May 29, 1936

Page 1

LOUIS "E. LIPP. Atty. City Nat'l Bk. Bldg.


the County Court of C ity. Nebraska. . . . / the llattsr- of the Adaption o! J JIcKain. minor. i / all persons interested ^ in U15/ e entitled matter: . / hi are hereby notified that on^f[he [lay of Hay. .ifloC. :n pcxMen \ y • • — in this Court by Merlii Cra^Jc yy.A l- resident of Dousing- CovrSfy,.* pska. prayir.p for the ado:itit.'n he above naim-ij minor, and the the ^ . •nt .thereto of Joy ";CraniJ£t. er ot- saici minor was Tiled the 'day; that a hearing will be had 'aid petition for adgption? on th^ fay of June. 1KC. at a. o'clock .A. ftt the County court "ficxjTTi • of Ins County. N«braslia, ;ind ; -tinyou appear at said tihis'-and and contest said petition.- -tire. !t m a y ?rant the prayer thereof, •eby said minor shall be adopted |he said ^larle-Cramlet. S-'it

L1JD1TIG 1EWIS0HN" This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Peatnre Synflieate. Itejirouuction in Trhole nr in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i s copyright "Will be jrrosecuted.

Entered «• Secocd Class Mai) Hatter on Jannary II. 1321. at Po*tofHe< of Omaha, .Nebraska, tmder the Act of JIarih 1. 1STJ


festival and owes its name to the i circumstance that its date "was: fixed seven -weeks after the barley sacrifice of JPessach. But from; early Talmudic times on this probable origin -was overlaid or half forgotten and the -Feast of "Weeks. came to be -the commemoration of the giving_.and accepting of the from Sinai—seman mattan toratenu — the "time of the giving nf the law. It -will be usefui to recall the iMoslems exact final words in "which the j

lie Jewish Press, advertisers t youx patronage.

Jewish Volunteers To Settlein Ethiopia







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Rome (VTNS) — One hundred Jewish members of the Italian r o r e i g n

h e z l o r i

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a g T e e d

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permanently on land capseUie | tured by the Italian forces in; book of Shemoth (Kames) or E i - • ! Ethiopia, it is Teport<?ci in dis-; SARAH EPSTEIN IN odus this central fact of Jewish j •{' Omaha Jewish organizations patches received here from Slog-! experience is summed up: "l"e \ HEBREW CLUB CONTEST i have been invited to send their: dishn, capital of Italian Somali-; have seen what I did unto the j ! a n d j.representatives to the J. C. C. Egyptians and how I bare you on I As the Arab rioting and civil X These Jewish settlers will Miss Sarah Epstein will rpplace ° ^ ° n / ^ l > _ ~ ^ e , ; ^ r _ ^ Sunday, May 31, to attend the eagles' -wings and brought you disobedience campaign in Paless oi land Miss Jeannette. Turner as one of tine neored the 5O-dny mark, the to elect delegates to the unto myself. "Now therefore if scientific body, the University fry. If the Italian government. the contestants at the Omaha He\ j ye "will obey my voice indeed and outbreaks increased in intensity, of Birmingham have rejected invi- Washington conference of the American Jewish congress. The about 150 reported killed keep my covenant, then ye shall brew club picnic popularity conmeeting begins at .2:30 p. in. and; in the week as the result of be my own possession from : "~"-> " * "":L " T » " " " " " I ' T bration test, due to .the fart that. Miss Prospects are rosy for the n o t yet the congress committee urges all among all peoples: for all the \ ? ™ e d clashes between the BritUniversitv of Heidelberg in representatives to be present. Turner is unable to participate. ' Philanthrrpies c a n>i s h soldiers and the Arab terror- Germany. Oxford and Cambridge earth is mine: and ve shall be Every representative must bring to zo "over the top," «s his picnic will be the fort unto me a kingdom of priests and Ists. Universities are expected to fol- proper credentials and a dollar T h e fifth annual one and will be held a E average increase II a holy nation . . . . . And Hoses came ! campaign by the Moslems , 1 ( m for registration fee. iovr per ceiri has r ; , . „ , , , . , • , , . _ and called Ior the elders of the > a protest against Jewof forty io R e j e c t i o n of the invitation by st Lskeview park. un Any organization which, was isU people, and set before them ail i immigration and the - ' -'s COT>these eminent institutions is a di- not notified of the meeting is boosted t i ec 5. hico^ Taveh these words whicny Taveh com com- ij Palestinian land to the Jewish ; rebuke to the INazi because asked to sena its representative in?1 i>ir uribllolOUE ^T The Omaha Hebrew club inmanded him. And all the people ; People, together with the demand ; ^ c a m p a i C T a g a i n s t B r i t i s h p a r . - - — i vrpe-k. vites the Jewish communities alS JEar'E reSliltS. answered together and said: All i « « * an Arab government be «et jU c , i o n ^ ^ celebration was ° Xew Xorlc (WXS) — The -pro- from Lincoln. Sioux City. Council At the last report hmchersTl. [ _" The congress will be held in "1> to run the country. A<seneral. j ject for settling Jews from Easthat Taveh hath spoken we Geneva in August. The program Bluffs .and ail the small towns of held Tuesday noon at the J r v - L'•"'*• ; strike slowly grew to widespread ; ^ L : ^ tern Europe in Giro Bidjan "is do." are persecuting the Jews. of the world Jewish congress will t h e s u r r o u n d i n g t e r r i t o r y tn a t - jgjj ComETJIxitTsniping by armed Arabs in all ; the . being carefully studied by the I have called the contents of parts of the country. include: tend t h e picnic. Admission will be ±n'.~i ~ _ * ^ v > - t p ^ "h"-^ c l - U - i " ' • "v'"i:n"r ' j Agro-Joint", but at this time the t h r this passage the central fact of The turn in the rioting marks Program. ^ four-thotisaiad nv.nVt-- ' oT eted ^ ^ Joint Distribution Committee is Zo cents per person. Jewish experierce. Sow that word it as "vastly different from 1029, j 1. The establishment of a per- nnt planning "to* expend in Prusexperience nr.iy be interpreted in dollars above the since the Arabs are now shooting i manent agency to represent co- sia money by the Joint Distribu-various ways. It may be interh u 1pooa at the British, who hold the man- ; ! operating Jewries in defense <*• on Committee this rear "it was U preted in the traditional orthodox Sing: pas=i due With over 5<nsr h n w i m ; |-n-.(m. i > ~ o : r ••>•••?•• date. The Jews are meanwhile pa- ; Jewish rights wherever such a deasserted in a statement maae pubway: that there "was the literal pert can};, Kt 115 r<i be a<'rnnntr*<. tiently marking time, alert but ' fense may become necessary, at lic by the JDC o-ver the signa- ; traffic between God and Moses c;oi r ' • i ; ••X«PU! j v r (!irpp. ^ for. itif camnaipji jpadprc p r r not fighting. I th seat of the League of Nations tures of Felix Al. "Warburg, hon- ! and the children of Israel and "Vrith the Highland vs. Des •SdlTliL highly optinsiMir of pa«sinc *h*" to'-, rr.l .1 t] r.r Thil;inthro3Iany cases are reported of j and at the chancellories of the orar>- chairman, Paul Baerwald, I that the Law "was thus given and !)•(-= far ~* jroa"! of 554S.OOO. i sr. i i : cImsih;- " OWT: Of j Arab policemen refusing to fire Moines golf match occupying the various governments sympathetic chairman, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, ElectioE of officers for t h e BPCKIISP of t h e ?hntuin'.h lioli- 1 n» n>o;;i ;inia~,inf. caniPaiEn? r o u ; on 3Iostem marauders. Some o i i spotlight, Highland Country Club national campaign chairman, Jo- coming y e a r will f e a t u r e t h e final dsy Ti"pdne=f.ay and Trr r:<;;rT. <;'.i'~i*'f: in n-y 1 i> yt'avf oi' exporiadd that I revere that point of i these police have been shot. In will be the scene of much activ; 2. The defense of the civil, po- Seph c. Hyman, secretary, and all B ' n a i B ' r i t h m e e t i n g of t h e year, t h e worker? took P. res-piie. HOT-- purr. I hrvc TI^VO-- s o r quitr atview profoundly and that, had 1 ity on Decoration Day, Saturday, r . litical and national Tights of Jewthe other national officers and May 30. to J>e held Jlonfiay evening. J u n e ever, before TI?:CT F P 4 ; is ovrr. P.! nui'-i; pr:'-.usinpiv B 5 F ' ^ W I ! in this ish minorities in all lands in members of the board of direc1, a t t h e J . C- C lodge room. T h e cards a r e expected t r nr cLranet: d~!i-f. n o r r- I'nnuvin'i'y iTi'rrrst which minority or group rights tors. occasion will be celebrated w i t h tip. i Iowa Jewish News, will get imIV;. r! HfU'l C are recognized. Designed to clarify the JDC's an elaborate stag entertainment : happened and that the record of To See livery V w f r t . derway a t one thirty p. m., with 8 t e r t e d o u ta s a rotest 8. The defense of Jews against attitude toward Palestine. Poland. P scripture is without significance s ir"TS'r •will not rest imti? eve^y demonstration is nowassuming ! eight members comprising ' each tie anti-Semitic propaganda now Russia the Council for German planned by s special committee. for the life of man, my place Retiring officers are Beri KB?.- dollar lias hf-et? roll«*rf(1," «!<>• in team. The Des Sloines lineup the form of open rebellion being spread throughout the Jewry and the ORT, the state- lowsky, p r e s i d e n t ; Elihraim rJarec JlarT^- r»jaia«h<>--k. pm>» would be, on solidest philosophic ;.lists Harold Schwartz as number world. many parts of Palestine.ment asserted that the JDC'.s pri- Marks, vice-president; Sam Green, oral chairman of tis^ rnmiffli^i. and historical grounds, forever the • one man. Others on the team in 4. The The defense defense of of Jewish, Jewish, inthe orthodox, with the be-! - " " « " a l r e a d. y " ' has ^, T t i l : Z ^ r . Y _ _ _ : 4. in mary task today is to help the secretary'; Hf.rry PrieAmEn. treas- "The fn-e hisnrtrr;'* m m . voiti-'r ^fongest concentration of armed . theorder that they will play are t e r e s t s a g a i n s t t h e d e s t r u c t i T e Jews in Germany and those who urer; "Dr. A. C. Fellmr.r,, warden: ^ lievers, with those who affirm ^fg nvnl yonth -workers hnvp «lo-nr i^ d d G ld B ^rra ^ forces since the war, b but more, E Edward Goldman, !i£.ffi o { German reich; the can leave that coastrj. The Alfred Fiedler, gtiarfiiar,; Tlus- sp?«Tifiifl job. rm<> that uc«i"T!». the tremendous experience are being j^oved into t h e ; Marvxn statement pointed out "tliat'-the of efforts ta ?ecorded in .imperishable sell Sl'anientha:. Ur.vid Finkel and the hishest praise nt ihf com. iti jtight area irom JEgypt. berg, Norton Booky, -Robert Ali- :e s t a b l i s h t h ee q u a U t y o £ T i g n t a of j D C . h a s spent more than SS.700.- William w'einer, ERG ibry 's coninjnnd. mr i;i:c the. ber, and one o.her performer not J e v s i n . G e r m a n y ^ Q ^ U E e o £ 0 0 in P a l e s t i n e a n d t t a t i n the But there is, sober fact, anothJulins Bisno. Dr. Ben Slr.tzky. • yet selected.. Organized Rebellion. defensive economic measures. past three years it has "paid er way of regarding the entire Carl Lagman. Simon Pizer, Ky i i ' i c l i ;:hr r-is i The Highland team has not yet Jerusalem {JTA). — After 5. The regulation of Jewish about one-thiTd of the transpor-Shrier and Harri" Sominer. execumatter -which has always been unby volnnTeerinj;emigration and the setting up of tation erpenses of German re£u- tive committee. nn ihp joh Hiller. The govern- j a central bureau for the co-ordi- gees to Palestine" and "in pre- The new officers "will hold oTodox or literalistic point of view. i Arabs against ment forces, there was growing j ven will probably be selected se nation and direction of all Jew- paration for their going it has fice for one full year, instead of That is to say: belief is no hard j u H a n Milder, Marvin Trel- ish -emigration activities. als-o spent large suras in training six months ss formerly. This= Intuition and conviction among competent that or frozen thing ! Palestine ;ler>> .jiickey y Krupinsky, Abe Brodthem for agricultural and indus- change, was b r o u g h t presage constitute more than halff s e r v e r s t h i a 6. -The co-ordination and the shout o' j l .'-is-to-the throes of a major, well-; k e y > l .Manning Handler, Haroldd trial life." It further, declared through an amendment to the of it and many believers 3 have ;o r nizeid 'know^that"their affirmaSa d . -well-financed l l f i d rebellion, b l l i [ -p^ber, Louis Hiller, Paul Bl Blot- Public control of Jewish relief ef- t h a t ways forts receiving their support from through the Palestine Econ- constitution of the district rrsnd tion, credal or dogmatic or c o n - ; r a t h e r t h a n s i m P l e anti-Jewish • c t y > R i d ^ a Gordon, Hymie Fer- public Jewish appeals. . o m i c Corporation, founded by the lodge. Je r , a n d l r T i n Ziegman. in 1926, the the JDC "is controversial, of historic and outer i disorders. - nt 1° '7. The reconstruction and re- JDC in President Kaslowsky also anIT! effort of the government \ A I l a c o n t e s t a n d b l i n d tributing largely and daily to the nounced that final reports or al! fact has often been merely theto Every habilitation of the economic life h=ul break-up the general strike,; u m e m b e r s ^ m begin upbuilding cf Palestine." those Jews who are unable to officers and cotrmiitteeF •will be m the morning and will continue of Referring t o the worsened given and plans formulated for emigrate and must remain in the plight at Polish Jewry, the state- the nest year. lands of their birth. ment announced that the JDC truth. . j Damage to property, both gov- > .^^^ ; 8. The facilitation of iminigraEntertainment from, one of prizes will be given £ees_ Is there anything that is India- j ^tion to Palestne, in co-operation would "expand those cf its ser- Omaha's leading night club? wili n IK v i c e s to event winners. putable? Yes, it is this: that every ; w i t h the Jewish Agency for the ^kicli have already proven provide the music and fun for the •rhirix one of those human groups -whom j After the members and their. d e v e l 6 n t o l t h e to be essential in Poland." To the ,meeting, while a special commit- , we call peoples, -whatever their j have had their full of goif^ U o n a l E o m e anfl co-operation Council for German Jewry the tee headed by Barn Green will fur- ; poorigin or whatever the principle j government property such vill adjourn to the clubthe Jewish Agency in i t s statement promised the JDC's, co- nish lots of cold beer and sandj lice stations and bridges; arson, house to have one of Dors^y's operation "so far as may be pos- wiches. of their cohesion, produced in j uprooting of trees arid continual political efforts. dinners. Cards and Bingo ; sible" and also cooperation with that age in which it -assumed or • cutting of telephone and telegraph famous The c c n v enticm committee, •the Refugee Aid Corporation. Of headed by Dr. A. Greenberg, emdeveloped those characteristics 1. B. the country ^ i n b e ^ e o r d f i r ot b u s m e s s l0T \ 1 wires throughout [the $3,500,000 to be raised by the phasized that reservations msy that made it differ throughout its the evening. \ have taken a terrific toll and have JDC this year, "at least $2,000,history from its ieliow-peoples, Al llayer, chairman of the still be made for the district con00{1 will be expended in -aid of the vention, to be held July 6 TO in even as one human -personality kept the Holy Land in a continual Highland Golf Committee, will state of terror. German Jews with especial con- in a luxurious cruise on the Great •• differs from another—that „ . , . „ , , . every. , Veterans of previous Arab dis- he in charge of the day's iestivi-] ; such group produced m that age " , ,. , ^ „„!„*:tips London fWXS)—Pillorying sideration for the Jewish., chil- Lakes aboard the "Seeancbee." : t , dren who are in Germany and The convention sessions will be of ta becoming a vision and a orders in the past l o years point, ties. ^ _ Hitler's anti-Semitism as "pathou t t h e nearly oil cf whom must for the . held on board the steamer and mvth and a record of central ex-I otween essential differences be-| logical, a craze, a complex, a bee 'the present situation and ! BAZAAR AND DRAWING time beiGE1" remain there," the the group will visit Cleveland. perience. by virtue of -which a that, for example, in 1929, when! in his bonnet, a hole in Jiis arf%f] T n JJJ. irrjn ; statement as- -rtefl. It also an- Mackinac island anc Detroit. The mor, a hitch in his statesmanship,^ * U *>*• OCLU VII . notrnced that while the JDC rates are from $5 0 per person and precipitated in a scripture, a writ- more than one hundred Jews were j I The bazaaT and drawing whicn o n e o I ^ ^ ^ lesions which soine- 1 would continue to contribute subing, a record, which bears _ the emphasize, on- \ the Mount Sinai cemetery ladies' ! U m e s ^ r o T e f a t a l > » George Ber- : stantially towards the expenses up, and Dr. Greenberg stresses same Telation to that people alaughts against the that the cruise is not limited, to Jews were auxiliary is sponsoring will be Shaw in the preface to a book which a Jhigh work of art bears sudden, fierce and concentrated | held Sunday, May 31, at the La- ;oB af rndis .new-plays calls on the Nazi : in Germany to aid in the prepara- ; Bee B'riths alone. tD the artist from whose total be- both in point of time and terri- ' bor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark :] e a d e r t 0 a t j a l I ( i o n b i s antS-Sem- tion of emigrants and to pay to- : wards their transportation, "it ing that work arose. Jtot every-

ges ncrease in Is 44 Percent; Workers to tge

E'nai B'rith to



utli Stop

^ Jewish j Have Been Invited to Bead 'Representatives

Seem to Aim British Scholars at Overthrow of iReject Bid to Mandate \Nzn Fete




"Shnrout" The feast of Shavuot—Chag •! Shavuot or Feast • ol Weeks.— i •was in Temote antiquity a harvest :

