ralue not less than the par value stock issued tlierefor. holders of the Preferred Stock be entitled to receive. When and clared by the Board of Dlrec>ut of the surplus or net profits, nly out of accumulated profits ot out of the profits of any subnt year, or years, non-iiccumudividends at a rate not exceedix per cent (6 percent) per a a payable in preference and Jirior) any payment of any dividend e common stock for such fiscal the same to be payable semilily or otherwise, as the Board rectors may from time to time mine. In addition-thereto, in the of anj' liquidation or'xlissoluor winding tip (whether volunor involuntary) of- the] Corporuthe holders of the.- Freferred shall be entitled to be i)ald in lie par amount of their' shares, >f all unpaid dividends (Itclared >n, before any amount' shall t o to" Uie l'blders of the: Common and the remaining assets and shall be divided and paid to the rs of the Common stock accordo their respective shares. The ion Stock shall be subject to the rights of the holders oi the Pre« Stock, as herein declared. If,' the payment of full dividends ny fiscal year on the Preferred . or if.- after a sum sufficient he payment thereof shim have set aside from the surplus or net s of the Company, there shall n any surplus or net profits of year, any and all such! surplus t profits of such year, and of ither fiscal year for which, full >nds shall have been paid on the rred Stock, shall be applicable Id ends upon the Common Stock; iut of any such surplus: or net s the Soard • of Directors may elr discretion declare and pay mils upon the Common Stock of 'orroration. but not until after ividend upon the Preferred Stoclt le current fiscal year shall have actually paid or provided for iet apart. . : _
THE WORLD'S ...WINDOW... By LTJDWIG LEWISOHN This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be_ prosecuted.
Entered u Second Claes Mall Matter on January 21, 1831. at Postofflc. •- of Omaha. Nebraska. und» the Act of Marcb S. 1SJ»-
:r A
Books of Interest to Jewish Readers
"Territorialism" In view of the murderous pressure on our people in Germany, in Poland, in Rumania, in all of The public library has just com- i Eastern and Central Europe, I Warsaw (WNS)— Refe. piled a list of books of interest to sible men thoroughly imbued with he is not a Jew because h«. as-' readers in the Omaha puball the Palestinian ideal have arI hamed of his fellow Christians' Many Killed a n d Injured As Jewish lic library. It was made at this gued that this unforeseen break', attitude toward the Jews was ex- j Moslems Incited to Protest time in anticipation of Jewish down of civilization renders Palpressed by Romain Rolland, fain-; i\a^lS IT TOiCS! Immigration .ditional nine Book week. May 10 to 16. estine insufficient and that the old ous French author and fighter for I The list contains both books by !; plan, so ardently supported by human rights, in a letter to] ^ er!}-r Prepare Israel Zangwill, of the opening of friends in Poland which was pub- I Jerusalem. (WXS-Palcor Agen- Jewish authors and books on sub-"• additional territories for the masslished in the fortnightly journal, j «?>—An Order in Council was is-jects of Jewish interest. Fiction, joundiwork Dr. Frederick Cohn, rabbi emsued empowering the High Com- biography, science, literature, hisi settlement of - Jews-should be.reObliticzva. In his letter Rolland authorizes missioner, Sir Arthur Wauchope, \ tory, religion, and books for chill vived. This plan was known as eritus of .Te*mple. Israel,, was preBerlin (WNS) — An old Swiss I j j l p fxiTlUp] Jewish Fliilanhis friends In Poland to use h i s ' t o P u t emergency regulations into : dren are some of the headings on 1 Territorial ism and Britain stood sented \yednesday evening with the annual. Phi Beta Epsilon citname in their efforts to combat | operation as a precaution against the list. custom of naming bulls for state?-: thropio15 ready at one time to facilitate Jewn p i in Omaha ' Those interested in seeing a m e n c a m e t o 1 } g h t v h e n t h e g c h . anti-Semitism and pleads with the ! mounting, racial excitement as ish mass settlement in. Uganda. izenship award at a banquet held to aid thirty-four local, nan e copy may inquire at the readers' warze Corps, official It will be remembered that the at the Jewish Community CenPolish intelligentsia not to permit! ^ s of the killings of Jews organ, of tional and international agenter. The presentation is made A r a b s a n d of A r a b s . pohce assistant's desk. proposition was overwhelmingly the scourge of anti-Semitism t o ! Hitler's black-shirted bodyguard, cies v i ' l open on tMindny, May j spread to all parts of Palestine. voted down at the last Zionist each year by .this Creighton Unidestroy them. versity fraternity to "the man ofpublished an indignant protest 17. find continue for one conA curfew was imposed upon the Congress over which Herzl prefaith Tvhp has shown himinhabitants of the Arab town of against the fact that two pedi- centrated M-eek until t?v,iu1<?y« sided. The masses of Eastern Jewish to be of most.worth to his Jaffa and the all-Jewish city of Jewry felt then that they were self greed bulls in Switzerland Ere May 24. community and to the Jewish peoTel Aviv, compelling them to be unwilling-to exchange one Galuth ple." These dstes were decided upon nsmed "Hitler." Recipients in previous years within doors between the hours for another. It was Palestine or have been William L. - Holzman, The N'azi paper calls this "an by the executive committee of the of 7" p. m. and 5 a. m. nothing. Philanthropies, who deemed i( adHenry Monsky and Dr. Philip unparalleled provocation" and visable to move the, to the The number of Jews killed as That they were able to take Sher. V . the result of attacks upon them Dr. George Xeuhans, local psy- points out that "the presence of latter half of the month FO HP to that point of view demonstrates The selection was made by a was postI by an Arab mob in Jaffa rose to chiatrist and professor of psychi- the League o Nations' seat on allow a more thorough groundby the way how desperately civili committee from the fraternity as"Stage-Xite," which poned from last week, will'be held ! sixteen, as these seriously injured try and psychology at the Creigli- Swiss territory zation has collasped within th< sisted by the following advisory should suggest work for the campaign. at the J. C. C. next Wednesday! succumbed to their wounds. Albrief period of forty years. A committee: Dr. Philip Sher, Rab"Cecpuse of the increased needs enough names for bulls so that though it was reported that elevevening, April 29, at S p. m. least.a.million Polish Jews, doubt- bi Harold Berger, Paul Gbldblatt, for relief to German PV6. POHPT1 there should be no need ol sing"Stage-Nite" is a dramatic en Arabs had been killed by poless as devoted in their hearts to Mrs. L. Neveleff, Frank AckerJewry, the executive committee, ling out especially the name i>i decided that no possible stone tournament "sponsored by t h e . lice when the latter fired their Palestine as ever, would go aiiy- man, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Round Table of Jewish Youth. A I guns in trying to halt the attack where today — anywhere where Miss Ruth Allen, Rabbi David H. Hitler." should be left unturned to re.ise series of one-act' plays enacted by J on Jews, an official communique a little freedom and a little bread Wice. the maximum amount of money." Riibbi Frederick Conn constituent clubs- of the Round] issued by the High Commissioner awaited them and their children. staled Harry Malashoek, genera! . At the banquet, Dr. A. C. FellTable will be presented, and the j referred to only two Arabs killed. Hence in principle I thoroughly chsirniPR, in explaining; the new man was toastmaster. Rabbi Cohn agree with those who argue that organization whose offering is adThe Nationalist Party met in date. "It was felt t.hnt p. hai-ly Territorialism and the search fo' was presented with a certificate judged best by a group of com-the Arab town of Nablus, and, .preparation might not result it? denoting the award and a gold territories should be revived, petent judges will be awarded a amid a demonstration of local raising- the full, amount needed, agree with them even for the sake key. Philip Klutzniek commenttrophy. youths, decided to proclaim a gen'With the added time, every divix of Palestine. For it is clear that ed for the fraternity, and memThis event is to take the place eral strike until "the full Arai sion can take full measure? to acbers of the advisory committee reasonably properous or even (of the "All-Star Nite" of a few demands are granted." The reso• qnnint each contributor vitfe the : present spoke briefly. ', ' merely self-sustaining Jewish setj years past. It is believed by the lution also called upon Arabs facts end the unusual need, The committee in charge of the tlements in civilized countries executive committee of the Round throughout the country to join ! He stressed thai "we absolutely Panel Discussion and Exhibit could do more for Palestine, if affair included Dr. .Fellman and Sioux City Conference H e l d " : i T a b l e t h a t "Stage-Nite" will be | them in a general strike. must raise SIP.000 more than we of Works of William only by themselves no longer need- Aaron Perlis, alumni representa! pledged last rear if we a»-e <o both entertaining and worthwhile j i n the meantime, the Political Padway Honored in Omana Schwartz to Feature ing constant and - immediate re- tives, and Bernard Fox and Har; meet the barest minimum nee<l». in that it will do much to display { Department of the Jewish Agency lief, than the, starving masses of old Bloch, active representatives. Monday of our Philanthropies." Thi? the hidden dramatic abilities of! Executive maintained constant Outstanding Record j The . first exhibit in this part:;meanF tbp.t st least ?43.6f>0 mu.Pt our people in Europe. the Jewish youth of Omaha. | touch w i t h the Government This. year's recipient of the of the country since he has be contributed. Tickets for "Stage-Nite" may | throughout the day. Moshe SherA full program of activity feaaward, Rabbi Cohn, has a remarkachieved international fame for; "We hpve included; iv onr Unluckily civilization has bro-ahle record of communal and civ-tured the past week-end for the be obtained from any member of | tok, chief of the political departhis artistic TCftrks. will be prethe Round Table or at the office j raent, visited the Chief Secretary local Ben B'riths. Philanthropies the special apken down. The Commissioner for ic achievement. sented by Wiliam Schwartz, for-! peal for German «n<l Polish reRefugees seems to have gone up A delegation of 50 Omahans of the Jewish Community Center, jOf the Palestine Government in His affiliations include: memmerly of this city, at the third j The committee in charge of ar-1 the afternoon and was later relief, which in moat other romand down the earth like" Satan in ber and past president of local attended the^Southwest Regional : annual Youth conclave to be munitios i? & B^avntf camof* " B'nai Job looking for some place of set- B'nai B'rith; member of Omaha conclave - ' ' - * B'rith ""' in Sioux I rangements for "Stage-Nite" is jceiTed by the High Commission\ sponsored by the College chsh at' -__-„-_ . urged _ „ . to take the paign." Mnlashock .emphasized. Knndav. April Anril 19, 19. with of Milton R. Frohin, ;e r, whom he tlement for Jews. None was found. club, Rotary club, honorary mem- ritv. City, Sunday, with manv many composed Temple Israel, Sunday. May 3. j "Failure to meet onr goal t<w The British Cabinet discusses the ber Omaha Chamber of Commerce, of the delegates leaving Saturday chairman; Haskell Cohen. Dick , fullest precautions to protect the This display will • open fit 3 j Hurwitz, and Mary Kaplan. year vrili undoubtedly resnii in Jewish population. possibility of letting Germany Cooperative club, Highland club; for> pre-conference meetings. On I Dr. George X o'clock.. .- __ „ s - . A raeeting o£ all Zionist parties have colonies. The Uganda offer, m e w b e r o f B o a r ( i a n d 'vice-pres- the -following Monday evening a Review ot "Reflection.'" j held -here that was scheduled to ton University School of Medicine, j banquet and dance were held at iil has not been rej ^ lf or similar one, has not been repmalia Family Welfare asdiscuss, the formation of a United j -R-HJ speak, on "Personality," at S ! In conjunction with the panel: &
Presentation Made by Phi Beta Epsilon Wednesday
or any part of the Preferred may be redeemed, at the op>f the Board of Directors, at any and from time to time after th» tlon of one year from the date e issuance thereof, by the Coron paying for each share so to leeraed .510.50 together -with any A dividend declared thereon, upirty (30) days notice by: mail to >lders of record thereof a t their ecorded address. If less than nil lares of Preferred Stoci are to teemed, the shares to be redeemall be selected in suchi manner : Board ot Directors shall deterThe holders of shares of PreStock called for redemption not, from and after the dato for the redemption of such .possess or exercise -any- rights :nefits as stockholders of the ration except the right to re'rora the Corporation , the reion price of such shares withinterest, upon the surrender f." ALAillTO DAIRY COXtPANT .. H. HANSON. Vice-President. t: JOE P. IIULLER, Secretary.
"Stage-Nite" to Be Presented at Center Wednesday
Sponsors Address
president of - State the Omaha Jewish Community social Work; for- Center to honor I. B. Padway of cil In the House of Commons mer member, president and co- Milwaukee, president of District shows, there are eminent leaders founder of the Board of Public No. 6 of the B'nai B'rith, and. Otto in England who are sympathetica- Welfare 61 the city of Omaha; Felton, secretary of the district. lly aware of the plight of the Jew- one of founders and former memEphraim Marks was chairman ish people. Not ro long ago, it ber of Board of Omaha Commun- of the "On-to-Sioux City" commitwill be remembered, there wasjj t y . playhouse; secretary Douglas tee, arranging for the local deletalk of a settlement in Ecuador. C o u n t y chapter American Red gation to the conference. He was That talk, never very convincing, c r o s s ; secretary Wise Memorial assisted by Hy Shrier and Mas has died down. Twelve years ago Hospital association, Board Om- Baer. I wrote: "We are not wanted any- aha Camp Fire Girls; Board OmA highlight of the conference •where." I repeat that today. We aha Public Library; former exe- was an open \ forum on Jewish must face the harsh fact in order, cutive committee Central Con- problems, led by Rabbi Felix Levif possible, to destroy it as a fact. ference American Rabbis, and of- ey of Chicago. Another feature For the best parts of the world ficer Alumni Association Hebrew •was the presentation of a radio are not crowded and there are a Union College. skit by members of the Omaha
peated. Yet as. recent aebate on the Palestinian Legislative Coun-
C o n f e r e n c e
p ast o I
dozen places where a milltqn Jews from Central and Eastern Europe could build up a social and econo- SEVERAL HUNDRED mic structure of their own withATTEND RITESOF farming communities like those JULIUS KATELMAN in the Emek, with new cities like Tel Aviv, if man's inhumanity to Mr.. JuUua Katelman of Counman were ever to diminish. Let Bluffs, Iowa, passed away sudus begin at home. The area of cil denly of a heart attack early Fri2 9 7 California is 158^ square day morning, April 17, at his Cal miles. Its population is between home at 417 Oakland Avenue, in four and a half and five millions. Council Bluffs. He was 62 years The meaning of these figures will old. become clear when we add the Mr. Katelman was horn in Rusfact that the area of France (in- sia and came to America in 1892, cluding the re-annexed territories of Alsace arid Lorranie and including Corsica) is only 212,659 square miles and has a population of clroa 39,000,000. And anyone who knows continental France well, as I do, knows that it is a lightly populated country and that the French are justly troubled by the underpopulatJon of certain deI* partments. In other words and very, roughly: California has an ' \ area 75 per cent as great as the . \ * area ol France and about 13 per cent of the population of France. In addition vital statisticians tell ua that a compartively .early time our population will tend to have become static. Hence the settlement of several millions of industrious and intelligent beings in California ought to be quite the easiest thing.In the world.
