LOIMS E. LIPP, 504 City. Natl, Bank Bldfl. I NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice Is hereby dven tlmt aJI e l 'me debts of "Frank. Martin, In<\, the 31rt day of -December. 193r>, ranted to-the cum of J2.*17.77. Daniel Xiangfeia, .President. ...te LanrfcW • " - ; ' ; " -" [atrlce Utngfeld • . -. Martin ' . ..- • e £ a majority of the ;Board ol • c t o r e . . . .
. ' • . ' . •
-."_ .
}By LTJDWIG LEWISOHN (This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in Tarnole or in- part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on this copyright mil be prosecuted.)"
LOUIS E. , 504 City: Natl.. Bank. B?dO. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS latlce is hereby given that all « s n£ debts of MedlcnJ^Cr«dit BureBOi i. on the Slsf dor of December, ~ amounted tn the' Bum .at "None. Daniel JkangfrlS. itrice LancTeld niel T-anefeld 'Brbtt
President. ,
":• -
. .* . ' • ' - ' .
3elns -a" majority of "the ' Board • cl rectors.. ; • • • : ., .": •. • '• ,', LOUIS E. ClPP, . •"•• •' '-•' 504 City Natl. Bank BIdg. .. _:
. • . • • - • ' : - '
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Daniel Lanpfeld;
• '•
bert Lecbey - ." ' .'., . Being1 a majority'of-the'Board of •;..;
,£.„ • ; . £ . _ . • _ ' •
-•: •'-•
504 City Natls- Bank.Sldjj,-.-. r NOTICE Or INDEBTEDNESS Notice Is hereby .given; that.-all exbag debts of Inland Securities Corration on the 31st" day of. Decemr; .1555, ramounted to the" 'jsum ol ,035.43.. '
Wpp. .. .-JPresident.
KJIdpp Being, a majority- of thei Board o! rectors. . ._.'.-.-E^t-IPP,
504 City NatU^ Bank • NOTICE OF; I N D E B T E D N E S S
Notice .is. herehy irisien. that all ex.
liip debts ot Quality Theatre Sup.- Co., ITIP., on-the 31st clay of Dernber. 1335, "amounted- to the^snm ol 3SJ.40.
' - - -
- • ' • " . • . • . " . •
Carl "White,- ••,- ' • •"'President. : J.T] "VFhUe . . . : . IBelnir . a majority o i - the Board oi [rectors.
• • • • •_
~ LOUIS E.' L1PP, 504 City-Natl. Bank Bldg. • NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS (Notice is hereby given that all ex*nc debts of Art Memorials, inc. the 23st flay of Dec-ember. 1935, unted.to the sum of S445.00. Anna P. I"
t n a P . Harries T E.iCavan : . " Being .&_ majority ^. irectors. . . . . . .
. V fc; Board bl
UOUlSE.tLIFP, :d 504 City Nail. Bank Bldjj. NOTICE OF' INDEBTEDNESS pTotice? is hereby -given that all e-sting debts o f Granite Arts, Inc.. on h: Slst - d a y -of -December, - 1325, pounted" to "the"sum*of'$'4,300.Q0. ' J. -°V7Ubui>.Hiirtie9.-...-•- - . . -• '- President, r" Harries' = ---y,-<:•-"• ,__ ...a'.niajority of:"1-'- ri'-jrectors. • y -•
Temple Choir Under Direction of A! Finkel
"On Benevolence" A rabbi, the occupant ol a very distinguished pulpit, has -written a pamphlet against me. Or father, against the Zionist cause and ideThe Temple Israel choir •will ology. I 'understand him very "was receivbe heard under new direction with •vrell. He has nothing against me New T o r t <"WNS)-—Emphasiz- added voices, beginning at ser-, To Co-ordinats Plass for ^ Community Proposes $10,000,000 Fund Be; except in. so "far as I have identi-l ing that the Soviet Union has fol- vices this evening. j »ast week from t h e SerIncluded in Existing gration of 100,000 fied myself with the cause which lowed the great principles of hu\ ""Xife Insurance company, The choir is now under the diPrograms from Reich I know to be the cause of our peo- man rights first enunciated in the rection of Al Finkel. in*'fnll payment of a policy car1 om. sntl Tvirlse . -n.ear S ple. Had I remained "what once American Declaration of Inderied by t h e late H a r r y B . ZisnCincinnati ' J T A ) — T h e request} Included in the choir are Jerusalem (WXS-Palcor Agen- man with, the Jewish Commun- ithat no special campaign be I "was, .merely, another American pendence, Alexander Troyanovsky, Adolph. Laytin, William Goetz, , in Cerurp' Pol; r.nd. man bi'letters of Jewish birth, the Soviet ambassador to the United and Sam Jlinkin, bass; Myron jC>T> —T n e World Council lor The em ive ,Trv.-iFb ity Center a s t h e beneficiary. I launched t o raise t h e ?10,000,000 rabbi in question would . have States, declared In an address at Cohen and Abe Zelinsky. tenors; German Jewry, a small committee fled from Sk~z yn p.ffpi The information was releas- '; quota allotted, to the United States found me (as, I imagine, he didthe Hotel Astor.that in his coun- Julia Zuker, Raydelle Josephson, t 0 coordinate plans lor the emi-j ed by t h e office of t h e Jewish. lie t h e .four-year drive for expat! attacker; t.hirt •*• f p r n i once find me) a useful Illustra- try anti-Semitism has almost com- and Janet Graetz, altos; and M a r - ' S r a t i o n o f 100,000 German Jews i Community Center a s a n item i riating German Je-srs was contain- i , t h e nipht. s e r iously i tion of his general thesis how de- pletely disappeared and that the garet Belman, Ethel Resnick and! d u r i n s t h en e x t f o u r rears, has i of interest concerning addit- . ed i n a statement issued by the \ persons. (As pogrom? flnrcri in P o - At Turkia. E moh rp 1 Jightfully Jews can "get by" a syoung generations of Russians already been formed, t h e P a l - i ional benefactions of Mr. Zim- : Plan and Scope Committee for the land last week, Forsf Srr.0l.5r, Margaret Finfcel, sopranos. : minimum Jews. Jews, says he and were completely ,free from any cor Agency learned just before Dr. man. SS,500,000 18SG campaign of t h e noted ' corwspoiHienf, left hi? shops s u e r ir"citemer his few remaining fellows, are trace of anti-Semitic spirit. SpeakThe insurance policy h a d . J o i n t . Distibution Committee a t post i n Berlin nneS rushed i o carried on urn ier the Chaim Weizmann, president of t h e Americans of. the Jewish faith. ing at a dinner given in his honor been carried in the Service Life ; the Hebrew College. Jewish Agency for Palestine, left the scene of 4be rioting. I n JPWK tiiadi? B precii; Ah, how about the many many by f o rL o n d o n company for a number of years, ; T h e statement, presented ty '• riptip.n. the American Committee for HP TO Hf •!_ a. i Warsaw, t h e authorities cl£mi>» murder of thousands who have lost their the Settlement of Jews Jn Biro and t h e proceeds will he used Joseph C. Hyman and P a n ! Baer- cd a cPMSorsfcip on details of FSSSPVPT. Ofji nr v-fl=; • I O j T c l . y 1l T l D U t G The" Council, purposely small ; faith? What are they? Ate they rm rt I_ • f fJS • *n o r ^er to he effective in carry- ;! in reducing t h e mortage in- ] wald to clarify the relation of the the rxcesses, b u t Mr, Smoiar police or 1pprrinor. vr no longer Jews? Even my raljbini- Bidjan, which inaugurated an effort to raise $350TttflO for the £ O i j O D I l l G U d l H ng out a large-scale program, will debtedness on t h e J . C. C.J. D. C. t o t h e proposals of. t h e broke through t o the onts'cle tventy rio rerR R P « re cal friend will not deny that they delegation of British J e ^ s headed work] with t h e first complete in c:hains "to t he Ssm . consist of four Zionists and four j building. "are indeed still Jews. Well.then? colonization of foreign Jews in The wal koii t WBB C The Jewish Welfare Federa; by Sir Herbert Samuel, said t h e : acronnt of t h e excesses by teleTroyanovsky j Biro Bidjan, M r . Mrs. Sophie Udin, national secnon^Zionists. The seven members j But that point of view is really too 1 PI hose COT tion, i t is understood, is t h e '$10,000,000 should be included i n ; 'emergency said t h a t i n ' his country " t h e r e is j phoning from P r z j t y k t o I*onretary of the Pioneer Women, ! ^ names are already avaif, childish to merit serious discusire able of t h e 'the Inilipt beneficiary of a similar policy, the programs of existing organno Jewish problem" because "all don, from wShrre t h e pfory fnw include Dr. Weizmann. Fe-j Bion. Even the few^ people who j nationalities enjoy equality and will be honored by the Omaha j j1sh labor P a ' rty, fin cabled t o XCTT Torfc.) Pioneer Women on Friday, March « *M - Warburg and Dr. Stephen j with t h e Northwestern Mutual ' izatiqns. : s w l s e ot N e t e Y o r k L o r f l Poale Eion , ra dical J F Life Insurance company. Proofs Btill entertain i t do, I think, only liberty a n d a l l nationalities p a r - 27, at~ a luncheon at the ^ ^ ' ' I t was declared that nothing in j ' > Bearst- j j ed, Simon Marks, Osmond d'Avig- ! have been completed, and pay- the plan would help German ex- j feign to themselves to be still en- ticipate i n Soviet reconstruction Community Center. | isi. organi:zatiir>n, v.-iil BY BOKIS SMQIAE tertaining it for psycho-patholo- at the same time that their So-J "The m a : n a d d r e s s a tt h e I u n c h . | dor Goldsmid and Sir Kerbert-j ment is expected shortly. l>or f:j( ports o r Germany's economy. '! . sa is .TrwiPj:-L 1B gical or, let us say, professional cialist culture is.developing in na- e o n viu b e g j r e n b yMrs% Since t h e time t h e policies ] The J . "D. C. is t h e only organ- ; (Chief European Correspondent, ' i I Samuel, chairman. The foar lat^he mcvp thrpatenft reasons. T h e point i n t h e rabbi's ' itter are of London. It is believed were t a k e n ont, t h e Jewish : ization expending funds in heip-J Jewish Telegraphic Agency) | w h o i s a forceful s p e a k e r . tional form." h a t t h e ei Community Center a n d t h •einfr t h e Jews -within Germany j Przytyk, Poland <Er Telephone ' t o non-Jewish worke American | Skth place is being left pamphlet t h a t does merit a few j lauded b a n a u d l e n c e ot Mrs. Udin was an - ; London 1—This town last week president oi the Polish Welfare Federation ! and in refugee countries for r eto words i s quite another point and, jg 5 0 l e a d e r s - ^ b u s i l i e s s > p h U a n . delegate to the world Zionist Con- open for another Zienist of Amer- Jewish at least apparently, a more re- thropy, banking and public af- gress. Before returning to this ] ica, who is yet to be named. have been amalgamated into training s n d transportation, t h e ' resembled a. besieged city during: o j Labor ennounrec! he spectable one. . one unified institution. statement said. Activities are EIFO: wartime after 700 Jewish families posr P r or r plr 'e. fll-Pi fairs, Mr. Troyanovsky said "what! country, she visited in Palestine j T n e World Council for German In spite of every thing, says the could be more disgusting than to being conducted in Poland snS" had undergone E. pogrom remin- E t t h e next meeUnf: oi to j for some time. • . j Jewry is the culmination of^the iscent of Tzp.rist. days i r KUSPIR. ! tion's executive. VPOI good rabbi, in spite of the wicked read of the baiting and persecui Eastern Europe. The March 27 luncheon i s t h e I Plans recently broached in E n g - I in itP brutality s n c careful prep- fi l e derision of the Je*wrongheadedness of myself and tion of the, people of Marx, Men-j Pioneer Women's annual "?5 Iun- l a n ( 1 a n d t n e United States by a | w | T h e following national officers . 17 h e expressed sympathy those who think like me, he isdelsohn, and Einstein." In ana-1 cheon" for members. Non-mem- delegation headed by Sir Herbert J L t S C t U F © IT © I " I I I f l jfor t h e Joint Distribution Com- EratioE. benevolent toward Palestine. Par lyzing the causes of anti-Semi- J beTs may make reservations for i Samuel. It aims to help 100.000 ! niittee"s 1936 campaign -were elec; Stee?-he!meted -police, armed to plight. A fI f f f*l*>* be it from him to deprive our per- tism, the Soviet envoy asserted fifty cents per plate. While a \veople, between the ages of IT J\X. j ted: jj the teeth patrolled the town in: The ptRtemerii. of • «#• %*• W« <L-IQSSS O secuted brethren of that refuge. an< 5 to \ Chairman, Felix M. Warburg. proiips of s i s . while t h e Jewish labor groups* said the f I e •% i l If He is willing to bury the hatchet. that "the Jewish people and par- contributions will be sought at! * 3 » leave Germany for oth• New York; honorary chairman. population, still panic-stricken, involve pll b And I and other wicked Zionists ticularly their poverty have often | the banquet, those interested in i er .lands during the next four years, j ! Dr. Cyrus Adler, Philadelphia: moved with all their possessions office wort: Weizmann will remain in i.on- ! will not let the hatchet stay bur- been used as a scapegoat for turn- | the work being accomplished by j Dr. don ' Max Epstein. Chicago; Louis E . from t h e outskirts to t h e thickly ed in pro three weeks. Hjsjirst | T h eQm^a Co^mnnity ToTum ied. We dig it up. We brandish"' ing the attention of suffering peo- ' the Pioneer Women in Palestine j populated Jewish sections. it. He is benevolent toward PalThe town presented nn appear- creased estine. We will not let him be ance of ruin, with the windows of ' f n T " r ^f benevolent in peace. Too bad. L o u i s ; Max G. Sloss, S a c every Jewish' house broken, win-! B " t l " ' l € a7erT]ecture""last c h a i r | We -in London to adopt plans; A a7erT Too bad. Here is a field. The duces. t t e thief suspected of a I Mrs. J. Raznick, program chair-| :rwF 0T1 the! economic CO. hereby t me y >m > nrtlrllDl DUU e el l eiT eiT h b t y n t . dow-frames torn loose, doors l>st- ^ " f=" ' 5° field is full of golden grain. I t is crime to run dowro the street cry-jj man, has arranged a number of ;"^ ^ . ^ .5 « I5 I5° ! ! ^^ :'evening. tered in End Jewish shops show- '• l'wv-s a " f I _ | i r ready for reaping. Reaping the inp signs of having- been pillaged ~ grain in the rich and mellow au• and wrecked. Raiders even stopt l v e s l n tumn weather is a grateful and ped to slash bedclothes and mat-i handsome, thing. But this field : tresses in Jewish homes. •was not always as it is now. > It ! affects Jewish immigration. : it ing the homes of stricken bv t h e was rock once. It was barren; 1st Russia, Mr. Troyanovsky prais-1 will preside. . Treasurer, Leon Falk Jr.. Pitts- „ Those wishing to make reserva- j understood that D ^Wejzmann Jews, this correspondent t p u n d , erosion had carried the soil to the ed Mussolini for not having'"dishonored- himself by anti-Semitic tions are asked to call Mrs most o£ sea. The h a d t o brought words 2n.>3.,fiee4a".hut deplored j Feldman, At. 1438;. Mrs, L •them rrttt fepp.fi injuries. Ir, acldtback to , tion twenty-five were removed to ..•EhpTel-: hr that darin, 7056. Those members j hospitals in Radorn. respects men who carried back the soil i a d Enropean civilisation haa not ad- interested in. raising $5 are ask-' L'Tearned, "hat' These"funds" be"} ^ e E t crowd, that of. 554 persons^ no shovels. They .carried it back vanced far Three Dead from local i*nli-:Se-mi fie ed to call Mrs. J . Kaplan, We, p u t i n t o from medievalism." ists threaten i n g lii;= life. with their bare hands. And the 5454, for additional information. I Projects which will h e ] Harry B. Cohen w a s chairman i Two Jews were killed and one Rebuking attempts of Joes of world called them dreamers and TiTerrhenrii Fe f=• ic ier-. fr Chris-tisn died after having been — ^ — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " j supervised by the Jewish Agency, j of this year's forum committee, i the -world called them fools. In the Soviet Union to discredit his \ ,-riug P r i o r t o h i s departure, Dr. (Those who served with him were: ; shot by anti-Semities from 8 1st marketn1l e n tiv bitter finds and with a wooden country by charging that it is gov- | Pesrlstiea Is Appointed ypve recede r e d it! the 1 Weizmann gave an exclusive inter- t William L. Holzman, J a c k Marer, ) truck. plowshare they plowed the field. erned by Jews, he said "this wquld ;ht t o t h e Palcor Agency on t h e !F r a n k Ackerman, Herman Auer-i An aftermath of t h e disorders peasants in r.eip sh loring h National Field Director I view Reviled and rebuffed they went not Be discreditable if it were ] Jewi con f his hi visit i i tto" t London. L d 1 |bb aaccbEasene Blazer, Blazer Edward Edward DD . : :A free dance in the Jewish Com- came when anti-Semite? attempt-• Nearby purposes of Fpent e , about, for they "were poor men, true but i t happens n o t to be} ' Originally scheduled to leave two j Brodkey, Arthur A. Cchn, Mrs. ; munity Center auditorium nest e^d t o^ ^ " food BU (J. I!'. ed ical si" 3 n " " ^ o ^ - ' ^ ^ ^ ' V ^ t " A D - . . . 