May 8, 1936

Page 1

BT GIVEN,If f CENTER*AND . - _e-b- . BKATiOIv hfcld on * * .s.Vi. the Articles nl . a srere amended na-fotiouv. JRT3CLE ili.% v


tho^aifiiirs of 'this -cor-: all be Tested ia a-.Board, jrs and an r Executive•wbo Bball hat a%''cancur». •a. So action ol eithej , however, be jcodified; reviewed by the otheJ rat the-consent ol tin. y. T i e Board or GOTthe Executive Commit-, eet a t snch.tirnes a s mar, I-in the By-Laws,-and a t Then the Board o l Gpvlot in session tho E s e c unlttee-shall have" fall' manage • and administer; of the corporation. •: . ecutive Committee shall the dulv elected officers* be: AiT Honorary Prieslie Honorary Vlce-Pre3lPresldent. three Vicaa Secretary,, andj a and tweiity-three I3§rafrom the Board of- Goy» sn of whom shell bo'i <l'ehnits first meeting: .joiioWr mual i l e c t l n s . of, tha COT1ind eight of Thorn' shall ed by the President •with ,of the officers and-elfctrs and all of -whom shail' a. term of one' year, <ir t- successors are. elected;' ivfever, that tha Esectlnt'ttce for 1936 shall'1*3t I until after April V133B.

LIFBWIQ This column is copyright by the , Seven AT{S Featura Syndicate. Ke' production, in wholo or l a part strictly; lorbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright win be ; prosecuted. "'

eetjnr.'ind u. membership' Each


on in.-..Omaha, which -Kn * lBten.ce ' for. more tha^n on« !' bft -entitled, -to o n e reh?~

i on-thE Board Of \Sovarif ITS: n2~mt>ei*EhIp £>«" zacc^ then m e fi-itUtiinal re£bertofv In ~. excess -of

Such, representatives'


a term ol erne- year tw'ith January 1 and tar-: on December - 21, - except that tha ., first Board jot elected under*.this napbo elected no later'than 936, and shall hoW-olfiCB :mber.31. X33S, and until iessors are ' duly elected. t ; elected • by. the «rgranacutlve Committee • shill i !gh"t;to* imnje members; fit .of^Goyerpors a t lafge-in er-of one'for* each feur organizations,"

. •-••;-

wer is reserved in th« pavsjiiors-of.-the ccrporietermlne. the. eligibility; of on3 to. participate in and rith this corporation, and

Is reserye3- in, the EriiC- ; amittee to designate rep- " es a t larse to the-.Board . ors;


. •


ARTICLE .TIL . " U be established seven committees hereinafter. . carry on the. functional of this corporation.' * toznrcittee on J e w i s h , E d u :onnnitt<rs on i' 3_