lupfiane IHESS of
Softball Loop Zionist Organization Begins on Sunday ! into a discussion of
was turned ;p . _la.._At' the J. C. C. Tuesday eve- '.discussion of Jewish problems.; Ttity xronM he subjected to » the present jn{ns, April ^ S , under the auspices ' held Kt the annual Youth Con- j wriw of onmpRlgns for each of situation. David Ben Gurion, o£ the Junior Scholarship Group. dare, this year's review will lie ; the tlitrty^foiir ©rjrnniz-ations, The formal opening of the J. ! chairman of the Jewish Agency All proceeds of this affair will presented by the contributors of "The past few yenrg v:p harp C. C. Softball league will take j Executive, reported upon the de- ; g 0 t 0 the Talmud Torah Scholar- Reflection', local magazine renot managed to i-onch our goal, Jewish youth, during the after- snrl Bf' p. consequence- we fire place Sunday, April 26. Nine prom-| Te i O pments and urged the Jewish ;s n jp fund. ' * inent Omaha men have been in- j community of Palestine "not to | Before' coming to Omaha in noon program. Sunday, May S, at confrontwl vith B- tlrflcit." Te pIe Israel vited to inaugurate the ceremo- submit to panic and to maintain X922, Dr. Neuhaus taught at the ™. _Divisions Beady. The second number of Reflecnies of the opening games. a strong spirit of composure." University of Colorado School of All of the divisions are being Three games will be played on Medicine as professor of nervous tion will be issued nest week with fully organized and RF the opening the authors of the articles open- date for the campaign approaches Sunday, all beginning at 11 a. m.! and mental diseases. Z. A. 100 TO GIVE The first will be between the Oma- j Dr. Neuhaus has written many ing the program. The audience the intensity of the organization DANCE SUNDAYarticles connected with the sub- will be invited to participate in will be increased. ha Jobbing Co. and the Omaha \ Potato Market and will be played —; ijects of nervous and mental djs- the general review embracing JuThe first divisional meeting wili daism and Economics. at 33rd and Cass streets; the sec-| annual 'spring dance ?pon- j ease. be held this afternoon, April £4, Louis E. L,ipr>, local attorney, ond will take place at 3 0th and sored by'A. Z. A. No. 100 will j when the Women's Division execwill be the msin speaker of the utive committee—m t>. j o r s. (TVirt streets when the Psi 5*" be held at the Paxton hotel Sun-
lodge. Participating in this were p ] a y s t h e T o w e r c i g a r t e a m : the day evening, April 2 6. "The af-1 Kazlowsky Ephraim Marks,. Marks. t h i r d g a m e ^ nn ll bb e a tt M MiiUUe r p a r k Ben Kazlowsky, k fair promises to be one of the Dr. A. Fellman, Max Baer, Julius b e t w e e n t h e sample Fur team and highlights of the current social Bisno and Al Fox. The main ad- the A. Z. A. No. 1. season," according to an andress of the banquet was given There is no charge for admis- nouncement made by Harold ZelThe second annual Gridiron by Padway. s j 1:30 p. m. sion to these games. Everyone is insky, president of the chapter. show, sponsored bj^the Temple Is- Monsky leading the discussion. T'rprnt Fleas, In charge o£ the panel are Wai-; In addition to the banquet and invited to see these opening Officers and advisers of the j rael Brotherhood, will be presentThe* agencies raring; for Polish ter Lowenstein and Joe Fellman. dance in honor of Padway Mon- games. Sioux City, Des Moines, Lincoln ! ed at the Jewish Community CenEnd German Jew? are sending on!, day evening, a banquet for him and Council Bluffs chapters are ! ter, Tuesday, May 12, at S:SO p. As part of the evening program, \ urgent pleas for more money. • Fitch and Gwendolyn "VTolf i was tendered that noon. Philip to be honored guests, in addition m. resect a group of dramatic i Every observer of the Jewlf.1i Klutzniek, a member of the gen-REORGANIZE GOLDIE to the executives of the A. Z. A. 1. j This year's edition of the Gridscene agrees as to the deplorable eral committee of the district, was MYERSON CHAPTER A feature of the evening will \ iron promises to be even more plight of the Polish Jews*. Thirst Ile toastmaster. ??e clnb, which ie i j e the million oi them ere being- subject The Goldie Myerson chapter of {tie the appearance appearance of of Freddie Freddie Eb Eb-;j mirth mirth provoking provoking than than last last years year's j s n s tC° he Dr. A. Greenberg, second viceener as guest master of cermonies j hilarious skits. The authors, Don ! ° " conclave, wni turn over not only to a ruthless economic president of the district, and Ju- the Pioneer Women was reorgan- with the popular College Club or-; Broslkey, Horace Rosenblum, acd ,a " r e c e J P L S l° tne philanthropies eu discrimination but even to physilius Bisno, were in charge of ar- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Her- chestra. Ebener is considered one ZIOXL Lipp, have gone about their cal violence. rangements. William Schwartz. I of the ablest raaestros in the Mid- writing tasks with t h e idea in j In Germany the plans tire proBen. Kazlowsky,. president of man Cohen. sacred." I Schwartz, who is a frequent gressing to brinp as many .Tewifcn. The ' following officers, were j die West. The orchestra has plan- ! mind that "nothing is the local chapter, was toastmaster elected: | visitor of his sister-in-law, ?.Irs, Mrs. Herman Cohen, pres-jned several new arrangements to i Consequently, few are the memfolk PP possible out (A. tlie. in the evening. Padway was intro- ident; Mrs. Morris Friedel, vice- jbe used for the first time Sunday j bers of Omaha's Jewry who areMas Schwartz of Omaha, came to young land, Bnt th*1 refujrees cpnnot b<? duced by Henry Monsky, a mem- president; Mrs. Harry Crounse, fi- evening. the United States from Russia transferred to Pf.le?=tlrie "r ! not insulted. ber'of the executive of the inter- nancial secretary and treasurer. The dance is open to the pub- In fact, the sales talk used by j ow £h ea n e a m e r e routh. At 11 years o ; h p r CO urtry without, funds, rmfi national order. Brief remarks were e large crew of ticket sellers, ; E - Schwartz entered the art; t h e g f i *mfc ' m n s t lw pupplied fcf On May 5 the next tea will be j lie. Tickets may be obtained at also made by qtto Felton and Dr.held, at the home of Mrs. Cohen, j the door, announced Herbert ithe academy oi of Vilna after consiaerconsidei--;: t h e j eT! -i F h oommunitier. who !who are offering tickets at fifty ii a^aueinj v una Eicer Greenberg. " ;' - s • . Anyone interested in attending j Forbes, chairman, of the dance | cents each, is "come and hear • able pleading. He completed Kis f r e e o £ t h e persecution beinc visIn his address, Padway stressed' may call Mrs. Cohen, Gl. 2684. I committee. your friends insulted." And take j course st 15 ftnfl journeyed to : jted upon the innocent peoples of the important work B'nai B'rith it from one who bas been watch-' America in 1S13 to meet his Eastern and Central Europe. is doing 'in anti^defamation. He ing the large and talented cast; brother in Omaha. Painting-: . also discounted the belief of so go throngh their rehearsals twice > houses after the tornado ot I!?13r '.Would Open Immtgrtdion many that those working for antiweekly; that is just what will ; Schwartz fo-unc little opportwni-defamation are "alarmists" by happen. | ty to continue his study end went citing incident after incident Pfiris — A movement to oppti Since the show, is being present-j to Chicago. He was refused enwhich requires the work of an ed on election night, it is signifi- > trance to the Chicago Art insti- the doovp of Frpnce to immigrs.-< anti-defamation group. cant t t a t the election idea is car-;tnte End returned disappointed to fion and to ppee.ri" «p the nature-" Mrs. Philip Romonek has just He further paid .tribute to the riefi out,' through most of t h e ; Omaha, . the homes of and visits with mowork being done by B'nai B'rith returned from a three and onebirthrotff show. j In IP 16 he once more returned terBcting- the nstion'e tion picture writers, directors anfi in hospitalization, caring for the half-month vacation in Hollywood, Leslie Burkenroad, president of : to Chicago ant? entereg theinPti- has been launched here by Pierr«s producers, were otter experiences orphaned, and character building!Calif., with her two children and the Brotherhood, is directing the • tute. During his Fchooling he held Dominique, editor of La Republiamong the future leaders of Jew- I their nurse. She made many in- of Mrs.. Romonek. I several jo'^s to pay for his room QUC. Tell that to the Californians! ry. Financial aid to the upbuild-jterestlng contacts there and had "Studio and actresses?" went show. Julhts Katelmon land board. Or tell that tb the inhabitants of on Mrs, Romonek, "Bette Davis, ing of Palestine as part of B'nai varied experiences. I Schwartz' - vivid perspective, poel, fvom whom lie received (t any underpopulated country. Is when he settled in business in B'rith work was also praised. Mrs. Romonek had the good who won the motion picture prize : coupled with his unusual talent, great deal of encouragement, there any hope? It is conceivable Council Bluffs, where he became j M o n d a y afternoon, the 'wives of fortune to receive an. assignment this year, is indeed interesting to Among- the many .honors he has j emerged with a new form of art, that a hope may arise in the a well-known and prominent lea-[ m e m t ) e r s o £ t h e executives of the for a scenario from an associate j watch as a scene is shot, even ; something -nnfEmiliar to the Chi- collected for his art is a new one course of time provided Zionist der in both Jewish and civic cir- local B'nai B'ritb lodge enter- of Decil De Mille at the Para-! though she frequently goes up in Mr. Tevel Klotz, 5 7, of 2 416 : cago Art institute. T c d a y p.dcleQ several weeke aso hy the methods are employed and Zion- cles. He was one of the organi- tained for Mrs. I. B. Padway, who mount Studios. This will be a in her lines. Shirley Temple is ist ideals incorporated;_ provided zers of the Chevra B'nai Yisroel is accompanying her husband on story for "W1. C. Fields and will be even cuter off screen, though she Charles street, died Saturday, ! Scnwarti is considered a foremost. Chicago Art. institute tor Kits inApril 11, at a local hospital. of "Dancing th« : e-sample in modern art In terpretation that the inhabitants of the coun- Synagogue, secretary of ihe'Che- his present speaking tour. used by the star when it is com- is, fat-legged. She seems logical Mr. Klotz is survived by fcis to present the real, with the; Blues A WRIT." try In question be assured that vra Kadishe, member of the Talin her conclusions. la one scene pleted. wife; .a daughter, Grace; a son, idealistic. He was dissatisfied: At the special exhibition will be their cities -will not be overflood- mud Torah, and Chevra Kadishe . Mrs. Romonek says, "People of "Poor Little Rich Girl," she Abe; two brothers, Harry oi Los with the limitations of naturalism •»• collecHors of o;.1 paintings, water ed with competitive traders or Society. He was a charter mem- CANTOR L. HABER suggested to the director that be- Angeles and Abe of. Chicago, and talk about the sham and tinsel ot hlch came to art around 1 f?lP. ! colors an(S lithographs varied in professionals nor their schools and ber of the old lodge No. ^468 of T O CHANT SERVICES | Hollywood. I found some of the ing a hungry child dragged away | H . DansVy of Oma- [^ the Etndy of WI";ETB SchwartE, : fcuftiect RTI«' tTeatment. M«nT deal universities with Jewish students, the B'nai-B'rith, and was supposmost penetrating vision into real- from the table she should carry j . .. (by Manel Chapman, he says: "Art "with Jewish subjects. All of ihn«e but that the Jews desire unified ed to be one of the five members Cantor 1<. Haber of New York ity, divested of the artificialities her custard right with hci• taservices were held Sun- j vas more than natural. A work of I works ere recent creation** hy tracts on which, even as in Pal-who were to be honored guests at will chant the services at the!of what we call civilization and on the table! of al home. .art should possess divine attrib-i Schwartz. A large picture of * estine, to build up a normally the silver anniversary banquet of Jacob synagogue at 2 4th] comparable in its own way with j and-he agreed with her and would flay i sites ia unity, beauty and truth." t dreamy, foreign type of musician stratified social and economic so- the Council Bluffs B'nai B'rith B'nai Nicholas streets Friday eve- the truth seeking of a maa like have followed tha small star's adi As an artist. SeliwErtz wanted j was especially included because of ciety of their own, with is ownthis weekl The banquet has been and Dr. Hartley Burr Alexander, at vice except that a previous 'scene Seas Anii'Semitk Congress ning. • ' ' i to bring redemption. lijrlU End j Its prp.s.t. popiiiaritr among Je--w« farms, factories, schools, colleges, postponed Ind&rrHltely now out of Cantor Haber is a whose home I visited a number of had been shot of Shirley going up villages, cities; that In brief, the respect to Mr. Katelman. "*" Prague ---•An anti-Semitic con-! glory to the low, tumble e.nei op~ ish people. the stairs without any custard." in the east. Everyone is in- times." Jews will come as colonists and 1 He is survived by his widow, cantor This former Omaha painter in An amusing conversation with [ Mrs. Rcsnonek plans to corn- gress called by Nazis for Ovisen,' pressed. vited to hear him conduct the not as parasites or 'competitors. Rosa; four daughters, Mrs. Jen-services Friday evening and Sat-Freddie Bartholomew (playing iplete her scenario by correspon- Bohemia, has been proiiibited by | In Omaha he studied under .T. also listed in "Who's Who ia ' the Csee.iioslcva.kian. Government. Laurie Wallace, famed mid-western American Art." with his dog), and invitations to 'dence. urday morning. (Continued on "Page 7 ) . (Continued on Page 8) .....
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with the casualness, almost non- long as Jews and Gentiles comto be worth most to himself the I considers the problem of Jewish chalance, with which a Jew or pete for the same business there very moment that he is worth [citizenship solved. group of Jews .would tell me of can be no future for the Jew in Tfie fourth, fifth and sixth parleast to the world. an incident, which is any other Poland. The Polish government agre.phs of the Nazi program, Just as on the map of the busicountry, even Germany, would gives preference to the ninety per ness cycle are peaks and valleys, (dealing with the rights of Jews, horrify. Though I heard the cent non-Jewish population. Also; so on the map of a man's income ; have "found legal accomplishstory, or similar ones, several they feel that the Je-w will someare peaks and valleys. There are ment," Dr. Stuckart declared. times I could never get as used how or other manage to get by high points, years (luring which to listening, as Polish Jews were on the money he receives from his earnings climb to dizzy of making statements like the relatives or relief organizations By the Service Life Insurance | heights. Then are valleys, the later following: abroad. This pouring of relief . By HENRY W. M5VY j years when the God-given powers Company, Omaha ".'Only Just the other day. a into Poland," he pointed out, "is are exhausted and "no man will few Jews down the road were expected by the Poles, it is a defi:':'•'•' AnExclusive Intemew of John L Spivak If life ended when income end- hire him." killed by a group of Endek stu- nite factor in the Polish econJews In Poland aro worse ott of the Nazi anti-Jewish program. expects. Failing, the government dents.' "What is life insurance?" ed, there would be no problem, omic system." I asked him to explain, to give will blame it on the Jews. than Jews; in Germany! It is nothing more than a scienj but unfortunately, life goes on. "As a result," said Spevak, As for the future of the Polish JHow tragic if the limited capital tific plan for leveling off the peaks Economic Situation Palestine and Biro Bidjan or a1 full statement of his views. & ,' ' "Polish Jews live in a state of Vienna (WNS) — Catholic ag"There is," he answered, "no "Economically, Germany is in constant fear terror, both physi- Jew, Spivak has little hopes ex- I of the frugal man were eaten up I and valleys of income to a comany other mass Immigration is no cept under a new economic sys- ! too Quickly in providing the daily | fortable and happy scale that en- itation against Austrian Jewry reinherent and deeply rooted hatred terrible shape. Inflation is inevit- cal as well as economic. solution! tem. Biro-Bidjan is not an an- | wants or spread too thinly for real j dures as long as life lasts. ceived a severe rebuke • from a jews must fight as a group, for of Jewry among the overwhelm- able within three to six months "The average Polish Jew is a Catholic source when Father Oetheir rights Within the countries ing majority of Germans. The after' the Olympiad., And with in- small shopkeeper or artisan. The swer to him, and he states that comfort. the Polish Jewish leaders do not streicher. a Catholic priest, proGermans, as a matter of fatt; are flation will come high prices and of their nativity I • Life insurance, the balancing shopkeeper is boycotted; the artested against the revival of antiIn Poland, yon learn to take in their hearts friendly to the resultant unrest and grumbling. tisan cannot find employment. In believe it a solution either. "These wheel, provides an extended "fu- MORE ANTI-JEWISH Semitic agite.tion. anti-Semitism for granted. These Jews'but they are afraid to show Another scapegoat will be needed; the government service the pro- leaders," he says, "are thorough- i ture income" by 'enabling a man LAWS NOT PLANNED "Writing in the Catholic paper, are a lew of the statements by their friendliness because o£ their a new anti-Semitic drive will be cess of weeding out Jews has long ly "familiar with Biro-Bidjan and Erfiling. Father Oestreieher deJohn XT. Spivafe, reporter extraor- great fear of the rabid Nazis.. I launched. That it all doesn't make been going on until, now, there while they admit it Is good for SAYS NAZI MINISTER nounced the Aryan theory and the dinary, whose expose on Nazism have been in towns where the sense doesn't matter; but that's are few Jews left: In the univer- some fey Jews, they do not see J of Prince Ernst Von Starhemberg. the Russian autonomous state as j This, he- points out, is because proposals for curtailing Jewish ecin tbe United. States shook the druggist wouldn't sell medicine to nothing new for the Nazis. sities, the Jewish Instructor has Berlin (JTA) — German news-! onomic and cultural rights. country—in an exclusive Inter- Jews, where milk for sick. chilBut as tragic as the German been practically removed and stu- an ultimate solution of the Polish Starhemberg is lighting the Gerview with, a Seven Arts writer, dren-was refused to Jewish fam- Jewish problem is, Spivak feels dents, If they finally do manage Jewish problem. Just as the Ger- man Nazis. He, however, calls papers reported that Reichsminis- j He urged that all minorities in man Jew believes that Germany this Fascist friendship for the ter Hans Frank has publicly stat- [ Austria be treated equally. ilies. But in''these very same that the situation of the Polish .—THE EDITOR. towns, Jews have told me of in- Jew is worse. As he sees the Eur- to' get in, are severely discrimin- is the place for the German-Jew Jews In Austria but temporary. ed in Rome, where he was on a : i ated against." so does the Polish Jew feel about "As soon as England and France visit, that no further anti-Jewish stances where Gentile friends had Patronize Our Advertisers "The situation of ,the Je-wB In sneaked jnilk to them under the opean picture, a war is inevitable Poland being the place for the stop pouring money into the al- legislation would be enacted in An Illustration Poland Is worse' than the plight cover of dead of night so that by the Fall of 1937 or the Spring Polish Jew." Germany. . most puppet Austrian state,'' he of 1938. Germany, he believes, In his travels, Spivak visited of the German Jews and I see no they might escape Nazi wrath. "the Austrian Fascists will will start It and it will result in the homes of a number of Jew"Jewish legislation in Ger- • Briefly Spivak discussed the says, 'hope within .the near future of make ether alliances and then many," Herr Frank is quoted as ' the end of the Nazi regime. The NEON ish workers In various cities. One "Ih this regard, I had a very Jewish situation in other couneconomic alleviation. There the Jews despite their present al- having declared, "is fully comple- ; m their German Jews have some sort of story, in particular, stands out in revealing conversation with a tries. All throughout Europe, he is no overwhelming hatred of normalcy to look.forward to with- his memory. And though he pre- said, anti-Semitism is being used legiance, will be victimized by ted, finished." This report coin-' RADIANT SI6N CO Jews by the majority of the Ger- Hamburg unemployed. OMAHA in the riot too distant future. This, faces it with the statement that as a scapegoat. Czechoslovakia, their former friends." cides with a statement made here , ~ "'When we get. rid of the man people but within six months he desn't even hold out for the 'this is, of course, an exceptional particularly, he named as a dan- - In all, it is a sorry picture that by State Secretary Dr. "Wilhelm j Jews,' I said to him in the course - - or sooner - -after the complePolish Jews. case," he says that it 3s not an ger spot as the largest party in Spivak paints for the European Stuckart that the Government ipi- ; tlon of the Olympic Games I look of a street conversation, 'everything will be alright.' Isolated one as many Jews live the coyntry, with a membership Jews. And with his war predicThe plight of the Polish " for_an intensification o| the antiof 1,750,000, Is Nazi a n d anti- tion in mind, it is a far. from opn a similar fashion. '."No," he answered, 'it> not Jews," says Spivak, "has" not Semitic program by the Nazis, But timistic point of view he paints Semitic. "I visited one family," he told despite the tragic plight of both the Jews' fault. When the Jews aroused the world-wide sympathy for all of Europe. Certainly, his me, "'living In a basement room had business, we had -work.' that the German situation has dethe German "an<^ the East EuroIn England, he says, Mosley has new book which will be published n Warsaw. The room was 7 feet "This conversation/' said Spiveloped as a result of the publipean'Jews, I do not see Palestine, made a small start with his Fas- simultaneously in England, France Blro-Bidjan or any ..other mass vak, "is . indicative of a feeling city that has been given the Nazi by 9. But it was the home o£ cism and anti-Semitism. France, and the United States (Covicicenter of Immigration as the so- that is beginning to grow among policy. Nevertheless, the situation eight people, a mother, three because of the strength of the Friede are his American ^publishlution of the Jewish problem but many Germans now. They some- of the Polish Jews is, in many Town children, the husband of United Front, is the least anti- ers^ this June will be awaited feel that the Jew as a group must how connect their own unemploy- respects, worse. For one thing, one of her daughters, two small Semitic of all countries in Eur- with great Interest by students of fight for his rights within the ment and misery with the plight there are three and a half mil- children of the married couple ope. In Austria, he points to the the European situation. of the- Jews. They remember that lion Jews In Poland, ten per cent and, to cap the climax, a boarder. -countries of his nativity." the Jews prospered, they did of the population, while in Ger"As I came in, they were pre- strange spectacle of the Jews] (Copyright 1936, by Seven Arts , These views sum up th*e Jewish when Feature Syndicate) too. The average German mind paring for dinner. The table was favoring the Fascist government situation as it appears to John L. is now beginning to vaguely as- many there is now a Jewish pop;et. On It was three slices of stale Spivak, an Informed American sociate their own trobules with ulation of'less than 500,000, or less than one per cent of the total bread and some water. journalist who has just returned those of; the Jews. . "Before" I left this family, I number of Germans. For another from a four months trip through "Thus anti-Semitism is becom- thing, in Poland there are actual- gave the mother five zlotys (about Europe during which he~ gathered material for a new book. They ing a boomerang to the Nazis. To- ly pogroms, something that so > dollar). She was so overjoyed, represent the considered, opinion day, the party is definitely losing far has been avoided in Germany. he got down on her hands and of a man who last year "gave us its hold on the imagination of the Perhaps most important, though, knees and kissed my hands. "I tell you, you don't know "America Faces the Barricades" people. It is only the military, is that there is a greater underwith its brilliant' analysis, of anti- and the fear it engenders, that Is ying anti-Semitism among Poles what starvation can be until a holding the German people in than among Germans. tarved woman kisses your hand, Semitism 'in this country. as she did mine." ' A student of world affairs, a check. And that is the very rea"Certainly," he "continued, "the why I look for an intensifica- Polish Summing up his views on Poliberal and an anti-Fascist, Spivak son government's policy is 6f;kntl-Semitism shortly afand, Spivak says that he "can Is one a^those rare reporters who. tion :er tfie'jftbmpletion of the Olympic equally as vicious as the Nazi re- ee no prospects whatsoever for Is thoroughly conversant with the Games.,':'-, ime In Germany. The only dif' «•' Jewish -situation. -His views are/1 ^'•The^'Olympics," Spivak con- ference is that whereas the Ger- any economic. alleviation of thej • A complete meal for the entire family can A Quality Product for Seasoning" therefore*ailkthe more interesting, ' t|iiuedj' "looms big In jthe Nazi mans are frankly outspoken in ews of Poland during the next be cooked in this Everhot Roaster. Makes V: 1 especially ih vlew of the proposed cbrioinic scheme of thingB. A: their" anti-Semitism, , the . Poles ew years. In fact," he says, "as meals more nutritious and most delicious. mass emigration plan recently ad- rood'imeasure of their hoped for sefek" to hide the true status beGet yours today! vanced lnrtiifiai country by SirHer-- e'conotticirecovery Is .based on the hind a yell of professed diplomatic bert §aMieI .find' :hls. British: ;jeoK --sunijjliion-fthafc^.the Games" will riendship for the Jews. leagiiea fe bring- inllHonsiaVforeign exchange, "In,.• Poland, yo~n leafn to tafce In *~:G.efma^.v.jBut I don't think anti-Semitism for granted.. The lor ""••*—'—•*• "jet-; the money it overnment does; so; too, do the Jews., Several Jimes .1 was amazed Jew ^ T jin airlslse-: to ai whererls ^ J t f i l & K ? K S ^ y S ; .-. .• . -.i-ic Where Omaha Shops With Confidence . . . planned? ?•' ina'VaH 'eini|f attpn»: 'the transferal ?bl TI .lai&e,-, group-?, of . . . is a wonder for preparing meals for the small family. Germans', 'or 'any;•'other people, Needs no "watching" and elimfrom {he'rf'owfel'and-'to another inates scorching and burning. is something elBoragaln^ Ifaniin-