1! &- n- FVr«aTn,kV, William Tt-i-nia-m Grodinsky, a-T^.i-n^T |!Sunday Kn-nAvx- afternoon xftcynrsrrn, will -n-iu be >,«. a „ ffeaP ^ Ee Lhe IP Vn m..o dark- n i .sicl o =. f. begging for the seed that needed true." He pointed out that anti-; Jacob S. Pearlstien, former ex- w V e--K s " a g V h V h-a d- beeY stricken x rz k Jev detained , ness by shutting down t h e power to be sown. By the day andSemitism always wanes with the . ecutive director of the local Cornwith ' Manning Handler, Mrs. J . H . K u l - j t u r e of t h e eighth annual Psi Muplant. The plant continued to op-also cleps'el"i e c l ••R-0 rl;men through the long nights they wat- increased influence of progressive [ munity Center and "Welfare Fedrepair dame.res "to •Tew is Tl^^^^^ E p h r _ l _ M a r _ r MrsJ Day, to be observed March 22 brerate under a hevay ^UF.rd. . „,. ched the tender shoots come up groups and traced the first offi-, eration, has been appointed nathe, uro^"-! George Neuhaus, Ruth Pollack, i members of the fraternitv. " i" tJilCP 111 in that one barren soil. When cial recognition "of the equality j tional field director for the JewRich, program for a legislative council | Dr. : t T rgent relief is required byt h e Catboli tDS proposal ^ Harry •» _ , , ^ Dr. ^ _ A. . S. „ Kub-i -...^ ! A . complete ,.^_ , _t h e afrain failed, when the great drouth of all human beings Including j ish Consumptive Belief and Exin I n in Palestine. Dr. Weizmann de^- nitz, Harold Saks, Mrs. Ben Sil- , ternoon and evening h s s been ar- ; most of t h e Jews, who. for the • rjziennik. i came, they watered the land with Jews" to "that historic document, j Patients association of Los Anver, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, and 'ranged by t h e organization. I2time being:, have lost their means h Incilei clared that despite the serious powater "that they brought wearily the "American Declaration of In-; geles. His headquarters are inItical situation in Palestine, he isFred S. White. i Tretiak, general chairman for t h eof livelihood. Peasants ure refusWhile t b r ; from far away cupful by cupful dependence.". M r . Troyanovsky Chicago. ______^___^___ day, stated that t h e fraternity is ing t o sell them food. of t h e Przyty optimistic regarding the outcome. and often they watered the land added t h a t " w e in t h e Soviet \ provid-ing t h e free dance in a p - The pogrom continued f o r ing- buried, ?n< He paid tribute to the members 1 New York (WNS)' — J u d g e of the House of Lords who last . with their tears. And now comes Union like t o look upon ourselves 1 I preciation of the support given the many hours. The. mob, previously g-enry conferer | a sleek rabbinical gentleman who a s t r u e co-inheritors of your rev- Julian W. Mack, outstanding Zion- week during a three-hour debate I Psi Ma projects by t h e Jewish incited by the anti-Semitic leader, ers from p.ll p; n" had been among the jeerers, who olution, a s . s q n s a n d daughters of ist leader and jurist, observed t h e Ccondemned M the .inauguration of. a. I Wladyslaw Korcz, gathered in the ; voiced, phaxp c V " * " " « l u.e ui_uB^_«*m v ~ had called these men fools, whose t h e American Revolution and i t s25th anniversary of his appoint1 Preceding the dance, the after' m a r k e t place, shouting anti-Jew-; ish Govcrnme +n +!,„ i r o ^ - i - bench ! . „ - . , : by v l legislative council in Palestine a t ment.to the Federal hand had always been against genuine spirit, a s i t was expressed m^t ^ noon's highlight will be a basket-,ish epithets. this time as detrimental to the -combet t h e an theirs and he wants to reap. He in your Declaration of Independ- President Taft by presiding at the best interests of the country. : The A. Z. A. No. 1 and No. 100 ! ball "battle of champions." The -Police attempted t o halt the j The confer* '"• p~r a r e olntly ence." W i t h regard t o religion in trial t>f five persons charged with wants to reap. And he calls his Dr."wetoan"i "declared""" that I i sponsoring a lecture :P s i Mu, who won the J. C. C. title, mob from invading Jewish streets j month of TnoiirniTip t o willingness to reap«the fruit of the Soviet Union, t h e Ambassador monopolizing the Artichoke trade. one of the objects of his visit to P y A Alla * Gushing, alumnus •*A . I will meet the National Auto Parts. but retreated •when they failed, • G-overnrn.ent*fr attention f He was named to the Federal the field benevolence. He wants to said " w e have n o persecution for Z. A A. who !Z who has has spent si>ent fifteen fifteen months j:j firsf p TI!SI-O J S place xrin-not-c winners ^ in +T,O t h e vr K. ^r leaving a free hand to the rioters, iousness oi" i h e FituRtioi would be to make addibe commended for his-willingness religious reasons. Everybody h a s Court of Appeals in 1913 when London touring a n d working i n Palestine, j c . loop. The game i s scheduled A l u m b e r of Jewish youths flip m n u r r i n g perioc! Jpi tional efforts to maintain the prethe right freely to exercise his r e the Commerce Court was disto reap. He wants it strictly unsent united Zionist front in poli- a t , t h e J . C. C. Thursday, April 2, : for 2:45 p . xa. I n a preliminary, rushed t o prevent t h e mob from asked not t o hold, weci.fi•.•:.": solved. derstood moreover that he still ligion." at 8 p . m. There will be no a d : the J a c k Sprats will meet t h e invading t h e Jewish streets, b u t ' attend t h e tlipatre Fine! tical issues. Before leaving he considers those who brought the mission charge. j s h a r p Shooters. they were repulsed by the police,! forms of entertainment. spent several hours ia conference soil back and plowed and watered Mr. Cashing h a s had wide ex- j Radio performers will furnish • preventing resistance. j Speakers; partirulsrly with the leaders of the Palestine and seeded it dreamers and fools The rioters then proceeded to: the Ocvp-nrmpTtt for 1 Farmers Federation in order to perience i n addressing lodge j t h e entertainment. and -disturbers and enemies. I secure their inclusion in a united groups. He h a s a wide range of j A banquet for Psi Mu members .raid Jewish homes and s t o p s , cut-: the prest volume of &r must say that the spiritual chutsubjects a n d is one of t h e most j and their wives and dates will be •ting a wide swath 01 devastation : agitation which hfis nftenderl iffront of Palestine Jewry "to rezpah Involved strikes me as gipopular young Zionist speakers. held in t h e evening. sist the encroachments of the I and pillagre. . troduction into t h e 5e.1i". (Perli?^gantic, colossal, nnparalleied. If His present t o u r is supervised Palestine government upon the The authorities had been warn-' menO oi s. bill t o ban r, he cine a.. it had not been for t h e early The last production of the Cen- ling dash and vivacity that was rights pledged "to the Jewish peo- by t h e Supreme Advisory Council ed in .advance t h a t a n t i - J e w i s h ' J e w i s h ritual method of tiliuij.11.Zionists who hoped -when there ter Players, "Whistling i n theboth charming and convincing. of A. Z. A. 1 ple in the League of Nations riots could be expected in v i e w ' t e r i n g animal? for htimati cni>was no hope, ivho toiled when all Dark," saw another rung in the The rest of the cast, too, lived Mandate." • of unchecked anti-Jewish acita- gumption. toil seemed fruitless, who" died ladder of successes the guild has up to the "professional standard" •'tion. A Jewisa delegBtion had i The American ConsuliUo hc-rr. without even a glimpse of the ful- enjoyed this season. The play set by the leads,. Joe Cohen, as London (WNS-Palcor Agency) CORRECTIONS MADE BY , Abraism ^ 2P1T< Eristol •visited Rsdom, chief city of the ' meanwhile pr,tioiiT\cpf1 that i t h*>r. fillment of their hopes and who might well have been a Broadway Herman Lefkowitz, should be es-— A series of conferences have JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES ! St, died at the home of his daugh- district, appealing for protection • been instructed by the PtPtP r>**~ nevertheless died with their gal- hit insofar as the acting and di-pecially mentioned^for his clever been started here to formulate a j ter, with whom he inaae his home, i to District Commispior.er TremBT-' pariment. from WsKbinfrror'TO flifprogram wheieby Palestine could lant and immortal faith unbroken recting were concerned. It cerportrayal. \ ^ _ . ~ „ . ' Mrs. Harry C. Swengil, Saturdar . licet. , patch a full report on thp plieclii;* absorb a maximum number of the j —it It had not been for them tainly had nothing of the "ama- Great credit should go to Miss T h e Jewish Commcmty Center 1 a j g n t j March 14 I ComjnissioTicr SefBse*- "Warning j hill anfi how it wonlcl sf'Tect fbf100,000 Jews who are expected to there would be no Palestine,, no teur" about it. Helen Meritt and Sylvan Frankel, leave Germany during the next and Welfare Federation announc-} The s,ged m a n came t o this 1 The District Commissioner r e - ! rellcimis, efonomic fi.ntl ininorU;1" homeland, no Eretz Yisrael to he directed the play. To make four years under a program fi- es that some unfortunate errors ^_xintry 3 0 "vears ago. H e was The play "was a swift-moving*! ; plied. " W h a t do you Jewg -want? • rights of the Jewp, the object of the benevolence of chuckle-provoking, so-called gang- awho .the publication of ; R group of amateurs give a per- nanced by the World Council for j .' j ^ r ^ in "ptjY^tYropi^^Tear w e l l k a o w a i a C s s i a v n e r e h e Not a single .Jew h a s beers killed i A sigrn3ficar=t clevplopsiippi ir; our fashionable rabbi . . . I'm not the j owned his own home End Eyna- so far." jthe shechita Eituation siifltterJy ?i*formance that would do credit to German Jewry, of which Sir Hera rabbi. I'm-just a layman and ster story that gave the members j seasoned professionals is no small bert Samuel -will-be chairman. Book for 1SS5-1936. •• iE 0 S T , e i n Siisask. H e h a g two j Last week, Conamipgioner Tre--suited when IVtgr. BronisU'w J-npan amha'aretz. But if there is of its cast ample opportunity to Herewith a r e t h e corrections : e f e r T o r a h s , gives himfcvh i"s msrucef arrived on the scene of j g"Ol2owir?;, rire-niiriis(pr o;" rr-1 *one thing I'm grateful for, oneact, and act they did. Jack Tem- task. This they did and we greatLouis Lipsfcy,^American"'"*inem^ the Jewish, Philanthropies wishes Sgr^atz-iher, which he left t o : the rioting t o investigate. He is-! pions. was tprred to rppifp RE- ft. : thing that I shall- tell my little In, the lead, as Wallace Porter, | ly appreciate the "result. ber of the Jewish Agency Eiecu-jto make: We look forward to next seaRabbi Mordecai's syna-g-ogue when saed a statement saying: "Irepar-! result of his pretemenfs before tv.r son, it is this: it isn't Hitler that the timid yet braggadocio author tive and a national co-chairman of Sanders Motors (printed he""left" "*o"r"4me''-ica" tial investigation has established ! Sejm cnmrniFPinn!? thnt th.p. bill made me a Zionist, I had lived, of crime stories, a part which son's series' of Center Players' the United. Palestine Appeal, r e p -jj a s Barish fio.O) pledged $200; William i Mr_ HahnVss'a E member of the :that t h e pogrom resulted from ! was nncoEstitiitional PIPCP it virthrough little fault of my own, in might easily have been mis-inter- productions confident that this resents American. Zionists in the Boasberg-fomitted) pledged ?75; ' B'aaV 1 ^ 3 a world alienated and estranged preted, gave his portrayal i n such group, which did so splendidly negotiations, ^ i t b . him a r e Elie- sanrnel Geifcian (priutefl a s 55) ; s i u r i a svnagogues.the Adass T e - Jewish, provocation." T h e state- j lated reMpious n.r\A msinorUy riErlitK rnent was made before t h e inres- ' guaranteed t h e Jews, from our people. But so soon as a realistic m a n n e r a n d with such this year, will TJO even b e t t e r zer Kaplan, treasurer h eJew Jew-, nioriirn/! tin---.--oviint* c ma n . ". zer Kaplan, treasurer of of tthe pg fV p, Sam n—^ d• — Stsrvlviag a r e f.v:o daughters, tisration had been concluded. I was able to break the evil ban finesse t h a t t h e character became things. Many of these young peoAgency Executive, of Jerusa-j Henry GreeHberg-<jrinted as ?10) iMrs. K . C. Swen ! a n d Mrs. E n - i Tne police prohibited this cor- j POLISH P that had held me in that world dominant. We predict that should J pie will undoubtedly continue ish Jack Teznin go in for dramatics j with their dramatic work. To lem, Prof. Selig Brodetsky, head pledged ?50.. ! dolph LishliiEky End two sons, respondent from pbotographiT , and ep^soon as I Baw the cause of seriously he will go far. . j these we wish to say that the Btart of the political department of t h e j William s.sd J a k e Halis, ail ol c?ccr.: " the victims and the pillaped sho] Agency Executive at LonZion; the Zion to "be • rebuilt both Harold S. Tuchman, as Jake j they have received with the guild i Omaha; 15 grandchildren; and End houses,, confiscating his car London in our hearts and In our land, I Dillon, leader of this gangster j will prove of unlimited value. We o» . . i several great - grandchildren in era. Two correspondents wfco a knew by the immediate knowledge mob, simply became Jake Dillon. ] are proud of the guild and of itsJewish leaders. I t w a s pointed companied "tdm were detained m Pslestme Imports j Russia. out t h a t no final decisions will be of spiritual vision that this was He did not act the character. He j members. ! The fEsers.1 fEses.1 was as held held at at S . taken t o police fceadcu&rtei made by t h e Zionists until the a r henceforth my life and my cause. actually was the character, so •em,, j Jerusalem — WNS Palcor'Ag-(o'clock Sunday, March IS, at the CAST OF CHARACTERS , wiiere Commissioner Tremaruc rival here of Dr. Chaim WeizI knew it not only from the depth naturally^ did he .play his part. '.dram Ivesi'iRl 1 eacy—According to reports in the;Jewish Funeral Horns. Burial was Hilda ordered, the writer not to take fii 1 „-. Martha Himelstein mann, prsident of t h e Jewish.. of every unspoiled" Instinct left Hyman Temin, the Slim of the I F a. Bialj local"press" the order" has been is-iat Golden Hill cemetery. ' Tictnres. T?i« CETEPTR wt.5 IPJ-J within ine; I knew i t by the wit- play, ana Dick Hurwitz. as JoeJoe Salvatore .Dick Hurwitz • announced hi i returnee.. ness of the Quality of the cause Salvatore, the dandified "dame Slim _. * file confrrt. Temin pected on March t h . from PaleEtine intensied for Koa-I Jerusalem A delegati-on of itself and of the quality and. fate. eyeing" mobster, might have been Herman "Leikowitz n' "inc Frpmfc r tG ; mania caa b e conveyed only b a j eighty Xazis' v 10 lire *E PsleJoe Cohen j of its founders and its early pro- picked a p in a police line-up in; VTurmrr {JTA)—While •' v otlter lilsrh V ollsh CURRENT TOPICS Roumanian ships, whereupen they.istine returned trom B. visit to Charlie Shaw— Milton Frohm i ponents and supporters. The sofar as their realness in their hun t h e POI icert labor proclaimed a natior-T m a y b e exempted from t h e new j-Gerrnasy bring J3g ' with them will fc world had been against them. The roles was concerned. Jake Dillo ..Harold S. Tuchman -en hy t h e B erJJts. ] jthree large- swastika, flags. They strike for Tuesday in r"<subject of Rabbi Frederick Cchn's rich and powerful and fashionable . Besa Goldware as Toby • Van The. Cossack... Harry Levinspn last lecture in .the Current'Topics currency xestrictions. Society under t h e : --they • h a d received t h e em; agaiEst sEti-SemitisiE excesses. and faithless had called them Bur'en, the wealthy fiancee of Por- Wallace Porter Palestine «sporters are ?e. ; R" disorders broke o c t last week j patronage of i hlee German German eml ,—Jack Temin 1 series a t t h e Blaekstone .hotel senThe tful a t the.- reported regula- j blems from Eeichsfuelirer Hitler ter, played her role with spark- j Toby Van Buren Bess Goldware Tuesday morning at 10:30. in t h e term of Skrsrn, nar.r Had-{in / ,• (Continued on Page 7 ) . /'himself. tions.
^Bf^1 T I ^ ^ ^ P ^
m n > igtj"ftti ^WOP*"
Actual Pogroms Oc As Anti-Semites Stir Peasants
a t r i c e Xanirr<!ld" - • . ' •" -'-.•'••' nlel Lan^feld • . - . • - " • '
r * c t p r a . - . - : - ; . - .
Entered . u Second Clzea Hail Matter oa January 81, 1SS1, at Poctofflb ot Omaha. Nebraska, under tn» Act of March S. 1
NOT!CE' OF INDEBTEDNESS ' Notice iff hereby ^ivoh that all 'esitiir debts of General. Gpxase.Comny 'on the 31s=t day ofir>ecember> 15." amounted ' to the "surti. of*'"?3,3 5 1 -
Interests cf flic Jcwisli People
Recognized as PEACMCAL MOHEL ; • Phone j.059. COUNCIL BLUFFS,' IK.
AHan Cushingto
Address A. Z.