lonsmittee on Jo-wish, Kreo tonrmltteo • on Family Conunitteo on" Social" Ser-

Opening Highland IStag Next Thursday

anv % rooie

"RIOTS I S For t h e first time In seven years there have been riots in Palestine and the blood has been The first stag to be held at the shed. Eighteen Jews are dead and | _ . H£g a } aa( j Country cltib this year j sixty are wounded; five Arabs are | Fourth. AnSTl&l EVSSt t o Bsjwill he held Thursday evening,; dead and forty-eight wounded. 1 [ Experience has Ehc-np. that the. Held At Templs Israel The proportions speat for them|May 14, beginning a t 6:S0 p . in. cost of collecting the pledges' un- l Mih L/i\ision selves. Strictly interpreted,-there I Dorsey, t h e club chef, -will pre-; If StISday . . der five dollars is more than the were no riots. Arabs assassinated net income from them. Jews. Jews defended themselves I The fourth animsl high scbool! p a r e t b e d i l l E e r ' f o r ~ h l c h r e s e r - ! Initial Gifts circumspectly; the British defendi graduates' baccalaureate program j nations may be made by calling ; XJTQ' jps.. The initial gifts division it ed the Jews half-heartedly. Oth{Trill he held next Sunday-morning-Highland or Harold Saks, club: working in teams. S&m Beber erwise the proportions would' be •at 11 a. m. at Temple Israel. This j secretary. I. B. Simman are cp; The initial gifts division of the Thp Tenth «?iriFlon in t h e p altogether different. ] affair is sponsored each year by The opening stag is for inem• Jewish Philanthropies, always cue men of this division. The teems: erst Fhil?nthrop(eB campaign 1*. j the social service eomisittee cf Timid souls, afflicted with : ant! their friends, and at this of the rsvsi important cogrs in the Juntos K. Abrahams, Ben Sii-(ieff rmlnefl t r overpTibBcril'e its I the Jewish.Community Center asd i Jewish. self-depreciation which; : qwota., Fcrordtrifr to Wilton K. Dr." Philip 1 "me ' the new Highland addition campaign machinery, was put inw r ; > Keuben Bordy, Mark Leon:; they interpret as a higher humanand t a p room Trill be open for m.. ,. . " _ . ;, , _ . ^ „ , ,-* _, ^ , Frohm, chairman. ity, -will "talk down" Palestine. "RealisinK i t s responsibility to •: at a-tinner meeting at the Black-;• Robert II. Ivooper; Simon Bordr. ; Let them, remember that the ear-1 William L. Holzraaa. uresident jspection-for the first time. stone. A. D, Frank; isadore chapmtm. ite :e!!ov-raen," fee states. ly American Colonists never i (of the Jewish Community Center j Before the stag dinner, mem-: , -rh* d - i v e ^ n oi-ici-n^- D^en Bav6 Feder; Dave Cohn, Dave youth division h a s pledged it dreamed of being deterred by In-1 land Welfare Federation, Till pre-; bers and their friends Trill paxtici- V a v 1 T ' d " u " u - ^ ' V - T to £tlkin its film. 'Wt Jeel ecvl dian massacres.. Had they been BO[ side Sunday. <p a t e { n goif_ There -will be no »( • " Slayer L. Cotin, ITsrry Grernc: Ol KUCCe-55." deterred there would Tiave been! - The opening prayer Trill ^ : green tees tor guests. Benedict r . ^a.^i^p?•T^., F r e e ? L&st yeiii' t h e Youih d k i no such thing as America. The ( cr. K u r t Rose£relS, { o m c r | given by Dr. Frederick Coin. Re-; 1 will MiEisteT of Justice of Prussia, was V;BB pa'tpvnod af?er t b e praior difference between us and t h e j sponsive reading -will be by Rabbi •' F o r pm-a] al c eo pae i tl i al l ggc. r^l h^ e^club ^ ^ o n . ^ e s t Bpeate__ R o s e n f e 3 d Art Cohn, In-insr Greene. Irviv vision P.TKI t h e result, •war eo pf~ American settlers is this: we shall j -1 Harold Berger. Levin; Harold Farber, Manning Saturday, May 23, with Red Perwas one of the outstanding figJ e t u 1 continue to civilize, to raise up, to Remarks will he made bv two'TT ;• . .' „ . ' f L ^ ^ u u i ^ ,^- -- Handler; Abner I-L Ktiman. fectlrp t h s t t h e fsme rlar.. vriH followed, this yenr. fels deal out justice to the Arabs. T h e | «T-r«H,^«-f« T . » . T»«-«,"cf«.v k l n s a n dfurnishing MtionaUy uresthe inNazis'to Germany power, prior to rise E theknown music. or- ;;of isthe known Willism Milder; Psm J. Leon, The various divi&ionRl he American colonists turned on the The first class of the Yeshivaj London. Back row left to right: and Armand Gilinsty. The ;sss the Kan who forced H Hitler to Harry and v/orkers, under FrpiUii ia U>cIn'dians and massacred them. As department of the. Talmud Torah: j Stanley S i l v e r m a n , Charles address will be given by Rabbi late as the winning of t h e "West f^irst: row left, to right: Marciaj Feldman, M a x Kirshenbaum, David A. Goldstein. pay a fine for contempt of court B -A A ! Kerry in a Munich court in IPS:. they 'shoti them, idown on sight— Fineri Celia Lipsman, Alex Ad-j Irving Rosenbaum, Nathan ShuA musical program featuring a-i J a c o b • In a grippingmanner Rosen»• SSosburg. Mose Yousem: "bucks" and "squawB" and pre-ler, Ruth Finer and Rebecca I kert and Leonard Lewis. violin solo,.with Urs. Greer at the I j feld told the 150 Philanthropies L o u i s Somberg. Karrv Sommer; gnant "sQuaws". A. good Indian organ, will be presented. The ben-i iTrarkers of the suffering and in-D r -M - l- Gordon, Louis Sommer,' hnrr. Kafs. Rebecca. Kir*rhcnh8iJn\, was a dead Indian.. And the' Inening of of e of a panel discussion and ediction will be given by Rabbi j The formal opening -describable humiliation endured A 1 Wohlner, Simon Tizer; 1% Ab- Adolph Jjaytin. Henrj- Mala?hoc-:, w111 b ei n E n U s h diana were, a s we know now, innewly David H. Wice. I Teshiva de- i s by the non-Xazis in the reich. He ranison, Leo EoseEifeal; Ben Kax-ElUElE NfVElpjf, IV-firi OpOfu their primitive fashion no ignoble CitV Talmud 1 Henry Monsky, president of the Kot only are all the Jewish.? partment Of i informed ME listeners that tbe • lowFfcy, I.OUIF JAVT-. ?fm r.sch- Ears. Kilkin, Ben Emiih, Vl"irtar;; graduates of the local high schools j J Talmud Torah, will deliTer a tolk nobler • perhaps than the Tt Torati will at a pub-; : German Jewry have piven t p iRris: .7, NP.ia.Fboc*. wsnisr* F*e; usin Arab fellaheen." And when it lie : ceremonr' Thursday, ! Mar;short address. Dr. Philip Sher, invtied to attend, but their par-| Jerusalem (WX5-Palcor Agen- n o ppe ? their evervy effort beiEE g beet! ? t ents and f rienda are likewise welcomes-to abstract "right" or his-. . . . . , i T . -r j~i ry i-o---- ••- - ; chak-raan of the board of educal H cy).—The Arab political parties ; tovrard ' emigrating- as many of Esriy Kc come. toric right or any kind of right, 14, at the J. C. C. at 8 p. m. j t i o n o f T a l m u d T o r a h > w i n p r e . of ^Palestine, decided unanimous- ;t h e i r children out cf the coiiatry berE> H - L n we have infinitely more right in Rabbi Charles H . Kauvar of j s e n t the scholarship awards. Philly to institute a general strike \ a^ possible. " ; berg. Phil r i p F r p p 1 v 1 , -i f i - " (' any not entirely pragmatic sense Denver,-Colo., will be the guest jjpKluztnick will be chairman of that would be prosecuted until I j r e ^ ^ * e e l > ho-werer, that the tin, I.mB. S S s id Eretz Yisrael than the white speaker of the evening. Rabbi Jt n e evening. All Omaha Jewry is .the Palestine government grants,\ dissatisfaction ' of the Bebr-—p- A C T ' German;! "-1 i i r ' "\ r <.' "* man had in the immemorial hunt- Kauvar- has visited : in Omaha! invited to attend. [ t h e t h r e e p r i n c i p a l d e m a n d s of i x a z i s m i g h t fering a b o u t t h e e v e r - jj ^'orriF J a c ^ K x. s —,- / IHg'-gronnds of the Indians. Our many times and has always had & i The Teshiva department, which _the Arabs. These demands are: ; throw cl the Hitler refcime. j Karl Louis. colonization is In moral ground- message of importance and inter- i corresponds to the high school |<1) Stoppage of Je-wish imraigra-j T J 6t o l d fcow t n e Xazis are | ^&Ti& Gc'r-rr—I est to deliver. He,will speak both | ing^and in moral method the most of jtion; (2) a ban on the sale of iandigpeEgiji^- millions annually to I in Yiddish and in English. t o justifiable' in the history of man. j istence because of the dire need to I n . ' S" F ' f • | Jews; and (3) the establish-1 s p r e a d jcazi propsganfia in t hieverman. ! Bloody conquerors were not de- The children of t h e Yeshiva deeducation through Harry i -T -> -1 Approximately three hundred i ment in Palestine of a national j rjnited States, &n& warned that! terrer. ,Why. should we be? The Jewish young people attended the • government. A central committee; j e v r r v j^ust join'the anti-fascist ! Blacker, Abp <~n -«• r r 1* V i right call has gone out. We shall ish boy and girl. Three of thetthird annual city-wide Youth Con-I was immediately selected to co- \ forces y forces i! i!aaform fcrm of Hitlerism is to I ephson, Jarl "".F-r- " redouble our efforts and send a law. The discussion will be in the fourteen children registered at h i d | p Clave held Sunday at Temple Is-|ordinate the activities in the g e n - , b e k e ppt fTorn Fp thousand Jews for every Jew w e present are being graduated from rael, under the direction of the; erall strike. This committee in-j Beber, who with I. B. h d i i f t h t i k Thi itt i j Szm mourn today. ' . • ; high school in June and will con- College club. ld H A i Al H i j i is co-chairm aa of t h e , eludes mufti Haj Amin Al Husseini, tinue their attendance a t the Beginning at 3 p. m. the day j; grand of Jerusalem; Auci ;j .zimman initial gifts division, presided at j I rx \ t < <•>- i l i j Yeshiva through their college was cramined with activity. At S j; Bey dAbdul Hadi,J leader -Less-than can be said for us ofAthe; Tuesday evening's meeting. CardE : j years. Eight children are now inp. m., the one-man art exhibit of, the Independence party, \ ^ - e r e distributed and final instruc- : can' be said for the'Mandatory high school and three are in grade William Sehwarti. who was pres- i and tne director of tbe Arab bank. : tions given to workers. An adPower. When the people of India J , ' . v school. . rebelled' in t h e great mutiny, the •The proclamation calling upon all j dress on th.e dire need cf the ben-: ent, was British soldiery Etqrfed the Sepoys An.interesting panel fiiscussioa :Palestine'Arahs to join the gen-iefiriaries cf. the ..FMlanlnrcrles.'; j I n view of tKft fact that .tbere iml tou -• -|HtemHitmar asy-Z.^ -*-*'^—"-\6 trz&ffivn '' -'- •"'"' ' dii^^'Judaism and Economics**"be-'ie'ral Btrlfee Js-signefi by every -cut-v'jsarticviia'rlr' "Polish '£.?.& German 'the t i and shot th*eni;ai~their feUow-fe- Day. will be, celebrated Sunday, munity for a course in Jewish ed- gan a t 4:30 p.-m. Contributors to J standing Arab leader, including; j e - ! r r y > fr&$ given by Rabbi David : % bels. - I n 1932 the French general EfsyloV'by the two Omaha chap-j ucation which extended through- the.recent issue'ot'f^eflsctica par-j Hussein Kcalidi, mayor of Jeru-j Gt>I5stein. ting. Slay - ' commanding a huge district" in tera.' An interesting program hais: o ut the high school years it was Report- I5!crprs,«es. .the Je-rish C" <r tne Sahara ..desert-said to nie: | the directing head of the strike, took part in the discussion. The roost enconrajrfng report. ben"; arranged for the afternoon, i necessary to create .some incentive ticipated and later the audience, salem. Eaj Amin Hnsseini will be j o™-' "Do you see that Village full of Speakers'" will be Mrs. M. F . Le-J which would arouse the interest Supper -was served a t S o'clock, ! it is understood. of tbe dinner-was the EsnoTs-iiceSoudanese? Observe how, clean it vecson. Rabbi Harold A, Berger |9f the children. For this purpose •with members of the Tentple Sis- j A number of Arabs urged i m e i i t thst those of the initial I; Jf^Vf^. IF r"?rr-pr r o is. Observe that a European wo- ahd Aleph..'George Eltinge of the [the scholarship committee, was terhood ia charge. A twilight serv- j against adoption of the general) gifts prospects vrho had already from start " "1'-<;*• five acts C T T ~ p f T , 'P<= man or child could-wander about Century .chapter. ' Aleph Macy i created to work out some system ice, conducted by Rabbi David'strike proposal on the ground! beem seen bare responded uren- that you arc v r rcro- r pi T 1 in it all night and come out un-Baum of the Mother chapter will i o i awarding scholarships to chil- Wice, folio-wed. I that the strike was doing serious ! eponsly to the call of the cam- ^anfi is certain to prore entertain-. Kffe. touched. Do you know why? They Dancing t o the music of Art I damage to Arab trade and pro- j paign. Xbe STerage increase to dren attending the Yeshiva deBlums N'eveiefl. captain; T:>s?know what i t is to have the men preside over the meeting. Randall's orchestra from 9 p. m. j moting Jewish trade. The opposid&te Ia the Initial gifts is 50] Tickets are BOF on sale for EC .Ijis Epstein, Shirley Fse&Se'., K*1The scholarship comof the village lined, up a t dawn ,1,Abraham Dansky, Vho has won! Partment, mittee to 12:30 a. m. concluded the sue-j tionbts yielded to the majority per cent over last year's pledges. i cents each and may be purchased ; consists of Rabbi H. A. becca Klreheiibaum, MRrib«, l.ipand every tenth man shot. They Eeveral musical awards, will p r e - j 1 Harry K&lasbock, genera! fit the door the evening oi thepett. K.C8? Jvjentle'soE, ?&••& Kirchairman; Henry Monsty, cessful day's activity. e n t a program program of of piano piano music. musc. 1DBerger, know. Je I'al fait. I've^done it." ssent-a r j and agreed to join in the general Receipts are to be given to the • strike until all Arab demands are Dr ch&irmsn of -the campaign, de- ! shew. The program ia sponsored kin. 'i PhM Sher, Sh Rabbi R b b i D. D A. A GoldGld And do you know why he told Mr/ Larry Finkle, popular On:Hh'ai s t e-i nPhMP Pnili clares that the workers oC »11' by the Temple Israel ErotherNathan youth's division of the Philan-! granted. re&rl Oeoit, capSain; rhyllif a e that? Because I had been tell- basso, will sing several selections.!L e T l -n s o n PJ a c Klutznick, k ' Marer, Harry thropies drive. Delegations from j The Federation of Arab Chauf- dlTisi«Jiis will not rest until She hood. Leslie Burkeuroad, presi- Be"kov-}tz, Libby Fishherg,. rpa'-:. ing him some details of the Arab Miss Rosalie Alberts will present ; Lincoln, Sioux City and Des; feurs voted to join the general goal of $43,600 is obtsiaed. dent of the brotherhood, is direct- Lipsey, Gertrude Orueh, Franwe • ' _ Marcus, William Milder and Simassacres df 1929. especially con- readings. Moines -were present. * j Arab strike. Leading Jewish im- j This means that the Increases ing the play. Everyone .is • invited to attend. mon Pizer. cerning the- murder t>f our childMotion pictures of the confer- j porters and merchants of Pales-1 ia contribEtioas will hare t o The College Club orchestra lias K«ro!d Eelsnsky, ceptala; BoH parents are especially! The scholarship idea -was first run In the YesTiivah of Hebron. A." Z. met h6re the following ^.zy j to pour in. hy Es-it. nevbert rorbee, Dant< ; been The program, begins a t He would 'like to have been sent ; engaged to play pfor the r decided to import all tu.eirj S"&?d Xewl SiO.OSS SiO.OSxJ AdSitloHel fa r in add'uor to B ver&i i" o-Killer, David Ekhartis. Jay T,'pirization of Omaha, but in t h ee !a r t y d a t e J l H a r o l d S a k s 2:30 p. m. a t the J . C. C. to Hebron. course of being introduced into ! " ^ a s : goods in the future via Haifa bar-| ^ g g o a ! s e t . i s ? 1 P ,000 more •, fesFlonal entertElP€TB,~ v-'hp v i l !man, Needless to say: I am for peace, the local educational system i t i S e n e r a l ^ a i r m a n of the confer-:bor instead of Jaffa, ^hich is p r e - ; t b s n ln l s 3 5 > The r f ? a s o n f o r t i s e ^ - , ^ s n E r i , C E r a n c c j E om P j tbf Joe GUEii. cp.p' T.Tcyor C"*5^brotherliness, a total abstention u eDce ! dominantly an^Arab an Arab twra. town. ^ toot on a community-vide aspect ! | increase is the cire need to help ' . dell, Gporpp Elfinre, lesdore Tr* : a c t s from reprisal und the determined j resolved that they would boycott; central aed eastern European; : "Coaie and hear r P r r vrin Kalmar,. Morton MargoliB., and the Mizrachi gladly turned'it conciliation of the Arabs by all lK)ndon.—German servant girls ; the Jaffa port until the Palestine ; j£yrSBecause ot the increase in insulted" is a slrnificanf Ben TTintrctib, over to the city for sponsorship. honorable means. I simply adin England are refusing to work j government builds a parallel p o r t ; t n e goal, ibere will be no sep-' ^ "' '' ' duce history and anecdote to which i for Jews, i t was reported by em- j in near-by Tel Aviv, the -all-Jew-: a r a t e campaign conducted for the for this gecona annual cincaron ' show, labeled as "one ot the fun- ; eac prove that the Palestinian Arabs ^ s?~ I Ployment agencies here. iish city which abuts on Jaffa. German and Polish Jewry. are the most strangely coddled niest Bhows of its i:ir.d ever rre- \ Ci.«'t. VX'OiW. *'- t i l t . &3 .T he :, T _ het f__?fJ??f a n d R o n o . h t e s t e r to the student in the Tesh-1 An important' decision in re- sented in Omaha." pampered, soiled, catered t o andclubs of Central High were award- iva department who has fulfilled i I gard t o the campaign, as snwrapped in medicated -cotton ed the silver trophy for their pres- the -course prescribed for the seitonncfd today, is that in the 'PC group of any group of people in entation of -Robert Makes Love" Im e s t e r . However, the bond is not .esr_f » "ftgeneral solicitations diTisios, N i g h t " the annual dradra- redeemable r d b l til the h student is the whole history of human col- at "Stage Night," until headed 5?y Jack Merer, pledges th R Un d onization and that any concern °L * - f. . Prepared to enter college and if of less than five dollars MiSB Teye Goldw&re, for the Arabs a t this moment by Tajle of Jewish Youth. The tour- he has attended the Teshiva denot be accepted. Cssh eoni of ?-Jr. pnc. Mrs. Samuel Golcany Jew or Christian who ia notnament -was held Jtast "Wednesday partment ' regularly until that tioss ia. any amoont, regard- I The Temple Sisterhood jr., VRF, awarded a prize fnra pronounced anti-Semite is sent- evening at-the' Center anditorinm time. The scholarship: fund is an "Thirty-two million dollars are j Gains Hitler's'.Enmity. less of tsow small, will be t a t - ! give their annual Mother before a crowded house of Round independent one, . securing Its i being spent each year in this coun| ber eseey oc Rsnjal anfi ReUgtou*imental slop or open hypocrisy. Rosenfeid tells how he incur- en. but if tbe amount to be cto- ; Daughter luncheon Saturday May , Tolerance by the juclges of tttr Tabled members.- . . : • • •• ' Yet the -Arabs have been '.Members > of. the cast - were' M money through private subscripp try by the Nazi government for red the personal enmity of Adolph nated is less than five dollars. ; T, at 1 o'clock in tbe vestry rooias '. contest., sponsored by CrcigbtfiT. tion by local patrons who are in-propaganda purposes," was t h e Hitler when, as a Munich attor- t h e C I S h tSie : of the tempi;5. fanatical, mediaeval minded men Kaplan, - Sarah Sterling,- Norman terested in the growth of an in- charge made here Tuesday by Dr. * in 1932, he had the judges ''•• The Sunday school classes will tensive community wide, school j Kurt Rosenfeid, former Minister have been wronged by the Man-B o r d y a n d Betty Soref. the present dictator for con; present a Mother Goose skit. for advanced Jewish education. | of Justice of Prussia, who was int e m t datory Power — ; wronged to their court when he refused Other g r o u p s participating ! Those taking part are us lollr-v-s: schools: Hsrvey Xowbrsnch, ecfffsr P hurt and our own. In the Tog of were the Junior Hadassah and A.. , At'the .^public-ceremony Thurs- Omaha to address the dinner to answer R questions; Vaad A u x u i 3 i v s 'Old King Cole, Barbara Trustin; , of the Tv'orid-HerBid, and F^-thsv: of the initial gifts diviApril 22 there is an article by Z. A.;lbO>'Wljo, presented the play day evening the following stu: as to rsoney received from MusThree Fiddlers, Audrey 'Vi.'oiC. Lor- L<?o MulSancy of Crelchten. Zachariah Shuster which should "Queen of .Hearts," with Goldie dents will be awarded the first sion' of the Jewish Philanthropies. solini. raine GrfenspRE, F&fry Bcrteiabe translated into English and Wolf son, Betty Tuchman, Norman scholarship'bonds: Alexander Ad- H e stated that every ship t o , _ rcad; J&ck Homer, Shirley Berr- fbf <?rtp roU^r^ ^? Cr^i^htoti u?i'^ given the widest possible public- Berg and Ben Wintroub, and theler, Marcla Finer, Ruth' Finer,! America from Germany carries! When the Nazis rose to power, "Wolf ity. The government, Mr. Shuster A.. Z^ A. N o r i , wJBo presented the Leonard ,Lewis Rebecca London 'eaxr te r s members of the crew who j Rosenfeid had to• nee for his life.; •T l i e annual Taad auxiliary :, stein : Jack and JUL Mar dance will be held at the and I^esh Cohn: Eo-Peep, Jean registered as seamen but who | For fourteen days and nights h e ;s p r i n g da explains, has recently taken up play, *:The -Ark of Mercy." with Max Kirshenbaum ,-Morris K i r s h - ' E tosenbaum isj a "! are'actually delivering orders and j ^ a s like a hunted animal, not; ponteneile hotel Sunday, May 10. Rubensteic; Kiss Muffett. My re Its '"balancing policy" again and Herbert-Marks, Jpiian Nathan and enbaumy, Irving Rosenbaum, this j faring to sleep in any one place Austin Bevans* orchestra has Cohn; Mary Quite CoDtra.ry, JORTI ,0,-I.H. Feldman, TT^rfJ,^" 1iinstructions to Nazi this; daring oce ; Austin : ; has let the Arabs Snow by word- Morris .Fine.'..Other features _of than-Shukert,- Charles .. . ; Rosenstoek: L i t t l e B o y B l u e , D o r - ' and act that now was their time." the-.••;evening's;- program were' a Celia-Lipsman and Staniey: Silver- eountry from the Gestapo, Ger- twice xn succession. .been secured for the occasion. Mother Goose.! man secret police. "Like a thief I had to stealthily.; Mrs. Al Finfcel is chairman and ; othy t-tO.iC.Eer; Such a n act above all was of and group of; piano solos - by Betty J Tommy course the insistence, despite the FeUman, a- group of vocal solos who are registered in the Teshiva ' H e t e r m e d t h e w o r l d - w i d e prop-I p a s s the.,. German, b o r d e r i n t h e • is b e i n g a s s i s t e d b y tbe- MesfSames : F r a n c e s R u b i n s t e i n ; protest of parliamentary leaders by,Harriet Bernstein and a group department* have notbeen able to a g a n d a m a c h i n e of t h e N a z i s a s : darfe of n i g h t to e s c a p e t h e Nazi j W i l l i a m Milder, K . Bursteiri; A. i T u c k e r , M a r i o n L i v i n g s t o n : S t o r y . i r s f il rebf-arsjRi o ( t h e Tb# Toseme, in London, on a Legislative Coun- of-readlngsby. Bosalie Alberts. ! iion attend ; classes until'the closing of !a menace to all cMiizatlon, and ; murderers," he says. "When I had ! Greenbatim, C. Belzer, K. Milder,; Teller, Karjorie Robinson. Cha •Tscob CrOTtUn, iii»cier th.<the public schools. urged Jews, Protestants and Cath- . escaped safely to Paris, the newj Li. MendeJson, I. ElewSti. S. Katet-i Mrs, ' Clference Berjrman cil to be established forthwith; olics-to unite-with all anti-fascists.'minister of justice of Prussia, my|niEn, D. B. Epstein, I. Fiedler, L. : speak for th« mothers. End rhyU;6: of B O B Martin BP.CI Sarc such were the proposed new re- 'Members of-the committee for According to Rosesfeld, the j successor, wrote to me that: Keveieff, H. Keveleff, S. Brcvn,; Berko'witr, will • anrwer for the trictiona.on both Jewish immigra- "Stage Nite". were Milton Frohm, tion and on the sale of lands t oM a r y ; Kaplan,: Dick Hurwitz and .ANNUAL PICNIC OF Jews in Germany have no hope. 1 charges had been lodged against | J. Bernstein. ' ! daughters. The lunch eon will be Jews; such is the black and Haskell. Cohen. ' The German masses, he declares, j me and instructed n s to return to \ Mrs. Al Finkel states that this : carried out in spring colors. 3ev.-i?>lj. actors; pw<i acire-B [HEBREW-CLUB' . shameful treatment accorded to greatly dislike the Nazi regime; Germany to face the charges. Ns.t- j -will be one cf tbe outstanding so- i Mrs. Louis Lip-p &n& Mrs. J. J.are; S. KeEvon, Mrs. S. Yaffe, Vv., "illegal" J e w i s h immigrants: I>tAK-WMifflNlTY'WIDE but can do nothing about it. They ] urally, I did cot return." • j ciai affairs o* the season. Many ; Friedman are in charge. Keserva-- RKCI 5'irs>. J. J'fiicsltj-. Mrs, 'K. their creul imprisonment, their The Omaha Hebrew club"a f o r - l a r e accordingly resigned to their j • He illustrates tbe mentality of j parties sire being arranged to p r e - lions cany be phoned to them or .AxoriTs, A. ColioTt, E. aiariln anil , DAUGHTER-TEA ruthless deportation, t h e attempt n/uiiiwriirfij . „-. . . . . I fate.'Some, however, can still look i the Nazi regime by the charges; cede the dance. i to the Temple lerae-i P"F.C€. The which would be wildly: farcical •The women's division of the j .*> ^ t a annual picnic will be g!V- jf o r R . a r d t 0 t h e d a y w h e a H i t I e r jl Q s i g e s i _ _m t l i a t i e &c te.d'as a i Hrs. K. Euret«in vHl tave . luncheon is EC- «r,ts, i x'n? piny •"•"i'l be given Sunday, Center did it not to England's shame re- Jewish Commanity M?.T "id, p.f Congregation o* :*_ ^ - * - _ a n d | en Sunday, July 5, a t Lakeview, xrm be overthrown. (,notary for people withdrawing; charge of the card room . which " duce England's administration to "Welfare Federation "will sponsor a park, in East Omaba. Admission | Emigration—In limited .nnrn- \ from church memberBhip; that he Us being arranged for those wfcc pynagojrue ?.t -CEUi and J Tea on Sun- this year wm b e - o cents per per- < b e r s — i s "paramount in the minds i had defended Jews, pacifists, so-; don't care if dauce. a German level, of turning the Itother arid Daughter ! : people of our TiBhuv into inform- day afternoon, May 17, a t 3 p . m .son. Parsing and dancing will b e j o f j j , o s t Germans today. Dr. Ros- j cialists, comrcuiiists a s d liberals | Tickets are SX.I'S per couple and ers on their hapless brethren. Let at the Jewish Community Center. " e e i' -; .' ,. . jenfeld points .out. He graphically i in court, and that he had hung on-and may be bought 'rota mem-•I AppiicstioEs are n r r being I; ! An-, interesting' and novel prous not say England.. Wedgwood Albert Kaplan is chairman of j compared the- worry of Americas > his .walls a fassed Baumier Pic-jbsrs of the committee or at the I taten for cEmp counselors o ' | and Winston Churchill and J a ngram has been arranged and res- the committee in charge. He is j fathers a s d mothers as to which'ture symbolizing a French judge j door. Ijondors, — EagMe" Jewry Tjais. ; the Jewish CoBirB.unatr v:"-R-1 Rlre&dy raised ?S,500,000 for thm Smuts speafe for England and the ervations may bs'madB by calling assisted by.- John Feldman, Sam'summer camp their children will j overpowering a w o a a a represent-; tsr Komi? Camp. i rpllaj of the Jews of Germany, li; empire. Let us say:.Fools and the 'Jewish Community Center. Bloom, Daxiel Schwartz, Louis j attend; with the worry cf the Ger-1 ing . i Belgrade Aiay yoiing nrsE OT Tomsi. | wss anno-F.Ti.ced by officers et t b * cowards and anti-Semitea i n the Members of jthe committee are: Morgan, I . J . Soskin, Charles man parents who pray; that they|.. E e urges American Jewry to i Governmest will not tolerate anti-' MesdamesJ. J . Greenberg, H. A.Mann and-^ Sam Feldman. Max,may ..send their children thousands'! contribute as generously as pos-• Semitic agitation, Itlinister .of the interested rosy se*? Miss Ruth f Central F«ud for Jewish Aid. Colonial Office. ';•••' "W.oit, J. Blank, Baye Greenberg, From∈ president, is assisting of miles away, far frosa the Kazijeible so that "real Germany can i Interior Actoa Keroscieti declsr-; Alien at the Center. i The- goal of the- earapaign -W8 \ (Continued on page 4.) Abe, Greenberg and A. D. Prank. the -committee. persecution. I throw vfi the yoke of Hitlerism." ed^ia & speech.