Polish ]^tyW&e
Anti-Semitism of | Austnans Is ! Rebuked
Uriilv, it
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Everhot Roaster Now Only
Cooks for Six Persons
other reason1*;that's'hts'own^buslness. But^any'i group >emigr&tlcm as an attempt to 'sblVe^ any J«rwish problem is": luti^BiSnch a plan is only an attemptfto run away from a problem aaj0ldas..ciyilIzation,;T "I'm an'Amjsrican •Jew," Spivak continued, <r*nd rm-going to light > for my rights • ifts an_. American - if the situation.-fc"£re. ever develops i i •where it becomes necessary. <The' ; German Jews' should fib-vlikewise. .They, with the help ofjithe-'.wOrld, should fight" for their frights; as German cltilienB.. That itSriU^entail sacrifices, •wlthlttthe next lew years is quite tobvlous- but -it is well to remember, that emigration to a new land likewise entails sac-:
if I
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" • J e w s . " ; ••;•'•'"-'^'-'/y'-'-i.C 1 '.-'.^
There seemed to T be r many; r contradictions in Splvak^s views on the. German situation^.Ose^ minute he would say that:; the Germans really don't hate She Jews;' in: t h e next breath he "Tvould: 'say :^Uiat he expected an jritensjfipatio'n
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Not Enough'-OiHsniilobrs •.:•' Mr. Spivak advances other rear eons againBt group emigration. In this regard, his words sound very similar to those recently advanced fey. such a well known Zionist leader as Rabbi Abba Hillel SUver of Cleveland. There are not enough open' 'doors throughout vthe world; he says, to permit the immigration of such a large'community as the German Jews.- Also' it Germany found it to its advantage to rid itself of jews it would not be; long before Poland, with Its much larger Jewish population, 'would attempt to dp ..the same and thereby present an even greater problem. "'••,'•. As for the possibility that Germany may at some time expel all .its JewBj Spivak dismisses that as "plain ;lipoey. The Nazis/' he . says) .."neie'd."the Jews as a scapegoat, l i t ithey^'xere sitting, safely ' on a throne of economic security, there migfit be some reason to believe that "they." might ! sometime expel; the/JewaV fBuf(a&.tjSis Is not the case,, 'will never^ be "the' case, • t h e l Nazis^wlll*;hever .expel the
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Iders the problem of Jewish tnship solved. i'e fourth, fifth and sixth parjhs of the Nazi program, ag -with the rights o£ Jews, found legal accdmplistiDr. Stuckart declared;
so that employ-I an average of 600 prints to John and Elaine are I for efficiency chins; he's Michael (pronounced milrel) j Lou Golder, independent produc-jto go . DEFINITELY, \ ees won't know what time they jp j y t h e demand. the followers of Querido shaved | Loring. Last Sunday he perform- j er, observed the Passover simply j altar-bound was host to 273 movie mem- j they say . . . and are very, very; are punching In and out. their heads; while the third group ed at night clubs made a big Your (and my) was offered screen tests j bers at a seder supper . . . this i busy buying furniture for the hill- j Six-year-old Irving Thulberg, allowed hair to grow on both hit B. DeMille is a member ot .in at the major studios — all this is his annual celebration. top home. places. Jr. rides a horse like a master. Each Chaplin picture requires'Holy Sepulchre of Bone, They all believe in the second and his program comprised only Archeological research reveals Jerusalem will soon, be an im-1 advent of their Messiah, and the Hebrew folk songs! followers of Querido send the wothat Mae West played the role portant theatrical center . . . . \ men and children to the seashore Three years old is Eddie Robin- J of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" in thanks to Ger-mania . . . refu-; every Saturday to see if Querido son, Jr., a world traveller (just j Brooklyn at the age of seven. gees representing all branches of ; Is coming back. Those who are returned from a three-weeks stay the profession are gathering there • orthodox in their adherence to the in London) and a sophisticate. He One independent producer wir- and forming companies for stage teachings of Zevi keep the beds v:rited his father on the set the ed his partner: "What shall we! productions. ready for the repose of their pro- other day. As preparations -were j do? We hare five vice-presidents) jj | | phet so that he may rest from the being made to "shoot," his mother i and four pictures finished." Ans- j When Sybil Jason received a jig hardships that he must endure in Instructed him not to talk. |wer flashed back: "Make another ; new doU recently, she thoughtful-' | | j order to'return to his people. "Hmph!" he scoffed, "This place picture or drop one vice-presi- ,iy fingered the pearl beads around > ^ g dent!" jits neck. "Are they real?" a visi-i|g It seems to be very difficult to is like a church!" i tor asked her. "No I don't think • = obtain information about the sect Salary Continuance Policy helps your famas they are sworn to secrecy in reIf only there were some nation-j Archie Mayo, whose bulk is ! E ° . " ^ a s her erudite reply, "They ! ^ gard to their activities. As early ality in that "race-purse" Reich [something considerable, entered j a r e t 0 ° c o l d " IB ily over that difficult one or two years after as 1887, an English traveler, J. "The Ghost Goes West," an j the studio restaurant for a noon- j your death, known as the Readjustment Period. T. Bent recognized the unique posordered soup, j Sam (Schlepperrnan) Hearn, n= ition of the Donmeh and wrote English film, was banned because day snack about them. Due for publication This plan guarantees a monthly check from 12 to 60 it off with coffee he drop- ]lT is a book by Professor Abraham Yet, according to a recent survey, j ping ped two saccharine tablets into j "Twinkle, twinkle little star, j Sylvia Sidney In 'Accent on Youth' months after your death, together with an immediate Galante of the University of IstanDriving your expensive car, | the cup instead of sugar. "There," bould who with the help of some is* a first-rank favorite at the Ger- he consoled himself, "that's so I If your preview's under par, | Clean-Up Fund for small bills. of his Donmeh students has pre- man box-offices. Then you'll wonder where you , won't put on weight!" are." ! pared a complete study of the Leonard Goldstein . . . who proPhone AT. 1190 for the Story group. An advertising blurb heralds, duces cowboy sagas . . . wired his j And Francine Larrimore had m New York representative: "Need "Its super-colossal and more than jher nose remodelled . . . the bet- j ^m horse for a western. Understand that . . . " iter to photograph, my dear. jjjs
• In several of, the larger. Turkish rounding Zevi's marriage, he was cities dwell. a people. apart. Ac- considered by b his enemies a sexcepted by neither Jews nor Mo- ual lal pervert, pervert. hammedans, they live as both. OriThe Bonmeh make a great show ginally Jews, they are hated by of. being good Mohammedans. the Jewish communities, one rab- They are assiduous Attendants at bi characterizing them as a "loath- the Mosques; they fast during the some people, a people who deserve Moslenr festival of- Khamadhan. • to be forgotten and blotted out ol Before the emancipation, the womemory." These are the Don- men wore the conventional Yashmeh, descendants'of the faithful mak or veil ofaMoslem woman Shabbethai Zevi. and lived in the, harem part of Turkey during the sixteenth and the dwelling.: The burial rites are seventeenth centuries become the those of the Moslems rather than refuge for the persecuted Jews of the extravagant ones of the Turi*eyant.' In Spain, Portugal, Italy kish Jews. Each: year one of the anil- other Catholic countries the number joins ;the Moslems on Inquisition -was wreaking venge- their pilgrimmage to the holy city ance on the Jews and neo-Chris- of Mecca. • . • • - . - tians. Even Christians and MosThey are divided into three ' lems felt the dreariness of the age, and all eagerly awaited the ad- sects: one the followers of Shabvent of a Messiah. Into this an- betbai, orthodox in regard to their :xionuB world' Zevi was born, the respect for the eighteen principles son af Spanish mlgrantE of Smy- laid down by their leader; one rna." At an early age he became group follows Jacob'Querido, the a rabbi and was soon attracted by brother-in-law of Zevi; and the Cabalism. His scholastic ability third is made up of the followers and magnetic personality won for of Othman Baba, who attempted one was found in New Jersey. to unite the other two groups and him' an amazing following. Hollywood — Ann Loring, thatj Please locate and make screen 'gg in doing so formed a separate and relabelled young lady from Brook- j Odd facts: ^Finally at the age of twenty- third group.. Each sect has Its test." Sam Briskin had blark-faced == By HELEN ZIGMOND lyn (she was Anita Kurtin, beautwo Zevi.-announced-that he was own burying' ground. What irony! Universal* basket- & contest winner), surprised even , time-clocks installed in his studio j gjj the long-awaited Messiah. Frenzy JOHN A. B1BEE, Hollywood — Indicative of his Each member of the community b a U t e a m ^ _ _ J u n i o r Lae mmle-s I the preview skeptics by her sm- overtook his= followers. Many Jews as well as Christians and Moham- has two names, one a Turkish -whole career is Carl Laemmle's particulars-hobby has been cere and more than creditable Faroam at 18th the bulk of the winning and winning . . and now performance in "Robin Hood of medanB:rallied: to- his standard name that is used in civil affairs, curtain bow In/Russia, Poland, Moravia and and a second which is Hebrew and five-and-one-half millions will be becomes the official Olympic team. Eldorado" . . . she plays the fem- 2, 3 or 4 rooms beantiftslly elsewhere.,in -Europe the rabbis is used by members of the com- tucked away in various trust And Uncle Carl won't see it play, inine lead opposite Warner Bax- furnished. Electric, gas and TUNE TO KFA1 AT funds . « . for himself a minimum for although he plans to be in ter. It is her first important role. phone included. Gas heated. were confronted .with what they munity. g considered his heretical teachings. There are .eighteen ordinances income . . . for his son, Carl jr. Europe, he will not touch h G Ger- • And everywhere that Barry- Call We. 3527 on Sunday. Sncn~m"en as Isaac ida-Fonseca in regard to the unity of God and and his daughter, Rosabelle, a many. more went, the Barrie was sure Aboab and Moses Zacato support- Shabbethai, His prophet. The first million each, for numerous other ed the claims of Zevi.) Even few ordinances are rather abstract relatives and dependents, the reOff the Bulletin Board: StepSpinoza took: an interest in .him. while the last nine or ten deal mainder of the trusts will be- es- hen Zweig is hitheroound to write _ _ Only Jacob Sasportas, spiritual with the behavior of the group. tablished. a movie-view of "Manon Lescant." g leader of the timid London con- They are admonished by these orThe entire industry will honor Aben Kandel was presiding chair- g gregation, dared condemn Zevi as dinances to follow Turkish laws the "grand old man" with a test- man at a local anti-Nazi meeting. | g as far as the government is con- imonial banquet before he bids Jesse Lasky, Jr. and Prances j g a charlatan. Drake of Mexico City will altar- . s In time Zevi appointed himself cerned. They must'publish them- adieu. mate shortly. On arrival in Cin- j Sultan of Turkey ana declared selves as Turks, but they must not Shades of Abraham! Seven-year- ematown, Irving Casesar remarkWmselt in unity witb God. In tne go before a Turkish tribunal. face of death for treason, ZevI Twice each day they must repeat old Bobby Breen, son of Hyman ed the unusual calm . . . traced agreed to conversion and with him the names of all the higher pow- and Kebecca Borsuk, applies to it to the absence of his brother, many of bis, followers went to ers. Intermarriage with Mohem- the court for permanent use of his Arthur, who sojourns In London. non de film. The family hails Islam. Though he was no longer medans Is forbidden. the prospective Messiah, Zevi'B Like the Mohammedans they from Kiev, Russia , . and -with activities ^continued and he was abstain from" intoxicating liquors one wave of his arm, the judge Instrumental In introducing Ca- and disregard the Jewish use of transforms • Russian into Irish. For a Home or Rental Investment balism* to Islam. Further attempts sacramental wines. Ofx Judaism Little Bobby, Bobby, in film circles, is a 2620 NORTH 24th ST. to gain back his power landed they retain circumcision on the "discovery." 8 rooms, modern, newly painted himrin a -Belgrade prison where eighth day instead:of in the thirand decorated. Nice lot. For ended. teenth year as is'the custom for In real life he's Sam Mervis, quick late, price $2.100.00. Phone ' ' cantor's son from Minneapolis The followers of Zevi who went Moslems. Wa. 2426, Ken. 7676, Wa. 3777, Gl. 3024. to > the - crescent are called the At one time the: followers of . . in the reel life he aspires to, 'Donmeh' or 'apostates.' They hojweyer have slightly more respectable names for themselves. Those who established the colony atjSalonlki are referred to as *belieVers* or "associates* or sometimes 'warriors.' At Adrianople either because" their mosque was aVone time near the fish market or because Zevi claimed that the Jews were to be delivered under the zodiacal sign'of the fish they are known SLS'Little Carps.' . ; For the most part the people are well-to-do, have%.well organlied system of "charity, and allow no poverty among their group. They nave a monopoly on the barber trade. Considered excellent scribes they at one time constituted the majority of Tuklsb; government clerks. At present several of the leading Turkish officials iro members of this group. There nave been rumors that Mustapha Kemal himself is a descendant of aiDonmeh family. The windowless houses of the community are surtposedly connected by a system of -tunnels. A WISE choice lor Easter . . . and Efery block of houses has a secret ail the days after! For Shanon meeting' place where the members of: the community come for the Looms styling is CORRECT . . . . but Jewish rites that are surrounded never blatant! SHenors Looms qualby so much secrecy. Prayers are in Hebrew or in the Ladino of ity is BELOW the surface e$ wet! as the Sephafdlc Jews. on itl Shanon Looms fabrics and In their prayers they use the Song of Solomon, • especially the patterns strike the keynote ©I the love dialogues and monologues new spring. And Shanora Looms which allegedly leaves them free play for mystical and licentious PRICE is & reve!atio»i in value-givingi interpretation. They have been ac• cused of "being a sect organized for Bexual irregularities; and because of. the peculiarities sur1 f
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LAUDS NEWSPAPERS ' "Even If you make a better mouse trap the world is not going to beat a path to your door unless you tell it about that better mouse trap," Hal Wagner, advertising .manager" of the Deep Bock Oil- Corporation, told the Omaha advertising Club Tuesday night at the Elks Club. "In order to get people coming-to your doorstep you have to advertise and keep telling the world you have a better mouse trap," Wagner said. . "Newspapers," he continued, "are as important to the communityBB public utilities are to their communities. They tell all the news in •unbiased style and they feel the pulse of our progress. Without a newspaper any progressive community would be as hampered as If it denied itself the use of telephones. ;
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by -THE JEWISH^ PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY SabBcrlptlon Price/ one year - > - - ..- -, *2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Ofticer—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - BuBinesj and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - • • • - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL . • • • - . - - Sioux City. Iowa. Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 so. 24th Street
Palestinian Enthusiasm The skeptic converted is usually a firebrand of enthusiasm. In years gone by many of the Jewish leaders in America as well as in other parts of the world were skeptical over Palestine as. a Jewish homeland. Fate, manifesting itself in its ycruelest form through persecution of Jewry in central and eastern Europe, solved that problem: definitely and overwhelmingly. Today, some of us may disagree as to the philosophy of development which should govern our action in the Holy Land, but we are in unanimity as to the advisability of building up Palestine as rapidly and as soundly as possible. "We in Omaha who were fortunate enough to meet and hear Mrs. G oldie Myerson on her return visit to this city last week-end had our enthusiasm in Labor Palestine re-fired. Mrs. Myerson, who, before leaving for Palestine, had been a school teacher in Minneapolis, thrills her listeners with her sincerity, her conviction that Palestine must be rebuilt on the cornerstones her party represents. She came to America on a speaking tour as the official delegate of 90,000 organized workers of the Histadrut, and it was an inspiration to hear her magnetic speech. She does not play upon beautiful words to reach your heartstrings j she lets plain facts tell their own eloquent story. When you listen to her, you'forget about the ghettoized Jew in the Eeich or the agonized fear in Poland; you forget about the past and remember only the future. You visualize a brawny straight-backed Chalutz, or a tanned, robust pioneer girl, or a happy, dynamic Jewish farmer, or a group of singing Jewish youth—all vibrant with life and living. And paramount in this new life are a community of interest and a deep sense of social justice^ After conversing With Goldie Myerson we are convinced that the Chalutzim who found a new life in PalE"' estine will not desert nor forsake their less fortunate brethren in other parts of the world. She told how their every thought is centered about increasing the productivity of the country, buying new land, cultivating new plots, protecting against unemployment, preparing the ground so that the number of Jews living there shall inii: crease to a million and then to several millions. She told how the Jews already there continued to live in tents and placed the refugees in the newly-built houses, so that their acclimating would be' easier, how they were more concerned ovy the children of the newcomers than their own. We cannot help but be impressed with the deeply-felt desire; to keep Palestine from becoming a land 1 of exploitation, must—instead—be a land where equality of rights and duties and encouragement of development of all must be kept alive. . We know that there are many obstacles to the realization of our goal in Palestine. We are fully aware of the barriers impeding our path. The riotings which occurred tho first'part of this week between Arabs and Jews is a mere candle-light to the outbreaks of 1929. And these, simmerings *under the surface might easily break forth into a serious conflagration at any time, particularly with the urgings of the Nazis behind the Arab nationalists. But the Jewish peoph? in Palestine are much better prepared today'than they were in '29, and the likelihood of something serious has diminished. Over a span of time such outbursts between small groups of Arabs land Jews are to bo expected in the normal course of things'wliile a country is in flux, absorbing a high percentage of newcomers annually. And we further know that while certain political Arab leaders preach violence and poison, the Moslems in the main appreciate the highJM er standard of living effected through Jewish immigration and realize that through the Jewish settlement and 'upbuilding of the country their status has been elevated, even though at the expense of the formerly-powerful big landowners. , If we have the will, nothing can stop our continued upbuilding of Palestine as a Jewish homeland. If our will is strong enough, we will overcome all obstacles in Eretz Yisroel rebuilt. Thanks- to Palestine, we do not [51 have to look backward but can instead look ahead.
of the people in Germany have in no way been converted to the anti-Jewish policies of the Nazi regime. He explains that the Nuremberg anti-Jewish laws, instead of arousing more hate against the Jews, stamped them as martyrs in the eyes of a great many Germans. He verifies that the most depressing situation exists in Poland. We would like to agree with Tobenkin's conclusions. Perhapsby so doing we would be lulled by wishful thinking, but we nevertheless do know that when night looks blackest, the coming dawn is heralded. The pendulum must swing the whole way before it starts the journey back. .
Pioneer Hardships Ofttimes when we read in glowing terms of the development of Palestine as the Jewish homeland, we forget that the land is being rebuilt through the blood of our pioneers who undergo many hardships. But even today what seem to us like everyday commanplaces not worthy of a thought may appear monumental in the Holy Land. We come to a sharp realization of this when we read in this week's dispatches that people.can have as many baths as they like nowadays in Jerusalem. The days of water rationing, a heritage of two thousand years, are over.
