Interests of fife Jewish People
This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement oa t h i s copyright will be prosecuted,
Entered u S«COD4 Clua Mall Matter on January 21, 1121, at Poatofftc. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March !. 1ST*
"Catastrope Becomes History" •Imdwlg liewlsohn, whose Wt-
erary criticism is a rare treat to-those vvho look for guidance in their Treading, reviews here Marvin Xowenthal's last book. THE EDITOR
Edgar Is Named Beth-El Cantor
Says Palestine Losing $25O,GOQ4^ Appeal to Local Jewry to Place a Day / ' ^ o^' Jerusalem (WN'b -or Agency).—The Arab losses as a result
Radinowski First Omahan to Return from Conclave by Jewish Congress
of the continuation of the general strike in Palestine total 250 thousand dollars a day, it is estimated by the Falastin, Arabic newspaper. Thousands of young Jews in Palestine are u.-> aiting the government's call to take arms to help maintain security in the land, it is asserted in the Hebrew press. .
Appealing to Omaha Jewry for aid in the placement of one or more German-Jewish refugee children in Omaha homes, Paul Felix Warburg, treasurer of the German-Jewish refugee
Annual Vaacl Picnic Will Be Held | Sunday
to A Pivms;
The annual Vaad picnic will be held all day Sunday, June 2 8 at Krug park. Free admission and free parking tickets have "been . ~~~~~~~~~~ mailed to members. ', IT" ! | 1
JUJJ Libraries will of course be writGames and contestr and free : i i l g u i a f l C l ten on that resurgence of Pagan rides for the .children are on the'/^i i p i Expressing great enthusiasm project, has addressed a comdaj's program. Refreshments andiV-illD i ISOS barbarism which, among many for the American Jewish congress munication " to Omaha Jews drinks will be sold by the auxil-' other destructive minute group held last week in Washington, Jothrough the Council of Jewish iary. All Vaad members and of human beings, will be for many seph Radigowskl, one of the three Women-. friends are invited to attend. centuries to come symbol, my- Omaha delegates, urged that each As one of the outstanding p.f- j This is the first time that With B bipr fret-ipfrpthpr in Mi*? stery, organon or tool for ap- individual and every organization Morris Burstein is chairman in tractions of the Highland ConnOmahans have been asked to perceiving the historic processes help put through the program of charge of arrangements. trr club"s summer program, p. Jewish Community Center pym, care for these unfortunate chilstyle show and vaudeville revue the camper? at. Camp Akiha hads and the meaning — if they have the congress. dren in their homes, as heretoany —• of these processes. For will be presented Saturday. Au-• bon voyape to Omaha and "While Zionists were representthe temper, the achievements and ed, the congress, contrary to rufore the committee has endeavtheir season with a flyinp S. the fate - of this group of .Jews mors, was not a Zionist affair," ored to place them cast of the Daughters of club members are on s n hrssKinary trip to .Europe, were indeed extraordinary. Mississippi, being recruited by Mrs. Hymsn. Tuesday, the boys and girls a r Mr. Radinowski said as he disThe Majority of them dedlcat- cussed the work of the meeting. However, increasing numFerer to display wardrobes fur- rived in. New York by airplane, . ed themselves utterly to the civ- Of the 70 delegates chosen to bers of these children are benished by merchants who F.re and Wednosiia.v noon pretended to ilization of their adopted country represent thesUnited States at the . pail Cor Europe on the Queen ' members of the club. ing taken out of .the deplorable Visitors to the tranquil gallerand produced within that civiliz- world Jewish congress to be held Jnlins Bisno, exocHtire secreAn early dinner will be fol- Mary, Camp Akiba IF Uie mmsituation in Germany to be givies of the Joslyn Memorial invar- j en a new opportunity in our ation values more illustrious than in Geneva, 52 were chosen by the tary of the A. Z. A., will serve as lowed by open hou?e. Members mer home camp p.t the J, C. C. iably stop before its most valuj any comparable ' group has ever American Jewish congress and 18 camp director of t h e RHIHJES in- are privileged to invite guests . which will continue Cor sm week* own land, and it necessitates Cantor Anron Edgar. able possession, Sir Joshua Rey- I finding more homes for them in all history produced within the were to be elected by various naternational convention to be held ; and should make their reserva-; for children aped ? to 14. Mr. Harry Silverman, president nold's portrait of Miss Franks. | farther west. substance of an adopted civiliza- tional Jewish 'organizations. at Palisader California, July 2 0 . tions with J. Harold Saks, club tion. A minority of them, ''n.owto 27. secretary. campers will visit, places that PTR The delegates to the interna- of the Betfi-El synagogue, an- Brought to Omaha for the open- ; "We hope that you Omaha . ever, clung to the faith, tradition, tional assembly were instructed to nounced today that Cantor Aaron ing of the Memorial, this picture j Jews will find it in jour hearts Max Baer will bo assistant camp Music will be furnished by a Of great interest to Jewish vonnpculture of their fathers and under form a permanent body to repre- Edgar of Des Moines, la., has of a well-bred English Jewess, ; to make a place in jour com- director and Dr. A. Greenberg hot swing band as yet to be se-£,j.ers_ ^ h e P j r i P v,-ill. lp»r,, the general name of Wissenschaft sent all world Jewry. Wherever been elected to serve the syna- the daughter of an eighteenth • munity for one or more of wili serve as camp director. j lected. Anyone wishing to partici-' d a n c e s e n d s;-ng8 o [ e p c h COU!1 .;,V ' des Judentums produced - from possible the' delegates of the va- gogue as cantor and director of century merchant, has a host of . The delegate from chapter No. : pate in t h e vaudeville revue is r e - ;t h e y v i R J t w h i l e U j e b o , , g coll(t^ these unfortunate children," admirers who come from far and ! Zunz and Geiger or to Buber and rious nations were to be chosen music. 1 w3?l be Ernest Nogg and the : quested to pet in touch with Allan j( h e ' g , , . o f j h e d i r f e r e u { nSil Mr. Warburg writes. Cantor Edgar is a graduate, of near to gaze upon the handsome j Rosenzweig the greater part of by democratic principles. Co-operdelegate from chapter Xo. lOOj Kohan a t "Walnut 48Hfi. (ton* for their albums.' The tiny Funds have previously been will be Harold Zelinsky. . j the apparatus which made poss- ation with all liberal movements the school of music of the Uni-features. folks are mrd-.ing ecrppbookF in sent by the' Omaha section of ible the modern Jewish renaiss- fighting anti-Semitism was urged versity of Michigan. He has an Miss Franks (first name evi- j which they nre pasting pioturerance. They destroyed and saved upon" the international delegates. extensive general Jewish educa- dently unknown) was the daugh- j the Council of Jewish Women, Omaha, Neb.—Dr. Everett R. of the land's visited. Each traveler to assist with the children's their people at the same time. It was also hoped that the world tion and^has studied with several ter of Aaron Franks, a wealthy Clinchy, director of t h e National is keeping p diary. passage from Germany to the Whether they lived primarily as Jewish congress would be able to famous cantors. Before he came Jewish merchant of Isleworth. Conference of -Tews and Billfolds snd coin purges <lp?« United States and for their Germans or as Jews they lived have a representative at the to Des Moines, where he has She sat for her portrait in what tians, will conduct a forum orated with Jewish designs are served for five years, he was can-is believed to have been the year maintenance on arrival in this •with the highest degree of fruit- League of Nations. beinp made in the craft classes, country. Additional funds, to tor of the Jacksonville Jewish of her marriage, 1766. fulness. Ofxthese achievements no The congress recommended- an tlUIlvH I LfiivlltiWS The camper? pre also busy finis?li.-> : "* . adequate account has yet been institute for research into Jewish Center synagogue. In her gown of white silk trim- be raised by the council at the ing bookends and carving toy snisummer dance on July 15 at written. Cantor and Mrs. Edgar and med with ribbons and laces she problems to cope with such situaCarter Lake clnb will also be New York (WNS).—The his- m a l s - E v e r - r da3-" t h e r c flrp *'*•?• On the general history of the tions as those arising from the {their two children will arrive in graciously presides over the main sent to assist the project. tory and official pronouncements !d a n c ' ' n £ s n t i P gallery of the Memorial. Her oval I August 1. Jews of Germany up to and be- need for economic rehabilitation. Omaha *~~ * in confession and preaching of the :a n d K * 0 ^ 1 ) R n d v i U P O O R b f l f?"'If you can make a place for "The coming of Cantor Edgar face with its dark eyes is crownyond the tragic year 1933 there Likewise an institute for the study Christian church makt it the chief i n £ concerts, to vhile PVRJ any one of these children, most of are now before me, in addition of thfe problem of migrations was will contribute greatly to the cul-ed high with her powdered hair. author and promoter of anti-Sem- i d l p seconds of the travelers. Last to others noted earlier in this to be established to co-operate tural life of the Omaha Jewish The slim neck is encased in a col- whoni are above the age of 10 i i i t d by b th R i Tuesday the older children sp years, you are asked to comiitism, the itism, it was assorted e Rev. Re column, two books of signal ex- with the existing organizations. community," said Mr. Silverman, lar of pearls and her ears heavy t n e municate with Mrs. Morris RaKarl M. Chworovsky in a sermon afternoon (it ElmwootI Rtitl cellence: "'The Jews of Germany: An institute of propaganda whose "and for the synagogue his com-with rare and precious stones, at the Community church. j Thursday they visited WOW. A tory of" Sixteen Centuries" by purpose would be to fight anti- ing means a great improvement Her decidedly Oriental appear- lentan, vice-president of the "The roots of anti-Semitism | The lunchroom is by far one ol Marvin Lowenthal (Jewish Pub- Semitism was also recommended. in the religious services which he ance is unique among the paint- Omaha section of the council, can easily be traced to the central ! the most popular spots, even. «ftat HA. 7140, -who will provide lication Society of America) and On the recommendation of the interprets so beautifully. We look Ings of Reynolds. dogma of the church, viz., the ' ond helpinps of RPinpch disappparBilanz der deutschen Judenhelt labor bloc the next session of the I forward to his arrival." Little Is known about this wo- further information as to sedoctrine of atonement,'" he said. ; ing. A suggestion, has been jnarip -• ; 1 (Balance-sheet of German Jewry) American Jewish congress is to b man, except that she married a cure the child be I ']- ' "This doctrine sets forth that the . by one of the younger boys that by Arnold Zweig (Querido-Verlag elected directly by the people incousin. Her father, who dutifully Jews rejected and crucified the the camp buy its own cows to take Amsterdam). accompanied' her to Sir Joshua's stead of by organisations. It is the Messiah, that thereby they were care o£ the unusual demand tor studio, died at ninety-two a beintention of the congress to take rejected of God and condemned to milk. « For the American reader, Jew. charge of Jewish affairs such as nign patriarch. ! wander the earth, s.s e,n outcast or Gentile, Marvin Lowenthal's administration-, qf relief and JewThe group is divided according Gainsborough, a contemporary people, a Cain nation,.,,-o Jisfltis to ape into bunks ami the buukn boo&s Is, by far the most valuable ish education. of Reynolds, also painted*a por' " .. ,r- --••- .". . j race. The only'salvRiion ' for the fire now •being; named. The campthat has • hftb/erto ^appeared- or'is trait entitled Miss Franks, but his Mr. Radinowski, who returned ij.ews, sc this doctrine implies.' ers whose ages rsnsro from B to likely to appear' for" iTlongT time. s subject was a niece of the Miss before I. Morgensen docuI before I. Morgenstern and! Jerusalem (JTA) ; lies in their conversion through j 14 a r e under She supervision oC Lowenthal was. always a clear and home Franks of the Joslyn Memorial. S. Yaffee, the other Omaha j «aent in which: Emir Abdullah, ! j «aent in which E -Dr." Everett~R. Ciinchy. baptism to t h e Christian faith. j experienced counselors. Closing felicitous wrller. In this work N. New York (WNS) — Relief of declared: "The con- jjvArab ruler of Transjordan, indelegates, ites i "This doctrine is still held by ; hour ench dcy is anticipated with the greatness of his subject has the victims of religious persecuJewish Immigration into was a big success, a great j -s ; the great majority of Christian | dread by t h e hnppj" younfrptprs. taken a deep hold on him; his gress tion in Germany and Mexico •will British-mandated territory manifestation of Jewish solidarsolidar jj y of Jewish :he core dopma of There a r e still accommodations style has risen with this subject; manifestation be the first objective of the new- | ity. The 1,195 delegates from 9 5 j w i 1 1 b e Published within a few em of theology as for p few wore chUriren. the gravity of the substance treat- cities, -according to conservative j days, it was learned by the Jewly organized American League .for i most conservative ; ed has caused him to drop the Agency. ConiiRRiorp thip year ini-indr00 ! =ish ~ v "Telegraphic '"' »••--» which will be held at Pa- Protestant denominations. Jt is antiquated Voltairian humor to, Jews. It will be a great influence The document, which was shown Kvelyr. Dsnpky. Mrs, Meyer Rpbat the jcific Palisades, Cal., July 20 to not at all times set forth with ail er, Gertrude Orucb. Ttetty •which he was formerly addicted. ^meeting. in not only the lives of the Jews to a Jewish Telegraphic Agency His book has adhimable dignity its implications and assumptions, •m a n _ Kaskell Cohen, l.oyal Kfinw a s personally ' The cause of religion every-j- ' • of America but the Jews of the correspondent^ and poise; he writes with calm Approximately 4 00 boys bewritten by the Emir at the end is due only to the fact that where will be defended judgment, with impeccable taste, world." of 1922. It invites Jews to with sober eloquence. -The most ter' the Transjordan, which excellent feature of his book Is joins Palestine, but provides his thorough mastery of his enthey receive no special national ormously complicated material. rights. For as every page shows and the The Agudath Israel, extn bibliography further illustrates orthodox organization, is now in Jewish premier, .«.