February 21, 1936

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THE WORLD'S (Thi&.colttma'ls copyright by the i a t e a Arta feature Syndicate. Re©ro ductlon in yhoU or In part strictly, forbidden. Any, infringe,©eat..on. this copyright will be $?oaecutod.) ' ;

Entered u Second Clsea Mail Matter on January SI, 1921, at Postoffie- of Omaha. Nebraska, under th* Act of March S. 1!*»


VOL. XI—No. 5S

1IDAY, FEBRUARY 21,, 1936



•'Anecdote" :"•'.


Food Packages to Russia for esach

His name was Konrad Strack. ©2 course It wasn't, although this Mrs. Arthur Brin, of Minnea- arranged ia honor of Mrs. Brla. aaoedote Is true In every detail. oli3, national president. of the She will be the guest of the Om• ©ut'hlr.name'was as meticulousFood packages can now be sent ouncil of Jewish Women and na- aha section of the Council of Jewu 8 8 i a r Passover tbrougb ly German as that. He himself, Vengeance for Slaying of onaliy noted for her outstand- ish Women. She will; be met by Sum of 1455,000 to Be Invested though-bis ancestors had demonGustloff to Be Postponed ng efforts tor peace, will be hon- a group of women and will be a This Year in Palestine Birably lived In Germany since ArrangemeEts can be.made s.t jr while la Omaha next Monday, breakfast guest at the home of Till After. Olympics . .By Jewish Agency toe early sixteenth century, was. the Jewish Community Center. 'ebruary; 24". Mrs. Jules Newman. A Council t&9 swarthy, almost Arab type, —: Six different kinds of packages Recently Mrs. Brin was select- board meeting 13 scheduled for Berlin (WNS) -r- Expulsion of dark with delicate Ag. jj are available, ranging in price Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor bands'-and small feet. Hi3 soul,, all the Jews from Germany and d as one of the ten outstanding 11 o'clock. ency)—The sum of ?455,000 is to | from 15.50 to $22.50. however, was .the- soul of a Ger- the confiscation ot their property, romen in the country by Carrie A luncheon will be held at one be invested during the present Fanny Goldstein, vell-kncwr man. -At least, he thought It was. p re-enactment of the events. in Jhapman Catt. In addition- to o'clock and a reception during the | year on cojonization projects by librarian and student of JeviwV ,. His profession was music. Music Spain ia 1492, will be the Nazi er ;many, other activities, -she is afternoon will be held at the Jew- the Jewish Agency, says a report 'literature, will epefik here inIn the high German sense. He regime's revenge for: the assassin- >rominent in Hadassah work and ish Community Center. Mrs. Brin published by its Department of Wednesday evening, February ''•&. was 'both conductor and compos- ation of Wilhelm Gustloff, Swiss erved as state chairman for the will speak at the luncheon, and Agriculture .Settlement. Of this s-t 8:15 p. m. at the Jewish Coif.. er and, although only thirty-two Nazi leader, by David Frankfur- :onference on the cause and cure musical numbers will be present- sum, $215,000 is to go for labor munlly Center. ISIiss Goldstein i> . ed by Al and Margaret Finkel. and ha unbaptised Jew, was as-ter, Jewish "medical. student from f war. colonization, ?50,000 for middle. rppearing under the ruispiorf riJugoslavia. Although a high govShe and her husband are at A, dinner will be given at the class settlement, 122,500 for borsist&at-conrluctor at the municipal •(he Jewish J,pcH;rr find Conon--. jtHeater (StadtfTheater) of a large ernment offical denied a report in present on their way t o ' Califor- Paxton at 7 p. ;m. In the evening ing new wells and water companf evies, Kffr topic will bt? "I K w • industrial city In western : Ger- the London Daily Herald :that the nia. Mr. Brin will be honored Mrs. Brin will give the charge and ies, $5,000 for new • agriculture What I Please"—Jewish lAlc"? expulsion decree w a s already Monday by several members of will formally install the Jnnior Jure. many,,.-, '•".•'• investigation, $50,000 for adrnin. framed and would be invoked at he B'nai B'rith. group of the Council which is istrative and technical expendi- Keport Shows Growth of Au. He was, however, no fool. His Miss Goldstein is libi-prian "-"' A full day's program has been headed by Miss Sophie Rosenstein. ture including agricultural intonosaoiis Jewish Region , family-had never permitted their a propitious occasslon, Hitler's ihe West End Branch Libras.';. i>~: warning to world Jewry In a euJewish instincts tb atrophy wholin Soviet j JJoslon. Her record in the tk-1.'-. struction, $12,500 as a loan fund logy at Gustloff's bier that the ly, though this matter.was never Nazis 'understand the challenge" of library work and her 1'f-seav. 1. to expansion of existing rural touched upon1 in speech. Hence all and "accept it" Is believed to forepnd si'tidies in Jewish liicrtUuvf centers and $100,000 as a reserve Moscow (JTA) In his speech Fre outstanding. Site ovkjs;-!^ during the year 1932 Konrad grew shadow relentless retaliation. The for later decision. to the recent meeting o£ the Cen- i .he National Jewish Book \YPOI>. warier and,: tenser. In eyes, ges- Nazi spokesman said that "no Labor colonization will be in- tral Executive Committee o£ the , : BV.C_ wp-i responsible for tbr POIT"tures,.^, half-unuttered syllables he such decree has been drawn up itiated in Eniek Hefer, particularUnion of Socialist Republics, S. The Women's Division of the ••/saw the smouldering of that'por- nor contemplated" because . t h e *j. ! pila'tior, and. publication of JncU-:•K • ily in the Yemenite, Hapoel Ham. Dimantsteic, president o* Ozet, ; Jewish Community Center and CB, P I index to liofke on PII top>*"'» tentuous . terror., which, a few status of the Jews is regulated by Welfare Federation ' will sponsor Izrachi and ex-Servicemen's set. society for the settlement of Jews \ of Jewish interest, A ropy ?>• Tnonths later, -was to. burst upon the Nuremberg laws which "will tlements established by the Keren in the Soviet Union, surveyed the j a series of classes -on '-'How to Judaiea is in the Center I,ibr«:-, Germany- - He -trembled- when he be carried out. but no changes or Hayesod within the past two or position of the Jewish agriculturConduct an Organization," with Kiss Goldstein (lid exi.e«n!"J"heard certain elders say:: "Let theamendments are.being consider- Refugees May Be Settled on Mr. Paul Goldblatt as instructor. three years. Loans -will be given al settlements in Russia. ! research work for the Riiwu-:;. man Hitler be chancellor,, for' hea- ed." Despite this denial all obto individual settlements in JudLand if Money Were Tfhe course Is open to all Jewish A number of Jewish village Sage Foundation, rnfi Piieda!!?;^ ven's sake. He-yells irresponsib- servers here believe that when the ea, Sharon and the Jordan Valley women's, groups. . . . Available councils were created in those re.Terirho (WNS Palcor Agency); in Anieriosiite.finr, sii« Hiprr-v ly now to get more votes - and Olympic Games are, over next sumThe course will present detailed particularly for farm buildings, gions and about a year and a half —Definite .remains of human h.F.h. iproject? for for^if/n born, PIIP i<n»" more.' When he's in power he'll mer and all reasoiL" for Nazi reinstruction on the mechanics of dwelling houses, irrigation instal. ago the Jewish autonomous re- itatibn. in Jericho nearly 6-00n | received many pyrnrdn from Srvib be more . or - less like everybody straint has been removed, an ex- New York (WNS) — A number conducting meetings, planning lations and purchase of catle and gion was established in the Far years sgo have liees found in the i nrr's. P. ml other l?gc?inp period *• f the German refugees now in else." He trembled .nqt,only with pulsion decree, or something like programs and organizing groups. poultry. Similar loans will be East, where thousands of Jews course of excavation? begun at iosl?-', cypcii'ec! RUC* ?'"IKCK1 tl*?' hooV his "country may be settled on fear but with rage at such incom- it, will be enacted. Increased ecClasses will begin on Friday, extended to middle-class settlers have been settled on land. In the this site last December by Pro- | department of Young JSVPC-1 K«j" parable blindness and self-decep- onomic pressure on the Jews is arms by the Jewish Agricultural February 28, at l;30 p. id. Regis- from-abroad, for building, and city of Biro-Bidjan alone there is , fessor John Garsteng of Liverpool I szine, ctu! has lectured extfinh's1 Society if means can be found to tion. Quietly he got himself a expected to result almost immeditrations for .the course are nowlive stock purchase. Surveying of today a population NO* 12,000 to[ University,, if. was announced here. ; ly on F.II phaspFi n* IHei'Ft.uvp '.•"* finance It, It'was announced, by passport and a Dutch visa on the ately. Gabriel Davidson, general mana- being taken-by Mrs. J. J. Green- land for fresh . colonization has 13,000, and in the five districts j ;.p ro f essor .Garstfing. who in 1SEE ! fore the lending forum pronpn "• plea that' a Butch radio company berg, president of the Women's commenced in the Emek Zebulun Following the example set by ger of the Society for information, Division, and will close on Tues- jaad Beisan districts where Jewish of the Region a large number o£ |v r a s d i r e c t o r o i.t. n e British school': the Enst. This js Mips GoUlstplt^'i _ might employ him in vacation Jewish and non-Jewish, settlers o j Archaeology,.in Jerusalem, has I first appenrp.nce here. Mr. Davidson reported that "no Hitler, who .proclaimed. Gustloff time. land is available for settlement. live in complete amity. been -continuing .a wider examina- j The lecture is free^'p Cen-Ji' means are available to help them day, February 25. a "holy martyr to our idea" whose During the past year, irrigation During the first quarter of 1933 •on- a : generous scale but we shall In 1936, Mr. Dirr.Entstein went j tjon of. prehistoric cix-ilizations i members on the presentation <>•! picture will hang in every winprojects have been completed at on, it is proposed to settle 10,- ' disclosed at this site, last season.: their membership csrfl. A r.fiivhe saw that his instincts had been try to serve them to the limit of correct, .Terror, quivered in the dow of Germany, the Nazis are our ability." Ain Harod and Tel Joseph for 000 new Jewish settlers in the i Excavations, at Jericho were .start- • insl charge of thirty-five <;?•!<:! air.- The Intendant, general man- preparing to canonize the slain about $40,000 and other installa- region. It is- expected that the j ed,before the Wp.r. by the:.German | per perFon will be made to JKJIVMr. Davidsoa's report showed ager of the Municipal Theater leader and- use the emotion gentions valued at $10,000 are being settlement wort will be carried Oriental Society and hn'-e bp^v ' that the number of Jewish farmerated by. his death to intensify who had hired Strack, himself a j finjshed at Beth Alpha and Hefcontinued, in . .the..last f f rs has grown from 216 families convinced democrat, said to him: the anti-Jewish program. In,Ber r l^jzibah. Satisfactory results have on for several more years. by Professor. .Garstang 1 •f I lin Dernburg Square and Demn 1900, when the Society was In the city of Biro-Bidjan, , . .. . "I'm resigning. If I were yon been achieved in the western part which was created by.the Jewish j Charles'MaTSton. . Thesc r - r V , my dear fellow,", I'd simply fade burg Street, named for Bernhard ounded to 100,000 today and the of the Emek Jezreel. says the resettlers, 15S undertakings are at! excavations laid bare fre r c" rr The . Round . Tabie. of Jewish. out'Of the picture." (Wurde ich Dernburg,-former colonial secre- acreage owned by Jewish agriculirrigation present ia the course o£. construe-1 cuter and; inner-rmsr of v- i- r-, . 1 tary and finance minister, who Is turists has increased from 1*2,023 - nrich durne inachen.) Strack nod a Jew, have been, renamed for ft tion.'iijcluding a tailorinsJpfct'orv,]«npenhee.,E ; pap, of tl-f r r — ; Jh 1900 to 1,500,000 In 1936 in an all city-wide youth carnival on s ded.: Nevertheless he? waited al Gustloff.; In hi? eulogy 1> ot Gxist!m T ( | 6,000), Ha-Emels ' "/ •" '.'•: : Sunday evening, March S, at S:30 where 2,000. vrorlisrs are * to be v^^ ?-.;....,- •,': inpst' too • long.v. -He, had a wife ioff, Hitler said :that "you, Wil- 48 state's. rtll;<JQO). Tel A a a S h i m _ ( ? y e ^ S e i _ p , c y e 4 j a ^ ^ gop& ^ _ ,v A total pt 59S"loan1 applications at : the''.Center. Thi3. ca; /an«l j a chlld>'•• pn ; the1 "tenth of heim Gustloff, : r V 1 M tHh^tr ' t l ^ " ' t "?iMfftS""in"~cash ta£e" ;the'^plkc9 "of* l a s " " ' slioe fECtary', and a cer - - ApriFTas"**he ."was. walking -home giving, R. perfect e.vwith a total' employment ..someone brushed up against him vain. Little did your assassin and moriagea. were granted. Its fichedujed dance lor March 15." hxe Or] rr ':.-•• TV ; S Cur j am'p'e of'.the .strstiiicBtion peculdream that^through his deed milThe entire first floor of the S,000 extension eiperts made ,3,139 ^ in .the street and whispered fever|iEr..to products'of the Stone Age. ishly: "Nichtnach Hause gehen." tons would be awakened to true visits, held 168 meetings and gave Center "Will be decorated in gala |ThisXspa'so.n," e.Jter remcTing SS,"Don't go home!" Strack heeded German life. The deed strikes, aid and advice to S.OOOa.farmers., carnival fashion. The carnival Gilboa Water Companies, I 00 0'tons.'of."debris, Professor GsrGilboa proper Tfin be held in the,, gymIn 1935 a total 6l 749 persons not at Germany but at its instigathe warning. He telephoned from Etaiig"-"has re'ver.Ied'a. series oC nasium with plenty of wheels of sarles o£ the Agricultural SettleNew York 1'JT.AI — Peolarii-.t came to the Society seeKIng Intors." a cafe not home but to a Iriend of Chalcb.lith.ic.: fioprs. and deposits, thp.t "reb^ilditifr Pp,leFtine is r.-i:. Hailing Gustloff as the latest formation about land settlement. chance, concession stands; and re- ment Department. • Other activi. his wife that he was fleeing. He linking the. Neolithic period with ; e .pbi'sintbropip ent.cpvi^R '-" ; walked the streets, slipping into of a long" line of martyrs "to the Mr. Davidson's report also re- freshment booths. Each of the or-ties included the extension of the | the^Early. Bronze Age. which con. j Jewry's QJ\P nennp oC solf-p:"?;anizations affiliated with the vealed that the Jewish farmers instruction service for new sethate-filled .might of our Jewish dark door-ways whenever he saw | tin lied.clown' to. £.000 E. C. The i servatjion." Dr. Cbr-im '\V'ei>l.m;»i.i,, Brownshirts. Near midnight he enemies," Hitler asserted that the had •weathered the depression and Round Table will sponsor one or tlers. Valuable aid in land, water The revelation ' uppermost 'ChalcpHthic floor pro: president of t h e Jewish Agpn,/. and disease problems is given by Berlin. (JTA) -caught a trafn to'Holland. That Jews, are "anenemy we never are now making steady progress. two of the booths. For those -who desire, dancing the Agricultural Experiment Sta- that the Haavara office in Ger-jduced" two. Egyptian objects .eimi- J for Pfelestine. urges t h e Je«".s tu night, as he learned later, five harmed but one which, neverthe1 J •will be held in the Center audi- tion of the Jewish Agency and many has not made a single trans- 13sr .to those'-'of-the last predynas- j the United Siotes. as "tlie preiu'n colleagues on the staff of the less sought to disunite our Ger 'Jewish community in ,l.be woviii," fer of Jewish capital to Palestine j tic .ci'vilizatiian of Egypt, thus ip.torium, which will be decorated Keren Hayesod at Rehoboth. theater, three Jews and two So-man people and make slaves of in the last twelve months, was j fiicatiEg a "synchronization of the I to give wholehearted r-uppovt ft festively for the carnival. The cialists had • been arrested. Four them. This enemy is responsible made in an-official statement to i rise'of the-Bronze Age in Pale- the campaign for ?3.S00,000 •'•'•"-' College Club Orchestra, featuring o/ the five men had been beaten for all the misfortunes of Novein with that of the first. Egypt- ! the irnitrd Pnlepfinc Appeni. Anne Nieman, will play. to death. The fifth had been shot ber, 1918, and the succeeding bad the Jewish Telegraphic Agency I "V\"itb t b ^ co^oiK-rp.ttop of i1!'.^ Ian'dynasty. . : through the back of the head luck inflicted upon Germany. As representative by the The committee in charge of arOn the lowest Chaicolithic level | United Fal.esi.ine Appeal, T>\\ \\'<>~<. "while attempting to escape." It never in the past was possible headquarters here. rangements a r e : Loyal Kaplan, and excavators found e, moflel 'm&nn declared, it will be possUii; Brownshirts had watched his to halt the victorious path of Na .•••;•••• J Joe Goldware, Milton Frohm, LotIn the statement, the Washington (JTA) —The scar! for Pfilcstirte to absorb evrn wo-f round house' shaped like P. beetie Rips, Rosalie- Alberts, Morris discloses that "since February 7, apartment for his return home tional Socialism by such, an- act— city of foodstuffs continues as i than 60,000 Jews a. year, the p-.rhive," with ' two windows in the on the contrary,' our,,idea grew Six jobs, inSays "Interest of the People" Koom, Harold Block, Abe Katz, "one of the most unfavorable as- 193 5, not a single deposit has upper story. . The house is made •• pen', record. almost until 'dawn. Peggy Friedman, Sonia Roitstein, been accepted in Germany by the eluding his own, were now vacant from such banner-carriers •— so Supersedes Law o f pects of the economic situation" His pppep.I r a s riwdf- pub'.i.Dick . Hurwitz, Fannie Witkin, in Germany, the United States Haavara office for • transfer to \of unbaked clay and is ever a | for Nazis, to occupy. It was allalso will this fact fail to curb th the Land i meter in height. • The special flint i by Dr. Stephrn S. ^VSPP, npiintu*faithfulness of Germans living a Ernie Priesman, Leona Letwln, very businesslike and efficient.' < Palestine." This is explained by I Department of Commerce reports. ! culture seems to be associated j chairman oC t h e United. Palestine Sam Colick, Ernie Nogg, Bertha Now — it was November-1933 broad to National Socialism and The prinicipal shortage is said the fact that not-enough Germ&n Berlin (JTA) — The Supreme —- the Stracks, Konrad, Grete his the German • fatherland. To the Court of Germany ruled that con- Guss, Rae Spar, Sylvia Weiner, to be in all kinds of fats, meats goods have been sold in Palestine i with ' these Chalcolitic remains, I Appeal. wife and their seven-year old contrary, now every local Nazi tracts, can be cancelled if their Betty Tuchman, Mildred Berg and and eggs. -A large proportion under the transfer sgreement to | dating back to -4,00.0 E. C. The Dr. Weir.tnnnn sip-tee iv>. Dftt'i: i pottery also contains special fea"With boi-li'tp foi'fep srrp.yr-i. of the i had been in Paris for group abroad has Its patron, it; fulfillment Is considered not in Mollie Roitstein. Erich of the population is unable to meet the requirements i tiireswhich bear no resemblance ainst the Jewish, people. I;i i«K»;y holy martyr. In every store hi months; Hying in a dreary room in transacThe regular Round Table dance buy meats and fats because of Reichsbank for further the Interest ot the German peoj to those ,ot the Bronze Ape lv.it usfiK. unity find oniiceritvaUon '>'• : one of those unspeakably, depress- picture will hang. Every one will ple. tions. The Haavara has, however, ticket will entitle a holder to adthe high prices, the Commerce • ing little Paris-hotels which even carry his name in their hearts and according to the statement, so I seem to/hove an p.fjinity for the I effort sve mo?p tb?n c-vfv e;-RRi-''The ruling was handed down in mission. A.nominal fee of twenty- Department •said. j period ; of Anatolia end early | ifi! if the problems whi^h f.vr v.r the poorer American tourist sel- never in the future will it be for- cancelling a lease granted by the five cents will be made to others. German officials hold that "the far enabled 1,600 Jewish famiihe<i ili 'fh^virr t"r"iriie p p ^ ] r t ' \ r ' " " ' ) r f ' 'domsees. The stracks got a llt- gotten." lies to take cut the crr^c' fTTcity of Berlin in 1925 tolsador food prices at the end of IS3 5 v ,i ( e n f ? ' » M i» >r ' « c< ic. u ' I T 0 • tie-money from Germany. It was Neumann on a large tract of, land were directly traceable to rear. Germany under trrr^-'rr rr" "- i 1 ( U , ! \ ' 1 t I still possible'-- then. -But it was on which s. cinema was subse, ' . (I f ' i . o i very little. Konrad gave a few que'ntly^built. • \ surreptitious lessons and occasionthrough the Haavare ^ p primarily for iraports of essential Holding that fulfillment of the ally, accompanied a little. It had More than- 200 attended the raw materials," the department over 26,000,000 Msris T court ruled that "service to the all "to be done, in secret. He had eludes funds taker o-t i Rehearsals are running full agreement is now impossible, the B'nai B'rith smoker and meeting continued; no working permit — no carte Keren Hayesod and oU-er at the J. C. C. last Monday evenation is at present superior to ic r - 'fT The report added: "Apart from - 1 " 1 1, ( «" O - i " \ -• - i t 1 1 travail. The French let the fugi- blast for Conservative Capers 01 institutions in Paler,. zt p-cning. Ben Kazlowsky presided at law." the food shortage another weak ^ tives In but were careful not to 1936, a review in two acts an »• „ ,„„ 1-•• 1 , , !1 , ' ' Propaganda Minister Goebbels' the meeting and Ephraim .Marks spot is the growing difficulty of sen, the r, -~ let them .compete with native •16 scenes, to .be, presented Marc X short term fisauciisg oi Govern-11 cities ^ i e s tto re E iste-.- S Der Ahgriff hailed the decision as was in charge of the smoker. O-, ' ' ( M i l " , 1" 1 ( workers. It was a sickish, light- 31 by the Beth-El synagogue auxc The program included Abner ment expenditures. -This msde and Essigmng. .he r i .-"it ' t less murky life without hope, out- iliary, according to Mrs. M. Katie- bringing an end to "Jewish specIt expressed regrets Kaiman, who gave some sidelights it necessary for the Government ting the eroer in f i r* " I ' f ~> ^ manager of th< ulation." look, activity. Konrad and Grete man, business comes in. case furfur t i r ' " rC 1 that "it took more" than two years on his sojourn in California; Cliff to monopolise in the interest of >f ' . I > ' -r I ^- - , — had-'time to taste its .bitterness to production . £,8£__1 II be E S S " re ' < 1 ' I I ' ' A tea will be held this after- for the German people to show Winehill; who entertained with public credit and of its successive j Germany ,the; last drop and ^also deeply- to under t ! - " T f 1 • I ' 1 I i apprehend its* meaning for them, noon; February 21, at the home o this Hebrew that he no longer songs and stories; Irene Haack, consolidation loans all capital re- greeinent A p p 1 i r r songs; and a radio broadcast of sources. » , r^ T 1 * r for their kind, for their people. Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, to initfati lives in the year 1925." to s . c i r amount Two thirds of the clothing In- skits •written by members of the , » " <* ( O • 1I L 1 ' I Yesterday,-— was it not yester- the work of the program and pub 3 filed IT ' "> f i i i i i i b • day?1 — they seemed to have a Hcity committee. Mrs. I. "TO. Ro< dustry is still in the hands of organization. Jewish Physician t no Ectioc , ~ r c > Harry Sommer and Al Fiedler, country, aculture, a place, a func- senblatt is chairman and Mrs Jews, the Angriff complained-, l regarding them to~ 1 'tlon —- their very own, their own Greenberg co-chairman of \ this blaming the moving ot skilled captains of the two teams for col- Sicrter for Bsari ing. . workers to other countries' by lecting dues, gave their reports. , ' " ' ' . for .centuries. Today the? were committee. New York CW>*S)-An.'"elec-j wandering Jews like all the wah- Milton A. RIeck, under whose Jewish firms for the difficulty in Plans for the" visit o f ' I . B.'Pad- trie starter" to revive ' a heart; Sering • Jews of the • many ages,, direction the show will be given bringing the industry to normalcy. way to Omaha, were. forwarded, that.. has stopped beating wasj r( 1r without house, home, earth, sky, will conduct rehearsals almost ." • demonstrated publicly for the j T 7 ( ! I speech . . . The very language they dally from now until the end o the fine talent to be included in first time by Dr. Albert S, Heyused was 'grudged _them by their March, when the second edltio this year's show," said Mr. Reick, I • 1 ! V 1 I C> nsan of the.Beth Israel Hospital, foes. Yet they loved it so much ot this group's annual road show following^ completion of the tryinventor; of the' device, before a that French, which they- knew the proceeds •from*which will gc outs. "Due to a last minute group of physicians st the Naval fairly" Well, seemed superficial to towards a building • fund for change, all rehearsals will be held -The. yaad...and.. .Congregation Headquarters" Hospital. Milwaukee,. them and unexpresslve. Both, as Beth-El' synagogue, will be giv- at the Baird building,' 17tti and B'nal-Israel are sponsoring a free - Designed-to resuscitate"" heart g ' » , i v <««• ccs of Shebo I I "f en at the Central high school Au Dougla.s, on the third floor/' anconcert b y the HasoinlT tinder ,tfce all others methods 'with one accord, • a thing catasaction when | lbs students ditwrlum. There.will be only on< nounced Mr. Rieck. ; direction .of Cantor A. Schwaezrom ' • Herman's : trophic and uaheard-of, joined a device, ; failed, ' .Dr. Ticket sales will be In charge kin, for the evening of Purim, which tooks like, a pocket' flash- Uhe yout .cr aEteclas3 of fugitives who were study- performance . of the show foi which tickets are already on sale March 8 , 8 p . m . , at Cosigregation of Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mrs. J. Ing: Hebrew, They needed ' someMore than 200 men, women Blank. Mrs. S. Theodore and Mrs. B'na^ Israel. The H&zpmir has .hospitals by Jacob Witkin, head] thing of their own'in a world In and children will appear In th« P. Wintrotib -will assist Mr. Rieck prepared special numbers for this of the. Wilkin Founda.tion.tor the j teacher assoesatioatheir which nothing wa's any, more review which will feature glgantit in the capacity of production occasion.' own and carefully they -taught S t u d y a n d P r e v e n t i o n H e a r t DIs-1 All Jews of Ontaaa are invitee! e a s e . • : " • . - . their -'''little OErich? that he was " a choruses of singers and dancers chairmen. .. ' ; I boys of Gcrm&a j Scout troops, the Mrs. B. Kooper, Mrs. J. Mel-to join in this 'gala communityJew, tears. of Acontrition in their a ballet, choruses of local bus . JerusaleEi—The police proii voices'they taught their small son •ness men. and their wives "in son; cher, and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky celebration" of PurirJ. ". • • • i Nazi sJcsra 'Scfeoo! .ss».a".f' and dance, 70 children in a "To; will take care of the infinite;de> Following the concert, tfce Vaad j Hed Jewish students from - to tHatihe was-a.'iJew. reThey had,sent Erich to school Shop/' and". several liumorou tails necessary for the provision Auxiliary: will sorre at a. Purim i Ing - meetings, in, protest against j school-, rsssie SaqE i i)t o (Solemn Chnitlntih, 3. short sketches. • of costumes, most "of which will reception in the B'naJ Israel so- ) persecution of Jewish studeats jvealed l i s t .the be; - rrt (Continued on-Page 8.) _ itiwtefl in the Arab lij ciai hall. -' • Ia'European-countries. , . ' .-the Nazi-yoath. . j e- t. "I am more than pleased with be sewn by Beth-El members.