Diplomacy of Righteousness
By Rabto Frederick Solin The world is still in a most critical condition. Civilization is reposing (?) on a keg of dynamite ready any moment to explode and to blow it to pieces. What can be done about it? It is a pity, it is pathetic, it is almost tragic, that humanity seems so helpless, so impotent. Diplomacy, "statesmanship," seems of no avail, on the contrary it seems to involve,and embroil us deeper and deeper in danger and in misery. Twentieth century civilization with its science and invention, the highly developed "modern" mind, stands indicted considering the "mess" into which all our so-called "progress" and "enlightenment" have plunged us. What is the matter with Religion ? Religion is supposed to be the "supreme force" in life. It is. But it has not availed us because it has not been properly applied. Like the Pope of Rome, supposed to be the "Viceregent" of God, the mightiest moral power in the world, it is, alas! old and feeble and morally impotent, not really practically and helpfully effective. But this must be remedied. Religion must come forth and assume and assert its true role. Religion must influence life, all life, individual, national and international; political, intellectual, social. I mean, of course, true religion, pure religion. I do not mean religion as creed and dogma. I am not speaking of theology. I am speaking of religion, "pure and. undefiled," the heart and soul of which is moral. I am 'speaking of religion as an ethical force, a moral power; the religion of the old Prophets of Israel, who knew how to bring it to bear upon individuals and nations; upon kings and commoners; upon every situation and relation of life. There must be an inundation of religion throughout the world. Did not President Roosevelt say something to the same effect in the remarkable address he gave recently on Brotherhood Day? We remember President Wilson had a powerful article in one of the leading literary magazines in his day. George Washington said it long before them, not only in his immortal Farewell Address, "Righteousness exalteth a nation, sin is a reproach to any and every people" . . . "Only "the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness, quietness and.assurance forever." Why do the nations today, led or misled by their leaders (Duces, Fuehrers, etc.) think they can perpetrate all manner of unrighteous, monstrous injustice, even crime and murder and think (and actually seem) to "get away with it." Because the moral sense of humanity has been dulled. Perhaps depreciation of religion and morality have had a great deal to dp with it. We have "sown the wind and are now reaping (or about to reap) the whirlwind, the whirlwind of perhaps world-wide war and destruction, civil, national and international strife and revolution. Mussolini's seemingly successful brigandage cannot be the end; Hitler's seemingly victorious wickedness cannot be the end; Japan's seemingly unhindered aggression and exploitation cannot be the end. Inhuman, medieval, brutal persecution of Jews in Germany and Poland (with riots now, of all places, in Palestine, our hoped-for refuge, between Jews and Arabs," provoked by what sinister forces we cannot now tell) cannot be the end! The world must be aroused from its moral torpor and religion must arouse it. Religion of all kinds and in all countries, whatever calls itself religion I Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, the Oriental religions, that have spiritual and moral power. Religion, where properly put forth, can be the Encouraging Observation mightiest power in the world! It can overthrow aries, As lusual, as the "dog-bite-man" story, is what dynasties, tyrants, oppressors, as it has repeatedly, in makes news. AM in the present era when a qualified the past, as the great Prophet expressed it, "Not by observer makes the statement that anti-Semitism is re- might or by power, but by My spirit," saith the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord, that is the greatest power on ceding throughout the world, that does make news.. Elias 'Tobenkin, noted author and journalist, upon earth. When infused into men and expressed in mighty, his return from a trip which included Japan, China, death-defying, life-sacrificing deeds. It is spiritual dynaEussia, Poland, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Italy, mite, before which nothing can stand. Public opinion, Switzerland, France,..Belgium, England, Denmark, Swe- which even now is expressed in various countries, can den and Norway, declares: " I state advisedly that anti- overthrow governments and undo measures, the public Semitism as a mass movement is retrogressing. This opinion of the world must be aroused to moral issues. contention might appear surprising but it is in line with Must ally itself with and express and enforce elemental my other observation that there will be no war in Eu- justice, simple fundamental righteousness; 1then a change rope arid Asia because the people want peace. Economic will bo wrought* indeed, in the moral and political and conditions will from time to time, as just now, play into social condition of the world and of civilization; civilizathe hands of political parties trying to foster anti-Sem- tion be saved and the world spared the horrors of war itism as a political weapon, but the average man and and of universal catastrophe. woman can no longer be fooled. They realize more and mpre that anti-Semitism is no remedy for; their economic Let us try religion. Everything else has failed—dipand political ills.'* '.; lomacy, statesmanship, economic pressure, bluff and Some of Tobenkin-s observations are interesting. He bluster! Let us try the diplomacy of righteousness (the stresses that there is now no Jewish the only true diplomacy in the end), the statesmanship of soviet union, He declares that he found the rank and file God! FREDERICK COHN.
I the recent municipal election. Mayor Goldstein's family is th« only Jewish family here. The mayor of Nome, Dr. Rex M. SwartE, is also a Jew.
By DS. THEODORE N. LEWIS Eabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City
Go to Central, South America
J N o n • Sectarian Anti - N a a i THE ETERNAL ROAD i York. $2.00. League Eeports Severe By Franz Werfel. Translated by1 "The Tale of Two Kings" Is a I Drop of $44,672,000 Iiudwig Lewishon. Viking Press. story of David and Saul in fiction, j Berlin (JTA) — A delegation $2.23 novel, form. Life in the days of the two ancient kings of Israel J New York (JTA) — United of Jewish leadere left last week "Tie Eternal Road" by Frani was quite a primitive affair. Pow- ! States imports from Germ any for Central and South America to Werfel is a Biblical mystery play, er was the supreme arbiter and |have declined 111,650,000 reichs- negotiate with the various Goverthe cenec of which is "the time- only the brave and the strong imarks (about 544,672,000) in the nments looking toward settlement less community of Israel; its time dared challenge and defy it. The 'three years of Hitler's rule, ac- of German-Jewish youths. is equally the timeless night of authors embellishes the Biblical cording to a report. The plan, which has been ap'Israel's persecution." Lndwig stories In a manner that gives The drop was held largely due proved by ceniral Jewish organiLewishon has translated this poe- them a modern note. to the anti-Nazi boycott. In pres- zaliocs here, pro%'ides for estabtic creation in superb fashion. sing the boycott, the report said, lishment of special schools in The prologue Introduces us to St was necessary to lacte sucsti- those countries to educate the a congregation of Jews waiting in tutes for German goods, thereby young immigrants in the language a. synagogue lor the announceaiding American industry. In ad- and spirit of the new homeland. ment of the final sentence of ex- Reprinted from Council BJnffs dition, it was necessary to counter- The schools would be maintained ile and expropriation. Tie fears, Nonpareil editorial, April 20, 1033 act German dumping and combat by Jewish funds. the regrets, the sorrows of these concealment of makes of origin on According to the plan, youths men and women more the reader German products. between the apes of sixteen and Julius Katelman, whom death deeply. Especially modern ap- claimed this week, was a typical "That the boycott is growing twenty are to be maintained by pears some of the dialogue as the example of a foreign-born man j stronger," the report stated, "is Jewish funds from abroad. The cry of "The Estranged one's Son" who came to the United States I shown by the fact that the quant- first group of emigrants, numberto his father. "Father, I feel a practically penniless and made ity of our purchases from Ger- ing r.boiU £00, is expected to leave great dread" . . . why are we per- good. A native of Poland, he came many is becoming a smaller and a? soon as the negotiations have secuted? Why did yon never speak to the United States in 1SS3. He ] smaller part of our total imports. been completed. to me of these things? Why did engaged in the junk business in J In spite of the slight jump in GerI know nothing at all? a small way in Council Bluffs. jman imports between IS34 and How st&rtllngly true is this ut- By industry, foresight and natural j 1925. the total percentage fell terance of "The Adversary" spok- business ability he increased his from 4.2 to 2.8 during that interen to the youth who protest whole- business. He acquired real estate jval. While those from Germany USE GOOD PAINT heartedly his loyalty and devo- with his profits. At the age of 'rose 13 per cent since 1934, our tion to his native land and peo- almost €5 he was one of the com- j total imports rose 23 per cent." ple and culture. "Make yourself munity's largest property owners. i Viewing Germany's entire econat home in the good old hole of a He was a valuable member of lo- lomic situation, the report holds it prison." Escape? It simply does cal Jewish religious and semi-re- (growing worse. "She is not acquirnot exist; your very face may be ligious organizations. He provided ing fold or foreign exchange," it tailor made in the world's latest a good home for a large family of said, "in her foreign trade in spite fashion. The hour comes when— children who have grown into use- of her desperate attempts to stimback you go! So come on, come ful citizens. From lowly immi- ulate exports. A large portion o£ in! Don't pretend to be such a grant to prosperous business man, I her export trade is carried on with complete stranger!" church leader and good father — I countries with whom she has In order to bring new courage, few native born Americans achieve I clearing agreements, which do not j result in gain in her foreign exhope and faith to his grief-strick- greater success. change holdings." en people, the Rabbi who has returned from his sad and hopeless mission begins to unroll the maI Re-ehdei Mayor jestic history of Israel, "The Eternal Road" the Jew has travelled Aquila Coiirt Bldg. Juneau, Alaska — Isidor Goldunafraid, unconqnered, with substein, mayor of Juneau for the lime faith in God. By O. O. DASHEB ; last five years, was reelected at The drama Is divided into four Phone WE 6200 parts respectively entitled, The Hatred stirreth up strife, but Patriarchs; Moses; The Kings; love covereth all transgressions. The Prophets. Whoso loveth knowledge loveth Like all dramas written specif'The Clothing Corner of Omaha ically for the stage, the reading correction but he who is brutish is somewhat disappointing. Fund- b.ateth reproof. The wages of the righteous is amentally, "The Eternal Road" Is a great spectacle and only as such life. The increase of the wicked will it thrill and Inspire large aud- Is sin. Where no wise direction Is & make of it a. powerful production; and there con be no doubt that people falleth but In the multitude Max Reinhardt will do so when he of counsellors there is rarety. completes his necessary arrange- A good name is rather to be ments for Its public presentation. chosen than great riches. Hear counsel and receive instruction that thou mayest be wise FOOTPRINTS IX PALESTINE In thy old age. By Madeleine Sweeny Miller Rabbi Jochanan said: "A man Fleming H. Ravcll Co. 223 pages. shall not pray in a house where $2.50. there are no windows." (Because a house of worship must have This is an Interesting account light and sunshine.) of a recent .trip to Palestine, made Rabbi Elazar said: "He that by the author, wife of a Metho- wrongfully accuses his friend dist Minister in Brooklyn, New must not only appease him but York. Her chief concern Is to he also must bless him for acconnect PalPestine with Bibical cepting his apology." history and especially with the caRabbi Jochanan said: "As long reer of Jesus of Nazareth. In this as the Temple was in existence the she succeeds admirably. It is re- altar was the means of atonement grettable, however, that though for Israel, but now since the deshe indicates in many portions of struction of the Temple each the book an appreciation and un- man's table is the means of atonederstanding of Jewish endeavor in ment." (By Inviting poor and Palestine, she does not give it the needy to his table.) consideration and the space it deRabbi Jose said: "He who serves. Since her aim Is to des- wants his prayers to be answered cribe Palestine for the men and should not keep himself aloof •women whose chief interest is Bi- from the rest of the congregation blical, and particularly Christian, because pride cannot exist before such a criticism may not be Quite the Lord." Justified. Rabbi Arbin said: "He who enjoys a meal at which a learned man is present is considered as A TALE OF TWO KINGS By Sol Saphire and L. E. Win* though he were enjoying of Diburg. .United Publishing Co. New vine Glory."
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 19S6 ;cent municipal election, t-or Goldstein's family is the Jewish family here. . mayor of Nome, Dr.' Rex rarti, is also a Jew.
/ish Leaders jo to Central,
South America •Hn (JTA) — A delegation wish leaders left 3aat week •ntral and South America t o iate Tvith the various Goverlooking toward settlement rman-JeTvish youths. > plan, which has been ap» d by central Jewish organ Is here, provides lor estbbent of special schools in countries to educate the immigrants in the language pirit of the new homeland, chools would be maintained wish funds. :ordins to the plan, youths en the ages of sixteen, and y are to be maintained-by h funds from abroad. "The jroup of emigrants, numberiout 200, is expected to leave >n as the negotiations have completed.
MARKOVITZ-ROSEXSTEINr Hadassah HONOR MRS. MYERSON Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosenstein Beth-El Auxiliary Golden Hill announce the engagement and apMr. Paul Goldblatt. executive The next Oneg Shabbos of the'[ AT OEEG SSABBQS proaching marriage of their director of tee J. C. C. will ad- j Beth-El auxiliary will be held on The LrtdieF' 001(1015 IIH1 E daughter, Rose, to Abe H. Markdress the Hafiassah Sabbath group 1 Saturday, May 2. at the home ct More than 15 0 women attended will hold a meeting; Tuesday, ovitz of Hamburg, la., son of Mrs. Sarah Baila Cohen, well Saturday, April £5, at 2:30 p. m.i Mrs. Joe Rice. Mrs. Moe Venger 2S, Ft Z p, m., fit the ITnai Barney Markovitz 'of Council known interpretive dramatist of at the home of Mrs. Ignatz Berk- j will act as co-hostess. Eelieekah the Oneg Shalibos at the J. C. C. synagogue at IFth and last Saturday in honor of Mrs, Bluffs. I Graetz, who is supposed to be the Des Moines, will present "Adam," owitz, 615 So. 56th St. His substreet?. There will be an eiec; ior, The-betrothal was made known a powerful drama, written by ject Trill be, "Some Great Amer- j heroine of "Ivanhoe," will be tbe C?o]die Myerson, yell-known Pal- of officers. Important busin at a party given Sunday afternoon Lndwig Lewisohn, at the fifth an- ican' Jews." Mrs. Herman Cohen j personality discussed by Mrs. J. H. estinian woman Isbor leader, Mrs, Trill be discussed. A pocisl h by the bride-to-be and her sister, nual Hadassah "Give cr Get" will discuss current events. Mrs. j Kulakofsky. Mrs. Hyman Green- Harry Trustin was chairman of will take plsee after the buBln the afternoon. Sophie, in honor of Miss Dora luncheon, Tuesday, May 5, in the Joseph Rosenberg, chairman of berg will give current events. Mrs. Myerson nrired the vomes meeting. the group, will preside. Mrs. ReuMarkovitz, whose marriage to auditorium of the J. C. C. All new and old members present, many of whom will work Harry Ravitz will take place on All those who are planning to Mrs. Irvin Levin, chairman, an- ben Eordy will assist Mrs. Berkon t h e coming Philanthropic urged to attend. owitz as co-hostess. May 10. attend the fourth annual regional nounces an additional list of woCAHAN-FRESHMAN conference of Synagogue Sister- drive, to put more dignity into Miss Rosenstein has chosen men who will be guests at the ABRAHAMS-KRASXE hoods, in Des Moines Monday. the raising of funds for Jewish ENGAGEMENT Sunday, May 31, as her wedding luncheon. They are the Mesdanes ENGAGEMENT The Infant Welfare fund, which May 4, are asked to mate reser- caxises. She described the condidate. Mrs. B. Freshman announces Joseph Block, J. Chait, Herman supplies funds for the maintenMr. and Mrs. Ike Krasne of We Specialise Is tions in Poland and asked if any the engagement of her daughter, Council Bluffs. la., announce the Dansky, Ben Fisher, O. Fox, M.ance of Hadassah's Infant Wel- vations with Mrs. Herman Cohen. o£ the women if they had the Dora, to Mr. Sidney Cahan, son of engagement of their daughter, ANNOUNCE BIRTH Fox, J. S. Fisher, David Gold- fare Stations, -will attempt to fill A number of interesting features courage to tell t h e niotliere oi Kosher Smoked Meats will be introduced at this conferMr. and Mrs. Loeb Cahan of New Miss Ida Krasne, to Mr. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kaplan stein. Sam Greenberg, I. Fiedler, their quota with the proceeds of ence. It is hoped to have s large starving children to go on existsndl Kipperecl Salmon York City. Abrahams of Omaha, son of Mr.announce the birth of a daughter, H. Hirshmann, Morris Civin, A. a luncheon which will precede the ing •unless they were willing to Miss Freshman attended tne and Mrs. Edward Abrahams of Phyllis, Sunday, April 12, at the Katz, Jake Lipsey, H. Lowen- regular Hadassah meeting Wed- | delegation from Omaha. co all in their power to create a Municipal university of Omaha Omaha. Place where these mothers r r ' Methodist hospital. Mrs. Kaplan stein, Louis Margolin, Gail Mar- nesday, April 29, at the J. C. C. golin, Morris Margolin, Ben Mar- Mrs. Dare Epstein and her co-YIDDISH PLAY BY and : Creighton university. Mr. No -wedding date has been set is the former Pearl Lerman. children may again Jive 8 norr t golin, Leon Mendelson, E. Meyer, chairman, Mrs. Peter Greeaberg, Cahan attended the University of yet. life. E. A. Meyer, A. R. Mnshkin, Mor- are in charge. They are being New.York City. PROGRESSIVE CLUB Hostesses for the afternooi Mr, and Mrs. Abe Krantz anris Milder, Ben Newman, Julius -The "wedding will take place in •were the Max Bari'li nounce the birth of a daughter at Newman, Albert Newman, H. A. assisted by Mrs. Libby Kaplan and FELIiMAN-ZWEIBACK August. Mrs. Henrj .Belmont, the lunchThe Progressive club will sponthe Methodist hospital Monday, «TA. I2S1 r ENGAGEMENT Newman, H. Osoff, Sam Peltz, eon chairmen, and their commit- sor a Yiddish four-act play, M. D. Erodkey, Sam Beber, Ker- ; hlZ J*o. S3rd St. man Cohen, A. D. Frank, Jake April 20. Open Ereninps aixd, 8nn(ia,yp f Mr. and Mrs. Max Zweiback anNathan Pearlman, Ben Millman, BEKSIAX-FREIDEN tee. Mrs. A. ' S. Rubnitz is in "Chasa, the Yoseme," by Jacob Feldman, Paul Golcblatt. Clair nounce the engagement of their Jake Rosen; Aaron Rips, S. H. charge, of reservations. WEDDING Gordin, Sunday, May 10, at 8 Horwite, Manuel Grodinsky, IrMr. and Mrs. Abraham Wolf- Roddy, Dave Stein, Sam SteinThe marriage of Miss Marian daughter, Evelyn, to Saul W. Fellp. m., at the Congregation of Is- vin Levin, Harry Malashock, Ben | Freiden to Mr. ti€o Bercnan, son man, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry son announce the birth of a berg, Joseph Rosenberg, Dare rael, £5th and J streets. The play Silver, Dave Sherman, II. A. New-: Fellman. daughter Monday, April 20, at the Riseman, Dave Silverman, Morris of Mrs. Sara Berman, took place will be under the direction of Ben man, Julius Stein and A. S. Rub- ' Progressive Hebrew • Stetson Hate Miss Zweiback is a.graduate of Methodist hospital. Siegal, Abraham Schwaczbin, IsiTuesday, April 21, at the home The Progressive Hebrew club ] Martin. Mr. Sam Yaffe is the mu- nitz. • Arrow EMrts Technical High school. Mr. Felldore Sokolof, Ed Lincoln, B. A. of the bride's brother-in-law and hold a meeting Sunday, April sical director. • McGregor Sportswear Simon, Julius Stein, Irvin Stal- will sister, Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Sher- man graduated from Technical PLAN AFFAIR Mr. J. Selinsky, head of the 26, at 3 p. m. at the J. C. C. Im• Interwoven Socks man. Rabbi David A. Goldstein High school and attended CreighA mother - daughter luncheon master, H. .• Wohlner, Richard portant business will be discussed. publicity committee, promises the Pleasant Hil performed the ceremony in the ton university. will be given by Temple Israel Sis- Wright, Louis Wintroub, Max Election of officers for the ensu- people of Om&ta a full evening of • Vjw^p.r Underwear Wintroub, Phineas Wintroub, N. ing term will take place. All entertainment. "Some of Omaha's No date has been set for the terhood Saturday, May 9, presence of the immediate family • Cheney Oravatis A regular meeting of the PleasZalk, N. S. Yaffe, Nathan Wein- members are urged to be present. outstanding talent will be diswedding. only. •. • ant Hill Cemetery society will be stein. These items arc featured ai, WEEK-END IN OMAHA played in this drama." Out-of-town guests were Miss held Tuesday, April £S, at 2:SO Ela Singer, head of the comFor tickets, call WE ID71 or at p. m., at the B'nai Jacob synaIda Freiden of Chicago; Mr. andPEW DAYS IN EXCELSIOR pany producing a national line of Mt. Sinai Auxiliary 218 So. 14th street. Mrs. Edward Kantor of Sioiix City | SPRINGS gogue at 24th and Nicholas Messrs. Sam Gross and Maxcosmetics bearing her name, is VITAL DISCOVERY and Mrs. A. Zlotky of Frem^ont. streets. All members are urged to Steinberg are spending a few days spending the week-end in Omaha The Mount Sinai cemetery auxattend. IN WAR ON CANCER in Excelsior Springs, Mo. on business. While here she is iliary will meet Tuesday, April 28, ENTERTAIN IV HOXOB Women's Mizradsi Sll South 16th St. staying with her brother and sis- New York (WNS) — A revol- at the Adass Yeshurin synagogue OP BAR MITZVAH utionary method of treating canter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Patronize Our Advertisers at 25th and Seward streets. ImMr. and Mrs. Harry Turkel enMrs. K. "Wine will be hostess cer in animals that opens the way portant business will be discussed. Singer, 4SI9 Chicago street. Junior Pioneers tertained 60 guests at a buffet at a benefit bridge at her home, for a possible cure of the dreaded All members are urged to be pres- 2S7S The Jnnior Pioneers held a supper at their home Sunday eveWebster street, on May 6. disease in human beings has been ent. ning upon the occasion of the Bar meeting Tuesday, April 21. at the All members of the Women's MizPostpone Drawing developed by Dr. Mendel Jacobi MItrvah of their son, Norman Ed- J. C. C. A report on the kid party rachi and their friends are sskefl of Beth-El Hospital, Brooklyn, acheld at Irvington Saturday, April ward. • • form a table for this affair. cording to a report in the Ameri18. was given. ...' ' Beth £1 Ones Shabbos to The International Workers Or- can Journal of Cancer. Mrs. Wine's phone number is HarPlans for a rush tea to be giv- der, Branch 126, drawing, which TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS The next Oneg Shabbos conDr. Jacobi's method consists of ducted by the women of the Beth jney 5S62. Mrs. George Steinberg left Sat- en at the home of the sponsor, was to have been held on April j The date for the organization's an Injection of a diluted filtrate urday evening for Excelsior Mrs. Celia Hermanson, Sunday, 15, has been postponed until SunEl synagogue will tafee place Satof the typhoid bacillus into ani- urday, May 2, st the home of Mr.i rummage sale has been set for May 17, were discussed. A wiener day, May 17. Springs, Mo. mals having highly malignant and Mrs. Joe Rice, with Mrs. I. May 24. Old clothes and bundles roast for members of the club are needed and anyone having cancers. His experiments suc- Solzman as co-hostess. Saturday, May 2, will be held at something to donate is asked to ceeded in destroying the cancer the (arm ot, Mrs. Hermanson's A. Z. A. 1 call the rummage sale chairman, tumors within several hours after father-in-law. The members will Macy Baum, Grand Aleph S'gan the injection. ©7 fVO^^^ Mrs, It. Morgan. Patronize Our Advertisers meet, at the home of Minnie KutBy Mrs. Otrria M. Newman of A. Z. A., was elected delegate women arc beginning +© ler and will proceed in a truck to the thirteenth annual internaThe Jacobi experiments are warry ebeuf moihs. Btri to the farm. based on a discovery by Dr. Gretional A. Z. A. convention at the eeHing n e n t v doesn'^ •:i Asparagus Supreme. Pacific Palisades at Santa Monica, gory Schwartzmann of Mount Sikeep roefhs «wey from you2: tablespoons butter nai Hospital, New York, in 192S. California, July 20 to 27. Ernie AT JOSLYN MEMORIAL Fur eot*. . . . TK* tafesf . 2 ^tablespoons flour The program for the Joslyn Me- Nogg was elected alternate. ':''% ^cup milk ftlng te dc k fe rush your - B i ^ * * The Mother chapter softball The CFI plan may Interest ycul morial next Sunday includes: . iiteaspoon chopped onion furs i e iH« sefefy ef eu- ^ team will play their initial game Small monthly payments . . . in4 .p. m.—Organ recital by MarX% cups grated cheese stead of one single premium. of the J, C. C. softball league tin W. Bush in concert hall. BUY INSURANCE THE \-\ « egg:; mm** f**r . CONVENIENT WAY 3:30 p. m,—Lecture by Wil-Sunday. 1% cups canned asparagus If interested, can PJans are being made for. A. Z. liam L. Steele on "North Side Salt and. pepper MAUK LEON \Make a sauce of the butter, Housing Project" in lecture hall. A. Parents Day on Sunday, May 4:30 p. m.—-Piano recital b% 10. Every *ype of Insurance written flour and milk. When smooth, re21 Strong Companies inbsie. from fire and add unions Warren Leigh Berryman in lecAT 76S7 WA S1BO Patronize Our Advertisers and ScheeBe. Stir until cheese has ture hall. inelt,ed. Add beaten yolks and blend well. Carefully add asparagus cut in small pieces. Season to : taste., Fold in beaten egg whites. COME IN AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL Pour into a buttered casserole and 5r bake in a moderate oven for 30 chief end Pe$frpeti©! minutes or until center is slightly lirni. Before « fur coti k pkeed Sn our storage vaufh, •'"•:: Cocomiut.Cup Custard. ' we feke ever*.- possible precaution egaFnsf moth*. Take: ' Every coef is inspected! tKoroughfy, dusted and . 3 eggs slightly Ijeaten .•> glazed . . . &n& treated with e new chemical, non.. 6 tablespoons sugar injurious to fur er fabric, buf fata! to insect life. . . . ^ teaspoon salt * Aise, e* en ©sfre precaution, tKe temp«r«ture of tK« % •, teaspoon nutmeg vaulf is changed, «!fornaiin$ horn moderate to tub% Cup cocoanut fcl, ie> make «ksel«te tur* w» molh can Bv«. 3 cups scalded mDfc Combine eggs, sugar, salt, nutmeg: and cocoanut. Add milk gradW e /Uao B«psk. Eemod«I FIOT. smd. Mdkm C p Fani ually. Pour into butter cups. Place to You? Special Order . . . «J Eeosonabl* Prices, in a pan of hot water- and bake in a slow oven 35 to 40 minutes Kupotrictfs Fm Storage £eeSi#«—Fifth Floor OF AEL FIVE. or until knile inserted comes out clean. Chill. Turn out on a plate and serve with whipped cream.
