J. J. Brown entertained lests at a luncheon bridge at lome hotel in Omaha, Monifternoon. May 25, in honor r Bister, Miss Jeannette Roof Omaha, -whose marriage . Lloyd Cohen of Sioux City ake place Sunday, June 7, at 2hevra B'nai Yisroel synas in Council Blinfs.' Sharing 3 -with Miss Rodinsky at this : were Mrs. S. M. Cherniss os Angeles,. who is visiting ves in Omaha ' and Council Miss Ella Goldberg of a bride-to-be, and Mr3. Baker and Mrs. Dave Rich: of Omaha, both recent
Interests; c f the Is the Jewish Pe ©pie
This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i s copyright •will be prosecuted. ^"
.and Airs. Abe Gilinsky, and Anna Brin, are spending a ays this week in Sioux City, isiting at the home of Mr. Ira Philip Sherman. .
Enterefl «a Second Class Hall Matter Co January 31, 1S21, «.t Poetoffie. cf Omaha, Nebraska, nnfler the Act of March Z, 1S"»
"Technique of Defense" The technique of defending the persecuted, individual or group, : is always difficult, always intriMoscow (JTA) — Biro-BicLjan, cate, often doomed to failure. For , the autonomous Jewish, territory the subconscious mind of the mob : in the Soviet Far East, has no deis always ready to project its Work OH New Projects to Be sire to become a second Palestine, pains and. fears and frustrations Started During Summer i ^ w a s declared at a conference upon an object that need merely Ifonths ' ! *n ^ Iins k °* Ozet, society for the be pointed out and .so rationlizes i settlement of Jews on the land. its reaction with the conclusion Ephraim L. Marks wa s elected j T n e statement was made by the that they "who are persecuted president of Omaha lodge of B'nai | secretarj- of the organization, who must, by the very fact, be in some i Three delegates, I. MorgenB'rith at the annual election of , Pointed out that the territory's measure •worthy of persecution. I'stern, N. S. Yaffe and Joe Radin"Washington (JTA) — Italian officers held Monday nisht at the ! functions were not to save the j Where there is so much smoke owski," were elected as local deleJewish masses in foreign coungates to the Washington confer- Ambassador August Rosso denied Jewish Community Center. Marks. | tries there must be some fire. an attorney, was recently elected ' > b u t onl>" t 0 recruit Jewish At a public ceremor.y which KnnvHV IIH.*- rtsiifd A moment's reflection will show ence of the American Jewish con- last week reports that his GovernI workers in certain professions will be held on Tuesday evening:. many times in the ctmrmof course that precisely the con- gress, at a meeting at the Jewish ment was responsible for the Arab i which at the present time were June 9, at the auditorium of the long rareov in th»' raH'ii>»' trary is trne. For, take it by and Community Center last Sunday. ! not sufficiently represented in general strike and disorders in Jewish Community Center, the nncl has wUvays hmJ t* n»« «••««£* The "Washington conference large, men are persecuted —— not Biro-Bidjan. newly organized Yeshivn depart- oi intpresi ami imporlnnri >• judged by society and punished— will formulate plans and choose Palestine and charged the reports ment of the City Tali ud Torah tlfljver. I but persecuted for what they are, delegates to represent this coun- i "orginate from anti-Italian prowill be formally opened. The The children oi' tin- VP«I » . ' - t* for -what they have a right to be, try at the world Jewish congress paganda." Yeshiva department, which cor- parturient win present a T mi . f p Replying to an inquiry from and therefore always essentially to meet in Geneva in August. Attending Sunday's meeting the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, responds to the high school work disctis^iort of 8 prool^Tii r r ^ t for conscience'sake. It is always of education, came into existence ish law. Tbe (-iisrupsjoTi •» l v r the proclaimers of unpopular an- were 39 delegates representing 19 he said in a letter: organizations. because of the dire need to ex- presented in the form of ,t r r K "I wish . to state. that the Italgles of truth who are in the minThe delegates present and the ian Government categorically and [ tend Jewish education through discussion snrl vail lie in ? i j i l I ority and who are persecuted and the high school years of tbe Jew- Mr. Philip Kinisnick ^ ' ' f it is precisely that unpopular organizations represented: Oma- strongly denies having anything! .truth which, -when mobs or maj- ha Hebrew club—M. Fromkin, S. to do with the Arab strikes and ish boy and girl. chairman of tltr fveninp. Tu > | ' orities or dictators rage, needs to Bloom, I. Soskin, B. Levine, J. troubles in Palestine. It is obf At the public ceremony Rab- MonsUy. president of i!i Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- j be emphasized and needs to be Feldman, M. jSelner and I. Swartz; viously clear that the rumors bi Charles H. Knnvar of Prn- T a l m u d Tornli. will <ieni t t {•cy)—The death of seven Arabs. In J defended. Lovers of peace in -war- Vaad—I. Morgenstern, N. Levin- which ' have been spread to this vcr. Colo., Tvill be the cues} short E n g l i s h a d d r e s s ; D> i 1 i . I Jaffa following a clash with polike countries. Lovers of freedom son, M. Bnrstein, Rabbi Harold effect originate from anti-Italian speaker of the evening. Rabbi Kher. c h a i r m a n of (lit- ln>, i \ lice and the slaying of a German in dictatorships, lovers of better Berger, I. Goldstein; B'nai Israel propaganda." education of City Tain i • j Jew in Jerusalem ushered ia the and more equitable human lives synagogue—-N. S. Yaffe, W. WeinI'fih, will pi-esoni die seh -) Jamid the slothful and the cruel— er, L. Epstein, M. Potash; Beth seventh week of Palestine's uninvardf,. Rabbi K a u v a r wi. . , . , . I HamedroshHagodol—N. Wilfson, these are the kinds of individuals precedented disturbances. in Yiddish and in E n g l i s h , u TI«> S and the kinds of groups who are J, Chait, M. Venger; Mizrachi— The problem of preserving orJ e w r y it urpe.j to a; fend ( Rabbi C. H. Kauvar of Denver persecuted from age to age.. Such Rabbi N. Feldman, E. Bloch; Bnai der was further complicated when Oi the i'ourteeii rhilni <• ^ | Rabbi Charles H. Kauvar of were Jews and early Christians Jacob—J. L. Wolfson and A. an ultimatum was handed to the istered ai the pjvnent TUTK 1 j in Rome's empire; such were the Hirsch; icor -A. Forman; Worn- j . Ephraim L. Marks. Palestine government by the Arab Denver will be the guest speeaker '-. are beiriE: Brad UP ted fro at two functions in Omaha nest 1 <jafly leaders and followers of en's Mizrachi —Mrs. E. "Weinberg; ! constables of Jerusalem who had Mrs. Irvin Levin was elected school t h i s J u n e and wi]J ( Rabbi C. H. Kauvar of Denver director of the Omaha Junior threatened to go on strike unless ^eekProtestant and libertarian move-JBikur Cholim—Mrs. L,. Neveleff; Chamber of Commerce. He served president, of the Omaha chapter to a t t e n d Uiroueh t h e i r Tuesday evening, June P. Rabbi ments from age to age. And such ! Pionee.r Women—Mrs. J. Feldtheir demands were granted. One D e the guest speaker at the at. tbe last meeting' years. E i p h t rnilrirp-t] rr«are still the persecuted in this day [man; Jewish National Workers* j Round Table Honor Night ban- as vice-president of the lodge for j hundred and fifty of them met to Kauvar will give the principal ad- of Hadassah the past year. j dress at tbe opening of the Yes| of the season Wednesday. June S inp hiph isrhooT PVJ\ t h r e ' and in this age. j-Alliance—Joe Radinowski; Poale a u e t On Wednesday evening, June consider their relationship to the Other officers elected are: Ju-i disturbances and drew up a list iva "department of the City Tal- at the J. C. C Mrs. Levin servec in prad.-- srhool. From this follows one of thejZion—H. Bondarin; Camp of ] 1 0 > a t 6:30 at the Center. He will rjasppc hi {!)€• Yeshivj.: deepest and truest paradoxes of'Modern Woodmen—-G. M. K l a i - ( s p e a t on a message of special im- lius Bisno, vice-president; Alfred i of 12 demands which include full mud Torah, at the Jewish Com-j a& first vice-president last. year. r, Center. The public is in-1 Other officers electee! a^e ih« ment meet iowv limes r, v. secretary; Harry! the moral life those who are per- j man; Progressive Hebrew Club— jp o r tance to Jewish youth. This A. Fiedler, British e( u Friedman, treasurer; Max Baer,' 3 ality • Mesdsmes I. Dansfey. first vicesecuted are always the least wor-;J. Wiener; Workmen's Loan—P. j w i l l b e ^ s e c o n d Honor Night must salute Arab constables; Wednesday night he will be the president: Fhineas him consists of E conrstthy of persecution — from tbe j Ginsburg; S. Feldman; B'nai Ab- •b a n a u e t Of the Round Table and inner guard; Russell J. Blumen- : ybo Arab thai, g W d ; William W e m i constables not be i ^ e s t speaker at the Round Table : end vice-president outer guard; wem\ ----; o " ~ n ~ d ~ ushould rntifl. faiighi by Rabl>; ' a r d "in Jewish prophets to the Jews and Christ- raham Lodge of South Omaha—! w i U b e open to all members of J • Dan-ky «nd Sam Green,,j quarters; " ^ J ° and ****Jews * * *should £ *?, not and Pave stein. financial and f roiirst- m Biblica f l ^ | Honor Night banket, also at tte ^ ^ r « be j ians and liberals of contemporary L. Wolfson; Independent Work- g r O ups affiliated with the Round er, I secretaries; Julius Abrahsmson. turp, itughi by Mr. A. K, trustees. _: allowed to serve in Arab quarters, ii Center. Germany. The persecuted are al- men's Loan—A. Schlaifer; Adass Table. recording secretary: Reui>tn Bor- rector of ilu- City 'iVlnm.-. Named to tbe executive comways the higher types and the Yeshurim synagogue—G. Soref, Presentation of awards to the mittee were Hyman Shxier, Ma- i One thousand rifles were seized dy, corresponding secretary: • ,T, H. "V. ith ihe closing oi puhlie i better friends of mankind. The Goldie Meyerson club—Mrs. D.- members who have distinguished | by French frontier guards on the KulafcofsKy. treasurer; M. V. ! < " - for the snmnie!' it y hop^ than S. Yaffe, Harry B. Cohen, Ii Syrian frontier. Three cars had very fact of their persecution is Eichlin. themselves in. the various activienson, parliamentarian: .A. D. the session will be leiu I. Morgenstern, who is chair- ties of the year will be made and Carl Lagman, and Dr. Leon Fell- j attempted to smuggle the arras'. the supreme witness of their Frank, EUditor; Joseph Gold-ware. man. worth. It has never failed to be man of the local group, intro- as a special feature of the eveinto Palestine from Transjori David Goldstein. Joseph Rosen- £i)i] ii' Ct'isr^e' in Jewish Final reports were rendered by so. Search all history. The man duced the main speaker, J. L: ning's program the Round Table dania. It is stated that ammuni- j , b e r g . Julius Stien, and B. A. Si- Risd popi-Biblic-nl Tifbrrv, th£ retiring officers and chairmen the The' women's division or group persecuted by.his or Its Wolfson. Mr. Wolfson delivered oi Jewish Youth will be formally tion is being stored in oil tins win be adne-" of standing committees. A com; mon, board of directors. fellows and perishing on the cross an address' on Jewish problems, initiated into the National, Kovod and taken'across the River Sor-\ Jewish .Community Center and Ir vjev- of 1.lir- fhi-i a> I plete written report was submit;. Mrs. Joseph. G-oldware, outgoJewiah^iilstorj-., i n , . t h e' ^s oic i e t y . " " " • orxat ,t he stake or,in. pogroms or j analyxtng.-:, _ ........ ht-a iippr, no tradition in ; ----.-—-••' '—•.'.•• ; ing president, was elected d e k ted y Ben zows-j, retiring stream during the night. The : spring luncheon meeting and anin concentration camps is always past 20 years and stressing the The National Kovod society. is president. pate to the national Haa&ss&h niiuiity for a w u m h: Jei necessarily the higher man or the j importance of a JewiBh congress emergency conference held here \ nual election of officers on Twee- ! convention which takes place iK ucation whloL ext«>nds. a national honor organization In accordance with usual cusday, June S, at 12:SO at the Cenhigher group and the conscious or which would deliberate on the imthe hi;?}: pohool yv&n, of I among Jewish Centers through- torn, meetings will not be held Philadelphia in October. unconscious upholder of higher portant problems confronting the out the country. Each year two during the summer. However, the i ley Pound, commander of the! ter. End $,'irl. if was nt-oetiK&ry Among the reports submitted Jewish people today. values. And in the long run it is ^ British Mediterranean flfleet, and ; Mrs. J. J. Greenberg. president, fie some incentive whirl new officers and executive com-! He emphasized the necessity of persons of the group privileged m l t t e r p l I n V s t a r t ^ o r k ' o n ^ e v - i o f f i c e r s of f the Royal Air'Force,; stated: "The women's division was that of Mrs. I. Levin. Medical arouse- the interest of tl always the values embodied by Fund chairman, who reported to become a member of the Kotne the persecuted that triumph and having an organized group to military and police, was be-j this yeaT.has grown tremendous- that they more than raised their dren. For this purpoyp Jir vod society are singled out for eral important new projects d u r - ! always the lower value of the per- speak in the name of world lieved to concern itself, among j ly in membership and program Medical Fund and. Youth Aliyah , arship committee \>.ag ovu their excellent work, service to ing the summer months. It was secutors that perish In shame or Jewry. announced by Marks that a meet-! other things, with the inflltra- activities. Over 30 0 women of the quotas. Mrs. I. Dansky, chairman work out tome Kyeteni of the community and participation Following a general discussion, forgetfillness. •" in Center activities, and are pre- ing-of the executive committee i"ons of guns and ammunition in-j Jewish community are enrolled of the National Fund, reported iiiR scholarships to ibc < i il«i The next and most important those present unanimously de. ; and.engaged Palestine andengaged in the program. program The •was more than atteiulinp; the Tesbiva i ppwill be called within the near f u- j••"i Palestine. step In the arugument Is this, that cided to participate in the world sented with the National Kovod i Meanwhile, a series of bomb-, organization now is an auxiliary doubled. Mrs. J. K. Kulakofsky, nneni. The scholarship toraii i society keys. These awards will ture. therefore persecution itself, the Jewish' congress. } ings, shootings and arson at-, group to every activity of the chairman of tbe Hadassah-Koths- consists of Rabbi H. A. " also be made the night of the* persecution of any, be they who tempts, repeating on a smaller i Center and Welfare Federation, ic h n a U l l i v e I . s H y hospital, reported cbcvirman; Henry ^IOTIBIO banquet. Reservations for the i they may be, is a symtom of disscale the vandalism that has ter- ; We expect a record attendance at; • that more than their quota was • Philip Sher. Philip » ' banquet may be made by calling ease and barbarism In the civilrorized Palestine for over sis • our final rneeting of the year, and raised. All other 'quotas were than Levenson, Jack Mart • * ..he Center, Jackson 1366, .before ization, the state, the nation withweets, was again reported. are anxious to have any woman ry Marcus. William Mill • ; Monday evening. in which the persecution takes With the end of the outbreaks ;w n o is interested to attend wheth- filled. The chapter voted to plain; 10 Simon Pizer. The sclio] -'The annnal Bikur Cholim placev It is the persecutors who not yet in sight. Palestine is tat- • e r s^c j s g member or not." are sick and.wicked, not the per- luncheon will be held Monday, GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP ing stock of the losses and the T n e program for Tuesday will trees in the Lapidus Memorial fund ie an independeni oi>1 curing its money thronKh I secuted. The latters' plight is the I June 8, at 1:30 at the J. C. C. | prospects at the completion of the include a group of-piano solos by TO BERNICE PERLB1ETER\ T a iiyi n s 22% points to their ; g i x t ^ w e e k of the most turbulent; y a ] e Trustin, a playlet by mem- A report of the regional con- Piibscription by locfif p?ttT'o"t t proof of the formers' sickness and The luncheon will be 35 cents per i opponents* 7%, Highland Coun-1disturbances Palestine has expe- ! ^ers of the Center'Players, and vention was given by Mrs. Levin. are interested in the fiTo« I shame. It is not necessary to plate. j Miss Bernice Perimeter, daugh-jtry club golfers turned back t h e ; r } e n c e d s { n c e t h e British troops ;re ports of the following activities i Mrs. M. F. Levenson snd Mrs. an intensfvp corniniinitr Tv Annual reports will be read. A brand the persecutors. That they are persecutors is a sufficient dia- program of Jewish music has been ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Perimeter, ; invading Des Moines mas hie wrested the country from tbe;committees for the year: Cloth- | Sarah F.rohm were J.he other re- school tor a<irBT>e<><" JPT.