era of Eharesof Pre alled for redemption and after the date redemption of such r exercise any rights stockholders of tno ept the right t htoe rel Corporation t~ of such shares wttnupon the surrender
TMs column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction In -whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright -will be prosecuted.
O DAJRY COMFANT SCXV. Vice-Presiderit. MULLEK. Secretary.
Enterea as Second Class Mall Matter en January 21. ISJ1, Postoffle.
The unanimous endorsement which the Zionists of America have given to the World Jewish Congress is one oi the bright spots upon the otherwise sufficiently depressing Jewish scene. It raises the hope that this stiffnecked people may conceivably come to its senses some day. "Whatever hesitation I once had in endorsing the congress movement did not proceed from any doubt of its usefulness or rather, its necessity, as a matter of principle. Not at all. It sprang from the fear i that it would be merely another ! movement, another organization 'or organism and not, as it should be, as it must be in order-to serve ' its high and tragically indispen- j sable purpose, the voice of Israel itself. N O T this~ unanimous endorsement by the Zionist organ-' ization brings at least one step . nearer the realization of my hope that the -world congress -will be some day the representation of universal, of catholic Israel, and thus sum up in itself and bring into vital and effective play the moral power, expressive of the moral solidarity of an undaunfed people.
and Gravel fcKMS
Active in Campaign Chosen From Board of Governors; Eight More to Be Named
with yonr dinner
aisn Early Bird B
Fifteen names were added to the executive committee of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation this week. They were selected from the board of governors at a meeting of this body. These 15, with the officers and eight members to be The seventh atmnal Jewish info one appointed by the president and Philanthropies campaign of effort." those already on the executive, The penersl Folicitations iii-.-;Omaha will be launched nest will constitute the organization's pion under Jack JIarer will fhijSunday moming, Kay 17, with executive committee for the reyear adopt s. new rule. an early bird breakfast at the mainder of the year. rietlces of Jesp thnn five flo>^ Jewish Community Center at The 15 chosen this week are: j Inrs vri's not be accepted. CP«K 2 a. in. ' Milton Abrahams, Max M. Earoon'rilnitiont in nnr «nioi»>-... Let us discuss once -more this SAM BEBI R ish, David Blacker, Harry B. CoThe drive will continue for recardspss of lusiv PiriaVi, wsi: supremely crucial question of Co-Chairman Initial Gifts, JACK W . MAKER MRS. H.1RRY TRUSTIX hen, David Greenberg. Dr. A. one week, with. thirty-four lo- he taken, hxri if the nrnwnt t.-1 with I. B. Ziniman Jewish solidarity. There are two Chairman, lien. Solicitation Greenberg, David Goldman, MorWomen's Chairman cal, national and international iie (ionnlcd <« less than fir. kinds of solidarity. The first kind W ris Jacobs, Ben Kazlowsky, RobJewish ag-encies the beneficiar- dollars, t h e cnslj t m ; « «cr«m-is the solidarity of savages and ert Kooper, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofpnny t h e contrihution. ies of the funds raised. pagans. It is the kind of solidar- WOMEN'S DIVISION WILL sky, Mrs. R. Knlakofsky, Irvin This rule was decided upon b.~-. ity that the Nazi and Fascist reAn additional $10,000 over cause HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Levin, Harry Malashock, Harry experience has shown ih%l gimes are trying to establish. It last year mustf-be raised this Trustin. lilt cost 01 colleolint; the- pledg"a-. means the reduction of men to•r The women's division of the year, taking- the -place of a sep- under five doliars is move ih^n The formal opening of the The officers o£ the Jewish Comthe status of slaves—slaves in Jewish Community Center will arate campaigns to aid the Ger- the net income from them. raunity Center and "Welfare Fedbody and slaves in mind—stupid- hold its annual spring luncheon ! Yeshiva department of the Talman and Polish Jewries. This CRmpaigrT! Officer* ly or hysterically devoted to so-meeting on Tuesday, May 26, at " mud Torah, -which -was to have eration are: William L. Holzman, means that 543,600 is the bar- Last week, t h e complete list called leaders who use these 12:30 p. m. at the Center. president; Henry Monsky, first taken place Thursday, May lir vice-president; Sara Beber, second ?\ est minimum which must be of youth and initial gifts -divi sKxx masses as generals use troops on At this meeting, the annual Has Been Active in Work of • has been postponed, as a courtesy workprF was printed. In flu'* the field of battle, namely, as election of officers for the womvice-president; Mrs. L. Neveleff, contributed. Community Forum wnr-k'p ipsun prppp.r th.p conip'r'f i to Rabbi Harold A. Bergrer, -who third vice-president; Harry Silverthings, means, instruments, can- en'3 division will take place. Early Bird Breakfast HARRY MAUISHOCK for Years non fodder. Even in our own lib- There will be a resume of the j -was called away to Chicago by the man, secretary; Abe Goldstein, Harry Malashock, general list of the. irrtipra! Folicitntio't* General Gliairman eral and civilized America there year's activities^ and an excellent treasurer; Paul Goldblatt, execuchairman of the campaign, will .and women workers. j death of his mother. The date of The campaign hoadf;: Eugene Blazer, prominent local are faint adumbrations of this program prepared by Mrs. Harry tive director; Dr. Philip Sher, p-eside over the breakfast. The H a r r y Jlalsphnrlc, csmprsfT; attorney, has been chosen chair-j the opening -will be announced in honorary president; Mrs. Morris conception of solidarity in such Rosenfeld. inspirational address will be riechairman; AViilsm 1^. l-lolzmsn, man of the Omaha Community i the near future. notions as "party discipline," "my Levy, honorary vice-president; 'j.vered by Henry Monsky. honorary rhainnan; Sam Bpbfr country, right or wrong" and in a Reservations for the luncheon Forum for the 1936-37 season. Mrs. Harry H. Lapidus, honorar;Last-minute instructions will and I. E. ZimnifJi. initial pif.'s; number of empty "loyalties to may be made by calling the Cen- Mr. Blazer has been a member of vice-president. be delivered to the worker by Jack JTarer, general solicitations; the forum committee for several teams, groups, movements—loyal- ter, Jackson 136G. Paul Goldblatt. The eight members of the exDavid Greenherg, sssociate cbfiir^seasons and one of the most acties, in other words, that are unReport Luncheons ecutive to be appointed will be of general splicitstious; .M'-s. tive members. critical in spirit, uninformed in Report luncheons will be held msB announced at the next meeting. Karry women; IVTilfnTtemper, that seek more or less deIn commenting upon the comc'uring the week at the Commu- Frohm, Trustin, yoiit.h; rhilif. M, Kliirv-. liberately >to sink or merge the ing forum, Mr. Blazer : stated: i ty Center. ' r.ick, orgardiPlioTis ?njl oiif-f'?' individual and his value into some "The forum committee for the The first report lunch pnri will town corporations; Ben Ka-loT-= mass fir4d«by^sbm&-sI6gan. - ; .r* coming yeaf will do i t s iresfraf sll U .Elab.or.ate plans are-beingfjesfae" *! ''-4 ' be Tuesday noon. This will be sky, speakers: Frank Aokennsn. ! for the formal opening of. the times to continue the high stand' Initial Gifts" day. Now Jewish solidarity can nevpublicity: Harry A, Wolf, bnp"TBe women's division of theards already set by previous com- : Highland Country club on SaturThe nest report luncheon willer be that kind of solidarity and j Jewish gpt; Dr. Philip Sher, quofB; Put;;. Community Center will day, May 23, "beginning at " p . m . mittees and will be on the lookbe Wednesday noon, and will be ought not to be that kind. We hold its annual Mother and Goldblntf, executive director. Red Perkins and his nationally observed as "Women's and are an old people and a people of Daughter tea this Sunday after- out for the best material of theij known orchestra have been enManifolrt Eenr-fl< = Youth's" day. individualists. I am sometimes noon at the Center from" 3 to 5 lecture platform. "We have already ; gaged to play for the affair, which i Rabbi and Mrs. David Wice rrintpri on Tbir- pn.n-f r>rP 'hf almost tempted t o say we are a p. m. The Center auditorium -will begun to contact speakers for the The next report luncheon will i will leave Omaha the evening of beneficiaries,, people of eccentrics^—of men and be converted into a lounge for the coming year and from present in- • will be open to members only, i Saturday, May 23, on the first 1 ho Friday noon, when the men's liFt of thirty-four women with an initial prejudice afternoon and will be beautifully dications our program for next i and out-of-town guests. peneral solicitations g:rot;p -will As? an indication of liow mil.".?, season should be exceptionally j Following the dinner, served by I leg of a three-month trip to good is done w k h the comps":'« against any center and in flight deoorated with spring flowers. Lave charge. | Dorsey, club chef, there will be I Near Eastern Asia, with five good." from any center. And so in view Enthusiasm Generated . lively smsll amount raised by :b* The program for the afternoon I outside dancing on the new dance I weeks being spent in Palestine. , of our incomparably menaced sitThe workers in the campaign Philanthropiep. I. GoifiPiein vvrn'pv Those serving with Mr. Blazer uation in the world and of our in-will feature music by the Lyric are William Holzman, Jack Mar- | floor and members of Perkins' I Rabbi "Wice, spiritual leader of a^e optimistic ever this year's in a list of the inFtiHiUons fhsi String Trio. Members of this trio Temple Israel, and his wife, will j troupe will present several acts comparably instant need of solidp-ospects. Starting- Sunday morn- li&ve been P.iclrd hy tlie VBS>Ier, Frank Ackerman, Edward D. embark from Jersey City on May fund, in«;. arity as a matter, truly and liter- are Oscar ^Weinstein, cellist; Brodkey, Arthur Cohn, Harry B. • of entertainment. irg even* Jewish, individual will Ha'Ihr Meshulocbim 1 ally, of life and deaths—in view of James Cohen, violin, and Carol Cohen, Mrs. Richard Einstein, j Members are asked to make .2 6. They will arrive in Palestine be canvassed. Preliminary indi- one of the i.liirt.y-fo\ir f.gpnrif^ . T 1 on June 14. I reservations with Harold Saks, Beth Chimich Yelaclim oi • ' ~ WILLIAM X. HOL2MAX that, it is of the last importance Wirtz, harp. cations point, to a hich percentage Mrs. Al Finkel, Mrs. A. D. Frank, for us to remember, to know, in- Mrs. A. D. Frank will speak for William Grodinsky, Mrs. Irrin Le- I club secretary. Tables will be re- While there, the Rabbi will do of increase in the individual con- ispslem, KsrfiR Torah fund, VfKoporary Chairman hivBth Totr.h . Emefh. Orr^r^; wardly to learn the fact that there the mothers and Joy Gr'eenberg vin, Ephralm Marks, Mrs. George |served in the order that they are some special study in the Ameri-'j tributions. end is another kind of solidarity, a will respond for the daughters. Neuhaus, Harold Saks, Mrs. Ben | received. A new feature this year can School of Oriental Research. I Vuhlis Last year a new record in the ' EmiErrar.t'F Phellfr democratic solidarity, a solidarity Little Corrine and Phyllis Wohl- Shapiro, Mrs. Ben Silver, Miss I is a group table open to all rnem- He has an appointment to be with | I 0 Meet iVlO 10 number of pledges was hung up, | Kitchen. General Misgab which, by what it is, breaks up ner will present a group of read- Helen Sommer, Mrs. Irvin Stal- jbers not making up their own | Will Durant, world famous au- : p i f when S.G43 contributors signed. . Hospital. Grand Yeshivath oi ! party. Hebrew Seminary fUvh. and may • ultimately destroy the ings and Patsy Klein will offer a master and Fred S. White. Maiashock Urges Generosity ] ozin. thor and philosopher, who will j I 1SI1 1 0 1 At the first clnb stag of thelead a gathering through. Damas- j /"> f solidarity of the slaves within the group of acrobatic dances. "The total of S4S.600," rie- j Cha.spam Sofipr, Ivollel of K s n ^ year held at Highland last night, cus, the Grecian isles, Ishtanbul j "UOBU Reservations for the tea may be new slave-states. This solidarity is ference dared Chairman Malasliot-k, ! BE. Knesseih Isvarl of Plabodtfc. J the new taproom and locker-roorn and Athens. While in Ishtanbul ; Con'« the voluntary co-operation of free made by calling the Center, JackPOSTPONE MEETING "is a Trry Rtuall sum tp «sk [ Kornn, Lonua T'pshivptb . : men. It is the critical emphasis son 1366, or Mrs. J. J. Gfeenberg Due to the Philanthropies cam- ! were publicly shown for the and Athens, Rabbi Wice will meet j All Jewish, organizations in the of Omaha .Trvrry in compari- rontpr, l^Iirror YprniVf53'i As:iri,s. Kitchen and BhcUerinf' for specific necessities upon com- fat Atlantic 3766. son -with the extraordinary ' rnblic paign the B'nai B'rith meeting ! first time. The many members and with E'nai BTitb. leaders. i c j t T a T e requested to send two •friends that attended.played golf Pisblic TvDchen | i i f !; mon goals; it is the voluntary ab- The members of the committee scheduled for Monday, May IS, problems which our J*hilnT>» ; Home. This is the first trip of this na- ; delegates to a conference Mondav. thropies help solve. School Mesh Shearim. Public stention from overemphasis on In charge are: Mrs. J. J. Green- has been postponed. The next ; earlier in the day and pronounced ture that the Rabbi and his wife , . (. • , Kitchen Sheltering Horse, Yf.-'h*that which divides and the equal- berg, H. A. Wolf, A. Greenberg, meeting will be in the form of a| the course in excellent shape. "X\e in Omaha must measure have undertaken and naturally C c ln o r d e r t o 3 a n a vab. Grodno. He.bbitiic-nl Coll^i-tly voluntary emphasis on that Dave Greenberg, I. Levine and J. stag Monday, June 1. Election of up to the best traditions of renthey are eagerly looking forward ; " P city-wide of Kleck Poland. Kp.bbinicpi C O N which unites a given group for a Blank. Hostesses for the after- officers will take place at that Investing to the day of sailing. ! convention to elect delegates to ercms {ririnp. for we are facing- s. lege of Slouim. rnivprea.1 Ypr-.!i'common necessary purpose ifa. anoon will be Mesdames A. Green- time The committee in charge is On their return trip, the trav-'the national electoral conference criFis not only in maintsiniriE the vah of Jerusalem., Vnited Tib?"*given hour of history. berg, H. A. Wolf, L. Neveleff, I. planning an elaborate program ! Jerusalem—The Industrial and eling couple will stop in Virginia, ' TyashWon, D. C, spirits and lives of ten of thou- ins Institutions Relief P'o^ip:.'f j Financial Corporation, headed by where they will visit Rabbi Wice'Bijt o b e h e•l a in We are being shown a' great ex- Levine, M. L. Cohen, Harry Trus- for that occasion. » ; A m e r i c a T 1 sands of our suf ferine fellow- United A tree, Home KnfhpV PeV«a n d± 1 Emanuel Neumann, formerly an ample of that high and civilized tin, Ben Silver, William Milder, Jews bnt also in preservirsp our enitB of JeniFslern, ?.*o=hBb Pet--| I American Zionist leader, has an-parents. type of solidarity by the French Irvin stalmaster, Harry Rosenfeld own morale. of Bricni. Faimaiiia. I'nitpQ and Blanche Zimman: Jewish Deputies • ] Jews will choose their representsjnounced that a large industrial people this week and this day. "If each contribntor wotild GalIil. Aid Society, Plobocll-^r t i T e s t o t h e Trorld j€ iFh Con P a r i s . — - T h i r t e e n Jews are j group in Egypt had purchased de- TO SPONSOR CONCERT The Front populaire which may only fipure out how much be i ^ Ypshiva, TeSzer Yeshh-ft, Bucharest. — M. Gabrielescu, among the 61S deputies elected to ; bentures amounting to 50,000 very well In retrospect be seen as should cive to each of i\w vroV' Ijfili of Bislystok. Yesliivch \p>h>, Workmen's Circle. Branch 173, i 6 ™n 8 lsi n G e n e v a ' s ^ e r l a * d Clinf-.the factor -which saved continen- one of the most militant leaders the chamber of deputies in recent 'pounds in the General Mortgage will thy thirty-four beneficiaries !; eth Chaim of B.-nmm, Talpuif, sponsor a concert at the La-i important that all orpan- and • •! Bank of Palestine. tal Europe from hopeless servile of the Rumanian Nazis, has been elections. afldetl the total up us Ills They include Leon Blum, lead- | He also stated that the Egyp- bor Lyceum at "2nd and Clark j izations shall be represented at pirdE^i then we would go over | Torah Sbnar Hnshamsiai, Ye^-'Vbarbarism, this Front populaire exposed as a Jewish convert to came into being by the voluntary Christianity. er of the Socialists; George Man- tians - were showing the keenest streets'Sunday, May 24, at S p.m.! this initial meeting. For further {lie fop Trfth ea<,-e. I^ef. ns re- fnth and rublic KitchPn of Beth. of Warsaw. Federation o. union for a common purpose of His real name is Emanuel Zip- del, minister of communications, interest in other. Palestine securi- Proceeds will be for the benefit! information, call Joe Radinowski, member that this is not one 1 ,Toeeph Charities of Rumania of HLAS. Admission will be 25 j Webster 1642, or I. Morgenstern, ties. all the anti-Fascist parties of kes. and Leon Meyer, mayor of Havre. but thirty-lour camcents per person. ] Jackson 4747. France — from right-wing ( democrats and libertarians through all the shades of the social democracy to and including the powerful communist party. None of these groups have given up their specific ideologies; none have given up their ultimate hopes and aims; all have determined that the first objective is to save France from Fascism. For they know that unless they gain that objective they •will all be destroyed and all their specific hopes and all their ultimate aims will be stamped into an indistinguishable mass of blood and dirt.
