ins t° ^ a i a e E t a t e
ettled and determined.
Interests of the
In the •
Jewish People
By LUDWIG LEYVISOHN This column Is copyright by t i e Seven A m Feature Syndicate. .Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h 1 s copyright "will be prosecuted.
ce This Completely Air Conditioned
EnUrtfl a* S«cond Cliaa Mail Hatttr on January 21. 1921. at Foot off! or of Omaha, Nebraska, onaer the Act of March I. 1871
; , ! ! • '
|>0W£R CO.
F r e n c h Premier'Children from 5 to 15 Eligible to ' Enter
Dr. J. Pressman Finds Aid for Throat Cancer
Parents A t e U l ^
Their Youngsters Health Program
to ilton Frohm,
"On Xatlonidlsm Once More" Now in one city and now in another gentlemen say to me with h. look of Belf-coriacIouB and "defensive cleverness: "I'm a ZionJerusalem (JTA) —- Well-inist, if you like; I'm not a nation, formed economic experts exprassalist." They think they are thinkGoal in Sight as Workers Keep ' ed the opinion that the ' Arab strike ing; they are only making a to Their Posts in CamCommittee has distributed frightened noise. I point out to $500,000 In six and a half weeks I ; paign them that Mr. Justice Brandeis to support the strike against Jewsettled this matter and made the j ish immigration and sale or land : final distinctions years ago and The Philanthropies campaign- j j 0 j e w s that, by his permission, I was eners in Omaha are slowly but in- ; B 1 U a o t m a n y A r a b m e r c h a n t s abled to reprint his memorable exorably approaching the set goal jw e r e s a i d t 0 h a T e b e e n p a i d a l . ; T of $43,600. •words on this matter In my Zion| though their stores were closed. Though the drive officially; ist anthology "Rebirth." In vain. Experts believe that 17,000 The frightened noise goes on. Let closed a few weeks back, the v e r e reC eiving strike benefits t o - ! Washington, D. C. (JTA) — us try once more, so far as posWashington, D. C. (JTA).— of research and information "to workers pledged Harry Mala-" taling f 15,000 a day. i German circles expressed dismay elblle in words of one syllable. The national electoral conference establish through impartial sci- shock, general chairman, that; ; i over the action of the Treasury Mr. Justice Brandeis wrote: for the world Jewish congress ence the sources, means and uses they would "stick to their posts" • Department in raising duties on "The unity of a nationality is a Sunday endorsed unanimously the of anti-Semitic propaganda and to until the'job Is completed. ; various German goods from 22 fact of nature. The unity into, a movement to create a permanent, present the truth about.the Jews Vacations, prospects out of nation 13 largely the work of central and democratl? represent- before the . enlightened .public town, and a myriad of obstacles ] I to 5 6 per cent to combat Reich men. The false doctrine that na- ation for. the Jewish people and opinion of the world." have allied themselves in delay- j ! discriminatory exchange prsction and nationality must be named 52 delegates who, together ing the final cleanvp. j • tices. 3. Formation jf an institute of Camp Akilia, the summer camp made coextensive is the cause of" with 20 named by organizations However, Malashock still points I : of the Omaha Jewish Community It was feared in German quarsome of our greatest tragedies." affiliated with the American Jew- economic research to co-ordinate to the fact that the money is "in | Center, will beein the second SPRt e r s that most of the Reich's exDoes it sink in? ish congress and five Jelegates at existing agencies for the study the cards" and with the workers! and amelioration of rapid change canvassing until the last prospect ! son this Monday. June 22. jtnc' ! ports would be shut out of this large, will represent American Let us re-state: God made men in economic situation of Jews has been seen he ia optimistic ofj B V PIERRE VAX PAASSEX | country since an estimated 30 to continue until August 1 for p perJewry at the first session of the In varieties or kind or cultureeverywhere, especially In central reaching the total set. iori of six weeks. BOVF and girlf; [ 4 0 per cent of its exports to the world congress in Ceneva, AuSeven Arts Staff Writer . j groups or nationalities. There is Europe. between the ppp of ? and 15 nmv 1 United States wijl be affected. j • Tuesday no)n the total report- j no man on earth who is not some gust S. be enrolled. Maximum aUpiui under The conference urged appoint- ed amounted to $41,850. This is' Paris (WNS) — The Pariser i The action TTSS taken The 1,100 -delegates from 99 kind of man anff belongs with his ihe ance is expepfnd for this FPHSOD, ment of a special commission to only $1,750 short o* the goal. The'; Tageblatt, hitherto the on]y ex-; anti-bounty clause of the! kin, by bluod or association, cities, said to represent two mil- democratize relief. It recognized Camp Akiba offers the child R gifts group has cards ; clusively anti-Xazi daily newspa- 1930 Tariff Act and will become speech or common history, to the lion Jews, formulated a plan of the Jewish Agency for Palestine initial complete projrram of camp activlast year pledged over i per in the world, passed into the effective July 11. which action for the congress, instructgroup of his kind. He is born as ities from nine each morning unas the authoritative agency" for The articles affected are cama member of a nationality; he is ing the delegates to submit the the rebuilding of the Jewish ?1,100 while the general solid-! control of the Nai.i propaganda til five each evening. The protations division has about four 1 machine when its owner, Vladi- eras, china tableware, cotton and; ' born into a nationality. In brief: following proposals: gram has been so arrnngpd thu!, homaland and called on the world hundred cards. This accounts for i mir Poliakoff, described as a Rus- rayon gloves, leather gloves, sur. 1. Establishment of a commismen occur on thla planet in the child hns HIP maximum ! congress to co-operate with it. the optimism prevailing on the sian empire, sold his publication.! jrical instruments, calf and kid sion on civil and political relagroups or groupings which we amount. of out-of-door sctivitr In addition, the conference pro* campaign front. i'to a group representing the Gerleather, glass tree ornamtnts, mecall by the awkward but now un- tions "U co-operate on call with posed creation of a migrations durinp the mornings, and his in! Time and *-ork mean nothing many embassy in Paris. Mr. Po- i ta]-covered paper, thumb tacks particular Jewish communities in avoidable word nationalities. door acti^-^y and swimming" dU7*-> Every nationality can become making representations before the j commission to Co-operate with ex- t o UgF-« declared Chairman Mala- \ liakoff Is a Russian Jew engaged ind toys, dolls and tor figures. iiiE the lieat. o£ the afternoons!.. League of Nations and specific ; isting» agencies trough a central shock. "We are determined to j in a number of speculative enterIt is expected that this list j a nation. Every nationality can Each day's activity -will include office and the creation of an exstick to the job until we have col-! prises. He controlled the entire : be expanded. become a part of a nation. There governments," a complete program of crafts Biirh ecutive council to carry out the lected every pledge and that will j stock of the Pariser Tagebtatt 2. Establishment oi a bureau ia no necessary conflict between > Herewith is pictured Leon as woodwork, metal work unr; world congress decisions between be sufficient to put us over the,which is said to have earned him any man's belonging to the naBlum, first Jewish premier in leather work: dancing dramatics; sessions. goal." !a profit after the first year of tionality, into which he was born I France's h^tory. hobby groups, and music, WeekTo carry out a rehabilitation j The youth's division was the ' publication. The Tageblatt was and the nation to which he gives I Rightists have made an issue ly hikes and visits to places of program, creation of a central coj first to go over its quota, follow-' in its fourth year of publication, political allegiance. ! of his Jewishness, his racial ori- interest, all day putincs nnri. ovpr operative bank was urged in a ed by the women's division. The! The founder of the anti-Nazi Let us take a few examples: pin being the subject, of vitriolic n i p , u h j k R S f o r t n e o W e r • •' . • . . • . . . . . j j j , Georg Bernhard, d a ] v w a s r unanimous resolution. A $200,000 initial gifts division, which has by • Dutchmen went to Africa .and setattacks upon the new premier m I e a t l i r e e a e h week's'program, famous German Jewish publicist, trust fund was proposed to fifar the major burden, has gone tle<i there. At first they were not the French parliament. I T h e B , , n . n i P r imm(. c a m p a s rif> |for 30 years editor-in-chief of the nance the Various commissions. over its quota of $29,100. '• only TJutch by nationality but reMilton Frohm and Haskell Coveloped at the Center offers the | Ullstein daily press. The transj Convening of the next world coni malned a part of the Dutch naaction involving the sale of the.; h e n w e r e awarded Ko-od keys for child a complete program of ramn London (JTA) — Late King j g s would be by direct ballot! r e S \ tipn. Next they became indepenoccurred during the a b - : t h e i r orftstandinj Center activity activity while at home. It? proFeisal of Iraq and Colonel Lawunder.-a" resolution introduced by paper occurred during \ dent and established two states or gram ip so p.rrp.ngeri and PO diverrenceof Arabia approved Zionist Magistrate Nathan D. Perelman sence of Dr. Bernhard in the Uni- • and service to the community at \ nations of their own,-the Trans- plans and signed a treaty for har-, ; jyj the Round Table of Jewish Youth: sified that each child can find hi* 0 ew York. ted States in the interest of the Waal Republic and the- Orange particular interest snri apptittirto, World Jewish Congress. The en- ^ Banquet last Wednesday evening \Free State. Now, they were of monioua relationships between an - I n a speech alive with invective Special care and. attention is givit is ia n d sensational charges, Dr. Stetire editorial staff of the T a g e - : a t t h e Center. Loyal Kaplan, {Dutch nationality still but no lon- Arab state and Palestine, m en each child by the oounseUnr Matt has resigned and has alrea- i president for the year was preger; part of the Dutch'nation. Fl- stated by Dr. Cbai Wetzmann,] p n e n S - wise voiced the deterBird every effort,is made to EHI.IPI. prestdent of. the Jewish^A&ericyjmination_of the I.IOC delegates ., dy.;-estabiishe<i. a-^ew>-aot!-Xazi' sented.. .with _the -president's, kejv fcbjic^r the child to his particular talen'f. t o r Palestine, in an~-ftrtfcle,r - at the national ilectoril confer-j daily- called the Tagesie!tun?r, of : given each j'ear to the president absorbed by the"; "British empire He says, that a treaty signed the world Jewish conThe counsellor* the u b l A c t f o n Brox,gU Ag&iBfit p n < 1 intend*, '•which Dr. Bernhard willl become;; b ]for his hi activity and service servic to t th & b and now the Dutch or Boers or in 1919' with himself as repre- e n c e tor Remammg Restrictions Against L the editorial head. Round Table. The Kovod Society <have 'been — selected on the bnsifi gress to go ahead with plans for New York's Number One s a Afrikanders ~ are part of the Brl- sentative of -the "World Zionist OrJewish Declasses in Soviet i The purchase of the T a g e b l a t t ' national honor society among: of their previous experience aiu'i the congress and assured its optteh society of nations. They are Jew-Baiter Are Abolished training in the handling of groups* by the Nazis will have f.emen- : Jewish Centers throughout the; ganizatlon provided for definition pphents he was willing to accept! ot Dutch or, as I believe they preof children. dous repercussions in France and country. Each /ear two persons boundaries between Arab state whatever consequence: arose from i for, of Afrikander nationality still of hare been New York (WNS) — Robert. and Palestine, encouragement of the holding of it. Moscow (WNS)—The last ves'-1 might lead, it is said, to be dipwho outstanding in The greatest amount of attenaiid speak their speech (Afrika- Jewish immigration and assistDr. Wise's address created a i tiges of social and economic dif- j lomatic difficulities if it is sub-' Center activity and communal Edward Edmondson, New York's tion is given to the child's health. ans) and live according to their ance for the Arab state by Zionist sensation. He charged that his op-} ferentlation between full-fledged | stantiated that the German em- service are singled out and pre- number one anti-Semite, whose A physical examination is requirtraditions and worship God ac- experts. ponents had resorted to "'•«=»•"'•«" hsssv is actually nptusilH' involved involvpd in the sented the Kovod Aey, This is v i o l e n t anti-Jewish pamphlets ed of each child on entering camp "coercion !' nrnletarians proletarians and former hourcrebourge- bassy couding to their fashion. I have deal It is regarded as contrary the first year that the Round Ta- I have flooded the mails for the : and an accurate record of hfft It also provided Dr. Weizmann and-intimidation" to gain their' oisie will be wiped out by the new heaird no one. call General Jan to ail diplomatic rule, for the of- • ble has been privileged af- List three years, moved a step j weight kept, all through the camp Smitits a bad Britisher because he says, for mutual action before the enda. Without naming the source,! Soviet constitution to be adopted fJliat ed with the National Kovod nearer the end of his career us a; session. The luncheon nippiuPeace Conference and arbitration he said he had received a letter • in November, it was revealed in ficial representative of "a country ia ap Afrikander. Jew-baiter when he was formally have been prepared in advance to engage in propaganda in the Society. of disputes by the British Governfrom a Jewish leader of "a mid'• the text of the constitution' pubAtnother example nearer home. country to whicl. he is accredited. Featured on the evenings ment. He points out that Fetsal's dle western city' threatening that j lished here. by a dietician and are prepared p r o - • arrested by DeciseUve^Woodf Frenchman settled Eastern Canthe New York County District Atada.! They were of French na- address to the Supreme Council there would "probably be no! The New Soviet constitution, That the central figure of this 1( gram was an address by Rabbi torney's office Rn hour after the each day at thr- Center. Because only R limited amount tionality and also part of the of the Peace Conference especial- money for Palestine next year'' iffpatterned after Constitution of disgraceful deal is a Jew is in- C. H. Kavar of Denver and the New York County Grand Jury French nation. Then Britain ly referred to Palestine as an ex-1 Dr. Wise and his associates con- the United States, with two hou- deed a serious blow to the Jew- president's "report of the year's had indicted him on three charges of children mp.y be enrolled, parleaders who have received program and activity. ents are urged to register tlir-ir came| into possession of all of ception to the demand for Inde- tinued with their plans for the • ses of representatives, one to be ish such friendly cooperation from The Round Table this year has o f malicious criminal libel against youngsters pendence of Arab areas. ' H e recongress. | elected by secret ballot, clearly immediately. Rate?: Canafla and the , French became iss Frances rerkins. Secretary are $16.00 for the six week perTo this Dr. Wise replied: "If! provides full religious freedom the French anti-Nazi groups in : grown to include 25 youth organ-1 oMf part (Of the Candian people with- calls a letter that King Feisal their efforts to help the refugees •: izations of the city with a total I Labor, Dean Virginia Gilder- iod for Center members and $15 in the British commonwealth of wrote expressing sympathy with you dare to threaten or dare to I and no penalties or restrictions punish Palestine, we will go to ] of civic rights whatsoever upon in France. • It" is rumored here ! membership of approximately TOO sleeve of Barnard College and the for non-members. This rate in» natloife. The French in Canada the Zionist movement. the Jews and to the whole Amer-jthe children of those formerly that it is not beyond possibility> young people. Its program for Jewish religion. : eludes all instruction, meals and are: oi French nationality still. ican people in protest against j known as class enemies (land- that the money for the purchase tbe year consisted of a series of; Brought before Judge .Tames G. \ ma t.eripls There 1 are French-language unithese tactics of coercion and in- ] lords, generals, Czarist police, of the Tageblatt was provided by ; youth forum?, a series of six inon- , Wallace in genera! sessions court, ; _ versities in Montreal and Quebec. j priests, rabbis, bankers, and ina group of Russian White emigres thly dances with an approximate : Ednreondson. obtained the court's timldation." Try ywur English on villagers befor tbe dual purpose Of attacking attendance of 175 couples at permission to postpone the cuter- MILLER TO HEAD He countered the contention dustrlallsts.) tween (those two cities. But no Even the "class enemies" them- • the Franco-Soviet treaty and to ; each dance. "Stage Nite" or the ing of a plea of guilty or not guil-1 one questioned the Bridshness of that convocation of the congress A, Z. A the lat^e Sir Wilfred Laurler bewould do irreparable harm to selves are exempt of all curbs, j exert -&ii influence on the Alsat- inter-club dramatic tournament, a ty to the three indictments. In This sweeping reform does away j ian German population where the-Purim Carnival at which over T O O the meantime he was released cause he was of French-Cahdlan world Jewry with the question: Ban Jfiller WHS elected Aleph Los Angeles (WNS) — New "What wrong against the Jews with the class of Jewish declas- Tageblatt is said to have had a -young people were present and $2,500 beil and parolled in the nationality. The'-Flemish are part of the weapons for fighting cancer of have they averted by not having ses who, although gradually ab- substantial circulation. This cor-' the Youth Division of the Pfitlan- custody of his counsel. If Ed-' Godol or the Mother, 1chapter ot sorbed into the Soviet economic respondent has also heard that j thropies Drive which was the first mondson is convicted on any of A. Z. A. for the coming term, heBelglanj nation and •Germans, Ital- the windpipe in its earliest stages| a -world Jewish congress?' were until now a distinct the-new publishers of the Tage-; Division to reach and go over its the three indictments he is liable I ginning July at the regular ians ah$ French of the Swiss na- were demonstrated here by Dr.! r j r "wise denounced an editor- esystem, lement to a prison up 'to three; meeting held. June 16. suffering from the So-1 bi a t t plan to issue a supplement quota in the recent drive ' ~ tern — - ^~— tion and! Serbs, Croatians and Slo- Joel J. Pressman, eminent throat j i a l attack on the congress in the j v i e t Other officers named fire Irving 'The ~ Round. _Table", Mr. Kaplan years and a fine. language. attitude to the bourgeoisie. m the French language > — venes c^f the Yugo-Slav nation specialist and husband of Claud- c u r r e n t issue of The Nation,! T h e and British India, the most por- ette Colbert, screen star, who de- which characterized it as a po- Observers and students of Soviet; New York (WXS) -— Dr. Georg stated in his review of the year's .B direct Grand Jury's action was Yaffp, Alrph S'gnn; Morris Arhitconditions are of the opinion that j Bernhard, when asked by a Seren ' program, "has clearly fiemonsta-' . outgrowth of the action man. Aleph Mar.lUr, Pam WolK, tentous land neglected of exam- veloped them with Dr. Clyde Em- tential "wailing wall." A flurry was created in the lob- * h e n e w constitution completely j Arts' reporter to comment m bxs t e d t 0 t n e _ _ vCommunJtv . of , ° ' Mayor La. GuartHn who, in hip .Aleph Giphnr; KRrolf! GnrbP''t ples consists as a nation of a ery, cancer specialist and director ShotRrp .G">fiol; JforriP Anstaggericfer variety of nationalities of the cancer and radium depart- by of the Hotel Willard when rep- solves whatever remnants of the j dismissal as editor of the Pariser O m a n a ^ t n a t the youth of this city rapacity as chief magistrate, had _ —myriacfe of races and religions ment of the Cedars of Lebanon resentatives of radical labor or- t h e u s s R l is a l s o t > e l l e v e d still remained in j Tageblatt and the said: new proable totoward come atogether issued a summons Edmondson ler.Xogg, Alpph Aloph -SiioiareSophor; Kotonp; Joe - -problem - | Nazi status of theon paper, "I ; l a nfjd a Tv eo r ibeen £ together com- returnable on June for 10th. Assis- ing and languages (like the Dravld- Hospital. ganizations, who 'were barred !Jewish l i of constitu' •""• - - the "l - - b l- -i -d- - hope t j, a t American Jewry and id all "I : m o n g o a ] _ T h e R o l ! n d Table ° of t a n t District Attorney Edwin B. Hornstein, Kohcn Godol, Ian group) wholly unrelated . to 'Holding a tube about as big as from the conference, distributed ' that those clauses ,,^_-.__, forces . .-_ tfeis ••v.s^ countrj' ^,,r,f^>-i .