- I cation. » gnoaiB and description of both arranged. Mrs. Hyman Belman, who received her B. A. degree j wielders in the he Decoration day T u r k s a n d established England's; ing _ MrB _ j _ j _ Blank; clubs, Mrs. gional delegates. I The pcholarship IOPK WPK f their moral being and their state. accompanied by Mrs. Al Finkel, from Municipal university Thurs- j feature at Hig hland.Country club | c l a i m t o r u l e P a l e s t l n e u n ( jer the M_ L , cohn;' social committee, conceived by ;.he Mizruehs or^ The application of this course will sing several numbers. Rabbi day, June 4, has been awarded a j last Saturday. | League of Nations mandate. I Mrs. A. A. Greenberg: athletics, Bet under increasingly ;M r s _ j _ L e v i n s o n . publicity, Mrs. of reasoning to the present situa- N. Feldman will give the invoca- graduate scholarship to t h e TJni-j The localites were hotter t h a n ; A c t 5 n g Berlin — It was authoritative- izatiot: oi Omaha, bvu in versity of Nebraska. Miss Perl- \ t h e day and carried top much all-1j s t r i c t orders promulgated by High 1 ^ tion in Germany, in Poland, in tion. wil- ly denied here thai Julius Stretch- course of beiuj.' introduced ' m o t o r corps Mrs er's anti-Semitic weekly. Der Stu- onv \ocix\ *>fhiCBiionnl tysipni other countries is abundantly Reservations may be made with meter led her class in scholarship round strength for their rivals, i Commissio H a m M i i d e r : kitchen. Mrs. Louis ermer. has been banned. clear. There is hardly any rea- Mrs. J. Chait, Webster 0144; Mrs. a n d h a s been active on the camp- It took or, a ponijiujnicy-wicle RSI was medal play with a point; meeting's. • Mrs. Harry 3 e defense forces of the iN e T e 3 e f f . son to say that the Jews, upon S. Fjsh, Webster 5257; or the J. us. She represented Pi' Alpha awarded for the low first nine, a jcc ho oa pn et ?r v t jnow total 7.229 men, in- ; Kosenfeld; , „ _ _ „ _ . . .,, „,._.. , and the Jo-cal Misrnchi trlf community co-operaTheta, national honorary history point for the low last nine and; cluAln^ the whole, are good men and good C. C, Jackson 13G6. MiT*ried ii over to ift^- cnrnvTiuj p o l i c e a n d military. The ;t i o i l j M i s s Blanche Ziffiman: edu-lMn?, A. D. Frank. citizens and that the accusations The committee in charge com- fraternity, at the national con- | a point for low total. reinforced garrison consists °i; cation, Mrs, I. Stalmaster; dra-j Reservations for T u e s dsy s levelled against them are mad and prises the Mesdames J. Finkel, J. vention held in Chattanooga, ! Following are the results and four battalions of infantry, total- [m a t j C S j j i r s . g a m Theodore; build- I luncheon and meeting fantastic. It will often be more Goldberg, J. Ciiait, S. Fish, J. Tenn., and attended as one of thejthe order in which the members j . n g f o l l r thousand British troops, j i n family! made bv the Cer.ter,maJackb worth fS5. if: p. Mrg> H a r r T T n i s t i n . effective to analyze the civiliza- Bernstein, Charles Boss, William delegates the convention of tbe; of the ^team | I n a d d i t i c m t 0 t h e a r m o r e d c a r s o v played: 4. „ „, «v ; welfare. Mrs. H. A. Wolf; c i t i z e n - ; son 1S66, or Mrs. J. Greer.bcrg. mestpr to r-acli ftiinenr lv. Vlif tions in which today we and oth- Epstein, R. Dvosin and am Ele- Athletic Federation of College H a r o l d S c h w a r t z D. M ( o ) v s . t b a t v e r e p r e T i o l l s i T i n t h e coun- ; s h , M r s > S a m W o l f _ a n d l i D r a r r > -A t l a n t i c S76C, YetiliivB departmont vhc lifts er groups are persecuted and to witz. Abe Brodkey, Highland ( 0 ) . ;try, t h e r e h a v e been i m p o r t e d j : , Women at Minneapolis. filled the rouvsf prfwerilifil liken them to other civilizations E d G o l d m a n , D. M. (i,i ) v s . \fT0'm Eg>-pt"lS l i g h t t a n k s a n d a|_ the semester. However, vlie 1 to Rome, to Spain, to Czarist RusM a r v i n T r e l l e r , H i g h l a n d ( 2 % ) . i, c o m p a n y of a r m o r e d c a r s . T h e r e | ' IF not redeemable imiil IbfTS Ben B r o w n , D. M. ( * i gia where the-same diseases ' Ia r e a l s o a r m o r e d t r o l l e y s w h i c h j 2 with the same symptoms proaneKicnaru xiiner, tiigmanu v^ ' ' I ride the railways to keep a watcn and i he has siienderl ihf V«»led what are now predictable conDon Schwartz, D. M. (2) T S ' ! on the countryside. An unspeciivfi epRri Ji'fiii rppulavly sequences. Let us put it this way: fied- number of military airplanes Julian Milder, Highland ( 1 ) . pwch iirufj. Spain did not decline because Marvin Bookey, D. M. (0) vs. is available in addition to the Ai the jmV' c ceremony *"" Mickey Krupinsky, Highland ( 3 ) . | n o r m a l R o y a ] A ir Force squadron there were no Jews left In Spain held Tuesday Dr. Carl Hockenburg, r>. M. (0) | i n n e arbv Transjordania. The conbut Spain declined because perCamp Altiba. the summer home . An appetizing and nutritious the t'oliovinf; evening. J u n e t'bndi'en v. ii! "Wort - - diligent, concen- holidays over and the workers vs. Ervin Ziegman, Highland \ s t a b t a a r T ) secution and expulsion are the are now acting camp of the Jewish Community lunch is served each child at 6v;arded firsi sch cholars;!!if- boix (3). symptoms of a perishing civiliza- trated work - - on the remainof i Center, will begin its second seaconsist j virtually as troops, c harness, we urge i l jj son on Monday, Jane 22, and con- noon. These lunches are planned Alexanr'-er A filer. Chnrles F P H. Scharlan, D. M. (0) vs. tion. Fear and hate destroy not ing prospect cards is all that once more in I 2,727 *> T O T policemen •n.rtT •!!#*«>«"» C T I and O 71 f^ 500 Hi special in advance by a. dietician ami pre- msn. Marcia Finer. liutV. them to clean up their prospect Gordon, Highland (3). only, not chiefly, their objects. iconstables enrolled for the spe-:tinue until July SI for a period pared, at. the Center under the stands between the Philanthroj ^ ' pledge w e , , „ _ „ „ „ . _ . . , „. _ . Leonard LPWJS, O i i s Jjips caTds a n d r n i n t h e We vs. Morton Bookey, D. M. (1) They destroy those who nourish jcial emergency. The police force i of sis weeks. The camp combines strictest supervision. Singing of RebecfB London. M M Kin t o r e a c h o u r g o a l b e . | S a m Leon, Highland (2). them. Insensate fear and hate pies campaigners a n d , t h e i r j a r e taaiox,i Britishers, 461 all the features of the regular out. , c a m p s o n E ? i p a f p a t u r e o f e v e r T comprises- 72 S baiim, Morris Kir^iienbasim, lib D M (0) are the symptoms of the disease goal of $43,600, according t o | I o r e D e x t M. Aliber, D. M. (0) () vs._ Dr. door camp and has the added adinneheon " Jews and the remainder Arabs. over_" h;g: KoBenfiRum. Nattipn S-b Malashock, generall Greenberg, Highland penoa. that runs its course through war H a r r y It is impossible -o give an ap- j rantage of having the children M a l a s l i o c k s t a ted that workers | Maynard The afternoons fere spent ii) and StRuley Silv<?rii)h!i. to disaster and to death. Such chairman. . j proximate estimate of the finan- home at night. have pledged themselves to stay B. Aliber, D. M. (% vs. Bui ic i a l l o s s e s resulting from the disrest and reading, dramatics, hobis the strongest defense of all men Because or tie tremendous The forty- thonsand dollar | on the job until every pledge card Yousem, Highland (2 **•). ; persecuted by their fellows. It is flfefer turbances but the direct losses re- i popularity of the camp last sea- by groups, hikes End. P. swim escb. mark has been passed, repre- is turned in. A return match will be played suiting from cases of arson, up- son and the increased interest t>e- day in the Center pool. There ours as well. M'aurid ~— A minor rio( vdM-rin Des Moines later in the season. senting seven thousand dollars The rise in the total contribrooting of trees and other pro-. ing shown this sea •n, every €f- will be aviation clubs, eev-'ing red in tbe city of Sgn SebasiJuih a camp paper, ami scrap (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts more than was raised in the uted this year is attributed to the Following the golf competition. duce, destruction of property and j fort is being made to widen tbe bgroups, o o k E t o kee P t h e children busy, wher. ft ppf-fi&tor in a moving p*'*"Feature Syndicate.) j increase in the average pledge. the Des Moines golfers were the and"similar violence amount" to at! scope oi its activities and improve 1935 drive. .•_ All activities of the camp wi thestrt became- fingered *•• guests of honor at a dinner in the u fc f m 1200,000 to $400,000. • the facUities. A "maximum-attend"We have every reason to be The cards -turned in represent an clubhouse, followed by dancing. jEven the list of dead and injured ; a n c e is expected for this summer ^ be under the guidance and leader- the sliowinp of a picture of H I H P T average increase of 44 per cent. Sentenced for Miring proud of our record this year," The total contributed is much of a group of trained coun- and ripped the screen to piecws» as a result of the disturbances is and parents are urged to enroll stated Chairman Maiashock. higher than last year as a conseselors who have been chosen for Aryan Maid idifficult to compile .because of'their children immediately. Eebuffs Bid This sctioii led to s brawl *>«• Berlin — A 63-year-old apos- "However, there is a distinction quence, despite the fact that conLondon (WNS)J — Invited to heavy casualties in the past few: The camp, for boys and girls their ability snd experience in ^v.-ppn BP^cifitorn iu tb. fitii. handling groups o" children. Bach between beipg proud and being tate Jew has been sentenced by tribuUons under five dollars had! a ttend a" social function at tbe i days'among the Arabs. The nutn-1 between the'ajres of 5 and 15, satisfied. We -nill not be satis- I to be in cash. This was done be-[German embassy here, Emanueljber of Jews killed is £7, Moslems : meet regularly at the Center at child will be carefully watched house. the Pirnaer District Court to se- fied until we have gone over cause. experience has shown that i List, German-born singer who is! about 39, Europeans wo, one of :9 o'clock each morning for a com- for weight and physical condition. ven months in prison for. employ- the top in OUT present cam- the collection costs and. losses on j appearing at Covent Garden, pub-'them a British constable and the | plete. .program activities -^ complete medxeal examination j Postpone ¥asd Banquet { • ing as a maid a 15-year-old "Ar- paign. Ours has been a job ex- these lower pledges, made them a uciy announced that he refused \ other an Austrian. Christian. The i The early pa part of the morning is required, of each child before The Vaad banquet,' n'hi'1'1 \ ceptionally well done, bitt not losing proposition. j the invitation because of Nazi!number of Arabs' injured has!will be spent in outdoor games enterics camp, 7an" girl. . was to have been held Stinda;. • .'passed tbe 200 mark, while more j on the Central Hicb. grounds. Fol-] Fees for the sis-week period June 7, has been indefinitely • Thirty-four local, national and persecution of Jews. Employment by Jews of "Ar- yet finished. yan" servant girls under 35 Is a •' "There is enough money out- international Jewish agencies de- Mr. "list, who left Germany after than a thousand of their number ] lowing this, each group will have i arc $16 for Center members and • postponed, due to unavoidabU- j violation of. the anti-Jewish Nur- standing in the initial gifts and pend on the Philanthropies for the Nazis came into power, has have been arrested. The number ja complete program of crafts, in-;?18 for non-mernbers. Repistra- • CRiises. ; smberg laws which went into ef- general solicitations divisions • to their contributions from Omaha taken out his first papers as an of Jewish injured is estimated atj eluding leather wort, woodwork, j tions may be mads p.f. the Center; 105 and those arrested at 275. weaving sad metal-work. .desk. j sween nast our coal. With the Jewry. fect the first" of the rear. - American citizen.
Morgenstera, Yaffe, and Italian Ambassador Radinowski Are Denies Fascist Elected
To Be Speaker ;Public Invited T o Fomial Opening
Council Bluffs Talmud society-will hold a regular Monday evening, June 1, "clock at the Chevra B'nai synagogue at 618 Myntreet. "
VOL. XJT—No. 1-
J,C.C. Tuesday
James, newspaper man. screamarist, takes his or fourth . . . or have we ack? . . . wife this month, land's marital motto should Jntil divorce do us part."
Hatter of the Estate of Bergeson. deceased: ersons interested in said mathereby notified that on the _ of May. 133G. Hairy B. Tiled a petition in said County praying that his final .-idminl account filed herein be setallowed, and that he be :dlsI from his trim as admtniswith will -annexed and that a will he had on said petition said Court on the Gthilay of 936. and that if you fall to before said Court on the said of June. 19.16. at 3 o'clock A. i contest said petition, the nay prant the prayer of.said ' enter a decree of helrship, ke such other and further or[Iowances and decrees, as to urt may seem .proper, to tho it all matters pertaining to atp may be finally settled and ned. BRV/CE CRAWFORD. .•-.. - County Judge.
SHERIFF anday, Jane 1, 1936 ottawattamie County
I Mrs. Irviii .Levin Elected Head of
Youth Honor Night Banquet on Wednesday
Board of Supervisors 1937 Term Republican Ticket very Vote Counts! Ill Appreciate Yours! Primary Election Jay, June 1, 1936 ittawattamie County
Highland Golf Team Is Winner Over Des Monies
Plan Final Clean Up
' ' . < • •
SET predated
! " • " * •
f :KET .for Unexpired Support for Full
RIENCE" Time 1, 1936 rxT
J. C. C. Sports By BAY 8GHAF1B0
fore he played iwith the Pontiac possesses one of the cleanest and boys. The WPA No. 432 was most sanitary, up-to-date indoor awarded a forfeit after the Smith- pools in the city and Lee personRobinsons had nosed them out, ally invites the public to an in10 to 9, in a 10-inning contest. spection of the gymaasl..m, lockOn the'team's lineup are Les GIv- er room, shower rooms and swimenter, Earl Sigal, Jake Adler. ming pool. Aaron Epstein, Harry Altshuler, Iz Bogdanoff, Millard Sigal, Bill The Jewish Press advertisers Sherman, Morris Adler, Morris merit your patronage. Franklin, Phil Katzman and Phil Kutler. .