After Senior




, as prescribed tn the ,By6. HCOaiirUNITT CENXEB "TvELFARE KBDERATJON Ey HESR7 MONSKT.

T l P r a


mdezvons )u'll Like




TOL. xii—Xo. i i


-omraittee , on Emergency 'roblems. ' ;' , oairman of each of" these ses shall he selected - froin ' Sia members of -tha, Execihinirfee. and such ch.-ilfJL with the advice and jl th« President and-Exeemiaittee. appoint thesuss cumbers- of . his .Cotomittije. ecntive -Committee aijd/or' •d of Governors shall have r to. appoint such other.and il Committees as taay from. time t e deemed - requisite Mssary t o carcy -oat jand •cute the prograai and pnrthe corporation. . Th«, re• duties and,' responsibllitr -Committees above-iianied •



Three Hundred

lommittee on Jewish Cqme n t e r .

- " Satei-exi caSeccsd'Clesa ifill Hattsr co January 21. 1921. at ".'«- iof Omaha. Kebraala, raair tfi» Act cf Slarsa 3. IST9

Initial Gifts Are Alread Showing Over

ard of Governors - obJ-H th p. bf fleers elected a t the is "follows:

Interests ©I

: i- •









fONTENELLE •"arl Hetunann/ilg'r.i

lance on ouncsay

av Sunday


J.C.C; Sports

To Speak Here Thursday


A. Berger of Omaha will perform the ceremony in the presence of members of the immediate families. Following the wedding a supper will be served at the synagogue. Miss Markovitz has been extensively entertained prenuptially.

at which two-ihlrds of stockholders were present and Inff, it was unanimously resolved the corporation he dtssolvpd. PROBATE NOTICE ; AIAiBN FILTER SERVICE In the Matter of the Estate of VacMargolin. President. Plans are being made by the lav Novak, "Deceased. Nathan S. Taffe, Secretary. Notice Is Hereby Given: That the Council Bluffs Senior HatJassah creditor* of said deceased will rnefet and the Sisterhood of the Talmud the executrices of said estate, before County Judire of Douglad CounTorah for a joint "Mother and me, ty, Nebraska, at the County Cotn-t Daughter" tea to be given at the Room. In eaW Countr. on the 29th of June. 1936, and on the SSth By the Service Life Insurance Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue day day of August, 193S, at 9 o'clock A. ion Sunday afternoon, May 24, at M., each day, for the purpose of preCompany, Omaha 2:30 o'clock. Further details will senting- their claims for examination adjustment. and allowance. Thre» Owning a life insurance policy be announced in a later issue of months are allowed for the creditor? the Jewish Press. . " • ' to present their claims, frotn the 29ch is one of the things that malce a day of Mw, J83S. promising young person. It is a BBTCE CRAWFORD, 5-S-SG-?t County Judge mark which tells the world that Arnold Hoffman, son of Mr. and


than Adler Saltzman.

*° d



E. KA2UOWSKY, Insurance Bids.

'The'J.'C. C. softball league got off to a ,good start last Sunday morning with three games played before large galleries.' The Omaha The Council Bluffs Senior HaPotato Market came through In dassah will hold its annual elecan extra inning game to defeat tion of officers. next Tuesday afthe.PsI Mu ten, 9 to 8. The other ternoon, May 12, Instead of May two games played, the Sample 13, as originally scheduled, at the • Furs trounced the% Tower team, Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. Morris 10 to 4,- and the, Omaha Jobbing Grossman is chairman in charge company beat the A. Z. A. No. 1 of this meeting, and is being as- he or she has foresight, can look t Mrs. A. Hoffman, won first place, SAMUEL ZACHARIA, Atty. squad, 14 to 4. The Potato Marsisted by Mrs. Nathan Richards and jpltn ahead for the premiums, {or a superior rating, in the'clar76« Branded Theatre Bide. ket, after five innings of ragged and Mrs. Leo Meyerson. Mrs. Her-and the young person who looks j inet division at the state music ball finally pulled themselves toNOTICE 6 F DISSOLUTION OF man Marowitz ia program chair- ahead ia a valuable person in any j contest held last week-end in ALLEN FILTER SERVICE CO. gether and with the score 1 to 3 | Iowa City, Ia. Several Jewish stuman. A playlet entitled "Mother's line of work. Kotice Is Hereby Given that at » against - them, .began pummelling Day," will be presented by the Inasmuch as insurance is the j dents from Abraham Lincoln duly constituted meeting' of the stockthat old apple to garner the win' holders of Allen Filter Service Co., members of the Emesel club, un- modern method by which men High school were members of the held on the 16th day ot December, ning runs.. Hard luck featured the der the direction of Miss June make the uncertain certain, and Abraham'Lincoln High school orgame when the trees In left field Meyerson. Miss Dorothy Saltzman the unequal equal, it is the means chestra, which won a superior rathindered the fielding ability of will sing a group of popular by which success is almost guar-; ing in the state contest. Among Nate Wolfe and Jay Stolen. Ned songs. Plans will be completed for anteed. Insurance is part charity those participating were Florence • Giventer got hold of one and lamthe annual southwestern regional it is part business but it Meyerson, Jane" Hoffman, Lorbasted a double to "knock in the convention of the Senior Hadas- is all common sense. Through Its raine Meyerson, George Brown, • • -winning run -for the grocery boys. sah, which will be held at Wichi- operation the support of the Igal Stadlan, Ben Kutler and Ar• Probably the, best play of the ta, Kane., on May 18 and 19. Allweak is taken care of by the nold Hoffman. • i game was MiHard Sigal'a catch of members are urged to attend this strong, and the weak secure, not ] • — • . a line drive • which came off the meeting. by favor but by right, duly pur-j : Miss Ruth Krasne is leaving tobat of Lee Grossman. Paul Stelnchased and paid for, the support day jor an ••extended visit to Los j r berg, winning pitcher, was hard of the strong. |A n g e , e g a n d ; S a n Kr^ncisco, CaL i An ' announcement has • been hit' throughout the game, hut the CHOOSE FROM Every insurance policy is a de- j ,-; _i • " made this week that there will be steady play of his team kept him claration of independence, there-j . Bernstein enterMrg L o a j s no Talmud Torah Sunday school l THESE DEUGHTFUL J out of tight spots. next Sunday morning. May 10, as fore, every business man who iijtained the members of her after-! Probably-"the team with the ORIGINAL the synagogue is to be occupied a big enough business man to jn o o a c l u b a t a luncheon at her! , most color in'the city is. the Towgive a youth the right kind of o p - l h b m e Thursday afternoon, May 7,J for other purposes. All parents ero. The-boys kept the. Inspired are urged to tell their children to portunity thinks more than h e j M r g . J o e L e w i 9 o f Log" Angeles,'' . Bpectatora in an uproar with their watch the next issue of The Jew- would otherwise of the young per- jhDTISe g u e s t o f her sister, Mrs. i fielding plays and general clownish Press for further announce- son who has thought enough Ike Krasne, was guest of honor. Rabbi Charles H. Kauvar. ing. To Leonard Seiner .goes the about life to keep up a -Hf© inments. honor of clouting the hardest hit surance policy. Rabbi Charles H. Kauvar, na- mud Torah next Thursday, May LOUIS E. LiPP, Atty. • ball of the day when he came up tionally known educator from 14. City Nat'l Etc. Bldg. SALON FASHIONS in the last Inning with two menDenver, will deliver the main adAlbert Krasne has returned The ceremonies and program daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. .out and-parked :the ball in. the dress at .the opening of the Yesh- are open to the general public. In the County Court of Douglas home following a 10-day buying Katelman. Your heart will skip a beat Counts-. Nebraska. street. . Tha steady play' of ,the Iva department of the Omaha Taltrip in New York City. In the Matter of the Adoption of when you slip into these - Sample Furs kept them wejl out Lyal McKain. minor. Mrs. Albert Krasne returned To all persons interested ^n the , of danger, throughout the game new Frauchon creations— The Council Bluffs lodge No. home Tuesday from SioUx City, above entitled matter: , and Herb Marks . had no trouble rith the Tower team. The young der to remain in a fine mettle is | 688 and the Franchon name is T6u are hereby notified that on the of the B'nai B'rith will hold Ia., where she spent the past three 4th day of May. 193G, a petition was Omaha Jobbing team upset the to swim. Omaha cannot boast of your assurance that the dope and lambasted two A. Z. A.a finer Indoor natatorium than a regular meeting Monday eve- weeks visiting her parents, Mr. filed in this Court by Merle Cramstyle is authentic—that the ning. May .11. at 8:30 o'clock at let, a resident of Dougrlas County, and Mrs. S. Sampson. pitchers for' 14 runs, although the one at the J. C. C. Take adNebraska, praying: for the adoption price is right! only garnering nine hits. Errors vantage of this fine pool and go the Eagles hall. of the above named minor, apd the The Sisterhood of the Talmud consent thereto of Joy Cramlet. the-losers gave the victors nine; through the summer feeling fit. of said minor was filed the No-stage attraction in recent by Mrs. J. Z. Stadlan and children Torah society held a meeting oa mother f'their 14 runa, while the Jobsame day, that a hearing will be had years has created- the" furore that ing team played almost perfect left Sunday for Des Molnes,' la., Wednesday afternoon at the on said petition for adoption on the has attended Dave Apollon's "In- all. Fast, snappy fielding and a The women's classes at the to join Mr. Stadlan and they will Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. 1st day of June. 1936. at 9 o'clock A. M. at the County Court Room of ternational Varieties," which will heavy artillery took the heart out Center have been progressing rap- make their future home in DesA report was given on the rum- Douglas County. Nebraska, and unhold forth for a fall week on the f the A. Z. A. team while the idly and even with the hot weath- Molnes, where Mr. Stadlan is a mage sale held the first of the less you appear at said time and pla^re and said petition, the er the last few days large attend- teacher of the Talmud Torah. week and it was very successful. Court may contest grant the prayer thereof, I ounger boys played like veter- ances have been feautring these The committee in* charge of the •whereby said minor shall be adopted ans. Schedule for next Sunday is: workouts and swim sessions. Julius Rosenfeld is expected rummage sale was comprised of by the said Merle Cramlet. Omaha Potato Market vs. SamBRYCE CRAWFORD. home today from Chicago, 111., Mrs. Morris Yudelson, Mrs. Na-5-8-36-31 s Furs at Miller park. County Judge, wherehe spent several days atOmaha Jobbing Co. vs. Pal' Mu tending the Midwest Furniture .t Thirty-second and Dewey. Patronize- Our Advertisers Dealers' convention. A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Tower at •^- Where Omaha Shops With Confidence Thirty-third and Cass: Mrs. S. Grose of St. Louis, Mo., arrived here Sunday for . a visit j,The annual athletic award at the home of her son-in-law and night, which was scheduled for Thursday, May 14. has been can* celled and will be held in the fall. BY F. B. S. Next fall a week yrlll be set'aside Paxton Mitchell Co. S.; . to do honor to- the tenth anniverFoundries ; sary of the building, Orie'ltight of RAVMCZ-MARKOVITZ ;1 27th and Marth* HA. 5523 the .week will be; athletic award AVEDDIXG ight in which all the winners in The marriage of Miss Dora Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft Imsr®«ifc 7 mm®m why you? krtek®n fall and summer sports wilt be Markovitz, daughter of Barney Grey Iron a n d Semi-Steel Cast. honored. Markovitz of Council Bluffs, to ings. Wood and Metal Patterns Mr. Harry Ravitz, son of Samuel Standard alzea Bronx* a n d Iron * Dave Apollon Presents "InterSewer Manhole*,.Ctttsrn Now is the time to take a cool, Ravitz of Omaha, will take place .Bushings. Ring* and Covers, Cfeanout Doorc. national Varieties." Sunday afternoon, May 10, at 4 Sath Weight* a n d Yellow Bras* refreshing dip in the exclusive Plumbers' Ferrules, carried tfl , Orpheum stage starting Friday, Center pool. W4th the hot sum-o'clock at the Chevra B'nai YIs- stock. Bronte: Tablets, Bronze and May 8. . , mer months right around the cor- roel synagogue at 618 Mynster Cast Iron Grilles a Specialty. street, in Council Bluffs. Rabbi H. Newspaper .critics, as well as ner, :the right" thing to do in or. the show-going public, all acclaim .this attraction, which boasts 40 . headline stars, as moat outstand' ing. '' Some of the 40 stars who will ha seen on the stage are Johnny < Woods, . Melissa, Mason, the 12 Bines dancing girls, Harold Alo-ma, Sara Ann McCabe, Wences, Mile. Ruth, Johnny Barnes, -the Seven Arabian' Sheiks, Son Morrell and Apollon's own famous string orchestra. A carload ot beautiful scenic effects, as well as gorgeous gowns, go towards rounding out this perfect attraction.

Sumrner Franchon


International Varieties




hasn't t

I:' corij SOS!




N MotiwrV D«f nothing can nake happier than to. have you remember to eafl her—to hear your words e£ W e mnA appreciation for •E she has dooe foe ytm. ' If you can't be with Modber m. fwmou ;>eu «til£ can tnior the priceiew pleasure cd e reunios with her— jut cafi Twr by LONG DISTANCE.

Licensed and Insured The Publiz Cabs, duly licensed and insured to operate In Omaha, are advertising "the lowest rates In the city." Their rats is 10 cents for the first half-mile, with each additional half-mile at five cents, extra passengers free.

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HIRoy N. Towl

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HI Harry Knudsen John Kresl



W . H. Dorrance

W. MILLER 224 Insurance Bldg.

• Wring of all kinds. • Motor Installations. • Ughting Fixtures. e*tlRiat«o Gladly rurniihM Call

. AT, 6479

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AatsnutU* top fcaraw; ligattrt tfcree-ia dc« beraent ss&liarr high faiiMr fray. (pace.

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Acesnl* «V«B regalater skat provides Sraeodi^ Moitaty"•*•»• liaiag? «a«y I* keep Beneath t&it, foil, ptemmmt ovea insulation. tisc eras witk cmokclMi end-paa tn>« broHsr sad hatndr rsterroir to catth iw»t joieet. On!» »fc» medera GAS RANGE offer, perfect bh>Hine &tiP

Th«»» arc Joft a few «f the feature* &at Buka t?i* Etadern CAS Range tha favorite *itfe Omaha women. Yea swy « w h«v« a sow, op-to-the-minote CAS «a ejrticiBg terns.


HJ Harry Trustin Frank E- Frost LISTEN TO THE "MYSTESY CHEF" WOW — 10 A. X., TT?ES. and

all caltc

y S»f»«!«y and •*«)<

BO mii


•Sanitary, 'vaiootm MTHB{"taorfaw .that ki

tmk«i »r* in M.

the fiixury that, UJomen Love The tittle things that do so much to mate one fee! ot homeosespedally evident at Hotel President. Close to all the finest featra and shops. Splendidfedin the CbffeeS'iap or VVb!nut feom. Pikes most modetote.

