June 12, 1936

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3d two-thirds of its capitol stock e affairs of the Corporation shall jiiducted by a Board of Directors sting of not less than TWO nur than- five member* BEX LUSTGARTEN. V. HT.HXKE. PRESENCE OF: J. LEON.

^~ t/^f

latetsfe ef the

THE WORLD'S ...WINDOW... ,By LTJDWIG LEWISOHN* This column, is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in /whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i s copyright Trill be prosecuted.

Enter** • » Sacood Class MaU HiUer oa Jaasary 21, 1921, fit Pceiorfle. of Omaha, Nebra«Jra. coder the Act of March t, 1S7I


TOL. sn—No. :f





'time yoy say

"In Palestine" The Bituation in Palestine is Mrs. Zsate Mantel wag notified Friday, June 5, that she has regrave. It -would be foolisn to ceived a certificate in Braille from deny. that. • But its character is "Washington. She transcribed "The entirely and radically different. A new project for the economic Master of the Inn" by Robert KerCrom any previous and apparently rick, aB her Braille manuscript. similar situation.".. In the BuccesThe Omaha Hebrew club held rehabilitation of distressed Jews Eesusae of Yesx's Progress; Mrs. Mantel, • who has bees' siye small -waves of Arab resis- a meeting and election of officers in 500 to 700 small Polish towns ecutive Committee. Given at Animal Luncheon and villages had been launched working -with the blind for three I tance and violence up to and in- Sunday, June 7, at the J. C. C. Half of the Government loan Tuesday • years,- received this' certificate,! cluding the riots of 1929, the J. J. Friedman "was elected pres- with the granting of a loan of will be made available immed-J the Voluntary Braille Transcriber i * - , ^, great Arab landholders instigated ident; Sam Bloom, vice-president; 1,000,000 zlotys for -the -work by iately. A second'500,000 zlotysj y y for the American • National Red \ J.COT i>El!S the peasantry by a propaganda of Sol Rosenberg, secretary, and the Polish. Government, it was an-"have been provided by the Joint Mrs. David Greenberg j nounced today b y Alexander Distribution Committee, the Cross, signed by President Frankreligious fanaticism in order that John Feldman, treasurer. . _ •- \ elected ; •sident of the women's ^ _,. R - 0 0 8 e T e l t , v h o i s ___tloll_] ssir -f"irv H_**v"_ Kahn, Chairman of the CommitTrustees are M. Seiner, Louis their, exploitation of that peasanted Polish Appeal of Great rit- • division • at Cl T l U i __.*_._.\J the Jewish Community . ™ H . r l f tee on Poland of the American try could continue as in the oldMorgan and Sam Altshuler. am and other agencies eooperat-j Center and Welfare Federation at Ip ' e E i a e i u °^ Turkish days. There -were un. N. S. Yaffe,M.- Blank and DanThp ing -with the Joint Distribution j t he annual spring luncheon meetdoubtedly other elements — theiel Schwartz -were elected to the> .->m. t i p T . . 1 . Fund Flower daj Committee. An equal sum hasji n g On Tuesday, June 9. Other ofaloth of age-old custom resisting executive, board. The Icor o Omaha IF calling s ' be held next SIT been raised by the Polish Jews, j ficers are Mrs. Ben Silver, viceChange, the mere desire to be left conference inviting- two dele- with, committees thus making a total of 1,500,000 president; Mrs. Irvin Levin, secalone even if to one's loss, the • Austin Bevans' orchestra has zlotys available at this time. (The retary, and Mrs. "William Milder, I gates frora every Jevisn organize- workers canvass!' t , l i t r »,i ii general centripetal forces that are been secured to play for the danc- ! zloty is valued at the present j treasurer. tion in Omaha at the J. C. C . city with th*1 "E.'IT i> »M* ' i r T ( i always .active In small and prim- ing at the Omaha Hebrew club j time at about 20 cents) . The resume of the year's ac- j June 16, fit 7: SO p. m. : All workers R* * -PCI f r i( itive societies. This being the picnic which will be held at Lake-! The project is being developed tiTities featured the program. The i T h e y e s f c i v a department of the Every organization is urged to'meet at the ,TPT IK' ' rip i i,case Britain could afford to is-view park, July 5. Miss Kalah Franklin -was cho-by the Joint Distribution Consmit- women's division, begun slightly •T a l m u d T o r a b w a s f o r m a n T o p e n J send tvro delegates io thiF meet- Center ai F c'c'o<! s sue reports, 'make concessions and Tickets^re 25 cents.-Dancing | f i e n a s t h e B e w p r e sident of the tee, \ the chief American agency over a year ago, has grown tre-!e _ B t pU_»iic ceremonies held, at ^ a g ^kieh v i l l then elect three, ing. hafgain with the Arabs at the ex- and parking will be free. Tickets Anyone v-isliiuf. local Junior Hadassah to succeed for the aid of distressed Jews ov-j mendously in both numbers and •t n e j _ c (^Tuesday evening^ """ ; delegates to s district convention pense of us, her friends. may be purchased from any mem- M i s s D o r a freshman, at the fi- erseas,' its cooperating organiza-"] program. Its activities embrace: • • • . • : • _ _ „ _ • „_-., _.__ _•_ _ __ _ • a fev ___ ,hours .i<- ru for Today all that has changed re- ber. jnal business meeting of the seadically, violently. The little land json, June 4. Miss Franklin is also of Palestine i a s in more than one • treasurer of the Southwestern Reformer age been the pivot' of | gion of the Junior Hadassah. , .He praised the Yeslava depart , •world history. I t is so again now. the local Jewish v . . i ;' Other officers elected were Joint Distribution Committee and! that of the -re-equipment of t h e | m e n t a s & n j mpo rt£uit ana vital i °L J e w i s h colonists tnere. r Italy is on the Red Sea;.Italy can 1 I c o r i B ! Miss Jeannette Resnick, finan- the Polish leaders over a long j Center, the organization of a com- j E t e p i n t h e advancement of Jewsending these' delegates i council, in v.rginr1 <"*ri cut off the -waters of the Sudan; :i •nino rorder d e r t 0 l e learn a r n t h the et r u to true status to respond genero "^* rt j cial vice-president; Miss Rose Sof- period, Mr. Kahn pointed out.! munity co-operation plan among \isU e ! j u c a t i o z i i n ornaha Italy can.fight at Suez; Mussolini <fer, cultural vice president; Miss Many discussions were held h e d b y ! t h e yvarious! -women's ^g g introduced introduced by by jj o f t h e J e w i s h colonists and eomp- drive, Rtated: organiza-! T h e T h e BB pp ee aa JJ rr ee rr ^ has his ruthless hand upon the g a b c n t t t e th j Fannie' Katelman, membership the Joint Distribution Committee; "ocs of the city city, the the support giv giv- jj E e j l r y M o n s k ^ president of the ''th ™ ™g a b c n t t t e c o u n t r ^ center of the central-nervous syB$>™s>.!-> »!>i vr f jvice president; Miss Sarah Ger- and its cooperating, agencies w i t h i n to every, pbase of Center pro- jT a ! n l T l d T o r a h _ p k i l i which hov Klutznick i ?M SS tt" PP aa uu ll c o n c l a ^ tem of the British Empire. I t is r a m a n d t h e j man; recording secretary; Miss held July 4. Governnjent with a; ^ excellent co-opera- | p r e s j a e d . t h e an open secret that- Italian propaganda has fanned into flame Jewish. Dead Snr.s

io a v*

! WorfccrttoMeet zi J. C C,


Junior Hadassah Will Install New Officers June 18

Advantage of our liz—Clean and Wax special $| •epared l o r summer g - - get an insect now. For ikes of cars.... onr experienced atQts check your sumleeds at no cost to . . . more miles of fying performance. Deep Eock's Voltaed Super Kant-Nock ne.

son.-at 18th—WE-3434


n Department .of Torah



Bead the latent pseudo-nationalism of certain Arab groups. Rome remembers the pivotal character of Palestine. The prestige, the BecuJerusalem.—Eight weeks of dis- ; Freshman, parliamentarian; and Representatives of the Polish uildred Tity, perhaps the very Ufe of the ,o f d e r s P a i e s U n e h a s raised the ! the Misses Sonia Roitstein, Mil- Jews are a t present in Paris, dis- ^ beems


BIG mud D I M

*° ^crease « i u to five , man. Rebecca London, Mas Kir- ! t h e f&11 'Program . Morris ivirshenbaum. British empire are involved in dfefl Whitman, and Sylvia Panlj ^ r a t i o n of t h e : ; Irving Rosenbaum, Ketnan Shu- j c u s a l n g tte inau Jewish death, toll to 30. The thirthis apparently minute and obas new new board members members. j rj r , Bernhard Kahn. || Membe Membership dues are SI per year. \t e r t a n d Stanley Silrerman. A! tieth was one of, three Jewish man as scure struggle in Palestine. And _ _ _ _ _ being _ _ Installation of the newly-elecD l r e c t o r .o f t n e Joint; Among the projects planned for ( v i c ,ij n s o l o v a s r ; T e n fcF Myron ! watchmen who died after more is involved: the struggle be- shot by government forces in two! ted officers will take place a t the year' is the redecoration • of j Cohen. Chicago, 111,—On July f,. the Distribution Committee. Alesant h e tween democracy and autocracy, separate incidents that were ex-[Junior Hadassah annual Banquet Center auditonum. A sum oA ; I>r.. Philip Sher, honorary pres- f members of Grand lodge No. 6, • der Kahn explained. I t is expect-! the struggle between the free plained as accidental. Said a Jew- t ob eh e l d n e x * Thursday evening, begun with- ! m! o n e y t a s b een set. aside by of the Talmud-Torah, pre- • B'nai B'rith. • will' convene Rt s. ' state and the serville state, the . . : the .. T,,.._. 1 O .at »C . n _>'Mr>r.V { e Q t l i a i ^WOri. W i l l US UCgUil ».-.j. „ „ , . .--.IT 18, 6:30 o'clock a t t T.O the] urojeetW ___[_ will icemen's . jdivision and will be i sentefl the .scholarship bonds. ish spokesman at funeral. of June ! novel business .and pleasure as-• struggle between civilization and , • c the thirtieth: "Ben Yehuda was Jewish aboard the luxurious barbarism. killed by those who are supposed bers who have raised their quota And we, our people in' Eretz to protect us. There is a limit to for the Israel, are the symbol and occa| be guests self-: sion of that particular conflict. It Lake Michigan, through years program. Kabbi'Harold Bcrger Is cbsir/ is a tragic, but not uncharacterisof. Lacbinac. down: features of Tuesday's I m an of l i e scholarship-cojiimittee. at 46. set" up special departmentstic circumstance that this should stands Open Arab rebellion against the j Standing -work for the Club durL&ke Euren, the St. Clalr river, a e _ j program were remarks by Wil-1 be'so.j It has, for us all, not only governznent continued. Arabs am- i * n S the past year, will finance and stimulate ;Ham . Holsman, president .of the Lake St. Claif, the Detroit river; A for our Tlshub, but for every Jew bushed a caravan of Jewish buses ] Community Center and Welfare > entertaining program is be-'industries. ana Lake Erie, to Cleveland, s.jsG in the "world this consoling, and : ~ ' • ' , i Federation; reports of the com- ; ing arranged to follow -the banthen to SiEckitiBo island. &nfi froiu deepjy fortifying -element o f a o r - near Motza and opened fire on "It is intended.J;o have wKole j m i t t e e s > . a n d t h e entertainment; d to one that turned over in swerving quet, All u_embers are asked 'T_.?'^.?_?.^.-_rie_rt«red_-a:-_.^oii.7^^^pia_io;.'sorlOB.i; jur «crf«i*. *--»**_> ov— reservations promptly . _ _

he inanu-;^

Suiedr'other^aMengera I "with either Miss 'Dora Fres__m^57Tn"iatioi.;^'£peciali

O.— K M



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In the futnre inore "In this life-blocxJ o

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x&le Trustin and a playlet.'