Center Players Score Hit
Roumania Restricts
^WT^^^^*™ ^w-
which are held in Jerusalem. 1919. , bars of the Workmen's Circle are , Parents of the new Initiates Italian Culture Professor Sorani delivered the. Through a local attorney, Leon rooting for Sheindel Kalish, one ZETA BETATAU GRAD will be patrons at the dance. Jerusalem—Italian- language opening lecture on "The Hifitory j Shliyinscy, Rolczak paid $10,000 of Hollywood's baby stars, who • ••• and literature are being introduc- of Italian Poetry." to the victlm'R wife, Mrs. S. Meingot her theatrical start with the ed into Palestine on a "voluntary Hadassah dramatic group of the Chicago feld, Hcrt her four children. An elaborate spring party honWarsaw (JTA)—Stefan KolcBy pHJNEAS J. BIRON branch of the . Young Circle orlilg; ted . new 'ilnlt^jiti^; will be - A donation to the Hadassah basis." After MeinfeUTs death, Kolczak I zak, a Pole now residing In the The Institute Inter.UniversiLeague . . . The painting which given "by.4.he Zeta>"SBet£'Tau Oma- Gift Fund -was made by a group fled to the United States, where FORTUNE magazine's survey of OFF THE RECORD of friends of Mrs.-Arthur Stein of tario Italiario.of Rome, •which is i Urilted States, last week made reIs to be hung on the walls of the Now that Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, Jewish economic and political office of Attorney-General Cum- ha grad club, Sunday, March 29, Minneapolis, who died last month. represented here by Professor Uribution to a local Jewlah family he has since made his home, the Blackstone widow of the late Silent Cal, has strength in the United States has mings in "Washington is the work 9:30 p. "m., "at : Those who made the donations Aldo Sorani, an. Italian Jew, is (for his part in tbe slaying of the Jewish Press advertisers merit Hotel, " j ^ ^ < ^ - " ^ -*-l. taken the wind out of the sails gone: to Europe on a Nazi ship, are the Mesdames Julius Abra- arranging f o r these courses, family's head during a pogrom in your patronage. of Leon Kroll, one of the best we can tell -you that a feminine of important "unofficial" Repub- Jewish artists of our day . . . It Invitations' are'betng issued and hamson, Joseph. Goldware, Dave kinswoman of another President lican groups that were preparng seems that the leaders of the Un- two hundred couples of alumni, Levine, Dave Stein, R. M. Shlaes, of the United States recently forc- to launch a i undercover attack ited Palestine Appeal, with the ex- actives,'and friends' of the frat- Jack Kaufman, Herman Hirshed a German steamship' line to on the '.'Jew-deal" in Washington ception of Dr. Wise, believe in ernity will be present:" '• ' mann and J. J, Friedman. cease using her picture in its ad- . ... And you might be interested traveling . . . . Dr. Israel Goldstein Exclusive Agents for Franchon Frocks 33arlle* "in the day, at 4:30 p. vertising . ,•'. The real reason lor to learn, too, that Random House has developed a special interest in m., ten freshmen will^.be formally the mysterious visit of King Carol will publish the FORTUNE arti- the Jews of Florida . . . Morris Junior Council into the fraternity, with at Boumania to Dr. Serge Voron- cle in book form in the middle of Rothenberg has taken himself to initiated The Junior Council of Jewish the ceremonies taking'.place at off. the famous Jewish rejuvena- April . . . the Pacific Coast . . . And Louis the Blackstone Hotel, and being Women have started a new series tion expert, is that the 22-year GERMAN EXPORT Lipsky la attending conferences in administered by the members of of lectures by Mrs. Mary Frederold wife of the 66-year old Pro- • In an office In the fourteenth Europe . . . . 'Ar Where Omaha Shopi With Confidence... icks on "Marriage." These lecthe OmaTia grad dub. fessor is a firat cousin of Magda floor of a New York skyscraper tures are given every Monday eveNew initiates are: Lloyd MalaLupescu, Carol's paramour . . . sits a middle-aged gentleman who OLYMPIAN HEIGHTS "SHRINE—AK-SAR-BEN CIRCUS NOW SHOWING" shock, Howard Kaplan, Jerome ning at the Paxton hotel. Dr. Leroy Hartman, the Colum- bears a striking resemblance to Avery Brundage's attempt to Milder, Warren Ackerman, 'Bud' bia TJaiversity professor of den- Felix M. Warburg (with the exWomen's Mizrachi tistry who discovered a formula ception that he has hair on hisget Princeton University to charge Slosburg, Ernest "Wintroub, JH. We Invite You fo Open for making dental drilling pain- headj . . ...When he gazes at the admission to tire annual Prince- Perelman, all of Omaha; Irving Rabbi TJri Miller of New Orless, is denying that he's Jewish roof8 of New York and In aton meet and turn over the pro-Kuklin and'Irvin Sandlovich of leans, former head of the Omaha e Charge A c c o u n t but his landsmen in Victoria, Can- dreamy voice speaks of yesterday ceeds to the Olympic fund Is Lincoln; and Delvar Becker of Vaad, was the guest speaker at . ada, are shouting it from the few people realize that this gen- doomed to failure . . . One of the Mitchell, S. D. the well-attended meeting of the housetops . . . On© of the test tleman was less than three years chief reasons for putting the An initiation banquet will fol- Women's Miirachi, Wednesday known Jewish women in America ago one of the big names in Ger- Priceton meet on a free basis this low the Initiation. J. Edward Ro- afternoon at the J. C. C. year was a desire to show Indirecently got a terrific shock when man Mrs. Ben Handler was program newspaperdom . . . He's none rectly disapproval of American senthal" of the Lincoln graduate she: learned to her amazement that club, will act as master of cerechairman. Included on the proshe was related to Emmy Sonne- other than Dr. Kurt Simon, ex- Olympic participation , . . Nation- monies. There will be other gram were vocal selections by publisher of the Frankfurter Zeial headquarters of the A. A. U.speakers. mann, who. In case you,-ve forgotSadye Beber and dance numbers ten, is the wife of General Wil- tung and one of the foremost pub- has a special Olympic Fund box by little Annette Segal. '. And then, the dance, which lishing experts in the world . . . but thus far it has yielded only helm Hermann Goering . . . ' Mrs. L. Freedman .was hostess will be.informal. Art Randall and One day Mr. Goebbels gave him WE'RE TEUilNG XOT7 a half dollar and a dime . . . And the generous advice to accept a both were counterfeit. . It sounds his orchestra will play, and sev- at a bridge party held at h e r Tha memory of hte late' Ber- 10O per cent Aryan partner in his like a gag > but Pat McAteer, an eral high class acts of entertain- home last week as a benefit for the Miirachi. nard S. Deutsch will be kept alive newspaper business, explaining to Irishman, is a member of the Ger- ment will perform. in the Bronx where a part of Un- our non-Aryan that it would be man-American Football Associaiversity Avenue has been renam- unthinkable that such an institu- tion and of tbe Hatikvoh Jewish ed Bernard S. Deutsch Place . . •. tion as the Frankfurter Zeitung All-Stars soccer team . . . Harry Clifford Odets, playwright, and should be controlled' by an alien member of Brown UniTess Slesinger, novelist, are said . . . Dr. Simon is reported to have Cornsweet^ versity's iron-man football team to be more than platonlcally in- lost his patience at that interview of 1926. Is now coaching track at terested in each other . . . Who and to have countered sarcastical1B the person that advertised In ly: "I understand that I must be a Cleveland high school . . . Bethe New Tork Times for etchings thankful that you address me in cause the recent six-day bicycle and paintings of Zionist person- German" . . . I n any case, Dr. race in New York featured a Jewalities and traditional Palestin- Simon was permitted to . take ish and German team the press ian life* . . . Julius Tuteur, Cleve- along with him into exile only one agent tried to play up the Naziland Jewish philanthropist, got a of his possessions — his brain . . . Jew angle but it flopped when someone discovered that one of ehock the other day when he,re- PERSONALIA announces the German riders was a non-Arreclved from Germany a photoYou will be glad to know that yan . . . Sam Leibowitz, the lawgraph ot a swimming pool built in his native town with the ?100,- Mrs. Albert Einstein is now hold- yer, attended the race as the cor900 he gave the city fathers . . * ing her own in a fight against respondent of Youth's Companion in The picture shows signs reading heart disease . . . But she's had . . . That's the only way he could "no Jews allowed." . . . A Mr. to give up for good all her domes- sit in the press box . . . Gentile is the money order clerk tic activities . . . Mrs. Rebekah in the garment center post office Kohut is slowly recovering from (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts In the new 1936 spring modes where 99.9 per cent of the cus-the effects of a broken leg . . . Feature Syndicate.) tomers are Jewish . . . Nazi en- Lillian Schultz is doing double emies of Propaganda Minister duty for the American Jewish Conyou are invited to visit oar store and Goebhela call him "Mahatma Pro- gress as executive director and Bravery of Jewish Flyer browse aboat tbese beautiful new furnipagandi" . . . The Jewish Forum, publicity chief . . . Miriam TeichRome-—Tribute to the bravery ture creations. once a strictly Orthodox organ, is ner who used to be an ace feature of Signor M. Allivetti, Italian Jewgoing to broaden Its scope to ap- writer for the old New York ish ariman who was shot down by peal to all elements of its Jewry . World, is now turning out swell Ethiopian gunners, is being paid . . Its new editorial board, when publicity features' for Columbia in many articles in the Italian announced, will reaH like a who's Pictures . . . Rabbi Aaron H. Blu- press. who in contemporary literature . . menthal of New York has been Allivetti was • one of 'the "outnovated from hi3 wife . . . Mem- standing members of the dare-1 tor .«•: devil Italian flying corps attached better furniture to the Italian army in Ethiopia.
Strictly Confidential
CLUB fofflNftfi PARTY
corned maha...
new arrivals better furniture
Cracker, Biscuit Factory
The Independent Biscuit CordWEBB. BEBER, panyy recently incorporated^ in Ne- FRADENBURG, KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Atty*.. . braska for two'hundred thousand Union State Bk. Bldg. " dollars, has started production at OF PROBATE.OF WILLBXF.B.E. its factory, on the seven and a NOTICE In the County Court of Douglas : half acre site of the former Build- County, Nebraska. the Matter of the Estate of Reid ers and Merchandisers' Mart atW.InTalmage, Deceased. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. thirtieth and Taylor streets. All persons Interested In said es68S of the B'nal Brith will hold a Their cookie and cracker fac- tate are hereby notified that a petiregular meeting Monday evening, tory is employing one hundred tion has been filed in said. Court, praying for the probate of a certain March 23, at 8:30 o'clock at thepersons at the start. Instrument now on file In said Court, to be the last will.and Eagles Hall. Plans will be made The officers: A. D. Speir, pres- purporting of said. deceased, and that for the Banauet to be held on ident-treasurer; Charles J. John- atestament hearing -will be had on' said' petiApril 22, In honor of Mr. I. B.son, vice-president; William Blas- tion before said Court on the 11th day of April, 1936, and that if they fall Padway.who is president of theer, secretary. to appear at said Court on the said District No; 6 ot the B'nal Brith. 11th day of April, 1936, at 9 o'clock, Directors of this Nebraska cor- A. It., to contest the probate Of (said poration include the officers and will, the Court may allow and proEugene Telpner, member of the Andrew Hansen, Charles P. Har-bate said- will and grant administraPhilo Literary Society at the "Ab- mon, J. L. Burr, A. H. Allerheili- tion of said estate to Farms- Talmage Omaha. National Bank, or some ' raham Lincoln High. School, had gen, A. H. Hruby, George Lud- and other suitable person, enter a decree the leading juvenile role in thewig, N. L. Alkire, and Homer B. of heirshlp, and proceed to a settlement thereof. club's play, "Growing Pains", Tiffany. BRTCE CRAWIORD, which was presented at the Ab3-20-36-3t County Judge. raham Lincoln High School last JOSEPH LINTZMAN, Atty. Friday and Saturday. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpner. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross returned home Friday following a week's stay at Excelsior Springs, and Kansas City, Missouri.. Mrs. Abe Leibovltz Is spending the week in Iowa City visiting her daughter, Miss Maxlne Leibovitz, who is a student at the University ot Iowa, '1 Lawrence Krasne is expected home Sunday following a . two week's buying trip in New York City. ;
All persons Interested In Bald matter are- hereby notified that on the 10th day of March, 1936. Manuel Hartz filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 4th day of April. 1936, and that ir you fail to appear before said Court on the said 4th day of April, 1936, at 9 o clock A* M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of nelrship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees,e r as to this Court may seem t 0 tne e n dt h a t a U
r t ai 'i £I?F«
5 ^! t•° 8 ! l.d
b matters
Ike Krasne Is spending a couple of weeks in New York City on a buying trip.
and Strength
Wholesale Store For Passover Products
OMAHA MATZOH CO. 1410 No. 24
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman have returned home following a six weekB' visit in Les Vegas, Nevada where they visited at the home of their son and daughter* In-Taw, Mr. and Mrs. S. Friedman. The Emesel Club held a meetIng Friday, at the home of the Misses Pearl and Florence MeyerBon, Plans were completed for the raffle to be held on Tuesday, March 31st.
Time • • • Money
Clyde Krasne returned home TION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas Saturday from Los Angeles, Calif- County, Nebraska. ornia where he spent the past In the Matter of the- Estate ot Max Hartx, Deceased: few weeks visiting relatives, '
Farnam at 22nd "
AT. 9910
# Modern day ironing demands modern day irons. Save time with these faster heating irons; save money at their low cost and save strength with their lightness in weight and quickness in ironing.
