March 6, 1936

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Is the



ontinued irom page I)

Interesf -sof the Jewish Pec? p!e


mpressionable years which mst not love i£ ever their re to be integrated and not y or ignoble lives or else, lly you abstain and withmd feel, despite your better ;dge, that there is somesullen and -unfriendly in ithdrawal . . Big things, all problematic, pain-fraught, bing divides, nothing unites, le soul is one. Though you hodox and Zionist, the enlent of the national life ahich you live, is inconceivtrong, inconceivably imperil takes a high degree of 3dge and of discipline t o r e "ou must "waste so much of inner substance on >esistcompromises, problematetaiis. How can you' come meaning - - meaning which blossom like flowers from il? Tou have no^soil. Tou an evefrmoving, changing, g element. Billows -rock rinds alter your course. re is among .Jews as among peoples the jnoyen homme 1, the average man who. his senses and not by his or his soul. He makes-the nd • compromises and enthe thousand falsifications; His neither past nor future eaning. He "makes his 11 v>re... There are those who live by and through making . g; there are those who can11 goods or plead causes or houses except to some farnd must be a larger thing, he individual; it must have ling to do with a commun,men that will eternally be om. which no historic catascan ever exclude-him be? he was bowi into it,, behe exists; through it and it him.. •.. Of such men and are made the Zionists, rers for permanence and ng, oneness and health, pyrigtit 1936 by Seven Arts •e Syndicate.)

(This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on this copyright will be prosecuted.)



firms advertising in the Press merit and deserve latronage. MAX FROMKIN, Atty. insurance Bldg. PROBATE NOTICE l'e Hatter of the Estate of KeShaplro, Deceased. ce Is Hereby Given: That the re of tlie said aeceased wlb the administrator of said esbefore me. County Judge oi ! County, Nebraska, at tht Court Boom, in said County, 6th day of April, 1936. and on day or June, 1936, at 9o'clock each day. lor the purpose of ting their claims for exaifllnadjustment and allowance. Three s are allowed for the" creditors sent their claims, from the 6th March. 1935. BRTCE CRAWFORD. • County Ju&se.

i 1

LN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. Insurance Bldg. PROBATE NOTICE he Hatter of the Estate of Abe , Deceased. ce Is Hereby Given: That the >rs of the said deceased -will the administratrix of said eabefore me. County Judge- of i s County. Nebraska, a t the y Court Room. In said County, • 6th day of. April, 1936, and on a day of June, 1D36, at 9 o'clock , each day, for the purpose of itlng their claims for examinalustment and allowance. Three is are allowed for the creditors •sent their claims, from the 6th If i l a r c h . 1936. EBTCB CRAWFORD, It • • County Judge.


5V. A. Diamond Recognized as PRACTICAL MOHEL Phone 1059 3OUNCIL BLTJFFS, IA.



Now that the little 'dust-of con' troYersy raised, by me some weeks ago has teen laid I should like to invite the readers of this page (especially the "leftists") to consider certain reflections on the relations of the Jew to liberty and to the State I was accused, by the way, of saying that Jews had no right to be Communists. I never said it; I never thought it. Any man has the abstract right to embrace any-doctrine. That is a per. fectly true statement and in that form a rather sterile one. I said aid thought that it was unwise and dangerous for Jews to be Communists. My arguments on my own ground were never met. But I did not expect that Shifting the ground of an argument is a common- method of controversy. "When you have done that yon have the happy feeling of having '.* annihilated your opponent, when in fact, you have avoided him •' I>et UB try to avoid controversy '.r and think. One of the things that very intelligent "people. Gentiles as well ,,as Jews, object to in America today is the indoctrination of children in. the pnblic schools with a primitive, war-like and barbaric patriotism. The bitter controversy, mark you, Jews had little or nothing to do. American libertarians were and are resisting the tendency inherent in every State to reduce its citizens to the status of subjects by turning them into nnifonnly thinking and functioning robots. Please remember that we have no record of any State or State-Power that did not or does not have this tendency to put people in mental and physical uniforms. In BO far as It succeeds civilization Blips back tij just that measure into barbarism. In so far as it fails, civilization advances. Now the virtue of a democratic society is -this, tha citizens can resist the State's en croachments . on their liberities. Thus intelligent American parents can counteract the teachings o the schools in the home. No oni spies upon them; their children are not taught by professional Btate-slaves to inform agains their parents; they can pretty effectively ..pass on their ideals to ^ their children^ iii spite _ of . the schools." They can do bettefl They can gather in groups of their own and establish private schools' to their liking, schools Catholic or Jewish, progressive or radical, schools in which through their children men and women can perpetuate the highest that they know and thus preserve that variety or multiformity of civilization within which alone — alone by the teaching of •all experience and of all history — societies can creatively life themselves to a level that merits the name of human. . Now for. a variety of reasons which, differently estimated by different people, are matters of common knowledge, there is a tendency in this age in many countries to make the power of the State absolute and the doctrine officially held by the State co-extensive with all truth. It was and is from this point of view that I compared Fascism' and Communism and declared them in practice to be equally repugnant to any high civilization. Now the Communists take their stand upon the content of Communist doctrine. It is an inadmissible argument. I wish it were admissible. I wash it -were sound. Truth would have been found and the Meshiach would he in our midst and there would be no "liquidations" and no G. P. U. and no prison camps. For the truth — the absolute and incomparable truth —- would persuade all men by being merely enunciated. Well, that is not the case, is it? Even if a great, deal more can be said for Marxian Communism than I find, even if all the claims made for it by its disciples were true, it would yet remain, by every, evidence a partial truth, a human mixture of truth and error : for the sake of which no human being should be hurt or lenslaved or robbed of fundamental human rights. Certainly, Jews in America have the "right" to be Communists. By the same token people in Russia have the "right" to be social revolutionaries or anarchists or Zionists or democrats. Only they haven't. They are violently persecuted. The State truth is declared absolute. Moloch is back. The Holy Office is back. No man or group of men have the right to take that attitude. The content of the enforced "truth" is irrelevant. And unless man has suddenly changed and changed completely all the totalitarian States Trill in due time be overthrown not by a new brand" of authoritar.ians and State-slaves but by free men who would rather die. than lj ve any longer like ' beasts in cages of both the body and mind. The system of establishing-any (Continued 8.)

Entered aa Second Clua Mail Matter on January SI. 1921. at PoRofflc of Omaha. Nebraska, trader tee Act of March 3. 1879

DAVID P I S Alfred Adler Address Forum Next Wednesday

Division Card Psrty Tuesday In respect to the memory of Harry B. Zisnnian, the Women's Division c a r d party scheduled for last Wednesday was postponed to Tuesday, March 10, at 1 p. ra. at the Jewish. Community Center.

Lecture By Famed Jewish Playwright Is Free to the Public

Viennese Psychologist To Speak at

Australia May y Open p

CoiilltleSS A c t s o f KitldllCSS

David Pinski, noted Jewish playwright, will speak at the Jewish Community Center on Thursday, evening, March 12, £t S:15 p. m. Mr. Pinski comes here under Canberra (W*CS>—New hope the auspices of the Jewish Lecfor German refugees unable to Thousands of men, women and , unselfish tindnesf thai ture and Concert Series. He will speak on Sholom Jacob Abromo- Jewish Youth Organisations t o ' obtain admittance to Palestine or children of all races end creeds | the life of. Harry " vitz, known as Mendele UichersI other countries was seen here are mourning the passing of Har- ' "He ^"fts able to unuereifiiui Participate in Round rorim, the hundreth anniversary died at the classes oi people nnd to put li Jry B. i when the Australian government! Table Affair of whose birth is being celebrated heart attack: eel' in tb.«>ir p'aoee." cteoU fro j.. . . , . I age of 57 from this month. As a special attracre 1 iKfbbi Goldstein, ".HIP deedfc o c n t r that £ tion, the Hazomir Choir will offer considering; immigra- il a s Laborer*, . profes-I loving: Kindness followed T>atr> t S a t u r d a Twage-earners, The Purim Carnival, sponsored i t h e ealed J " s dIto o "WEE a muscial program. . j sional End business men - - people j ly. by the B.onnd Table, will be held \tionMr. Pinski, who now is presi- at the Jewish Community Center j Recognizing the need oi new 'representing all welks of life end i "His undemanding' was ot

Endeared Him. to the

Country's Doors to Immigrants

• j . c. c. Dr. Alfred Adler, noted Viennese psychologist, will close the Omaha Community Forum series on "Wednesday evening, March 11, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. His topic will be "The Three Great Problems of Life." Dr. Adler, upon whom Vienna conferred the highest honor, that of "Honored Citizen," has won in^ ternational recognition for his studies and research. He is the founder of the school of "Individual Psychology" and organized the first individual psychology clinic for problem children in Vienna. At present Dr. Adler occupies the chair of Medical psychology at the Long Island College of Medicine where he is carrying on the work that made him renowned in Vienna. , Dr. Adler has lectured in the world's leading universities, and during this past summer lectured at the Universities of TJtrect in Holland, Upsala in Sweden, and Copenhagen In Denmark. His books are among the most widely read in the iield of psychology. Among these are, "Understanding Hnman-Nature," "the Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology," "Ther Science of Lir2nS>" -- •«j?rohlems" of "Neurosis," and many others. Harry B. Cohen, chairman of this year's Forum will preside. Dr. George Neuhaus will present Dr. Adler at Wednesday evening's lecture.



