H V . O'CONNOR.- Attyg. SJ".Brandeia Theatre Bldfl. riCE OF SHERIFF'S SALE e District Court of Douglas County,'- Nebraska irtue of an order, of sale issued the District Court of Douglas .Nebraska, and in pursuance cree of paid Court In an action - indexed at Appearance Docimber 314. at Pag-e Number if Jon Docket Number 32. at dumber 536. wherein Rose GoldPlaintiff and Winifred Ague* ne. et' al.. is Defendant, I will o'clock A. SI., on Tuesday the .v-of.ii!gnst, 1936. at the East loor' of thfc Douglas County House in tpe City oi Omaha, s County. Xebraska. sell al auction to thn highest bidder ish. the following described.
THE WORLD'S I ...WINDOW..;;I ^ B y I.TJDWIG LEWISOHN This column: Is copyright by tho Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in -whole or In part strictly forbidden. Any infringe- o jnent on t i l s copyright -will be . prosecuted.
-. *,'.-.
Eateria tu> Second Class Uai| Hatter or> January Jl, 1121. at . FcstoMlc* of Oraaba. Nebraakt, onfler the'Act of Bareh S. 1S"»
'45th Annual Hebrew Club to Be Gala Affair
ren (T) Block Ten (T)) EvnhsAddilion to the City of Onmouglas . County, .-.Voiiras'ra. a£ a. platted and recorded, I>oug- , urrty. Nebraska. sfy the liens and incumbrancej set forth; to patisfy 'the sam iU costs and the, increased and B costs, all as provided by •der and decree. & at • Omaha, . Nebraska, thlt of June. 13.T5. JOHN HOPKINS. Sheriff. -5t Douglas County, Nebr.
^isaha held a del-, "Meditation" j a meeting June 16, Reading Marvin Lowenthal's A gala, festive all-day celebra- Franklin. Each ticket on the excellent boot "The Jews of Ger_i representatives of all many" tempted me to browBe tion Is being planned by the Oma- drawing sold by the girls counts organizations were invitamong my books and to turn the ha Hebrew club- for their forty- as a vote. The winner gets a -.. to elect delegates to tbe napages at least.of a good many. fifth annual affair, to be held this round-trip ticket to California, Espect to Pass $43,500 " tional Icor convention to be held B H Sunday, July 5, at'Lakeview park By Hest Week's And so' in the many passages exwhile -second prize is a - ladies' at St. Paul, Mian., July 4. '•:•••• • Issue cerpted from Greek and Latin au- i n E a s t O m a h a . wrist watch; hence, competition is Messrs. J. Wolf son, P. Ginsberg i A c L-c'frtr An alluring program of feathors by the late Theodore Reikeen.' The drawing, is for a silver Fnrman -were we.r« elected pjpftpd to •„ i r l b i i b i O I The 1936 Jewish Philanthro- a n dd AA. - F°rman nach and in the writings of the tured entertainment, • games and chandelier and a Chanukah ilenpies campaign In Oiaaha is cer- j "Present Omaba at tne conclave. so-called fathers of the Church old-time'- frolicking lias been ar- orah. . A candidate to visit Biro-Bidjan, and in medaeval chronicle and ranged. In, the evening Roy CochIn the evening there will be "a tain to smash over the top, as again in certain -writings of the ran, governor of the state, Is free dance, with the music fur- predicted—thanks to the persis-, autonomous Jewish. colony in tent, energetic, unswerving de-ro- j Rns|ia, will be voted at the St. Protestant Reformers and final- scheduled: to> speak. ; nished by Austin Eevans and his ly in man>-, many modern pages , One of the outstanding fea- orchestra. There will be novelty tion of the campaigners to their ^Jerusalem (JTA) — A hail of I found Uprated and re-iterated tures of the picnic cis the popu- entertainment, including numbers job. bullets was the thanks a Jewish Wednesday aoon, the total the same accusations againet the larity, contest being waged be- by a 5-year-old acrobatic dancer, orange, planter received when he ! r\ r**. reached had grown to 43 thouJewish people Tjrljich Z.cnv en thai tween Sarah Epstein and Kalah who is said to be outstanding. j complied with an apparently | XjUQ" 1IIOC sand dollars and the drive leaders describes and enumerates ia their Sports, races and games with : friendly Arab's request "for a Tarious forms over a pe:.fod of prizes are on the afternoon's are positive that by next week's j drink of water. issue of The Jewish Press they one thousand years in the lands menu. There is plenty of parking i On retrieving the drink, the will be able to announce that the of German •speech. space which is offered without • Arab whipped out a revolver and goal of ?43,600 had been topped. A week of celebration ^ charge. It 49 almost needless to go over : fired four shots almost pointm a r "We have more than enough Albert Kaplan is chairman of Hitler was ! ^ ?