Here Arm the Stylet You've Admired in the New Fashion Magazine* • MARGOT Fashions • New REDINGOTE3 • JACKET Costumes • THREE-Piece Knaemblea • Brilliant PRINTS • Classic POLKA Dots • TAILORED Styles
$1795 Dress Salon->-Third Floor
Your Deafer Repairs ' Electric Appliances
Bra!de*d-Back Kid Stoves.. ...„. Vanity Fair *C0? ' You will yf
Whiff Chiffon Hosiery $ 1.65
need a Clever Pin-Seal Bag $4,98
demonstrated. I • myself observed broke up the discussion by in- ; $2,500, although you wouldn't I learned from Janet that the patriotic fervor sweeping nocently asking, efter deep study j have to wait until you were 6 0 to j "profile" in the New Yorker: '"!•.;• over Naailand'has not weakened of the gentleman's face, vhy he : get in OE it." , . . Zeke. is 3S and he was a email-boned baby HIM'the strangle'hold on the disfranwore a mustache with points on ! held one of the New Deal's brain- • tubercular in his teens . . . Tlif.; chised " non-Aryans, in this hour it . . . The gentleman didn't give ! iest of the brain-trusters . . . . when Nazi "orators' bellow about Learn from the best sources that I he almost blinded by mustard £•«.> a very intelligent answer . . . there's no truth whatever to that I in the war . , . Thai he love,' t; a '• sacred "union ot all Germans aI yarn about James McDonald be- ; see the news weeklies of hiwsf!galhst* foreign'powers who try to . . . Cecilia Razovsky I ing slated for the arobassador- j . . . Thai his only close man fripiu; rdb Germany, of - her sovereignty, will skip over to Germany this Jewish professional - men a r e .By t&e Service'Life-Insurance Summer in connection with the jsfcip to Poland , . . The same j is Rudolf Hess, his personal drstill taboo and"; Jews are still intransfer of German Jewish chil- ! sources state he'll join the Times jputy , . That Gen. Goering wlls Cospasy, Omaha sulted on the streets. dren in other countries . . . And (editorial staff about the middle I himself "Hitler's skin and lit:!-' By EXCLUSIVE CABLE how do you like the way West- j of March . . . Mrs. A. H. Fromen- j whatever thp Nazis now impovii. n; Europe is a iiuge military camp. Life insurance .is not a. specuBy PIEEEE VAN PAASSEN j brook Pegler is rubbing the Nazi |son (prominent Hadassaliite) has ; in the party to join Hitler . , 1Gas factories .are working over- lation and the insured man does 'left the Beth Israel* Hospital after Seven Arts Staff Writer time. Scientists are bent over not speculate. The insured man noses in the dirt in his columns j a. stay of seventeen weeks , . , I That hiP relations with 'Tiiii; : Hanfstaenjri have become Btrafnpr. j on Germany, written from Praha, testing takes the speculation out of life, .; 'Pierre Van Paassen, Intrebattle-line of Hitler versus Eur-1 tion will come, but. only in. a few their laboratory tables j She sustained a broken hip when i because the latter had the tempr: j Czechoslovakia . . . Lee Wood, exyears, when. Hitler will have com- new ~ poisonous • germ weapons, and substitutes • for uncertainty pid foreign xorrespondent,,,is ope? . " • she slipped and fell in the ZOA children; are -being drilled in." gas the certainty of the guarantees ecutive editor of the New York ' off ice . • . Felix IU. Warburg's is i sty to criticize curtailment ot" lrtraveling between Paris, BerI remember this ..contemplative pleted his armament program. i tellectual liberities . . . That i-\un. World-TelegTam, tells us that lin, London and Geneva, covmood because It was the last mo- But. even without any shot be- mask parades, shipyards are buzz- round in his contracts. those Pegler's columns brought ; back from a ten-day stay in Flor- i Honfsaeng'ls family wag the f!?•;.; ing -with Mife,' new warEhips, ing fired the battle of Europe verIf he liTes, he-wins. If the good ering the European situation. ment of calm collection that I exmany more letters knocking the aia' (the same number of days a | to sponsor him pocinlly , , , Ttu-•• sus Hitler has begun. The Euro- large and small, are being com- fortune of a Ions life is his, then jiTelegram Ifc- this exclusive Seven * Arts perienced for six days. than praising it for fellow named Peters was there. pean chancellries and the, entire pleted In feverish haste. The the guaranteed return from his i printing them . . , which merely ! incidentally) , r , And Judge Anna j "Putzy" put tip the tbouFsnd <l<v-» cabled-article, lie relays bis I spent several days In Ger- political with perhaps Brown • Terror Is hanging over insurance far exceeds that of even | proves that the Nazi propagandists ' Rl. Kross has returned from a two- i lars that made it possible tor ;bs? .first impression of the Jews many. Make no mistake - Ger- the sole leadership the most speculative of investexception of the small in the same place | Nazi to tr.ke control of the Vot>;under the brown war clouds. many, and that' means all of it, groups of royalists in France: are Europe. And the German Jew ments. To ask a man to invest j here are working overtime at let- i| inonth-sojourn . . Louis Popkin. top-notch pub- i kischer Beohachttr, now cV-if-r stands bewildered, having no —-The Editor j ter-wnting . . . Patty Berg, freckwithout exception, is solidly be- determined to , weaken Hitler's and re-invest his money over a ' iicity man. is grinding it out for iNazi Party organ . . . That 3HOn~ I led -golfing miss of Minneapolis, hind Hitler in his defiant gesture prestige in Germany by forcing fatherland-to defend and nobody ! the J. D. C.'s .New York drive for : in his entire career has been ICVR" to protect him - a lone figure on j is believed to be the first Jewish fjeneva. March 13th—The news of tearing up the, last scraps of ' 51,500,000 . . . through a policy of non-military ing a mistake of judgment, never only to one man ~- AdoU Uitlpr , a huge battlefield.' lass to make the United States ot t h e enrtance of the Hitler the Versailles Treaty." That does troops Into the Rhineland came not exclude the Jews. I spoke to moral and economic sanctions.a- ^(Copyright by Seven Arts Fea- being deceived, never losing a golf team . . . Her parents are cent, is placing upon his should- German Jews . . . Incidentally, The firms advertising: in ;?>* to me • as I sat nonchalantly In many Jews who have suffered and gainst Germany. I predict that ture Syndicate.)' ers a task too great. HITLERIANA: Things I did-j/ewish Press merit and deser-v the United States Golf Association the Cafe de la Paix in Paris. It are still victims o f the Nazi re- unless Hitler, by a most, amazing Every time the business line "believes" Miss Berg to be Jew- n't know about Hitler and which your patronage. •was one of .those sunny days gime; all of them say that Hitler volte-face, should reverse himself and withdraw his troops from the drops, someone loses money. One ish, but says she is a member of •when the French flaneurs gaily acted for the good of Germany. Rhine region (which, will never bad investment is capable of •wip- the. swanky Interlachen Golf Club . promenade on1 the boulevards ap- In Communist circles, of course, happen), France and a. number ing out the fruits of a lifetime of of Minneapolis which is known as parently unconcerned- -with- the while there is also Joy over the ot other important countries will thrift and self-denial. a Gentile outfit . . . The same as' troubles and • tribulations of na- Hitler strategy, the reason Is dif- not participate in the Olympic The man who saves with life sociation informs" us that the only (Established Jg78) tions, governments and armies. ferent. There they believe, and Games. The fate of the persecuted other Jewess ever considered for insurance makes his own luck. The Frenchman does not usually rightly so, that the political plan Jews Catholics and Communists the U. S. team was Mrs. AnnenOMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sioux City —• Siosx Falls believe In war. until he hears the of the Fuehrer to form a Euro- is no longer at stake. At best only said, here he was a Jew (his wife berg (formerly Mrs. Leo Federbooming of the guns and the ex- pean bloc against Soviet Russia a small segment of liberal, unatPhone S&. 0551 — Phone 594 — Phone 88885 is non-Jewish) yet he was accept- jman) but she didn't Quite make plosion ot shrapnel. But that day, has received a deathblow because tached leaders took interest in j the grade , . . Dr. Towns-end has ed in the finest clubs . . . The im•when the news vendors shrieked of his Rhineland adventure. and protested against the inhumAsbrstos plication being that he knew how I a serious rival in the person of through the streets that the Ger- France, England, Italy and the an treatment accorded these I Dr. Mordecai Ezekiel, youthful Slate-Tile man armies were on the move Little Entente are a thousand groups. Today every Frenchman MEMORIES:' Back in New to behave himself . . . Because we economic adviser to the Secretary weren't in a particularly contenAsphalt ancl Gravel a*nd had entered the RhSneland, times more terrified by the Hitler feels that the Hun has waked a- York . . V At-the same old desk tious mood, we failed to point out of Agriculture, according to Ray Paris became transformed as by . . . And the same old grind . . . FKEE ESTKIATES — EASl'-TERMS danger than'of the threat of Mos- gain and is crouching to jump on to him that he evidently wasn't j Clapper of Scripps-Howard . , . _ a magic -wand. The danger of cow. Even the opponents of Com- the winners of the world war. The But with memories of the great, "accepted" on the boat on which ! Ray writes that the only differHitler over Eurore had thrown munism have become firmly con- oppressed groups in the Reich adventure into the Sunny (God's we were fellow sojourners . . . jence between his and Townsend's its shadow over Paris. I packed vinced that the Soviet Union form only a small speck on the Country) South still fresh . . . . By some "accident" everybody at • plans is that Dr. Ezekiel's (deit up to go immediately to Germany, want peace in order to develop its European map. European states- And a swell coat of" tan rapidly our table was Jewish (with, the ! scribed in his book, ?2.500 a * it tjy newspapers wanted the low- huge resources and complete its men will be talking of peace and fading into New York pallor . . . exception of his wife) . . . And | Year") is less attractive "because & down. Editorial rooms all over economic advance, while Hitler, security for France, and Belgium. I But one thing that won't fade eo there were several other strictly i you would have to work for your U "TT** "*v"*" "T' ! ^*: i~ (•quickly is the memory of a certhe world were hanging breath- sooner I but through all this barrage . of tahle suave, fancifully xnustached "Jewish tables" in the boat's dinor later, will have to relessly on the wires The mood of ing room . . . T h e purser who asdiplomatic statements and conferJuly,-1914, was again permeating sort to war injprder to drown the ences which are sure to follow, youngish-old' man who sat at our signed dining room seats to the table on the: boat trip down . . . . cries of the disillusioned German the streets of Paris. When I the fact clearly emerges that the Against our better Jndgement and passengers evidently had. a keen John reached the railroad station the people. \ generals and not the peace-mak- bur devout desires we were drawn eye for Jewish faces and Jewish Location for Matsos at On the surface all is flag-wavFrench troops were being packed names . . . Certainly this prophet jers will be in real command from TRY HAYDEN-S FIEST ing and parading. The German inow on. The armament race will into" a discussion of the Jewish of doom who was "accepted in the Greenberg's Kosher Market Into railroad -cars. question .over the coffee, cups.,.. . people Is just as famous as its Completely Modernized From Top te Bottom As I sat' In my compartment, [reach a new high everywhere. It He vehemently disapproved of the finest clubs" hadn't asked to be 1552 No. 20th ' We. 5450 wondering whether I would ex- statesmen for miscalculating the , is no longer a case of preventing American Jews' attitude on the" placed at a table with only Jews E o a e Phone GL. 2972 ~16th. Doclg-c Bud Douglas perience any trouble at the bord- effect of its diplomacy on foreign a world .war. The only hope is to German persecution of Jews .... . as his dining mates . . . Paul Jr. soil. There they believe that Hiter—-because the Nazi officials postpone it for a more propitious Thought they .should mind their have no great admiration for my ler .has succeeded in killing the moment.own business and be very quiet journalistic observations — the Locarno Treaty, preventing the fiabout it . . .. Also thought there Germany is entering a new were too many young Jews in radpolitical turmoil with its immin- nal' consumation of the Frenchent war danger suddenly vanish- Soviet ' pact and forcing a new phase. It is a false hope on the ical political movements in the ed. I must have dozed off, for I European realignment with Italy part of" the German Jewish lead- U. S. . . . hewas "agin" it all . . . remember a half-dream in which as "a comrade-in-arms and England ers to believe that the greater Said American Jewish youth by for I saw a huge battlefield, all-emp- as a neutral. The German press national Issues will have a sober- such tactics were "digging their ty except for one lone figure - a of course does not pubKah the an- ing effect on the Hitler-Goering- own.grave" . . . And we were to ' S Jew In a caftan. I speculated .on tl-Hitler sentiments expressed by Goeobels-Streicher crowd. In the mark his words on that . . . Said how the' German Jewish situa- official France or any other coun- plebiscite to "express the will of that that was the trouble with tion would be affected' by this try. It Is- interesting that the in- Germany" on Hitler's Rhineland the Jews in Germany and that was new development. Would Hitler terview which Stalin granted re- gesture the Jews cannot partici- why'they were getting it in the j recall the exiled for cannon-fod- cently-to an^American jonrnalisst pate. In the mobilization of the neck now..,.' . Look at him, he der? Would a patriotic ware j was not. reprodiiced In- the Nazi German ."rTSllitary machine the ""•".-'• Jews are being assigned to labor obliterate the anti-Jewish cam- p r e s s . ; : : " ' ' - . ; - • " • ; ' • ] • . ' • A Quality Product for Seasoning" paign?-Would the-3 eat peril of de- -Since then I "have listened to de- battalions, like the fellaneen in FOR RENT struction "facing "Germany, make bates in the French Parliament; the British army. The closer the Messrs. Streicher and Company I have attended press conferences doom of the Nazis approaches, the 2, .3 "or 4 rooiiis beautifnUy feel that the slogan of the "Jew- in Downing Street; I have inter- more fanatic will the Jew-baiting ish menace" had'become unneces- viewed some of the key men In become. The Jews will be made furnished. Electric, gas and sary? And Bow would the Jews Geneva. And I know that the dan- the scapegoats for every political phone included. Gas heated. ' | themselvesrin Germany and out- ger, of an Immediate war-is not of military defeat of Germany. Call We. 3527 on Sunday. This has already been conclusively side of Germany, react to. this imminent. A European conflagra-
rougb a local attorney, Leon tnscy, KolczaTc paid $10,000 Tictlm's wife, Mrs. S. "Meinacfl her four children, ter Meinfeld's death, Kolczak to the United States, where since made his home. wish Press advertisers merit patronage.
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to him." local cemeteries tbat no attempt shall be made to honor the shamefully. To save his skin he betrayed his men, his country Rabbi Zera said, "Be careful Certificates for GEMS OF THE BIBLE memory of their war dead. This is the insult offered those and people. An ignoble strategem with the children of a common Reich CfcaSutzim heroic twelve thousand German-Jewish soldiers who made the allowed him to escape alive to the man as very often wisdom emanAND TALMUD enemjv Rome-was proud to inates from them." supreme sacrifice for their fatherland. Yet, the nazis do not By O. O. DASHEII Our Rabbis were taught. Adam Berlin (JTA1 — One-third of Published erery Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by this distlngqulshed Jewish propose to let Jewish manpower go unused for cannon-fodder clude was created on the ere of Sab- the entire number of immigration historian and warrior amongst its THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY in the next debacle. They have been subscripted to-the labor leading war prizes. But the pangs Let not kindness and truth for- bath and why? In case he be-certificates granted by the Palebattalions in the'Reich, and even those German-Jewish citizens of conscience Josephus could nev- sake thee. Bind them about thy comes overbearing it may be said stine Government under the new Subscription P r i c e , o n e y e a r • • • • • > 12.00 neck, write them upon tho table to him, "The mosquito has been labor schedule are assigned for living in the United States have been notified that they must er silence. A d v e r t i s i n g r a t e s furnls&ed on. application. , of thy heart. created before thee." German Chalutzim, the Palestine In masterful fashion does Feuregister with the consuls here for conscription; Wisdom crletli aloud !n thf office in Berlin has been advised Rabbi Jochanan said, "To him chtwanger analyze the soul con-1 Editorial Office: 6001 Brandeia Theater Building. . street; she iittercth her voUx in whose first wife dies it is as if by cr.ble from Jerusalem. 'When the nazi plebiscite is held on March 29 to overfilets of his hero who tries to be' 81oux City Office—Jepriflh Community Center the broad places. Temple had been destroyed in The cable states that 950 lawhelmingly approve the Hitler re-occupation of the Rhineland, a citizen of Rome, to satisfy &n So are tho wuy« of every one Hie DAVID BLACKER • • • Business and Managing Editor his days." bor certificates. 3 2 per cent of the demands and to enjoy all for the first time the German Jews, including war veterans, privlliges of the pagan world and that is greedy of euln, Jt UluHh FRANK B. ACKBRMAN . i - . . - - . Editor Rabbi Eliezer said, "He 'who the entire schedule are allocated FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent will not be permitted to vote. The ban applies not only to at one and the sane time to re-awny tho soul oi tho ownon- divorces his wife even the -ltar: for German Jewry. thereof. ANN FILL • • - • Sioux,City, Iowa, Correspondent Of this number 160 are to be lull-blooded Jews but also to those who are three-quarters main loyal to the synagogue, to Take fnst hold of inniriuiUnn, Kneels tears." granted to German Jews now re' Print Snop Address: 4604 So. 24tb Street ; Judaism and to Jews. The conflict STATISTIC: Our fireside comi non-Aryan. between Rome and Judea Bears let her not go; keep her for t;hop&r.ion, the Palestine Commercial i siding outside Germany. But, nevertheless, Hitler prates to the world about "equal- his soul, destroys his peace of Is thy life. Bullentin was waiting for us upon TALMUD ity for all," and does not bat an eye while declaring that mind, robs him of Berenity and our return . . . A hasty glance ' Polish Pogromizing happiness, reduces his life to ag- There were insolent follow* in UirouRb its columns discloses that I The shades of Czaristic Russia darkened the path of "reason some day will triumph over politicians." onizing mockery. Of course he is the neighborhood o£ Rubbt Zera. the Italian influence in Palestine; * M. SOMIT, Dealer in Jewish Books aisd All Other Polish Jewry this past week; when pogromizing reminiscent of, famous; he is one of seventy- who nevertheless associated with Is growing by leaps and bounds II them and showed them Boine coni Religions Articles . . . Fr'infitanco garlic imports in ' seven who have the ear of the fanatics of other days broke out in Poland. -..x THE BLESSING OF SPRING world; his statue is in tho Hall siderations so that they should re- the month of September last •. 2429 Decatur WE. 3527 ; The anxiety felt about Poland's three million Jews has of Honor; he enjoys the friend- pent. The Rabbis, however, were Roared to 13,557 kilos from a I just revived a fresh stock of nil By Rabbi Frederick'Cohn kinds? of MatzoF: of the qualideepened from week to week. The introduction of the antil ship of Titus.his Emperor; truly, not satisfied with this. When Hab- measly S.475 kilos in tho same ties, and niso Bl! kinds ofbest Passover Editor Jewish,Press: bi Zera died, tho insolent fellows month of 1D34 to 11,351 kilof articles, like Mntzo flour, cake every material prize life can offer echechita bill was a forewarning. Then same the demand in said, "Hitherto there was the lit-In 10.^5 . . . As to drinks: Cham- flour, PRR" matzog cooklps, etc. j S i r : '•• - • " • . ' ; '. •'•• • ' . •.•::-•: •-•"••. is his. Yet he is miserable, sick, I SIFO havp n full line of all kinds the sejm for the deportation of a million Jews from Poland. Rabbi who prayed for us, butpagne is proving increasingly pop- "f Rokeach's Kosher articles for "We, are keeping our fingers crossed." We do not know and weary of life. Though he tle Ptjach, incliidinier strawberry, ular, rum dropped completely out now who will Khow us any conAnd the verbal tirades introduced the climax - - i violence at has gravely compromised his Jewand cherry Jolly In pint what will occur in the further development of the German ish loyalty, outraged his fellow sideration?" Whereupon they re- of sight, pin suffered a slight de- msplierry class jars: and niso oil in beautithe hands of ignoramuses incited by propagandists. cline., beer in barrels dropped off. ful plass bottles. pented and became righteous. The apex of the pogromizing was at Przytyk, Radom Dis- situation. We are hoping for the best, that the sun will again Jews, he remains in the eyes of Rabbi Maier said, "The same whiskey was about the same and Remember HIFO my own make Rome, and most painfully in the Kosher for Pesaeh, Pesach trict, where the 700 Jewish families were attacked by a mob pierce the clouds in the gloom of the present critical situation, eyes of his non-Jewish wife and measure with which one measures bottled beer had a sensational bull j , sonp. Candy, too. market. ! incited by an anti-Semitic leader, two Jews and a Christian precipitated by Hitler's audacious action in violating the Ver- son, a Jew: Even his treachery others, It will be measured out being killed, 22 Jews seriously injured and a score less ser- sailles and Locarno treaties by sending soldiers into the does not mak"e him a civilized Roman gentleman; he is doomed iously hurt. Other localities were the scenes of vicious attacks Rhineland.