hopes they'll be sun drencnof this responsibility is the ed) sands of Miami . . . On. sec. bloodedly shot down their own fellow-Nazis in the blood purge erties of Roumanians, Costacescu declared: "We must put antance Increase of our paying members ond thought, stretoceocci aren't of two years ago? end to German money's instigation of Roumanian citizens to the Jewish Community Center BO stupid after all . . . , This does not mean that we condone the slaying of Gust- fighting against each other. The extremists are endangering during 1935. We now SOT S40 POPULAR: Sfeion Marks, Sionmembers of all classes, lcffl by Frankfurter; We do not believe that violence except the country's peace and order. Their terror is directed against paying boys and ffirls, inefl and wdmea. 1st member of the British Delegaas used in self-defense units can' help solve the present com- everybody who does not share their imported doctrines of This number must, however, be tion, is far away the most popumaterially Increased in the next lar foreigner to hare visited these plex problem. But we must realize that the men like Frank- Fascism and exaggerated nationalism." His wrinkly t . _ year or so. We shoald hare reg- snores in years furter are driven to those acts by the medievalism of their In the countries neighboring Germany, the liberty-loving ularly between 1600 and 20Od smile, Quick crackling /wit landed , persecutors. It lj,not difficult' for us, thousands of miles away, citizens in defense of their freedom have to battle not only the paying msabers in order to .car- aim him right Into the fes&rts cf " to say: don't let your blood boil over. Fight with iegal weap- opponents of liberalism in their* own. nation but also the paid ry en our program effectiyely aafi all who hear er mftt hira;» . .'He in ofdfer in pr6vt€a Bs with the practically shanghaied icto ._?_ ons your numerically-overwhelming enemies who use illegal iaterferers of a foreign madhouse. In. order to carry oa cur gt&yias Isewond fels echedaled risit f_ -








• •

• •


Pestilent Neighbors

AlrflM MIIM••


* i





Officers insta TW^W





^ftn- «


N'~5 < T* I


The class stuEying • "Jerrish So"Old Jules" by 2a cial \Servics—:lts Scope a n d At a Itmeiiean held i-'ebruary vriil be re-iev-.-ec by I £Ltji3± -LitT-VI^, .Trend"—Tvliich is bains randucl- 4 at the 5. C. C . ihe.ne-svly-eled- A. 'fiS by Six. Paul Goldblait, -^illed officers of t h e Taatl Atsiiiirry February 11:. at ili£ Z. C jneet ^Monday, ^February XT, atvrere formally installed by Hs.bsi S T:. t n . TZLI5 DDOII. Vllici} 1:SO p. Ta. in the Board Ho am -ol H. A. Serg-er. F best ..ssllsrs, tell of tie J . C. C. the life of the GET:: The nevr officers are: lUrs. X.. the > This class is of particular in- |T\eveleff, Jilrs. 2 Uurste-in. Sirs. terest to all -women interested in . William ililder, senior member, social service-wnrk. It Trill include presiding officer, and .associate the -history of Jewish Pnilanthro- ; member cf the Praesidium, 2-esi pyiroin ancient times to the ~jre&- ;pcctive!y; Tslrs. Sidney "Hatleman. i ent. I t vtill 'give the .laymen a •'Pinancial anfl CorrespondiES -Sec~ ;. chance to look 'in at. the v,"indo~,'retary; ~ilrs. I. Fiedler, financial | to BSE lovr the paid Social v;ori- - s: .: r E t an-; Sirs. .1!. 33. Epstein, ' er .handles his .cases, Treat he does -treasurer. the .money v?e contribute. j Tlrs. A! Tii ' el ( 'crtainefi vriii TTiahing to join the 'piano solos ana Paul Goldblatt. j : class is asked t o call Sirs. 12. .1 •executive direct--- of the .levrish

-ar *

or v n f ^ " < i n ->• i



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i r T~ Tt

pioneers -in this pert, of the couirtry. e*" t i i u c i tr*t. J -

I t>

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- IT i u & f eni r us - jOi,


1it! " "



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Vt if- f Fi !H I u K p" r f i 1. , 1 1 r T T h" r i "'•''r '•'~r * *° ' i

1 h i *i i r r i V l i The jPrse 1.oan Bocier* h i -"Lrf ""hr v r a ; ~i -r JKECEPTKXX -ENG&GE3IEXT vili hold their irfteenth .jubile* Mr. and TQxs. Jake Hahn *mJlosen3SIr. and 3irs. Barry dinnsr Sundey rf-brusry 2". E T (i- v -r h } t 1 -"" Vi T I > leia announce the engagement nl -nnunce the 33ar lilitzvah :ol their i"" r ,* the U. G. C. E.t 5 c'clocS:. Th* 'their daughter, Prances, ID Xa. 2, , Uorman, Saturday, February cnmmittee' in chx-rjre is Erranftin'" i * ' T " - OT C EnlihiBr, son of Dr. Mind 3Irs. X5, at ±he B'nai Israel isynngogue. • f " : rr a spscial ;Trro™arr. lor thF eren*. D. C. Gnldner. j 3fr. and 3Hrs. j3ahn ~vrill rreceive "* ~ - r>i Per resErva:icEf cr in'lormatior In ionar nJ t h e young couple, i at their lonrc, 4GU2 Izard .St.. call Sirs. J. Reiner, At. r.EfT, o1 PT it»» , T -B&ucatianai Chairman Community Center, delivered an Urs. "2Iilier. At, T t i s . Sir. and 3fas. IBoserileia -rclll &e tat j Sunday, Pobruary 3.C, i m m .2 to ' r lit — fiassah, or 3irs. 3uluis Stein, , address on t h e ns~v problems JxcmiE Irom 2 until 5 o'clock Sim- [3> and. tram 7 to 10 o'clock j n j All TnembarB ana their friend' day, Pebruary O.G. ;No cards nave | honor HT their son. JNo invita- j 3IES. Arthur 3Jria TEsistratinn chairman. iv.'hich face .American Uevisti com— ol r invited to attend. are ccrc.it been -issued. 'tions "hare been issues. i —• imunities. vi sir ! ISIrs. Arthur :Brin, ".national presITvOM KITK" TO33E | The falicvdnt" committee chEir| ident of t h e Council of 3Irs. I d a Srsen of 3\ e TT Toi'k -men vrere appointed: "Way- anS '"Women, arrives :in Omaha, estin?; ol thCity £as come here to visit her Oleans, "Mrs. I s an The 13nr 3Iitzvah rtf Calvin tNogg ; day, jTebruary 2i, t o be the * ?•"**r ii. ""L * ' ' ^ t r T ' i '« »• and daughterin-lavr, iilr. and ^Membership, ..Sirs. Eymie 3Qr. 'and -Mrs. X -A. .Gllinsky an- son of jpr, .and airs. Nathan "JStogg 1 rnxcrs c Tsrael Aid society o People's 3. XDUIS Ureen, and her broth- Chairman, :?Jrs. xierbert :nounee t h e BngagemBnt of their jof Council 31u£ts, -will take place j eff t n e Jevrisb i i n" ' "*" v r r r . i r r i»t "\ ' i i B i ] i t tD 31r. iXioyal kthis Saturday annrning, ^February '. 'sr and Bister—in-lav.", 31r. and Sirs. ' and Sirs. "T7illiam JEilae: •Co-, v n : r Katskee, son nl 3Ir. and Sirs. A. 15, a t :nine o'clock at I-JOB 31argulES. Mrs. lirecn er.pects chairmen; Pridsy Ni^ht i P'— t ' 4 «-• ' ' n 1 T , 1" • | , T i l r " ir at i) - r u 4. 3Jo ^definite date hax | synagogue a t the .Je~risn Com-I '•±D remain iiere l o r sever; Calling ConimitteB, ALTE. J. Se-E- Charles St. The -election of officer? TriiicI stein and JUrs. SleyEr Katsraac: rmunity Center. ' 1 iif»* tr* " r i"'*sir7 » , in KM day lias been tplnnned lor j months. Preservation Calling Caznniittes. •was to "have been helc at the las? IND Invitations have been issiiEa. ! " n« r^nr-r T I J~ > J r 1 ' r 1. ' is imrs* 33rin. Sxin. _A "hoard meeting ^ a Sirs. A Greebsum ChairmET,, Sirs. meEtinr vrii: be held at this time ! scheduled lor XI o'clock, the so- : s TJae - • a - next ~s*~ -MOTiiiiilS CLT3 All members are urgec tc attend S. Lagmcn ESC ISIrs. "D. 3 . T2i>n UNGiGEOEXT -regular nieetins oZ the fc,r* " » 3 "" i ~ s i r L 3 *T n l t ^ TUP'S t * ! tire 'hoard eetins ..nl :the Omaha .IQrs. G. Pollny announces t h e ,; ™ .„ attend": a luncheon a t ' 5 . A. 31. Mothers dub --ill be held section V" 3ospitaliry, Sirs. Engagement ol ~3XBT daughter, S a l . VirsX Prances 3lubin -was "iionor- jx o>£i00fe ; a m j s reception during ' at the nome of Sirs. E. _r lciscman, 1. T" 1! « •» Ti n . n I rkle,- Chairman, i l r s . Sam J -BivmrtBr.iHQn . ^ . 3 I t . . ' s a a t a ^urpriBe .birthday T arty ! ^ ^temonn So. .50 Ave., Tuesday, >' 11 ( 1 1 «• T "*• t f Tie Hen's Club ol the V at the •y IS. A dessert-luncheon Trill 13p~tein and Sirs. Devic Crounse, hcvino taeir monthly fi .-ana.airs. 3L D. Giventer. The an- ' i v c n -jjy -j^rsi3ter/.maTion, -Wed- ! j c c 3 r i n -will speak a t ^ L.Z\ LIT~I made :at a ,ain- \^es&SJ Bvenins,February 5. Eisht i A .musical -number be served a t 1:50. All ths moth- Co-Chairmen; 'Community Co-op- meetins Pebruary i ^ eration, .Sirs. Charier Pellman; . i i interesting -program i I on -the program Trill :be presented ers are xeguested to be present. | ! tne 'briae-to-be. -Kb definite date J- - o ~ Sunday School, jilrs. O. S. Eeizer, in^r crranjr^cl ry Tvlr. j^z i' j by Al and ^Iargaret Pinkel. Jk. din- j neen ^et lor t h e iner a t the Pastnn i a t e l Trill .be-; aXKOTTKCB TCLEDGES - r r ii 7 r-

