May 22, 1936

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Interests ©f the Jewish People

,By IfUDWIG LEWISOHNThis column is copyright by t h e Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any lnfringe..ment on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted.

Enlertfl a* Second C1«s« Mall Hatter oo Jancarr 11. 1>21. *t Postofflc of Omaha. Nebraska, under th» Act of March J. l i f t


VT, MAY 22, 193S

"Farewell to Jacob Wosserniann" The books of all the eminent German Jewish writers forbidden in t h e land of t h e Nazis a r e now published by t h e house of Querido in. Amsterdam. Over the imprint there h a s now appeared a book called "Jacob Wassermann: F i g ure, Conflict, W o r k " by h i s widow, t h e very excellent and.'able F r a u Marta Karlweis Wassermann. And this book will be a memorable book for generations The stage is set for one of t h e j t r y a n d h a v e p l a y e d m a n y m a j o r both for what i t reveals delibermost pretentious Highland Club; engagements. ately and for what i t reveals only ' He is bringing with him a com- I. Morgenstern Heads Omafea half consciously. l n g One of Founders of Political Tp?g S * . *??7 y . t o m o r r o w ! l e t e Morgenstern Heads Om&ha!n w _/W:|;_,l., night at t h e Highland Country P floor - show tor • perform Wassermann died on t h e last Zionism, He Was Outstand_, . _ , „ . . , sometime between 9 p. m. and 1 Group;" To choose' World \ Harry _ W llinsky day of the year 1933 a t the earing Jewish Leader Club. The reservation list has ally age of sixty. He. was afflicted Delegates at Washington • | x e m p f e Congregation who have not yet w i t h - d i a b e t e s ; he showed early At a meeting held Monday, May j ready than passed two hundred, Members A memorial meeting for Dr. 1. j more three hundred a r eand ex- |j made • reservations, are asked to 18, a t the J. C. C , the'following j Harry Wilinsky is t h e new symptoms of angina poctbris. "f True, Yet h e w o u l d have been the Xahum Sokolow is being plan- vected immediately with j o ^ ^ ^ s V a r t i c i p a V d T V a a ^ J president of" Temple"Israel, "He] t 0 b e present to partici- | get in touch states Harold Saks, club secretary Tab-1 M i z r a c h l Hebrew | was elected to succeed Sam Leon,! A n last one to deny tHat he died not lied by local groups representt i n ft Ia opening. Progressive of disease b u t of the year 1933. ing membership in t h e Ameri-~ «i.»; ~- c l u b > N a t i o c a l The formal affair will officlal- ! ^ "*h** reservations a r t re- I 'Workers' Alliance,! at the annual meeting of the con- , five h u n d r e d w o r k e r s see vic: thftt o\w How could h e have lived? For I can : Jewish Congress. Details Congregation B'nai Jacob, Poale j gregation held l&st Friday night | o r v j n ^{c-ht as t h e 1936 J e v - ullve to the needs of out1 Ijrptl'ily get underway a t seven p. m.,! c e i V ed. ff the year 1933 destroyed all h e !have not yet been arranged. Zicn, Pioneer Women, Goldie My- j at the Temple, following the . * T ren. Blood for, strove for, was and acwhen - the crowd will gather to erson club, Bikur Cholim, Con-; Layman's service. ish P h i l a n t h r o p i e s campaign hieved.' I repeat: achieved! F o r pay last respects to one of t)or"The increases registers:. * gregation B'nai Israel,' for t b e ; other officers ere David Gold- enters t h e h o m e s t r e t c h . London (JTA).—The death of ,/ . it is, of course, a Nazi lie that Dr. Nahum Sokolow. one of the | s e y ' s ^ m o u s chicken or steak date—4 0 per cent—-make us- t>i purpose of choosing delegates to: man, vice president: Minnie Wolf, T* t h e German Jews 'made' t h e GerThe significant feature of the timistic in our drive iov n»r>founders of political Zionism, in j dinners. ithe conference in Washington on • secretary; John Farber, treasurman Jewish authors and the great Ms seventy-sixth year, brought! Members and their out-of-town ! June 13 a n d 14, a t which time; e r . j c e ^ i y elected trustees, serv- Philanthropies campaign this I than the $43,600 goal. Tlin w realize, as of course •"' ' liberal papers , owned by Jews. grief this week to Jews through-' guests have made table reserva-; A F @ A H H O U I I C © d ; representatives to the World Jew- iinjf a t h r e e T e a r term, are Ben year is that the average in- (tributovs the workers, that the goal soui»J-| crease in pledges, including all There never were enough Ger- out "the" world. He was* a noted i tions that number from two t o ; J Congress will be elected. Silver, David Block, B. F . Dan;s man Jews to do that, even if one Hebrew scholar and writer and i twenty-four, and will be seated • Mr. I. Morgenstern addressed \ bkum, Sam J. Leon, Morris J a c - divisions, is a t {he exceptional- ; is the barest minimum we n n contribute to the thirty-four J«."'J-;i lj' high mark o* 40 per cent. a i d s the Jewish readers' of Ger„- Inside and outside. , The Jewish Community Center; ^ m e e t i n g . He analyzed t h e o b s , _ d M L C o h n both man in Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, At the second report lunch- j nations! and international Jfv.-I«^ Both the older members, and * » ~ » * - ^ I ' f ^ ' f " ^ " * i problems confronting world Jew- obaKugene - « n d M" Li a'z e r ^and &na Donald Hungary. And the majority of from now until October i y^ a™ nf ' Eugene tBlazer eon held Wednesday noon, R latencies. Accordingly, vs-e< n dTs .t t « r e«s s«erdt t thh e. »^P«»V the younger set will be well rep- schedulesthe membersbiD year be-< - , necessity of y w c r e r e a d e r s at t h e sar-, t n t . . _„«,>._ German Jews, like t h e numerical the membersmp year oe ,f o r m I n g . a representative body to B-r ,o d k e efprmonpttes on "Whv I BeS2.»,o*S in cash and lour people raising their pisnr;;."'* resented at the affair, judging by ' of giving, contributing' in pror"'*! majority of a n y group, were not lhave the authority to sneak for Sermonettes on v\ hy l Be p ] e d g e s h a d been turned j n . the names appearing on advance tion to ^"hRt the needy tic '•"•If V' t h e kind of people to buy the The minimmu gofil is S4S.oao. $5; women. $4. « * ^ j a__ jnnave d in ^ mbehalf e autnoruj of.-world xo speait Jewry.ior A jj ™ 0 J l g „ t o L Temple c m i g u Israel R l c h were £ r d Egivi n . 1 hare. | * works of Wassermann. His estra. , ; discussion took place after his stein, and Milton Abrahams. V A report luncheon will be held ; "And roopf: pignifirarit 1B rh .. • ordinary and resounding succes, ' j * i talk. Everyone participated, nui u c ii*c: f***. *"& " * • ~ - ~ — — ~» :, A tribute to Henry Rosenthal. this noon, at the Jewish Commn- fpct. thst p, mp.iorifv of . ! ' ! and Weases, which became ever more exT h em e e t i s kins, nationally known orchestra r™*™??' . „ « , » . , ^ elected permanent center, and Harry Malatraordinary and resounding d u r pledpes are being paid in fi:i; t, 1Be8M} 5 X1 l o A i a m ; w h ( ) d i e d 1 & g t y e a r a n d w h ov a S : n i t ing the last decade of his life, 1 tha' ^band, ' i ^ :Perkins, ; ^ ^ and ^ ^his ^ ^ P i . j , - ^' W a" y s^ , ^i .to, 4^ , . ^».; ' ! j^ j j ^P-sid-t; S ^« e p j: ^ I -for ^ in tbe Temple conception shock, optimistically ^ e r . 1 chairman ot that the the time of contribution." " l i , _ many years, was given by Isdrive, predicts were due to German readers. I t Three factors are v--etj.-};;!ig: Zi i when the returns are counted up hepvily have traveled all over the coun. jWedne8dayBt 6 t o , p . I J ^ - ^ ; B ^ n . T " ' i *«™ *^ was Germans who bought t h e in makingincrp*R«iI ; .the campaign will be close to go-pledges the rule instead of thr f."| ~——: : ;—T~ | days, 3 to 5. p. m.; Junior girls, greater part of t h e many, many _. . . , _ . .Wolfson, Mrs. Herman Cohen and , ing over the top. thousands of copies of "Caspar jception: the deficit piled i:r- i?t Mondays and Wednesdays, Iff t o ; M m RIchHn esecntiTe, Kauser", " T h e Gooseman,", " T h e j To Finish Sundfiy. ' recent year,?, the porter!tow .iri _ • , 3 to 4 , „ , ^ Every organization 11 a. m., Sundays, p . a.; j ^ ^ t n e c i t y crg&Tiiz&tlon l a t World'8 Illusion", "The Mauritz1 According to present plans, the i facing the Jewish ropiUe.tionf- :& „ • and . , - . j will be asked • to send representaI Senior men, Tuesdays Thurs* • • • days, 7 to 9 p. m Sundays. 10 to ! ^ next Beetlag •wWch ius Case" and "Etzel Andergast." : campaign will finish on pchedule, Germany find Folpnd. and, i h r un l . p . m.. -daily. 12 to 1 p. m. and • And i t was German youth, not b e h e , dg u n d M a t winding up the official drive on expectefl outbreaks In FalenMnsJ : only Jew. 6h youth, which in those 5 to 6 . p . m.; Business and.high , • e c a t 3 p. m. Nomlna': Sunday. Clean-up committees will When these are added to .J'«| last great hectic passionately proschool boys^ Tuesdays and Thurs.; a n d< l e c U o a o £ d e , t o Mr. E. Elocn, secretary of the T u t o n t h e f i n R l '^-^^ Monday year-ln-and-year-out needfi oC •* phetic years of his life crowded Mrs. Max Mayer of Des Moines days, 7 to^g p . m Sunday*.-10 to'j Washington conference will! n " V " VT•"-" "-"—• e l e c ; e d .end Tuesday. beneficiary agencies, the resnl; .is was elected regional president of | H a . m . , daily 5 to 6 p . m . ; J u n , , • * . • „ . , . . , _ _ „ i Omaha Mizrachl. was re-eiec.ed ; Is ahum Sokolow. to him — to him and not to ano:e v a r m generosity on the pa"i .'i ETery ! ;take piace a t t W s time. '-i secretary of the regional Mizrachs The entnnsinstic reception ther — in person and by letter was a leading figure in the Zion- Hadassah^for the Southwest _re-I »»:.-boys,_ Tuesdays and^ Thurs- |r e p r e s e n t a t i v e m u E t h a v e a «™-l J J ^ ^ - - ^ " T h r coiVerence ! those solicited. organization at {( i. to ask of h i m : W h a t a r e we to ist movement. gion at a conference-,held a t Wi- days, I I to 12 a. m., Sundays, 10 dential signed, by the president \ _L o u i s S u n d a y , M a r 1 7 . ' : Report Luncheon To*?a>. • UK-11 a. m. do? What are we to believe? How From the first Zionist'congress chita, Kans., last week. and secretary. Each group is a l -; : M r _N_ L e r i n s o E > rice-president i At the report luncheon . a i e we to live? .; in Basel in IS97 until his death, Mrs. M. P . Levenson of Omaha noon "Men's Day" will hs> l o c E l i g r o u p s n f i m c m b e r of ! lowed one delegate per SO, mem-. of I . a m trying t o imply two. im- when after many, years'as presi- was re-elected third vice-president bers and : each delegate is to pay served, -.lark W. Mnrer is <<V.s , i '^ecutive, also atr e g t o s a portant* facts: One, that a Jew dent, he was serving as honorary and Mrs. Irvin Levin was elected ,#1 re S1 straticm; fee. f . ' •" . men, AH workers are virgfii . knowu to be a Jew, for Wasser- president of. the.'WorldijZi.onist to -•• -Any- «rg:amzaUon meeting this j - R a i > b = - - ^ a n « e i .Laderman "clean up their cards" bf«i f S: TJS '-"Sokolow " k l ~ T -main-'for- ^ Organizatfon; ~wasTn" The " Belt-El synagogue v/il noon'fend turn in 8. full RH<! f.t week .-and "wishing . t o have & f D g n v € r , c o l o . , was elected ness never pussyfooted* ' onf 1the the front 'ranks-K>C Zionist lead- served :on ^ommitteeiV the former j eplaker Address, them.on..the s u b - ; a l p r e s l d e s t t o B U C c e ed-Habbi Uri • conduct its fourth annual Confir-j plete report ».f the l u n c h e d i fact, never as he himself' said ers. So all-embracing was his na-on the nominating- committee and j ! « * ^ ^ . ^ " ^ " - ^ i r i M i l l e r of New Orlean,. \m The - cnmpalfn officially oV m aa tUl o0 nn s ee n i ce c e V e d n s s d a y e v e .; fought with closed visor, t h a t tionalist philosophy that he could the latter on t h e committee on «™ «eflnesdaj- eve- i with En early bird breakfast -c"i A popularity contest will be ence . o r the; world congress . i s ; ' A detailed report of the confer- nln such a Jew,, and ^perhaps only not see world peace permanently committees. M r27 a t s m fteked to call Mr. Radinowski,-| , g j v e n b y Mr. Bloch I S^ P- - Eighteen^ y morning'. ; such an one, can draw^ toward established without the return of Other regional officers are Mes-; one" of the features of the forty- Webster 1642, and a speaker will: e n c e w J_U b e a n f l M r L e r i n s o n 8 t " the closing children who have completed the | Malashock presided. M c r himself the best elements of a the Jews to Palestine. He envi- dames Alex S. Wolf, St. Louis, j fifth annual picnic of the Oma-be arranged for. iM'lave Malke meeting of t h e sea- prescribed course of study in the Monsky save the inspirationiii i Gentile people, and the second sioned a world leeague of nations first vice-president; Benjamin. F . J ha. Hebrew Club, to be held at The meeting will begin prompt- son, Saturday May 23. at the g e ^ - E l school will be confirmed, dress, r a u l Goldblatt gs. ,J»i fact that the life and influence with headquarters in Jerusalem. Margolin, Columbus, Neb. t second • Lakeview Park, Sunday, July. 5. ly at 3.p. m; Sunday, May 31. All v of this man Jacob Wassermann Dr. Sokolow was a writer and | vice-president; Sam Wasserman,} The committee h a s selected representatives are asked to re£-B'nai Israel synagogue,'ISth and 'Confirrnants a r e : Anna ArbitChicago streets. . . . prove beyond any doubt t,hat t h e author of note. He was founder g t . Joseph, Mo., fourth vice-presi- [• Helen Shrier -And Jeanette Turn-. . g J . e j . i n t j m e A thorough and Bj-steniatic Nazi have betrayed, defiled out- and editor of the yearbook,: "Ha- dent; Barney Baron, fifth vice-' er as the two candidates, N and ' Everyone interested in Zionism :m a n » ,osughter of J.,r. ana Vrs.vassinp- o£ all the Jewisl?. t 4 raged not only the Jews b u t allasif," and its successor;"Hasina- i president; "Al ' I. Blotcky, Des | votes are being sold to determine j and wishing to learn its. problems Max Arbitman; Ida Ruth Batt, women, youths snd organ i?.»