March 13, 1936

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been retired, without the naniraous consent of all preferred stock. Ion 3. No sale ot stock ilia and the corporation •ansfer said stock on its



shall shall books

aTid' unless the said stock shall first been offered to ; existing lolders at the fair borts value >f. but before selling the same lesser price, the said :Stock shnll ffered first to existing stockrs at such lesser price. ' •witness -whereof the ElockholdI the Barish-Sandei-s Kotor Co. d said amendment to :be Bub:d on the 20th day of •January,


(This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on this copyright •will be prosecuted.)

!\R1SH-SANDERS MOTOR CO., ly i l . II. BAKISH, • President. .ttest: i •'. S. REDFOTtD, '

5_4t. J Secretary. 0, RAMAC1OTTI & ROBINSON EPHRAIM L. MARKS, Attyj. 912 First , Nat'l Bk. Bldg. PROBATE .lip

In the Interest cl the


Matter of the Estate of

Jewish f Entered as Second Claaa Ua!>, Jlattcr oa January II, 1SS1. e.t Pcmtottlc- or Omaha. Nebraa&c under th* Act oi Marcs S. 1STJ

OilAHA, X T ' - >

?EIDAY, MABGH 13, 1936

Torah Sabbath At Beth-El Tonight


RABBI MILLER TO "Wayfaring" I.have been in Winnipeg; I have 'ADDRESS been in San Francisco and Albuquerque and back again in the i Miller of New Or-; great cities of the Middle West: Talmud Torah Sabbath will be before assuming: l).is i Cleveland and Milwaukee and DeThe Omaha chapter of Hadas- t observed : &i. the Beth-El gynatroit. Then I turned South again Mme. Prystor Assails Jewry of sah will have as their guest, Mrs. Eogue this evening. r OT- F -I T-'rrf,. arid viBited cities in Virginia and Use Warburg, formerly ot Berlin Henry Monsky, president o! the Capacity Crowd of Yc«n'- >SC"CCT-T ccc Poland in Advocating1 the CarolinaB and "went as far and now residing in Haifa, PalFolks Attend Affair s.t " " local Talmud Torah, will speak as Flordia. JewB near the Artie; the Measure estine, who will be honored at a J. 0, G. • on "Tiie Value of a Talmud Torai Pooli: i Je?ws on the shores, of the gulf luncheon on Thursday, March 19, Education." of Mexico!.In my mind I add Warsaw (JTA) — Deputy Jan- at one o'clock at the Jewish ComA. Katz, Talmud Toraa princiWith the Jewish Commtinkr these Jews to the Jews whom • I ina PryBtor'B bill to outlaw shech- munity Center." pal," will present in brief the plans ! Center lobby, gymnasium, c. have met and lived with in Berlin' ita, Jewish ritual method of slauOne of the Interesting features of the Talnmd Torah lor the fu| aoditori-ani packed to capacity, the and the Sahara desert, in Jerusa- ghtering animals, was rushed of the afternoon trill be a Pal," BUP"por _*-«,. ture. •" . RouBd Tafcle of Jewish Youth E CI r. • . PV lem and Tunis and Algiers, in through the special Parliament estinlal exhibit depicting' HadasHarry Silverinan will conduct ded another laurel to its record:,' , 1 * OOC l i t 1 1 1 t Vienna and Prague and Paris and commission last week with only sah's work in Palestine, which 13 the services in the absence- o£ j with its Purlin. Carniral acd rn of t l v V u-l 1 V i> Venice. ' Who says we, are~not a the Jewish and Ukrainian mem- being arranged by Mrs. David Rabbi David-Goldstein, who will! fourth'monthly dacce at the Gen'i' hT •mnn .' Goldstein. Mrs. A. H. Brodkey Is -people? " Someone -who doesn't bers voting against it. be in'Des.'Moines to occupy the • ter on Sunday evening, March &. ;»;*• <-r . <- ii t o B r The complete text of the mea\ putting up a complete "Welfare know his JBWB. Everywhere the pulpit -,o£ the Tifereth Israel syn-: -The entire first floor of v.he C.-T- - i f i V ' irlpci by ' same characters, problems, reac- sure was adoped by the commis- Station," with nurses, doctors, and agofeue. i Center was gaily decorated and 1 1 "erring- o1r h f I p r sion. An amendment offered by mothers who have come to have tions, dramas, fears, aspirations— •the gyninasiuia, the scene of-ihe ! f -Tnitted in. Jlf i 7 -extraordinary unity within this Government- representatives which their children examined. Others i carnival, was a inass of brightly ' I 1 emijrrati would permit ritual slaughter sufassisting Mrs. Goldstein with the rich1 and often staggering diveri colored balloons and ribbons. It J sity . A people and upon the ficient for Jewish requirements exhibition are Mrs. William AlIwas difficult to tell -which of tbe * This uoKfr v whole, at least to me, a people was rejected despite warnings berts, Mrs. David Blacker, Mrs. j booths proved most popular but I not only, despite our disasters and that the bill without it was un-J. M. Erman, and Mrs. Ernst ReuI Irons tbe crowds of youngpeople j. -' -man of divisions and insufficiencies, with constitutional since it violated the bin, Mrs. Charles Ross. | around them, it seemefi that c\l j cai o£ Ai : , . Use' Wsrlnsrg a touch of greatness but with right of freedom of religious obi came in 'or their share of patron[ Others on the committee are hoi.' with B u something else and something servance. The warnings were voic- Mrs. David Wice, table decora}age. The Phi Beta Epsilons ft- I rica'g pa m o r e . — an abundance of goodr ed by Dr. Bronslaw Zongollowicz, tions; Mrs. Al Fiedler and Mrs.president of: the World Sionist A record attendance for r Cos- i tracted many with their e m [ ness and an'abundance of vera- Catholic priest and Vice-Minister James Coreman, service; and Lib- organization. • : ' - " • he D e : t r concession: mnnity Forum lecture jammed ev- ' • of Cultus, acting as the Governfri city. >'r, Lipsk? by Kaplan, cooking. Mrs. A. S. ;With her * husband, Sigraund ery available inch of staafling Kappa Bingo Table was ment's representative. s OP;', are r the A. Z. A. No. l G 0 . b e t h e P~inc:pt.I speaker r,Warburg, and their .three clilldren, space at the Jewish Community filled; I.say: at.least to me. '.Yet it Rubnitz is in charge of reservama In a sharp debate that preced- tions and Mrs. Julius Stein is gentions he has 1 «i should be so to every observer, Mrs. Warburg. moved to Haifa, Center Wednesday evening to •"TwentT-Sls" Game was extreme- > s s meeting: of the Kizrschi. to xvery: right observer. For hoed adoption of the bill. Dr. Emil eral chairman of arrangements. Palestine two years ago. She is hear Dr. Alfred Adler, •vrorld- ly popular, and the A. S. A. No. 1 ib e held at the B'nai Israel Ej-na-: o ' American- r\ ilobservation is right, no observa- Sommerstein, Jewish deputy, de- Mrs. O. C. Belzer, program chairlamous psychologist from. Vienna, "Wheel of Fortune" kept many I gogrue, 18th and Chicago streets.'repenting Distribution Cn tion is tolerable which is not bas- manded that it be transferred to man, will present the Steinberg assistant to Miss'Henrietta Szold, close the Forum series with his interested. The forime telling next "Weanesaay evening. constitutional commission. His sisters of Council Bfuffs. United Prur r I* • • reteran"'Zionist-leader,- who is the talk on "The Three Great Prob- booth, attracted great numbers IS, at 8 p. m. . ed on love. Even the great hea- amotion to that effect was rejected. and the supplies at the refreshRabbi Miller is president of the World COUTH director of the • Youth Aliyah lems of Life." thens have known that. RememMme. Prystor, wife of the Sen- Mrs..Warburg arrived Wednesment stands were all exhausted South West Rio Pacific Region of has. howevet f ber your Nietzsche: "Wo du nicht movement. She has visited eight 'Se -went' into detail concerning day, February 1 2 / o n the BereniRunch its conn lieben. kannst da geh vorbei," ate's president, in speaking for garia, and will make a three- European .countries "in behalf of j tbe problems of life, socialJnter- at the end of the evening. The Mizrachi. r E. T. C. Sorority, the Phi Delta j Empire cm "where thou canst not love-:—pass her measure sharply attacked the month coast-to-coast tour of the est and relation, occupation, and Mu Sorority, the U. T. Sorority, [leaders hope if by!" (This saying, by the wayJews, declaring it was not her bus- United States to describe the work the youth immigration work. She Sex, love and marriage. Fratority, and Alpha Pi Tar were ! i in the next. *" ' >i proves, if any proof were needed, iness to be concerned about the of the Youth Aliyah which Is con- speakB English fluentlj. , • Si "What direction the social Ln- i ~ She assailed j this special c T \ what coarse brutish louts the Nazi Jewish religion. in charge of the "eats'Xoise cerned with the transfer of Jewterest- of the individual takes, the shehita as being "against my rej, L i n e ! ^ < are even by the standards of the ish boys and girls between the were given noted ' psychologist declared, is j great men among the heathens.) ligion, against my country, against ages of 15 and 17 from Germany each person on entering the carconst5tK th 'in. usually determined in the third, fWell, I love' the' Jewish'people^— our- ethical c o n c e p t i o n s and to Palestine. In this country the fourth or fifth year of childhood. nival. against our pockets." Urging the the whole Jewish people, even In all, over "CO young people project is_sponsored by Hadassah, Some children, he said, show a j German J e w 1 frightened die-hard assimilation- commission-"not to be browbeaten, the Women's Zionist Organization representing twenty-fire youth orsocial interest in relation to their Below is a list of books of Jew- [accept the Co v is.ts. I feel with their feelingra by the Jews," she characterized of America, under whose auspices ing ana activities toward others—try to ganizations of the city participat- ish interest suggested fcy Fancy r-rl| which v;i\\ c m •ig i1 and understand their fears and their appeals to the rest of Eur-Mrs. Warburg's tour is being concontribute or co-operate in t h e ed. ope as treason and declared that Goldstein, tornider of Jewish Book I j y.-lnrb a 1 -' > ' 11 share their aspirations. I love Dancing was held throughout Week, who spoke here last week i cf e sd8 ducted manner they play with, other chilthose responsible for the appeals un - ' New York (WNS) — Approxitheir physiognomies . and their or the evening in the Center auditdren and react to their" parents. at the Center. Any of these books !; tion ot Gerrerr Mrs. Warburg, who is 32 years m a t e l y $22,500,000 -was the agjokes; their ways of eating and h a d n o right to^ Polish citizenship. The College Club or< Others do not show a social inWhile the bill was being rush- old, is a native of Kiel, Germany, drinking; I am glad to live with decIared ** 2 ' 3 5 ° terest but instead display a great- tra played and Ann Niernan was the Center through the Library | C 0 D f i l l e itself them and~pray with them' (pre- ed through the committee, Jews where her father was among the m W d l e c l a s s first Jewish Settlers and a f o u n ! imraigraTit families, er activity toward . m a t i n g mis- soloist. throughout' Poland spent the day Committee of the Trctnen'E Di~| cxc i UB j V i T -" y,x ferably if I may choose according The committee in nvestors and prospective inves- chief; are active for " their own •Ja.a^ protest fast and .praying . . charg-e of ar- , rision tinder the chairmanshir oJ j'--nthm-vis' der of the present Jewish comto the "unspoiled traditional lit' '" ngeiEents incliioed Loyal Kap- I r against the bill. rangemenis incluoed Loyal Kat>- i TIT^K • -n T'rB-v v r c TVnnt i . ., , , munity therel Her great grand- tors, who applied during 1935 toselfish interests without social in- Ian. urgy) pjid die with them. ' \ -\ Milton Trohra, Dick Hurwitz, • terest. BOW has a, number of copies o' And so I have tDe right t o make • Appointment of a Catholic father, Ludwig Lewysohn, was. the Tel Aviv -bureau of the Amerifurt'ons priest, Dr. Trzeciak, as expert for. Chief Rabbi of Cweden. / She is can Economic, Committee for Pal- He nrgeS mothers in particular Haskell CoheE, Joe Goldware, j t h e b o o k "Yossele'E Holiaar," n o t. 1> -report../' '•! . ., " Ernie Kogg, Be to develop the social interest in estine for industrial, agricultural the commission had drawn the Bchrp.aB. f.I'il•^...... ^uv^i.-c^. i.x.j- ;iwnicji MISS Goldsteip Gompteir recommeTecorr.ineT'a- ; b l i t . solely s. > TI--hir.-h TVTISK daughter-in-law drofessor BBfi To teach them is j cred Berg,'Sor.ia their children: Ottct^Warbare, noted' botsnist^of-" - commercial' .-data '.' aecessary oriia Roi-tstein, R u t h ; e c i J-JC^-IT- * o r ctvclven - The are Berkowitz, ; "p^stiVk/at Meroc. Harrr Ssckthe ground'that a Catholic was the University of Berlin, former for settlement and Investment' in Insufficient; oae must carefully | Friedman. Phyllis ly 'shaken.-"They are/dee1>ly"trou- not Palestine,'., it was" announced in a j watch-how the child answers the Bertha Guss, Frances Borcy. Sy- iler: ROEK of Ages. Robert Ncth- ! gireadr a m i r i Qualified to interpret the Jewb l e d . t They do not ,«arry. their ish religion. : • report Issuedhere by the' Com- mother's influence to determine lvia' TTeiner,. Lottie Kips, and •jsn; Motke the Thief, Sholom ] t - c e ; hearts "on their sleeves. ,They Mollie'Roitstein. whether the' child is progressing mittee's American headquarters. Asch; Salvation. Sholom A s c h ; ! - ^ / ' Joke; * they debate; they negate • A joint meeting of the RabbinThe booths and Center •were Three Cities, Sholom Ascfc; The j 'Revealing that German refugees in the right direction. He classed added i their own feelings very often in ical Assembly, the Executive of accounted for 46 peT cent of all as those lacking social Interest decorated by members of the Pope From the Ghetto. Gertrude I ^ -Ke .)p. , .. the Jewish Community and the order to be either comforted or grotips represented. the inquirers and that the other most. of our active failures, suiVon Le Fort; Why I Am s J ^ , j ^ ' - ^ ^ R ^ ^ ^ ' ^ confirmed. But they are shaken. Jewish Committee o f Sbechita represented 38 different countries, cides, delinquents, and active sex Edmund Flee; Mr Palestine. Efl- j tier British leadership. The f And not' least shaken are those (kosher slaughtering) adopted a the report points out that the perverts. mund Fleg-; Jesus, Edmund Fieg; which it will rpipe in the I" resolution dmeanding that Depuwho cling with a desperate last chief : economic problems with Psychology, he declared, "is a Heritage. Jessie M. Josephs: Tale j State.!; will, however, mslce- ii: tenacity to outworn ways and ex-ty Emil Rubenstein withdraw as which the Committee had to cope way of preventing the limitation oJ Cedars, Grace Agi"al&r: Moor's | sible- tc Gennsu ploded view-points and Impossible Jewish expert for the Parliament were unbridled dumping result- of social" interest. GoM. Ben Aronim; Call It Sleep, ) in Palestine. These fimrif, wi committee in protest against Dr. compromises. The divisions among ing from inadequate tariff protecThe individual lacking social lioriis: Roth: From the Kingdom us today are far more superficial Trzeciak's appointment. He sub-Show Falsity of Statement tion for infant industries estab- interest, said Dr. Adler, cannot available to the JevisK of Necessity, Isadore Schneider; Emanating from Belch than real. This scattered, disun- sequently resigned. FaiesHnp v/lrich vi.1! r-a lished upon reasonable economic properly, solve the problem of ses, Unquiet, Joseph Gollv.mb; BlessThe conference telegraphed a ited, squabbling disputing . mass the co-orclinatir.p RrM^s Officials bases; lack of sufficient customs love and marriage. This is a task Berlin (JTA1 — Hundreds of ed Is the Man, Louis Zaro: The of human beings is ready — des- protest to Premier Marjan Z. Kos'V^'orli;'': Council for OrrT expectant Jewish mothers ere tskJewish Caravsn, tariff exemption on raw materials; j for two people, demanding immeSrf-.wa.rlE; pite all appearances to the con-cialkowski, Minister of Cults and of suitable quarters to be j diate interest in one another, and) ing trips to England to give birth Yisroel—The First Jewish Omni- ry." trary — to be welded into a mor- Education Swletoslawski and the New York (JTA? — The sig'-lack leased manufacturing pur- \ if a person is interested only in | in order to obtain British citizen- bus, John Heritage; House on al unity for its own defence and Speaker of the Sejm (Parliament) nificance "of figures released in poses; "for lack of long term credit j himself, obstacles to 2. solution I ship for "heir childrpt Henrr Street, Lulian Wald: TVinBerlin puporting to show that the its own sustaining and a better asserting that only Jewish clergyvision facilities; and lack of an adequate | are inevitable. Often t h e right Anxious to prevent their chil-! dows on Henry Street. omen and more self-respecting coopera- men were authorized to interpret boycott has been penetrated "will approach is hindered because the dren from coming under the Nazi!Wald; No Food With Mj Meals, dwindle In" value in the light of supply of skilled labor. tion with its fellow Americans. the Jewish religion. 2-iXi The report also declared that marriage of tile person's parents j laws relegating the JPWS to sec-1 Far.nie Htirst My Portion. ReIt is ready. It is waiting for the Depuyt Rubinstein and Senator the Reich's rigidly controlled, fiwas an unhappy one. jond-class citizenship, the Mothers, j foecca Kohut; the Tel Aviv bureau has engaged nancial and trade policies," deAs I Know Them, magic word that shall achieve its Moses Schorr visited the Sejm "If parents -would look at the j in many cases, go so far as to risk j Rebecca Kohiit; Time: The Pres'he Women's Division ot i>* integration from a mob into an speaker, declaring that it was de- clared the Anti-Nazi League in a an experienced agriculturist to make an Intensive study of the problems i of life properly and jj airplane trips across the Channel. ' ent, Tess Siesinger: My Own, My ! Jewish Community Center nn«',. organism. Consciously or uncon- grading to the Sejm to bring a statement. 1 .they Native Land, L.anfi. Thyra p y could pre- jj In addition to the e fact tthat h t ji Native Thyra Ssmter Wins-j Welfare Federp.tioE 1'ekl s Mj.' ''' sciously it knows the word. I t Is religious dispute before its com- "The twin factors of import economic phases of dairy farming, would co-operate, poultry raising and vegetable successful deBRert luncheoii li-fjc waiting for the uttering, of the mission 150 years after the is-control and export subsidy wi vent a'.large number of later tail-i children bora in Britain automat-| low: The Cycle of growing on "private farms and that ures," i e stated. yra Samter Winslow; Three ; bridge party tit tbe Center fit. iically become British subjects. b word of redemption by those who suance of the Declaration of theprove that Germany's favjbrable the newly organized South AfriDr. George Xeuhaus introduced 1 they can, at the age of only a few Flights L'p, Helen Wood war; Tuesday, Me.rch J.O, The }.»hij=» balance of trade is apparent raare persuasive and trustworthy, Rights of Man. ther than real. American exports can Economic Committee for Pal- the speaker. Harry B. Cohen, days, apply for admission of their 1 Memoirs of Glucfcel of HameUn, were bes.ntifv.lly decorated •»-!,:>.• by leaders in whom it can have spring flowers and mptnber^ t*> JJM&rvin Lotventh&l; are benefited by sending them to estine has. become affiliated with chairman of the Forum commit- I parents into the country. . faith. And it is so willing to have other countries which can and dothe American.Economic Commit- tee. was chairman for the eve- These applications are made by ' Solomon Eeitlii;: Rebecca Graetz, j-the committee eerred, faith; it is so willing to hear and ning. guardians or agents for tbe chil- Rollin Asterweis; Once Vpom e | the luncheon, » etyle »b.ow import more, and whose payment tee.. to believe. And only the leaders dren. and the British authorities i Time and Today, Maud Isatlmn; j presented .by Herzborg'&. for their imports is not made in and. the leadership are .lacking. are disposed to treat them favor- \ West. End House, Jacob S. Min- j The entire proceeds of this the state-managed 'blocked marks' No, not, lacking. But the leaderB j ably. kia; The Erp\-lBion of the Jewsiisnr hsve been turned, into s. J of Germany. sire too few and,too sparsely placThe Psi Mu fraternity will celIn many cases, the Jewish mo- • From Spain. T&leriu ilarcu: The • cheu fund to re-«?fi«ip the ed' and too hurried and over-bur"Again, while German exports thers are attended in England hy ; city Without Jews, Kngo Bett- j kitchen. dened and too preoccupied (of ebrate its eighth annual Psi Muto the United States rose by 7.4" Day on Sunday, March 22. German Jewish doctors, some- hauer; Fiise and 3estiny of the) Mrs. Iionis Ne^elpM v.-pp necessity* alas) with immediate A complete afternoon and eve-per cent in 1935, American imtimes by their old family physic- Gerraan Jew, Jacob iTarcus: T h e ' raar.. and >!rr-. Hprbert cares and problems that need an ports from the rest of the world immediate and practical -answer. ning program lias been arranged, rose "by 25 per cent. The rise ians, since many nave left t h e j j e v of . Rome. Lion Fewcfctwati-' co-chpirm&n. Other Whistling in The Dark," the | < Reich and seup practice in Brit- 1 ger; Atttobiofrraphy, John C-our- • the • co'mtntttep w e : Mesflamf*: And so, in the great saying of Mil- the highlight being a "battle of in German exports to the world celebrated mystery comedy, 'will j ain. ton, the sheep are left unfed. basket ball champions." In what is due in large part to the 're-be. presented ..the Center Play-1 EOS: The Jews • Iiaugh, S. Felix i.T, Bernsteiri. A. A, Cohn. tit'"Their souls are left unfed. They should be a hard-fought tilt,, the ciprocal trade agreements with ers on'1'"Monday and Tuesday eve-1 MenaeissphB; Visions and Jewels. | Crounse, I. Dansky. John I"*it;:<i. Psi -Mu, J. C. C. championship are waiting for^ nourishment. Edward Gofid: Encyclopedia of j Arthur Goldstein, .T. GcW-^nrfj, U.. other countries, which do not help nings'at 8:30 p. m . a t the Jewish winners, will clash with the NaTheir hunger Is upon their very Jewish Knowledge {I Vol.). «fsic-; M . GrecpbftBm, A. A, Greet">«>?*.. Community/Center auditorium. the acQuisitlon of foreign exfaces and in their very eyes. And tional Auto Parts, tltlists of thechange at all. This foreign exob de Haas. • Dave Greenbefp, J . 3, Of<?et!?->f>'"f;. This play, which enjoyed a long few or none have time or strength Knights, of. Columbus league, in change is very much needed, as arid successful Broadway run, is i Plays ; M E S Holsraaii. MOJTS }ini?li;>i;h the Center gym at 2:45 p; m. In to stay and feed the sheep of the Cantor A. SchtrEcskis was r-re-lriays oZ Clifford Odets, ' r i u l i p IHutEiiick. K, T. Lcvftif»t?<. a preliminary, the Jack Sprats Br. Schacht has said, but It is not the story o f - a young writer of • house of Israel. sented with a -srrist watch t y the ! Werfel: E t e r c s l Road, FraEK | Morrie Levey, riuHr- Lc-vcy, J . fc. crime fiction who accidently comes will meet the Sharp Shooters. En- forthcoming. officers'of t h e B'nai Israel syn-i Werfel. ' ! M&lEKhock, Jnck Mare-r. IJ, V, liri1"An export surplus of 124,200,- npon a group -of gangsters I hasten to say that this con- tertainment at the gar-.e will be Egogue for his ten years of serj Terse j<lr. Kymie Milder, Wm.. ivnifit;--, plot to kill the New York Police ; stitutes no criticism of the Amer- furnished through courtesy of 000 marks has been reached, say Commissioner, lie is forced to rice to t b e Eynagogue. His con-j A Harrest of Hebrew Verse, i n , Noddle, I, Rosenberg,. lr-/it. the figures. Considering that the ican Rabbinate either. Reform or WOW and John K. Chapel, who a memher. of the gang and t r a c t "eras renewed for two m o r e ! H a r r y F e i c : Selected PORIBE f.rd Julins Conservative. No Inference drawn will provide a group of radio art- export surplus in Germany in nor- become for them. He jParoaieE, LPHJS I"nte~mp:'er, T: V- t mal years was around 1,000,000,- plot their crime from my observation is surer than ists. ! The presen tBticn took place ; produces th'e:•'perfect murder and , Mi<yre51 RTW'-OBP 000 marks, it will be seen howthis, that the men who man the Is Tretlak, general chairman, 1 thelcracial moment tuni3 tables j ' STsnday, March 8, »t the Pi-rim ! A Boot: of Jewsr-b 1 American Rabinate today are ex-announces that the fraternity will far from any true advance these at on thegangsters.;,.. concert spoBsored T;y the synajro-i Kabbi Herts: S'nsi B'rif.b. traordinarily devoted, enlightened provide a free afternoon dance in figures are." r The play Is Oiled -with clever STje In coajcrtctioii Tritn the Vaaa. JEine: World .Te^rry. and scholarly. If I had to choose the Center auditorium as a gest Mr-, hinl .Miv. Jfite lioueu J " ' " -witty expressions, }t The Hazoffiir choir "which cave | • ^hiAAjm"^ W r b my friends for the rest of life ture of good-will and appreciation Mr. ana 'Mrs. J&ke F«,lk have i » 1 coscert, -was • directed bjCarter I Aventnres of K'TOT?. Ton, Saflic and eicifjng ...moments'.afld scenes. from a single group or body of for the support given to Psi: Mu Rabbi Uri iEEer to BCBted to the Beth-KI sj'Eag'oi . Sch-waczkin. (Rose Weilerstesn; Topseie's HoJI..'Jack"femin,-wild EO..successful- •• men it would be from the Amer- projects by the Jewish public. E new Seiet Torfeh in niemoi-y . Be Guest a l l »' " . • I <3ay. Sorts Masser: Ac,.Tentv,vinf in ly-played the part of Juris, t h e ican Rabbinate. I am surer of A banquet for Psi Mu members Wosaea t o j Paleeiine, Marie Keul?eiiEteiti; Russian-* refugee in "Rain From nothing concerning American Jew- and thir wives and dates will be This. Torafc viU Tip Rabbi TJri Miller ot New Or-Heaves", plays Porter, the crime •r Sophie Ufils; °ung Israel Kapszwe, ry, than that and I think it but held during the evening. •vriifc appropriate, cererooniep S leans, , former spiritual leader of novelist. "Bess Goiavsxe, another | T i e Pioneer Women wIU honor j just to emphasize i t with all posJs,zk •j day evenine, April I S . Mr. Iv ln itne Vaad Ha'Ihr in Omaha, will piayer who-has made her appear-; Mrs, Soplsie Tcin B.t a, luncheon j sible force. ; . . ' Leviu IK general Vitli j be guest of honor and featured Gin TO BSW-EL. housekeeper-, of the gangsters. ance prerloiiBly•• on t h e Center to be given a t tfce «. C. C , March I C.asedO.on.l wTheir.ter. lOyrbe ! charge of arrangeme-ntB. ; y j speaker at a meeting and tea of , Helen-Merritt-is director of the 27. , 'Toby, Ms fiancee. . ^ . j Meet ©E ftlss But the rabbi, except in the case . The • Beth-El synagogue was thethe "Women's Mizrachi, to be held stage,"is Tirodccticn and. Sylvan Fraskel is j As a large attendance is expect- j 2'nai Britfe y:itl hold a roeeting ". Harold. S.-.Tuchzasn,. another farecipient of an unusual gift this of a few outstanding men who at the J. C C neit Wednesday Tbiite, plays t h e part of J a k e Dll- assietaat director. The sets -were ed. the org-aaization ti-ges that Mondar, March 16, &t the S. C. C, Pr©fTessiff Hebrew bave the gift of leadership and week. Mr. Lorenzo Donaiico of afternoon. Ion,"~-the ."boss". • His henchmen designed by Robert ,BriE,keina of reservations be-made early, -with! Irving li of Ijincom. wellOmaha and Mr. W. E. Swanson of the fearlessness of leadership /—This -will be, an. open meeting?. are Harry "Levenson"-ana Milton I the Corninnnitr"_Playhouse. Una jany laember of the group. ! knov.-n yo-iBg orator, "Kill give the A -regular meeting ol the the fabhi Is involved for 1.1B peo- Chicago Tiave purchased fifty Fes1 gressive Hebrew chtb vrill be jmain address. ple with the cares and customs tival prayer books for the synago- and all members of the Mijraehi Prohm, ne"wcosiers -to-the Center Gross is prorapter. rform- I Jerasaleia—Dr. Bov Weinert, i Max Baer, assistant executive STiadaj-, Msrch 15, at 2:30 p. tn and repotitions of life's'common gue in memory of the late Harry and their friends are invited. In- .Playerar.'Bick'Hurwitz, Hy Teiaia,. AdmissSqa to tiese '** cluded on the program -will be vo-assfi Joe "Cohen, -ss-ho have appear- ancea are free to Ceater meinbsrs. i formerly President-of the Siouist secretary of the A. Z. A. will give at the 3. C, C. Business tst f" day. He is involved with the Ztmman. xnendoHS 'impor&tnce «n»'community as a whole- and can These prayer books will be used cal selections- by Sadye Beber snd ed Miore in Center Players' pro- Single aamlssioa tickets to non- Federation' in 'ZisTich sad editor & news review.. for t h e first time this coming j song: ..and dance numbers by lit-ductions. Martha ESnselsteSa - wfli members are fifty-ceuts asS may of th« Zionist organ Juedische All membere are • crged to at- cusse4, Al niemtoerE arc (Continued 8.) e& to Passover. • tle Annette SegaL play the.Dart, of Hilda, t t e old] be obtained at'the box office. Helm, lias settled Is Jerusalem. tenr 1