*„ „ , sions which will take place each ship, and s.ny attempt to deny. \ he has written on the basis of possession of the document. It SRS Esther f'.ilvernian v;as I:P.swiftly and energetically with j James H. Post and John H. Boubroad a n d original research. this publicly would "• bring quick cently elected president of Alpha had been addressed and given to vier are honrary chairmen. "'"""'tht National | program will consist of the interHence this volume is not only in- . Coeds attending fall rushing Dr. De Haan, leader of the Agu-the critical political and economic "At the"same time in the part of church EK- Gamma Chi porority si. the Mu. valuable to the general reader but parties given by Sigma Delta Tau, dtith Israel, who was later ass- pproblems facing France, there Committe for Reli^on and Wel-i national A. 2. A. Olympics, Sabnicipal university oi Omaha.. services and entertainment national. Jewish sorority at the may be a serious outbreak of an- fare Recovery announced plans ^ this dogma rs, om- | a distinguished achievement In assinated. ; ^ Other officers elected veve the b University of Iowa, will he enfor a ma'SS meetinfc of all religi| J outstanding Hollywood movie | , theology o n a t e g historiography. the ' Misses Florence Ktelnbevj,, viceTransjordan is T, separate ter- ti-Semitism, Frederick T. Birchall Siars T h e tertained in the group's new resstars. The will i convention week v u l i h h thereby influences president; EerUia Siuiaky. t-tecicLowenthal's conclusion, which ritory under the Palestine man- declared in a London dispatch to ous denominations at Madison i be conncluded by a tour, lunch- \ the psychology and life of its mil- tary; Rose Kirsshe.nbaum, U'easurwill at once be asked for, is som- idence which will be taken over date. Settlement of Jews has the New York Times. Spuare Garden in October to chalber enough and altogether irrefu- this summer and formally opened heretofore been forbidden. Asserting that Blum's failure lenge the assertion of atheists eon, banquet and dance in Los !lions of members, anti-Semitism PT, and Evelyn Pansky, historian. Angeles. | cannot but be enccura:sed. It wili table. It is this,, that Vthe world in September. For the past two may mean a Fascist regime in that religion is obsolete. The inst.fdip.tioi} of new of'ic.prK Dr. Ciinchv -prill spend two days ; . . fine declaration!! look place ,!ww 3 2 Rt the. home of can learn — •—if it will — that years the sorority has occupied France, Mr. Birchall said that "it . .. . -r-r. , ; tane more t a home at 706 E. College street, at tlie camp convention, h i s leeJewish rights and universal huand resolutions at Christian Misp Kose Fishf1!1, retiring presiis feared here that part of the man rights are inseparable." Or, one block from the site of the reaction which may supervene in Hence the fervent wish here that Uure will be followed by a dis brother, yes, moie than polite dent. At tlits time t he g n ; dilating aelegates h h the th l t as he puts' it later:. "The liberty new one at Dodge and Burlington and diplomatic conferences. "When France may well be an outbreak samehow there may be hidden I cussion. in -which seniors, inchuling Mifwt Fisher, ' • " . of no individual can rise higher streets.. the church hnp modified this docof anti-Semitism, which has been somewhere in Mr. Blum's some- will take part. RUPF Janet Grnetz a n« 'Mi ss Betty Mr. Harry A. Harris of New latent there since the Dreyfus As pictured, the four-floored than its source; and this source trine to the point where the stigFellman, were also lH >noi•ed. what incomprehensive economic Y8rk and Mrs. Joseph Friedman is the general liberty of man." In residence, the former Delta Zeta ma of 'Christ-kiHer' and 'rejectMiss Sylvip FUver m;>.n 1IPS been of Los Angeles, children of the j Unprejudiced^ observors who policy the magic of success. a word, the tragic catastrophe to sorority house, is of stone. Rushed' is taken from the Jew and his find pppoinrpf" rush r'h.p :irroipn which German Jewry has ' been ees will sip tea in the spacious late Louis Harris of Omaha, who jhave come from Paris this week Paris (WNS) — To demonsalvation hereafter and liis status pisriK p.re be in p.' ma fic- by t h e pf>think they already see a grounddied February 12, 1935, will hold parlors on the main floor where subjected means a break-down of as an equal in modern society are rority for r-n act!ve PC ason of strate that it is not anti-Semitic, the central mechanism of human are also located the chaperon's memorial services for Mr. Harris swell of such an anti-Semitic the Fascistically-inclined Croix del • j not made dependent upon his con- rusbin?;. The fit-st ' ITl R f.leripK o£ cviilization itself. Every Jew quarters. A large, tile-floored din- at the Jewish cemetery in Coun-{movement in the vicious. attacks memorial ' T h e O m a h a Chapter of the Jim- j version and baptism, then pnd not. WtS'lX TtZVllPi* ViY>, hf. In?id (hip who would, for the sake of all ing room, chapter room, butler's cil Bluffs, Sunday, June 28, at j of the Right against the new pre-Feu held a monster jior Hadassah held its annual, b a n - i b e f o r e w.;-l5 anti-SemUism begin to T .Imwootl. hi. Suvidvy riiorninc mankind, resist that break-dowa pantry, kitchen, and storage space 2:30 p, m. They invite all the mler -— the first Jewish premier meeting; in one of the largest [ o,cet and installation of •new of- ; (;i Sa pp ea r from our life, then RT - f •. brcfikfast perk. This v.-tn he in French history. Should he fall for the civilization what he was occupy-the ground floor.' Both friends of Mr. Harris to attend. . Paris synagogues in honor of ! ficers last Thursday evening, In o ! - bef ore W JH cttrisi.iE.ns as and derorptions w{ rarriert Mrs. Harris and-Mr. Friedman the attacks will grow jn violence meant to be and must stand top floors are devoted to bedJewish war veterans who d i e d | J u n e IS, at the Jewish Commi:n-|7 e w s ] J v e together in perfect v,n- :out. in P. Fourth of Ju u ly t heme. and they will inevitably involve rooms, 17 in all, and a dormitory are also in Omaha. ; jity Center. Mrs. Irvin • Levin, 'derstandinp, food will and peace/' ; .. shoulder to shoulder with other more than a single personality. ! during the World War. ' | president of the local Senior Ha- j . j cultural minorities, seeing that as well. The-bedrooms are large IK dassah, was the principal speak-! Amsterdam Acting under 'he • the fate of these minorities is the enough to accomadate • two or sorority; oa campus group . com; H-rpi-, m f'xyv ^w IT er and installed the new officers. [ -hich forbids the injection of ]aw y most exact gauge of humanity three girls. mittees and university party.com- ! WTEST . The new officers are Miss Kal- j foreign questions in Dutch poland decency. .' . With the opening of its new mittees; The Daily Iowan and ] ah Franklin, president; Missjitics. the Amsterdam authorities] home Sigma Delta"Tau will at the{The Hawkeye, publications; and Mis? KaSf.h Franklin fasir-. been Arnold Zweig's book is totally same time introduce to the cam-in every phase of university life. iJeannette Kesnick, financial vice ; fined a storekeeper here 250 j announced n.R nn.i? of tbe contestdifferent in character from Low- pus its new chaperon, Miss Rose Two girls were selected as circus president; Sliss Rose Soffer, cui-: guilders for circulating copies1 o''• ants in the Omaha Hebrew club Bnthal's. It is not a history; it is Levy of Hamilton, Ontario, who queen attendant and pep queenv tural vice president; Miss'Fannie ' Julius Streicher's violently &nti- •picnic to he held f-t Lakevievr a treatist.'. It is analysis of the will replace the former chaperon, attendant respectively. ! pr.rfe, .July 6. H'Hs<s Sarah Epstein Barney R o s s , welterweight orphanage since the death of his Katelman, raemb^shsp vice presi-1 Semitic sheet, Der Stuermer. German Jewish situation as part Mrs. Edith Lee Thane of St. Paul. dent; Miss Sarah'German, record-!During the year Mrs. Dora champion of the world arrived in father. i? the otber cont«>?!.?.!i!.. and example of the .general proIn July several.members of the Chapman, patroness, of Iowa City Omaha last Monday for a benefit secretary; Miss Anne Kuznit, j Junior Hadassah member? who He is a member of several Jewlie committep in charge ,promblem of the psychology and the group will '• tou'r the state on a was ' initiated as an honorary bout at the City auditorium. His j ish fraternal organizations includ- j corresponding secretary; Miss l W e r e g u e s t s o f honor at. the Ban-!5 roar.y now! festuros and an 1 Inter-relation ,,pf human groups, traditional rushing trip. This trip njember and honored at a formal voice and gentle manner be- j ing among others the B"nai Brith. j t n a Gross, membership treasur- \ q u e t i having; raised their quota !r ifandinjv picnic for this fortytt illustrates once more the fact is made by the'girld for the pur- banquet after the ceremonies..' . lying his ring reputation of being During the money-raising cam- t er; Miss Sarah Tanb, financial jf o r l n e -Give or Gef fund were 'f i antitial pffn.tr. that groups as well as individuals pose of meeting high school gradtreasurer; Miss Irene Fishberg, ;t h e j , n s s s s Kalfih Franklin, Don" Officers for the ensuing year concentrated dynamite, he disare subject to both neuroses and uates who are ready for college are Ruth L. Belsky of Dubuque, cussed his life as a prizefighter paign of the Jewish Philanthrop- reporter; Miss pora Freshman.; Freshraan, Jeanetfe fcesr.ick. Fen-: ies of Chicago, he took an active psychoses, to ill-balance or to and transfer students. ill Pi®* C|HK parliamentarian: and the 'Misses i n j e Kstelman, Irene' Fir-hbprg, president; Deana Krantmah of and a Jew. role. | :omplete disequilibrium of the = Originally Gamma Theta Phi, a Marshalltown, v i c e president; Mildred Whitman, Sonia ' Roit-' Mildred ivhitmsn, Evelyn Glazer, | i Synegogn Since the beginning of his fight"The . crowds are always nice, emotional and intellectual life. local group, the sorority became Betty Braverman of Iowa. City, ing: career, he has not failed to stein, and Sylvia Psxilnsan, s s Kollye Roitstein, Ann Kusntt, and ! and I have sever experienced any These group diseases are caused, the national Sigma Delta Tau in rushing captain; Isabel Green- attend religious services regular- prejudice because I am a Jew," new board members. Sarali Taub, and Mrs. Ruth Sii- i! Jaffa. (.TTA'» — Army enginprecisely like diseases in the in- 1933. In 1934 the girls opened berg of Algona, recording secreeers pvepp.rinp xo deraolisl* a. con* Miss Dora Freshman, outgoing'ver Rosen dividual,, by an unwillingness or their first, house, a white frame tary and scholarship chairman; ly and refuses to train on a Jew- j he said, adding that there are ilemneu ci)art*>r of Jafi'& Cor conish holiday. Before his title bout j several other Jewish, ring prospresident, presided at the banquet • lonor Pins were presented to Inability to face, reality as it, has structure. j In three years the or- Doloris Friedman of Des Moines, • stnicnon of i.vo roartp So the har» with McLarnin he halted activity I pects. He believes his stablemate, a n d a review of the d u b ' s , the Kisses Kalah Frr-rifelir., Irene actually shaped itself. The dis-iginal membership of 14 has ex-corresponding secretary; Dorothy : bc-r were faced i'.1*h jiti obBiacle ease consists in flight from fact, panded to 21, with girls repre- Marks of Des Moines, treasurer; at his training-camp over Hosh^Davey Day, gives promise of be- ontstanding activities during: the Fishberg, Sarah Taufc, Mildred in the person of a 00-year-old Hashonah. | coming a big name in fighting past year. Miss Harriett Bern-' Whitman. Minnie P'roonn;. Dora In the substitution of myths glorstein sang a gro;;p of songs, ac- . Frcshmsn, Ann Hshn. and Xrs. synapopue. beadle. Raised on Chicago's West" Side, j circles. ifying the patient, throwing his senting the group in all impor- j Dorothy London of Sioux City, Orucred to pvacuate his syntant campus, activities. :' companied s.t the piano "by Miss|Ri:th Sih-er Rosen. Duringhis stay in Omaha he editor; Fae Reider of Marshall] Ross worked" at all sorts of odd guilt upon a fictive enemy. Its Sigma Delta Tau was repre- town, house manager; Betty Rap- jobs to support his widowed mo- has beea a guest of Sam House. Naomi Gross. Two of .the club's} Teble decorations were beau- tipogue, the aged "fibames" refusfinal results in the case of either ed to budge, declaring he. was an: individual or a group are ut- sented this year on Mortar Board, oport v of Cedar Rapids, sociai ther. At eighteen with the purse -..Next year Ross intends'to take sponsors, Mrs. Joe Goldware &P-O. J tUully carried otrt with a bastet prepared to. die in sanctity under national honorary organization spring chairman; and Sarah Kaiman -of his. mother to t Pa!» stine so that! Mrs. Sidney y Kailem&n. ' were in| | from his first fight "he made a phik carnations 'terly destructive and pretty comfor senior women; Theta Sigma Glenwood, junior Pan-Hellenic home for his younger brothers she may visit the grave of her fa-' tiodueed at the BaaQuet and (flowers which was ased gp s cen- ; the rnins of the house of worship .(Continued on pago',7.) ; ter piece at the officers table. jlse v,-as duty-bound to care for. Phi, national honorary journalism representative. and sister who had been in an. ther.' spote briefly alsc
ned YYoungsters
Portrait. Qf A . Jewess Prized
to Foram AZA Conclave
Trans Jordanian Ruler Invites
New League To
" **
Sigma Delta Tau at Iowa Will Be In New House
a m IN cc
By DR. A. S. RUBNITZ 5The following annual report of the Medical and Dental Advisory Board at. the Jewish Community Center and Welfare
Community Center and the co-18, Publicity Committee low in the ways of the Torah and poration, 101 Tai-k avenue, NewTry TG Smuggle Across operation of pur group was given Dr. Beber, chairman; Dr. A. to observe traditional Kastiruth. York City, and will be shown in ; Beirut. Syria — Twelve 13 ukwhen needed. Fellman,* Dr. Greene. iThe picture ends with the show- a n y Hebrew School, Sunday harian Jews who tried to enter 6. Program-Speakers* Bureau The publicity committee is a ing- of the Kosher products of the f?cbool, Talmud Torah, society or Committee recently organized one. Its plans Loose-"Wiles Biscuit Company put congregation. The principal or Palestine without visas were erDr. Grodinsky, chairman; Dr. for the future have been partial- up in their "well known packages president may write to the Mer-rested !awt week by the French Gordon; Dr. Beber. ly worked out. Beginning in the while a fine selection of Jevr- chandising: Department, of the authorities. One of the srrpsi.ed men is !'eEach general meeting of our fall ideas of setting forth an edJewish Advocate, and arrangeorganization during the year was ucational program have been lish folk songs delights the audi- ments will be made to have this poried to have said that two other Jews were tilled h\ the Ruain . itself highly successful. Sev- planned. There are possibilities j ence. Picture shown free of charge. nian frontier forres while escaperal new Ideas were initiated for considerable work for our "David's Bar Mitzvah," direct-; which kept attendances at our committee. ed by A Ralph Steinberg, vras pre- \ The Firms which advertise in ing from T gatherings at a high percentage. 14. nominating Committee pared, produced and recorded by the Jewish press deserve and The invitation of the medical and The Jewish Tress advertisers Dr. Sher, chairman; Dr. J a i r ; {te Radio and Film Methods Cor- merit your patronage. dental students and interenes te Dr. Platt. merit your patronape. the general meetings, swelled the This year is the first in which attendance and created addition- new officers of our organization al enthusiasm of our own group. were considered by a special ComDinner -meetings were favorable mittee before their election. Our to our men. Our chief guest organization is a growing one speaker of the season was Mr.having a definite place in Omafia Marvin Lowenthal. author and Jewish activities, and its is our traveler, who impressed o u r belief that the leaders should be group with his comments at a men who show keen interest in successful meetlrg held January our affairs and the affairs o£ the 27/1936. comunity. ',
