April 10, 1936

Page 1


standing * conrmittees..


named to carry on the "functional activities .of this corporation. A Committee on Jewlsli Education. 2. A Committee on Jewish Philanthropies. - 3. A Committee on Jewish Community Center.


4. A Committee on Jewish Free

Loan.•.'•'* 5. A Committee on 'Family Welfare. 6. A Committee on. Social Service. *v '•...• i. A Committee ' on Emergency Jewish Problems'. The Chairman .of each ,of thrfe Commtoees shall be selected from among the members of the. Executive Committee nnd such chairman shall, with the advice and consent of the President and Executive Committee. apn«iint, the as«oclntp members of his. Committer. The Executive" Committee and /or the Board of Governors - shall havo , the power to appoint such other and additional Committees as may from time to time be. deeniea-requisite nnd necessary to carry out nnd y execute the rroprnrn :n"nd. purposes of the corporation -The respective duties and reFpohsibi'itj of the Committees • aJiow-uamed shall be as prescribed in' the ByLaws. -.; •" T>nte<1 February ISth.' !93G. JEWISH COMMUN1TT CIENTKU AND "SYETiFARR FEDERATION B j H E N R T MOSFEY, c P r n


This column is. copyright by the Seven. Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or - in part, strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted. • '. '

"ORGANIZATION" Organization ia a dreadful •word, it has been driven to death. But the thing for which the word stands is a fundamental necessity. And after two years of both extensive and intensive study of Jewish life in America I offer as my most important observation this one: American Jewry is split up into far too many organizations and is in its totality -wretchedly unorganized. I, shall mention no single or individual organization, because there is none for' which on its own ground somethings^cah To Be Held May 3 Under not be said; there-is not one that Sponsorship of College doeB not do. some, good; there is Club certainly not one that by its very existence does not contribute to William- Schwartz of Chicago, the feeling of moral solidarity formerly' of Omaha, and one of among Jews. Hence I accept them Jewry's outstanding will all. But no one will deny that, present a special art artists, exhibit of in spite of them all, Jewish life works at the third annual in America, Jewish communal and Conclave sponsored b y theTouth Colconcerted effort, function badly, Club at Temple Jtsrael Sun7 at haphazard and in such a way lege as to waste or, at least not to day. May 3.


Clothing Fixtures for sale at very reasonable prices-r-q-aitting business. M a y 15th—mnst be sold at.once—one revolving case—-two -wall c a s e s—15 tables — shelving — 5 f l o o r cases—5 electric ceiling- fans—Natl^ Electric Cash register— W i n d o w fixtures, models, etc.

Entered i s Secoofl Clua Uiil Matter on January si, 1121. ax PosBtoffie. ol Omaha. Nebraska, nndtr th« Act et March 8. 115»


, FRIDAY, APSIL 10, 1936

Urge Enrollment in Talmud Torah The City Talmud Torah appeals to the parents to enroll their children in Talmud Torah. ' The new Semester begins immediately after Passover. They are also urged to enroll their girls as well as boys since "Jewish education is essential to girls as well as boys."


Workers Needed!

Anti-Semitic Leaflets Widely Circulated in Warsaw Tterritory

Volu.nte.er workers are needed to help in the solicitation of pledges for the Jewish. Philanthropies campaign, which will open May 4. Men, women and youths who wish to leisd nanpower to the collectins of funds for thirty local, national and international Jewish agencies are asked to comsucicate with, the Jewish Community Center office. -

•ider Heads Drive

Conditions Make It Necessary to Increase Contributions By . . . At Least $10,000'

Warsaw (JTA) — Wholesale defections split the ranks of the anti-Semitic National Democratic (Endek) Party this week after J workmen members had denounced the party leaders and torn up San-r Malasliock. a veteran! •and our monnlinp deficit <^-""-> tate t h e raising; of Rt U>n>>t t<>n the by-laws at a stormy meeting campaigner in philanthropy' thousand dollar* more thtm last in Radom. drires, has accepted the gen- J-CRf. The workers' marched out of use, enormous • resources of both . Mr.-Schwartz, who has exhibiteral chairmanship of the 1936 "A deepened fpri^e of ed three one-man Bhows at the the party headquarters, sieging moral and material power. ' Jewish Philanthropies in Qma-;ur»l responK;bnitv,'- declared Berlin (JTA) —Although Jews Socialist songs and, announcing Chicago Art Institute, has selectha. ' ashock, "forces us ff ed a group of pictures, most in- are barred from the German army they were joining the Socialist "Stage-Nite," dramatic tournaThis year's campaign, Trill pledpes to the Phil 7 .How many times and In how teresting-to Jews and especially in peacetime, they will be draft- Party. In one town, Borki, only ment sponsored by the Round Tamany communities have I not to youth. The display will open ed for service in the event of war twelve Endek members remained ble of Jewish Youth, will be preget under Tray on Monday-, "The paralysing: ( we havr breaks out, according to a Govern- after ninety had deserted to the heard the following: "Now there's the day's activities. May 4, and Trill be concen- depression sented Wednesday evening, AprJ iencing have cawsec •r J- r ( V ' I II Mr. X. We know that he's worth A panel discussion, Including a ment order published this week. Socialists. 15, at 8 o'clock at the Jewish trated into one week of force- of our generous E ' > The Endek Party, considered Community Center. a. million. He belongs to no con-number of prominent Omahans, The order, which was signed t h e past. Omaha was no PI | ful solicitation in March 21, states that Jews will will be one of the program highthe strongest opposition gronp in gregation; he's not a Ben 5'rith; i entire Jevris'h community •will for the openness o he's not a member of the Z. O lights. Names of those taking part be assigned under present mili- Parliament, has been blamed for Eight of the constituent organthe needs o£ our IC'I tary regulations to "Military Re- agitation leading to recent exces- isations of the Round Table will > be tborouglily canvassed. -A, His business has heavy Jew- wilt be announced soon. if we are to retain o> compete for the trophy to be given serve Number 2." Harold Saks is general chairses and Kbycotts against the Jeirs. ish patronage. When you come to Malashock has already begun ed repute lion vre n 1 the group presenting the best him to appeal for either the local man. Membeirs of :the committees Meanwhile, the Government ctive wort on the drive, and re- contrilmtions this >p 1 one-act play. As several of these institutions or for. overseas help supervising'.the conference are: gave Jewish veterans permission I ports that he vill have bis vari"Xs'e do txot inte'u he says either (1) 'I don't believe Tickets, Bessie Gold ware and Jane to leave Germany in a statement ASK DEFEANCEISBMEIiT groups cave joined in casting ous divisional chairmen selected ''campaign through 1 f their plays, only eight skits 'will In sectarian charities; I give only Rosenstockj dance and orchestra, answering a query from the Jew>r next week's issue ol the Jew- v*e intend 1f Cancella- be presented. The competing crtl for general charities!' Or he says Bob Singer, Richard Hiller; pub- ish War Veterans' Association. Warsaw (WNS) ish Press. c r>f (2) 'I give in my own- way when licity, Rose Mendelson, Henry The association had notified the tion of the citizenship rights of I ganizatiocs are Alpha Gamma for thempei.ves. We The machinery for the soHciia- to overconif-, s, de? I want to and not upon solicita- Mendelson; art exhibit, Mrs. Government that the Jewish Ex- Polish Jews, the expropriation of Chi, Beta Tau Kappa, Junior Ha- Chairman .of X8E6 Jewish • Philtion has also been oiled. The de-'I been piling n? as tion.' Or else he hands the col-David Wlce and Jane Rosenstock. Servicemen's League of EnglandB their property and its distribution dassaa, A. Z. A, No. 100, Delta anthropies" Campaign tail vrorfc is being done Et the I meet our quota lector five dollars and files into Art Randall'B .orchestra will had offered- to aid emigration of among needy Poles are among the Kappa, A* Z. A. No. 1, Alpha Pi Jewish Community Center, under i years. We hs-ve nin a rage • when you deprecate his play for the dance which will German ...Jewish ..veterans. to for- demands made by the National Tau and Kappa Tau. the direction o* Paul GoU'blfttt, ; needy Katcerine Gallagher, Lucille I niggardliness." beneficiavief close the day's activities. Radical Party (Naras), the antieign countries. executive director. McGrath and Jake Raclnnan -will ' promipes tnust be I Proceeds from the conclave The Hamburg Jewish Commun- Semitic extremists, in leaflets act as judges according to an an' How can the man, to use ourwill • exaggerating to Ray be turned over to the Youth's ity, was ordered "to clean out" "no widely distributed in all sections Kigher common phrase, get away, with Division nouncement by Milton R. Frohia, jlife of the Jewish of Warsaw. The Naras, who have of the Philanthropies Chairman M s U f h o c k anlater than Sept. 30 one of the old•Hit? How can such men in such drive. . chairman. nounces that the quota for this i is et stake in this c est Jewish "cemeteries in the city no legal standing as a political an age succeed "in their callous Helen Merritt, • director of the have,- by these demands, year's drive has not. bo<?n drfeffrontery , and .murderous • self- The College club -will hold a and turn th egrounda over to the party, Center Playexs, is acting as genembraced the entire Nail program meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:30 iiiUelj- fixed yet, hut thnt con- j acicT'tional money i State, Reinetrment will take place seeliing? Because"there are a hunfar as the Jews are concerned. eral dramatic director for Stageditions in GeriiJBTry «n(t Poland i yesr to alleviate tTr i " dred'Jewish organizations and no when.additional plans for.the con- in the Jewish cemetery in Ohls- so Emll Sommerstein, J e w i s h Nite. i Polish Je-vrish EHUS if "> visible Jewish Community. There claves will be made. Everyone is dorf, a, Hamburg , snburb. The member of Etlerltes Start. Anew -.After Tickets may be obtained from : the Sejm, has laid beHamburg cemetery was founded lB-no' lethal or Xehlllnu vThere^is invited to attend. After the recent i >T fore Minister of the Interior Rac- any member of the Round Table •Chasgiag. F E S C to GsrsiasIn 1711. . '..' ... \ky three British' k-. a :Temple^ and tberevi» a synaJewish kleyici a detailed TneaacrauduEi | or . . at the office of ths -S'qsne^ni there is a schal. There I bert Bawsjel, Lore; • r q regarding the antl-Jewish" distur- Coin'munlty "Center. is a men's club and a brothernood in VJ ! Simon Marks, H *' New York ^WNS) —Extension) ed of the right to raise her own bances and the boycott agitation and a cisterhodd and a Chcrfca j riiited States JCTT.' children under the ruling of a against Jewish merchants. Bus: ot" Nazi • activities ••into the field k^aisha ' and '•& -this and' -a that \ ten Eiiilion doHr.T Torgau court. • On the basis of man Mendelshon of Przytyk, who cf •-•American politics -nn'der the - The 'Beth-El Emsgogne inrit.es and, at best,-at v.ery:-best, a JeWr the Nurembehg anti-Jewish ;deslogans ; . cf . "America . for the its members and friends to attend ish Community:Center or a T. M. Cantor Max Levine; of Brook- crees, the court ruled her unfit was seriously injured in the reAmericans," "America -wake tip" the dedication ceremonies of the j Reich to FalfFtine. H. A. that functions as such. Only- lyn,. New York, well-known can- to raise children because she had cent pogrom in that town, died ;rso separate drive > sEtl "opposition to internationalof his injuries in the Warsaw tor, is conducting Passover servSefer Torah, presented by Mr. there is never under any circum"maintained intimate relations Jewish .Hospital. His death brings Philanthropies ism, Bolshevism, • Marxism and and Mrs. Jske Rosen end Mrs. !i Omaha's share. stances either a. Community..or a ices at the Beth Haffledrosh Hag- with a Jew" until 1935. 1 •was , announced by the the number of Jewish fatalities in odol synagogue at 19th and Burt Mrs. Jake Fait, Sunday eve-1 Center or any moral cohesion or The Reich Chamber of Law pro- the Przytyk progrom to three. Otherwise, the & moral -authority.- All is equivocal streets. : Moscow (JTA)— Warning that German-American League, at its! n j n p April IS. hibited courts of honor from basc&l, nrtional cr.fi i Meanwhile the new slaughter- Biro-Bidjan, autonomous Jewish first meeting since it abandoned Cantor tevine was enthusias- ing decisions on . commentaries The program -ill begrin -with a and Invisible and . spineless and beneficiaries who T > ing bill remained only one stop territory, may neTer^become a re-, inner at 6:30. served by the totally unorganised. And there tically received during the first written by Jews. oJ yeer will agnm be i * New Germany. Rndoir! from becoming the law of the land few days of Passover. He will women of the suxUijiry. After the is no group of men elected,on a I de-' when it aras approved by the Sendemocratic basis by the total com- chant services Monday and TuesCarl Nicclay, his i ate and sent to President Moski- cation that reorganization is pend- organisat take place. Cantor E. munity, a visible . and organized day. national jSg ee rUTl i c ea p d the choir, directed by jjTy Mfila"?hr>ck for the post ss hp»c' i t z cki for "his signature. The meaHe is staying at the home of community, that can go to the ing ol the CDinzet, Government leafier; end-.James T\Tfcee3er Hill, Mr. Harry Eravirof', will conduct j| o5! the P h i l a n t h r o p i c ? campaifr'"!. sure, which becomes effective Janstupid and the callouB and the Mr: and Mrs. S. Stoller, 1104 No. uary 1, 1937, permits Jews to con- commission £ or Jewish settlement. New-'York City leader, outlined the service. A program ot special greedy and say to him: "You can- 24th St. His lirpf. major job in pn."l' tinue the practice of scheefcita but and the Ozet, sonety for settle- t h e . o r g a a j E a t l o n . s objectives be- Jewisti music TS*J13 be presented drives was ir< t h e third y e s r "'• Cantor Max Xevine . not in this bitter age be a Jew ment of Jews in Soviet, is given i fore.several hundred Nazis at tire limits the amount of cattle and at birth and at b'rith and for purby A. Chatzkievitch, secretary of Schwabenhalle in. Brooklyn. 'Offi- by Cantor Aaron Edgar or pes tbe Jewish Welfare Feelers Jinr poultry slaughtered according to poses "of marriage and.death and . He V B J nsmtsi finpn^t the Soviet Nationalities Council, cially the G.e r m a,n-American Molnes. Jewish ritual to the exact needs 'The dinner part of: the program perhaps on Tom BJppnr and leave fsiul overp\iJ>Pcvib?rt S'IP in an article in Eemes, Tiddish League will strive Vto combat the of the Jewish population. Final will be concluded at 7:30. Those the community of Israel from daily. | quota hr B v-'icS.p marpin, oKairMoscow-directed-madness' oil the passage of the law will deprive which evidently you don't want 244 P r o m Germany Settle "If the settlement of Jews in Red world menace and its Jew- who do not visa'to attend the din- ' ing a nev high o£ S4S,f-()0, some 20,000 Jews of tteir liveliner are cordially invited tc c.itenc! j In the war reliff drive* officially and openly for yourself ! * There, According To the region proceeds at the same ; : ; r . b ^ ; - - ~ r " „ t"» « . r e - i n e r B r e - • hood because it means the elimat 7:SC. ' was again named chairman < '<fand your wife and your childrenh ul s l s &1 Hicem rate " he declared "it will never "• ^ ^ :?°^ ^l .. ™.\ " ff ! the program beginning : In the face of ther-world to withbe chair- i year end again vent over S.he ' is ati on of Jews from the meat be transformed into n an raie, ne cecwea, winautononever oof „, of, the , ererang. Levin wi'l of Gerisan- man b j ethe c t j Tvoting e ^,,1 strength b e the mobilization! draw and sever •yourself unhelp- London (WNS)—English Jewindustry. mocs Jewish republic. con, i **J-£* | Malasliocfc filso perved «s ch; irh= fro-ncfnTTTipf! i n f o sin He Butn nn- A ^ . .e .r i c .a E. S . -l f i : snv . .P0Tt i r » i l l uv.'> xu, t-1.» c• £ _ Harbin, Manchuria (WNS)—• ed 'and unsustained. Instruct as ry has already 12,000,000 toward additional Several thousand j man oJ the war nrphftn c'rlv?1 for what specific purpose yon the $5,000,000 appeal being rais- During 1935 a total of 244 Ger- Jews face economic rain through tends it is necessary that Govern- | d a t g g .tyrho. a c c e p t t h e N E Z 1 p r o . | jthe E'nai B'rifh. leading: hi? vo plans for more rapid settle- ig r a m a n d < i n '. 0 pp 0 s 3 tion to Jevish ' want your • contributions used. If ed here as part of the $15,000,000 man Jewish refugees settled in the new law which gives the min- ment and creation of a Jewish candidates, for public office. I ers to MI eversubecrirtior. f?i only for local charities it will en- fnrid for the transfer of 100,000 various parts of the Far East, istry of agriculture complete con- ment majority not only be carried out, The organization's new name ! more. able others to give.more for over* German Jews to-other countries according to a report of the Har- trol over the dairy industry. Jews but exceeded, ; was denounced br Sam-eel Unter j Mala&hock'g last major |I1;;1RI» seas relief. Or vice versa, « you in the next four years, it was .dis- bin Jewish Information Bureau, engaged in the milk trade fear One 1 most difficult ob- myer, president of the Non-Sec- | T * thropy position was in the. PRI-.-' like. Decide according to your closed in the London Jewish which Is maintained by the HI- discrimination resulting from the stacles, ofhe the to more rapid tarian Anti-Nazi League, as a paigE for the B'nai B'rH.h Ir.finrconvictions. But you wfll be-read Chronicle, which publishes a list CEM, a joint agency ot the Jew- sweeping powers given to the min- developmentasserts, is the slow rate of N M £ t r k k tQ c r e a t e c o n j u s i o a w 5 t h ' ish Colonization A s s o ciation istry of agriculture by the new l&ry. He was city &nd Plate c'lfuout of this community it you. do- of contributors. • house-building and setting up It services this crening the | man, P.np rp.ispo fis.fiiif! ihour* the • Germ£H-Anierics.E • League for not contribute to it. He who does- The largest donors were Lord (ICA) and the Hebrew Immigrant measure. industrial and cultural enter- Culture,..'an organization of anti- Beth-El synagogue will receive j the quote n'ss only fix,OOP, vu not heed.today the cry of our Bearsted, Simon Marks and Simon Aid Society (HIAS). The Bureau is : prises. ' Nazi Germans ' that .' has been the set of" Saul Raskin's thirteen ! bar, also handled the finance*-- fLondon CWNS). — Poland widows and orphans and perse- Laskim, each of whom gave reported that it had receIved 500 prepared to take the most. rigorThat- the region can attract fighting , the Nazis in this coun- etchirigs of the Prophets. These j the Highland Coisntry Club ?'C inquiries from German Jews recuted; he who does not today take $450,000. garding the possibilities in the ous measures to put down anti- more settlers than it has, he says', try. Mr. .Untermyer-said-that the pictures are "being gtYec io the i the past decade. actively to heart the fate of IsFar East. Seventeen Jews settled Jewish rioting, Foreign Minister is shown by the'fact that in the real reason.", for the ' change in! syncgog-ae fcr friends of the! In his philanthropy effort rael: and is not concerned for the Josef Beck told a delegation reps year 8,000 settlers arrived name "can be found.in. the wide- j Greenberg family in memory of Malasoock ha? worker, wifb KI; protection of Israel, must make state exists and that a Jew has In Manchukuo, 130 in China, resenting the Joint Foreign Coun- past there of whom 2,000. paid their spread • disrepate-into which the I the late Fancy Green berg. everywhere in the world the same (Shanghai, Tien Tsin and Honggroups in'Jewish life, SP(! hoc reit'clear or have it made clear for col of the British Board of Jewpassage. The present popula- organization had Jallen." I .. The etchings will be bi;ng in j ceived the co-orersUon. in return, him before Israel and the world rights and opportunities, t h e kong), 27 In the Phillipine ish Deputies and the Anglo-Jewish own is only 21 percent Jewish. Meanwhile, . the Nazi elements | the new synagogue building when ' of all groups. that this thing is so and that he same; standing and . the same Islands, Straits Settlements and Association. Beck gave similar tionstated, and in the course of among the Germans Ere exploit-; 3t is built on 4Sin and Favnam Sts.-! seeks his spiritual consolation and strength as the non-Jew. Under Java, and 70 in British East In- assurances a week ago to a dele- he the past year the Jewish populaThey will be on view before and ; his moral protection' and his cover of this -iarcical supposition dies. gation from the World Federa- tion has Increased by only three ing tne HanptTnann case for anti-! ! slink and hide the hard-hearted, Semitic propaganda. Shouts ol after the services this evening, sense of deepest human solidarity The Bureau also reported that tion of Polish Jews. per cent. "'kill WaiesuE, not Kanpimann" j Mr. Harry Silvennsn, president of j ISil PROFESSOmoutside of the community of Is- the avaricious, the callously self- during 1935 it had helped 1,071 seeking. He ascribes the slow develop- filled the a5r at a meeting of the ! the cynagegue, declared that j rael." Jews emigrate from Manchukuo ment of Biro-Bidjan to the reJnct- Committee of. 500,. a-sav.e-Haupt-| these pictures will be s source of ; pressec v-ifh T.UP p.ch We have a right to put a stop where unsettled political and ance of Jews to leave good pos- EEEB organizatiou. • The' Rev. inspiration and instruction when • the Germsn-Je. inh refugee to that. I doubt whether any just economic conditions growing out The decay of the old kehilloth gentile even would question our of tension between Japan and the "J j John • Fitting,. a. Lutheran minis- they sre hnnf. in the new cyisa- > fesaors and Fcientteis vor-tic situation and. unemploymen ter- who claims to. be one c" gogce. He expressed the hope that , ployed in Turk^ii. miiver a necessary and logical con- right to put a stop to that. But Soviet Union made it Impossible in Russia ten years ago, he ex- Hauptmann's spiritual .^advisers, otherg vould begin thinking of j ana government bureaus, tin sequence of the llberallstlc era. in order to do so communities for them to exist. About half of plains, impelled thousands of harangti'ed the''meeting with the ! and planning •meiBoriSis for the ] j?hanip'ST! F:ovprnTP.ent 1B No one is to be blamed or even must have the power to exert the emigrants returned to the So: criticized for it. On the supposi- moral pressure. And they cannot viet Union, from which they had Jews from the Ukraine, White "inside story" of the Hauptmann i new into AfEbRpisttiTs tion that all men, irrespective of do BO quita obviously if they do come after the 1917 revolution. Russia and the Western provinces case, asserting that K&uptmann's 1 j number ol Jewish reuipee sol<<*Berlin (JTA)—Eleven ne-sr em- to -seek, home in the Jewish recreed, race or nationality were to not,exist The establishment of Tie others were distributed as j ?ars, according: t.- p. report in tto* arrest ^as "a Jewish trick" en& i' enjoy precisely the same rights a Kchilia in every'Jewish commu- follows: 53 to the United States, igration- offices are to be estab- gion, wMle at present, he states, that "the Jews TEE the/govern-j • and the same opportunities in a nity in America and the immedi- 4 to Canada, 9 to Argentina, 3 lished by the Hilfsverin der Jud- the sltaaiien has changed radical- ment." At the samee time the: IP Afghanistan is prepared to fitstate that was to be protector and ate election on the broadest dem- to Brazil, 5 to Chile, 6 to South en In Deutschland, Jewisa relief ly. • ter the refugee profes?ors fi«e ' • j Greater NeTr T o r t ' C Ooaference. ol S 1 0 umpire only - - on that supposi- ocratic basis of a governing coun- Africa, 2 to Colombia, 4 to Uru- organization, to meet Increasing year contracts on the most favorI the Seventh Day Adventists has) tion there was no need for visible cil is •the most immediate anfl guay, 5 to Mexico, 22 to Pales- demands for emigration facilities. able terms. ! nnlrocked the Rev. • D. G. Werner, I The offices -will be in addition group-coherences and solidarities most crying need of American tine, 260 to South China and Ja| another of Katiptmann's spiritual j and moral authority. ' Where is Jewry. The councils of the Ke- pan, 94 to Poland, Lithuania, Lat- to,the .main office in Berlis "and/ ! advisors. ' j Bucharest (WNS)—All Nazi Bttd$ Anii-€$m Behmm : that state today? Where, for that hllloth could represent up to the via and Roumania, 3 to Australia branches in Hamburg- and'-^Sr-e— i organisations •in Ronmatji& Will KEURRS, LiUhiianift — President matter, has It ever been? It has world; they could clarify our and 13 to the Phillipine Islands, men. "The new branches will be ; shortly be outlawed end their forAistonR Smetona Monday snnou?;existed exclusively In the heads spiritual and" material contribu- Straits Settlements and the Brit- opened' in Koenlgsbere, Breslaa. Berlin -. <JTA)—American and .ieiBn-bornlea«Je™aeT»ortea,UwB«lcpd 8 p p o , n t n l e D t ot t h e of noble Christian dreamers and tions to American life: they could ish and Dutch East Indies. Leipzig:, Stettin, Hanover, Col- other tourists in Germany hence1 made known here by Mwiister O M s c i e n t i 3 t Q T . j . Segal, m head the heads of duped and self-diiped remove from American Jewry the ogne," FranJcfort-am-Main, Karls- forth, "will be under sspervision Istanbul (JJTA) — In a state-| the Interior- In^Uctx. j t h c c o i m t r y . a de fen 8C agRinst ; Jews.- In the world as it is, as It suspicion of invisibleness and ruhe, Stuttgart and Miinicli. ot t i e 'Ministry'.cf Propaganda as mesf to the- Jewish Telegraphic i Mr. InkiaSetz.said ths.t the govreally is, w h a t will become of equivocation of status; above all, Sharks Sighted • •' . ' Special emigration coures are the result of an ordinance made Agency the .PereiEti Charge fi'AI-j eminent has flecidefi to bam the , Jews if fellow-Jews refuse their they more than any other force : fairz '-liere ' denied Enti-Seis!tisrn j Nazis because it is satisfied that Jerusalem — Police have been being organized to traia officials public Monday, . help? c, Who will help as if we could weld the Jewish; masses Into notified that a pair of sharks was who will head the branches. Pros- • The ordinance converts the As- oa- the. part of his Government, ! they are being financed with Ger1 ' do not help ourselves? "Very welL moral coherence and therefore sighted about a half-mile off. the pective officials will study immi- sociation et Tourist • Bare&us into declsring "Je-n-s enjoy equal rights ] mas money. Jerusalem —« A new Hebro* : Many1 Jews .who do not give to- Into a higher measure of protec- coast of Nathanya. gration possibilities in various ai:, public body under ; t i e direct •Rita the rest., cf the population." j Meanwhile Brsitianu, j.newspaper, I*test News, -has be* Georg ; day, who do not help today, ra- tive strength. : Sharks generally appear off the countries, transfer of capital, co- supervision cf Propaganda Minis- Ke added that Je%TS were •well / leader ol the Liberal Party, has gun publication liere on & coopertionalise, their attitude on' the (Copyright 1936, by. Seven Arts coast about this time of the year operation with foreign Jewish or- ter Goelibeis, with, a president ap- represeated la the army, Parlis-1 issued a denial thst his party lias ative basia, edited Isy supposition, that the Hberalistic Feature Syndicate) [and remain a few weeks. ganizations asd reiis! methods. psiated by a;au meat ted cru-ersit lenfcracea the