<" h " in. i W l dited Moines, recording secretary; . - .A. . J - .,j the winner. First prize will be a that was decent, all that was of nah," Warsaw. H He also edited land achievements is invited to at- daughter of Mr, snd Mrs. J. V. in the community v-:p.a te this meeting, which is open B a t t ; J o s e p h Belmont, son of Mr. ! ly begun. I! tend good report, all that had the up-a biographical dictionary of Jew- Poska, Lincoln, Neb., financial j round-trip ticket to California, ward glance and the spirit of hu-ish writers, wrote several: > text-^ secretary; H e r m a n Marowitz,! and second'prize will be "a ladies' to i and Mrs. Henry E. Belmont; > At, Tuesday's report manity among their own, the Ger- books arid; contributed to numer- council Bluffs, la., treasurer,, and j ^ r i s t watch . j Frances Blacker, daughter of Mr, : initial gifts find yowfl man people. • - • ous publications.'. He. was regard- j j K . Lee, Tulsa, Okla., auditor, j Albert Kaplan is general chairr.i-i;:-land Mrs. Isaac r'aefcer; R o b e r t ' ' ' e r e honored. Sam 5^e Berlin (JTA) — The number of Jacob Wassermann will remain ed* as a n - a u t h o r i t y on the He' man. This — makes the fifty-fourth • " German Jews emigrating to CenBramson, son of Mr. and Mrs, ;mai! of initisl gifts, prestrtpd, lor ages symbol and warning. He brew language and many phases time has has been chairman of jtral and South America has risen i Jack Bramson; Helen Fingeret, ; Zimraan is his co-chairman, brew language and many phases t«» J J ry y • accepted in an honorable sense the Hebrew Club picnics a n d j the point where it equals the daughter of Mrs. Jennie Fingeret: ; report of . increases in pi t 0 life. Hisas history of Zion- V a a d S l \ e l l g l O l l S tbe plain implications of the li-of ismJewish is regarded the standard number leaving-for Palestine, a c ' The-opening Highland Country I Elaine Esther Frank, daughter of i started the parade o£ storiesism isonregarded as the standard] C 1 1C berallstic era. H e was n o t like work "the subject. cording to a report made public c l n b Ladies' day will be held on 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Frank: Betty • ing of hug© increases. Kabbi -"it. Lissuauer or Borchardt or Andre To myriad services he rendered by the Hilfsverein d e r - J u d e n - i n -vvednesday. May 27. There wi.l be ] Jane Geifman. daughter o£ Mr. ' vid A. Goldstein spoke. *a Mauois a Jew hidden and asham- the Jewish people, there was add- Friday evening, May 22, -at "8 I All A b o u t Face b y Beutschland, Jewish relief body, jf r e e gon lessons a t 9 o'clock in.; and Mrs. Sam Geifman; Rose Milton Frohm, youth chsi-ed, a Jew trying to pass himself ed after the World W a r his work "" boys and» Eirls will be i ' It said t h e organization is aiding 't b e m o r n f n g by t h e . club prof es- j Goldstein, daughter of Mr. and ' Wednesday, the women were off as indigenously Austrian or as chairman/of the committee of j graduated from the Vaad relig-: KOUITiania Oil an average of 300. Jews ft month ] s j o n a i t g j u Schuchart. There will: Mrs. Max Goldstein, Sheldon ored. Mrs. Harry Trusting o German or French. He was above j j e w i s h delegations which sue- j j o u s school. The exercises will be j . . ri t. to emigrate to- Latin American: b e gOjf a n d prizes after the les-; Ka,ufmah, son of Mr. and Mrs. ! man oC the women's riivi that. The first-work that brought c e e d e d i n obtaining from the, Ver- jh e j d a t congregation B'nai Israel Alltl-ijemitlSin countries. (sons. At 1 o'clock luncheon will I Jack Kaufman; Ruth Linda, ' presided. Ksbbi David S'; him into general notice was bysailles peace conference treaties v n i - b e combined -with the In addition, the report stated, j , rved. The afternoon will be j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer : spoke. - . Bucharest (WNS).—Bowing to ese name and substance a Jewish, recognizing the minority rights of | dosing service of Vaad Friday g 'Linda; Esther Oshero", daughter increasing numbers are leaving spent with bridge and fceno. ..Irs. J. H. Kulakofsky, fi the widespread protests by demo•work, namely, "The Jews of Zi- Jews in European countries. It fndorf"; o n his dying bed were was at the Versailles conference, night services. Max Cohen is thecratic forces at home and the op- unaided. Although, no exact fig- j Mrs, Hyman Ferer is chairman j of Dr. and Mrs. S. A, Osneroff; !•m a n o f ^ j l e initial gifts o'Rosalyn Rosen, daughter of l ' r . F ( i r n f ! 1 , n n d ^ r g . ,j. Blank. •?-! Jewish histories a n d documents too, that Dr. Sokolow aided in' ob- salutatorian of the class and position of public opinion abroad, ures a r e available, it is known and Mrs. Jake Rosen; Aim Rosen, ' m s n Of r o m ( , n ( from which he hoped to form a taining t h e endorsement of the Helen Fogel the valedictorian. * the same time all children the Rumanian government h a s t h a t many Jews a r e leaving for ;g o U " c o m m i t t e e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. r a u l . y, o r t e d , in addition to the great epical and mythcial novel to statesmen of the world for theof At the undergraduate classes who d e c i d e d t 0 t e m p e r H s f r i e ndship Central and South America at the : Rosen; Jean Ramona Ross, daugh-: r p p o , . j . R . Be called "Ahasverus." And one J e w i s h homeland, have completed tbe course pre-1 movement, a t behest of relatives already settled ter of Mrs. Charles S. Ross: Shirhas but to read the unhappily While p.l! of the roonief •" scribed for- their classes,, .will r e - least for the time being. ley Simon, daughter of Mr. andtributed had not been Uirwn neglected volume of collected esthere, t h e report said. Prospects ceive certificates in Jewish educaMrs. Edward L. Simon; Shirley Indicative of its about-face was says and discourses (Lebensdiention. : Jane Spar, daughter of Mr. andShe report nt the sudden ban on anti-Semitic for settlement were described by st, " I n Life's> Service") to see eon was most Mr. Nathan Levinson, president demonstrations and efforts to j the organization as "most optimThe annual ladies' night dinner : Mrs. Solomon Spar, end Irving Uip-1 :pifts had how year in and year out by decof the Vaad Ha'Ihr, will P ' « « * organizations, r o o t o 1 l t N a z J istic." which is the final dinner of the • Wohlner. son of Mr. and Mrs. laration and through controversy S16.J51. The Tomon'f fliriaCAr, Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, the certificates to the graduating j season, r a « griven by the Men's Psul Wohlner. he affirmed and re-affirmed • his will sponsor a concert Sunday, c i a s s . F. ho Tin ir yporoan work, Tiffi.nS^rclub of the Vaad, Thursday eve- i xhe profrram. •vriJl he in tbe fol-up IS.303.PH. Tli? mpn's fUvif;^* conception of his Jewishness. May 24, a t the Labor Lyceum a t ning at t h e B'nai Israel syna- • jo-wrjfSfr order: FrocesBionR'; hart f;Pthr-rcfl ir- pledges t"--'>iT f That conception was the high- 22nd and Clark streets, a t 8 p.m 1 - gogtie. ("Blessed Be You Who Come"; est conception of t h e liberalistic A d r a i s B i o n w i u b e 25 cents per I William L. Holzni&n was t h e Opening prayer, Ruth Linda, and : period. It began with t h e affir-* person and proceeds will — go• •t •o ; IfPO! roiiths fHSfi. i principal speaker. Mrs. J. Raz-; Robert Bramson; the floral offermation of his Jewishness. Yes, HIAS. j Mocfe. Activit.v. inick and Herman Mlrowitz enter- ; | n g i E!Ejne Esther .Frank: The he said, my. tireless passion for The program will be a piano The Jewish Communify Cp-i-isr 'tained irith Jewish folk songs, a-c-j Land of Israel, Shtriey Jane SpfU": justice, other qualities within me solo by Abraham Dansky; t h e Feast of Pentecost ' ; companied by Mrs. Al Finkel. The ; ^he Brotherhood of Israei, Esther buitdintr has been a bee-h'vf 1•••* 110111 h too, I recognize as native to my Lyric trio, cello, violin and harp, London (JTA) — JrUish pubbe o f n e d t M yeari .„,,„.,..«„ " .„„. i program was arranged by Al Fin-! Osheroff; The Ms'ariv Sert-ice, activity since the campaign 5 *Jewish blood and as, at least in under the direction of Oscar | = i i overwhelmingly con- i among Reform Jews for one day, \ ^fe(J " ^ "&g^ h e anniversary rs bustling' in t-s>". giv:kel, •with Morris Burstein as : j e g |>T- *jj e cantor and choir: need- pan, •with a n n i r e r s 4 r y "of~the o £ t h e giva high arid mythic sense. Oriental. Weinstein; a violin solo by -ROB-- l i c o p n o n German Government's and by t h e Orthodox for two days, ii n K o £ t h e T e n Commandments a t the j ing of service in prayerbook, ' out, reekinj.- information »•"«• But.for half a t o u s a n d years my alie Rosen, accompanied, id a t the h j anti-Semitism, the Daily Express beginning at sundown Tuesday,' | T h e etoTy of t h e i th D i l E b i i t d T d a y 'Mount slnai Sheldon Kaufman, Shirley Simon, turning ir. pledges. people, my clan and family, have piano by h e r sister, Betty; vocal | i j e s following a survey i t May 6, is rich In spiritual signifi-; r e T e j a t ! o n a t Sinai, which lives i n ! •Jean Ramona ROSE and Ann Ron- Many the t<Oos 'told nrt.mvS lived in Franconia. That is the solos by Lawreuce Flnkle, and cc oo nndc uuc( t e d among its approximate- I cance. n rstes i the hfeart of every ' Jew, ;en; The Ten Commandments, the tables. Tales of people fhf only homeland I know; i t s tap dances by the pupil3 of the ly 2,000,000 readers. Pentecost, also called the Feast • the epochal event of Israel's 'Jean Ramona Ross, Hebrew, Rose are barely making both ends n<p.-»: scape, speech, folklore, history, Thompson school of dancing. The newspaper, which is t h e jo t W e e k S j l s k n o w n i n H e b r e w a a , as ! o{ & gacfed misgion I Goldstein, and English. Ida Ruth but who nevertheless maVe • ! ^ " y have shaped me, have interpeneTickets may be'obtained from second - n n r t most - m n s t widely w l d e l v circulated c i r c u l a t e d daid a i - . i t » » j ^ ; ' i s Shabuoth. It derives its n a m e , " a kingdom of priests and a'holy I JBatt: A Call for Brotherhood, ! regular contribution to aid .JK'ir trated me, have become as large members of the organization. ly in England and one of the Lord from ^he fact that it is celebrat- j people." | Anna Arbitmsn: The Jew Returns unfortunate fellowTJews. Tslst.- t>* a part of me as that other and Beavarbrook grorp, had submitt- ed after a week of weeks, seven | ' -sjiabuoth commemorates today; I to Judaism, Frances Blacker; not having to sell the prosnar..^. more remote Inheritance. Hence both: Ger- Hits Hungarian Anti-Semitism ed a questionnaire to its readers weeks after tthe second day of: tbis solemn occasion and its ;How We WeSurvived Survived in inExiie. Exiie,He! Helen many of V>-'"^'T, r.*>rv- < ?vi- >.r -. rspeak!veV ;How weeKg.aIter n e s e c o n Q Q a y o i : bb oo tt hn t h i s B 0 } s B m occasion and Us 1 w asking whetner u e r m a n y ^ s . a n a . - P a s s 0 T e r . D u r i n g biblical days j r e s p o n s i b m t v . F o r this reason Belgrade (JTA). — Dr. Vlatko ; F i E g 6 r e t ; The Modern Return to preciation o" <hf J " ' - ! ' s - «'• man and Jew, as a Jewish German or a German' Jew. And since otism of Hungarian Jews, former persecution tion -Rill Burier asJews. a resuu o . its i s h a b a o t h w a 8 . , a t l m e o j thanks- t h e festival - hag been chosen by iMaCck, Croatian leader, last week ;Z i o n > I f v i n £ . wohlner- Preset! ita- the hour. "", of the ivil.i giving for the harrest. Offerings the many Jewish synagogues ' a s ! voiced opposition to attempts t o ; t 5 o n o £ c l a s S i Beimont; in.order ,'rv this symbiosis has demonstrably Premier Bethlen sharply attacked The answers to this question : anti-Semitism i t d t i S m i t i s m into info tbe t b e A: v a r d o { certificates, Mr. Henry shall not taken place in me, it can in oth- the anti-Semitic policy of t h e were seventy-six per cent in t h ebrought to the Temple and placed toe appropriate time for i t s '' Con- j introduce ers. Such was his theory accord- Goemboes government in a speech affirmative as against sixteen per on the altar, were in keeping with firmatloa Service. At this service Croatian national movement, in a S i ] v e r m & n i president of the Beth- of some at enjent v i'.r <:c ii:i' i '"'" : oj oon- not, give, ing to which he lived and created. in t h e Hungarian parliament. the gifts of the soil that had been !'th<f"bors a n d girls i n ' I s r a e l a r e }!s8 teb published by the Zag- :E ] B y n a g o f ; * u e cent negative. ; 1 K'.or1 o" r •" i '"•"* consecrated''to-their faith and &re " Bevspsper, Oteor. A. Goldenough—' gathered. firmants. Rabbi David 40 The theory is fallacious. ?But it Denies Entry London —Makine its last stand 'Today the idea of the • harvest j admonished to live in accordance [ Calling attention to anti-Sem- ; stein; Address to parents. Bet ty . >-i''^ of t b - rii.-*is not Ignoble. It is fallacious not "Shehecheyonu," , 'y Jerusalem. The Afganistan against British participation in is ca'rried out in tbe Synagogue with the principles and sioctrlses j Hie leaflets which had been dis- j a e e .'Kr 'fo< V. on account of- Nazi brutality or government has refused an entry the Berlin Olympic games, t h e by decorating "it with' seasonable! of Jndaisia. The service is ©fitribtiied in the name of the Cro-• p a r e & t s ; Closing prayer, Rosalyn . ture into_ 1 I- hiBCl i ' t h i g Ml vulgarity. It is fallacious in itself. permit* to Dr. Walter Fischel, of Federation of Labor Sports Or- plants and flowers and by -th*sigoiflcance to all Israel for i t i ati&n peasant part}', he declared; Rosen; Benediction: Recessional, Collections Jacob Wasserman never attained the School of Oriental Studies of ganizations h a s called on the Fed- reading of t h e Book of Ruth the idea of' spiritual .that the party did not judge peo-i since the service begins at S '• couragingly m a d e on true ease. He had to live.his thereligioa or descent but by j o'clock the members of the con- i pledges which a r e the Hebrew university, on t h e eration of Amateur Athletes to which, contains a. description ol j freedom and inspires the Jew to p5e £Rd.h6Bor. licregation and their friends ' are! Many of the increases are ftco<f» ory. He could never let himseit n d t h a t h e l a a J e w a c c o r d - 1 convene a specialmeetirig to con- the reaping of, the grrain.and the{ rene-wed loyalty to the great re-i merely be. There is a frightful ing to a report that reached ] 6ider_the question of British par- abundance of the earth. teachings promulgated a t ! "We i«d E e .Tews and Christians .' requested to be in their seats be- - panied by a check in full p&y«i9»t 1 alike," fee added. ifore S p. m. \oi all back pledges. " Sihc¥""pbst-biblical days Sab-! Mount Sinai. ticipation. here. (Continued on page 8.)