.Sirs. H. A. Berger; Cultural, Sirs. and Sirs. Samuel Sarmel, j given at 7 o'clock. In the eve-| Phi 3 s t a Epsilon, social irnter- A. Eats; Program, Urs. Al. Tin_, . , ', . . . . "otn So. 25th JCVB., JhavB been en-'nmg IVIrs. 33rm Trill gn-e t h e 'nity of Creighton University, ai>Also at this meeting, the nev e and "will formally install u-ounces the loliovrins men c? ^ a _«„„ Ilaif, daugbter of t t ^ ^ i Q T ^ 3 ^ - 0 ^ Svxt. char constitution v.-as passed. Tiie EiblT ciaEE of Tsmpk IsBvanings their me-svly • the 3unior jrroup D* tiiE Council-piedg-ss for 19SS: Albert '2lDniyMrs. Sarah Hetf, bscame tlie bride jday ? B " l T O B iin w Txen ^ n * r .^ e - i *>,» raal. tcsiiei by Xlabbi David H !m.oa£lea .apartment. Guests at-jtrhich is Ireaded by ^iliss Sophie . vitz, .Morris'Roitsiein, Hay SchnctWice, v."he T*cre to nave mst las scm jtenaing last BunBEy "vvere 3ir. and I P^osenstein. The dmner is open ' der, 3.erbsrt JForbes. .Sana Xlpstein, v-eak and -pastpaseiL their meet' Sunday alternoon ! ters of the senior Coin>Phil 'Slarkin and ^THorris Katsms 3. Gotsdiner, 3Ir. and Sirs. to ; -&. meeting DI the Ti"Diner's 3Iiz- i.115. Trill 'raest at the horns of 'KTE Unbli 13.. Grxj- i at are invited to att-end. j Albert "ilonovitz is president and ruciii T*iii be held a t the ^T. C. C.rruIiu-5 "IseTrniET.. r.ECf ? i r f St. X "VC. Hosanblatt, 3tfr. and Sirs. j.dl ficiated. dzinaky iianrris P^oitstein, secretary of the Wednesday afternoon, Pehruary Tuesday afterncnx,. Petrruary IS j William Serzoff, 3Ir. a n d "Mrs.',

ilravid Potash and 3ir. and JSIrs. i IS. A program -will be given end stuay.g-oup nl fhs Cnun- i pledges. the all members are urged to .attend^ Sam X>incoln. Williian .Hosenbaum o£ jetdsli ITamm .Trill jment j Scmcier vriU x aosiesses. A Z : A large grotip attended 13ie e'eiaci 'lor the lirst time Tuesday, Feb-:Iratcmlty -pleflgc master. bGHG£i. card $z.rir Inr !Iizra:±i EHECrKfiT iruary I S . at tlie lumiB of Sirs, i quarters nl tire fratcmitv a r t lilans l o r the -Leap Tear Dance j given at .the lome of Zirs. ~L. TJ>Trhich they arfi sponsorins "Wfifl- [ "The Pwtmoh club helfi a mcetinE !x.Gcm* Tollman. Mrs. Xiester Xap- the Hunter Inn. ssiiulatt TTEdnesdrT nftcmooii, -vrill be CD-iiastSES at tEe "1 __ _ _ a _t Peony and elECtinn of nfficers at / vnesQay. Tshruary 2G, : :home D l3 a T 0 rebrtiaxy a. 3Irs. IT. 13roal:?y TTH? full 1 SXTFEB-DiKCE o'clpck coffee. Park? n't their -meeting iheld Tiaas- \1 2 S 7 ^aco^ "^. ^ he 3e cliti> -.c innechairman, assisted i?y i e r cani# aay night. - - 'Tinj -follorrinB Trere"-BlBCtsa The aiuiual formal -Travers of tire Anult S t lB 'dultci jrna: • asf: fceer nrnnins term: .Gramnn | ucation aGpartment Of t h e Soard : gan.ee B* t h e Piii "Beta Upsilon ; mittee. Bance is betas given lor! 35!!. nitl conauct held-^ ,• -president; .Jerome members in gooa stanaing and l o r , ., . aSIar- j,DI 'EdTicalion ^ --~.T.Tt- h.e » fraternity vail be^^ nl tire inciemeE.t 5 | y 15, I D , in t h e ballroom those TVh'O TviHh tD join Jnnior I** - Tice-P^siaent; Stuart Gars,; course on "SXeBtms tne Public." ;T e nruary he fiefinitc- cste 'Trill "be asnntmr The ncest Ones SnaE Sadassah before the dtite of the 1 secretary; Hobert Posley, treasur- ;.This course is npen to all Trcnnexu | tae • Paston hotel, r £ "in s -Inter -issus B* the ' aance *• " JEr; and Esar ^Milder, corresponiJ- JT'or any iaromiation call 3Irs. I . |taole decorations Trill fee ra theBctb-El m s IX Solzman," cultureBtudy group ;inrra of Talentines. ' take place Saturday, pEbruary :-2, • Prances Uornfeia :is chairm-m .chairman. j Albert Himmerman is in charge : nt tne home of Krs. Julius Stein, assisted t y 3stty 3urstein, Sylvia j I ni arransBments. He i? assistec :: A Purim program Trill be •preEentO SPKaiv AT GRA1VD ISLAND Pnrilman and Hose Piubenstem. { 3labbi Pxsderick Cohn vriil aocfl. " i Jerusalem — Aras n-~rEps.T»ex£ A current svent irrosram, XB- I 2tabbi Pxsderick Cohn Trill ao- !jjf JOIS'OII OF 3XZBS %XA J3ASS j[ by 3IorriE Snom and .isa^nre ;in j dress the Teacher's Club of the Anyone intereffted in stated that Bry G. B. Bpicer, airs. Charles Guss entsrtained \tleman. "latins events taking _ -place _ _ nZT-vrm— i '^?'h •will be the -secret u' xaaliiTi-: Ptrrim E spetrtoT-G-en.=ni! "Of tire PatestimE : .JeTrry, TTHS TireBented as a |Puilic Schoois of 'Granil Island, i.five -tables ol irridse a t t h e jaaxo-j Tfae tr DP. xemembsrefifryall the Polirre, I" visftiu~r Ttl Aviv, E.Hit -Eire '-cultural in-ogram. WEbr., 3lDngirT evenins, rFebruary j nton 3 a t e i 'TVeanssttey, 3^ebmary j ol ionor. : : • i t , ran "Tie Biriit of ;a Ttforlii. .-3. 3trires wtjru TVT3H "by -UIE IBIes-I ol tile Samlit" is irrrireci TD at-~ " "', -lit--. STTT iirrs',. " ~~ " .TE. TTATtASSAS XEAI1DASCE

S. ISpstsin,


Pioneer TTomen Trill hoicl a .special meeting at the 3. C. C. Tuesocy, Tebruary IS, at H p. AH menibers are urged to attend. ArrangEments for the Tivc Dollar "Luncheon lor Sophie "Cdin. Trill DE neia in Harch, | ! be maae a t this time. i a n , campus daily. llton State! Satarflsy, Pebruary B. j 3Inrxfa Lipp, 3inrth Platte, Prizes Tv-ere Tvon by '.the Jlesflarmes -to .sports editor m the D. 31ahen, S. and B. [Daily ;.Bunaay, February 3, 3Irs. S. 3Iotiter chapter cJ A. !I. A. Bjgma Omicron Chapter u l Sis- W£in2TOS''fintEriainEaa.t.£he3am-i-in The .conjunction Trith the

^Entertained at "tome ICrs. TTrssent an ui ^un "Tscltal irs'iif .the ~S. A. M. Irat- lor lour "tables at Tiinrst m TV. Sush nest Sunday attera t T^^Tr^r'lTt a r e continuing day, tnoon, PEnxuaTy 1 5 , .at 4 31. in. 2 E ] tD l)e -active. by the 2Ifisdames TV. TVIII be assisiea by 3Irs. ~W.. -K.'i Arnold ievin, Hosalie, "tvasjiroiV. ^.osea. TCilson, sojrranD, and 3Irs. S n r - ! motsa tD t h e jiosition of manasW« Rosen T55IE 3mstfiS3 to "vpy Ulilliken, -accompsnist. jj ing eaitnr cl tlie Uaily JJebras- Iiv£ tables ol nridse at the 2 a m -

Smith, jnrnfesanr '• the •


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The Town


orum Trill Philosophy




? "ton Hotel Jor seven tables nf jT a r a h



ZJn&sz YourWintsT Cost


^Raleigh Tv-ODlfE Df,brIflgs_ iar5.JB. .Eairxjp jmfl31tB.-i.. e3say .. Bimtest . thor, and \editor of intprn^f'"Tin1 j :H. Biller Bharea ".hmiDrB frith 3iliss Journal of ethics, In a lecture nn ~vill be avrardetl at the ^ a s s . Prizes "vvtsi'e wun l?y t h ethe -vinner. Tiiis Trill he prest~it'lAlfloral Basis lor PronressivE College DI PSusiness jilesaamEB >D. ^anen, B. 3lDvak, iH. ihfi Garrcrp ana "TC. "Rosen. of the -school. The contest ir beMrs. SL 3Ucklin Tyas Itostess ins conducted lor ths ptrrpo-e of 1 lecture is open t h e jma, honorary I3ustaess Aammisj 3Innday, :10, lie 7F.-ithout charse. S t o -revive iite interest jtration Iraternity "nonor xoll lor HanilltDn to sis tahlEB ol nriage. end HeirrErcr eins .in t h e Trpper -ten -per cent PTIZES Tvere "WDn i y "the college .31. Saker, B. JJTovafe, B. -Kits, Plas, Omaha, Senior Hosen, ana Selickson. Arts Collese, anade IT WBJL .PAT TOU Tnesday, Penrnary 33., "Mrs. Tt. ail « i e flecorations to Ihe Inter- Tlaben Inmorea "man, 3>JBbr., Hica Tuesday, PebruBall. STax Jms the nis-.JSITS. GeorgB "Weisher-;, ary 4, a t -a local :hnspital alter :a : tinctinn hriae, ;at ths 'Hamilton. There | 'buying -sis tables of hxidSB. PrizEB • Me is survives by l i s ^ife^and \ ^ ^ ° E ; E V E r T T n a n c B a l O n t i e JJJESIDNBS Tion iry t h s 3Iesdames live.daughters: Mrs. ^DB 3totneT. (Nebraska Campus, last year :his 3aker ( .5. 3xovak and E. ol jUerrnnan, ^shr.;^in:ua Jlettie !p r e s e n tatlon vl the Prom Girls at. msros 3ta3anrttz xmfl iHrs. .TSmUnven ,nf Junior-Senior !Pxom Teas s s Leo Tatib . one Jif t h e largSIFT EyB Polsfey Ulra. ol est .ana Jinest i o r :any ever ., -has""l)BEii t h e The luneral Tras neia Tv'eanES- mitted. This Tear t h e decorations! Evelyn Bp'iesal l o r ths -past day, P'ebruary .'5. 3£abbl 3J. lor :ihe Xnterfraternity "Ball lield xnan nfficiatea. 3nrial I n jlast 'Saturday :BurpassEd any of She lias nasn ; Sinai cemetery. those EVET :proanceS.