Jews in Reich

"Stage-Nite" To

for War Service



Call MA. 3722




•Not Satisfactory to

it If.*

English Jewry Raises $2,000,000 For Emigration


^! Set of Etchmgs

bis Label on Every Passover Maxwell ee.







New Emmigration Offices to Be Opened in Reich

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL J.U, l'J36 threatens free speech'everywhere. Wauckope Acquires Rubin still printing that picture of the "It's broad prohibitions against first Lord Bearsted, which the U. inciting to race or religious i o s - Painting P.; A. sent out as^the Lord fiearstJerusalem —- Sir Arthur Wantility," he said, "would be subed who visited this country sevchope, High Commissioner for ject to dangerous abuse. Any eral months back . . . And one forceful statement on questions Palestine, has purchased the weekly illustrated an. article by of race or religion might come painting "Olive Trees," by the arJacob -De Haas with a'lcut ;mad6 under the ban. In Now Jersey, tist Rubin, for presentation to the from a picture of Mr. ;De Haas the only person charged since the Tel Aviv Art Museum. when he couldn't have been a day Slue This Friday evening, April 10, over thirty . . . H e was still sport- Saul Raskin's 13 famous etchings By the Service Life Insurance enactment of a simi: - law, was not a Nazi, but one of Jehovah'B ing a big black mustache in those to the synagogue In memory of Company, Omaha Witnesses." days . . . General Goering, we are to the synagogus in memory of informed, celebrated his last birth- the late Fanny Greenberg by Fiction says that widows squan• FUN: Some of you may have day by throwing a huge "charity" friends of the family. Rabbi David der insurance money. Facts prove heard of a poet named Ezra affair at the Berlin Opera House A. '.Goldstein will speak on Pound, a chap .whose output has . . .Despite the fantastically high "Israel's Greatest Giftv to Human- that most widows squander their lives in vain attempt to sweat Because of its importance to to be studied under a microscope commission charge, tfie-festival re- ity." dimes in dollars because they every citizen, threatening a serto make sense, an obscurantist... sulted in a big. deficit , . •.. Goera an,, - Last two days of Pesach, April haven't • enough insurance money ious crisis in our city's life, all And there can be little doubt that ing not being philanthropically in- 13 and 14. to permit them to live otherwise. of the facts in regard to the proyou've heard of that mystic two- clined enough to make up the loss Services will be held Sunday The need for money continues posed million dollar franchise fisted anti-Semite, William Dudley out of his-own "pocket,-he is mak- evening at 7 p. m. Monday morn"grab" should be brought to the Pelley of the United States and ing it up by tapping friends among ing at 9 a. m., Tuesday morning untij life ends. Vienna,(WNS) — Invocation of full light of day, Frank Lepinski, The day when the last dollar of "• R ffi Asheville, N. C... .'." It "was re- the industrialists . . . There'll be at 9 a . m . .Yizker (memorial servthe minority clauses guaranteed chairman of the Citizens' Comthe widow's insurance will have [Churl | L vealed recently that the two had a; lot of sensational new stuff ice) will be held Tuesday morn- been spent can be calculated. by the League of Nations is be- mittee, opposed to the O'Connell been exchangingnotes on the about the Nazi Fuehrer which he aibotf | at 10 o'clock. At this service That's arithmetic. ing seriously considered by Jew- Franchise, said today. "The cloak Jews, a topic on which they seem- and his pals won't relish, in "Hit- ing prayer books given in memory of ish leaders in Vienna as a means of mystery that has enshrouded The day when life Is to end ed in some respects to be agreed ler," the biography : by Konrad the late Harry. Zimman w{Il be cannot be calculated. That's Pro- of dealing with tha officially-in- this attempt to 'grab' a million i . . Well, it seems that Aleph Heiden which is scheduled for used for the* first time. vidence. Many times these two spired anti-Semitic agitation that dollar privilege from the people Katz, also a poet although not an early publication In this country . O.U ft Next Saturday, morning, April is causing serious concern to the of Omaha should be torn asunobscurantist, ancl the office's of- . .Knopf is publishing it and an- 18, Leonard, son- of Mr. and Mrs. days are years apart. That's tra- Jewish population.' BfcMH der and the real facts brought to ficial punster, was deeply annoyed nounces-it'as the ''first complete William Boasberg, will become gedy. When a man creates an estate light, so that every voter will at this state of affairs ^ . % His Open appeals for the exclusion and documented biography of Ger- Bar -Mitsvah.— Toli — — - - .:. as large as life may be long, that of Jfews from Austrian cultural, have full knowledge of what he annoyance, however, finally, van- many's dictator .- , ..•• DID ;YQU is adequate insurance and ade- political, economic and profession-j i3 voting on In connection with ished when he delivered himself, KNOW tha,t the only medal ever quate life insurance is a good al life have been voiced by Josef the O'Connell franchise proposal c in the presence of Mr. Peters and struck in honor of-a'prize-fighter, ,• . . / . ; • • ' • . Vaad man'8 definition of a square deal. Kresse, vice-mayor of Vienna; Fa- on April 14. other witnesses, of this master- was made in commemoration of piece in the realm of what Is Daniel -Mendoza's victory over an ther George Bichlmair, an influ"Five times the members of Tonight - at Friday evening known as the lowest form of hum- English fighter *N. . Mendoza, ja ential Jesuit priest; Leopold Kun- the City Council requested, even LIBERTIES UNION W0 .Vaadreligious services, Rabbi or: "I'm afraid Ezra is Pelley- Sephardlc Jew, was the greatest schak, head of the Catholic trade pleaded with this man O'Connell _:Wise and Pound-foolish," . . . ; fighter of Sis day at* the close 0f Harold Berger will speak on unions and other prominent fig-! to present himself before this FIGHT ANTI-NAZI BILL ures close to the government. The public body and present the true' the eighteenth! • century and had 'Rabbinical Disappointments." This evening will be--observed Albany, N.-..Y. (WNS) — The financial difficulties of the huge facts, figures, and financial reRAZZ: James G. McDonald, for- the patronage of ihe then Prince mer League High Commissioner of Warles- who later' became Kin's as Talmud Torah night at ser- tAmerican Civil Liberties Union, Phoenix Insurance Company are j sources behind his proposal. The •• for Refugees, has never been up in George.V.. l ; ;; •/. :, .';• ' • vices. Mr. A. Katz will speak champion of free speech, press being blamed on the Jews because J promoter refused to appear. The briefly on "Hebrew versus Yid- and assembly even for those who JI. Berliner, chairman of the firm, City Council, because of our - an airplane In his life . . . So you dish." .The following Talmud would destroy those liberties, is is a Jew. '- can't exactly blame him for being state law, was forced to put this Torah children will participate in mobilizing its forces to / oppose annoyed at a certain Anglo-JewFather Bichlmalr's assertion issue on the ballot, even though the program: Stanley Silverman,' the passage of the Schwartzwald that the "long unexpiated crime they unanimously condemned it •" ish columnist who has been stufIsadora Witkin, Maurice Klein- bill which would amend the State of Golgotha is about to be purg- as • unsound and unbusinesslike. • ting his product with a lot of irman, Isadore f'riedman, Marie Penal Code to forbid-the distribu- ed", through an assault on "dis- When .the promoters obtained the '• responsible misinformation about Adler, and Norman Hahn. . . .'.' tion on any printed matter incit- ruptive Jewish influence in art, signature for this franchise they / him . . . when that imitation Saturday morning Rabbi Ber- ing to bigotry or hatred on ground literature, t h e theatre, films, trafficked in emotions and hatV scoopster wrote recently that J. 1 ger will speak in Yiddish at the of race, creed or color. - Samuel newspapers, schools, psychiatry red during an emergency. \G.- M. failed to receive in person • the'Albert Einstein Award for'huTel Aviv *(WNS-Palcor Agency) Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synago- P. Puner,' the Union's legislative and the business world" and by "Regardless of one's individual counsel, declared that his organi- "the proportional expulsion of '...-••• • manltarian achievement because Signs of increasing economic ac- gue. views about this whole matter, Sunday morning regular father zation is urging the defeat of the Jews from influential and res~ he was- taken ill while, flying to tivity in all phases of Palestine New York "andr the plane had to work were reported at a press and son services^wlll be held at Schwartzwald bill because the ponsible posts" brought a reply measure, aimed at -; Nazis, really from Chief Rabbi Feuchtwang of .- come down to provide him with conference arranged by the Pal- 9 a. m. ; medical aid." . . . The same mis- estine Investment Corporation, Sunday evening Passover serVienna. Rabbi Feuchtwang sharp- Three nice rooms in central , ; informing columnist also dealt out founded by the Jewish Agency and vices will be held at 6:30 in all Services Saturday morning will ly criticised Father Bichlmair's location - - Or -will rent single : some silly misinformation about the. Jewish Federation of Labor. the congregations. Services Mon- e held at 11 o'clock. theory that the Jews are a damn- rooms. Reasonable. : Dr. Joseph Rosen being al) bound The cause? of recovery were at- will start at S a., m. In all the The College club will meet Sun- ed race. '2811 Hamilton AT. 6931 i up in bandages as result of an in- tributed to the stimulating effect synagogues, Monday morning Rab- ay, April 12, at the Temple at -. fection supposedly contracted in of moneys expended by the Jew- bi Berger will speak at the Adass o'clock. Patronize Our Advertisers • South America. . . Incldently, we ish Agency, the Keren Hayesod Yeshurin synagogue. : want to take this opportunity of. and the HIstadruth, together with Tuesday morning there will be ';. thanking the so-called news ser- the assistance furnished' by the the Yizkor (Memorial services.) • vice for unintentionally referring Anglo-Palestine Bank, Isaac Gru- Rabbi Berger will speak at the "i to this column as "an unimpeach- enbaum told the conference of a B'nai Israel. * , able authority" from whom it program of new building and /learned that the J. D". C. wa3 tak- roadmaking enterprises. The Ex• ing the ORT under its wing , . . ecutive,-he aald, will launch new Rabbi David H. Wice's sermon y Remember our exclusive„'' on it activities and provide cheap cretopje for this evening will be, "I t many columns ago? , dits for small- industries and other groups. . Heschel Frumkln, His- Am Not Religious, But—" MISHMASH: A recent survey tadruth statistician, said that imName Your Price . •. and Choose Your Style . . . in ' of the work of the Supreme Court provement was noticeable daily. { ^ ? £ h t " T ' hi g p .j"The' Angjto-Pajestihe "Bank repJus{lces^Teveal3?£ha.tsfl . pointment in Inarch, 1332, J Mr. resentative" announced the forth• Justice Gardozo.has produced--10G coming issuance of debentures for 2, 3 or 4 rooms "beautifully ' opinions aid- <Mr..Jastice >BranoV six-years at the-rate of six per furnished; Electric, gas and i eis, since the Fall of 190, has cent annually. phone included! Gas heated. • handed down 87 . . . Carl AckerCall We. 3527 on Sunday. ' man, Dean of Columbia School of Patronize Our Advertisers Journalism, and secretary of the j, Pulitzer Prize Advisory Board, has acknowledged receipt of our nomination of Westbrook Pegler for the foreign correspondence award in the basis of his columns from Paris, Praha, Vienna and • Garmisch-Partenkirchen . . . . . A .23-year-old Christian clerk in the N..Y. City Hall, fell in love with •a Jewish girl of 16, whose parents refused to let them take the I vows . . . The youth was determln• ed. however, so he visited a rabbi, i then a mohel, and now the couple • Is honeymooning, with the bless"A Quality Product for Seasoning** ings of the Jewish inrlaws.. , , Some Anglo-Jewish weeklies are

Rellgiojis Services LIFE INSURANCE— Beth-EI


Austrian Jews Ready to Invoke Minority Rights


it I.-

The Dodge and Plymouth cars are still setting record sales throughout the country - - Come in today and see for yourself the cars that Omaha is buying.


