March 27, 1936

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Is fie rests ©I the Jcmisii PcspSe

By LUDWIG LEWISOHN * (This column ,1s copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate- Reproduction in -whole or In part strictly forbidden. Any" infringement on this copyright -will be prosecuted.) • The-European Chaos

d aa Second Class Mail Matter «a Jancary 21, 1921. at Postoffloc of Omaha. Nebraska, under th> Act of March S. 187»



FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1936

Joint Services to Be Held Next Friday

VOL. S3I—No.

Mrs. SopMe Dim | To Be Guest of I Pioneer Women!


' All intelligent Americans are Vatching the European situation •with anxiety. The anxiety of American Jews in necessarily far Friday evening, April 3, the j Mrs. Sophie Udln, national secWarsaw (WNS)—By a majorkeener than that of their non-Jewity of only seven rotes, the lower ed the original law which would %aad and the Beth-El synagogues j r e t a r T o f t h e p i O E e e r W o ish fellow citizens. We have at Toreign Affairs" Describes house of parliament approved the have entirely outlawed sheehita. mil join together for services at = ^ f f l b e a t , O m s h a tofiav stake immediate life or death, Nazi Monopolizing of All new kosher slaughtering .regula- One amendment would have I the B'nai Israel synagogue, ISth and tomorrow. more horror and torture; or less. tions and sent it. to the senate for imposed a stiff tax on kosher land Chicago streets. Fields of Thought Peace or war in Europe and the final action. As passed in the low- meat and poultry and the other j The aim of this joint service A luncheon in her honor t h e < ~ character of the particular peace would have barred shechita in all j is to promote Pesach observance. be given this af ternoon at and war are. overwhelming reali- New York (JTA) — How theer house the. measure safeguards towns and cities where the Jews' A special service has been arrang- : Jewish Community Center. She j > ties to us that can pierce to ourNazis have monopolized all fields j the practice of shechita but lim-numbered less than 15 per centjed for the occasion. ^ f f l si^e the principal address.;. hearts and shake us to the very of thought and action in present- its Jewish ritual slaughtering to of the total population. Approval I Cantor A. Schwaczkin and h i E i h e r subject being "Possibilities of] day- Germany is described in a such poultry and cattle as are in-of the bill in the senate Is regard-j augmented male choir will lead j } J n ^ p l ^ m e ^ ; i n , Palestiiie^ Due ' core. Our hostages.are there our "brothers, our sisters, our chil- symposium on the Nazis which tended for Jewish consumption. ed as a foregone conclusion and j tEe service, to the War Clouds in Europe." Mrs dren. -And their burden is always occupies one-third of the April is- Kosher fowl and meat are to beit will become effective January j Rabbi Harold A. Berger and a delegate to the; - vdin the heaviest and in this barbaric sue of "Foreign Affairs", interna- sold in special stores to be set up 1, 1937. I Rabbi David A. Goldstein will par! world Zionist Congress. She spent for this purpose. The law proage an intolerably heavy one. ; tionally known quarterly. soiae time in Palestine before re-j So far as the' Jews are con- \ ticipate in the service. vides that shechita is legal in all Hence I dare say that many a The symposium is the outcome I turning home. j ! cerned passage of the bill gives j . •' Jewish . heart in America felt a of an exhaustive Investigation towns where the Jews form more j them a victory on the religious; (, j This evening Mrs. Udin will ad\ stab when the news came that Bri- conducted by three' well-known than 3 per cent of the total pop- question, but In the economic field j i dress the JuEJor Pioneer?.- On ; ulation. • • . • • ' tain would not Join France in theA m e r i c a n authorities: Prof. i Saturday afternoon she will be ] suffered a serious setback, ij ^ Jews may obtain Ttfcey immediate application of sanc- Charles A. Beard described the Elsewhere I the guest speaker s t a Pioneer j he chief objective of the original j tions or, if necessary, military Nazi conquest of the German ed- permission'"to" practice" shechita | ! Women Ones Shabboc at the j bill was to break j force as an answer to Hitler's re- ucational system. Norman ' Thom- upon presentation of petitions to! |t anti-schechita I home of Mrs. J, Raznick, 3834! h e Jewi ccontrol o n t r o 1 oof f t hthe e m meat eat in in-1

LR1SH-SAXDERS MOTOR' Col. M. SI. BARISH.••' : President. S. REDFOED. •4t. .



•ed or paid on common stock all of said preferred Block Ehal! be«n retired, without the writ, nanimous consent of a i r holdpreferred stock. ion 3. No sale of stock shall lid and the corporation shal] :an2fer said" stock on Its books and unless the said stock shall first been offered to .existing tolders at the fair boot value if, but before telling the 'same lesser price, the said stock-shall fered first to existing,! stock's a t such lesser price, •'•-, witness -whereof the stockhbld' the Barish-Sanders. Motor Co. i said amendment to be: subd on the 20th day of January.



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IRST Top to Bottom Douglas Sts.



,onls, Getlrenn of Pf. i president o* the T.TSzrecM i ization of America, win be in Omaha this re?k end. ITe twice —— PT> erer.inps. | Sunday evening, Mr. Gelrop.r. i will give the address a*, a tnapx I meeting-, to be held p.t the Beth | EamedroFh Hagociot 119th and Burl Htreets, storting P? I 8 p. m. " • Saturday evening, he vil! be the I Bpeaker at the M'Liave Maike rc[ ception, also to he • held p.t the Ilani.eclrof-li IIe.f;odol syns i gogue. The genera] public, is inivitecl to both. S. Kp.vjts; IF prPPident" KV jibu Biocb. is secretary of iht> IC^B" , Mizrachi. They state ihp.t no coi' lections will be made at these t v e i meetings. I Cantor? A. RcbTrRCskfE end E. i Sclz v.-ill rntfrtain -both fatlicrinjrs vri'ti Hpbrev* pnd! JewisJi HIP'odie?.