ranny uoiastcin io b • Speaker on j . C. C

Plan Class oa How to Conduct Organizations

State Ku man •Liy< lie Jeric • - 6fi );¥ ears Ago!


% * • ' <

Transfer Is M. During Past Year




Rehearsals Held for Conservative Caper.



Large Attendance at B'rith Stag




Psrim "Concert By

Sco its to azis




ber of Jewish actorB and actresses] ence and Helea Whitebook, Mrs.' sh stars are really a far-cry from "The reason of this situation in Hollywood," said Kaiman in Harry Laff (Sophie Spar), Mr.| heir own names, such as Paulette is mainly the attitude of all Islam response to an inquiry. "And and Mrs. Abe Cornbleth, Mr. and Goddard, who is really a Levi, and towards t h e Zionist experiment. there are a lot of them who nev- Mrs. Phil Krasne, Mr. and Mrs". by the" same token, June Travis The boundary between Palestine er reveal that they are JewiBh. Moe Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Ir- used to answer to Grabiner. Also, land the French Syrian mandate. | is purely arbitrary. There is no "For example, there's hand- vin Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- did you know that blonde Betty | natural frontier to tne South some young Philip Reed. It's nev- seph Steinberg. Mr. and Mrs. Yale rable Is Jewish? , , . Ab escorted | Tamara, the beautiful Russian j '•' ' i either, and still less through the er appeared anywhere that he is Dubnow, \ desert to the east. Ab relates that most every- Jewess, to a film preview—pre-! Jewish, but I know he is. Givot and I played beach ball at Santa where he went, he ran into for- diets a great film career for her. ; Noted Catholic Author Says "Though all Palestine were Monica almost daily with Reed mer Omahans. He tells that one She starred recently in a film j made Jewish tomorrow a n d all Position of Palestine By BOB SINGER and young Jackie Coogan." evening at a meeting he attend- 'Sweet Surrender," with. Frank j its native inhabitants dpported, Very Unstable ed, at least 25 former Omahans Parker—signed, by B. P. Schal; the new State would still be a As Ab fingered an insurance mussy desk that looked like the credits, and he'd like to get a de-j berg, who discovered Sylvia SidBy BOB SINGER : little island drowned in a, sea of swarmed around him, demanding policy that he had just written London (J T A ) — A warning desk of a press agent or city edFor hundreds of miles in •"Hello, Ab, tell me "something gree in law," Ab confided of Glv- itor.'; ".' ••••••.• -' • ; for Cliff Winehill, master of. cer- news of Omaha and their friends. ney—Tamara introduced "Smoke that Palestine is an "island" in i Islam. T about Hollywood," -was mr greet- ot'fl real ambition. • -• i\'"~'-; emonies at the Coeoanut Grove, "It was like old home week," said ets In Tour Eyes" when she was a "sea o£ Islam" which is deter- i everj direction there is a Mo"See all these names, he said, i e recalled to mind, Jerry Ber- Ab. the star In the musicals 'Roberta.' mined to destroy the Zionist ex- j hammefian world which regards "And something else," he con_ ing to Abner Kalman, popular And right then the interview periment is sounded by Hilaire i the Zionist movement as tempor"Omaha insurance man, whom I tinued. 'George is tiring of playing pointing to a sheet ol paper that gen, tiny Jewish comic, who apKaiman, who Is a past presiencountered several days after his Greek parts, and aspires to straight contained the names ot many peared with Billy Gray, Omaha dent of the local order of B'nai terminated. For Ab looked at his Belloc, noted author and Catho- I ary and is determined to destroy return from a four-mottth sojourn romantic lead roles like Gable and prominent and some, not so-prom- boy, who is now in his 18th week B'rith, was impressed with the watch, and made the startling lic propagandist, writing in Uni- I it. The quarrel is not to be ap:peased." in the film,capital and its neigh- some of the others." This probably inent Omahans. "I've got to call at the Century Club in Hollywood, magnitude and Importance-ot the discovery that my five minutes verse. Catholic weekly. accounts lor Givot having his nose each one by phone and give them and who ^appeared at the Log order in Los Angeles. There are were up exactly two hours and bor, Los Angeles. While paying tribute to Zionfrom Frank Hodek." Cabin last winter. 13 lodges in that city alone, with twenty-five minutes before. "I'm awfully busy, got a thous- bobbed by the famed Dr. Josef regards ist achievements, Mr. Belloc holds Charms Elected Before I could ask how Hodek the ladies and juniors being acand-and-one things to do," said Ginsberg, Hollywood plastic sur- was doing, Ab . continued with that "the whole position" of PalBilly and Jerry are wowing Atlantic City (WNS) — Theothe dapper Mr.. Kaiman; "but geon. estine is "unstable. It stands like dore Charnas, New York attorney, them In Hollywood," said Ab. tive. ; He remembers attending a "That Hodek boy is really going Harry Soskin Dies Ab was in Hollywood and Los come on up to iny office. I can a pyramid upon its apex, o n l y Incidentally, the studios are do- lavish initiation of 240 new memreelected president of the NaHarry Soskin, 57, who had act- prevented from tailing if the na- | •was Angeles mainly on business, and to town, which, shows what stick- ing all that they can to discour- bers. B'nai B'rith is said to be spare about five minutes.": tional Federation ot Jevrish Men's to-it-ivehess plus ability will do. es a reader at the Beth Hamedrosh tural effect of gravity is counter- Clubs, the laymen's affiliate of And so I entered his office, pre- was associated with the Bankers He's got more courage than any- age comedians from using the one of the most active organizapared to make the most of; a five Life Agency in Los Angeles, and j one I've ever seen." familiar Jewish dialect. It is be- tions on the Pacific Coast. Kai- Hagodol synagogue, died Wednes- acted by some one holding up the United Synagogue of America, minute; interview.-~; .; also to attend the graduation of i lieved that Willie Howard will man also reported that A. 2. A. day at his home, after an illness the sides." at the close of the Federation's At Race Track He continues: annual convention. Exactly two-and-bne-half hours his daughter, Elaine, from Junior be the last of the string—at least in California is just as active as of a year and a half. He is survived by four sons, But while Ab was worrying as for the time being. it is right here in the headquar' ; ,i . later, Ab Kalman lifted :a "watch High School. Isadore and Louis of Omaha, Ben•I from his vest. pocket. •'Whew," .There came a lull in the conver- to how be was going to get in all "Did you see any of your old ters city, home of the mother jamin of Kansas City and Heresthose telephone calls, I thought chapter. Sam Beber, Philip Klutzhe echoed, "it's six o'clock al- sation. friends from Omaha while you hel of Washington; three daughready." " " I s there any truth ln ; the rumor that I would cheer him up. were there," I aBked. What a nick and Jules Blsno are names ters, Mrs. Tillie Cohen of Omaha, "Were you' at the Santa Auqita well known to the Junior B'nai And what took place in those that the studios may move out of question! It was the tipoff of and Mrs. Rose Mallin and Mrs. (Established 1STS) , 150 minutes shall now be passed California because^bf the high tax- track?- "I asked. fifteen minutes of listening on B'rith. Blanche Grossman of Kansas City; Immediately his face lighted up, Realizing that it .was getting es, and settle in Florida?" I asked, on to you: ,- -. his eyes sparkled, a wide grin my part, as I learned that during late, I shot a flock of questions a brother, Zalmon ol Omaha; a OMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sioux City — Sioux Falls "The major studios out In JIoI- by the -way of making conversa- caused sister, Mrs. Sarah Fish ol Omaha; a dropping lower lip to his stay Ab had seen: at Ab, who began to show signs lywood are going classical," he- tion. Arthur Rosenblum, a successPhone $a. 0551 — Phone 594 — Phose 88685 two Bisters in New York and a disappear. Ihad succeeded in mak"Absolutly not," Ab countered. ing ; gan Ab suddenly, as, he peered ful attorney, on the general com- of getting the least bit groggy, brother in Russia. him forget those one hundred over his paper-littered desk, that "They are spending gobs of money names, and in the parlance of the mittee of B'nai B'rith. Arthur, but he good naturedly answered Asbestos Funeral services were held seemed to bear out his statement in improvements on their present race track, "w e're off", I thought. one of the leading attorneys in to the best of his ability, and I Thursday. Slate-Tile ( that he had "a thousand-and-one set-ups, and besides the Florida insurance law In L. A., had Just learned that: And we were. Asphalt and Gravel things to do." .: climate is not very suitable entireChange Names in Hollywood has won a point before the U. S. SuThe firms advertising in the , A "Yes, the studios are drama- ly to the movie industry." He did the"Everyone preme Court, establishing a preGood looking Robert Taylor is FREE ESTIMATES —• EAST TERMS fever," I was assured. Jewish Press merit and deserve ;j Itlzing ,such fellows as Shakespeare mention though that moat of the "Theracing minute the actors and act- cedent as to the interpretation of recognized as a Nebraskatt, also your patronage. * "and.Dickens. For example, over big studios were constructitfg elab- resses—and as one ol the best actors in picthe other bigwigs get a disability provision. a million dollars is being spent by orate stage sets at their Long Is- done with their tures . . . A talk with Harry Morris Katleman, a successful wqrk,—and some..Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at present land (New York) studios; so that times before, they hurry out to business man. active in the con- Carey, former western-movie star, on 'Romeo and Juliet.' And i n t h e they could utilize New Topic actors the track.1' servative synagogue, and men's disclosed that "western movies still •next few months, your principal and stage productions/ Exclusive Agents for Louise Mulligan Dresses draw well, especially in the small club president. "Bing Crosby and Al Jolson are fanfare will consist of this type of Now "we were" talking about out there ajmost daily. .They are Philip Stein, Jewish Welfare towns . . . Rabbi Isaacson, forpicture." \He pointed out that! In premiers. Pretaiers.are when peo- always surrounded by a flock of federation treasurer in Los An- merly of Sioux City, is in charge Hollywood there is a 'rage' for a ple pay ; $5.50 for a BO cent seat, stars, Temple Israel, known as 'movie are hounding then* for gelesi and one ot tha leaders of of Jdifferent type of movie every few just for' the privilege of mingling 'tips.' who temple,' because the colony beOrthodox Jewry in the city. Incidentally, Crosby, Con• * Where Omaha' Shops with Confidence . • • months. First we had the cycle with the'stars, and .seeing them Phil Goldstone, movie produc- longs. He is very popular . . . Bennett, Director Frank Most of the actors and actresses that showed the war pictures, "and looking their best, according to stance Lloyd and several others own er, on the executive committee of are friendly . . . Living conditions .BhoTtly after the airplane epics Kaiman. ". . . - . . • ' ' • stables of horses, all ot them com- the Los Angeles Consumptive Hos- are cheaper there, but they're •were all the rage. Then was And then • ourV conversation Santa Anita," I learned. pital, Duarte, Cal. short on housing . . . People noIntroduced, the gangster films, drifted around to Henry Fonda. peting.at Joseph Miller, ex-drugglst, now ticing "You know, a fellow can the Nebraska license, fremore recently we have been It was enevitable that the former tout them right, if that is, if he can a successful Hollywood merchant. quently shout "hello, Omaha" . . . ushered in to witness ' musicals Omaha Community Playhouse ac- supply some of the higher-ups In The former Florence Shames, Don't leave a sure thing here to and now, classicals. tor would be up for. discussion." the Btudio with a; few winners who used to be Commissioner This was all very interesting to "Fonda is very well llkedUn Hol- each day, he usually gets a job Butler's secretary. She is now the seek fame and fortune in uncerme, but knowing that my five lywood," I was informed. **He trav- at the studio as a reward, possibly wife of Al Denels, formerly of Des tain Hollywood . '. . Bobby Breen, really Bernstein, is a coming child minutes were drawing to a close, els in the best of society, leads a as an assistant director," revealed Moines. . star . . . Billy Gray, Giventer to I :was anxious to have Kalman simple life, and is very modest. He A b . - . . . ' • • " . - - ; : . . / • • / Sees Many Omahans his friends here, is one of the talk about George Givot; the Om- depicts "so well the plain 'mldwest"Say, while on this subject, I And also: Mr. and Mrs. Max few good looking comedians in ha boy who made good on the erri.youth." .;.' •'.'•;'.' : want you to hear a true story that Levin, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Shames, Hollywood. He has played sevenstage, screen, and radio as the :y/Fonda;Most IPoPular. was-told to me," said my inform- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavich, Mr. teen consecutive weeks in one 'Grik Ambassador,' and who Has At short time later Iigot a.r.eal ant. Here'it Is: ' • •". • and Mrs. Louis Nathan, Mr. and spot, something of a record . . . always been ttiwojo u=c" such «.—— -a cgood — . :friend : - surprise, for when I asked Kaiman "A private detective employed Mrs. Henry Fox, .Mr. and Mrs. It's rather"~expensive to patronize of Ab's. Ab has been acting as who the most popular actor id Hol- by. one; of the: Btudios was *being Sam Block of Fremont, Neb., Mr. the places the stars do . . . When the unofficial press-agent for the '• \y^opd said,"Clark Gable sent out" t<r.the race .track- dally and Mrs.-Paul Isaacson, Mr. and in public with his pretty fourteenVJ1VUU11 Is, i , he past three years. ; •"-•'— -*-' •• — - «--»-- tov£beck: up. oterHfhlch.;atar8 and Mrs. Jack Fisher (Ruby -Isaac- year-old daughter Elaine, people and Henry -Fonda: welters we're ;ddly.;Batr.ons ot .the son), Mr. and Mrs. Simon Finken- mistook her for Ab's lady friend Givot Wows.'Em y is //evidently.. doing 1 boy ^horses instead'''«$-foe!ng at ( t^- stein, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Simon, . . . The names adopted by Jew; "George Is getting along tine , by, }iimself. as you probably know," said Ab. s t u d i o a t w o r k . """,- i-[••;.'-;-.. •• ; Mr. and" Mrs. Louie Simon, Mrs. f :thii? "JHe is; now appearing in yaude^ •nabptip^pnlar,^:; iStfrsfjft^ • '•MoSiori "One 1 day the detectiy^'strode Toby Silverman, and daughters, ville and^s^now on his way to the' Davles: aritf /Jeane;i$t- kcpSnald," up to one of the, big moguls 81 Hadassah and Elaine, Mr. and W e s t C o a s t" to appear in was tfie speedy reply.;: "They ^are the studio thai empioyed" him. and Mrs. Arthur Marowitz, Mr. and . p i c t u r e s . I expect him in the j very well liked byeveryone,.and announced that he***as: quitting Mrs. Louis^ Krolof t of Pasadena, Mrs. Rose "Whiteberger ot Pasac i t y In a c o u p l e ' of weeks.' always travel in the best of socie- s;Jobfc.'.... :. ; V : :. v ''. H 1 8 impersonation of H'a r" 'What's . the,".reason,' he was dena', Dr. and Mrs. Max Klein of L an Pedro, ,i Mr. and Mrs.. Murray ry Richman is the best hit of " '.Best of .society*, meaning a s k e d . ' i " ' ' " ' . . " ' ' ~ '".'• :;•.'-. mimicry on the stage, according what?". I queried..' •'\ •"I just can't- afford it any Klein (Bertie Berger), Mr. and It was then explained to me more,''said the private detective, Mrs. Joseph Lazarus, Mr. and to.New York columnists. It was so perfect that the very wealthy, that the stars usually travel In who revealed that he was losing Mrs.' Harry Adelson, Mr. and Mrs. socially prominent-Hazel Forbes, three or four sets, and that the large.sums of money betting on S'athan Adelson, Mr. and Mrs. Joformerly Richman's fiance, got a 'set' which .Fonda and McDonald the horses, each day that he put eph Adelson, Max Adelson, Rose Levin, Mr. f and Mrs. Raymond crush on George," he smilingly and Davie's' belong is usually^ re- I n a n appearance at the track." -AND 3 BANDS FROM Platt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winegarded as the • best, -,,<'including Btated.: " And'so'the topic of 'long-shots' berg (Sally Lincoln), Carl Katleof and the like was at an end. From Oh yes, that reminded me of some of the traditional names the movie industry. -"!••;: 'long shots' to 'blg-'shots' drifted man, Mr. and Mrs. Michael KatleGlvot's love life. "Speaking of society," reflectthe conversation, as I asked Ab man, Mrs. Dorette Saltzman. and [ "Does he still' keep company ed., the •• interview, "there" are It he had' atiy trouble getting In son, Marvin, Hazel Kooper, Anne •with Tamara," I asked Kalman, some persons, sucli as Charlie the studios. • intzman, MIna Friedman, Mr. "wanting him to know that I read Chaplin, who accept Invitations to Hard to Crash Gates and Mrs. Walter Jacobson, Madthe newspapers. .>•.. "It is more difficult than ever eline Swartx, Dr. Arthur Kazlow, •. "No, but they are very good parties only when some} famous before to go through the studios," Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levey, Flor"friends," he said, and'then with- literary personage is present:'! ''By the way, did you see "Pad- salA Kalman. ''The two main reaout my having to ask, added "Air dy O'Day" the picture that was sons are: first, stool pigeons emice White Is Kis latest - - and EsConsider the Rising Trend MARSCST rr n a m e s ©S32&J telle Taylor." Estelie Taylor was shown t at the Omaha theatre?" ployed'by other Btudios, visit the questioned Ab. .. : set, and carry away valuable ideas of Retail Fur Prices—as the former wife of Jack pemp"Yes," I truthfully replied, ex- back to their : studios, and second, Illustrated in Chart— "Do you know Givot wants'to pecting to hear -some more about people carry away.- exaggerated stories of what they witnessed, friend Givot, who had-a prominent study law?" queried my host. Ot nti67S course I hadn't. "Yes v he has a.few part In the picture.- ' - , , . having--a'harmful effect." "Well,. Norman Goldberg, a Remembering that Ab has quite former Omaha Jewish boy who a-local reputation as an actor of BUTTERNUT worked tor Leon's_Hat Store here merit, I asked' him why he' didn't * Star Billiards was the'chief cutter for that plcget into -pictures while in Holly"Relaxation; and lunch" are of' • • LEMON or VANILLA fered the. public at the Star Bil- •ture. He is now known as Nor- wood. • "I have no desire, to be an actliards, 316 So. 15, operated by man Colbert. He has a bright, future as a director of pictures. I or," was .the candid reply. He 2 02. Bottle 18c Jim Butler and ,Leo Imolatl. 2 Butler has been in the .'recrea- witnessed the making of the • en- mentioned that he did have the tion business for twenty years, tire picture, and Givot had the opportunity to play the part of and Imolatl has had, twelve yearB working staff in laugh' convul- an Italian 'factory worker In one experience. Both- have pioneered sions during the making of. the picture; but turned it down.. "It .-.'... • 1 would -have received the opporbilliards in oinaha, and they co- picture." Regular or Drip Ground 6 Pkgs. 29c While on the subject of ,Oma- tunity, : I would • prefer the prooperate with their patrons' by giving instructions- to those, who bans, Kaiman pulled a sheet of duction side* of the business. ; Lb. 29c 2 lbs. 56c One Dessert Dish Free show a genuine Interest in the paper out from someplace on that : "Yes, there are; a, large numCoats at $55. Swagger and fitted game. The grill features lunchtypes, black sealines, caracul, eons at popular prices.. They also American Broadtail. kldsktns, . serve beverages. ''..":'-. ...•'...".* Omaha Family Soap, 10 bars ...... 33c beaverettes. Sizes 12 to 20, 88 • The much-discussed lavender to 44. One 10c Package Washing Powder Free eye-rest cloth now being displayed on billiard tables in the better Ubby's Corn Beef Hash, 1-lb. can ..:... ...15c billiard parlors throughout the Yatch Club Fish Tenderloins, can :............... 10c ' country are' In use at the Star • Billiards.' Leo Imolatl, representYatch Club Red Pitted Cherries, No. 2 can. . . . 10c ing Omaha, will play in thei secSunkist Catsup, large bottles . . ..... .v.........15c tional tournament in Chicago with winners of eight other states. in Mission Catsup, large bottles .„ „...__ ._12*4c quest of the national' pocket - bilPure Egg Noodles, Ib. pkg. „.._._ —; ....... 15c liards title:- The tourney will be held from March 2 to T. Fancy Prunes, 80-90 size, 4 lbs. _.„„_... »m.».25c New Potatoes, 3 lbs .„_„„_ ™.....™...r..25c


