product,"!i«..,,__;__„ however righteous and-historical- escaped unscathed.' Those'-%*ho wi <« " 1 outgoing president, or with any facture of some single proauct, S p r i D g f » y^th Frances BorctT •p on tfep crulpe, ly justifiable and ethically necesto the Jt'V.iNh Ni i PoUce and soldiers pursued the I member of the banquet commit- j Alexander Kahn said.. "Such in- < SjUsjl 'Frankel. i ; ' • New/York' (WlvS) '-^4 T i e ser- ••" Members of .B'nai E'rith sary. Our-task is now the task dustry will include artificial flow- ; tree'planting' or ir Arabs to Lifta and then soured tee. Committee 'chairmen for the j yj C e agencies' snbventionefi by the ' "^sh to take this cruise do not; of freedom itself, of civilization CKUdrf-.iV'f.-Golder J m . er-making ,glove-making, knit-' 1 volleys of machine gun fire into year were: Philanthropies,-; j ' j • Distrib-ition ^Committee , have 'to 'be •delegates, sinoe o n t the itself, of .human hope and human to g-Pf. in touch tr > h, ting and the making of woolen Mrs. the town. Three policemen and a Harry Trustin: athletics, i helped S,S74 German Jews to em- :t r i P i R f : been plantsec. for the health. What a world to contemCohen or Kris. ,.* \ articles, toys and wood-carvings, i ^ * °* 1 soldier were wounded. Five Arabs Levinson; clothing, Mrs. : igrate from their homes during : pleasure of any End EII member* i plate not only for us but for all hand-embroidered articles a n d ' J. Blank: comta-unity co-opera-; the first quarter of IS86, accord-! o f tb*? order who. .wisk to s.va;] cliairmRn of • t h e j .'• were reported killed. ; men — Mussolini and perhaps All orgsniJSPtionf F T ! j leather goods. Stress will be A strike of municipalities^— , tion, Miss Blanche Ziraman; cit- , }ng t o a report by Joseph C Hy-! themselves of the opportunity RE Hitler with their iron heels upon vitl; t ' ' ™" : which, involves curtailment of j upon the creation Of new types Of i . 2 . e l . s } ,- i p > M r g _ S a m ^ o l f . dramat- m a n ,K e c r e t a r y o_'the JDC. • ' extended... Here . i s . .a chance to the crucial centers of the Near . . n n , 1 industry,-especially such as might; . am Theodore; education electric, water and other services n A leg> M r s S a-vacation trip s.nd combine Dealing only -with emigrants East, England shorn of her seaP i l l i ^ H I 11 ¥ «nfl a ready foreign market, Pre-; M r s I r T l n s t a l m a s t e r , family welwith it the interesting convention required • assistance, the reways and. empire and powerless! —was in progress in nine Arab 1 V_UI_Uaa <Ufla I i i m i n a r T studies to determine the f a r e _ M r E _ H a x r y W o i { ; uitcben, vtifh. 'will be i A park Age, darker and bloodier cities and unrest increased among p O rf shows that the largest, single . j most suitable type of industry j ^lTSi L o l _ j S Xeveleff; library, Mrs. : C ] a s g than any former olie, would be Arab police. l ot emigTEnts" was repstri- over 1>T EII the (listrid h a T e a l r e a d b e e n The government adopted firmHalf Of the i ^ completed.^ I A . D. Frank: ineinbersliip, Mrs.'R tes. of'these 4S6 'went t o ' Po- aiid memtierti of the -national uponJJie world. "Warsaw CWN5) er measures to keep control of the 'Mt is also planned to provide | D a T e Greeaber^r; in^tor corps. ' j a n ( i . . to •• overseas ecTitire, 1,000 Jews of Minsk-Mazowlecki, Britain is -waking up, though situation before proclaiming mar- a.town 30 miles from "Warsaw, additional agricultural facilities: M r E _ wUliain Milder: Asocial com- countries' numbered 160 4. O For those who *rish to motor to slowly. The British democracy fi tial law. District commissioners have fled to the capital in wild for Jews by establishing near; m i t t e e , Mrs. A. A. G-reenberg; .t h e s e 7 1 ? w e l l t to Palestine and Chics.eo • • frow. wants peace; the British democwitfcin were extraordinary powers j| committee, Mrs. Harry s g 5 - t o "North and South America, |district., a-rranpementF i c f o l i o w i n g a n outbreak of small towns, farms for t h e intens-; h o n s e racy, especially the liberal and ij Moving to curt- dumping anti-Semitic rioting r e s n l t i n g l ' W cultivation of such products Trustin; publicity. Hrs. Irvin.Le- Africa and the Far East. to made for t h e stor&g-e o_ suatomoLabor parties are determined to I break the Arab general Fidi2p(! Gfirmftrs JTOOCSK OR from the killing of a Polish caval-i as have,a local'market. F r u i t | i , and program, Mrs. Harry ; palestnie,-..South America . was i>il«s cSursEg, t h e course of tbt; v n t o ; American merket. the avoid world c'onflict if it can be j ^ d .sol,diefS a n d . B a " . and ryman by a Jew. Leaving their; growing, and such specialized! Rosenf eld. ' t h e chief center of emigration; cruise. •• _e? Tresfurv avoided. But the movement of searches thorized without to make arrests warrants. belongings behind, the Jews of 1 farming • as the growing of Silk I 166 went to Brazil, 136. to Arge'ntroops to Palestine, the distribucruise Efcip. the fastest ship ^ _ Arab leaders felt the heavy Minsk-Mazowieeki are besieging j worms, medicinal herbs, musht i n a £ n ( j the rest to Chile, Paration of further arms to onr colonon the Great Lakes. i_ fully and ("enntm ! *** of the gorernment Jewish organizations and leaders | rooms, resin, and ;. aising • of rabHnHfary Outlaws CSSlS , " " ' ' ' ' •-'-'* — •*• " «-*!--_-, TV*™ gnzv, Uruguay, Colombia and iats, the granting of a new lEocensly equipped -with a grand ro-n r group of them were banished to here with pitiful pleas for help.! bits, will be encouraged. j B d t— With "With 770 Nazi Budapest Nazis : Venezuela. There were 141 emi-. s _ j O I 1 over four hundred feet in gration-schedule with the requisf.h«»- 3PRf> concentration camps in the desAn emergency committee has has] j "The whole effect will be to re< i c_junder arrest on charges , grants who went to South Africa. a rea ite certificates, the strong rumor a .ballroom'• Beating over the ert. Mayor Khalidi Of Jerusalem, been organized here to provide re-j habilitate economically entire j plotting a coup d'etat, t h e : Italy became .the most, import• of —though not as yet more — that ive hundred people, luxurious who had been busy preparing to i lief for the refugees and to fur-1 small towns and their destitute: "Scythe and Cross",--(the offieial < _.t country of emigration within ; lounges, smoking roomE. card Fury to tack In •Rdd't.ioisa). a Jewish legion of one thouBand a Jerusalem out on strike, j nish help to the Jews still re-j populations, a n d the project \ me of the Hungarian Nazi par-: Europe. 45 German Jews having .rooms, grills and staterooms ap- to products comiujL' fi'e/ia <v»iiivmen will be formed — these varna tries which give govc-TBHie-nt. *«/.>•• suddenly thought better of it and maining in Minsk-Mazowiecki. should in due time be of help to | tj-) was legally outlawed in a de- • settled there in the first three pointed with rncning water, cleeious circumstances show- that sidiefi- to tbeir exporter!), t.ilfc nUapostponed the action. Lieb Minczberg, Jewish member jt n e general economy of Poland. :c r e - e issued by the Minister-of the ' months of 193 6. All told there trie lights, telephone and. washed- ^ Britain is now unaware of menace" Amvri^r, i ul > e E grem boor, t o ; Tension being what it was, the were 166 emigrants who settled ,s,vr ventilation, of the Sejm, and Senator Jacob j «_t j S hoped with this project," j interior. and - knows whose honor, whose !intlui?try and v i l ] e.t IIJP s&«-r idealism, whose loyalty she cangovernment felt behooved to cen- Trockenheim, conferred with Pre- j j i r , Kahn continued, "to make a j i_-jje xazis under arrest will be in other European lacdK, sside • Since-the ship has limited o-i?-'• tiroe {*jvr a fUlip to Cl»p s-iti.-NVgi sor Palestine newspapers, trust. [ from t h e repatriates. mier Skladkonwski regarding beginning of the economic reha-; t r i e _ j o r i^gii treason. '• pacity. members planning to take : boycott, To the Yishub itself these mea- a speech by Chief Rabbi Amiel of measures for the protection of the mutation of large numbers of the: — jfiSvantag-e of this un'ttsual oppar- ' Amonpr the prodiirtR g.ffs.Vf>i Tel Aviv warning that Jews might sures seem feeble — feeble to the Jewish population in Minsk-Maz- j 37ooo,OO0 Jews in Poland." itunity should-write Brother Otto ; by t h e tariff boost •=~'a eat?in~«%. have to take up arms in self-depoint of treachery. ; No wonder, owiecki. ' G. Felton, v secretary, District ' china T S re. cotton, rayon »B._i ?»»when almost daily assassinations fense was prohibited. That familWarsaw (WSB) — "One may ! Grand lodge No. 6, E'nai E'rith. : ther glcvei., glass tree crnai.is-vi-.;%, iar feature of European newspaand 1 daily arson shake the land combat the Jews, economically, 1130 N." TTells, Cfcieapo, 111., ini- : thumb tseks, toy* and fioUR. ?««»pers — white splotches where the ! and make inroads upon what we but I will never permit harm mediately, giving the following in-. t.ween So and 40 per cent oi' t«<-have so sacrificially and nobly censor yanked out type he didn't j being done them just because fonaEtioii: ( 1 ) Full name ©_ all:mat! exports to ih'ip country *•?'* like—was Innovated in the Holy i and beautifully built. And to us, they are Jews." Premier Felparties induced in reserratiOE; &ftented by t h e Tariff .prrw-n«f| too, the British measures, even Land. icyan Skladkotvskl declared in Saloniki (WNS) — A German(2) Ages of -chsifiren; (S) Home ••rfcicb bfemor pffoctirp .Tv.ly t'^t,, The now familiar 'story of the hopeful shliting of - the-^>ort a speech In the Polish Sejm. owned tobacco factory in ^aloniki Registrations are now being; Among t h e many activities -con- ' ~, g of a c - : bombings, crops being burned, from Jaffa to Tel Aviv, seem woeFlooded -with pleas by the Jews received poetic justice st the taken for Camp Akiba the sum-. . are- aa com com- ! coinmbflation desired. See below. ; p are dt cted a t t h e^ fully insufficient in this grave Jews and soldiers being sniped at j of Minsk-ilazowiecld, Przytyk hands of the Tobacco "Workers Inside room (two afiulte aisd • crisis not only of the Jewish peo- and communications being cut! and other towns for protection Union when the latter forced the mer home camp or tne Jewisn. pj e t e out-of-door game program,' ; e ciiild). $30 per adult: outride; Community Center -wMch will be-, intensive swimming course a n ; was told again this week in Pal] ple but of the English people and




Workers ia Sabniki • Answer Greek Hans

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THE VOGUE • Hotpoint'soew. mncrrn style scznsre-rrpe XTjuei

Heater pta constant hot mxa.

having an voter with* he heater, tter Hea,ter matic that and forget Toiielectri. . safely, ctric Shop


• M . i w . " .

• • • —— —














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against pogromists, Premier Nazi firm .to employ Jews.against gin on Monday, June 22, and l a s t - v i t h &n h o u r e a e J l &&y t__fe ;ro.om (two adults and one child).! of all civilized men. But it i3estine; only the names and fig- Skladkowski told the Sejm that its will. The annual bsziiar.of tbe for a s i x - w e e k " p e r i o d u n t i l J u l y c e n t e r p o o l , &ni a c r a f t s . p r o g r a m j « 4 0 . outsi 1 per adul unthinkable that England, though ures were different. In the negotiations that follow- j 31. The summer home camp as it his government would seek no will feature ieatiers-orlr.; eg.uipped with .private toilets (two f"n-'p- ~^Ji^Tnclii Trill l>f? Ii. ?^. -f.* 6 »^#wary and slow to take extreme, J_mt>OT T_-*.-cptitrf.. ?I.nCf. fine) v.* -^-^. alliance with the-opposition of ed t h e settlement -. of t h e recent j h a s been developed a t -the' Center ;w o o d w o r k , metal w o r t , .-rearln_. ; adults and one child), per measures, will not awaken and isthe land. • A stronghold h a s been I nationalists and anti-peinltes. tobacco strike, t h e German firm j offers t h e child t h e finest o f c a m p ;& n _ E r tc i a 8 S 8 S . Music;-tap 'ar.d :;. suites . (double bedded and StE.. all csay Sup.^Ry, ,T>iT.e 1*. not In her heart and mind already built that is not easily t o be shakMrs. WiUiRm Kuklin 35 chairprograms with t h e added advan- jjf o j k _ . C u e i n gg, , toy Reports obtained from eye-wit- asked t h e Union not t o send it jjpg y band, hobby y| t»•^ u bedded, p'ritate bath), from awake. The Arab dagger, -with en. T h e duty of t h e hour is tonesses indicate that a t least five any Jewish, workers. |tage of the child's being home at; groups, hibeg and visits to places-j 55 to ?75 Pt;r acliilt; children man, of the Kffair anc. urgre. J.b* Fascist stealth behind it. is aimed fortify this stronghold, this for- Jews were killed and a d more than _ ^ Union replied , . __„— -Youngsters _ „„„ The that Greece 1. night. between the,- „f interest feature each week's |u n g e T 12 ( accompanied bv par- co-ot>erat^on of. iocal .Tp-vrr---. A through us at her and through tress 'of freedom a n d redemption 100 Injured, 41 of them seriously, had notw yet reco;rtsi2ed the Aryan; ages of 5 and 15 are being en- iOprogram. large assortmenf. o_ anicles hsir. exits), $15.-Ch'«<iren.under 5 (flat. her "at the free democracies of the been, secured. Seven are said to be dying of their I t a w and that hi this country Jews rolled this year. | |rate), f7'.5O; tlsJrfl acltilt (in-any world; it is aimed at all these es- storm can shake it. This is the i injuries. The Je./ish quarter of j had equal -rigl'ts All i'uiiQP raised by tbi. r>ro* • To make thej Additional actiTities have been! ' ,V^B °^JZ* ^f™ BJ"^*^°™ j rate, -miuim-cra .fere), SSC. is 7its emphasis sential liberties which were es- day above all days when men and \ Hinsk-Mizowiecki looks as if i t | r e b u k e perfect the Union includ- \ planned for this year's summer | ^ " 'e" " e r n " "" ect vill be used to help hiiiUi " ""^ ' The above quoted rates cover »nd its supervision -of -the tablished by the great English i'Beib. ZeiroS.b,'' P. technical wiinfi; should flock t o declare h a d gone through a cannonading, led six Jews in every group of ten |program. Among: are aa I child's health habits. Weight and ! all neceEsar.- espenses for cruise, EB(I PUltUTRl CPBtf-f fOT' S"i!*»f.; It revolutionaries of the seventeen- themselves Zionists and join the Broken-windows, shattered floors, |workers assigned to the German-; tensified crafts program ana B ; meale and berth accommodations. th century who drew their inspir- organization and pledge them- j merchandise strewn over iItoy. baud for the younger hil chil- elght records BS -well as thej wned factory, ation consciously from our law selves that force and fraud and;streets, buildings in ruins, the !D kept of each child, j of the Women's Missrnclsi proj;f«w dren. The program &t Camp Aki- M and our prophets and constantly tyranny and darkness shall not j synagogue in flames, to the chil-! Jewish to sac! iii the upbuHdinj? of 'P*-'r Bcenos Aire3 (JTA) — A p r o - j b a Is distinguished from other -compared themselves to the peo-prevail. ! in. i - - - Not - - - in - - -Eretz - Yisrael. - h d shops h b i d d •iest T h e ectine as f.b€' .Tt'-wlsli hon_elp.n<*. . Amman. Tr&n'sjcrdan supported by fifty central j houses and barricaded projects conducted ple Israel. In Palestine today and shuttered afe the external Jewish institutions and hnn throughout, the citjj, in that its by a dietician a s 4 prepared daily , ^ i a ^ authorities cancellet • Milton and Isaiah are fighting our children a n d our children's i evidences of the pogrom. The re-jbf Jewish organizations through-; staff has been selected on the b a - ! E t mits for Bsie of arms anc an: i i • shoulder to shoulder to maintain xsioEt BOurisliiiig iood-E s.r€ children are to live, This Is the j maining Jewish population is liv-jcut the country against the pro-1 sis of ig-ialifications and.previooG ition throughout Transjordi the fundamental decencies of life. day to redouble our zeal prevent £ri_is from• getting.t ii eal and to ling in cellars and no Jew dares Ijected establishment-of a repre-1 experience with chil dren, its pro-usefl. The inferences in action from t r •> U redouble our giving. We are sho-w himself .in the streets. jsentative legislative g council In! gram g is well planned beforehand | Fees for the period Palestiae Arabs. these various considerations are :: fighting the fight of our people ^,_,-_-_ j-^--x_ — , _ * 3 • Paletine was presented to the 11and carefully supervised £nfl £re $16 for Cen Palestine was presented to the and carefully supervised £nfl £re $16 for Center members and Police detachments reinforced piain for all men to see. • "What S't, and of .all the free, peoples. Every by military patrols axe guarding British Ambassador for transmis- every activity and. project Is sao-!$lSi r for Eoa.-21e1c.bErs. Registra.! saves us and what help .to save Athens—The ban oa the teact(A. . dollar given to Palestine today is j the Jewish quarter and convoying i sion to London. tlvated along definite -Jewish culj tions siay be uifide at the Certer Britain today is the stark fact the that there are 400,000 Jews in not only a dollar toward the re- j trucks from "Warsaw briaglng The memorandum was drawn tip tural lines. Camp. Akiba Isas been j or. by cslling Jackson IS66. E*- ing of- Hebrew in the Jewish i- Uieir literature schools of Greece -rill b« raised br&ries. The city council of recogEizsd and recommended'.by | cause t i e cassp ..can .only acca.sidemption of Jewish ~ lives and food to the beleaguered Jews. A on the Initiative of the Zionist Palestine and that for a n d •the uaiaisicr of the inter- has .refused permission *o through these Jews many millions souls. It is a dollar given in de-' 9 p. m. curfew has been estab- jj Federation of - Argentina and tceiinany outsiders in Omaha asd j saodate a limited -smabc-r of -cfeC f a d ld f l l i l i h d to t preventt ffurther t h t i P l Z i OOrganisation. i t i - • •-out-of-town - Its excellent - • .pro-j dren, - - to • enroll • inr ir»forin«fi. a Jewish flelegation , blackshirts to meet in the t^•«^•J^^ labor'' for j.arentE are 'nzgei decentt world for allilished out-iPoale Zion of pounds have .been invested'in fense of [breaks. men everywhere. and-raasagemeEt. j their ciildren- immediately.. jthat called OE hita. *-,b!s.ll. j Zionist group. *^






