LBl3er8 at theMafr -'booS valuf f, but before selling tfce samt esser price, the said stock shall fered first to existing: stocks at such lesser, price, witness -whereof the stoekhold" <: the Barish-Sandefs;.Motor Ca J said amendment to be sub. d on the 20th day' of 'January,
Interests of the Jewish Fcopic
CO, 7. H. M. BARISH;,-1 test: "S. BEDFORD.
This column is copyright by the Seven, Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction - in •whole or- in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i 8 copyright will be prosecuted. •
Presideiit. Secretary.
Recognized as PRACTICAL MOHEL Plione 1059 . 3OUNCIL BLUFFS, IA.
Entere<'.aa Second Class Mall Matter on January 21, 1921, at PoatoftlP- ot Omaha. NebrciBlsa. under the Act ot Uarco S. 1879
Is Elected in Council Bluffs
"PASSOVERTIME" In the Talmudic tractate of Pesachim (Fol.. 8b), the following paragraph is to-be read. "In Jerusalem there are no fruits as excellent as those on the shore of Rinereth in order that the Pil-. grims might not say: had we come only to eat the excellent fruits, it would have sufficed us. For had this been so the pilgrimage would not have been undertaken for its own sake. Similarly in Jerusalem there are no hot springs like .those of. Tiberias in- order that the pilgrims might not say: had we come only to bathe in the hot springs, it would • have BUfficed us. For had this been so the pilgrimage would not have been1 undertaken for its own sake."
ght finish for every surfec?
. - 1027 Howard St. < Phone WE. 6200
"Stage-Nile" to at •Center April
Talk Tonight
VOL. XII—Xo. »
sue reGG
"Stage-ls*ite" will be preser'^ ' on Wednesday evening, Ar" New York (JTA) — A 3,C00,-; at the Jewish Community tKansas City Educational Di000- z'oty (SCOCOOO) "work re-, "Stage-Nite" is a dran.* rector to Speak Thursday lief" project for Polish Jews to Under J. N, P. Auspices tournament sponsored by t li e which the Polish Government will Round Table of Jewish Youth. A . contribute 1,000.000-zictys was anounced by David J. Schv.-eitzer, Mr. Irving Lavitus, educational series of one-act plays enacted, by European vice-chairman of the director of the Kansas City Jewconstituent clubs of -the Round ' I.Irs. I. Dansky, chairman of the-. Joint Distribution Committee, at a ish Community Center, will be the j 1 J. X. F. box collections, ennounce Table will be presented, and the press conference. main speaker at the first open that April 19 is the dctc of tlif organization whose offering is admeeting of the Jewish National The Polish contribution, be- spring collection of boxes. Ever:' Fund Council of Omaha Thursday, i , lieved to bs the first oulricht one is asked to his box read? judged best by a group of comApril 9, at 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. Government subsidy for Jewish on that date. petent judges will be awarded a auditorium. relief, will bo contingent on the i trophy. This spring- b o x collectio7 allotment by the J. D. C. of 3.-' An added feature of the evening marks four years of service oi This event is to take the place 000,000 zlotys ar.d the raising of the part of Mrs. Dansky, who dur will be the honoring- of all those t of the "All-Star Kite" of a few an equal n;m ainonp: the Jews in ing that time ha:: Eystfiiu&tized th. Ths Germans used to say es- in the city whose names have been ! years past. It is believed' by tho Poland. The J. D. C. quota has work and increased the nunibe pecially during the war that it inscribed in the ."Golden Book of ' executive committee of the Round already been budgeted, Mr. Sch- of box holders to more than 30 0 was of the essence of their na- the J.N.F." in recent years. (Table that "Siage-ttite" will be weitzer said. About GOO.OOn Mr. Judah Wblfson, president of tional character to do a thing for J.Irs. Louis Alberts will ES<iii both entertaining and worthwhile zlotys of the Polish Jews total is act as co-chairman. The collec its own sake. They were bitter the Council, will make the pre- | in that it will do much, to display in sight and the remaind-T is con- lions will be made from six sta even then against ftte Jewish peo- sentation speech. The program! the hidden .dramatic abilities o£ Allan Cashing sidered assured, he added. ple for what they called the Jew- will also consist of a skit, withj tions. Anyone who wisho?. to hell the Jewish youth of Omaha. Mr. Schweitzer, who arrived in is asked to call Mrs. Dausky c ish avidity for Zweck, that is, for Dr. I Dansky and Jacob Raznick • Tickets for * "Stage-Kite" may Allan Gushing, of Boston. Mass., New York from Paris for a three- Mrs. Louis Alhens. utilitarian purposefulness, for an taking part and musical selections , be obtained from any member of will speak at the joint services.of arid practicality. Like all Anti-. by Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the ' the Round Table or at tbe office the Vaad and Beth-El synagogue . j Semitic accusations this one is as Hazomir choir. enable large number? of of the Jewish Community Center. which will be held at the B'nai topsy-turvy as life in "Alice- in Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman j The committee in charge of ar- Israel congregation, ISth a r d Chi- Jews io find new forms of eking Wonderland." Of nearly every of the arrangements : committee, I rangements for "Stage-Nite" is ; cago street, this evening. April S.; out a' living. The funds will be Anti-Semitic accusation the con- will preside. Others on the comused for starting new industries composed of Milton R. Frohm, -This lecture is being sponsored j trary is true. We are accused of mittee are: Mrs. J. Hichlin, Mrs. Joseph B. Kateiman. chairman; Haskell Cohen, Dick by the Mother Chapter No. 1 and ; where impoverished Jews wilt be avarice and are prodigal; we are J. Lintzman, Mr. Morris Minkin, Alderman at Largs. employed, he explained, plans for Hurwitz, and Mary Kaplan. Sam Bc-ber Chapter No. 100 of finding outlets {or the goods proaccused of hanging together and and Mrs. Isaac Morgenstern. Mr, Joseph- B. Katelman of the A. Z. A. are disgusting and disastrous This meeting has been arranged j duced have not. been completed he The- joint service? conducted h? His appearance in Omaha marks wranglers and brawlers;-" we are for the purpose of acquainting all j Council Bluffs, Iowa (pictured j • ihe Vaad H'lhr and the Beth-E accused of hard practicality and the contributors to the J.N.F. with ] above), was elected as Alderman- ,' but one of a series cf lectures he The J. D. C. "will lend its full- at the B'nai Israel synagogue a are so moon-struck with Indivi- the work of that is delivering throughout the coun- est cooperation" to the recently organization, j at-Large on the Republican ticket j ISth and Chicago streets, this eve dual theorising and cliquish party try under the auspices, of the Su- tovme& C o u n c i i for German JewThere "will be n o . admission | a t the City election in Council i ning. April •". set a precedent i r tenacities that we cannot make charge and no collection or solipreme Advisory Council of Aleph c^-i-^-eHzcr declared, but AIr TIT,,,,*..,, IT ,.„*. •>•• i Omaha Jevisb life. For the firs ry, y political compromises even, when citations Zadik Aleph. . _ . . . . - . of, funds All T . . made; . i n are • olutfs, on Monday, March 31. lime in Omaha two congregation added that in cooperating, the J. it is necessary to save our very cordially invited to attend this Mr. Katelman, who was one of i Mr. dishing has spent fifteen combine foi- the purpose of profive candidates in the field for al- ' F i n a l p l a n s f o r t v o important I months touring, studying and D. C. would_ net lives as witness the secession of important i event. _ deviate from its moting the observance? if ! th j derman-at- large, received t h e coming events will be made at a working in Palestine. During this present program. the Revisionist* and the anti-PalAs ' a r as he knew. Mr. Sch- Pepaoh. i highest vote for that position. He I special meeting of B'nai B'ritb to estine innuendos within American time he worked in a number of weitzer 'sain, the council had as A special service has been sr factions. ' is the son of Mr..and Mrs. Julius be held Thursday, April 9, at S:30 colonies, crossed the country in vet considered no d e f i n i t e ragged for the occasion, with se p. m. in the lodge room at the J. )f Council Bluffs. length and breadth, most of schemes for expatriating Jews lecied readings from the Eibli But this ideological factional. -Katelman is the only Jew- jg 5 . T • 5 ( } e t the way afoot, toilinsr. laboring, from Germany. "VChat is envisse- and the. Pesach Hagnclah. Canto ism, though it is three-fourths ish candidate elected on the City j observing.' studying. He devoted A. Scbwaczkin and fcis male clioi stiff-neckedness and the self-asmade Ambitious plans are Council in Council Bluffs for the four months to traveling through s s e r t e d . pointin? out that the J. will present appropriate Pesac1 serti veness of wounded natures, is Padway, for the visit of I. * D c c o u l d E O t adequately partig music. Rabbi Harold -Berger wi. one fourth an empirical distorpon I president of District N o . ' 6 , w h o , Central European countries. The final dance in a series of of the new city officials will take He has spent most of his life c i ' p a t e i n F 1 . c h a program if it did speak on. 'Freedom through Law of the "divinely high principles will be in Omaha on Monday, Ap-i — ; — " — ; l n the of Boston. Mass., Rabbi David A. Goldstein wi enunciated in the above Gemara five sponsored by the Round place nest Monday evening April — ~ ~ — S3,500,000 quota. noj. t r r 6, at City .TT-i H a l l, in Council1 , _* the «._.,-..•„ «-.r, & prearh on "Expeviencirig Pessc of Pesachim. The pilgrimage Table of Jewish Youth will be e uled to be held atH the Jewish j'where he has been one of t h e popular young Zionist Symbols.'" must be undertaken for its own held Sunday evening at the Jew- Bluffs. Community Center auditorium, j m o s t sake. The command is uncondi- ish Community Center. - .- . . An Biidefi fe^mre of tb? sei featured by a speech given by Mr. \speakers in t h e district. H e has Haskell Cohen, chairman in tioned. The act must be utterly wide experience in acdressvice will be an address on the ne» Padway. ' Padway is said to be i charge of-arrangements, announcpure. Purpose - must be' by-prodB'nai B ' r t h Lodges. A. Z. A. • freedom in Palt-stine by Mr. A ; an- outstanding orator. uct; utility mnst. be. by-product ed, that aanciiir will start at 9:30 Ian Cushir..p;. young 'fv/i'-n sch< , . After" tbe banquet,, there will [Chapters a n d Palestinian, groups. p. m. Admission will. be by even" as in.. _art_pr. in any th The "Collcce Club of Temple hirand world traveler. Mr. Cus) rbS'-srp^bttr*rece-pliDtl~iKlio-nof "cf " "" """.-———:• " l=rr"l *vrV' sponsor the third au- ing ccacs here unncr the sponso" |'Mr. Padway, followed by a dance, !i PIQMFFP W 0 P iE M1 tickets, admitting bearers. Persons 1 s-hip of the IOCE.1 chapters of A. J :Dr. A. A_ Greenberg, who is sec- * i u i * -""'^ * -' effectiveness must be by-products not- -having tickets may purchase A. He has recently returned froi and perfection must :be the^ only, them at the door. I ond vice president of the District, | is in general "charge of arrangethe event will be contributed to a European tour and a rear ii aim. '.. • Dancing will be to the rhythmic ! ments for the Padway visit, while This parados of the moral life; tunes ol the popular College Club The organization of another', the city-wide Philanthropies drive. Palestine. Services will begin promptly ; which is the :very core and center orchestra, assisted by A n n Nie-1 Jewish School in Berlin In- : Julius Bisno is chairman of tbe Pionec-r "Women's organization in Activities will begin fit three S p. in. All are coT'cliEily irvire of all life has, of dance committee. Omaha was suggested by Mrs. o'clock in the rft.ernoon with an man, charming. singer of modern creases Ratio of Feminine enunciated by the high spirits of Another important event to be j Sophie Udin. national secretary of exhibit. A short service will premelodies. Students every civilization. It has been discussed at tbe lodge meeting is! the organization, who was a local cede the supper and dramr.tic skit. This season's series of dances enunciated by no one oftener and I the Regional conference, which: la=t week-end. f After an intermission the dance won popular acclaim from indiviNew York (JTA) — ^ o i n e n i w i l l be held at SiousCity on Sun-I more impressively than by our members of The Omaha will be held. A well-known orchsaints and sages. Over, and over estra has been secured for the ocagain we hear concerning the ab' casion. %**'*» W & « ' * . V ^ S^ «rf W % ^ % I solute command and the utter All of Omaha's young Jewry is purity of kevana, of intentiont next year's.even'more p.opular and of Geerman Jews between the ages asked to present the radio s k t can n o to present the radio skit | jjeyerson. who is expected the invited as well as those living in • Windsor. Ont. (JTAi — Dr. A of 17 and 35 \ i r with which the command is to be successful. longer | wasked n i c h m a d e s u c h a n i t a t a re«. cf this month. Anyone in- surrounding cities. live normal lives within Germany, • : \> > embraced and obeyed. h G Rabbi David H. "\Vice, who is berl Einstein, scientist, and D terestea is asked to call Mrs. J. j according to advice from-Berlin; ptychoanalye ' In every age men have hungeroutstanding program has Ri c hiin, Kenwood 0"44. any eve- sponsor of the organization, is • Sigmund Freud, A n directing the event. I-Jnrold Saks, headed a list of the ten gTe;-i.o<i i ed and thirsted after liberation; SYNAGOGUE Ir e c e i v e d b ^ t h e J o i n t Distribution jb e e n promised for the April 9 ning. Jews compiled by Ltnlwip Lewi n in every age Israel has hungered " training! lodge meeting by Ephraim Marks, i L a n Friday Mrs TJdin address- president, is general chairman. " * I Commitee, . In a b new training; ohn. author. ^ i The board of'commissioners of **ool being-set np * t h e Z e f r a l I chairman of tbe program commit- ,.e d t h e a n n M i . . $ 5 l u n c h e o n " of Officers of the College Club are: and thirsted after its own specific nssch 1 ss i n e Doara oi comuiia»io.jjei» u i - Ansschnss. central fierman-Jew-We TT.,^«- •»,„ .,,,,.,,.•„„_ n f t-ho • . _. , , , . -r ,~, TTcr-nlr! enry The otliers are: Henri Tsc'gso* ' ti liberation, after its setting free Harold Sr>lr<= Saks, -nresident: president: H Henry ai israei svusgueue « r , f J ' central German-Jew-; . . f tbe \ r Women, at t h e J. C. l t e e C n d e l t n e a n s p i c e s o t h K o n e e Israel synagogue anIVeinman: < l from Mizraim, eternal symbol of the B'nai Mendelson, vice-president: Zcrlino philoporher; Chsim that the first floor of the « h welfare organisation, young; c i t y r e c r e a t i o n department, a full c S a t n r d a y E he was t h e guest the house of bondage. And there nounce tnat tne lirst noor oi m e w o m e n w n f o r m n a i f the student | hj o u r of vaudeville entertainment 3 pk e r a at Somberg, secretary: s.nd Bessie author: Dr. SfepliaE S. Vise. T l shabbos, held ^ t t th h 2 Ojws On eg S a b , E e a k e r which- inwere times when the house of synagogue building, iligious leader; Louis D. Erraulpi body. I and'music, presented. t h i " ^ ' ' 7 j Raznick. Goldware, treasurer, y a n d m u s i c , will be p r e s e n t e d . O h i ^ 7 j . R a z n i c k . a t h o o l r o f r ? a t t h o h l r o f M r ? bondage could indeed be • inter- cludes the Beth Madresh, • board ; U. S. Supreme Conn Justice, ar •• ft l being bi l d H e j . subject w Up to this time, men have been je r features are also planned.; "Th" fear of Unpreted as meaning some actual of directors room and the social in the large majority in the_train-j ; Arnold Schoer.berg, cpir.po«er. , Members are particularly asked | e m p l o m i e n t ig" "Women in hall,: has been completely redecohouse of bondage in the empirical j Dr. Einstein. Dr. Freud. P n , nl ing center for future colonists in ] to note the change in meeting Palestine Saturday evening a world, like the old Russia of the rated and the lighting moderniz-, Palestine, and other '• Eergson and Dr. Ev-ber were CEO t overseas j night to Thursday, April 9, which ; ^ e t i n i T w a r h e l d ' a t thVhome of Czars.' But except to the utterly ed for the coming Pesach. ed "first rank geniuses." end tl f - r , , countries.. Girls have formed only j was made necessary because of: Mrs. Udin re- ; Mr. "William- "Weiner, chairman blind or the utterly corrupt other sis "not of tbe same civil ' about one-third of. those being the Passover holidays. ported that twenty-one new Pi-; corrupted by the vain shows and of t h e building committee, super- trained'for emigration. , f-park." •• < The'efPhiladelphia modernization fallacies of some market-place - - vised the entire In issuing The list. Dr. Levrisoh ( forts to' increase tbe number of program. Ben Civln, lighting enIn Algeria there can be no such concrete em.. v.t. L ^ l i . j ( for t h e Nebraska Power girls preparing for emigration are Algiers — Alarmed by a renew- ! present tour, which includes the bodiments of the house of bond' f "> I ' b a s e d o n Co., had charge of modernization i tbe proven experience ed wave of anti-Semitic propagan- ! various parts of the United States i familiar snti-Scmiti" > age today. As there is but one Q n ( ' f <~,-ti -r -A v f w* that colonization is most successJewish people so there is but one of the lighting. -> f —c-^ r> •• n * C ful where the emigrants have- . . . . ., . , ,i the "Jewish Reds" r The board of commissioners in- been able to establish normal j f ^ Jewish problem.- Anti - Semitism community have appealed ing the United Sta nc and oppression, degradation and cludes Nathan S. Yaffe, chairman; to the French authorities to take . CREDITED WITH CURE distributed throcgh i family life in their new havens. enforced hunger and stripes and Elihu Bloch, Louis Epstein, Morstreet cars here ; Many countries, in fact, will per- immediate measures to halt the ; ris Potash," Louis Segelman, JoFOR CHILDLESSNESSon murder - - these are the symptoms anti-Jewish agitation lest it lead I the Jewish "vVor!d. o£ the diseases and Bins of the seph Tretiak and "William Weiner. mit colonization only by families. to repetition of the sanguinary i ( ~ -\ ( \ \ ^ | A bos number ir The new institution which is gentle world, t h e Jewish, probl events of August 1934 ^ I ^ ^ _ , < T f C is printed -st t_ < lem is the problem of the self-libl the circular, and t < eration, of the self-emancipation ' I of Medicine in Ireland credits Dr. is signed by "the C. ,'i "• •> Etchings M©xt*Fridayi farm ' anii "nri11 house about 125 of the Jewish people. Are we setI Bethel Solomons, prominent Jew- ^ m p a : g n COEQ• ' young men and women between i ^ E » jr • 1 ting out upon our pilgrimage ; ish gynecologist, with the success- 1DS5." Next Friday evening, Hoi Ham- the ages of 15 and 25. Tbe cu'r-j ifasts BeSQuXUS toward this goal and this goal j a s (.|ful development of an operation The origin of tl n riculm at the school calls forj Haifa—The Land Court ; alone with purpose utterly pure oed Pesach, the, Beth-El synagocures childlessness in wo- is given away in t1-' and minds divinely single or are gue will receive thirteen beauti- thorough study of the theory and j week'issued a" verdict ordering j which men ' support, of TS'iljiaTn practice of agriculture. There will i the eviction of a group of Bed-• we not?- Are we' thinking of the fully framed etchings of the Pror Solomons' operative metli-• j e v _ Asfceviile lefedc''fruits we shall taste and the heal- phets Jn memory ol the late Fan- also be classes in locksmithing. I ouins from iar.d owned by t li e '• ^ i ing waters in which we shall ny Grenberg. These etchings are cabinet-making and other manual; Jewish Natioiial Fund in Kfar!°d is said to have enabled a num- SemUic Silver Lcfi rv ' 1 ber ol women to bear healthy convicted last res; Pines.;; bathe or are our souls set singly the work of -the Greenberg fam-1 arts. children. fraud. and wholly upon bur pilgrimage 51y. It Is expected that the pict Dr. Solomons is a former presto the Jerusalem of our liberation tures will be hung in the new ident of t h e obstetrics section of synagogue at 49th and Farnam st. and redemption?; the Royal Academy of Medicine EXPERT TO FIX • No, this is not mere ideology or when: it is built. For the time in Ireland and attached to t h e • PALEST1ME C maggiduth. Think not of the Leg- being they will hang in the J. C. staff of the Rotunda Hospital. ' ' - • • • islative Council in Palestine. C. Think, only of your sacrificial sinJerusalem (JTA The Raskin etchings of the gleness of. purpose in giving all Prophets present the Prophets and list to determine th DUTCH,'SWISS LAWYERS Jerusalem (JTA)—The mar-, you are and have toward the up- their message in a "manner that is dowry of S4S. Parents whose, votbtive capacity of building of Eretz Yisrael. Think beautiful and inspiring. The pic- riage problem is causing great! daughters work and contribute to: TO 'DEFEND- FRANKFURTER lisTies tee raiir.Drr not of the Arabs (except scrupu- tures will be accepted on behalf concern, to the ancient and last- | the family's support are demand-.^ dwindling Samaritan community lously to. do them no injustice) of the synagogue by Harry SilverT Amsterdaiii . (-WXS> — D a v i d period, Trill arrive j ing much higher prices. in Nablus, whose members do not but think of the way of redemp- man. In protest against the high" Frankfurter, young Jewish na^d- 'shortly, it was disf Rabbi David A- Goldstein outside.their own commu- f c o s t o f m a r r y i n g some tion that' lie in and through Pal- will speak on "The, Jews' Greato f t n e e li-'ical student from Jugoslavia who Commissioner Sir Wilhclm Gustloft : m l Wauchope. estine and what with utter single- est Gift to Humanity." . . mty They now number. 200 souls j g j b i e m e n ^ o a r e b r o t h e r s „ ; a s s a s s i n a t e d ness of purpose you are,doing to • . '• • - cousins of marriageable women .'Swiss Nazi leader, in Switzerland,This was n-.&ce extend our holdings by .one dunam j There are twenty-five men I are exercising their ancient pre- ! will be defended by two lawverF. Arthur in rer!\ to n and what. yon are doing toward CdSGREGATWilAL'SEDER \ . - _ B. F .ss> > ri'i s e e k l n s ~*iyes °w and their i rogatiye of insisting that the : one a prominent Swiss barrister Aral) National Bloc ff_rf4 the liberation of some other JewTO » £ • H £ U ) , i 4 i . r£Far££l choice is restricted to the fifteen ; youager girls not marry: until they 1 by the name of Eugene Curti, i manding -to know ish soul in the land. 'Dismiss all .. • • ; ' '-, . , unwed women. Some of the wo^-'have been -wed. This has brought land the.other a leading Dutch at-;n-a3L ot Jews into 1 fear's: and-all thoughts of reward A congregational Seder for Pass- men are more than thirty years'; the marriage market to-a stale-! torney,' J. Devries. be stopped. .. Sir or of success or» failure and go over will be held at Temple Israel old, which is an advanced age for; mate. . . ! The latter, who lias been prom- Arabs that ths upon ithis pilgrimage of liberation nBXt Tuesday-evening at 6 p. m. marriage in the East. Several conferences have beeruinently identified with, the defense- the eonr-irr corJd of the Jewish: people in utter purThose wishing to make reservaT h e b r i d e s h o r t a g e h a s p r o m p t - ] h e l d b y ' t h e e l d e r s - o f t h e c o i n i n t i - 1 o f G e r m a n r e f u g e e s i n H o l l a n d , ' a c c u r a t e l y k n o w n -<F tions are. asked to call Atlantic parents to set high require-| nity," but no solution has been j will concern ."himself with, the psy-'j the expert would be c-> i ?oi "!• i f , . . . . L i POLIII. t>i new. ' (Continued-on Page 2).» 2SS4, 'ecological aspects-of the case. ! determine ft. meats for suitors, - including a (-reached.