•y S. McDonald, Deceased. • itice Is Hereby Given: That the

Itors of said deceased will meet administrator of said estatei berac. County Judge ot Douglas lty. Nebraska, at th-J County

t Room, in said County, on the

day of April, 193G, and on the day of June, 193S. at 9 o'clock IL, each day, for the purpose of anting their claims for : exsminaadjustment and allowance. Three ths are allowed for the creditors resent their claims, froni the .13th of March. 193<5. . ': BRTCE CRAWFORD, •3t County-Judgre.

ix ro









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Saving A Generation By Transplantation



The Youth Aliyah Is a move* merit transferring Jewish boys and girls between the age of 15, and 17 from Germany to Palestine.- In this country the project is sponsored by Hadassah. In Palestine it is under the supervision of Miss Henrietta Szold. How are these Nazi victims selected for transfer? How are they prepared for Palestine? This article written by .the daughter-in-law of Professor Otto-Warburg, answers these questions u p p e r m o s t in the minds of American Jews. Sirs. Warburg will be honored in Omaha by.Hadassah at a luncheon next Thursday. — THE EDITOR Events In Germany have produced so much hardship on the victims of Nazism, it seems hardly necessary to give any more examples of it.. What seems to me tte worst outcome of it all is the hopeless situation of the young. ; At an age when boys and girls all over the world bave the most hopeful outlook on life and however far ahead refuse to coPFider anything unobtainable,- the Jewish boys and girls of 15 and 1G in Germany are bereft of any hope ior their future. Most of the secondary and hipher schools arp closed to them. Some migM, under certain circumstances, -ater the university, but what for? They ate not allowed to take examinations. The same applies to the technical schools. Many boys and girls are eager to learn carpentry, the locksmith trade, become shoemakers or tailors. They c&nnot learn these trades In Germany. German artisans are not allowed to have Jewish apprentices and there are no Jewish master craftsmen. •, A few Gentile carpenters were brave enough to accept Jewish boys for training, even last year. After a few weeks they were forced to send their Jewish apprentices away and were punished by boycott and smashed windows. It Is not. even possible for the young people to learn agriculture as a preparation for emigrat i o n . Not one German peasant I dares to have a Jewish pupil in | h i s house. The girls may go into {Jewish households, andjjoor parjents have to accept the servantfi career; for, their daughter as ofy.fering the enly opportunity. , | When the pupils of an upper I class of a Jewish coeducational L 1 school In Berli. were . asked," beI { fore the end of the semester, what they "intended to do"; it was distressing to notice the hopeless glance in • the young eyes', when almost unanimously the answer | was "I don't know." One third ' of them did know and their spirit i was different. "I have registered •with the Youth Aliyah; I expect j to be able to go to Ealestine shortS ly." "I was. promised a certifi, cate with the next Youtlj Aliyah i group." These were the answers. j The Youth Aliyah provides an ; organized youth immigration to I Palestine, the country of Jewish hope and future where youth is the most wanted element for the upbuilding of the national home. There these boys ,and girls receive a two-year course of training in practical occupation, mostly on the land. The work of the Youth Aliyah is performed through two channels. The center for emigration is in Berlin, for Immigration \ i n Jerusalem. In Berlin three organizations have formed themselves Into the- "Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Kinder und Jugendallyah" in the early summer 1933. f- They consist of "Ben Shemen", a children's farm -in Palestine, originally founded for pogrow orphans from' Eastern .Europe and well established in Palestine since 1922; the ^Havarah", a Berlin orphanage that has been In existence for twelve ' years and has now opened a ,new branch near Haifa, and the "Jugendhilfe", rep-

resenting almost the whole Jewish youth movement in Germany,' including the religious Zionist circles.; These organizations are responsible for selecting the candidates to be sent to Palestine, trying to avoid undue hardships in choosing hundreds only from among the thousands who apply for emigration certificates. They do not permit themselves to be • carried away by appalling : home conditions, though these are taken into consideration, but decide on the basis of the mental and physical fitness of the young candidates. To prove his fifness for a hard life of labor in Palestine, each candidate must first undergo a medical examination. If he is found to be in good physical condition, he enters -a preliminary training camp where he lives for four to six weeks with a group of boys and girls, all destined for the same place. During this period the children le'ad exactly the sort of life that they will" lead In Palestine during their two years of training. They work-four hours a day and study another four hours. One or two leaders who are assigned to go with the group to Palestine have the special task of discerning whether any candidate is emotionally or physically unsuitable for the new life before him. Some applicants do not fit into the particular group they are placed with, but there are also individuals who cannot bear to live in groups at ail, and some children are found to be too delicate for manual work. . Thisv very important task of selection has naturally to be carried out In Germany. In addition, the propaganda work for this movement is centralized In Berlin. Frpm there the committees in various countries, European and others, receive information regularly and are visited by members of the German committee to be assisted In their campaigns. A sum of 12 poundB ($360) covers the expenses for one child for maintenance and education during the two-year course of training. Travelling expenses are mostly met by parents or Jewish relief organizations. A considerable amount is collected inside Germany of which 1,000 pounds (about $5,000) may be transferred per month. • In Palestine a Youth. Aliyah department of the Jewish Agency was opened in the autumn of 1933 as a branch of the Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews. Miss Henrietta Szold consented to act as head of this office and it is mainly due to the high esteem In which she Is held by the Jewish population of Palestine that this work has met with such wonderful results. . Up to now the High Commissioner has granted about 1,000 Youth Certificates over and above the general' quota. They we're given for boys and girls from. 15 to 17 years of age. It is one of the very responsible tasks of the Palestine department of the Youth Aliyah to negotiate with the Government on behalf of the young immigrants and to apply for every individual case. The Government demands a guarantee from the Jewish Agency for any child coming in with a Youth Aliyah certificate until he reaches the age of 18 years. This guarantee amounts to 72 pounds ahead annually, as demanded by the Government. The Jewish Agency can only afford to give this guarantee to the Government If a counter-guarantee Is given by the Youth Aliyah organization, but, owing to money restrictions in various countries and other difficulties, a sum covering the upkeep for one whole year must be deposited In Palestine prior to the arrival of each youth. . Besides the financial guarantee, a health certificate must be put before the Governement on application of the immigration permit. • •*

In addition to those who arrive on special Youth Certificates, children come in with parents or by certificates by the Ben Shemen Children's Village, which is recognized by the Government as an educational and agricultural institution and which is in a position to obtain certificates directly, thus bringing the total number of the young immigrants to about 1,400 who will be in Palestine at. the end of March. It may be guessed from what was" said about the responsibility towards the Government that every single case must be kept under permanent control. This pedagogical and medlial supervision is carried- out by travelling social welfare workers under the direction of Miss Szold and with the assistance of the Kupath ChoIim, the workers' sick benefit association. A record of every member of the Youth Aliyah department in Palestine. It is necessary to decide the suitability of a settlement, especially as far as sanitary conditions are concerned, which must often be improved before a Youth Aliyah group may be allowed, to enter it. The preparations for the arrival of the groups are also supervised by Miss Szold and her assistants. A movement of such gigantic measure and without any parallel in the history of the Jewish people must necessarily involve many sided labor, but at the same time those who work in the movement experience a sense of satisfaction and an unmatched joy in their tasks. You can visit 20 rural settlements in Palestine where you will find healthy and happy looking boys and girls at work in the fields with the tractor, in the vineyard and In the garden. In the workshop and in the kitchen. You will meet girls mending and sewing, others looking after poultry and bees and some at the nurseries. Meet the workers of a Kevusah (communal settlement), hear them talking about their young companions and you will be overjoyed, , as I was, more than once, when I was told that one or another branch of work could not do without them. In general, the young people get accustomed to.the manual work very.rapidly, love it and devote themselves to it with industry and zeal. They carry themselves v?ith pride, enJoying the glory of labor. It Is pathetic to realize the touching joy of those children who had been living some time In France where they were chased and persecuted as soon as they attempted to do some work.. It is wonderful to listen to their lessons, Hebrew language, Jewish history and tradition, knowledge of Palestine, general. history and natural science. ' Youth Aliyah gives the Jewish world the opportunity to rescue a whole generation of fine youths, not only saving them the horrors of persecution, unemployment or child labor but also giving them the chance to develop their minds before they have to earn their living. (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

no3 HAGADAH Passover Seder Service

CtonpUatati «l

MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Goq;! to tk* l*tt Drop KOSHER FOR PASSOVER A CentnX Food* Product

This Hagadah, attractively illustrated, with an English translation and an original English introduction which clarifies the Seder Services, will be distributed free* as a gift by the makers of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE with every pound can of Pessachdige coffee that you buy at your grocer's. Get your Hagadah at your grocer's before the supply is exhausted.