• . is . tK . "• finest .. t . liberal in Youth ex- McGuire bad asked for a post- Formal installation of flip new orthe dominant group of Indo-Eur- a, pencil in.his hand, he said: leaflets announcing their deter- tion which refer to freedom of .the worship will-understand the significance, a l n p j e o£ coordinated effort on a ponement of the hearing in order fleers will take place at the nexi, opean languages . . . Yet this in- "This contains a large dose of ra- mination to send : delegation t o . the press, speech and ; dium and is the new development Geneva, for wh!ch purpose they | w i " be interpreted a^ lifting of what has happened in Paris in ;I a r g e s c a ] e a n d t h e t r a i n i n g w e that he might have time to study resrular meetinj extricableVBabel is a nation. whatever ban remains against connection with the Tageblatt. I the anti-Semitic pamphlets pubh a v e r e c e i v e d i n t n i s organization Ernie Nnjse will represent \Xir, which • offers hope to sufferers The f are a nationality, from this particular form of can- will hold a conference In New Zionism and the Hebrew langu- am determined to use whatever lished and circulated by Edmond- chapter at (.he ..hirtopnth annuaJ prepaxe us to more adequYork City July 12. Within historic. time," up to, influence I may exert in this ^ ^ _ .assume our share of com- son. international convention to hn ately At its opening session the con- age in the Soviet Union. 'roughly.. tiW year 132 of our era cer." The tube Is inserted In the An equally interesting phase of country to ask for the support o f . ^ u n j t y " "responsibility on our After stud; •ins this jnsterial, held sit Palisades, Santa Monies.,,, this nationality was also a nation. windpipe for many hours after ference went on record in favor the constitutionn rb far as the the new- daily which is to take g r a d l l a t i o n f o r m the Round Mr. MeGuire submitted his evi- Cal. Severn! others are planning In a war with Rome the nation the lung has been collapsed, Dr. io £ immediate collective action to the place of the Tageblatt. The „..._„...„ Pressman explained. protect the Jews from progressive | Jew. and other national minontT a b l e dence, .to ....„ the Grand Jury. Th? to accompany hlti to the copvfr.was destroyed. The Jewish nafeatures of the evening latter then 'handed up its indict- tlon. "Prevlously," he saia, "there deterioration of their r i g h t s . , I i e s are concerned, is the clause anti-Nazi struggle cannot afford; otn-er tionality remained. In our disr i a l s ore beinc: niBfle for tbe persion we have become loyal and was no adequate method of apply-. D r George Bernhard, guest of referring to representattves in to lose a free and untramnseled ' program were a. group of vocal merits, one of which was a 100the house of nationalities, which spokesman in Paris. The action. Bernstein, and golf find tennis imtrnampnts. Morg o l o s b y H a r r i e t large doses to the cancer growth, honor and principal speaker, Ip.r document, contr.inir.p exlntergral parta of many nations. is not only ;r c m a r k s b r R u t h Allen, educa-,. tracts from „Eda!ondson's „„. .... The most popular method was , w a rned the'-Jews of the United will be the upper hou^e; the mem- of Mr.. Poliakoff attacks ris Adler is chairman of the athOur nationality remained. Under letic comniiltee. the attrition pf the centuries to plant small radium seeds with-1 s t a t e s t o a v oid the mistake o f f e r s of which will be\chosen by shameful but a serious blow tO; t i o n a i director and Paul Gold-• on prominent public officials, many Jews were lost. But {he In the tumor itself. This did not German Jewry, whom he charged! tne provincial councils from each those who believe in the possibil- j b l c t t j E s e c u t i v e Director, core of the nationality remained adequately Irradiate the sur-1w J t h xe fusing to face the facts autonomous region and federated ity of a. Jewish united gront in j FLOWER DAY TQ BE c OR College Life the fight against the dark force* and. retained its faith, speech, his- rounding tissues. This container, a n ( i preventing adequate Among the publishers' releases? This means that the aiitonomj f VazHandT I am sure that the i | | A N U F A C T I I E E R S ASK CONTINUED 0 1 SUKDM o toric memories and, continuity, completely filling the- bronchus,'! steps from being tr.ken before it for .Tune ihat aMraoting atous Jewish regions in tbe'Ukraine n e w group'will try to camouflage j gives ample irradiation." culture and psychical habits. was too late. and Crimea and the future" Jew- t n e t r u e character of tbe Tage-! The Jewish National Fund tertion is 'To-K'iiqiieStP" (E. P, And noV tfy the coincidence of Warning that the Jews must ish republic of Birobidjan will be | blatt. I beg. my friends not to! Flower dav, held Sunday, June Putton & Co.), B book on maninner urgency and inter pressure Southern Orchestra at I create a united defense before it officially represented in the house j • life, written in prom the informs- . , T e r u s a i e r a (JTA) —The. Jew- 14. under ihe- dl.-ection of Junior ; ner«= a n d b e deceived. this nationality or, if you like, a is too late, he presented a proof nationalities. lion .I have ois-hand, 1 know that | r s Association at; Hadassah, will be carried over to "• humorous manner by Elizabeth. sJl M a n u f a c t u r e Highland Saturday gram action for the agenda of the part of this nationality has the Since there are five Jewish an-I £ n e j ; a j j propaganda machine s s | & meeting last week decided to de-! nest Sunday.-June 21. Many com-: EJdridpe of S«n Antonio, Tex,, will to becomte a nation once world congress, including: mand reparations from the Goy- ! mittee* were unable to finish [ national president of Alpha Epsi in Crimea and behind this transaction." Paul Nathan and his recording again. Not eyen a nation in the Establishment of a perma- tonomous regions and Borobidjan is erisment for damages suffered by . their districts because of the rain, ' o n i " h > i ' The author, who is ft most llmitea aiid sharp sense. No j orchestra from the south will be i n e n t committee as the standing, the a republic, there s factories during the current ciis- These committees will .finish their_£'rsi(.uat.e of tin University of Bensible man. Pitches his hopes the magnet which will drawI representative of tlie Jews of the ] will , , , Tbe eventually 17 representaBass -Workers Ccagress j Texas, lifts spent the past several 1 h •orders• work Sundar. Highland Country Club members higher than tb^t-all of Parestine, -•'• ' world; (2) an economic commis- tives - ' » of Jewish territories in the [ years traveling from Warsaw The proposed na-j Other demands to be made of West and East^Iordanla,' is- to be to the club this Saturday evening. sion and an economic institute "to Soviet upper house. camplif*. nofebnok in hand, col* Uonal workers' congress against!the Government are for sufficient some day, let us say t a dominion This 14-piece orchestra will fur- study the great revolution which ierfirsE niflterisl on the various Eslles Agitstors anti-Semitism, has been prohibit-j protection of factories in unsafe of two nationalities, Jewish 'and nish the latest in dance rhythms, has taken place in all aspects of of co-educational Hfe. Jerusalem — The Transjordan ' Phases Stranded ia Afghaaistaa ed by th 'meinister of the inter-, sections of the country; solution Arab, as Canadk is a dominion of beginning at 9:30 p. m. A floor economic life in order to enable Miss Klf'rtdpp is? the (laughter shipping mer-1 Government has" exiled a few j p j jr* the problem'Of .London —• Xondon Jews have i or# two • nationalities, English and show will be included in th2 en- tho Jews to adapt themselves to of R forme? rer.iflent of Omaha meetings 'thandise intersded for export, ami j ttators v h o ' h a w been inciting launched a campaign to raise a French, within "the British Effl- tertainment. He also forbade the new world conditions"; (3) a (Emma I^evi), herself the ainho-c At 6:30 p. m. a dinner will be Jewish credit association to cre- fund of $50,000 for the relief of called by the Poale Eion to elect | construction of a harbor at Tel j the Bedouin tribes to demonstrate pire. Palestine : of "A Chilli's Reader in Verse" temporary j»oit is'in sjmpathj -with w!»we a Why snould that frighten any served by the famous chef, Dor- ate credit facilities for displaced i three thousand Bokhanran Jews delegates to tlse scheduled (American Book Co.). now ia use. who are stranded in Afghanistan, gress. sey. Jews In various lands. (ContinuedVon page 8.)
Chaim Weizmann Tells of Zionist Pact with Arabs
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.'DAT, JUNE 19, 1936
men to try In at least one place so in fear of loMng; the proverbial and criminals, all of the recog-' individuals. Every one of our so- Its insane, diseased and criminal-' to teach our sons and daughters half loaf we have frequently gone nized racial tvnes werp rpnrpipnt i """=•• - •-. tdimu racial types n these series istic elements. The candidates for according to the spirit of our pro- i t h t b d B t t d h l ; L ^ ' withoutgoes bread. today creative a chal- | ed in the same proportion. j. , . . phets and sages is at least as har- lenge a substantial'such biological extinction would forth.ButThe • is represented bv monious with the spirit of Amer- liberty of mankind, the very on l e s WI Lashing tnout out atmentioning the Nazi Aryan victedof felons at one ica, as that of Martin Luther or principle of civilization's life, — -Ger- end eminently re- n o t b e s e i e c t e d on the basis of b o d y and of a congroup a n y b na Aryan or Semitic descent, blond of John Calvin. Why did we not? these are endangered. Who shall' ™ J" ™e, Dr. Hooton said spectable and intelligent citizens hair or black skin, but solely on Why are there any -who hold back take up that challenge if not we? "lt is a v e r 5 7 remarkable fact that a t t h e other. now? Who needs and loves libertj- and;o u r ^Perfectly segregated and "There is no anthropological anthropological t h e s c o r e o f t h e i r in<^idual phyWe are, &.& has ^-recently been justice more than-we? Who shall cJass»fied ^physical types, called by ground whatever for selecting- any meal, mental and m oral bankruptproved again not only a small strive more than we to prevent i ? our tesy 'racial1 types, should ex- so-called racial group, or any eth- c v One does not r By LUDWIG LEWISOHN need to be an people but a poor people and -not that famine which -arhinhwas -oroo fhvaatoT,^ practically identical propor-: nic or national group, or any linthreatened ; ;Jsts m l n t n e s e antl.ropo'oirift 10 rpcogtme f~M In this exclusive article, Lua* ]pilgrims, strive toward a4common][they went and raised an alarm only a poor people but a fright- by the mouth of the prophet! three widely diver- !guistic or religious group, for prewig LcwiBoJin, noted ""man of {goal, whether we call that goal] by night/ crying out': '0 heaven ened people. Unable to yield to Amos, not a famine of bread, nor s ^ n t s e r i e s and that these types ferment or condemnation. Our (here i> rampfint. not only in thfg Ietter»i projects the idea of a with Saint Augustinq a "Civitas j above us, are we not your breth- the idolatries of a pagan world a thirst for water but of hearing; s h o u l ( 3 s h o w individually certain real purpose stmuld be to segre- country, but elsewhere in the Jewish University in: this conn- Dei or- with our i, .consistencies of a sociological na- ogate and weliminate . . sages _ the clam ,jren?. Are we «not- the children of- - . from the - - time of - - Rome on, - - . -we ~ rthe ~ - words -- of - - the - • - Eternal. . •- - - — » i ~ .".VI ...ii.uULc the u n f i t , world, a selfish stupidity which try as an answer to the chal- haba. But within time and his- one father? Wherein are we dif-jhave been persecuted by that] It Is the eleventh hour for es-' . c e r t a i n occupational and ed- worthless, degenerate and anti- recks Of human decay and degenlenge of these troubled times. tory the paths toward that" goal i ferent from all the other peoples j world and the persecution is in Itablishing a Jewish seat of learn- ^ ^ t l o n a ^ resemblances, whether „,.„.„. social i^^.o,, portion >oft M each racial and U , lULmi mm enuion. It manifests itself in some A thought-provoking essay of are differing paths. They are all | and all the other speakers of their : our bones. We have been given j ing in America, are drawn from the cream of ethnic strain >;i our population, so Quarters by brutal oppression of tthey he Interest to young and old. ,.._ . . at _ . best equal _ , _ _ .and not equivalent]( • j Population, from the middle that. paths of peace. But no man, and j own' tongues (umah--.-v'lashonrj "" ' " " we mpy utilize the substan- minorities selected for ill Ireat—THE EDITOR no groups of men can strive to- that such cruel decrees should be•; rights and have been made to eat ' (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts i ° f t h e d r aught, or from its ver; tial mer/'.rf of the sound majority, ment on account of religious, lindregs, ward the cross-roads of eternity proclaimed against us? r— The! the sour, bread of toleration. And' Feature Syndicate.) should Certainly these findings and t\e special and diversified guiPtic or fancied racial differThe charters of man's libertie except upon that path on which persecution was abrogated and not be interpreted as a Rifts of its superior members. Ra- encep." are many. They are recorded i God has set their feet. Th'e right this day was made a memorial substantiation of any of the ridic- coal purity is desirable and attain- : law, in scripture, in literature to p'ursue that path is both theirjday." Ulous and pernicious doctrines of able in one sense only. Every raThe Firms -which advertise in • Their temporal and " temporary freedom and their Integrity; it is j There is no other passage that racial inequality which have be- cial strain in our country phou'id the Jewish press deserve and purposes^are varied in character the" condition of their makingjj- know in "any language where • • • • come a menace to the peace of the be purified by the sterilization of .merit your patronage. to protect men from undue en their contributation to the life jt h e oneness of mankind, the fathcroachment by their fellows, ti and treasures of mankind. For. ex-! e r h o o d of God and the brothercurb the unscrupulous exercis cept upon that path they are l o - l a o o d o f m a n lg 8 O clearly and poT h e very ritzy Wanamaker ileft for Palestine, smiling at reof civil power, to preserve wtthl iterers or • cripples. They falsj-.j i g n a n t l y . i n v o k e d i n the service aocletiea that posslbilltyitOf order fy themselves and-cheat mankind. of tolerance, of human differ- family is moving heaven and | ports of Impending martial law ly change without which they wil There is no man on earth who ences, of the right of men and earth to prevent one of its daugh-jin the Holy Land . . . Rabbi Ber* first stagnate and then dife ani could not echo as the deepest ex- groups of men by very virtue of ters from marrying a young Jew- nard Heller of the Hillel Foundalike that Egyptian empire of ol pression of his creative freedom their oneness in respect of the ish lawyer There's a rumor tion at the University of Michigan • leave as their, most conspicou those phrases of the Psalmist: necessity of their differences to that Dr. Stephen S. Wise would; is on his way to Roumania monument a tomb reared by i "And I wil-keep thy Law contin-j c fi n g "to" that integrity which is like to transfer his presidency of Don't be surprised fif he brings j slave. '. ually forever- attd ever, arid 1 their liberty and which is the con- the American Jewish Congress to back a rebbetzin . . . Mrs. Ethel j At the core of all these char- shall walk in freedom, in the dition of their creative function- Judge Julian *W. Mack . . . All Cohen, former editor of the Halaymen and professionals engag- dassah News-Letter ( graduated ters there is, whether the men wideness of the world.' ' To keep | i n g for and within mankind, ed in any kind of Jewish comniu-1from New York University sum-' who wrote t,hem awarely knew his inner law is every man's in-i T_ ,. __»'»___ **._«. „._ it or not, a single purpose — to tegrity and freedom; it Is his con-.-..;.-:Is -it. not strange that we must nal activity are now eligible for i ma cum laude, the highest rankpreserve that creative freedom tribution to the', integrity and make this plea? Is it not strange membership .in the National Con-: ing woman student of Washingwhich is identical with human in freedom of all man\ind,v it is his that the old, old conflict between ference of Jewish Social Service.iton Square College . . . There's a tegrity and which Is the source righ both as a citizen *'of his liberty and authority, between which has changed its name to'rabbi in New York who has and uniformity is ' and origin of all high civilization country and of the. world. It-.-is multiformity the National Conference of Jew- thought up a new gag to obtain! v.— „ , " " " "**."";'""'.*"' . ' ' " 7 ° ' n o nearer being won? Is it It not For though we are all children w Identical with that liberty of cob-j t i c t b t , n s o , a n d n . ish Social Welfare . . . Frederick ! personal publicity . . . Whenever ; of Adam, united in the deep science for which Roger Williams' rtoii ,„,,„,, .,„,„„„„,„,«, o —^,-««, M. Warburg, John M. Schiff, Wai- i there is a banquet or reception der such various pleas, according ter N. Rothschild and Lucius N. [given anywhere to anybody, he groundwork of our being and the oneness of pur fate, yet men dif- both Church and State, in the i ' " l ^ " 1 * ^ * ! ? . ^ Lit h h i $1000 i d * * i» « regretting his infer from each other — in coun- very dawn of American history; j or more to the Republican Na-j ability to attend . . . The joke is tenance, .in specific character, in is is that liberty of conscience I med and his companions of old, tional Committee . . . Jeremiah ] that he's never invited to any of their emphases, in their judgment in 'the great words the choice jbetween its particular T. Mahoney, former president of jj these functions of value. Men differ from each the A. A. U., who led the fight j other even as ; philosophies or ought to be to all men dearest Koran and the sword? And is it i to keep the United States out oti Berlln works of art which are the total and most precious and which no Olympics, may be the expression of high individuals dif- ;overnment is more inclinable Democratic candidate for Coverfer each from the other. And in not to favor only, but to protect tie fear of liberty, which is noth- nor of New York if Governor Lehtruth without these differences, than a free-commonwealth, as be- ing less than a fear of life itself, j man doesn't change his mind . . . which make the music of human- ng most magnanimous, most is numbing the souls and wills of | Max Reinhardt's production of j INNER JACKET is our duty in i"The Eternal Rjad," scheduled ity in the exact sense polyphonic, earless and confident of its own this mortal scene would be unim- 'air proceedings." Opens from the Tcr to open next season, i , aginably brutish and dull. OR A LIBERAL EDUCATION in cigarette enBut men are born not as ab- man's r stract Individuals nor as mere )ne in our Talmud Which is all ito liberty, whlch is the joyment . . . try s pack of Doubk.Melhv} favor of Franz Werfel's "Jewish Dr. Hooton, Anthropologist, members of the general human he more impressive by virtue of Iof life itself; it is to resist by all play" . . . They think that JewWarns That Such Theories Old Golds. family. They are Xound actually ts simple humanity. The tale is j ish life on stage and otherwise Menace Peace of World and historically always in certain •epeated at least twice, in the; should be a pantomine . . SignifiThey'll reach you fresh as a June diploma! it is to groups. And these groups dtffer ractates of Rosh ha-shanah and cant meeting in Detroit; at home New Haven, Conn. (WXS) — proclaim Because every pack is wrapped in two jackets of of from each other even as Indivi- f Ta'anith and it runs as fol- our our rei i Sidney J. Allen, at which 45 Warning that doctrines of racial duals or philosophies or works-of ows: ."The wicked government; J ^ ™ tn~e~ ^ " ^ moisture-proof Cellophane of the highest quality inequality are a menace to the i PsalmisJI leaders pledged a sum of $16,, art or. human countenaces and ad proclaimed a religious per- j obtainable. This DOUBLE Cellophane wrapping i 000. in addition to their earlier peace of the world, Dr. E. A. Hoo-j r w , u n o t d i e but. live and characters differ from each other. "•*'• I pledged in order to wipe out the ton, world famous Harvard aniecution bidding- us not to oc- ! clare the works of the keeps out dampness, dryness and every other Unfathomably rooted In our comAllied Jew- thropologist, told the American ourselves with the Tora not those works that are divine b I shortage in ?323, foe of cigarette enjoyment. Graduate now to mon humanity these groups have oupy Association of Physical Anthro-i i s n circumcise our attended by Campaign, was attended-.-Dy u s o our eons and ana iorc-: their sovereien varietv-and-mnltf."