NAHUMSOKOLOW Highland Opening To Be DIES IN LONDON Colorful Event Saturday AT AGE OF 75 ••





Leaders in die Philanthropies Drib imistic As Over b-U,


Raised First Four Days

Schedules and Rates for J. C. C.

Omahans Elected at Conference of

Elects E. BI


To Latin America ,

HigMand; Ladies' Day io Be Wednesday;




Survey Shows British Public Condemns Anti-Semitism

Shabuoth Holiday Will Be ;• Ushered In Tuesday Night t0

• ^









!Dr. Macek Disavows







are planning to picket Congrega- greatest living Jewish scholar, of how important the games are is now wearing a new set of gold j Leonard Golstein, the wit, says tion Beth Sholom In Philadelphia and member of the faculty of the in the Nazi scheme of things . . . because its president,. Charles Jewish Theological Seminary, -will Harry Cohh, track coach at Dart- cuff links presented him by" a j there's a certain cinema factory Goldman, owner of the Atlas get an honorary degree from Har- mouth College, is one of the lead- German club in New York for his,'which should can itself the S.S.S. Mills, refuses to meet his work- vard at the tercentennial excer- ing race track timers . . . Dan efforts to keep the United States j Studio — Sunrise, Sunset, and er's wage demands . . . "Ein Kel-cises ." . . H e will be the second f •«»• j Sundays! ohenu" was recently sung in an Seminary man so honored, the Ferris, secretary of the A. A. U., in the Olympics . . Atlanta, Ga., public school . . . first having, been the late Dr. SolWhen a teacher asked the chil- omon Schechter . . . Rabbi Albert dren to name the songs they S. Goldstein of Temple Emauuel, wanted to sing, one Jewish young- Davenport, Iowa, has aroused the ster called for "Ein Kelohenu" . . ire of the Presbyterian Guardian Not familiar with the song, the of Philadelphia because he spoke teacher asked-the pupils who in a Davenport church on good By BORIS SMOLAR knew it to raise their hands . . . will . . . The Guardian brands And when six pair of hands went Rabbi Goldstein's presence in the Chief European Correspondent, J. T. A. up the song was sung . . . Dr. D. church as "treason" . . . The Jay 6. In Lwow, a group of stu- phed and pilloried in accordance E. Robertson, one of the two menAdler • An epidemic of anti-Semitic who is appearing in "Bury excesses coupled with a bitter dents adopted a resolution that with the best "Stuermer" prac- rescued from the Moose River the Dead" is the last member of gold mine in Canada, is a lead- the famous Jewish acting fameconomic boycott and discrim- Jews should be declared-, beyond tice. "This is Polish Shop" ing Anti-Semite . . . It is said on ily ination against Jews by the au- the law and that no protection to crash the stage . . . And thorities has. brough Poland to should be given them. Recently, the Endeks, support- good authority that he is largely Irwin Shaw, who wrote that ' • • - Cafes Bar. Jews the tore as the scene of anti'ed by some of' the Polish trade responsible for the fact that a 7. In Poznan and Thorn, Jews organizations, have forced Po- Jewish physician has never been bruising play, lisps . . . Professor Semitism worse than' that takare not allowed in a number of lish shopkeepers to post signs: able to secure a staff position at Nathan Isaacs of Harvard is now ing place in Germany. —EDITORS NOTE cafes. Waiters refuse to serve "This Is A Polish Shop" so that the Toronto Hospital for Sick chairman of the board of direcJews who enter by mistake. Jewish stores could be the more Children, where Dr. Robertson is tors of Gimbel Brothers, Inc . . . Dr. Joshua Blocb, head of the easily identified and avoided. chief surgeon. The general boycott.' of the The Nazi doctrine of "Aryan" New York Public Library's JewFOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE racial supremacy is rapidly gain- Jews is one of the principal points Newspapers in many towns how ish division, is now president of publish lists of "all-Polish" enof the programme of the National ing adherents in" Poland where It won't be printed anywhere, the largest school board on Long anti-Semitism, the chit weapon of Democratic (Endekj Party and is terprises. •"' but we learn on good authority Island . . . Miss Marina Rosemary Undoubtedly the chief activity of Trade associations, in Krakow, that the High Commissioner for the' anti-Government forces, is beBaruch, daughter of Dr. Herman ing encouraged by Nazi Germany the party, to-day. Although the Thorn, poznan, Ostrow, and oth- Palestine Is pleading with" the B. Baruch and Niece of Bernard Endek Party formerly favored the ers are circularizing their memand tho Bilent acquiescene of the Zionist leaders there to suspend gradual elimination of Jews from bers not to buy from Jews and temporarily all Jewish immigra- M. Baruch, is now the wife of present Polish regime. William Garth Symmers . . . A the economic life of Poland, it not to admit Jewish salesmen inPolish anti-Semites used to has been: won over to tlie view- to their stores even" when these tion . . . a n d the same source in- Presbyterian minister performed urge the economic isolation of the point of the young Endek extrem- salesmen represent • nonr Jewish forms us that some of the biggest the ceremony . . . When former Jew on the grounds that the Jews ists and now .preaches immediate firms. In Ostrow, the Associa- names in American Jewry have Judge Joseph Proskauer of New KEEP A LiCKTKOUSE... "I KEEP A RANCH HOUSE •was so much more capable than liquidation of the Jewish problem tion of Retail Merchants Ordered been asked to use political influ- York was asked by the New York WHERE THE AIR IS DAMP. ... WMCRE THE A!R IS ET.X. the Pole that the latter could^not in Poland by any means, includ- its members to post signs: "En- ence to make the British Colonial j newspapers to comment on the But that new double Cellophane Smokes get dry as dust in the wrapping solves the problem for sagebrush country. But with that compete with him. This argument ing terror.' The party makes no trance Prohibited to Jewish Tra- Office see daylight and oppose open letter sent to him by Joseph Doabk-Mellow Old Gold.. The doable Cellophane O.G- package any and all immigration curtailhas now given way to the more secret of its intentions. It has velling Salesmen." cigarettes keep fresh a> newthe cigarette! star a< Fresh as my ment . . . When Hitler made Gen- Brainin, requesting the honorable satisfying and pleasing theory already made great headway laid ere»." A. A. McUNTOCK, Sunday suit." DAVE NIMMO, The president of the Associa- eral Goering the number 2 man gentleman's resignation from the Eaton'* Neck Lighthouse Cheyenne, Wyomtng. that the Jews are an inferior race. through its well-oiled and wellAmerican Library League, he anThis new theory, p r e a c h e d financed machine in enlisting Po- tion of Chambers of Artisans, M. of Naziland he made Frau Goer- swered "I never heard of the Snobczynski, a Government meming, the former Emmy Sonnethroughout the land, is finding lish trade and artisan's groups in Seven Arts or of Mr. Brainin" . . BUpporters by thousands and is destroying possibilities for Polish- ber of Parliament, has issued an mann, granddaughter of the foun- Mr. Proskauer's face would take order requiring Polish citizens to der of the Frankfurter Zeitung, already being applied in the life Jewish cooperation. affix a stamp to their products the first lady of Germany . . . the color of flaming red if he HE new double Cellophane Old Gold package is the soluof the country. The following Well financed by Polish and distinguishing them from articles In restoring General Hans von; were confronted with his own letare a. few examples. tion to the weather problem. Two jackets, double CelloNazi sources, the Endek of Jewish manufacture. Seeckt, founder of the Reicha- ters to our boss, and the Seven ,.1. Jews are forced to occupy German phane, keep out dryness, dampness, dust and dirt . . . every Party is in the position of being Jewish Musicians Barred wehr and the man who smashed Arts . . . separate benches in university able foe of cigarette goodness. to hire hundred of agitators, Owners of cafes and restauHitler's 1923 putsch, to good clas-rosms. They are segregated to distribute millions of leaflets, rants are being compelled to disSPORTING GENTRY In special laboratory classes so subsidize scores of newspapers miss Jewish musicians and sign standing, Hitler once more manJ. Redlich, owner of the BerkEach jacket is moisture-proof Cellophane—the highest qualifested a strange fondness for that Polish students will not have and utilize every means to arouse 1 pledges not to buy from Jews. shire Country Club at Wingdale, men with Jewish wives . . . Frau ity obtainable. That assures fresh cigarettes in any climate. to rub shoulders with them. hatred against the Jews. CathoThe Endeks have developed an Seeckt is a Jewess . . . Berlin in- N. Y., was given the opportunity 2. Polish lawyers in Gdynia lic priests support the campaign elaborate of playing host to Max Schmeling (Signed) P . LORILLARD CO., Inc. (EstabUiihed 1760) to conduct the siders predict a Nazi invasion of MOOT ' have unanimously adopted a res- by denunciation of Jews from the' anti-Jewishmachine boycott. The efforts Austria sometime In June . . . while the latter trained for his olution to sever all personal re- pulpits of Churches. bout with Joe Louis . . . Redlich Wonder if you saw that Heraldof local officials are closely sulations with Jews.pervised and pressure is put on Tribune dispatch about the spread refused this honor but the Jewish Leaflets from. Reich 3. At a recent national conferthe local authorities to compel of anti-Semitism in England . . . owner of the Napanoch Country It has been established that ence, three Jews attending as their adherence to the boycott. From our own sources we learn Club at Napanoch, N. Y., grabbed m u c h anti-Semitic literature delegates wore denied the floor Names of government officials that anti-Jewish agitation is rid- it . . . Thus far Germany has comes into Poland from Germany. bcause they were Jews. who patronize Jewish shops are ing high, wide and handsome in spent $30,000,000 for the 1936 Many of the leaflets distributed 4. The Merchant' Association have been printed in Bethuen and collected and published in the an- Great Britain . . . Lord Marley, Olympics, which gives you an idea of Poland recently adopted a Kattowice •vice-chairman of the British and bear the official ti-Semitic press. number, of resolutions aimed Nazi swastika House of Lords, has gone to the insignia. Leaflets The Dziennik Narodowy, for against Jews engaged in comin Poland boldly carry instance, reports that the Mayor Soviet Union to try and prevail merce and voted not to have any printed the name of the firm of printers. of Rychwal bought a radio set upon the Soviet authorities to adsocial contact with Jews. Polish censors permit the most in a Jewish store, that a govern- it a large number of German 6. Students in a Lodz high- inciting anti-Jewiah material to ment institution ordered caps Jewish refugees . . . In Septemschool refused to use the swim- be published without restraint. from a Jewish capmaker, that an ber he Is coming to this country ming pool because the. Jewish stuofficial of the Radom. municipal- to speak in behalf of the Biro Boycott propaganda is only one dents were also permitted to use ity hired a taxicab operated by a Bidjan project . . . Reports from aspect of the anti-Jewish camit. - . . . - • Vienna describing the collaspe of paign. It is carried on alongside Jew. a brutal campaign of physical atThe collective result of all this the Poenlx Life Insurance Com| tacks, arson, bombing and mur- agtiatlon i3 tragic. Thousands of pany list the Jewish National : der. . . . '•' •' . .. ,;. Jews have lost-their means of Fund as having received 500,000 Jewish homes are burned to livelihood and "hundred more are shillings from the company and the ground. Jewish merchants being added to this list every day. put the JNF into the same class ;•:.' The Independent Biscuit com- are cruelly beaten and driven Scores of Jewish lives have been as Prince yon Starhemberg, the ; pany, occupying the former Build- from the markets where their sacrificed to the spirit of racial Heimwehr, ' the ' Austrian. Monarers' and Merchandisers' Mart at wares are pillaged and stolen. hatred. To this determined drive chists' Association, etc . . . The ;i-Thirtieth a n d :.'.-.. Actual pogroms, with Jews kill- to exterminate three and a half truth of the matter is that the kTaylor streets, is ed and long lists of injured have million Jews, one tenth the to- National Fund never got a cent Tin full operation, taken place in the last thirty tal population of the. country, the from the Pheonix except in the j A. D. Speir, presdays In.Przytyk, Zagorow, Lwow, Polish Government remains call- form of overwriting in accordance with a contract which gave the ;|ident, has anTruskolas and other towns. Syn- ously indifferent.; •• "'•.". National Fund the status of a .: nounced. agogues have been bombed in SoIt has recognized the existence general agent of the company . . . ;i•-;'. Salesmen Sat-| sndwiecz and elsewhere. of this vicious. anti-Jewish move- ABOUT PEOPLE • ' • ur day attended Attacked on Streets ment in Poland by one. adminisJ the o r g a n iza-| Jews, even in the larger cities, trative act.'-T-'it has prohibited Professor Louis Ginzberg, the i^tion'a' first sale3 are subject to street attacks even in Poland the establishment of a ^conference, in-| on Warsaw's principal thorough- League to Combat Anti-Semitism. Inspected the new 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE — A fares. In Sosnowiecz, sixteen 1933 I N T E R N A T I O N A L '<•> TON'S sound Business Coupe. Xew body implant"and heard. PANEL — Tires, "body and finish j Jews required hospital treatment finish. Motor recheeked f o r are in excellent condition. Motor f i the "coming year's In one day after a band of En-; good service. TireB exIs In A-l shape. Backed i B a l e s program 2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully cellent." Guaranteed O. by an O. K. that counts deks had scoured the streets hurat the low price of j outlined. ; furnished. Electric, gas and K. H &. H CHEVROLET ling acid in the face of every Jew >: The company's JOHN OPITZ, Inc. they encountered. In some cenphone included. Gas heated. V 4911 So. 24th" St. j; Omaha territory D, speir. 20th and Dodge tres the authorities have tried to WHISPER IT . . Call We. 3527 on Sunday. |will be enlarged , maintain order.. In the majority The Joint Distribution Commit1929 PLYMOUTH COACH—For low priced transportation see this. i'ltp include portions, of Kansas, of cases, the Jew-baiting gangB tee is preparing to issue a detail1930 CHEVROLET \'2 TON PANMechanically sound.' Newly fin^Colorado, 'Wyoming, South Dako- have' been given a free hand. ed statement clarifying its posiEL — Motor has just been comished body and clean pletely overhauled. Tires, body, Interior. Good Tires. Poland's anti-Semites sedulous- tion on Biro Bidjan . . .You may |;ta.and-Iowa,.and all of Nebraska. and finish axe in excellent conOnly iP Mr. .Speir has been ia the ly ape the Nazis in conducting remember that a couple of weeks dition. Backed by an H *• H CHEVROLET O. K. that counts. At their boycott campaign. Pickets, ago we predicted that the AmerlljEracker business for 30 years. 4911 So. 24th St. : the low price of paid three zlotys a day, stand on ican Committee for. the Settlex : Other officers of the new com: JOHN OPITZ, Inc. guard before Jewish shops and ment of Jews in Biro • Bidjan p a n y are t .'. : ' 1931 FORD COUPE — A dandy 20th and Dodge 3; Charles J . Johnson of Daven- use force to prevent prospective would name as its executive dilooking business Coupe in excellent running • condition •with f$ort, vice-president, and "William customers from entering, if the rector a relative of one of the good tires. GuaranCome m — get «m@ ©f these better values NOW | BlaSer; o£ Davenport, secretary. would-be buyers are not intimi- best known figures in the history teed O. K. A bar1935 CHEVROLET MASTER DEfl&TSJohnson, ia vice-president and dated by the sight of the pickets. of'American Jewish " communal gain a t LUXE COACH—Original finish set" off -by cream, wheels. This ^general manager, and Mr. Blaser H <£. H CHEVROLET Placards exhorting the popula- life . . • It will soon be announcc&rhas very few miles. Mechan4911 So. 24th St. vis secretary of the parent com- tion "Don't Buy From Jews" are ed that Abraham Sholan, son-in1831 CHEVROLET COUPE—Mo1930 CHEVROLET COACH—Thorically perfect A new , tor has been rebuilt; transmission, lipany. .. V.' '"' ' " •.• , v •'oughly reconditioned throughout, car at a used c a r | pasted In almost every city and law of the late Dr. Boris Bogen, differential anrt brakes have been and backed by Red 1S3O DODGE HALF-TON PANEL price ."...• I -jy,} Directors of the Nebraska, cor- township. Non-Jews who patron- has been appointed to. that Job.. . checked; new paint Job. Here ia —Do not pass this up if j-ou are O. K. Guaranli^lation will include the officers ize Jewish stores are photogra- Textile workers In Philadelphia HULAC CHEVROLET CO. an unusually clean, In need of a low priced delivery tee INSURED CABS economical car. Priced truck. A newly finished body. 6001 Military -and Andrew Hansen, Charles P. Omaha's Oldest Chevrolet Dealer for quick pale • Mechanically p e r feet. DEWEY CHEVROLET CO. SjSannon. J. L. Burr and A. H. AlGood- tires. Guaranteed MILLER-KNUTH CHEV. CO. 3813 North 24th St. Slerheillgen, aU of Omaha; A. H. O. K. Reduced to 18th and Howard—2033 Farnarrl 1933 FORD V-8 COACH—BeautiTHESE CRISP.CRACKERS sHrttby* Grand Island; George LudH *. H CHEVROLET ful jet black finish: good set Lee 1S31 STUDEBAKER COUPE. H » ! 4911 So. 24th St. IjWlg, Lincoln:; N. L. Alkire, ScottsSURE GO FASTWHEN THE CHEESE 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER DEtires; bedford coi-d upholstery: rumble seat, color green, tires !n LUXE COACH- Pee the Lender |l>lul& and Homer B. Tiffany, Cogood condition throughIS SERVED !...THAT'S BECAUSE fine shape, mechanically O. K. First! Ornsp thin opportunity to>





VI 8



from. y®u$ Chevrolet Dealer









1934.. CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH—Act quickly - f6r this great value. In fin© condition, just nicely broken in. Motor is smooth, powerful and economical. Special price JOHN OPITZ, Inc. 20th and Dodge






American Dollars & Food N: Packages


193S CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH—Original Duco finish. Glean upholstery. Tires show little wear. Thoroughly • reconditioned and backed by an O. K. that counts. Special Rale today only JOHN OPITZ, Inc. 20th and Dodge

/Guaranteed Delivery •r, "Money orders to Poland, 1.1th-" Mania, ' Latvia and Palestine. Nfail or; Cable—Fastest Service


•ivy-:Joseph Radinowski Wl±43& No. i8tii


For-Picnics and All Occasions Serve Forbes' New York Pumpernickel BREAD ' Sliced thin for your Convenience

FORBES BAKING CO. 2701-11 No. 24th St, We. 6400


193S FORD V-8 TUDOR-«-JuEt traded in on a new- Chevrolet Sbc Only slightly used and in excellent condition. Reduced $50.00 for quick sale. Buy it today for JOHN OPITZ, Inc. 20th and Dodge


1933 FORD V-8 TUDOR—Upholstery finish and tires are in excellent condition. Motor has just been completely reconditioned. Backed by an O. K. that counts at the low price JOHN OPITZ, Inc. 20th and Dodge


out? at





The value of this car «-rceeds the selline price. Red O. K. Guarantee... OmahVs Oldest Chevrolet Dealer DEWEY CHEVROLET CO, :• 3813 North 24th S t .

1931 FORD COACH—This Model A Ford is very economical to drive. The motor has been overhauled -with new pistons; priced to sell in a harry





COACH." Color black, upholstery like. new. original miles of 2O,Ono makes this car a real value at the asking price. Red OK guarantee nP Omaha's Oldest Chevrolet Dealer DEWEY CHEVROLET CO. 3813 North 24th St.

1S29 FORD PANEL-TRUCK—This truck has an exceptionally prood

1B35 FORD TOURING SEDAN— Built in trunk; not. a scratch on

body: new tires and motor completely overhauled. This ~~ is the best truck you can. buy a t the price.... HULAC CHEVROLET CO. 6001 Military


1931 FORD TUDOR—Black In color. Has had seat covers on from start. Fine mechanical condition. Tires near new. In fact, this car is •worth far-more money than the asking price Red O. K. Guarantee... Omaha's Oldest Chevrolet Dealer DEWEY CHEVROLET CO. 3813 North 24th St.

the original jet-black finish: broadcloth npholpterinsr spotless;

enjoy Chevrolet's famous valvein-head motor. Nowhere will yott find such rldinsr comfort; remarkable handling* eas*3! such eager response to brakes at the low price of..... MlLLER-KNUTH CHEV. CO. 18ih and Howard—2033 Farnam

1634 FORD SEDAN—Here IB a real bargain: mechanically perfect in every respect: has oriffina.1 finish; tires are iike new; the entire car shows it has had exreedinglv g- o o fl care. Priced low for immediate sale -w -- . MILLER-KNUTH CHEV. CO. 13th and Howard—'2033 Fdrnam

had exceptionally fin* care in the hands - of original owner. Priced for immfdiate sale >.. MILLER-KNUTH CHEV. CO. 18th and Howard—2033 Farnam

1931'PONT! AC COACH—Has ne paint: car has been checked mechanically in every respect! trill give -someone good ecomoniwd transportation at MILLER.KNUTH CHEV. CO. 18th and Howard—2033 Farnam

1531 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY— Attention Merchants! Here is a Tight delivery truck in the peak of condition that is. ideal for'grocers, floriBts. dry cleaners, etc." Priced exceedingly low at MILLER-KNUTH CHEV. CO; 18th and Howard—2033 Farnam

1831 CHEVROLET V,', TON SHORT WHEELBASE TRUCK— In fair condition: hns cab, body; priced at least J100.W under present day market. Alt Miller-Knutlj cars and trucks are sold on new, low, UMAC terms. Here if* one for 18th and Howard—2033 Farnam MILLER.KNUTH CHEV. CO.

car driven less than 12,000 miiep;