j Dr. Alfred Adler

ithe funeral rites held at. the J, C. jthpr were sU .lust C. Tuesday Efternooc. Hundreds! Dwelling v.vov, the ff.ct. Vli*.;. of cars formed i t the procession j Harry Zimmati "belonged to «''* which followed the body to Gold- j whole coromnnitr," Rfi.hM Ofurn g en Hill cemetery, where interment j stein stated thst Isie deed? fire 1-.W. eTe took place. j monument. In his rise from & newsboy to j Richard L,. MeieaKe. forme:-'City. | Table. mayor of Omaha, Zirnrnan vv c E i mayor oC Omaha, delivered, t-r Mr. Pinski is the author of j T n e auditorium where dancing All Jewish Women of Omaha the esteem and confidence of fill} eloquent eulogy, are being asked by Hadassah to such well known works as "The j The Vaad H'lhr and the E'aai with whom fee can?.e in contact, j "in every field oi eci'vity," fss-i/ hold Thursday, March 15, open in Treasure," "Temptations," "King j the carnival will take Israel synagogtie will sponsor a His myriafl small p.cts of I:\r6- i Meicalfe. "Harrj Simmac; ven<l«~order that they may attend the David and His Wives," "The Fin- ] place, and the lobby will be fesr luncheon which Hadassah is plan- al Balance," and "Arnold Leven- tively decorated for Sunday eve- free P u r i a concert Sunday eve- ness endeared Sim to the com- i eo service of » big]! cycler p-vr o: nmnity. and his philanthropic em-! isBtJnfr exPTnple, Put, pftfr n«i p ning for Miss lisa Warburg, who berg." ning. . There will be. concession! deavors left many a monument to ' 'The best portion of » rr>r><' jnni '? Israel synagogue. All will be their guest that day. The Isaac Morganstern will preside wEeels, refreshment stands, pro-; B'nai ba III this | ijjg memory in the hearts? oi his I liie' is 'the little, luncheon will be held at the J. at Thursday's lecture. Admission j fessional fortune tellers, photo- j " ^ 7 ie lETited tD erefi acts o; C. C. at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Julius is free to the public. graph booths, clowns, noisemak-i The Hazomir choir, crder the fellow-men. Countless Stein is general chairman. Mrs. ers, bingo tables, and stunts of \ direction oi Cantor A. Sciiwecz- families be personally aided • of love/ 'I KTTl A. S. Rubnitz is in charge of reIn various kinds. The College Clnb [ kin, will present special Purim tbroKgb s crisis; yet hi?- set? of j f ll Vif, ''r;^ servations. Orchestra with Ann Nieirtan will j songs in addition to the regular benevolence -were done1 and quietly. or -Jhpre in ?.\TP rt At a meeting held at the J. C. play for the dancing. I concert of Jewish traditional licity stunned. His. counsel and •whom he always lino C. "Wednesday, March 4, Mrs. The following organizations j folfe music. advice were sought fcy the poor snrl dttentive ewr. 1 nev»r Stein announced the following will take part ia Sunday evening's ' •The children of the Taaa and- rich. Rlifae. fcy < anci committee heads for the' lunchher rnzv. v h c llgiOES" SC eon: Mrs.—Da:rid-~AT"<joTiis teinr^tn Jr; Hsdassah, Cardosa Club,' ters, ?oi>. liimHptf' t h t eminent. charge of the Palestinian table; Potassium cyanide may, be-only ip- T - P M B e t a EpsUon, E. T. I by Hascall Cohen. His. philanthropy JS not con-' ifortunate. ho c Mrs. David Wice, in charge of a chemical in the laboratory, but I t 0to one people. t"p»i mars'the conclusion of tbe He contribtable decorations; Mrs. Alfred it's an important element in the Lambda Phi, -r. Taad Auxiliary.; m At „ pro, m ttere T f i l fce & r in : £-£ e T10*' 1> he aid oi Catholic. Prot-, Fiedler and Mrs. James, Coren- formula for the almost _ perfect i ^ T hSigma Mn's and Fratonty. t n e - B O c i a l h s J L T f a e x&&& M r U _ j " a V ° *: h e w brojic! hiv e &nd KeErro congregations. estant, man, in charge of service; Mrs. I murder~crime members are: I S 1 m u r d r c i m e to~be~*committed"in'i to be committed in i L o a l committee a n / D i c k Hurwitz, Mil- j X £ s e r ^ e < J > c " i l r i v d e I i c a c i e ^ ! Every w o r t h t r h i l e cause Xound i n l a n d hew effective «- Bf bie h p ' j , " Henry E. Belmont and Mrs. Lib- "Whistling Dark," three three- !! ^ Kaplan Whistling in the Dark, . " L o t t i e Rips, Phyllis Lv ^ S. Taffe is chairman cf ; k j f f i a n a c t i r e eupporter. In j e w - ; Zimmar. if purvived by a l>--i* by Kaplan and their committee, act mystery comedy to be staged ! t o a fh 'uuth F r i e d m a n , H a s program. i s j , E ; j a j r B i j j e took a n active in-! i h e r , I. E. Simnisn, «n«] i v o >•<•'• in charge of menu. ; ; Ruth Has i terest from from Tenth, youth till till hie tie tieath. death. ters, 3II«s •«/rn/i-Friedman, ;»„,-, terest 3Iis:s tsip.nebe tSlftiiebe ""imman i m m n n #"<-; Dj t>=^«Mrs. O. C. Belzer is- arranging by the Center Players at the Jew-! Berko-seitz, Cohen, Mildred Berg, Sonia ish Community Center, March 16 1 ^11 C o h n Mildred Berg Soni AB B youngster he took e leading j Mrs. Harry Kftchmsn. «!! a very interesting program. IRoitstein, Fannie Witkm, Lena I role in forming tbe Young Men'p Omaha. Each member is urged to at- and 17 Play "enemy No. 1 is Jake Da.jLetwto. Ernie Priesman, Ernie I Hebrew benevolent as^c. I: ! l"t tend and to invite a guest. Ion, who in 1936 might be Alvin N°SS. Berth if auss, Frances Borjwtien was tbe preoecess^11- (>' •?* dy, Betty, Sylvia TfeinKarpis, and his notorious outlaws. T h e Temple Israel Sunday i Federation. In Jewish re1r if' r,-?They decide to "bump" off pub- er, and Mollie Roitsteia. school will give a large masqueripaigns, he was especial ic * r The regular Round Table sealic service man, John B. McFarade and carnival party Sunday afAfter tbe war he WES o d ^ U i i i t son ticket will entitle the holder ren, who is stepping on their toes. ternoon, March 8, at 2:30 o'clock in he&ding the drives to t ic% bt { Accidentally they run into"wally i either one or a eonple to aamis- { at the Temple. Miss Bess Weindestitute Jewries of Europe. i ~\ • r s ii o n . SSi in gl l ee ttickets i c k e t s ooff aadmission d m i s s i o n II . . . Porter, crime story writer, who J stein will have charge of the proJewish immigratioE becsvc ]r~zt are twenty-five cents and may be i Intimidation of Jewish Shop-! n rD is the manufacturer of the perhhe made tbe lot of the n^v c ' ~' gram. She will be assisted by the obtained at the center or from keepers ia London's fect crimes, . and who is accoia-: other Sunday -school teachers. easier and lent financial BE ' C J panied by his fiancee, Toby. Dil-1 any member of the committee. East End , Many novel " games will be as morsl assistance to many of Berlin <'JTA>—The Jffni«trr />'' Ion and his gang, together with played. Prizes will be awarded them. Ee was also one of the Interior has ordered the dispoh?London <JTA)—S i r Simon, founders of our present. Jewish tion o* non-Naz,! youth organ!»»•for the most original, and "dif- Workshop Classes Established Wally, under compulsion, of course, plan the murder which is for Training Heeded for ferent" costume. Purim HamanHome Secretary, asserted in the • community Center end was elect- tions in the district of B supposed to have even Philo House of Commons last week eS. honorary fice-presideEt or! striking ei- a- number of tachen and other refreshments Proper Industralization Vance and Sherlock "Holmes up a that the police would take "every life, will be served. The vestry rooms j rontb liilcing olnb. The B ' tree. Here's where the chemicals will be appropriately decorated In possible step" to halt Fascist injjv-'ss regarded as the. first ye Nevr Torfe (JTA)—Over 500 enter the scene. Everything goes Worked Ess "Way VT carnival colors with booths for persons are already employed in timidation of Jews "in this counKarry Simman came to Omaha j agaiTiPt Switzerland fo" the the different games. Pictures and ORT projects in Biro-Bidjan, it along smoothly and then someone try." with fcis parents when s boy. He ; Ding of the gw Ka?.i O7g&r\ly.u squawks. The murder hour dzaws Creation of London (JTA) figures of Haman will be display- •was revealed In a 1935 report on Replying to questions as tbe worked in a grocery after pchool I tion. closer. It's a complicated yarn. an international civil service sys ed and games centering around ORT activies in Biro-Bidjan. i s s a e of 'F- ' IlS CttRf'kB Mi f.h« terrorism against Jewish and Saturdays. Most of his svsre of* Come yourself and be your own tem in Palestine and other man- j this character will be played. \ time wag spent reading books on Swiss FedfrTp,!: Cnutioii iv. *'" It said that during 1935, the sleuth. dated territories was proposed by jEshopkeepers in London's East n All Sunday school children and ORT opened a sawmill, a veneer d ^& s raised on the floor for civil government- win economies. newspapers unconcealed fear XTHF i The big crime of a public offi- Lord Strabolgi, Lieutenant Com- tEd fl their parents are invited to at- plant, a furniture factory, and a mander Joseph M. Kenworthy, ade second time, Sir John ceclar-1 When he finished the grades, lie expressed that Switzerland'* &?>••• cial is to be committed! Be there ec : tend. - number of truck gardens. had to cuit his school but con-! ample miptsv. be emulate** in oitior dressing a conference of the * Mrs. Julius Newman is Sister- The report continued: " to see it happen! Be there to League of Nations Union. tinned -with self-education. f countries. "While the source of the ofsolve it! The trail will be hot! hood and general chairman. Early in life he shewed ability j Led by Reichsfuehrer 1-JJUfl'V dustrial program has centered a- Bring your pipe along if it will He declared that it would af- fence is difficult to detect and as & speEfeer. "P'hen IP be was; Toelkischer Beobpchtes' »nd Pronbout the erection of two ne-w help the "Sherlock Holmes" in ford an opportunity to middle bring home to tbe offenders, plants.a sawmill and a veneer yon. class youths without colonies to is intolerable that any section o:11i already s member of a debating j figaiid& Minister Goebbels' T*t>~ society. When 21. lie was elect-j plant, and the reorganization of Jack Temln will be the crime folow careers in territories under the population should be subject- ed councilman under the old sys- jAnerifL i.iit JCast n f "Bpa|*©rE RPa furniture factory which was writer and Bessie Goldware, his League o£ Nations mandaies. saileS tbf Sv-'fcr trovenimc-iit.. ed to tbese methods." of government in Omaha, be- j turned over to the ORT h y the accomplice. Head of the crime Sir John had received & peti- tern Ing the youngest to ever hold. government. By arrangement clan will be Harold S. Tuchman, "snbmittjnjE to the JewfRb. Jn*li*tion from 1,000 tradesmen in the CHOOSE PS1 -MU BAY office. He server! as councilman i enoe." Shoreditch section asking proteeMoscow (JTA)—The Soviet with the local government thejs- as John Dillon. His henchmen Sunday, March 22, has ,been nine years, was council rres- i ~ " T h e p a p e T , d e ounced Kwjf:?.p-~Court in Novozybkov, in the T7- have an agreement to engage a are: Joe Cohen, Milton Frohm, chosen for their annual Psi Mu tion from persons, who, they for minimum of 250 new settlers in nj' thp s-sasni!-'Harry Levenson and Hy Temin. j Day by that group. This will be charged, were attempting to de- ident for two years and upon the Inr.d for " krain, has sentenced three memi death of Mayor Frank Moore be- 'tion," of the automous state. In connection Martha Himelstein is the gangstroy their trade. Tbe petition bers of the local artisans' group their eighth annual all-day affair. • Of t l i p fj presented by Ernest TfetsrtJe, i came asayor tor eight te to two, four and five years Im- with these two factories, the ORT ster's housekeeper. Iz TretJak is head of the com.has also erecter two power plants. rB^tnjr tl*f' ?""'PVP r>r Center members are admitted mittee in charge to plans for this | Labor M. P. a former New York- ! cil In 1 T= P S. Twelve years; later isnrt for "o prisonment respectively for anti"Also established during 1935 the victim. free on the presentation -ct their Semitic activities. Day. i he re-entered ptililic life End was Mr. Thcrtle said lie -received j elected city tjommissioner, a po. Two of the members of the waa a woolen glove factory, the membership cards. Single admisThere will be a basketball game machinery of which was supplied sions are fifty cents. group were accused of having a t 2 p.: m. witjt the National Anto a letter from the Fascists con- ! Eition he retained for sis yeare. driven a Jewish member- of the by ORT. Thirty persons are alParis.-team. A dance will be held taining tae following threat: "Wejw h e n h e reE j gIi pci to became i group named Kabalkin to suicide ready employed in this factory. immedialely after the game and j of the local Fascisti ETe going to • treasurer oi J. L.. Erandeis and j "Many of the settlers already by their anti-Semitic attacks. will precede.the banquet which is J smas& you Isj fair means or foci | g o n e Later fee WES also made sec- j for members ,cnly and yrill be j iseans. Take this ae a warning." ! r c tary, remaining: se.cretary-t.reas-1 Kabalbin, it -was stated at 'the In Bureya," continued the ORT at a local hotel. Fcrtser details J The letter was addressed to "Jnd- j ^ r e r Vintil fcis fle&th. " • I trial, had been carrying on an en- director, "lack the training necessary for proper industrialization. ergetic fight against the thefts be poblished in a later issue j enized Aayan." Mrs. Abraham Levey, 62, of He was recoguizefi as one Jer u s&i em (JTA > —A survey After denouncing Fascist inti- j Omaha's outstanding students? and disorderly . behavior among To this end, we have established 1309 South 35-Ave., died Satur- of the. Press. two workshop classes during 1935 this week showed that German mlfiEtion in Commons Mr. Tieri gorernment. He led many ci the members of the group. This day morning, February 29, after Nazis are iEiensUyiug: ilieif tie said: "The tradesmen com- ja nd social improvesnent was chiefly the reason why he and by the end of 1936 we plan a short illness. She had been a of Germs® Bhsi g was persecuted. In, a note left by to have five such training schools. resident of Omaha for 38 years. plain of Jew-baiting. I hare re- jj lor more equitable ities tlirouglUMit the connti-y, parfoug tiCHiRrlj- in the seaport of HaifJ*, Berlin {JTA) Observance of | celved letters from sorae of them jj taxation, honest elections, Kabalkin, he stated: "I wish I The already opened workshops Survivors are her husband, two could have' remained alive, but give training in . basket-weaving daughters, Mrs. Jack Melcher and laws. for. the protection of Ger-l E t a t i E S *&at their windows hare ; ttillty retes, woman fiHifr q^ent jBpptiTH"!3 fit which ftddrc*the anti-Semites of our artisan and •willow-weaving, the raw ma- Mrs. Sam Zlotky; a son, Wiilia'ia j man blood is the primary duty been smashed." He added: I non-toll brid In terials of which are natural to the ses are rteliverefi by represeotgroup have poisoned my eslstA., all of Omaha; two sisters, i of physicians in the State mnnthe petition they point ont i •works ownership, country." »t?.ves. from GermRny. Reich -Govdown | He was particularly interested ance." Mrs. M. L. Horwich of Omaha and jicipal health systens, it was tie-! that men parade tip ana dewnj H ti Mrs. I. Lazarus of Des Moines; jclared by Dr. Arthur Guett, ai-[Hoston Streets, shonting such i in t i e welfare of the fireman, ernment oft'iej&lf »re reported »<^ Jerusalem - - J e w s acquired a and two brothers, Willisni and j rector of the Statex Medical Aca- i anti-Jewish slogans as 'Clear the: battling- for rears for leg-islation he involved in the activities, but Warsaw (JTA) -—Scores of Jewish-owned stalls were destroyed total area of- 72,905 dunams of Barney Berlovich of Des. Moines. i demy, in an address'on the open-| Jews from Eoxton' &nd 'The Jews ; affecting the firemen and police- the PEleMrne Crove-nnnent is t».VFnneral job' after. .he public) ing no action. and a number of Jews Injured land during 1935, according to a d M services were 'heldjiag of the academy's semester. - jlsave > -- your - or TJie - Jews have !! men. . . . Evec . he remained . the .left spokes. ,,_ ft delegation of office,, i- KeeeiUly He cmpiiasized that the racial i robbed you loag enough.' during the disorders in the mar- report issued here by the Statist- Sunday, March 1, at 2 p. ia. from j returned from Germany \with ical Department of the Jewish Aproblem is the most important .of! "I have had a long talk with | znsn for the fire-fighters, the Hulse and Riepen, mortuary. ket place in the village, of Prbgries at Faneral Sersiees j three sw&Btika emblemd I think j Rabbi David A. Goldstein offici- the Reich, adding that every doc- j the Home Secretary, stain, district of Cztochowa. . gency for Palestine. This compares with 52,114 ated. Interment toot place at the tor employed by the State "must jj fee is in earnest Ebont stopping j) Kafcbl Darifl A. Goldstein*, offi-| they said, they had received trow Police restored order after arresting persons responsible for dunams bought in 1934 and Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cem- educate the German family for! this stirring .up of strife snd rac-; elated at the funeral services held the hands of Reichsfueher Hitler etery, . .. 35,992 dnnams in 1933. racial rssssonsiMlity." ' l&l fesiing." »st th* «. C. G. He praisesl the himself. the disorders. the Arbeiter and other Jewish; "Everything possible has been lisa Warburg periodicals. He is a member of \ done to make the" Round Table j - . the Author's Lea&ue of America, | Purira Carnival on Sunday eve-; J T I I F I H l To Be Honored the Dramatic League of America i i n the biggest and best youth' the Jewish P. E. N. Club, | nt this season," stated Loyal By Hadassali and and makes bis home in New York j Kaplan, president of the Round