3RTCE CKAUTORD, Count:,- .Judpe

\T. 3IAT 29. 1936

Crack' at Hitler By Bernard Shaw

thing in the poem , f a gr^t.oet | ^ ^ - ^ J ^ — * ^ J. Pinkie, ticket c h a l n a ^ J ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -els justified ,n a c t i n g other EASE PLANS FOR has factual existence in 1 agencies to give them their.start \ ° i holocaust, peace was rather read- wishes to have all ticket stubs | , , B e n . H U l e r -s n o t a t j •world. But everything in the ily in life in Palestine" and added ; BMQUET OF YAAT restored, although tension : turned in at this time so that ' 3 "*"*'„ """" ~ " " ' " ..».-—. flecla that "this year the Joint Distrlbu- , poem is a forever xalid symbol of continued throughout the sessions'everj'one T,'O1 have a chance at j T ,^ n ' • . ^" ais " res. I he SEM aad banquet w: s h o u l d n o t b e a t a 1 1 , ., the poet's mind and character. of the Shaw investigating com- the drawing. ^ ««n»rised if :tion Committee, faced with ai- be held Monday, June 7, at the ^ it were discovered that his very • JNot everything in the scripture of mission. m o s t ' un!}Sarable bKrdeEE, \ Mr. E. Sellz will entertain J . C . C. a t 6 : " 0 "p. ra. T i e s e r v a - Vc

jnixed blood -(all our bloods toa great people need to have had Foreign Tinnncing Alleged. Jewish folk songs. Mrs. A. Rofftions Tr.nst be in not iatcrr than f c day are hopelessly mixed) got factual existence in the outet on by crafty Arab poli- man is chairman of the bazaar. "Wednesday. June 3, and m a r be ^ fortified somewhere'in the past by world. 3 u t everything in that th regard to "Russia and called in to the Ta&d-office, .jack- x_-, ticians, the nationalist movement •; All members and the general that of Tving David. He cannot EcriptuTe is the forever valid is spreading like a prairie fire, j public are invited to attend. Bidjais, the statement said son 0?S7 or to the .7. C. C. The I.j' get over the fact that the lost symbol of that peopled character that Agro-Joint's representatives dinner will be T5 cs"nt^ per pl-Rtf', ^^ The evident plan of campaign is tribes of Israel expose us all tn -and therefore of its fate. For The reports of the year's sc-v -to harry government forces by MARKS ON BOARD OF JR. the suspicion (sometime, as in have visited Biro Bifijan, but that character and fate -are one. the JDC doesn't intend to <spend tivities TTII! be river, at this time. t i ( means of guerrilla tactics, a t Abyssinia, to the boast) that Trej Rude clans of common origin CHAMBER 01 COMMERCE j in Tlussia iEny -money raised tills IJr. I. Goldstein is chairman of are those lost tribes, or at least year by JDC because "the work or tif supposedly common origin which the Arabs are adept, and ; i l r . Ephraim L. Marks -was rethe di -wandered loosely cohesive, in the in this way to tire them out and cently elected to the board.of di- that -we ..must have absorbed :O*.farm settlemsitt in the Crimea. deserts between the valleys of-.the wear down their patience. the Ukraine, and of Evidence of the openly anti- Tectors of the Junior Chamber of and na- iJews in Russian and the Jordan. They "were industrial life government character of the terCommerce. There -were 47 'men • "*"'. ^"" *""* -—"»«"" — — idolators amid idolaters. "Why Torism is the mounting attacks on nominated and 19 elected. •• • — ^ - J _--» -, r. _i *_j ; tional exelusiveness must be gath- has proceed so successfully that a did they not remain so and per™ p ! t t v l a > e "are" "happily .freed" from such in ish so rwith the other Arabic and British troops and police. Sun- j Mr. the Junior Chamber ol Commerce i . B e r l i n <JTA > - — C e l l U P S H I t h e T^I f n t i r e l v s u h R ^ r ' b i T i E ir- : h e ; n ; Canaanitish tribes? We do "not . a mor ; ... . . . . . . . t , ^..^B know. We do know that there | Stem, near Tulkarem, to effect work, having served on several I J . N u r e m b e r g jail lias beGii created esi version of 'Bhi! Ei?sn." ,»ivi.,/ soinetteiES prove fatal. .As it has i Joseph Judali Chorsy, Russianglimmered in the souls the vision jail delivery of Arab convicts, is -ship, one of those lesions which rreag "Yet that GerninT::-- <ii¥K?ior. ' ;j. m no logical connection with. Fas- 7evrisa traveler c-f the last cea- a 2\azi s h r i n e . A ttW«t was r.nhut one illustration in point. Conof their god being God, the "1 v rtere t l n veiled a t t h e door EBB i h e cell like Use visinlfportiovi or ;• \\n? \. ,,"'_ , ' . [_ { r am that I am" or the "I am that tinued sniping at British soldiers, ean sitiiation, which has been cisin or Rational Socialism a n d . T . relates th? lollorrtag con? I shall »be", the Eternal, and that tampering with military- commu- complicated by the Italian suc- lias-no effect on them except to cerning-fhe Jews x>f Caucasia: On "will IierecftRT rfimEin i'HPoriTpi vJ. iv.z icplicrc. is m'*- v snuO- p:-"i ,.".'1.'. '1"!. 'The r e a s o n TOT t h e specinl ES- OJ v.'hP.: tit* Jpws Ihrni^iifir* cr;i- !•/..'•,...,'..; ihis God gave then} a Law, a prin- nications systems, attempted de- cess in Ethiopia, is unable or unS them into disrepute, J ; * > nrim..-when^he-men-rettrra home tpntiori is= t h a t in IPTfi JKIIKF r.rp.i anrt eastern B'<"-or>f- l;r>*"r- r » . 5 '_ .^,K,,. ciple iof cohesion among themsel- struction of railroad bridges, are willing to "resort to really drastic vv-liether ft can survive its: f r o n i reading •lie Scroll .of Ef*- ; r\ Rtreicher, GeraiEry's v,TCh anf.i- peri^-nrpi:!." , ' , ',/",',! measures of dealing -witit t i e sitves and of differentiation from others. ._ ther in the -5rnis.jro?-Be, the ' to momentary usefulness as an exSexn.ite. -was impriscE-ed t h e n ; ior Mr. r.o«s»»-sli1'F r^'ru-if <i"-?,".!..' (.. the other peoples round them and Coupled -with these violent uation, the .Arabs are plunging„„ J jPrejra-7-e a b'isrfe -piece cf "wood-.te in cuse for plundering 1 thTee-Biid-B half mwn'-hs. srrihcF thp -work of rcH<?r anti r » - p-rrj'._.-•" that by obsdience ot this Law manifestations of Tebellion ajrainst ahead with their program. ; the kitchsa. "Wiiea t i e Ear, ent. A t t c m e r G-en^rrt] T>c-ebic: c?.n- cnr^triir^ ior:, V>^c*m fUirins- 'A\r.. , . ,-,^. they were to survive and that, n That that .-prosrram has -as its rule under League nf JCaI comes Into the room, he ssks his a idoltry and imagic and bestial ] ti° s mandate is the civil disobe- object more than merely halting jTrile-what it is, and she says "It itOTrnc^G in rcnp.e™ti"B ,-^-ith t h e Tr??rk] "VTBT *sr^C: c^.Tr-: c. on since • celebration of Btnsiclier'E 'lilty- • then by t h e Ani^rjcsr-.'lp^'-iBh ."ictint s _ . xTteTmade"foT"death and that the j dience campaign, modeled, after ; Jewish-immigration and is direet' is^Hanian." At -once the sum gets ; first bi.ri.hdoy, thsxt tiie cell would Cistrilnxlion coinniiitpe. IT hose-| I CIBplC Law mad- ior life. And they con- Miat instituted j n India by liahat- | ed at overthrow of British .rule is "The 'VauuL H'lhr annual picnic ' aagrj-.and i'begins to scream at Jiis Sabbath .services will be 'held ceived the motion of a :priestly ma Ghandi. _ .'.'•-.' ; the growing opinion among even! "will be held at Knig jmxk S«n-j-wife • that she should imrn it.AI- be decorated with his portrait "in prbjrrum he calls "one of the most ' Secure in the belief that Great : the most conservative :observers ! day, June .28. 31T.HL. Eurstein is I ter kiekias it, -they all throw it recognition o* the man. v.-iio "was Jar-fsuisg ir-rafrramf, i'or rehabilitat- at T: 3 (.* it'clock in the vefitty .responsible ior tiie -Nuremberg ing human existence- attempted in ^.roonis ol the Temple during tint 'Britain, absorbed in the Europ- 1 'here. j chairman of the affair. .. jin llie firs. (Coatinued on nage S.).


with your iinraer



imodera linses."

,jsummer months.

• . "



and Phil still in their twentif-F . , , screen writers, both . . . one at Warner's one at K. K. O. . . . both scribing some of the important scenarios. which has survived the first •want it . . . until it b e c a m e ; There is Joe Pasternak. Once A regular meeting of the ladies' , round of competition without ! a B r o a d w a y h i t . N o w h e only George Jessel had difficulty in auxiliary of the Congregation of ,s l n g ] e s e t b a c k F n a s d u e r e a s o n to conies to Filmtown when negotia-'.getting on the lot the other day he was a waiter in the commisIsrael will be held Monday, June the policeman didn't know sary at the Paramount Studios, 1, at 2 p. m., at the synagogue, at strut about. The grocery ten, tions are satisfactory. him and was adamant about the New York. Director Wesley Rug25th and J streets. AH members backed by Harry Steinberg, own"no visitors" rule. George remon- gles offered him his first chanc* er, played together for the first And did you hear about Ann strated, "I'm Jesse! , . . I'm in a . . . a job as assistant director. are urged to attend. time as a team when they met the Kichol's new play? After its sub- hurry . . . I've got an appointment Later Laemmle discovered him . . By HARRY H. SCHAFFER Psi Mu boys. This is the first ven- urban tryout, she received a wire, in there'" Finally the bluecoat sent him to Europe . . . all th« Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief of the Jewish War Veterans ture of the Omaha Potato Market "It's a great flop . . . sure to be opened the gate but asked one Universal product from Hungary in the sporting world and if they, another 'Abie's Irish Rose' suc- more question, "What'E your first was under his supervision thereThere is a Jewish military was awarded the Distinguished | the'-"War.he was sent to Cyrenaica continue with their winning streak i c e s s ! " record of modern days, which Service Croas and the Victory Me- to put ;down a native revolt. Durname?" "George!" yelled Jessel'after. Today he is an important By BAY SOHAPERO the* Italo-Ethtopian War he few of you know' about. Harry dal. A f t e r t h e W a r t h e l a t e N a - 1ing U6 their first season will be a huge j as he rushed in, "and Jolson's producer on the Hollywood U. • " ? . " ; £ *Z " army . Hi Schatter, Vice-Commander- than Straus bought-Him a farm 1 c o m m a n d e d t h e s o u t h e ™ success. Heading the star-studded I Cupidots: Frances Sage, the ac- name is A l ' " lot. chief o* the JewJsK War Veter- in Palestine, where Krotbshin^ which encircles - the Ethiopian of the league leaders are i tress, takes the altar vows this Last Sunday's Softball sched- t l l e ans, tells about the Jewish war- sKy's two children were born. To- forces and made possible the com- ule marked the close of the first t Wachtler brothers, Eddie and j week at the justice of peace with I A certain agent was T?sing all The Firms which advertise In plete rout of Emperor Haile Sel- round of play. Throughout the i G e o r £ e - Ed plays shortstop posi-' Julius Epstein, scenarist . . . June; riors of Prance, America, Ruspowers of persuasion to sell jday he is working in the New assie's troops. In recognition of first round, one team has gone j t i o n w hile George cavorts at third j Travis and Wally Annenberg, son ^ ' o f n j s writers on a contract the Jewish press deserve, and sia, Palestine, England, Geryour patronage. his achievements in Ethopia, Gra- through undefeated afld one team | base. Ernie Lickert covers the of a Chicago publisher, are coo-to Sam Goldwyn. The malapromany, Australia, Austria and jYork City Post Office. Belgium. THE EDITOR | One of the most thrilling: mili_l t n o u t likewise 'p j a n Goldwyn shook his r ead. W tary adventures in recent Jewish ziani »a™ha?bv r , lthrough " o u s » ,"without ^ first base position, while Sam ing in the springtime l D y Kin* Victor Emanuel i 7 "No, no. I never take writers on ' recently madei<,manuei, a Field j|whas hintoi-v was the oi-eanizatlon of i M a r s n awas King victor i n s .~gone~ week's games, the Steinberg and Rudy Vollmer al- j Louise Henry and James Dunn, Tn last history was theorganizationpr e given that *„*.**«.*.* n nr.rir-* long term contracts . . . and beundefeated nmah* Omaha Pnt»t Potato Market ternate at second base. The outAncient myths die hard but the the Jewish Legion, that regiment t h f l f i r s t J e w t o b Sounds like an old vaude Joke| S i ( j e g ) w c y should I put my head knocked out 15 safeties to down field is composed of Nate Wolk, hardiest of all is the familiar can- of Jews that fought,with the late title. In any estimate 'or military pro- the Towers, 9 to 3; the Sample left field; Lee Grossman, right to me, but hereabouts they're tell- j n R moose?" ard that the Jew is a coward, An- Field Marshall AHenby to free wess by Jews in recent years, Furs turned back the Omaha Job- field; Dave Richards, short cen-. ing it on Samson Raphaelson, the ti-Semites everywhere have al- Palestine from Turkish rule. In ways charged the Jew with fail- 1915 some of the Palestinian ref- mention must be made-of Gener- bing Co., 9 to 5, and the Psi Mus terfield, and Lyle Olson, center-; writer. 'Tis said he bought a End of sequence. ure to defend his \country. The ugees in Egypt had organized the al Robert Briseoe and General connected for 17 hits off two A. field. Johnny Rosenblatt, sandlot j yacht and became so enamored of accusation that the Jew makes a Zion Mule Corps under the lea- j'Coben Moishe. A Lithuanian by Z. A. No. l hurlers to win, 14 baseball star, has been indirectly j the sea that he decked himself (Copyright, 19 3 6, Jewish Telegresponsible for the fine showing • out in an officer's cap on which raphic Agenc,, Inc.) poor soldier is almost as old as dership - of the heroic Joseph birth, Briseoe was the chief mil- to 4. of the grocery boys with his j blared the word "Captain." His anti-Semitism itself. The facts of Trumpeldor, a one-armed veteran itary aide of Eamon de Valera The Market team, after winning coaching and general manage-1 mother studied the getup shrewdThere are many people in this course' are so overwhelmingly of the Russo-Japanese War. These during the Irish rebellion against three games by one-run advanment Ned Giventer " *s the catch- ily, then remarked, "Sam, it looks industry who seldom hit the headcontradictory to this libel that refugees fought throughout the England in 1915 and 1916. With- tages, finally located its battine I they work quietly, efthey hardly bear repetition. Al- ill-fated Gallipoli c a m p a i gn. jout any previous military exper- eye and bunched their 15 hits ingr part of the battery and it is fine. To little Davey you're a cap-|]j n e s to me you're a captain ficiently behind the scenes: though it is less than 200 years Trumpeldor's scheme for organl- j ience, Briseoe organized the Irish jt o score three runs in the Second said of Ned that a finer Softball tain INSURED CABS There are the brothers, Julius since the Jew was permitted to zing 100,000 Russian Jews to {irregulars and led them in gueril- j inning, two in the third, and four catcher has never been located, i. . . but to the Captain what are Paul Steinberg, who makes up the you?" serve in the armed forces of the march through' Caucasia and de-j la warfare. Briseoe is now the >. in the sixth. The Towers, who various countries in which he liver Palestine became the nucle- ' only Jewish member of the Irish j W e r e tied for second place before other half of the battery, has Facts and figgers: Fifteen lives, the record of Jewish mili- us of the Jewish Legion, -which parliament. General Moishe, his their loss-suffered at the hands pitched four straight games withtary prowess if one of the proud- he founded with Valdimir Jabo- real name is Morris Cohen, was of the grocery boys, were conced- out a single setback and two of: years ago appearing in "Sinbad' est chapters in Jewish history. tinsky. • Settling in Palestine al- born In Manchester, England. ed an even chance-to win, but the the four games have gone for ex-jat the L. A. Philharmonic audito • ^ Where Omaha Shops With Confidence Memorial Day being an occa- ter the War, Trumpeldor was kill- J Around 1905 Cohen settled In furious onslaught of the Potato tra innings. Meyer Rosenblatt I rium was Al Jolson, completely sion when we pay tribute to these ed during the defense of Tel Hai! Vancouver, Canada, During the t e l l ) w n icb had been in. hiding for and Art tFulton complete the oblivious to Flickerville and vice versa. Universal, under Car patriots who fought for their in 1920. World War he served with a Can-, t h e f l r 8 t three games, finally Market roster. — Laemmle, spent 90 millions in the country on the field of battle, let The exile of Leon Trotzky from !aa d i a n reSin»ent in France. Given If o r c e d Itself out In the open and | Hollywood environs during its 25 us turn back to the annals of command of a Chinese labor the result was proved by the outSoviet Russia has made many gang, j years of activity. Eddie Cantor he made friends with a Jewish military achievement and pebple .<~ forget that he was the fa~v „„.... ..„..— ... • come of the game. Paul Steinberg, o v j received a shellacked matzoth, sroup of meet some of the famous Jewish I Jher "ofVhe"Red" Army," now" t h e | Chinese patriots. On his j winning pitcher, allowed four I addressed and sent through the return soldiers who brought honor to wWhen By HELEN ZIGMOND o r id' B greatest fighting machine.! c h i n e s e to_ Canada he_ Joined the j hits, "walked three and struck out • mails like a postcard—and with their country. It is not the obthe new-born Soviet U n i o n ! Nationalist- League. l n j t w o f o r h i a fourth straight vieI out a chip! Harry Lachman proJect of this review to tell in de- was fighting enemies abroad and 1922 he went to China with a'tory. duces Hollywood, Cal.—In this t o w n ' Pictures and pigeons Chinese merchant who introduced tail th Harry Altschuler led the Sam. c , v i l w a r at-j,Om.e, it was Trotzky, won 4 > Prizes at the Pomona Fair ish soldier. Rather it" is the iri- tthe literatteur and historian, who him to the late Dr. -Sun Yat Sen,ple Furs in their third victory by of makeup and make-believe iwit < his teii tion. to-.point to a few of the took the shattered remains of the first president of the Chinese Re- j connecting for three out of the 10 I "nothing succeeds like success." \ f u& feathered creatures. Ruoutstanding examples in several Czarist armies and welded them public, as "two-gun Cohen." Co- j hits the Furriers' received, as they! Norman Krasna was a youngster [ s LeMaire, casting director countries during recent years. into a formidable force' tha,t pre- hen became Dr. Sen's personal I f 0rg:e( i j n to second place. The ' turning out press blurbs in the gave the first screen opportunity The. late Sir John Monash of vented Russia from "being t dis- bodyguard and was entrusted \ young Omaha Jobbing team, al- j publicity department . . . was to more than 30 now famous Australia was unquestionably the membered. In Germany, where with the reorganization of the ! -~ considered a strong team,' looked upon as slightly screwy by stars. Junior Laemmle had to cut greatest Jewish soldier of our no Jews could be officers before Chinese army. It was he who jw a ays s unable to cope with the of- i higher-ups . . . never taken serl- "Showboat" from 300 thousand time. A civil engineer by pofes- the World War, there were 100,- drilled thousands of raw Chinese | f e r i n g S o f jjerb Marks, while i °usly . . . until . . . he wrote a feet to regulation 10 thousand sion, he became chief censor In 000 Jews in the Kaiser's armies. recruits into the formidable Can- I Harry Wolfe of the losers seemed | Play. "Louder, Please." It was feet. Australia at the outbreak of the 'About 35,000 were decorated, 23- tonese army that*;was later com-' to -have been very easy for the I produced in New York and else- j World"War. In" 1915 he receiv- 00O were promoted to non-com- manded by General Chaing Kai- j winners. where . . . now he's in the top j It was one of the Stern brothed command of a brigade and was missioned rank and over 2,000, Chek. In the heroic defense of) Led by Millard Slgal and Aaron bracket's among the scribblers. ers, famous In bygone days for sent to the Gallipoli front .where excluding medical officers, receiv- Shanghai against the Japanese in | Epstein, the Psi Mus found it j Lillian Hellman was a $40-a- their two-reelers, who formulated he revealed himself to be a bril- ed commissions for meritorious 1932 General Moishe was »the j comparatively easy going when i week reader in the studio . . . the quickie producers' motto. He liant strategist. The following services. Although Baron Man- hero: t . ' j they met the last-place A. Z. A. I until . . . she wrote "Children's ' year he was moved to the French fred von Richthofen, commander To this list could be added manyjxo. 1 team last week. The cellar j Hour," a New Yor\ hit,. . . and zone where he became command- of the German air corps, is'now other names but enough have team was hampered by errors and | returned as a hig'a-salaried sce- For Picnics and All Occaer-in-chief of the entire Austral- a Nazi hero, he was half-Jewish. been cited to offer a dramatic re- the inability to keep joshing and narist. sions Serve Forbes' New ian corps. In the last. great adThere was hardly a single belli- futation of the canard that Jews | joking out of the game. DissenSidney Buchman, Columbia uni! York Pumpernickel vance of the War, the push that gerent in the World War that did cannot fight. On this Memorial sipnon the team and ill feeling versity graduate with an Oxford j smashed the Hindenburg line. Sir not produce at least one great I **»*•• w n e n °™ thoughts turn to between the A. - Z. A. players on finish, pounded movleland pave- • BREAD John had a leading part. Writing Jewish military figure. Brigadier- j t h e heroes of the past, let us give the; diamond are the reasons the meats for years . , . scribbled In- | of - Sir John's, military genius General Andre Weiller ot France jSome thought to these heroes, frat boys are losers instead of cessantly, but not within : the | Sliced thin for your years later, David Lloyd George, fought at the front for four years. m ost of whom are still; ulive and 'winners. Both Sigal and Epstein Golden Gates. One^day he com-!ir-.-•; i . * Convenience ^ 1 ' England's war-time Prime Minisready to fight for their country connected for triples and home pleted his play, "This One Man." ter, said that the Jewish general He was woynded eight times 'and again if need be. .. ' runs: while Sigal limited the win-Paul Muni became Interested . . . won the Crolx de Guerre and deFORBES BAKING CO. was the man who should have renerless .outfit to vseven hitsconsented to-take-the lead. Overcorations from Great Britain and placed Field Marshall Haig in (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts night Buchman was "discovered" 2701-11 No. 24th-St. ' 1D18. Sir John died in 1931 in Belgium. At the battle of the Feature Syndicate.) by Hollywood. . " . 5 STANDXXGS We. 6400 ' Melbourne where a huge 'equestr- Somme, "Vimy- Ridge and Ypres he Sidney Kingsley was in. the sceW. L. ; ian statue Is being erected to the won enduring fame. Major-GenOmaha Potato M a r k e t . . . . . 4 0 man who was*the highest ranking eral Benedict Sommer,was one of GAS BUNGALOW Sample Furs ....3 1 "Jewish officer in the British the outstanding military heroes Mrs.' Modern's new all-gas of the Austrian army. At the outPsi Mu .2 2 army. break of the :War he was a pri- equipped bungalow has^ just been Towers 2 2 To name, one man as the great- vate but by. sheer merit he won opened to the public by the gas Omaha Jobbing Co; .1 3 est Jewish military figure in the rapid promotion and a personal department of the Metropolitan A. Z. A. No. 1..,. . 0 4 American Expenditionary Force commendation from the Emperor. Utilities district. The all-gas bun; would be unfair since the A. E. F. Colonel Leopold Wiener, now galow is built completely on the SCHEDULE FOR MAT 31 numbered at least 250,000 Jews, chief of the Belgian Military Aca- ground floor of the utilities dis-j Omaha Jobbing-Co, vs. Omaha many of whom won decorations demy,, was one of the defenders trict downtown office, 18th -and • Potato Market, 32nd and Dewey. and high rank. . But^ Abraham of Liege and Brussels during the j Harney, and is the work of a Sample Furs vs. A. Z. A. No. 1, Krbtoshinsky, a Russian-born pri- German invasion at the outset, of prominent Omaha architect, an •30th and Wirt. : . •'. \ vate, has a unique claim to dis- the War.' The Jewish heroW-ln' authority on modern architecture Psi Mu- vs. Towers, 33rd and tinction as the rescuer of the the British army were innumer- and design. famous Lost Battalion'of the 77th able. The Victoria Cross, the The public Is invited to inspect Division. An emigrant who fled highest honor for personal brav- this beautiful bungalow. It conNice Furnished Room from Russia in 1912 to escape ery, was won by Captain Robert sists of basement recreation room military service, Krotoshinsky en- Gee, Lieutenant F. A, De Pass, equipped with automatic gas fur- Twin Beds. Also Double listed in 1917 and went overseas Private Jack -White, Sergeant Isi- nace and automatic gas' water Garage. Suitable for two With the 77th Division. He fought dor Smith and torporal Louis heater; a modernistic living room young men. Bubbling Over With Tempting at Chateau Thierry and the Ar- Keysor. Colonel J. H- Levey, who that is startling in its beauty, and gonne. It was during the latter commanded:a battalion in France, a gas-equipped modern kitchen, MRS. MAX SHRIER New Ideas N I d I! battle that he became a world- and Major "Brunei Cohen, who featuring the Electrolux gas re2811 Hamilton AT-6931 The most glorious arfamous hero. Lured into the Ger- lost both legs at the front, enlist- frigerator and modern gas range. ray of fascinating pasman lines, his battalion of 700 ed as privates. tel colors . . . gleamingmen had been reduced to 180 men On the Italian front the chief white. Sizes 11-13-15. by;the murderous enemy fire. The Jewish military.figure was Genersurvivors were doomed to certain al Rudolf Graziani. One of the 1*004 FARNAMI Also Cotton Frocks, $5.98 .death until Krotoshinsky succeed- most popular officers in the ItalThird FU>nr . ed In crawling through No Man's ian army, * General Graziani was SOL LEWIS SAYS: Land to the American lines. Gas- on the staff of General Diaz, the sed and wounded, he went back to Italian commander, throughout his company at the head of a re- the War. He won decorations - lief party. For this exploit he from every Allied Power. After

