im Meyerson entertained tbers of her afternoon i luncheon at her'home oosevelt avenue, Wednesnoon.
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VOL. XII—No. 10
Jacob ^ ? isF of Milwaukee! has b<*" .ted to fill the va-! the Judalstic philosophy of ProAlexander Lincoln Quits Under cancy i^. „ faculty of the City; fessor Mordecal M. Kaplan, Is Fire; Jewish Man j Program for Youth deeply exerciser! over the fact j Talmud Torah, created when Mrs.1 Succeeds Him that, according to a recent inConclave Next | J. Stadlan moved to Des Moines vestigation,'.'the clergy is in genBoston, Mass. (WNS).—Threat-j to join her hnsband. Sunday eral averse from social action and ened with dismissal because of! Mr. Kahz is a well-kno'wn H e has not received "the kind of soAT TEMPLE ISRAEL I disclosures that, he had engaged in bre-w teacher. He has taught in ciological training necessary to 3:00 p. m.: One-man art ex- anti-Semitic propaganda, Alexan- Milwaukee for the past nine qualfy them to cope -with prob- Over 300 young people are exj der Lincoln, president of the Sen- years, and has specialized in pected to attend the third anhibit by Willlani Schwartz. lems of economic justice" and Is Dr. Kurt Kosenfeld. former formulation of the advanced i tinels of the Republic, an antj- teaching beginners. He will as-1 nual city-wide .Youth conclave to ' 4:30 p. m.: Paneldiscustherefore not "functioning." This iudicial administrrition • : |New Deal organization, resigned sume his new duties here next | Minister of Justice of Prussia, of is .of course a most perfunctory be held this Sunday at Temple sion: "Judaism and Econom- ; from the State Board of Tax Ap- week. has been completely cSit'CRrdecj hv j I vrlio in t i e course of his duties j the Nazis in Germany. He Je fr indication • of the contents of the Israel under the direction of the ics." Registration is still open, and peals. editorial in the Rectronstructlon- College club with a full day's ac6:00 p m.: Supper, jhad Adolpli Hitler fined for;ih<5 United States now rebuildfnt: tivities planned from 3 p. m. on. Mr. Lincoln had previously been m.: Service. ist but it > is a fair one. The re7: SO p all parents are urged to enroll contempt of court in 1PS2 and a career which was at one titi'funder fire on charges of "granting j t^eir proach against the ministry of all Recipts •will be given to the 8:00 p. m. Program. '; one ol ll)e most distinguished ir. youth's, division of the philanvrho fled into exile upon the I all Europe. For ten years, fr-'"' d,enoiriinatlohs contained In It is O:OO p. m. Dance. Art Ran- excessive tax abatements and Governor James Curley was planning very iainlllar.: Church and syna- thropies drive. Xazi rise to power, v. ill be ilie 1P10 io lf'20. be was a i-ii.-n 1>. dall's orchestra. to remove him from office. gogue, consent to the injustices Delegations are expected from guest speaker at a meeting- , of the city council of BerUt. Charges of anti-Semitism were and -inequalities of the. status quo Lincoln, Sioux City and Des N O T E : William Schwartz, t Dr. RoRenfeld lias, been c«:'!. sponsored bv the initial gifts ' "the and are: not leaders : or even fol- Moinea. former Omaha newsboy and added and Lincoln Quit in order Clarence Davrow of i < to escape dismissal. Governor f Motion pictures of the conferdivision o* ~ - - —Phileii-' lowers, in any kind of social, acnow an internationally known • the Jewish. many" bpcp.ufp on nnmercii- <»•• Curley then announced that Abra: ence will be taken for the first artist, has wired that he will action. '••,•• ' jtliropies. to be held at ilie caf!ioTi« lie lent hip great le; !•! !•• • time. Plans are being made to be present at the Youth Con- ham Webber," member of the State ents in flie defense of nnri'"i '• ' "J.jtind it profoundly- discourag- take them at every conclave and clave, and will personally ex- Public Utility; Commission, would jBiaekstone Hotel nest Tues- cp.iiFes. He V^F P rneniher pf" Mr be given the place left vacant by j ing v- that .the Beconstructlonis't show-them the following year. hibit his paintings. jday, May 5, at 6:30 p. m. •German ReichstnE for iv e' r Lincoln's resignation. Mr. Lincoln, | does -not rlse'-abo-ye this most vul- The program for the day will ! The Gottheil medal, awarded ! Reservations ru&y be made bj- yeE.rs anc! an iniportnnt ripn,l'. • DR. KCRT ROSEXFEXD who Is "a Republican, also with-j gar-error. JFor of all the errors of open with an art exhibit Jbj Wil; ithe public at the Jewish Commu- ! o its foreign relations' c-->n « drew his candidacy for the Re-pub-; annually by the Zeta Beta Tau our age; this is perhaps.the chief liam Schwartz, eminent artist, : fraternity to the American who i nity Center at SI per plate, but ee. I r 1F25 he came •'•> .!'-lican state pre-primary convention • and •'' most miserable, that action,Which will include thirty art because of the limited hall space, ] United States-- RS a renresn'* >' in order that the people should j has done the most for J«wry, will a-;tout- prix.is; virtue. What ex- pieces in oil paintings, water cobe presented for the year 1935 to reservations will be closed at 150.; of the German fteiclisfag, < P 1 "know that the Republican party' actly, is social justice? What pre- lors and lithographs. J a m e s G. McDonald, former Sam Beber. co-chairman of theifrate to the International ".-;! has no place for racial and religj cisely is economic justice? There At 4:30 the panel -will discuss Initial Gifts division, will pre--. rnentary conference in. \V«i*H>. ious prejudice." iL . e a ^ e o £ Nations high commisis in justice here.' There Is. injus- "Judaism and Economics." Louis side. I. E. Zimman is the other ton and Ottawa, and Tag a pu* In a letter accompanying his iEa InOd m !fr f °r r refugees from Germany tice In Russia. There Is little but E.-Lipp will bo chairman. J co-chairman of the initial gifts, j of the American government < resignation, Lincoln said: "I save j ° ^ a n y years chairman of Contributors to the recent isthe Fascist states. t h e Injustice In *oard of the Foreign Policy About 200 women will attend always respected the Jewish. p e o - i One hundred and twentv-fh-e ' The annual Philanthropies cani-i that occasion. Rough and "ready, methods of sue of Reflection will participate. pie, their history, their ideals and! association. The award is made by be held in Omaha forj As e le.vyer in Munich, it amelioration must be used. True. They are Rebecca Kirschenbaum, the fifth annual Give or Get their marvelous story of "the hu- J reason of his extraordinary serv- members and their friends were paigc luncheon of the local chapter of one week, from May 17 to 24, nn- to his 3oi to croes-pxair. Edward Brodlsey, Harry LevinBut, -would it not be -well if there Tuesday, May 5, at the manities of life. My sole intention j ice in caring for thousands of present at the Highland Country j fler t h e general chairmanship of! Adolpli Hitler in 1V.2Z when. •were -one. small .group of men son, Aaron Perils and . Harold Hadassah C. C. All the women present in that letter (in which he said j Jewish refugees from Germany Club pre-opening stag, held TVed-{Harry Mslashock. Thirty-four Io-1 arrogant. pVospeciive 'ftiebreT' As-trho,- avoiding direct sociological SakB. A forum will follow when J. will be the guests of the organ- that "the Jewish threat is a real whose misery he toiled unceas- nesday evening at the Fontenelle 1 cal, national and international; clined io anevrer the question* the audience. will take part in and economic tinkering, addressization by virtue of their having one") was to refer to those per- ingly to alleviate, and by reason ! Jewish agencieE are beneficiaries Ia "Jew." Dr. Rosenfeld compe'Jp'Hotel. y o n ) ed themselves to more fundamen- the. discussion. Rabbi Harold I him to par P. fine of 1,000 marl.-*Berger will summarize. tal and more .permanent Issues, to raised orMedical donatedand S5.00 or mAlio r e | s o n s o f Jewish racial origin con-j of his" dramatic and scholarly let- { Everyone present was-enthusia-I' 0 ' Tthe e l 1 drive. : for the Youth more! to the court, thnrpihr spicuously active in the cominu-jter of resignation, accurately £n-Utic over prospects for this vear, i thousand do Supper will be served at 6 an Inquiry into the nature of man Funds. nistic movement, and to persons! alyzing the problem of the Ger- and it was generally agreed that • than last year must be raised in j h(p personal hostility and- into the quality of justice and o'clock with the following mem- yahThe ! of the afternoon of that origin and of strong social-j man Jew, vividly portraying its Highland will have its most sue- it i 3 campaign off the i because b th tin-; WhpTi Eitler rn-tiif k'.vo r>o led their congregants to cultivate bers of the Sisterhood in charge: will bespeaker Dr. Irving Levitas, bril- istic. convictions prominent;?" as- ] agonizing consequences and fear- cessful season In 1SSG. of Polish and told persecution Mra. Sam Appleman, Mrs. Clarin Germany, Dr. TcoRMitelfs « the utterly neglected, the indisyoung educational director sociated with our present federal lessly pointing out the unneces- Louis Hiller, club president, German Jewries. This means that forced to flee with hip vife tpensably necessary virtues of de- ence Bergman, Sirs. Sam Berko- liant of the Kansas City Jewish Com- administration." minimum goal sary but effective obstacles to a gave a brief address of welcome, ?43,600 is the family. He bpcajne t> refngpp, tachment, of contemplativeness, witz, Mrs. Abe Somberg and Mrs. munity Center. Another importhumane solution. must be reaeh.ee. and hoped that guests present • which capitig first to Caecho-Siox-aV of - periodic disentanglement from Sam Gilinsky. DR> ant feature of the program will The award, though made by the would soon, be listed among the j then to Paris. In June, 19S4, the hot eager theories and the Rabbi Wice will conduct the be a dramatization of 'Adam,* by Zeta Beta • Tau fraternity, Js the membership. Abe Heraberg, past j T>T- Kurt Rosenfeld vas one o came to the United States. wb equally, over-eager palliatives of twilight service to be held a t Mrs. Sarah Baila Cohen of Des result of the vote of a fury of president, talked about the mem- i Germany's most distinguished 7:30. Mrs. Greer will present Moines, la. Local women who the market place? .. \ members of the bar editors representing the Anglo- bership drive. many! work sn5 lecturing, T>r. an organ interlude. -There Is a kind of Idolatry In have seen Mrs. Conn's perform: Jewish press of the United States. Fred .White told of the. excelli rears. Noted as a jurist sun EOFollowing the service. Gwendoproperty in G Trnhny '*•«'•• ail this-r-Idqlatry of machines, inance declare It to be a treat which Cantor Max X.evine of T3rookOll : The presentation will take place | ent condition that the course was cial worker, he playefl '~ hoer; confipcp.tea by >. stitutions, contrivances, it,'.:." has lyn Wolf and Louise Fitch will no one will want to miss. Ivn, X.-Y., reputed to be a forestanding role 'in the reptiblic of been,/known that even despotism present a group, of dramatic read- Thera will be no business ses- most -cantor, will c.uciate as. at a banguet of the fraternity at i in. He pointed .out l i e many im- Germany Jn the post-war period. eminent: he has beet deprived »>t Holel Syracuse, Syracuse, X.'fprovements that have been made his Gevmp.v, citizensbi t\ix\ of iht if men .coujd :find. I n g s . - - '-'•;••••":•..:':.:' •-\.-'-stai?•—--'••• S-- ----- sion preceeding the program. Mrs.-, s e r T ices Friday evening at T CO Y., and will be made for the fra- at the club, principally the new : H e contributes greatly to the A dance beginning at 9 p. m. Joseph Goldware,-president,of the .right io practise at the buv. truly benevolent despot. It ' ternity by Harold Riege'Uaaa, New east addition with the recreation j Sneaking- with the obieenvU< before the formula- will conclude activities . for the chapter will open with greetings York attorney, past chairman of center and cltibrooms, which will i of the veteran Javyer, "Dr. RopeftI6n» of'Kant that there Is noth- "conclave. Art Randall and his and Mrs. Irvin Levin, chairman I the National Interfraternity con-! be ready for use by May 15. • felfi ha? been heard, br fhonssmiiIng'-truly" good in the vrorld ex- orchestra will play. of the Medical Fund will give Sponsors for the Youth Con- her ] ot Americnti«! to whom he h El ference and of Zeta Beta Tau fra-J Bill Schuchart, club pro, was cept a good "will—a will towaTd report. clave are the following: Mr. and coiamended highly for the fine ; friren a fin?i-hand oonception oi I ternity. gobd. Man the most perfectly deMrs. Henry Belmont and Mra. Mrs. Milton Abrahams, Mr. and Libby | the events ot the past two yeiary spirit he has shown throughout vised . Institution -with men -who Mrs. Kaplan are in charge of The Syracuse presentation banBen Boasberg, Mr. and Mrs. the dinner; Mrs. Sam Theodore quet is the key affair of 4 2 din- j the year, and his amiability w s •_iE Germany and sn anthoritfitr.-j hare .no goodness of will and your Richard Einstein, Dr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Irving Stein are head of ners which will be held on May!lauded-. I i forecast of what mar he P--end'is no better than your be- Leon Fellman, Mr. and Mrs. L. : pected. 9 by the alumni of the frater-| Good news was the announce- j ginning. Who -will teach that? Gordon Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Louis the Service. nity throughout the country to ment that Dorsey will manage the | Additional names of guests who i in F.n interview. Dr. Rogers fpu': Who "will .help men t o acquire E. Lipp, Mr. and Mrs. Al Mayer, New York (WXS).—"At. s time. , celebrate the fraternity's annual new dining room,r after an ab- when plans ere maturing to res- I described his escape from NB»-'that goodness of -will -without Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pepper, Mr. have been issued invitations to sence of several j ears. ' 4' Founders' day. which all the techniques of social and Mrs. J. N. Rothkop, Mr. Ben the luncheon are the Mesdames. cue German Jews it seems prob-l^nd SP follows: "Mr <^n and economic justice are only.new Silver, Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Stein- Sam Beber, Dave Bernstein, Joe The Gottheil medal was estab-j i able that something must quietly ': <?nce ^ Gernmny xw>,y paths to old sins?;A man came to berg, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shap- Cohen, M. E. Chapman, Herman j ' lished in honor of Dr. Richard J. j be done on behalf of Polish Jews. : the fate of Jewish <?v-yerp. 1 w«i me and said: "There -will be a iro, Mr. and MrB. Leo Ungar and Dansky, Isidore Elewitz, Harry M. | H. Gottheil of Columbia univer-j •whose Plight is infinitely vrorse," i forced to leave Germany in '••Cautor ilav Communist uprising in. Germany Mr. and Mrs. Burnhardt Wolfe. Ferer, Joe Falk, J. A. Gross, Phil sity, for many years president of I Frederick T. Birchall, correspon- j der to escape s. yiolenf death, B' Abe Goldstein, Peter o-'clock and Saturday moming at! Zeta Beta Tau. Previous r e cipi-| and th« blank-blank Nazis -vrill J. Harold Saks is general chair- Kluzniek, get-their medicine." "And do you man for the conference. Others Greenberg, Morris Horn, Harry 8:30 o'clock at the Congregation ents of the medal included Gov: cabled to his paper in a dispatch i ers. Mr last 14 dare, that expect me to rejoice?" I asked. participating In -the sponsorship Malashock, Simon Pizer, W n . Pol- of Israel synagogue, 25th and J ernor Herbert H. Lehman, Fells time after the Reichfitag 1\TP, Because it conflicted with the i from Berlin. lak, Jules Newman, Arthur La! M. Warburg, the late Julius Ros- coming; general election, the sec- i On the basis of conversations ; could not sleep even one night ."Force begets force and murder are as follows: Tickets, Bessie streets. begets -Bqiirder and out of rota- Goldware; Panel, Walter Lowen- zerowitz, J. Silverman, Sam RochSunday evening at S o'clock heienwald, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Dr. jo n d a n n u a i Gridiron Show, spon-jwitb. travelers returning from Po-j my own house. Every night I tions of chaos -what good can stein, Joe Fellman; Dance, Bob man, Irving Rubinow, Karl Ses- will be presented in a concert of j John Haynes Holmes, Rev. E v e r - j s o r e d b y t b e Temple Israel Broth-i land, Mr. Birchall found that the : in another home. Like P come?" Shall the ministers of God Singer; Orchestra, Richard Hill- sel, Abe Ruffman, Dave Sherman, folk songs and religious songs atjett R. CHnchy of New City City, ie r t i o o d ^ . a l t a t e p | a c e Wednes-! condition of the Jews in that coun-' who vaf poupht by Uie p.utn< I. Plotkin, Sam Platt, Isidore be hot partisans? "Will there be er; art exhibit, Mrs. David Wice, Ziegman ties. I passed the German, bori the same synagogue Everyone is! Father J. Elliott Rose of Char-; fia7 , e v e n i j l & t M a r 1 S j jBste&d of i try presents a pitiable state of and Miss Ida Daytch. no t place left in • the worid for Jane Rosenstock; publicity, Rose secretly in the night in ovfip-r vited to attend. Ii Iottesville, Va., and Rabbi Morris |o a M a y 1 2 a s o r i gf n a U y planned i fairs. invited commerce with the changeless^— Mendelson, Henry Mendelson. All tickets sold will be honored ] He declared that while "it is escape the vigilanre of the NP Levine "was cantor in the Can- S Zeta .Lazaron of Baltimore. Beta Tau is the oldest anS | Speaking of! even reasonable to surmise that with* those primary truths, those Admission to the afternoon JR. HADASSAH REGIONAL "VThen I hsf. saved my life, tor to Josef Rosenblatt synagogue largest Jewish college fraternity | toj nc f e te ht Sef n e3wateBd ta t e -reports ol the! the majority of Germans are not eternal paradoxes of the moral program is free. Tickets for the Nazis sent P letter to me in f h PRESIDENT TO BE HERE and was also cantor in one of the in America. .-It It was founded y e ^ e t sale are good, and the large j actively anti-Semitic, in Poland iT h e niinister of justice o? Vrv.vlife, without which change will supper and dance are fifty cents founded^ in! ™; Ucket largest congregations in Minneap- 189S and has 35 campus chapters jc r e w o J s a l e E m e l l & r e meeting I the populace is anti-Semitic not indeed be change, but only each. They may be obtained E!&. icr BuccesRor, lef. me V v v Miss Libbie Loraine Goldman, olis, Knesses Israel. continuance of sin under another from members of the College and 38 alumni clubs throughout \^ith e s c e l l e I i t r e s c i t s . the government is indjfterent. PO :that I was disbarred by the >.V'-)«, St. Joseph attorney and president watchword? Men who desire good club, Round Table, or at the door. the United States and Canada.: T h g B h o w i g& ! i t t l e 0 T e r t w o : escept in extreme cases, the mob The resRont; given illustrste '>>•' of the Southwest Region of Jun- PROGRESSIVE HEBREW and peace with their whole hearts menta-ftr of the Hitler Fem-i*; rrnn r r r r T C VI AIM AN' H e r b e r t E" S t e i n e r i s i t s D a t l 0 E a l ; hours in duration, and is packed i is haring: a free bane." ior Hadassah, will be the guest may. Increase the sum of. good dictPtorship. Firstly,fl-Bs>- noip?"11 speaker at an open meeting to be LLUU cLCtlO ULAlBlAn i president. .(with laughs from start to finish, i Citing many instances ei vio-; and peace. Wliq will teach that? publi'% I had attested the tso-.'i held by Junior Hadassah in the " i i All of the gags concern members' lence and terror against Polish;i merits cl versons who vere fn~And that men who do not harbor lodge room of the Jewish Comthis-desire will not achieve, perTheaProgressive meeting andHebrew election<*"*> of i i NATIONAL WORKERS Us\ of original Omaha's in every Jewry,respect. and the show j lie. j Jews Mr. which Birchall were asserted never that madet hpul>e i ^ ^; j j . ^thdrewing from memb munity Center May 7, at 8 p. m. held manent good or peace even if Horace Rosenblum has been ALUANCE I Some of the members ia the I "Nation has become worse since; s h : p ' o j u , e c *urch. Second. I 5 officers Sunday, April 26, at the i Miss Goldman is active in Hathey man' the. picket lines in a elected president of the Jewish dassah work, having been presi- J. C. C. ,. least act more like the persons; t i e death of Marshal PiSsudski be- •a e f e n d e d . socialists. Commur.fi .- I strike? Who" will teach that? Community Center S o f t b a l l dent of the St. Joseph chapter The Tiew officers are: S. M. | The National Workers* Alliance ]t h e y i l n i t a t e t h a n t h e indivifitials • cause the present government is ; j ^ j ^ ^ j p Pacifist and Jfv.