•• ' ish Campaign, .their specific configuration or. ,« uu^su m this double-mellow, factory-hesh cigarette. pologists that there is absolutely! o e at theShab th £ ; lJehuda - « ^ been Shathuai ^ - ! n Iplicity. i c i ^ so. that not" one human Greenberg . . . no anthropological justification j Gestalt and by their expression ;°f ,Vhat sflid OUTER JACKET Some asked Hank what he will like anin life and thought and speech ,nd : his comrades do? They went] for anti-Semitism or the superiorIt's the CLASS of 1936! Opens from the Bofto* towards this unusuaKpror 6f the and art and morals create that nd took council of a matron i j ject . . "I pledge two home runs," ity of the Nordic and A J*an races, j varied .scene-.'Whicli both: historichouse was frequentedt by | ireplied Henry-. v\ And Detrpiters Terming racial inequality theories : ally and today constitutes the he Roman nobles. And this, wo- j "pernicious and ridiculous'' and!. holding him to his eternal-landscape -of mortality. calling for measures to "stem this These groups, who are, groups of in' this'^ 0 ^ a y for ^another nionth . . . rising tide of human stupidity,". His wrist is Mill in a cast . . . But I Dr. Hooton cited the results of it is more imperative he g<2ts started he promises,scientific experiments to prove; ever that we found, that we build,] that among the so-called cream of jj that we establish a Jewish, uni- j verslty In thisvland as a watch-1 ,, _, _ .... , ,|the population, the middle class,! tower and symbol of the spiritual I ^eon ;BIum, Soc abst Premier j [liberties of America arid of m a n . | of France who would give h I S h f e | Ikind' jfor Socialism) is,, a multi-million-! With all & B you will no d o u b t j a l r e 'whose-Balon • i . the meeting Guaranteed Fur Storage, Cleaning and Repairing agree and you will probably also » J a c e » ' t l l e , w h f ? w n o o £ P a n s agree that these ' considerations i • • • H e maintains very friendly are the quite -fundamental ones jpersonal relations-with the Roth-! in respect to our right and our schild family . . . When you seej duty to establish a Jewish seat him in a salon he looks as im-1 of learning. But you will want peccably dressed as a Paris fashWhile at work Blum me now, and very properly, to ion plate Where Omahd Shops With Confidence come to the practical consequen- Is unconcerned with his appearces of these general considera- ance and never cares to have his tions in our American life today. trousers pressed Leon's son Well; there is all over the civili- is one of the main executives of zed world today the phenomenon Peugeot, t h e famous French j of more and more young people small car manufacturers . When desiring what is known as a high- he's not studying he loves to er education. Hence all instltu- watch horse races . . . , tions are overcrowded and .all, ex.- In 1934, Fascist Italy had ele1 latins funds are insufficient and j Y e n Jewish generals . . . A n or: the most rigid selection is being j ganized campaign of Nazi propa• very properly exercised among!Sanda has been uncovered in Cen;the applicants. This selection i s ) t r a l Afaerica . . .Radio broad'made according to a twofold priri- casts from Getmany reach every [ciple, according to the ability of country ln that section; . . One I the- applicant sand V according to of- the teachers of the Crown •fth^e, culture-groiip.'.to which he. be- Prince of Italy was Senator proj longs, And I hasten to add^ that fessor Vittorlo'polacco.-an OrthoI1 do not, as some old-fashioned dox Jew .. .,..'. The marriage of people still do, blinkly ; condemnfHe nr lDeterdlng, English oil magthe application of .r th^ [': second} iiatd, to- a German-woman, has principle of choice.- .A New Eng-revived rumors that he is the land college has a perfect right to chief backer of Hitler ,. s . Bertus upon the whole l to' preserve Van Ller, famous Dutch compos| Its character and .spiritual atmba- er,-. has declined an invitation to phere, and point,of: view; a Cath- permit the use of his second symolic college -will necessarily^ 'and phony-,'at the Dutch Musical Fesin Wiesbaden, Germany , . propeely'• prefer a .majority r of Catholics within Its walls. These Lillian Glsh is in Palestine con preservations of group-character; eollftg herself, over the fact that are implicated with the very i n - " O l * Maid", the play in which she Select any one of the fifteen handsome new tegrity and liburty for whlch^ I f was to *tar in England, never opbody types . plead. They enrich civilization. I ened will deliberately say that, at least JEWISH PRESS as far as private institutions as The Juedische i Rundschau of Make the usual low down-paymertt distinct from State universities Germany noW has a circulation of (Your present car may cover this) are concerned, the cry that quotas close to 40,000 and f-requently are wicked and that every Jewish j carries more than ten full pages Pay the balance at $25 a month, which K student should be admitted. Cuts Of advertising . . < Its editor, Rothe'ground from under our ownlbert Weltsch, is now-in this conn' covers everything feet-; and negates the very princi-jtry on a visit . . ^ His stay here pie of liberty and of cultural pin-j is so incognttt) that he is acceptCost of financing rallsni by which we stand or fall. ing ' Qf no invitations and takes his All t h e conspicuous culture- meals alone in a kosher restau«"?> percent a month | groups have their schools ' of rant in the roaring forties learning, not: only the Catholic, ABOUT rEOl'LE but the Anglleann= the Methodist, [• The body :of the late Sol LamDon't wait any Ibager to own ^ e car you have always the Baptist, the. Quake.. There port, ..ZiopJst and. Heb'raist, has •wanted. Take advantage of the convenient new 6% are, German > Lutheran. Colleges been; shipped to Palestine In ac: plans of the Universal Credit Company-and at the and Scandinavian Lutheran Col-j cordanee with his will . The leges and until we- entered the Ludwlg Lewisohns- are not going same time inake an Investment in known value. The war the language of instruction to South Africa thia year after E\ery one fresh as a dew-kissed daisy! YTe picked flowIn many of these schoolo was notall, because Ludwig wants to finford ^ 8 leaves nothing to be desired. Come to today. ers and dots and stripes and all the sun-drenched summer English. Was America less Amer- ish a big novel this summer . . . colors. We picked the very cleverest styleg, the airyest, ican then than Bow — less splen- The novel deals with Germany vOMAHA LINCOLN coolest fabrics. We picked frocks to keep you lovely at a : did as the motherland of freedom DILL.-MARKEL. MOTOR CO. O'SHEA.ROGERS MOTOft pn from 1933 on ..--. . Lewisohn, inprice to keep j on happy! • MeFAYDEN-STEWART CO. COtlN^n°B ' n v S a TA and of pbac'Q?- Why then, did we cidentally, will attend the Zionist BUS8ELU MOTORS, INC. «V%P9f B LUPFS, IA. I not long.ago range ourselves with convention at Providence and MISSES' AST) YTOMEVS SIZES 8AMPLE-HART MOTOR CO. ' v i ' . J ' <SU)CK MOTORS ' those otlior groups and exercise strike out for a new deal . . . The J. V. THORNDIKE, INC. SIOUX C I T Y I A HAT the common right and duty of all : - % ' > H A W A Y . . M A H O N E Y CO. Fourth Floor Bravermans of Cleveland have
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THE JEWISH PKESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1936 onization of the Holy Land was]the Arabs, if we curtail Jewish
* trmti f»Tfifff* • »?f%t%
Good for Women
generously left the Jews, -who I immigration and stablize Jewish i | i | | l £ flldUKANLE' 11 ''"
3ane, diseased..and criminal-' lements. The candidates for biological extinction would )e selected on the basis of or Semitic descent, blond jr black skin, but solely on :ore of their individual phymental and moral bankruptine does not need to be an opologist to recognize t'rM is rampant, not only In this try,, but elsewhere in the a selfish stupidity -which . of hutaan decay and degenin. It manifests itself in some .ers by -brutal oppression of rities selected for ill treaton account of religious, linor fancied racial differ-
Cheyenne. Myo.. (INfi — <• hungered for it. Because Britain enterprise in the land at the pre- • The regular semiannual elec- set ot figures released here "•• •. , .. , sent point, we are making a tre! tion of officers of the A. Z. A. 'cently was interpreted,in vari. needed a counter-weight to t h e | m e n d ( m t s a c r l f i c e . W h a t haTe chajfter No. 10^ will be held on ; quarters as added evidence t ' many-sided, many-headed- P « - j v o u t 0 o f f e r i n r e t a r n ? w m Wednesday. June 24, at T:SO p.m.t h e hand that rocks the era jhaps dangerous Arabic world. t h e i A r a b g i Q r e t u m f 6 p t h J g at the J . C. C. AH final reports \ also can safely pnide an autoi | colonization of Eretz Israel was; c o n c e s s i o a o n o a r rt u n i t e l n of the preseut administration will bile. The Wyoming- hiclivray '«• ieven left to the J e w very gladly, j a f e d e r a t i o n o f a l l A r a b i c l e s tro] reported that during ' be given at this meeting. Because Great Britain fully « - I under our aegis and help us guard | By the Service-Life Tickets for the drawing- are last month women drivers fig ipected political "agitation on t h e our position in t h e Near East, the > iapaiiy, Omslia new on sale and may be pur- ed in. only IP of the 1T.> e*Ho' "• part of t h e Arabs in years to come R e d g e a a n d Eestern Medit-j , chasec from any member of the bile accidents in the Piste, (and very little from the Jew* of e r r a n e a n 7 T h e r e be no out-; The whole story of man's life Arts Staff Correspondent) British policy) Jewish coloniza- right demand in these words, to and the service of life insurance chapter. George Eltinge and Eer, Ps.iron.ize Our Advertiser* i Wintroub are cochairmen of this tion in Eretz Israel has been sur- be sure. England will Who. is holding back peace | Near East. From their side the would be disastrous. For the An- rounded with a set of conditions , manoeuvre the present chromium-plated cocktail set and iu Eretz Israel? How import- i Palestinian Arabs seized upon glo-Italian conflict and the Anglo- and clauses that can strengthen b a n c e ^ ant is Palestine to the British | this moment to press their claims Arabic conflict too are c* a very or weaken Jewish colonization * has a goal. t0the .empire? - Will the legislative i arid revendicationB upon a Great For Picnics and All Oca1 council as a bas-; There are certain things he would; council be revived? These and i Britain fully disposed to make temporary character. If he sions Serve Forbes' CORRECTION many other questions are .an- i concessions. England thought to York Pump swered in this cable article by I win the Palestinian Arabs with i a llfe ' the noted foreign correspondent i the legislative council. The Arab tal importance, a. question of life alyze Arabic irredentist and the In last week's issue of The JewBKEAD witn the ish Press it was erronecmslv statwhose interpretation of Pales- j leaders, counselled by their EuroSliced thin for r o w tine events is closely followed ; pean advisors, decided to hold out d e - j t@ j)s ^** — ^ u ^^. w . .... lers, Ibn Sand, the Iman of YeArabic unity might again be p r e s i d e c t ot t h e Convenience When the unrest sub-;for the"comfort and pleasure" of : Progressive club. by European statesmen. ; for more. • xb-e Editor, i In considering the complicated j Irak and Iran even make their al- British imperial interests. . r is to be established. ' I I s h o u l d h a v e r e a d t h a t Mn M '-.,•. j problem that has now entered an liance with Britain contingent upThe British are playing a very they have been duped by Mussoli-'A s u m of money as a life reserve - Canar is vice-president, I acute stage, we should not lose on satisfying the aspirations of subtle diplomatic game at the pre- ni's agents, the dickering will re-'j S to be built up. If a man con*': the bargaining will contin- j tinues to live andn enjoy good j The Firms which adverti'w £701-11 No. 24th St. The situation in Palestine is sight of the fact that Great Brit- the Mufti-crowd in Jerusalem, as strange ne. We are going toward an hour j D e a ith and is gainfully employed,-\ the Jewish press deserve ; sent moment. growing -worse. There is nothing} ain was on the point of institut- seems most likely, we may depend of extreme gravity. The fate ofj E e will accomplish a certain part.merit your patronage. ^atned in seeking to minimize the' i n S a legislative council in Pales- upon it that England will soon re- I say that the new Eretz Israel hangs in the balance. | o f his objective as he goes along. • —— gravity of the hour. In the chan-|tine, that is to say, make an at- store peace in Palestine by mak- 1 are not at all unwelcome in i v The most sacred possession of t h e j ^ n important 'question for him to celrles of'Europe and in League j tempt to wia the Arab nationa- ing important concessions to the i don. It stands to reason that Jewish people, their all in all w e ! a l l E w e r }S "HOW MUCH WILL circles the civil war in Palestine I HstB to her side at the cost of rebel-element. England really desired peace- and j | REMAIN TO BE DONE AFTER 1B considered a problem of the j sacrificing the Jewish cause. We; L e t us not allow ourselves to tranquillity in Eretz Israel she! may well say, is in danger. . jl AM'GONE?" There's the rub. first magnitude for Great Britain! must not lose sight of this fact-be misled by Illusions, To the This Is I Arts | The. one. point in his plan to gain and indirectly for Europe as al^cause at the present moment j directors of the vast business his objective which may break whole, because it and otherwhere is a tendency in leading j known as the British Empire, j among the Zionist observers, down. • events In the Near and Middle j Zionist circles to waft clouds of jEretz Israel represents only umy a<t|j Then mea w m t is the ice game? game: This: nu».i •. , - . . o i l what He can eliminate the taking of East serve to divert England's at- j incense in the direction of Sir; means to an end. That end is j the Jews are to be impressed with | Q J e W l S U OCuOiclFS this, chance., of leaving anything tention more and more from G e r - j A r t n u r Wauchope and the Britishjthe safeguarding of British im.-ithe intransigence of Arabic oppo-! _J _, undone by investing a definite many's super-armament, cam- j authorities in general for their [ perial interests. In the Colonial jsition. It is to be driven home j | Q (jg{; amount of money in life insurrm The Salary Continuance Policy helps your fampaign. That the leaders of w h a t ' ^ - stand against the Arabic j Off ice and the War Office of Lon-jto the Jewish Agency and the' ance programmes, because life indon nobody thinks of Palestine in | Zionist masses all over the world is known as the Arabic national-! marauders. ily over that difficult one or two years after surance is a plan which guaranist movement are determined to J t w a s ^ e Jewish people Great terms^of a Jewish honieland or as that in spite of England's good tees the accomplishment of the ._,„ your death, known as the Readjustment Period. ! force the issue this time and def- Britain was on the point of be- a place of fulfillment for human-I intentions to carry out the terms; traying, anifsit was the Arabs ity's messianic aspirations. They| o f the mandate, the task is rir-! t.ambriage, Mass. (VVNs>—Six objectives which perhaps has not == rId initely break the Jewish hold on I hi i fl b i^ ° J*™™ J ^ ^ h scholars scholars I today reached and may. unf ortu- ; =1 . . Palestine seems clear enough. whom/she sought to cajole. Dr. I think of Palestine as "a sort ofltually impossible. Tou can see i nd This plan guarantees a monthly check from 12 to 60 Stephen S. Wise himself, the val-jGreat-Gibraltar, as the site for a for" yourself; the Arabs will not!f scientists are among the 6G nately, never reach. That they are finding secret en- taut champion of Eretz Israel, — ' — ' — — ' — — - I - — «__ Their .„.„,. op-; _:International men of renown who:, . . . months after your death, together with an immediate colossal naval • and aerial concenabdicate their claims. .,, . ... couragement, moral and perhaps 111 receive^ honorary degrees. Clean-Up Fund for srn&l! bills. also material, incertain European who Is about" the only Zionist tration point with a militarily j position to a Jewish national^fro capitals is also no longer a mat- leader who has had the; courage consolidated hinterland, the more!home has not lessened with thei ™ Harvard University on S^p- j I t a l i a n s OSV • _ since ._•_ - „ •,_._. aeiiverea j . , - j . nis t!_!; years, it . growing, .__ isut, T.-i it ix win _.-n , tember 18th at ,the Jr Mussolini -- r . 7 " •culmination; ~. IT . .T<.• .1 ter of conjecture, but an estab- to speak to England in a frank so for the Story lished fact.. The moment for a and open manner- whenever the terrific blow to British influence joe objected, England has just osfa r^ university s 30 0th anmver-. | g f n e n < j ; . Q f and prestige in the Near East. Of i served notice on the Arabs that i ^ rebellion was chosen by the Arab occasion arose, seems to have forJewish scholars to be honored course, from time to time certain I she will not be intimidated, will' leaders with a sense of political gotten this. He. too, along with Ginzberg, professor statesmen or party lea- not be swerved from fulfilling; a r e '» r precision which could not have: Dr. Weizmann, Dr. Mahum Gold- British of Talmud at the Jewish Theologher obligations to the Jewish peocome out with a generous Rome CWNS)—The. Italian g § been but inspired by a master-di-! mann, Isaac Gruenbaum and Mr.ders Seminary of America; Adolph declaration, full of nobility of ple. • Does this not show clearly j j plomat. After the shattering Rothenberg, seems disposed to spirit, magnanimity and encour- that Brifis is on the Zionist side Goldschmidt, former. professor or press reports that Emperor Haile : ^ ^ blow to her prestige as a world pile the guilt of the present up- agement, and it is rather pathetic and will the establish- t h e n i s t 0 I 7 o f a r t at-the TJniver- i Selassie of Ethiopia became a power by Mussolini's "Oceanic" heaval exclusively on the head of how much significance official ment of the Jewish homeland, be j sity.. of Berlin; Charles • Gustave j strong-supporter-of Zionism durJung, Swiss authority on psyehol-! ing his brief stay in Palestine. victory in the Red Sea area, Eng- Mussolini. For all his mischief- Zionism attaches to these ges- it at the point of the bayonet? JOEK A. EEEEE, Gen. Ag-ent §j land has set about to win over making, Mussoini is not the prin- tures. But to the Vansittards, The matter is simple as ogy; Dr. Tullio Levi-Cevita, pro- \ Italian Jewry has started regnthe Arabic kingdoms to her side cipal culprit in this instance, and Lloyds, Barutons and others who all that. To Britain Palestine is fessor of mathematics at the Uni-' lar communication with the Fal3i at IStfe Omaha, Nebr. j | for the purpose of establishing o concentrate the Jewish peo- determine the course of imperial a means to .an-end. something to ™rsity of Rome; Karl Landstein- I ashas of Ethiopia and has sent a Rockefeller Institute' number of Itatlian. teachers to a counter-weight to Italy in the ile's attenion on the chief of ItalThe further P a l - ] e r o f t h e w h e ther Tories or Labor-1 bargain with. M TTmm TO EFAB AT 5:55 P. M. NEXT SUNDAY §1 ; ^ S ^ l ^ ^ t ; ^ o r *«** R^r^, a n d B,: an fascism would be an utterly cullalse maneuver. minster, Palestine is, as I said, a come a Jewish homeland in the! Otto Warburg, of Germany, emin-; I do not deny that Mussolini means to an end, and in itself true sense of the word, or in ent physiologist. \ ture. i is involved. Italian diplomacy Is quite an indifferent means. | practical terms; the nearer the deeply involved in the present Britain -when there will will be bea a - • - - - took • - • -the mandate - - over d day d h th 'alestinian upheaval. But Muss- Palestine for reasons which have Jewish majority in Palestine, the olini, by stiffening Arab resis- nothing to do with the Jewish na- greater Eretz Israel's value betance to Great Britain, is out to tional ideal. Because Palestine comes as an object of barter. by GEORGE DeWTTT SHEETS, frustrate a British scheme which. does not lend itself to direct coi- Even today England can say to . Cranfard, N. J. . 1 carried,into effect, would comiletely wrack the Jewish national k undertaking In Eretz Israel . Of course, Mussolini's Machiavellian (Established 1S7S) ,, manoeuvre in hacking the Arabs is not motivated by'any 1 love for the Jews or by a desire to save the Jewish ^national home, which Phone Ja. 0551 — Phone 534 — Phone 88885 England was on the point of sacrificing two months ago. MussoliI Asbestos ni is looking after his own inter\ ...vV •j Slate-Tile ests. He is straining his utmost o prevent the consummation of I Asphalt and Gravel the Arabic Empire federation, FREE ESTIMATES — EASI TERMS which England wants to bring I traded in my small car to get a to life as a counter-measure to big Dodge "Beauty Winner." It ;he Duce's newly-won hegemony was one of the best moves I ever in the Red Sea, that is, to wrest from the Duce's hands the control of the most important stretch of Britain's highway to India. Upon his arrival in London Dr. Weizmann immediately showed his cards by hinting at Italy's responsibility in the present outFlos break. His statements were well received at the Colonial Office where there was a certain amount of apprehension lest Dr. Weizmann should put his finger on the source of tbe troubles and ^i indicate Great Britain herself as i'l the responsible party with that Why? Because, in the long run, I recent attempt to foist a legislafigure this big Dodge is actually tive council on Palestine. For going to cost me less than the there yon have the origin of the small csr I bnd. present evil. Two months ago fit to raise Arab hopes. 1, EEAPTY . cri"?, vjrorouE cjininetrr of•'*" modern Dr. Weizmann's important state. cmorth, rieek lines. ments were clearly'intended to , Af CITPOW consumes less electrisblidate British and Jewish in© Sheer and sharp as the pyramids! the great ptaks of the city ihts a aU clertnr light bulb. . terests in the Near East. They Montana Rockies shoot op to the iky—out here in Glacier. I t is die Land of Shining Mountains; of pagan gods, and mountain wi'l no doubt find a broad echo in goats, and living ice sheets storing slowly down from die heights America. Tet the consequences 4c. CGKTIiNIEFCE . .r . doors .seal .'themselves -tight $T ...the Glaciers. COMB OUT THIS SUMMERr-tq this trili of, giving the Zionist movement ret opsa &i touch o to? or fing-er tip . . , interiors t confusion of mountain grandeur that onttiTsls the Alps. an anti-Italian and anti-Arabic lighi, E.ESosn&tJccllT' . . . vaist-bigh tip-proof shelves ," orientation, something that might Koond trip vacation fares tre down to a bargain basis. Expenses . . . Crcncir cT^eed freczpr, • *C flow naturally out of Dr. Weizfor meals and lodging in ths Park and for motor transportation 5. QUIET . . . c a V ere mejor rsoriisgpart—-Carrene, \c mann's latest diplomatic move or the use of a good horse, are very modest. Hundreds of Glacier the niapc ~efnprFr,i—working with smooth, silent^^. visitors with stont legs and carefree hearts h h the trail afoot.