ures of the treasury report you Committee can readily Bee that we have met Dr. Margolin, chairman; Dr. our obligation, and we hope to be Belzer; Dr. Block. The American Jewish Physicto keep our good record in Federation of Omaha was re- able the future. Concluding, I wish ians' Committee has undertaken cently made by Dr. A. S. Rub- to state, that our successful op- the noteworthy task of the creanltz retiring president. At this erations were . made possible by tion and maintenence of a Medsaipe meeting, the following of- the untiring efforts of our secre- ical Department in the Hebrew ficers were elected for the com- tary, Dr. Brodkey. To him be-University. To date this commiting year: Dr. Morris Margolin, longs our vote of thanks. tee has expended an approximapresident; Dr. A. Greenberg, 3, Case Record: Committee tion of $500,000 In the purchase vice-president; Dr. M. H. Brodof land, the organization and supDr. A., • Greenberg, chairman; key, secretary'treasurer. Exeport of the Micro-Bioligical Insticutive committee: Dr. Philip Dr.'Brodkey; Dr. ilorgan. The case record committee, tute, support of the Medical LiSher, Dr. B. T. Friedman, Dr. started this year, had as its chief brary^ the Department of ChemisJ. A. Welnberg. function the tabulation of the try, an X-ray Institute, and other EDITORS NOTE amount of free work that was projects including contributions 7. Family Welfare Committee Dr. Hirschmann, chairman; Dr. done by the Jewish physicians toward a School of Agriculture It has been the purpose of the and dentists of Omaha. Accurate and Chairs in Physics and.Chem- Fleishman; Dr. Margolin; Dr. Medical and Dental. ^Advisory records were kept of the work istry. At the present time there Weinberg; Dr. Rubnitz; Dr. Be'Board, composed of the Jewish sent to our doctors by the Com-is a budgetry requirement of ber. Our committee has cooperated doctors and dentists of Omaha, to munity Center. In addition, re- about $20,000 annually for this with family welfare organization •take an active organized part in cords were also kept of free Jew- w o r k . - ' • ' . • in participating in action upon the activities and phases of Jew- ish cases which appeared in our In addition to this the com-especially difficult social cases ish welfare which concerns them offices other* than through the A novel, impressive and enterand their professions. Commit- Center. In the latter case, names mittee has joined with the Ha-and particularly in advising upon taining way for a better undertees have been appointed which, of the patients did not appear up- dassah in the raising of funds for the medical angle of individual standing of the laws of Kashruth, the building of the University cases. There were no questions of hare functioned well in the num- on the records. Hospital, and has assumed an ob- general medical policy t> be de-especially for the younger genererous phases into which the board ation, has been prepared for the For the twelve month period, ligation of $65,000 as its share. cided upon in the past year. IIBB branched. The following is a Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company. Up to last December there was a "AH-over Seal' i t Tcr | 8. Statictics Committee June, 1935 to May 1, 1936, inclusummary of the activities of the Under the direction of W. W. balance of $25,000 still to be N thai the outer Cellophane i Dr. Slutzky, chairman; Dr. Wachtel, vice-president and L. S. •Medical and Dental Advisory sive, 25 of our members (76 per jacket ooen a! the bottom; this fioard, as reported to me by thecent of our total of 33) gave ex- raised. Our local committee has Sher; Dr. H. Kully. Davidson, manager of the Kosher, makes an ail-over sealed TOP; This committee reports nothing Division, the idea wa9 conceived act reports of their service's, this this year remitted a total of $200 committee chairmen; ' as part of our $500 pledge for free of folcs, exposed seams, of especial significance in the •1. Executive committee ana re-amounting to $2928.00. The reto use a sound elide film, which 1 and air crevices port of the treasurer • .' ... • . maining 8 (24 per cent) approx- the building fund. The money past year; however, the possibilit- is called "David's Bar Mitzvah." sent consisted of $185 from our ies for activity in the collection imated' the amount of their serThe picture, written by Lionel Dr. Rubnltr, chairman and . . S ^ L L . I * . , ! _ / -._ >".u-«.~. i .._..* V J treasury and $15 private contriPresident of the Medical and Den- vices^ this amounting to about butions. Thus far we have con- of vital facts are great, and theSeth Leffert, plus a very fine mutal Advisory Board: Dr. Margolin, $1792.00. Thus, we, "the Jewish tributed nothing towards the coming season will initiate activ- sical program, depicts the celevice-president; Dr. Brodkey, sec- Physicians and Dentists of Om-maintenance of the Committee's ity In several phases of the work. bration of the Bar Mitzvah of a Jewish boy. The film has been retary-treasurer ; Dr. \ Friedman; aha, have a credit in our favor of projects other than' the building O. Center Committee work done for the Jewish poor of Dr. Stern, chairman; Dr. Ron> shown in Hebrew Schools, at Dr. Sher; Dr. M. Greenberg. ~ f u n d . ~ • for an amount totalling onek; Dr. Faier. Jewish womsfti's societies, Ivriath OUr organization on the whole, Omaha $4720.00 in the past year. We The meetings at the Center groups and similar institutions, It was. a source of great satishas been functioning very satis- expect to.continue this work and factorily the last yearr This was to receive the cooperation of all faction to me certainly, an 1 un- were represents by our group. and has been highly praised evdoubtedly to all'of us, to note the Thre is nothing of especial sig- erywhere. the first year that we could boast our members in further devel- recent appearance in the Journal nificance to report for the past of our own treasury.- To date, of , ^ AIMtyer S C E 8 , " sit the statistics. '; The picture shows the boy of .the American Aassociation of year. $250.00 had been paid to us byoping . Note "hat there 3. The Wise Memorial Hospital training for the reading of "Maf10. Medical Students Cooperation the first report of the research the Jewish philanthropies; an ad-Committee are no unprotected seams tir" and the "Hafterah," and his Committee work accredited to the Hebrew ditional $15.00 had been paid in "J en any side of the package. Dr. Weinberg — co-chairman attendance at the synagogue. The "by some of our members as in- Dr. Rubnitz, chairman; Dr. University. This work done unEach jacket covert and reRabbi addresses the boy taking der the direction of none less Nebraska Medical School. dividual contributions for the Jahr; Dr. Weinberg. enforce* seams of the other. his text from that portion of the than Dr. Bernhard Zondek, is at Dr. Levine — — co-chairman Medical Department of the He- A rather important step was Bible dealing with the laws of brew. University. Of this ?200.00 taken by this organization in theonce an indication and a promise Creighton Medical School. Dr. Platt — co-chairman Kashruth. He explains the health had been sent to the American last six months to create an inter- of future brilliance, and fills us and sanitation values of these Jewish physicians Committee, est in the local Jewish commun- with pride that we have partici- Creighton Dental SchooL leaving a balance in our treasury ity towards the .establishment of pated, if ever so littlo, in the pro- A beginning was made in con- laws and Kosher and Trefa. The of $65.00. It may be mentioned a Jewish hospital here in Om-ject that has made this poslble. tacting the students. > Both in the Rabbi points out the difference' that not a single cent has been aha. , The representatives of our£et us henceforth determine to capacity of giving personal advice between, makes it clear that a paid so far to any of the physic- Welfare Federation and of the ex- iincreasingly «ive ourselves to this and aiding the students in obtain- product it not kosher unless the ians and dentists for their time lsting Wise Memorial Hospital work, that the Medical Depart- ing internships, our committee ingredients that go into the makand material expended in taking Association have been contacted ment of the Hebrew University was called on, on numerous oc* ing of it are Kosher, and calls care of the Federation charges., arid been made acquainted with may be assured of. becoming a asions. There is a definite place upon the Bar Mitzvah boy to fol-' Of course, none of us expect to our sentiment In this •. matter. A source of pride, inspiration, and for our work and we hope to exget paid for his services, though, good deal of work has to be done, usefulness to the medical profes- pand it In the future. it would "be more than Just that, in the future to further this pro- sion throughout the world, and 11. Jewish Old Peoples Home those of us who do a substantial ject, and I recommend to the in-particularly to us Jewish doctors. Committee • amount of this work be paid at coming president that he keep the 5. social Service Committee Dr. Muskin, chairman; Dr. least for dressings, bandages and hospital idea ' in the foreground Dr. Erman, chairman; Dr. Sher; Levy; Dr. Steinberg. ''other'materials. As. advisory board members all the time. ,, Dr. Goldner. ~ From the- above mentioned fig- 4 American Jewish Physicians Meetings were attended at thehave been called upon to advise upon the medical angles of the problems confronting the occupants of the Jewish Old Peoples Home, our committee has cooperExclusive 'Agents for Louise Mulligan Dresses * ated promptly and readily in every case. 12. Child Care find Bummer Camp Committed . ( CHILD CARE — Dr. Jahr, Where Omaha Shops with Confidence t • * chairman; Dr. Oscheroff; Dr. L. Fellman. SUMMER CAMP — Dr. Jahr. chairman; Dr. Platt; Dr. Fleishman. Child welfare workers and their agencies have long realised that any program of social work dealing with child progress requires an understanding of the physical and temperment&l nature of the aji : ' ; „ • / r-i-^^M^^Ko:, growing individual. The child welfare committee of the Medical and Dental Advisory Board makes every effort to cooperate with the \. *TS'.,!i-iii.i! 1t^»«Jt.< personnel of the Jewish Welfare Federation in planning a. reconstruction outline where the child finds itself in social difficulties. A study of his health and his emotional problems is attempted and the results obtained are discussed with the social workers. The aim is to restore the child to usefulness and to guide his activities into acceptable pathways. The child welfare committee lasf year took an active interest ^. t ^ . >t, V in the Summer Camp at the Jewish Community Center. This Interest will be maintained this season as well. Health activities, wholesome games and exercises, and suitable menus are outlined with the Camp personnel. Periodic visits are made by the memORE) V-8 trucks have earned a repubers of this committee to the tation for, the unvarying dependability Camp. .
"ma 3>aidt
A Bar Mitzvah "Talkie" for Hebrew Schools
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"Ail-ever Seat" at Bot* i
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tQIffi Note t h a t ' t h e inner Cellophane jacket opens a! the TOP; this mnke* an all-over ieal at BOTTOM, free of folds, eatseams, and air crevice*.
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FEIDAY, JUNE 26, 1936 ry To Smuggle Across irut, Syria — Twelve BUk^n Jews who tried to enter 'stine without visas were arid last week, by the French critics. pe of the arrested men is reid to have said that two oth* 3WB were killed by the RUBfrontier forces while |from Bukhara. jhe Jewish Press advertisers |t your patronage.
1-over Seal" at Bot* I . Note thafthe inner phane jacket opens at the this makes an alt-over teal JOTTOM, free of folds, exfijseanis, and air crevices.
THOMAS C. QUINLAN, Atty. MONSKY. GRODINSKY, fWARER & able masses do not revolt, -why doBlum, "has often been asked. My j NOTICE PY . ' i . ' « l ICAl'SON •» COHEN, Attys. they not shake the yoke of de-answer is both. There is no doubt j PETITION . OR SETTLEMENT 73? Omaha Nat'l Bk. Blog. OF F I N A L ADMINISTRAgradation from their shoulders? that blood plays a role. There is j TION ACCOUNT NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION | As I walked along the answer no doubt that subconsciously the In the County Court of Dnuuluf i in t h f <"'oTiTiM- (J'oTs^i. o f Dmnri.. came to me: poverty and destitu- accumulation of Jewish experiCounty. Neb'.aska. ' County. Nebraska. Jn t h e M a t t e r <>t trie t - s t n v ol lii - , tion, I realized, had become part ence in my blood is a factor in In t h e M i ' i ' f ' t o f l>' CsiiUf i n e s t i n e T . i-Iothhotz. f :eeensetf. ; F.u?**v? HroU'Tl. [)0Oep^e,|and parcel of their lives. They driving me onward. But it is also All persons interested in said All pt--rson.s inforPP'-'([ it! sui'I ?n^ > looked upon it as something nat- true that this instinct finds an tate are herehy notified ("hat t> |ipti- f f r p ]'r hr.rrhy norifiw' i h : u OP il altion has been filed in said Court !-"Eh d a y of J u n e . i:'^'-. lionise l-'rov ural; something inescapable, an outlet in the conditions that are j — leping that said deceased dieri le.w-I filed a jieutivin hi said C o u n l y C rofu . r act of God, you might almost say peculiar to French democracy, i . By t a e S e r v i c e Life Insurance ; ing" no List T*r\U Rnci prayinc for p.ri-n'"i\'i^f.7 i ffin. t h e r finrM p fi niint'-^. ' i ' And then I asked myself whether might say that I am a Frenchman minis-trtitJon upon his estate, and thai I .ini-rtiin" fileri heroin b.?1 s e t t l e d n n Company, Qmsii allowed, a n d tlir.i s h e I -:- ilis.-.'lifir«;" ! a h o n n n £ w i n h o h a d <>n ? n i n p e n s i o n it was right for me to join these and a socialist because I am a h e r tt[!sr n s f\dm'n"r"trn triv p r ! before snid c o u r t on t h e Krh d a y of ifrmi! : who were trying to awaken these Jew. Socialism calls for the whole h a " e h e n r m c wi)! be iiat.1 on «» 1 I t i s a l m o s t i n e v i t a b l e , u n l e s s J J u l y . io::«. <u>d t h a t if ti>«y t a i l t<>; Did the powerful Jews of ing and flattering, squirming in trol of the universe are saying masses and point them to a better^ petition liefove s-nld C( on nfiprar R t r Hlrt p n ; n e :iUi f : man, his whole life. To confess t h e l i f e i n s u r a n c e p l a n b e u s e d . ; <*'<* ' * " M l l t h flay of .inly. v,<">.. dr-y of July. !!)-!£. at V (>'c!nck France -want B.I urn to accept their chairs all the time. It is now that a Jew is Prime Minister life in a new socity. I asked mythnt contest snid pi-luii.ri. She . . . . nay of July. isss. at s o'clock A. il. i yul] i'a the premiership? . Does Blum not a pleasant thing for princes of France, I leave to your imag- self this because, as yon remem- socialism is not enough, no more that a man's financial n t h liay i-,; , should be speculaI may pram the same and £-.-;•< F l i situation | , .,-. .|.ku.ii. the c™n j on th 0 con Et s n i d IH understand the personal risks of finance to ask favors of a hum- ination. Tons of propaganda-ma- ber, Spartacus was told that if than it is to confess Judaism. It;|tin A. M.. n i ' i *,-~.i» I*- !i may ministration of same said est.'ite TO i T e his age should •^be speculaprant the and g:-f>.n; ?.<1- :. t i t k < man the Cois'-t ma - A old mar pride himtell | r i e t t a K o h n o r s . ) m e o ; h l > r ^ , . . ,Hpn1,,, of his position? What brought ble politic ian. Such men are interial are being poured out every he cut the bonds of slavery, he must he evident ev^ryhour of the ^riid potUior.. his conservatism, his cau- person end proceed to a pftMemen Leon Blum, son of a wealthy the habit of commanding. I t wasweek. The anti-Semites have a would endanger life itself. Spar- day. It is 'a ceaseless struggle in I upon o<V of irship, and rm' ^ ; tiousness, and yet this very trait thereof. •which a man has no time to think Lyon suk manufacturer to so- an embarrassing interview. I new argument or rather they see tacus tried nevertheless. I, too, ERTCE CRAWFORD. may lead him to save his money s to cialism? What are Blum's have the story from. Suzanne their warnings coming true about decided to try. I had to. An inner much of his antecedents, whether hi aged institutions, even now.on G-l2-3t County Judge roof-r. to the *Tsd thnt R\\ i 1 they are Jewish or otherwise. It views on Judaism? the Elders of Zion wanting to defflainip.E to BHIU esiate nun bo f Blum, the Premier's daughter, ; voice commanded me. It wasrequires :-li his strength and dethe verge of old-age dissolution. The Jewish Press advertisers Pierre Van Paassen, No. 1 who is a well-known lawyer in stroy France after having failed stronger than I." BliVCE CKA\V[--oRD. For businesses, like men. grow merit your patronage. votion and energy. For once he old—and with^fiermany. of Europe's foreign correspon- Paris. County .IIUIL; the period of dissolution has felt the urge to speed man- comes for both. However, anti-Semitism is not The still, small voice! All at once Leon Blum, who dents, tells of his personal conM. Leon Blum is extremely senkind on towards its destiny, toversations with the Premier of had guarded a thoughtful silence, deeply rooted in France, less so If the man who has 100 thouon the subject of his race. wards :. real, human society, to France and his daughter, Su- spoke up and asfced: "To what than in Germany where, it has tositive sand dollars in choice securities He seldom makes a speech with- realize humanity at last, it be- could be an oia man tomorrow zanne Blum, A real inside fortuitous circumstances may wej be^admitted, it is not rooted i n | otIt; the fact that he comes a passion with him to in-; view of the soul ot that man attribute your sudden concern for j the masses either. No, not evenf is a Jmentioning there would be little old-age specew troduce something of truth, some ' , .. , Blum.—The Editor. now, after the years of systema-j - H e d o e ~n o t a P ° l o s the Jewish masses, messieus? . . , . . . . - , . ulative hazard. But the trouble is You are always asserting that the tic.hetzing. Leon Blum will not for it, but he does not glory it either. His opposition to chausome justice in the lives ., , , ... , ,, For the first time in many Jew is free and the full equal of be judged by the French people vinist nationalism has kept him goodness, tide man of §||| . Thou . . , shalt ,, „ love Adonai, thy;that period, he will the notceaseless be.an old years,, almost as far back as mid-every other citizen in France. on his Jewishriess, but on his |Iat a distance from militant Zion- God, all thy heart and with <C business change may •wreck J his gp Of hlSwith fellOWS. 