~ L>OHC©Ft


Temple Masquerade, Carnival on Sunday




Prison Term for Anti-Semites Set By Soviet Court





(1) How to get out of the in- Monsky, can lead the Omaha City On April 30, 1932 sists of 222 pupils, we hope nev- It has now the best Talmud TorTalmud Torah to success, to victhe Talmud Torah only 137 pu- ertheless to collect in tuition fees in the- United States with the curred deficit. (2) How to increase our en- tory. I am hopeful that under pils, as indicated by the table be- not much less than in. the preced- finest tradition and teaching plan, rollment, bringing it up at least your leadership all the Talmud low. The enrollment was enlarg- ing year. This again will be due which produce Torah committees vrill accomplish ed gradually up to 194 in Octo- to the fact that our free list does part of the growing Jewish gener- to that of last year. (3) How to secure additional their tasks splendidly, and each ber of that year; then the buses not exceed 60. . ation and indirectly influences the However, our tuition-fees-per- life of its Jewish community. revenue that will enable us to Board member will do his full were put in operation and,-the enshare in helping you attain your rollment kept on mduntlng up- capita, even at its lowest peak, Cleveland, in contrast to Minnea- maintain a larger school. As to the deficit, I am almost goal: To build tip a large, and ward until it reached the numbers compares favorably with other polis, reorganized its Jewish edu301 and 306. Today having abol- cities; namely, Milwaukee, $7.48; cational system fifteen years ago certain that we vail be able to splendid Talmud Torah. Respectfully yours, ished the buses we still have 222 Louisville, $8.14; Chicago, 19.74; on a decentralized background and pay off this year a great propor(Signed) Aaron Katz pupils. It Is my firm belief that Minneapolis, $12.50, and Indian- standard. It also had to fight tion of it through pressure on the with proper cooperation of the apolis, $15.35. against certain entrenched con- Talmud Torah Association comRabbinate we could increase the ceptions imported from the Eur- mittee, which, reorganized, seems Young Jewish Girls Club 7. Cost per Capita enrollment considerably 'despite Thej table below shows the ope of 35-40 years ago, and has to have gained some vigor. The The regular meting of the the lack of a transportation sys- amount of expenditures in cash finally succeeded. It has B, num-problem of enlarging the enroll- j Young Jewish Girls club was held inent of children is also not Tinsending her child to Talmud To- tem of our own. and indebtedness incurred by the ber ot fine ^Hebrew schools Sunday, March 1, at the home of rah does it with a certain degree Year 1932: Nov., 168; Dec, 162; Talmud Torah ecah year since throughout the city (with a cen- solvable if the Rabbinate will do IBetty Kuklin, president. The girls of sacrifice.. This is the main rea- Jan., 159; Feb., 154; Mar., 142; 1932, and the average yearly en- t r a l office managing them), its duty toward the community at jplayed bridge and rummy. Prizes son why hundreds of Jewish mo- Apr., 137; May,* 152; June, 161; rollment and the annual cost per which in their own way do good large. Our mott difficult task is, were v,-on by Lillian Pollay, Franthers fear to enroll their children July, 148; Aug., 164; Sept., 164; child. (I have added $900.00 per work and accomplish a great deal however, the securing of a steady} ces Berg and Jeannette Greenin the Talmud Torah/ As a rem- Oct., 194; Average, 160. Year year for light, fuel and services, by serving the local needs of the additional income, that should en- jfield. edy to this evil the Talmud Torah 1933: Nov., 243; Dec, 252; Jan., for which we are not charged.) various neighborhoods and syna- able us to maintain a larger j Any girl desiring to Join this school. We must not lose sight organization is asked to call We. in the fall of 1932 had purchased 247; Feb., 249; Mar., 246;-Apr., gogues. PER CAPITA TABLE of the per capita cost of a Talmud 5035 or We. 3636. two buses, for the purpose of giv- 241; May, 284; June, 277; July. We, in Omaha, have started the " Cash Indebtedness ing safe transportation to children 242; Aug.; 239; Sept., 251; Oct., Tear Expend!. Incurred *ior8i6187 reorganization of Jewish educa- Torah pupil, -which slightly ex110,816.97 who live in far distant neighbor- 301; Average, 256. Year 1934: 1932 Haifa (JTA) — Arab newspa12.407.51 $ 412.50 I2!82o'.oi | tion only three and one-half years ceeds $50.00 a year, so that with 1933 hoods, and thus enlarged ItB en- Nov., 305; .Dec., 294; Jan., 297; 1934 13,852.66 348.90 14,201.56 ago. We have selected the middle our present budget of $11,000.00 pers reported that a program of 13,683.13 1935 14,732.55 1049.72 vre can maintain a school of only activities for the new green-shirtrolment'considerably. Feb., 295; Mar., 289; Apr. 278; Number Cost per course, between the two afore- 220 — 230 pupils. As tuition ed nationalist organization foundCapita mentioned educational approaches However, this experiment prov- May, 30.2; June, 274; July, 254; Pupil» 160 *G7.61 fees average only $15.00 per year, ed by the Grand Mufti had been ed a financial burden, too heavy Aug., 258; Sept. 278; Oct., 306; 256 and are headed towards a decen50.01 for our meager budget. The pur- Average, 289. Year 1935: Nov., 2S9 49.14 tralized educational system, in ac- the Talmud Torah has to find a worked out at a secret meeting 2S3 62.05 chase price of the'buses was ?3,- 304; Dec, 297; Jan., 299; Feb., cordance with the local needs of dependable source of additional attended by leaders of its branch8. Again making comparisons our various neighborhoods and ?35.00 for each added child. es throughout the country. 000.00 and their upkeep during 302; Mar., 291; Apr., 289; May, The green-shirted troops are the three years amounted to $7,- 304; -June, 281; July, 249; Aug., with other cities, we find that our synagogues. So far we have suc-| Anticipating a hard struggle on 500.00 a year. As only 100 chil- 238; Sept., 282; Oct., 256; Aver- per capita cost exceeds only Mil- ceeded in Introducing a modern I budgetary grounds, I am never- modeled on a similiar organizadren were added during this per- age, 283. Year 1936: Nov., 226; waukee, is almost equal to that curriculum and methods of tea- jtheless convinced that you, Mr. tion in Egypt. of Pittsburgh and Minneapolis, ching in conformity with the j iod, and cost of transportation Dec, 222. is below Louisville, Ky., Buf- ideals and theories of the Twenper child amounted to $35.00 per Comparing the Omaha enroll- and year, which of course, was, beyond ment proportion with those of falo, and Chicago. The following tieth Century; in attracting a larour financial ability. Moreover, other cities we find it to have table is offered for, your inspec- ger number of children; in hiring the accessibility created by the 16.50 against 19.05, Minneapolis; tion: two additional, capable and mo(Established 1878) No. Cost per buses swelled the enrollment of 18.02, Pittsburg; 16.02 Cleveland; City Budget Chtl. Capita dern teachers — Mrs. Stadlen and J340.79O.O0 chn. 5894 J57.82 tuition-free children, and thus in- and 13.62, Greater New York. Chicago Mr. Arlelli—(the latter left us 36,415.00 5894 712 62.25 creased our tree list way out of While this proportion compares Minneapolis recently on account of the sud16,872.00 S06 712 65.14 Buffalo Phone Ja. 0551 — Phone 594 — Phone 88685 proportion. This necessitated the favorably with the a v e r a g e Milwaukee 10,612.00 306 46.45 den drop" in the enrollment); in 51,097.00 250 51.70 Pittsburgh hiring of an additional teacher, throughout the cduntry, it Is nev- Louisville opening the Dundee branch which 7,040.00. 988 54.15 Asbestos which again became an added ertheless, below normal if we Omaha 14,732.00 130 62.05 promises to develop nicely in ac283 Slate-Tile drain on our resources. The re- don't lose sight of the gratifying cordance with the needs of that 8. Generalities sult was an accumulated deficit of fact that our community is inAsphalt and Gravel What kind of Talmud Torah neighborhood; In establishing a over $2,000.00 which led to the tensely Jewish. have we? How effective is its High School Department for our FREE ESTIMATES — EASY TERMS discontinuance of the buses, and work? How does it rank among graduates; In creating a favor6. Tuiflon Fees the operating of the institution The table below shows • the a- Talmud Torah of other cities? In able public sentiment towards a with a decreased enrollment, and mount collected in tuition in the order to answer these questions communal educational system; in eliminating one of our staff. in exact terms, it ia necessary to dispelling tendencies of separation years of 1932-1935 Inclusive. 4. Dundee Branch. Tear Collected No. ChiL Tuition delve on one hand in pedagogical which play havoc in many Jewish fees theories and experimentations, and communities, making Jewish eduTo offset the loss of a great Per cap. on the other, in the local spec- cation chaotic and wasteful. In number of children because of the 1932 J3.57B.O0 160 ' $20.47 discontinuance of the buses, we 1933 4,008.75 256 15.67 ific environments and. conditions brief, we have so far succeeded 1934 4.224.75 2S9 14.62 which influence and determine the in laying a good foundation of an , -fa Where Omaha Shops With Confidence '••. , have opened a Talmud Torah 1935 4.1S6.50 2S3 14.79 Branch In the Dundee district. Please notice that the larger form as well as the character of educational system, which has yet This branch has at present only per capita of tuition fees in 1932 the institution. Minneapolis, for to grow and develop in years to 23 pupils and is conducted in a was due to the small number of instance, was determined to build come. With God's help, and comfine, modern, manner. It has in tuition-free children ( 5 0 ) . With a modern centralized city Talmud bined efforts, we shall succeed In my opinion good chances for de- the installation of the buses the Torah. It then adopted a certain the upbuilding, in Omaha, of a velopment, as the Jewish popula- accessibility to Talmud Torah has pedagogical theory; hiring a tea- strong Jewish educational system tion in Dundee is constantly in- increased and the free list has ching staff specifically fit for ex- which will ultimately affect and creasing and the Beth El is soon gradually mounted, to more than ecution of that theory, and for determine the whole structure of to. erect its Synagogue there. The 100 children. Hence, the _ de- more than two decades has been Jewish life here. branch 1B. financially self-sustain- creasa in per capita tuition fees stubbornly fighting I t s w a y ' At present we are confronted ing. during 1933, 1934 and 1935. To- through almost impregnable ob- with three major problems, which O, Enrollment day although the enrolment con- stacles, until it reached its goal. are:

mud To

A Report by Aaron Kate, Principal, to Henry Monsky, President hua. Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Esther; selections from prophets and psalms; review of Sedra of week in the original. (d) Customs and Ceremonies: Mem6rization of blessings and short daily prayers; customs and practices of the Synagogue; Shulchan Aruch in abridged text; review of Holidays and Jewish Calendar. (e) Talmudic Literature: Rashl; selections from Agadah; Pirke Aboth; introduction to Mishnah; Mishnah; selections of Halachah. (f) Jewish History: Stories of My dear Mr. Monsky:' ... . I presume that as newly elected Jewish heroes; the story of the president of the Talmud Torab; Jewish people .— covering the yoa want to know in precise complete range of history to moterms the e*act state of our TaK dern times; readings in Hebrew mud Torah affairs. Therefore, I from "Historla Le'Yeladin"; Hisam delighted to submit to you this tory of the Jews with readings report which contains a statement from a standard Jewish history of activities in the > City Talmud in Hebrew; History of the Jews Torah of Omaha during the past in America. 3% years (May 1982 to Novem(g) Palestine and Jews in many ber 1985) of my managing it, lands; Current Jewish events; the covering the institution in all its life of the Jews in many lands; aspects and phases — internal the story of Jewish life in Paleand external, curricular and fi- stine. nancial* It deals with facts and (h) Singing: Holidays songs, figures, with successes and re- liturgical melodies and folk songs; verses, with achievements and children's Sabbath services. shortcomings, and points at ways (1) Extra Curricular Activities: and means, which. If properly ap- (1) Saturday morning services, plied, could in. my opinion bring which give the child practical about the expansion of our Tal- knowledge of the Synagogue and mnd Torah and Its adequate de- prayer book. (2) Weekly collecvelopment as a modern institu- tions of Jewish Philanthropies in tion, capable of attracting and en- Omaha;" which accustoms the rolling the greater part of the child to the giving of charity. (3) Jewish child population of our Dramatization of various biblical community. 1; however, consider events and recitations from the myself duty-bound to state at the store of Hebrew poetry and very outset without detracting great literature in connection with the from the loyal and.valuable efforts of many Board members, Jewish festivals and holidays, Hhat a great deal of. the credit our which enables the child to exInstitution may claim for actual press his.Jewish feelings emotionachievement; is due to the "con- ally. (4) Bar Mitzvah preparastant, tireless, dally endeavors on t i o n s . \ ' ' • ' • ' The course of study falls into ' the part of two outstanding men , in our eommunity t namely Dr. two divisions: (1) Primary eourse — five Philip 8her and Mr. Max Barlsn. These two, the one in the capa- years. (2) High School course — city of president.of the Talmud Torah for the last.four years, and three years. The Primary departthe other as a member and later ment has five classes divided into as chairman of the Board of Ed- ten groups, according to the grade ucation, have a clear vision of and semester. The high school the Talmud Torah. as & communal department has at present only institution and have dpne;their two claBses. •„."'utmost In helping to reshape and , , a . Graduation Since 1932 the Primary departimprove it. ment has had three eventful gradModest aft our" progress may uations, and the High School deseem to the «tand-patter on one partment but one. The Primary hand and to the petty political! department has at present 209 on the other, we have neverthe- pupils and the High School, thirless succeeded in making our TaKteen. Rabbi H. Berger - teaches mud Torah a well-organized in- Talmud in this department, and stitution of learning, which, in Judah Wolf eon and I teach Prospite of many failures, has gain- phets and Modern Literature. p th J . . 8 . Transportation. ' ad prestige throughoutt the ish populace of Omaha. It .would The most difficult problem our be unethical on my part to make Talmud Torah has been-confrontcomparisons between-the present ed with in the past and at prestatus of the Talmud Torah and sent is the one of children's tranithat of 1930-31. I shall there- sportation to and from school. fore proceed with enumerating the Larger Jewish, communities, such facts as they occurred since May 'as Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, 1932 which are, as follow;, etc., have congested Jewish neigh1« Oiuyicolmn- • • •, - • borhoods and the Jewish child is A definite.course,of Btudy was physically attainable for neighborlaid out and . introduced. It is hood Talmud Torah in those citdesigned to give -the American ies. • The Jewish population of Jewish' boy and' girl the funda- Omaha is wide-spread and scattermentals of a Jewish education to ed all over the city, and almost the end that • they may grow up every child has to travel a great loyal to the-Jewish people and de- distance to the Jewish Community roted to Jta Jdeals. It consists Center, where the Talmud Torah .of: ,'. -• -; . /• •. •. • . is quartered. Thus, a mother (aT, Hebrew Language; Speaking and writing; simple grammatical elementst; composition; acquIsition of reading and speaking vocabnlary in. preparation, for Bible) grammar; readings from modern Hebrew, writers.. - (b), Reading and prayer Book: Mechanics "of reading! preparation for children's Sabbath Ser,vice8|' fluency of reading; and acquaintance with daily Services, Sabbath, cervices, Holiday services; translation of selected passages from the Services; constant i natfe reviewing. •"'.••"" teas s&of (c) Bible f Torah In abbreviatweld ed texti Torah in original; JosSUREDC&BS Jewish education is demanding more and more attention from the. leaders .of Jewish life' in every part of America. In lien of the concentration upon this problem In Jewish life, the article printed below is of particular timeliness. It is » detailed, "comprehensive report <6n ,the Talmud Torah situation made by Aaron Katz, principal, to Henry Monsky, recentlyelected president of the Omaha Talmnd Torah. EDITOR.


OMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sioux City — Sioux Falls


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can lead the Omaha jCity Torah to success, toivicam hopeful that under :adership all the. Talmud rommittees will accomplish isks splendidly, and each member v?Ul do his; full a helping you attain 1:your 'o build up a large, and [ Talmud Torah. : Respectfully yonrsi (Signed) Aaron KafcB

Jewish Girls Club regular meting of the Jewish Girls club was held March 1, at the home of :uklin, president. The girls bridge and rummy. Prizes 3n by Lillian Pollay; Franrg and Jeannette Greengirl desiring to Join i this ation is asked to call "We. : "We. 363G. (JTA) —: Arab newspaported that a program of :s for the new Breen-Ehii'tjnalist organization foundhe Grand Mufti had been out at a secret meeting d by leaders of its branch. aghout the country. green-shirted • troops 'are on a similiar organizaEgypt.-