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j ist AB<*E£2£&ss VtfTT*^ T 0
elected chairman for
"A! posed agenda was adopted otljer announcement tEat Rabbi Stephen S. Wise had officially seg-Lvai," he eighed, "a theatre I've out debete and the public consented to the use of his name as a candidate for the I got . . . ft white elephant it is. sion then adjourned. presidency. The letter reiterated that the!Look it's empty. All the time I'm Sam shook his Jewish Agency would not co-op- j losing money. Strange as it seems - - although perhaps not so strange - erate in the establishment of a head. "That s too bad, Morris. '. By D®. THEODORE N. LEWIS Published 0TB>7 FrWay at Omaha, Nebraska, by 0 both announcements werejn response to requests by "leading Palestine legislative council, add-iWfcy don't you give U up? How Bftbbi, Moon* Sinai Temple, Sioux City THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUSHING COMPANY Zionists of the country" with both groups of "leading Zionists" ing that its attitude in opposing!can I? . . . I've got to make a the council "has been endorsed living!" 93.00 meeting at New York hotels. Both gave the same reason: each Subscription Price, one year • • * ' \. " cies is the actual though silent Iw u v um p 3 e t e unE Bimity by Jew- Curtain. Resoorces of Religion Advertising r a t e B f u r n isnea on application. is not personally desirous of the office but each is willing to atheism of the masses. God is not ' ish" public-opinion "^ By Georgia Harfene«s in Palestine bow to the demands of his fellow-Zionists and is willing to Henry Holt and Company, New denied. He is simply ignored and throughout the world, s.nd j A yon fig1 suitogra-fiend apEditorial Office: 600 Brandela Theater BuUdlng. and not permitted to play any York City, 218 pages #2.00 has met with a consiSerable ™ ea sacrifice himself because of the "crisis now confronting Palesiicd Archie Mayo, C 3 direcSioux City Office—Jewish Community Center "The Resources of Religion" is part in our lives. For much of sure of understanding and- sym- p r o a c t ( ? r g f t < ) r a p r e v i e W i "Are-are you tine and the Zionist movement." the intellectual and religious conSfcACKBB - - Bu*lPe«s »n4 Managing Editor most challenging and o a e rf ^ m o g t cha u eag ing and E< fusion of our day, the old fash- pathy in authoritative non-Jew- B n j ! b o d y ? » gtammered the lad. FRANK R. ACKERMAN "* o r Here in Omaha we are far removed rrom the center of the !stimu i a tingg of religious books ioned ,, N o „ a n E W C r e c f Mayo. "Well, give theology is to blame. It's ish circles." KATBLMAN Council muffs, low»» Correspondent Zionist controversy. We know both Rothenberg and Stephen that have appeared in the current hold on Proposals Stress Immigration me ymT au togr&ph anyway—just the souls of men and woLL . . - -r Sionx City. Iowa. Correspondent Wise in Omaha, they having been guests here on several occa- season and is deservedly a'selec- men of not on the minds Is still Dr. Weizmann made the folPrint SHOP Address: 4504 So. 24th Street of the.Religions Book of the strong, and its pei^icious influ- lowing recommendations: sions. We know them to both be excellent leaders and capable, tion Month Club, devoutly relig- ences continue to poison and em- 1 — A "substantial grant" of efficient, hard-working executives. Either one should be able The author. certificates on the woman, a Seen and honest bitter and to confound. A newimmigration rld Congre The World Congress to lead the American Zionist organization out of the wildner- ious of normal increase in emthinker, occupies the chair of intellectual approach to the Deity, basis delegates assembled m ness, it seems to us. What, then, is the trouble? Why is thephilosophy in Elrolrs College. She and to the more vital religious ployment and the special allocat,i x i i e v c u hundred HUM"-* -" and "•"»» eighty-three — p—'* — problems is an Imperative neces- ion for German Jewish refugees. HARRY A. FRANKEL 5 Washington last week-end to determine whether or noi; Amer- membership so deplorably low in an organization which is so possea tbat happy and rare com- sity. 2 — Relaxation of regulations The author tries to answer bination or a critical mind and reEcsl Estate and Property * ica will participate in the world Jewish Congress to he held highly vital to Jewry? Why has paralysis of organization ligious temperament. She etib- the need, partially, and does a governing admittance of relatives Bfanagement next August in Geneva. * ifcat they would vote in favor of the crippled the influence of American Zionism 1 Why is force and ueribes heartily to modern ecien- spl#ndid Job. In three compre- of Palestinians. hensive chapters dealing with 3 — Increase in opportunities tific method, and gladly accept* Ton can't etop & windcongress was aforegone conclusion, since they were selected power lacking from the councils of the group? the new and far-reaching relig- God, Dr. Harfcness reasons logic- of absorption of Jewish immi3 as adherents to \he world congress idea. The answer might lie in the internal bickering which has ious doctrines of our day. Her ally and dispassionately and grants. storm, but yots can buy windstorm insurance \ The mooted question now Is what effect the world con- seethed below surface without ever quite reaching the top. j uQnesty enables her to present * above all kindly with those who 4 —., Legalization of the etafind belief difficult and often im-;tus of Jewish immigrants who from Frankel tai ( gtwTwm bave on the Jewish situation. It is useless to enter Perhaps if at the .coming convention the divergent thoughts | reasonable defence of^ ^aJ*^ possible. Her premise is not that | have entered illegally. i into the long protracted arguments; as to whether or not a in Zionism today are given ample discussion and a free rein, J^j^" *S5 Dons'ns Block disbelief is a sin, a* the old theo- j 5 — Abandonment of proposed JACKSON 1525 logy declares. Her premise is that ] laws restricting sale of Arabe 3 world Jewish congress should be held. Such an argument the result will be a healthy clearing of opinion and a more from nition of the priority of reason it is a tragedy, and heroically and i lands. "For .insurance See Frank*! Flrit' I would have been of^some material value perhaps a year ago, co-operative outlook. Perhaps a harnessing of forces against over credulity, of logic over blind 6 — Introduction of Intensive honestly does she strive to spare faith are not only refreshing, but but today we are faced with .an accomplished fact the hold-. common problems can be effected, instead of a present system exercise a subtle and persuasive contemporary men and women methods of land cultivation end but today we are faced / i practically tilly a a certainty, certainty How- of either pulling P-s~t! it's the in the opposite direction or not pulling at all. pg pp inflee upon the r e a d e r . the misfortune of absence of revision of land laws to halt ficing of the world congress is Coiicst Mae* the conHost people abhor battling and think of it as a drawback, but!Though all thinking men and wo- faith, of malignant, despairing titious claims and trespassing. the non-Jewish nonJewish world will look upon t ever, though the in TOWN 7 — Revision of the tariff sysatheism. JL.: _ I.-*...*: „!,„„ „„ „„„+,> etorra w W » «on» men will find the book helpful in aT1 the tem into combat dumping by rais-j ^•gress as an expression of f opinion i i off world orld Jewry, Jewry the dele- sometimes a situation reaches an acute stage where an open more ways than one; It will be a ing duties on specific goods and i the h name of f world Jewry Challenge of different viewpoints may clear the atmosphere particular source of Inspiration gates in Geneva Geneva cannot cannot speak p k in of a double tariff and religious Illumination to the and pave the way toward moving forward. Maybe the Wisenor can can their efforts be of lasting and permanent effect unGEMS OF THE BIBLE introduction system of minimum and maxiincreasing number who have been mum duties — the lower duties less the congress truly represents the opinion of all classes Rothenberg test of strength will be the starting step toward reared in a hard and intolerant AND TALMU6 to apply to countries buying PalFeed—Seed Prinks and all types of the Jewish people. In this respect, many in. a healthier, robust, growing, powerful American Zionism. J.Ve and false theology and who upon By O. O. DASHES estinian goods. repudiating It find their faith fluential American Jewish groups, such as the American Jew- look forward to Providence with some anxiety but yet with shattered and the very founda8 — Increased Government alisish Committee and the B'nai B'rith, haye expressed their oppo- much hope. Debate the cause with thy locations for Jewish medical and £ fills Sfcr«cit v tion of life destroyed. A significant element in the [neighbor, but reveal not the se-health services. sition to the congress - - and the sum total of opposing forces 9 — Increasing the Jews in author's approach, indicative of cret of another. as exemplified in this country demonstrates that at the moReminiscing her keen awareness of contempAs a troubled fountain and a public worts — now eight per ment the Geneva, delegates could hardly speak in the name ory religious difficulites and per-corrupted spring so is a righteous | cent •— to one-third of the total By Rabbi Frederick (John t plenties is her critical analysis man that giveth way before the employees. •of a unified, wholly-agreeing American Jewry. When you read this (or even if you don't) if all is well, I of £24 Insurance B'.dg. religion, in theory wicked. False Rumor Blamed Even without a unified back-home representation, the con- shall be visiting my boyhood's home n Providence, Rhode andorganized Seest thou a man wise in his practice. The impotence of Only one paragraph of the let• Wiring of all binds, gress in Geneva could easily make a hue and cry which would Island (on the way to the Conference of Rabbis at Cape May, church and synagogue infuriate own eyes? There is more hope ofjter — the conclusion — touched her. She recognizes and does not a fool than of him. jo n recent disorders in Palestine. • Motor £nst@!!atioiM. give the appearance of making that body the sole representa- New Jersey). hesitate to expose some of the a f l A prudent m&n seeth the evil, • The letter, dated April SO, said • Lighting Fixtures. d tive spokesman of Jewry. But is that what we want? What If you will pardon a personal word (the Editor of this many causes responsible for t h e | protecteth himself, but the anti-Jewish riots broke out in Jafwe mant, what we need is a body of leaders who actually do paper a long time ago gave me carte blanche to write what I helplessness. She quote* with de- thoughtless pass on and are pun- fa April 19 as a result of a false llacfiy Furnfihtd speak in the name of all Jewry, who are unified in action for pleased at any time) forty-six years ago I left my New Eng- llghtful approval a passage from ished. '-*•-•* ' j rumor that Jews had killed "The Way of all Flesh", > Remove far from me falsehood the street. the good of the .people they represent.. Only on such a body land home to go to the "Wild and Wooly West" (Cincinnati) Butler's which though written over « t t y ! a n d l i e s - £ i v e f e neither poverty can a permanence and stability in a world congress be built. to study for the American Rabbinate. years ago, nevertheless is an ac-nor riches, feed me with mine alPatronize Our Advertisers We do not know whether it is possible for the opposing forces description of the average lotted bread. Forty years ago, this very day (June 19) I became a curate TALMUD in Jewish life to meet on a common ground before August, Rabbi in American Israel. I had the supreme satisfaction and congregation of our own times Rabbi Cana employed 60 bakand a severe rebuke to our combut we do know that the disunity of representation makea for ers d .ring the da.y and 60 bakers placency and smugness. "The ever-memorable honor, of having the degree of Rabbi con<» trouble in the future, -Each representative group in American ferred upon me by no less a person than the sainted and im-hymn had engaged my attention; during the night to bake bread the poor and needy. He alJewish life connotes needed strength, and only in concerted mortal Isaac Slayer Wise, president and founder of the He-when It was over, I had time to for take stock of the congregation. ways had his hand in his pocket strength can we hope to achieve anything concrete. We have brew Union College, founder of the Union of American Hebrew j They were . haters of popery for he thought a respectable poor had enough of platitudes, enough of meetings and congresses Congregations and the Central Conference of American Rab- and of anything which • anyone1 man might come alon~ and while which consist of handshaking and pretty speeches, We want bis, ail in all, "the greatest American Jew, as Jew, architect might choose to say was popish; he would put his hand In his good, sensible fellows who detest- Pocket (to take out a coin) It results. cause the poor man shame ed theory of any kind, -whose * and organizer of American Judaism, who may really be conLet us consider the aims of the world congress as mirrored (for befag compelled to apply for ideal was the maintenance of the i i by the resolutions passed in Washington last week-end: estab- sidered the Prophet and Pioneer of American Judaism (to bestatus who with perhaps a loving charity). Every corner of his The sports shot house had a door to admit the lishment of a commission on civil and political relations; es- ranked with Manasseh ben Israel and' Moses Mendelssohn) reminiscence of old war times, poor you wtBt for and needy. In times of deand a sense of wring that the erery pc<r«s*>»—.ablinhment of a bureau of research"'and information on anti- who laid the foundation of Judaism in America. So that those weather was not more completely pression he left food outside so spectator or tewho followed after him, even those who did not accept his that those who were ashamed to Semitism in connection with an enlightenment campaign to under their control, who desired tivt sport* wear. receive help openly during the j present the truth about the Jews to the public opinion of the "Reform Judaism," have modelled their institutions and or-higher prices and cheaper wages, day might come and take during but otherwise were most contendworld; the formation of an institute of economic research to ganizations after bis, so that he has really created the form ed when things were changing the night. coordinate existing agencies and to serve not only as a clear- which the development of Judaism has been following in this least; tolerators, if not lovers, of A heathen appeared before all that was familiar, haters of Shammal and said to him, "Con- ] :> ing house of information but as an instigator of studies and country. I'- : they vert me to Judaism but on con.If you will pardon a further personal word, for the last |all that was unfamiliar; horriproposals j the creation of a commission; on the democratic exdition that thou teacheth me the would haTe been equal!y Torah while I am standing tension of the responsibility.of feliet and its management; es- forty years/as a Rabbi in Israel, I have been trying to preach fied a t hearing the Christian re- whole upon one leg." Rabbi Shamma! ligion, doubted, and at seeing it and stand for what may bes"t. be called "American Judaism," tablishment of a commission on migration; appointment of .a drove him off. Then the heathen practised." committee on Palestine to cooperate with the Jewish Agency; historical, traditional.Judaism, the Judaism of the Centuries, A large portion of the volume appeared before Rabbi Hillel and him to convert him upon establishment of a commission on the World Jewish Congress and yet particularly adapted and expressive of the century in Is devoted to a discussion of God,asked the same condition. Rabbi Hillel and this is as it should be. One which we live, just a3 our fathers expressed their ancestral to collect through voluntary contributions an initial fund him a proselyte and said to of the alarming current tenden- made him, "That which is hateful to of $200,000 the income from, which would defray the regular Judaism, consciously or unconsciously, according to the spirit thee do not do unto thy neighbudgetary expenses o| the various commissions and burdens of the times in which they lived and the exigencies of the parbor, this Is the .whole Torah and of the World Jewish Congress; the creation of a central bank ticular circumstances to which they were subject. the rest is merely Its commentary." The little state .of Rhode Island is this year celebrating to serve as the fiscal institution of the democratic Jewries of the world associated • with the World Jewish Congress; to its tercentenary. It is three hundred years since it was founded further thq participation of all Jewish bodies which at present by Roger Williams. And well mqy the world, arid particularly for one reason or another have refrained from participating Jews, celebrate with it, for Rhode Island was the Pioneer state' and Roger. Williams the founder of religious liberty, in fhe first World Jewish Congress. By Robert Stone These are highly commendable purposes, but become fruit- which gave its: distinctive character to America as the land CONGRESS IS TOLD BLACK of liberty, of political, civil, intellectual and religious freeless without co-operation of all. Whether or not th>,world LEGION IS LINKED TO SILVER When will Congress congress will be a glorified mass meeting or will grow into a dom. Judaism could flourish here as in no other country. And SHIRTS tell the G-men to "show them no it has flourished, till the beginning of Judaism, not merely V. permanent body will • * in our. opinion - -'depend on whether, numerically and* materially, but spiritually and culturally, is mercy." U, S. CURBS NAZI DUMPING Weizmami Says Encouragehitherto: lukewarm groups will remain aloof or join forces. BY BOOSTING TARIFF RATES ment of Immigration Would not. in Russia or Poland or Germany or England but in Prevent Attacks . . . Which Is a purely commercial America, , protective measure —• and noth* The Swimming Call / American Judaism is bound to affect the Judaism of theing else. Geneva (JTA) — With a reThe arrival of hot weather directs our thoughts, whether world. It is realistic, expressive of the times, rational, yet PRESBYTERIANS ASKED TO jSort before It from the Jewish With plenty of style, quality and comfort. ON ANTI-SEMITISM AND Agency for Palestine asking \ we will it or not, toward, the cool, refreshing relief of a good reverent, spiritual, ethical and absolutely true to the funda- WAR RACE BIAS But what is the Great Britain to make the Jewish White Buck, White Calf, Black and White, swim, the outdoor pool ia a natural place for our proclivities mentals and essentials of Judaism as it originated with Abra- best method of war against pre-I national home Immune from fur»•'• Brown and White, Two-Tone Tan. ther attack by actively encourag- [ of imitating the various species of fish, but the indoor nata- ham, was developed by Hoses, and further deepened and en-judice? ing JewUh immigration. The j ST. LOUIS BAR ASSOCIATION orium also serves a useful and convenient purpose.