All three leaders came through in last week's softball games to open the second round of play. The Omaha Potato Market walloped a short-handed Omaha Job< blag team, 18 to 2, the Psi Mu j outscored the Towers, 10 to 4, ! and the Sample Furs defeated the A. Z. A. No. 1, 11 to 3. The'.-new summer schedule It seems _as If the grocery ten which went into effect last Sun•'• aim to keep the loss side of their day, June 1, is: Swim Classes sicorebook free of blotches as they proved when they poured onto Matron Women—Monday, 11 Harry {Volf of the Jobbing team to 12 a. m.; Wednesday, 11 to 12 tor 16 hits and 18 runs in the a. m.; Friday, 11 to 12 a. m.; first four innings. The losers Sunday, 4 to 5 p. m. played with seven men, which acSenior Women and Business counts for the poor showing of Girls—Monday, 6 to 9 p. m.; the Jobbers. However, the clown- Wednesday, 6 to 9 p. m.; Sunday, ing of the league leaders in the to 5 p. m. last three innings made up for Junior Girls—rMonday, 10:15 the lack of men on the Jobbing to H a. m.; Wednesday, 10:15 to team. Sunday, 3 to 4 p. m. Jimmy Burroughs, Harry Alt- 11 a. m., Men—Tuesday, 7 to 9 shuler and Earl Siegal hit home p. Senior m.; Thursday, 7 to 9 p. m.; runs to lead the Sample Furs to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; dally, an easy win over the winless A Z. A. team. The best the A. Z. A. 12:30 p. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. Business and High School Boys batting artillery could do was to collect four bingles off the offer* —Tuesday,- 7 to 3 p. m.; Thursings of Herb Marks, while both day, 7 to 9 p. m.; Sunday, 11 to Phil Kutler and Morris Adler 1. Junior Boys—Tuesday, 11 to were knocked for 10 hits. Playing six innings of ball with 11:45 a. m.; Thursday, 11 to u the score tied at 4-alI, the Psi Mu 11:45 a. m.; - Sunday, 10 to 11 " in their half of the last frame a. m. Gymnasium. -scored six runs to down the clowning Tower team. It was the Matron W o m e n — Monday, -fooling, around of the Towers that Wednesday and Friday, 10:30 developed the break for the fra- a. m., volleyball play. ternity boys and they took adHealth Club. Tantago of the clowning of the Volleyball daily at 12:30 p. m rlosers to win their fourth game. Individual workouts at all oth Morris Epstein hurled for the er hours when gym is not in use winners and Iz NoraK pitched for by classes. ;the losers. Membership Rates. Schedule for June 7: June 1 to October 1. Omaha Potato Market vs. Psi Family Membership ™..?10.00 Mu, 32nd and Dewey. Men, over 21 5.00 •';• Tower ve. Sample Fur, 33rd Young Men, 18 to 21..... 4.00 and Cass. Boys, under 18 ... 2.00 . •;. Omaha Jobbing Co. vs. A. Z. A. Women, over 18 4.00 No. 1 at Douglas Field. Young Women, under 18 2.00 The only softball team In the city outside of the J. C. C. league that has 12 Jewish players, nine of which are regulars, is the Smith-Robinson Pontlac team. Playing under the name of the Sigal All >Stars, the National league leaders jumped into first place In the first game of the season and played seven of the nine games without a backer. Most backers line up a team long before the season starts, and for this reason much credit is due to Harry Smith and Dave Robinson, ' who, without any hesitation on their part, agreed- to finance the boys for the season. The SmithRobinfioa Pontiac team 'has won eight out of the nine games played and- the lone black mark against them is because of the use of an ineligible player. The player had not been released by the other team long enough be-
To keep in trim, swim, Is the saying- of millions of people In the United States, as the attendance at air pools will show. The reason for this is explained by Lee Grossman, physical director who states that swimming is becoming known as the best exercise for ail purposes. Swimming will do more asj a preventatlve of illness and as a builder of health than any other form of exercise. Swimming is one ct the few sports which exercises every muscle of . the body in moderation, yet it imposes no strain on any single muscle. He says that it, is the only sport in •which people engage while in a prone position for which our bodies .were .designed. As a result all toe organs in the- body assume their correct position while swimming and allows them to function naturally. The Center physical department
Guaranteed Fur Storage
GOLDSTEIN CHAPMANS * Wh«r« Omaha Shops With Confidence
This Dance Is A Weighty Matter
A. L. H. S. orchestra and band, i tained the members of her AfterHe graduated from Abraham Lin-s xtoon club at a luncheon at her coin Wednesday evening. i bome 7huTsday aftern00I1, June i
The Council Bluffs cSftEtef No. \ 4 - " 7 of the A. Z. A. is formulating! •——— pians for a wiener roast to be j The Sisterhood of the Talmud held Sunday Eight, June 24, atjTorah society held a meeting on Kfvanis Point. Hymie Diamond is! Wednesday afternoon at the rftaSrman in charge of this affair j home of Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, 725 trd all reservations should bo j Mynster street. Musical program by calling him as sooc as.f was presented by the • Misses FlorBoth A. z. A. chapters eI1ne Steinberg, pianist, and E«of Omnha will be guests of the! t her Steinberg, violinist. Refreshlocal chapter at this affair. j m e n t g w e r e served by the offi•—• ; cers of the organization. A large Mrs. Herman Meyerson enter- crowd attended thjg meeting.
P. R. K. B'NAI B'RITH SIEMORIAL SERVICES The Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 of the B'nai B'rith will hold an open meeting and memorial services next Monday evening, June 8, at promptly 8:30 o'clock at the Eiagles hall. Mr. O. Hochman is chairman in charge of the affair. The memorial services, which is an annual affair of the local lodge, commemorates all departed members of the organization. Everyone is cordially Invited to attend Monday evening.
announces the* purchase of the complete drag and prescription stock of the
The slender girls have been In- scales; Morris Arbitman, the of- 1 phere. and the -walls of the baUcreasingly popular during the Hcial weigher; Joy Yousem on . room will be draped with horsepast week as the date approaches i the scales; and Norman Bordy i collars, harness and other farm for the Barnyard Frolic, the A, j ready to pay. Z. A. novelty dance to be held at ! Advance tickets good for a re- equipment. Millard, Nebr., next Sunday night, i duction of 50 pounds have been Franklin Vincent's orchestra June 7. The fellows will have j selling rapidly and indicate- that i will play for the dance, which to pay a penny a pound for their a large crowd will be attracted .will begin at 9:00 p. m. in the dates. according to the Mother Chapter , large Millrose ballroom at MillIn the above picture is a weigh- i committee which is in charge of I ard. Miilard is S miles west of ing-in scene at the Jewish Com- [the affair. J. NY F. FliOWER DAY Omaha and can be easily reached munity center. Left to right are: SUNDAY A live goat, chickens and a by a direct all-paved route, using Pearl Bernstein Esthryn Milder, i cow will be included in the de- 1 either the West Center or Q St. The Jewish National Fund Flower day will be observed in waiting for their turn at the , coration to create a rural atmos- roads. Council Bluffs, as throughout the Miss Esther Steinberg, violin- home Monday following a week's , Max, of Leavenvorth, Kans., arountry, next Sunday morning, June 7, under the sponsorship of ist, student of Emily Cleve Greg- visit with relatives in Chicago. I rived here Sunday to make their the local Jewish National Fund erson, and Miss Florence SteinI future home. At the present time council and the Council Bluffs berg, pianist, student of Albert Mrs. Alexander J. Friedman of | they are tbe house guests of Mrs. Senior Hadassah. Mrs. Sam Mey- F. Beck, will present a joint re- Union City, N. J., arrived here ! Bear's mother, Mrs. Julius Katelerson, chairman of the J. N. F. of cital at the Hotel Chieftain in the for an extended visit at the home : man. the Senior Hadassah, and Miss Rainbow Terrace next Wednesday of her mother, Mrs. Rae E. Ross. Fannie Katelman, secretary of evening, June 10, at 8:15 o'clock. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levitan of the J. N. F. council, are in charge They are the daughters of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross and of arrangements and anyone who and Mrs. Simon Steinberg of their daughter, Mrs. Max Shos- ( Chicago and Mrs. William Greencan possibly donate either a car ouncil Bluffs and attend the tak, have returned home follow- , stein and small son, Harvey, of or services for a short time Sun- Municipal university of Omaha. ing a 10-day star at Excelsior I Colinsville, 111., arrived here Mon' day for a 10-day visit with reladay morning is requested to call The public is cordially invited to Springs, Mo. tives in Omaha and Counci either Mrs. Meyereon, phone attend the recital. Bluffs. While in Council Bluffs, 1199, or Miss Katelman, phone Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman en- I they' are house guests of Mr. and 4491. The "blue and white" M i s s Gwendolyn Meyerson', tertained 20 guests at a family Mrs. J. Mendelson. boxes will be opened at this time daughter of-Mr. and Mrs. Herman dinner party at their home Sunalso, and everyone ia asked to Arnold Hoffman was awarded have their boxes ready when the Meyerson, will graduate from the, day afternoon, May 31, in honor committee call3 at their homes University of Nebraska at Lincoln i of their son-in-law and daughter, the Rolary music cup at AbraSunday. This is the twenty-third next Monday morning, June 8. •Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen of Har- ham Lincoln High school fr beannual Flower day and the de- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson j lan, the occasion being their six- ing the outstanding pupil In the mand is more urgent this year and daughters, Misses Pearl and teenth n - e d d ing anniversary. Florence 'Meyerson, and Mrs. Among the out-of-town guests than ever before. Leon Frankel, will motbr to Lin- were Mr. and Mrs. Cohen and coln to attend the commencement family of Harlan, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz and daughter, RADIANT SI6N exercises. SUPERVISES NEW Lorraine, of Manning, Ia.
Dr. Ben Goldware, chiropodist, is now supervising a new special fitting shoe department at Herzberg's on the second floor. Dr. Goldware first started selling shoes at Herzberg's in 1925., from there he went to the'TJarson, Pirie," Scott & Company in Chicago where he worked in the orthopedic shoe department for a number of years. While working there he encountered various problems in fitting feet suffering from different foot ailments. This awakened his' desire to know more about foot illnesses and he enrolled in the Illinois college of chiropody and foot surgery. He was graduated from that school in 1932. Dr. Goldware then became a member of the faculty and clinical staff of the college and interned in the Lane Bryant chiropody offices in Chicago. Since 1934 Dr. Goldware has practiced in Omaha, first in the Redlck Tower building and then opened an office in Herzberg's store. His increasing practice required him to move to their second floor. Since corrective shoes are a prime factor in treating foot ailments, Herzberg's have now opened on their second floor this new special fitting shoe department.
Por Picnics and All Occasions Serve Forbes' New York Pumpernickel BREAD
Sliced thin for your Convenience
FORBES BAKING CO. 2701-11 No. 24th St. We. 6400
Ahoy-Ccme Afooaro"
The Quaintest Spot In Town Drinks by Noah
Mezzanine Floor _
Among the college students Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and from the University of Iowa who arrived home this week to spend eons, Aaron David and Myron their vacation here were Yale Meyerson, who graduated from the University of Iowa Monday morning; Miss Maxine Leibovitz, (Established 1878) Jack Gordon, Donald Rosenfeld, Bernard Balaban and Colman Yudelson. Robert Rosenfeld, who Is a student at the University of Phone Ja. 0551 — Phoae 594 — Phone 8S685 Iowa, also, remained in Iowa City for a summer course, and Colman Asbestos Yudelson will return tq Iowa City Slate-Tile next week to continue with sumAsphalt and Gravel mer sessions. FREE ESTIMATES —• EASY TERMS Rabbi Jacob Cohn returned
OMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sioux City — Sioux Falls
All Prescriptions in the Fregger Fos Drug- Co. Files May Now Be Refilled a-t
THE MEYERSON PHARMACY 2023 North 16th—WE-6024 Free Delivery Service
Omaha 1116-18-20 Homey Street Phone AT 4842
The Bride's Paradise The Housewife's Blessing 150 Patterns of C ho i c e Dinnerware Carried in open stock. If a piece it broken you can replace it, and, your set will again be complete.
See the New line cf Lady Alice
Rock Crystal to match R. Wallace & Sons Lady Alice plated ware, reinforced w i t h sterling silver.
Also « very complete fin* el " C E L E B R A T E D HEISY GLASS" emi bar and table glen ef every description.
A!! ef This Extremely Lew Price
Visit all three of America's greatest summer playgrounds on one grand circle trip Two weeks is time enough. Ml summer is not too long
».?••• i
Our sale of sterling silver still continues. Think of buying Sterling Silver at the price o£ good plated ware. COLORADO
GLACI£R NATIONAL PARK— go»l of world travelers—'With its 60 liriog glaciers, countless alpine lakes, rushing rivers of snow water; and the wildest - confusion of mountain peaks—many of them unnamed aad untrod. The YELLOWSTONE geyserland, unique in all the world for its roaring geysers and other "unbelievable" hot water phenomena; its colossal colorful canyon sod marvelous waterfall; its abundance of wild life; its far-famed Codr Read. COLORADO—where the Rockies reach their scenic climax. A glorious mountain world . . . pleasant, happy summerland of timbered slopes sod green •alleys; of upland meadows ablaze with wildflowers;of crags and canyons and twisting trails.
Best Summer Vacation Bargain
I '"fhr
© Start with the low round trip summer fare to Glaciex, $40.25. ©For only $2.15 more ($42.40 altogether), your tickets can ia. elude transportation to the gateways Sf M8gicFYeUowS"One CCOt f e i M a r a i l f a ° «- And * e tO C o l o r a d o theaskiog ' d * fo ® En route between Glacier, Yellowstone and Colorado von travel nghtpast tfae Black Hills of South Dakota andTcVn stop
H0T Chromium -Plated Ware Deciric Ware, Fcacy Pieces. Etc. A most complete line of Thermos Bottles. Just the thing for s cold drink in summer Sizes from pint to half gallon.
... Colored Luncheon Ware And special sale of Iced Tea and Luncheon Tunsbiers in bright decorations. All colors £t
€ 7 EACH
Visitors end Purchatert Equally Welcome
ih'r (fc'ir ri
Or. h
Whether you travel independently or prefer to join a congenial group on aa all* expense Escorted Tour —with everything planned and paid in advance—"Go Burlington" for the best travel value. -
These are the lame, authoritative laces that smartest young women will adopt for the many semi-formal occasions which permeate the I"! HP summer scene. Sizes 12 to 20 I#e
ihr. .' .'«• is
Enjoy DOUBLE-MELLOW Old Gold Cigarettes with your dinner.
iT t h s
he members of her Afternb at a luncheon at her 'hursday afternoon, June
Sisterhood of the Talmud lodety held a meeting on day afternoon at the if Mrs. Abe Qillpaky, 725 • street. Musical program isented by the Misses Florteinberg, pianist, and Eseinberg, violinist. Refreshwere served bj' the offithe organization. A large attended this meeting.
brilliance.and intellectuality. His' 'through philanthropy alone and OO'.UUCt precise French mind has been j that colonization was the only ofmellowed with- the years but the j . within F«lc . ficient way. !)orc:< spirit that made him struggle for j | A national Jewish center in • justice, peace, international ami- j ! Palestine was helpful, he said, but i Jerusalem — For ty and a more abundant, life for i the laboring masses remains as | ardent as ever. ; It is a momentous hour for Eu-; rope and for the world; Europe j By the Service Life Insurance' ; has long, needed a, man to whom; Company, Omaha peace is more important than na- : ; tional grandeur and amity more; T(J d e l a y t h g p u r c h a s P o f ' j n s u r . : sacred than conquest. This June :a n c e . g j n d e e d & d a n s r e r o u s p r a c . \ the first Jewish head of a world ; tice _ I n v e s t i £ r a t i o n a ; d s n i d v o f power since Disraeli steps upon; o n e i n s u r a n c e . c o m p a n j -- £ ex P er- :
iiiul ' oirtcp it \vns rc-mpn: •e<l in t h e (>V :ll
1. i ' ' c i I
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t h - Jowi=h 1 i l n ; r
!'ro;;<ii-;i. t
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• ( • ! ! !