spects eem. ongi
of Omaha. Nebraska- under th» Act of ITarcM.
• • * • " ' -
• "
Elaborate Plans Being Made for Highland Opening
Annual Mother, Daughter; Tea
Rabbi and Mrs. . . Wice to Sail for Palestine
, • * • ,
'lotKes if,!
old m o d e l r is hard on jlothes. Get rid and enjoy the and laborconvenience | Is new Westing-' s e. Elimiriate c a c h e s , head, etc., with this 19 3 6 m o d e l er. See them toin our Electric
Divisional Meads in The Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign Which Will Open-On May 17th
The analogy is clear. The lesson should burn Itself Into every Jewish mind as with a flame of fire. Unless we save ourselves as a people, no branch or wing or party of that people will be able to live and function and -work toward the realization of its ideals. For the enslavement and destruction of the people will destroy those very ideals. And so with a solitary voice of no authority -except the authority of its good will, except the authority of its love of (Continued on page 8.)
DR. P H U J P SHER Quota Cfaairman
X FROHM Youth Chairman
.Executive Director
Organizations and Out-of-Town Corporations
HARRY A. Badget
:> Pi
Press advertisers man Smith, Mrs. Max Weisman, night, scene of the second anJ. M. Malashock, sang, and the following took part: Mrs. Philip merit your patronage. nual Temple Israel Gridiron show, Mrs. P. Zollotuchen. Klutznick, A u d r e y Greenberg, Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, captain; sponsored by the Temple BrotherBuddy Barish, Lorraine AbramMrs. Reuben Bordy, Mrs. Ben hood. son, Jimmy Lipsey, Judith Lev- \ Brodkey, Mrs. O. C. Goldner, Mrs. enson and the Mesdames Seymour I Full of clever gags and wiseCohen, Cy Silvers, Isidore Abram- j Leon Graetz, Mrs. S. Pizer. ic r a c k s was the show that centered Mr. Judah Wolfson, president i son and Arthur Theodore. Mrs. Ben Shapiro, captain; ! around Dave Rosenstock's candiThe cards Xbr the women workMrs. Harry Trustln is general Mrs. Lawrence Gross, Mrs. Har- j dacy for president of the United of the Jewish National Fund, an- j Reports were given by the vaers are being distributed at teas chairman, of the women's division ry Rubenstein, Mrs. Morris Ru-1 States. Various members of the nounces the following committee ' rious chairmen, showing that the of the 1936 Philanthropies cam- being given by the six majors. benstein, Mrs.- E. I. Rubin, Mrs.'! Jewish community were imper- heads: Cultural, Dr. I. .Dansky; (auxiliary had a very successful Two were held last Wednesday. Louis Sogolow, Mrs. " Samuel j sonated by the cast and others flower and flag days, Ann Good- year. Rabbi David A. Goldstein paign. Secretary is Miss Bess Mrs. Ben Silver's group meeting , were mentioned in a "kidding" hinder; Child's Golden Book, Mrs. and Mr. Harry Silverman ontSwartz. Blank. . at her home and Mrs. Manuel : 'light; J. Lintzman; gift, Mrs. J . ' Rich-! lined congregation plans for the The executive fcommittee In Grodlnsky's. workers' meeting at The show was well acted by lin; Golden Book, J. /Wolfson; coming year. eludes: Mrs. J. - H. Kulakofsky the home of Mrs. Henry Newman. chairman of the initial gifts o ; Four teas are scheduled for to! each member of the cast. Out- boxes, Mrs. .1. Dansky; land, Mr. The Jewish Press advertisers I. Morgenstern; publicity, Mrs. : the -women's division, Mrs. Davi day:. • standing bits were done by Mar- Frank Ackerman; synagogues, merit your patronage. / • - " - . ' • ; ' . ;; Feder, Mrs. H. A. Wolf and Mis INSURED ;0ABS Mrs. Arthur Cohn's team at 1 ! Tin Treller. Al Lew. went over Mr. George Soiref; stamps, Mr. Blanche Zlmman, all on the wo • "big" as the "standard bearer of ft. Minkin, and organizations, Mr. men's'inltal gifts, and the follow- o'clock' at the home of Mrs. Max 'ttie~party."»~ ~ „. Radinowski. ing: Mesdames J. Blank, Hernia Barish. Mrs. Philip Levey's team at | Other members of the cast Cohen, Ben Danbaum, A, D AH these chairmen are autowere Sol Yeager, Joe Llebman, matically >. Frank, Paul Goldblatt, David A. 1:30 p. m. at her home. member- of the execuSEf^SATSOMAL SALE OF NEW 19M Mrs;'"Julius Newman's team at Herbert Kaplan, Dick Hiller, Mel- f tive g Goldstein/'David Greenberg, J. J committee. Additional mem2 p. m. at her home. BIG FAMILY SIZE vln Berkowitz, James Saltzenf; Greenbergy Morris K a t e l m a n Mrs. Philip Levey, Major • are Rabbis J. Feldman, H. A. Mrs. Irvin Levin's team at 2:30 stein, Buster Slosburg, Edwin bers | Harry Malaahdck, L. Neveleff, Berger, D. H. Wice and D. A. Mrs. Sam Robinson, Co-Major | : Dave Rosenstock, B. A. Simon p. m. at .the home of Mrs. Dave Milder, Dave Kraus, Irvin Reikes, Goldstein.; Mrs. Hyman Ferer, captain; ' -:: •'.*•" '•;• irvin' Stalmaster, David Wice Cohn. Norman Rips, Dick Gordon, Pete Mrs. MOrris Ferer, Mrs. William | Meetings of the Jewish Nation| - Harold Berger, Mrs. William Milder, Edward Rosen, Lazar ! Fritz, Mrs. Abe. A. Greenberp. j al Fund are held the first TuesS" "•MiWer.: ..-.-: .• : " • • . . ' . • Kaplan, Marian Rosenthal, FlorMrs. Sam Greenberg, Mrs. Louis Mrs. Rueben Vann, Mrs/ Morr: = 3 TAYS OKLYf ence Appleman, Dorothy Saltz-jd&y of every month at the Jewi - The majors and co-majors; a Rlklin, Mrs. Art Romn. YOU MUST HURRY! Milder. _ _ _ _ . _' • _ . • ' I 8 •.•.••.' ' ' stein, Rae Brodkey, Rita Mantel, \ ish Community Center at 8 p. m. Mrs.. B. T. Friedman, captain;Mrs. Morris Linsman^ captain; Zerline Somberg, Inez Goldman, Mrs. Sam. Berkowit?, Mrs. Ben Margery Hiller, Chickie Bergman, Marcus, Mrs. J. M. Newman, Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Gross, Mrs. William ' Elberta Cohen, Florence Wolf Harry Shumow, Mrs. -Abe Som- Levey, Mrs. William A. Racusin,, Mrs. Joe M. Rice, Mrs. Morris, and Minda Friedman. berg,- Miss Blanche Zlmman. , • Louise Rothkop and Ann NieMrs. David Goldman, captain; Venger. man did specialty numbers. The Mrs. David "Blacker, Mrs. MJ L. . Mrs. Herbert Neveleff, captain; Mrs. Julius Xcwman, Major Mrs. Joseph Blank, an active College Club orchestra played. Cohn, Mrs. Manning' Handler, Miss Ida Daytch, Mrs. N. H. Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, Mrs. AI Greenberg, Mrs. Ben kazlowsky, Sirs. Julius Abrahamson, co-major The show was directed by Leslie £iworker of the Beth-El auxiliary Burkenroad, president of the j nce its organization six years Mayer, Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld. •- Mrs.- Lester Lapidua, Misa Evelyn CAPTAINS was unanimously elected Mrs." Ben Raritz, captain; Mrsi Levy. . Mrs.'- Clarence Bergman, Mrs. Brotherhood. Robert Rosenthal ago, president at the annual meeting Art- Goldstein, Mrs. I. • F. GoodMrs. Ernest Nogg, captain; J. J. Friedman, Mrs. Peter Green- was in charge of properties. of that organization held Wedman, Mrs.^Louis Lipp, Mrs. Mor- Miss Helen Cherniack, Mrs. Harry berg, Mrs. Cy Silver, Mrs. Sam nesday, May 13, at the J. C. C. ton Richards; "Mrs.""John Rosen- DuBoff, Mrs. Morris Levey, Mrs. S. Steinberg. blatt, Mrs. I. I. Soliman. Maurice D. Micklin, Mrs. Sam Other officers elected are the WORKERS Mrs. Sam Wolf, captain; Mrs. Zacharla. • Mesdames Hurry Trustin, first I ^ Mrs.' Harry Braviroff, Mrs. M. Milton Abrahams, Mrs. Jack Covicerpresident; At Wohlner, treasMrs. Sam L. Robinson, captain; E. Chapman, Mrs. D. R. Cohen, hen, Mrs. Phil Gilinsky. Mrs. Mic- Mrs. H. H. Auerbach, -Mrs. M. I. Mrs. urer; Sam Theodore, recording Ben Danbaum, Mrs. Morton The annual layman's service! secretary, and Moe Linsman, cor- j key Krupinsky, Mrs.-Jack Marer, Gordon, Mrs. Joe Jacobs, Mrs. Hiller, Mrs. Max Kaplan, Mrs. Mrs. Albert Newman. and election of officers and board I Hymie Milder, -Mrs. Leo Weiss. J a c t Luttbeg, Mrs. Ernest A. of directors will be held at Tem- responding secretary. • Chlilin? Tray The six directors are Miss f Meyer, Mrs. Joe Neesman, Mrs. ple Israel tonight. j Blanche Zimman, Mrs..I. Dansky, Simon Neveleff, Mrs. Harry Perfer t'-ey Koteese The layman's service will be lick, Mrs. Carl Leeser, Mrs. Abe read by Gene Blazer, Mar Holz- Mrs. Irvin Levin, Mrs. Jacob Ro- j lnitt«l!efte* sen, Mrs. Arthur Theodore and j Pradell, Mrs. Dave Rosenstock, man and Don Brodkey. TELEPHONE His. Arthur Cohn, Major Mrs. B. A. Simon.. ~ 'j JMrs. A. A. Steinberg, Mrs. Albert Lou Lipp, Milt Abrahams and ' Steinberg, Mrs. E. Meyer, Mrs. AT 44S5 Mr*. 21. M« Barlsh,' Co-Major Mrs. Sam Theodore, program Leo Waxenberg, Mrs. Richard Dick Einstein will each preach a chairman, presented a program ; Mrs. John A. Beber, captain; Wright, Mrs. Sam Zlotky, Mrs. H. sermonette on "Why I Belong to which included a pageant depictMrs. Isadora Abramson, Mrs. Sam EVENING N1. Kulesh, Mrs. M. Levey, Mrs. Temple Israel." Beber, Mrs. Philip M. Klutznick, j ing the seven stages o£ a woman's H. L. Steinzig, Mrs. Harry HerEXCELLENT USED Following this meeting, elec- | i.ire. Mrg _ D a ve Brodkey was readMrs. L, M., Weiner, Mrs. I. B. Ziegand schberg, Mrs. Dick Einstein, Mrs. tion of officers AS LITTLE AS _.. - _ J board . J of - . diJ- .^ j^igg Harriet Bernstein, acjnan, • rectors -will take place. The presMorton Degen, Mrs. Irving RubiM«, Hyman Greenberg, capcompanied at the piano by Mrs. now> Mrs. William Kaiman, Mrs. ent board of directors consists o tain; Mrs. Leon Fellman, Mrs. L, Blotcky, Mrs. Ed Simon, Mrs. Sam Leon, president; Harry Wi Sam Green, Mrs. M. M. Greehberg, insky, vice - president; Minni Ralph Nogg. Mrs. Isador Levinson, Mrs. NaWolf, secretary; Louis Hille than Turner. • treasurer, and Milt Abrahams Guaranteed Fur Storage Mrs. Jay Malashock, captain; Gene Blazer, M. L. Cohn, Sol DeMrs. Allan Kohan, Mrs. Jack Melgen, Dave Goldman, Abe Gold cher, Mrs. Al. Wohlner, Mrs. Jay stein, Morris Jacobs, Alfred MayWright, Mrs. Mose Yousem, Mrs. er, Harry Rosenfeld and Fred Ros Ephraim Yousem, Mrs. Morris Laughter was the predominant enstock. •^ Where Omaha Shops with Confidence . . . Katleman. . sound at the Jewish Community A reception will follow th Mrs. David Sherman, captain; Center auditorium Wednesday meeting. Mrs. Rueben Brown, Mrs. I DanMrs. irvin Xeytaj-Major sky, Mrs. Harry Rachman, Mrs. I. Mrs. Ben Silver, Major •*' -..- *• ' ' . ' • •; * * v i 4 i i " • _.. W. Rosenblatt, Mrs. Philip H. Ro' Mrs. Dave Cohn, Co-Major Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, Co-Major senblatt, Mrs. George R. Sher- Mrs. Louis Wintroub, fjecretary. Mrs. Sam Appleman, captain; man. Mrs. William Alberts, captain; Miss Jane Appleman, Mrs. Harold Mrs. Sam Theodore, captain: Mrs. Dave Bernstein, Mrs. Law- Brodkey, Miss Marjorie Hiller, for Mrs. Max Davis, Mrs. David Ep- ence Finkel, Mrs. Sidney Katie- Mrs. Robert Rosenthal, Mrs. Leo FOR THE stein, Mra. Don Fisher, Mrs. Sam man, Mrs. , William Radu2iner, Unger. Ftohm, Mrs. Harry Silverman, Mrs. Sam Rochman...',. Mrs. Howard Milder, captain; FIRST TIME Mrs. Bon Theodore, Mrs. Robert Reserves: Mrs.y Isadore Ele- Mrs". Fred Brodkey, Mrs. D. H. Kooper. witz, Mrs. M. M,. Franklin, Mrs. Brown, Mrsi David. Greenberg, A SUMMER "sadoreSokolof. ' Mrs. S. H. Green, Mrs. H. P. MilSUIT THAT ^Irs. M. .F. LeVenson, captain; der. ,':•'...•'-. tfrs. I. • N. Cherniss, Mrs. J. JV Mrs. Joe Richlln, captain; Mrs. IS MANreiden, Mrs. David-A. Goldstein, A. B. Alpirn, Mrs. J. Baum, Mrs. Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Mrs. Jules Jacob "A Quality Product for Seasoning" TAILORED Hahn, Mrs. Wflllam Kuk;haplro, Mrs. Morris Shapiro: in, Mrs. H. Moskowitz', Mrs. HerMrs. Aaron Rips, captain; Mrs. AND CAN Henry B . : Belmont, Mrs. Horace BE DEPENDED Rosenblum,. Mrs. David Stein, drs. Meyer Stem, Mrs. Sam H.