- It is the riched by the Prophets, the sages, the philosophers; the poets MARKS SITE WHERE BRAN- Mandates Commission of the I leal place to learn to navigate through the water and is avail- and even the modern organizers and publicists. DEIS BEGAN CAREER In- League of Nations began the ex- i amination , of. representatives of j >le conveniently and in all weather.. V I have seen many changes in the, world and in Judaism deed a historical place. British administration in the MAYOR LA GUARDIA ORThe Jewish Community Center swimming pool ranks with: in the' last forty years, but my loyalty is still to the Judaism DERS ARREST p F EDMQND-1 the Holy Land. } best of its kind. Its water can be truly called "aqua pura" of Isaac Mayer Wise, confident that its spirit will spread to SON, NUMBER ONE ANTI-SEM- j In a letter to the Palestine High; Commissioner . accompanying the I is tested regularly and efficiently. The instructors at the all America and, be mightily influential in bringing in that ITE, ON CHARGE T)F CRIMI- annual SPIKED GOLF SHOES memorandum of t h e j 1 NAL LIBEL Mayor La Guart ' ; service are veterans in teaching and experts in thegrander, better day, which is* the hope of all religion, particu- dia. believes in action. Agency to the twenty-ninth ses-i The reel thing at & low price | of swimming. The building is aentrally-located and eves^j^rly of the Mother Faith of the most highly developed por- NAZI VESSEL SALUTED JEW- sion of the commission, Dr. j . . . tan veal leather, moccasin Chalm. Weizmann, president of j jvenienqe is offered. "We who do not take advantage of the $ of mankind, Judaism, oldest of' religious, yet youngest of ISH ACTING GOVERNOR OF the Agency, declared that encourVIRGIN ISLANDS . . . An error! toe . . . an outstanding value. ilities offered at the Center are unnecessarily the losers. the young, because like its God, and the People who have been The commander will lose his post. agement of immigration "is ur- j ita age-long representatives, propagatbrs," exponents and de- FASCISTS ATTACK PREMIER geotly g t y called for by y the condit-jj BLUM AS JEW IN FRENCH iona of dire economic distress andj votees, it is Eternal. j-ovidence Fireworks CHAMBER But Blum answ- political persecution to which RUFFIES - - Frederick Cohn. ers by giving France a new deal large sections of the Jewish / The early part of July is a season for fireworks, mostly Just the thing you've' been POLAND GRANTS {300,000 pie are BOW being subjected." .! celebration of the Declaration of Independence. In Provi- Plays dealing with the story of hagiographical writings of the LOAN looking for. The Rwffie ss a FOR JEWISH REHABIL- He held adoption of the policy eatnfertable all-around shoe dence, U, t , there will be fireworks of a different sort early Esther were very common In Eur- Bible will be forgotten. The only ITATION . A small sum when "fully justified by the remarkable development of which Palconsiders the need. in Bucko and Elk leathers, still be -next month, when the convention of the American Zionists is ope pf the Middle Ages — but sacred boofcs which will SALONIKI WORKERS FORCE estine has shown itself capable in j thick crepe soles— tbeaa plays were written by Chris- remembered wllL be t s a Pentate' held. GREEK N A Z I TO EMPLOY recent years as a' result of in- j tians, not by jews, and were per- •uch and. the Scroll of Esther. j Although,trouble has been brewing under the surface for formed by members of the clergy. JEWS . . . Where Is Greek free- creased Jewish efforts." Reports that Italy — linked in, dom of ancient days? The Jewish "Purimsplel" Is reMordeca! ben Hillel of Nurema long time, each convention showed a surface of quiet, with something recent. — making berg," one of the greatest rabbis SS? GERMAN JEWS EMBRAC- London to the Holy Land disor-| ~ fhe underlying differences of opinion simmering into nothing- ally Its appearance about the begin- of medieval Germany, makes the ED LUTHERANISM IN 1933 . . . der« — might not participate in; 1 "» nesg, However, this week en open clash was declared in ad-ning of the eighteenth century. folowing striking statement con- Why? . It doesa't do away with the commission's meeting prov- j ed groundless when Mansais Al-j vance. 'Almost simultaneously we-received an announcement The famous Malmonides, iq his cerning th.9 l»urlm festival: The their Jewish grandmothers. berto Theodoli of Italy, chairman! day. of. Purim is as great aj» the great code, raaltes the following at Moms Uothenberg denied rumors that he would not again interesting statement: In the days day on -which the Torah was given (Cepyrient 1336 By Seven Arts of (he commission, presided overj the opening meeting. He was re:eek the; presidency; of tb,e American Zionist movement and an- of the Messiah the prophetical aacf to Israel. Ffftt«r« Syndicate.)
Mr, i-<ej\ soil the
The ift* ]
."* xr «c slat
?; far
«-,, *KB
KJ . Free
THE JEWISH PBESS, FRIDAY,-JUNE 19, 1936 lorris ^ a s complaining toxhia d, Sam, about business, "AI he sighed, "a theatre! I've . . a white elephant It is. it's empty. All the time I'm as money." Sam shook i t s "That's too bad, Morris, don't you give it up?" "How I? . . . I've got to make a "
youilg antogra-fiend a p - : iched Archie Mayo, t"-3 dlreoafter a preview. "Are-are yon body?" stammered the lad. answered Mayo. "Well, giv» your autograph anyway—just base—!" . . Patrtnize Our Advertisers
U. T. DAXCE i were the Atesdaines I. Kulakoi | Women's Mizrachi The U. T. sorority held their iiPIoEeer Women's Clab ! Joe Tuchi:. sin, L, Morgwri. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Greenblatt ;annual dance at Peony Monday,' i Weinberg. M. Aviiiiraan. M. r 15. Three hundred invita- I Tfce Pioneer Women's, orpaniThe annual Women's Mizrachi ! key, L. Kosenhlaft. N. L< Miss Sarah Epstein, 2109 Grant ! were honored with two surprise iiJnne ; zation Trill hold its annual lunch\ : tions were issued. '• bazaar was held at the Labor Ly- S. Fish. K. Wine. Kunday street, who is employed at the [parties on the occasion of their a Park " ^ f ^ :1 ceum last Sunday and was a luiEre ; nine: H. Gertjpr city hall, and Miss Helen Shrier, twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, | Rosalie Alberts was elected \ f on Friday evening and the[president of the group at a meet- • j ^ ^ . ^ - L l * success. Mrs. "William Kuklin, ' auction. Juclp.h AVolfson 1536 No. 18th street, who works one other Sunday evening. Fifty jing held at the Blackstone hotel; chairman, thanks all vrho co-oper-, speaker for the Women's Tt at the Nebraska Clothing Co., friendson called during the evenings j Sunday, June 14. Other officers who are contestants in the Oma-and presented a t e d r.s well as the member, offchi. chairman oJ: the. Mrs the couple with ha Hebrew club picnic, are sell- gifts of silver. • Dinner prepared I elected were Ida Lerner, v i c e - ' committee asks that all; ing tickets for the drawing on' the by these friends was served. Tele- ! president; Pearl Lipsey, s e c r e . j txcket stoJ)S a n d u n s o 3 d t i c k e t s b e t u r n - •! five-branch candelr.bra and Chan- grama and messages of congrau- i ten" Lois Barisa, treasurer, and :e d i n a t t h e Cfaait, historian. j l^heon. ukah Menorah to be held at the lations were read at the dinner. !i Dorothy . • j Reservations for the luncheon Omaha Hebrew club picnic at Bridge was placed after the din-AT JOSIiTX j the 3 5 cents per plate and may Lakeview park, July 5. BRODKEY-SPAR ner. Mr. Marti: Martin W. Bush will pre-d'•i ebes m&de ^ ^ t h e Allowing laA reception at the Birchwood : Mrs J . Miss Bess Spar, daughter of was held after the ceremony. A the - ' Earaick, Wa. 81S5; sent a free organ recital in the Mr, and Mrs. Sol Spar, became dinner for the immediate families ANNOUNCE BIRTH concert^ hall at the Joslyn Mein- iM r E - K - Bernstein, Gr airs G Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Green TO LOS ANGELES the bride of Dr. .Morris H. Brod- was^erved at the home of the - - Soref, We. 6S2S. |! orial-Sunday afternoon at f:00^ announce the birth of a daughter, Miss Dorothy Glicken left for I p. m. The assisting artist on the Itey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benja- bride's parents. De Vera Sharon, at the Clarkson j Los Angeles, California, to visit program will be Wilgus Eberly, min Brcdkey, Sunday, June 14, After a short honeymoon trip i with relatives and friends. at. »t the Fontenelle hotel. Rabbi the couple, will make their home hospital, June 12.. pianist, frosn David City, NebrasDavid A* Goldstein performed the in Lincoln. ka. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Joffe •ceremony. . ! A regular meeting of the Mocnt announce the birth of a daughter, GUESTS FROM CUICAGO The bride wore a gown of PEZZXER-IiETWTV Mr. end Mrs. Harris Sirinsky Monica Helene at the Clarkson I.N9 Fairs white lace. Her veil of tulle was Mrs. L Gilford of Dallas, Tex., Sunday, June 14. Mrs. and son, Larry., of Chicago, are The senior and Junior Council \t h e A d a s s Y e s h u r i a lace trimmed. She carried white announces the engagement of her hospital the guests of their brother-in-law Joffe is the former Alyce Ginsrows. and eister, Mr. and Mrs. i. Bay- of Jewish-TV omen will jointly jA U m e n i b e r £ „ , niece, Miss Leona Letwin, to Sam-burg. sponsorLake a dance 15 at.will the! n T l d t Q b r i n g t h e t i c t e t B t u b g B 0 Ian. Mrs. Sirinfky is the former Carter Mm. Saul M. Graetz, who wasuel Pezzner, son of Mr. and Mrs. club. July The affair Shirley Ruback of Omaha. bar Bister's only attendant, wore William Pezzner of Omaha. be j.n the form of an informal car- that the drawing may be held »QUa organdie and carried yellow The visitors have been exten- nival. Mrs. Harry Shumow is gen- jjsoon. Mra. Gilford is a former resi- GUESTS HERE Mrs." Leopold Heiman and sively entertained. Among their roses. _ ' > •. dent of Council Bluffs, la. Mr. eral chairman. | Edwin H. B rod key served bis and Mrs. William Pezzner moved -daughter of Evansville, Ind., arehostesses have been the Mes- The ticket coinmittee includes ' brother as best man. . here recently from Wilkes Barre, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel dames S. Epstein, H. Richlin, Pol- the Misses Ethel Cohen, Sarah ! Friedman, 149 North 31st avenue. lay, J. M. Baker, P. Zollotuchen, j ' After a reception the couple Pa. Originally Were Mrs. Heiman is a sisterr of Mrs.William Monovitz, S. Novak, H. [Kaplan, Sylvia Weiner, Estelle J left tor a motor trip east. They Eosenstein,' : Gilbert and Sophie 1 Friedman and is on her • ay home Cooper, D. Raben, Dave Miller, will make their home in Omaha STERXHILIi-SHAPIRO representing the Junior council; • from a visit in California. Rosenstein and L. Cutler. \ and Mesdames Mas Holzman,'Mil-! SHAMPOO AND" FINGER WAVE upon their return. Mr. and Mrs. A. .-Shapiro announce the marriage of their ton Abrahams, B. A. Simon, Clar50c daughter, Ruth, to Dr. Irving FROM NEW YORK SCHNEIDEB-KAP1.AN ence Bergman, Maynard Green-: The marriage of Miss Sally Sternhill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr3. Vera Goldberg of New GtTEST FROM PHILADEJLPfflA berg, Sam Zacliaria, Ben Ravitz, | Whites The Zotot Permanent Wave Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Forbes! Arthur Goldstein, Arthur Roram, j with r,o machinery snd no Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Samuel Sternhill. The marriage York City is visiting her daughBlacks electricity used at $6.50 and Mra. J. Kaplan, to Harr. Schnei- took place last December 28 at ter-in-law, Mrs. Ida Goldberg, and have as their guest for the- sum-;I. Rubin, Sara Wolf, Moe Katie-j up. der, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. 8. the home of Rabbi David A. Gold- her grandchildren and great- mer, Mrs. Leon B. Schacter of;1 man, Sam Schwartz, Paul Blotcky,! 716 Branriels Tbcstre Bldj}. grandchildren whom she is seeing Philadelphia, sister of M r s . Dave Cohen, A- H. Brodkey, Mor- I Schneider of Lincoln, was sol-stein. for the first time. She will remain Forbes. Many affairs have been [ ris Levey, Jack Cohen, Julius ! emnized Sunday, June 14, at the For all occasions . . . * here unti) September. The grand- planned for this guest. AT433S Birchwood club. Rabbi David A. STOMJER-SIEGEL Abraharason, Jack Marer, Manuel; low snd high heels Goldstein performed the cereGrodinsky, Herbert Neveleff, Ben Miss Esther T. Siegel was mar- children are Mrs. M. A. Makofsky, Mrs. Iz Bernstein, Miss Belle mony. Kazlowsky, Dave Epstein, HowZ. B. T. MOTHERS ried to Jay Stoler at the Siegel The Z. B. T. Mothers' club held ard Milder, F. H. Roddy, William The bride's gown was of im-home Sunday, June 14. After a Goldberg and Miss Laura Goldberg. their annual luncheon at the Racusin and W. A. Rosenberg. ported geprgettd. made on Gre-trip to California the couple will Blackstone hotel,' Wednesday, cian lines, the. neckline of beaded reside at 4901 Nicholas street. Proceeds of this affair will go j F R E E . . . June 10. Thirty-five mothers at- toward the German-Jewish Child j pearls. She carried a bouquet of FOR VACATION I-N-S-U-R-E-B white roses and lilies of the val-MERRIAM-SOREF Albert Stein, son of Mr. and jtended. The afternoon was spent relief fund. i ley. . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. David Soref an- Mrs. Julius Stein, is spending his iin playing bridge. STORAGE Miss Dorothy Kaplan of Holly- nounce the engagement of their summer vacation from the UniJobs Law Finn IN OUR SPACIOUS wood, Cal., and Miss Clara Kap- daughter, Phyllis, to Irving J. versity of Michigan at Ann Arbor SUMMER FORMAL JDANCE NEW VAULTS Ben Smith announces Ms asso- ] Pay cleaning charge onjy lan, bridesmaids, wore mousse- Merriam, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.with his parents. The Ronoh club will give their ciation with the la\r firm of Car-i when clothes are neeeted line de soie frocks made with D. Merriam. summer formal dance Monday, nazzo & KazlowEky, 532 Insurfor next season. short fitted jackets. The former June 29, at the Royal Grove at ance building. Both Mr. Merriam and Miss TO CAXJFORNIA wore pink and carried talisman Soref are graduates of technical Misa Ann Ruback left last week Peony. Granum .Kaplan, presiMr. Smith is a graduate of the roses, and the latter, in blue, car- High School. ' for an extended stay in Califor- dent of the fraternity, announces Creighton university law school. ried Mrs. Ward roses. that the committee in charge of No definite date has been set nia. KE. 1500 is affiliated'with the Pi Lambarrangements has made elaborate He Mr. Schneider'was attended by for the wedding. da Phi fraternity. OFFICE AND PLANT plans to make this affair one of . Irvin Schneider of Lincoln and TO ATTEND COMMENCEMENT the outstanding summer social Paul Hoffman of Council Bluffs. FOR BRIDE-TO-BE EXERCISES events. Jack Swanson's orchestra The Misses Betty and Ida Kot- Morris Lazerowitz, son of Mr.will furnish the music. \ AT-7187 _ AT-71S7 ler entertained at a dinner and and Mrs. M. Laizerowitz, 7203 handkerchief shower at the Mor-No. 30th St., will" receive his deIT WILL PA¥ YOU A Positive GsarEslee o! ris Tea Rooms in honor of M&3gree of Doctor of Philosophy THBTTA KAPPA To Consult Theta Kappa has elected the Lime Eiclrej, White Soda from the University of Michigan Dora Freshman, a bride-to-be. following officers for the coming or Eparkiing' Water Twelve guesta were present. Monday, June 22. MALASHOCK'S Frances Bordy, president; The centerpiece was made of red Mr. Lazerowitz has received a year: Asserted FIafor» When baying Sylvia Epstein, Tice president; professorship at the University, Shirley Epstein, secretary, and v DIAMONDS - .. - . and white carnations. PlusBottIe Deposit. Saving on where he has sprved as assistant Esther Shapero, treasurer. WEDDING BINGS professor for th'e past two years. SUMMER VACATION A banquet, in honor of the WATCHES VgiLVEBWABE Jerome A. Gordon returned on A paper written by him, entitled, newly elected officers, will be held and GIFT 3EWELES ' ~ fc. Tuesday from Cambridge, Mass., "Necessary and C o n t i n g e n t at the Paxton hotel Monday evel it where, he is. a student at Harvard Truths" was. published in the ning, June 22. After the dinner a A Very Large Selection cf Entirely New Patterns Philosophical Review recently. university, to spend his summer or Drip Grind dance will be given at the Royal Lerasn or Vanilla and Designs vacation with his parents, Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Laizerowitz left Grove at Peony. Jack Swanson's Mrs. M. I. Gordon. * Tuesday, June 16, for Ann Ar-orchestra will furnish the music. 2 cs. i-ottie ISc ?r Sfic Samples Shown in Your-Home at Any Tine bor to attend the commencement Three hundred fifty bids have m exercises and to see their son re-been issued. ? ceive his sheepskin.