-s There Is no change that matters league.' He will act with the and vice-president of the South- Klaiman, president, J. Wiener, j held a meeting at the J. C. t n e m s e l T e S - T i e p r o g r a m will but an.inner change. Without board'of managers to take charge western Region. Miss Goldman vice-president; B. Korney, second j Monday evening, April 27. Delegates .to the Eatiocal conthat prior Inner change an altera- of the league. vice-president; E. Denenberg, ' is reputed to be an excellent Rosenblum formerly managed tion of devices is but a palliative treasurer; Ben Klaiman, secre- vention to be held in Atlantic speaker. the Murphy-Did-Its and Is welltary; W. Monovitz and M. A. Ep- j City, New Jersey, May SI to June j on a r wound or a "shot in the the Clock At this known in baseball circles. stein, trustees; and H. Abramson, j 5, were elected. Mr. M. Minkin j arm" given to a sick man. 1 ject drawing, party inclined to help the despised H. Janof f, and Dr. S. A. Osheroff, j was chosen the delegate and Mrs. j DP.U dassah is now conducting, will be ! : Jews is the Labor party, which ! ertiEt. Nor Is this all. Goodness of Clair Horwitz alternate. directors. French jiulge held and twenty-five dollars will was practically submerged in the I woman symholi^ins:' will cannot exist quite in the void. justice, T*« "be awarded to the person holding I last election. The intelligentsia is I official national newspaper It is more effective if it is rooted of <h= the lucky ticket. ! r-!l?Bt cut ol fear, sad no voice is in an OTdered and significant uniThe meeeting will be open to ; At th i Hadassah meeting held [rafeeti in behalf ol the persecuted iXaKis. the Toeifcische Beoliaobfe? verse.-It is strongest and most halt a page to ft reol.'n the public. A musical program '.Wednesday, April 28, Mrs. irviB i ihat can reach the outside world." Czernowitz (JTA) - - T h e Buk- will be held and refreshments unswerving If it- Is sustained byfl treBROU r^r'C the repTo ; Levin, v h o is the choice of the some < conviction of the universe owina • Volkszeltung publishes a will be served. • nominating ceiamlttee Cor presldisciioc Ot tVtC? PlCUlTP flE (*'•'! being • the kind of universe Into striking statistical survey by Dr. • j dent, was elected as official deledence. las a t e t ot h e which It belongs. I t will be Alexander Manuelescu on the regional confereace "All my property in Germany j Two and one-half months of jmo tic.a picture industry in t h e i ^ it' strongest if it knows that God Is dwindling of the Jewish populatake place in "Wichita, coiitjscpietl P.H well as tt"*t jwhic 1 travel in Hawaii, the Philippines,'. Philippines. on Its' side. In other words: the tion In Bucovina. . Kanss S i China, Manchouko and Japan, is i Altogether Mr. Holzman's trip \J o s s p-l 1> ^T | o my wife. They liad ntmounew 5* inner change Jn men which alone In 1934 the number of deaths aJ not-conducive to keeping poEted !c o n s t n a e d more t h a n 20,000 | G^&re, outgoing presij severall times br vptlto that any can make'new institutions better mong the Jewish population of jon the current Jewish situation,; m i l e S r 1 6 'thousand by water' and ) ^ v ^i o 5s - th , e alternate. O.hers j person mePtiT;r my wife- or » ? and not only othe,r institutions is Bucovina exceeded births by 223. sre ^ ^ n« to the near** jjor of associating with'Jewish peo- ; fj T e thousand by rail. He visited l Planning to attend are Jerusalem (JTA> — Officially { one that-must he metaphysically Up to September 1935, the Ru- Vienna Mesdarnes F.~: I pie. j many of the Chinese and Japanspeaking. Palestine Ss now "The grounded and affirmed. Who will manian population in the prov- the mandate of its constituent conrice-president; • Joseph Cocntrv" -whenever a translation "On my last visit to teach- that? Who will convince ince increased by 3,366, the V- gress last September, the _New This was verified "by W. L. ( ese points of j Rosenberg, J. H. Sclakofsky and ten years ago 1 casse a» a deleo£ the Hebrew name for the Holy men that an Inner change is Te- kainian by 718 and the German Zionist Organization (Revision- Holzman, Jewish civic leader and i brought back moving pictures David A. Goldstein. Omaha le gate to the International Parliais required in a government Oiaaha business man, who just • that are certain to prove of vast j ^ J* Y e t led 0 quired of them as the first re- by:375, and that of other nation- ists)) have commenced, recruiting document. The Hebrew name for ; nientarv Conference, snd SB an quirement toward a better world alities by 272, a proof, Dr. Man- here for a Jewsh legion to pro- returned from a two and one-half' Interest locally. It JS liopefi that many more j n j: month trip to the above mention- j Mr. HolzTnaa, slightly Heavier, • ' representative of the and that the easier way of ma- ulescu believes, of the large per- tect Jews wherever they go , s visitor, peopie. This time I watt not ed places. i is feeling- fine after his extensive j chines and institutions and gad centage of deaths among the Jews. danger. vert by the general consul not ag ! Israel. Mr. Holzman met very few \ trip. j ' f K. gets Is a meretricious tray? Who? ' D r . Manulescu further claims Gevmrvti ambassador, but Nearly 200 Jews have already Jewish the ' j Use of tills translEtlon or ol ilie people on Ms entire trip.; AlthoDga work has piled cp on| • i O wp I am stricken and appalled by that In Bessarabia and Old R enrolled in the Austrian battalion tl'.eieRi, I represent the O«rgeneral ns-| original Hebrew over the aSr VTRF It is claimed that there are nu-jMr. Holzman, due to bis abseace,j Mr." B, Sa: my rabbinical friends in hage mania the proportion of deaths a- which may go to Palestine to propeople-—the real' <5«n»an numerous Jews .living in China, j and he will be busier than usual j tional secretary of the Interna- i recently stTenonsly objected to temples. They are good men. and mong" Jews exceeds births, and tect the Jews from Arab rioters. who are straggling in tional Workers Order, will speafc j by Arabs with the result that the ) people, many of them holding-down Sin-: for the next-few months, he will able men and' spiritual minded he comes to the conclusion that Similar battalions are said to be portant .positions.-. ..He did teH of; as usual tate BE active anfiiia- at the J. C. C. Sen csy, Jfey" 3, | phrase was rnled off ty the Pal-j epite o terror anfl men. But they sit In offices witt these figures -prove that the-ec- jn process of organization in : onomic position' of the Jews in Czechoslovakia, Ronmania and Ju- making the' acquaintance of a; portant p a r t , i a ' t h e PMlaEthro- at 8 p. Jtu ander the auspiees of jestlne Broadcasting company, gov-| brutality to throw off the yok* of Jewish man connected with the ! pies Drive, soon to start. Roumania Is'exceedingly bad. local-branch 12S of the-order.. . j erament-con trolled radio station.' Hitler Fascism.'* (Continued on Page 8) goslavia.
{Dinner Meeting Being Sponsored Bv Initial Gifts Division of des
1 if i t s Tn-smbe.-ship be mere I then me n-lditional re-pve for /ach l"ir or malor thereof in excess of 100 :. Such representatives shall r a term of one year b e •rcith J a n u a r y 1 and t « r on December 31. exenpt that th» first Board of rs elected under this s e c II be elected no later t h a n 1936. and shall hold office cember 31. 1336. and until ;ece.ssors are duly elected, 11 be elected by t h e o r g t n ixecutive Committee shall right to n a m e m e m b e r s of •d of Governors a t large In her. of one for each four ting organizations. ' •ower i s reserved in t h » f Governors of t h e corpordetermine t h e eligibility of tions to participate in a n d •with this corporation, a n d >r Is reserved in t h o E x e c imiriittee to designate r e p ves a t large to t h e Board nors. A R T I C L E VI1. shall be established seven committees hereinafter o carry on the functional 3 of this corporation. Committee on Jewish E d n -
Two Hundred to Attend Hadassah Affair Tuesday
Club Stag Party
Cantor M. Levine To- Appear .Here
Coramittee on Jewish Phlles. Committee on Jewish Corn* Tenter. :. Committee on Jewish F r e e Committee on Family W e l Commltteo on Social Eer» Committee on E m e r g e; n c y Problems. !Hiairman of each of these tees shall be selected from the members of t h e E x e c p m m i t t e e a n d such chuirkall, with t h e advice a n d of the President and E x e e bmmittee, appoint the asso^ embers of his Committee. Ixecutive Committee and/oT rd of Governors shall have er to appoint such other arid al Committees a s may from time be deemed requisite cessary t o carry out a n d ecute the program and p u r f the corporation. T h e r e duties and responsibility Committees above-named as prescribed in the B y February 13th. 1936. SH COMMUNITY C E N T E R WELFARE FEDERATION By H E N R Y MONSKT, Vice-President. HAHRT SILVERJIAN. Secretary.
Plan All-Day Program of Activities for Sunday
ts. a. Secretary, and a :r, and twenty-three metn» from the Board of Goyeen of whom shall be -le'itLt its fif.^t mpet'njj ;oliowAnnual lleetins of the ccrand eight of -whom shall
ive on the Board of I'IOVKT-
EoUrcd aa Sacocd Class Mall liatur on Jannarj II. '1M1. a.t " Fonofflo of Oxnaba. Nebra*5ca, onder th« Act of March 3. 1S7I
Jacob Kahz Join? SENTINEL K CITY-WIDE YOUTH Toral" ^ ^ "RELIGION AND SOCIAL RESIGNS FRO Talmud CONCLAVE TO BE ; JUSTIdS" Faculty ^ S ^ The Reeonstructlonist, that alPUBLIC OFFICE ways suggestive and often .-weighHELD AT. TEMPLE ty little journal -which speaks for
5 IS HEREBY GIVEN That tfal me-V.TiK of the-JEWISH TITY CIWTER AMD WEI,EIiKKAT:ON hrid on fcebh. .ar.s.the Arocles i f *n>n -were appended as. fo!'0\val ARTICLE 111. . management and artminlsof tlia alfairs of this corshall be vested In a Board ?rnors and an- .Executive ee who shall have concurwers. No action of either all. however, -be modified. or reviewed by tho other itlinut tho consent of tho jodv. Th» Board of Govind the Executive Commltmeet ot such times as may ded in the By-Lawrs, and a t •K-lien the Board of Govs not in session the Execornmittee shall have full 0 manage and administer Irs of the corporation. :.vecutive Committee' shall t. the, duly elected officers, 11 be: An Honorary Presitiree Honorary "Vice-Fresl« President. three . Vice-
ntod by the President witll ee of the officers and elect—' bers and all of whom shall r a term of one year, ^or eir successors are elected; however, t h a t the Exeiajnmlttee for 19"fi shall not ted until after April 1..1SS6. ARTICLE VI. Board of Governors shall if the officers elected a t t h e Meeting ntid u m e m b e r s h i p as follows: Each J e w i s h . tion in Omaha, which t^as existence for- more than one all Tie entitled to one rtip-
Interests ©I the
> » * •
• ' . . ' .
More Deaths Than Births in Rumania
- O ' < « i
»F "CELLOPHANE" ie goodness of
Fin* RemDved from Jewish Scene
Revisionists Recruit Legion to Aid
Considerable criticism was voic- lars in cold cash in a bank vault His noted song hits include '"Tea he spent eight years as e silk British Government to protec American Legion) refused to parthem against anti-Semitic threats ticipate in a public reception ten- ed in Jewish circles because Ma- , . . People are wondering why so for Two," "Swanee," "Just a Gig- salesman, candy manufacturer and and agitation fostered by Sir Osdered by the Legion to a dele- jor Brunei Cohen, a leader ot the many Jews have been fired re- olo," "Crazy Rhythm," "Some- laundry, worker. wald Mosley's Fascist blackshifts After two years of study with gation of visiting German war vet- Legion and one of the outstand- cently by Paramount Pictures times I'm Happy" and "Is It True In a petition submitted to Sii What They Say About Dixie?" Arerans, who came here on a good ing Jewish herbes of the war, at- . . V Charlie Chaplin's new picthe stage director, Bulgakov, ture, "Modern Times," was ban- thur Schwartz is collaborating Bromberg was rewarded with a John Simon, Home Minister, by will: mission. tended the reception. Meanwhile ned In'. Germany because Chaplin with Caesar on his present assignM. Turtel, LaboT M. P. from small part in a Provincetown TheEmphasizing that it sympathShoreditch, the Jew's declare that Major Cohen announced that alment. refused to let Hitler O.K. it at izes with the object of the Gerater production. Shortly after that their store windows have been though he is treasurer of the Brit- a preview,. . . Mrs. Jascha Heifetz mans' visit, the Jewish section dehe made a definite bid in the proBy SIMON MARKS , smeared with swastikas and their ish Legion, he will not accompany is 1 1 1 at Mount Sinai hospital in clared it could not take part in fessional field by applying to Eva j shops picketed by blackshirts. Mr. Marks, department store Jewish communities in America, the reception because of Nazi per- the Legion's delegation to Ger- New York but no one knows PERSONALITIES IN Le Gallienne's Civic Repertory ! They also complain ttiat thej magnate and- member of the England and elsewhere, which ex- secution of Jews. about It because she Is registered THE NEWS many. theater for a job. He-was advised Manny Wolfe, who has been as- to join the student group, get have received threatening letters. delegation of British Jewish perience liberty in fullest; sense, under a different name. sociated with Paramount studios some trainjng and await develop- : Turtel lias also received threats, leaders to the United States, to produce some-common plan and COMMUNAL FRONT for the last four years, was given ments. He was soon recommended ! Sir John has promised to do someremained 'here when the other seek financial and moral support Rabbi David Frankel of Vienna a new contract as scenario writer for a part in a play and that start- j thing about the matter. The Daily two members, Sir Herbert' Sam- in all parts of the world for carNews-Chronicle warns the governuel and Viscount Bearsted re- rying it into effect. In particu• • • • Is now in this country with a col- . . . June Travis will play one of ed five continuous years' work ment not to Ignore this situation lection of Hebrew manuscripts the romantic leads in a hair-rais- with the Civic Repertory theater. turned to London. In. this state- lar it is the duty of "Americanbecause such incidents may lead and rare books which he values ing story of circus life which War, ment, presented by the Jewish Jewry and of British Jewry to In 1S30 he ended this long afThe Congressional ner Brothers will place ta produc- filiation to fill an engagement for to Hitlerism. Telegrapfcic Agency by special take the initiative. They canat ?12,000 coming figures in Jewish com' permission, Mr. Marks discus- not delay any longer whilst Ger- FRANKLY SPEAKING library is eager to get them for tion this week . . . Carl Laemmle, Jed Harris in "The Inspector Genmunal life is Ira Hirschmann, man Jewry is being persecuted in Nazi emissaries in this counses "emigration of Jews from its Semitic division provided jr., has asked to be relieved of his eral" with Dorothy Gish. The foltry have sold a number of impor- vice-president of Saks Fifth Ave- some rich Jews will present it to duties as a producer at Universal lowing year he joined the Group Germany. v. EDITOR so ruthless a manner. We have come to the: conclu- tant industrialists on the idea of nue and chairman of the $350,000 the library . . . At this time there studios after the preview of' his theater from which he was recentI had the privilege of being a sion that it is essential to facili- organizing a nonpartisan organ- campaign for the University in Is no money in sight One of next picture. His father, the noted ly recruited for the movies. His member ot a delegation - from tate 'tEe emigration<of those Jews ization "to fight Communism." Exile . . . Wonder what Pedro the best known book and manu- "Uncle" Carl Laemmle of the film first appearance for the Group Montanez, the Jewish Porto Rican colony, recently sold his controlGreat Britain, which, includes also who. cannot, at present find a-footThis new organization will boxer, thought when Count Cova- script dealers who is very much ling interest. The young producer theater was with Franchot Tone Berlin <JTA) — For having Sir Herbert" Samuel the* Chairman hold in Germany, their homeland in "The House of Connolly." Roles interested in cultural activities In really be a cloak for Nazi propa- donga, former crown prince of has not as yet decided on his fu- in other plays such as "IS31," stated that he knew gtorm troopand Lord: Bearsted. We represent for centuries, The youth of GerPalestine told Rabbi Frankel that Henry Hunter "Night Over Taos," "Big Night," ers •who patronized a Jewish-ownthe united vlsws 61 British Jewry many, which has so hopeless a ganda . . Don't put any stock in Spain, leaned over the ropes and In his book business he's not in- ture activities the rumors that Governor Leh(Arthur Jacobson), former radio I "Both Your Houses," with Walter shook hands with him It was ; in an attempt to qontribute some future, must he assisted to leave terested In things Jewish . . . ed shop, a fifty-six-year old Jew solution or partial solution 'of the that country where they are nowman will not be a candidate again. an ancestor of the prince that ex- Former Congressman William W. and stage star, who is making hifi iC. Kelly, "Men in White," "Gold It's In the bag for him to iled the ancestor of Montanez screen bow at Universal, is said j Eagle Guy," "Awake and Sing," in the city of Limbrirg was sen/ German,Jewiaa problem. Tais has regarded aH unwelcome guests. !ohen, well-known New York to be eo afraid of being late for tenced Tuesday to two weeks In become so • grave that we came 'We believe that this category ot announce his. candidacy at the from Spain 400 years ago. ewlsh communal leader, is very work each day that he has two | "Waiting for Lefty" and "Weep , . . Dr. Rudolph proper time. . over specially from , .London to the population, which numbers jail and ordered to pay court I for the Vjrgins" followed. TRANSATLANTIC roud of the fact that his auto- alarm clocks to awaken him. "I . confer.with the ieaders of Amer- about 100,000 between the ages Leltnor, counselor of the German ' London Jews are asking what Early in his stage career Brom- costs. mobile license plate reads "W W use one to check against the othican Jewry and to seek their' co- of J17 to 36, can become self-sup- embassy in Washington, was rehas become . of the WIssotski . . . Two weeks after the Seven er," the young actor js Quoted as berg, who is the son of Herman He was orginally fined teu -operation and counsel. We are porting in other countries in the called to Berlin as the result of New Life, a Yiddish- Arts announced the details of the saying by press agent . . . Holly- Bromberg and Josephine Roth, marks for "slandering the repuhappy to say that agreement has shortest period, so that they can some anti-Nazi shenanagins en- fund married Goldie Doberman. They been reached, not only as to the bring over their relatives and gaged in by a couple of United EngUsh weekly dealing with Jew- merger of the ORT and JDC cam- wood is preparing to fete Carl have two children, Marcia, 6%, tation of the storm troops," but urgent necessity for' dealing with friends as soon as possible. A States senators at a party thrown ish agricultural colonization In aigns the JDC made the merger Laemmle at a dinner-dance at the land Conrad, 4%. Bromberg was the court imposed the heavier penthe Soviet Union, has appeared In public alty after an appeal from the proA huge testimonial Ambassador hotel in Los Acgeles. Vthe.problem, but for. securing.the special effort will have to be made by Ambassador Luther One ] born on Christmas day in Temes- secutor. large funds which •will be neces- to; provide, for children, if untold of the senators, Barkley of Ken- London , . . London financial cir- dinner Is in preparation for Lud- The event is planned as a testiIt -will serre monial from the motion picture j var, Hungary. His father is a sary, to carry through the, projects suffering is to be avoided. For the tucky, is said to have picked up cles are. expecting Inflation in wig Lewisohn j prominent welfare worker in New Germany any day . . . A number •agreed "upon. general purpose of our scheme a a pickle, put it under his nose to of German marks bearing the as the first official welcome to industry and civic bodies of Holly- York. he famoas author in New York. wood and Los Angeles upon his I;.";. Why do we regard the