-h«" tenth anniversary of these accusationsThey £0 all ! blank at tbe Jew, Y. Reinhard. Vienna fWNSI the' picnic. The committee in- money in the remaining cards to the way from the accusation oT who lived in ! the opening of the Jewish Comcludes John Feldman, Sam Bloom, attain our Atheism to that of devil-worship; indigent work- • in unity Center buiklinp. 8* man Malashock Sam Altsuler and Louis Morgan. from the charge of plrrcing the vrcll as the thirtieth sinnivrvdent that we wafer in the Eucharist and using All proceeds jof the affair will but was later arrested and will be asserted by Rudolf Hamich, one- sary of the orj:ani?^tion of t h r Christian blood for matzcth to Central Conference of Ameri- be used -to continue the philan- nounce our final victory in next the present Nazi ' Jcwis]; A large number o~ *. — ^ ~ , , . ,. . . . . "Welfare Federntion, the charge of deliberately debasthropic work of the Omaha He- week's Jewish Press." can Eabbis Meet at bere'of the Omana B'nai _ : regulaUons under which he faces. de He stressed the fact that the B r i t h l e a will be co-ndneten by the Jewing Christian civilization and UPbrew club. death or life imprisonment. . Cape May estiffing in a cape against a monumental achievement was due many accompanied by their wives Ing civic rights for the attainI pickpocket, Haraich said that in ish Connmmity Center nrxi! —will be on the novel Great j to the workers sticking to their ment of woi'd fupreitiacy': from Cape May, N. J. (JTA) — The I IP09 and J.S10 he was in partner- "Welfare- Feclere.tion orpnni/.p.posts. ; Lakes-vcruise during which the | the poisoning of wells to the poi-Central Conference of American tion from Slondsy, October 2f«, : sh'.p with Hitler. Paul Goldblatt, executive direcDistrict 6 convention will be held : soning of culture; from the Rabbis denounced Fascism and to Sunday. November 1. ! The latter painted pictures and tor, in charge of the campaign de- j for four days, starting Monday, | charge of having created finance Communism as incompatible with '! Kamicb sold them, he said, but IIr. . William Holzaif.n. presstails,-declared that no detail had j July 6. { capitalism to the charge of the after a time "Killer got too lazy dent of the Jewish Community the democratic philosophy of Jubeen overlooked in making this J On Sunday, July 5, the gen- j sole origination of Bolshevism. and did not give me enough pic- Center and "Welfare FetierBtiondiasm and reaffirmed its support campaign so successful. The cam- j eral" committee of which Messrs.! According to these accusations j tures, so I broke eway from him has appointed the toUowStip con*.or a "thoroughly socialized depaign machinery worked effec-! Henry Monsky, Dr. A. Greenj the Jew Is godless and fanaticalStressing the importance of the Oraaha, Neb.—Sis young men. ; and set up on my ov"n." mittee to take charge of plans. fo~ mocracy-" - •• • tively, smoothly and efficiently. I berg and P h i l i p Klntznick winners of their respective cis-; ly religious, insolent and servile, this celebration: Philip ?