CouncO of Jcwisb-Women S U K e s ^ J ! ^
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Kitchen Chats
VISITORS . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saylan of Stanton Island, N. Y-, are visiting here with their brothers and sis. '• RECIPES ters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Apricot Souffle. One cup canned apricots drain- Saylan and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sayed, 1-3 «up sugar. 5 egg whites. lan. They are en route to Los AnM- teaspoon lemon juice, *4 tea-geles where they will make their future home. spoon salt. Combine apricots and sugar and cook to a* marmalade consistency, (5 minutes). CooL Beat whites until stiff, fold In apricot mixture, add lemon juice'and salt. Place in a greased casserole and bake 30 minutes In a slow oven.
By Mrs. David BL Newman
Soar Cream Cakes. Take 1 egg, 1 cup. brown sugar, 1 Va cups pastry ,flour, % teaspoon Bait, \<i teaspoon^baking soda, 1 cup sour cream, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat egg, add sugar slowly. Sift dry ingredients, add to egg and sugar mixture alternately with the sour ijream. Add vanilla and bake in greased muffin tinB in a hot oven 20 minutes. Cool and cover with chocolate icing.
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Heat ©F Mnmidity
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Yellow Cab is proud of its equipment—there is none newer or more modern anywhere, Bnt important as this factor is in Yellow Cab's high standard of service, we believe there is something less tangible bnt even more important in the Yellow Cab creed.' And that is the SPIRIT OF SERVICE that has been built np amongst Yellow Cab's personnel—the simple determination to leave nothing undone that would add to the greater comfort and convenience of our patrons. From humblest office boy to company executives, this same Spirit of Servico bis been bred in the Yellow Cab organization. S. A. HOT/SEE, President.
In no csnss does CONGO CLOTH resemble the summer suitings ,of thg pest. T h i s incsculino fabric, •woven of Du Pont's faniox^ Spun Ecyon, pos* ESE523 tailoring cubstence needed In summer To the touch it a 'cassixnero qualify; to^fhg eY8« afeosty.luxglow.
it ©live ©2 3 cans 25 c !©tlle „ _ ZMi
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..$1.45 , £.*•/% c a s , £. cans
ATEEB t:S3 T. M.
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and Baggage Co.
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Single or Double Ivory end Tan
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NOMINEE APPEARS ON HIS OWN FRONT PORCH—As soon as the news was received in Topeka, Kansas, that Governor Landon had been chosen the Republican Presidential candidate, neighbors staged a demonstration in front of his home. Above, surrounded by news cameramen and reporters, here is the Governor as he spoke on his front porch, Mrs. Landon beside him. KANSAS FIRST LADY—Mrs. Alfred M. Landon, wife of the Republican candidate for the Presidency. The former Theo Cobb of Topeka, Kansas, she was married to Governor Landon in 1930. "I'm old enough not to let myself become too tense and excited," she said, as neighbors staged a demonstration in front of her home after Governor landon had received the nomination.
PKESIDENTIAli-CANDIDATE —A'studio portrait of Governor Alfred Mossinan Lsndon of Kansas, Republican candidate for Pr^ident. Governor Landon, born at Middlesex, Pa., is partly of Dutch ancestry. He will be 4S on his next birthday. Sept. 9. He spent part of his boyhood at Marietta, Ohio, and moved to Kansas with, his family when he was about 17 years oM,
LANDON'S RUNNING MATE—A characteristic study of Colonel Prank Knox, Chicago newspaper publisher, chosen as candidate for Vice President by the Republican convention at Cleveland. He ., is a native of Boston, born Jan. 1, 1874. He is a veteran of the Spanish-American and World Wars.
BASE—Colonel Frank Knox, Republican candidate for the Vice Presidency, is publisher of a newspaper in Chicago. Here he stops to chat with one of his linotype operators as he makes a tour of his plant. His newspaper career has included Michigan, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. AT H O M E
-MM: ° *•*"•.
;|: I CAMPAIGNER—Peggy Anne Lsndon, daughter of the Republican Presidential candidate, as siie campaigned for her dad at the Cleveland convention. The charming Kansas University co-ed retained complete poise throughout the wild demonstidtion when her father was nominated. Peggy is 15. the daughter of Go-vemor La^don's ?rst v .fe. vhc diea in if If-
. PROPHETIC SIGN—During the demonstration on the convention floor at Cleveland, after Governor Landon received the Republican nomination, the" North Carolina delegation joined the parade of the State representatives with this sign. Landon and Knox, they called for, and Landon and Kriox eventually became the candidates the Republicans hope to elect next Fall. p
PRESIDENT MEETS THE QUEEN—President Roosevelt, making a goodwill tour of the Southwestern States, stopped off at Rockport, Ark., and was greeted by Dorothy Strauss, queen of the pageant held there, as above. At extreme left is Jesse Jones, RFC chairman. With the President in the automobile Is Mrs. Roosevelt. The President was en route to the Texas centennial.
5HLITARY — Colonel Frank Knox as a staS major of the 78th D.viSiOn at Camp DJC, N. J.. m 1917.
X VIMY MEMOEIAIr-King Edward of England is expected to visit France on July 26 to unveil the Vimy Ridge memorial to the Canadian war dead, shown above. Names of 12,000 of the dead are around the monument sibase. Ten years were taken to build the memorial, the work of waiter Aliward, Canadian, sculptor.
SMILE—If you harbor the impression that the Ozark area produces only nasal hill - billy singers, just study this picture. The lovely young woman is Miss Theda Varie Smith of Joplin, Mo., chosen because of her charming smile as the 1936 Ozark Smile Girl. The contest was sponsored by 'the Ozark Playgrounds Association.
MAXIE SHOOTS A LEFT—"Notice how I'm working my left?"_asks_!ilsx Schmejing
Boston Red Sox in second place With t>is»
Grove had won nine g&mei and !ost OM a l l S n UP eight wins against five defeats.
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1936 A.'s have even been invited •-• to] join the party.
Goldie Myerson Club
player, has led his boys through I crews-^-one for the story, one forigies will attend. -Joseph Schild-JHoltz . . . now he's teaching : 6 games 'without a setback. A j the dances, one for trick shots.'kraut is learning Arabic while'second generation footlight fun , Mrs. Hyman Noddle is chair- record anyone may be boastful • Three directors were needed for; acting1 in "The Garden of Allah."! his own modernistic "little i © 0 man of the dessert-luncheon and about especially as its the first' these separate divisions. Little Sybil Jason. English citi- ter." bridge to be given by the Goldie venture o{ the Potato Mkt. in any Al Green has never lost 0 d Salaries make up the largest' zen. must re-enter this country B. G. writes in to ask how will j Myerson'club of the Pioneer Wom- sporting activity. work Uivough i!lne?K in (vr> item of expense, Cantor, Park-! from Mexico on a new quota. Barnejv Joe, Lee and Hop. spend j en's organization Tuesday, June Schedule for June 21: one years of movie direct in*. yakarkas, Sally Eilers, and the I their time now hat' Gertrude J 30, at .1:30 p. m. on the lawn of Omaha Potato Market vs. AZA other principals altogether re- ! Looking Back: Bennie.Zeid(Trudy) Platt has left for Chi-j the Herman Cohen residence, 101 No. .1 at 33rd and Cass. ceived a sum of half a million. man, the producer, has never For the Entire Family South 53rd St. The Information comes to' uscago? All right, how will they? Psi Mu vs. Sample Fur at Doug- Ray for the cameramen' and di- been in Eny other but. the film We. understand that Al R. and There will be a door prize and that some o£ the girls are keeplas Field. rectors amounted to about ?300,? business, although he is now over ing vigil by their telephone wait- Bob Reuben of Fort Dodge have i prizes for each table. Tickets are Omaha Jobbing Co. vs. Tower 000. The extras (about 5,000 forty year.3 old. He began as an started the practice - of having j 32nd and. .— 1929 Mr. and Mrs. Jake si-1 ing for dates to call for the Ron"extra" days were required) got; o f £ i c e b o y i n , h e o M L l , b j n s t U ( U o —anfitheir date pay. From our corres-jcall Mrs. Herman Cohen, Glendale | mon ana family moved from.Oma-i°' 1B affair. . pondent we learn that they were j 2G84, or Mrs. Harry Crounse, h w a s the c B irl Now that the weather permits, ™ ^ ^ ™ ™ u ™ & > * Philadelphia. n ha to make their home in CallW ° ««I®. - - & stalled (pardon, we mean their j Webster 1110. During hi* vaudeville days Ben the Jewish tennis hopes are all j 2 0 0 0 0 fornia. With hem, of course, who recently thrilled George Blt- car stalled) arid after the wrecker { Tour I>enler llns T m {W! ' Bard worked with '.crt.Lahr. Edrlge? out rounding into Condition fc*r \ ^ . N e x t &T &1 i t e m o n t h e b l l d . went their 13-year-old daughter, ! g pulled it in, the boys discovered! die Cantor, Al Jolson. and Lou attractions at the Jerry, an extremely popular little ' the different tournament. Last get is the sets. The amusement da ce w a s t h e a r a c V e :they didn't have the dough to pay,' w eek girl, although,not a very pretty I ^ so, their date lieirig an obliging ' ' »«Al ,1^Rimmerman v. ^ *andJOscar park scene cost $75,000. A night Krasne of Los Angeles. sort,' proceeded to lay down the DOUt one. • - ' • / "•"•" could have been found prat-| $ 0,000 of which jticing on the Kountz Park courts. c h l b 8 e t c o s t 2 Mix one glass of water,' plus e ^ r fl, a m o u n t . $8,000 was spent on the black n o w w i u , Now the leaves have been torn cigaret butts, pickles, salt, straws, The third man in the ring Mon- Al is a former Central High star glass floor. Costumes and stage off calendars for seven years. It > . , j « . » j , ,_ she be popular! Eh, Myerson? day when Barney-Ross, world i w h o d u n n g h i s s e n i o r 5' e a r c a P-jse chipped Goldwyn's bankroll welter champion, and Morrie! t a i n e d t h e t e a m a n d f o u g h t Ws $-200,000. THE MAGICIAN w a y t 0 t h e jit he will probably top it off Sherman trade punches, may be a I semi-finals in the city Then when the picture is in the now a successful west coast buai-j by eating a cigarette (believe • it It'seems that Milton Robinson | nationally noted figure. Both a r e l * l n s l e a tournament. Al always camera, they estimate the neganess manrWith him is a most at- or not, it's been done!) • '• is a very versatile fellow. The | willing to cut their guarantees if! d °ubled with Carp to go to the tive costs—raw film and develop-! tractive young lady. Her name— I Someone writes in to .ask why other eve at ths U. T. dance he ja man of national prominence ing. "Strike Me Pink," consnm ye3, you guessed It. The same that speck on the U. S. Map — outTHoudinied Houdini, in disap- j ament. Probably the outstanding! whose reputation is above reicg 500,000 feet of film, cost apTerry Simon that left here seven!.""", ""vv** " " , "£? ,V — rates so pearing. We haven't seen him yet. ! proach, such as ex-Champion Jack Jewish tennis player in the city proximately ?200,000 in this de'ears ago, now pretty and charm- to-wlt:: Council Bluffs __ tl\e town. manjr Dempaey, will accept the assign- is Joe Cohen. Joe has had sever- partment. ng; Some of her former b e s t ! .common.ts in al years experience in various ment. Add to all this the upkeep and friends failed to recognize Jerry. grumblings. " And that hanasomz\ NOMINATIONS tournaments and will \Iead the . Qne of our three million and C. B. contributor to this calyum Leonard D. Sacks, the former overhead-salaries to technicians, And now .California is the goal of two: and one-half readers called in manager of Jack Dempsey, who i a j Jewish^players in the city tour- props, carpenters, office workers, some of ;her less stunning • girl- comes back with the quip that the n eJ% < ^ h e r s working had to re- plus the cost of world advertisfriends. i other side of the river, is alive. to nominate for the two nicest assisting in the promotion of this j t store °3«*-time ^ e d and snap ing, and . . . by Jove! . . . you're -She- is '^renewing old acquaint- 1 'River' and •'alive' always makes girls in Council Bluffs Ida Lerner stellar show, has wired to his for-! a e lT affe aiices and making new ones while Iu s t n i n k o £ "Hsh_." and Sylvia Endelman. We asked mer associate to ascertain wheth- |Ia ^ e ; „J ^ < Herman Blumen- getting a bargain at a milliqn and tha1 Carl Fredicks, Bob Cohn, a half. • • • •D. • ' j Anyway, a ltve-wire Council him his definition o* the word er ox not it would be possible for a n d K' a t e here ae the guest of Chickie Bluffs A. Z. A. member asks us nice, just in case, you know. But him to appear here on June 22. i Cutler. Bergman. to say that the mighty atoms of [he said Webster's definition was Sacks has made Dempsey a very Walter Winchell trained into Now that the softball season is A. 53. A. 7, C. B., plans not to good enough for him. Why should liberal offer and is awaiting the!( a l m town this week, accompanied by o s t a ti t s «Tha*nT)Ton's°re"i)lv nemoiiw n a s half-point mark, the his bodyguard, a former sleuth. outdone by the Omaha chap-j we be different? Here and There '. be a p p e a r ^ here IT 8?veral occa-1 S m i t h - R o b i — * « « a « shifted Walter is feeling rather chipper ters In novelty- of affairs. Thls| t o high Who were the three fellows sions, the last being his four-ij" l«t>week to win both , . . his radio contract was rebig; surprise event,is'scheduled as ! h e i r a m e s a n d int0 a who Btood a young damsel on her round exhibition with Bearcat > * ^ ~° *'& a m e a wienie roast at Kiwanis point newed, increasing his remuneraFrom what we have seen of the Wright 'at the Coliseum the latter ! ! f d T head for a nickel? ^e Pontiacs have found in *C: B.- About SO little boys and preparations for the camp at the tion per broadcast . How does Harold Stein rate -.the going smooth and are taking girls have announced the Inten- J . C - C. starting next week, we i t h e har two dates to: a show on Saturday tion f, b u ^ f l l k e a tune "Ponof attending. Omaha A. Z.wish- a few years would roll off ance at that time created a new jt Compared to Jack Benny, Win-i afternoon? tiae car with knee-action wheels. our back (along with the perspir- indoor record for attendance for (The'National League leaders de- chc.'l).-Jolson, Cantor and the oth— Omaha fight crowds, 1 — ~ _attoe) so that we. could edroll. VWVVVVV in radio importance. ITiV If Dempsey's services-cannot be :o ne ad t e d t a e HOLC 4-2 and the sec- ers pale in The councillors and Miss Allen Distinctive, conservative, perA ,, ™ »ff,,, ii h»-maflA t n ' Place Saddle Creek Mkt.-14-1 Benny just signed a contract withj a i effortt wwill oe made maue to to-— - - 1have'planned a schedule of study had oevery natlonally known„ r.e„f -.j 1 2 l na1 n e x tra inning affair. The his sponsors for fifteen thousand! bring in a nationally kno., and play which would make any 'J "C "C - la— • — —•— «--i.._ j *_ »...„.,.q,.o=t forty weeks a I fectly styled by H I C K O K P J'ers cams .rom behind to ! per broadcast . child happy and healthy. Many eree such as George B'.ake of C a l - j t I e t h e co ifornia, Dave Miller of Chicago or ! " n t in the Saddle Creek j year. boys and girls are already enrollfor ! . for those men who like tailed and we suggest that the rest Arthur Donavan of New York. If game and then-with the throttle j enroll immediately as there is either of the aforementioned can- wide open scored 4 runs in the I "Warner buys Miami plot," anonly a limited enrollment possi- not be had an old Omaha favor- last inning to the opponents 2 to | nounces a news item. And three ored simplicity with ell the ble. We'd like to. see every young- ite, who now resides in Kansas take a free scoring encounter.! other studios jumped the hurdles City, Leo Shea, has expressed a From all eviednce, the former ] in a search for a Florida story. ster take advantage of.this really Siegal All-Stars have found a na-! They were stopped in the nick of advantages of & $m&rtf cool, willingness to officiate. marvelous, opportunity.
"California, Here WeCome' '
Vess Beverages
Seek Prominent
" V
tf&w r s SJE j - suss- i&r**
io portrait of Governor epublican candidate for idlesex. Pa., is partly of xt birthday. Sept- 9. He io, and moved to Kansas irs old.
"A Quality Product for Seasoning"
Seems UKe. Herbert Kaplan was rather nervous at the XT; T. dance Monday night. Could his date for Wednesday night have had anything to do with it? At this writing we hadn't heard how It came ou"L (The date, we mean, a n d what a d a t e ! ) . '.'.'• '^ >
tural and suitable backer for the j time ' -when someone discovered type of play they are used to ! the "riot" was a piece of ground playing, in Smith and Robinson. |p n which-be'U erect an office .~ ' i building. Last Thursday, the Junior boys , —• By BAY SOHAPJBO •were allowed to bring a "Pal" to Title Changes: At the advent ,. , , .v i s ' t the J. C. -C. gym and pool.' of a second son to the David SeizT in the only game played in last j The boys were treated to '«wlm! nicks, the first child, called Jet-j Sunday a J - C C . softball league, exhibitions ' by "Bucky" Green-; frey, now three years Old, was re- ! the fast travelling Omaha Potato | berg, Norman Polonsky, Stanlev i tagged Lewis J. Selmick in memMarket team walloped the second | Feltman, and Juliu 9 Cohn. Nor-! ory of David's father. The' new place Sample Furs, 8 to 3^ to re- man and Stanley demonstrated ! infant was labelled D..ciel Mayer
J. C. C. Sports
main undefeated. Both the To- the free style or American Crawl I Selznick, honoring Louis B. Maywer-AZA No. 1 and Psi Mu — strike, Bucky the breast stroke' r, Mrs, Selznick's father. One ol our jeaders (we gave Omaha Jobbing games were halt- and JuHus the backstroke. Over e the number somewhere else in ed .because of rain. Those that 40 boys participated. Keeling 'Round: Barbara Barthis column and we do get tired turned out to see the Potato Mkt. ondess, after a long absence in of writing such a large number — Sample Fur game"expected fo the Orient, returns to the screamall o"ut like that, taking so'inany be treated to a close affair, but ies in "Accidents Will Happen." words and all) has asked us what they were disappointed as the George Burns is teaching Gracie• are the requirements for a happy- grocery boys pounded out 11 hits to swim. What fun! Sam Levine marriage. We (there is really no off. ot the offerings of Herb By HELEN ZIGMOND ' and Teddy Hart from '.'Three Men reason why we should say so, but Marks to go into a two game on a Horfe" will appear in the they always do, so we do too; my lead. The league leaders started Hollywood—What makes a mil- film version of that play. Harry gosrh, I'm even getting poetic, out fast and scored 2 runs in the well, anyway) have been married first inning which was good lion' dollar picture? Where and Warner has been made a chevalonly nine times so that we really enough until the third when the how can they spend all that ier' of the Legion of Honor in 1 don't know. How would you read- combined hits of Jake Adler, money? Let's take Eddie Can-[France for the production o£ ers like to help this fellow?-He's Herb Marks, and Sol Yaffe drove tor's "Strike Me Pink," for ex-j "Life of Pasteur." Ben Bernie about to take the. leap < this be- across the necessary 2 runs to ample. The cost sheets on this; and his orchestra will entertain j the guests at the annual dinner ing leap year), but he'd like a lit- throw the game into a tie. At film totaled 11,600,000, . tle Information first. Send your their turn at bat, the victors It took three, months to com-i for the United Jewish Welfare suggestions to the Press office started a drive of their own and jplete requiring three camera Fund . . . Many o£ the film bigand we will publish them. Maybe drove in Shruns before the last someone' else can benefit. man was put out.- In the fifth inning, the Furriers scored their last run of the game; but the onslaught of the Potato Market continued and 3 more runs came across. Maybe it was little Sellwyn DeMar and D'Andree, favorites Rossman, fiery mascot of t h e ' of the smart dine'and dance devo- league leaders1, who "dishes", out tees at the Dorchester in London j "pep talks" to. every player beas well as the sophisticated New j fore hla turn at bat or maybe it 1 Yorkers who visit the Central [was because the boys were getting tired of winning games by a 1-run advantage and wanted to r We Operate the only open up, but whatever caused it the playing of the so-called "mil! lion-dollar^' in-field the Potato i Market boasts of was almost perin the Downtown Section 1 feet. The fielding of the Wact! ler brothers, the hitting of Lee Our department is equipped with separate display Grossman, Eddie and George counter, separate slicer, scales and knives used Wastler, and Ned Giventer were only for Kosher smoked meats. the main factors in their lopsided victory over *.he strongest competition in the league. Featured for tomorrow's selling: Harry Steinberg, backer, may well be proud of the way his team ifefc Feinberg's Strictly Kosher Salsmi, ib. 28c I has performed under the generalFeinberg's Strictly Kosher Weiners, Ib 25c , ship of John Rosenblat. Johnny, j Omaha's best known sandlot
sturdy belt tnat
white with
edging in black or brown
Help Wanted!
