in the Interests of the Jewish People
(This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in "whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on this copyright -will be prosecuted.)
Entered - u Secant! Class Mall Hatter on January 21, 1821. at fanotfiovt Omaha. Nebraska, cnaer the Act of Marelj tr 1S7S
Frankfurter's Trial to Be Trial of Nazi Regime
of Works-
My friends in the secretariat ast of the Keren Hayesod Palestine Foundation Fund) in Jerusalem, Geneva (WNS) — The trail of have sent me an admirable and A display of water colors and David Frankfurter, Jewish medicharming: book. Printing, press etchings of Sasil Raskin, celebratWork and binding and, above all, Woxnen's Division Sponsoring! cai student who shot Wiiheim Noted ed Jewish artist, will be on ex-,- Fsnsy Goldsteia in Ad-dress the delightful illustrations comCity-Wide Luncheon and jGustloff, Nazi agent in SwitzerTo Speak at J. u hibition la the library of the Jos- i Iand> l n reTen pare more than favorably •with Eere Stresses Value of Card P&rtv\t T C f Se for Nazi persecu• March 11 elyn Memorial beginning March 1.! the best work of its kind done 'Jewish Liters-tare elsewhere and the small volume The Women's Division city- be a trail of the Nazi regime, it Is Mr. Raskin appeared at the j BADASSAH LEADER Dr. Alfred Adler, noted psyehoCenter during December under j . bsars the Jiroud and thrilling le- j wide dessert luncheon and bridge declared by the liberal daily, Nalogist, will close the Omana Com-j the auspices of the Jewish Lee-!o f A 'reed back to an appreciation gend: Tozereth. Haarez, product (party will be held at the Center tional Zeitung. TQ BE QMAKA GUE^k 0XiT Jewish heritage as esIviore Anli-oemilic of the land, "I. e. Made in Pales- on "Wednesday, March 4, at 1 p. Meanwhile the entire Swiss munity Forum Lecture series on j ture and Concert' series.' This \ _ ^ ;: pressed in the xariocs lorms of The Omaha chapter of HadRS- j tine. '".Hebrew and English edi- m. The proceeds of this affair, press is urging the government "VVednesday evening, March 11, at i present exhibition at the Joselyn th Center. C t D Adler-will A d l i l l «seak s k jj will il give those people who were ': literature, li Dr. is growing more mark- sail has received word that Mrs. j Measures tions of the book -will no doubt being sponsored by the Women's not to permit a successor to Gust- the ei appear. That which lies before Division and embracing all theloff to enter Switzerland on the [ on "The Three Great Problems cf j unable to see his exhibit while ' according to Fancy Goldstein, i lisa "Warburg of Palestine, private j j ^ ^ -tt hh aa tt SS ww ii tt zz ee rr ll aa n d l a s n o ! Lite." iat the Center an opportunity to Boston librarian and student of secretary to Miss Henrietta. Szold, I me is in German, partly because organizations of the city,. n e e ( J o f a N a z i p i o t t e r > Dr. Adler, a native of Vienna, j do so. ; Jewish literature, -wTao spoke atwin be in Omaha, Thursday. Warsaw <1\V.XS> - - While si] '>it was originally written in that women's will be used to re-equip the Cenholds the highest honorary title I March 19. Po jtb.e Jewish Community Center on Polish Jewry v a « observing1 ft "*• language by its author Hugo ter kitchen. • that city can bestow, that o£ I ^ ^ i Wednesday evening ruder the Jahe will speak here on the . hour fast EF. S. protest against °,h-. Herrmann and partly, I suspect As" a special feature of the "Honored Citizen." He gained his ! ] auspices of the Jewish Lecture "JewiEli Youth of Germsr. r ," ;n*.nPTiflint' I P V tn o n i ' s r RPTIP.-I' because the book -was primarily de- bridge party, the committee has ! 1 8 first recognition at the University _j and Concert series. Her subject signed for the information, guid- arranged for a style show to be of Vienna, from which he gradn- i i was, "I Head What I Please — rri^ " illfv 1 J TM ' M "i; ance, warning of those thousands presented by : Hersberg's. There •on ated. Dr. Adler is responsible lor j Jewish literature." • f " . )•-! F • n 1 f of men and women in the Third will also be several door prizes. the theory of "individual psycholO I O B t ! «. 1 " f i < a. Reich who are contemplating re: The educational committee of o. Mrs. Louis Neveleff is chairogy" and founded the first Ilidinr s 1C t I i ' ' , moval t o Palestine. '',.'. the "Women's Dirision of the Jewman of the committee. Mrs. Her- 'Whistling in the Dark," the! vidual psychology Clinic for probCommunity Center and Vv"elThe book is- called "Palastina bert Neveleff is her co-chairman. York (WJCS) - - T h a t a ish lem children in Vienna. m i T T o'" r * ^ " ' o ' l t * 1 1 * far e hente: Llcht und Schatten." (Pal- Other committee niembers are: popular comedy mystery of the His studies of problem ciiMreS I restoration of moral spiritual ral: . f f ^ r a t i o n of ^vhich Mrs. T j last season, will close the Center 5.0 0(1.0dp .Tews. a e s i n estine of Today: Bright and Dark Mesdames Henry Belmont, J. BerIrvin Stalmaster is chairman,
Comedy MysteryWill Be Closing"Guild -Production
Sides"). Now Hugo Herrmann is stein, A. A. Cohn, Dave Crounse, a very good writer, indeed, engag- I. Dansky, John Faier, Aft Golding, -witty, tolerant, though he has stein, J. Gold ware, A. M. Greenthe right sting of Irony and the baum, A. Greenberg, Dave GreenTight life of passion too. His book berg, J. J . Greenberg;, Max Holz"" ' ' is not only'extraordinary informa- mas tive—qnite the best surrey of the Klutznict, past and the immediate present of ris
our Palestinian work—but it hasashock a touch of intellectual distinction ert (not always conspicuous in Zion- senbetg, Harry .- Bpsenfeld, Irvin ist writing} by virtue of its free- Stalmaster, Julius Stela, Harry • dom of perception, its balances Trustln, S a m JZacharia, a n d Judgment, its ideological delicacy Blanche Zimman. and soundness. German assimila- . Tickets are thirty-five cents tionists •were lost souls. But theand may be obtained from the German Zionists .knew and know committee members or at t h e : their stuff. They also know how- Center desk. : to write. .
^modern life • is the best l j Players 1835-36 season on Mon-and mental diseases have T o n !m e a H o l d i n g t l i r J P W P rp~pc-riR''1»if Mrs. A, D. Frank.) n s off achieving tolerance and'•• \ . c n a r ^ e day and Tuesday evenings, March world wide recognition for him. ii i s l l oT Poland's* tvoi;b!es. : !•-' the library commit-' The Round Table Purim Car-: for Dr. Adler has lectured in the; understanding between members '•• c*"««nan * IB and. 1 7 . ' S e m i t i c FPiip.tovs p n i n i w n .-11 ;• tee o£ the Women's Division, was of different religious faith was leading universities of Europe nival wilt be-held on Sunday eveThe plot of this intriguing show p r 1 chEirmaE fo u ning. March S, at S:"f> p. m. e.t •k e y n o t e pi v.-l:;r:f anp fiVFr t o l>t- >concerns itself with Wally Porter, and America. At present he oc-the keynote sounded by speakers : < T i e J e w s" o f evening. concerted effort to drivp ib-. U v» America," Miss t h e J e w i s h C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r , a writer of crime fiction. He "Wan- ! cupies the chair of Medical' Psy- \ representing Jevrs, Catholics and' Sin- •K-ith a l l t i e o r g a n i z E t i o n F of t h e . 0 1 ' 1 o f " o l - m 5 o r to infii-r- lifr <;•-
ant Round T a b l e p a r t i c i p a t i n g , a n d i l i n ! ' e p r p l l 1 e f o r ^f'm 1 p r < v l ' " ' : cuun- open to all the youth of the city. • t T i r t l l l p v ^ 1 1 1 p m ^ ^ ^ ^»'~ dra- i The Center lobbr. grmnashim. • rvrv f i r r o v ^ - lv ' " " ^ " s ? .•«•> .-hr
end auditorium vrill he eTF.barp.te~ i snti-jewisii utterance? in Hi? K ; .t-
Ete can write the perfect murder, and I among them "Understanding H E - from President Roosevelt, Secre-; iE}l authors a ne coming- to the ly decorp.teci for the occasior.. All ] - Jewish leader? v w e hunu U the gangsters set him to work a t ! m a n Nature," "The Practice aud tary of War Dem saifl, "hoiv can i fore > f i v e o j t h e leading plays on [the booths, fun-making End COB- '• eiiipy in front. '< ehnvcliP'; !i.
being written by Jews. cession stands vrill be in. the g-j-m- msny l»ai't.E ol 1'i'isi.Ht. ,.ifv.:--.i the point of a gun. Wally writes ] Theory of Individual any one claim to have attained the story, the gangsters use it, j "The Science of Living," "The the full stature of a true Ameri- She finds that American writing nasium. Dancing with ihe Col-, newsparPTE were- (leftroyrd M but at the crucial^ moment there 1 Education of Children," and many can if he still harbors religious of today has lost tbe placidness, lege Club Orchestra will be hekl 'Lodz. F-.nd In, mp.ny oihpr fiMrr v^r is an unexpected ending that (others equally as well .known. prediudices." William G r e e n , calm and' reserve, that character- in the auditorium. Noise makers, J FMii-Jevriph npmon^ivp.iinnf I noveltj- favors, confetti, clowns, : held, At t b e wm.p lime ' rrpn--i-»promises to surprise everyone. | Harry B. Cohen is chairman of | president of the American Feder- ized works of the past. ! were received from tlir Fniinrr Members of the cast are: .Hil-|the Forum Committee. Dr. George j ation of Labor, speaking for tbe "If the Jewish people wish to , and b a r k e r s will 1be plentiful. T h e follovi-ing org-acizations,' district and Opaio.-iiov {"!".';•'••: da, the housekeeper, Martha Him- • Nenhaus will present Dr. Adler. j Protestants, said that "is not continue being Jewish," she stat• • 9 elstein; Joe Salvatore, a gangster, 1 Some tickets may still be obtstn- enough to seek a restoration of ed, "and wish, to preserve their will have booths, s t u n t s , r.nd • thf.t tliousrti'dp of .IPV.-K T - ' P T fa.-Not the least pungent of HerrDick Hurwitz; Herman Lefkowitz, jed for this lecture from Mr. economic • and materialistic recov- heritage, one way is a study and s t a n d s : T h e two A. Z. A. c h a p - ' ine: stETvetior,. be>~si.i«f! of t5ip p'.-i-rmann's chapters is that entitled another gangster, Joe Cohen; Cohen or at the Center. enii-Jcwipl; lu'ivn;;, I ery unless there is an accompany- . appreciation of Jewish, "litera- ters. Alpha P i T a u . J r . K a d a s s a h . •• UfMenwE: Charlie Sha-sr, a third gangster. Gaerath Astikenas, the German . r p s i l o n T E U . CErdosa Club, TVA It "wes p\m i=>?rrod fhnf the p f -«| ing crusade for a.return to moral • ture." persecution^ or : catastrophe/ in Milton Prohm; Slim, a fourth (and.spiritual values.," j M i s s Goldstein is probably best Beta Epsilon, E . T. C. C-lvh. F r p - i p r r f r e n t i". plpp.m'ni: rrinH-pr P.-•which, though-in a spirit of toler- Henry Monsky will lead a panel member of the gang, Hy Temin*,1 j Governor Herbert H. " Lehman | known as the founder of Jewish torify, Omega Kappa. Kr.ppp T e n , ' onomir hlovr f>r?.in=f ihp .Teirp ?.-• J r . Va'ad. P i l * m M a P h i , r r. o. \ t h e i n t r o d n r t i o n of P law fa msl-r ance and. love, Tie .holds up a very discussion on the problems fac- Jake Dillon, the "boss,": Harold j called >• upon American Catholics,; Book-Week, which this year will . cigar,mirrpr before -certain mem- ing the Jewish youth of today, a t S. Tuchman; the "Cossack," a i t h e milk husinegs. from M-IIU-I. Jews and' Protestants to unite in''be observed from May 10 to 16. •Delta Kappa. ' bers- (a limited number of course) an open forum to be held Sunday body guard, Harry Levin son; a new spiritual awakening, unit- •j The purpose of Jewish Boole i Admission w i a be by t h e Round | t h o u s a n d s of jsv-s earn - tf•••'*of the recent German immigra- evening, March' 1, at 8 p. m; inWally Porter, the-writer, Jack ing not on'a ritualistic basis but I Week is to acquaint tile Jewish '. Table season ticket, or by single : hood. H. monopoly c i the govf.t* tion. But there is one specific the lodge room of th& Jewish Temin; Toby Van Buren, Wally's in --a coiiiiEDn sympathy • -for the ; people with their literature and ' tictetF Vi'hich m a y be obts inefl ; m<?nt cooperative!;. fiancee, Bess Goldware, anecdote and observation of hisCommnnity Center. preservation of religions freedom. :-at the BEE? time'1-'bring to the at- ; from s n y of fb-e coTRmitrpe m e m - ! -r>^T,_i^-,> r , , t , ,-,r r i .. i y ,?,, r , ,F, ..,,. Berlin (JTA) ' - ~ "Harrey Gib- i ; 5>srs o r s t t h e C e n t e r de»k. • -. . . " , '•';,-!:,,' V=r' ' V,. , , ' 1 " " ' ^ 1 ' , I anv stire^ ihe.would not •'•'*• Offer participants-'.M the panel Admissjon is... free. to_ Center jjjnderstagdiins.. and^tellowshlf Irich literary heritage of the Jews There is a br&nd new colony call- will" speak on are: ii'sh people, and ttrough-estibi- i l l ' c h a r g e ai s.rrangeBu iitj, :v ed Hamath Hashavim in which 40 "Cushioning, the Shock;' Rose obtained from any member of the pl . i,p-.- , j . P -^ , h...,. | tions, talks and public gatherings I Loyal Keplan, Dick Kurwiti-, J o e f'^o m '^''.^"'t',.'],,'. last week signed-with the authorjntellectnals and "professional men Mendelson, "The Jew —: Individ- cast or at the Center desk. Golfiware. Milton F r o c m . LiPttie i " & t 0 , R i ! i ! " ' e ' <"3'-'_'"f-p <-1€' "•'•'' i bring to the study of Jewish 111ities a new "standstill agreement" •from Germany and their families ual or Son of Israel;" lioyal Kap! crature a greater amount of good Rips, J.iilarec Berlcowitz. Jiorris j ,1Uf ^ o ; , vr*brii-> ~>-o-"4- - - r i providing for replacement of the . have already through Intensive lan, "Judaism—Inherited or Aci Koom, Harold Block. Abe, "_''"'''" *."*'! " ' 1' - " • ' and understanding. "regitered. marks" by so-called truck farming' and poultry raising Quired;" and Bluma Neveleff, 1 Rntli F r i e d m a n , Haskell Cohen, I i r ' n n i t i e F fire fpcint" comriPto viiir. • It is &. happy coincidence that E w n i n ih citi v h e r p tliP "travel, marks." : succeeded on incredibly tiny "Shall Jews Attend Retreat?" i Mildred Berg, TaEcie Witkin, > ? ™•"• the Jewish, people are called the ^ e o n a Letwin. E r n i e P r i e s m a n . •• c o t t i p ! p S B c v e r t - F O 1 1 R 1 ' ™ pri;1 *The "travel—marks" will sell farms in establishing a sure If These are the subjects about people of the Book, End that Jew- E r n i e Nogg, B e r t h a Guss, F r a n - ! R r t p a T 1 < 1 s - i i w i w IIRVC ol>u-.:-.->.for about ten per cent more than modest livelihood for themselves. which the above lour, young peoish. Book Week is observed dur- ces Bordy, Betty Tuchro&n. EyI- | Permiw-ion t o flipp.ay^PisrTi. Uu\: the "registered marks" and will Herrmann asked one of these gen- ple wrote in Reflection, a mimer-io Weiner, Tt^oi-noT- Sonia f5r>-nio T*r-Ararciir: tnrl ' ! CatinE," tl".P-t tilCT p,Vf " P o l i s h P>'tlemen, a professional man- and a ographed pamphlet for young peo- New York (JTA) — A total of! hare the effect of increasing the Defyisg cf SchasM .Seen in-; ing the time . cf Lag B'Oraer. via Koitstein and -vrhicb. is a scholar's festival. tabiisnments." T U P, why he had come to ple which was prepared for the13,428 German refugees, strand- c o s t of traveling on German Ifasi Attempt to Co-€rce jj In next week's issue of the Mollie KoitsteiE. JNEfiansl Democrat? Rdaca to rIKPalestine. And the gentleman an- first time today. ed in Europe, were helped In find- steamers. j Jewish Press will be published, a j tension by issuing P. pToclfiiTOR.'i.-u;. swered: "Everything in Germany The group sponsoring this dis- ing permanent homes from May," The new marks will be used to j list of books of Jewish interest | warning ihe people tluil il;e .''j^'-f had suddenly Jost its meaning — cussion of youth problems is un-1933 to Jan. 1936, through HI-I defray costs of traveling and for Ere betraying Polr-nd If Cow.-nu.iprofession, work, society. So Iaffiliated, with Rabbi Harold Ber- CEM, Jewish emigration agency, j payment of hotel bills in Ger- Berlin (JTA)--The National j recommended by Miss Goldstein \ ism.In Konin two fiTifi-Swiii"^ ?Pthought to myself: Perhaps there ger as sponsor. The views and accordipg to its annual report to many. They will not be used for Socialist H a g o, organisation —a.list that should be read and which conducted the anti-Jewish j on tee snelves of every Jewish, may still be a meaning to life in opinions, of the youths in the the American Jewish Joint Dis- export trade. • FistiriE; rtrreBT. v"e"e ^h.Osfi.Tiil]-;nniPalestine." In his fine, tolerant, group, according to present plans, tribution Committee. The J. D. ' The "registered marks" here- boycott, was officially revived i louse. : hy t h e police who wprp Rpp.tvl'-f'is last week.under the name, Peder-! profound, way Herrmann adds: will he subjected to a monthly op- C. has subventioned HICEM i their liomei? vo fix rrp-porfPiViiii1.' up after will be used only for. "ben- al Department for Trading* and j "It seems to me that in Germany en forum. The panel discussions to fifty per cent of its total exevolent remittances" to Germany, New Tork (TTNS> --Nazi prop- I for the recent p.nti-.Tifvi-ish DVY. | life for us had no meaning, no will beted by leading Omahans, It pense. ! brer-k in Konin in which 1*.™*including gifts, and funds sent by Artisanship. aganda- emanating from the Ger1 A comunique from the Robert I genuine meaning, even prior to is planned. The report shows that 5,393 of relatives. Jews were killeil. man Academic Exchange ace the 1933. How terrifying that we The panel discussion Sunday Is the refugees were sent overseas, -Mr. Gibson declared in a state- Ley, head of the German. Labor Jews, whether in Germany or open to the public. America, 962 going to Brazil, 35S taent to the press that "despite Front, stated that the organisaelsewhere, have to undergo a cation had- been granted wide powr 3,371 going to Palestine. A large Haifa (WNS-PElcor Agency) — ; tastrophe before we set out on the proportion, emigrated to South the Jewish boycott of German
lonskv to 'Forum on
Hicem Aids 13,428 Refugees to Homes
Jewish judge for Palestine Court
quest after the meaning of life to us." .