: •;• •

City — Sioux FaBs e88685 ibestos ate-TUe spbalt and Gravel TERMS




FAREWELL LIXCHEOX FORMAL DANCE SATURDAY j Oncg Shabbos Bikur Cisclisa Temple Sisterhood I I The nest Oneg Shalibos of tbr The S. A. M. Mothers club gave The Alpha Gamma Chi sorority j The Temple Israel 'Sisterhood j A regular meeting of the Bikur a farewell • luncheon at the Pax- Omaha have issued 200 bids for i Beth-El auxiliary vril! bp he!<" meeting and luncheon, which was • Cholim society will be held Monton hotel Thursday, February 27, their formal dance to be held at postponed, will be held Monday, : day at £ o'clock at. the J. C. C. : March 14 at the home of Mr* in honor of Mrs. Grace Goldstone the Paxton hotel Saturday eve9. . [ A board meeting at 1 o'clock will •David Cohn, U S So. f>p St., wit! and her mother, Mrs. Meyer, who j ning, March 7. To raise funds for the main- March ! Mrs. Dave Greenberg ae A board meeting -will be held ; the regular meeting, will leave soon for California The committee in charge of ar- tenance of a Jewish refugee child at 12, with a luncheon at 1 p. m. : precede All those having tickets for the i tess. where they will make their fu-1 rangements includes the Misses from Germany, the Council of followed by a program. . ; drawing are asked to bring them ture home. They were presented Sylvia Silverman, chairman, Bet- Jewish Women will give a beneCall Walnut. 7144 for reserva-, to this meeting, also those holdfit bridge with Mrs. Louis Lipp, with a beautiful -gift by the group.! ty Fellman, Janet Graetz, and Esing cards for the Talmud Torsh Wuut to Share If OILS Mrs. Goldstone is a former pres- | ther Silverman. Miss Rose Fish- chairman, on Monday, March 23, tions. Association are to bring: them. at the Jewish Community Center. ident of the club. e r is president of the sorority. Final plans for the Bazaar on Widow will share nicelyThe next meeting will be held Patrons for the affair are Rab- Bridge will follow a luncheon, arWomen's MIZTECH March 15 will be mafle. A very inmisihea liome with couple, at the home of Mrs. Harry Izen- j bi and Mrs. H. A. Berger, Rabbi rangements for which are in The special "benefit card party! f\ program has been arranged. Write Jewish Press Box S JS, ne statt, 2833 So. 32 Ave., Tuesday, i and Mrs. David A. Goldstein, Rab- charge of Mrs. Ernest Nogg. of the Women's Mizrachi will be \ All members are urged to attend. Eosher bi and Mrs. David Wice, Dr. and Other members of this commit- held Tuesday afternoon, March j March 17. . SCHWARTZ-TVOKLNER BRODKET-BERX STEIN" Mrs. I. Dansky, Mr. and Mrs. D- tee are the following: Mesdaiaes 10, at the home of Mrs. Louis Patronize our advertisers. ENGAGEMENT TVEDDIXG Silverman, Miss Diamond, and Jack Marer, Harry Shumow, Ike : Freedman, 2617 Seward. The! Mr. and Mrs. Harry TFohlner VISITING PARENTS Miss Kae Bernstein, daughter Miss Gwendolyn Wolf, daugh- Mrs. Pearl Weber, sponsor of the Rubin, Sam Wolf, David -Gold- c s r d p a r t y chairman j s Mrs. M. !i |T announce the engagement of their of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein man, M. M. Greenberg, Paul j B r o d k e y , and the price is thirtyter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wolf, ar- j group. daughter, Sylvia, to Sol Schwartz, of Council Bluffs, -will become the Blotcky, Milton Abrahams, Julius j f j v e c e n t s . Annoxnicirig the Opening of Omaha's Newest rived home Wednesday from Los of Schenectady, New York. bride of Mr. "Edwin Brodkey, son Abrahamson, Arthur Goldstein. APPENDECTOMY Refreshxnents will be served, Angeles', for a visit of several Miss "Wohlner is well rememof Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brodkey of Mr. Meyer B. Ferer is recuperAssisting also will be the Mes- and all members are urged to arweeks with "her parents. Miss Omaha, Sunday evening, March bered in Omaha as a popular Wolf is associated with the dra- ating from an appendectomy he dames Jules New-man, Henry J r a E g e f o r t a b i e foursomes. member of the younger set. She S, at 7:30 o'clock at the Hotel Newman, Albert Newman, B e n All proceeds of this card party matic department at the Univer- recently underwent. Chieftain in NCouncil Bluffs. Rab- attended the University of Ne- sity of Southern California. Ravitz, Clarence Bergman, Joe will go toward helping build a braska. For the past few years bi Frederick Cohn of Omaha will Jacobs, David R. Cohen, Reuben vocational training school for EATUKDAY, T/LAECH 7 perform the ceremony in the Miss Wohlner has been making Brown, Ben Silver, Lawrence girls in Tel Aviv, Palestine, where presence of members of the two her home in Schenectady with her VISITOR FROM CHICAGO The Senior Hadassah will be Gross., Leo Unger, John Rosen- the Jewish young women who are uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben I Miss Lucille Hirsch of Chicago hosts at a Purim tea Sunday, blatt, H. P. Milder, Howard Mild-; immigrating families. to the Holy Land \ | is the guest of her brother-in-law March 8, at 2:30 p. m. in the er, Philip Klutznick, Louis Sogo- j Miss Pauline Bernstein, sister jgs.. w i I 1 b e e d u c a ted and taught a I No date has been set for the! atiH sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ballroom of the Blackstone Hotel low, Nathan Turner, Alfred May-! t r a d e o r profession. of the bride, will be rnaid-ofGreenberg, and family. to members of the Junior Hadas- er, and Ben Shapiro. honor, and Dr. Morris Brodkey wedding. The nezt meeting of the organ- | sah. and their friends. No invi- ' Members of Mrs. Lipp's com- ization will be held Wednesday, i will serve his brother as best man. RETURNS FROM MILWAUKEE tations have been issued. mittee will meet Monday at 3:15 March IS. The young couple will leave on ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Sll South 16th Street Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Linda an-j Miss Tobye Kohlberg has reMrs. Julius Abrahainson, gen- p. m., at her home to complete a honeymoon trip to Los Angeles, •? f T • L WT California, by motor. Upon their nounce the birth of a son Feb-' turned from Milwaukee, Wiscon- eral chairman of arrangements, arrangements for the affair. Tic- i n Here's good news . . . Omaha's newest and ultra-modern utor* fop will preside. return, they will be at home at riiary IS at the Methodist hos-1 sin! kets may be obtained from any COUHCil Ot JeWISll W o m e n men opens Its doors Saturday. Come visit thi« new men's shop with Mrs. Joseph Goldware, presi- mefbber of this committee for 50 Abrahainson will pital. the Blackstdne Hotel. __ its array of new ideas In men's furnishings, displayed in iinwiual enMrs. Julius Abrahainson dent of Senior Hadassah, will "wel- cents. be hostess to the civic and inter- j vironments. Miss Bernstein has been extenENTERTAINS national relations group of the j sively entertained prenuptially. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaiman of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Rosenberg come the guests; a playlet will be ALL TEE HEW IDEAS IN Council of Jewish Women on j Sidney, la., announce the birth of I entertained on Wednesday, Feb-j given by Phyllis Wohlner, Elaine Beth-El Auxiliary Tuesday at 1 o'clock at her home, t STYLE KEKCEAKDIEE boy at.the Methodist hospital, ruary 26, at a farewell dinner in Krammer, and Barbara Beber; OPEN HOUSE Rabbi Harold Berger will ad- The speaker for the afternoon honor of Mrs." Harry Blacker, who Miss Dora Freshman, president The store of Joe L. Wolf, 316 South 16«h Street, hrtno £ "world ©f Mrs. W. Fried will have open February 20. smart fashion" in men's needs to Omaha, lr this new store, new I left last Monday evening for an of Junior Hadassah, will speak for dress members of the Beth-El | -rill be Mr. Paul Goldblatt, direchouse Saturday evening,-March ideas in men's furnlshinps will be featurpcf—smat ideas direct from nior Hadassah, will speak for auxiliary at their next meeting, j tor of the Jewish Community CenMr. and Mrs. Bennett L. Cohn I extended trip east. 7, from 7 o'clock on in honor of fashion centers in Chicane New York, Paris will be found FIRST them; Mrs. Benjamin Margolin, Wednesday,"March 11, at 2:30 .at! ter, who -will speak on "The Kerr at Joe L. Wolf. Omaha "has long needed Just *uch a utore anci at her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. announce the birth of a daughter regional president, will give the last it is here. the J. C. C. His subject will be Bill." and Mrs. Sidney Block,, who are at the Clarkson hospital, Febru- TEA SUNDAY main address. "If I Were a Millionaire." On Wednesday, t h e group Members of the Junior Hadasn o w making their home in ary 2 9. COMPLETE DISPLAY OF STANDARD GUARANTEED Mrs. Abrahamson will tie asTale Trustin, 11-year-old son of studying the subject, "Meeting sah will be guests of the Senior LINES, SUCH AS Omaha. sisted by the following hostesses: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin, will the Public," will meet at the group Sunday, March S, at a tea * McGregor Sportswear SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY at the Blackstone hotel. All mem- Mes&ames Dave Brodkey, Al Fied- play several piano selections. • Stetson Hats home of Mrs. Isadore Weiner, IN EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Mrs. J. Batt surprised her sis- bers and their friends are invited. ler, Max Fromkin, Joseph Gold* Pioneer Belts &md • Interwoven HOES Mrs. I. Dansky, social chair- with Mrs. Leota Traver, their inMrs. David M. Newman is at ter, Mrs. Herman Franklin, with ware, Elmer Greenberg, Sain man and her committee, will j strnctor. This class will meet •suspenders • Arrow Shirts the Elms at Excelsior Springs, a surprise birthday party upon Greenberg, Sidney Katelman, Abe serve Hamantachen and coffee at hereafter^ion Wednesday, instead * Other Reputable Line* • Arrow Cravats LEAP YEAR PARTY Mo., for several weeks. Mrs. New- the occasion of her fiftieth birthof Tuesday, as it has been meetThe Leap Tear party given by Solomon and Phineas Wintroub. the conclusion of the meeting. man will stop in Kansas City be- day. Prizes were won b Mrs. A. D. Frank, vice-presi- ing. Mrs, Louis Lipp will be Mrs. . Junior. Hadassah at Peony Park fore returning home. tha Slutsky, Miss Rose W i " Wednesday, February 2 9, was An early bird breakfast will dent, is calling a meeting of the Weiner's co-hostess. troub, and Mrs. Pearl Perelman. very successful, according to the precede an intensive effort to sell board for 1 o'clock sharp. TRIP EAST "A Trip to Palestine" tickets The firms advertising in the committee in charge. Mrs. Harry Blacker left Monday RETXJJiXS Monday morning. Teams of woJewish Press merit and deserve Priesman. The Misses Goldie evening for Philadelphia, where Vaad Auxiliary men will canvass the entire flownMrs. D. Siegel returned home your patronage. Ruth she will visit with her mother, Monday following a three months' recently joined the Junior Ha- totra district to raise their quotas At a regular meeting of the Mrs. B. Kitner. Enroute she will vicit in Los Angeles, California, dassah. for the "Give or Get" luncheon. Vaad Auxiliary held Tuesday, stop in Chicago to see her sister- and San Antonio, Texas, and is Anyone wishing work call Mrs. March S, Mrs. Al Finkel, enter- j FOR RENT in-law, Miss Libby Blacker. Be- now at the home of her son-in- j Irvin Levin, Gl. 2515 or any of tainment chairman, presented PRACTICE fore coming home, Mrs. Blacker law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. jIRESUMES Mrs. Jake Raznick, who sang a her captains. Dr. Nathan Dansky, former 2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully will also visit in New York City, Leo Weitz. group of Jewish songs. She was j Omahan, has resumed the pracfurnished. Electric, gas and • where she will be the guest of The Hadassah cultural gronp accompanied Bernice Crounse. I tice of diseases of children and phone included. Gas heated. \ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Appet. Mrs. postponed their meeting which infants at 1930 Wilshire Blvd., College Club Appet is the former Esther HorCan We 3527. S was to have been held Tuesday, Jewish Press advertisers merit Los Angeles, Calif-, after four witz of Cr:r!'a. The College club will not meet March 11, because of the J. C. C. your patronage. Sunday, March 8. They will co- j months post-graduate study in kitchen shower. Members wlil be operate with the Round Table j Chicago, Philadelphia and New notified of the nest meeting date. Fratority The Fratority held a special Carnval at the J. C. C. They will j Tort. • meeting Wednesday evening, Feb- meet instead on Sunday, March Deborah Society ruary 26, at the J. C._ C. Many 15, at Temple Israel at 4 o'clock SIGMA TAU The Deborah society which was guests • attended, Sylvia Weiner when and Tan program Sunday, to Bold a meeting Tuesday, March David Wice from will meeting The Sigma held a business speak onRabbi "A Fetv Deductions for and Julian Nathan, were..elected, March 1, at the J. C. C. Many 10, have postponed it until Tuesrepresentatives to the . Round Jewish"'Statistics-.-**"' — important facts were discussed day, March 17, so as not to conTable." and an interesting program was flict with the Women's Division A. Z. A. 100 After a short business meeting planned for the next meeting kitchen benefit bridge. a program was presented. The Century chapter of A. Z. A", is preparing to take part in the Round Table Purim Carnival and SPECIAL FOR A LIMITED TIME O N L Y . . . dance Sunday, March 8, at the J. IT WILL PAY YOU C. C. Dick Hurwitz, the chapter's © A perfect bine white engagement ring—a caxat size— To Consult Round Table representative, is in "A Quality Product for Seasoning" p priced at $175. charge of all arrangements. MALASHOCK'S © A beautiful half carat diamond at $65 This chapter is co-operating When buying O Ladies and mens fifteen and seventeen jewel Bnlova with the Mother chapter in bringDIAMONDS wrist watches—yellow or white gold—selling at ing to Omaha Allan Cushing, WEDDING KINGS world, traveler, who will speak be: $12.50 WATCHES - SILVERWARE fore a meeting of the two chapAlso other standard make watches at reduced prices. ters. Plans for his appearance and GIFT JEWELEY here are'as yet incomplete. A regular meeting of the chapter will be held Sunday afternoon, JA. 9374 1311 Douglas March 8, at the Jewish Community Center, • '

Plan Benefit Bridge for "Refugee Child"



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Oarments Are Lined with - the «r?sf ©ercf e l liftings



THE JEWISH Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - • - - $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. Editorial Oifice: 600 JBrandeli Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK K. ACKBRMAN - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Slouz City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4604 So. 24th Street

Problem of Emigration

plot the destruction of the Jewish people. And the deep lessoon of Purim is the courage to be gleaned from the story of the days of Ahasuerus. At the moment our let seems bitter, despair is prevalent. But in historical significance of what import are a few years f The pain we suffer is for our idealism and tradition. These will ultimately prevail, if we but maintain our fortitude. ' Therefore, let us follow the dictate of the Book of Esther. Let us make the fourteenth day of Adar a day of gladness and feasting . . . and of sending gifts to the poor. Let us forget our sorrows for the moment, and in a happier frame of mind confront those problems" which confront our-people and which must be solved with the faith and courage of the Mordecais of Jewish history.