ready to boot the Jetrs out. j She recognizes that life insurance is as much for the benefit of othThe most dangerous aspect of I this type of propaganda is its deers as it is for her. vasting effect on the Jewish Life insurance does not offer mind. The endless base drum of simply a policy but protection and denunciation and prejudice has security for the present and a •worn some of us down in the manguarantee of happipess and joy j ner of the third-degree rubber for the future. The policy and the j ! hose. We are now confessing to plan back of it is a personal guar- ! crimes which we did not commit j By t h e Service Life Insurance antee of happiness for the man ! merely to escape the torture and !* Company, Omaha • himself, a happiness the 'Circle of ' beatings of merciless barbarians. | • which is completed by the knowlwe say to ourselves, per-! When you think of life insur- 1e d £ e that should he not be here j I n this provoking article The verbal scuffle between these holy union with progressivism? h a Thus s w e money his! should compromise. Per-j ance today you should think of o i l "settling day" the ; Meyer F . Steinglass,.editor,and two prominent •weathervanes in Would a system that h i s lbeen set jh a P policy will provide will i up on the traditional principles j fiaP s we should not shout so ad- "life," a n ri-r,ot of " ^ a t i . » v™, Y o u insurance poncy wi Journalist, answers Henry Mont i t i n n tho traditional nrinpinlp=; PS we SttOUltt not snoui so aa- should think of it not only as a j turn secure food and clothing, j tors' recent article "Wanted: sent-day Jewish life was a most and all necessities for • ofpro- £ « ttat trad Uonaland ^ Perhaps ^ we ^ ought ^ ^to hold ^ help in the day of great need, Pl A New Technique in Fighting ^turbulentatmosphere prominence be capable of under i t o prominence' under-! revealing mental strip-act. It when the emergency of d e a t h j those whom he loves better than : Anti-Semitism." for'the numerous clauses. was, in fact, a revelation of the taking such a program? Are not out flimself that hated monster of the antifalls upon the family but think : : .Can the Jews Fight Anti- history and background oZ both the economic differences which Semitic zoo. And here begins the of it as a source of great satis-1 Semitism? This is the query men as symbols of youth in fer- exist among Jews sharply accentof the Jewish defense. faction during the days when v- i Decipher Ancient posed . by Meyer F . Steinglass ment and middle-age in pious de- uated in our communal organiza- j crumbling e ire b begin i tto say, ay all ll right, r i g h tmaym a y erything is going well. and his answer is still more votion to tradition. As the rep- tions. where the men with the TV be there are too many doctorsl daring. EDITORS NOTE resentative of youth in revolt Mr. purse control the- purse-strings Life insurance possesses bene- • insmnh All right, give us at least as many f U s 0 ge _ j Wise was ready to sacrifice the and dictate policies? How can the fUs c t n o o n e n e e d dd i ee tt 0 ge aTe Conn i ? ?J With characteristic inclsiveness traditions of culture and religion leaders of these organizations, are proportionate to our , a fatherknows who !Al} exstmg a n c e insurance to make thispopucon- hc uar se a. d Fe qou ra ti neE tlife theories of the de* Henry Montor has digested the for the well-being and equality whose economic interests do n o t a t i o n . Forced Fd k th weaknesses of our technique of which he maintained an economic always thrive in the pastures of cession, we are thus driven | t h a t h e h a s d o n e h i s d u t V j t h e j relopment of Hebrew luurg.eal fighting anti-Semitism. He has "utopia" such as Soviet Kussia progressivism, be expected'to a - i against the wall, where the X a z i - | m e r e t h o u g h t o f i t s h o u i d s f e r v e j writing will be revolutionized by succeeded so thoroughly in laying. could offer. Mr. Lewisohn on the bandon their positions of influ-1 «ed anti-Semites can make short; a g a s e a l o f a p p r o v a l a n d a s a the discovery that an i n s e r t i o n .ablet, dating bare the flimsiness of our meth- other hand clinging to his faith ence and power to the plan sug- j shrift of us. Under no clrcnm-1 b e n e d i c t I o a o f .< well d o n e - . u p o n ; of rao m al o 0cuneuorm 'stances must we abandon or yield | t h e l i f e p l a n s o f a n y good thought° B - c > discovered seiods against a monstrous recur- i n o r t h o "d o x y , i n human gested by Mr.. Montor. eral ears in the fight for what is rightfulfather. " 7" ago at Ras Shrama in rence of Jew-hatred that he has nature,' and above all in the It may .perhaps be a timely .oc-" j ly ours. Let us not be deceived f u J il'orthern Syria, is the earliest opened our eyes to a question in triumphant, d e s t i n y Possession of life insurance of the casion for injecting a greater spirknown written psalm, it was anJewish life to which all of us House of Israel, steadfastly argu- it of democracy into many nation-1 into retreat by the mirage of makes it possible- for him to re- ; temporary relief from the "third ! n0UBCed here b 7 Dr •would like to remain immune for ed for the eternal verities and the al Jewish bodies, but then, again, ^edge to care for those " JuliUS Obermann, professor of Semitic eQ e just a little longer. Mr. Montor perennial hardihood ^of the Jew, would it. not require radical mea- d e g r ^ ? : t . T h e r e 1S n o r e t r e a t b u t | w h o m he loves. P ' s Itto care ior likewise is inose his • Universitv ihUatIon< has raised a most discomforting who almost thrives ~ on the or- sures to uproot the prevailing ; i guarantee and assurance that reur^before the Semitic issue. Already we can hear the deals of persecution! With the system? | It is this -situation that Igardless of what may happen to echo of several well-distributed argument going off on parallel ;for exhalations of "Shh" from var- lines, the two gladitors never met j and its politcal j shows of the ins ious quarters. i izational life as it exists today, mother should and """""""•; does think language T,«.t™-V •»•*"".'•""=•""'""-""• u to have been the primitive anon common ground. The result j tions, particularly as it encour- !lf network insurance not as something , \ \ " _, , _ „ „ . _ ^ „„ ,.„_ oi l i f e v The "shushing" or whispering was not a debate but-two elo-:ages or discourages the rise of i h 1 b t c e s t o r o f iiie Hebrew prayer form, of a formidable anti-SemiUc In-; campaign to keep the discussion quent monologues. fascistic groups with anti- | benefits each one ! According to Dr. Obermann this the entire! of' Jewish problems at a convenpian Mr. Montor lias not wntten his , Semitic objectives, to the shape ( a r e to 'fight; his • poison i of lheTamn71n7quaT meTsuTe^ ! P f f' w r i t t e n . ™ thte l a E ^ ^ e ient pianissimo is in itselt a conagnosis of. the inefficacy of our] of things to come for our corn-.I attack .with Don Quixote's ianr«? i oi the Canaamtes. at the same demning symptom ' of the delirtapor-j j. period that Moses was developing methods against anti-Semitic pro-jmunal life: is of such vital h a g Bl&nde^d us> ious state of the leadership of the ;s o m e c o u n t r i e s w e r e paganda with any intention ofjtance that it cannot be Pigeon-1 an international peorestricting ;t h e Hebrew religion, is really the i n t m s fnr Jewish community. Even, Mr. immigratio11 a n d P a l e s t m e threshing out the issues inherent 1 holed any-longer. iinnn infprnationali " l s t h e first psalm and the source of all Montor seems to feel this appreintent n e f r e f u g e i e f t t o t i i eper iaterHebrevprEyers in the remedy he proposes. But j Many who have been studying ^ maneuverine. The hensiveness which he attributes jthe close a to others, for he glosses over'the Mr. Montor is of the opinion t h a t | g The Zionist cause, he asserted,' the "shirt" groupsthe in zJewries he remain oblivious to them? jt hr oe wc lt on s eo fassociation between ^ y t h _ B u t a the j , not a party policy. i o n i s a throughout u n i o aworld of !secuted. crux of the issue and contents the fight Pointing ; The CFI plan may Interest you! for progresive economic this country, have been alarmed ^ s T b e TheTeirity of ofthe hou^! the Small monthly payments . . . inhimself with dwelling chiefly on and political principles will sufout that a governor general is ! stead by their clear alignment with the be fol-!f, of one single premium. e T e n i f ft i s t 0 a p p e a r t 0 the diagnosis, rather on' the pro- fice to halt the endless processtrictly forbidden to talk poliBUY INSURANCE THE i h and d th ti tcoons lowing through Hitler's charge. the corporation tycoons. e gnosis of the case of the futility sion of Sentinels, Crusaders, Sil- rich CONVENIENT WAY " The super-Americanism t h e y That is the only way at our ^ " tics," he decalred that Zionism If interested, call ot our present defensive against a solemn obligation of the, ver Shirts, Liberators,' etc., all preach often gives them access to posal to put an end to_ Hitler and i anti-Semitism. MAEK LEON people, accepted by every seeking to "put the ^ Jew in his rich men who also happen to be n Every type of Insurance written ! party. The Balfour Declaration The prognosis calls for plain place." . Jews. This drives a deadly people everywhere. 21 Strong Companies I and the Palestine mandate were speaking, not for neatly apposite AT 7667 WA 6150 If we are to take his words at wedge into the Jewish ranks and I built on it, he staled. phrases which hide the real pro- their face value, his proposal calls plants the seed of disruption in (Copyright 193 6 by Seven Arts blems under a bushel of "respect- I for a complete restratification of Jewish life: It marks the beginFeature Syndicate.) ability and dignity." Whether or | the Jewish population. For, it ning of the parting of the ways not Mr. .Montor was aware of it, jIs quite abvious that if the Jews of the rich and the -not-rich he was dangerously close to the- are ta form'an alliance with pro- among Jewry, forcing alliances barbwire of no-man's-land when gressive forces, they must of ne- outside the fold of Jewish life he .calmly suggested that the Jew.cessity break the existing lines of j nd Jewish aspirations. Should a cease fighting for his rights as a internal economic differences,. this parting- of the ways come it v for Jew and join the ranks of the hurdle the barriers between Jew-1 -will tear down the entire comliberals and progressives. Al- ish capital, Jewish middle-class, imunal edifice of American Jewry, though he gently poked at this and Jewish labor, and bring about j what will-be left in its wake, we little hill of dynamite with a ten- a miraculous amalgamation of cannot say, but it will not be a Montreal, Que., (JTA) — The j g foot pole, the high explosive na- these heterogeneous groups Into very encouraging state of affairs. importance of Palestine as -a j 5 ture of the subject cannot be one homogeneous whole. In view of refuge for persecuted >£• No one will deny that the con-j overlooked. j Jews and as a key to the British of the constant internecine war-| s tant boom of anti-Semitic-propMr. Montor haa told us in so fare in Jewish life at the present aganda," shrewdly planted and I position in_ the Near East was! \ many wards that the present time; when all elements are pre-nurtured.-, by Hitler money a n d stressed by Lord Tweedsmuis,j' "A Quality Product for Seasoning" General of Canada, In | methods of the Jews, against a sumably bound together by the Hitler technique, has created, a Governor an address at a dinner of the Naspreading and festering anti- common ties of racial, religious, certain hysteria among even t h e | us. «<™al Council of the Zionist OrSemitism are equivalent to a-flit and- cultural "tradition,' j j b a t most i.well-'balanced • a # i g gun against a dragon.. What he chance would^there" by to find Mr. Montor is to be commended! ganization of Canada. proposes may point to the road a common denominator for the for tearing away the mask of I "Palestine holds the key to the of salvation, but many revolution- union o2 such self-evidently dis- '.'disinterestedness" of the auth-, strategical position on the great ary changes will have to be made similar groups as workers, cap- ors of the article in Fortune mag-| route between the East and j azine. For when your host be- j West," he declared. "The war in in our communal outlook before italists, and middle-classmen? this program will he able to funcAnd should this well-nigh im- 'gins *to count his silverware be-; Abyssinia has caused most of us; tion effectively. possible fusion of economic ele- fore you leave, whether, it is all! to refleet upon the safeguarding j The readers of this publication ments take place, should they be intact or not does not matter. You j of that highroad. To have a niay recall that James Waterman transformed into a'unit with iden- are manifestly unwelcome and \ strong and contented . Palestine Wise and Ludwig Lewisohn cros- tical political and economic aims, under suspicion. When. Fortune I will be, in the future, of incalculsed pens over somewhat the same would it not also Involve a scrap- undertakes to find out what pos-jable value to the British Empire." question only a short time ago. ping of our entire communal itions of prominence or power the ] Describing the Jew as the "nat- ! structure, whose foundation is Jews control in the United States ! ural bridge between the East j built on the very differences and it is the worst of all possible ' and West," Lord Tweedsmuir said j "Admission of Defeat" divisions in the economic and po-.signs. It is tantamount to pro-!that Zionism has never been more I The announcement of the pub- litical strata? Is our present claiming to the non-Jews that important than at this moment, | lic works administration that it American Jewish communal sys- these positions are waiting and i and its success is no less impor-j will rescind the three-way inter- tem prepared to bring about this open for them whenever they getjtant to Britain. He added that j connection agreement of the three public power projects in Nebraska was characterized as an admission of defeat by PWA of its attempt to ' form a "model state power system" In Nebraska, in. a statement, issued in Washington


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five privately owned power companies who are plaintiffs seeking to enjoin the project in the supreme court of the District of Columbia. Mr. Page said that the announcement of- the plan to tear up the Nebraska three-way plan wab made by PWA attorneys to attorneys for the -utilities in Washington. He stated also that the press associations had also advised the utilities' attorneys that the report had been current all day In PWA circles.

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, By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS Eabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City

Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by



52.00 Subscription Price, one year Advertising rates furnished on application.

Constructed for Those * Fleeing- Jaffa

Editorial Office: 600 Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ' DAVID BU&.CKER -• '-.- Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - . . - - - - . Edito^ FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, .Correspondent.. ANN. PILL .-•.-'..'- - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent : ' Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

Tel Aviv (JTA-) This all? Jewish city, thronged with refuees from Jaffa and Its suburbs, decided to construct 1,000 homes In the southern section of Tel Aviv to house them. The decision was taken at a conference of the municipal council and representatives 61 the Jewish National Council and the Jewish Agency for Palestine. A campaign to false $1,000,000 for construction of the homes was decided upon. The homes are intended for those refugees who formerly lived In the mixed population sections of Jaffa and who conseauently were the severest sufferers at the hands of the Arab rioters. Attending the conference were Henrietta Szold, EHezer Kaplan, of the Jewish Agency and Ellahu Berligne, of the Jewish National Council. Prices of many food products were fixed by proclamation in an effort to prevent profiteering due to the presence In the city of some 9,500 refugees. T h e proclamafear tion declared there was no of a ' food shortage and no reason existed for raising prices.

[Shabucth Thoughts Shabuoth, which will be observed by world Jewry, startling next Tuesday evening, has a two-fold significance to our I people. It is the festival of first fruits, commemorating the fdays when every head of the household* journeyed to Jerusalem to lay upon the altar the first fruits of his trees and his offering of wheat. It is also the day commemorating the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. ^. The Ten Commandments have remained one of the outstanding gifts of the.Jewish people to the world. Through the centuries it has proven to be the pillar and strength for moral good in human law, a fundamental foundation block which has stood humanity in good stead. Inside ghetto walls, in medieval persecution, the Jewish people crowded into unlovely synagogues made beautiful by the faith of the people in it and the springtime of their:immortal, law,'-a law which gave perpetuity to an ever-living and ever-growing people. In the years of exile, wandering through the Diaspora, the Jews did not have a Jerusalem to which they could bring their first fruits. But, they found a new way to give as an offering the first fruits of their labor - - philanthropy. The needy of their people yere aided by the warmness of Jewish generosity. And today, when Palestine is once more becoming the Jewish homeland, we in the Diaspora continue to - give first fruits in order that our people may gain a new lease on life. Appropriately, therefore, does the Philanthropies campaign in Omaha come in the Shabuoth season. It is not too late for any one who has faltered in his duty to take his place with his Jewish forebears and give of his first fruits as a token of appreciation for his worldly possessions and as an understanding of his Jewish heritage - - by giving wholeheartedly, and generously to the Philanthropies.

Self-Restraint •/•.. Jewish hope in the future is wrapped up in Palestine. •When black clouds darkened the horizon in every port, rays of sunshine emanating from the Jewish homeland served as a jjbeacon light to guide us through stormy weather. I Now, the clouds of 1921 and 1929 are once more forming la spiral above Palestine. The atmosphere is darkening, as the |Arabs - - just an^ organized, vocal minority - - continue to stir |up the smoldering fires of racial animosity. Sporadic violence lis mixed with the concentrated civil" disobedience plan .of the 1 Moslems. -.In the face of this •uncertainty--and continued atitacks, the Palestinian Jewry ••:'•» ready to defend their hardfearned rights at any cost - - have shown remarkable patience | and self-restraint. They know that the strikes and rioting is |the work of an organized minority, operating through a mafchine-like propaganda. But they are also paying heed to the oft-repeated British assurances that violence will not be tolerated and the action of these Arabs will in no whit cause the government to restrict Jewish immigration. The minute the government changes.this attitude, and attempts to halt Jewish immigration, look for Jewish action to counteract such a move. British honor is at stake, and the chalutzim of Palestine aim to keep that honor clear, whether the British government does or not. - :


THE BROWN NET WORK Incredible falsehoods, can willful"The Activities of the Nazis in ly make hell appear to be paradise and Tica versa, can consciForeign Countries." Translated from the German doc- ously plan and execute wholesale, umented and Illustrated Knight colossal, gangsterism.That the world, at least a good Publications 309 pages $3.00. part of it has fallen for the Nazi This Is a terrifying book. It bait Is evident from the faith should startle the world and drive many honorable citizens place in it to drastic action, Here is a the peace professions, peace guarrevealing account of the Nazi antees and peace programs of movement as it functions, secret- Hitler. The "Brown Network" ly and fn the open, at home and establishes beyond any reasonmore especially, abroad. Instead able doubt that the chief business of being greatly excercised over of Nazi Germany is rearming, and the so-called "Red International" that this Is being executed at a which is a paper organization, im- feverish rate of speed, and at fanpotent and disorganized, intelli- tastic expenditures of money. AH gent and liberal men and women the energies of the land are submust deal with the powerful, un- j ordinated to one goal, to excell s c r u p u l o u s and gangster-like all nations in military equipment VBrown International", the chief and preparedness, to achieve milmenace to civilization. itary victory and, ultimately beThis work, originally published come the dominant power in EurIn the German, is the result of ope. Everything else in the Nazi two years of difficult and danger- program is subsidiary to this carous activities, conducted with the dinal and all absorbing purpose. sole purpose of exposing the pol- This goal of expansion, of miliicies, aims and above all the tech- tary supremacy, undeviating and nique of the Nazi movement. The absolute, Is strikingly analized in cardinal guide for the Nazis, in "The New German Imperialism," all their propaganda efforts is the the first chapter in this terrifying "principle" enunciated by Hitler book. In his "Mein Kampf", the new Nazi Imperialism is pushed re"Bible" of G e r m a n y , that lentlessly by an international ring "through the skillful and persis- of carefully picked agents and tent application of propaganda an spies, who persistently conspire entire people can be shown hea- to weaken and overthrow, legally, ven as heH and equally the most if possible and illegally when necmiserable life can be made to essary, existing governments. As seem /paradise." Nothing illus- attache's to the German foreign trates more decisively the moral office, Nazi spies escape scrutiny tone of the movement and the and police surveillance, but carry methods it would utilize than this on everywhere. The personell and brutal and contemptible declara- their treacherous activities are dition. The entire Nazi program is rected and coordinated by the one gigantic, atrocious lie,- which Gestapo, the German secret polby brazen and constant repetition icy, with ..headquarters in Gereven in the face of expousure, is many but agents, spies and blackaccorded a measure of credence. mailers everywhere. The groundThe violent insolence of the Na- work for the propaganda, the zis, their utter lack of principle, plans of attack are supplied by their incredible dishonesty and the propaganda Minister Goebells, treachery have served to win them in the eyes of the ordinary man, paradoxical though it appears, a measure of acceptance GEMS OF THE BIBLE and respectability. The unsuspectAND TALMUD ing individual, be he German or not, cannot conceive how anyone, By O. O. DASHER

Philadelphia (WNS) — Nazism 13 a foe of learning and "displays frank contempt for the Intellectual life," Dr. Harold Willis Dodds, -president of Princeton University, declared in an address at the convocation of the University of Pennsylvania. -• Citing the attempts by Germany and other Fascists nations "to dethrone reason by destroying intellectual values and loyalties," Dr. Dodds asserted that Germany's •oft proclaimed boast 'we think with our blood' Is a return to savagery, a betrayal of all that •education stands for; and this Is true no matter how natural or inevitable is the state of mind [least of all those who occupy posIt is not enough to deal thy itiona of authority can stoop to bread to the hungry and that to which gives rise to it.': bring the poor that are cast out thy house but thou must draw those regarded as otherwise exemplary men. The teachings to out thy soul to the hungry to satof religion, even among those subjecting themselves to their isfy their afflicted eoul. Then influence, seem entirely in vain. shall thy light rise in darkness In the larger life of the world conditions are still worse, and thy gloom be as the noonday. and nothing less than scandalous and breath-takingly shock- Thus, Baith the Lord, Let not ing. "We see immorality on a wholesale, a national andean in- the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory ternational scale, "immoral man in an immoral society.'' in his might. Let not the rich man The conspicuous examples are, of course,' Mussolini, Nazi glory In his riches, but let him Germany, and militaristic Japan. In the ease of Italy we see that glorieth glory in this that he