complete f the
Not since Disraeli has a Jew' myself assimilated, and I feel mise. played a leading role in European ure there . is no element, how- Held Successor to Jean Jaures. the Stage. . . Jence over a period of three ; politics. NOAV the stage is set for iver subtle,, of the French culture ; j months brought to light that o u t : As head of the socialist party which is alien to-me. Yet, though Leon Blum to be cast-as France's for 17 years — (Copyright, 1936, JewisU T e l e g a | ^ dm._! successor to Jean Qf & tQm of ,,__, ^ I feel -myself to be genuinely first Jewish premier. many call him — Blum phic Agency, Inc.) :ing this periodi 16 deaths ,-ere j It is a tense world audience French, I do at the same time Jaures have hell an important due to old age while 2,736 per-j that turns its eyes to the Europ- feel that I am a Jew . . \ I have might post in the French government sons died at premature ages. t »»w .. ean stage -waiting to see how this always known that a Jew can be before. He refused cabinet posiAt the time these 2.752 persons character who enters on the nothing else but a Jew." tions because heieared he wouHl received their insurance policies, scene with.such apparent abruptThree loyalties has Blum—to be betraying- the working class by each was in sound healthy condi*"" tO *** ness will influence the drama of France, to the Jews and to labor with a bourgeois tion. Each one had every reaeyents. The stage haB been pre- —and one more that often out- co-operating, son in the world to expect that he pared for the entrance of a hero; weighs all others. That is, his de- government. would live to a ripe old age, but It i3 "a moftieiit of conflict and of votion to peace. There is no man Rather than use the socialist as the figures show, most of them crisis. — who so sincerely desires an end party as a springboard to a reac, P E O P L E ! . . . When that By ROBERT STOXE i did not. tionary cabinet, Blum has bided How, the audience asks itself, to war, and few who have worked his time. Indeed, his whole career SCHECHTER B R O T H ERS, Another interesting- r e c o r d stack of "pancakes" gets cold and Blum, a Socialist, act toward as hard as he to obtain that end, has consisted of biding his time KOSHER POULTRY DEALERS I showed that out of all claims paid clammy, all the appetizing Sure is albeit with not much success. The „„„ „ „ swaggering, triumphant Italy? ~ -opportune „, WHO UPSET NRA, NOW BANK- j m one year. 6 per cent « r e on and waiting for the 6 How will he deal with Hitlef, platform on -which he and his col- moment. There is nothing phe- RUPT . . . The NRA defeat was Persons who died during the first gone. Isn't it the truth? leagues of the popular front were for whom he may be presumed nomenal in Blum's rise to power; an empty victor}'. policy year and that -. _ i , per Same way with a cigarette that gets to have a three-fold hatred: the elected calls for "peace, liberty it was a series of slow, deliberate JEWISH HOBO KING IRKED cent of the deaths occurring were and prosperity." First, peace. dry or soggy. Stale cigarettes have rancor of a Frenchman, the 4bsteps and he prepared each inch AT FAILURE OF HIS FELLOWS | among those who had been insurf o r l e s s t h a n tv:ent ears O r lost their fragrance and flavor . . . horrenceof a Socialist and the of the way before him. | TO DENOUNCE NAZISM . . . His ! ed ? J" Expected to Deal With Hitler will overcome his irrita- dinarily it takes about 2 9 years isn't that the truth? bitterness of a Jew? for Feace. Blum's socialism was hardened majesty , before the deposits on a life inWaits Calmly for His Cue. Present indications are that his in the crucible of the world war. ttion. Two jackets of Cellophane keep While the' world questions, consuming passion for peace will It was a wonder that he became a QUEBEC P A R L I A M E N T surance policy compounded at Blum, beloved of the common prompt him to overcome his re;- socialist at all, for he had been SCENE OF UNPRECEDENTED intrest equals the matured value. that "right off the griddle" freshness •people, hated by his opponents of pulslon and deal with Hitler. In born into the comfort of a rich 4 N T I - J E W I S H DEMOXSTBA- These are interesting: figures in Double-Mellow Old Golds. Each the right, is not nervous at the a recent speech, which was re- silk merchant's family and could TION . . . Don't take it seriously when you stop to think that 29 thought of the role he is to play, garded as his statement of policy, have become a gentleman of lei- —the noise came from the gal- years of constant saving viU only of those two jackets is moisture-proof for he has been cast in it by the Blum was reported as having held sure. Instead, he took law, then leries. ! equal the face of the policy and Cellophane; the highest quality obFrench people: who repudiated out an olive branch to the nazis. turned to literature and worked GERMANY AND ITALY PLAN \ that 2 7d u^r i nper cent of the persons tainable. fascism and swept the popular He declared that he sought co- as a dramatic and literary critic TO SETTLE REICH JEWS IN j *V™S S ° n e >'.ear h a d P a l d 7-_ „ » _ „ _ _ r. ,«m., -n,, ^ w * the ! premiums on their insurance less front into power, giving Blum's operation with all countries, reTO n the \ premiums This double Cellophane wrapping Butt whaf do ETHIOPIA 20 years. own socialist party a plurality of gardless of their internal regimes, forDuring I than twenty years. this period he saw a Jews plan to do about it? keeps out dampness, dryness, dust; 146 seats. in an effort to banish the specter great deal of that dynamic socialPOLAND S E E K S COLONY j every other foe of cigarette goodness. How much Blum is loved can of a European war. ist leader, Jean Jaures, but as- FOR ITS SURPLUS JEWISH Colonization Seen It gives you FACTORY-FRESH cigabe realized when it is recalled Before the third reich, Blum sumed no important part in the POPULATION We think that that Albert Sarraut's government had been a firm friend of Ger- socialist movement. There came a some governments are regarding! As Only Solution rettes . . . as fresh as they left the was almost overthrown when many. For the sake of the nazi great change during the war. On the Jews as shock troops for their < — machines at the factory. royalists attacked Blum's car and doctrinaires who have It that in- the first day of the war Jaures imperialistic aims. I Warsaw (JTA).—Lord Marley, seriously injured him. The ex- ternational Jewry suppressed the was assassinated and after that „„ __. QUEEN OF HOLLAND BANS ; English statesman, appealed to (Signed) P. LORI&LARD COMPANY 'citement that followed resulted in reich after the world war it might Blum turned so fervently 'to so- NAZI GREETING IN HER PRES- the Polish Jews during a lecture Established 1 7 6 0 the dissolution of the three mon- be recalled that as late as Sep- cialism t h a t he was later able t o i E N C E . . . The queen of Holland ,here on the Jewish problem to . ; understand Great Britain's diffiarchist organizations. tember, 1932, Blum supported announce in parliament; "My re- j is a real man. RUDOLFO GRAZIANI, ITAL- ] cult position in Palestine, the PoP . S» Yes, indeed! That "Dotxble-Meneu-Back" offer "Le bon papa" (the good papa) the move for - German equality. ligion is socialism.'1 Blum is fondly called by many. And the year before he conHe emerged from the war a j IAN JEWISH G E N E R A L , .lish Telegraphic Agency reported. is still open. Good lor SO days from this date. And there is a simile current in demned the Versailles treaty, at a veteran socialist. In 1919, he j NAMED TERRITORY VICEROY _ _ i He said, that the solution of the i France, "as straight as Blum." meeting of the Socialist Interna- wrote the socialist platform, ran j OF ETHIOPIA , Viceroy of Jewish problem was not possible How much this cultivated, re- tional. \ for deputy and was elected. Soon : Ethiopia under Mussolini does . fined" socialist is hated by the Blum's government will have, afterward -he succeeded to the not mean much power. j rightists was demonstrated by the among its numerous problems, leadership of the party, and has ARABS JOIN JEWS IN DEDIroyalist' editor, Charles Maurras, the matter of financing French guided its destiny ever since un- j CATION OF THEATER AT NAwho proclaimed in an editorial: participation in the Berlin Olym- til it is now the major party in!THAN!A . . . But the war in Pal"I personally make myself respon- pic games. The required credit of \ i estine grows daily. France. sible for the assassination of two million francs has not yet Today, no longer young—he-is Blum!" heen voted and. the question has 64—Blum might well have pleadAnd assassinate him the royal- evoked considerable discussion. ed that his poor health did notFOR RENT ists almost succeeded in • doing Shortly after the May 3 elections permit him to become premier. last February when they attacked it was confidently prophesied that But, somehow, that would _have 2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully the car in which he was riding, the new radical government would served as a wrong climax to the furnished. Electric, gas and cut him to the jugular vein with turn, thumbs dojrn on..the appro- drama of his own life. His rise a torn-off license plate,; dragged priation, but now observers are •rfas too careful, too steady for phone included. Gas heated. him from the c a r a n d ' were only not so certain. What his govern- > him to fall short of the summit. Call We. 3527 on Sunday. prevented from giving him worse ment will do" one can only sur- Blum brings to his great job treatment by the intervention of the police. Blum as a Jew. The rightists hate Blum the more cordially because he is a Jew". Yet he has never taken the pains to conceal this fact. To the contrary, he has served as a member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. . And when, after the war. Dr. Chaim "Weizmann and the late Dr. Nahum Sokolow were knocking at the doors of governments to obtain indorsement of the Jewish homeland, it was BJum who supported" them in their negotiations with .trench statesmen. On his Jewishness, Blum has himself spoken thus: "As far as I am concerned, 1 am - a French Jew and a good WITH SUPEH-EAFE CAEEENE Frenchman. I attended French schools; my friends- are French; I have held official positions . . . I speak French perfectly and without a trace of foreign accent. Even my facial features are free of particularly conspicuous racial traits. I am entitled to consider Don't let big 1»»-J* «*op frombuyingaFoH.The. • oVt is Panel Initk on ihs / _ ,• rtop this inch whnlhae. It h s f f"t ,' The C F I plan may Interest you I Small monthly payments . . . I n city of 209 IUIIC fcec ' / / a capacity
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THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1936. retire . . . Another version is that ages for this festive day. One can Alfred E. Smith pleaded with him Moslems Asked to see them selling, for example, the GEMS OF THE BIBLE to keep out of this year's election Ignore Propaganda Messiah riding on a ''onkey, Eliso as not to put Smith personally AND TALMUD jah with a trumpet in his hand, on the spot'. . . The true story, New York (JTA) — A resoluBy O. O. DASHER Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by which will be told later, will re- ton urging Arabs to ignore the and Hainan hanging on the galveal that Jewish influence was j propaganda of hatred and animos- lows. Because sweet things' are THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Rejoice not when thine enemy the deciding factor . . . Among j ity stimulated by their leaders so popular on this clay, the Arabs falleth and let not thy heart be the wild rumors revived by the j was adopted st the sixth amrual Subscription Price, one year • » . • - . . - . - • - 12,00 glad when he sturableth. Governor's announcement is the convention of the Federation of have called this Jewish holiday Advertising ratea furnished on application. Don't be a too frequent visitor story that he will succeed Henry Palestinian Jews, organization "the festival of sugar." in thy neighbor's house lest he be Morgenthau, Jr., as Secretary of j which is made up of native PalEditorial Office; 6OB-Brandeia Theater Building. sated with thee and hate thee. the «Treasury . . . State Senator estinians. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center * Boast not thyself of tomorrow Samuel Mandelbaum, who is slatStating that Palestine Jews DAVID BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editor for thou knowest not what the ed to be named to one of the Fed- wish to live peacefully with their FRANK ft. AGKERMAN • . * . - . - - - Editor next day will bring forth. edal judgeships in the New York j Arab neighbors, the resolution FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent Let another man praise thee district, eats only kosher food . . . I said, however, that "the Jewish £24 Insurance Btfg. and not thine own mouth. ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City. Iowa. Correspondent When he was a vistor at the Exe-1 people will not be frightened by * Wiring of all kinds. To do righteousness and jus- cutive Mansion in Albany during ! acts of violence carried on by Even in Vacation Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24tn Street . tice is more acceptable to the groups of terrorists and murder* Motor Installations, the Roosevelt administration, ! By Rabbi Frederick Cohn Lord than sacrifice. ers." Mrs. Rooserelt personally cooked With. Shevtioth Jewish religious activities come practical* Lighting Fixtures. are friends that one hath Jewish food for Mandelbaum . . . ly to an end. As the cynieally-inclined rather caustically re- to There hi3 own hurt but a loving Which reminds us of the followEstimates Gladly Furnished - Jewish education in America is still recognized as a major marks, "God, too, goes on vacation.", Purim, in the Sephardic quar-' friend • stleketh closer than a ing unpublished^ incident about Call Bui;, no, God does not g o o n vacation and God may be brother. problem confronting our future efforts. Though the clouds of the recent Jefferson Day dinner ter of Jerusalem, is a day of eat-! with us even in vacation. True religion does not depend alTAIiMUD AT. G479 in New York at which FDR was ing sweetmeats'. The Jewish con- • snbveraive movements in this country and the disquieting together on organized religious activities. Religion is the wor- Rabbi Joshua said, "Woe unto the guest of honor . . . When the feetioners make all kinds of imconditions affecting the Jewish populations in Palestine and ship of the heart and the soul may worship wherever it may the ag"e whose leaders you are, waiters were ready to serve chickEurope tend to distract our attention from the question of be. Religion is the reaction of th? finite to the Infinite, and you do not know of the cares with en to the guests. Harry Hersh|4 the scholars are occupied field sent the following note to giving our Jewish youth an education, sober reflection always as long as man %hall be man and God God, there will be which and whence they derive their live- Jim Farley: 'Dear Jim—Keep the . brings us back to the necessity of arming our growing chil- religion. lihood." away from FDR . . . It'll . Whether tossed on the waves of the mighty ocean or re- Our rabbis taught, When Rabbi chicken dren with a proper Jewish background and education if they remind him of the Schechter siding quietly by some placid lake; whether looking up to the Eliezer became ill his disciples case" . . . This is the explanation are to fully appreciate their future Jewish life and find the hills,- "whence cometh help" or inhabiting the wide stretching came to visit him, they said to why the astonished audience worth-wbileness of their Judaism. plain; on land or on sea, or, as the present-day terminology him, "Teach us the right way of the President convulsed It would be an exaggeration to say that Omaha can be has it, "on land, on sea and in the air," we are always as Her- life so that we may deserve to laughter while readirgr the meseternity." He said to then*; sage sent him by Farley . . . The fully satisfied with the Jewish education given its children bert Spencer expressed it, "in the presence of an. Infinite and inherit "Be careful to honor your com- New York Republicans are planEternal Energy from which all things proceed." aa a whole. Altogether too many do not receive a sufficient rades, restrain your children from Natures snblime and ever-changing phenomena must in- frivolous thoughts, let your chil- ning to nominate a Jew for ConJewish training. And altogether too many quit their Talmud in the coming evitably arouse admiration, awe, adoration, worship. From dren mingle with learned people. gressman-at-large election . . . German restaurants Torah education before the time is ripe. However, we can this root of reverence springs religion. Religion's crown is Yorkville are charging patrons pride ourselves in the fact that our community is alert and upright and noble conduct. Wherever we may be, whoever we and by these means you will de- j in a 25 cent surtax to raise funds j for a monument to Bruno Richis making a constructive effort to remedy the situation. A may be, it behooves us so to demean ourselves, "as ever in the serve eternity." Rabbi Chama said, "Never j great Taskmaster's eye." So will we be expressing the very ard Hauptniann . . . Walter H. long step forward in bringing Jewish learnings and scholarshould a man show preference for j Schulman, son of Rabbi Samuel soul to fruitage of religion. We can always carry about with ship among <rar youth to its proper plane will be taken with one child over his other H. Schutaar, has resigned as Asus a religious atmosphere and exert a religious influence. dren." • J sistant United States Attorney . . 