••'. KlutTIn another resolution, the dele- Individual, Camp Aklba under the I are members, will meet at the too rich and too poor, too gifted nick, chairmari. J. J. Greenberg, tricts, will vie for honors in the i r r r i r T T ? r r r ^ rv T fv f r gates to the convention of Reform direction of Ruth Allen entered I Covenant club in Chicago. The to compete with and too sterile to Jack IVIarer, Milton Abrahams, finals of the international A. 2. A. ; H Lf c5' [wJ kj " ! , ,v. { { ! rabbis petitioned the^ Government its third week at the Jewish Comj party will sail aboard the Great make his Competition count. The Karry Silverman, Dr. I'liHip Sher, of the United States "to grant to munity Center. In a week's time i Lakes steamer S- S. Seeandbee on oratory contest, which is to be a ' " " ^*° ' " *** '*"'* *' *"~' list of accusations could be Indeand Paul Goldblatt. highlight o£ the thirteenth interJewish religious conscientious ob- youngsters had reacted favorably I the morning of July fi. finitely extended from the witnational convection of Alepb The committee, has decided tc jectora to war the same exemp- to the ideals of the camp and | All sessions of the convention ness of antiquity, of medaeval Sadik Aleph, tbe Jcnior B'nai open the week of celebratior. on tion from military, service as has were learning to play with others iwlll be held on board. At Cleveand of modern times, of all IsMonday, October 2C>. with «. paglong'been granted to members of their own age and work in small lam and of all Christendom.. And eant F.-nfl display of the work o." the Society of Friends and similar units. ' who desire to visit Belle-' the accusations would have amid Accurate records of achievethe orraniTPtion, TUPPIIP.T TitE;*>f. religious organizations." j .^v, the orphan home which is] all their insane variety and muis ments of each camper are being "An Outstanding Jewish Fig- ; New YorSc (WNS)—GermRny'E wi3i I1? petti'itfps ns,cTit. v-jtih pfir» The petition was based on "the London (WNS-Palcor Agency) ; snpported jointly by District ure of Recent History" is the gen-! tul contradlctpriness one thing in conviction that conscientious ob- kept in the different activities. — T h e anti-Jewish BEti-SeinStic IEVTE heve no legal ticuler emphasis on the phrpicK". excesses in lodges No. 2 and 6. common: they are not true. eral. subject of the contest, which standing- in the United jection to military service is in Talents and aptitudes are encour- Palestine, even though committed Steles department. T<"edre?dar i^i". frv Pleasant Trip. began last December with elimi- even in cases icvoJrinjr a German Old Timerp' nisrht- & speclol reaccordance with the highest in- aged and the counselors are in-by fellow-Semites, are impressing The cruise will cover two thoustructed to Judiciously handle any nations in 200 A. 2. A..chapters' corporation, it -was declared by ception to be given i.o "o5a timBritish opinion most unfavorably railes on water. Proca ChicaIt will be said that other hu- terpretation of Judaism." _ by| ers" in the service of. the Jewish c o r P O r a t i o i i , i t was d c l a e d throughout the " Reaffirming the stand adopted attitudes that may prove harmful about the Arab cause, according " the" boat will go across Lake man groups have been subjected .nitea SL&tes and •S c p r e m c C o u r t justice "William T. : community. er to the child. _ Thursday night ycjll Canada i Collins In a ruling in which he to an editorial review of the Pal- Michigan, through the straits of . to vague reproaches. The Scotch at the 1934 convention, the rabThe wort "of the camp differs be known as Youth isight and -vis". strict ellmi: g l 0 n & 1& n bis accepted the report of the Spj granted permission to Marcel M. are said to be avaricious and the from-the classroom or playground estihe situation/appearing in-.theiLachinac, down Lake Huron, t h e | Bernard' Levy, Niagara, Falls, Holier, E -German Jewish refugee, I.give a picture o! yontli activiUeK Irish irresponsible and belliger- cial Justice Committee as follows: j from the classroom or maximum N. Y., representing District -1, will ' to EXie the German Stats ' Kail ways ' ureter ent. But these charges are not "In .the judgnient of the m6m-]ln the fact that the number in one group is 12. The ments made this week in : t b e j t b e Detroit river and Lake Erie, t on "A -Eulogy- •©£. Titeodor Un Ne"^ Torfe for f fO.OOC flasrtspes -,« jpvtKh Yotith. beravijf/the' conference there Is taken seriously in the practice pt House of Commons by Colonial'; to ClSTeXsncS, and then to. Macfe- j ^ ? ^ , j because he '-wan--dis-njlspecl Jroir? wili he CommuTiHT Ser^ic l b i hihthe4jP:ier counselor is" thereby /enabled,, to S' e c f « t a r-y-^Ormsby-Gore,: Jife. No; prig,..