PURIM MESSAGE By Rabbi Frederick Conn

Jay Lazerson, Ned Cohen, Jerry Beth-El Men's Club Marcus, Sheldon Kaufman, Sol Dolgoff, Dan Miller, Don Bordy, To Meet on Tuesday Bud Shumow, Irvin Yaffe, and A. A. Smith. The first meeting of the year The twelve "Sweethearts" are Adeline Spechter, Frances Blum- of the Men's club of the Beth-El kin, Rhoda Schechter, Sylvia Let- synagogue will be held Tuesday, win, Betty Lipp, Louise Miller, March 10, at the J. C. C. The Mildred Saferetien, Alice Suss- meeting will be preceded by a man, Genevieve Stein, Betty Ro- dinner at 6:30 p. m. The guest speaker will be Hursen, Beth Cherniss, and Libby ry Cooper, Chlpf of the Pecret Fiehberg.' in known for bin "Spanish" dancers will be Isa- Service, who narration* of rcid-llfp bel Rosenblatt, Shreda Osoft, Dor- thrilling othy Zlotkin, Etta Camel, Minnie stories of the Kovcrnniciit »«'rv'j<t'. Door prizes will be ftlvnt, MnriTuchman, Beth Kulakofsky, Ray Spar, Clara Kaplan, Arlene Solo- bers are urRptf to attend ami mon, Harriette Sherman, Sara bring guests •with thorn. A teleAnn Margolin, a n d Frances phone committee will rnll rurmbers a few days beforo tbr RiotBordy. ';. In the "Russian" scene will ap- ing to get dinner pear Pearl Meyers, Dorothy Camel, Lottie Rips, Bernice Robinson, CURRENT TOPICS Dorothy Bordy, Mildred Safer Rabbi Frodprlok Cohn will stein, Ray Spar, Sara Mae Graetz, Rose Steinberg, Joy Yousem, Es- spenk to thr Current, Toplr group thryn Milder, and Minnie Tuch- of tho Sisterhood of T«mpl« Israel Tucpdny mornlriK lit. 10; 30 man. o'clock at <hfi Markiitnne hotrl ' The remaining group in "Shore on the nubjont, "Throw Yflnr* of Leave" 'includes the "Japanese" Roosevrit ami Hitler; Uit«Ma mid girls, who are to be Sylvia White, Japan." This i* next to the IHDI Elaine Frank, Bernice Himelstein, lecture inc Ipdod in Dr. Cohn'« VUin Arhitman, Sylvia Ross, Mar- series. ian Perimeter, Adeline Tatleman, Ann Rosen. Rose Goldstein, Zelda White, Lee White, and Frances Blacker. ' "You Forgot Your Gloves" will feature ona boy and twenty-four girls. The T)oy will be Earl Ross, local attorney. In the role of "Debutantes" will be Joy Yousem, Adeline Spechter, Esthyrn Milder, Berlin (JTA)—The German Sara Ann Margolin, Dorothy Cam- Jews faced this week complete el, Lottie Rips, Rose Steinberg, collapse of their cultural activBetty Rosen, Hariette Sherman, ities -with consequent impoverishMildred Saferstein, Alice Sussman ment of hundreds of Jewish artand Libby Fishberg. ists and entertainers as a result "Maids" and "Nursemaids" will of the refusal of the Ministry of include B e r n i c e Himmelstein, Propaganda to permit resumption Elaine Frank, Frances Rosenblatt, of the Jewish Cultural Union. M a r i a n Perimeter, Gene-sieve The union, headed by the Stein, Rhoda Schechter, Sylvia Nazi-appointed Georg Kareski, Ross, and Sylvia Letwin. "Chefs" was suspended immediately after are to be Clara Kaplan, Arlene the assassination of Willielm Solomon, Helene Alberts, and Gustloff, Swiss Nazi leader, in Beth Chernlss. what was described as a reprisal. . One of the highlights of the Jews cannot conduct cultural and first act will be "The Farmer artistic activities only under the Takes a Wife," which will feature aegis of the union. the singing of Margaret Belmont It was feared in Jewish circles and the acting of Martha Himmelstein, Hyman Shrier, and Her- that the ban would be long-lastinging if not permanent. The bert Kaplan. "Farmers" in this number will Propaganda Ministry has failed to be Pihil Abrahaxnson, Don Bordy, reply to an appeal from leaders of Milton Greenberg. Jay Lazerson, the ghetto organization to permit Irvin Sherman, Xed Cohen, Sol resumption of activity.' Dolgoff, Dan Miller, Milton Robinson, Lou Schwartz, Norman The firms advertising in the Bordy, and Irvin Yaffee. "Far- Jewish Press merit and deserve merettes" will be played by Joy your patronage. Yousem, Adeline Spechter, Betty Lipp, Rose Steinberg, Betty RoMARK LEON WRITES sen, Minnie Tuchman, Lottie Rips, Dorothy Camel, Mildred Safter(jfteeB,;: Pearl - Meyers, Sara Mae In fact. . INSURANCE of Every Graelz, and Helene Alberts^

"When three noted British leaders—Sir Herbert Samuel, Editor, Jewish Press: • " Simon Marks and Viscount' Bearsted—recently came to these There are no particularly startling developments in the shores to propose apian for the exodus of 100,000 German Jews German situation. Germany, for the moment, seems to be lywith the finances raised by their fellow-Jews in America and ing low, internationally, and as far as the Jews are concerned. Europe, these columns suggested in a leading editorial that one True, speeches are to be made throughout Franconia against danger connected with the plan was the possibility of setting the Jew and the defiant utterance has been burled that the an example for other neighboring anti-Semitic countries to Saar, which now comes into Germany, complete and unrestrictfollow. ed possession, will be made absolutely "Jewless," "When we wrote that, we thought that it was merely a posIn the meantime the Jews throughout the world are on the sibility to consider; at the most a remote one. But since, we eve of celebrating their annual Purim. Purim is called "a have found that the danger was not only a rea^one but much minor festival/' yet it'is of major significance, - It is an eternal closer than imagined. Poland—the land three million Jews call memorial of the thwarting of anti-Semitism, at least in one home—-*has watched the progress of the German exodus plan powerful, typical instance. The Hitler of that day was foiled, with interest and is now thinking about the manner and means encouraging us mightily to believe so will be the Haman pf this. of emigrating a million of the country's Jewish population. Particularly when we recall in this connection the words bf the Prince Janusz Radziwell and Count Michael Rostworowski "Prophet: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosbrought the subject up in the Polish parliament last week, and per and every voice that is raised against thee in judgment thou their proposal that arrangements be made for the mass emi- shalt condemn." Those words spell the doom of anti-Semitism. gration of 1,000,000 Polish Jews has since met with approval Anti-Semitism is God-condemned and it will be man-obliterated. by the press and officials of the land. That the government It simply cannot thrive in the atmosphere of increasing ethical itself is halted merely by the timeliness of the move may be and social progress which however irritatingly slow must have seen in the reply to Badziwell and Rostworowski by Minister the peace, perfection and happiness of humanity as its ultimate of the" Interior Rackieweicz, who declared that Poland is prer goal. Either there is a God or there is not. Either God's will pared to solve its Jewish problem by facilitating the emigra- of justice and of righteousness will be done on earth, or it will tion of st least one-third of its entire Jewish population but not. History would indeed be "a tale told by an idiot" "sound that under existing world conditions the possibilities for carry- and fury, signifying nothing" if the triumph of righteousness ing jout such' Si plan are strictly limited. He added that the were not its purpose and its dramatic denouncement. The Hagovernment approved of suoh a project in principle and would mans must be matched (and out-matched) by the Mordecais and hs 7er7 happy to get that problem settled. Esthers. Then the result will be sure. This is the official view of a Polish government that has "Help and deliverance will arise" especially to the selfagain and again given assurances that no one in Poland would helpful and the heroic. It is inconceivable that in God's scheme be discriminated against because of race or creed. This is in a Xazi-Germany should be permitted to endure forever. The a eountry, where the Jews comprise approximately 11 per cent Kaiser's Germany was infinitely better than Hitler's yet with of the total population. This is in a country where more than its militaristic pride it was overthrown. If God creates the two score Jews were injured in Krushevitz by an anti-Semitic poison he also creates the antidote, according to the Talmud. mob at the very moment that the minister of education was reEurope and the world are bound to be purged of this virus peating Premier Koscialiowski's warning that the government which would corrupt the blood-stream of civilization. The nawould deal rigorously with anti-Jewish rioters. We have pro- tions of the world will know how to act when the opportune tested that the government was playing with words and flirt- (and fateful) moment arrives. The entire world will yet celeing with facts when its officials spoke of liberality of view and brate a Purim that will mark a reversal of all that the re-ac^ freedom and equality for all citizens. We asked for proof of tionary forces of hate and diabolic ambition and fiendish how the government officially stood. Events of the past two cruelty attempted to foist upon it. The firms advertising in the weeks give us our answer. The Poles are needlessly and wanJewish Press merit and deserve —Rabbi Frederick Cohn. i tonly inflicting trouble upon the Jews through their.prosecuyour patronage. tion of anti-Schechita legislation. General Roman Gorecki, though he has not struck him is minister of commerce, openly stated that the proposed anticalled wicked." GEMS OF THE BIBLE We were taught in the Baralschechita law is not really mdtivated by any desire to elimtha. "If a son saw his father AND TALMUD inate so-called cruelty to animals but rather a desire to elimtransgressing what Is written in By O. O. CASHES inate Jews from the slaughtering business. The fact that pasthe Torah he must not say to sage of the bill would not only work an economic hardship to They that forsa'ke tne law him, "Father, you hare transthe law," but "Father, so Jews and non-Jews alike but would also be a flagrant violation praise the wicked but they that gressed and so is written in the Torah." of Poland's constitutional guarantees of religious freedom has keep the law combat the wicked. And he himself will find out his He that is of a greedy spirit mistake." been pointed put to the government by foreign embassies and stirreth up strife but be that putRabbi Rascha, said, "He who Jewish protests have been made in all parts of the world. teth his trust in the Lord ahail closes his eyes to charity is considered as If he serred idols." Hence, there Is ti possibility that the government may shelve be abundantly gratified. There is a generation that are the bill, but they are neverthless doing by indirction what they pure in their own eyes and yet threatened to do by direction. Instead of having parliament are not washed from their filthl- Gists Named for enact the bill Into law, the latest procedure is just as effective ness. . . There is a generation whose 'Capers' Choruses —having the individual towns and cities enact the anti-Sche- teeth are as swords to devour'the chita legislation. ' •.-.'.• from off the earth and the needy With three weeks left for rehearsals, complete casts for three Simmering the Polish situation down to its essentials, we from among men. TALMUD large choruses of "Conservative see that there is little hope for economic improvement for the Mishnah. How were the witness- Capers of 1938," second annual Jewish population and much anxiety over possible violent out- es awe-struck in criminal cases? revenue to be given March 31 for breaks. In the non-liberal countries of Europe, the tendency They were brought in-and warn- the building fund of Beth-El syned, "Perhaps your testimony is agogue, were announced today by is growing toward treating the Jewish population as a mass baaed only on a supposition or on Milton A. Kieck, director. problem. Equally apparent, however, is the fact that mass hearsay or on that of another Featured In "Shore Leave" will emigration of Jewry in the anti-Semitic countries is out of the witness or you hare had it from be the singing of Margaret Bela trustworthy man or perhaps you mont, Harry DuBoff, Ida Gitlin, question. The financial cost is prohibitive and the doors to are not aware that finally we will Henrietta. Bernstein, and Larry moat eligible places are either barred or three-quarters shut. investigate the matter by exam- Finkel. A solo dance by Annette The most satisfactory haven of all—Palestine—is -unable to ination and cross - examination. Ricklln Silverman will be inmay also be aware of the cluded. absorb even a fraction of the European Jews who seek refuge You fact that there is no similarity "Gobs" In this number will be from economic and political persecution. The emigration of between civil and criminal cases. Lou Schwarti, Norman Bordy, these oppressed people must be systematic and spread over a In civil cases one may repay the damage and he Is atoned period of years. To that end the Jewish leaders in America money but in criminal cases the blood and England and France and the other liberal, free-thinking of the person executed and of Rev. A. Diamond countries must stop^thinking about Germany as the only coun- his descendants to the end of all Recognized as generations clings to the InstigaPRACTICAL MOHEL try *where the Jews must be rescued, and must instead look tor of his execution." Phofie 1059 the solution of the persecution of all European Jeweries as one Reah Lakesh said. "He who COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. raises bis hand with*the intenbig problem. tion of striking his neighbor al-

: ' \




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Story of the Ages History is the story of the ages. And Purim, which the Jewish people throughout the world will observe next Sunday, March 8, is the Jewish story of the ages. How many centaries have passed since the Megillah was first read! How many changes have been wrought in the maps of the great powers since Mordecai, the Jew in Shushan, prevailed upon his niece, Esther, to intercede with King Ahasuerus to save the Jewish folk, from the mad plan of destruction conceived in the warped mind of Haman I The powers that were then mighty, the countries that- then basked in glory—the very No. 1-38.40 Z*« , Persia wherein we were then exiled—have been crushed to dust. Te Gal. Set the Jewish story of the ages diminishes not. We still live, No. 3—1246 Zm Gas .after our oppressors have died. Our heritage is passed down No. *—2&M Zera F«*l Oil CKe GaL the hills of eternity. Again and again in Jewish history has the story of Purim recurred, always in varying form yet always with the same underlying theme. In pagan days, in the rise of Christianity, in the ,Crusades, in the Middle Ages, and even in the "enlightened" twentieth, century misguided madmen

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SPANISH GUARDS QUELL BIOT—A dramatic scene showing guards on the parapet of San Miguel prison In Valencia, Spain, firing at rioters who attempted to free political prisoners, following the recent elections In Spain. Leftists, victorious i n the elections, could not wait for official sanction, which came later, and many were killed and wounded in the attacks.

JOXOUS ITAUANS CELEBRATE VICTORY—Throughout Italy, from tiny hamlets to great cities, thousands joined in a joyous demonstration as the news arrived of the victorv in East Africa when 70.000 Italians defeated 80,000 Ethiopians in a sis-day battle. Here are Italians"in Rome parading with a picture of Marshal Pietro Badoglio, who directed the forces.

"WILL THEY WASH?" — Making his first public appearance, since his, accession to Britain's throne, here is King Edward VHt as he visited the textile section of the British Industries Fan* at White City^1 near London. Evidencing an Intense interest In goods representing many parts of the Empire, he was shown men's shirts made of paper. "But win they wash?" he pleaded. Great crowds cheered htm every-

O|*t!—A Out

•M STATESMAN — Prince Kimmochi Saionji- of Japan, for years the elder statesman and one of Emperor Huxjhito's closest advisers. He was among the army men, civilians and royal princes conferring with the Emperor to find a solution to chaotic conditions, following the recent assassinations. A new cabinet, a council of state and a military dictatorship were.discussed.

FA\"OKITE SON — Robert A. Taft of Cincinnati, son of the late President William Howard Taft, chosen by the Republican State Central Committee as organization candidate for president. To this favorite son the Ohio delegates to the convention, in Cleveland on June 9, will pledge first choice. He is a lawyer and former speaker of the Ohio House.

/ KILLERS MISTAKi: PBEAHEB'S IDENTITY—It! was at this residence of Premier Keisuka Okada in Tokyo, Japan, that insurgents attempted his assassination and killed his brother-in-law in mistaken identity. For nearly 24 hours the body lay in the snow on the lawn, covered only by a mat, and when secretaries attempted to recover it they were turned back by bayonets of the insurgents.

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4^/ -* DYNAMITE BREAKS ICE JAM—Ice-clogged rivers of the Middle West .'caused thousands to flee from their homes as flood waters surged with the melting of accumulated snow. Here is a scene as an ice jam was broken jby dynamite in the Scioto River at Columbus, Ohip. Five men who set off the charge narrowly escaped death when trapped.on cakes released by the blast. ..••'•

• I

x-iLOT ' — ' M a n a g e r Stanley CBucky) Harris, watching his Washington Senators as the spring training season opened for, them at Orlando. Florida.. Bucky, a favorite son in Washington, formerly led the team to its one and- only world championship. He returns after -several seasons' absence.

FROM S TO 22 OUNCES—This queer-looking little fellow is i bear cub born in the Brooklyn, N. Y.. zoo. When thia picture was taken he had reached the age of two weeks and had gained from eight ounces at birth to 22 ounces. Jack O'Brien^ head keeper, didn't thinkthe little fellow would live, buthe kept him in an incubator, at right, and bottle-fed him and he's growing:

VJSESIDES—Af-.right is t>enator Hattie Caraway of Arkansas serving as chairman of a sub- f1 committee in Washington that held important: hearings on a bill to remove pollution from -rivers and harbors. This was the first time in: the history of the Senate that a woman ever served in this capacity. At left is Senator Joseph/ F. Guffey of "*ennsylvania. •'






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HIS TIGER UNIFOBM—Al Simmons, baseball star for whom Manager Mickey Cochrane paid the White Sox $75,000, as he looks in his new spring togs, the Detroit Tiger uniform. He is shown at Lakeland, Fla., where he was among the early arrivals at the World Champions' camp. He shows a lightweight bat.