local authorities. The lower ^ I Hamilton street. All Jewish wo- j militarization of the Bhineland in i as describes the Nazi regimenta- hthe ._; dustry. This the amended meas-j onE t b i11 I men are invited to attend and are I _ ado only P t _ e , d .after ^. . a bitter de- j n r e accomplishes by eliminating! direct infraction of the Treaty of tion of labor. Dorothy Thomp- ent ?form asked to call Walnut 1433. j Versailles. Ah, we are all human. son shows how the regimentation bate in which two amendments nearly 20,000 Jews from the meat • Cast of Over 250 to Appear in The luncheon this afternoon is; Geilman We have suffered and are suffer- includes every phase of cultural slaughtering industry. proposed by those who had drafting intolerable ill and unforgiv- life, particularly literature, the Revue at Central the annual $5 luncheon of the lo-' able injustice at the hands of thetheatre, irinsic and the press. • Nation-Wide Strike High | cal branch of t h e Pioneer Wo- '• Germans, and the natural, undisProf. Beard, a former presimen. Mrs. J". Rasnick is program i The 3,500,000 Jews of Poland ciplined man in me (and probably ident both of the American HisWith a cast of more than 250 1 chairman. She will sing a .sum- j refused last week to" sit passivein you) would have felt a. grim torical Association and the Amerly waiting for excesses to be per-men, women, and children Beth- her of Jewish and Palestinian satisfaction were French and Brit- ican Political Science Association, petuated on them and for Farlia- j El synagogue's "Conservative Cap-: songs, accompanied st the piano ish and Belgian armie.s .marching | examines the present situation of ment to deprive them of the right 'ers of 1936" will go into dress re- t y Mrs. Al Finkel. Mrs. J. RichGellmEn, who has fittendPrJ P*>Vup the Rhine. | hearsal Monday night at Central ijn. -vrill preside. German education as regards to kosher slaughtering. era! conferenceE in. Onisha, is sr» | high auditorium in scenes rival-: Xmckily we have disciplined the content, method, and personnel, The Jewish " National Fund excellent orator. He iefilsoediOn Tuesday, the Jews joined in Allan Cushing of Boston, youthnatural man. Had we not done [His investigation leads him to ! ing the formation of big New: a nation-wide strike against the ] Council of Omaha, composed of tor o' the Jewisl).• Kecord oj Sf.. T o r k so long ago we would not be here, conclude that academic freedom ful traveler and lecturer, will de- ! Government's failure to check the ! musical shows. ] representatives of sll Zionist or;i Hence we can work with our and freedom of research have liver an address in Omaha ^ " next f r i reign of terror. Thousands of! T h e unusually large cast with ! ganizations, will hold their first To Confer tt'it Friday on the subject been entirely eliminated, that "a minds and^ with our ethical judgthe added aspect of colorful back-: I large open meeting Thursday, participated In mass Sundar afternoon Pt $ p, ro., ments. If we do so, we shall see rigid pattern of life and thought ture3 in Europe and Palestine." j grounds and scenes give the show; : April 9, at the J. G. C. Mr. Irving Mr. Gellmsn will confer with thr throughout the at once that Britain/is Tight.. To is imposed on teachers and pu- The talk, which is under the j demonstrations iLavitus, educational director of esecutive committee of the Owsanti-Semitism the appearance of a Broadway •! J P h r 1 pils alike," and that the result plunge into war for the defense ° ^ l °of^A.? fA.,^will ^S !held S L e ^ ^ ™ " f c ^ ^ ^ l « t n l « g » » SOing into final rethe Kansas City. Mo., Jewish 'ha. Slizrachf, et the hotne of E. chapters Z. be of the Treaty, of Versailles would is "a youth drilled in party doc• Community Center, will be the chiefly by the. peasants.) i hearsals. The revue in two acts; be to heap evil upon evil and totrines and objectives, ignorant of at joint services of the Vaad and j , ;;. T h e n " al j ona f Mizrachi-cocvetjn e s ! a n d l s scenes under the direction i Geneva (UNS)—The principal • speaker. make of chaos a fouler chaos still. all other considerations, contem- Beth-El synagogues, which will be j Schools, banks, stores, news-! Mr. Judah Wo If son. president t i o n ^. aE h e l d i n;n?.-i°n, D. papers shut down and hung out! of Milton A. Rieck will be pre] governmental conference authorheld at the B'nai Israel synaFor the Treaty of Versailles is in-ptuous of other races and peoples, 1 signs- "We demand protection for i ^nted one night only, Tuesday,: ized by the League of Nauons to of the Council, will speak b r i e f l y ^ JaB{ ffionth. T h c Mizrachi predefensibly stupid and outrageous equipped with powerful bodies gogue, 18th and Chicago. 1 March 31. | devise a plan for the legal pro- -j n T}dfiJsh _ - A n g p p r o p r j a { e in its totality and in practically and narrow minds ; for.; the work lates thai "the Mizrachf h Cashing, who is reputed to be aj Jewish life. melodra-: tection of refugees from Germany! c a l p r o & r a m h a s beeT1 arranged every detail. Consider the provi- of the state — especially its su-gifted orator, is on a nation-wide j T h e demonstrations w e r e Following an excitingly Or&'Eniyation of religimore than 100 [ has been called to meet on July' A short sketch will also be pretour covering thirty-five speaking j Bion concerning the Rhinel4nd. preme work, war." ons Jews which Rims nt tlie reaof high school age'Jd, it was announced here by Sir i Had the allied and confederated lization of the two objectives, Leave," in: Neil Malcolm, Refugee High Com-i The Teport. by Norman Thomas engagements: There will be no | appear were made to disperse Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman namely, tlie upbuilding of Palespowers said to France and Ger-regarding the status of labor un- admission charge to the lecture,: In Warsaw, mounted gen-.|^Wch a group of American sail!missioner,. and Joseph A. C. Aremany: "Your secular quarrels and der Hitler includes a careful ac- and the general public is cordial- them. tin© RE s Jewifil? st»{'a in. the opirJews and I °™ will be shown stopping at var- j nol, secre.ary-general of .. h e of the affair, will preside. ly^ invited to attend. blind Iatred3 have wrought havoc count of the suppression of the darmes clubbed aged 'he "United i "The meeting is open to the penJt of our Wrftteti. vn$ Oral Torsli ions countries which are repre-l League 'of Nations. enough; You must demilitarize • He spent fifteen months tour- school children to rout a demon- sented ceither^ ""ofi eral P u b l i c - Everyone is invited End the Btrengthen'T!!? of tradiBrazil, by singers and dancers i States and trade unions, the imprisonment or il your frontiers; you must engage ing and working in Palestine. His stration, but their places were picturing Spain, Russia, tionEi JuStiiem rnfl 'Its in? Japan,! which are members of on a policy of trying to -under- exile of their leaders, the seizure present tour, is supervised by the filled by others. is 11 in, the 'D)«isi>o"a.*" of tneir. funds, and the methods and the United States. ! were invited to send delegates. stand and bear with, each other house lor EU J. K. T. Eeprisals agaJnst the Jews foJSupreme Advisory Council of A. The invitation to tlie conferlowed the strike. In LpcEz, 3 7 ; •Circus Diays" in which a-group] and henceforth take your differ- by which the Nazi Party pre- Z; A. OmaliE. Tiiroug?- \ - r terms! of OmaE.sTBusiness men'wOI cav-; enee "emphasized the importance ha Jewry cor'-'"i 1 "' serres- its ascendancy^alifee-OBEr. ~ y "senten~Ce"d""T6"" jail r ences—to-Aff—council-*? emplpyer^and employee." " ' " ranging from 14 days. In ort in colorful clown costumes will i oi the. gathering and urgeu. s.ii mately fl,500 to T1-«-n-rr* , . . had they done that, -there follow soon after. In this number • participating countries to appoint The fictitious nature of the emCzenstochow, the authorities closyear. might have been, no Nazi barbared Jewish cultural organizations, a group of young women will ap-' their representatives before May ism. Had they done that. They ployment, figures given out by the pear as bareback riders on ban-' 15th, and to submit their libraries and sports groups. ' didn't. Again and again, Summer German Government is indicated ! tions for the conference agenda, j ana crate" horses. by Mr. Tbomai as follows: 'The As the anti-shechita bill came after Summer, my car.was stopr AaTOH LOSaF Probably the most beautiful! be, Among' the questions already; before the Sejm (lower Parliaped or derouted on the way jtonumber of unemployed Jews is ment house) for a final vote, a scene in the entire revue, accord-ion the agenda are the developMetz and to Colmar and to Stras- great and is increasing; but these Mr. Eieck, is "La ing to Mr La Seasonal" Seasonal Ij ment of temporary regulations to. bourg by the passing of division are not counted as unemployed. New York -(WNS)-rA labor conference of rabbis and Jewish ; Resolution ERJTS Social, Econafter division of French troops In A decision by the highest equip men and women leaders decided to proclaim a sev- a serious ballet telling a complete j govern the Tesidence^nghts^of : omic Problems' Belong- or. full battle accoutrement—Negroes court at Weimar on'November 27, for the successful accomplishment en-week meatless period beginsrn ning Passover. The conference and Algerians and Indo-Chinese. 1935, opened the way for the dis- of industrial, political and culAgenda Cantor Aaron Edgar will feaj 2. And! in the meantime the Germans missal of all Jews working for tural tasks in the organized labor informed the J. T. A. tne Parlia- berts as* "Snowflake,"the, Annette "Sun,"lly recognized documents for the ture the program of music at •were forbidden to cross the Rhine n6n-jewish e m p l o y e r s . This movement will be inaugurated as ment bill was unacceptable, even Ricklin Silverman as and the preparation ©fl^,, d e d i C atiion ceremonies of the Washington (JTA!—A resolutafter an amendment had been Sylvia Adler Brodkey as -Jack'refugees; and forced to leave its left bank means that the Nuremberg laws one of the four schools to be .'an agreement guaranteeing the SeJer Torah Sunday evening, April ion expressing Use view that dleand sixty dancers. 1 unprotected. The situation, like are to have the widest application opened by the People's University added permitting sufficient kosh- Frost," The first act "will be rounded i legal rights of refugees wherever | 1 9 > & t t h e B e t h . E 1 E r n a E O gue, it: cushion of eocial and economic ' practically every situation created in the industrial field, in order to and Jewish Teachers' Seminary in er meat for. use of Jews, Moham- out with "The Farmer Takes a they may find themselves. w a g £ E n O l i n c e d b y irrin Levin J problems r ptopprly ?>elong-s v.ifliin medans and Karaites. protect • Aryan employees from by the Treaty of Versailles,, was the fall of 1936, it was announcchairman of arrangements. I ™ synagogue was adopted l*r the The amendment was tacked on Wife," which will include some \ untenable. It was untenable not Jewish influences. Jews will have ed by Philip Gingold, executive The new Torah is being present-!: Wencia? convention of tlie VnliM, after the Sejm, "on being warned truly funny rustic humor panto-, A "7 A only because it was unjust and to work for Jews or not at all. secretary. efi t y Mr. snd Mrs. Jake Eosen SjiiRgo^e of Aroericf week, i r i . £1. / i . . "The. control of every conceiv- The People's University was in- the. orieinal nronosal was uncon- ined by Martha Himmelstein, Himmels inequitable. It was untenable be{"and Sir. and Mrs. Jake Falk- in j It adciec! tbp.t It v.-as v.oi only thf. cause it was psychologically im- able branch of German culture Is corporated by act of the Legisla- stitutional, returned it to the 1 Herbert Kaplan, Mrs. memory of their pister, Esther i ripnt b«t the duty of fhe rierfry possible. There are things which complete," wr i t e s D o r o t h y committee to make it constitu- Bellman, Hyman Shrier, Rosen/ ; and. lsUy to . espouse PH caiif^s you cannot make men put upThompson,'.who in private life is Smith, and a chorus of 50. The i x tl 1 Cantor Edgar will be'accompan-''which, .in their opinion, further •j with. They are so made 1that they Mrs. Sinclair Lewis. "It begins, last April. A preliminary report • °°T •While waiting for the anti-sheToy Shop" with 69 children ran ^; loins 5ed fcy Sara Frank, pianist and', the ends of SOP'.R! mv.v. eoonomi4 won't put up with them because not by censoring what actually of the trustees proposes the eschita bill to be sent back from ing in age from four to ten -will 1 Socia Sands, contralto soloist, .justice. ^ they can't. Tt's no use trying. And appears, but by determining who tablishment of four schpols; 1-a the committee, the. Sejm found close the first act. This evening is being observCantor Edgar was heard in'Om-! The conreniloii in-gcc r.yna~ Britain does well not to make a shall be the creators and trans- college of liberal arts and scitirae to pass'a bill which would j Act two will open with an "Al-: j international A. S. A. Sabe( a s • i gogues, in snother rei?olution, ie casus belli of the idiocy of trying mitters of culture. No publication, ences; 2-a teachers' seminary^ 3-a prohibit Jews from selling dairy j pine" number featuring the voic- i bath, and In. commemoration o:•aha a year-ego.-' The cermonies and the program ; diBce«T»ge fiistinciions I>f>>»e»i' iipto make men bear what they, no concert platform, no publish- labor college; 4-a vocational and vegetable products. It wases of Mrs, Hyman Bellman, Ida; the day the two Omaha chapters from the very nature of things,-ing house, no theater, no gallery, training school. Gitlin, Evelyn Green, Henrietta i o{ A. Z. A. — No. 1 and No. 100 of music will -be-preceded by din-! on " social - diKereuces among «<6 to the Senate. The labor college will train stu- sent can't bear. is open to any writer, artist, or dents Violence against the Jews conBernstein, Harry Du Boff, Earl 1 —will jointly conduct services to- ner Et 6:S0 p. m. at the J. C. C; : members? an& enco«Tap<5 the labfor intelligent participation tinued In many parts of the Coun- j R SS, Lawrence j oring niR-ssep to enter the pynpFinkle, Robert i night at the B'nai Israel synago- cordially Invited,. musician, who has not first of all O * .* • . . in the activities of trade unions, ! gogue ant! pRTti^ipate Jn the runnMark well: this does not let the run the gauntlet of the propagan- and prepare them to be organiz- try, following the pattern set [ Rimmerman, Oscar Abern, and Al i gUe, ISth and Chicago streets. down In recent weeks: stoning of| So ffer. A chorus of men and wo-; J o e H oroste:n and Harold ZeGermans but. This does not pal-da Ministry." . Thp -RBbbJincal Assembly's prc1J e w i s h homes and shops, street! m e n o f the Beth-EI . synagogue; I i n s k y ^ m deliver the sermons. Conservative CeperS liate a single one of those murTo indicate the status of Ger-ers, leaders, >TI« . i Ty ' posed ''reform of tnfiTrifi.Ee reg'iiderous misdeeds of the Nazi rule man intellectual and scientific istrators, research workers and attacks, bombing of synagogues, j ,-JJJ p er f O rm in Swiss dances and; j £ y TTeisman will read the serllCKet KeSerVStlOnS j laiions in an effort to eolvp ilw which will ultimately lead to theactivity, Miss Thompson tells secretaries in t h e . labor move- While this was going on,,there songs. Ivice. A reception, arranged by 1 j problem "of the "agnnah," or dedestruction or German civiliza- what a great cancer specialist ment. It will confer the degree were repercussions in other coun] the' mothers of the members, Then a "Parisian Scene" sert:efi WRP tion. The Germans have suffered said to her when.she was last in of B. S. in labor economics. follow the services. tries. Ticket reservations may. Voe '• (Continued oa page 7) •prewrve in Special courses on the econominjustice. True. Deeply true. Germany. "I am supposed to In the United States: <1) Jewmade any time- after nine o'clock i meaEisre ^alciOateu^ Who has not? What is the ethical treat cancer in a National Socia- ic and political problems of Jews, ish Labor Committee called on its Sunday morning. March 2S-, Et the; mooern iue trie £1> remtion beSIid connection between that and set-list manner," he said. "But I doboth on the American continent 500,000 adherents-to forego one ' Jewissh Community Center for!tveen ecinai.ty in thewife to enting on fire the houses of your not know what that means unless and in various . European coun- meal April 2 and contribute its "Conservative Capers of 1PS6," !jh R M e husband end jev/ish lav loyal friends and ancient neigh- it means that I am to cure it in tries, will be given, as well as cost for the Polish Jews. (2) The . D. • Fracfe. P! I according1 to "Mrs.AA. reverence .or bors and burning them and their Aryans and let it do its worst to courses on Jewish cooperatives in American Jewish Congress held a I'ticket chairman. " The revue, in;' e.v.& obedience to its preeejiis. Palestine. , children to death? There is noJews." conference. (3) Five outstanding I two acts and. 16 Beetles, v-ill be j The OTpaniyptioTs pledped rpopr-rconnection except in the mind of One of the features of the lab-senators and two representatives All this'has led to the emigra- or college will also be a division deplored the persecution. (4) The Four hundred women gathered ,and work and build a future for I presented one Eight'- only, March ; e-tiriTs. with the assembly in p'vSnir a brutal barbarian. Had the Ger-> effect to tlie reform. themselves and their children af-jsi, at Central'high • school. mans been the people al Dichter tion of many of Germany's fore- of labor juornalism. Joint Distribution Committee and at the J. C. C. Thursday, March ter them." Further resoHitions -were adopti Arthur Colin and Robert Koopmost scientists and artists, and and Denker t h e y proclaimed the American Committee Appeal 19, to hear Mrs. Use Warburg, ased protestiijg- the projected prtv Tae training period for these! er will be in charge of -the e-sthemselves to be, they would pre- the strifling of the intellectual for the Jews in Poland cabled ad- sistant to Miss Henrietta Szoid, in boys and girls who are fortunate • change booth Sunday . Since til hiSiition. of Pl\ectiit» Sn roland. cisely after 1918 have said to theand cultural originality of those JUNIOR GROUP TO whose honor a luncheon was giv-enough to "be chosen begins be-; seats will be reserved and clue to this protct-.t to be forwarded' to ditional sums for relief. Jews of Germany: '"Friends and who remain in Germany. There en by the local chapter of HaSPONSOR LECTURE the Polish Embassy. Kind endorso r e t h e y l e . r e ^ ^ n J , t i v e l&ni:the f a c t t hthat. a t t h^e B h o w v i Ub e brethren, now we know what in- still exists a creative German culdassah. ing tbe eampaipos of t'r.i'ed PalREFUGEES EMPLOY |.and continues for tVo years after! presented only once the booth justice Is; now we are tasting the ture, Miss Thompson finds, but The" Junior Scholarship Group estine Appeal, the Joint«it is not any longer Inside GerMrs. Warburg, who is touring: Palestine. Tb.ejv.ill be kept open from raenung bitter cup of humiliation that you they ETTixe in BRITISH WORKERS wil present Dr. George Neuhaus,, • tion Coiri-mittec find tl>f; K1AS. this country In behalf of the; f i m ( 2 S con t r ib'ated by llafiassah \ tintil evening tip to t i e night of have been, given to taste through many. "In Switzerland and Hol-noted Omaha, psychiatrist, in a XVsx was condemned as a Youth Aliyah,. painted a picture of ;- and o t h e r agencies go lor the ! the show. the centuries; we shall under- land, in France and in England, I lecture on "Personality," Tuesday, means of settling- international London (JTA)—Nearly 7,000 "As ions as there are seats restand each other better than ever. in America, Austria and Czecho- April 28, at 8 p. m. at the J. C. C.British workers have been given contrasts in telling of the coadi-, training asd maintenance of these tions of youth in Germany and; chjigren; Mrs. Warburg made a ' .ning they may be purchased Teach us how to endure and grow slovakia, Germans are playing be 50 cents and :e l a p l o y m e n t during the past. two 1 Poland ; as. compared to their life jst irring appeal for the co-cpera- \ either'rom 8. member of the tick- tions for increased military forces strong!" Oh, no, if there is such and composing German music, Admission The couvemion eupporta thing left as all ethical judg- writing German poetry and nov-tickets mayy be secured from Miss !years in industries • founded .'by {in Palestine. She told of the mis-j t i o a o { H adassah in this tremec-; e t committee or at the desk {n 'opposed. ecs. t h e Yv'asToer-CoBUgaTi AntiMay Tucker at the J. C. C. or i . Jewish refugees, t h e |ery of Jews In Germany, deprived ; i the lobby oS: the Jewish CommvuiG e r m a n d o n s w • <inent» as the long, slow but sure els, adding to the structure of Ke - j H o u s e O f,Commons was told by of all means of livelihood, ejected j "Y\B swish: nj Center," announced Mrs. Lyuching BHI Its Biiother resolu^tribunal , of .the memories and German science, not unmoved by from "Miss Bluma Neveleff, Eave tion. •i Geoffrey Lloyd, Undersecretary of from their homes, denied the CP- ! vouth la these countries ( G e r - ! F r a n t . . /Judgment of mankind, the Gerthe National Socialist revolution, formally organ- j portunity to send their children j ^any and Poland) from .the heartmans of this age are damned on not unchanged in their sense of [, This group was Their aim i to ! number of to school, and living on the hope |r e a ! juig .misery their parents euf6very count. On the other hand, by the ref-that their children might soine-jj e r - These are oar people, our Wins Wmii's Pisf Feaf I it does not. become any civilized ucation among the boys and girls ugees at more than 200. Prague—Without losing a. how be saved. She cited the fact ifiesh and Wood, and we must help people to shed one drop of blood all prfnof high school age. that boys and girls of the ages ol i -tteza." V>~e never knew when vre gle match, 17-year old E In defense of that Treaty of Ver(WNS-Pateor AgenProceeds of this lecture will go _ » /» T 15 "to" 17 live in utter hopelessness 'm a T need such help and by, aid-Hcghes Asrons o£ Ne-w York ' sailles that has already brought cy)Jerusalem for Combatithe Algerian •—'• Jewish capital brought into to the Talmud Tprah ScHolarship | LzeChS LUTO may be bet prepar- ! the -world's women'E plus V so far as some future is 'con-j them such horror and woe upon the Palestine during 1935 totalled fund. Prague;—Alarmed by the, steady cerned. ing a refuge for ourEelves," said',championship "bj- eliminating I •world. 590,000,000,Recording to figures Officers of the organization are increase in the number of refu:• Kretzbach of •'Germar.y In the The Toath Aliyah, stated Mrs. Mrs." Warburg. V matte public by the American Ecgees from Germany who are Warburg, • is sttempting to save The luncheon was presided : al ronad. *y r~ The most tragic thing about onomic Committee for Palestine. Bluma Neveleff, president; Sarah German, vice-president; May Tuc-j crossing into Czechoslovakia, the as many, E'S Is" possible of these .'over-by Mrs. Joe Gel-aware, pres-j Prcrioiislj- tiie Jewish girl had j 3 —A Jewish Memoriinen is not their1 wickedness. I t is This figure compares with the ker, seeretary-treasurer; and Mar- Czechoslovakian government has youths,, by training them in use-! ifieut off the local chapter of Ha-j "beaten the former tltleholder, fel -Society 1\UR been formed in aheir stupidity. And sometimes sum of between ?GO,000,000 and tha Lippett, reporter. The Miss- established a special frontier crafts-and trades trans-;fiassah. Mrs. Benjamin Margolin, Miss Kettsp." of Czechoslovakia. Jerusalem by the Jewish the cleverest people are really the {575,000,000 that was brought in es Millie Roitstein and Gertrude j force to prevent the illegal entry tal ferring-.them to Palestine, where ; regional president, Introduced the MIss Aarone is also the • Amer-i nity Council, and registered with ! (Continued on Page 7.) 1934. they hare an opportunity to "lire, speaker. Wine-are board members. jof all emigres. 'lean chnmpioa. the Covernment.

National Fund Open Meeting /' - • Being Planned!

Allan Gushing To Speak Here Friday, April 3

a any Wide nd col-

.to Gwt SSisracbi Local Addresses This Week-End




To-Meet M y 2





Be Observed

OO0WOTK 4 1 3 9

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Story of Transplantation_ .of Jewish. Children.