Sake Tin? Taad .ZHbThr Auslliaxy plannins ra bake ^ale t o be "n ,y, Pebrnary -2S -.at 3xanBtore. , Special •dBlicacies Trill Oven Poacliecl 3Eiggs end Jlspara^oia incluainE name-mads XEips .Take A esss, .1 :cup thick "white jirraa, :;gelilte -fish, Etc. Snecial , 1 tablespoon chojiped nars-1 oraers' ^vlll ho taken. Call Era. •small can til asparagus tips D. B. "Epstein, .Chairman, .at _a.t. :Msyer 'KatzmEn, ana 1 tablcnpDon Gutter. -5aV2, or -at Ha. IS 60 5or ox- jf Place xotmoE nl toast :in 1 U T O -ana tliBn, ^nreaa T,*Itn 1-4 cup "wliite aerB "Enytime Eale. ; make B TIOIB in cEtLter nl the aatij DX ; jportioi;. unii -flrxjp ;in un ess. Place TDTSTS al asparasuB an either MCQED side J3f toast xings "dot Tvith ibuttsr .A ntrsv Tficnrd 5or XB3idEntial and -BprihklB T^jth ^mprlka. Place in Ihot nven amiil ;egg T(*liites axe •Elficlric inmsumption i n Omaha i|': delicately. Serve -hot. : vras s e t fluxins .^iEnuary, accord-

PaHow £bs XSnmcL to Cassis's 3 fnl StEppsr

One TttEfcr

•im Eimmc

iefcrics. :soft wUt •ux i

ing t o 3?7eiiraska PDVTET (Company

o'ffidials. T a j Smith, =*cMef ;enwith Paul ;StoS£ea'Carrots -and Jss Ehmn larse xarrriitB. .fitcak ^2T)! ginBer, attrihutea ..the incrsiaaBd use -±o • cloudy trktys, cold ~wsath.Br, ,aninuts3tfaEn:Hrain anfl SCDDP out and snoTT-blockcd strEets, -kEsnins the -.cantsrs -"wifh ssn spnle cnxer. ;.DmahanB inaoors. sera! tits Err! "Friend In a -ainasttonai rasw , With *4 SeautSlal Uirls Pill .dsfity. '"Kltli isiixfting anafle-i- - Smith ;saia t h e primary -"eaiiiHS cemady iSarsss fUrssi Zonas -ami Ssss xrom 1 cup ;dry abreaa -crumbs, i "from BrcaxSvifay 1 laflnormal ammber lif I • .large =Dnicn -.thonpea,' 4 : tanle-j .clDufiy ;"ditys neceBsitatinE :a srsat- \ I' arnoonB :mBltea ^hirttajr '.or Ja.t, X.r.~r- 'use ;.nl filectriclty for ;tab"lE3poonrpnult-y:seasonins. -3-^.Jligntins. I n B2 r"davs cnQiB •ttE-t^oim<fiBtt-'.Tma.feTr:--ralim^~!p-'|T-iaT-r..4, thexs -wure '30 ""cloTtay jisr ainti citoppea;parsley. -.; • i|-aayB*-*-.accnrdins-to .official "tr-a~When .-srrrots nave been ^BtUX- jthsr ibnxeau :rEcorus. Th.e -jiTBznge ^ d thizy Shnriia.TliB ssrmTB3. TPlfh'•jilnr ;the •perioa Is '-22 fclnnay -fiays, sjieitea ibuttsr;ana idllsaiin trracJr-j;li2SEa trn ..yearly', rrecorils 'Icent a r tcrtnnTT-. .3?ia-CBy In .:bvcn 2uia:j.fnrnnsniinl.th.e'-3ntire irMtory n2 |5 until-well'iiroTniea. '-. :tns loral -?r-athsr, 'iareaa. »»s«88BS«(SiM««S»«^

" tailored of tic spring-






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i INSTBUCTION FOB CHISELEBS—Instead of allowing more than 15,000 boys in New York City to gang up, with possible vicious results, several social centers are using Federal WPA funds to interest them in sculpture and kindred arts. Here are some of the youngsters at the Gramercy Boys' Club. Billy-Haslop and Bobby Jordan, wearing goggles, star in "Dead End," a play about slum life.

f^^sw WAIT! — Don't condemn Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes for apparently pushing in Mrs. Hughes* nose.-It's a f r e a k picture. The • cameraman snapped the Chief Justice as he emphasized a -point to Speaker Byrns at,Vice President Gamer's dinner, in . "Washington. Mrs. Hughes' action in closing her eyes to the flash, and the camera angle, gave this amazing result.


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SUPTOBTEE — Rev. Geraia L. K. Smith, national organizer for the late' Huey Long's ShareOur-Wealth movement, who has announced his support of Governor' E u g e n e Talmadge of Georgia, "Grass Roots" and antiNew Deal Democratic presidential candidate.

1,000 CUPS OF TEA—Maybe: you'd call them tea-totalers. Anyway, here are the seven members of the Government's Board'of Tea-Experts sampling tea to determine the standard for the 85,000,000 pounds of leaves that will be imported hi the year beginning May 1. They are shown in the Government Appraisers' stores in New-York where they taste 1,000 classes of tea. TASTING


ACCUSED—I>r. Tilton E. Tillman, San Francisco physician, against whom a police warrant was issued charging him with m&yhem. K followed the accusation that he was a party to the sterilization operation performed on Ann Cooper Hewitt, heiress.


AIE GIANT—Spectators at the aircraft and boat show in West Hollywood inspecting the new huge 24-passenger, 12-ton Douglas sleeper transport plane that' led the show. An airline executive announced the purchase of 20 of these 200-mlle-an-hour planes, nine of which will have berths for 16 passengers and 11 with seats for 24. The fleet will be all-metal.


LABT SENATOR AND FAMH.Y—A new picture of Mrs.,Huey P." Long, widow of the Louisiana Kingfish. recently appointed by Governor James A. Noe to fill her late husband's unexpired term in the United States Senate. With her are her children. Left to right: Palmer Reid, Mrs. Long, Russell Billiu and Rose Lolita, as they appeared at their home in New Orleans.

TO BE A'BBITON—Whitney Straight, socially prominent former, New York automobile racer, who has applied in London for -British naturalization. He is shown with his wife, the former Lady Daphne Finch-Hatton, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Winchilsea and Nottingham, as lie arrived for a visit in this country shortly after their London marriage July 17, last year.

PBESJDENT — Ford C. Prick, president of the National Baseball League, who presided at the winter legislative meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New Y^rk. He announced the 1936 schedule included four intersectitS'sl trips for each club, so t h | t by May 1 each team will have met all its • rivals. • Giants and Dodgers will open in New iYork on April 14.


L\J_ ^.iL ^kJdi*^* LADYBIRD DISCABDS CRUTCHES—Sufficiently recovered from her flying accident at Troy, N. Y., here is Ruth Nichols; famed aviatrix, who has finally discarded her crutches, together with about 25 pounds of weight. She was seriously burned and suffered a broken leg and other injuries when her plane crashed in flames, on Oct. 21, 1935, killing Captain Harry Hublitz.

KIDNAPERS?—Thomas Griffin, superintendent of Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney's estate at-Old Westbury, L. ,-L, scoufed the theory that two hold-up men who entered his'cottage there intended to' ikidilap 12-year-old Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, above, widely publicized niece-of Mrs. Whitney. A scream by Griffin's daughter frightc-aed then

STOBM'S TOLL—Here is one result of the freakish weather that brought sleet, snow, rain, gales, zero cold and thawing as an Arctic breath met a swirling storm center from Tesas over the Eastern States. This bus slid backward as it neared the top of an icy hill near Sharon, Pa_ and dropped to the bottom of a 30-foot embankment, injuring 11 persons, one of them seriously.


NATiONAL LEAGUE CHIEFS—Shown as they met in New York to ratify the 1838 schedule. Left to right, sested: Jadge Steve McKesver, Dodgers president; Sam Breadon, Cardinals, new league vice president; William E. Benswanger, Pirates. Rear: Larry MacPhail. Reds manager; Horace C. Stoneham, Giants president; Gerald P. Nugent* Phillies president, and Robert Qulnn, Bees chief.

TWIN PAGODAS—It might be & scene from an Oriental garden, but it's really a view of twin intake towers at Boulder Danvon-the Nevada side ol the Colorado River's Black Canyon, joined by concrete bridges. Through these-towers water will,be carried.torthe turbines of the new power house. ' CcpyriglsJ