i > i i
Joint Services By Beth-EI and. Vaad Tomrftt
.Hold Meeting
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for the Bride leautiful Syr-- • china . . . an icarx c h i n a he American*. e. Seven pat> ,. s In o p e n
Beth-El To Receive
« • ' .
Samaritans Are Deadlocked Bells
1, %
!!• 1 f
This Hagadah Is Free At Your Grocer's
Capers Revue Scores "flit"
Religious Services
, A scintillating revue, the Conservative Capers, featuring two hundred and fifty men, women and children actors, was presented for the entertainment of a capacity audience at the Central iyo High school auditorium Tuesday ride evening. . lus 2 Though it was an amateur pertiee formance, many of the artists outdid the work of professionals, lorm particularly in the specialties. Jen.ce Sweeping applause was earned Th by the dancers. Rosalie Alberts iatin demonstrated her versatility with ^0X3 several ]_ numbers that were outliqut standing. Annette Ricklin SilverIan man and - Sylvia Adler Brodkey each won the plaudits of the audha, ience with individual solos -which icrve showed professional expertness. A A popular duo were Dorothy Cam:erenj' el and Lottie Rips, with a Rusjrhur sian peasant dance. Dorothy noon i Camel and Milton Robinson did hey thqir Apache dance excellently. ilia.. Probably the best dancing hit of the evening • was • in. the closing ling number when Rosalie Alberts teamed with Milton RIeck, the director of the show, In a specialty Irolini arrangement.
Our Film Folk
Passover Seder Scrvxco
MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Good to the tut Drop KOSHER FOR PASSOVER A General Foods Product
Jewish Press advertisers merit your patronage.
Lord Melchett Ridicules sley as
] i
The'singing stars shown brightly. Margaret Belman, a popular favorite, appeared in a large number of the scenes. Harry DuBoff and Larry Finkel turned in their usual highly-perfected performances. Carl Ross and Al Soffer made a hit with their song ability. Harriet Bernstein, Ida Gitlin and Evelyn Green did outstanding 1 I- '-! work as soloists. The Toy Shop number probably pleased the crowd most. Tiny tots ranging1 from "buggy-days" went through routines which brought waves of enthusiasm . from the audience. The -work of little Phyllis Wohlner and Barbara Beber was' especially effective. Another scene that went over big was the "Circus Days." In" this, staid business men donned the customes of clowns, while matronly belles became "bareback riders" on wooden ""horses." The finale of the show, "The Silver Tree" was also unusaul. dramatic' scenes were In l theThe main cleverly written and well-acted. Appearing in many of these to good advantage were Hy Shrler, Martha Himelsteln, Milton Robinson, Herbert Z. Kaplan, Barbara Monsky. . Milton A, RIeck was director. Mrs. Jake Blank was general chairman; Mrs. Morris Katleman, business manager; Mrs. Samuel Theodore, musical numbers chairman; Mrs. PBineas WIntroub, dramatic chairman, Mrs*. Philip Klutznick, wardrobe chairman; Mrs. I. TV. Rosenblatt, advertising; Mrs* A. D. Frank,, tickets; Mrs. Arthur Coon, properties; Mrs. Harry Silverman, clerical .chairman; Mrs. J. Malashock, accompanists.
from -all other jlishes an editorial urging (hat synagogues Tuesday and Wednes- was dominating factor In Its di- distinguished day morning at 8:30. Tuesday rection and its destiny . . . he was years?" And he will answer, "It I jevisii influence be removed from is a year of ending . . . it is a bJJc . m u Rabbi Berger will preach at the j one of its greatest showman The editorial sup•Beth Harnedrosh Hagodol. Wed-{ Oft you've heard the story of year of beginning, Coi;TiciIlor Leopold ports State the nickelodnesday he will speak at the B'nai Iiis beginnings proposed ordinance eons, the film exchange, the vic(Copyright 193G, Jewish TelegrajKunschak's Israel. phic Agency, Inc.) tory over the Film Trust, his pro[regulating the status of Jews in Temple duction, "Hiawatha," his found! Austria. ing, of •-Universal City, But some"Meditations on the True Meanhow he leaves the movie scene, it ing of Passover" will be the seris the little things of his career : the periodical, however, to obvimon topic of Rabbi David Wice at By HELEN ZIGMOND that loom Jarge. ;aie the dangfr of a world, boyservices this evening at Temple There is Sarah. Years ago a jcott. Israel. Mrs. Sam Wolf will light Wherefore ,Is this Passover dif- fire broke out on the lot. Sarah, I London (JTA)—A crowded j the candles. Services will be held Saturday ferent from other Passovers? In j an employee, remembering a val- (East End meeting heard Lord j Jewish Press advertisers merit into the morning, starting at 11 a. m. Hollywood there are services at uable negative, rushed rushed in Melchett, prominent industrialfsf your patronage. Passover services will be held] the Schul, in the home . . . these j burning building and saved the and. Jewish leader, describe Sir Sarah never Monday evening from 6 to 6:30 ^ r e the same. But for Carl Lae-; film. Thereafter Oswald Mosley as a "fancy Pharmmie it is different . . . a totally lacked a job. p m. aoh, a hobbledehoy Hitler who There is Kohner. The story is spends his time attacking- Jews, EXT&A fat dressed ' A 'congregational Seder will be different Passover from any in told that an unknown man saved held Tuesday evening at 6. p. m. his life. of whom he should know a great, hens, 1b , at the Temple. Anyone wishing • As the setting sun ushers in the Laemmle's life on one of his visits deal since his wife was a Jewess ; to make reservations is asked to Pesach season, Universal, the child to Laubheim. Laemrnle searched and his children have Jewish: Strictly fresh eggs, of his brain, his love, and his fore- for his benefactor, asked how he blood in their reins." call At. 2884. ,%i! I!. sight . . . his work of thirty years, | could repay him. The man re; The meeting was called in hon- ° ^ " passes to other hands . . . a chap- quested that be take his son to ter ends a motion picture epoch America. Years later found Koh- °5 ° f Dr. Chaim Weizmann, pres- LIVE River Buffalo and Carp Beth-El Zionist is closeed. j ner, the son, an important pro- ! ? 4 o f f ^ 1 at LOWEST. PRICES For tonight's Sabbath evening ducer at Universal. (ization and the Jewish Agency forj service the Beth-El will join the There is Sam Kate who got his |I Palestine, , He recalls other Passover ceret 0 a i in d GLondon e r m a n to confer on : By brincintr in our own poulVaad H'lhr at the B'nai Israel try from iho poi;n!ry, we are first job as a piano player in Laemonies. There were those in Laubsynagogue. Rabbi David Gold- . . ., able to offer thrm to you at mmle's nickel show. There - is im stein will speak on "Experiencing ine around the family board Irving Thalberg whose career bethese iow prices. Pesach Symbols" and Rabbi Har- where he (tehth in a family of gan as Laemmle's secretary. There old A. Berger will talk on "Free- thirteen children) sat amidst the are hosts of others to whom he Anti-Jewish Program numerous group. There were STOLLER5S FISH & dom Through Law." Is Urged in Vienna.: gave a helping hand or a start on those first spent away from home t Schedule of Passover Services the road to success. Universal POULTRY MARKET Monday night at 6:30: Tues- as a 13-year-old apprentice in IcVienna (JTA)—The influential: as a training ground ir.-ZS >'o, 24 St. AT. 5888 day morning at 9 o'clock; Wed- henhausen . . . thosee in Chicago as JJf*o 'r m a n writable Catholic monthly, Schoenere Z\\those in Osh- j - v i n t h e business. an immigrant . nesday morning at 9. kunft (Brighter Future), pub-<: At services next Fridayy evening g kosh at the lumber camp, Mem- J the thirteen etchings of the P r o - ] o r i e s • • • s o m e f a i n t - s o m . e sharp j It was not for himself alone, phets by Saul Raskin will be pre- • • • t o t h e m a n now entering his'therefore, that he had clung ten* sented to the synagogue in mem- seventieth 3-ear. But this Pesach i aciously to his handiwork ory of Mrs. Fanny Greenberg by will be unforgetable. Those years i lmndreds were dependent on him held the future, his work, before j . . . some employees had been with friends of the family. him. . . this year marks retire-' him for twenty years. ment. a career behind him . . . j Before leaving he made one last; and the kindly old man is as one typical effort. Vaad He sent a tele-; bereft. gram to the new owners. It con-; tained a long list of employees; The Vaad will join the Beth-El in a.combined service at the B'nai Many times before had the Big whom he recommended, hopes Israel synagogue this evening. Bad Budget almost vanquished j would be retained. No big-salarRabbi Harold A. Berger will speak him, but the spunky little fighter j ied names therein, not even his on "Freedom through Law". Rab- got 'round the corner somehow. ; son's, "only small wage-earners In bi David A. Goldstein's topic will "Universal it to be sold" was the \ branches of his company all over be 'Experiencing Pesach Symbols.' perennial Hollywood rumor ; the world . . . who need their jobs. • iantor A. Schwaczkin and the offers were made. Always he re-j Of such infinitesimal threads is jected them, negotiated a loan, j woven the mantle of love and succhoir will chant Pesach music. - Saturday morning is Shabbos pulled his company out of the, cess which softly adorns the bowHagodol. Rabbi Berger will preach marsh. But this time, on obtain-! ing shoulders of "Uncle Carl." In Yiddish at the Adass Yeshurin ing a loan, he gave an option. We j * synagogue. Saturday afternoon believe that until the very last So it is this night the years of | he will deliver Shabbo Hagodol, minute he hoped they couldn't struggle cease . . . . a life of ease! the Talmudic discourse at the meet the terms. Actually he went opens before him. As be sits beBeth Hamedrosb Hagodol syna- ahead two big pictures, "Sut- hind the blinking Menorah, hapgogue at 4 p. m. His subject will ter's Gold," "Showboat," were py in his children, grandchildren, be, "Common Stock in a Chaw- j made . . . sales poured in from the freed from worries of production, maytz Corporation during Pesach.' exchanges ; . things looked brighfinancing, a rich Sunday morning regular father ter . . . surely he would make the management, man spiritually and materially, and son services will be held at > grade again. 9 o'clock. Then suddenly a check arrived. ; Carl Laemmle asks himself the Monday Immediately after the Five-and-one half million dollars! | "kasha." "Wherefore is this year morning services at 7 o'clock Rab- His dream bubble had burst, van- j i bi Berger will conduct Siyum, the ished. study of sacred literature which . John Feldman's •eleases the first-horn from fastLaemmle was not the first pio- j hg the day before Pesacb. neer in the field. The motion ' Location for Matzos at Monday evening, at 6:30, the picture was already used "for ad- , : Greenberg's Kosher Market irst Pesach service will be ehant- vertising and for trailers to vaude;d by Cantor A. Schwaczkin at ville programs. But he was first; 1552 No, 20th We. 5450 :he B'nai Israel synagogue. to realize its unlimited scope as i Home Phone GL. 2972 Services will be held in all the entertainment . . . since !90G he!
This Hagadah, attractively illustrated, with an English translation and an original English introduction which clarifies'the Seder Services, will be distributed free as a gift by the makers of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE with every pound can of Pessachdige coffee that you buy at your grocer's. Get your Hagadah at your grocer's before the supply is exhausted.
To Present Sefer
Torafy April 19th
(Continued from page 1)
Plans have been completed for the presentation of the1 new Sefer Torah to the Beth-El synagogue April 19 by Mr. and Mrs. Jake Rosen and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Falk in memory of their sister, Esther Rosen. Dinner will be served by the Beth-El auxiliary at 6:30. After' the dinner traditional ceremonies of dedication will take place. Cantor Aaron Edgar of Des Molnes will present a program of musical selections. He will be accompanied by Sarah Franks, pianist, and Sonia Sands, soprano* ; ; • ' Mr. lyvln Levin is chairman of the committee in charge. Others oh the jcommittee" are. Messrs. Jy, Falk, Harry Siiverman, J. Rosen, G.- Soiref, Abe Soiref, Arthur 'ohen, Joe Bloch, Harry Sommers, Ben Perelman, Dave Greenr and J. J. Greenberg.
The firms advertising in the Jewish Press merit and deserve your patronage.
ity of purpose and as the answer to an absolute, to as unconditioned command. Neither man n o r people has ever or can ever gain his or its life without being willing to lose it, or has ever reached the goal of any pilgrimage while thinking of the flavor of the fruits or the healing of the springs of any Tiberias on earth. .Thomas Mann is fond of saying that everything great comes into being by grace of an "in spite of." Trotzdqm! It is not our obstacles that will undo us; it is our disunion, the sloth of o u r hearts, the yielding to the arguments and allurements of that miserable world of war and trade and politics and . injustice . and hunger amid plenty :aiid murder and liquidation that surrounds "Us in the West and which-by what -It is has lost all rights to any moral allegiance from any soul that Is still free and clean. That world, being peopled by men, by children of Adam, has not and cannot lose its claim upon our pity, our helpfulness, our love. But when it claims from anygenuine Christian or any genuine Jew obedience or allegiance, that Christian or that Jew has but to point in silence and in unutterable recusancy once more to what it is. Therefore the obstacles toward our liberation must be merely the obstacles upon the earthly path, never any obstacles within the soul or mind or will. And if we cleanse ourselves of the inner obstacles then in very truth the seas will dry at our feet and the desert bloom and the mountains melt on our path and the Eternal will, through us, rebuild first the inner and next Inevitably the outer Jerusalem, Ir ha-kodesh, the Holy City, bim'herah b*y°ni* enn, speedily, in our days, (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
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an editorial- •urging -that .. influence lie removed if rom " life. The editorial : supStata Councillor Leopold lak's proposed ordinance iing the status of JeWs in i.