Footnotes *** to **•

Headlines By Robert Stone XORTH AMERICA N E W YORK JUDGE DECLINES TO INCORPORATE SUSPECTED NAZI ORGANIZATION . . . Sure — why legalize barbarism? CANADIAN CHURCH LEADERS URGE DOMINION TO OPEN DOORS TO GERMAN REFUGEES .'. . Yes, but the labor or-, ganizations don't believe in it. AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION ASKS JEWS TO OPPOSE NEW YORK ANTI-NAZI BILL . . . RidiculouB—suppression of Naxjsm is a progressive act. ARMENIAN MERCHANT FROM ILLINOIS SENDS MONEY FOR GERMAN JEWS . . . The Armenians know what persecution means. i NEW YORK JEWISH TENANTS FORCE JEWISH LANDLORD TO FIRE NAZI JANITOR . . . Retaliation may bring Herr Hitler's friends to their senses. BUFFALO EDUCATOR PREDICTS DISAPPEARANCE O F AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN JEWS . . . Can't be done — not even by force as Mr. Hitler has learned. EUROPE PARIS M E E T I N G CALLS WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS FOR THIS AUGUST . . . It'll finish up by being another preliminary conference to a conference to call a congress. HUNGARIAN PREMIER ENDORSES NUMERUS CLAUSUS

Jerusalem — Intended mainly f o r people abroad interested in Palestine, a new English weekly is'to make its appearance in Jerusalem. Named "Palestine" it will be edited by Elias M. Epstein, who is resigning his post as general secretary of the Jewish National Fund to take up the editorship.

ed in Germany. The scrolls are beiug distributed among the smaller communities in many parts o£ Czechoslovakia.

Belgian King Heads Levant Fair

(Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Brussels—King Leopold II has Feature Syndicate.) accepted the chairmanship of the Belgian committee which is arranging for an official Belgian Torah Scrolls pavilion at the bi-ennlal Levant Fair in Tel Aviv. The Fair opens on April 30th. Prague—Jewish refugees from Germany arriving here are bringing with them the Torah Scrolls The firms advo tising in the from synagogues in Jewish com- Jewish Press merit and deserve munities that have been liquidat- yonr patronage.


ANNOUNCING! The Discontinuance of Disability Cover- ft age with Life Insurance IN THE VERY NEAR TUTURE, The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, one of the last, will withdraw the issuance of Life Indemnity Disability Coverage in connection with Life Insurance. Official notice will be brief, perhaps by wire, following similar action of other companies in the past. If you have need for additional coverage to round out your program—ACT NOW—and phone



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FOR JEWS IN INDUSTRY . . . It has been in force without the endorsement. BRITISH SCHOLARS REJECT BID TO HEIDELBERG CELEBRATION . . . .Fair play has always been the motto among British scholars. FRENCH PAPER REVEALS HITLER ONCE LOVED VIENNA JEWESS , . . and the paper is

XORTH A»IERICA N.Y.U., L.I.U., C. C. N. Y., ST. JOHNS, NOTRE DAME AND PURDUE BOYCOTT OLYMPIC BASKETBALL TRYOUTS . . . That's just like Joe Louis boycotting a heavyweight championship match. PATRONS AND MUSICIANS TO BOYCOTT NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC FOR ENGAGING W I L H E L M FURTWAENGLER AS CONDUCTOR . . . Anti-Semitism even when served with music sounds bad. NEW YORK MOHEL AND HOSPITAL PAY $400 FOR CIRCUMCISING CATHOLIC BABY BY MISTAKE . . . Stupid — they should have received a premium because aside from religion it's hygienic. . ORT REPORTS 500 JEWS EMPLOYED IN ITS FACTORIES f IN BIRO BIDJAN . . . Yes, Biro Bidjan is getting larger and larger an the Jewish map. EUROPE KING LEPOLD A C C E P T S CHAIRMANSHIP OF BELGIAN JEVANT FAIR COMMITTEE . . . The Belgian King is a good businessman. FRENCH PRESIDENT HEADS RO-PALESTINE COMMITTEE . . France has always realized the mportance of the Jewish National Homeland. . NAZI DEPRIVE A R N O L D ZWEIG OF GERMAN CITIZENSHIP . . . He gave it up when he moved to Palestine. POLISH ' ANTI-SEMITES ESCORT LAST JEW OUT OF TOWN WITH BAND OF MUSIC . . . . here will come a time when they will welcome him back — with

music .sometime in 400 years. LONDON POLICE ORDERED TO ARREST ANTI-SEMITIC AGITATORS . . . Long jail sentences will also help. POLESTIXE JEWS BROUGHT 890,000,000 INTO PALESTINE DURING 1935 . . . Not a bagatelle for any country.

Hew Weekly

EXCLUSIVE in the Downfown Store in the Faidiey Bldg., 16th and Douglas, but all items carried ,._,—,—rin all Hinky-DInlcv Stores are also stocked here!


promptly suspended, although France claims to believe in a free press. AFRICA JEWISH BOARD OF DEPUTIES TAKES STEPS TO CURB OVERSEAS SCHNORRERS . High time — South African Jews have been victimized too long. PALESTINE TOSCANINI TO C O N D U C T FIRST CONCERT OF PALESTINE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA . . . Tel Aviv may become the Bayreuth of the world.

"This Hagadah Is Free At Your Grocer's

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- i.

scrolls are being distiributjion'g the smaller communih. many parts of Czechoslo-


likely to come from the nativePathe before his connection, with ing to Palestine. born Americans of Yankee and Columbia. Rabbi Wise took occasion to *•*• Nordic stock in the agricultural GOIiDTHTX STAR NOMINATED regions of the Midwest and North| tack reports of E newspaper 1n^> The unerring eye of Samuel west than from the American of Goldyn for choosing outstanding .view with Averj" Brundage, <•'!!>->"• Jewish stock in New York City. screen personalities now has reI man of the American Olymiii.* Examination of Jewish particiceived official sanction by the jCommittee, in which he liad Ra-ii; pation In American life might be Academy of Motion Picture Arts carried further b u t the findings I that if other means -failed, •>.<•• and Sciences. We-learn that of would remain the same. Jews do Fonpht siz teminine stars selected as [ declare Eeieh Jews Should i erEl not dominate the American scene. By-the Service Life lasiirancej the nominees for the Academy's best Company, Omaha I the American Olympic team, Find Honor and SalavaThey do not even dominate major acting award for IBS5, two of "Not one dollar will he t sectors of the American scene. tion in Fatherland . Should American Jews be aw related to commercial activi- ish intellectual superiority. Life insurance is more than them are the only women stars They do, however, monopolize cer. have from oiir Federal Gev; Xearfnl of the future? Hare ties like real estate and textiles under contract to Gcldwyn. One ' «~ practical evidence that a man The Jewish advantage in the of them is Merle Oberon, his BritNew York (JTA)—Proposals merit," Dr. Wise Blsten. Jews monopolized economic op- where Jews are peculiarly active.. professions, then, is rather sha- tain minor provinces. What is loves his family. about the Jews in ish discovery. Goldwyn's Studio, for exodus of German Jew? were rjr. Bohr, criticized the JIIPT; porttmlties in this country? a r e It is for that reason" that the im- dow than- substance. And so, but remarkable It is building the foundation other, words,' is not their industrial therefore, has a S3 per cent attacked by Dr. Stephen S. Wise. cxpatriatinc 3,00,000 Jews i"r they OTer-runnlng the liberal portance of Jews in trial work is much more so, is the Jewish im- power for financial happiness, setting up but their curious industrial professions? Do they control significant. Their presence in the%portance in poltics.\ Anti-Semites distribution, to gain t i e foremost honor president of the American Jew-:'Germany nF an their tendency to a safeguard that guarantees home, | chance o ft n e banking? Do they dominate the courts means not only that Jews usually put that importance, in crowd together . ish Congress, and'Dr. Frank Bohr on the grounds- that it wap education, opportunity for wife j industry. in particular ! chairman of the Emergency Com-: possible for exet'u'.ion" and ' movies? Are .the Jews more are able trial lawyers but also two ways ,-for purposes of effect squares of the checkerboard. The and children, using a thrift plan,CAKL LAEMJILE, JUNIOR ittee Communistic, in proportion, that non-Jewish lawyers tend to if not for purposes of logic. First, reason for their crowding must be that brings results, guaranteeing to German refu-' ;J would 1»P impossiblp to The only son of Carl Laemmle, j ™ }°T than any- other racial unit? Is prefer the fat fees and regular "the New Deal is the Jew DeaL" found in their most pronounced ease when old age comes. SOD person? at a room lor that many r r f u p w president cf Universal Pictures j feeS-. the New Deal a "Jew Deal?" hours and routine, solicitor-like Second, "all Communists are Jews psychological trait — their clan- Life insurance costs money. Corporation, wn.o celebrated the ' of the congress women's; proposed instead fhft the ' Are the radio, publishing and ^abors of their offices to the ac- and all Jews are Communists." nishness, their tribal inclination. Certainly. j30th anniversary of his assoeia- division in the Commodore, | 000,000 En.tliFh-ppeclcinc amusement worlds run by Jews? tive, comSative, -professional, ser- As to the New Deal, FORTUNE The reason for their choice of But if your income were cut ten jtion with the motion picture in- ' "There is to be no exodus from : protest to tlie Nazis. Do Americans consider the Hit- vice of the law courts. Non-Jew- has already pointed out that Jewlast month, is Carl Laem-• Germany," declared Dr. Wise. Carrie German Catt, w which per cent, you would keep on liv- imdustry lerites .justified in driving out ish lawyers have themselves to ish influence in Mr. Roosevelt's ing, wouldn't you? Cut it your-| cal e > J r - His son was born in Chi-; "The German Jews have the right leader, denounced persecut to crowd must be found in histhank if they think the trend of Washington is minor. Attempts the German Jews? In short, do self and put. the money where it.; E°> IU-» April 28, 1908. Ke re- : to remain in Germany. The thing : minorities. 3!r. Stephen S. American Jews run this coun- judical decisions has recently been to make it seem important rest torical accident. Jews are in will do you and your family the | ceived his education at Ethical i we will oppose is a plan to save chairman of the women's contrary to the spirit of Anglo- on misrepresentations and no a- scrap iron because they were once try? good. | Culture and Clark Academies in ' Jewish money at the expense of I urged intensification of tlie ason law. mount of political whispering can in the junk business and they most Amazing and ludicrous as that the man ! New York City. He entered mo-; Jewish honor the world over." K e Nazi boycott. Remembering were once in the junk business besuch queries might appear,, they The medical situation is not change that fact. "As to Commun- cause a penniless immigrant could who does not provide a fairjtioa pictures in 1525 at Universal j continued: have been analyzed, investigat- unlike the legal. There is no ism the finding of • the Congres- make T h e fi rms advertising in start there on a shoe- amount of insurance makes a bet j City,' preparing stories and super-; "yv-e Of t he American Jewish ed and statistically surveyed \by equally clear-cut separation of sional Committee of 1931 that 70 string. a Jews ress merit find CPC that he will live—a bet which | vising production in a series of Congress are not interested in Jewish are in the movies . the famous American publica- fields of professional activity but per cent of the U. S. Communist because they were in movie thea- wife and children pay after he is short subjects. Because of the ;s a v i n g Jewish wealth, but in pre- your p?:trron RE: e. tion "FORTITNE," and through there is the same disparity be- Party was alien with Jews pre- tres and because a few success- dead. suecess of these pictures, Junior •s e r v i n g j e w i S h Becurity and honspecial arrangement with the tween numbers of Jewish doctors dominating has been effectively ful cloak-and-suit manufacturers was named an.associate producer or_ A l , y p l i m t o E t r e E gthen Narebutted. The truth is that of the editors of "FORTUNE," the and extent of Jewish ~medical in- 27,000 U. S. Communists, few of invested their cloak-and-suit proand in 1928 became general man-,zl - sm though the establishment of Visit.... Seven Arts Feature Syndicate fluence. New York, far example, the higher officers and only 3,500 fits usefully in the amusement ager of Universal City, iaemmle, !a S c h a c h t b a n t a n d e a l e o { N a s ! i and the Jewish Press are pub- has numerous good Jewish doc- to 4,000 of the .members of the business. (The connection between Jr. held this position for five g o o d s v i I I m e e t T i t h o u r d e t e r . Omaha's Newest lishing this survey in a series tors and_ a few very great Jewish years and recently became pro-; m i n e d op p OS i t jon. By LOUIS PEKARSKY the movies and the cloak-and-suit Ultra-Modern of five" articles of which the fol- doctors. But Jews do not occupy party are Jews. business is still esthetically be- SEENAXD HEARD EN" HOLLY- fiucer to concentrate on his own | "We will help the Jews of Gera position of power corresponding HABERDASHERY lowing is the fifth and last series of special productions. i The reason for the general im- trayed from time to time.) Were WOOD many, but first of all we will go —THE EDITOR" to their abilities or their numbers pression of Jewish and Commun- the four and a half millions of Paramount Studios has extend-; GOING THROUGH THE MAIL I on with our opposition to the Nain the profession. Hospital med- ist identity is simple. First of American Jews scattered more or Cleaning up the day's mail we ! ed the contract . for one year of There remain for consideration ical boards and the like are apt all, as we have had occasion to less evenly over the whole indus- Benny Bakerr^ho"plays comedy ! f i n d E o m e interesting bits of news on with our opposition to the Naj zis.and we will not surrender the the two related fields of politics to be controlled by non-Jewish observe, the Jews are urban and trial acreage, and were they as parts in films. , _ .]i a D 0 I l t Jewish personalities in Hoi- j is of the Jews or any other and the professions — particular- doctors, though revolving offici- largely concentrated in New York. fond of rural communities and now on a loan to Columbiawho Studirwooa that may make good readj to live as free men in Gerly law and medicine. The anti- ates with Jews and non-Jews al- The radical movement is also ur... , , ^ i los> ina nv,na cinno Kotran : ing for for you. you. Mack Mack Gordon Gordon and a s grrnno o n e I fjiT ar sm c e n "ho e towns as they are of great oegan ° • . Semitic contention as to the pro-:ternating are sometimes employ- ban and largely centered in New small . . , , , . % i hie theatrical carppr in Ttnrhpcitpr ! Harry Revel, noted music compoAt the same time he stated fessions is that the Jews hare ed. And north, west, and south York. Secondly, the Jewish mem- cities, their presence as Jews | New m *«*erter. .dear»old -York, "where'le played "in !BE e r s - s„a i l e d KSaturday for fl o jof New York the conflict lessens. would hardly be noticed by other crowded out the rest of the popbers of the Communist Party are st He is a native of Lincoln, London, where they will spend the j ^ * J«rs ^ ^ ^ l A f ^ The chief difference between very commonly the intellectual Americans. The whole point of i stock. ulation and are monopolizing all the 1'nest on an assign-; Reich should be aided m gom e E three months e opportunities. To - prove which law and medicine is that the feel- with his background of Talmudic the inquiry is that wherever the j sNebraska, and folks in Omaha alj o know Jan Kiep-i * *° TJ* music for Gaumontbe, industrially or culanti-Semites cite estimates guess- ing between Jews and non-Jews I dialectic is mentally predisposed Jews may y , press agents say he is i British Productions . .*'. Sam Jaffe ii«; . . . . . . ing that a third to a half of the is much stronger in the latter pro- to Marxism to a degree which he turally or p o s s y or mere- « a to He turally or professionally ear 7i lawyers in New York City and at fession than in the former. The himself rarely appreciates. And ly geographically, they are always | Polish sailed for Eur, Marlene Dietiieh her new oneJewish) of Hitler'sships, the i P l onnot least a third of the doctors are reason for that feeling is this: of Marxism -with its internationalism' present in numbers and they are | ope Bremen.' (Ve thought "the"'Nonj Picture . . . Erich Wolfgang Korn• '$. j l!i > musical genius of _ Vienna, j * Jews. One obvious rejoinder is approximately 14,000 young men and anti-nationalism is eminently almost always present as Jews. Sectarian Anti-Nazi League and|E° And therein too lies the point for that a third of the population, of and women attempting annually fitted to the emotional needs of arranged the beautiful Men- ; p o e bycott f j champions of the boycott of j New York is also Jewish .and that to enter the seventy-six reputable a people without a -fatherland. of the so-called Jewish problem. other German-made goods and services delssohn musical score for the percentage of Jewish lawyers U. S. medical schools 50 per cent The attachment of men of other Granted, as any open-minded man k R i h d t ' f i -l1™ production dti "A ^\„"_-?. and doctors in other cities with are Jews, while of the 6,000 more blood to the earth on which they who has. read the facts here col- j ^o-ali- be interested in learning Midsummer bt Dream, has s or less who get in only 17 per lected must grant, that the Jews do \ that) . . . Ernst Lubitsch is a very j smaller Jewish populations is corb e e n were born is sometimes incom. , ^ , ^ 0 ~UJ^ ^ the Paramount I signed by Warner Eros, f or , * cent are Jews. Non-Jewish doc- prehensible respondingly smaller. to the traditionally not come within gunshot of run-. i Studio's Ophotographer's gallery as , another distinguished assignment. : « tors~cite these figures as proof of ning America and that their sum , Another equally, obvious reply Hisnest earthless Jew. But most imporeffort will be to compose g is that 50 per cent of New York tfee danger of Jewish aggressive- tant, Jewish intellectuals are at- bers are no longer rapidly increas-'• he sits for passport photos, a pre- i an original for "Anthony £ lawyers does not mean. 50 per ness and commercialism in the tracted to radicalism because the ing and that there is no color of lude to his trip to Europe to seek Adverse" . . .score Sylvia Sidney is to • profession while Jewish doctors new film talent and relinquishing cent of New York's lawyer power. Jewish intellectual very •under- reason for expecting successful "A Qnaliij- proflnct for Seasoning ; The most important office law cite them as proof of discrimina- standably feels that the "system" anti-Semitism here. Granted that of his supervision of production at be co-starred in one ofof MGM's 1936,; tion, arguing that if there are a the studio here . . . Many Jewish , business in America such as the the FORTUNE Survey, above quoCSSSSJSSSJSSXSSSSSSSSJXSJSESS^^ is against him. Non-Jews wishing law business incidental to bank- disproportionate number of Jews to become teachers and scientists ted, demonstrates the ability of notables from the film colony i following her outstanding perforin medical schools the reason may the' American people to suffer j turned out in a pouring rain t o ] m a n c e ia a Walter Wanger proeration, investment work, railand professional men are able to roading, patents, admiralty, and be that Jews are brighter than find more or less open opportun- Klan propaganda, and Silver Shirt hear the Earl of Listowel give his duction for another studio large corporation matters in gen- non-Jews. The truth seems to be ities for the exercise of their tal- propaganda and the propaganda impressions (and they weren't eral is in the hands of non-Jew- that medicine is merely the most ents. Such opportunities are fre- of the Nazi and still maintain very good ones, either) of Nazi (Copyrigh 1S3G by Seven Arts (Established 187S) Feature Syndicate.) ish firms many of which, even obvious point of collision between quently closed to ^he order. In common sense and basic decency. Germany Boris Morros, new forces Bet in motion by the pethough they have numerous Jew—• Co. b k i f s —• Sioux City —- Sioux Falls consequence the Jewisi. intellect- Granted" that there is strong rea- musical maestro at Paramount, is ish clients, have no Jewish part- culiar development of Jewish life ual is frequently closed to the or- son therefore for believing; that nursing a cold. And be has plenty "Agony Ai" £a. 0551 — Phone 594 — Phone 8S685 ners. Jewish legal activity jrill hi "America. Given the desire of der. In consequence lie is fre- Fascism can be defeated in this of company, too, in this pastime . Tel Aviv—The first "Agony" [ be found most commonly in the Jews to see their sons in the learn- quently a radical. And since he country. Granted all this, it still . . The contract of Pandro S. Ber-ad in Hebrew has just appeared . Aslwstos bankruptcy courts, real-estate law, ed professions, and.given their is able and idealistic and courage- remains true that the future of man, RKO-Radio producer, has jin Davar, Labor daily. It is apparSlafp-Tile negligence, divorce, collections, urbanization and hence their ac- ous and articulate he becomes the the Jew In America is puzzling. been extended for another year j ently addressed to an errant i u s and litigation in general. In oth- cess to free college education, and voice of radicalism. He provides, Can this universal stranger be ab- from March 23. band. The -advertisement reads as ) Asphalt and Gravel er words, Jews are largely to be given the assiduity of Jewish chil- under his own name or under non- sorbed in the country which has HEIR TO FORTUNE AN EXTRA follows: "Jacob! Tovcik and Dora ; found-in those branches of. law.dren, a • clash was inevitable. Jewish names chosen for tactical absorbed every other European FKEE ESTIMATES — EAST TEF.MS Marion Wolf, a nephew of Bar- are asking you; have pity on them j which d6 not Interest non-Jewish There is mo occasion to explain reasons, a, very great deal of the stock? Does he wish to be absorb- ney Baruch, the famous banker and come home." lawyers or in those branches of it by reference to an alleged Jew- magazine "writing, the propagan- ed? Can he live happily and in I and friend and adviser of presida, the general literature," of the peace if he is not absorbed? The dents, plays an extra role in a movement in New York. In BO do- answers must be guesses. Upper- Universal, picture. Although he ing he puts himself very much in class Spanish and German Jews is heir to one of the greatest forthe public eye and h i s l 5 per cent have been pretty well absorbed. tunes in the United States and an membership in the Communist There are, - however, numerous executive position in any one of Party looks like 100 per cent. It Jews who look upon the loss of the many great banking instituis .-not the natural propensity of Jewish Identity as fcind of social tions of this country awaits him, the JewB for revolution which suicide. If those groups, Jewish Wolf prefers to carve Ms own caproduces the impression. It is and non-Jewish, who wish the reer in Hollywood. their natural propensity for journ- Identity and distinction of the RKO's NEW STUDIO MANAGER alism and escited, persuasive Jews preserved are able to carry RKO-Radio has signed Sid Rospeech. .. their point then the only hope for gell, until recently associate prothe Jews in America is mutual tol- ducer at Columbia, as studio manBut 'because the Jewish Intell- eration and respect. Since, how- ager. He assumed his duties this Lime Rickey, Gingerale or LEMON or VAHIIiA ectual Is a formidable member of ever, toleration and mutual re- week. Rogell will have charge I Clothes Correct White Soda the Communist Party it does not spect are also the only hope of of general activities on the RKO! all who wish to preserve or relot here. He was born in St. Jofollow that "the. revolution" in America is Jewish. There are establish democratic institutions seph, Mo., 3 6 years ago and is j unanswerable reasons why it Is in this country the Jews In Amer- widely known as a film executive.') not, One reason is that for every ica will have numerous allies. The He was studio manager for RKOrevolutionary Jew there are thou- first condition of their success sands of Jewish capitalists, shop- will be the duieting of Jewish apRegular of Drip Ground keepers, traders, and the like 'Who prehensiveness and the consequent stand to lose everything in a revo- elimination of the aggressive and lution as 90 per cent of the Jews occasionally provocative Jewish in Russia (who were traders and defensive measures which the 2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully the like) lost everything — in- country has recently and anxious- furnished. Electric, gas asd cluding, in many cases, their lives. ly observed. phone included. Gas heated. The other reason is that the revoCall We, 3527 on Sunday. lution in America Is much more