1on on dle-aged men seem to remember, Why should I now'seek to escape ability to create conditions for a ism .although he is extremely all thy soul, and -thy neighbor as (for 100 15 thousand dollar old-ageand fund.in! g l Fhe Salary Continuance Policy helps your famor 20 or SO vears; an entirely- new crew has taken the natural consequences of mypeaceful transition from the cap-sympathetic to the work of Jew-thyself! i We are not old tomorrow; v:e ; =possession of the ship of state in life's work as a citizen of France? italist to a socialist one, his avow- ish national regeneration in Eretz Prance-under the captaincy of M.And as a Jew, do you really think ed intention. Anti-Semitism is but Israel and even calls himself a (Copyright, 193 6, by Seven Arts^re old 20 years from tomorrow. I gf; ily, over that difficult one or two years after Hence, the speculative element, is ; |gi Feature Syndicate.) Leon Blum. Although he is a that I must step aside now, inj one of the weapons the reaction] he said inevitable when we consider the \ HP your death, known as the Readjustment Period. this moment when I believe that is Jew, it cannot be said that M. going to use in resisting the j Zionist. " I have never, important question of old-age ; =gcan extract a small ration of advent of the new order- Other speaking of his outlook on JudBlum represents the unanimous money. ! jg- This p'an guarantees a monthJv check from IV to 60 choice of the Jewish community well-being and a large ration of perhaps more potent weapons will ue aism, "I, have never seen any valin conforming to the ritualistic One bad investment at the end j g[ hope ^out of the present regime? be: financial panics, in which the of France. That would indeed be aspects of Judaism. The outer. of a lifetime of good investment I = ; months after .four dcfith, together \ritli PU immediate too much to expec. As a matter I think of the. Jews of Alasce, my manipulators will not be non-m o r e tears down the who!- structure.; ! j j Clea.n-Up Fund forsmsll bills. ostentatious manifestations of: fact an Incident occurred In forefathers_who were massacred Jews exclusively; political a s s a s - jo £ The cash value of th^ old man's ; §§= and such' Jewish life have never appealby the crusaders. When a new sinations; foreign scares Paris shortly after the electoral to me and really have no policies will make him smile, but 1 victory of the socialist party, crusade was on the way once, like tactics. But behind. Leon meaning to me. Judaism is not the cash value of his investments ' f the Story which " showed that a good many there was a debate in the syna- Bluni stand the millions of the] expectation to me, but actual realBerlin,, (WNS).—Natives of ;| Jews, the richest, the most pow- gogues of Alsace and the Rhine- United xPront, and those millions ity. It should be a Jew's life's Turkey will no longer be regartl- may make him cry. erful in France, look upon Leon land as to what course of action are in a revolutionary mood, as content, his motif-power in every ed as non-Aryans in Germany, it Blum's premiership as nothing to adopt. The majority said that the recent wave of strikes shows. decisive act he performs. ' jg was announced by Minister of theUrges Self Defense less than disaster. A committee it was the Jew's duty to hide and Committees of vigilance and ac- "To many Jews," he went on. Interior Frick. In a circular statLondon, England.—A plea that §§§ composed of several rabbis, a di-so try to escape the cruel fate tion are being set up in every "Judaism is a vague, messianic ing anti-Semitic lawn. Frick qual- Jewish youth be permitted to l g rector of the Nord Railway, the that seemed inevitable otherwise, j community in Prance and a dream, which awaits fulfillment ified them as 100 per cent Aryans form special defense corps to pro- = administrateur-general of the I am not of that opinion, mess-1 Workers' Militia is in the course in sonte ultimate fullness of tirrie. because all people who have been tect Jews of Palestine against g g JOEE A. EEBEE, Gee. Agent jjj Banque des Pays-Bas and some ieurs, I believe that a Jew, preattackers is voiced by Lord | |jj §! j o f formation. The working class me it is fulfillment all theestablished in Europe for a long Arab noted industrialist and §j§ other ^magnates, all of them prom- cisely because he is a Jew; con-of France is determined to barTo time are to be regarded as Ar-Melchett, time . . . a living stream, a way Jewish leader, in a letter pub- • B §|i inent Jews, called on M. Blum at scious of his Jewishness, should the road to fascism and its twin- of life. So is socialism to me: ayans. Fenian st 18th Omaha, Nebr. | § lished in t h e Daily Telegraph. \ H§ his home on the Qua! Bourbon fight for justice and righteous- sister anti-Semitism. There are way of life, not an inflexible docNatives of Persia, Iraa and and did their utmost to dissuade ness, and this I intend to do." some lessons to be drawn from trine that must either be acceptH TUNE TO EFAE AT 5:55 P. M. NEXT SUNDAY • him from assuming the premierThat was the end of that inter- events in France and the first les- j ed or rejected, but a means!| Egypt, who did not colonize EuThe Firms which advertise in ship of France to which, his par-view, but not the end of the tory. son seems to me this: that you) rope, are to be treated as non-the Jewish press deserve end ' ^ p demand his ty's v ictory ot-iled him. They forl note that beides having the cannot talk anti-Semitism out of merit your patronage. =jjj| rights, ail his' rights, an instru- Aryans, Frick explained. existence by good-neighbor convilifications of the German Nazi . warned, him cautiously, tactfully ment through which the human with long and circumlocutions and the Italian fascist press heap- ferences or interdeneminational I{personality can deploy to its full speeches that an eventual failure ed upon his head, Mr. Blum Is rallies and that sort of thing, bnt status and assert itself, and espeof the people's government, under now also designated as "an enemy that you must recognize that cap- cially the human personality of his leadership would curtail very ot Israel." "Le Flambeau" organ italism breeds anti-Semitism as it the proletarian, the under-privildisagreeable consequences to theof Colonel de la Racque's fascism breeds war and the fear of war. eged, the downtrodden." Jewish community in France. Not is full of letters from Jews, said because it cannot live without "In your life's struggle for the them. the socialista, they told Him (asto be prominent Jews, who point liberation of the human personout that they do not share Leon He is a quiet man, Leon Blum, if he did not know), but the Jews ality in the proletarian, have you will get the blame. Not the so- Blum's ideas, that he does not a scholarly type, not a leader in felt your actions, motivated- as by cialist party -will be the butt of represent that which is best in mass-action. I asked him once your Jewishness, or?" . . . I criticism and the object of attack, Judaism and that he is under the what brought him, the son of a asked. bnt the unfortunate co-religion- influence of sinister, alien inter- wealthy Lyon silk manufacturer "That question," came back M. aires of the Jewish premier will ests. Senator Charles Maurras, to socialism, for Leon Blum could the monarcbist-facist leader, who have selected another road in life. become the scapegoat as they. are in Germany; and everywhere else has just been sentenced to a term He is a brilliant lawyer, a fine where an easy victim- had<• to be in prison lor instigating an armed litterateur, a connoisseur of art!For Picnics and- All Occa•found for the sins of the govern- attack in the streets pn Leon and a devotee of the theater. "I sions Serve Forbes' New ments. Would not M. Leon Blum Blum, an attack which was short became a socialist very late in j York Pumpernickel reconsider? Would he not think of fatal just by a hair's breadth, life," he replied. "If I may indi- ! generously admitted in his paper cate one specific moment I must BREAD of h.s people? The very class of Francaiee" the other day say that revelation came to me - Jews, the poorest in Israel, who '•'Action Sliced thin for your there are J,ews and Jews: one evening as I walked through looked upon him as their cham- that Convenience patriotic ones who pnt the interthe Faubourg S*. Martin (the pion, would be, the worst suffer- ests of France before everything j worst slum-district in Paris), ers if the people's government else and "traiters like that female j Suddenly I was seized with the ("which God forbid") should fail of a Blum who are sold j horror of social injustice and the in the task it has set itself: name- camel Germany." What the other gen-!staggering humiliation of poverty, 2701-11 No. "24th St. ly to bring the masses bread, lib- tlemen-discaverers of a world con-! Why is it, so Tasked myself, that We. 6400 erty and neace. So they argued spiracy by |he.Jews to gain con-'these poverty stricken and miser• fo»* two hours, alternately cajolr
Turks Become Aryans According to Nazis
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pEiE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
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Subscription Price, one year • • • > - • 12.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.
[STILL LACKING . . . We predict ing, commercial and academic ; ize the Jewish Legion which playPoland would rid itself of its Jewish population within thirty teachers. subjects. It serves as a center |ed an important roie in the conAccording to the carefully pre- j that France may still abstain. years. The Studnitzki plan calls for the enforced emigration of pared subject index "Christ" ap- \ VIRTUAL MARTIAL L A W Iwnere the girls meet in groups i quest of Faiesune by the late 100 thousand Jews a year through an intensification of eco- pears but on four pages and only | PROCLAIMED AS RIOTS EN- ; for social and intellectual activi-! Lord Allenby during the World nomic measures against the Jewish population. To top this off, in conection with the discussion j TER THIRD MONTH . . .Make i ties. It is equipped with a dormi-: War. supernaturalistic theology, j no mistake — This is war until i tory and does everything possible; the Polish premier, Skladowski, openly in parliament approved of What still is more telling is the j England makes a few examples jto properly influence the lives1 The Jewish Press advertisers of the campaign of economic extermination directed at theomission of Jesus. The name of j of Arab violaters of peace, |and thoughts of these growing merit your patronage. Jews and stated that he would not interfere, though he mag-the founder of Christianity finds ' ! girls. , . - m _ .,...»,»MII i m — — « ^ ^ ^ ^ » no place in the index. The'Inesnanimously opposed physical violence. • WOMEN'S MIZRACH1 capable conclusion is that ChrisStories of this type are not new; they picture Poland as jtian thought is no longer Christ- The Mizrachi Women's organ- Vets Offer To Enlist ization of America represents the i Far Palestine Service. she is today. But the constant repetition, with aggravated de- ological, that it is dispensing even orthodox Jewish women of this j 223 Insurance with Jesus, whose historicity has tails, make life more and more unbearable.for the victims. We j been seriously impaired by criti- country united for the upbuilding London (JT^ i — The British • Wiring of a!! kinds. the Jewish National Hotneiand :Hachayal, a Jewish war veterans' who live in more healthy surroundings, where reason and feel- cal study and doubt. At least this: of in is the interpretation which I put i Palestine, and is an integral iorganization which ie affiliated • Motor Installations. int» are still considered human, would forsake our very faith if upon so serious an omission a s ; P^rt c* the Mizrachi, the orthodox •with the New Zionist Organiza• Lighting Fixtures. we were not to continue to strive in every way possible to the 0U of t h e World zionist or failure to mention Jesus in a ; ^ P " tion, made public an offer to the alleviate the pressure which makes life a nightmare for these volume devoted to Christian re- S a l l l E a t l o n War Office to enlist in the BritEstimates Gladly Furnished ligious thought. I T h e Mizrachi believes that ish Army for service in Palestine. hapless folk. Ca!J
Editorial Office: SOU Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center • UAV1D BLACKER • • Business and Managing Kditoi FRANK R . A C K BUM AN • - • • • - • - Editor PANNIB KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL."• • • • - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 so. 24th Street
An Appeal on Children's Behalf
intellectual phenomenon! without the spirit of the Torah I
The veterans also offered, on
AT. fi479 A touching appeal has been made to Omaha Jewry through which I deem of m a j c i m p o r t - ; t h e P e °P ! e o f Israel cannot exist; behalf o£ its members in England Change ance constitutes an unmistakable i v r i t h o u t t h i s s p i r i t ' t h e y b e l i e v e and other countries, to reorganthe Council of Jewish Women by Paul Felix "Warburg, treastriumph for Judaism and Jewish i t h a t Palestine, cannot be built as urer of the German-Jewish project, .which seeks placement of By RABBI FREDERICK COHN philosophy. It is a silent i a Jewish national homeland. youngsters now facing a life of misery in the xeich. "Warburg Sojourning for a while in my old Providence home while I religious T o carr o u t this but real Indorsement of the cour- !! Mizrachi yhas Program the established a school ageous refusal refusal of of the the synagogue! synagogue thus asks the local community for the first time to take care on the way to attend the conference of rabbis at Cape May, ageous s stem t h a t is its leaders to have any c o m - | 5 ' -unique, in the of one or more of these unfortunate children who have been New Jersey, i$ has been borne in upon me how life is, indeed, and merce with Jesus of Nazareth. sense that it offers th-j Jewish child in Palestine a synthesis of ostracized from life's decencies through the cruel and barbar- change. In the comparatively few years ^ince my last visit I Reputable Christian teachers in jb o t h rejecting the Christ of Paul a n d | religious and secular educaous prograiri of the Nazis; previously the committee has at-see changes; the congregation has changed, the Jewish comthe Jesus of traditional Christian-! tlon -. tempted to place the children east of the Mississippi, but themunity has changed, the very city has changed; there are ity are following in the footsteps In addition to supporting Mizever-increasing numbers who must be taken; out of Germany changes on every hand. ' of the rabbis of two thousand; rachi's manifold program—which years ago. covers not only specific Mizrachi mean mor^s homes must be found further west. • One thing "• alone has not changed, besides the changeless projects but also general Zionist We do not know how many of these children, most of whom Cause and Ground of all change, the Changeless and Eternal activities as raiEing funds for the J. N. F. and Keren Hayesod—the are above 10 years of age, can be placed in Omaha homes. We God, and that is, human nature. Human nature remains fundawomen have undertaken do, however, hope that as many as possible can find a new mentally and basically (and sometimes obstinately) the same; GEMS OF THE BIBLE aMizrachi specific project, giving aid and AND TALMUD lease on. life far from the damning environment of the Hitlers, as Browning has inimitably described • it; • protection to the young girl in the Holy Land, particularly the By O. O. DASHER Goerings: and Goebbels. It brings tears to the eye and a sear "The infinite passion and the pain German refugee girl. to the heart to hear how the German-Jewish parents, sobbing Of finite hears that yearn." ... j • The Women's Mizrachi "Beth bitterly, ask that their most priceless possessions, their children, Passions still agitate the breast of man (just at present, There is he who pretendeth j Zeiroth" — technical school and be taken far, far away from them. They know that they them- notably, with controversies over the impending political elec- himself rich yet hath nothing, cultural center for girls in Jeruthere is h6 who pretendeth him- salem—provides educational, voselves are in the main too old to find a new life in new sur- tiori and problems and issues involved). ' self poor yet hath great wealth, jcational and social opportunities roundings, but their prayer is that their! fles"h and blood be There is still, alas, pain and suffering and sorrow and de- Withhold not good from him j for the orthodox young girl. The to whom it is due, when it is in Palestinian girl, upon leaving the , given the care which has become impossible under tlie swastika. feat and disappointment and loss of every kind. of thy hand to do it. elementary school at the critical ) For this they are willing to make the supreme sacrifice" of never And finite hearts still yearn and are filled with aspira- theThepower wise shall inherit honor j adolescent age of 14 is left withagain seeing their offspring. . tions and ambitions of every kind,-particularly at this gradua- but as for the fool they -carry j out protection or guidance. To __ i provide the proper education and The appeal just made should strike a concurring chord in tion season with a new generation of youth crowding the bar- away shame. Omaha hearts. We will be disappointed, indeed, if our share jfr riers, anxious for careers, candidates for success in the various The lip of the righteous feed training, the "Women's Mizrachi many, but the foolish die for want j founded this school. not filled. . . departments of life, eager for fulfilment of their hearts' hopes of The school offers intensive understanding. and to crown with realization all noble ideals. He that is greedy of gain trou- courses in domestic science, farm"Generation comes and generation goes, but the world bleth his own house but he that Palestinian Promises LEON <£. WHITE, Attorneys, stands forever." And Israel remains, despite all the forces ar- hateth even gifts shall live cheerCity National Ek. Building The whirlpool of human events swirls around us with such rayed against him, and the attempts to destroy him on every „.