German fund of $15,000,000 is to be rais- emulate Hitler's mustache and J. Edward Bromberg's proud retirement from Universal Pic- boast that he has never been /.Jewish problems as being .so eer- ed. European Jewry should pro- then gave the Nazi salute . . . same number have turned up in English banks . . . Ben RubinRADIANT SfGN CO Copyright, 1936, by Seven Arts tures. Sponsors of the dinner are rittus? It is because Nazi Germany vide $5,000,000 of this sum and it The" Jewish politicians In Chicago greatly tbriiled nor disappointed Feature Syndicate.) the Academy of Motion Picture in his life passed the supreme test haa withdrawn from the Jews of hoped that the remainder, name- who publicly opposed Governor stein, husband of the late Con©MAMA, that country the rights of -c.itlzen- ly $10,000,000 will be collected Henry- Horner's primary battle for chita Supervia, Spanish diva, was Arts and Sciences In co-operation for even hectic Hollywood and its {ship, Which they In common with in America which today harbors the Democratic nomination are one of the founders of the Doar wtih all producers, and the Holly- Mad Hatters have failed to ruffle ;»I1 other inhabitants, have enjoy- the largest single Jewish commu- still nursing the bruises they suf- Hayom, Palestine's first Hebrew wood and Los Angeles Chambers his even temper. He has never , His father is a former 4 d so long. The irresponsible nity. daily . of Commerce. Irving Thalberg will been away from New York until fered when Horner smashed the Jacts of- Individuals and groups, treasurer of the English Zionist be toastmaster . . . David Selz- I now. By LOCTS PEKARSKT We are hopeful that at least Now that Democratic machine ^menace the Jews of Germany. Not Federation . . . Pierre Van Paasnjck is a scion of one of the 6.0 per-cent of the' emigrants or Horner has won renomlnation, 'satisfied,"however, with dlsfransen is going to be under the manmovies "first families" and a (CCopyright, 183 6, by Seven Arts Hollywood, Cal. :fchi8lng.the Jews and forcing them more will find a home In Pale- and Is virtually certain of re- agement of Colston Leigh for an showman worthy of this back; stine, 30,000 have ^already estabFeature Syndicate.) Jewish politicians GREAT SONGWRITER HERE election, the "Iiito "the "Ghetto again, a systemground and tradition . . . Mervyn extensive American lecture tour 224 Insurance BIdg. lished themselves and plans are are In a jam . . . They want to Irving Caesar, ^ who is consid4'atic, remorseless policy la being LeRoy is noe of the youngest and this fall . . . The first 50 families being devised to make provision climb on the Homer bandwagon :red one ot the world's greatest ^pursued of impoverishing, degrad• Wiring of all kinds. most outstanding directors In the from Poland" to settle In Biro ing and.vllllfying a people/whose for many more In that country, but Horner won't, have them . . . Bidjan will leave Poland within ongwriters, has arrived from New films. He has been many things in • SSoiOT Snstsllations. where they will be welcomed as David Weintraub Is conducting r.ojily crime is that ot belonging to They are York to write the lyrics for a the movies—actor, assistant direc• Lighting Fixtures. i another race — a race whose con- co-workers and co-builders, not-as the survey of the Works Progress the next two weeks Twentieth Century-Fox picture to tor and even a "gag man." He is Itribution to civilization is immor- in B omany other countries where administration which will be the being financed by Jewish money be produced this summer. Caesar Jacob a native of California Estimate* Gladly Furnished are viewed as foreigners and pos- basis ot the New Deal's perma- from America. tal. . ••• . ..';:?;,... . completed the book for a new Karp, attorney for Paramount London (WNS) — Thousands! !v: For a century and a half the sibly feared, as competitors. There nent unemployment relief pro- FOOTLIGHTS Damon Runyon play scheduled for Studios in Hollywood, returned to Call Broadway's newest idol, Irwln Broadway, N. Y., production late of Jewish storekeepers and mer-1 'Jewish community, small as It has they will find human dignity a- gram . . . The bill to give George AT. 6470 been, haa contributed its share in gain In the reconstruction of our M. Cohan a Congressional medal Shaw, author of the sensational n the summer before he em- his office this week after a week's chants in the Shoreditch district j trip to New York on business. "Bury the Dead," anti-war play, raising the reputation: of Germany ancient homeland.,. of London have appealed to the' barked for Hollywood. Caesar has for his famous war song "Over The' alternative to some such There," is being killed in com- has already been grabbed up by worked with every modern com•ii the world of science, the arts, .medicine, commerce, finance and scheme . as we are pro-pounding mittee because some Ku Klux Hollywood . . . But Instead of poser of note and boasts a song J. EDWARD BRO3IBERG industry. In the Great War, Ger- is a'complete, breakdown in the congressmen think Cohan Is a working on anti-wax stuff Throughout hjs years at school hit with each. They Include George vinan Jews played their part nobly, structural life of German Jewry, football story scribbling a at Public School No. 10 in the Gershwin, Vincent Youmans, SigDisclosures of anti-Semi12,000 making the\supreme sac- a stampede into neighboring coun- Jew That because he played football mund Romberg, Rudolph Frlml Bronx, N. Y., Stuyvesant High and tic tactics by foes of the New'jrlflce in defense of:their Father- tries, the existence among friendfor Brooklyn college under the and Victor Herbert. Caesar also City college at New York, J. EdViand. Now they, must submit to ly nations, of thousands of wan- Deal have put some Jewish big name of Shamoroff George wrote the books for the Ziegfeld ward Broinberg, who recently the humiliation of the withdrawal dering)" impoverished Jews, the -shots, who don't like F. D. R., on Gershwin gave his friends a sur- ollies, the Greenwich Follies, came to Hollywood to act in a the spot. •of the elementary rights o£ citl- heavy and wasteful costs of relief prise when an impressionalistic 'Nina Rose," "No, No, Nannette" Twentieth Century-Fox 'F l i m e ::zenshipf, • tho right to Barn a live-* for-refugees; ad a direct stimulus ABOUT painting of his was put on exhi- and many other shows. He adapt- movie, had a vague desire to bejllhpod, the claim of children to to the forces everywhere making bition at the annual show of the sfl Al Jolson's "Wonderbar" for come an actor. He had no Idea ^ducatlonithe right of protection for; .anti-Semitism. We would ; Carlos Israel, son of the late Ural Belle Moskowitz, Al Smith's Society of Independent Artists . . . he American stage and screen. then how to accomplish It. Instead ^ 'viV^wcS'i^sftu&tjo&Wijtkrdi^iSy .braln-truster,»tr'eixpectlng an heir Latest addition to the-Hollywood 'to perBon..,and ..property •''- We' realize-thatno solution of , , V Babbi Isaac Marcusson of colony is torch singer Libby Holbefore^ the'; law: afld the; rights to, b i man . . . Al Jolson is said to have participate in social life. That In is'possible other*than the ending Macbni Ga., was the fellow who the^Twentleth Centuhy such rights of the present persecution.and the started the fad of cutting figures a couple of hundred thousand dolBut he didn't could be challenged, let alone full restoration of civil and politi- ouV of soap The withdrawn is hard to believo let cal rights, but at the same time get a dime for his idea alone understand. Yet such is the we have.'to.recognize the present world's most expert lip reader is case. The Nuremberg laws. have Intolerable conditions -: in. -which Ellis Lit, scion of the PhiladelFoundries made It clear beyound all* doutrt they are ,-placed and to make a phia department store Lits . , •that the object of the Nazi lea- determined' effort to help%them. • Elias Is stone deaf . . . Henry 27th and Martha HA. 5323 derfe to to -degrade the Jews per- ' :We appeal to A'merican Jewry Lustig, boss of the Longchamps Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft manently. World option no lon- to support Ud so that we can bring restaurants, recently made a big Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast* ger counts with them. In their hope^to qur-Boreiy tried people. killing on the races and can well own country , public T opinion.- has. afford to accelerate' the discard- ings. Wood and Metal Patterns e\ ceased to exist. Contrast'. this, Standard sizes Bronza a n d iron ing of all his "German dishes Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern state of affairs in 1936 with the Rabbi Abraham Feinberg of New Rings and Covers, Cleanout Doors. following' extract from the DecSash Weights a n d Yellow Brass York predicted two weeks ago Plumbers' Ferrules, carried In laration of American IndepenLondon (WNS) — The Jewish that the killer of Nancy Titterton stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze and dence ot the year 17 ITS: Cast iron Grilles a Specialty. .branch .'of ..the Legion of the Bri- would turn out to be a psycho"We hold these truths to be pathlc criminal . . . One of the tish. Ex-Combatants (England's self-evident:• _'' • \ That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalianable rights; . that among these are—- . , Life, Liberty' and. the pursuit ot Happiness." • „. •:. Tou will see how far-Nazi -ciQtaxS. BKj vilization has retrogressed. Morecieeeric bntSu «.*.:. fccsn over, It Is Idle to expect any change of heart.from the present leaders of Germany and a reversal mm of their policy. One ot their Ministers declared a few days ago: "We do not.care what the.world sayB about our Jewish legisla•j^- Where OmaJux Shops With Confidence tion. As your distinguished compatriot, Mr. James G. McDonald, the ex-High Commissioner for German. Refugees,, so eloquently demonstrated in his letter ot resignation —to the League, Nazi-Germany's SWk.antl-Jewlsh policy Is a challenge "?'l can't keep your refund. I "On trying my second, pack to ,th& civilization ot all countries nowifindjIilike'Old .Golds 'of 'Double-Mellows,' I got a of the world. But the Jews outtoo well." JEAN SAPIRSTEIN, thrill." HAROLO^C.SACER. side Germany! would prove themJamaica? N.Y. Buffalo, N . Y . selves unworthy at the bar ot history if they were'to sit back supinely watcilng and: waiting, for ilfi MlMBB others to act while the social, economic and political status of' a whole community of their fellowJews in h~elng destroyed." The mission on' which we were - engaged has foensd the attention The little things thai do so modi to of the Jewish and non-Jewish • Put an end forever to tank patting, worries world on the>Nazi policy, which "I'm returning your check. "Here'»"your"checfc (un"Those double-meilowsmokct about the heater end turning it on and off threatens 'the. demoralization' and Another trial convinced me are marvelous. So am re.' cashed). The second pack exile of hundreds of. thousands of with this new 1936 Hot Water Heater. PerOld Gold* axe swell." of O.Gs sold me." V. C. turning check. human beings. It is the duty ot REpOK. Philadelphia. SCHOELLER. Passaic, N. J.
lor Iterite Troopers from Jews
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mafe one-fee! at home aieespecially evident at Hotel President Close to a!i the finestthecrtfss and shops Splendid food in the Coffee Shop or Walnut ifoau Prices most jnoderate, |k KRCY TYRRELL-
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THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, ?JAY 1, 193G vernment to proteci ist anti-Semitic threatr on fostered by Sir pssy's Fascist .blackshirts Jtion submitted to Sii >n, Home Minister, bj 1, Laboi M. P. Iroic the Jews declare' thnt been 5 -windows have ith swastikas and thell eted by blackshirts. Iso complain tnat thej red threatening letters. 3 also received threats.
By HENRY MONTOR •When i s . a. defense of t h e itled to only a specific ratio of American Jewish position b&rm- jobs, regardless of environmental ful? This question is answered and historic forces that have in this brilliant contribution by forced its members Into certain the literary editor ol the Seven :hannels In -which they are seem• Arts Feature Syndicate, Trritten ingly predominant. As a sincere, on the occasion of the publica- thorough, scientific investigation tion of "Jews in America'? by of the place in and contribution Random Honse.—The Editor. of American Jews to the develop-
ias promised, to do someit the matter. The Daily micle -warns the governto ignore this situation uch incidents may lead 3m. '
or Saying terite Troopers Bought Irom Jews
practicing self-abnegation hare j take upon themselves a title proved themselves practical poli- j which has been applied to even cies, either for Jews, in America j so staunch an American as Mr. or for Jews in Europe. The in- Justice Brandeis? And even the evitable conclusion is that Jews extent of the later's contribution 0 must hunt for a new technique I to American civilization has not of fighting anti-Semitism. Ameri- warded off tne most evil insinuaca today is pogrom-conscious, if tions and charges. In Mm aloae. one may bt allowed to use aperhaps, is tne best proof that: phrase that exaggerates but nev- anti-Semitism 's no tars, that : imples of how Jews may be mis- ertheless indicates tne frame of I it refuses to acknowledge any; g y
\ governing institutions in Pale-! 000 gallons) daily. Tliia is f-s.f.-1 •; cient io tend ilioufiasulE of. \" • isiine. ! The Manchester Guardian as- iecis, particularly tViose T st rheumatic PiEti nevve eoTOTir'irit jserted that "the Palestine admin- Modern bslneolo&ita! m e t ' •%' j istration about to stamp the Jew- hare been employed in re.f>i,< >T population, vrhicl entitled:ring the springs.
to complete eQuality. vith the status oi a permanent minority," IE commenting: on the debate, "' Citing the reply of Lord Plymouth, the Guardian cteclarpd the.t
hF.ve been constructed, contain TOP cubic metres e.n o'tier IPO cutfc wc-t-rp? of Hov, It if fKfPrt«»f' fJip heslth resort vttl be fully E,ncE available for visitors b.» tober or November, 10P<>, the Tiberias season commen
1 -,- I E EN C
s orginally fined , ten r "slandering the repu-
tfce storm troops," but imposed the heavier penan appeal from the pro-
ft Let
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or warm weather -leaving a cool, if on dress. You'll e fashion-right in dion ginal
V 1APM4NS ith Confidence
.reated, humiliated, oppressed. mind into which America is be- code, any exception to its rule of j Company, hese stories, in lengthy columns, ing put by two factors; the fren- nncompromising hatred. ! despite warnings on all sides, the have not gone unread by men and zied emphasis by Jews themselves I Anti-Semitism ir not hatred of| Until a man has an estate, ei- Government is bent on proceedwomen who gloated over them as on the technique of anti-Semitism j the Jew. It" is hatred of all that' ther actual through investments ing- with formation, of the council. though at orgiastic Tevels. Day and the unscrupulous and unceas-jis decent and clean in the rela-l o r guaranteed through life insurj "It is disposed to ignore Jewish after day anti-Semitissm In Amer- ing, use to which this material and jtions between men. The fight i ance, even the finest investments opinion, which is entitled both in ica is being nourished by this material self-selected is being ex- j against anti-Semitism is not the cannot give him the service he the name of justice and under Prague — EeportB reao 1: tragic news from abroad. poited by Jew-haters -who have j exclusive concern of Jews trat of needs, for none of these invest- the Mandate to be consulted." the here from the-town of -Krepr% " ment of America's civilization, ments s a T e life insurance, con! all society. But for Jews t h e fight: ' Have these news stories helped their own purposes to serve. editorial saic. Jewish organize Bohemia, tell of five Chrl- '»-> Fortune Magazine's material is siders the fact that it takes time tions have declared their opposi- German f am. Hies who hsve tii-> Only professional optimists or harmful • rather than helpful. Its a single Jew abroad? Have they What, then, is t o be done if I against anti-Semitism is a quixo- to save money. bored non-Jewish critics can deny publication does, 'however, center swerved the German government there is a bankruptcy of the tra- i tic adventure unless i t is combattion to the council. braced Jndai?Tr! en TOSSKP SF F I'- '"Life Insurance is the only inthat anti-Semitism in America Is attention on the -entire question from its ruthless policies? Have ditional Jewish methods of avert- j t e d a s m e r e l y one phase of a unimstic protest against, tbe.perpcci* vestment plan which guarantees e at a new high level. The differ- of meeting anti-Semitism in they dissuaded the National Dem- ing the blows of an aroused anti- v e r s a l a s s a u l t u P ° n t hthe " • V f. ,i> ' v - r - S ! i f i i , elementhe saving period —the only plan tar Ti hts ot : ocrats of Poland from their pogence between the situation of a America. pathy? Jews have proved those I ^ ^ humanity. " " which offsets the possibility that rom agitation? Have they aroused decade ago and of today is a a man may not live long enough Is there anything that Jews can n member states of the League methods vrorthless in America. broader knowledge of that curiWhy shoulcl they be potent abroad ously intricate .technique , •which do to combat' anti-Semitism? Ex- if Nations a sense of wrong done where the situation is lar beyond (Copyright, 1936, by Seven Arts ; to accumulate an estate. And not until he has guar&n-. Tiberas, Palestine Feature Syndicate.) characterizes the toaster Jew-bait- perience shouts an . irresistible and a desire for the restitution comparison with the placid atmosteed his saving period through; cor Agency) After ei"pr negative.. Fortune, offers the coner. Who hasLmade i t possible for of right? The answers to all these phere which prevails here? life insurance, does the . average j steady work, the Tibe-is= Tindormant anti-Semite to be arous- temptuous advice that there be a questions" can be found in today's man have any right to any other ! Springs have now been organized Are Jews, then, to throw up ed to a full blaze of hating glory? "quieting of Jewish apprehensive- newspapers. investments. i ss s modern health resort. Work their hands and wait resignedly ness and the consequent eliminaIs the present method of meeting At the present time efforts are j continued under t h e supervision j for a slow or swift death, metafey tion of the.aggressive and occa- being made to organize Jevish 1 that anti-Semitism effective? I , I of Engineer Schorer of gwiteersionally .•- provocative Jewish de- communities In various lands-in phorically speaking? Does the exed a n d that i t was "eminently ( I a n g . T h e r e a r e B o w 1 T instead. Fortune Magazine, sensing the fensive measures." posure of inutilfty in old methods T ? the,hope that joint action may be desirable" for t h e general inter-! Of 3 springs. trend of the times, started an anprove the unavailability of new How' areJews trying .to curb more effective than, the present ig; Corp.' ests of the country as a whole to j The former output waE 400,000, Air 3IM&1 alysis of the status of Jew-hatred A' method in solated program of individual methods? set B p the council. ; | litres (about 15,000 gallons); In America and followed it np anti-Semitism? A*, MM There is only one conclusion: Denying statements that estab-' daily, but this has now increased countries. Union among Jews may with a lengthy article on the sub- vogue for some years, and constantly Increasing in usage, is that Jews will suffer from antiLondon (JTA)—The proposed ;lishment of t h e council w o u l d ; t 0 1,600,001> litrep (fibont JQPbe morally uplifting but one is ject, presumably from the hand of Archibald MacLeish, mystic, and the so-called good will movement. inclined to doubt that Adolf Hit- Semitism so long as such econom- Palestine legislative council was lead to friction and discord, vioconservative poet. The so-called Occasional . meetings are held in ler will become In the slightest ic, social and political conditions subjected to a barrage af criti- lent propaganda and public dem- n ^ gm findings on the subject are nowwhich Christian and Jewish di- alarmed by a -distinguished ora- obtain as make prejudice and big- cism in the House of Lords, last onstrations. _ reprinted as a small book called vines, and occasionally laymen, tor speaking against him at Gen-atry possible. Jews are fighting a week and demands were voiced R Heal attacked the proposal for a; = exhausting battle as for postponing the project and: °J" investigation commission,!