Americans bought era from Reichsfuehrer Hitler's to Paraguay and,237 to the Ar-steamers," thirty to forty million registered gentine. The United States and marks in 1935 for ur ^ in GerCanada admitted 233 and South many. He added thattravel portant cog in the machine fo: he expected should have a Jewisa judge, tbe ' • Africa 65. ousting the Jews froin the ecothe 1936 total to be much higher 71 Palestine Government promoted " In addition, HICEM assisted because of the .Olympic games nomic life of the Reich. Dr. Aron Shems, previously £ 2,222 refugees either to obtain next summer in Berlin and the Tea announcement was "widel magistrate is Jerusalem, to the. he professional training or to settle Winter games which have been Court bencl! here. permanently in . different Euro- held at Garinisch-Part-enkirchen. ations for & campaign to oust the jDistrict %l'tis is the first time in nine ; pean countries; 2,416 were assistJews; from commerce despite re- years that this court has a Jew-: ed to re-emigrate and 3,397 were peated orders from Minister of Ec- ish member. ; Drepatriated to the countries of onomics Hjalmar Sccacht that Judge Shsms, who has assumed ; their origin. Jews-were be molested in
1 rv
1 r
i r
f i
f The whole proplem o£ Jewish r ~ cp llfe,v at least for certain Jews - - Paris (JTA) - - Dr. Arnold Netand they arB many and their ter, noted physician and Jewissh numbers are growing--is there, leader, was elected last week as In. that single observation. "Even president of. the Alliance IsraelIn a favorable and free non-Jew- ite Universelle, International Jew- \ ish land, even in a land like ish educational and philanthropic F Cf 1 America, to which we are bound organization. He suceeds Profeshis duties, hzd bees a magistrate ; by many ties of justice and ofsor Sylvain Ley!, historian and industry -and trade . . until , in Tel Aviv before he had gone '< good, even here the meaning of er (I who died Oct. 31. status was defined by law i Jerusalem to replace Judge i life is not-deep enough. That is it. orientalist, HILL WILL ADDEESS th ~ " Netter, who is eightyThe That js "where the shoe pinches. oneProfessor Tha Hazomir choir will give a headquarters 12 every state ±Z??£ a the [i Snckerma,. He. now s.cce^ an jE r r 1 • old, was for thirty-one ; E'NAI B'EITH MONDAY .For-life and living do not consist yearsyears concert, under the direction of Nasi Party, headquarters and-will [ iv deceased. j ar " vice-president of the Allir Previously the membership oJ la doing. Action is both sedentary anee. He is a nephew of Charles Cantor A. Schwaezkin', Purixa eveAn important jneeting of thening, March 8, p.,m. at the open brandies in every district t i e Haifa District Court bad been I from this point of view and sac,Netter, " r one of the. six persons local lodge of the B'nai B'rith B'nai Israel synagogue. The coa-and- -special- "sections in • every made EP of two Arabs End one', ond-Tate. The essence of life la Inwho iounded « -^i 1 and village. The department the "organization In will be held next Monday evening, Eaglisiinian. >"ew the composi-1 being. Bight action "will arise cert is sponsored by the Vaad and i work' Saad i s Saad with, the tion is'Ea Esglisiir&sEu a Jew and March 2, at the Jewish Commu- tae Congregation B'nai Israel. from right and harmonious being. 1860. a commander of the Leg-nity Center, according to Ben All Omaha Jewry is invited to Labor,- Frout, the EsnouncenieEt an Arab. | What "are •we?.How arc-we? That onHeoTIsHonor . . ' . . ' ' 'P and honorary phys- Kazlowsky, president. ' join in this gala community cele- said. vis the immeasurably dee*> Quesr ician Exteasioa of the Hago's powers Paris hospitals. He has The feature of the evening •will bration of Purim. i tion . In" the answer to that ques- been aofmember n was..tak€a to indicate that tlis of the Academy be an address by Irving Hill o£ tion lies the meaning of our lives? of Medicine since 1904 and of the Lincoln, -wiio will speak on asub- After the concert the Vaad aux- authorities, ia tend to extesd t i c .And life 1s hollow without a French Health Council since ject of interest to Jewish young ilary will serve a t a-Pursn recep- AroreiabS:rg gsti-Jewisli , legrislatio'n In. the. B'nai Israel social hall. meaning. You can silence that 1898. ti-oa to the field of comraerce as ' men. HIll,_a former international t question by bustling and by fads. soon • as 'prscticable, bat' prot" 11; Dr. Netter was formerly pro- president of A. Z. A., is noted for Business is Improving... Practice fessor not before the. coEC'asioa o r of medicine at the Univer- his oratorical ability and hasMR&'ESTHER LEVY' is good... Mortimor is doing games. The possil. I.t*" of Strassburg. He has writ- made an outstanding record ia . well at college... Sure to make sity tt iSSi: however, on childrens diseases, cere- activities as a leader oa the UniPhi Beta Kappa... Better vote ten EOt tis and poliomylitis. He was versity of Nebraska campus. fiied i -~--r for RooBevelt... But look out ofborn • in Strassburg. Mrs. Esther Levy, 70, fxos. the p •. ; the window at the beautiful land: Tuesday, February 25, B" I j told of Tridespread. increase in £jr- c-, You perceive Its beauty perhaps home of her daughter, Mrs. itatioa fcr as, aiitl-Jcwiish t o : "v, J i n a n more keenly than Rogers, your MRS.-R.''NATELSON-•'"-.-: • * ' ' t* %•""» * Cohen," after a sacsth's Hl- In' lasay cities, Nsiis iave '.-<-3 i i \r RE neighbor. But its soil is not yours. 'officially jEformed - cf an ot .naLabsr rrosi Sarei i »ess." , . Ton have no relation to it. Tour .DIES AFTER E M E S S Berlin (JTA) — An official Wednesday, : tion to 'read Julius Streicrsr s February were 2S, tram grandfather built no road Here. ••* Funeral services held l u a Funeral nome. Home. Bssr)<=w-^>" ^uiiBnii »ur-j lurid an.ti-Seis.itic . paper, D-r Mortimer —•» you have a sudden Mrs. Rachel Natelson of Newstatement of the German Labcr., the «Jewish T I ihfe pang -v Is going -with a shikse... York city, formerly of Omaha, Front disclosed that its commis-|ial the Golden-Hill Stnermer, "la order ta scqsaistea ^rith the Jewish Q C. *. - T ' Admirable girl in every way-- died Monday, February 24, at her I sioners had organised a wide-! cemetery. ties.." — brain's, looks, character... The home after an illness of three. spread system of espionage in! f C2« •».*• !Boycott Ikiielbsrg £ekhs£bn j .pang remains. „ .Christmas comes. months. Her son, R. W. Natelson ! commercial enterprises. i Jerasa.i£E:i — JLE sigTseiat-Et : ! the HOUFP j .. The statement condemned the! The world is vibrant with I t . . . of Omaha, was with her.;\. | fcss ae«s ' siaae tor BEttsxaitted'•Berlia (JT^J — The newspa- i Mrc. DucdsUn' urged She is survived by two sons'and practice and urged its terminaconThe radio plays Adeste fideles... London — Professor Charles} ** • ; _" sam of ui-oney ta iement pro-Ital-: pers reported the formation P£ an 1 glderation of ihe rurbe Snow is on the ground... Either two daughters. Other survivors tion as "against social honor." It Grant-Robertson-aaaosaced taJsf• " • l^ondctH • — Specis.1 passports ;i las cisturfcasces ia Palestine, it j Front" ia western Ger- fore taking action bflCRtj you let yourself slide and betray are Abe Goldstein of Omaha, a revealed that among the devices that;th.e TTjiiveralty-'oI-'Blr-|are now: feeing issnesl tj-'tiia Brit- | was reported tj FslastiB, Ar&fe) "ArtistE" brother; and Mrs. Lena Mandfel- used for spying on business mea massy whose by-laws .state that j Importance of the land the souls ot your children "by let-son bad decided in s^ resolug c d e d in r e s u Ish goverftmeat t o Gerriaa TefE- ; Christian daily. i "no member will retain, personal, i She emphasised that tbe restH.—. of Omaha, a sister. ting, them love something in their is a special apfsaratns-rnereby tbe tioa not tb participate in thean- •gees' TeeidEat. ia London ' "whose The soeSal or commercial eoEtacts withjtions would be detrimental to the Burial was held in New" York Labor, Front commissioners listen j niversary celebration cf Heldel- Genasa passports have been Eull-i names'in coin*ctioa inth the re-ilews (Continued on Page 8.) city. • . or with descendants of I interest ol the entire to all telephone calls. ,berg University ;in Germany. . • . ifiea by; the X&z% regime. Jews." • ! coninmiaity. j ported agreeaeat,
Hazomir Concert oa Purim. Evening
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stein answered all that simply in | gorod with his head bowed la outlined clearly against the sky. j burned a fiery hatred. Yussouf •'addereBsed the audience. "Friends," he began," we have his statement when he applied for: thought, pulling continually at the The older people were seated i was pulling restlessly at his short, American citizenship. All talk of f i r y ' t r * a *" ° ' M « »*<»*. yellow upon long benches. The young j yellow beard. His sharp little ' with us this evening a musician beard. And Yussouf had cause to people were scattred about In 'eye's darted about nervouslj". Me- I of extraordinary repute. He conu-s that kind is self.obfuscating spec be troubled. groups ail over the immense gar- lach, however, seemed perfectly at ! to us with the highest reconinienulation and merely enlarges ou There had recently arrived in den. Some of the young people, ease. Occasionally, he would j1! dations and praises. Even tiu> impotence. Therefore face the sit- Shargorod a man of great renown driven by the desire for privacy, i glance at one of the gaily-clad: great Czar himself lias seen fit uation squarely. Let's see the a s violinist. This man w a s strolled a little ways into the i maidens with a look of confidence ; to confer upon him an honor obagreement between the Haavarah young and handsome. Already, woods back of the garden. j and self-assurance, as if it were j tainable only by those of the highand the Reich, and so close one the town beauties were casting Seated next to each other, tnd I to him only a mntter o* time be-; est merit. chapter "of this, miserable1 story. looks of admiratfon and desire apparently on the friendliest of Ifore he would subject hie rival to j "We have all been eagerly aThen let's see whether there are upon, him. It was said that the terms „were Yussouf and Melach, | the deepest humiliation, j wEiting an opportunity to hoar By JACOB DeHAAS some new cats in the bag the visit newcomer, Melftch by name, wore conversing. All knew, however, j At last, It *ras time for the mu- \this magnificent player. Tonight, f the public response to some nice ors are bringing frotn Knglond a- medal given him toy the Czar .In this opeti letter to Rabbi are trying to get out. : eicians to begin. Yussouf arose j we phall have this privilege. LaThere are three million Jews in I words elegantly composed "in the Perhaps they are wholly innocent for his splendid musicianship. So that beneath the superficial po- ; amid much applause, bowed and; Abba Hillel Silver, 3fr. UeHa (Contlnued on Page S.) liteness of these two men there for the first time In many years, replies to his 'contention, con. Eastern Europe, behind these 450- (smoke of a committee room." It of a wrong approach to the liquitallied id an article entitled "Xo 000 German* Jews who want to {may pass muster with the "yes dating problem, or are terribly, Yussouf was called upon to face liquidation/' that "the Jews leave their homes because they men," who flock to conferences, it naive. You and other friends of competition. of Germany -will not leave Ger- shrewdly understand that between will "not persuade the mass made theirs have cast doubt on their Before many days had passed, many." —EDITOR political and economic-persecution conscious that somewhere within purposes. You will not clarify Yussouf was even more troubled. Exclusive Agentt for Louise Mulligan Dresses there is, in your words, no room the rigmarole of words is the that doubt by protesting that the The handsome young man had (Rabbi Silver argued that mas; for them. Exactly. T h e German possibility that the gentlemen who Jews must not. leave Germany already taken several students, expatriation of Jews under a "ran Jews have not only waited to be hold the funds will In your words even if the going promises 'ease especially girls, away from the Bom" plan would encourage othei kicked, but have lingered in order "make possible the sale of these for those who remain behind, tutorship ot the blind Berel. This Asks Facts on EmTJfration - governments to introduce persecu to secure their individual certifi- German goods . . for the sake of would never do. "What," thought This is no time for a debate on Yussouf, "if• he were to take from * Where Omaha Shops with Confidence . . . tion in order to rid themselves o cates establishing that the Prus- saving Jewish capital." We are the Jews, at tbe same time re- sian bootmaker came in contact not as tender about that German- ideology or on your peculiar Zion. me my fame as the greatest musalizing praflt. He declared tha with the Jewish tailor. East Eur- Jewish capital as those who pos- 1st concepts. Jews will leave Ger- ician in the history of Shargothe only solution to the problem opean Jews are not so squeamish. sessed it, and I sense no mass de. many in Increasing numbers. Our rod 1" He sickened at the very problem is, can we in decency, bear thought. ot the German Jews was the over They want-to avoid the final kick, sire to rescue it. . AH Smart Women Know the throw of the Nazi regime. "Powerless to Check Hitler" . . a hand in this process, or are the Deciding to settle this trouble-; and will leave the evidence on the Importance of Suits for Spring terms such that we must in selfIt is not within your power, nor Dr. Silver's article was writte official desk. Anti-Semitism has some question once and for all, ] before the arrival of the delega ground its way into the popular within the power of any group of respect wlthohld all participation? and to the satisfaction of all those { • . . See Them as Soon as You Can tions of three Jewish leaders from mind. In nine-tenths of the con- men to change or check the Hitler You have raised the issue. Secure who had become sceptical as to i the )facts and give them the widest England. Early despatches ha gested areas it rises from the 1 policy. Nor is there need ot any his superiority, Yussouf Invited! attributed to them a plan fo ground tip, not from the top down, private information as to the life possibly publicity. Then we shall tielach to aid him in a concert. "j transferring Jews from German; which was the consoling theory length of the Hitler regime. Ein- be able to judge. As soon as the townspeople and the removal of their capital i accepted in Russia prior to 1914, heard of the coming concert, they German exports to he liquidate realized that it was nothing Because this Is so your history •with the aid of funds raised b is all .wrong. This is the gravest but a musical duel to the death Amercian and British Jews. This Crisis in Jewish history since the between the two players, the new plan has been entirely and repeat days of Bar Kochba because the nd the old. Heated discussions edly repudiated by the delegatio: attack on the Jewish position is were heard in almost every home since ita arrival In the Unite a reaction from the •emancipation to -what the result of the conStates.) cert would be. The young girls, gained around 1870, and from'the (A Tale of Old Russia) any of whom would have given I Minority Rights won in 1919. Forer right arm to have him for a My dear Rabbii — Your articl merly Jews could not deplore the By ELLIS WEITZMAN suitor, proclaimed that the young' *'the. Jews shall not leave Ger loss of what they did not possess. A day's journey from Odessa For Yussouf, the conductor and tfelaeh would annihilate Yussouf.; many!" reminds me ot that stor They fell from no high estate and ".Had not Melach," they asked, j of Max D. Stuer's client, who, ex- could not say "emancipation was lies the peaceful little village of violin virtuoso, was an artist of pressing an opinion of the wea. a'failure.'.' Moreover the petty size Shargorod, Russia.' At the time rare talents. The very soul of 'received a medal from the Czar ther, added, "I am not asking you of most state always provided new of this story (towards the end of his tormented race seemed to cry or his talents?" Yussouf had sot j the past century) this town, which forth its agony in the touching I'm telling you." elbow room elsewhere when the nestles at the bottom of a pic- strains of Yussouf's violin. Sel- jven seen the Czar, which would I The Jews of Germany are no pressure forced' migration, or ex- turesque, valley that 'is practical- dom, indeed, did Yussouf play in itself have been an achievement! j • asking yon or me, they are telling pulsion orders had to be obeyed. ly surrounded by mountains, was without drawing forth tears from worthy of much boasting. \ us. It would be accurate to say The detailed history of the Jews occupied by two thousand Jewish the eyes of the Jews of ShargoBut the older people said such j they are not even asking- them in Europe from the Crusades to souls. The Goyim, or Gentiles, rod who, being Jews, were almost thing could not be. They told j selves, they are being told to q.uii 1848 Ig a milling around from vil- resided almost entirely on the always on the verge of tears. tales ot Youssouf's exploits with j Germany by the same type of bru lage to country town, and from outskirts of the village, maintainYussouf's concert master was the bow that were tar more rair- { tal force, but much better organ' country town to city, and back ing fertile farms the produce of second in ability, according to the aculous than D'Artagan** exploit*; ised, which compelled your Bar- again. AH that has ceased. Emi- which they sold, to the Jewish residents of Shargorod, to no vio- with the. sword. They told how 1 eats to leave, their native .land; gration needs an open door, and housewives in the town squares. linist on earth other than Yuss- Yussouf had put his first teacher. That a residue of German Jewry there Is no free entry anywhere. The Jews of Shargorod were re- ouf himself. This musician, Ber- Berel, to shame when Yussouf will remain j[n Germany Is highly The • ^experiece Is therefore in nGwned- throughout Russia for j el by name, had been totally blind was only six years old. They told probable for the present ratio of large'measure new. their learning and culture. From j for many years. So thoroughly that old, yet ever new story of emigrants, about 150 a day, I am "Doomed if Accept Ghetto" here had come some of the great- j had Berel learned i l s notes and how Yussout, when only ten years j told, is being replaced by the de. -In the common interest I am est of the Jewish race, [themes up until that harsh blow ot age,, had stopped a pogrom by ] Judaized who are being forced compelled to say you are gunning Herescholars was to be seen in all its glory I of fate, however, that he could softening the hearts and bring-! back on the community by the op- upi the wrong tree. If the Jews that noblest perfection of Judaism j play excellently any ' song called ing tears to the eyes, of cold, mer-1 erator of the Nuremberg laws, and ijijGermany..accept the ghetto they —-the aristocracy of learning and for. Berel was the teacher for all ciless soldiers who had come withi the economic pressure involved in are not only doomed, for they take erudition. Since for hundreds, the children of the village who the intention ot terrorizing and 1 the whole NaBi process. the position ot pariahs, but they ot years it had been impossible for I studied violin. Practically all the murdering the good people ot | j "JEWS MUST GET OUT" are dooming most other Jews to a Jews to express superiority- by Jews who studied music studied Shargorod. The bulk of German Jewry will like experience. Expulsionj>rders means Finally, the decisive evening ar-1 the violin, an Instrument the pa of position and power, they go out, and the exodus finds its «nd re8"trictive> measures haVe-'not had undergone what and feeling of which make rived. All Shargorod seemed; to [ mostT. realistic exposition in the only always been contagious, but pher Nietzsche nas called the thos tt peculiarly to the temper- be. present. Even the oldest pa advertisements in the -American the exhibition' of Jewish,. Impot- "tranaraluatlon ot> values."' Be- ament ot thesuited trlarchs with the longest beards race. and other press offering German- ence;, is being ,..played iuiafe, th*e cause came to the large garden where For. years,; Yussouf -and the old ao other gentility was posJewish property, business and world's spotlight. Neither ,tfie Bible.among the Jews, they had|blind Berel had reigned supreme the concert was to be. given, f! It other assets for sale. . was upon a warm summer eveoperation ;,of the infamous May in' many places,' especially old in their sphere. They had maini Around Nov. 2nd the price df taws, npr-the. -great' expulsion Russia, arranged social strata on tained a perfect monopoly over ning. A full moon lit up the night shares in German-Jewish, concerns irom Moscow, events within.the the. .basis of intellectual accomp- both the instructive and concert so well that the colorful lanterns was about ten cents on the dollar, memory of living men, attracted lishments only. At the bottom of phases of the town's musical life. which hung about the garden and the Frankfurter Zeitung in a the attention which German, Po- the social ladder were to' be found But now Yussouf was troubled. He seemed unnecessary. Even the long and carefully worded article Roumanian and other items the laborers; at the tdp, the,rab- walked about the streets of Shar- distant mountains could be seen pleaded with the Reich Govern- lish, now gain. It is not altogether an bis and students of Jewish lore. ment to ease the situation in the accident that millions of anti- The workers were spoken of interest of Reich finances and Semitic pamphlets .have won rea-sneeringly and with disrespect; commerce.. Since, that date Amer. ders In the United State since the learned ones with the greatest ica has signified its participation reverence. n the Olympic games and has April,''i933.-- We have indulged in therefore made patently clear that a barrage of words,-with the pro- The fame of Shargorod did not • pubic opinion here and elsewhere spect of still more words. . This rest solely, howevae, upon the iwashbuckling has not been very production of religious scholars. is not desperately anti-Nazi.' ~ ^ to be found in Shargoersuasive juhong: ourselves, it THe time has come -when even may rod -at this time a magnificent j be. doubted .whether . it has rabbis should be realists. We arewon us any.public;esteem.. ; orchestra: This orchestra was callnot "fighting the grimmest battle ed upon to play at weddings even Whether we will it or not the of modern times for civilisation,' many miles -distant from the naLime Rickey,. Gingerale or and the more we use that type of liquidation .of the German Jews tive town. Several times, the LEMON cr VANILLA misleading phraseology the more a in progress. 'Our problem is to Shargorod White Soda orchestra had played lecide whether we 'shall partici•we obscure the situation. Diplofor banquets and balls among the 2 or. Bottle 10c Bottle \ZVic macy, Whether ot the "pushke"or pate in that liquidation in any nobility of/Odessa. Next to the other -variety has, been a form that will hurt us collectively. synagogue, this orchestra of some rank failure. There is not a goy- An extension of the Haavarah will thirty musicians'was the pride of BRING ernment in the' world which will be a complete reversal of the boy-the village. not, and does not, ignore the in-, ott, and a victory for Hitlerism Most of its-fame went, of course, A MAN ternal administration of German ilong the only llnV that,we have to its; conductor,- and justly so. 6 pkgs. for 29c Regular or Drip Ground ALONG affairs 11 its own interests dic- hallenged its power.; .You say, 1 Dessert Dish Free tate that policy, adopting the same the Palestine Transfer AgreeLb. 29c 2 lbs. 56c AND principle of comity towards Rus- ment was bad enoughi" and I am sia and other lands where minor- ot sure that it does not contain PICK YOUR Uncle Sam ities are oppressed and persecut- nhe germ, of what is now'proposed. he only answer is a demand that .ed. •' * ' -• "• :. • " . ; v . ' - . The hoyedtt has been our, only ll the documents^be laid on the 1 Pound 30c weapon of. offense, and - it was able riad published so that the blunted by "the Palestine Trans- :ommunlty as a whole and indi Package 23c 2 Pound 59c fer Agreement. As one of the in. 'Idually can judge what Is proltiatora ot the .boycott movement osed.' It is, of course, within I have consistently maintained ;he power of a half dozen men to that it is a duty, a natural obliga- llnance any scheme, but so far tion on all Jews and. oppqnets of o one haB shown the courage of persecution, but I have. had. no Baron Hlrsch and risked' his mil5 lbs. 28c 10 lbs. 55c 24 lbs. $1.10 illusion that it can bring Germany ions on saving the Jews. Lackto, its knees. Even the "sanctions" In? that, appeal will have to go to organized by. the League of Na- the public, and I venture to doubt . . • and Everything That INSURED CABS ' tions has not -done that to Italy, Goes with It . . . and there are too inany open gates WINESAP or ROMAN BEAUTY APPLES, Ib. 5c to warrant an extension. of. that 6 lbs. 1 . _ . _ . _ - „ . _ . — -..25c -.boycott. This; does not qualify my adherence to the boycott, nor BRUSSEL SPROUTS, lb. „ : ~14c the public agitation In tavor of Gofdit*In«Chapman'j h a v e it, it forbids, me asserting that it GOLDEN YAMS, 6 lbs. _ : .25c prepared this collection wits is a possible curative .of a dire NEW CARROTS, large bunch 5c an eye out for the strictest situation, which it is not, no more than all .the American Committees critics in the world. These NEW BEETS, large bunch ..., 5c established to fustrate some phase pictured and many other FRESH SPINACH, lb. tyzc of anti-Semitism, here or elsesfyfes to choose Iron, apwhere. : - - - - - - • . ; LARGE SIZE GRAPEFRUIT, 2 for. , — 1 5 c propriate for many types "liquidation in. progress : " You seem to be angry because and ages ct women. Ali are Imported Cross Pack Sardines in Olive Oil, can 10c this liquidation .of German Jewry made by a man's tailor, with Fancy Shrimp, Rice Brothers, 2 cans. —2Sc holds' out the galling prospect of uncompromising attention to a much xwider liquidation. Well, Red Alaska Salmon, lb. tall cans ~..25c my dear rabbi, that is exactly seams, pockets, shoulders, what Is in progress, unpleasant, H. G. Prince or WiadmSI Brand fapels. All fabrics ere men's portentous as it may seem. Life wear materials and there's a is not a mass meeting, and the Pink Salmon, lb. flat cans -» 15c hjndsom* selection: Hafs, Jews of Europe echo Queen VicSunkist Sardines, in Mustard orTomato Sauce 10c toria's objection to Gladstone; shoes, hose, blouses, gloves they do not choose to be addresRoyal Gelatine, pkg. » 5c and bags assenbled es persed as though they were a mass 12c fect complirrssnts to College InnRice Dinner, can meeting. "The diaspora Is in liquidation" not because someone prosuits. 15c Pen Maid Apple Sauce, 2 cans ~. claims it but because the conduct of the .over-whelming mass of 9c Hershey's Cocoa, %-lb. cans mass of Jews demonstrates that Skinner's Macaroni or Spaghetti, pkg. 9c, 3 for 25c (Piicti Accortiag to Ftbric—Sixes 12 te 20} fact. They do not "will" to get out, they -rant to get out, and they
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PAGE THREE, given the real low-down on the sly Nazi propaganda at the winter Olympics in- Gaiiniscb.-Partenk.irchen was West brook'. Pegler, and the Nazis here . are already alter Mm because cf it . . .".'