Wolf son Names Committee Heads of National Fund
Women's Teams for Philanthropies Drive Mrs. Harry Trusrin, Chairman
Ti jjwiUi i|jSirs| ijWil| jjb'o. |; jjlunf :h 3 feet? •!das|
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Mrs. J. Blank Auxiliary Head
Temple Election Is to Be Held Tonight
Gridiron Show Brings Laughs
1 ' 11
Mrs. Julius Stein, captain; Mrs. Sam Davis, Mrs. Joe Goldware, Mrs. William Pollack, M r s . Charles Ross, Mrs. Harry Reuben, Mrs. PhlneaB Wintroub, capain; Mrs. Louis Albert, Mrs. ack Kaufman, Mrs. Sam Peltz, Mrs. T. A. Tully, Mrs. Ralph oldberg.
'Irs. Manuel Grodinsby, Major Mrs. H. A. Newman, Co-Major Mrs. Sylvan Block, captain; Mrs. Seymour Cohn, Mrs. James Corenman, Mrs. A. A. Fiedler,'
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le Jewish Press advertisers t your patronage.
universities and colleges, A." Z.I Jewish Consumptive Relief Soci- N'ationRl Council of <Tov,is5i A., funds for care of hospitals, ety (Denver)—Gives free relief eraiioiis a«d Welfare Fio»<1»— orphan, homes, etc. to needy tubercular sufferers; Develops siandsrds and oo-or>r-Ex-Patients' T«J>erccjar H o m e rnacj- Omaha patients there. ation l o r Jewish ietiera 1 >OTI<. City Talmud Torah—T-A thoroagli, (I>eirrer)—Cares for those dis- 'Jewish Orphan Home (Clevoiancf) National Desertion Brar «•• r v — modern • Jewish education for charged", from tubercular hpspi—Has taken care of 18 Omaha World-wide network -to •-«.>* all Omaha children. tals who are not yet ready for Jewish children in the past deserters, re-establish !>i <>'• si Jewish Community Center Morteight rears. active life. gage Redaction Fund—Amort- GrnchiRte-'Scliool for'Jewish Social, Jewish Telegraphic A g e n c y—• homes, etc. ..Wort:—Trams , acd- equips fu- j Gathers Jewish news through- National Farm School izing mortgage on Center buildout the vrorld and properly dis.tore- Jewish, social workers. Jewish youth fov agriculii ing. tributes it, National Homo for Jewish Jewish Old People's Home—Coin- j Hebrew Theological College (Oil drcn (Denver)—Saves cl^ •cago)—Trains young men fdrUTewish Tlieoiogicnl Seminnryforts and maintains aged peofrom horrible •snfferitipf o f the. Orthodox Rabbinate and; T r a i n s Conservative Rabbis ple of Omaha . . .-'• \ berriilnsiB. Medical and Dental Advisory Com- -for. teaching- .positions. . and teachers. mittee—Acts^in advisory, c a p a c - i a e w i s h con Snm ptive awl Ex-Pa- I^eo X. I/evi Bfcniorial Hospital' Xatlonnl .Towi^i Hosp«Al '.-".•.Dne. t o ' a n engraver's^'error, ifir trv .Trio Tfitnsh rAnrniimin' ._ . . , . _ . . ity to the Jewish. Community i. tients' the,picture of J . .J. Friedman (Hot Springs)—Accords needy ver)—Offers free sld ar>' Relief Association Center and Welfare Federation! •;Ange3es)— Cares for tubercular; people benefits cf Hot Springs bad to be omitted from this list ice to all ttihercular ped'i in medical -problems of the-! of; photographs of Philanthro'/patients,' provides trainiEg and freatn. ent for arthritis, rheu- Rabin i-saac Eirhannn Federation! . ' " "' -.. j 'after-care. • • - . • - . pies majors. Air. Friedman has - I matic disorders, etc. Social Service Committee—Grants | always. been an active. Philanloans and offers assistance and j thropies w o r k e r and • has general, counsel to students, I o strong team in the field this does juvenile court work, etc. ! Ixrais Somberg, Jiajor year.; His team:' ; : IXTERXATIONAL '. •| •" J . J . Friedman, Major Louis Somber^,- Major; Mjlton j American Friends of Hebrew Cni- ! Abrahams, • Leslie -Burkenroa,d, Is- versity — Supports educational j " J . J . Friedman, Major; Hyman adore Chapman, Harold Farter', program and maintains Hebrew Shrier, Co-Major; Jack Alberts, Malbourne Felton, Dr. • B. T. University in" Palestine. t —' " . Albert Finkel, ; Abner Kaiman, Friedman, • Harry Greene, Morton I Hebrew Immigrant' Aid Society v * — ' Allan Kohan, Dr. Sam Morgan, < 1 (HIAS)— Directs Jewish immiHiller, Max HolzmaiC Alfred May> Jacob J.' Slosburg, Dr. Ben Slutzgration into . proper channels, er, Edward-Sbaf ton. ky. Dr.'A. A. Steinberg^ . . assists and'aids'refugees. Bobert H. Kooper, ^Major Dr. Meyer Beber, Major * . Hikem—-Relief and service*, organs j • / • - ' Robert H. Ko'oper, Major; Davfr Dr. Meyer Beber, Major; Jacob ization for refugees. .. .-. ; • .x j id Blacker, Reuben H. Brown, Bercovici,' Julius Blsno, Harry oirit "Distribatioh Committee— j Harry B. Cohen, "Edward Gilbert, Provides relief for oppressed j Crounse, Joseph. '-Lintzman! .AbraBoris Korney, Dr.: Nathan Muskin, Jews in Poland, Germany, Ru- j ham J. ; Solomon, Sol Yaflee, .'Jack David Sherman, Harry Silvennan. mania and elsewhere, • and in- j Alberts. eludes: -....-. • People's ORT Federation—Conj :?<^ -S^.c , « l ducts trade schools in Russia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania; pro:vides tools, equipment, etc. . Jnited. • \PaJesi±ne Appeal — Erovides for the rebuilding and development of Palestine, and includes: Jewish National Fond—Land purchases' in" Palestine, reclaiming and preparing it for nation:ssal'in the FEESKKESS cf al use. /> re Crep Tclsssss is League for Labor Palestine—Sup""ports work of the Histadrnth (general Federation of Jewish •*••-*•-. \ Labor in Palestine), helps build co-operative colonies. VERY cigarette merchant in America Harry Sommer, Major Mizrachi Palestine Fund —»ProfDr. leon Fellman, Major offers you. true cigarette freshness : \ motes religious thought and Harry. Sommer, Major; Robert inDoubh-Melh& Old Golds,' It is sealed >Dr. Leon Fellman, Major; Wiltradition m Palestine. . Noddle, Co-Major; Joseph Bloch, •in. every-package by 2 jackeis of Celloliams-Wolf, Co-Major; Dr. A. C. Hyman • Finkelstein, Oscar Fox, Vaad Ha'Dir — Distributes local phane;-not. one.but TWO! Moisture-pToof Fellman, Arthur Goldstein, • Dr.; ' < Myer Freeman, Dr. Ben Goldware, funds to smaller European and Arthur Greene, Edwin Kaplan, Sal 'Cellophane, its finest quality obtainable. Saul Graetz, Sam Handler, RichPalestinian institutions of learnMlchnick, Aaron Perlis, Morton Reuben LaciOTr, Major ard Hiller,; Carl LagmaB, Leo ing', child care, orphan homes, Tias. double Cellophane protection keeps Donald: Brodkey," Major' Richards, Sanders Steinbach. Marks, Jack Newman, Morris Potetc. out dryaess, dampness, dust. End every Reuben Lackow, Major; Isaac ash, . Jacob Rosen, Robert Singer, NATIONAL : Donald .Brodkey. Major;';: Edodier ioe of cigareiie goodasss. Qves you Morgenstern, ' Co-Major; Elihu Edwin; Sommer, Morris Stabnas- American Jewish Committee—Orward D. Brodkey, Co-Major;'HarBlocn, Hasten Cohn, Sidney Ep- ter, Ervin Wezelman,;Gerald Weias&org-fresh cigarettes. ganization interested in Jewish old Abrahams, Russell •" Blumenstein, Aaron ;Katz, Harry Marcus, zelman. . ; -. • . • civil . rights, responsibilities, ; thal, Edwin Brodkey, Harold Abraham Schwaczcin, • George SoiP . S . Yes, indeed! Thai «:DaabU.Money. etc. . . Brodfcey, Dr. Morris Brodkey,' Alref, Harry Krantz. oSer is still open. Good for 30 day* from thin «Ul*, American Jewish Congress—For fred Fiedler, Herbert Kaplan,, La.^ ^ ' . 1 Sigma Delta Tsu democratic defense of. Jewish zar Kaplan, Louis Lipp, Harold rights. Saks, Perry Silverman, Sam' ZaTheta chapter of Sigma Delta B'nai B'rith, Anti - Defamation charia. Tau announces the initiation of Committee—Combats and counRose Albert- and Myna Slotsky of teracts anti-Semitic propaganda. Sioux City and Beatrice Sommer B'nai B'rith, Wider Scope Comand Josephine Rubnitz of Omaha. mittee—H i 11 e1 Foundations An initiation and Founders 'work with Jewish, students 'in^ day banquet was held at the Lincoln-hotel Saturday evening. May 9. Grace Dansky, Omaha alumna, presided.. Alumnae from Omaha and Lincoln-were present at this affair. " , . . " . . ' • ' ".'•-' Officers .for the coming year are Frances Kalin of Sioux City president; Esther Stein, Omaha, vice-president; Muriel Krasne Fremont,, treasurer; Josephine Rubnitz, Omaha, secretary; Beat rice Sommer, Omaha, historian; Hermlne Kleeman, Austin, Tex. David Greenberg, Major j social chairman; Harriet Byron, David Greenberg, Major; Dave Lincoln, and "Rose Albert, Sioux Cohn, Co-Major; Isadore AbrainCity, .Pan - Hellenic representaDr. Morris Blargolin, Major son, Reuben Bordy, J . J . Greentives. ', .. Dr. Morris Margolin, Major; berg, •'Irvin Levin, Simon Pizer, Mother's . day was celebrated Earl Ross, Albert Wohlner, Na- Mathias F. Levenson, Co-Major; Dr. I.Danskyi.Dr. Max Fleishman with a tea for 60 parents and t h a n Yaffee. Dave Robinson,. Phillip Schwartz friends a.t thechapter house. Rab Morris Bnrstein,- Major; bi J: J. Ogle of Lincoln was guesE. I. Widman; Nathan -Fine. speaker. Morris Burstein, Major; ^ Dare Crounse, Isadore Goldstein,"-SidA dinner-dance to honor the ney Katleman, Ephraim" Marks, two graduating seniors, GwendoHarry Mendelson, Hymle T.'Mildlyn Meyerson and Florence Smeeer, Judah Wolfeon.'i.John-'F.eldrin, will he'given Saturday, May man. 116, at the.chapter house. S4 GAMPAIGXS IJ»" CKSTS Here is a * List of the Agencies Included in Our Philanthropies:
Teams inGeneral Solicitations Jack-W. MarerjXhainnan^Friedman • Is Team Major
YEAR Per i -»-«iI Protection %.i
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I Paris — Anti-Schechita Irgisla |tion enacted by the city council of Valehco, a city in southern France,- is - tmconstitntional,- the 'highest court of the land has rul-
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Irving Greene, Major
Irving Greene, Major; Herman "William A.^Racnsinrf Major Corenman, Nathan E. Green, Max 1 William A." Racusin, Major;* Kaplan, Hyman Levin, Gail MarBenjamin A. ; Simon, Co - Major; golin, Ben Ravitz, Arthur B. RobJohn Beber, Dr. J. M. Erman, inson, J o h n Rosenblatt, Sam Philip Feldman,"A: ^"Frank, Dr. Swartz, Phineas Wintroub. Maynard M. -Greenberg, Dr. Herffln Cohn, Mnjor man Hirscnmann, Ernest Nogg, Nathan Nogg, Israel Schlaifer. Arthur', Cohn,- Major; Morris rkin, Co-Major; Sam Ban, Har•ld Brandt, -David R. Cohen, larry ;>DuBoff, Bfany Frankel, \Iark "Leon, ^Ben Stiener," Mose ' Geneva (WN3). — The world <Tousem,) Simon Bordy,''.Samuel Jewish congress will be convened "heodore. •• ' during the first half of August at Geneva, it was announced herelby the executive of the world Jewish "brst Hebrew University > Cincinnati, Ohio (JTA).—A nacongress committee. tionwide movement for establishDr. Nahum Goldmann, chair- ment of institutes for adult JewJeruBalejn (WN5J Palcor. Agen- man of the executive, is now vis-ish study has been launched by ) - - The Hebrew University of iting various European countries B'nai B'rith under auspices of the j jrusalem passed another* mlle- to organize the election of dele- fraternal order's bureau of memqne in its career when -it^ aydrd- gates. bership and cultural activities, i t ! i its first degree of' Doctor' of Bucharest (WNS).—Participa- was - announced by Rabbi Paul j hiloBophy'to "Raphael Patai, son tion in the world Jewish congress Richman, head of the bureau. 1 r Josef Patai, HuhBarr/s-'cele- next August was voted by a con- This project is intended to comrated, Jewish author and com- ference of representatives of allplete B'nai B'rith's" cultural pro-' unal leader. - "• ' gram which thus far has been Jewish parties in Rumania. Because of unsettled political concentrated on its three wider j The thesis which , obtained the jveted aVhrd was entKled'"Wat- conditions here, delegates will not scope activities — Hillel founda-1 r In Custom^nd tLegend 4of An- be «hosen at elections but through tions, Aleph Zadik Aleph and the' Anti-Defamation • league. -•ient Paestlne." ' ",* " a caucus.