Jewish War Heroes of Modern Times

Ladies' Auxiliary of Congregation of Israel

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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1936 Phil Epstein . . . twins . . . In their twenties . . . screen rs, both . . . one at Warner's .t R; K. O. ... . both scribing of the important scenarios, ere is Joe Pasternak. Once •as a waiter in the commisat the Paramount Studios, York. Director Wesley Rugoffered him hiB first chance a job as assistant director, r liaetnmle discovered him . . him to Europe . . . E l l the ersal product from Hungary under his" supervision" therer. Today ho is an important ncer on the HollrWbod V.

ize Ethiopia In the future, let us not forget that Italy now rises to the position of -what is kno-wnas a first-class Power, a victorious Power and, as Mr. P. W. Rickett, my table companion in the "Deu|tscbe Haus" of "Addis Ababa said jto me on September ' 1, 1935: j "There "are millions of dollars! I waiting for .Mussolini in the USA ;! By the Service Life Insurance jif he pulls off the stunt." . Company, Omaha By PIERRE VAN PAASSEN j England,has been ousted from ; . , . (Seven Arts Staff Writer) „ I first position in the whole Near When the reasons • £or buying What IS' happening in Pales- the type and mettle, say, of the tory. If you do they "will - lose East.- The Roman intruder is Life Insurance-are analyzed, they, , .. , . ... „ .digging in. He cannot be ousted •bboil .down to two principal mo-,j tine? /Why is there a state of late Mljnhecr van Rees, ex-Preactual'war between the Arabs mier Branting, James G. McDon- mucn of their significance . .- . j ^ intends to use his newly-gain- ; tires, namely—desire to save -for and the Jews? Does England' ald, Benes, Premier Herzog, Paul Let us see them, tfcen, in the ieC.advantage to intimidate En-; old age and desire for the protec- ! want » peaceful Palestine? " Boncour, or Emile Vandervelde. perspecare of history, but of-his-I gland into letting him, share in 'tion Life" Insurance- affords Pierre van Paassen, whose Yet to make such a demand tory in the making and not in:re- the loot when the markets of the j There is a wide range of jplans disclosures were responsible Tor' would be the Agency's very good lation to events in the days-.of L ^ i a a r e r e divided in the .second"\ sold nowadays, and while the; the resignation of H. Ii. iJnke, right, for it is obvious that not the Nebuchadnezzar or Bar Kochba. j •VTOria-war, which has come appre- \ policy selected depends on the '• acting High Commissioner, af- conduct of Jews and Arabs is the The British Empire has justj c i a b i y nearer with Hitler's occu- i particular -needs of the case, some ter the 1S29 riots, tells the real fundamental question to be inves- been dealt a Staggering blow in. I pStio*n - of '-tfce Rhineland,-a move j plans are more approprate for ! inside story of the Palestine sit- tigated but the manner in which the Near East. I have seen: the j wnic ii f said in passing, was certain purposes than others. , ; and the naval bases, which j undertaken in arrangement with j For instance:" Statistics show j uation. " "THE EDITOR; Great Britain has carried out herguns definitely that a man's earning mandate as lieutenant and charge Mussolini is putting in position: on Mr. Anthony Eden. the Erythrean coast near Assab decreases after a. certain d'affaires for the League of NaBut Britain is not completely i How muca longer the ColBut Britain is- still not disposes completely on the . . .Red Sean. . . .With .. Ethopia . , defeated, England ofji age—but this fact is often overonial Otfice pursue Its policy of tions. blood and guile •with, respect to It is England which is running completely has thumb to a Q m ' J - , » .^ ,IoOked. If it is tliought of at all, time,nnder organized and drilled Eretz Israel? How much longer is the show in Palestine and there- year's - . — „ «Mussolini - - ^ „-.„.*., . and is'building theathrone of Jt is generally regarded as being by Italian officers, has Athens g this tigerish game of cat and fore the responsible party. After -».w>-,-.„ fleet and applicable to the "other fellow." a strategic position .mouse which the British authori- the pogroms of 1929, in which the acquired arsenals for Greece. There The solution of the problem sugwhich will in the first place en- naval ties are. playing with the land of Arabs came out with the cry "theable is going to-be a counter-poise to ^ests itself—provide during your him to close the Bed Sea just Italys earning power for a regJewish hope* to continue?-Once government is with us," and completely new position in the Easf Italy's the Turks closed tern Mediterranean — and inEas the ; u l a r income to replace that earnagain the whole of Palestine is vate investigations brought to the. Dardanellesasin the GreatWar, mgPOWef when it.declines. itdeclines the i mg-POWef in an*-uproar. Once more blood light that the British authorities and secondly to. hold tol ;I T h e r e are many plans of inhas flown,- the blood of innocent had had the arms, the only wea- any English attempt out to oust Mm I after surance which can be made paypeople. Tens_of thousands of pons of defense, carted away from from the landslide, that it ten is, -via Jews are without security of life Jewish settlements before the outc o m et t 0 l t your regular l and limb. The frail economic fa- breaks, every-impartial observer the Sudan eKnya or British Som-j supplement e n h C o l o n i a l office ! ! Iater or to— rebric- of- .the- country has. been gained the conviction that Mr. H. aliland. The Duce of Fascism has S 1 1 m m o n e d A b d u l l a n o f Transjor- 'T '- •••-*•— — *place it when you wish to retire. thrown out of gear. Arson and C. Luke was the instigator of the completely outmanoeuvred the j for a second con. With a guaranteed monthly check pillage are the order of the day.riots. Yet the conduct of Mr. H. British Empire in the Near East, j ""*""" "Va<T™™+Z r C T ^ ^ n f . . . - . to - India . . and. ,, „ | ference. Last month the Iman of arriving regularly as long as you The hjghway the Far Chalutxim. in isolated' Krutzoth C. Luke, acting high commission- _, d mutual ° . , live, you can rest assured that are fearfully watching the des-er and official of the Colonial Of- TTaeH- +>i*s fammiQ «'t>WT* -rod ' lino** 1 to the sources of England's wealth you won't overstay your income. j assistance with his enemy of last cent of night, not knowing whe- flee, was not investigated by hisand the foundations of her worldiyear, King Ibn Saoud of the into the Near East. ther an Arab mob will not attack colleagues from the Colonial Of- power, are a for wider a M , i i o a s o i i i e r . w o r i Q -new a the settlement in the dark hours fice, who made up the majority menace of Italian E p t j and exC hange Now comes the master-move: guns, under a formid\ | H . d j constitution henceforth the; «*„«„„ -~A . „has***^ ex- Abdullah of Traasjordan, the and slaughter the . inhabitants, of theroyal commission of invesj measure of autonomy, able Italian naval base and .a vast her willingness to enter puppet of puppets, is inserted into Why did this have to happen tigation. of Italian airdromes. In j apressed system of cooperative pacts. Ibn the pact system by London to preagain, after 1929 and 1921? Or, Are we to have the same farce system October of last year, when> Mussrather, why did this have to hap- again of the guardian of Palestine olini launched his attack cm Eth-Saoud has extended his hand ac- T € n t i t { r o m b e e 0 ' m i l l g t o o strong pen now at this moment when —I mean Great Britain, who lets iopia to remove the Negus, that ross the desert of Nejd- to Bag-| an i n s t r c m e n t in the hands of hope ran high throughout the things come to a head of bloody potential ally of England, from dad. Slowly the federation is tak- j (Continued on page 7.) Jewish world t h a t Palestine clashes whenever it suits.its con- his rear, Great Britain tried to ing shape as British gold pours] would go on absorbing ever grea- venience — sitting in judgement mobilize the League of Nations SXSO^ ter numbers of t i e hounded and over its own deeds and policy and against Italy, because she did not down-trodden children of Israel? filing the blame elsewhere? strong enough to alone When it 1B all over and the sit- Is the Jewish Agency for Pal- afeel n d becauge s h e did n o t desire to uation returns to normal, which estine once again going to stand herself for the clash means in the case of Palestine a by idle, simply yielding to Tory weaken has become inevitable new period of waiting for 'the England, which lacks the moral which the Far East since Japan has bronext bloody outbreak, we will in courage to do what it obviously ken away from the London con- I all likelihood see a repetition'of would like to do — that is, de-ference the farce of 1929, an investigation nounce the Balfour Declaration its navaland Tokyo has launched | by a royal commission, another openly -— but which therefore in- palgn. England superarmament had to look on as Hope-Simson hearing, another spires riots m order to have a| M ussolln- iQstalled nimself u n d e r j Passfleld' letter . . . and a new pretext for changing the political h e r n o g e ^ t h e m o s t T n l n c r a M e delimitation of Jewish endeavor status of . Palestine because this j imperial defense-sysin' the Jewish land." It goes withv suits her imperiaUst interests r> • out saying that the Investigators the Near East? "A QnaDty Prodnct for Seasoning" will be British gentlemen who are The time has come for a showat the same time functionaries of down. The opportunity presents the money to exploit and organthe Colonial /Office, or retired itself for a tremendous gesture on coolie-swatters from India entire- the part of the Jewish Agency. ly impregnated with the colonial A very simple gesture: tell the official's mentality of disdain'for Jewish people frankly and tell the the native and contempt for the Arabs, frankly that England is noisy arguments of turbulent Or- playing a sordid game of imperiientals. It is, we know, too much jalist blood and guile with both, to expect the Jewisn Agency* it- The situation with regards to Belf Bteeped in. British- methods, j Eretz Israel is infinitely more to become suddenly endowed with tragic than in August, 1929. The enough national self-respect to Jewish people are under terrific demand, and insist- with indigna- pressure in Europe. Hitler has tion, for an impartial investiga- crushed the Jewish community in tion by a commission appointed the Reich. - In Poland a permanb- the League of Nations and ent pogrom atmosphere reigns. composed of non-Britishers ,of The last remnants of democracy •(are crumbling to pieces in Ru!mania, where a Nazi revolution, Continue Suit : conducted by Cuza's pogromchiks Nebraska private power com- &Q^ inspired by Berlin, stands bepanies today agreed to a contin- fore the door. Life is becoming uation of their lawsuit on the unbearable to Jews in Lithuania. basis of a further modification by [Hungary plans to copy the Nurthe Public Works Administration emberg race-laws. Austria is caland the three Nebraska public lously debating whether to instiworks projects of their plans to j tute an anti-Semitic policy of her build a competing electric system J own. The Nazi parties in Holin that state. j land and Belgium are gaining A new temporary, injunction, j ground. Rumblings of a ^coming which contains more stringent ] anti-Jewish eruption are becom1 Imitations on power development ing, audible in Algier. To millions