; B. I. P. production and then he I produced, wrote, directed and actt ed in "This TS"otnan Is Mine," re•••• [ leased in the art theatre of the ; United States. j L'pon Rato'f's return to Holly- j FOURTH ESTATE wood he was signed for a Univer- j j regarded as one of France's outi al picture. Then came a contract EVE, a monthly Jewish maga- standing painters . . . Her recent iwith 20th Century-Fox Studios zine for women, will make its ap-(exhibit in Paris was hailed as a : and his first writing assignment, i Ey the Service Life Insurant* pearance on March 20th . . . Wal- j great artistic event . . . There's By JJOtriS'PEKARSKT j "The Man TTho Eroke the Bank i ter Winchell reports that the ed-a fellow (we won't ^ mention his Company, Osaaha I at Monte Carlo." Nest he appear- i itors of FORTUNE magazine are 'name now) who ran a politicoGREGORY KATOFF — A Profile ; ed as the pseudo Russian millionSafety at sixty-five is won whm, Should American Jews be of Jews) than positive (for par-producers. On the Jewish side of worried over the 'Fascist attitude' satiric cabaret in Berlin and who, Gregory Rat off, who has been ', aire in "King of Burlesque," and a man uses the life insursn.''.*: of the editors of TIME magazine, when Hitler became- chancellor, fearful of the future? Have ticular Jews or particular Jewish the roster are such names as Ir- which is owned by the same peohailed the Nazi revolution as thesigned to a combination writing, returned to writing again with as plan. Jews monopolized economic op- programs.) > • ving Thalberg, Carl Laemmle, Jr., ple . . . From what we know of j greatest event of our tirae—this directing and acting, -co&tr&ct by . original story "Hotel Metropole," : Life insurance permits a in;it;. portunities in this country? Are The magazine situation is even David Selznick, Ernst Lubitsch, the TIME-FORTUNE set-up it ap2 0th Century-Fox executive pro- soon to be filmed. He is currently to live happy in the knowledrr idid not prevent him from being they over-running the liberal more striking. Save for the NEW B. P. Schulberg, and Jack War- pears that W. W. has been im- J kicked out as a non-Aryan — is ducer, Darryl Zannck, is one of acting in "The Black Gang" (ten-; that the policies, which enroll '>in professions? Bo they control YOJtKER, in which the largest ner. . • • . posed upon'. ', . Our colleague, j coming to this country to estab- the most distinguished Jewish ac- ; tative title) and working, between ; among the fortunate five oui >•>; banking? Do they dominate the stockholder is Raoul Pleishchman It is difficult on these figures Bernard Postal, has resigned as lish a similar entertainment ven- tors on. the American stage and • scenes, on another scenario, 'Job', • every one hundred, protect vif? movies? Are the Jews more but the directing head Harold to conclude that American organs editor of the Economic Bulletin ture . . . screen. He was graduated from 1 in collaboration with Sam Engel. ; and children against the econon.'r : Communistic, in proportion, Ross, the only important Jewish and instruments of opinion are of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi j PRODIGIES the law school of St. Petersburg ; He also is the author of Elissa suffering that follows death wi:)vthan any other, racial unit? Is general magazines are the AMEE- predominantly Jewish. Granted League, . . . Now that S. S. W. University in Russia; but- took Sis out protection. The man who yn;.'i the New Deal a "Jew Deal?" CAN MERCURY and ESQUIRE. the-great power of the movies in has officially assumed the editor- j If you're wondering why you simultaneous studies . at the St. ; Landi and Adolph Menjou's star- his savings into life insurpiTr ', ring vehicle, "The Greatest Fiir- ' haven't seen much lately of Sybil Are the radio, publishing and And ESQUIRE is closely related, the influencing of modern society ial reins the same people,, shrug Petersburg Dramatic School more ' lives a charmed life. The amusement worlds run, by Jews? through its male-fashion depart- and the great influence of Jews in their shoulders and say that Jim- (Jacobson) Jason, Warner Bro- seriously than, his'legal work and | tation" for Paramount. that claim all but five of evr.-.-> I thers' Jewish rival to Shirley i TV'hiie lie belongs to no clubs Do Americans consider the Hit* ment, to the traditionally- Jewish the movies, it still remains true my is still doing the. work . . . one hundred of those who JIIP !•;••}: made his stage debut as-a butler or other, organizations, this popu• lerites justified in driving out clothing business. that the Jewish Interest in jour- There seems to have been a slip- (Temple, we're telling you that in ' Ostrcvsty's ".Mad Money" in through life with him eutonipti^-lar Jewish entertainer has appear- : j she's recuperating from a tonsil the Russian capital. the German Jews? In short, do filly dtep.prcar. Advertising -presents something nalism and advertising also have up in the plan to mate ex-Refu• ed on the programs o£ innumer• j operation . . . Rumors that her American Jews run this conn* the Bame picture. The . Jewish their persuasiveness. With radio gee Commissioner M c D o n a l d A clear path ahead! Born, in Samara, Russia, April able benefits for Jewish charities '. speaking voice has been affected try? participation may he put at about and the theatre standing midway American ambassador to Poland . He end his family livr in R pro20. 1897, Ratoff migrated to St. in New York, Chicago. Hollywood ' are cockeyed . . . Minneapolis is between, each about half owned . . He's now set to become a memAmazing and ludicrous as 1 to 3 per cent. Of the 200 large tected safety zone, sheltered Tron Petersburg as a youngster with his '. and many other cities •wherever rooting for young Alan Hubert such queries might appear, they agencies • six may be Jewish, the by Jews, it may perhaps be guess- feer of the editorial board of the After "his stage debut, . such an event occurred •while on •the finsnci&l catfiFtropbieis ii>«: have been analyzed, investigat- most important of all odds being ed that they more fairly reflect New York Times (as we reported Rice who has been given a role family. when his country entered the tour. He lives quietly in Holly- sweep clown upon other Tnr-n. in "The Little Red Schoolhouse." the actual situation. At the very here some weeks ago) . . . He ed and statistically surveyed by Lord & Thomas of which Albert crashing hopes, wreotjug lioms".. World TTar, he served in the army the famous American publica- D. Lasker is President. Of 1,800most, half the opinion-making and will probably take over the duties !. . .Sybil Suminerfield of London and later played juvenile leads • wood with his mother, Mrs. So-cheating children, disappoint inf. ; phie E.atoff, and while he is en tion ••FORTUNE," and through small agencies perhaps 100 or 150 the taste-Influencing parapherna- of genial Dr. John H. Finley, who I is England's Shirley Temple . . . with a Harkoff stock company for • occasional genial host, finds writ- old men and old women. lia in America i s in Jewish hands. is slated to become an emeritus | This 12-year old Jewish girl has _ special arrangement with - the are run by Jews. . two years. He left Russia Decrning, directing and playing- in mo- Safe at sixty-five! 3:"vevy iloi-. been a sensation in British films. "editor* of "FORTUNE," the The whole picture of industry, editor . . . So far as book publishing is ber 2fi,IS 19 and went to Gertion pictures too absorbing; to de- lar of savings safe. Every 3ionr: MELAXGE ' Seven Arts Feature Syndicate concerned there were practically business, and amusements, then COMMUXAX. FROXT many where he -epened his own vote much time to social activities. for every member of the fanul;There's a hotel in Miami that and the Jewish Press are pub- no Jews in the business prior to may be summed up by repeating Russian theatre in Berlin, and tie prefers reading to any active assured financially. Financial ';:.;• | features a big sign reading: "No One of the big shots of tke new lishing this survey in a series 1915 and today Viking, Simon & that while there are certain intoured Vienna, Budapest, London, sports and collects first editions. ; piness ahead for old-age d&yr>. of five articles of which the fol- Schuster, Knopf, Covici, Friede, dustries which Jews dominate and United Palestine Appeal was once I dogs or Jews allowed." .. . . The Paris and other European capiWhere can money Tmy more nof Rebecca lowing is the fourth. Next week and Random House do not rank certain industries in -which Jew- an intransigant anti-Zionist . . . great-grand-nephew tals. ! Three new arrivals in Holly-; BBvings do more?—Life Gratz lives in Montreal but he's When Alexander Troyanovsky, we will present the fifth art- in size of annual list with such ish participation is considerable are Kaper i Till dc it a I] for you. Soviet ambassador to the United no longer a member of the JewShubert, American produc- ' vrood from Europe —The EDITOR non-Jewish houses as Macinillan, there- are also vast industrial Staes, aattends the banquet'to'be ish community . . . This man, er,Lee ide. .saw him do a vaudeville song Eronislaw of Warsaw and Dr. Kat- j Scribner'.s, Harpers, Houghton fields, generally reckoned as the given in his honor on March 11 whose name is Henry Joseph, and dance act in Paris and signed cher Rodert and Eurmann oi Vi- | With the perspective of a broad Mifflin, Appleton-Century, Dou- most typical of our civilization, collection of Ratoff to come .to New York, I enna. They came here to work . life in a Jewish hotel at & CB.tsI.ii": by the American Committee for owns a priceless review such as this it becomes ap- ble, Doran, and the like. In job in which they play a part so inthe Settlement of Jews in Biro paintings of Jews of Colonial and where, in IB 2 2 he began the series : on plays for M. G. M. after spend- j Mountain resort, is to be Ris.;<f considerable as not to count in parent that Jews are most fre- and trade printing plants Jews Revolutionary times . . . Hairy of 32 plays he has appeared in for; ing the past two years in Paris i into a motion picture by one n. picture. Perhaps as Bidjan, he will make an announce.quently to be, found in those rea- are perhaps dominant ' in New the total in connection with Biro Bidjan Hershfield made 266 benefit ap- the Shuberts in New York, Chica- ', and. a few years before that in ithe big films studios in Ho"y.. ches of industry •where manufact- York, Philadelphia* and Chicago good comment as any is that ofthat will be front page stuff . . . pearances within the last year . . . go and other cities. Germany. . j wood. fered by figures published recently urer and merchant meet. Con- and the two largest bookbinding Incidently th© Biro Bidjan com- No wonder he's prematurely gray The "House ot Glass," Gertrude i Ratoff played 110 consecutive sequently their predominance in companies, American Book Bind- in the AMERICAN HEBREW. Of mittee's forthcoming fund-raising . . .The ace stylist of clothes for weeks in New York in "Blossom Berg's dramatic radio serial oi j Patronize our advertisers. retailing might be expected. It wlil ery and the H. Wolff concern., are 80,000 individual names listed in American women is Nettie RosenPoor's Register of Directors 4.7 campaign will utilize the services Time," and had equally phenonot be found. The Jewish interest, run by Jews. • [ of one of the best known fund- stein of New York . . . It's ironic per cent appear to be Jewish as menal runs in "Castles in the Air" though easily dominant in New In the radio the Jewish in- against a Jewish population per- raisers in the country who is also but certain Jewish papers ran ad- with Vivienne Segal; "Tenth AveYork and in the northeastern citvertisements for the Victoria Manrelated to one of the most illusterest is extremely. important centage of about 4 or a little less. nue," "Three Little Girls," "Out ies in general, is not as greai trious names in post-war Jewish sion Hotel in Lakewood, N. J., of the Blue Sky," "He who Gets throughout the country as is com Of the 'two great broadcasting It. is admitted by the AMERICAN scene of the recent tragic fire, relief activities . . - . Although the Slapped," and ""Frontier Boy," in monlT supposed. Departmem chains one, Columbia, is under HEBREW writer that certain for Zionists still talk of an impending i proclaiming it as "one of the hotwhich his protrayal as the "Kibstores are largely Jewish-owned in Jewish control. The other, N. B. Jews are omitted in any such tab! test spots in Lakewood for a nevvisit to this country by Dr. Chaim C, though non-Jewish in manageulation because of the penchant itzer" won him his first role, a New York, where Macy, Gimbel, Weizmann and have placed their ! er-to-be-f orgotten Lincoln's birthdramatic part as the father in Saks. Abraham & Straus, Bloom- ment, is headed by David Sarnoff. of certain Jews for adopting nonI day." . . . Of the local.stations the vast maJewish names, but it is contended hope in Louis Lipsky's convincing David Selznick's "What Price Hollngdale, Hearn, all are Jewish —• SPORTSMEN the Zionist president to come, we jority outside. New York, however, with justice that some non-Jews Ij-wood?" and eight other major the chief non-Jewish concerns bewith Jewish-sounding names will are telling you now that WeizInf Stern, Wanamaker, McCreery, are non-Jewish. Rachmiel Rutkin, 19-year old film productions. As to theatre,; the' theatre being also be included so that the total mann will not come . . . AndJewish heavyweight from PaleLoeser, Lord & Taylor, and Best. His acting was BO popular that what's more Lipsky won't even Altman is owned by two founda- a New York institution and Newerror will be diminished. And j stine, Is coming to this country Gaumont-British Films then sent get a chance to talk to Weizmann tions created by the late Benjam- York' being the" largest Jewish in that case it seems- fair to asj soon in the hope of having somefor him for an important part in because the latter won't reach in Altman and Colonel Friedsam city in the world and Jews being sume that the 4.7 per cent figure j thing to say about the future A Quality FroS&ei for Seasoning*" one o* their pictures. "While in London until after . Lipsky has drawn to the amusement business is out of line to no considerable both Jews. But in Chicago th' | heavyweight championship . . . . London, he also appeared in a left . . . One of our most distintwo leading stores are Marshall and to the dramatic arts, a Jewish extent. Max Baer is talking about a twin guished rabbis reports "that severField and Carson, Pirie, Scott & monopoly might be. expected. . In come-back . . . He's in training The impression thus given that al years ago he met David Frank- for a return to the ring and also Co., one flf Yankee origin and the the days of Erlanger and the Shufurter, the young student who other or"'Scotch and both under berts it may have existed. Today, Jews are very far from controlling planning a new invasion of Hollyshot Wilhelm Gustloff, in Vienna Scotch -management at present. however, a count of active New American life is increased if the wood for cowboy roles . . . Irvand was struck by his brilliancy • The third in rank, Mandel Bros., York producers allows fifty-eight eye is permitted to wander over ing Jaffe, former Olympic ice. •'.- The rabbi is Solomon Goldman is Jewish, And farther west the non-Jewish. prodJacera and fifty- the agricultural scene. No census skating charapion, is now manuof Chicago who, incidently, has of. Jews in agriculture has ever j»Utti*ef*inixttber-' of Jewish stores^JjBwisjLi Jind jjan-estlmate of been made but even the Jewish | recovered from his recent illness . facturing ice and roller skates . . . al importance further decreases. their' relative importance shows If he can get out of Germany, TRANSATLANTIC The department-store chains like them pretty much in balance. This Agricultural Society places the Rudi Ball, the non-Aryan member May, Allied, Interstate, and Gim-count, however, does not include total no higher than 80,000 out The new head of the unofficial of Nazilafid's Olympic ice hockey bel are Jewish but the Five and various groups such as the Thea- of a farm population of 30,500,- Paris committee caring for the team, will he offered a contract Ten, etc., chains like Woolworth tre Guild, Group Theatre, and the 000. Attempts by Jews to move Czarist emigres in France is Jacob to play professional hockey in the and Kress are 95 per cent not. Theatre Union. The inclusion of their people out of the urban cen- Rubensteln . ' . . I t must be tough United States next year . . . Long In • the food-and-grocery field, these predominantly Jewish or- ters and into colonies on the land i for the die-hard Russian anti- Island University, one of the few •where the greatest number of ganizations would probably serve have not been successful save in Semites to accept charity, from a | unbeaten teams in the country, is chains operate, 95 to 99 per cent to restore the Jewish advantage the neighborhood of big cities or Jew . . . Of the 538 Jewish stu- I passing up the elimination tonrincluding A & P are non-Jewish. both in prestige and in commer- in special circumstances. The rea- dents still enrolled in German un- ! ney for the Olympic Games beMontgomery Ward in the mail- cial importance. The commercial son probably Is the long legal ex- iversities 323 are foreign citizens ! cause four of its first team men j order field is non-Jewish while importance of the Guild is very clusion of the Jews from landown*'».*• P i p k, a q u a , • The new 510,000,000 palace are Jewish . . . N. Y. U. has given ing In Europe. The total of Jews navy and riuSears, Roebuck has a Jewish his- high and it still retains a certain now occupied by ' the League of the Olympic tryouts the go-by for bonnet. S i z e a tory (Jnlius Rosenwald) hut ac-prestige. The. prestige of the on the land has increased' about Nations as its headquarters was the eame reason . . . But a couple to 2C..». tive management of Sears, Roe- Group is at present probably 100 per cent since 1900. But designed by Julien Flegeahelmer, oJ Jewish commtmity centers and the record of the formal settlebuck now is in the hands of Gen- greater than that of any other City College are entered . . . Jim ments is- still discouraging. Ma- a Swiss Jewish architect, who is Braddock's nansger, Joe Gould is eral Robert Wood. Drug-store producing organization. related to Edmond Fleg, the jor Noah's "Ararat" on Grand Ischains are about SO per cent nonnow leg-ally Joe Gould . . . The The movies lowever are theland In the Niagara River, a half- French man of letters "».. . A n n a courts have granted him permisJewish and apparel-store chains Friedman is the boss of all wo90 per cent the other way. Jews chief point of anti-Semitic reli- agricultural venture, was an unmen's sperts activities in Soviet sion to change his name from Joe . in other words are in a definite ance. And there a persuasive realized dream in 1818. Then Russia . . . Maxa Nordati, daugh- Beigel to Joe Gould . . . One c* case may be .made. Jews were followed "Sholom," which surretailing minority over the counthe few American correspondents the first exhibitors of movies be- vived from 1837 to 1S50 in Ul-ter of Dr. Max Nordau, is now ' try.