. . .
Inal introduction of the wish program is advised by nodical, however, to obvidanger of a -world,'boysh Press advertisers merit atronage. •
EA fat di'essed 1b. tly fresh eggs, lozen .River Buffalo and Carp it LOWEST. PRICES •InginR Ln our own poul:om the country, we are to offer thorn to you at iow prices.
Germany Bent 7,747, exclusive homes? . . . has there been any gation in a semicircle approach •the plans your life insurance 61,541 jews Entered of those who came in as tou>'Jpt<; more looting? . . . Do those in :the Almemor therewith). | agent can present to you. i and whose permanent may will be power really desire our destrue- ' THE RABBI (while the scroll Futures fed on hopes alone Palestine in •legalized au?l those who fl?d frovr, tion?" . . . Woe, you are silent, is being gradually brought to him) never arrive. .Germany bin camp to PalesHnr Rabbi . . . Does that mean death? ' Once more will I- traverse with • from other European countries. Death? No, no! . . . Woe! Bnt you : the path which our souls, the I Jewish immigration froro Ronj why are you silent? ' souls of Israel, have gone, even Vienna Official ; (The Rabbi, having reached the :from the beginning of time unto New York (WNSl—Palestine : mania was .",i SH"; from Greece, 2.122; from Lithuania. l . l P t ' ; Almemor, takes his head in both this day . . . And the memories Backs Jesuit's absorbed 61,541 homeless Jews from the I'nited StateB, 1.68 8; his hands and in utter silence of that old eternal path will lend from almost 4 0 countries during bends his face over one of the pul- ius strength for the new one that Demands 19S5. it was revealed in a report, from Yemen. 1.4 £ P ; from Czech1.3P7; from Latvia, FRANZ WERFEL begins tomorrow . . . pit-desks. made public here by the United oslovakia. 1.042: from France, 1.021; from THE PIOUS MAN • Be silent! | Palestine Appeal. (In the prescribed manner the (English Version by LUDWIG LEWISOHN Austria. " P I ; from Turkey, 704. Vienna (JTA)—A dangerous Ask no more! Behold, softly he Franz" Werfel's "Eternal 'congregation has been in this town \ a few benches together. Give me ; communes with the Eternal . . .' President, the Pious Man, and the increase in acti-Jewish agitation : The largest number of Jewish Elders take the Torah-scroll from r settlers in Palestine, 2T.2P1. were Road" must be regarded as this I for centuries. Why should they my bedtime draught! I Do not disturb him! • was predicted in Jewish, circles from Poland. Patronize our advertisers. great author's real monumental kill us or drive us out? The kingi THE PRESIDENT (sternly) "We i THE CONGREGATION Per- its wrappings.) THE RABBI Prepare ye for the following a statement bv Vicework I t was especially written ' will forbid, our enemies to arouse • are lasting and praying here to- i haps he is communing with the dusty road! For the way has no Mayor Kres?e of this city apby the aathor of "The Forty ; the rabble against us. -I-night! I Eternal . . . end. Fortify your hearts against plauding an anti-Semitic address of Musa D'agh',' at the re- ;•• THE ADVERSARY This people} (A group has meanwhile gathTHE ADVERSARY It's possible : of Meyer W. Weisgal, pro- 1 never acquires any sense . . . From j ered about the Estranged One and. . . What is quite certain is that! the burning of thirst! For t&at by the Jesuit Father Bichlmaier. which is ordained has not yet endducer, and Max Rclnhardt, di- 'age to age it is smitten and yet I his Son.) he knows no way out. ! ed. What can there be "for us to (Established SS78) ^ "I recognize and welcome the rector. Its production, orginalr always iefools itself again -with; VOICES A stranger . . . an out- (The voices of the congregation . fear on the morrow after this attitude of Father Bichlmaier ly scheduled for. this winter, -the hope of redemption. Look atisider . . . OMAHA— Co. Blsffs — Sloes City — Siorac Falls I ! sink to a moaning murmur.) ; night's eternity? towards the Jews," Herr Kresse has : been postponed to thq com- i me! : t am providing redemption; THE 'ESTRANGED ONE No j THE ESTRANGED ONE'S SON i said. He added that the Jesuit's (From the hands of the Pious demands would form the basis of Pbone J&. 0551 — Phone 594 — Phone 88685? ing fall. We present herewith [for Israel, for I have neither wife; stranger . . . only one who wasi Father! I feel a great dread . . . Man he accepts the scroll and un-his policy. the full text of the prologue of j nor children. [estranged . . . (Why are we persecuted? Why did Asbestos T H B the "Eternal Boad" by special \ - THE PIOUS MAN (rising from! PRESIDENT What do you you never speak to me of these rolls it.) In a lecture before a packed seek arrangement with Meyer W. -.'a-group of others who have a U i here? things? Why did I know nothing Slate-Tile hall, Father Bichlmaier demandWeisgal, producer, and the Vit- j aj-a^n their prayiag shawls over! T H E ESTRANGED ONE Long, at all? ed that Jews be expelled from Asphalt and €Jn»ve! Lon ing Press, publisher of Franz j their heads) It is the price of our ' S ago I had forgotten this com- j THE ESTRANGED ONE I wantpublic life and urged introduction munlt EAST TERMS Werfel's epic. THE EDITOR j apostasy that we are paying. D o j y into which I was born. Ijed to spare you this heaviest of of_,the "Aryan paragraph" against FREE ESTIMATES • ! .-• not wail nor listen to the words i flad forgotten -when I was a boy burdens, my child. Now you Jewish converts. of the ignorant. There is no time! life e my son here.) For I had be- must bear it all the same . . . THE PROLOGUE Before the beginning of the ae- to be l o s t . . . the night has scarce- come wholly at one with the peo- THE PIOUS MAN He stirs . . . on-the stage is rendered invis- ly begun. We must pray; we ple of this land. I was wholly con- the Rabbi . . . the Eternal is no jle to the audience by a curtain must storm the throne of the Eter- j tented so and did not wish to be longer with him . . . ••onsisting of ropes of light.: So nal and shake the heart of the reminded of you and of the past— (With several of his fellows he oon as the gong was sounded and J All-Merciful Draw the curtain |a n d o f t h e dark. I shall be hon- reverently approaches the Rabbi By the Service Life Insurance the auditorium been darkened j aside from the scroll of our holy jest with you! I would not have on the Almemor.) Company, Omaha Forgive us, our Rabbi! This there are heafa from very far Law that our eyes behold it and come back, had not the people recognized me by my face. Now congregation is Israel is assemblaway three long-drawn-out muff- it alone. You say. "Someday our ship led tones blown on a ram's horn. (The curtain is drawn aside we must Beet protection in this ed, men, women and children. We will come in," but when you reaforgotten house — my son and have put on our shrouds; we have | Thereupon one hears from equally and the Torah-scroll exposed to j castigated us; Devout souls here son through on'how and why your far away the tread and tramp and view.) Consider not life; consider I . . . WHEN ENTERTAINING, ELIMINATE YOUR SUMMER WORRIES, shuffle of thousands of feet, the not death. Gather all your streng(A wave of strong emotion pas- desire passionately to watch <ship is to come in, hope turns to - • through the night and not to ask despair. noises of a great human mass set- th of supplication and force • the ses through the congregation.) NO H E A T . . . NO DIRT . . . A T HOTEL PAXTON . . . ALL PUBLIC ting out upon "its way and draw- Messiah to come down to us . . . THE ADVERSARY Make your- concerning their fate till sunrise, j Men who refuse to reason through on how and w h y flee Look you, there are those among \ ing nearer. These noises grow in SPACES ARE AIR CONDITIONED. THE ADVERSARY The Messiah self at home in the good old iole strength and speed; the tread and whom you-people would acknow- of a prison. Escape? It simply us who are strong and valiant in \from facts, and their hopes for o u r future financial happiness betramp begin to race as of feet in ledge will hardly care to appear. doesn't exist! X fery face may supplication. They may be able j flight before pursuers. Sounds THE PRESIDENT Are we all be tailor-made in the world's la- to move, to stir, nay to bend the ] come a hopeless hope. arise of breathless terror, of pant- assembled? Are there yet those j test fashion. The hour comes i Almighty, blessed be He, to have j Thanks to life insurance, there is a way whereby facts are faced ing, of moaning cries. Upon the who approach in the dark? (He •' when-back you go! So come on, compassion. Will you not decide '< lowest stage lights and lanterns gives the doorkeepers the signal | come in! Don't pretend to be such upon the order of the prayers" 'with a smile, whereby reason beMeet your friends at the Paxton . . . Enjoy these facilities This night is long. ' comes as optimistic as hope, swarm visibly and out of the dark- to shoot the latches. At . that a complete stranger! ness arises. moment both doors are rudely: VOICES His xery father, peace THE' RABBI, (raises his head) whereby a man and his family are thrust open from without. Framed j be upon him, would show him the This night is long. And the smoky •made permanently safe from the THE SYNAGOGUE . Why should we be morning will be late, seeing it i.° jslavery of "whatever happens." A part of the congregation, all in the left doorway appears the j door you would like to know how # Estranged One with his Thirteen old men, is already assembled. troubled with renegades? Let autumn . . . What would you? i youIf can know tee exact year and Pray to be spared? Move, stir, < them go to those whom they Year-Old Son and remains standClad in their white shrouds they bend the Eternal, the Unchange- iday your financial ship will reach crouch on low stools-or on the i ing there hesitantly. By the Right sought o'ut . . . port, and t h e exact amount of (The Estranged One makes a able — to change? Not so! Not" floor in front of the Almemor. {enters in a state of excitement the so! It is for us t o remember . - . money it will bring you and your They have finished the liturgical i Rich Man, followed by his ser- motion as thongh to go.) A WOMAN'S VOICE Take him THE PIOUS MAN Remember? <family, you will be interested in mourning for the destruction of j ving-men who are bent double unin for the sake of his pions par- What do you mean by that word? [ the Temple; stumps of candles jder their loads.) THE RABBI Bring me the stand before them. Through nar- j T H E R I C H M A N (to his serv- ents . . . row portals, rigHt and left, enter ins-men) Clear a space! (His THE PIOUS MAN No soul is to scroll of the holy Law! THE ADVERSARY Memory and in crowds the. other persecuted j hand clutches his heart.) Five j be cast out from^ Israel! Law . . . The feeblest beast has THE PRESIDENT Stay! an*d driven Jews. Most of them j houses I leave behind me in this are bowed under the load of their town. Can I take along my five j (He leads the Estranged One 'claws and teeth for self defense ' I| and his Son to the last row of, the | . . . We have memory and law . . . sacks. The women and little chil- houses? THE ADVERSARY That is a j congregation. where they sit j Hee-hee . . . admirable weapons . . dren disappear into the -women's ! (The President and the elders j balcony, separted by' a balustrade very just question. It comes from down.) THE TIMID SOUL Oh! Do you] lift the scroll of the Torah in its' from the main synagogue. The the heart. I like' that question. President of the Congregation But you should.have asked it be- not hear? The howling of the mobI velvet wrapping out of its niche seeks to establish order. • : fore you bought your five houses. . ^ . the distant drums of the sold- j after the prescribed • fashion and THE PRESIDENT We have not iers? • • . j having carried it past the congreTHE PRESIDENT (in a sharp WOMEN'S VOICES What keeps whisper) No noise! Can you not often seen, you here . . . THE RICH MAN Did I not give our Rabbi? Has anything happen- j step softly? Black is the night of money whenever I was asked? I ed to him? Has he been hurt? " j M. SOMXT, Dealer in Jewish Israel. - . • •. THE ADVERSARY (whose am assuredly" no renegade. But j (At this moment there is heard Books and All Other voice has an habitnal jeer) .Who I no longer. Delonged" with these j a brief threefold knocking at one Religious Articles hasTever heard of its being day- I outcasts. l a m a respected man; of the barred -windows. The peoWE. 3527 light in Israel? iamong those others, too, and like pie rise excitedly in their seats.) 2429 Decatnr I just received a fresh stock ot all THE PRESIDENT Go on-J Go j them and their eaual in every j THE PRESIDENT It is the sign, kinds of Matzos of the best qualion! Let the women go to their \^T. The king nimself has^ad-! At last. Our Rabbi . . . ties, and also all kinds ot Passover '•" articles, JIatzo flour, cake places! See to it that the children idressed me on more than one oc-i . (A latch is shot back. The RaD- flour, egglike cookies, e t c are silent. jcasion and lias bidden me to his j bi enters followed Dy two Elders. I also have-natzos a full line of all kinds THE TIMID SOUL Have you an- !v ery table. iThe men of the congregation sur- of Kokeach's Kosher articles for P e s a c h, including strawberry. pointed watchmen to Tram us of; THE ADVERSARY Woe to us [round him and storm him with , raspberry and cherry jelly in pint the coming of the mob or of the both! You lose your cosy houses: their questions so that he make* plass jars: and also oil in beautiful glass bottles. king's soldiers -who will slay us? aand I lose my cosy envy , . . What his way slowly to the Almemor.) Remember also ray own make ' THE ADVERSARY If the mob r e w e t ° do now? ; j THE QUESTIONERS Did the soap, Sosher for Pesach, Pesach ; Candy, too. kills us anyhow, how will it have! THE RICH MAN Why can -we king recive you? . . . What did - profited us that the watchmen j i o t belike those: o t h e r e ? . . . Push you succeed , in doing? . . . our warned us in advance? nininniurrrninnuiirrnnnunimrrntnininniiTiiininrnrnnrTnifriiini^ THE PRESIDENT (to the two doorkeepers at the right and lef>) ATe we all-here? Then lock the doors! s ONE OF THE DOORKEEP• • • - • \ PERS W-e cannot lock the doors V y6t. Our Rabbi has gone to inter-. cede for us andis not yet here. THE PRESIDENT The Rabbi bade us not wait. THE TIMID SOUL Our Rabhi ' has gone to intercede with the • king. We may yet be saved. VOICES Our. God, blessed be He, ia a merciful God . . . Our
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In the words of the liturgist: j ment Thursday branded the proPalestine, for Its unalterable and j international market for export ! posai as E "Million dollar franstupid opposition to Zionism, for | trade in order to bring prosperity I God of Might, God of Right, • chise grab." Lepinski said a careits dangerous assimilationist ten- jto the Jewish nation in Palestine. | Thee we give all glory ful investigation by his committee dencies, for its reducing Judiasm j Since the destruction of the [Thine the praise to an ethical cult and the Reform j Temple the prophesy has been giv- ! In our days, as in the ages hoary. had disclosed neither sufficient Published every Friday nt Omaha, Nebraska, by financial becking to operate the synagogue to nothing more inspir- en to fools and children (because ' When we hear, year by year By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS . THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY wise men can not afford to risk Our redemption's story. proposed public transportation ing than a lecture society. I system on the part of the promo[ ' Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City The following scathing indict- their reputation while fools and Now as erst Subscription Price, ono year ••-. • •,. • - - - $2.00 t e r s or even an intention of ever i When Thou first ment, prompted by a fervent love ] children have nothing to risk.) Advertising rates furnished ou application. for t n e ! doing so should the franchise be VARIKTIKS OP AMERICAN RK- Hfo and not of oreed, as the eresynagogue and Israel j Whoever is able to pray f o r : Made'st the proclamation. granted. TiKjIOX ation of man aud not a coercive, coming as it does from a learned j mercy on behalf of his friend and Warning loud, Ever proud Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater. Building. I'does not pray is to be called a ; Every tyrant nation ; "Tlios" promoters whrt are askiKditeil by Cl»nrles» S. Brndrn Wil- gift from God; and its purpose 'Reform Rabbi should receive the sinner. . Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center. jWe thy fame. Still proclaim ing the people of Omaha to give ilett, Clarke & Co. 288 pages .$2.00 I is the enhancement of human life, careful attention that it merits— DAVID BLACKER • - Business and Managing Editor Rabbi Jochanan said, "When a I God of our salvation. them a .very valuable franchise | This interesting and informing, not the placating of an irrespons-1 f r o m P e w a n d pulpit. Reform FRANK R. ACKBKMAN - - • - . . . . Editor ' The Passover with its Seder that would be worth a million j symposium, edited by Dr. Charles j ible Deity. overlooked the fact that Judaism, man must apply for help to his FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent IS.' Bra'den, brings together in one religion, was coextensive with fellow-men his face changes like makes the Jew an inspired phil- i dollars, have the sole idea in are acutely aware of bus- aas a chameleon." osopher of history. It brings the [ mind of auctioning off the fran; 11 o f U f e T h e H e b r e w ANN PILL < . " • - Sioux City. Iowa. Correspondent volume seventeen divers religious i n e ss 6f" ChrisTianity^"than "is "x>7 ' . language I final realization to him that Is- chise to the' bidder, if i 8 p a r t o f t h e r e l i g i o u s h e r i t Print Shop Address: 4304 So. 24th Street ' beliefs covering very nearly every E F Tittle He Is steadfastly and ase '. raels one hope for continuance asthey should be given it. The very variety of religious faith l n c l u d - ! c o u r a g e o u s l y t r y l n & t 0 c o n T e r t of the Jew, it is the holy tongue; j ! a separate entity lies in our whole tact that they refuse to come out th Land ihg such extremesas Mormonism, | t h e w o > i d to the social gospel of I ® _ / ' Palestine is ^cred ; hearted acceptance of the Eter- in the open with their proposal By RABBI BENJAMIN N. Spiritualism and Christian Science i.«««.,, and wean it away fromi<aand na b o n d u p w i t h e v e r y relig " ' ; nal's wil], knowing that "He is in and have refused five times to ap;ious a s i r a t i o n a n d an on the GOLDBERG hand and Ethical C u l - | t h a t ; o f p' a i l l . H l s fearless insistP ™ y a theoThe Seder ceremony Monday evening will usher in the I His heaven and that all's well pear before a public hearing beof Sioux City . .. _ . iture and Humanism on the other. e n c e that the essence of salvation ihl oo gl yi c aa ln di mc Pa lni cnaet vi oe nr : t h e people is fore the City Council proves this. ; with the world." •Passover holiday, commemorating the freedom of the Jewish How divergent, and Irreconcial-1 disembody its I s s o c ial and not individual h a s ' rauuc ._„_... . _.