WBm1 •• i M 1 WHm
Jewsh Congress To Meet August B'nai B'rith to Spur Adult Jewish Study
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d€fu€tHy crcicklo milk or cream
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday a t Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year — - • - - - $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.
Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office-—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - "- - - •- - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN FILL • ••• - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: .4604 So. 24th Street,
The Challenge of the Philanthropies The Omaha Jewish Community, which can take justifiable pride in its past record of generous, giving, faces a crisis next week. The annual Jewish Philanthropies campaign will start Monday, and the rank and file in our community will be the ones who will be called upon to give our answer to the challenge of the hour - -whether we will keep faith with our historic tradition or whether we will forsake our fellow-Jews who look to us for succor. Thirty-four local, national and international Jewish agenjcies anxiously await ouf reply. In this number are represented Jthe sick, the aged, the hungry, the crippled, the persecuted, lithe orphaned; Jewish education; character-building institu| tions; organizations protecting Jewish rights, alleviating the I misery of the suffering European Jews, and rebuilding broken Jlives. !| The goal for this seventh annual drive has been set at | $43,600. This is the barest minimum necessary . . . and be| comes small when we consider that we.have welded into one •li-unified campaign' the needs of thirty-four beneficiaries. When | w e give, we must remember that we are giving not once, but pi thirty-four times. And we must also remember that ten thou||sand dollars of this goal has been added to save Omaha from 6 conducting a special drive for the German and Polish Jewries. gThat ten thousand dollars is vital as our contribution toward S softening the ruinous catastrophe visited upon those innocent | | Jewish populations, despairing and helpless, with our aid the tf only ray to pierce the black clouds of hopelessness. Palestine li offers a refuge to thousands of our persecuted brethren, but ji | funds are needed to transplant the unfortunate victims to a jj' |j land where their lives can be rehabilitated. Your contributions i;. 1| is a dike against a flood-tide of Jewish anguish such as the ijfmodern world has not known. ;!: | Nor, in the face of our traditional past, can we forsake u I the local and national agencies which have looked to us as a ' f strong arm upon which they might lean. Local or national, If. I they have-been tested in the crucible of time and we would H,| desert our heritage if we deserted them in their present need. ?p Jewish life must be Baved and Jewish institutions must be ; | | maintained . . any other course is a betrayal of our Jewishness. Our hearts have been warmed by centuries of deep understanding and generous giving. The outstretched hands of our brethren in need are appealing to Jewish hearts, and we must answer their plea as we would have wanted them to answer our cry . . . by giving our share, and more, to the 1936 Philanthropies campaign. "We must remember that our answer to their appeal is not to be measured by whether we give . . . but by how much we give. As we sow, so shall we reap. And Jewish vision looks to the fruits of tomorrow, planting the seeds with the generosity of today.
Anti-Fascist Victory i
M h
Nazi fascism received a setback in the French elections, which resulted in a victory for the popular ^ront. French fascists and German fascists have been winking at each other for some time, and more and more Hitlerite propaganda was seeping into France. Now, the whip man of the victorious socialists is Leon Blum, Jewish firebrand, who is forming the new government. Under his leadership, the Nazis can look for a stiffer opposition in France and the fascists hate-mongers in the country can seek a hiding place. Even French participation in the Berlin Olympics is endangered by the victory of the new government. "We can also look to a humanizing of the governmental restrictions placed upon Jewish refugees. And from the world viewpoint, the new French government will in all likelihood strengthen the forces of peace, since the anti-fascist triumph will show its effect in international councils.
The Humiliation of England B y Eabbi Frederick (John
The one outstanding thing in the present European situation is the humiliation of England. In a sense it was not the League of Nations or Ethiopia which was defeated as it was England which championed the League and which stood up, almost single-handed, against Mussolini, so much so that it looked at times that England would be at war with Italy. The failure to stop the war against Ethiopia and to thwart Mussolini in his unrighteous ambition and wicked actions, which descended even to the use of forbidden poison ga"s, seems England's failure. No wonder Englishmen feel terribly humiliated and ashamed. It may result even in the over-throw-of Stanley Baldwin's government. The forces that rallied in support of the League of Nations' policy of England under the referendum engineered by Lord Cecil, which placed the Conservatives in power and "which caused the overwhelming-repudiation of the Hoare-Lavar proposal, are gathering again and will no doubt Be distinctly heard from. England will yet redeem herself. The proud British Empire will not suffer itself to be thus treated by any other power or combination of powers. England is brave as well as chivalrous and altogether noble. She stands for the highest political, civil and human ideals. America learned freedom and parliamentary government from the Mother Country. American democracy is JBritish. by birth. England (and her daughter democracy, the United States of America) is the foremost exponent of civilization and true progress in the world. Think of the history of England with her Shakespeare, Bacon, Newton, Darwin, Spencer, Disraeli and Glad-
and voting, a resolution af tries and to the members of her ; present stone! "Why, even Voltaire and Rousseau learned liberalism i Welner of Villisca; Mr. and Mrs. unanimously adopted that the said committee for their co-operation. 1• corporation cea^e to do business a* from England. i Julius Barron and son, of Snen-; such and that the same lie dissolved; andoah; Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Raritz ; accordinply, notice of such action and And think of England^ treatment of the Jews. England and daughter of Chicago, Mrs. A. the dissolution of the said Ideal The Firms which advertise in : of BottlingCo. is hereby i has been most friendly to the Jew. In no country in the world, Hertzman of St. Louis, and Abe the Jewish prens deserve and I D E A I J BOTTLING CO. Markovits of Hamburg. By Sam Platt, not even in America, is the position of the Jew better than in merit your patronage. i President. Temple England or is the Jew accorded fairer treatment, not only Plans have been completed for j - Attest: Sam Platt. politically, but.socially. "We have but to recall Lord Beacons-*] the annual Mother and Daughter There will be a laymen's serv- FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER Secretary. KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. : In the Presence of: to be given by the Council ice at Temple Israel tonight. Affield,,Sir George Jessel, Viscount Reading, Sir Herbert Samuel tea 200 Union State Bank Bldg. Sam Beber. Bluffs Senior Hadassah and the and. hosts of other Jews beginning with Sir Moses Montefiore Sisterhood of the Talmud Torah ter the service the annual meet- NOTICE OF SALE OF PLEDGED 'i 4-24-4t. and election of officers of the COLLATERAL i and Lord Rothschild. Compare the treatment of the Jew in on Sunday afternoon, May 24, at ing notice is hereby given, that I congregation will take place. The I onPublic 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai the l&th day of May. 1U3U, at 10 England with that, for instance, in Germany. "Whereas in this .Yisroel synagogue. A very enter- Sisterhood will hold a reception o'clock A. M.. in the offices of Frad- :[• Paxtem Mitchell Co. enburg, Webb, Beber. Klutzniek & matter, as in others, England has advanced from medievalism taining program Is being arranged after the meeting. Foundries Kelley, 200 Union State Bank BuildSaturday morning services will ing-, 19th and Farnam .Streets, in the ; to modern enlightenment, Germany has plunged back into by the committee in charge of begin S7th end Martha HA. 5523 City of Omaha. .Douglas County, Nc- j at 11 o'clock. hraska, the undersigned will offer for darkest medielvalism and brutal night. , this affair. Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft sale and sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder, the follow- Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast. Every Jew should sympathize with England and render Miss Irene Cohen of Chicago, ing collateral: Beth-El ings. Wood and Metal Pattern* Two (2) $1,000.00 £?tnte of Neher' in every way at least his moral support. Have faith in 111., arrived here Monday for a The annual religious school braska "Western Limestone Prodstandard sizes Bronje a n d iron Company, Inc.. First Mortgage England and take the side of England in all ensuing political visit at the home of her uncle and services will take place tonight. ucts Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudel- Children from the five upper Bonds, Numbers i-'O6 and ~t;~. Rings gnd Covers, Cleanout Doorg controversy and national and international diplomacy and in son. Said sale is mfule pursuant to an i Sash Weights a n d Yellow Bra«« grades will present short talks on oral pledge agreement to satisfy and Plumbers' Ferrules, carried In whatever events may break forth in this fast moving and drathe note of Fuchs Kquipment Co. stock. Bronze the work they have accomplished. pay Tablets, Bronte and to the Centaur Tractor Corporation Mrs. Morris Nogg entertained Cast Iron Grilles a Specialty. Richard Zlotky, who becomes Bar matic world. True civilization is linked with England, and for the sum of Seven Hundred Tv.pnthe members of her luncheon club Mltzvah tomorrow morning, will j ty-seven and 5U/100 Dollars ($?J!7.5U), •' with her freedom, democracy and humanity. ' dated August 23. If"", due April 1. at a luncheon last Wednesday afthe service In place of the ; 1S3K. and bearing interest ar the rate : The American Jew.can not do better than to attempt to ternoon at her home. Mrs. S. M. I chant of six per centum (6 percent) per ancantor. from date until maturity. throw the power and influence of his country on the side of Cherniss of Los Angeles, Cal., her j Mr, and Mrs. A. Zlotky Invite numCentaur Tractor Corporation. house guest for the past month, i the congregation to be present at A Corporation. England. The two are akin in origin, in character, in ideals was the guest of honor. Numer-vTebb. Beber. Klutzservices Sabbath morning for the ;I Ey Fraclenburp, nick and Kelley, and in destiny. In the fateful hours opening for the world ous other affairs are being given Bar Mitzvah of their son, Richard. 4-24-St Its Attorneys. 224 Insurance Bidg. may the two, Mother and Daughter, long ago reconciled, be in honor of Mrs. Cherniss. found side by side. That would be a true "Mother and Daugh• Wiring of all kinds. Vaad FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER,: RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ter celebration!" Due to the absence of Rabbi • Motor Installations. KLUTZNICK & KELLEY. Attys. !| 200 Union State Bank Bldg. Harold Berger, there Trill be no May England, in her present hour of mortification and • Lighting Fixtures. SERVICE TONIGHT Friday evening services tonight, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF temporary discouragement, find comfort in the words of the Sunday morning regular father Estimates Gladly Furnished Friday evening the BethIDEAL BOTTLING CO American Bret Harte (of Jewish origin) written at the time El This synagogue will conduct the and son services will be held at Know All Men By These PreFents: Call Th-t at the meeting- of the stockof the death of Queen Victoria: annual religious school service. the B'nai Israel synagogue at 9 holders of the Ideal Bnttling Co. duly AT. 6479 a. m. held at the office of the corporation Children from the fifth through "Yet the earth awoke to gladness as of old Next Friday evening, May 22, on the Pth day of January. 19J!(>. at the ninth grades will present origwhich all of the stockholciers were And the stars their midnight beauty still unrolled. inal addresses based on the work is the closing evening service of the season. Graduation exercises For the glory born of goodness never dies, of the year. The following will participate: for the Vaad religious school will And its flag is not half-masted in the skies!" • S Beverly Zlotky and Mildred Sing- be held at this time. Education - - Frederick Cohn. L er, sixth grade; Roselle Osoff and certificates will be distributed.
| Religious Serfices
Mr. '*.*>£ XTT Bel *>£ .N'fhr&jJ cants iJr.* I v r i J
prett}' Jiiwi? of tlic •Jcu-if's
ka Srp
OnmWi t w i w In 4**! >«>sji the *W> Jtsni
Annette Forbes, fifth grade; Jerome Grossman and Reva Bordy, Pioneer Women seventh grade; Esther Fox, Belle Sommer, Lee Jane Greenberg and The Pioneer Women are now , Baula Belmont, eighth grade; holding their annual rummage j Ann Arbltman and Roselyn RosBy O. O. DASHEB sale at 935 North Twenty-fourth en, ninth grade. street. Mrs. H. Pdchlin, Webster 1562, chairman of the affair, asks Happy is he that considereth that anyone having bundles to the poor. The Lord will deliver Beth-EI Confirmation him in the day of evil and will contribute shall call her. Service Being Planned Mrs. J. Raznick, program, chairpreserve him and keep him happy all his life. , The Beth-El synagogue •will man, announces that the Oneg conduct this year's confirmation Shabbos will be held Friday eveHe who will have pity on the poor and will save not only their services Wednesday evening. May ning instead of Saturday. It will bodies but also their souls, his 27, when a class of 19 children be held at the home of Mrs. Sam name will endure forever. will be confirmed. Thfs will be Nitz, 1648 "Victor avenue. An inthe first evening of Shabuoth. He who Is gracious unto the teresting program has been arpoor lendeth unto the Lord and Confirmants are Ann Arbitman, ranged. his good deed will He repay unto Ida Batt, Frances Blacker, Helen Mrs. I. Morgenstern, chairman him. , Fingeret, Elaine Frank, Betty of the bake sale held at the BranJane Gelfman, Rose Goldstein, deis store "Wednesday, May 13, Learn to do well, seek justice, Ruth Linda, Esther Osheroff, Ann announces that the sale was very relieve the oppressed, judge the Rosen, Rosalyn Rosen, Jean Ra- successful and extends the thanks | orphan rightfully and plead for mona Ross, Shirley Simon, Shir- of the Pioneer "Women to all those j the widow. < ley Jane Spar, Joseph Belmont, who contributed cakes and pasProsperity retards and weakens religion, while depression proThe Talmud Torah Sunday Robert Bramson, Walter Greenmotes and strengthens religion. school will hold its regular classes berg, Sheldon Kaufman and IrvTALMUD next Sunday morning, May 17, ing Wohlner. Stetson Hats Our Rabbis were taught: It promptly at 10 o'clock at the Arrow Shirts happened with the King Monbas, Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue A» Llm Am I I McGregor Sportswear who had distributed his treasure at 618 Mynster street. Rabbi. JaA. Z. A. No. 1 "Barnyard FrolInterwoven Socks and that of his parents in the cob Cohn will be in charge. All years of depression, that his children are urged to attend their ic" will be given Sunday, June 7, Vassar Underwear at the Millrose ballroom at Milbrothers murmured against him, classes as usual. Cheney Cravats lard, , Neb. The chapter has saying, "Your ancestors saved thought up a novel price chart money and increased the savings Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhlll These items are featured at of their ancestors and you dis- are expected home today from for admission to this affair. The tribute thine and that of your an- Kansas City, Mo., where they at- first 50 pounds of a girl's weight cestors." And he rejoined, "My tended the American Medical as- will be charged at 25 cents if the ticket Is purchased in advance. At ./feed* ancestors stored away treasures sociation convention this week. the dance an additional penny per here below, where human hands 311 Sonth 16th St. can reach and values can he de-f Mrs. Irving Rosenberg and chil- pound over the 50 pounds will defiated, but I stored up treasures dren, Alice and Mark, of Chicago, termine the price of admission for n heaven where human hands arrived here Tuesday for a visit a fellow and his date. All gueEts will dress to fit Into can not reach and values have at the home of Mrs. Rosenberg's an eternal stability. My ances- parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. the picture of a barnyard frolic. Frank Vincent's "orchestra has tors have stored away money in Marks. They expect to remain Eeal Estate and Property their treasury but I have stored here for several weeks. Mr. Ros- been secured for the occasion. Management away the saving of human bod- enberg will join his family here Novel stunts and acts will be presented at the affair. ies and souls- in my treasury. My for the week-end? You can't stop a windancestors had to leave their treastorm, but you can buy sures for their descendants as Mrs. Ike Krasne entertained windstorm insurance they could not take them along from Frankel with them but my treasury will the members of her Afternoon accompany me to the future club at a luncheon at her home 2, S or 4 rooms beautifully 35 Douglas Block world. In fact this is the only Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Joe furnished- Electric, gas and JACKSON 2525 friend which will not desert me. Lewis of Los Angeles, a sister of Mrs. Krasne, was honored guest phone included. Gas heated. As our prophet Isaiah says, "And "For Insurance See Frankel First' Call We. 3527 on Sunday. thy righteousness shall go before at this affair. thee." Among the out-of-town guests who attended the wedding of Miss Dora Markovitz of Council Bluffs and Harry Ravitz of Omaha, which took place on Sunday afnice furnished rooms. Or ternoon, May 10, at the Chevra Three will rent single room. Reasonable. B'nai Yisroel synagogue in Counlor every psirpose MBS. MAX SHRIER cil Bluffs, were Mr. and Mrs. BIF.B.E. Morris Gendler and son, Allan, of 2811 Hamilton St. AT. 6931 Distributed by Ottumwa; "Mr. and Mrs. Edward
western regional convention to be held next Sunday and Monday In Wichita include the Mesdames Saul Suvalsky, Richard Gordon, Herman Marowitz, Morris Grossman and Harry Cherniss. They expect to leave Saturday night for Wichita. Following the business meeting, a Mother's day program was presented by members of the Emesel club. A playlet, entitled "Mother's Day," was presented under the direction of Miss June Meyerson. The girls participating in the play were the Misses Rhoda Krasne, Thelma Passer, Miriam Saka, Ida Lerner, Ruth Seldin, Pearl Meyerson, Libby Grossman, and Sylvia Endelman. Miss Dorothy Saltzman sang a group of songs. Installation of the new officers Will take place June 17.