' - •





- • • • • •

• - : ' •

• • '



, • •

• ' ' • • .


Pancake Flour

Butternut Extracts

3y Lb.Pkfc. 23c

Butter Nut Jell

Butternut Coffee

Texas Juice Oranges, 5 lbs.....~J ...... .~*.~25c Fancy Cauliflower, head ^... ....—.*. 15c New Carrots—New Beets, bunch— - - « . .5c New Peas, 2 lbs. , ~*.—.... „..„...... 25c New Cabbage, lb. __.„ > J:.5C

FOLGER'S COFFEE Mountain Grows, Regular or Drip Grind


2 Pounds 59c

al Savings of 3 3 | % to 50%


PREMIER BONDED SEAL GOATS (Dyed Coney) PREMIER BONDED, brown and black swagger and fitted models. All beautifully satin lined , . . and made to our own specifications. Sizes 12 to 20, SS to 48. • •".

Third Floot






. j Sylvia Sinn-ay i£ &irsat!y iasti-' mail is increasing' to suck e. -dpipar £sni in cotton (the .Cone lam- ; 1 itutiiig divorce proceedingf,. Out gret thai siiE'e hiring a HBY, m-u*ily of 3sorth Carolina, Signiund; Odenheimer of Uew Orleans, JElias | i : .Cerl, BE ir. were „.,,. • Cbtmuu-eT. 1>OEI "X<wh- -'•••»'•• Heiss ol INew Tork), and IS per cent in TsyDn-yarn pro Suction (InUT " C1I0KB 3 i Carl laeiuEl? -never lor-rctF-. ,'ctiom o: Z^on Pchte-mper. x-.r dustrial Hayon and Celanese _ Corp.) Silt in these same .inctust- I - j e ^ ^ fey EE-PreiCT a white cam?- i'e ^ir-nfir.t-pi: in Foar ior thr -*> xiss the -Jewish interest in die- j at!— Tfe? .-chores -tr •^"ititJT. in tire1 'Itnrel • trT fiir rtjut i r ' tzibuiian i s large, half ~r.bg wool • : memory rT 'his -wite whr ciet: .JET;-! ,'of Grej . broilier of Ujjg ' Happen in.Soliywooa." .. -. -. .salEE .-agents and Jobbers, three- ; Sy ihe Ssrdce lifs ;.Trsry, 1'SJ!!. ' ill piacf. Ilia:, ir, the TKa-y JFactar .has 'create2 a "perguarters nf the silt converters, | iume that can be drunk: Tiiis and three-Quarters of the cotton j LilJE ; CfasrrliE ChEpiin can p i e r eigrhx j • ;new discovery is s. blend of fruit 'aizieTBiLi musical .instruments . . . inland Steel .is a -successf ul dard nf Indiana subsidiary. TEhe converters being Jews. I n the! fitunild i . producer. or. rcu'sii-ikiy: company -well liked and .much xe- chemical industry is i n TL compar- u.n d E T T E a r and dress-cutting i "Don't 'TVarrv." Thai's t h e ' j u i c e s , "How would you 'like your ^as composed several songs .anc trades using .rayon BO to BO per; motto of •£ SoDlish optimist il fie : eau at colcsne tiiE murvdjiz .••. - t h e complete musictl accompan;- sciip,, hiui^c. i, v^m aubioiu <Jf3WB -mimnpnliTPil -economic op- _spec±2d 3n :ths trade but its .share able .position. "Neither in Da wortis mEan 'that you are snuttiiiE •;Tritt a fiasli or orsirge cr .jrape-, mtmt i o r iiiE jaet two T.iciure:-..' anC uskr-t;, "IIi-''-oi.'i. 1 roau U jjortnnitics j n tiiis .country? .Are of -the Eteel ^business i s relatively j_AJlied Chemical .& Dye, "D. S. 'In- cexit STB J e T - ' s ' ^ your eyes to tiie future, blindly ; fruit, sir" ' "city X.fehts" anC 'ilodcrr Times' • s o n i w h c n " , . . bound; kim: ctllfir i the liberal small. rEhe Bnly exception tD the j austrial-Alcohol, or _Air Seduction ! ^ industries like meat; : 1 •that Bteel i s mot a Jewish .'in- j is there a .single Jew in a mana- ^acting a special Jewish branch : refusing t o recognize the toll t h e ' That .youngoter,-Semmy duller. • _ _ r ^ ^ t Eii-hor ol two boni:v fan-.iUr?'.' they control 0 1 tixe years aaeaS will take ot eamins; who autEoreii "Eirrn,3Eby. S u m " g utmierouE jirticles. 2ISF r e . "Oh. tiift crir.'f" i>-".*' cn^v-nr EI1 business brings up the ID-; Imnking? 3DD fhpy Qoniinate t h e dustry is t h e scrap huainesB..Scrap ! serial position. There .are t w o ! 1 1T power, .-relusin'E-to admit tiie po5-; and. who is Bcarcely past the •nompletcn opilF "will hrvr TiE OUI"-'-' w":tf ' h"irh:.!'" "T"s p rikosher meat pack, Ior ex- ; mtraes? JiEE t h e Jews more iron anfl -steel, a Mlf-hillion-uDl- i Jewish directors, -Alfred A. Cook ;tal:.thE 16 sibility ihsi. flEiitiL or disability i.saorr-iroirser a?E7 -married "tiie 'di- ^jaSiiiOTiBC Holrvwond Trrtni",inT — cU'.tii nf 'iry rwr. monio~T't" ComnnmistiCi in jjrojtorliani lar miBinesB in 192B,-welch pro- of Allied Chemical and Jules -a™? - amounts to almost IP per may-wipe awsy «amins power. [vorced wife ci S E E E T E e s t o i i t ? s : E T F jralorr;, Hid Cirr.umEr, FtE-fre- ! .meat-pack- j rthun .any uilier xacial mitt? 3s Titles t h e utsel industry -with -hall 3Jache nf TJ. ,S. Industrial Alcohol, i c a i t t oDt al thB •"Don'i warry"—almost certsin ! ether day. •; thw. anfi . - - iive-fiollar xickett: : An-vnir, ^ Wtile in furniture j :fiie 3?en- Iteal a "*'3erw riteni?" ite metal Tequirementc, i s owned I Otherwise Jews Trppear as TessarS a particular Je-wiHb. affm- • tragefl3" is ahead far the man who I A telephone call lor -XIass Hart ! Jlre "tiiE muiio, publishing anil •SDrpsr cent by Jews, heingun out- jchers and laboratory men, In a r rtiLe of E gadabont: .Bybil upholstered (as oppos- j plans upon such a philoscpiy,-for-!i,t the studio wiiere he's under I .siean. "ipwisfc sit t h e junk business, JTriiich positions 'Eeveral of them jj ^ - ' pErted iron: ire eI^^ to .the "rii^pTJ or TToodsn) ileld • getting that all plans rest upon Lcontract TecErceii"tht-anEwei irDm .2zson Jason pErted '.ixsT tDBsiis last • " . Int.'' t h s and of t h e last cenr- iJhsve mads considerable rsputa- ^ ; i gives JewiEh inanufacturers like ; the assurance Df cnntliiuous in- \ tli.e srritcli-boErcl girl that "lie i s ' -^-eek. iin ~ffoy* h?m^ of .Russian f » -- ^ . . ' 'Artistic in Detroit, Angelus in come, snfi that innjine h QIE most, not Trorfcin^ hers T" Evidently s t e . Ernst ljubitscb receu-st"; kis f i-• ICIt •the-German .«tews.? in-Blmrt, fio JBWS.~ The largest company i n uncertain thing in the v»-orid. : has beer "TCincixIIinE the '-key-_i papers as EX American citizoi; • '«fSK rKCJStf -transportatira: :n£ the "biisineES i s rLuria 3r.os. & Co. axe egmilly -non-Jercish. Titexe are l.os Angeles, and S. Earpen i n : But the 3nan who uses life in- .; holes. : ' ' Q other lay. Hit native ICWL ; Tel A- ; r — A n p. t ion til mupnun; 1E go almost hall ike total. But!j of JhUanelphia own«d by 3iufisian surance makss the plans he builds • And Irving "Berlin is taking -VSRS Berlin ' ^ JfT"ir:i: jnvon'inii'- niu" jintor.ff these victories 'nave- t h d r coun- i : T ;anil Inflicrans us JSTCS. Others are Hj-man JUich.for himsell anS Jiis family cerdEEcir.j: ieH,sonF . . . of all t h i n g s : : j ^ jo('l--e " wrurinp t Fv-a"tikii n" ' T^ncin^ f c"! ivff-.l^^'inf !:.Ti(l fjTr | terbalanciiis uelcats. Tkere are i ht ^appeal, :fliey asls Co. n l CMcaso, IflunDjefl by : Bncii .gmadfis 1 tain, for life -insurance ^ruarantees ; : ' \f^^ .iDcal ra,ce-trHcii wa rvee'.pcl work: ;:•• \~~v.r v PlnnTiPf' *r: ;!ir F i IigM-inaustry sectors l i t e boots JoHGph JE. jilichaBls; a Portuguese :heen analyzed, to conrinue income .during all -the | i r r ^ - g Tbalners, "war is-tnt plur : with JTOOF t y ttir oniooksTE tiir ' As?nrir.t.inr of JrwnlTrvnT^nr». i T T T i i i shoes where on the menui Jew, Charles Drsifus Co. of Titts•efi .-anil ^statistically tairvcyefl 3>y jiacturing ena the Jews are 4 0 per : years ahead. T i e small premium i-jatra-RS-B.-pmSucsr never'use?; iiir 'oirisr afternoon, ., unfl liuntz iron &-Steel Co. j the ianious American publica.ZemiirraV( of t h f . ' t h e i r simm!.-." roriio^pnrp hrre. G^orgt Bifltiev, n volume. Only in ; you pay gives you t h s Tight tD say ( n a m e ; i J 1 the ••credits of--a film ..„ . Canton, Ohio. I t ms,y be addtion •-'TOUT LiAK,"" anil tbxangh "Don't TTDrry,'1 for it means that •sjVBys..allows an associate' pro- • comflfiiar., is= E ci-prtior. ; Jewish bailiwick ol: special 4nrangBmcnt "with, "the Bd in passins t h a t -practically t h e j ^ ^ ^ a E D T I , Q r a t i m o I J e i r i s i l the clothing industry can auy ilife insurance i n s .underwritten e = . ,E. .supervisor to ta-ke-the , 1TVJ - Pichel hentmiw r "nor-' ,TOrni=E.if^ — Arrn-ditsr to r,c-c 0 r O T BS KE t h e -whole waste-prodncts industry in- ic t m t r o l •Ii3me& American Pureisn claim xor a Jewish :monopoty be '. tailors »ot your plans. ; bows" en t h e title-flashes. . iror" actor . . . replsceF Beis ^r.- e-nnieir, fij-!iiv?f:. 11 w r i>>;r,k» cluaingnonferxous scrap metal (a | . ^ i i s t e a m s h i p C o r p b u t T e a t i v e y Seven .Harts Teatnro Syxflicate made. There, about S5 per cent; The most profitable financial; in TVlestinc •tfi:'!* gosi m one fun:. . , . sue' errant?. v.-e-p F-ptci; t h e Jewish Sress are 3mb- 5300,000,000 a j e a r business i n . - : i n s i s n l f i c s n t . On inland water- of men'js clothing and about Jio step a mas can mafee is t o bina : - _A.Ei3' the. birth iiiit tilt; ~i.)n-<'nvn £. villiiin'F role in "Dracuir's ing "!:-r.t-. ... .. __^ .of JiacE UDTj -fbis survey in J I series 19iJ9), paper, cotton .rag, wool ' only the Hudson Itiver ^Javi- , Ci.rsSiSs -Ainti. :per life insurance to the'promise that: finlli -t-ne •BOng--vrriter, 'was Tilorris ^ a u g t t e r . ' ' Bank vv.l: v c;:r.iti-. ifl IiV£ articles til -which t h e rfoT- rag, and xubber, as Jewish. gation Corp. xecently bought by !about PS per cent of furs and E.1- . Something of the same situation iDwing i s the "thircl. Kest "week subway tunneling 3Jr. Samuel B.D- i.most t h e whole w r earing-apparel! it will step in "rtien death or a is- ' Gittler—iin -case if.ia'C yoc puss:-• Eleanor TThitner ha? appealed r>r,ci ihr C;'».'.i>iv:ipv ability or old ag-e destroy in-].^" ' . in but three films, yet her fan , BE.nl: wuL. ;'::,vt.fif>r we -wIE -present i k e iunrfh lart- exists in autoniDbiles. There are soff seems t o liave .Jewish ilcle. J h T T n r E O B only three Jews of any jromtaence ship. There are no Jewish ship- I business are in Jewish hands with come, and say, c tu • •' ' "Don't worry. Sere .-fthe interest of 2s Tork Jews in the executive end of manufact- b u i l a e T B ^ a l J V j " ! "June'Travis lias s. jol' but "won't •money to pay all the bills." prEdom mating. iirmi: —— JHorris -Markin. jRresi- , J t_i3 n r m g bus transportation the Jewish inS'hrst o ? all und -srery deiinitjily, i gx~a R "psy-checlt until she'?- tv- ua- ' "But the elothins business is the \ ihey flo mot Tnn lankiug. They dent nf Cara-cantrdlled Checker terest is minuscule, 'being limited |ty-fire:'- . Her .-contrEct stipulates I spectacular and outstanding excepj Tiie firms advertising in xne ; that bsr salary go direct, ID her 'J IJlay little or ms> Tart in .the great Cab, lUeyer X..3»rentis,. Treasurer to "half dozen little lines like Cap; Ition to the statement that Jewish; Jewish Press merit and deserve parents .in Chicago. Taey return •**•• J.SJT commercial "h.Duses. Of the -=42X) of Tj-eneral jUotors, a n d _A.. 32. 3 a r and Cnach. iancoln ! industrial interests are generally I your patronage. '. to her seventy-five dollars z. "week $c listed directors DJ t h e itmeteen it, Tirst Vice -president :and Oen- I ^xjakattan lie minority. 2snt even in the ] : : —_-_for expenses , . . c a t on iisir , ^ the situation "Xork .Clear- eral 3IanagEr of HiidBon. "There \SXB& of t h e are only two ,3EWE in pDBitionB of' is about t h e Eame. "There is no liquor busmess which was always Iprobably only a nuarter ol the 'twenty-fifth birthday • will turn . >r .HOUEO in 1DS3 Drily thirty importance on the ^financial ena— Jewish control in the management the prerogative of the Jew in Po- business. Three of the leading ; over'Si's total BEvmgs. ^ e JBWB and abDnt i a l f nf these land, nor in the tobacco business • '5 -were in t h e Commercial national Jules 3Jache ..in ChryBlsr anil John j or ownership snd of either trans- in which many a rich Jew made ; firms are non-Jewish — I!. -C. : "Williams, .Austin ^Kichols, anfi '. Eaaie Caritcr msde c pBrsona.1 ET— >*; 3arik 2= Trust Co. and t h e Public 3 e r t z nf Xehman 3ros. on the ipart or manufacture. .Jewish ii! his start, are Jewish interests ! McKesson & Hobbins. Outside psaraiice at ISTew ^"ort's "Tlusic ^ <r"% National 3 a n k .&' Trust. There Hoard nf Btuflfibaker. Joifl t h e r e nancial interest there "undoubted- ; dominant. Jews have practically Kew Torfc, Jewish participation is ;SaIl 'in connecticii • with "Strife- ; ^ '"were none in t h e Sank nf Jiew are 3ew Jews in the new-car dishe tobacco-buying bus- even less. In the importing bus- ;ils Pint". Anc the ebullient-136- ^ "iTnrk & Trust ;CD., National City, tributing "business. 3iD considsr— i "A Qualitj and ior bcasoxunc iness it is small. IB the domes- ; die cliirpeti, "imEgme little^ me -it Guaranty "Trust, Central "Hanuvtir, able number appEars until the j | synanymous words, and control j JFirHt "National -Chase, ^Bankers second-hand trade is reached. jiielpinjr oirt the JlocfcelellerE." ' tic wine business it is trifli .' .aesssaeKssacsassawsoocKsssasscsas^^ j three of the four leading cigarThe coal industry 'is almost en- ] Trust, nr "New TYoik Trust. Indeed ! manufacturing concerns including tirely non-Jewish. I t is doubtthere nxe practically no .Jewish A -cast continent .of isavy inGeneral Cigar -Employees of nny kind i n the lar- ful •whether the Taster of t h e lead- dnstry snd Imance msy therefore ly~ililSh . , gest xnmmercial "banks — and this ing "twenty-fivB companies "would e-v e-r , seventh cigar sle Jew Irom miner to be staked ont m which Jewish > sjjju^a in America. S u t their show of t h s iact that participation i s incidental or nan- ic i s a r e t t e interest is' confined in xre 3BWB. 3n the esistent. To this may be annexed !thB -£is Tour t 0 P _ xorillard. and S althuugh there invEHtment other :important nreas intD "which ] ^ i ^ arnus in distinction. e V B n . t h e r e ^eT of 'cum'fae Jewish nousss, of 2 per cent nf t h e wholesale sell- J e W B ; n s V B :?arely TenBtratea Buch |• n a n i : ; e r B through X p p e a r o l l T "wiiich Kuhn, Xfflbb & Co., Bpeysr ing and possibly lurpsT'cent-of t h e | as light imS. Ttrwer and teleiihane [j f ^ f Q r ll hh e ^ ^ 0 3 . business about £ Co., 3 . "W,. ;Bfiligman & Co., Xa-retail trade—-mcBt of the latter II ^^ telegraph snd flnsmarmg in ^ J J snd flnsmarmg t r a d e m c B t of the atter tt h e i m p o r t a 3 1 t distilling conh e dfinburg, Thalman & Co., and Leh- ErjOTjnd 27BW T n r k — :is in .Jewish i seneral and heayy machmBry and ; CEn!s a T e The largest X. i lumbe m a n TBrcK, are the Tbest "known, lumber -and dairy p products. ll n nd dairy rdct n jj s _ jstional Distillers a they dD iiot compare in power "with iJiands. . CDncern( b i l JJews are BO i a r ffrom con^ 550,000,0001, ^ m n H n a mri 550,000,0 (( ll ss 33 44 ^ t h e great nouses owned by n o n - , . _ , m EE a E e m en t ,3EWB. (Xiillon of Dillon, .Head «- l m t u I B n ^ Df t h e tire ^nannfact- | trolling .the most characteristic of jja g r mDn.lewiEh -Eaj^gp^gjiexa - ^ 3 :preBEnt-day American activities 1 a o B ^ 3 3 ^ ^ s . TFeiskapf. an