Report Shows More Activity in Palestine

t- «



the sole question now before tb Omaha, this million dollar fran< people of Omaha Is whether this chise 'graV would wreck Omamillion dollar franchise should be ha's transportation system. The given by the people to these pro- promoters would irfit everything-, moters without any knowledge of and the people of Omaha would their alms, purposes, or financial have nothing but a. transportaresponsibility. Promoters are try- tion headrche!" ing to create prejudice and hatred in order to get the voters to give them this valuable fran-; chlse. j Going to L©s Angeles "As Chairman of the Citizens' | April J,"5. Want one male pasCommittee opposing this million' senger. Share Kxpcnse. Call dollar franchise 'grab' and in the! Ja. 2260 days . . . sole interests of the people of'

T*A fit?







ti'lltttCt MUl £iAIE (Cll/la LEMON or MANILLA

3y2LLPkg. 25c

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6.50 to 12.50 Extra Bras Frame, 2JO

And Miss Adel Smedeman, New York figurestylist, will tell you why, personally. Miss Smedemari has done a lot' of "figuring" and will be glad ta discuss your personal f i g u r e problems with you. She's here for only a short time, so com© in tombrrowl Artist Model has become a sensational success because it recognizes that there's a big difference in figures. It therefore combines the one girdle that does most for the diaphragm and hips with the one brassiere which does most for the bust... all in one garment

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v . -tit-. -



Aleph Dick Hurwitz and PJERSQXAXiIA;. ;, -•:,;)'.-•/ • Friday at the B'nai Israel syna•jOne of the: criticisms ilevled cial committee are in charge of gogue. After the services', an inagainst Major Edward "Bowes,-the arrangements to present a skit at teresting informal discussion was : man'who made amateurs'pay, is Stage Night," which wlil be pre- conducted by alumnus Allan •that'1 .he takes on : too many- Jews ented, at the J. C. C, Sunday Cushing, the guest speaker of the evening. Sam Rbsoff, the big subway night, April 19. VIA SHORT \VATE 1 : Inga". Axvad, Danish••'• beauty man, - is said to be' making'- peace A large percentage of the chapqueen and: one-time newspaper •with • his wife, • from -whop • he' has;er was present at services last ' Patronize Our .Advertisers gal, ia the new .boss of Nazi prop- Wen separated". . . Sylvia Sidney POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT jnay: accept a • proposal from -NorPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT aganda in Denmark . . ..She got the •':job: by turning loosei her Nor- man Krasna, the playwright-.'. . New Yorkers got quite ^ a - shock dic charms on Hitler Wmselt . : -when they learnedrthat -the man Although. Mussolini has no use for r jwith-whom Berriice Levy, daughinti-Semitlsm,. Italy may hare to ' give legal standing to,-'the Nazi ter of Borough President -Sam Former Dtp'nfy Coaafy Attormty, marriage laws, because of a new Levy; (Yrboi3'aji elder of ..the :YesWTO:;ColIege), elop?a >witli-a.-bro; German-Italian treaty which pledRepublican Candidate ges both countries to give mutual the*r: of the' latejnbtoribus rgambler . For Dhteter Ariipld Rothstein .:. recognition-to the civil and juri: iinVnew heir-is due in dicial codes of the two countries Metropolitan Utilities ;Clar' : . .Premier Van Zeeland" of Bel- Mirs.;Bertin, the danghter-of : enpe^Mackay, is' said to. haiye tenDistrict gium has started a libel action against Armand Jansens, Belgian gaged a Tabbi for her son!;. .^. A Fledctd «o. » Platform of Economy and Efficouple o f big commercial^ outfits ciency In Pnblic Office and the FoUUlinent Nazi leader, for accusing the pre; oi the Taxpayen' Wishes. mier of "being a "Jewish tool" . . . are. trying to ^ean :EQdle r -Cantor AM OPPOSED TO THE USE OF NATURAL CAS I N OMAHAffiSB Jansen's grudge:against the Jews away from his present radio sponarises from the fact that his wife sors . .••". Francisfli'edereT,-screen POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ran off with a Polish Jewish gig- idol, is denying rumors" of:%\s;.; enolo . V ; "Fascists Canadiens" is gagement to-JdaLupino .•»•".:-His the namelot the newest anti-Sem- fiancee "Is Mary.^nita'iicros,-niece itic sheet In the Dominion . . . of :th» novelist;.. -.=.'-WatQh\out for .himself Marranov blood flows in the veins a genlleman who-.:calls : r of scrappy little Pedro Montanez, Coiiiojt : Paul do. Monteflbre > and Porto Rico's lightweight cham- claims.to be ,a relative.o£;the fam(Worth a Million Dollars) pion . . . Jewish athletes exiled ous '. English - family- of ! that j name from Germany are cleaning,up in . . ,-Hls real, name -is-Nicholas alias Paul Stoirie . . . . . their specialities in Spain, Den1. The City Council unanimously opposed i t mark, Czechoslovakia and Holland By ttie'time you -read thisi Maurice * Samuel will be: on his'] way [(The Council went on record disapproving th© back" tg Palestine". . .Before sailfranchise as unsound and unbusinesslike.) RAWTHER INTERESTING ing, he completed, the-translation Wilhelm Furtwaengler's with- of a 1000-page novel by I. J. Singdrawal from his appointment as er, author of "Yoshe Kalb," which 2. Both Daily Newspapers condemn it. (They musical director of the New York will be published by Knopf. . . have branded it as a "Pig in a Poke" propoPhilharmonic Symphony Society Nat" Belth, publicity man for" the was not a 100 per cent voluntary Joint _ Distribution Committee,; resition.) The directors of the cently, married?- Helen Wallach, gesture Society advised him in detail of sister of the- American ^Jewish 3. The franchise would strip the City Council of the opposition his appointment Committee's ^Sidney' -Wa.iis.cn*->;. . had engendered and tactfully sug- (Copyright 1936, T by' Seven_ Arts Eower. (The City Attorney has stated the Feature Syndicate) gested this way out . . . . . Incidenfranchise would strip the City Council of tally, the job originally intended for Furtwaengler will probably powers of regulating the proposed system.) go to Leopold Stokowski ... . T h e A.Z.A.10Oi New Deal is banking heavily on 4. The-franchise would make the promoters Governor Lehman's immense JewSam :.Beber- Chapter ;;10,0»'of A. ish following to carry New'York ZZ.. A ; . w i H t o l d a ; . r s u l E . "Dictators." (The franchise is a good on^ . . . State for Roosevelt this Novem- ing at" theJJ.'C.rC.;Sunday,-.April for t i e promoters. They could in effect tell ber. . . . Frau "Yetta/ Levy-Stein, 12.- The -dan.ce"> 'committee; is German Jewish leader, is panick- schedtil^djto • report on -the' comthe people to "twiddle their thumbs and worry ing Jewish audiences with her ing dance to be' held April'2.6, at ' . . .we'll run buses when, as, hew and if we tear-jerking appeals in behalf of the Youth Aliyab . . . She recent- the Paxton Hotel Ballroom. !'choose!.11)] ' ;" \ ly set. some kind of a precedent - POLIttCAL ADVERTISEMENT for Jewish fund-raising when she 5. The franchise would wreck public transportatraveled from Wichita, Kansas, to !• Toronto via plane, railroad and > tion in Omaha. (It would ruin the present two taxis r . . Judge Julian W. j system without guaranteeing another. An inMack is heading • a committee adequate, disrupted public transportation syswhich is seeking funds here for the School of the Parents' Edutem would paralyze any city.) cation Association in Palestine . . A certain Jewish leader in Paterson, N. J., is responsible for the displacement of popular Sam Leff by the equally popular Tim Bow1. T H ! PROMOTEES HAVE REFUSED TO er as:New Jersey field worker of the Jewish Welfare Board"'. . ., COME OTJT IN OPEN. (They refused five

;a, this million dollar fraa'grab' would' wreck . Omatransportation system. The 3ters -would get everything-, he people of Omaha "would nothing but a traaBportaBieadrche!" ,;

ioing to Los Angeles il 15.. Want one male pasjer. Share Expense. Call 2260 days .-. .





Ray McGrath

The Franchise "Grab"


permit Extracts EMON or VANILLA 2 oz. Bottle 19c



egular or Drip Grind



2. THE PROMOTERS HAD THE FRANCHISE WRITTEN BY THEIR OWN LAWYERS, WITH ONLY THE PROMOTERS' INTERESTS PROTECTED. (The city legal staff, pledged to protect the rights of Omaha citizens, had no hand in drafting the franchise.) /' '

Pkg. 10c

2 doz._. 35c lbs. r ..;._..i25c or eating, 6 lbs. 25c „ ..25c 28c :25c i, 5 lbs. 25c lbs „_ 15c


Do Not Overlook Senator Edward R. Burke For National Committeeman The duties of national commltteemen do • not conflict -with the duties of a United States Senator. The Democratic national headquarters Is in Washington and the democratic national ;commlttee meets in Washington and transacts most of its business from there. One who is on the ground can take care of tho duties better than I someone who must make frequent tilps from Nebraska to Washington.

ries, No. 2*/2 can 25c _.49c ___.49c

39c _28c —29c

DO-NOT BE DECEIVED. Senator Burke favors the entire Recovery program of President Roosevelt's administration, including farm and-work relief. Tour active support for. Edward R. Burke for democratic national committeeman Is requested.' V:

No. 2 can, 2 cans 25c orn, can. ..._ _10c Beans, No. 2 can 20c

(This ad paid for by friends of /••' Senator Burke)

,™ No. 5 can tails __

The Promoters:

times to appear before the City Council for & public hearing on the franchise.)


S, lb S, lb




Democrat for


August H.

3. THE PROMOTERS HAVE GIVEN NO PROOF OF THEIR FINANCIAL ABILITY OR EVEN THEIR INTENTION Of OPERATING A PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, I F THE FRANCHISE WERE GRANTED. (The City Attorney:..says they could sell the franchise to the highest bidder. It would be worth a Million Dollars.) 7' 4. THE PROMOTERS HAVE MADE LOOSE "VOTE-BAITING1' PROMISES. (They have talked of a five-cent fare. There is not a single word in the franchise guaranteeing this. They know the fare charged must be fixed by the State Railway Commission . . . they are deliberately misleading the people.)]

Don't Let Votes Based on Prejudice Make a Million Dollars for Promoters

Republican Candidate for

Auditor of Public Accounts of Nebraska










,1 Respect and Urge— ;




Member Constitutional Convention 1920 Attorney General of Nebr. Three Tenns-^1923-1929

• Six-years experience In Gov-• ernment service. ' .^' • '15 years experience a« expertaccountant and auditor" for State and --Federal. .Depart-, rneBts.-* -„, -• • Born and % raised.! -in -Dodge County, Nebraska.- -•-World- War- Vet«ra!V reeelv• Ina rro% disability. compensation or-pension. . , - • FIRST-TIME caltdfdate.'.;

Harry Trastiri's record as a city; commissioner during the past three years entides him to the support of every citizen interested in the welfare of Omaha. During his term of office he has lent a helping hand and a ready ear to those who sought his advice and service. Morris Bnrastera Joe Dandy Isadore Dansky Morris Arkin H. H. Anerbach Jacob Bercorici . Sam Bloom Louis Blotcky Paul Blotcky Reuben L Bordy Simon Bordy Benjamin Brodkey Abe H. Brodkey M. Brodkey Seutfen H. Brown Leslie L. Burkenroad John Faier Harold P. Farber Morris Ferer Leo Fox Joseph Freeman Jonn J. Frieden Leo Fried Morris Friedel Samuel (leif man A. R Gendler Edward Gilbert Dr. B. T. Friedman Milton Bfayper Hat Meister Goodman Heycrson Ben TMHifera Br: Saa Morgan Dr. Nathan Mmkin Herbert Keveleff Dr. Oscar S. Belser Leo'Marks A. 3 . Alpirin Earn Ban Mendel Blank Elihu Block Julius Kewman Hyman Osoff Max Chasen

Jacob Blank'-/'-': :'^\ •;-: : . David A. Deneiiberg';'._' Max E. Chapman''^ Dr. Morris Brodkey . Sam Epstein, Dr. Samuel Z. Faier Dr. Morris Margolin Louis Epstein Alfred S. Mayer Ben Perelman : Harry Priesman : Herman Cohen-

•/ • •'• '»-

William' A.- Eacusin;;;-.";v•;' Samuel A. Earitz ' '' Joe :M. Sice- - ,-..•.. .' . . J. B.'£obinso&'. [.*, '•- , Dr. Philip..'Bosaoniek-.••• . Dr.-''Samuel- A..-O&jberof£ Charles's. Ross;''-j-::- ' Harry'Rothkop^ 'y ;;',.'\ 'Dr. 'Ben"<xoldteare: ; ,', Joe Goldware *.: • Shrolly F. Goodman:-; Philip:Greenberg,-.:-.."•"~i Dr/-H. •Hirscliaa'sn::%' ". ' Hatnan. J." Hofwit3i;-:' 'Sam-:'Jos'ephson;;;-''; '. .""••" Lazar Kaplan . _ .. . Kax Kaplan Meyer Katemsn Sam Earer Eobert H.'Eooper Manuel Krupinsky Solomon Lagman Carl A. Lapidus Lester Lapidus Mark Leon MatMas F. Levenson Dr. PMlip Levey Stanley F. Levia Jack Lisocls Morris LinsmanMark Lorig

-Milton B. Abrahams Jack F. Alberts ' Louis E. Lipp Ben E. Kazlowsky Herman Corenman ; Harry B. Cohen J. Harold Saks Donald Brodkey Edward D. Brodkey Edward Shafton -Epbxaim L. Marks •;'Hyman Levin '-Alfred A. Fiedler 'Louis Sommer Harry Kulakofsky Dr. Meyer Beber - Sam Eosesblum Max M. Barish Sam Beber Da%dd Blacker ; Eugene Blazer David Cohn -M, L. "Bud" Cohn -Dave Goldman William Grodinsky Dr. A. Greenberg Dave Greenberg J. J. Gresnberg Manning E. Handler Morris Jacobs ' Abner Kaiman Phil Eutmick Sam Leon . ,'Harry Malashock Irvin Levin Hymie Milder Morris Milder • William Milder . Henry' Monsky .. . Hymen Shrier J. Slosburg .,. Irvin Etalmaster Joe Tretiak ' ' < :

Al Wohlnw N. S. Yaff e Dr. Philip Sher David Sherman . Louis Shriet Harry Silverman B. A. Simon Nathan Bimon Dr. Ben SiuUky 1 Dr. A. A. Steinberg Harry Steinberg Sam Steinberg Dr. Samuel Z. Stern Nathan Steinberg Moe Venger Abe Venger Jake Wine Sam Wolf Phil Yousem Ben Yousem Sam Zach&ria Sam Colick Sidney Epstein Dr. David C. Platt David Freeman Ben Milder Milton S. Livingston John A. Farber Julius Bisno Russell J. BI«mentha Phil Feldman Norman Harris Paul Jicobson Jack W. Marer Sam Richman FhiHp Bingle Harry Bmbensteln Ben Shapiro Irving Greene Lotos Paperay Carl Eiekcs I, B.

For I urge my friends who are interested in my candidacy and good goverament to support my fellow candidates on the I. V. L ticket: TOWL, KNUDSEN, KRESL, BORRANCE AND FROST. .; -

the strictest alleqiance t o ' t h e ' offfcial oath ef office. -


For Wity Commissioner


utternut Coffee .29c


Qualified and Efficient Fair Treatment to AH Eecommended and indorsed by a' Host of Jewish Friends

.----- Harry Trastin.