SO OUT ES_WENT!—When Georgia State, officials refused to honor warrants under the financial distatorship set up by Governor Eugene Talmadge, the Governor ordered them to leave office. This is how State Treasurer Georse B. Hamilton was made to leave his. On the right is Adjutant General Lindley W. Camp and, at left, Sergeant Herbert Blackwood, both of the National Guard. "

FACA CHIEF—^Captain WUforc 3. Alexander of Meriden, Conn., who was appointed Federal Alcohol Control administrator, as he appeared a t his desk in Washington, in the -hew Department of Justice building. He has been prominent in > the American Legion, and ia banking circles.


p»i?,'n:-«,.";. >• ..'


SCEAMBLED EGGS—New York Camp Fire girls practiced making breakfast at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel and here the famed Oscar shows Eleanor Webber what to do about scrambled eggs. . ' Copyright United Newspictures, .

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Religions Services

lamlets to great cities^ in East Africa when in Rome parading with

HE SON — Robert' A. Cincinnati, son oftlie esident William Hqwatd osen by the Republican entral Committee as orion candidate for presithis favorite son tiae elegates to the convenCleveland on June 9, ge' first choice. He is a and former speaker of House.


Mu day. One thJiig that all sport writers fear is picking an all-star team. Many do not" realize that it involves diagnosing each man's play throughout the entire year. Here Is the all-J. C. C. basketball team and the reason w h y they were chosen: < Forwards: Iz Bogdanoff, Psi Mu and Jim Burroughs, Camel

'in one of the fastest, roughest basketball games ever played on the Center floor, the Psi Ma eked ont a 35-32 victory over the,Omanight and Sunday. ha Jobbing to capture the Class A minor holiday, Purlin is nev-A championship. With this vicertheless one of the most vridely tory, the Psi Mu quint becomes and heartily celebrated of all the the first team in any Center league to ever •win the championfestivals. The holiday commemorates the ship three years running. The deliverance of the Jews when as Omaha Jobbers started the scorexiles in Persia they were threat- ing and ran up five points before ened ~«vith destruction byHumon, the champs could get set. Late, tbe king's favorite. Through the in the first quarter, with, the Bcore loyalty of the Jew, Mordecol, and 5-0 against them, the • Psi Mu" the bravery of his cousin, Esther, five started on a drive of their ths Jews Tvere saved •while Hainan own and by the time the whistle suffered tbe very fate he b a dblew, they vere in the lead 6-5.. The winners were able to stay outplanned for his foe. front during the second period A feature of the Purim observ- In play flue to the fact that the1 ance is Che reading of' tbe Slegil- of eagle-eye of Jay /SadofsEy was lah' (the scroll) of Esther in the "dead.*? The; half ended 18-15. synagogue, but the greater part The Jobbers found the man-toof the festival Is given over to man defense, the' Psi Mu team, merry-making. , use,, almost.inpregnable and were, able totoss in only one field goal during the" third quarter, while Vaad the Psi MU -kept -their lead "Purim—Fiction or Fact" trill throughout the eight minutes of' ba the subject, of Rabbi Harold play. The players were tense durBerger'fi sermon this evening. ing this ^quarter and hard playSaturday morning Rabbi Eer- ing iriA fouls which, engor xrill speak in Yiddish at the abledresulted the- Jobbing team to keep; B'nal Israel synagogue. rignt on the heels: of the frat Saturday evening at 7:30 the boys as Harry Altschuler tossed Megillah be read at the B'nal in their lone field goal of' the : Israel synagogue. period to end the' third quarterBAKER ; Sunday morning . services for of play. It was in the final stan-' ••:: the reading of the Megillah -will za that both teams really speededAIR CONDITIONING begin at 8 o'clock. The father up the play and threw • the specand son services will be combined tators Into a fren2y which almost for every purpose •with the regular services Sunday. caused several fist-fights.- Play was close throughout the period Distributed by and with only five seconds to play Temple the Psi Mu were Jeading 32-30. WESTERN Rafcbi David H. Wice's sermon Reggie Weidenbecfe, Job; topic this evening will be "Mon-when bing center and star of the gamei Air Conditioning Corp. opoly—a Game That Leads to went up high in the air to bat in : War." Mrs. Harry Wilinsfcy will a field AT. 3454 goal and add the t w o 104 No. 18th St. light the Sabbath Candles. points necessary to tie the game.. In the overtime period, the cool, smart play of the Psi Mu told.; Beth-EI Rabbi David A. Goldstein has and they -worked the ball back chosen as the subject of his Pre- and forth- until. they found an', Purim sermon, "A Psychological opening and Iz Bogdenoff scoredAnalysis of Old and New Anti- the necessary points to put the I Ask Your game on Ice for the Psi-Mu team.. Semitism." I Grocer for The Megillah will be' read Sat- It was one of the finest exhibiurday evening at 7:30. Parents tions of basketball ever display-^ ,are urged to bring their children ed on the" Center floor and to the- FORBES TEHDEEL OEUST BREAD to listen to the reading of thewinner goes-the spoils. The Psl Mu teams outplayed and i out-^ Megillah. Look for the Orange smarted their opponents throughNext Week out the entire game and had it and Bine Label Next Friday evening Is designated Talmud Torah Sabbath. Mr. not been for Reggie JVeidenbeck," A--Trial Will Convince You Henry Monsky, president of thethe Jobbing- team -would .have not Talmud Torah, will speak on "The had a chance. As i t was, Reggie FORBES BAKING CO. "Value and Importance of a He-scored 19 points to lead t h e ' of- 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 fensive play of the day.-Iz.Bogbrew Education." Mr. A.Katz scored 13 points and Jay will speak briefly on T h e danoff Sadofsty 12 to lead the: Acfr;? ^.rrte of the Omaha Tal- frat team.scored . V1 : . : ' "•". ; " mud In the opening - game * of t h e

FCRIM - - Purim, the Feast of Xiots, will be observed by Jewry Saturday


J. C. C. Sports


torless A. Z. A. No. 1; team nosed' The Hadassah Sabbath group out the APT five 23-22 to Win BEAUTY SALON will meet Saturday, March 7, attheir first game of - the season. 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs.The A. Z. A. team Btarted off SPECIAL FOB A LIMITED Louis Margolin, 503 So. 53 and rolled,up a 14-9 lead in TIME OHLY Mrs. Gail Margolin will be assist- the first half of play. The APT's ing hostess. The program will be staged a comeback and with only $6.50 Permanent Waves dedicated to Purim. Mrs. B. T.a moment to play, the score" was Margolin, Southwest Regional . t l e d 2 2 all. A foul committed by §5.00 Permanent Waves at ;.........—u $4.00 president, will be the guest speak- Nate Cutler was made good-by er. Mrs. David Krantz will pre- Ray Schapiro, the lone point good 716 Brandela Theatre Bide. Bent current events; A tea •willenough to win'for theyoungeiAT. 4333 be held after the program. boys. It was'the.; side line coaching of Ben Effros and. Dave RichMrs. Joseph Rosenberg, chair- ards which brought the A; Z. A. man of the Gift Fund, reports the boys their first win of the-season following contributions: A group and.-brought out of-j them ; the of Omaha relatives in memory of brand of basketball they are capf Sam Robinson of New Bedford, able of playing, although they Mass.; Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky have not displayed it in previous a n d Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, in contests. '.;•'• ,. ; •"• '• . SCHMIDT'S memory of I. Irvin Lipsitch of The Camel Distributing had an Los Angeles, Cai.; Mrs. L. Ep-easy time of it trouncing the 2O CITY CLUB BEER y«teln, In honor of the engagement 42-25. -With every man J of her daughter, Evelyn; Mrs. :M. Lambda for a_ Pleasant. Surprise. in the scoring, the Cam\Jacobow, in memory of Mrs. Bel- featuring els were able to; boost their seaHATE YOU TRIE1> la Markowitz; Mrs. Isadore Per- son's scoring total to 232 to forge elman, in memory of her husband, into third place. Jimmy BurSCHMIDT'S IiATELY? Isadore Perelman; Mrs. Julius roughs, playing superb basketball, , -CALL Abrahamson, in memory of Mrs.led his team with 13 points. : Betsy Levey; the Tuesday EveCITY CLUB BEER CO. Last Sunday's play ended the 422 ning club in memory of MrsvHat- regular So. ISth St. AS. S903 Class A basketball league tie Levy; Mrs. J. M. Erman, in for the season, and. as one, those memory of. her sister, - Mrs. Ar--who have played in this league thur Stein of Minneapolis. can Touch for the fact that never before has there been as hotly a contested league as this year. The Joe L. Wolf Opens officiating has been the finest Unique Haberdashery throughout the season and Mr. Stop for Your Lee Grossman, physical director, "Unique" Is the word best fit- may be highly commended on the Lunch and Relaxalioa ting the new Joe L. Wolf men's handling of the league. laberdashery, which will formal- 3. C. C. Basketball Standing AT ly open tomorrow at 311 South CLASS "A" 16th street. The passerby is immediately PslMu STAR BILLIARDS attracted ,to. the beautiful neon Omaha Jobbing sign, "Joe. L.' * Wolf "—hanging Xi.Lambda „, * AND LUNCH * over the entrance on a black mar- Camel Distribute ble background. This is the only A. Z. A. No. 1 S16 5o. 15th neon sign of its kind in Omaha. Alpha PI Tau Entering the store, the customTEAM SCORING er is immediately impressed by Omaha Jobbing ', -329 point$ the canary, silver, and black Camel DIst. - „ 274 points trimmings, with a liberal use ofPsi Mu .... „ ... .... ?t%? points aluminum fixtures, topped, off by Xi Lambda ,258 points two aluminum chandeliers hang- Alpha PI Tau«._ 190 points We Ara Serriag- a ing from a high ceiling. A. Z. A. No. _. 184 points Well-lighted show windows and Special American Diossr •well-lighted display , cases', -with The young-A. Z. A. No. 100 EVEEY SUNDAY! other modernistic fixtures, can't team presented their coach, Paul help but impress the customer In Bogdanoff, with, a shirt and tie .this centrally located store. * •In appreciation of l i s untiring .75e-<AND - S S O P E E Forgetting briefly about the efforts in attempting to teach 4 Courses Completa "surroundings, yon will notice that basketball to them. Paul may be From 11 A. M. to 8.P. "MS the store carries a complete line congratulated on the way, in which, of the_ highest qnality men's fur- be handled his boys "and the fact KMGFONGtAFE nishings that, include shirts,' hats, that he delivered the goods can caps, ties, handkerchiefs, giove3, be seen'In his record.•• When he si6 So. leth-st. .garter?, eocks, belts, and collars. started coaching the. A. Z. A. * UPSTAIRS Joa L. Wolf, who has been ac- team, they had not won a game. tively engaged in the men's fur- In. the last five that they played nishing business in Omaha for the they came out -winners twice. past twenty-five years, is the ownand will manage the store. He The Psl Mu team, J. C. C. baswill be assisted by two experlenc- ketball champs, will play the Nad salespeople. tional Tires, K. C. champions, in an exhbition game March 22 at the Center gym in honor of Psi Patronize our advertisers. -




**-.'--> ti'.'j


. 1 . , * - -*0

' '

- ' " • *'•*,!•



Fire girls practiced maklotel and liere the famed do about scrambled eggs. gilt United Kewspictnres.


DisL Iz Bogdanolf is one of the Center: Reggie Weidenbeek of I the natural guard and the Cen- The city A. A. U. Class A and lists in this iournej.- will ' finest exhibitions of hea&iwork the Omaha Jobbers has no doss j ter followers have never seen &. B doubles handball tournament ; ically represent Omaha ui J' u on a basketball court. He is cool competition as center on the all-\ smarter ball-player, a more surer will get under way Kerch. I I and: western A. A. 1T. chamii!n,,-li 11* and throughout the game handles star' team. He has an average of passer than this young ras.ii. Aar- will be run off on the four-well against South Dakota, Sim* C> • the ball In veteran fashion. He Is13 points per game and is one on Epstein is the smallest man courts of the Center. Throughout : Des Moines, end Ltnco1' Tt• f in many regards the outstanding of the best defensive centers In in. the league and the biggest If the tourney, A. A. U, rules win club winning tlip most nvu^r'. >; T 1 1 player of the year. Jim - Bur- tbe city. it comes-to baEketball talent. Be- he in effect EES rewards will be the city A. A. l , toumnrir' ! 1 1' roughs has the natural talent. His regulation A. A. IT. medals. En; tie awarded, e. r.ilver icninr r\-n Guards: Max Turner, Xi Lamb- ring blessed with Email height he unusual way of faking, pivoting, da and Aaron Epstein, Psl Mu.bas learned to use It to good ad- try fee will be twenty-five cents 'Entries close Friday, March 6 p. feinting* and method of • snooting Max has the uncanny ability tff vantage end in' the -scrambles un- and will cover the registration 14:00. Mail all entries to L.?.makes him a dangerous threat to take the ball fof the backboard derneath the basket has come up card and double and single com- : Grossman, physical director, Jewany team. petition. Semi-finalists and final- i ish Community Center. and work It- up t i e floor. He is with- the ball many & time. •



Kiting TriBete...

A. K. LeEB'er; Mrs. M. 1i. I«8Ber and Joan, 'Mr. Enfl Mrs. Reuben


Fitting'it was'-that the beloved. Harry Zimman's last uaiae began Th'e 'other is' from Mrs. MeMu with the last letter—Z, -and ev-Katlejnan, the. former Shirley. erything'" that 'Harry Ziiaiaaii elid, Jan'off..", Sne ' made reference to was carried oat to • the last let- the article that appeared recently ter,—in other 'words, well nigh in* the Press telling .about t h e perfect. We heard a proatneat Omatans seen by Kaiman during man remark seTeral days ago in

SOT So. S5th.