-•**- P^\ ?Ten*?»-»'l^s- only from tiere :T>&ck !'" f e r a i *" the IS25 finals. William Robin's, : his }oh ss EGB-Arj'fiE and Bent to SaturcSaj' there T.-U' be an inforwhich,the.> «v«r proposed to.espell eltheS-the problems "of the individual child. Times points out that the latter to Chicago, to arrive on Friday, | Columbus,. -O_ representing- Dis- j a concentration carcp. Holder, ms! reception and dance. On SunScotch or the Irish from Uie fam- tor ship and" tyranny of CommunAlready the children are exhib- has not attempted to rataicxize July 10. - .• ! strict 2, has chorea for -his suh-; -who Was a "transportation expert day the program wil\ CIOBP with ft ily of manblnd-or,-as An-alternaT ism on-4jne-hand_ait(l:the -dictatorof agitation and the extension .. The cruise ship, the fastest ship iting skims recently acquired in y - and f ^ ff^^ ; for for the GerinaE German Railways before testimonial dinner. It is p'anne-fl live, to exterminate them- The ship and tyranny of FaBclsm on and^ \f handicraft classes. Youngsters disorders .but- that' he has "con- oa the Great I-akes, is fullygrand i 15-year-old boy from Huntington, jt h d v t t t h N , , ime, is to honor those who have given very suggestion. would .be consid- the other hand. That. is-.by ••estabfirmed the belief that as a result who- cairns L ,in : | jW . Va., Robert Grotan, will re P - iIEseeking he 20 rears of coneecutivc and ontered an Instance ot -wildly insane lishing, a thoroughly socialized eekicE ddamages' amae... bbecause eeaus of errors the political leaders "lost over four hundred feet water- have, through patient inGroban • w i l l ;"claims the German firm broke s. stancihg service to tlie Jewish 1 686 humor. Yet groups or men anddemocracy.. ^ T control over their" followers. .The j length, a ballroom seating overj " ^ ^ ,?Zl^; E eafe o n l e r z l ttUU : "This change can-be achieved struction, conquered .this, fear and. editorial, adds that new' penalties if { " T b e o < 5 o r i Herzl contract with him and dischargee Community Center and "R'c-lffirf Vfhole societies of men have from hundred -oeople, luxurious i ? Te are well on the way.to learning e Federation or; this occasion. 'Zionism." District 4 will be " P-!Mm solely because a fairly remote antiquity on to without force,, violence and bloodis E Jew. for acts of xiolence may have j lounges, sinoMng rooms, card to swim. resented bv Sol Stern, Portland, this fourth decade of the twen- shed, but through the orderly defendants sought to dis- Furtherfi.nnnnTirem«>nif;win 'h' an effect when examples are rooms, grills and staterooms ap-, To develop a feeling of rhythm •who -will orate on , "Mendel miss the suit on the grounds itist made hj the commlttpn repnrciSnp Ore tieth century passionately ^advo- methods of democratic procedure. made. pointed -vrith .running -water, elec-iBeilis—The Forg-otten Man." Ra- the New Torts; State courts were chairmen of the ^KTibws prpTiSnf cated and brutally sought to ac- We solemnly commend to the and harmony among the younger The Arabs have a case, especi- trie lights, telephons and vashedWender, Atlanta, Ga., whowithout Jurisdiction bec-iiF? the arid'detailed pr M n complish either the expulsion or American people a. social philos- campers a toy band consisting of ally tae fellaheen, but the attacks f rentilation. a r will represent Districts 5 and 7.German Government, which owns extermination of the Jewish peo- ophy derived from the expanding drums, cymbals, hells, tambour- upon British troops, the Palestine •vrill deliver a eiilogir on Alfred1 ! the German Rajlvrays, hss soverple on the basis of accusations democratic ideal; that must hence- ines, and