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of Jews today and other millions tomorrow, Palestine represents the last, the only ray of hope. And now comes this . . England moves to cntt further Jewish immigration and halts the redemption of the Jewish land at a moment when it seemed that the great enterprise was on the verge of

three-way interconnection agreement under which the state model power system was. to be built and the agreement today by thesuccess. Government to a stronger tem- England strikes her blow just porary injunction leaves us with- before the era of "stablization was out valid excuse to press for an about to set in, - just in time to .immediate trial," said' Roy Page prevent the establishment of of Omaha, vice president and Jewish majority in the Holy Land. general manager of the Nebraska The full extent of the consequenof the new disturbances canPower Company. ' "We have no ces as yet be estimated, but that desire to battle against the Ne-not considerable delimitation tof braska power projects as lpng as aJewish endeavor in Palestine is the federal government h a s on the cards, of this there can be adopted its. hands-off policy to no doubt. For this and nothing permit the : districts -to continue else was the intent and purpose with their original non-competing of the riots. The' game is so program." crudely transparent that only the

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(Supposedly exhausted oil fields Dr. Brill, the famous psycho- Only in world-wide, economic sehave been restored to production tatements, the British government announced this past week analyst, -writes an interesting in- curity will the Jews find peace by Injecting water into Bands, he new labor immigration for the next six months, providing troduction. "This volume deserves and tolerance; and only by corforcing the ur<recovered oil to the recting the basic ills of our ecotor 4,500 immigration certificates to Jews. This; in the midst a place in the home of every Jew. surface, '• ••*•*• t o «•••• nomic systetm can permanent if such fierce fighting, carries significance of the British It will prove particularly helpful economic recovery be achieved. to the speakers. PobUsbed every Friday at Omaha, Webras&a, by ttitude. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY However, the Jewish pioneers of Palestine are a far .cry •JEWS IN AMERICA" by the Editors of "Fortune." Random 00 from Jews of Germany and Poland. The chalutzim of PalesAMERICA Subscription Price, one year - - • - - - W' Be&l Estate and Property House. 104 pages. GEMS OF THE BIBLE XOETH Advertising rates furnished on application. tine are not interfering so long as Great Britain is making . JEWS OF ALASKA CONTRIThis i3 a reprint of an article Management AND TALMUD which appeared in the January BUTE TO JOINT DISTRIBUTION every reasonable effort to defend the rights of the Jewish popEditorial Office: 500 BrandeJs Theater Building. of the Fortune magazine You can't stop & windBy O. O. BASHES COMMITTEE , • .Even in that ulation, rights accorded by the entire world and sealed by in- issue Sioux City Oflice—Jewish Community Center and which has aroused a great climate they get hot and bothered tstora, felt yon can buy ternational recognition. But the minute Britain shows signs deal of discussion and comment. DAVID BULCKEB - • Busteesa and Managing Editor about Hitler. windstorm i . Understanding is a fountain of >f backwatering, these hardy pioneering souls are not going The primary purpose of the FOT- life- unto him that hath it, but FRANK B. ACKBRMAN Editor CANADIAN U N IV E R S I TT from Fr&nkel tune editors was to make a scienFANNIE KAlBlrMAN CooocU Blutts, Jowa, Correspondent ;o give up one iota . . . t h e y will fight to the last drop for tific study of the much vaunted foolery Is the chastisement of PRESIDENT RAPS SILENCE OF ANN PUd* - ' • • • ' • - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent Block DOMINION'S L E A D E R S ON ivery hard-earned right which was written with their blood "power" of the American Jews as fools. JACKSON SBB5 Print Snop .Address: «60* So. 34ta Street He who is slow to anger is bet-1 NAZI PROPAGANDA . . . A rap nd the blood of their fellow-Jews. We want peace and co- expressed in commerce, industry, | r than the mighty and he that i on the skulls of the Nazi propaFlr»t' banking, the professions, the "For insurance jperation, and we know that the majority of the Arabs want press, the movies, the radio, and emotions ia mightier | gandists would be -uore effective. | JEWISH L A B O R GROUPS It too^ but if necessary, we will lay down our lives for the in the economic life of the nation. than he that taketb a city. The highway or the upright isjpLAN SPORTS FESTIVAL IN "By Zedakah shalt thou be established" were*the words ewish homeland. The conclusions of the Fortune editors, based upon verified facts to depart from evil. He that keep-i NEW YORK DURING OLYMPIC I uttered* by the Prophet trato Zion. .'And charity has been the Gome To and documents should silence eth his-way preserveth, his soul. GAMES . . . We're afraid this , de1 keystone upon -#hich the Jewish tradition has been built, a A even the most vigorous and fanrebuke entereth deeper Into Imonstration will not succeed. The Jewish World Congress ! foundation block which .has made Jewish generosity proverbial. atlc of anti-Semites, In the keyi a m a n o f understanding than ajEUROPE for By Rabbi Frederick (John i The Jewish community in Omaha has been established by j PREMEIR BLUM OF FRANCE The Best Hot Corned B«ef Preparations are being made for a World Jewish Congress industries of the country the Jews [hundred stripes into a fool. | Zedakah. Its high place in the annals of American Jewry has o be held at treneva, Switzerland, this summer. simply Pleasant words a honey-; JEWISH LABOR IN picture do andnot thecount—the radio fieldsmotion alone jIfom ,b; ^weet _ to are theassoul and j LAUDS PALESTINE in tat City ? been earned by a leadership and a Jewish conception of moral 1. i ^_ .«.. — i — 1 , _ . — - , _ , . . . . , ~ , j ^ Jewish preI am in favor of sueh a Congress, if it can be held under being exceptions. Like all antij to the body. mier of France expressing inter? obligation which has brought glory to Omaha. In this year's ;he proper auspices and be truly representative of Judaism, Semitic charges, that of. the "power" of the Jew is the creation of a know there is a tendency and an intention of some Jews to Whoso rewardeth evil for good,! est in Zionism — what a target Delicatessen & Lunch I Philanthropies campaign, the queation was asked, whether the diseased mind—a myth fostered j hones, evl1 sha11 n o t remain aloof, but I,.think that is a mistaken attitude, merely er"~oi'the Jew is theI creation "of a depart from his j for the fascists. 2417 F&nusra JA. 4874 I Omaha Jewish community could meet a mounting crisis which and propagated among the un-! • negative, and perhaps partisan and altogether petty. I wrote ! ITALIAN PRESS DEFENDS • Op«n Dally and Sunday* (made growing demands upon the warmth of our hearts. There ome time" ago that in the present crisis of the Jews the Jews lettered and the ignorant for the! Tilt Mldnlte I PALESTINE ARABS . . . Which Be Rabbi Gamaliel Juda said: confirms rumors Italian S is no longer any question as to the answer of the Omaha Jew- of the worldl should unite, as possibly the only efficacious and specific, purpose of increasing : "and careful with ben the politicians jJ liras are the financing thethat riots. their bosses. They will bej BRITISH BANKS WARNED hatred and fear of the Jew. Enjoy DOlTSIvE-MEiiliOW Old cl0Be t o ou w n e n t h e need 3ish community. The campaign is not yet over, and we have truly practical solution of the great problem that confronts In t h e i r introductory para- ; V6r y >* y : NOT TO LEND TO GERMANY. 01 Gold Cigarettes with your dinner. service and pretend to be | AS BANKRUPTCY IMPENDS . . . ) already raised four thousand dollars over last year's sum. them all. It is not only that the Jews of Germany have been graphs the editors mention the!? "" ur serious apprehension that h a s ! y ° friend In order to promote j Even American bankers are get'The cards still out promise more than the sum needed to go disfranchised and inhumanely treated. It is not only that the overwhelmed the American Jews i t l i e i r selfish interest, but when | ting rid of "tourist" marks at 40 g Jews of Poland are physically starving. It is not only that the De i n over the goal of $43,600. The need was great, but the local Jews are vilified and their social and political position threat- on account of the fate of their! y ° u distress they will j per cent less. 1 ;• Jewish community has a depth of understanding , . . so the re- ened in many parts of the world. Their good, name is at stake, German brethren, and ask wheth- j notu extend a helping hand to j WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS er these fears are Justifiable, jy° 'O MEET IN GENEVA ASSEM224 insurance BIdg, \ • spouse was greater. And the Omaha Jewish community can and their character and their very soul most contemptuously whether the anti-Semitic propaRabbi Jose said: "Oh, that my j ELY HALL OF LEAGUE OF NA'i ,'take pride in the knowledge that it will not forsake its ob- aspersed, and their very life, morally, spiritually, economically, ganda is truly a menace, and ' l°t falls among those who solicit; TIONS . . . Here's hoping it meets • Wiring of &!! kind*. politically and socially violently and most unjustly assailed. whether its agitators are as im-J charity but not among those who-^ith more success. l - ligations. • Motor Installation* portant and as dangerous as they > distribute." (Because they are li-| POLAND SEEKS COLONY TO Work well done is its own reward. Yet, the-community The Jew would not be human, he would be a coward and a proclaim themselves to be. Ac-' able to make a mistake and fail j SETTLE ITS JEWS . . . A Jewish \ • Lighting FIxtorw. cur, worthy of the contempt of his enemies, if he did not indig- cording to Fortune, anti-Semitism ! to do justice to deserving cases.) i colony under Polish mandate : , would be guilty of ingratitude were it not to express its apnantly and courageously protest The Jew is most meek and n the United States is feeble and I There are three men whose ; would be a tragedy. E*fimat«e Gladly Furnished '.' preciation of the work of the general chairman, Harry Mala- patient. But he has waited long enough for something to be mpotent without influence or \ lives are not worth living: He; PALESTINE Call .' shook. A veteran campaigner, he worked tirelessly and un- done. The world on the whole seems callous and indifferent. standing, and assuredly anything i *rho depends on his neighbor's j 4,500 IMMIGRATION CERTIF; AT. 6479 r ceasingly to make the drive a success, and is still straining Only a few voices, comparatively speaking, have been raised >ut a .-menace to the American j support; he whose wife dominates liCATES ALLOTTED FOR NEXT ; every effort >to complete the job with the last possible dollar on his behalf. Here and there a Commissioner McDonald, an ews. Our fears are therefore de-jover him; and he who is suffer-! SIX MONTHS . . . This will coning from an incurable disease. vince Arab Effendis that pogroms - raised. He is certainly deserving of the highest praise we can Oswald Garrison Villard, a "Westbrook Pegler, a few others oid of merit or justification. Rabbi Joshua said: "A man [don't pay. The crucial fallacy of the Forhave spoken bravely and sincerely in bis behalf. But no Zola ' bestow upon him and his leadership in a campaign which is Cosiost Plat* never bring forth from his j FIRST SHIP DOCKS AT NEWhas lifted up a mighty voice "of protest. The Jew is justified in une editors is their unsound as- should In Tmvm mouth an unfit word, for the i LY-CREATED TEL AVIV HARlumption that once anti-Semitic •':such a tremendous success from every viewpoint. The; man at trying to help himself lest his silence be construed as consent iropaganda is exposed and Its scripture uses a circumvention of|BOR ;• the helm can make or break a campaign, and the work of and acquiesence, and worse still, as miserable cowardice. Rabbi jurveyors held up to public gaie, eight (extra) letters in order toijsh fleet? How 8 bout a real Jew•'; Harry Malashock is indicative of the vitalizing energy a chair- Stephen S. "Wise, a brave leader and champion in all that con- t loses its potency, is deprived of avoid an ugly word." BRITAIN TO SEND ROYAL cerns the Jew, has shown how philanthrophy alone cannot ts injurious effects. Such a promThere are four persons which j COMMISSION TO PROBE RIOTS man can pour into a philanthropic drive. save us. Such devoted leaders of Judaism as Rabbi Abba Hillel se ia the height of naivete. The the mind of man cannot endure, j . . . British Commission on PalNor does it in any way detract from the accomplishments Feted—Good Drinks Silver and others have expressed themselves to the same effect. •lse of Hitler should have proven A poor man who Is proud; a richjestine affairs have a bad record. ' of Harry Malashock to point out the splendid work done by It is time for a concerted action of protest on the part of all hat exposure and ridicule are not man who flatters; a lewd old man In every country there and a leader who rules over the (Copyright 19S6 by Seven Arts i his aides. As he himself put it Tuesday, this, was not a one- the Jews of the world. Only this will impress the nations and snough. re millions ready and eager to community with selfish pride. Feature Syndicate.) £«£h Street Entrant* '.I man campaign. Malashock was able to set an example which perhaps bring the plight of the Jew to their minds and con- lelieve the most fantastic tales : inspired confidence and co-operation. Every divisional head, science. At any rate, the Jew must speak out. He must de- ,hout any minority, especially so onspicuous a minority as the every individual worker deserves high praise. Each toiled dili- liver his soul, even if he should not succeed in delivering his ews. These Ignore or reject the people. His self respect commands it, and he will obtain the s gently, and it was the combined effort of all which spells the respect and perhaps practical assistance of the lovers of right most convincing proof and au,*. success we are enjoying. The determination of the workers, and justice of the world. No harm can be done if the Jirw con- thentic data. The various incredble and foul crimes attributed to ; the relentless following tip of every prospect all the way up ducts himself in a sane, sober, dignified manner; if he speaks >ur people in the course of the ] and down the line, in all ranks - - all accomplished without just as a Jew and not for any organization or faction, voicing .ges points to the futility of reaI an excess of trouble or strife, all accomplished smoothly and the Jew's wrongs with the eloquence of his prophets, espous- son and argument with profesing the cause of justice, momentarily expressed in his own ional and psychopathic Jew bait, efficiently. The women's division under Mrs. Harry Trustin did person and fate. Not only because the Jew (though none the irs, and with their deluded but ',. unusual work, their, results to date being outstanding. The less because of that) but because of that universal justice of ;erribly earnest followers. men's division under Jack Marer faced a number of obstacles, which, he is the classic exponent and which it is his mission Refutations of anti-Semitism are pitifully insufficient, because j but the cards they are turning in-show .a surmounting of all (or, if some do not like that word, function) to establish. ' the disease is basically a symptom Let the Jews of the world appoint fit representatives. of a deep and serious malady. I barriers: The initial gifts with Sam Beber and L. B. Zimman j as co-chairmen have skyrocketed the totals collected with their From Geneva let go forth what is the true spirit and essence Unless the latter Is adequately of the Torah, and the word of the Lord from the International treated and crrected, the sympj returns, and more yet to come. The youth division under the tom not only persists, but thrives. capital, the new Jerusalem. ; chairmanship of Milton Frohm has Bwept over the top. OrNothing proves the truth of this - - Frederick Cohn. the phenomenon of anti-Semitj ganizations, under Phil Klutznick and Ben Kazlowsky, are ism in times of stress and up• again showing up strong,. In short, the work of all divisions heaval. Waves of anti-Jewish ; may be summarized by saying that the grand average increase prejudices coincide with catastrophe and misfortune. Confused and i in pledges to date- - all divisions - - is at the astounding figure frightened and oppressed, the p of forty-four per cent. And in evaluating the success of the masses demand, and must be giv| campaign, we cannot overlook the fine job of organization beBy DE. THEODORE N. LEWIS en a scapegoat. A helpless, defenseless and at best only a toler| hind the scenes, the myriad detail work which seems small Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City ated minority offers suitable prey j ' but which is so essential. Paul Goldblatt, executive director, for their explosive wrath, satishas earned our encomiums for his so efficient execution of de- SOFRIM V'laHIM (Authors and roically, but died impoverished fies their emotional cravings for Men). By Menachem Ribalow. and broken-hearted. satisfaction and revenge. tails, and demonstration of executive capability. "Working Published by the Hist&druth However, to dismiss the study quietly and thoroughly, there was built up this year a camIfrith, New York City. "LAUGH JEW LAUGH" by B. as insignificant would be folly. The author of this stimulating Kovner, Block Publishing Com- Though it scientifically confirms paign organization, plan and program which carried the Philpany. 187 pages. Price $1. what the Jews and informed Gen-; anthropies to 'success.''. In the details,, worked a loyal staff, Hebrew book, Mr. Ribalow, has jeen editor of the only Hebrew "THE JEW LAUGHS" by Felix tiles always knew, the volume' toiling without thought of hours and effort, good-naturedly weekly published in the United S. Mendelsohn. Blocfe Publish- may serve as a source of enlighting Company, 222 pages. $2. and conscientiously. When the final sum raised is written into States* "Etadoar" for many, many enment to fairly intelligent but "Laugh* Jew Laugh" ia a col- uncritical minds'which, unable to the books, it will stand as a monument to the efforts of five ears. Under his devoted guidance ;he weekly haB grown in scope, in lection of 45 humorous, stories or resist incessant propaganda, often hundred loyal men, women and youths of Omaha. \ ize and in influence. Many of the sketches from the pen of B. Kov- succumb and accept plausible The large-mindedness exhibited by the local Jewish com- world's most noted Jewish au- ner (Jacob Adler), a regular con- myths for truth. The cure for antithors and thinkers have at one tributor to the Jewish "Forward," munity is a weathervane, pointing to tomorrow's Jewish his- time- or another made Important published In Yiddish in New York Semitism, however, lies elsewhere. tory in Omaha. May it usher in a greater era of successful contributions to this American City, and one of the most influengrowth and development of a united and unified Jewish com- weekly published in the Hebrew tial foreign language newspapers anguage. Too much credit cannot in the country. FOR RENT munity, inspired and carried forward by such leadership as be given him for making "The The author has penetrated 2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully we have enjoyed heretofore. In that way, we in Omaha can Hadoar" the distinctive and pop- deeply into the lives, the strugdo our full share in fathoming the deep moral springs of life. ular organ that it 1B. He has in- gles, and the hopes, the dislllu- furnished. Electric gas and deed rendered a splendid service sionments and frustrations of the phone included. Gas heated. to the cause of Hebrew and to Jewish masses. He knows the Call We. 3527 on Sunday. the preservation of Hebraic cul- Jewish character well and intiture In the United States. mately. He records his ooserva' The tension in Palestine has mounted to a fever pitch, as This volume, a collection: of his tiona in humorous, sympathetic Arab rioting has changed its complexion until it is now recog- own literary efforts which have and yet critical'manner. appeared from time to time, conWith few exceptions all of the Paxton Mitchell Co. nized as civil warfare. The number of. dead and wounded is tains vivid portrayals, and illu- stories are good. Special mention Foundries growing horribly, but now the casualties'are being recorded minating character sketches of should be made of "A • Forced 27th and Martha HA. 5523 some of the more .distinguished Fasting," which narrates the sacamong the British soldiers and the Moslem snipers, instead of It would take pages in this newspaper to tell the full story about Jewish authors and public men, rifices and the disappointments of Brass/ Bronze Aluminum, Soft among the innocent Jewish -victims. both here and abroad. a Jewish communist who was Grey Iron and Semi-Steel CastThe Nebraska's showing of Tropical Suits . . . the new weaves, Supposedly, the strike and riots are an Arab demonstraf the four divisions, the first obliged to fast on Yom Klppur Ings. Wood and Metal Patterns the new colors, new models are here in endless selections. is devoted to a discriminating an- not because he wasted to but for tion against the continuance of Jewish immigratiion into PalStandard sizes Bronie «n d iren alysis of such masters of Hebrew the excellent reason that be had Bushings- Sewer Manholes, Cistern The West's Most Wonderfully estine. The Arabs also demanded that no more land be sold prose and poetry as Bialik, Men- no food. Thia crime resulted in Rings and Covers. Cleanout Dears.' S<sh Weights a n d Yellow Brass his expulsion from the party—de[ to Jews and that an Arab government be set up. Events since del,Mocher Soferlm, ChernechovComplete Showing at Plumbers' Ferrules, carried In Bronze Tablet*, Bronze «nd jj" the start of the civil disobedience campaign point unmistak- sky, Friehman and the foremost spite outstanding services in the stock. C**t iron Grilles a Specialty.. Palestinian novelist, Samuel J. ( enly to the fact that the Arab politicians who are inciting and Agnon. The second division, enThe second volume, "The Jew I propagandizing have as their goal the overthrow of Great titled "On the Soil of America," Laughs," is a compilation of hu deals, amongst others, with Jo- morous stories and anecdotes by | Britain as the mandatory power of the Holy Land. seph imber, the author of "Hatik- Rabbi S. Felix Mendelsohn of ChiI Thus far, the Jewish position has been sane in the midst voh," J. D. Berkowitz, S. B. Max- cago. Hundreds Upon Hundreds Rabbi Mendelsohn divides his | of madness. The Arab masses have been, as usual, subjected imon; the third division, "From st Every Price You Desire Generation to Generation," con- material Into 18 parts, entitled f-< to vicious, untrue propaganda, which rouses the Moslems to an siders the works and characters respectively, "Humor and •Humor{or every purpose f 5 --ignorant fury. .The Jewish pioneers have let the British armed of- Smolansky, Joseph Klausner, ists," "A peculiar People," "AntiI A. Z. Rabinowltz, and S. A. HorSemites," "Business," "Fools and I ; forces handle the attackers. This is the wise course, as long Distributed by odtzy, and a few leaser lights. The Simpletons," "Jacob "and Essau," t\ aB the British government sticks to its. avowed course of not fpurth d i v i s i o n , "Character "Misers," "Mothers and Daugh: tolerating Arab tactics and punishing the marauders. This is Sketches," contains brief pen ters," "Old and New Russia, CORRECT AFFAKEt. FOR KSH ANO WOMEN a different course pursued, far different than in 1929, when it sketches of Nahum Sokolov, Abra- "Sages and Saints," "Scoffers and ham Goldberg, Louis D. Brandels, Heretics," "Shnorers," "American .was diifficult to distinguish who was behind the anti-Jewish Stephen 8. .'Wise and last,-but not Jewry," "Making a Living," and 104 NO. 18th St. AT. 8454 attacks, the Arabs or the British. In line with their published least, Boris Schata, who lived he- "The Melting Pot.".