1 rise in the morning and find Rabbt Chiya said, "He who all this done and prepared for | bloody war and even world-wide revolution. Under such con- of institutionalized religion faced son offers helpful advice on howsupports his family through the me. How thankful 1 have to be • and analyzed. Unfortunately, the to improve church attendance. He ditions how can mankind ever reach the Promised Land? labor of his hand is greater even suggested solution, never easy, is however, neglects the crux o£ the for that." ; For humanity has a'goal. History certainly can not benot always sufficiently sound nor problem, ignores the basic reason than the man who fears and (daring. The frankness and real- why people stay away from relig- serves God." FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBEH, blind and aimless, "merely a tale told by an idiot," "sound ism, however, are beyound quest- ious services. I Ben Zama said, "Behold, how KLUTZNICK Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by & KELLEY, Attys. Union State Bank Bldfl. and fury signifying nothing.". Human life has significance, j tion; as the first contributor Mr. The richest and most helpful much labor did Adam, the first THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS supreme significance. It is a divine drama whose individual ' A. W. Beaven indicates in his ar-chapter ia the entire symposium man, have until he got bread to reaped, Notice is hereby Klvi'ti that «il exi tide on "The Need of Religion," is that written by Carl Stolz on eat, plowed, sowed, bride! Subscription Price, one. year T ' * " " * •M..Q0 acts unfold one by one, all leading to the grand climax, the when he states "we may admit religion's contribution to mental heaped together in sheaves, isting debts "f iMIIdiT Liquor Co. on the 31.«t <lay <>i' December, M3J, Advertising rates furnished on application. Pus cleansed, amounted to' the sum of Forty Thoudenouement at the end. This is nothing else than the perfec- that we need religion tomorrow, health. In our trying and diff- threshed, winnowed, sand Seven Hundred Ft fly K!X dollars ground, sliced, kneaded and [but are we going to get it?" we! icult days the task of preserving and S4 cents <Sm>.75rt,S4>. tion and- happiness of humanity: "the Perfect Social State" may want it but are we willing to I Editorial Office: 500 Brandete Theater Building. mental peace.and serenity, of not baked. Only after all these labors ' ' Win. .Milder, .* Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center President. as the philosophers call i t : the "Kingdom of God/' as it is pay the price to maKe it power- \ going to pieces, is not to be dis-was he able to eat bread. But Hyniie .Milder, ful?" -And unless we transform i DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor missed lightly. The dangers to j;cse ."Miiric!-, termed 'by religion. Earth's choicest spirits have visioned uniiJelns a majority of th« .religions into action, "there is a. mental health are Increasing daily FRANK R. ACKERMAK . . . - . - * Editor versal and perpetual Peace. They have determined, even des- ilong spiritual ice age ahead of us |and the problem is even more ser- FRADENBURG, WEEB, BEBER, Hoard of Directors. FANNE& KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY, Attys. perately, to inaugurate the reign of Justice, ilen mumble in the tomorrow." j ious than that of physical well beUnion State Bank Bldg. FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, ANN PILL. - •- - - . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent KLUTZNICK &• KELLEY, Attys. ing. Fustration, bitterness, discontinually about "righteousness." Union State Bank Stop. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS That doughty champion of so-;appointment, disillusion, broken Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street Notice is hereby given that HH exIn -the meantime mankind wanders in a wilderness of cial justice, Bishop Francis J. Me-j NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS 5 lives and broken homes require isting debts of South Omaha J/Iquor Mart on the 31st day of December, Notice is hereby Kiven that all exConnel writes illuminately upon strife, of'discord, of hate, of fear, of sorrow and misery of ,the social concepts and goals of! the considerate attention of train- 1!)35, amounted to the sum of Sixti*ti!]p debts of t'arl A. Anderson, liie., ed students in the field of psych- Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty, on the Hist day of December, IS.fS, every kind. | religion. It would do leaders of iatry. The minister acquainted four dollars and ;s cents (?6,4a4.7i). amounted t" The sum of Thirty Seven The call to Jewish generosity was sounded in Omaha with Joe Bernstein. Thousand One Hundred dollars and But Sinai, is directly in its path, the Mount of Holiness, finance and industry a world of! with the art of mental healing, President. 87 cents ({37.10O.67). the announcement that the campaign machinery for the angood to read • this penetrating j who has mastered the technique Joe Bernstein, Carl A. Anderson, giving forth like a spiritual volcano, its perpetual'revelation | chapter and permit its truths to Chur L. J. Tobin, President. nual Jewish Philanthropies drive had been\set in motion. Sterof psycotherapy can serve his conBeinjsr a majority of the A. •\vickstrotn. Sec'y, of God's Ten Commandments,'the fundamental and immutable (sink deep into their consciences stituents in striking and^effective Board of Directors. Carl A- Anderson. eotyped phrases, such as "the need is greater than ever beBeincr a niRJority of the ; and minds. • j ways. None is better qualified principles of universally binding Moral Law. FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER. Board of Directors. fore," assume a new significance as week after week we reKLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. than the minister to aid in preBearing^ like Moses, the Two Tablets of the Ethical and ! Reverend 1^.. Abrams, author of Union State Bank Bldg. FRADENBURG. WEBB, - BEBER, ceive increasingly pitiful reports of the persecution endured jthe now famous "Preachers Pre-^ serving the mental health of his KLUTZIMtCK & KELLEY, Attys. the Ideal in i t s . arms, humanity proceeds upon its march I sent Arms" in discussing the "pac- j people. Religion offers here a NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Union State Bank Bldj). by our brethren in central and Eastern Europe merely because Notice is hereby {rtven that all exthrough the ages. Despite the difficulties and dangers of its ! if ic goal of religion" urges min-' service which, no other institution isting debts of Lord Lister Hospits.1 NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS of their Jewishness. Local, institutions need new life and suscan duplicate. on the 31st day of December. il'Iio. 'isters to replace naive and Inno-'. Notice is hereby piven t h a t all extoilsome and wearisome journey, it is certain to arrive at its amounted to the sum of Seventy- isting debts «f Kosolnncf( Investment tenance if we are to pass a rich Jewish Heritage on to pur chilicent peace hopes, with earnest stu-j SPvfn Thousand Five Hundred Nine-: Co., inc.. on the 21st day of Decemdivine destination at last. All obstacles will be surmounted. dy of those international and eco-; t.y four dollars a.nd 17 cents (JTT.oiM.- ber, Ifi3.">. amounted to the sum of dren. Our national institutions must be amply supported if 17). Twenty Tw.i Hundred and 'Fifty dolNecessary food and drink will, be supplied. Hostile Amale- nomic problems which threaten j GEMS OF THE BIBLE Dr. E. C. Henry, • • lars t«2,3t>n.it.>>. progress is to. outmaneuver retrogression . . . . all meaning | our civilization -with chaos and > President. LoniR Moskovitz, kites will be. resisted and vanquished. Intrepid leaders will Margaret A. Henry, : AND TALMUD President. that our purse-strings must be loosened if we are to remain 'disaster. , "Tne kingdom of hea-' Joseph B. Fradenburg, : Louis Mopkovltz. remain firm and true. And-although to the bravest and noblest ;ven will never be ushered in by' Dr. E. C. Henry, By O. O. BASHER Tibbie Moskovitz. true to the liberality which has made Jewish history of the Beins: a majority of the .Beins; n mijority of th« may be vouchsafed but a glimpse of the fulfilment of their j wishing for a" thing" is a truism j Board of Directors. Board of Directors. past. . '..-'".; ' :• '- . \ - . / \ : . . ' ''•'."" •• ''•'' . • life's labors, hopes and ideals, to the generations of their ithat applies not only to Reace butj Words of tne wise are graceHarry Malashock, who has made the chances for our faithful followers will Be granted the thrill and the ecstasy ! to every other noble enterprise: ful, but a fool's words are harm1, and aspiration of religion. No ]ful. going over the top bright by accepting the general chairman- of realization and possession of the "land flawing with milk |j group utilizes the prestige of reship for the campaign which will start on. May 4, has pointed and honey"; the milk of nourishing abundance, and honey of jllgion and ministers more brazen-' He that denounceth his friends for the sake of flattery even his j ; j out that the heart-gripping conditions in Germany. and Poland ly than does the military. The jown children will despise him. sweet human content divine. * use or more correctly the abuse j Lord, protect me from my plus a growing deficit because of underscriptions in the past is approved, nay more even, re-; friends and I will get even with ,..•." - ^ - KABBI FKEDERICK COHN. few years make it imperative that we oversubscribe last year's quired by the average membership [ my enemies. of synagogue or church. A pac-j Wisdom is better than strength, quota by at least ten thousand ^dollars. Such an accomplishifist preacher is unpopular, queer j nevertheless & poor man's •wisment is not a dream . . . . t i t is a necessity. And it does not even with his own church and peo-j dom is despised and to his admean idle talk - - it means putting the wheel to, the shoulder pie. rice all ears are closed. and pushing. It is not merely a task for a general chairman The _ well known preacher, L. In the day of prosperity be joyHough -writes to "Those in the jful in the day of adversity be By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS or a few divisional heads . . . . it means co-operation and effort Pulpit" in.a rather loose and va-j hopeful. Babbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City by every man, woman and youth who feels a deepened Jewish gue fashion. The administrative: A leader of a community is not consciousness. "We - * the Jewish people of Omaha -:'- must technic is analyzed by William H. jto be selected unless the entire Bupply an army worthy of the efforts of the chairmen. Then, REIJGIOX AXD THE CHURCH especially our youths are being" Leach and the education program! community is consulted first. conditioned and trained to regard by John W. Shackford. Samuel j Our Rabbis taught. "Four 1 TOMORROW and then only, will be attained our direly-needed goal. Edited by Fred B. Wyand, Cokes- this rising militarism as synomous M. Cavert writes on "Its Organic things require fortitude in their The Torah, good bury Press, Nashville, Tenn. 208 with patriotism and to view peace'and Spiritual Unity" and the well' observance: 1 activities and pacifism as treason j known statistician Roger AV. Bab-deeds, prayer and social service.' That's what makes it p. S2.00. I and, just as-practical men put to !—: easy to buy at the Boys' Few institutions are as lightly j Own Store. Here's headIn these columns we have constantly advocated an in- regarded as those of organized!.. . » - . . , . quarters for the vast the creased tempo in the rehabilitation of Palestine as a national religion. Critical and honest r e - ifrustrate International arena, so do they Si-the attempts organized leaders a d m i t freely, selections of everything Jewish homeland. We have not claimed that Palestine would llgious though with deep regret, that re- religion makes to introduce a "he" wants for Easter greater measure of justice in our be a cure-all, since we realize that the economic absorptive ligion exercises little if any inand Confirmation . . . upon the currents of mo-economic and industrial ordar. capacity of a country cannot be overstrained without serious fluence the values that you will The practical world reduces redern, life and thought. They know shameful status of appreciate i trouble. However, we do feel that every Jewish individual that the.- practical men, the' men and impressive impotence. •who "really shape the destiny of j, i i transferred from a hell like modern Germany or Poland is an civilisation look upon it as a nec- The synagogue is even more individual given a new lease on life; and hence, the more Jews essary prop, but do not take very helpless than the church, and for obvious reasons. Despite grandwho can be transplanted from persecution to the haven offered seriously; neither it, nor its prolloquen nouhcement, nor its authoritative ! ^ assertions of the more in the Holy Land, the better. ; . , interpreters. Though it enjoys i aggressive of our assimilationists. This past week, a •well-known Jewish-writer made a pub-universal; prestige, its authority the'Jew feels insecure and looks lic statement which repudiated Palestine as a solution to the Especially in fields • that really upon a policy of silence, conformity and expediency as best calJewish problem, and urged the Jewish people, to work put matter, social, economic, national and international are almost n l I . e l a t e d to insure him peace and their problem in the Diaspora. Just because all of the persesafety. The current wave of antiThis fearful impotence has cuted Jews in Europe cannot go to Palestine does not mean iously affected the loyalty of the Senitlc propaganda has acutely heightened the sensitiveness of that as many as possible should not be transferred there; be- masses of men and women who the American Jew and hfs "mis1 constitute our churches and syncause I cannot save twenty people from a sinking ship, is no so popular in many Quarters agogues. ' They sense intuitively, hsion" reason why I should not save the five I am capable of rescu- though the causes' are beyond a s b e c o m e . a , m a " e r o f h P fer" vice Synagogue • lea, ing. Palestine is the answer to Jewish youth - - who look their comprehension, the patheticfd e r 8 aexclusively. predicament of institutionalized i v , r e t h e c h i e £ victims of this ahead with vision and hope/ Allah Cashing, a young man from religion which enjoys universal • -• unhealthy policy, and their mfluBoston who has spent many months traveling through and lip homage and reverence, but re- ence and morbid fears affect the rabbis and the lay membership of working in Palestine and, has personally witnessed the plight ceives serious attention from none. the synagogue. They are dimly conscious that deof Eastern Europe Jewry, spoke the sentiment of Jewish young spite its enormous prestige, its inIt Isn't necessary to PAT DOUBLE tar the It would be a fatal error, howconvenience of modern automatic refrigeration. The Nebraska's Feature Value people in an address in Omaha last Friday when he stated fluence is tragically restricted. ever, to assume that ministers Th« ELECTBOIitJX Gas Refrigerator operate* surrender freely in their battle They know_ that even though pubat a cost of LESS THAN HALF when comthat in Palestine-the Jew has come into his own and there he pared with other types of automatic refrigeralie opinion ascribes authority and | for truth and justice and peace; is taking up the thread of-his. national history and-beginning wisdom to the pronouncement of! that they yield without a struggle tors. Besides, here are some other reasons that make ELECTEOLTJX Omaha's biggest over again ancient ideals of Israel. He also voices the senti- ministers, the real masters of the | to the demands of the so-called refrigeration bargain: ment of the majority of thinking Jews when he says that Pal- country, "the lords of creation"! practical men. Deep conviction, treat their preachments with po- keen conscience, and ' amazing estine offers the only practical refuge to the Jews forced to lite amusement and often with fearlessness leads many earnest men amongst them to preach with leave Germany and Poland. open and sarcastic contempt. zeal and clarity the noble and The growth: of militant and arThe figures tell an^even more eliquent tale. In 1935 over rogant militarism both here and deathless and bitterly resented 61,000 found homes in Palestine. Poland sent 27,000, Ger- abroad is more than ample test!-1 ideals of the prophets, often at 2 LONG PANTS many almost 10,000, and more than a score of other countries mony of the futility of religious grave risk to their ^comfort and securitjv Ample proof of this is were represented in the immigratibn list. In contrast, the efforts. I n no cause has religion the. volume under review, "Rebeen so decisively aggressive as in doors to other ports are barred. Prof. Samuel Guy Inman, that of international peace and ligion and the Church Tomorrow." ! foremost American expert on South America, -went to South good-will. Yet, despite brave pacThis'book is the work of twelve 3» Continued ifpwoperattng cost America on behalf of the League of Nations High Commis- ifslt preachers, despite the univer- men, with one exception miniasal but parrot-like repititlons by ters or engaged in religious work, 4 Fullest ^ood |»rptectioTi sion for Eefugees, and his report was tinmitigatirigly dis- men and women of the beauty of j They deal wit hmany of the more couraging. Also, immigration restrictions in South .Africa are beating swords intc plow-shares, I crucial problems that face organas rigid as in this country. On the other hand, Sir Herbert our country is spending today j ized religion and with which the is spending nothing less than a church and synagogue must grapSamuel, chairman of the Council for German Jewry, estimated bllHon dollars for' military pre- pie, i t they are to bring salvation Other Boys* Suits for School a few-weeks ago that 2,000,000 Jews could be settled in Pal-! paredness, which is.' exactly twice to their men and women, to just-C2JEEI3CEH33and Dress Wear il estine, without in any way affecting the rights and status of las much as we did in 1932. What ify their existence and to serve more reprehensible than these the nqble purposes its. prophetic the Arabs. This is possible through settlement in Transjorcriminal, and wasteful expendi-[founders have vlsioned. With redania, east of Palestine, a fertile land now practically unin- tures Is the fact that our people'alistic.candor are the difficulties OYoar ELEdKOLUX Gas Refrigerator actualhabited and until 1922, an historic; part of Palestine;* If we Newest Single and Double ly saves enough on refrigerating1 cost and food bills demonstrate to Britain that we are determined to build up Breasted S p o r t s Backs to PAT FOR ITSELF. the Palestine area,-we can once more make this Transjordan Sizes 10 to 22 Gas refrigeration is the refrigeration of TODAT land a part of our homeland. AND TOMORROW . . . It Is rapidly replacing: other Palestine is the center of future • Jewish aspirations. All forms of automatic refrigeration. The trend is sixteen million Jews in the world cannot move in there, but to the SILENT, lifetime with proper development of the resources of the land, Jewish service ELECTKOHTX. Ash about the FAVOBinitiative and industry can help solve much of the Jewish ABLB T E R M : P A T problem. H E M S BOW being offered on the PAT LIKE BENT PLAN at the Utilities District. -• A Passover Idyl II They're exceptional q u a l i t y Rabbi Frederick Cohn white broadcloth and made as We are in the midst of our Passover celebration. only Kaynee can make them. ELECTROLUX Sleet 8 to 14 and 13 to Ui "We are' reminded of how our fathers stood in the midst Gas Refrigerator of the Red Sea. That was a veritable .crisis for them. Beys* Leather Belts • - 50c to $ 1 -•J Is Omaha's But they passed over in safety,to the further shore and THE SERVEL Beys' Easter Neckwear 25c to 95c Biggest arrived finally, despite the long wandering in the wilderness, Boys' Spring Caps - 95c to $1.45 Ref rigeretiOR at the Promised Land. Their crisis was turned for them and Boys' Own Store-—Fourtfc Flow Bargain ~ for alTmankind into a. consecration of their highest powers, a religious and spiritual crowning of all humanity. . The world, taken at the present moment; is i n the tnroes of a great crisis. The waters of woe and evil threaten to engulf COREKCT APPAJREL Rffi MEN AND WOMEN it on every hand. Jt stands helplessly and almost panic-stricken in the midst of what may prove literally a. Red Sea of



Generous Hearts

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Our Hope and Inspiration


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Boys' White Kdynee



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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AFKIE TO, 35SS in the morning and find done and prepared for w thankful 1 have to be