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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1936 the part of the Jews may prove— and is very likely to become — so dangerous that It eventually may undermine the Jewish position here. If that happens, it certainly will have unfavorable repercussions and weaken the position of World Jewry, and It will also stimulate antl-semitism everywhere. s It Is on this score that many incal and national thought and em- Jewish Congress is. a great loss telligent Jews in America, reprebody it in, action! What do Jews in the realm of sober* and ration- senting all shades of opinion, al thinking on Jewish matters. It Zionists and non-Zionists, envidemand from the world? Peace! Peace means guarantee is a personal loss to me, for it has sage the danger of participating of a status of full-fledged citizens removed from my horizon one in the World Jewish Congress at with whom I always felt a men- this time. ^ in the community of men! Now, my ; friend, do you think •••• Justice! Justice means recogni- tal kinship. we have a right to inject into the tion of the alienable' Tighter vest- Now, as a physician with a scientific background and experi- political life of our democracy a ed in the union of fellowship! Equality! As individuals within nce, I also, realize how ill and pont of view or a doctrine which the frame of; society. As a group. famished the Jewish organism is, runs counter to the fundamental As a; nation within the'frame of both physically and spiritually. principles upon which American the nationally differentiated, his- Nevertheless, I cannot lend my- commonwealth has been built? torically constituted, community, self to the employment of quack The Jews should be the last naand as granted to us In the Bal- remedies and ill-considered pana- tion group in this country to inceas. Such remedies, as, a: rule, troduce an ideology which has an four Declaration. are dangerous,, for they often element of fascism. As Jewa in These are' the three fundamenwe must be in the vantal demands we put "before, the mask the symptoms and create America to wage war against such Tribune of the world. M*«% pro- a .false sense of security and not guard for, as you well know, pose to go before the Ler i e of infrequent materially aggravate doctrnes, the JewB will be made.the scapethe underlying pathological proNations, or whatever the ,jcta of goats if or when our democracy, ' • . •_ collective - representation * there cess. for whatever reason, will be unmay be, and plead our cause and The modren scientific approach dermined. demand redress, adjustment and Is'not to treat the , body as a I have so far indicated to you guarantees for the future. This whole, but rather to study the inis surely not an exorbitant pro- dividual parts and organs, their some major positive dangers' of gram. We are not chaBing a rain- susceptibilities, structures, Im- the projected World Jewish Conbow or building fanciful, castles munities, and their interplay and gress. A congress, which Is orin the air. We have, nothing to inter-actions, singularly and col- ganized in a precipitate manner conceal and no secret ends. Just lectively, and their relation to the representing no constructive prothe reverse. By appearing open- body as a whole. In that way gram, eliminating democratic elecly, in full light of modern public- only can a conclusion be reached tion by the Jewish masses, and ity before the world, baring our as to the true status of the entire leaving some of the important wounds, offering, our cooperation organism. • What is true in bio- section's of Jewry unrepresented to establish.a modus vlvendl; to logy and physiology is equally pushed forward only by the voceliminate the Jewish question as true in sociology and human re- iferous "YammerB" in Jewish life, is bound to respond with laa disturbing element in the life of lationship in general. and will only establish nations, we are performing a merTherefore, you can really judge mentations itorious act of concilation and how impractical and unscientific a new "waling wall." I am sure sanction. And we rope that the it is to generalize about the Jew- that such a concocted embryo will world will listen to us; will ac- ish organism in its totality. Jew- result in a stillbirth. This cercede to our demands. ish history clearly demonstrates tainly would be tragic. There are many negative asBut before winning the ear of that point and it requires no furnations, we must first of all win ther elaboration to you who is so pects, which also may, prove to be dangerous and should not be the heart and attention, the con- fully conversant with it. . ignored. Think for a moment of Our imperative and immediate fidence and the mandate of authority of the Jewish people. Only task'therefore is clear. We must the danger of demonstrating to ,a strong nation, united in purpose make a careful survey of the diff- the world at large our impotence and plan' can hope to get a res- erent sections of Jewry and ascer- our Inability to cope with some of tain their specific wants and the problems confrontng Jewry. pectful hearing from the world. needs, before we attempt to Insti- Think for a moment how a Hitappropriate remedial agentB. ler will lose no time to capitalize WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS tute Concretely, the Jewish problem the "internationalism" of the •DANGEROUS resolves itself into this: Jewry is Jews and use it as a weapon By Dr. A. J. Bongy scattered throughout the world. against them. Do you really think Its limbs and braenhes are found that now la the proper time for / My Tdear Dr. Coralnik: everywhere. Some are function- such an undertaking? P observed that you have fi- ing fairly normally, some are' bad- You and I as Zionists must also nally decided to throw your lot— ly diseased, some are passing realize the dangers of a World true, not quite violently — with through a gangrenous process, Jewish Congress to, Palestine. For the "hot-heads" in Jewish life. some are completely paralyzed. in sociology, as in physics, every Y o u a r e a l s o "pot-boiling", Under such conditions, certain- action begets a reaction. Don't though not at a high temperature. ly no uniform method of treat- you think that the very idea of a The change of heart you have un- ment could be formulated or ap- World Jewish Congress will stimdergone, I am sure, must have plied, which would be equally ap- ulate and precipitate a Pan-Arabeen painful and I wouldn't at all plicable to all sections of Jewry. bic Congress. (Read the newspabe surprised that it required some You will agree with me that the pers of today, and you will see form of an anaesthetic to be able problem of the Jews of Western the seeds are already being sown to undergo such a momentous Europe is unlike that of the Jews with the help of Italian llras and mental somersault., in Eastern Europe. Jews who live GeYman marks.) One does not reWhat has happened to your log- in really civilized countries appar- quire much wisdom to visualize ical mind? What has happened to ently manage to live in harmany that such a congress will tend to your broad outlook on things with ther neighbors. You will fur- create greater friction between mundane? You, brilliant student ther agree with me that the pro- the two people in Palestine and of the contemporary Jewish pan- blem of the five million Jews in that it will greatly disturb and orama as well as of the Jewish America is so different that it re- undermine the fountain head of historical process, have allowed quires 'a special method of treat- Jewry. yourself to be carried away by ment. You will agree that as Zionists passions and emotions, almost Granting that a separatist we must not do anything that will bordering and touching the frin- movement on the part of the Jews divert Jewish energy into other ges of mysticism. You should in Roumania or Poland may be channels, or help to create anothhave had the courage to remain justifed and even logical for the er world Jewish organization dursteadfast to the ideas and- opin- time being, but here in America ing such a ciitleal period in the ions, which you have so many I am sure such a movement on building of the National Home' times' ably expressed, about the World Jewish Congress. aammmammm I will make a confession — and "For 35 years" 'please do not consider it mere flattery: Whenever I was In Special for the doubt, whenever I was uncertain JUNE BRIDES about some of the problems, some of the questions which arose in Jewish life here and abroad, I turned to you for guidance. You always seemed to have the courage of your convictions. You have the happy faculty of analysing and dissecting vital problems affecting Jewish life in a sane and sober manner. The derision and contempt, which on ocasions were heaped on your head by some of the "professional Jews", never swerved or influenced your deci^ sionB, Your path of logic was never dilinated by the propagandists in Jewish lite. j Your sudden and precipitate change of heart about the World


Dr. Abraham Coralnik, eminent ewish author, is strongly In faop of the Geneva World Jewfcih Congress, while Dr. A. J. Ronffy, ilstinguJshed Jewish 1 e a d e r, trongly opposes the internationl Jewish gatherng. —THE EDITOR

NEED FOR JEWISH CONGRESS By Dr. Abraham Coralnik la these days of crisis and un•est encircling the world, in these ime ot distress and upheaval it is ho duty of every civilized human eing to stop and think, to medtate individually and collectively, >ver the state of the present hour md to plan for the future. It hiB is the plain duty of every soilally minded man and woman, it s atill more so for the Jew. The Jewish people throughout ;heir long history have seen many .rying times. We have endured be horrors of persecution. We lave been so many times on the rink of extinction that we are in willing: or unable to realize or S.o admit that we have reached an Impasse. . With anti-Semitism triumphant n Germany, Poland, Roumania; with anti-Semitism rampant in (Western Europe and, even on the /American Continent; with the gradual passing of the old social jbrder to which the Jews have historically adapted themBelves — '.ho present of the Jews has become a tragedy. It is of no avail io cover our heads, to dose our 'ayes, not -to eee the danger. The Worm around us tears off the veil. •Wo have to face the realities. \ The time of vacillation, of fear iest the nations of the globe 'should single us out, has irretrievably passed. The game of os• ftrleh-politica has become too bhlldieh for our very earnest generation. The problem' is worldiwldo; we have to try a world-wide solution, or at least an approach. ' What Napoleon had proposed to do •— the calling ot an all-Jewish assembly or Sanhedrin — we lhave to accomplish now.. History 4 waits long; but it achieves its stask nevertheless. We submit-now to the Jewish people, whereever ,:hey are, the urgency of participating in the elections to a World iJewish Congress, i What 1B the fundamental purpose of this Congress? Reyresen'tation! This Congress does not • •Intend to be merely another gest u r e ; one more assembly where 'Jews of many countries will gathe r in order to express their indignation, their protest, or to vent their grievances. Of this the Jews have had enough. What this CongresB purposes to do Is to shape for the first time in modern history a real, popular representa' tion of the Jewish masses; to cultivate a Jewish body politic. ' The second purpose is: The jCreation of permanency and continuity. This is the essence of that famous slogan which is bejing proclaimed from the house itopB of Israel - r Unity! ; Unity Is impossible unless there :ls cohesions Unity 1B a myth j where there is no basic program 1 'Unity is merely a phrase when |there exists no force which shall [mold and shape the Jewish politi-


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land. juates, but also for the 100 Jew •ed as an Irish-American . . . Have ture of Mr. Hitler . . . Not even In science this would be label- | ish students at Duke university ! before us a copy of The Shofer, the cute piece of hem around his led a dangerous experiment. Sim- which is only 12 miles away. official organ of Aleph ZaOik j neck was misplaced by the morilarly, it seems to me that the Aleph, and what do we see but i ing men. World Jewish Congress experithe name Max Baer listed as its ment may prove to b.e dangerous, asistant editor . . . For the first if held during the present confuj time in the memory of Rutgers For Picnics and All Occased and choatc state of affairs J men, a Jew, Edward James Slotsions Serve Forbes* New here and abroad. kin of Elberon, N. J., has been York Pumpernickel It is.my firm conviction, my elected president of the Interfradear friend, that no matter from ternity Conference at the New BEEAD what aspect you view and study Jersey institution which, just a the problems associated with the Sliced thin for jour short while ago, was so much and convening of a World Jewish Conso unfavorably in the news as a gress, and what such a congress result of the firing of an antimay engender In the very hear Nazi instructor by & pro-Nazi defuture, nolens volens, you must partment head . . . And what's Political Note: It's hardly a secome to the Inevitable conclusion we hear about S. Klein of that such an undertaking at this' ] cret that both major parties in | this 270141 No. JHttt St. Union Square being the real fitime will be productive of more Now York State are up to their nancial We. 6400 \ backer of that swanky harm than good. ears in a hunt for a prominent gownerie on New York's swankWe should not permit ourselves Jew to put up as either Governor iest lane, far from Union Stjuare, to gamble win the destinies of an Lieut. Governor in the forthcom- I which is operated under the anguished nation. ing election . . . Well, here's good j Names of Gloria Vanderbilt, her twin sister Lady Furness and (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts hunting to you, boys! . . . Mme Sonya Rosenberg? . . . ReaFeature Syndicate.) Mish-Mash: Tom Dewey, two- ders may now visit this departfisted young vice investigator ment in the brand new J. T. A. who's making life uncomfortable offices et 847 Madison Avenue, for a lot of heels, is due to get New York City . . . All you need The Quaintest Spot in Town Cincinnati, O.—Rabbi Bernard steamed up about something that is a clipping of the column to Drinks by Mesh Zeiger, of Flint, Mich., will be di- Magistrate Anna Kross is going show that you're really a reader . rector ot B'nal B'rith's eleventh to have to say to the newspaper . . And you'lle be glad to know Hillel foundation, to be opened in boys just as soon as the investiga- that the moving was successful . Mezzanine ^ l o o r ^ ^ ^ September at the University of tion has been completed . . . Uu- . . Not a chip was knocked off our Enjoy IK>rBLE-M13liIjOW Old North Carolina, it has been an- derstand the lady magistrate is plaster brown-and-black carica- Gold Cigarettee with yonr dinner. nounced by the B'nai B'rith Hillel shopping around for some suitable asbestos paper on which to Foundation commission. Rabbi Zeiger was born in De- 'write her statement . . . Promitroit and received his degree from nent refugees from Germany, inthe University of Michigan. After cluding former members of the (Established 1S7S) spending a year in the New York Reichstag, will gather in Paris early next month for one of the School for Social Service and another year in New York settle- most unusual conventions ever ment work, he entered Hebrew held . . . They'll come, those rePhone $&. 0551 — Pbone 5M — Phone SS685 Union college at Cincinnati, and fugees, from all parts of the world for that convention . . . was ordained a rabbi in 1928. Asbestos Adolf will be taken for one He organized the Jewish com- And Slate-Tile of the most brilliant rides over munity of Flint into a strong con- j the he's ever had . . . That's Asphalt and Gravel gregation and taught for six years j one coals convention should be in Flint Junior college, where he [worth going farthat FREE' ESTIMATES — EASE TERMS to attend . . . was voted one of the most popu- j Saw almost everything on the lar and respected instructors. He Mary except the synagogue also taught for five years in the ! .Queen . . The night we tramped two College of Jewish Studies in De- Inches our feet seeing • the troit, specializing in modern He- Mary's off sights, the synagogue was ( brew literature and contemporary i closed . . . But we were asured religious developments. I she has one . . . By a fellow who Guaranteed Fur Storage The University of North Caro- came over on the big canoe . . . lina at Chapel Hill, is the out- Frederick Samuel, traveling corstanding southern university. Of respondent for the London Jewits five thousand students, 250 ish Chronicle . . . Who whisperare Jewish,' most of them from led in our receptive ear that he's •k Where Omaha Shopt with, Confidence North Carolina, although about j planning to make the maiden 25 per cent are from the large i voyage on the King George tw Eastern cities. There are no other jears hence . . . The London EveJewish facilities on the campus, ning News has a gossip column, and the new Hillel - foundation too, but its gossiper got a wronj will be the social, educational and | streer the other day on Jo (Sculp religious center not only for North I tor) Davidson, whom he describ Carolina's 250 Jewish undergrad-


Hillel Director




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door to the Ethiopian legation . . . . . . Nellie Granger, air hostess, sah. , TJ. S. Buys Set of American The Jewish papers are the only who saved Mrs. - Ellenstein's life Campaigns against trachoma ; Jewish Year Book one is Germany enjoying a boom in the recent c r a s h . . . . Miss Graand skin diseases have been part; Philadelphia — The rnjtp.• ••• There are now eight of them nger is an orphan... "William of the Hadassah medical program: S ,U t e s , And, what's more they boast Paley, head of Colubia Broadin Palestine for nearly twenty- j 8 1 o f tGovernment has p i m W , be of thousands of non-Jewish rea- casting System, has just taken five years. Skin diseases have; ' "" volumes of Thr been virtually wiped cut in the ; American Jewish Year Book to Tir sia apparently never heard of theders who find them the best out a |2,000,t)00 insurance polFLOATING SYNAGOGUE The first nqn-Jewish guest American Jewish Committee and source of news . . . It's a com- icy. . . Rabbi Solomon Goldman | New York (JTA) — Trachoma, Jewish schools, the report states j filed in the new Archives Ti-,,;]f<sr speaker to' occupy the imlpit of what's more Uidn't seem to care mon sight in the Berlin cafes to and Rabbi David Graubart, both the eye scourge widely prevalent and trachoma has shown r.n an- ing: in Washington, it war 1 the synagogue of the S. S. Queen . . We're told — don't laugh — see Aryan Germans pouring overj o f c h i c ^ g o > a r e d i r e c t d e s c e n . By the Service Life Insurance in the Orient, has been reduced nual decrease to its present all- pounced here by the Jpwiol v T*i h Company, Omaha Mary v a * Captain Sir Edgar Brit- that the schochtim of Canada the Juedische Rundschau . . . Or-j dants, through their mothers, of • from 24 per cent in 1P1S to 4.4Gtime low. Ha&assab supervised ; Mention Society of America. ' '•-' ten, master of the new liner . . . have joined a union controlled by ganized labor in Norway Is hot! the two most famous Jewish cod! per cent among' Jewish school the health of 42,000 school cliii-; issues the year book joint!? T , , ! If you had walked up a certain ; children of Palestne, the lowest dren last year. Sir Edgar -welcomed the Jewish Jewish Communists . . . A resolu- under the collar because of the ists, David Halevi and Sabbatai ifne American Jewish Comn ! rpfannouncement that the Norwe- Cohn, who wrote the glossaries street in a certain city one rainy rate of incidence ever recorded in . passengers and in very drastic tion in fayor of Birobidjan terms contrasted British fair play not . introduced at the Canadian gian-American Line has ordered j of Taz and Shach, respectively; on Sunday morning, you would have that country, according to IP So | The Jewish Press ad re" . with Nazi treatment of the Jews Jewish Congress meeting bocause Patronize Our Advertisers ; merit your patronage. Joseph seen, dumped upon the sidewalk, : s t a t i g t i c s j a s t r e c e i T e d *>r Hadas-i . . . Before the Queen Mary's mai- of a deal between leaders of thebuilding company Norwegian | Caro., J. Lyons, English teaden voyage was over the Jewish Congress and t h e Birobidjan trade unionists are the most mil- shop magnate who fed the Nazi the worldly possessions of the j passengers presented Sir Edgar movement in Canada The deal itant anti-Nazis in Europe . . . fans when->'they came to attend a daughter of a man who in his day j with a beautiful leather bound consisted of an agreement by theHyam Greenberg has been named foootball game in London last was one of the prominent business I Bible . . . In charge of the syn-Congress leaders not to pass a musical director of the new telemen of the city. j agague on the first voyage was resolution censuring the Commu- vision service of the British fall, is now being threatened hy Into a wash boiler, the rein- i death by English anti-Semites... FriFrederick Samuel, staff member nists in Palestine if the Birbid- Broadcasting Company nants of a once extensive library | of -the London Jewish Chronicle, jan question was kept off the ends of "the late Ernest Roehm, Clark Gable once used the name had been dumped, over two chairs erstwhile pal of Hitler and com-'of Goldberg toescape a horde of who was given temporary rabbin- floor Cactus Scribendi of the A certain was a wornout mattress and a of the Storm Troops, who autograph hunters cot. Over all was a piece of wornic authority by Chief Rabbi Hertz i Toronto Jewish Standard is auth- mander Shannon of Jersey City is o u t of Great Britain . . . If you aeard ority for the information that the was shot in the 1934 blood purge, Jack Cantor 1 Hnoleum which flapped in the starting an anti-Eddie have organized themselves into some of the-radio broadcasts from only Jewish station-master in wind. campaign... . the "R-R" (Roehm's Revengers), the Queen Mary, credit them to Canada is employed at Swastika The woman's father died when "While in Montreal, we learn- and are killing off every Nazi imMrs. Sarry Cushin of London, SUNSHINE KOSHER she was under age. Her property, plicated in Roehm's murder . . . who is one of the key figures of ed that a number _.of the seamen which amounted to a considerable CRACKERS BRING TIDBITS the British Broadcasting Corpora- on the Nazi cruiser Emden are sum in real estate, was managed Joe Louis, the sepia threat to OUT THE FLAVOR CF tion . . . Secretary to three of the violently anti-Nazi . . . by her uncle until she became of Jim Braddock, is showing his PERSONALIA highest executives in the BBC, SOUP AND MAKE IT age. But mismanagement, carefriends a post-card with a Berlin shec ame over with the party of Warner Bros, have stolen the TASTE MUCH BETTER ! lessness, the advice of uninformed 16 that handled all the broadcasts march on> the film industry by postmark that announces the senpeople all contributed to the loss, der hopes Joe will knock the"stuffrom the Queen Mary .". . planning a film called "The Black piece by piece, of the property. fings out of Max Schmeling . . . 100 YEARS Jerusalem (JTA) — The GovFrancis P . Shapiro The Washington Senators have a Legion" Money left under monthly inHadassah and the Texas Zion- and Irwin Goldman are ifmong new Jewish star in the making in eminent last week issued the first jc o m e p l a I l s c a i m o t be misinvestist Association have linked Zion- this year's graduates from Notre Starr, their young catcher, who is allotment of 2,000 certificates to e d >c a n n o t fluctuate in value, can.sr cr- '.^CRACKERS ism with the Texas Contennial Dame University the Jewish Agency for Palestine not be misspent, cannot be borThe director ARE! tJ.Ti LNDLRTKL Incidental- under the 4,500-certificate labor rowed by relatives, cannot be miscelebration by raising a fund to of the art museum at this world the son of a rabbi ly, friends of Buddy Myer, the establish a colony called Nachlath famous Catholic school is Dr. immigration schedule for the spent by exaggerating size, cannot Incidental- Maurice H. Goldblatt . . Politi- Senators' crack Jewish infielder, I nest half year. Texas in Palestine be lost, burnt or stolen or taken ly, you may be interested in cal insiders in "New York are say- are worried by his complete col-1 T h e p e r m i t s V e r e i s 9 U e d o n away, and cannot be assigned, atlapse this year . . . Rita Hoy the j c o n d i t i o i l t h a t 1>500 b e glTell t 0 knowing that there is a thriving ing that if Governor Lehman is or drawn in advance. The ~~tt ly "i 1 Tcome"pian " i s T h e " ^ ^ city in Texas called Palestine . . . not prevailed upon to change his showE1rl who », aaw Mrs. Tony | ec sntai lnui tazni nriei S3i d0e n0ttS0> r e1l a2t 5i Tt e0s e ox pf ePal-| rts J David L e r n ^ u b l S h : 7 5 t o r £ e s s i n l s ' clad plan of making the future Professor Albert Einstein was in-mind and accept renomination, , „a bel0Ted vife o r dallghter a b . vited -to open the Texas Centen- the Democratic candidate for Gov- er of the NeS York Posi can of- d e r fPt h° e c e r t°U 5*c a -t e s Thenremamnot b e ° ™ solutely safe, insofar as financial Bial but he had to refuse because ernor will be Secretary' of the t p V L fnnnT I v t f c h ' p ^ n a ten be found playing chess m a i s s u e d be f O re the middle of July. l n a n I ) i n ess is concerned Of Mrs. Einstein's health . . . The Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. New York sport palace witn the aappiness is concerned. . . . New York's garment center invitation was personally deliverhouse player . . . The latter is ed to Einstein by a former Texas boasts a dealer in Yiddish papers The Firms which advertise in The Firms which advertise in newspaper man acting as the mes- who is not only a son of Erin but Reuben Fine, the chess wizard . . the Jewish press deserve and the Jewish press deserve and senger of the Governor of Texas . has a brogue as thick as your If you look hard you can also merit your patronage. merit your patronage. , . Speaking of Texas reminds us arm . . . A film based on the life dentify Arthur Garfield Hays, that a certain Hyman Krupp of of the late David Belasco is being he lawyer, among the players . . Max Liberman, 61 El Paso is one of the country's oil prepared by Carl Laemmle, Jr. Max Liberman, 61, of 5132 (Copyright 1936 by Seven as bis first independent producArts Croesuses, having earned a forNorth Seventeenth street, a resiFeature Syndicate.) tune of several millions Through tion. dent of Omaha for 23 years, died a lucky oil strike . . . His luck TRANSATLANTIC Sunday. Funeral services were also brought millions to the Uni- The swanky London residence DID YOU KXOW THAT ?* held Tuesday. Burial was in Beth versity of Texas from which he in which Halle Selassie, ex-emimmigrants from Latvia i Hamedrosh. leased his land . . . peror of Ethiopia, is living dur- areIllegal leaving for Biro Bidjan at thejj Mr. Liberman is survived by CANADA ing his temporary stay in Great rate of 75 a month with theTcnow-jhig j Myrtle; two daughters. Believe it or net but there was- Britain, was turned over to him A mul- edge of both the Soviet and Lat-j juanita and-Betty; two sons, n't a single voice raised against by Sir Ellie Kadoorie the World Jewish Congress dur- ti-millionaire Jewish merchant, ivan governments... F 1 o r e n ce; George and Harry; three brothing the sessions of the convention Sir Ellle has extensive business Townsend, head of the Hebrew |ers, Philip of Omaha and Leon of the Canadian Jewish Congress interests in China, India and Iraq department at Evander High and Jacob of Los Angeles, and • « . Canadian Jewish prominent- . . . The Kadoorie home is next School in New York, is a Catholic J four sisters.