^ "Jews in America." It is publish- exchange complimentary refer- eva rather than at Madison j lhopeless, on a that it would be regard-! j = ed with a flourish of pride by ences. In; the first place, this pro- Square Garden in New York. Toj S s they conceive their strug- for sending a Royal Commission' ewarning to be to Palestine to investigate the sit- i d b ^t h e Arabs as an excuse by i g g sure, neither will such a world | l t b an isolated i l t d battle b t t l for f Random House, which its newcess covers as much ground as a be be s u , | |England to "break "its pledge." : == publication classifies as a Jewish fly-speck.on the earth's surface. i r i s n t s denied to them alone. It uation. union Intensify anti-Semitism a s i In the second place, it is • a deadded that he hoped the J e w - ; | | j concern. it is sometimes fatuously claimed may be natural for Jews to be Replying for. the Government, j He isn grading, Eelf-abasing method of would take a place in j = When the material first ap- uprooting hatred among non-Jews —for the course, of anti-Semitism worried first by problems which Earl of Plymouth declared t h a t | 1 people council il and d cooperate t in i t the h' peared in Fortune Magazine, it when it is frankly admitted that is already too swift in Its flow beset them most forcefully. But any indication that the Govern- U |H The Salary Continuance Policy helps yourfamwork to reform. to be deflected from its course j °ut of sheer self-defense they will postpone its ment intended to was widely reprinted and cited as practically all good will move: .1 . pledges to establish a legislative i After Lord Plymouth's address, or enlarged artificially by what! have to abandon this astigmatic fjjg j | -i~~ a complete repudiation of charges ments are financed by well-meanil. J council would "seriously shake: Baron Snell, Laborite, withdrew ;== J analysis of their problem. frequently leveled against Jews, ing but myopic Jews. The only JewB may do at this time. Palestines confideace" in the Gov-!a motion he had made in opening;^ y d e a t h , knOVH SS t h e Readjustment Period, O u r There are, of course, Jews—far Fortune Magazine counsels the insofar as monopoly of major people at; all-brought within the » _.. _. _ !•» i__i J_ _ • ! +Vta /iflV.'jtQ f Vint +^o n n f o r n m on* • • " American enterprises is concern- radius of the good will preach- Jews to keep quiet a3 the way to more than Jewish leaders appre- eminent and would lead to seri-! the debate that the Government. | reconsider the conncil project. In j ed. In truth, "Jews in America" inen' are 'those who are already avoid anti-Semitism. The general ciate—who care nothing- about ous unrest. i This plan guarantees a monthly cheek from 12 to 68 the plight of their own people or impression Is that German Jews is in a large measure a corrobora- prepared for decent tolerance of Terming the council project a! offering the motion. Lord Snell jgg months after your death, together "vrith an immediate tion of the premise on "which anti- another's faith. The good will were among the most quiet-man- the sorrows of the world at large. "dangerous experiment," leading • asserted that Palestine was unfit g Semitism is based- The position movement' deals only with" super- nered species of the race. Ameri- They are the contented -well-to-do members of the honse warned the j for and did not desire central self-! = Ciean-Up Fund for small bills. of Fortune Magazine is, in effect, ficial platitudes and • does not can Jews who agree -with the pro-whose exploits of labor contribute Government that it would antag-; government at the present. :j | | that it is justifiable to measure reach into the causes which main- gram of silence are playing the so much to a false general picture onize the Jews, "who are a guar-j He urged a ten-year program; ^ traditional ostrich. Only a fewof the Jew. These smug, socially- antee for the safety of the British j for the development of local self-; ^ the Jewish right to existence In tain the Pittas AT. IW§ for tfee Stuff, • the body politic on the basis of weeks ago Mayor Kelly of Chica- j destructive Jews are as much a air force that cannot be obtained In the last decade "the protec- go, in addressing a meeting of j curse upon the Jewish people as in Iraq." its numerical proportion in various fields of activity. On the sur- ton of Jewish rights in America" Jewish Democrats in the "Windy the most fanatic anti-Semitic Among those who scored the face, the intention of "Jews in has become the province of three City, cautioned them against vot- propagandist—for he whotig- council, recently announced by SCS3HDTS America" is to be'fair. It is ac-outstanding American Jewish or- ing for the renomination of Gov- stroys the foundations of an I the High Commissioner of Paletually misleading because i t is in-ganizations who frequently, if not ernor Horner whom Kelly op- equitable society creates the poi-jstine, were the Earl of -Lytton, always, trip over- each other in son from which the Jew, as well!former Viceroy of India; the Maradequate and evasive, Fortune their perfectly sincere zeaL The posed. He warned them that if | quess of Lothian, Baron Melchett, for a Pleassnt Surprise Horner won it would increase anvirtually as other groups, -suffers. JOSH A. BEEES. (Sen. Agent ' Magazine proved in But for the great mass of Jews,! the Earl of Mansfield, Viscount HAVE XOO TKIEU every large field which It alleg- "protection" tabes the form of se- ti-Semitism, for the electorate (in curing the elimination of "The this case, meaning the local poli- with aspirations for freedom andJElibank, Baron Snell, Baron Jes-i edly surveyed that. Jews contribF&raara at iStla Omaha, Nebr. SCHSUDT'S LATELY? uted more than the percentage Merchant of Venice" from local ticians) would believe that Jews security and the same degree of sel and Baron Marley. schools, denunciation of a public Lord Plymouth replied that voted for. Horner only because he social chivalry and cultural hope which they constitute in the genCAUL utility barring Jews from employ- is - a Jew. Kelly apparently re- as the great mass of all people Palestine High Commissioner Sir TO KFAB AT 5:55 F. RL WEXT SUNDAY eral population. The men and ment or protest against-a univerfused to admit that Jews had thetheir place is beside the best Arthur Grenfell Waucliope was of women who Intend to use antiSo. ISih £ i . &?. CPOS Semitism In the forthcoming sity invoking the time-honored right, as American citizens, to forces in the land working for j the considered opinion that the presidential campaign will be able numerns clausus^Tfib some extent vote for Horner because" they be^ the eradication of all conditions'step could no longer be postpon-iE making for'hatred between group to show by means of this book these organizations have been lieved him preferable to the opthat though Jews represent about successful; In fact, however, they posing candidate. The "silence" and group. Many Jews absent themselves 4% per cent of the population, have merely, succeeded in driving Jews would be under obligation there is far more than that per- underground some of "the mani- to vote againet-Horner purely be- from these progressive, forwardcentage among movie magnates, festations of Jew-hatred to which cause the suspicion might arise looking activities in the belief clothing workers, Wall - street they objected. For the moment that it was only his Jewishness that they thus abate the vehewhich attracted them. mence of the charge that Jews brokers, even publishers.: The an Jews may benefit, but the sup"thor of "Jews in America" made pressed venom will erupt at some Neither courting good.will, ex- are socially, disruptive. But who time, with greater violence than are these Jews to be unwilling to no study -whatsoever of the ecoposing injustice to the Jew nor before. nomic condition of American Jewry; made- no attempt to dis- In the past three years forces cover the average. income of thefar more powerful than these proAmerican Jew; did nothing to tective organizations have ever show that the average Jew has as had to face have injected themlow a standard of living as theselves into the situation. Hitler for average American. But beyond has become the patron saint of a Lost time in growing' is expensive! I>on't psinMe with cfeesp nursesy Bt«cfe these elementary economic. facts. new religious creed, whose fervor roents, When you buy SJEarshaSs" "Better Bui-!;" trees smft sJinibs, you gr. o.^*» t re' High Grade niercliajiajse . . . carefi for Eager proper com3.!tSonsfcyn^rwrj-me v-t t> Fortune Magazine did not under- is all the more passionate because «B» of experience. Too also profit foy the advice &nS sugpestlons these minwrjinsen *«n take to refute the fallacious no- it has been suffering under Teyou. Visit Eisrsnalls* fci£ Glass Moase Display Gardens to4sy »??fi w t>* Yiv»tiv*&* tion - that a - race or creed is en straint. Jewish protests themtrees, shrubs and ©t&er mercimiiiJlse mow on filBptey. E^erj purciiase selves have, Ironically enough tlie guarantee of Kebrsska's oldest anfi largest grower! given further circulation to the Hitler doctrines of anti-Semitism. Come To This is not an appraisal of the worth of the protests but merely "A Quality Product for Seasoning" WHITMAN'S the registering of an ascertainable fact. Jewish news circulating in The Best Hot Corned Beef the general press, giving detailed accounts of tha new anti-Semit Sandwiches in the City Marshallr 25 Extra Large m; ism—in Germany, Poland and have the fjnett elsewhere—has served day after Whitman's Trees have full helpht, day as a manual in which illiterHere 1* ytrar opportiraity to End distributer! limb . Delicatessen & Lunch ret a Jars?, beantif a! sto^eate anti-Semites have become polo irare bird bath lor yonr yard aS a treat Msving la we!! balanced complete roet 2417 Farnam JA. 4874 ished connoisseurs > in the art o price. BoucteS to" Ben at S5. terns. Visit o«" Open Dally and Sundays displaying hatred. Jews have proOnly 33 left. and make your selection ftem Till Mldnltetested, and have given specific exmany
(JTA) — For hating it he knew storm troopmtronized a Jewish-owna fifty-six-year old Jew ty of Limburg was senlesday to two weeks in . ordered to pay coart
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THE JIWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Prlce» one year - • • • • - $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.
Editorial Office: E 00 Brandelo Theater Building. Sioux City OCtlce—Jewish Community Center , DAVID BLACKER - • BusineBS anfl Managing Editor FKANK R. AOKBRMAN "..\ - • - • • • - E d i t o r FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL. - - • - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 so. 24th Street
Jewish Palestine Palestininian Jewry—symbolic of Jewish hope and aspiration for the fnture^-have just undergone the fifth Arab outbreak in: the Holy Land .since postwar immigration. In 1920 and 1921 there were demonstrations in Jerusalem and Woodshed in Jaffa; in 1929 innocent Jewish people were massacred in Hebron arid Safed and attacked in Jerusalem and various Jewish settlements; in 1933 the scene of the major disorders was Jaffa, with repercussions in Nablus, Haifa and Jerusalem; in this, the fifth show, of violence in sixteen years, Jaffa was again tiie focal point, with the rioting spreading to various parts of Palestine. Events appear to have drifted back to normal, and we can appraise the situation with more calm. Most vital to us is the answer to the questions What caused the rioting in Palestine and how will it affect the future of the'Jewish homeland? We grieve at the biers, of the eighteen Jews who paid the supreme penalty; we deeply sympathize with the approximately two hundred who were injured. But in the building of a, country, such numbers grow insignificant. Pioneering any land will necessarily bring casualties, and we do not expect to achieve our dreant of Eretz Yisroel rebuilt without suffering setbacks and mishaps. But, when our chalutzim are killed or injured, we must learn from the lesson of their misfortune.
* •'a
country once it's been sufficient- more than a year ago, Reynolds ly publicised . . . AH members of was tshe only one of the «h}pGEMS OF THE BIBLE the Jewish Textile Association ot newsers who greeted him (and efEngland have taken an oath to | fusively) as "Putzy" . , . Cologne, AND TALMUD ostracize completely any Jew i in the Rhineland. has a school By O. O. DASHER found guilty of having violated I where the pupils are made to say the anti-Nazi boycott . . . There j this prayer: "Fuehrer, our fuehare a number of persons in this ! rer, who has been given to us by Men do not despise a thief if land who wouldn't enjoy being i God, protect us to the end of our he steals to satisfy his hungry BT ROBERT STOXE shoved into Coventry . . . David I days. You ha%'e saved Germany soul. Schweitzer, financial adviser to I from the most frightful fate, and If thou art wise thou art wise XORTH AMERICA JEWISH MEMBER OF AMERthe J. D..C, doesn't like fogs . . . it. is to you we owe our dally for thyself and if thou scornest The Irreconcilable Conflict ICAN OLYMPIC BASKET BALL The ship that brought him in from bread, Help is* snd never abanthou alone shall bear it. By Rabbi Frederick (John Treasures of wickedness profit TEAM SAYS N. Y. JEWISH | Europe 'tother day kept him at don us. O fuehrer, our light and nothing but righteousness deli- LEADERS URGED HIM TO AC- eea off Sandy Hook for an extra our faith." , . . That one is BiipI am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet. But it vereth from death. CEPT BERLIN INVITATION . . . day and night . . . Mussolini has posed to be said before meale . . . needs no prophet to sense the coming inevitable struggle. He becometh poor that dealeth The names of the Jewish pro- ! made himself a bitter enemy in This one follows breaking o£ the fast . , . "Our fuehrer, we thank It has long been predicted; worse than that, prepared for. with a slack hand but the hand Olympics should be made public. ! the person of a Jewish woman res- you for this meal. You, protector jident of Windsor, Ont. . . . The of the diligent maketh rich. NIN-JEWISH STORE IN LOS It draws tragically near. Be not too good nor too wise, ANGELES A D V E RTISES ITS j lady had a beautiful Italian mar- of the youth end counselor of the In concrete terms, and to face the facts, at once— why be desolated? SUPPORT OF ANTI-NAZI BOY- I ble lamp with an l£-karat gold old. Be secure." Speak not In the ears of a fool Great Britain, France, Russia and America will be arCOTT . . . Business men have a I band around its bane . . . Compelled to send if. to Italy for refor he will despise the wisdom right to be civilized. rayed against Germany, Italy and Japan in another Ar- of thy words. OBSERVANCE TONIGHT pairs, no Canadian jeweler being mageddon of the nations. . uble to match its workmanship, TALMUD EUROPE I am no alarmist, but all signs point to it. The so- There were Bome highwaymen BELGIAN POLICE H A N D the lamp is now back jn the The Workmen's Circle, Social. in the neighborhood of Rabbi i OVER FOUR GERMAN REFU- lady's parlor . . . But the gold 1st party. Pioneer Women, Nacalled "leaders" of the nations have done their best (or Meier is missing . . . Dr. J. J. Go- tional Workers' Alliance and who annoyed him so much TO NAZI SECRET POLICE band came their worst) to bring it about. Mussolini has been braz- that he once prayed that they GEES back from Palestine, . . . That action is plain murder. lub he was consultant to the Poale Zion will join In a Celebraonly defiant and Hitler has but been carrying out should die. But his wife, Bar- HUNGARIAN GYPSIES EX- where tion May l, at the Labor Lyceum, uria, said to him, "How do you jPELLED FROM REICH .AS NON- architect for the Hadassah-Roths- 22nd and Clark streets, at 8 p. m. the program which seems like the classical German pro- Justify child hospital, and came down this?" (such prayer). "Is ARYANS . . . Before long there with a stiff neck and neuritis . . . There will be speakers and a mugram openly announced in his book, "Mein Kampf," the it because it is written 'Let sin jIwill be only Hitler and Goering Judge Julian Mack returned from sical program. Everyone ia inbe consumed' which you underBible of the Nazis. The Japanese militarists have hot in Germany. a dose of "Unusual weather In St. vited to attend. to mean that the wicked j living hesitated to resort to cold-blooded assassination. For stand ROMAIN ROLLAND TELLS Petersburg, Fla., and had to turn should be destroyed? Behold, is years the storm has been gathering and is now about It then written the sinner? It is ! POLISH LIBERALS HE RE- down an invitation from Rabbi S. HE'S NOT JEWISH . . . S. Wise to take in Chaplin's "ModBucharest.—Kishinev, scene of ready to burst forth: The war clouds break into thunder written 'sin'. Besides, read the jGRETS I Rolland has all his life fought for jern Times," because he had seen one o£ the most sanguinary poglast part of this verse 'And the and discharge their lightnings of pent-up hate, passion wicked will be no more.' Pray ; brotherhood among nations and it down there . . . Matter of fact, ' roms in modern Jewish history, Rabbi Wise had also Been the has elected a Jewish vice-mayor. and fury. therefore (on their behalf) that j individuals. flicker, but thought it worth a; In the recent city election Irf. Ginsj BROTHER-IN-LAW OF KING they may led to repentance and The conflict is not only inevitable, it' is irreconcilj berg was named deputy mayor. the wicked will be no more.1' He EDWARD VIII LIKENS HITLER second trip. able. It is a tragic moment of history. Two principles did pray for them and thereupon j TO GANGST3R . . . Yes, and * * * i j King Edward wished happiness centered. On the one hand, Democracy, which has been they were led to repent. XAZIAXA: Orchids to Jack Miler, Daily News sports writer, assailed, belittled, mocked at, openly flouted, ruthlessly The future world will not be : and long life to this gangster. Stetson Eats this world. In the future for his published prediction that ; destroyed; on the other hand, Dictatorial Government, like Arrow Shirts world there will be neither eat- j AFRICA "the Olympic games are six, two throttling' liberty, exercising the most brutal tyranny, ing nor drinking nor business nor ' ITALIAN AGENTS IN ETHI- and even to wind up a worse mesa McGregor Sportswear Interwoven Socks perpetuating monstrous injustice, trampling on the most envy nor hatred nor competition. OPIA BEGIN ITALIANIZATION than the Hauptmann case." . . . Only the righteous will sit with OF FALASHAS . . . That's a big Winchell's gal Friday informs her Yasssx Underwear elementary human rights, stopping not at murder and | their crowns upon their heads Job even for Mussolini. boss that Quentin Reynolds of the ! Cheney Cravats torture. and will enjoy Divine Glory. Collier's staff answered a request \ by "putsy" Hanfstaengl to "ghost" \ These itemii are featured at These tilings cannot go on forever. They must come PALESTINE a book for him, saying he'd ac- i ORIGINAL SCORE OF HATIK- cept on the condition that half j to a head. It seems that God's Cup of Fury is about full VAH PRESENTED TO HEBREW the royalties be turned over to j and,He gives the nations to drink of it. Justice must be {UNIVERSITY . . . And the other the fund for German-Jewish ref- • vindicated. Wickedness in high places cannot remain a I day we discovered that the music ugees . . . We recall that when • was taken from a Russian folk Hitler's press-tooge (as W. W. scandal forever. The nations have sown the wind in their S1I Soath lflth St. calls him) came to New York '. j song. ignorant and short-sighted diplomacy and are about to ! HEAR REVISIONISTS MOVreap the whirl-wind of bloody war and insane destruction. ilNG TOWARD REUNION WITH i ZIONIST ORGANIZATION . . . We believe in peace but not. in pacifism. There are ! Reunion in Tel Aviv—we hope fateful moments when the right must be defended at j it's not too violent.
as the haven of refuge for the Jewish tortured of Europe and everything which can be done should be done to develop Palestine. But, nothing in the rioting can be construed as an emergency on top of an emergency. And if Zionist leaders do not swerve from such tactics, they will weary their contributors into diminishing the vital importance of Palestinian subsidy.