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Miss Leona Katelman and MisB Miriam Saks, both seniors at the Abraham Lincoln High school in Council Bluffs, spent last week* end in Des Molnes, la., where they represented this district In the Iowa state commercial contest held at the Fort Des Moines hotel, and they were awarded a silver trophy for their school. Miss Katelman was a member of the amateur typing team and Miss Saks was a member of the novce shorthand team. Miss Katelman won first place n the state for individual honors for accuracy in the amateur typing division, She was awarded a gold medal with a picture of a miniature typewriter engraved on, the medal for being judged the best amateur typist in the state of Iowa. The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah held its annual election of officers Tuesday afternoon, May 12, at the Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. Richard Gordon was elected as the new president to succeed Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. Other officers chosen were Mrs. Herman Krause, first vice-president; Mrs. Nathan. Gillnsky, second vice-president; Mrs. Nathan Adler, financial secretary; Mrs. Nathan Nogg, recording secretary, and Mrs. Morris Gr'ossman, treasurer. Delegates chosen for the south-
THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, 3IAT 15, 1D35 T"OEBES-KOITSTEIN I FOX-FEnLOWl'l'Z I COHEX-BOBIXSKT Mt Sina ENGAGEMENT IEKGAGE3IENT ! EXGAGEMEXT i Metier, Dssfliter Mr..and. 31rs. Harry Hoitstein i .Mr. and Mrs. Dare Teblowitz ; .Mr. and Mrs. E. Kodinsky an-Social IS HeM The Mount '-Sinai cerru-.terr announce the engagement of their j announce the engagement of their'' rtonnce the engagement of their lacies' acxiliary will hole E spedaughter, Sonia, to Irving Forbes, |daughter, Miss Alma JRuth Feblo- , daugnter, Jeannette, to Louis Co-' One hundred and fift cial meeting "Wednesday. Mny 2 0. mothers son of Sir. and Mrs, Slendel I witz, to Bernard ;N\ POX, sonof; hen, son af Mr. and Mrs. M. Coand daughters attended the mo- at the Adass Teshnrin synagogue. Forbes. ''TUT. and.Mrs. Morris Fox. hen of Siors City, la. The wedther and Daughter social gives by Every member is urged to ettend.
•r.d -votins. a resolution was
UEly adopted that the said mi cease to do business as that the name bu dissolved: riy, -notice of such action and issolutian o* the said ideal Co. is hereby Riven. IDEAL BOTTLING CD. J3y Sam Platt. • I*resident. Attest: Sam PJatt. Secretary. r«senco of: er.
The announcement was made j The wedding will take place in ; dins take place Sunday, June Sunday, May 10, at a dinner at [ the fall. i?. • the Roitstein home for 40 mem- j ! bers of the immediate families. I SETS MARRIAGE DATE iBAR 5HTZVAH Miss Eoitstein trore an aqua -cbif- j Miss Rose Xerin has set Sun- \ Mr. and Mrs. Sain Zlotfcy union formal With matching acces- j day, June 21, as the date of her: nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their sories. Her-corsage was of roses ; marriage to Mas Sherman. isDB, Hichard, Saturday, May 16, Airs. Irvin LeTin and 3Irs. I. jat the Beth-EI synagogueand sweet peas. The decorations were carried Sokolof •vrill entertain at a tea for' Xiin-
the Ladies auxiliary of Congregation of Israel Monday evening, May 11, in the assembly room of the Bynajrojrue at Dntn and J street. Mrs. Joe Goldware, president of the auxiliary, spolce for the mothers and Mollie Xiipsman answered for the daughters. <!HKRN~TACK-"WESSEL Pupils of Miss Eritton's school .out in a color scheme of rose and Miss Letrin Sunday, May £4, atj JIOTHEK-DAXJGHTKB TEA of dancing presented several dance I white. The centerpiece was of the home of Mrs. Sokolof, irom The Omaha chapter of the JunThe couple left, immediately on Hiss Belen "Wessel, daughter of ior Eadassah entertained at a routines; Dorothy T&telman gave ] S to 5 o'clock. 3Ir. and "Mrs. "Walter Arthur "Wes- a wedding trip to Los Angeles, j roses. lovely Mother and Daughter tea a reading; Revs Goreliefc gave £ Hiss Roitstein and "Mr. i of Kebrasfea City, Neb., be-where they will embark for New j F oBoth rbes a T e i at the Jewish Community Center ; playlet accompanied by Bernice Tork taiTelmg bv way of t h e ! graduates of TechniTO RECEIVE SUXDAT came t h e bride ol Mr, Jay Cher;
ston M&diell Co.; .Foundries : no* Martha MA. 332B
Woiser/s RfencM Th-e next meeting of t h e TVoroer>"s Kizrachi Trill be helc TVecinesdey afternoon. r.Iey i f , r.i ift<? J. C. C. An interesting: prop-ran: is b e i n r arranged by Sirs. Ben Handler, rvograEi chairman. J.Iiss
FOLK AJJT FESTIVAL ;i!t. Theatre v-ill be Tbf fuli o color tunighi when t h e curtail srocs ut' o r UIP Folk Arrs Festival. Socier ? Anniversary cn=n"nip= OP ih.p FIR ETC. in Fi-rnr-j- *rnrr Fnfbia. CroaoSniKi. G:jt"f'ho-S!ovakiu, Ger-
and mr.ry, I>onnicv]-.. f-veueu ?.In:cico, will 1»F rr-p<?TvTpf! in the nuiuence v-nt ur-herf also in mi; turn?? iron; n v m r n i a . Lih'iK tur Jta of tiifi'f «'.re- hnnri-wpvep of -jr;:!v enibrniflp r - o d - bronchi iron: t h e ''old
Shirley Selz, daughter or Camor E. Selz. will sine a group of Yiddish Eonrrs. i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Batt wm; Thursday evening, May 7." A large'SOverman and Irene Mirowits.. Mrs. Tuiliam Kuklin. _ ba; cal JHigb school. niacfe, son of Mrs. liouis Cixer- Panama canal. < Community singing was acccm- chairman,as^s a.i memner..No definite date has been set receive at their home, 3166 Lin-!gathering attended this affair. Council fluffs, la., at a coin boulevard, Sunday, May 17, j Miss Libby Lorraine Goldman panied at the pisno by Mrs. Joe nelp her in ^.e clearer v- OT K for the wedding. •pretty iiome wedding Sunday -ai- {3SATITZ-5L4KKOTITZ the bazaar, so that it ma:jfrom 3 until 5 and from 7 until! of St. Joseph. Mo., was the prin- \'Epstein. Befreshments were : ternoim a t 4 o'clock at the .home j JTDPTI'AtiS ; success. B33TS TTEDD1XG BATE i 9 p. m. in honor of "Mr. and Mrs. \ cipal speaker and honored guest, i ved. of the Tbride's parents in -Nebras-j iliss Dora Markovitz. daughter Hiss Esther 31umenthal, daugh-JD. s. Einkenstein of Los Angeles, - Miss Goldman is president of the: Mrs. Pear! Perelman was ?en- ! Mrs. K. TVine t as hostes ka City. -Rabbi David "Wice of of Barney Markovitz of Council ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave .Blu-jvrho arrived last week for a visit : southwestern region of the Jun-: eral chairman and Mrs. Nathan,.1 her borne to a iar e jrroup Omaha performed the ceremony Bluffs, became the bride of Harry She Wat has chosen Sunday, May!-prith relatives and friends. No' ior Hadassah and also a member I Perelman p o g r a m chairman.' benefit card party Brodkcy In "the presence of members of Itavitz -~son~or Samuel Ravitz"of |menthal, sl a s the dat sisted by Mrs. X. i Omaha on Sunday afternoon, May i e of her marriage! cards have been issued. of the Missouri state bar. BerllDvery mother was presented with the two iamilies. Mrs. Jake "VTine. topic was, ""What Junior Hadss-'; a rose. att '.4 o'clock nt at fb the Chevraj to Smil Block Zeiner. Mrs/Honald Gladstone of Oma- 10, » * «Tin«ir R Chevra! sah Means to Me." B"nai Tisroel synagogue in Coun-' ... — i S. A. 3 1 . MOTHERS ha, sister of tfte bride, was maMrs. Max Fronikin, former i The Firms "which advertise • T h e nest regular meeting of r. •, • +• tron ol honor, ana Miss Helen cil Bluffs. B a b W H . - G r o d i n a t y or! AXKOrNCE BUSTH o f ; the Jewish press deserve i.i KE&USI Funs! Omaha a i d B s r . A. Diamond ol! Mr., and Mrs. Louis Fellman Mothers club will • *?°™°T the local organization t h e s< A M Cherniack of Council jBluffB, BisI merit your patronage. Council Bluff5 performed the cer- I announce the birth of a son, A | be held Tuesday, May 19, at the for the ter -of -the gToom, was maid of emony in the presence of mem- j vin Manuel, Tuesday, April 21. the mothers and Hiss Dora Freshhome of MrB. Julius Chait, 2107 honor. They were gowned alike The following- have been an• No. IS St., Apartment No. 2. The man spoke for the daughters. Bliss in blue lace and carried bouquets bers of the two immediate Jam-; Freshman is local president of the nounced as contributors to the iUes. " | EJTTERTAIXS meeting will be preceded by a of pink -roses. Harold Cherniack Junior Hadassah and "was chair- Jevrisi National Fund: Mrs. J. The bride was lovely in a trail-! Mrs. Morris Stern entertained luncheon at 1:30 p. m. of Council Bluffs served, .his man of the evening's program. Hahn, in laeraory of Mrs. Elke ing gown of white Alencon lace; the members of . her Afternoon brother as best man. JMrs. Joe Goldware, president—of Hahn; Mr. i l . Mayper. in memand a long veil of tulle.- She car-1 club at a luncheon at her home at SOBOKITT • the Senior Hadassah, spoke brief- ; ory of Krs. Bertha Mayper, GoldThe bride wore a gown of ivory riea calla lilies. Attending her' 145 North 34th St. Mrs. S. M. Gamma Chi sororT h e en Bock inscription; Chevra B'nai "Venetian laee fashioned en prin- was her twin sister, Mrs. Edward ; Cherniss of Los Angeles, Cal., was i ly also. ity of Municipal university Mr Harry DuBoff entertained: Jacob Anshe Sholom; Mrs. M. cess lines with a short train and Weiner of Tillisca, la., who Traslthe guest of honor. sored "Betty as their can- with a group of vocal selections,' G»r°t; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lintzman, girdled by a braided ivory satin. gowned in. pink lace and carried j didate for title of Indian Princess . . . .. . . , , „ in honor 0* Leonard MorgenHer veil was of ivory-tinted tulle pink roses and orchid sweet peas. JKETURXS AFTER LONG at the second annual ila-ie Day: accompanied at theentitled piano by Mrs. stem's Bar Mitzvah; Mr. and Mrs. and was worked from a ialo of Ben Havitz, brother of the groom. ! ABSENCE •.Leadership ir. any field it not the result of luck DuBoff. A playlet "Poets festival held at Peony Park on and Plasters" waE presented by I. Worgenstem. in honor of the matching braided satin. She car-x^is best man. • or .chance. Nor is YELLOW CAB'S leadership in j Mr9- S. M. Cherniss of'Los Anried an arm bouquet of bride's ilias Esther Steinberg played I geles has returned to Omaha afBeraice Silverman. Frances Bordy. I Ear Mitzvah of their son, LeonThe sorority also entered in the • Omaha. 11 Rosalie Alberts and Lillian "Wern- ard: Mr. and airs. 311. Bnrstein, in the wedding march on the violin,! ter a twenty-three year absence ^ ^ show, a burlesque honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their } er, under the direction of Ibliss , Following the ceremony, an in- accompanied at the piano by her | to visit with old firends and r e l - l B l u n r Dansky, "Ber- E.eva Gorelick. son. Harvey; Mr. and Sire. Max j • YELLOW CAB leads the fielc. because Omaha t,Jormal reception -vrzs held honor- sister, Miss Florence Steinberg. [Btives. She was the guest of Mr. i Goldstein in honor of the BaT | i, ing the couple. Among the out-ofA feature of the program was Mitzvac of their son, Harry: Mr. ' After the ceremony, a. wedding ;: and ^ ^ mIMrs. . ^ ^ „. ^ ^ j i^ ^ ^ Nogg of ^Council :knows wrier, it calls P TT.LI.DW it i? riding- in i D . i uM. £ m d F i o r e n C E s t e t n b town guests at the wedding were supper was served at the syna-j Bluffs foT four-weeks and is no-R \taM the opening of a sealed eight-day ana airs. J. ICarsrulip in honor of j t the safest. clE&nest. r.nrert. most corctcouB anfl Jilrs. Louis Cherniack, mother of gogue. The young couple left on i visiting -with Sir. and Mrs. S. clock as the climax of the "Jun- the Bar llitrvaii of their son, ' eoonomiosl tasicab i t the city. ae groom: "Miss Helen Cherniack a honeymoon trip to Kansas City, iNogg at 1050 So. 33 St. • ! ior Hadassah Silver Kine" con- Wolf: B'nai Jacob Anshe Sholom ' i& Harold Cherniack of Council and upon their return "they -will HOXOKED AT "nvrTERSTTT i test, and Arthur Lustgarten. .2551 ;7.*Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore make their home in Omaha. ! AT JOSLXX MEMOIilAIi Miss Bernice Perimeter, Munici- ; Dodge street, was awarded ?25 as • Eternal vigilance pror the smallest, detail? adding honor of their chilFA* SDhapman and sons, Harold and A free concert by the Omaha j pal university, member of the var- jE cast prize for guessing the cor- dren, Florence. Arthur and Donto your comfort ana convenience ha? built, YEL[ lobert, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald I Civic Orchestra will be presented | sity debate team, is listed in t h e r e c t time that the clock stopped, ald. The above lurc-e planted trees Jladstons and son, Tictor, and siorx crxr VISITOR o f Siour'at the Joslyn TJemorial at S: 15 [ Collegian's "Who's "Who. LOW CAE service to its present fcigii standard. | "which was 56 minutes and 25
Bronze Aluminum, Soft •on and Semi-Steel Cast* rood and Metal Patteiins A sizes Breme a n jj iltion
s. Sewsr Manholes, Cistern
ra! Covers, Cteanout DOCTS, • eights a n d Yellow Br.iat *' Ferrules, carried In t Ironze Tablets, Brotas xini) n Griifes a Specialty. ;
Insurance Blflg.