Against LIFE INSUMNCE- Battle Being WHATITISAND Trachomain WHAT IT DOES...





2,000 Immigration Certificates Issued

>UBIiE-MELLOW Old Kith your dinner.



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Wallace Stark, age 76, •whoi Stark's four-cylinder coupe has reached the age limit and was re- j been licensed every year since he tired.in 1924 after many years ibought it, but never twice in suein the United States Indian Ser- cession in the same state. This vice, is still driving his first car, year it has- a Florida tag. "Dealers often ask me to ,trade a IS 25 Chevrolet. It hasn't reached the retirement age, he says. it in on a new modal," he said, Stark, on,a recent visit at Detroit, "but I always tell them they're told Chevrolet executives of the better off having this old timer record of h;a car, which Mas been on the streets, running fine, and almost everywhere in the Unit-1 looking good, as an advertisement ed States. jof Chevrolet durability."

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fosl price of New Standard Coupe at Flint, Af icjiifian. With Hampers, spart* thv ami tirv ioc»;, t pri^r is $2f) GiMitiffnaL *Knee~Action an J^iast^r M&Ms &nh\ $20 etdditkma}. Prices qutfnf in this advertisement are list at Flint. 3J«~ftij«nn, and snbjecf to change trtlhotif notice,

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• •m PAGE FOUR,,


THE JEWISH PRESS Published erery Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


Subscription Price, one year • - - ' - - • « *a.oo Advertising rates furnished onapplication. Editorial Office: 600 Brandela Theater Building. Blonz City Ottlce—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK* B. ACKBBMAN • - - - • - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffa. Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILd* • • • • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspoadent Print Shop Address: 4604 So. 24th Street



Jewish Summer Camp <The progress of the times has made parents realize that no einf longer is vacation time a period of haphazard wasting of hours ^i—instead, it should be constructive, instructive, well-balanced ' n ^ r | and well-organized.. • ile| Camp Akiba at the-Jewish Community Center—a home 4l | camp with all the advantages of ah outdoor camp and. with the rp| added attraction of allowing the children to go home evenings ihei| —has proven its merit by its tremendous succeBS last yekr, and ! ^ l i with the added experience gained should be even better this ijavlS summer. At the recent national meeting of Center executives, Save irini the Omaha Community Center's camp was rated very Mghly f!Ln-'i and commended as a fine step forward in the field of child education. V Our camp is distinguished from other such programs in fajf that it injects a Jewish cultural note in the form of play activities, and in a pleasant but effective way accomplishes an ada^vancement of Jewish ideals. In an atmosphere df play and ra^ comraderie, the very air breathes Jewish life \ and Jewish uniorui d ers t ana ^ n K and companionship. From ihe secular viewpoint, .]ie:[jj. the program is well-rounded, with the program carefully jsomp planned and executed. An out-of-door game program is on the E»esf menu, as well as a swimming course; crafts lessons, including JitoriS leatherwork, woodwork, metal work, weaving and art; music Wfl'JI tap and folk dancing; toy band, hobby groups, and an emphaJ^fc sis on health. Lunches are served under a dietician and every ihoiilt care is taken to help the individual childL A specially selected jsval}| staff completes the many features offered, pinti This fits in well with the modernized ideals for summer, aratfij when the theme song is to make the vacation time count. The widdj day is past when parents could say that they had a big back f^vti- var< ^ an<^ * na * therefore their children are cared for adequately io d | and it is a credit to our Jewish Community Center that they f; $ took the initiative in being among the first to: start a summer 'ih&v^s camp £pr the youngsters. Enrollment for this summer is now /fwaitB . . . . liask | open and Jewish parents in Omaha who have children between po tK advantages the ages of of5 Camp and 15 should . not deny their youngsters the lfir?JJ Akiba . The advantages are so great sting ?i |Tewi$ and the cost so comparatively little. , •







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•it*ti$t |lnten;

Leon Blum, Jewish Premier

Leon Blum, Jewish premier of France in one of the most vital crises of that country in modern times, today holds the er in; spotlight of world attention. Not since Disraeli has a man of jdignaj .their/ Jewish origin held the reins of a great western country, and j j evenDisraeli had been baptized before he became premier of llor ij' England. s The Jewishness of France's leader of the people's front ttory : oa jtion o comes more forcibly to our attention with the fact that he is l" ." T Thlj being erueified by his enemies because of his Jewishness. At Jcreatij the opening session of the new chamber of deputies the rightJ ^ ' T . ists lost no time in* starting their anti-Semitic attack when Xavier Vallat, rightist war veteran, shouted that "for the first tops - time this old Gallo-Roman country of France will be governed by a Jew!" This was the signal for a right-wing series of atlie col Jwhen! tacks on the premier because of his racial background. L'Action jCnitj| Francaise, organ of the reactionary monarchists, followed with i there "*"" a screaming front page headline, "France Under a Jew" and mold! demanded immediate legislation to curb the civil rights of the Jews. A royalist editor, Maurras, actually proclaimed in an editorial that "I personally make myself responsible for the assassination of Blum I" _ ' This is the side of the picture presented by men who do not deserve a place among civilized peoples. It does not represent the real France. The real France is found in the masses -who elected the government headed by Blum. Edouard Herriot, chamber president, voiced the opinion of the majority when he angrily challenged Vallat by shouting: "I know neither Catholic nor Protestant nor Jew. I know only Frenchmen!" The majority opinion was further shown by the wave of cheering\and applause which greeted Blum's entrance in the chamber as the new premier, drowning'the boos of his.enemies. The current simile in France is: "As straight as Blum," : aid he is fondly called "le bon papa" by the masses. • "What, then, is behind the intensity of the, attacks against Blum? The Nazi propaganda machine, working overtime and ^ under cover, is fanning the flames of racial and religious prejI -udice to their own ends. They have convinced the French fasX> eifltstiiat the Jewish question can be utilized as a. cloak to •]• bide .the fascist intent, that the French fascists can follow Hitkler by riding to power,'despite the wishes of the masses, on ] j the back of organized Jew-baiting. The Germans believe that a I; fascist France will join, hands with them in carrying out the §1 Hitlerite plans and will also alienate France from the Soviets. |; :; Leon Blum is a man of capabilities, a leader and a states-. |: v man,He is sincere in his efforts to save his country from chaos |r and political despoliation. "W^orld opinion, whether agreeing in l~ "every particle with, his political philosophy or not, is with him ^ to succBedjn bis venture despite the malicious attacks upon him j ! and his Jewishness. ' ^ jJewa*MaaJ

|BI^t:put the Evil- ',', ^X^-l ^iX '

with his vaudeville act . . . was their colossalest epic. "Well, vrhat! ten million pounds of capital has we cannot escape them nor their suggestions. The night shirt a performer among Eng- do you think?" asked Reuben. "I been invested there and it. is cerGEMS OF THE BIBLE lishfavorite of the Ku Kluxers has been dirtied further into the black royalty . . . appeared numer- think it needs fore action in one tan that, whatever means may be ous times before King Edward, place." Where Is that?" anxious- necessary to restore tranquility, shirt of this "Legion." Secret regalia, secret symbols, secret AND TALMUD then Prince of Wales. " |ly queried Reuben. "In the cut- stoppage of immigration into PalBy O. O. DASHEB meetings - - secrecy shrouding their every move . . . every act Both Helen Mack and Eleanor!ting room," -was his partner's dry estine and repeal of that part ol secret because it could not stand the bright light of day. Anti(Whittenberg) Whitney got their | retort, the mandate cannot be among Even a child is known by his start of vaudevil-! > them..'1 Jewish, anti-Catholic, anti-Negro, anti-radical - • that was and doings, whether his work be pure Hans .as. .protegees former with the help of S'long, folks. Referring to alleged A r a l : is the slogan of the Black Legion, which Mils and beats and and whether It be light. Vera Gordon . . . latter with Rae grievances, Sir Herbert denied (Copyright 193 6, Jewish TelegraBetter a handful of quiet hap- Samuels. terrorizes. And the worst shame of it, this group commits its piness that the Arabs had been injured phic Agency, Inc.) than both hands full of laculturally or economically by Jewcrimes in the name of Americanism. What dastardly deeds bor and striving after wind. Reich wrath continues to pour ish immigration, declaring that can be committed under the guise of idealism. These men Every wise woman bulldeth her new brains, ability, and vitality economically the Arabs' condition home, but the foolish plucketh it into the picture Industry of Lonis far better than ever. decided to make the rules of Americanism to fit their own down with her own hands. don and Hollywood. Latest fugDiscussing migration plans of narrowed vision, small ancT despicable, defiling the fundamen- Wealth addeth many friends itive is Fritz. Lang, director of the Council for German Jewry. but as for the poor his friends j "M", made in Germany. His first tal American doctrine of no discrimination because of race, separateth from him. Sir Herbert said it was necessary American effort, "Fury", was i to set aside much larger sums for color or creed. This Black Legion hoped to eventually control A fool despiseth hip father's previewed the other night and j the development of Palestine. correction but he that regsrdeth I proved to. be a strong dramatic this country's government. A band* of Hitlerites in 1923 had reproof is prudent. "A considerable part of the ' :... Sir Herbert Samuel States Pal- three million pounds which is to the same hopes in Germany, and used much the same tactics. Happy is the man who findeth j u estine Eiots Cannot Change : be raised must be devoted to that wisdom and the man who obtain- j The citizens laughed at their proposals and their methods. eth purpose," he declared. Showmanship Plus: Maurice understanding. British Stand Conn, independent producer, wirBut the band continued its terroristic methods, continued its The refugee problem is too TALMUD London (JTA) — Regardless large and intricate to be handled Our rabbis taught: "It is not ed Haile Selassie in Jerusalem an false propaganda and its malicious feeding on the woes of to start to pray in a mood offer to star in a super-epic. Haile of the disturbances in Palestine privately, the cpn/erence was told their fellow-men until they climbed to power on the back of proper of sadness nor In a mood of laugh- I must be "in conference" . . . thusijt j s imposible to believe that the b'" L o r d Rutherford, who presidmisery. It didn't seem possible, but it was. It doesn't seem ter, nor in a mood of'Idle and low far Mr. Conn has had no answer. ; Balfour Declaration can be with- ed. but in a mood of Joy caused — : drawn, Sir Herbert Samuel, noted possible that the likes of the Black Legion could control Amer- talk, through the performance of a They were shooting a scene i British Jewish statesman and the from "Count of Arizona." Francis jf j r s t High Commissioner for Palica, but it is now known that in our midst they committed meritorious deed." On three occasions can a man's Lederer is offered a "chaw o f ; e s t i n e i declared last week. beatings and killings and terrorism. character be recognized: B'Koisai 'baccy" after which he is suppos- j g; r Herbert spoke at the reThe answer? The answer is obvious. Let's not ridicule (when he drinks); B'Kasal (by ed*to make a wry face. His ex-jj U g e e conference of the League Sensational his purse), and B'Klsai (by his pression wasn't realistic enough, j o f N a t i O ns Union which is" meetsuch movements as the Black Legion. Let all .Jews, Catholics, anger). so the director sent for some of Ung a t t h e L o n d o n Sc}l ool of EcNegroes and right-thinking citizens of all denominations and Rabbi Ishmaeal said: "He who the bitterest tobacco in the shop.! onoinics. creeds take open and forcible action through legal channels wants to become Vifee shall study Prefeto Lederer's face puckthe moment Palestine is (6 Full Glasses) civil laws for there Is no store ered like a dry persimmon. The | EeriouEly disturbed," Sir Herbert to exterminate such subversive movements which menace the (of wisdom) in the entire Torah i overhead was saved! isaid, "but no one can imagine Americanism. And as an auxiliary movement, let the teach- richer than this {civil law), which | that the Balfour Bafour Declaration fafa Everyone in Town Is ers and ministers of the country spread the true doctrine of is like a flowing spring." Cracks and cracklings: Watch- ,v.oring establishment of a Jewish a chap waiting in the casting; national home there and promisTalking- About It real Americanism as enunciated by the fathers and founders Rabbi Chisdo said: "If a man ing sees that troubles are coming un- office, a wag remarked, "He h a s i i n g facilities for its establishment 8 Flavors and builders of the country . . . and thus prevent organiza- to h i l b i l i t " j| c a n be w i t h d r a w n . him let search his deeds and the p a ll ll o r off availability." That To Choose From tions like the Black Legion from gaining a foothold. It he has investigated and found Charles Judels, long-time absen- j declaration has been endors-


! Quart New Yorker

nothing wrong then let him at- tee from Hollywood, is b u t t e r i n g : e d

Central Conference of Rabbis By RABBI FREDERICK COHN

Q s o u n d l i k e A m e r i c a . " •.'.•;:;.-.-,-.,;; f - . ';; ; .. •.;..,/;;'-;v ".:'". ..:./>-.-'..• "•.

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tribute it to neglecting the study his bread as a local night-club j world and by the League of Naol the Torah." j M. C. Mae West sends her sister; tions. Rabbi Ben Mechasia said: "AJto South America for fifty mon-j "on the faith of it, 300,000

man shall always try to male his j keys. The mission is no gag, butjj e ws went to Palestine and have residence in a city of recent set- the monkeys will be — in her! thrown In their fortunes with the e x t picture. Joan Blondell [country. On the faith of it, some The Central Conference of American Rabbis will meet at tlement because being a new- nbought " ' . ; . named . . . . . it .. a yacht the end of this month in Cape May, New Jersey. This is the found community it has | "Joan".