The Palestinian situation recalls to mind the interview given some years" back by; Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who reputedly lost his Zionist presidency because he stated that Palestine should, be developed on a bi-national basis, with Arab and Jew working side by side with equal rights'for the future welfare of Palestine. Today, Weizmann is president of the Jewish Agency, and his words of yesterday are prophetic for tomorrow. "We cannot and must not surrender one iota because of the riots; Jewish immigration must be increased—but we must also not in our progress forget our fellow-Semitic Arab. Peace and harmony in Palestine and the greatness of its future depend .upon Jewish and Arab co-operation. Violence such as occurred against the Jews in Palestine does not represent real Arab opinion, but it does represent a growing manifestation fed by the personal aims of Moslem leaders who stand to: benefit from an Arab nationalism. The violence of the riots, we agree with Weizmann, is another manifestation of the ancient war of thei-desert against'human civilization! and progress. Those Arab attacks will not intimidate us. They shalJ instead resolve our determination to move forward and intensify our efforts to rebuild our Jewish homeland. The force of construction and civilization is too all-powerful —Palestine is the Jewish homeland and shall be built up

as such I

Our Festival of Morality By Rabbi FredericlsOohn On the eye of our Jewish festival 'of Shevuoth which commemorates the Giving of the Ten Commandments and which may therefore be called the Festival of Morality, we bewail the,moral condition of mankind. It would seem that the Ten Commandments, the fundamental rules of morality, are entirely disregarded and openly and cynically flouted. Mankind's moral sense seems at verylow ebb. ^ ' Consider the vice and crime that prevail among individuals. The marriage bond is lightly esteemed, divorces are prevalent and increasing even among Jews, hitherto admired and lauded I for then- pure family life. There is corruption and dishonesty | -in business, fraud and embezzlement and even the major crimes n are rampant as never.before;' kidnapping, various kinds of "racketeering, gangs, terrorism of the most brutal sort, deliberate and cold-blooded murder, so that it would often seem that the moral sense is entirely perished from among men. All |, manner of injustice is lightly and caHously nraetised even by

as are also the huge funds requisite for this Illegal and base work. The man power Is supplied by the Gestapo. An efficient, happy, combination. The chief objectives of the terorist propagandists are the former German nationals. Devoted attention is paid countries with large German populations, countries upon which the Nazis have "friendly" designs. Agents of the foreign office and Gestapo officials contact these de-nationalized Germans, organize them into a Nazi cell often against their will, and with threat or use of force coordinate all German institutions, clubs, schools and activities to harmonise with the Ntfzi goal. Where force and strong arm methods fall* the Gestapo officials /irrest, or threaten to arrest, relatives of the rebel residing in Germany and to hold them as hostages or to send them to concentration campe, submission invariably fallows. To appreciate the nature, the extent, the tenacity and the baeeness of this Nazi imperlaliBtn, the author supllea minute and amazing description* of the character and method* of the German eecret police. By giving an account of several actual cases, c. g. the kidnapping of Jacob Berthoid, he shows how It functions in defiance of all honor and In wholesale violation of International law. Nothing is sacred to the Gestapo, excepting the realization of its purpose whatever that may be, but always cruel, base, treacherous, involving gangsterism, assassination and purchlse of conscience, honor and faith. The authentic portrayal of the Gestapo methods is a schocking revelation of the very lowest of human degradation, That it functlons in England, in Austria, in the low lands, in Switzerland, in Czecho-Slavakie, in Jugo-Slavia, Roumania and last but not least in the United States, with gangster technique and Teutonic efficiency, make Hitler the greatest single menance to world stability and peace. Wherever possible the Nazis follow the more cautious and prudent policy of boring from within, organize themselves into a legal party, as in Czecho-Slavakia, which contains a large German population, and seek to gain power legally and then to overthrow the government, as Hitler did in Germany. Where that is impossible, gangsterism is resorted to freely. Treachery, assassination, murder, riots, conspiracies provide the local Nazi parties, always functioning under direct and strict orders from the 'Gestapo office -with Justification for a ".putsch." This relentless, forced coordination in all countries goes

Unusually Important and illuminating is the appendix. It identifies carefully the chief members of the Brown Network, It lists the Nazi propaganda agents,'stool pigeons, and spies outside of Germany according to the country of assignment, each name being accompanied by an. interesting bit of valuable biographical matter. No country of importance is exempt from the presence of these scoundrels, always masquerading ; under innocent and highly respectable titles, thanks to the protection of the German Foreign Office. The author has unearthed the most devilish and criminal conspiracy ever devised against civilization. The sooner the governments of the world take drastic j action against it, the sooner •will the racp be free from the threat of the Nazis madness. ] The volume deserves a large I eale. Some humanitarian can ren-! dcr a superb service to mankind • by placing H in thp hands of ail j who can read. A greater and j more lasting service one cannot i render at the present. i

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on unacted. It is the very-'heart and souTof the Nail regime. Yet against this universal threat of chaos and revolution the world remains tragically silent and indifferent.

a stronger nation deliberately attacking a weaker in ^Jte P* , that u n d e rI8 tam a a d ethe t l l Lord who exercise the most solemn treaties, conquering it by tlie most and inhuman methods; boldly, defiantly and even boastfully j mercy, justice and righteousness annexing the territory, openly committing highway robbery, upon earth. breaking the eighth commandment, (and the sixth and the Thou hast been a stronghold to tenth, in fact, all the commandments), on a colossal scale, steal- the poor, a stronghold to the AIR CONDITIONING ing not some pretty trinket or even costly jewel but a whole needy in his distress, a refuge "kingdom, and murdering hundreds and thousands of inno- from the storm, a shadow from the heat. for every purpose cent men, women and diildren in the process. Nazi Germany assassinated the soul of a people, as well Distributed by TALMUD as exterminating their bodies, practicing a ruthless, relentless Our rabbis were taught, "When "cold pogrom," using moral and economic poison gas, delib- the Jewish nation is in distress it WESTERN erately destroying a most valuable and deserving-part of its is the. duty of every Jew the en- Air Conditioning Corp. population, perpetrating human sabotage against the Jews, tire world over to unite as one in AT. 3454 commiting what history will surely regard as the crime of the lending moral and financial aid 104 No. 18th St. to protect the good name of Iscentury. » . rael. Any Jewish individual who Japan continues its invasion and appropriation of China, will say he is not concerned with absolutely impervious to any moral principle, relying only on what will happen to the Jewish the right of might, knowing or heeding no law but the law nation, he Is only interested in Come To his own family and relatives and of the stronger. WHITMAN'S "Well may we exclaim with the eloquent Roman, "O tem- feels that he Is fulfilling his entire duty by taking care of them for \ pora, O morer!" for right and justice, and any sense of them, is visited by two ministering seem to have altogether vanished from the earth. The Best Hot Corned Beef angels (two volunteer social servIt is good, then, to have such a festival as Shevuoth, to ice messengers) who put their Sandwiches in the City remind us that morality (though never perfect) once existed fingers of scorn upon his head Whitman's on the earth," that it was honored, regarded (however trans- and say to him, "You are not inpressed against) as universally binding, upon nations and in- terested in .helping your brethren Delicatessen & Lunch dividuals, as the only basis of true human welfare, of indivi- in distress and suffering shall not 2417 Farnam , $&. 4874 to see the day when the JewOpen Dally and Sundert dual and national happiness, of national and international live ish nation will reach Its destiny Till Mldnlte peace. "Righteousness exaltetli a nation," said the old Jewish and will be a blessing to all manspirit. "Sin is a reproach and a disgrace to any and every kind."

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The old Hebrew prophets thundered at the wickedness of nations as of individuals. They knew that the nation was but the individual "writ large." The nation was no mystic entity, possessed no special character that absolved it from wrong. Nations were but collections of individuals and were responsible collectively as the individual was singly. The Ten Commandments have not been repealed^ "We cannot repudiate them as we do a Locarno or a Treaty1 of Vervailles. Nor are they obsolete even in this modernistic world that so fatuously (and with, such tragic results) boasts of its progress and "pivilizatiori.'* There is no trae progress that does not include the moral "civilization," that rests on theft and murder, belies the name. James Rnssel Lowell rightly expressed it: "In vain we call old notions- fudge and bend our conscience .to bur dealing; The Ten Commandments will not budge and stealing will con-: tinue stealing." And killing, killing! And wrong, wrong! And injustice, injustice! And faithlessness, faithlessness! And perfidy, perfidy! God's Moral Law cannot be flouted with impunity and will yet be vindicated. We have, seen how even in these latter, degenerate days wrongs have been humanly punished. A Hauptman has been executed, a Dillinger has been removed from the scene of his crimes, a Capone, languishes behind prison bars, due punishment is about to be meted out to others. We rejoice in the activity and efficiency of our "G-Men," of our American department of justice. God's "G-Men" will not be inactive; the department of. Divine Justice will prove itself the most efficient of all. It has operated throughout the ages. It operates today. The moral is bound to triumph in the end! So let us celebrate our Festival of Morality with proper appreciation and nndiminished and nndiscouraged optimism, "For right is rights as God is God. And right'the day must win. To donbt would be disloyalty. To falter would he sin." - - Frederick Cohn.

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Joseph EaainoTfBki, 14S4 2ND. IBth St., Is acting as agent in getPetach Titvah, Palestine (TVKS ting American dollars and food jiackagBS to relatives in Knssia. Palcor Agency—A pledge that the E e also handles the sending of Je-vrisc "Plantation trwners -would money orders to Poljmd, Uthc- immediately begin rrcploying E snia, Xstvia ana Palestine, grfiater number of Jews in their orange groves -was made by a nr cable. group of leading farmers s.t a conference caJled here in conPatronize Dur Aavertisers

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GTEST :HEKE . their meeuJigE- trvifcinf tc of?!m SETA &SOJDJI IRff .sl Jeisssh' Wcmea TSiss X.ouise Sierriberg of rcrs. I I m . Blank im* m&flf InThe annual lunchean of the E£CTS EAROLD STEM auifie is the ;gnest ol i e r brothcreases poMsibU: ii: BOBf organlsuOmaha section ol the Council of er-in-la"w End. sister, 31r.- and Mrs. if~^*4-S. ^f^L**/"** i» •#•"*, tionF a n d liar. mnttEgetl t*> pel. reSam Evanson. The Phi Beta Epsilan. social Jewish iTomen -will be held. MonV J l - J X KSfl O ^ V - O -new&lF .froni every organization i_. whit; I; gcrf last year. Iraternity at Creighton universi- day, May..25, a t 1 o'clock at the ' have amounted to at leas: f 1 0 or ty, held its annual KET election Jewish Community Center. This Oxie of the most excellent jobF Ji it hpcauBr o"' Filth KETTES BO3HE meeting closes the current council Mr. .ana Mrs. Nathan 'WieEmen Priday evening, May 15, at the year. A board meeting -will start in the present Philanthropies who had given t similar nun- ir bt'arted. unpflfjah -work ll\i\i campaign has been the splendid the past. -with their daughter, Merriam, ; fraternity headquarters in the at 12 o'clocli. These women -worked -withoui .'pv-'iBb Philanthropies. Trorfe dons try the Initial Gifts and son, Charles, have Teftrrned [Sunter Inn .annex. Appearing on the program to E.r'- tnonght oi credit. Tficorc or of imp year T>romiR«u- t.p nr tl>? to their iome 'in Omaha alter"! Harold Stern -was electee pres-- follow the luncheon -will beyotrEsrfifvil ir. the Utetory Pi! spending -the winter in San Gab- \ flfiat: Harold Bloch, -viee-presi- er pupils of aiilton A. Elect, in a brDUpht in waf assignied to o u r 0': i rieland Palm Springs, Cal. Sent; Eill Grey, secretary; ileyer sketch, "Winning "VTaye." Those the women'? teams in the T^"om- jBahen, treasurer, Sam "Weinstein, tD take part are the following: e r f fiJviBiar and c i c no: appear * jsergeant-at-armE; Al Monovitz, .Betty Hoseablatt, Joy Greenberg, EETTBJS5 TO CHICAGO HE s Bcpamtf t o i t l . nor did thf publicity manager; "William Sos- Arlene Solomcm, Grace TTilson SET WKUDING DATE George Ir-iua"1 GiftE -pnnadp of ui? "R"on>- | enbaum, historian, and Sol .and Betty Jane Clark. Sirs. Abe The marxia-ge of Bess Spar, 1 : .^r. and airs. 1. A. Gilinsfcy an- | .several ex. b division get any special rye- j er, "librarian. I Solomon will serve EE program daughter of ISIr. and JMrs. Solo- pounce the approaching marriage jb r o t h E r > D _ Kewmpji, and Mrs. oExitiDE OE 'bulletin boards or in I j chairman. nion Spar, to to Dr. \Maurice 1H. jo* their d a u b e r , Bboda, t o L q y - j ^ ^ ^ l ccvEpaper publicity. • .son ol 3BLr. and -Mrs. jal.KatsliBe, Ban DI H I . ana 3IrE.!.•,„_.,..,. hDmB _ ^ CtiicjtED. 3&r« ^^yrnHTI i s Sigma JUpiia .Ma IN TH.'I* AbPtit "L'P cards were- asiiignec" < t !A K t b S d M SI t 2 ttEW VAULTS Bon BrDukey, "will take place at |A. Katsbee, Sunoay, May SI, -at :2iBnnvaleBcine at home alter a Sigma Alpha Mu rar.fred at the tv t t e Initial Gifts. Lairt r$z,r r Pay olosntnts eh«rp* etily AFFAIR the Funtenelle hotel, Stinitey, o'clock at the BirclrwoDfl club. A i-nmnth's " [tDp of all social .fraternities in the theRf carrlF brrnighi'. in c total of j wtisn ctottwE t! JTeception "will be .held from 13 to! j-official computation of scholastic about ThiE year, belore j A. 2. A. CHAPTER 1 tar nesct «si?RO I ii o'clock. All friends ang xela-' i averages, accord, ing to an anthe caniDEisn' rpwpcl. fl.Ff'fi mr- i pAHEK!ES : tives are invited. 3NO cards Traye | Tlax of "Washington, I nouncement from the office o£ the The A. Z. A. imS A. A. A. r e d i r e C OE i h e KL.rx>f cr~at r.n(. fT j of student activities at the ID. C-, is TiEiting hsr parents, Hi. Mi. .anfl 3iTH. 3L Mitclmici of been issued. so often beexi confused that the 1 University ol Nebraska lor the and Mrs. S. Plax Des JHdines annuuncE t h e marfirst Eemester of the present i l other chapter of A. Z. A. has fieriage: of their daughter, Tetara, to BAR UTTZTTAH Bchool -rear. This is the third con- cifled to combins the two anfl preKathsn Cohen, son of Mrs. T- S. 3Hr. anu lira. H. Gerber an- SETMBEK VKBTY secutive year that Sigma Omicrcn sent the most novel and unique Ccfaen, Sunday, "May 10. The nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their JLM> BKEAKFAST social event in yearE, June 7. ! "The E. T. C. BDrority held a chEpter itas topped all other socouple iis 3-esidins et SZ5 Xdncdln The chapter -rill present "The son, Marvin, .at. the B'nai Jacob slumber party and ireakfaEl at cial fraternities. Blvd. Earnyard Prolic" .at the beautiful TS'illiam Flax, Omaha, "was resynagogue .at 24th and INi TCrs. 3. H . the liome of 3ttisB Helen Shryer J:^16^11^311???:?1, streets. "WecneEdsy, ..toy 2T. CitRirmaa, TToiaen's Initial Gifts. • Saturday night. During the eve- jcently initiated into Delta P h Eeven miles .from Ak-Sar-Ben JJTJHH T E A honorary art Irathe membeTB jilayed cards invitationB have been issued, "Vincent will bring coEnrmtee of ths- "TXcrnEE'E divi- : D5 AN S3 TiNBER WAVE has the highest I: fielfl. -Tie Junior Pioneers neld a friends and relatives are -various games. Private readhands right off the field sion. I/ed by Sirs. J . H. Kulakof- ; his Bchohistic average of all honorary tea Sunday, Hay 17, .at the j ings -were given by Mrs. 3 v a KonField dub to iat if Mrs. Celia 'Hermanson, invited ' o attenfi. Ificfey,sponsor. A plate supper Tv-as art fraternities in the country. EquaSE includiEg KTE. E . A. TV oil, ; Delta Phi Delta in fine arts col- ^usic. ^sponsor. The table "was laid "with j Berved alter midnight. fir. machinery wnti rm The "TTeiETh to Get In" ig one Sliss Hls-Tidie SinmiB.11, KrE. TD&^e is Bimiliar to Phi Beta Sap_a lace dDth. A color scheme of elecflcfty uwti Hi tS-ST «wi Plans "were lormulatefl for a ^hormp'r ^.rs. Morris Satienii^n, i per pound of date adisitE in arts and sciences colleceE. silver and .rose -was carried oirtIin. summer program. A late Sunday Taft, •world lamons sculp- couple. Advance "5 cent tickets, •. -Mrs. J.. J. Greenberg E.nd Sirs. Jja"if. Erar.Biils '^twmti'r f'ltip. A-n informal party will be held morning "breakfast "was served beItor, is the honorary president of entitling holder to 50-pound re-.: vid Greenberg, the Initial Gifts Tuesday, Slay .26, at the iome oi fore the party broke up. Mrs. Dsvifl BI. Kewmaa i. the organization. Tlzx. is a grad- ; ducUDn are available from A. Z.' committee took as its responsi3Hmnie Sutler to -welcome those memberB. j bility the procuring ol jslefiges of a-ufihees ^vrho "were unable to atuating .senior. ML Sasai Anslisry tend the tea last Sunday. Anyone OrjmgES David Bernstein, Omaha, "was \ Kay SchapirD, dance chairman,'all -women -whose piecges should interested in joining this group is "The Mount Sinai cemetery j-recently elected to the captaincy says "Gome i n your overalls, come: j " Take Bis Dr eight oranges of t h e .to call the secretary, I^eona slightly grate skin of whole or-;hadies* auxiliary "will hold its -an- jof the.Pershing Kifles, men's hon- ' in your cotton^ dresseE, come in r . EC tion -jrith the eiforts I bazaar i ffi Sunday, 3Iay i\T 31. ^1 att QJ^^V basic drill organization, your sailor suits, but COSTE to ; Jewish A^encv Esscutnre to this is ' "Webster 49D9. ; ange. Boil for SO At the meeting of the club T"an- ± o make the skin tender. Cool. ! the Xabor Lyceum. AH members Bemstein is the first Jewish man the most Bessationai dance ever : i2 EILt jcvish labor in toe citrus aie TVitkin spoke on Piulanthro- Cut slice off hlossom end of or- and friends are urged to -attend, selscted tD tead ttis military ; presented in this vicinity." inSsstry, drill organization, and served as Alepfa SchapirD is ussistsd core. Crowd into i —————— .piea. Further plans lor the Junior anges. -Bernore Issac Gme-nrjET:!!!. merr-ber r>T ithe report meeting- or jiiea. f u r t h e r plans l o r the Junior t Pioneer l o d j e Den '-were dis- :e a C B orange one teaspoon butter '• a u g a r , three eggs, 4 % e U p S flour, !s member of the crack squad last tarn T?ToIk. Huben lappett, MOT-t h e E s e c u t i T E , i n aadresBing the dsy, i t was tnnouncefi thai tbt ag. heid a t the Town Hall Initial GiftE Bquac ol the T"OIL.anil one tablespoon sugaT. Cover jtwo teaspoons cinnamon, % tea- jyear and -won the company com- rie Adler, Irving TaKe and •% teaBpoon Bait, netitive drills. Xast manth, Bern-; Eie Bsum. ; Tinder the AuspicSE of the local -with The club has begun its. Intel- • h a syrup off two parts t | X h B ETI'E diviisjor. BEC! cDrr.plGtpt "n r . T federation, emphasized that the entire aTTni^rnnierit. lectual'jirogram and has planned i water and one part sugar. In a j Cream butter, add sugar grad- fitein placed tirst in the individgrcves owned by Jews •vrert able debates and discussions on prob- covered baking dish bake closely jnsXiri a a f l beaten eggs. Sift Hour ual drill competition of regional Sigma Balis Tnder t h e CET'&bls chfc.~mr.r- ^ for t 275 degrees d f l ^^j to t !D J l c e j measure, and sift twice "with Pershing BHlemen staged on the of Jews, thus solving any cues. ship of Sirs. J . Elanfc. -••ec.rer lems ^and events in Palestine. coveredd atj!75 SUSB Florence .Smeecrrii. past 3 hours, depending tm .desired cinnamon, so3a and salt. Add Tjaiversity of Iowa campus. They plan to liold an Dpen meetpresident of the sorority, ~ws£ sic- tion of .rnsrcpicyrrieiit and "WSTE rsCE'-ved. Sron. CVET*T -WDHTof product. Longer baking i gradually to the "mixture, besting Arnold X«via, S-osalie, -was seing in the. near Inttrre. hrrnoreQ •when Ehe "was ing Ever.-uEE for er'e Dr^niziLLioii in thi? coiurLLtgives Jruit darker color and more j -n-eii. Chill the dongrh snd dtriae ' lscted as Sigma Onaicroc'E del^A'ter a denate that fo' as one ol the Eis beauty like a preserve -with a thick E3"rup. ! into two parts. Boll out each piece ! gate t o the Sigma Alpha .Mn Eis- queens on the University of :ise- GTuenbacm'E address, the T»rae- nity. Tisiting organisEti >IIF £ i Oranges may be served-whole or i j n rectangular shape, one-third i Eoirri Talley Tri-liegional CDSsidium ol t i e meeting indicated quartered for meat accompani- i i£ch thick. Spread -with filling clave in Kansas City, Ho., June chosen by Carl I^aenimie, movie ID remedy a situatior; vrhere ment. They are especially excel-i^a XQU tightly like a jelly roll. 12, IS and 14. David Bernstein, producer. in -snore Arabs then Jews are emlent ior .roast goose . or turkey. JTVrap Tolls in paper ana i Omaha, "was named as alternate. Irfaltmas, SI Uriel Srasne ployed in JevriEh Seal Estate snQ Property • Three of the quartered pieces Df |piace in refrigerator to chill. | Sigma Alpha Mn -will entertain Josephine liuhniti -were reorange may be served -with Slice in thin circles and hake 15 a t a spring house party for 2-c- cently made members of Coed mound of cottage cheese iDr tives 22ifi pliTTn-pi .at t h e chapter Councillors, girls' organization on jniwitss at 275 degrees. «arft stop a novel ana aelicionB salad. house Saturday, Mzy -23. 'Babbi the campus. •Filling l o r IThefie Cookies ul.iii'iii, irnt yuu can "fairy dessert serve orange "whole ana and Sirs. Harry Jolt, Lincoln, ana 20 ioates Btonea ana out Siuriel Krasne and Esther /brown a marEhmallcrw on each Vz cup sugar Hr, and jSrs. DaviS Solot, las- Stein, members • of Tassels, girls' Vienna riVKS) — X.Euaing the Wherm Qmaim Shppr triih Confidence . * : one. % cup -water coin, 'vriB- be chaperones of the af-pej> club, -w£re in charge of ar- scent denunciation of EUti-Seinfrom : rangements for the annual picnic. ;ism made by Cardinal Faulhabar I — j 1 cup pecans or -walnuts chop- fair. S5 rtouslns i!loct Frances Xalin, Bosalyn Xashj Tnnsnal Pillea Cooties j ped fine. ICimich. Cardinal Innitzer. JACKSOK 1525 This recipe -won a ;nrize i n the j Coot all together to n smooth ins'ky and ilary Arvianan inarch- j Archbishop of Vienna, vigoroiiEly "•For insurance Bee Frankel First' I Bee-News: I paste. Cook ,Irre minutes. Cool The Pioneer "Women meeting , ed in the daisy chain procession i attacked Kasi persecution ot the end dra-wing -which "was to have i3Iay day. I Jews as EntS—Christian, Use one cup lutter, two cups 'and spread on {'been held Tuesday, "Slay 2E, has! — i Addressmg a Catholic charity jheen postponed because of the A. Z. A . ISO :sDciety, -CErfiinal Inritzer said : Shavnoth holidays. •Members -will -sri!h Cardinal Faulhaber vr afThe Sam Beber chapter of A. W line notified -of the date of the opA. TriU hold its regular meet- -firm that it is diametrical; date ol the meeting -and dra-wing. Z. inc aiDnfisr. May i 5 , at T:SP pjn. • P ° B e d t D Christianity to consiaer x l l € Je vris il at ""the J c" C • ' " - problem frcm s. purely 3Hove Ciiiropofly .DepsTtmsnt The group's delegate to the in- \ ^ ^ ? ° ' i r t o X ^ ^ The need for more space has temational convention in Calif or- j caused the Herzberg chiropody nia "will be chosen at this meet- j Patronize Our department to naove to the mezOther important buEineES will mmiiie iloor. Dr. Ben Gold-ware, be discussed. Every m-eniber is chiropodist, extends an invitation > n r g e u t 0 at tenfi. CS Hats ±0 i i s iriendB to visit 'tis euBlrirts larged and newly equipped ofMore Jews U Be lice.