BAUWORE m 14th <?UT Of TH6 NOtSfe ZONE



;o. -at -wtiicii rrroo-'ihirite. nf the xihulden? were nreaentijanii ,v<iti. "it TOJ unanimously Tctmlvea •.•that H- corporation -he dissolved!. ' Al.IiEX FH-TETR SEltVlCE CO.

already. Goo a inci i o -you! .the X C C.-ennk,

!br a jiDup Di I members, s w i lands - - ^ Tor ~ Eiacy T^e cax't I manifesto Till

former, Sei-ciistas i 3"NAI B'HItTE PI^AKS KET- shootint: in ^ r - E . esiles in 'various "WOUK OF JJDVUT JEWISH HD- Straits. £ud I : I K reasons of dipio- : TJCATIDX IKSTTFTTIIS . -. .. It's ; divsil^e \v-hai the ' time — TTP EiiDXiU" be- E.1;1E tr £ts- ! Proni r^cr r r contain, but -PT CIISS 3nfia


list. -.Jotaama ims ^orkefl IDT snfl : TrtUi Jewisii jSQBle I n r s o long Bie .seems xilmcst m e vtTO.Ana I jean tell ;~y6n this much; it Trill lUint Ifs- yery .niEB that s t e | Bee ±lieBe j.hurt, the Tfazis -rbHre tney Xeel : Tnarriefl a man of the Seventh Itey | ^."Why ao J'Earr Dsoif-s •lends | j|- most _ jj- jjj£ pocket, "and even . ' .TGHT IN SIX JvETyT TOUii. •'fien,' former -A£vEntists,"as that's CIDSS io rtire j eallisr "Terra"? . Dr. Sciacfat -vrill probably szy ' i SS! 5CSODL.S .. .- • Ssbrei^ d&- pis?'? zh:*r ; Cansxatulatiaas, Jo-j J2. 'TVbat=tall, d u r t -i'Sth Btraeter ; ouch. - , .' ISisliriaasher -Trill -K-rnc serves c place .ir- grensra: cc-ricu- Dauchter." speaking ol the -BrifiirDn storr, try : 2nd ftetfnere. Tit's zreaHy ilinmy mid -hanaa! keeps .a ZBT, a 3-hi Delta Spsilnn, j up on a happy note -with the <s- : him. •ias ireceivfid tlie eujpy l i t - .. I. '!Ehfi aierw rpingsnd .a .DeltaTIau Delta pin in "the [elusive .announcement that practX,T. EAT-OLD IEAACS3X C r r lass IF .t "ranees nomination us the ^latest "mang iahle installed J n ike JHigfanin case7? . I ically -every one of the Tefureas HAJvSAE .:\AXED TO AXIIKICA>T , in her spcre momectf lEhat •wnrfl, .latest, land Country ilub i s one nl "the •3. H:you askrme, 2Jess ;Kemnan [Irom txermariT that .have enterei OLTXTIC XQrEHTEIAK TEA?,: The has just isafeed out :a jltmlile anEaning „ .. •„ "Red finest i n tlie -jsity,: and i t doesn't . TTe "wnuicn't brag about it. TTT liter. thTBP T'ic.'-E. rare Di tbe -reasons -Trty the \ihis conntry since the first of the that a bunch ol -the , 3 'T [isDTty is -bringing several 'iiiglia usihy altfirnpon'. ID IkBej) a 'i. ;pinuc!-^ ~- Nin - er .-iE-.-Siich a ^popular ;T e a T - a T e M'w placed and doing of poetry, ixnc it cu "with. line iram ioiniiiig ^rniinil 'the aclass acts nl T O L , I 5 H _ E A K OX CTT i, anfl 'hex sister, Uabe, is an [nicely, tnanir you . . « " 3>arty, int c screen jjk:\ at the "Wbnppee S ? O E T CAX.TS J£rvrrs± .t . » .. .A • JiEWcnmer in. tiron him lor tire Bighhma Cnmrtry urge to rqpening na May 23 ,...; Uras aanctag-vrith a vervv 3iice"lODfe- iher Ueptune I Eddie? BTTEP: TTe GE.AT1DN .. . It also hal (that is, go i e i i x -that L ._e :iID 5UiaraE ; ihear cnnclsvE Tfras a bis : B n ^ (jng ^mnnOT at the'TQTlth i J 5"- S o " ^ h - liffi i n J to 3)Sli " -4, It's-a mntual -afiniiration so-i Tlfit ^* ^ ^ Tor :sny-way 3ron -rvant ±0 |-ajnrce;'"3iOTe-ynn mst'iny lar :as • P.irth =Ferer • ana ; . -^f I ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ u n g t u n , ; ^ TIl^NZ^^ is A V i their thoughts into actions, tnrt, 4DDi: s t i t -,... They say .that thsre Ugj. i e r g 7 » askefl -the matron, by "belore they^Htortefl Ehsaaing their j T~ "* -is aiD soller in i n ±crvm ±crvm Tcilling i o I y DI in -praclicsiiy. xnrter they told 3ilay highland's 31x0, Bill Schli-. "Tour daughter.?" t h e young i jin this country . . . It's not every!But vill it •ever girls t h a t therE -were -snakes in j"thing—ana everyeme. chart, Tchea: there is canh at stake xival 3fiiUiea;^rEdEenins. ''TL -iiidii't ilie grass ™-._. :at Triiich tbu girls) .5. This iiroiieTn ajre—=rrlien ; campaign that can have E aiplo-! Tuin.*IEI02vr?T? l?c E om3 'mat esercisinr "his tonsils t a r it "ETHIOPIA TJ^CS-XTT XiTJCTT^ ••mtrrrtn'fl, ^ "Was t h s hh ynn ^ xan—the bovB BTram -while the;5irl t a t e s iier date to the door, . .. -. The Blireyans, incidently, : rHGTBCT rAT^EHTI'vE riTT" UreightDn tunivBraity ifreshman isvins tD : aild Sirls.3an. 1>. Sv: 1hE sirls.-axe:still iisses -him ^ooa oii^ht, ana-with that Jang have .gtrt themselves -a nevr di-' .Arms -will never reive tr>» ,"* nl ,might ahE TEcaiveE Irani HoTra. City rector lor their drive, Atrraiiaui : problems. last Sunday.? » - - Lean "The l i f i r f i Shbhan, -irell .in .. . •„ ..State m-f ;4-f*e- M i'nn-f. _B'rith and social Circles : THEXCi that Terer hamit '.been ifiesT- as active -in ifiattD ihe unt -nf the public eye truce ing t h e 3air ^BSS -lately- iFriends on the coast.. • XUjTICT'lDX . . . So tiic^ mnre. "TPien -was iss BVET in i t ? " . ' randa vrill redouble. r'jiim-varuuJufl tjccaslon:nia 3mu ^ay „ „ „ 3 n d Ehumuvr, -prho. ally 3KCVB fluhhed i t !"!Ehe ^Erail oaf (Copyright IB06, Jevrish. Telesra- !' plans jan finrollins^at 3VIissDnri nni- t h e Xtjnssnme SUne" . „ „ 3fan Salrigai ITT.r. >y Ffpaic Agency, Inc.) BO intsnt Feature Byndicate 3iest ; anmdftil :ol rthe might -xeto Cnlnmbia, 3Io., lor eeatly -rchEii illness iBptihlm'^tTimi upnn T!T» _high school Tveeb last attending iyro nances i n Dn6 >BVBihat -when MB intenfled Tide there ming, came t o the Toufh diBanpnintea him the iaBt minute, directly urpbn ius Tetnrn'irom "a he Mtch-ltlked his Tray there iin live irnndTea mile auto trip that v time,. ,. _ ChicEie 3ergman same day... '-'r: •': -appesrsS ~tv be tlie "Belle n5 the • "Why Tnsre t h e Tegler TOSXS like a lion in Jtus coJ3&£n" .dot t h e Youth Conclave iJoiyvood — ~hi.nss ^ r xintB i n Palestine rBferrea to (ex- man, but i e ' s a timid BDUI -when'j . i h m w , -inn -frtip 3iew ST— n r t knDTr (anil iiBve.: miS"c zrrcalE Smre ^giving Chickie a big US HOBEKT SxibifrrTTafcT, son rif 'air. cept one -HETTE service) as miti-i^e JSSXB an audisnee. 'He's -mat-; noT,-: mush. OJifl ynn inow that, -Art and j ^ ^:&rTB -, +term^ ^anti-Semitic? ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i i. n,.g...T3erha tmEybeMsiirstandlast Edv.-arci G. Hob in[?or r KOUE A3CD TCKEA.T. 1.A5•nal f Les S u r k H i - r i D o k i ] j g a t riinh -was and VTei^B are d&ron JIB being nne. ol "the j toOTEfl b v ^ O T ^ ^ ' O J , ^""cict! a! Kntrwai a s "the " n\escenaants ol 1 .hardest ^workers in club affairs in j Those faniouF Ec iac institution -at Irvington-on-th' ^" not proEper in cold climates? ionse anfl told i i s Shem. 1 Omaha. "When i e s tackles any- i - J ^ t ^ are siz? if and i P yesr= t Buoson Perhaps he gave in HEAT* OP ANTJ-SE3IITIC he had ~BB6n ^Some thing. Ire usually gete i t done, as ; Chaplin's collection c" tD .'Sirs. .Amy G. Tvyle'js inrpartiE- ]± ; SENTIXSI5 D F _ ^ i : ? r B : hirds. "When she ashed iB evidenced by MB M I^H-TyA~r?T; A STOTZp Ol 3N vrom in iaF TiroiU'Ctiant v s because -he Inievr he -rmulQ- ' OE.CED To

JJalfaan S. Xalifi. Eairetary.

I | '

1r r







.SALON FASHIONS "our heart AYIII skip a beat rien you slip into these • Tinmchon creations— nd the Pranclion ilame is •our assurance ihat the trie i.s authentic—ikst the iriue is rkrlrt I


••j 1 •


— •»-„,- „„„.],•


:snd "putting out the pro-).,.. in i o r t h e Gridiron isho-w al- j a -Jrtar ionHE anust Binglehanded -And Trbile David Tin it. Trr. Gordon gets t h e credit lor telling UB tnis XIBVET IHtirry. t -. Crane !Eo

.'B.'most jiiBtinguisbsa civic jn*t be Bspected t o ssy anythinr j CHTJSETTS PTELIC OFFICE display at c doTrntn-vm —c-e . leaders: have handed themselvfiB j startling Trithin the earshot of s JAND I BSUCCEEDED XT JETT and insured fcrr into ;a -Citizens'-Committee, •chaix-lsronp Df cardiires . . . Helen Sel- : Governnr-Csirley does not like rsionel .Sicndsr inaned iry the swellest xhairmsii. jlsr •vrill make an appeal icr iunfls | ciaJ hate-monsers. j ty-eigl consecutive lio of. them, all — • Gsorge. GctrdDn jto aid- one ol the Trnrtiuest a n a ! 2\AT1QNAX GOOD 2vCIG±EB0Tt 1'ort. iaenimle esti -—r .and Trill, throw, one Di ;most neglected causes exumt in a^I*EAGITE ORGANIZED TO GAIi-; linv. grandest •-nld'[-world of many -worthy and neg-;ET DTT PKEHTDETvT XOOSiimen a leed t h a t Trill long "be xe- ilected c a u s e s — t h e J e-srish •Brail- !TELT'S XDEA1.S., . . GODQ J\"eigt~ .has beei director for tv cr information iias i t membered^.-, .•Tb.e g. B . ^n. -vrho j le. Slagazine, -only publication o* bors make a happy nation. career incliiLnt ' " ' l (that the D. K.'s are planning a -^-m -jjg -jvinsd,; dined ^snd toasted jits i i n d in the' •vrorifi « » . Sol : 1 "Erring" dance. The oirysterioTis j^p a turn—^fill be SainnEl Taiter- {Cangressman) Slocrra ttrrneC jair t h a t sumrandefi the donor -of j Dryer, -vrib.^TTES IS ran jttarch 2 ... do-5m an opportunity t o "help tht i this inf oxmation Heems tD suggfiHt g^ aining .and ioastmg I organization Trhich publishes it (that the girlE have something ap -will be held ihis -und if .S. |-vrhen he refused to sisii a cir-


3Che 3 e s t S o t

Jtheir Bleeves "besides their, srms. prr_ -can't get "around — he iiasn't jculsr letter asking for iunds cr/ _&.. Z. _&.. 3SD. 1 is alHD ilamflng jbeen i n t h e best ni shape bitely—; the ground that he doesn't go m a dance. Thiey-prish us t o i>eliEV£ a Serlin iello"vr Tismed Adolf Trill jior sisnin^ ''chain -letters." . - .Open Dally -and Eimday* -. that' this -will be one of the ^nost 'Jtrst -degree j The THI Mltlntte and "unique aliairs ever bums ^xouna the ears rm that! chairman nf the organization, mO l d given i n this Ticinity. Girls es- aiight .. ,. .. Bzv the tirst copy ol ; cidentaliy . . . About one montc to be asked to this sffarr The Tslhrw Spot to Teach this \ rrom HOT?", please resiembsr that Bold Cigarette* jma OJiniEr. 3>ecting bstter start reducing...... IHore in- country ., „;. It should -be ^required |3Crs. deters' little rascal IPaul talciormatiDa about this later. xeadmg in -every .Jewish club err- ! :you .this: that the Hitlerites "e ii ^stm be ^gsni^giion ;snni~ -trha't-not :in -the going to ;get their ears • _And ^still .another another fiance joanee Trill -trill be ^ivenljy the Taad ausiliaTy -attthe ^^^ t _ ^ 'WestbTDoS: (Sasi-baiteT) back by a Tnantfesto to ; Ttaitenelle this Bttnday svening. jnst to make snre that j n n iave a mice time they have also •BTxanged taird xaoms. TVe'll be theTB.

With Ganfidenaz.


DelicatGssen & laratih


-- |


* • # &




fMPMEBMESS •One xil the cnntributorB to this column is TVEry anxious about ^ D ing. dD"wn ifirB Escapes. TChe other day a lire bxbke -unt in the building aiext to the one i n -which she Iras IhfiT nlfice and our cantribntm- -was •wurxifid aibDUt having tD use the lire escape. One of the building managers .suggested that she start practicing "going down the iron stairsvay, "juat i n nasE." So, if you ^ee IN. -A. timidly ~vsnr


/ •


• '

* •


-tm-iTig dirwii a •fiTp Escspfi -several <VS







3oufl xmd. fine ytm a r e BCCIIStD.Et -ftirg Tirital.



times during t h e -next ievr days -fhrnir Tiothing nf i t . The ".gal i s just

I -f


3Ehe TnaxrhigB ol liHlian aon and Jack 3 a n this Sunday Sir mits to an end the Tumors 3KJI!BEE-lSIEIiIi0W Oia Trhich lisvs besn making the Gold CigarEttes -wifh jnnr ainner. TDunds about their bemg TnrnriBd Sennimn, Mgr.

! iovc





-1832 CHEVROLET COACH—If-tcrr TecornSitioiiec -nrith H T rir.^:^ •value- ETtad jab: ^t?od -miine- mfipholsterj- s i i *^r» ,«"£.""•• ndine value *"% - «*f at f—-«^t HULAS CHEXTIDJ-HT DC. "1ST! WiirSary

-at a -reunion with Jim"



Rf5 DAY , MAY IO y y ? and aad» 1 xali> or a boat SO -railed ••at trroro.

uav&idd iStiJ JA

'ii M! iSaX

1ST9 CHEVrtni-ET SDUPE—T3ood condition: yrmd tires; clean interior; Bony End JEeniiers :in escelierrt co-niiitior.; r"y* •nrnch mare -than *"% ^ -we-treice it a t — .-• "5K II*. HUi-AZ Z!HE:VRDi_HT SD. 16C1 Military 1S34 VS •HAi.F-TD.N COM'i. "PAK. "Hi-—tTixij: .job iookE li^je n e r -p-^*^ condition. i r « e i " i_ FTill

^ I Vt" "VOX. ' ^ ^"^i " ^ • " ^

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H. S. H. CHEVRD.ET C2 4311 So. -24th St 1S~ "M A S T E S EHrVTOlST CDA.S+*—X-e^wly ijnished ir. tTith crreaTii Trheete: reecmdUioned iTev of finest grade ETjci -pendacte s t s i anteefl %t!^|;il5| car at X5f*S" H. £. -H. CHH\ r BD»JET S O . •49"!1 "So. -24th 'St.

t33* :TO¥LD SSUFH—A smart car .xenonditJDnetl J tires; h e r e is ^ of .milef; of *••% M ci Esrrics. Prii-^... • Si a " H. -3L W. SHHVRQi-HT CD. •4311 :Bo. Z4th St. D S3.3SE HALT-TON T>AN iotrr cylinder ntator to operate and .has h-? res

IK. AT al H. " K E " ' •4311 -Sa. .24th St.




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D-5=;"rr, i n .


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JOHN DPTTX. I n "20th and .UoScre HA, 5432 war

aded ir. or. E TIPV Cftxsisri.1 tires, unc: ill*-

holster " are like ij---"^". A -rea! ' birv a t JD-HN 'OPiTZ, S HA. 5422

art- -ic

-1=25 CfiEVRDLET •h' COACH — Uqnnrneii -m" kn-ee iictior;. anc TIC nrjtian. ^^conaitioninr: tn riiiirs. phis. rrinuiT;:: "S tinriitsriinr d i VfearinirE. TTires, iinish KTIV! irptioi^terj-- ere ir. A-l condition





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xrri:. is a lot -til trsTisaorttLtioTi.