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{Page S S
,1936 panion, .the Palestine Commercial Bulletin, bears interesting tidings for-followers of Mr. Peters who for many columns has been reporting the increase In Imports of such items as bacon and ham . . . 'The current lasuse Teveala that (for the first Ume in months) 3 sKarp decrease i s Imports - of those products has been recorded .-.:» Only" 9;962 JrUos of the stuff Was brought Into Palestine last October compared with 12,413 kilos the previous year . . . Safe-' ty;razor blades are booming, Imports of that product rose from 195 units (1000 to the unit) to 615 . . . Typewriter? also are increasing In- numbers" in the Holy Land, machines - weighing 2,150 kilos having been 'imported as
Estell© M.: Sternbergrer; executive director of ftT-prid'iBeitceways Rabbi Jacob: Mftifctn, author. o the recent work,*- "The Romance of Ha^idisni," has signed, a con tract to da "a biography of Hero . . *.;jftse;Keane; the lady'who will select plays'for .Alex Toiel'B new permanent producing'! company,' is wife'of-Herman- Shnmlin, th theatrical producer . . . '
pan fise' sswastika the! green shirts' The green. Bhlris'son to know, 'sad;, it „.: will sootsUnd absorption of wpuld-be Jewa s t k a laKnsed^asIa:uBed/asthe _-<.„ of houses •.___!-. of ••*•,•• • .. - inembers jjjgjjjj^yg ooff tthe immigrant* into Palestine." „ ^^prostitution are Social Credi ]]tome toiae to'litht,"-''that'the'-"Jewish to lit&t,that t h e J e w i s h :»sh : h e Social-Credit are j r a r f and they hare beejrstsitegj Arency fcs»':'nsaS6 a re*I .deBt- o'c i Party ;#5>aTid wona literary prise He said tfcat the relationship ria won- a literary prize • « »"Q iaey cave sre^u BIBKUSK j Agency DEJ maae a rrati-.fleat- on of p r t e t ag&tsst i t S i'Otld M s h B iih I G uS a " s b t t i l sum'from'protests ' vi »HM«»-a-snbstantial Sir-'Ortald Mos-jthe Britishi. GoverBinent.. The of~ the' United Palestine Appeal the "Spaulsh • AoMeTmiy * of "Litera- joey's anti-Semitic ^campaign: • . . . . | Hoasa, of .,3^r4s" debate' primarily 8Bd the Joint Distribution Corntare**fpr -his' book'on ColunsbtiK, J *{^<ever mind GoeriBJ5...-br Goeb-sand the 4^.bate Js,the,'House*of el ^ got the'tire, to go to Get H«"f was tha insbarr&8-• CoaansoEa sscond&rliy have elw&n ; * E ^ e was OBC OJ: "iriendliness Spaia-|o collect. ; . . ' ^ / ^ c h a j r H t t _ cable-recetred_ by .a-promin-jtS&ttheifeidersllip of England te"j and good wllL" adding, that' "naIs qBefof'the "cr^ek asenla.-(GiiaeH ent.*Kew Yorker while' to board s. j reTy geneltife\wjta- • regard •-.-. to lion buildiog Is not in competlt o r on) of the X>ip±timeat dt j B s .^efraaiisbJp . ' . . The senders 'were ichaiffcs of *non-eoo'iperation 'on' the -: tion. with organized charity." tice..'. . The Israel .'Day -"Nursery V i - _asti-Narl friends ie who wac led jE a r t of thft'. British'Gorerisment in! Dr. 'Wise <!ec5ared there-must T I D - B I T S •' • ^ .'; in New York.ia runBing.abeseflt t o g e t e T e a wicil fcia I o r 5 the matter'of .fulfilling the Bsl' be ~"mase emigration from PoOverheard two ladles •»t.'» recen at Miasky'8 bnrlesgue theatre . . . t h f e boycott . . DOCTORS: We have this atory vrlg Hathenau, father of the late four. Declaration".'-" j land,"--stating that latest figures Zionist meeting . . . One asked : E*.: Joseph; Rosen, head-of the from the Zionist Record of Johan- Walter Ratbenau, Introduced the "He' &&&&&:- "The '..legislative.'showed that-one half the Jews in Whatia this BiroVBrajan?" . . AgrtHJoInt TTork .in Russia, has nesburg, South Africa . . • It illus- first telephone to Berlin, not wlthr council has not yet beeh. estab-; Poland were living below the.subAnswered number two: "A colon returned to Moscow, jus'r as quiettrates the reported overabundance out encountering great difficblit3£&ed. >Tiae imnslgTEtlon restrfc-: stetecce level.' in Palestine?' . ' . ' ^ '-'What does ly as *^h« arriTed In-this country of doctors in the Holy Land . . tles and opposition , . . That the ition are temporary and^have not; Dwelling on Palestine's importBiro Bldjan mean!" inquire l weeks k ago fc. . . Darid DVId Lipr a couple "A passenger traveling one of th inventor of the Zeppelin was. not jyet been put'lnto^effect. There'; ance. as a refuge for German number* one-. . >...-;"6h,it's just buses that play between Tel Avi Count von Zeppelin, as-many peo| Is one wsy,'.and only one way—\ Sewe,. Dr. Vise said that' €7; per some Hebrew word," was the a u sky, son of Louis Lipsky, the Zionand a certain Jewish colony, faint- ple belleye, but the JewiBh' engiist,'Is; now In the motion picture •| and—Dr. Weizmaitn wag . entirely \ cent oZ the exiles hafl found a thoritative reply . . . Elias Toben. ed. ' Immediately the man sitting neer Schwartz of Budapest, and right In 'his, ceaseless a^irjna.tibi] I home there, while. America,-EngThe camel mar- kin,: Just back -l from a trip tha gams'..-. He has establish{!d3ead,Jew, against 1,263 next to hfm began to revive blm Its builder was • another ••.of o i the x n e principle pn — to bring- about! land, Hollecd. sn(S-the Seandlnatook him- to 15 countries; was re- quarters In' the Title ..-'Guarantee', ; ket must have become'glutted-for Arneteis . . . ' ' • : In professional style, announcing ceived with open "arms and grea BuilSliig of St.-Louis'and iir.walt-J. >New- Ipri-.{JTA) .—' Dr. Step-J mazlmcm imniiEration into ' Pal-, rise countries combined "had perthe imports * of the hump-backed that be was a doctor. 'So am I,' beasts dropped to a mere 358 from respect- by the -Nazi Governmen tng lor orders to.ilow In. for the .-hen's. Wise,, chairman of. the Uni-' estine,. that is to aappjr maximum Mnanently. taker care of "20.009 cried another passenger, pushing .".-. We understand that'he pass- teatuxe Iilm.. Thfe,rLand of. Pro-i,ted-Palesttire Appeal-suggested I funds for the'reception,' settlement" persons. STATISTIC: Our fireside com- 3,612 . . . towards the unconscious man and : ed up'advisedly the opportunities mise..; which he is*handling . . . . that the Jews of the world raise j elbowing the first practitioner out v offered' to "blmi to-interview Gber -'^5<r 00'0,]>'tX9 fbr''8«ti«ment workj J of the way. This was too much ing "and Goebbels . . .The Nasi Hitler has rewarded'Frits « „ - In --Palestine' ia order* to orercdme I for the "bus driver who leaped officials* were-extremely anxiou sibl," former leader of • the Amer- British - objections to Increased from bis seat and declared that • • • • ttf convince" Tobenkin that they ican<Na£ls,-with a l o n g rest-la a ; Jewish .immigration; o n the be, too, was a qualified doctor are not such a-bad lot . . . In concentration camp . ' .,Dr..Issac ground of sbsorptive capacity. and as it was bis bus he ought to cindently, Tobenkin Is withdraw Herzog, chief rabbi of Ireland,'' is :. He declared .In", answer to a get the first chance at- the case ing from- all public and social ac being -mentioned g "prominently p y mntoned as as Question by. the Jewish TelegrapWhereupon- a lady passenger ap- POLITICAL SPEAKING was reelected' chairman of the tivities to concentrate on a 500- the ^next AsbJtenatic-chlef c e f rabbi of o hic Agency ~at apress^ couferfeiice pealed to the chivalry of the Opponents of Governor Alf Lan- board of trustees of the Institute page volume, whicb'Putnam's wil Palestine Pl Hitler's "Mela that-"if the Jews"of America-and Opens Oaia Spring sn4 Sarrtmmr wrangling medicos, and .pointed don of Kansas say that his cam- for Advanced Learning . . . A n d bring out next fall under the title Kampf" has made Its appearance for the world, instead of thinking S Festuring out that she also was a qualified a tew hours later he sailed for in the Orient in a Chinese trans- '"In terms ' of $3,&O0,OO0 or $5,00©doctor and was the only woman paign manager pulled a first class Germany on a Nazi steamer . . The People Want Peace." . . . latlon*% . . Quentin Reynolds, nep- OWT-unger-the auspices ..of the, doctor present so they ought to boner by busting Albert Ottinger, You may remember, that the Insihew' of Judge Jeremiah Mah^oney, ^Council for. German Jewry, were! leave the patient to her. Meanwhile New York Landon-for-President PERSONALIA ' ' Some. even whis- tute was.founded by Louis Bamand ace writer for Collier's Mag- to tax themselres in the amount the patient revived and calmly an- committee There 'are some 'United States nounced that he did not Intend per that Ottinger, one-time Repub- berger and his sister, Mrs. Felix Senators who, when invited to-ad- azine.'agreed to ghosta bookr'for pf~ 550,000,000 for Jewish resetto pay for any of the professional lican candidate for governor, was F'uld, that Professor Einstein is dress Jewish- gatherings - or ban- Dr. Hanfstaengl Hitler's press ad- tlement In Palestine, the British service tendered. 'I am a doctor ditched because of certain Lan- on. its faculty, and that D r . Abra- quets,, charge staggering sums for jutant,1 provided Hanfsaengl gives Government would be moved to don's New York backers dldn^t ham IFlexner is.its director • - . '. myself!" he explained. halffthe royalities "to. the funds give quite a different hearing- to The usually well-informed Mag- expenses'. . .Sometimes they act- for; German-Jewish refugees . . . the.argument Inbehaif of greater want a Jew running the show . ually have heavy expenses because To counter these allegations Lan- azine of Wall Street predicts Hhat Londipn'B Jews are being assaulted economic absorptive capacity." don's friends point to the fact that Hitler will start a war by January they are accompainled" by memDID YOU KNOW? That at Eugene Meyery Washington newsbers of their family and a retinue by blaekshlrts and .-defended' byj He asserted:""! have every rea1st when Germany will be officialleast twelve of thirty-eight Ger- paper publisher; 'James P . ' Warof - publicity men - and braln-trusmans who won the Nobel Prize burg, banker, - and Ben- Levand, ly bankrupt.. .' Historians of avi- ters . . . One of these days we ation belive that' one of the rea, were Jews , . . That Alexander Kansas publisher, are among the might publish a list'of such- "amWoolcott, pudgy iadio commen- nslders of the Landon campaign sons for Dr. Hugo Eckener's anti- ateur"- speakers . . . Lena'Goldtator and author, doesn't like pos- . . The plan of the Friends of Nazi;vie-*B is the fact that the in^ smith, who is given credit for har (Established 1878) ing for pictures, refusing to be the New Germany (pardon us, the ventbr of the dirigible, which' has ng collaborated -with Edwin PisgiveV him world-wide fame, was snapped by ship-news photogra- German-American. League) catorin the new dramatic version to phers when he came back from nominate .candidates-in the New David Schwartz, a Jewish engin- of Dreiser's "American Tragedy,' r -. . . Athletic authorities in Europe recently on the Manhat- York election* this November; will Phoas Ja. 0551 — Pboae 594 — Phone 8S6S5 now being presented by the Group tan . . i That Dr. Chalm Weiz- come a cropper • oh a bill now Paris say that the French Olym- Theatre in New York, was none to wlthAsbestos' , znann, president of the Jewish pending ih the legislature V . . The pic Committee has agreed other than the late wife of Alfons : Agency for Palestine, got In a Jam Nazis have announced that' their di w from the • Berlin Olympic Goldsmith, who is now on the. facSlate-IU8 with the immigration authorities candidates "will be listed..under the Games but Is withhold!-rr ulty of the University In Exile . ' . . Asphah and Gravel at Haifa because he overstayed swastika symbol but the pending nquncement" for an opportune People are wondering what is hap' ' his tourist's visa and had to pay bill would ban the.swastika from moment.' pening- to the- relief - campaign FREE ESTIMATES — EAST TERMS . a fine of $5 . . . That Herman PeMELANGE sponsored-by the Federation of sigstein, a star actor with a Yid- he ballot Gqvernar Henry Frits, Lang, Metro-Goldwyndish troupe appearing fn Manches- Homer of Illinois is now the num- Mayer's German-born director/ has -Polish-Jews In America-. . . It ter, England, has reversed the Al ber one man of the Democratic in' his • possesion a copy- of a con* started, off with a,bang and now . . . MauJolson story, giving up the stage 'arty in Illinois . . . His smashing tract offered' him "by Goebbels to seems tp; have-flopped : rice David, author 1 of "Who Was for the synagogue when he was victory over- the'Chicago machine •bet'ome"• general-'director 'of~ the C6iumbus?"r*teils us that" in - Jaappointed cantor to the South if Mayor Kelly did the trJck. . . Side Hebrew congregation of Glas- Sovernor Harold Hoffman of^New German film industry , \ . Lang, gow . . . That the inventor of the ersey Is telling some of'his Jew- who Is a- Jew, declined the >offer microphone was a Jew named ish friends that Jewish public op- and then quit the country'. . ." Emil Berliner who, bad he known inion Is unjustly accusing him; of Frederic W. Ziv, Cincinnati adto what purposes the Nazi would tfazl leanings because: of • his at- vertising man, who Is the author All modern. five-room cottag*. use his invention, might have titude on the Hauptmann case . . . of ^The Valiant Muse", an anthology of war poems by authors 2523 8«ward>Strcet turned his Inventive powers to O!T THE RECORD who were killed in the World War, producing- a more efficient mouseAlanson B. Hotghton, former is.following in the footsteps of trap or something That Lud- imerican ambassador'to Germany, his Sunday School teacher, Mrs.' ,'JA 3S77
** .In* s
rictly Confidential ByPHINEAS J. BDtON
OMAHA — Co. MuM: — Smax City—Sioox FaD«
Call M. Markovite
It %**
QRr'msnnik imiks • polidcsl enemies K?ve tried to «mvej tfcc " imprassion a spit was'fiusvncat among Independent Voters Xe2g^e commiio d lk bas^eis" fel rumor."" coaimis^oaegs. B By vldou5 talk, ^^attempteifo.showlackof unity. They have, 'faHed.'"I^aj?or Roy N. Tow!, Hany Knudscn, John. Kresl, W. H. Doifsiice, Harry Trustm and FrsnkE; Frost stand isnitedbc^iiiid. their record^ cf good government. So that the pohlic may know their .-position tfiey have attached their names to-the ' " "
•' * •
P j
•v VISIT Marshalls' glass house and display gardens today.- Here you will see hun». dreda of varieties of high grade flowering shrubs, tnies and perenniab . . . many unique and unusual that cannot be found elsewhere. You can select your needs » with the assurance that you are getting Strong. Healthy Sure-dro-wing nursery, stock kept under proper, conditions. Every purchase is guaranteed by Marshalls.the. oldest* and largest.growers in Nebraska! furthermore, you profit by the help and advice of nurserymen who know the business.. Take advantage of this opportunity and buy your nursery stock DIRECT from'the grower. Get your trees'and shrubs for Arbor Day planting now. • < •_<f
^ e are grateful to thecitizens of Omaha loir thdr rot« of, c^afidence at the primary election. To our friends and supporters we renew*GUT pledge to - give Omaha dean and economical government. We. are nailed to accomplish" this: end and will--continue oar 1 easipsigh .with greater confidence that 'we hsve given Omaha .the type of city government it deserves. ^ « urge the good citizens of Omaha to exend their best efforts for each and all of us to the end that Omaha may continue its progress among-the better governed cities of the nation. - ;- " .