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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1936 'pposedly exhausted oil fields • I been restored to production ajecting water Into ij aattds, ig the unrecovered oil! to ,the ce.





Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levan of Chicago announce the marriage of ther daughter, Edythe, to Dave Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Richards. The marriage took place Saturday, May 9, at the home of Rabbi David A. Goldstein at 9 o'clock in the evening.


ARRY A. FRANKEL al Estate and Property Management .:•'"..

AZARCH-RUBEV •Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rubin an- j Bounce the engagement of their daughter, Miriam, to H e n r y Azarch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Saul ROSENBLCM-KULAKOFSKY STOLLER-SIEGEL Azarch of Des Molnes. B1CK FROM PALESTINE FROM KANSAS CITY My. and ,Mrs, J. Kulakofsky anMisa Belle Slegel announces the Mr. and Mrs. M. Hertzberg, • Mr- Samuel T. Goldberg of nounce the approaching marriage approaching marriage of her sis- No definite date has been set *ho have been visiting in Pales-: Kansas City is visiting with his of their daughter. Miss Rose Spie- ter, Esther Tibe Siegel, to Jay for the wedding. tine, landed in New York Thurs- \mother, Mrs. A. B. Alpirin, and gal, t o Harry Rosenblnm of Chi- Stoller, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Mr TO RECEIVE {day morning. They will spend the Alpirin at their home, 105 cago. Stoller. '-Reek-end there and will be back South 52nd Street. Mrs. Aipirin Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen and Mr. The wedding -will take place on wiI1 The wedding will take place at in Omaha the early part of the : return to Kansas City with Mrs. Sam Geifman wiU"reSunday, May 31, at the bride's the bride's home, 1720 Dorcas and celve their friends at the Geifman : her son for a visit. home. Rabbi Harold A. Berger street, Sunday, June 7. at . 1 home, 3325 North 42nd Street, will perform the ceremony. o'clock. Rabbi David A. Goldstein Sunday, May 31, from 2 until 6 WEINER ROAST HOCSE GUEST A reception for friends and rel- will perform the ceremony. o'clock, in honor of their daughThe Phi Delta Mu sorority gave ; Mrs. A. Giller has as her house ! atives will be held from 2 until 5 A reception for relatives and ters, Rosalie Rosen and Betty I a surprise weiner roast in honor guest for 10 days Ler sister. Miss! o'clock. No invitations have been friends will be held from 3 until Geifman, who have been confirmj of Miss Belle Ruderman at the j Esther Fine, of Chicago. Miss' issued. Miss Rboda Gilinsky. 7 o'clock. No cards.have been is- ed from the Beth-El synagogue. Jackson farm Saturday, May 23. Fine is being extensively enterAbove 19 pictured Miss Rhoda : The sorority held a business • tained during her stay here. sued. | Gilinsky, daughter of Mr. and meeting at the home of Miss TO HONOR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ross j Mrs. I. A. Gilinsky, who will be Edith Epstein Sunday, May 24, at _,._„_ t h e KRASNE BEAUTY will be'at home Sunday, May 31, : married to Loyal Katskee, son of w h i c h t i m e a membership com-, 1j * ACATIONING M r a n d MrE SALON Mr. and Mrs. .1. Hoffman ot from 3 to 5 and from 1 to 10:Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee, next' m i t t e e w a s appointed. Plans were Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy J. MittleFeatures' Detroit, Mich., announce the en- o'clock in honor of their daugh- ! Sunday, May 31. made for an outing at Elmwood . ™ an a r e vacationing at Cass lake. SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE gagement of their daughter, Betty, ter, Jean Ramona, who was con- j The ceremony will take place Keego Harbor, Mich. p a r t Decoration day. to Morris Mittleman of Pontlac, firmed at the Beth-El synagogue, i at 2 p. m. in the afternoon at the 50c Mich., son of Mr. M. Mittleman of Friends and relatives are cordial-j Bircbwood club. A reception will OX EASTERN TRIP j GUESTS FROM SUCKIGAS The Zotot Permanent Wave Detroit, formerly of Omaha. ly invited to attend. No cards be held from 3 to 6 p. m. All ; Mrs. Clair Horwitz left Tuesday Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Sherman with no machinery and no Among those who attended the have been issued. friends and relatives are invited, evening for New York City, where have as their guest Mrs. Joseph electricity used at 56.50 and . - up. engagement party were Mr. and No cards have been Issued. • she will visit with her son-in-law . Lipsnitz and son, Maurice, of Pon718 Brar.del* Theatre Bldg. Mrs. Ruddy J. Mittleman of Oma- LUNCHEON' BRIDGE AND ' and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis i tiac, Mich. They plan to stay here \ ha, Mr. Isidore and Mr. Harry Appet. Mrs. Horwitz will stop in until the middle of June. KITCHEN SHOWER RECEPTION WEDNESDAY AT. 4333 Mittleman of Pontiac, and Mr. Al Philadelphia to visit with her The Misses Sophia and Babe _ . Katel; M r a n d MrB S a m u e l H Mittleman of Thornton, 111. Newman entertained at a lunch- ;m a n w m e n t e r t a i n a t a r e c e ption . mother, Mrs. B. Kitner, and will eon bridge and kitchen shower In ja t t h e i r i j o m e > 601 Willow ave- also be in Atlantic City to attend M« ti Pitior and Bernsteine, \nuBt C o u n c i i Bluffs, for all their ! the national convention of the whose engagement to Isidore ;r e l a t i v e 3 a n d f r i e n ds Wednesday National Workers' Alliance. Ariz °°re s ? e S the tfann was recently announced. i g j ne 3, in honor of their summer here with Mrs Pitlort Guesta were the Misses Helen e v e n n f Ux,eona, who is graduat- LEAVES FOR HOME daugnter) Abraham Lincoln ^liss Lena Mittleman, who has m o t h e r ' M r s " J " Bernstetin. I'm sending you the win- Whitebook, Edythe Whitebook, ner of last Sunday's Bernice Yousem, Ethel Acker- High school. No cards are being ! been visiting her parents, Mr. and program. man,, Valva Weisman, Bernice issued. jMrs. Morris Mittleman, left for LOLA LEE The Up-Side Down Sessel, and tne Mesdames Cyril jher home in Portland, Ore., FriDancer Leon Block and Sally Novak Roday morning. Miss Mittleman was She will arrive Friday to IiEAVE FOR EASTERN TRIP extensively entertained while she en. appear In addition to the Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein left •howl here. Monday night. for a trip east. They will attend the graduation of their son, Herman, from the Wharton school of finance at the Send Jewish By Mrs. David M. Newman University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein will Confirmation Cards also visit in Chicago, Springfield, Prune Whip Atlantic City and New York beTake 2 cups cooked prunes, 1 fore returning home June 15. to Coofirmants teaspoon lemon rind, 2 teaspoons lemon Juice, 4 tablespoons powThese Cards on Sale at GARDEN TEA dered sugar, 4 egg whites. A garden tea at the home of Pit the prunes and mash to a MEYER COREN'S pulp.- Add rind and lemon Juice Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky will be and 2 tablespoons of the sugar. given Sunday, June 7, from 4 unBOOK STORE Blend well. "Beat whites stiff, til 6 o'clock, by the Senior Counadd the remaining 2 tablespoons j cil of Jewish "Women to honor 1324 Paxnam St. sugar and continue beating until members of the Junior Council. stiff. Fold prune mixture by Mrs. Morris Katelman and Mrs. spoona into egg whites. Pile Ben Shapiro.'senlor sponsors for lightly in a greased dish and bake the group, are In charge of arIn a moderate oven 20 to 30 min- rangements. They are being as- F R E E . . . sisted by the Mesdames Ben Ravutes. itz, Jack Marer, Louis Lipp, HenI-N-S-U-R-E-D ry Newman, Ben Silver, Sam Spaghetti La Roma STORAGE Wolf, A. H. Brodkey, Morris LeTake Vi package spaghetti, -IN OUR EPACtOUS quarts boiling water, ' tea- vey, Ernest Nogg and Joseph NEW VAULTS spoons salt, 1 green pepper cut Welnberg. Pay cleaning charge only when clothes are needed The first meeting of the new into fine pieces, ^4 cup American for next sescon. or grated Parmesan cheese, *A board of the Senior Council of cups cooked ground beef, 1 small Jewish Women will be held on can tomato sauce, % cup chill Tuesday, June 2, at 1:30 at the sauce, y± teaspoon salt. home of Mrs. Grodinsky. The KE. 1SO0 Cook spaghetti in hot salted committee in charge of the garOFFICE AND PLANT boiling water. Drain and rinse den tea will meet after the board with cold water. Place in a grea- ] meeting. Bed casserole, add cut up green pepper, and mix. Sprinkle with EXTERTAIX IT WILL PAY YOU grated cheese and ground beef. Mrs. Jack Hellman and her To Consult Combine tomato sauce, chili | guest, Miss Sadye Leibowitz Bock Island, 111., entertained 30 MALASHOCK'S teaspoon salt and sauce and pour over spaghetti. Bake in mo- guests at home Saturday evening When buying in honor of Miss Minnie Seiner, derate oven 30 minutes. who left for Chicago on Sunday DIAMGN0S morning and for the following WEDDING SINGS brides-to-be: Sally Pollay, Rose WATCHES • SILVERWARE Levin and Alice Goldberg. and GIFT JEWELE¥

nn, but you can buy windstorm insurance : from Frankal ; -

JACKSON 1S25 ' inturanee fit* Pranke!

C o m e T o ' .''•



9 Beat Hot Corned Beef landwiches in the City



Delicatessen & Lunch ' , Farnam JA, 4874 Op«n Daily and Sunday* Till Mldnlte

BRIDGE XtTNCHEON 'GUESTS FKO>1 CHICAGO |TO NEW l"OKK Mrs. Leonard H. Cherniss en-; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saylan have Mrs, Morris Seiner left Sunday tertained 20 guests at a bridge;as their guest Mrs. Harris Sirin- for New York City where she luncheon a t her home Wednes-isky and her son, Larry, of Chi- will visit her mother and family. day. May 27, honoring Mrs. i cago. Mrs. Sirinsky is the former She will be gone several weeks.

• '

ijoy DOUBLE-MELLOW QW Cigarettes with your dinner.

NRY W. H I M 224 Insurance Bl«Jg.

Wiring of all binds, ° Motor Installation!}. • Lighting Fixtures. Estimates Gladly Furnished Call

AT. 6479 P-s-tl It's tha Coziest PUe« In Town

'to attend and are asked to met ; at the park pavilion a1 l f ; " oR .p

Games have been panned nr><:

there will be ice erenni for pvfi-ycne. Mrs. Julius Newman, Suntlii\ school chairman, is picnic oluiir-

Emanuel Finkenstein and Mrsl S.; Shirley Ruback of Omaha. | Cherniss of Los Angeles. I . j SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC 1 O'CLOCK "LCNCHEON Temple Israel Sunday school man. The Delta Kappa sorority re- 'will hold a picnic at Elmwood ! ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr! and Mrs. Maurice H. Okun cently held a 1 o'clock mother park Sunday morning. May 51. •Patronize Our Advertiser* of New York City announce the a n d daughter luncheon at the; Parents and children are invited birth of a daughter, May 26. Mr. Aquila Court. Every mother presand Mrs. Okun are former Oma- e E t w a s Presented with a corsage, j nans, Mrs. Okun being the former ; Miss" Mildred Saferstcin is presi-> Minnie Wohlner. • l 6 ^ ot t n e group. j

x j.

an can't stop a wiad-

3 5 DOURISS Block





IMMACULETTE (a cleanser far your type skin) with each purcb&se of

VELVELOUR $1.75 A rich nourishing cream thai if blended -with all oils essential to the skin in kefiunjr it i oiitbfiil fun] frw from lines and wrinkles. •

MARIAN BIALAC Representative

CHARLEMAGNE POWDER BAR 305^2 Soxith 16th Street

Kitchen Chats

d Food—Good Brinks

IOTEL HILL 16th Street Entrwtc*

Peerless Cleaners


Variety 1 .'. . Fashion is Two Big Groups

and Value, Thursday!

Tom '0, tiearcb Mr to equal these erisp cottons , . , de.slgu.ed. to comfortable throtig'h the hottest d&jsl Fancy dotailirif . , , in the way of bettons , , . pleat* frills . . make them switeble aftenjooa and street wear.

TO VISIT IN CHICAGO Miss Minnie Seiner left Sunday for a visit with friends in Chicago.

Leave it to the Thrift Shop to brinff you all that's smart in


Beaatifu! blonfle ctllnc&tcr of scphlf c&ted rhyttjn bel,- over into 7Ui wi bv popular demaod. by



ill storyabout s new weaves, ss selections.


sea!-in the FRESHNESS of the Prize Crop Tobaccos In

Ballroom Dance BtyJtst la Gracs

Dancing Sunday Dlnarr SZtste, 9 P. M. Cover CIIAPS?

rut wtmeesee trnm^i



OLD a Double-Mellow Old Gold up to your ear . . . and roll it around between your fingers. You'll hear no crackle or snap of stale, dried-out tobacco. Just the silken swish of the finest prize crop leaf, in the very pink of smoking condition. Examine the p a c k a g e , . . and you'll see the reason for this factory-freshness Ifs wrapped in two jackets of moisture-proof Cellophane, the highest quality obtainable. Dry air can't get in; moisture can't get out! So at any cigarette counter, in any climate, you'll get FACTORY-FRESH Old Golds, as fresh as they left the cigarette machine. What a difference that freshness flavor and fragrance!