Binnie Barnes

At All LeadingDealers


government," organization of "Keform Rabbis," though all rabbis in good •iveOurmunicipal rabbis were taught: There ! houses . . . has some noted stars standing are eligible for membership. are three persons who cannot en- I as tenants. Archie Mayo revises Joy life,

the sympathetic,

Attv*>fe 'wftl "bei of tut- >**»*>** Rn*i

srr*. y wim* AT*..

the \ director's dialogue . . . instead of

A matter of particular importance this year will be a quick-tempered, and the delicate j "Roll 'em" or "Turn 'em over" as the customary signal to begin, he restatement of "Reform Judaism" to take the place of the soorders ''Twist "em, hoys." Luise called "Pittsburgh Platform" enunciated over fifty years ago. Rainer was seen in the company of Dr. S. M. Marcus, well-known Reform Judaism will be reviewed, revaluated and perhaps repsychoanalyst'. Al Dubin and vised, though a preliminary outline published is along the lines Harry Warren, claiming to be inof Judaism in general, that is, ethical monotheism is emphaspired by J. Edgar Hoover's activities announce a new song, sized as the fundamental and characteristic element of Reform 'I'm Putting All My Yeggs in One Judaism, with special application to the needs and problems Basket." The stork brought Louis By Robert Stone of the day. • B. M&?er a second grandson this SIX JEWISH TO week . . . child is the son of the Over and above all others seems to me to be the question, GET HONORARYSCHOLARS DEGREES 'What is the value of Judaism, of whatever variety, whatever FROM HARVARD AT TERCEN- David Selznicks. Judaism may be! Has it any special value in these particular TENARY EXCERCISES . . . Har- He-r-r-man Bing, after years of vard leads the way. cinemacting, was "discovered" limesf"; " ' U. S. GOVERNMENT BUYS other day . . , was given a Rettauer wrote of a "City without Jews"—a world with- COMPLETE SET OF AMERICAN the long-term contract with Columout Jews or Judaism—would it be any worse off; would Juda- JEWISH YEAR BOOK3 . . . Hope bia . . . and will receive a. :: builda good investment. up" equivalent to that given othism be missed? Is Judaism of any special value, has it any it'sCHRISTIAN AMERICANS. IN leading comics. real influence in the world today, a world teeming with prob- PETITION TO BRITISH ENVOY. ' . e m s • » - - - • - • - • • • - • - - - • in one of the mo'st• momentous periods of - all history? In ASK ENGLAND TO OPEN PAL- Again," partners Reuben and TO VICTIMIZED JEWS Goldman emerged from the pro;his most vital and critical period of human destiny, what con- ESTINE Some Christians understand jection room with that corrugafcribution, if any, are Jews and Judaism making?" Zionism better than Zionists. ted look. They had just viewed Judaism may not seem to be contributing to the solution BLACK LECJION SAID TO BE LINKED TO NATIONAL GUARD if the problems of the day in any conspicuous or dramatic man- ( AND PATRIOTIC GROUPS . . ner. Its influence rather is hidden, silent, subtle, even insidious, i N °A u ~M°j l -~ FOR RENT ASSEMBLY OF PRESBYTERif you please. It is like radium, very little is most powerful and IAN CHURCH D E N O U N C E S 2, 3 or 4 rooms beautifully effective.. Of old it was compared to leaven, and this is perhaps NAZI PERSECUTION OF JEWS furnished. Electric, gss and till the best comparison and description. Jews and Judaism .-. . Denunciations that never phone included. Gas heated. . ire the leavening influences of progressives, the radicals, if reach their address. • Call We, 3527 on Sunday." VISITORS JXOCK TO SEE you please, of the day. This is op_enly confessed as. one reason, MINIATURE SYNAGOGUE ON perhaps the main reason, why they are opposed by Nazi Ger- S. S. QUEEN MARY A floatmany, they are too "intellectual," too advanced and progres- ing synagogue is rather unusual. PRAGUE KEHILLAH CONHARRY A. FRANKEL sive for that reactionary, medievally-romantic and paganly- TRIBUTES 150,000 TO GOVSeal Estate and Property inclined country. Jews in all lands, in all professions and de- ERNMENT LOAN . . . A fine Management showing. partments of life, are the creative forces of the day. Therefore, 60,000 VIENNA JEWS FOUND Ton can't Gtop a wind. those who stand for the old cannot stand them. They are ON RELIEF ROLLS . . . .But do etoravbut you can buy branded with all sorts of sinister names and calumnious libels. •iey get relief? windstorm insur&nca They are the outspoken liberals of the day, This is due to their "DRIVE OUT JEWS" IS PLACARDED IN ITALIAN IN JERfrom Frankel thical monotheism, which is still in advance of the current re- USALEM Italian anti-Semit35 Douglas Block; igious and etiucal standards. Ethical monotheism standing for ism in Palestine it more dangerJACKSON XGS5 •ne God of the whole human race, for the highest ideals of ous than in Italy. "For inturanei See Frtnkei First' ARMS DEMANDED FOR ALL unity in government, in society and in civilization; for the loft- JEWS IN COUNTRY . . . If Arabs 'eat ideas of justice as applied to individuals and nations and don't desist, there will be another he whole order of society; for peace as the supreme desider- Jewish legion. JEWISH FARMERS HOLD ,tum and ultimate goal of all mankind; is in a profound sense MEMORIAL SERVICES F O R evolutionary, a dissolvent of old shams and superstitions and CROPS BURNED BY ARABS £24 Insurance BMg. The Arabs cut off their own noses gnorance and errors and evils and brutalities of all kinds. to spite their faces. • Wiring of all kinds. Judaism influenced the ancient world, to the very founda(Copyright 1936 by Seven Arta * Motor Installations. ions. It produced the two great religions of the day, ChrisFeature Syndicate.) •'Llghtlag Fixtures. ianity and Mohammedanism. Think of the influence it has had nd still has through the uncounted millions of devotees of Eitimatw OlAdl hese powerful and dominant faiths! Judaism, Christianity and 0*11 Our Film Folk Mohammedanism constitute the true "Trinity," the real "Holy AT. 64T0 Family/' is Madonna, Judaism and her two children, ChristianBy HELEN 23GMOND ty and Mohammedanism. And as Judaism has had this influence in the past it is "destined to affect still more vitally the Hollywood — They're tryinjr to lure Theda Bara from retirement "uture, to bring in the "Religion of the Future; the Universal to Faxlon Mitchell Co. play in "Hollywood Boulevard" Jeligion," whose foundation will be the religion of Abraham, In which many old-timers' will be Fosmdries ivhom all reverence and upon which all can agree; the' religion featured. It may take some cam- 87th unit Martha UA. 5523 gauze to hide the lines of •*£ science of conscience and humanity, which will monotheize era Time, but her luminous eyes are BraKS, Dronse Aluminum, Soft Grt>y Iron «nd Semi-Steel Castnd ethicize the entire human race. sparkling still. tags. Wood and Metal Patterns Jews everywhere, even unconscious and "assimiliated" Speaking of old .timers. Ben. Standard t l i * t Broru« a n d iron B«v*er Manholes, Cistern ews work for the One Goal, as Tennyson has described i t - Blue (Taxi Boys'Series Hal Roach I Buahlngt. R l i 0 » and Covers, Cleanout Ooors. he modern Messiah— comedies, vaudeville) emerges as Sash Wslghts a n d Yellow Brass Plumbers' Ferrules, carried In a leading thespian in the film de- stock. Bronte Tablets, Bronxe ana "One God, One Law, One Element and One Farbut of Marion Palley, erstwhile Cast Iron Critics a Specialty. Off Divine Event to which the whole creation moves." < Metropolitan Opere diva. What




strange playmates these make!


p§ ' The complacency of some of the smug, seif-satisfied memg:S; !>ers of the Jewish communities in America must have received | '• a severe jolt With the revelations which continue to come con^fj (ierning the so-called "Black Legion:" A systematic terrorism, ;|jj;% floggings to death, killings by bullets, retaining members in ||^strait-jacket compliance at a' pistol-point - : - these all sound jjfeiike Nazi Germany-, or nuddle-ages inquisitions. They do not

b y aU t h e cnjef


The Hebrew Calendar


Ben Blue, whom you may have forgotten, began life in Montreal, losh Hodesh Tammuz .+ ~ Sun., June -* 21 Canada . . . at 15 was a chorus in George M. Cohan's revue shiba Asar B'Taramuz « Tues., July 7 boy. later was owner-instructor of k Rosh Hodesh.Ab osh HodeshAb .......,.M.......u.;.Mon., ...Mon. July 20 a dancing school in Chicago. A isha B'Ab .~. , .«..Tues.. July 28 ten-dollar hand-me down suit was the impetus. that started bis ca?osh Hodesh Elul ......i»......r.....M....MM...«M..«... .Wed., Aug. 19 ireer « as comedian. He has travellRosh Hashonah ..Thurs., Sept. 17 'ed almost all around the* world

P-s-t! It's the) Coxiest Place in Town



Mr. t ^ \:rs( utU'i. V.x. b\ Of

Headquarters for Genuine

PALM BEACH far i i Enjoy Selection from The Nebraska's Vast Showing oi the New,' Yes, the NEW Palm Beach Suits for 1936 demonstrate that Goodall, the originator of Palm Beach, does not stand still! The new %veaves offer a new coolness in Palm Beach cloth never approached before and there are many other attractions in new Palm Beach Suits. Sec them!

Palm Beach Students' Suits

Palm Beach Tuxedo Suit*



'Fourth Floor


Boy's Palm Peach Long Pants Swiss, $10.75 Fourth floor

Good Food—Good Drinks

HOTEL HILL 16th.. Street Entrance








" *• *

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1936 llion pounds of capital liaE ivested there and it is cerit, •whatever means may "be iry to restore trariquility, ;e of immigration into Paland repeal of that part oi mdate cannot be among

HAI.PERIX-COHEX i HONORS GUESTS ; GRADUATED Handball Trophy, Aaron Fin- the homr of Mrs. H. Leibovici. Mrs. Fannie Halperin an- , Miss Eose Chesen entertained j Henry G. ^Chait, son of Mr. and Daughters of Israel Aid kelstein, Lincoln, 413 0 So. 2f'th St.. at £ p. in. Mrsnounces the engagement of her a t n e r home Monday evening in ; Mrs. Juluis* I. Chait, graduated Horseshoe Trophy, David Gold- Al Grembers: will act os co-l\pst daughter, Miss Ethel Halperin, to ' h o n o r o f Mrs. Frank Epstein and from the University of Nebraska I - The regular meeting of the ware, Omaha. ess. Dan Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. of Miss Miriam Dervin of school Monday, June S. Daughters of Israel Ladies' Aid Picgrpong Trophy, E r v 1 n e All members are urged to be Louis Cohen. The' wedding will be c a go. i society will be held Tuesday, Green, Norfolk. thfre as very important businessan event of early fall. ' ' | June 16, at 2 p. m., at the_ Old Past Prior's Gift. Gerald P. will be- di.«cus?Pu. AnyoHf i n t r r I CARD PARTr Miss Halperin was graduated ^^ OP'f'd )? rortliiiily invited to at; The Royal Elite Rebekah lodge, People's Home, 2504 Charles St. Cohn, Sio'ix Cny from South High school and Mr. RETUHXS HOME i This will be t h e last regular David Fernstein, Omaha, v a s tone!. Cohen attended Tech High. ; Mrs. J. M. Erman returned ] No. 400, will give a card party j meeting of the season and allselected as assistant l.uisinesi? , Sunday from Minneapolis, Minn., '• Wednesday evening, June 17, at j members a r e urged to attend. •manager of t h e Cornhusker T o r \<lvcrtlsors S:15 p.m. at the American Legion a£tera W k visit th nual student public, tion of it r MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER .d f,r i e.n d fsf '*H r ™ ^latives ; auxiliary hall, 315 South 15th St. University of Nebraska, at I <• Miss Sally Pollav entertained \ *? , r i - / ******> Eugene WpPeSMMMa 1 tC E a D ; There will be various kinds of

•rrin^ to alleged A r a b ices, Sir Herbert denied ie Arabs had been injured illy .or economically by Je\ymiqratlon, declaring that . lically the Arabs' condition better llian ever, ussing migration plans of >uncil for German Jewry, _ rbert said it ivas necessary aside much larger sums for" irelopmcnt of Palestine, considerable part _ of the million pounds which is to ed must be devoted to that e," he declared, refugee problem is too.