1he opening of the Yeshiva Department of the City Talmud So whether fitted out with vacation togs-and faring forth Juda said, "In a town! WE'RK TELXIXG YOTorah, at the Jewish Community Center next Tuesday eve- with golf sticks, tennis racquet, fishing paraphernalia or what thatRabbi is hilly and has slopes and j Leon Blum, France's new prening. This will be a public ceremony, with Rabbi G. H. Kauvar not,'or with only a "book of verses (or the latest fiction) un- i valleys man will become old pre- [ mier, may appoint a Jewess to of Denver a3 principal speaker, and the Jewish public should derneath the bough"; or whether making ourselves as com- (maturely," (because it is a great his cabinet . . . The sound of i strain on the heart). twelve bullets striking the breast be there as an appreciation of the forward-looking view of fortable (and as resigned) as possible in the familiar haunts Rabbi Samuel said, "He who of a traitor is how .. French antiof home; all day everyday we may be sounding the Maker's our Jewish education leaders. praises by living gratefully the life as it comes from His allSemite has described the name of Much stress should be placed on the aims of the Yeshiva bountiful hand; till that Divine Service which is existence, and jnorance) for the sake of learning] Blum . . . To this siHeadquarters for Torah shall finally be raised,! let" one of your | Department, which corresponds to high school work in the the ceaselqflr homage of the ages, is ended, closing as every [the | but he who muzzles his mouth i Talmud Torah. If Jewish education has been failing in Amer- hfe should* with the appropriate, brief but beautiful bene- j (because he is ashamed to exposej name for you in the i FREDERICK COHN his ignorance to his teacher) willj true Parisian manner . . . Dr. j ica, it is because during the most important years of the stu- diction. have to put his hand to the mouth j Stephen S. Wise mny have to go j dent's life he is not "exposed" to the great treasurehouse of (when he in return shall be ques- | to Europe before the Washington ! Jewish culture aud ideology. If Judaism could be inherited tioned)." j Conference of the American Jew- j Only the word "headquarters" deRabbi Abin said, "He who •' ish Congress on urjent and vital I Erom the past in the same manner that a child inherits the scribes The Nebraska's vEst straw hat forces time will in return be j Zionist business . . . The Metro-! nose, eyes and hair of its parents, we would need no educashowing. Straws in every new braid pressed by time but to hira who I politan Opera was prepared to tional institutions to transmit.Judaism from one generation . . . straws in every correct shape. gives way to tirae (yielding pa-; produce an operatic version of By DE. THEODORE N. LEWIS tiently to circumstances) time i 'The Dybbuk' by a Brooklyn Jew. to the next. If Judaism for the Jew meant nothing more than Eabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux City will gi v e •'way to him." YacLt Straws - $ 1 . 5 0 to S3 but has dropped the idea since the three E's of secular education, reading, writing and ariththe opera of the same name has metic, it would be sufficient for a Jewish child to attend inSoft Straws - S1.50 to $10 been given by the Detroit Civic E A R T O F MIMSTERIXG TO j serious, as that of Bialik's 'The stitutions of Jewish education until he is Bar Mitzvah, and T HTHE Opera . . . SICK by R. C, Cabot ana Masmid." KNOX STRAWS STETSON STRAWS PERSONALIA R. Xu Dicks. The Macmillan Co. there learn how to read a prayer book in Hebrew without The anthology, however, is valSS4 pages. $3. MALLORY STRAWS uable and should encourage the knowing the content of the prayer; or learn how to chant Harry Hershfield. will be in j This volume i s the joint effort reader to cultivate a wider ac- poLITICTS Holywood shortly on a big movie j prayers on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. But Judaism can of a distinguished doctor, R. C. quaintance with recent and con-j And Msny Others . . . Cdy Combined neither be inherited nor acquired by a child in the first thir- Cabot, known to a large jgroup by temporary -. Hebrew poetry. The- Governor • Lehman's sudden de- , contract . . . Sara Jaffe spent ten i virtue of extensive and helpful themes are anything but uniform^ * cision not to run again, notwith-:weeks- in the film capital drawing \ Showing st The Nebraska teen years of his life. We do not expect a child to understand (writing, and R. L. Dicks, a minis- depending on the author's taste (standing FDR's and Jim Farley's | a fat salary without having work-1 the intellectual and cultural and spiritual work of history un- ter and a much younger man. Tee and temperament, purposes a n d | p r e s s u r e o a nt m t o stand for a; ed for even one minute. . . The j less he is trained in it during the years in which he is matur- two produce a volume that is fresh, stimulating and of exceping - - and the years immediately after the age of thirteen tional significance to the minisills in Jewish, lif^, especially re- political insiders claim that the j made was dropped . . . are most plastic. Hence, we who believe in advancing the ter. ' . .! ligious. Others ignore Jewish dif- death of his brother. Arthur, who 1 CORRECT APFA-KEI. FOR HEX AKB STOilSN cause of Jewish education welcome the opening of the Yeshiva (Copyright 193S by Seven Arts! Few occasions offer the repre- ficulties and treat of th& beauties was the senior member of the \ Feature Syndicate.) Department and hope that it is just another rung up a lad- sentative of religion such^oppor- of nature and the mystery .of life. Lehman Bros, banking house, pretunities for helpful service as "A Harvest of Hebrew Verse" der which leads to a more intensive and more vital Jewish sickness and hospital confinement. deserves a place in "the libraries cipitated the Governor's action, education. Rarely is the minister's visit as and curriculums of religious others are just as confident in inrichly appreciated and necessary. schools. It will prove particularly sisting that former Judge CohaPhysical suffering and danger helpful to older and more mature lan's attack decided Lehman to and the possibility of death com- students seeking an acquaintance j pel human thought to meditations with modern Hebrew literature. The Jewish answer to Arab bullets is redoubled efforts that are profoundly religious and. The n o t e s and biographical 2 mm EVENINGS [ Paxton Mitchell Co. toward rebuilding the Jewish homeland. While the duin-dum which can be made to yield rich sketches clarify much of the conFoundries of Moslem rifle-shots continue to tez-rorize the Holy Land, the and abiding results. In a crisis, tent, which, is occasionally obSAYS: especially where life or death is scure to those unfamiliar -with. 37th »nd Martha HA. 5323 Jewish pioneers - - alert but patient - - continue their recon- the issue, the minister is most Hebrew. Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft struction of Palestine as the well-spring of Jewish hope in welcome, his presence assuring Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Castand his words comforting. ' the future. Berlin Mas3 arrests of Jews ings. Wood and Metal Patterns How to derive full advantage of charged with "race defilement" > Indicative of the spirit animating the new Jewish cbalut- jthis rare opportunity, how the Standard sizes Bronze a n d Iron j Sewer Manholes, Cistern zim is the work being done in memory of a depaz*ted Omahan minister can render the maximum are continuing throughout the Bushings. Rings and Covers. Cleanout Doors. Weights a n d Yellow Brass who was dearly beloved not only in his home city but in all i service to the sick, is described in [country, it became known when Sash Plumbers* Ferrules, carried In this novel volume. Physical uainJDer Stuerm'er published a list of stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronze ana communities who knew him. The lapidus Memorial Forest xu is invariably accompanied by menCast Iron Grilles a Specialty. 32 Jews who have been given long Palestine is a project which is meeting a warm response, a tal suffering and the latter often prison terms on this charge. fitting permanent memorial to the name of Harry Lapidus. The causes more agony and is more disastrous than the physical tor\ • {**$ / \U ' A. Z. A., junior B'nai 5'rith, whose international headquarters ments. Mental tortures, fear, are located here in Omaha, is sponsoring the memorial, which worry and uncertainty, which, not <£"*%£. will honor the memory of Lapidus through the planting of a being in the province of doctors <">£ ! * are ignored, must nevertheless be ,forest of one thousand trees in the Holy Land. The forest will treated, and—if at all possible^— » . I O Oss'f Pay fcr Seedless Gadgets i i be planted on the property of the Jewish .National Fund in healed. The one best qualified to I "' | © Dca't Pay Excess Gcrrent Scsfs Palestine, and the response thus far demonstrates how many do so is the skilled and devoted At this lovely garden of enjoyment you can esoape those minsiter. As mental ills often defy are eager to pay tribute to the memory of a man who worked analysis, so does treatment pre1 i j © Den't Psf EKSSS Vstestlccs . >, I ' work-a-day cares - - under romantic lights - - dancing: 30 tirelessly and so selflessly in the interests of his fellow men. sent difficult obstacles and requires patience, faith and skill. to the soothing music of enchanting melody-makers - I I •& Den't Pey for Iclsy Opiraflcif Thus, even in death, Harry Lapidus is doing constructive The authors, informed and truly surrounded by your friends and acquaintances dining work for his people. The forest in his name being built with consecrated, consider the many ' @ Den't Psy fcr Inefficient insulation and elusive mental perroyally'from the choicest of menus. funds contributed by those who knew him and his work is complex plexities of patients and suggest /-". helping to further the great cause of rebuilding the Jewish to the minister ways and means See Our "Dance Cocktail Eevue" national homeland. Palestine is sadly lacking in-forest .re- of attacking them, so as to prox vide healing to the soul and spirit • with . sources. About thirty per cent of Palestine is suited for refor- and thereby hasten physical reestration. Only four per cent has been replanted, leaving covery. Pear! Dawn and Guy Bertrand V twenty-six per cent of the entire suitable land in need of trees. This is indeed an indispensable Dance Team from ,IF I*. New York's White Way Trees are vital to any land whose population is essentially volume to the minister and anould • ruraL First and foremost, water is a precious gift in the east; be to the physician.
can be distinguished from aiar by the green and comforting shade of tree lines that surround it. And. in the present Palestinian disturbances, the difference between the two outlooks may well be summarized by comparing the barren tent of the Arab pitched on the burning sands with the refreshing, pulsating, growing activity which characterizes the Jewish initiative in transforming the swamps of Palestine into a land which once more flows with milk and honey. Those of us who will always remember the impressive influence of Harry Lapidus on Jewish life can participate in this memorial forest which will perpetuate his memory by sending a contribution to Nicholas M. BrazjvllS W. Wayne, Port Wayne, Indiana.
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if it is allowed to run to waste, swamps'and sandywastes are A H A R V E S T OF HEBREW formeoL The valuable fertile top layer of the soil is swept VERSE. Translated, by Harry. H. Fein. Bruce, Humphries & away from the denuded hilltops unless there is sufficient vegBoston. S2. etation to conserve it. Trees are not only beautiful but very Co., "A Harvest of Hebrew Verse" useful as an agent in preventing soil erosion. Trees protect contains excellent selections from th,e soil; roots lead the water deep into the ground to be the writings of some o£ the more figures of the Hebrew stored up there and be gradually fed out by springs all the impressive renaissance; Abraham Baer Lebyear round. The leaf later absorbs and holds the water like ensohn, Micha Joseph. Lebeusohn, a sponge; the forest might well be said to be a natural storer Mordecai D. Brandstaedter, Constantine A. Shapiro, Mordecai Z. of water.. In addition, timber for building and commercial pur- Alanne, Saul Tchernichovsfcy, Dr. poses and wood for orange crates are very important. Manv j Meyer Halevi Letteris, Judah Loeb varieties of fruit trees, particularly the orange, are much ae- Gordon, Dr. Solomon Mandelkern, Uenahem M. Dolitzfci, Chayim N. eMmated in Palestine, with Palestinian fruit already a favorite Eialik, Jacob Cohen and Zalman on the European markets. Schneiur. •- t It is unfortunate that the ediPalestine in the popular mind is pictured as a hot, barren tor-translator was too rigidly limland. And that is what it would probably remain if the Arabs ited in space and did not pick who seek to stop Jewish immigration were to infect the Jew- more liberally from tbe works of these gifted a n d significant au-. ish chalutzim with., their drooping spirit. The Jewish colony
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thors. some of the omissions are Enjoy DOwBLE-MUJLOW Q14 Gold C%arcff€S with year omser
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1935 this festive day. One can t sellinb', for example, the riding on a donkey, Eli-* i a trumpet in his lu.nd, man hanging on the galBecause sweet things are iar on this day, the Arabs .lied this Jewish holiday tival of sugar." :
COHEX-RODIXSKY ! ZEESER-BIAMEXTBLUi DESSERT-M7XCHEGX tizzs'zmi mil boasty -Lci'^ai ot Jewish women Mr. and Mrs. B. Rodinsty an-; WEDDIXG Mrs. David-A. Golfistein, educaT h e P l e a s a n t J i I I I c e u i t - i e r y ^ o -: T h p h o i _ ; c a n d ^ u r r i f ' U o f if»r. nounce the approaching marriage i T o t h e s t r a i n s o f a h a r p s o f U y Uonal chairman of- the Beth-El ; p y c i c i y w i l l l i o l d t r c c u . E r u . e c . . h i _ - . ' i'.iul. r* : r ; -. M i l ' ! . . > " . G . ' . . H . . ' . « k y v,"111 Of their daughter. Jeannette, to i Lohengrin's w e d d i n g auxiliary, entertained members of ! T u e s d a y , J u n e P . r . t <...•. B ' . : ; ; . .'f.- H ! ;l:f- . - > r . i ; ; ? : • > - 1 b c L . m l . 1 . . t e a Lloyd Cohen of Sioux City, son of jmp E au y. ci hn g M i s s Esther Blumenthal. | the Oneg Shabbos committee and i t h hostesses S bof the past iyear at \I The Campus Club's 14-piece or- c o b E y n c r o p u e f-t 2 4 U ; r . _ i u > ' i . - h - i r !'•"• •_. i v i . . b y .."><•• p - - . i i o v C o u n c i l Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen of that :d a u g h t e r o f M r ,a n d M r s . David 1 the I m p o r t ? n t bus;._<?:-_? o f . T t - v - i " ' : W O U I H I i n l m i i n r p i t o o cny. The wedding will take place ;B i u m € n t _ a l , became, the bride of | her home Tuesday. June 2, at a chestra will provide the .music at o l n s F t r e r i s . desse TT__! b e d i s c u s s e d a n t l . ' . ' ! n u - . . . - • . T i . r . i p r C o i . n c i ' nt" . T p w i P h W o m e n Sunday, June 7, in Council Bluffs. ; J I r E m i ! B l o c k Z e i n e r of Omaha,! rt-luncheon. Plans for the : the Highland Cour.try club CUDi. ,'vinf T. from 4 Miss Rodlnsfey has been esten-i S Q ^ o f M r a n d M r s J a c o b zeiner | educational work for the coming : ner-danc.e for members F.IK! out- bers are u-ced io v.iu-nf.. sively entertained. Among ner, Q f D e s * M o 3 n e s I o w a a t a p r e tty , club year were discussed. jof-town guests at the club, Saturhostesses have been her sister, | bQme w e a a i n g * h a d Sunday after- \ jfiay Mrs. J. J. Brown and Mrs. I. Par- noon, May 31, at three o'clock at j VISITING RELATIVES One of Dorsey's special dinners on t h e o p e r a t i o n of tb.p AViisw. V ' . K;ii«.:!)iuui. S a m ilman, at the Rome: Mrs. P. Gold- the home of the bride's parents, i Mrs. A. Goudchaus of Aleran- ; will be served at 6:30 p. m. Danc- D a m a n d ".he c o n i r a e t to V'ir:r':a?' \.'.' 1 LCUii? LipP, A. berg, aunt, at the Hamilton cafe; 1023 Mercer Blvd. Under a ean-jSria, La., formerly Molly Singer I ing to tbe orchestra, led by Sue t r a n s m i s s i o n line? frorr. tb;:i. i\:m:. ^ • - . ^ f / ^ . ^ ', S Tinniro, Uemy Mrs. M. Parilman at the Medical opy of white carnations and gr£en of Omaha, and her children. F r a n - j l r v i B begins at S:"0 p. re. There and n o t on -,he coiisiiiuuom-.liiy o : , . . ,. r \,nr..iK T,rvc,. rrnf?t Arts, tearoom; Mrs. William. Ro- | f e ; n s _ R a b W H a r o M ,^ Ber5er ;:,'..I"!' '„,;'., , n u ' r . r ! , W t , i ? l b r r , OmJCH-FLAXCHEK ROSENBLLM-SPEGAL ces Lee and Leo, are visiting-with ! w i l * a l s o b e a * l o o r , s h o w - r ^ . s e r " ; i h e c n l i r e TVA a c t . s e n a t h o r n e ; Mrs. Mrs j .G• Goldberg o l d b e r g aatt,, a n d Miss Rose Spegal, daughter of Miss Rose Flanchek, daughter senat.horne; G o l d s t e i n , a s . Mrs. Goudehaux's father. Mr. A. Rations m&r be made by calling I n o r d e r i o p r o m c t p ''iN:- ,-orA f ' : h - !•;••?• ni.?'"-- WF r>r t h r new Mrs C Guss cafe; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulafeotsty, of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Flanchek, t. iwe MHamilton m u w i . caie, *n,..