__._._---o. —r - .-.„- . •: ul „ * ^.,, "„* Li. —.._i_... " , . . .™ • _- :• l. s social and not individual has'^universal ideal from the Israel of Passover is Jewish, festival people and at the same time celebrating the return of spring._ a b I e religious beliefs him conflict with; t h e f l e s ) l - Isaiah was a staunch par excellence. a I* is specifically _ carr' be and brought ^ into ^^v. .,,v.v,.^..c '. Prague — A campaign to raise ow tlop l on J Sneen BRANDS FRANCHISE the distinguished Catholic classes' ".-RtfrhTiv "X i i sintrenched " * he h » ' " " ^ask . n a t i o n a l i s t despite his vision of a Hebraic in character marking the .1,000,000 kronen ($40,000) for As we eat the. Matzohs, we forego some of the minor . luxuries • J", •'j."f, f l Ju-* . ' theo-i -1 the privileged •Rightly and does world redeemed (let it not be for- independence of I s r a e l Frank Lepinski. chairman of;, h e r e ! i e f of German Jewry bag : of life "but'in return receive a. deeper-"spiritual-meaning fromjloglan writes with passionate con-lfrom is there of producing through Zion): Akiba. Egyptian enslavement. the' Citizens Committee opposing j been launched here by the Jews of our lives and the lives of our brethren", .past and present. Thel!v'ctfon concerning the dogma o f l v _ „»„„,.,„ high-minded, un- g ho tot ed ni 9' d f o r h s G o d 5in H e f i r m l y belie es C was a patTo the Jew, Passover has re- the O'Connell franchise, in n state- Czechoslovakia Matzohs represent the unleavened bread which'.bad to suffice | t°bria ft inal , * , , 7 JselfislT"^dividuaVs'"in"r world ^ } , e a c h o fu sc a r r i e s believed himself to mained the festival of freedom: „ • • • • , . " . - „ • - , . •'••••, i ,, ;, v i f 4.1 -DI i within I .Whjph tniBr»te= o » ^ » , , f i ™ » .riot-martyr or believe be such. It is a posteriori ration- to the thoughtful non-Jew it has those brave Hebrews-who tied, the bondage or the rharoahs , himself a portion of the guilt of tion become the torch of civilization, under the leadership of Moses. The Charoses symbolize the : Adam, arid »that atonement Is In-' ed'ind'ivTduairs'm—a "world "whose t' hale i z aoss that would look mortar made bv the wearv wanderers' who. were leaving the ^pensable for the soul's salva-{ b o t t o m . i s fcn"abygB o f p o v e rty in ? o f the land as a blessing blazing forth mankind's first pro• "slavery. * • • The bitter " " herbs remind us .of the bitter- ttion. Conscious oi the gross in]us-;, v h | f h h u m a n s o u l s h a v e n o m o r e . i n disguise, and that woulion the test against idolatrous oppression.! fetters• of lce of the Deitywho "Let my people go that they of an ethical mission erase ness of bondage. The large goblet filled with wine for Elijah, demn an individual for a sin com-!a basement." What a contrast may gerve me" has become at specifically Jewish traces. If Jewthe prophet, for whom bv legend the door is left open in Jew-' nHted .l»jr a remote ancestor, he 1 ^ ^ ^ social gospel—and'th^t!i?h I i f e i s "ot, departmentalized,; once the hope and inspiration of r t h e o l d J e w i s h v a l u e • . \ •• •• • " . *. , .• , . , • "" -r. , ••-," t a k e s r e c o u r s e t o t o r t u o u s r e a s o n - : ' i re- a heart-sick Jiumanity.— It serves preaches original sin, d a m - '. i - - - u T — - v . — — s must <•be ish homes on Passover eve, has in our history signified the i n g Which leads him as the great beacon of light amid j im welcome to the. Seder* not only to the individual too poor to since his fundamental , vemy on ! Dr. Levy ..rejoices and justifiab- the sea of doubting and distress, t h e F a U o fM a n l sa m th w i t h enjov a Seder of his own but also to the Jew who had r e - ! >' > -ithe other is static and heathffnish. Ily- rtiat PaI e R tine offers a chance. showing the honest searcher after " •, i • T •. • • , , . : , • " , • , , ,..• , . ,• o u t a n y historical basis.. Mofe-j _ . • \ , , to save a remnant of our people: truth that there is rhythm and ' nounced his Judaism, yet-felt dra^vn. back to his people on this : o v e r > if true. It would constitute a! J u d a i s i n i s represented; by three that may be d.oomed elsewhere;! reason in the conduct of eternity's affairs.. | festival of freedom and longed to return to tliein'as a guest! grave indictment upon the l o v e Contributors/.Dr. Leo Jung of New York writes rather feebly that the old antipathy of Reform and justice of God. Judaism to Zionism is gone, ex-; at the Passover table. In the words of the Chief RabProtestant "fundamentalists are!f°- n . cer ?l lnB ?rt«<>dox Judaism. He cept "in the case of a few die--, bi: "Passover is the festival of The story of Passover is deeply Jewish his- j lacks the forthrightness of his several vehement whose Judaism is compres- spring. Its human appeal, there- i tory. Today, many who have wandered from the Judaism of jbuV p[uf\nl>-"unconTncing"yt7te-iChrist,ian fundamentalist of his hards sed into the formula of anti-Na- fore, is as old as humanity, and ! tionalism.'- Honesty compels him as perennial as spring. But it is.: to admit that "our vocabulary is an historical festival.— Israel's! circumstances of persecution/Many of -.our' brethren in 6enpect rom this essay t h a t t h e corn away h i s i * ' too inexact to describe precisely birthday — as the annual com-1 w H _ r O ulkes g^ives is tral and eastern-Enrope are-today in the throes of a more own" case and that of his fellow! e r s t o n e o f orthodox'Judaism i the nature of Judaism." But that' memoration of an event which; knows what it is is beyond has changed the destinies of man- j crushing and cruel-bondage than the servitude imposed by fundamentalists i n ^ ^ J T £ ^ * ^ * ^ 1 £ £ f£ he kind that, it proclaims the man-! doubt. He has mastered its tra-. tion o f t h e f i v e b o o l c so f .the Egyptian "monarch's/a slavery that oppresses both physi- 8 t a t e s t h a t .<the foremost Christ-* dition, absorbed its spirit and i- redeeming truth. God is God of ount sina{ a c o n c e l u r e s , by almost u n | oe nn t iM deals and'is energetically engaged freedom . Even as in Egypt He cally and spiritually in ; an age which is supposedly enlight-han of allconsent, centuries, almost P isby Paul of Tun-| a r - ' t i f fi i c a nni dd untenable. ened. We once more do not need historical reminder of the r > ' ^ t b l the well- in-preserving and enriching it so ; espoused the cause of brickmak,. . . . ,, . j, -, . ,, , , sus." What about Solomon Goldmayi. that it may fortify and bless Is- ing Helots against the mighty ro-: known. Chicago Rabbi, deals with bitterness of persecution or the weariness of wandermg through . i e n t ^ ^ yal oppressor. He forever judge-, rael and mankind. ConserTatlve Judaism, which he The union of American Hebrew th world in rifihteouness, and : the wilderness. |I a creed, without altheolo.ey. a n d ' B.ut we can gain spiritual sustenance and renewed faith I without, any dogmas is not accep-| calls significantly National Juda- Congregations would render the the peoples with equity. There is I1ism. Though an erudite..scholar in cause of Reform an inestimable an over-ruling Providence that ff hen a Man and courage from the Passover holiday. Besides representing ,. _,e' * .1 l a e e s of Jewish lore and .-..-• - :• n Jewisn lore ana gen- service if it would publish this exalts righteousness and freedom * ° • It is reiresnins refresnins and and stimulat-- : t h e " ' a 01 Walk* in and Says the birth of a free Jewish nation, i t observes the the corning i t n g to turn from the depressing e r a i knowledge he vrrites with a- superb es.=ay from the pen of the and humbles the dominion of in-' purity and oppression. This teachunthinking^ of the spring season after the winter's cold. After everjr win- atheologies of thesestern unthinking^mazing simplicityof about the ideals President of the Central Confern d i n cases men. aspirations Judaism: a n d ence of American Rabbis, and dis- ing has been a light, unto the na- : m . sojand j ter, comes spring. After every period of persecution and "Age !t eager to shackle the chains of in-: seeks to help the average Jew tribute it among its membership.: tions of the Western world in i of Blackness" comes an. era of understanding and humanity. Z^Z^^Z^^TIZ^ Ilitl h' constant .battle with sin, It. should be made compulsory tliir.wrary, age-long warfare for I n the end. fight must triumph. The Egyptians have fallen Uy, to the moving and splendid 'temptation and disaster. Justly liberty." ! reading for every Temple and Sis-i the Pharisees terhood affiliate. A new iife. a j Passover brings this message of; from their high caste; yet the Jew has flourished through The Nebraska knows its hats when honored predesrighteousness and equity to the! it says come and get them. All the ages, contributing richly to the advancement of civilization, js e n t , i b e r a i .p ro t es tantism and s o r ? i t-he Prophets of-Israel. - He new vision, and a new idealism; world. j would take hold of the Reform! I understands the rabbis thorough- Synagogue. Unless the pleas of Dr. j new Knox styles are here. . . . The The oppressors Jiave become like unto dust, .but tlrfe oppressed j living inspiring religion. Without it there is sorrow and , Dr. Ames' thinking is deeply ' 7 al>d admires them lavishly as Levy are heeded and his suggest- strife. It is only with this as aj have grown through their oppression. The Passover door of Nebraska's 1936 showing is a national ! liberal and in harmony with en-[does-every honest scholar, hat show! See it today! the Jewibh home is open to his brother. We shall continue to lightened and scientific _ _ .„.„„„„., . ,Felix.A. the ions followed, there is no hope basis therefore, that the League j e .«.. A .-x^ T y . «anm thought; ur Dr. Levy, Rabbi or of the tor Reform' Judaism, or any other' or Natons of International groups, give succor and aid to our-fellow-men who are bein^ persfl-,• of our day. His brief but dynam- Chicago Temple Emannel. Pres- kind of Judaism. "Without the es-j con hope for eventual success. Becuted, confident in our faitb that freedom from spiritual as ! l c paper--should be studied by ev- ident of.the Central Conference sentials of the Jewish tradition, ci.use Passover proclaims liberty,; 1 a n d a ho1 only to the mighty and power-' well as physical bondage shaU/come, whilethe tyrants and l^ZJ^tT^^t'JlZ^ ^l,?™*of ™-**™* - without "the old Jewish values" not Christian. He renounces any ideaiar note, writes on -^ Reform Judaism will not function, as in- ful but also to the lowly and the i oppressors taste the bitterness of oblivion. of. "a remote and ghostly God." i Judaism, the fina' article in this deed it cannot. meek. . iJesus is not a "divine healer, but I symposium. His statement is Other Kaox Hsts $S to $10 Passover will eventualy act the j , a .teacher of practical, matter of: deeply Jewish, authoritative and part of a mentor aud guide to a I •fact wisdom about successful liv-| illuminating. He pays full and H»t«—Strte* F W happier and more peaceful west•--••— merited tribute to Reform Judaern civilization. In an address -delivered in Omaha, last week-end, Leon | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I^ It brings to the well-read Jew „ • - _ •••-, . - • . : - •"•'. - • , : , i ~ •"••I. 1 A " ' • • lupon those w h o made a m a g i c i i s m for p l a c i n g a f r e s h e m p h a s i s a fund of memories of slavery and Gellman of St. Louis, president of the, Mizrachi Organization }<ieity Of him. attributed to himon the ethical element in .ludaBy O. O. DASHER freedom; of oppression and tolof America, emphasized the need of building up Palestine as a j unnatural birth, ascribed to himfism. for indicating the true place erance. It brings him closer to national Jewish homeland at a s ^ p i c l a tempo as ^ ^ ^ ivuuitu 5 ? and ^ .trier1 to give it a mon- .and' ritual.'From praise ihe proCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN It Is better to hear the rebuke belief. The realization comes to d to provide d ah order haven of refuge for as. many Of the per- ;opoly of his power so that no one!Ceeds to rebuke. Devastating does of the wise than the praise-song him that there is somthing in the! secuted German and Polish Jews as can be absorbed. The hum-1 could become, a Christian, unless j he .criticize Reform for the false of fools. world besides blind force: ta Oppression turneth a wise man 1ber that JI . can be 1 absorbed, V- « • - of • « course^ • • • " - depends ' • . . • upon !• . i i -^f - i !«i--.-..«. Ideologies and dangerous plathow much-|it..heltvbellv * and uttered the forms it-followed long and blind- into a fool and a gift destroyeth ., •.--.'• '' ^ .. r 4to Rs ordinances judgment. prescribed." Drl He takes Reform Judaism the rest Jewrj-contributes to to the Palestinian rehabilitation.. prescr .as a matter of strongly Mr. of Gellman does not clajm bespeak a new theory. Jew-!conceives There is not a righteous man pr ayer» itreligion to task for repudiating "AT O l l \ I + 1 upon earth who does always good •ish leaders of-all I groups4 have-recognized the importance of and never sins. Palestine in alleviating.the> Jewish problem; speaking for the that better times will dawn even for the^ Jews of Germany. j The end of a thing is better lnis than h ee tt h Mizrachi,. his utterances form one one more indication,of indication of how how unanunan- .^ • • alter all,, the twentieth entieth century and and freedom freedom is is too too '• '•than beginning and and pat beginning patience rized
Festival of Freedom
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Ithas h been b f imou&ly Jewish groups scan the Palestinian horizon for future *h l g l l J j PPr i z e d - It won after too many struggles and • s u c c e € dd s
hope: Each group may differ in some minor ideological viewpoint. but they are unified in the major objective.
The «*x:W»» ? W«ion in ,M3 I I:
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by the reports emanating from central and eastern Europe.. ^ jt o l d them that the people shall The German situation is bad enough at its present'low level, Freedom and justice will come to their own 'We h a v e ' ' t n i d e a m o B g themselves and? suph e w e l ee aa dd b i is shoved into comparative obscurity by the con- jm i l c t how 'but even this y,^ ^sti l long delay, !PP°°rr tt answered ° D e a n ° t h eethat :f - T a /f ' -1even • • - • after - •ft . -- - d - l•'.'is fiuallv . ^ " . ' ^ "done u c . I- ltt !iers nation can • tinned disquieting reports-from Poland, where over three milis a deeply implanted i not exist and prosper on its own
sentiment _ •in •-. the human neart. . . '." I resources. After a long discuslion Jews face .increased persecution. .A reView 6f the past j Uur whole moral nature would be outraged were not jus-i s i o n t n e K i n s advised them to . week's eYents makes their plight; even more ^despairing. The j tice , ^ u . . v .u u u e . ,*K see now criminals are evei are eventually p u n - l S e n d zn a r m y o f representatives bill, rstricting kosher slaughtering, previoasly passed by the ished. "We do not rejoice at the .iuriishment, still to foreign countries to create ah the lower house, sped toward, final enactment in/ the Senate. A death, however well deserved, of any human being. Butatafter new law was passed prohibiting Jewsi front selling vegetables j 8 "-humanity must be vindicated, and the attempt must be biD, copied from the Nazi annals, imposing a twenty^fiye permitted/to spread, would soon over-grow the fairest flowers of cent tax on capital of Jews emigrating to Palestine and pro- civilization and the/earth,would become a jungle inhabited by viding that the remainder^ could be used only to buy Polish'• >yildv. beasts bent upon terror and destruction. Earth must beexports: -A newbill-is being considered-which would no longer ™™e_?J?_a™£Be -! I f •: J«stice is done/the heavens will not fall ._, — . i.* _, ---,— — — -«w, . m . ii^^.tjid i t i u u u i l a i i ear l %V1 allow religious groups to govern-their divorces. The, physical '? y '» rise to heaven and become heaven;.there will ue aven o n l-eisn of terror' tli*> Polish PnlUh nprovinces, rnrm»<», ?ii,,»^«,t«,i reign terror• eontirmprl continued in the illustrated i|f.o r t h. e p r e V v e nearth. t i o n o f It is" that for which humanity strives and by such incidents as the hurling of-eleven Jews from a speed..., Manking must not go 'backward. I t must "gQ forward" ing, train by anti-Semites, the attacking of a rabbi by Na-. even though whatever wildnerness is, across whatever. Red tionalist youths; the setting of fire to Jewish Jiomes and farms, Seas, even though the Pharoahs are engulfed and overwhelmed in the; twow district, the agitation- in Cracow, and the placing in the waters of destruction, the Hosts of the Lord must press of time bombs -before severai/Jewish homes and synagpguesi on, couragepusly and hopefully towards the Promised Land. So let us be! encouraged on this eve of onr Festival. "The . Palestine is not a-panacea, a cure-all, but every Jewish • V- - i 1 * 1 + i T 4.1. i. V J ^ • \ ' j 1 «"«««• earth f a]l is".the foundation j individual transplanted to that land represents one soul saved f f , g j throne thouch o s from misery and given « new lease on life. mercy and truth go before His face."; The God of Justice.* is the God-of Love. Justice is. love - -love} to all humanity; and not partiality to any. Love is justice, | : : : : : .':-; :>: :': •-,' -••-- '••-.•-."' -:^[.' Pesach- •-,: ; V . ' . - ; ^ ^ - v - . : \ ^ - ; ' nothing more than justice, the right that is everyone's due. i ::;.;i:;./::.-•'•i^V;;- ' By Raj)Di I^ederick Cpha •:;:.;-\;' •^'•p The gain of justice is everyone's gain, an enhancement of the j : E d i t o r J e w i s h . P r e s s : -/•.''.•; '•;'•'' • . . . "•". ' •;:.:' i , . - . ' ' . ' y . -.', ,<••_•• :• :'".•,' / ' liberty and .security of all. Let us make strong the- sense of f • S j 3 p ; : ; YS^y-yX'^:'•, • •' > • ' " ' • ' " ' • > • ' • • ' : • ;.-;.;•"••;•£• "•'.-';; / / . / ; • ~X;H:-:;: justice and contribute to the prevalence of justice on the earth, j ;' beginning Monday night' all Jewry' will;be celebrating^its until, as the Prophet has so beautifully described it, "Justice | shall.flow like water, and "righteousness like a mighty stream." | ; annual festiYa,lot Pesach. ^ :/sIgBificanee\ifoi^ The River of righteousness11 and' justice shall 'flow1 freely and I fIsrael is again in bondage. The Jews, qf Germany have been majestically^ between. th,e banks of blessing, on which shall ( ;;.3wfTanch.frefl.:-^ dwell; a humanity emancipated from all > eri-or and evil, regoods of life in serenity, in tranquillity •that of maldng-Sjliyingj, which is tantamount to taking their joicing" in the infinite and in peace. .':', ; ! '.! :-/: ' . : " y : . w ;"".:•..•'• ;. '; -•/ •JifeifAsiS^ Israel's Pesach is a/symbol and a promise of the;, ultimate take mylife^as takes^be'means^l^ freedom and happiness of all mankind. 'Xi::~. But; thougliitfei situation is; very, dark we> cannot but feel Yours very truly, FREDERICK COHX.
ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Recently Installed in the Beautiful
CORONADO APARTMENTS 22D AND CAPITOL AYE., within walking distant* ef dewnfewa Omoh«—e«e!<tr tfct capablt management ef McFAELAND ft KENNEDY CO., WerM-HcraM e«ii«it«.
New Ideas in
CALL RAT E. SMITH. J A 2100 ©r WA 4044
Never did we enter, a Spring season with so many new and delightful things as we show this April. On every hand you'll find home furnishings such as you have not seen before. Our Dream House on the fourth floor, the early American home and the model rooms on our fifth floor have all bee,n redecorated and furnished with a view to presenting new things for Spring and for imparting to you new ideas that you may carry away and use in your own home.
Orchard and Wilhelm Co.
You will lie Amazed to see a WPSOIIR-
iionse refrigerater operating under water at the KSectrical Exposition.
JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1935 Thursday branded the proa "Million dollar franrab." Lepinski said a. careestigation by his committee aclosed neither sufficient al becking to operate the public transportation on the part of the promoeven an intention of ever so should the franchise be
VISITING WITH PARENTS ©f Jewish Women : -ENGAGED . Council Miss Thelma Gaspar, daughter Harold. Saxe, of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Max Warren of of Mr. and Mrs. George Gaspar, Mrs. Tobye Silverman of LosD. C., a former Omahan, here in Des Moines announce the engage- is spending her spring vacation Angeles, Calif., formerly of Om-charge of the federal ,'E • ment of their daughter, Charlotte, from Carleton college with her aha announces the engagement of P^esearch project is to speak to to Phil Blumberg, son of Mr. andparents. the civic and international relaMiss Gaspar has been chosen to her daughter, Hadassah, to Irving tions group of the Council 01 Jew1 T* play one .of the leads in a May >, ish Women at the home of IVIrs. fete pageant to he presented by Ben Silver, Tuesday, April 7, at ^ the woman students of her col- j 1 o'clock. lege. She will play the part of ] Mr. Saxe, who spent the year i1 the queen of the sugar plum fai- j and a half .previous to coming- to A. -K ries in the "Nutcracker Fantasy", > r r Omaha, in Washington, will spetk a presentation in dance and pag-, on "The Aims of the Present Ad- •A i ; \ V, | I. i : i . . eantry based on Tschaikowsky's ministration." Ee graduated iron: "Nutcracker Suite." Harvard in 1934, and is a . COHEX-GOLD5IAX EPSTE1N-ROBINSOX f ate of Omaha Central High school. ; ENGAGEMENT EXGAGEMEXT VISITING HERE The engagement of Miss Inez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson The meeting is open, to all memMrs. Morris Pickus and chilbers of the Council. Mrs. ManGoldman, daughter of J. H. Gold- of Fort Dodge, la., announce the L r Dorlcrs dren. Donna and Joan, are the man of Los Angeles, t o Max E . I engagement of their daughter, uel Grodiaskr, Council president, K guests of Mrs. Pickus' brotherCohen, son of Mrs. Marian Cohen j Gertrude, t o Sidney Epstein, son will, be co-hostess with Mrs. Sil^ ' . 0 - Or'. o t Omaha was recently, announced.; of Mr. a n d Mrs. Louis Epstein of in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ver. An informal coffee will preEpstein's C - - r w~~ Miss Goldman is a sister of David j Omaha. The siarriage will take cede Mr. Sase's talk. D.B.Epstein. They will be joinGoldman with whom jshe has made j Place in summer. •: if, ed this "week-end by Mr. Pickus Ccrp. ¥• 1610 Nc, 24th. St who will remain here for the holher home. •'-...' I * —• : Junior Cosines! • >* 24th and IT Sts, idays. Miss Goldman graduated from ! ABRAMS-GREEXBERGEft The Junior Council of Jewish J* Sam Flax Stephens college, and Mr. Cohenj The marriage of Miss Miriam Women will hold their monthly | N. LEVIK50N Is a graduate of t h e University of j Greenberger, daughter of Mr. and on Sts, FOR PASSOVER ' th and E meeting Sunday, April 5, at 3 5 Kentucky. . ; Mrs. Max Greenberger of Grand Market Liquor Store Dr. and Mrs. Morris Sacks and p. m. at the Paston Hotel. No date h a s been set for t h e ] Island, t o Blarney Abrams, son of Mr. Sidney Sacks of Chicago will The- -weekly lectures by Mrs. Orlahs Fe!into !Ma:r;ket Hadassah SUvennan wedding. j Mr. and» Mrs. -D. Abrams, will take 1012 Howard Mary Fredericks each Monday arrive Sunday night to spend the 16th and Eurt St s, place Sunday, April 5, a t t h e Passover holidays w i t h Mrs. i Lefkowitz, nephew of Rabbi Win- < e v e n i n g ^-m be discontinued unkl Birch wood club. Rabbis Harold ! Sacks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 er of Los Angeles. The mar-; t i l a f t e r t h e holidays. The serA. Poska GREEN-MARGOLIN Acc Liquor Store A. Berger and David A. Goldstein riage will take place June 14 in ji e s o f t a I k s v i l l b e reS umed MonENGAGEJLEXT Abramson. Mrs. Sacks is the for1537 0 St, WM. LAEERE , California. • j day, April 2 0. Mr, and Mrs. Gail Margolin an- will officiate. mer Libby Abramson. 523 Dakota Ave. § V Miss Nettie Abrams of Los AnLincoln, Nebr. nounce the engagement of their e l e s 1 JOHN PELDMAN, Agent So Sioux Oitr, Nebr. daughter, Dorothy, to Arthur j S . California, will attend the TO RETURN HO5IE TEA Green, son of Mrs. Meyer Green. wedding. v Mrs. Joseph Bloom of Chicago,; The Junior Pioneers honored; The Social Service class, con-, No date has been'set for the wedwho has been visiting h e r par-1 Mrs. Sophie Udin at a tea given ; ducted by Mr. Paul Goldblatt. will; ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE ding. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pit-1 Friday, March 27, at the home of', meet Fridays at 2 o'clock. There; Charlotte Warreu Miss Margolin attended the Uni- Mr. and Mrs. Charles K., Cohen Mrs. S. H. Blumberg of Omaha, j lor, for the past two weeks, is( their sponsor, Mrs. Celia Herman- will be three more lectures, April versity of Nebraska and Creigh- j announce the marriage of Mrs.formerly of Des Moines. The wed-' leaving for her home Saturday, j son. The table was decorated in 10, April IT and April 24. ton University. Mr. Green also at- jtCohen's sister, Miss Ruth Meyers, I ding wiH take place early Fall. .' Mrs. Bloom is the former Helen' pink and silver. tended the University' of Nebras- j C ao l Donald H, Kahn of Ventura, Miss Warren'is a graduate^ of • Pitlor. Many affairs have been; Mrs. Udin spoke to the girls on " Workers Order I son We I?:vile 1 ci:r Charge Account ka. He is affiliated with the Zeta \ of. Mrs. Edith Kahn of Roosevelt High school of Des . given in her honor. The International Workers Or- ' • — -J• ' 'what is being done to help Gerthat city. The ceremony was perBeta Tau fraternity. . man »„ and „«« Polish • ~~ girls o-..^ who are .Mr. Blumberg graduat-; int der, Branch Xo. 126, held their formed Sunday, March 29, in Los Moines. ed from'North High school in Om- BOOK REVIEW TEA dire need. She praised the group!installation of officers at the meet- : 4P, Angeles. After a -motor trip CONVALESCING . jaha. j A book review tea will be giv-j on their intelligence and enthus- j ing at the J. C. C. "Wednesday. through California the couple will ', ,"" V " ^ ^ v ^ ' ^ Mrs. M. Seidman of Lincoln 5s • ' en at the home of Mrs. Sam Gilin-jiasm in their work and predicted j March 25. The new officers are: live in Ventura. convalescing at the Methodist hosMULNICK-SAKS ENGAGEMENT sky, 604 South Thirty-seventh that they would expand and be-1 B. Martin, secretary; B. Kline. j pital. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks of Cqun-; street, at 2:30 p. m., on Tuesday, come an important link in the Pio- treasurer; D. Epstein, recording Patronize our advertisers. i secretary; L. Wolfson, hospital cil Bluffs annoTince the engage-! April 21, by the Sisterhood of neer chain. The group is making plans for chairman. The executive comment of their daughter, Sonia, to : Temple Israel. Dr. Frederick Cohn Just Arrived . , . These Distinctive Models Mr. Harry Mulnick, son of Mr. and i will review George Santayana's a kid party to be held Saturday, mittee includes Messrs. P. GinsMrs. A. Yarmolnek of Omaha. Xo ; "The 'Last Puritan," the Febru- April IS, at Irvington, Nebr. Any- burg, J. Jonisch, S. Epstein, E. and Featured. date has been set for the wed- i ary Book of the Month selection. one wishing to join the party at Ratsky and Fishbein. Board members will assist Mrs. j Irvington is welcome to do so. The ding. Gilinsky with the ticket sales and , plans were completed at a meet»• 1 also serve as hostesses. Presiding ] ing of the group held at the J. HOXORS RECENT BRIDE Visit.... ,-" Mrs. Sam Rosen was hostess to • at the tea table will be Mrs. Fred- | C. C. Tuesday, March 1. Mrs. twenty-four girls Sunday at her i erick Cohn and Mrs. David Wice. I Celia Hermaason gave a short Omaha's Fewest and home when she gave a miscellan- I Tickets may be obtained from any j talk. Ultra-Modera eous shower for Mrs. Arthur E.O-! member of Mrs. Gilinsky's comHABE&bASHE&Y sinsky, recent bride. - The table j mittee. i EXPECTED HO^IE ! Featuring All the New centerpiece was of sweet peas, | "• " Mrs. Max Fromkln is expected! Ideas in Style. Merroses and snapdragons. Prizes ' ALPHA GA5I3IA CHI chandise. home Sunday Xrom San Antonio, I were won bv Mrs. Cv Silver and | The Alpha Gamma Chi sorority Texas, where she has spent three' the Misses Sarah Stoler and Ev- j won its ivay into the semi-finals weeks as the guest of her broth- j elyn Green. •. . j of the intra-mural debate held on . ; . I t h e campus of Omaha University, j er-m-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. STAG PARTY \ The • team composed of Evelyn Joseph Rubm. 311'South 16th St. The Psi Mu fraternity will hold ; Dansky and Ksther Steinberg deWomen's MizracM a stag party at the Fontenelle ho-• bated on the question: Resolved Here's an exciting event tel Saturday, April 4, to honor Leo j Fraternities and sororities should for It's your ! Berman, whose" marriage to Miss ; not be allowed on the campus un- ^.^ Women's Mizrachi are planIT WILL, PAY YOU big opportunity to get i Marian Frieden will take place; less they possess permanent quar- jnPassover j n g a rn mmage afterhaving the holiday. sale, Those To Consult a' !soon. Sam Epstein, Aaron Epstein j ters. y . --—' 'one of these smart manJ bundles are asked to keep them jand Morris Bloom are in charge; Plans are being made f o r and they will be called for. nish suits you'd like to MALASHOCK'S of arrangements. j roller skating party April 10. Leon Gellman, of St. Louis, wear in the Easter paPatronize our advertisers. Patronize our advertisers. president of the Misrachi When buying r a d e . Smartly tailored ization. of America, was honered DIAMONDS from the world's foreat a reception Sunday afternoon at WEDDING RINGS the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wein- WATCHES - SfLVEKWABE most, designers of smart berg. sad GIFT JEWELSY A new coat with a person- g fashion . , . and featured He explained the wort of the ality all its own. In sizes 12 at this exceptional price Women's Mizrachi, and told how j £•••••••••»•••••• for— they take care of the orthodox J Jewish girls arid provide religious j education for the immigrant girls.
c promoters -who" are askpeople. of Omaha to give svery valuable franchise rould be worth a million, have the sole idea in >f auctioning off the' franto the highes' bidder, if ould be given it. The very lat thej refuse to come out open with their proposal refused five times to apfore a public hearing boia City Council pro7e3 this.
rue — A campaign to raise )00 kronen ($40,000J for lief of German Jewry lias lunched here by the Juws of Slovakia.
-»— T*
„ " " " ' '
%J"1^^*S? J*
Hats soys
SATS" s hats when hem. All the ere . . . The is a national
to $10
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Exclusive Winkelman El Casa, Cloth . . . Black . . . Blue . . . Brown. A smart two inch Cuban heel
Other S'ew Winkelman Styles
$8.75 to $18.50
'As the Fimest iee Suits im
Omoho—nodcr th» Hd-Hcrold
Sizes for Juniors. Misses and Women 'A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Suit Until Easter
Women usually insist upon men w e a r i n g clothes that offer sliaa to the figure . . « squared shoulders . . . robust chest . . .• 'that's why men have paid high priced tailors is make their.clothes . . . Now they can be fitted in the finest hand tailored clothes by Rogers Peet with the same effect at
SMITH, IWA 4044 THERE MUST BE A REASON! Join Freddie Ebener Tonight and Swing to That Sparkling Rhythm •
. P. "Pst" :
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Featuring L
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FREDDIE Jnst telephony AT 2717 . . . or write to request a charge account.
U*» 'sualiy l a r g e handsome plvJ is. linked in lovely and luxurious new ways . . . and r""i ember tlie more skins . . . A s smtrter . . . and we'll r i r 5 e lI ~tV»"»H, P a = y style you % t \ choose.
3 Skins, . , .
1O-Pl-re Band X)&cctnc Conliimntis
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Serving Sightly, Including Snndays Fall Coarse Delicious Charcoal BKOELED STEAKS ana FRIED | CHICKEX PIKSERS, OXE DOIAAB, Club Only
Especially -^designed Icr herd to fit men in both regular and odd sizes. Pertly . . . . tcdl . ... short . . . and stout men. Yen mcy wear en odd size, 33, 41, 43, 45 or 47, cad we'fesve Iheza, Brascning King—Mean Floor
4 Skins.... 6 Skins.... €ltf 8 Skins.... tJ«"f
J. C. C. Sports
help them remaiL in condition.