deressed the audience. "Friends," he began," \ve have th us this evening a musician extraordinary repute. He comes as with the highest reconimenitions and praises. \ Even the eat Czar himself has seen: fit confer upon him an honor obinable only by those of the highmerit. .; . "We hare all been -eagerly aliting an opportunity to hear is magnificent player. Tonight, shall have this privilege. La-
By "PffflfEAS J. BIR0N
A SURVEY (part four)
(Continued on Pape s.)
cause the early-'movie theatres ster County, New York.' Third in
By and large, then the case for could be operated with little cap- order were the short-lived colonJewish control of American indus- ital: they were commonly empty ies established by German Jews try falls pretty_flat. But the lit- stores with folding chairs for already in this country to take tle propagandists of the Shirts seats and a derelict piano. Large part of the flood of penniless Rushave another tune to their whistle. returns in such ventures tempted sian Jews in the eighties. SubThey contend that, whatever, the them into production. American sequently, with the aid of funds facts about industry, the Jews movies, in consequence, were supplied by the great Jewish philcontrol opinion in A m e r i c a made for years as Marcus Loew, anthropist, Baron de Hirsch, oththrough their control of newspa- Adolph Zukor, Sam Goldwyn, er and luckier colonies were startpers, publishing, radio, the thea- Carl Laemmle, Louis Selznick, ed. The most famous of these tre, above all the movies. Even Louis B. Mayer, Jesse Lasky, and Is Woodbine in Cape May County, • granted, in the face of the notor- William Fox thought they should New Jersey, an agricultural-inious inability of Jews to agree be made. That certain of the dustrial settlement, with an imand the wide divergence of their Jewish producers were men whose portant Jewish a g r i c u l t u r a l interests, that such a thing as influence upon the popular taste school. Numerous Jewish farm"JewisTi opinion" could exist, it was unfortunate, no one, and least ing communities have sprung up other localities in southern would still be difficult to prove of all the cultivated Jew, will in that Jewish opinion directs TJ. S. deny. But neither can the Jew- New Jersey, In addition to New baiter deny that the greatest ar- Jersey, the states with the largest opinion. tist so far produced by the mov- Jewish farm population are New As to the newspapers the facts ing pictures is a man named Chap- York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, are strongly the other way round. lin whom all Jews are proud to Michigan, and North Dakota. Save for the prestige of the New claim. Well-known individuals are Simon York TIMES, which must Tank on Today Jewish".control of theFishman, a successful wheat farany basis of real distinction as mer who sits in the TTangaa Senthe leading American newspaper, great moving-picture companies is ate, Jacob Karlin, who has a proAn exthe interest of Jews is amall. less than monopolistic fitable truck farm in Calverton, There are only four important amination of the -various producLong Island, valued at $20,000, Jewish chains in the field: the ing corporations will suggest that Irving Kauder of Ulster County, Ochs interests owning the TIMES three of the eight principal comNew York, who is a leading breeand the Chattanooga TIMES, J. panies are owned and controlled der of White Leghorns, and Max David Stern owning the New York by Jews, two are probably owned D. Cohen, who runs 2,000 to 2,500 POST, the Philadelphia RECORD, and controlled by non-Jews, and head of cattle on 3,600 acres in and the Camden (New Jersey) in three .management and ownerIdaho. COURIER and POST, Paul Block ship are divided. But though Jews owning t h e Newark S T A B - do not monopolize .the ' industry EAGLE, the Toledo BLADE and money-wise "they do nevertheless The firms • advertising in the ' TIMES, and the Duluth HERALD exert pretty, complete control over 1 Jewish .Press; merit and deserve and NEWS-TRIBUNE, and Eman- the production of pictures. uel P. Adler of Davenport, Iowa, A majority of directors, inculd- your patronage. owning a string of papers in towns ing such men as' Frank^ Borzage, such as Davenport and Ottnmwa, Howard Hawks,, John Ford, W4 S. Iowa; Madison, Wisconsin; Han- Van Dyke, King Vidor, and Frank I thank all sny friends nibal, Missouri: Lincoln, Nebras- Capra are non-Jews. ' B u t direcwho patronised me last ka, e t c On the basis of daily cir- tors are subordinate in authority year for Matsohs and culation these four groups total to producers; / O f eighty-five respectively 489,871, 391,209, names engaged In production eithother Passover Products . 289,126 and 198,610. These fig- er as executives in production, . . . I hope they will give ures may be compared with" the producers,: or associate producers me their patronage this fifty5,500,000 daily of Hearst who is (Including independents) :
not a Jew, PatterBon-McCormack's three are Jews. And the Jewish 2,332,156, and Scripps-Howard's advantage holds. in prestige as 1.794,617. Jewish department- well as in numbers. Of non-Jews, store owners unquestionably in- Darryl Zannck, the new luminary fluence newspaper policy in cities at Twentieth Century-Fox, and where they are numerous like Alexander Korda at United ArNew York but the influence is tists are among the outstanding
. .
.year" again.
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ican Artists' Congress adopted by • unanimous v o t e a resolution pledging its members to take no London — A campaign to raise j part in the exhibition of paintings funds for the -50,000 famine-: to be held in concurrence with (UP stricken Jews Jn Bessarabia, R o - | Olympic Games. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by mania, has been launched here by j By DB. THEODORE X. LEWIS THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY the Federation o£ Jewish Relief j Patronize our advertisers. Eabbl, Mount Steal Temple, Sioux City Organizations, | Subscription Price, one year • • - • - - $2.00 Several thousand dollars have i Advertising rates furnished on application. THE HEBREW HERITAGE cults. A brief surrey of the early I already been sent to Bessarbia. | NEON By diaries W. Harris, Abingdon kings of Israel is also Included. * I Editorial Office: 600 Brandela TheaterBuilding. Part Three, • "Religious and ! RADIANT SIGN Press. 854 Pages. 92.50. Sioux City Olfice—Jewish Community Center Moral Values in Hebrew Prophe- j Artists Boycott Olympics The necessity for religiously-minded people of the three DAVID BLACKER - - and Managing Editor We Jews pride ourselves on be-cies" concerns Itself with the j great faiths—Protestant, Catholic and Jewish—to unite in bat-ing the people of the Book. We unique phenomenon cf prophecy) New York — American artists j FRANK R. ACKEftMA*T « - - - - - - - Editor to boycott the Berlin Olyni-1 ; tling the'•• common foe of irreligion and bigotry was forcibly repeat with monotonous frequen- and with the messages of t h evoted FANNIE KATE-MAN CouncU BluKs. Iowa, Correspondent pics this Bummer when the Amer- j ANN PILL :•.- : - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent expressed by the president of the United States in a radio ad- cy the platitude that In the field Prophets, that group of inspired j of religion we are unique and teachers who gave Israel a -granPrint Shop Address: 4504 So. s4th Street dress this week in observance of Brotherhood Day sponsored that the spiritual Is our mission. deur and majesty that distinby the National Conference of Jews and Christians. President Even a hasty examination of the guished it from all other people Roosevelt said in part: "This is no time to make capital out of realities of American Jewish life, and races and made it supreme j in the religious field. I religious disagreement, however honest. It is a time, rather, to however, reveals how far from true these acsertatlons are. No As the earlier' books of the j Sir Neill Malcolm has assumed his duties as League of mike capital out'of religious understanding. The very state of people Is as ignorant of the bible Bible require an understanding of _\atio_s High Commissioner for Refugees Coming from Gerthe world is a summons to us to stand together. For as I'see as the Jews. With us it has be-early Semitic history, so do the many. In the press notices of the vfbrld, this fact is buried latter books require an insight it, the chief religious issue is between belief and unbelief. It is icome a religion to neglect it, to ignore it and even to treat it with into Persian and Greek thought. among a thousand and one routine items. Yet, the office which not your specific faith or mine that is being called into ques? gentle sarcasm. The book which It must never be forgotten that Sir Neill now. symbolizes is fraught with meaning to hundreds tion—but all faith, Religion in wide areas of the earth is being constitutes our greatest single then, even as now, the Jews pracof despairing people who find themselves wanderers over the confronted with irreligion; our faiths are being challenged— contribution to mankind and civ-ticed syncretism. Living in close ilization, that book is no longer contact with other cultures, they face of the earth with no place to call home. ...'••.. consciously or otherwise, adopted No greater thing could come to our land today than a revival jknown among us, exercises no in-! When James McDonald resigned as High Commissioner flueace in our lives and upon our j alien practices, allowed foreign of the spirit of religion." Jast December, he withdrew from his League of Nations posi-. influences to modify and affect The concis<vclarioh words of the president were u n m i s - j t h ^ ; J - w W l n e g l e c t , t n e s c l ' their philosophy and thought and if| tion as a protest. He clearly enunciated to the world that he takenably a rebuke to those countries which fan the prejudices^ entitle knowledge of the Bible has morality. What the Jew did in I, ] protested the lack of co-operation given the High Commissioner 5 of narrow-minded intolerants in order to create civil strife— grown enormously and amazingly the early days. the" Christian! •\: for German Refugees by the civilized nations of the world. He during the last seventy-five years. Church did later. The most cen-1 thus • furthering their own political goal. The most pointed Biblical science has been as suc-tral idea in Christian theology, ?"• deplored the lack of interest manifested by those countries example of the present day is, of course, Nazi Germany. The cessful in unraveling the secrets that of the birth, death and resur]P ^wherein fellowship was still claimed and exhorted the League Jewish citizens of Germany were the focal point of the first of sacred literature as has natural rection of Jesus, is simply an j ly of Nations to intercede directly for the refugees. Without hidscience* In penetrating the myster- adaptation of an ancient Egyptian j Nazi attack. But today we'find the Catholic and Proteatant ies of the universe. Biblical schol- myth, that of Osiris. In the days! i n g behind a smooth-worded cloak screen, McDonald informed clergy persecuted and regimented. The mere fact tblt any arship has determined with a fair of Constantine, Roman and Greek 5] the world that German Jewry were the victims of a cold potemples were converted i n t o group of demagogues in power will'attack one religion in and degree of accuracy the origins of Christian churches without much • grom, econoinicallyjand .culturally, and that when a domestic! Israel, of its culture, customs and __ _ ^ , ^ _ ^ w . . r _ , . _ _ - _ j , _ _ , » « . , . „__„ ».«u«*»^» |O f.itself show- that this same group is so mentally constituted religion. The scientific study of scruple. Roman feasts were de-! policy threatens to demoralize and exile human beings as i s ; n a tn ^. „__, __ T.fc« „#**.».. efforts .-_ the Bible has indeed proved epoch clared Christian festivals. Pagan j &ny r e l 1i ;g»;^ ion, T h e nnnn c o n^ ca eA r t e d n o *r.~M fficial t _ atta beliefs and ritual and thought being done i n Germany, then diplomatic corruptness must yield such countries and Germany, Russia and Mexico to fight r e - i m a k l n * ' a n di t s basic conclusions were not, as so many erroneously , ~ _ ' ' _ _ • ' ' • • _ . . , _ x , . • ^ are firmly established. No modto common humanity. He further declared that Germany, after believe, repudiated, but taken being responsible for the exile of the Jews, places every, pos- hgion enhances the growing battle between religion arid athe- e r a intellectual. Jew or Christian, over by the new Christian reliafford to deny or reject them, gion, under which auspices they j sible barrier in the w a y of their resettlement, and to cure a ism. And in that battle, the great faiths will have to em-!! Tcan he)r rclse uhtle their common attributes. The differences between capable « «Influence «• 8 on ines-j great wrong the League of Nations should take the refugee phasize theand religious! +i • «^i • i , • • . i. . .. . ; capable influence on the religious received a respectable, more mor1 al and ethical interpretation. Sjn- ! matter directly runder its wing. ' them add richness and give meaning to each—but their com- \m% a - d thought and morality of cretism was not, and is not, pe-j [You would think that the dynamite in McDonald letter of mon interests and aims represent those spiritual values so sadly j our times. To argue and debate culiar to the Jew. The process j {the results of Biblical science Is resignation would shock so-called civilized beings ' like arguing and debating the lawcontinues this very day and: g out of their lacking in our confused world of today. j of gravitation. As defiance of the touches all groups and cultures. smug .complacency. so' thought, consider then these After considering in Part Four latter results in physical injury. words of Sir Neill Malcolm, uttered upon his appointment as Rebuilding i-1 SOUth mneriCa 'so does conflict with the former the religious thought of Persia the new High Commissioner: "We deal with persons when Palestine is not the only country where Jewish immigrants :i re*ult in religious maladjust- j and Greece, we come to the con- •! -. . . • , , ' . , , . , - . m<>nt I eluding division, the fifth, which they become refugees, and not before . . . We deal with the d P g usbehe that t h e political and legal status of the refugees, and w e have nothing \™ ? " ™ ^ T ° ^ . J ^ i s h people "The Con-; 8 T h f t 8 c ! e n t i f l c 8t udy of the B i b l e ' * correctly entitled B --••-• ° ' • | cannot till the soil. From Buenos Aires comes tales • of how i _as led to the rejection ot the \ Quest of ideas. " H e r e we f ind an The importance of the Topcoat, in the domestic policy of Germany." Naturally, Sir the Jewish colonization projects in South America are succeed- ! belief in its miraculous rerela-! intelligent and stimulating analy-: life of the modern man, is reflected ]lion Thou h Neill is not to blame. He is merely carrying out the instruo Jng extremely welh e ««PW»« a a d :*<« of Psalms, Proverbs and Job,; in The Nebraska's enormous showing B .tions that outline his duties as formulated b y his employers. i'" ! ^ " ™ ^ ' v""* ' ' ' * *i' ' • • * r unique, we hold the Bible to have | of the differences between J.dari of all that's new. .+,:. ' . • _ , • • , . , . x , , , • •, , ^cx-tfivjr.ia. j Dr. Perez Virasoro, the governor of the province of La been created, formulated and j i»m and Hellenism, and why the = Bnt,.regardless Of who IS to.blame; the sad fact IS that thus; pp , a >w a g g oi r a pp .from the Baron Completed Just as any other vol| former triumphed^ver the latter.; re8sed w i t h t h e e exhibits b t s f o m the Baron The "«»—— Hebrew «Heritage" traces far McDonald's magnificent protest ha_ fallen on deaf ears. — ~ ! •••- - -i n-s p i r e d', God-intoxi- - - - ' — ' > "**"> —->-•• * _•• T_ j » . •- • T , , ... - T • » ^ . me Many ; ;u c a t e d mtn ot d i T e r g a g e s , h f t T e j the evolution of Jewish religious; It is a poor doctor who waits until the patient is deathly s and Isarcisse Leven colonies of the Jewish c a t e d mtn otin d i producing T e r g a g e s it. h f t T ie tjs ! thought from the low Babylonian; . . , » . . , , . ..*. ~ , , . ,. - ;Hirsch ;tion Association a t the agricultural exhibition held Coloniza-; recently'co-operated sick before trying to save uis life The humane, intelligent doc- a t S a n t a $ ^ , i supreme worth is due. not to its I and Egyptian level, at which the , that h e decided fll o n began his hiscareer, career, down downto tor seeks the cause of the trouble, and having found it imme- f t , . . * +, -,. * .. ,, . supernatural character, but to its i Jew began the unprecendented majestic in or! of them. A t a time when propagandists are making the most jc " ^ t e n t J diately gets to work to help the patient in hia Buffering, i a n d t 0 th4t alone. of the.situation in South America, the visit of the governor,Thanks to the _eal and labors of al heights he achieved during and ' if the illness happens to be contagious, he uses his knowledge religious students after the prophetic era. The Jew, S to the Colony Narcisse Leven was most timely, since he s O j m a n r of the cause to prevent its spread. The League of Nation's of course, borrowed much, as ev-! now y, voiced his of lthe s u e ccolonization n a u n ery people did and does. His genown appointee, James G. McDonald, corroborated the many T T ' 7 ^ ' i r T "T ^ Z V ^ ' T " * , . ^ " ° Iproximately the authorship a n d y eefforts f f o r t s oof the 1CA and praised the work accomplished b y the dates of the various books and ius was such, however, that he i «rl.«r-««lv.t_ ™:i-_;«- : i»-_ 4i.-_w..--_ « i — _ _~ ^ _:_T T other analysts in laying bare the refugee illness^ and gave ex-1 c o ] o n ; e s ' strata of the Bible, understand j was able so to transform and replicit directions on checking the spread of the disease. "Bnt ' create what he took as to make: The newcomers are fitting into the economic blood-stream evidently pobtical corruptness is not quite ready to yield to ; mpwiess is not quite reaay to yield to ; • . " •—;reii_ious ana morai ana _piru__» i "«> < « » " __«j_-, uh "common humanity." The League has confined Sir Neill to I t h e b o u t h American countries, and if professional agitators! ideals that it so majestically pro-jnificant and eternal, n dd i s t u r b e r s d o n o tswa v It is highly regrettable that this the legal and political aspects of refugee work, thereby pur- 3colonists - PubUe • opinion - to - -help the Jewish ' will be given wider opportunities build j d-im«. posely closing their.eyes to the real refugee problem. Indispensable work hat been done better South America. • Famous almost exclusively by Christian But justice and fairness, equity and understanding are, scholars, who no matter how sciTopcoats c f after all, the essence of goodness. We who dedicate our lives _ . . - ^ . entific and impartial they may [strive to be, cannot entirely esto justice must continue to battle until the proverbial blindfold f c U e S t l l l l c U l F l g U l * e S c Interesting figures on the Jewish population building the! *» e is removed from her eyes. To that end, we must not be dis- • Topcoats couraged by the lack of "common humanity." which, like com- Jewish ih homeland in Palestine were revealed at t h e Palestine ^ educttion oTen NORTH AMERICA 1 Wrap-Aro.nd! mon sense, is rather uncommon. Next September the League .Conference in Washington. Awording to _ report rendered, 1 t_V«e™c-o!_r_ per_JtT_eir ChrisJEWI8H FAMERS IN AMER- \ Topcoafs c f - « • ICA NUMBER 100,000 REPORT j Assembly -w_l meet to determine a permanent policy for re- i Palestine's Jewish population .was set at 375,000, which would i t l i n l t y t 0 c o l o r t h e i ^ abandon !M 8 t o tt h e m n6 fugees.. In the, half'year intervening between now and then, i amount to 29.8 per cent of the country's .total inhabitants. ° ™Tto the Jew rep-SHOWS . . . That's many more) questionable and than in Palestine. ; * Distinguished ^__fi must bend every effort toward supplanting League of Na* These figures mean that Palestine Jewry represents the rehensible premise that the OldEUROPE j tions political near sightedness with the broad vision of a hu- largest percentage of Jewish population in any country in the Testament i* but an introduction ITALIAN PAPER URGES JEWS ' to the Kew; that the prophets of TO BE MORE SYMPATHETIC I manized, civilized policy. '•'•_* • Knit-tex Longworld. The percentage in Poland is 10.5 per cent, in Lithuania j i_r*©f were' merely"prec_rs-7s of TO FASCISM . . . Which is a def-; Weor T 6.2 per cent, and in Roumania 5.1 per cent, in Germany .8 I Jesus, and that Judaism^achieved init. insult to our intelligence. j POLISH R A B B I S OR D E R i Its final. culmiaation per cent, and in France .5 per cent. . . . . - in Christian_—.i— ity. For this, if for no other rea- W O R L D - W I D E PRAYERS j Harvard University continues to set a high standard of i ° f t h e 300,000 Jewish emigrants fleeing persecution in son, it i l to be deeply regretted A G A I N S T ANTI-SCHECHITA.' These Finest cf New Tcpceets that the scientific study of theLAW There are still wonder! Europe between the years of 1928 and 19_5, over half moral integrity in the realm of American higher education. Only et The Nebraska Bible has been almost an exclu- rabbis who have faith. For the second time in two years Harvard has refused an 162,000 - - - came to Palestine. Duruig the year 1935, 61,541 slr. monopoly of Christians. The VIENNA CARDINAL CALLS - * # - _ # _ •«* * j m n n n _ __ • • _ • • _ • w x Tn L• •-, J e w s e n t e r e d P a l e s t i n e . W h e n w e c o n s i d e r t h a t d u r i n g 1 9 3 a only recognized Jewish scholar in ANTI-SEMITI8M NEGATION OF • H a r t Schoffiser & p f i e r o f a g i f t o f $ 1 0 , 0 0 0: t o t h e u n i v e r s i t y b y E r n s t ( P u t z i ) L i _ . _ • • _ > • i. • ^ ^ * « " __ ! • _ • _ _ x r — t . i — Z \ vr—i _'•_•'• --_- # J. •_•'•• .