King Heeds it Fair

A SURVEY (Part 5 )

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THE JEWISH PRESS Pnblished every Friday at Omaiia, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH'PRESS PUBLISHING, COMPANY Subscription Price,-one y e a r . - ; - .- - - . 5 2 . 0 0 ;'. Advertising rates furnished on application. Editorial pMice: 500 Brandeia "Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - -['•_' - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent . ANN P I L L .- ' - - • » - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

Leadership of Tomorrow Look to the sapling, and you, can tell the type of tree you are growing. And look to the youth, and you can tell the type of community we will have in the future. The Jewish young folk in bmaha are'best mirrored by the Round Table of Jewish Youth, which represents the various organizations of young people in the community. The growth of this,group has been steady and promising.under the aegis of the Jewish Community Center, until today it has welded into a unified whole the Jewish youth of the city - - - w o r k i n g together, toward'the common goal of becoming better Jews and hence better citizens. A case in point regarding their splendid work is the Purim carnival held at the Center Sunday evening. Over seven hundred of-our Jewish youth were present for the festivities of Purim fun. This differed from their many serious activities such as forums and lecture series, but it did forcibly • demonstrate a community of thought, a co-operation in social endeavor. Representing a cross-section'-of Jewish youth with all interests and all schools of thought*those present indicate -splendid material with which to build.for the future. The Jewish youth in the city are being trained, to work together. Co-ordination of their efforts today makes it easier for co-ordination of their efforts tomorrow. And since the .communal leaders of the future are the b6ys and.girls of the 'present, Omaha Jewry can look with pleasant expectation to the communal organization of the days ahead. • •.-,••

Nazi Trustworthiness Deeply-rooted as the primary cause of the present antiSemitic wave in Europe is the policy of the Nazis ruling Germany today. Consequently, any unheaval affecting the. Hitlerites will indirectly affect the Jewish people. We are, therefore, vitally interested in the action of Hitler last Saturday in tearing into scraps the Locarno treaty and boldly, proceeding with military re-occupation of the Ehineland. "We have been editorializing for some time that the situation of the Nazis is growing more and more desperate, Econ.omically, their set-up is fragile. The food shortage is taking its toll; the lowered standard-of living and the ruthless brutality of the men in charge; have supercharged the air with restlessness and discontent. The political encirclement of Germany by a ring, of allies threatened to wreak liavoc with the Nazi foreign policy. Hence, the dramatic act by the reiclisfuehrer, by which he hopes to. distract the attention of the German people from their internal troubles to external problems. Hitler - - always a four-flusher - - is bluffing today, and unfortunately there is a strong possibility that he will not be "called." Germany today does not have the;resources to enter Info a war. She is far from ready, and coul'd be smashed with , comparative; ease now. The longer the time elapses before the Nazis are; put in their place, the harder it will be to finally effect £ solution. "We have warned from the beginning of the Nazi regime that Hitler and his lieutenants cannot be trusted. .Their acts have proved that Hitler's ears do not hear what his mouth, proclaims. His word is worthless. That is why coolheaded analysts do not think much of his suggestion for a twenty-five year peace plan. A man who can without compunction declare null and yoid the same Locarno pact which only a year ago. he personally lauded can just as easily tear. up the next treaty whenever he feels like it.. The main obstacle to strong "action against Germany seems to be Great Britain, whose fence-straddling is proverbial. Keason and diplomacy are splendid weapons to use with sensible leaders, but with a bully madman of, the Hitler type, force is the only language he comprehends*. . . . . . . . . . '•. „• If war should break-out, what will the Jews of Germany do? They are today barred from the army, but we have a suspicion that with the first blast from the trumpet of Mars they ' will be politely invited to bear arms. What will they do under such circumstances? If we are allowed to guess, we will hazard the-suggestion that they will take up those arms and fight as they would put it, not for Hitlerland but for Germany. Another possibility would be'that they would line up with those forces in Germany which oppose Hitler but who for the sake of their lives do not dare voice their opposition, people who would seize the opportunity of war to come out openly in their fight against the'Nazis.. • " • ; ,. f But, we think this idle speculation, since we do not ex pect a Eureopean war for some months to come. Economi - sanctions against Germany might bring the collapse of the Naz government. To let Hitler "get by" with his latest maneuver means to open the doors to Hitler's next move - - seizure of Austria, Memel, or panzig and demanding German colonies.

"Fairness" Personified

.•' f

Sham and hypocrisy are the twins which makes the diplo macy of Europe so nauseating. For exjample, thfe National Socialist Party Correspondent, official Nazi organ, issues a state ment last week contrasting Germany's "fairness in dealing with the Jews" with anti-Semitic excesses in Eastern Europe. Almost simultaneously, the. ashes of Fritz Baron,- a Berlin Jew, were delivered to his "Aryan!', wife. He had been arrested on a charge of "rassenschande (race defilement^)" Accompanying the. ashes was a statement explaining that Herr Baron had died during a police inquiry. But all Berlin knows that the body had been cremated to destroy signs of torture, as has .been done quite consistently by the Nazis." If this, is an example of Nazi "fairness," what disgraceful depths are left for "unfairness?" •

| hires himself to work hard in or: der to be able to study the Torah GEMS OF THE will be a great and free man in ' AND TALMUD The Blackshirts of Sir Oswald llosley in England had the- future world."" Jtabbi Jochanan said to his son, ome face to face with political oblivion, according to dis-Bj O. O. DASHER "Go end hire laborers for us." By DR. THEODORE X. LEWIS latches from the British Isles. These English fascists had He did so with the understanding Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City enied that* anti-Semitism was a plank in their platform, but eously the judge cause of the ;t j j a t they should be fed in addiOpenand thyplead mouth, rightpoor and needy. evertheless they practiced the same Jew-baiting tactics which f th |t.ion to their regular wages. When Grace is deceitful and beauty j ] l e c a m e ant! told his father of "Judaism in Transition" the end" a Talmudic euphemism haracterize their fellow-fascists in Germany. But less and less is vain, but. a •woman that fear-j t h e agreement, the father said to by Mordecai M. Kaplan .Corlcl, for impatience with oppression ttention was paid to these opportunists who sought to attract Priede & Company $2.50 eth the Lord she shall be praised. h i m > "Tyjy s o r u even if you should and injustice. Give her of the fruit of. her: p r o v ide them with meals like the ;he public eye through the usual tricks of demagoguery. Mordecai M. Kaplan is Tfithout The meaning of religious tolquestion the foremost Intellectual erance a very old theme, receives work and let her labor praise her banQneta of King Solomon in his The Blackshirt mentality,, however, ran true to type. When leader of American Isra'el. No an original and sound analysis. in the gates. j time, they will not be satisfied. When there is no wood the fire uch fascist opportunists fail to attract attention through legal man exercises so powerful and so The only, true and permanent an influence on Amer- foundation for toleration is a rec- goeth out and where there is no means or through fanfare and colored shirts, they seem to die pervasive ican Jewish thought. His .pre- ognition and acceptance of the whispering strife ceaselh. down, only to become resurrected with greater vehemence eminent position is due to his pro- psychological basis for religious Rabbi Judea said, "One must [RADIANT SIGN CO. hrough a ^display of violence. Just as that happened with the found understanding and know- differences. All claims upon the not inquire the price of an article , ' A ledge of the essential character part" of any religious faith or when he has no intention to pur- j STazis in Germany, so too did it happen with the Blackshirts and genius of Judaism and 'to his group for superiority, for an ex- chase." | n England. The acts of violence practiced in London's East uncompromising application of clusive monopoly upon the favor, Rabbi Jochanan said. "He who j Ind against the Jewish residents' and business men there reason and logic to the perplexing or revelation of God are immoral I teaches the Torah to the son of an Am Ha'Aretz. even If the Holy issues facing American Jews. blasphemous, and negate tolerreached a. climatic stage last week. The situation received gov- What Is most refreshing about Dr. and blasphemous, and negate tol- One ordained an evil decree ab rnmental^recognition and was driven into the open when Sir Kaplan is his fearless dealing erance. Religious imperialism is a S a i n s t t h e w o r l d ' l\\Z Location for Matzos at ° "j r ohn Simon, Home Secretary, in a statement to the House of with the stark realities, with the as reprehensible as racial or na- ish it for the sake of this merit- j Greenberg'g Kosher Market unpleasant truths of American tional. Upon no other basis can orious act." Commons, disclosed that the Mosley followers have been pur-, Jewish We. 5450 Rabbi Jeremiah said, "He 1552 No, 20th life. His brave refusal to the structure of religious tolerwho makes himself little for the ming a consistent and continuous Jew-baiting policy, brand- take cowardly refuge in ancient ance be built — and endure. John FeSdman purpose of studying the Torah in ng the Jews as the cause of the country's troubles and increase- slogans that are irrelevent, futile, one need therefore be sur- t h l s w o r ] d vln becO nie great in, Home Phone GL. 2072 and dangerous has been a source ing their provocative conduct. Sir John revealed that the gov- of encouragement to many. prised at the repudiation of the the future world and also he who traditional' Jewish concept of rnment considers the Blackshirt activities so dangerous that Dr. Kaplan's task is nothing 'chosen > people', at the rejection additional policemen have been detailed to the East End less than that of relnterpretating of the belief that the Jew was districts. . . . • . ' ; the Jewish tradition, of recon- divinely selected and therefore enstructing Judaism, so that it will joys a greater measure of Divine answer the many and the pro- favor than other peoples. Boldly England is one of the remaining liberal countries in the found needs of contemporary does Dr. Kaplan suggest that the There is no question that the vast majority of the Jews. No more imposing, more traditional benediction over the baffling and yet imperative task be not as at the present British population find the Blackshirt activities disgusting exists. The present divisions in Torah "that thou has chosen us from and that the government wil^ seek "to put down any further American Jewish life, Orthodox, among all nations" but "that thou ncitement. But it must be remembered that a smair group of Conservative and Reform, are woe- has sanctified us by thy holy fully devoid of any intrinsic sig- commandments." The old version men who are anxious to use bullying methods of force and nificance. A realistic, construct- is irritating, and immoral and no who do not care a whit for public opinion can wreck a great ive interpretation of the Jewish longer the sincere conviction of tradition, one that will harmonize intelligent Jews. I have often deal of havoc, as witness the Hitlerites. with the scientific and humanis- wondered why the earlier Reform so iconoclastic and radical We have faith in the English government squelching any tic thought of our day, and with rabbis tlie American scene and pattern of did not revise this unreasonable further Jew-baiting proclivities by the Blackshirts. But that life, is a crying indispensible need. and unscientific and unethical "Judaism in Transition" is a statement. should not diminish the vigilance of the Jewish people, who must be on the alert to protect Jewish riglits against irrespon- companion volume to the author's The first chapter "What to earlier book "Judaism as a Civilisible demagogues. The present fight against anti-Semitism zation" a volume which has been Live for as a Jew," sets forth a program for Jewish life and makes must not only be directed against the anti-Semitics of the il- hailed in many circles as a new a splendid defense of cultural pluliberal countries but must also be directed toward retaining our "Moreh Nebukim" and which is ralism, which to the Jew is of destined to become a classic. The paramount significance, and ininalienable rights in the democratic countries. eleven chapters offer original, far separable from the democratic reaching, and rich suggestions In theory of the state. The seventh The Man Who Want* the Most the realm of theory and practice chapter entitled "Our Creeds and HITLER'S LATEST MOVE of Jewish life, and present an in- Wants" is especially suggestive. in Shirt Stvte and Value telligent though tentative program After analysing Moses MendelBy RABBI FREDERICK OOHN for implicating the civilization sohn's religious philosophy, Dr. that is Judaism. Kaplan formulates an interesting Editor Jewish Press: . . ' . . . . The major problem of Judaism, series' of "We Want" instead of I said'there would be further developments shortly in the the necessary adjustment to the the ancient "I Believe." The word and humanistic temper "creed" is in disrepute and justGerman situation and they have surely come; sooner than many scientific of our age, requires a new evalua- ifiably so. It limits free thought ixpected. . ' Ition, a reinterpretation of Jewish and no individual who prizes his -The question of paramount interest to the Jews is how i tradition at once, redical and pro- freedom can subscribe to, or recite a creed. For it a happier, /~\NLY Manhattan features Manhattan patwill Hitler's coup of last Saturday affect the condition of the f ^ J ^ e r S t ! "ho more positive and more acceptterns . . . they're designed by Manhattan able term, "want" is substituted. Jews? Will his seeming success embolden him "to employ still ther out of spite or innocence, specialist* . . . the new 1936 spring Manhattans The formulation of Jewish wants 'why a Jewish tradition?' the aui i ? ' th harsher measures against the Jews' reflect Manhattan traditional individuality. theor's answer is clear as it is i. e. the human needs which JuThe Jews may expect anything from a man who does not! emphatic. "The Jew need a tra- daism must satisfy, is an impreshesitate to violate the most sacred oaths and who knows .no j dition as a thereapeutic to Jewish sive and challenging program for

Colored Shirts




















save that of his own will. ' . '' \ % ^ i ^ T * * * 3<%\^ . r . . . . , Darker days may be in store for the Jews but they will | to make a^faith based upon the ^XeclZBlii^morevoplllr not despair. Their sublime faith in the wisdom and justice •S U ^g^ 1 a g t ^ 0 fnsistupoii applying J character, will make a much wiof God will not desert them in their critical hour. They kn6w ! thTcanons of reason and logic to d e r appeal'than the author's "JuA that Gods will will ultimately be done, be there ten thousand j everything including religion and amental criticism of American who view man and his universe Hitlers and their hosts of infamous Nazis. from a humanistic angle, and not Jewish life is that Judaism has AH may not be as appears on the surface. Hitler's act \ deistic, is neither easy The chapter dealing , m may have been one of desperation. There is talk of division way " .e l y. a, way in which Maimonides made I , . - •a„f . _ . . of , and discord among the Nazi leaders, there is a great deal of Judaism fit into the Aristotelian speaking ." The principal malady is endless, mo, internal dissatisfaction beginning to manifest itself arid to ex- mould and how the greatest of of American,Jews Jewish philosophers put a novel notonous and futile speech. It Is press itself in secret acts and underground. activity. There and basically unJewish interpretime for action if we and our chilWas need of a bold act, at once, to distract and to solidify the tation upon, the three principal dren are ever to enjoy the civilination. It is always darkest before, dawn and this may be the concepts of Judaism — Torah, zation of Judaism. The honored God and Israel, —- is an astonish- dictum of our sages that "not beginning of the end. ing and brave effort to indicate a speech but deed" is paramount, j "The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceed- path for us. One supremely vi- is peculiarly appropriate for us j tal element Dr. Kaplan ignores, and at this time. I ingly small." . __• ' ...•••_' and most unfortunately. Despite Let the Jews possess their souls in patience. International his extreme rationalism, radicaland essential Aristotelian apevents are already bringing about the final culmination. We ism proach to basic Jewish doctrine realize more and more how futile it is to look for a satisfactory- and belief, Maimonides never desolution of the German Jewish problem through a wholesale viated an iota from the ritual and law. No matter how exportation of the Jews. Jews are great merchants but they ceremonial he interpreted mitzvos and what are not in that kind of wholesale or of export business. The significance he attached to such Jews have as much right to be in Germany as the Nazis have. institutions as the Sabbath and Kaseruth, he observed punctiliousIn the last analysis, Germany does not belong to the Germans ly With a Westinghosse yon even the minutest of require(least.of all to the Nazis) but to God, As the Bible says (in ments. His rationalism and logic get the economy of the which most of the world professes to believe) "All the earth were strictly a matter of intellectf a m o u s Westinghonse is Mine and you are but strangers and sojourners." In God's ual exercise and philosophical TIME-TESTED mechan• o ^ ^ o u u jwu oic,uut nu-ttugeis JUIU sujouiuers. JJX vroua a p e c u l a t i o n > it never reached the ism, a Hermetically-Sealright the German is an "alien" in Germany as much as any- stage of doubt as to the divine ed unit which has brought body else and all men are everywhere." The earth is God's and Immutable character of the cerenfonial and ritual law of Jusatisfactory, low cost serfoot-stool" and all His children have a right to sit around the daism. Our generation has gonevice to thousands of ownHeavenly Father's feet. The world is coming more end' moTe much father than Maimonides.' For us rltuaj, law, and custom ers. If you want more to this point of view. That is the meaning of-the growing In^ possess neither divine character value for your dollar, ternationalism despite the last desperate stand .of an inflamed nor compulsion. The scepticism of our age has undermined the basicmake it a Westinghonse nationalism as in such countries, as Nazi Germany. pattern of Jewish lite. Dr. KapGolden Jubilee Dollar! The Jews are on the side of the Divine Purpose: of God

lan recognises this when ne states and the Nazis are foolishly^ fatuously, and insanely against it. that "we have become the most of people." To make There can be no question as "to which will conquer in the end. traditionlesg our people snbinit anew to the The stars in their courses - * Universal History> .' fight against "yoke ot the law" is an Immedithe unscrupulous policies and atrocious practices of the Nazis. ate, an, enormous, hut -I fear ft hopeless, task. " • r The conscience of "humanity must Bpewthem out*"- V Social and economic questions Till a Zola arise to champion and lead; to. ultimate.vic- loom high and important upon the mental horizon, of our day. tory and'.^indication the Dreyfus of the Peoples,:temporarily, To serve as a stimulant instead ot confined to a Devil's Island of degradation and "abuse, let" us a narcotic religion must stress aad find; comfort and inspiration in the words, of the noble insist on social justice, must recapture It* prophetic passion for R I a r k h a m : " , :..-.>:.... ' ':[•'•'•'.. -'?''•' '• v . V ;••:•..'• ";•:'••' '• [ : ' ' righteousness, i m s t champion the "Tak'e heart, O soul" of sorrow,'-and be strdngl There is cause ,of ther oppressed and the downtrodden.V. Communism and One Greater than the whole world's wrong. Be hushed before faclsm, the'two social-philosophthe. High'benignant Ppwer that moves wool-shod through se- ies struggling for ascendancy, Dr. views a« distinct, challenpulchre and tower. No right so low but He can gije it crown. Kaplan ges to Judaism". Despite his No wrong so high but He can hurl it down. Ye men that forge strong sympathy with socialism Hand stronger than. your and his contempt and hatred for , the fetter, it ,is vain. There is a Still . .chain. 'Tis no avail to bargain, sneer and n o d and shrug the 'capitalism and its evils,-he has shoulder in reply t o - - G o d . " junto-lore tor communism.. The • ,-• Ideology of'tiae latter is as. iaGod will deal with Hitler and.his ilk even if England, the |compatible Judaism as thatserof the facisin. wifh Both constitute ious "dangers to Israel, which League of "Nations and anfimpotent Christendom do not I ' "~"~ *"•-*- may be averted only by *preclpitatin* • ' •• —FREDEKlCK COHN.