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SHIKLET MEETS HER DOUBLE—Shirley Temple, screen starlet, greets her double, little Ginette Marboeuf-Hoyet, winner of a French Shirley.Temple contest, in Hollywood. Which is the real ShiMey? Shes at the right, if you1 must know. Also, she is dressed in the costume of the 1850's. for a forthcoming picture. They are m front of the Temple portable dressing-room. ->

©-W. W. -Wirei Photo -

t ,

DEATH CAB BAISEB—Two men were drowned when this automobile rolled off the army base pier in South Boston. Mass., and dropped Into 30 feet of water. The third occupant of the vehicle escaped death but was reported in serious condition at the City Hospital. This view shows the automobile being pulled out of the water after the victims were taken.from"it.

V I C T O R Y — F i r s t picture received in the United States of Viceroy Pietro BadogUo, commanding the Italian forces in Ethiopia, entering Addis Ababa. He is shown on a white horse, as the troops pass the ruined post office. This picture was rushed by plane to Turin, Italy, where it was sent by telephoto to London and re-sent by radio to New York. • ' .-

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CHARGES BLACKMAIL—Alfred E. Smith, Jr., son of former Governor-Alfred E. Smith of New York, who made a complaint to District Attorney Dodge that he was blackmailed for $10,000 in cash and $10,000 in promissory notes by a young woman and three men. At right is Catherine Pavlick of Astoria, L. I., reported to have been questioned in the case by the District Attorney.

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HARD COURT—Tennis may be an active game but it rarely is considered rough. Yet here is Senorita Anita Idzana, Chilean net star, down on the court at Bournemouth, England, after she stumbled and fell. The upset occurred during a game with Kay Stammers, British hard court champion.




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BEFUSES HALF HOCK—Senator William E. Borah, right, as he arrived late at the Kreuger Auditorium In Newark, N. J., after he had declined to accept a half hour over a broadcasting hook-up He said that would permit only part of the address he had prepared. His eastern manager, Hamilton Pish, Jr., left, filled in the time with a vigorous plea for the Senator,

* * ? 'v.'

FOB TEXAS Especially designed in expectation of the Texas . Centennial .Exposition opening at Dallas, June 6, is this simple sports dress of crepe linen. Cool on the most scorchGERMAN BECB'CITS^-Recruits for Germany's latest class, called ing Summer days; yet practicalfor service- in the army, almost1 invariably say "aviation," when ly un-soilable," it. has doubleasked what branch they favor . Here are recruiting officers in breasted mother of pearl buttons Berlin taking measurements of a candidate. Recruits are prepared and seed stitching. •: by a preliminary sports course.

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DISCLAIMER—British Colonial Secretary J . H. Thomas, who testified in I*ondon that he was not responsible for an information leak alleged to have permitted English financiers to insure against a rise in income . FAIR OF ACES—At left is James J. Braddock, world's heavyand tea taxes. About $500,000 -weight boxing champion, congratulating Joe I^ouis, heavyweight was paid by insurance companies contender, on Joe's £2nd birthday at the training camp at Laketo policy holders. wood, K. J. "Within a year they may face each other in the ring.


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CUP POSSIBILErY—Up in the air arid putting into a swing everything he seems to possess is Don Budge, Calif ornian, who has been considered a likely candidate for the American Davis Cup tennis team. He is shown In practice at theMerion Cricket Club

in.Haverford.Pa. .


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THE JETTTSH PRESS, FBIDAY, MAY 22, 1P35 book. Carl Laemmle, J r . , did the of Council Bluffs, received his selecting, and -we agree that he diploma from the same A. X,. K. has excellent taste . . . More than S.



Pare Batter's cable ncluress in London is, "Chepriopix,'7 II Although the three J. C. C. en-! Clifford Odeis doe? his H (tracts in the Midwestern A. A. U. j writing midnight and j g between Overheard on the lots: suier novice swim meet-were unable to : five a . m . Harpo may hop to tbe practicing laps two hours sLeadiQualify, the youngsters did re- ; halter with a flaming-haired partmarkably well considering the n e r a n v time now. Michael Lor- lv ibe oi.ber <laj . Eleanor WLii.At services this Friday eremng fact that the other swimmers were ; g ^ l\ev ecs (if.r.nnf: cantor's son, actually

1 leipiis Ssmces

300 persons are expected to at- Did you see how breathless tend the Highland opening to- everyone seemed last Thursday morrow night, and it promises to night at the J. C. C. when Libby be the biggest and best opening Goldman of St. Joseph, Mo., as the guest of Junior Hadassah, in the history of the club

i p. .fruit

_ j Franklin, George Schapiro and Iz|the theatrical world, H I Levinson. j i Loose End?:

At the Temple initiation the pth- started to open the sealed clock Rabbi David A. Goldstein will • ney n i ne tbe yrho .A ben TCi i on an average three to live years ' marbled himself into a flicker That Bob Bernstein is the *S.P. er night, Dave Rosenstock hap- to f i n d o u t 3 u s t fp rnmn.'Ings to Write Home vp.-rs .\zf3 . x- 6 8 ^ 1 ^iff 3 ^" • older. Bucky Greenbere, iz-yesr-! contract. Joe Tenner r.pd Kiel". of several attractive y o u n g pened to mote that the nomina- lucky -winner of the $25 cold cash j "a New World o r ' old 50-yard breast stroke entrant, j parkrakarkas are scheduled EF a guessingthe correct time that I * Did you know—r maids? *S.P. refers to secret pas- tions be closed for one of the offJewish People. This will be missed hte qualifications by .0"!comiC tPHITl for the OVP. iv town v ' P r i "• F That Joy Yousem likes fried sion. ices. Those present roared ^ u h the-clock stopped? Well, when it f j the last late Friday evening serv- sceonds. Both Stan Feltman in ;. „ „ tlie duck wasn't mentioned, s", is i\oi even pivin? Cinoniong? That the storm last Sunday- laughter, because they recalled a ; ^ a s revealed that Art L. was the [ ice of the year. the 50-yard crawl and Norman Xearly every casting director in enir.v le £ wink from h e r exprepThat Babe Milder has "been guz- came in handy for at least two scene of several nights previous j lucky fellow, a remark from the Schedule of Shavuoth service: Polonsky in the same event'Hollywood had the -\Villiam Jiorhasn Polonskv in the sive eyes - . zling malted milk every day in or-little girls that used It &s an alibi in the Temple Gridiron Bhow. audience was. • How nice, now he _ der to make sure that it will cost for not attending a club meeting when Dave Rosenstock waa nom- j and Elizabeth G can get mar-Tuesday evening at 7:30; Wed-; p r o v e d t n a t m a n y hings may be :r i s office for his Alma rater. The cemeva since iinn.uj? B e r n a r d E p - i a s t n a m e of J I a r c o (of r a r . c h o n in 1V:.2. A . her date enough to take her tothat they were planning to miss inated for president, and the *f" At least, it -will help, won t nesday morning at 9; Wednesday expected of the o . evening at 8, and Thursday mornIt? the A. Z. A. dance that he : anyway? same portly individual arose, and _ . _ .. . „ . - ing at 9. "iizkir, Shavuoth memo-| astein Ruth u n - g r , j Marco> is T\"oU. ~ MISS ror becausewere of illb J e t and o com p e t e Bruhn lunching withJ'itr.i ad- comr-r Graetr. \-n(\pr i n ? of appreciate her-. „•. Irv yaffe says Green v Helen- Lincoln has been asking moved that "the nominations be „ ^ d you s e e . t h a t crowd of Fecn that it costs her 20 cents to putquestions about a certain guy that mirers. gals having dinner at uixon s morning at 9:45. \ Sid Skolr-ky. leading: hyrochonon. every pound and that he's get-she happened to take a fancy- to new place the other night? What Edward Robinson's die! rules: idriac of nio^'iotown. lia=- s. young ting a bargain at any price . . . at Peony lately . * . he lives in a time they had, with special endrinks a quart o£ milk a day . . • daughter v, hose hobb} is eollivi.The story behind a party of C. B. and is driving a newly paint- DOWN TO A TEEVaad tertainment at their feet. It was nibbles chocolate bars . . . eats j i n c baps o{ i-rmly. T h e oMior c.fyoung boys and girls that got ed car To the hefty girls in town who all for Libby Goldman of St. Joe, This Friday night is the clositernoor. shf ipirrrupirfl hor rirvcone meal a day — dinner. such poor -service a t one of the Joe Schlalfer contends that i feel that their, weight will be too i the regional president of the Jun-ing service of the Vaad Friday i writing frt'ifr to 1>MU1 \vo". P pepBy HELEX SIGMOXD much of a financial burden for j i r Hadassah group. O fashionable cafes of this city, that Omaha girls can't even hold a night services. Graduating exerEleanor Whitney and p.nother pr hpf. " W h y . ; ; ' F rvivty'," exone of the fellows walked out candle to -out-of-town gals . . • their boy friends a t the A. Z. A. cises of the Vaad religious 6chool Shean. who actress in her cotnpa,ry ' e r e n a v . claimed Skolsky. "I l-:nov. Dp.iHolywood — •without his date and that Bhe hadperhaps he is referring to the Lin- Barnyard frolic, here are a few will be held and certificates in made Gallagher famous and vice dv . . , I brought, it home lor your suitable diets: banana and butto borrow money to pay for what coln girl named Rose . . . Jewish education will be awarded versa, takes the credit and blame ins a little difficulty F.boui dress- d Not so long ago Al Fieding-rooms. Finally the actress p termilk dietT orange juice diet, she had ordered? jew- j at this ... _ for Harpo harping as he does. grapejulce diet, or have your boy ; 'Who is this Kaiman fellow that OFF THE CUFF . . . Saturday morning, Rabbi Eer- .Q n e d a yb E C } . , n i p l < g h e a n p a ^ was assigned a room ovrr which • at NeL sigrn, "For Miss Socan tell Btoriea by the score withThere is a movement going the j friend take you out to a golf hadbeenlger will preach m \iddish at ;a h *i n B B r o a d v a r EhoP-win-• Jewir-h T ••rirnt. out batting an eyelash, not torounds to have the Temple Grid- course and let you romp around. very freely imbibing in the "softjBnai "soft i B nai Israel. Sunday morning, Israel, bunday morning.: d o w . . . h e b o u g h t i t . packed it, Eleanor ic-, Inc. 1 ea 1 n. tn one mention his screamingly funny iron show give another performrhic drinks," became very vociferous j regular father and son services ;a a d s h i d i t t 0 h i s w i l d a n d ; ^ ° ° J .7 Or w Klepnor i imitations of guys like "Park ance. Those that missed it beand garrulously inclined and pro-i will be held at 9 a. m. at B nai |w o o l l y a e p h e w t h e n touring ^ ^ Manhood in Flower? Chicaco. I'.l.—For shp third F H O your carcass" -.,..- —and fore, and some that saw It, too, It seems that history repeats i ceeded to give the members of , '; vaudeville. Harpo looked it over,, I ceFPive year Kuth Huph.P? Aaronif Xext Tuesday evening at sunset Bernie Johnson tells us that he are clamoring for another show- itself inasmuch as styles, customs tfce party a series of political * „. . x . .,, <=-. got -between t h e strings, and soon P a u l Muni personally r>!s=T ted ' of N'eiv Vovk h«s b^en rwnked e«has a shotgun-for sale. Ask himing, and they may get their wish and etc., after having been out j speeches. the celebration of Shabnoth vill. d i s C 0 T C r e d £cw t 0 m a k e the ten acres of citrus trees on his i I h e iiinril'pr PUP- t&l'lp l e n t i l a\nw h y . . . . • / • , . • • • . " • • • , . . . Two years ago Edwin Som- of date for a period of time, sudn o o n e begin. Services will be held in. .all. j pip? player of i b c I'sittptf Ptp.tpss g-•-• o . s i n c e t h a t d a ? j ;;t t i n g=San Fernando ranch. Was Bernie ever having: a swell mer's fraternity pin (Zeta Beta denly appear again. It is rumored u synagogues on Wednesday a n d [ nrrorniTi£ to FTI •HTi.T!OTiT'frTT'!^nt by can teach Harpo how to play nor j time at the Johnson-Ban: recep- Tan') disappeared mysteriously. that "handle-bar" mustaches are Thursday morning. On Thursday I c a n a n v o n e f o I l o ^ h i m . j Which reminds n* of the Ft nrv j thp Vnifrl PT.rrep T P W P Tennir. tion • though . . . He knew that he had not 'hung replacing the delicate hairline morning, there will be regular I j concerning amplitudinous Archie i associEtion'F rnr.kinp committee. By BAY SOHAPIEO it' as the expression goes, and somustaches. A movement of this holiday memor'al services (Yiz-j P a u l G r a e t 2 always likes to \ Mis? Aarons. who IF only 1" ranch . surveved his H e gave it up for lost. This week sort gives the boys who are hairy kor). On Wednesday morning, 'h a v n a r i m a l i n h i s p i c t u r e s _ : M a v 0 PO t b ? •^•orUr? pinfrlp^ chRnir^ion, Ana DO 5tPQ to his Three hard-fought S o f t b a l l Rabbi Berger will preach at Con- f o r g o o d ] u c k _ S o t h e ; .v r o t e i n a cleaning- establishment called and masculine an opportunity to Anne Pigman of Bvokolyn ell. I'm all | Goldptein, young Mr.. Sommer, and asked really shine. Shortly, we may ex-j g a r n e g f ea tured last week's J. C. gregation B'nai Israel and Thurs' ss i set. I've got peach, aprir-ot. or-jrer.ked ev( ? Aaronfc, to E c e c e f o r a ddoogg . . . a a nn dd n ne e him if g. pin bearing the initials pect some of {he boys to sport jc > g p o r t activities. The Omaha day at Beth Hamedrosh Hogodel. h . # . t h a t i s > M r .G r a e t z i s . j ange, grapefruit, apple riI1<' evp-j E. N. S., and the inscription "ini- mustaches that look like anything Potato Market won its third ! cado trees." "So what?" The Jewish Press tiated March 22, 1931" was his.from a horse's tail to a hairbrush. straight game by a lone run when | Temple I Elizabeth Eergner is applying ;e d h i s p a l i . ' g oa n you've cot is ' merit your patronage It was, and now Eddie believes they nosed out the winless A. Z. Rabbi David H. Wice will give ! f o r British citizenship. in Santa, and all that s o r t of Who is this Sammie M. that A., 4 to 3; the Sample Furs by ja p r e .shavuoth sermon this eve-i Likewise Gregory Ratoff is preihing . . . Florence Smeerin, Uni- has been seen in the company of o r their win over the Psi:n i n g o n t h e s u t , j e c t . "in the W i l - P a r l n S f o r b l s u - s - Papers. He c a l led h i s versity of Nebraska senior, who "Tootsie" very often lately? Mu by the score of 4 to 3, goes. deTaeSgt to ^" i f e - Leontovich, via t n e Jewish Answer lori is very popular among the younginto a tie for second place with citaos " • . S distance to London to tell :h e r er set in Omaha, was selected as It has been brought to light the Towers, who bested the Oma-I Saturday Saturday morning, about it. She asked if he mornng services will the six Beauty Queens that one of the boys whose name ha Jobbing Co. by a score of 6 jb e g i n a t {x o-ci0C^, ; knew all the answers, and he among Nebraska. University co-1 appeared in this column recently to 4. .said, "Soitinly, of eoss:" She pro; ceeded to test him on his Amerieds, and her picture appears in (became so peeved at what he con- For the first time in three! i a T e rounded into shape and history. The Quiz cost him Btudent year- sidered a slam that he tore his starts, the last place A. Z. A. No. jmany victories may be expected j ? 3 5 0 > Bell*Telephone Time: est "hankie." Tut, tut, mamma 1 team got off to an early start. pank! In the first half of the initial inn- of them. » u i B . poled t-w^a » long „, The Tower team, who are dead-! Jrring C a e E a r > { h e son g-writer. ing, Sammy• "Wolk On behalf of all of the fellows home run into" centerfield with locked in the second place posi-; a l s o p l a y s a good g a n l e of goU_ who have asked for the use ofone man on to put the cellar team U ^ . **ve not been given m u c h | H e w o na p r i z e a t t h e r e c e n t this column to suggest more and i a t b e i e a d T h e grocery boys were o f a chance to show. To cate they it o u r D a m e n t — a ticket for two better vice-versa affairs, and that ju n a W e t o C O p e with the. steady have *on ^° a n d l o s t o n et 0 r a t e ! car washes . . . and he has no e tT thr-girlB they date be less freej i t c h i n o f M o r r I , A d i e r and the T t h e "&R?**0J*el * * l n * « i c a r here! with their "gelt"—it might be i^ i r i t e ( f p l a y o £ W s i n f l e W u n t i l league. Behind the steady pitch-, well to point out that there i s j t t i e fourth inning when Kate i n S ° f flashy Iz Isovak, the heavy I T ] l e 2 4 . s h e e t b o a r d Which Car! room for serious thought in this W o l k h l ta h o m e r n n W j t h a m a n ! kitting of Leonard Seiner, and jL a e niinle used for years to post base to slnd the teams into a j ^ e ^eTy_p l ! y . ° f ? a ^ 1 _ ^ ° ^ a ^ f f ' i slogans and messagres to his emtem. deadlock, in their turn at bat in nlI1 the Tower team has played win-. p i o y e e s dismantled, torn