Footnotes Headlines
The Arab leaders have for some time been spreading propaganda against the increased influx of Jewish immigration. They can look ahead and see the time, when so many Jews will have entered Palestine that the Jewish population will outnumber the Arab; in other words, they fear that the Balfonr Declaration -will xeally be car- whatever cost. Mankind fear such an hour. There seems ried out to fruition and a Jewish national homeland es- to be no other solution. All pacific efforts have been re- PAGE GOEBBELS: If some i (Copyright. 1936, by Seven Arts! Feature Syndicate.) j tablished in Palestine. Many and varied are the means jected. "Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make dimwit.in the German consulate | at Chicago isn't fired one of these used to stir-up the patriotism of the Arabs. Here is the mad." The truculent leaders of greed and aggression, days, then the Berlin Nails have J was planning marriage, he an-' underlying cause of the present disturbances. By fair of hate and exploitation, seem bent on their own destruc- been maligned . . . The Windy : swered, with a half-smile, that he ' means or;foul the Arab leaders have fostered a strong tion. At least they have brought on the present crisis City woke up one morning recent- i had no such plans, "but others i ly to read that the German con- | may be planning it for me." Arab nationalist movement that knew no religious bounds which is now reaching its tragic climax. It is just such a sulate had awarded first prize of * * * since it embraces Christian as well as Moslem Arabs, and crisis as faced the noble, humanitarian, merciful Lincoln. $25 to a young German-Jewish MISH-MASH: Although J. W. !: which spread from Egypt, Sfyria and other neighboring We recall his words in this .parallel, crucial hour, "The refugee who had submitted as aa Wise hasn't been connected with j in its annual essay contest, Opinion for the past sis months, T countries. The ef f end£ have cried out invpain again and Almighty has His own purposes. Woe unto the world entry an essay for which three years he can still be reached at that; because of offenses! For it must needs be that offenses again that the Jews are "buying up.all the land and are earlier he had been expelled from mag's office, where he maintains > crowding the Arabs out—-but fail to tell their followers come; but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh I Heidelberg university . . . The ref- desk space . . . J. W. was very i name is Hans Rosenhaupt much surprised the other day j that they' themselves are selling most of the land. The - - - Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this I!.ugee's . . He teaches at the Oak Park •when asked on the phone about a j Arab leaders continue to spread false rumors that'Jews mighty scourge: of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if j Junior college . . . His wincing volume called "Jews Are Like j desecrate Moslem holy places. Since Palestine is the Arab God wills that it, continue - - - until every drp of blood ; essay was on Heinrich Mann, writ- That," in which he devoted one once of Germany . . . Wonder Chapter to an objective sketch of holy land, the ignorant Arabs are inflammable material drawn by the lash shall be paid by another drawn with |jer, what Hans will do with these five his famous father . . . Written for such propaganda. In the last rioting, the Arab lead- the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still j"vees"? several years ago under t i e pseudonym of "Analyticus," J. w . ers had little difficulty in making the various Arab com- it must be said, 'The judgments of the Lord are true and * * • ever since had been under the imFIDDLER: Yehudi (Prodigy) righteous altogether.' " munities believe stories that Jews were attacking Moslem pression that no one but himself has a brand new fiddle and the publishers knew that he mosques and settlements. The Nazi agents have lent their God is a God of Justice! Yet He is the All-Merciful Menuhfn made for him by Emile Francais was the author . . . His identity influence toward stirring up Arab discontent, < and the God. Jehovah is the God of Battle! But He battles for | In Paris, one of the world's -great- was given away by the public liHitlerite press hailed the riotings with undisguised glee. the right. Eight and Justice must be vindicated, else we |est craftsmen . . . It's a copy of a brary, which lists him as the augiven Yehudi years thor in its catalogues. But all the Arabs do not fall into the leaders' prop- cannot hold our heads np in this universe, but must hang Stradivarius ago by Henry Goldman . . . Men• • * aganda trap. Many are fully cognizant of the benefits re- them for shame in a world given ovee?to wickedness and uhin, though only 19, has maHere's a swell boycott stunt that tured a lot since last seen here where Right has cowardly surrendered to Victorious sulting to them from the influx, of Jewish capital and will probably catch on in this Jewish ideas and Jewish manpower. Their income has Might. Moral values must be recovered or life is not . . . Asked about reports that he increased, the standard of living is much higher, and worth living at all. the booming economic situation has spread, prosperity. Therefore the tragic but inevitable necessity of conBut one example of many similar incidents is to be found tending for the right at whatever sacrifice. Woe to those in the vicinity of- Kiryat Anavin where Arab notables who have put the necessity upon us! But there can be no visited the local Jewish leaders to inform them that they doubt as to the ultimate issue. An Ethiopia may be dehad not joined the anti-Jewish movement and wished to feated at: the moment, but the conquerors will be con- Nebraska and other mid western Omaha. Members of the Nebraska states will play a vital part in Executive Council appointed, by live peacefully with their Jewish neighbors. Many reports quered in the end. "The stars in their courses fight on "creation a. "living memorial" td Chairman Smith were: V. M. were received, as from the colony of Beth Shemen, that the side of Him Who made the stars and guides them the greatofinventor, Thomas Alva Johnson, Grand Island, vice-chairman; John Sweeney, Omaha, Arabs aided in extinguishing the flames started by ma- and guides humanity to the destined goal of Peace last, Edison. This was announced by James chairman of industrial relations; rauding Moslems. History has taught us that a few loud- unity, Happiness and Blessing." E. Davidson, president of the Ne- Thome Browne, Lincoln, chairmouthed, insistent leaders can, through proper propa- "Out of the old, the new, braska Power company, Omaha, man of institutional co-operation; ganda, make the general public think that they apeak in Out of the false, the true. who said that youths in Nebraska E. H, Wens&erg, Omaha, chairof publicity; Jofin H. Ages, the name of the majority, instead of merely representing Out of the scorn and scum of things, life's Bweetest for are to be given the opportunity of man Lincoln; F. E. Kmesi, Grand Isqualifying for Edison scholarships a very small'minority. me and for you. ~. as part of a nationwide campaign land, and L. R. King, Lincoln. for the establishing of an enduring The "living memorial" program Out of evil, good! ] memorial contemplates the choice by comto Edison. In tEe House of Commons this week, Colonial Sec- Thro'harrowing hardihood. petition of 100 Edison scholars anretary J. H. Thomas stated that the British government, From bitter hate, and broken heart / nually from the outstanding youths / of all states, according to Mr. which holds the mandate over Palestine, will not be Lite, Love and Brotherhood! , Davidson. swayed by threats or riots and would maintain law and - - - EABBI FBEDBBXCK "It will provide not only for , order at all costs. Past experience has taught tts—-as evithe college-trained youth, but for denced by the Passfield White Paper and other historic Soil Research the brilliant young; man and ables *ho attended the exercises woman in Industry who have never were the members of the Governdocuments—that the Jews have suffered from these riots had a chance to attend technical Executive Council. » in subsequent legislation. If history repeats itself, EngGiven Impetus ment school," h'e said. "At least half Sir Arthur in his address, praisthe Edison scholars will cotne from land will clamp down on Jewish immigration, Bhortly afed Dd. Wilkansky for his services shop, factory or mill and these in Palestine to the country In the field of sciter the atmosphere has quieted down. We should insist will receive the training best suitresearch which ig most immore vehemently for our rights under the mandate—we Rehoboth, Palestine (WNS)— entific ed to their requirements for sucfor agriculture and which cessful careers." should voice our demands in no ^uncertain terms. We Sir Authur Wauchope, High Com- portant also has value, Indirectly, for the missioner for Palestine, totmsXly The college-trained youths, too, know that the Arabs have had much: success in Syria and dedicated here a new Soil Re- cities. The High Commissioner dewill receive a sound, individual cared that the Jewish organisaEgypt in obtaining demands from France and England search. Institute which he donattechnical training, all of it detions had.been responsible for the signed to enable exceptional young through agitation. Jf this is to be an influencing factor, ed from ma personal fundg to the most significant developments in people to carry on the work of the Jewish Agency tor Palestine. In then we too can speak for what is our just due under addition to SIT Arthur, the speak- agriculture^ great Inventor. right and law and humanity. ers at the elaborate ceremonies The High Commissioner unRegional headquarters haye been Included Dr. Chalm Welzmaniii veiled an Inscription above the opened in Omaha in the Electric A" special committee was formed under the leader for-Palestine, Iuaac Wilkansky, door Of the.new building and, Building, with Allan BisselV New James E. Davidson ship of Ben-Gnrion, chairman of the executive of the foremost Jewish agronomist, who with the other guests, went to York, in charge. Assisting Mr. Mr. Davidson was recently ap- Davidson on the regional executive Is director of the Agricultural Ex- the laboratory where he turned Jewish;Agency for Palestine, to meet the present" situa- periment of the Keren on the electricity In the section pointed by National Chairman council are the foUowingr: tion. They promise to press for increased immigration Hayesod toStation which the new Insti- where the first work will be car- Owen D. Young, New York, to head Fay E. smith, Om&ha, regional campaign In the states of Ne- vice-chairman; J.H. Wilaon, Omainto Palestine as the Jewish answer. This is laudable, But, tute is attached, and Dr. Charles ried out. This will be an analyeis the braska, Kansas, Wyoming, Colo- ha, chairman of industrial relapresident ot the Jewteh Agency of the soil of the Huleh Valley, we cannot agree that the situation is such that a special Magasanik, director of the labora- which is to be drained and colon- rado, and Oklahoma. tions; Rowland Kaynes, president emergency fund is needed. Emergency funds are being tories. The Omahan's first task was to o* the Municipal University oi ized by thousands of families. set up active organizations in the Omaha, chairman of institutionalraised by the American and European Jewish commun£ The building is situated befive so he announced a reg- co-operation; Morris; E. Jacobs. ties at the moment, aiming in the main to alleviate central tween the Agricultural Experi- Officers and privates of the ionalstates, executive council and five Omaha, chairman of publicity; and Station and the Siefl Chem- Reichswehf were this week in- state executive groups. W. Dale Clark, president of the and eastern European persecution through transferring ment ical Research Institute headed by structed not to patronize Jewish: As coalman for Nebraska Mr. Omaha National bank, chairman of the sufferers to Palestine. Palestine is fully recognized Dr< Weizmann. Among the nota- enterprises. of specia: gifts.
Cicy rtt th<
'Tut, form: * tor 1 ft*
"The Clething Center ef OmahM"
Nebraska*! Heads S^State Edison Memorial Drive
Davidson named Fay E. Smith,
t ~
1 f
Meet Hardspun,..the toughest suits io America... likened to suits of chain armor... because they literally shed abuse. Their unusual ability to "take it" is due to the use of imported sea-_ soned yarns...uniquely double twisted for double strength.. .their remarkable stability is only part of the story. Hardspun suits have that excellence of hand tailoring, perfection of fit, ease, distinction and style leadership for which Fashion Park |j is noted . . • . .
Other Fsshidn P&rk • Suits ef Qmlity $35 ttt $SG
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY I, 1936 than a year ago. -Reynolds tSie only one ot the Bhjpxs who greeted him (aind efly) as "Putzy" . .'. Cologne, e Rhlneland, has a Bchool the pupils are made to say >rayer: "Fuehrer, ourfuehrho has been given to; us by protect us to the end Of our You have saved Germany the moat frightful late, and to you we owe our, daily Help us and never abanis, O fuehrer, our light and ilth." . . . That one is supto be said before meals „« . ane follows breaking of- the „ . "Our fuehrer, we^ thank ir this meal. You, protector . youth and counselor o£ the )e secure."
LIPP-UROFF ANNOUNCE BIRTH Chesed Shel Ernes Ladles of Women's Misrachi Mfss Shirley Uroff, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. "William WinThe Chessed She! Enies 'society Mr. and Mrs. Louis Uroff ol Lostroub, 2889 Titus Ave, announce The Mizrachi Woreen'p organ' of Israel Angeles, and Art Lipp, eon of the birth of a daughter*at the wil hold a meeting Monday at 2 zation vill sponsor e bfizaat MRregular meeting and tea of Mr. and Mr9. Sam Lipp, were Clarksbn hospital, T h u r s«d a y, p. m. JCo cards have been sect theA Vaad auxiliary will be held A regular meeting of the £4. Mrs, William Kuklir and lif out. Because of the remodeling married Wednesday, April 22, at April 23. on the building the meeting will Tuesday. May 5, at £ p. m. at the j Ladies auxiliary of Congregation committee a,re in chaT-pe. Thethe Lipp residence, at 2 p. m. be held at a store next door. All B'nai Israel synagogue. An in-1 of Israel will be held Monday, ere making elF.borts.Te plans f<f Rabbi David A. Goldstein per- VISITORS FROM HASTINGS teresting program has been ar- ] May 4, at £ p. m. in the assemformed the ceremony. Mrs. G. Rosenberg of Hastings, members are urged to attend. srf ranged. Mrs. S. Tarkel is assis- t)ly room of the ernsgogne et this event. All membevf; The "bride, who was unattended, Nebr., and her • two daughters, ting at the tea table. 25th and J streets. Ail member* ssked to co-opprfttp with Mrs wore an afternoon dress of gray Bella and Zena, visited in Omaha ere urged to attend. TIRUB for a Kuklln, WE Ef'3t>. et with dubonet accessories. Her last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. The Vaad auxiliary dance will Mother and Daughter affair Trill lorsage was of sweet peas and N. Perelman. The closing meeting of the be held at the Fontenelle hotel be discussed. Refreshments v.-ilj oses. year of the Beth-Ei auxiliary will Sunday, May 10. MrE. M. Bur- be served. Patronize Our Advertisers Harry Lipp served his brother take place Wednesday, May 12,stein will have charge of the carfi s best man. EDILSOX-SIKVER at the J. C. C. in the forra of &room for those who don't c&re to A small reception was held'af1 o'clock dessert-luncheon. Mr; ana Mrs. M. Ivener of ENGAGEMENT dance. Austin Bevans' orchestra ter the ceremony. Out-of-town The Temple Sisterhood will Mrs. Samuel Ravitz, formerly Sioux City announce the engage* The business meeting will con- will furnish the music *or the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Morris give a Mother and Daughter ment of their daughter. Eva, toMrs. Nellie Siever of LOB Angeles, Reuben, Mr. and Mrs. Friedman sist of annual reports by the varBen Zollotuchen, son of Mr. andannounces the engagement of her and daughters, Esther and Pau-luncheon Saturday, May 9, at 1 ious chairmen. Election of ofo'clock in the vestry rooms of the ficers will take place. A epecial M r s . P h i l i p Z o l l o t u c h e n o t O m - daughter, Dorothy, to Louis F. A mother and daughter "banprogram is being arranged by ANNOUNCES Edilson, son of Mrs. Bertha Edil- line, Mr. and Mrs. I. Murkln and Temple. a h a . ;.'•- ', . ' . . - • . ••.-•.••:•" Esther-and son, MorriB The Sunday school classes will Mrs. Sam Theodore, program quet will be girec by the Va&d The formal announcement was son of Los Angeles. The wedding daughter, all of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs.present a Mother Goose skit. Mrs. | c n a i r m a i l auxiliary Wednesday, May €, at made Sunday, April 26, when a wilmake place late in euminer. Abe Bordy and children of Col- Clarence Bergman will speak for the B'nai Israel synagogue at dinner for fifty gueBta was given The regional conference which umbus, Nebr; Morris Lipp, cou- the mothers and Phyllis Berko- was to have taken place 5n Des6:SO p. m. Mrs. M. Burstein will in Sioux City. BAR MITZVAH of the groom, from Lincoln; vitz will answer for the daugh- Moines has been postponed until be toastmistress. Mrs. L. JCfrreNo definite date has been set Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Malashock sin Ralph Lepack of Chicago; and ters. leff will speak for the mothers are announcing the Bar Mitzvah for the wedding. early fall. and Sylvia Epstein will epe&k for Mrs. Louis Lipp and Mrs. J. J. of their oldest son, Edward Mar- Morris Lipp, brother of ' the groom, from Chicago 111. the daughters. Rabbi Harold A. Friedman are in charge. Reservavin, Saturday, May 9, at the BethAKBfOUXCE BAB MITZVAH The couple went to Denver, tions may be phoned in to thera i The final Oneg Shabbos will Berger will give an address. El synagogue. take place Saturday, May 2, at Mr. and Mrs. Joo Gold ware anPhyllis Milder will make Mr. and Mrs. Malashock wil !olo., where they will make their or to the Temple Israel office. the home of Mrs. Joe Rice 4216 a Miss nounce the Bar Mitivah of their home. . Moitser. Mrt. Meyer Katzm&n be at home, 5639 Jones St.. Sun William St., with Mrs. M. A. Ven- •sril Eing a group son, Bernard, Saturday morning, of Yiddish songs, ger as co-hostess. M»y 2, at the Beth-El synagogue. day afternoon, May 10, from 2 GOLDIE MYERSON accompanied by her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Goldware will be until 6 o'clock in Edward's hon PHBLADELPHIANS VISIT HERE Mrs. J. H. 'Kulakofsky will Sylvia. Miss Shirley Epstein will CLUB REORGANIZED talk on Rebecca Graetz. Mrs. play several piano selections. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Slutz and home 2301 Madison St., Sunday, or. No cards are being issued. May 3, from 2 until 5 o'clock In daughter; Pearl, of Philadelphia, UNDER NEW HEAD ^ Hyman Greenberg will discuss Community singing will be led their son's lionor. All relatives RETURNS FROM SIOtTX CIT1* visited with relatives and friends j current events. by Mrs. Al Finkel. Miss Marian Robinson has re- here. They were at the home of and friends are cordially invited. The Goldie Myerson chapter of turned from Sioux City, la., wheri Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siporin. They No cards have been Issued. » tt* she visited with relatives a n d left for Cincinnati, Kansas City the Pioneer Women has been recertificates were presented by : SPECIAL OPTING OFFER organized under the leadership of friends. senior Advisor Dr. I. Dansky, and and St. Louis. VISITOR FROM CHICAGO Mrs. Herman Cohen, -who with The Harry B. Ziznman Class of membership cards by Advisor Sid Mrs. George Rosevelt of Chi' " FREE! Mrs. Hyman Noddle will be co- new alephs-was admitted into the Coyne. Julias Bisno of A. Z. A. cago 1B the guest of her brother DESSERT IANCHEON AND hostess at a tea at her home, 101 js a m Beber chapter of A. Z. A., National headquarters addressed $ ! .00 BOX OF BLENDED FACE POWDER and Blster-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. BENEFIT CARD PARTY „ class en the signifiD. M. Newman. She will be here The Mi2rachi Women's organ- So. 53 St., Wednesday, May 6, at ja t a g p e c i a i meeting Sunday, the Ziiaraan WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF several weeks. By Mrs. David M. Newman ization will give a dessert lunch- 2 o'clock. Kabbi Harold A. B e r - | A p r i i 26< &t t h e j e W } g h Commun-JcanceTndTctirities'orT z"Z . eon and benefit card party at the ger will speak on the "Three Isms ; i t T center. The first -degree was A erecial meeting of the Cen$1.00 OR OVER HERE FROM XOS ANGELES home of Mrs. K. Wine, 2873 Web- of Jewish Life." All Jewish wo- j administered by Aleph Kohen Go-[ t ury chapter will be held at the Sweet Potato Croquettes men are invited to attend. Idol George Eltinge to Robert! j . c. C. Mocdav, MET 4. A cornMiss Helena Conn of Los An- Boil sweet potatoes and mas! ster, Wednesday, May-6, in the geles is the guest of her brother- enough to make 2% cups, the afterno'on. Mrs. M. Brodkey will . This chapter of the Pioneer, B a t t i Meyer Crandell, Irving mittee 305 SO. 16TH 16&FARNAMSTS. has been named In honor j Riekes, Manuel Himelstein, Jack Eltinge is planning an interestWome ha in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.add 1 beaten egg, *4 teaspoon assist Mrs. Wine. There will be Women Epstein, Abraham Resnick, Leo i ing program for International A. Max Marx. Mrs,spoke GoldieinMyerson, whothe re-Alperson, and Xornmn salt, 2 tablespoons fruit juice, prizes. All members and their of cently Omaha on Berg. | z. A. parents' Day, Sunday, 1 aUaiiuiimimiiiiiwiimiiiiiimiitwniwiiHiKHHKni»HHia»n»uHnitrt»innqitHniiinmufHWHi$»H«mmiiiwu»mimiiwtamt^wimHw Mix thoroughly and form intc friends are invited to attend. Call work of the Pioneers in Palestine. Aleph Gisbor Joe Guss welcomed 10. The CFI plan may Interest you! cone shapes using 1-3 of cup of Mrs. Wine. Ha. 5862. The mother organization was jtrie new members on behalf of the Small monthly payments . . . in- mixture for each. Roll In breac formed twelve years ago when; chapter. The membership patent stead of one sinqle premium. Patronize Our Advertisers crumbs then in beaten egg andRUSH TEA. Mrs. Meyer Brown, formerly of j BUY 'INSURANCE THEThe Phi Delta Mu sorority held New York and now a resident of , again In crumbs. Fry In hot CONVENIENT WAY If interested, call crlsco until brown. Arrange on a rush tea Sunday, April 19, atPalestine, visited in Palestine and ; a hot platter and serve these*yrith the home ot the president. Miss the young women of Eastern MAEKLEON orange sauce: % teaspoon grated Eva Ruderman. Ivlw Europe striving under adverse "Every type «f Insurance written The group was entertained by conditions to build Erets Israel. orange rind, % cup sugar, 2 21 Strong Companies AT 7667 WA 51EO tablespoons flour, pinch of salt, some " Central High school stu- It was her idea that the women 1-3 cup. orange juice, 2 teaspoons dents who presented a playlet. of America participate in the lemon juice. Cook fifteen min- Miss Klanor Fredkins did some work by their interest and assisutes in double boiler. Serve hot acrobatic and tap dancing, ac- tance. From this small begincompanied by Miss Josephine FREE... over croquettes. the organization has grown Nathan. Miss Nathan also played ning to such an extent that there are I-N-S-U-R-E-D several selections of popular num- now chapters FQNEL&KGET? Mulfflns in every principal bers. STORAGE % cup butter, % cup sugar, 1 city in America and Canada with II ExlO SSE I IN OUR SPACIOUS After the tea plans for an out-a chapter in Mexico. egg, 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoons NEW VAULTS ing to be held May % were disLime Rickey, White Soda baking powder, % teaspoon Bait, . . . wik Y»ry pyrThe Pioneer Women have been Pay cleaning charge only cussed. when clothes are needed 1 cup milk. •'•••• instrumental in the organization cH«*e of $1.00 or or Giagerale for next season. Cream butter, add sugar, beatand settlement of twelve women's 6 Pkrs. 29c more . . . rnecie for FELIX MENDELSSOHN . . 3 Quarts 25c en egg and then add the sifted colonies where hundered of girls infanH up io e«ye«r« » flour, baking powder and salt EVENING are given an opportunity to learn o\i tottl Phis Bottle Deposit A. Felix Mendelssohn evening alternately with the milk. Bake to earn a livlihood. OFFICE AND PLANT KE. 1500. in greased muffin tins at 400 de-•wil be held at the Schmoller & Many of the German refugee Mueller Auditorium, 1516-18 Appomlmeni' m i y grees for 25 jtnlnutes. .. J girls Dodge Street, Wednesday evening, onies.have been sent to these colbe m « el e lor eny May 6, St 8:15 o'clock. time . . . in ihe The Pioneer Women also mamThe Omaha- Civic Orchestra of Eegtilar or Drip Grind the W. P. A. Federal Music Pro- tain nurseries for children of HERZBERG ject, with Elmer Sutton conduct- •working women and dormitories MESEAN1NE for working girls. Pts. 24c Qts. 39c Ib. 20c 2 ing, will play selections from Mrs. Cohen, president of the " STUDIO • • • § • # § • • • • • • • • • £ Mendelssohn's famed works such Goldie Myerson club, is anxious as the overture to "Midsummer Night's Dream" and other num- to have as many women as possible to join this group. She bers. Oscar Welnsteln will j?lay the states that the program will ofcello, with Margarita Erca. as hi*fer many educational opportunities for all its members. accompanist. • This program is arranged and tb. 3fk 2 Lk. 57c Pkg. 10c directed by Madame Thea MoelPioneer Women ler-Herms and presented by the WPA Federal Music Project. The The Pioneer Women held & public cordially invited to attend. meeting Tuesday, April 28, at There will no admission charge. which plans fox a Bake Sale were discussed. The definite date has not yet been decided upon. Mrs. Patronize Our Advertisers e 23c I. Morgenstem will be in charge. The next Oneg Shabbos of the Pioneer Women will be held SatHARRY A. FRANKEL urday. May 2. at the home of Mrs. I. Raznlck. 3021 So. 32 St. Seal Estate and Property A very interesting program has 5.lbs.'28c 10 lbs. 55c 24 lbs. l.( Maoagement We List £ Few of the M&ny Specials been arranged. Current events, especially the latest news from is "Sebylund"... This Week G You can't stop a windPalestine will be discussed by the storm, but you can buy The Forty-Twos ens flennetett*. entire group. windstorm insurance .