A §D!¥£I (part Hires)










He;JB3iot as

j )) T i l s H e c t m a Scil Bnley (1SS4 sales: isoiowin^Dn-Jewishianas. There jin them s i aH: TD ^ind Jewish participation in ; $40,000,000). race TUOT ;IB Ins .estent mdustry it is ^necessary tD turn to ; Jews iirnugh with Grover A. "VTiiaby either Jews mi mon- i ± h e T 3 i b b e r _ l l S e 1 . a 3 i a . s l l D S husiness the light induBtries. And even lien :SE Chairman of the Board. 31 rthsse nouses are "rank- :^ " a T e: n t l *flrmiTTitmt.JJeith- therB it is •necessary tD turn from i third, Seagrams (sales iijrure not t h e amountB D2 ioTBign ! &o ^ ^ c n n t r d l -jEtxiileum. On the manufacturing t o the distribu- ^published >, is owned. cHntmUed, DUtBtandmg -on JilaxEh 1, . c m r trary t h e Jewish interest ting ena. There is an entire land managed by the Bronfman J1.5S5, J . 3 . 3Itrrgan with 3.9.S7 is Btilely in t h e marketing of pe-1.group of industries like "wool, silk, < brothers who 3»sr .cent, "National City Co. "with traLenm prndncts and «ven tnsre! cotton, uncl Tayon "weavmg where Irthree companies do about BO per d ith 3 1 4 4 Dillon, Head -with •_' i t is pnibahly ^ID more than o per Harris, Forbes -with S.-4S, cent, t h e chief rmatkEtsr hBmg the Jewish dntBrest in pTDdnction I cent of rithe busmess. Of the nest is small, "being 5 t o 10 per cent in j three, I rankfnrt, Siram TTalker, Gnaxanty Co. -with G.GB per cent, An:erican. Dil of 3altimore, and j~wonl (lor Esample, 1 . 3achmann ;and 3ancameTicarBlair "with GJlS per -cent, and Lee, THigginBon with 4.23 Amsrican >OH, thDngfa ^till manag- nl Tlsbrioge ^Worsted, _4.nstin T. i named is under Jewish manag tper cent all Tank .above the liigh- ed ;by the 31austeins, -WHD lound- Xreyy of Btniwater "Wnrstea, and i mant. 3 u t in the wholesale B3t. Jewish iiDUBB, "which :is 3Kuhn, ed it, is now controlled by s. Stan- UUlen and 3ernard Coldfine), 13 ' nor trade in New Torfc Jews 3uebh -with 2:BS -per cent. HankBd xm. the hasis of dnmBStic activity, , TLenb, "which .has Seen "very of late in t h e Eteel indust r y •and •which lias u long and .honorable Tecord Df general activity in American husiness, would nf •cnurse stand -very-Jiear t h e top, but even i n t h e aomsstic ifield "nnn-JswlBh interests are still far •ntifi Eway the :mos± influential. : rFnrtherm.nre these BTHcaUfid Jewifih lujuses are by nD means •exclnsivBly Jewish. I n . jEuhn, I^edb 3teaBerB. 31iR"ha "Walker, 3ovHnizer, 'Wiseman, and IKnowlton, sxinfi DJ them Jews, -are ex"trsmely actiye, "while cnntrdl Bf J . "W. Seligman is 3iow shared with 31redBTick Strauss by lEarle 3aHle ami n^rancis :Sandolph, a aneniber uf the proudest family in t h e ""Virginia TidEwater.

.ri f^tsraliwds

Ho Size . Ho Bdce


Has Been Overlooked in Our

Xm t h e 3STsw TTofk 5tock U s ' change, 148 of t h e 519 members, nr. 3.B Tper cent, are Jews, "while Jilty-iive nf the 61!7 linns listed Tjy t h e rEschange directory are JswiBh, twenty-four are •half-JEwish, rana ihirty-^iine "iiavB domi3mnt Jewish influence. T h e ab3ence ;of Jews iin the -insurance is ^lotewDrthy. -Herman :presiSfint


JOE \TXUTl cr TZX; Ticunr

, » „ TEST'S -vHry 3t "rail IK y lar yon ±0 say you cant find •flie ~snit yvtn "want "roiHn. you cams to


cf tr:r ,- i-rr^r" Stv

ental -Assurance CD., SXVB. J .



lisvison, jPxeBiaent D! t h e tnxnri'B IFund Insunmce , CD. i n San TFiranclscD, ure two of t h e iow Jswish Esecutives of 3axgE iinsuran.ee Tin t h e JnBurancefield, iowBVBr, aibDut 'half -the husinesB i s Jewish i n I n x k . -And t h e -New *S.a£b insirrsncs-;br6kErage ihuBinEss i s dnniinanf.ly Jewbsh .although t h e ihrEe nr Sour nationwide TnroTierage JmuHEs -with "New Tofk sr^ nnn-TJewish. ^ Outside Tnf k JEwish Ttrpresfintation ' Snlthe Jtswish jopiilatirm pro-

Vchiss ct»«^

CUT AL"DITOEKM UAET : :ftpZfNSi JZ tv 11 :DP T . IK.

Suits ±D 1V22T I'^DvT TxaQsr your fur J

U . t h e JCWB aiKve a BuhoriiniatE plane i n iinancs, Tvhich "they -E nlten Eaifl t o cnntribl, tthey imve "sm isven mure rinnBiispicionB place in Iheirvy "inBustry. ~ThB -only D HtanBiBg -Jews an that 3ie"ia Tire the 351nckB Tana lilss ^Epstein of -Chicago, t h e iBlDdkB being ilaTge intsreHteii iin nnlanii Steel, t h e IND. 7 proaucer, .and 3Ir. lEpstein i e : Cha3nmm rof t h e TBmira nl Corp., which TnannSactures


5? C T T T



short jackst

-»- jwi£h Isagsr easts. -Kev^sst




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«fforts we

NOOK ii-


wmmoa mmny of nt'mUm »nd tH

SL. J»?J-1*J •otx


* *

'Mvtrttsteg 'rate*

.i-Z L:"c

**fim J*wish Vtotfa."



Qtli&i- 699

FOE * • • * ] '

AMU Plhh -'

Stofl* 6Hff m 4§9* §»

Bitmikm Mm

equality- und mshl ijmlk§ it

tmtmted on the Ms oil n» ot bigotry

in frtenfr fmw #pp§§%4 io woM 5&tty, in* W^*JF spirited «4 jft tiwftrtiiig .tjw Wirfo«w«hw«4 to Hrfi p^imnwnt ty tte? wife ol'iwmr&emtef b of fte §£«§£*, to to gMtteft througfr

rritii * - - . .

*s . iszpirizg

think o hoiking


• .

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Sevlzti pSrs.K ^ i . ? ' ^ L-E* F "-"HTIJri: 7.-OSXEBS

0t«ltefit#, MtlWUe* A04j7«Wg fiS V f - j ^ ^ i r s ^ t taw* WWoU « * T*K?4s, i t e tlrtt ****** U «* V**-'™**. i a *wah s S c c s t i ^ s :r £E^ gfQttpSr Y/fwWBt HMSlvM, ?-&>ln Q*>\fnvn8G &mrcm a J*ivU% £«»-<•*;»-•'* Ssk epss &trlr$.l will be ttst ^ v ^ ^ ' " . ^ ^ / 2 ^ - ^ , * " ^"1 A;f*' t;5i

•}£ltt flpftFt i» Ifl tosltef w§i-f#* sod SOw MtttdJj ritf«J, we W6 wbteh hM tlmm , Brothethowl J)&y in no

l)£* jpj*>,


A. host tjl

Jj/ijJSftSal fejs4 I faoifotrtiitXfd &J5d {ti%i*£s£iip. I f '~^ M "' ! -*' P!5<-&^..j', ar**!. ofjcistiCi. tJra««, er«i

TAX mo



fhs.t ff we ^*^'ej5te &u£ Aon, prlnfAp&Viy, to fcu* I Kcrnfora Jj» -poured: «p(w ;tlis -.JjftJfcMd&H-efflfeew of u potmttel MB{3 imtmd to «r;4 the f/r»>c# to "^'ijiSB MpIe&Utica. On* teacber cl' It " who p G, O. DASHES ib© pi;s<.t4«<i fer g-ocijsi psr»'{.»ifi foanli ee&tury coofiStloaefi £ p those fot&§st3 end ff5St<;a4 of for private .gala ? p<vrf«Pt god«ly wpoo tfc<! fslJfn«- con:plfet« vilfcect Utopia*. TirBt§ Usu'ihim Imll 0 ? m f c 3ms in IHmmy it th#/ wlii pmuiu^ ifi#td t«g«ihtf, will tend to jsrtt) RO tifjjfistly hrafs4fi4 "*;t»j«Rt of tins K5sb»Sra<? prophecy of "Utopia" that Eo geography is £piri before a ti fi them, tindmtm&ing, fflmMiip BB4 of f-.ars" would t>cr/,me ajijtsiah — "they thall not toJW • «arse tol<i» true c£ m&n. Ideals, tec SM. psrs4!ge 6f{f>r4!ng s'J'&nd. another Inlub't; they rAutll, of Hie »f§ws in I*olftfi4 is Im 'dfsmstte to s§ Afli^pksn eltte§«8/ «od will the spiritual life of T5S.E f&tXth. S.J14 plenty, I f,ot plant feBd snother tat." In evil therefore z cri Bet live by breaS siOC*;. Hk<s religious leaS?.™ i Utopia each -win «ajoy th> AK Jevjj Tre fcare a chaiienglisg e t a " l>e sent & gs.5s.5t him. wfltefs bft¥§' flowed HHdep th§ bridg§ of ilmo This y«8F the special titmn en Day is ta be Ja ftll ftg«-» have frequently In-1 of hi* own toll *.«<! KP prophetic heritage. By be in? tree A man rote . of BKfierstandiEg Of eivil fln4 religious liberty, Uu1gfi4 1» t'»« dream of, nourish-j through «Jjrftwdnc«f, invited t!iH! 'Jews into Poland to-help iflid upon tb§ to it we w'l! hasten Utopia £c<3 Ss he th&t t-iri) •:ex'a "hands &n& t e l 1 nA r « t&ith "Io thfl Eftd ^ ' o r ishcrSted prlvlieres wlJl be EO that prcst Y^VV7 <3sy -when the ccroetfe euretr for t i s neighbor. tlie biisiness "adminisiFatioh tltef& Vhw frotkeA'MU Those. prin«Ipl«i wbl«h bftv§ b«m so dear to Amoric«» trfl4itio» - ' *""••'• h«r» th« travails and RUI- ; t»or«s. He that loveth transgression, KicgsJcin of God •"rill h a r e become fceing ibfeat§ned or 4§nfed Jo many parts of tb« world, We of Israel an4 humanity j povftrty will be unknown in beeomins ?oot§d to fi»# part of Poland, I5i>fi they dirt ioreth strafe; he that es&Iteth bis a HjagTsiiieect reality. believe in tlieia inast battle those who would curtail the will have cfrs.Rc-4, when poverty tn<» Jewish Utopis. Kcactlonargate, seeketb destruction, „„„....... . ,T ,.......„ wW«Jlrwesth#irdB§-tm4§p hftvc hfien sbollshftd, Jnju^>; Ir;^,. torifis, thn gro^dy &nd ha.nchty : i Our sages -were sajing. "At all right to oivil ftnd FisligioHS liberty or yestrtet the fjghts toirm<ii§ beRiffR. fl4y8O6eiD?nl 0? fliviitaalion anditufnaii though!, I an<} pcacfi firmly c»-j Celifi;tit to quote an Isolated E!blj times should mac's cUfposition be Ko filronie was their j j ca x pauBagij Jn Justification of ec. W I P H JPoland b^efiwe sspfti'flted ft'OBi £tefl?'i§fc Bu§sift; IHOFS (loffi of §p#floh and of assembly. In this erisjs, the stability ot j pleas&nt in associating with men." faith In ft "KinpAom of Oc<J" on j ocomlc Inequalities and of their Rabbi Chanaa went to the colshoul4 be ensured by mutuftl e©r»8ld«ratlo» and a ree. eftrth, 1-iiftu'R dseade passed l->etop§;tfi8 goviFHinpnt', on pspep, fe* that ttipy pr-rmlUftd thc-»n-j o w n unjust prlvilcKfiR. The maw |l"eg£ and Epent twelve years there. of eommon obligation* among Protestanta, Catholics the etranpo y«t »:harmlngj f biblical and talmudic opinion O moved l)i§ biW§F)y=HnJnst dieeriminfttopy laws agaiii9( th§ Jews I When he was returning home he that in the new em. even j rcgardit poverty as a grave end went to the tiouse ot eludy of that pi'§vailid in ilii §§etion9 of Poiftod'which had been the rburaetr-r and Imhiu o£ anlcurse, one that must 'city end sent word to his bouse ..... lite Qmv'8 )!#§}• Tli# Polish «J§w^ then* fiuslly. obtained would ha traneforrocfl, ind bo removed from mankind. There | | that he had arrived. Rabbi Osthat tho wolf would Ho wftu the la no mere excuse for poverty than ? rights find priyi)§g#s'of equal eUiBtnship in onv own time j heya, t i s son. immediately came By EOEEET STONE . •End (incognito) occupied a seat lamb. thfiro Is for small-pox. A just a s bui BUt»h equftlity t)eesm§ a fnoek^Fy in ita'-applieationi aomiftl Federation meeting lait woek was a testlmoa- Tho Jewish Utopia ns conrolrcd economic ordor and the ultimate HARVARD AGAIN REJECTS j before him. He began to question t\)ii FeoorfN, th§'rJflw!§h p§opl§. i» Poland w#i!e ti^ated with Ittl to sontitiHottve aohieveraeiit la Jewish communal life. by th«? Ruthoritatlvo teaebcrw and abolition of poverty are uncom- SCHOLARSHIP FROM HAXF- J him concerning some traditions, literature if Israel dif. promlP.tnK PRRfintials of any Ut-JSTAEKGL, HITLER AIDE ' '• and peeing that he was sharp in !{y = - oft the feoovd th^v w§i'§ d§}»l?fi \\\$ fundamentals Tried in the oruoibl© of time, tested in the bliszardnefi* of authentic tho author indlratpB In oplan dream. The marvelous poj One Llttauer is better than a thouI every law, Rabbi Chama felt disfere, .1 allow ft people'to live happily and-ii.t seeurityr State the worst of modern times, the Federation structure his Introduction, In ono viral ea- tentialltics of our technological j sand Putzis. jI couraged, saying to himself, "If eonti'ol o§ indtistvy aiid Htilities and .business in'general has has proven Itself Uv superior to the old system of each Institu from tho Ideal society a« equipment make that hope not GERMAN-AMERICANS O R - I were here I would have had a |jy Plato. In Jcwlnh thought j only a certainty, hut an Inescap. jGANIZE FOR RELIEF OF NON- son (of my child I left) like this pown eongiderably in Poland dining tM paili few years, And tion having a separate group of effieors, with the waste*, dupliregeneration of man ablo obligation. Poverty is too j JEWISH REFUGEES . . . Hitler one." He then went home. His «9 tlie {fov§FJRDien% took ov§p eontfol of one after another o£ cation and laok of coordination tluit'eharaeterlgfd tho deeen. over wise politi. expensive and too dangerous a j must see this as another example son also entered. Rabbi Chama the nwjoj? indasti'iesi t!iTa dews .were unostentatiously but nev* eaj arrasscem^nU. The mor.t pcr- luxury for our age, which requires of the insidious Jewish influence. (under the impression that he of y^terday's Jewish aotlvlty. Dospito iuuumer y ^ y y p fflctly constructed state ia doomed an Immense number of buyers H U B E R M A N ANNOUNCED was a stranger) got up for him, gith§las9 ette.etively- ouatedi The eoonomlo disei'imlnatioii; able liftndleftps, "the Federation has functioned smoothly and without upright and Incorruptible with an Inexhaustible amount of PALESTINE SYMPHONY ORCH- believing that he had come to te§eiltv fell fil all tiffl§8» b§eame almost unbearable with the B met the needs of the Jewish community In a manner which eltisenn, money with which to consume ESTRA TO GIVE FIRST CON- ask him something. Whereupon his wife remarked, "Is there then deepening of the woi'bjUwMe depp.essioni AH a eoniequenoe, ranks Omaha high in the eounoite of America, The volumo is divided Into ten what is produced. Poverty has CERT IN OCTOEER And they such a law that one should get chapters, not a few titles of which n universal menace. won't boycott German composers, up before his son?" two miUion of \\\?.,three million «fewi in Poland .are tod«y in A glftuee si the highlights of the work dono.during tho sound quite modern to our twen- become The 8BRC8 loved Israel, passion- we trust. Tieetij one million oi these actually being destitute and des* past year reveals progress. The increase In the use of tho .Tow.tieth century earn. Tho second ately. To them Israel was truly WISCONSIN BOYS QUIT BOY From the land of Israel they entitled tha most beloved of God. The SCOUTS TO JOIN NAZI YOUTH sent forth the following: 'Observe ish Community Center building by 10,275 Is a graphic story chapter and Justice" atrlklngly reveals Divine selection of the Jew . . . Would these bbee , ,perfect cleanliness. _Be - careful in Itself. The handling of a difficult relief problem revealed the human character of much of not a theory but a motivating j| MOVEMENT descendants of the Germans who | with the children of the poor for the (tegperata eeonomle plight of the I'ollsh Jews uudet'Sfamliug ol a vital service. The large Increase in the rabbinic thought nnd doctrine. conviction. This nationi Thi harmless h l t i ' left Europe in 1S48 in order to j from them will the Torah come was evidently a mere ppelucl&i Wav the past two years Poland amount of money pledged to the Philanthropies and the num- The unhappy plight of tho riRht- alisra never assumed the objec- find freedom? j forth." was a source of great perplex- tionable and immoral form of disPOLISH JEWS FAST IN PROaud Qermany have been flirting with eaeh othei'i l a 1908 Hit ber of eentribytors bespeak a deep Jewish eenaeiousness eogni» eous ity to th« eagpR. It taxed their ptiragment, contempt and hate of AGAINST ANTI-SCHECHlei- signed a nnn--8gpeg9lo!vpftet with Poland* and a p a i ' ago «ft!il of the turbulent foreis at large today. The revival of n faith even as It does ours. They other nations, races and peoples, TEST ITA LAW This is one case the two eonn.tfie.9 enteped a trade apeementi In OFAU1 to Jewish lecture and eoneert series indicates a heightening of in- nolvetl the dlfflcutt problem only the nationalism that 13 a threat | l n & meat strike is logically partially by nftlrmtng that In tho to our civilization. Because Israel called for. ffoift vupturlng these newly-fopnieci relations, the Polish terest in cultural Rotivltles. Nor la tbera need to repeat the dlittant future this nnomnly •will Is the instrument of Divine re- CZECH JEWISH SCIENTIST DEninenl offielftlly opposed an&Nasl boycotts and winfe^A strides forward marked In educational program, child care, RO« ha corrpcted and that then will velation, does upon it rest sup- VELOPS NEW REJUVENATION nt> lha seeping ia of • Nftal propRgancuv The Naglg, eager to eial eervleG ftiut i\m wanlfold other ReUvltles embraced in the lh« ro%var«l» of rarth go RB they erior moral responsibility, must METHOD . . , But won't family Hjiould to th«» deserving, to tho em- It be a source of enlightment to life grow too confusing when comprehensive Federation activity, titelp poisonous hftte-fflongei-ing, AUempK inently righteous. In that happy mankind. In the distant future •While-the Rttendtoee at the annual meeting Inat weelc was to instill fiie eaina tJew4)&Hing taotk>s whleh had day only tho uood will prosper; all nations will learn to appreciate a g than in reeent years in spite of inelement weather, there thft wicked will.vanlsh like nmoke. the purposes, the ideals and the r baolt to• medievallsmi And the wkkod included a multi- contributions of Israel. And poHt-ioftl honeymoon feetweei\ Qeymany ancl Poknd is imquejtionftbly not wiougk enthualaim shown by the major* tude of evH-doera, speeulntors, us- Jewish oppression will then cease ov§v». Poland is finding (^ewnau-friendship,too m~- Hy of us in the work of the Federation, The work continues urers, oppreissorn and quite iren- forever. Judging from our preall types of exploiters. sent ordeals the rabbis were far ¥he Polish merchants m "holdiug the saekv' and to go on emootnly, and if most of ua never even troubled to In» t»rally, What Is significant la that the more realistic than we, who pride quire'vphithw the iloort of the Center were still open, there eighty m\\\\m dollar-belonging to Polish .eHiseai. is Ignored any and nil dis- ourselves on being practical. are seme blgh-4nlnded civic, leaders, men and women* who wbuUl sages tinction between Jew and non. The Jewish Utopia includes the la.QevBia«y»"witl\ the Na*i govei'ament'¥efus)ng'to earFjf on though the burden became staggering, The report they Jew. The -wicked Gentile* redemption of Israel, which in WMei he seeaUe^ of