• . M * J i t. YT-A • t a e n u m b e r o f J e w s w h o e m i g r a t e d t o a l l o t h e r l a n d * i n t h e this field is Dr. Julian Morgen- CHRISTANITY . . . A voice in Mars Topcecfs • Hanfataengl, N a z i press chief a n dintimate o f Adolph Hitler. , , . \,nnnn ? . . i_ •• _. . ttern, President of Hebrew Union the wilderness. fm»_ i _ * - * - « # - _ • -£•••""--'_• t /< , \ world was onjy 12,000, we begin to realize how important College, in Cincinnati. u SWITZERLAND ORDERS SUPr *Vo!gerO'Coat of S^|E Palestine has• _ become as a • haven of for persecuted [The latest offer to be refused camethree-hundredth as a result of a anniversary form letter _, , A. t" ' - refuge For a comprehensive, scientific PRESSION O F ALL N A Z I | _eqnestlngf support of Haryard's Nine Lives cf - - ^ ^ and illuminating account of theGROUPS . . A courageous act. j Jewry. Jund, whicK had/been sent to the Harvard alumni. early origin of early Israel, of the WORLD ORGANIZATION FOR! {The grounds for refusing Hanfstaengl'g gift now is the development of Biblical literature ADVANCEMENT OF HEBREW) •Alperu Superb ^ ^ R while the other was selling junk. and the growth ot Israel's reli- FOUNDED IN LONDON . . . An_am« as It was in 193 _, when Dr» James B. Conant, president of Fleece Topcocf • « ^ ^ wag, the busiest? Surely tba gious ideas and moral concepts, other organization for an obvious GEMS OF THE BIBLE Who the university, declared that no gift could be accepted from one junk man bad more customers." few books can compare with Dr. movement. Rabbi EUtar said, f Every m_a Harris* "The Hebrew Heritage." AFRICA elosely allied with a government which interferes with educa*, who potsegges the habit of flat- Th» author has succeeded in com- EGYPTIAN JEW NAMED COMBrand Topeoet fly O. O. DASHES tional freedom. Such idealism which places principle: above tery will fall io Gehenna." bining in one volume aa. aston- MANDER OF ITALIAN ARMY finance gives^foundation to hope in. America. With the death of Rabbi Josh- ishing amount of solid informa- LEGION • Par-Kerry WhipLet'* stop being He that goeth about talebear- ina, real thinking- and plannlnr tion, including, not only the ac-surprised at Jewish soldiers. • cord Topcoats « ing rare-let, secrete; therefore came to naught. With the death cepted conclusions of Biblical PALESTINE meddle aot with him that openeth of Rabbi Akiba, deep Bcholarship critics, but the most recent reNATIONAL MUSEUM OF JEW•Burberry wide his lips. ceased, and the fountain of wis-sult* of -rchaetogic&l discoveries ISH PATENTS PLANNED IN .TJnfortttnately, the entire Jewish people are blamed for The thought of the diligent dom stopped off. SVith the death which hare t o thrilled and in-TEL AVIV . . . It will be crowded Topcoats the wrongful acts of out individual members. But, when the tend only to pl.atiousnesa but ev-of Rabbi Chanim, there ceised formed the world. The best of we hire numerous patent cranks Jewish individual is guilty of wrongdoing, his Jewishness will ery one that is hasty hasteth only men of action. With the death of Biblical scholarship, freed from and lawyers in Palestine. Rabbi Jose, real piousness ceased. it* excesses 1* here. As-'an introBIOLOGY TAUGHT IN HEby no means save him from the rightful excoriation he deserves to want. With the death ot Rabbi MaUf, duction to Bible history few books BREW FOR FIRST TIME AT HEIt is better to dwell in a desert at the hands of his fellow-Jews. land than with t contentious and the composing of fables ceased. eta surpass it. . BREW UNIVERSITY . . So What,! With, the death of BeaAttai, de•In the _ealm of basketball, the Violets of New York Uni- fretful woman, Since Israel began its career we always knew that the newest votional study of the Torah ceasthings can be said in the oldest Fret aot thyself because of evil neither suddenly nor in a vacversity's Washington Square College had established an envidoers; neither be thou envious at ed. With the death of. Ben Zoma, uum, the author discusses briefly language. able record. The Violets have been termed a "Jewish", team the wicked, for there will be noreal expounders of th« Torah is Part One "Th» Genesis and GERMAN JEWS ORGANIZING ceased. With the death of Rabbi because of the large proportion of Jewish students at the col- future to the evil man and theJochanan, the glory 6f learning Development, of Early Cultures." REFORM COMMUNITY . . . And ! Ha analyzes the religion of thewhat will the Reform Community i lege. Last week the Georgetown quintet snapped the Violets' lamp j of the wicked shall be putc e a s e d . . •••'-•••:. ~: • .. : . • • • • • • ' . out, Nomad, the character, the myths organize later? string of consecutive victories . Following the game the N. Y. and cults ot the "Sumerian;" the TEL AVIV CANCELS PURUM TALMUD f a . Mesi Set T*«« ft Appmeimht Them culture and religion of Egypt. FETE BECAUSE OF JEWISH U. paper charged that the New Yorkers were subjected to antiRabftl Abaha.and Rabbi Chiya Hits Namersu Cleatm Th* chapter dealing with the PLIGHT IN EUROPE . . . One happened to meet in a certain Semitic persecution in Washington, stretching things to the place. Rabbi Abuha lectured o_ Diver, Labor story of exe_v_tions and decipher- cannot laugh" while one's brethJerusaUm point of saying that if the Violets had won there would have Agod- (legends). Rabbi Chiya Zionist dally, protested Tuesday ment is particularly significant ren suffer. SEE OUR SPECIAL CORNER WINDOW DISPLAY been the worst race roit in the history of athletics. lectured concerning Halacha (tra- against a numerous -said sad helpful. OF THE NATION'S LEADING TOPCOATS FOR ,836 dUlo_s). The consequence was to have been introduced by the With this knowledge of the in-(Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts This type of editorial comment is a bad reflection upon that tb» audience left Rabbi ChiFeature Syndicate.) Palestine Government .against, tellectual and spiritual climate of the school that wrote it. Basketball games, particularly ex- ya and came to hear the legends Jewish worker* m " Government th« age, the reader is prepared f6r Part Two, the theme of which Mmmomiis Street in Ceko citing ones can get the fans pepped up to where statement- of Rabbi Abuha. This caused the Workshops and enterprises. former to feel indignant. Whereit "The" Hie* and Growth' 'or the Cairo •— The Egyptian Govern. : The paper cited _ ntinibtr of may slip out that s6und worse than they really are. • upon Rabbi Abu he said, to t h e eases in which, it said, Jews were Hebrew Nation." In ten chapters meat has. named one of the streets ' Perhaps some spectator did make a "crack" or two about audience, "I shall tire you * p&r- not Admitted to positions even fttthe author describes the emer- in Cairo Maimoaidee Street, in CORHBCT AJT>AR__ K5R WEN AKC* WOMJBN N.-. U.'s Jewish players. Perhaps a couple of the N. Y. U. cag- abl». This may b . likened unto tha same wage aa Arabs, _Hhoug_ gence ot Israel, the growth of its commemoration of the 80Oth an-). two _.*& who cnt.rtd A town. On. i& g«_er»l the Jewlah wag* settle religion and account* for ita * of the birth of the ers did get banged up somewhat. But that is not a cause for sold precious stones . aad p«arl» i t i h great Jewish philosaher. is much -igher. the Canaasiti.h ptriority 7
the N. Y. U. paper to raise the cry of "anti-Semitism." "We cannot afford to exaggerate such things, and the cry of "wolf, wolf" by an undergraduate paper like this harms all of us indirectly. The two Jewish players on Georgetown's teams — itself a refutation of the charge made against Georgetown — voiced our opinion when they accused the N. Y. TJ. paper of doing Jewish, athletes an injury "by this charge .-
English Jews to Aid
Common Bond
High Commissioner for Refugees •
Your Smart New Topcoats! THE NEBRASKA
jnWit v u iutn.r - t %
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•«? r^Msnf. f«__#d t l *_&. "«-hfir
'' 2_, H. _ .
^Hk -Ami ^3-_NuiJU
Yrw P
*?•. i *
i}£ in aJ
The Nebraska Has These
Famous Topcoats at
Footnotes *#«* t o ***
. $ 25
Principle First
Too Quick on the Trigger
50 $ 50
Unparalleled ¥alm
"! X
SI th
Artists' Congress adopted by fimous v o t e a resolution ging its members to take no in the exhibition of paintings ; held in concurrence with the lpic Games.
BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Max Paperny announce vthe birth of a daughter.
rtronize our advertisers. ==B NEON
j vices will be held at. B'nfti Isrs>«;
Temple Sisterhood j Bikur ChoGm
mv The Temple Israel Sisterhood j aad Rummage Sale BY VAAD AUXILIARY; I will have its monthly meeting j Temple vestry j T h e Bikur Cholim Society is The Vaad Auxiliary is sponsorHOUSE PARTY i Monday, Monday, March March 2, 2, S Sn n the the vestry Ksbbi David A. Wice's per ing a community Sinner Friday The Phi Delta Mu sorority held • rooms of the Temple. A' board: making plans for a bazaar 'and topic this 'evening will !>e " a house party at the home ol ]aimeeting will be held at 12 o'clock, rummage sale, to he held Sunday, evening, March 6, at the B'nai If~Bcth-El j marks of an Educated .1*>w." A Miss Minnie Kutler. Decorations ! »d luncheon will be held after '-March 15, a t the Labor Lyceum rael Fynagogne. The purpose of Wiiinsky will light were carried out in red and white, jthat. the dinner is to revive the Fri- This evening Rabbi David A. | Harry building. Sabbath candles. Goldstein will speak on "Arts; [ The decoration- and refresh-j Mrs. Milton Abrahams and Mrs. All those having bundles they day night family dinner. KveryThat Beautify Home end BrimJ Confirmimtii will meet at I f ment committee included the -William Feiler are in charge of wish to contribute are asked to cne is invited to participate in c"clock Bati'.rday morning, this pre-Purim evenings the program. There will be a call Webster 5257 and someone Misses Beatrice Glazer and Edith The women ol the congregation , vice? Sp-turrtny will begin Rf. Epstein. The entertainment com-[short dramatization depicting an 'will be glad to pick them up. Because it will be impossible to invited to attend t h e pre- '. s. m. mittee consisted of the Misses Re- i old Jewish wedding. The cast in- ' pay lor reservations at the dinner, are Purim Oneg Shabbos at the home ' reservations must be made a n d om becca Tatlebaum a n d Lillian eludes Mesdames Sam Wolf, Sam Mrs. Herman Cohen, 101 So. Pioneer Women paid for by Monday, March 2. The 53 St., Wertheimer, Jr., Ronald GladKAVHZ-3IARK0V1TZ PASSER-EPSTEIX Leiben. Sees Renaissance Saturday afternoon. The Pioneer Women's Doner cost will be a nominal charge of ENGAGEMENT: Cincinnati — EJfGAGESIEKT Miss Eva Ruderman is presi- stone, Jack Marer, Louis Lipp, j Luncheon NextWeek will be held March 28. seventy-five cents per plate for Mr.'and Mrs. Sam Epstein an-j dent, Miss Minnie Kutler, secre- and Joe Weinberg. •Mr. Barney Markovltz of CounPurim conies this year Satur-; Americar. Jewish education is Reservations for the luncheon ' At this time Mrs. Sophie Udin will adults and fifty cents for chil- day evening, March 7. Next Fri-1 ing place today, Dr. cil Bluffa announces the engage- nounce the engagement of their j tary, and Miss Belle Rnderman, be the guest speaker. dren. may be made by calling Wa. 7144. ment of his daughter, Bora, to daughter, Edith, to Mr. Stanley I treasurer, of the group. flay evening Rabbi Goldstein will Gamoran ot Cincinnati, T h o s e wishing Information Fathers and mothers ars urged preach fcis pre-Pcriin sermon on j al director of the Commission Harry Ravitz, eon of Mr. Samuel Passer, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. '. about the raising of. the $5.00 to come tmd bring with them their Jewish education, said cu his ' fe*vitz, of Omaha. The announce- Passer, of Council Bluffs. No def- j RETURNS FROM COXVE>"TIOX Vaad Auxiliary in order to be able to attend the children, married sons and daugh- •'Anti-Semitism—Old and New," turn from a series ol Jewish ment •wag made at an informal Inite date has been set for the Dr. B. Goldware, chiropodist at The Vaad auxiliary will hold a luncheon are asked to call Mrs. J. ters, and grand-children. For reucational association weetngK party at the Ravitz home. •wedding. Herzberg's," has returned from the meeting Tuesday, March Kaplan, We." 5454. servations, call the V£s.d office, the East. . MISB Markovitz is a graduate Midwest Association of Chiropo-, regular Mrs. I. Raznick has been chos- Jackson OSS7. of Abraham Lincoln high school TO HOLLYWOOD diets convention held in Sioux! 3 ' a t the'B'nai Israel synagogue Rabbi Harold A. Berber's Be?- j en chairman for the drawing of at 2 p. m. All members are urged of Council Bluffs. Mr.. Kavitz atmon topic this evening will be j Patronize our ' advertise* •• Miss Dorothy Kaplan, daughter Falls, So. Dakota, February 22, to attend.. . the lounge chair which will be tended the University of Nebras- of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan, will ,23 and 24th. "Acher—Jew and Heretic," a bio- '• given away at the last meeting of ka, 'where he was a member of leave Omaha Saturday, February j graphy of Rabbi Mair's teacher, j the season. j A regular meeting of the i the great heretic of the Talmudic • Zeta Beta Tan fraternity. 29, for Hollywood, Calif., where HADASSAH TEA Hadassah Cultural I Chesed Shel Ernes will be heid • period, she will visit indefinitely. EnA tea honoring members of j Monday afternoon, March- 2, at j Saturday morning Rabbi Ber- Ij Forty-five women attended the route she will stop for several Junior Hadassah will take place BIBLE STUDY CLASS " Z. B. T. MOTHERS CLUB days in Salt Lake. City, Utah, and Sunday, March 8, at 2:30 p. m.meeting of the Hadassah Culture ^ Israel Bible study j 2:30 p. m. .at the Chesed She! ! ger will preach in Yiddish at the 1 faraished. Electric, g-a? wi The Temple The Z...B. T. Mothers club held Oakland, Calif., where she will at the Blackstone hotel. Mrs. Jul- group at the home of Mrs. Sam- j class.'under'the direction of Raf- Ernes building. All members are Beth Hamefiroeh Hagodol syna- j phone included. Gas? ft-rrtr.'their regular monthly meeting at visit relatives and 'friends. Miss ius Abrahamson is chairman of ael Steinberg Tuesday, February bi D. H. Wice, will meet for des- urged to be present. gogue. I Call \¥e 3527. the home of Mrs. Sam Kaplan, Kaplan has been extensively en- the committee in charge of the af- 25, when Rabbi David Wice ad- sert-luncheon Tuesday, March 3, The regular father and son ser- i Thursday, February 20. tertained T>rior to her departure. fair. She is being assisted by Mrs. dressed the group. at the home of Mrs. Julius Abra' A. Z. A. ! The next meeting of this group j hamson, 2521 No. 53 St. Mrs. The Mother chapter of A. 2. A. Sydney Katleman and Mrs. Abe will take place Tuesday, March D a v i d ,R_ Cohen and Mrs. Horace held a regular meeting at -the J. .RUSH T E 1 Solomon. The Junior Pioneers held a All members of Senior Hadas- 10. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will R 0 S e n D i u m will be co-hostesses. C. C. Sunday afternoon, February • o? rush tea at the home of Mrs.sah are' invited and those mem- speak on "The Rise and Decline | 23. Ben Shrier was elected to Charles Hermanson, their new bers who have grown daughters of Polish Jewry." represent the chapter at the reConservative Capers By Mrs. David RL Newman sponsor. Mrs. Hermanson spoke are urged to bring them also to gional convention of District No. on "What the Junior Pioneers the tea. . Committees Are Named j 6 which will be held at Diilnth, Women's .Mfcrachi Means" and outlined plans for the Minn., March 22 to 24, inclusive. Almond Cookies A Mrs. E : "Weinberg led an open coming year. She introduced the Committees to take charge of I Irving Yaffe was elected alterUse 6 egg yolkB, Xy2 cups sug- guest speaker, Mrs. M. F. LevenOneg Shabbos forum discussion which featured Beth-El synagogue's "Conserva- ! nate. s I of son, who gave a talk about con"How to Make Purim BeautiCapers of 1936" which is to j The combined efforts of the 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 3 cups ditions in Palestine. A discussion j f u l " w i n b e t h e subject of thejrachi held at the J. C. C , Febru-1 be e n t e d M a r c h 3 1 a t central j Century chapter and the mother < t 1 flour. was'held with all the girls p a r t i - j n e x t O n e S Shabbos of the Beth- ary 19. All the members of the high school auditorium were an- ' chapter, with the help of the SuCream the butter and add sug- cipating. All rushees attending j E 1 auxiliary Saturday, February ; organization participated, Friday by Mrs. Morris I preme Advisory Council will bring ar. Cream again, add the eggpledged : themBelves to become ! 29* at 2:30 p n , at the home of , The club is sponsoring a series ; ^nounced ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ lone of the outstanding Jewish yolks beaten until lemon colored. members of th eclub. Mrs. Herman Cohen, 101 So. 53rd 1o f benefit card parties to be held "Production chairmen will be j youths in the country, Allan Cush- No. 1—ss*4i Zrvs- r.*- ' Sift cinnamon and flour and add A meeting was held after the j St. Mrs. Mark t,eon is co-hostess. at the homes of the various mem- Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, in charge • ing, to Omaha soon. Crashing has tiliate _ ' r .*r; to the mixture. Beat well, then tea and officers were elected as j Those who will take part in bers, in order to raise funds to of dramatic numbers, and Mrs. j been to Palestine twice end is at i No. 2—32^$ 7f-r Cit fold in almonds which have been follows: Dora Brown, president; the program are Mrs. Henry Bel- \ complete the Beth Zeiroth girls' I Samuel Theodore, in charge of present touring the country visitf , blanched and .chopped. Drop by Rose Novak, vice-president; ' Le-! m o n t a n d M r s - Harry Du' Boff. j school in Palestine. Mrs. Louis j musical numbers. They will help 'ifig A. Z. A. chapters throughout ! Oil f ! No. S—2S.SI 7 T 1"' teaspoons on a greased cookie ona Letwin, secretary; Dorothy i Current events will be discussed | Freedman is planning a large ' Mr. Milton Rieek in producing and discussing present conditions 1 Oil __—.... *' c sheet and bake quickly in a hot Zollotuchin, treasurer; and Eva Mrs. Philip Klutzniek. benefit affair March 10 at her i and directing the road show ; here and abroad with regard to oyen. . - . . Ruderman, reporter. • ! Mothers of young children are • home, 2617 Seward street. which will be a revue in two acts ' youth. Flans were made for the next especially invited for this occa-j land 16 scenes. j The chapter is busy preparing Cottage Cheese Salad . ' meeting to be held at the J. C. C.sion. GOVERNMENT BLAMED j Mrs. Robert Kooper -rill head i arrangements for the Purim CarTake 1 package lime jello, and also for a sleigh party to be BV DC AC ANT P I P T V ' t h e committee of more'than 40 : nival. All Star Xight end the Alcup boiling water, 1 cup canned! held soon. Mt. Sinai Cemetery BY PEASANT PARTY ladleg d e l e g a t e d t 0 Eew t h e cog . lan Cushing progrsm. pineapple juice and cold water, 1 j Bucharest (WNS) — The Rou- men tumesand fortheir the £00 local Auxiliary wives, highbusiness school |«j cup grated pineapple, ,1 cup cot- ff££J) VOLUNTEERS manian government tolerates the students, and children who will: tage cheese, 14 teaspoon salt, a TO SEW COSTUMES] At a meeting of the Mount anti-Semitic party ot Prof. Alex-, a r t i c , p a t e i n t h e £ b o w _ M r g J a c k dash of cayenne, and strips of _ . Auxiliary. held ander Cuza and secretly encour-j M e l c h e r i g co-chairman of this ; Sinai Cemetery green pepper. . Mrs. Robert Kooper, chairman! Tuesday, plan* were m a d . for R j ages its attacks on the Jewish ] c O m m U t e e Mrs. J. H. KulakofDissolve jello in boiling water, of the committee for sewing cos-! bazaar and drawing to be held , population, the National Peasant; !b d d r i t population National >e in charge of renting add pineapple juice and cold watParty declared in an official man- costumes. ' er. Combine pineapple, cheese, tnmes for the Conservative Cap- May 10. made public here. Wardrobe mistress will be Mrs. p a need for more vol-jj Mrs. A. Hoffman was appointed ifesto salt and cayenne. When jello is era,, reports The manifesto , . „charged , that'the .Philip Klutznick, who, in conjuueslightly thickened fold in pine- unteers. She reauests those-wish- chairman, governments failure to « « P P « " ! U o n % i t h M r s . Philip Levey,- will \ ing sew. to come to the apple mixture and strips of green croups is l«ad-j fcave t h e t f i s k o J c a r i c g , o r •t h e i Jewish Press advertisers merit jithe the anti-Semitic group; pepper. Pour into a mold a n d third floor of the Balrd Building ing to civil war. j costumes after they are made and chill until firm. Unmold on let-or call her or her pb-chairman, your patronage. Mrs. Jack Melch'er. The group of giri&g them out to the memtuce and serve with Frenchor sews • «very'-"day. bers of the show. j Mayonnaise dressing. • -•• -~r - ; Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt will dl- \ rect the large publicity and program committee.- Her assistant By HELEN ZIGMOND iwill be Mrs.J. J. Greenberg. Mr.' Hoolywood — Most of the na- j lorgenette) twenty-five t i m e s . -Arthur Cohea will captain a group bobs of the film colony attended i Says it takes away that worried • of men to help in this work. ; a premiere the other night. The j look. Harry Cohn (of the ColumMrs. A. D. Frank is ticket rest of the audience gushed, gur- bia Cohns) counts the Academy! chairman, assisted by Mrs. Jake | gled, and gasped at seeing so many Award gold statuettes instead of Blank. AH clerical work will be done by Mrs. Harry Silverman, 1 i celebrities. Behind us sat a chap sheep when he can't sleep. while properties will be under the f who was radiant with enthusiasm. "Yon ought to see the stars!" he Joe Penner's biography enligh- ] direction of Mrs. Arthur Cohen. bubbled, "They seem to like to tens with the news that he is the Miss Helen Merritt will take, iclub together. I stood right near j son of a rector in the church. So care of make-up. Material, will | them And vou know, they talk I that's what they call a "shamus" : be supervised by Mrs. David Gold.. \ _ .. !.. . . ! «tn'»« o'^or* Win-: aided 1,1by Mro Mrs. .•Pfc'neas "Witijust like anybody else*. .• . .Uke these days! troub and Mrs. Samuel Theodore. you and ma even!" "Hm-m-m," iced his weibel, "a groose inetPick-ups: Paul Muni is so self-j conscious of his shaved pate for j Papyrus SctollS UUSBTthed ziah!" 'Good Earth" that he is hibernatJersalem — Seven Papyrus Luise Rainer was almost crush- ing until the hair grows again, js c r o l - s w r itten in Greek were uned by the mob of autograph col- Vera Gordon is planning an ap-earthed at Auja, south of Beer i lectors that night. She fled to a pearance .in "Dreams," a Yiddish Sheba. ! garage across the street, but thestage play. , In case you've wonOne of them contains the nsme j determined fans followed like a dered about the new Mrs. Jack of the Byzantine emperor, Flavius j Warner, she's a schul-goer . . . . Justinins the Second. Experts I bunch of clucking chick3. Alvardo was her former married said the discovery was highly im- j Movie Marathons: Jesse Lasky name. • A poll by the country's portant. I I has produced 1,001 pictures dur- foremost radio critics revealed Jack Benny as the outstanding 1 ing his twenty-two years in the MARK LEON WRITES radio feature of the air, even sur! film business. ' Carl Laemmle tops that record passing Cantor and the rest. Sam j Schlepperman, on your j . . has produced 9,000 films, jHern INSURANCE of Even , ranging from clap and ink car- dial . . . has been signed to appear In fact, Type . • Sirens Reiiable in Jack Ookie's next screamie. features, toons to fourteen-reel Companfes, ONLY' during his thirty years in the The newly-born Chamber of Com- City Finance & lEssrsncs Co merce of Encino, Calif, includes movie industry. AT 7657 - 1409 FARNAM . WA 611 Harry Richman has made 600 in its membership Al Jolson, Bert Kalmar, and Paul Muni. They wax disc recordings! "Warner Brothers cut the 1200- aim to give Encino bigger and page "Anthony Adverse" down to better roads, water systems, and IT WILL PAY YOU sewers! 1,150 scenes! :
Kitchen Chats
Topcoat, in the an, is reflected rmous showing
las These u»afs of
cr every
g About It!