Our Film Folk
Dancers in Their Debut at 60 Club
idon, daughter of the :ampaigned for hex: dad ing Kansas' University the wild demonstration is 19, the daughter of 1918.
Here's- J u s the Bread for active people who like hearty wholesome food, .Cossack R y-e is dark bread at its .finest -7- rich, thin sliced with that rare European dark loaf flavor. A perfect loaf for meals or tasty sandwiches.
No Lard Used
Made: with Crlsco ' • -Shortening.
FAIDLEY BLDG. 16th & Douglas
Strictly Kosher Delicatessen
Kosher Salmon Tips, Ib
Omaha's finest - - one of America's
„ 25c
fsedcra writ «niM*-m>« HHIKtinKPUUKUCi
For Delicious Food . . . Try Our Gai
Ruth' DelrunrT
_.J-Wes;FerreU, two _§tlys o in keeping the c v g f ? , well started pa Ferrell had chalked Pnited Newsjplcftnm
Enjoy DOUBLE-MELLOW Old Gold Cigarettes with your dinner
Park Casino, New York, opened an engagement at he Sixty Club in Omaha Saturday. \ „;" • Also featured is Ruth Delmar^ j blues and torch ginger who comes j from an engagement at the Yacht! club in Chicago. .- . j Internationally famous ag er-j ponents of the modern dance, De-.j Mar and D'Andree will offer the j same slow tempoed and spectacui lar dance routines' which have! made: them the favorites of London and New York. Mile. D'Andre,.,an. exotic type, ia noted for her grace and beauty, while DeMar shows remarkable prowess in Completing -.• difficult lifts and spins. V • ! ','•.~
Hotel Fontenelle The Fontenelle will »!way« offer the most distinguish, ed Hotel address rn th« middlewett.
This Summer Dine and Lunch in Comfort in the
Mayfair Cafe (Main Lobbj-) Completely
With Hals ELECTEIC wetter heater you com have HOT WATER al the turn of your faucet... no trips downstairs, •no "lighting v.p," no waiting. The Hot• point water heeler serves you noiselessly, economically, day and night . Make It a point to install one ol these heaters ia your home, today!
S* <WBSM*'W*»ri !B »»t^*B.™«. •
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1936 Mrs. Louis Cohen of Des speech. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, retirYoung Michael Loring, Ee¥ 1 transferred EhaH exceed the amount j of the indebtedness Rt leant 40 per Moines, la., is a guest this week ing president, gave a complete reJnirersal film player, was a sen-; cent, nor shall such limitations apply in the home of her daughter, Mrs port of the Southwestern Regionsation at the dinner, singing Jew-jZr*Z. E l™lT^T m %t% 'artv X Art Kaplan. Mrs. Kaplan's sister al convention which she attended ish folk EOngS as only a true son ! HgRtions, transferred by it where Miss Esther Cohen, also of Deslast month in Wichita, Kans. The Of a ChassidiC Jewish ' family can ! such are secured by real estate or Molnea, Bpent a day here with her new officers v e r e installed by them. Even Jolson ap-^erf o ^ B o ^ * MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Bister. Mrs. Herman Marowitz. They are Even Al Al Jolson ZTll°L™Zl S5ng them plauded heartily as Loring sang; than two nor more than five. The Mrs. Richard Gordon, president; B oa rd P h s ! 1 "A Cantor on the Sabbath." Jo!-'. of. the . corporation. «<5miniStockholders s<er the affairs Lawrence Mushkin is visiting Mrs. Herman Krause, first viceshall Mrs. A. Goodslte entertained a t ain Sioux Falls this week with his president; Mrs. Nathan Gillnsky, son's favorite Jewish song, hold their annual meetine the first Tuesday in February of every year. family party Tuesday evening, cousin, Eugene Rosen. .amusing gestures. £y PAUL A. PETERS second vice-president; Mrs, , Naand elect directors. The Directors honoring Miss Baron and h e r than Nogg, recording secretary; Khali elect the President, Vice-Presifiance, ' dent. Secretary and Treasurer. The THOMAS C. QUINLAN, Atty. Miss Ruth Marx departed Wed- Mrs. Nathan Adler, financial secArticles may be Rme.mlerl. The corMiss Baron Is the superintendTEST CASE: The trial of that retary; Mrs. M. Grossman, treasfriend of the De~ Sola Pools and poration shall hav c n seal nesday for an extended trip which At a meeting held laBt week in ent of the Jewish Federation of will include stops in the Canadian urer, and Mrs. Louis Cherniss, crackpotted Edmondson fellow on (the Cardozas. Asked whether he j Dated May 2«ih. I9:!fi PETITION - J. HAr.OI,D SAKS, the Jewish Community Center, 10 Social Ser\ ice and'the Community Rockies, Alaska and cities in CaKnew board member. In charge of charges of libeling the Jewish re- j was a member of the congregaOF FINAL ADMIN1STRAt HARRY B. COHEN', men were elected to the board of Center. TION ACCOUNT ; 6-12-36-4t ifornia. She will return the latter the luncheon vere Mrs. Clyde ligion in those pamphlets he I tion now, he said: Corporators. In the County Court of Douglas | dlrectora of the Sioux City TalKrasne, chalfman, assisted by the broadcasts will be in the nature! " ' I am a liberal Jew. I sym- County, part of August. Nebraska. ' At a large dinner party Sunmud Torah, to Berve for two years In 'the Jtatter of t h e , Estate of; Mesdames Sam Gross, Harry Co- of a test case . . . If the District ipathize with their aims but they LEON & WHITE. Brown. Deceased: •: and one year. Five more direc- day evening in the^Martln hotel, City Natl. Bk. hen, Leo Meyerson and L. H. CoAttorney is successful in getting j will get along, I suppose, without Eueene Max Maron returned to Sioux AH persons interested in Raid rnattors will be appointed by the Fed- which followed the wedding of hen. a convlcticn, it wil' give impetus : what little- help I COUld give ' ter^'are^'hereby notified that on the ' NOTICE OF INCORPORATION nm City this week after an extended eration of. Jewish Social Service Miss Lillian Baker, daughter of ! 12th day of June, 193fi. Louise Brown; LU«TY'S I N ? stay in Los Angelas, Cal. ^ The following chairmen of com- to b a movement that's just about > t h e m . ' " a n . j filed a petition in said County Court. . N o t i c e , sh b f ; u " and after these appointments are Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Baker, 16 6 „ . . Aumovement c u ; mitteea were named to serve for aprning in j "Mr, f s e r , who j s a prayin* that that, ner her nnai final, aummisuauun admmistrat.on ,,oration ,, ora tion has has been been formed formed u n d t r t h i mitteea w e r e n a m e d t o serve for i -••••"• "" " ' " ' "j • " " • ^o"fo<=i. w « " "» a. ' l"l t«hvo-- ;j praying made, t h e board in its entirety Congress, to Lorence Silverberg, <h c Students from awa/ who have the year- Mrs Albert Krasne pro jw n l c h a group of influential, grapher living in the Bronx, then account filed j | e r e I n b ^ ^ l ^ , ^ ™ .laws of' the "stare * —of'xebn - ' -- 1 " asfca. •will elect officers for the coming son of Mr. and Mrs A. Silverberg, 3051 Stone Park boulevard, the returned to the city to spend their gram; Mrs. Ben Gershun, ' t e l e - !tcehr er isst teida n l e a Ud en rdse r a trheekeenly in-j asked me if he had bored me with "^nThe/trust as administratrix ""and ; L J[\ e . s n , ^ o f t h e C o rporation l i year. '* leadership i his story. I told him no, and askengagement of Mis* Annette Bak- summer vacations are Mina Slot- phone; Mrs. Sam Meyerson J e w - Io t t h e R e• Those elected for a period of v> H e n r v sky, Frances Kalin and Rose Al- ish National Fund- Mrs P h l i ! Smith Lieper, j ed permission to print the two years are R. H. Emllen, Mor- er was announced. Miss Annette, hert from the University of Ne-Saks, gifts; Mrs. Clyde Krasne j executive secretary of the Ameri- dote. ris Lazriowich, Morrla Satin, A.who was her Bister's maid of hon-braska at Lincoln; Bernice Galinc a n section o t t b e Universal I "And now, as I have put Greenberg and jack London. or, will be married in the fall to sky, from the University of Illi- reporter; Mrs. Louis H. Katelman | sign, and Mrs. Isaac Sternhlll, co-chalrChristian Council, who was active j paper. I don't know how to end; pet T t i on , thV Court may err FredS. Herzoff, son of Mr. and 1 int h e Elected for a period of one year e en t e de w "K ' eState " I l u Personal t ^a nois at Champaign. 111., and Norm e n ' o f membership Mrs Saul ! " S h t against participation [it. It certainly has all the qualiprayer of said petition, ente o 1 ,^,A^f; : h e r e v " situated: to buy.sell, own. a t e Max Falk, Louis Shlndler, J, Mrs. Robert Herzoff, 609 Center man Brodkey from the Northern Sm- ].,w c e l h d h < h H M O ' M™ n « ™ . | o f America in the Berlin Olym-jties of human interest that coin> " °AJlt ™ T^" ^ t . " H n Suvalskj ,»ow,,c, , ". n" : : : i 2 . - , . ~ > ! - ' . " " « , » » « ? . « > • « • ; : Gorchow and A. W. Kaplan. Rata- street. Illinois College of Optometry in Krause, The dinner was served to oneChicago. bl H. R. Rabinowitz and Rabbi Krasne, milk Theodore N. Lewis were named hundred guests after the 5 o'clock ris Grossman honorary members of the board, j marriage service at which Rabbis Mr. and Mrs. Max Falk, 2523 This was RabinowiU and Lewis officiated A 7 A with Cantor A. Pli3kin. The table Jennings street, announce the the season spirituous liquors. feroutstanding persons of all faiths i ride. birth of a daughter on June 16, Senior Hadassah. BEN KA2TL0WSKY, Attorney mented and distilled, including branthoir'of the local «PP°lntments were in peach and in the Lutheran hospital. and all political views . . . And! Thanks, Hank, the letter came j 532 Insurance Bldg. dy, rum. whiskey, wine and gin. and The A. Z. A nther spirituous liquors and alcohol, which will have for its aim the (in handy, whip-line or no whip-j chapter, conducted Friday eve- green for beverape purposes: to buy, sell After.a two-week motor trip, BY PUBLICATION ON and Word has been received here ning services at the Conservative swift and legal crushing of such j line . . . *j NOTICE WORLD'S WINDOW otherwise deal in such commodPETITION FOR SETTLEMENT Mr. Silverberg and his bride will ity or commodities necessary to or synagogue in Sioux Falls last Friof the birth of . daughter to Mr. bigots and bigotry as is represent- j OF. FINAL ADNHNISTRA. (Continued from page 1) associated with the retail sale and live at 19 Terra Alt(# Court. day evening. Perry Osnowitz TION ACCOUNT and Mrs. Carl Weiner of Los Aned by Mr. Crackpot Edmondson I (Copyright 1936, Jewish Telegradistribution of spirituous liquors- to spoke on the Hebrew university one? Are French Canadians frighj and the other Hitler-apers of this phic Agency, Inc.) geles, Cal. Mr.. Weiner is the g j tcesrat Mr. and Mrs. Sam Passman In the Cotrntv Court' of Dougria* ?." ^ a " d B " !,hirif?, "<O '-' c°"5 d n e rlph in Jerusalem. -Max Maron acted as presided at open hjuae last Sun- former Frieda Albert of this city. tenedd because France .exists? A r e i Incidentally, I i d t l l wellearn i5and Countv, Xehraska. ™ " ' ?„,-?? ^ the Flemish in Belgium or the that Mayor LaGuardia* went into master of ceremonies. In the Matter of the Estate of £ ( 2 prnljegef. nerein gpeoii h f t h i day evening In honor of their Afrikanders in Africa frightened I quite a lather when he saw some 'a#by »"L ?*'!daughter, Elizabeth, who was Philip Gorelick. also known as l'hil m'h. *„,_, „, ,v. i J » . The choir ia directed kn Eaf 1 of 1 because Holland is on the map? | samples of the Edmondson out,.„t ( jM r E l m e r Cohen, Sungamson Krupnick, one o: tne ao-i » S : °^ ° or^^rpo^!^'^,^ ^.^ divided into liio shores of t h ; All persons IntervMed in ssid -nat- value of JlOO.oii rath. Said c aep i t apl a r By IJOUIS PEKARSKY Are America citizens of Danish or: P«t . . . They were shown to him ; •risers of the A. Z. A. .„,,!day afternoon. The ceremony was Swedish descent troubled by the! by one of the City Hall clerks, i Hollywood, Calif.— Newspaper Plans were made Wednesday j ^ , „t h e P a s s m a n n o m e with -evening a t the regular A. Z. A. existence of their motherlands?; John Matey . . . | scribes are busy this week chronR a b b l H . R . R a binowUs and Can& ' meeting for the celebration of AdAre Armenians less happy be-j J icling the arrival of a host of tor A. Pllskin. BY F . R. K. viser's Day next Sunday. The cause there are still vestiges off STORY: Your Mr. Peters is celebrities from the east. PrinciImmediately following the cerchapter's paper will be dedicated at least two Armenian states in i leaving for Washington as soon ip a i figures among the notables emony, dinner was served to 40 t o the advisers of the local group, the world? j a 9 this column is churned out, t o ; a r e Walter WincheU and his b o - i . SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC guests in the Passman home. Mr. Krupnlok. Mr. I.eon DobrofWe are rightened people. No i attend the dress rehearsal of t h e ' s o m pal Ben Bernie Jack Bennv • ?a.-' o f J u n e ' " " ^ anl>1 .„ <, NEXT WEDNESDAY Mr. Cohn and hia bride will C k t o sKy and Mr. Sam Epstein, wonder. We have undergone | World He m d e r Wfi hovo , m r t ™ . ! « - . , l H Jewish T«,,-i.h nCongress «r,^«,Oa V . " in •". . _ to , a make . 'a new . ^ •i"»" * *of^June. s«,d Court CT town movie, the said«PP«""£7th day I9:i6. on at 9 make their home in Elgin, 111., af- The Sisterhood of the Talmud clock A M a n dc o n t e s t - ^ ^ reti-, f r o , ; d a t p tneK,.e(V( Torah society will hold a picnic nough to frighten us. But let [expects to hear Rabbi Stephen S. ia n ( i Eddie Cantor who has just > °' ter June 22. ti on e C t may rant e "V^ j .F. ^ r-ayer T h e h m ^ t nr^Q. next Wednesday afternoon, June us not think with our fright; let i Wise, president of the American's become a permanent resident of • - i - Miss Adah Hill, daughter of 24, a t 2:30 o'clock at Fairmont us not think with the terror in j Jewish Congress, deliver a num- southern California and " our marrow. Let us use our And every ! p l a n s f o rh i s s e v e a t n her of speeches Dally services are held in theMr. Joseph Hill, became the bride park for all the children of the synagogue chapel at 7 o*clock in of Alex Kantrovich, son of Mr. Talmud To.rah and Sunday school, minds. Nor let us be deceived time he will come into our view, G o l d w y n musical film the morning. Frlda/ evening serv- and Mrs. Harry Kantrovich, Sun- and their families. In charge of by the tragic accident of total we'll be having a h^rd time of it;M r s C a n t o r c e l e b r a t e d ,_ __ and enforced separa- thinking of anything else but a w e d d i n g anniversary Jun S while ices in the chapel are held at 7:45 day morning in the home of herarrangements are Mrs. J . Jdispersion . BRVCE CRAWFORD, BEN" I ^ T G A and Saturday morning a t 8:30 father. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Brown, Mrs. M. Yudelaon and tion from the land. All the nastory we heard the other day . . . ia t s e a a b o a r d t h eg ;g ^ L u r H n e e n • 6-6-st County Judge. V. Hl'HXKE. and Cantor A. Pliskin officiated Mrs. Sam Sacks, All' mothers are tionalities which are no nation— In which S. S. W. is the leading ; r o u t e t 0H o n o l u i u . C a n t o r l s b u b . l IX FKESKXCE OF; o'clock. . • S. .