,!$ White th«

ah •






made on their stewavdahip k eloquent testimony o! their \u\sb«\rt the 4e\fi have bwii eoatrouowsly poiuidetl into the minds gelflah work on behalf o,f a cause which glvta no monetary re. he&Yts <?>! -fii% 'Pftles, ftM five .-Sndefes (the M M \ turn huVyeapa p rieh dtvldenda spiritually. py If we are to be fair to \ielenee» l« aM not ehirte ©\u? ohligations onto lomeone else's shoulders, the padding ef the we must—«U of v\*=»=ii88\ime ow proper shaw of the work and eacritiee* Volunteers in every field ot Federation activity d can tmtt-muat 4o'eur 8hatt>, dedieating our to building i sound eowmunwal structure. M thai tiw\ hw to fim utet. with

follow me," It was like the deed of that otlier David vrho tho foul Goliath, infaraons defaraer of his people and j who, nlong with such as Jael and Judith, Sacred Writ proclaim- i er, aatl the world reverences as heroes of mankind. Surely he I is a hero who, knowing the full cost of his deed, takes his life • into his hands and is wiUJnjf to sacrifice it for a high and holy- j Frankfurter's act. is a symbol that the moral forces of [ mankind will soon array themselves against the monstrous vio-; a£ all tln\t is jnst and holy. j Slaying o! Qmibii German** Pay of Reckoning1 dravrs near. She herself in mad «lwl after K»a\tOUr deed (impending violation o£ the de-f militarised sone, forcible seirure of colonies and threat of sn- \ othw Wood pnriw) is diirgin? the pit in which she herself will \ MX, . The time is rapidly approadmtg1 for a. "sisow-^o\ra'? with. \ (there wUllse »*»y »e«e) fei the CSreat Britain, France, Russia ssd other nstions, • was the kllliiaf of the K*sl ©rg*aki&i' iu xjaall, know who is esessy No, 1 of the fctssss rase \ and are pwparinir thexnselves for the inevitable struggle. 1 shot "was a'sort of xtotice to the Trorld. f. tlte Swiss courts will EO saore convict Frankfurter eodvieted S^toarabard for- the killing- of the xsr,: , it 5?«ms t« ita ©a the groiaxd t i s t he hsd •su Sasse deeds sre Eic-re

a \m- Mad .Kasss



Always Ready pcUh the :New When if f* Newt!



j t h e y sw>? «R5V€>rsai a ^ d ec«E£ie.


One of the attr&cticas of b&ts is their ricSs. ES^H^W* M t . fee quality felt tfekt li vc«atrer to l to= ccmftKEa to Ms






! ANNOUNCE BIRTHS er •will speak in YiddiFh at the Mr. and Mrs. John Mason an! B'nai Israel. nounce the birth of twin daughi Sunday morning regular father ters, Roselle and Lea, at the Lord ! and son services will begin Rt !<' Mrs. Benjamin F. Margolin, Lister hospital, Wednesday, Feb- president of the South West Re| o'clock at the B'nai Israel ernaPlans hare been completed for ruary 12. Mrs. Mason is the for- gion of Hadassah, will address the j gogue. , the Leap Tear dancing party to mer Saramara Katskee. local chapter Wednesday, Febru- j be given by the Junior Hadassah Temple Mfeve Malke Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Spinka of ary 26, at 2:30 p. m., at the Jew-. O n Wednesday night, February •Rabbi David H. Trice's sermon ish Community Center. Her sub-! 2 6, at Peony Park. Miss Frances Chicago, 111., announce the birth i topic at services this evening will The regrular monthly Mlsve of a son Sunday, February 15. ject -will be the "Youth Aliyah" Kornfeld is general chairman in j be "What Anti-Semitism Does to Malke meeting of the Mizrachi Mrs.; Spinka is the former Emma —Hadassah's new project—which charge of this affair and prom- Tou and to Me." Mrs. J. M. New- will be held fit the B'nai Israel aims to bring into Palestine large ises many novelty stunts. Kurs of Omaha. j man will light the Sabbath can- synagogue, isth and Chicago, numbers of young people from The member -who obtains the jdles. at S p. m. Saturday. A report on g off 12-16 from Germany, y, Po- most new members prior to the i Services Saturday morning will the IP annual convention of MizSURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY ages rachi, held in Washington. D, C Twenty-five friends of Miss land and other eastern European j dance will be crowned "Queen of I begin at 11 o'clock. MAJfN-BERXSTEINE } The College Club will meet February 16, 17 and 2 Sth, Trill Kalah Franklin honored her at a! Countries, where the Jews are opj Junior Hafiassah," and -will be ENGAGEMENT pressed. Henrietta Srold, the > awarded a lovely gift at the dancej Sunday at 4 o'clock in the vestrv be given. Rabbi Meyer Berlin, ENGAGEMENT afternoon, Mr. and .Mrs. Sig Bernsteine surprise Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld world president of MizrachS, atFebruary party 16, in Sunday celebration of her seventy-five year old founder of also. Any girl who wishes to join rooms o£ the Temple. ol Council Bluffs announce the announce the engagement of their birthday. T h e guests played Hadassah, is at the head of this Junior Had&ssah should call Miss tended the convention. movement in Palestine, which In- Kornfeld," Harney 2652, at once, engagement of their daughter, daughter, Babette, to Isadore bridge. Beth-El Carolyn New, to Dr. Herman Kul- Mann, son of Mr. Charles Mann. Prizes were won by Mrs. David cludes not only1 the bringing over to make reservations, as all newAt services tonight, Rabbi Davly of Omaha. No date has been No date has been set for the wed- Forman, Miss Una Gross, Bettye of these young people, bat their members, will be honored guests. has been received here ding. . i: set for the wedding. Tuchman, Fannie Katelman, and placement, and the follow up Admission will be by tickets only, id A. Goldstein will speak on 'The of Word the death of Mr. Morris Lonwork which is necessary. and tickets are given gratis to all Law end Discipline in Jewish Miss Rosenfeld attended LinMiss Bernsteine is a graduate Rose Abramson. . don in Los Angeles, February 4. Mr. Laurence Finkle 'will sing paid-up members. Life.' deirvvpod College, at -St. Charles, of Central High school. Mr. London had resided in Omaha Palestinian songs. He will be acNext Week Mo., the University ot California Mr. Mann attended the Univer- VISITING IN CHICAGO for fifty years before leaving for companied at the piano by Mrs. Rabbi David Goldstein will at.Los Angeles, and the Chicago sity of Nebraska, where he -was POSTPONE JUBILEE DINNER speak on "The Arts That Beautify California tec yean; Ego. He was Mr. Eddie (Jeweler) Brodkey Academy, of Pine Arts. | affiliated with the Sigma Alpha is visiting,in Chicago. He will re- Al Finkle. JOT The Ladies Free Loan Bociety Home and Synagogue," a brother-in-law of Mr. K, S. A3A desert luncheon at 1 p. m. Dr.- Kully is a graduate of the Mu fraternity, and graduated turn next week. will postpone their Jubilee dinner pereon of Omaha. will precede the meeting. University of Nebraska and the from Creighton University. The awarding of a' "Trip to Pal- which was to hare been given Creightoh college of medjcine. ATTENDS DENTAL CLINIC estine," which was to take place Sunday, February £3, to some MARK L.EON WRITES •Dr. M. I. Gordon attended the HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE , At Vaad services tonight. Rah- ; at this meeting, has been post- later date because of the incleThe Pacific Mntnal Life Chicago Dental. Society mid-winFRIEDMAN-SOFFEB ment weather. The definite date j bi H. A. Berger will deliver Miss Eva Bass, bride-to-be, has poned until March 25. This will Insurance Co. ter clinic in Chicago last week. Miss Frieda Soffer, daughter of been the inspiration for many be announced later. j sermon on "Shekalim, Old and IR fact, INSURANCE of Every give those, women who have not Mr. Morris Soffer, will become the lovely parties the past week, and of California New—a comparative study of the Type • . 6t<-onp Reliable sold their full quota of- tickets a bride of-Herman Friedman, soa many more parties are being plan- CONVALESCING Companies, ONLY l a n d e d and modern shekal idea." chance to finish up. of Mr. and Mrs. A. Friedman of ned in the near future honoring Mrs. B. A. Simon is convalesc[Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the City Fin&nce & Iisscraacs Co. AT. t The "Give or Get" Luncheon Kansas City, Mo., Sunday, Feb- Miss Bass. choir will chant the services. i • • ing at the Clarkson hospital, which culminates the effort to A T 7EG? . 14DB F A R N A M W A C1S0 ruary 23, at 2:30 o'clock at the Saturday morning Rabbi BergMrs. A. Forman entertained for where she underwent an operation raise funds for Hadassah Medical B'nai Israel synagogue at 18th eight tables of bridge at the Ham- last Thursday. work and the "Youth Aliyah" will j and Chicago Btreets. Rabbis N. ilton Hotel, Wednesday, February take place on April 22 in the j Feldman and H. A. Berger will 12. Prizes were awarded at each SORORITT INITIATION Auditorium of the Jewish Com-i B e r l m (JTA)-A group of Nazi perform the ceremony. We Invite Tour Charge Account The Alpha Gamma Chi sorority table. This luncheon | educators are demanding that the munity A dinner for the immediate The following day, Miss Ann held its informal initiation Sun-1 h o n o r s Center, Bible be banned in Germany as members who have "dangerous" literature in a statefamily will be held after the cere- Altman entertained with three day afternoon, February 9, at the r a i s e d othose r home of Miss Betty Fellman. The donated $10-00. Mrs. mony. tables of bridge at her home. A I -h l*i • 'is 1 ment to the newspapers. • Mr. and Mrs. Friedman, will Prizes were won by Mrs. K. Glic- initiates were the Misses Evelyn Irvin Levin, Medical Fund chairMeanwhile, it was announced man, will be glad to assist any at a conference of Nazi Evangelic • make their home in Kansas City. kem, Mrs. Wolf, and Mrs. J. M. Dansky and Esther Steinberg, The formal initiation was held woman to raise her quota. Baker. churchmen in Bremen that the MOVE INTO APARTMENT Saturday, February 15, Mrs. Sunday, February 16, at the home Bible is being "revised" and a OMAHA'S STYLE .CCNTtR,.-«,i.U.T« AH2 JvARS'CV• "in*"" Hadassah Cultural Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Romm are William Monovitz h a d seven of Miss Bertha Slutzky. Miss new translation being made. »—"•'»»» •rumJanet Graetz presided at the tea now making their home at the tables of bridge at her home. Mrs. The parley discussed at length Rabbi David Wice will be the the question whether Jesus Christ Hanscom Apartments, 1029 Park J. M. Baker and Mrs. J. Kaplan table. The centerpiece of red roses and Iilies-of-the-valley and guest speaker at the next reguAve. were awarded the prizes. was a Jew, reaching a decision Mrs. M. Minkin was hostess for the tall white tapers carried out lar meeting of the Hadassah cul- that he must have been of "Arthe sorority colors. three tables of "bridge at her home yan" origin since Galiiiee in PaleAT JOSLYN MEMORIAL Plans are being completed for at tine was not a purely Jewish dison Sunday, February 16. NEXT WEEK a formal dance to be held at the the home of Mrs. Samuel Stein- trict. Mrs. H. Whitman and Mrs. H. Esther Steinberg, accompanied Lefkowitz entertained for five Paxton hotel, March 7. berg, with Miss Rose Steinberg by Florence Steinberg, will ap- tables of bridge last Monday. Mrs. as co-hostess. The firms advertising in tee pear on the program in the lec- J. N. Baker and Mrs. Harris were E. T. C. Mrs. M. F. Levenson will give Jewish p r e s s m e r i t a n d deserve ture hall of the Joslyn Memorial awarded the przies. •The E. T. C. sorority held a the • address on current events. your patronage. next Sunday, February 23, at Tuesday, of this week, Mrs. meeting and Valentine party last J This meeting marks the first an- !j " 4:30 p. m. This is part of the S. OnGreenstone entertained six week at the home of Miss Mer- j niversary of the group, which met " "Youngs ArtistB Series," and is tables at home. Mrs. K. Glickem riam Lieb. After a short business; a t the home of Mrs. Steinberg exsponsored by the Omaha Music and Mrs. H. Oruch received prizes. meeting* .Mrs. Eve Konecky, t h e | a c t i y a year ago. Consequently, a Teacher Association. club sponsor, entertained the! r e cord attendance is espscte 2, 3 or 4 roorriS beautifully Her song numbers: Adagio RECUPERATING members by telling their fortunes. furnished. Electric, gas asd Pathetique, Rondino, I n d i a n Valentine decorations w e r e The firms advertising in the phone Kjol-afei. Gas heated. Mrs. Max Fromkin is reported Snake Dance, and Hejre Katl. much Improved from the illness used throughout the dining room. Jewish Press merit and deserve Call We S527. which has confined her to her The centerpiece was a large red j your patronage. At 4 p. m. next-Sunday there home for the past five weeks. heart .with the club name spelled •will be an organ recital in the out in tiny red candy hearts. Inconcert hall. At 3:30 p. m. in stead of place cards, each memMt. Sinai Auxiliary the lecture hall there will be an ber's name was written in the There will be a regular meet- candy iearts above the plate. address by Prof. A. D. Wallace oii "Eighteenth Century Letter ing of the Mount Sinai cemetery auxiliary Tuesday, February 25, TO SPEAK IN GRETNA Writers." . at 2 p. m. at the Atlass: Teshurin Rabbi Frederick Cohn will adsynagogue at 25th and Seward dress the Women's Club of GretVAAD AVXIL1ARY BAKE streets. Plans for the bazaar, to na, Nebr., Tuesday evening, FebSALE NEXT WEDNESDAY be held in the near future, will ruary 25. He will review "SecSelected! from • c»ur regular be discussed. ond Hoeing" by Hope Williams T i e Vaad, Auxiliary Bake Sale Sykes. nock of higher priced costs •will be held Wednesday, Febru- POSTPONE ONEG SHABBOS Ferdinand La Salle, the tragic ary 26, at Brandeis Store. Special The Beth-El auxiliary Oneg comedian, will be the great Jewreduced. delicacies will be sold, including Shabbos, «which was to be held ish personality Rabbi Frederick home-made bread, gefilte fish, this Saturday, has been postponed Cohn will discuss' Monday evening etc. Orders for special items will until Saturday, February 29. before the class of the College of be taken. Call Mrs. D.B. Epstein, Jewish Studies at the J. C. C. at chairman, Atlantic 5502, or Mrs. 8:15 p. m. ' College Club Meyer Katzman, co - chairman, The College Club of Temple IsHarney 1360, for orders until the tnodea rael will meet Sunday, February date of the sale. rtcurstrutted at WantertoRent 23, at 4 o'clock in the Vestry the Kcavtr bctser rooms of the Temple. J. Harold refined young business men Sacks will speak on ^Social Se- Two seek living accomodatlons with curity." , private family. Prefer west of 30th



Dzrli R-



Nazis Demand Ban Be Placed on


: %: s ;™x -

most as ivurch as




Kitcheii Chats

By Mrs. David M. Newman Sunbeam Cake Take 12 egg yolks, 1*4 cups flour, 10 tablespoons boiling water, 1 teaspoon lemon, iy2 cups sugar, %' teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons'baking powder. "Add the salt to yolks and beat slightly. Add sugar gradually and beat for 10 minutes, then add flour and water gradually, then the baking and lemon. Pour. in large angel food pan. Bake an hour at 350 degrees. When cold, cover "with Frosting Delight • Use y2 pound butter, 4 eggs, 2 pounds sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cream butter, add a little-sugar. Drop in an egg and beat. Add some more sugar, another egg, etc.',: until - all of the eggs and sugar are used. It will take 30

or Dundee. Garages preferred but not necessary. Box 6 Jewish Press

Sigmca Tau A group of girls have organized a new club, Sigma Tau, tinder the sponsorship of Miss Rebecca Kirsnenbaum. The officers are: Ann Poilay, president; Louise Saylan, secretary and reporter; Dorothy Blau, treasurer. Meetings will be held at the J. C. C.