Piring of all kinSs. Into- Installations. Jghtmg Fixtures. nates Gladly burnished
AT. 6479
X The Nebraska t the Combined Tig of Gand Shirts
Leo Sehlaifer rs. David "VTice, all of Omaha; | C j t yMrs. .seconds after 9 o'clock. > I a _ ; s p e n t Monday, May 1 1 , |P- m. this Friday as the special; ; falter Arthur ^Vessel, jr., of ptogram of the open evening at j EECTTAL TUESDAY Following the program, tea in Omaha. ilklahoma City, Okla.; Mr. and the Memorial. This program is! Miss Esther Steinberg, violin- and refreshments were served by Irs. Jay Levitt, Mrs. L. D. Ginssponsored, by the "Works Progress j ist, student ol Emily Cleve Greg-|.Jirs. Joe Goldware and the Misses Sigma Alpha Mu jsurg, A. "W. Levitt, and Miss BevAdministration Federal M u s i c ; erson, and Florence Steinberg.' Irene Fishberg, B,ose Abramson rly Ginsburg, all of Des Moines; Project. j pianist, student of Albert F . : and Una Gross, who were hostArnold Levin, Rosalie, was sig- ! Ir. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt and j Beck, will present a joint recital, esses for this affair. The Junior liss Helen Levitt of Sioux City; jrally honored during the tradi- j^ISIT KELATTTES „ the Hospe .„_ .auditorium . . „ _ _ ^^~~. !, at Tuesday \— Eadassah colors o* blue and "white
in the Eersi forest. j Mr. Heuben Brown has contrib- ! uted in memory of. his father. Max j Brown; Mrs. TTilliam Hahn, in | memory of Mrs. Elke "Hahn. | The total EEOiint collected j
This is the reason YELLOW CAB today holds its of isiqnssticnecl leadership. present pos
since February is E212.ES. j The Jewish National Fund bos ! . . Irs. Samuel ^Vessel, Miss panline | tional . Ivy day -ceremonies last j Mr. and Mre. Harry Sniff man j evening, May 19. at S p. m. Ev-iwere beautifully carried out ' in collections, under the charrmanof Mrs. I. DEHSIIT, and the j'riend, .Miss Marian Gugenheim, j Thursday by being "tapped" intoJand son, Jack, of Stanton Island, j eryone is cordially invited to at-; the table decorations. land donations sre not included i the Innocents society, senior men's jsevr Txrrk, visited ±h.eir^ uncle and jtend. " j
IRTS :s, Euros and row Shirts ka's shop takes on oportions ola y sfairt esponever in irt l i s t o x y h remarlEably sHirtings .. , striking colors from light to rt .Sark.
NEW VAULTS Pay cleaning charge only when clothes are needed •for next season.
Peerless Cleaners KE. 1200 OFFICE AND PLANT
in the Ebove Finn. These reports honorary society. S e was the jaunt, Hr. and Mrs. Meyer Lipp. f . They will play: « «• will be gives in a later issue of : third man to be "tapped" and lie iThey are enroute to California. {prelude and Fugue in D JB'-h GoiCie BljerSQH the Press. will serve as secretary of Inno-l . ; 'capriccio „ Brahm^ cents during the next school year, j versity of Nebraska campus can !B a r c a r o l l e __ j^adow 1 The nest meeting of the Golaie The "tapping" of Levin marks attain. Levin held the highest j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Vta'ih,.^ i Meyerson chapter of the Pioneer the occasion of the second Jewish scholastic average of the .13. men ) . B a l l a i j e r A '^t * ' _ Chopin vrill be iseld at the home '• 1 student of the University of Jfe- who "tapped. *rho were "taDued" i ~~, . . Florence Steinberg braska to be taken into this sen-1 David -Bernstein, Omaha, -was 'Spencer St., and will be in t h e ' Concerto, op. 64, Andante
ior men's organization. Irving j elected business administration ...____ Hill, Lincoln, -was the lirst Jew- j college representative to the stuPolonaise _ isb student in the history of the]dent council in the annual spring Dnivexsity of Nebraska ever to be election held Tuesday, May 12. "tapped."' Bernstein, is a member of Corn To be "tapped" into the Inno- Cobs, assistant business manager
cents society is the highest honor j of the Cornhusker, and varsity ' that an activities man on the "Dni- cheer leader.
Better to $5
> -8 0^8o ^S)£N"/,.
Concerto C m i n o r . ^ e n d ^ s o h n | * ™
it^ Steinberg Adagio Pathetique Godard Perpetuum Mobile '. :.-FJes Nocturne, op. 9, No. 2 Chopin-Sarasate i Hejre Kati Hubay t Esther Steinberg j Accompanist, Florence Steinberg j
Daughters of Israel
Section of th© Rfidienf CoIlacfJon Here''s a Cross C Symmerl of Dresses that Herzberc
Patronize Otrr .Advertisers s£tig
"™ g f if (Mi""
The iota* Permanent Wave with tio machinery ansl no electricity used at 55*53 and up. 71S Brandel* Theatre Bids.
. are the Modes with Enduring Smartness!
Spring Ecstasy
(port Shirts 75c to § 3
.. . S3! S3!
to $3.50
S. A. BPTT5I5S1, Pres,
Tiu2teps Esther SteSbW " i hostess. An interesting program Accompanist, Florence Steinberg |hasA b e e n £ r r a n g e a :
The regular meeting of the j Daughters of Israel ladies aid BO- I ciety of the Jewish Old People's j Home will be held Tuesday, Mayj 19, at 2 v. m. a t the home, 2504 j Chartes St. All -members and' friends are requested to attend.
braska inter
Phone Us ior-Freezing Fur Sxsrcrcrs -AT 3B45
one Eingls, perfect dress fiwpraa to COptUIB 1fa© VBTJ
spinl of HID sneson. So "WE regnxd this vision of floating nhiffan. c Buiatle pink/ trailing a cape of sunset orchid.
fort Sweaters 32.95 to S5
wim JS.95 to S5 "Wool Shirts 53.95 to So
Club lashions with a flair .for hthxg "different!" All with sush definitely •superior distinction . . you 'KNOW that admiring eyes will follow -jron isiierever you WEST tilers this summer. Sssss 12 to .20—38 to 50 •
$39.95 , -
Sport Belts 1 ana S1.50 port Hosiery 35c to SI
Club Openings
fRoLes you can of prices.
May 23d
May 3Bih
HapssyHoDowMay !Bih HigHand
May 23d
Here's jast t h e bread l o r active people "Who like hearty whole-
ing wraps . . of quilted ss.6. plain taffetas - ,. slipper snd .plain sstins . . in the shadowy pastels . . .. sad black.
i some i o o d . j Cossack i y e is dark bread at Its .finest — rich, thin sliced with that rare European dark loaf Havor. A perfect loaf far meals or tasty sandwiches.
Freack Reo&z „.. 'Sixth Tloar
Bo Xard Used Made Trith Crisco
. - '
• '
• !
« -A
WOUNDED-^Ben Ames, United Press correspondent, one of two newspapermen in Addis Ababa, who was wounded by a sword * thrust, in the noting that occurred before the Italians occupied the city. Despite his wound he left by plane to ask Italian commanders to rush their forces to the capital to protect foreigners.
KMiMsW J-» ' If
ONE! WAS KHXED^—This ama2dng picture shows what happened to the locomotive of a freight train when it failed to negotiate a curve a t Northfleld, Vt. The huge piece of machinery leaped the rails, turned turtle and dived into the Dog River, with its -wheels In the air. Unable to extricate himself in time, the engineer was killed and his body was submerged.
Ht 15.
BEADY—A view of the Hindenburg, German giant of the air, ready to turn its nose westward for its initial flight from Priedrichshafen to the United States. This picture shows the ship as it was about to take off on its maiden flight a few weeks ago. Twice the size of any other ship of its kind, the Hindenburg was reported an air palace, luxurious in every detail.
ATLANTA EELLE—Spectators Et the Piedmont Driving d u b pool in Atlanta, Gs., found the charming Southern scenery doubly enhanced as the lovely and smiling Miss Julia Chapman suddenly graced the diving board, as above. Miss Chapman is the socialite daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Chapman. Here she displays her new and exceedingly chic two-colored bathing suit.
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KARPIS OFFICIAL PICT DEES—Here are the official pictures taken by G-men of Alvin Karpis, form°r Public Enemy No. 1, after his arrival in St. Paul,-Minn., where he is held in connection with the Hamm and Bremer kidnapings. I t was said he had submitted to face-lifting operations to hide his identity.
AIR PADRE — The Reverend Father Paul Schulte, known in Germany as the "Flying Padre," one of the 50 passengers aboaro the Hindenburg on its ocean flight from Friedrichshafen.
"VS. .
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BY WAY OF RELAXATION—President Roosevelt finds a moment of relaxation from his official duties at the White House in Washington, to go over his stamp collection, in which he is deeply interested. The President is a n ardent stamp collector and a member of the American Philatelic Society. He is shown in the PRINCESS—With school books carried in a case strapped to her back, here Is Princess Taka, second daughter of the Emperor and Empress of Japan, starting her daily trip to school in Tokyo. The little girl is enrolled a t t h e Peeress's School there.
G.OJ.'s ARENA—Two shifts of workmen employed by the. Democratic WPA are preparing the Republican national convention's meeting place in the Cleveland Auditorium, as shown above. The convention opens June 9. Apparently, lest there be toe-stubbing during the meeting, the men arc ripping up the wooden floor in the big arena. And that should help the meeting to run smoothly J
OLD-AGE EEAKIKG POSTPONED—Much- Congressional comment ensued when it was announced .by. Representative. C. Jasper Bell, chairman of the House committee -in 'Washington investigating the Townsend Old-Age Plan activities,-" that the hearing v&s postponed until May 19. Above,-&t left, is Chairman Bell as he conferred with Dr. Frances E. Townsend, founder o£ the plan.
.jtf-.-.. .r J
LIGHTWEIGHT KNUCKIiEB — Tony Canzoneri. lightweight boxing champion, a s he.prepared in New York for his bout with Jimmy McLarnin, former .welterweight champion, at Madison Square Garden. Canzoneri patrons were betting on his hot blood and magnificent courage to carry him to a win over the Gaelic lad.
HEAVYWEIGHT TROUBADOR—Yessir, It's Maxie Baer,"former heavyweight boxing champion! He has organized a jazz orchestra, which he is to take on personal tour throughout the United States soon. Here he rehearses the band in Hollywood and strums on the bull fiddle to their accom• paniment. So how would you like to-have him .serenading you under your window?
7 \ i . w «•*»»—<
PBEMIEB? — Mustafa Nahaj Pasha, president of the Wafd, the Egyptian nationalist party, who sesraed certain to be chosen as Egypt's nest Premier, following the death of Kong Fuad. and the resignation of the present Premier, Ali Maher Pasha, on May 2. .
eon NEW MAT CHAKFrON-This picture shorn Dick Sh"fciTt
fiture. But-Ali got w a n " ; ^ S t a l S , Knr York, Bnd gained the S t
tion, with two wins and no losses, i Sample Far vs. Psi Mu at Thir- • t eAll persons interested Jn said mat-! Tou are hereby notified that on the j 1st day of June. 193S. at P o'clock *. The Sample Furs' heavy-hitting ! ty-second and Dewer. •• r a r e hereby notified that on the |4th day of May, 1936, a petition wag: M. Rt the County Court, Rixm ifiled in this Court by Merle Cram- , Douglas County. Nebraska, »m" >n. offense started in the first inning j A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Omaha Po- j Cohen tueda " S u m 1 " «Jd cTunty i let, ft resident of Douglas County, i less you api>ear at *aid *im*> ^ ' ' praying for the adoption I place and contest sslrt petition. •'• Jwhen they pushed across-a lone:tato Market at "Thirty-third and • court, praying that his final admin-;! Nebraska, of the above named minor, and the . Court may rvnnt the prnver t.h-'~"-'>'
Jscore, which was enough to keepjCass.
j [«™«°» - ™ £ ? £ ? £ £ S £ consent thereto of Joy Crsmlet* \ whereby wald minor FIIRI! be »-dor>fA* i them in the lead until the third I Omaha Jobbing as adminis-. mother of said minor » a s filed the ' by the said Werle Oramle*. g Co. vs. Towers a t ; charged from his s trust a same day; that E hearing- wil! be h a d ' BKYCE CRAUTOKr,. trator with will annexed end that inning, "when the league-leading \ Thirtieth, and Yfirt. Ociinty .1ml," bearing Trill be had on paid petitior on ir>iC petition ?">• pfiorfion on the S-S-IJf-*; market boys bunched their hits to | before said Court on the 6th day of score four runs. Helped by the j The annual mid-western A. A. June. 1936, and that if you fail to bf 0 th i >e l> l id C U
V sasBinations, his'address Is in the phone book.