-^. uuwj.i v e n i c n t adninn.strE.tion of ;u.s'.:jt.; . o ; i r u o-- ; r . r is-nior Council of Cantor ^ Sc hwaeikin. I Singer and her sisters. They are c a t A Et£ became tho bride of Harry Rosen- will become the bride of Albert at home; Mrs. H. Richlm , .,,7 at_t ,h.e!,performed the in the home of Mrs. Kort \ S for members wul be a n d prevent a "n:iil.tii.;U.'i!j <>'. .v.v.-:.= :•, v-'nr.'cr. hrU: T u e s d a y f.t. . ceremony thelet at the "home Mrs Kate V»t« TTnrt Mn,m(mT T^. fl a n o i presence of about one htfndred!and plan to visit here a month.. i h e 1 d o n Wednesday, June 10. Go.f s u i t s " , t h e cnmnanivF l-vr--:.l^ s> .,, f , ,"or,,,., ( i f ]N-r;. M_ G r O ( iins)vy olum of Chicago, at a beautifully Oruch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mau- Hamilton cafe; n each ; will be piayed curing the day rr,d TO'.r.t ECtiPa, naiv.-i:?. i i\f J \ A MV.; ;.».rsi;-.:.ive [.'.an.- ;'nr B Eiiinmcr s o elaUves_ O appointed ceremony at noon Sun- rice Lipsman, Sunday, June 7 . at fand at home; Miss Edith Baron |!r relatives. On each side side of of the! the 1. ±SaKer a t 'altar j .. . . . candelabra ______ _. ' VISITORS _' thpTi rV'r.npr. foTTnirpn hv thff day, May 31. Rabbi Harold Berg- 1 o'clock, at the Ijome of Rabbi { at home; Mrs. J. M. was a large con-j HERE home, and Mrs. William Bogdan- "taining seven tall lighted white er officiated. Mrs. Emanuel Simon of Kadi- : bul of cnnM'i;Mr.t C;-.;-LV;FS ;bra ib.c -,r..?> i,--ui s H. t h e n e w Harold Bergex. Shafton is cha.irnjnn of the day.Act i t " f o r t h e benefit o r ri-r',r.:i\ ,,.r,,,.-\.,.....;;;^- f i; ( > ( h ; , ^ ciiairmaii, tapers. The rooms" throughout The bride, \vho was given in A reception for friends and rel-! off and Mrs. H. Ferer at home. s o a ( y?iSi a n a M r >a B d M r & E(J_ p cJr.^se? cf ppopie 1;VH;~ i " z r e - v ..:;', -:,-- l'.-p v ^ i i ™ a s co~rbai"marriage by her mother and atives will be held at the borne of j the house were bedecked with da- j ^ a Solig of Los Angeles, Cal., T stricted area of t h e lK-licm," >'<-'t ,,,„,... >.ir,; -\^- ,\_ n o ^ r r b p r p is grandfather, wore a white trop- the bride from 3 until 6 o'clock, j PERERPioneer ¥t osea isies and spring flowers. spending a few days with a r e paid for by a i l t h e people. ,o,l.,l<.ov(, ,.- : , r ;,, !V , rr . ^-|;li >Tfs. P a ical suit •with brown accessories. No cards have, been issued. All' Mrs. Meyer Green announces The bride was lovely in a floor; their mother, Mrs. Hannah SoHg. The Pioneer Women will hold a the marriage of "her daughter. Her corsage was of tea roses and Couspiracy is ck^rsred bc-tvecr. vid n . Co!'..-;); V.rf.. B. A. Simon length gown of Chanel pink Mac-! Mr. and Mrs. Solig wKl motor. regular meeting Tuesday, June 9, ; orchid sweet peas. ly invited. t h e d i r e c t o r s c u d 3-Ia.rold I.. Icr.ts, v.-i!I irc-acl t h e w;:y? a m ; m e a n * at £ p. m. at the J. C. C. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Perer of Pitts- \ rame lace, over a. taffeta slip, fas- > hack to Los Angeles. 1 1 Mrs. Allan Kaimari, sister of \ Iraports.nt plans for the com-a s p \ V A A d n i i u i s l r a t o r . to c;is'r> conuuiiifi , s>.s^isieu by Airs,. I . I burgh. Pa., will. take place Fri- ! hioned on princess lines and.flar-j ji n the bride, who was matron of PASSER-EPSTEIJf , on a s y s t e m a t i c c r i u u a i c n t o jioudy, £ year's activities will be disled from the knee to the floor. CHICAGO . honor, wore a Palm Beach suit, _ MiS3 Edith Epstein, daughter! ^ ^ . ^ J j / ' v 1 a ° ^ J u a t e o f i s h i r r e d lace cape was attuned to [ Mrs. Jack B. Rubia and daugh- cussed. Every member is urged to coerce and iiUimidrue tSie u'.;S::y her corsage was of talisman roses 1 attend con'.jianics in tl;e TVA err-P. ' " , _ _ ,,_ , , , r Central High'school and attended. her gown and was caught at the terT Helene, of Chicago, 111., spent | and yellow sweet peas. " will become the of Stanleyi sell their distribution s;ysu n;« PP.;; .tif/ccrf t W ( m university_ M r . P e r erineckline with a beautiful rhinethe past two weeks "at the hoae T5i>:- Ciiy of London Mr. • Allen - Kaiman sersred as Passer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mor-| transmiPFJon linrs r : i b r r TO TVA l-om^n his bachelor of science;stone clip. Her tulle veil was of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosen-] Cairo (\vKS-Palcor best man. " ris Passer of Council Bluffs, Sun-i or to the!tiPFr.t Tirirr. "Wi>or;-t ir ? ^ y of i caught with pink rose buds. Sne stein. from Universit |Joseph Cattaoui Pasha, Prc-Fident; 'confrrcpf in Berlin After the ceremony a dinner bouquet of d a shower h b t of JonJon 'of the Jewish community of Cai-'• arbitrarily fixfci by vb.p TVA far io r;i»nv. fe*£!Ji£ *^ ± at ^ S S > n^w attending carried for thle immediate family .. was Jewish Community Center. quil pink roses and sweet peas. i.SUMMER FOR?,IAIi below the fair value of the pro- of ;?:o Uiirviiin io'iu! X'nion or Lothe Creighton university medical jro, was appointee! by th* Epyp-j I'.'il A i : ! ! - o r i ; i i ' K . given at the Cocoanut Grove. Mrs. Charlea Guss, sister of the The bride was attended by herj The Delta Kappa sorority will'tan Government as the first Jew-; perty. While carnations and snapdrag- bride, will serve as matron of school. , sisters, Mrs. Carl Studna of Kan-j hold their annual summer formal lisa member of tbe Senate, ; ons were used in the centerpiece, j honor.'..Mr. Chares Guss will serve isas City and Mrs. Elmer Gross of j i n the form of a "Swing Dance" j A noted economist and fcistor-j Mr. and Mrs. Rosenhlum will Mr. Passer as best man. j Omaha. Phyllis Stndna of Kan- Monday, June S, at "the Chermot jian, and the president of the: j TO ENTERTAIN AT TEA Eecover yonr dining rocra c! scr-ts vaih c beautiful reside at the Morris apartmentThe little Misses Doris Weiss, ballroom. Jack Swansoa's orches-jEgyptian Society for Jewish His-: J o s e p h B l a n k > . ne wly elect-! s a s city served as flower girl. bone white (cr any color) lcathcr-£u:iri-.Tilcor^ not_to : hotel. ot t h e tra will furnish the isosic for theitorical StndieE, Cattaoui Pasha n P Morltz Zeiner of ' Des Des Moines M crack cr -peel—Six sects, labor r.ncl ~ will be Maybelle 'was formerly Minister oi Finance affair. w i U e n t e r t a i n the new o 1T . MARKOVITZ-ROSEXSTEIN w i U e n t e r t a i n the new offi- s e r v e d W s b r o t h e r a s b e E t m a D . material cz'rr~l:'z, frC * of Jerry Passer will act as ring cceerrgg aa nndddmm cc mm bbbee rr 888 ooEEEthe theboard board of Miss • Mildred Saferstein is in j in the Egyptian cabinet. th board of|| s e r v e o " Tlte marriage of, Miss Rose Ros- girls. bearer. directors at af a a tea tea Wednesday, Preceding ' ( directors of arrangements. She is! He is the only Jew in the pre• ..,-•. weanesaay,;| _ x i ^ — « _ the^ceremony^ ^_. . . Mrs. — -- . enstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. b UJVI. The wedding music will be home j . . 1 0 Mrs. :30 p. m. at the IjFred Boien sans "At Dawning .! being » assisted by the Misses Pearl | sent Parliament. Jlorris Rosenstein. to Abe H. played a t 2 Reuben'Kulakofsky, accompanied at the harp by Miss by Harold Kaplan, accom- u n e of Bernstein, Geneviere White and Markovitz of Hamburg, la., son of panied by George Bland. Mr. Jack Marie Swanson. Pearl Monsky. Mr. Barney Markovitz of Council Saylan will sine, .accompanied by 5410 Izard street.' . ! Mrs. Carl Studna wore a floor. Challenge TVA Bluffs, was' solemnized Sunday af- Miss Eleanor Cohen. BRIDGE-HJ>"CHEOX 'length gown of aqua-blue lace, AWABDED FELLOWSHIP Eirmin^hain, Ala.. — The conternoon, May 31, at 4 o'clock at Mrs. J. Saylan entertained at a; and she carried an old-fashioned. , SLIP 00YE1S DEArEEIES Word "has been received that ;stittitioEa2ity of the Tenncsfae CUHTAIES tho Jewish Community Center. TO BE GUBSTS HEBE bridge-luncheon Thursday in hon-, bouquet of deep red roses and 5l E l d o r e R i c M 5 n s o a of y , &n& | Valley Autlioritv Act and the Rabbi Harold A. Berger perforaMr. and Mrs. S. Raffle and son,or of her sister, Mrs. Harris Sir-j delphiniums. Mrs. Elmer ^-—— • - - tbe - - - TVA were Joseph. Richlin. has been i:V01™? program cf ted the ceremony. Milton; Mrs. Ben Winner and insky of Chicago, Miss Sally a floor-length gown of , . . a w t t l u e d a Fellowship in tbefie-1challenged in tb.e r . !?.• District. The bride wore a white lace daughters, Fanny and Marcia, of Il a y ( a bride-to-be, and Mrs. i i low net, and she earned an oid- jp a r t m e n t 0-f fcjologieal cDemistry iC o n r t h e r e b - r " i n e ^ e E operating gown. Her small hat had a face Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. R. Runack j B j_ _ recent bride. I fasbionert bouquet, of tea roses' g t ^^ University of Chicago. j utility companies in tbe Teimesa er a AUrcs the Xtnrrst rc?fr veil. The bride's flowers were and family of, Denison, la., and j ! and daisies. Mrs. Blumenthal. Mr. Richlin graduated as an ' s e e Valley regon. roses and sweet peas. T h e E a i t s vreTe tiled b Mr. and Mrs. L. Leaf of Dunlap, I ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON 'mother of the bride, wore a floori" - £ i "£ t " Miss Sophie Rosenstein, who la., will arrive Friday, June 5, toj jirs. G. Pollay entertained at a;length jrown of poudre-blue lace. honor student from North High • school in 1932 and received Ms j torneys, headed by Newton D. Eawas her sister's only attendant, be guests at the wedding of Edith" luncheon Sunday, May 31, in hon-;jf rs . Zeiner of Bes Moines. mo- bachelor of .-science degree from Ik e r . Secretary of War under Freawore coral net and carried talisi d e n t the University cf Chicago in 1 9 3 5 . ' Wilson. r o f the Misses Sally Pollay, jther of the sroom, wore a gown man roses and orchid sweet peas. Epstein to Stanley Passer, Sun-j! oRose Levin, Alice Goldberg and jof black chiffon. day, June 7. During the past year he has been i Spokesmen for the compemes. After the ceremony there was I Sadie Leibowitz, all brides-to-be, | Following the wedding doing graduate research wort un- i s a i d t b a t t h e sv-its v e r e f i ! e d t 0 a dinner for the family. clear up the constitutionality of and for Mrs. Al Baker, who v r a s ; m o n y < a r e c e p tion was held at the der Dr. Kharasch there. The couple will live in Ham-ANKOUNCE BIRTH the entire TVA act, since the U. E. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaiman | recently married. | Blumenthal home for relatives burg upon their return from a Supreme Conrt; in the recent : and friends of the younjr couple. jCARD PARTS* of Glenwood, la., announce the short wedding trip. birth of a son, May 24. Mrs. Kai- EASTERN" TRIP | More- than three hundred guests j The Royal Elite Eebetah lodge, man is the former Bernice GarMr. and Mrs. H. Jacobson l e f t j c a l I e d between the hours of four j No..-400, will give a card party ! There will be various HERE FOR "VVEDDIXG Wednesday evening for an exten-; an( j - E e v e n o'clock. finkle. 'Wednesday evenin at:card games arranged. Admission Miss Dorothy Kaplan, who has sive trip east. They will visit rel-j Mr. Zeiner and his bride left {S: 15 p.m. at the American Legion j i s 25 cents and everyone is inbeen residing in Hollywood, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Abe Klotz a n - | a t i v e s j n st. Louis, Cincinnati, Sunday night on a honeymoon jauxliiary hall, 315 So. 15th St. j vited to attend. for. the past three months, will trip to San Francisco and Los] arrive in Omaha, Tuesday, June nounce the birth of a daughter Cleveland and Baltimore. Angeles, California. The bride's 9, to attend the wedding of her May 29 t t the Clarksoi. hospital. sister, Sally Kaplan, to Harry Mrs. Klotz is the former Naomi VISITOR traveling outfit was a British tan Miss Beatrice Dulkin of Chi- alpacha one-piece dress. Schneider of Lincoln, Sunday, Pregger. cago has been a visitor the past j Ji(i^~ C0SLt of'wheat yellow linen, June 14: - . . . - . . -r weet at. the home of Mr. and n a r e d f r o m t h e v a i s t , to match. Mt. Sinai Auxiliary Miss Kaplan is planning a short The Mount Sinai Cemetery Mrs. M. Rosenstein. She wore a large British tan felt visit here after the wedding. She I hat. and matching accessories. will return "to Hollywood to make ladies* auxiliary wishes to thank everyone who donated and par- AT JOSLYN The bridal couple has been exher home. Two musical programs, both L e n s i T e i y entertained prenuptialticipated in their recent bazaar. The drawing for the candelabra free of charge, will be given a t j Women's Mizrachi '• has been postponed because the the Joslyn Memorial this Sunday . ' m ont -of-town guests ^ attend The bazaar of the "Women's ticket stubs were not all returned. afternoon. One of these will be a !! ^ attend ^ wedding j Jacob Mizrachi will be held at the Labor As soon as all the stubs are symphony concert by the , L e o n a r d Hocken. turned in a date will be set for ham Lincoln ^ school orchesLyceum all day Sunday, June 14. Mrs. William Kuklin, chair- the drawing. tra, with Rudolph Seidl conduct-, conductd £0 H a r l a n Davld.M r . Mrs. J. Finkle and Mrs. A. Hoff- ing. It. will be presented IIn the man, announces that the commit/ h : The! and Mrs. Moritz Zeiner, Mr. Meytee has received many fine pieces man, who were in charge of the concert hall at. 2:20 f > e r Hojkenberg, Dr. Sol Hocten• 11^-***^. of merchandise, including grocer- affair, announced that they wish other program, at 4 p...m., in the berg, and Mrs. Max ies, furniture, etc. Hyman Gerber to thank all those who co-oper- concert hall, will be an organ re- all of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. will conduct, tne auction at 7:30 ated to make the affair a suc- citalby Esther Leaf, assisted by I Carl Studna and family, Mr. and Eleanor Meyers, pianist. • cess.. that evening. I Mrs. Max Studna, and Joe Blumenthal, all of Kansas City; Mr. I and Mrs. Ralph Lavine, Miss Es- j fther Lavine, and Julius Lavine, j ! of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Abe j iKatleman, and daughter, Elaine, I of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron David, of Leavenworth; Miss Lillian Rubin j of J"ort Dodge; and Mr. and Mrs. j Morris Cohen and daughters, 1 Misses Lorraine and Marian Co- j jhen, of Chicago, Illinois.
,.! Dinner-Dance, at Highland Saturday
BY W. MILL! £4 Insurance B'.dg. firing of all kinds, lotor Installations. Lighting Fixtures. nates Glactiy Furnished Call AT. fi47D
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The Zotos Permanent Wave with no machinery and no electricity used at 56.55 and up. 716 Brai dels Theatre Bids.
AT. 4333
FREE... I-&S-U-R-ED STORAGE IN OUR SPACIOUS NEW VAULTS Pay cleaning charge ertly when clothes are n f i a -for next season.
chiffon. In black, white and pastels.
Lovely cool cotton frot'T»s fcr the hot (summer dnj in an cncliess array of styles, colorE and niaterials.
You'I] he timHed wlicn you HPC the assortment of frocks included at tins very lav price. Please plan an early atlcntlancc. Field of Cot Inn Shop
Hundreds Upon Hundreds of Tulip terms* of stiffened Bnea. \MS col-
1.00 IX.WILL FAY YOV. To Consult
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Voiles, learns. Eyelets, Seersucker*. Balhle, - -Sizes 12 lo 20—36 !o 46
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opy w tNEf?JQI<ASHES, IN..PAWSSXINE—As further deaths occurred,in renewed rioting in Palestine, the .'government seriously considered imposing martial law in troublesome centers, and planned an aerial sboinbawment of mountain hideouts. Here is part of anjApib gathering of more than110.000 in Abou /<Sioshi>;JirJath-Jearim, pledging •: allegiance to a~ Nationalist movement in protest against Jews!' iMeanwhile the government armed young Jews to serve; a s guards. • .......
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DIZZY—It's jiist EH incident in the unusual -wrestling match between Jos Savoldi, former Notre Dame fullback, and Vincent Lope z, Mexican champion, held recently in Los Angeles. Lopez is the person at the, so to speak, controls and Savoldi appears about to bail out without a parachute, orrperhaps to dive far out into'the broad Pacific. Lopez won thejmatch and retained his California-recognized title.
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GOLF CSAKTION—Plashing: a smile of victor Kiss Pam Barton. sensationfellS-yeErrold London golfer, poses \rtth her trophy after she .won the.Women's British golf championship. Her victory came ss & fitting- clinics to her third venture after the title, which eluded-hcr grasp in the last. tVp years.'She defeated Miss Sridget Newell' of Derbyshire by a score of 7 and 5.
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FBIENDSf— Proving an excep: tion to the belief that-Chow dogs hate all cats and.birds, and can'i •> . A not- he-:taught: faicks, here are ; two canaries and thrfee kittens •' 1 ; snuggluig. up to Her Highness iPao Oyting of Tiffany,-a Chow owned "by ~ Police Ambulance : , Driver j C;>L. Thompson of .Los :Apgeles,"Car." : •
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TEIBDTE TO K C r KiC ^ S — This h,^r^ <nemo"ial. entitled "Trescdy cf Winter C ur~'&'-c'f r a trtbrtc +r ihc 6P0 Mormon pioneers uho died & * n g ( V VJT^P- of If^C v V n bitlpr storms sad fcraine s^-ept dowr on the VC5«V-'B~C<-hound vpgor trsms. It will be erected at Omslss, iN^brcs'a T'lc i~o •< rmont v as. done by Professor Av&rd Fa-rbrrJa of *'JC rr^xrsi*' ?! I/'flugen sn New Tork.