^ to be despised, a second class citWinter is about to change to Spring and we hope that also. Wounded Jewish citizens were straggling into "Warsaw izen for Jewish birth cannot be telling of excesses raging in the Pommern district, with vic- the winter of war and of war-threats, too, will give way to the expiated. mighty conflict of loyaltims fleeing for their lives before fierce mobs of peasants. Dis- balmier and lovelier climate of a world restored to sanity and tiesThis is dramatized by a series of orders were likewise reported throughout the Polish corridor. justice. Perhaps even a Hitler will be made to see the error grim personal difficulties. JoseIn Skrzyn, central Poland, the entire Jewish population land the evil of his ways,rat least the practical impossibility of phus has two wives. While he foisting them when a world now at last aroused to resistance puts himself into debt for Dorion gryacuated. , and to a determination to oppose and thwart and put an end the.Egyptian woman- after whom [We are not charging the Polish local authorities with comhe lusts, his soul yearns for Mara for the Flattering Few Shades fat plicity in these peasant raids. But we do make the charge to them. Europe's patience with Hitler and with Hitlerism is his Jewish spouse, simple, unsoat an end. They are willing to give him every just consideraphisticated but-deeply attached to against the local officials of failing to take precautionary him despite horrible neglect and tion and opportunity but there is a disposition to be firm with steps. Illustrative of this situation is "the following: About a abuse. Each of these women bear week before the pogrom broke out in Przytyk, a Jewish dele- him, to show him that they mean business and that his iniqui- him a son. Dorion Insists that her K I • N Paul be raised as a civilized Rogation visited the district commissioner to warn of its ,im-ties must end. man and refuses to allow him to The trend is to Befle-S^armeer . . . not only I think Hitler realizes this and he is willing to be more become a son of the covenant. All minence. He replied: ""What do you Jews want? Not a single We Never for perfect fit but f»r unusual #nd beautiful Jew has been killed so far." The history of the world has again conciliatory. Perhaps his intransigeant attitude towards the the heart rending pleas of JoseBuy Spring color. Parade . . . cur pet of tht and again repeated that it is too late to" lock the barn after Jews, too, will alter, particularly when a Schacht makes him phus do not move her. The hapSeconds month . . . is e knowing new beige to wear of her son is at stake and or the horse has been stolen. If Polish officialdom is to prevent realize that it involves the economic ruin of the Reich. Per- piness with blue, red, end green. A great success the mother instinct asserts Itself Irregulars with black and grey, too. disorder t, e - and every disorder undermines a government haps the German people even though held in terrified subjec- in all primitive strength. e • • then it must take firm action against offenders. And that tion will nevertheless be emboldened- to rise and throw off One of the most skillfully handOther dazzling newcomers ere Suntirs, glowing •untan, Tawnee, warm «unbei£je> Copper-Rutt, ftction must start with the threat, not with the accomplished their yoke of Complete slavery and perhaps* under the initia- ed episodes in this fictionizedj vibrant and coppery. All in Belle-Sharmeer1* novel Is the yearning ol Josephus famed proportionate lee sizes and all exclusive tive of the Army, feel that the time has come to "liquidate" Violence. y her*. for Paul, and his Insistence that However, all Poland has not been swept away by this tide Hitler and restore some measure of the old freedom, content- he be a Jew. Why? Certainly as of Insanity. The president of the Polish Federation of Labor said ment, and prosperity. Perhaps in the general improvement the a full fledged Roman not encumbered with the impediment of he would seek to have an all-Polish labor strike called in sym-Jew's lot will also improve despite the infinite, damage andJewishness he would be a happier pathy with, the Jews. Polish labor evidently has the wisdom seemingly irreparable injury already done. man, with wider opportunities for The tout stem has B Numbert to see that behind the Polish incitement against the Jews are Human beings can endure much and nature seems limit- fame, power and wealth and se• . the LEG SIZE hms « Name cure against the scorn and the the same forces that were behind the incitement against the less in its power of healing. Christendom is on the eve of itsridicule that fell to the lot of JoBrev.. for Small* Duchess . . for TaBi Jews in Germany; that fascists seek to control the government great Festival of the Resurrection and perhaps a New Gersephus. Why should Josephus, Ktlpatricfc'* Hosiery Moa'tie , . for MeClassic..for Plump» through indirect violence and that once that fascism is in the many will also arise, a chastened, a better and a nobler Ger- the father, who suffered so much diums Section—Main Floor because of his Jewish birth desaddle, labor could expect the same crushing treatment ac- many that will do full justice to the Jew and grant the "equal- mand that Paul, his son whom corded to German labor. Once again it is not a question of anity" arid the "honor" that it is so. persistently and passionately he adores, whose mother is a hapattack against the Jews; it is a question of democracy anddemands for itself to all its citizens regardless of race, re- ! py Roman lady, be a Jew and subject himself to all the tragedy ana liberty and freedom fighting against those forces which for ligion, or political or other opinions. Is that too much to hope Ihumiliation he. was obliged to personal selfishness seek to'ascend to the purple through the at this season of Hope? "In the Spring" perhaps the nations' suffer and endure. Why? This red of spilt blood. • "fancy," too, will turn "to thoughts of love" and peace andbaffling" and inexplicable mystery of Jewish survival presents itself. reconciliation! Why does the Jew want to live? Why does he frown upon inter"Behold, we know not anything; we can but, trust that Musical Advancement j H o e s FOR m e n marriage? Why* does he reject A new milestone in the cultural development "of Palestine good will fall at last - - - far-off at last, to all. And every with contempt, every suggestion winter change to Spring!" of apostasy? Why does the Jew as the Jewish national homeland will be marked when the openunconsciously voice the conviction —FREDERICK COHN. ing concert of the Palestine Symphony orchestra will be preof the ancient sages that Israel will endure as long as heaven and 1 Bented next October. The persecution in other. countries has earth? Why? made i t pdssible to assemble the "orchestra of leaders," and if Diverse Interpretations will be present plans do not go amiss, in conjunction with the orchesplaced upon the aim of the author tra, international festivals of music and drama will be held in and the complex unstable characFOR SPRING ter he so deftly draws. The book which classical and modern works of biblical subjects will be By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS certainly does one thing above all, performed on their historic natural scenes. reinforces a great truth, one that Babbl, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City Impetus to making Palestine a musical center is given by many of our brethren wish to forget, namely, that for Jews there the acceptance of Arturo Toscanini, noted conductor, to conTHE JEW OP ROME ' stinately refuse to regard him as is no escape from or evasion of duct the opening concert. The famous maestro made the head- Lion Feuchtwanger T h e Viking their' own. Judaism; that Judaism and Jewlines in 1933 when he refused to conduct the Bayreuth Festival Press 505 pages $2.50 In his latest literary effort, ish birth cannot, be denied; that and when he cabled Hitler protesting persecution in Germany. Even though the bursting of "The Jew of Rome," Feuchtwang- like ghosts they haunt, and haunt haunt. The first effort the • Music, with all its beautiful melody, you would think, is the emancipation bubble in Ger- er deals magnificently a n d pro-and any has hot opened the eyes of foundly with a problem that should Jew must make in the struggle outside the realm of Jbigbtry and intoleranee-r-universal and all- Jewry as widely -and as intel- not exist for any conscious and for happiness and success is adembracing. To human beings with human hearts it is and will ligently as one bad a right to ex-self-respecting Jew, but which un- justment with Judaism, and he : pect, it did awaken, even startle, fortunatly confounds and tortures must remember that this necesremain so. . ' sity is a primary consideration,
;_ '
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Jewish intellectuals in Germany millions of our brethren even as and other lands. For the first It did Josephus, namely how to that it cannot be relegated to a time in their lives many of them reconcile Jewish loyalty with na- secondary place with impunity. are becoming conscious of a Jew- tional citizenship, how to combine Happiness, as far as the Jew Is "Equality for all, also for us, nothing less than that . ' . y ish problem and are giving ser- the culture of the country of concerned, demands first and preeminently an unshakable loyalty ious thought to obligations of birth or residence with the best of to Reason will Borne day triumph' over politicians." Judaism and an undying atThe above quotation demonstrates how meaningless words Jewish life. Slowly but surely It Jewish, or In simpler terms how tachment to the Jewish people. is dawning upon them that the be a Roman and a Jew, or a And when this conviction takes may bel That quotation is tinmistakenly earmarked - - ,-; it Jewish heritage and, destiny can- to German and a Jew, a Frenchman hold of the Jew, the Jewish heritsounds like an- excerpt from a plea by German Jewry suffer- not be lightly repudiated or dis-and a Jew, etc. . age becomes a source of power ing under the iron heel of Hitler bigotry. But it is not. ironi- carded/ that' Ita responsibilities Few more contradictory and and strength and beauty - - bebe escaped or evaded, that complex personalities appear on side which all the earthly rewards . cally, it is taken from a speech made by Adplph Hitler three cannot ita demands must be met and sat- the scene of Jewish history than fade into insignificance. Then, •daysago in Frankfort-on-Main. "Der Furore", was, of course, isfied in a positive way, that one that of Josephus, achojar.militar- and then only, does it become muBt come to terms i with it. talking about the Locarno and Versailles pacts. simple and natural and joyous to y leader, and historian. The au' Lion Feuchtwanger joccupiea a. thor utilizes the life and exper- be a Jew. The devil can twist good into eviH ; But fortunately, the most distinguished and enviable iences of this , great and aristangels can straighten out evil into good. It is a common axiom position, in. the •world, of letters^ ocratic but miserable Jew to re- London—A petition to the Noin the canons of justice that he who seeks equity must give The Hitler tragedy has shattered veal the essential nature of as-bel PriEe Committee asking that illusions about civic equality, similation. Vividly, unforgettably the 1936 Nobel Literature Prize .. equity..',-!? Hitler seeks the principles of justice before the bar his emancipation and other precious, doea he portray the struggles for be awarded to pr. Sigmnnd Freud, of world opinion, wh^ does he not first practice what he concepts of the school1 of liberal- adjustment and happiness Jose- father of psychoanalysis, has been preaches? Like all demagogues, Hitler uses, words as a smoke- ism,: which as far as Jews are ph us made bacfc in the days of drafted here by a committee of distinguished British literary figBcreen. Words roll glibly off of this tongue; and he knows concerned, were always .observed imperial Rome. We share his high ures. more. In the breach than In thehopes and cruel disappointments, that many people always take words at a face value; '. practice. Like multitudes of other his 3 tantalizing triumphs and Those who hoped that the remilitarization of the Rhine- Jews, Feuchtwanger is becoming crushing defeats, but most especMARK LEON WRITES land by Germany in violation of Locarno and Versailles would increasingly aware that the fore- ially do we pity him for the futile most element in the life of thehumiliating compromises and evadivert the attention of the nazi persecutors from the German Jew,- that which' determines and sions he makes to win the favor In fact, INSURANCE ef Every Type » . Strong Reliable Jews, have been sadly disappointed. On Monday the Jewish fixes all else, is Jewish • birth and of a people definitely Inferior to Companies, ONLY welfare associations in the Reich were warned by nazi au- racial heritage. Jacob Wasserman hla own, surpassing It only in this inescapable' fact brutal strength. Greater agony a City finance & Insurance Co. thorities that their directors would be arrested as hostages recognized AT 766? . 1409 FARNAM . WA 6150 too late, and his "My War as a soul cannot suffer. unless they break off all relations witlTG.ennan Jews who Jew" Is a startling revelation of Josephus, the hero, of the book, fled abroad- even if the latter are helping collect funds for the .spiritual agony that results has been and quite rightly conneedy Jews. And, further,, those who thought that the possi- when one endeavors to ignore rac- demned as a, betrayer of his peoial antecedents, to repudiate his ple, as a t r a i t o r in the war aNEON bility of marshalling every bit of military strength in prep- people's cultural traditions and galnst Rome. He was entrusted by RAD1ANT SIGN CO. aration for possible war would help the Jewish situation might to identify himself completely the authorities -with a high militwice analyze the warning from the nazi GSP to Jewish rela-1 with a land and people that at tary position, wielded tremendous best only tolerate him", which in power; he enjoyed universal retires .of men killed in action in the world war and buried in spite of magnificent loyalty, ob- spect. In ths crisis he failed
"Equality for AIT
3%ft 3DM»|
5| :iB?*,t^ K.IKE j
D.Jit J.^^
Or* TCfct
ft* i N response to ike perennial summons of Spring lor a new siha&® ia shoes for mea...you'll find that correct new shade throughout the wide selection *
of Bosionians now ready for your inspection... Glow Taa Calf is Ihe mellowness o! tan blended inlo a rich back* ground of choice brown calfskin . . . a likable, livable
man's shade, If there ever was one. You'll like i%\ .
Bostonion De Lvixe $8.50.
; •
Shoes—Street Floor
tificates fo? Reich Chalntzim
BIRTHDAY PARTY • Mrs. Ben Roitstein entertained fourteen children and their mothers at her home Saturday afternoon in honor of the sixth birthday of her son, Gerald. The fol-
ylin (JTA) — One-third of mtire number of immigration ted ' b - th Taic Government under the new : schedule are assigned for ian Chalntzim, the Palestine e in Berlin has been advised able from Jerusalem, le cable states that S50 lacertificates, 32 per cent of sntire schedule are allocated erman Jewry. this number 1G0 are to be ed to German Jews now reS outside Germany. . .•/
st received a fresh stock of'all s of MatzoR of the best qualiund also all kinds of Passover ;les, like Mntzo flour, cake egg niatzos cookies, e t c ;o have a full line of all kinds lokeach's Kosher articles for i a e h. including strawberry^ berry and cherry jelly in pint 3 jars: and also oil in beautiglass bottles. . lernber also my own Tnafce Kosher for Pesach, Fesach iy, too. '. >
if Few Shades i s
Sharmser . . . not only \t unusual and beautiful & . . . our pet of tho ing new beige to wear reen. A great success
Jean Lincoln, Helen Lon Slier- [ man, Judy Alberts, Bemice Sorainer, Delores Jean Cohn, Phyllis Kelene Wohlner, Annette Segal, z.n& Marjory Brodkey. j "Nursemaids" and "policemen"
iers are Sundrs, glowing I sunbeige, Copper-Rust, All in Be!le-Sharmeer'« g aizes and all exclusivo
[Paul Blotcky, A. K. JKeuben Kulakofsky, I Gross, Moe KRteimnn, F"^" 1 . iNogg, Jack MRrer, Harry Fr,i?mow, A. feaxe, and Ben Shapi-o
Duchess . . for Tails, Classic, for Plumps
KUELT»ROSENFELD WEDDING WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr- and Mrs. Robert Swartz TO RESIDE IN HOLLYWOOD the marriage ol Miss" Carolyn ftosenfeld, daughter o£ Mr. andentertained twenty guests at their Mrs. M. Meyer and Mrs. Grace Mra. Julius Rosenfeld of Council home Sunday, March 15,-In cele- Goldstone left Sunday, March 8, _ Bluffs, to Dr. Herman Kully of bration of their fifth wedding an- for Hollywood, California, Where Omaha will take place next Thurs- niverearyv A buffet supper was j ^' e r *^Vl' mate their" borne. Prior day afternoon, March 2 6, a t five eerved. Mrs. Uri Miller of New t Q 'melT le&Tlng u ^ ywere fconoro'clock a t the home b£ the bride's Orleana was among the guests. e d a"t m n y f a r e w e n parties and parents. presented with a number of beau•Miss Lois Livingston of Chicago BAR MITZVAH SATCRDAT tiful gifts. •will be maid of honor and Miss Mr. and M r s / J . Margules anMarian Sally Livingston of Omaha MOTORING TO ST. JLOtTIS j Council ©I Jewish Women i|: -will be flower girl, Morris Levy, nounce the Bar MItzvah of their Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Noddle son, Leonard, Saturday morning, brother-in-law t)f the groom, will March 21, at the B'nai Israel syn-|are motoring to St. Louis SaturThe Council or Jewish TTomen I § civic and international relations i if be best man. agogue at 18th and Chicago sts. day for a few, days'visit with Mr. group will meet a t the home of j ."Following the ceremony, a wed- All friends and relatives are in-! and Mrs. William Greenstein. Miss Mrs. Harry Shumow Tuesday afjding snpper will be Berved. Beverly Mendelson of Council vited. No cards have been issued. ternoon at 1 o'clock. Rabbi FredBluffs, niece of the Noddles, will erick Cohn will address the group. accompany them. ANNOUNCE BIRTH HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE The group in "Meeting the PubMr. and Mrs. Ben Stein anlic" will meet at the Jewish ComMiss Marian Greenberger, whose RETURNS FROM CHICAGO nounce the birth of a daughter marriage to Barney Abrams will munlyt Center . Wednesday at 1 Mrs. A. Ginsbufg returned from o'clock with Mrs. Leota Travers Monday, March 16, at the Clark- take place soon, was honored at a ten-day visit with her son-inas the Instructor. son hospital. several parties in Lincoln t h e ! l a w a n a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. past week end. Mrs. Abe Abra-j H a r o l d j^gjjj o I Chicago, who hams entertained Saturday after-, w e p e r e c e n t i y married in Omaha, JOSLTX ME5IORIAL ENTERTAIN FOR CAST noon; Mrs. H. Weisgard was h o s -j j^^ ^^ gg ^ Ginsijurg w aa aa The Society of Liberal Arts an^ ^ ^ M M rr ss > > Ginsijurg w The nast and stage cfew of noon; Mrs. H. W g dM nounces the following program at tess Sunday afternoon; and Mrs. h o n o r e d b y h e r children at an "Whistling in the Dart" were en- Abe Poska entertained at a cock- open house and was extensively the Joslyn Memorial for this comtertained at a party on Saturday tail party Sunday evening.. ing Sunday, March 22: entertained by friends and relaevening, following dress rehearMiss Esther Siegel and Mr. Jay 4 p. m., in Concert Hall, Organ t l v e s sal, a t the home of Sylvan Frank" The responsibilities for the, Wohlner, Julius Cohn, Corrine Recital — Dno-Art Record's; 2:30, el. Hostesses were Mrs. D. A. Stoler, whose engagement was're_ _ , , „ _., s i o t r r CITY "Conservative Capers," to be pre- j wohlner, Shirley Albert, Elaine in lecture hall, annual meeting Frankel, Helen Merritt, and Ruth cently announced, also attended s e n t e d a t C e n t r a l Hi h o n M a r c h several parties in Lincoln, M ^ n A M r i T Alfanl^i and ^ Ruth Kulakofsky, and of the Omaha Camera Club; 3:30, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altsuler and | Beth-Eli Kramer, A.llen Tully h fi Allen. in lecture ball, lecture by Mrs. family will spend the week-end in; • _ _ _ _ . !„,,«,„> *„,«. «.p _ . .V. synagogue building fund, weigh iPh ———— p Carol Pitts on "Opportunities for "Tin soldiers" will be portraySionx City visiting with Mr. and Sigma Alpha Mu upon the shoulders of the ed by Richard Wintroub, Char- Musical Development in Our PreZ. B . T. MOTHERS : Mrs. Louis Kuklin. Mrs. Kuklin above, The monthly meeting of the Z. lotte Sommer, Buddy Malashock, sent Educational System;" 4:30, The Sigma Alpha Mu Frater- is the former Miss Kate Kaplan they cast B. T. Mothers club has been postDona Lee Singer, Lincoln Klarer, in lecture hall, program arranged i of Sioux City. nity handball team, composed of from them for this picture. Mrs. Irene Van, Herbert "White, Kath- by Omaha Music Teachers' Associponed to Thursday, March 26. Morris Katelman, center, as busi- ] e e n Y a n > J e Mrs. Harry Ackerman, 3625 Cal- David Goldware, Harry RosenColln) J o ation. ness manager. Mrs. Sam Theo- : kin, Richard Newman, Arlene ifornia, will be hostess to the stein, Henry Swartz, all of Oma-: HOSTESSES AT FAKTT ha Aaron Finkelstein, and Ka-i The Dramatic Committee of the meeting at her home. WinMargolin, lelkh Woo'lf. both of Lincoln, won j Women's Division of the Jewish Margolin, the I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y handball!^^ Community Center and Welfare chairmen. .... , . Shirley Brodkey. championship Tuesday night at Federation entertained the cast; Sixty-nine children, ranging in; , • The Alpha Pi Tau fraternity the University Coliseum. This" is and stage crew of "Whislting ir> e from four to ten, will takei 'Cowboys" and "Cowgirls" wiU DS JSCK SoZoXDiOS. J0H3.t.ll0D, G"Old~ has started an innovation by hav- the second consecutive year in the Dark" at a party at the homi. of "Conservative Weinstein, Larry ing its own members speak on which the chapter has been hand- of Mrs. J . J. Greenberg on Mon "apers," according to announceday evening following the perfoi nent made today by Milton Rieck, Doris Levinson, Natalie subjects. of interest at each regu- ball champion. Plotkin, Sara Lee Daris, and Jean, Many of the fraters have been mance. Hostesses were Mesdame: director. lar meeting instead of inviting J. J. Greenberg, A. J . Solomon, "Bandits"« wiU outsiders to address the group. active in campus activities., Principals In the children's i , - be , Dick . . William Flax of Omaha and and Sam Theodore. This new program is 'under the number which closes the first act I Shostak, Jeremy Goldstein, Louis direction of Lou Canar and BenIrving Hill of Lincoln have been of the slxteen-scene road show I^nstatt, and Stuart Tully. Lefitx, co-chairmen ot the Cul- selected for two of the leading PLAN SPRING DANCE "Rag dolls" are to be Barbara will be Barbara Beber, Phyllis The Vaad auxiliary is planning tural committee. I roles in the play "Southern ExThe fraternity etarted i t s j posure," a Kosmet Klub all-male a Spring dance a t the Fantenelle hotel Sunday, Hay 10. For those fipring-social season last Sunday, | cast show. March 15, with a party a t the Harold Clvin of Omaha was re- who do not dance there will be Nbrthern Star, Nashville, Nebr.i c e n tiy elected treasurer of Theta private parlors for card playing. Ernie Nogg and Charles Gendler N u > honorary pre-medical fraterMrs. AI Finkel is chairman of were In charge of the affair. the affair, and Mrs, William Mildnity. ' , •. . Arthnr Adler was installed as Irving; ZveHel, Grand Island, er. - co-chairman. ,, S new member at the last meeting and Aaron Finkelstein, Lincoln, of the fraternity. recently returned from Iowa City, TO REVIEW BOOK Rabbi' Frederick Cohn will rewhere they participated on the varsity debate team in the Cni-view Rachel Field's book, "Time ersity Of Iowa Invitation Tour- Out of Mind," at the North Presbyterian Church, April 23. nament. : ' ; ') Leo Elsenstatt, Omaha, and By Mrs. David M. Newman Harry Ginsberg, Dakota •City, AT XtJTHERAN HOSPTIAI* Mr. Harry Shumow is receiving were appointed as junior manaBread Omelet ers ot the varsity football team. medical attention at the Lutheran ; Soak S. small slices bread in % The chapter, is entertaining at hospital. _ t u p scalded milk. 'Add beaten a house party Saturday, March "-yolks of 4 eggs, season and fold 21. Approximately forty-five coupThe firms advertising in the in 4 beaten whites. Heat Ome- les will attend. Many Omaha and Jewish. Press merit and deserve let on frying pan with a little but- outstate alumni are expected. your patronage. ter, - Pour omelet mixture in pan, -when cooked on under side flip over. Serve Immediately with jelly, powdered. sugar or maple
Kitchen Chats
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• DRY COTTAGE CHEESE , • -2 lbs. 16c • SOUR CREAM : V• 12 oz. j a r 17c • CREAMED COTTAGE CHEESE
'15c Pint ' Stores LocEted At - • 24th and Leavenworth. 24th and L Sts. JA. 9640 MA. 1147 6070 Military A T C W l 70S4
"IT'S FRESHER AT FARMCREST Open Sundays Until 11:00 F . M.