I wild pitching of Paul Steinberg,!iU. swimming meet is to be held ; SS lav rf ^n'e! iPM? al " O - C V ^ A and coupled with an error by the in .the Creighton university pool:- M., end contest saia petition, the short center fielder, the losers this evening and tomorrow. Five IC o u r t m a j " s™11* t h e pniyer of said ! were able to knot the count by;J. C. C. swimmers are entered in j »£,'take'such 0 ^ " " ^ °/urthe? o^ scoring three runs. Both teams; this gala swim meet and all five ders, allowances and decrees, a* to jwere unable to score again until: are to be entered in the n o v i c e ! ^ S ^ T ^ t " ™ P ^ V n ° s *t'
Frances Kort is back from Florspending there and missing' the "cool, brae- j the ing- weather" ,-we had i e r e . The Congratulations are in order to return of Frances will complete a j the first half of the eighth inning, j class. The purpose of this classi- ; said estate may be finally fettled are foursome of very close chums. Harry Trustin, who wns re-elect.when a hit by George Wachtler j fication is to encourage beginners ! determined. ^ ^ ^ BRTCE CRAWFORD. Welcome back! led to a three-yenr term as a city] 'pushed across what was a half-; to enter competition and become County Judge. Did anyone happen to notice ' commissioner. Harry conducted a ' i ! inning later their winning run. j better, more experienced swimEndleman at Peony last Sun- clean campaign, and reflected, as B E N E. KAZLOWEKY. Atty. The Sample Furs, at their turn mers. This class is only open to Insurance Eldsday night? He was really having he has and no doubt will conat bat, had two men on bases "with all who have never placed first, Pearl Bernstein tlnue to do . . . much credit upon PROBATE NOTICE one out when a hard-hit ball by i second or third in an A. A. U. ; is' back, after an extended vaca- himseltand Omaha Jews . . . T h e 1 , „ ,, , „, ., __ . " : _ _ . . . : In the Matter of the Estate of Tac.tion to California . . . this ought Gridiron show, presented last jol Yaffe glanced off the heel of Junior or Senior swimming cham- iav Novak, Deceased. to be good news to at least three j Wednesday night, vras good for 'Paul Steinberg and bounced into! pionship. AH high school swimNotice is Hereby Given: That the •well known young men. imany laughs. All those ribbed ,the hands of Rudy Vollmer, who: mers who have won one or more SfexecutricS'of ^ a ^ t e ^ f b S o - e . took it very good naturedly ^ I threw Yaffe out at first. Phil ' points in any state or intersec- me. County Judg-e of Doug-las COUP-jKatzman, then encamped on third Uional meet will be barred. P r e - : ^ ^ l a s t o ^ . t ^ t h ^ C b n n t ^ c ^ Mrs. Tobye feilverman A WFIfHTV AFFAW **'" Schuchart, Highland's up and I base, tried to score, but was i liminaries will be run off this eve- day of June, 1936. and on the 29th H YfClunt I AFFAIR coming golf professional,, qualiMrs. Tobye Silverman of Holly- < thrown out, Paul Steinberg to : ning, semifinals tomorrow morn- | ^ J £cf%g%]:S™e ™4o£C£f V £ fied along with Johnny Goodman ed this effect columnthat carried Giventer. Steinberg, winning | ing and finals tomorrow evening, j senting- their claims for examination an;LiiB't itemweek to the the as one of this district's two rep-wood, Cal., formerly of Omaha, is \* here for a short stay with her '' Pitcher, is now leadingthe league; The five J. C. C. entrants have 1 adjustment and allowance. - Three "— girls expecting to 'be asked to the j resentatives in the national open i n f T t h EC games won with a percentage \ been working hard the past month j Z°l^L^\hel?Ze6 ° forthcoming A. Z. A. dance had tourney . . . Friends of Bill's are sister. Mrs. S. Ravitz. Mrs. Silver- j 1°' 1-000. He also connected for ; getting into condition for this j day of Mar, isss. better start reducing-. . .now, to speaking of incorporating him and man is en route to New York. BRTCE CRATTFORD. Mrs. Silverman will be well r e - l t w o hits in four trips to the plate, j meet. All five should go places if ""*"• explain this, we must let you in selling shares, which won't be 5-S-S6-St County Judge. four assists and only allow- | hard work and intensive training on a deep, dark secret . . . the ' b a r d t o d o > a n d ^ 1 ^ probably membered in Omaha as an active i made ed el ht SAMUEl- 2ACHARIA, Atty, member of the community, hav-1 £ scattered hits. Herb • count for very much, if they don't girls are to be weighed . . . sh-h-h -won't be necessary . . . Ditty Ros768 Enndels Theatre ElS losing pitcher, allowed the!place, it will be because,there are •weighed and the fel- enfeld will be a June bride.Vln- ing held office in many and vari- i Marks, same ous organizations here prior to '• number of hits, but faulty; other novices who are riiore espe; NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF lows are going to be charged a formation has -it that she will playing of the infield provided! rienced and faster swimmers and ^ t i c * te He«b5 Giv« t h a t i t a cent per pound on the weight of middle aisle it with Julie Goldner her departure for California. the difference* in runs scored. I not because of the lack of inten- , duly constituted meeting- of the stoci.•yessir, weighed like on June 9 „ _ speaking of And _. ' . _ «<*-«» t r a i n i n r Thnto entorert a r c 'holders of Allen Filter Service- Co., cattle or sompin' (the word "cat- j brides, they say that Helen Wes- arrangements of that club) has 50-yard of e o f Psi t h e Mu won their f i r s t ; s ^ e training. Tiiose eatereacrawl; are. .h e M o n t h e l f . t h dtwo-thirds y o f Decemb<,r> tie" is not an insinuation, merely s e l f n o w M r S - J a y cherniak, made played only one or two rounds of i £waemrThe season when they stockholders were apresent and vote a le t 0 Feltraan, 50-yard crawl; ing, an analogy). This, of course. Is a a beautiful bride, when she was golf in his life, and actually thinks ° withstand the fiery, it was unanimously resolved that 'spfret. J _ . .at _*Nebraska x-_v._.-,._ City, ,-,:._ that -- n i . v i n . °i " ' *v,= ~«,,T,,* -r^KKir,*-! t secret, hut but "Klpnder "slender Sadies" Sadies" are are |w e dJ ]I_-» a spoon is a kitchen utensil. .|iPaying a 8 t Sunday breast stroke; Bernard to win, 8 to 6. Faulty basi I Louis Jitarg-olin. President. going to be popular girls at the T h e bridal couple couldn't escape And a this the remainder of the party ' Nathan S. Talfe, Secretary. A. Z.'A.- novelty dance -•idea of weighing originated with though, as there happens -to be round of golf more than Abe Pep- j 25 ard b a c k £ t r o k e a n d t h e 2 5 Mu boys enabled the fraternity t o i - > ' "I Ernie Nogg; in case of any as- only one train out of Nebraska per, let us hear who it is? LOUIS E. LIPP, Atty. d per, let us n e a r wnu i i i s ; • • . , • • ; a /.T-O-H-1 City N»f! Bk. Bldg, j City and the whole group had Some of. the very popular Bingle I emerge victorious. Iz Tretiak, P i !! J a r d c r a v ll9 | gathered at the station-before the girls in their late'teens and early i M u catcher, played ball for the; In the County Court of Douglsr . newlyweds could make their get- twenties have organized a cook- j f l r s t t i m e i n iive years, gave a j The Junior boys' handball tour- ! County. Nebraska. fi GIVE J A C O B GORDIN'S I away . . . Jane Appleman is get-ling school, with their mothers asi ne exhibition himself as a balljnament has progressed r a p i d l y , ^ ^ ^ t t e ^ r t h e A a °P t l o n ° r fir " r H A Q F T U P ftRPH A W " ' t i n g t o b e q u i t e a traveler.- She ; teachers, and they meet regularly j PElal>" ' P i l i n g errorless J>a.n,J)e-;-witb. only four entrants still in; T o BU persons interested in the It's confusing enough that! d e s throwing out four men who j the tourney. The semifinalists are above entitled matter . l l l A d d I HEi UlvrilftlN | h a d j u s t re turned from an extenoff his'Ea Bordy, Irvin t i d to t take t k advantage d t h i ! d Milder, Norman N Bd Ii g : ! sive stay in Kansas City, when there are so many Cohens in |' ltried on The. Progressive Club, local I s n e v\Cked. up and left for Chi- Omaha, but when that group is! S absence from the game. The Yaffe and Joe Kirshenbaum. Ed Ask Fccr team outhit the winners, •B-ill play Norman and Irvin will amateur Yiddish dramatic group, c a g 0 > t w o d a y s l a t e r > _ _J o e Lieh- reduced to the Harry Cohens Cand i Jobbing 12 headed by Mr. S. Kenyon, pre- m a n n e of the cherubic counte- there are four or five) why, then! , hits to 11, but as the score meet Joe in the semifinals, with Grocer fcr tells, they were unable to take i Bordy and Yaffe favorites to consented last Sunday night Jacob Jn a n c e a n i m a n y names, has ac- it's a pretty grand mixup. advantage of their hits. Gordin's classic "Chase the O r - | Q U i r e d a n o ther one. It is "detectinue to the finals. POSSES TEMIEE CEUST phan" to a full house at the Con-|uvef.> a n a r a e that was wished on The Towers broke, into the win The Firms which advertise in gfegation-of Israel, 25th and J. n i i n ^hen he trailed a youngster column- by stopping the spirited GRODINSKY, MAREft &• the Jewish press deserve and last-inning rally of the A. Z. A. MONSKY, COHEN, Atty*. The proceeds goes to the HiaB. with taking ways all..over the merit your patronage. Lock for the Orauge 7S7 Omah» Nat'l Bk. BidsThe' club was originally found- store, before finding he had erred team. Faulty playing by the los& EI Label ed through the ..efforts of .Mr. ers brought about the outcome of NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON As the Philanthropies drive PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT Kenyon as a choral group. Soon| i g a b o u t r e a d y t o 0fflciaUy get A Trial Will Convince Voa ] the game. To date, the A. Z. A. OF FINAL ADMINISTRAafter it appeared before the pub- underway,: leaders are more con! team has lost two and won none TION ACCOUNT :.lic with" a musical program. Later fident of going over the top this In the County- Court of Douglas to hold the cellar position undisCounty, Nebraskadrama was added to its reper- year than they were last, even By BAY SCHAPIRO puted. Steady pitching by Iz No2711 No. 24i±i St. VTE. 6400 In the Matter of the Estate of tory. A year ago and for its first though the goal is 10 thousand • : ivak in the tight spots'and spec- James Bergeson, deceased: dramatic endeavor the club pre- dollars more An extra-inning game and two • tacular fielding by Paul BogdanA reader writes sented the one act Yiddish play, in wanting us to comment that hard-fought contests featured last i off, third baseman, provided the "Menschen" of Shalom Alaichem. Cappy Lieberman seems very fond week's J. C. C. Softball schedule. ! punch the colorful Towers lacked This year to the- happy surprise of Ford phaetons these warm The Omaha Potato Market was j in the opening contest. Iz Novak and- intense satisfaction of the days. Well, who wouldn't be? . . . forced to an extra inning game j also contributed a triple, which Yiddish speaking public-of the Jerry Simon (a girl) and an at- before they nosed out .the Sample I scored two needy runs. Morris community the group undertook tractive one, too,- will visit in Furs, 5 to 4. The Psi Mu team de- ] Adler, left fielder of the A. Z. A.'s tragedy of Gordln. Omaha this next month. Formerly feated- the' Omaha Jobbing Co.,} knocked out four hits in four '. Thanks to the fine-tETi"ectrng or a resident here, she now resides 8 to 6, "and the; Towers stopped a j trips to the plate, while Sam Mr. Ben Martin arid the -whole- In California and attends the Uni- last inning A. Z. A. No. 1 rally to i Wolk, A. Z. A. shortstop, poled hearted cooperation and partici- versity of California at Los An- win, 8 to 5. out a long home run into right pation •-of the members -of the geles By virtue-of their win over the. field, which featured the last,inJ. Harold Saks (who group . thel public was treated to is secretary of the Highland CounSample Furs, the grocery boys ning A. Z. A. rally, .a vivid and intensely moving and try Club and therefore is in are now sole- possessors .of the! Games scheduled for Sundav, , highly enjoyable drama of a section:of life in the Pale^a genera- charge of most of the affairs and j hotly • contested first place posi- May 17: tion or two ago.- Though t h e play • 1B essentially a tragedy, yet it was so.; interspersed with humor, which grew out of the different situations of the play, that the-audience-laughed as much as i t cried as it shared the joys and sorrows .of. the . dramatis per-'I ^oriae. Mr. Ben- Martin rose "to great heights in his role,of Yisihuvnik, the" Jewish peasant; and Mrs. Philip' Crandell as ' his daughter., •Chase the Orphan. Others participating were: 'Mr. 3, K«nyon, Mrs. S. Yaffe, Mr. and © Drive in today and watch us go to work! Well Mrs. D. Selinsky, Mrs. L. Azorin, Mr. A. Koltov.1 The Progressive put the old bus back on its feet after a hard winClub Is planning to present' anter . . . and replace worn tires with Armoother". .Yiddish production this r n b b e r Tread Kellys. You'll really enjoy year. spring driving when we're through. j\nd we're going to save you real money with our prices.
ont Driving Club pool liem scenery doubly la Chapman suddenly ipman Is the socialite )man- Here she dislored bathing suit.
J. C. C.Sports
Lime Rickey, White & or Gis^crale
S Qt. Bottle 25c
. Pt 24c
Fits Bottle Deposit;
t or Drip Grind
Lemon or Tanilla 8K
2 GE. BottSe ISc
i. J. B. 0
. al
2 Lbs. Sic
rralskes nsx ^Tn^c Tt.'fr.r,! F;r.»;rr-'—• P k p 1,0c : ' £T£AWBE£EXES,.full ^ n a r t s OALITOEKIA FEAE, Z lbs v'A£i£>A
,.l:v [' \ 2;». L ;
*»&JSJti&, IP
,,..i«" • ; i
2.*>. « |
50; \ I
F . A B I E E E S . 6 bunches ,...!».' T&J8GY E E A D L E T T U C E , head 7c S ior Q.X K I C E ' C U C U K E E E S . S for Jfir E E B DIAISOKD ENGLISH WALJMITTS, soft shell Ih, 2.V Ilission Get Green Bear 1 ;, r r f f t W I K D K I L L OGEE, Kc r c c i C c t s . f H
ETAKDAED PEAS, Kc f cr.r. £ £QLU> PACK TOISCATCrf, ?"r T c-" Libby's W h o l e E e m c l C ? " n Tc r r r r J ^ O E E D A L E . Nc. S can. Ti>. r t . f r
^ C J< ? ' t\
, r , ^ / p . \ \ / * " " £ r f ', i" f\ v I
-t \t
EUKKIST P E A E S , Ko. r rcr, . . . . , « f. j | Elack Label Grees Gati^re Iknu&v sr« l>.p.av^. cjriip........,...2.). [, ^ So.
I i
EUMFOED EAED?G P0W3EE, larpp. can ,.2.:.- }' \ OBE of the Best Cook Books Free with Each Purchase \ \ EIG FOUE BOAT CHIPS,, repfi&r 3.0c bos .V [ . CEKTEAL SPECIAL COFFEE, S lbs, „. ,.......6:».EAFFEE HAS-, lb. cans ..4:!.-
Our Spring Fix-up Puts New Life in Winter-Worn Cars
ABE GREENSPAN JOINS 'ELECTRIC HOUSEKEEPING' clr Congressional comlepresentativeC. Jasper in .Washington investidtias," that, the hearing ft, is Chairman Bell as id, founder ol the plan.
Abe Greenspan -has been appointed to the retail sales department • of Electric Housekeeping, Inc., 1818 Douglas St., it was announced this week. Mr. Greenspan will be actively engaged in the selling of General Electric refrigerators, r a n g e s , dish washers and other electrical "appliances , manufactured by this well known firm.. Electric Housekeeping this month are featuring appliance's. for complete electric kitchens. ' Mr. "Greenspan was formerly In the local, insurance and radio iiefiis and -"had a wide acquaintanceship , In, Omaha.
- - .- v •
MOTOR TUNE-UP . . . $3.75 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
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Mrs. L.' Goldberg Heads Sisterhood
ANNA PILL, correspondent
Mass Meeting y Gigatitifc : ,- ."Of-S* C* Jewry Tuesday A .gigantic mass meeting of two thousand years of wanderSioux City Jewry, the first of UBIng. New York critics acclaimed kind for a number of years, w the movie as one of the outstandbe .held next,; Tuesday evening, ing pictures and the critic of the May 19, in. the Rlalto theater, at which'time the moving, picture, New York Times said: "Rarely "The Land of Promise," will be has the screen: presented such ahown for the first time in Sioux magnificent portraiture; The best City. In addition to the showing piece of non-fictions the screen of this Palestinian"movie, Mr. Ir-has offered- in recent "months." ving Levitus of Kansas City, Mo., Mr. Irving Levitus,: who- will will speak.