_ J L •;





i i


OUTfR "CEUOPHANS' JACKET Opins e t tit* Bensm

ttt "CEU.OFHANE" JACKH Opens «t ths Toj» or tmOtri C*.. ha.

\ts COATS . .. . in white waffle cloth, natural . . . taii C&nfi'ewicfe patterns that combine brows . , , rust, , . , and . . . with white! , . of ilaeE . . brown sad nary , ' . . solid colors . . . &n& combination! Two-piece rosnnish styles . , . S,JJS swaggers.

Enjoy DOUBLE-MELLOW OH Gold Cigarettes with year dmtier

'Size$ 14 t e 3®

as prodigttl of fjftttery »s 6tf- of brim . . . stiff t«ie or flower •cleetafi picture

ts, Ymemms • , . herns • • • l©n«ljp uMtti mu$ correct

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BRITAIN'S QUEEN OF THE SEAS—Majestically breasting the waves, here is Britain's new giant .1 Cunard White Star liner, the Queen Mary. The huge sea queen Is 1,018 feet long overall and 118 feet wide. Her tonnage is 80,773. Thousands of skilled workmen built the • ship at Clydesbank, Scotland. Her maximum draftto40 feet and she Is the heaviest ship in the world. . V

GARDEN PAETT FOB VETERANS—Disabled veterans of the World War in theWashington, D. C , area were given a garden party at the White House recently, by President and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Here is a view as one of the veterans is greeted by the President and his wife. With the President is his aide, Colonel Watson. Personal greeting was given each veteran.



•(mm. !



GAIXEBY—Aiview?down the I«png Gallery, or ."Peacock Alley," of the giant new liner, the Queen Mary. The gallery is 118 feet long and 20 feet wide, serving cabin class passengers as indoor - promenade and lounge. Rare betula wood, with contrasts of makore and maple burr, form the basic color scheme of the room.


SIPHON—Here is a view of one ^of^the^largest siphons in the world, the Malheur siphon, an 80-inch steel pipe, that stretches across the Malheur Valley in Oregon four and a hall miles. I t serves Oregon areas from the north canal of the Owyhee irrigation project. The south canal runs into Idaho.


i^iiilijs! !$;;•;. '•'-jj?££S/j£)y^- •:•:•:•:•:•:•:•

SEA QUEEN'S SWITCHBOABD—Switchboard in the forward turbo generator room of the giant new liner, the Queen Mary. What to the layman seems tangled masses are wire cables transmitting power from three generators of 1,300 kilowatt capacity to the ship's hotel services, including the deck machinery.

1 .•/'•.:'•;:...••':i';•*:':•

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PREMIEK—Dr. Felicjan Stawoj Skladiowski, new Prime Minister of Poland. He joined the HEK GOD—Shielding her identity, "Glorious Illumination," poses Polish army in 1918 as a doctor, in New York with a picture of Father Divine, Harlem "messiah," with the rank of captain. He formerly was Minister of the whom she considers a "god," after recovering from a bullet wound. Doctors in a hospital said her recovery, after a Negro thug had Interior under the late Marshal Pilsudski's and later, Fartel's shot her, was hardly as miraculous as she believed. She refused premiership. to say wether or not she was a Boston society girl.


,,GENE SETS PACE—Gene Sarazen putting on the Quaker Ridge ;cpnrse at Mamaroneck, N. Y., when he set the pace-in the metro• poll tan .'open golf championship by carding a 69. Later, the "Jajinty little former titleholder. who startled the golf world in 1922 / •:- by winning the United States open at Skolde, was hard driven byPaul Buhyan with a 67.

MANAGEBA-W. Earle Andrews, general superintendent of New York's; Park Department, who has been named general manager of, the New York World's Fair, to be held In 1939. Mr. Andrews expects to take over his new duties about August 1.

' S f ^ S h ^ i m Q U I E Y - S e n a t o r Royal S. Copeland of New York, left, who plans an inquiry into the personnel of the America^ S S J W ^ f f 1 ^ ^ C PC ^a^ Geusubject in Washington with Ada^v^SF&iF*^' ? ^ a r d c °™nandant, and Howard S. Cullman of the National Committee on Safety at Sea.

D-^fit j

i W\M"T G

* «st»e

I CAQFCrRJ EXPOSITION NEABING COMPLETION—This-picture shows the completed $400,000 Hall of Varied -Industries, on the grounds-of the Texas Centennial Exposition .opening at Dallas, June 6. Scaffolding Is for xnuralists who expect to complete their work by June l_The end of the 700-foot reflecting . pool of the Esplanade of States may be seen a t the-right.-

S t 5 ? p ^ ? ^ , , 7 T h e Mahatma Gandhi, Hindu Nationalist leader and social reformer, sits down to a frugal supper with a guest m his home in Bombay. They are using tinware.

mantown,,Pa,.Cncket^Club^on May 30. Allison is national singles titleholder. They are iaoo wWn l n • practice at the Menon Cricket Club a t Kaverford-Pa. "•

OILfflA. 2vEEHASKA, JTJDAT. HAT -29.1.035



! of illerriam Fiedler's birthday! Hoes .Fanny TVitkin inurcr that "oil: : last -Sunday "night, -some of the! a great many people still believe ': ir. i The last, meeting of the E=<:B-a Jguests Tvere surprised -when they j that she has a .cousin living in 1 hi will he heic". ;;• : li* L,r.h•sun. of the Taad EirsilrETy trill bj •>•!"" 'arrived too late to .surprise 3Ier-- Council Bluffs? I in the form of £ 1 o'clock lunch- DT i-rixiam .. „ .. Abe naben kept the ; Kot mentioning any names— ! eon at. the I3!na: Israel synagogue c i a e c Bi ;; meeting he.lC. &' 'An ?.. jiloor clear enough to dance com- but the Aleph IHazkir of A. Z. A. ! i ?,lry 2(i. A p"rsgr;:n! V.-EK "Tuesday, June - . Iv;rs. I*. .\>~P- C. '--•C. fortably (at least i o r l i m to :No. 1.00 has a uninue -wsy of ' leff iE chairman of the s.'f£sir. PW C r v Idance) by .his own inimitable style : courting sale .. . . Ask Sylvia L-etMore than -200 members and Reservation;1 are v" rents T"5~ Jewish numbers. ! of dancing. . . . Joel Cherniss and ' win (the girl -with personality out-of-town guests attended the 2\rrs. "William Ki;k;n.. bazaar plate and msy be made with Jirs. ! in, beauty crueen -at the TJniver- Stan Jilayper inrnished a good'-plus). , Highland Country Club opening i aBT l n f chairman, ask^ fill men'.bers ;r ! sity of Nebraska, Tras introduced : ~ amusement by -their argu- ; D. 13. Epstein. last Saturday evening at the -rm chai~- belp in the final ciean-uv work Barry Wolf is nuite a teller at -fry -R ea Perkins at the Highland ;"™ent as tD -who won the scaven- f 5 _ J | IVErs. AI':. : •CSSS3S Clu'n^"be -opening was prointeresting £ o T i n E bazaar. stDTies. Have him tell you about J Opening last Saturday, but t h e ^ h u n t • • •• kittle Benny T?Tinman. i? arranging D U b c spiC s nounced a? the finest most, en„ (F Full the -three Shakespearean plays'! attractive tm'iss ^ a s -too bashful to ; " '*?* ° ° " ° ™ *Jt * " ,**~ joyabie in the history nf the chic. ~ f ) r o ^" i l r '_ . , . _. * _ _ / * • . ! come 'to the front, and let the i l e n c e ,«* l l E ' t i l e argument to dei The formal dinner-fiance got . . . B i l l Echuchart,. Highland j ^ Uermine the dinner of the scavz g T0V aity ! (Continued from page 2.) underway with one of chei DorClub pro, *who is incorporated :fnr j • .. ° • ienger hunt was in ^progress . .. -. ..! y Ti Tovn IF. Classed Sliel The Emir is to be the s«T's famous dinners, which wa? the National Open tournament, I. 'It was whispered among the;3tmSaoud. ^ Talking- About I t A -regular meeting of the Sam Beber chanter Nn. 10 0 of Trill -pay his backers about 5100 jguests that there were too many counteT-baiance, tbe check on Ibn , raterrupted when the strain? of Ciiesed Shel Ernes will be held 8 FkvorE ?d Per Monday, 3line 1. at " V- m.. next A. Z. A. held K meetinr Monday for every dollar that they have call vou for ':- candles on the cake, but tbe cake SaouS's ulterior ambitions. The . ^ nationally kno evening at t b r .". C. C. re orner : To OhooRr Prom Khestrs wer» heard. .invested . ... _... Bernie Schimmel . f i r s " t T E a p _ waF good, BO -what's a lew «andles scheme looks petty. I know. As kin? and orchestra T_ door to the iuneral home, which tp select a delegate tn thp A- ~Z. A. The new pixtcnar dance -floor is being remotleiea. All members spent same time in Omaha with or less? iEing xti Trams Jordan, Abdullah inter-national convention to be his bride ol a week, a very a t '• cuts rather a ludicrous figure, but V,T>? quickly filled a? the Es?errih- are urged to attend. A. -Surprise. held ir. California. l°d guests danced approvingly to tractive former St. Louisian . . . . Q. Are "the dates that scarce? Aleph Harold Zelinsky v a t HT>:.h«- first fart, and then lilting B ;you have any Jeit-hanfled golf But -as king of a reunited Cis A.. (Censored). ' HnimntiBiy voted to represent tiif clubs that you would like .to sell, At All Leading: ta group. man in Amman becomes a res L/lm-d Friedmar,, '» juriior ir. The chapter voted to pledgr to pectahle monarch. mnnarch. MmierB modem PalH e ' s a b o u t to take up the game : A He's a s a p i f he doeBn't! i™,,^ ; pectable ? i ! - • dancers, singer? ana specialty the college o' arts arid sciences, estine, -with its its nascent J eJewish x'erformerE proved proved to tD -again -after a -six ^ a r layoff and | ; Q ; ^ h e r e flo : y D U ^ a t D - g 0 :- ^ \ ^ . t aknow xaseem^ w i J ; performers bebe first- •was recently elected treasurer of the Jewish rhilanthTopies Drive. ce t Q o w v hwhat a t ' erttae, trtth to v,'DUinl i flike industry, its financial resources. cclass i a E S entertainment. T'. he's a-TrilS-swinging Houfhpaw .. ,. ^"""^ "• • • t-^—i— ..„ -f,« ».^,--i «rnnT»(«. entertainment. The party the iriterfraterEirj- rotrrici!. which gr m a .fellow takes you out"? j"£ind of capacity Bud JKlein has. Someone told -Joe Xiebman the -, j±m Somewhere where yvu xanj -^try is Gertrude Plait BD an-its "Suropeanized institutions and broke up shortly before one a. ^ , v e r n ^ a n d r u l e c -an matters its eJwish manpower, coupled m v-ith crie? of "more" being fli- *" ' other day that rhe looked like 13d- put -on the swank, such as a Bhow ' ^iOng, \ 0 leava Omaha'; H e lias inin t o fraternities. with Transjordania, will be the j-p^ofi at orciiestra leader Per- been very prominent or. t b e ><evraTd G. ^Robinson, and oiow the •D T a flance. j The news has come to us from ideal counter-balance to tbe Hed- -}jj _ : ns braska campus during his three yaung .clothmg man -thinks that j ^Q. ^low -much do -yon suppose a E anonymous source that a group jax kingdom in the Arabic iedfrryears, having served a s a memhe ;.fe an-antor. At ileast he b a s i a n average date -costs .your date? ;of g i r j s ' a r e starting the O. M. CIS it. IF faclci Rt t h e ation of tbe future. That is Sng' yvvx ber of Corncobs, pershing HiiieE. •acnuired -another name, and his / .A. -Between two and t h i t e. j (Qff-of ilen Club) . . . t h i s will laTld s 3111 That .is why the SlgHSB AipkSl M i l • Crack -Squad. Daiiy Nebraskan "latest signature would read—Bir bucks. iprobably work line until one of E ^from now on learn be Ulcmbers o! Sirma Omicron staff, and as a coarmissioned of"Little Joe Junior Moonbeam Tin- ; -Q. Isn't that a little steep for i-tiie m e n i h e r s gets asked out. ; Jews must J it by TiotB. io give up the idea oi chapter of 3i .a Alph Ma have f i c e T i E t f a e T^ Q T^ c_ T e - i m e n t . kv Detective Joshua Edward G. a fellow who's-earning his own ; gi nC e the weight losing cam- u by Tints, tt , liiebman .. . . Two -very attractive paign in preparation i-o r the .A ever seeing a Jewish state in i'ai- \,esn particularly active on theHe served a? president of t h e . . - . . ;::nickels? - - - • " University Df Nebraska campus chapter during the pas; year. City girls invadea our city j A. 11 he doesn't expect to z A . dance, the fellows xell us: sstine. mom- t h i c p a s t'week. Tlle eat At the annual interiratemity g weekend l o r t h e Highland Bpend that jnuch, he shouldn't go. t i i a t i t i s a T f i a j pleasure tD take I sr mold Xievir. Df Hosalie was banquet, Seta Bets T'RU was pre- fm •Club opening. Oh, yes, tbe names | Q. "R'hat dD you ..recommend ; ^ _giTl i n t 0 ;E. .pi a c e to eat. to the presidency o. the sen ted again witt a scholarship .§[ - - Berene 3arrent a n d 3lodgie for a .fellow -«-ho likes t o go out ^> r o m the report that Teaches • mm S and t h e Diaspora -g lu fl e n| council, student g plaque for ranking high among"!|| "Kozberg . ". ..Three out of lour jbut doesn't feel like spending so ' t J l e D ffi ce , a great many-ol the lelwnuld kick up a terrific row if . body of the university. tbe other social fra.te"nitiep on | g i n ? ilows are planning out-of-town;;Eretz "Israel were to be handed TStudonts at South High making much? iiincoir. as s u c c e e a 5 Irving Hill of a -debate trip soon to the Pacific i A. Take up knitting. ^ t r i p B dduring t h e season of the ^ " ^ - ^ * « "l^h~"":^~ih~ " ^ . ^ ; " * . ^ U 1 . ^ u l l i " tbe campus. Thi? lea; h a s been "p ; u r i n g achieved everj- year by t h e men. [^ least. that's . . ^ ^ . t o Coast SeVewiBh. Celia Xipsman, | -Q. Isn't that » more or less 'sorority J ^ dances—at | _at least, St!?'™ W ^ T ^ ^ """"

Gala Opsning Held At HigMand SatardsY



Ofi the Cuff-,


JL Z. A. 100




I A Smart Sett

jy Clufa


in the "WasHington, J>.|-C, ± and Mrs. SSanfclin- 'D. t a n d his -wile. "With jthe

«» r -




^ j



da ceS

Joe Scbwartzmar. was pledged j j{ ^& , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o f J e T U S a l e m . ^ ^ . . a s h f i fe , _tD ^ E arl Kaplan a n , isidor Beber are: B e v e r e ^ t ^o ^ m e ot the -girls .are led to ^ by t h e fraternitj- ^Jondsy. Hay 2s. : g 8 complete i i n r dazzlin^r anil brilliant : ; thefa-Inames Florence Smeersmfl Hassan Sidky, the «ecretar>- m E n y friends on the campus, WEE He i? -a freshman in the college [m ultra mocfeni ..all star revue with noted viewpoint. i of the Arabric Fascists, -would a ] s o appointed editor-in-chief of of arts and sciences, hailing from S taleirteci. *mtwrtn mPTK Q. • IMay 1 quote -you in the ! i like nothing better. The iluiti T i l e rjaily Nebraskan, official Lincoln, ETid was quite active in j | | Town Gamblings column"? CHlValry 15 A. (!?*!.) (nasty wordi KD! ' June .-Meyerson, attractive b r u - ^ t h e one who arranged the re- d a i i y s t u d e n t j, ub Ucation. for thehigh .school .affairs. The -frr.ter- M Ibn first semester of the nest school nity intend? to launch quite a n | | extensive rushing program this • = Performers ilmt IIEVT appearetl in tlie was tapped E.E secretary of thesummer. outstanding liiglit cliibs and stape -shovrb A -bruised .ana .'battered Jfillow ; _ Innocents societj-. d o l i a T bet s h e would eat a that hatchet. in the eountrr Trill .attenrpt t p entertain F.nied !staggered:iuto t h e office t h e o t h - ; i t a m U B a n d ^ ^ a s k l0T\ Remain the Jews , « C o i o s ^ , ; m - i n g Hill. Lincoln, TOF-nan ! eerr morning morning ana and asked for txne h e use use i; .^. " „ , course „„,._,„ . - .•-nwrt^R* J m n o r ^isi^ii-M _ .you. And -it'« pretty" certain thai theyTs asseu ior needless ttD D"D'ice realized t h a t b.andly . t e a T - - ^ honorary member of the Iv oraThe Junior Council of Jewish ::m be'successful. Gome and see for vourseLf! of this -column to warn Jeltows ™ ^ B h e * - dM t e a t the required . ii>& «P t h e ^ ^ « D u r SJesiar^um ; m e t - K i u b i - j . ^ ^ € s e r u t ^ e Thm QoaisdEstSpotinTown not t o Tilay a certain gaioe -with amount of sandwishes, JUI agreement xnatic, Brganizaticn. at their re- "Women will hold tbeir .Tune g Brinks Koah vvould cause a storm in the Ga.. He said that ter ol iact, she didn't even cent banquet. monthly meetinr at the Black- ; j | jUorothy Chait ik I Kh [ even if h e -won he Io3tt I t Tnust The At the recent intsriratemity s t o n e n o l e l -iionday i-enisg. June = ;be I . at S v. in. "Mcaniine ^ ETrarded the plantte Fymtoolic ^ s tiD temin 'as i a^ d agreed Z she n ^ e ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -panston a it* the ^ ^ « xhe highest KhoHAVKIK & SCO Attys. Old} •BUVVV n-n-.H in -\ Tierfectlv leET*l w c y , int.Tir. u r s r , ™ nf Jill Ktvisl frr.rcT;"Gold'Clgarcttss.'.vrith^our Sinner. At the surprise :party in honor es on the ^Nebraska campus. !