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Kh and Xtottiw St-e"t* HA. -S4-22



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flect current superBtitions and ;or import of foreign and Polish not failed. It has hardly been tried. I t has been handicapped fears. I currency. from the beginning by not having the official support and Because of its essential didactic I The Warsaw branch of thecharacter, this work constitutes KIAS serves as the clearing house co-operation of that nation which conceived the League, the \-~J an excellent speciman of simple logic and character of whose whole history is essentially the Talmudic literature and should for forwarding money by AmeriPublished erery Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by • By DB. THEODORE N. LEWIS same as that for which the Leagne stood; which is moreover serve as a vehicle for diffusing can Jews to their relativf-s in Rtis' THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sionx City truth and light concerning the na- : sia, Rumania, Latvia and Liththe greatest and most powerful of all the nations, without i uania. ture of the Talmud. whom the League is lamed and halting in its most noble ef52.00 Subscription Price, one year •Under the new decree this busiThe author has Tendeml a serAdvertising rates furnished on application. forts. I refer, of course! to our own beloved United States of THE TREATISES DEREK EREZ j Division one, or treatise Derek : vice to the world of scholarship ness comes to a complete bait. • America, the greatest Democracy on earth, which has neverthe- Edited .bj- .Dr. Michael HIgger. i Erez, concerns itself -with the be-' by scientifically editing this trac- j Fears that the currency decree i; Editorial Office: BOO Brandeis Theater Building. less permitted the cause of democracy to be not only vilified Molneater Publishing Company ij h a v I o u r . o f t h e s a g e a n d the sch- j tate and Including valuable facts would stop Jewish emigration to !| sicmx City OMlce—Jewish Comtnanlty Center Xew York City. . as to date of redaction, author- Poland have thus been groundless 0\K^'rh.e: rabbis -were always anx- •and mocked at but threatened with destruction by refusing The Talmud has become syn-; i c n s t o p r e 8 e r v e a n d to enhance! ship, etc., which the student will although they are expected to be !| DAVID BI^CKEB - - Business and Managing Editor to champion democracy and coming to its rescue, by with- onymons In the mind» of m a n y i t h e r e s p e c t o f t b e peO ple for; prize. He has rendered an. every justified when regulations for exj FRANK B. ACKERMAN - - - - - • - - Editor '' FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Corresponaent , holding its support from the foremost exponent and defender with mystery, confusion and c a s - ; t h e i r t e a c h e r B . T h i g they did, not' greater service to the general rea- ecuting the decree are promuluistry. Few works have been BO Jb f l a t O f l n j u n c t i c m b u t by pre- J der, Jew and non-Jew by making gated. Jt ANN PILU - - - - sioux City. Iowa..Correspondent | of democracy in the world today, the League of Nations. fearfully misinterpreted through-j B c r i b l n g f o r t h e BCh0Iar so ideal! accessible an interesting TalmuM Print Shop Addresa: 4804 So. 24th Street "We must not be pessimistic or ironical or cynical with out the ages, BO constantly usedj a p a t t e r n o f l i f e t h a t v o u i d w i a | dic volume, thus providing an regard to the League. Consider how yoag it is, an absolutely by unscrupulous fanatics to poi-;p o p u l a r e s t e em and compel obed-! i insight into the rabbinic mind, son the minds and inflame thei i e n c e reverence R e s p e c t End new thing in the wohld, a political and social infant in com- passions of the untutored mob.! u g t b e e a r n e d . t h e y c a n n o t be; method and purpose. r" Our sages wisely tell us that an even more noble form of parison with other institutions and organizations, a fledgling, Until quite recently only the non- e n f o r c e d b y arbitrary decree. ; Jewish isrorld was ignorant of the ! embles that of "^ charity than to make a generous contribution yourself is to wounded moreover, in its wings. Infancy ia notoriously the nature, purpose and content o f j T h i s ..t r a c t a t e reS the E t h l C B o f t h e F a t hers" in i for every purpose 2 give of your time and energy toward making another indi- period of weakness. But the League will grow strong despite the Talmudic literature, and; B t y l e _ brief pithy and clear; Distributed by tei vidual contribute. ' . its temporary set-back. Mankind will realize that its only hope therefore suspected and condem-, m a x i m s o r ^y^gg. On]y in their ned it. Now however, this un- j y they differ from i tu . TVith the approach of the annual Jewish Philanthropies lies in such an organization as the League. The League may friendly attitude has caught many j a n o n y m U _ d o Warsaw ("R'XS).—The entire t h e {ormer § campaign in Omaha, we cannot help but pay tribute to those have to be revised. There is talk of that on the part of such Jews who uninformed, and suf' . business of the Warsaw office of fifteen characteristics or the Hebrew Immigrant Aid So•W unselfish men and women who labor so ardently for the cause friends of the League as Anthony Eden of England and other fering from an Inferiority coin- uTie aI eE u r e d U « « scholar ; ciety (HIAS) is threatened witn JO4 S o . S**th St. Jg of the Jewish suffering - - the maimed, the orphaned, the sick, statement- The Covenant of the League provides for its own P l « , follow the example of non- « t hfe sa esSa r e a P™ AT. 8434 s folIoTE: Jews and identify Pharisees with ^ & 1 collapse as a reeclt cf tbe cew Poy the poor, the persecuted, the homeless, the hopeless and the amendment. I t has more than fifteen years of'experience to lish decree forbidiiJng tne export hypocrites, ridicule the rabbis and! 1- Pleasant in tis greetings.; n« helpless. Those who share the heaviest burden in this cam- draw upon, particularly the last few devastating and humiliat- treat the Talmud and-its authors! 2 - Pious at the meetings of scfco-: i l a r s - s - Genuinely wise. 4. Dist5i paign for $43,600 in Omaha receive no verbal thanks for their ing months. The League is there to stay. The nations will With contempt. r n s ia *is f e a r o f6 ^H e L aotrb* ' : •'; efforts . . . in fact, some of those solicited—not having the realize that that is their only recourse ,against individual of-, The Talmud has literally, b e e n5! r A^l e r t h l s wa s » ^ - ^ " m warmth of heart nor the depth of understanding which char- fenders and aggressors. The League faded because it did not called a sea and It Is as difficult;\ e"r s traditions « d remembers; to navigate In, to steer clear of Si acterize the Philanthropies worker—utter saber-like insults. have sufficient force behind it to enforce its decrees. England, dangerous obstacles and to deterDoes much questioning.; 6 „ . , .continually, et And the solicitor turns the other cheek and concentrates on a willing and sincere champion of the League realized regret- mine one's course as the sea. It!*- .f" ^ is a vast literature, Attends all schoarly meetings, c o m b l n i n g | 9 10 ** hia task even more determinedly - - his. reward* is the self- fully, yet realistically, that she was not sufficiently prepared j over sixty volumes of diverse size! - Participates in discussions. 11 L l s t e n s a n d " satisfaction in a worthy deed when he finally 'sells' the pros- militaristically to cope with those who were armed to the teeth ! and importance, and most signif-j ' contributes. 12. on each chapter. 13. Ti pective donor on the dire need of his less fortunate brethren and who had long prepared for their miltary" adventures and!!Icantly the product of eight cen- j t ^ % the homes or the wise. •H The Salary Continuance Policy helps your fam- jj{| of Jewish literary effort 1 ifl here and abroad. incursions. But this will be remedied. The League will organ- turies roughly from 3 0 0 B e f o r e the! 4Learns with the object ot< pl As general chairman of this year's drive, Harry Malashock ize an International Army, a sort of International Police Force, Common Era to 500 After. The i t e a c h l n g - 1 5 - L e a r n s ^ l t h t h e oh-\ H ily over thai difficult one or two years after m of practising. J31 has shown himself to be an able general and a commanding which will not only police the world and bring individual of- Mishnah. which is the basis o f Ject your death, known as the Readjustment Period, jj Tne the Talmud, was edited by Judah! Sages never made teaching I w, leader. Under his direction the preliminary work has been fenders and "disturbers of the peace" to jail and to court (as the Prince in the second century, 1 a Profession and spurned any m This plan guarantees a monthly check from 12 to 60 j j j performed smoothly and the organization machinery well we do in civil municipal matters, and even on a national scale) a monumental literary achieve-1 monetary reward for diffusing ment. The discussions, the disj Knowledge of the Torah. The months after rour death, together •with an immediate j | | ^ oiled. A veteran campaigner with years of experience behind but it will be in a position to inspire wholesome respect on speculations and com-jscio^r must teach gratis. And a B; him, he seems on the threshold of one of our most successful the part of those lawless nations who would run amuck and putations, Clean-Up Fund for small bills. ^ ments of generations of teachers! scholar never complains about perpetrate crimes of brigandage and inhumanity, restrain them j and sages constitute the bulk O f*P° vert y " f o r m a n l s privileged toi * campaigns of recent years. • j the Talmud, oftes spoken of as itave Torah and riches." Apene-l ™ Mention of the unheralded sacrifices of Philanthropies and enforce its decrees against them. the Gemara. . trating, truthful observation. This ; 1 ] workers calls to mind the case of the chairman of this year's It is either the League or chaos. No single nation or G division constitutes an excellent; = A fearfully erroneous but comtj general solicitations division, Jack Marer/ The general solici- combination of nations (unless a combination of them all) j mon impression holds the Talmud manual for ministerial ethics. It [ ^= 3! tation job is no easy, pleasant task. The majority of pros- however idealistic, chivalrous and brave, is able or should be to be legalistic In its entirity, dry,i reveals the real Inwardness, deep ,\ the moving piety of J it pects canvassed by this division can give little, and the expected to defend what is, after all, the duty and the in- irreverent, and archaic. Those I spirituality, our who hare made" an effort to e s t j rabbis, the authors of t h e ! | n detailed work is mountainous compared with the small yet terest of alL ablish any acquaintance with it j Talmud. jj Again I venture a prediction, which may seem entirely can testify to the very opposite.: The second division, or Pirke|i 3 vital returns. Marer had been asked to take a higher post in JOHN A. EEBER, Gen. Agent jj j the Philanthropies drive which would have meant much more visionary and fantastic. The United States of America will The Halacha or Law is only one: Ben Azzai deals mainly but not!! element in this literature. A exclusively with similar subject! ss= ro glory with less work . . . but refused. However, when diffi- see its way and its duty and its interest to join the League Farnam at IStii Omaha, Ncbr. M second, as important and much matter but differs in style from! m di culty was being experienced in finding the right man to direct (as it recognized Eussia). Then we shall have (as we have more popular, is the Haggadah,! Its predecessors in that every j e ? the general solicitations, Marer accepted this position. His not had yet, though it has a magnificent marble palace at which consists of legends, stories, j maxim is substantiated or illus-1 JO KFAB AT 5:55 P. M, NEXT SUNDAY S : 2 work to date has been an outstanding feature of the campaign Geneva) a real League, that can function one hundred per .myths, sermons and exhortations, j trated by either a Biblical QUO- | Many of the rabbinic similies arejtation or a saying from an older j cent, that will grow stronger and stronger as the years go y3 preliminaries, putting the usually weak general solicitations deeply philosophical and of uni- j rabbinic source. on, more and more effective, until it is recognized as the In- versal implication.. Some are J The third division, or Tosefta °) in a strong light. *f Marer's action is symbolic of the selflessness which exem- ternational Instrument for law and order, for peace and justice. simple and intended for the gui- Derek, Erez, consists of six brief dance of ordinary men and wo- chapters, and deals with a variety o, plifies the best in Jewish communal effort. As a garment is Through the League, and only through the League, war men in matters of every day life. of subjects. As the word Tosefta s made of single threads, so is a mighty charitable enterprise .will be finally utterly abolished and war will be as obsolete as A high ethical note dominates the indicates it comes from a; much ^ like the Philanthropies made up of the strong fibres of men human slavery is today. Only seventy-five years ago we had entire literature. The authors later hand. The contents are not are motivated by a deep love for equal value. Some of the ob|jj who are activated solely by the need of their fellow-men. They slavery in free, enlightened, humanitarian America. "War is humanity, consumed by a burning of servations are of superb quality, tS form the background and elasticity of Jewish philanthrophy, infinitely a gr*eater curse and horror than ^slavery. W a r must j desire for the ultimate Tedemp- while others are inferior and re\ and as long as we have unselfish leaders guiding the reins, and will be abolished. Man who invented t h e - r a d i o a n d t h e tion of Israel and mankind from sin and suffering. ^ Jewish communal life will continue to grow from strength air ship a n d all manner of mechanical marvels will be equal Popular and simple specimans The CFI plan may interest you! monthly payments . . • into the moral triumph of a world a t peace. Science and con- of Talmudic literature are the Small p to strength. stead of one single premium, treatises now under review. Dr. BUY INSURANCE T H E science will y e t save civilization. For Supreme Value and Smartest Style . . • CONVENIENT WAY Higger has carefully edited, tran"And in t h e sunrise standing, our kindling hears confess If interested, call slated and combined in one volThe Nebraska Ansicers "'Here9' in That no good thing is failure, no evil thing success. MARK LEON ume three small books, namely,, "By thy leaders shall ye be known." Every type cf Insurance written Masseket Derek Erez, Pirke Ben F r o m age to a g e i t groweth, that r a d i a t h faith so high 21 Strong Companies ' As a representative member of the Omaha Jewish comAzzai and Tosefta Derek Erez. He AT 7667 WA 6150 And its crowning d a y is coming, bye and bye." who is conversant with Hebrew munity, Harry Trustin in his three years as city commissioner ••'"*" —Frederick Cohn. will read the text in the original; has reflected much credit upon "the people from whom he was he who is not will use the English hewn." His sterling qualities, his incorruptible character, his rendition. Derek Erez rendered simply means proper behavior, indefatiguable service to his city, his economical and sane adgood manners, or politeness. The SCHMIDTS ministration of his office . . . all have endeared him to the (Continued, from page 1) rabbis appreciated the value of community. "We, his fellow-Jews, frankly take pride in Trusorderliness, of friendship, of Other and even more sinister By O. O. DASHEB tin and his record as an exemplification of the type of comelements are at work. The tro- truthfulness and of decency. for a Pleasant Surprise ubles began with acts of apparent Without these civilizing, Indesmunal and civic leader we endeavor to rear. HAVE pensible habits, life ceases to be TKIEO Reprove not a scorner lest be brigandage. But when the briThose who knew Trustin intimately - - of all classes and SCHMIDT'S hate thee. Reprove a wise man gands spared Christians and Mos- enjoyable, becomes brutal and inof all creeds and from all walks of life - - boosted his candi- and he will love thee. lems and robbed Jews, the bri- tolerable. The sages knew InCAUL The lips of the righteous know gands were seen not to be brl- tuitively the basis for individual! dacy three years ago with the slogan "Trust in Trustin."' The happiness and peace and serenity. , city did put its faith in Trustin, and found that trust justified what is acceptable but the mouth gands at all. And when a pass- Their maxims are valid, surprisof the wicked is all forwardness. enger in an auto-bus identified AT. 5903 | 4S2 So. 13th St. ' to'the highest degree. His department made needed improveGive to a wise man and he will himself by saying Heil Hitler! ingly modern, and wise. ments at a savings to the taxpayer and helped beautify the be yet wiser. Teach a righteous the stench of ultimate corruption ; city. In the deliberations of the city council, Trustin's wise man and he will increase in learn- rose. Nor Is it without significance in this connection that a ing. -' counsel and calm judgment, backed by concrete experience A virtuous woman is A crown considerable proportion of both in the business world, have made him invaluable to the city to her husband but she that doeth the Arab brigands and rioters are i government. It is a high compliment to his integrity that shamefully is as rottenness in bis not Palestinian at all. They are White Buck from the Hauran. Arab notables . ^ even his political opponents do not attack him and hold him bones. In the multitude of words there of Jaffa/ on the contrary, shieldWhite Calf ; in great respect. He is noted for the fact that he never shirked wanteth not transgression but he ed and saved their personal Jewish friends. Brown Buck 3> a communal obligation and has always lent his utmost support that refraineth his lips is wise. TALMUD :J to a worth-while project. Grey Buck Rabbi said: "I learned much We must redouble our efforts. It is insufficient that we, the members of the Jewish com- from my teachers, more, however, We must pour money and people Two-Tones \\'i j munity, shall deeply feel an appreciation for the service ren- from my colleagues,5 but from my into Palestine. Money and peopupils I learned the most." ple. We must be stung and •iy '•: dered by Harry Trustin. To vote J s a privilege, a duty and a "When Rabbi Janai saw a man swept into- renewed wand even ;; responsibility . . . and our appreciation must take a concrete giving a coin to a poor man in more sacrlfical work. That much X form. "We must turn out en masse Tuesday to cast our ballot public he used to say to him; "It Is plain. Not only must this small would have been much better if wound be healed. Its blood must for Harry Trustin for re-election as city commissioner. you had- not given him at , all be the seed of farms and villages You'll see what "VALUE" means when you rather than to give and put him and cities yet undreamed of. see The Nebraska's Town Talk Sport Oxto shame." Collective Action But why have we no "lobby" fords at $5. They answer the Roll Call Rabbi Jochanan once became in London? Is the Colonial OfBy Dr. Frederick Oohn ill and Rabbi Chanina came to fice no longer subject to Parliafor the most for your shoe money. My last week's editorial may have seemed pessimistic and visit him. "Do you love these af- ment? It is independently autoIn even radical, in which I said that war between the leading flictions?" asked Rabbi Chanina. cratic? Can not tbe British dem"I desire neither them nor their ocracy, especially its Christian evnations (with the smaller ones involved) was inevitable. rewards," he answered. Rabbi aneglical and Quaker and, above 1 Nothing has occured to cause me to alter my opinion. On Chanina then said: "Give me your all, its Labor elements be roused In AH the contrary the deep, underlying" causes seem to be.more pro .. md." Thereupon* Rabbi Jochan- against a group of bureaucrats? an gave him his hand and h This Is a task for the Jewish nounced than ever. The nations are not quite ready to let (Rabbi Chanina) made him well Agency; this is'also a task for Thick crepe soles. . . . <£ f loose the doga of war. (This demonstrates that Jewish the _Jewish World Congress. This Jnst t h e shoe for that «P |> There is only one way to avert war, not merely in the science and touch healing was is a task for tbe entire Jewish practiced: 1,900 years ago.) extra e ta m in e r p a i r people and for every friend of the I present critical posture of affairs but for the future and for Mar. Zutra said: "Le-th Metzo Jewish people. It i3 a task for | all time. And that is through the collective action of nations. refers, to the necessity of living every genuine friend of tbe Arab Brown Bucko—Grey Bucko—White Elk Main dining room—music by Paul Christensen's orchesI . We have the beginning of that in the League of Nations, tem- only in a place where there, are people too. tra. Copktafl lounge—adjoining main dining room. conditions." The sages of | porarily under a cloud and regarded by some, perhaps many, sanitary Palestine (upon bearing all the (Copyright' 1936 by Seven arts Coffee shop in lower lobby. Newly sound-proofed grill SHOKS—STREET rLOOK Feature Syndicate.) as having not only failed but "entirely collapsed, because of opinions in explaining the above room—Farnam Street entrance. passage) remarked that Mar Zuthe ill-success in not stopping the. Italian-Ethiopian war as Jerusalem.—The orthodox Jewpreviously it. had been ineffective in the case of Japan's in- tra's opinion is the best of all. AIR CONDITIONED ish organization, Poel Hamizravasion of China (the cause of all our later trouble) and havPRIVATE DINING- ROOM AVAILABLE Beirut.—The government has chi, broke off relations with the ing been powerless in the face of Hitler's brazen defiance of prohibited an anti-Jewish demon- Histadruth Haovdim, general JewALSO FOR MEETINGS stration planned by Arab youths ish labor federation, charging CORRECT APPAREL FOR KEN A X p WOMEN the spirit and letter of the League. in sympathy with the Palestine that it was monopolizing employBut "not failure but low aim is crime." The League has Arabs. ' , ment.