. '..":'
speak at the mass meeting, is the
"The Land of Promise" has educational director of the Jewbeen - filmed in Palestine under ish Community Center in Kansas the* auspices of the Palestine City.: He is a graduate ofthe ITniFoundation fund. The picture has versity of Chicago, and outstandbeen shown throughout the east ing as a speaker in Zionist cirat -'top prices and has' Just com- cles. In Chicago he was one of the pleted a run of over seven w^eks leaders in the Avukah movement in 'New York. It has been called and editor of the Avukah paper. "A'Screen .Epic of a People's Re- He has gained a reputation in the birth"- and hBS excited favorable middle west as a speaker'of dis>- enthusiasm wherever it-has been tinction. shown: Through the efforts of the .The meeting will begin at 8 Jewish National Fund council o'clock and tha showing. of "The and- the . Intercjub Council of Land of Promise" .will. last. one Sioux City Jewish organizations, hour. Mr. A. H. Baron is chairthe- movie .will be shown to Sioux man of the meeting. In charge of City. Jewry free of charge during publicity are Max Brodkey and this meeting. The March of Time Lawrence Baron. Mr. Barney Barnewsreel; of .atrocities in Germany on, Mr. Mike Skalovsky and Mr. will- also be this meet- Frank Margolin^ are in charge of
Society News
The Social Service Workers The marriage of Miss Sylvia .club held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, evening in the Holland, daughter of Morris HolJewish Community Center, with land of Milwaukee, Wis., and Dr. the federation board of directors Frank Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Epstein, was solemnized acting as hosts. A • program was presented * by Sunday noon in the social hall of Children swho are enrolled in the the Shaare Zion synagogue. Dinner followed for the wedCommunity Center activities. It included songs by Miss Bertha ding guests and a reception was Snovsky, accompanied by Miss held from 3 to 6 in the Warrior Rose Zeligson; two reading by hotel. The ceremony was read by Miss Miriam Blank; a play en- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Cantitled "Elmer," directed by Miss tor A. Pliskin. Miriam Blank, with' the following After returning from a short taking part: David Kuntz, Ray wedding trip. Dr. and Mrs. EpKaplan, Annabell Satin, Josephine stein will make their home in Pollak, George Harlow, Anna Ka- Sioux City. nofsky, Lucille Mushkin, Shirley Ing. . - . • • • the arrangement^,^ Lazere and Charles Shindler. AnThe wedding of Miss Fannie •The-plcture is dramatic, inspirBvery Jewish adult In the city other play, directed by Miss Idel ing^ and • powerful and • reveals the is urged to _ attend this meeting Shapiro, was presented by George Lazinger, daughter of Mr. and saga-of the Jewish people who are and see the showing 6t "The Shindler, Sammy and Billy Hee- Mrs. Max Lazinger, 511 Isabella, Reclaiming their homeland after Land of Promise." ger, Harold Rosenthal, Edith Gel- to Jack Zobin, nephew of Mr. and fand, Adelaide Ginsberg and Fran- Mrs. Max Lasensky, 1507 West Fifth, took place Sunday at 5 ces Harlow. p. m. in the Tiphereth Israel syn: A. H.: Baron, vice-president of agogue with Rabbi H. R. Rabinthe federation, welcomed the owitz and Canton A. Pliskin offi- Bight new^metaber of the local group. Members of the club pre- ciating. chapter' Tecfeiveid ; their informal sented a gift to Miss Dena Baron, I Initiation Into the A. Z. A. at the Mrs. M. • Silverman of Minne- superintendent of the federation. Attendants were the bride's sister, Miss Ruth Lazinger, maid meeting "^efdnesday" night in the apolis, Minn., was the guest of honor; Miss Rose Holdowsky, Jewish Community. Center. They speaker at the Senior Hadassah bridesmaid; B e t t y Lasensky, include. Slbley Newman; Phil Zel- Give or Get luncheon, Thursday Receives Honors flower girl; Martin Lazinger, : igson, Haskell Lazere, Harry Els-
Hadassah's Give
or Get Luncheon
ings and the Hfe insurance com- !job of creating capital sufficient pany guarantees their distribu- |to take the place of earning abiltion just as you would distribute ity becomes extremely difficult. Dr. Delia Galinsky spent this j Literally speaking, no one buya them if allowed to live. week in Kansas City where she attended the American - Medical Creating: enough capital to 'life insurance. What one really association convention. guarantee the paying of these does, is to use life insurance to salary checks to one's family is 1 create a cash estate which can Mr. Max Rosenstock spent this a slow and tedious process. Most returned to either himself or h week in Kansas City, visiting in i By the Service Life Insurance men work a lifetime at the job family in the form of continuoifl the Emil Rosenstock home. of creating a sum of capital only salary checks. Company, Omaha to find old age just ahead while Dr. J. N. Lande and Dr. A. H. they are far from their goal. Have you ever thought of life I Lazere were among Sioux City Men have no guarantee that Demolish Memorial physicians who attended the con- insurance as a plan through ! life, and earning ability * will be Danzig.—Nazis here demolished j which you could create not only i vention of the American Medical ! extended over the normal span association in Kansas City this j "otmorrow's pay checks" but a and without such a guarantee, the a tree planter, in 1926 in connection with the Esperanto congress. j continuous stream of pay checks j week. (running through ten, fifteen or j Gisela Pill, Jean Shindler, Mar- ! twenty ,• years? . vin Klass and Lester Lazriowicn j This is really what life insurare members of the Sioux City i ance can do because life insurSymphony which appeared in a jance, with its mighty .hand, concert in Orange city last night. I stretches out into the future five, j ten, fifteen, twenty or even for j a lifetime and gathers in, the Mrs. Sam Greenberg and son, [future salary checks of a man, Phone Stanley, of Los Angeles, Cal., will leashes them, and places the.i I Asbestos arrive in Sioux City next Tuesday j money in one great, heap. After to visit with the former's parents, j having done this, a life insurJ Slate Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeligson. ance policy, like a guardian angI Asphalt el, is placed around these earn-
Mrs. • Meyer Shubb . and Mrs. Morris Rubin hare been named co-chairmen for the spring dance Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg was to be given May 25 by the ladies' elected president of the Sisterauxiliary of Shaare Zion synahood of Mount Sinai Temple at their erection last Friday after-I g 0 £" e .„ . . , . . noon. She succeeds Mrs. William The dance will be held the Rainbow room of the "Westinhotel Lazere. with Jack Reams' orchestra play. Other officers elected were Dr. Delia Galinsky,. vice-president; ing. Mrs. Herman SlotsKy, treasurer; TAG DAY SUNDAY Mrs. Jack Robinson, secretary, Five directors-at-large were elected and include Mrs. Herman MillThe ladies' auxiliary of the er, Mrs. Morris . Skalovsky, Mrs. Workmen's Circle, No. 6G4, will M. A. Marks, Mrs. A. J. Galinsky hold its annual Tag Day this Sunand Mrs. Max Brodkey. The of- day morning, with proceeds goficers' serve for a term of two ing toward the Los Angeles Conyears. sumptive Sanitorium. Sioux City Jewry is asked to co-operate with the committees by receiving them in their homes and donating generously.
% ' S3
geles, Cal., has arrived in"the city for a visit with relatives.'
j the opportunity and the objective. We need an instrument for a J Front populaire of the Jewish the Jewish people I call upon that j people. The World Congress is people in America to unite—Zion- jsuch an Instrument. The World ists and non-Zionists, Reformed, J Congress is not against anything B'nai B'rith and all other organ- i or anyone. It is for the Jewish izations and alU Individual men j people, the entire Jewish people, and women and youths of Jewish j the rights and claims and sanctibirth who wander in the world I ties of all Jews, be they where unallied to any union of their jthey are. It is determined to bring people—I call upon them all to \ to the attention of a brutal world unite, to be at one, to form a sol- ; the needs and plight and historic idarity toward the salvation and rights of the entire Jewish people liberation of Israel without which f—not ef this group or that—and none of them, no group and no : to wring from the world some individual, can be liberated or can • measure of decency, some measbe saved or can carry out or em- ure of justice. Jews of America, body In action any specific ideal , unite! You have nothing to lose of any group or of any individual. but your fears! "You have your | liberation and redemption to The • World Congress gives us jgain! the opportunity and the objective. i (Copyright, 1936, by Seven Arts And what precisely we need is I Feature Syndicate.)
(Continued from page 1)
TRY-MAIDEN'S FIRST Completely Modernized From Top to Bottom
Entrances—16th, Dodg-c and Dong-las Sts. Mall and Phone Orders Given Prompt, Personal Attention
Store-Wide Safe
in the" Jewish Commu- Marvin Klass, son of Mr. and j brother of the bride, best man, berg,' Ben Levine,r Max Prostak. afternoon nity Center. She spoke on the Mrs.,.I. L. Klass, 912 ^Jennings land Abe Lass and Arthur BromOtters who were initiated it a work Hadassah in Palestine street, was the winner of the in- istrom, ushers. previous meeting " were David and inof America. - tramural extemporaneous -speech A wedding dinner was served Olensky and Joe Ma'ron. Myron Heeger was in charge of the ini- In addition to the list of contest held at Morningslde col- in the Lazinger home following tiation. A program was- followed pledges which appeared; in a re- lege last week. Mr. Klass has the ceremony. A reception was by "the serving of refreshments. -, cent Issue of the Jewish Press, been active in the forensic field held In the evening. Mr. Zobin following women pledged the at Morningside since his' enroll- and his bride will make their 'A -budget committee, 'for - the the. home in the Stellart apartments. required and were privileged ment there. Bummer. A. Z. A. tournament was to attend sum the luncheon: Mesdames His name Is one of four .Mornappointed and includes Max Pros- J. H. Mosow, J. Lehman, Ben ingside . students wbicl} appear in Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabintalc and Earl Himowitz.- The -inthe 1936 edition of Who's Who owitz will entertain members of Fish, H. O. Raskin, EH Robinow, door ball team-'held its Second Among Students in American Uni- the synagogue choir and the facpractice Sunday, and probable Si Krneger, A. Goodsite, N. Sad-versities and Colleges. ' ulty of the synagogue Sunday prospects for the team which will qff, Morris "Weil, Zella Levitan, school at a dessert dinner and compete in the Y. M. C. A. tour- Victor Mazie; John Lansberg, Abe theater party Sunday evening. nament are Harry E h b e r g , Friedman, M. Falk and Max LaTalmud Torah Charles* Shindler, Max Prostak, sensky. ' "' •••' -" .. ,.•; Joe Devlney Sidney Baumstein, IrThe board of directors of the! M r s - L o u l s Sherman of Minnefin& Marori, Mickey Grueskin and Talmud Torah held a meeting re- apolis, Minn., was a guest this ISadore Shindler. • cently and it was decided that a week in the home of Mr. and Mrs.' meeting of the parents whose Michael Sacks. The ilrst issue of the A. Z; A. local paper was distributed to the Seymour Robinson, son of Mr. children attend the Hebrew school Dorothy Epstein returned members this week. It contained and Mrs. Jack Robinson, will cel- be called In the near future for t o Miss h e r s udl » es at the University sports, tournament and meeting ebrate his Bar Mitzvah 4t Shaare the purpose of electing a board [h o f Minnesota, after spending the news of the- chapter. . . Zion synagogue tomorrow ' eve- of directors. The meeting was in Sioux City, where The A. Z. A. chbfr-will • go to ning. Following the services, Mr. called by Mr. Jack London, presi- week-end she attended the wedding of her Sioux Falls next Friday to con-and Mrs. Robinson will receive dent of the Talmud Torah. brother. duct the service at the'Conserva- the congregation in the social hall of the synagogue, honoring their tive synagogue there. Rudy ShinMRS. BARON RE-ELECTED Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson dler and Sam Sadoff will accom- son. Refreshments will also be will be hosts to relatives from distributed to the Junior congrepany the choir and'speak during At the final meeting of the seaCity, Des Molnes, and .the service.'New members of the gation by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. son of the Oneg Shabbos group Mason Children of the Talmud Torah of the Shaare Zion Ladles' auxil- Sioux Falls, who will arrive in choir are" PUilip "Zeligson, tenor; Sioux Gity to attend the Bar Max .Pro^tafc, baritone, and Has-are preparing a Shabuouth pro- iary, Mrs. A. H. Baron was elected Mitzvah of Seymour tomorrow. kell Lazere, bass. ~ The choir. is gram which will be presented a chairman of the group for the under tfcei" direction pt Mr. Samweek from Sunday. A feature of coming year. Mrs. Ben Kalin of Mitchell, S. the program will be* an 'operetta, Krupnick. The meeting was held in the
Shaare Zion
D., spent several days In Sioux "Pageant of Jewish History," by the Talmud Torah choir, which home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fried- City this week with her parents, will be sung in English, Yiddish man. Mrs. Ruben Miller presented Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein. current events and Rabbi Rabinand Hebrew. 1 owitz spoke on "Martyrdom." ' Philip; A.- Kay, a former resiMrs. Louis Karas of Los Andent of Sioux City, died last Friday'night In his home in Moyllle, fallowing. an illness of several - months, and funeral services were • Omaha last Sunday afternoon,. . ,. .'•:- • Mr.. Kay resided -• In. Sioux City •for-several years- before going to pleasure in announcing to his friends that he has joined the Retail Department of Hoville 18 months ago. He was -born •• in * Russia, July ; 2 i,' 18 8 9, or >and came to the United States in OMAHA 1908. settling in Omaha. ^Surviving are his widow, Bffle; and extends to you all an invitation to come in and inspect the new three * daughters, Beulah, Esther fand- Elinor; a son, Milton; two brothers and his stepfather, all •t of Winnipeg, Can., and a brother -who- lives. in - Russia.
That only comes twice a year bringing values that are greater than ever before. The golden voice of the Hammond Electric Organ, glorious reincarnation of the king of iBstrcmeats, was chosen for personal use by Nelson Eddy and many other music lovers. The majestic music of the Hammond Organ will fill the largest Auditorium, yet you barely catch Us faintest whisper in your living; room. Th« Hammond Orsran has no pipes, no air pressure system. It can never gtt out of tune.
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Junior Hadassah ' ' "''junior Hadassah members-were ' hostesses* to their mothers at the " meeting last Monday evening in "jj the " Jewish Community Center. "' The "program was devoted to the "' theme of Mother's Day. Miss Ros'•', alie Sacks epoke in behalf of the > daughters and Mrs. Dora Baron '•responded in behalf of themoth''j'ers. A play, "The Marriage Bar]!galn," was presented under the ^direction of Miss Lillian Bomir' Mowsky. - .- : t • 2*lana were made for. a. benefit bridge party, the date of which [will be announced. ' \- The Junior! Hadassah members. will canvass the city on June 6
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Mount binai "
!*|' Dr. .Theodore K Lewis will % 'Bpeak' this evening at Mount Sinai £ jTemple on "Tlie Jewish Caravan.1' •j! Dr. Lewis returned Tuesday •^•from Mason'City andtFortxpo<|ge.( • ;Iar, where i lie add.resse.dl.'.meetings • Tield for the United Appeals drive.
Jtffl P*
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1818 Douglas Street ( 3 doors west of Hotel FonteneMe) JA-ckson 3421 Evening^ WA-lnut 5077 P. S.-Lfeten m at 10:30 to-11:30 A. M. on Tuesdays over Radio Station . . . W. O. W. to our General Electric Kitchen Broadcast.
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