Date Padding Doe package dates, pitted and chopped, 1 xup chopped walnuts, y% cup sugar, % cup Hour, 1 tea-' spoon baking powder, 1-8, cup milk and 2 eggs. Mix together, sifting Hour and sugar first. Add- beaten whites last. Bake 40 minutes and serve with* whipped cream. Cranberry Salad One pint cranberries, 1 cup water, 1 package lemon jello, 1 cup diced celeryCook berries and water until tender. Strain and measure. Add equal amount of sugar and bring to a boil. Have Jello dissolved in 1 cup boiling water and then add to hot cranberry mixture.. Add celery and pour In a shallow pan When ready to serve cut in BQuares and place on crisp lettuce leaves. .
Y lSlt.... '
' '
•k Tee honr l a s strtict. It's rimply not going to be possible to go through this spring without a new coat or suit. I t takes years for fashions to work up to such magnitude, but when it does, there's no resisting it, Convinced this would be the case, we're gone the whole w a r , , , we Ere headquarters for coats and suits . . . for all types and all occasions.
the COATS Swagger and dressy styles in tHe new plaids, checks End plain shades. Dozens of variations of the mode to choose from in colors for spring. You may select from Coat Headquarters and hare the privilege of wide Selection! &t no ertra cost.
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Over selections are very complete in BKBIS SAILORS - - - BEBTONS - - • frivolously feminine with a flare for flattery. Flowers, Teils, ruffs, and quills, atop Btravr or felt.
IT WILL PAY YOU ' To Consnlt
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Priced "$5.00 to $2250
Tho r.nnnnil of
has a NumberS EE has a Name
lit. Sinai
Alpha Pi Tan
sponsor a benefit bridge pariroff, Sandra Solomon, Elaine •will Monday, March £S, at. the J. Itfendelson, Michael Knlakofsky, ty C. C. Proceeds will be used for I A regular meeting of the Moms; Arthur Haykin, Ronald Cohn, and the maintenance and education of , Sinai cemetery auxilifiry vill hr Arnold Stern. Rcth Slendelson, a German-Jewish refugee child. A j held Tuesday, March Si, at 2 n. Leta Eae Cheraiss, Marilyn Win- luncheon at 1 o'clock precede • m. at the Adass Yeshurin syni>trotib, and Florence Izenstatt will the bridge. Candy •willwill be sold by!gogue at £Sth and Seward gts. represent "mania dolls." a committee headed by Mrs. Jack jT O M S C U g S S ! K M O M O T O R E "Pierettes" and "pierrots" "will Merer. ! "Sir Mosee Montefiore" will hi be Freda-Hiekes, Betty Cohn, SalMrs. Louis Llpp is chairman in the Jewish personality discuBse< ly Gross, Arlene Bansky, AEEB by Rabbi Frederick Colin a t !".*>< Jane Kulakofsky, Paula Belinont, charge ot general Buddy Barish, Bucfcy Greenberg, Mrs. Ernest Nogg is in charge o£ | next meeting of the College «.. Jewish Studies Monday, Mar-"fc Alden Lincoln, Melvin Sherman, the luncbeon. Arthur Kulakofsky, Billy Stiefler, Patronesses include the Mes-!£S, at E:1B p. m. at the ,1. C. C Hymie Milder, Ronald and Shirley Alberts. Jewish. PreBB ad^'ertiaere mevi; Kul&kofsky, Adults who are in charge of the Glaflstone, Louis toy shop where the scene is laidi William Milder, David Cohen, your patronage. jare Martha Hinimelstein, Herbert' •Kaplan, and Hyman Shrier.
Stuart Solig, Larry Solig, Harriet i Lorkis, Lincoln Klaver, Wayne Siegel, Harold Gaspar, Sue Fisher, Francis Fisher, Betty Lou Kemp, Delores Mae Siegel, Frank Zoeller, Marilyn Mae Kaplan, Howard Chemiss, and Gerald Roitstein.
SOMIT, Dealer m Jewish Books and All Other Religions Articles 9 Decatur WE. 3527
Make Preparation for Capers'
design and fine fabric both qucd« ities cdmirably illustrated in fea distinctive coat pictured. Horizontal shoulder tucks give the slesre fallness that compliments the swagger styling. Of navy Blue threaded woolen. §29.95. Others pne@d id SS3.SS.,
the SUITS Every type of suit that is important in fashion is to be found in our collections. Classic tailleurs, dressmaker suits, mannish, tailored styles refleet all that is distinguished and important in the mode, Netr fabrics, patterns and colors abound.
I .5
via**ti&kid by X Ibg
•• tf'i>r
BEDS PARADE IN MADRID CARNIVAL—Madrid, Spain, pursued traditional gayety during Carnival Week, when throngs .of merrymakers took possession of the streets, though a few days later many were killed-in riots. Above are Communists and Socialists who joined the holiday paraders. They are shown In the bullfight ring where they celebrated the release of, 30,000 political prisoners.
Hill WB sip
DISASTER — From Maine to Maryland flood waters spread death and disaster as torrential rains and a warm spell swelled ice-clogged rivers. The Federal government mobilized amphibian planes to survey the flood areas in eight Northeastern States. Above is a scene at Palmer, Mass., between Springfield and Boston, with the State highway under six feet of water, where the Chicopee River had overflowed. New England was hard hit by floods.
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POWER FOE SCOTLAND—A striking view of the topmost curves on the great new Earlstoun Dam which is part of the $14,000,000 Galloway hydro-electric project that Includes dams,-aqueducts and power stations around the Scottish lochs. This project will pro-' vide electricity for Southwestern Scotland and industrial NorthEngland. Earlstoun is a hill town in North England.
ifiilliSiSiillliil UTiti
DIVORCED—Else Louise Catty, recently granted a divorce In Los Angeles, from Harold C. Gatty, who circled the globe with the late WItey Post. Mrs. . Gatty' said .. she was tired of lonely days and nights waiting for her ocean-hopping spouse.
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STUDENTS EAT. CROW—rUlJnois State Conservation Department started killing crows as a nuisance. But Tau Kappa Epsilon members at Milliken University; Decatur, insisted the birds were • good to eat—as tender as chicken. The Department gladly furnished some and here Mrs. Heffron and Mrs. Huss are preparing them.
SOCIETY PINES OUT—Miss Elizabeth B. Glover, left, daughter of Mrs. Bryce Metcalf of Ardsley, N. Y., and Miss Elizabeth C. Kip of New York City, as they appeared at a recent luncheon at the Waldorf-Astoria. Both are much Interested in society's philanthropic venture, the Opportunity Shop.
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DEFENDERS—One of the first ' pictures received from-the front where recent border conflicts have taken place between Soviet Russians and Manchukuoans. Here a cavalry detail of White Russians Is shown at Hailar,: ready to take over the frontier defense of Manchukuo agauist the Soviets. White Russians number, many titled exiles of the Czarist regime.
HAGOOD HONORED—Major General Johnson Hagood, center, recently relieved of his" command of the 8th Corps area after criticism of the New Deal, is honor guest at a luncheon given by the Business and Professional Men's American Legion post in San Antonio* Texas. At. left is Chairman Dr. James FT Hollers, and. right, Colonel W. B. Tuttle, reserve officer, commander of the post
SKIPPER—Captain Emst Lehmann, commander of Germany's new giant airship, LZ-129, pictured while giving the construction work of the huge zeppeiin a final inspection before she took oS on her trial trip from the hangar at Friedrichshafen. Captain Lehmann said the shsp later would be christened the EIndenburg.
;•-»• t.» f.n:
FILM DIRECTOR AND BRIDE—David Wsrk Griffith, pioneer film director who staged the "Birth of a Nation," shows in Los Angeles with his recent bride, the former Evelyn Majorie Baldwin, 26-year-old actress. They attended the film ewards banquet of tbe Academy of Motion Picture Arts-anci Sciences where Mr. Griffith was presented a statuette for his years of work. tlilfc.!—-I.
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CRITIC—Sir William'Wiseman, wartime chief o | the British military Inteligence In the United •.PLANNING. NEW OFFENSIVE—Italy's African>armies were reStates, cow a New York broker, ported on thie march In a new vast offensive In both Northern and who asserted President EooseSouthern- Ethiopia,' with planes combing the *territory'"ahead"af * --velt-would be re-elected because 'artillery and infantry movements. Above is General Rodolfo GraWall Street Is "always 100 pexj -zfani, directing the Somaliland front, planning his part of ttie cent wrong politicallri" He r» offensive at afield camp. Air activity was expected an important shown at the Roney Plaza, : Miami, Fi£.,enrouteto J a i
RAINS flHBE&TEN' WAR SUPPLIES—Army headquarters In Rome have been shipping vast quantitles of war materials anft^uppHes-tc* Hae forces in Ethiopia. But now & problem is presented. Because.of .lack ol storage houses in Mass&ua the supplies are in the open on docks, as shown above. Sewn tiie seasonal-rains-will-set in and Italian supply masters are worrying lest the supplies be ruined.
DEAR, DEAR ! TCK : TCK 5 TCK !—Jor Titter, second sacker for the Chicago Cubs, 1st one go 'through his hands, whiletau&ym a work-out at the Cubs'-training camp:on Catalina island,,CaV,and it hit him—sockoS—right where the plaster shows In the picture above. So he gets consolation from Frank Dsnmree, out-" fielder.
A. >-.-i..: r,
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Religions Senices Beth-El At services tonight Rabbi David A..Goldstein -will base his sermon on tuo great English classic, 'Daniel Deronda.' This novel, written by George Eliot, contains the most beautiful- portrayal of Jewish character, ever •written in; English. It 'presents an eloquent plea for the Zionist solution to the Jewish problem;: anticipating Theodore Herzl and the. modern Zionist by "a generation.
Vaad This evening .Rabbi Berger_ will speak on- "Yiddish^ and Hebrew" or "Yiddish vs. Hebrew." At services the kiddush will be chanted by Leonard Margules, soniof Mr. and Mrs. Joe Margules, who will be Bar Mitzvahed Saturday morning at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Rabbi Berger will speak at B'nai-Israel Saturday morning. Sunday morning, regular father and-son services will "be held at 9 a.; nu'"at B'nai Israel. Next Saturday wi£L be A . Z . A. Sabbath and..- all. local chapters will participate in a joint service Friday evening, March. 27, at B'nai Israeli synagogue." •
At. services this evening Rabbi David H. Wice ;will base his sermon on • a-current play by Maxwell Anderson, ''Wlntersei." The Sabbath candles -will be lit by Mrs. Lebn.Fellman. ! Saturday morning services "will begin at 11 o'clock.
ew of the topmost curve i s part of the $14,000,000 ides dams,-aqueducts and s. This project will.pro-' ad and.industrial Nortlith England. .. ::..- .
cTWark Griffith, pioneer s Nation," shown in' Los Evelyn Major4e Baldwin, 1m awards banquet of the • denees where Mr. Griffith if work.
Temple "Israel will have a community Seder the second seder night, April 7. - Those who are away -from home are especially welcome to attend. Communicate with Rabbi Wice, At. 2884, for reservations. ' !
WORLD'S WINDOW (Continued from page 1) fools. They did so still. Everything had been against them and was of ten -still that was allied to worldiness and the love of power and' the vain show of things. Tes, and'often policy and cleverness and'Jndeed security and shallow reasoning-liad been or seemed to be ;ag_aiBst "thejm: And therefore, alLpther things'aside, I knew that they.'w'er-e'my men and that their cause' was iriy. cause. And I am sometimes ."a/little taken aback ^adyB^^ire'camparatlye; fasepute'of 'wfih for mybelonged to an ee^rliersBneratloia-. of- Zionists •when to be- a Zionist was still to be'fa^i'iobjiBct'.61'jeers.and contunjelsi. .--JJOfihave to<say that to a iabbl,, to. a professional spirltua&iejiuieir£ .^fell, l a spite of his assprtjdni;; to the contrary, the grotap to which;- he- belongs is small'" and is diminishing. But I confess/that 1 would have respected 'or,'!at least, like, his' argument better had" lie left; out that bit about-?being" benevolent to Palestine.1 '•'•':'. -' : ' ' ' " . ' :"•••; : -• • ",;r "We"want the pro-Palestinian laityj we r want their help for our perseWted; -we want them, above all,? for .theif/ownVsake;- Air work for'.Paiestihe in -redeeming; it j e deems him w h a performs it and him who -benefits/by it and it would, pedantic t o "look too closely ;at the /ideological equipment of every' friend 'and supporter of our; caused, That would be silly, lntpieranf;/"oiil)rothEriy.: But when it cornea to spiritual leaders It Is disappointing that they have no sure Instinct for the' life, of the spirit, nor,.know that all great things have been wrought by ideas that once seemed foolish to the world and unpractical to £he practical—Ideas defiant of the powers and ^principalities' of earth and careless of them. But when these ideas have created a new good, let not the purblind and the worldly wr'p scorn the ideas insult that good, v ' ' :'-
Joe Vitter, second sac&er b his hands, while busy in i on Catahna Island1. Cal., [the plaster shows in the pom Prank Demaree, out-' United Newspictnrest
WESTERN Air Conditioning Corp.'
With the weather on the outside warming up, those who Jhave been cooped in all winter are beginning to feel the urge to. get put^and do things. Those who have', taken advantage of the J. C.C.'s, physical facilities are "in shape"—those who have not entered In any physical activity during the past three months are slow, dull a n d find it hard' to adapt themselves to the hustling and bustling which comes with Spring. In a few weeks all outdoor swimming pools will be well crowded with those who wish a relief from the hot and stuffy air of the city. Now is-the time to take advantage of the gym and swimming pool and be in condition for the summer activities.