.Vaad Auxiliary
Beth-El Auxiliary
Temple Sisterhood
j I Ian an
; 'Workmen's Circle, Bocialarty, Pioneer Women.,1 Na•\Vorkers' Alliance and Zion will join in a crfehralay l . at the Labor Lyceum. and Clark streets, at 8 T>- tn. •w-111 be speakers and a muprogram. Everyone Is into attend.
iarest.—Kishinev, scone of t the most sanguinary t>ogin modern Jewish histftry, lected a Jewish rice-mayor. recent city election M. Ginawas named deputy mayor.
Kitchen Chats
Stetson Eats • Arrow Shirts McGregor Sportswear Interwoven Socks Vassar Underwear Cheney Cravats sse items are featured at
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MALASHOCK'S When baying
Anyone having bundles for the Rummage sale tc be given by the Pioneer Women in the near future or wishing any information about it is asked to call Mrs. H. Richlin, We. 1562.
50c The Zoto* Permanent Wave , with no machinery and no electricity - used at $S.SQ and up. . 718 Branded Theatre Bids.
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i. 59c
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...55c Cane Sugar, 10 Ib. doth bag... Gold Dust, large (Oae Bar Fairy ToUe! Soap Free) ,, 4 packages „ _ .1! Butternut Vanilla Extract, 2 os. feettle „...»., Sunkist Catsup, large bottle : 15c Hon&el's Soups, No. 2 can ~™. ...I2^ / £ c • dockets Noadle, Cream of Mnshroom Cre&sa, ©I Toiatt© Rfonarch larfeliidsey Beans, No. 2 csa«. lie Monarch Fascy E k e Eemes, Mo. 2 can. 22c - 29c
BONNET SETS C DRESS AKti 6ERTRUD6 SETS-;H«fi«?-#mbr»?d«n«! f» matck, I LBS values ..,..,......,»,,,. HAND EMBROIDERED CREEPERS—««•, white, yeliew. Sizes S eac* 2
Mushroom's Fancy 2*02. caa 10c, 4-ss ™ 18c Central Market Special Coffee, fresh skly, Ib. 25c Blue Cress Dog Food, 4 cans 25c j d o z e n 1 S 9 Fancy Siringless Greta Besas, Ib. „
Strawberries, feos _„„. Home Gr®wis Asparapis, bmth Fancy.RacBshetf-S ktselies . Mew fresh Psrsalps, 3 Us. _—, M%w Bests, 3 lbs* ..............
...15c j
Vary *p*e1*l thi
lie Vim
M&w FGIS-IGSS, . 5 lbs. —
Goldeh Delicia Apples, 5 lbs.'... Florida Oraages for Juice, 5 lbs*
.25c an;
. . . Fifth Fleer
fill Ifi'i
BOMBER HOSPITAL UNIT—From the mystery of what is happening hi Ethiopia comes this picture of a British hospital unit which was wrecked by an aerial bomb. This was one of the British Red Cross field hospitals established in the zone where the Italians are operating against the subjects of the Negus. The figure examining the wreckage is that of a newspaper correspondent, garbed for African climate. '
i WHISKERS — In Japan the Bearded Old Men have a special society. The possession of a long beard by an elderly man is the only Qualification for membership. Here they are in their annual convention, in Tokyo. The man with the longest beard of all—more than five feet—can be seen in the photograph. It was the resistance to the influence of these elder Japanese which caused a group of younger ones to attempt a military coup last winter. However, t h e respect for elders is deep seated in the Japanese mind.
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BAXXERXNAS—The Monte Carlo Ballet Russe-which has taken America by storm is noted for its members enjoying all phases of American life and recreation. Recently the ballerinas discovered a swimming pool in a New York hotel near their theater and held a swimming party after their performance at midnight. tret
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PREMIER—General John Metaxis, veteran Greek Minister of .War, who was appointed Premier of Greece after Constantine Demerdjis died of apoplexy. General . Metasis is noted for his knowledge of military operations and strategy.
DIPLOMATS—The picture shows a group of distinguished diplomats marching In the funeral procession of Dr. Leopold von Hoesch, German envoy in London, as the body starts its long journey to Germany. The group, from left to right, starting from the second: Sir Bolton Eyres Monsell, Sir . John Simon, Anthony Eden, followed by foreign ambassadors. United States Ambassador Bingham, is walking in second row, with high hat. Beside him at right is Ambassador Grandi of Italy.
RECEPTION— This shows the mooring officer Lieutenant Commander George H. Mills who will supervise the mooring of the German dirigible Hindenburg upon its. arrival at Lakehurst, N. J. The mooring of the great dirigible is a f eat demanding the best knowledge among naval and aviation experts. .V £••
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YOUNGER FOBD—Edsel Ford, heir to the Ford -business, t&ken at the Detroit ball park where he and his, family saw the Tigers battle the Chicago White Sox. Sitting nest to -Mr.-Ford is his daughter, Josephine; and behind them are Mrs. Ford and their, son, William. The children are the two youngest of the Fords, : ;'
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Bullitt, former newspaper man of Philadelphia, and now Ambassador to Russia, the first since recognition, is fond" of a game of chess. Here he is hi the Embassy, studying the next move. "Bill" Bullitt, as his familiars call him, was President Roosevelt's immediate choice for Soviet service.
BRAINY TWINS—Among the 1936 scholastic awards for high school students, the Leibovity twins, Freda and Ida, of Girls' High school, Philadelphia, gathered six prizes between them for drawing. They also rejected scholarships to two art schools, ana the jury is now seeking to have their tuition paid at a school of their own selection. Miss Gertrude Tilly Is their teacher. The awards
FAST HUMAN — Glenn Cunningham is regarded as one of the hopes of the United States in the Olympic contests to be held in Berlin this summer. He is one of the fastest humans. The former University of Kansas runner and holder of the world mile record is shown winning the 1,500 meters event at the 14th annual Kansas relays.
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SECEETAEY—This is a realistic portrait of Secretary of Labor Frances, Perkins as Nshe was testifying before the Senate Education and Labor-Committee hearing on the Wagner Blum clearance bill, which was Introduced to .provide modem low-cost .housing for-poor people in a-number of cities. Misa PerkSis and Senator Wagner-are active proponents of better housing.
MURDER—'Raymond Henry, 25. truck driver, • of Dallas. Tex., who has been sentenced to 50 years for the murder of H. TJ. McBee, State Highway Department worker, whose dangling body was not found until nearly • two years after the crime..
^ r e Is • Gen,; Henri Schweissgtit (right) de French Amy General- Staff, leevtntT Ms botel to ffi w ^ n ? f t % A f i m i r f *?• for discusBions with the general staHs of Great -Britain and Belgium on the peace situation in Europe, to.accordance with the terms of the locamo » c t ffls xather-German name does not mean that ne is not a Frenchman. .United Newspicturcs.
'chief of
FAMOUS INFIELD—Whfle the New York Yankees have not looked so good thisj year ther have one of the best infields in organized baseball. Here are the four men together—Rolfe. Laszeri, Crosettj and Lou Gehrig, the first baseman who has run up an-'all-time, record for conttouoas performance. With the passing of Babe Ruth, Gebrig is .considered the.outstanding player with the -Yankees.
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T H E J E W I S H P R E S S , FRIDAY, M A Y I , 1936
A Feature of Youth Conclave Sunday > "-
[ the day of the date, came the dates, but the guy found himself It is authentic that Red Per-broke (out of the medium'of exkins and his nationally famous change). So, being a very good Negro orchestra •will inaugurate salesman, he sold them the idea the Highland dancing, season. He of going slumming. This they prohas-been engaged for May 3, andceeded to do, by attending a lowIs the first of a series of nation- er Douglas street theater (and did
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boys entered. The ( O P V i- * May 14 IE t h e date! Ee sure bc\.s u n d p r l g v e a r | ) 0 ^ ^ M l i , to chalk that up on your calenBefe-H dar. The event is the annual j . j sponsored for the p t r r ^ f C. C. Physical Department Avrard : bringing: out more han^btd' t At services tonight Rabbi Da- night which will be held in the ; lent in Jewish emirTi vid A. Goldstein will speak on "A | • C. C. gym with speeches, en-' r D und schpdule ip RE OIIOT t v ! World That Died." This sermon j tertainmect, ewsrcs, prizes, and t o r g R y ian VP. Paul C u f n . M . I < will be based on t h e writings of eats featuring the evening. i Forbes" ve. Evivin 3V;IU,F-. C1I< . ir<. Mendele Mocher Seforim. Over 70 young men ar>d women ; Sir-In vs. Ed. Doljro* T.oj w u Saturday morning, Bernard, I-will receive medals, trophies, f;nc : trotib vs. Norman rso-r"1 Ti\,i son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Joe Gold-j awards that night. Plan to at- • Taffe vs. Kerb J5eicl Pr K n U M A ware, will become Bar Kitzvah. I tend this gala affair, as this night ier TB. Dare Kicbf-<lc . o-,(n Nest week Rabbi Goldstein will j will be one to remember for days Soref vs. Joe Kir^'nt »ii>pm.-i v . r speak en " T h e Dreamer Who | to come. Further details will ' uel KimmelsteiP. vs Afimlti sCreated a New World." appear in a later issue. j mon.
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Rabbi Harold Berger's sermon I topic this evening will be, "In , the Meantime — Between Birth ! jand Death." Julia Zucher be soloist j vrith the cn,oir. i Saturday morning Rabbi Berger -vrill preach in Yiddish, at the Beth Haraedrosh Hagodol synagogiie.
What young newspaper woman almost lost her position because a i *M j , *" A ' " ' Inot-so-bright member of-her gay j ' *• ""V April party played a practical yvt . i ;,' • ! f u '•V joke on a higher-up of her staff? "J •4 '< t Why does Mildred Berg recomf I• mend asperins to all and sundry *L I - L~**~-'r~ i .-^ 'A when obviously it is not the head 1 j Regular father and son serthat aches? ^\ f7 vices will be held at tfre B'nai • Hymen Finkelstein wants to *' / > " Israel synagogue at 9 a. *n. Sunknow why all the beautiful girl -^ day. are taken. He was looking longingly "at the fair Berenice. *«-r Rose Mandel ' caused many friends much concern when she - " . . -••- A - * k sported a beautiful new wrist Rabbi David H. Wice will speak watch. The mystery was solved on "Situation of the Jews in Ger- j works will be a feature of the Herewith is pictured a woodcame famed in the art world and when Rose confessed it to be a many — Developments during I: gift from her brother and sister- land lane, one of the collection whp will personally be here for annual conclave. Insert is a recent picture of 1936." in-law, recent visitors from New of paintings by William Schwartz, the Youth Conclave at Temple Services Saturday morning will'; former Omaha newsboy who be-Israel Sunday. An exhibit of his j Schwartz. York. begin at 11 o'clock. \ The Youth. Conclave will take i It is rumored that many Oma!vid Goldware, Omaha; .Historian, place Sunday, May Z. hans are planning trips for the to know from whom he bought] Sigma Alpha Mu David Bernstein, Omaha. | sole purpose of receiving a 'train- his ticket? | David Bernstein, Omaha, reWhen is Sam White gonna buy; Harend report a big time letter' .Jrom Eve Konecky. Those old Che'rniek came, he saw, but who have received them testify that new car he's been raving Five men were recently initiat- j cently won first place in the ino about? We like the one he drives ed into Sigma Omicron Chapter j dividual drill competition at the that Eve is some letter writer. of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity at! regional meeting of the Pershing By EAT SCHAPEEO Excelsior Springs conquered him. now. It all happened last week-end . . A n a t t r a c t i v e b r u n e t t e , a relaDon'tmiss.thejgTidironoShoWnn!luveofa p r o m I n e n t n e w s p a p e r . A well-known man about town the University of Nebraska. They j miles held at Iowa City. CoraLeo Eisenstatt, Omaha; Henry i petition was among the Perstiing | wishes to know if A. F. still are "Ole Man" Weather played a ; a scream man of this city, has a priceless Greenberger, Grand Island; Mor- Riflemen from the University of wants to go to "Der Falls?" dirty trick on the softba!! play-! ways has different out-of-town philosophy about the so-called Lipp, North Platte; Maurice Minnesota, University of Iowa, What's behind Ev Reuben's ris ers in the J. C. C. League by or- i dates. Why? . . . Hubert Monsky, eligible bachelors of Omaha. Tatelman, Omaha; Leo Turkel, and University of Nebraska. Last i j ***** out a shower_ which kept r Central high football star, is said Would their faces be scarlet if sudden affinity for losing weight? Lincoln. won What was the real "distract h e bo E on t l l e m s l c e t O p O s t to have several attractive bids they only knew. ual drill competition on the Neb>" opening game of the sea" j Recently elected officers of tion'.' which caused Bill Grey to pone the for his services next fall. But he raska campus. Sigma Alpha Mu are as follows: Mrs. Lipp finds librarians very have an accident last week? son. However, the teams -will be j is undecided where to inarticu- intelligent people - . . for when Irving Hill, Lincoln, and WilPrior, Henry Swartz, Omaha; Exready to swing into action next i late. Notre Dame is one of them. she asked for "A Thing of Beauchequer, Irving Zveitel, Grand Is- i liam Flax, Omaha, members of J How would Monsky • of Notre ty," by Sinclair Lewis,- the a t Method and Madness land; Recorder, David Bernstein, the cast• of Kosmet Klub's all- which will start at 11 o'clock and I Dame look in print? What's the reason for "Babe" Omaha; Assistant Exchequer, Leo j made musical comedy, "Southern > tendant knowingly brought he will be played on the three j Historian, Exposure," . will go to Grand Is- Ijwhich "Work of Art." Perhaps the li- Sterling's choice of Granum Kap- Eisenstatt, Omaha; finest softball diamonds in the Slumming Sallies brarians recognized her as the lan as the leading man opposite Morris Lipp, North Platte. The land where the entire cast will j city. One thing a sports writer present their show May 1. serve throughA certain Council Bluffer had lady who, at an earlier date, had her in one of the "All Star new officers always manages to do is to preHonored last week in the an-dict a-date; in fact, he had two dates requested . the boot, "Noise," Night" plays at the Center? The out the remainder of the present the winner. - His prediction play is very romantic Speaking term, and during the 1936-37 nual Honors Convacation of the may be wrong: End may somefor an evening last week. Came when she meant "Soundings." officers University of Nebraska are the times make a stcrcbletram of him A prominent violinist, now of "Babe," she and Babe Milder school year. Retiring following: Irving Hill, Lincoln; instead of a commentator whose j more prosaically employed (Max double-dated last Sunday and be-are Prior, Gerald Colin, Sioux Cjty; Exchequer, Henry Swartz, Arnold Levin, Rosalie; Aaron predictions are looked up to. Takcame so convulsed with laughter no difference to Edith) has a cerYoor Omaha; Recorder, William Flax, j Finklestein, Lincoln; Harold Ci- ing all this into consideration, tain fair maiden's heart all oi at something that wasn't even Grocer for funny that one of their male com- Omaha; Assistant Exchequer, Da- vin; Omaha; Maurice Tatelinan, yours truly still has enough, atwitter. Omaha; Leo Turkel, Lincoln. Hill gumption to predict the teams panions left the table and t reOverheard at a bridge party, was awarded a medal by ChanFORBES TENDER CRUST "You've fused to return until their merricenVET'irBuroeuTor" superior to place in the order to follow: got to be married to get STREAMLINE TRAIN BREAD ment subsided. scholarship for four consecutive your baby's birth announced, in Potato Market HERE WEDNESDAY 'years. He was elected^ to Phi Omaha Sample Furs the Press." Look for the Orange Psi Mu j Beta Kappa, national honorary A -sweet young thing was plan- MAZELTOVTO •;~ "• -and Blue Label A. Z. A. NO. 1 Now that the Illinois Central i scholarship organization, and to Max * Goldstein, who has been ning to ask Dr. Neuhaus at his Omaha Jobbing Co. A Trlar-Will Convince You appointed to a position in the bu-System has taken delivery of its Pi Sigma Alpha, honorary politlecture why she misbehaves. Towers streamline train, which has been ical science organization. Sam Davis readB avidly and reau of engraving department at named the Green Diamond, chief FORBES BAKING CO. The Omaha Potato Mkt. is Irving Hill, Lincoln, was chairWashington, D. C Good luck! interest on the railroad centers man of the National Student Fedj strong enough for the fast coin2711 No. 24th St. WE. 0400 when he is pleased he informs Irving Simon, who is one of the author of his pleasure. As a 1 in the "get-acquainted" program erationof America national con- Petition in the city, with a million-.
its sse which has taken njoying all phases of illerinas discovered a ir theater and held a midnight.
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First Each Additional Mile Only 10c No Charge for Extra Passengers Bonded Drivers—Fully Insured Locally Owned — Locally Operatecs THOMAS J. CASEY, President and General Manager
• Ford business, taken family saw the Tigers :xt to Mr. Ford is his. i Mrs. Ford and their ngest of the Fords.
CLEAN LINENS 17th and Vinton
AT. 2137
OMAHA LAUNDRY CO. 'Let us keep your garments clean, fresh and crisp, and give them longer life. 4 -Call W E . 1234
• The Thinns You Like st , Popular Pricis
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Asphalt and Gravel ESTIMATES — EAS1' TE1IMS
renting Onialia's Most gressive Leonard Kietn
Barish Sanders Motors 2561 Farnam St. Distributors for
• DODGE - PLYMOUTH COBSMERCIAL CAES AMD TRUCES LEONARD KLEIN extends this opportunity to his many friends to ride end. drive a, new Dodge or Plymouth, also to coxae in and see a dependable used car, POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
FOE His record as Park sioscr entitles Mm to rote. . .
- _ • Celfee Shop .
eissgut (right), deputy eaving his hotel in Loassions with the general the peace situation in f the Locarno pact. His he is not a Frenchman. at United Newspictures.
Pbojso 5P4 —» Flioac SSGS5
which the train will .carry out vention held at the University of dollar infield £.nd a ground covIf Harrison of The Omaha P*eprior to its entry into regular Nebraska last week. NSFA dele- ering hard-hitting -outfield. Yet News ; i y t : "instcsci of the £160,00D annua! allotments cT city tax daily round-trip service between gates from 75 American univer- it is a foss-up between the Samrevenue tc park purposes, v/t)ich Chicago and St. Louis in May. sities attended the convention. ple Furs ana the grocery jjcyg were customary in the yeare pfmefor the Sample Furs hare a ceciing 1S33, the yearly nark huti» A month and a half of time Siets from tax money have been stronger pitching staff, but after scaled down to less than hsi? that and 7,500 .miles of travel will be all it takes a number of men besmount, Despite these heavily r«devoted to exhibitions in some diiced appropriations. . economies FOR RENT • j hind the pitcher to make a ball J in administration End purchases fifty cities of the Mississippi Valhave enabled 'She department tc club. The Potato Mkt. has what J ley,- the Southwest and the Great 2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully stay within budget figures wlthcut curtailing park services." Lakes region. Off-line travel I furnished. Electric, gas and it takes in management, veteran j ball. players, and the desire to I will total nearly 3,500 miles and I phone included- Gas heated. clean up in their first venture j will be principally in the territor- j into,the athletic -world. The Psi! Orn&lia Expenditures for Fa:L L;":v ; ; i : i . ^ Zx C2G.00 Call We. 3527 oa Sunday. ies from which travelers may j Sunday, in fact, he did everyMu boys al-vrays manage by Borae I 3.00 Per Acre Per Acre Agaiast Denver, Colo-., thing gracefully—even -when he come who will utilize the Green ! hook or Crook to place at the top j Diamond between Chicago and S K&nsas CItf, JCo., SEOO.OO P e r Acrr found-himself on a horizontal poPuzzles in anything they -undertake and! Louis. .More than 4,000 miles] Does Henrietta Sessil's hear sition on the floor he was still St. •with their unyielding- club spirit j the exhibition tour will be on j FOR RENT still go clank-clank when sh graceful bnt with variations, was of should finish no lower than third ! Illinois Central rails, reaching SEE FOR Y001SELF his (face?) red? thinks of Howie Kaplan? place. To head the eecond di- j every large city on the System. Three nice furnished rooms. Or vision, I believe the A. Z. A. Xo. 1 ! Who was the doctor's frau whi The Green Diamond will be oa will rent single room. Reasonable. boys ehould fill the spot. The j was c a v o r t , w i t h a loca: Junior Council display at the Union Station in • MRS. MAS SHSIEE, team has been strengthened by I attorney at the Cocoanut Grovi The Junior Council of Jewish Omaha from 3:45 to 10 p. in. AT. 6531 the addition of Phil Kutier and j recently? Were they having fun' Women have postponed their Wednesday, May 6. The public 2811 Hamilton St. Irving Lincoln and if the team | Who is the girl who has been May meeting from Sunday, May 3,Is Invited to make a complete exholds together should have no calling Don Bordy and torturing to Wednesday, May 6. The meet-amination of the train. Courteous trouble in meeting the best of him by refusing to. reveal he ing will be at the Paxton hotel attendants will be on hand to anthem. The young Omaha Jobbing identity? We're working on th at S p. m. swer every question. Cascade-Leavenworth team should fill the fifth place mystery now. position, although they have the •• LAUNDRIES We don't wish to cast any inspirit and the willingness to play AT. 8911 . AT. 0221j their hearts out, the inexperience sinuations so, we wouldn't sa; that Norman A. crashed the danc j will soon tell in the hot pace the Every Lazniry Service last Sunday, but we would lik 1 league is expected to set. The i youngsters will, however, have the WEI WASH TO FINISHED ! chance to learn the value of beWOKS Let us keep your wearing eppare! I ing able to "take it on the chin" j and come up for more which is Immaculate We take time to do it right fcj- j so essential to athletes. In last | place, I have placed the Towers. i being slow and carefm ; An<J here is where I expect the j rub, for the Tower boys when } they once get going are'unbeat-* able in any sport they undertake, ™J. Mere's a ••* but I S.TH taking the side of a J.B parties at I pessimist and believe they won't! «- t c 1 j hold up. If the Tower boys can the GROVE j profit frora the pepper anfi spirit, 1 There must be a reason! j the playing ability of their cat-1 . %? ] cher, Paul" Bogdanoff, the team j YottU Redly Ssy, may be farther up the line. j : Is Smart! SEE TH E S MABTEST Remember all softball players { EE ^»>W m OKAEA must be-members of the Center' 0 ax rag. and in good standing. If player | Popidar New. $-1 ? nic- i is not. it will result in forfeiture I of game he played in, i . Delicious Food and Games for Sunday, Hay S: j Diversion Omaha Potato Market vs. Psi JIu j ! at 3-0th and Wirt. '. I QurNEW j Omaha Jobbing Co. vs. A'.' 2. A. IJfo. 1 at Miller Park. . , . , ' . Bar-Grill'. f-' f- -& j Sample Furs vs. Towers at S3 i aad . and Cass. . . '
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result Sam has many interesting the most versatile students in Central high school. letters which he prizes. Thelma Passer of Council Sarah Goldberg, feeling th stirrings of spring, longs to com Bluffs, who personally supervised mune with nature—at least sh and acted as assistant to the director of the Thomas Jefferson hopes he is good natured, high school road show. Edward Cherniss, age ten, son of Harry L. Cherniss of Council Bluffs, has written, directed and A "FALL" SCENE Jack Bronstein . was dipping, constructed a puppet show portraying the history of Council swaying, and what not, very gracefully at the A. Z. A. dance Bluffs.