11 \

"S^^ISL ^,-ta...:--.«? ^upon - Kthe?Arabs, •V'SS England, J but this c^r-ma Alpha

i rrrrrr

GMHI—Co.HnSs—SocsCty— 3a. WS1—Thxms


* -.., , Hickey, Whits Sofia jjr BparMnig' Water

3 Qt'Bottles'25c. 2Qtts ^Bottle Deposit


' Biteiii "GofFee lEegrilar ur Tlrq) Grind

2 oz-loltk 18c


2 lor 59c

reine,-Harlem rir^ irom E iUllst -wound. aiter n jffegro -thug imfl believed. She perused, efcy girl.

CANE SUGAR, 10 i k dottlsag. 55c I 5oHd ?ackTomato£5, 3 Mu. 2 cans 25c; ibs S5c

Wilmer -&llisnn of Hfesas, I _a.usrralia, a t liie tSen- * [ET. "They are shi&m in tt

Sosffdale PESS, ^Rn. 3 Sieve caa 12 /2 ? dn£-51«45 Jfo. 2 Ssve can_.__.15i: Dosea . | L 7 5 ^SimMst Comiiry GEnflenisn Cum, Gresm Style 1 §c Dozen §1.15 SmKst Whole Kernel Corn, 2 csns 25c X, 2 Hn. 2 a s s 23c JfflCE,2^a.2 15c SDMIST CATSUP, Isrge iistlies :..25c M1££D MSHROfifflS, -±farEE 2 nz. c & 15c PUCIMFE CANTAiODPE, 22c ORAMSES ier Jmcs, iszen. £R£EN m TO 1EA1S, lb._. 121Ac CAUF0M1A ?IAS, Ik' „ CAOFOS1IA SEABEF1DIT, Sseffless, 5ier™.25c I M C f HISSES, iiEsa ..: : 15c CAI2FOSNIA HNG CHEESES, 1b 23c TM£3 HOT HOUSE T0MATOE5, Tb 25c

I s£i'"

rr,i-« j r "

That day -is now! Tonr Dealer Bas"32m Both!


triat-baloon showed t h e way t h ee ( it - n e tTOpi,T- .as handball ciiaxo- i


IMITS • :wind was blowing in -world-Jew-• p j o n s in intramural competition' | I s a little girl named Miller -r^ England has -withdrawn theDr t n ^ school year, .llembers of ' «1L j sure lhat the guy that picked her COuncil far the iime being, well- ^ djampion handball team are i up the other day is .her cousin? knowing that t h e r e w i t h s i 5 e Datiii Goldware. Omaha; Eenry 1 Ales X.ipsman, one time wres- /vrould unleash a storm of oppusi- S w a r t s _ Omaha: Aaros Finkel1'At-e — 2 . !tler 3rom South Omaha, -was r e - tion among ~the Arabs. 'stein, Xiincote: Harry .Tiosenstein, icently ieard askliiE some -very: That Einrm is .ra^tas BOW. Thai Q m a t[ a i ~m£i. Xaieigij TToolf, Xiini^jretty ..grrlp some personal " 3 3 ues " storm Tfill serve "the Colonial Of- ' c 0 ] n - ' Minns-.. . ^ Bow about it, Hed? -Jice Xx> tell t h e Jewisi: Agency: Comhuskers. UlliversiTy yearj ! that England cannot lorever leuve ; •D0Djj] ^^^ recently distributed. I 'Palestine srt tbe mercy cf out- T>aTi[i BeTnstein, Omaha, served ; brusliiL, in trie ZI&ITK- G;' i^iliiai: \\>c^ - ; trreaks caused by Arab disccnter-t a s advertising manassr on theer. Thomas V.". "Tarry, i l . X).. unc Si. "White was seen swimming, and -that therefore some conees- D U S j n e s s staff. or xaiher Zlj'bas ^around, on the Ami IXiSiZ saiti -case- vras or. t h e rt^sion -nxust be -made -to the Arabic morris Xiipp, 'Ktrrtb Tlatte, hE; beach at Peony, with two goggle- ^ nationalism. been CDntriSutinE to Awrwari, therein coritir-u^r; far TTIH! W t h r l"th eyed boys last Tuesday. Hretz Israel is in grave danger, p S humor rnaga^irie. Xipp is jde.>-of .luly. I'rjf,. '.• A. M. Why can't a fellow get a little graver danger than -ever be-C 3| m Usgj-Yi-ip a g 0 a £ co-sports editor | privacy .at the 3. C. C. -when he's ^ lore. The Machiavellianism of D fT h e D a i , y 3 : busyy talking tD a girl? the Colonial Office has placed tne j JRumors. have i t ±hat although Jewish people before a tremen-; BtEtscn . .is 'back in :-dous problem. The theory of L*T=-! G"oI5ie B'lj-'.SrSOU Q a l J rence, Bols, iStorrs, T/uke and i The next mseting ol the Goiflie T B T . ~\Xe Tsronder Chancellor, all officals of tbe Col- Jiyerson group Df the Pioneer •"One -who knows" tells us that ; onial Office, that the Balfotrr De-, Women will be held at the home something ought to be done about claration was an e r r o r — a theory -of mrs. Hyman isoddle, 212-4 the Council Bluffs girl who is; clique has repeatedly Evans street, Tuesday, June 2, at trying 'to steal her best girl! tTifid to validate by provoking i p. m. ilrs. A. Cutler-will act as jfTtend'-B out-of-town feller . . . tTonhles i nP a i e s a n e — t h a t theory co-hostess. itsss sre ieatcred siMaybe she oughta know. ^'has been 'made its own by the Tery special business Trill be "Who was the out-of-town gal i. ^ ^ ^--i-v*™i f „;„•> foreign Office. Sretz Israel is to discussed. All members are urged n --t^ #t* % lhat borrowed -Sid Jxevelef, s nin. :b e s a c r i f i c e d t Di m p e r i a l i s t inter- to attend. And TVHT did she? :e s t s of the Btate that signed the i "What i s the attraction l o r tbe ^ ^D e c i : i r a t i 0 I l . ! The Tirms which advertise in 211 Saath ,lBii St. iPhi Delta Mu 'sorority at 3>fiony . ^ - a t c h what happens in Pal- , t a e Jewish press Reserve and y/WEdnesaay night? • 1-estine", "was ihe warning once merit your patronage. ^ 'given to Reuben Brainin by-Gen_ _^ ^ _^^ ^ _ZZZ. ieralHerzog nf .South Africa, -who ^^:.£^«';',,r«.-i^^^ JPox the Siitire Tamily '.'is •& Boer and who therefore M ^ _ _ .„„... ..-, ...-,.. knows whereof he speaks, "•watch i p ^ v ^ ^ hj^-r" * - l£~ 'oi, " it, < ^ ^ happens in -Palestine. Some ' | | * 7 ' ' | ^ ^ U ja*t$ tlfl'i'* **%f *T\ ^ &~TT > .flay- -..the Tory imperialists -will | ^ $*! £ ^ ' ,r , i\\ <,J, j - V , 4 t I * -t. ,' ! 1 ZVH& plcy .-a -trick" on you!" • | f ^ * f * y 7 ^ T •'y~*"~~"1*^"_*v*Jr i*^t[T'^., \ """ ST

tOUS "TTIiTm rnwtTftn," ;


SIu was also award- :


**-n. (Gopyright aSS'B b y seven A r t s V??sg*\ 4"» J~. .x'eature Syndicate.) A :*'h I * "7

The Omaha chapter of Junior JHadaEsah -will .hold an important i :meeting-Thursday evening. June' !4,-at8 o'clock a t the J. C. C. The "annual -election of -officers 'will ; take j)la.t:e at tiiiB meeting. _Plans -jwill be formulated Jor the next lannual "Give or Get" 'bantjUEt t o , ! be held nest month. j

^"^ ) j**j

i * T ~^i?'°



i l s n , look at these •pric"?' . . Th-fise record-brEakicg K e l l y s tiave that sensations., Jnrt.Ss'fi ArniarnisbEr Trsau . . .Trtatxfi rsf a. ^i?i^Tc€xit luir*ji c* -mfafasr tns.t F i tl^T^^lf^T* BT1T1 isJ_A L.TIX. t i l "tl^T3.-?*




' *%.v«

^ i '^

i n belly's 42 years justcry. "We've got tir? -grsatp-t bir*- r r h—^

until you BSE ttSse great Hcliyr



Ht is estimated that sufficient! motor fuel can be obtained irom '• TJ. B. deposits of bituminoirp coal !• and oil shale to supply the nation j lor cstituries. j

H«ter f t

-»*- i

F rorisu.n hut w*ns

-ihp g cm :sa|splj* DI S D T W1LTEE vriiiiou-i svar. 'ihinlc-

.£3.) ,


fesj -of &,E 'feiste, Tfais ni*w Tlotnoin' "Water


.V*., w

simply -csstsesi -£1 STK£ tartret 41* Tcsv ns^ar Jfalnlrfce

.seed. Isofc c!!;. 3; tamE itsel: on s n £ of; elec-


•feicaliY - - » .snstamaiicaliT- .... . solely. Ctsne ;