A. Z. A. 100 A regular meeting of -chapter 100 of A. Z. A. will bo held at the J. C. C. Sunday afternoon, February 23. Important business will be discussed. All members are urged to attend.

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These Hoover Specials are rebtdlt right at the Hoover factory by skilled experts who carefully and completely replace all wornout parts with genuine Hoover parts. That's why Hoover Specials are guaranteed for one full year to give such" marvelous cleaning service.



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A One Dollar Dinner "PAT" WALSH Presents a Brand - New Floer Show Featuring Nightly

CLIFF WIHEHILLAmerica'* Master of Fun In a Brand New Revue with

A Kost of magnificent fur trimmed! coats of unusual value and distinction at fust about Half their real worth. Buy for now or ntxt year on our deferred payment -plan. Pbnty of sis©!, colors and trim-

Natalie and Howard Adagio and Apache Artists




Jewish District of Omaha BOX 20 Jewish. Press

•i '• i

• - ••

TWO FLOOR SHOWS 11:15 P. M.—2 A. M.

3fo Cover Charge Dancing Continuously

Personality Pius MUJDKED KOCK Sophisticated Slulfier FBEDDJDB E B E X E S end His 10-Piece Band DANCE WHILE YOU DINE Delicious Charcoal Broiled Steak or Fried Chicken


1 . - * . HiAi*-

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CARRIER—Military experts look to the air as a decisive battle area in.future wars. Hence, nations: are air-minded. Here is evidence that the Scandinavian countries keep pace with others, as . the new Swedish warship FIRETRAP BABED IN WOMEN'S COLLEGE—A collapsed ceiling on the third floor of the burned Gotland, combined cruiser and wing of Hunter College, New York City, after flames from an undetermined cause had swept through seaplane carrier, drops anchor in the 72-year-old Park Avenue structure. Officials said wooden floors, stairways and halls constituted a "terrible flretrap." Thefirestarted at 2:30 AM. Speculation was made of what might have hap- Gravesend harbor, while on a visit to British ports. pened had the fire occurred when the building was occupied by students.

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IL DtJCE IN STONE—Hardly had the Italian forces •; captured Adowa, in Ethiopia, before they began erecting monuments in acclamation of their victory. One of them was this huge stone head of Premier Mussolini. Perched on a hill overlooking Adowa, the great stone figure serves to remind them of what n Duce expects, and is said to be an inspiration for the soldiers. . •:



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CAPTIVE — Bev. John Trewin, Canadian member of the Sudan Interior Mission, reported held captive in chains with the Rev. Harold B. Street of St. Paul, Minn., in remote Gama Province, Ethiopia. Mrs. Street asserted the two men were victims of an ^attempted extortion plot.

HELD BY ETHIOPIANS—The-TTnited States government'has .requested from Ethiopia full information concerning the deten,tion in chains of the Bev. Harold B. street, of St. Paul, Minn., in the remote Gamo province. Mrs. street, under guard with her .children, charged a native landlord had caused the arrest for blackmail. Rev. Mr. Street, Mrs. Street and three of their four .children are shown above. '

PREPARING FOR THE CONVENTION—Arrangements-committee in Washington planning for the Democratic Convention at Philadelphia, June :_. -ated, left.to right: Bruce Campbell. Illinois chairman; Patrick Nash, national committeeman frcrn Illinois, and Postmaster General James A. Parley. Standing :>W. W. Howes, 1st assistant postmaster-general, and Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City, N. J. :-'-v

MacDONALD GOES BACK TO PARLIAMENT—Surrounded by students of Edinburgh University, Scotland, in center, indicated by arrow, is J. Ramsay MacDonald, former British Prime Minister, who was elected toi the House of Commons for a vacant Scottish University seat. Mr. MacDonald returns to succeed the late Noel Skelton. This Is how the students received their returns.

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© EVE Barrett.

GEEL BORN TO EEATKSCE—Prince Alessandro Torlonia and his wife, the former Princess Beatrice of Spain, parents of a baby daughter recently bom in the Anglo-American clinic, in Rome. The baby is the former King Alfonso's first granddaughter.

RUSHED—A-striking picture of the gigantic'British ship, the Queen Mary, as work is continued day. and-night, at her berth at dydesbank, iScotland, to rush her--to - completion. Here the pride of the-"British passenger fleet'is in^a blaze of lights. Her maiden .voyage is scheduled for nest May. :.-•••

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TRUCK ACROBATICS—When Dan Aslip, driver of i this truck, attempted to negotiate a corner in St. Louis, Mo., somegravitatiorlal law apparently Intervened. The heavily loaded trailer-went over on its side and the motor unit reared up like a bucking bronco. The driver and his helper escaped injury.

PERFECT START FOR THE BABIES—Theyfre 631 In perfect alignment here ga the two-year-old baby racersto;a practice get-away down the Hlaleah Park nursery course inMitfiai, Fla. George Cassidy, official starter, is at the far side of the track In the starter's stand, and he has just pressed the button that released the youngsters from the "portable stall gate for a 3-furlong dash.




MEDALS—:A new End excl'-zr-. pictere - of/ Gertrude Athertor. tam&us • author, wearing three decorations 'recently conferred upon her by the French.-.-(.They are •feeMedsille d"Honneur, the Medaille deia^epublisue Francaise and ths M&dsills de Legion dSonneur. -Miss Atherton's l&test novel, ."Golden Peacock," a -story of the Augustan age, is soon to be'published.

TQIi- A -:r".Jr E^OOTLS-George Geikmc, Taakee baseball club outSelder, known to the fans as "Twinkletoes *dr»i a bit of trap shooting at Rochester, N. Y., to keep"in w n d i f i Successor to Babe Ruth's position, wearer of the Babe's tovmSr No. 3, Selkirk is an ardent sportsman and practices such activities ss wrestling, hunting, skung. He even swings a mean chopping ax! Copjslghi




• Mr. Lee Grossman's right handThe writer, in accordance with The Center Athletic Dept. center for five straight years and ! The Jack Sprat Food Quint has jated A. S. A. No. ICO team, coachman, .and- all-around helper has as the physical department, .. takes should be complimented oa the Class A Champs ia 1532, but! been t h e erAj- team so Xar in the ; ed by Paul B o c d a n o " . star i'o1.-. ; yet gained no credit lot his work this opportunity to thank Ben on fine way they "have been running have never seen better officiating regular Class B season of r ' a y to ward of the Class A pre-seasrTr • •«• which is voluntary. ThiS" man, his splendid cooperation which he off their basketball games this than this rear. Less dissension,; hand the league leading Sharp \ champ? and who p.ro now tied f<>~ Ben Effros,' is entitled to glory has shown this winter.. Mr. "Gross- Tear. I have been a member since and cleaner sportsmanship has! Shooters a defeat. Tire second ! first piece in the regular FetiRoii, By PHINEAS J. BIRON as yet not received by his work man remarks that if there is any- the building opened and have prevailed throughout this tonrna- j place outfit came through to take : Omaha Jobbing five, came throuj:"!, ETSEDE starve.... He owns a chain of as official timekeeper. Ben gains thing to be done right, the manplayed on the last 5 out of 6 ment. I hope to see this coctin- i a scorching victory by the score : to win their second frame o'i. ! ' . The State Department.will de- twenty-four restaurants on theno profit by this, work and as yet for.the job is Ben. Class "A" basketball champion- ued throughout the years to come. \ of £7-2£. Benny Kutler led the season, detecting the last pipe*: ny it but James G. McDonald, ex- Pacific Coast.... Louis McFad- has had nothing but a few'"slurs ship teams with, the Psi Mu squad Mr. Lee Grossman and his staff f winners, scoring 11 points, and i Pants Store five'.' 20 to 1 1 . IlRVvy refugee commissioner, is being deh, former anti-Semitic member without which no man is judged Jay Stoler, prominent member of the last two years, the JPeer- should be highly complimented j Milton Eaylan starred on the of- ; Fox looked pood for the winners, groomed to succeed John Cudahy of Congress, will have a fight on a success in this sort of occupa- of " the Center, has kindly con- | less Cleaners, and coached the for raising the standard of play fense -for t h e losers with 1 points, j Norman Bordy stood out for" as American .Ambassador to Pol-his hands to win the •Repubicah tion. 1 Deep Rock Junior champs at the ] at the J. C. C." In t h e second game, the rejuven- j losers. itributed the following article: and....Mrs. Estelle M. Sternberg- nomination In Pennsylvania.... er, executive director ol "World His opponent is Col. A. G. RuthPeaceways, is completing her erford of Honesdale, secretary of boot,' "The Supreme Cause," a the' "Wayne County Republican story of international affairs.... Committee.... Morris Gest is ClSvelanders are still chuckling, writing hie autobiography.... Joe uncharitable though -their amuse- Smith and Charlie Dale, the popment is, at the memory of the ular" team of Jewish comedians, sight of a prominent New Yorker will mate a Broadway comeback who appeared on the ptatform at in a play called "Summer "Wives," the annual-Federation meeting with., his suspenders hanging which will mark Molly Picon's in graceful loops below Ms coat debut on the legitimate BroadThe gentleman .in., question was way s t a g e . . . . . . one of the 'bigwigs in the Joint Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts S Distribution Committee.... Dorothy Kahh, ' former Tress agent Polish Situation to for the America Friends of the Overshadow German Hebrew University, now has a Berlin (JTA)-—Dr. Franz Mey. similar Job -with, the National er, German Zionist leader,- disCouncil of Jewish Women.... closed that the situation of the "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" Jews in Poland, will soon overAlthough schecbita is banned shadow the, Jewish situation I In Germany, tbe new German- Germany. Danish trade treaty has a provisset.: And it" looks like local His statement was made at a How to Bring Home Pros-] ish ion which calls for the admission press conference held in connecRabbis are in for a busy year-of of kosher meat from Denmark to tion with the first all-German :perity (and Posterity) j knot-tying.. Every newly-wed inGermany.... The. Rev. Harry Zionist conference since Hitler's i One of our ardeixt readers (the i terviewed swears by married life. Greenberg is assistant rector of accession to power. 1 other is in bed with a cold) writes! : CALL US GLADSTONE BROS Holy. Trinity. Protestant, Episcopal | in to suggest a date bureau to j Dr. Meyer disclosed that the A "Long" Sfcry Church, Brooklyn.... T b e ad- World Zionist Executive in Lon2H7 S o , Z ikeep on file eligible dates, male | AIR CONDITIONING dress of a Yiddish weekly in Hav- don .had been active ia preparing UP jand female, with their likes, dis-1 Al Lew, broad shouldered, and ana,- Cuba, is Jesus Maria Aven- the plans for the visit to the i likes, financial standing, etc., cat- ; reaching some sis feet fire inches for every purpose into the stratosphere, was a cusida. 7 5 ; . . . It was in the Wash- United'States of Sir Herbert SamS0MTO1E | alogued for reference. Then if jto'mer Et the Golden Gloves fistic ington stationary store of Adol- uel, member of a delegation of you're stumped for a date simply! Distributed by battles last Friday night. phus S. Solomon, B'nai Brlth three British Jews. icall the bureau and presto! your (KE. 1500) leader, that the best photograph | difficulties'are solved. And you After craning his neck in every He emphasized that if Sir HerWESTERN ever taken of Abraham Lincoln bert's plan for expatriating Ger• know ahead of time wliat your i direction for the first five or six •was snapped. . David Oppenheimer man Jews Is successful, the co- Air Conditioning Corp. | date is like. The. other half of jfights on the program in a vain is the only civic official in wboBe operation of non-Zionist groups is ', the suggestion is that girls pay! attempt to witness the proceed• A LITTLE DLPFEREXT AT. 3454 honor a monument has been erec- guaranteed. The Zionist leader 104 No. 18th St. ! half of the expense of a date. This |ings, a short stocky fellow, sitting • A LITTLE BETTER j will stimulate dating thereby bet- directly, in back^ of Al turned to ted in Vancouver, British Colum- expressed the hope that Sir Her, tefing the amusement business' his partner, and said, "I'd have bia. . . . Sarah Bernbardt used to bert would return, from America | (theaters, night clubs, restaur- \ been better off, if we would have receive callers while • taking a with a definite plan. taken one of those seats behind bath.... Jacques Offenbach, the | ants, etc.) and the clothing busi- : a pillar." composer, was a synagogue can!ness (going on the theory that; tor in. his youth but embraced ' 'you dress- up for a date) which in I Catholicism in later life.-... : j turn, will stimulate other business • A WEIGHTY MATTER | Ask Your In Appreciation of Your OIL By BAY SCHAFIEO Krst Mortgage THE COSPEL TRUTH; , and . there, von have the perfect,! Joe Feldman is an example of Grocer for Past and Future !solution for bringing back pros-! Opposition- to- the filming of what 'living right' * will do' lor r Federal HonsSng DistribSemi Lump iperity", hot to mention the redec-- one. Not long ago,. Joe, now in Patronage Three Class A basketball games Sinclair 'Lewis' novel of Facism in utors j.tion of stay-at-home wall flowers ! his middle twenties, weighed a Repaid Over a Ferine! oj Tlvr America, "It Can't Happen Here," featured the sport card last Sun- FORBES TENDER CRUST . " BREAD \.-. ' tc Twenty Tee-p of - j (by the way, I've often wondered '<mere 145 pounds. Today he tips comes from Washington..-.. Lew- day at the J. C. C. In the opener, , why, they ..were called wall flow- j the "beaxnE at En even .190, and is' publishers are said to be ready the Omaha Jobbing" Co." came out Also Strntplit I/oensi fit *?i, •» : Per Ton Gties Look for the Orange ' :. ;ers?" There is no "scents" to i t ) .friends ' r KOSS PETERSON toBhoot the works to prevent this victors in a free scoring' game to have compared his fcuild or 5% Per- Cent • Guaranteed iTVhat do you think?. •anci Blue Label : defeat the A. Z. A. No, l f i v e , Service • HOTEL FONT'ENELLE censorship.... If the picture is to that of fighter Mas Bac-r's. to Satisfy Fine ever .-'• produced it will probably ETO-34. The losers-put up-a game Heatiag A Trial Will Convince You • • Pricerl ; have an anti-Communist; angle in- fight" during the first three quarCITY FUEL MOON OVER:MIAMI'.'-.- OHs FORBES BAKING CO. stead of an anti-Fascist twiste . . . ters of play, but the Jobbing team • .Open EveningE end-Holidays "Observer" writes In to say, "It : & OIL CO. At. 4114 I looks ' to" us" like Florence ' Gilin- I Harold Cherniak and James AT. S3W AB, if and -when Samuel Liebow- broke away in ( the last^period to 2711 Xo. 24th St. . WE. 6400 I Salzenstein are two ' young men AT. 4114 itz takes-over. Hauptman case he run their total of wins to 7. Art sky,.. Regina Klein, - Marva - Coiin, i Trio insist that ereii small things led- , the Jobbing- offense •will not take any money collected Adlerv Helen Maie S-alizmaaand: Berwith. 19 points and' Aukie;"-. Yaffe : ! be correct in every detail. T-oj at: Nazi meetings.... The :N£tzis led the losers with nieca Hiseihan' are sorta--missing i night these two are leaving for points.: Led are conBiaerlng-the; possibility•.pi by." Morris Franklin,-1-6 and -enTying' the iisth. ineirt'ber of j Chicago for" a o"Ee (1) day pleasthe- Xi'.iambBending:- ovir •: their:; crack" crime dasj^oppefl in' inBPired^A\"iP. T. Jttieir «estetw, Frances KoEt,"-who jure.-trip.iut lor.:weeks they bare expert to;inata'--Hanptiiiaii_talki.J, team to "win" tbeuTHfth~ gluhe of P'fert-rerTlOTida^lEEt wee£; <Tv*ho i bees - planning every detail,— And down in Florida David Wil- the season by the score, of 23-21. j wouldn't envy an exodus to Flor- | when, where and how they would entz. New JeTBey'B attorney-gen- Herb. Marks led the A. P V T. de| ida •with this weather In Omaha.) i be every minute of the time that eral, IB confiding to friends that fense, by scoring 8. points.. The BEAUTY SALON t h e y are gone.-^-as thoiigh they he didn't TaiBe objections when Psl Mu nosed put the Camel Dist. were goirg on s, niontii's trek. MUSICIN-THE'HUR'Governor H o f f m a n reprieved 35-34 after two extra time per- SPECIAL FOE A LIMITSD " Sweet Batter But it's a cinch that they will try [-Brass, Bronze Aluminum, -Soft TIME ONLY Jane Goetz, youthful Omaha Hauptman because of the -delicate iods of play. Aaron Epstein, mid• Dated Milk • girl, who is a student at the Uni- and cram one week's activity into: Grey iron nn& Semi-Steel OsrtNatl-Jew angle..:.. Leon C. Weis- get guard, sank a ,1 ong shot from" $6.50 Permanent Waves ; * Soar Cream - versity of Nebraska, has written "that brief twenty-four hours. ings. \Tood waad -Metal Patterns ( • Bfi,: Wo bl the South's leading ar- three quarters of the court in .the . a t ..............;.:.......;.......$5.00 and' many other products, Standard sizes Bronze E n d iron a enappy fox-trot tiiat promises chitects, has teen, hirea-to aesign last 45 seconds of play; in.the sec- $5;00 !Pefmaneiit Waves IN ' f i r ! | U H Bashings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern ask your grocer or call ... . to be a real 'dance .hit. Tiie came ENGAGING, AT THAT ' the inemorial. to Huey 'Long.... ond .extra period to ice .the game Rings snd Covers, Ci^pnoi' P C O T , , at ...'. ....„„. .44.00 \ nov N, Sash Weights a n d Yellow Brans of.. the selection slips our mind at An organization of the gree for the frat boys.. The Camels, It was just a coincidence thst PiumberB' Ferrufss, carried In ! • 716 Brandels Theatre BIdg. • ROBERTSDAiRY ' present, but Paul Christensen, loehirts using "the, swastika as an after leading 'at the' half 21-17, two coirsins, Carolyn and stock. Bronze -Tablets, Bronne and ; AT. 4333 - - cal'band" leader, l a s been featur- the emblem ia terrorising Negro and kept up th,e fast pace and manHA; 2226 Frances " liosenfeld, announced Cast iron 'Grilles c Specialty, ' t ing .the .number in his daily broad^hite sharecroppers in the South aged to stay ahead until the clbs-' respectire engagemeiits withcasts, and predicts ' great things their . . ..Allie Freed Trill probably be ing seconds of play, when a free in twenty-four hoars c£ each for the song: the head of thei New Deal's new throw by Aaron Epstein and a other. What we mean to say was field goal by Jack Sadofsky tied housing program.^.. -•. that the closa proximity was rot SPOB'J-'S PARADE, , . : the count. Off to a^good start in intentional, and not deliberate, as {Sa'ock-Proof ;'•••• sortie people think. No one is saying much about it the extra period, the Psi Mu boys ' rMy informant absolutely Come tu and try our Friday lor some strange ireason,-bat Mex- put in • three- ioiats -before' the j this sctuallv tappeae'd in a local nlte aTrifSmailEiy specials ico has.not accepted.an Invitation Camels ' could "percolate."." Two j "victualerr.-' The waiter "^as ex- \ TICK'TOCK KATS SCHMIDT'S to participato in. the, Berlin Olym- under basketshots; i y Hub _ Montolling the virtues of "his restaur- i The Killers sre expected back Cleaned tinti We Are PeatitriEg p i c s . . . . Hank Cieman, Canadian sky sent the Camels* into the .leadElnckeri Only. I in Omaha soon, from their Sonthant." "Yen, sir, tre are certainly CITY CLUB BEER . KOSHER S'AT.ATVH : np-to-date. TWhy- everytKing here ,' €rn risit, end Edward ROFSII tias i •walking ace and new -world's rec- again until Abe Bergman" wasSHOES-"at 27c. per lb. ord holder, ia a cinch for the Can- louled by Henry Riekes and made : for a Pleasant Surprise } ii cookea by electricity." "Well," I become one of those test count. Repaired While one of his two free throws good adian Olympic team.--. - . . It is You Wait • HAVE XOV TRIED snaps • my informant, "-See if you: the "days, hours, minutes, -. sec- i FREE—Pfck-up Find Deliveries J true-that certain ^gentlemen prom- to tie-the score at 31-31. The two f " , etc., and etc." can give . this Eteai another '•• • ' W H I T M A M " S . ' . in Downtown District wins by the Jobbing and Psl Mu SCHMIDT'S LATELY? II inent in. the • American Liberty fives leave both teams occupying siock." ' Phone EA. 4550 DELICATESSEN."& LUNCH League are angeling the Amer- the coveted first place position fo^t v i i fl CAPERING CALL 2417 Farnam J A . 4S74 ican Olympic Committee?. . . . with 7 wins and 1 loss. The "Conservative Capers of i Bridge; TMs-O n e . . . CITY CLUB BEER CO. Charges of anti-Semitism levied SHOE EEPAIK CO. Open Daily and-Sunday* 1836," extravaganza to be pro-1 • Cyril l>eon, Prances Corenman, deced in the Central High AudiTill MJdnlte by N. Y. IT. students against Schedule for February 23: 422 So. 13th St. AT. 5903 and Dorothy Margolin had a torium the evening o' March SI, Georgetown are probably not true, A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Xi Lambdas, bridge mix-up the other afternoon has some real talent included in ^ but King Kong Klein, one -of the 2:00.that almost made "them swear off the cast. Prominent is the cast N. Y. XT. basketeers, is carrying Psl Mu vs. Alpha Pi Tau, 3:00. bridge, but .they hare reconsid- is Rosalie Alberts, gifted dancer, around a beautiful black eye he Camel Dist. vs. Omaha Jobbing, ered. Two individuals were call- who is being groomed for a pro.. " got In the Georgetown game..'.. 4:00. " ing' for games on the same alter- fessional stage career. This talDon't be surprised if Mike Jacobs, T! |noon, and it seems that when the ented Miss will appear in several Let Gould Attend Your the boxing promoter, takes over With 14 players entered in Stop for Your HARRY A. FRAKKEL Igames were finally ready to start, Class Acompetition and 32 in LL the -Hippodrome as a rival attracnew routines, created especially Drug Needs 1 j there were only three present for for this performance, tion to Madison Square Garden.. the Class B play, the J. C. C. Lunch and Relaxation • .Visit xis in our new loca- each game, or. something, to that The Jewish War "Veterans-has a- singles handball tournament started play last week. The two classes tion where you will-find a effect.-; At any rate, they were. as mended its constitution to make , Actomobile accidents &re '• " - :" . A T have been divided so. as to give sports one of its activities . . . . • complete stock of Drag and mixed •ap as .we yare. Tv'ho were the ' two '-popular JTCh anS T'intor. costly . . . Be Prepares . . . every member a chance to enter POTPOURRI " Sundry; items. yoling Jewish girls who went forinto ^ competition. Those entered Have Tour aetcuiobile tnSTAR^ILLIMDS We -wonder -why it is that GerD o T o u * 8 e H e T e i n - •••' mal to one of the hotels last SatHA LAI IHDSY CO." scred i3itli Frasakel man visitors to this country are in the tournament are as follows: urday night' in ear-muffs, overDreams? . . Let QE keep j'oiir Class A—Paul Grossman, Ben Ro* :AND LUNCH * not only instructed by the Nazi ! shoes, and'-the rest -of the winter fresh and crisp, S3 DongtaB Block 50th &. Dodga St5WA. DS02 ,This Btory .cosies to us as au-• paraphernalia? . . . A game" called longer life. propoganda ministry to travel on sen; Sam ZorinsHy, Pinny "Win• .TACKSOX 1525 troub. Jack Ban,, Morrid Franklin, 316 So. 15th thentic: , • . . . ; PARKING SPACE -German ships but also to register ! charade is 'becoming- very popular . JBS4 Al Soffer, Jake Schriebman, Sol It seems that an Iowa woman "For in^s/rance Set Trarke' f l ' s " i Prompt Deliver^ at the Wellington Hotel in NewYaffe, Sam Teper, George Scha(these-winter sights, &-'young with a large damage claim, was lywed informs us . . . Omaha's s York... i The reason for ' this piro, Abe Fairer,, Jake Adler, Leo offered ? 10,000 to settle the case called, eligible' males are bewilchoice is a mystery but there is a Herman, and Manny Goldberg. out • of - court, and was going to "dered, as "each day's paper' inBtory behind i t . . . . From Aufbau, do so, bat that night .she dreamt Class B—Sam Ban, Irv Cohen, them of -the engagement of the monthly magazine of the New that Ehe was entitled.to more.'She forms York German Jewish Club, we Mandal' Simon, Herbert, Smith, also dreamt that an Omaha at- a "girl I knew well." Norman Korney, Sam Swartz, ilay gather that German Jewish ImWe Are-Serving a ' torney by the name, of _Cohen Sam "White, Paul Steinmigrants in Palestine feel that Schapiro, should handle her case. . - . Special American "Dinner BUT NOT IN A CANTER berg, Hymie Gendleman, Lou the East European majority set- SaKs, Led Blacker, Henry Beikes, So acting on the dictates of her Eddie Canter of stage, screen, tled theTO are snobbing" them.... Aaron Epstein, Al Oruch, Sam Ep- ••"•••_ E V E K Y S U N D A Y • . ' 2 2 4 Insurance BMg. dream, the woman came to .Oma- and radio lame, is. a comedian, And the German Jews, • accustom- stein, Jake Lemson, Walter BerItct \ P i . - t CviwX <y J?rfsal. ha,- looked in the telephone .direc- it-js- agreed. But irieaSs of Eded for generations to assuming a ry, Ben "Wintroub, Art Cohen, Leo 75c' AND-. 85c PEE' PLATE . •. Wiring of'oil MaSs," tory *or "an attorney by the name I die Kantor of Sloes- City, a reEvery Lctxiry $m)kc , haughty* superiority toward their Brown, David Hichards, H. B. F o r j>eo.roojT?s R r». & Batfe™ '• Motor Installations. of Cohen/'.discovered a .Harry-B; j.ceB.t bridegroom, is-labeled -fiii:4 Courses Complete Polish and Russian - brethren Cohen, Morris Adler, Stanley reonss . • . .: \ 9 WET WASH 2O FINIS ES35 I Cohen, -looted up that young' atj ferently hy his friends, for with lighting Fixtures. From it A. M, to S P/H. aren't enjoying this turning of Shapiro, Meyer Ferer, Les^Given• WOB51 " ' 1il torney, and'now.-he is handling | the thermometer hpyering at' ten your old shades . I the tables."..." The February isBue ter, Dr. Ben Goldware, Is Mann, the case.- for • her.. . • - - . j below, and-the roads-in rery had Estimates Gladly Furnished Let.iiE keep your wearing appi«™8l 1 sshafles as" Jj«w . u s 2 8 c ffife j Of Aufbau, incidentally, carries an James Burroughs, • and Morton *And all because of a dream. condition", Eddis,"with his bride, Immaculate' Tonr Ovrn Ro!lers . 'I Call Interesting article pointing out Ferer. - > ' ^10 So. iCth St. |droTe from Sioux City to iCansas P t tskfi tlrr- t^i c'f it righf by WAI.KXTT asm " •, | that Helnrich Heine, the poet, AT. 6473 UPSTAIRS Jake Aaier and Earl Siegel O m a h - lias h a d i t s s h a r e cf iCi*r. h s revealed-to--iriendB when foresaw the current developments played the firsf game in the handS : :• n~ '.- :~r. i: •- •- Cay. in Germany -with uncanny accur- ball tourney, with Jake Adler acy. . . . " winning in two straight games by ABOUT HEOPLS the scores of 51-20 smd 21-1G. Ben Hecht, the movie scribbler, used to be a press agent for a real The J. C.- C. matrons played estate agent In Florida.... If Abe host in an informal' volleyball Lyman should lose his job as angame to the Council Bluffs Y W. orchestra leader he wouldn't C. A. last Monday nite.