Stiee id' 1 inimf fe&ce
&i;eir £ idoil ] \ iey j ;i Ou
souri: that said Charles E. Halllne died seized" of the East Fifty (50) Feet of Lots One (1) and Twp (2), Five (5), In Hawthorne AddiArnold Hoffman, student at the•Block tion, an Addition to «> ma ha. .Douglas Abraham Lincoln High School, re- County. Nebraska, as surveyed, platand recorded; that by and under ceived Superior rating in the Clar- ted the terms of the said win of Charles inet Solo division for the District K. Halline. deceased. • Ida E. Halline, upon the death of the said Charles B. Music Contest held last week. He Halllne. became vested •with the enwill go to Creston, Iowa next week tire interest ana fee simple title in and to the above described real esfor another Music Contest. tate, and that the said Ida E. Halllne on the 28th day of pecember. j: 192D. became married to W. W. GrifRabbi Jacob Cohn,' principal ot flth, her name by reason thereof now being: Ida E. Halllne Griffith. the Talmud Torah, announces that The petitioner fn eald petition prays all children should attend the ser- that the said will of Charles E. Hallvices at the Synagogue next Mon- lne, deceased, may be prooated and allowed this state by the County I day and Tuesday mornings instead Court ofinDouglas County, Nebraska:
Pii I"-5,
gistration m a y be handled upon dassah will give a "Dessert Lunchafternoon, arrival a t t h e Center. Prizes will e o n " on Wednesday at the be official A A U gold a n d silver A p r I M 5 , a t one.o'clock medals t o the winners of first' -home of Mrs. Max -Simon, 2 0 5 Mrs. Herman and second place respectively. Oakland Avenue. •"Winners will be t h e 1 9 3 6 cham- Marowltz Is program' chairman, pions of t h e Mid-western' A A U and Mrs. Herman Krause is Chair"dessert comprising of t e a m s . i n t h e State man i n charge of t h e of Nebraska, Iowa, a n d South D a - luncheon." Assisting Mrs. Krause kotka. ... a r e t h e Mesdames George RoffPaui Grossman a n d ' Morris j man, Samuel H. Katelman. and Bloom representing t h e J. C. C. Isaac Sternhill. Reservations m a y won the doubles tourney competl- be made w i t h a n y member of t h e tion easily in.the City A. A. U. above committee. Mrs. B e n Margolin o f C o l u m b u s , Nebraska w i l l Handball, meet. •be t h e guest speaker. Mrs. MarJunior boys a r e showing a great golin i s regional president of the deal of interest in ping-pong a s ' Senior Hadassah. A reading will shown in t h e number of entrants be given by Miss J u n e Meyerson. as y e t received by Haskell Cohen, , ——-. • In charge of t h e recreation room. T h e Council Bluffs L o d g e N o . To date, 25 have shown their w i l l - ] G88 of the B'nai Britti h a s c o m ingness t o enter into competition menced taking reservations for and many are using every spare the Banquet to be held at t h e moment In -the recreation room synagogue o n Wednesday evening, practising for the tournament. _ April 2 2 , in celebration of t h e Those entered a r e : Lee White, j twenty-fifth anniversary since i t s Melvin Dolgoff, S o l Epstein, Mar- ' organization. Mr. I. B . Padway, vin Gerber, B e n Miller, Marvin j. president of t h e District Grand Camel, Maurice Klalman, Morrie] Lodge No. 6 - o f t h e B'nai Brith, Adler, Irving White, E d d i e K u k - will b e t h e principal speaker a n d l i n , Harold Epstein, Albert Shen- honored guest. Mr. Louis H . field, Norman Polonsky, Melvin i Katelman IH general chairman In Levine, Nathan Meicnes, Albert [ charge of this affair, a n d reservaLagman, Jack Epstein, Malcom tions should be made as soon a s Trachtenbarg, Leo Alperson, Her- | possible, bert, Dolgoff, Marvin Simon, D o n -
1 •v (
ald Zernovsky, Isadore Friedman, T h e Chevra B'nai Ylsroel SocieE u g e n e Simon a n d Marvin Zernov- ty will hold i t s semi-annual elecsky. Play will begin the "first tion of officers next 1 Wednesday w e e k of April. j
. iThe firms advertising in the Much enthusiasm is being shown Jewish 'Press . merit and deserve by the women in all physical ed- | your patronage. •- . ; ~ ' ucation classes. However,- there is still plenty of room lor those interested in keeping the "girlish 'figure" which may be kept or attained by exercising. Lee Grossman, physical director, is an ex- 4 3 or 4 rooms beautifully pert on the subject of physical I furnished! Electric, gas and training and anyone will find the phone included. Gas heated. director more than willing to co- | Call We. 3527 on Sunday. ' operate In any way possible to
LIBERTY MODEL CORNET or TRUMPET Many students on Cornet, Trombone or Trumpet are handicapped In their farther progress through tho nse ot Inferior Instruments. Many contestants in state music contests or amateur contests have failed for want of an Instrument that has:
1» Easy Action. 2. Perfect Intonation. 3.,Perfect Response
Try the King liberty Model Trumpet, a cornet, and you vritt find all these features and many more. Between April 1st and 15th, w» wfll give more liberal allowance for your old Instrument than at any other lime, as we need used Instruments for our * spring and summer beginning classes. un nt Bawn Vse
SS1416-18 DODGE STREET Exdutiv
Agents for King tiutrumenU
that the regular administration of I FRADENBURG, WEBB. BEBER. A. £3.. to contest the probate at said will, the Court may allow and prosaid estate be dispensed with and KLUTZNICK & KELUEY. Attys. that the Court finds and decrees that bate said will and K<«r1 administraUnion State Bk. Bidssaid estate descended free of all debts tion of said estate to Fanny rnlmnun against the decedent, and that said and Omaha Nationnl Bank, or some estate be assigned under the proviNOTICE OF PROBATE OF W!UL j other suitable person, enter a decre* sions of. the will and that petitioner In the County Court of Douglae of heirship. and uroceed to n settlehave such other relief as may be Just County, Nebraskament thereof. and equitable. BRfCE OKA Win-Hi) • In the Matter of the Estate of Reid 3-20-36-St County Judge You -re hereby further notified j that said matter has been set for W. Talmoge, Deceased. AH persons interested In salfl e«i hearing on the I8th day of April, 1936. at the hour of nine o'clock A. ! tate are hereby notified that a peti- ] II.. In the County Court Boom of the ; tion has beers filed In said Court. | 8 nice rooms ir> central locn. Court House in said County tn the praying for the probate of a certain ;' tion. Or will rent single rooms City of Omaha, pouglas County, Ne- instrument now on file In said Court. braska, and that If you fail to ap- • purporting to be the last will end | Reasonable. pear at said time and place and con- : twtament of said deceased, end that | test the said petition, the Court may a. hearing will be had on said peti- i grant the prayer of same. ' ; tion before said Court on the 11th day: 2811. Hamilton St. Ja. 7sr>r of April. 1936. end that H they fail j BRTCE CRAWFORD. | to npppar at said Court on the said ; County Judge. 11th day of April. 1936. at » o'clock S-27-3G-nt
t l:\
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kfesne.
in the Junior boys efficiency class, 5 boys have monopolized the 9 .events with Melvin Bernstein leading tho class. The boys The Sisterhood of t h e Talmud The Mid-Western A. A. U. handhavo the best record in the Torah Society will hold a meeting ball tournament will be run off who events are as follows: Melvin next Thursday afternoon. April 9, in the J. C. C. lour-wall courts 9Bernstein holding the longest a t 2 : 3 0 o'clock a t t h e home of April lli'and 12. Omaha entrants standing broad with 7 ft. Mrs. Dave Fox, 106 North Eighth will be Manny ..Goldberg, Paul 3 3£ in., Maynardjump holds Street. Rabbi Jacob Cohn will Grosman, Morris Bloom of the the running high Katzman jump record speak on "Passover." A l l m e m Center and Bob Wurgler and John with a jump of 4 ft. 2 in., Mar-bers are urged to attend. Casey and Pat McGiH of the V. vin Zernovsky is in the lead with M.C.A. These men are eligible because of their being finalists and The E m e s e l Club held a draws'mi-Hnallsts in Class A.and dou-" also is leading in the number of ing Tuesday afternoon a t t h e off- of attending regular school claspush ups with 25, Melvin Bernbles champions. Ice of Dr. Isaac Sternhill. Mrs. N a - ses, due to the.Passover Holidays. stein has pumped rope 208 times, John Casey became tho City Maynard Katzman is as yet the than N o g g held t h e lucky n u m '..W Class A singles champion by fastest boy in the class by run-ber" and w a s awarded t h e prize of FRADENBURG, W E B B , BEBER, five dollars. : ' . KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY, and rtue of his win over Bob.Wur- ning t h e track in seconds, ALFRED FIEDLER, Attyt. .ir, his doubles partner, at the Harold Epstein has made 13 out Union State Bank Bldg. . C. C. last Monday night In three of 25 free throws,, Stanley Felt- '' Collman Yudelson, s o n of Mr. NOTICE PUBLICATION ON i'jtly contested games, 21-14, man has 115 in the target throw, and Mrs. Morris Y u d e l s o n , w a s PETITION BY FOR SETTLEMENT OF J-21; and 21-14. Bob Wurgler, and he has also jumped 23 ft. 9 elected president of t h e P h i E p FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT n-iner Mid-western and City AAU i silon P i Fraternity a t t h e UniverJn the County Court of Douglas lumplon, was-thoroughly dispos- in., in tho hop, step; and jump sity of Iowa a t Iowa City. Robert County. Nebraska. . , In the Matter of the Estate of al of by the tall, dark-haired event. Rosenteld, son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Hannah Venn, Peceased. .'oiiiig man who jumped Into the J o e Rosenfeld, w a s elected vice All persons Interested in said mat'undball limelight - just recently. ter are hereby notified that on the president of t h e fraternity. f4th day of March. 1936, Frank E. in fact, the young champion was Peck filed a petition in said County .aught the game ot handball by Court. • praying that his final adminMr. and Mrs, Herman Krasne istration account filed herein be set!• .•! partner and by the results are expected h o m e today following tled and allowed, and that he be disung Wurgler does a good job from his trust as administraa t h r e e - m o n t h s ' visit in L o s A n - charged tor and that a hearing trill be had on iS tutoring. . \ BIF.B.S. geles, Phoenix, a n d H o t Springs. said petition before said Court on the day of April, 1936, and that if you Jn the Class S singles competiW h i l e in L o s A n g e l e s , t h e y visit- 18th fall to appear before this Court on Liou, Morris Franklin became the ed their s o n a n d daughter-in-law. the said ISth day of April. 1936. at PASSOVER SERVICES 9 o'clock A. M.. and contest said class champion by defeating Ben The week-of Passbver begins petition, the Court may grant the Rosen in two straight games, 21prayer of said petition, enter a decree LEON & WHITE, Atty*. 18 and 21-4. Morris Franklin next Monday, April 6, and lasts of helrship, and make such other and City Nat'l BK. Bldg. for eight' days. Appropriate serswept through the Class B tournfurther orders, allowances and deNOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON crees, a^ to this Court may seem ament very easily and was only vices will be held next Monday PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF proper, to the end that all matters compelled to play three games evening at sir o'clock .'at the CheFINAL ADMINISTRATION pertaining to said estate may be finACCOUNT ally settled and determined. once when he vied with Earl Si- vra B'nai Ylsroel synagogue at In the County Court of Douglas BRTCE CRAWFORD, gal in the semi-finals. Both Frank- 6IS Mynster Street, Following the County, Nebraska. , 3-27-36-3t County Judge. lin and Rosen teamed together services at the synagogue, the tra- In the Matter of the Estate of Paul MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & fhlllpp/ Deceased. ditional Seder Service will be held to take the Class B doubles title interested in said matCOHEN and J. HAROLD SAKS, as did Wurgler and Casey in the in numerous Jewish homes on terAllarepersons hereby notified that on the Attorneys 737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Class A. • . •• . • . . both Monday night and Tuesday 23rd day of March. . 1936, Margaret Philipp filed a petition in said County night, when the "Four Questions", All entries in the Mid-western Court, praying that her final adminIn the County Court of Douglas account filed herein be set- County, Nebraska. •• AAU handball competition must will be asked by the youngest istration tled and allowed, and that she be disIn the Matter of the Estate' of member of the family; On Tues: be banded in by Wed., April 8, charged from her trust as executrix Charles E. Ha Hire, Deceased. morning; services,at the syn- and that a hearing will be had on Notice to all persons interested in with the entry fee set at 25 cents petition before said Court on the the estate of Charles E. Halllne. Deper man. Each club will be limit- agogue w i l l begin a t 8 : 3 0 o'clock, said 18th day of April. 1936. and that If ceased, both creditors and heirs: ed to one doubles team, but both and Tuesday evening, services will you fail to appear before said -Court You are hereby notified that on the on the said 18th day of April, 1936. 20th day of March, 1936, Ida E. Hallmembers of the doubles team be held a t s i x o'clock. Wednesday at 9 o'clock A. M., end contest said ine Griffith filed a petition In the may enter the singles otherwise morning, "'services will commence petition, the Court may grant tho County Court of Douglas County. Neat 8 : 3 0 o'clock. Rabbi J a c o b ! prayer of said petition, enter a decree braska, together with a duly autheneach club will be limited to one of helrship. and make such other and ticated copy of the will of Charles E. man in the singles. Play will be- Cohn, principal of' t h e T a l m u d ] further orders, allowances and de- Halllne, deceased, and the probate gin at six o'clock Saturday eve- Torah, will speak a t t h e synago- crees, as • to.' this Court may seem thereof in the Probate Court of St. proper, to the end. that all matters .Louis County. Missouri, which said gue Tuesday morning a s part of ning and will continue on Sunday, pertaining to* eald estate may be fin- petition alleges that Charles E. HallApril 11 and 12. Each player the services. ally settled and determined. ine died testate on the 11th day of December. 1927. being then a resident BRYCE CRAWFORD, must be registered in the AAU and 3-27-36-St • County Judge. of St. Louis, St. Louis County, MisAAU rules will govern. AAU reThe Council Bluffs Senior H a By BAY SCHAPIEO
evening, April 8, at eight o'clock at t h e Chevra B'nai YJsroel s y n agogue at 618 Mynster Steet. All members are urged to attend.
the People or the Pronuters? Would you vote to give mysterious promoters a 30*year franchise?
This JFrancMse Would Be Worth a Million Dollars These and other important questions must be decided by the . people of Omaha when they go to the polls Tuesday, April 14. A man named O'Connell has asked the people to GIVE him a valuable franchise to operate a bus system on terms written by his own lawyer y - without proof of any kind of financial backing.
The promoter has refused to come out In the open. He has refused five times to appear before the City Council for a public hearing on his proposed franchise.
Finally, the City Council went on record disapproving , the proposal as unsound and unbusinesslike. Who Would Buy a "Pig In a Poke?" •
"A Quality Product for Seasoning"
P. & G. Beverages Butternut Extracts
Lime Rickey, Gingerale or White Soda •
Dozen $1.15
2 oz. Bottle 19c
Plus Bottle
Butter Nut Jell Assorted Flavor*
6 pkgs. for 29c 1 Dessert Dish Free
FolgerYCoffe lb. 30c
2 lbs. 59c
, ,. .. THE PROMOTER'S P R O P O S A L HAS BEEN CON""", DEMNED, NOT ALONE BY THE CITY COUNCIL, BtJT BY THE DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF OMAHA AS A "PIG IN A POKE" PROPOSITION. The City Attorney says the promoter could sell the franchise to the highest bidder. There is loose talk by promoters of a 5-cent bus fare but there is NOT A SINGLE WORD in the franchise itself—or any other authoritative document—guaranteeing this or any other rate of fare. The promoters know that the fares to be charged would be fixed by the State Railway Commission, under the law, and that talk of a 5-cent fare is an attempt to mislead the people—just vote-baiting.
Strips City Council of Power
Butternut Coffee 2 lbs. 56c
Uncle Sam's
Brakfast Food
^ v
The City Attorney has stated that the franchise will strip the City Council of powers of regulating this proposed bus system.
Regular or Drip Grind
lb. 29c
Promoters Would Be Dictators In short, the promoter's lawyer has written a good franchise for his client one which would enable the promoters to tell - the people and the City Council to "paddle your awn canoe we'll run the buses according to our own ideas."
Pkg.23c BUT---
10 lbs. 55c
24 lbs. 1.05
Happyvale Pink Salmon, lb. cans .....__ I2V2C Iibby's Steak Salmons, lb. flat can 25c Kamo Steak Salmon, lb. flat can 2iy2c Curtis Brothers White Meat Tuna Fish, can_17%c Fancy Crab Meat, can _ 27%c Sunkist Sardines, large oval cans, 3 cans 29c Fancy Sant* Clara Prunes, 40-50 size, 3 lbs 23c 25-lb. box : :. $1.85 Sunkist Vacuum pk Whole Kernel Corn, can 12%c Mission Brand Peas, extra tender, can 12y 2 c Appier Sauce, made of green apples, can 8c Fancy Strawberries, full pint boxes ... 15c Fresh Asparagus, 2 lb.. bundles 28c Jonathan and Greening Apples, 6 lbs. 25c Market basket 35c _ Bushel 1.25 Fancy Radishes, large bunches, 3 for 10c Fancy California Rhubarb, lb 07%c Honda Juice Oranges, 5 lbs. , 28c Freih Mushrooms, box_.._. :^-_LL^_25C Texas Grapefruit, large size, each 5c; doz. _ 5 8 c Fancy Sunkist Oranges, 176 size, doz _.35c Bananas, fancy ripe, lb _ „ „.
Meanwhile, the& would be WRECKING city transportation in Omaha, a thing which is vital to the future growth and development of the city. An inadequate, disrupted transportation system will stagnate any city. . We believe the great majority of the people of Omaha are opposed to such selfish, promotional schemes.
St. is* a
Vote Against the Franchise "GRAB"
Junior Hadassah
U. to contest the probate of,; said the Court may allow and prosaid will and smrt administmDl said estate to Fanny rMmase Oranha Hanfc. or some [ suitable person, enter a dtcrea slrshJp. and urocre"! to 3 settle| thereof. BR?O33 CHA\VI<(.'Ki> 36-3t County Judge.
The Junior Hndassah held an. open meeting Thursday evening, March 2G,. at the J. C... C, Dora Freshman, president of the chapPOLIT1CAL ADVERTISEMENT
dee rooms in central loca». Or will rent single rooms sonable. 1-Hamilton St.
Jail 785,-
8th ' year of serjrjce as District Jud^e Inquire of nny attorney as to temperament nr.rt reputation for 5m3i:5try
ter, .presided. Fannie Katelman will be given. J AH members are with. Freddie Ehener as master of} guests of the Des Moines chapter was program chairman. • urged to attend. ceremonies. Tickets are on sale; No. 4. Fred "White, local attorney, -was by all members of the chapter. j Aleph Jay Weisnian conducted the guest speaker. A feature, of Aleph Godol Harold Zelinsky • the service at the observance of the program was the winding of reported on the activities of the I International A. Z. A. Sabbath, a large clock by Mr. "White, to The Century Chapter of A. Z.District Convention which was jlast Friday night at the B'nai Isinaugurate t i e second annual A. at a regular meeting last Sun- held at Dnluth, March 19-22. Ze-; rael synagogue. "Junior Hadassah Silver, Mine" day at t i e . J . C. C. announced linsky has been elected District j contest. The person guessing' the plans for the forthcoming spring Aleph Sopher, publicity director.; Jewish Press advertisers merit correct time that the clock stops dance. This event, which Is an The basketball team cf Chap-1 your patronage. •will win a prize of twenty-five dolannual affair, will be held at the ter 100 retnrned last week from j lars (§25.00) in silver. Twelve Paxton Hotel Ballroom, April 26,Des Moines, where they were the j Patronize our advertisers. captains of the teams in charge of the contest are the Misses Irene Fishberg, Sarah German, Sonia Roitstein, Sarah Taub, Evelyn Glazer, Rose Abramson, Ann Goodbinder, Fra-nces Kornfeld, Ann Knznit, Kalah Franklin, Goldye Seidman, and Jeannette Resnick. . . ' Vocal solos were rendered by Miss Julia Zuker, _accompained at the piano by Miss Eleanor Cohen. A piano EOIO was given b y Miss Eleanor Cohen. ;- • ' / . . ' Following the program, refreshments were served. The Junior Hadassah will hold a regular meeting next Thursday evening, April 9, at eight o'clock at the J. C. C. A Pesach. program
A. Z. A.
Re-Elect CharlesF*
Republican Candidate for Auditor of Public Accounts of Nebraska
CLEANERS* mmmsssmmmammismmzm
BAKER AIR CONDITIONING for every purpose Distributed by
WESTERN Air Conditioning Corp. 104 So. 18th St.
AT. 8454
^Democrat for
I Respect and Urge—
Look for the Orange and Blue Label A Trial Will Convince You
the strictest allegiance to the official oath of office.
• Six years experience In Government service. • 15 years experience as expert^ accountant and auditor for State and Federal Departments. • Born and raised in Dodge County, Nebraska. • World War Veteran, recelving no disability compensa- tion or psnsion. • FIRST-TIME candidate.