\1 E&NGEBETTES-^-Mary Pickford. right, is shown reclivlhg an offlcialfjpommission as Texas Rangerette from Prances Nalle.the ,'4^.eb<jnnett G W of the Texas Centennial Exposition;;.Miss f Halle, Jpfflcial hostess of the Exposition opening in Dallas1, June 6, i flew to/Beverly Hills, CaL, where she personally delivered^oe^omi S ^ i P S 1 ? ^ ™ 1 6 Miss .Pickford a Rangerette. They are sh'owri«at y's home in Beverly Hills. " W''•'£
CC:.TEE1PT — John B. Kiefer midwestern . d i r e c t o r of the Townsend Old-Age Pension Plan, who was cited for contempt in de| fiance of the special House comi mlttee-investigating "the plan in 1Washington. A resolution directing the Federal Attorney for the . District of Columbia to proceed against him has been adopted.
FLYING LABOBATOEY—Amelia Earhart sits in^the nose of the special airplane which is being built for her at Burbank,*C^l.,The ship, an all-metal monoplane, wDl' serve as a flying •.laboratory for Miss Earhart.; Capable pf lifting 1.200 gallons of fuel* the plane will have a'scruising range of 4,50tf miles. A robot pilot willflythe plane while Miss Earhart makes observations.,,
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ETONIAN—Lord LasceEes, elder son of the Princess Royal and Earl of Hsrewood and a nephew of King Edward, in his top hat and Eton garb oik the grounds oi the famous Ifnglish college. when he made his first appearance as a pupil'at the school.
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t4SCEOLL'CASE<!N'SHE DAK—T5ils scrollcase at the Harris Dam near JCnosvife, VEearL forms'the SESTES OF BSAmrSf—Tiiacs have chaagsd since the famous Fioradora girls were asked "Are there , lower £»d of >the-glgKlt|c penstock planned to conduct water from Norris Lake'to the tuebines of the •*any more at home like you?" Here is a modern group of glorified beauties in Hollywood, film capital / poWer>plant. Swirling1 water win rush through the wicket gates at right of ihe workman. The Dlant 'of the world, pll ready to welcome the.opening of Movieiand's bssch season. left |3_ngfct:.Irene oa?tlie CllnchjEiver,"<is-designed--to produce ieo.000 kUowatts. - " • ^ .. . . •Tiiompsoa, JuQS-WiMas, Eloaica'Bsnaistier, £daaj:CaIIagh3ri,< Margaret Lynam, sa<i Claries Sbcrrf.
ixisfyve^bi ch or r'st.-c with I &:is Fio'.l'-e r<. t r * i-s^ . K.,1 1 . S c ISg 'Sl J i t t m p t t cDroetiaek e^Tp &t Nttm ccpjTist Joe Louis, Detroit Bon:l»rr. ft Yrrfeec Ctr^jini,. K€% York or< J m c 15. Pc*»"~icLr<E lor'' l~r t>r»- t - iv.>x Br-r
THE JEWISH PRESS, FEDDAT, JUNE 5, 1936 ing personality with whom yon can. "have a good time after the affair. -:• Q. Do yon have a good time mnggin' a little? A. Certainly . . . almost inv&riabl?!.,... ;. . -._'•:.. .-,.-• Q. Do yon always have a good time on a date? lowing holder to &0-pound reducA.-. Not always. tion 'ate available from any ot the Q." If y6u don't have a good Fellows -wjtli cars -are very pop- Alephs. * time—do you consider the money ular at the J. C. C. around 3 p.m. spent- on that particular date as because the Central gals want • w a s t e d , ? ,.-.:.. • --. : i •: rides home. Av*-Absolutely!! ',•;"."'-:.' ; There was a little - friendly ri-| There is i - •• braken-he^rted
1(161 C. E.i Xlcanor Day. after basso profundo boomed, "Home ' A splendid idea wfeich produ- of the i the destruction of the, Temple,; of Michael Loring." Not under- cers Should put to further applicUgnppeAfed ~ after A secretary handed a -IUSDU- ' gradufcliy standing, the "knew-him-when" cation ; .-•' . for instance . . . a | pal insisted on speaking to Sam book rack on the sharing mirror script to & well-known producer • the seventh century w hear nothBy HELEN ZIGMOM) | Mirviss. Pause. Silence. Then a —10 Eiintites shaved—pardon— announcing that it was a synop- ing about it— but Puviin became popular as the; dramatically changed voice an- saved. A music eland gadget ever sis. The exec pushed it aside. "I ' morf: aud m'OTt: •coffee cups—15 -minutes gained, don't want a synopsis," he said. centuries .rollnd h"~. . .. • •. , -"-HaUofs ibis 4s Sam . . ••;.?••. Hollywood, Cai.—The ascension etc. Think how much'time-will be" "What I -want to read is s synopof J. Edward Bromberg on the sis of a i!" cinema horizon marks another I If you've seen the M-Q-M short •conserved—-for g-olf and polo. star among the Israelites. He is i on the Jonker diamond you'll an important figure from the Newt-wonder . . . as we did' . . . how The English flicker,. "King- of I P'rgps it's -the hea! . . * uni I'ropertjr Yori: stage . . . plays notable part jlAzare Kaplan, a diamond cutter, the Jevrs" haE been postponed " . . .' in "tJnder Two Flags" . . . has [not an actor, could face a battery and -pre hare one tfclns: less to •(Goryrieht. It*86. .levipj-j. Te!«TTCphir AgencT, inc. 1 b^en cast fpr <m important, role in j-of- kllegs-;ana c&aienuf "with sacn •worry about. Von c&p't stop.& windin'"Sins of Man."-: '. I 1 stsadiiiets. s.nd ealia viiilts per• stona. .but yov Q$,n buy. I forming the delicate ftpsraiion > tT : Q,' Then .what Ao. you Dave Bader, agent, thought,he .In the days of. the Second Temvalry existing between two Coun- j "shoe-dog" in Council Bluffs who blind : i cleavmg ^the two - cailljon.- dollar, had- a clever^caile jaddress, "Chee- ple, ' the day preeeeing- '.Turim. --dates?. How is it that independently ot t cil Bluffs club sisters -when Ida wants to Ttnow il'"Do-Do" Is T it ' D I still Afiar, A. j ; wpuldn'f have' one, oa" a each other . Antia Kurtia acd j stone., One false , hair^-breadth v until .he received e -ntes- that is.'the thirteenth'of Lerner and Lorraine Meyers on mad at .him . . . t.would .hav«. destroyed- its value. wss also a' holiday.1 It WCB knovn marked, "Cbeesiopis;." Sam Mirviss chose the nome'de) were both running for the samej a? "Xicanor Day", ac3 cotnvtwrnQ.J What;if it were a" yisa-ver-. fUm, Ann ' Loflng and, .Mlchiel^,jThe £wi§wer . . . accordingg to iaoffice in o n e of Abraham- Lincoln Brother can'"you spare a dime? orated the defeat .of 'Xicsnor. the LorlagasdifitJaguisbed tags,-pr«- j siders sa blind daii? ",..'•—'__'. '._'.' Is that Che-reel Overheard at the village' past, High school literary societies. - N o w t h a t - t h e long looketi-forvocative of success? There's & ; shot prior to. March' 2"Eth"and' the office: George ---JeEBel'E nimble general of Ar.t.iorhtf Epiplianes, A. .Well . \ . I don't know. _; What is the .reason for Babe ward-to 'dances are' near at band, Q. Do you think dating nas Xiorlng ' Park in Minneapolis, | actual .cleavage of tbe, famous brain * gave birth. to. a' nong' fen- fey the fsTnone Judas MsccEbeup e Block's name inscribed v s o many panhandling is n o longer frowned Sain'a birthplace. As for Anita. rjewel. aid." not. take' place until titled.. !"Tbe. LaEt :of .My Fa»t.'f • b S 6 H COtflTHcrCjAliSIBQ?!-- '-' -. ' • times on the - overpass on Dodge uppn . , , A... Sure it has . . . girls expect she. mcst have been reading nov-| j April 2t. .Mr. Kaplan hatt studied Nicholas SoheDcb is a-vdirtsctor -is street? " • • • • • ' i x have several dates in* swift, suc- I to much, from ft fellow on a date. el* HoweVer, Ann won the lead' i the stbne T6r a year. Afl atifslter- 108 cojspp/nies! Maurice ScitFartu. * • • The bldB for t h e D. K. dance cession are really desperate for a itftg fiafid;a*nd;a keen eye were'' inopposite Warner S&xter la '*: •wao {jidp-'t-.; get. near: tht eccSt of: i Q. Who do .yon jBuerest 1 inwere t h e most clever things'Seen method ot making lots\o£ money | dispensable for success v ." .'SO;ftrr celluloid -while tn HollJ^wood.. b'BA is Hoad 6f £1 Dorado" . . In these parts for a long time, a c - fast •, _ ,r .' A. ;Well," there's ihoseL South Michael- signed, a long-term can-i three days before the momentous finished ' a" theatrical season in • lot cording to some ot - the D. K. tract . . . which proves : ...'^'ai loecafeion -he- went, fishtag. When Polaiid:': George GiTo't plans ' to : Omaha girls to be considered. girls. •' Congratulations to "all of t h e rose by any other name smells h« will have completed bis task, desert.--the.- "Greek tambassador** • , .(Note^lf-.-there- is-._a South I the diamondwiil lie i n l 2 pieces, after -hia ; sclinozzle . reiabdclliEf : Have some A. Z. A ; fellow tell young boys and girls w h o are Omafia^ Blri; filling to submit t& I the largest weighing 165" carats. rendere him a Greek god. Among; you why he likes SlouX City! \ g^aduatiti? „ . . -Some of the most tmpfefeslve 'accomplishments made an interview tor this column, will t,be gadgets., to. be ; install«d in j : Sam Mirvise is ' a handsome;; " • •- " "• "'' ''• : ''• • she please call the office? S. S. We wonder who waB the local ar'the Jpqal schools wero "by Jew1 : Harpo's new house will be eacala^! chap of esceptlonable ability.. Jj "Keirs Ufem—David -Selinick ippreferred) ' :' admirer of a Chicago viBUor Who ish' mud'ents » « . W e arfe^all fe^ y -very we -wish him worlds of success;stalled a special light in- his-lim- tors instead -of Btairwayp. i these had to* call her just in the- midst proud lloj..bftve< In our niioit I. . .' but wa can't resist relating]otieine that he may read ecripie or a home wedding .ceremony?^ "happy- gopd-fo'r-nothifig ^rats . . . I this story about him. It eeemsj'bn the waj' ^DfflS from the'etudio Harry Goetfr asEiirestke -world j Here's. ohSt<> pujsale over . • . that when! a former friend fromji.'. . :eEtimat€E a saving of a half- ths.t : hie latest epic-Win be Ye-1 "A Qoalitj' frodbct for b r r r r r p j - i , ; "" . - -^ /: : : A harp WAS Boftly placing Why 4s^ iV ti*V Almost all of the the homo town phoned Sam? a: %our-daily, • > leased as "Positively—-'The Last throughout the ceremony when There 'is «n ^amuSJng^Btory go- C. B-: 'fellows pay toll' across the Esther Blutnenthal and Emil ing around nd h t th* fallow f a l l w tthat h t big Spuddle 'to /take ..out ..Om&lSa t ; these the i t f yzelner were married Snuday af- refused to'fetss his- date^good- girls> andd 'at; g ; O T temoon. We hear that .the can- ,ni^ht recently tbectfuse stte^had vtha^they iake Omaha . girls'-On opy -was BO beautifully decorated ordered onions -whiter Qiey wjerre fiars to, they meet thfe for the wedding. The couple left dining earlier in the evening v , . the arm of Bomo Omaha fellow, for a wonderful honeymoon out 'Why men leave home ?'J 1•who also paid : toll acioss . the Those three ^little. Des Mofnes stream, in order to talce ©at a to glorious California. girls that J were in * Omaha over C. B. Ski* This intricate pheDeclaration day left . a - t r a i l .of nomenon is, we believe, conelabroken hearts .Mnclflentalb', slve proof of the old adage tha The chickens, are singing, the H. W. is looking "for,a-*rlde%to "the-grass on tha other Bid* of roosters are crowing and the cows Dos Molnes, the fence (or river) lookB greet; tare louder than ever in Millard tnese days, tor the whole -town- ' Louis Hartz deserves TDflr h NOTICE OF ll<JDEBTfiD^4E*S aliip "is anxiously awaiting the encomium for winning- the"-1- HerNotice 1« iiereby fidven that a U *x biggest event in the city's history, ald scholarship at Tech - - - we istlng flebU of Military The&tfre, Inr. on the flr«t day of January. 1S8<" the Mother chapter-of A. Z. A. predict" that at least'bfiEof the amounted to the sura.' of Twraty "Barns-ard Frolic," to. be .held at two scholarship winners at South three Thousand Thro* Hundred Kine ty-Bl« and 81/100 (IS3.S86.91). • High tohight\ will .be one of. ours. the Millrose ballroom on Sunday; : WM. a RAAPKE. -veiling. 3tme 7. / '" . .. • President. : Whr<? Millard is so busy dress* NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS up for the occasion, Omaha's Notice U hereby eivtn that «U . cwry is busy looking for their Q. , call a girl for istlng debU of MetropollUtn Bc«nl Studios, inc., on the t i n t day of » n : st cotton frocks, house aresses. nary. 1936. amounted to the *uffl «' • eralis and what-not, to be prop- V A. Because.- dates are ' Seven Hundred Eightyeiffht a n 05/100 ttoUara-f $788.05). " ' " '•.".." ' •' ••'"/ •_• ' ' • ? erly outfitted for the most novel a b l e . _ TCM. C. RAAPKE. and unique dance they have ever •-.-iQ. ..How, much extra, do ; you 6-5-lt Secretary. spend . attending a show if you had the privilege of attending. / haVe ft-'date,' Counting eats,, etc.? Tryouts are now belnfehJttldV for A. -Between ?1 ana 51.50. •Weighmaster," the most-wanted Come To •Q. -Is tbe companionship of a job in America today. For fb» price of admission is one cent per girl for two or three hours worth pound o f data admitB a couple. the extra doughf <or Advance tickets, for 25 cents al- . A. Not very .often. r - - . : Q. Then, may-1 ask again, why The .Best Eot Corsed -Bee ifl the City HAVktN: & SCOTT. Attya. you take asdate? •'-> y t t Bulldma ^ 'L A.^|/jfness.I*m v nnt8 > llie the rest ot the "guys. ~ \ ... OEKNDANT . Q. Is yonr reaction pleasant or Deikatessea.& LtmcH To LdUIan Weaver. nan-rEsiaent otherwise when a girl calls, .you 2417 Famam 3JL 487'. given that pur- for a date to •& sorority-dance?. Open Dally' and feunday* A. It all depends on who asks. . • rmmenit* Q. What type Of girl do you prefer? lon trettfllnir befnr* said Judge A, A good dancer with a pleas- Gold cagarettes with yoor dinner. ?^i 40-lpape 221. Thomas AV. Torpy
Our Film Folk
Here andThere
• •
. , ' . ' • " • < / .
Weigh In
victory. Miss Pam Barton, >ses -with her trophy, alter :, ionship. Her. victory came after the title, -which defeated'Miss Bridget .5.
Interview with a Boy
^ i ) . WIB plaintiff ana Ulltoa Weaver defendant, to recover the surt of S288.42. R writ of attachment wat IHsTiefl and levied upon the foil"'- -
f u n d s nmountlns to 42B6.4S lithe First National BanJs. Omah» hdfeSfca. Jn the nartiB of Lillian .#T Thomas W. Tomy, M. D., nn ftathwines Hospital* And that said ease was on the re; - turn day of tho nvimmons lgsuefl therein continued for trial to the 13th PlalnUff.
( \
Kerpic : imemorial, entitled -" " • -the 600 Mormon tfien bitter storms ,v- wagon trains. I t k .„ "zaoBpiment was done by StylSTMichigan in New
In the County Court of County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Philip Gorellck, also, known as Phil Gnrellrk,. formerly-.known 0.B Bafol >3oi"PllCk. l l k DeneaUM: D U M All Tiersonte Jnteu-hted In said matter are hereby notified thnt on the ::rd day of June, 1938. Adfth Oorclick filed n. petition tn nald County. Court, tiraylns thnt her finnl administration hcootttit filed herein be eottled and ulloWed, and that she bp dl-=Chnrpred from her trust as admininttfltrK and that a hearing will be hud on Raid jiftltlon before -Fhld Court t>n Vfie 2711] day of Juno. 193G. sind th6t if 'you fail to appear Before sajd Court on thp tltfd-2.7th day of 4UTIC. 103C, Jit 3
o'clock A. M,. and- ccmteet ealfl petition, the CoUrt may tfrant the prai-er of enld petltlpnl enter a dorrce vof heirshlp, and maUo Jiuch Other and rurlher orders, allowances a.T)d decree*, a« .to-ffltir-Court may seem pronrr, to the rnd that" all ftiatters rertfttnlnB to snld e s t a t e . may be finally asttiefl and determined. ' BTIYCR CRA^TOn G-6-3t : .-;••' • County
Try this "With, the , OLD" TIME ETJSS1AI?