thnr A. Cohn, Dr. *D. C. Platt, company in an excellent liquid cash value, the company has become due is" calculated at 54,- $257,482.75 has been established §300,075.00, which ie more than | child, Assistant Secretary anfi and Jack W. Marer. condition and enables them to, made 'loans and taken premium 705,044.55, and the reserve basis for the payment of other special ample to care for any possible ; Chiel Undenvriter; J. BercovScL promptly meet any cash obliga- notes for ?1,357,278.85. Both the is very strong. benefits. At the close of the rear contingency end puts the com- i Assistant Treasurer and Auditor': In the first game carded on last ions that arise. In prime first policy loans and premium notes Estimated taxes ' payable dur- there was reported to the Com-pany in a verr strong financial IW. M. Orr. Assistfi.nt Secretary; Monday night's schedule, the mortgage: loans the company has are «amply secured by legal re- ing 1936, together with the un- jpany $22,42S.0'O f o r claims oa position. 1M. I. Jlorris, Assistant Actuary: These serve. Uncollected and deferred paid bills, are covered by the j which completed proofs had not darnel Distributors had little dif- invested 51,401,650.48. Other officers of the- compsnr jsnd Dr. C. F. Simmons, Associate iiculty in trimming a tired A. Z. mortgage loans have all .been premium also secured by legal re- sum of 522,634.16, while unearn- I yet -been received. After making are: Walter Duda, Treasurer; j Medical Director. > At Vaad Friday night services, 4.. No. 1 five, 40-1 &, in the Class made, on a most conservative serve, amount to 1213,036.47, ed interest and premiums payable I all of- these liberal provisions to Lloyd Dort, Vice President and while other assets including ac- in advance amount to $54,398.94. care for any possible liabilities, Counsel; W. D.'Cale, Vice PresRabbi Harold. Berger will«speak \ basketball league. With Hub basis. -..'.The firms advertising in the - on the topic, "A King is Crown. ilonsky setting the pace - with 13 .-To its policyholders on the sole crued interest, total $191,844.46. For dividends parable to policy- the Company still had an tmas- ident and Actuary; Dr. E. E. SimJewish Press merit and deserve oints, the third place' Camels holders, t h e ' Company has set security of their policy contracts, The legal reserve maintained to mons, Medical Director; H. P. signed surplus of $1 ~o,t 4 6. SO ' e d . ' f ; ; : . • , : . • / • .• • V Norman Hahn, Trho will be Bar- >layed bang-up ball to win their but In no. case in excess of the mature policy contracts as they aside |67,16S.21. A reserve o£ jand capital stock fully paid in of Farber, Secretary; D. S. Fair- your patronage. Mltzyafaed- Saturday morning at ourth game of the regular sea- C05gr.j6gB.llqn. B'nai Israel, -will ion. Aukie Yaffe starred for the cb4nt t i e ;Mddush. at'Friday night oBers, scoring: 12 points out ol services::' Cantor- Sehwaczkin and be team's 15. In the seconfl con-. chqfrywill chant the regular ser- :est, the PBI MuK co-holders of vices.- y :.'• - ..• • ; -l •. ; : •'.. he league leadership and 1934-5 Batiirday 'morning,. Rabbi Ber- champions, trounced an XI Lambger will:,preach-in Yiddish at Con- da team 28-16. Every man on the Psi Mu team scored while Art greg&tlon'.B'nai. Israel* ; Sunday ;inprnink,. Tegular F a . rossman and Norman "Korney scored 12 points, 6 each, In the ther atfd'Soh services will be held at 9^ o'clock; at Congregation B'nai 'eature game, the Omaha Jobbing Israel. > " • ' . . " . ' . - . ' • ; . : :ive after playing three quarters f listless basketball,, finally came :o life long enough to stave a ^Temple Israel » T :omeback in order to defeat the Rabbi David H. Wice^B sermon righting Alpha Pi Tau's, 33-22. this -.-evening" Will be, "A Code for The fraternity boys ; came out Liyjnjj-as • a -Modern "Jew." Mrs. strong and with Herb Marks and JacJ^Coiien :vili light the Sabbath, Willie Smith leading the . offencables* SJ&S£ Friday evening Mrs. sive, the half ended in their favor by the score of 13-7. During Max ^olzinan lit the candles. Menibers o f . t h e Confirmation the play of the third period, the class will meet'with Rabbi Wice APT'B held a slim margin over Saturday morning a t 10 a. m. at the pre-seasbn champs and kept at Central High school and j it until Paul .Bogdanoff and Iz the; Temple. :'^V.''," • Mailing Male/ ' ' A'E was.one o' two students who top-' Novak found the basket. Willie t Regular'Saturday morning serJoe "Moonbeam"^Li'ebman, that ped the entire honor roll.- And ] vicfs will be held a t 11 o'clock in- Smith led the APT's with 10 j popular newcomer to Omaha, vriU the following students w h o all: points, while Iz Novak starred for stead 'of the usnal hour ot 10:30. j not be in. each, a hurry -when, he made outstand-ing grades: Celia I The Bible; class will meet Tues- the winners, scoring 11 points. i goes to mail a letter, in the fu- Bachman and Betty Tarnoff, five [ Schedule for Sunday, Feb. 16: day/'at'i" p. "m. at "the home of ture. •'-... • . . . £C7 So. 15th and; oise-half A's; .Hannah Batim,-1 i A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Omaha JobMrs.""Julius Newman,'< 3509 Pine For one evening.'Little Joe' ^as AIR COPITIONING Ruth Falk, Murial Track, Anurali | ; bing, 2:00. . Street.' . :'. '"• '••-.'.' ' ' , . given some letters to mail for his Gershater, Tetta Lerner, BettyCamel Dist. vs. Psi Mu, 3:00. date. Out of the car jumped Joe Rosen, Joel Abraharason, Morris; for every purpose Alpha Pi Tau vs. .Xi Lambda, in a hurry ..to drop his letters in Kirshen-baum, Buster Slosburg:, | Distributed by ... v ^ v ' ; i y t E i ' " ' " " - " ••'• 4:00. ivhat he thought was the corner and Xtevrer Zieg-ler, five A's; Ber- ; (KE. 1500) At services tonight Rabbi David mail-box, but what turned out to nice BordT," Ruth Finer, Sylvia : i A. r^GroMstein will speak on "Sol- With Benny Kutler paving the be a paper receptable. Is your Katzinan, Esther Osheroff, Rosa- ! omon 'Sefaechter and His Contri- way, the JacK Spratts nosed out face red, Joe? lyn Rosen, Pauline Rosenbaum, GREATLY REBUCEBt \ Air Conditioning Corp. bution to' Judaism in America." a determined Pants Store team by Shirley RoEesblum, and Adeline • A I/ITTIiE DIFFERENT At services Saturday : morning, the score of 18-14, on the first 104 No. 18th St. AT. 8454 Speckter, four and one-half A's. This Week's Puzzles • A LITTLE BETTER 1 Alvln, son'of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan game scheduled on last -Tuesday Gertrude Orach, who led the AVhat two young matrons * Noggr !will become, a Bar Mitzvah. night's junior league basketball girls freshman, class at the Uni(known for their continuous schedule. After a slow start, the "V -i Next Week verEity .of Crelgbton with an avchatter about their offspring) short passing Spratt five played Next Sabbath is called Sabbath were seen conversing recently, erage of .94 13J14; and Shirley Shekalim. It .commemorates the co-ordinated basketball to diseach trying to out-talk the oth- , Maltz, who plEced second • with. practice in days ol the Temple to rupt the Pants Store team's morer in the praise of her o w n 84: Sil". William M. Rosenbaum. ale. Norman Bordy scored 6 call on the first day of Adar for Ask Your child? . •; .wfio.wa-s: second in the sophomore In Appreciation of Your \ j pj r r * Ti^ r ^ Tri points for the losers, while Ben OIL the payment of a half shekel tax What charming young lady, ; Elass' in ths. Arts college.' Matris by every adult Israelite to service Kutler scored ihe same amount Grocer for 1jnaep P e f i c n i MoIlsing Act for the winners to share h i g h kaown for her sartorial perfec- Dansfcy lefl the Junior class. Distribof the Temple, Kabbi Goldstein Semi Lump Patronage • . ji point honors. The young A. Z. A. tion, actually spends less-than Kepe{fl O r e r & Term p , Fm will, speak on "The Discipline 0: POEBES TENDER CRUST utors ! her f ticnds who are not so well- Credit- Due Torah and a Satisfying Jewish No. 100 team could not keep up hmm to Tvrpntr BREAD of the pace they set in the first half dressed? , . " ' . . . ; • " . ' Life." • A great deal of credit should Per Ton and so lost to the league leading Also Sirfiiglit Loans at 4?£, IS I What group of fraternity Cities Look for the Orange go to -the members of the Wo-; ROSS PETERSON Shrapshooters, 20-1L Manuel Guaranteed or E M Per Cent .,;! pledges sprinkled sneering powmen's Division and the members and Blue Label Service HOTEL FQNTEMJLLE Himmelstein paced the leaders der amongst a gathering of as- of the Council of Jewish Y\"omen, to Satisfy Fine Flowers Moderateljwith 7 points, while Harry Fox Heatiag A Trial Will Convince You tute actives and alumni, there- for so gracefully volunteering . By BAY 8CHAFIRO PriceS scored 4 points for the A. Z. A.'s. by causing audible distress^—to their aid in acting as registrars . Oils Open Evenings and Holidsye themselves? Schedule for Sunday,-Feb. 18: 204 Keeline BWg, AT. S24© for -applicants for old age pen- AT. SSOO AT. 62SS At. 4114 In one of the cleanest and fin. Sharpshooters vs. Jack Spratts 2711 No. 24th St. WE. G400 AT. 4114 sions. • est :exhlbitions of basketball play- at. 7:00. Shouldn't'Be Lawful ing ever witnessed on the J. C. C. A.Z. A. No. 100 vs. Pants Store court, the Des Molnes A. Z. A. at 8:00. But Was Awfol i'OId Age Stcnes That team ,had a comparatively easy This actually happened to Al I Osigfet to Be Pensioned ' timi? o|-it>defeating the Omaha Fiedler, promising young attorTne women who helped the-apA. jJLl-A.''Noy!X team last Sunday, ney. plicants for old sge pensions fill 32-,li>± to' win: the JNebraska-Iowa Al was sitting in iiis office one Past-osi Mitchell Co. regional A. Z. A. tournament fo: day last week, when he received ! out. their blanks had many huFoundries Imorous bits of human interest to the fourth straight year. "With the I a telephone - call from Morton ETAKDilED SHOE .! relate.. Not a woman returned 27th snfl Martha HA. 552S odds "even-up" just before t h e Ehrenreich, proprietor of MorThe Service Life Insurance EEFAH5. I home from her day's toil without SPECIAL FOR A LIMITED game, the out^of-towners proceed- Company of. Omaha, of which ton's Garage. - ' • Sweet Bntter 'reciting .several little incidents Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft ed jto upset the dope and their John A. Farber is President, has TIME ONLY "Say, Al, T-3 like to have yon • Dated Milk occurred - during the course Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Castsha^p-shooting: forwards Degan to just completed Its thirteenth An- §6.50 Permanent Waves tell me how to go about collect- '! that ings. Wood anfi Metal Patterns of their work. • Sour Cream hit r7tfie basket consistently. Both nual Statement. | ing on a car "that was left here at ...;...