FOR THE HOLIDAYS ities District, the citizens of Om-Smuggling Emigrants 115, at 2:30 p. m. A board meetMr. Nate Sherman and eon, aha, your Board of Directors, and i n g will Tie held at 1:15. The Warsaw — The authorities Gordon, of Chicago, visited here your General Manager, have an I nominating committee will make with Mr. Sherman's parents, Mr. The fifth annual Hadassah I its report and plans for the re- i The Vaad auxiliary is planning institution of which they can jus-covered last week an alleged of smugglers who were charge,1 and Mrs. Julius Sherman, for "Give or Get Luncheon" will be gional conference will be an- ' a Mother and Daughter banquet tifiably be proud." given Wednesday, May 6. Elab- nounced. the holiday. • j for May 6 at the B'nai Israel | Voters will consider a Peroo- with illegally transporting em orate plans have been made for j synagogue. The committee in | cratic and Republican for the grants to Biro-Bidjan, Soviet ar this occasion. The complete procharge is composed of Mesdames j Board fo Directors for the forth- tonomous Jewish territory. FROM LOS AXGELES J gram will be announced next M. Greenbaum, S. Lagman, and coming term. Kalph G. Coad, Democrat, End Allen A. Tukey, Mrs. S. Cherniss of Los Angeles, ! week. D. B. Epstein. Further plans will {Republican, present board memCalifornia is visiting at the home ! Over 125 women have raised A bridge luncheon will be be announced in a later issue of bers ere seeking re-election. As of her brother and sister-in-law, | their quota toward the "Give or given by Mrs. I. Rosenthal's group Announcessieni . .« the Press. members of the construction comMr. and Mrs. M. Nogg in Council Get Fund," which is the local con- of the Temple Israel Sisterhood mittee and active in the adminisBluffs. Mrs. Cherniss is a for- tribution to the Hadassah Med- Tuesday, April 14, at 1 p. m. at ! The Vaad auxiliary meeting mer resident of Omaha and is ical Fund and the Youth Aliyah, the Blackstone hotel. The pro-held Tuesday. March 31, was at-j tr&tion of the Utilities District, | the record of these men has been the total for the two being well, remembered here. ANNOUNCE 3IARRIAGE ceeds will go to the Sisterhood tended by a large group of wom-! outstanding. The May industrial ' ANNOUNCE BA-4 MITZVAH $1,250.00 this year. Mr. and Mrs. J. Yanish of Los fund. Mrs. Edward Treller, HA en. Marion Chorney played a report is highly complimentary to is novr connected vith the Mrs. Irvtn Levin, chairman, an- 7168, is in charge of reservations. group of piano numbers. Angeles announce the marriage or! their unbiased, efficient services beautiful Funeral Home, nounces the following list of their daughter, Alice Novinsky of j to the people of Omaha. Miss Minnie Miller of Winona, women who have turned in $10.00 ''In the Garden," 2615 Los Angeles, formerly of Sioux Mrs. Sam Gilinsky wlil have a Farnani, to direct funerCity, to Bernard Dobloff. The April 18, at the Beth-El synago-| Minnesota, is spending a couple of or more. Other names will be book review tea at her home, 604 • | weeks here visiting friends in Om- printed next week. Mesdames So. 37 St., Tuesday, April 21, at •wedding took place Tuesday, April gue. als according" to Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Boasberg will be i aha and Council Bluffs. Max Abitman, Julius Abraham- 2:30 p. m. Rabbi Frederick Cohn 2. The couple "will make their ritual in as modern a i t home, 715 No. 5S St., Sunday! • son, MSx Barish, Harold Barish, will review the February Bookhome in Los Angeles. manner as desired. That the people of Omaha may afternoon, .April 19, in Leonard's'• , , -. Louts Albert, J. Adler, Dave Brodn T rw r T n a of-the-Month club selection, "The well be proud of the administraMrs. Dobloff is a sister of Mrs. honor. No cards have been iskey, Harry Z. Bernstein, Simon Simon Gorelick of Omaha. j Mrs. Emanuel Finkenstein and Bordy, Jacob Blank, A. L. Blu-Last Puritan," by George San- and management of the MetropoFeatures WE. SS33 AT. 0826 sued. • Jher two daughters of Los Angeles menthal, D. Binstein, Joe Daytch, tayana. The tea will be held after Utilities District is brought out Shampoo and Finger Wave are visiting here with Mrs. Fin-M. Brodkey, Ben Brodkey, Harry the review. Mrs. David Wice and in a preliminary survey made by ANNOUNCE BIRTH TO ENTERTAIN FOR kenstein's mother, Mrs. J. J. Si- Cohen, J. Chasanow, Herman Co- Mrs. Frederick Cohn will pour. the George S. May Company, InDr. Wilfred Fleisher, and Dr. COMMITTEES The Zotos Fermanent \t Bve Tickets are 50 cents. They are dustrial Engineers of Chicago. mon. • . - ' . ' . hen, David B. Cohen, David R. with n© machinery and no Rose Fleisher of San Francisco, being sold by members of Mrs. "We were surprised to find elettricitj- used at $8.30 and r. Cohen, David Epstein, I. Dansky, announce the birth of a daughter, your organization so free from poVACATION Louis Epstein, A. D. Frank, Mor- I Gilinsky's committee. 71© Brandeis Theatre Bld Natalie M a r i a n , Wednesday, lities and political influence," the box collections, will entertain! Friedman is spending his ris Franklin, Sarah Frohm, Ben March 18. Dr. Rose Fleisher is F. report state. "We found less evitheir committees at a tea J Fineman, Max Fromkin, John the former ROSB Linsman of Om-I dence of it, in your case, than we April 17, at 2:30 p. m. in the! Frieden, Harold Farber, Joe Golda h a . • ••' ' . •-.-..: . -| are accustomed to find even in recreation room of the Leo Wax-, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fried- ware, Manual Grodinsky, J. Goodprivately owned utilities companman. enberg l^ome, ' binder, Sam Gerelick, J. J. Green! berg, David Goldstein, Harry HarA feature of the afternoon will FROM CHICAGO , Mrs. Jennie Horwich, 51, of ies." The report further commends ris, A. Hersberg, Libby Kaplan, Chicago, formerly of Omaha, died Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sherman be the showing of a new .film,! AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP the Board of Directors, the citiJack Kaufman, David Goldstein, "The Youth Aliyah," showing the j Ben Helphand, son of Mr. and Sunday, April 5, in Chicago. and sons, Howard and Richard, of Omaha, and the managewere the guests of Mr. Sherman's German-Jewish children arriving\ Mrs. D. Helphand of Fremont, J. H. Kulakofsky, Louis Kay, M. She is survived by her husband, zens F. Levenson, Irvin Levin, Phillip Henry; three children, Wilbur, ment: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sher- in Palestine and Henrietta S^old j Neb», was awarded a scholarship Jackson. * ',' . | to Iowa City University. He has Elliott, and Eleanor, all of Chi- "Summing up our analysis of man and-family, for the-Passover at work.. present situation, It is conbeen a student at the University There is still time for women cago; six sisters, Rella Singer of jyour holidays. N <1nJii f"~ it~ f*ur ft PPT* census of opinion of our organizaof Nebraska for three years and to earn their Give or Get Money. Omaha, Mrs. Abe Godchaux and i /»' «'<> a:p — jijlh VISITOR FROM NEW YORK tion, that the Metropolitan Utilduring that time won a gold Mrs. Levin will be glad to help Mrs. Henry Q. Marx of AlexanMrs. David Lazarus of New! medal for scholarship each year. any one calling. GUESTS HERE dria, La., Mrs. J. D. Stine of HolMr. and Mrs. A. P. Goldware York City arrived Sunday evening j lywood, Fla., Mrs. Edward Rosenhave as their guests for the Pass- to spend the Passover holidays \ AT JOSLW The class in Jewish social ser- thai of Palm Beach, Fla., Mrs. over holidays their children, Bess, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esther Leaf will give an organ vice, its trend and scope, wifl hold Nate Kort of Omaha ; and a broDavid Sherman. Century Mianmnestt Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Goldware of recital at 4 p. m. Sunday after- its next meeting Friday, April,ll. ther, Harry, of Omaha. Chicago and Meyer Goldware of BEN HANDLES, Jttgr. noon, April 12, in the concert hall There will be two mote classes; The funeral was held Monday, Rockford, 111. The arrival of these "•I of the Joslyn Memorial. Friday, April 17, and Friday, 320 No. 18 St. AT. 9826 April 6, at the home of Mrs. Kort, guests marked the Teunion of the GUEST FROM SIOUX CITY April 24. This will conclude the 3668 Davenport. Burial was in For Information, Call Miss Donna Jean Tobias of j family for the first time in ten course for the year. Golden HiH cemetery. Sioux City was a guest of the Ju-i Women's Mizrachi years. , lius Tatleman's last week-end. The Jewish History class will oat^^ An 'important meeting of the to meet after Passover Junior Hadassah Women's Mizrachi will be held continue WITH PARENT under the leadership of Mrs. DaMiss Lena Mittleman of Port- next Wednesday afternoon, April vid Goldstein. For further inforThe Junior Hadassah held a l a n d > Oregon, ia visiting her par-15, at the J. C. C. mation call Mrs. Goldstein, Mrs. large meeting. Thursday evening. e n t s > M r # a n d M r a .M> Mittleman. A program is being arranged, M. F . Levenson or Mrs. Aaron! Reports were given by the varand all members are requested to Katz. SEE FOR YOURSELF tHe production ious/ captains in regard to the be present. ' :'., progress of the "Silver Mine" conPioneer Women of some of the ROBERTS DAIRY test. Tickets may be secured from any member of the club. Plans FRIEDLANDER RUNS FOR The Pioneer Women wish to ,were made for the "Quota Party" correct an error which appeared KOSHER Passover Milk at Ackerhurst COUNTY COMMISSIONER A Passover Oneg Shabbos, In to be given Sunday night, April in last week's edition of the Jewwhich the spirit of Passover will 19, for only members, who raised ish Press. It was • stated that ancombined with that of the SabCertified Farm at 4 P. M. any afterHerman Friedlander, a veteran be their quota in a recent ticket gale. other group of the Pioneer Wombath, will take place Saturday, A program was given, including en will be formed. This is not so.in local politics, is in the race as April 1 1 , at the home of Mrs. noon—the farm is located nine miles vocal solos by AI Soffer, and a The Goldle Meyerson group will I republican candidate for the office David A. Goldstein, 3560 Jackson dramatic reading by Miss June be reorganized into an English- of county commissioner. St., at 2:30 p. m. Rabbi David west of Benson on Highway No. 8. j Friedlander is running on theA Meyerson of Council Bluffs. • speaking branch of the Pioneer Goldstein will review "The Etfollowing platform: "A business Women. ..'... ernat Road" by Franx WerfeL man who understands the taxpayAn Oneg Shabbos will be held .er. and -the necessity for a balancOPENS JPHARMACY The-regular April meeting of Sata Meyerson, ~a ;gf admit&y^bf Saturday, April i t , at the home ed budget." ; " ~ v Creighton •University and a licen- of Mrs. H. Okun, 1434 No. 18 St. For years Tie has been a. mem- the Beth-El auxiliary -will take sed pharmicist, has purchased the Mrs. J. Raznick, program chair- ber of the Omaha Hebrew club place Wednesday afternoon, April has arranged an interesting Spellman Pharmacy at 2023 No. man, Passover "refreshments and the local B'nal Brith. He is 16th street. The ; store will be program. will be served. members and expected to poll a large vote in I operated under the name of Mey-their friends areAir cordially invited his quest for nomination and v erion Pharmacy, with free deliv- to attend, election. • ery service. . " Sam, who is the son of Mr. and MARK LEON WRITES ' The Pioneer- -Women • are planMrs. Goodman Meyerson,'Is a former aleph godol of: Ai. Z. A. ning a. rummage sale for- the^near future. All members -and friends In fact, INSURANCE of Every chapter 100. Specially are asked to save their bundles. Type • • Strong Reliable Purchased for To: have hundles picked up or for Companies, ONLY Refrigeration r Ben Wolfe invites his . friends further information call Mrs. H. City Finance & Insurance Co. to visit the refrigeration display Richlin, chairman of the sale, AT 7667 - 1409 FARNAM - WA 5150 rooms located at 1115 Fontenelie WE 1562. hotel. Mr. Wolfe wll handle refrigerators, radios; the newest modernistic gas ranges, washing machines, and electric sweepers.



NBURG, WEBB, BEEER, ?NICK & KELLEY. Attys. nion State Bank Bldg. ICE OF INDEBTEDNESS is hereby Klven lli.it ml exebts of ililder Liquor Cii. on ;t Uay of December, 1033, d to' the sum of Forty Thuu%-en Hundred Fifty &ix dolUra :ents l$4O,75S.S4). Wm. .Milder, President. Hyrnie Milder, i:o<=e Milder. Being a majority of th« Uoard of Directors.

Vaad Auxiliary


Ben Handler


NBURG, WEBB, BEEER, INICK &. KELLEY, Attys. Inlon State Bank Bldg. ICE OF INDEBTEDNESS is herebv civen that alt e y *bts of Carl A. Anderson,- Inc., 31st day of December, 1!>35, d to the sum of Thirty Seven d One Hundred dollars anil XJ37.100.6T). Carl A. Anderson. PivsidentA. 'SVick^troni. SecVy, Cavl A. Andnrfon. Beins a majority of the -Board of. Directors.



•N8URG, WEBB, • BEEER, INICK & KELLEY. Attys. nion State Bank Bldg. ICE OF INDEBTEDNESS is hereby given .that all exetjts of Roselana Investment on the 31st day of Decem5. amounted to the sum of Two Hundred ana Fifty dol$0.00). Louis Moskovitz.

AT. 4333



IJOUIS Moskovitz.

Tibbie Moskovitz. Being a majority of 'tlia Board of Directors.



Beth-El Auxiliary


smalt oew

They're Here! wew . La Grace Frocks for Spring




ure Value




The Purchase of the NEON

Spelman Pharmacy 2023 No. 16 St. BY SAM MEYERSON



T o B e K n o w n

a s t h e






or School ear


FRIDAY md SftTt/i:r,r.\


Sport €amift f%

America's Singer of Songs


EJnest Mri»mder9 Gtbeon Girl Shoulder Ce>n New Frmmt Batten MScUed Modeis!

Foiitlrebr the ttrttit mxnter »t ccremonlfi e r u men In Omaha, utarrlne In GREATEST FLOOR SHOW ever pruddced h u e . Wit* the



Double Backs 2

la m WUrlwind • ( Startllnr Dancfi MONA VORK Blsei Stylist

Omaha's Newest and TJltra-Modern HABERDASHERY

JftexU 311 South 16th St.

istarel wood _ - -. Sizes 14 to 20. J2.S8 </.

Superb SWING Mnsic by


50c to $ 1 25c to 9 5 c ic to 91.45

MALASHOCK'S When buying





wiiiiliiiw iSiiissfiiiiiiiiiaiWi

A sale slated for a sell-out . . . Imagine fine Boucle Tweeds . . . Soft Fleeces . . . Each Grepe Woolens . . . all at this low price . . . before Easter! They come is rich shades of brown, toast beige, gold, navy, black and TaMti Bose, Sises 10 to 20 and S6 to 4S.

l contrasting color 1*09 vnA •ia&orttte

Featuring All the New Ideas ' i n Style Merchandise.


2250 — ToUo.-»d e o « t dress ia VoaSbsa Sani a r i x • d Broadcloth. Lang* rang, of colon: m a i l . . Uo«< ««««.. piak. «kipp« Wo. mid

COCOANUT GROVE BAND Featuring Brilliant ana Beautiful

MARCEY SHEHO Sweetheart of Chicaeo's Jackson Boulevard Strriar Mfhtly and Kuodari tbe ClBb'i Pxnxmi Full COUTM OellciotM StMlct bik


XZSS—K . w • « t CerA Lac* of hiek qualit? j» « BBttrt iailsr.d peltarn. Cmsusl w • • 4. fcnttsa trim sad ribboa ti«. C e 1 e r t: i « c p * ». o<jue. Sixes 14 to 20. $2.98

TE lSMTenfa

Juat errlv* Jl Thoso cmeot tprfnj feecka by LaGroc*. Card lecea. Soafotiscd broadcloths. ErinilotOESS cod Vellea ia ori^nal on« end «wo-pi«c» «tri« look cxpeusJ?e, feast edtueUt cr Ccasa ia leaorrow end eae fisess—jouTS surely want ens or two. "

e e l or priatiKl piqo* Toil*. H.etwl wedit

wi& SOT*! Ccrwsr tm&

i!ia» trim. .tafdOr seo4 raatton mMtl Si»s 31 It <S. Thro* « n 11B h !_• ealat



1S5S — S o l i d c o l o r SrinkieSon* la a c'.erer tailorsd r a o d e l witH lcrge mnoogram btstisa pink, e o p * a, S a o 1* to tB. S1.SS.




Mrs.*. S. Cherniss of Loc Angeles, .California arrived here The; Jewish /Workers Alliance Wednesday for r. visit at the home will have a cultural .evening at of her brother-and sister-in-law, the J. C. C. Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nogg. • April 14, at 8 p. m. "Passover* will be the main subject of dis- Abe Saltzman returned home cussion Sunday following an extended stay This meeting is open to thein Denver, Colorado. public. All members, friends and sympathizers are invited to at- Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson, stutend. Refreshments will be serv- dent at the University of Nebrased. •• ••••••• ka at Lincoln, is spending her Mrs. J. Raznick and Mrs. H.spring vacation here visiting her Bondarin are in charge of arparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman rangements. Meyerson.



l™-|* a * ;ha*;'j||-' lerveiM

°1 iing- ' Mr. 5 Biff)!, ohm > PC





if if 1








i! •fei! i

B I P . E . K.


Passover Services Services for the concluding two day holiday of Pesach will be helc at six o'clock at the Chevra B'na: Yisroel synagogue Sunday eve ning, April 12. On Tuesday, th morning services will begin' a 8:30 o'clock, and the evening ser: vices at six o'clock. On Wednea day morning, services will' begin at 8:30 o'clock. The Memorial Services, "Y cor", will be held at the synagogue on Tuesday morning, April 14, at 9:30 o'clock. . ' Everyone is cordially invited to attend the Passover Services. Senior Hadassah Plans have been completed for the Dessert-Luncheon to be given by the Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah next Wednesday afternoon, April 15, promptly at one o'clock at the home of Mrs. Max Simon, 205 Oakland Avenne. Mrs. Her•man Krause is chairman in charge of this affair and is being" assisted by the Mesdames Isaac Sternhill, Samuel H. Katelman and George Hoffman. Mrs. Herman Marowitz Is program chairman. Reservations may be made with any member of the above committee. Mrs. Ben Margolin of Columbus, Nebraska, president of the Southwest. Region of the Senior Hadassah, will be the principal speaker and honored, guest. A dramatic reading will be given by Miss June Meyerson. All members are urged to attend.