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Strictly Confidential** By PHUiEAS J. BIRON


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with Armenians, Czechs and many j as well as any nationalism as an 'more than 8S(>0,000 was due in holder find extensions So ihe others, persecuted throughout his- j expression of haughtiness, disdain great part to the alertness of the plant. tory are endowed with this right, j or animosity against other nationBoth pf these direr-tors, spr directors who are members of the and in spite of all protestations j alities, is rejected and condemned. I construction committee in recom- re-eleetioti. have served »s c and calumnies nobody can deprive Anti-semitism is particularly re! mending the use of government man oi the board. They ar them of this right in the eonsei- sented. Many forms of anti-semitifunds for the seeded construction. five in civic affairs and men ence of civilized peoples. ism are considered not only as ) members on the eonstrucuon of the American Legion. The Russian Revolution of Oc- j perversions, bat as crimes, and committee are Kalph G. Coad ami tober 1917 proceeded to solve the are* prosecuted in the courts as In memory of. King Ahafcueri 'Allan A. Tukey, both candidates | Jewish problem as an essential such. But we are happy that an- i 1 who ruled from Ethiopia to Inr'U for re-election. By the Service life Insurance part of the problem of the devel- ti-semitism has almost completely j It was at the suggestion o£ Tu- some very r^ouj members- of oi Company, Omaha opment of different nationalities i disappeared in our country, and key and Coad that the new con-people eat on Purim she turkrwithin the borders of the Soviet! our young generation especially is (Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Eepublics to the United States) L.ife insnra.nce is the average struction and rebuilding program which is known ir- flphrpw as "t^-* completely free from any trace of • TT© present herewith this art- vitch and the majority of high of- iian government of Catherine tht Union. man's one sere WET of •wincing vras adopted by the district direc- negol hodu"' (rooster of India). It is certain here, as Stalin re- the anti-semitic spirit. icle by the Soviet Ambassador ficials of that time -as -ardent ad- Second refused to recognize the financial success. Through it, he tors. This improvement program on Anti-Semitism and the Jew- herents of the most violent anti- new revolutionary country of the cently said in his interview with > The main obstacle to the pro- creates in the twinkling of an eye, included additions to the Jewish Fress advertisers mevli gas Mr. Roy Howard, that: "We build ] gress of Jewish national culture ish status in the New Russia. semitism, a situation comparable United States. This refusal peran estate which would require a plant, ED S.000,000 cubic foot gas your patronage. has been the r. of a special -THE EDITOB- only to that in certain sections sisted for 33 years, and recogni- this society, not for curbing perlifetime to acquire in any other state unit as one of the foundasonal liberty, but in order that of Europe today. tion did not come until some years way. Through it he enjoys the Europe since the Great War has after the death of Washington, human personalities should real- tions for national existence. Once upon a time Machiavelli regularity of a systematic savings £S««S«S>S3»$e5»»^^ With the creation of a Jewish ly feel free. We build it for the said in Florence, "Let somebody been gripped by acute economic who thus had no official relations sake a c c o u n t — he is safeguarded of real personal liberty, lib- Autonomous Province which in against a natural be thrown to my enemies as a crisis and new outbursts of anti- with the Tsarist Government. inclination to the future will become a Jewish erty without quotation marks. The French revolution emancispend today what should be savsacrifice provided they cease tor- semitism have horrified civilized We will adopt our new eonsti-1 Autonomous Republic, the Jewish ed for tomorrow—he is relieved people of all countries. What pated the Jews, after some delay, menting me." tutlon at the end of this year. As people have acquired their own. entirely of the worry and responIt is very old tactics to divert could be more disgusting than to in 1791. has already been announced, un- state organization as a -Vasis for the attention o£ "the people from read of the baiting"«and persecuCatherine the Second, Empress der the new constitution elections | national culture. But the fonna- sibility of investment and re-intion of the people of Spinoza, discontent against something or of Russia at the time of the Amer- •will,be universal, equal, direct and jt5 °n °* a Jewish Autonomous Prosomeone else. The idea of substi- Marx, • Mendelsohn- and -Einstein, ican Revolution, had anti-semitic with the secret ballot. All citi- vinee does not in any way impair comfort of knowing that his S- . TRY KAYDEN S FIRST tuting a scapegoat is very "well Reaction «ind anti-semitlsm tend feelings, and declared: " I don't zens excluding-those deprived of full equality, including national nancial future and that of his kn own in the history of human- to become synonymous where the wish to have interesting profit the vote by the Courts, will have development for the Jews in the family is protected— . Completely Modernized From Tcp to Bottom ity. The Jewish people and par- Jews form a noticeable part of the from the Jews." In effect, this the right to elect and be elected. rest of the TJ. S. S. R., nor will And at a stroke, he solves the: Entrances—16th, Dodge and Douglas; Sts. ticularly their poverty have often population.. History .has furnished odd phrase meant that she did not And Stalin emphatically point- it isolate the Jews. It will en- problem of tomorrow's money, a ; examples of this. It is like- want Jews in profitable occupabeen used as the" scapegoat for many problem which confuses and tori courage the cultural aspirations of ed ont: "Neither differences in tions. The Moscow merchants at turning the attention- of- the suf- ly to furnish more. Jewish nationality in the Soviet ments thousands of men, and hurAlthough in Italy the Jewish the same time were very frank in regard to property, nor differences Union. And the existence of the ries them, worried and discourfering masses from the real causes in regard to race and nationality, population is 'very, small, be it their anti-semitism and their deof misfortune and hardships. •will cause any privileges or dis- new Jewish state organization wlil aged, into premature old age. In essence it is the same ten- noted, to the honor of Mussolini sire for the prohibition of Jewish advantages. Women •will enjoy give the Jews full representation Financial happiness, certainty | dency /which induces the thief of that lie has not dishonored him- commerce and expulsion of the the right to elect and be elected on the Council of Nationalities (a of the future, the feeling that as! a crime to run down the street self by anti-semitic words, and Jews from Moscow.. In their peti- equally •with men. Our elections part of the Central Executive far as money needs go. "all is; well with me and with my family" : crying "Stop thief" while pointing deeds. He knows too well the ex- tion they declared that not relig- will be really eqnal." And Stalin Committee.) pression used by the famous" Ger- ious aversion or hatred "compell—and these are the good fruits | at some innoc.ent passerby. concluded the interview with Mr. man Socialist August Bebel that The Middle Ages are notorious "anti-semitism is the socialism of ed" them to complain against the Howard: "Our ne^v Soviet consti- (Copyright 1926 by Seven Arts of the good tree of life insurance. but exclusively material los- Feature Syndicate.) for varied explosions of anti-sem- fools." But to our great regret Jews, "will, in my opinion, be the Catherine complied with the tution itism, always to cover up the many we Jx&ve to note that in some re- ses. most democratic constitution of NEW CONSTRUCTION BY desire of the Moscow merchants political diseases of that time. spects present-day European civil- and recognized the right of the all those existing in the world." TURKEY ORDERS JEWS METROPOLITAN UTILITIES The medieval manners have been ization has riot advanced far from Jews to live only within White There are certain temporary TO DROP JEWISH NAMES reborn in the modern age. Rus-medievalism. limitations connected with the neRussia and in a few provinces. (WNS) — As part of More than i million dollars sian tsarism made itself "illustriThus (1796) was established the cessity to struggle lor a new free- its Istanbtrl Yet, be it noted for our comfort, worth of new construction work efforts for Turkification of ous" by organizing pogroms and dom, for a new constitution, but so-called "line of Jewish settleassassinations of thousands of with the increased influence of ment." freedom never came into this every phase of life, the Turkish and rebuilding has been done by : Jews', by inventing abominable progressive groups, anti-semitism world without a struggle. We lite j government has announced that ; the Metropolitan Utilities District In spite of all the horrible per- to look upon ourselves as true co- j ^H Jews will have to drop their | at a cost of $700,000 through the stories about Jews drinking ChriB- always wanes. It gives me great tian blood, by the Beiliss trial and pleasure to Btate that the first of- secutions and massacres it proved inheritors of your revolution, as Jewish names and assume Turk- ! use of government grants, it has been announced. This savings of ; so forth. The laurels of Tsarism ficial recognition of the equality to be impossible to exterminate sons and daughters of the Amer- ish names. all human .beings including the Jewish nationality, and this prevent many contemporary states- of ican revolution and its genuine was proclaimed by that his- very fact determined the right of men from sleeping quietly, and Jews document, the American Dec- the Jews not only to existence, but spirit, as it was expressed in your some of them profess anti-semit- toric Declaration of Independence. laration of Independence, in 1776. ism in order to cover np their re- It said: "We hold these truths to to happiness and prosperity. The In our country there is no Jew-' actionary aspirations and inabil- be Belf-evident, that all men are well-fcnown legend about "the i isa problem. All nationalities en- j \ ity to improve the situation of created equal, that they are en- eternal Jew, the wandering" fixed j joy equality and liberty. All nafor their respective countries. Jews dowed by their Creator with cer- in popular Imagination the recog- tionalities participate in Soviet are usually considered the most tain inalienable Rights, that nition of the impossibility of the construction and at the same time i fiting material to conceal reaction- among these are Life, Liberty and annihilation of the Jewish people. their socialist culture is developary purposes. the pursuit of Happiness. That to • There is a saying that-history ing a national form. More than There were of course other sec- secure these rights, Governments teaches that it teaches nothing. one hundred different nationaliondary reasons for anti-semitism are instituted among Men, deriv- At any rate it must teach that na- j ties, including the Jewish, colla| such as economic competition, re- ing their just powers from the tional principle, that the right of borate for the same aims, preservligious intolerance, the policy of consent • of the governed. That every nationality, including the ing and increasing the treasures an artificial" uniformity of popu- whenever any Form of Govern- Jewish nationality, to a place un- of their respective national culgj "A Quality Product for Seasoning" lation, and so forth. Bnt behind ment becomes .destructive of these der the- sun, is an "inalienable ture. all these reasons invariably were ends, it Is the ; Right of tiie People right", and Jewish people, along In our country any chauvinism. hidden on the one hand a large to alter or abolish it, and to indegree of public ignorance,and on stitute new Government, laying its r the other hand a critical situation. foundation on such principles and The failure of ruling groups organizing its powers in such to cope with existing problems, form, as to them shall Beem most with the inevitable result of wide- likely to effect their Safety and HATDEX'S MAIN FLOOB | spread discontent among the pop-Happiness." ' , . -.. ulation concerned, _often. led the ^ ruling group's to false,aTwave of]T- T h a t - Temarkable'" document anti-semitism as means-of closing should be • quoted, read and rethe eyes of the .people to the real read by the" children of the Amerlean Revolution. Because of this causes of their distress. Economic, crises o f the second j evolutionary Declaration the Rus-| half of the last century brought explosions Of anti-semitism in various countries'. ' In France there Announdng . . . was the affair of Dreyfuss, with the anti-semitism - propaganda of We will again this year Eontou, Drummond, et cetera. Alsell nATZOHS—CANDY most- at the same! time anti-semitic passions began to boil in Ger- —WIKE. and all other PESACH PRODUCTS. many, with the preaching against the Jews of a certain Stecker. J"or Your Order Call Austro-Hungary showed a similar phenomenon, with the BurgomasMRS. S. HALPERIN ter of Vienna, Luegar, heading the anti-Jewish movement. In and We Will Deliver ' Tsarist Russia the attacks against Ja. 0637 ,2530 Seward Jews w.ere particularly in evidence, with Dubrovin, Purishke-




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cance of the Mizrachi movement within the framework of Zionism. At first thought it would seem that the existence of a separate movement within Zionism were an undesirable thing. If there be any undertaking in which Jewish unity is needed, Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by in which all Jewish elements should labor together, in harmony and single-heartedness, it surely is the gigantic task which THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Zionism'has set itself, to rebuild and rehabilitate our ancient - 52.00 land, to bring thither hundreds of thousands or million^ of Subscription Price, one year Advertising rates furnished on application. the persecuted and afflicted of Israel, and to re-establish upon its historic soil the homeland of the Jewish nation. Editorial Office: 500 Brandeia Theater Building. Separatism tends to disturb united action; therefore there • Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center should be only one Zionism. Such would seem to be the natural DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor judgment and theoretically it is, no doubt, correct. As a matFRANK R. ACKBRMAN -.".-; - - - • - - Editor ter of fact, however, it is an extremely superficial viewpoint, FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent and if sought to be realized, in actual practice, would inflict *JNN PILL. . . . « Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent upon the cause of, Zionism a- grave, perhaps a deadly, injury. -, Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street The reason for this is because the rebuilding of Palestine by the Jewish people is not a mere question of populating a desolate country, of acquiring land, building homes and settling Saving the Youth colonies, but is inextricably bound up with various other asThe talk given to a large.audience of women in Omaha pirations and ideologies which must be duly considered if the last Thursday afternoon by Ilse 'Warburg, formerly of GerJ great task is to be successfully accomplished. The greatest of many but now of Palestine, was illuminating. It was a first- these ideological considerations is that of religion, of Judaism, which, in traditional Jewish concept, national and culhand picture of the paradise of Palestine as compared with, with tural aspirations are indissolubly connected. To the overthe ghetto of central and Eastern Europe, graphically por- whelming majority of Jews, Palestine is not merely a place of traying, the iope and faith inspired by transplantation of Jew- refuge, though that, of course is an important consideration; ish children out of the claws of European persecution into the it is the Land of Israel, the land in which the Jewish faith and religious practices will be universally respected and observed, garden of Palestinian fruitfulness. in which the beautiful Hebrew tongue and culture will be lovUse. Warburg is touring this country in the interests of ingly revived. the Youth Aliyah movement, which is attempting to save as Unfortunately, many of those most influential in the counmany Jewish youth as possible by training them in useful cils of General Zionism are quite out of sympathy with these crafts and trades and transferring them from their homes of ideals. They adhere, it is true, to the doctrine of Jewish nationmisery to the national-Jewish homeland. It is soul-stirring to alism and a revival of the Hebrew language, but it is a purely hear her tell how German-Jewish parents, reconciled to their secular nationalism to which they hold and their concept of the fate, ask only that their children be saved. They do not want Hebrew language is merely that of a necessary national medium to part from their children any more than we would, but they of communication.^ To the specifically religious Jewish life •would rather make the sacrifice of probably never again see- they are either indifferent or actively hostile. Hence the illogiphenomena of open desecration of the Sabbath and the use ing their flesh and blood than doom them to the squalid misery cal of forbidden food and similar violations in the classic land of of living under the Nazi regime. Judaism. It was impossible for loyal, God-fearing Jews to reAs the children come tramping down the gangways on to main impassive over and against these shocking disloyalties, shore in Palestine, their knapsapks on their backs, their whole and to permit, without objection, the Holy Land to be diverted its sacred, God-ordained character and to be degraded life is before them. There is something brave and compelling from into a purely materialistic, irreligious or anti-religious modin their transmigration to another culture. There is something ern state. stirring in the whole movement to bring' German-Jewish chilIt was necessary to organize, to unite all religious eledren to Palestine. "World Jewry must do all in its power to ments, loyal to Jewish tradition, within the'ranks of Zionism ihelp the transplanting of these youngsters, to the Jewish home- to save Eretz Israel from that fate, to make the new-old Jewland, there to work out a new destiny and to contribute toward ish homeland a place where not only the material aspects of Jewish life shall be safeguarded and physical prosperity prea modern saga of nationhood. [•vail, but also where the spiritual values shall be continued in all their pristine genuineness. Energetic action was indispensably requisite if Palestine was to be genuinely Jewish, the The Law of Nations home of true Jewishness, which is fundamentally religious, Painful though the German-Jewish situation mav, be, it if it was to bring redemption not only to the Jewish body but sinks into a secondary oblivion for the time being in lieu of also to the Jewish souL This was the sole motive which' called the Mizrachi Orthe continued repercussions, in-Poland. .Eighty. Jews have been ganiation existenc, and which has actuated end still killed and four hundred seriously injured with countless hun- actuates allinto its important contributions to the upbuilding of dreds more less violently hurt since the present wave of anti- Palestine. This principle is clearly and succintly enunciated Semitic terror swept over Poland. From the physical view- in the Mizrachi motto, "The Land of Israel for the people of point, this is far worse than the bestial persecution of the nazis. Israel in accordance with the Torah of Israel." It is not far amiss to mention the nazis and the Polish anti-Semitic Endeks, in. the same sentence. As Congressman The Jewish Task Celler stated-in a radio address this past week from New York, By Babbi Frederick Coin "uncontestable "evidence" links the recent ^anti-Jewish riots to Editor, Jewish Press: the activities of Hitlerite agents who are making "a determined Sir: attempt to transplant Hitlerism" in Poland, extending both . T h e world is still in a; most criticalcondBtionT Thlere' is and rumors of war. i * moral and financial aid and encouragement to the anti-Semitic war How does all this affect the Jews? Our main concern and elements' of Poland to "convert Poland into a Nazi stronghold." interest is with the Jews and for the Jews; and this is as it Added to the alarming spread of physical assaults upon Jew- should be, for nothing means or should mean so much to us as ish communities and homes in Poland, there seems to be a con- our Judaism. For us it spells or should spell the all of life. certed drive afoot to attack even the theoretical religious and All the meaning of life lies for us in our Judaism, if we are civic freedom of the Jews, which is vouchsafed them by the true Jews, Jews by and because x>£ and for religion and not fundamental law of the land and by international treaty. merely Jews by the accident of birth or because we happen to belong to a particular group. Our whole position in that Foremost in this latter category is the anti-schechita law. This particular group should be because we stand for particular week, by a majority of only seven votes, the lower house of religious and ethical principles. It is time the Jew regarded the Polish parliament approved the new kosher slaughtering himself in the right light and stood solidly and four-square for regulations. As amended, the bill safeguards the practice of the distinctive Jewish principles which are righteousness and schechita but limits Jewish ritual slaughtering to such poultry justice, unity and peace, all grounded in the idea and in the and cattle as are intended for Jewish consumption. This com- reality of One, Universal, Just'and Loving and "Living" God. promise action was the result of the world-wide storm of pro- To the real Jew, true to his real traditions, God must be fortest, demonstrating again that despite calloused statements the countries of the world are still susceptible to the spoken opinion of other citizens. -Colonel Josef Beck, Polish foreign minister, admitted that the compromise schechita law was worked out by the government in order to" satisfy the religious demands of the Jews and the economic demands of the Polish peasants. This is the final straw blowing to the winds the falacious argument, made for convenience sake,:that schechita is unsanitary. A Teport • from the "Warsaw "Moment" • tells that Britain' has demanded that pork exported from Poland be "kosher-killed," and S,w.eden had made a similar, request. An officia! letter was received from the '• Netherlands Government saying kosher slaughtering-had been introduced throughout the country as the most humane system. Scores of letters were introduced in the sejm, coming from England and France, including statements from prominent scientists attesting that the schechita system of slaughter was the most humane. In other words, we have another case of where propagandists will twist the truth any conceivable way in order to convince ignorant followings VES9SIRI110 matter where of a falsehood.. you buy them?thuhk'Melhw The nation-wide strike in Poland last week in protest against the anti-Semitic activities showed that labor realizes OfcfGofds will reach you as the error and purpose of the agitation.; Polish labor, learning its lesson from what happened in Germany, is taking its stand FMggff as they came off for protection of the Jews. The peasants are the ones who form the Cigarette machine such made-to-order raw material that Endek- propagandists can mould into their way of thinking. The Polish government by not taking a firm stand 'to restore and maintain, law and order has made itself an aider and abettor of the crimes being perpetrated . . . and has thereby brought upon itself the indictment of the world. Poland-has treaty obligations which prohibit the acts now being committed within her borders, and if the powers of the world wish to.avert chaos and anarchy of the worst sort, then they must officially- take steps to impress upon the Polish government that civilization has not fully and completely surrendered to the barbarism and -medievalism which is seeking to make a mockery of humanity. B0UBLE-HQNEY-BAC1C OFFER h effect sisegect 6.1835