« *h n * witfi. righteous-; r ^CORPORATION OF rapidity that we can hardly keep abreast of the occurrences. hand. We are reminded of the prophet's words: "I, the Lord, ness than great revenue with IH-;CHARUIE o MURNAN HOME CLEAOf most particular importance, to the Jewish people at the mo- change ncit, nor shall ye, House of Jacob, ever be consumed.* justice. , iNERS. TALMUD | KOT1CK IS HERTdBV GIVBX that ! ment is the Palestinian crisis and we have.been prone to skim Israel is the changeless champion of the Changeless God. AH Rabbi Kopara said, "A man a Corporation has been formed unover the deep significance which the Arab mutiny may have seeming changes are but superficial, affecting only the sur-should always teach his son a n i e s r k a t h e I a W B o f t h e S t a t e o f - Ne '°upon our future. . ..--" face of Israel's life, like the waves and bubbles of the sea,OCCUpation Which is Clean and The name of the Cqrpqratjon_ is When the rioting first made its noxious appearance the while underneath beat the mighty currents of the on-flow- easy." " W h a t is t h a t ? " H a b b i | ^ | said. "Needle work." (This | The principal place of its business j middle of April,, we passed it off as another outbreak by a few ing tide. Israel is eternal as his God is Eternal; as Heine Chisa is posibly t h e reason why t h e nee- j t s disgruntled and dissatisfied Arab-political leaders who found said, "a great Eternal, Holy People"; eternal witnesses of the die trade is controlled by t h e j to be trafcsacted by the Corporation j Jewish people.) ! i s t 0 Purchase. _ o-n-n, hold, deal in.] it. so simple to stir the Moslem masses with lurid descriptions One, Only Holy God. j mortsage or otherwise Hen. and to i Rabbi said, "Never shall a man ' sell, lease, exchange, transfer real or of manufactured, libelous, malicious prevarications. But with property wherever situated: Amidst all the changes of this changeful life may thetry to acquire too many friends personal to draw. make, accent, endorse, disthe passage olf time, we have to take the outbreaks much, much words of the great New England poet be realized in us: within his house because he will count, execute and issue promissory and other nepotiaMe or transnot be able to please all of them notes mdre seriously and weigh our action not so much for the presferable instruments: to. ensraee in the "Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul and their friendship will turn to business of launderinc cieaninc. reent but more so for the future. Significantly,, the Arab attack pairing, dyeinff. renovating- laying As the swift reasons roll! ; hatred." ?ind storing rusrs, carpe.s. upholEterr has been directed in the main against the British government The Rabbi of Jobnal was ac- irjg- and linoleum. Leave thy low-vaulted past! The authorized capita! stock of customed to say, "I am a human and not the Jewish populace. It reached the stage where for the Corporation shall be $in.(ioo.fm dividLet each new temple, fairer than the last . being, so is my neighbor a human eCp d i to 0 h l o m value first time the Arabs actually dared to engage in open combat 100each. shares Paid of the of into SIOfl.OO capital stock being. My work is in the city ed Shut thee from heaven with a dome mote vast shall be. pai I for and non-assessab with the British troops. And it has been sustained with such and his work is in the field. I '.vhen issued and may be paid for in Till thou at length art free: rise early to my work and he ?ash or property, real or personal, skill and such consistency that we cannot help but vision a tangible or fntnjijrible, at the rea- ! Leaving thine out-worn shell by life's unresting sea." rises early to his work. As he sonable value thereof. Fifty shares J European military direction behind the disorders. ; cannot excel in my work so can of the capital sto'-b of this Corpora- , . - - - Frederick Cohn. tion shall be paid for before thisj Why should we fear for the future from the trend of I not surpass in his. Shall I say Corporation shall commence business. | that I am above him because I The Corporation shall commence Palestinian events? Because, despite repeated assurances from am advancing the cause of learn- business on June 15. 19.TK s.Tid shalt the British government and despite stringent measures taken for a period of fifty years ing more than he? We are there- continue from date thereof. against the Arab snipers, we have a suspicion that even today fore taught whether one offers The hig-hest amount of indebtedness to "which this corporation shal! much or little only the intention at those who control the English government are talking about any time subject itself shall not • of his heart shall be for the sake exceed t-n-o-thirds of its Capital j some future compromise in which the Arab agitators will get St<r-k. • I of heaven." By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS The affairs of this Corporation snnl! many' of their demands. Although there has been nothing offibe conducted by a Hoard of Directory Jeremiah Ben Eleazar said, Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Sioux Gtf two members. cially said, we have an idea that the reason Chaim Weimann "Sovereign of the universe, let consisting • of H. R. LKOX R. J. BLCMEXTHAL . . my food be even as bitter as the called an emergency conference in London, with an urgent re- "AMERICAN PHIIiOSOPHIES O F fusion, doubt a n d ambiguity creep olive leaf but direct from your quest to Wise and Frankfurter of this country to attend,, was, RELIGION'' by Henry Nelson in. hand and not from the hand of Stetson Hats a knowledge,of talk in inner circles which would be detrimen- Weiman a n d Bernard Eugene Some of. t h e more rational of a mortal man, although it may be Arrow Shirts tal to the continued upbuilding of Palestine as a Jewish home- Melan€. (Willett, Clark & Co..the "idealist" schools reduce God as sweet as honey." Chicago.) 34S pages. $ 3 . McGregor Sportswear land. •;'.•' .. • , '". .-,;•• _ . •. • .:. , •.'..._-• . '.• . to a mere illusion, a phantom, de"American Philosophies of ReInterwoven Socks The action of Prance in giving up the mandate over Syria ligion" represents a n impressive priving Him of existence. And Vassar Underwear even t h e more conservative among achievement of large is another factor which will do our cause no good. Great Brit- intellectual Cheney Cravats proportions, a n d is executed with these thinkers t o whom God ex* ain showed the way when in 1932 she gave independence to rare discernment a n d skill. The ists n o t only in mind b u t in real•** to •** *Air Cooled These items are featured at Iraq', which had previously been under a British mandate". The authors, one of whom r a n k s with ity, experience difficulty with the rioting'in Syria was mild compared tbrPalestine, and the French the foremost intellectual leaders conventional manifestations of o u r day, survey comprehensivefaith, with prayer, worship and concession to the nationalistic spirit. In Syria will embolden the of ly American religious thought; with t h e eternal mysteries of life Arab nationalists. It does not help matters much to know that and what a n imposing task it is By Robert Stone such a s human suffering, the soul, the reader will discover a s soon France is glad to give independence to Syria, which will be Sll South 16th St. TORAH SCROLL AUCTIONED life after death, etc. h e openr t h e volume. The' a u OFF BY POST OFFICE'S DEAD! divided into two: countries, Syria and Lebanon, since both as Modern m a n i ; driven by com- LETTER BUREAU . . . The Jew-1 thors do not permit their own phiSummer Suits would be admitted to the League of Nations and would, losophies and * convictions t o in- pelling necessity and t h e intellec- ish people has no address. strengthen the pro-French bloc. Supposing Great Britain de- trude upon their discussion of tual temper of che day to inter- STORY OF J O N A H AND with whom they sharply- pret h i s religious heritage and hisWHALE A MISTAKE IN-TRANSPaxton Mitchell Co. cides than an independent Palestine under military protection thinkers differ a n d for whose doctrines faith in fresh a n d relevant and LATION, AMERICAN ARAMAIC Men here is the perfect summer suit fabFoundries of the British would serve British interests in the Near East they have little or no sympathy. reasonable t e r m s : What a gigan- SCHOLAR SAYS . . . I t seems HA. 5323 ric that "breathes air" and conditions as fully as'the mandate without placing England in the delicate To insure full justice and t o main- tic task i t is t o reconstruct relig- that it was only meant figurative- I 27th and Slartha tain absolute impartiality, they ious philosophy along scientific i y . Brass, Bronre Aluminum, Soft . •' • ' position of arbitrating between Arab and Jewish claims. your body. -Every strand of the fabric quote decisive passages from t h e lines is evidenced by t h e confuYESHIVA COLLEGE SEEKS Grey Iron arid Seml-Stfe! Castt h e yagrueneii, nay, even t h e $500,000 FUND AS A MEMOR. Zionist leadership faces the acid test. Great Britain must more representative works of t h e sion, Ings, Wood and Metal Patterns is minutely separated . . . porous woven a n d theologians contradictoriness of much of the IAL TO ROSALSKY . . . The be kept to her solemn promises. Government statements made philosophers Standard sizes Bronze a n a iron thinking o f • t h e brilliant a n d Yeshiva College will find it. whose religious ideas they examBushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern learned scholars discussed in this to parliament must be kept the official attitude, as any weak- ine a n d analyze.. . . circulates cool air and lets out the Rin[s» ana Covers. Cleanout Doors • • NEW YORK M I N I S T E R volume. • Yet those who cannot BLAMES CHRISTIAN TEACH- Sash Welgnts a n d Yellow Brass ening of _ British honor toward the Balfour declaration will Plumeers" Ferrules, carrieo in heat the body generates. marvels,at t h e variety a n d find refuge in supernatupalism, in ING FOR ANTI-SEMITISM . . . Mock. Bronze Tablets. Bronne ano prove costly to the only haven of refuge left open to the Jew- the"One external authority, i n blind and Cast Iron Grilles a Specialty. power a n d richness of religWell — teaching has something ish people. ions thought. Though t h e concept unquestioned faith, must continue to do with i t . ,
jiT>a l a
vt-R* * t v v l
of God unites t h e multitude, of the quest a n d search for truth STEPHEN S. WISE ACCEPTS thinkers, a n d they number forty- and be grateful t o such gifted CALL TO LEAD AMERICAN thinkers a n d clear, vigorous writfive, brought together in this sigZIONISTS . . . A great opportunnificant volume, this approach is ers "such a s t h e authors of this ity for American Zionism. The need to bring into Palestine as many persecuted Jews always different and a t times rad- volume for systematizing a n d NEW SOVIET CONSTITUTION a n d interpreting fearof eastern and central Europe as possible was" again brought ically so. Indeed, many a r e the,clarifying LIBERATES LAST JEWISH DElessly t h e intellectual a n d religroads leading to t h e Deity. T h e CLASSES . . , The Jewish probforcibly to our attention by the concentrating events of Poland. first school, that of t h e supernat- ious strivings of o u r day. in Soviet Russia n4 longer Poland contains from three to three and a half million Jewish uralist, is in a, class by Itself, As a J e w , ' w h a t is to me espe- lem exists. souls, and at least one million of these are tasting the lowest genuinely unique, in that it alone cially noteworthy a n d aa&nishing S W . S S ANTI-SEMITE RE-, dregs of economic starvation, with the balance rapidly ap- disregards when i t does n o t defy about this summary of American CANTS AND JEWS WITHDRAW reason a n d science, religious thought Is t h e total LIBEL ACTION . . . We are alproaching that stage. Nor do we exaggerate this statement for oinr repudiate, supernaturalistlc theology In- eclipse of Christ. Every thinker ways ready to welcome repent effect; if anything, it is minimized. cluding t h e belief in a divinely mentioned a n d interpreted is a ance. The Sejm, lower house of the Polish parliament, heard revealed Bible or divinely insti- professing Christian. Yet with the. HITLER AS PROPER NAME Church one finds a consis- sole exception of t h e dwindling BANNED BY FRENCH AUTHDeputy Sikorski call the peasant attacks upon the Jewish cit- tuted tent, authoritative, final a n d Im-and uninfluential supernatural- ORITIES . . . Hitler the man will iens acts of "self-defense," attempting to give carte blanc ap- mutable interpretation of relig- iste, C h r i s t . i s s o t even of minor be banned from Europe some day. proval, officially, to disorders which are a, shame to any coun- ious t r u t h . All t h e other schools importance. The amazing fact a p - TURKS ARE , ARYANS BUT t o be t h a t Christ n o longer NOT PERSIANS, IRAQUIANS try's sense of decency and honor. I I . Studnitzki, one of the of religious though lacking this pears definite a n d divine foundation do plays any ' role in Christian AND EGYPTIANS, NAZLRULE . leaders of the government party, gives us. a b,reath of which not present final a n d consistent thought, t h a t H e baa disappeared . . All allies of Nazi-Germany are direction the wind is blowing when he drafted for Robotnik, and a s emotionally satisfying r e - with a n unthinkable finality from Aryan. the-religious aspirations and phi- FRANCE TO SEND TEAM TO official organ of the Polish Socialist party, a plan by which ligious systems. One a n d all they losophy of t h e principal Christian OLYMPICS BUT FUNDS ARE lack certainty a n d a s a result con*
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1936 be Jewish Legion which playn important role in the cout of Palestine by the late Allenbj- during the World te Jewish Press advertisers t your patronage.
iNRY W. MILLER' 224 Insurance B'dg.
• Wiring of all kinds. ° Motor Installations. ° Lighting Fixtures.