Among the students from the University of Iowa at lowa.City who are spending their spring vacation here visiting their parents are Miss Maxine Leibovitz, and Mcssers. Robert Rosenfeld, Yale Meyerson, Collman Yudelson, Jack Gordon, Donald Rosenfeld, and Bernard Balaban. They will return to Iowa City on Monday to resume their studies.



Willard H. Quigley Democratic Candidate For *.."•



Director of the Metropolitan Utilities District. We Need a Doctor on This Board

Herman Friedlander Republican Candidate For

My record for effident, courteous and p


sincere psifelic serrice j


during the past


yesrs is a genuine en

"1**1 *• ? > s P

1 *!-•• IJiJii



h i m * •! H *!•>** i i


15 \


F o r Re-Election

A business man who understands the taxpayer and the necessity of a balanced budget.



City Commissioner

Dr.PhUipSher Sam Leon Irvin Levin SamKIaver


F R A N K M.

Douglas, Washington and Burt Coxmties


.-'liiluw.-j.. .


If}-,., ni.TI^


••^Efr-i-- 1 .--. s.'.-? : :?u.fA.-; ;:.;*

Philip Klutznick,-Hyman Levin,! Harry Smith, Dr. A. A. Stein-1

District J u d g e

Fred White Mrs. Sam Klaver Joe Block Ben Kazlowsky Dave Gerber



Public Defender


" -.


(Democrat) lor

In Business in Omaha 17 Years Ex-Service Man Served Overseas

berg, Herman Corenman, Russell Biumenthal, Ben E. Kazlowsky, David Robinson, Hymen Shrier.







Municipal Judge

We Urge and Recommend to All Our Friends the Re-Election of

Isadore Abramson Ben E. Kazlowsky Harry Malashock Max Barish M. L "Bud" Conn

He Is possessed of sterlingf qualities that especially fit him for judicial office. " He is experienced, capable and faithful and fulfills his trust with impartiality, courage and common sense.

Irvin C. Levin - William Grodinsky Sam Beber Henry Morisky Fred White Harry Silverman Max Froinkin Sam Leon Philip Klutznick J. J. Friedman Hyman Shrier Ben Kazlowsky Sam Zacharia Ephraim Marks Milton Abrahams Herman Corenman Eugene N. Blazer *






For Coanty Judge Non-Polltical . Listen in on Radio Station WAAW at 6 P. M. on Saturday, April -11th and Monday, April 13th

.- . /For ;.-:;^V-;''--;




City Commissioner The Drtxel -Family For Have87Been YearsResidents of Omaha






Joseph Bloch Milton R. Abrahams Frank L. Frost Sam Altsuler Dr. J. M.'Shramek '•


Honest—Capable—Fearless Endorsed By

John W. Battin


Because he is qualified. 26 years a student of pmaha Municipal affairs. If elected, he will turn over his entire pension to charity.

8th year of service as District Jodre Inquire of any attorney as t» temperament and reputation lor industry

| |


;; ;:;:;,;''^Eiect':,.:.' ."..!.:•







l.iU.'»SS i

We Recommend



to Thli


• •



udge John W, Battin icipal Judge


Your Vote Will Be Appreciated by Doctor

Th«v ^. 3 y ptnti is


JOSEPH iOiTSKf Candidate For


Vote for







-: Plans are nearing completion for the Banquet to be given by the Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the B'nai Brith on Wednesday evening, April 22, at-the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster Street; This affair will be. in celebration of the twentyfifth anniversary ot the local chapter, and will honor Mr. I. B. Padway of Chicago, who is President of the District No. 6 of the B'nai Brith. All reservationa must be made before next Wednesday, April 15, witti Mr. Louis H. Katelman, chairman in chargetitthe Banquet, as the seating capacity Is limited. The Banquet Is open to all members of the B'nai Brith, their families, and friends.

MY PLATFORM IS FOR Complete Bui System for Omaha with 5c Fare. Do away with 25c stickers on windshields—a nuisance tax. Free Bridge at either Farnam or Dodge Street. Repeal the 92.00 per year wheel Tax. Support all propositions that will make Omaha a better City to live In. Yeur Vote and Support It so. llclted.


1 City Commissioner

sin ["hurt '] ooiii ! h e yft< i h a . f'.

and children of Auburn, Nebraska and Mr. and Mrs. .Henry Maduff of Anita, Iowa spent the Passover Holiday here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman.

BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. All persons Interested In said mat- sonal property; and to do all things 1 be held by one and the same person. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parter are hereby notified that on the! necessary or proper to effect the pur- I These Articles may be amended et have hereunto subscribed their NOTICE OF PROBATE OF W I L L 4th day of April, 1936. A. B. Ferer * poses and objects for which this cor- i any regular or special meeting of theties A 1P36 In the County Court of Douglas filed a petition in said County Court, j poration is created. 'The authorized I stockholders by a two-thirds (2/S) names this 2nd <lav of April IX THE PRESENCE OF: County, Nebraska. praying that his final administration | capital stock shall be Ten Thousand j vote of the outstanding stock. AH of "ALFRED A. FIEDLER In the Matter of the Estate of Vac- account filed herein tie settled and > Dollars ($10,000.00). and all of the I the BfisetB of the corporation may be lav Novak. Deceased. MARIAN THAI.AC allowed, and that he be discharged i paid stock shall be common and of I dlspoHed of by a two-thirda (2/S) All persons Interested In said es- from his trust as administrator and j the par value of One Hundrod (J100.- i vote of the outstanding stock. that a hearing will be had on said j »0) Dollars per share, and shall be are hereby notified that a petiFRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, tate tion has been filed In said Court, petition before said Court on the 2nd fully paid-up and- non-assessable. H KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. praying for the probate of a certain <lay of May, 1936. and that if you shall commence business upon filing POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT FOLIT!CAL ADVERTISEMENT Union State Bank Bldfl. instrument now on file in said Court, fail to appear before said Court on of its Articles with the County Clerk purporting to be the last will and the said 2nd day of May, 1936, at 9 of Douglas County, Nebraska, and testament of said deceased, and that o'clock A. M., and contest said peti- . shall continue for a period of fifty NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS tion, the Court may grant the pray- (50) years. The highest amount of Notice Is hereby given that all-ex- a hearing will be had on said peti- er of said petition, enter a decree of indebtedness shall not exceed twoisting debts of'National Distributing tion before said Court on the 2ndheirship, and make such other and I thirds (2/3) of its capital stock, but day of May, 1936, and that if they Co., Inc.. on the 31st day. of Decemfurther orders, allowances and de-1 this restriction shall not include inber. 1935, amounted to the sum of fall to appear at said Court on thecrees, as to this Court may seem ] debtedness secured by mortgages or said 2nd day of May, 1936, at 9 o'clock Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred to the end that all matters; liens. The affairs shall be managed Eighty-six dollars and 86 cents ($16,- A. M., to contest the probate of said proper, will, the Court may allow and pro- pertaining to said estate may be fi- j by a Board of Directors of not less 386.86). ! than two (2) members. The annual bate said will and grant administra- nally settled and determined. L X Magulre, . meeting shall be on the first Monday tion of Bald estate to Catherine JanBRTCE CRAWFORD, ' President. in January of each year, at which ousek also known as Kate Janousek 4-10-36-3t County Judge. Gail Margolin, meeting the stockholders shall elect and Anna Calta or some other suit'. • • L. J. ilaguire, . a Board of Directors, and thereupon person, enter a degree, of helrMr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman had Being a majority of theable" Law Offices the Board shall • elect a President, ship, and proceed to a settlement Board of Directors. as their house guests for the PassFRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasthereof.' KLUTZNICK & KELLEY urer. Any two of said offices may over Holiday Mr.- and Mrs. Keith 3RTCE CRAWFORD. 200 Union State Bank Building WEBB, BEBER, 4-10-36-3t County Judge. PPeltz and small daughter, Lor- FRAOENBURG, Omaha, Nebraska KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. .POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT j fi raine, of Manning, Iowa, and Mr. Union State Bank BldgFRADENBURG, WEBB', BEBER, NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF and Mrs. Ben Cohen and children KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY,- Attys. "CHARLEMAGNE POWDER BAR" NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice Is hereby given that the unof Harlan, Iowa. Union State Bank Bldg. Notice is hereby given that all exdersigned have formed a corporation isting debts of Milder Oil Co. on the under the laws of the State of Ne31st day of December, 1935, amounted NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON braska. The name of the corporation the sum of Twenty Seven ThouThe Council Bluffs Agudas Ac- to PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT shall be "Charlemagne -Powder Bar," sand One Hundred Forty-six dollars OF FINAL ADMINISTRAwith its principal place of business at hmi Society. will hold a regular and 93 cents <$27,U6.93). TION ACCOUNT Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. Hymle Milder. meeting next Thursday evening, In the County Court of Douglas The general nature ol the business President. to be transacted shall be to engage County, NebraskaApril,,16, at 8:30 o'clock at the Rae Braunsteln, In the Matter of the Estate of Es- In the retail and wholesale cosmetic Ella V. Milder. Eagles Hall. , ther Ferer, 'sometimes known as Es-business: to bur; sell, lease, own, acHymie Milder, quire, and/or encumber real and perther B. Ferer, Deceased. "Win. Milder. • Being a majority of the Mr. and Mrs. Abe H. Marcus POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Board of Directors. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT





Budget Balanced Bosses Abolished

Abner H. Kaiman J. J. Grecnberg Philip M. Klutznick A. A. Fiedler Irvin Stalmaster Emmet S. Brumbaugh Dr. Philip Sher Eugene L. Agee Dr. Tlios. L. Houlton Sam Beber

• Rackets Removed^ Continue—with-a proven business administration


. Dorrance

There Is a Wide Difference —Between Public Servants and Office Holders.



N City Commissioner

Controlled by NoneEndorsed by

larry Trustin rank E. Frost tE A C U E ~*~ *



THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 10,193S ["WITNESS WHEREOF the par[lave hereunto subscribed their 3 this 2nd day of April, 1936. BE PRESENCE OF.: : i• t iFEED A. FIEDLER. ! 5IARIAN BL42wAC. •