}. I,RON. at the ceremony in th© presence requested to bring their own bas-the Welsh, the Flemish, the 8 over with enthusiasm abo«t! COHEN. Attys. of the Immediate families of thekets of lunch and ice cream will French Canadians — have at j ous Jewish leader found himself | TICKET COMMITTEES 737 Omaha N a f ! Bk. Bldg. be furnished by the organization. Mrs. Louis Shindler has been bride and groom. . • Stetson Estss NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION this natural condition we have course of events . . . And he was named chairman of the ticket j Mr, and Mrs. Kantrovich will The afternoon will be spent playwhich he has already raised thouIn the County Court of Douglas * Arrow Shirts committee for the annual Talmud jmake their home at 1004 Ninth ing games and prizes will be giv-had to substitute crowding into kept waiting . . . Until he became sands of dollars. County, Nebraska. Torah picnic, which is scheduled j street. In the JIatter of the Estate oi Erterribly impatient and called over v en to the winners. In case of rain he same cities and the same * KcCJreg-or Sportswear LEADERS PASS T. Kothhoiz. I'eoeaseti. for July 12. The city will be dlTo whom he Hollywood and southern Cali- nestine preventing the picnic next Wed- quarters of cities and this has an attendant * Interwoven Socks All persons interested in said esvlded into districts and seven Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weiner, 1315 nesday, then the picnic will be been a lamentable and corrupt- presented his card with the re- , " — - • • • — tate are hereby notified that a peti* Tsssar Underwear orn a J e been filed in said Court alcommittees will canvass the Jew- ; Jennings street, departed this held on the following afternoon, ing substitute. But it h^isfbeen quest immedi- £SUdden auest that it be taken in immedi ^ " e s Of two prorainent '< leging:hasthat ueatl. said deceased died leav* Cheney Or&rats , nno , f ofor . ish homes for the sale of tickets, j •week for Detroit, Mich., to ato]last a s t ,.,,, ncl r a d Thursday, June 25. Everyone is he enforced substitute for a na-lately . . . On the card, the rabbi's. i"S will a and praying: adA committee meeting for the | tend the wedding of their son, cordially invited to attend and atural and not ignoble tendency; titles were listed . . . President! " « u r e s w ' t o m a week s t.xne. A ;mfnlstration u p o n h is Utate." "and dthat These itcas Eire- featured at win be had on said petition plans waa held Monday evening i Leonard Weiner, a n attorney In good time is planned for the af-that i3 universally human, name-I of the American Jewish Congress! : o r e attack claimed Rabbi Xsa-; a hearing re ly the socially cohesive tendency!. . . president o£ this, of that, af ^ Isaacson, 4 7. spiritual leader; J*;° f?,f arTd^that ir^thev ?S" w 1 in the home of Mrs. J . Hlmowitz. ! Detroit, to Miss Josephine Stern, ternoon's outing. O r t h e p a s t t e n ear f i l m , appear at'said a t said Court Court on onTt-h fith ~* „„„-„ , _ , ^ i the . J' s of the film'appear - 'e- -said =-— of every _„.,„__,:... nationality. mw. The Irish t h e oother t h e r _ _ _ There was a n o t h e r j Mr. Morrla Lazriowich is general " "• " "" " clock A. M. apita s o a ! vrefor in America have shown a similar wait . . . Finally, the attendant i ^ i , ' n i congrega-. ^ ' ^ J ^ \ ^ '\^ °' chairrnan of the plcninc arrangeMiss Sarah Sax of Mitchell, S. C itt the Court The Council Bluffs lodge, No. tendency; many well-defined soreturned, gave the card back to " o ra >eTt eI jmaP*e Israel of Hollywood.; maj- prant the same ane ments. D., will be married Sunday to 688, of the B'nai B'rith, will n informed 1500 attended his fu-1 ministration ot said estate to HenDr. Wise and curtlv Harold Finkle of Los Angeles, an important meeting next Mon- j Sil SoTstik 16th St. so that in Oriental cities the quar- him: -Sorry, God doesn't want \ « « « »» \Wch a eulogy euloirr \was de-• ™4'on ^nd" PTO«%T V ^ t u e m e n t Cal., in the study of Rabbi H. R. day evening, June 22, a t 8:30 OFFICERS T O BE ters are named after the nation- to be vice-president." i livered by Rev. Dr. Glenn R. Phil- thereof. . j Rabinowits. o'clock at the Eagles hall. BRTCE CRAWFORD. alities that occupy them. But jlips, pastor of the First Metho- K , , -* INSTALLED TUESDAY j Mr. and Mrs. M. Rifkin and All members are urged to at-that has made none of these na-1 „ , , „ ~ . T . „ . , , , ,. . ijdist Church 1 1 Count;- Judge. -• of Hollywood, a c l o s e * " " tend. FA1R : e L e v a n t F a i r d id t d o REED. RAMACCIOTTI and ROBIN-i tionallsttc groups less integrated . ™ ° j Wend of the raot,t. as a t Newly elected officers of the' Solomon Rifkin, 903 South PaxSON, & E. L. MARKS, Attys. i parts of the nation to which they !?° T e l ! l l ? i s y e a r - T ea , r e ^ ° l d • " ' ! tentative of l,he Christian ,• Shaare Zlon ladies auxiliary will ton street, departed this week for Mrs. Simon Steinberg and herbelong. Let us end a , we began: ! I a , f f l ' U f e n t d e e P l y T^ ]m u n i t Man ^ ^ motion p c t u w r PROBATE NOTICE be installed at a dessert luncheon i an extended western motor trip d a U g h ; e r g > M i s a e 3 Florence and exP tUre " " 'f n *hp ' " " ° f R < 5 V P r a l t h f t »_ - I' — In. the Matter of the Estate of ecutives are members of meeting next Tuesday afternoon | which will Include stops at Yel- E a t h e r s t e t n b e r g > l e f t S u n d a y f o r Nationality is a fact of nature; sand pounds (multiply by n e McDonald. r>eoeased. ; Israel and six o at 1 o'clock in the social hall of llowstone park, Seattle,- Wash., Philadelphia. Pa., where they will the nation is constructed by thefor dollars) . . . all past' Notice is Hereby Given: That the c r e c : t t o r s ; c t h e ffia will of men. Men of any nation,• V ; ' , presidents, acted the synagogue. ; San Francisco and Los Angeles. spend the remainder of the month as pall b e a r e r s j meet the adnv.nistra.tor ' of ssaid esA r a b i n - • !>„».».• T ality can will to be members of [able of course, to , Rabbl Isaacson came to H o l l r - tate. before me. County Jung-e of Mrs. S. H. Shulkln will install jj Their trip will also include stops visiting Mrs. ! surrection. (6 PuH Glasses) any nation and retain their na: wood from Sioux Citv l a tpo Pougfes Count>-, Xehraska. at the the officera and Mrs. J . H. Mosowtjn Mexico. and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ; vpsr« nsrr> tr» « ». " * . " ' , , County \>urt P.oom. in said Connty. will preside. Mra. Rueben Miller! —: • | Carl Brandeia. They will visit rel- tionality. And so can 'Jews. ,,im,,,t,TT „ „ ., i?*™ a g 0 " H eU a s b ° f a in Mo-i O n the .Ird day of Aupust. 1938. and ia the newly elected president. I Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kozberg and o nt h e Sr(! cla v c f in New York City and New- (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts MISH-MASH: At a recent ambile, Alabama, andAla also occupied October. JM«. ner, we sa"vr somebody on the dias a pulpit in Selraa ' " ~ | s o'clock A.- li.. each day. for a; the Reports of the committees for | daughter, Pauline, of St. Everyone in TOTTU IS returning Feature Syndicate.) I who looked like Dr. Maurice J . The second loss to Jewry w a s ' sSn c^e U oT n Pe e " ^ l " S , ^ " ^ ' 7 ^ the past year will be heard and! Minn., visited in Fioux City this T About It [Karpf . . . Were about to go up the passing of Dr. Moses I D ° ' !"' months r.r>? for new committees for next season [ week with relatives. They arrived tme h e uru:n'i? IU [iir?r.'i the?r claims.' Mrs. Irving Rosenberg and . w«» t*:_-'_."•.» g r e e t h i m •o.-hpn s o m e b o d v : Vnrl-™ .._ ' . " creditors to presen will be announced. ; Sunday to attend the wedding of children ts, Iinancial secretary from the 3rd day of .',\;ly, 1!<-"H. and Mark Miss Lillian BaXer and Lorence - ; a n d a past president cf the L e s : B R T C E CRAWFORD. labor leader Angeles sanatorium and Ex-Pat- 6~1-~St County. Judge. home following a month's visit SORORITY TO ENTERTAIN The could-pass for twins, ients Home, a national institution IWONSKY, CRODINSKY, MARER t here at the home of her parents, Miss Idel Shapiro, 112 3 ElevMrs. Morris ShulMn and sons, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks. Miss . . Mrs.'Hillman ofH e was also the victim of a heart ' 737 Omaha National COHEN Bank Bldg. enth street, will be hostess a t a South Africa, one of the noted attack. Dr. DeVorkin devoted his | Flora Marks accompanied her sishouse party next Friday night, family of movie moguls down services without pav for the T>-«* NOTICE O F ARTICLES O F SNCOR a At AH Lead v , y ^ ^ s tthe - o ju^v ^ * ° I T . ; , V l ^ j t e r back to Chicago, where she CC.1U6 V l <-"^ ! t »v. opening joint, ^meeting of the^\ ,*f' f^ there, has been doing some visit-\«, V P P T M P , - - ?;„-_";,, „„ „ » " ' PCRATION O F URBAN Basle, sVttzerland (WNS) — Alpha Gamma Tau sorority o f [ City this week to visit with rela- w U l 8 p e n d t h e s u m m e r Dealers i , bt?>tfu >ears as rtnanciai secr^tsry. REALTY CCWPANY An echo of the sensational "Pro- . Sioux City and the Emesel club of * l v e 3 " T h e y * » n , *» quests in the ^ ' . n oou . . . ^ Jfe was well known as a social Notice is hereby piven that th< Council Bluffs, la. Eleven mem-1 D r - s - « • Shulkm home. Mrs. 11 01 service o r k e r > a l i b e r a l a n dh Rose the cor- | of Nebraska. ?«The Harlani ot St. Louis,. Mo.,and arrived which of took place a t Berne last |i shirtey Mrs. Matthew Gross «qn, j tocols the Elders ot Zion" trail n ^ p r f r t s ^ ^ n g tete-a-tete with" 7 « . tio^pu'Suant ^ h l 0name ^REAUTt ^ of" the'Stan bers from Council Bluff a are e x -j!also .6«>ldnn« ot Los Angeles will URBAN COM- 1 whom arrive in Sicux City this week here Sunday to join Mr. Gross,!year was heard here when three! FILM EXECUTIVES AID DRIVE' 1'A pected. i its principal place of . . » 1ANT, on© of the most unaffected, natOrrmha. Nebraska. Tbe Saturday evening a banquet to visit- with friends and relatives. who preceded his family here, and'Jewish leaders settled out of: Psxtoa Ffltcicl C©. Ai JOlSOn Was never more Ser-1 business flb 1(;>cts f o r life than -whenfce' ^'hich this corporation is will be given in honor of the vismake their future 'home. They j court a libel action against the; ural children in her experience. in his Foundries „_„,__ . . . _ . , , . _ formed are: To purchase, lease, hire Miss Dora Shamblott of Duluth, have taken an apartment at 522; editor of the Iron Broom, Nazi! itors in the West hotel. Rosagene Spoke a t t h e annual dinner S u n - j a n d oUierwise acquire real end THT27th «n<I Martha Minn., is a <juest this week of Passman will be toastmlatress. , _. , . . .dav —. - . „ — - - the United Jewish \ sonai property a n d p u b l i c a t i o n , whose charges Fourth street. of of Jjew \ o r k as an ^ " Welfare Fund of Los Angeles and " The sorority will give a "Swing Miss Hazel Kantrovich. While against the Jews precipitated the "Brass, Bronze Soft * and cold cay, .we refer _ „ _ , „ , here she has been the f wt h ef a n d s f^ { h e 2 3 m o Dance" Sunday n - h i in the Rain- I , f, . The wiener roast planned by trial. Grey Irx>R and Casto f m a n y S0Clal bow room, at the West. Ebony and | .courtesiea. the council Bluffs chapter No. 7 After Dr ings. Wood and Metal of the A. Z. A. for last Sunday, Iron Bloom silver, the sorority colors, will be d StantjanS «lz«* Bronze u n i t tr^in ? \ » Mr«. S H. Shulkin has been postponed until this Sat- charge that used, in the decorations. Bushings, Sewrec Maniioies, C!<rt*rr> j 2914 Nebraska street, entertained urday night, June 20, due to inRings a n d Covers. Clesrtsut Deors "I was making mv way Up to r:W , e m o t i o : 1 ' J o l s o n w a s Stmg-, :e s t therein: to" acquire, purchase. « - Sash Weights s rt cf Yelfow- Brass j at a. family party Sunday in honor clement weather. Hymie Diamond prels, chief rabbi of Stockholm, T ndthev g S t 0 back the tears, a s "bansre. subscribe to. or to otnerwise had asserted the "Protocelsw e r e ! . PlumMT Fef«-ules. r.arrieti ir, t h e~ n ew e w jJ. T A\.o mff' c e" s { a fna d ] of their son, Charles, on his sev-is in charge of this affair and resto hold, sell, dispose of and stock, Brt>na« Tablets, Bronrni? an<; " h e concluded his appeal. He told generally deal in stock, shares, bonds genuine, destroy 7S0 copies of the ! Very nice) on the Madison i ! enth birthday. a r e ervations may be made by calling Protocols" imported into S w i t - ! A v e n u e b u s . x h a d j u s t debentures, oblitrrftivns «nd securi- i and Miss Deria Ruth Baron, daugh- j ties of every kind rm& character na n e • . v . „ P V i from the Zionist office and was i ° l c e ?that * rip na» suttered. as a•R-hether con^^^te, public or private ter> of Mrs. Dora Baron and the j The Debra club me^ last week 1 hts and. privto late L. A. Baron, will become the j t h h 0 m e Ot l the cost ot the suit, the charges; ~ a memoir on the late- e w "J n * e l n ^ d e n tesi admission t o 3 nile d exercise ail golf cliibs ia Xew York State and ; e esl -oo f ownership thereor; to bor'w £ , M i « Elaine MuSh- a 3 ked to meet at the Chevra B'naiS against him were withdrawn by r e a d i n bride of David vn&odsky, son of ;j^in. V i n plans P l a n s were w e r e made m a d e for f o r a ttennis e n n i a Ylsroel v i i synagogue promptly a t 1 0 C * Professor Gottbeil in tlie current; . , . • i-ow money ana issue it? evidences ot Dr. Ehrenpreis Dr.. Marcus Cohn,; i s s u e ot t h e N e wP a t e s t i r i e . M y | ^ Califoraia. Mr. arid Mrs. I. Wigodsky,. Sunday i tournament during the business o'clock Saturday night and proHe told of sending indebtedness therefore: and to euar- For a pood time - president of -th* Swiss Zionist j errupted me. n e i g h b o r > l t t t Good food and afternoon at .1:30 in the study o t j m e e t i n g , which, was followed by ceed from there. contracts, other obn.cations. Total ! Jjis father, mother and sister te : sntee anyor dividendsinterest, bonds. Federation, and Dreyfus Brodsky, j " 'He waa, a great scholar a n d ! . . . , . authorised capital stock Is S-n.i'i!''.-"1-). Rabbi H. R. Rabinowltz, who, I refreshments and a social hour, , „ l a s t week , par Cool Comfort - vahre JIOO.IM* per share. Uu sti>ok tfle J e w l s l 1 t o m e l a n d president of the Basle Jewish a great m a n . I knew him. H e ! •with Cantor A. Pliskin, will offi-I ' to t h e common, and sh;Ui be fully p^id and tb se Jo s on a Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman had Community, non-assessable when issui-i. The rorwas a very dear friend ot my f a - ! ^ ^ * . | Morris Gordon, an, instructor a t as their thi h house guests for the past ] Since June 21, 1933, effect that: "We Cannot Stay here, poration shall commence busing will b the niinsr of its Articles with "I agreed and added, 'Oddly Oar people are being murdered.", upon was a direct y ciei-K of _Douclas Counthe "Protocols" trail in which enough,, he was also a friend of Jolson. left CIS bed locali i « ' ee County HOTEL ,-,-— , - . 1 X..-. T - . J at - .a . i bride and groom. The bride will h e r e before leaving for the coast f of Harlan la _ Nebraska, and shall continue unty he highest the Berne' court ruled that the hospital* where he had been .rest-: tn Januarj; i. 2»-"6. my fathers.' " wear a peach frock with a where h e will spend the summer. ' documents were forgeries."The Vtranger then went on to! l n » t b 9 5>ast f e wd a ^ s * t6 a P P « a r c e e d two-thirds of the psach and green picture hat. Her! ' Misa Lorraine Meyerson was j tell me that the ' late Professor i a t t ! l e dinner and concludad his • this restriction, now^ver, shall not ! flowera will be a corsage of gar-.j Mra. J . Shapiro. 1123 Eleventh honored at a surprise party Tue3-! offers Gottheil had that quality of bril-f appeal with a donation of $4,000. ^ l ^ ^ ^ e ^ S ^ f , - ^ J denias. ;street, left Sunday for California. day evening a t her home in celeNAMED the property , llance that allowed him to become \ David O. Selznick, chairman ot other interests A reception for relatives will be j while in the we,t 3 he win spend bratiok o t h e r WrthdaT The aN -• ANEW VICEROY OF ETHIOPIA ' one of the country's foremostl t & e motion picture division of the1 held i n t h e Warrior hotel f r o m j t w o n l O n t h 3 visiting-with friends t JJ w L La a rrraanngg ^ ^b b ff members membersofof \ amateur chess players after only: ^"^> announced that there are 3:30 until 5 oriock,- ^ a s | th l bt h i h Miss Mi ^ j aa nd relatives in Los Angeles Angeles. P Pas-| the E Emesel lclub to which Rome,(WNS> — General Rud-i taking up the game in his late; £"5 Jews occupysng prominent After a wedding.. trip- to the; a dena and San Fra.icisco. ' out-of-town j j o f o Graziani, Commander of the ! fifties. .'My father and he used to | positions in the industry, actors. Black Hills, Mr. Wigodsky andj and Marjone Krasne | southern armies^^ during the Italo- •• have - grand times together over actresses, producers. directors. Ws bride will makv their home in j Mrs. L. J. Kaplan entertained 1 The party wasjEthopian, was officially nam-jthe chess board, said my neigh-; writers, musicians and others. the SmltH apartments. " j a t a luncheon Friday noon, in with a scavenger h u n t j ' and taat. they had contributed a e 4 viceroy of Ethiopia by" PremA number of parties have com-j honor of h e r mother, Mrs. M. Omaha, which was attended by "And who was your father?" \! total of $115,000 o the Welfare Thi« la OmaH«'s smartest, ier Mussolini in'place, of Marshal! J plimented Mr. -Wigodsky and Misa | Schwartz, and her sister, Mrs. N. 14 couples; l of the v«ry n#w«rt place* Pietro Badogrlio, who was named i ""He was Silas Sanger, . the i Fund campaign. In comparison. Baton during the past weeks. Dr. Chesler, of Minneapolis, who are "mljeetf-rfte" rtrtriks and Duke of Addis -Abada and Italian !i architect.' " ' titree weeks of canvassing arsons . iicious, rppstizlng food*. a n * Mrs. Frank Epstein, Castle, her guests. Bricge occupied the About T5 members attended the minister of defense. j "My neighbor then -went on to! the. 50,000- Jewish resicetits cf * apartments, entertained a t a din- afternoon hours, Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah General Graziani, V h o is said! tell-me-that h^s family came to {Los Angeles brought forth only ATA ner and theater pa^tr last week., ; luncheon given at Hotel ChiefA luncheon in t h e E. E. Baron j Mrs. H. Friedman, 916 Iowa tain "Wednesday afternoon, June to be a Jew, was recently given this country in 1793, that they $48,525 in -donations. The goal homo waa also given last week, i street, returned -this week from 17. Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the title of marshal by King Vic- came from Liverpool and that-it for the campaign is $250,000 and HOTEL ROME ! took 12 weeks for. the trip. Histhe amoant raised at this writing complimenting the bride-elect. | Omaha, where she visited with Omaha was guest or honor at this tor Kmaauel. AR R, PfflCE, i Dad was a mmeber of the Span- is $161,525, the 700 guests a t tliel Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levin a n d ' relatives. tf ? ? -^* ,*^ ^^. «,• 1 «s. f\tan . r^ Jt affair and gave a very inspiring i Patronize Our Advertisers and Portugese Synagogue,. a-: dinner - learned*
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