$ seats
25 $ 25
ew Topeoofs Nebraska
. 30 * .$ 3S I ... If •i
Qet Into a
Gf AH the Suit Fashions a Few Always Stand O u t . . . You'll Find the Outstanding Ones Here at
3*o Consult
Start with This 3-Piece
And Build Your Whole Spring Wardrobe Around It
'9IMS0Appreciate Them
V \
Blade and White HeningHone in a slimfitting, mannish tailleur—with a "topper" of Oxford Gray. A costume with the confident air of being completely correct. The top coat .makes the suit warm enough to wear immediately, and later, you'll find it to be the perfect wrap for your sport frocks. Coat Section—First Floor
Most of Hollywood is outside of Hollywood, if you get what I mean. There are 36,000 people employed in the making of movies . . . whereas, 244,000 persons are needed . to exhibit .those pictures, in theatres, exchanges, distributing offices, e t c '
Gregory Ratoff was complaining that his contract called for acting and writing, and thus far he hadn't been given anything to write. So the director handed him a script and said, "Here, Greg, you can change this line." .
See you next week. ', Like the tailor who cuts the suit to fit the customer, Charlie (Copyright 1936, Jewish TeleChaplin cut and assembled "Mographic Agency, Inc.) dern Times" to fit the audience. One of the Important problems in putting a comedy together is the timing of laughs.. Chaplin solved the difficulty by, concealing a sound-recording machine in1 the theatre during the preview of j "Modern Times," and with the record obtained he •will cut and space the gags of the picture to coincide with t i e ' aufiience'e laughter.* The Federal Theatre Project j opens' here with a production of J "Uriel Acosta" . . « first five per- J jformances will be in .Yiddish , » . I last three, in English. ; J • Beauty hints: Sally Eilers takes an oil ftath once a month. Claims it makes the skin satin smooth. Every morning Sbaiadel Kalish blinks her eyes' twenty-five times [ does an eye-brow raise (sans'
Man tailored salts, and suits \rith femmine lines . . . but EVEEY s u i t . . . made with, uncompromising attention to seams, poefcets, lapels, shoulders ! Try t&em on in the new Banker's Grey . . . Saddle Brown . .. . Light Gray . . . Is&ry Blue . , . Luggage Brown . . . and Harness Beige.
Here are stsit talues that mand a look. Single and breasted styles . . . tailored beyond anything you'd hope to find
Skes 12 to 20—Fourth Floor
- • #
: .**
NORRIS DAM NEARLY COMPLETED—A view of Norris Dam on the Clinch River, about 20 miles northwest of Knqxville, Term., which is nearly completed except ""for the spillway road and general cleaning up. This is one of the storage dams in the integrated system of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and it may be seen that the 54,000-acre Norris Lake behind the dam is beginning to fill. The dam, 254 feet high and 2,114 feetlong, cost $34,000,000. •
'*|^fK-^:^n t j
WAKFARE—Lights and shadows in the grim business of war Here are Askaris (native troops) with their artillery pieces trained over the Tembien area during the recent six-day battle in Ethiopia. About 70,000 white Italian troops attacked more than 80,000 Ethiopians and gained a smashing victory that may prove the-most important of the war. Only about 500 Italians were reported killed in comparison with 5,000 Ethiopians slain.
I tnt
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NUMBERED WITH THE DEAD—By-product of the terrific sixday battle in the Tembien area of Ethiopia, in which 70,000 Italian troops attacked 80,000 Ethiopians. These two native warriors were among the estimated 5,000 Ethiopian dead, which was ten times the number of the Italian slain. Ethiopians tried to shield themselves behind rocks, but artillery shots found them.
•' •' '••••<:'•.•&•••:..
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TO PUERTO RICO—A scene hi Washington as radio telephone service was inaugurated between continental United States and Puerto Rico. Left to right are Paul A. Walker of the Federal Communications Commisison,Interlor Secretary Harold L. Ickes, and Santiago Iglesias, resident Puerto Rican. commissioner, talMng to Saa'^uan.
'pft\ i f K'ifel
YE OLDE_ TEXAS SNOW^-Ayerage annual snowfall in Dallas, Texas, is.-ftof an inch, bat when.that much feHin two days recently it C^ight Helen gltamps somewhat out of form, on the •grounds-of the Texas Centennial Exposition. But Captain Leonard !Pack of the" Exposition, police "hurried right into his ulster and [boots. Weather*!! be different .-cm- opening day/June 6.
only .a.
I,"* ^.N-f- M
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DREAM TIME—rJacqueline Brittain, 3. trudged; all over the Pasa?S;.~ Sam LesUe, first ' dena, Cal.,-national midwinter dog show, looking at dogs'. But ivjline, 1933.. for iWhen'she saw Kwan Yin, blue-ribboa female ChowchoW puppy ,;iN.!, Y.', ^Dodgers,' Tecumbenfc—well^ it ;was just too much and weary Jacqueline j PBESDDENTIAL CANDIDATE—Senator Lester Jesse Dickinson, whpvha^'^tieen bought by the joined hea The dog is owned by Mrs. W. P. Middleton. -. . pof Algona, Iowa, candidate for the Republican presidential noiriiNew^YorkVaiflntsi 'He thereby i nation, as he addressed Young Republicans in New.Yorfc Referred : fetiirnsr.'tojjhe club with which 11 to> as the; "authentic voiceof the American farmer," he is a broad- •he ih&d,'hls^flrst;:majorrleague' :• shouldered, finely built man. of nearly six-feet and/200 pounds' 'expefie.njfie>"He •hlt--better than r. weight.;He has served in Congress nearly 20 years. ' -<' • .3001ast season. • , •
NEMESIS — J. Edgar Hoover, widely known nemesis of crooks, -on a needed vacation at Miami Fla.. Mr. Hoover is the director of the - Department of Justice's Division of Investigation. His intensive drive against kidnaping has done much to rid the country of that particularly atrocious racket.
SOCIALIST VICTIM—Leon Blum, French Socialist leader, recovering at his home in Paris from a street attack by-members of the Royalist Action Francaise, who.objected to his political policies. As a result of the beating he received, when they dragged him from his automobile, three of the Royalist organizations were ordered disbanded by government officials.
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: ipoWCBdME I1GHTS .THE SANCTIONS—While the League of Nations proceeds cautiously about i imposing sanctions on Italy, to bring to a close the Ethiopian campaign, H Duceiprepares his country i' fcrvwhateyereventuality may..take place.. Above Is a scene in Rome where horse-drawn victorias are. •:'^pla/^gta^cabsinaneffort-toconseCTe.gasolta . . ,, .
GL1TMFIC CANDIDATES—American,Olyinpio caiididstes ixonoieu recently at s sports luncheon ui New.Yotfe." Left to right: Norman Bright, San 'Francisco, 5,000-meter ntaner; Elroy Robinson, Fresno State, 1,000'meters; Sam Allen, Shawnee. O&lsu, hurdlerr Al Moreau, Opeloasas, La., hurdler; Glenn Dawson, Tulsa,' Okla., 1,000 meters; Jack Torrance, Baton Rouge, La., shot putter; Harold Manning, Wichita,.Kan., 3,000 meters, and Joe McClusky, New York, 3,000 meters.
HOW BIG IS A GOLF COP?—Al Hougftton golf nnv^-oi the 8:tacn cap at the country club course at Vindnte Beach va America's leading pros will make htetoty ihere when they p nlav 18 y ls holes with each size of cup on March 28-29.
trying out the 2%-tach golf cup, t h e l e f f i S i I??-inch mv
•winners to take high point hon-' all times." j season of play. Play, will start a t ' crowned. Since the' reign of the ' of the" season by the score of 3 7-I Lee GroBsman, played in the J. Kuklin. In the peoond EHTIIC. t h e ors on his team and Herb Marks | But the physical department is '2:00, with admission free to Mothers Cookies in 1934-35', fol- t 7 last Tuesday Eight to cinch the C. C, junior league for the first Jack Sprat 1.F fl ffatpti i h n A. led the losers with 11 points. In not satisfied with only offering I members and 15 cents to noa- lowers of the Junior basketball I league title. The Sharpshooters year. Leo Sherman is one of the A. No. 100 to c inch prennd p!»rc a hectic battle with the outcome j the public the one game, even ; members. j league of the Center hare never ; found the eoicg easy £nd b&onteS finest junior league basketball bv the score of always in doubt until the last though it is such an affair as it I The Psi Mu team, hare as one, 'before witnessed such a 'red tide' i their season's scoring percentage players to ever perform 015 the second of play, the Oma,ha Job- is and the department will have I consented to present Aaron Ep-i as. the Sharpshooters turned out, I 37 points. Leo Shermsn-'pot hot' • Center floor, and should, with the Mr. L e e G r o s s m a n , rliypienl tl<~ bing five nosed out t h e Camel two other games lined up, with ; Btein', small but mighty guard, as •to be. " These young boys fire a ! anS tossed in 16 points for the • proper coaching, develop into otu1 ventnr. ratPi! Bh tlir FIHIP.I.TT:!. HIU: Distributors, 40-39. The game the A. Z. A. No. 1 meeting the :a 23rd birthday gift—the honor j splendid example of future .bas- I winners, while .he best Sammy of the city's amsteur Ptars. On iinpFt v f i f ' p p jr. ciiy circlPK. va see-sawed back and, forth with ! of being a member of the 193 5- ikebtall stars. . Losiag only o n e ; TVolk could do WE£ 4 points to the Sharpshooter roster are the; e r e r d t h e I'ollopf liankeiiiall p n n ^ neither team being in the lead by Alpha Pi Taus and the Camel |.36 championship team. J 'game in 12 starts,, the.' Sharp- ileaS 'the P-EEts Store offense. following: Manuel Kinvelstein, of flu? Vei-k w h e n lie orfiriat^d »-! more than three points at any| Distributors playing the Xi Lambshooters walked away with, the das. Next Sunday's play will forI These youngsters, playing without IT. pamr. I Jack Epstein. Leo Sherman. Mar-;t h p MoriiinppH'o-OnHjhs part of,the game. It was in the A new champion has been Pants Store la their final game i a backer and at the expense of iry "Wolf, Milt Saylan, and Norman 'last Motidry ni£ht. losing minutes of play however mally close the 1935-36 regular that the crowd was sent into a panic by the thrill play of both teams. In the last two minutes of play, the lead changed hands. 7 times, with the Omaha Jobbers being in the lead by a single point at the blowing of the whistle. Izzy Novak stole the show with his flashy play and the scoring of 13 U-. -_J "O —' -.-. v"*points and Paul Bogdanoff made good two free throws which put the Jobbings ahead by that lone point. .
ict of the terrific sixQ which 70,000 Italian ) native •warriors were •which was ten times tried to shield them1 them.
|cialist leader, recovby .members of the Is political policies,
they dragged him organizations were
t? •pr°te5ional,
J^.i-4-inch cup and
firgima Beach, Va |wien they play 33
MIAMI1 TLA. UNUSUAL;' Your education isn't complete unless you've been to this -wide open queen city of the sunny South . . . First thing -we learned down heah is the proper use of the word "unusual" .'. « . It's used by the natives whenevel the temperature, goes below 75 degrees Fahrenheit, "when it rains and everytime a black cloud wraps.itself around the sttn . . . The word has had heavy play this season . ...• So much so that Yankee wags* who have fled from the Northern bliz2ards have cynically There are six pairs of, brothers begun;.to use the word to describe participating in the basketball the •* eather when Old Sol stays leagues and the "Believe It or out" longer than one hour . . . . Not" part of it is that no one Another thing the tourist quickly pair plays on the same team, but gets hep'to is~that while inflation all are on rival basketball teams. may be merely: so much politics The Gendlers, consisting of Charlup North, down heah it's an.act- es, Irving,- and Norman, head the uality . . . The fIfty-nme-cent dol- troup with three of the~family in lar, of New York, •Weehawken and competition. The most spirited of points "west is worth 3ust about the family . rivalry is that of Iz two cents-in Miami . . .They tax and Paul Bogdanoff. Iz is a memyou if you sneeze. and if you so ber of the Psi Mu team and Paul much as look at the sun, your is a starting forward .with the bankroll is as.good as gone . . . Jobbing , five. These .two teams Between the pari-mutuels at the will fight it outior the championHialeah gee-gee plant . and the ship when they play, in the final pari-mutuels at the bow-wow in- game of the season.- The other stitute they'll get the hoss races, pairs are: Morris Adler of the A. we dropped $1.50 . . . No that by Z. A. No. 1 and Jake of the Xi the- exercise of Boine hoss sense Lambda j . Norman Korney o£ the we couldn't have beat the races . Xi Lambda .and Charles of the j . . But our hoss sense was look- Omaha Jobbing: Sol Yaffee of the ing the other way . . . In the Camels and Irvin of .the A.. Z. A. fourth, there was a nag named No. 1; Iz Novak of the Jobbers Hi-Vic, a thirty-to-one shot . . . and Sam of the. Pants Store in Hi "happens to b» the first name of the Junior league; Irving Forbes the J. T. A, editor in New York of the Pants-Store and Herbert . . .And Vic is the J. T. A.'fl Lon- of the A. Z. A."No, .100. Two boys don editor . . . B y using great will of the same, name but who are power we overcame the tempta- not related are.Dave Richards. I j tion to play the hunch .•'•. '.. Hi- and II. Dave- Richards I plays j Tic came in third, paying $8.90 with the Xi Lambda five and Dave ; for a 52 ticket . . . ..In the same II plays with the A. Z. A. No. 100. | race there was a goat named Goya Two men who are not related but j . . . And if that weren't a strong also have the same name are the' enough hunch for a bad Jewish Dave Cohens. They are easily • boy from' a 'good Jewish family, recognized however by the fact | Goya was being piloted by a Jew- that one is a vollyball player while ; ish jockey named Sammy Renick the other plays handball. i . . . Again our.will power conquered oUrloBs senss and; we failed to invest in.what turned out The game of tha year! T h e to be the best investment we could game that no true basketball fan have made «• . . I f you read .the can afford to miss comes off Sunracing news in your paper, you day, March 1; when "the Omaha probably remember that the Goya Jobbers .and the- Psi Mu teams goat paid f!23.40 for a 52 ticket fight it out for the coveted chamif you played him on the nose, pionship of: the Class A. -.basketas the .gamblers,say,' and ?21 for ball league. Both teams are in : Bho«^feaieHr'WQ-.3earnedV—means the best.of:shape;.and;are primed third; w> <; Incl'dentlyi there are'at vp and -"raring":7Tlac5:'have least-.three ,Je^ish• jockeys riding d ^em, at;- Hialeah and all of them won 8 games, and-lost.1, with the seem to_ ,b&'doing -well . . . T h e Jobbing ,:five handing the- irat greyhounds—were-kinderr taking boys their. lone -defeat- of the seaonly-thirty cents of our Northern sons while, the XI Lambdas came money . . . Gainbling is in the through to knook off the Jobr • .-. •• ; • . - . - • very air ;' . ,r Any day now. we ex- bers. According to statistics, the Jobpect set up-pari-mutuels at busy traffic intersections so bers have the edge-of the Psi Mu you can "bet on any given pedest- in scoring-337 points to the latrian -crossing the street. wtihout ter'B 254. However, the Psi Mu getting: bumped off by an Ohio, boys have that "never die" spirit, "Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine or the. indomitable something which Connecticut-car * . . ^ has carried them through to two championships. Although the Jobbings has the much needed height which helps make a basketball MIAMI JEWS: The- Jewish com- team* the almost inpregnable munity-here isn't very active . . - . man-to-man defense -the Psi Mu It's more or less suffering from boys nfle has proved disastrous to the effects of'the great . boom many teams. Reggie Weidenbeck, which collapsed :in the twenties . , . elongated'center of the Jo"bbing The boom was engineered-largely Quint, holds the .individual scor-r by Jews who came down from the ing lead. io_.d.ate, .totaling' 116 North and put "binders" an all points, in 9 games and an average the real estate they could lay their of 12 -819 per-game. . ... hands on . • » when tn$ bubble Jay Stoler of the Psi Mu team burst, It didn't do tho Jewish na- and Iz Tretiak of the.Omaha Jobtives a bit of good ,'»-. Since that bers ; have" kindly submitted their time Jews haven't, played a very "dope"j on the forthcoming titubig role either in business-or pol- lar game. itics . . . . . T i e State. does_ have. a. Jay Stoler: "In the past two j Jewish Governor, Dave Sholtz, years, the Psi Mu have c o m e but the city's tribesmen don't like through. It seems as if our goodto be reminded of i f . . . It ap- luck piece has been the fact that in neither of these have we ,won (Continued from Page 7). the pre-seaBon league. With the return of.Jake Sadofsky, and the strength of the Psi Mu reserves in coming through in the last few By BAY SCHAPIEO games, we expect to make it three championships in a row,. we are Three spirited basketball games hoping to be the-first-team-to take featured last Sunday's sport card three straight championships since at the ' J; C. C. Both the co-hold- the -Center-opened." ers of the CIBSB A league nosed' -••- iz Tretiak^ "For ten weeks I out their opponents' to go into the have,been waiting for the climax final game with 8 Trine and 1 loss that would bring my team to a and therefore Trill battle it out chance at the title, but first of •when they meet next Sunday. The rill 2 waTit to thank Mr. Lee Grossfighting-A. Z. A. No.-^l team conld man, physical director, lor t h e not keep,,up thB fast pace and splendid co-operation and help he lost but to the Xi Lambda's, 19- has given me all through the sea17- Grabbing an early lead, the son," and there Isn't, enough I can losers were ahead 7-2 at the end. say in praise of1 the- wonderful of the first quarter and 14-11 at way in which Mr. 'Paul Goldblatt, the'end of the half. The S3-Lamb- director of:. the Jewish Community da's' pull up', as .the. Center, has treated us in every third period ended with count tied respect. To the Psi; Mu. I want to nt 16 all. A fielder by Art Gross- say this: The Omaha Jobbing Co. j man and a free, throw by; Morris team is; going in ;;there to win. i .Franklin were the best efforts of They are fit and rea*ay and I am it that they are the winners IXL the last quarter, going i nto seel i nto e fighting mettle while the A. Z. A. boys could only kept; ! & Equeeze out a-free throw, which throughout the game.. I want, to | was made by Ray-Schapiro. Mor- say also; in order for the Psi Mu | ris Franklin led the-XL's with 10 to even stand'a chance of beat-j points and Irvin Yaffee looked ing us, or even in coming close j best for the younger boys with 8 to winning, they will ,have to play 1 points. The Psi Mn five found the. best brand of basketball I the going tough but managed to known to- humanity.' I will have! eke out a' 30-24. win over the Al- my team in there;.'ready, at the! pha Pi Tau group. Both teams start, fighting every inch of the • started out fast and the-A. P. T.'s way, giving .nothing and taking were ahead at the end of the first everything. However, as. far as quarter, 10^6. The Psi Ma's of- I personally am concerned. I canfense started to click and ; the A. not lose, because; Bhould the OmaP. T. boys were forced to play a ha Jobbing team win, I would, of defensive game throughout the. courEe., win, but should the Psi remaining periods of play. Millard Mu win, I would also win, as I Slgal scored 12 points for t h e am a member of the P s i M u at
In I- Tnftiniere 1 was nowhere to be found. It wasj e s i JQlOEgS . . . ' • • ' ja p p a I . c n t i r stolen, ar.d he was told j It is rumored that the Kully-' t Q ] e a v e M s n a : n e a n d a d f i r e B s . , Rosenfeld nuptials will take place j Tbe n e x t c 3 a j . h e r e c e i v e d a c a l l ; much sooner than most folks ex-itr0Ta t h e t o t e l m a nager, who ex-' i pect . . . There was much com| motion last week in the vicinity i occurred, arid told Cherniak t h a t ' i of 17th and Douglas, when 70 , h e v o u i d m a k e a satisfactory o.di youngsters, members of the Con-; juetmeut. Cherniak the nest day iservatlve Capers cast, gathered ; truthfully told him that the coat I for-practice but found a locked jh a ( j c o s t b-;m 555; The hotel man: door . . . .a g e r calmly wrote a check f o r j Our other reader writes in t o j j i o o , and insisted that Cherniak ! comment on an article that -ap-; take it. - After some (not too peared in last, week's Jewish , much) arguing, Harold- pratefui; Press. He stated that the article > \y accepted. '". ' •entitled "Jews in America" was : * ' . —— itaken-'from Fortune- (magazine), P «„, ' j j p ; whereas in Germany the"- fortune'] wBCretSTy-By r r O X J iis taken from the Jews . % . Many; Jewish members of a -prominent ! of our most attractive blondes are j Omaha law - firm are secretaries ! no longer that.' They have revert- jo f "msny Omaha- Jewish organisal ed to their natural shade pf hair, j t i o E S ; £ n d naturally, the young i which- in most cases makes- them jlad J* stenographers -do most of the I.T In Appreciation i more attractive,•• though slightly ;. detailed- work,-«speci-a.ll-y the seod: hard to recognize. - ' i5 n 5 - out of .notices. Sigma-: Alpha Past and Future I : •. - - •» - "• • - ;Mu, T H "EpsihJTr-pfc-h are a few i, Patronage. ' of "the-'organizations -that 'haVe Leap secretaries -in that • psriiCTiTar law. ; ! "We are informed- that over-in | firm:- " : •" '-* ''.'•-" Mr. .and Mrs.! I n a recent : Jewish Press, aew; Council Bluffs, I Harry Cohen will-celebrate their jly-elected-officers -of FI"Ttu Pi : "fourth" wedding anniversary | appeared, in which J.]d jthis, Saturday, though :ia" reality | Saks, a member of-the t firm wa? (they have been married all'of six-i named {yes, you'guessec it) pecteen years—'twas on le.3p y»ar ;|retary, .:: p y day, it happened. Corigratula-1 The next-morning, as Foon FStionst* • appeared In: fee £->cr r,f hi? i office.-Esther- Schwartz, one of :!i c stenographers, turning: to artr r" i*t F o r g e t . . . ' . ~. her co-workers, blurted* r
AIR CONDITIONING for every purpose Distributed by
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The Women's UiviEion flessert-[see' where" we re secretary cf cnj luncheon and bridge for the bene- i other organisation.". j fit of the J. C. C. kitchen Wed- i » [nesday, March 4. at 1 o'clock.!