TOa if an uaujua! opportunity-for JO* to « l a MauUftii rtnuln. •tontwart^frd Bath for your yard.
SPECIAL . . . $ 1 . 9 S
The Beautiful
Th* mother plant of ttli nmizual . and dlffrrcnt to»« has been- growls**? without ear* or winter protection for over 43 yean! It '<* twartBg as many as 250 beautiful rich-red, -o«ea yearly.- WC-JUT* only-a f e w ' of them hardyr f«t-bloom!nl! rote* left, at th* amazingly low «%1 JCA prle«of »*•»» Onl7 On»-t» *, Customer
Free Booklet ' When you a n »t • Uw •balU'. h«« bookltt "How w riant."
. . . beautiful oolterr ., . tnllliM and other cardea furniture at very M i
«9-«cru nursery. ly ear«t tot to
before tne sprinit rains. Tor • best results nlaat Marahalls' blgh quality ntdl.
Certified LANDSCAPE Ssrvfeg TTayfarlatfrM Ulaa Moeltontnt* Homes
Foplat Jnaas Tree 4Be< Bad) ftott ITMS «f aD Ktadi
Plant BIG Trees
c int.:
(Drive one mile tctttof Ak-Sar-BenvnRighv&r 6) > • WBH KVgfgV EVBN1N9 (msUlSOIHQ SUNDAY} UHTO. 0 ©'CLOCK
rS2SSB»aaK5-K3?-j' • - XZ~l~Z?*~r-
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 orptlpn of would-be. Jcwigrants into Palestine." _ ild that the relationship United Palestine - "Appeal i Joint Distribution.'! Comas • one of "friejhdllneBs will." adding^that' "nalldlng is not -in. competior&anized charity." Ise declared there^must ss emigration from:' r o tating t b \ t latest figures that one half the Jews in were living- beltrw. the, Boblevel.' \>: ing on Palestine's; impbrta refuge for "(Jerman r. Wise said that' 67" per the. exiles had 'found s. ej-e, -while America..-Engjlland and the Saaridinantries .combined Had.perT- taken care , of ^20,0 00 r
delegates to "the congress would composed of juniors and although j championship squad, they will at More Jewish athletic talen! be, launched next month. After they, are given a slight chance to I least be sports from beginning to a star player with the Roberts I though they will be tough, are [ May 10—Tower vs. Omaha Jobis in charge of the Potato j not given much of a chance to : bing Co.; Psi Mu vs. Sample Furs; : needed as' displayed by the ' the ^United States and Palestine finish,among first division teams', i end. The Sample Furs will again I Dairy, : boys and with his coaching and j show. Omaha Potato Market vs. A. Z. A.• that Irvin Vaffe, forward on had been exempted from a rule re- the boys will. have the opportu- j bring, forth one of their usual [general, management, his team | 'No. 1. First round schedule: : Central Iliph baskf Uifill t^arn. 1 quiring democratic election of nity of displaying their talent, ! good teams and. should finish at delegates,, the Zionist Revision- which they used in. •winning the {the top. The.Omaha Potato Mar- j should not be lacking in the tech-j A rf 2 6 - T o w e r « . Psi Mu; ! May 17—Tower vs. A. Z. A. the only Jewish boy in-hiph. P>:1\ ,nical department of the game. ists, a right wing group, declared Urban league title, last year. Sam .i Omaha Potato Market vs. Omaha \ No. 1; Psi Mu vs. Omaha Jobbing ' circles to win a baf-kr-ibal!. In.1 Temple ket should be crowned champions j The A. Z. A. No. 1 will have as ; Jobbing Co.; A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. : Co.; Omaha Potato Mavkst vs. anfi receive recognition on they-were withholding participa1 Epstein, manager and coach, Rabbi- David IT. Wice Trill have i Sample Furs. lip tion in the congress because the learned his baseball knowledge on or at least finish in second place, jits^manager Ernie Nogg, and with 'Sample Furs, as his sermon topic this evening, as. the grocery boys iave one of : May £4—Tower VE. Sample- Athletic Honor Roll. Irvin gr j the addition of • Phil Kutler, the: May 3—Tower vs. *Omaha Poelections -were not entirly demo"Life' Begins- a t 13." Ilrs. Fred some of the outstanding .sandlot the finest teams in the city. John jboys should develop into a top-itato Market; Psi Mu vs A. Z. A. Furs; Psi Mu vs. Omaha Potato' uated in miclseason which spoi cratic . . ;>' Hosenstock will 'light the Sabbath ball teams in According Rosenblatt," former centerfielder j notch squad. The Towers will; No. 1; Omaha Jobbing Co. vs. ; his chances of being nnnied on 'Market; Omaha Jobbing Co. vs. : The Palestine question was adcandles. " --- . • ' ; • • . . • to Sam, his boys may not be awith the Omaha Packers, and now'bring out a good team and al-i Sample Furs. 'All-City squad. i A. Z. A. No. 1. Services Saturday morning will ded to the congress agenda. Other : questions which will be taken Tip begin at' 11 a. m. ' are: (1) Creation of a permanent Beth-El Jewish representative body. (2) The struggle for Jewish . At services, this evening Rabbi -David A. Goldstein "will speak on economic "and political, equality. . the life and works of Mendele the (3) The problem of the Gexr Book Seller. This is the pen name man Jews. . • ; of Shalom Jacob Abfamovltz, who (4) The fight against antiwas one of the greatest Hebrew Semitism. and-Yiddish writers a n d whose . (5) - Economic . reconstruction hundredth anniversary we' cele- among the Jews. . . brate this year. • (6) Democratization of Jew-;
ous Services
ish philanthropic institutions. i..r(7X. Emigration of Jews from fcertain 'countries. ._. (8)':Creatiojk of a., ; world-wide central Jewish fund. '
Rabbi-Harpld Berger will speak on vLUeratufe^and Propaganda" at-^Vaad services this evening at tW^B'nal ' Israel,v-'l 8th 'and Chi- -The .session was .opened by Dr. Nahum Goldmann,. leader of the cago.,' . .„-; Siiurday" morning he' w i l l movement in Europe for the Jewpreach in Yiddish at the B'nai Is- ish congress. He reported extensively on the situation of the Jews rael.' . ' . . ' . '''..Sunday morning regular father throughout the world,- stressing and son Bervices. will-be thfe/pllght of the^Jews in Germany : '••:. -• the B'nai Israel synagogue start- and Poland. ing rit 9 a. m. * ". •
O^t-Postponed World Congress : i, Plan Once Mor& Up for ;; - 'i r ' .'Discussion- -r" ;
Italianization of Falashas . Rome (WNS) —italianization of the Falashas, the black Jews of Ethiopia, has-been started by the Italian representatives,in Ethiopia, according to reports, reaching here from Africa. - , , / : ...Rabbis Terracina and Connino, chaplains to the Jewish;;soldiers inr thej Italian army-in1 Ethiopia, discussed the Falasha, % ' question with- General Badogolio,\ Italian coinmianiler-in-chief ,.,and • obtained permissioh.tov remain inGondar, near iajbie,. Tana,-to', bring' Italian culture|#.O'" the Jfalashas.
BAKER AIR CONDITIONING for every purpose
FREE... I-N-S-U-R-E-D STORAGE IN OUR SPACIOUS NEW VAULTS Pay cleaning charge only whin clothe* are . needed , for next seaton.
Distrilrated by
WESTERN Air Conditioning Corp. 104 So. 18th St.
Peerless Cleaners OFFICE AND PLANT KE. 1500
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Semi Lump
ctors of Cities Service
.. Per Toa....Guaranteed to Satisfy
:H r yfl
-1 •• 1
a*' default over these same boys and many wondered that if the match was played off who would be the winners. The midwestern A. A. U. tournament proves to all that-the Jewish boys.are', nptioijjy the finest players in the city, but that, there' are none; better'-in the states of Nebraska, Iowa and South •Dakota, Because of their :win ^ih the tournament, the Jewish, athletes are eligible to ; cdmp'efe' i i the national A. A. ~U-. hand.baU ttournament,;to be played 'oVf'ln the. Los Angeles A, C... with, the finals to be held on the estate of Harold Lloyd.. . . . •."•. •..'..." '• .The• junipr,boys'.. 10-mi^e swim; is progressing'rapidly, with three boys right In the thick of the
•; Sweet Batter •: Dated Milk • Soar Cream
"• 3 . 0 c " ; " "••"•-..
The 2oto»* Permanent Wave with no machinery and no • r*lectrlclty-used at ^S,50--ahd '-.•• ; up; 716 Branded Theatre Bldg.
Mr5jggzr!wric^iB;gr!BE.aM&,^M7gn -CT.T—as-.j
Coxae To .
The Best Hot Corned Beef Sandwiches in the City
Whitman's Delicatessen & Lunch 2417 Farnam JA. 4874 Open Dally and Sundays Till Mldnite '
Attend Rites of j Jiilius Kcitelman
• :/
and many other products, ask your grocer or c a l l . . .
AT. 4333
London characterized the plan as swim event. Norman Polonsky is an-'example of "unorganized initi- In the lead with 7 % miles to his credit, with Bernard Epstein and ative." SCHMIDrS Tbpy promised the support of Bucky Greenberg running second the "Tjnited States and Great Brit- and- third, respectively, with 7% CITY CLUB BEER alA'^or the congress, which will miles and 7 miles. Others entered in the marthon are Stan Feltfor a Pleasant Surprise discuss a program for a united Jewish front and a battle against man, Harold Oruch, Morris Rick- HAVE .5TOU.TREED -.. • lin, Harold Epstein, Eddie'kuklih. Na,zie!m. . SCHMEOT'S Zernovsky and Don'Zer"AJU, indication that direct nego- Marvinnovsky... ' ; . , - . . . . . tiations would be held with the Soviet Government for regeneraCITY CLUB BEERXQ. tlori^of- Russian Jews was given -Marvin Gerber advanced-to": Ufe 422 So. i3th r St. ' AT. SOOS byj.Bf. Nahum Goldmann of Gen-semifinals in the junior boys'-fable. awM evS^lleader of t n e Committee of tennis tournament" by defeating ^"3BM||Ba Jewish Delegations. He declared Sol Epstein, Melvin Dolgoft and that the congress would not in-Morton Adler. In the other brackterfere in the internal policies et, .Jack Epstein advanced to the . •, an"d'-religious problems of quarterfinals. ~JttSjnjsvzasBK3X!Bixs7Viim?3m*v-3fV->>*rr3z-:.&* ticmi' Mrs. R. Goldberg was announced Igx, Asch, Jewish author, statStop for Yottr ed ;in an address that "the Jews winner in the senior women's 10mlle swim marathon by completl fight for their rights; otherf y will not deserve them." ing her 880 laps in the J. C. C. Lunch and Relaxation -It'was announced that a world- pool last Monday night. Mrs. Gold_r AT THE wide'campaign for election' of berg was far ahead of her nearest rival,- .JSue Corenman, who had four miles to her credit, .-' STAR BILLIAm)S
Harry Stevenson, secretary of ";••*.. A N D LUNCH * the Bee-News Softball league, was a"guest of the Center physical de316 So. 15it& partment last'Monday night, giv'-"CContinued from Page 1 ) ing as his subject for the evening nl^k. Bear of Leayenworth, .Kan- the principal changes in the rules sas].''and the Misses Fannie, Toby, for 1936. The changes include and Parian Katelman," at home; new. pitching distance and new fiv€ sons, Louis H., Samuel H., pitching rules. When asked If the Joseph B., Maurice B., and Abesummer sport takes away interL. Katelman, all of- Council est In sandlot and major league v- We Are Serving a Bluffs; one brother, Solomon Ka- ball playing, Stephenson replied . Special American^ Dinner telman of Omaha; two" grand- that to the contrary the softbait daughters, Leona Katelman and game is making more people in- '"•""• EVERY SUNDAY at ': 'Harriet Maxine -Katelman, of terested in basebalL He claims Council Bluffs; and five grand- that since sofbtall has risen to 75c AI*P 85c P E B PLATE sons,- Aaron David Bear and My-such., popularity that there."' are •- 4 . Cqnrses Complete ron Max Bear of Leav-enworth, more baseball teams dn--the counFrom 11 A. M. to ^8 P. M. and Milton Katelman, Avrum Ka- try now than at any time before. telman, and Stanley Katelman of Council Bluffs. KING FONG CAFE Next Sunday morning marks! Several hundred persons attend- the beginning of the 1936 J. C. C,!:316 So. 16th St. ed the funeral services ..held Fri- sof tbaH league. This yeap'a- league - UPSTAIRS day; afternoon from the family res- •will have six teams yying for the idence. Burial took place a t thecoveted title and: the champion Oak ; Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers team -will welL deserve the tropfiy. wer,e:Abe Bear of L.eaienwOrth, Many-jthanlis are In order-for Iz Charles Saltzman o f Council Tretiafe, backer of the Omaha JobBluffs; and Messrs. Morris Katel- Ing company team, for his willingman, Reuben Brown, Dave Katel- ness to help bring forth future maij, Sam "Swartz, and Sidney Ka- Jewish, by giving, tfig^intelman) of Omaha: •* - '" early start. The Jobbing" team ia1
!Jim contracted a severe cold, a n d ; ^ f SiX Ivas put to bed by his doctor,'Tf^ I™* t ' e '&Tl6 ' hat w e ear each I causing him to miss both parties : ^rr J ' t**** * ti iaat t ha " e . . . The Gridiron Club Club show show to to be be ii tt * * "" Z Z ?? ^^ ff Th Gridiron ™™ presented May 12 is crowded with l;lfk ? ERt ^0THING • • • wouldn't we e eH a r o l d E l o c k s f a c 1 humor, and much of-this is sup-;a s hf e r e a E ' e dE thls ? ? plied by Marvin Trell € r,.who can j
n.-.-.-.-Ji-HareH Saks, with the! 1s?h115 P^hably explaing the sore l s that aid of the girls that work in h i s ivrl °ii " L i i " i a s b e e n troubled secr0ta.ry- J- -' • • -
V f
; and renewed activity in goK . . . ' 1 And incidently, most of the smart- !>_ V o a ier-boys in the local sports field, "*.""„. . _„._,. i are of of the the opinion opinion t h a t Bill I T h a t L o f l l e R l P s l s a SPIT-ftre for full information send jSchuchart, Highland Country club pro, is the class of Omaha golfers, a stamped, self-addressed eneveland -that's without any exceptions o-pe to a cousin of hers m Council o will be glad to tell . . . Jim Salzenstein had a tough i _ _ _ ; all about it. — The cousin break this week. He's on his vato be.Max Kramer, 72" cation, and was to attend two ay. . . . speaking of Lotvery fine formal affairs WednesDorothy Camel has been !! day day evening. evening. But But that that same same day, day,,,tie her T e r closs um since !
be very, very funny without acting I ..... Report hag. it that Ruth Fried- DO r o r KXOW? man finished near the top when I that Jack Ban, the handball votes, were tabulated to see -who,}! shark, .makes Fred Astaire look •vrould "reign over-the-Central High . a novice when, he starts shakStory Book Ball as Miss Central >lng o f f - a P18C« l l k e "Wa-Hoo"?—
assefted that "AmeriranVf Je'wjry; Grossman-also -were crowhgd- city figii^an ".fhampfpns by ^Jf|ue VpS ddes.not need lesspsns i i d i
a Mitzvah
, Sports
(J^ statement Was protested by DisJ' Henry Rosmarin of Poland airg'^. Schechtman of Paris, who declared that if democracy were eliminated it wtnifdi' WeanA the "b'urial of the Congress idea." 'iSnalom Asch, 'Jewish " ' writer, sabported Lipsky,. -stating that democratic elections'••^•oiild*!i accentuate differences.-amo Jews. ; '•• ; - ^ ' > V ^ - The plan announced by a iljjjjj1" ifch, delegation in the United States fpp expatriating--AOOiOQOl }Jgws from Germany was subjected to attacks at the closing?session:i;of i tbe\ conference. • }Wr> Xiipsky of' New -York,. vice prgsfilent of the. American .Jewtoll, Congress,- and M. H. Davis of
' man who w a s so un-wittingly i n ! veigled by Helen Sfcrier a t t h e J . Excelsior Springs is developing C. C. recently? — H e h a s been 11• Into a popular place for weekend . , . . . . .. i seen with h e r several times since I treks, judging from the number,; ^ ^ them t ether> 1 of persons- who make the trip _ ! every few weeks . . . Little Joe ; Liebman fear* that he is taking , Anyone of onr readers hav.. the place of Leon "Chief" Ferer j as a publicity getter, and asks ing a victrola that they are not j for a recess of several weeks. O.; using, can do a good turn, by i K., he'll get it . . . . Looks as placing this machine at the dis: though Highland Country Club is : posal of shnt-ins. If yon have j set for one of its best seasons' that victrola, please communij in recent years, what -with the j cate with the Jewish Press, and new addition on the clubhouse, j make someone extremely happy.
! From the C u f f . . .
. »j3«M«a«i«&g ma.maHai'.. jibjai.K3g»5Bg^
'Paris ,(JTA) — , i " world Jewish tfongregj:: to combat .Nazism and establish- : a'.united -t ttewish front 'Will be- held next August, it,was" decided, by. a Conference of. the Executive.. Committee for the | Ask Tour World;J,ewlsh~Congress;.." . .' . ' I Grocer far The United-States andPalestine. By SGHAPlBb were 'excepted from a 'decision of POBBES TENDER CRUST the conference that democraticAnother honor has been beelections must be held for deleBREAD gates to the .^congress.. Palestine stowed upon the Jewish Commu-r wlfi' Be "represented.'.by Its.' Jewish inity 'Gjenter" 'a'tnletic- depaitment ;: - libokv for the .-O.range* Morris Bloom and Paul Grossman National Council. and Blue Label "•^ije action was taken after the b e c a m e midwestern A. A. tr. A Trial Will Convince You question of a rule on democratic doubles handball champions when they defeated John Casey and Bob elections had precipitated a heatFORBES BAKING CO. M,_O. A. hopefuls, in ed-debate during wjiich LonisJJlp- Wurgler. Y, 4 2711 X sky, >of New Yorkf.-vic^;.ptesid;§ij^ three hafd fought game9,-'14-21, 4 2I*12 and 21-17. Blopnv; and r of 'the American JeHTisj^Gongfess;'
.Ship to his credit, when he received the Highland Country Club E-umcr has it that the picture appointment to that position . . .\°L ^h* debonair young LeavenWho is this Mel Burke that o n e j w o r t l 1 "treeter, (Norman Bordy) hears so much of lately? . . . A n d i n o mor e.£™ces the window of the why don't the Appleman 'girls-! fown-town photographers. There crash into print anymore? . . . \ ! s ' o f c o u r s e ' t h e Possibility that The Pi Lambda Phi fraternity.par-I' 1 w ^f -^ ank ed by "the present ty held Wednesday evening at the I t i m e Casanova', himself, to. send Hotel P a s t o n n a s been nominal- j ^ a c e r t a i n Party^ . . . in Sioux ed as the smoothest local party j ^ l t j "" For the. past year he has of the year so far . : . , Tale Hal-j b ^ e n burning n-P the mails—telehoile perin South Omaha bov, holds !f l»es—and highways to down three, different jobs daily, i k e e p - i n almost constant contact working at different places in t h e i v u h t h l s captivating brunette. morning,' afternoon, and evening does, "quick like a mouse" . . . Smce his Jocal debut as an ac- m e•\\M hat t0.Adel>e T s t e l m a n ? tor in the Conservative • Capers, Herbert Kaplan has been " very j ' T h much in demand lately to take |g M a R ^ » part m amateur presentations . j now-where did d Automobile dealer Harry S m i t h y cocktau? , , really gets around . . A pretty „ Qf curious as to swanky affair was the one. given the reason for the mob srounti Wednesday by the Iz Chapman's the basket room at the J. C. C. in honor of the Chernlack-Wessel last Monday morning, it is a pleasforthcoming marriage. Mrs. Chap- ure to inform you that the felman is a sister of the groom-to-be lows were congratulating Saul W. , . . Celia Lipsman is making an Fellman on his engagement to enviable record at South, High. In Evelyn Zwieback, which was analmost every activity there, she nounced S u n d a y . . . .
recently added the co-editorship 6l the school paper aiia~commencement speaker to her. list . . -. Bob Cupid Clippings Stiefler was very embarrassed at Who is the dark-haired
girl the Forty-Niner recently when "he j that has been seen with Joe Sesordered a glass of beer, but wassil at Peony Yreqijently? There will be a marriage for turned down cold by the bartender, who said that he had strict Al Oruch and Rose Flanchek. What has Bob Smith been doorders from the boss not to sell ing since a certain girl started ! beer to minors . . . going steady with a certain fellow?