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THE JEWISH PKESS. FEIDAY, MABCH 13, 1936 ;. himself to Tvork hard in orto be able to study tho Toran be a great and free man in future world." abbi Jocbanan said to his son, and hire laborers for tisJ* lid so tv-ith the understanding they should be fed in addito their regular -wages. "When ;ame and told his father ol agreement, the father said to "My son. even if you should ide them with meals like the mets of King Solomon in his >. they will not be satisfied.


DIXXER AND BCXCO PARTS' will be 'History of Enriish. Jewry.' elain Tooth Company, founded '.< Bikur Cholim Deborali Society The Fa Hon sorority -will give Mrs. David Krautz will give cur- S. S. Bloom, is (-fishing, in on t?if a dinner and buncc party Triesday mode find has Font Fever*' rent events. Bazaar Sunday j The Deborah, society will hold evening, March 17, in honor o^ three brides»to-be, the Misses Sala regular meeting Tuesday, March. The Bikur Choliia society will ! 17, at 2 p. ra. at the J. <"\ C. ImWomen's RfliracM ly Pollay, Marian Creenberger, One of the large social affairs give its annual bazaar Sunday, ! portant matters will be discussed. Mrs. William Kuklin, chairman 'Prison fcr PcgrcrrAzing and Esther Siegel. The dinner of the early spring season will be March 15. at the Labor Lyeeirtn will be at the studio Tun. the luncheon and benefit hridge at 22nd and Clark streets. Mem- ! All members are urged to be ; of the Women'E Jlizraclii bazaar, ; Algiers—Twenty Arabs £oi;m; 'and her committee ere active in 'cviiUy of vsrl iripaMnr in the ?••'•• to be given by the iCouneil of bers of all other organizations are I there. STUDENT HONORED Jewish Women at the Jewish j cordially, invited to-attend. Ad- ! Mrs. K. Tatle is president and securing donations for the animal puinr.ry stnntinr pogrom 'in ,Av' Mrs. C. S. Ross is secretary. bazaar. Any member wishing' to Harry Weinberg," son of Mr. and Community C e n t e r , Monday, assist this committee I? asked to ; on terras at liprd liibor for period*Mrs. E. .Weinberg, was elected a March 23, a t 1 o'clock. Mrs. Lou-! mission is tree. There will also be Mrs. Kuklin. Webster &P3E. i ranging from five to £0 years. member of the Alpha Omega Al- Is L i p p is general chairman in ja drawing for a valuable silver Pleasant Hill Cemetery callIncluded on the bazaar com- I Fours others v.ere acquitted. pha, national honorary medical charge of arrangements. Proceeds set at the bazaar. Society. mittee are the Mesdames Joe fraternity, at the University Hos- will go for the maintenance of a The Bikur Cholim. is women's Tuchman, I. Kulakofsky, L. Mor-Barcelona University pital in Omaha. BfcOCK-LEON NUPTIALS BINSEB 3POB FIFTY Jewish-German refugee child. - organization whicli -: devotes its time entirely to the caring of the A regular meeting of the Plea- gan and E. Weinberg. Barcelona. — Dr. M. The marriage ol Miss Cyril ,Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morgan celA large gronp of patrons hare sick and poor Jewjgn families of | sant Hill cemetery society will be philosopher, a. n d I)r, AVOVDKLeon, daughter of Mr and Mrs.ebrated the Pidyin Ha'Ben of already been obtained by Mrs; Omaha.. The proceeds of tills ba- jneld Wednesday, Blarch IS, at the Goldschmidt, philologist, menibfli'iMark Leon, to Sylvan Block, eon their grandson, Barrj Clark BarLipp's committee, and many have zaar go toward a fund for this : B'cai Jacob synagogue at 24th of "the. colony of German Jtviti. ol lira. Mayme Adler Blockk will ish, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Harold made reservations for tables. work. j and Nicholas St., at " o'clock. refugees in Barcelona. Vipve 1JP?>I. take place Sunday at 2 p. m. atBaTlsh, with a dinner for fifty Among the patrons are the folgiven professorehips at ihe X^uth« home of the bride. " Habhl guests at their home Sunday, There are many values offered | On Monday, March 16, the soThe regular dinner meeting of lowing: Mesdames. Kanuel Groversity of Barcelona, David A. Goldstein will perform March 8. Rabbi N, Feldman and the Men's club of the Vaad will dlnsky, Ben Silver, Jules New- and a program has been planned. ' ciety will give a benefit * bridge I luncheon at Hayden's auditorium. the ceremony. Cantor A. Schwaczkin officiated. be held Thursday evening, March man, Harry Trustln, Frederick The bazaar is an all day affair. (Proceeds will go to the Chape! : , A reception will be held from : 19,at 6:30 p. m. at the-B'nal Is- Cohn, Samuel Gilinsky, Morris fund. ; S, until 6 o'clock. No cards hare VISITING HERE IT WILL TAT YOU I rael synagogue. Phone your res- Katleman, Philip Klutznick, Ben cluding all the Gershwin shows. The following hostesses may be Tel Aviv -(WNS-Palcor Agency) been. iBBifed. ervations to the Vaad office, Ja. The native belle? of Siam^have a Mrs. B. Firsht of Detroit, Danbatim, Max Holzman, Albert Nat Finston, M. G. M.'s music 'called for reservations: Mesdames Mich., Is visiting here with rela- 0887 or to Dr. O. S. Belzer, Ha. Newman, Henry Newman, Sam master, was a New Yorker . . . I Joe Goldware, Bill Yousem, Julius physical affinity with Jewish de6266. . PHI DELTA MU tives and friends. Robinson, fijerman Auerbach, was graduated form City College ; AbrahamsOE, Sam Youscm, Joe veopments in Palestine. For the Bloom porcelain teeth factory of buying A. regular meeting of the Maynard Greenberg, Frank Krop- . . . then pursued a musical ca- JNeesican, and Moss Yc-usem. Ramat Gen is suppying them with DIAMONDS' Delta Mu eorority-was held Tues- APPENDECTOMY man, Louis Lipp, L L Solzman, reer , . .".played with the Russian handsome new sets. day evening at the home of .Miss, Jean Ross, daughter of Mr. an'd CONSERVATIVE CAPERS J. H. Kulakofsky, Abe Somberg. Symphony orchestra, the New WEDDING RINGS Hsdassali Eva Ruderman. Plans for a rush Mrs. C. S. Ross, is recuperating It appears that phiny black WATCHES - SILVERWARE PREPARATIONS CONTINUE Ike. Rubin, Milton Livingston, York Symphony, the New York tea -were discussed and a list of at home from a recent appendecteeth are all the rage in Siam Abe Herzberg, M. L. Cohn, Fred Philharmonic. Mr. Pnul GoldMatt will give the ! nowadays, end the girls fire fall- and GUT Z\ social events for the coming tomy. Rosenstock, Millard Langfeld LouAt Universal Franz Waxman To dress up a group of "ba- Hiller, David Goldman, Kate I third of the series of talks on month was made. over themselves to remove scores and conducts. He was •"Jewish Social 'Service, Its Aiming nana crate", circus ponies so that is white sparklers and have Tatle, B A. Simon, Harry Edel, - RefreBnments -were served af- CONVALESCING born in Germany . . . studied at • and Scope" en Monday, March 16, , their they'll look prancingly full of life false black sets installed. ter the meeting. Joe Zusman is convalescing at and to make a group of warm Janet Rubin, Leo Waxenburg. the Berlin and Dresden conserv- j at the J. C. C. at -1:30 p. m. JThe group -was represented at horn© from a tonsilectomy recen- blooded young ladies represent Harry Malashock, Betty Milder, atories*. . . directed many, foreign | • A short review of the previous i The American Palestine Pcrcthe Bound Table Carnival by a ly performed at the St. Joseph frosty icicles by their clothes are Sam Beber, Sam Wolf. film musicals in Paris, Vienna, ! talks will be given Tor the benecandled apple booth. The decor- hospital. and in Berlin. just two of the reasons why Mrs. ifit of tho?e who were not able 1 ations were made by the Misses Robert Kooper, chairman of the Lou 'Silvers at Fes answered to attend them. Babecca Tatelbaum, Eva Ruder- LADY-IN-WAITING committee on costumes for "Conmy questions with* the typical Sil. Miss Gertrude.Hiil, daughter of servative Capers of 1936"~wishes m*n and Belle Ruderman. vers' flare for comedy {Sid is his Mrs. Irvin Levin, Medical Fund Mr. and Mrs. E. Hill of Lincoln, she had Aladdin's lamp at her brother). "I'm not going to tell chairman, wants to remind all the is to be lady-in-waiting at thedisposal. By HELEN ZIGMOM) you I was showered with doctors' women sellins a "Trip to PalLet's Al! Go to - - - Queen's court in the big May Day More than 250 costumes a r e degrees from the Conservatory of estine" tickets that the raffle will celebration at Bryn Mawr College. being fitted and prepared for the Hollywood —- The "music goes Chechewicz-on-the-Seine. I start- I take place Tuesday. March 31. Omaha's Most Beautiful Supper Oub Katherine Hepburn, an alumna of in two acts and 16 scenes 'round and 'round and comes out i ed on the Bowery -with piano les- j All money and stubs for these the school, will be this year's review By Mrs- David M. Newman S sons at twenty-five, cents a lesson, ! tickets should be turned in as the sound track . . . We ask queen. This event occurs once in to be presented March 31st aton —the stars, writers, directors, | and to enjoy such c luxury I ! soon as possible. Remember . . . When Ton Entertain every four years and is the lar-Central high auditorium for theneither i pounded rag-time in r.aloons. Lahow or why. Of all the Coffee Chocolate Cake gest celebration to take, place benefit of the Beth-El synagogue Take Pride in the Place Yoxi Select j ter I climbed higher . .. . played A pre-Passorer Oneg Shabbos Use % cup hot coffee, y2 cupamong, the big_ eastern women's building fund. Milton A. Rieck is potpourri of pictures production producers — we seldom give a | piano for burlesque shows." From will be held by the Beth-El auxground chocolate, 1 cup sugar, % colleges. director. Pat Walsh Presents ciip butter, % cup egg yolks <4); Two hundred yards of material thought to the man who seasons that to conducting Metropolitan j iliary Saturday, March 14, at Greatest Show ia Omaha 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking will be used in sewing the cos-the* picture porridge, the musical Opera concerts was a tremendous ;2:S0 p. m. at the home of Mrs. step bridge only be long and ar-Dave Cohn, 113 So. 5 5 St. Mrs. powder, y2 teaspoon salt and 1 DESSERT COFFEE tumes for the huge show which director. • Featuring M r 8. David A. Greenberg, includes in its cast more than teaspoon'vanilla. In this field we note with pride dusous study to and from work, Dave Greenberg will be co-hostess. . D. RHODES, M. C. chairman of the Membership j A traditional Seder table will Stir ' hot coffee into chocolate two hundred men, women, and the outstanding contribution of j during work, after work. He beSALLY OSMON and allow to stand while cream- Committee of the Women's Divi- children. 150 costumes will be Our Brethren . . . they wield the | came Gus Edwards' music chief . I be displayed end the complete Brilliant 'Platinum Songstress ing butter and sugar. Add. un- sion of' the Jewish Community sewn by the forjty members of theorchestral baton for every major . . for ten years wrote all the mu-! service with explanations will be . beaten egg yolks and beat well. and Welfare Federation, will en- costume--committee while Mrs. J.j studio.- They lead the orchestras, sical shows for Harvard College . | given. There Trill also be. sineLillian Barnes Silt Hour once, • measure and sift tertain at a dessert coffee at herH. Kulakofsky will be responsible I delve in music of every type and !. . acted as Al Jolson's music di- | ing of Pcfesover songs and other Dynamic Song Stylist again with baking powder and home, 506 So. 58 St. on Tuesday, for renting about one hundred I period, sometimes compose origri- ] rector . . . scored the first sing- i Fuggesioss as to how to make Curry and Japlon j ing-talkie, Jolson's "Jazz Singer." j Passover beautiful. salt. Add flour and chocolate al- March 17,'at 2:30 for the mem-costumes. ' jnal parts, sometimes enlist other Featured Ball Room Team I Those taking part in the proternately to tbe creamed mixture. bers of her committee. Six days every, week Blx.'-or ; composers, weld the result into | These men represent the seven Freddie Ebener Any woman interested in serv- eight ladies meet to measure and 1 one flowing, harmonious synch- i major studios. Despite the glam- 'gram are the Mesdames M. A. BerAdd vanilla. Pour into a greased And His 10-Plece Band—Dance While You Oln« i ourous degrees, .hey are, for the eovici, Ike Cheraiss, Max Davis, 9 inch square pan. Bake 45 min-ing on this committee is invited sew; the various outfits. "We I ronizatlou. DELICIOUS CHARCOAL BROILED STEAK OR FRIED CHICKEN : most part, self-made men, who and Philip Levey. utes in a ..moderate oven. Cover to attend. have to clothe, clowns, Alpine j Leo- Forbstein, Warner's tone I learned conducting in the practiSUNDAY DINNERS, $1 Mrs. A. D. Frank will give Curwith chocolate icing. peasants, mama dolls, rag dolls, ! potentate, performs the herculean cal school of musical shows. • i rent $1 Cover Charge Saturday Night Only RUMMAGE SALE and sailors," said Mrs. Kooper. i task of scoring fifty-five to sixty : Physically, not bears out tDEUCIOUS STEAK AND CHICKEN DINNERS Jellied Vegetable Macedoine in (important film productions every 'the traditional long-mated look ot '.The . Ladie's''j auxiliary, of the"Besides we must -dress np Rus. ' Tomatoes HsdESSEh I year, a record unequalled by any Vaad is planning a rummage sale sian, Japanese, Spanish, and balTJse 8 medium sized tomatoes, for the near future. Any members let dancers, each in clothes that j other director. He's a St. Louis | the music master. Several are Ibald; all except one are short and 1 package lemon jello, 1 pint boil- having bundles - are asked to call will hang freely to permit spir- ; product . . . was educated there 1 somewhat squat. Tall, slender, : The Kadassah cultural group ing strained tomato Juice, i/2 tea-Mrs. A. Schwaezkin, At. 5534. will meet at the hone of Mrs. i . . . played as violinist in the local ; dark-haired, dark-eyed Lou Silited dancing and yet will fit comk spoon salt, 2 cups mixed cooked |symphony . . ..came to the west vers gets our nomination for Hol-Louis Albert. 611 ~o. S2 Ave. fortably." ' , vegetables (carrots, string ; beans, Junior Hadassah ; Tuesday, March IT, at 1:30 p. m. •Almost all the colors of thei coast a number of years ago tolywood's handsomest director. p e u and celery). -• - • 1 •:act as musical arranger for Sid rainbow will have to be utilized Henceforth, at the cinema, when Mrs. Sam Peltz will act as co-hosThe Junior Hadassah Will hold by the nimble fingers of the eos- "Wash tomatoes,-.remove a thin i Oranman, then manager of the i your heart pounds, your eyes moi-: tess. Blice from top and scoup out cen-their regular meeting at the J. C.tumers and their-five sewing ma- Million Dollar Theatre. From i sten, or that unwanted lump rises ; Mr. Max Baer, assistant executers. Place tomato cases.-up side C. Thursday evening, March 19, chines. They will have to fit peo-: that to work at the studio was. a jin your throat, you ma;- attribute . tive secretary of the A. Z. A. will down on a plate which has boen at 8 o'clock. An interesting pro- jple forty years of age as well as '.. simple and logical step. ; be the guest speaker. His subject i it -to an unseen hand over an ingram is being planned. * salted arid place in refrigerator j At Paramount, Boris Morros ! visible orchestra, to the subtle poi high school boys and girls and until ready to fill. Dissolve jello A' special .'meeting, at which ! rules the , sharps and flats. He of the movie music director. in boiling tomato juice, add salt Purim songs were sung, -was held tiny tots as young as four years. was born In Alexandrovsk, RusWant to Share Home and chill. When slightly thick- Thursday, March 5. Miss Dora Sizes will Tange from fifty down I sia,. . . was graduated* from the ened, fold in vegetables and fill Freshman, president of the Jun-to three or four. [imperial Conservatory at St. Pet- Signing off with a hemidemtomatoes with mixture. Chill un- ior Hadassah, , represented the i ersburg . . . became director of isemiquaver (sixty-fourth note, to Widow will • siare nicelytil firm.. Cat each tomato in quar- group at the Purim tea" given by Mrs. Eva Eodinsky | the Imperial Opera . . . was theyou). furnished home .with couple. ters. Arrange on a bed. of crisp the Senior Hadassah in honor of originator of the Chauve Souris lettuce and garnish with mayon- the Junior group at the Black(Copyright 1936, ' Jewish Tele- Write Jewish Press Box S 2. Died Sunday Night company. SPECIAL* naise and sliced stuffed -olives. stone Hotel Sunday, March 8. • graphic Agency, Inc.) At the musical helm for R.K.O. Mrs. Eva^Rodinsky, 85, died Sunday night at the home of heris ,Mai Steiner, descendant of a daughter, Mrs. Philip Goldberg, well-known theatrical family in 4£ No. 18 St., with whom she Vienna. His father, a famous producer, sent him to the Imperial made her home. She is survived by Mrs. Gold- Academy of Music for an eightberg and by a son, Ben Rodinsty; year .course, fie -completed it in •Rebuilt in the seven grand children and she great- one year. < At 13 he wrote a musical comedy . .,. at 16 he conHoover Factory grandchildren. an orchestra at Moscow . . Mrs. Rodlnsky came to this ducted . followed that with ten years of country 14 years ago. for a London Theatre. The funeral took place Monday, orchestring Arrived i n ' America during the March 9, at 12 o'clock. Burial war . . : almost starved until Abe Golden Hill cemetery. Erlanger gave him a chance -witb a musical show . . . . thereafter work was plentiful. New Cossack Rye The. head of polyphonies at UnOf importance to the Jewish ited Artists is Alfred Newman, people of Omaha is the announce- who began his study of piano at ment by the P. F . Petersen Bak- the age of seven '. . . played Beeing Co of their new dark rye loaf, thoven's* Walstein Sonata in pubknown as Cossack Rye. lic at eight . . .studied under TENANTS CAN This new member of the Peter Goldmark, Busoni, Stokowski, BUY AT THESE Pan family, is a dark bread with Paderewski . . . began conducting ^PRICES Others 1.98 to 10.98 the old-time Russian type flavor. at 16 . . . was musical director for Its rich taste and the fact that many Broadway productions, init is thin sliced makes i t excepThe sort of thing tionally fine for sandwiches as ' you •wctnt for casMARK LEON WRITES ' well as for meals. Of special im©Guaranteed for ONE YEAR! A Hoover portance is the^fact that this Cosual "wear. Its new "Special" Cleaner will bring cleaning satissack Rye loaf is made without an- In fact, INSURANCE of Every peasant weave imal fat. " Type • - Strono Reliable faction, to your home. Completely rebuilt i *

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V te

British Major Slain

%-ui l . $ *

i J

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SHAW TELLS ALL—An Interesting and unique pose of George Bernard Shaw, Irish dramatist, as he was interviewed by newspapermen aboard a British ship, putting into San Francisco har!bor. The widely known playwright has recently visited the sun spots in Florida and now turns his attention to the West Coast resorts and, of course, to Hollywood.