!; Bonds ' nd all. Scotches r
»-». r «» r*i -w
oi Your, j j • Pi r{? | | |
tinder FeslcrcJ. Housing'- AdRepaid 'Over a. Period of Fi . to. Twenty ire p. re •Also -StrftJpht l< fit
! The Center kitchen needs a lot; MEDICOS IN- TEE EKLRYO
BEAUTY SALON SPECIAL FOE A LIMITED TIME ONLY $6.50 Permanent Waves at ...:..... §5.00 $5.00 Permanent Waves at .. $4.00 716'ferandels Theatre BlagAT. 4333
• Sweet Butter • Dated &lilk • Sour Cream and many other products, ask your grocer or call...
Come iii and try our Friday Bite and Sunday specials
We Are Featariag KOSHER SALAMI at 27c per 1b.
WHITMAN'S' DELICATESSEN & LUNCH 2417 Farniun JA. 4874 Open Dally a n d Sunday* TillMlmlt
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J, C. C. Sports
jof re-eQuipping and this is your I chance to help. Incidentally we i have been told that there will be I a grand style show in conjunc; tion. All the latest models for
Nebraska Tniversit" rr"Ci"El students are already Ippk-nr forward to graduation in t t o FTT^"'~and we have received a r« to where the four Jewish doctors-
7ror. cr." &r Inps. ViooJ" 1,
[spring (yea, spring will be here j ^ b VvIn1int^ne. Harry V\'P Tljyet this.year). -...-. • . : , To remember the Round- Table Purim Carnival at the Center on March ' S. ... A bird whispered in
berg will stay in Omrhs rt the University hospital; HprSF.n Trier drew a good one—Cedars- of Lebanon hospital in Lo« \r.£»lpz. our ear that there will"', many | Calif.; ' Robert ' Benrstcur, T n r surprise novelties. Young peo- j t J - Lutheran hospital of p -. City; ,'SIs.urice Pepper, pie ehoatda't miss this; And another thing. • "When yoa-!pity General hospital.
are eating Hamantac'hen E °d1 city. 'Mandlen'remember that I like i them too. '"•...
I Presence, of Mni
1- 1
1 R rtrE tint Crve**s ClPnr^i i Poo"L f V V1 Pig*-** t r c x r'mvi F-pnt. 1 Piumt-e-r fe""i!les C.TP"IPC \r [ s^ock. B-cnzr Tabicts C-on»r a*ic j
1-01 G - 1 ' e r
r J: •"•.•!?•."•,
I Twin to Merry .aTwin!
• Earl Kaplan, brilliant ana talCJesned ftr\6 Blocked On'v j Three inter-cit? ensragemsirts ented South high school student, w 1 are being an.noiiii.ced - this week. showed good stage"presetice in 'the Repaired While j to add to the numtroos alliances South High operetta,' "The Mikado," in whlcli he had a leading roti Walt I across the river. A couple more FREE—Pick-up a r t t>elive"!e«. p a r t . • •' ' j may Boon follow. \n D o w n t o w n O ' - - i^-L I One of • the announcements ; One of the female leafis- Eppesr,-is ' of special interest fine to ing in a scene with Kaplan lost her black-haired wig that had I the. fact that SDora Markovitz, hercovered her. natural blonde locks. ' self a twin to Jtlrs. Edward TPeinKaplan immediately flung himer of Villisca (who tintil recently self in front of her, and with arm ! was Tillie Markovitz of Council outstretched uttered his lines. He iBlnffs) 5s soon to -marry Harry I obscured the girl from the. view Ravitz (likewise a twin to tie of. the audience, until she has ! brother. David).
1r 1
£ i 1 ": •,
! j
>% i \ %, .
^ ~xi
t '
>L *
time to adjust her wig,—saving the scene.
Stop for Your Lunch and Relaxation AT THE
let Could Attend Your ! In a Feint Drug Huds i Harold Cherniafc and James | S £ / F SKAT are back from their j ^ Visit tis in our new loca- ISakenstein skfts that will ! now historic one-day trip to Chi- ! T h e tion where you will find a I feature Martha Himelstein R-nfi 1 complete stock of Drag and They tell of boarding the Chi-Hy Shrier are exrrected to be Sundry items. . up: their eTecIng dinner,, prefer-
iring to eat after they'were o n ; a c c o r d l " ^ t o bsckstage reports: 60th &. Oodse S t s . . VVA. 0SS2 !the^train. Snortly after the twelve;1,5"11 ' " e fcave r e M i ^ d . othcrEtARKING SPACE 'hoar journey bad gotten: under-1 scheduled to display their dra-j Prompt Delivery I way, the two inquired of the por- : : g at > c s b ^ ^ r e Milton Robinson,
SIS So. 15th
We* &TQ -Serving..a Special American Dinner"' ;
. . " „ - .'-' - . a t
, . . . " ' -
7So' AND 85e PER .PLATE' • 4 Conrses Complete' From. 11 A. SI. to S V. M.
KING FONG CAFE 310 So. 10th St. " UPSTAfRS
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•224 Insurance Bltlg.' 0
' Wiring; of aH• • • : Motor lijstailatloas. 0 .Lighting Mxto^s. Estimates Cisdly Furnished
Call • AT. 6479
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Antonlobile accidents cosily . ... Ee Prepared . •» Hare jrcmr atstoHJoMle i s surecf with Frsnfeel
; QUllL f
AT. £Ipi7
i i.
\ Herbert ivsplan, EEd Kosalie Al-
"Could you please tell us where ! b s r t - _ ' ' I the i s ? " . - _ ' . ' , ' . j • -] I ""There ain*t any dining car on ,thistra,in, s u b ! " ; And the two : nearly * feinted .SILENT, • - • - • • ' •• . . • . ! then and ',there—anS also about If you haven't seen Leon 'Chief iteo' hours later, from'iunger. Ferer 'around' much -of late, it i- T t- • • - - - • • • might -be bscsuse he-has be'en sor TO i S K S " ' " . busy burning up the wires beAlso,' en'tae same trip, Cher-|tVeen here and.New Tcrfe-, taltjniak -STES dancing st one of Chi-| ing. to that' Park -Afenue' dsbu• cage's larger and most popular i tante, daughter of a -wealthy X." , hotels. About three a.''m.,' wiisn j T. manufacturer, who tbe Chief ; Cherniafc. and date were making j'ciet on his. last "Eastern- trek, A -their departure, hg stopped at-tea jfew of the more active 'tongues checfeoora for' his cat and 'ceat. j save elreafi;r et&rted •wsgelng-con-' 1 'The. •liaj-caec'k' gill • searched i'cerfaisg a possible romance, but 1 high and Mow,-' but Harol4'B*coat.!th« 'Chief remains silert.
'! I f ill am1 Tip: on
Ci AT. 8S11
Every Laundry Service
rooms ciepQ find
•Let UK k e e p y o u r w e a r i n g a p p a r e ; | ; j t
I: j ",'t
isle- time to do ii rlsa
a*. "*>c o t
1'onr Own Hollers W A I A i ' T BS«K> Hamilton
-— 'ffij JEWISH PRfeSS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY.28/ 1936
down here torch singing at a ritzy he •were nothing but a cheap posMr." and Mrs. A; Shulkin annight spot . . . Dan Frohman, dareur to try to work such a decepounce the engagement of their (Continued, on Page 8.) ling and doyen of the American tion upon them. aughter Anne to Joe Gralnek, of (Continued from page 1) stage, may be seen basking in the Fort Dodge, Iowa, son of Mr.-C. But it -was an evening of joyouspears he's been a bit too smart . . sun or cooling off under a cocaralnek, of Marshalltown, Iowa. ness. Only Melach was wretched most impressionable years which and he'll be'among the missing and unhappy. Food was served i they must not love if ever their No date has been, set for the when t h e local Democratic Party nut palm . . . And at Carter's (Miami Beach's Monte Carlo) the MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent plentifully by the girls and wine ; lives are to be integrated and not wedding. makes its nominations On the boys who stand around and kibitz New York (WNS) — It fell to flowed freely from several large j slovenly or ignoble lives or else, other hand, one of the most pop- will tell you that Dave s (HauptThe Ivre Club will hold a party the lot of a Jewish judge to is- ] kegs. The orchestra, conducted carefully you abstain and withcity officials is a youngish mann's Nemesis) Wilentz and omorrow evening In the Rain- ular sue an order for a foreclosure sale j by Berel, broke into a lively pol-' draw and feel, despite your better ! bow; room of the West Hotel. fellow named Abe Aronpyitz . . . Walter of the Winchells picked of a Jewish institution when Su-jka. Everyone danced or sang or • knowledge, that there is someRabbi H. R. Rabinbwitz will Dancing •will occupy the evening He's City Solicitor . . . Heard him up | l , 5 0 0 each by throwing the preme Court Justice Mitchell May j made love. Only Melach felt out; thing sullen and unfriendly in prosecute some gamblers in the galloping dominoes around a" bit of Brooklyn signed an order call-; of place, going about dejectedly ipeak this evening on "Building that withdrawal . . Big- things, all Miami City Court and he turns in when they were here . .Although ing for the sale at public auction the - Wildnerness." Cantor A. hours. and full of hate for the man whoare problematic, pain-fraught. They're saying we've examined every sheet in of the Jamaica Jewish Community ljskin and the Synagogue choir Miss ^Ruth Grueskin returned a swell job had brought him into such dis- • everything divides, nothing- unites, he'll go far . . . The. leading mer- town, we haven't^ been able to Center. ill chant the ritual. grace.' his week from Chicago, where Members o t Shaare Zion Con(But the soul is one. Though you chants of the city are not Jewish locate even a paragraph of what's At the service tomorrow morn- he spent a ten day vacation, Judge May acted on a report of As the evening grew old, some he orthodox and Zionist, the engregation attended a Testimonial . . . T h e No. 1 business man, R. ng, Irving Levin, son of Mr. and known as "Jewish news." . . . And Bankruptcy Referee Seitz -who dinner Wednesday evening,, honD. Burdlne, owner of the largest one of the papers here is publish- showed that on a $125,000 mort- o£ those who had drunk too much vironment of the national life adrs. A. Z. Levin, will celebrate Miss,, Mollie Rappaport ; will oring John Lansbefg, president of department store died while we ed by Moe Annenberg . . . Annen- gage at 6 per cent taken in July, fell asleep upon the grass. Yuss-! mid which you live, is inconceiyis Bar Mitzvah. "•-..eave this evening for New York the Synagogue, in recognition" of Refreshments will be served to Jity* where she will attend a Mll- were herer . . . Mark Max is about berg, publisher of the N. Y. Morn- 1929, and due five years later, ouf and Berel, both of whom had • ably strong, inconceivably imperliis eighth year as head of the celebrated Melach's downfall with; i 0 U s. It takes a high degree of the biggest of the Jewish mer- ing Telegraph and other sporting he Junior Congregation following congregation. The dinner was nery: Convention. . Enroute she a total of $149,667 in principal n e a v y drinking, slept peacefully, knowledge and of discipline to rechants . . . Paying tribute to Burheir service, by Mr. and Mrs. T r i - and interest was due. held in the social hall of the synwill stop in Chicago to visit faith dine; he disclosed that the latter sheets, started the Miamo j on the grass a short distance from s i s t . y o u m u s t waste so much of In honor of their son. bune, a tabllod, little ; over two agogue a n d Rabbi David Goldelatives. The Bank of Manhattan Com- the crowded and noisy garden. ;y o u r } n n e r substance on resisthad been of great assistance when years ago and has made it one of pany holds the mortage. stein of Omaha, Nebraska, was Berel was dreaming tranquilly : a n c e s < compromises, proMemathe opened hi3 store opposite, givthe, most 'prosperous publications the guest speaker, and spoke on of the day when the Jews would ' tails. How can you come ing him much good advice, • . .. hereabouts. -"The Inspiration of Lay LeaderMovement to Advance Hebrew | become rulers of the earth and iiucpa ol n d e m e a n i n g - - meaning which Among t h e most popular Jews is Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will ship." London. . ( W N S ) - - A n organ- j establish Yussouf as king. Sud- should blossom like flowers from Isadore Cohen, retired real tor" and (Copyright-«§i9 3 6 Jewish Teleization to advance the study of jd e n l y h e was awakened from his tthe Mr. Lansberg, a resident of peak this evening on the recent soil. You e s osoil? i l V TYou o u h ahave v e no' noVoll/Von a pioneer Miamian . . . Rabbi Kapgraphic Agency, Inc.) Sioux City for 25 years, has been ook by Feuchtwanger, "The Jew Hebrew in all countries outside lan • of Temple Israel is held in drunken ^slumber^by a^fnghtful; . i changing, a r e o n a n e v e r m o v n g i f Rome." active in the Jewish communal of Palestine has been organized shriek from Yussouf, who had shifting element. Billows rock high esteem, occupying a position BY F. B. K. The regular monthly Sisterhood life for many years. here on the initiative of Dr. Nah-been sleeping several feet from you; winds alter your course. XO VISITORS in the; community analagbus with Mr. Barney Baron acted as meeting will be held next Friday^ um Sokolow, eminent Hebrew him. Because of the great, influx of There is among .Jews as among Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in New toastmaster of the evening. A skit fternoon, following a one o'clock "Berel! Berel!" he heard other peoples the moyen homme visitors to Los Anglese the stu- scholar and former president of York . . » WINS NOMINATION written by Miss Helen Herzoff, uncheon in the Temple Annex. dios have been forced to put up the World Zionist Organization. Yussouf shriek, "Look what he's sensuel, the average man who Joseph B. Katelman won the and entitled the International A world conference to establish j doing! Look what he's doing! God l i v e s the bars against visitors. Even his senses and not by his nomination for Alderman-at-Large CONEY ISLAND: Miami_Beach Is Career of John Lansberg, was preanches in other countries to beiin Heaven, Berel! Help me, Bernewspapermen cannot get by t h e branches Rush Tea .reason or liis soul. He makes the >n the Republican Ticket at the a credit to the advertising copysented by the following: Rudolph el!' The Young Judea group will primary election held Monday in writers . . ., It lives up to what big gates guarded by uniformed convened shortly. thousand .compromises and enShindler, Earl Novich, Paul SperlAmong the founders of the or- Yussouf seemed to have for- dures the thousand falsifications; studio policemen unless they are old a membership rush tea, Sun- Council Bluffs. He is the son of they s a y about it What the ing, Jean Shindler, Charles Shindfganization are Lady Herbert Sam-1 gotten that Berel was blind and registered with the Motion Picler, Myron Heeger. It was direct- ay afternoon, In the Jewish Com- •IT. and Mrs. Julius Katelman. ad boys don't write about, how- ture ^Producers Association and uel, Lord Melchett, Sir Montague j could see nothing at all. But the he needs neither past nor future unity Center, from 4 to.'. 6 The general election, will be held ever, is that below Tenth Street nor meaning. He "makes his lived by~Mr. H. H. Buntley. Burton, Israel Sieff, Professor A. \ screaming brought results, for the 'clock. >n Monday, March 30. Any eligible the beach is known as Coney Is- bear • -credentials to that effect. Yahuda, Leon Simon; Chief Rabbi people in the garden had heard ! i n g h e r e - • • There are those who A group of songs written for Yourstruly Is one of those acIn charge of the afternoon's arthe occasion by Mrs. S. H. Shul- angements and program are the oter, who is not properly regis- land . . . It's the sahdy strip's credited ones. If you want in- Joseph Hertz and Dr. Moses Gas- these unholy cries and came run- ; m u s t U v e hy a n d t r o u g h making ered, is urged to go to the City ghetto . ... And at one end of it is a living; there are those who cankin was sung by members of the •lisses Helen Ratner, Ruth Sing- Hall -immediately to register as a "million dollar pier" graced by formation about certain movie ter. not sell goods or plead causes or A. Z. A. choir under.the direction Melach tearing at Yussouf's hand stars, ..writers, producers, direcbuild houses except to pome farof Mr. Sam Krupnick. Hebrew ir, Eva Dvorkin, and Esther Wei- he final day will be on MarcH no less than Minsky's Burlesque tors, and other celebrities, you can with his teeth, biting it as if he admission 51.10 and $1.65) . . . and Yiddish songs were presented er. Prospective members will be 20. ther end must be a larger thing were a wild beast. write to this column, care of this ibove Tenth Street, Jewish faces by members, o f - t h e synagogue ;uests at the tea. the men tore j t t e n t h e individual it must have Regular Sunday School Classes blend gradually into "n'on-Ar- newspaper. choir, and Cantor A. Pliskin prethe rnad Melach away from Yuss- j something to do with a communi ment that l t will eternally be will be resumed next Sunday ran" and then almost completely (Continued from Page 2) sented a group of songs with Miss ouf's hand. In the meantime, \ * - of i» t l l b morning, March 1, at promptly 'Aryan" his, from, which no historic catasLibbie Olensky at the piano. .Aiid apartment (Copyright 1936 by Senven Arts from those who had gathered Members of the Junior Hadas; Feature Syndicate)' dies and gentlemen, I introduce ;en o'clock at the Chevra B'nai houses and some hotels bear signs trophe can ever exclude him beBrief talks were given by Rab- ah are sponsoring an Orpheum our guest of honor, Sascha Me- about there rained down: upon; Melach fearful curses, frightful cause he was homx into it, beW H. R. Rabinqwitz, Mrs. J. H. icket sale for this week-end, with Yisroel synagogue,, Rabbi Jacob ,hat are somehow reminiscent of lach." o h e n, principal, announced. ther places The signs read Ort Campaigns Mosow, president of the Ladies' roceeds to go toward the PalesMelach arose, violin in hand, anathemas collected by the Jews ' cause he exists through it and It Many children were absent dur- 'Gentiles; Only." . . . , New York (WNS) — Cam. Auxiliary, Howard Sacks in be- nian Funds of the chapter. bowing with obvious pleasure to during their centuries of wander-: through him. ^. Of mich men and ng the inclement weather, and paigns in behalf of the World Jialf'of the Junior Congregation, women Ere made the Zionists, Miss Florence Lohrman and the acclaim of the young ladies. ing in many lands. BIG NAMES: The town's cram- ORT union are now being conand Mr. B. Shindler, In behalf of diss Eva Orlikoff are in charge .hey are urged to return to their hungerers for permanence and But help came too late. The classes. Plans will be formulated med full of famous Jewish actors ducted in South Africa, Argentine Drawing himself in to a dignified the synagogue congregation. jealous : meaning oneness and health. f the ticket sales. Admission on and graceful pose, he slowly raisi culprit had in his fit o There's Harry Richman, Phil and Australia, in addition to the Mr, ^Morey Lipshutz was in hgse tickets ^s good f qr^ therweek- x»r the Purim celebration which