BBj-j • • R *






ever and infinitely more than "a mere principle" or an "emotion" or "inner feeling." Can a "principle" create a tmiverse! Can a "feeling" govern the stars and control the" destinies of nations? • Even we Jews, the 'Teople of the Book," the "Chosen People," do not take God seriously enough. He is virtually absent from our lives. .Is it any wonder the world is in the mess in which it isf Jews should bring to bear upon the crisis and the chaos of the world the,idea of the One God of Justice and of Righteousness, of Love and Peace. Then perhaps we should have the unity of the peoples, recognizing One Humanity. Then perhaps, righteousness and justice would rale in the lives of nations as well as of individuals. Then no Hitler and his Nazis would practice his nefarious discriminations and outrages against the Jews. Then no buccaneering .Mussolini would seek to despoil an innocent people of their patrimony and their very life. Then no such other wicked and immoral actions would upset the status quo, destroy the world's equilibrium and undermine the very foundations of society, of civilization and of life. Let the Jew come forward again as did his prophetic ancestors as the champions of justice, of right, of the sacredness of life and the momentousness of destiny. Things will not right themselves of their own accord. Only "the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness shall, be quietness and assurance forever." "Quietness and assurance," these are the words in the world's mouth today. "We eall them "security, economic, political, social security is what the world is seeking and dimly and BO often dumbly is striving for today. "Salvation" is the old theological name, the supreme object of all life. Let it again be said "Salvation is of the Jews," by the Jew assuming Ms true role as the champion of justice and of righteousness and of the divine instead of the devilish' in life, ss the protagonist of the ethical and the ideal. The Jews have not applied themselves seriously to their "Mission"; even with their finger-tips. The Jew has scattered his forces and his energies in petty squabbles, ignoble diversions and irrelevant distractions. The world more than ever calls for the Message and the Sublime Spiritual Influence of the Jew. Let us not waste ourselves but concentrate and consecrate ourselves wholly to life's supreme task and noblest effort, the redemption of a sinning, suffering, self-destroying humanity. —Frederick Cohn.


Mizrachi Movement in Zionism By Rabbi Dr. Bernard Drachmae The competion. of the first period of twenty-five years in the history of the Mizrachi Organization of America affords an appropriate opportunity for a consideration of the signifi-

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root He that guardeth his mouth keepeth his life, but for him that openeth wide his lips there shall be ruin. A prudent m a n coacealeth knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness. The soul of the sluggard tiesireth and hath nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be abundantly gratified. He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly and a man of wicked de-rices is hated. TALMUD Ulla said, "Trouble affects the memory even for the words of the Torah and makes one forget -what he studies." : Rabbi Elatar said. "He -vrho changes his word is considered as if he were to worship idols." Rabbi Nachman said, "The arrogance of King Jeroboam had driven him from the -world." Eabbi Jochnan said, "Woe will be to that nation which will try to prevent the redemption of Israel, when the Holy One will do It to His Children." Our Rabbis were taught "Always let the left hand repel those deserving and the right hand shall invite not as Elisha has done with his servant, Gechaii, whom he rejected with both hands." Rabbi Eleazar said, "A people who are occupied with the study of the Torah will not be delivered over to their oppressor."


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will blow Herr Hitler out o£ Ger- j NESS EQUIPMENT . . . Will we many. erisr stop wondering that Hebrew NORWEGIAN PARLIAMENT is & living language. ' SETS PRECEDENT BY CONTRIBUTING FUNDS FOR RE1.IEF (Copyright 1836 by. Seven Arts OF GERMAN REFUGEES . . . Feature Syndicate). Congratulations, Keal BtetesmsnBblp — nsay others follow. Patronise our advertisers. STREICKER'S PAPER PUBLICLY BURNED IN HOLLANDj MARK LEON WRITES BY CHRISTIANS . . . Only fire can snewer Streicher's arguments. GERMAN EMIGRES BRING TORAH SCROLLS TO CZECHOSLO- is foci, INSURANCE of Ev«ry Type » - fitronp Reliable VAKIA . . . Thet'e all that Hitler j Companies ONLY permitted them to take, ! City Flsassas & Insurance Co. H I T<L E R-LIKE MUSTACHE j PUTS ENGLISH GUARDSMAN | AT 78S? • 140S FARNAM . WA 8160 IN HOOSEGOW . . . He's lucKy— ! be mar h£Tc Itndefi worse. PALESTINE FORMER MEMBERS OF HABI-| SRADIANf MAH START THEATRE ACADOMAHA EMY . . . And from Palestine ehtul ' come our best actors. j HEEKEW • SHORTHAND NOT*' [ PART OF PALESTINE EUEI-,


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immediately after that for a short wedding 'trip. They will make their home In El Paso. Dr. and Mrs. Irvin H. Stein and daughter,-and Mr. and Mrs. Jules Shapiro and daughter motored to Lincoln to attend the wedding.


VISITDfG HERE The firms advertising in Y&ad AcxJIiar Mrs. Henry Rosner and small ZETA BETA TAU Jewish Press merit stud. CIRRR;"1 daughter, Debora Sue, of New yocr patronage. AFFAIR- ON SUKDAY York City, are spending several A regnlar meeting of the Vaad weeks here visiting Mrs. Rosner's Sunday promises to be a big Joe Gold—sre was elected pres- Auxiliary •will be held nest Tuesparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry day for local Seta Beta Taus and ident of the Crelgbton University day afternoon, March SI, at 2 p. \ ET WILL FAT TQV Steinberg. Dr. Rosner •will join their friends. chapter o* Pi Lambda Phi, at a—l. Et the B'uai Israel synagogue. his family here nest month for a For on that day, they are hold- meeting Monday. Other officers: Ac interesting program has short visit ROSINSKY.SILVER ing initiation for ten pledges, a David D. Weinberg, vice-presi- been en-anged by Sirs. AS Finkel, | MALASHOOFS chairman. The marriage of Miss Kuth open to all Z. B. T.'s, and dent; Morris Dsnsfcy, secretary; \ Wlien bcying ver, daughter of Mrs. SarahiSilver, TO RESIDE HERE an Informal dance with some two- Harry Cohen, treasurer; Abe K&tss, and Arthur Rosinsky, all of Om- Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Marcus, for« hundred invitations being issued. pledge master; Harry PerelmaE, AT JOSLTN MEMORIAL ! OIMIONDS" The program at the Josl—D WEDDING RENGS aha, took place in Chicago, Sun- merly of Minneapolis, Minn., have The initiation, which will be frater. correspondent. The outday, March 15. Mr. and Mrs. Cymoved to 122 So. 52 St., Omaha. formal, will begin promptly at 4going president is Mel Sommer. Memorial for nest Sunday a£ter- ! WATCHES - SILVERWARE Silver, brother ' and sister-in-la—p. m. at the Blackstcne Hotel, The fraternity von the Inter- EOOE, March ID, follows: I _ad GIFT JEWELEi' i p. m., 5n Concert Hall . . . FAI/K-GOLDSTEIN with members of the Oisafea Z. B. fraternity basketball league title. BBCEPMON FOR NEWLYWEDS of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. TO RESDDK Uf MILWAUKEE! " Miii Bernice Goldstein of Sioux Miss Tobye Kohlberg left for T. graduate dab, reading the rit- The team was composes of Iz Lie- Orfraj?. Recital — Martin W. Fi;:h The marriage of Miss Sally No- Izzie Rosinsky of Auburn, Nebr.. S:SO p. —i., In Lecture Hr'l City, daughter or Mr, and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben brother £.nd sister-in-law of the Milwaukee Tuesday, March 24. toual. berman, Abe Kstz, Willie Smith, Lecture fcy Durigfet E. Portpr or Harry Goldstein, became the bride Novak of Omaha, to Edward A. groom attended the wedding. make her home with Mr. and Mrs. The ten freshmen to be initiated Abe Faier,'and Ben Smith. Subof Msrtln X>. Falk of Sioux City, Rosen, eon of Mr. and Mrs. J, Mrs. Sarah Silver was at home Stanford Kohlberg. Miss Kohlberg into the Alpha Theta chapter at stitutes were Henry Malashock "Dictatorship versus Religion." BOB of Mrs. Hose' Falk of Omaha, Rosen of Council Bluffs, was in honor of the couple Sunday, was recovering from injuries re- the University ©f Nebraska are: and Harry Cohen. at a quiet ceremony at the home quietly solemnized Sunday noon, March 22. ceived in an automobile accident Stanley Slosburg, "Warren AckerThe ping posg- tourney -will of Rabbi David Goldstein, who March 22, at the home of Rabbi man, Lloyd Malashock, Howard start nest •wee'k, with Abe Katz Mr. and Mrs. Rosinsky are mak- on a former visit to Milwaukee. performed the ceremony in theDavid A. Goldstein, who perform- ing their home in Omaha. Kaplan, Harold Perelman, Ernest defending champion. He is also presence of the Immediate family ed the ceremony in. the presence WIntronb, and Jerome Milder, all school champion. SOROROT MEETS Sunday, March 22. of only membera of the two fam- SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY _ Phi Delta, Mu sorority held a of Omaha; Irving Kukiia and The chapter announces the fol•The couple left for a trip to ilies. Mrs. Celia HermanBon was sur- meeting at the J. C. C. Sunday, Stanley Sandlovich of Lincoln; lowing pledges: Will&rd Smith, Chicago. Upon their return they Attractively attired was the prised with a birthday party by March 22. Miss Beatrice Glarer and Denvan Becker of Mitchell, Henry Malashock and Aflolph Laytrill make their home in Sioux bride in a grey suit with fox col- a group, of friends Friday, March was voted to represent the group S. D. tic. The banquet, also formal, will City. lar, with which she wore a blue 20. She was presented with a at the Round Table. Final plans be held at the Bisxkstcne at 6:SO hat, blue blouse, and matching lounging robe. were made for a Guest Day. Sigma Delta Tan p. m. Approximately seventy-five accessories. The junior Pioneers also honORtJCfl-FLAXCHEK ENGAGEmembers, alumni, and new initiMr. and Mrs. Rosen left on a ored Mrs." Hermanson with an inMENT Gwendolyn Meyerson, active Hadassah ates will attend. Morton Richards Mr. and Mrs. David Flanchek short honeymoon trip, and after formal party after their meeting member cf University Players, rewill serve as toast—taster. announce the engagement 'of their April first, they wil be at home Tuesday evening, March 17. The Mrs. D. B. Epetein was the win- And then — the informal dance, cently took psrt in "The Petrified evening was spent in dancing. daughter, Rose, to Albert Oruch, In Nebraska City, Nebraska. ner of the "Trip to Palestine" scheduled to get Underway atForest." Miss Florence Smeerin A reception for relatives and son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lipsawarded by Hadassah. The draw- 9:30 p. m. at the Blacketon% Ho- had a part in the Children's Play man. No definite date' has been friends of the young couple will BRIDGE •? LUNCHEON last week. be held at the home of the bride's set for the wedding. Hadassah will sponsor a bridge ing took place at the meeting tel, with the aid of. Art Randall The sorority will be represented parents at 506 South Fifty-third luncheon Monday, March 8 0, at Wednesday, March 25, at the J.and his orchestra. Several acts C. C. of entertainment, and presenta- In the style Bhcr—, a regular part Street, Omaha, on Sunday afterHayden's auditorium. Proceeds TO VISIT IN EAST The Give or Get luncheon will tion of the best freshman award, of the Co-ed Follies, by the MissMrs. Irving N. Pazoft and noon, March 29, from two until will go to the Milk Fund. take place April 22. All those who will also take place during the es Florence Smeerin, Muriel KrasDoor prizes will be awarded have daughter, Louise Sandra, will five o'clock, No invitations are raised their quotas are elig- course of the evening. ne, Esther Stein, Kosalyn Lashinand each table will receive a prize. ible to leave Sunday for New York City. being issued. attend. Parents of the ten new initiat- sky, and Harriet Byron. Miss Everyone is invited to attend. They will be gone Beveral months ed have been invited to eerve as Byron is also a candidate for NeTickets are Thirty-five cents and during which time they will visit ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE \fflxs. M, Barish braska University's Best Dressed chaperones. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro of The Medical Fund has gone may be bought from members. In Brooklyn, New York; East OrGirl. OMAEA Is Going Lincoln announce the marriage of over the top In their quota. The Mrs. Peter Greenberg is chairman ange, New Jersey; and Bostonand their daughter, Lee,, to Ben BenYouth Aliyah quota Is well on the Miss Florence Sineerin has been Chelsea, Mass. Mrs. Pazoff'wlll balin of El Paso, Texas. The wed-of the affair. Beth-El Auxfli&ry way to reaching Its quota. nominated for Beauty Queen and visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Pazof- ding took place. Thursday, March A regular meeting of the Beth- also for May Queen. •ky and other relatives and 19, at 8 o'clock at the home of RETEBNS FROM BUSINESS Miss Muriel Krssne and Miss Many new members joined HaCome In and Let UE Show You Why El auxiliary will take place Wedfriends. the bride's sister, Mrs. Max Lash- TRIP dassah as a result of Mrs. Ilse nesday, April 15, at 2:SO p. m.,Esther Stein will be Initiated Into Mr. Alvin Friedman returned insky.v Rabbi Harry Jolt performTassels, -wo—ten's pep organiza"Warburg's inspiring talk last ed the ceremony, in the presence last week from a business trip to •week." Their names will be pub-one week later than the regular tion, Friday, April S, et a banquet College Club Chicago, 111. meeting date because of the PassThe College Club will meet of the family and a few-intimate at a downtown hotel. They have DISTEIEUTGKS lished in a later issue of The Jew-over holidays. Sunday at Temple Israel in thefriends. completed —-ort on the sorority ish Press. Members are asked to reserve Pji^ge—-Plfmowth—-Commercial Tracks The bride wore a blue polkavestry rooms at 4 o'clock. Rabbi Progressive Hebrew this date. A number of important staff cf the yearbook. Dafid H. Wice will speak on "Re-dot ensemble with grey accessor25SS Taraasa WE. 0900 The alumnae will hold their anThe next meeting of the Ha- business matters will be taken lief Techniques." Plans for the ies. Her shoulder corsage was of The Progressive Hebrew club dassah Culture group will take up nual benefit bridge at the chapat this meeting. third annual Youth Conclave will gardenias. regular meeting will be held at ter house Saturday, March 28. "Wednesday evening, April 1 A buffet supper was served af- the J. C. C. Sunday, March 29, atplace be made at this meeting. EveryThe active &n& pledge group will at tbe home of Mrs. M. F. LevenThe Beth-El auxiliary Oneg ter the ceremony. The couple left 3 p. m. Very important business one* ia urged to attend. serve as hostesses. son, educational chairman of Hawill be discussed. All members dassah. Members of the group Shabbos has been postponed until Saturday, April 11. Mrs. David are urged to attend. asked to bring their husbands Goldstein will be hostess to the tlon urres t i e Internetlonal body Mr. Sam Nepomnlck, president are in order to give them an opport- group at her home. to tafee eteps to protect German of the organization, has left for unity refugees. to enjoy the cultural activiRochester, Minn. The members ties in which their wives are Inof the dub wish him a speedy reAmsterdam--A plea to the Interested. Rabbi Harold Berger covery and a safe return. ternational Union of Lea—ae cf will be the speaker of the evening. Mr. J. Viener has been appoint- His subject will be, "The Rise and Nations Societies to take up the Salesman Wsnted ed temporary chairman until Mr. Decline question of Nazi persecution of of Polish Jewry." Mrs. Nepomnick'a return. To Sell to Grocers Morris Wohlner will discuss cur- the Jews at its forthcoming session has been submitted to the rent events. Kcst E&ve Car or Union's executive comittee by the Pas®! Track—AT. 62-S7 Jewish Press advertisers merit Dutch League of Nations Unioa. The Dutch organisations petiyour patronage.