Let Gould Attend Yosir Drag Needs • Visit us in our new location where you will find a complete stock of Drug and BITS Sundry items. • Those who attended the Spring
Al Jolson and a friend were at Formal of the Phi -Epsilon Pi ina swimming pool watching some Iowa City were the Misses Pearl fancy diving. "Isn't that marvel50th. 4 . Dodge St*. : . VVA. 0SQ2 Osoff,, Libby Fishberg, Florence j0CE? » admired the pal. "Yep." Smeerin, Evelyn Reuben, Lorraine admitted Jolson, "but he can't' PARKING SPACfi Myerson, Henrietta Sessel; Mes-1 'Mammy' ". Prompt Delivery srs. J. Harold Saks, Leo Nogg, and Which reminds us . . . the foreLeonard Krasne. .. court of the Chinese Theatre will;
Gould Drug Co.
boast a new mark — Jolson's knee print. From this, posterity will be able to trace the shadowy 5| . What is behind the story of the lines of Al's crouching figure singgruesome apparition that tried to ing "Mammy" on and on unto choke Mildred Saferstein last Fri- eternity . . . day night??
Canadian Bonds and all Scotches CEIGRHVUIG CO.
Phone Qt.4626
In Appreciation of Your Past and Future Patronage
First Kortgnsc Lor,r.f nnder Federal Housing Art Repaid Over a Period c r:> * to Trenty Teare Also Sti-aight Loans at 4 '^ . .* or &li Per Cent
HOTEL FONTEXELLE Fine Flowers Moderately Priced Open Evenings and Ho!id?.y» AT. S300 AT. 6SS6
£04 Keeline
Psstoa RStehcS Co. Foundries 7th and Martha; EA. 5
Brass, Bronze Atnihinnm, Soft Grey Iron -and Semi-Steel Castings. Wood s,n6. Metal Patterns
•3, L, Krage.Prop, a Harncy St.. 1st Dcor ^^'e1-! oCentral Slavket
Standard sizes Bronze e n d Iron Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern Rings and Covers, Doors. Sash Weights a n d Yellow Brass Plumbers' Ferrules, carried In stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze and Cast Iron Grilles s Specialty.
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Cleaned and Bioeked Only Repaired While You Walt FREE—Pick-up and Deliveries in Downtown District Phone EA. 4530
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111 SHOE EEPAHs. CO. 1SUC F a r n a n .
Ees! 'Estate anfi Property Management You can't stop a windstorm, but yon can buy windstorm insurance from Frsnkel S3 Douglas Block S&CKSOJX 15S3
CLEAN- LINENS ITth and Vint<vn
OMAHA LAUNDRYCO. L/*?t ns keep your frarmentP c!*»vi. fresh and crisp, tnvA give th«n. kincrer life.
"For insurance Sfe Franke! ^rHffmff^iSiniM-
HENRY W. 1KER 224 Insarance Bids.' . -" • Wiring of all MnSs. • Motor Installations. • Lighting Fixtures." •
Ettimatei Gladly Furnished Call
.. !
AT. 6479
In France and in the Provence, i AT, €221 a medieval Jewish writer informs AT. 8911 The century chapter of A. Z., it was the practice on Purlin. . Every iMsnity Service is giving a'dance this coming Sun- to take two smooth stones, write W E T WASH TO FINISHED day night at the Paxton Hotel, {on them the name of Hainan, and
and, from what can be gathered, then knock then or rub them this dance promises to be one of against each other until the name the highlights of this seasons so- is obliterated, in accordance with cial events. Lets all give the boys the verse "Thou Shalt wipe oatsome real support by being en the iaemorv of-Amalek" (Deut hand. JXXV; IP.)
:S IFSJ 'V- 9-"-
WOBK i-et us keep your wearing eppareS Immaculate W© take time to <Jo i t right by being slow and carefuS
SHAFT. SHOf C. Mtddlemlss ITasha5>)<> Shaded They Never Crack -or Brent; -Shadovr-Prort* Sbfute*. For Kedroows a is <5 rooms Ti'e e!?o clean nnt) reverse j'oiir oid shades Shades
ns IJOW e s EBc
STonr Ovri) K-ollers 55OO 4202-4-6 yam I (ton
president. Four new members, verdict, it was ruled that marLos Angeles, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. |nate for this purpose is asked to'' Mrs. Sam Meyerson entertained Mrs. Jack Kozberg, Mrs. A. Bee-riage between Jews and Germans, Joe Krasne, Mr. and Mrs. -Moses \ get in touch with Mrs. M. Yudel-; the members of her nffernoon chen, Mrs. Morris Rubin and Mrs.although no longer allowed, imKrasne, and Mr. and Mrs. Mick [son, president. club p.f. a lunolieon at, her home Sovl Seff, were introduced at thepose upon the "Aryan" partner Krasne, all of Fremont, Neb, Mr. at 600 Roosevelt avenue, Wednesmeeting. the duties of faithfulness and and Mrs. Seps left.. Tuesday for day afternoon. Mrs. Joe Lewis of Los Angeles, The annual conference of Con;support. Long Beach, Cal., where they will MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Cal., arrived here last week for an BIF.R.K. seryative auxiliaries will be held make their future home. "Whoever decided to marry a extended visit at the home of her;AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF this year in Des Moines, la., onperson of alien race," the court INCORPORATION OF JEWISH May 4. Members of the local aux- declared, "undertook a life conMr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg' brother-In-lawXand Bister, Mr. and COMMUNITY CENTER AND iliary who plan to- go are asked to tract and as long as he has not The jubilee banquet planned by and son, Michael Lee, of Oakland, Mrs. Ike Krasne. Numerous afWELFARE FEDERATION the Council Bluffs lodge No. 688, fairs are being given in her honor. get in touch with Mrs. Rueben been divorced he is not entitled >°'|Cal., arrived here last Friday to NOTICE IS liErtUBY GIVEN That Miller for full details of the con-to renounce his obligations be» B'nai B'rith, for Wednesday eve make their future home here. At | at the amial me»;;iif of the-.IE WISH This evening, at Stiaare Zion ference. ning, was postponed indefinitely •••'•„" cause he is feeling the effect of due to the death of Mr. Julius the present time they are house The Council Bluffs lodge No. i synagogue. Rabbi H. R. Rabinor racial inequality. On the conguests of Mrs. Greenberg's parCSS, B'nai B'rith. will hold a reg- : cvdKv\ ih\C"Jris the Artideo 'if 2nwitz will speak on "Czar Nicholas or oration Katelman, who had been invited p.rnendpd as fo''ows; j ular meeting next Monday eve- P the partners In such a mar- to be one of the few honored ents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks. and Mendel Bellia." Cantor A. Jewish National Fund trary, riage should show greater conj ning, April 27, a t ?:30 o'clock in PHskin and the synagogue choir The ma n;iVement and artminisj guests for this affair. Mr. Katelllorris Brandeis of Chicago, the Eagies hall. Reports will be • Nation of the affairs of this cor•will chant the ritual. The Senior Hadassah chapter, sideration for each other despite man had been one of the charter 111., is spending a couple of weeks j given about the Southwestern Re- i of Governors and an completed its spring collection of racial differences." The annual Jewish Philan-R J r S T T B ^ Z the JeWish National Fund boxes here visiting his mother, Mrs. I. ' £rional conference of the 33'na.i i Committee who shall have concur!> f ter of the B'nai B'rith at the time j powers. Xo action of either L. Brandeis, and his sisters, Mrs. i B'rith, which was held at Sioux'. rr-nt thropies campaign in Omaha c e , e b r a t e w s Bar Mitzvah. Fol-this week, augmenting the fund body shall, however, be modified, of its organization over 25 years Herman Handler and Mrs. Simon; City, la., last week-end. t aid id thirty-four thitf l l na- lowing the services, members of by approximately 5300., to local, revoked or reviewed by the other WORLD'S WINDOW ago. Steinberg. I ' body without the consent of th« tional and international agen- the congregation and the ladles' Thursday evening, a moving Mr. I. B. Padway of Milwaukee, actinp body. The Board of Gov(Continued from page 1) i in picture was shown to the children ernors and the Executive Commitcies will open on Sunday, May!auxiliary will give a reception S Wis., district grand president of tee shall meet tit such times as may Helen Wiener, C-year-old daughCOHEN, Attorneys 17, and continue for one con-i*^ social hall of the synagogue, of the Talmud Torah, with the It may be replied that a closed Grand lodge No. 6, B'nai B'rith, he provided in the By-Laws, and a t 7 3 73 m a l l a Nat. Bk. B centrated \reek until Sunday,} honoring.Isadora. all times when the Board of Govadmission charge of two cents for group con become the competitor accompanied by Mrs. Padway, and ter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wien-II is not in session the Exec« ,, oA Plans are being completed for each child going toward'the Jew- of another closed group as easily Mr. Otto Felton of Chicago, dis- er, passed away early Wednesday! :s-OTlCE IS HEEiEBY. GIVEN That' ernors utive Committee shall have full a ta ,7 .. .. " " . . " 'the Mother's Day y serrice, which ish National Fund, This completes April 22, following a linJuly constituted speeiaj i power to manage and administer as an individual can become thetrict secretary of District Grand gmorninc More than three hundred m e m - j ^ b e r i n g illness. T h e body was t a k e n , Jn • the affairs of the corporation. the quota of $100 set by the three competitor of another individual. lodge No. 6, who spent where funeral '• day of March, lDot;. pursuant to reben of the^B'na! B'rith repreThis se^lce will be the The Kxeoutive Committee shall Talmud Torah classes- taught by To which there are several reason- day in Council Bluffs, were hohwill VIA hplrl Frir'sv Mr I Q uisi te notice, the Amended ami Sub- consist nf the duly elected officers. fafe sentmg chapters of six states, at-concluding V.UI D6 neiO. i r i a a j . Air. tj uted Articles of incorporation of Friday evening service B t shall be; An Honorary Presitended the sessions, luncheon and of the year. Participating In theMr. S. Krupnick. The classes will able replies: Colonization on un-ored guests at an informal lunch- j and Mrs. Wiener will accompany; the said Alamlto Dairy Company were •who dent, three Honorary Vice-Presibanquet of the annual Southwest service that evening will he inscribed in the Golden Book used lands Increases the wealth eon and meeting given by the lo-the body and attend the funeral.: amended in the following particulars, dents, a President, three Vtceto-wit: of the J. N. F . and will celebrate of the country. The Jews them- cal officers of the B'nai B'rith at 1'i-osidents, a Soeretary, and a Article IV of the Articles of Treasurer, and twenty-three memAbe Beechen with a party next week. Approxi- selves i Incorporation will be not only heavy pro- the Hotel Chieftain. Twelve memwas amended to read eri by ami from the J',oard of Govmately ? 1,0 00 has been raised for ducers but heavy consumers. They bers attended. Dr. Isaac Sternhill The Sisterhood of the Talmud ; as foiluws: to-wit: bprs. fifteen of whom shall be *lect. - to an impressive close with a ban"The total authorizr-d capital stuck r-rnors at its fir's* nieet'ns: <oiiow» the Jewish National Fund in was in charge of the luncheonTorah society is planning to hold • "( quet in the evening at the Jewish i will be glad to begin with subsisof the corporation-shall be SU'OU.OIMJ.UU, inn- tile Annual ^Meetinc; of the corCity during the year. a rummage sale ,in the near £u. . , . :! divided into 2U.UH0 shares of Commnn . Voratiiin. eight of whom shall tence. Finally, as in Palestine, meeting. i1 .i Community Center, where I. B MOTHER-DAUGHTER .| TEA Sioux be appointed by the President with The Land of Promise, a Pales- many will bring initial wealth ture. Anyone w h o h a s a n y old atock of the par value of sio.ou each, i Padway of Milwaukee, Wis., and a n a the advice of the officers and electIU.U'HI shares of Preferred block tinian movie, will be brought to with them and American Jewry ed members and all of whom shall COMMITTED NAMED Sioux Among those who motored to clothing, etc., t o discard a n d do- j ] president of the B'nai B'rith, Dis. ' of the p a r value of 51 -•.()'.> ear-h. all of serve for a term of one year, o r City during the-'middle of wil equip (this would be the great Sioux City, la., Sunday, to attend i trict 6", spofce. until their successors are elected; ' • • -which when issued shall be i"ully paid Committees • have been named May by the local Jewish National task of the J. D. C.) the needy the Southwestern Regional conferexcept, however, that the Execul In his talk Mr. Padway stressed & KELLEY Fund council. vices useful to t h e corporation and tive Committee for 1MB shall not Union Sta>e Bank Bldg. and the young with both means ence of the B'nai B'rith were Mr. 1 the activities- of the B'nai B'rith for the Mother and Daughter tea of a value not less than the par value be selected until nfter April 1, 1936. to be • given , by the Mount Sinai of the stock issued .therefor. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Mr. and ARTICLE VI. and training. I lodge which' maintains the Hillel PROBATE NOTICE The holders of the Preferred. Stock The Board of Governors shall -Mrs. Herman Meyerson, Mr. andIn the Matter of the Estate of Reid shall 3 foundation in many colleges and Sisterhood on May 3 in the tem- Hebrew School Registration be entitled to receive, when and consist of the officers elected at the Mrs. Morris Grossman, Mr. and \V. Talmage, Deceased. as declared by the Board of DirecAnnual Meetinp: !:nd .• membership unversities, homes for the aged, ple annex. The tea will take the The World Jewish Congress to Mrs. Sam Bubb, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Notice is hereby given that the tors, out of the surplus or net proiits. selected as follows: Each Jewish. place of the usual banquet given ' " and homes for orphans as parts A new beginners' class has been which Dr. Stephen S. Wise and creditors of said deceased will meet but only out of accumulated profits Orcranization in Omaha, which has not out of the profits of any sub- been in existence for more than on* I of a broad program for hetter- by the Sisterhood of the temple. organized in the Talmud Torah Louis LIpsky are summoning Jew- Meyerson, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan the executors of said estate, before and year or years, non-accumuyear, shall be entitled to one repMrs. Sam Pickus and Mrs. Louis and registration for the class will Gilinsky, Mrs. Joe Rosen, Mrs. me, County Judge of Douplas County, sequent ' j ment of the Jew. . Nebraska, at the County Court Room, iai-ive dividends at a rate not resentative on the Board of Goverish American delegates this sumAgranoff are general chairmen of Charles Saltzman and MeSsrs. Max six per cent i.(i percent) per an- nors, and if its m»mbi.-shin bp more in said County, on the Sth day of ^ "There are Jews who do not continue through Sunday morn- mer might well make it one of its payable in preference and priorthan l')<) thnn me ividitional repthe tea. On the program commit1936, and on. the Sth day of f -j belong to the B'nai B'rith organing. Parents, whose children chief tasks In bringing to the at-Harris, Ben Seldin, Al Fox andJune, resentative for --acft V'v or ma lor August,-I&36, at S o'clock A. 31., each ity to any payment of any dividend tee are Mrs. Pickus, Mrs. AgranDr. Oscar Greenberg. on the common stock for such fiscal fraction thereof in excess of 100 ! £ ization because it is a matter of should be enrolled, are urged to tention of humane men in all day, lor the purpose of presenting same to be payable semimembers, t-uch representatives shall ^ ' e a r ' the or dollars and cents to them," Mr. off, Mrs. Sol Seff and Dr. Delia register the children on Sunday lands the tragic situation of the The next conference will be held their claims for examination, adjust- annuolly otherwise, as the Board pf.j-ve for i< term of one year bement and allowance. Three months nf Directors n a y from time to time cinnine with January 1 and terPadway said. "A greater menace, Galinsky. The children's re^ue, morning in the classrooms at theJewish people, to make it clear in Council Bluffs in October, are allowed for the creditors to presa determine. In addition thereto, in the minating on December 31, except however, Is the Jew who joined which will be presented during the Shaare Zion synagogue. that that people, through the dis-1936. Mr. Nathon Gilinsky is vice or May, 136 event of any liquidation or dissoluhowever thpt the first Board of tea, will be coached'by Mrs. Sol president of the southwestern retion or winding up (whether volunUoveniors c-ic-cfed under this secand. then dropped out. He is a cipline of the Zionist ideal and BRYCE.CRAWFOivD, tary or involuntary) of the Corporation shall be elected no Inter than gion. traitor to the organization. AllSeff. under the hammer of history, has tion, the holders of the Preferred April 1. IMi;. and shall hold office 4-li-36-ot. Lounty Judge. Mrs. Joe Levin, Mrs. Ell Seff our plans and activities are based . Stock shall be entitled to be paid in until .December "l, jMfi, Rrirl until learned its lesson; that It would the par amount of their shares. their puccpspor? are duly elected, Mr. and Mrs. Sana Seps of Los FRADENBURG, WEBB, E_ESER, !i full on a certain membership quota and Mrs. Sol Novitsky are in not if it could, risk once more the and of all unpaid dividends declared Rnd shall be elected by the organand the person who drops out charge of the reservations. i thereon, before any amount shall be ization. KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY Miss Hannah Friedman, daugh- j penetration into a finished civili- Angeles, Cal., spent 10 days ; liaid to the holders of the Common The menu committee will conhurts the organization and shirks The Executive Committee shall zatory structure but that It asks, here on their honeymoon trip, vis200 Union State Bank Building ter of J>. S. Friedman of Peoria, ' Stock, and the remaining: assets and have the ricrnt to name members of his duty to the lodge and to Juda- sist of Mrs. Mike Grueskin, Mrs. 111., became the bride of a for-like other men of other breeds in iting at the home of their uncle NOTICE Omaha, OF INCORPORATION OF ; funds shall be divided and paid to the the Board of Governors at large In Nebraska Morris Weil, Mrs. Abe PHI, Mrs. POWDER BAR" holders oE the Common atot-'k aceord- the n~ mber of one for each four ism," Mr. Padway saW. other ages, only for land and life, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ro-"CHARLEMAGNE is hereby that '•the un-ing to their respective shares. The representing organizations. . given ._ Meyer Levitt, Mrs. A. H. Baron, mer Sioux Cityan, H. Bernard only for the right to Riant andsenberg. Mrs. Seps will be remem- Notice id h f d a corporation : Common Stock shall be subject t o t h e E. E. Baron ^presided at the dersigned have formed Rocklin of Des Moines, Sunday afThe power is reserved In the Mrs. L. S. Goldberg, Mrs. M. B. bered here as t h e former MiSS : bunder the laws of the State of Ne- : prior rifrhts of the holders of the Pre reBoard of Governors of the corporbanquet. The invocation was giv-Herzoff, Mrs. Philip Sherman, ternoon, with Rabbi Eugene build find be — be on its own,Mae raF declared, Jf. herein Cornbleth The marriae-p nf i ka, The name of the corporation '• ferred stock, as ation to determine the eligibility of p R j T » - =ffei r»e tSto a ™ » t>,-,-u-ri»,v,= „ * , • , „ , Mannheimer officiating. Mr. Rock- give of its gifts, create its ownj i a e u o r n o i e i o . i n e m a r r i a g e 0 1 h a l„I b e »" pChh arril «e ™ ull divid ti en by Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs. Max organizations to participate in "and Bar," thefiscal year of a s n e Powder with its principaln i place of business a t 'after for any on the Preferred affiliate with this corporation, and Oi and community singing of songs Rosenstock, Mrs. 'William Lazere, lin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M.wealth and culture, deeply loyal the young Couple took place £on Doug-las County, Nebraska, the power is reserved in the ExecO h D C N b k j| Stock, ' or if, after a sum sufficient to the free democracies who mayMarch 22 at the home of j , e !