Foil Quart (6 Full Glasses) -

S Flavors To Choose From

At All Leading Dealers

i >i

FREE... SILVER Alpha Mu graduated from the Unhonor of Miss Rose Levin, who !;[? e n V: r Creighton. universUy in ! vited to attend. ANNIVERSARY. I-N-S-U-R-E-D Miss Frances Itosenfeld, daughiversity of Nebraska J u n e S durwill be married June 21. ' A. Z. A. 100 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. Kos-I Mr. and'Mrs. Sam Epstein will i The evening was spent playing ing the annual commencement exThe Century chapter of the A. j celebrate their silver wedding an-| bunco. ;• Prizes were won by • Mrs. ercises. They are Kenry G. Chait. en'feld, 'became'the bride of Dr. BETH-EL AUXILIARY IN OUR SPACIOUS Omaha, who received his bachelor Z. A. held a regular meeting: on J. C. Goldner, son of Dr. and Mrs. j niversary Sunday. Their children, IM. Roitstein, Mrs. Sam- Epstein FROM CAUFORXIA NEW VAULTS Monday evening, June S. at the J. COMMITTEES NAMED of law degree; William Flax. OmPp.y cleaning charge only p . C. Goldner, Tuesday at 1 I Jack and Shirley, are arranging 'and Miss Ethel Kelberg. Dorothy Corenman, who Miss C. C. A final report of thet'.rnrewhen ctothefe are H6e<$e<i aha, who received his bachelor of o'clock at the home of her par-a dinner for 150 guests at the jj a g j , e e n r e s iding in Oakland, for- next season. A board meeting of the Beth- fine arts degree; Irving Hill, Lin- held April 2 6 was given by Aleph ents. Rabbi Frederick Cohn offi- ; Blackstone hotel Sunday in honor TO ARRIVE FROM Cal., for the past several years, | El auxiliary was held Wednesday Herbert Forbes, chairman. ' of the occasion. coln, who received his bachelor cf ciated. i _ The chapter plans tvvo projects | will arrive here Sunday, June 14. jafternon in the form of a tea atarts degree. Hill will enter Har'LOS ANGELES Peerless Cleaners The bride wore her mother's in the immediate future, an '"old « Mrs. Frank Krasne and daugh- i to visit with her parents, Mr. and ; the home of Mrs. Reuben Kulak- vard Law School next fall. KE. 1500 wedding gown of brocaded satin : HONOR BRIDES-TO-BE clothes" campaign. wi;!i the J. C. j of sky. Miss Anna Halm was hostess at , ter, Marjorie, will arrive in Oma- i Mrs. S. Corenman. At the annum smoker he'd at C. co-operating in the distribution and rose point lace."Her veil fell OFFiCE AND PLANT ; ha Saturday evening from Los I She will remain in Omaha for from a coronet cap. She carried a dance at Peonj park Wednesday ' Angeles, to spend three weeks j three weeks, .after which time j Mrs. Jacob Blank, president, the chapter house Friday house of these garments to needy Jewevening in honor of Miss Fanny I appointed the following chair- trophies were awarded to individ- ish families, and a drtnvinc to be rdseg.and lilies of the valley here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. j she will leave for a tour of themen: ual winners. Henry Svartz, Oro- b-eld July 4. The prize has been Miss Harriet Rosenfeld, her sis- Berraan of Kansas City, *vho •will Lawrence Gross. i Pacific coast. Her itinerary inaha,-prior of the house, made the tentatively set as a eockuu'i set. ter's only attendant, wore aqua- wed Carl Lagman, and Miss ElizI Mesdames M. F. Levenson, pubIT WILL SPAY YOU | . eludes .stopovers at Glacier Namarine organza, made with a full t abeth Grossman of St. Louis, who ' VISITS PARENTS ] licity; Harry Trustin and Jack awards. The.r are as follows. Tickets .for the drawing win be To Consul! i .! tional park, Seattle, Portland and i will become the bride of Arthur Rosenberg Scholarship Trophy, on sale this- week-end. skirt and elbow length cape. She. Bramson, program; Henry BelI Mr. Ben Rich of Oklahoma City other principal cities. , liustgarten. The dance was preAaron Finkelstein, Lincoln, vrho mont, services; Irvin Stalmaster carried talisman roses. MALASHOCK'S j The semiannual eitH-'ion oi' ofj has been the guest of his parents, j and Dave Cohn, Sunday School; made a scholastic average for theficers will be held Weclnf--F('s-y. Dr. Meyer Z. Goldner served ceded by a cocktail party at Miss 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rich. He is leaving , TRIP EAST jHahn's home. Fifteen couples past school year of PI per cent. June 24. at the J. C. C. r.f. 7:30 his brother as best man. ; for Atlanta, Ga., to take over a Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum left for [Jack Luttbeg, confirmation; Chas. Freshman Scholarship Trophy, p. m. sharp. Gail Margolin and Phil RoAfter the service a wedding : were present. branch of the De Luxe Sales Co., a month's trip east. Sh© will vis- iRoss, WEPfKNG E.TSQS ' Maurice Tatelman, Omaha, who ! senblatt, social; Julius Abraham breakfast was served to members Inc. WATCHES - SILVERWARE j it a sister and other relatives in : son, motor corps; Reuben Kulak- made a scholastic average for the of the two families. The couple TO BE AT HOME Chicago, Baltimore, Washington, cur GIFT rrw rixr j past school year of B4 per cent. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Slosburg, jr., Goldie Mjerson Cbb ! ofsky and Herman Cohn, * " gift left by motor for New Orleans, Newark and New York. Rosenberg Activities Trophy jfund; J. J. Greenberg, communwhere they make their home for will be at home Sunday from 3 David BernMembers of the Golclie M C T until 6 o'clock in honor of their i t y cooperation; David Goldstein (upperclassmen), the coming year. son chapter of the Pioneer V o n son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and jand Sam Blotckey, education;stein, Omaha. i FROM BEATRICE Rosenstein Activities (.fresh- en's organization will hoi ; ! Mrs. Maurice L. Pepper, who are By Mrs. David ML Newman i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenberg ; Sam Turner and Pnineas WinLUSTGARTEN-GROSSMANmen), Morris Lipp, North Platte. meeting Wednesday, Juno 17 ri jtroub, house; Jack Kaufman; A. ! leaving to make their home in I and children, Jerry, Solly and Mr. and Mrs. Max Grossman of !D. Frank and Dave Stein, Friday j Kansas City, where Dr. Pepper • Shirley have moved to Omaha St. Louis, Mo., announce the apRice au Gratin. | services; Julius Stein and Joseph proaching marrjage of t h e i r . will Interne at Kansas City GenOne cup rice, three quarts wa- from Beatrice, Neb., and are rej Goldware, sick visiting; I. W. Rosiding at 1623 Willis Ave. daughter, Elizabeth, to Arthur. | ers»l hospital. , ter, one teaspoon salt. Wash rice ! senblatt, John Faier, ways and Lustgarten, son of Mr. and Mrs. j and drop in boiling water. Boil, ' means; J. H. Kulakofsky and BIRTHDAT PARTY William Lustgarten. ^The wedding uncovered, until tender. Drain and VISITING HERE Always the Newest Fashions—Always at Modest. Prices Mrs. Ben Zare of Chicago, for- Mose Tousem, book review; Dave Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chndacoff ; place in a buttered baking dish. will take place Sunday, June 28, ; Greenbefg and B. A. Simon, raemmerly Sally Greenberg of Omaha, entertained 20 children and their at the B'nai Israel synagogue at Cover with cream sauce. ibership; Philip Klutznick and 3 o'clock. Ratbi Harold Berger mothers at Fontenelle park SatThree tablespoons butter, two is visiting her mother, Mrs. N. urday, r June 6, on the occasion of! tablespoons flour, 1% cup milk, Greenberg. Mrs. Zare will visit i! Arthur Cohn, courtesy; Isadore Will officiate. Abramson and Morris Arkin, teleA reception for friends and rel- the eixth birthday of their daugh- , one-fourth teaspoon paprika, one- relatives and friends in Sioux City ; phone; Morris Katelman and and Rock Island before returning atives will be held at the house • ter, Phyllis Jean. 1 half cup grated dry cheese, two • Miss Blanche Zirnraas, dues. of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. ! .tablespoons prepared mustard, home. , TO ATTEND WEDDING and Mrs. Fred Greenberg, 1623 • one tablespoon bntter. FOR Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ravitz, I Melt butter, add flour and blend Willis Ave., from 7 until 11 Workers' Order Mr. arc* Mrs. Melvin E. Katie720 South 37th St., left Monday, I and add milk. Cook until thick. o'clock. man of Los Angeles arrived here j June S, for Los Angeles to attend I Remove from fire, add seasoning, Mrs. Grossman arrived last The International Workers' Or- | -week and will be joined here by ) the wpdding of Mrs. Ravitz's j cheese and prepared mustard. last week -to spend the summer I der, Omaha branch No. 126, cele-j Mr. Grossman on June 25. Many| daughter. Miss Dorothy Siever. ,Pour over rice, dot with butter visiting their parents, Mr. and ! brated Its sixth anniversary with j and Mrs. S. Katleman and Mr. out-of-town guests "are expected. I They will visit there for two and sprinkle with paprika. Bake • a banquet at the Labor Lyceum, • ' months. 20 minutes. {May 17. , j Mrs. H. Janoff. BERNSTEIN-LEVEY J The guest chair given away by j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Levey an- MOVE TO OMAHA Spicy Drop Cookies. I JOINS L A W F I R M J the organization was won by Mr. | nounce the approaching marriage Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Segal, Half-cup Crisco, one-half cup' Henry G. Chait announces his ?W. Pezzner, 2116 Burdette St. j of their daughter, Dena, to Leo 4 formerly of Minneapolis, are nowsugar, one egg, one cup syrup, association with the law firm of Bernstein, son of Mrs. J. Bern- making their home at 5645 JPop- !one-fourth cup cold coffee, 2-4 < Dorsey,. Baldrige & Chew, 437 CFI plan may Interest you! stein, Sunday, June 14, at the J. pletrn street. cups'flour, one teaspoon each of , Omaha National Bank building, The Small monthly payments . . . In. C. C. at 4:30 p. m. Rabbi David cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger,. for the purpose of practicing law. stead of one single premium. 1 A. Goldstein will officiate. BUY INSURANCE THE HONOR DAUGHTER one-half teaspoon cloves, one- : Mr. Chait graduated from the CONVENIENT WAY Dinner for the family will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein gave fourth cup sour cream, one cup r University of Nebraska law school If interested, call at an amazing new low served after the ceremony. a dance at the Miller Park pavil- raisins, one-half teaspoon salt. ' June 8. He received his B. A. deMAEK LEON ion Tuesday, June 9, in honor of Cream Crisco, add sugar, then ' gree from that school in 1934. of Insurance written BROOKSTEIX-KAPLAN their daughter, Ida, who was egg, syrup and coffee. Mix and j He is affiliated with the Sigma Every21type iFITlsifl S . . . . Strong Companies Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan an- graduated frppi Central High , sift dry ingredients with sour : Alpha Mu fraternity and is a past AT 7667 WA 6150 nounce the engagement of their school. Sixty guests -were present. 'cream, beating thoroughly. Add ipresident. daughter, Dorothy, • to Harry Refreshments were served. ! raisins. Drop by teaspoons on | Srookstein, son of Mr.- and Mrs. [cooky sheet. Bake 15 minutes at 1 J. Brookstein of Hollj'wood, Cal. , 375 degrees. Patronise Our Advertisers

md intricate to be handled Iy. the conference was told d Rutherford, who presid-

reryone in Town Is Talking About It

last meeting of the publit Sigma Alpha Mu at a miscellaneous shower at her f £\ eturned * " * *"•• ^ j card games arranged. Admission Three active members of Sigma board. home Tuesday evening, June 9, in ,t 0 t a * k e Erman •is 25 cents and everyone is in£1S borneMr. here with her Stem plans

Kitchen Chats

If \X

sfgjzr A



Printed Chiffon Washable Crepe

After a brief visit with her par- . ents in Omaha, Miss Kaplan will, return to Hollywood where s h e ' is making her home.


TO ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Resnlck will honor their son, Sam, who graduated from Central High school Wednesday, by entertain- j ing their friends at Elmwood park \ Sunday, June 14, from 5 until 8 j o'clock.

Sizes 12 to 20 36 to 44


ANNOUNCE BHVTH Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kohn of Butler, Mo., announce the birth j oi a daughter June 5 at Menorah j hospital, Kansas City, Mo.

r Genuine


HERZBERGS Announce the Opening of a New Shoe Department


'he Nebraska's he New! Beach Suits hat Goodall, Beach, does new weaves Palm Beach & before and ittractions in s. See them!

New Styles

JffSs Tho day yon begin to wear WILBUR C '.I S H O E S . . . lhat day youi. . ..i]l live again. You will iind intso new Shoes1 comfortable at all-those sensinva parts where "your other shoes hurt Give your feet iho freedom ihey deserve . . . Wear WILBUR COON SHOES. Sizes 1 to 12—AAAA to EEL

Our Regular



HOB Cool Designs on Lounging!

S«ond Floor ic/i




Prices from 8.50 to $10 WILBUR COON SHOES are professionally fitted in HERZBERGS CHIROPODY DEPT. Mezzanine Floor Front

Jacket Dresses One-Piece Dresses Sports Dresses Afternoon Dresses Office Dresses Fcccrfio/i Dresses

ose $1.19 Value

Palm Beach Tuxedo Suilt

Again Carman's lead the parade of dress values with this complete selection of k^elj summer chiffons and crepes at the price you want to pay. Charming creations that are cool as an ocean breeze and as fresh as an April shower. Everything you, could desire for your summer or vacation wardrobe.

Cool negligees, styled wiih weeping linei, hav» a regal air despite their practical washability. Solid color or lovely Dresden patterns with gay contrastIng sashes. Tea rose, Turquoise, White. Sires I4 to 20.

Colorful Dimity Negligees, Charm- 6|> (fUJjlB iup Hostess Styles. Washable, 14-20 @P©€Pdl? Lingerie Section . . . Second Floor



Those thoiisaads of practical women who want their hose to look exquisitely shees choose Brandson Twilight Twiste . . . the three-thread hose that has the appearance of a sheer twothread, the wearing ability of a four-thread. First quality ringless crepetwist, in all the new colors for summer!

New Colors


While Crepes Flesh Crepes Maize Crepes Blue Crepes Floral Chiffons Light and Dark Backgrounds Cannae's Second Floor







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CAMPAIGN MANAGE©—John P. Hamilton of Topeka, Kans., Is in charge of the headquarters of Governor Landon of Kansas which have been established in Cleveland for the Republican National Convention. Hamilton, as he planned to pilot Landon into the nomination, is shown talking with newspaper men. One of Hamilton's biggest tasks was to offset the drive for nomination by Senator Borah and to quell the "Stop Landon" campaign.

CHILDEEN HONOE WAB DEAD—Here is a view of the Memorial Day services a t the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris when the French people joined with the Americans in paying tribute to the fallen soldiers of the World War. Hundreds of veterans, school children, and French and American officials took part in the ceremony as wreaths were placed on the tomb.


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LAN3OX EOOSTEK—As delegates gathered in Cleveland for the Republican National Convention, William Allen White, noted editor, took a prominent place as head of the Kansas delegation. White, known as the "Sage of Emporia," stood solidly behind Alf Landon, a fellow Kansan. Editor White is shown with Mrs. White as they left the Cleveland Union Station for their hotel.

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REPUBLICANS GATHEB-—Among the prominent Republicans who are gathering this week are Mrs. Robert Lincoln Hoyal, director of the Women's Division of the Republican National Committee and National Committeewoman from. Arizona; and Ned Creighton, National Committeeman from Arizona. They are shown at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland where they have a voice in choosing the Republican candidate.

DOWN FROM ALASKA—From the far north comes Miss Margaret E. White of Juneau, Alaska, to vote as Republican National Committeewoman from that territory. She is shown a t the Republican headquarters in Cleveland shortly after she arrived to attend the convention opening a t Cleveland June 9. Although Miss White covered more miles than most delegates, she was one of the first to. arrive a t Cleveland.






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dig n'j i ?.-.:-:-..',ils, -the .••iifcfAM.ifi," have Iv-'**- Sv <• fight u.fci.Sv.Ci-.r

LINKED IN PLOT—Miss Dorothy Harper, of Los Angeles, was named by Valentine McAuliSe, alleged extortionist, as the reason for the" extortion notes he mailed to Aimee Semple McPherson, the Angeles Temple evangelist. Miss Harper stoutly denied knowledge of the note sent to the noted evangelist. The note demanded £10,000 of Mrs. McPherson and threatened to blast her career if the money was not paid.



CINDERELLA—Miss Ira Wilson, 22, of Nashville, Term., wears a 4-B shoe comfortably. Because of this, and particularly because of her poise, beauty and personality, she was chosen by shoe manufacturers in Chicago as a modern Cinderella. Miss Wilson's foot size was considered ideal for her weight and height. Surrounded by shoes, Miss Wilson is shown here with her cup.

^ 8^





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STRIKE PERILS FRANCE—As a great labor strike threatens to paralyze France, these workmen carry food into an airplane plant in Boulogne for fellow striking workers who have entrenched themselves inside the building. This plant was one of t h e first in France where workers walked out. The strike spread rapidly, and Premier Albert Sarraut's government felL

EVADER ?—Edward J. Margett of San Francisco, State area manager for the Townsend Old Age plan, denies hiding from government agents who sought to subpoena him for questioning. "They couldn't track s a elephant!" said "Margett.

Glenn « J-J ?•.«.', the olu-u.r.i^.v ' fight. :,-f :.< v.v.-t of M).il.U»»r *-^^ er




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BOTALTY GOES A-BIDING—Prince Gustaf Adolf, son and heir of the Crown Prince of Sweden and the grandson of King Gustaf carrying his young daughter, Princess Margaretha, on his shoulder in Stockholm, with his wife, Princess Sibylla. The little princess Is Hie great granddaughter of the King of Sweden.





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PERENNIAL CANDIDATE—David Sherman Beach, 72-year-old inventor and mathematician of Bridgeport, Conn., has been a candidate for President in every campaign in the last sixteen years as head of "The People's National Independent Ticket." Beach runs on & copyrighted platform which aims to operate the nation on a centralized basis. Each voter would own a share of


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WHACK!-Jimmy Thompson, golf's lonifest hitter, tees oS in the United States pionship atBiStasrol Golf Club! Sprtagfleld, N. J . This drive carried ovw 300 y for Jimmy-who has reached the green on a 6S© yard hole in two shots, ^ s p i t 2 S S « in early power, his short game has not been up to. par-and he fell several strokes short of the leaders .- rounds jduring the opening play.

TITANS OF FESTIANA — Jim Braddock, world's heavyweight chanspion, wishes Max Schmeling good, luck in liis fight with .Toe Louis, the Detroit Bomber, on June 18. Braddock visited Schmeling &t his training camp at Napanoch, N. Y, The winner of this bout may meet Braddock for the championship. MteS Newspictorea,