-^r- •



J. C. C. Sports


>ts her double, little Ginette 3d. Which is the real Shirley? ae of the 1850's, for a, iorth-

—— *


>* *



- r^



sixth inning, the league lead- ] r o rSm e dball. This triumvirate h a s , d o w n t h e o t h e r daj._ I t E l a s t Speaking of vice-versas, who is the nucleus of what m a y l T o r d s b o r e - C a c l e c~rV% f a r e i ,- e n the girl that uses her boy friend's f€Tg pushed across a run to t a f f e ] car to ride around with other fel- the lead for the first time during °e a championship team—if thet 0 b i s .. l 0 J . a l ^ o r t e r s . " (be game. With two men out and team can stand the pace. The^ _ lows while he sleeps? one on Ned Giventer overthrew Towers proved their raUng c the A n n( K a l i s c t ) Preston is four on.^ Temin's attempt [second place, position by beating, f e e t e } e T e l l E n d yrelShs one hun•Who Who is the nice gentleman gentlema that Osecond B W l i V i ubase o c = „„. is seen in' the Tech halls every | t o E t e al and the A. Z. A. player [the hard-fighting Omaha Jobbing ' dred- pounds. This diminutiveevening waiting for his heart's c o n t i n u e d o n t o third base where team, S to 4. Iz Novak won hisness ca'used soiae dif'iculity when overthrow by Eddie Wachtler second game by allowing nine hits they had to get a siand-in for her. desire?


%"*> '"*

BUTTERNUT Lime Rickey, White Soda or Gingerale

3 Qt Bottle 25c

r ! t

~h **- id

Pins Bottle Deposit


Salad Dressing Pt.24c

Qt. 39c


Bnttenmt Coffee

Lemon or Vanilla

Eegnlar or Drip Grind

2 oz. Bottle 18c

lb. 29c

sent him scampering home for theand working himself out of the Noel Madison's name is derivthird A. Z. A. run. An error by tight spots. Did You See? Schedule for May 21: ed from Madison Avenue in New Kay Schapiro of Ned Giventer's Did you see the lovely gold Potato Market vs. Tow- York he once lived en aat medal (with a picture of a minia-jblow and a lone drive by Eddie ers,Omaha 32nd and Dewey. street, adopted it as a surname ture typewriter engraved on it)"Wachtler gave the Omaha Potato A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Psi Mu, SSrd because he didn't wish to enthat was presented to Leona Kat- Market the much needed run. and Cass. croach on the name of hisfaelman of Council Bluffs when she Paul Steinberg, winning pitcher, Omaha Jobbing Co. vs. Sample ther, who w&s already famous in was judged the best typist of all j allowed five hits, struck out four, Furs, 3 0th and "Wirt, high school students in the state j while Morris Adler allowed seven of Iowa last week in Des Moines? I.bits and struck out three. daily noon hour workouts The Sample Furs knocked the of The. So, if you are looking for a good the Health club which has bersi Mu out of the second place steno, you know- where to find by their second win. Thegun to become a steady fixture in one, yes? She graduates on June position a daily routine has Kurriera played bang-up balllf13-11^ . 3. And speaking of graduating, it throughout the game and it was | been s o l i n g with many rapid so. happens that when she receives a hard hit ball by Phil Katzman j volleyball games, x hose who are her diploma that night, that it that decided the outcome of the i ^king advantage of this noon will be one day less than 21 years rame. Herb Marks, winning pitch-j^our class sacrifice lunch periods since her father, Sam Katelman 1 '--" business appointments to be er, was unhittable and by the i n d u l e in w h a t iis s beginbrilliant play of his team was able : a b l e to t °indulge ^ in what .^ina very to win his second game of the i to t become b ry enjoyable enjoyable The health clubbers split For Rent season. The Psi Mu s have, won ,P 2 Cool furnished rooms In Re- one out of three games with Mor-;iato two groups last Monday for fined Home. Near Carllne. ris Epstein getting credit, for t h e i ^ r e e of the most thrilling volleyReasonable'Rental. lone victory. Now that the s e a - p a " S a m e s t h a t h a T e ^ b e e n , 3101 LINCOLN BLVD. son is under way the Sample Furs, | P^r^. The Veterans, made np o. WE-0414 HA-7316 1934 J. C C. softball champions, I «»e older men in the class and . captained by Dr. Paul "Foxy'

2 lbs. 56c is given yonr party if it is held at the

Mother's Best

FLUE _k»^.i

; .J. Braddock, world's.lieavylating Joe Louis, hea'i'yweight * it the training camp at-Lakey face each other i n t h e i ^

5 lbs. 28c 10 lbs. 55c 24 lbs. 1.10 NEW CORN ON COB, extra fancy, 5 ears.. CALIF. TENDER PEAS, 4 lbs......... WAX. or-.GREEN BEANS, fancy, lb. NEW POTATOES, 6 l b s . . _ _ HOT HOUSE TOMATOES, lb. ORANGES for Juice, doz... J25c JOHNSON'S WAX, lb. c a n . . - _ JOHNSON'S GLOCOAT, P L can..

LAKEWOOD COUNTRY CLUB Smooth Melodies . . . . Smart A i r s . . . . 1 Soothing Atmosphere . .


j le was fought among natives on | i a I sought to consolidate t » e J en spears and clubs, were MUed. !j afield. ,! Uaitei H

Like THais Completely Air Conditioned SMART NEW BAR--GRILL and

Hever a Cover Chsrge DINNER DE LUXE Continuous Dancing"


Everything the finest at popular prices. Also table telephone service. You're Invited!



• Ralston FOLLOW THE SIGN ON 60th & Q STS. HKiaM


? n:r




Ifs KcwLcccffcr cf 1-Qit crf^ Tcy'cr Stt, The industrial garden cf .Omaha, has been beautified with another hardy, prcsusins 1 plant . . . . the Independent Biscuit Co.

Ldxn cf Tf eje Frcd


Performers that have a p -peared in t h e outstanding night elubs and stage shovrs in the country Trill attempt to entertain you. And it's pretty certain that they'll be successful. Come and. see for yourself!

One Bottle Purnittire Polish and One Can Silver Polish Free with Each Purchase


a complete new dazzling and brilliant ultra modern all star revue wita noted talented entertainers.

| Ellis, lost to the Yearlings, which |§i was composed of the younger men g|and captained by Paul "Brains" g I Steinberg. The Yearling • team =! won two out of three contests by l i t h e scores of 15-9, 6-15, 16-14. Although the younger team won, the showing of the older men will convince all what keeping in good physical trim means at an older age. Lineups on the teams were: Veterans—Dr. Paul "Fo;xy" El.lis, captain; Les Burkenroad, C. B. Schoppe, Ben Shapiro, Sam Gilinsky and Joe Cohn. Yearlings— Paul "Brains" Steinberg, captain; Sol Yaffe, A l ' Oruch, Morris



Knjoy UOlBl.t;-.MKJLliOTr Old Clgawttes with your dinner.


"Hone Industry" sows the seeds of cosiauiis.1 growth. The Independent Biscidt Co,—with its SEW, modernised btiilfiings s.nd its visions of the future's need— foretells a blossoming- forth to the esrichraest cf the entire city1. We, as &sother "home industry," plan the well-springs cf civic and comnun&l betterment and giTnig1 eniplc-ymest a n d material resources to the jnutual advantage cf all G a a h a s s .


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Shaare Zion

paragraph of the exquisite pref- mercial Bulletin and you'll find ' \ I J " i r ace which Thomas Mann contrib- many others equally colorful . . . | W l i i l S m S utes to Frau Marta Wassermann's I N HErNE'S DAY: Al, the of- I book: "This is my greeting to you j fice boy, was reading "Poems of j in Eternity,, dear Jacob. No more , Heinrich Heine" as selected and''; XT • than that. How long will it be-j translated by Louis Unterrneyer! iNSZIS be'fore I am where you are andi&nd he came across the following whence we all come? For we are!passage i n the introduction: "The wniiamstown, all of one substance and of one j traditions and tyrannies that



City Nat'l Bk. Bide.

In the County Court of Irving Givot, son of Mr. and County. Nebraska. , In the Matter- of the Adoption of ., Mrs. Joe Givot, will celebrate his L.yal McKain. minor. / Bar Mitzvah tomorrow morning To ail persons interested In t h e / MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent BY F . B. K. at the Shaare Zion synagogue. Reabove entitled matter: / Tou a l e hereby notified that On freshments will be served to the fflHffliiiiiffliMnflDiipiinmMrarairaiin'iiiiMiiiiiiiini: 0H1I5 4th day of May. l!)3fi, a petition junior congregation, following the filed in this Court liy Merle C DikelJ Lucille Mushkin, daughter service, by Mr. and Mrs. Givot, MOTHER-DAUGHTEn TEA Wiliiams college of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mushkin; honoring their son. SUNDAY Betty Rae and Jack Mbsow, chilThe Council. Bluffs Senior dren of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mos- The final service of the junior congregation will be held tomordassah and the Sisterhood ow; Shirley Lazere, daughter of The memorable last greeting of sions imposed upon the Jews. The same'dav; that a healing will be had Tyler Den- on said petiti'in for adoption on the Mr. and Mrs. Moe Lazere; Irving row at 10:30 o'clock. Newly elect- Talmud Torah will entertain a t ! a great German to a great Jew. | demands upon them, the pretty |JJ^" ed officers of the junior congretheir annual "Mother and Daugh-' (Copyright, 1936, by Seven Tst day of June. 1?>.'!t>. at !' o'clock A. persecutions, the rigorous orders Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. AI. nt the County Coin! Room of He voiced objection to the regation include Harry Nadler, Arts Feature Syndicate.) and taboos would form an incredDouglas County. Nebraska, and iinMore than 700 Simix City Jews Joe Friedman and Bernard Halig- president; Rachel Ginsberg, vice- ter" Tea on Sunday afternoon. cently announced policy of the May 24, at 2:30 o'clock at the iess you appear at said time and ible list. • saw the picture, "The Land of mari, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Reich Ministry of Education place and contest said petition. th« president; Seymour Robinson, Chevra B'nal Yisroel Synagogue " • Let these few facts suffice: Promise," shown .in- the. Rialto Haligman. may prant the prp.yer thereof, will issue "certificates of Court secretary, and Edwin Sherman, at 618 Mynster Street. An enterw h e r e b v eaid minor Shall be adopted In Frankfort when Heine was awhich theater Tuesday evening with Addresses on various themes treasurer. Retiring officers are talning political responsibility" to all the bythe said Jlerle- Oramlei, has been arprogram boy; which the committee for the Al-pertaining to the holiday will be Howard Sacks, Betty Rae Mosow, students studying abroad. 3RYCE CRAWFORD. ranged by the committee In No Jew might enter, a park or Nazi lied Jewish Campaign opened the made by members of the class. County Judjre "It seems unlikely," he said, 5-S.3R-.3t Sylene Skalovsky and Harold charge of this affair and all the pleasure resort. annual drive. An enthusiastic and The president of the class, Irv"that anyone _ who is officially Grueskin. Jewish women and girls are cortesponsive audience pledged the ing Friedman, will give the valJfo Jew Blight leave his ghetto afThe concluding sessions of the dially invited to attend. There _ „ . , . to ,any political proThe Je-n-ish Press advertisers greater portion of. the quota in edictory address. The' class pledge . ter. four o'clock on a Sunday committed answer to the stirring pleas made will be given by Dorothy Sher- Shaare Zion Sunday school will will be no admission charge. afternoon. ; gram to the point where he h n o t : m e r i t your patronage. : by Irving lievitus of Kansas City, man, and the invocation by Lu-take place this Sunday morning, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, president Only Twenty-four Jews were al- i f »|>«tr to. change his mind a s . : Mo:, and Mr. A. H. Baron, chair- cille Mushkin. Following the serv- when the Sunday school and theof the Senior Hadassah, will be lowed to marry in one year I t h e r l S h t n e s s o r ^rongness of man of the committee. Mr. Baron ice, a reception for the confirm- children of the Talmud Torah chairman of the program. Mrs. In ' such an atmosphere Heine- '" governmental system would profit by what an American colmeet for a joint assembly. Introduced the guest speaker. Morris Grossman will speak for NI j received his heritage of hate and lege ants will be held in the social hall has to offer." On the program will be a dram... , =W WORD: " T h e y may be ; h i s baptism of fire.7 the "Mothers" and Miss Florence ' Mr. Levitus urged his audience of the synagogue. askudnazls t o ua n atization of a poem by Ruth Meyerson will respond for the j P 7 ° d to me, j _ not t o give to charity, but to give Wednesday morning services b u t 1£ p A p h a The Firms which advertise in to the upbuilding of a culture will be held in the synagogue, Kutcher, Estelle Raskin, Edith "Daughters." Mrs. Nathan N o g g | - - - » anything to | the Jewish press deserve and which Will refute'S1I charges of with Rabbi H. R s Rabinowitz Gelfand, Doris Grueskin and Es-will sing a group of songs, ac-i s a ^ aD<>ut it, the historians of the ArmHage Named merit your patronage. future parasitism against the Jew. Hespeaking on "Back to Sinai." On ther Rivin. > w h o c a , n ' 1 b e expected to | N e w York.-—A third Jew was An operetta will b e ' presented companied at the piano by Missj

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Minn i ,

•.Ms t l l

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:TJ it-.

traced the culture and religion of Thursday morning memorial servthe" Jew from the 17th century ices will be held and Rabbi Rabthrough modern times. inowitz will speak on "Memories •; A committee of 50 men are as-that Stimulate." 1 sisting Mr. Baron in procuring At Mount Sinai temple, Shabpledges for-the local drive. The Sioux City quota is set at $6,500. uouth services will be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Lewis will speak on "The Significance of the Law." AUXILIARY DANCE