',. ^ 3nsre aailss -of

Tesf onassics --with

1E -our T2srtrir S a r o nnd ES« ibe n e w 3131 liwateis,


« fa ha-aL %. a Si Sis'* ^SE


• : • : • • • • # •




.•I Mount Sinai

ticket for state representative. Mrs. J. J. Brown entertained Polls will be open from 7 4S guests at a luncheon bridge at ; Services at. Mount Sinai temple (Continued ^rom page l ) o'clock in the morning until S the Rome hotel in Omaha, Monthis evening will .be devoted, to o'clock in the evening in Council day afternoon, May 25, in honor the religious school; closing: exer- people, made so ;by*strictj:6bedl12 JEWISH HIGH, SCHOOL son,' from the Abraham Lincoln Bluffs Monday and every voter is of her sister. Miss Jeannette Ro: cises. Awards and certificates will ence to . an ethical . command, STUDENTS TO'GRADUATE High school. No cards are being urged to do his dutv by voting in dinsky of Omaha, whose marriage be distributed to. children who made so., by'austere' avoidance of There • are • 12 Jewish students] issued. to Mr. Lloyd Cohen of Sioux City the primary election. have distinguished themselves the idolatries and license's of the! who willgraduate from local high Mr, and Mrs. Joe Passer, 2G05 will take piace Sunday, June 7, at surrounding ; pagan World, made during the year! Rabbi Lewia will schools next week. Commence- Avenue C, will be at home to all ; More than 250 guests attended ' the Chevre B'nai Yisroel syna; so by sanctifying, by" rendering ment exercises .for Abraham Lin- their relatives and friends next speak on "Jewish Education." metaphysically. signlflcantr every coin Jligh. school will'take place' Thursday night, June 4, following the beautifully appointed mother-: gogue in Council Blu.fs. Sharing tea given by the Coun-'honors with Miss Rodinskv at this act of-lifeT eating and drinking next-Wednesday n i g h O u n e . 3 , at the graduation of their daughter, cdaughter il £ l u f f s BadassTa ^ ^ h e cil Bluffs ' Mrs a.nd-begetting and^the care of the promptly S.o-clock.j a t , the ,cityjMiSs Thelma Passer, from Thomas te rhood of the Talmud Torah 1on o Los IIn n JJ ee who vi,UIIK Los who More than, two hundred chances poor and strangers- and the bereft auditorium 7 Angeles, * no no U is • in ' Council Bluffs. Jefferson High school. No cards! Sundav after™™ M , , f 1on i'io\\ 7. Angeles, * isU^siting . „,„„.. .,,—;.._ . — .,_!.,„>,„.•„„.•„„,, ~A &unaa } afternoon, May 24, at the j relatives in Omaha and Council The ladles' auxiliary of Shaare on the-A. Z.~A.- drawing-were sold andr seeding and harvesting and Among those graduating, are six \ are being issued. Cnerra B'nai Yisroel synagogue 'Bluffs; Miss Ella Goldberg of Zion synagogue elected 25 mem- by thte chapter members and the buying- aad,^selling and;rule, and Jewish/students. They- are Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Abrahamdrawing, which took place last obedience 'and-'war and peace. Leona Katelman, Miss - Sylvia son, 2539 Avenue A, will be at at 618 Mynster street. Mrs. Mor-.'Omaha, a bride-to-be, and Mrs. • With the generous response of bers to its board of directors at risYudeison, president of the Sis-! Phil Baker and Mi's. Dave Richi Y d i Slbux City Jewry during the open- an election held, recently in', the week, "disclosed Archie Kantdr as -They became a people by the viterhood, was the general winner of the prize..; . .' '. • sion -of- being., a -holy people,, a ards, of Omaha, both recent ing mass meeting for the Allied Bocialhall of the synagogue.. . Wolf sqn, Hymie Diamonds and next Thursday night, June jm a n l n C D a r g e o £ brides. The A.; Z. A. indoor, ball team non-pagan people,- a. merciful and Arnold Hoffman. . . They include the :Mesdames campaign as an incentive, •work. following the graduation of j jj 4 , . jww aa ss aa ss ss ii ss tt ee dd bby «d-»me« : v t the h MMesdames played the Civics club team-last; just arid -austere, people._They. are Milton Mushkin, J. Kutcher, D. ers for the drive will cpntinue Six. Jewish students will be j their son, Norman Abrahamson, S a u l Suvalsky M Bern-tein Her -•..,.'... their solicitations next week until Ginsberg, Robert Sacks, -Rubin Sunday, and were defeated by the a people:still. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, and among those graduating, from : from Thomas . Jefferson High im a n K rause " Louis H Kate'lman latter. The team is taking part-in the entire sum of $6,500, Sioux Miller, William Kutcher, S. KrupThomas Jefferson High school, school. No cards are being issued, Ike Sternhill, Herman Meyerson! Mrs. Anna Brin, are spending a nick, Lester > Heeger, I. H. Levin,the Y./.M.: C. A. church league. Millions throughout the ages also on Thursday night, ..June 4, City's quotaj- has been raised. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenthal, Abe Gilinsky, Morris Grossman, few days this week in Sioux City, More than $4,500 of the quota John Levin, S. Snovsky, S. Wein- Plans are. being made by the ath- have sinned- and. fallen away from at promptly 8 o'clock at the city; 1730 Third avenue, will be at la., visiting at the home of Mr. letic committee headed-by Harry ! this vision and this, concept; .mil- auditorium. They are Miss Thelma home to all their relatives and Phil Saks, and L. S. Braunstein. was raised at the mass meeting er, Ben Fish, S. Gelfand, L. J. and Mrs. Philip Sherman. Mrs. Morris Grossman spoke Elsberg, for a tennis, . golf rand lions are sinning and. falling.away Passer,-Norman Abrahamson, Abe j friends next Thursday night, June which took place at the Rialto Kaplan, J. Lansberg,. I.Iorey LIpf theater last week. The audience, shutz, Morris Rubin, Mike Sher- swimming contest for members of even in this age. Only the name Raben, Norman Rosenthal, Dave; 4. following the graduation of for the mothers and Miss Florthe chapter.. The Council Bluffs Talmud ence M man, William Mazie, B. Shindler, the which filled the theater to its cachanges. _ The psychological facts Rubinstein "and Floyd" Yudelson.' " j, ,their. ^son, ~ Norman Rosenthal I daught^rs'lurs" Nath ^ > ^ sang . Torah society will hold a regular m are absoluately. constant. .Once pacity witnessed the showing of Meyer Shubb, Arthur Kaplan, A. 3S Jo?forann High ' • .I • n h ^ i *•„ - o - ^ . .,,.„ v i i J ~ ° *• o £ son g s > accompanied at meeting Monday evening, June 1, the movie, "The Land of Prom- B. Friedman and Dora Baron. .the name was^enegade; today, are open to the public. school. ho cards are being issued. | t h e p i a n o b y Migs F l o r e n c e Steln. a t s o c l o c k Rt t h e C h e v r a B.nai ise" and heard Irving Levitus of jipon the whole, it would be dieThree hundred people attended I berg. Miss Beverly Mendelson ' Yisroel synagogue at 61S Myn-' Kansas City speak at this meet- the annual spring dance given, on hard asslmilationist. But the RECEPTIONS Important on the social calenf ... _ , TT „ . , I COLLEGE GRADUATION 'gave a group of readings, and ' ster street. ing, which officially opened the Monday evening by the auxiliary dar for the coming week will be strong core of Israel remains and Mr., and Mrs. Samuel H, Katel-j Yale Meyerson, son of Mr. and ! Miss Rae Wolfson presented a drive. in the.West hotel. Jack Reams the benefit bridge party • spon- strives and suffers-and survives 601 Willow aTenue, will .be j Mrs. Sam Meyerson-of Council j harp solo. Mrs. Saul Suralsky,! Itlan James, newspaper man. crucified and struggles on \ The balance of the quota will and his orchestra furnished the sored by the Junior Hadassah relatives and will be graduated from the j!president of the Senior Hadassah,; author, screamarist, takes his :jBluffs, r t \ T « W w I ! . f } , \ e president of the Senior Hadassah ; author, scream music for dancing. Mrs. Meyer t by making of this' age, of every be solicited from Sioux City Jews chapter, next Wednesday evening, . . or have we nest Wednesday, night, \ University of Iowa at Iowa City;*™ ; chairman of the program pg * third or fourth who were.not at the meeting. The Shubb and Mrs. Morris Rubin June 3, In "the ballroom of the age an.age of the giving and of friends n He this month. J S T f ^ f * * ? * 1 1 0 1 1 !! ^^ Monday. Monday June June l, l from from commercom Fll Following the program, tea and!! lost, track? city will be divided Into districts were in charge of the arrange- Martin hotel. Plans a r e , being the accepting of the Law and nev- " ! e n fl n ef r i^ ments committee. Movieland"? marital motto should er wh'olly, never hopelessly yieldK«tf™.n fro t T A h h i T IT IT refreshment* were were served served by by the t h e Mo and the workers will be divided f f n ^ c o u ^ e - Amongg refreshment* made to take care of a large ating up its soul and will to the Katelman, from the Abraham Lin- those planning to motor to -into teams. According to the ext IIowa Mesdames J. Krasne Morris NO-E be "Until divorce do us part." tendance.. idolatries of a pagan world. coin High school. .No cards, are i City Sunday .to attend the com-'s. Shyken and Abe Gilinskv. A ecutive committee, the quota Refreshments, door prizes and being-issued. mencement exercises are Mr. and i rose and white color scheme was • Such meditations during Shashould be filled within a week afGRODfNSKY, MARER score prizes will be features of Mrs. Rae E. Ross, 306 Georgia Mrs. Sam Meyerson and daugh- carried out in the table decora- MONSKY, COHEN, Atlys. The National Workers' Alliance vuot are not vain or theoretical. ter the city-wide solicitation has the evening. Miss Bluma Merlin avenue, will be at home to all,her • ters, June and Lorraine, and son, itions. '> 737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. of Sioux City will be represented They should issue in action: re- relatives and friends next Wed-; Owen; and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meybegun. s in charge of the arrangements. dedication to.the Law and cause j The Emesel club entertained at • Mr. A, H. Baron Is general by Mr. Max Mason at the fournesday night, June 3, following | erson. of Israel by support of synagogue the graduation of her daughter, j I a banquet at the Hotel Chieftain! PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT chairman of the drive. Assisting teenth annual convention to be Miss Helen Rice, daughter of OF FiNAL ADMINISTRA, .. , . Friday evening, Mav 22 i him is an executive committee held at Atlantic City, from May Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rice, will be- and school, of Palestine funds and Miss Sylvia Ross, from the Abra- , „ . TION ACCOUNT Primary e ection of the county T h r e e n e w m e m b e r g % e r e • , ; ; ; j composed of A. M. Davis, E. N. 31 to June 4. Mr. Mason was come the bride of Leonard Baum- the World Congress. In the founty Court of Douglas ham Lincoln High school. iand state will be held in Council of» .-_*„f h = ,, . / ^ iun.i«»i. . County. elected as a delegate to represent Nebraska. Grueskin, Si L. Krueger and Louis „ , . . „ nextt , Monday, , . _ J . . . June , .1. „, Mr. A. Wolfson, 729 South !j Bluffs There «d into the club and were honored • stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. In the Matter of i (he. Estate of (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Twenty-first street, will be at; is one Jewish candidate in the guests at this affair. They are the :JSTTIPP Kaplan. A committee of 50 men the Sioux City branch No. 197. J>ct'frn.son. <!e<"+nsv<j: Baumstein, Sunday afternoon, More than 1,500 delegates and Feature Syndicate.) are assisting this executive group. persons interested in said mathome to all his relatives and' field in this election in Pottawat- Misses R h o d a Krasne, Libby: terAllare May 31, in the study of Rabbi H. hereby notified that on the Headquarters for the campaign guests are expected to attend and R. Rabinowltz. Rabbi Rabinowitz friends next Wednesday night,; tamie corfnty. He Is Mr. Harry Grossman and Ruth Seldin. Miss l.ith day of Jliiy. 1P:!6. Harry B. are in the Jewish Community Cen- more than 100 cities in the Unit- and Cantor A. Pllskiu will read Frank Martin. I n c . a t the Instance June 3, following the graduation j Kubby of Council Bluffs, who is Pearl Meyerson gave a reading. Coiien filed a in'tuion in said County ed States and Canada are expectand request of H. M. Wallace. Said! prayinc that his final adminter. Miss Hae Wolf-1 a candidate on the Republican;iwcSZJZ'Z™'p r e s i d e n t , Coun. istration account filed herein be seted to be represented- during the the marriage lines in the pres- closing said lien for costs of sale and tled anri allowed, and that he lie rilsfive-day meet; The" convention ence of the immediate families all accruing costs and for the purI charged from his trust HS adminisof the bride and groom. t n U o r v pose of satisfying the amount" du« will consider among other things The Sisterhood of the Talmud I ' t h w i ! ! 'annexed and that a Following the ceremony, a re- thereon, to-wit: 179.24; that no suit _ , . , , „, , . hearing -n-il! be had on said petition the present condition of; world or . other - proceedings at - law have •ffiil hoid a r e g u l a r : before said Court on the «th dav of Jewry and the forthcoming world ception will be held in the home been instituted • to recover said debt meeting next Wednesday after- June. l^fi. and that if you fall to of the bride's parents. • or any part thereof, and that due noJewish congress. Court on _ the„said noon, June 3, at 2:30 o'clock a t i ^-~d • -" befo>-p - ^ saidlf>:!6. ... tice of this proceeding has been giva t !» o'clock A. Miss Rice is a graduate of Cen- en io the said' H. M. Wallace as by tne home of Mrs. Abe Gilinsky,! M.. and contest said petition. th« tral High school and Mr. Baum- law provided. 1 Court may prant the prayer of said Miss Dorothy Merlin was re725 Mynster street. A program i s petition, ~ enter a decree of heirphip, stein attended the University of FRANK MARTIX, INC., elected president of the Junior being arranged and all members i^nd Lienor. make such other and further or5-29-2t Chicago. Hadassah.chapter, at their annual are urged to attend. ders, allowances and decrees, as to A number of social events have this Court may s*>em proper, to the LEON & W H I T E , Attya. election held Sunday afternoon. In end that all matters pertaining to City Natl. Bk. Bldg. complimented Miss Rice ^during the Marble joom of the West The Jewish National F u n d said estate may be. finally settled and the past month. hotel. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF council of Council Bluffs will be j d e t e r m i n e d Wednesday, Mrs. L. J. Kaplan BKVCE CRAWFORD. LUSTY'S INC. Other officers elected were The annual confirmation servin charge of the twenty-third an-: 5-lS-3t Notice is hereby given that » Cor.. County Judge. ; Miss Ann Pill, first vice-president; ices of Mount Sinai temple will entertained at a family- dinner poration nual Flower day tu be held lo- — has been formed under the Miss Rose Finsod, second vice- be held Sunday morning, May 31,honoring Miss Rice and her fiance. laws of the State of Nebraska. cally on Sunday, June 7, Anyone * POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT president; Nellie Sinikin, secre- at 10 o'clock. Children who -will The name of the Corporation is who wishes to donate his services Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kalin will Lusty's Inc. tary, and Ida Cohen, treasurer. >be confirmed includs Morton Rosfor that Sunday morning is reThe principal place of business Is Board members elected are the enfeld.'son of Mr. and Mrs. A. I.- arrive In. the city today from Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. Quested to call either Mrs. Sam The general nature of the business Misses Ruth Marx, Rosalie Sacks, Rosenfeld; Betty and Doris Marx, their home in Mitchell, S. D., for Meyerson, phone IIP9, or Miss to be transacted by the'Corporation is Sybil Merlin and Ruth Orlikoff. daughters of Mrs. Johanna-Marx a visit of several days. to purchase, hold. sell, convey, HSFannie Katelman, phone 4491. sign, lease, mortgage and . transfer Plans were made for a benefit and the'late Herbert Marx; BerA special broadcast has been arestate and personal property bridge party to be sponsored by nard Lehman, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Miss Ida Cohen spent Sunday real ranged by the New York office wherever situated: to buy. sell, own, the chapter on Wednesday, June Julius Lehman; Wallace Rosen- visiting with friends in Omaha.* assign, trajnsfer and mortgage bonds, of the Jewish National Fund for a Securities and stock in other-Corpor3. The bridge will be held at the thal, son of Mr. and MW Joe program to be broadcast through ations; to draw, make, execute, acT H E weak pan of any paper pack- to smoker* i a rich quality of Prize KOIL locally on Sunday morning, Miss Evelyn Kuntz of New York cept, endorse and issue promissory Martin hotel in the ballroom. Re- Rosenthal; Eugene Sherman, son I age Of Cigarettes is at the fold Crop Tobacco with a maximum profreshments will be served and of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman; City arrived here this week for a notes, mortgages,, drafts, bills of exJune 7, at 6:30 o'clock, central wbere the U. S. Revenue'Stamp is tectioa —"• - ol • factory ' ' • •• change and .other negotiable Instrufreshness at all Raymond Greenberg, son of Mr. prizes awarded. Proceeds -will go two-week visit with her parents, ments; to borrow and loan money; to affixed. It is impossible to bring the times. standard time. Everyone i$ urged toward the Palestinian fund of and Mrs. J. H. Greenberg; Bert- Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuntz. Before re- engage in the retail sale and distrilabel of the package over in order to Every, package of Old Golds is to "listen in" to this interesting ram Bergen, Bon of Mr. and, Mrs. turnng to New York sfie will at- bution of spirituous liquors, ferthe junior Hadassah; -seal the top of the package as is done mented and distilled, including braneasy to open — outer Jacket opens and entertaining program. The Junior Hadassah Give or Max Bergen; Ruth W e i n e r, tend the graduation of her broth- dv.' rum. whiskey, wine and gin, and at the bottom of the package. from bottom—inner Jacket opens other, spirituous liquors and alcohol The single Jacket of Cellophane, from the Get party will be held on Thurs- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris er, George, from the University the top. for beverage . purposes; to bur. sell Mrs. O s c a r Greenberg and FOE which is found on all paper packages day, June 4, and will be in the Weiner, and Miriam Fishgall, of Iowa, at Iowa City. and otherwise deal In such commodIt is also interesting to know that daughter, Evelyn, left Sunday for of dgirettes, closes the package as daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman ity or commodities necessary to or form of -& picnic ..Bupper. More best as, can be done at: the-top of the by using these 2 Jackets of Cello- Los Angeles, Cal., to visit relaassociated with the retail sale and than 35 members have pledged Fishgall. Mr. and Mrs. SIdnev Slotsky distribution of spirituous liquors: to package. phane, Old Gold smokers who live tives. They expect to be gone for ; , their quota to " this project and do any and all things necessary, conin dry sections of the country are The invocation will be given by entertained at a luncheon and af- venient •Every package of Double-Mellow several weeks. or incidental to the rights, will be entitled to attend the af- .Morton-.'"Rosenfeld; Betty Marx ternoon of. bridge, in her-home,- powers.- and Old Golds has 2. Jackets of Cello- assured of a fresh cigarette by reprivileges herein speciMonday, June 1, 1936 . teoiioo of the moisture, -whereas'Old fair.,.. " • .'•' .-•. - ' " • • will give the floral offering;•• Doris 3260 Stone Park boulevard, hon- fied. phane. ' • Gold smokers in low, damp, or huThe Chevra B'nai Yisroel soBy using an extra Jacket of Cellooring Miss Rice. Friday evening. Marx will speak on "God." BerThe total authorized capital stock communities are protected from ciety have postponed their reguand inverting the outer Jacket mid Pottawattamie County nard Lehman will give the prayer Miss Dorothy Merlin was her of the Corporation shall be $10,000.oo phane excessive moisture, which prevents lar meeting, scheduled for next, and sealing it at the bottom, the top, divided into 100. shares of the par them from becoming soggy. before the open Ark;, Wallace hostess at a social evening. value of JIOO'.OO'each. Said capital or weak part of the package of Old Wednesday evening, June 3, unRosenthal will read .from, the stock shall .be paid for and non-asColds, is made air-tight and thereby No matter where you buy them, til the following Wednesday evePOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT sessable when, issued., and. may be Miss Kalah Franklin of Omaha paid for in cash, notes or property, given double protection for factory Double-Mellcw Old Golds will reach ning, June 10. Daily services at Shaare Zion Torah; Eugene Sherman1 will freshness. " , • you as fresh as they came off the speak on "The Synagogue' ; Rayreal or personal, tangible or intanand Miss Mollie Kaplan of Columsynagogue are held at 8:30 every : glblel a t the- reasonable value -thereOld Gold Cigarettes *re further cigarette machine. morning and 7:30 In the evening. mond Greenberg, "Israel"; Bert- bus, Neb., spent Sunday in Sioux of. Ten shares of the capital stock The'Council Bluffs lodge No. protected by the fact - that an air ram Bergen, "The Torah"; Betty Take a. sporting chance on a pack City visiting with friends. of this Corporation shall "be paid 'for Confirmation services w e r e 6SS of the B'nai B'rith held a regchamber - » formed between the ' 2 of Double-Mellow Old Golds. Smoke before the Corporation shall' comMarx; "Messlanlsm!.'; Ruth Weinheld at Shaare Zion Tuesday eveular meeting Monday evening at Jackets. of Cellophane, thus giving ten of the cigarettes. If you don't mence .business -the package of Double-Mellow OlS say they're the finest you've ever Kagles hall, plans were made for ning. The service opened with the er, '.'World Jewry"; Miriam FishLOUIS E. LIPP, Atty. The Corporation shall commence 504-10 City Natl. Bank .BtdflGold Cigarettes the best practicable tasted, mail the package wrapper and its annual Memorial services to be business on May 21, 1336, and shall processional by the conflrmants. gall. "Address to Parents." protection for freshness. The sermon and blessing will be NOTICE OF SALE UNDER LIEN continue for a period of fifty years Cantor Pliskin and the synagogue the remaining ten cigarettes to the held at its next meeting on Monfrom date thereof. These 2 Jackets of Cellophane P. Lorillard Company, 119 West 4oth day evening, June S, at Eagles choir chanted . the traditional given by. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis, Notice Js hereby given that on t h e , The highest ...„ __ Indebted „._. amount of which are found only on Old Gold Street, New York City, any time hall. The committee in charge is Shabuoth service. Invocation was and Mr. Hyman' Fishgall, presi- 13th day of June, 1936, at 10 o'clock j ness to which'thts Corporation may Cigarettes —For— provide much greater pro- within 30 days from this date; and A. M. a t Frank Martin. Inc.. 13th £ i a t any time, subject Itself shall not given by Lucille Mushkin. Ad- dent of the congregation, will Harney Street,- Omaha, Nebraska, the ! exceed two-thirds of its capltol stock composed of Mr. O. Hochman, tection for freshness than any other they'll send you double the price you dresses "were given by Dorothy present the confirmation certifi- undersigned will sell a t public auc-1 The.affairs of the Corporation shall paper package of cigarettes. paid for the full package, plus chairman, and Dr. Isaac Sternhill tion to the highest bidder for cash, be conducted by a Board -of Directors Dlkel, Irving Friedman, Betty Rae cates to the class. and Mr. Louis H. Katelman. This Double-Mellow Old Gold insures postage. the following described property, to- consisting of not less than two nor A reception for the confirmants wit: Mosow, Bernard-'Haligman, Shir.-.'•., more than five members. affair will be open to the public 1 1D29 "Whippet Coach, motor No. , •.-;•• BEN LUSTGARTEN, ley Lazere, Dorothy Sherman and will be given by the parents of . 96A-35314Z, and everyone is urged to attend. v%r, V. HUHNKJE. "Jack MQBOW. Dorothy Sherman the class Sunday afternoon from upon Which there has been expended IN PRESENCE OF: " gave the class pledge and Irving 3 to 6 in the annex of the temple.' labor, material, care and diljgence by I S. J. LEON. Miss Thelma Passer entertained Republican Ticket Friedman, president of the class, 16 guests at a bridge party at her Every Tote Counts! spoke in behalf of the class. Miss >$&& home, 2605 Avenue C, on Sunday Florence Lohrman responded in afternoon. May 2 4, In honor of I Will Appreciate Yours! behalf of the Sunday school facPlans are being made by the Miss Edith Epstein of Omaba, Primary Election ulty and Miss Helen Guttleman Jewish National Fund Council whose marriage to Mr. Stanley MomiR.r, June 1, 1036 ctllephanc JACKET spoke in behalf of the Sunday! and the Junior Hadassah chapter Passer of Council Bluffs will take Pottawattamie County school alumni. Mrs. J. H. Mosow,; for the annual J. N . F . Flower opens from the bottom place June 7. president of the-ladies' auxiliary, [ day, which will be held Sunday, POLITICAL presented the .confirmation cer- J u n e 7 i ' • ' • ' ' • POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT \ tificates to the class and the ben- Members of Junior, Hadassah, ediction was given by Rabbi Ra- headed by Miss Rosalie Sacks, binowltz. chairman of the Junior Hadassah Following the services, the par- J. N. F. committee, will visit the ents of the confirmrnts gave a Jewish homes in Sioux City on reception in the social hall of the that day, to invite their contribu-FOKsynagogue. tions toward the fund.



Gouticil Bluffs News

MISS ANNA PILL, corropondent

Allied Campaign Auxiliary Elects Is to Continue Board of Directors During Week



Society News




Confirmation at Temple Sunday


ites Fresh?


2 Jackets of Cellophane Seal-in the FRESHNESS of Prize Crop Tobaccos

-ih. it

Shaare Zion



.r..-; ^ f pq

Board of


Star o n Stage

,jt,r, -:ti oor:



*."?»•? u p





EEPUBLIOAN .TICKET Yonr Support "Will Be Appreciated Primary Election Monday, Jnne i, 1936



cellophane JACKET opens from th» top

TO VOTE Monday, June 1







Democratic Candidate




Davidson Representative



Lester For



POJ-mCAL «•-


Pictured here are the Youman. brothers, Jewish lads who are starred on the stage program which starts at the Orpheum. to-, day. Skippy Is 17, George, 18, and Jatk, 19J Skippy is the clarinetist and

<-.- if,:

arranger; George plays the - accordion and Jack is the violinist. They give i amazing Imitations of popular bands. . . .*.'_. It was .through their.broadcast that their father found his sister, who had been-lost for over 27 years.

the Prise CrepTe&ecees ...ffeey five f&et mor! M i

DE1OCEATIC TICKET Successor to late Kick O'Brien for Unexpired Term - - Will Appreciate.Your Support for Full Begular Term. Primary Election Monday, June 1, 1936 POTT AW 4TTAMIE COl'XTY



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