HOLLAND GOES MODEEN—Even though citizens of The Netherlands Ere busy with E vast $600,000,000 reclamation of fertile lands from the sea, they take time ofi now and then to build modern villages. Here are residents moving in mass into the third modern village completed in the Province of Wieringermeer, named De Terp. It has 100 houses, shops and a school.

MAJOR SLAIN—In center, with doctor's case in hand, is Major Gerald Achilles Burgoyne, British head of the Ethiopian Red Cross, killed by an Italian air bombardment of fleeing Ethiopian warriors in the northern area, according to reports. This picture of the Major and his unit was taken in London last November before they left for the Ethiopian front.


Htftih. .'.fcLfliTl

ARMY AND NAVY MEN—General Count Terauchi, left, who accepted the post of War Minister in the new Japanese cabinet and then wanted to resign when army men objected to inin. At .right. Admiral Osamu Nagano, new Navy Minister, who was chief delegate to the Naval Limitation Conf ererice in London. - v FIELD—Action a-plenty as the field takes the first jump in the Spring Steeplechase at Newbury, England. Fauyhill, trurd from right, and Forbisher, second from right, finished the exciting contest in a dead heat for first place, after a pretty run.

n; ."-J...J. ,,')Sf

k OKADA CASTS HIS VOTE—Former Premier Keisuke .Okada of Japan casting his vote In the recent elections in Tokyo. Soon after the elections came the uprising by young army officers when four statesmen were slain. Mr. Okada was thought to* be a victim of the assassins also, but escaped when his brother-in-law sacrificed his life to save the statesman.

i SCION—^Here' from England" to play polo is Robert S. Loewenstein, son of the Belgian banker, Alfred Loewensteinr who committed suicide by leaping'from an airplane over the English Channel in 1928. Young Loewenstein shown at Santa Barbara, Cal., expected to team up with other noted mallet swingers.


ti? thf. J.r!.ift,. Slip V-.-^i' 4

B&V • ' , ""» V . *"! ' il" •' * ^ : \ ... ". .^:;T

BULLET MISSES. DIPLOMAT—At fight is Premier Milan'.Stoyadinovich.of Yugoslavia at whom Deputy Damian Arnantovich wildly fired with a revolver during a meeting of the Chamber of Deputies in Belgrade. He is shown with Premier'Hddria of Czechoslovakia, who visited him recently. The bullets narrowly missed United States Minister Charles S. Wilson who was in the gallery.

SPY HUNT— Harry. Thomas Thompson, above, was arrested in Los Angeles on a charge of illegally wearing a naval uniform. But his arrest suddenly started -an investigation that Federal agents- feared might lead to international complications concerning a spy ring with a "cultured Oriental" as brains and paymaster.


ZACH TAKES A BEST—Maybe you wouldn't think so from this picture of Tom Zachary, Brooklyn Dodger southpaw, taken at the training camp at Clearwater, Fla., but he allows he has a new trick delivery for this season. It's the screw ball, hardest of all to pitch. Nearing 40, he says he's, never too old to learn.


v*". -X'~. t .

u, .:;." It.

yODTHFCL MEDALIST—A M E D A L S new T ppicture of Pattyy Berg, g, 18-yeary li whose h t i l playing l i i the' h' old golf medalist of Minneapolis, sensational in Florida tournaments has won her vast applause. She Is shown 1 here with the Grace Doherty trophy she recently won.

BRITISH SEA BD2D ALIGHTS—With more than; 150 fighting ships in the Mediterranean and vicinity, Britain in no wise relaxes her self-imposed vigilance she instituted there months ago. Here is a British plane about to light "on the deck of the plane carrier Furious during recent drills off the northern coast of Africa. The, Furious later cruised to the Canary islands.

DONTP DO THAT!—It would hurt, if the cat werent used to it. But It's a regular signal—the wav in which this linnet awakens its playmate. Strangely, these are pets of two life-term murderers In Fol. som Prison, Los Angeles. The picture was taken by the owner-of' the cat, a Japanese lifer and ta presented here through courtesy of Warden Court Smith of the prison. * * •» ^

Copyright United Newspiettum

ere ' fftll



ions Temple Babbi David H. Wice's sermon this -evening will be "Paradise for Atheists." Mrs. Julius Newman •will light the Sabbath, candles. Services Saturday morning -will be ield at .11 o'clock. The College club will meet Sunday at 4 p. m. Rabbi "Wice.will speak on "Deductions from Jewish Statistics." : The Bible class meeting has been postponed until March 31*


and a percentage of all orders ship borne in real athletes an ^ Herbert Meiches, Jack Sprat Norman Bordy, Pants Store. son and inside of one week, the :00 rjsar be considered ES E Clas? taken for delivery-on either April honor "roll has been established. Foods. Jack Brottnstein, Pants Store. team had a passing combination E title contender. third or April fourth will be cre- To those who have not made the Sam Wolk, Pasts Store. that many Class A teams have enJoe Kirshenbaum, Jack Sprat Phrsicp.1 Director Lee Grossdited to the local Senior Hadassah, Honor Roll, do not be disappointvied. Paul, wio is a Class A man has been well pleased with Anyone who wishes to purchase ed, but come back next year feel- Foods. For something new and differ- player himself, has accomplished the attendance ir» the various -woLeo Sherman, Sharpshooters. any Folgers Coffee chould get in ing "ready to go," and make it ent, the writer has taken the lib- a job that xnaEy have tercet; men's classes. On Monday End touch with any member,of the tough on. this year's group. To Milton Saylan, Sharpshooters. erty of announcing the outstand- down. He has given of his time Wednesday nights, the business Hadassah Manuel Himmelstein, Sharp- ing coach of the season in both without any reEtraieration what- girls have been enjoying them those who are on the roll, congratulations and good luck to you sliooters. leagues. The young coach of the soever and the record his boys selves by playing various game? Miss Miriam'Saks, senior at the in. the sport world. Ben Wintroub, A. Z. A. No. 100. A. Z. A. No. 100 takes the honor. have tarned in since he has hand- after their calisthenics class. The Abraham Lincoln High School, HONOR ROLL: George Eltinge, A. Z. A. 100. He, . Paul Bogdanoff, took over led the team speaks for the fact Tuesday and Thursday morning won first place in the Drake DeBen Kutler, Jack Sprat Foods. Harry Fox, A. Z. A. No. 100. I the ragged young five in mid-sea- that nest year, the A. Z. A. No. Jewish women's class has an atbate Tournament held last weekend at Des Moines, Iowa. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks.' Her school won the silver trophy, and Miss Saks was awarded a'scholarship to Drake University. Norman • Rosenthal and Floyd Yudelson, seniors at the Thomas Jefferson" High Schodl, won their way into the finals jot the Tournament when they were defeated by the Abraham Lincoln High School.

Tonight is Talmud Torah Sabbath at the Beth-El synagogue. Mr. Henry Monsky, president' of The Council Bluffs Agudas the local Talmud Torah, will Achim Society will hold a reguspeak on "The Value of a Tal- lar- meeting next Thursday evemud Torah education." Mr. A. ning, March 19, at- 8:30 o'clock Katz, principal of the Talmud at the Eagles HalL Torah, will present, briefly, Talmud Tprah .plans lor .-the future. Irving Fohrman of Chicago, IllMr.. Harry Silverman will con- inois is leaving today for his home duct the services. Rabbi David following a ten day visit here at Goldsfeih will be In Des Moines the home of his brother-in-law to occupy the rpulpit of the Tifer- and sister, Mr. and Mrs. • Aaron eth Israel synagogue. Richards, 307 South Eigth Street. Next Week Mrs. A. Fohrman, mother of Mrs. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will Richards, returned home Sunday speak on "Daniel Deronda," a following a few days visit here. great Gentile's view ol Judaism. This year Jews in Palestine and Miss Thama Lee Krasne, young the rst of the world observe the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Millard sixtieth 'anniversary of the pub- j Krasne, who recently underwent lication of George Eliot's great Ian operation for appendicitis at English classic which was a fore- the Mercy Hospital, is now convalescing at her home. . runner of modern Zionism. usy with a vast $600,l then to build modern, pleted in the Province



At services this evening RabbiHarold Berger's sermon topic will be "The Golem" •— a study of the Golem idea in history" -^ Saturday morning Rabbi Berger will speak in Yiddish at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue. Regular father and son services will be held Sunday at 9 a. m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue.


BAKER AIR CONDITIONING for every purpose Distributed by

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bookey of WESTERN Des Moines, Iowa returned to their home Monday following a visit Air Conditioning Corp. here at the home of Mrs. BooAT. 8454 key's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Joe 104 No. 18th St. Scharf. While here, they attended the Brodkey-Bernstein wedding Sunday at the Hotel Chieftain. • . . ' . ' •

J. C. C. Sports By BAY SCHAPffiO

I Ask Tour I Grocer for


FORBES TENDER CBUST The J. C. C . four-wall, courts will be the Bcene of the City and BREAD A. A. TJ. doubles handball tourLook for the Orange nament which-started Wednesday, March 11. The City singles tourand Blue Label ney will b^gin next week. Finalr A Trial Will Convince You ists and. Eemi-flnalists will vie in the Mid-Western A. A.-U. handBRODKET-BERSTSTEIJir ball tournament with teams from WEDDING' . - . . .Lincoln, Sioux City,, Des Moines, 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 The marriage of .Miss Rae Bern- South Dakota, and Cedar Rapids. stein,* daughter of Mr, and Mrs.Players of the -Class A caliber Louis Bernstein of Council-Bluffs, have been seeded Into a group of to Edwin Brodkey, eon of Mr. and their own and. the, mediocre playMrs. Bea Brodkey of Omaha! took ers will fight It out in Class B. place -Sunday erening, March. 8, Regulation A. A. U.'.medals will at 7:St)'o'clock at the Hotel Chief- be awarded the winners, the wintain, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, who ning club will be awarded a silmarried the bride's parents twen- ver loving cup. BEAUTY SALON ty-two years ago, performed the SPECIAL FOB A LIMITED ceremony In the presence of about Manny Goldberg took twx> vloO relatives of the young couple. TIME ONLY straight games from Sol Yaffe, A canopy of palms and tall metal $6.50 Permanent Waves 21-11. 21-12, to win the J . C. C. baskets of pink and whit© snapat .$5.00 singles handball championship in dragons formed an altar at the ?5.00 Permanent Waves west end of the ballroom at the the Class A group last Thursday. Manny had an easy time of it and Hotel; Chieftain. never throughout the two games 716 Brandeis Theatrs Bldg. The bride was lovely In a gown was he in danger. In the Class AT. 4333 of ivory lace. Fashioned on prin- B group, Jimmy Lemson, after cess lines with dolman sleeves, it losing the first game to Sam Ephad a high soft cowl neckline and stein, 7-21, came back strong to a long graceful skirl which swept capture the next two, 21-14, 21into a. three-yard train. From a 14, to capture the singles title in Juliet cap of pearls fell her fin- that group. ••'-.' gertip length veil of tulle: Solidly white was her bouquet, a sheaf Mr. Lee Grossman, physical diof calla lilies with, bound stems, rector, wishes to announce that a tied with white satin ribbon. SCHMIDrS Miss Pauline Bernstein, Bister Men's club volleyball league will soon get under way and all teams CITY CLUB BEER of the bride, waB maid -of honor. She wore a gown- of • Goya. blue wishing to enter, please get in for a Pleasant Surprise crepe in a semi-formal tailored touch with Mr. GrSssman immediately.' HAVE XOV TRIED mode. Dr. Morris Brodkey of Omaha, SCHMIDT'S LATELY? A 10-mile marathon Instead of brother of the groom, was best the annual 5-mile marathon will CALL man. Mrs. Bernstein, mother of the begin next month In the Center's CITY CLUB BEER CO. bride, wore a gown of black triple popL The boys are now getting 422 So. 13th St. AT. £903 into condition by taking weekly chiffon, oramented • with jeweled 'clips at the shoulder and waist- mile swims. All Juniors wishing line, and < a corsage of enter, get in touch with Al Mrs. Brodkey, the groom's moth- Oruch, swimming instructor. er, was gowned in black lace and wore a corsage of gardenias. The youngsters deserve some Mr. Brodkey and his bride left credit. And they • shall have i t Stop for Yotn the following day on a honeymoon Those who Tiave followed the J. trip ,by motor to Los Angeles, Cal- C. C. junior basketball league this ifornia. Upon their return April past winter. can,~as one, agree *on Lunch and Relaxation first, they will -make-.'their home the fact that what these boys a t the Blackstone Hotel in Om- lack in ability-is made up in what AT Trna What they aha. ••. •'•-.-. ~ '.•, • • ,.' ..- is termed "lljit." Out-of-town guests at the wed- need is encouragement and the STAR BILLIARDS ding were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin physical department Is offering Bookey, and Mr. and Mrs. Benits every means In order that * AND LUNCH * Isaacson of Des Moines; Miss An- these boys may benefit and some na. Shyman, Mr.' Will Shyman, day take the place of the present . 316 So. loth Mr. Allen Grant of Chclago; Mr. basketball stars. For the boys who' have shown promise and and Mrs. Dave Geffen of Denison, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Julius Arkin, have worked hard throughout the Mr. and "Mrs. Ben .Baron, and Mr. past season, for the ones who and Mrs. Max Brodkey of Sioux have shown the true sportsmanCityi'-Xowai' ' JOSEPH LINTZMAN, iAtty. SB. HADDA8SH We Are Serving a NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT The ; Council Bluffs Senior HaSpecial American Dinner OF FINAL AOMINISTRA. dassah have ;announced that -in, TION ACCOUNT ! EVEEYSUNDAY stead of-a regular monthly meetIn the County Court" of. Douglas • ' • . " . . a t : • County, Nebraska. ing to be held next Wednesday afIn the Matter of the Estate of Max 7Sc AND 35c F E E PLATE V ' ternoon; theClub will hold a joint Hartz, Deceased: • , All persons Interested In Bald matI. meeting with the Omaha Chapter 4 Courses Complete ter are hereby notified7 that on the t ^ of Senior Hadassah at a one o'r 10th day of -March, 1936, Manuel From 11 A. M. to 8 P.' El. Hartz filed a petition in said County clock luncheon next Thursday afCourt, graying that his final adminternoon, March 19, at the Jewish istration account filed herein be setKING FONG CAFE Community Center."The guest of tled, and allowed, and that he t>e discharged from trust as administrahonor at the luncheon will he Mrs. tor and that his 310 So. 16th St. a hearing will be had lisa Warburg of Palestine, pri- on said petition t>e{ore said Court on UPSTAIRS the 4th day of April. 1S36, and that vate secretary of Miss Henrietta if you fail to pppear before said Court Szold, founder.of Hadassah. Hes- on the said 4th'day of April, 1936. at o'clock A. M.. and contest said petiervatlons for the luncheon may 9tion, the Court may grant the prayer be made by calling either Mrs. of said petition, enter :a decree of heirship, and make such other and f Herman Marowitz, . cTiairman, or further orders, allowances and deI llesdames Harry Chernlss, ^ Ben crees, as to this Court may Eeern proper, to the end that ail matters * Kubby, Albert Krasne, and Richpertaining to Bald estate may bo finard Gordon. The Club is spon- ally settled and determined. BHTCB CRAWFORD. soring a "Folgers Coffee" Sale



> •

Idtft think so from this southpaw, taken at the e allows he has a new ball, hardest of all to

x igular signal—the way^ia -term murderers in Pola Japanese lifer, and ta • fht United Newspicturea.




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Peerless Cleaners OFFICE AND PLANT KE. 1500



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Per Ton Guaranteed toSatisfy



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led in the daily papers was mentioned in this column last week. We overheard that Marian Kve also expressed curiosity as to Greenberger's •wedding dress is ol ' when, this not hard to look at I •vrliite satin and will be most stun- ] Central High Kiss would again I ihave. her picture in the paper. ningly made. . The I. Welners are preparing | But we were not to have a very j long wait, for the nest day, a two for a "Gift from God." ! " A little elevator girl asked us column picture of the young lady •why Ben Effros made himself ; appeared in the paper. such a nuisance Trtth the girls? We don't tnoT vhy but maybe I WIVES WANTED! seeing'11 help. We have been giren to underWe saw one of our better-tno-RTi young ladies eating port chops ; stand that several eligible bachelthe other day. Her gentile table- ors are ready to "settle down" neighbor was eating kosher corn- and are looking about for wives. beef. The requirements are "She must be pretty, intelligent, well-to-do, economical, good-natured and Bits gay." They are really not a bit particular, as yon can see. "We A certain yonng matron whose have in our list doctors, dentists. locks used to be fiery red is let- ! lawyers, merchants, and men who In Appreciation of Your ting her hair grow back to ttsfna- j work. pp tural brown shade and "we think Past and Future it's more becoming, don't you? At a recent "benefit bridge party TRUE STORY Patronage the guests couldn't play bridge beHave yon heard the one about | cause they were besieged by sellers airs. Cohn, who when her daughter j of tickets lor another organizatold her she was s'oing ont to play ROSS PETERSON tion's bridge. It's a little mixed contract bridge, cried, "Ol Weh, HOTEL FONTENELUS but anyhow there it is. you got to sign yet a contract to Fine Flowers Moderately One of our informants tells -us play bridge! Can't you find PricecS that the ngageinent of Dorothy enough crazy people without signOpen Evenings sne! Molirteye M.. to Arthur G. will soon be an- ing yourself away?" AT. 83OC AX. CZS nounced. Congratulations ahead or timer



tendance of 15 and Mr. Grossrasii; states that the physical Aepr, v ment has for many yeare attenn>ed to form n Jewish women's via von class raid that it seraiF tl.. that dream i? shout to come trr.-. However, there is plenty of ronir for more members and the J e v ish women of Omahe should K. join and take advantage of tt>c Center physical department anti its facilities.