IPS6 b |0^iy&a4iJhejittle placer Sunday " morning, T}akeTy"Eddie"Csntof Tfiie's"irp the ?5<H),0tN> American"-ORT™ cam-' charge. i>f The ~arrangements"f6r nd beginning today and ending | ger of first selection. March .8. All children are urged oad a ways at Hollywood, toge- paign headed by David A. Brown, the dinner; which was .served by Tuesday afternoon. As the bow descended, Yussouf j little finger which had danced so j o attend. her with Parkyakarkas) Sophie it was announced here by "Dr. members of the Ladies Auxiliary. lightly over the strings of Yuss- i „ , ,. Tucker, (whojran a huge benefit the Union, who is now * in this leaned tensely forward, eager to oufs violin! That little linger' J h f ^ r m s ^ ^ U s i n e In the catch the first tone of Melach's BOOK REVIEW The Sisterhood of the' Talmud 'or various charities, including j David Lvovitch, vice-president of e ish PpeM merit a n d fl3S . *™ instrument. As soon as Melach which had so many times warm- i ? * The review of "Coronet" b y Torah Society will hold a regular Jewish) . . . Libby Holman is also j country. ;o u r patronage had played the first few notes of ed the hearts of the Jews of Shar-j Comroff which was scheduled for meeting; next Wednesday afterone of Haydn's famous sonatas, gorod was now but a bleeding; arlier in the month, but postMAX FROM KIN, Atty. noon; March 4, at 2:30 o'clock at Yussouf relaxed and sighed con- stump. Insurance Bldg. oned : because of the adverse he Synagogue. All members are tentedly. And the more Melach As Yussouf lay writhing In weather, will be held next MonPROBATE NOTICE played, the broader became the great anguish, the crowd fell to RMJ Mrs, B. F . Margolin, of Colum- ay evening, March-2, In the so-urged to attend. In the flatter of the Estate of Regrin of delight on Yussouf's face. beating Melach mercilessly. The | | | ' \bus, Nebraska, president ol the ial hall of Shaare Zion Synabecca Shapiro, Deceased. The Council Bluffs Agudas Ac'Southwest region of Senior Ha- ogue.cursing When the, young man had fin-Sat Jewish housewives, Notice Is Hereby Givenr That the him Society celebrated its twentydassah, was the guest speaker at | ished his part of the concert, the Systerically, pinched and scratch- meet the administrator of said esRabbl H. R. Rabinow/tz will econd anniversary since its orthe joint meeting Tuesday eve- eview t h e book as one In the i crowd burst forth in shouts of ac- ed and kicked him in the most tate, before me. County Judge ol ning of the Junior "and" Senior ereis of reviews he has been.giv- ganization at an open meeting claim; for he had played.splendid- horrible fashion. One sanguine Dougrlas County, Nebraska, at th« held last Thursday evening at the County Court Room, in paid County, ... „, Hadassah Chapters. She spoke on ly. Buxom young girls . threw woman of cannibalistic tendencies on the 6th day of Apri!. 1936. and on ing-this winter. Eagles Hall. Ben Kubby was 2-:- '.i| "the Youlh Aliyoth movement to bit heartlessly at his ear. The the 6th day of June. 1936, at 9 o'clock bouquets of flowers at,him. Even chairman in charge of the pro; A. M.. each da.y, for the purpose of *—— Palestine and Hadassah's part in the old men nodded approvingly. commotion lasted for hours. gram. Guests of the evening their eininis for eXRirtinathe movement. , When the sun rose on Shargo- presentingYussouf, however, disregarded tion, adjustment and allowance. Thr*o were Cantor E. Sellz of Omaha, months ere allowed for the creditors rod the next morning, it rose up,; Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, president the success of Melach completely. to present their claim'-, from the 6th Me, .and Mrs. Maurice Baum- who sang a group of Jewish songs, on the two most Miserable mus- day of the Senior Hadassah, spoke and Rising confidently, he complacentot March. accompanied at the piano by his Miss Dorothy Merlin, president of tein celebrated t&eir 25th wed- daughter, Miss Shirley Sellz. ly tuned his instrument. Swaying icians in all the world. Melach, BKTCE CRAWFORD, ing anniversary Sunday, They or what was left of him, took his 2-14-St the Junior Hadassah, greeted the with emotion, he broke into the County Judge. A regular meeting of the Aguwere'' married In Boston, Februmembers and guests.. touching strains of "Hebrew Mel- weary and badly beaten self to BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. das Achim Society will be held . insurance Bldg. , Mr. Barney Baron, chairman of ry 22, 1911. ody." It was but a few seconds other parts amid the curses and next Thursday evening, March 5, Mr. • Baumstein was born in blows of those in the streets. the local Jewisn National Fund before the listeners were entirely PROBATE NOTICE Yussouf, still in great pain, sadCouncil, presented the Senior Ha- Russia and came to this country at S:30- o'colck at the Eagles Hall. beneath the influence of Yussouf's In the Matter of the Estate of Abs dassah Chapter with a certificate with his parents when he was 8 violin. No one moved. All seem- ly contemplated life without a Deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fox enterInscribing the chapter in the ears old. He was graduated in ed to be a part of the music com- little finger. Whenever he thought Cohen. Notice Is Hereby Given: That the Golden Book of the Jewish Na- 1908 from the High. School in tained about one hundred guests ing from . Yussouf's instrument. of how helpless he would be with- creditors of the said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estional Fund. Money for the in- awrence, Mass., and was affil- at a Dlnne'r'Party Sunday evening To those who listened, his violin out that little finger, his artis- tate, before me, County Judge of scription was raised by the Senior ated immediately with a whole- at the Chevra B'nat Yisroel syntic soul wept. Douglas County. Nebraska, at the was for the time the center of Cowjty Court Room, in said County, agogue in honor of their son, Lesale clothing company, in Boston. Hadassah this fall. . . But as time passed, Yussouf on iWe 6th the universe. Each tone seemed day of April. 1936, and on : A humorous Purlm skit w a s He,has been actiy© in the cloth- ter, whose Bar Mitzvah took place followed the course the great the 6th day of .Tune, 103S, at 9 o'clock to be the very soul of exquisite Saturday. Among the out-of-town A. M., each day, for the purpose of : presented by Ruth Orlikoff,' Ida ing business ever since. Beethoven had" taken in his afsadness and beauty. presenting their claims for examina"Heshelow, . Rosalie Sacks, Eva Mrs. Annette Baumstein was guests were Mr. and Mrs. Abe True, Melach had played splen- fliction. He "seized Destiny by the tion, adjustment and allowance. Three Orlikof I and' Florence Lohrman. born in Austria and came to this Marcus and family of Auburn, are allowed for the creditors didly; his technique had been ex-, -throat." He learned to play with- months to present their claims, from the 6th Miss Gisela Pill, 'cellist, and country and settled in Boston Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Henry cellent. But here was a power j out the missing digit — and lived Cay of March, 1936. Miss Libbie Olensky, pianist, ol- with her parents when • 2 years Maduff and sons, Sidney and IrvBRYCE CRAWFORD, that seemed uncanny, almost awe- j to bring many more tears to the 2-14-"t County Judge. lered two Hebrew numbers. ing, of Anita, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. old. inspiring in its effect. The very I eyes of the Jews of Shargorod. There are four children in the Keith Peltz and daughter, LorMiss Anna Pill acted as chairdepths of human feelings were j man ' ot the • evening. • Refresh- Baumstein family; three boys raine, .oi Manning, Iowa, and Mr. stirred; the most hidden emotion- REED, RAMACIOTTI & ROBINSON & EPHRAIM L. MARKS, Attys. ments concluded the evening's Leonard, Herb, and Sidney, and and Mrs. Ben Cohen and family al undercurrents were awakened. 812 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. one daughter, Sylvia. - All are at of Harlan,- Iowa. program. And tears flowed freely from the home now except Herb, who Is PROBATE eyes of the Jews of Shargorod. The Council Bluffs Talmud Toenrolled at the University of MisWhen Yussouf's bow came to In the Matter rah Society will hold a regular sissippi. rest, the new god was humbled Harry S. McDonald, Deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given: ""Mr. Baumstein said that he re- meeting, Monday evening, March to the dUSti There was 110 longer called, on the eve of his wedding 2, at eight o'clock a t the Chevra was the su- ^ a i £ ™ l n ? 8 t " £ p Above is Colleen Moore, the actress, in the "great anyy doubt as to who h Jli T h e fore me, County Judgre Funeral services for Paul Kap- they were experiencing similar B'nai Yisroel synagogue. master of the vJolia County. Nebraska, at hall" of her- famous doll house, which will he previewed preiae lan; 52, were held in; the family weather to -that which has pre old men nodded contentedly, hasCourt Room, in said County, on, the Matthew Gross of St. Louis, vailed here for the past severa here on" the evening of March 2, Miss Moore is to accomresidence, 1109 "West Second " ' tening to assure the youngsters 13th day o£ April, 1936, 13th day of June, 1936. 'St., last Thursday afternoon with. weeks. Snow was drifted six feet Missouri arrived here Monday,for pany the doll house to Omaha. for the thousandth time that they A. Mf, each day, for the purpose of Recogsilzei fas a visit at the home of his broRabbi Benjamin Goldberg offic£' high and much difficulty was extheir claims for examinathe foot and everything through- must listen to the old and learn- presenting The world's most famous and ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and perienced by the wedding party PRACTICAL MOffEL tion, adjustment and allowance. Three \ ating. Mr. Kaplan died Wednescostly toy, Colleen• Moore's |435,- out it is in perfect.and practical ed men if they were not to be de- months are allowed for the creditors j Phone 1059 day, following a heart attack. He getting from one part of Boston Mrs. Louis H. Katelman. ceived by every fate and sham to present their claims, from the 13th ' 000 doll house, will arrive in working order, even to-;tlny util•was the owner of the Pioneer Iron to another. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. of life. The girls began at once day ot March^JEKie. B. Balaban left Wednesday tor Omaha March • 1 for a two-weeks' ity systems that pour electricity BETCfi' CRAWFORD, to Jook at Melach sneeringly, as If Mr. and MrB. D. L. Rodin and Chicago on a business trip, to be sojourn on Its "errand oi" mercy" Into light bulbs the size of wheat 2-21-St County judge. Mr. Kaplan was born In Rus tour of the world. . grains and send water, coursing the smallest in the world, but per6la, December 16, 1883, and lived children Sydney, Helen and Lois gone about ten days. While there, Under sponsorship of the Bran- through a minature plumbing, systhere until he was 21 years old 2430 West Solway Street, are he will visit his sisters, Mrs. J. fect in every detail, awaits the Tfbea, he came to the United spending the late winter weeks in Weiner; and Mrs. J . Guttman of dels store and the World-Herald, tem. Inside the fantastic castle whim of the fairy queen. it will be on display from March Miami, Flordia. Chicago.-• -.-",'. States and directly to Sioux City are-11 gorgeous rooms, lavishly The building of the doll house, 3 to 16, inclusive, in the Tenth appointed, • and a • great entrance He was a member of the Beth in Which 750 skilled craftsmen Floor auditorium of the Brandeis Mrs. Harold Levy of Chicago Is A large crowdattended . 'the Abraham synagogue, th'e * B'nai hall with aerial stairway. -Just and artists had a part, is the reB'rith lodge, and" the Jewish Fed a guest this week in 'the A. M Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah store. Half the proceeds derived outside is an "enchanted" gar4en" sult oJ a childhood dream which from a. small, admission charge Davis home, 1524 Summit Ave. Linen Shower and Bridge Party eratlon of Social Service. where- a feathered nightingale held Wednesday afternoon at the' will j p : to Omaha child welfare breaks Into song "and Cinderella's grew into EB adult "hobby." Miss* Survivors Include his widow Moore's father, Charles Morrison, organizations. , . Dr. Delia GalinBky.< gave an IlHotel-Chieftain. Numerous gifts Rose; two sons, Mathew of Sioux silver'coach, drawn by a pair of an architect, has directed its conlustrated lecture on Tuberculosi: Miss Moore, movie actress, o£ linens were received f o r t h e City and Dave of Iowa City; ton prancing Ivory horses, waits at the struction and such famous artists daughters, Mrs. Ben Chasen o: at a dinner meeting of the firs Palestinian Hospitals. Full de- spent, nine years and almost a half gate. as James Montgomery Flagg, million dollars in ' building and district Iowa State registered tails were announced for the FolSyracuse, Nebraska, Mrs. Joe KaiAmong the multitude ; of won-Leon Gordon, George McManus v man of Villlsca, Iowa, and Katr nurses association Tuesday eve- gers Coffee Sale. . Mrs. Max Si-perfecting her "hobby," the doll ders within the doll house are: A and others have contributed their and Sarah Kaplan of Sioux City ning in the Harmoh-Y-Ann Tea mon was .chairman in. charge of house,;and on its completion dedi- golden cathedral organ 15 inches talent. the .linen- shower, Refreshments cated I t to t h e cause df crippled high, with more than 100 keys, two brothers, Nathan of Whiting, Room. Omaha children's orgaDizations and underprivileged, children the were served. Indiana, and Abe of Sioux City world. over.. Just starting a five- that plays by remote control; a which will share In the benefits of Mr. Louis Goldberg, local atand three sisters, Mrs. Louis tiny, radio; the smallest; Bible the Omaha showing include the The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- year trek around the world, the in the world, and • a iainaDvorkin and^Mrs. Cy Levitan o torney and public^ accountant Hattie B. Munroe Home o t Conva^ The! ittle things that do so mucft to doll house . has 'already poured Sioux City, and Mrs. Hymie Kas spoke Tuesday evening on the So ciety will hold a regular meeting cial Securities Act, at the meet next. Wednesday evening, March thousands of dollars into the cof- ture library of tiny story books lescent Crippled Children, the Nedon of Yankton, South Dakota. • mab one-feel ait home aicespecially 3VS ing of the Public Speaking Class j 4, at eight o'clock at the synago- fers of children's charities in.this written just for the doll house by braska Children's Home Society, the Creche Child Saving Institute, such famed authors as Edna Fercountry. evident at Hotel President Close ' of the Junior Chamber of Com-gue. • ' Brimming with costly jewels ber, Hendrick Van Loon, Joseph the» St. James Orphanage, the merce. to ail the finest iheates and shops, and unique treasures, many of Hergesheisner» Louis Bromfield, Junior League Christ Child SociA special.Oneg Shabbos of th' 45O ety, the Nebraska Society for Appointment of Jewish and others. Splendid food in the Coffee Shop or them hundreds of years old, the Word has been received here Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zio .ROOMS Crippled Children, the Immanuel Typical of fite exquisite detaildoll hoi^e is said to be a modern Synagogue will be held on Satur that Bernard Lazriowich, son oXJudge Walnut R m Prices most inocfanfe WlffiBAtH "wonder of . the world," "well ing of the entire castle is the tiay Children's Home, the Child WelMr. and Mrs. M. Lazriowich was day afternoon in the home Hvingrooia. Its floor is ol rose fare Association, and the Council Antwerp—Appointment of Henr worth driving miles to see. Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, and tho pro among the students at the Iowa -PERCY' TYRS£a Its shining turrets rise 14 feet quartz with carved Ivory border Bluffs Children's Home. gram will commemorate the cele State College elected to member- Buch, a-young Jewish .attorney Stwtr Inlaid with silver and goid. A \ A special preview of the doll ship in the Iowa State College as judge of the Antwerp court o high, its walls.embrace a space bratlon of Purlm. diamond and crystal -studded j houss will be held Monday evejustice; has precipitated a storm nine feet square. The exquisite Mr. Sam Krupnick will spea chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, namam "great hall" of t h e castle is so chandelier haags from a sea-blue j nlng, March 2, on the Tenth Floor j on the Chassidic movement. Rab tional honorary; scholastic society. of protest in the Belgian press. Standard call laVge that Miss Moore herself can ceiling. Murals by a famous artist i-cf the Braadeis store, with Gover-; The Catholic bl Kablnowitz will speak on t h ,sr r MlssTFannie Cohen will leave Judge Buch a "Belgian-Judeo- sit within it. Not counting the depict the story of Cinderella. A j nor end Mrs. R. L. Cochran and! Significance of Purim a n d . a hu many other Nebraska dignitaries myriad of rivets that hold to- tiny golden cloefe ticks away. impost morous dialogue will be given "b Saturday evening.for Minneapolis, Polish-CommuniBt." BALTIMORE rf !4Hr. 5TREEX The , anti-Semitic Assaut, vio gether its frescoed • walls, ' the Furfiitiire is of silver with the ex-|ln attendance. After^the Preview, for h members of the Auxiliary. Por- where she will make her home. admission charges wil> be 20 cents Miss Cohen has been the in- lently assails the appointmen castle is made up' of more - than ception. of a tiny graad piano of JUST OiJT OF THE NGiS£' ZOfAE • tions of the Meglllah will be rea rosewood. On a table, a minia- for adults and 10 cents for chiland current events will be pre- spiration for many farewell par- and the liberal Le Matin also crit 200,000 individual pieces. It Is scaled exactly one-inch, to ture set of ivory chessmen, one-of dren. idzes it. - s sented. ties.
Jewish Judge Signs Foreclosure on Jewish Center
Shaare Zion
Mount Sinai
fWBlTS.11fc1*1 :ȣ$> - j u r a
Junior Hadassah
Mrs, Margolin ^ Gives Address
Colleen Moore Doll House
Society News
rut, ^i.-.itt.T il
Apt. aiJtMii-i
t.t\r :n.;>. —
the Luxury that, Women Love
Oneg Shabbos
Tlir; son .'.'-.•.