rhythm sticks has been police and Jewish Tillages and ! Dreyfus." Abraham Kaplan, , Du-!; eign i •which are not true. - ... .. : . forth be sovereign in bur social organized. It gave its first concert acts of sabotage do not assist immunities and csnnot be Monday at the camp assembly. life." . •' : ; their cause. The Government will Indeed to say that the accusaANNUAL PICNIC PLANNED jmth, Mine who is National JnniBued> b e c a u s e t h ec o n t r a c t with Tuesday • the older boys and Education for' marriage • and not yield to violence, the- Times tion are not true is to understate ' ' " |ior college debate and ^ ^ l E o U e r was made under the ' — girls hiked through Mandan park preparation for family life are to the case. They, are fantastic; they The Bikur CholUn' first annual! i l l sEternal.' p e a j j o , D l 3 t r i c t ,iof Germany and abrogated under. and on Thursday they visited the emphasizes, and the sooner this ,.; fa^PjoB 6 on "The -Jew ithe laws c£ the same country, and: are crazy. They could not be be placed upon a scientific^ basis Burlington postoffice station to is realized the better. Tbe Arab picnic will be held park! true of any group of human be- with the adoption • of • a. " recom- see the methods of distributing propaganda has been marked. by A moTetnent ings. They could not character- mendation creating' a committee mail. The younger campers went gross exaggerations about Jewish be free there wjll be free acquisition of land, which is only ment tickets free. Everyone is the a m p convention. On the »-.-.= (c o n c e n t r a t i o a c a m p > O n the firr.t ort.bodox youth ize any group of human beings. on marriage, family arid home. hiking on Thursday. day will be held the finals of the, n o i n t ^ ^ C o ] l i n s r c l e g t h a t n , the ensuing hip holidp.yB' IH he6ne-twentieth ol that owned by People are not like that. Neither The body Is to be authorized to A few more children between Arabs, and by important commis- parking. ing plantefl. amuse>international A. S. A. v _-. & to decide the : Jew nor Hun, neither Gypsy nor organize a program of education the ages of 5 and 15 can still be Children-will be gn-en which will include competition m \ Milton R. Frohm is s t l o n o £ 8 0 T e r e i g I l t r . T h e third sions, the Times -declares. Much urged to plan to attend. Parsee. The picture of the Jewand service to aid' the conference accommodated by the camp. field;and track, iwimming, tennis, | a l s 0 . r u ] e g o l i t orj\he ground that i of the move, working under has been made of the Zionist rewhich has enflamed the rabble members.in their efforts to safeHaroki golf, boxing, volleyball and ^ t - | p o i n j . m&de fcj. t f e e d e . e l v s e WBS!Sona5 direction of Kabb fusal to employ Arab labor and for ages and enflames the rabble guard marriage and the family. ball. of the pace of Jewish immigrawhatever money Kolzer sccepted j Berger. still is a picture that has no re- Endorsement of Senator La Tbe move wee started hereby Judges for the oratory finals while a prisoner waE done under! tion, it points out, adding that lation to the Jew of any other Follette's resolution for investiRabbi Bergcr v,ii.li t h e gating violations of civil liberties are tEe Hon. Lester William Roth, duress and therefore illegal. there may be grounds for com. human being. It is not the picwas made In a recommendation 'judge of tbe district court of applaints but the Arab spokesmen In rejecting the second point goal o' eejrregsfing: Om&ha'e Jewture of a human being. It ia the Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- never mention the entry of Syr- The Ladies' Free Loan society peals of Los Angeles; the _Hon. ,J n d g e ^ . ^ C S B t i g a t e d N a E i a n . JQVI ""-"Ol't?