His Record Merits Your ; Vote
2711 Ko. 24th St. WE- 6400 jjB~..inmrarTT
BeSeady For
PASSOVER! Let, ...the KRASNE Beauty Salon Attend Your Beauty Needs
of -Mefe&sita •-Wttoai
716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.
AT. 4333
for a Pleasant Surprise HAVE TOT! TRIED SCHMIDT'S liATELY
MUNICIPAL JUDGE "fc He has made an excellent record as municipal judge for eight years. •k He has proven himself fair, honest and capable.
422 So. 13th St.
Stop for Your
Lunch and Relaxation AT THE!
* As "high man" in the past two municipal judge elections, he has demonstrated his popularity and has retained the confidence of the people of Omaha . . . the city in which he was born and reared... j*<xr.*-mvtKto.
There Is a Wide Difference —Between Public Servants • and Office Holders.
lowing fields: current and classic Ncwesie Mercnry Lamp "Gilt Service" By Anglo-Jewish books for young and Hairy Meadefsoa old. gifts of ali kinds with a. Jewish touch, greeting cards for till occasions, Hebrew end Harry J.Iecdelson, £863 Daven- Jewish port street, who directs Omaha's Yiddish sheet music, Jewish uovelModern Hebrew School, has an- ities. art creations, Palestinian nounced a new service — as book handiwork, ceremonial objects, and gift consnlant and dispenser. current non-Jewish books, subHe offers advice to anyone "buy- scriptions for leading magazines. ing books or gifts in the Jewish field. His service touches the fol- Patronize our advertisers.
Jerusalem •— Filtered, raye of light showing' discoloration of oranre skins where disease its starting, and ie not yet visible to the naked eye, are the features ot a mercury lamp which has been invented by Dr. J. IX Oppenheim, citrus research expert of Rehovoth, Palestine.
August H.
We Are Serving s Special American Dinner EVERY SUNDAY at
75c AND 85c PEE PLATE 4 Courses Complete From 11 A. M. to S P. M.
V -,•
Wanted—Elocution Teacher
a clear firm -roice that vre couldn't get over singing her praises.
Ephraiin Marks is thinking of j Wh&t's IQ S N E taking enunciation lessons since Joe Liebman, he of the many he had the following experience. i_ . ... _. i names, has acquired another one, ] Being very ambmous one after- . . H e e d t h i s o n e; noon "Eph" deciaed to rake * « | a f t e r n 0 0 1 1 f ^ e n w a i u ona cus. j IN OUR SPACIOUS back lot and burn the eaves and . he g i r r e d £ n dn o g i r r e d , .NEW VAULTS such. He picked a windy day and i ^ i t i n g oa., Pay cleaning charge only customer he vas when clothes are needed | the surronndmg territory began customer became the for next season. | to burn. He rushed into the house • i r r i t a t e d and said "Don't ] phoned the lire department and; • ^ j t . fi . , , O u r | young friend, Mr. Liebman, didhere." The operator ! fire yelled, "Hurry up there s thought a brush;_ . .understand, , , . ,,„,„„ ,,, 'n't ,Quite and he said lie said a rush fire and sent five '. . . "sir?" The customer vrent tip OFFICE AND PLANT K.E. 1500 companies out there. Was he eni-jin the air, and Joe acquired a new barassed! ;name. Friends of his have pre-, : pared a calling card for him that j reads Sir Little Joe Junior MoonGuess r ea baked ^ m Pinky Liebman. Who is the matron one of the cakes, for which she • 'is justly famous, to enter into a ITJ/I R'fc In Appreciation of Your OIL j certain show contest, rushed j . * . ,. T „ _, , . A SCene £ t t h e J C C !odge downtown with it, being very care-* " " ' Past and Future Distrib- j'ful »^b . ^ , "","=; room last Thursday night: FODUSemi Lump to hold .^,, Patronage the bos so the cake , . . , . utors j would not be lar young ladies >e into crushed; paid *?™*by »acheior attorney Eurj quarter to get the show anda Irounded of Per Ton i; after getting in discovered that planation, Fred White seen •windCities ing the clock at the Junior HadasGuaranteed the show which was going to con-. . . .. , , ROSS PETERSON Service to Satisfy duct the contest wasn't starting js T a h . meetingo cas the"Silver start of the MOTEL FQNTENTSLLE I Junior until the following week. So the T . . ^ " " - " ^ " ^^ ^ Heating Fine Flowers Moderately cake came home, but not to stay, c o n t e s t - Are yon lucky? If you Priced can guess the correct, time that Oils il you know what I mean. Open Evenings unci Holidays the clock stops, twenty-five dollars And who is the young attorney A t 4114 AT. 8300 AT. 6S AT. 4114 whom his fraters have named the is yours. "dictator," because of his passion for "laying down the law." Seen and Noted _Dr. Israel Sternhill Icnching with -a very attractive Miss and A Real Hoofer being most attentive. Irving Kuklin, clever Z. B. T. Dick Hurwitz turning a deep 1 tap dancer, stole the show when; c r i n i s o n when friends asked him Pastes Mitcfiel Co. he did his specialty last Sunday | i f t h e r e W M £ E y B i g I l i I l c a n c e i n evening at the Z. B.- T. dance.-Irr, t b e f a ^ t i a t h e a n d - a v o u l i g l a d y STtb and Martha EA. 55SS formerly was on the RKO circuit, |o f h i s ac(Jt3a i B tance were standing •. Sweet Batter i and is one of the best hoofers in! n e a T , & b a f c y - ^ t ^ ^ - a t t h e C e n . Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft • Dated Sfflk .the didleweEt, — and that's D 0 | t r a l H i g h b a l l a f t e r t h e - C a p e r B Grey Irou end Semi-Steel Cast: esasgeration. At present, he is ' show,; • Sour Cream ings. Wood .and Metal Patterns i teaching' fifty or sixty male stttand many other products, Standard sizes Bronze e n d iron j dents at Nebraska University, Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern . ask yonr grocer or c a l l . . . CONGRATULATIONSRinge and Covers, Cleanout D o c s , 'most of them rugged-athletes, how Essh Weights E n d Yeitow Bra«E Congratulations- to • • Joseph B. Plumbers' to trip the light fantastic. Ferrules, carried in Katelman of Council Elnffs, fam- i stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze ant! HA. 2226 iliarly known- as "Joe" to his I Cast iron GriUes a Specialty, friends, upon his election to the 1 True, there have been many en- j ofice of Alderman-at-L,a~ge at the gagements among our young set j city election- in the Bluffs Monrecently, but we have reliable in- d aT . j o e h a s been nicknamed formation that several more are the "ninth alderman" for his regto be announced before .many ular attendance to the meetings months go by. Come To in his unofficial capacity, and now he is chosen as one of the "reguKATS lar eight." Our best wishes to JAWING Cleaned anci ycu, Joe! for Blocked Only Herbert Keplan, who displayed The Best Hot. Corned Beef I unsuspected- ability as an actor SHOES j Repaired While I in the Conservative Capers show, BUSY AT THE BAR Sandwiches in the City The busiest bartender in Omaha j You Wait j was doing a little pre-show cele! brating Saturday night, when last Sunday was the one at the j - FREE—Pick-up enc! Deliveries Whitman's In Downtowrt District someone who had been imbibing JCovat bar room when E recep-! Phone EA. 4530 Delicatessen & Lunch •[too freely let one fly for Herb's tion was held in honor, of Sally I 2417 Parnani JA. 4874 ichin. Herb was stunned both lit- and Eddie Rosen, newlyweds, and Open -Daily and Sundays \ erally and figuratively by the j it was truly a lovely affair, Till Mldnite s EEFAIK oa j blow, and the jaw was. swollen a 1S0S j when actor Herb took to the stage MAGICIAN \ for the "Capers" All Bluma "Neveleff bas to do is wish for something, it seems. \ Every show has its friendly The other-week she was wishing | rivals. Some of them have two orshe'd have a fiat tire (honest) et • more friends trying for the same | a certain spot, End sure enough Let Gould Attend Your ' part, some have perhaps two or she did have one. (And we don't Drag Needs :• more members of the cast vieing mean the kind of flat tire you Esal Estate -anti Property mean, we mean on the car.) • Visit us in our new loca- ' for the heroine's affections. Management • tion where you will find a : And so it was only natural that there be some friendly rivalry in accidents • arc T1DBISH WHITER: Rnfiolf complete stock of Drug and ii the Conservative Capers show pre- .Rocker writes Yiddish beautifully costly . . . Ee Prepared . . . Sundry items. jsented Tuesday night. Simply and speaks it fluently . . . And Have your sctomobile insthis: Sam Theodore, who owns a Mr. Rocker, a writer and lecturer, sored with Franfcel | cleaning establishment, and one of the few Christians who 50th & Dodge Sts. WA. 0SC2 i Hyman Greenberg, whose husband can boast'of this accomplishment ES Douglas Elocfc | manages a branch of a rival clean- , . » Rocker was at one time efiiPARKING SPACE JACKSON 1525 ing plant, were partners in one of tor of Yiddish papers in England Prompt Delivery "For insurance See Trafkei 11 tlie chorus numbers of the show,! a n i j j - e w y O rk . . . A German be-' Mama^^*^«miiii*m^^m»^i^^^^m^i ' | Merely a coincidence, and the two ;c a u s - e pf, t i s • politicab'views . , . i I got along with nary a hitch. I He 3s one cf very few non-Jews j ••• \ to be listed in Salmon Eeisins 'lex- j A GOLD IIEDAL TO • . ' | icoa of Jewish Trrlters Anoth-' Sirs. J. M. Malashock, who did! er non-Jew listed 5n the Reisin is such a fine-job as accompanist for•(Goethe, .because he once w-rote i the children's numbers in the Ca-jpart of a fanciful diary cf hisfcra-i pers. She watched the kiddies so vels in Yiddish . . . 224 Insurance Bldg. closely that her rnnsic followed AT. 0221 8 them. Often when they skipped a Tradition relates, that.a Eafcr- AT. &BU, Wiring of all kinds. measure "Ruth" skipped " with Ionian scholar of the third cenEvery* Lssniry Service • Motor Installations. them and that way kept the audi- tury C. E., .Samuel -: car ence from knowing if anything Shilath, who was a MgEly esteem- j I WET WASH TO FEKISSEB • Lighting Fixtures. WOBK. .-. was wrong. ed- teacher of children in his day,' Estimates Gladly Furnished Little Shirley. Wohlser, who inwas descended- from .the Let UE keep your wearing sppare! onr opinion is a close second to Hainan. . . Immaculat® Call Shirley Temple. This little girl W© take time to <io it right by | ] AT. 6479 did her part wita such,naturalness Jewish Press advertisers merit beipg elms- and careful and ability, spoke her lines in such your patronage.
Peerless Cleaiers
AJAX $9.50
Firs! Mortgage Ltmiss under Federal Housing Repaid Over s. Period of Five to Twenty Years Also Straight Loons r>X 4%, B or S% Per Cent
804 JKeeline
AT, SS40
1C1S Eai-ncv St.
Each Additions! 'Mile Unlv 1Bc No Charge for Extra Bonded Prtvew—"Fully i S-ocailv Owpptf — SLorsUlv i THOMAS. J. CAf>t>,'President'
Gould Drug Co.
cs CLEAN LIKENS 17th and Vint on AT. EiST
OMAHA LAUMPSf C a Let us keep your jrarHiente C!»SB, fresh anfi crisp, and srlve them Hie.
Call WE, SSS4
W1KB0W SHAPE SHOF ' * Washable Sbatlap Tljer Ker^r Cracfe wr Br€»k * ShHrtoTr-Froof SluaHes For Bcflroonis m n A Batte.. rooms VTg also cl»B.Xx and reverae your o!fl shades
* Shades as iiow »» Toor OTO~B Ro!les«
tFAl/NUT 580©
BUSS ANNA PILL, correspondent the standing comrAlttees includes the following ••women: Mesdames United Jewish Max Brodkey,. A* Goodsite, |J. Jack JRobinson, T. N.-LejvAppeal Drive j| Levin, is, E. N. Gru'eskln,. M... i'evltan. D. Rodin,, L... Agranoff,
ha, ! ; ! urvei i,i
. •a i
services will begin, a t 8;30 arrive.In,the city--Thursday"from.!"t0 publish the necessary -notice in or a n y part of said preferred stock I corporation were amended a s W O W B standing; " co'm'miite^p her?-lnnftw o'clock. At 10:30 Rabbi .Goldberg the Jewish Press, a newspaper p u b - on of Its full par value in I .ARTICLE i l l . . ' " Jn " ^Omaha, " na;ned to carry on the functional lished Douglas County, the payment will'speak on#"OUf Invisible-Mas- Lincoln,'-Nebraska,''where they'""" currency of t h e UnltPtf Stafei? of ThB management find artminisactivities of this corporation. , a n d all cf thi- dlvirtend* a c - tration of t h e affairs of this corare "en.rojjed in the .University of Nebraska. ters." " "Wednesday morning at Nebraska. . ' , A Committef- on Jewish E d u Be It further resolved t h a t t h e cumulated a n d unpaid thereon, and poration shall be vested in a Board cation. charter of said corporation be s u r 10:30 o'clock", -Ratibi doldberg's ihe corporation, to thin emj. recervf* rendered a n d t h e Secretary of State the right t o declare forfeited una t o of i.'uvernors a n d a n Executive 2. A Committee on Jewish Philtopic, - will • be "The ' Promised I . „ , " . _ , . , _, Committee who Khali have concuranthropies. w . •-, - , I of the State of Nebraska be and ..„.,,.,,., ,L udividends forfeit, aall l , , , l t , l u , , nthftt l u mny a c c m e rent powers. No action ot either Land." ' " ' • 5. A Committee on Jewish ComJTI the the_ preferred p r f e d Stock, t k thirty hi cl) rte Is authorized to cancel said ^n j _%MlSB JEthei <8o> body Rhall, however, be modified, : aaughtef munity ("enter. Mr. and Mrs. .Barop-, E, E;-Baron, andof| aj-. hereby^ g [[days after written notice Is given revoked or reviewed by t h e other 4. A Committee on Jewish Free j the holder thereof to BUrrmdw such student—at—Wellesley college is j IjOiin.1 [preferred stock, a n d (should t h e hol<|body. T h e Board of Gov- 6. A Committee on Family Wel.spring vacation a s ! Congregation j ! er thereof neglect or rt'fuat! BO to sjur (Signed) fare: Mar- I SAM JOSEPHSON, 0. A Committef on Social S e r The Tenth Annual service to be a • • - of a , classmate, • . • Mlsa -—• President vice. c o n d u c t e d ^ ,the Children; of" the ty Wilson,, jn Washington, D. C. BIRDIE J O S E P H S O N . T." A Committee on Emergency notice for t h e said surrender amJ re- ei'Mors IK not. in session the l£xee- j Secretary." 3-13-36-4t Jewish P r o b i e ^ s . ^unjor-.Congregation, will be held] • ™ tirement of this certificate, t h e Bale) j utive Committee s--hall have full The Ohairrp-m nf each of these fat" Sbaare Zionsyn- - -Mri.aa4-Mrs^ ArcWe-Herzoff of dividend shall be forfeited. The said i power to munape untl administer i FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, i notice Committees ska I! b»:- selected from shall be piven to t h e Bald legal | agogue, '-wheri- more than i 00 ichii* Chicago, the affairs of the corporation. KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY. among- the members of UR- Kxec-visited^ In Sioux City rei holder or holders of the *ald predrett.iwill^participate ..In ' the. ,ser- cently; with' Attorneys a t L a w The Executive Commlt'ee shnll • utive CommlCfP and FUWI chairj f e n e d stock so to be reUied. EK consist -the formers parents, of the duly elected officers, ! £03 Jnlon State Bank Building mnn shall, with the advice nnd j shown upon t h e transfer book of tins who shall be: An Honorar> 1'ref-i.yice.'"vMilton^Mazie • will act asMr. and\ Mrsl.Mike Herzoff. . ; : i corporation a t t h e time naid notice Is dent, three Honorary Vice- 1'resi- ; consent of thf Pre-Hkl'HU and ExecGantor.'>''Splo: parts'Tvill'- h e : sung utive Committee. .•.p!»>lnt the- nsvog Notice Is hereby riven .that on t h e jjven a n d t h e notice shall be c o n .dents, a President, three Vice- i cintf1 member*; o ; ' his Committee. by Rachael -Ginsberg,. Harry NadTillle Shindler has return-' 20111 d a yno faJ a n u a I ?e t' ' n193l!l a t t5le It?.' I strued to have been given when It la Presidents, a Secretary, a n d A The Executive Committee and,'or 6Uch TreaBurer, a n d twenty-three m e m ed from Chicago," where she spent ! holders " i S L ^ of ^ Barish-Sanderi* L ^ l l ^ ^ i *$£*£• °Z*' |iholder I" 1 ?,"'"a1t! his . t o last P « *of the Hoard of Governors shall havn . Motor Co.. place ed by and from the .Board of Uuv, the pmvpr to npi'oint such other and a ten day vacation,. ber», fifteen of whom shall be -ie i- '