Firr* ErrtfEfc Lc*sis cn&sr Federal EOCSJISJ; Ael

Repaid Over e, Period of, Firttc Tweetj" Yesrw Also PfepRigbt IJORTO »f 4-.%, f;

or 5 % Per Cent

20-* Kerlinr TAHf


Harry Weinberg, who was electto Alpha Omega Alpha, national Two-year old Connie •Wertfceiia- honorary medical fraternity at er made a charming hostess the Nebraska, is the only Jewish bey other "day. The occasion was her so honored. Only the ten highest j second birthday. The very young rating students in the graduating } lady was wearing a corsage 'n class are given the membership, j everything . . . Yes, Eddie Rosen still lives in Omaha, The reason that you don't see him very of- WRITTEN TESTIMONIAL, ten is ..that Marjorie Hiller just PLEASE returned from her vacation . . . One afternoon recently, a grade Men's Wear magazine has as£ed Joe Wolf for an article on his school tacher said the following j unique new men's store . . . The Z. to little Marian Lipsman: "Mar- I B. T. dance slated for March 29, ian, you've shown a lot of imwill be quite some affair, we hear provement, both in your echool. , .. .Sue Coremman is back from work and your deportment." California, and declares she is in The youngster's eyes brighten-great shape to defend her swim- ed. "Won't you please write it ming laurels at the Center , . . on a piece of paper, BO my mama The group that drove to Fremont will believe i t ? " after the Alpha Gamma Chi sorority dance last - Saturday night didn't return home until ten a. Hie 'Fnehrer' Gets His m. the next morning . . . Tis said One of the most characteristic that when and if the F and F plant moves to Chicago, they will of the jokes now circulating in take their entire staff of workers Geermany goes in this wise: Two Bavarian peasants were along with them, which would decrease our population by about walking along a highway. Soon 100 . . . Annette Riklin Silver- one of them spotted a crucifix. He man, mother of cute twins, and stopped instantly, performed the Sylvia Adler Brodkey, will do Nazi salute, and said: "Heil Hitsome plenty fancy stepping in the ler." Conservative Capers Show . . . The other peasant turned to Margaret Belman, Henrietta Bern- him in surprise, saying: "Why do stein, Ida Gitlin, Evelyn Green, you say, 'Heil Hitler'? Don't you Harry DuBoff, Larry Finkel, and know this is Oar Savior, this is Earl Ross will cut in for a good- Jesus, en the cross? What would ly share of the applause for their you say if Hitler were on the vocalising . . . . cross?" The first one promptly replied: "Then I would say, 'Blessed be the Lord." "

From tlie C u l l . . .

For... ROBERTS • Sweet Batter • Dated Milk • Soar .Cream and many other products, ask yonr grocer or c a l l . . .


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Outside of filling cavities, Dr. j David Plait's chief -occupation j Let us kaep you? wearvng these days is relating torrid stor- i ies to his friends, ctories that I I We take time to do it flgSt fcy The frequency with which the were picked V.T en his recent visit 1 t>cjr^ tlcv anfi picture of Suth Friedman appear- :to South America.



i N. "i K r *•• L *, r t

P f c ' Ferrules, carried Ir ES-onie TablPtB. r-T"irr p i f

Among the University of Nebraska students spending their They CaS 15m J i m i e r . . . costly . . . Be FreparcS . .» Spring vacations at home were: Why do they call Joe Xaebraan Msve y®HT EEtoraobile InLouis Rosenthal, Kate Goldstein, Sara Somberg, Pearl Sherman, ©f "Moonbeam", and "the one I Freste! • Lester Lapidus, Arthur Green, had" fame — "Little Junior?" 50th & Dodse Sts. WA. CSC2 Arhur Goldstein, David Sher, Ben Well, we'll answer our own ques- SB Demplae Blocfe PARKING SPACE JTACESOK SE25 Ravitz, J. Edward Rosenthal, Phil jtion. Youthful looking Joe, who Prompt Celivery Gerelick, Leo Chaiken and Joe j is & salesman at the Nebraska Clothing Co., on one occasion Stern. went downstairs to the stockroom The children of the Talmud of the store to find some special Torah were holding regular Sat- I shirts that the man he was waiturday morning services at the ing on wanted. Five, ten, fifteen Talmud Torah building. . Each minutes passed—and no Liebiuaa. week one cf the students was cho-(Finally, the customer in desperasent to • act as Chazan. Ition, boomed out in a loud vocie, The Bea Nu Tau club entertain- ("Where's Little Junior." And ed Its members at a Horse back "Little Junior," Joe has been ever LAUKBIUE5 Insurance Bids. Riding party at the Ak-Sar-Ben since. AT.' SS21 AT. ©221 riding academy. A meeting was • Wiring of sH held later at the home of Dave E$er$ Lemiry Serake 9

Motor InstaSatlons. • lighting fistares.

v-or "Wept of va.? Marke


01AHA LAUNDRY CO. Let us hfep your BannentB fresh Rtic! <>risp, pnrt gi.T* ihotc longer life,

Cftll WJE. SSR4,

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Vat BeQroonw s is & Bath* rooms VTe- B-Iso elenn p.n<S nweree your old shados .