„.. .§5.00 ! An example cf what took place stzeK Bronze « B « frtm I '. teams;refuse.d to open up In'the • In reviewing the progress of and many other products, ' for storage and repairs,'-' said J was gleaned, as I drove Mrs. Bob Standard Bushings. Sewer Msnholes, Cistern ask your grocer, or c a l l . . . firBfci&nsirter-'in order.to &izo»np the Company during 1935, Mr. $5.00 Permanent Waves Rings and Covers, Cleanout Doors, I Morton. . '. at ... .....$4.00 i Rosenthal • and Jane Appleman Weights a n d Veilew Brass ^acli'Zipfner* and -the 1first /period Farber pointed out that the ComI Al, seisins some business, -went i home after they had finished fill- •Sash Plumbers' Ferrules, carried Ir, end|cEf with -'the'- count'.7-4/In "Oes pany advanced its position in 716 Brandets Theatre Bldg. stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze anjj into a detailed outline of the pro! ing out the many questionnaires. Cast Iron Grilles a Soeciait;-. MoiiiesV < •"ia'yjKr. • • As- -the secondmany departments, but more parAT. 4333 cedure -followed,- listing many j They were full of pity for the oldHA. 2226 \* quarter started, little Archie Le ticularly in the amount of-insurcomplicated terms for his client, | folks but they couldn't help re\ vinejjroved.the oldsayirig,;"small ance in force and in amount of when he found out that Morton lating Eeveral humorous experibut- inighty"-vand'jproceeded t assets. The company now .has was ready to • bring action. After ences. ; "pop .them in", with deadly pre- ?24,194,000 of.Insurance In force five minutes of detailed discuscisloni "jhe Intpregnable man to distributed in the eight states In Their conversation went somesion,- Fiedler finally Queried: man defense"-the .visitors used was which it operates, having written thing like this: j "Who owns the car?" • up to- par and the losers were over 53,500,000 of new business, "I had one poor fellow who Come tu and try our Friday I "You do," boomed the voice on looked l i k e he. hadn't eaten a only .able-to score 1 point as the an increase over last year of 39 the other end cf the phone. And nite and Sunday specials half "ended 15-5-.; Archie Levine per cent, and has Increased assets squaTe meal-in years. I asked him was -Al's face red. SCHMEDrS We feature was ; high-point man of the game, 6 per cent over 1934, on which what .his occupation was, and he Cleaned and Chopped Herring — Chopped Liver Bfockerj Only ^^coringv 11 points, . and Herb the net interest income yielded a replied\'confidentiy, 'I'm a specuChicken Kreploch. Soup Hot Sliced Corned Beef firalarks, who: scored 30 points in return in excess of 4 per cent. Ten'Years A g o . . . . ' " ' lator,' ". said Miss Appleman. Apple Strudel While for. a Pleasant Surprise \ h e first two .games, was held ti "That's good," said Mrs. Bob Repaired David Sher made the University Cheese BDntzes You .Wait Well in excess-of one half mil- HAVE-rOU TRIED .4 points, which was high for thi and many other* delicacies. Rosenthal, the former Marian of Nebraska debating team. FREE—Pick-up snc' - - losers. In the first round game lion dollars was again distributMiss Ida Azorin entertained at ! Goldner, "but when I asked one In Downtown District SCHMIDT'S LATELY? played last Friday morning, Oma- ed to policyhoiders a n d benefiher, home for members of the T. ! colored old gentleman if he had Phone KA. 4550 r *rb ha A. Z. A. No. 100 lost to Lin- ciaries in the form of dividends^ jany children, he replied, "none Nc Chsr^? for DELICATESSEN & LUNCH E. D. club. CAUL surrender values, a n d death coln by the score of 18-10, CounBonded. Drircirs—Fnlly Insure*! Thirty-four honor pupils of the 'that I know of." 2417 Farnam JA,'4ST4 L.rrR*1^" Owned -— luocsliv Operate? cil -Bluffs defeated Rock Island claims. In spite of the large disOpen Daily and Sundays Talmud Torah were pictured in Now it was" Jane's turn. "You THOft' AS 4, CASEY, ' Pre»ld«rrt 32.1-2, Omaha, A. Z. A. No. 1 nos-bursement. Income again exceed- 422 So. 13th St. Till Mldnite AT. 5903 the Jewish Press with their prin- know wknen I came to the part &ti*8Xa»£ iafine«ti^jV C *> 3-»j' jr^lS^l*- T"rry ed out a strong' Sioux City team, ed the amount disbursed, indica-cipal, E. Bloch. They were: Elthat BEks the applicant if he has 2t-ZX,'' and Des1 .Moines drew a ting a wide margin of safety and mer Rimmeraan, Abe Rosen, Sam ever been in jail, one old fellow b y e . : i l n ' t h e (xuarter-tlnals, Des a high degree of liquidity.' Maizel, Bernard Ossoff, Nathan was very indignant, and said, 'I MoineS">ran-rbugh,sho.t over. LinThe Company enjoyed a very Block, Harry "U'einberg, Israel want you to know that I'm a gencoln^tQ..tne;tune•ipf--37-12, and A. favorable mortality experience Bercovici, Leo Chodak, Max Feiitleman.' I. put down 'no.'" Z. & « ' N p . . i trounced Council which was but 48.2 per cent of man, Ralph Maizel, Julius Horn, "That's nothing," said. Marian, ; Bluf|S/v 40il5. --Council Bluffs, the - expected. This resulted in Let GouU Attend Your etein, Robert Smith, Isadore Horn- "I asked En .old fellow that same Stop for Your pla5jfhg~5for'thevfirst.time in nvi considerable savings and reflectstein, Shirley Maltz, Ethel .Adler, (juestion, and he said, "Sure, but Drag Needs Gca! yearsjiitan-A- Z- A. tournament,: ed careful Home Office underEvelyn Green,". Ethel Kilbefg, always on the ether side. I used dra^s'i.down'the honors for being writing and selection of risks. CAXZ, US FOE • .Visit us in our new loca- Anna Berman, Anaa Gitnick,.Jtose to be a policeman.' " the (classiest dressed team i n th The Company closed the-year tion, where you will find a Steinberg, Tillie Landman, Edna CLEAN 'LDfEJCS "I had cme old woman with two Actompbile accidents s?e tourney,. Bright orange Suits with with an increase, in surplus and AT THE Steinberg, Tillie Silvernian, Mam- j pieces -of'-pretty- good., property," complete stock of Drug and 27th and Tinton AX. 21S7 purpte'iinitlals . and. numerals set now has very nearly a half milcostly'.. . Be Prepared . . . . ie Brody, . Sarah German, • Milton isaid Jane.. .••.•"/. ,• . Sundry items. off ilthese boys .from, all others, lion dollars in capital' and surHave year sctosnobiie isHollander, Lester Cohn, Irrin To which. Marian.: replied, "I and'it -;was due. to the generosity plus for the protection of 'the Taffe, Daniel Miller, Lloyd -.Hol- heard;Paul- Halpins. call one- eld with. Franks! ; of ihe B'nai B'rith of Council policyholders over and above the uet UB k»ep your srs.mientE clean, lander, Melvin • Siegal, .Raymond fellow-who . boasted a $20.0 bank fresh U.B& -crisp, and jrive th#m , Bluffs: that: these .boys were abl amount required ; for other obli• £ 5 Douglas Blocfc 60th & Dodge S t s . WA. C6C2 Shapiro, Isadore Mittlenan a n d balanc.ey.:a capitalist." •• •• • . : longer life. not - 'only. to have • these playing gations. JACKSOK 1525 PARKING SPACE 316 So. 15th Jalius Lazerson. (And you. should "I'll, never forget the dignified Call WE, SSS4 but -; also to be able to have an 1 i • Notable in t h e operations of Prompt Delivery see" the, picture.) - . . ' , - •'•• lookins' fellow who eat so majes"Fcr innirsnce S(=p Trpnm A. Z. A. chapter. V , 1935, Mr. Farber continued, was .. Jacob^. Adler,.world-renowned tically as: he leaned on a- - nice the marked, decline in lapses and Yiddish "astor, died in New' t o r k looking cane,", said Miss Applethe restoration of much Inactive •-. • . - i. City.. The'entire city-paid. horn. msn. Lee; Grossman, Thyslcal direc- business. Agency development reage to him, . . . . . "And"?!! always remember the tor, 'announces that the annual quired the company's entrance old fellow in tattered coat & n £ J. C.i'C^i-op'en-basketball, tourna- for the first time into the states shoes, but who wore a-neat pair : : " 8TKEET : meat i-.#Bl; get, under way March of South Dakota and Michigan, We Are Serving a We Hoaor ' ••- •' • of striped mourning trousers, cb8 amji'.wiil'last through the.iOth. and .;. the •. resultant increase in SHADE SHOP • Special American Dinner '', Sir. Sol Rosenberg, who "was re- jviotisly a gift from a friend, • or .-.-• The. eligibility rules are.so thai agency-representation. cently elected to his forty-third I long a treasured heirloom," said ii--'SUNDAY' • «• WasbaWe. Shades' only .b'oBa'Tlide. amateurs ara eli- During 1935,.the Company ac224 Insnrasice .Bldg. consecutive t e r a as secretary of I ycrung Mrs. Rosenthal., AT. SSll MJS, CSS1 gible ;to,play; Not more than nin quired new Home Office Quarters Tlsej; V-'ever Crack or Break the Omaha'Hebrew Clcb and Mr. j And "that ended, a s interesting • Wiring of all Tdnfis. A/playefs" may be entered for any at ISth and Farnam streets in 75c AND 85c. PEB PLATE John Feldman, who Is serring-his J coEyersatioa, • for Tre -had-arrived -Everv Laundry Service % one team; .The entry fee Is thre the form of the Wead building 'For ' Bedrooms a «'d iBatli• Motor Installations. 4 Courses Complete twenty-eig-hth censecutire' term*as !atp the girls' deBtiaatioa. - ;v ' dollars' and. lifty cents per team which "has been completely reWET 1TASH TO FSX5SHE3> treasurer. '.'. -• • Lighting Fixtures. From 1 1 A, M. to 8 P. M. VTe elsf ct«an wtifl r«TST»e and must,, accompany application. modeled, including air conditionMr. Karry Trustin, wlio TS-ES yon? oid shades .. Entries will Close on .Monday, ing and represents the finest Estimates Gladly Furnishes surprised with a "presentation..of. a I STRIKE ONE!- - ; ' ' • j •us keep your v,'ea?ing « Shades' ee Low as 29o M March 2,.andmust be-filed with home office plant of its size in 10-yec.r Scout service medal at j We'nndeTEtaad'that that cute, i ','-. .. Smmscuigfs jl Year Own Kollers • Can Lee Grossman by 8:00. Teams the middle west. 816 So. 16th St. Troop E2 cagrle court of honor blond,' Letwiii Miss wss Quite a | •take time to 60 St right • by \\ WAjMTCtT 'S500 will "beLclassifled by the'Tournn, AT. 6479 Total admitted assets as of De, UPSTAIRS Monday eveniEg. hit st the recent A. Z. A. Cot. • 4202-4-6 Hamilton ment Committee Into Classes cember 31, 1935, were 55,605,Sol TTezclisan, vrho received sis. jvention? Is that right, Dickie? ; a n d B;- according to record ol 078.44. comprised " of excellent teams- during the past Beoson. bonds consisting mainly of GovOnly 8 teams will be accepted In ernment and Municipal obliga^ Xlass A. Beautiful swards will tions, in the sum of $1,676,089.Me given to the winners. On thi 78, while stocks were carrie'd at J. C. C. Tournament Committee 532,330.00. Cash in office a n d are the following: Irving C. Levin bank amounted' to $114,641.92. Rueben Brown, Earl Siegel, AT- These foregoing items put the