• ; ;;•

Norman Selz and Don Zernovsky, man Selz, 5750; Harold Ourch, | day at the J. The league will be Entry fee is 52.50 which will pro- ! this league will be a fast cue! of repeating this year. I stein tr> 10; push nps,, Marvin Zernovsky, 5700; Harold Epstein, 55S0; Al-1 under the sponsorship of the Cenvide for the franchise and win————— j iE -Lj-SpfcRntis.1A AT" Rwiiri e ' . i with many formidable teams en| 25; rope jumping, Melvin Bern- bert Shenfield, 5440; Eddie Kuk- j ter and will be under the direc- ning team awards, bats and balls, 'tered, one of which is t i e Omaha . • By BAY SOHAPIEO ' • ;; stein, 20S; track running, May- lin, the JCC matron ; All lour are entered in the night Last 5320; Edward Selz, 5260; ' nard Katzmah, 81/, seconds; free Sidney" Schwartz, 5140; Beryle •tion o'f Lee Grossman. The league and 52.50 bond of good faith '• Potato Market under t h e leader- w o f f i ™ were hostesses to the ice division. Bernard Epstein will be affiliated with the Na- which is returnable. Teams eni ship of John Rosenblatt. The Benson Community -women, in leading in the 10-mile m a i - Ten junior boys were crowned throws, Harold Epstein,' 13; tar- "Walters. 4560; Bill Steffler, 4340; I tional Softball League and will tered'are the E.si Jin, AZA No. 1, I Omaha Potato team will be com- : ^Mch a series of volleyball games • with 3.P4 len<:Uis t o hi* <'• champions in nine events in the get throw, Stanley Feltman, 115; Bud Parish, 3440; Nathan' adhere to its rule3. Play will start last year champions of the Ak- • posed of sorns of t h e outstanding; ^ e r e r u n off. ''• 7"* uI*P in c'~ V\OH^ P^*P "^' O'^p"1'P n 71j JCC Junior Boys Efficiency Tests hop, step and jump, Norman Po- Meiches, 32 80. Sar-Ben league, Breslow Auto ! players in the city and will have) Sunday, April 26, and games will •'.=ky find. B u c k ? ' G r e e n b e r p ' lonsky, 24 feet. ,as the Tests came to an end last be run off every Sunday morning Parts, Towers, Sample Furs, de- !as battery Paul Steinberg and I The swimming department OL 1CJ Ienpr'bF rnfl S f n r F<?: The. boys placing In the final Tuesday evening. Stanley FeltThat a JCC softball league will Ion the finest Softball diamonds fending JCC champions, and the [George Murray. The Sample Furs t the Center vill rely on Buelcy with 150. In thp woman's H1man, 11 year old grand cham- rating and number of points are be definitely held was decided ati in the city. Officials will compose Omaha Potato Market The Sam-I will again bring forth a Class AJ Greenberg, Stanley Feltman. Nor- , marathon. Mrs. Ralph Goklbf1-pion, is one of the finest junior as follows: ple Furs will be hard pressed as 'outfit and -stands a good chance j man Poloneky and Bernard Ep-t leading with C(jl lengfhs. athletes to ever appear In the Stanley Feltman. 7 6 7 0; Melvin a manager's meeting last Wednes-I of regulation association umpires. Center. This hoy has great possi- Bernstein,-729D; Norman Polonbilities of being a great all-around sky, 7180; Maynard Katzman, athlete. Although Stanley only 7000: Don Zernovsky, 6820; Sol placed first in one event his Epstein, 6260; George Eisenberg, rating was high enough to give 6210; Marvin Zernovsky, 5920; Mm a total of 7670 points, 380 Morris Rlchlin, 5920; Bucky ahead; of his nearest rival. This Greenberg, 5820; Albert Lagman, efficiency test was compiled by 5820; Albert Temin, 5790; NorLee Grossman and conducted by Al Oruch. The test will again be Rcdal Diplomas given jn six months, in -order to "Warsaw — The Catholic Sociewitness; the progress of the boys. ty began issuing racial diplomas Group champions are: \'•' testifying that their bearers are Standing broad jump, Melvin of pure Polish origin dating six Bernstein, 7 feet Zy* inches; run- generations back. ning. high jump, ifaynard Katzman, 4; leet 2 inches; pull tip's. FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, KLUTZNICK & KEULEY, Attys Union State Bank Bldg. FRATJENBURO, WEBB, BEBER, KL.UTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS V . Union State Bank Bldg. Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of Dave's. Clothes Shop on the ,31st day of December, 1S35, NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS to the sum of Four ThouNotice Is hereby given that all ex-amounted Three Hundred Thirty-nine dolisting debts of Ideal BotUIns Co., onsand lars and «6 cents ($4,339.76). the •Slat .day of December, 1936, , David Crounse, [Enid, Dr. Ben Goldware and E T amounted to: the sum of Two Thou-, Laffabits President. sand Sir Hundred Sbcty-fIve dollar* j elyn of Omaha, Bess and Mr.-and Sophie Crounse, and 37 cents (?J,S65.S7). Speaking of the fellow who cani Mrs. Dave Gold^rare of Chicago, David Crounse, Sam Elatt. • hold his liquor—Meyer Raben, ; III. . Being a majority of the • :•' " • . • • • • ' • •.."' P r e s i d e n t . ' ''Board of Directors. . ..-• "Wm. Kafman,: : , after consuming three bottles oi •••. Hebecca Platt, 1 - .,". pop, passed out—nearly. *. » FRAOENBURQ, WEBB, BEBER, ••'••:• Sam Elatt. • • . • • •The way B. G. and G. R. fight JESCy J e s t s . , B e i n g a rmkjority of t h e KCUTZNICK & KEUUEY, -Attys. SOT So, -,,.,• '-•; Board of Directors, ; at times a. casual, observer would think -Frances Bordr, Union State Bank Bldg. is ExfiictecS m t h Tociferocity they weTe married. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS for every purpose Those, who attended the dance (chattering inclinations) can be MONSICY, GRODINSKY, MARER & Notice is .hereby given that all exIN OUR SPACIOUS isting dabts of Middle States CreamCOHEN,.-Attorney* NEW VAULTS' at the J.- C. C. last Sunday eve- silenced . . . Ask Herb JIarks. . eries,Intf., on the 31st day of DecemPay cleaning charge on!y 737 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Distributed by ber. 1935, amounted to the sum of ning . were temporarily blinded For flea-hopinng lessons or when clothes are reeded One Hundred Seven Thousand FortyNOTICE IS HEREBY-GIVEN- That ElBht and deafened when Art Adler more expressive tj-pes of dancfor next season. dollars and" 97 cents (J107.on the 5th day of February. 1S3G. the J48.97). walked In with a shirt that sound- ins see Betty Soreff. total outstanding indebtedness of "W. H. Barnaby, ed like • caliope. Dorothy Saltzmaii of Council MISSOURI VAT.T.KY MIDGET RACPresident. AT GLE/TLY ING ASSOCIATION, lite., a NebrasE. M. Barnaby, Jimmy Lamson .took Regina Bluffs .is so piiilanthropically W. H. Barnaby, ka corporation, •with its principal OFFICE AND PLANT Klein to the dance and, being a inclined that she sat up until Beins a majority of the 104 No. 18th St. AT. 3454 place of business in Omaha* NebrasKE. 1500 Board of - JDirectors. newcomer-, to these here parts. 2 p. m. last satcrday ka, was J933.92. W. i P H B L P S , President. FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, didn't want to hurt anyone's feel- j helping a boy friend with his Attest: ' ,„ KUUTZNICK . * . KELUEY.-Attyi. ings by refusing the fellows dances homework. Homework????? - E. G. SWANSON. Secretary. Union State Bank Bldg. E. G. WESSON, with 'his date. Therefore, little MOITIS Pine is so touchy about •HES KING. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Jimmyspent most oi his time his new car that he WOBM raS. LOVELADT. Notice Is hereby given that all exwatching the gal whose freight be ther leave it In the garage thaa 4-10-36-lt Majority of Directors. isting -debts or Nebraska Chambers -*-*^.«5Hi«4 Optical Co. on the ;31st day of De-1 paid . . - . By the way, who said risk the possibility of a scratchcember. 1B35, amounted to the sum ! >r I Ash YOST OIL that there weren't any stags at ed tire incurred while driving. In Appreciation of Your p : w f ! «-f r r ^ I arr® Thousand Sixty-three dollars NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO AR- of Onecents ($1,063.03). TICLES OF INCORPORATION OF and 3 the dance? I Grocer for Past and Futuie ' , „ ; " , ,, J. i t Chambers, NATIONAL UPHOLSTERING We were very much amused M i rotrj AKfl PPiFT Distrib, ' - .. COMPANY ~ President 4 fiAri A J W the article in one of the daily pa-{ ' UAATJ Goldie Chambers, POSBES TEHDEE uter* \ | Kepaid O\ev si Pe-ioc p^ Tivp Notlce^ls hereby-Etven that i t a J. L. Chambers, pers stating that Cantor Max Le- [ Tl5 f M - S. L. club, composed of BEEAD special, meeting- of tile stockholders or Being: t majority of the cr vine was conducting the "Easter several of Council Bluffers most Board of Directors. the National Upholstering Company, Per Ton Holiday services" at the Beth eligible defis, figure on slingin' a of Omaha. Nebraska, held, in the FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, Cities Look for the Orange Citjr of 'Omaha. Nebraska, on the ROES TETCRSOK Hamedrosb. Hagodol synagogue, ^op this summer. Now—for the Guaranteed »*«•»• Cr-nt 2nd day or March. 1936, Article I of KLUTZNICK & KEUUEY, Attys; and Blue Label Service We thought it was Pesacb..—but benefit of those "which ain't cevto Satisfy EQTEL the Articles of Incorporation of said - Union State Bank Bldg. company -was amended to read as . - NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS er slung a hop" I mi^ht point out - A Trial". Will' Convlnc* Yen Vine inaybe we're wrong. that a venture of this sort takes follows:/ j . Notice is hereby given that all exPriced D k U U f i CL [ill Oils ; Isting debts of.Henberg. Inc., on the a lot of moaey.Sooooo—the aforeahall i 31st day of December, 1935, amounted Oper Evenings &n£ f-ioUtiays mentioned creatures take upon MAN- to the eum ot Seventy Nine Thousand 2711 No. 21th St. WE. 6400 At 4114 JestJotfeigs'' • AT. S323 A AT. 4114 •"=•"— Hundred Seventy-four" dollars Bernice Sherman Lazarns Is their shapely shoulders to raise S3 cents ($79,474.89). NATIONAL \FURNITUBB MANTJvisiting her parents here. This is the ever-popular unit of exchange Abo Henberg. FACXUKING.CO. 1 •. „ President her first visit home since she mar- j —money. A drawing was held. •By.METT.ACH KAT2MAN. : Abo Herzberg, ' . „ " . • . , •"••'.-•-, ',..." '/.-..--•.•'. - - ' . - P r e s i d e n t . ried David Lazarus, Omaha bar-1 Every time some innocent, harrriSam Herzbergv A T T E S T i ,' ••>*:•-, :'• • '.- "4 ' David Goldman,l't6ne. ffce popular young Om-jless sap took one of the fiebs-o -- DA-^ax-ICATZMaW.'SeerEtary. " ' "Being" a majority of the 11 afeans are now residing in New j he was cornered and relieved* of -4-io-it:- -7 ^ •-.-.:-:'-•*•• •• •••-'. . Board of Directors. York . . . Who is this Myles j what little change he had left Bo Beady For Triedraan, Chicago visitor to Oni- after blowing the girl to the town. aha, that everyone is talking to Buy tickets for the drawins. about? . . . A n d can anyone tell These mercenary women, slier ETth snsS B^ardia us what became of the Chief, fleecing the boys incessantly for •*' Sweet Better Let the ZEASHE Beauty known less frequently as Leon a period of months, and enriching Ersss, BT-nze Ateninram. P r f - • . .Dated BEIk Salon Attend Your Beauty Ferer? . , . Harry Malashock was their treasury a fabulous Grey Iron snfi SemS-StecI •_ Sour Cmtm • • f Door Wopt ot a fine selection as general chair- amount, gave away s, £5.0 0 prize, Heeds Eafl laany. other prbflacts, man of the Philanthropies drive . cash, of which no onefcnowstheStandard sires Prnn-'e * r r !-nr Bushings. 6ewe- (V5anholes. Cistern asfe yoar grocer or call-... . Nothing this week about Sir whereabouts. The -weaker, sex? 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Ringc fend Cove"s Cleanoii' Little Joe Junior Moonbeam wonder . . . Sasn Weights * n f >f!!rv>' F-« Fe""ulee, carried in Pinky Liebman (yes, that's his stock. Eronze Tab;e»», P-MISTF name in full) . . . Helen TTessel Cast (-on Grilles a Specially. HA. 222S . has been nominated ss one o£ Omp aha's most sweetest and affable TTho is the Phi Ep at Iowa young ladies . . . The Chemieks University, from Soo City, who are becoming travel minded. Helen has been asking so many quesjttst returned from an estended tions about iioiaraiime Mcyer« stay in " Sioux City, and brother son?? Harold is contemplating a trip to Who Is. the girl who Washes Corns To the nation's capitol, Washington, every time she sees a Pljrmoiitb D. C. . . . Friends here were Tery ad?? . SCHMIDT'S surprised to hear of the Bernard antf Who were the boys in trhat for Schinnnel engagement-. , » Bids party -who spent S2.0J) for a "botBlocked Only jto the Pi L.am dance, scheduled SE3ES The Best Hot Corned Beef tle of ginger ale that coc!d have for a Pleasant Surprise for April 22, sre said to be some- been bought lor 10 cents — uaRepaired While Sandwiches in the City You thing rery 'smooth' and different fier different circnmstanccs? HAVE YOU TRIED —S'ick-up s r f i3enve"!«!s» . . What -well-known non-Jewish ^ in Downtowp That Donna Sam Tobias, red' SCHMIDT'S LATELY? city official has something of a i heaa from Siotr.x City, blnsiics HA. 45~e Lstch At)ti'f'®ns> crush on one of our Jewish girls? j when she tells a story? Delicatessen Limch CALL. JJL 4874 . . . Friends of Harry Shumow, j 2417 Farnam : Open Dally and Sundays 422 So. 13th St. AT. 5003 the theatrical man, are glad to j | f ^ J 0 g INDUSTRY Till MldnlU see him up and around, following . , his recent illness . . . Hope it isn't! A Jewish ionaay is capable of -with production in to late to toss a bouquet in the interfering general direction of Paul Gross- ^ o r "idustry. At least the holman for his fine job of handling iday—Passorer. that we are obpublicity for tHe Capers Show, de- f r T ™ E , E t P™sent. is doing that ! spite the fact that he receired no t 0t J a e u r e rtock ^dns.ry. let Gczli Attend YOST The observance of Lent End /fee Stop far. Yoar mention, and sought none, for his Dmg'Heeis work. He also helped out by tak- Easter by the Christians and the EcaJ Est&te sai£ Prrp LET\LI\ SUr.'iA i celebration of Passover by t h e 9 ing several minor parts in t i e "Visit us in our new loca- show Jews altercate fast CIA, v$ ror \ . . . Florence Appleman was tion where you. will find a very ezcited the other day, whes feast Interfere AT T H E • . . live complete stock of Drug and someone called her. to tell her that the normal steady irtfe and Vinton AT. SiST Si costly . . . Ee Prepares . . . Sundry items. • he was a fraternity brother of her"stock and meat through distributing channels, and this cannot j-onr s,Kfrorool>ile Saboy friend at the University of witis Fraskel Pennsylvania, ana that Herman help.but result i s some price irI « t «e keep j"oiEr R Goldstein sent regards. And she j regularly. fresfe end crisp, sng 60th & Dodsa SU. . WA. G&22 S3 Doucias Block 1 To-quote the Omaha Daily Jourlonger Sife, •was disappointed -when she\dlscov-j 152-3 PABSESG SPACS1 S16 So. 15th : ered that it -was only a Socalite' nal-Stockeian, s. paper devoted to Prompt tha interests of farming, End live trying to have a little tnn. •..^^^^.^.r^^^^S^^g^g^^j^je stock raising, we learn the following: wv PASSOVER SURPRISE "About a -week ago, for in-, A telegrasa -which read "Com- j stance, eastern ' shipping orders i ing to . ask ' the 4 'kashes'" and | -were lacking here for a cay or signed by the Four Kashes was j two because cattle bought at that ©Add pleasure to your We Ara. Servisg a F: •LFx:,T received Sunday morning by • Mr. j particular time would reach Kev CLZ w&shday with the aid of Special American Dinner and Mrs. A.. P.' Golflware, 2620 j York, Philadelphia, Boston &rd C. St," Mary's Are.-At 2 p.-m, the j other eastern slaughtering cenEVEEY SUNDAY these two electrical serv'224 insnraace Four Kashes arrived by auto and) ters on Cays Vben there -was r.o , at / ^ Efeej- Never Oack er Break ants. The "gentle hand* turned' out to be the Goldtvare I killing ' in the Kosher plants! • WMag-ef SO Idsis. 75o AND S5e BEB PLATE children, Meyer,-Bess and - Dare j there. The fact that the outlet Every Leuniry Service unit -washer and this new For KcSrooms », n 6" BaSfe* 1 •4 Courses Coispleto and his'-wive, Marian. "The happy for these well-finished "shipping rooms 1 I T E I WASH TO FINISHES modem ironer -will save • 'lighfing reunion -was an exceptional event cattle narrowea l o r From 11 A. M. to S P. M. a cay We also cieSB B-nfl rovers* | WOKE as it brought together the entire or two and then broadened out many hours of hand work your aia Bhadeu | Estimatei Gtadly Furnished 1 family for the first time in tea | again was the best Indication that •' Let un keep your wear'mjj opparei • Shades as Low as- S©e tm \ foryoa. years. .Attending.-the seders were |the .trade's explanation' of Jewish • Call" Tom- Own K«lleiF8 I 816 So. 16th St. all of the children: Meyer of i holidays being responsible, for the We. .take time to <io It right fey 550© AT. 6479 UPSTAIRS 5>etojj slew end careful Rockford, HI., Mr.'and Mrs. Sam f temporary' price lull was a cor-'

J. C. C.: Sports











WESTERN Air Conditioning Corp,


Peerless Cleaners



• | Canadian Bonds ;! and all Scotches



Semi Lump











ieW. Blumenthal, Ben i, Hyman Shrier. »<wiiaaMiimm


l-f *.'

if you use the new


AT. 4333






Lunch and Relaxation



and UP









J •iiillsi





PAGE— EIGHT. jjP^jiftimiHiliHBiillfiH^

standing committees hereinafter named to carry on the functiopal --•••• -•• • activities of this corporation.. 1. A Committee on Jewish Education. I. A', Committee on Jewish Ph-ilenthropies. 3 4 rv» 3. A Committee on Jewish Comprayer of said petition, enter a decree I mulative annual dividend of two per | be offered first to existing stockmunity Center. __t such lesser lesser price. price. of heirahlp. and make such other and j cent (2) per annum, payable an- i holders a i.ai>m»M!»iiitttH!iisi*rtMBKHiiiifmimiiwitiimiW!iiiiiwraii»i HI MM unit 11 MI IWWM itiiiiwiwi 11111 imwi 1 4. A Committee on Jewish Free in witness whereof the stockholdfurther orders, allowances, and de- f nuajly on dates.to be fixed by ResoMrs. Preston Heller, who.*was a 'cVees, Loan. ers of the Barish-Sanders Motor Co. may seem lution of the Board of Directors .«.- dur«*..- j cia ui me oansn-sanders Co. proper, as to to thethis end",Court that all matters guest in her parents home, Mr. pertaining; to said restate may be fin- ing the existence of the said cor-1 caused said amendment to be eub-i , 6. y A Committee on Family ,\Veiroration. Such dividend upon the i scribed on the 20th day of January. « and Mrs. Ben Schuiein, was calli- ally settled and determined. A Committee on Socia!: Serpiolerred stock shall be cumulative 1036. ' BRTGE CRAWFORD, snd shall not exceed two per cent vice. ed back to her home in Chicago, BARISH-SANDERS MOTOR CO, -3-27-36-3t County. Judge. "Friday evening services at Beth 12) ret—annum and arrears there7. A Committee on Emergency By M. M. BARISH, payable each year out of the net Jewish Problems. Abraham synagogue will begin because of the death of her mo-MONSKY, GROD1NSKY. MARER & of, President earnings of the " corporation before '• Attest: , ther-in-law. The Chairman of each of these this evening at 6 o'clock. any dividend Is paid upon the coin. COHEN and J. HAROLD SAKS, Committees shall be selected • from ._ - , — „,.„Jj. S. REDFORD, The Sioux City- B'nai B'rlth • Attorney* among; the members of the ExecTomorrow . morning, services mon stock. ' . 13-20-4t Secretary. 737 Omaha Nafi Bk. Blda. . Miss Ruth Marx spent last weekutive Committee, and such chairlodge is inaking plans to be hosts will begin at-9 o'clock. Reading In the event of liquidation, disso- j man shall, with the advice and lutloaororinvoiuntary.~'of winding up. "th"e"corporaefther volun-1; AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF to more than 200 visitors on April of the Torah will take place at end visiting with friends in: Om- In the County Court of Douglas tary '-:'• t!6n. the_ holders of the preferred; INCORPORATinw < > = • r e u « ^ 19) when" the - Southwest Regional 9:45. At 10 o'clock, Rabbi Ben- aha. INCORPORATION OF JEWISH _„ . — of the Estate of ; full the par Conference • -will be held here. jamin Goldberg will speak on the COMMUNITY CENTER AND par vata of Charles E. Halline, Deceased." of .. their their ; shares, shares, ] dividends >, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shapiro -of . Notice to all -persona Interested In plus, any accrued, uunpaid, i d diid WELFARE FEDERATION Lodges which will be represented subject "As A Tale that is Told". the estate of Charles E. Halline. Dethereon." before"any "amount shall be! NOTICE IS HEUEBY GIVEN That at '• the meet - are; Omaha, Council Musaf services will be held at Kansas City, Mo. were guests this ceased, both creditors and heirs: ; , paid n a t tthe h e a.rma! m»«*-i.t ~« •»•- TCI.-••..»• to the holders of the common at tiS armal roe-t:i.t of of the theJJFW'ISH week in the A. Mazie home. z ; You are hereby notified that on the _ _ . and after payment to Bluffs, Lincoln, Sioux Falls, Des 1 Q : 4 5 . ' : • • • ' . of preferred stock of its i cu ••• • • ui inHicn, - J3o»,, ma Ida E. Hall-| f..„,.. r£?, iywi..uay ta. Hall— S.IUCK or its par I ' A R P r r n i i D IV.VC.T V , o n" «t - "h• a ^d• * - " ' r N hfild Moines and, Sioux - City. Daily services are held at 7 ine.:Griffith filed a petition :ln the ^Z " ^ unpaid, accrued divi- rul? , - ? .»3S. M« itthe ?h e A .Articles , *n -." C onntv n mirt n f . Douglas n n i . H a . I ' n u n t i , M . _ r o e n a s thereon. t h « remaining „<,„..».. r u a r yv l . . h , ^.im, r t i c l e s iif f !i n County Court of NeAll sessions, with the exception a. m. and 6 p. m. every day at Mrs. ..William Lazere spent the braska,, •n-ere amended as fo:io«s'i together with a duly authen- an^. fund^shall be d^deTAd* p*! d \ Passover holidays in Omaha with . ARTICLE III. . 1 of .the banquet in the :• evening, the synagogue. • • • • ' ticated copy of the will of Charles E. her mother, Mrs. A. Monsky, Halline. deceased, and the probate management and adminls- I will be held In the Martin hotel. 6 f thereof • In the Probate Court of St. e P : The banquet will be served by poration shall be vested in a Board County, Missouri, which said ? Mrs. Arthur Kaplan* and chil- .Louis "* "ovemors end an Executive petition alleges that Charles B. Hallthe Senior Hadassah in the Jew, _ , ; committee who shall have concuri t dren" spent the,-Passover- holidays ine died testate • on the 11th day of power of this corpora-j r e n t p o w e r g . N o a c t ion of either ish Community Center. Dr. H. M. December. 1927. being then a resident increase in, the manner pro-I lmdy I._J~ '-•—5 U w t h e Levjn of Sioux'City,1 who is the Dr. Theodore' N. Lewis will In Des .Moines: with her rparents. of St.-Louis. S t IJouis County. Mis- h'i co't? H ' amount of Its au^ ! . ! haIJ > however, be modified, t a Mmi11 souri; that-said Charles K. Halline I I° 2J 2J* ™ or preferred revoked or reviewed by the other prferred stock. stock president of. the' region, is in speak this evening at Mount Sinai m ied ihe East Fifty (50) a y be, from time to body without the consent of the Students r who were in - Sioux !-£ . of'"Lots"'<)ne"a) charge of the conference arrange- Temple on "Slavery in Freedom." U> and'lwo dT ! acting body. The Board of GovFeet_(?_), j ]'<?*%, ernors and the Executive Commit' m e e t i n S » of the *toekTuesday morning, Rabbi Avery City this week, spending their Bloek Five ( H . In Hawthorne Addl- J,°iZ™ ments. tee shall meet at such times as may spring vacation with their parents, tlon. an Addition to Omaha. Douglas n o l a ce r s Grossfield of Cincinnati, Ohio, was be provided In the By-Laws, and at ; Babbl Felix A. Levy, of Chicago, County. Nebraska, as surveyed, plat-1 a * ' "he Board of Directors were Norman-Brodkey, of Chica- ted all times when the Board of Govthe guest speaker at the Passover and recorded; that by and under ' their discretion, at anv rat president of the.Central Confere o r a l s n o tl n go; Isadore'^Shindler,. Perry'. Oscalled for for tthat on.thirtf U^ V ""ion the Execterms of the said will-of Charles I called h , t ,purpose , '__ ence T of American Rabbis, is ex-service, and spoke on "The Mean- nowitz, Morris and' Henry Green- tT*e " e C o m m i « ^ shal! have full E. Halline. deceased, ida E. Halline, days' notice, redeem and retire i n ing of Passover." r j c e r r e a the death of the said.Charles E. pected, to,.be In Sioux City during \ V ,""*i , v ' BtocKj the af berg of Iowa University, Iowa upon of the corporation. Halline, became vested with the en- on payment of its full par value in T h e the', conference and. will conduct Executive Committee shall the United ctaies Stnte. of *r\ consist of tire interest and fee simple title in the currency City. United States , of „. k . umtca orj the duly elected officers, I a and to the above described real es- America, and all of an open forum during the. afterthe dividends ac- I -who shall be: An- Honorary- Presi tate, and that -the-said Ida E, Hall- rumulated and unpaid th and | dent th H V e h r e e noon: session. '•'"..". ^ ta Honorary""vu'e-Presi*Mrs. Herman Levy visited with ine on the 28th day of December. the corporation. toPthis ^ w s e r e m 1 ' S ent Fr Two Central High students, Sidthe right to declare forfeitedTnd71V ?. fi esi<ient, three Vice3929. became married to \V. W. GrifThe principal speaker at the ney Kalin and Max Maron, will friends and relatives in Omaha fith-, her name by reason thereof now forfeit, all dividends that may accrn.' ^ r e s l d e n t s > «-, Secretary, and aa evening dinner wlll'be I. B. Padlast week-end. . . ' ee membeing Ida E. HaHine) Griffith. , — — f i ^ i c u c u HIUCK, xnirrv ism • «^ x.- -~~J *"~Z— ViL—T^ "..^c_i.M=uispeak at the meeting of the Mount