Peerless Cleaners

J. C. C. Sports










Gould Drug Co.



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now in the elec-jfor 14 weeks. j Moaning softly they N&si League,'is wealth g d bi He ii ;; After After this this engagement He got themselves and him ready to trlcal recording business H i / Despite -the very cold .'weather, under Grande Armee where, as they | ographic and xadie reproduction |debut_ In .films m - • — -the •• m* a large crowd-attended the Cabbanner in1". "Through Different knew well by now, the Zionist of the J. D. C . reception to-the aret dance, given Tuesday eveEyes," one of the early talkies British trio MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent ning in the West•' Hotel by the offices now situated. She could'not "feel" t h « p a n ' Ladles Auxiliary of Shaare Zion BIRTHDAYS: Gertrude Stein, |however, for, as she herself tell, (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Synagogue. the ppefjAy. won't be sore if) «E- " ^ . break from R,agP Feature Syndicate.) • Jack Reams and his; orchestra vou didn't send her a happy birth-j<^een was too sudden." So , h e By Winfred Ernest Garrison supplied the music for dancing day card decorated with pigeon* j returned to Broadway. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will and a floor show was presented. Associate Professor of Church History, in the grass, ala«,,pigbns in the | ...Then came another .tori, w . speak this evening on "The Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and Mrs. The University. of Chicago grass' on February 2 when she be-'j gagement—this .time at R o r h e R _ Charming. Appeal of Jewish "Law;" Rueben Miller were in cfiarge of came,'alas fifty-two yearn, old . , . i t e r - New .-I ork,. under the direcBlizzards, ever falling snow Cantor A. Pliskin and the syna- the-arrangements. . ' Brotherhood • Day, being ob- since every boat brought news of I On that same-day" Jascha Heifetz,!««n of George Cukor, who | , drifted shoulder high in many gogue choir will chant the ritual. served by Protestants, Catholics the latest battle in the continuing Junior ' Congregation services } whose" fiddling has delighted so ; now one of Hollywood's greatest places, and a wind that at times and Jews throughout the counwar of religions in Kurope, and BOOK REVIEW reached the velocity of 30 miles will be held Saturday morning 'many ears for so iriany years, be-'j directors and also one of o « r The book review at Shaare Zion try February 22 and 23 draws every colony received constant acan hour, have interfered -with the with David Kuntz acting as readcame all of thirty-fire . . . And | own. Readers of the Jewish Ledattention to the fact that religcessions of those whose hatred plans of many during the past er of the Law, an£ Seymour Rob- synagogue which was scheduled ious and racial prejudice is hot Samuel- Dickste'in, man of Con-| ger in Rochester will readily re>were still hot from the conflict. for earlier in the month, will, be few weeks a n d organizations inson, Cantor. gress, turned fifty-one on the fifth;call Miss Sidney's fine perfornia native American phenomenon brave enough to make plans a Candy for the Junior, Congre- held next Tuesday evening in the but an imported product, re- It is interesting and instructive . . . On the twelfth the good Rab-janceg in playg at the Lyrpum and to note the chronological parallel synagogue when Rabbi Rabino'week in advance, do BO with a gation services tomorrow morning bl I.' H. Levinthal became' forty-j t h e Temple. Theatre, ,if memory flecting European conflicts. • between the outbursts of intolermental reservation that another will be donated by Mr.* and. Mrs. witz will review "The Coronet" EDITOR ance in America and the events in GOING PLACES: The ad said eight . . . Leopold Goldowsky serves me .correctly, and how shB . blinding swirl of wind and an-Thomas Epstein, in honor. of the by Komroff. t g about a de lux trip! turned in his sixty-fifth ticket tojj Quickly became the toast of the the continent from which the new something other heavily driven snowfall may engagement of their son Dr, This is the fourth In the series aboard a de luxe liner to the land Father Time, on the thirteenth. |Kodak City's'elite. bring their plans to naught and Frank Epstein to Miss Sylvia Hol- of book reviews being given this - Religious and racial prejudice Americans had come. i gt that h JjBich Followingstage han his fiftyy j g exex in the United States is an undesir- \To recall these bitter and bloody of the healing sun, the white III G w s e Jean -Nathanwinter by Rabbi Rabinowitz. keep their audiences at home. land'1 of Milwaukee.. ! able alien that should be deported. episodes is not to fan the fires sands and the beautiful blue wa- || fourth on the fourteenth, Maurice iperience,' Miss . Sidney, appeared The first organization to posttheir j 0 B r o a d w a y a g a ! a .iri f o u r p l a T J We have troubles enough of ourof ancient prejudices. On the con- ters . . . And the doctor said "just Hnidus End Davd Ssrnoff pone a long planned for event was m own ; —frailties and follies, blun- trary, it is to prove that the whole the thing for you." So Mr. forty-fifth on th • twenty-seventh N S c e the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare " T h e Otfl-Tashders and sins, home-made out of history of religious intolerance in Peters paid his money and nowand B?en Hecht his forty-third .on I "s n e a Woman," Zion synagogue, when the blizGM Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will >" ' "Crossroads" and the raw materials of American America is the tale of a quarrel he's wondering if the word de the fwenty-eighth . . . And, oops! j ° zard on Saturday^ February . 8 , speak this evening on the subject t forget, Mr. Peters' boy "Many a Slip." life and character. We are in nothat is not properly ours at all. uxe hasn't been perhaps stretchforced them to cancel their An- 'Democracy at the Crossroads." Thus ended five year? of proposition r to congraulate ourselves It is like a mountaineers' fued, ed just a little bit by the ad writ- Pauld^"**^ turns four on Valennual;. Cabaret dance : which w a s The services will begin as usual BY F . R. K. fessional training which had prekeeping antipathies alive long afTS . . . If the- S. S. Mai de Mer, tine's Day ; . . smugly that we are not as other scheduled for that evening. The at S o'clock. . Happy. Birthday,, yourself! jinx seemed to make that affair a men. Humility would be our most ter the original contenders are as some of its other paying viej pared Miss Sidney f o r stardnm. difficult one to hold since 'earlier becoming virtue—• if we had it.dead, buried and forgotten. Such ims have fondly dubbed it be- (Copyright 1936, Jewish Tele-'And stardom came shortly afterPRIMARY ELECTION. MONDAY But this particular social error is man's loyalty to family and tween stampedes for the rail, is Jewish National Fund •ward in "Bad-Girl." This in its plans Mrs. Rueben Miller, graphic Agency, Inc.) City Primary Election will take of prejudice, at once a stupidity faith that it Is easy to go on hat- "deluxe" then that streptococcus Children of the Hebrew School her last stage play. DurinR its chairman of the dance, was call-" ed put of the city by the illness classes of Mr. and'Mrs. S. Krup- place next Monday,.February 24, and a sin, is not a domestic pro- ing a name or a strain that he has which sneaked up on Mr. P. and sensational run, B. P. Schulbere, elf. the wire comes the news nick have begun selling • tickets In Council Bluffs.' . There are duct. It is an importation from been conditioned to hate without made hash out of his face is just that Frances Sage (Satz to vou * ° V a s roanaRing dr of her grandmother. ' e<*tor three Jewish candidates for of- other lands where, for centuries, knowing how it began. of The next. postponement which for a drawing, the proceeds to^ an innocent victim of a foul elanand you) New York ' Theatre ' Production for Par-amount Pic fices in the Primary, campaign. it had been industriously cultivatthe weather dictated was the swell * the fund with which the der . . . The French for swell j C M een 's a tion has been signed tures,'envisioned-her as a great If you show that the attitude -meeting of the Junior and Senior classes .plan to inscribe the school Mr. Rueben Brown, 737 Avenue ed and protected by law. - Trans- of suspicion and hostility began might have been a good descrip-j b y RKO and will iournev Holly- P^ential screen star and persuadr efi her the Hadassah chapters,, an annual af- in the Golden Book of the Jewish D, is a" candidate for Mayor on planted to our shores, it has tak-under conditions no longer exis- tion for this frolicsome old tub wootlwaira.' Her ' father'is Bert 1j "" ' " " to *" forsake ~~"''L- iU - footlights*. "—"-"the Republican Ticket. fair, which was scheduled . for National Fund. en root and spread like any other ting and in lands geographically when its_ sole seagoing occupants ! Satz, -known jewelry men on | That happened jjrt«s" W 'T93fl.-in February 11. Mrs. Margolin, Re- Each boy and girl will try to Mr. Joseph B. Katelman, 417 pest, but neither the spoil nor the and culturally remote from our were cattle . . . And even' the poor January, 1831, she began — or Oakland Avenue, and Mr. George gional president of the Senior Ha- Bell one hundred chances at a pen* climate of our frontier civilization own, then something has been dumb milk-givers may have been j rather re-began her film career, dassah, scheduled to give t h e ny and the prizes, which consist S. Steinberg; 1428 West Broad- has ever been wholly congenial to thinking ungentlemanly thoughts j _ , , .appearing with Gary Cooper in done to diminish the intensity of way, are both candidates for Alof three electric lamps, a camera, re nt N e w T o r k t r I principal address, was unable to it. It J s alien thing. about their transport when it be-'™ *'" f F "City Streets." Mr. SchulberK'g come to Sioux City because of the a basket of fruit and a basket of derman-at-Iarge on • the Republi-, The meaning of this statement .he prejudice by revealing that, gan plunging and rearing and Edward Robinson visited an art | p r e f l j n t , o n t u r h e d o u t t o b e t n , 9 whatever It was in the beginning, closed highways and the extreme groceries, will be drawn for at can Ticket; Two candidates will will" be at once apparent If one gallery The dealer recognized j R n d e ( n r < s t h e f i she has been featt is no longer a valid. grievance rolling everytime it ran into a fivecold made It inadvisable to hold :he Talmud Torah; Purlm Carni- be nominated for Alderman-atbim and greeted him with sreat n r p r t l n ' R t m i 5 t '15 or more films foot swell . . . Our ticket says one considers It in relation to two of but an Irrational prejudice. val. Large on the Republican Ticket. the meeting on that date. round-trip to Miami . . . Maybe j f«sPeet- "I feel honored," he said, including 'An'-American Tragedy"' the most pestilent prejudices that Anti-Semitism Imported l £iva Every eligible voter is urged Children of the Hebrew school Hebrew School classes were sus>'S enjoy your pictures . . . ! a n d emons her most recent ones, now afflict this country along with Anti-Semitism is a much more Mai de-Mar hasn't been informed! pended for several days because presented a debate on the pro-to go to the polls'Monday and the rest of 4 the world: that be- recent phenomenon In -America. about that ticket,.for it does E p - i n o w y o u « n enjoy mine." "Hm," | g a m u e l R ap haelson'« "Accent on r m l vote in the Primary election. posed plan for taking Jews out the bua which brings the children Robinson drily, "but | Y o uth " tween Protestants and Catholics, It also is an importation. This pear that its chief progress has j m™i n e c""ed o s t yort a to and from the school wa3 un- of Germany, at an assembly of the ana | consisted either of. terrifying I ouarter and that between Jews and Genmeans not merely that the Jews BAR MITZVAH y o u r s iU cost m e a able to get to the various homes. Shaare Zion synagogue and Talplunges straight for Davy Jones' j . * couple REED, RAMAC1OTTI A ROBINSON tiles. are immigrants. We are all immud Torah. Taking part in the s r a n d ! The Bar Mitzvah of Lester Fox, The cultural meeting' of the Ju" ' &• EPtfRAIM U. MARKS, Attyt. History of Prejudice ; migrants, if it comes to that, the locker or awesome, soaring flights nior Hadassah, scheduled to meet debate were Morris Ginsberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fox, CIZ First Nai'I Bk. Bldg. directly up to the highest heavens j When adventurous Europeans mass of Jcv\s coming somewhat Thursday evening in the home of Adeline Stern and Shirley Lazere. wflltake place Saturday morning, Heigho! . . And inbetween, the merry PROBATE NOTICE Miss Bess Lipshutz, 1915 Heights The children • nave been invited to February 22,'at the Chevra B'nai began to plant settlements along more recently than most of the Mai de Mer occasionally turns kitavenue, was cancelled when drift- present the same debate at a Yisroel synagogue at; 618 Myn- the. Atlantic shore of America., rest of us. We have always been T n the Msitpr of the Estate of tenish and keels over on her-ribs, (Copyright; 1836,- Jewish Tele-! H : Harry. S. MeI>onaM, t>ceascd. ' ed • enow in the Heights district meeting of the Hebrew Mothers ster Street. All relatives and they came as Catholics and Pro- subject to periodical epidemics of plays dead for a heart-stopping graphic Agency, Inc.) Notice Is Hereby Given: That the Association to be held this month. friends are invited to attend the testants. That great plane of cle- natlvism, but special antipathy to made travel there impossible. creditors of rate! deceased •will mept Bar Mitzvah." On Saturday after- avage had already divided western Jews did not come in with the moment and-"then rolls sickenlngly the administrator of said estnte. hfA handful of^faithfui Auxiliary fore me, County 'J.udire of Douplns noon, Lester will entertain about Christendom into two parts. ' And Jews. It arose partly, to be sure, over on her other side . . . Really, members, braved the elements last Oneg Shabbos Countr. NebrasliB.' at the County fifteeeh-of his young friends at-a not only into two parts, but into by reason of certain economic and It's enough to make even an An"Monday evening to attend the Court Room. • In said County, on the The Shaare Zion Ladies Auxil- Theatre Party at the Strand Thea- two warring parties. In those social facts connected with their glo-Jewish scribbler forget about ISthflay of April,' J936, a n * on »IP open-meeting at the Shaare Zion iary i will „ hold- their regular 13th day-of June. 193fi. at 1»"o'clo<-k By LOt'IS PEKAS'SKf -• • •••' .. days, hostility'between the adher- Increasing numbers, but- very the Nails and their cute tricks . . Synagogue, but the meeting was monthly Oneg Shabbos meeting tre. ; ' • • - • • A. M.. ea.ch day, for ths purpose nf But Mr. Peters has no kick . . . ents of different creeds did not i i cho of European Mr. and Mrs.. Dave Fox will ena r g e y a s a n e postponed until the weather per- tomorrow aftefhoon in the home presenfinp- their .cleinm for examinaSEDNET He hasn't missed a meal and-the mean merely verbal acrimonies, tion, adjustment »nd Hllownnee. Three tertain about seventy-five relamits a larger audience. of Mrs. A. Finkensteln, 905 tives at a Dinner Party at the theological disputations and a gen- anti-Semitism. The\more violent seagulls that wisely trail this jol- ; Paramount mo^^IV^l^i Zr,lT%.mZl demonstrations, such as the KishServices at Shaare Zion syna- Twentieth Street. ly little tub would starve if they tion picture star and'one of the j *° Present-their-rlsims, from the 13th eral lack of fraternal cooperation Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue inev- massacres of thirty years ago gogue were not. held last Friday " of March. Mrs. A. H. Baron will act as counted on his contributions . . . lleading celebrities of the Jewish day fRAWFORH. evening because the_ many who chairman. Mrs. Max' Rosenstock Sunday evening at six o'clock in It meant war —'war with'carna and the Nazi cruelties of today, It -must be the -eiffectsofthat little fafth in Hollywood,'3s'a product 2-Sl-St County Judge. do not ride on the Sabbath could will read a paper'on the life.of honor of their son's-Bax Mitzvah. weapons, war with bloodshed and have., evoked. the sympathy of all of -tbe.."sidewalks of New York.' rapine. , In 'England! there' Md sensitive, and. humane persops. tiff'with «Mrj- Streptococcus before] not have possibly have walked to Theodore Herzl. . Mrs. S. KfupF R O M K I N , Atty, Sbe was born in a Bronx fiat on Insurance B l l William-. Solomonow, 52 years been Protestant martyrs ' un'def But; theseiapart, the ,steady, pres- einbarkiag:. . . the syngaogue in. the face of the njck . will speak on Rebecca August -7, the';daugMerbf"a RusMary and Catholic martyrs under sure abroad, .upon this group as 1 old, passed away••, Monday evening wind and show. . ' PROBATE NOTICE sian motherland Rotitoanian faGraetz and Mrs. Meyer Shubb will Members of the Hebrew Moth- present "current events. 