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?age Sis

Eddie Cantor," Georgie Price, a n d J home h a t she has installed au The Jews are happy In but two Eddie Russell "were one-on-a-tlme ; electrically-controlled camera places — in the United States "and singing newsboys a t twelve a week'••which clicks any handsome 5 proin Palestine. In Palestine, the Jewish homeland i3 being rebuilt file that ringp the bell. in a GHS Edwards revtie? By HELEN ZIGMOND magically; and in America we are 1 surrounded by many friends who Lionel Stander gave a recepIMiss Carolyn It doesn't seem exactly "cricconsider us not only as equal cittion for Clifford Odets . . . adouncil Bluffs became the bride felder of Chicago; and Miss Lois Hollywood..— A premiere of ket" for Universal'*; basket ball Vaad , . izens, but also as people just like '. Herman ' Kully of Omaha Livingston of Bloomington, Ind. premieres ushered in Chaplin's mission five dollars . . . proceeds team to be participating in the The Council Bluffs A&udas Acall others — and who have a real ,t, a pretty home •weading held Among the pre-nuptial parties him Society will hold a regular unexpected to the Netr Theatre Magazine. ' This evening will be A. Z. A. friendship for us and'a sympathe- "Modern Times" . Question of the Month: Will'. Pre-Olymplc competitions. hursday afternoon, March 26, a t honoring the young couple was a was Charlie's personal appearance meeting next Thursday evening, Sabbath. Services will be con- tic reaction to the problems of the ivo o'clock a t t h e home of t h e dinner party at the Fontenelle HoApril 2, at 8:30 o'clock at the ducted by the two local chapters Jews all over the world. . . .unprecedented was his Cliffordthe. Odets be and able velvet to with-' ride's parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. J u - tel last Saturday night when Mrs. making from the stage. Thespeech-1 cream! stand glitter of; E d wynn was relating to * Eagles Hall. of A. Z. A. at the B'nai Israel synfrom the stage. The cream! stand the. glitter and T ' It is gratifying to mention that making i«s Rosenfeld, 295 South Eighth M . S . Livingston and Mrs. Louis . .^_ „ , , _ -i-__...—*.* . *_. __ [filmland f i l m ! a n d finri r r f s b hi« T,pfM«t M(,n& h o w a promoter had apagogue. Joe Hornstein and Har-two heads of one of the greatest of the colony, "suffocated in e r - i *«<* retain his treet, Council-Bluffs. Rabbi Da- Hiller of Omaha were co-hostessproached him for the use of hia suffused wiht the perfume I perspective? Three Jewish., students left old Zelinsky will-deliver the ser-food concerns in the country — mine, iil A. Goldstein of Omaha p e r - es. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levey name !n some new development of .gardenias^ listened with admons. Jay SVeisman will read the General Foods — have sent us miration, almost worship, to brmed t h e ceremony in t h e p r e -entertained at a dinner party at Thursday for Iowa City., to comSammy was the studio whiBtle- scheme. Wynn had rejected the ence of sixty guests. , the Blackstone Hotel Sunday, eve- pete in the Iowa State Debate service. After services.* recep- their sincere Passover greetings, "Chariot." blower. When the director corn- proposal, but was somewhat worping complimentary to Miss Ros- Tournament. Miss Miriam Saks tion will be given in the social which they have asked us to reAmong= other things, "Silence!", Sam inflat- ried. "He can't take the name [The bride w a s lovely i n ' a white „_, he _ . .said . . . he jc<manded, hall.• Thereception Is being arhis chest, puckered his atin gown of floor-length. Miss jenfeld and Dr. Kully. On Monday is a member of the Abraham Lin- ranged by the A. 2. A. mothers. lay to the readers 'of this news- was glad he cculd speak before * * hfs lips, lips, o f W j , n n without permission, can put his whole soul into a mu«- :h e ? » "i,vhv not?" quashed the Livington of Bloominton, In- (evening, Mr. and Mrs; Julius Ro- coln filgh School" debate, team, . Saturday morning Rabbi H.. A. paper. The letters are from Clar- the picture, "especially since the and i c a l One day another boy friend, "You d i d ! " iiuna was maid of honor. Mar- senfeld entertained at a buffet and Normal Rosenthal and Floyd Berger will speak in Yiddish at ence Francis, President, and C. admission price was hoisted to Ic a m e shriek. o n tfe of the five dollars . but then it was e set. Sam proudly inau Livingston of Omaha w a s supper for the weding: party and Yudelson ....are members, of the the |Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syn- iS.. Chester, Chairman Board of General Foods. lower girl. Morris Levey of Om- out-of-town guests. Mrs. Abe Thomas Jefferson High School jde- agogue. for charity, because charity begins structed him about when to Wow , ... General Foods has done much at home." Then he launched into the whistle. At the end of the Heigho! iha, brother-in-law of t h e groom, Herzberg entertained at a dinner bate team. .;, Sunday morning regular father to spread Jewish knowledge to week Sam wag let out. He ifift. the party Tuesday evening at the Fonerved as best m a n . • and' son services will .be held at the Jewish masses thru their:many a riotously funny mimicry of how studio groaning, "To think that. I (Copyright 1S36, Jewish TeleMr. • Skouras, his Greek theatre A wedding supper followed t h e tenelle Hotel in honor « of the Miss Toby Katelman is expected 9. a. m. graphic Agency. Inc.) ' booklets on Jewish subjects which manager, persuaded him to appear ; should be the one to teach him the eremony, a n d t h e couple left young couple. home Sunday following a ten day they have distributed and are dis-j a t the premiere to give "those business r" U'bursday night on a short honeyvisit, in. Leaden worth, Kansas and City election will be held in Karfsas City, Missouri, where she tributing to thousands and thou- j suckers their 'money's worth." Temple trip. , Upon their r e t u r n , l/r Two Furnished Rooms to next Monday, is the guest of her brother-in-law sands of people. Such booklets | Charlie's Greek accent was at Whenever Doug F a i r b a n k s •jhoy will make their home 4n Om- Council Bluffs Eent Reasonable March 30. There are two Jew.once he , writes a screen story he use» the Rabbi David H. Wice will speak as "The Story of Judaism," "Tales i times a little shaky ; ish candidates for the office of and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. and Legends of Israel," "Cus- stopped himself saying he guess-|nom de plume Elton Thomas. on "The Watch on the Rhine", at Out-of-town guests-at the wed- Alderman-at-Large. KRS. M. SKEIER They are services this • evening. Mrs.; Mil- toms and Traditions of Israel,"— ed "he was getting off into Jewincluded the bride's uncle, Joseph B. Katelman, who Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman ton Abrahams will light the Sab-and for Passover, the deluxe "Ha- ish." The whole speech, puhctwon the New gadget: Joan Blondell has .}~MT. Lester New of Los Angles, were honored at a^ Surprise ParAT. 6931 gadah for Passover." Rabbis, tea- uated with gestures, was as lud-; had so many doorbell ringers 2S11 KamiltoE '• I'palifornia; Mr. and Mrs. J., W. republician nomination in the pri-ty at their home last Sunday eve- bath Candles. : mary election held last month; . Services Saturday- morning will chers, principals, Jewish leaders, icrous as any gag in his picture. since • she moved into her new M , and Albert Burke of Los Institutions, and welfare workers And henceforth, don't believe any and Mr. George S. Steinberg who ning, March 22, by about fifty begin at -11 o'clock. ' - -" relatives and friends. A buffet I is a candidate on the Independent The College Club will meet in have openly expressed their ap- fantastic tales about Chaplin's l-'j -POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT i Ticket. Two Alderman-at-Large supper was served at seven the vestry rooms of the Temple at preciation for the go6d work Gen- voice . . It's as sonorous as a o'clock, and the remainder of the 4 o'clock" Sunday afternoon. j will be elected Monday. | eral Foods, is doing .to furnish rabbi's. The'Swing is to the Grove where there's never evening was spent playing bridge. i Voting poles will open at seven youth with very essential RE-ELECT The Bible class will meet at j (o'clock Monday morning and will Mr. and Mrs. Roffman received a the'home of Mrs. Sam Appleman, and vital Jewish information. I Doesn't it il"k you to read lists ! remain open until eight o'clock number of lovely gifts. 542 So. 31 aVe., Tuesday at 1 i of movie people wherein the tab. . . Your favorite cocktail, mixed drink, sandwich, salad, jin the evening: Anyone who o'clock instead of at the home of | ulator, intentionally or otherwise, MAX MANISCHEWITZ beer or lunch in Omaha's most beautiful supper club I wishes information concerning Mrs. J. M. - Newman as previousj selects only Jewish names as repvoting places or anyone who wish- CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM at the most moderate prices. ly announced. ' NAMED DELEGATE resenting the big salaries of filmi es a car to take them to the polls Max Manischewitz, treasurer of |dom? One list recently provoked Better .Than Ever I Headquarters, phone 1303; can BY NEBRASKA POWER CO. the B. Manischewitz Matzo Co.,'us to some- fact-finding. ComBeth-El j call either the Republican or the P. P. "Pat" Walsh Presents . and prominently active in Jewish! parable to the 1934 salaries of | Democratic Headquarters, phone A two million dollar construc2 At services tonight Rabbi Da- life, was appointed a delegate to i Sylvia Sidney' — $110,500, Joe tion program for the Nebraska Republican Candidate i 1068. Pwer Cmpany during 1936 wasvid A. Goldstein will speak on "A the Fortieth Annual Meeting of j Penner—-S145,500 were the same American Academy of Politi- •' year's pay-checks of Constance FOR ! The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- annunced late last week by J. E. Program for the Jewish Commun- the cal and Social Science! For manyjBennett — $176,000, Gary Cooity." .This sermon will be based Idassah has announced that its Davidson, company president. Mr. Mr. Manischewitz has beenjper — $139,000, Wesley Ruggles CITY . He "Wows 'Em" '"Coffee Sale" is in full swing and Davidson said the company would on Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan's re- ayears, close student of social problems'—$139,500, and William LeBaron spend ?2,350,000 in construction cent book, "Judaism in Transi! all orders must be turned in this 1 VERKA BURKE SOLICITOR and devoted himself particularly —$141,700, actors, directors, protion." I week. The commute in charge during the coming year. Beautiful SonQStrets Direct From 1 to the question of International! ducers, respectively. One could • Next Week Hollywood ; are the Mesdames Herman MaroThe program includes installaon interminably setting a JewNext week is Shabbos Hagodol peace. He had wrlten several! £o jwitz, Nathan Nogg, Joe Gotsdiner, tion of a 12,500 kilowatt turbine, s 1 on methods of preserv-! I * name against a non-Jewish or Catherine and Charles Joy 1. WORKMANLIKE : Martin Troutfelt, Morris Gross- which was purchased last week and the Beth-El will join with the treatises ing peace among nations. i against two' or three Gentile Dance Rhythm From Musical Comedy Vaad for Friday evening services : man, Herman Krause, and Leo 2. EXPERIENCED at a cost of $288,800. The American Academy of Po- names in the same category. : Fitch. Anyone who wishes to , In announcing the construction for the purpose of furthering • FEEDDIE EBENER 3. TESTED Which only proves, boys and; j purchase any Folgers Coffee on program Mr. Davidson said: "Our Pesach Rabbis Gold- litical and Social Science sponsors And His Superb Music girls, that you can prove any-' 4. FAIR TO ALL either April 3 or April 4 is ^rged customers* load has been increas- stein and Berger will take part! inquiry into a wide variety of livthing if you stay at it long enough ; in the services to be held at the ing topics. It presents the differj to sign aa order with any meming rapidly for the past six 5. TRUSTWORTHY ing viewpoints on each topic and i ber of the Senior Hadassah and months. This increased equipment, B'nai Israel synagogue. invites the most prominent men i credit "will be given to the organ- we believe, will take care of the In each field to express their opinization. Maxie Rosenbloom, the fighter. increased requirements for the Your Support Will Be ions. is having a time cavorting before next two years."" Appreciated the cameras in a Roach comedy . . j The Sisterhood of the Talmud The new turbine and boiler adhad to smoke a cheap stogie for iTorah Society have postponed its jdition will be ready for operation Movies ca Tram Election, Monday, a scene the other day. Shooting ; regular monthly meeting schedul- j the first of next year. Membership Club Passengers returning from Chi- was delayed a half hour — until Passover is not only the Holied for next "Wednesday until Major improvements provided cago on the Ak-Sar-Ben crack Cover Charge Except March 30, 1936 • Thursday afternoon, April 9, at for in the program are: Addi- day of the past, but also the Hol- Burlington Flyer will be enter- Maxie recovered. iday of the future. Not for noth' Delicious Ste&k aad Chicken Dinners, $ 12:30 o'clock. The meeting will tional capacity at power station, ing did some of the Talmudlsts tained with motion pictures startCOUNCIL BLUFFS Did you know that Walter Winibe held at the home of Mrs. Dave §1,400,000; farm electrification, declare Ing last Tuesday, according to Alspecifically that "On Passchell, Ben Bernie, -George Jessel, I Fox, and a Pesach program is be- $250,000; nevr distribution sub- over the Jews were first deliver- bert Cotsworth, Jr., passenger ing aranged. ..", station, $200,000; air condition- ed from slavery — and the last traffic manager. ing of company, office building, redemption will also take place POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT The pictures will be talkies of The Council Bluffs Lodge No. $70,000; alternations and addi- on Passover." current release and popular* apj.tion to distribution headquarters, 688 of the B'nai Brith held a We recall with joy the past— peal and will be furnished by Vote a Straight meeting Monday evening at the $30,000; miscellaneous expendi- the first redemption; we look films incorporated. They will be Eagles Hal. Plans were made tures at power station, $50,000; with hope to the future. But what shown In the dining car after the REPUBLICAN for a Banquet to be given on Wed- other miscellaneous items, $350,- is the outlook? In many lands, supper hour. A nominal charge nesday evening, April 22, at 6:30 000. unfortunately, the Jewish situa- will be made for this feature. U TICKET The farm electrification project tion is extremely: depressing, very o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 Mynster calls for construction of approxi- sad; and in many countries truly Jewish Press advertisers merit to our many Jewish Irienck and customers, tHs fear as we hstve Street, in celebration of the twen- mately 500 miles of farm lines to tragic. For Mayor your patronage. supply service to 1,000 new farm ty-fifth anniversary of its organlor the past seven years . . . ization. Mr. I. B . Padway of customers. The 1936 program for [x] Walter Jenkins Nebraska Power Company and the r Chicago, president of the District j For City Solicitor Grand Lodge No. 6 of the B'nai Citizens Power & Light Company Brith, will be the principal speak- Is much larger than any in the 3 Proctor R. Perkins er and honored guest. Mr. Louis past five years, company officials . H. Katelman is chairman In Bald. For City Treasurer charge of the Banquet and is being assisted by Dr. Isaac Sternhill, Jewish Press, advertisers merit [xj Harry D. Richardson and Messrs. Leo Fitch. Sam your patronage.