* Shades «« Low BB Sffcr m Tour- Osm Rollers

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LOUJ« E. I.IPP, and power, can break down the NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS FRADENBURQ, WEBB, JBEBER, Ladies Auxiliary 804 City PJ*!t Back SS4 Cfty N«tl- Bantc 'S HEREBY GIVEN that KLUTZN1CK *. KEU.EY, common defences of the sullen enMOT1CK -,. 1 the first day of January, 1936, the ' Attorney* »t Law The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare hearts of men. NOTICC OF INDEBTEDNESS NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS . total outstanding indebtedness of the 200 Union State Sank Building t lie h»T*by *rir*n that all exNotice i* h°T?by fSrtTerr tha* el> exZion synagogue will give a lunch The final meaning Is a very Carlton Realty Company, a Nebraska isting 6ebt* at GraceS-Mtrer Crwnpjry '•?ilr>e ii<*h?K 'A <Fn>nk Martin, Ini-., eon for paia up members of the practical one. I am convinced corporation, trith Its principal place Notice in hereby given that on the on mi 1b* S'jwf >?ay nt Txw-mWr. 19S6 the2I*t'J>ay ..of De&mi&rM&* business In Omaha, Nebraska, was . »rn<ruct«'fl to- fh* rotn of J2.417.77. day of Jasruary. 1KSS, at tne reg- amtJtmteii to the earn ai -Sii«.s5&-»&. group, March 24, in t h « socia that had I been able to- stay a of secured -Indebtedness ?78,<WU and un-20th j DsnJe! l«rirr»M. ular annual". jneeting c£ the stock• •• Alfred ' S, SJaFer, UM91.66. es U M hall of the synagogue. Tho lunch few more days In .this city or in secured Indebtedness holder* of Barish-Sanders Motor Co.. President. H A, A WOLF MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent g eon, will be open only to those that I could have made a convert H. which was held at the o«*w* of the •%Srs Trief-«iore -Mayer President F,«s.trt< T*J5E company at Omaha. J,ebra»fca, ArAlfred s . ss&ytr — • • members whose dues for the year of this man or that to integral ATTEST: ticle IV of the ArtJcUf* of_Incorpora^ ~ ' ' a.roz}£*5tj*• of - the • of Frank Martin R. H. BROWN, tir-n of said Barton-Sanders Motor At a recent meeting of the Pi- have been paid. B 8 majority of th* Board ot Judaism and even 'gotten a conSecretary * Co.. was duly amended to read. a« oneer Women, the following offiAn elaborate program h a s siderable contribution for ' th£s H. A. Wolf follows: H. H. Aoerbach : LOUIS E. LIPP, cers were elected for the coming been planned and includes musi- fund'or that out of myjnan'g coi> R. H-_ Brown 50* City Ksil'r Ba'rik BWg. £04 City. Natl. Bank Bide. - Section 1. The Authorized a year: Mrs. I. Lubman, financial cal numbers by Mrs. M. B. Here verted mood. But I had to hurry .Majority of Directors stock of the corporaUop Bha.IJbe NOTICE" OF INDEBTEDNESS secretary; Mrs. O. Gordon, re- off, a skit "The Office of Presi- on to speak at Community Fornias NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ty Thousand Dollars <»60 OOft-OC). divNOTICE. OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice i» JKTet>y - given that sU exNotice 1« hfr^.y fcfren that all n into two hundred fifty CZoU) ijrtljie cording secretary;^ and Mra L dent of the Auxiliary" and a play and Woman's Clubs about, BO to NOTICE IS HEKEBr GIVEN that ided debt*.of .Fashion.=Cei3t«, '"<"-> r^-rincr shares of Common Stock of the par of Medical Credit Bureau the first day of January, 1936, the value of One Hundred Dollars <I1W>.- on this *l«t ilay of DeceroiHT, 193-5. '•T-i--..d<-bt«i - • by the children of the synagogue speak, Shakespeare and the mus- on or. the Riff, day of December Mr. B. N. Grueskin -was elected Rivln, treasurer. total outstanding; indebtedness of 00) amounted'to-il>e « r a ot-.KH.J6. each, and three hundred a n y lost, amount*-^ tn the n i n of Non-' kindergarten, "The March of th ical glasses, because.even profes- Omaha Bus & Terminal Company, a shares (350) of Preferred Stock: of : : . J. K. Karl • president of the Federation of I^^aniel Lan£rfrM. Nebraska, corporation, with Its prin- the par value of One Hundred polCalendar," directed by Mra. S sional Jews have to live and sup- cipal President. Jewish Social Service at tho anplace of business In Omaha, Ne- lars (JSOO.OO), all of which stock X. * ; p p Krupnick. ; bk port their families. This Is a fact braska, was N None. nual meeting held recently in the shall be fully paid uj> and non-assessmajority., of th* . Boart oi TC. BrotT' The Daughterhood of TipherH. H. AUERBACH, The Auxiliary held an . open not often considered. It happens able when issued* Jewish Community Center. He a majority of the Board oi President In the event the common capital Directors succeeds Mr. A, M. Davis, who eth Israel Synagogue will hold a meeting Monday evening in th to be true. And my situation Is ATTEST: stock Is increased, the stockholders Purim program and meeting R. H. EOOPER, Synagogue with an open forum, duplicated by the situation of all owring common stock of record at held the office for seven years. - - Secretary City Nstl. Bank I LOUtS E. LIPP, such time shall have the prior tight Mr. Grueskln has been an active open to the public, Sunday eve- folllowing the meeting. Dr. J. M. my colleagues and we go home H. H. Auerbach to subscribe for and take each addi• SG4 City Natl. Bank Bldg. ning, March 15, In the social hall Lande, A. H. Baron, Rabbi Ra and think- of what might have R. H. Kooper tional common stock at its book member of the Federation for NOTICE OF R. H. Brown ' valre. but not less than par, In proi NOTiCE O P INDEBTEDNESS Notice is .JierelwOdv«n that, many years and h a s acted as of the synagogue, at 7:30 o'clock. binowitz, and Mr Herman Ochs o been done and accomplished and Majority of Directors t*>rt!on to their holdings. Said Pre- letinfir NofJ'-» i* bpreby p1v/.n that all > s delits of Na+ioisa^, Stores CorAn interesting program has St. Louis led the discussion. A was not and continue to dream ferred Stock or and after the Sate ?>orjation on'the'-Sfst'-'dav of De<x-m- •i?"i'-<r chairman of tho Annual Building 4»!.t« of Gpneral. <ian»Ke. ComNOTICE'OF INDEBTEDNESS borne by the Certificate evidencing ber, • >S3S, amtmnted - t o . t h e - B a m of Pr-T:T -or, th»^ Sl^t day fit^Deoe^nher Fund Carnival and of the Annual been arranged, according to Mrs. play, "The Modernization of Pur- of American Jewry transformed NOTICE l a HEREBY GIVEN that such stock secures to the holder • ''*?• amounted to the W m of t 3 . IS58.6T. . . ... ' v . on the first day of January. 1S36, theI thereof, the payment in currency of Inter Club Council carnival last M. Lazriowlch, president of the Im." was presented by members from a mob into a people. ZfY .iifirkK. auxiliary, and plans_are being I the United States of America, a cutotal outstanding secured and unseof the Junior Hadassah, and Mis • Daniel Lanpf»M; (Copyright 1936 by Seven .Arts, cured Indebtedness of The Rosecberry mulative annual dividend of two per year. « X. IX. Marks -• • .-. , ' made to accommodate a large Jean Shindler presented a group Feature Syndicate.) cent <2) per annum, payable anHome Construction Company, a NeOther officers elected include audience. Refreshments will be C. T . Mark* " • ' ••- - • braska, corporation, with its principal nually on dates to be fixed by KesoBeing- a -majority -of" th« Bo&ra of Daniel I>ancfeld A. H. Baron, E. E. Baron, Bar- served at the conclusion of the of violin solos, with Esther Rivin place of business In Omaha, Nebras- lutlon of the Board of Directors <3or- Directors.- - . ...;... . _ • ; Robert I^e^key -.. at the piano. Mrs. J. H. Mosow NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ing the existence of the said corney Baron, John Lansborg a n d evening. ; __B*!ne a majority of -the-'Board oi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ka, was $638.34. poration. Such dividend upon the presided at the meeting/and Mrs. H. H. ATJERL.ACH, on the first day of January. 1936. the . MV Lasensky, vice-presidents; J. pipierred stock shall be cumulative M' «." WHFTE, y President A. H. Baron, over the program total outstanding secured and unse- ATTEST: fcndi shall not exceed two per cent .CIty^'-'Nattbnar Bank BideKalln,'secretary; and Ell Hobincured Indebtedness of. The Overland c. UIPP, *Zt per annum and arrears there-Omaha, Nebraska. ' R. H. KOOPER. Securities Corporation, a Nebraska now, financial secretary. Miss of, payable each year out of the net 504 City Natl. Bank Bldg, Secretary corporation, with its, principal place earnings of the corporation before Dona Baron is superintendent. . NOTICE -'OF -OiSSOLUT'ON H. H. Auerbaea - NOTICE Or INDEBTEDNESS business In Omaha, Nebraska, was Book Review Monday ofJ55.000.00. any dividend is paid upon the comXofiee is hereby griv»n that, all ex. E.-H. Kooper . . mon stock. I if, Rabbi H. B. Rabinowitz will iFtinc rie'ots of Inland Securities C'orR. H. Brown" H. A. WOLF ! cial of- the- Stockholders end poratior- or the 3>t-day of Der*mMajority of Directors give the fifth in a series of book •President . b«r. iftSS, amounted to the sum cl T efthe?' Returning to Sioux City after reviews, Monday evening, at 8:15 ATTEST: $:.O3S.4S. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS R.-H. BROWN. " T>. K . L,ip'p.' < NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Secretary a s i x month etay in Palestine, o'clock in the social hall of the on the first day of January, 1936, the •" : President. H. A. Wolf ' : t c k S S n W u t S i S u ^ S { Miss Sarah Sadoff, daughter of Shaare Zion Synagogue. total outstanding secured and unse, Rea*ri^p I^ng-feld H. H. Auerbach cured indebtedness of Austin Apart- full the par val- e of their shares, j The be reviewed Mon: D. TC. L1pp Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sadoff,' told . R. H. Brown ments, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, plus any accrued, unpaid dividends : Beintr. a majority of the. Board o: The annual Hada&san Bazaar the Press Correspondent that life day is "Exile," by Pearl S. Buck Majority of Directors with -"Its principal place of business in Directors. •will be given next Monday at the in Palestine was thrilling and Omaha, Nebraska, was S95,65S.S2. payment NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS H. A. WOLF, I . LOUJS-C'UP^ Jewish Community Center, with that she Is eagerly looking forNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that era of preferred stock President j 504 City Natl. Bank Bldg. the first day of January, 1936, .the value the proceeds as usual going ward to returning there,to make ADDRESSES WOMAN'S CLUB on ATTEST: total outstanding secured and unsedends thereon, the remaining assets RH of \hp- wtockrKDldfcr?:-Rr«t t*ireo- j NOTICE OF- INDEBT-EONSSS R. H. KOOPER, toward Hadassah projects In Pal-her permanent home. Rabbi Charles E. Shuiman of cured Indebtedness of S-K Building and funds shall be divided and paid . tors of the --SSi&,--corporktir.n are N o t i c e . i s hereby driven that all ex. Secretary Company, a Nebraska corporation, •"'-.• to the holders of the common stock here tine. the North Shore Congregation Isprpperst and hRve-piened their iMtnr «Jpl>i!< of Quality Theatre Supwith Its principal place of business in H. A. Wolf Miss Sadoff, a Central High according «j their respective shares. consent fo MrW .-d!««ol«ti6n" , ply Co., Inc.. on the Slut rtay of DeThe Bazaar will be opened at student, returned to Sioux City rael, at Glencoe, Illinois, was the Omaha, Nebraska, was $264,025.95. ' " H. H. Auerbacii The owners of such preferred stock , rnmher. 1335, amounted to the^sum oi It is •.furtherresolved''that the H. A. WOLF, ' R. H. Kooper shall hold the same subject to the noon with a cafeteria luncheon upon the expiration of her visa guest speaker at the March meet• • President Majority of Directors following agreements and conditions: said corporatinr be arid the same I $ 4 , 1 5 4 . 4 0 . Ing of the Sioux City Woman's hereby is dissolved anii the Presiand a cafeteria Bupper "will be but hopes to go back to Palestine ATTEST: Carl White, , • • (a) To the power of this corpora- dent end SecretaTj- of .this corporaNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS President. R. H. BROWN, tio ; to increase in the manner pro- tion h* and. they here by. E re author- Csri White . served throughout the evening. next year. She spent jnost of the Club last Saturday afternoon in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that vided Secretary by law the amount,of its-auHezol "U'liHe ized anfl diretrtefi to sign a certifiPastry and candy booths will be six months with relatives in Tel the Martin Hotel. on the first day of January, 193G, the . H. A. Wolf ' total outstanding secured and unse- thorized common or preferred' slock. cate oi. dissolution and . nie the i Lynn White H. H. Auerbach attractively displayed,-and a large Aviv, but said that she would preSpeaking on "Democracy at the cured indebtedness of The Turner as the case may be, from time to , flame with the Se<Tetar>- of State i Beinfr E. majority of the -Board o) " . R. H. Brown V* Directors. of the State' of Nebraska, and R committee Of Hadassah women fer to live Jn Jerusalem. Court Realty Company, a Nebraska Crossroads," Rabbi Shulman said time. • .. | Majority of Directors corporation, with its principal place to vote at meetings of the stock- ' copy thereof; icith::the County Cierfc are assisting with the arrangethat Democracy is at the crossi While in Palestine Miss Sadoff of business In Omaha, Nebraska, was holders. ! LOUIS E; LIPP, NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ments. *(CL , T h l B o a 5 d ot r > i r e c t o r s m a ? ' . ! t o >.„.„..,.. l I I C l l e visited several of the colonies and roads of Communism and Fas- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that $7<,SS7.11. 504 City Nati. Bank Bldg. 61 at their discretion, at any meeting' the Jewish P ^ e ^ - s ub- ; A. H. BRODKEY. Mrs. •William Lazera and Mrs. expressed keen admiration for the cism and that the people of 'to- on the first day of January, 1936, the called for that purpose, on thirty j lished in Oiraha A H BROD NOTICE OF INDEgTEDNE6S total outstanding secured and unsePresident B Jack Robinson are in charge of work and spirit of the chalutzlm. day need less of the spirit of the cured days notice, redeem and retire all ' ~" " Nphra^ka.--i Notice is hprcbv giver, that all exTS indebtedness of Southern Mort- ATTEST: or any part of said preferred stock | Be it further resolved' that the ', istinc debts of Art Memorials, Ino. , , H. H. AUERBACH, tho arrangements for the bazaar. "Their work on the land Is-hard," Country Club "lalssez Faire" and gage & Finance Company, a NebrasH H i« on pa>-ment of its full par value in ! charter,of. paid .corporation be suron thp "1st day of npcembpr, 1935 Secretary corporation, with • its principal the currency oi the United States of Chairmen assisting them are Mrs. she said, "but they are so imbued more of the spirit of Valley ka rendered.and the Socretfiry of State ; amounted to the sum of $445.00. A. H . Erodkey. place- of business in Omaha, NebrasAmerica, and all of the dividends acre Louis Agtdnoff and Mrs. S. H. with the Ideal of rebuilding Pal- Forge. Oi the-State of NPbraska be and i Anns F. HB'ne". H. H. Auerbach ka, was J40.1S1.74. cumulated and unpaid thereon, and Presidertt^ ' Majority of Directors the• corporation, to this end,-reserve" hereby Is sfutho'Szea to cancel said 1; H. A. WOLF, Shulkln,/Shalach Monoth; Mrs. estine that they sing while they Anns P. Haynee To promote democracy against U . . . President the right to declare forfeited and. to Be I f further' resolved that the i XT. K. Kavari Zella Levltan and Mrs. Julius work. The Jewish young people the stern militaristic programs of ATTEST: forfeit, all dividends that may accrue affairs of. suld: corporation be and , Being a majority . of - the! Board ol NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS H. H. ATJERBACH, Lehman, Dining room; Mrs. S. In Palestine are happy and ideal- Russia, Germany and Italy, the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the preferred stock, thirty (310 hereby are closes. • Directors. Secretary days after, written aotiC6 Is given on.the first day of January, 1936. the Shulkin and Mrs. A. Rubinstein, istic," she said, "and they work speaker said, "we need the spirit H..A. Wolf total outstanding secured, and unse- the - holder thereof to surrender such LOUIS E.. LIPP, = •i SAM JOSEPHSOK. H. H. Auerbach luncheon and dinner menu chair- and play with a feeling of satis- of Valley Forge that made Amercured indebtedness of The Venetian preferred siock, and should the hold- ' . .• • President 504 City Natl. Bank Bldg. R. H. Brown * er thereof neglect or refuse BO to surCourt Realty CompaaJ-, a Nebraska g or refuse BO to sur BIRDIE JOSEPHSOX. inien; Mrs. Morrla LazrlowlcTi, faction, knowing that their work ica a great nation so that we can Majority of Directors corporation, -vith its • principal "• place render such, certificate of stock with- G-l3-56-"4f ; NOTICE OF' INDEBTEDNESS Secretary." Pastries. Mra. William C. Slot- there, no matter what they are offer power, •wisdom, sanity, and of business In Omaha, Nebraska, was in the period of thirty (30) da^'s afNotice is hereby given that all exNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS J'3.714.06. isting' debts of Grftnfte. Arts, Inc.. on ter the date specifies Jnfthe written ' uky Is president of the Senior Ha- doing,,is creative." co-operation and can truly be NOTICE- IS HEREBY GIVEN that ATTEST: the Slst -day tu I>ec<>inber, 1935, notice for the said surrender and reNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS the first day of January, 1936, the das&ah chapter ...'•' ? amounted to the'^^im of ?4,300.pO. J. H. KTJLAKOFSKT tirement of this certificate, the said It Is not surprising that Miss worthy of a land that was dream- on NOTICE IS .'HEHEBT- G-IVEX that total outstanding secured and, unseJ. AVilbur- Haynen.. President dividend shall be forfeited. The said on the first dej--of-Jajiuarj-, 1936. the Sadoff is an ardent Zionist. The ed for us In ages past." cured Indebtedness of-' The Overland . President. H. H. AL^ERBACH, notice shall be given to the said legal total oiimfen'ding- secured and unseRealty Company, a Nebraska corporc t12 r p a J . " W i l b u r K a y i i e P -'• ''"*• love for Palestine and Zionism Secretary holder or holders ol--the said preI indebtedness of The •— r-• S ™,? indebtedness of The Midland ation, with its principal place of busiBeing", a'. majoVlfy of the Bftard of • ' J. H. Kulakofsky was communicated' to her by her ness In Omaha, Nebraska, was ?18,terred stock so to be retired, as IaRtea!ty Company, a Nebraska corpor- D i r e c t o n ; . » . , • • ,« • • H. H. Auerbach ion 701.S2. snown upon the transfer book of this j ' its .principal place of busimother, who visited Palestine ten • • - . Reuben Kulakofsky i Jnth n corporation at the time said notice is • Nebraska , was $77,, H. A. WOLF• • " Majority of Directors years ago and who has worked ?iven and the notice shall be conPresident strued to have been given Srhen Jt is Mrs, A. Slutsky, Miss Jessie ATTEST: H: KOOPER. heart and soul for Eretz Israel • " '• I ' addressed to such preferred stock- ATTEST: NOTICE OFxJNDEETEDNESS Slutsky, and Mr. and Mrs. Mor- H. H. AUEEBACH; President : holder at his last place of • address, NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN that The Sioux City chapter of the since .that time. Secretary • . FAYE as .shown by the records of the comris Slutsky departed today for on the first day of January, 1936, the 1 H. A. Wolf B'nal B'rith lodge will be hosts Secretary total outstanding secufed and unse- pany and deposited in any i>ost off•'v H. H. A-uerbacb.' Rock Island, Illinois, where they ,R. ,3i. Kooper cured Indebtedness- of The Northern ice. When the stock is so redeemed, to the convention of the SouthR. H. Brown H. A. T,Vol£ will attend the wedding of Mr. Mortgage & Finance Company, a Ne- it may be cancelled, retired, held in Majority of Directors braska west -Regional Council of the • R'. H. Brown cori>6ra.tlon. with its principal the treasury, or reissued as preferred H.-H. Auerbach Three hundred people attended Slutsky's son, Louis Slutsky to place of business In Omaha, Nebras- stock. The deposit of One iiuinireB B'nai B'rith, on Sunday, April 19. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Miss Edith Rudman, daughter of . Faye • Gereltck ka, was $51,93(1.48. Dollars <$100.*5) for each share so Mr. I. B. Padway, president of the annual Talmud Torah banNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that riajority of Directors retired plus any unpaid accrued divH. A. WOLF. on the first "day ot January, 1936, the District 6 of the B'nal B'rith, will quet Tuesday evening In the Jew- Mr. and Mrs. F. Rudman. iflends thereon, at the ofnee of the President total outstanding secured and unse- ATTEST: The wedding will take place company shall be a sufficient tenish Community Center, and witbe a guest at the convention, and NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS cured Indebtedness of "Western Mortder of the amount and upon such .H. H. AUERBACH, NOTICE -IS HEREBY GIVEN that gage & Finance Comnany, a Nebrasupon such will apeak at the banquet sched- nessed the first performance of Sunday afternoon. Mr. Slutsky ha Secretary deposit being on the .first Say of January, 193G, the made, all dividends • corporation, with Itsprincipal uled for the evening which will the Yiddish Operetta, "Chassidic and his bride will make their pcice- of business In Omaha, NebrasH. A. Wolf shall cease. total outstanding secured- and unsehome in Mitchell, South Dakota. H. H. Auerbacb Interlude," presented by children cured Indebtedness of the H. A. Wolf ca, was ?25,306.9*. conclude the conference.! Mr. Pad<d) All the conditions of the iSBue Company,, Inc. a Nebraska • -H. Wilinstcy corporaH. A. WOLF of such preferred stock are hereby tion, way's home Is In Milwaukee.. WIs. of the school, under the direction A. W. Gordon With its principal place of busiPresident made a matter^ of contract between ness in J H^ Kulakofsky of Samson Krupnick, who wrote v Omaha,' Nebraska, Was 1**1,The Alpha Gamma Tau sorority ATTEST:' The southwest region of the the continuity of the operetta. each and all of the then stockhold- 456.flQ. • W. L. Holiman H. H. ATJERBACIT, - "• ers and all future stockholders of the will hold a rush party this eveMajority of Directors B'nal B'rith lodges is composed "ChaBsidlc "H. A. WOLF . . . Secretary corporation, on behalf of themselves Interlude" includes ning at the Savoy Cafe, entertainH. A. Wolf of the lodges of Omaha, Council eighteen original President and made binding upon each and all ATTEST: Chassidic melo- ng prospective members of the H. H. Auerbach: NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS of the then stockholders, and all fuBluffs, Lincoln, Sioux Falls and dies. Piano accompaniments were R. H. KOOPER, R. H. Brown NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ture stockholders, their representa"Secretary club. A social hour will occupy Sioux City. Dr. H. M. Levin of by .Mrs'.'S. Krupnick:. Majority of Directors on the first day of January, 1936, the tives, heirs, executors, administra. . .. ,;..-H. A. ..wolf •• ; ' , total outstanding secured and unse- tors, ..assigns and successors in Inthe evening hours. Miss Marcella Sioux City la regional president: Becognized as K. H. Auerbach cured Indebtedness of The Baird terest and the holder of this certifiSpeaker^ at the banquet includ- Levich is in charge of the ar- NOT1CE OF INDEBTEDNESS" Nathan Galinsky of Council Building Companr, a Nebraska cor- cate of stock by the acceptance William L.- Hblzman PKAOriCAL MOHEL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that poration, with . Its principal place of thereof, hereby agrees for himself, - IJOTIIS Killer Bluffs, vice-president; Julius BIs- ed Jack London, Rabbi H. R. Ra- rangements. >n the first day of January. 1936. the business In Omaha, Nebraska, was heirs, • Phone 1059. - . R-.H..Brown • . - ' administrators, executors and total outstanding secured and unse- $154,321.75. " no of Omaha, secretary; and Jack binowitz, Rabbi J. D. Maron, and • R. H. Kooper 1 assigns and successors -Jn Interest ' COUNCH, BLUFFS, IA. ' cured Indebtedness of Standard DeMr. Sam Llpman? The speakers J. J. GreenbeTg I. J. Greenberg of Sioux City, velopment Company, a Nebraska corH. H. AUERBACH, Cohen of Lincoln, treasurer. that he and they will be bound by Davjd Greienberg President stressed the necessity of the parthe said Articles of Incorporation, the a student at t h e University of poration, with Its principal place' of At a Tecerit meeting of the loMajority of Directors by-laws and such other resolutions S-13-SB-lt co-operation with the school Wisconsin, was elected president business-ID- Omaha, Nebraska, was ATTEST: R. H. BROWN" cal lodge, an Omaha delegation ent's and regulations as may be made from to give the children a Jewish ed- of th© Zeta Beta Tau fraternity $83,607.61. . H. A. WOLF • Secretary. • , •. . time to time by the said board of wore guests, and plans for the.ucation and background. H. H. Auerbach directors and the stockholders of the President at the University. Election to the ATTEST: R. H. Brown convention were begun. Among said company. J. H. Kulakofsky •Miss Jean Shindler presented fraternity office automatically J. A.-C. KENNEDY, Section 2. No dividends • shall - be the Omahans "who were In Sioux Majority of Directors declared Secretary . or pftid on common stock City for that meeting were Dr; A. several violin solos', accompanied makes him a member of the H. A. Wolf until all of said preferred stock shall by Miss Esther Rivln. Cantor A. house president's council, a diviJ. A. C. Kennedy have been retired, without the writGreenberg, JUIIUB Blsno, Philip NOTICE OF'INDEBTEDNESS A. W. Gordon • Pliskin sang Beveral Hebrew mel- sion of the student union at the NOTICE IS HBKEBY GIVEN that ten .unanimous consent of all holdKlu.tznlcit, Ben Kazlowsky . and odies, • T. P. Kennedy , : on the first day of .January, i9S6,~tbe ers : of preferred stock. accompanied by Mrs. S. university. v Majority of Directors total outstanding secured and unseAlex Fiedler. Section 3. No sale of stock shall Krupnick at the piano. cured indebtedness of H.. A. Wolf be vilid . and the corporation shall NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Company, a Nebraska corporation, not transfer said stock on Its books Ten year old Dorothy Lohrman NOTICE IS HBREBX GIVEN that with Its principal place of business In until and unless the said stock shall n first day of January, 1936, the Omaha, Nebraska, was J107.256.SS. ; have first been offered to existing of Chicago visited here this week totaltheoutstanding secured and unsestockholders at the fair book value H. A. WOLF enroute to her home ' in Holly- cured . Indebtedness - of Eastern Mortthereof, but before selling the sarnie President gage & Loan Company, a Nebraska ATTEST: wood. She Is accompanied by her at a, lesser price, the said stock shall Dr. Theodore, N. Lewis will corporation, with Its principal "place be offered first to existing stockH. H. AUERBACH, in Omaha, Nebraska, was speak this evening on 'Judaism In mother, a former Sioux Cityan, of38,business holders at such lesser price. , Secretary 630.58. Mrs. Annie Marx, 73, widow of Transition." and Bister of Mrs. Ben Friedman, H. A. Wolf In witness whereof the stockholdH. A. WOLF . Max Marx,, died Monday In a H. H. Auerbach., at whose home the visitors are _rg .of the Barish-Sanders Motor Co. Next Wednesday he will go to President . . R. H. Brown . caused said amendment ' to be subSioux City hospital following an Marshalltown, Iowa, where he staying. ATTEST: . Majority of Directors scribed on the 20th day of January, H. H. AUERBACH, Illness of two years. She h a d will address a meeting of the 5S6. While here, Dorothy was heard* Secretary . . BARISH-SANDS5RR MOTOR CO., NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS been a resident of Sioux City 31 Jewish community. Tuesday he over KSCJ, playing the piano and H. A. Wolf k 1 NOTICE IS'HEREBY: GIVEN that ^ B j M . M. BAR1SH, • • H. H. Auerbacn- " years. on the first day of January,. 19u6, the President spoke before the community Fa- giving several impersonations. Dr. Philip Sher total outstanding secured and unseAttest: Mrs. Marx was born In Denver, ther and Son banquet of Luton, She has been heard over WGN in Majority of Directors cured Indebtedness of The CommerL. S. REDFORD, Colorado, in November, 1863, and Iowa. Chicago and WHFC in Cicero, Illcial Realty Company, a Nebraska 3-6-?6-4t. Secretary. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS corporation, with, Its .principal place lived there until coming to Sioux inois. Dorothy was'born n Sioux NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of business'in Omaha, Nebraska, was City. She "was a member of the 3iyt, but moved with her parents on the first day of January, 1936, ..the- $334,341.14. Patronize our advertisers. «total outstanding secured and unset Mount Slrial Temple and Mount Jlght years ago. " . H. A. WOLF BOOK REVIEW cured indebtedness of The Overland Sln'ftl Sisterhood. Mortgage & Finance Company, a ^.Ne- ATTEST: 'President The regular monthly •" meeting braska corporation, with Us principal Funeral Services were held In of the Mount Sinai Temple SisH. H. AUERBACH, place of. business in Omaha, NebrasSecretary "" Mount SInal Temple, Wednesday terhood book review circle will ka, was $14,092.96. • • H. A. Wolf , : H. A. WOLF uftornoon and many •• relatives beheld next Friday afternoon in H. H. Auertach (Continued from page 1) President R. H. Browh : . from Omaha, St. Louis, and Kan- the home of Mrs. Sol Novitsky. ATTEST: Majority of Directors but rarely sting and shatter "and AC, H. H sas City arrived Wednesday to Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review break in upon the still too well with the Secretary attend the funeral services. The firms advertising in the H. A. Wolf "If X Had Four Apples" by GerOLD TIME RUSSIAN TYPE H. H. Auerbach Jewish Press merit and deserve Surviving are a son Leon H. trude Lawrence and "Roads to defended citadels of souls frightR. H. Brown ened and unredeemed. He is the Marx; a daughter, Ruth Marx; Peaco" by Frank Simmonds. Majority of Directors Jrour patronage. hdispensable center. But from and four grandchildren. . ' the periphery of the circle of the circle of which he is the cenHere'* > welcome ehange in flavor for ail lovers of rye bread. Cossack ter he needs the appearance of lea.ion National Secretary i Rye i* truly dark bread at Its beet ders who, uninvolved in local fear . . . rich, thin ailccd, finely flavored of Pioneer Women spcak thls e v e n i n ggon ..Alag ~ or favors, can- speak' the magic . . . a perfect loaf for meals or tasty Alas~tfor sandwiches. You'll delicht In Its rare wo.rd for which, despite a thouEuropean dark loaf flavor mad« Sophio' Yudln of Now York Dignity Lost." Cantor A. Pllskln sand protestations,, the people are goubly appetizing by careful baking City, national secretary of "tho nnd the , synagogue choir will Waiting. in'modern bread kitchens. A Peter the ritual. Pan Product. Pioneer Women's organization,'is chant Tomorrow morning .Paul Wosscheduled to bo In Sioux City, koff, eon of Mr. and Mrs. John MADE WITHOUT ANIMAL FAT T h e psychological situation Sunday, March 29, and the local Woskod of Smlthland, Iowa, will here outlined is old' and common members of the Pioneer Women celebrate his Bar Mitzvah in the and has been acknowledged and and tho Poalo Zion will hold a synagogue. met within other groups. Evangemeeting on that dato with Miss Mr. and Mrs. Woskofi will dis- lists among Protestant sects, misYudln, tho principal speaker. tribute candy to the Junior Con- sionary and redemptorist fathers The meeting will take plnce at j gregation honoring their son. in the Catholic Church, our own the Jewish Community Center Tuesday morning Rabbi Rabln- maggidim among the older folktind the two organizations spon- awltz spoke before tho Y. W. C.masses in Eastern Europe, all soring it invite all friends of the (A. of Morningslde College on thethese have striven to meet the Labor Zionists to attend. Miss Hebrew Bible and Its transla- need of the magic word of redemYudin will speak on "Tho Vital tions. Next Tuesday he will ad- tion /spoken by some one who sudPart tho" Chalutzah are playing In dress the Young Peoples group of denly appears upon the scene and by that very fact, given the light tho Building of Palestine." jthe Presbyterian church.


Sioux City News j




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Hadassah Bazaar Planned Monday


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Life in Palestine Thrills Soo Cityan

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Sioux City Host to B'nai B'rith Conclave

Society News


Talmud Torah

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Rev. A.- Diamond


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Mount Sinai

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Shaare Zi


"The Choicest Product of the Brewers' Art" Brewed in Omaha



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