SCHUPP-COHEX EXTERTAIXS RETTRXING TO CALIFORNIA prizes. The public is inviuni. A> Pleas&nt HSI Mr. and Airs. M. Cohen anmission it 'i,U oeiiis and all fui!< Miss Bertha Greenberg enter- J Mrs. S. M. Cherniss of Los AnA regular meeting ol the Pleas- will.be used COT Pales; minn worJ. nounce the secret marriage of tained at her home June 14 for j geles California, is leaving for their only daughter, Sarah, to 15 couples, honoring Miss Eliza- | her home Sunday, June 2S, fol- ijant Hill cemetery society will be Louis Schupp of New York City, j beth Grossman of St. Louis, and | lowing .1 three months visit w i t h j h e l d a t „ l h e B'nai Jacob 6jnaroiii«ro« in Omaha nmo-ho and r,r,rj rCouncil £4th and Nicholas Sis., j ; n , , n « ; i i Eogue, The ceremony took Dlace place in KanKan- j Art. Art 1,-nRtmrtpn. Lustgarten, -cchn who -trill will ho be n-od wed!I relatives sas City at the home of Rabbi j next Sunday. Bring: the Foot with :« Bluffs. While in Omaha, she is Tuesd.iy. June SO, at 2 o'clock. Meyerberg June 9, 1934. the house guest of her brother Pioneer Wcircn and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C0 P k I h - e .._ " J!.! r eMrs. ,,. m _ aSchupp i" S .i h e !l home in Omaha. is TEA IN HONOR OF GUEST More than one h i t i i i i i u Sol Nogg, and while in Council Miss Beatrice Sornmer and Miss being extensively entertained by bers and friends altcrcei 1. , i Frances Bergman entertained two :B I u f f s ' s h e v a s t h e g u e s t o f M r relatives and friends. nual luncheon of ihp i V ' i ' p X hundred of the younger set at a a n d M r s " J I o r r i s °SS- K r E high tea in the garden of Miss Cheriiiss has been extensively en- Women's club held <' r n v POP park Tuesday, June CT HONOR MALASHOCKS Sommer's home in Fairacres, Sun- tertained during her stay. - O' A farewell picnic was given at Mrs. J. Razniek. chr A group of friends surprised day, June 21, in honor of Miss he ' ' T cl Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock Geraldine Simon of Los Angeles, \Feon? P a r k l a s t Sunday after- the luncheon, said: Wednesday evening on the occa- formerly of Omaha, and Miss noon, June 21, attended by orer eon committee is to ed for its part in mrl rj. 'r>* <' one hundred relatives. sion of their twentieth wedding Myna Slosfcey of sious City. fair such an oiitsfar c nc c=i;Ci"<:"-canniversary with a dinner at Che The table flower were delphinI want to take this o^po- > r ^ Club, iums and roses in pastel shade?. SOUTHERN T R I P of thanking them.' 1 Cool. V Y- r, C'.-r- o- - blr They also surprised Mr. and Out-of-town guests weje Mr. Mrs. J. Falk a n a two children, Many new members joined the Mrs. Jay Malashock Sunday on and Mrs. Edward Kantor of Sious Pauline and Bernard, ieft last organizsui' is at this affair. j the occasion of their fifteenth City; Miss Muriel Krasne of Fre- week for a two month's sojourn Say cr o a <J b v e t o f o c i i r o n b I •"? s Mrs. Herman Dansk>. 315 4 j wedding anniversary, at a dinner mont; the Misses Frances Kalin, in the south. They will spend a and h t; I' vv P n r f r v e! y pivii^h Lincoln Blvd., held the winning j s h o e s . W i l b u r C c o ; i f'-ec T;"ea d and bridge at Murphy's. Bernice Gilinsky, Rose Alberts of month in El Paso, Tex., visiting ticket for the living room chpir \ S i i c e s v-'ixh t h ^ i r Softoial M C ^ J J . Sioux City, and Miss Marjorie 'at the home of Mrs. B. Katz, a drawing. Mrs. I, Ra~nick was in '. u r e m e n t e ai ! f\t -inp m e a ^ u n n c! p o i n t s .oc "fv> t t h «• *••*•*: • n g of « i | sister of Mrs. Falk. They*will then charge of the drawing:. , ENTERTAINS FOR " Mayer of Chicago. i BRIDE-TO-BE j ! go on to Mexico City, where they ^rt"ed h e y conceal mi] <.orris, Mrs. David Blalac^entertained R E T U R N F R O M T R l p E A S T urvisit with M r s Falk s bTOiii rpl'cf ' ' ' GcHie Mycrson Clnh port yot'r arch*s a n c rehpve IS guests at a luncheon at the er> M r N Rosen w h o m sfce b a s Mr. and Mrs. I. Mann returned - ' 1 The Golcie Myerson clu-ptrr them peon a n d '.pnw r'- ^! fnot; Blackstone hotel last Monday in last week from a short trip east. n o t s e e n f o r i e y e a r s - T h e y w i U comfort. No eKtr.i ^h;irLi^ ^'> honor of her sister, .Mlss Helen They are residing at the Theo- b e t h e r e a b o u t a m o n t h ' O n l h e i r will hold its first annual lawn and bridge party next Tuesday, M. Kohn, a bride-to-be. return trip home they will stop dore Terrace apartments. off in St. Louis to visit other re!- June 5 0, at 1:HO p. m. fit thr home of Mrs. Herman Cohen. 10] Sizes 1 to -AAAA to atives and friends. . ANNOUNCE BIRTH So. Fifty-third street. A dessert TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS EEE Mr. and Mrs. Mas Stein of Chiluncheon will be served. Mrs. David M. Newman left INTERNSHIP cago announce the birth of a Willuir Coon Shoes arc Mrs. Hyman Neddie is chairMonday for Excelsior Springs,] Herman I. Faier left VVedD r daughter, Geraldine Anne, June man ol the arrangements commitfitted professionally in w h e r e s h e w l U s t a y a t the 20 at _„ _ . the Clarkson hospita*. , . _ . .Mrs. -—.,J?,°" ine B day evening, June 17, for the tee. Mrs. Morris Friedei is C'T-:»'Stein is the former Ethel Bloom, iL l m , B hotel* She will be gone two w e s t c o a E t w h e r e h e w i n i n t e r n e r-i£n of ticket sales. v'M' V ; t Mr. Stein is the house guest of P ' e e k s - B e f o r e returning to Oma- j a t t h e C e d a r s o f Lebanon hospital Harry Crounse, c o - c h a i n ' r r , » n i c Mr rrv i h a Mrs. Newman will visit in Kau- \ \„ „. Lri ^,~n^ nDr. , r<,i 1;? or his= nparents, Mr. or,H and Mrc Mrs. w= Harry in TLos Anglese, Calif. Faier Valuable prizes will b* L I H O< |sas City. Stein, for two weeks. was abroad on the first trip of each table, in addition tr | the City of San Francisco", the i new Union Pacific streamline Dr. and Mrs: J. Milton Margo- MOTOR TO WASHINGTON Mr. ana Mrs. J. J. Friedman train. lin of Perry, Iowa, announce the birth of a son, Jerry Alan, June and family motored to Washington, D. C, where they will visit I AT JOSLTN MEMORIAL 5. with Mrs. Friedman's parents. [ The Orsaha Muiic Teachers AsI sociation are presenting a proMr. and Mrs. Morris Sax angram of the Young Artists Series nounce the birth of a son, June TO ST. PAUL in the lecture hall at the Joslyn 13, at the Clarkson hospital. Mrs. Dr. Abraham D. Faier is leav-, Sax is the former Eiletn Swartz. ing Sunday for a one-year interne- Memorial this Sunday afternoon /
• < \
SHEKMAN-IiEVTX BENSOJf-KOHX WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kohn anAt a ceremony performed at nounce the approaching marriage <f* • .vs.* 6:30 PSunday, June 21, at of their daughter. Helen, to Homtne Blackstone hotel ballroom, er I. Benson of Des Moines, for- jj J " V* •>*»/>» * ' \ Miss Rosd Levin, daughter of Mr. merly of Omaha, son of Mrs. I. 1 J. Binswanger of Kansas City, and Mrs. Sani Levin, became the A4^^h^ »s . bride of Max Sherman, son of Mr. Mo. The wedding.will take place and Mrs v Isaac Sherman. Rabbi Friday, July 17, at the Kohn residence. David A. Goldstein-officiated. J*&$<•, The bride wore a gown of white savin and lace, made with a short LAGMAN.FIKDLER v i >j Mr. and Mrs. I. Fiedler antrain. Her tulle veil was edged in lace and she carried a shower bou- nounce the engagemejt of their daughter, Shirley, to Joe Lagquet of Johanna Hill roses. man, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lag*v '-y Miss Rose .Holdowsky of Sioux man. The -announcement was at a family dinner for 15 •Jr £,"* embroidered organza and carried guests at the Blackstone hotel on Miss Jeanette Hermann. Briarcliffe roses. Miss Irene Fish- Monday evening, Jane 22. berg.; bridesmaid, wore chartreuse Miss Jeanette V. Hermann will lace and#Miss Sally Follay, bridesarrive Sunday from Los Angeles maid, woreblue organza, both car- FRIES-SPIEGAIi to visit her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Miss Betty Spiegal, daughter of Jacob Hermann. Until her deparried Briarcliffe roses. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Kulakofsky, be- ture, for Omaha Miss Hermann Hyman Levin;. acted as best came the bride of Jack Fries of man. Messrs. Lou Sacks and Ned Chicago, son of Mrs. M. Fries, appeared in an important role in the Shakespeare play, "Troilus Giyenter were ushers. Saturday, June 20, in Chicago, at and Cressida." at the Pasadena Among the out-of-town guests the home of Mr. and i.±rs. H. Batt, Community Playhouse. She will at the reception for. 250 guests uncle and aunt of the bride. Rab- be assigned a role in a fall progiven after the ceremony were Mr. bi Treller officiated. duction of the playhouse upon her and Mrs. Harry Holdowsky, Miss The bride, who was given in return to Los Angeles. Ruth Lazinger, Miss Janet Lebo- marriage by her mother and In addition to her dramatic acwjtz and Mr. Abe Laff of Sioux grandfather, Mr. I. Batt of OmaCity; Mrs. Morris Sherman and ha', wore a powder blue lace gown tivities Miss Hermann is a stuMrs. Sam Holzman of - Detroit, and a blue tulle turban. Her veil dent of costume designing and Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sher- of net extended to the waist. She fashion illustration at the Caliman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman, carried a bouquet of white roses fornia Art Center in Los Angeles. She is also studying voice with Mrs. Sam Grunger and Miss Har- and swansonia. .* Beatrice McKenzie, former light riet Diamond of Lincoln. After the ceremony 50 guests opera star. were served at a dinner given by After a two week's trip Mr. and Mrs. Sherman will reside at the the Mesdames Philip. Batt and KAPLAN-FKEEDMAN Harry Batt, aunts of the bride. home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freedman Out-of-town guests were Miss announce the marriage of their Lucille Spiegal, sister of the daughter, Mina, to Edward Kapbride, Mr. Joseph Spiegal of Oma- lan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. KapCurtains Draperies ha, Mr. Charles Spiegal of Ander- lan of Minneapolis, Minn. They Slipovers son, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. M. were married in Santa Anna, Frank of Malvern, la. Cal., Friday, June 19. ART ROBINSON The. couple left Sunday mornMr. Kaplan is a former student ing on a motor trip through the AT-7187 AT-7187 of the University of Minneapolis. east. Upon their return they will After a wedding trip east the be at home at 4864 N. Talman couple will stop in Omaha someAve., Chicago, 111. time in August to be the guest of Mrs, Kaplan's parents. IT WILL PAY YOU SliOBODIXSKY-BINSTEIN To Consult anMr. and Mrs. D. Binstein nounce the marriage of their FELDMAN-SCHIiAJfGER Mrs. Jennie Schlanger announMALASHOCK'S daughter, Blanche, to David Slobodinsky, son of Mr. J. Slobodin- ces the engagement of her daughWhen buying sky. The marriage took place on ter, Evelyn, to Simon Feldman, DIAMONDS Sunda'y, June 21. Rabbi Harold son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam FeldWEDDING KINGS A. Berger performed the cere- man. No date has been set for the WATCHES - SILVERWAEE mony. wedding. and GIFT JEWELRY HOUSE GUEST " " STAG PICNIC • Miss Irene Mossell of Kansas Mr. Louis Sommer was host at City, Mo., is the house guest of a stag picnic in honor of Mr. J. Miss Edna Moskovitz. Miss Mos- Simon of Los Angeles Tuesday seli plans to stay three weeks. evening, June 16. > \
Estimates Gladly Furnished Call AT. G479 -J»^»~"^-» »: "--^»n~<**g^.a<
ship at the Ancker hospital in St. ! ^ ; f ^ JXe^lTc
II - - -
e P S Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bernstein. Paul, Minn. He • graduated from I , a r f ',» 152S No. 19th St., announce the the Creighton college of dentistry to atend. birth of a son, Terrence Stanley, this month. The Firms which advertise in at the Covenant hospital Thursthe Jewish press deserve and day, June 11. RETTRN FROM TRIP merit your patronage. Mrs. Bob Swartz and daughter, VISITING HERE Rita, have returned from a trip Mrs. J. Friedman of Los AnW A N T E D by young geles, formerly of Omaha, is vis- to Mitchell, S. D. On their return mother and eight-yeariting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. trip they stopped in Sioux City to attend the wedding of Miss Sara- | S. Friedman. old daughter board and Mr. Sam Friedman, son of Mrs. lie Saxe of Mitchell to Haroid j rooa with sice Jewish Finkel of Los Angeles. Mr. and j J. Friedman, has gone on to Philfamily. adelphia, where he will attend a Mrs. Finkel wil make their home | 1Los Angeles. Mrs. Finkel is j Box 15 Jewish Press leather dealers' convention. He i will stop In New York, Washing- well known to Omahans. ton, D. C, and Canada before returning to Omaha, where he will get his mother and go back to Los Angeles.
TO VISIT IN OREGON Mrs. Sam Susman and daughter, Alice Joyce, are leaving thte latter part of this month for Portland, Ore., where they will visit with relatives whom Miss Susman has not yet met. They expect to be back the latter part of July.
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but this ih
MAX TRIUMPHANT—Pushing a smile through his, battered features as he pushed punch after punch at Louis, here is the triumphant Schmelirig a t the end of the bout in New York in which he knocked out the Detroit Bomber in the 12th round. Announcer Harry Ballou a t left.
BROWN BOMBER VANQUISHED—Completely' out, knocked that way in the 12th round of his fight in New York, here is Joe Louis, Detroit Bomber, face down on the canvas as Referee Arthur Donovan calls the count. More than 70,000 fans went wild as Max Schmeling, German heavyweight, sent Louis hurtling to the canvas, the first time in his life he had met that fate.
ENCOURAGES CULTURE—Joseph Stalin, Soviet dictator, as he addressed a meeting of the Ail-Union Conference of Engineers' Wi\ es in the Kremlin in Moscow recent^ He v.- red improvement of cultural conditions among voikers V\* th h^ is P.cmicr VjacheslaS Molotoff. Both v ere shov e^ e^ b: the v, omen v, ith bouquets as they appeared on the speakei 's platfo m
\ 11
GIRL GETS A START—Betty Robinson, 1928 Olympic champion, gets away to a speedy start in the 200-meter Tace at the Women's 1936 Central A.A.U. meet m Chicago. She won the race in 26.4 seconds, indicative of the surprising come-back after she was seriously injured in a recent airplane crash.
HE GIVES UP—Charles William Ayton, noted Pans sculptor, recently said that French bathing beauties were prettier than American girls. But he retracted, at Miami, Fla , when he was surrounded, as above, by Betty Joan Cook, Ethel Sherman and Edwma Wakefield. "I take it back," he said.
r BABS' BABY CHRISTENED — He-r to the Wooiv o i,h millions here is Lance Hardenberg Haujr^itr-np^emlow daalca m ihc arms of his mother, the former Baiba~a KitttorOafier hi^ ch'i-iramg in the Chapel of MarlboroJch House London His fathc. Count Curt Hardenberg Kaugvitz - Re\eitlov shovn r t uplu, married the American heiress m Maj, 1935
THIRD PARTY MAN—Representative William Lemke of North Dakota, co-author of the Frazier-Lemke Farm Mortgage Bill, recently defeated in Congress, is the choice for President by a tjbird party. His views on finance are reported acceptable both to Rev. "Charles E. Coughlin and to Dr. Francis E. Townsend, old-age pension plan author.
S ^ S S S S h S ? ?
We ? n t J s h steam trawler Girl Pat, mystery ship of southern waters.
Sailing from LowestoflrHarbor, England, about" April 1, on a supposed fishing trip, she has been popping to and out of harbors over half the world. Heavily armed British police pursued her in Georgetown, British Guiana, but put back when her skipper threatened to sink them
AMEMA THE SPEAKER—In center is Amelia Earhart Putnam, famed American aviatrix, as phe was greeted in Tulsa, Okla,, •where she addressed the national convention of the Woman's -Christian Temperance Union. At left, Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith of Evanston. 111., re-elected national president, and a t right. Mrs. Ella A. Boole, world president^ the union.
NO-FAKES—Baron Giorgio Suriani di Castelnuovo, president of the Noblemen's Club recently organized in New York to expose fake noblemen. The Baron said there were 2,200 iakers in New York alone, as compared with 800 authentic noblemen. His own title, he said, went back to the time of King Philip H of Spain, whose reign began in 1556.
P R E M I E R — Axel Pehrsson, Swedish Agrarian party leader, whom King Gustaf has called to be premier and form a cabinet.
.^$^$^.^£*kls\ i
READY TO SHOOT SUN—Dr. Donald H. Menzel, leader of the Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology expedition to photograph the eclipse of the sun, shown at Camp Dow, Ak-Bulak, Soviet Russia. He is holding a human skull unearthed in building the huge piers for the instruments. From the Mediterranean to the Pacific 36 expeditions studied the total eclipse.
PEARL DIVER—William Llndler. right, of Los Angeles, believes that far down in the ocean lies a vast fortune in pearls and shell. So he has built this diving bell, weighing a ton, theoretically to withstand pressure encountered at 2,500 feet end will start hunting for them in the Pearl Islands, west of the Panama CanaL Jack Orlandi is &t left.