JLazere, M.iA. Weiner, S.' A. H . Baron has been named g% Greenstone, Abe:Pill,-Max Bochairman of the drive for funds: s e n stock. J . Lehmann, >?RiibBn for the United Jewish Appeal j unier^ Charles Raskin,1 E.J Rubincampaign, which will open early j s t e l n > H R Rabinowitz, S o l ' next week. A large committee! j Louis S. Goldberg,, A. L. Gallpy c o d s ol the com additional ComVnittpes a? m a y from a t itF first w p e t ' n c >olhnvtil* time to time be deemed . r e q u i s i t e tirlt IV of t h e Articles of Incorpora- pany aJid deposited in a n y post olf- ernurr course of the next week, and ; sky, BI Baron; M. Lazriovjlch, vJ. : f ine t h e Annual Meetingof the cor| ice. When t h e stock is t o redeemed, and necefsa-ry to enrry o u t a n d • of the. chil- . t Guests:'In- the - H,: S. Novitsky ti -n of said Barish- Sanders Motor poration, and eight of whom shall i •fully plans made f o r a thorough c a n - j N / Kreuger, : IkeYLeviir a h d I W e will speak' in ibehajf. it m a y be cancelled, retired, held in y txpcutp the program ;awl. purCo.. w a s duly amended t o read a s by the President "With , d r e n ' Betty Rae ai6so)j'iwiilp're home last, weekend were Gary follows: *.7TOT dren.' the treasury, or reissued a s preferred be appointed K u t c h e r . '•/.; : • . •• ; advice o r the officer? and elect- ! poses of the corporat'lon. -'The r e paijnu Headquarters for the stock. T h e deposit of One Hundred the Gross, brother of Mrs. Novitsky, ARTICLE IV ed members a n d all of whom «haH side as chairman bf *A report of. the Giye or Dollars ($1UO.?O> for each share so of t h e C above-nnmed drive be at Comanfl ^Herman; "Coreninan of Omamunitywill Center Inthe theJewish office of the) committee was given and phnll b.^hort' speeches will'''J.^jyen in t h e ByLa w.s. superintendent, Miss Dena Baron. chairman, announced; a large "^In- David KUntz, Irving vr^Pr3idBj Pn.ted F ,4»"vinr>" 12th 1!'3f.. 1 A meeting "Wednesday evening crease over last- year Jn. the num- and .Dorothy Dikel."' Poems' ;wJH J F! W1 "^ J-i shares of Common Stock of t h e par j dpnn^it I T N1 r > i i-ir^i J^K selected until after April 1, 1936. of .the nucleus of the committee ber of women who have • pledged be read by'Sditb. Gelfand^.Thelma| ^•JMtes' Edith -Patt^rot Chicago. Il- value of One Hundred Dollars ($ino.- I "A;,, u 'Ivll.l-' \ 1 K AXD rRHKHATION ; three hundred filty ! }\ linois,. spent the rasf: ten days in y K E N ! ;T MONt'KT, Hi opened the preparatory work of their quota for the Give or Get.Shindler and Estelle Raskin.' The ;-r.ors shall (350) of Preferred Stock of j conditions ol VE elected a t the 'City* visiting" with Cantor the campaign. The Big Gifts com- Elaborate plans are being made entire Junior. Congregation will aSiottx par value of One Hundred Do!- of such preferred Block a r e hereby Annual M H ARP.r SiLV HUMAN, made n v d a mf-mlterHhiv) ll of f which h i h stock t k ': " ^ d e a m a t t e rr vt ontrat b • ! lars (J10000) ($100.00), all of ccontract between ! t?£% mittee and t h e executive group for the annual Give or Get affair sing Passover V songs -under th¥| d- Mrs. A.' PHskin. Secrotary. K: Each Jewish 4-3-3(5-41 •"• I shall be fully paid u p a n d non-assess- ;e ae cr sh a anndda. Uall of the then stockhold- . O i S f which h a s met at that time to lay plans for to which these women are eligible lead erahjp of \ Mr. : Sam/ Krupnlck ••-• -. - - • ioble when issued. i future stockholders o! t h e ! in existence for more than one e n s k y a p pV eared' ^ t h e e v e n t t h e c o m m o n c a p i t a l >-corporation,.on behalt o fthemselves j the drive. ~ shall be entitled to one r e p to attend.. . . ' • • ••;.and; Miss 'Lillian •.'Romlrpwsiy. •i l i 's s ••L i b b i e•" •O.l w ^ _*, ' s t o c k is Increased, t h e stockholders :E n rd made binding: upon each a n d ail i resentative on t h e Board of i GoverThe United Jewish Appeal camPlans- were' : also "made for' the Prlzes-for perfect attendance .-will ri a ptap,o r e c i t a l W e d n e s d a y e v e - 1 o w n ] n E common stock of record a t ;t°u r e the then stockholders, and all tu- Inors, a n d if i t s mnmbo/ship b»- more stockholders, their reprcsenta- ; than lOil then me a'iditional r e p Clothing Fixtures paign embodies a drive for funds Senior Hadassah collectionrof the be awarded' by'the' synagogue to ning- I n , the Youngberg Studio. s'jch time shall have t h e prior rlg-ht subscribe for a n d take such addi- ' lives, heirs, executors, administraresentative for -.y'h 1"i' or m.'.:"r for the Joint Distribution Com- Jewish National PundV Wue. boxes several children of "the cbng?ega- Miss 'Opal Bullard played the or-t.o tional commoi. stock e t Us book I t o r s - assigns a n d successors in In- , fraction thereof in excess ot" l''»* chestral arrangements for the sec-1vaH'e. b u t n o t less than par. in pro- ! terest a n d t h e holder of this certifi- menibers. Such representatives sh;iil mittee, tht United Palestine Ap- during ' tLe-' week, of •! Passover. for sale at vety reabj' t h e acceptance; serve for a term of one year !>'•Tomorrow morning; at the. Tegpeals and numerous institutions Mrs. J . N. Kreuger; is chairman sonable prices—quit_ agrees l o r hsmsell. ! grinning with. J a n u a r y 1 ami t e r In • the United States. b o m s by th-* Certificate evidencing ! heirs, administrators, executors and minating on December 31, except of the J . N . F . . • ••^.•:--- •] ular Saturday morning services. closed Miss Olensky's program. ting' business. M a y such stock Eecures t o t h e holder I assigns a n d successors in Interest , however t h a t the first Board of Max Bickov, son,of Mr."and Mrs. Simitar drives In former years It was also announced that the therpof. t h e payment in currency of t h a t he a n d they will be bound by j Governors elected under this sec15th—must be sold j r . JiTtft* Cantor and Mrs. A. Pliskin the United S t a t e s of America, a cu- I t h e said Articles or Incorporation, t h e ; tion shall be elected no late: 1 than have been met with success and Senior Hadassah chapter would Harry. Bickov "wiir celebrate".'bis ; at ..once—one revolvannual dividend of two per;' by-laws a n d such other resolutions I April 1, 193K. and shall hold office enthusiasm on the part of the lo-cater the banqeut for • t h e ' B'nai Bar Mitzvah. Candy will be dis-thank the members of the Shaare mulative 1 until December 31, 10SB. a n d until cent (2) p e r a n n u m , payable a n and regulations a s m a y be made from : ing case — two wall . cal Jewish community, and in, nuaJly on dates to be fixed by Heso- time to time by t h e said board of: their successors are duly elected, B'rith"convention1 to-be -held here tributed- to t h e children of theZiqn congregation a n d ' their, lution of t h e Board of Directors d u r - ' directors a n d the stockholders of the i and shall be elected by t h e organc a s e s—15 tables — •Juhiof Congregation 'by Mr. • and friends '.fortheir participation in view of the added Impetus of aid- jAprlI19. " - " ' ' ' . . • , • '•.-;•.! t h e existence of t h e said cor- i said company. ; iza tion. shelving1 — 5 f l o o r Ing -the German Jewish refugees! A card party and <• social hourMrs. Bickov in honor of their son. the'festivities of the Bar Mitzvah in,? The Executive Committee shall roration Such dividend upon t h e •. Section 2. No dividends shall be ! of their son Robert.' They also nipierred stock shall be cumulative i declared or paid on common s t o c k ' have the right to name members of cases—5 electric ceilIn Palestine, t h e committees\ f o U o w e a t h e m e e t i n g a n d electhe Board of Governors a t large in shall n o t exceed two per cent ' u n t j ! a I I o f E a i d preferred stock shall thank the members of the'Shaare arid heading the drive voiced a feeling; t| o n > . . ' ' ing fans—Natl, Electhe number of one for each, four . . ) per annurn a n d a r r e a r s t h e r e - : n a v e b e e n r e t i r e d . without t h e Q l l Zlon Auxiliary for serving the if. payable 1 of confidence that the Sioux Cityj ' i 'c eeach V ' )year " [ uouul tuof consent of Ell hold- ' representing- organizations. t"he en ne et :t ten — unanimous * tric Cash register— t The power is reserved in t h e dinner honoring Robert following of t h e corporation before earnings e r s o f p r e feiTed stock. Jewry would continue to share its At the regular "services this the Bar Mitzvah. Board of Governors of the corporW i n d o w fixtures, end is paid upon t h e comj | n 3. No sale of stock shsl!! any divid Sect O ation to determine t h e eligibility of responsibility in this nation-wide evening, Rabbi Theodore N.I.Lewk g^all ; organizations mon stock. b e valid a n dt h e c o r p o r a t i o n models, etc. to participate in and r.-i ' ^ ^ to campaign. : - t ^transfer .said stock, on i t s books! affiliate with this corporation, and Is will speak" on "Passover" Symu n t i l a n d u n l e s E t n e s n ! d Etock sna11 the power is reserved in t h e Exec• Tel .Aviv — The Council of the )r"lnvoiuntarv~*of 'ihVcornon' ! the "power V?" reserveci'^'n"th'p"Execbols." *•'••• J h S of the i S f t S d •h a v e fl di r s t b e e r oef f e r e d t o existing utive Committee to desifrnate repThe Brotherhood of the 'Tern-! Jewish Federation of Labor, has stock ?sha!! _ _ S o t t e d . S be^pafd ,. ... AUTHOR OF UNUSUAL BOOK in f^Sj° f™ tt,}il J*\T-*°?* V a l U e '' resentetlve. at large to the Board confirmed the decision to transfer full t h e p abi r val- a of their shares, thereof, but before selling the same of Governors. pie, will'hold Its meeting'on ."Wed"Written by Eabbl HIrsch Brava n y accrued, unpaid dividends at a lesser price, the said stock shall ARTICLE VII. nesday,. April 15. - The ..members the HIstadruth. schools to the gen- plus be offered first to existing stock- i thereon, before .MII.V .any amount a m o u n t snaa shall b er, son of Rabbi and Mrs. M. There shall be established •.**!..cvii. Kciuiti we e holders a t such lesser price. M:s] . of. the Central .High School'Deeral s c h o o l n e t w o r k Of t h e Kne8- paid t o t h e holders of the common Braver of Sioux City, an exhaus- j In witness whereof the Ftockhold- j "^ -»* \•«.:'r•^ seth Israel. stock, a n d after payment t o t h e holdbating ' team, . who' have recently I e r s of of preferred stock stock of i t s p a rers of the Barish-Sanders Motor Co. tlve treatise on the law of volun-| ' • - ' ' • if; %iK. ..- *.1 ers f it returned' from. a .State meet at value a npreferred d a n y unpaid, accrued divi- caused said amendment to be subtary and involuntary liquidation j LEON & W H I I f . Attorney! .'iiiui nn scribed on the 20th day of January, i dends thereon, t h e remaining assets ;their••• fellow Jews \ the Iowa City, will present ,a .debate 604-10 City National Bank :Bids. of "banks, trust companies and world -over,~ Sioux City Jewry^ will and funds shall be divided a n d paid 1336 kyi- ^ ' -.hi fa Omaha. Nebraska BARISH-SANDiCRS MOTOR CO., that evening. ' ' to t h e Solders of t h e common stock "building and loan associations has observe Passover- beginning • next mm ^m • ' • • ' '££ a; By JI. M. BARISH, according . > their respective shares. NOTICE O F DISSOLUTION »i Just been published by the Bobbs- Monday evening. • The traditional owners of such preferred stock President. Notice,In hereby Riven that on the The " " '". the same subject to the I^^Jl " /*. \ Merrill Company of Indianapolis. Seder Service Monday and Tues2«th day. of F e b n i a r y . 193B. a t n s p e •\ r! Attest: ! agreements and conditions: MHHI •' " cial meeting of t h e Stockholders a n d 36 4t To t h e power of "this" corpora- j 3 - 6 "i.. - S. - REDFORD, ;;s:;-:s::-!J •.. • • t *'* 1 ii Rabbi Braver is in Sioux Cityj ^ a y e T e n j n g a w i n be held In many Secretary. i of .The i Zoo. Inc.. railed for J Friday evening services will be^• Or visiting his" parents ' " " """' *"and will ' "re"" ' Sioux City homes. Synagogue serif its 'auAMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF". ir ; - ^ {•• i main for a month: For the last .vices will - be held the first and gin' tonight at -5:45 o'clock in :the or preferred stock. : INCORPORATION OF JEWISH !! as the case may be, from time to COMMUNITY CENTER AND njously adopted. * » • •«the three years he has been practic- last two days -and" the Rabbis Beth 'Abraham- synagogue.' "RESOLVED: That It i s for thetime. Tomorrow > morning "Sbabos ; WELFARE FEDERATION •• ; v :t:>; ; abi» ing law in South Bend, Indiana. have chosen appropriate' Passbest • Interests of nil parties enn; He-holds LL. B and LL. M. de-over themes for s -their sermons, Hago'dol" services • •will begin at c e m M t h a t T h e Zoo. Inc.. a - C o r - to vote at meetings of the stock- . >'..•* .-•(.:. holders. NOTICE IS HEIIKBT GIVEN" That poration organized on t h « 31st d a y 9 o'clock. "The: reading of • the \ crees from the University of Kan- with the choirs preparing to sing : J a n u a r y . 15.14. under t h e laws of • (c) The Board of Directors may. ru the a.mwl in°«t:i.f of the JKW1SH take place at 9:30 of adtheir discretion, at any nuetine COMMUNITY CKN'TER AKIl law school. th*. State nf Nebraska, be dissolved at the traditional .Passover hymns. Torah will d a y of' a n d ' i t s c h a r t e r s a r r e n d e r e d : • t h a t I days' called for that purpose, on thirty | FARE FBDERAT.'ON" held on reb- and ana • ,Mnsaf f ' services HPrrlrfru a of ocK ana Musar t , Five years ago, Tvhen Rabbi At Mount Sinai Temple, Passat, ^ ^ . ^ ptookholders and a n d direc ' -*«"••' Stockholders direcnotice, redeem and retire all i ruary 12th, *.W>. the Articles of In- I Braver was in charge of the Tip- over services 'will be held Tues-! 10:15. At 4 o'clock tomorro--W af-l tors- of th« said corporation are" here'present and have signed their hereth Israel synagogue -in Kan-day morning, April -7, a t 10:3.0 terndon, -Rabbi Goldberg will consent'to said dissolution.;v sas City, Mo., he published a book o'clock. Rabb^.Theodqre N.. Lew- speak on "Hllchos Pesach;" EvIt is ' further resolved that the '"" corporation be-' and the same entitled Great Figures and Events is -will speak on. the subject "in eryone - * - - - ? — "~——*~"j : I hereby Is'dissolved" anii the PresiIn Jewish History. Every Generation."-, -.:• :' ; AVeek day. services are held at j dent, and ndSecretary of-this corporaThe book on Liquidation of here t they e h e r Services at' Shaare Zion .willibe Abraham synagogue Jj™ ^t^,, iL "f^i?!banks contains more than 1,600 held Monday'evening,-.April •, 6; Beth i r e c»L ted ^ to ^LS morning at .7 o'clock and every every'! <?ate : of ddissolution ana *file the T h e Ain di pages and is said to be the first Tuesday ' n\ornlng ,;; and evening, of its kind ever prepared. QgCf ye copy thereof with t h e C o n n t r Clerk and "Wednesday morning. ; The every Goldeve-r| of Douglas Couhty. Nebraska, a n d evening services"will- begin' at ;7 ning -Vat 6:15"; w k h Ra.bbl o'clock and the .morning, .services berg. ; • / Oneg Shabbos The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare at 8:30. Tuesday morning Rabbi Announcing . . . Zion synagogue will' hold their H.^ R. Rabinowitz will speak on "The Eternal Striving for FreeOneg Shabbos meeting tomorrow We will again this year afternon a t 2:30 in the home of dom." "Wednesday morning his Manjr college students who -will sell MATZOHS—CANDY Airs. John Lansberg, 2707 Jones subject will be "Is There a Rem- be released- from-thelr -studies for Street, with. Mrs. A. H. Baron, edy for the New Egypt." • Cantor 'spring?vacation will•'.be;.in: Sioux —WINE andl all other A. •Pliskin will chant the tradi- City next week to spend the time presiding. PfiSAOH PRODUCTS. • : with -their parents: : . Miss Lillian Romirowsky will tional Passover ritual. • For Your Order Call npeak on "The Jewish. Part in the At Beth Abraham synagogue • From Iowa Cty", where they are Liberal Movement." A dramatiz- Erev Pesach services will ;Tjegin; attending the University of- Iowa. Go to your grocer's at once and order ation of "For t h e Messiah" by Monday evening a t 6:30 o'clock. will come Miss Dena Baron, Mlsa, David Fishman will he presented Rabbi Benjamin N. Goldberg arid Sophie Fish, Miss Neomi Sacks, j as many cans of MAXWELL HOUSE and We Will Deliver "by Mrs. S. H.' Shulkin, Mrs. Joehis son Shlaimale will officiate at and Miss Dorothy Gelaon. all the services during the PassLevin, Mrs. Mike Grueskin a n d Misa Frances Kalin, Miss Mina Ja.. 0637 2530 Seward COFFEE - - the original Passover coffee Mrs.. A. H. Baron. over week. Tuesday" morning.Slbtsky and Miss Rose Albert will . Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will - - as the number of Hagadahs you want, present Current events, and the and ask for this beautiful free Hagadah program will be closed with the serving of refreshments.
•j \: Mount Sinai >;,
GJ! MA. 3722
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. Beth Abraham
It Is Not YetToo Late For You To Get This Beautiful Hagadah FREE AtYour Grocer's With Every Can of Maxwell House Coffee
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with every can. Its Vita-Fresh process of packing assures you that on opening the last can, the coffee will be just as
Sisterhood The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Temple will have its regular monthly meeting this afternoon, following a one o'clock luncheon. Mrs. A. J.- Gallnsky and Mrs. Ben Schuleln are in charge of the I uncheon. ' . - . • ' The program which has been arranged by Dr. Delia Gallnsky will Include a talk by Dr. W. S. Petty on "Public Health" and a paper on the life arid work of Theodore Herzl by Mrs. Max Rosenstock. TMrs. William Lazere, president of the Sisterhood will preside during the business meeting.. Mrs. S. H. Novitsky will give t-.he invocation.
fresh as the hour it left the roasting oven.
unui "rr.'.if.I.
!l. .
Hadassah Elects Board Members Election of new members to '.lie BoaTd of Directors was a feature of .the meeting of the Senior Hadassah chapter, Tuesday after•ioon In the Jewish Community '.'enter. . .The Board of Directors for the roming year and the chairmen of MARK LEON WR1TE8
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MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE is Kosher for Passover, as certified by Rabbi Hersch Kohn of New York. You can therefore enjoy a delicious cup of coffee on Passover made with MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, a matchless blend of the choicest coffee beans. No matter how you prepare your coffee: by drip, percolator or simple boiling, you will get delightful results because of the perfect new method of grinding MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE. It's the coffee of all merits - - good to the last drop!
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