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1936 The hifrhpft arnoitnA of uidiM'to".LEON & WHITE, Attys, grocery, boys as the Potato Mar- nlng pitcher and Harry Wolfe I this restriction, nowever, shall not | ness to which thi* Corpomt'or' n>ry Progressive Qnb. City Nat!. Bk. Bldg. ! apply to indebtedness represented by j ket team won its sixth straight toiled for the losers. at any time sub.io.--i it.^'.-li plmli nnt The Progressive - clnb heM Its victory. Both teams had six hits Schedule for June 14: t£l NOTICE OF INCORPORATION O F pxrptfi iv:o-ihir«lp of >(> rnpit'ii Fto'.-'-.. The nffn!ni r>f the Corpontlnn simll WSTY'S INC. Omaha Potato Market vs Sam- ! third annual banquet Sunday eve- : transferred shall exceed the amount to their credit, but the winners t: ri ; pie Furs, 32nd and Dewey avenue, j *ing, June 7, at the Labor Lybunched their hits to score a cent, nor shall such limitations apply ,'ore.tion ha? been formed under the eor!-'-isHnfT <>'" n o t k-** t*\^ - t w o n o r m o r e t h a n live m^-rihprs at 22nd anil Clark StS. A to any guarantee made by the cor- law? o the Slate of Nebraska, A. Z. A. NO. 1 VS. Towers a t ! much needed third run. The the payment of ar.y o'o- The name of She Corporr.Hor. I majority of the members and iwation for league leaders looked hot as their Douglas Field. III'nXK transfer-ret} by it Tvhere I^usty's Inc. tbeJr OI. The principal piace of business lead-off man, Dave Richards, Omaha Jobbing Go. vs. Psi M u ! friends attended. such are secured by real estate or ON. The "celebration was in bonor other interest. The "number of mem- i Omniin, Poufins County. -Nthmr.t;a. strode to the plate and hit & at 33 rd and Cass. The Omaha Potato Market ver- °* the successful production of a j, uf*^ MAVKIN &. SCOTT, Attys. » u two nor mare than five. The : to be transacted by the Corporation is ; pretty good" and -were inclined to scorching triple, bat the steady p l a y , ••M e n c-n e n , a n d a ; Boara shall administer the affairs : f p purchase, hold, « l l . convey, i-f-, £04 Patterson Building cut excessively but the fellows pitching of Morris Epstein kept sns Sample Furs game will be one foonuer--a-acct-t •-p l a y , " C h a s i a , t h e Y o - i! »f the corporation. Stockholders shall !i sign, lease, moi-tfape arid transfer j e ! It recently appeared in these being cut in on ( didn't mind the "Murderers Sow" on the Po-of the fastest and hardest-fought hold their snnus] meetinc the first ' ' « estate and p e r - - v ' p-( » columns that Sam Appleman was (much!). Whoever put those post- tato Market team well at bay. In games in the city. The furriers seme," by Jacob Gordin. Tuesday in February of every year. | wherever situated; to h ' " <s ' their hall; of the inning, the fraa r e One g a m e b e h i n d t h e g r o c e r y T h e p r o g r a m i n c l u d e d p i a n o s e j and elect eireciors. The Directors ftssifrru transfer and r > S> . < •• contemplating taking up the game ers up on the walls was certainly t I I s sG l e F— r e e d.; T O - j: shall ^ a H deieCt m the ^ ^IPresidf-nt d ^ V i c e - P r ^ - j; Securities ^ ^ &VKI _o i-d-. Vioe-lPre^i^ ^ stock ^ of golf, but m s in need of some gifted with a real sense of hu- ternity boys scored the first run t e a m a n d a r e o n e d 3 e t o m a k e | l e c t i o n s - b* y ^— I" lefthanded golf clubs, being a mor. . . . who swiped the .horse of the game and it was good U p f o r t h e i r l o n e d e f e a t s u f f e r e d | c a l S e l e c t i o n s ' b y J a c k S e l i n s k y , j A r t i c l e s m a y b e a m e n d e d T h e c o r - ! L'€'Pt. e m l o r s e e n d I S ^ K enough to keep them In the lead at t t e hands of the Potato team.}accompanied- by,Louise SellEsKy; j P^Hon « tave a «aL southpaw. The next morning after collar? ;^ ^ e ^ r ^ r A ^ l until the fifth inning when Lee l a their jprevious encounter, the land the installation or to borrow nnd I a the item appeared, the phone rang J. HAROLD SAKS. Who were the young married 1 enpecre in tlu rclai! < HARRY B. COKEX. at the Appleman residence. Yes, women seen at the horse races Grossman smacked a much need- league leaders nosed out the sec-j ing officers: A.- Coltoff, presi- t i billion of spirituous I Corpora tors. I merited and <list;ile<i. i •> i you guessed itl Someone had a set recently, who between them bet ed triple with two men on to pat ond place team, 4 to S, in an ex-|flent;-"Mrs.'P. M. Crandal, vice- j,-e-i—>c-4t the winners in the lead for the (Jy. rum. whiFkfy. wir i tra inning affair. Paul Steinberg-!president; :Jac3s Selinsky, eecre- ;M 0 N £ K Y ( GROOINSKY, MAKER of -wrongside clubs that they no on several horses to win, place i other p-pirituoup liouo •*• < COHEN, Attys. longer were using. Appleman and show; etc., that is, Mrs. A bet first time In the game. In the and Ned Given ter will form thejtary; Mr.-Baumer, .treasurer, and ; 737 Omaha Nst'l Bk. Bldg. j and otherwise flea.l in ^i •went over, inspected them and on horse A to win - . . Mrs. E bet sixth stanza, the Psi Mu pushed Omaha Potato battery aad Herb! Paul Nerenberg, Mrs. P. Crandal ' ;ty or commodities n *across a lone run to tie the count, purchased the Bet. But as yet, he o n horse B to place . . .. Mrs. c but the run was not enough as Marks and Les Qiventer will work ! and Mrs. H. Aiorin, Loard of di- ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' tissociatfd with thr I j rectors; Ben .Martin, dramatic di-! In the County Court of Douglas ! distrij>utior! of Fpiritut i B has not made Ilia debut. bet on horse C to show . . . all in the Potato ten added another to for the Samples. County, Nebraska. do tiny and all tliiiipp t t I rector; Sam Taffe. musical direc-i fa t h e M a t t e r <if t h e E s t a t j E r - \ venient or i-ncifi^titt-.l the same raco . .-. Oddly enough, win the game. Paul Steinberg : j tor, and Jack Selin£ky, publicity j nesfme T. •Rothhoi*. T-'c'werE FTiri prn-i!eiEreF p Bill Schuchart, youthful High- horse A •won, horse B placed and pitched his sixth game and with The Smith-RbblnsOn Poatiae I director. All persons interested in jsalfl ps- I ficfi. * land Country club pro, did very horse C: showed. Wouldn't the this victory his record is still In- team In the National league is j tate are hereby noliried that a peti- \ The total authoi'iKe r~ tion has been filed in said Court alwell for himself in the National rest of us like to know where tact with no blotches on the loss sweeping all opposition as it won I t e l n e Wat satd flecearefl died Iw.v. ii\ Open tournament. The 24-year- they got their tips? its eighth' and ninth games last Jewish; Immif r side of the ledger. . { ine r o iast viil and praying for ad- - •"" ,' : , 'iioo m> t-i'cl| ministration upon hi? estate, and that i c . o t . k ,,; a ,,' b e ,, p i ( i , **' old sharpshooter finished • with a Welcome to-Harry Rose, the week. The Pontiac team Is comhearing Continues Abated!,a>(before . will be had on said petition j s o w a W . vhfn i=-ued 301 total for the 72 holes, ahead new district manager of the Blue The Sample Furs had a hard posed of all hut two Jewish playeaid court on the Cth dav of ; " o . ' . <_ _' ,: _... f uefore eaid court on the (ith da.y of paid for in cash. of last year's national- Open Flash beverage cooler, distributed time convincing the colorful Tow- ers and is being- rated as the fastreal or p(-i'sonai. tnn ; champ, Sam Parks, jr., and such by the Brunswlck-Balke-C.ollender er team that they were the bet- est team in the league. .-The boys iaonth Jerusalem fa. which (JTA).—April, the Arab: dlsorthejjajy, ; ; £ £ ^issfi, 5 u Lana v l s fThat s I t it rorfockA they fail to^ crihlf-, at the rpp.finnRl of. Ten Pbarep of th nationally famed Btara as long- Co. ter team as they downed the Tow- have suffered a lone defeat which J ders.started,' saw Jewish immigra- jt o" contest" 'said petition, ih? Cotirt of this Corpora tion e! ers, S to 5, in a hardhitting •with may prant the same and grant adwas because Of the use of an inj tion' continue unchecked, hitting Jimmy Thompson and before the Corporpti : ministration of said estate to Her.mencebusiness. game. Both Sol Yatfe and Herb blonde Craig "Wood. A sub-par 35 j < „ • eligible player. In last week's] 3,193 -jmniigraiits enterrni _ ,. t i ^ wvi ; rietta Kohn_ ^ or'wraf other suitable The Corporation E Marks nit home runs ror the win-game, the Smith-Robinson team f Holy Land. Included in this- num.- j person and proceed to & and a pair of 36B were included JOtungS buslnesp on ^Iay 'Z\. Bob Baum of St. Louis called ners, while a triple by Paul Bog- defeated the WPA's and |then | her,, the Official Gazette reported, i thereof. among Schuchart's nine-hole tocontinue for n n-riod EP.TCE CRATTFORD. from date thereof. tals. Eastern sports experts pre- for his date to the JD. K. dance danoff was the longest'hit for the came from behind to down a were'39 4 In t h e capitalist ca.te—f G-is-st Countj' Judg-e.. dict great things Jn coming years I last Monday at midnight . . . bis losers. The Towers, off to a bad HOLC team, 4 to 2. Phil Kutler gory, bringing with them the-reREED, RAMACCIOTTI and ROBINstory is that he was to Sioux City j start, finally got started and the is the only Jewish player in the j quired- 'minimum of' $5,000.from Highland's "Willie." SON, &. E. L. MARKS, Attys. with Don Bordy and on the -way Je nd of the fifth inning, the Sam- City outside of Paul Steinberg in d a flat ft tire i . . . well, l l jpj PROBATE NOTICE People that know about such back he had found themselves on the the J. Ci C. league, who has a In the ilatter of • the Estate things, say that a lot of golf is she might have been a flat tire, j short end of a ?-to*5 score. Herb clean record. The Pontiac team MO'NSKY, GRODINSKY, MAKER & \ Grace -L» McDonald. D Who were the two fellows- who i Marks hurled for the. winners and should step out as their name imgreat for reducing one's bay-winCOHEN Notice Is Hereby Given: That the! 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. creditors of the said deceased -will dow. The theory is being' some- were picked up for speeding while Iz Novak strained for the losers. plies and take all opposition for a — — — • meet fhe' administrator of said eswhat exploded by Marvin Treller. they were racing down Happy When a man bites a dog that's ride. N0T1CE OF' ARTICLES OF INCOR- ! tate, before • me. County Judge of . ! * PORATION OF URBAN" i IJougrlas County. .Nebraska, at the j )f, No, Marvin Treller Is not explod- Hollow boulevard last Monday news and when a heretofore vieREALTY COMPANY I County Oourt Room, in said County.!^ ing, but he is not the lightest in- night? torless team, after five games, fiMost people are looking for reNotice is • hereby (riven that the! on trie "rd Say of Angtist, 1P"(J. end ** The news has come to us from nally wins one, that's news in the lief from the hot weather. The underKigned hare formed a corpora- ] on the 3rd day of October, HiSG, at ;! j j dividual that ever swung a mashie. Just last Sunday, Marvin several sources that Abe Katz sporting "world. The A. Z. A, No. 1 solution to the problem Is a swim tion pursuant to the laws of the.StatejS o'clock A. M., each day. for the 5 of Xebra^ka:. - Tfie.name of the cor- j purpose of pre^entin^ their claims for *J &'„ played 45 holes at Highland, al- didn't intend to cook the piece of broke into the victory column last j in- •" 2 pool. The pool is poration is URBAN •RFLVLTT COJI- | examination, edjustment and allow- ' 5 '•", though arriving at the course in raw beefsteak he was looking for week when they" scored two runs always » t « ^n« •«*,norPANT, with _ its^ prlnci'.ml _place of ] ante. Three rrror.ths His r.re r.re allo allowed for ! p p a P al a Q le per ., . .. ™ bnslnfss in in Omaha. Nebrnrta. - Th^) the the creditors to preser.t ttheir claims. 1 v t b e afternoon. Forty-five holes of last Monday night. the last half of the seventh f th Ed d T hi i ti isII from the Erd day of .T«!v, mm; JcontinuoUB golf (and good golf, "A Quality rrodnct for Seasoning" -Don't be too impressed by some nning to shove the Omaha Job- atUre and is rated as t h e finest objects for -which this corporation !esse. hire ERTCE CRAWFORD. •i \too) is quite an aSBignment. espe- of ithe new dud3 that Meyer Ra- jlng team Into a tie for last place. indoor pool in the City. All peo- i formed are: To purchase ;<^12-S Conntv Et£* •'ssagiaa-'ASJE-s'*^ -** cially for a fellow of Trailer's ben has been sporting around for The A. 2. A.'s gave the Jobbing pie should take.advantage of the j L t ^ - ^ W T n ? ^ ««wea«#»j4«!asi^^ Of the physical depart- ] therein of ever?', kind •'• stature. And at the conclusion of the last week » . . they're. just_ earn a two-man handicap and facilities of. and lease,character 'convey, j ~ _ ~ * « « j „„«» „•* <«. •>,», p o » , » , and to sell, dispose of lease 'convey encumber, to - , the 45 holeB, Marv was still the some of Abe's graduation gifts. hen after, being on the short end ment For and cool in are the unable center \mnrtm ^ p , „„ improve, those off who' manap-e. one'-ate. p , p , drrelop. It same weight and eager to play a 3f an 8»to-2 score at the end of pool. swim, the Center has compe- control, maintain, coi^trvt. a r i kt "few more holes," but darkness :he fifth inning, they proceeded to erally dpal ;in SM" of Bald property. TIDBITS loan monies had entered the picture. o" on per:o mix walks and hits for mueh- tent instructors to give instruc- to sonal or real prorertv or ai^ ?*% Morris Grossman, sponsor of leeded runs. Coming in for their tion at all times. est therein, t^ acoui^e, purchase, ex-] the softball team that won the turn at bat in the seventh inning, chartrr. puhper-be to. or tn otherwise acquire' to hoVl, Fell, c ^ro-^e of pn-l HERE AHD THERE city championship last year, was the winners behind by a 9-to-8 peneraliv deal I*i rtock. share*, bor-d-;, The A. 2. A. novelty dance evidently very interested In some score, brought forth the true •win- World Labor Sports debenttifes, riblisr'it'"-".? Rtid st-ru^U ties of eTerj- kind ryid character lived up to expectations last Sun- of the fellows playing baseball at ning spirit which has been lack- Carnival whether coniorale public or nn-irte. New York (JTA) — The Jewday night by turning out to be Elmwood park last Sunday. ng In previous games. A hit by ish Labor Committee is sponsor- and to exercise F!1 ilcht^ Pfd p r n quite a clever and novel affair . . » Congratulations to Bob Bern- Morris Adler, Ray Schaplro's Hepe5 of ownersfciD t^rreo*: to borof Somo of the fellowB were "feelln* stein, who was made lieutenant- walk, Mandei Simon's overthrow ing a World Labor Athletic Carn- row tn^nev and lE^ue its&Te\i"encps *^ tO ^U'V— coionel of the Central High cadet n third base, and a long sacri- ival in New York August 15 and a n t e e a n v interest, biid';. 16 open to all amateur athletes I contracts or other oblitratio"'. Total corps last Tuesday. fice fly by Sam Wolk, brought in „ ., . *• •• i contracts or other oW.crati two runs and made it the lone regardless of race, creed, color \ nuthonzrd par VI!JP icapital i n i m VCstock r • ' r -is o . an Mssic Wfaercvcr political by affiliations," it Ornwas corrmon. ! n»>rt i E>-pll be fulb naid vcitory for the lonesome A. Z. A. or announced Charles L. The 1 rT a,4irtf3-iutfi«Ent*iJi*«al*f' - -*'' co-i r^ence I u boys. Although the Jobbings lost, stein, chairman of'the committee pc-nticn Why is "Micky" Stein so anYou G© | upon the filin;; of its Ariic'.es ullh xious to double date Francis Bor- they outhit the winners 11 hits for the games. , the Co^ntv Cleik of Dojb'.&'s Courto 9. Two triples by Sam Wolk XebraFfca, and ^h"!! coriitrue unMorrie Sherman of Detroit was dy to the T. K. dance? The Jewish jPress advertisers tn January 1. ZOJS. The Much credit is deserved by the gave him hitting honors of the signed Monday by Leonard Sacks amount of ir.Gebteare«!^ s=vail ~-*^_ £-*z to fight Barney Ross, Jewish bat- 0. Kl girls-for. tossing one nf. the game_whilejjhjl Sutler was ceedSn^thirds of We capAal merit your patronage. tler who rules the "world in his smoothest 'hops seen in ' these weight class, at the local city hyar parts" for some time . . . We will not embarrass the couple that auditorium, June 22. The two will go 10 rounds in a took that beautiful spill by menbenefit bout for Cappy Rubin, for- tioning their names, but was Ruth mer trainer of Morrie Schlaifer. Ferer's face red??? It might be interesting to find Ross' signature to his contract also arrived Monday so Sacks, for- out from Granum Kaplan how it mer manager of Jack Dempsey, is feels to walk down the street at happy again. Sacks encountered 5:30 in the morning clad in a great difficulty securing a'foe for pair of pajamas . . . the welterweight champion of the world. ' " I have spent enough money on long distance telephone calls and By BAY SOHAPIBO telegrams to buy mysel. a nice summer vacation in my effort to dig up a formidable opponent for The Omaha1 Potato Market, the the champion," Sacks said. "I Sample Furs, and the heretofore have been in touch -with every victory less A.. Z. A. No. 1 came fight manager in the United out on the long end of the score States who has a fighter good in last week's softball games. The enough. They all furnished me Potato Market downed the Ps Bbme sort of lame excuse. I even Mu, 3 to 2; the Furriers won from 5 Cubic Foot irired Mike Jacobs, promoter of the Towers by an 8-to-5 count vhe coming Joe Louis-Max Schmel- and the A. Z. A. came from beVsatfTnabtt-frtt ing bout in New York, but Mike hind to win from the Omaha JobIt co«» eon»nt C»e» *» called me to say he had enough brng Co., 10 to 9. troubles of his own trying to sat- The Psi Mu team tr'ed hard isfy all the persons who "•wanted but their best was not- good to sit in the first row to see his enough to down the undefeated big show. "I tried to get Glen Lee, the As Low as. Nebraskan who is a sensation on , • Stetson Hats Per Month the west coast, but his manager, • Arrow Shirts informed. me he did not think • McGregor SportswearGlenn was ready for a crack at the champion." ••• Interwoven Socks Sherman will give Ross a good • Vassar Underwear fight He is welterweight champ Come In. See the Proof of ' Cheney Cravats of Michigan and known as "The ALL FIVE Standards Michigan Assassin." He has nev- These items are featured at er been knocked out and holds 1. Proof ef LOWES ©PBATOe c©s» recent victories over such fighters '-jet as Frankie Hughes, Matty Mario 2. Profit ef sAras reeo ptsoTEsrnsn and Kid Azteca, the Mexican champion. He also has beaten two fine Negro welters, the Cocoa Kid 311 South 16th St. 4.P«sef et KOKE tis&swmr and Johnny phagan. 5. Proof of FtvE-VEAspHOTEcrraa etm

Along the Fairway . . .




} IM red In Cleveland for the am Alien White, noted, if the Kansas delegation, a," stood solidly behind hite is shown \7ith Mrs. Station for their hotel.