ANNA PILL, correspondent

Beth Abraham




, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levy and charged fron* -her trust as executrix tlonaJ common stock at. Its book that a hearing- will be had on vaice, but not less than par. in pro- , Section 3. No sale of stock shall! son Lawrence of Chicago visited and said petition before caid Court oh the Kirtion to their holdings. Said Pre- Ibe valid and the corporation shall | not transfer said stock on Its boohs this week in the home of Mrs.18th day of April. 1938. and that if ferred Stock on and after the date I until and unless the said stock shall you fatKto appear before said- Court borne by Levy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. on y Certificate Cetificate evidencing have first been offered to existing the said 18th day bl April. 1936. stock secures to holder c t the th h ld L. Gallnsky. Mr. Levy departed at 9 o'clock A,. M.< rnd contest eatd such stockholders at the fair book value thereof, the payment in currency of thereof, but before selling the same j for home this week but Mrs. Levy petition, the Court may grant the the United States of America, a cu- at a lesser price, the saJd stocfc shal)! prayer of said petition, enter a decree — -— ~ ~ - l .».. « --price, ins stocK shal) will remain for a .longer stay. • " a.- K • -»— -" to saia existing

hS ffi^e° ^S-^il

Mount Sinai

consent of the President ami Kxecutive Committee. aprmint •*&« assoe);tte members of his (.'oftitTiittee. The Executive Committee and/or the Board of Governors shall have the power to appoint such.other ftnd • additional Committees as mfty from time to time be d*BpmeU requisite and necessary to enrry out and fully execute the profcram i and purposes of the corporation. • Th<» respective duties fsn<i responsibility of the CornmitteoB above-named phal! be as prescribed in the By-

t'J.S* ?rtu{


p^°5J^^-^cor |

F.ifhftr 1

th *3W


w be : way o t Milwaukee, president of Sinai Temple Brotherhood, next nd s i = the District No. ,6 grand lodge. Wednesday evening, April 15, fol^.^. ana snonia^ the ine the Annual Meeting of the cora ^ ^ ^ s ^ t ^ v ^ ^ u ^j er i thereof ^=..=v. ^ ^=..C«;K. - * ^ hold-j - i rs-a.'i^PHLa-^.^io:"OtKer men, who are<well known lowing the Brotherhood dinner. neglect cr refuse so to sur- I poration. and eight of whom shall Court of Douglas County. Nebraska: I render Bach certificate of stock withj be appointed by the President with middlewest for their activ- . Both Sidney and Max have won that the regular ' administration of the, period of thirty (3D) days af- ! the advice of the officers and electsaid estate be dispensed with and in ter the "date specified"'In" the" written lties''in Jewish life and B'nai m a n y honors in the forensic Held the date specified tn the written I ed """ memTSers ' and ail of whom shal! Jerusalem CJTA) — Transla- that the Court finds and decrees that ter notice for the said surrender and re- I for a term of one year, or B'rltii-'irorkv are expected to a t - j a t C e n t r a l mgh school, and re-tion into Hebrew of the Koran, said estate descended free of all debts tiretnent of this certificate, the said serve until their successors are elected; against the decedent, and that said the conference. •*„*-•«,»•«.,.*.«,„«,•• 'cently went to Iowa City, where Moslem bible, has been completed estate b^ assfgned under the provi- dividend shall be forfeited. The said' except, however, that the Execuof the will nnd that petitioner notice shall be given to the said legal j tive Committee for 1536 shall not Officers of the region are Dr.they participated In. the State con- here, after twenty years of work, sloiis have such other relief as may be Just holder or holders of the said pre- j be selected until after April 1, 19S6. ferred-stock so to be retired, a s ; Levin, president; Nathan Galin- tests In debating. Their subject by Dr. Joseph Rivlin, an instruc- and equitable. ARTICLE VI. sn -•<«• .-"«<•.««• ^w f™»™ su The Board of Governors shall ?ou r.re hereby further notified shown upon the transfer boob of this j sky, Council Bluffs, vice presi- Wednesday will be "la Defense tor at the Hebrew University. corporation at the time said notice is i consist of the officers elected at the that said matter has been set for dent;"Julius Btsnp of Omaha,- sec- of Socialized Medicine." Dr. Rivlin, who is a native of hearing on the ISth day o£ April* jiven and the notice Bball b e ' con-1 Annual Meeting nnd » membership itrued-to have been eiven when It is i selected M follows: Each Jewish retary, and JV W. Cohen of Linthis city, teaches Arabic in the1936. at the hour of nine o"clock A. addressed to such preferred stock-! Organization in Omaha, which • has M.. ln the County Court Room of the coln,' treasurer. T--- • . • . Jerusalem Hebrew Teachers Sem- Court House In said County in theholder at his' last place of address. been in existeftce for more than one as shown by the records of the com- year, shall be entitled to cure: repCity of Omah.1. Douglas County, Ne'Out -of town members of the inary. braska, and that if you fail to ap- pany and deposited in any post off- L resentative on the Board of GoverB'nai B'rlth and guests are asked The Koran was once before pear at said time and place and con-ice. When the stock ls so redeemed, nors, and if Its m^mbei'Ship" be more .me &.<i<2ltional rer— to;-register their names with Dr. translated into Hebrew, but thetest the said petition, the Court may it may ba cancelled, retired, held in than 100 then y i tl rn.'.jor I A-S&slf / Illuminated*" 1 1 . Point the treasury, offeissueFaTprefeffed '• 'l™?^ &j£ grant the prayer of same. • i." g '«« or 1 LQrin; 541 Frances Building by translation was not highly conlt'lt Allan Cushing of Boston,' Mass. istock. The deposit of One Hundred' lmembers. ^ i ' l 0 . ^ ^Such f . i 0 -representatives - _ _ - - " ? 'iSa ' ofshall ,BRTCB CRAWFORD, -Odd Conutfl f Jumbo Vegetable I April IB. sidered because of its inaccuracy. 3-27-S6-3t . - • . County Judge. Dollars < J100.M) for each share s o serve f,or a term of one year by- j Frfefaener tfjumbo SUditsg Fnsis spoke last week before a meetretired plus any unpaid accrued div- ' grinning with January . 1 and ter- \ ing of the A. Z. A. and Bnai Brith Bsuket t'EconomiCE* Twin Cylinidends thereon, at the office of the' minating on December SI. except j FRADENBURQ. WEBB. BEBER, company BEBER, shall be a sufficient ten- i however that the first Board of ! der Compressor 11mproved Extf* lodges, telling of his travels and FRADENBURO. W E B KLUTZNICK & KELLEY. KLUTZNICK & KELLEY. and der or the amount and upon suchGovernors elected under this see- • Large -Freeaiag Unit if Automate Attorneys at Law experiences in Palestine where he ALFRED FIEDLER, Attya. deposit being made, all dividends; tion shall be elected no later than I 203 Unfon State B«nk Building Interior Light /Vaulted CooUnion State Bantt Bldfl. shall cease. ' j April 1, 1S36. and shall hold office j spent fifteen months. Mr.- Cush(d) All the conditions of the lssoe; until December SI. 193S, and until ! • stmoioo ifNO'Tip Diamood Grid ing is on a tour of the country un-| NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON Notice is hereby &iyen_ that on the of such preferred stock are hereby their successors are duly elected, ! $h!i /Duo-Sealed lasufatioe. . „ der the ausplces'»6f the 'Supreme PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF 20th and shall be elected by the organ- • i ular annual meeting of the stock- made a matter of contract between FINAL ADMINISTRATION each and all of the then stockholdization. j Advisory Council'of Aleph.Zadlk holders " of" Barish-Sanders Motor Co.. ACCOUNT stockholders of the i xne .Executive Comi The Executive Committee. shall | was held at the offices or thoers and all futurebehalf Aleph. He is an outstanding in the County Court of Douglas which of themselves j have the rieht to _iame name members ot I company at_ Omaha, Nebraska. Ar- corporation, on ..—„ upon each and *all and made binding II i » *>- Board t»—~».-« " • — — at Jarge in i Registration for the new semes- speaker and has been one of theCounty, the of Governors In of the Estate of th» then stockholders, and all fu- the • n'lmtur. of one for . . . . each ,. four ' ter at 'the Talmud Torafi will be- m o s t popular young Zionist Hannah Venn. Deceased! Motor ture Stockholders, their representa- j representing . organizations, . ;ntins ore: duly All persons Interested In said mat-J read a s tlves, heirs, executors, fidministra- < • The — power Is reserved in the gin' n'ext Wednesday-afternoon in speakers in his district. ter are hereby notified that on the, tors, assigns and successors in inBoard of • Governors of the corportiie school rooms %t "ShaSro' Zion ARTICLE IV At the A. Z. Ar meeting Wed- n t h day of March. 1936. Frank E. j terest and the holder of this certifiation to determine ermine the eligibility of cate of f stock by the tha acceptance acceptance organizations to participate in and - Synagogue "and contftaud'through- nesday, plans were begun for the crporation shall ba Six> thereof, hereby • «grees for himself. affiliate with this cotporation. and Court, praying that his" final admlpout the week. All parents -are summer Tournament which will istration account filed herein be set- ty Thousand Dollar* <*SO.OO0.oa), div- heirs, administrators, executors end the power Is reserved in the Execurged to register their children be held in Sioux City during-the tled and allowed, and that he be dis-ided • into two hundred fifty :(25O> assigns and - successors in; interest utive >Committee to fipsig-rcate repfrom Tils trust as administra- shares of Common Stock o t th« parthut he ajid they will be bound by resentatives at large to the Board ior-tha- new seme iter during that summer monthi. Plans,'commit- charged Display tor and that a, hearths' will be had on value of .One Hundred Dollars (JltiO.- tbo «aid Articles of incorporation, the I of Governors. AT. 00) each, and three hundred fifty -week. Hours for the registration tees, and chairmen of the tourna- satd petition, before said. Court on the by-laws and such other resolutions j ARTICLE TO. •reinh shares (350)... of Preferred gtosck of rha*~ir-£ZZ 'shares (350)... of Preferred; Stock of 18 and regulations as may be made from , April. •will be from 4.to" K'on Wednesday ment will be announced in a forthThere shall be established seven that K you ; t h; 4 p a r v a h l a o f one Handled. Dot- tim» to time by the said board of arid 'Thursday, and from 9 to 12coming ' Issuse of The Jewish h stock tock directors and the stockholders of the j n .which d ' ^ ? " ? tars (1100.00).all of » non-assess- said company. ah411 B f H onT SundaVt April 19.- " . c k A. M.. ana contest saia OKI» P r e s s . • ' ' • • • • • • ••-• . . •• • « y ** d peUHon. the Court may srant the j 0 D j * Section 2. No dividends shall b» event t b . declared or paid on common stock ln/reLed.' ' until all of said preferred stock shall hava been retired, without the writCOMMITTEE CHAIRMEN ten unanimous consent of all holders of preferred stock. S S v t ^e^nd^a? ^^U


tha^ihr^^u'-oi^a^T KE & ^2? ,s5$?j%&£ « S I H r r ( v r ^ ° r< -

rW;'t»t t ^



m R

Registration for Talmud Torah NextWeek








j»r J.r;t.~i


\ Passover Services

ri?: . a , .







(Established 1878)


' :••.•• held' this evening at Shaare Zion y e a r . : ' • . • ; . • ' synagogue. .Rabbi , H. R. •. RabMrs. Ben Levinev and daughter indwitis will speak on- "The League of Nations Collaspe of an Ideal." Lorraine Joan, of Des Moines are Cantor A. Pliskin and the choir spending several weeks with the formers parents, Mr. and'Mrs. will chant,the ritual,: Tomorrow moaning, because of Sam Raginsky. Miss Rae Abraham of Mapleton, the-length ot the Pasaover service; no" Jujn.ior .Congxegatton-ser- Iowa spent part of her vacation from the University of Iowa, with will be held. \/3raiB.JSundasrSchool will hold^ its her cousin Miss Sylvia Friedman. regular sessions o n Sunday mornMiss Dorothy London, daughtis g. '.' ".v-i •• "* * er of Mr. and Mrs. M. N.; London, has been chosen' as one of five young women -from the University of Iowa to be candidates for queen

of the annual University of Iowa circus; She is a member of the Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Selected by the Iowa athletic coaches for "beauty of face and figure" the queen will be presented at the Physical Education cir- Or.IoSleiiOa.7tsi. cus, April 16.










.,p«?;^r,N, * i |

Asbestos S!ate-Xi!e Asphalt and Gravel FREE ESTIMATES — EASY TERMS .planting season is here,.and with-it comes MarshaHs* outstanding... '-;'*' •*• values in quality trees, shrubs and other nursery stock.. Don't-tEke v ." ;i chances -. . . buy your trees and shrubs direct from Nebraska's, oldest *snd ;*'; largest grower. In addition to getting fresh nursery stock, you also profit ' ' •' by the service of experienced, nurserymen. Visit o w glass house and display gardens located a t Eighty-fourth- and Center Street Road and see the thousands of sure-to-grow trees, shrubs and plants. * - .. -.

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These besutiful jwttea Easter lilies sre of estra fine The mother plant of this unusual u d different rose was discovered recentlyfcyM&rsh&lls. It has been growing without car* or winter protection for over 43 years, Dearins; ai man? as 250 beautiful, double roses yearly, beginning in June and contimii&e until late Fall. We have only & limited number ot these hartiy, tree - bloomiog roses.

. . • . ' • ' • • •

" The Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood" will Iffe'et Best Friday afternoon,; JlpTiT 17, In- the home of Mrs". Sain Pickus. Mrs. Charles A. Hoyt will review "Hurricane" by Nordhoff and Hall, and " I t Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis.


Phone Jfc. 05$l — Phono 594 — Phone 88SS5

Shaare Zion



OMAHA — Co; Bluffs — Sioux City — Sioiis Falls

Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Alice Novinsky a former Sioux Cityan, to Bernard Dubloff of Los Angeles, California. Mrs. bublQff-.' went to Special holiday services will be California to make her home last '-<••


pertainine to said estate may be fin-

ally' settled' and determined. . Serrlcea for the concluding dayB BRYCB CRAWFORD, of;; PassoVer will o'e held at the Mrs. Sam Fickus and Mrs. Lou-3-27-36-St ' County Judge. Temple and 'the synagogues Sun- is Agranoff have been , named LEON & WHITE, Attys. day evening, Monday morning and chairmen of the Mother and City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. evening with- the traditional me- Daughter tea which the Mount morial service on Tuesday morn- Sinai Temple Sisterhood will give NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON FOR SETTLEMENT OF ing. ;.'.'•; • ••'• ; Sunday, May 3, in place of its'us- PETITION FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT <At Beth Abraham synagogue ual, banquet. ' . • In the County Court of Douglas Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg: and'his Dr. Bella. Gallnsky and Mrs: Sol County. Nebraska. son, Schlalmal'e,. will conduct t h e Seff are in charge of the program ' In the Matter of the Estate of Paul Philipp, Deceased. f ' . Sunday evening t h e serr- arrangements. . AH persons interested in said matica w i l l ' b e g i n a t 6 : 3 0 o'clock. ter are hereby notified-that on the 23rd day of March. 1936, Margaret Monday morning Rabbi Goldberg Phlllpp filed a petition In said County speak - o n - t h e subject, " U p Court, praying, {hat her final administration -account filed herein be setProm Slavery," a n d Tuesday montlng h i s subject will be "Im- , The following children appear tled and allowed, and.that she be dlsmortal Souls." T h e sermon will on the Honor Roll for March, at T>e delivered- a t 1 0 o'clock on the Mount Sinai Temple Sunday Tuesday whlle-on Monday l i e will School: Jean Rae Agranoff, Berjjpeafe a t 1 0 : 3 0 otclock. T h e Me-tel Rosenstock, Robert, Weiner, morial service Tuesday will also Harriet Holland, Helen Levin, Marilyn Miller,. Mark • Robinson, q a t ' 1 0 o'clock. V , At. Mount Sinai Temple services Fredell. Sacks, Bernard Silverberg, •will -be held Sunday evening a t Joan Agranoff, William Heegar, 8 o'clock. Rabbi Lewis will speak Barbara Robinson, Stanton Cohen, Hubert Friedman, Sanv~Heegar, .on .."Rebirth." Robert • Pill,. Seymour Robinson, / Services a t Shaare ZIon. Synagogue will begin Sunday -evening Marlon -Fishgail, Betty M a n and 3 ^ 7 , o'clock. Monday morning the Ruth Weiner. The following children are on .service will begin a t 8 o'clock' and , Rabinowitz will speak on the Hebrew classes honor roll at t h e subject, " H a s t h e American the Temple Sunday School: StanA n y Oround f o r Singing"." Tues- ton Cohen, Doris Grueakln, Herday morning t h e memorial serv- bert Holland, Stanton Kalin, Sam ices will ..be Tield. The service will Heegar, Robert PHI, Bernard begin a t ' 8 : 3 0 and t h e memorial Weiner, - Joan Agranoff, William service will begin a t about 9 : 4 5 Heegar, and Barbara Robinson. o'clock.."When. Rabbi Rablnowitz will'speak on the subject,:"Have Any Merits of Our 'Own." Cantor .A.. Pliskin and the synagogue choir will chant the holiday

Honor Roll

r <i


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