*- I P . I ' O OT1P f*OT> ^^''PfT^.t iO^*S asking members to forward evipicture of a demon created by has.elected the following new of- Harry A. Kolzer, judge o i tr fimctinp. diiring t'-e Koltdnyt dence of violations of liberties to cy) — : Ignoring the present dis- ians and Hauranls, who also comthe myth-making faculty of ficers: Mrs.;S. Barsoa, president; United States district court, Los 1i ti-SeniJtisni when he said "wherethe Senate Investigating commit- turbances in the country, the Pal-pete with Palestinian Arabs. 'frightened and inferior men. Of Mrs. Z. Epstein, vice-president; Angeles, and Leon L. Lewis, prom- as it would be offensive to. the;-fj^P -^-pnr IT Rrr^n^cTTif ntr= P T ^ <*P?* estine Potash Company began the tee. i German Government, with which : sub-men, as the Nazis say. The Mrs. L. Adter, treasurer? Mrs. L. inent Los Angeles attorney. expansion of its plant on the souThe. conference voted to estafe* ; we are at peace, to presume to vied through. ' ' Jews, as they really are, history Morgan, recording secretary; Mrs. thern shore of the Dead Sea a t To Pretest Attacks Work is underway to pnmjno»! liah constructive children's clubs I control or dictate or regulate the and present situation, character J. Weiner, treasurer, and Mrs. C. Sodom- and Gomorrah, where a "Vienna —- A conference o! Jew- h. Fellman, secretary. j policies of the German Govern- a. student cantor' to chant. Ouand hope, virtues and fallings, and classes to help eliminate new factory is being erected. The ' JiynsriK find s R--?H]f>T?f. rpbbi ti*. community representatives i meat within the borders of Gerare totally unknown — as un- crime by eliminating child delin- additional plant will be larger ish Mrs. Louis Rubinstein, and Mrs. T preach thp RPtnnonr- p,t. ihp r1*."B *tquency. ' ; imtny, we Ere, ne "ertbe]ess, not. from all over Austria decided to known by the vast majority of Reis were elected trustees. than the present potash extrac; be held 5n the auxiliary prayinf The committee on international ! obligated by the law of comity Gentiles as though they lived on submit to the Government urgent The executive board includes tion works on the north shore of Aleph Harold Eelinsky was re-I to enforce the law oE German ', quarters of the Betl;. H«fn«droeh another planet. All knowledge peace is to undertake a more in- the Dead Sea. representations on the numerous the Mesdames Firestone, Zernov- j! elected Aleph Go-del of. A. Z. A. peace program with a • when its enforcement is Bought ' riasooel, If'th and Burl Sts, of them is as a rule rejectedby tensive t p One hundred and twenty Jew- anti-Jewish attacks being openly sky, Mogul, Rothkovitz, Friedel, • No 100fita special election meet- here contrary to our eve$y sense The service?, uiuieT the barbarian mind because of $500 allotment — five times the Finkel, Kirke, Elewitz aisd Ban. 24, at the; of justice, liberty end morality. •plans, vrill b€ »n c.l ish workers are now employed a t made here. the anterior Infection of that previous grant. The conference Sodom, most of them from the i j . C. C. mind by the Jewish mythj Know- advocated extension, of neutrality In announcing this result we ere form of ihe siE.nds.rd orthodoi Kibbutz Meuhad. officers chosen for t h e . •itHf.,1. vjils tbe youth ot" Omalw ledge concerning the Jewish peo- legislation and steps to take proi Other looking- for trouble. It is the term are Sara Kaplan,; The 'only communication- they in cbarg-e end CO'HIIKTHB?1 tbe prople does not reach the mark, does fit out of war. It denounced the Reichsbahn that is sskir.g- UP tc have with the rest of the country | Aleph S'gan; Joe Guss, « u « . /Aleph " ^ - ' " jr e c o s n i z e &nll appi,- the German . cednre. not pierce through to mind or present armaments appropriaFvohm has HnnotiTired that tfcp j K a r l d r ; irrtnKalmais. A . e p h v x » - ; l a w - t o &n &eUon &iag heTBf j heart; it meets,the resistance of tions of this and other countries Is by boats which operate twice weekly. -'ibor; Paul Sacks, Aleph S u O . a r e ; ^ ^ a n B ^ e r . , e t 1Ig 8<je v h e t b . i services will be carried on in R as unnecessary and evil. . - the anterior,myth. '•"
J. C. C. Anniversary; Federation's 3 Oth
| Says Hitler i Was Lazv
Camp Akiba at Local J. C. C.