Florence Steinberg, Miss Beverly resort to such vulgarisms in Ian- j added to the American Olympic by the Talmud Torah choir deB E N E. KAZLOWSKV, Atty. guage, will be referring to the j team when Norman Armitage was pleting scenes from Jewish his- Mendelson will give a recitation, twentieth century German anti-1 named to the Olympic fencing Insurance Bldg. and Miss Rae Wolfson will give story. The first scenes will show Semite (of the Hitler era) as bar-]team. PROBATE NOTICE a Harp solo. the Jews as slaves in Egypt and the Matter of the Eptate of Vacj A r m l t a g e . g selection followed lavIn Is'ovak. Following the program, tea andbaryans . . . get it? . . . their exodus under Moses. The Deceased. ihis winning of the national saber Notice Is Hereby Given: Thsit the following scenes show the receiv- refreshments will be served. AsMISH-MASH: Take it from j championship despite an injury to creditors of paid dec^a^ed will trieet ing of the Ten Commandments by wlll be the executrices of said ePtate. bpfore (who is leave-of his fencing arm. me. County JuSffe of Doug-las CounMoses, the Jews fleeing from pog- the Mesdames Abe Gilinsky, Jake Harry Zinder absencing it from a Palestine ty. Nebraska, at the County Court The other Jews thus far selectroms into the diaspora and theKrasne, Morris Nogg, and S. ShyRoom, in said County, on the t' for the Olympic team are Sam-day of June. IS.'ifl. and on the 29th operetta closes with two scenes of Harvard is amazingly ] Baiter on the basket ball squad day of Aufruft. IMfi. at 9 o'dnrfc A. from modern Palestine and thethis affair are the Mesdames The-annual spring dance, sponM-. each day, for the purpose of prewell-informed on Palestine and Lieutenant Isaacson of the senting dancing of the Palestinian Hora. their claims for examination, sored • by the ladies' auxiliary of Morris Grossman, Morris Yudel- Zinder, who has worked in the Equestrian team. adjustment and allowance. Three The cast includes Joe Shaefer and son, Saul Suvalsky, Phil Saks, Shaare Zion synagogue will be months are allowed for the creditors Holy'Land three years, made this! Mrs. Bessie Freshman of Oma-Isadore Shlndler, taskmasters; Ike Sternhill, Louis H. Katelman, held next Monday evening, May to present their claims, from the 2Sth discovery during a fifteen-minute | 25, in the West hotel, with Jack ha has announced the engagement Harry Nadler, Moses; Adaline Herman Meyerson, Louis S. interview with the famous Roose- MONSKY. GRODINSKY, MAKER S, day of May. IMG. COHEN, Attys. BRTCE CRAWFORD. Reams' orchestra supplying music and approaching August marriage Stern, as Ruth; Rachel Ginsberg, Braunstein, M. Bernstein, H e r - | y e U b r a i n . t r u s t e r . . . Prof. Mor737 Omaha Nat'l- BK. Bldg. o-S-SS-St County Judge. of her daughter. Miss Dora Freshas Neomi and the following chilj Krause, O. m a n for dancing. The affair will be in K O H h m d Hochman, and ris R. Cohen, philosopher who is NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON dren as Hebrew slaves: Irene Lej ^ e Gilinsky. man of Omaha, to Sidney Cahan SAMUEL 2ACHARIA, D Atty. the form of a cabaret dance. said to be one of the few men in PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT 768 Brantfeig Theatre . ld of Sioux City, son of Mr. and Mrs. vitsky, Annie Kanofsky, Jerry Mrs. Meyer Shubb and Mrs. OF FINAL ADMINISTRA. All Mothers and Daughters a r e j world thoroughly conversant t h e NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF TION ACCOUNT Morris Rubin are chairmen, with Loeb Cahan of Brooklyn, N. Y. Shaeffer, Sadie Shvid, Rachel cordially invited to attend. with the Einstein theory of relaALLEN FILTER SERVICE CO. In the County Court of r>ouglas Miss Freshman, who is presi- Ginsberg, Adaline Stern, Marvin Mrs. S. H. Shulkln, Mrs. Philip Notice Js Hereby Given that at £ tivity, is well satisfied with his County. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate, of duly constituted meeting of the stockSherman, Mrs. Rueben Miller, dent of the Omaha Junior Hadas- Matlin, Paul Matlin, Eugene Matholders of Allen Filter Service Co.. two sons One ot them, Felix, James Bergcson, deceased: Mrs. A. Beechen, Mrs. I. H. Levin sah chapter, attended Municipal lin, Tony Nadler, Betty Bain, Nor- SHEVIJOTH SERVICES on the 16th day of December. • 1 persons interested in said mat- held Shevuoth holiday will begin at is doing important legal work for terAllare 1S35. s t which" two-thirds of the and Mrs. Milton Mushkin, assist- university of Omaha, and Mr. Ca-ton Bain, Irving Levin, Morris sundown hereby notified that on the stockholders were present and, votnext Tuesday evening,'the Department of the Interior at han, the New York university.13th day of May. 1936. Harry B. ing, it was unanimously resolved that ing. . Lass, Lorraine Raskin, George May 26, and appropriate services [Washington, while the other, Wil- Cohen filed a petition in said County the corporation l>e -dissolved. Harlaw, Frances Harlow, Isadore Court, that his final admina middle istrationpraying Mr. and Mrs. B. Radinsky of Rich and Max Rich. The • songs held at the Chevra B'naillie, is a nhysicist ALLEN FILTER SERVICE CO. account filed herein be setLouis Margolin. President. TOPRESENT TOR AH . Felix, in- tled and allowed, and that he be disOmaha announce the engagement will be sung in Yiddish, Hebrew, Yisroel synagogue commencing at western university Nathan S. Taffe, Secretary. of. their daughter, Jeanette, to and English. The operetta has 7 o'clock Tuesday evening. On cldently, used to play tennis with | charged from his trust as adminiEtratqr with will annexed a n d ' t h a t a At a "Siyum Ha'Torah" Sun-Lloyd Cohen of Sioux City, son of Wednesday, the morning services this commentator He had one hearing will be had on said petition been arranged and directed by Mr. day afternoon, May 24, at 4 Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen. will commence at 8:30 o'clock, of the most puzzling cork-screw before said Court on the 6th day of o'clock, a Torah will be presented" The engagement was announced S. Krupnick and piano accompa- acd the evening services at seven types of service P. A. P. ever June. 1936, and that If you fail to appear before said Court on the said to the-Tiphereth Israel synagogue in Sioux City at a dinner party, niments will be played by Mrs.o'clock. On Thursday morning, faced He earned his Ph.D. at 6th day of June. 1936. at 9 o'clock A. Krupnick. Parents are invited to M., and contest said petition, the by: Mr. i and Mrs. H.. Lazriowich. given by Mr. and Mrs. Cohen. services will begin at 8:30 Harvard before he reached his Court may grant the prayer of said attend. Mr. Lazriowich is president of the o'clock, and Yiscor, the Memor- majority „ . . ,, . . . petition, enter a decree of heirship. synagogue. /Mrs. Morton Smith entertained ial Services, will be held at 9:30 >\ hat well-known manu- and make such other and further orfacturer of a famous Pesach food ! ders, allowances and decrees, as to The traditional ceremony and a group of friends at an evening o'clock. \**A n m i , „„ . I , . „!„„„ ^« _!•_* i this Court may seem proper, to the program for the presentation will of bridge last Tuesday, honoring Everyone is urged to attend had pork as the piece-de-resis- je n d t h a t R l l matters pertaining to take place at that time. It will be Miss Helen Rice, a bride of this tance of his seder menu? [said estate may be finally settled and Phone 88685 these jservices. held in the social hall of the syn-month. Bridge was followed by a Samuel Nirenstein, first secretary determined. BRTCE CRATVTORD. In talking to groups of farmers Asbestos ,4gdgue, on West Sixth and Sioux luncheon. County Judsre. The Talmud Torah Sunday j^° Justice McCook of the. Supreme S-15-3t recently, George E. Johnson, genitreets. JFRAOJENBURG. WEBB, BEBER, j Court of New York is probably SJate-Tilc School will hold its closing ses.KLUTZNfCK & KELLEY, Attys. Mr. A. Lebowich sailed last eral manager of the Tri-County sion next Sunday morning, May the most, orthodox secretary any ,200 Union State Bink Eldj. Asphalt project stated, according to the Supreme Court Justice ever had week from New York for'Neswiez, PHI BETA KAPPA 24, at promptly at ten o'clock at . . . Geniel B. G. Richards dropNOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF Hastings Spotlight, that when Poland, to visit his parents and IDEAL BOTTLING CO that district is completed,, elec- the Chevra B'nai Yisroftl synain on us from Washington Know All Men By These Presents: Miss Naomi Sacks, daughter of ! attend the wedding of his sister. tricity will cost farmers only S gogue at 618 Mynster Street. ped That at the meeting of the stockthe other day . . . He's doing pub- holders of the Ideal Bottling: Co. duly Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks, has been I Mr'.'Lebowich will visit in Europe cents a kilowatt hour. By way of Rabbi Jacob Cohn will be in licity and research work for oneheld at the office of the. corfmration j for several months before returnelected into the Phi Beta Kappa comparison he added that, he is a charge. This will be the end ofof the New-Deal alphabet organ- on, the 6tn day of January. 1936.' at .... .which all of the stockholders were society at the University of Iowa, j Ing home. rural electric consumer himself In j the classes for this season and allizations, Federal Deposit Insur- present and voting-, a resolution tras In recognition of her,high scholasNebraska and pays a private comunanimously adopted that the said children are urged to atten3. arice Corporation, to be'explicit'. corporation tic rating and service in her de-' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gurshtel pany 24 cents a kilowatt hour. cease to do business as left' Tuesday evening for NewThe Irish-Jewish business, partsuch and that the same be dissolved: partment at the school. •The statement is challenging accordingly, notice of such action a.nd Five members Council York, from where they will sail on be in for a boom. ' Miss Sacks is a senior at the the. dissolution of the said Ideal and important, if true. As a matSenior Hadassah group judging from the fact that radio- of Bottling: Co. is hereby civen. university and has specialized in May-26 on the S. S. Normandie ter of fact, It is inaccurate. He isBluffs IDEAL BOTTLING CO. the field of social service. She at-for a trip around the world. They also comparing wholly different motored to "Wichita, Kansas, to telephone service has recently By Sam Platt. attend .the Southwestern Region- been inaugurated between, JerusaPresident. tended the induction dinner Wed- will go t o Poland to visit with situations. • al Convention of the Senior Ha- lem and Dublin, Cork, Bantry, Attest: Sam Platt. nesday evening at the university. relatives, celebrate their twentyMr. Johnson owns a farm, buys dassah which was held in Wich- Killkenny, KlUarney, Galway arid IIn the Presence of: Secretary. second wedding anniversary and Salary Continuance Policy helps your fam- | j to fulfill a promise Mr. Gurshtel and pays for electricity for use onita on Sunday and Monday, Limerick of the. Irish Free State j Sam Beber. made to his father, that he would that farm from a private com- Among those making the trip . . . It should be a boon to the1 4-24-4t. Senior Hadassah 111 ily over that difficult one or two years after H return to visit him as a man. Af- pany. His total use in 1935 waswere the Mesdames Saul Suval- Irish-Jewish jokesmiths, too . . : .537 kilowatt hours and the averyour death, known as the Readjustment Period.. The final Senior Hadassah ter touring Russia they plan to sky, Herman Marowitz, Richard Poet John Masefield could turn j iFkttZtffFZriASV^m meeting of the season will be held board the Trans-Siberia railroad age rate paid by him waa 13.7Gordon, Morris Grossman, and out many a salty sea chanty bas905-918 Flrtt Nat'l Bank Bids. js= next Tuesday afternoon in the to Blro-Bldjan, first Jewish au- cents per kilowatt hour. In oneH a r r y u cherniss. Mrs. Herman ed on the names of ships that use NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ! §§| This plan guarantees a montbltcheck from 12 to 60 Notice is hereby given that the 1 = = •Jewish Community Center at 2:30tonomous republic In the world. month when he used only 22 kilo- M a r O witz was elected Treasurer the Palestine harbors Tune total of existing: debts of the Omaha' ^ = months after your death, together with an immediate watt hours the minimum made his j o'clock, when reports of the year's o f t h e S o u t h w e s t e r n R e g l o n o f h 1st day d f May.! M I ^ Mr. and Mrs. Gurshtel will be your ears to some of these: Sy- I Packing Co. on the of activities will be made by the va-the first Sioux Cityans 'to visit bill 23 cents per kilowatt hour. the Senior Hadassah. Mrs. Maro- rian Prince, Gerusalemme, Er- J J « £ jHundrd l l ^ a ^ oD^ r f ^ 5 ( ^$0) ^ ^ i • Clean-Up Fund for small bills. The rate paid by him was ob-witz is a former president of the land, Andalusian, rious chairmen. Biro-Bidjan. They will spend sevZaafaran, ISADORE RAZN1CK. President. HH JACK RAZNMCK. Secretary. j = : Mrs. William.C.Slotsky, presi- eral weeks with A. Koval and viously due to low consumption. Champollion, Kheti, Aegeus, Am- Isadore Raznick, Jack Raznick, ; = = dent, will preside at the meeting. family, former Sioux Cityans who His farm used only two-thirds the T e a r s , s h e hks s e r v e d ] n t h e Phone AT. 1190 for-the Story alie, Corsicon Prince, Poseidon, Harry Rainick and Morris Raznick. | ^ = are now living in Blro-Bldjan. c a p a c i t y ot r ram Heraklea^ Marlett Pacha, Excam- being a majority of the Board of ' = bralkf " " ^ P °e chairman. From Vladivostok they will sail bion . . . Read the Palestine to Japan, touring the islands by rail. They will sail on the S. S. 6S8. of the B'rith will hold The graduation exercises of the Coolidge from Kobe to Hawaii ritory near the Johnson farm, i s a r e u l a r signing contracts wUh .proposed S meeting next Monday i i g h school department of the re-and then return to San Francisco. ligious school ~ol Mount Sinai En route home they will stop at customers at rates approved by evening, May 25, at the Eagles temple will take place at the reg-Boulder Dam and the Grand Can- the federal government. If Mr. Hall. JOHN A . SEEEEv Gen;; A g e n t ' • • ' ' H Johnson had been a customer of T H E S E most Be recsons why ular service this evening at 8. yon. .."-.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Rosenthat district in 1935 the average Kell j customers keep on baying o'clock. The three pupils who will Friends entertained Mr. and Farnam at 18th Omaha, Nehr. ' H receive diplomas are Haskel La- Mrs. Gurshtel Monday evening at cost to him per kilowatt hour feld are spending a couple of Kelly tires. Their experience weeks visiting In Chicago, 111. zere, son of Mr. and Mrs. William a farewell dinner in the Martin would have been 9.2 cents. Motor Tune-Up shows Kellys give extra miles In arriving at a 3-cent average Lazere; Elaine Rosenfeld, daugh- hotel. sad extra s&fety at no extra cost. | = TUNE TO KFAB AT 5:55 P. M. NEXT .SUNDAY • $3.75

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Society News

Mtitt> t*)^ » k i t



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Rural Rates

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ter of.Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rosenfeld, and Bernard Rosenthal, son of, Mr. and MrB. Joe Rosenthal. Children who will participate in the reading of the ritual are Dorcjthy Davis, George Galinsky and Lawrence Slotsky. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak on "Jewish Education." Tuesday morning Rabbi Lewis spoke before the student body of East High school. "' Thursday morning he spoke at the commencement exercises of the high school at Remsen, la. Next Thursday he will speak at the commencement exercises at Wall Lake, la.

S. C. Jewry to Observe Shabuoth

rate for farmers in the territory WORLD'S WINDOW proposed to be served by the TriMr. and Mrs. D. F. Finkelstein County, Mr. Johnson assumes an (Continued from page 1) of Los Angeles, Cal., are expected average use per month per custo arrive in Sioux City, today to tomer of 3 67 kilowatt hours, sense of strain and exorbitance in visit with friends and relatives. whereas his farm, whose electric his life and in all his works. The Mrs. Finkelstein is the former rate he complains of, used only constant temptation which he had Mrs. Fannie Kroloff. 45 kilowatt hours Per month. If to repell was the temptation of a Mr. and Mrs, Max E. Friedman Mr. Johnson were to use 367 kilo- more integrated, of a more total will be at home to friends of• Mr. watt hours per month on "his own Jcwishness . . . We were sitting and Mrs. Finkelstein, Sunday af- farm the company now serving togother one day. A friend said: ternoon, May 24, from 2 until 5 him would furnish the, energy at "The Jewish people have proo'clock. . duced no first rate writers since cents per their antique period.' Wassermann Mrs. Al Baker returned to herAn' average rate of huor. home in Omaha after spending the kilowatt The company paid for all its* smiled that shy and childlike past week with her parents, Mr. own property without subsidy, s m i l e - w h l c h w a 9 characteristic of and Mrs. Sam Bass. paid the going rate of interest on h l m : "In that case," said he, "I money used in construction— might as well hang myself on the Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabin- about 6 per cent—and pays taxes. nearest tree." ' He dared not owitz spent Tuesday at Cherokee, The district which Mr. Johnson be the Jew hewas. He had, in la., where Rabbi Rabinowitz was says will furnish electricity at 3 common "parlance, to lean over the principal speaker at the Jun-cents per kilowatt hour is being backward being German. He had ior high school. graduation exer- subsidized in construction cost in to illustrate his theory. He was, I cises. His subject was "What Is amount 45 per cent, borrows Its say that deliberately, probably the Significance of an Educa- money from the federal govern- the highest literary genius, except tion?" ment at 3 per cent, and pays no only Bialik, which the Jews have produced^ .iBt>*','iaiiiy generations. t a x e s . . ' • ;•; . . ' " • - . - • • ' . • Plans were made at the meetIf all farmers and other rural His works,V-jipTSttand full of the

Appropriate services next Tuesday evening, Wednesday ^ n d Thursday; mornings, will mark the festival of Shabuoth in Sioux ing Tuesday of the Alpha Gamma of greatness, are never Gfity. Because of the historical ba- Tau.sorority for a joint meeting customers could be counted on to'elements truly great, truly whole, truly of sis of the holiday, confirmation with their sister club, the Emes- use 367 kilowatt hours of electrl-!a services are held during this holi- elsvfrom Council Bluffs. The joint city per month instead of 60 kilo- i Piece. I cannot deny myself the melday, and the confirmation . class conference is planned for June watt hours as now the problem of ancholy of translating the last of Shaare Zion synagogue will 26, 27 and 28. Washington, D. C. (WNS.) — hold its services on the eve of. Another blow against racketeer- cheap energy to Nebraska farms Shabuoth, Tuesday, May 26. Miss Francis Kalin, a junior - , The confirmation service at student at the University of Ne-ing In the kosher poultry Indus, would be solved. Indeed, astonishShaare Zion will begin at 8 braska, has been elected president try will be .struck by the Federal ingly lower rates could be given o'clock. Continuants are Dorothy of the Theta chapter of Sigma government when it extends fed-to all town customers also if each eral regulation of the poultry averaged a use of 367 kilowatt Sherman, daughter of Mr. and Delta Tau sorority. She is a Mrs. Philip Sherman; Dorothy Dl- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kalin, trade to the Boston and Chicago hours a month Instead of the presmarket areas under the terms of ent average use of 54 kilowatt] kel,. daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. .A. 3620 Jackson street. of the packers Stockyards Act. hours. " ' "

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"Everything from Refueling to Refimshing'

WA.QOO6 Enjoy DOUBLE-MELLOW Old Gold Cigarettes wiik yoar dinner


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