Peerless Cleaners
J. C.C. Sports
A Few "Catty" Remarks
Handball is now in the spotlight at the Center. The city A. A. V. handball matches are being run off, with the outstanding handball players of the city participating in this tournament. The more experienced players have been seeded into Class A, while the less talented ones are playing in Class B. The finalists and semifinalists of both classes in both the singles and doubles will vie with other Nebraska and Iowa cities In the Mid-Western A. A. tJ. handball tournament. As yet only the doubles are being run off, with the "single pairings to follow Immediately ' after the doubles tournament is over. The Class B tournament is over. With little more than a week Those entered in the singles to go, director Milton A. Rieck of competition are as follows: "Conservative Capers ol 1936," " Class A: Jay Schrlebman, Mike announced today the principals Carraciulo, Manny Goldberg, Sam and cast of the "Alpine" scene of Zorlnsky, Ed Printz, Phil Wright, the sixteen scene road show being Sol Yaffe, Ned Rydberg, Sam presented by the Beth-El syna- Teper, John Casey, Paul' Grossgogue at Central High the eve-^ man, Joe Burke, Millard Sigal, nirig of March 31. Pat McGill, Jack Ban, Dick Force, Featured in this number -will Jay Sadofsky, Max Altsculer, and V be the singing of Mrs. Hyman Bob Wurgler. Sx. Bellman, Harry DuBoff, Ida GitClass B: Jimmy Lemson, Pinny imj'Harriette Bernstein, Lawrence Wintroub,. 'Max Turner, Morris Flnkel, and Oscar Abern. Franklin, Earl "Siegal, Dick KalThe Binging and dancing chorus strom; George Shapiro," Jake Adwill be made up of Bertha Guss, ler,- Morton Ferer, Benny Rosen, Evelyn Green, Tilly Rice, Earl Abe Farer, Sam Blend, Erring Ross, Al. Soffer, Bob Rlmmennan, Cohen, Leo Blacker, Saul Graetz, Mrs. Lawrence Finkle, Mrs. Wm. Paul Steinberg, Aaron Epstein, Racusin, Mrs. Hyman Greenberg, Hy Gendlemen, Al Soffer, David Mris: 'Mdrris -Linsnxan, Mrs. A. D. Richards, and Sam Ban. Frank, and Samuel Theodore. • The Winner will be awarded | Others included in this.chorus regulation A. A. TJ. awards. \ are Mr. .and. Mrs. Irvin. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Shostak,"Mr. To all those who are interested and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, Mr. in forming a J. C. C. Softball and Mrs. Nathan Horwich, and League, there will be a meeting Mr. and Mrs. James Corenman. at the Center, Wednesday, March Announcement was also made 25. With all the Jewish talent in
of those "who -will enact the hu- around the city, a well balanced evening may be well spent in morous skits and other dramatic league should be in the making. harmless enjoyment whereas it j standing broad, jump, running! Lagman, Nathan Meicbes, Harold j BWimming instructor, in charge. ': a ten-mile marathon which f i i ; | high jump, pull tips, push ups, IOruch, Norman Polonsky, Morris j To ."get into condition" for this take pare in April. Thp IPCHPP a-r scenes in the revue. Principals does away with the aimlessly j rope jumping, track running, free ! Riklin, Edward Sellz, Norman j event, the boys are swimming e also F^imminf: a milf ?o he \r ' • I •will be Miss Martha Himmelstein wandering about which more than throws, and target throws. A fin- ;Sellz, Albert Shenfield, Sidney jmile aufl those who have accom- !shape for the {rmp'.ing mnrfitltnii. Haskell Cohen, in charge of the' likely will lead into trouble. and Hyman Shrier. al rating will be summed up and \Schartz, Bill Steifler, Albert Tem- jpliEheS this are: Morris Ricklin, To dBte, Frif.zie Farr is lertrlin; • Assisting them -will be Barbara recreation room, extends a corthe . winner will . be handsomely ! in, Berj-le Walters, and Don and , Don Zemoveky, Harold Epstein, in the rale with, fifi lengths to ho-Monsky, Rosalie- Alberts, Betty jdiai invitation .to all the users of. rewarded. Those entered in the \Marvin Zemovsky. Melvin Bernstein, Stan Fellmpn. advantage. .Rose Kobennsn '* its facilities. The ping pong tables The junior members of the CenRosenblatt, Sadie Beber, Mrs. Hyfind Norman Polonsky. A mile next with 26 snc. Martha Frar«J.-f. man Bellman, Herbert Kaplan, are open and free to those who ter are taking daily workouts to efficiency class are: Bnd Barisli, The annual ten-mile swim mar- consists of SS lengths in the Cen- third with 25. Dorothy Colin. Milton Robinson, and A. A. Smith. ask for the privilege. Children as bolster their rating in all physical Melvin Bernstein, George Eisenwell as adults may take part in activities. This is all headed un- berg, Harold Epstein, Stanley athon for junior boys will soon ter pool. Not to be outdone by the Francis Corenman are fourth sn<l Ballet Feltman, Bucky Greenberg, May-] exploits of the boys, the married . fifth, respectively, -with 17 RIK; A ballet that -will tell a com- the games which the recreation der efficiency and points are giv- nard Katzraan, Ed Kuklin, Albert! get under way ia the J. C. C. women class are going to run off 110 points. room offers. An afternoon or an en for the following activities: swimming pool with Al Oruch, plete story -will be one of the outstanding features. Leading this..- number -will be three of Omaha's better known dancers. The " S u n " -will be portrayed by Annette Ricklin Silverman, mother of twins, dancing teacher, and former professional performer. Sylvia Adler Brodkey will represent "Jack Frost." Mrs. Brodkey was until recently a featured artist on the Orpheum circuit. " ' Miss Rosalie Alberts, one of Omaha's outstanding amateur dancers, Trill give a hint as to •what is to be expected of her soon when -she becomes a professional as she dances an interpretation of a "Snow Flake." : Other members of this number in the huge review directed by Milton A-; Rieck are: 'Leaves": Betty Lipp, Betty Rosen, Pearl .Myers, Connie Meyas those put out by this er, Dorothy Bordy, Frances Blumkin, Louise Miller, Adeline SpechLet's resolve to patronize our own ter. guild productions. You won't re"Four "Winds": Lottie Rips* This "story has no purpose, un- gret it. They are well-worth seeDorothy Camel, Rose Steinberg, less perhaps it is here to show ing. and Mildred Safersteen. you what close contact the Lips- j Snow , Flakes": Helene Alman family has had with the' T-_i fnffimerc specie of animal known as c a t s , ; J Te sl ll e •"©I""!,* berts, Genevieve Stein, Arlene M a r and also to get off a few pent-up I ^ *« wedding which Solomon, Sylvia Letwin, Esthryn for every purpose will unite Dr. Herman Kully and IN OUR SPACIOUS pnns Milder, Joy Yousem, Bernice HimNEW VAULTS Let's get started. It seems that Caroline Rosenfeld will be quite melstein, and -Frances' Rosenblatt. Pay cleaning charse only Distributed by when clothes are needed "Icicles" will be Beth KulakofCelia Lipsman, one of the five a grand affair, we hear . . . Who for next season. sky, Frances Bordy, Isabel RosenLipsman sisters, had her picture | i s t h e 7°™% Omahan who is getblatt, -Ray Spar, Minnie Tuchman,' taken with a cat for a newspaper! t i n S a n e w c a r f o r h l s ^irttday, b u ts s GREATLY. REDUCES Shreda Osoff, Etta Camel, and one day r e t doesn't know about it? y last week. Sister Sylria i !- • • And while we're so inquisiDorothy Zlotkin. OFFICE AND PLANT was photographed with a tiger FFJCSS 104 Ho. IStb St. AT. 3454 KE. 1500 well ask if you know who Business Men "Clown" (a member of the cat family) that j performed in the Tangier Shrine!!t b e y a r e a™ c a I I i n E Forgetting all financial cares circus. for an evening, a group of Omaha business men will cavort as Sister Eve has been connected Scraps with cats for the past few.years, clowns. We thought that Dick Hur having married one—Phil Katz, witz's suit which he wore in the The eight sawdust comedians will be Phineas Wintroub, Oscar by name. A fourth sister, Molly, 1 p j a y T a s rented costume, but when asked if she had ever had we have been told that it is really In Appreciation cf \o"J.r Abern, Max Shostak, Nathan HorAsk Your OIL any connection with cats, said and truly his own. "Check" that! wich, Samuel Theodore, Irvin Grocer for Green, James Corenman, and Hyf'only at a bridge game, when sevThat well-fed 'look you may Past and Future tmisr Fe&eml JSans&sg Act DistribSemi Lump iWal xatty ; remarks were made." J n a T e observed on the faces of man Bellman.Patronage FORBES TENDER CRUST utors I When their younger sister Mar-! m e E l b e r g o f t n e c a s t a n d producRepaid. Over a Period oJ Fl^ Not to be outdone, eight yonng BREAD iian was asked the same question, jt i o a E t a f f o £ t h e Center Players to TTrenty Years matrons "will display some fancy of Per Ton ishe^coyly replied, "quit your kit-;i s dne t 0 t n e fact t n a t a t every tricks as bareback riders in a fastAlso Straight SJWMIF, a t <•.%, Cities Look for the Orange Guaranteed galloping ballet.. In abbreviated ROSS PETERSON I ten." j party given for them they have or 5 % Per Cent and Blue Label Service II And then we left. Hope this'. b e e n f e d costumes and on beautiful fiveto Satisfy spaghetti. Wind HOTEL, FONTEXELLE gaited "banana crate" steeds will A Trial Win Convince You Fine Flowers Moflerstely Heatmg (didn't hurt your felines, girls, or j t n a t a r o und your spoon! appear Mrs. Morris kinsman, Mrs. make you angora, but it did help -^re £ r e t0*ja today that a cerPricefi Oils Hyman Greenberg, Mrs. Lawrence us fill up space. ^ a j n young lady who possesses Open Evenings and Holidays: Finkle, Mrs. William ' Racusin, 2711 No, 24th St. WE. 0400 £04 At 4114 A.X. PS2f quite a number of shoes purchases AT. 8S0» AT. 4114 Mrs.,Robert Kooper, Mrs. Nathan them because she likes the shoe PROGNOSTICATIONS Horwich, Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, salesman, eh Harry? LITTLE three-year old 'Einky' and. Miss; Tilly Rice. Mrs. Herbert (LSI, to you) Kex* Gladstone is an Intelligent little oan.- JMrs. A. -D. | eleff complains that she never has Frank, today, announced that sales are: surpassing last year's. Mrs. Jacob.is co-chairman of the ticket Be Ready For committee.
Let the KBASNE Beauty Salon Attend Your Beauty Needs 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg".
• Sweet Batter • Dated Milk • Sour Cream and many other products, ask your grocer or c a l l . . .
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son enough. j Brass, Bronze AIismtorciB, We received a charming letter , CONTRIBUTION FROM A from Miss Gertrud Altschuler, | Grey Iron eafl Semi-Steel CastREADER the young German girl who visit- ! tags. Wood and Metal Patteriu One of our readers sends in the ed in Omaha recently. She is back j Standard sliet Eronse c n ct Iron Bushings, Sewer Manholes, ClBterr following: 'Our vote for the most | j n Kobe, Japan, where her home ; Rings and Covers, Cfeanou? Doors versatile person goes to Sophie now is. She has had a most in- ! Sash Weights E n d Yellow Era«f i • Plumbers' Ferrules, carrlsc' !r " t Rosenstein, teacher in the public teresting trip and says many nice j stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze schools, principal of Beth-El Sun- things about Omaha. j Cast Irop Gnlleir • day school, president of Junior Council ol Jewish Women, toastmistress at the dinner for Mrs. OMAHA JEWISH SOCIETY Arthur Brin, and model in style OF LOS ANGELES show sponsored by Omaha teachThe Omana Je-vrish Society of ers." Versatility plus beauty, we Los Angeles aEd Hollywood is think. presenting a benefit performance I to aid in raising Juno's for the re- j lief of S.2C0 indigent families j EATS Not Mincing Words whose Passover needs must be j Cieanee and ar Good-looking men are 5 " 1 met by charitable contributions, j Blocked Only ently scarce in this city o: .SHOES Tee event is scheduled for i ha. We have repeatedly asked for March £Sth at the .Temple Beth-1 Repaired While nominees for the 'best-looking' El, Wilton and Sunset Blvd., Hoi- j Von Walt FREE—Pick-up arstf Detlveriea title, only to be greeted .with sil- lywood, California. j in Downtown District ence. Phone HA. 455O Mr. Philip -Stein is an active j The one letter that we did re- member of the Passover Relief j j Bonded Drivers—J^i"; SPSHIVS ceive, said the following: "In an- Committee. Those desiring to aid swer to your request for hand- can send contributions to Mr. SEQE EETAIE CO. some men. about town, you're Stela, cjo Union Bant Building18DS right. There are none except a Los Angeles, California. few youngsters like (guess who). However, it is men that we women are intereste3 in. Not only Hew Honors lor Rtacy does Omaha lack handsome men, Macy BauiH, ebout whom we but also does it lack good dates, have been hearing a lot lately in and here it is leap year, which the Tray of achieving things, has will have to go to waste, as the won another honor. He won the Eeal Estate ©us! Property men here aren't even worth while after-fiinner speaking contest at pursuing." C A I J I J 575* F O R the Nebraska Inter-collegiate ForConsider yourself told, men. ensic association meeting in EastCLEAN LINENS Automobile ings, Kebr. 17th md Vinton AT.'SIST costly . . . Be He won over eight speakers. Have j'oar mctossobile in His subject was "NE.A." CongratMl The Center auditorium was ulations, Macy. We hope that you sured with Franke! Let us keep your garments eJ«an, well-filled Tuesday evening but will go on reaping honors. fresh an« crisp, pnrs. jrtve them S 3 DOBEiES BlOCt was practically empty Monday lonirer life. JACKSOJf 1ES5 evening, the first evening of the O H W E , S.3S4 production, "Whistling in the 'Tor inBu-sr.cE See Vi-&V 22 Dark," by the Center Players j We should like to remind yon Guild. The members of the cast that your 19S6 subscriptions to gave an outstanding performance! the Press are due. Many of you as you no doubt heard and as'have overlooked this little matter you also read in the review in the j and we are sure you will be glad __R5^!2-§Si--!F Press; yet, although these young to have us remind you to send men and women work hard to!in your check. We hare received give Omaha Jewry its own play- jj many letters of praise for our fine ers* guild, of.TWfciclt we are very paper. Every Jewish Some in Washable Shades proud and which "brings admira- Omaha should be receiving the AT. 6221 ' They Never Oack or tion from. other, groups, they re- Jewish Press. If you are not a AT. 8S11 Shadow-Proof Shades ceive insufficiest support. The subscriber, start now. Phone 5n £serj Ltamiry Semite For Betirooms And Bath« only pay these young people re-j your subscription and Join the rooms -WET WASH TO KKISUES ceive is your attendance and sp-j hundreds of Jewish families who We also clean and revere* plause. T i e -attendance has been are are keeping up-to-date on the only fair. Our auditorium should Jewish news of the world and the Let us keep your wearing Shades ss Vovr a s Sf>e o * toe filled to capacity at every per- local. events DJ" reading the JewYour Own Sotlers formance, We Tiosk to see plays ish Press. We take time to do it right by IVASA'TTT RSOO iron ether cities, I brought 4SCST-4-6 Hamilton plays are in so ^ r y as good Patronize our advertisers.
Visit us in our new location where you will find a complete stock of Drug and Sundry items.
50th & Dodge Sts.