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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY/MAY £ 19S8 ort of foreign and Folisli

ANNOUNCE BAR MTTZVAH lit. I ger will epeafc in Yiddish at the'for a minimum Jewish library will ! Biknr Cholim ! Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Maiashock g i Adass Yeshuren synagogue. be distributed. ; The Bikur Cholim meeting -will announce the Bar Mitzvah of their g I Regular father and son services Saturday morning. Edward, son son, Edward Marvin, Saturday, The final meeting of the Beth- , be held Monday, May 11, at 2:SO g i will be held Sunday morning at of J'r. and Mrs. Jay >.T. Malaphock, ; p. m. A board meeting at 1 o'clock May 9, at the Beth-El synagogue. El auxiliary "will take place WedE J S a, m. j will berome Kar Mit~vRh. ; will precede the regular meeting. = HffiHHiinilllMII1ii! Mr. and Mrs. Maiashock will nesday, May 13, at the J. C. C. "r j __________ ' Next Friday evening Betli-Kl receive at their home, 5639 Jones at a 1 o'clock luncheon. For rei _ r will hare its annual Religious VaacI street, in Edward's honor, from servations members' are asked to | "UoTPUNt BAZAAR j IC_piC . school service. ChUnreii from 2 until 6 o'clock Sunday, May 10. call Mrs. William Alberts, GlenThis evening's service will be class of the school will present pn Rabbi Harold A. Berger will; No cards have been issued. dale 3428; Mrs. Morris Arkxn, | The Mount Sinai cemetery LaMother's day service, sponsored account of tbe work they hpvp speak on "The Unfinished SymGlendale 1486, or Mrs. I. Abram- dies auxiliary drawing and ba-! ;by the Pi Tau Pi fraternity. The done. Name," of the children par* phony" at services this evening. ; Rev. Ray J. Harmelink of the ticipating will be published ne\i INITIATION son, Walnut 6906. zaar, which was to hare been i Saturday morning Rabbi BerThe Misses Dorothy Camel and The business part of the meet- held Sunday, May 10, has been! ; First Presbyterian church, will week. Julia Hertzberg were initiated in- ing •will consist of the annual re* postponed until Sunday, May 31. give the address. ' —————— — — ; to the Delta Kappa sorority Sun- ports by the chairmen of the Miss Grace Resnick will be solo- i ESS BAKE SALE day, May 3, at the home of Miss standing committees and the elec| ist with the choir this evening. DIAMOXD-BRAUDE BAN-JOHNSON tion of officers. Saturday services will begin at ; HARRY A, FRANKEL At a supper party given at the Miss Lillian Johnson, daughter Pauline Margolin. The Pioneer Women will hold Miss Grace Resnick was in The program will consist of a HOLD HADASSAH i l l a. m. At 1 o'clock Saturday: Eeai Estate and. Property home of Mr. and Mrs. Braude of of Mrs. Sarah Johnson, will bea bake sale at the Brandeis store Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, come the bride of Jack Ban, son charge of the initiation. She was pageant of the seven stages of Wednesday, May.IS, on the main; the Mother and Daughter lunchManagement ANNUAL LUNCHEON womanhood with Miss Harriet a '.. surprise announcement was of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ban, Sun- assisted by Genevieve White. floor. Mrs. I. Morgenstern is chair- i eon will be held. Bernstein, soloist; Mrs. J. M. MaiSunday, May 11, high school Yoxs can't stop a windmade of the engagement of their day, May i o , at 1 o'clock, at the man. She requests all members . . . ashock, accompanist; Mrs. Dave j The annual Give or Get lunch-j and friends who have contribu- j graduation services will be held. daughter, Roberta, to Sidney Dia- Ban home. Rabbi N. Feldman will TO PRESENT PLAY storm, but yem can buy eon of Hadassah was attended by j mond, son of Mrs. R. Diamond of perform the ceremony. The Municipal University of Brodkey, reader, and Mrs. Philip 175 women Tuesday, May 5, a t ; tions to call her. j LOB Angeles. : Omaha Players will present a Klutznick, A u d r e y Greenberg, the J. C. C. Miss Mary Johnson will attend j Xest Friday evening Trill be from Frankel Buddy Barish, Lorraine AbramMr. Diamond vrill graduate In her siBter. Mr. Sam Ban will serve play, "The Florist Shop," at the The tables were decorated in j HAD ASSAM HISTORY GROUP j ^ ^ ^ . £ ? _ » ? £ £ I son, Jimmy Llpsey, Judith LevenJoslyn Memorial lecture hall on 3 5 Doncta* Block June from the University of his brother as best man. \ The last meeting of the Hadas- | laymen will read the service. The j son, Mrs. I. B. Zeigman, Mrs. Cy spring colors. JACKSON 1523 Southern California, where he There -will be a dinner for theSunday, May 10, at 4:30 p. m. Mrs. David A. Goldstein was! sah history group, under the lead- ; readers will be Eugene Blazer,! The public is invited to attend Silvers, Phyllis Bernstein, Mrs. I. will secure his Bachelor of Arts immediate families after the cereAbramson and Mrs. A. Theodore. toastmistress; Mrs. Ben Handler! ership of Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, jM £_ Holzman and Donald Brod- "For insurance See Franke! Ftr»V both the concert and play. degree in social psychiatry. He mony. gave the blessing; Mrs. Joe- Gold- \ will be held Monday, May 11, at < t e y . preachers will be Milton '• later plans to obtain his doctor's Cards have been issued for a ware, president, greeted the word-! 1:30. The group will review the | Abrahams, Richard Einstein and! degree. reception from 4 until 7 o'clock. LEAVES FOR EXCELSIOB en; Mrs. Irvin Levin gave a re- iwork which they did during the j Louis E. Lipp. i SPRINGS The announcement was made MOTHER, DAUGHTER IT WILL TAT 1 W port on the Medical Fund and the' year and will1 plan for nest year, j After t n e services the annual i Mr. Paul Rosen left Sunday for to thirty friends of the couple in SCHNEIDER-KAPLAN I Youth Aliyah. j SOCIAL ON MONDAY To Consult I congregation meeting and election ' a two-week stay in Excelsior form of red and white balloons Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaplan anI Dr. Irving Levitas of Kansas: bearing their names, released from nounce the engagement of their Springs, Mo. .MALASHOCE'S A Mother and Daughter social City gave the main address. Hej s Bt a false ceiling above the room and daughter, Sally, to Harry SchneiThe meeting of the ^ aad A m - ; h o o d _ m b e h e l d a f t e r h e When buying t_ j urged that the women take more j will be given by the ladies' auxTO SING OVER RADIO floating down on the dancing der, son of Mr, and Mrs. Sam \ DIAMONDS j lhary, which will also be the last j . Mr. Jack Selinsky, member of iliary of Congregation of Israel interest in Jewish education. couples. Decorations throughout Schneider of Lincoln, Neb. ; Mrs. Sarah Baila Cohen of Des !meeting of the season, will be in j WEDDING KINGS the cast of "Chasa the Yoseme," Monday evening, May 11, at 8 were carried out in red and white. at 1 \ — — — — _ _ _ _ _ . The wedding will take place in the play to be presented at the p. m., in the assembly room of the Moines gave a dramatization of |the form of a luncheon at STATCKES - SIO^EKWAKE No date has been set for theJune. o'clock Tuesday, June 2, at the . "Adam." Betfc-Ei Congregation of Israel Sunday, synagogue, 25th and J Street. rod GIFT .T.Wl^IIT wedding. B'nai Israel synagogue. Mrs. L. Mrs. Nathan Perelman, proMay 10, will appear on the weekAt services tonight Rabbi Dave Xeveleff is chairman of the afANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT ly calendar program of the Jun- gram chairman, has arranged an I A. Goldstein will speak or fair. FROM CHICAGO Mr. J. C. Adams of Denver, ior Chamber of Commerce over interesting program. There will i "Wanted a Jewish Librarv jr Mrs. Y. Schonberger of Chicago Colo., announces the engagement radio station WOW Saturday at be community singing, a playlet WORKMAN CIRCLE Plans are being formulated for I E J e l J J e v i s h Home." At the clow of his daughter, Elaine, to Morris is visiting at the home of her son5:45 p. m. Mr. Selinsky will sing by Reva Gorelick and a reading LADIES AUXILIARY the fourth annual Vaad picnic to of the service a list of 5 0 bool sin-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom of Omaha. two selections. He will be accom- by Dorothy Tatelman. Jake Berkowitz. panied by his daughter, Louise. Mrs. Joe Goldware will speaek j.Jo5Bo5ooO^«C^i^^^^^WCMe«^ic«55«5c5«56VV«5555: The ladies' auxiliary of Work- | be held the last week of June. KAPLAN-HIMEIiSTElN for the mothers and Celia Lips- men's Circle, Branch 173, was j Tel Aviv — The Vaad Leumi, I $i Mr. Edward Himelstein anman for the daughters. Refresh- formed and the first meeting held ' Goldie Meyerson Club nounces the engagement of his ORGAN RECITAL SUNDAY ments will be served. Wednesday, April 29. Twenty-five j Jewish national council, has es- § The Goldie Meyerson club held sister, Ruth, to Ben Kaplan, son Miss Esther Leaf will be pre- For reservations call Mrs. Pearl tablished a special cultural de-: #• members attended. a meeting and tea at the home of of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan. No sented in an organ recital at thePerelman, Market 0839. All mempartment headed by Dr. Judah j $ Officers were elected as folMrs.-Herman Cohen Wednesday, definite date has been Bet for theJoslyn Memorial Sunday, May 10, bers and friends axe cordially inKaufman, Hebrew writer and schlows: Mrs. I. Schwartz, treasurer; I May 6. Mrs. Hyman Noddle was wedding. 8 , at 4 o'clock. She will be assisted vited to attend. Mrs. S. Lerner, recording secre-' olar. co-hostess. by Miss Carolyn Cook, pianist. tary; Mrs. H. M. Stein, financial Rabbi Harold A. Berger gave They will play: secretarythe main address. He spoke on Prologue Fauchey The following mesdames were Zeta Beta Tau Tfee KRASNE BEAUTY "The Three Isms of Jewish Life." Prelude and Aragonaise from the elected to the executive commitThe members of the group disOpera "Carmen" Bizet tee: I. Abrams, A. Rubin, M. At an election held last Moncussed Rabbi Berger's talk. Features Andante Cantabile. Tschaikowsky Smith and J. Hellman. . ., Many new members joined the day evening, the following officers Wiener Tanz.. .Friedman-Gartner SHAMPOO AND FINGER 'WAVE Meetings will be held the first were, elected for the coming year: group as a result of this meeting. I Pi Romance . . . . * . Rubinstein Wednesday of every month. Those The organization voted that the Robert Stiefler, president; Harold Miss Leaf. interested in the work of the Sommer, vice-president; Phil LaJerusalem (WN'S-Palcor Agentemporary officers be elected perThe Zctos Permanent W«ve Etude-Eroica Liszt with no machinery and no manent officers for the ensuing ser, treasurer; Bernard" White, Evening in Granada.. ...Debussy cy).—A May day statement is- Workmen's Circle are welcome to electricity used at $6.50 and sued by the General Jewish Fed- attend the next meeting which term. The officers are Mrs. Her- secretary, and Harold Perelman, up. Gardens in the Rain Debussy eration of Labor" of Palestine will be held Wednesday, June 3, man Cohen, president; Mrs. Mor- historian. Lloyd Friedman is the 716 Brandeli Theatre Bldg. Toccata Saint-Saens (Histadnith) emphasized the at-at S p. m. at the .Labor Lyceum, ris Friedel, vice-president; Mrs. outgoing president. Miss Cook. On May 17, the fraternity will j titude of its members that there at 22nd and Clark streets. , Hyman Noddle, secretary, and AT. 4S3S Cyril Scott ould be no co-operation with the observe their annual Parents day Valse Caprice Mrs. Harry Crounse, treasurer. March Champetre Boes Patronize Our Advertisers Communists of Palestine or with The next meeting of the club in Lincoln. All the' parents have Songs My Mother Taught other agitators. will be held at the home of Mrs. been sent invitations for the af- Me Dvorak The manifesto, dealing with Hyman Noddle. The date will be fair, which will include a buffet Flight of the Bumble luncheon, speeches and entertain-! * 'lit'.' ^ - — v T- — the recent events, declares that announced later. Bee . . . . . . . Rlmsky-Korsakof f the Yishuv has proved a mighty ment by some of the talented tWrl^T f.t< members. Warren Ackerman Is Polovetzian Dance from the opera factor that is undefeatable by any Prince Igor" . .Borodin hostile forces. It is unafraid now the chairman in charge •: of the Junior Pioneers Miss Leaf. function. . • .anfl cannot be frightened in the The Junior pioneers held - -a •r?j future. O wiener roast at the Hermanson The workers are called upon to farm Saturday evening. May 2. stand guard for the work of reEVA PREDMETSKY The^group "played games-and told •; ghost stories around a fire. They DIED LAST FRIDAY construction. . The Mother chapter of A. Z. A. spent:the night at the farm. The TEY HAYDElf'S FI&ST g'-ls had a five o'clock breakfast celebrated its twelfth anniversary Miss Eva Predmetsky, 39, Ab- 5,476 JEWS CAME TO of pancakes and coffee Sunday Sunday, May 3, with a breakfast erdeen, S. D., died Friday, May PALESTINE DVRING APRIL Entrances: 16th, Dodge and Douglas Sts. rorniag and returned home at at Mary Stein's cafe. 1, at Miami, Fla. She had been a sin o'clock. The regular meeting Sunday former resident of Omaha and Mail and Phone Orders Given Prompt, Personal Attention Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenP'.ans were completed at the afternon was featured by an ad-Fremont Hayden's Second Floor Smartly Fashioned ©f Higher Quality and cy).—A total of 5,476 Jews, comnuaUng Tuesday for the rush tea dress by Grand Aleph S'gan Macy Miss Predmetsky is survived by prising immigrants, tourists and Better Woven Fabrics 'to be held Sunday, May 17. Baum on "Jewish Organizations two sisters, Mrs. Reuben Bordy of returned natives, entered PalesThe club is planning to remo- In America." Omaha and- Esther Predmetsky of Double F«I1 EisfQsi, Ctzzt&lss •'. ' the shack at the HermansoE A committee was formed to Aberdeen; four brothers, Abe of tine through the ports of Jaffa Si in. across "by £*£ J'tls. Ions. . Selvedgess removed and Haifa during the month of farm and to name it the Junior complete plans for a novel and Aberdeen, Dan of Fargo, M. D. and hemmed. Tl&in dots, fine T| A S ? April, according to a report made grenadine. Cream and ecru, pair Pioneer lodge. A committee is unique dance to be given soon. and Israel of Los Angeles. available here. being ohosen to work on a color Ray Shapiro, chairman, is assist' Limited eusntitj- wicfe ruffled pastels, pr. 1.95 Funeral services were held on scheme. Dues for the lodge will ed by Dan Miller, Morris Adler, Tuesday, May 5, at 2:30 p. m. at This figure is exclusive of the bs Sl;00 per year per member. Irving Yaffe, Joe Hornstein and the home of Mrs. Reuben Bordy. Jews who entered by the land Tsiloret -with side hems, S5s2V4 T&s. frontiers and of tourists who The girls hope to have open Sam Wolk. Rabbi David A- Goldstein officiatJL • were authorized by the governBeig-e or cg-gshell. Grig, 2.75 pr house on or about Sunday, June ed. Burial was at Pleasant Hill pr., S.85 ment to remain as settlers. Matching' -wific wifiths, 1 . 4 . •' . . " • ' • ' • ' ' " cemetery. Patronize Our Advertisers The immigrants totalled 3,086, Golofful Aratesq« of whom 632 entered through hsng. TropicaJ Washable . . Ennf&st . . rcafiy strife-torn Jaffa and the rest colors in stripes. 6 color comthrough Haifa harbor. 2,098 Jewbiaations. Size 25x2 M. Pair ish tourists came In April through By the ysrfl, B5c Haifa and 292 Palestinians rePermassest Fiaisls ©rgsssgi1* turned home. Sunfast &n& washable . . raffles. Sc^ea "« lovely pastel shades. Sir* 36x2Vi, pr».. J

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I Ash Yosr I Grocer for FORBES TENDES CRUST BREAD Look for the Orange and Blue Label A Trial Will Convlnc* You


vftf Cigarettes are not FBESH!