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PAGE EIGHT. Upnal; Dental Honorary fraternity. No definite date has been set. for the wedding. . •, •

ministr&tive machinery that would j Dr. Klee declared that the Asdislocate the- normal course of I sociation-finances cectral German economic artivity.- It recapitulates- Jewishi iftsfltutldns artd helps ' to (Continued from page, i ) • • • • its reps-esentfiiions to'the GOTerrf'settle German Jews in South Miss Frances .Jacobson .depart- closed minds ; and siir the obdu.meet, wherein' it. stfPBgly opposed America. ed this week 'tor T.ltos Angeles, racy of -their, callou'sed' hearts. ~ Earlier, in t.hp day,1 th«? dele.-the-.measure,..pointing cut thet MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent California, where - she ' will', visit ' They /should!. go '-.especially/ to they-were invited by President the .acquisition of land Is the ..es.; gates ct the Mizrachi. orthodox SPEAKING ' with'her uncle' and aunt Mr.-and those many dreary; and melanchband Mrs; Roosevelt to furnish the | s e n c e ol .SionJEt.- e-ndearor . and i Zionist organization, who.\-had 31111113 ' The ' anti-Roosevelt ' Democrats Mrs.. M.' J, Gordon. . . ' ' * ' jly'. and .^disconsolate "circles', in in the South are doing their best entertainment at the White House I stressing", the ' grave effects that bolted the. coril^rem.e.' resumed which: Jews have their .clubs -— the measure will-have-.on all of; their''seat? alter announcing that. to revive-the". Ku K'lux Klar. spirit flinner to Vice-president Garner * Mr. ; Barney ' Baron.•:.. returned only because .others are,' clo'sed to Minsky's burlesque • is knock- •Jewry in:this present tragic junc-;tbey had settleA th'elr'. dispute ^ .••. "'Almost all ofthe^speakers Monday' after a.visit'in St.' Louis, them, and associate, only' .with : ture when'" Palestine constitutes ' wifch. the Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will Missouri and Hot Springs, Arkan- Jews —— merely in terror of & ]&. a t t h e Ma'c'cin," meetin's of antl- ing 'em dead in Misnsi . . . the only-ERiration. for large sec-j ' The orthodox ' delegates -walked speak this evening at Shaare Zlbn sas. While in St. Louis, Mr. Bar. tent anti-Semitism in non-Jews, "New ' Dealers "hammered' away' at •JIB. COHEX-CHANGES HIS tions of Jews. • . .. . I out when the praesidium ruled NAME the idea that "Southern ChristSynagogue on "Mendele." The on' attended>the .Federation , of beggars a t alien thresholds and The Jewish Agency denies that' out .of orrier one of their leaders New Yorkers were startled the ians'' mu&t battle the Roosevelt ne The annual Talmud Torah Ban- sermon Will be a continuation of Jewish' Social Service convention. and' "bring up their children- to. be administration present measure is required i who was rriticizinK I>r. Bhimenirony- of "other day to fee before the Astor * would so like to intermarry and this 18 that tfie gameThe f o r the quet, sponsored by the Board of one begun two weeks ago. Cancrowd that's' theatre a huge eign announcing i protection ol the Arabjfeld.on a religious Question,. Mrs. Sani Lipman has returned do n o t a u i t e dare or finally dare now using sT religious' argument U new Warner Brothers nntiUeaS 0 ^ n e « o J Bmall . properities, as- i Agents -of th<= Gestfipo. secv cvet Directors ol the Hebrew School tor A. Pllskin and the synagogue now HBlrig aTTreliglous' argument, _. . choir will chant the ritual. and either come-to grief or else, home after spending three months to' teke and the Hebrew Mothers Associi j l h " h A b f j li t i d t tfe! Arab farmers', State police... continued speeches. At the service tomorrow morn- with .her Eon-in-lavv'and daughter lri+ the best > cases, are pursued all against-FDR emplyed. the same!"Mr. Smith Takes a Walk." . . .jseninr that "the. ation, is scheduled tor next Sunenormously from | Bt.eBoprp.phi The haTe ? weapon against Al Smith .In 1928.1 amazement was occasioned i benefited enormously from |iTtie stenographic notes-which of til is the ing, Bernard Haligman,: Son of their lives.' by a sullen' sense .of t h e s a l e Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Karl, in New their land to the Jews, conference,' •day evening, February 16; in the by the knowledge that Warners i 8in which their entire . outlopk arid now Ai is, tied up with that cad just completed a picture call- ! f o r l f r i s only in .this way that they jtwent.y-fUth in.the. history of Ger-; 3. C. C. A program, will follow •Mr. and Mrs. Max Haligman, will York City. Albert Ottinger, exforbids them to acknowledge.; to bunch. the dinner. The banquet will be- celebrate his Bar Mitzyah. Takes a "Walk " i* 1 ^ 6 been able to acquire the cap-; man Zionism, is the. first" national attorney general of New York, : e d " M r Junior Congregation services themeslves — 'the slny. namely, of > ,• .i .t a l. n e c essary l. a. its . possespion . _. . • • b be MiES Ruth Singer, a student a t b a s e d o n t K e girt at 6:30 o'clock and reservaie fine Mary Roberts no :iZionist parley to m a y ' m a k e a political' comeback I tion are being taken by Mrs. will be resumed tomorrow morn, Central High school, was one • of j having diminished < Israel. These it; Alt Landon wins the Republl. I Stnehart novel vel of a seas' i or t w o , e T i d e n c e Proving that-the teliahin i Reic.htuehrer Hitler': RfOPPfMOTl t o Louis Shindler, 1314 Jennings ing at 10:30 o'clock. Harold Grue- seven elected to the Inner Circle, groups hare a fo»m which, they can presidential nomination ago . . . Investigation revealed have beea deteriorated iv. any' power. street and Mrs. .Charles Raskin, skin will act as reader of the law. Miss Betty Osnowits was elected think •(quite wrongly,.- of course) Ottinger is '• heading the Landon that it-was Mr.. Cohen, and n o t i ' w a y B S :he result of lanfl sales. • j is merely imposed' on them from 716 Twenty-third Street. Max Candy will be distributed by Mr. secretary of the group. campaign*in New YorR / . ' ; Ap-jMr. Smith, who WES planning »•> "The present restriction." the; 1 wtihout. And this form hav no Falk is in charge ot the reserva- and Mrs. Harry Feinberg of Can•polntment of'Mrs: Huey Long to ^ l k across the Aster screen . . . - statement?;. s t a t e m e . reads,, "js prohibitory py; istota, South Dakota, in honor of content. This form .is empty. tions, and has announced that Mr. and Mrs. Max Haligman, fill out her late husband's un- And Messrs.' Warner, interrogat- '• a i d not-regulative, and not con. they will be accepted as late as the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs.will entertain Sunday at,a.friend- And so, of course, it.too wrinkles expired term in t h e : Senate re- ed on the point, explained that • sected with any development Berlin — The -municipality of Haligman have presented a moneSaturday evening. measure designed WlieT7.ro.urp has announced 'that ly dinner, honoring their son Ber- and withers and decays. AM out minded Washington that Con- the'change of name . w a s ' a t t r i b u t - i s c h e I n e •- On the program will be an op- tary gift to the Junior Congrega- nard', who- will -celebate his Bar of the,terrible cowardice bred by gresswoman Florence Kahn, who 'able not, to court order but to an ; to sssist the Jewish settlement of it will not rhsHfre the nattic? ot emancipation these succeeded her, husband, -is the;a.bsent-minaed nign painter -who!the land. N o r - w s it preceded hte sections of the city .khowti ft? e r e t t a "Chassidic Interlude" tion in honor of Bernard's Bar Mitzvah tomorrow a t Shaare Zion. the ; falsa the; g p . ! Juclennol find Juflenple/ti. groups of -Jews, living and dying only widow who made a gis which has been arranged by Mr. Mitzvah. o of it presumably as tto th the availabHb WHS thinking over t h e t^^ any n ''inquiry i ilbH If the weather permits, the as Jews with Jews,' live as unThe ennouncempht explains Sam Krupnick a-nd will be pref the th Liberty Libt L ity of of land for Jewish, Jewish settlement." settlement" Eleven".little girls.will help celplatfora of League ' 5 n 'Politics . . . that new names will be given sented by children of the Hebrew Bible Group will meet with Rabbi ebrate Gloria NovitskyV eleventh Jewishly as possible and so deep j while he worked street? named after Jewish-pprSchool choir. Mr. Krupnick has H. R. Rabinowitz Monday after- birthday on Valentine. Day, F e b . within they live.empty llres and BOX VOYAGE When the delegation of British | WE'RE TELMXG TOC Eonalit.ies, but not streets or sec-•written the continuity of the work noon in the social hall of the syna- ruary, .14, at her home, • 3135 'on. account of their emptiness it Jews here • •" . , - -, ews arrived a e ee last month the jj Cleveland may soon lose is precisely these people who stic- J tions the names of which are inwhich includes traditional Hebrew gogue,' J o n e s - St.- ' •••.'•'• " ' The testimonial dinner tor Mr. curnb- t o ; all .kinds of. silly and party consisted of four [ . . When i prominent cStisen, a birdie tells j dicative ot former, Jewish reMand Yiddish songs. Taking part He's -Ezra Shapiro, head ; false propaganda and' are the will- they left it consisted of three i denre there. in the operetta will be the follow- John Lansberg, president of the ing victims * of every •- shallow no- Simon Marks, • the department [of Cleveland's: law.d«pirtment ing:-Mr. Krupnick, Jerry Shaffer, congregation, which was schedultlon and untestable. doctrine it 1 store magnate, extended his stay i'lt Is because ol the death of his MONSKV, GROD1NSKY, MARER George Harlow, Joseph Shaffer, ed for last month but postponed, only it .is n o t a Jewish notion and ] in'order lo take.a re^t in another ! tather-in-law,: the- philanthropist COHEN, Attyg. Isadore Rich, Isadore Shindler, Will be held on February 26. Rab. 737 Omaha N a f l Bk. Bldg. . . . n a m e ' , . . . Sir Herbert Samuel | Solomon Lamport, thht Shapiro! a„, „„„.„ Jewish doctrine. They „_ go in Morris Lass, Paul Matlin. Mar- bi David Goldstein will be the for so-called free thinking ahdtfor made considerable political p r e p a y decide to become, a New vin Matlln, Harry Nadler, Adeline guest speaker. PROBATE NOTICE faith healing "and for any "Ism" gress while in this country .• '• . J Yorker ' ". ". ". Lamport's widow" " " ** ' B-erlin -(JT-A'i — Demands that 1j m e iii m i a V.UUUH j • ', ~~ ~ '• *"~ . " *™ Stern, Rachel Ginsberg, Sadie Kstate of Fanthp Tit^ttpr of that is not their own and for all Qn his last visit to t'te United i younger daughter feol that now a share--of the million left by the; Schvld, Sonny Gordon, Irene Lethe ultra fads and all the latest States'.'he was received by t h e l f i r a and his wife, the former Syl-;lste Baron.de-Hirsch to the Jew-: ni^ vltsky, Lorraine Raskin, Betty Xoilce Js Hereby Given: That th* Colonization ; Association he creditors of the said deceased Lamport, should-scttle in New , ('-President- of the United States. will HADASSAH , UNKN SHOWER errors in which are-commonly'so Bain, Toby Nadler and Annie Kan. : U l oMice . • ,'>This time he con- i-Tork.so what ; remains oJ: the * " oUed or ^ o n « . . *0Tk were i mppt the n.ilmtnistrntoir of said esThe regular B'nai B'rith meet- NEXT WEDKEDAY AT CHIEF- old that they have been forgotten. Ihis, of sky. Piano accompaniments tatp. before me, County Jvirtpe of Or they ally themselves with anyiferred with FDR-in the laUer's Uamilymay be reunited . . . Hank :™>l«ed at the all-German Zionist i Douplas ; •will be played by Mrs. S. Krup- ing will be held next Wednesday TAIN HOTEL County, KebrssKa. a t the movement,. whatever Its merits, (private chamber's . . . Tne real! Greenbejrg and Millicent Hirsch.!conference • • evening In the J . C. C. with Mr. ' C o u n t y Court Room, in said Count.'