his.California -visit. j a "'" private conversatioa that—; She .lists ' a few name's 1 ("Harry-Zitatnsii Tras outstanding- Ab ' forgot to mention, inclu ing i always in a group of outstanding hers and hiisband's. Also were— j for next lesson. !men." A fiesErrefl tribute. " i Mr. and' Mrs. Jatk 'Siegal (Mary Goldberg), Mr. and Mrs. Lou FoH GREATLY REDUCED' * gel (Elsie Hurwitz}, Mr. and No Tips Allowed... OFFICE AND PLANT FFJCFS Mrs. Abe Weiner (Bertha MarKE. 1500 The other day Rabbi Harold golin). Berger received . a telegram telling him to bet on a certain horse I When Ab Kairaan was phoned j - - that'i't was a dead cinch. There to be informed of the letter, he; was no signature.. Rabbi Berger, coincided with Mrs, Katieman, j who -naturally doesn't. bet on saying, " I saw BO many former I horses, never has,-and probably, Omahans that I must have fornever, -^ill, laughed .off the mes-gotten those, • and oh, yes, a d d In Appreciation of Your ; XHL Href Ii©rtj-£fre Losss I sage, and- ignored it entirely. In Mrs. Pauline Pregler Bemsteia to the paper _ the next day. It wasthe list. She's another one that Past and Future irnclcr FeScm! Excusing /Act |i Distrib- learned, that this horse, had .won I forgot." Semi Lump Patronage i: utors its Etart, . and netted Its bettors Repaid Over & Period of Fir* | • © r something like $.63 in exchange to Twenty Yesre | for a two dollar ticket.' Per Ton The other day a young newly4.%, &3m> Guaranteed ; . Cities. ROSS PETERSON wed decided that she.would have • Sendee to-SatMy to purchase a snow shovel with HOTEL FQNTENELLE Former OmaBkns'-* * • Fine Flowers Moderately Heafkg We learn • -with- pleasure and which to clear the walks in front CITY FUEL of her home. She promptly went surprise that there is a Tery -liveOils/ Open Eveningg «nt3 Holldaj'f I ; -& OIL CO. and active clab, The Oma-Chi down-town to buy one, rejoicing : At. 4114 ly &i. esrr ; i re* j;orT^r r.\-z, AT. rxzr club, in Chicago. Their president, In the fact that she would sur- AT. sso© AT. 4114 Herman - "Wise, writes in, • "The prise her husband. But when she got-Lome the .surprise was on her. Oma-Chi club, composed- of former residents of Omaha now per-Her nusband had had .the same manently living in Chicago, hav- brilliant idea- and called one of ing a membership of £7 young the department Etores to send one men, organized Noyeraber,7,-1S36, out to the.ipjjse, which they did. proudly boasts of its philanthro- Now - tbey-'&re trying to decide P s s t o s E K c M Ce« pic, .activities. I t has contributed which to- teend "back. They here also rostle a resolution not to puryearly since its inception liberal fmrthm J5TA. r.">5^ sums of money to Jewish organi- chase anything without consultation. • • • ' • - • zations. Myer Brick, who was Brass, Brcnsve Alsusintur.. feoi\ * Sweet Better treasurer, recently resigned as he Grey ITOB and Semi-SteeS Cs^t. * Dated Milk plans to return,to Omaha to enings. TTood anS MetsS Fatterat * Soar Cream gage in business. David E. Beber .The,.newly organ- Standard ffizee Bronare « n «f (»^>n and many other products, was elected to set as treasurer. Bushings. Sewer (visnholes, Ciste"n { ask your grocer or c a l l . . . Thp_ group Is planning- their fifth ised , group of young men were KlngE mn6 Covers, Cleanoul PPC-K, sponsoring weekly Sunday eveSash WelghtR > n i Yellow F-as* annual dance'for the latter part ning dances. Regular entertain- Piumbere' Fcrruies, ears-leti ir ROBERTS DAIRY of Mirch. • ers were the singing team of Sam etock. Bronze Tablets, Brorme (pit • • HA.-222S We understand that Esthyr Minkin and Harry Green and the Cast Iron Griiles n. Specialty. Steinberg, who is" mating hex dancing team of' Giventer and home in New fork now, is known Kaplan.' Herman Segelman and there as VIcki • Burke. • William XHckson were in charge. Miss. Leone Novitsky won the Jewish Press popularity contest. In the Picture... • £3, I KKi-KaSrfS-.* .Ruth, Friedman, Popular .Cen- She .donated, the prize, $500.00, Coxae tn end try our .Frifiay to the 'Jewish Community Center. nlte end Snnday specials ' tral High senior, had. had . her : picture in the paper on .no less • HATS . . We Are Featuring than five different occasions with- On-tlte Cuff • • • ' Cleaned tin el Elocketi On!y Kosher Knockwurst in the past year. When friekfis DICK KILLER is backfrom ft Kosher Weiners ^ ^ ^ accuse her' of having a ."drag" one month stay In New Orleans, SHOES While Kosher Salami & I w lb. with some photographer E h e and,if- -you. think he.hasn't got Repaired You Wait • points. out that it couldn't be, a. large selections of stories to FREE—Pick-up «n<5 Oe1!w»rlee because she rates both daily pap- tell, you're'. bsdly mistaken . . . WHITMAN'S in Downtown Dietrich equally.' At any rate, she1 just A FRIEND .<:). of Annette PorPhone EA. 455© .DELICATESSEN & LUNCH ers happens to be around when the man and Eylria. Papei-ny,, writes 2417 Farnaai JA. 4S74 photographers' are,-end her'latest in to tell us" that "the two .are SHOE EEFAH, picture was as recent as 'Wednes- 'that way* about & boy (differ. .Opin Daily and Sundays : I SOS Till MIdnlte day. ' ?-- ; 1 -.-• en boys of course) . . TWO JEWISH 'students' at Eozth High STE3IN OUR SPACIOUS

NEW VAULTS Pay cleaning ' charge only when clothe* arc needed

Peerless Cleaners



QS5 1


TenTesrs Ago.'...


cate tonight., Shirley Hollander, Joe L. Wolf is in the midst of who "Is. the .class speaker, acfl the three happiest occasions. of Shirley Canar, who had one of his life. And they have c o m e the leading roles in the Senior upon him all at once. Wednesday class ' play, "Huckleberry Finn" night his attractive daughter, .- . . LOTTIE RIPS and Dorothy Camel, two attractive and talentGwendolyn, who he had not seen . „, •

All at O n c e . . . '

Ld Gould Attend Ymr Drug ffesi* 0

Visit us in our new loca- for seven months, returned home! 6 * yonn# misseE, who will appear tion where you will find a for a belated visit. Last' night, I to the Conservative CaperB show, his silver wedding J ^ v e . attracted onlookers at. re"complete stock of Drag and Joe. celebrated Isy their capaWe Cancannvexsary, and tomorrow-is tbe i nearsals Sundry items. ing, -and mofrest; cosfiuct, while formal opening of his classy -new •goingthfo'ceh-"- their routines men's-furnishijig',store. . . MRS. SAM-TJEL TfiEODORE has,

Gould''Drug Co. SSHt & Dotiss Sts. '

WA. 0SC2

PARKING SPACE Prompt Deiivery

Omafia Colony.Stsits m

in. California, can't seem to for-publishing the names *£, the. pretget their old home.' '"Within the ty girls, then we hit en the Ides last; week ve have been.the rer of—seeking -cat the handsen?f cipient of two letters from Caliand: invited our readers' te fornia .residents, ; formerly ~ -ol iaaleg write In their choice, We have

•.' Wiring of all MnSs. Motor lastallaiioas.: Hsferea. "


Estimates Gladly,

Call AT.


cosily . . . Be P r e p a r e s . . . \\i 2T& Tms

•tttMM*Ife « • j | | OMAHA L M H U 1 T CO. | S | t * t n s te^ep your (rarments <•!«>»«,

receivefl cltstions fpr'hef consist-: ent

w Come? •••• Former Omatia'sE,. now lifing ' H: oEgverEJ ..weeks ago vre. were






kp" ""lit*



. jt'^.f^O^

w *& *^r"*< t K Omaha. - ' . • ; .' One' is signed ,'Gertrcde -:Eula- as jet not received a single reply, kofsky. She .-tells of a March .1^ r e there s o good-looking fellows xennlon at Mnrrietta Miner&l Hot in'-, town,:or ere- the girls • bashfc! or 'Break Springs in Storrietts, CalXfornia; a&;ut suggesting .any?- -. . . • . t • Ana another ttiEg TTS can't un* , ' * . If « ' t Those who. helped her reminisce^ K r- <" B»th-were Bfr. ana;"Mrs.;"Heriaaa' S&?s- derstand is t i e ETifids's; increase "of.••marriages.• Can -it *be' tl&t prosne, ClySe Krasne, Mr. and Krs. V-7e- sfso clean P.V.6 rever«« j your old shades Philip Krasne," Mrs,- Sara Krasne perity is-feere.«slfi•*« d o a t 'know• .-.•;•• . -• r - : \ - •"Let. «s keep your wearing «ppa?«! 1 • Shnfie® a s liVVf tm S9c « « : (no more '.''Brasses)," Lottie Herch- i t ? V TOUT Ovrrt. l i berg, Philip Stein, Mr..andvMrs. -.'• -And a third ; 1 and W« take t3m* te &o it rightfcy| Joe Adelson, ?'rE. rsther Adel- EICS ES ' Js "Wi slew w;.fi • s t . ferifse- a- ! P, Elfca, Sonny," an-i" Elarvia. Tires vho erfa Adelson, Earry "Bill, Mr. £s.£ Sirs., rcriablj: cnS -aj