Before \ o u Go or* Your Vacation Get


mth that "ThrilJing


1 1



- J. C C. Sports

per, of Los Angeles, was srtortionist, as the reason imee Semple McPlierson,. per stoutly denied knowljelist. The note demanded 11 ned to blast her career '"


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, world's heavyweight d luck in his fight with Joe Braddock visited Schmeling Y. The winner of this bout oship. tight United Newspictoie& »

Open Evenings to 0 F. M.



vmvtoin T^—



Mrs. Clyde Krasne is chairman Nogg, A. Diamond,. Albert Fox, ing her graduation from the ' ed the members of her luncheon ] pertaining: to said estate mar be son, Julius, -and daughter, Mrs. H. A. -Strasberg, and grandchil- in- charge of this affair and is be- and Sam Rosenthal. Thomas Jefferson. High School."iciub at the Hotel Chieftain Wed- \ ™">' - t U" e"f l ^ c ^ C B A '"' WFORD> dren Joyce and Norman" Stras- ing assisted by the Mesdames Sam Mr. Hocaman was the principal An. additional guest, beside the Gross, Harry Cohen, Leo Meyer- speaker at this affair and stated club members, was Miss Dorothy berg. 6-5-31 son, and L. H. Cohen. Mrs. Her-that he hoped that next year Fried of Omaha. | The Firms which advertise in Mr." and Mrs. 'S. Weisbefg of man Marowitz is program chair- when the annual services or "YisI the Jewish press deserve and MISS ANNA PILL, correspoadent Minneapolis spent this week in man. Reservations for the lunch- cor" is held by the organization, The Council Bluffs Chapter No. I merit your patronage. Sioux City in the home of their eon may be made with any mem-that no new names will be added 7 of the A. Z. A. wJl entertain at son-in-law and daughter, Mr. andber of the above committee. Mrs. to the listed of tfce departed bre- a Weiner Roast Sunday night, BEN KAZLOWSKY, Attorney Richard Gordon will be installed thren. Ke referred to the late June 14, at nine o'clock at Kis Mrs. A. H. Baron. .•;... 532 Insurance Bldg. as the new president to succeed Mr. Julius Katelman, who&e name wanis Point in Falrmount Park. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. This will .be was added to the previous list of Mrs. Matilda Hatchek departed Miss Elizabeth Passman, daughMembers of the two Omaha chap- | NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON Like This Completely ter o t Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pass- this week for her home in San the final meeting of the season twenty-one deceased members. ters of the A. Z. A. will be guests ' PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT I OF FINAL ADMINISTRAAir Conditioned man, will become the bride of El- Francisco after spending several and all members are urged to atof the local chapter. ReservaTION ACCOUNT Edwin W. Baron, 606 Virginia mer ^Cohn of Waterloo, Iowa., months in the home of her son- tend. Reports of the Southwes- Mrs. Ralph Castle and daughter tions may be made by calling Hy- I street, "was elected president of Sunday afternoon at 1:3 0 o'clock in-law and daughter, Mr. and tern Regional Convention will be Phyllis Ilene, of Brooklyn, New inie Diamond, who is in charge In the Count}- Court of1 Douglas1 County. Nebraska. the Sioux City B'nai B'rith lodge In the presence of relatives and Mrs. Herman Miller, 1527 Sum-given also.York arrived here last Friday for of this affair. In thf Matter of the Estate of at their annual election held last the families of the bride and mit Avenue. Philip Gore'.ick. also known as l'bil' a month's visit at the home of BAR - - GRILL week in the Jewish Community- groom. ; • Goreliclc, formerly known as P.afo! COHEN-RODINSKY WEDDEVG Mrs. Castle's mother*, Mrs. E. Gi- Abe Saltzman left Monday eve- Gorelick, EteoeaseU: Center, He succeeds Lester DavMr. Max Rosenstock spent sevRabbi H. R. Rabinowltz and and ning for Denver, Colorado, fol- ! All persons intei-.'Hec! in said mstThe marriage of Miss Jeannet- linsky. idson. ter fire hereby notified that on the Cantor A. Pliskin will officiate at eral days in Kansas • City last te Rodinsky, daughter.of Mr. and lowing a two months' visit here !| 3rd day of June. l!KUi. Adah GoreSiek Other officers elected were Abe the ceremony which will take week. Mrs. B. Rodinsky of Omaha, to Mr. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.j filed a petition in said County Court. COFFEE SHOP Pill, vie© president; • Dr. L. H. place in the home of the bride. I praying that her final administration Lloyd Cohen of Sioux City, son 7 of the A. Z. A. will hold an im-B. Saltzman. London, corresponding secretary; A dinner for the family will folaccount -filed herein be settled and The Alpha Gamma Epsllon 'Sor- of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen of that portant meeting Sunday afterallowed,, and that she he riisrharpred Everything the finest at Dave Albert, recording secretary; low the wedding. her trust as administratrix and ority held an initiation dinner city, was solemnized Sunday, June noon, June 14, at 2:30 o'clock at The Jewish National Fund from popular prices. Also table Morris Skalovsiy, treasurer; Mey(hat a hearinfr •will be had on said Wednesday evening at the WarSunday evening from 7 >to 10 the synagogue. Election of oftelephone service. You're Council reported that over sixty petition before said Court on the ITth 7, at six o'clock at the Chevra er- Shubb, guardian; Sol Lan&of June, if'JJK. and that if you Invited! dollars was raised in the annual day ber.gi watden; Lester Davidson, o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pass- rior Hotel. Pledges who were ini- B'nai Yisroel synagogue in Coun- ficers will take place and all fail to appear before said Court on Flower Day drive conducted in the said iTth day of June. 1030. at y Monitor; and J. H. Bolsteln, Max man will receive their friends in tiated, were Misses Lillian Rlvin, cil Bluffs. Rabbi Jacob Cohn per- members are urged to attend. Council Bluffs Sunday morning, o'clock A. M., and contest said petiBrodkey, and Abe Dikel, trus- their home at 3330 Nebraska St., Libbie OlenBky, Donna Jean Tob- formed the ceremony in the pretion, the Court may prant the prayer honoring the couple. Mr. Cohn ias, and Mrs. S. Krupnick. Miss sence of about one hundred Among the 714 graduates from June 7. In charge of arrange- of said petition, enter a. decree of tees. .-••"-. and his bride will nfake their Inez Leaff, president of the sor- guests. and make Ruch other and the University of Nebraska a t ments were Mr. Sam Sacks presi- heirship, KARRI" R. PRICE. >IgT. further orders, allowances and dehome in. Elgin, Illinois. ority, presided. Mrs. D. Rodin dent of the JNF Council, Mrs. Lincoln Monday morning, June 8, The bride wore a floor-length crees, as to this Court may seem x Guests from away who will at- spoke in- behalf of the sorority gown of egg-shell satin and car-were three Jewish students of lo- Sam Meyerson, chairman of the proper, to the end that all matters tend • the wedding are the bride's and Miss Tobias responded in be- ried a shower bouquet of bride's cal .interest. Miss Gwendolyn JNF for the Senior Hadassah, and brother-in-law and sister, Mr. half ot the new members. roses. She was attended by her Meyerson, daughter of Mr. and Miss Fannie Katelman, secretary Following the dinner t h e sister, Mrs. I. Parilman of Om- Mrs. Herman Meyerson of Coun- of the JNF. Assisting in ihe and Mrs. Lee Green, with.their Phyllis, of Oskaloosa, guests adjourned to the Rodin aha. "Mr. Isadore Parilman of cil Bluffs, and Miss Florence drive were the Mesdames Nathan Mrs, Rueben Miller was elect- daughter Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cohen, home for the evening. Smeerin, daughter of Mr. and Nogg, Hary Cohen, Phil Saks, Omaha was best man. ed president of the Ladies Auxil- of Waterloo, parents of the brideMrs. Rueben Smeerin of Wood- Richard Gordon, Saul Suvalsky, The bride is a sister of Mrs. iary of Shaare Zion Synagogue at groom; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mr. and Mrs. Si L. Krueger, received their Bachelor of Leo Meyerson, Nathan Gilinsky, the annual, election held Tuesday Cohn, Stanley Ctihn, Mr. and Mrs. 3600 Jackson Street, held open J. J. Brown of Council Bluffs, bine, afternoon in the social hall of the Jake Cohn and and has been extensively enter- Science degree in Education; and and Ben Kubby. The Jewish NaRuth Cohn of house "Wednesday evening for Mr. tained prenuptially. Synagogue. Maurice Nathanson, son of Mrs. tional Fund Council wishes to Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mrs. "Charles S. Baldwin, on Following the ceremony, a wed- Henry Nathanson of Estherville, take this opportunity to thank Mrs. L. Kaplan and Mrs. M.Cohen of Chicago; Mr. Earl Green and the occasion. of Mr. and Mrs. ding supper was served at the received his Bachelor of Law de-everyone who helped make this Shubb were elected vice-presi- and Mr. Jack Green of Oskaloosa; Baldwin's 40th wedding anniver- synagogue. Flower Day so successful. gree. dents; Mrs. Joe Kutcher, corre- Max Oshman of . Cedar Rapids, . ,' •.;'". ^ sponding secretary; Mrs. Arthur Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. J. Chaplin, sary. Among the out-of-town guests Among those who motored to Miss Ruth . Seldin entertained Kaplan, financial secretary; Mrs. Yankton, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. at the wedding were the groom's Lincoln to attend the Commence•0IB™ Dave Ginsberg, treasurer. * parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen ment Excercises Monday were the members of the Emesel Club Henry Harlow of Danbury, Iowa. of Sioux City, and Mrs. S. M. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson, at her home at 611 Oakland Drive The Board of Directors under Cherniss of Los Angeles, Califor- Mrs. Leon Frankel, Mrs. Abe Gil-last Friday evening in celebrathe leadership of the newly electThe wedding of Miss Lillian ed officers will meet next Tuesnia. insky, Mrs. H. Brin, the Misses tion of her birthday anniversary. day afternoon in the home of the Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl and Florence Meyersoa, all The evening •was spent informally Mr. Cohen and hia bride left president to outline plans for the D. L. Baker, 16 Congress avenimmediately on a short honey- of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Henry Na- followed by a buffet supper. BY F . B . K. Auxiliary's program for the "com- ue, to Lorence Silverberg, son of moon , trip and will make their thanson and daughters, Evelyn Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverberg, -3051 ing year. Mr. and Mrs. Abe H. Marcus and Louise, of Estherville, Mr. home in Sioux City. Stone Park Boulevard, will take and Mrs. Reuben Smeerin of and family of Auburn, Nebraska place Sunday at 5 p. m. in the RABBI DAVID GOLDSTEES* TO The Council Bluffs Lodge No. Woodbine, and Mrs. Philip Sher- spent Sunday here visiting at the TALMUD TORAH PICNIC Corn room of the,, Martin hotel. SPEAK. AT"HADASSAH 688 of the B'nai Brith held its man and daughter Dorothy, of home of Mrs. Marcus' parents Mr. Rabbi H. R- Rabinowltz and Rab- liUNCHEOST and Mrs. H. Saltzman. They vere The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- annual Memorial Services Mon- Sioux City. At a meeting Monday evening bi Theodore N. Lewis will offici- dassah accompanied back home by Leswill hold its installation day evening, June 8, at the Eagles of the Board of Directors of the ate with Cantor A. Pliskin. of officers at a luncheon -meeting Hall. Mr. o Hochman was chairThelma Passer entertain- ter Fox of Council Bluffs vho Talmud Torah and the Hebrew Miss Annette Baker will attend next Wednesday afternoon, June man in charge of this affair. Dr. ed Miss the members of the Emesel will spend the summer in Auburn. Mothers Club, plans were made her sister as maid of honor. She 17, promptly at one o'clock at the Julius Moskovitz is local presiClub at a Slumber Party at her for the annual Talmud Torah pic- will wear turquoise net and a Mrs. Abe Rosenberg entertainnic, and Mr». Morris..Lazriowlch shell pink lace hat. Miss Lillian Hotel Chieftain. Rabbi David A. dent of the organization. Others home last Thursday night, follwwas named general chairman of Magaziner, bridesmaid, will wear oldstein of Omaha will be the participating in the Memorial serrjcve^ PSDVc TO the event. The date has been set Ivory lace, trimmed in turquoise. principal speaker and honored vice were Dr. Isaac Sternhill, and for Sunday, July 12. Both will carry nosegays of gar- guests at thia affair. • Musical se- the Messrs. Herman Meyerson, lections will be given by Mrs. Hy-Millard Krasne, S. Shyken, Louis The picnic will be held at Biv- denias and sweet peas. man Belman and Mrs. Al Finkel Bernstein, Nathan Gilinsky, Louis erview Park. Mrs. Louis ShindPhil Silverberg will be his H. Katelman, Sam Sacks, Nathan ler, president of the Mothers brother's best man and Fred Her- of Omaha, Club, and Mr. Jack London, pres- zoff will be usher.ident of the Talmud Torah The bride will be gowned in Board, were In charge of Mon- an off white satin, princess style, day's meeting; with a. tulle finger tip veil. She will carry Johanna Hill roses and white sweet peas. Lime Rickey, White Soda Dinner will be served to 100 h 5c guests In the ball room following or Sparkling Water the ceremony. Peach and green 3 Q t Bottles 25c 4 far 19c At». meeting of the Inter-Club will be the colors used In the council last week, in which ev- table appointments. Plus Bottle Deposit The couple, will depart on aery Jewish organization in $he city was represented, Mr. Barney two .week's motor trip and will BUTTERNUT Baron was named to represent be at home a t 19 Terra Alta Sioux City a t the "Washington ourt after July 1. Conference for the American JewRegular or Drip Grind ish Congress on June 14 to 16. Ten friends surprised Charles Lemon or Vanilla Shindler Saturday evening, at a Leading Jews of the nation will Lfe. 30c 2 for 57c 2 oz. Bottle ISc attend the conference, over which party on the occasion of his birthDr. Stephen S, WiBe of New York day at his home, 1934 McDonald St. Games were played and rewill preside. Miller's Cereals The world's Jewish communi- freshments were served. ties will select 300 delegates to Mrs. Max Merlin and daughter, the world'B congress which will convene August 9 in Geneva. As Tootle,, visited with relatives in the United States has the largest Omaha this week. Lb. 30c 2 Lbs. 59c Jewish population, it will be perPkg. 10c mitted to send 70 delegates. Friends of Miss Ada Hill, a bride of this month, gave a linen shower for her Thursday evening Wins Scholarship in the Jewish Community Center. CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT, 5 lor _ 25c Refreshments followed an eveORANGES, special lor juice, doz. 18c; 2 doz. 35^ Because Jlisa Carolyn Fishgall ning of bridge. In charge of the of Central High School and Miss arrangements were Mrs.' RubenGREEN BEANS, Ib 9c Jane Mahoney of East High both stein, Mrs. I. Wlgodsky, Mrs. N. received 47 A grades and one B Sadoff and Mrs. J . Zeligson. WAX BEANS, lb ~10c grade in major subjects in the TOMATOES, pound ~. 1 Oc last six years of. school, the M. Mra. Fannie Simon, formerly of G. Clark Memorial Scholarship Sioux City, has arrived here from HOME GROWN NEW TEXAS TURNIPS, 5 bu. l§c will be divided between them. New York City to visit her broth* HOME GROWN BEETS, 5 b r a c k _ ......10c ,The scholars nip totals $100. Tiw E m er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cl««trk Ro<sst«r vrHh the Miss Flahgall, a graduate of Sam Shvid, 1208 Fourteenth St. WATERMELONS, per Ib. 5c Erott<«« this June, Is the daughter f o Mr. She Is accompanied here by her FANCY HOME GROWN PEAS, 3 lbs 25c and Mrs.- Hyman Fishgall, 2202 Summit Avenue. STRAWBERRIES, q t bos 20c . Miss/Mlriam Barish, daughter For the Entire Family of Mr. and Mrs. E. Earish, 1706 RHUBARB, 3 buadis 10c Jones, received honorable menCORN ON THE COB, 5 large ears 25c tion for the scholarship. liiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiimiiiiuiiniCiliiliuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuouiiiiiuuiuiniiiaiiiHiiuiHiJUiiiiiiiluuiiiiilliilliClE

W. Baron Head of B'nai B'rlth



Society News



Elected Head of Auxiliary

5*1!** jti ^'ftr

nt.:,frtr. in lmj tfrtfe

Win. >.y



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Bobby Pill, grandson of Mrs. Ben Pill, 2002 Summit avenue, will celebrate bis Bar Mitzvah at Ulount Sinai Temple, this evening at the regular service which will begin at' 8 o'clock. He is the son of the late Morris Pill. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak next Monday on the Jewish-Chatauqua at the University of Iowa, in Iowa City. Wednesday he will speak at DeKalb, Illinois, iefore the Women's College there under the same auspices. On July 6 he will speak at the University of Illinois, at Champaign, 111., again under the auspices of the Jewish Chatauqua.

Tour Dealer Has 'Em Both!

Junior Hadassah Twenty-five members of the Junior Hadassah-'.'attended the "Glve^ or Get" party held "Wednesday evening in the Warrior Hotel. Only "those members,who raised the Tequired quota for this project were eligible to attend. ^A, "soeial evening ,was followed by refreshments. Miss Sadie ShulM& was i s charge of'the arrangements. .



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