'Singing at his home at 1110 Twenty-third Elizabeth. In Sjialn,'Italy and aatipathy -or, condescension, as, .e^- MAN-BITES-DOG N O T E : Dr. t h e r - « •--'• '••••'-• ' - • L. - - . • In th* Mutter of \he ,-fesitate of RePoland, Protestant beginnings had ers Club were unable to canvass of Palestinian and Hebrew' songs Avenue in Council Bluffs: from a ist in this country. . Stephen SV -Wise seems to be fql- . Early in l « r childhood she felt bet-oa SSiapiro, I>St!e«s'ed. ' Notice IB 'Hereby Given: That the the city for the sale of Banquet will be led by Mr. S. Krupnicfc, heart attack. -iHe is survived by been crushed by-- violence: * In • There is jieither time nor space lowing In'the footstepgiOf his son, t h e urge to become an actress. creditors of thenaitf deceased will Tickets, and as a result the Tal- and refreshments will conclude his widow, \Ethel; one daughter, France there had-been/a genera- to argue this point. I suggest "was'only- 1 2 ' a t t h p i P1?**1 t h p sdminisirfitor ,i>t «kld . esmud. Torah banguet was post- the' afternoon's program. will soen takeover the editor- Since--sh'e Mrs. " Ben' Rudner or, St. * Louis, tion of civil war betwen' the two it for such consideration as it may .» . . ... : i*it»3. before rceiore me; me; Countv < ounty Judge of *" l " e !*»•«• poned until March 10. Missouri; and one son, ,E. Joseph parties. During the ; sixteenth merit. The anti-Semitism of Genof Opinion Jim -threw time, Her ambition naturally en- Douglas County. •-Nebraska; nt the century, wheih was the period-Of Solomonow -of Council Bluffs, However, the communal activitiles, the anti-Catholicism of. Pro- up the job- to become associate countered p a r e n I a'l objection Coun*JT Court Room, in said DATE CHANGED ties were.not at an absolute standand two brothers in Warsaw, Po-exploration' preparatory to per- testants and the •anti-Protestant- editor of People's Press, that new Persistence, however, finally v- ™* ^ *&*$j?»efIm/afb%'LX still during the many days of cold, Because of the extremely cold land. - Mr.' Solomonow-was a resi- manent settlement, the Ininds of ism- of •>. Catholics, considered t as labor sheet Dr. -Wise's ac- ercame ,this difficulty, gnd sOh e A - M - e R C h <'sf. tor the purpose of those peoples who were to become resen and a good sized congregation at- weather the. Talmud Torah Ban- dent of Council Bluffs for the work' tov-prr't *>c-r ^r- ' ionths P j'D«r. allowed their claimsthe for examinaprejudices and as .barriers to mu- ceptance will most likely be an-s tera r tbeyd to" kin w« a r*e sofnprivate e r c a r - jj t ^ l o n . a d j uare s t m e n t a n d for« H o w a n e ecreditors . Thre tended the Bar Mitzvah of Ber-quet, scheduled for last Sunday past ten years. . • - colonizers in the seventeenth were tual go <§1 will and cooperation, are nounced at a dinner In his honor ! efe r f b. ™y-f^f k i 'n fg, a• , «cto"ou» present their claims, from the 6th r s f i t m o n t h s a r l l d f t h 1 nard Haligman at Shaare Zion evening in the Jewish'Community instruction In dramatic a r t . A day of March. 193K. A large crowd attended.-• the being fixed in these patterns of not products, of-our soil. They soon ERTCE CRAWFORD. synagogue last Saturday morning. Center, has been postponed and funeral/services -which were-held ruthless intoierance. , few months later the child per- J do not^flt conditions that' now County Judge, A Marge number of people also the date has been set for March Wednesday afternoon, February American.' colonization was- be- exist • or ever did- exist on this REFUGEE DEPARTMENT: -A |f o r ™ e r received hef baptism of -H-"t BEN E. KAZUOVVSKY, Atty. ventured out to hear the New io. gun and continued to the accom-••••'•.•.. ' • • ' 19, at' the Jewish Funeral Home In a series of Little Thef They represent- a trP-prominent Anglo-Jewish weekly ! **&**** Insurance Bld(3, York Art Trio when they gave The program planned for last in Omaha. Burial tdok place at paniment of struggles of undim- continent. bal memory of ancient and alien has just rejected an article by a atre recitals. their concert at the Jewish Com- Sunday, will be presented at that Fischer's Farm in South Omaha. inished bitterness between the reNCTK-W. rafher well-known German Jew Not long, after that Miss Sidmunity Center, and were amply time. Mr. Jack.London/president Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiat- ligious " parties In - Europe. In enmities that have lost whatever relevance they once had. They ..The article had ttUmt the GerZ ^ T J l sXToll % cXJ^SF^™**'* ^ repaid by an excellent and enter- of the Hebrew School Board of man Jews opposed mass • emigraed. : •••'•"•••• ' " • " '•:•'- name-forv traitor from the_Gun- are un-American. a Class of .105 Students, she was I Notice. Jp Hereby Given: That the taining program. England, "papist" was another Directors and Mrs. Louis Shindtion . . . Saw in i t a plot by Hitler , ler, president of the Hebrew The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- powder plot ot 1607 to the revoto increase anti-Semitism t h r o u g h - f l e e t e d ?ne- year l a t e r to play-j m e e t thp s amiT,i s tmtrix of sata e S Mothers Club, are in charge of dassah1 postponed its annual Li- lution of 1688 which drove the Aiit tnp u-orld bv dumtilnE t b e l t C e leaamg'TOie in t h e school's! tate, before me, County Judge of WORLD'S WINDOW Former Sioux City . Neraska, nt th« the arrangements. nen Shower and Bridge Party, Catholic James II from the throne County Jews . . Claimrthe mass emigra-lf^tHli^J; ^ " ^ Courl ~°°mty' Room, *ebrin «"usalt! «' 'County, " l th" (Continued from page 1) EXGAGESO5JTT on the 6th day of April. SOTS, and on which was (Scheduled for Febru-and established the permanent inMan Died Tuesday tion plan was proposed by a Jewthe 6th day of June, 1JSU6, at 9 o'clock The warmth of t h e reception A. ary 19, until next Wednesday af- eligibility of a Catholic . to the In September, to the French pub- ish banker close to Economics M.,' eacli <3ay, for the purpose of accorded her performance en- presenting their claims for examinaternoon, February 26, at 2:30 British crown. In France, the lic school, He was treated Very Minister Schacht . . i • Word has been received of the ti d j t l andd allowance. Three couraged Miss Sidney. F u r t b e r i tion. adjustment o'clock, due to the death of Mr.campaign for. the extermination of death of Nathan W. Pickusi of monthK are'allowed for the creditor."! Miss Gertrude TCopel of Sioux William Solomonow.. Admission the Huguenots culminated in the kindly there. The teacher had Waukegan, 111., formerly of Sioux said that, of course, the Boches D r . K u r t R o s e n f e l d . ' f o r m e r ^ f f * ^onfidence, ^\f^^™^^^Z f Falls, S. D., visited 1n Sioux City to.this affair is & piece of linen, dragonades and the revocation of . " : . . _ ,.«_,~»^. „# T . , . « ^ r . - + - looked for work. Two months i day of March. jw«. City, Tuesday, February 17. were brutes and barbarians. In recently In the I. Merlin home.' BRYCE which- will be sent to the Pale- the Edict of Nantes in 1685. The France that had always been Prussian Minister of Justice (ante He is survived" by his sons, MorCounty Judge. Hitlerum) has just become af- ^n. J * ' f " " * ^ «£ v «°™ fc ^ « ± i « stinian Hospitals. Everyone is Inquisition was In full swing in ris, Louis. and Robert and a engagement f o r " T h e ChalMiss Rozena Sacks of Yankton, urged to attend. Mrs. Mat. Si-Spain,' Portugal and Italy. Ger- known. Erich repeated that to f iliated with t h e New .York law |f 1 daughter, Mrs. Fred Sherman, all his parents and to their profound firm of Abner J. Rubien < no re- lenge of Youth." The play only South Dakota, .visited with her mon is general chairman in charge of Chicago and Waukegan, 111. many was ravaged "for thirty years horror and confusion they winced. lation to the Olympic Committee ran a week. parents, Mr. and.Mrs. A. I. Sacks, and assures a good time to all who Important roles In t h e by one of the most hideous and They still loved tr.e sword that Mr. Pickus had been a resident recently, and was at home to her attend this Hn,en shower ana desolating of all religious-' wars had pierced their very hearts. But chieftain) . . . Dr. Rosenfeld won't productions of " T h e Squall," of Sioux City for many years be- friends on Sunday afternoon. ' 'Beeogisizes .as". practice before the bar, however bridge party. Prizes will* be in which Protestants and* Catho- they had the grace not to contra- . rHeisnTrc^enTV.Buttb, '«rl»^...«™«... „* "D...* fore moving to Waukegan and la PRACTICAL ,MQHM*. v Miss Lillian Romirpwsky, Inawarded at each table, and twolics were equally ruthless. That dict their little son. Only with Bar Association gave him special C o £ f ^ « Chickens" followed•well known here. structor In' the' Hebrew School, door prices will, be given also. T h war ended in'1648 with the Peace redoubled ardor they taught him permission to become a consultant ^ Mjss Sidney deserted N. ? departed Sunday for Chicago, Refreshments will be served. COUNCIL BLUFFS, of Westphalia,, which is general- that he was" a Jew. A Jew. They to the firm. . . , Y.'g Broacway^ for Denver, ColoDEATH CLAIMS where she was • called by the illtaught him to say shaldom and ly cited as one of the landmark's Speaking of. . Germany, ; Len rado, where she played in stock The Council Bluffs Lodge No. in the progress of religious tol- toda and ken and lo out of theLyons, that distinguished contemSIOUX CITYAN ness of her father. eration. So, in a sense, it was. few pitiful fragments they them- porary, who reported an American Doris Rae Pill celebrated" her 688 of the-Independent Order of M. L. Cohen, 78 years, and a 12th birthday anniversary Satur- the B'nai Brith will hold a regu- i t guaranteed to" every prince the selves knew. And they read their family going to Germany to spend resident of Sioux City since 1914, dry when her mother, Mrs. Abelar m'leting next Monday evening, right to impose his own religion, French papers- every morning and an Inheritance in a spree because died in his home last Tuesday, Pill, entertained sixteen girls at February.. 24, at the Eagles Hall whether Catholic, Lutheran or Cal- they knew with the instinct of the they can't take out th© money, following an illness of three a one o'clock luncheon and an af- promptly at 8:30: o'clock... • ; vinist, upon all his subjects,' and forewarned that France was notmay want to know what addition^ months. He was born February ternoon of games. promised to subjects the right to Quite without anti-Semitism eithtr al info we uncovered: rumors are 1, 1878, in Russia, and came to : Mrs. O.H. Greenberg. entertain- profess and practise the religion and that the fugitives from Ger- in. Washington that the State De^the United States In 1914. . ed,the membrs of her Afternoon of their respective princes or, if many were dragging anti-Semit- partment may soon take action Club at a luncheon at her home that did not happen to coincide ism with them hither as had hap- against the German ban on money Funeral services were held at pened a thousand times, in history. at 101 Frank Street Tuesday af- with their own, to migrate^ the family residence, 1512 Myrtle withdrawal as regarding Aineristreet; with Rabbi H. R. Rabinoternoon, _:,Hatreds Transplanted in America. And Grete's heart contracted and icans . . . A refugee recently arshe said to little Erich in German: witz and Cantor A. Pliskin offiThat wa« the atmosphere from 'Darling, yoa know w"hat you are, rived here reports that on the Illciating. The Cultural Group of the Sen- which the colonists came to Amer- don't you?" And instantly, he an- fated day in 1S33 when Herr HitRabbi David Goldstein of the • Surviving Mr. Cohen are four ior Hadassah will meet Monday ica. One may say that they -must swered her In French: "Mais oul. ler announced ttie boycott against daughters; Mrs. Sam Sacks, Mrs. Beth-El synagogue in Omaha, will evening, February 24, at 8:30 have been glad to • get away- from Mamas, je suis. francais et J'enJews the business of florists shot be the guest speaker at the TesSam•* Goldberg, and Mrs. I. E. o'clock at the synagogue. Rabbi It. ' Doubtless most of them were suis fier/' ("Why yes,'Mania, I'm up to new levels . . . Germans, foltimonial Dinner " for: John LansCohen, all of Sioux City, and Mrs. Jacob Cohn- will conduct the class glad —'so far as" they could get French and- I'm proud of it.") lowing-, a. Continental custom; were Abe Ginsberg of Dakota City, and berg, Wednesday evening, Febru- of "Jewish Customs, and'/ Cere- away. from it. But one does not Konrsd and Grete looked into sending flowers to theSr Jewish ary 26. The dinner which was two sons, Joe Cohen of Chicago, monlals." ittle things that eb so mudi t> get.away from a set of concepts, each other's eyes. They looked friends who stood to suffer. scheduled for earlier in the winand Harry Cohen of Tulsa, Oklamental habits and behavior patlong, in to each 'other's eyes and ter, but postponed, will-be held mafe one fee! at.bjrre oees|»daik' homa. Mrs. Morris Goodman and chil- terns by merely getting away from then they turned away and wept. n the social hall of the Shaare dren have returned home followthe place where they were acquirevident at Hotel'ftesklent Close There' was no'need of words. They There may-yet be a wedding of Zion Synagogue, and will be giving a months visit in Iowa City, ed. Protestants who came -to fund-raising efforts on behalf of knew now that if they themselves n by the congregation of Shaare Junior Hadassah to dl! the finest fteote and shops. Iowa. America came hating and fearing could not succeed in getting to European LJews .' ; : Isafior Lubin, . Plans for the coming months Zion in recognition of Mr. Lans4SO Catholics, and Protestant colonies Splendidfedhife Gfe^Kjp or Erets Yisrael, were it but as a Commissioner of Labor Statistic?, of the Junior Hadassah activities berg's years of service to .the conBOOMS wished to see to it that their new kitchen-maid and a hower of will represent the United States at $45,000 for Palestine were outlined at a meeting of the gregation as president. Walnut Rbam. Woes JUCBI moderate WlTHMTr? Edens were not invaded by thestones on the road, that they the seventy-fourth • session of the Board of Directors held Sunday In addition to Rabbi Goldstein's Archaeology "serpent" of Rome. Catholics would "have to give np forever governing body of the Internaafternoon, with Miss Dorothy address, a skit "The International 'PQKYTYR&ELL' came to the French and Spanish heir child,- their eon, their only tional Labor Office in Geneva Merlin, president, presiding. Career of John Lansberg".will be London, (WNS) — . A gift of colonies similarly hating and fear- one, so that he might go to Ihe Marvin LowenFebruary 20 .Participation in the Junior- presented by members of the con- $45,000 to finance continued? ing Protestants, and proposing to land of. the fathers and not re-be- thai Is looking for material to Senior Hadassah meeting this gregation. archaeological researches on theoffer ncr harbor for "heresy." ' gin on another alien earth that use in the autobiography of Henmonth was planned and arrangeThe Synagogue choir will ha site of the ancient «Ity of Jericho of rietta Ssold which be is editing., . Considering the'heritage of ha-intermingle.aimless 'pU^rrbnage ments for a novelty Bridge Party heard in a group of songs during has been received by Professor loyalty jejected and:Jov»Jis'paf up- He was probably the only writer tred and suspicion that all the eolwere inaugurated. the evening's program. John Garstang pf the University on,Ist8 brought them to theon and meaningless sacrifice and permitted to Interview Miss SzoJd of Liverpool.from '.Francis Neil, Jewish Press advertisers merit BALTIMORE' i t !4ft STREET Jewish Press advertisers merit son,;Chicago dramatist,'it was an- new land, it Is small wonder Jthat utfer spiritual poverty ,In • theon her recent visit here . . . Ezejnidst-of apparent and illusory kial Rabinowitz, formerly secreyour patronage. It. took time for any degree* • of JUST OUT OF TM£" NOISC your, patronage. nounced here.— •* — ~<~-.--t-—— tary of:- the . Non-Sectarian Anti-rh tolerance to springlup, especially

Anniversary Dance

Blizzards and Cold Interfere

Shaare Zion

Mount Sinai

•:-JOTTfNGS -.-

.•.'. 'Society News

Lansberg Dinner on Wednesday

the Cuxury that. ?ove

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