KXcfccS Co,
"> ~ i C ' •
Society News;
Fledges are Miss Rivin, Donna concluded the evening's program. Jean Tobias, Mrs*' S, Krupnick, arrangements Mro 7 Mar and Libbie Olenfiky. -, Mrs. J . Mar-,
00) each, and three hundred fifty der of the amount and upon mich , declared or pnld on common stock shares (35n) ©f Preferred Stock of ; deposit being made, all dividends until all of said preferred stock shsl; ' u e of One Hundred Dol- shall cease. ; have been retired, without the writ^rs ( n 0 0 .00). all of which stock! (d) All the conditions of the Issue I ten unanimous consent of el! hold* on, Mrs. Ed Shafton, Mrs. S. Dvor- shall be fully paid up and non-assess- of such preferred stock are hereby ; ers of preferred stock. n I made a matter of contract between kin, Mrs. I. Ratner, Mrs. M. Shul- \ah]t .i""* ed ; In T£f the event the common capital leach and all of the then stockhold- I Section S, No sale of stock shall kin, Mrs. A. Bain and Mrs. I. tockholders I ers and all future stockholders of the i be valid anfi the corporation shali record at corporation, on behalf of themselves not transfer said stock on its books Zareter. prior right | and. made binding1 upon each and ell . until end unless the said stock shall to _£ubscribe_for and take such addl- , of the then stockholders, and all fu- ; have first been offered to existing tional common stock a t its book ture stockholders, their representa- : stockholders at the fair book value but before selling the same value, but not less than par, in pro- tives, heirs, executors, administra- . thereof, _» a lesser price, the said stock shsll I-ortion to their holdings. Said Pre- tors, assigns and successors in in1 Funeral services for Mrs. Jean- ferred Stock on and after the date terest and the holder of this certifi- be offered first to existing stockette Asher, 83, who died last Wed- born© by the Certificate evidencing- j cate of stock by the acceptance holders at such lesser price. hereby agrees for himsel'f \ In witness -whereof the stockholdnesday, were held in Mount Sinai j such" stock" secures "to" the "holder thereof, heirs, administrators, executors and ers of the Barish-Sanders Motor Co, Temple, Thursday afternoon, with Hjf^w^ 8 *?,?, 5 ' 1 ? 61 ? j " ^"ency of; •s in interest caused geid amendment to be subon the Suth clay of January, _ . . , * , * _ . ' , the United States of America, a- cu-- - i, assigns ——* --~ and ™,~ *...„.- n l l , be bound, bv scribed Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis OfflCiat- mulative annual dividend of two per : that he and .<., per annum, payable an- ; the said Articles of Incorporation, the Wit,. at BARISH-SAXDEES MOTOR CO.. ing. Mrs. Asher died in the home Ii *• - ° i \ ? 1 ? t ° be fixed by Keso- ; by-laws and such other resolutions By M. M. BAKISH, the Board of Directors dur- ; and regulations as may be made from of her daughter, Mr?. Abe David- I utiontheof existence of the said cor- j time to time by the said board of President. son, D-2 Bellevue Apartments, poration. Such dividend upon Attest: the directors and the stockholders o£ the P'.elerred stock shall be cumulative said company. h. S. KEDFOED, following a sickness of eight and shall not exceed two per cent Secretary. Section 2. No dividends shall be 3-6-06-4t. months. per annum and arrears therepayable each year out of the net Born in Repin, Poland, Febru- of. earnings of the corporation before ary S, 1853, Mrs. Asher lived any dividend is paid upon the common stock. there until she was 16 yearg old In event of liquidation, dissoand thea came to the United lution the or winding up, either volunStates. She had been a resident tary or Involuntary, of the corporation, the holders of the preferred of Sioux City 32 years. stock shall be entitled to be paid in fuil the par vai-e of their shares, plus any accrued, unpaid dividends thereon, before any amount shall be to the holders of the common Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will paid stock, and after payment to the holders of preferred stock of Its par speak this evening on "The Ro-value and any unpaid, accrued divit h e p a r va
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Slutsky Mfss Ethel Baron, daughter of spent several days in Sioux City, Mr. and "Mrs. Edward E. Baron, enroute from Rock island, IlliMISS ANNA PILL, correspondent nois, to their home in DeSmet, 2222 Nebraska itreet, was-chosen M South Dakota. Mrs. Slutsky, be- one of the delegates to represent Wellesley college at • Wellesley, Miss .Sadie Shulkin, chairman of fore her marriage last' Sunday.in Mass., at the. Model league last Rock Island, was Miss Edyth Rudthe;Give or Get committee of the man, • daughter of Mr. and Mrs.week-end at Williams college at A. Z. A. Sabbath will be held Junior Hadassah,. spoke on that F. Rudman. The 'wedding took Williamstown, Mass. Model at- Shaare -Zion synagogue - this iiroiect land-announced .tentatire place in the Rudman home and league is patterned after the evening.with the local' A. Z. A.plans for an affair open to those among the guests were Mr. A.League of Nations and takes up chapter In full charge of the ser- who subscribe their quota for theSlutsky, father of the bridegroom; its problems in similar procedure. /< vice. Jack Merlin -will act as can- Give or Get. Miss Baron Is on the commitTuesday evening, t h e . Junior Miss Jessie Slutsky, his sister; tee for "Application of Sanctions tor and the. A. Z/A.' choir under and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Slutsky, the direction of Sam Krupnick Hadassah. held a bridge party in his brother and sister-in-law, all by Non Members of the League." •will chant the ritual. The choir the Community, Center. Miss Rose of Sioux City. Delegates from Amherst, Princeconsists.of Ben Leubowltz, Earl Resnick ;was in charge;-of the ar- The bride wore ivory satin with ton, Dartmouth, Smith, Vassar, Novitsky, Walter Woskoff, Sid- rangements. .Refreshments: conHolyoke and Radcliffe : a long train and her long yell was Mount ney Kalin,. Irving Maron and Joecluded the evening. held in* place with orange blos- were present. Maron/ soms. She carried a bouquet of Mr. - Sam Epstein, chairman of ATTENDS DISTRICT lavender sweet peas and lillies of the advisor board of the A. Z. A., the valley. . CONVENTION will act as- chairman of the eveGreen and gold, wedding colning. Sam Sadoff and Irvin MarRudy Shindler. departed • forors, were used in the appointon will give the addresses of the.Duluth, Minnesota, to attend the ments of the Rudman home and evening. Members and friends of regional convention of the A. Z. the dinner' which followed the the A. Z. A. and the B'nai B'rith A. chapters :to be held this week wedding ceremony. The "Paid Up" luncheon for are urged to; attend the service. end. He will represent the Sioux for Chassidism." ior ance of Chassidism. , . •— — year mance Tomorrow morning Sherman City chapter at the meet. " de Mr. and Mrs. H. Blank presid-! have been paid, will be given by «IM,,,__.> ~ i T> W nds thereon, the remaining assets Sperling,- son of -Mr;' and. Mrs. S. Wednesday evening Rabbi H. ed at a 7 o'clock dinner Tuesday j the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare > i e x t Thursday evening, R a b b i ; ana funds shall be divided and paid „. Sperling will -celebrate his BarR. Rabinowitz spoke before the evening, celebrating their 40th Zion Synagogue next Tuesday I Father 1 i n Son Banquet at Whit0 l . __ respective and a d d r e s s t h e c o m m u n i t y | ^ The ^ owners * ? of L such ^ preferred stock ? Mttzvah in the Shaare Zion syn- A." Z. A. meeting on "The Attrac- anniversary. Twelve guests In- noon, March 24, in the social hall in fj shall hold the same subject to the following agreements and conditions: agogue. • tion of Jewish Law." RPVIVW rtrrl* of the«.e\iew circle or me | The cluded Mr. and Mrs., Louis Patz of the synagogue. Mrs. J. H. To ((a) a) T o t the n e p power o w e r o of f t hthis l s c ocorporarpora. Next Friday., evening, Irving Plans have been made for a of Des' Moines, son-in-law and Mosow, president of the auxiliary Temple Sisterhood Will meet this .j tio'i in the manner prolaw the amount of its auHill of Lincoln,'Nebraska, will be class in Jewish History,..' for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blank; will preside and any members afternoon in the home of Mrs. Sol vided tobyincrease thorized common or preferred stock, the guest- speaker a t .the syna- A. Z. A. members. Mr, Sam Krup- and: Mr. and Mrs. D. Banford of who wish to attend may pay their H. Novitsky, with Mrs. C. H. Hoyt ! kT the die m y be, from time to gogue. Mr, Hill is an alumnus of nick, one.of the A. Z. A. advisors, Des Moines, who accompanied Mr. dues.Tuesday before the luncheon. reviewing "If I Had Four Apples" time. to vote a t meetings of the stockthe Lincoln A. Z. A: chapter, and will conduct the class. Mrs. Joe Krigsten will offer j a n d "Roads to Peace." and Mrs. .Patz here. holders. an outstanding' speaker."' He is a (c) The Board of Directors may, the invocation. Miss Sarah Sadoff at their discretion, at any meeting i student at,'the University of Ne- PALESTINIAN PICTURE Mrs. William Kantor will en- will offer a group of vocal solos, LEOM A WHITE, Attorney* called for that purpose, on thirty! braska. - '' ' •' ' ' 504-10 City National Bank Bldg. days' notice, redeem and retire all '• 225 friends at a dinner with Mrs. S. Krupnick at the Omaha. Nebraska or any part of said preferred stock Plans are being made by the TO BE BROUGHT HERE tertain and dance Sunday evening, hon- piano. A skit, "The Office of the onpayment of its full par vaJue in Junior Congregation of the synaNOTICE OF DISSOLUTION the currency of the United States of oring her son and daughter-in- President of the Ladies Auxiliary" gogue- for - the • Junior CongregaAmerica, and all of the dividends acNotice is hereby given that on the "The Land of Promise," a Pal- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed IJantor, presented by oi Fe'bTuary.' y Mrs. William ! 26th"day hy ry. msTat m T t a"spesp _ . . , and _ cumulated and unpaid thereon, tion Friday evening service, which estinian talking moving picture, whose . marriage took place in will be p £al Stockholders corporation, to this end. reserves £ l meeting tiof Tofhf ethe th S tInc., k h l dcalled and d tthe Will be heldl early-in April. Mil- will be brought to Sioux City, by February. Mrs. Kantor is the Kutcher and Mrs. Joe Kutcher. Directors Zoo; for h e right to declare forfeited a n d to t h a t purpose, a n d all of the ; forfeit, all dividends t h a t m a v accrue pp e StockSoc ton Mazie .will --act as Cantor, the Jewish National Fund Coun- former Alice Wlntroub P i l l . Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak holders n d Directors being present on on the th p f d t k thirty (3U) j holders aand preferred stock, Directors being present Howard • Sacks- • will speak in be-cil in the near future, the exact Guests will include many relatives briefly. tV T l l i l f t f I days after written notice is The program will be concluded ! I the holder thereof to surrender half of the' children; and> Betty date to be announced .by theand friends from out of town. it Is for the (preferred stock, and should the with a play, "The March of the j best interests of That Kae Mosow; 17111 act as master of Council in a forthcoming issue of all parties con- , er thereof neglect or refuse so to surJack Reams and his orchestra Calendar," which will be presentcerned that The Zoo, inc.. a Corceremonies. ' such certificate of stock withthe Jewish Press. The movie was will furnish music for dancing af- ed by children of the synagogue poration organized on the SIst day render January, 1934, under the laws of j in the period of thirty (30) days aftaken in Palestine and the script ter the dinner. The dinner and kindergarten class, under the di- of j ter the date specified in the written the State of Nebraska, be dissolved has been written by Maurice dance will be held in the social rection, of Mrs. Sam Krupnick. and its charter surrendered; that notice for the said surrender and re• tirement of this certificate, the said of the stockholders and direchall of the Shaare Zion Synagogue The fpllowing parts will be taken all tors of the said corporation are : dividend shall be forfeited. The said More than 600- people attended Samuel. here present and have signed their , notice shall be given to the said legal the Annual Senior Hadassah Baz- • The picture has created unu- and the Ladies Auxiliary of theby the children: Town crier, Mir- consent i holder or holders of the said preto said dissolution. aar 1Tuesday afternoon and eve-sual interest" wherever it has been synagogue will cater and serve iam Gelfand; 1935, Jack Heeger; It is ^further resolved that the j ferred stock so to be retired, a* shown, .and Sioux Cjtyans' are upon the transfer book of this 1936, Irvin Levin; January, Jun- said corporation be- and the same ii shown ning in, the Jewish Community the dinner. corporation at the time said notice hereby Is dissolved and the PresiCenter* A cafeteria, lunch and looking forward to its presentaior Friedman; February, Estelle dent Tiven and the notice shall be conand Secretary of this corpora\ Mr. and Mrs. William Heshelow J Mushkin; March, Loreen Kaplan; tion be and they hereby are author- j strued to have been given when it is dinner "were served by the mem-tion here. ized and directed to sign a certifi- • addressed to such preferred stoekand daughter Bertha, returned j April, Gloria Ginsberg; May, Len- cate bers.- Proceeds of the bazaar will of dissolution and file the . holder at his last place of address honie Monday from Phoenix, Ariz-jnie Skalovsky; June, Helen Falk; same with the Secretary of State as shown by the records of the comgo tward the Youth Aleyoth move- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the State of Nebraska, and a ; pany and deposited in any post offment in Palestine. Mrs. William ona, where they spent the winter July, Sonny Roblnow; August, copy thereof with the County Clerk ; ice. When the stock is so redeemed, OF FEDERATION MEETS months. Lazere and Mrs. Jack Robinson Rita Flnkensteln; September, Lu- of Douglas County. Nebraska, and ! it may be cancelled, retired, beld in publish the necessary notice in were co-chairmen of the arrangecille Harris; October, Junior Sher- to Jewish the treasury, or reissued as preferred Press, a newspaper pub" folding its first meeting jinder ments. -....Mrs. Fred Foreman returned man;. November, Lois Miller; De- he lished in Omaha. Douglas County, stock. The depc " I Dollars ($100.50) for each share so The Oneg Shabbos. sponsored by the direction of the newly elected Tuesday to her home in Madison, cember, Roger : Singer; L e a p Nebraska. Be it further resolved that the i retired plus any unpaid accrued divthe Senior Hadassali will be held officers, the executive board of South Dakota, after spending Year, Sgooleh Rabinowitz. charter of said corporation be sur- : idends thereon, a t the office of the the Federation of Jewish social rendered and the Secretary of State | company shall be a sufficient tenseveral weeks visiting with relaSaturday,-March 21, in the home Mrs. Ai Kroloff is in charge of of the State of Xebraska be and service met Thursday noon to out-tives in Sioux City. ol Mrs. Charles Raskin. • the dining room and Mrs. Milton hereby is authorized to cancel said charter. Among the Sionx Cityans who line tentative plans for the year Mushkin, l^e. menu.. , Be it further resolved that the motored to Omaha yesterday to and.'to". hear reports of the variSherman Sperling will enteraffairs of said corporation be and ous committees of the Federationi hear Use Warburg, who Bpoke at hereby are closed. tain a group of his friends Satur(Signed) a Hadassah luncheon In the Oma- The Executive Committee is day afternoon, celebrating his Bar SAM JOSEFHSON. ha Community Center were the composed of the officers, of the Mitzvah which will take place in President BIRDIE JOSEPHSON, following members' of the local Federation and the jhairmen of the morning at Shaare Zion syn3-13-36-U Secretary." chapter: Mrs. Sol Novitsky, Mrs. the eleven Federation committees. agogue. FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, ii, AgTanoff, Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, Mr. B. I>T. Grueskin, president of KLUTZNICK & KELLEY. Mrs. William Lazere, Mrs. Zella the Federation, presided at the Mr. a. .n- d Mrs. D. Cohn were Attorneys at Law Important, on the program of Levitan, Mrs. W. Cr Slotsky, and meeting. 200 Jnion State Bank Building guests of honor at a surprise party t h e P u r , m P a r t iven last S n n . Mrs. Joe Levin. Notice is hereby £i v en that on the Sunday, on the occasion of their d evening by the Daughterhood 2l)lh day of January, 1936, a t the resBOOK REVIEW MARCH 30 narfv silver rtroii wedding anniversary. The n h e r e t h i s r a e l Svnacoeup IIT tlioir rWlrtron A,. > t h T l ipnerein Israel oynagogue i uiar ajjnuai meeung oi xne SIOCKThe final book review in' theparty given by their children, Ar-; w a s t h e b u r n i n g o f the mortgage r holders of Barish-Sanders Motor Co.. thur, Sam, Max and Miss Doro-i,,.. , ^ „„-„„„„„„ •a.\,tnu •»,„ o,,~ which was held at the offices of the <v company at Omaha, Nebraska, ArMrs. Max Rosehstock spoke series being presented by- Rabbi thy Cohen, was in the home of Mr. *,. -A_,_-_ ,_ ^ _ ^ , . _ ion the has synagogue, which the a u i - i ticle Omaha. Ar- i o , m mIV n v of, ,the ArticlesNebraska. of Incorporailiary been instrumental in H. R. Rabinowitz, will be held Thursday evening before members and Mrs. M. H. Bergen, 2315 ticn of said Barish-Sanders Motor j clearing. Mrs. F . Gelfand, one of Co.' of *the Junior Hadassah on theMonday evening, March 30, when D ou glas S tre e t. was duly amended to read as Tfoe right" finish for ©?ery suHk* the oldest members of the auxil- follows: life and work of Theodore Herzl, he will review. "The Festival at ARTICLE IV iary, burned the mortgage. The Meron" by Sachler. The review Section 1. The Authorized capital The Appha Gamma Tau sororAuxiliary was organized eight stock wiir.be held "in the social hill of; of the corporation shall be Sixity pledged the following rushees years, ago and has been active in ty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00), divthe synagogue. , : at.their meeting Tuesday: Shirley 1627 Howard St. ided Into two hundred fifty (250) congregational affairs and comshares of Common Stock of the par Fein. Elaine Mushkin, Margaret Phone WE. 620O munal work. Mrs. Morris Lazrio- value of One Hundred Collars ($100.Kosberg, Lea Rose Newman, Mawich is president of the DaughThe Talmud. Torah choir elect- teel Stein, Donna June Tobias, terhood and Mr. H. Lazriowich is and Eva Borkin. The meeting ed Adeline Stern president, at its president of the Tiphereth Israel annual election • held this week. was held in the home of Miss congregation, Rachael Ginsberg was'/: elected Elaine Sharer, 1010 Twentieth. Mr. Morris Lazriowich acted as vice-president; Morris Lass, treatoastmaster of the evening. SpeakMrs. Emil Rosenstock returned ers of the evening were Mr. M. surer, and Sadie Schvid, secretary. Mr. Sam Krupnick is director of to Kansas City after spending the Levlch. Mr. S. Lipman, and Rabbi week in the Max Rosenstock J. D. Maron. A musical program the choir. . .; , • Most Complete Stock in Town .The v children wlll> have ,a .party home. Mrs. RosenstocK came to was presented by Lester LazrioAt Lowest Prices and installation of officers this Sioux City forftbe funeral of.Mrs. and Professor John Herman. Annie Marx. • • . ' ' . . wich week. ••••' SEE US AND SAVE MONEY A message was read from Mr. H. Lazriowich, who was unable to The Alpha Gamma tipsilon Sor- attend the meeting. Mrs. M. Lazority were guests of pledges to" riowich greeted the guests. THE the sorority, Sunday evening- in At the meeting Mr. and Mrs. the home of Miss Lillian Rivin. William Lazere presented the synagogue with a mantel for the Torah, in memory of Mrs. Lazere's HA. 1166 father, Mr. A. Monsky. 16th and Surt Sts. ef Nebraska Women Refreshments and a social hour
•-. , Mrs. Asher Dies
Shaare Zion
Luncheon To Be Held on Tuesday
Get Ready 'Now For Passover!
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Talmud Torah Choir Elects
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Junior Hadassah
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Auxiliary Burns Mortgage at Party
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