Sacks, and Nathan Gillnsky. Re- aii servations are limited to only one hundred and tweny-five, and anyone who wishes reservations WEDDING Angeles; Mrs. A. L. New, Mrs. should make them as soon as posRosenfeld of A. Marks and Miss Edith Ober- sible.

!ouncil Bluffs News



Our Film Folk

Religions Services

.HiSl ft td


TRMi* t a d •

-JSt 3»t»

M thfl

If .fi

PStOSTOi! i .






Passover Greetings To Jewish People

We Are O/fering !

. Passover Dairy Products .


For City Auditor



[x[ Helen MeAneney -

Vote For

For City Engineer

[x| Jack Boyne 1

B. Kateiman

For Park Commissioner


[xj Frank Peterson


For Park Commissioner (To Fill Vacancy)

Alderman At Large

H Otto B. Hill . r

' • - .




Your Support Will Be Appreciated -



For City Assessor

Election Monday, March 30, 1936

|x] Waite Durfee


. For Alderman-at-Large 1 (Vote For TWO)


Vote For

[x] Joseph B. Katelman 0*3 S. C. Kennedy


First Ward Alderman

jx] Alfred C. Andersen Second Ward Alderman


| p Homer L. Whistler


Third Ward Alderman

City Engineer

m s. w.McCaii ~

"For tlie People"

•\ Fourth Ward Alderman

Your Support Will Be Appreciated Election Monday, March 30, 1936

P Minard E. Olsen , Fifth Ward Alderman

M Walter E. Gugler


Sixth Ward Alderman

® Dennis C. Nickell THEY WILL SERVE YOU WELL! City Election March 30, 1936



Council Bluffs Voters


P. ^ G. Beverages Butternut Extracts Lime Rickey, Oingerale or White Soda

Dozen $1.15 Plua Bottle Oepocit

Butter Nut Jell Auorttd Flavort

6 pkgs. for 29c 1 Dessert Dish Free

2 Lbs. 59c

Regular or Drip- Grind











All the Passover products will be produced in accordance with the strictest dietary laws, under the personal supervision of Rabbi N. Feldman.

Pancake Flusir

These products may,be obtained from your routeman or at your grocer's

2 oz. Bottle 19c

V/2. Ib. pkg. 25c

I . I B . COFFEE filler's Cereals Lb. 30c

Now Available in Lincoln Omaha and Sioux City



Corn Flakes or Whole Wheat Flakes

Pkg. 10c

Heinz Vegetarian Beans, lb. can 10c; 3 cans... 28c WINDMILL VINEGAR, i y 2 pts - - . - 10c Monarch Tomato Soup, No. 2 can 10c; 3 cans 29c Dole Pineapple Juice, No. 5 can 35c; 3 cans $1.00 MAPE SYRUP, qt. .„: J5c APPLE SAUCE, two No. 1 cans _„...._... 15c SUNKIST FLOUR, 5 lbs 23c 10 lbs ^ 5 c MONARCH SLICED BEETS, No. 2*4 caa_;._J5c RANDALL'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP, can.™ 10c KELLOGG'S WHEAT KRISPIES, 2 pkgs. 25c BLUE KROSS TOILET PAPER, box'of four 20c Pabst or Bktz Canned Beer, case of 24... f 2.7$

All Green Asparagus, lb. b u n d l e s . . . . . . 17c TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT, each. 5c Sunkist Lemons, large size,.dozen...... .29c CARROTS, large bunches 5c LARGE NEW POTATOES, 4 lbs.... .25c Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples, 4 lbs.... 25c




11' U- f-


^ \'' *- ^ .^ A


Has* h

THE J E m S H PEESS, FRIDAY, JIAECH 27, 1936 le has installed au itrolled c a m e r a any handsome* the- belL


seem exactly "cric-ersal's basket ball arl3c!p3tixTg-in the petitions. as relating to a promoter i a d apfor the use of binnew development had rejected the ras somewhat wor't take the name mt permission, can aot?" quashed the lid!"

936, Jewish TeleAgency. Inc.l

shed Booms to Seasonable HL SHEIER xm


AT. 6931

10 points. It was in the quarter tle' difficulty however,, in trim-- The Tuesday and Thursday ; necessary to all. interest the league was discon- evenings is showing a great deal; by the National Auto Parts * finals that t h e stamina, nerve, ming;. Morris. Franklin and Ben! tinued last year; however, the of interest in kittenbail which the; 4 5 _ a 6 in the Center gym, morning matron's class being j (Continued from page .1} and talent was displayed, by theRosen, taking two straight games, • prospects for a JCC kittecball class has adopted as a recreation. was staged in honor oC J e w i s h players j . Bennington, 21-19 and 21-4. Finalist and semi- \conducted by Lee Grossman is be-j .A--meeting for all those inter-j league this summer is bright End About £5 women take part in stupidest. Why are the French BO Class c champs at the Y. M. C. A.,finalist will be entered in the! ing run off to schedule with many • ested in forming a softball league' all those interested in the fame'. this class which included calis- Mtl ay which oripinafpfi fij at the Center was held last "Wed-; uncompromising?. , Because they ! were, their opponents and it took willing to play should get in j thenics, volley ball, and kitten- vearp a<ro. Genrtrp T>nvjF inf., tin Mid-western AAU tounament. The.' women taking advantage of this' are" frightened /and will not ad- j all the basketball knowledge the opportune class. There Is still, nesday with Lee Grossman presid-' touch with Lee <Jrossman immedoffensive plfty for t<ip winnm. singles of both divisions are bemit it to .themselves. They a r e ; Adler's Bakery possessed to stop plenty of room for new comers,; ing. All particulars were discus- j i scoring 10 points and Mi'lard Pif-| iately. ing run off with Bob "Wurgler frightened by their stationary or the last minute.rally by the outand Lee Grossman urges all Jew- j sed and much enthusiasm was ! al starred lor the frat. beys R.~n> falling birth-rate; by t h e actual O&towners as the Adlers. a being- the favorite in class A; ish women to take part in hisj displayed over the subject. The The Psi MU frateraty five. j j n g 7 points. The score at the while class B division is being] slow depopulation of Beveral de- score of 23-20 to go Into the class in order to keep ta the best: last- Jewish softball ' league was Tee women's class which meets { JCC champs, had an off day last j half etood 24-4 in favor of the -partmenta of the republic; by semi-finals. Abe Bergman not on-closly matched. physical condition , which is so j held in 1934 and due to lack of every Monday and Wednesday) Sunday and were easily trounced | National Auto Parts. their necessarily .increased reli- ly played his usual brilliant game ance on their colonial troops. at guard but also led the offensFrance is determined to pnt up ive play by scoring 8 points. Playthe front of a great empire and ing against the Stein Hamburger lias aot the •wherewithal. . Howfive the champs had little diffistupid! Are not"the Dutch a pros- culty in running roughshod over perous and happy and truly civ- the Hamburger quint by the score ilized people? Are not the Swedes of 37-15. Although the score was better off and .happier than t h e lop-sided it took its toll as the Germans? Have not,'In fact, the Adler's hadV to be In suit one hour members of certain smaller peo- later to play In the finals against ples a serenity and dignity and an Elkhorn team who had three sanity which marks them off from times as much rest and were in the more,turbulent and angry and better condition to play. Howeyambitious peoples? Well, the er.the Jewish lads <ame through French arp intelligent and hu- nosing out their opponents 20^19. mane and have a fine sense of Starting a t the whistle. Art Adler justice, and with all that are rush- tossed in a basket to start the ing Into chaos on account of that game, but the Elkhorn team came ' mad' foible and unbreakable 'pre- back strong and as the half ended tense that France must-be an em- were leading 12-8. It was two pire, and that the French Repub- minutes to play and the score read lic must have the hegemony of Elkhorn-lS, Adler's-16, when lancontinental Europe. Heaven, knows ky Willy Smith pulled one out of 1 want them to have it, if they the air and scored to tie the used in one of the scenes . \ . caa.' They are the most civilized count. Herb Marks then contrib-Milton Robinson gets killed on no of continentals. That is. beyond uted to the scoring with a followWe received the following pos- less than two different occasions | ail doubt and all question. But if up shot while the best the Elktal in our mail. "A bowl of fruit during the course of the show . . . : they have not the wherewithal; horn team could do -was to score and a boquet of orchids to the galThe silver paper mache tree used i if- it cannot he, why do they not one point on a free throw. The who wrote in about Omaha's in the finale is said to be unique j address themselves to the ulti- Adlers Bakery team received medmales (the single ones) — in last Martha Himelstein's enter£07 So. 15th mate^ problem of destroying the als in honor of their victory. The Friday's press. Diddo (Editor's j taining take-off of an opera star > notion of hegemony and prepon- players "and their respective teams note: It should be ditto, my lass!) \, m . The cast totals 250 perform-.i derance and hence brutality of in the Center league are: Art Adfor every purpose IN OUR SPACIOUS jfrom me on that girl's views on je r g ) 69 of whom are grade school^ NEW VAULTS power, and the-very notion of ab^ ler, Omaha Jobbings; Jake Adler the subject. I would like to meet j youngsters . . . T h e Robinson- ; Pay cleaning charge only Distributed by solute and • unbridled sovereignty and • Max Turner, Xi Lambda;; that g a L . . Another reader — | Camel apache number . . . Earl; when clothes are needed of any State at any expense to Morris r Adler -and Ray Schapiro, for next season. but sometimes I wonder why." j R O S S appearing with twenty-four • mankind? Is not the League an A.Z.A. lV-Herb Marks and Will Well, well, seems as if these girls: attractive girls in one scene . . . j imperfect but genuine attempt in Smith. Alpha PI Tau; and Abe don't think much of Omaha's male Rosalie Alberts' new routines, AT GREATLY REDUCE? that direction? Is not that hope Bergman who played with the Psi population, • but why she had to OFFICE AND PLANT • better than trusE in more military Mu the regular season Champions 104 No. 18th St. FPJCES give our column a dig, especially AT. 3454 KE. 1500 alliances? The war is "coming and -of .the.Centerlin view of the fact that we gave Jewish sympathies will be and her an opportunity to air her "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR". Albert Oruch is one person who muBt be with Britain and with views, we don't know. believes the old adage of "Love France. But it becomes us to keep The recreation In charge of Thy Neighbor." His engagement our minds clear and to remember Haskall Cohn, will sponsor a junto Miss Rose Flanchek was rethat war itself is the supreme evil ior • boys chess and pingpong DO YOU KNOW? cently announced. The two live and the symptom of the Bins and tournament which will begin I Ask Your Who is the Council Bluffer | across the street from each other, In Appreciation of \ o u r OIL stupidities of all mankind. nesjt week. All juniors wishing to pp g Lsaus (Isn't he?) who takes the 3 a. m. ; w e n t to school, and virtually grew (Copyright 1936, by Seven Arts enter thess tournaments are urgI Grocer for P dF bus home every time he dates that I together. Past and Future U P ( er Fecterai EonsiKg Ac* DistribFeautre Syndicate) Semi Lump ed to sign up by next Wednesday, certain Omaha miss. Doesn't he I FORBES TENDER CRUST April 2. The age limits are from uters Patronage Repaid Over a, Period ol F'*-» know that street cars run til 1 j 14 years to 17 years in the chess BREAD to Twenty Tears. of .e stutter to saying j [SFORMATION BUREAUS Per Ton tourney and 10 years, to 14 years m OMpp Also Straigbt lrf>»»?R m 4 > i . • Cities Look for the Orange, in the pingporig tourney.; All enGuaranteed For your information,—L. C. ROSS PETERSON How come Buddy Weinberg has or Sl£ Per O n * and Blue Label . tries must be handed in to HaskService That attractive girl whose iden-! to Satisfy been passing cigars around? HOTEL FONTENELLE all Cohh, and no entrance will be tity you seek is Miss Lois Living| A Trial Will Convince You Fine Flowers Moderately Heating charged. .. .. , . . (Continued from Page 1.) ston, -who is here to serve as j Pricefi Oils maid-of-honor for the Hosenfeld- ! LUCKY GIRL Open Evenings ant! Holidays E04 KecHne F*u3£. AT, At 4114 AX. CS26 which two American, "hick" girls - Marvin; .Zernovsky,. Harold Or- 2711 No. 24th St. WE. 6400 Regina Klein recently celebrat- Kully nuptials. Incidentally, she ' AT. SJJOO AT. 4114 is a sister of Mrs. Sam Wertheim[ visit a colorful Parisian cafe, uch, - arid Albert Temin qualified r.'aaim^i^ia^^mxMrjUKjixu ed her birthday (we don't know) watch an exciting Apache dance for entrance into the mile a monand received ten pairs of stock- er, Jr., and.'hails from BloomingPerformed by Dorothy Camel and th swim club by completing their ings. She received something else, ton, 111. O. K.,'re welcome. Wilton •Hqbinson.v bat.-,OTerJpQfc a mile >Bwim. ^or-H the , past ^mOBthtoo, but we promised we 'wouldn't rheseL ijqy^^are 'japw^, entitled t a telL r I " " ' murder.„ while jUscussing,_Jj;c ^-*Ki3SSS3^S.^i^ •GET OUT YOUR DANCING and' bemoaning * the* "fact that enter the ten-mile marathon which will be run off in ApriL • Be Beady For . nothing unusual is' happening in SHOES ' I Pastoa KstcbeS Co. the cafe. DENVERITIS More dances coming up than, JFounfcies The city A.A.U. handball tour: The "Finale" will be the other Milton Frohzn and Al Elewitz dandelions on my front lawn. The i STAJSTDAED SHOE S7th anS Martha EA. 5523 ament ended last Sunday as JCC huge number of the TBhow and are. both suffering from Denveri- z. B. T.'s are first with a fiance j KEPAER will follow a dancing scene, feat- teams came through in both di* Let the KRASNE IJeauty tis. "We don't know the girl's Sunday, and from what the little ; Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft jj • Sweet Batter J. L.. Kras?e Prop. uring Rosalie Alberts and. Hilton visions. In the class- A division, Salon Attend Your Beauty names, though. Wonder if Milt bird whispered in our ear, other ! Grey Iron aafi Semi-Steel Cast.. 11 • Dated Milk 1612 Hnrnej- St.. Rleck. l a this final scene the Morris Bloom and Paul Grossman uses his gangster prerogative and fraternities are going to follow. ings. Wood anfl Metal Patterns | j 1st Door Went ol • Sour Cream , Needs principa'-? of the.entire show will .were conceded a victory due to calls her "Moll"? suit. This being Leap Tear, maybe j Standard sizes Bronze tnt Iron Central Market ana many ' other products, dance a,-, a sfng to the swing of illness of John Casey who teams the gals better hurry up acd get j Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern ask your grocer or c a l l . . •. up with Bob Wurger. In the class 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Rings and Covers, Cleanout Poors, waltz E U J I : . their dates. Sash Weights e n e! Yellow Brae* Appearing here and' there B tournament, Abe Faler and AN IDEA FOR THE MATERS Plumbers' Ferrules. carried in against stock. Bronze TsBlets, E3<-onze arid throughout the evening will be Jack Ban were pitted Then there was the Omaha Cast l""on Grilles B Specialty, . . H A . 2??e ,.. ,,.•-'• r Morris, "Franklin and Benny Eosseierat laagb -provoking • short yonthV (yes, Jewish) who- called skits featuring Martha Himel- en both teams being JCC entrants. b.^;yE..?..--< np' his girl asking her to .go to a Three members of the Omaha Abe Faler and Jack Ban had litstein and'Hyman Shrier. • party* Her'mother answered'the Jewish young set were sitting in. This is the'second annual musphone, and decided to t i d the ladone of Omaha's more patronized ical road show presented by Bethalong.- She succeeded, for. he said cocktail lounges last Saturday I a number of things that he would- evening. An uneventful half hour i El ladies' auxiliary for the benen't have, had he known he washad gone by, when four very nice fit of the synagogue's building Come To talking to her mother. fund. Mrs. Morris Katlemanr is 2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully looking unescorted young ladies i business manager while produc- furnished.. Electric, gas and entered the place, and sat at & j EATS SCHMIDT'S tion chairmen are Mrs. Samuel phone included. Gas heated. table obscured from the view of; Cleaned and for Theodore and Mrs. Phineas'Win- Call We. 3527 on Sunday. Blocked Only these gentlemen. j Ten Years Ago . -. . trpub. .f Immediately the ears of the; The Best Hot Corned Beef The T. M. and Y. "W. H. A. prefor a Pleasant Surprise While sented the operetta, "Windmills of three perked up, and a member of • Rcparrec! Sandwiches in the City You Walt HAVE r O C TRIEU «-rmrnra»^TO»»»«»^»«m»ira».:jMi^BnM«n»Hg»Hsi Holland" with the following cast: the trio immediately went about j r_pjek-up enci DeHverlee In Downtown District Jack Friedman, Ivy Siegal, Bess the task of writing a note, asking j Whitman's SCHMIDT'S LATELY? ©H U Greenberg, Helen Levinson, Sata the girls to join them, and which j Phone EA. By BAT SCIIAPIEO Delicatessen & 'Lunch Ear»i Atidtt'onp! CALL Minkin, Harry Green, Sain Zach- was dispatched to the girls by a Mr rha'x* fro- C>-t~p 2417 Farnam JA. 4874 aria, Lillian Chudacoff, Jeanette waiter. Routed PrSverR—VnUr Open Dally and Sundays Eight boys representing five of SHOE EEFAIK GO. AT. 5903 Lerinsonv Jeanette Sherman, Le422 So. 13th St. Lncsllv Own r? — Uo<*aljv After several minutes of impaTill Midnlts THOIWAf J. CASrv, P the six teams in the Center Sen580-6 one Novitsky, Cele Braude, Fay tient waiting, the waiter returned o J. *-',gX-5KMga5S ior League and playing under the Klein, Bess Haykin, and Lillian with a, note from, the girls .which Siutsky. name of Adler Bakery came out read somthing like this: "Sorry champs of the-class C division In Gertrude Oruch was presented we cannot accept your kind invithe Benson open tournament. in a piano recital. She was be-jtation, but we are members of the Tljese boys have t been the tlrst ing hailed as a child with unusual 1W. C. T. U. Besides we have to • Jewish' team to win an outside talent. j be in bed early, as we must be at Let Gould Attend Yosr , Stop for Your many years. It was The Jewish Community Center Sunday School tomorrow morning p Dtug Needs . the defense work of Abe Bergswimming pool was open for in-at nine o'clock. Better luck nest Estate sa5 I*wpc: man and Max. Turner and the time." spection. S • Visit us in oar new locaBEsaagemsnt CAXii 5JS FOK floor i work -of the Adler's, Jake Shortly after the cote was detion where ,yoa will find a and Art that, drove the team on livered, three young men were CLE&^' LINENS A T 'I'H t<! AniOTwMIe scciflrate are complete stock of Drug and Cutricks £0 victory. seen to leave quietly, but hurriedITtii anfi Vlnton A C S1ST costly . . . Be Ftepwesi • • • Sundry items. The Adlers were first pitted The girl who calls up a fellow j ly, to a new stamping ground. inHave yosr aotomobUe againfet the fast-traveling Cornand asks him, "Did you~call me?" j snre£ vcitSi FrsaJte! husker Cafe" consisting of Benson Upon receiving the rej>ly,-that he j Let tsR keep you? parmente c?s>aa. POETRY • . . . • and Tech-former atars. The Corndid not call, the young lady says \ frest, and crisp, end give th«m nS3 Doisslas Block 50th & Dodge Sts. WA. OEM long-er life. huskers - shafted- out fast gaining her mother .must have gotten the j "Twas Leap Tear in the air JAC3CSOS 15S3 316 So. loth , . PARKING SPACE Call XCJS. SSS4 a 6 t i l" lead at the quarter, but name wrong and proceeds to air -i • And she proposed, by dare— ® Prompt Delivery -the Adlers. gained' the lead before her disappointment. She usually j She caught him in her snare . . , "For in sti'apce ©»>e Fruiffe* ends up by wrangling a date" from | the first half-and the- half- endBtf Ton finish, I don't cars. the unsuspecting male. So far ~: 17 td : 9. This was only the beginher score is three but of sevning as ;the' Adler Bakery quint en calls. "It's.better than staying I V THE RACE continued to hit the hoop and -the game ended 31-20 with Art Alder At home waiting for them to call : <m Thee other other evening evening at at a club We Are Serving a loading the offensive play with you," she informs us. j meeting, the various candidates , Cascadie-LeaveaiwcrlSi The remark made by my little; for offices were beiag called upon i Special American; Dinner WINDOW SHADE SHOP POI-mCAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT niece at the circus when she was [to deliver short talks. Finally it! C, M!ddlem!»e •. . J3VEBY. SUNDAY.. 224 Insurance Bldg. viewing bae of the twirling aeria-; c a m e around to a Jewish candi- j Washable Shaflep . ' , . . - -* at . " •• .•-•• . AT. ©2 lists, ^'That's good exercise." j d a t e . H i s -name was Bounded out j AT. SSll They JVerer Crack or Brealt • Wiling of all lands. 75c AND: 85c PEE PLATE Shadew-Proo* Shades Every Lmmiry Service • Motor Installations. —Between Pnblic Servants For Bedrooms « R d Batl>« 4 Courses Complete : I s. • il '•' A i j v ' I o ' B ' E'aTC a sodden jump, saying,! 0 WASS TO FIKiSIiEU rooms and Office Holders. Lighting Fixtores. Interesting UdCIlieS . ["what's that?" sad then added,! flroia ^ l A. HI. to 8*P. M. WOEE We also clea-n antf. reverse Here's some interesting oddities I "that's right, I forgot that X was your c!fi shades Estimates Gladly Furnished gathered from the Conservative j reusing lor bJfice." apparei Let tie keep your Shades ae Low as 20c on Capers show, to be presented next j ;! Call % 316 So. 16th St. Xomr Own EoSlere Tuesday evening: . . ' The finas aSvertiEing in the j t&ke time to Ho it rlgtit trf AT. 6479 -UPSTAIRS WA1.KCT.8500 nfi carefnl - It was necessary to send to Wis-' Jewish Press, -merit i a d deserve j \ 4202-4--6 Hamilton consi'n for the Japanese rickshaw j your patronage. ',