2711 No. 34th St.

S attractive patterns. Plain, or tewier detign. Keady to hang, 4SXSM -m yards, psir M Drapery Section-—Fourth Fieer

At a Very Special Price

Women's Summer


Regularly priced 10.95 find 12.95. Woo! crape*, jacquard crepes, Velveteen end f[fe Afe Hf fleeces. Unlined. Sizes 52 to 40. .

WE. 6400

'-* Better quality fashions formerly 4SJ3 fc9.95-B5.95. A+ less fhen halt price. € 3 !

LISTEN, PEOPLE! ...Are fresh eggs jbetter than staleeggs ? Everybody says'Tes" ! Are fresh cigarettes better than, stale cigarettes? Everybody says "Yes"!

means when you n Talk Sport Oxthe Roll Call shoe money.




7 W jackets of Cellophane^ . . not one but TWO • ••'. stand guard over the freshness of Double-Mellow Old Golds. Two jackets, €taM package airtight. Two jackets* double Cellophane, keep out dampness* dryness and every other foe «f cigarette goodness. Two^jackets, double Cellophane, give you FAqjORY-FRESH cigarettes; as fresh as the egg the hen lays hi the nest. P. U)RILLARD COMPANY Established 1760


• Stetson Hats • Arrow Shirts • McGregor Sportswear • Interwoven Socks • Vassar Underwear • Cheney Cravats These items are featured at CKW&TTJSS



> 311 South 16th St. fS*«

FREE... Mi-S-U-ft&D STORAGE IN OUR SPACIOUS NEW VAULTS Pay cleaning charge only when clothes are needed for next season.



Don't worry about the hot suiaiaer days • • • • one of these cool, smart summer corsets or foundations can be worn i s comfort with a:nple support. Citoiee of nets, voiles aad Lastss is iiiese styles . . . step-ins, side hook and back lace. High bust and medium foundations have brassiere tops of firte lace, ret and swaisi. Some hare inner telts t^st are heavily boned . . .'others are without inner belts . . . a few two-way stretch, back in the lot.

HaySea's Secona Floor ^^@^^#^s^^^P^^^^^^^^$^^^^i^@^^^^

Rip proof . « shaaew proof. Made in "Pefe! G i e " Fabric Sizes 32 t o 4 4 . . . .

W&m@mTg Cartwheel *

Made of fine Merrimec summer fashions in many colors

Welt Hats Bodies, Advsnc® *p M.


100% pare silk, 100% &!'*• as arc »H the silfes in OKT flepartmeni. Tteese beantitnl for just, yartl »•" Third Floor

g S J|

^ 5 g

S g. S fi

56-ptecc set from open rt«c3i, Serrice '«T • to this Rttracttvc, crofeossee M 111 pattern. Just *&m.*w

Is"@ateg FaSs MI Kon-iEflsmma*te past cover, complete

Woauen^s Was&, Attractive Qn^-n Make fashions smartlr . . . im tbe newest color Fifth Floor

• _ ' * • J **y*$J Jtfi*** -¥ *' -,'i.f <•'•!-*" *•-. -*w-

ad 1st

WAR LORD REV1KWS THE TANKS—In every garrison throughout Germany troops assembled to pay tribute in a vast parade of the military forces on the recent 47th birthday of Chancellor Hitler of Germany, newiy titled the Supreme War Lord. Here Chancellor Hitler, indicated by the circle, reviews the new war < tanks as they rumble along through a Berlin park, in the huge parade.

3>»< -^


GOOD SCOCT — King Edward will not be crowned Great Britain's sovereign until next year, but already his subjects have idolized him as "Good ole Teddy." Accorded che position of "good scout" himself, here the King addresses a delegation of Boy Scouts from the Eirpire and from foreign countries on the steps of St. George's chapel, at Windsor Castle. Nfcarly 1,000 Scouts and Rovers were present at the annual service there.


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THREAT ? — Europe, watching the sudden movement of Austrian troops to the German border, wonders if it signifies a threat to the German Reich. Austrian officials said the move merely -was in preparation, for Summer maneuvers. Here, Austrian motorized units are in formation during the recent Spring Day parade in Vienna. »|


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KOIKE'S EIETHOAT — All Italy joined in celebration of the 2,689th anniversary of the .founding of Rome. Here is Premier Mussolini observing the day by laying the cornerstone of a new census building in the Imperial City. Beaming happily, as thousands cheered, H Duce said: "On this birthday of Rome we celebrate both the fete of labor and our victories in East Africa."


SURVIVING SON—In foreground is the only surviving son of Ras Mulughata, Ethiopian chieftain who recently was killed in action. The young,man is shown as he applied at a British ambulance unit for first-aid treatment to a wound-on his right thigh, after an Italian air raid at Kworarn.

., 4




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CAUGHT—Alvin Karpis, No.


^-X -^ 1 : I it .1

SMARTEST DEESSED—Ina Claire, starring with Osgood Perkins ii5r£ . w * 0 1 * P^y- "End of Summer," was recently accredited with being the best and smartest dressed woman of the stage, and vritlrhaving the greatest chic in the theater. Of course that led to controversy, but so far Miss,Claire seems ahead. She is shown •with Mr. Perkins In a scene from the play. ="«««

1 bad man of the United States, captured in New Orleans by Federal officers led by J. Edgar Hoover. He has been sought for nearly three years on kidnaping and murder charges. He was the last of the original Karpis-Barker gang.

SOFT-BALL GAMES POPULAR—Sweeping Southern California, as well as other sections of the country, is the soft-ball craze, with night playing popular in specially built stadiums. Here are Tess Dodenhoff and Vic Self, pitchers on the girls' soft ball team in Hollywood, spinning their fast ones toward home plate in a practice workout in the film city.

QUEEN — Spring brings forth many queens and here is a charming one who recently posed in her royal robes. She is Miss Thelma Smith of Pittsburgh, Pa., chosen Queen of the annual Beaux Arts ball .held at Washington University by art students.

IS DEAD EV PALESTINE—Jewish homes and shops were burned and 19 persons were killed in the rioting that has taken place in Palestine between Arabs and Jews. Scores were injured. Here are steel-helmeted British police breaking up a disturbance in Jaffa. Moslems declared a general strike, followed by many disturbances, as they protested Jewish immigration.


DEAD BEAT AT EPSOM—Thousands in the stands at the races at Epsom, England, rose with a roar of surprise as two horses ran a dead heat in the Great Metropolitan stakes. They were lord Stanley's Quasned, left, ridden by Perryman, and Lady Nuttall's Jack Tar, ridden by Smith. Here they are shown at the finish, nose and nose, though their riders-strive to push them onward.

ASPIRANT HOST TO ASTOES—An interestins^ group .in Vienna as Lord and Lady Astor of England • were entertained in the Austrian capital by Archduke Anton of Hapsburg, aspirant to the Austrian throne, and Archduchess IUeana. Anton is second from left and Heana is sitting at the right, lord Astor is second from right and at either side are,their:two sons.

POP AND HtS SON—Remember Jess team.

. old-time

is Pop proufof





m PRESS; PRTDAT; MAT S, 1936 *









C *•-




May 12 j as Your


CITY COMMISSIONER d in celebration of the. Rome. Here is Premier the cornerstone of a new g happily, as thouay of Borne we celein Kast Africa."










* •


in Trustin

For Good Government

.> * C L

A tireless worker whose interests are identified with the '• "wants and needs of the people he serves . : . Harry Trustin ^ r J i a s proved a_popular man in the cityicouncil chamber. More*. than ever, after three years of selfless service as city commissioner, "Trust in Trustin" is an apt slogan for the re-election of Harry Trustin. * ' . Trustin, who has been a tower of strength in thepresent administration, has the unusual but invited task of, acting in a dual capacity as city commissioner., He is not only Super. intendent of the Department of Public Improvements but is also Acting City Engineer without additional remuneration, a saving to the taxpayers of $4,600 a year through his engineering ability . . . which enables him to combine two jobs .Under one head.

les and shops were burned ng that has taken place in >res were injured. Here are up a disturbance in Jaffa. >wed by many disturbances.

The facts speak for themselves . . . and Trustin's record as superintendent of the building of streets, alleys, sewers ? and sidewalks, is eloquent testimony of a job well done. He has done an especially" fine bit of work in maintainingand keeping in repair the 585 miles of sewers in the city which, in the majority of cases, are inadequate - - havingbeenlaid without due consideration to the future growth of the city of Omaha. Planning and care were exercised with rare good judgment and taste by Trustin in the many improvement projects initiated under his regime. He succeeded in having the govern-


ment and the department of roads and irrigation of the state of Nebraska build for the citizens of Omaha the beautiful thoroughfare on Dodge Street from Turner Boulevard west to the city limits. The latest project under contemplation by Trustin's department is the widening of the Missouri avenue and "L" street approach to the South Omaha bridge. A wide, beautiful highway along thirteenth street from the bridge to Omaha proper is another project to get under way . . . symbolic of the progress forward in city improvement through the efforts of Gty Commissioner Trustin, projects of a permanent nature which beautify and are beneficial to thecity proper. Despite the many and varied projects completed in the past three years, the department under Trustin was operated on a much more economical basis in comparison with the experience of past years. The department is now operating with the total number of regularly employed at 41, whereas 68 were employed when he came into office . . . and the reduction in the number of employes has not decreased the efficiency of the department. Trustin's record speaks for itself! Omaha needs his aggressive, business-like administration, his experience and his calm, cool judgment. Omaha has need to continue to "Trust in Trustin." He is a public servant who has earned the highest encomiums we can bestow.

> • , • '. -


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You Can Show Afaprertdtibn FofVublic Service Splendidly Going To The Polls Tuesday To Vote For I urge my friends who are interested in my candidacy and good government to support my fellow candidates on the I. V- L. ticket: ,TOWL, KNUDSEN, KRESL, DORRANCE AND FROST. - - - Harry Tmstiin,

Tesreau, old-time New York h of the Dartmouth College above he is shownTOthhis first baseman on the ettamproud of him! yxisht United Newsplrtnro.

For City Commissioner

Capable * - * Fearless *•* * Experienced This advertisement paid for hy & groap of personal friends of Harry Trustin. amran


I urgeirny friends who are inter- s estedl in my candidacy ana good government to support my fellow candidates on the I. V..L ticket:


' "\

s-l~*i ^=s-"«n._

U1-Z-HZ>L*~-X,Z^2 %* ^ . J ^ J ^ - ^


; ~r c^jz^is-znssa



WEBB, EEBER, which when issued shall be fully paid Stock may be redeemed, at the op- jmine. The holders of shares o£ PreEpstein and his bride will leave FRAOENBURG, " KLUTZNICK «. KELLEY, Attyc and non-assessable. Stock may be, tion of the Board of Directors, a* any •ferred Stock calied for redemption for a short trip. 200 Union State Bank Bldg. paid for in money, property or ser- time and fiwm time to time after the: ?ha!) not, from and after the date vices useful to the corywation and expiration of one year from the <J-He <fixed for the redemption 'if such NOTICE OF SALE OF PLEDGED of a value not less than the par value of the issuance thereof, by the Cor-; stock possess or exercise any rights COLLATERAL ol the stock issued therefor. Mrs. Dora Baron, Bolstein poration paying for each share BO to or benefits as stockholders of the notice is hereby given, that The holders of the Preferred Stock be redeemed $10.50 together with Buy >' Corporation except the right to reThe board of directors of the Apartments, announced the en- onPublic the 15th day of Slay. 1936, at 10 shall be entitled to receive, when and unpaid dividend declared thereon, up- !reive from the Corporation the teFederation of Jewish Social Serv- gagement and approaching mar- ^o'clock A. M.. in the offices of Frad- as declared by the Board of Direc- on thirty (30) days notice by mail to demption price of such shares" withMISS ANNA PILL, correspondent enburg, Webb, Beber, Klutznick & tors, out of the surplus or net profits, the holders of record thereof at their out interest, upon the surrender ice will be hosts to the Social riage on June 21 of her daughter, Kelley, 200 Union State Bank Build- but only out of accumulated profits last :ecorfled addrsss. tf less than i l l ; thereof." Service Workers club next Tues- Dena Ruth Baron, to Dave A. Wi- ing. 19th and Farnam Streets, in the and not out of the profits of any sub- the shares of Preferred ^tock ere to i AT.AM.ITO DAIRY COMPANY City of Omaha. Douglas County, Ne- sequent year or years, non-accumu- he redeemed, the shares to be redeem- 1 Bv I,. H. HANSON. Viee-President. day in the- Jewish Community godsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. braska, the undersigned will offer for lative dividends a t a rate not exceed- rd shall be selected in such manner' Attest: JOE P. MULLEU, Secretary. Center, A program by children, of Wigpdsky. Miss Baron is the su- sale and sell for cash at public auc- ing six per cent 18 percent) per an- as the Board of Directors shall deter- l-17-36-4t tion to the highest bidder, the follow- num, payable in preference and priorthe Community Center Dramatic ity to any payment of any dividend The. eleventh annual Mother's clubs, under the direction of Miss perintendent of the Federation of ing collateral: Jewish Social Service. She attendTwo (2) U.000.00 State of Ne- on the common stock for such fiscal day service will be held this eve- Idel Shapiro and Miss Miriam year; the same to be payable semibraska Western LimestoneProd, ed Morningside college, the Uni- nets Company, Inc.. First Mortgage" annually or otherwise, as the Board ning at stia'are Zion synagogue Blank, will be presented. versity of Michigan, and was of Directors may from time to time Bonds, Numbers 266 and 267. and this service will be the con- Miss Miriam Blank will present In addition thereto, in the (Established JSTS) Said rale is made pursuant to an determine. cluding late Friday .evening serv- several readings and Miss Bertha graduated from the Midwest Col- oral event of any liquidation or dissolupledge agreement to satisfy and tion or winding up (whether volunlege of Commerce. She is a mem- pay the ice of the season. note of Fuchs Equipment Co. tary or involuntary) of the Corporawill sing a solo. The Senior Hadassah chapter ber of Phi Sigma Iota, national to the Centaur SIOKS SIOHJE Tractor Corporation tion, the holders of the Preferred Speaking in behalf of the Snovsky ,..J11 hold its Give or Get luncheon daughters The Jewish Community Center for the sum of-Seven Hundred Twen- Stock shall be entitled to be paid in honorary romance language frawill be Mrs. Nathan and 60/100 Dollars 1*727.50), full the par amount of their shares, Inext Thursday afternoon, May 14,Goldia. Mrs. Joe Krigsten will will join the other social service ternity. Mr. Wigodsky is a Cen- ty-seven Phone itL 0551 — Pfeoa® 594 — Phone §8885 August 23. 1932. due April 1, and of all unpaid dividends dtclared in the Jewish. Community Center. speak in behalf of the daughters agencies of the city In an exposi- tral High graduate and attended dated 1933, and bearing interest at the rate thereon, before any amount shall be I Asbestos of six per centum (6 percent) per an- paid to ihe holders of the Common Mrs. M. Silverman of Minneapolis to be ht,(d May 25 and 26.the University of Michigan. Mr. Earl Himowitz will rep- tion num from date until maturity. Stock, and the remaining assets and I will arrive in the city that day toand The exposition is being sponsored i Slate-Tile Centaur Tractor Corporation, funds shall be divided and paid to»the resent the sons. Cantor Pliskin by the Chamber of Commerce. he the guest speaker for the and holders of the Common stock accordA Corporation. the synagogue choir will j Asphalt an*! Gravel ing to their respective shares. The By Fradenburg. "Webb, Beber, KlutzMr. and Mrs. Max Lanzinger, j ,'luncheon. " Common Stock shall be subject to the special music they have nick and Kelley, 511 Isabella street, announce the 4-2i-3t '> I Donors to the Give or Get proj- chant prior rights of the holders of the PreIts Attorneys, FKEE ESTIMATES — EASY TEKMS for the service. Floral A . IA% A . ferred Stock, as herein declared. If, engagement and approaching mar' j'ect are the only jnembers of Ha-prepared the payment of full dividends contributions will decorate- the Rudolph Shindler, Earl Himo- riage on May 10 of their daugh- FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, after H :;tdassah who will be privileged to pulpit any fiscal year on the Preferred and a large congregation is witz and Sam Sadoff visited the ter, Miss Fannie Lanzinger, to • KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attyt. for Stock, or if, after a sum sufficient attend this luncheon. They include expected 200 Union State Bank Bldg. to attend the service. for the payment thereof shall have 1 Omaha A. Z. A., chapter No. 1, Zobin, nephew of Mr. and iithe Mesdames J. L. Levitt, E. E. been set aside from the surplus or net H . R . Rabinowitz will offer presenting before them the tenta- Jack NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF profits of the Company, there shall Mrs. Max Lasensky, 1507 West : ] Baron, Leah Baron, Charles Ras- Rabbi the Invocation. IDEAL BOTTLING CO remain any EUrplus or net profits of tive program of the summer tour- Fifth street. Rabbi H. R. Rabin- Know All Men By These Presents: i'kin, Herman Miller, Ben Schulein, such year, any and all such surplus Tomorrow morning the junior nament to be held in Sioux City net profits of such year, and of '!B. Osnowitz, B. Pill, J. N. Krueowitz and Cantor A. Pliskin will That at the meeting of the stock- or holders of the Ideal Bottling Co. duly j any other fiscal year for which full I'ger, L. S. Goldberg, W. C. Slot- congregation se_rvices will be held in August. officiate at the ceremony in the held dividends shall ha^-e been paid on the at the office of the* corporation | on the 6th day of January, 1336, a t i Preferred Stock, shall be applicable isky, E. N. Grueskin, L. Sacks, I. as usual at 10:30 o'clock. A Lag A feature of the tournament Tiphereth Israel synagogue. to dividends upon the Common Stock; which aJl of the stockholders were j B'Omer program will be presentthat will be Introduced for the l! Miller, L. Welnberg, J. Robinson, Mr. Zobin and his bride will present and Toting, a resolution was Iand out of any such surplus or net first time will be the extemporan- make their home in Sioux City. ,'M. Welner, Joe Kutcher, Morris ed by the children; unanimously adopted that the said j profits the Board of Directors may corporation cease to do business as j in their discretion declare and pay Next Monday evening, Rabbi eous speaking contest. The subBaron, A. Greenberg, M. Blank, such and that the same be dissolved; j dividends upon the Common Stock oi lj ,.H. Fishgall, William Mazie, Reva Rabinowitz will be the principal jects for the addresses which will accordingly, notice of such action and 1the Corporation, but not vntil after the dissolution of the said • Ideal the dividend upon the Preferred Stock i i ''Sherman, Joe Krigsten, A. Agran- speaker at the annual congrega- be given out the day of the con- Mr. L. M. Rice is expected of for the current fiscal year snail have is hereby given. 'l>\ \\olt, A. M. Davis, S. Snovsky, Mll- tional dinner and meeting of test will deal with phases of the home this week from Omaha, Bottling Co. been actually paid or provided for IDEAL. BOTTLING CO. where he has spent the past two and set apart! iton Mushkin, Harry Horwitz, D. Temple Aron in St. Paul, Minn. Jew in Palestine. By Sam Platt, All or any part of the Preferred President. Next Wednesday evening. May , The athletic committee, under months. j ,r ;|li. Rodin, A. Silverberg, A. Menin, Attest: Sam Platt, '"' i M. Robinow, M. Brodkey, Lou 13, the board of directors of the the leadership of Harry Elsberg, Plcying Inlo Seventh Week Mrs. E. E. Berg, Mrs. S. Robin- In the Presence of: Secretary. I •' Kaplan, Sol Novitsky, Philip synagogue will meet in the home has. outlined the events for the with ! |, Sherman, Mike Skalovsky, J. Hi- of Mr. Max Lasensky* 1507 West tournament. The sof tball team ow, and Mrs. J. Jacobson will en- Sam Beber. held its first practice this week tertain one hundred guests at a 4-24-4t. i ]! mowitz, Sam Pickus, Joe Levin, Fifth street.

Social Workers Club To Meet at Center



jHadassah Giveor |! Get Luncheon i| Next Thursday ,; . .

Shaare Zion

OMAHA — Co. Bluffs —

City —


«* , Wll V,



* .IRueben Miller, Max Ginsberg, A. Members who have- recently and a team to represent the A. Sunday afternoon, May 10,MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER <5. COHEN, Attorney* !j Miller, William Kantor, L. Kutch- joined the synagogue Include Max A. in the Y. M. C. A. league will in the Jewish Community Center, 737 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. , Her, S. B. Gelfand, Joe Rosenthal, Rosenstock, Charles Raskin, Law- be named this week. honoring Miss Helen Rice, daugh, llMax Mushkin, L. Lipshutz, B. rence Silverberg and Philip Gelf- • The Parents' day program ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a duly constituted Special Meeting ' !J Courshon, Sovel Krueger, Abe and. • ': planned by the A. Z. A. has been whose marriage to Leonard' at of the Stockholders of the ALAM1TO • 1, Pill, Jacob Greenberg, Louis Ag- Members . who '' have recently postponed to prevent a conflict of Baumstein, son of Mr. and Mrs.DAIRY COMPANY held on the 9th day of March. 1936. pursuant to rej j! ranoff, H. Lazriowich, M. Lazrio- joined-the ladies' auxiliary of the dates. The choir has been invited M. Baumstein, will be an event of quisite notice, the Amended and Subi ,-wich, R. H. Emlein, Moe Lazere, synagogue Include Mrs. Abe Bee-to conduct Friday evening serv- May 31. stituted Articles of Incorporation of] the said Alamito Dairy Company were j , . Ben Sekt, A. H. Baron, Barney chen, Mrs. Jack Kosberg, Mrs. ices at the Conservative synagogue Bridge and a social hour will amended in the following particulars, i ' • Baron, Herman Gallnsky, Sam Morris Rubin and Mrs. Sol Seff. i in Sioux Falls, and" will go to occupy the afternoon and refresh- to-wit: ' Shulkin, William Lazere, Sam Article fV of the said Articles of! Sioux Falls during this month. ments will be served. Incorporation was amended to read: "!' Slotaky, Robert Sacks and Sam as follows: to-wit: j ,i Greenstone. total authoriied capital stock! Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin of "The the corporation shall be $300,000.00,' Junior Hadassah Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will will leave next week for French divided into 2t),000 shares of Common . •' Mrs. Sam Greenstone and Mrs.speak this evening ^on the subject, A Mother's day program will Lick, Ind., where Mr. Grneskin Stock of the par value of $10.00 each, j and 10.000 shares of Preferred Stock j ', Abe Pill are In charge of.the ar- What Ts Heligion?" be presented at the Junior Hadas- will attend the Live Stock Men"s of the par value of $1..0O each, all of' il rangements for the luncheon. The Sisterhood will meet at a sah meeting next Monday evening convention. t 1 o'clock dessert luncheon today in the Jewish Community Center. n the temple annex with the Brief talks in behalf of the mothDr. Delia Gallnsky, accompaFormer Sioux Cityan members of the Sisterhood board ers and daughters will be given. nied by her mother, Mrs. Herman of directors acting as hostesses. A play, "Two Goyim," will be Galinsky,- spent several days in Funeral services for Mrs. L. S. The election, of officers will take presented with the following tak- Des Moines last week, where she Shulkin, a. former Sioux Cityan, place during t h e business * meet- ing part: Tillie Shindler, Connie attended a medical convention. who. died in St. Louis, were held ing- The annual reports of the va- Saitlin, Mollie Rappaport, Florence Lohrman, Mrs. William at Mount Sinai temple last Sun- rious chairmen will follow. Mrs. M. Greenfield and Miss day afternoon with- Rabbi TheoDr. Delia Galinsky, program Kutcher, Ida Heshelow and Delia Nettie Krueger of Chicago, are dore N. Lewis officiating. Burial chairman, will introduce Profes- Shiloff. The play has been directwas in the Graceland Park ceme- sor James Reistrup, who will ap- ed by Miss. Lillian Romirowsky. guests this week in the home of Refreshments will conclude the thefr mother, Mrs. J. N. Krueger, tery. pear on the program. 3701 Jackson. IJrs. Shulkin is survived by her The honor roll of the Temple program. husband, L . S . Shulkin of St. Religious school;.as announced in The Misses Ruth and Eva OrllMr. and Mrs. Abbott Wolff of Louis: two daughters, Mrs. Philip the- Temple Bulletin, includes the koff will sponsor a movie tea, this Goodwin of Kansas City and Mrs.following children: Harriet Hol- Sunday afternoon, In the Warrior Mason city, left for their home Norton Rosenberg of St. Louis; land, Marilyn Miller, Mark Rob- hotel, as their share In the Give Tuesday after visiting in the home one son, Ernest of St. Louis'; her inson, Fredell Sacks, Joanne Ag- or Get project of Junior Hadas- of Mrs. Wolff's parents, Dr.-and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ros- ranoff, Barbara Robinson, Joy sah. Everyone Is invited to attend Mra. B. Courshon. enthal of Sioux City; five broth- Dean Arkin, Stanton ; Cohen, Bar- the -tea and movie. "' Mrs.' Ben Prusiner of Des ers, Barney, Joe and Morris of bara . Davis, Hubert Friedman, Moinea accompanied Mrs. Sara Sioux City^ Earl of California and Sammy. Heeger, Doris Pill, LeonBaila Cohen to Sioux City last Max of Chicago, and three sisters, ard Stein, Lois Novitsky and SeySunday. Mrs. Cohen appeared beMrs. M. Holland, Mrs. Herman ! mour Robinson. ti Pollack of Sioux City and Mrs. The Hebrew honor roll includes • -The marriage of Miss Sylvia fore the Mount Sinai organiza^T-g»- , « i ire-Tg-sregsra Sam Rachall- of Los Angeles. Joan Agranoff, Billy Heeger, Bar- Holland," daughter of Mr. N. G. tions Monday evening, presenting' Holland of Milwaukee, Wls., to the play "Adam" by Le'wissohn. i bara Robinson, Harold Rosenthal, Stanton Cohen, Doris "Grueskin, Dr. Frank Epstein, son of Mr. and Tuesday, Mrs. Cohen left for I i MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAMS Stantpn Kalin, Fredell Sacks, M(rs. T. Epstein, 3423 Correc'tion- Omaha where she appeared beThe synagogue and Temple con- Mark Robinson, Samuel Heeger, ville Road, Trill take place' Sun- fore the Senior Hadassah Give or gregations paid tribute to the Bernard Welner and Bobby Pill. day noon. May 10, in the social Get luncheon. Accompanying her hall of Shaare Zion synagogue. to Omaha were Mrs. E. E. Baron, mothers of the-city with two loveRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Can-Mrs. Myrtle Davidson and Mrs. ly events during the past week. PARENTS ASSOCIATION tor A. Pliskin will officiate. Din- Prusiner. During her stay in Sioux Sunday afternoon, more than At a meeting last night in the ner for 50 guests will follow. City, Mrs. Cohen was the guest of two hundred mothers and daughters attended a Mother's day teaJewish Community Center, a par- An open house and reception Mrs. E. E. Baron. in the Mount Sinai temple annex. ents' association for ,the Talmud will be held in the Council Oak Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chapman A program by the children of the Torah was'organized. The meet- room of the Hotel Warrior from congregation was presented and ing was called by Mr. E. N. Grue- 3:30 to 6:30 o'clock. All friends of Mason City were guests this skin, president of the Federation are cordially invited to attend. week in the S. A. Rich home. tea was served. Lime Rickey, White Soda Following the reception, Dr. Tuesday, evening, a Mother and of Jewish Social Service. or Gingerale Daughter banquet was held in the Bottle 10c Shaare Zion synagogue, with more than 250 people attending. A proPlus Bottle Deposit gram of skits, musical numbers and talks was presented.

Mount Sinai


f Ji'bk

- ; BOBBE GftA t Piano Frank Du Bord

2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully furnished. Electric gas and phone included. Gas heated. Call We. S527 on Sunday.




Song Delineator From Hollj-wood "OS

Sandra and Wvnfere it. i

The 3 Darlings Three nice furnished will rent single room.

rooms. Or Reasonable.

Ipt mate S n^e nnd Dances Suing Vim c hv

MRS. MAX SHRIER 2811 Hamilton St.


Noreen Amelia Rogers Virginia rt


k Efccssr's

AT. 6S31

Gceeerct Grcvr ET-and





T,wr. :h»t


Eajey DOUBLE-MELLOW Oli Gold Cigarette* with your dinner

t ; ^i;; ;

Society News

P. & G. Beverages

Trntt, tr.\y m

fei'liV ** S J'.ii

si:?.', c-.r v::s" s.

Butternut Jell


4Pkgs. 19c


Assorted Flavors




Lemon sor Vanilla


Yotfll Redly Say . Is Smart! Omaha's . Popular New Rendezvous for Delicious Food and Diversion Our NEW


To Share The Tremendous Savings of Semi-Annual

2 oz. Bottle 19c

y''--cr, >.-.;r ^:

Regular or Drip Grind

Ib. 29c

2 lbs. 56c

0- An old t n o d ' e l washer is hard on your clothes. Get rid o£ it and enjoy the comfort and laborsaving convenience ' of this new Westinghouse. Eliminate b a c k a c h e s , headaches, etc., with this., new 1 9 3 6 m o d e l washer. See them today in our Electric Shop.

Uncle Sam Breakfast Fc ad Package 23c

:.-:• -MOTHER'S BEST FL0UR 5 lbs. 28c

10 lbs. 55c

24 Sbs. 1.05

Bar-Grill and

"..'• Felgers Mmmtam- Crown Coffee;

Coffee Shop Thing* You Llka at Popular Price*

SUNDAY DINNERS from 65o Harry R, Price, Manager

l i b . 30c

Bonded Drivers—Fully Insured Locally Owned—- Locally Operated THOMAS 4. CASEY, President and General Manager


v i; s... >.- .if: i


, Each Additional Mllo Only 10e No Charge toe Extra " Passengers

2.1b$. J59c .

; ^

Regular" or Drip Grind


Enjoy DOUBIiE-MEIiLOW Old Gold Cigarettes with your dinner.



Saturday will mark the close of another great sales event. . . thousands have already henefitted by the extraordinary savings! Saturday brings MORE important of ferings on Summer needs....

Save Saturday - 'hast Day!

LEMONS, dozen . _ -_30c PINEAPPLE, each ...J^c JUICE ORANGES, 5 lbs i 25c FANCY.STEINGLESS BEANS, \h lie PEAS, Fancy Calif., 3 lbs..-..- _ —28c SPINACH, 1b. . : . . _ . •- - , je ALL GREEN ASPARAGUS, 3 bunches 10c CANE SUGAR, 10 lbs L. ~55c MosarcE te«! Pitted Cherries,.No. 2 caiL........nV2C feits-sh Blackberries or BSlc Raspber. No.. l-..20c UPPHfCOTT PEANUT BUTTER, Ib. Jar..... 19c LIBBY'S PURE APPLE' BUTTER, lull q t 19c Brass! Colossal Ripe -Olives,- pint can—.35c

ins >r i :;.;>. v .1

Regular Price $74.50





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