<w t ,
' -4'-
^0 brought the«A.. 'and Leonard Seiner doubled. The weight and welterweight titles at j Manning, Is., entertained fet is Peul Fin-Risky, EMf) ami %oi,l family dinner party st their Come Aliyfith; Mrs. Ben GersLur. trljThe Junior Hadassah more j - ' renewed spirit. la the I loss leaves the Omaha Jobbing ithe same time. Ueam occupying tbe cellar posilast Sunday, v:htn their guests phone; Mrs. Ikp KraBiif, mi*! . than brightened the Jewish Old i fifth! inning a home tvn by schaO i The Smith-Rob;EsoE Pontiac j were Mr. anfl Mrs, B. Saltzman or *'«lfRre; Mr*. Siorrie Orossin«« People's Home with the flowers piro with a_man on base put the; tion. which they presented to them af-! A. Z.' A. in the lead for tbe first ! Behind by a 3-to-0 count in the! team encountered bumpy and ! CouneSJ Bluffs, Mr. , and Kre. cultural education; Mi's. Bit •ter the banquet Thursday, June I time in the game, but in their third inning, the Psi Mu finally i rough going last -week -When they Charles Feliman, Mrs. A. GentUer Klibbr, KllUH; Mrs. Max Sinioi. 18, at the J. C. C. These old peo-[half ' of tbe inning the grocery ' opened up and pounded Herb lost to the Western Electrics;, 2 afifi fsinily of.Omeha, end Mr. sevifsp; Mrs. cij'de Krssne. pul* pie were, very, appreciative. This j boys pushed a lone tally across I Marks for sis hits and three runs. :to 1. By virtue of a 10-to-l win ecC Mrs. Ben Cohen and family lic'ty: Mrs. Nfttlifin GHItipk" school luncheon; y-Tts. I»so Meyp~should serve as a suggestion to to tie the count. Both teams were i Four innings later the fraternity over the HOLC and & U-to-3 win •of over the WPA, the Poctiac te&ra er . . . EIGHTY young people son and Mrs. Karr;-- Cherniss, i m fid Bits unable to score until the last inn- i boys emerged victorious by a-.**'• other organizations. still in a tEfec-g&me lead. It MIBS Betty Lee Karris is Bpend- sic; Mrs. Herman M&rovitz, .Wr» attended a party that was given ing when with two men on base ;to-3 score. The" win by the Psi Mu;;is JOSEPH LIEBMAN, b e t t e r at the Louis Sommer residence seems that the plsyers enn't foriing a couple of weeke in Fremont. LouSfi K. Kfiieltnp.n and. KfP. lss>. ! leaves the winners and the Saraand two out, Schapiro tripled to the 'nsiae of their backer if JNcb., visiting her ' grandparente. Stcrnb.ni. tn.erflUijrship, r.nd Mrs known as^Little Junior, and a last Sunday,'in honor of out-ofscore.two runs, and a double by tPles tied in the second place posi- [! get j tion two games behind the Omaha their plsyiEg sccoticts for anylong string of other names, is to-wn guests Jerry .oimon and Morris Yudelson find Mrs. I<oii c Join Junior Hadassah and get JTemin added the seventh. In the i Potato Market. Morris Epstein, i thing,- fer they go forward with- ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Vfcrbin. Mina Slotsky. Every form of enleaving tor a six-week rest cure married should be the new slogan i last half of the seventh stanza, Psi Mu hurler, wag nicked for i out any setback to record, £8 ; Miss Thelnm Abrtrne of San in California, but, he's taking his tertainment and diversion was far membership, as has been in- j pinch Hitter Lee Grossman sin- four hits while the Psi Mus I their name implies. iFrgncJsco, Cftl.. tpent a few days golf clubs, e t c You know the present . . A BIG, OUTDOOR dicated by past statistics. gied, but all in vain, as the best | knocked out 11 hits off the deliv;here this week visiting at the "rest" . . . AND SPEAKING of Follies is. being- planned at High: '—-'•——~ : .. the heavy-hitting Potato Market ! eries of Herb M rks. jboine of Mrs. Morris Nog£ end California, a number of OmahanB land Country club the evening of RONOHTWNS • ' sluggers could do off the steady I Schedule for Sunday, June 2S: [1CQR 'Mrs. ' j . J. Brown. Kiss Abraree are-planning to investigate the August 8, with Allan Kohan the • . •• , hurling 'of Morris Adler was to • A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Psi Mu fitI The Icor of Oxnfifcft irill hold «. stopped here en route to tier home climate (that's -what they say!) producer. More about this later i picnic at Elm-rood park Sunday, following «.n eastern trip. Did you -see the clever b i d s ' g r o a n d o u t > P r o b a b l v n o o a e c a n ; 32d and Dewey. there this summer . . . THE OMA- . . . BARNEY ROSS, who fought 'June £8. at 3 o'clock. All friends goshf (Warning-, don't try to au n cd ee lrlsatra nt (ei a mw h a t t i t l s at hnadt kmi cal k£ - e„s ! Omaha Potato Market vs. TowHA' Junior Pi Tau Pi chapter -was in Omaha last Monday, rarely j By• these Ronohites sent out? > Checks,; cas't ctcp & wind* ; of. Icor are invited to attend. The Council Bluffs Agurias conversation, unless some- cash yours. The United States su-;f i r s t . p ] a c e t e a m i n t h e f a c e . M a j : . ;! ers at Douglas field. recently tied for first place | makes etona, but f on can buy 'Achim society will bold * reguOmaha Jobbing Co. vs. Sample among Junior Pi chapters in the-1one asks him a question, and then j preme court has- declared . them jb i t w a g t h e p r e t ; e n c e Of g t a n <\&T meeting nest Thurufiey eveFurs at S3d afid Cass. entire United. States in a recent he is as brief as possible . . . Jillegal along with everything " -• - - —.^ — . - ^ i . ^ ,jL e v i n > w h 0 } e d t h e A . z . A .'s t 0 a j King, July £. at f:SO o'clock at .rating published in the magazine I ONE of our luckier bettors was else.) And Granum Kaplan aa-; championship l a s t from Fr&nbel r< o r m a y b e I the Eagles hall. of that fraternity r . .LOU SOM-j on the winning side of a. 10-to-l nounces that he has ordered p e r - ; u w a s t h e f a c t t h a t t b e b o r g h a d | Barney Boss, world welterS5 Doasins Block BERG and Morris Ferer would bet that -said Schmeling would feet weather for the dance, ! o n c e t a g t € d victorious blood and i weight champion, honored the J. The Chcvra B'nai Yieroel BO5ryou make a good twosome at High- knock out Joe Louis. ; C. C. physical department l&st whether you go or | liked it. Whatever it was, the A. ciety will hold a regula meeting land Country club. Both are (n«urttn«« don't the weather'll be there, jz A_ n o t o n l y ou tscored "the Friday and Sunday afternoons by jneit Wednesday evening;, July 1, southpaws and -wild as can be'. .-. ;his presence in training for the Whew! league leaders, but outhit and i benefit fight. The former three|1 at S o'clock at the Cbevra E'nuJ ONE CAN REALLY eay - that SCANDALEBRITIES outplayed them. The heavy hit- j titleholder stepped into the ring A Yisroel' synacog-ue Rt fl8 Mynthere -was plenty'of fireworks" at' One of our better known mentft «*•* Among those who left S&tur! Phi Sigma , ting of the grocery "murderers' t r*U>re> the Kappa Theta party, held at about-town, we are told, makes'a [last Monday night and knocked 1 day night for Dallas, Tex., to at- fiter St. Miss Marjorie Katz was elected i row" was held in check by Morris out one Morrie Sherman of DePeony park, Monday night. Play- specialty of consoling .wives whose : tend the national grocers' conful youngsters In attendance had husbands are out of town, but al- president of Phi Sigma at their 1 Adler, who allowed only seven i troit in the second round of a j vention and Centenfiisl were Mr. ( Mrs. Richard Gordon, new presrecent election of officers meet-j bits. The offerings of Paul Steinalready purchased "their Fourth ways insists on a chaperone. Is | 10-round benefit program. Bar- j and Mrs. Nathan Kogg, Mr. and. idect 0* the Council Bluffs Secof July fireworks and were at-' that just caution or is it wisdom ing. Other officers are Rose Katz, [berg, leading pitcher in the ney, when approached, expressed 1 Mrs. Sam Koffiasn, Mr. tn& Mrs. | ior Hadasgah, has announced the vice-president; Ida Batt, secre-. league, was met for 10 hits. Two ' his satisfaction of the Center and tempting to put the party over bought by' experience? ! following committee chairmen to j Joe Gotsdiner, Mr. end. Mrs. Richtary; Esther Wintroub, treasur-jof the 10 hits were home runs by with a bang. (Ed. Note—It was a What young matron is shunned his for the efiouinc year: Mre, swell party) . . . A BOUQUET to by her friends because she has the also connected for a triple and a Mrs. Epstein, newcomer to our habit of repeating secrets, and and Fanny Witkin, sponsor. I Sam Meyersoc, Jewish National j double. To the victors belong the : benefit of the Jewish connnunSty. 's o r i i jjg,x Colm and Ssm Eubb-. I fund; Mrs. Herman Krfense, cour-j community, who is doing a grand nearly wrecked a budding roi The welterweight king was very ; : spoils and since there are no job aB advertising manager of the mance (which we will soon anteey; Mrs. Phil Seks. srifts; Mrs.! ;.C"i^ £ l-prt spoils maybe the A. Z. A.'s will be much enthused by the clean and | T h e council Bluffs lodge No. Brandeis store . . » The apparent nounce) by not knowing that a sanitary showers and swimming, f jj B'nai B'rith will hold 6Sg o t e satisfied with & little publicity, romance between what two pop-minute of keeping your mouth and so for the Softball fans' ben- :pool, which he believes are about > an important ffieeting next MonBy EAY SGHAPIRO ular couples, seem to be slowly shut is worth an hour of explanaefit the 10 bo>"8 who have pulled jthe finest that he has encoun-! d a y evening, June 29, at 8: SO but surely becoming "things of tions? the ™g%*s\. toitered. The softball prayers and jo - c "i ock a t the Esgleg tali. Tbe the past"? . . . HERMAN GOLDThe Omaha Potato Market n o , --upset of the_season _ ifans may be interested to know j i election of officers will STEIN Is soon to leave for Klein's longer remains undefeated. T h e ;<iate are as follows: Harold Coop- I that two years ago Barney was a at na tknel a p l a e e a n d ' £ j] members are in St; Louis, where -he will at- Juneow fifth place A. Z. A. No. 1 lam- erman, Morris Adler, Harold Gar- I member of the champion Chicago; ^rge& to attend. tempt to learn the ladies' readybasted the offerings of Paul Stein- . *>er. Irvin Yaffe, Sam v\ oik, Dave softball team which went to tbe; j At the K. T.'dance last Monto-wear business from the bottom S&. 0551 — ffeens 551- — rincac SSf»So berg to defeat the league leaders,! Weiner, Leo Sherman, Lou Hur-finals in the state tournament.! j j _ _ _ Chemise of Los AaI day (you might just as well be M up, before returning, to Omaha 7 to 4. In the other games carded ] *itz f Hy Temin and Ray Scha- ' Barney in a league game was hit 1 g (j rs scal., i prepared to read about the Monis leaving Sunday for i Asbestos . . . THE DIRECTOR of Paul Naon laBt Week's J. C. C. softball j P*™. Ernie Nogs is the "brains j in the face with a bat and his j e e S j> following a three s Ber Ome than's orchestra which played at j day night dances from now on as schedule, the Psi ILu came from ot tbe team. Highland last Saturday night was j there are going to be a lot of behind to down the Sample Furs, I Although the playing of the ! fight manager, shrewd as he is, j raontfcs' visit la Council Blntts Asphalt a,n& Grave! Donald Rekter. More abbreviated, them) everyone was congratulat- 6 to 3, and the Towers finished : Towers and Omaha Jobbing teams ; decided the fight game needed |a n { j oaiaha with relatives. While his name appears D. Rekter, very ing everyone else. Newlyweds Sim- ahead of the Omaha Jobbing team ! hasn't been go brilliant, they at •him more than the softball game: l n council Bluffs, she has been FKEE EST»JATES — EAST TJKKMB appropriate for an orchestra lead- ply overran the plan. Maybe that in a 15-inning marathon game by | least hold the rceord for the long- i does and so refused to let him jt h e jjouse guest of her brother is the reason there were so many j continue to play. Barney once held ; gister-in-!aw, Mr. and Mrs. and a 9-to-8 score. ' • ' ! est softball game played to date. happy faces around. * s jthe junior lightweight, light- i Morris Ncgg. Mrs. Chemise has The once last place A. Z. A. No. ' w i t h the score tied at S-all at Seems that Peggy Friedman ibeen extensively entertained dnrj likes dancing so jwell she even 1 upset all previous dope when k h e end of the regular playing iing her visit here. She was they knocked the hopes of the 1 time, both teamB were unable to dances in boats. Mighty fetehingWORLD'S WINDOW iored guest 'at a farewell pJcrslc Potato Market for an undefeated ; score until the Towers, by virtue ly too, eh, A. K.? We will probaud reunion party griyen by rela(Continued from page 1) am to bits. The youngsters \ of a double by Leonard Seiner, ably be found shot in. an alley tives at Peony park lest Sunday made it two victories in a row : pushed across the run that ended (yes, it is a painful place) for Features 1 pletely predictable. Thus Zweig . afternoon. SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE this, but we really did see her do by downing the grocery ten. The \ the "marathon." Joe Kirghenbaum I shows that for post-war Germany Potato Market started in the ini-! pulled an "iron man" stunt -when it. Last Sunday. Mrs. Ben -Rudner fin50c stanza when they scored two! he hurled the full 15-inning the Weimar Republic was and reHerbie Kaplan crashes / again tial presented harsh and tonic reality.! nonnce the birth Of a daughter,' runs in. their half of the inning! game f the losers while the The 2otot Permanent Wave with his popularity. That's all "while the best the winners could j Towers orused Sam Osterinan and Millions of Germans could not en-, j , o r n ThurESay afternoon. June with no machinery and no right, Herbie. One broken date do was a double by Schapiro. The' iz Novak. The Towers, ahead S todure this reality, A psychical in-jig, at Methodist hospital in Orflaelectricity used st $6.50 and [more or less shouldn't bother you. former undefeated team then | 2 in the third innin-g, became care- j fectidn set in -with the force of an jBa< jfie baby girl has been up. What Z. B. T. prexy thinks Fay scored three runs to go into the j less and in the seventh Inning the j epidemic. It will rage until it is j named Billie" Hermise. Mrs. Rud716 Branded Theatre BidsRider, that attractive Iowa S. D. lead in the third inning, making i score was tied. Neither team ! spent or succumb to some violent n e r j g t j , e former Miss Sareh SolT., is a little bit of all right? Can the-count 3-to-0 in their favor. A'could do anything until the fif- jand Catastrophic purgation. 'omonowof Council Bluffs. AT-4333 we help it if you think we mean long. home run by Sa i Wolk with j teenth stanza when Burt Tbomp- | For us it is, according to Zweig. ; a man on brought the" score toison and George Schapiro singled to be strong by -virtue of this in- \ j,»r. and Kre. Keith Peltz of sight; to bear witness to sanity 1 —— and liberty; to see to it that the future shall gbelong to those sane j historic human insights which have prevailed before and will prevail again; to recognize these monstrous psychical infections for what they are and to continue in our all but eternal way to wring cosmos from chaos and so fulfill the meaning of human life, Written according to different j methods in different languages and quit© independently of «&ch other these two books, Lowenthal'e and Zweig'e, converge curiously in inner temper and ultimate conclusion, in self discipline ! and sobriety of temper. A great \ part of the world has gone raving mad. Our historians aad analY«J11 be ddiffeted with ihe e*tr* ysts iurvey that madness and rehugsA &ni extra elestirity 6t Gmhttt | main sane and hsrnane. That in j itself is no small achievement; Adju^ablcs. Beautify.!, comfortsUe — circumstance alone can help us to a psif^s i t Ux long leg* . . . and work and to hope. SVNSHWE AND FLOWERS,
3 t o 2
J. C. C. Sports
Soviet dictator, as he iference of Engineers' le urged improvement . him is Premier Vyai -women with bouquets
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a breez@
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(Copyright IS36 by Seven Arts Feature syndicate.)
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Elaborate Plans for Sorority Meet
ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attyi. 400 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.
NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE teract the anti-Jewish agitation Jews in Ethopia, it is reported In the District Court of Douglas Berlin (WNS).—Showing that that is growing throughout Eng-| i n t h e W a r s a w H a int. The paper County, Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bloemker ' A "swing", dance Sunday eve- of Fort • Wayne, In'd., announce they.are not discouraged by theland. of an order of sale issued MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent j claims that Pollalc has received outByofvirtue the District Court of Dotifr]ai> ning, June. 28, to which more the Engagement and approaching continued disturbances in Palesi; County, Xebraska. and in pursuance j assurances that the Italian Goverthan 150 Invitations have been marriage of. their daughter. Miss tine, the Jews of Germany have New York (WNS)."— A reduc- •nment is sympathetic to the pro-of a decree of said Court !n an notion (herein indexed at Appearance Docinsects, etc., is complete for a issued, will be the high spot of Imogene Bloemker to Herman an'nounced plans for the estab- tion of the emigrant passport fee jject. ket Number "14, at T'atre Number If . . . the three-day conference of the lishment of; a new artisans' trainfrom $550 to $121 will facilitate Rxecution Docket Number 32. H( Braverman of Minneapolis, Minn., race of people jailed now farmTape Number 536. wherein Rose (>olders. Moreover, m y , memory fails Alpha Gamma Tau sorority of son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brav- ing school in Palestine for young! the emigration of those Jews who REED, RAMACCIOTTI and ROBIN- ner is Plaintiff and Winifred Apne? German Jews emigrating to thai! want to leave the soviet union, it MeGrane. ft al., is Defendant. I wir to take me to t h e place wh^re Sioux City and the Emesel soror- ermaiv of Sioux City. SON, &. E. L. MARKS. Attys. at in o'clock A. St., on Tuesday the jwas announced here by Isaac L. women are. • willing, to . participate ity of Council Bluffs this weekThe bride-elect is a member of country. 4th. day r.f August. 193C. st t!,e" Kasl It is especially significant thatjAsofsky, general manager of the P R O B A T E NOTICE fron door of ihe Douglas C>unty in t h e hard manual labor of t h eend. The dance will be held in thethe Sigma Gamma Phi sorority. West hotel, with Ray Kroll and In t h e M a t t e r of t h e E s t a t e of Court House In the Cltv of Omaha Winners ot the essay- contest men, where there is not so great his orchestra providing the dance She was graduated from the Fort the :plans for the school are be- i HIAS, in making public a cable Grace Dfiusrlas County. Nebraska, sell n< I J . McDonald. Deceased. auction to the hiciies-t bidder conducted by classes of the Tal-a division in t h e ability between music. Decorations and appoint- Wayne High, school and attended ling formulated by. the B'nai j from Riga which revealed the fe- Notice Is H e r e b y Given: T h a t t h e public cash. the following described I B'rith, the Hilfsverein der Deut- j duction in emigrant passport fees creditors of t h e said deceased wil! for mud Torah were- announced this men and women. B u t here, iir-this ments of ebony< and silver will the University of Indiana. • Mr. property, to-wif meet t h p a d m i n i s t r a t o r rff said e s new country, they, t h e women, Braverman is a Central High • schen Juden and the Reichsvert' by the soviet authorities. week and • the ' two. first -crizes tate, before m e , County J u d p e of Lot Seven <7* .Work Ten H'n Kvanscarry out the sorority colors. Miss Douglas County, N e b r a s k a , a t t h e ton, an Addition to the CH>- of Onuiwere awarded to Adaline • Stern are showing t h a t they a r e dcftng Idel Shapiro is chairman of theschool graduate and attended the jretung des Deutsche J^den, all County lourt Room, in said County, 1m. Douglas County. \'.?i>'Tis'{n. as their best to establish an intelliUniversity of Iowa. They will be I non-Zionist bodies. and Seymour Robinson- Ttie esPatronize Our Advertisers on t h e 3rd d a y of August. 1936, a n dsurveyed, platted and -recorded. !>OU(;dance arrangements. married this summer. The school will be called the j • I on t h e 3rd d a y of October, I'.Klfi, a t las County. Nebraska, says were based on the moving gent and secure country. o'clock A. M.. each d a y . for t h e to satisfy the liens and ineumhrancet This pictur h a s corrected, all The conference will open -th.is (Toitz school in honor of the fa- ; M O N S K Y , GRODINSKY, MARER & 19 picture, "Tne Land o£ Promise," >purpose of presenting (hoir claims for therein set forth; to satisfy "the sum COHEN, Attorneyt my previous.ideas of Palestine. I t evening with a meeting in the which was shown here recently. e x a m i n a t i o n , a d j u s t m e n t rfnri allow- of S14..->(> costs and the increased and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ratner i moua Jewish department store 1737 Omaha National Bank Building i: ance. Three months r r t allowed for Bt-eiuins,' costs, all as provided by i magnate. Second prize was awarded to has impressed me t h a t Palestine home of Miss Shapiro. Saturday and daughters, Harriet May and ! the creditors to present their claims, said order and decree. is a , l a n d of booming prosperity, NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCOR_ Dated nt Omaha. Xebraska. thll evening a banquet for the local Joel. Shaffir and honorable menda.y of ,'uiv, in:<H. Joan, and Miss Sophie Merlin, dePORATION OF WORLD THEATRES : from the 3rd BRVCE 24th day of June, 193H CRAWFORD. tion was given to Joseph Shaffir, starting now and continuing into members and the visiting chapter parted for their home in Chicago Fund To Fight Anti-Semitism CORPORATION, _ JOHN HOPKINS. Sheriff. ! 6-12-St' County Judge t>-2fi-3fi-ot Harold Grueskin, Shirley Hold- the future a n d n o t a s a n aged will be held in the West hotel. after-a week's visit with relatives NOTICE IS HBREBT GIVEN That! London — A nation-wide camland which will be. gradually Miss Rosagene Passman will act owsky and Herman Weinstein. undersigned have, formed a corin Sioux C4ty. Daisn to raise |50,000 to finance the poration pursuant to the laws of the The prizes will be awarded at nursed back to life after years as toastmistress..'•. The program an organized campaign of enligntstate of Xebraska. The name of the a public function when the Gold- and years of prodigious care. I t is will include a'skit by Lillian Riment against anti-Semitism hasj c o r p ^ ^ ^ ^ W O R L D ^ T H E A T R E S on t h e road t o permanent prosMrs. Emil Rosenstock and vjn; Ruth Friedman and Marcella en Book; certificate will be given "~~ . T~ i place of business in "Douglas County. Levich and a piano solo by Elaine daughters, Doris and Betty, of ~~ ' to* Mr. Krupnick's classes of the perity NOW! e b r a s k a . T h e objects for which this Kansas City, and Mrs. Robert MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & X Shlaiter. . Talmud Torah. These classes concorporation is formed a r e : T o acquire t lessee, -owner or otherwise and to Wolf of Austin, Minn., visited in COHEN ' Members of the Council Bluffs tributed the sum of one hundred Operate theatres for the. exhibition of sorority who will attend include Sioux City this week with Mr. and 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. dollars between October, 1935, moving pictures and for other perNOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCOR- formances.of every kind and charact. . . and'April, 1936. Ruth Seldin, Libbie Grossman, Mrs. Max Rosenstock. PORATION OF URBAN er and to deal generally, in moving Florence Meyerson, Dorothy SaltzREALTY COMPANY The two prize winning essays picture films, with reference to the production, distribution or the exNotice is hereby given that the m'an, Rhoda Krasne, Pearl Meyer- 'Milton Galinsky, Allen-and Sidfollow: undersigned have formed a corpora- hibition thereof: to purchase, hold, son, Thelma Passer, Sylvia Engelown and otherwise deal In securities ney Goldberg .and Arthur Miller tion pursuant to the laws of the State . The following pupils of the Talevidences of indebtedness of every man, Miriam Sack and June Mey- will leave today for Bra'mard, of Nebraska. The name of the cor- or mud Torah are on the 'honor coll "WHAT THE liAND OP PROMporation is URBAN. REALTY COM- kind- and character, and to exercise of the school for this month, earn- ers. Miss Thelma Kay of Minne- Minn., where they will enro'l at PANY, with its principal place of all the rights r.nd privileges of ownISE MEANT TO J1E" apolis, who is a house guest of business In Omaha. Nebraska. The ership; to deal generally in personal ing the distinction by regular atCamp Arrowhead.. ' objects for which this corporation is property of every kind and character: By Seymour Koblnson. tendance and good work: Harold Miss Idel Shapiro, will also atformed are: To purchase, lease, hire and to borrow money and issue eviWhen I came into the theater, Grueskin, Sadie Shvid, Isadoxe tend. .-•••.. and otherwise acquire real and per- dences of indebtedness therefor. The total authorized capital stock is S2n.Among the young Sioux CityI had only an inkling of what I •Shindler, Seymour Robinson, Mausonal ' property and any interest 1)00.00, the par value is flOO.OO per ans who spent several days in therein of every kind and character share,yand all of same shall be eom•was to see. What I saw surprised rice Lass, Herman Weinstein, to fell, dispose of, lease, convey, Omaha this week attending the and and delighted me to the- utmost. Norton Bain, Paul Matlin, Harry mortgage or other-wise encumber, to mon and fully paid and non-assessable when issued. The S. D. T. meeting and the K. T. The_ women in Palestine are found Nadler, Edwin Sherman, Sherman manage, operate, improve, develop. t s h a l I c o m m P n c e business oncorporation the^filing dance were Rose Albert, Frances control, maintain, construct, and gen- L , , t s A r t i c l e s w i t n t n e C o u n t v c l e r k to share in the toil* just as theSperling, Thelma Shindler, BerI erally deal in any of said property; I Douglas County. Nebraska, and Kalin, Bernice Galinsky and herto loan monies • generally or on per- o f men. They not only do much of nard Wigodsky, Albert Goldstein, when there shall have been subscribhouse guest, Marjorie Mayer of sonal or real property or any interthe work but they want to do it.Harold Slotsky, Ethel Raskin, ed for at least Tl.000.no of its capital Jack Merlin was installed as therein: to acquire, purchase." ex- stock, and shall continue until July •The people's .singing and dancing Eugene Matlin, Wally Friedman, Aleph Godol of the local A. Z. A.Chicago, Mina Slotsky, Rose Bash- est change, subscribe to. or to otherwise 1, 19SR. The highest amount of inportrayed the fact that the peo-David Khutz, Betty Bain, Toby chapter at their meeting Wednes- efkin, Thelma Beechen, Jerry Co- acquire: to hold. pell, dispose of and debtedness shall not exceed twople, engrossed' in their .everyday Nadler, Esther * Rivin, Bernard day evening in the Jewish Com- hen, Sol Kroiick and Nate .Hur- generally deal In stock, shares, bonds. thirds of the capital stock, except debentures, obligations and securi- j that such limitation shall not include work, also found time to enjoy Weiner, Hershel Weinstein, Ber- munity Center. Other officers who witz. ties of every kind and character j indebtedness secured by -morteapes these little pleasures. The Hewhether corporate, public or private. on real estate where the value of the ton Lipshutz, Lawrence Montrose^ were also elected recently and into exercise all rights and priv- property . . exceeds at .least 40 per cent brew university and its fine sym- Sammy Heeger, Ruth Kutcher, stalled at the meeting Wednesday Mrs. A. Lass, 718 Otoe St., de-j and ileges of ownership thereof: to bor- j of the amount of the secured indebtT n p phony orchestra, made up of Irene Levitsky, Harry Rosenthal, include Harry Elsberg, Aleph parted this week for Huston, Tex., I row money and issue its evidences of | pt dness. number of members of ne •workers, shows that the Jews, es- Annie Kanofsky, Julius Lubman, Z'gan; Joe Maron, Aleph Maskir; where she will visit with friends ^'indebtedness therefore; and to g-uar- in r Board shall be not less than two antee any dividends. • interest, bonds, I ° more than five. The Board shall pecially noting those from the Eddie Chesen, Estelle Raskin, Haskell Lazere, Aleph Shotar Ko- and relatives. d m l n s r r tl h r n f o fth contracts, or other obligations. ! -,Tr ?' e " t "f "£T? ? oorp< obligations Total !? i "i " 1 ; " " " s «i tne fields, are well versed in more Edythe Gelfand, -Margaret Levin, ton; Joe Goldstein, .Aleph Shotar authorized capital stock is S $25.<KKM>0. 'h°e i"r ; ann * stockholders shall hold par value J100.00 per share, all Etook i . «a-I meeting on the second r°fhare ^ " ^ gSr, ' . S S - ^ S S ^ n 'AV J than one thing. The Jews for over Eileen Shubb, Jeanne Shubb, Bar- Godol; Bernard Rpsenthal, Aleph Miss Sybil Merlin flew to Omaand shaJl b a large period of time have had bara Robinson, Maita Heeger, Gisbor; Herman Rubin, Aleph ha last week-end, where she vis-common, non-assessable when issued. The cor nothing to do with nature" and her William Heeger, Yale/ Kroloff, Shofar; Earl Novich, Aleph Ko- ited with friends. poration shall commence .business Treasurer. Pursuant to conupon the filing of its Articles with tary and resources,"therefore our people Lawrence Fish; •writinjr of the majoritv of the han Godol. .. . :. . the County, Clerk of Douglas Coun- holders of the capital stock outstandme v,uuiii.^, u t m ui yuufcias v-ou"-i have received much praise for reThe four advisers of the A. Z. Dr. George Kuntz, 714 25th St.', ty. Nebraska, and shall continue un-i i n s , the Board may "sell, lease, exadapting themselves again to the The Hebrew school has organdeparted Sunday for Portland, I til January 1. 2036. The highest \ change, assign, transfer, convev or earth. The Jews, always known as ized a daily junior congregation A. were unanimously re-elected Ore., where he will interne in the amount of indebtedness shall not ex- ; otherwise dispose of the whole or eeed two-thirds of the capital stock. I substantially the whole of the profor the coming year. They are Mr. very socially minded, bring this which holds services every mornEm ami el hospital. Dr. Kuntz was this restriction, nowever, shall not , perty of the corporation upon such point to view when they have ing in the Shaare Zion synagogue. Leon Dobrofsky, Mr. Sam Epstein, recently graduated from the med- apply to indebtedness represented by'••terms and for such consideration as secured by real estate or; they shall deem expedient. The Arsearched the land for all which Thirty children attend the serv- Mr. Sam Krupnick and Mr. Mar-ical college at the University of obligations other interests when the property as | tides may be amended tipon the vote will benefit the country, such as ices, and the congregation has itstin Kosberg. transferred shall exceed the amount \l n*>f fi0 per cent of the stock outstandIowa. Of interest is the fact that of the indebtedness at least 40 per i 5 - upon notice as provided for. The the huge works taking valuable own cantors and readers of the Mr. Edwin W. Baron, president nor shall such limitations apply j corporat.on shall have a seal. is president of Ot the B'nai B'rith, lodge, waa the he received his degree from the cent, minerals from the Dead Sea. law. Norton Bain to any guarantee made by the cor- ! Dated June 6, 1936. 1 university exactly 16 years to the E. Swart* From these resources they havg. the group ant . Joe Shaffer is vice- principal speaker a t the installaporation for the payment of any obday, of his coming to America as Harold Saks ligations, transferred by it where tion meeting. Max Maron spoke built up world renowned potash, president. The children conduct Incorporators. such are secured by real estate or in behalf of the alumni members a child with his parents, Mr. andother salt and soap factories, employ- the entire morning service. 6-26-36-4t interest. The number of memof A. Z. A. and a humorous read- Mrs. J. Kuntz. During this 16 jbers of the Board shall be not less ing thousands of people. A large two nor more than five. The j e C CSMSS « » TW ei WTBM. ing was presented by. Earl No- years, he completed his public i than percentage of the people as menBoard shall administer the affairs I vich. A dramatization, , "Theschool work, high school and uni-I of the corporation. Stockholders shall tioned before, are workers. With WORKMEN'S CIRCLE For the Entire Family ft March of Time," concluded the versity training, and medical j hold their annual meeting the first patient, ceaseless labor, we now Tuesday in February of every year, PICNIC ON SUNDAY program and refreshments fol- work, which under ordinary cir- and , elect directors. The Directors have from what was once desert cumstances takes a» student a shall elect the President. Vice-Presilowed. -,. arid swamps, fine orchards, fordent. Secretary and Treasurer. The —and— ests and the most modern of cit- The twelfth annual picnic of At the election meeting plans much longer time. Articles may be amended. The cor.ies. The-co-operative movement the Workmen's Circle and Auxil- were furthered for the* summer poration shall have a seal. Dated ' l a y 26th. 1336. The Firms- which advertise in doesn't need^to move, for almost ary will be held n-sxi Sunday af- tournament, which Is to be held J. HAROLD SAKS. every Jew's purpose in Palestirie ternoon, June 28, at Riverview in Sioux City August 16 and 17the Jewish press deserve and XT-onr Dealer Has 'Em Both! HARRY B. COHEN. is to make Eretz Israel a real park. 6-12-"6-4t Corporators. with the Sioux City chapter as merit your patronage. Lime Rickey, White Soda homeland for the Jews, and as in An elaborate program of sports host. Paul Sperling, Rudy ShindPkf. 5 c or Sparkling Water the time of Abraham, God spoke events i a s been arranged for theler and Perry Osnowitz appeared unto Abraham saying "And they afternoon's entertainment and on the program at this meeting. 3 Qt. Bottles 25c Assorted Flavors shall get up and go out,-they and plans are being made to aecomThe A. Z. A. ball team will play Plus Bottle Deposit theirs, into a land flowing with modate more than 250 people. its first game in the Y. M. C. A. milk and honey." And it shall Mr. M. Shiloff is chairman of church league July 1. t come to pass, for soon Palestine the arrangements and is being aswill again be a land flowing with sisted in the sale of tickets and Your Home Is Your Greatest Envestmestt TALMUD TORAH PICNIC milk and honey. picnic arrangements by a large committee of Workmen's Circle Regrslar or Drip Grind and Auxiliary members. Committees canvassing Jewish Lemon or Vanilla
I t the
Honor Roll of Hebrew School
Soo City A. Z. A. Installs Officers
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WHAT I LEARNED ABOTJT PALESTINE FROM "THE IiAJfD OP PRO5IISE" By Adaline Stern. Funeral services for Mrs. Chaya My former opinion, when one Esther Cohen, who died Monday mentioned the topic of Palestine, evening, were held in Shaare Zion •was not a modernistic view, but synagogue, Tuesday afternoon, an ancient one, picturing an oldwith Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and
homes of the-city with tickets for the annual Talmud Torah picnic, scheduled for July 12, a r e meeting with unusual success a n d cooperation, according to : Mrs.- L. Shindler, president of t h e Hebrew Mothers club, a n d chairman of the ticket sales. The ticket sales country with small rural and city Cantor A. Pliskin officiating. Mrs. indicate that a large attendance sections, and common dwellings, Cohen, who was 80 years of age,will participate in t h e program with a large building looming up for t h a t day. • > following a week's illness. now and then in scattered places. died Mr. Morris Lazriowich is chairShe was.born in 1856 in RusBut I was taught differently when man of -the picnic. Mr. Jack Lonthe ' picture opened, showing the sia and came to Sioux City, in don is president of t h e Talmud 1911. Surviving' are her three .beautifully erected homes, very Torah' board of directors, which modernistic buildings,- up-to-date sons, Sam Cohen, owner ot the is sponsoring t h e picnic .with , t h e Cohen Wholesale Grocery Co. of clothes; also describing the culMothers club. . tural developments as shown by a Sioux .City;, Jake Cohen of Paterson, N. J., and Ben Cohen of •well-balanced concert, a Hebrew The CFI plan .may Interert youl university 'with its wonderful Los Angeles.
study advantages and a newly erected library for public use. POALE ZION HEAR These were the scenes of wonder CONVENTION REPORT which.greeted my eyes. My former opinion on com- The Poale Zion branch of the merce in Palestine was-not more Jewish National Workers allithan small shops in narrow streets ance held a meeting Wednesday •with people debating over prices. evening in the Jewish Community You can imagine my astonishment Center, during which Mr". Max Maat finding large, well-ventilated son gave a report of the-national • factories with modern machinery convention held recently in AtInstalled and women and men lantic City. •working in co-operation.A discussion on the present Not only the city life interested conditions, in Palestine followed me, but also the country sections. the report, with many members Their knowledge of soil, crops, participating.
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