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stock is Increased, the stockholders stockholders at the'-fair" book va!u« LOUIS E. LI PP. Atty. Miss Helen Cherniak of Coun- Rome Street for Luhm City Natf. Bank Building owning common etock of record at thereof, but before selling- the fsm< cil Bluffs, Iowa, -was a guest this such time shall have the prior right | a t a. lesser price, the said stock snail Rome—In honor of the late NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS to subscribe for ana take such a<3di- j be offered first to existing stock. Children of the Shaare Zion week in the home of Mr. and David Lubin, Russian-born Amer- Notice is hereby given that all exj tional common stock at Us book i holders at such lesper priceTalmud Torah will give', a Bass-' Mrs. j ; L. Levitt, Bellevue Apart- ican Jewish agronomist w h o isting debts of the NATIONAL. INC., \ valve, but not less <han par, in pro- J In witness whereof the PtockhoUlments. ' I f.oriion to their holdings. Said Pre- rers of the Barlsh-Sanders ' Motor Co, a Corporation, on the 31st day of De' over program . Sunday • morning,' founded the International Insti- cember, 1935, amounted to the sum of ferred Stock on and after the date j caused said amendment : to be sub. March 29, in the social hall of the; borne by tii» Certificate evidencing i scribed on the 20th day -of'January, MISS ATTOA PILL, correspondent of Agriculture of Rome, one $1,467.35. Miss Carol Sue Miller daughter tute synagogue. " • • • . ' • :'. ". such stock secures to the holder 1936, NATIONAL, INC., ; ; of the main thoroughfares * of BAK1SK-SANDERS MOTO. CO., thereof, the paj'ment in currency of a Corporation, of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller .The program: .will .include' a IE' By M. K. BARISHi' the United States of America, a cuBy J. M. MARKS, play "The Trial of Passover," mus- entertained a group of her little Rome was re-named David Lubin . " President, mulative annual dividend of two per President. "PAID UP" LUNCHEON Attest: J. M. MARKS, cent <2) per annum, payable an* ical numbers, recitations, and a friends at a party Sunday after- Avenue. h. S. KEDFORD, i nually on dates to be fixed bs*«»ResoC. T. MARKS, noon, on_,.the occasion of her .sevminiature. Seder. LEON & WHIT f. Attorney* ATTENDED BY MANY model Beine a majority oj the Board of! lution of the Board of Directors dur- S-6-36-4L Secretary. ••' Taking part" in "The. Trial of enth birthday. Games were fol504-10 City National Bank BIdg. i ing the existence of the eald corDirectors. Omaha, Nebraska poration. Such dividend upon the lowed bj^ a birthday supper. Passover'" will be the following 3-27-lt pi elerred stock shall be cumulative ; 80 Iwomen. attended, children: David Kuntz, "Bernard , NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION shall not exceed two per cent MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & end Mrs. SopBle "'train"," national ~ae<> the "Paid u p " membership lunch- Weiner, Ruth Kutcher, 12) per ennum and arrears thereNotice is hereby given that on the Bertan Max Rosenthal of Chicago spent J6th day of February, 1936, at a speCOHEN, Attys. of, payable each year out of the net retary o£ the Pioneer Women, will eon Tuesday noon, given by the Lipshutz, Jack Mos.ow, Seymour last week end visiting with his 737 Omaha Natl. Bank Elds. earnlnps of the corporation before ciaj meeting of the Stockholders and Eecognizeci a s arrive in Sioux City Sunday, to Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Robinson, David Levin, Teddy Sin- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosen- Directors any dividend is paid upon the comof The Zoo, Inc., called for IS HEREBY GIVEN That mo t k • PRACTICAL B5OB33L that purpose, and all of the Stock- onNOTICE address a meeting ol the Pioneer synagogue. Only members whose ikin and Lawerence Montrose. ' thai. mon stock. the 28th. day of January. 1036, the . , 1 holders- and Directors being present. total outstanding indebtedness liquidation, disso,,,,-In the event Women and the Poale Zion organ- dues were paid were, eligible to atPhone' 1059 the following resolution was unani- TUCHMAN FOOD STORES, INC..of Children who will participate voluna i if " ?n norOI\ , . - up, - . • cither --mously adopted. izations, a t 8:30 o'clock in the tend. •;•.•-• COUNCIL ELUFFS, £A. • Nebraska corporation, with !tB prlni ' ? involuntary, or the In the Seder are Bobby Lipshutz, Mr. Carl. J. Raskin of Dallas, "RESOLVED: That It Is for the clpal place of business in Omaha, Ne- ! the holders of the preferred auditorium of the J . C. C. Mrs... J . H. . Mosow presided at Irving Pliskin, Israel Kashinsky, Texas, visited this week In the best interests of all parties con- braska. was $150.on. shall be entitled to be paid in i | cerned that The Zoo, Inc.. a CorMrs. Udln was an American the meeting. The program includ- Morton Stern, Hershel Weinstein, home of his uncle, S. Raskin. the par val-e of their shares, i HAROLD TUCHMAN, President. full poration organized on the 31st day plus any accrued, unpaid dividends I delegate to the world Zionist Con- ed a skit" "The Office of the Pres- Max Rich and Ezra Chesen. of January. 1934, under the laws of Attest: thereon, before any amount shall be ! MICHAEL TTTCHMAN, Secretary State of Nebraska, be dissolved gress. Before returning to this ident" with • Mrs. William Kutcher . The plays have been directed paid to the holders of the common ' 3-27-lt Miss Elsa Freeman of Minnea- the and Its charter surrendered; that : stock, and after payment to the holdcountry, she visited, in Palestine and-Mrs. Art Kaplan taking part; by Miss Lillian Romirowsky, in- polis is visted this week with the all of the stockholders and direcers of preferred stock of Its nar tors of the said corporation are :or some time. . a play "The March of the Cal- structor at the school. value and any. unpaid, accrued tin iJOSEPH L1NTZMAN, Atty. Misses Annette and Lillian Baker, here present and have signed their dends thereon, the remaining Friends of the Labor Zionist endar" given by the children of 16 Congress avenue. Tuesday consent to said dissolution. NOTIci BY PUBLICATION ON : and funds shall be divided and paid movement are invited and urged the Shaare Zion kindergarten unIt is further resolved that the PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT j to the holders of the common storlshe, was honored at a lunch- said corporation be and the same to attend the meeting and hear der the direction of . Mrs. Sam Hadassah Oneg Shabbos noon, OF FINAL ADMINISTRA(.according '. •> their respective shares eon given by her hostesses in the hereby Is dissolved and the PresiTION ACCOUNT ! The owners of such preferred stock Mre. Udln. . Krupnick and a violin solo by The Oneg Shabbos of the Senior Warrior Hotel. Bridge followed dent and Secretary of this corporaIn the County Court of Douglas i shall hold the same subject to the tion be and they hereby are author- County. Following the address, refresh- Miss Jeanne Shindler, accompan- Hadassah chapter, which was an-the luncheon. Nebraska. following agreements, and condition^. ized and directed to sign a certifiIn the Matter of the Estate of Max (a) To the power of this corpo-aments will be served. Mrs. J. ied at", the piano by Mrs* Krup- nounced for last Saturday aftercate of dissolution and file the Hartz, Deceased: | tlo-i to increase in the manner prosame with the Secretary of State Montrose, Mrs. S. Ratner and nick. • noon, will be held tomorrow inAll persons interested in said mati viCed by law the amount of its cuof the State of Nebraska, and a ter are hereby notified that on the thorized Miss Dorothy Gelson was hoscommon or preferred stock Mrs. S. Levin are in charge of the Mrs. M.tMushkin.was chairman stead. The meeting will be in the tess to members of the Debra Club copy thereof with the County Clerk 10th day of March, 1936. Manuel | as the case may be, from time to of Douglas County, Nebraska, and Hartz filed a petition in said County ; time. social hour that will follow the of the luncheon arrangements and home of Mrs. Charles Raskin, 716 Wednesday evening. to publish the necessary notice in praying- that his final admin-1 to vote at mpefini-s r,t tv,« •)•„ i meeting. and Mrs.'A. Kroloff in charge of Twenty-Third street. the Jewish Press, a newspaper pub- Court, meetings of the ttoctlished in Omaha, Douglas County, istration account filed herein be set- ! holders the • The program will include a patied and allowed, and that he be dis-i < c T_ e Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kaplan,, Den- Nebraska. charged from kis trust as administra' ' " Board o* Directors m f , The date of the next Oneg Shab- per on "The Origin of Zionism" ison, Iowa announce the birth of Be it further resolved that the and that a hearing •will be had \caI1( at their discretion, at any meetrap SHINDLER HONORED charter of said corporation be sur- tor bos sponsored by the Ladies Aux- by Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz; Cur- a daughter on March 23. on said petition before said Court on • ?d for that purpose,thin> rendered and the Secretary of State the 4th day of April. 1936. and that " a 3" s notice, redeem and on retire t l I5ic right iircish far every $ur&«. has been announced as rent Events by Mrs. Jack Robinof the State of Nebraska be and if you fail to appear before said Court ;o r ar-J' P a r t °f Ea1d preferred AT DISTRICT MEET iliary stock is authorized to cancel said on the said 4th day of April. 3936. at i c m Paj"ment of its full par value April 4. It will be held in the son; Review of a Jewish Story in Lester Lazriowich, son of Mr. hereby he c u r r e n c of t n r charter. ft o'clock A. M., and contest said peti' • *. ^ e United States of home of Mrs. John Lansberg. by Mrs. William Lazere; The OpBe ft further resolved that the tion. the Court may grant the prayer ! America, and all of the dividends acand Mrs. Morris Lazriowich won Rudolph Shindler, member of en Question Box, a feature of the a superior rating in the sub dis- affairs of said corporation be and. of said petition, enter a decree of j cumulated and unpaid thereon, and the Sioux City A. Z. A. chapter Oneg Shabbos, in which all mem- trict music contest of high schools hereby are closed. heirship, and make such other and \ ' n e corporation, to this end. reserves (Signed) waa elected vice president of the 1627 Howard St. further orders, allowances and de- it n e right to declare forfeited and to bers participate, will close the SAM JOSEPHSON. held here last week. Lester plays Aleph Zadik Aleph District 6, at crees, as to- this Court may seem i3forfeit, all dividends .that may accrue Phone WE. CSOO President program. proper, to the end that all matters i n the preferred stock, thirty <3o) the- clarinet, and will represent BIRDIE JOSEPHSON, their convention in Duluth Minpertaining to said estate may be fin- ' days sfter written notice is" £iven Friday evening services will b§The regular monthly meeting of Central High school in that divi- 3-I3-36-4t Secretary." nesota last week end. Mr. Shindally settled and determined. , the holder thereof to surrender such gin at 5:50 today at the Beth the Senior Hadassah will be held ERTCE CRAWFORD, i preferred stock, and should the holdsion at the district contest. ler is an active worker in the-A. MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER &. 3-13-3t ' County Judge. ' er thereof neglect or refuse so to surAbraham synagogue. next Tuesday -afternoon, March COHEN and J. HAROLD SAKS, Z. A. ranks her© and represented _________________ j render such certificate of stock with• Attorneys • the period of thirty (30) days afthe Sioux City chapter at the con- Tomorrow morning services will 31, in the Jewish Community Cen- German Exports Continue FRAOENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, in 737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. BIdg. ter. The Annual Election of ofbegin at 9 o'clock. Reading of ter the date specified in the written KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY, Attys. vention. notice for the said surrender end re- ' the Law will take place* at 9:30 ficers will be a feature of the Downward Union State Bk. BIdg. In the County Court of Douglas tlremect of this certificate, the said County, Nebraska. o'clock and will be followed by a short business meeting, and a shall be forfeited. The said ' NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL dividend In the Matter of the, Estate of Berlin—Continuing the downnotice shall be given to the said legal' sermon "Thunder on the Rhine" card party will follow. Mrs. W. Charles E. Halline, Deceased. by Rabbi Goldberg. The sermon C. Slotsky, president of the chap- ward trend manifested in Janu- Notice to all persons interested in ary, German exports dropped off the estate of Charles E. Halline, Deof Reid . will be based on Hitler's..latest ter will preside. both creditors and heirs: thf t 8,000,000 marks during Febru- ceased, move and what it means. Tou are hereby notified that on the ary, according to official statis- 20th day of March, 1936, Ida E. Halln ! v e nw h e Rabbi Felix A. Levy of Chicago, Musaf services will be conductine Griffith filed a petition in the tion has been filed in said Court, ! 5 t ™eesds e <*° h f ve bul * * " Is' tics-. The decline amounted "to County ch ^ will attend the district convention ed-by Rabbi Goldberg at 4 p. m. Court of Douglas County, Ne- praying for the probate of a certain :h?o l,J J ^? ^ . Preferred Btockder a two per cent. * nis last place of address.', braska, together with a duly authen- Instrument now on file in said Court a s of the B'nai Brlth lodges, which and he will speak on "Laws and purporting to be the last will and i shown by the records of the comticated copy of the will of Charles E. Miss Bernice Goldstein, daughIn January the decline was 8 Halline, deceased, and the probate testament of said deceased, and that i Pcea n i " a ? 1(i is to be held here in April, and Customs of Passover."^At 6 o'er deposited in any post off- ; ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Golda hearing will be had on said peti>»n i the stock is so redeemed, per cent. thereof in the Probate Court of St. u mp bei will conduct an open forum in the clock, Shalus Shudas will'.be servcancelled, retired, held in Louis County, Missouri, -which said tion before said Court on the 11th day ' U l e -y stein, became the \bride of Martin afternoon session of the conclave. ed. • " / • - . • of April. 193S, and that if they fail i treasury, or reissued as preferred ; petition alleges that Charles E. HallD. Falk, of Sioux City, son of Mrs. to appear at said Court on the said ' stock. The deposit of One Hundred ine died testate on the 11th day of Rabbi Levy is president of the The Ain Jacob society meets MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & December, 1927. being then a resident 11th day of April. 1936. at 9 o'clock < Dollars (JlOO.fD) for each share so COHEN, Attys. Central Conference of American every evening at- 6 o'clock with Rose Falk of Omaha, at 3 o'clock A. M.. to contest the probate of said ' retired plus any unpaid accrued divof St. Louis, St. Louis County, Mis737 Omaha Natl.-Bank BIdg, Sunday afternoon in Omaha. Rabthe Court may allow vand pro- | Wends thereon. a.t the office of the Rabbis. He spoke in Sioux City Rabbi Goldberg. souri; that said Charles E. Halline will, said r or i n g Sfora will and trrar.t administra- company shall be a sufficient ten- ' bi David-Goldstein read the mar- NOTICE IS HERKBT GIVEN That died seized of the East Fifty (50) bate several years ago. tion of said estate to Fanny Talmage : der o{ the amount and upon such For Deiaiis and Special Feet of Lots One (1) and Two (2), riage service in the presence of on the 1st day of "January, 1936, the Block Five (5), in Hawthorne Addi- and Omaha Bank, or some; deposit being made, all dividends Delegates from Sioux Falls, OmLow Prices on Falmolive total outstanding Indebtedness of BOOK REVIEW MONDAY other suitable person, enter a decree; shall cease. : the Immediate relatives of the GATE CITY FURNITURE CO.. INC., tion, an Addition to Omaha, Douglas aha, Council Bluffs, and Lincoln Snap County, Nebraska, as surveyed, plata Nebraska corporation, frith Its prin"Festival at Meron" the bride and groom. of heirship, p, and proceed to a settle-j (&•> All the conditions of the Issue j will attend the convention. cipal place of business In Omaha, Ne- ted and recorded; that by and under mentt thereof. hf h preferred fd • of such stock fire hereby,! subject of the book review to be Mr. and Mrs. Falk departed for braska, the terms of the said will of Charles was J2.096.54. ! made a matter of contract between I S£ «! Sir?" 1 E. Halline. deceased, Ida E. Halline, given by Rabbi H.- R. Rabinowitz a week's visit to Chicago.- Upon 3-20-36-ot PHILIP GROSSMAN, President j each and all of the then stockhold- i upon the death of the said Charles E. County Judge, :1 ers and all future stockholders of the ] next Monday evening at 8:30 their return to Sioux City, they Attest: Halline, became vested with the enPAUL GROSSMAN. Secretary. corporation, on behalf of themselves : o'clock. The review will be giv-will make their home at 2301 tire interest and fee simple title in FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, i and PHILIP GROSSMAN made binding upon each and all i and to the above described real esKLUTZNICK & KELLEY. Double Ycui PAUL GROSSMAN • of ,the then stockholders, and al5 fu- i en in the social hall of the Shaare Summit. • Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will tate, and that thx said Ida E. HallAttorneys at Law 3-27-lt Majority of IMrectors. j ture stockholders, their representa- ! Zion synagogue. ine on the 2Sth day of December, 203 Union State Bank Bui!d!n_ •laet Similes speak this evening on "Changing I lives, heirs, executors, administrai 1929, became married to'W. W. Grif, . . , .. . ! tors, assigns and successors in in- i Reform. Judaism.4* LEON A. WHITE, Atty«. fith, her name by reason thereof now . . . . , • More than 20t> guests attended If Not Satisfied That This » hereby piyen that on. the ; terest and the holder of this certifjCity Nat'l Bk. BIdg. being Ida E. Halline Griffith. Wednesday morning Rabbi LewZOth day or January, 19o6, at the res-i c a te of stock toy the acceptance:: Palestinian Movie the dinner and dance Sunday eveie •ihe'.Finmi Soap of ..Its The petitioner in said petition prays ular annual meeting of the stock- | thereof, hereby agrees for himself, Is addressed the student of MornNOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON that >„>«=-, of „* Tj«-t=h-So-fl_-« !«•„*«- nn j h e i _ ^ afiministrators. executors and i The Jewish National. Fund ning, given by Mrs. William Kan- PETITION V - - •'•• -Kind " • • • the said will of Charles E. Hall- holders FOR SETTLEMENT OF lngside College. Thursday .. eve- Council held a joint'meeting with tor, honoring her son and daughdeceased, may be probated and which was held at the -offices of the assigns g and successorss in interest interest. FINAL ADMINISTRATION • ine, company at Omaha, Nebraska, ATallowed In this state by the County that he and they will be bound - by | ning' he spoke at the Community the local United Palestine Appeal ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed KanACCOUNT Court of Douglas County, Nebraska; ticle TV of the Articles of Incorpora- the said Articles of Incorporation, the In the County Court of Douglas that Father and Son Banquet at Whit- Thursday evening, to make plans tor, who were married last month. County, the regular administration of Nebraska. i • t0 said estate be dispensed with and ing, Iowa. Among the out of town guests In the Matter of the Estate of Paul that 'for the showing of "The Land of the Court finds and decrees that to time bjr the said board of Last Friday evening six boys Promise" a Palestinfan Movie, were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen and Fhilipp, Deceased. ARTICLE IV said estate descended free of all debts directors and the stockholders of the j All persons interested In said matSection 1. The Authorized capital the decedent, and that said of the Temple Religious School here in Sioux City. / company. children Bobby and Josephine, Mr. ter are hereby notified that on the against s stock of the corporation shall be Six- !said estate be assigned under the provi£. No dividends shall be! participated in - the service and day of March, 1936, Margaret The place and date of the show- and Mrs. M. A. Bercovici, Mrs. 23rd of the will and that petitioner ty Thousand Dollars (560,000.00), <iiv- ' Section or paid on common stocK I Philipp filed a petition in said County sions The Most Economical reading of the ritual. They were ing will be announced in a forth- Izzie Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. MaxCourt, have such other relief as may be just !ded into two ' hundred fifty <250) <declared until all of said preferred stock shali i praying: that her -final admin- and shares of Common Stock of the par i equitable. Wag to Bug,! Soap Billy Prusiner, Milton Rosenblum, coming issue of The Jewish Press. Kaplan, Mr, and Mrs. A. Pradell, istration account filed herein be sethave been retired, without the writvalue of One Hundred Dollars ($100.! You are hereby further notified unanimous consent of all holdtled and allowed, and that she be dis- that Herman Barlsh, Seymour Robinsaid matter has been set for 00) each, and three hundred fifty ten Plans were also mad& for the Mr. Milton- Mayper, Mrs. Morris charged ers of preferred etock. from her trust*as executrix hearing shares (350) of Preferred Stock of I the ISth day of April, l son, Milton Mazie and Harold Passover collection of the Jew- Frleden, and Mr. and Mrs. Artand that a hearing will be had on 1936, at on Section S. No sale of stock shaji hour of nine o'clock A. the par value of One Hundred Dolan petition before said Court on the M., in thetheCounty Gruskin, • lars ($100.00), all of -which stock • be valid and the- corporation shall Court Room of the ish National Fund Blue Boxes Goldstein, all of Omaha; Stanley said 18th day of April. 1936. and that If Court House in said County in the shall be fully paid up and non-assess- I not transfer said: stack on its books Herzoff, of Sheldon Iowa; Mr. you fail to appear before said Court City of Omaha, Douglas County, Ne- able when issued. during the early part of April. ! until and unless the said stock shall the Bald 18th day of April, 1936, and Mrs. Nathan Gallnsky of on and that if> you fall to apIn the event the common capital i have first been offered to existing at 3 o'clock A. M., and contest said braska, at said time and place and conCouncil Bluffs, Mr. Max Pill of petition, the Court may grant the pear the said petition, the Court inay gJSJSXSOBfjatsssjjsaijessacsss^^ prayer of said petition, enter a decree test Le Mars, Iowa. grant the prayer of same. of heirship, and make such other and Irving Hill of Lincoln, NebrasBRTCE CRAWFORD, The A. Z. A. chapter held their further orders, allowances and de- 3-27-36-3t County Judge. ka will be the guest speaker at weekly forum Wednesday evening as to this Court may seem Mrs. Ben Levine of Des Moines, crees, Shaare Zion synagogue' this eve- In the Jewish Community Center, Iowa with her daughter Lorraine proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finning. He will Bpeak on "The Jew- when Mr. Sam Krupnick, member Joan, are spending a months va- ally settled and determined. ish Youth Looks a t College." BRTCE CRAWFORD, of the A. Z. A. led a discussion cation with Mrs. Levine's parents, 3-27-36-3t 1116-18-20 HarneySt . County Judge. Mr. Hill is a student at the Un- on the Bible. The A. Z. A. mem-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Raginsky, 1502 7 iversity of Nebraska In Lincoln bership is studying Jewish history, Street. We are capable of catering"lb your even need tor your FRADENBURG, W E B B , BE8ER, and has earned a reputation in customs and ceremonial with Mr. KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Atty*. Union State Bank BIdg. Nebraska as an outstanding and Krupnick. • PASSOVER table. - * ". • Mr. and Mrs. Nate Green of eloquent speaker. He was the The chapter has made tenta- Omaha, were guests last Friday in NOTICE "BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF first Jewish student to achieve tive plans to reorganize Sunday the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol NoFINAL ADMINISTRATION the ranks of membership into The morning services for its members. ACCOUNT .vitsky. In'nocentB, the Senior Honorary