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last seen they were taking a stroll through the freight yards. This is a true story, s.o help me.
O r u c h , Morris E i c h l i n , K a r o l d i T h e J u n i o r liancVu,'" . IMXT-II E p s t e i n , a n d Edclje K u k l i n t i c i s h - : m e n t is p e t t i n g nnrlrT v,\ vr> ,: ed in t h e o r d e r n a m e d . •C ( ? n ! e r £ o u r . V B U c o , 5 N v , »
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season. monthly . . . Lots of praise should go to William Schwartz, former Omaha boy and now a famous "artist who, although busy, decided to put in a personal appearance with his paintings. He is not to receive one cent for his part in the festivities of the Youth Conclave-—nor did he ask lor any . . . . "William Holzman has the jump on those who enjoy a sunburn. • A two and one-half month trip-to the Orient accounts for it . .• i .Have Marvin Treller tell you about the time he attended an early'mass in Denver . . . Babe Newman (a young lady, for your information) frequently gets mall addressed to her as . Mr. Babe Newman.. . . Discovered: We have at last found out who Mel Burke is, and now that we have discovered the secret, we can't tell . . . Pearl Osoff is running Ruth Friedman close competition when it comes to getting her picture in the paper . . . "Whoopee Days" are over, and everyone who went'down to Lincoln last week-
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Interior appointments of the Green Diamond, nsw streamline train ef the Illinois Central System, are just as modern as the smooth exterior lines suggest Harmonious design, restful color combinations, air-conditioning, radio, popular priced meats and spacious accommodations are noteworthy features.
- if at el p .
Harry £.' Prise,. Manager
i Poionsky •vj&s announc-J fed winner in the Junior Boys 10-' | mile marathon finishing the SSO I ilaps in S cays. Second place weEt| I to 'Bucky Greenberg wbo compiet- • jefi 8*4 miles ana g lengths. Ber-1 p a r d Epstein, finished third with, (9*4 miles and 7 lengths to h i s | 'credit. . Sam Feltraan, Harold'
. NOTICE IS HERKBT GIVEN "l"ha.t at the anual Tne°t;iiK of, the JEWISH at the f AKD h JEWISH COMMUNITY CKN'TER" WfiijCOMMUNITY CKN'TER" AKD A tiid ruarj' 12th. »y3<>. the irc'oler. nt incorporation -were amendeg &» f ARTICLE HI. >:>., The management arid '-administration of the a*f&ii-B of tills cor&HSS ANNA PILL, eoflresposfeit Several Jewish students, who poration shall be veste<3 In a-,Boerdl of Governors end e.n Exeeutlve are members of the Abraham Lin$&M«^iiiMMIiiiiMiiffimiUHiM Committee who sha'I! have- 'concur^ coln High School- orchestra, left rent powers. No action o! eithef body 'shall, however, be modified,, Thursday for Iowa City to particrevoked or reviewed by the" oihee Mr. and Mrs. J. Geller of ipate in the Iowa State Music body without the consent of the acting body. The Board of GovAmong the students Cleveland, Ohio, announce the en- contest. London (JTA)—L/onfion bob- , ernors and* the Executive Commitgagement of their daughter, Sara making the trip are Lorraine bies were this week under order tee shall meet at euch."-times as mav Geller, to Sam J. Hanin of Cleve- Myerson, Jane Hoffman, Florence be provided In the By-L^ws, end at to arrest any person indulging in ] all Meyerson, Igal Stadlan, Arnold times vhen the Boarct of GovThe Mother and Daughter Tea, land, formerly of Sioux City. Mr. ernors is not in session the Execanti-Jewish talk. Hoffman, and Ben Kutler. to be given by the Mount Sinai Hanin Is thg son of Mr. and Mrs. utive - sh£si! have full Issuance of the orders was dis- power Committee to manage £.nd administer Teinple Sisterhood, will' be held M. Hanin. The wedding will be the affairs of the corporation. closed in the Old Street police Sunday afternoon,. May 3, in' the The Chevra B'nal Yisroel Soan event of August 2 in CleveThe Executive Committee shall court during a hearing of a case j ciety will hold a regular meeting land: • Meeting Will Be Open to the Teinple- Annex -from 3 until : 6 of the duly elected officers, against the propaganda officer of1 consist o'clock. The. tea •will take the v,-ho shall be: An Honorary Presinext Wednesday evening, May 6, Miss Ann Shulkin, & bride-elect Public Hext Wednesday the British Union of Fascists, who dent, • three Honorary Vice-Presiplace of the usual mother and at eight o'clock at - the Chevra dents, a President, threefi n( Vicewas the guest of honor at a Evening was arrested for attacking Jevrs Presidents, e. Secretary, daughter banquet. '; - ^j' & bridge party Monday evening in B'nal Yisroel synagogue at 6IS Treasurer, end tventy-threc m«mat a meeting in the Northeast secBerlin (JTA) — It was reliabMrs. Sam Pickus and Mrs. the Savoy Cafe. Sixteen friends Mynster Street. The newly-elect- ly learned this week that the au- tion of London. . ed by and from tl>e -Board! of,-.O6v» Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld, former iouls Agranoft are in charge of ed officers will be installed at bers, fifteen of whom shall be, •lentenjoyed an evening of cards and thorities have expressed willingernors at its 'first meeting .pilowMinister of Justice of Prussia, the arrangements.* - -.'•-'. this meeting. FRADENBURG, WEBB. BEEER, I a late supper. ing the- Annual Meeting, of the corness to release Jews held in con- KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attorneys poration, •who in the' course of his duties The program-will be- opened" and eight of Fhom" ehall Misses Annabell Emleln, Carocentration camps on "race defileUnion State Bank Elrtg. ! be appointed by the Pi-esident vHth had Adoiph Hitler fined for con- with : a welcome by Mrs. A. M. The Council Blufa. Agudas Acthe advice of the officers and electlyn Fishgall, Betty Osnowitz and tempt of court in 1932, will be Davia, vice president ^of the Sishim Society will hold a regular ment" and other charges on conPROBATE NOTICE I ed members and. all of whom shall Lester,-C. Davidson, Sioux City •Mateel Stein spent last week-end meeting next Thursday evening, dition that the British . consulate In the Matter of the Estate of Reid | serve for a term of one' year, or the principal speaker at the next terhood. A tableau, "Mothers' In TV. Talmage, -Deceased.- • " ! until their successors are elected; • meeting of the Sioux City Bnai Israel" will be presented with attorney,'•, announced this week at'Lincoln, Neb., where they at- May 7, at promptly 8:30:o'clock guarantees to provide Immediatehov.-ever, that the ExeeuNotice is . hereby given that the i except, tended rush day.at the univerthat he is. a candidate. for nomiCommittee for 1936 uhnll >*iot Brlth lodge, which will be held Mrs. M. B. Herzoff,; soloist, Mrs. at the Eagles Hall. creditors of said deceased will Tneet: tive be selected until after Aprii 1,. 193G. sity. the executors of said estate, before j ^Wednesday evening, May 6, in the A. M. Davis, ' piano 'accompani- nation to the office of state repBEN E. KAZLOWSKY ARTICLE VI. . me, County Judge of Douglas. County, j Jewish Community Center. The ments, Dr.'f Delia -Galinsky in tKe resentative -. on 'the democratic • Miss Marion Robinson of OmaThe Board of Governors • shall S32 Insurance Bids. Nebraska, at the County Court Room,' ha was-a guest this week in the of the officers elected at the meeting will be open to the en- role of the -' mfcther and Helen ticket.- • . , ' ' : NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO AR- in said County, on the Sth day o" j consist Meeting nnd «, membership' TICLES OF INCORPORATION OF June, 1S36.. and on the Sth • day of j Annual Born and reared In Sioux City, home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. tire Jewish community and •will _#evin and'Elaine Sally Pickus as selected- as follows: Each Jewish August. 1S36, a t 9 o'clock A. M., each i Organization NATIONAL UPHOLSTERING (Continued from page 1) in Omaha, which has not be-restricted to members of the children.' In. the pictures will Mr..Davidson Is>the son of Abe and Mrs. A. Flnkensteln. COMPANY day, for the purpose of presenting i been in existence for more than one Through the columns of the their claims for examination, .atijust- I year, shall be entitled to one rep. the*- lodge. be Mrs. H..Lazere, Mrs.,M.Das- Davidson,.;pioneer, resident and two engagemeat books, and three • Notice Is hereby given that at a znent and allowance. Three months i resentative -on the Board of "goverone of the founders of the David- Jewish Press, Mrs. A.. Rich exmeeting of the stockholders of £.re allowed for the creditors to pre- nors, and if its T-mmhe.'ship be more Dr. Rosenfeld was one of Ger- kovsky, Mrs. - Abe -Agfanoff, Mrs. son Brothers company. telephones and Beveral secretaries, EPeciai presses her," thanks to her friends the National Upholstering Company, sent their claims, from the Sth day' than 100 then me ftiditiona! rep-, many's most distinguished mem- M. Grueskin, Mrs. Joe' Levin, Mrs. ; After graduating from Central and : the members of the Shaare busy with this or that detail of of Omaha, Nebraska, held In the of May, 1936. . ' • | resentative for «ach M'M or,rfnnjor Roy Swarzman^'Mrs. M.-A. WeinCity of Omaha, Nebraska, on the ; bers, of the bar for many years. BKTCE CE-4.WFOKD, | fraction thereof in excess of 100 High school in 193, Mr. Davidson Zion synagogue and auxiliary for "social Justice." And they haven't 2nd day of March, 1836, Article 1 of County .Judge, t members. Such representatives shall Noted as a Jurist and social work- er, Mrs. A. I.SSacks,. Mrs'M. *B. attended the University of Mich- their participation In. the Bar the time or the peace to gather the Articles of Incorporation of said 4-17-S6-St. serve for a term of one- year bewas amended to read as MONSKY, GROD1NSKY, MAKER i ginning with January 1 and terer, he played an .outstanding role Herzolf, Marylin^ Miller, Joseph- igan' at'Ann, Arbor, where he re- Mltzvah-of her son, Isadore, last within them those inner forces •company follows: minating on December • 3i, except ine Rosenfeld, Margaret' Mirken, COHEN, Attorneys in the republic of Germany in the however that the first Hoard .of ART1CX.B L ceived an, A. B.. degree. He re- Saturday in the Shaare Zion syn- out of which alone men-can be 737 3mafrs Nat, Ek, Sldg, Governors elected under- this secThe name of the corporation shall changed and redeemed toward the post-war period. He contributed Bertil- Rdsenstock, ' Sally Levin, ceived, his • J.-.D.. degree from agogue. shai; be elected no later than be NATIONAL FURNITURE MANNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That! tion doing of good, toward the-pracgreatly to the formulation of the Florence Levitantand'Elaln Sher1. 1936, hold;office : UFACTURING CO. Northwestern university, EvansMr. Ben Gelfand; son of Mr. a duly constituted Special Meeting! uApril . and „ shall .„, -----. — -•; n •t 1„ 1 _ Dated this 2nd day of March, 19S6. at advanced code of- Judicial admin- man. - , ' '-' .'••-. . '* ••-•-.;:. ' • ' .. ton, 111. He also attended Leland and Mrs. P. Gelfand, a student at tice of Justice. Justice. Mercy. of the Stockholders of the AL.AM1TU i December j i P i<)3t>, and until NATIONAL FURNITURE MANUDAIRX COMPANY'• held • on the .I'thi their successors are duly elected, A Major 'Bowjes Children's . rePeace. That word • "social" Is getistration which has " been comFACTURING CO. Stanford university, Stanford, the Columbia university, has been day of March, 1936, pursuant to re- and shall be elected by the organ1 By ME1LACH KATZMAN, . pletely.discarded by the Nazis In vie-w, written and; directed- by Mrs. Cal.' Mr. Davidson Is a former as- elected president of the student ting to be a veil between us and quisite notice, the Amended and Sub- ization. President. stituted Articles of Incorporation of Tta Executive Committee • shall Germany.. He is in the United Sol Seff will be>. presented with sociate editor • of the Illinois Law- Industrial engineering chapel for man, between us and things, be- ATTEST: the said Al&nrito Dairy Company were have the right te name members,.of part: Ruth review, legal periodical-published tween us and all the-realities of DAVID KATZMAN, Secretary. Stales, now, rebuilding a career the following taking, amended in the following particulars, the Board of Governors a t iarge in the coming year. 1 *104t to-wit: the n-'.mber of" one " for each four-. God's world. tehica was at one time one of the Weiner, master , of • ceremonies; by the Northwestern university.7 Mr. and Mrs.-S..-A. Rich anArticle rv -of the said Articles of; representing organizations.. WEBB, BEBER, Incorporation was amended to read' most distinguished in all Europe. Gloria and • Lois Novltsky, • sister .'Prominent;In..all Jewish com- nounce the birth of a son on April The power is reserved in th# These realities are deeper than FRADENBURG, KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY, Attys. act; piano • selections,---"Chppins Board of Governors -of the corporas follows: to-wit: • I Born in 1877 in Marlewerder, 200 Union State Bsnk Bidemunal activities, Mr. Davidson Is 26 at the Methodist hospital. the specific problems of any age "The total authorized capital stock! ation to determine, the eligibility of Germany,, he studied law and eco- arranged by Godafd," ! by Doris president of the local Bnai.Brith organizations to participate In and the corporation shall be -SSOO,000.0'), I or the specific wrongs of any giv- NOTICE OF SALE OF PLEDGED of divided into 20,000 shares of Common ' cffiliRte with this corporation, and nomics at German universities, Pill; readings by Jean 'Ray Agr -odge. He Is" a former'secretary en society. To live face to face COLLATERAL Stock of. the par value of ?10.00 each, i the power is- reserved in the ExecRuth and since 1905 has bDen that ranoff, Nancy . Rich arid' notice is hereby given, that and 10,000 shares o* Preferred Stock i utive Committee to . designate rep: and member of the executive comwith those realities Is 'to have on•Public Lewis; impersonator, •; . Harriet the 15th day of May, 19S6, at 10 of the par value of SK.00 each, all o' I resentatives at large to the Board country's outstanding attorney In mittee of the Young People's some chance of leading-the good o'clock A. M., In the offices of Frad- | which when "issued" shall be fui:y"".pa!d | of Governors. Berlin. He was drafted as a sol- Holland; ;piarilst, "popular selec- Democratic club of 'Woodbury enburg, Webb, Beber. Klutznlck & ARTICLE. VI1. and Stock may be! life. And a good society must be Kelley, 200 Union State Bank Build- paid non-assessable. There shall be established seven for in money, property or ser-' dier In the world war, but tions," Marjorle ;WeInberg; • acror oounty and has been active in the composed of men who lead the ing; 19th and Farnam Streets, In the standing committees hereinafter. vices useful to the corporation and batic dancer, Barbara Davis. The throughout" the years of 1914of Omaha, IXmgrlas Counts-, Ne- of a value not less than the par value named to carry on the functional good life. Who will be aware of City JInale. -will- be a surprise number democratic circles . for several activities of this corporation. • braska, the undersigned -will offer for of the stock issued therefor. 1318 he carried on vigorous antijeaTB. Mr.--Davidson holds, a capthose realities and who -will teach saie and Bell for cash at public aucThe holders of the Preferred Stock J.. A Committee on Jewish. Eduby mothers of - Mount; Sinai. war propaganda. For ten years, taln'B tiommisstori in the Judge adtion to the highest bidder, the follow- shall be. entitled to receive, when ancS cation. concerning the good • life by the ing Z. A Committee on Jewish Philcollateral: as declared, by the Board of Direcfrom 1910 to 1920, he was.a* The decorations •will be carried ocate "general's department of light of those realities if the clerTwo (2) J1.000.00 State of Ne- tors, out of the surplus or net profits, anthropies. member of the city (council of out in colors.of pink, green and ,he organized . reserves of the .". A Committee on Jewish Combraska Western Limestone Prod- but only out .of accumulated profits ; ; The Sisterhood of the Talmud gy descend into the market place? ucts Company, Inc., First Mortgage and not out of the profits of any sub- munity Center. ' yellow, with, the appointments, Berlin. ; United States army. sequent year or years, non-accumu4.. A. Committee on Jewish Fre« I watch an able and good rabbi Bonds, Numbers 265 and 267. Torah Society will hold its ancandies and' cakes" on' the tea lative dividends at a rate not exceedL.oan. ' Dr. Roaenfeld has been called Said sale is made pursuant to an nual rummage sale next Monday devoted to "social "Justice." And a oral pledge agreement to satisfy and ing six per cent (5 percent). per .an- j 6. A Committee on Family Wei-' the same color "the .Clarence Darrow of Ger- iableV.accentlng^ v nuia, payable Jr. preference and priorand Tuesday, May 4 and May 5, lady in his congregation asks me: pay the note of Fuchs Equipment Co. ity to any payment of any dividend fare. ... ' , . ; 6. many" because on -numerous- oc- :ombinatlbn. ' - . . . • the Centaur Tractor Corporation Committee on Social Serat 740 West Broadway. Anyone "What is the difference between to for the sum of Seven Hundred Twen- on the common stock for such fiscai vice. casions he lent his great legal talThe regnlar'Sisterhood meeting who has a bundle of old clothing Chasldism and Hadassah?" A Billy ty-seven and 60 /100 Dollars (J727.60), year; the same to-be payable semi- j 1. A Committee on Emergency ents in the defense of-unpopular Problems. , will 7 be held next Friday after- and Eecond-hand articles to do- anecdote. Only it happens to be dated August 23. 1932, due April 1, annually or otherwise, as the Board '• Jewish The Chairman of each of . . .. these and bearing interest at the rat© of. Directors may from time tc time! causes. He was a member of the noon following.a.1 o'clock lunch- nate for the rummage sale Is ask- true. The sheep are left unfed. A 1933, determine. In addition thereto, in the i Committees shall be seiected from of six per centum (6 percent) per anGerman Reichstag for twelve event of aoy liquidation or dissolu-1 among_the members of-th* Execeon In the "Temple Annex. The ed to call either Mrs. Morris Yu- Rov sitting in his study over his num from date until maturity. tlon or winding up (whether volun- j utive Committee, and such chairCentaur Tractor Corporation, years and an important member Sisterhood. Board of Directors will delson, Mrs. Herman Krau.se, or tall yellow tomes ready to give tary or involuntary) of the Corpora- j man shall, -with 'ihe advice and A Corporation. The ninth annual- Mother and be in.charge of the luacheoB arof its Foreign Relations' committhe, holders of the .Fre,ferred consent of the President and..ExecMrs. Charles Saltzman, and the decisions, advice, -help, out of By Fraaenb'urg', TTebb, Eeber, Klutz- tion, Stock shall be entitled to be paid in utive Committee, appoint the assoDaiighter 'banquet to be given iby tee. In 1925- he- came to-: the. nlck and Kelley, rangements. committee will call for all bun- converse with our prophets and 4-24-St full the par amount of their "shares, ! ciate members- of hlfi Ooftimltteew Its Attorneys. United States as a representative the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare' : Professor James Relstrup, head and of all unpaid dividends tlfcclafed i The Executive -Committee atjd/or dles Sunday morning. sages' is doing, can be doing, by the Hoard o? Governors shall have FRADENBURG, WEBB, EtEER, thereon, before'any amount shall be j the . of the German Reichstag, dele- Zion' synagogue will be held Tues- of * the piano department at the power to. • appoint such other and both example and precept—espe- KLUTZNiCK & KELLEY, Attyfc paid to Ihe holders of the Common i additionaJ ComniiUees ss may from. Stock, and the remainingassets and j gate to the International. Parlia- day evening,..'r May „ 5, at: 6:30 Morningside College conservatory, Union State Bank Bldg. The Council Bluffs Senior Hacially by example—a higher work. time to time be deemed requisite social hall of; the will present the" program, follow! funds shall be divided and paid to the' mentary conference, in •Washing- o'clock In ;the and necessary to carry out ttnd : / ; j holders of the Common stock accord| dassah plan to have a very InterAll men at the bottom of their NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON .: ; -•. ing the business meeting. Dr. Delttig to their respective shares. The \ fully execute the program: and purton' and.Ottawa, and was a guest synagogue. •'.- - ' PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT esting meeting scheduled for hearts ask: What shall I do to be Mrs. Meyer; Shubb will act as la- Galinsky is in charge of the OF FINAL ADMINISTRACqmmon Stock shall be subject to_the| poses of the corporation. The'reof: the American government on Wednesday-afternoon,-.May 13, at saved? Saved from meaningless prior rights of the holders of the Pre- spect!\"e duties and. responsibility TION ACCOUNT ferred Stock, as herein declared. If,! of the Committees above-named that occasion. ••..-.'. toastmi8tress. The 'invocation wUl program. arrangements. In the County Court of DOSEI&S the Hotel Chieftain. The annual and Godlessness and sin. When County, Nebraska. after the payment • of full dividends shall be as prescribed in the .Bybe offered by-Mr^s. Rueben Miller. As a lawyer in ^Munich, it fell election of offficers will take for any fiscal year on the Preferred j Laws. the ministers are all social workIn the Matter of the Estate of. Es-. Mrs. J>-Hi; MOBOW, pr.e3ldent of Patefl February ISth, 19S6. Stock,' if, after a sum sufficient j to his lot to cross-examine Adoiph place. Plans will be completed ers the final destruction of spir- ther Ferer. sometimes known &s Es- for theorpayment JF-W1SF COMMUNITY CENTER thereof shall have j ther B. Ferer, Deceased. Hitler in 1932 when the arrogant, the auxiliary, will welcome: : the AND 1TELFARE FEDERATION for the Southwestern Regional been set aside from the surplus or net j itual values will be by so much All persons Interested In .ES.13 mat' -.. ; ; " By IIEXKY MONPKT. profits of the Company, there shall prospective "fuehrer", declined to g u e s t s ; - ". • - - •. •'•• • convention which will be held at nearer. ter ere hereby notified that on the remain v i p l i any surplus or net profits of • A Major Bowes amateur hour, •itli day of April. 19SS, A. B. Ferer j such year, answer the Questions of a "Jew." Rabbi: Theodone N. Lewis will Wichita, Kansas, on May 17 and any and Ell such surplus; HARET SIL.VEE.MAN. filed a petition In said County Court, arranged 'arid directed by Helen Dr. Rosenfeld compelled him; to speak this evening at Mount 18. A playette.wiJl be presented (Copyright, 1936, by Seven Arts praying- that his final administration or net profits of such year, and of! other fiscal year for which full: account filed herein be settled and any pay a fine of 1,000 marks to the Herzoff, will be -presented' with Sinai . Temple on the subject by members-of the Emesel Club. shall ha' - e been paid on the i Feature Syndicate.) allowed, and that he be discharged dividends court, • thereby Incurring his per- the following taking part: Jack "Great" Jews—Why and Who." All members are urged to attend from. his trust as administrator and Preferred Stock, shall be applicable j Merlin, Tillie Shlndler, Tootle The - servlco will begin at 8 that a hearing will be had on said . to dividends upon the Common Stock; i sonal hostility.'. this meeting. petition before said Court on the 2nd j and out of any such surplus or net Merlin, Morris Slotsky, Ruth o'clock. ' : jWTien Hitler came Into power day of May. 19S6, and that If you I profits the Board of Directors -may Kutcher; Evelyn Sherman, Doro^ fail to appear before said Court on i in the'r discretion declare and pay i This afternoon Rabbi Lewis ; The Sisterhood of the Talmud in; Germany, Dr. Rosenfeld was the said 2nd fiayi of May. 1936, at 8 I dividends upon the Common Stock oJ j thy Sherman, LeRoy Goldblatt, forced to flee with his wife and will address the Federation of Torah Society will hold a regular o'clock A. M., ana contest said peti- j 'the Corporation, but rot until after '•. Gloria Ginsberg, Lorene Kaplan, ; tion, the Court may grant the pray- j the dividend upon the Preferred Stock ; family. He became a refugee and Women's Clubs at Maurice, la. meeting next Wednesday afterer of said petition, enter a decree of for the current fiscal year shail have : TY \ 7T^T"% Lois Miller, Doris Kaplan and if V^R in June, 1934, came to.the Unithelrship, and make^ such other and i been actually paid or provided for' ; This • morning he will address noon, May 6;' at 2:30 o'clock at tut i_»A\ Shirlsy Guttleman. i and set apart. further orders, allowances and deed:. States where he Is now enthe-student body at North Jun- the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synago] All or. any part of the Preferred crees, as to this Court may seem Mrs.. William Maaie will speak gaged In literary, work and lecto the end that all matters I Stock may be redeemed, at the op- i gue, 618 Mynster Street; ior- High School. Toronto ( W K S ) - - A plea to proper, pertaining: to said estate may be fi- | tion of the Board of Directors, as "any in behalf of the mothers; Miss turing:. . i time and from time to time after the ! nally settled and determined. Canada to opea Its doors to a of one year from the date j ._ Speaking with the objectivity Sylvia Friedman in behalf of the Two Jewish girls" won honors •reasonable number" of "selectBRYCE CRAWFORD, ] expiration of the issuance thereof, by the Cor- ! daughters and-Helen Levin in t of. the veteran lawyer, Dr. Roaenfor Abraham Lincoln High School ed" refuges from Germany pro- 4-10-S6-3t County Judge. I poration paying for each share BO tot I b© redeemed $10.50 together with any' and also individual honors at the feld has been heard by thousands half of the granddaughters. •SAMUEL ZACHAR1A, Atty. ! unpaid dividend declared thereon, upA tableau, "Seven Stages of • "The Beills Trial" 'will be the District Commercial Contest held vided the exodus from that coun.of; Americans to whom he has 763 Brandels Theatre Bid on thirty (30) days notice by mail to try Is not halted was Issued here the holders of record thereof at their j .given a first-hand conception of •Womanhood," will • be presented subject of Rabbi H..R. Rabinow- last week-end here. Miss Leona by a conference of representatives NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF last :-ecorde3 address. If less than Eli; the events of the past two years with the following cast: Mrs. Wil- Itz! sermon this; evening at Shaare Katelman, daughter of Mr. and of al the Christian denominations ALLEN FILTER SERVICE CO. the shares of Preferred ^tock are to > Notice Is Hereby Given that at a liam Kuteller, Mrs, -,S. H,' Snulkin, Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman, was bethe shares to be .redeem- j in Germany and an authoritative Zion synagogue.. Cantor A. PHsduly constituted meeting of the stock- ed redeemed, of Canada. shs.1! be selected" In. such manner! forecast of what may be expected. Ida Heshlow, Tillle' Shindler, Jean kln and the synagogue choir will & member of the Amateur Typing holders of Allen Filter Service Co- as the Board or Directors shall <Jeter- j Official spokesmen of the Unit- held on the 16th day of December, mine. The holders Team of A. L. H. S., which won Shubb, Mrs. Nathan Goldis,' Mra. chant the ritual. of shares of Pre1935, at -which, two-thirds of the Stock called for redemption' Art - Kaplan, Jack ..Merlin and "- At., the .Junior congregation first place. Miss Katelman was ed Church, the Church of Eng- stockholders were present and vot- ] ferred shall not, from and after the datu ' "Velnta Beechen. Piano accompani- service tomorrow morning, candy awarded individual honorB for land, the Friends, the Catholic ing, it -was unanimously resolved that fised for the redemption 'if such! the corporation be dissolved. stock possess or exercise any rights; Church, the Baptists and the ments will .be played; by Miss will be distributed to the chil- winning first place in accuracy ALLEN FILTER SERVICE CO. or benefits as stockholders of the ; and second place in speed in the Presbyterians Joined in signing a Bertha Heshelow. Louis Marg-olin. President. Corporation except the right to re- j dren by Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Levin Nathan S. Yaffe, Secretary. ceive from the Corporation the re- j Mrs. Ruben Miller is in charge In. honor of the birthday of their typing division. Miss Miriam manifesto denouncing. Germany's *-!4-S6-4tdemptlon price of such shares with- ; Saks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. persecution of Jews , non-Aryan out interest, upon the surrender ; "At an all organization dinner of the program; -Mrs. S.-Shulkin daughter, Sally. i Phil Saks, was a member-of the Christians and Christians and de- FRADENBURG, WEBB, EEBER, thereof." of^Mount Sinai.Temple organiza- and Mrs; Frank Gorchow in KLUTZNICK & KELLEY Rabbi Rabinowitz has been in- Novice Shorthand Team which claring that the German situation ALAM1T0 DAIRY COJIFANS £00 Union State Bank Bulidlng tions Monday evening, May 4 charge of the menu; Mrs. Charles vited to speak at the Junior High By L. H. HANSON, Vice-President. Karl Hermann,'. JIg'iv won first place in the district conOmaha, Nebraska Attest: JOE P. KTCLLEB.. Secretary. I Mrs. Sara Baila Cohen of Des •Raskin and Mrs.- Ed Baron in school- commencement exercises test." Miss Saks, won Individual i-17-36-4t ! BEN E. KA2L.OWSKY, Atty. NOTICE OF SNCORPORATION OF Moines will present the play, charge of the dining room. . • Iowa. He has also been honors by taking first place in ac"CHARLEMAGNE POWDER EAR" '-'Adam," written by Ludwig NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Notice Is hereby given that the unInvited to speak before the an- curacy. • Both go to Des Moines, In the County Court of Douglas dersigned have formed a corporation LewiBohn. The dinner, which wil nual "congregational, meeting at Iowa, on May 8 to represent this County. Nebraska. under the laws of the State of Nebe attended; by members o; the Matter oJ the Estate of Vac- braska. The name of the corporation At a recent. meeting of the-Ai the.Temple of Aron In St. Paul district In the Iowa State Com- lavIn Novak. Deceased. shall be "Charlemagne Powder Bar." Mount SInal Congregation, Mount Minn., early In May. - mercial Contest. All persons Interested in eaSa es- with Its principal place of business at Sinai Sisterhood and Mount SIna Z. A. chapter, Rudy Shindler, tate are hereby notified that a. petiOmaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, Elaborate plans are being-comtion has been filed in said Court, The general nature of the business Brotherhod, will be held In the Aleph Godol of the chapter mad!e pleted, for • the Annual Mother's the following appointmentsof praying for the probate of a. certain to be transacted shall be to engage Miss Pearl Bernstein, daughter Martin hotel at 6:30 o'clocks now on file in said Court, in the retail and wholesale cosmetic Committees:. Religion ' committee. day service to be held next Fri- of Mr. and Mrs. William Bern- Instrument purporting to be the last •will and business; to buy, sell, lease, own, acMr. Hyman Fishgall, presiden Jack Merlin, Ben : Lebowltz and day evening. Sons and daughters testament of said deceased, and that quire, and /or encumber real and perof .the congregation, will presidi David Wigodsky; Boclal, Morris of'the congregation are Invited to stein, has returned home follow- a hearing Trill be had on said peti- sonal property: and to do all things during the dinner. Rabbi Theo Mirken, Bernard Polak; - social contribute' floral: decorations for ing a four months' visit with rel- tion before said Court on tha 2nd necessary or proper to effect the purday of May. 1S36, a.nd that if they poses and objects for which this cordpre N. • Lewis will offer the . In service, Nath"an Rosenthal anji the pulpit honoring their parents atives in. Los Angeles, California. fail to appear at said Court on the poration is created. The authorized During •• her stay, she was exten- said 2nd day of May. 19S6, at 9 o'clock capital stock shall be Ten Thousand vocation, and Mrs. A. M. Davis, Bernard Polak; membership, My- that evening. A. M.. to contest tha probate of said •Dollars ($10,000.00), ana all of the sively entertained. vice president of the Sisterhood ron Heeger and Xeonard Leboiwill, the Court may allow and pro- paid stock shall be common and of bate Bald will and srrant administra- tha par value of One Hundred ($100.will Intrduce Mrs. Cohen. , witz; cultural, Haskell : Lazere, of said estate to Catherine Jau- 00) Dollars per share, and shall be Mr. and Mrs. Max Harris and tion i Mrs. Cohen, up to the time o: Bernard Rosenthal • and • 'Max ousek also known as Kate Janousek fully paid-up and non-assesssble. It daughter, Betty. Lee, and Dr. and and Anna Calta or some other suit- shall commence business upon filing her marriage,- four years ago, was P r o s t a k ^ '• '-.:. ••• . ' . • • . - • • . ' . . . able person, enter a degree of heir- of its Articles with the Cour.tr Clerk ; Mrs. Oscar Greenberg and daughon the stage -In New. York and ship, and proceed to a settlement of Douglas Cocnty, Nebraska, and A benefit movie tea will be ter, Evelyn, spent Sunday in F Plans have been made by th| thereof. BhaH continue for a period of fifty London. She also appeared In the given at the Warrior hotel Sun- m'ont, Nebraska, where they visit(50) years. The highest amount of chapter for a parent's day proj 3K.YCE' CRAWFORD, silent movies. Since taking up he: Indebtedness shaJl not exceed two4-10-SS-St County Judge. day "afternoon, May 10, with the gram on May 10 and f or an • te ed at the home of Mrs. Harris' thirds (2 /S) of its capital stock, but residence in Des Moines she ha proceeds going toward the Junior this restriction shall not Include Inappeared before large groups in formal initiation.of members; on Hadassah funds. The tea is given parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Verbin. FRADENPUBO, WEBB, BEBER, debtedness secured by mortgages or May.. t 3 . "Myron Heeger Isi. l i KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. liens. The affairs shall be managed that-tsity, in, Iowa City, Ames and 200 Unicn Stats Bsr.k BKj. by a Board of Directors of not less j by Hthe • Misses Ruth and Eva OrDr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhlll Oinaha. ' She "returned to Des charga of the latter event. t£an two (2) members. The annual The first edition of the A, Z likoK as their share in the "Give are expecting to motor ti Des NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF meeting shall be on the first Monday Moines ^recently from. California. or" Get" project of the Junior IDEAL BOTTLING CO in January of each year, at which A. chapter's paper will be issued Moines, Iowa, today to' attend the All Men By These Presents: meeting the stockholders shall elect Iowa State Medical convention Kttow on .May 6 and a contest is being Hadassah chapter. That at the meeting of the stock- & Board of Directors, and thereupon holders of the Ideal Bottling Co.. duly the Board shall elsct a President, this week-end. conducted In the 'chapter to ; ee .;:• •-• ^•: S p r i n g D a n c e • held a t the office of the corporation Vice-president, Secretary end Treascure: a name for rthe publication on. the !5th day of January. 1SE8. at urer. Any two of said offices may Einii Slouisky Mrs., Herman Krasne entertain- which all of tha stockholders were be held fcy one and the same person. :•.... '..The Ladies Auxiliary of ShaareJoe Maron is editor, 'Bernard Tltt EmllSIoutsky died Monday in present and voting.- a resolution "Rr&s These Articles may be amended at Zibn'synagogue has' begun plan senthal, business'manager; Philip his: home, 217 Twenty-ninth ed the members of her afternoon unanimously adopted that the Bald any regular or special meeting of the ! corporation cease to do business es stockholders by a two-thirds f£/£) lor a spring i. dance whicht ii Zeligson,. Bport8 editor,.and ;fea street, following a sudden heart Club at a luncheon at her home such'ansj that the same be dissolved: vote of the outstanding Etocfe. All of at'312 Carson Avenue WedSesday accordingly, notice scheduled for May" 25 In the Wes' ture^ writers are Haskell Lazere attack. of such action and the assets of the corporation may be : of the dissolution of tthe said Ideal disposed of by a two-thirds (2/3) afternoon. Mrs. Joe Lewis of Los Myron Heeger, Max Postak. . : ; & Q t £ t , ' • • • • ' • : ••;. . " ' • " ' • - ".'.';' ' '- ; vot« of the outstanding stock, Funeral services were held Angeles, California, house guest Bottling Co. is hereby plven. , Mrs.j Meyer Shubb\ and Mra A city .wide drawing'has/beeri Tuesday afternoon at Mount Sinai IN WITNBSS WHEREOF the.Par• IDBAt. BOTTLING CO. ties have hereunto subscribed their By Sam Plan. '' Morris Subln are in cbarjge of th inaugurated by the, chapter witli temple, with Rabbi Theodore N. of her sister, Mrs. Ike Krasne names this 2nd day cf April, 1SS6. President. was guest of honor. arrangements and Jack Reams or chances on -'«. five dollar prize MARIAN BIAI-AC, Attest:, Sam Platt. Lewis officiating.BERNTCB' NT3HLE332T, _ Secretary. chestta has been engaged to fur- 'Leonard:Lebowltz is in Charge oL IN THE: PRESEXCE OF.• Mr.' Sloutsky had been a resir The Council Bluffs -Talmud To- In the Presence of: nish;themusic for dancing. ALFRED A . FIET&ER. the raffle, for ~ which - five cent dent of Sioux City for 36 years. rah Society • will hold an impor- Sam Beber.
Mother, Daughter Tea on Sunday
chances are being sold. Tentative dates of August 16 and 17 have been set aside for the summer A. Z. A. tournament which will be held in Sioux City. A main feature of the tournament will be the sports program, the tentative plans of which have been outlined by the sports committee consisting. of Harry Elsberg, Phil Zeligson, Lester Lazriowich and • Mickey Grueskin, under the supervision of Mr. S. Krupnick, advisor. The program will include a regular track meet «vent, tennis singles and doubles, a. swimming meet and contests in the 'extemporaneous and debating fields.- Sidey Kalin - and Joe Maron will be in charge of the forensic contests of the tournament. General chairmen of the tpurnament are'Sam Sadoff and arlHImowlts.
He was born in Russia in 1869. Surviving are his widow, Sophie; •four sons, Herman, Louis, Sam and Joe, and a daughter, Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, all of Sioux City.
t'ant meeting Monday evening, May 4, at eight o'clock, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 Mynster street. All members are urged to attend.
Society News
Is "an inescapable responsibility of the League of Nations." The church leaders also recommended "an essential Canadianism, based on Christian citizenship In which the roots of ancieat prejudice may wither" and which Will be free from racial arrogance and thus, making for the abatement of narrow nationalism, will contribute toward the realization of Justice and righteousness throughout the world."
ly vlas for the Jews toj emigrate to Palestine. The consulate here of the British. Government, which, holds the League of Nations mandate for Palestine, has made known ths.t it is willing to do its utmost to facilitate emigration to the Holy Land of the Jews in concentration camps.
Ml fnrti
To Free Imprisoned Jews Going to Palestine
In House Race
thfcj Oil fij :lt*»Bi r w i
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tr.f: \ r .
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Mount Sinai
Christian Leaders Urge Canada to Invite Refugees
Shaare Zion
'Rendezvous . You It Like-
Pftr*;-.. '.i- . ^ r ; (if:
Temple to Hear : Sara Baila Cohen
Benefit Movie Tea
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