| Omaha. E. Rocklin. of the business f< arranged by Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, Mrs. Fred Sherman, Mrs. W. C. utive Committee to designate rep. , . » . . ^ _ 1 The i w c general faciicim nature u a t u i c yjx. tile u u ^ a c ^ s for iui the Hie payment j'ii.v lilt-la thereof LJiei eol shall fcil.ili have nine permit it to accomplish these ends was led by Harry Horwitz. The resentatives at larpe to the Board „„ p a) The bride attended the UniverDriae S uncle and aunt, Mr. and j to be transacted Eha.ll be to engage been set nsirle from the surplus or net Slotsky, Mrs. Herman Slotsky, ^ retail and wholesale cosmetic p profits of the Company, there shall of Governors. by jyirtue of its necessary loyalty Mrs. choir of the Sioux City chapter Mrs. M. L e v i t a n , Mrs. M. W. M. Slosburg in Los An-! £, sity of Illinois and belongs to the b ll llease, own, ac- ; remain i any surplus l or net profits of v, o it, • ! business; to buy, sell, ARTICLE Vll. of A. Z. A., tinder the direction of Schjyartzman, Mrs. Harry Hor- Alpha Epstlon Phi sorority. Mr. to its own creativity and its owngeles. There shall be established seven n e r e on t a e i r • quire, and /or enctimber real and per- such year, any and d all such surplus n freedom. honeymoon en route home follow- j1sonal property; and to do all things' or net profits of such year, and ot standing: committees hereinafter Sam Krupnick, sang several selec' p t y d t d ll t h i g Rocklin, a Central High school m tions. Talks were given by Lester witz and Mrs. H. Lazere. • „ „ .,„ ««<.»»-« *_•j necessary or proper to effect the pur- j any other fiscal year for which full named to carry on the functional activities of this corporation. graduate, is the assistant manager Ing an eastern trip and were ex- j p , ^ ^ a n d objects for which this cor- , dividends shall ha-e been paid on the Bf Davidson, president of the local Tea hostesses will be Mrs. A. J. A Committee on Jewish Eduentertained. Mr. and Mrs. ! poration is created. The authorized Preferred Stock, shall be applicable to B'nai B'rith chapter and by Miss Gopdsite, Mrs. B. Courshon, Mrs. of the Montgomery Ward store in (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts tensively Rnwnhprr ontprfainort =Vir.Tif -Pift-^ I capital stock shall be Ten Thousand to dividends upon the Common Stock; • cation. -. A Committee on Jewish Philus Jeannette L. Agrant of New York, Ben Pill, Mrs. Barney Aronsohn, Des Moines. Mr. Rocklin and His Feature Syndicate.) Rosenberg entertained about fifty Do iiars ($10,000.00), and all of the and out of any such surrUis or net relatives a t a family dinner at ' paid stock shall be common ant^ of profits the Board of Directors may;anthropies. tx a member of the auxiliary ot theMrs. A. L, Galinsky, Mrs. I. Mill- bride will make their home in Des f-hoir hnma «f 91;; Crtiit>i vfntt, ! the par value of One Hundred <$100.-: in their discretion declare and pay:.". A Committee on Jewish ComP» Moines. me.ii iiuiUB a t .SiO SOUin i\inin ;0 0 ) i^nars per share, and shall be dividends upon the -Joinmon Stock ol | munity Center. er, Mrs. Mike Skalovsky, Mrs. Max -B*mrt-B'rith. of the New York. 4. A Committee on Jewish Free street, Sunday evening, April 19, ' fully paid-up and non-assessable. It the Corporation, but not rtiti! after tr": chapter. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Brodkey, Mrs. R. Mosow, Mrs. Loan. In bnnnr nf tha rntmn . „ „ . ] , j shall commence business upon filing the dividend upon the Preferred Stock L l u e OUQ 1 , At a dinner given Sunday eve5. A Committee on Familv Wel' , " > S coupie. o { U s A r g the County Clerk. fore the current fiscal year shall have R. \H. Emlein and Mrs. H. Galintlc]es C with y , cy fare. ; gave the benediction. g o of Douglas ning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Among e Out-of-town guests Who' and! been set actually sky. continueCounty, for a Nebraska, period of fifty apart. paid or provided for p y and attendedt hwere nf 6 lMrs l r S < JJoe O e LLewis eWls 0 I *K A Committee on Social SerThe convention opened with All T hih l or any part of the Preferred I. Ivener, the announcement of the (50) years. The highest amount off vice. indebtedness shall not exceed two- Stock may he redeemed, at the opregistration in the Martin hotel. T. A Committee on Emergency engagement of their daughter, , ) of its capital p thirds (2,3) stock, but:: tion of the Board of Directors, at any Jewish Problems. BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. ' Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz gave the this restriction shall Eva Ivener, to Ben Zollutchen, i ll not iinclude l d in- time and from time to time after the The Chairman of each of these debtedness secured by mortgages or expiration of one year from the dnte invocation at the opening session. Committees shall be selected from son of Mr. P. Zollutchen of Oma- Jaffa (WNS-Palcor Agency)-- NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL liens. The affairs shall be managed of the issuance thereof, by the Cor- among the members of the ExecAddresses of welcome were given In the County Court of Douglas by a Board of Directors of not less poration paying for each share so to Because of its leadership in re-ha, was made. The date for the utive Committee and such chairThe Arabs employed on a number County, Nebraska. thaji two (2) members. The annual be redeemed ?10.50 together with any by Mayor W. T>. Haynes, Dr. H.ligious and cultural activities, wedding has not been set. man shall, with the advice and the Matter of the Estate of Vac- meet l d ;ting- shall be on the first Monday . unpaid dividend declared thereon, upof projects being built here by thelavIn Novak. consent of the President and Exec; M. Levin, regional president, and throughout, the year, the Sioux Deceased. in January of each year, a t -which on thirty (30) days notice by mail to utive Committee, appoint the assoAll persons interested in said e s - meeting- the stockholders shall elect the holders of record thereof at their • E. N. Grueskin, president of the'City A. Z. A., chapter No. 12, has Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mbsow and Histadruth Contracting Bureau tate hereby notified that a peti- a Board of Directors, and thereupon last :-eeorded acnirpss. If less than silli ciate members of his Committee. ^ Federation of Jewish Social Serv- been awarded the, second annual children, Betty Rae and Jack, now comprise fifty per cent of the tion are has been filed in said Court, the Board shall elect a President, ; the shares of Preferred Stnck are to! The Executive Committee and/or the Board of Governors shall have workmen, as a result of an praying - - - for the probate of a certain Vics-President, Secretary and Treas- b<* redeemed, the share.s to be redeem-; the !! ice. Minutes of the last conven- regional tournament by the supower In appoint such other and spent this week in Chicago, visit- total aereement reached hetwppn tho instrument now on file in said Court. urer. Any two of said offices may ed shall be selected in such manner j additional Committees as may from tion were read and Dr. A. Green- preme advisory council. ing with friends. . • ' - agreement reac&ed between the purporting to be the last will andbe held by one and the same person, 1 as the Board of Directors shall time to time be deemed requisite I berg of Omaha gave the treasurTheses Articles may be amended a t mine. The holders of shares of Pie- and necessary to carry our and Sam Sadoff and Earl Himowitz Bureau and the Government, | testament of said deceased, and that anv had regular or special meeting of the ferred Stock called for redemption fully execute the program and pur• er's report. A buffet luncheon was have been appointed chairmen of HL^ Mr. and Mrs". Hy Raskin, George following upon picketing of three ftion ^beforeV said^ &L Court on the stockholders by a two-thirds (2/3) shall not. from and after the drtte i 2n of the corporation. The re' served in the hotel. the tournament and have an- Raskin and Paul Katz motored to schools under construction by theday of May, 1S3S, and that if they vote of the outstanding: stock. All of; fixed for the redemption if such : poses spective iHtties and responsibility fail to appear a t said Court on the the assets of the corporation ma.y be stock possess or exercise any rights of the Committees above-named Committee reports were given nounced /that extensive plans'are Sioux City from Chicago last week- Arabs. said 2nd day of May. 1936. a t 9 o'clock disposed of by a two-thirds (2 /3) : or benefits- as. stockholders of the shnli be as prescribed in the ByThe schools are being built un- A. 2.I., to contest tha probate of said vote ; Corporation except the riprht to re, at the afternoon session by Louis being made for the conclave at end to visit with relatives. I-a ws. of the outstanding stock. will, the Court may allow and proIX WITNESS WHEREOF the parreive Tom the Corporation the reder Government contract awarded bate said will and grant administraH. Katleman of Council Bluffs, which the Omaha, Tri-city, Des Prttcd February l"!h. 1336. of such shares vithties have hereunto subscribed s u b c r i e d their drmption price p tion of said estate to Catherine J a n - names this 2nd day of April. 1036. 'out JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTEH Milton Bolstein of Sioux City, and Moines, Lincoln, Duluth and Mil- Mr. Gerald Pill departed for to the Histadruth. interest, upon the surrender ousek also known a AND WELFARE FEDERATION MARIAN BIALAC. thereof." Phil Klutznick of Omaha. It waswaukee chapters will be present. Chicago after spending the weekOriginally, forty percent_ ot -Ar- ° nd ek An a n s a By HEXKV JtONSKT. BERX1CE XEHLEEX, ALAMITO PA1RT COMPANY ; Irvin Maron -and Earl Noyich end in the home of his mother, abs had been employed by the voted to hold the next convention Vipn-PrPsMent. able person, enter a degree of heir- IN THE PRESENCE OF: By L. H. HAXSn.v. Vice-Prpsident.! and proceed to a settlement Attest: JOE P. JIULLER, Secretary.' HARRT S1LVEKMAN. have been appointed publicity Mrs. Philip Pill. Histadruth in consideration of the ship, I in Council Bluffs, la. 4-17-36-4t I 4-S-3fi-4t Secretary. fact that the buildings -were be-thereof. ; Important on the program of chairmen. The date for the tour3RXCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. the afternoon session was the ad-nament will be announced at the Mrs. Dave Davidson has re- ing1 erected in an Arab vicinity. 4-10-36-3t t dress given by Rabbi Felix A. next A..Z. A. meeting. turned to Sioux City after a When the Arabs laborers began FRADENBURG. WEBB, BEBER, &. KELLEY, . Attys. Levy of Chicago, president of the ' Inaugurating the new plan of world's cruise during the winter to picket the three school build- KLUTZNICK Union State Bank Bldg. Central Conference of American alternating chairmen at each months. ings which are in course of conBY PUBLICATION ON Rabbis. His subject was, "What Is meeting; Jack. Merlin presided at struction, the Government inter- NOTICE PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT New In Jewish History?" Of spe-the regular meeting Wednesday Before her departure last week vened to offer medation. OF FINAL ADMINISTRAACCOUNT cial significance was the interest evening. The class in Biblical his- for Los Angeles,^ Cal., where she The Histadruth then agreed to In the TION County Court of Douglas Dr. Levy's address aroused in thetory, led by Mr. S. Krupnick, re- will join Mr. Widesky, Mrs. Na-the Governments suggestion to in- County, Nebraska. audience and the enthusiastic dis- sumed its sessions at that meet- than Widesky was the guest at acrease the Arabs to fifty percent. In the Matter of the Estate of EsFerer, sometimes known as Escussion of the. audience in the | ing. Several of the members slg- number of farewell parties^ The The pickets were thereupon re- ther ther B. Ferer, Deceased. you risk nothing—— nified their intentions of attend- Poale Zion of the National Work- moved. open forum which followed. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the j A class of candidates was'ini- ing the A. Z. A. summer camp ers' Alliance gave a farewell paryou get double your money beck 4th day of April. 193G, A. B. Ferer tiated by the Sioux City degree in California this summer. ty at the Jewish Community Cenfiled a petition in said County Court, | BEN E. KAZLOWSKY praying that his final administration team. The class was designated as ter last Wednesday evening for ' 532 Insurance Bids* if OOUBU'MELLOW OLD COLDS account filed herein be settled and the I. B. padway class, in honor Mrs. Widesky. During the evening allowed, and that he be discharged Junior Hadassah NOTICE OF AMENDMENTTO AR. from his trust as administrator and ot the district grand lodge presia number of friends expressed TICLES OF INCORPORATION OF that a hearing will be had on said don't ir/h you I dent. .'.'.. their appreciation for Mr. and NATIONAL UPHOLSTERING petition before said Court on the 2nd Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz reviewCOMPANY day of May, 1936. and that if you ' The district represented at the Mrs. Widesky's work in the Poale 4o appear before said Court on convention included the lodges at ed "The Jew/of Rome" by Feucht- Zion organization. Refreshments Notice is hereby given that at afail the said 2nd day of May. 1936, at 9 wanger, at the meeting of the special meeting of the stockholders of o'clock A. M., and contest said peti- Omaha. Council Bluffs, Lincoln, concluded the evening. Mr. and the National- Upholstering Company, tion, the Court may grant the praySioux Falls, Des Moines and Sioux Junior Hadassah chapter, held in Mrs. J. Jacobson entertained forty of Omaha. Nebraska, held in the er of said petition, enter a decree, of the Warrior hotel Wednesday eveCity of Omaha, Nebraska,' on theheirship, and make such other and C i t y . . ' • • • relatives prior to Mrs. Widesky's 2nd day of March, 1936, Article 1 offurther orders, allowances and dening. The A. Z. A. choir, directed departure, as a farewell courtesy. the Articles of Incorporation of said crees, as to this Court may seem by Mr. S. Krupnick, presented a A social: evening was concluded company was amended to read as proper, to the end that all matters musical program. pertaining to said estate may be fifollows: with a buffet supper. Oneg Shabbos ARTICLE 1. nally settled and determined, Plans for the completion of the The name of the corporation shall BRTCE CRAWFORD. Friends of Irving Widesky en- be NATIONAL FURNITURE MAN- 4-10-36-3t season's activities were made and County Judge. The Oneg Shabbos of -the Sentertained at a party for him last UFACTURING CO. reports on the Give or Get projior Hadassah chapter will be held Dated this 2nd day of March. 1936. SAMUEL ZACHARfA, Atty. Saturday evening at the Widesky NATIONAL, FURNITURE MANU763 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 inect were made by Miss Sadie home. . FACTURING CO. the home of Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Shulkin, chairman of that comBy MEELACH KATZMAN, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF mittee. -•'•-.. President. ALLEN FILTER SERVICE CO. 2002 Summit avenue. • ATTEST: Notice la Hereby Given that at a Mrs. S. J. Slotsky will present DAVID KATZMAN, Secretary. duly constituted meeting of the stock4-10-U - . - - . . holders of Allen Filter Service Co., Jewish current, events. A paper Mother and Daughter held on the 15th day of December, will be read by Mrs. Dave L. RoFRADENBURG, WEBB. BEBER, 1935, at which two-thirds of the Banquet by Auxiliary XLUTZNJCK & KELLEY, Attyt. din and Mrs. Max Rosenstock will stockholders wer» present and vot200 Union State Bank Bids. ing, it was unanimously resolved that speak on the subject of "Hadaesah the corporation be dissolved. • Mrs. Rueben Miller has been in Germany." } .-.-'. NOTICE OF SALE OF PLEDGED ALLEN FILTER .SERVICE CO. COLLATERAL Louis Margolin. President. The regular monthly meeting of named chairman of the annual Nathan S. Yaffe, Secretary. Public notice Is hereby given, that Berlin (JTA) — A' significant the Hadassah chapter will be held Mother and Daughter banquet, on the 15th day of Slay, 1936. a t 10 4-24-36-4t. yerdict on the question *of interwhich will be given on May 5, .by o'clock A. M.. in the offices of Prad•ext Tuesday afternoon, in the enbur£, Webb, Beber, Klutznick & IFRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, the ladies' auxiliary of Shaare marriage has been handed down Kelley. 'ewish Community Center. 200 Union State Bank BuildKLUTZNICK &. KELLEY, Attys. by a German Federal Court In ing. 19th Zion synagogue. and Farnatn Streets, in the ZOO Union State Bank Bldg. City of Omaha. Douglas County, NeDOUBLE-i10iE¥-BACiC OFFER Mrs. Rueben Miller presided at which it is indicated that formal braska, the undersigned will offer for NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF toastmistress. The program will divorce is a requisite before an sale and sell for cash at public aucIDEAL BOTTLING CO effect since Oct. 6,1935 to the highest bidder, the follow- Know All All Men By These Presents: P include a Major Bowes amateur 'Aryan" may. renounce his mari- tion ing collateral: Thst at the meeting of the stockhour for children and a tableau, tal obligations to his' "non-AryMOKE half a pack of Double-Mellow Old Golds. Two (2) 11.000.00 State of Ne- holders of the Ideal Bottling Co. duly - This evening at Mount Sinai depicting seven stages of woman- an" partner. braska ..Western Limestone Prod- held . „ „„ ..._ office __ a t the of the corporation If you're not pleased, mail us. the wrapper Company, Inc., First Mortgage on the fith day of January. 1936. at ample," Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis hood. The tableau will be directed Attention of legal circles was ticts Bonds. Numbers 266 and 267.which all of the stockholders were vill speak on "Leo Tolstoi—After by Mrs. Abe Beechen. . and the remaining ten cigarettes at any time focussed on the case when the Said sale Is made pursuant to an'present and voting, a resolution was j that the""" pledge agreement to satisfy and unanimously " ' adopted " " * """* 25 Y e a r s . " • • : -.'" - • . : : ; > • ;•/ •• Mrs. A,-W; Kaplan and Mrs; verdict drew favorable comment oral within 30 days from this date, and %ve'il send you corporation cease to do business a s pay the note of Fuchs Equipment Co Monday noon, Rabbi Lewis ad- F. Gorchow- are in charge of thein the current issue of the bi-to the Centaur Tractor Corporation such and that the same be dissolved; double the price you paid lor the full package, accordingly, notice of such action and lressed members of the Lions menu arrangements and Mrs Edmonthly Deutsche Juristen-Zel- for the sum of Seven Hundred T i t e i !i - , „ „ . „ . , -2 MCtCCTS ©F ^CELLOPHANE" ty-seven and 50/100 dollars <S"27.50) of the dissolution of the said Ideal jlub . on';'the subject of "Germany Baron and Mrs. Charles Raskin tung. plus postage, flared August 23. 1932, due April 1,! Bottling Co. in hereby given. 1 3 a n d and the Jew." The Federal Court had rejectJ ': bearing Interest Rt the rate BOTTLING CO. " • seal-isa tlse g-©ed?8©ss o f are in charge of the dining room. of per (6 (Signed) P. LORILLARD COMPANY, Ihc f Thursday he spoke before the * Of six sixfrom T>pr centum centum (flpercent) nsrpen 1 per r\ar an-in_ Mrs. Reuben Miller presided at ed an appeal by an "Aryan" husBy Sam Platt. num date until maturity. (Established 1760) state convention of the Women's the regular meeting of the ladies' band against a judgment by a Centaur Tractor Corporation. t President. A Corporation. ^lub of South Dakota, at Vermil- auxiliary Tuesday afternoon, in lower court which favored his _ Attest: Sam Platt. 119 West 30th Street, New York Gty the Presence of; Webb, Beber, Klutz- iI In Uon, S. D. Secretary. tha absence of Mrs. J. H. Mosow, Jewish wife. In the higher court's By Fradenburc. nick and Kelley, Sam "Bebftr. 4-24-3t
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