• Passover Program


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Sophie Udlm Is To Speak Mere

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Beth Abraham



Society News

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Mount Sinai


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In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, In the Matter of the Estate of Hannah Venn, Deceased. All persons said matter are hereby notified that on the 14th day of March, 1936, Frank E. Peck filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing win be had on saki petition before said Court on the 18th day of April, 1936, and that if you fail to appear before this Court on the said 18th day of April, 1936, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be fin. ally settled and determined. . BRTCE CRAWFORD, 3-27-36-3t County Judge.

Society, and last year was elected Man of the Tear on the Campus. He won the National oratorical contest sponsored by the A. Z. A. and was candidate for the Rhodes Scholarship. He has been Invited-to speak before the congregation of Temple Sinai in Chicago. Cantor A. Pliskin and the synagogue choir will chant the ritual. , ..• ". .••.•"••• ; Saturday morning, Robert Pliskin, son of Cantor and Mrs. A.* Pliskin will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah. Robert will chant the entire service during the morning .service... Following the services Cantor and Mrs. Pliskin will entertain the congregation at a dinner in'the social hall of the synagogue. . Mr. and Mrs. Blacher will give candy to the children of the Junior Congregation tomorrow, celebrating the recovery of their son after, an illness. Cantor and Mrs. Pliskin have given a monetary gift to the Junior Congregation honoring, their son Robert on his Bar Mitzvah.


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