. nick. The Council Bluffs Senior Ha__ Meanwhile, it becsme known 'on the "1st day ot Mnrch, IMS, a n d ' fcare g t a r t e d | Jews, j story back of Marks' attack on . . . . i g o U g t a T j A sketch "Here and There" will Lester Davidson, president, p r e . dassah will hold, its-annual Linen j that .does not yet exclude on the 21st day of May. IMS, at 9. '••"•' '.'•' Tie presented under the-direction siding. Shower and:. Bridge Party -next Aid so'tbeir" V i o l e l i T e a ' i r e ' f u r - I the executive of the Jewish Ager,-! tongues! wagging became they, that the A^oclation is ready to 1•o'clock A. St. <>!sch flay, for the .pur- \ l i v e ' a n d l noble and passed in cy at the Palestine conference is \ «ave been going places togetne,westj. ,000 000 in the 40 000. por.e o? presenting their rlaims for E of Miss Lillian Romirowsky, inWednesday afternoon, February Leo Chertok, t h e > c r e Huleh plain In the northern i e x P , n m R t i o n , adjustment «nfl ailowa kind of .limbo' into which there' as follows . . . Some smart-aleck ;' structor at the Hebrew School. 19, at 2:30 a t the Hotel Chieftain. sect on ; ; promoter who claims to b a v e j * °* -Palestine .acquired by an'ce. Three months are allowfd for Auxiliary Dance Taking part -will be David Kunts, All pieces of linens received will never, blows a living wind and '(declared t h a t ' M a r k s was only j contract for exploiting a • big'--the Jewish. Agency in December the crerrftorR to present,' their Thelma Shindler, David -Levin, be sent to: the Palestinian 'Hospi- over which never shines a throb-' Weitmann's fair-haired boy. fhus from the l i s t flay of Feb-via-.-y. 1036. ;f'1934. giving the Impression that Marks i slice of Kthiopia. is a cousin 6; The annual Cabaret Dance spon. Ruth Kntcher, Max Rich, Bernard 13K.XCE CK.AMFOiit). tals.; ,Mrs. Max .Simon is -chair- bing star.' * But Shertok, head of the polit-j i ( « criticism .of. the Associ- l-31-36-3t . Count}- Judge. "Welner, Jack Mosow, Teddy Sitt- sored by the Ladies Auxiliary. of man, assisted by the Mesdames We need propagandists. We need had no mind of his own . . ..To|M°sne 5cal department of the Jewish ',ation ~"~ was " voiced' 'by " Dr. <5eorge !RV1N C. LEVIN, Attorney missionaries for the dark corners prove that he had he jumped on j ikin, Eunice Rivin, Esther Rivin, Shaare Zion Synagogue, which Saks, Ike Krasne. Harry Kub; Speak- \ Landauer ol tbe Jewish -Agency,! 301 Electric Bldg. Harry Weinsteln, Ida Shindler, was postponed last Saturday eve- by, Joe Passer, and Charles Saltz-iot Judaism. We need a.Congre. the Executive . -...We understand \ Agency tor fajestme ning because'of the blizzard, will reminds us that; ^dressing the delegates. H « ; man.. Mrs. Herman Marowitz is ! gatlon de propaganda fide." **-••>*. « ~ •>»— : >ES of Etnioclp. iem that-theananymons non-Jew men-j and Bertram Lipshutz. v was sup-ported lsy Dr. Sieg- NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Richard J. R.. GottheU SALE Mr. Jack London, president of be held Tuesday evening, Febru- program chairman. The; aftertioned.bv Sir Herbert Samuel as Prof. Moses tinfi Dr. 'Kurt Blumenary 18, in the Rainbow room"of the Board of Directors otJthe'He. noon will -he' spent. in playing (Copyright lS>36_.by. Seven Arts having donated a sizable donation i Columbia CnlversUy is now s i r president -end ex-president Notice is TiPBeby* given that on to the German relief fund is prom-i ing the first course in Amharic, , brew School will act as Toastmas- the West Hotel. . Feature SjTid icate.), bridge. Prizes will be awarded G e r m a n E i o n - \ Monrtp.y. Febrnary 24. l?3fi, at lO-.m) Jack Reams and his orchestra inently indentified-artth the Rocthe official tongue of Ethopia . . . .respectively ter. a. .m. s.t the Peoples Service Garage, at each table, and a door prize A Jewish member of the N. V. As- ' ! i s t Federation, both *f -whom de- 2701 North 54th Street, Omahi. , v ekefeller interests Mrs. Ben Shindler and Mrs. will furnish music. wilt be given also. . This affair :a. t h e ijniJerS:Rne<l will pell at sembly has ihtroduced a bill iniclared that • the.-Association does Mrs/ S.-H. Shulkln and Mrs. is open to the public and all mem. Sam "Weiner are in^ charge of the higrhest bidder bidder H1TLERIAXA the lejrMature askinc President : noi- spend its funds-for the right j public auction to the higrhe.«t Ruben Miller are In charge. Mrs. M. E. Friedman bers and their friends are urged It a certain New York d e p a r t - " 6 lesisiiiure a. King rresiaeni; ' " if o r C R R h One lssn stuflebaker Coupe. menu to intervene behaH i purpo in^jharge of the dining room arto plan their tables of bridge now Motor No. TP9, 6.cylinder, covered \iy ment store wants to know why iRoosevelt Dr. Blumenfeld offered of the Catholics of Mexico mortpnge in favor of th« rangements. and attend this affair. Refreshits millinery business is Bnkinp Company, picnert by lution demanding; tbat the Associments will be seryed. . Rumors that the electric rate reduction made recently .by .the Debate on Proposed Dr. Theodore N. •. - Lewis will ; The.Bar Mitivah of Alvin Nogg, Nebraska Power Co. had been off-; speak this evening at Mount Sinai son of Mr..and Mrs. Nathan Nogg, set by an increase in. voltage j Aid to Jewry o£ on the subject "Why Bewill take place Saturday morning, have been definitely disproved by EeicK to Feature Temple j-^^jy t 0 ; Chester County is about to get an February 15, a t nine. o'clock. at an analytical report made by the Dr. S. Parkes Jews? 1 ' foreclosing paid mortRape for cost ! AEglo-Je^ish weekly . . . R e p o r t s ' t : h p Preparations for. sending the of ' sMe The Sunday School Honor Roll j the Beth-El Synagogue at the Jew- United States Bureau ot Standards Nazi minister Prick's, analysis s n d nil ncoruinK costs otid for Brif!s?h ! by Sir Dolly Stark, baseball's only > delegation A debate on the proposed plan as announced in the Temple Bul-'lsh Community,Center in Omaha, the. pijvpOFt? of wp-tiff>"inp; the amount the Jewish status in Germany we , at Washington. Samnel to the United [ now due thereon. to-v.'it, ,?56.00; that for assisting German Jewryi which letin includes the following chll- j All relatives and friends are cor1 Jewish umpire, was given a yenr's Herbert The rumors had been current remind you that States. t.D Obtain SVlpport for Ger- j no KViit or other prorepijinss at lf are of the, three English Jews have pre- dren: Carol Mae Cohen, Harriet 'd,ially invited to attend. No in. Frlck ™uld be answered through ; , absence when ne ma.n.Mr.mifT.iw j have been oommotired to rei-over tor some jtime as it'happened.that sented to America, will be the fea- Holland, Barbara Robinson, Stan- vltations ! debt or nny Twrt thereof. the same medium that published < {or m o r e money are A-lot ot hooey • - • • - • -have been- issued. the rate cut came a t ; a time when ! I. FORBES, dolnjr bv esr nnture of the program a t the open, ton Cohen, Sammy Heegar, Bobby He was really locked out. and the electric current was boasted'his article, the North American: I rier the firm name Forbes •WA.XFROW.K1N, Atty. meeting. of the Ladies Auxiliary Pill, Lois Novltsky, Robert Lan es EOW a job . . . i Bskinsr Compnny. looKtng More than two hundred persons from 115 to 120 .voltage. I t has; Newspaper Alliance . . . The'State I Insurance Bldg. of Shaare Zion Synagogue, next zere, Seymour Robinson, Marion ! been brought out - _ : 7that . . . .temporary ... . ,| Department now has . a compre- (Copyripht 19S6 by Seven Arts I Monday evening, February 17, in Fishgall, Betty Marx, Wallace attended the banquet held at the PROBATE NOTICE REED, RAMACIOTTI «. ROBINSON Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue \ increases in electric bills are t h e ! heaslve first hand picture of Jewthe social hall of the synagogue. Rosenthal, and Ruth Weiner: Feature Syndicate.) • enrt E. U. MARKS. Att<5i-ncys, Tn 1h" Matter of the lUstra? of KfSttnday evening, February 9, in (result of the extreme cold weath-jish conditions in Germany . . . Dr. J . M. Lande and Mr. Frank F l m Nations! Bank Etdg. ben^a Shapiro. Pecesse<1. The following children appear celebration of the fifth annlver-'er er keeping the family indoors and (The ( study was made by TJnderNotice Is- Hereby Given:' T h a t the Margolin will- be the speakers on on the honor roll of .the Temple '• NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION creditors of the said decensert will sary since : the dedication' o t the also because of the cloudy days. Ii Secretary ol State Phillips, who the subject. "'.. mpot the administrator of sntn e s - i 5n the County Court, of Pouglfis Hebrew class: Joan Agranotf, new synagogue. The.program was More, lighting is-being used tor |just returned from & flylnr fisit tate, before' rne. f^nunt^" .Tudsre of County, Isphrnska. Df. Lande is an active Zionist, Billy Heegar, Barbara Robinson, Douplas County. Xehraska, a t the. In the Matter of th" Instate o" to the Third Reich . . . D o n ' t be has spent some time in Palestine Harold Rosenthal, Stanton Cohen, opened with" an'address ot wel- reading and studying; the radio! surprised Ommty Court Kooni. in said Covmty, it that much publicized j come-by Mr. O. Hochman, who is being used more, etc. and has attended the World Zion- Doris Gru'eskin, Herbert Holland, ! on the 6th day of April. 19"fi. Biifl on ; All persons Interested in salfl eptnle The World-Herald, seeking . a n report of Maxim Litvinoffs allegthe <!fh day of .Time. 193fi. s t r< o'rtook ; are hereby notified that R -pptititm ist Congress In former years. Mr. Stanton Kallri, Jack Krueger, acted as master of ceremonies. edly unfriendly criticism of King A. M.. each day, for the purpose of : h a s hffn filff! in fftit'i Court pHfsink; Margolin is a former president of Samuel Heegar, Bob Pill, Bernard Cantor E.'Sellz of Omaha sang a accurate answer to the inquiries Edward VIII turns out to be a presenting their rlwirnF for exp.rmna- th?!t • PftUl <lecefi!?ed mee] le?sviu^ v\<-? It has received, asked Lynam J. group of Yiddish folk songs, action. fidjustrnent and nllowance. Three B'nal B'rith lodge. The meeting Weiner and Marilyn Miller. : lnpt -<vU! BTIO . prayinE for nrtminVsof Kail propaganda months are. allowed for the rreflitoris tratlon TiPors his ePtRtp. ruifi tbnt a. companied s't the piano by his Briggs, director of the Bureau ot sly y wlil be open to the public and the to present their claims, from the 6th ; hon.rinp v,i!! be hail on ssW r-»tHion Th German embassy -in. London daughter; Miss Shirley Sell*. Rab- Standards at Washington, to con- The. men of Shaare Zion Congregation ?P*U1 roMrt on the ?4th <?RV of moving heaven and earth to j Hints a t English. FailBTC t o d R -' o f • Mareh ERt'cE CRAWFOKP. ;' before Hadassah Meeting Postponed bi Jacob Conn gave the commem. sider the effect in ','an average is February, 3!)Sfi. and «ip.t if thfty fail have beendnvited to attend. H. V. win England over ISeet Obligatiess Under ^ |!.ppppy pt p-pAr-. Cowvt on U\e p:ud oration. Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken Omaha home,'.' . . . Miss . Jean Shindler will preBecause of the extremely cold Kaltenborn, radio commentator ' ~'liM flay of Februfti-y. i',KM>. Rt ,5 Mandate Dr. Briggs' letter follows: Bent a violin solo, accompanied at weather, the meeting of the Jun- were presented with a goblet and In reply to/your letter of' Jan- j and lecturer, thinks that Goebbels the piano by Miss Esther Rivin. ior and Senior Hadassah chapters,* tray, with the inscription of- the j £n-itii RdmsrtiRtrRUon <>? ^Ricl epinr* Mrs. A. H. Baron will preside'jdur- scheduled • for Tuesday, February Chevra B'nai Yisroel in celebra- uary 3 1 , -we regret that we can- i is the' worlds most dangerous 1 _ j e r u s a i e m (WNS-Palcor Agency) I PROBATE NOTICE i to -Alb»rt Hnrklns. or *«ine other <=iiiition of their thirty-second wed- not give a definite answer to your i man . . . We can't help wonder, j — D e c i a r l l l g that it would be pro-1 ing the program and Mrs. J . H. 11, has been postponed. • t W t person and. proceed to R s«'UI>" hypothetical question. There a r e ! ins bow Sir Alfred Beit. South, t o u n d l y disappointed If Manda-1 C { £ e n . , e o P B , r o <* A mefit thereof. Mosow "will preside at th© busiMembers of the chapters will be ding anniversary. The' presentatwo tactors that have opposite efj Africa's Jewish dlamon a king, en| Government persisted in its; Notice !s Hereby an-cn: Thst the i P.KVCE CK.WVFOriP, tion speech was given by Sam tcry ness meeting which will precede notified ot the date tor this joint ed t a e Will ; tects and it is not possible to make U°y Miami house party a t ; i to carry out the recent• ^editors of the said Sacks', vice-president-of the Chei R t e n t 0 T 1 it. • ' • • . . . • , • • • ' • • • meeting. land " the j r a»**».«•.... t c s t r i ? t i r e~^"" . . . . _ , . _ • statement _A _ i _ _ _ Li as *_ •w'hirn he h e shared Rhar^H the th** guest-of-honi r u e s t - o f_.- h o? n - ;.,l»j, ,__ ^n n b•M C e d *-..*_»_;„*! i^^.j , „ « „1'.!«IT-. i5meet aarmnistrairi vra B'nal Ylsroel synagogue. Mr. a ' -detinlte to *i.-'«s the fi- which — meanenMK tn©t C o u n t y Jutssrt? ot and Prin-i aisregarded s : Pougias County. Nebraska, at the or position with Prince ana rr«n- g ;ui rr ee gs & and disrecarded i tits B d t thus hus Shyken is president. Miss Esther nal result. ~" " *' " - • ' • • ' actively to promote County Court Room. . In said County.ation Steinberg gave a violin solo, ac" ( 1 ) If, as your, question in- cess von Bismarck, Naziland's i o b l l g•=•--.— - . - . . . « . o n . n p fifj^ [j a y „£ \ p r n . ir>"f;, snfi o n i 115-1 good-will ambassadors to companied at the^ piano by her dicates, there are twenty 1 1 5 1 Jewish land settlement, the J e w . \ the. 6th clay of .lone, lsiifk. et s o'clock Sioux City was given the priviBelieve it j ' f h d r e d Changing their plans because ot Ish Agency for Palestine here fiei p,'. e s En \ in p C sister, Miss Florence Steinberg, . volt lamps now in U use there willjca's four-hundred lege of being hosts to the A. Z. A. i n t h r a m o ^ n t ollor not. Helene Mayer, the Jewish fiorfrrt I t s ftp*t*»rTmiY*fltirtr, t o c o n *i/i.i n^4,,ot FEACTICAL MOEEL' The Banquet was prepared by summer tournament to be held the blizzard Saurday, Miss Alice Pill and Ed Kantor, who had plan, members ot the Sisterhood of the early next summer by District 6 COUNCUL BLUFFS, 1A. of the lodge. This announcement ned to motor to Omaha Sunday Talmud Torah Society. was made a t the A'. Z. A. con- for their vreddlng ceremony, were Hymle Diamond, senior at-the lamps will take the same amount t h e vention held last week-end in Om- married instead' in the- home ot energy to operate them o n e ! German Olympic team . . . . . . Its ir.dictJae t s.t the new re- • aha, In which the Sioux City Mr. and Mrs. Ltrols Agranoft, Abraham Lincoln High School, 2002 Summit Avenue, Sunday af- was appointed editor- of the "Ech- month as did the 115-vblt lamps. B C S based on the charge stric.tions Chapter participated. 115bl l A ? 'E^ Sylvia. Sidney's ' movie bosses that they are contrary to the Man. The Sioux City A. Z.'A. choir, ternoon at 4 o'clock. The bride oes," weekly newspaper of the Incandescent lamps in the house. t h e M a c O o n a l d letter'of | " ( 2 ) I n the casa ot the elec- have a queer sense of humor . . .\ d a t e ^ directed by Mrs. Sam Krupnick is the grandaughter of Mrs. BenHigh School,'for the spring semesH e r next Mob Rule J 1931 to Dr. Chaim "Weismann with. Jack Merlin as cantor, ap- I}lll,.and Mr. Kantor Is the son ter. H e ' i s the son of Rev. andtric iron and electric toaster, each t T e s n e r Picture, , will take an increased current be-i g the role ot a. which iBid down the'principle that, Mrs. A. Diamond. peared a t the services last Fri- of Mrs. William Kantor. briae 1 : Rabbis H» "R. Rabinowitz and cause the voltage has been r a i s e d . ! , J ^ ^ s ,,*-.'.J u s t an. the facilitatins pt .Jewish . land day during the convention a t the settlement Is a positive obligation Beth-Si synagogue and won the T. N. Lewis officiated jointly a t /The'Agudas Achlin Society will On the other hknd, because each i nounced that she will.divorce of the British Govern'inerjt. The praiss of the visiting Alephs as the Bervice, with Cantor A. Plis- hold1 a regular -meeting' next device takes a slightly •.Increased husband, publisher Bennett • that)) JJ ee vvi is f e y Executive part leu•well as the large congregation. kln. The .'ceremony'-took''"'place Thursday evening, r February 'ZO:, current,-each device will also heat . ; . . Hol'ywood ith j l&Tly They have been invited to sing at 4 o'clock in the presence of at 8:30 o'clock a t the Eagles up' sooner- and .Will therefore re- Sylvia .is .about,to make "up with concera at the When mem- 'coincidence ot thsis restriction -on at the synagogues in Des Moines 40 relatives and! friends of; the Hall. All members are urged to quire a slightly shorter' time to B. P. Schulberg ; ; couple. A buffet supper followed attend. and Lincoln. • ' " ' •\ ' ' heat, up and to; give a final re- bers .of-•'Rabbi- -Moses '3. Abele's' land .sales with the proposed eslearned tablishment . of t h e Legislative Sam Sadoff, Sioux City's entry the ceremony. The tables were sult. Here is where the two ef- Brooklyn, ^coiigregation jonquils in the oratorical contest tied for appointed with yellow CotincU aad'-thf restrlctire immiThe Council Bluffs Chapter N<ri fects tend-to each second place, and the local debate and tea roses, carrying out the 7 of" the A. 2 . A. took an active er. • The devices get-hot sooner i c e l l a - ^ a s Paying gration trieaBiireg". Tfee. cumulaStream.'' tive' total of these Various roes,. team, of Rudolph Shindler and lr- bridal colors of yellow and green. part-in'the regional A. Z. A. Con-because they" use more energy per opus, p , vin Lunin lost to the Omaha team Miss Libbie Olensky played the clave held'last- week-end at the unit time, but the time itself will against,, her father's,, wishes, ..the sures 'constitutes reriosis Interferby a 2 to 1 decision of the judges. Lohengrin Wedding March. The Jewish Community Center in Om- be.decreased. Just ht.w much the congregation'bought out a. -whole ence with the progress of : the'Jew• George Burfis ish National Home." The basket ball team was defeat- bride who was unattended, wore aha. The local debate team'con- energy consumed;per unit in each pertormance p 'ed by the Omaha team with a an esemble ot blue trimmed with sisting' of Ben Kutlor and ; Samdevice will.bs increased and how and his-da,tfy..6pputef' Oracle Al- ; The -statement of t h e Jewish - score of 27 to 21. bluo fox and gardenias, aa her Kirshomaky, v>*on its way into the much the time will be. decreased l^n, achieved1 the. aesrest thing Agency. lEIxecutlve acknowledges Two members of the Sioux City bouquet. Mr. Kantor and h i s :S£ml-finals when they were de- it is- impoKslble. to say. to a cdmrnaiia: perfc^mance "when the series o* exemptions a«fi'res-' 1 chapter were elected to ottico a t bride will'reside in the Stellart ffiafed by Orfaha Chapter No. i ; • " ( 3 ) , T i e electric, washer will ervationg accompanyin's the the election for the Iowa-Nebras- Apartments, following a wedding which team1' event'daUy • won first take more energy a t an increased iron and tbe toaster. load. „ I t is sale TeEtrietlo'BS •*— list essence ka association. Sam Sadoft was trip to Chicago. 4SO place. The local .basket ball teara voltage and the motor will run possible that there may l e a sUs •which/ is 'that' BO Arab' laid elected Aleph Mazkir xand Jack ROOWS was defeated In ' the Gemi-Elnals s, little faster. This Increase in i increase-..- in monthly bills nn^er may sell land after • he fcm only i' Merlin, Aleph Kohen Godel. \K,.-, V ;1 XJC- T ;•-- r ^ . n - | .U«. The engagement ot Miss Sylvia by Omaha ' also. • Members of the i speed • may decrease, the aracun't) the, conditions in your hypo- cnttlcient lett fr»r & minitnutn snb- i At a meeting held in tho Jew- Holland to Dr. Frank E. Epstein basket ball, teara xrito -Norrr.sn of time that the washiag -machine \ thetic&l question. The amount of el£tence ares, thus.'making pro. ish Community Center this week, has been anno .meed by her father, Rosenthal,' Hy'ml&.'Biarnond," Her- must be operated. Again it is! the Increase,'it any, depends «|> hibUion- inapplicable to certain' , g the Sioux City chapter elected Mr. M.'G. Holland ot Milwaukee, 1 s.isi the-ratio.of the. lamp, load, Deri Rosenthal, "Abe Raben, Ro|a question, of the" opposite etlects g $,ni enriblSin; nwM\n% the the Rudy Shindter delegate to the A. Wisconsin. beft Endelraan, aiid Floyd Vudelof increased consumption and a Z. .A. District convention to be does not change, to the.motor.«nd |H|s?h 'Commissioner to av.Jhor'iW Miss Holland is a graduate of a. ' ' ; slight.-decrease in.tiine. held in Duluth this. summer. Al- tho Milwaukee State Teacher's beating;loads .together., which ..do|sales .In An-imttortaat mectlns tlip locals " ( 4 ) We have no means of 1 change but..Vltb.'an"\i».deterin.lacertain coEss, ternates will be Herman Rubin College and attended Marquetta of tha A. 2. A. •will be hclllksoiTJiis what percentage ot the] able-time;factor. But it. maintains that ih«. e r-ssnd Sam Sadotf. The chapter is University. Dr. Epstein is a gtad-liSunday aKeraoon, February IS, at totnl kilowatt honr| i>aiil ?cr per <-r*'The.'...•washing isvacliine, the conducting an aggressive 'drive uate of Creightoa University Col. do Bet. .altor tbe tunftatv«o O'CSQC:; at the month are the lamp Joad and whs.1 ti?asUr.ahd"tfee-«atSnmtoastfer-anY''"" will stv*jrnVntally,. negative tor the Supremo Advisory Council lege ot Dentistry ana is a ct ?4th STRCa ** * • ft »\*i "(•«*! ^fl4^feV * S • 1 * * ft I J' part ot t t e total kilowatt t o u r s ' I n general better service at ICCiihe Harry Lapidns Memorial Fund. ' of the Omicron kappa Epsilon NaOf > S t NOISE furthprmoro that rjl:a' oar advertisers. are the -washteg snachlae, the s volts than tbey did at 115 volt




Shaare Zion


B'nai B'rith

1 < i

a C & ti


Explanation Made of Electrical Voltage

Mount Sinai


rr'r \r£ Si


it %4't I s "BK.3

.__ Society News

The.little things lhat'do somi\ t> mob or©fedatterreoeespecbW evident at Hate! President; .Close

TO BE mer.Ne British. Lady D of Wini


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