Hen's a welcome change In fitvor for all lovira o t f y e J>r«ad.. Couaek Bye l» truly dark bread st-tt* 6«it . . . rich, thin sliced, finely f l a v ^ d . . . a perfect loafMor-msiu"sr titty aandwienes. You'll aeirfllrt'ln' Itfrar*" European .flavor made. Euopean daEk Ek loaf l . b l p e a i n ' b y e f u l bafii doubly-appealing'by:careful bafiina In modern bread Kitchens. A Peter Pan Product. MADE WITHOUT ANIMAL FAT
Announces'' the Opening ,,'of Its.1936 Season „ ', wit
'-.':-. ••-'"'.• ,../ .
Join the-merry throngs of gar sophisticates who will crlrtirntr r,ith ns thi«< gata'oeeadon, when Oaaha. 6grain -will trelcotne this cMiphtfnl readezvous of " . the .smart set. . . i r
Outdoor Dancing: ;:" W
To tfa-e strains of haunting 'melodies, tmder gtarlit Rkip^. living: th*> thriilinf, is spirit of today that is our theme
* Stiting Musu: hy the Greater 60 Club Band . ' " -.-'• -'" •: - Swing-iAto-th.bse 'seintiii&ting tunes with, these fourteen
v terrace &ew, "different,'" more beautiful than ever . . .where yt-u can dine einong >
. your friends. Tinder'softly shaded lights.., . from.a menu fit Ii-r roj'alt/ ' featuring'tHe oliarfMl broiled steakg you so enjoyt(k last suinmrr
'Continuous-wth an All-Star floor show direct'
Bkrly OPEN £VERT MIGHT * 7500 No. SS&—WA-0707
: 1r
; SLOTCEY, Otaah&'s Oldest Froit Hoxise
A Hemliership Club Uidcr Hew
uneiingoi Gennapyjiormer-." ins -Koblsas at, the .training : will attempt a- qojue-Uacfc Yankee Stadium, New York, M Baer. ' . - - •- - • -
from the ":c©nntty's; fittest night spots to Ibelp you
MISS ANNA PILL, corrapeadeat
Jewisli Federation Participates in City Exposition
Mount Sinai
Mr. and Mrs. Jack London of Mrs. Jean Jordan and Mrs. Madison, s. D., visited this week Hugo Blumenfeld of Chicago are with relatives Jn Sioux City. guests this week in the home of their sister, Mrs. Johanna Marx. Mr. and "Mrs. Louis Bernstein and daughter, Neoml, of MinneMrs. Fred Sherman spent sevapolis, visited in the Eli Robinow eral days in Council Bluffs this home last week-end. Miss Neomi week, visiting in the home of Mr. Bernstein has remained here for a and Mrs. Millard Krasne. longer visit.'
Harold. Grueskin, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs'. Fred Foreman of and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah 'Saturday Madison, S. D., spent the weekmorning, June 6, in Mount Sinai end in Sioux City. visiting with temple. The service will begin at relatives. Miss Esther Marsh returned with them to Madison for 10:30-o'clock. . . Following the Bar Mitzvah, Mr. a vacation. and Mra. Grueskin- will jeceive Miss Rose Bashefkin spent last their friends in the annex of the Week-end in Lizfcoln, visiting with temple. _ , • friends in the Sigma Delta Tau sorority.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks, Rosalie Sacks and Herman Sacks spen several days in Iowa City this week, where they attended the graduation, of Miss Naomi Sacks from the university.
been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, ami that due nodes of this proceeding has been given to the said.H.'21. Wallace as by law provided. MARTIN, Lienor. LEON & WHITE, Attys. City Natl. Bk." Bldg.
cept, endorse and issue promissory before the Corporation shall com- ( exceed two-thirds of its capitol stock notes, mortgages, drafts, bills of ex mence business. j The affaire of the Corpormion snail change and other negotiable instruThe Corporation shall commence i be conducted by a Board of Directors ments; to borrow and loan money; to business on May 21, 1936, and shall ! c consistingof not less than two nor o s g | engage in the retail sale and distri- : continue for s. period o" fifty years ii more than five members. j bution of spirituous liquors, fer- from date thereof, ARTE;N. j B E Hl'l-l.NKE. N JM;STOAR raented t f l and d distilled, d i t i l l d inclutlingi l d i branb jj Th The highest amount of indebted- j V. Hl'llNKE dy,, rum, whiskey, grin, and and } ness to which this Corporation m?» 'IX rRESEXCEV OF: y wine and grn, other spirituous liquors and alcohol, at any time subject itself Khali noi t- J 1 "CON. for beverage purposes; to buy, sell and otherwise deal in such eommoaNOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ity or commodities necessary to o~ m LUSTY'S INC. I associated with the retail sale am1 J>,otice is hereby given that a Cor- distribution of spirituous liquors; to poration has been formed :under the do any and all things Necessary coplaws of the State of Nebraska. j venieiit or incidental to <iie "rights The name of the. Corporation is j powers and privileges nerein " — Lusty's Inc. •fied. -- ' The •principal place of business Is The totaJ authorized rnplta! stock Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. of the Corporation shall be $10.00". v .The general nature of the business dU-ided into 100 shares of the par I to be transacted by the Corporation is ; value of J100.00 each. Said eapit-i to purchase, hold, sell, convey, as- ( stock shall be paid for pnd r,un-a=sign, lease, mortgage and transfer i sessable when issued, and may be real estate and personal property j paid for in cash, notes or propem •wherever situated; to buy, sell, own, real or personal, tangible or intanassign, transfer and mortgage bonds, at the reasonable value theresecurities and stock in other Corpor- of. Ten shares of the capital p l stock ations; to draw, make, execute, ac- of this i Corporation C t i shall hll b be paid fn< r
At the first annual exposition of Sioux City's-community organMiss Bertha Berkowitz of Los izations, the Federation of JewAngeles, Cal., arrived in Sioux ish Social Service was represented City Tuesday to visit with friends with a booth depicting the work and relatives. and functions of the federation. The exposition was held at the Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldstein city auditorium with'all organizaMiss Ruth Sherman of Tulsa and son, Paul Jean, of Chicago, Okla., is visiting in Sioux City tions that-participate in the Community Chest represented. •/ Word has been received here spent the week-end in Sioux City with friends and relatives. She The: federation's booth showed by Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, of visiting with Mrs. Goldstein's has been extensively entertained r the Trork, done with the newsies, the death of Rabbi Isadore Isaac- mother, Mrs. Leah 'Baron,- 606 during her stay here. the work - done by the. relief de- son, who was rabbi of Mount Virginia street. ' partment and -• the work done by Sinai Temple from 1921 until Mr. and Mrs. William Kutcher the character building division. A 1927, when he went to HollyLeon Dobrofsky, Sol Kronick, miniature hospital room with pa- wood, to accept the pulpit of Tem- Louis Chesen and Miss Rose Che- are visiting" this week In Chicago tient, doctor; and nurse depicted a ple Israel there. sen visited last week in Lincoln, phase ofHhe work done,by relle Neb., where they attended the According to the message reWent to Go to Ethiopia departments' of the federation. ceived in Sioux City, RabDi Isaac- Ivre party there Saturday eveWarsaw — A group of unemMiss Dena Baron, Mrs. S. H. son died Tuesday morning, fol- ning. ployed Jewish technicians and Shulkin, Mrs. Philip Sherman and lowing a heart attack. Beautiful blonde delineator of sophistiMrs, E. N. Grueskin were in Piano pupils of Miss Libbie Ol- chauffeurs have appealed to the While in Sioux City Rabbi cated rhythm heM over into ?th week J MUSIC7iy Italian embassy here to send them charge of booth arrangements. snesky presented a recital Monby popular demand. Isaacson was active in all Jewish communal work. He was a mem- day evening In the Commerce to Ethopia. The request was .forFRANK DUBOLD ber of the B'nai B'rlth and one of building. Pupils who participated warded to the-Italian government At Flano were Helen Rodin, Lorraine Shinr at Rome. the directors of the Grand Lodge dler,-Sydney Rodin, Rebecca LaOARO AND COSTA District 6 of the B'nai B'rlth. • He LOUIS E. I.IPP, Atty. ELAINE AND ELAINE was. a member of the Klwanis zere, Sally Levin, Ted Sinikin, 504-10 City Nat!. Bank BidsBallroom Danes Stylist in Grace fcnd club and the Sioux City consis- Helen Levin, Rachel Ginsburg, Beauty H Barbara Robinson, Shirley Cohen tory. •. ••• NOTICE OF S*LE UNDER LIEN and Lucille Mushkin. Among the students who gradNotice Is hereby given that on the He Is survived-by his widow, 13th day of June, 1936, a t 10 o'clock uate- this week from universities Gladys, and two children, Betty Sunday Signer Show, » F. M. A. M. at Frank Martin, Inc., 13th & Ko Gcrver Ctutrge eolleges and high schools are aand Alvin. Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabino- Harney Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the • : ^number of Jewish students. witjs, Mr. and Mrs. S. Krupnlck,- undersigned will sell a t public aucto the highest bidder for cash, Miss Lillian Romirowsky and the tion 'Neoml Sacks, George the following described property, toMisses Rose, Beatrice and Ann •wit: and Loyal Keir received degrees 1 1929 Whippet Coach, motor No. from the-University otlowa TuesAn important meeting of thePill spent last week-end in Lin96A-353142, day. MiBB Sacks was recently Hebrew Mothers club willbe held coln, Neb., as guests of Rabbi and upon which there has been expended labor, material, care and diligence by Mrs. Harry Jolt. , elected to the Phi Beta Kappa next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 Frank Martin, Inc., a t the instance honorary society in recognition of in the social hall of Shaare Zion and request of H. M. Wallace. Said sale will be for the- purpose of foreher excellent scholastic rating. synagogue. Mrs. Louis Shindler Misses Ruth and Eva Orlikoff closing said lien for costs of sale and Students who received their will preside at the meeting, and graveled-to Omaha by plane'FrI- all accruing costs and for the purpose of satisfying the amount due a program of unusual Interest A.B. degrees from Morningside day, spending the week-end there thereon, to-wlt: J7S.24; that no suit college are Marvin Klass, Arthur will .be presented. with friends. or other- proceedings a t law have Gelfand and Lillian Krupnick. -High school students who are ' Jean Shindler visited with graduating this week include Mirfriends in Omaha this week. Stetson Hats iam Barish, Miriam Blank, Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kantrovich, Arrow Shirts Brodkey, Libbie Dervin, Rosanna 913 Iowa street, announce the Miss Florence Major, 1815 McGregor Sportswear Dlkel, Ben Epstein, Shirley Fein engagement of their daughter, JackBon street,, spent last weekEvelyn Fish, Esther Friedman, Miss Hazel Kantrovich, to Max end in Storm Lake with relatives. Interwoven Socks Pauline Friedman, Eugene Haf its, Shamblott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vassar UnderwearAnne Herman, Fanny Holdowsky, Mike Shamblott of Duluth. Mr. Enjoy DOUBLE-MELLOW Old Gold Cigcreites with yoer <&mer 'Mr. and Mrs. Ellis BottigheimCheney Cravats Dora Kurtz, David Lasensky, Les,nd Mrs. Kantrovich w'fere hoBts er and children, Claire and Paul, ter Labzrlowich, Ben Levin, Minat a-reception Sunday afternoon of Pittsburgh, Pa., are visiting in These items are featured at nie Okun, Betty Osnowitz, Esther from 2 to 5 honoring their daugh- the home of Mrs. Bottighelmer's Rivin, Joseph Rosenblum, Sam parents, Mr. Mrs. Ben SchuSadoff, Idell Shapiro and Bertha ;er and her betrothed. . Guests from out of town at the iiein, 2604 Jackson street. SnovBky. reception were the bridegroom's Among the high (Sbhool stu- parents, Mr. and- Mrs. M.. Sham- f Bernice Relsman of Omadents who were elected to the ilott and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. ha visited last week In the home 311 South 16th St. Honor society last week are Les- Shamblott and family, Miss Eva of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman. ter Lazrlowich, Rosanna Dikel Singer and Miss Rosalind Singer, and Sylvia Herzoff. i all of Duluth; Mi*, and Mrs. Kaplan and family, and Mrs. S. Keil of St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lime Bickey, White Soda reenberg and daughter, Madaor Sparkling Water lyne Sue; Mrs. Esther Holt*man and Miss Evelyn Greenberg, all of Minneapolis. The wedding date Herman .Shafton, 73, died last has not been set. Flos Bottle Deposit , Saturday afternoon in a Sioux City hospital, after a brief illness, Mrs. Harry Freed of Omaha and funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon with Rabbi H. was" a guest this week in the R. Rabinowitz and Cantor A.-Plis- home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeligson. Mrs. Sam Greenberg of Los kin officiating. Lemon or Vanilla Eegular or Drip Griad Angeles is also a guest in the ZelMr. Shafton had resided In igson home. Mrs. Freed was exSioux City during the past .22 tensively entertained while here. years. Born in Russia, he came to HI This plan guarantees a monthlj check from 12 to 60 H the Unittedt States when a young Miss Mary Greenbaum and gj|* months after your death, together with an immediate * H man. He was a member of the Tipheretn Israel synagogue. .'..• Miss Eva Gordon departed last HI Clean-Up Fund for small bills. ... H Surviving are his widowr a week for Los Angeles, where they son, Edward; two daughters, Mrs. will make a six-week visit. Barney Gelfand and Mrs. Samuel Plotkln; a brother in New York; -Miss Dena Baron, a bride-elect eight grandchildren and one great if this month, has been the lniplratlon for a number of social granddaughter. courtesies during the past week. Thursday noon, Miss Ina Leah Kroloff entertained at a luncheon For the Entire Family honoring Miss Baron, Sunday afternoon Miss Bertha JOHH A. BEBER, Gen. Agent J Berger and Miss Elsie ^Brodkey (j will entertain at a luncheon and w —and— afternoon of bridge In the Sioux ea shop, honoring Miss Baron. Next Monday evening, Mrs. Abe 'Your Dealer Has 'Em Both! 2 2 Berkowitz will be her hostess at an evening of bridge In the Sioux Tea shop. Next Wednesday evening the aron families will gather'for a family party and shower on Miss Dena in the E. E. Baron home.ens-a •' Word has been received here of he birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wilensky of Minneapolis on ay 24. Mrs. Wilensky is the forAsktfer ' mer Marcia. Robln,ow.
'• • .
Society News
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Many Sioux City ' Students Graduate
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CANE SUGAR, i d lb. cloth bag... 55c Solid Pack Tomatoes, 3 No. 2 cans 25c; i®z 95c No. 2i/ can. 12l/ c Dozen $1.45 II TUNE TO KPAB AT 5:55 P. M. NEXT SUNDAY • Rosedale Peas, No. 3 Sieve can 12V&C; doz...-$1.45 No. 2 Sieve can. _.15c Dozen $1.75 Sunkist Country Gentlemen Corn, Cream Style 10c Dozen — • $ 1.15 Sunkist Whole Kernel Corn, 2 cans „._ 25c MISSION GRAPEFRUIT, 2 No. 2 cans 23c WONUP GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 2 No. 2 cans 23c SUNKIST CATSUP, large bottles 15c Mrs. Anna Brodsky of New SLICED MUSHROOMS, three 2 02. cans... .„_ 25c ork city has arrived here for a isit with relatives. She Is a guest FANCY RIPE CANTALOUPE, each UY2c & 15c There's 4 reason for leadership . . . it doesn't f Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohen, 1720 ORANGES for Juice, dozea 22c just happen. Yellow Cab is the leader in ones. the taxicab field is Omaha because Yellow GREEN or WAX BEANS, lb „ I2i/ 2 c Cab has merited that position. Recognized responsibility; clean, new cabs; courteous, CALIFORNIA PEAS, lb. - Wic careful drivera—these are but a few of the CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT, See Jess, 5 for ....25c many things that have built Yellow Cab service to its present high standard and set FANCY LIMES, dozen 15c Yellow Cab up in the position of the unCALIFORNIA BING CHERRIES, lb 23c questioned LEADER in the Omaha taxicab FANCY HOT HOUSE TOMATOES, lb... UV2c field. l|
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