been retired, without the writ* as -a lack Of J <b) That they shall have the right have ten unanimous consent of al) hold_ . . to vote at meetings of the stock- ers of preferred stock. Jewish group vitality, as a Jewish; holders. Section 3. No sale of stock shall h The monthly meeting of the , iv _ • v. TJ. i- l i t . . «h. . » « (c) The Board of Directors may, be valid and the corporation shall not transfer said stock on it? bookp Junior. Hadassah chapter. will be death wish. It is like the atti-\ a t k t h e i r d ! s c r e t i o n . a t a n v meeting- until unless the said stock shall tilde of the die-hard assimilation-1 called notice, for that purpose, on thirty have and' held next Wednesday .evening in. first beon offered to existing. _. . , , .v T days redeem and retire or any part of said preferred Stock FtOfKholflers the Jewish'Community Center. the fair book value ists. They do not want the Jew- on payment of its •-full par • value . . in thereof, but af before selling the same The-program .will be.under the currency of the United States of at a lesser price, HHSS ANNA PILL, correspondent j isi people to live and prevail. the said stock shall America, and all of the dividends ac- l>e offered tirfit the to es-fsting- stockThey are tired. They are tired cumulated and unpaid thereon, and holders MIES dlrectionol the Give,or Get com'at such lessor price. • mittee, , headed, by Miss Sadie Mrs. I. Marsh and Mrs. J. Kosthe corporation, to this end. reserves to death. That is their secret. In witness whereof the stockholdthe right to declare forfeited and to Shulkin. The . business, meeting berg of St. Paul, Minnesota, are By the Service Life Insurance forfeit, all dividends that may accrue ers of the Bnrish-FRnrterF Motor Co. (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts on will include reports of - the vari- visiting in Sioux City this week Company, Omaha the preferred stock, thirty (30) caused said amendment to be sub. Feature Syndicate.) days after •written notice is given scribed on the 20th day of January, ous committees and a discussion in the Sam Marsh home. Numerthe holder thereof to surrender such 1936 of plans. for the .coming. months. ous social affairs have - compliOf all the plans you make for p4RTSH-SANT>rcRS MOTOR CO., preferred stock, and should the holder thereof neglect or refuse so fb sur- | Mlsa Dorothy Merlin, president of mented the guests during the your children, none is quite so By Al. M. BAE1SH. 'render such certificate of stock with-I President. David Pinski, noted Jewish au- the chapter,- will preside during week. & BRODKEY, A«y«. in the period of thirty (SO) days af-I priceless as those which have to BRODKEY Attest: 579 Insurance Bidsthor, playwright and lecturer, the business meeting. ter the date specified in the written' do with their education. U S. REDFORD, ' The annual Talmud Torah ban- will arrive In Sioux City n e x t notice for the said surrender and re, Secretary. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS But so many times, death tirement of this certificate, the said 3-6-36-4t. quet which -was scheduled for last Wednesday to speak at an open knocks at the door and the father Notice is hereby given that all exdividend shall be forfeited. The said RAMAC1OTTI & ROBINSON month but postponed because of meeting,' which will be sponsored isting debts of Barish Sanders Mo- notice shall be given to the said legal: REED. must see a final picture of his tor L. MARKS, Attyt, the cold weather, trill be held by the Inter Club Council of Jew- An open forum was featured on Company on the 31st day of De- > holder or holders of the said pre- • & EPKRAIRi 912 First N a f l BN. Bldfi. children going out with untraincemher, 19"5,' amounted to the sum ferred stock so to be retired, as j next Tuesday evening, March 10, ish organizations. The meeting the B'riai B'rith meeting program [shown upon the transfer book of this: ed minds and hands to find hap- of J32.S17.S3. PROBATE NOTICE ^4=i---.^ia,the Jewish Community Center. will commemorate the hundredth Wednesday evening in the Jewish M. M. BARISH, corporation at the time said notice is piness in a world which has lit. The Banquet is sponsored by theanniversary, of the birth of Men- Community Center. Among those President. j given and the notice shall be conIn the Matter of the Estate of tle use or time for the untrained. It. M. Barish, Ben Sanders and L. ; strued to have been given when it is Hebrew Mothers Club and the dele, who was considered the fa- who took active part in the ForS. McDonald, Deceased. • S- Redford, being a majority of the ' addressed to such preferred stock- Harry But there is a way out. Notice Is Hereby Given: That the Board of Directors of the Hebrew ther of Jewish literature. holder at his last place of address, creditors um were Kabbi Rabinowitz, EdBoard of Directors. of said decea-sed will meet Death may rob children of a as shown by the records of the com- the administrator 3-6-lt. ~ School., Mrs. Louis Shindler - Is The meeting, Wednesday eve- win W. Baron, Dr. J. M. Lande, PUBIM SERVICES pnid estate, bepany ajid deposited in any post off- fore me, County of father, but it is not necessary that Judge of Douglas president of the Hebrew Mothers ning, will begin at 8:15 o'clock Dr. Louis Dimsdale, and Marvin Purim Services will be held at it rob them of the plans for col- FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, ice. "Wnen the stock is so redeemed, County, Nebraska, at the County KLUTZNICK.& KELLEY. it may be cancelled, retired, held in Club and Mr. Jack London, pres- and will be held In the Jewish Klass. •-..; the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- lege he has mar'e. Attorneys at Law the treasury, or reissued as preferred Court Room, in said County, on tho ident pJj $he Hebrew School Community Center. There will be gogue at 618 Mynster Street comLester Davidson, president of 200 Union State Bank Building stock. The deposit of One Hundred l"th day of April, ifl.'Jfi, and on the For when a father arranges EdBoard. \ Dollars <?100.ffi) for each share so 13th day of June, 193'J. at S o'clock no admission charge and no col-the B'nai B'rith, presided at the mencing at 6:30 o'clock Satur- ucational Insurance, he redeems Notice Is hereby given that on the I retired plus any unpaid accrued div- A. M.. ea^h day, for the purpose 01! day evening, March 7, and the j The program will Include ad- lections or solicitations will be meeting. their claims for examinahis promise: "My children shall 20th day of January, 1936, at the reg- mends thereon, at the office of the presenting reading of the "Megillah" will adjustment and allowance. Three - dresses, • musical numbers and made. ular annual meeting of the stock- company shall be a sufficient ten- tion, . have an education." months are allowed for the creditor* the amount and upon such take place. Everyone is urged to holders of- Barish-Sanders Motor Co., der of plays by children of the Hebrew David Pinski Is recognized as YOUNG JUDEANS which -was held at the offices of the deposit being made, all dividends to present their elnims. from the 13th attend. Sunday morning services day of March, insfi. | School, Jack Merlin will appear one of the outstanding writers of company at Omaha. Nebraska, Ar- shall cease. Twenty girls joined the Young will begin at seven o'clock. BRYCE CRAWFORD. ticle TV of the Articles of Incorpora(d) All the conditions of the Issue in a group of songs; Miss' Jean today In English and in Yiddish. County Judge. tion of said Barish-Sajiders Motor of such preferred stock are hereby 2-21-3t Shindler will offer a violin solo; Among his more prominent works Judeau Club following their Rush (Continued from page 1) Co.. -was duly amended to read a s made a matter of contract between follows: " and Cantor A. Pliskin will sing is the novel "The Generations of Tea, Sunday afternoon in the ! each and all of the then stockhold- j The Talmud Torah Sunday Jewish Community Center. Mrs. School IV ers and all future stockholders of the ; a group of songs with Mrs, S.Noah Eden." Classes will hold a Purim "truta" or body of "truths" as ab- Section 1.ARTICLE The Authorized capital corporation, on behalf of themselves : Louis Skalovsky was named adsolute and as enforceable by a stock of the corporation shall be Six- and made binding upon each and all( Krupnlck ot the piano. celebration S u n d a y morning visor of the club at this tea, andpromptly at ten o'clock at t h e master-state is especially disastr- ty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00), div- of the then stockholders, and ali fu- | An operetta, written by Mr. into two hundred fifty (250) ture stockholders, their representa- j addressed the members during Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue ous lor Jews. We are, for better ided gam Krupnlck, and embodying shares of Common Stock of the par tives, heirs, executors, administrathe program. Miss Dorothy Merof One Hundred Dollars ($100.- tors, assigns and successors in -inmany of the traditional Chassldlc at 618 Mynster Street. An ex- or worse, a peculiar people with valueeach, Services at Beth Abraham synand three hundred fifty terest and the holder of this certifisongs, will be a feature of the agogue will be held this evening lin, president of the Junior Ha- change of gifts will take place, our own special reaction toward 00) shares (350) of Preferred Stock o£ cate of stock by the acceptance dassah which sponsors the Young man and nature and human life. the par value of One Hundred Dol- thereof, hereby agrees for himself, program. The entire operetta at 6 o'clock, with Rabbi Benjamin Purim songs will be sung by (J100.00), all of which stock heirs, administrators, executors and Judeans, spoke, and Helen Rat- and Therefore the Gentile State has lars will be presented by the children Goldberg officiating. ' the children. Rabbi Jacob Cohn shall be fully paid up and non-assess- assigns and successors in interest and the costumes which will be -" Tomorrow morning Shachris ner, president of the club, wel- will relate the story of Purim. always shown toward us two ten-able when issued. that he and they wilt • be bound by In the event the common capital the said. Articles of Incorporation, the used have been made by members services will begin at 9 o'clock. comed the guests. • Purim refreshments will be serv- dencies: the tendency to segregate stock is increased, the stockholders by-laws and such other resolutions 'A dance was presented by Reading of the Law will t a k e Frances Maron, and Bertha Snov- ed. All children are cordially in- and destroy us and the tendency owning common stock of record at and regulations as may be made from i of the school. . to absorb us. We do not, natural- such time shall have the prior right time to time by the said board of j Mr. Jack London will act as place at 9:30; Musaf services at sky sang a group of solos, ac- vited to attend. subscribe for. and take such addi- directors and the stockholders of the ly, desire to be destroyed. It is to tional common stock at its book said company, toaatmaster at the banquet. Mrs. 10 o'clock and at 3:30 in the af- companied at the piano by Rose doubtful whether we can be abvalve, but not less than par, in proternoon, Rabbi Goldberg will Ben Shindler and Mrs. Sam "WeinSection 2. No dividends shall be WEDDING DATE SET to.their holdings. Said PreZelinsky. sorbed. And ultimately in hard rortion er are in eharge of the menu; speak on "What Purimx of Toferred Stock on and after the date declared or paid on common stock Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld, daughIn charge of the arrangements evidencing until all of said preferred stock shall fact destruction and absorption borne by the Certificate Mrs. M. £3. Friedman, the dining morrow Will Mean to the Jew."were Eva Borkln, Ruth Singer, ter, of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosensuch stock secures to the holder; come to the same thing. Now the Mincha Services will be held at ' room, and Mr. J. London and Mr. thereof, the payment in currency of feld, has chosen Thursday, March United States of America, a cu- ! 5:30. Shalus Shudas will be Esther Weiner and Helen Ratner. 26, as the date for her marriage so-called democratic State also the Max Falk, the program. mulative annual dividend of two per has the tendency either to destroy Flans are being made to acco- served at 6 p.. m. cent (2) per annum, payable anto TJr. Herman Kully of Omaha. or absorb us, even as it has the nually on dates to be fixed by Resomodate more than 200 people and The Ladies Auxiliary of t h e Miss Rosenfeld, accompanied by tendency to make robots of its lution of the Board of Directors dcr- i every one interested in Jewish ed- Beth Abraham synagogue met ing the existence of the said corThe Sisterhood of Mount Sinai her mother, left Wednesday for poration. Such dividend -upon the •. ucation is urged by, the Hebrew Tuesday afternoon, at which time Temple will meet this afternoon a few days' visit in Chicago, Illi- citizens. But just as all intelli- pieferred stock shall be cumulative! School Board to attend the ban-the president, Mrs. Charles Bar- in the Temple Annex, following nois. Upon her return this week, gent Americans resist that robot- and shall not exceed two per cent izing tendency of their State, BO 12) per annum and arrears there- j quet. The dinner will be served ricks presented the Auxiliary a one o'clock luncheon. Mrs. E.numerous affairs will be given of, payable each year out of the net j with a Set of Silverware to be N. Grueskln and Mrs. Joe Levin complimentary to Miss Rosenfeld. American Jews can freely resist earnings of the corporation before i at 6s30 o'clock. the tendencies of the State to de- any dividend is paid upon the comraffled off by the group. Plans are In charge of the luncheon arstroy or absorb them. Therefore mon stock. for the coming months were dis- rangements. The • invocation will Hat Exclusive Rights on Miss Miriam Saks, senior at the In the event of liquidation, dissocussed during the meeting. Oth- be offered by Mrs. Jack Robin- Abraham Lincoln High School, Jews must be libertarian revolu- lution or winding- up, either volun.. a Brand New Kind er tionaries. Theymust resist the tary or Involuntary, of the corporaer officers include Mrs. J. Mont- son. " , • • and Norman Rosenthal and Floyd the holders of the preferred rose, vice-president; Mrs. J. Sha- Dr. Delia Galinsky-is In charge Yudelson, seniors at,the Thomas State. I use the word "must" in tion, stock shall be entitled to be paid in piro, secretary; Mrs. A. Franklin, of the program which will in- Jefferson High School, left Wed- this sense; if they would live and full the par vaJv.e of their shares, any accrued, unpaid dividends i they would be neither plus Services at the various syna- recording secretary; Mrs. Joe Gor- clude a paper on Purim by Mrs.nesday for Des Moines, Iowa, not die, if nor thereon, before any amount shall be i absorbed. I find paid to the holders of the common gogues, parties tor the young peo- chow, financial secretary; and Roy Schwartzman and a lecture where they will represent their destroyed myself utterly without a compre- stock, and after payment to the holdple and a Children's Carnival, will Mrs. M. 'shulman, treasurer. and demonstration on "The Sci-schools at -the Drake Debate hension of the mental processes of ers ' of preferred stock of its par I One style . . . sc becomipc, if tas been executed value and any unpaid, accrued divience of. Seeing" by Mr. C. R. Tournament this week. mark the celebration of Purim, thereon, the remaining assets any Jew who, amid the imperfect dends in both c p!ein end p-intec sheer! and funds shall be divided and paid i Tracy and Mr. E. J. Pardun. Mrs. Saturday evening and Sunday in but concrete casements of a dem- to the holders of the common stock William Lazere, president of the Sioux City. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. ocratic society, can become the according to their respective shares. ' Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will Sisterhood, will preside at the Saturday evening services will The owners of such preferred stock ' 68 S of the Independent Order of proponent of an absolutist mas- shall P h • t •• speak this evening on the subject meeting. hold the same subject to the be held at Shaare Zion synagogue graphed it the Bnai B'rith will hold an im-ter State that is bound by the ne- following agreements and conditions: "No Thanks to the Jew." Canand the Beth Abraham Syna- tor A. Pliskin and the synagogue 9 plain (a) To the power of this corporaportant meeting next Monday eve- cessity of its nature and theory Bimbirg tion to increase in the manner proft:\ gogue. to offer him at best the alternaning, March 9, at 8:30 o'clock at choir will chant the service. The c h e e r in vided by law the amount of its auAt Shaare Zion the service will sermon will be based on the subNavy, Black tive of absorption. I have had thorised common or preferred stock, The- annual election of mem-the Eagles Hall. as the case may be, from time to or 6 r« wn. begin at 7 o'clock Saturday eve- ject of Purim. to Interpret this attitude" as un- time. bers to the Board of Directors (15. ning, with Cantor A. Pliskin and . | The Junior Congregation will Mrs. Rae E. Ross Is expected



Junior Hadassah .

Sioux City News]

Mrs. H. Hi Rabinowitz will entertain the little friends of her daughter, ' Sgooleh Shera, at a Purim masquerade party, Sunday afternoon. _Games and refreshments .-. will •'• entertain the young guests.




, .


., . . .

Banquet Tuesday David Pinski for Talmud Torah To Speak Here

B'nai B^itl*



United Synagogues




Sioux City Jewry to Observe Purim

1 ?d

. "Duel Personality"

Shaare Zion

V W®

Hit ur.

Inter Club Council -

Rabbi. Rabinowitz conducting the meet tomorrow morning at 10:30 was held by the Inter Club Countoday following a two service. The Megillah will be o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sher- cil, when they met Tuesday eve- home weeks* trip to St. Louis, Kansas ning in the Jewish Community read and the children will parti- man will serve refreshments to City and Excelsior Springs, MisCenter. cipate in the service. the children, honoring their son Elected to the Board for the sourl."' Sunday morning, Purim ser- Edwin on his birthday. coming' year were Messrs. SI. vices will begin at 8 o'clock at Krueger, E. N. Grueskln, A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rudner of Shaare Zion. Davis, Barney Baron, Max Kap-St. Louis, Missouri, arrived here At Beth Abraham Synagogue lan.-H. Flshgall, I. Singer, Morey Sunday to mates their future the Purim service will begin SatDr. Theodore N. Lewis will Llpshutz, and H. Lazrlowlch. home with Mrs. Rudner's mother, urday evening with Rabbi BenMrs. W. Solomonow. jamin Goldberg officiating. The speak on "What to Live for as a service will start at 1 o'clock and Jew" at the Friday evening serat 7:30 the Megillah will be read vice. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson Rabbi Lewis spoke this week by Rabbi Goldberg. and son, Robert, returned home Miss Eva Bass,: daughter ot Sunday morning the service before the student body of West and Mrs. Sam Bass, became Monday following a two months' will begin at 8 o'clock. The Me-Junior High School, and at the Mr. the bride of Al gaker, son of Mr. stay at Miami Beach, Florida. Parent Teacher's meeting of the gillah will be read at 8:45 o'clock. and Mrs. J. of Omaha, at Members of the Beth Abraham Rlverview School, Next Tuesday a ceremony Baker, Mrs. Joe Passer entertained in the Tiphereth Iscongregation will hold a Purim he will speak at a Father and rael Synagogue, thirty children at her home last Sunday evening, Suede at 4'o'clock Sunday after- Son Banquet at Luton, Iowa, Saturday afternoon, February 29, with Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and noon. Mrs; Benjamin Goldberg Cantor A. Pliskin officiating. Miss in honor of her daughter, Eleanwill speak on the subject 'Esther.' Shaare Zion Auxiliary Jean Shindler played the wedding or, "who was eight years' old on Important In the observance of leap year day, making this her The open meeting of the Ladmarch. ' JPurim will be the Purim Carnival ies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion SynA wedding dinner, with covers second birthday celebration. The to be given byf children of the agogue which was postponed last afternoon w a s spent playing Shaare Zion Hebrew School and month because of the weather, for 50 guests, followed the wed-games, followed by refreshments. diiig ceremony. Guests from away the Shaare Zion Sunday school, be held* next Monday eve- Included the parents of the bride? Sunday morning, in the social hall will ning in the social hall ot the groom' and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bass Mrs. Alexander Friedman ot of the synagogue. Proceeds of the synagogue. Featured on the pro-of Cedar Rapids. Union City, Newr Jersey, who has Carnival will be turned over to gram will be open forum led The bride wore a floor length been spending the past three the Jewish National Fund. Games by Dr. J» Lande and Rabbi crepe dress i>f white and a tulle months here visiting her mother, and a masquerade will be includ- H. R. Rabinowitz. The subject ed on the program of recitations will be the proposed plan for as-veil, carrying a bouquet of bride's Mrs. Rae F. Ross, is leaving Sunroses and lilies of the valley. Miss day for her home. - Numerous afand muscial numbers. i sisting German Jewry.." ?. Raffles ot various prizes '"will -The program will also Include Rose Bass, her sister, was brides- fairs have been given in honor and Phil Baker, brother of of Mrs. Friedman during her stay. be held during the carnival. violin numbers by Jean Shindler maid, the • bridegroom, acted as groomsAmong the prizes to be raffled and several Purim numbers. man. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen en-will be a lamp donated by Shirley Members of the Auxiliary are After a brief trip, Mr. Baker tertained the members of their and Minnie Holdofsky; basket of urged to bring their annual dues and his bride will make their Evening Bridge Club at their fruit donated by Earl Skalovsky to this meeting so they will be home in Omaha. i home Wednesday evening. lamp donated by Leonard Rosen- entitled to attend the "Paid Up" thai; Brownie Camera donated by membership luncheon to be held Miss Rose Albert, a student at The firms advertising in the . . Jordan. Ginsberg; and a sweater March 24. the University of Nebraska, spent Jewish Press merit and deserve Mrs. A. H. Baron will preside to fit the winner of the raffle donated by Jack Robinson. Other during the program and Mrs. J.last week end in Sioux City visit- your patronage. prizes which have been donated H. MOBOW will preside during a ing with her parents. by others will be announced in a very short business meeting. The Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg offiforthcoming issue of The Jewish meeting will be open to the menciated at the wedding of Matthew of the congregation and friends P r e s s . .••-.• • • , . . • . . RADIANT SIGN CO. Dvorkin, son of Mr. and.Mrs. L. It is expected that about $65.00 of the Auxiliary. Dvorkin to Sarah Bas Avraham. OMAHA will be raised for the Jewish Na- Purim refreshments will con- The ceremony took place in the tional Fund by these, raffles: clude the evening's program.

Mount Sinai

_ Society News __





Purim Oneg Shabbos

Senior Hadassah

study In Rabbi Goldberg's home Tuesday evening.

Plans have been made by the The Ladles Auxiliary ot Shaare Senior Hadassah to hold their AnZion Synagogue will^hold a spe-nual Bazaar-during the middle of cial Oneg Shabbos tomorrow af- March. It will be held in the ternoon, commemorating the ob-Jewish Community Center, and servance of .Purim. The Oneg will feature a cafeteria luncheon Shabboa will be held in the home and dinner. of Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, Committees appointed Include 2914 Nebraska street,.with Mrs. Mrs. •William Lazere, chairman A. H. Baron, presiding. and Mrs. Jack Robinson, co-chairA skit "The Modernization of man; Mrs. Zella Levitan and Mrs. Purim" will be presented by mem- J. Lehman. In charge of the dinbers of the Junior Hadassah, in- ing room; Mrs. S. Shulkin and cluding the Misses Ida Heshelow, Mrs. E. Rubinstein In charge of Eva Orlikoff, Ruth .Orlikoff, Flor- the menu; and Mrs. S. H. Shulence Lohrmann, Rosalie Sacks, kin arid Mrs. Louis Agranoff in with Dorothy Merlin acting as an-charge of the Shalach Monoth. Plans were also made at the nouncer. Two parodiea on the Megillah Hadassah Board meeting Tuesday, will be presented by members of for the March meeting of t h e the Auxiliary. Songs and refresh- chapter. The election of officers ments will conclude the after- will be a feature of this meeting scheduled for March 31. noon.


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