e field at
AZA Conclave
liitterniif Jell Pkg. 5c Assorted Flavors
itternut Coffee g-nlar or Drip Grind
2 for 56c
L J. B. Coffee 30c
2 Lbs. 59c
bo%.:....... .-..grown, bosL.12*^c qt. box _..™.::.15c >z. in bas. ~._.—39c 3oz. in basket ...49c in bundle „-_.:. 10c
„_..„.....-...—10c •:;.„_.__..~28c
I No. 2i caris...__29c 20c 2 cans..-..39c
i--3 Stew, 22 oz. can 17c Balis, 22 oz. can 17c
'Godol; Bill Poster, Aleph Sho-;e ? ^
_;!._ .„._._„...19c
12V2C; doz....Jj>1.45 o." 2V2 can._.....«..12c cans...._ .25c 27c
In 1901 Heinrlch Count Coudenhove-Kalergi. an Austrian aristocrat, scholar and diplomat of The Ronoh club held its annual the highest intellectual distinction wrote a book Das "Wesen des election of officers Wednesday, Anti-semitismus ("The Character June 24. Edward''Cohn was chosot Anti-semitlsm") i n which the en president; Stuart Ganz, viceentire anti-Jewish myth from an- president; Stuart Muskin, secretiquity on with all its fantasies tary; Robert Posley, treasurer, ir and accusations is definitely ex- and Sheldon ; Kaufman, corresploded. His conclusions belong ponding secretary. Granum Kaplan, outgoing presto another age than ours. But his defense of the Jews is histor- ident, announces that the dance ically and scientifically complete. held at Peony Monday, June 29, His book was re-issued in 1922 was very successful. by his accomplished son Richard N. Coudenhove-C a l e r g l a n d Czechoslovakia :Outlaw$ brought up to that date. There . "•'- \AMi-SemMc Piopagmia. la evidence that Coudenhove's work had a very wide circulation. Prague — • A decree forbidding It did no good. It accomplished every sort of anti-Semitic propa, | nothing. No foulness of slander ganda has ben Issued by the \ a n d no creulty were mitigated by Czechoslovak government. The It. The mob-mind Is not acces- decree provides . heavy punishsible to facts about the Jewish ment for publishers, printers and
(Continued on page $.)
The response to ticket sales for the Junior-Senior Council of Jewish Women. summer dance at the Carter Lake club Wednesday evening, July 15, is meeting with"
^ ^ ^ ^
; msnner dinereni ibp,n pravaile-I
Tollowing in- the footsteps of | the actress was taking milk baths, itare Kotone; Myron Cohen, I to Co what you ask.' In so doing' ! at those sponsored here n .few: > years RTO, the nev.-'plan e'iminRther father, Mrs. Maiiorie Epstein,! A n o t h e r discovery of Sir. j Sopher, and Walter Smton, ! we sre in nc wise seeking to icthe daughter of the originator ftf | Stoltz's was Charmiaa, whose ac- | Kohen Godol. ; terfere with the internal EffsirE \hm the undeRir&ble features prsethe idea of Anna Held's milk!! robatie skill thrilled theater-goers j Members are selling tickets for iof Germany. We'are not B.t the, ent !B the old Ides. ; Service? .ditrinp Roph baths, holds sway ,in . t i e adver-j of a geoeration ago. Charmian I the drawing to be held Mon&ay, rooraeut concerned with the conUsing department of the Bracdeis j-jras fouBd in a San Francisco j July 6. science of Germany, but with our ! p.h and Tor,- Kir pur -wll" store. Nine years ago Hrs. Ep-! aacsesient park, a better-than-i juiMic policy to !sT! action pend- \ approslmatply half tbe regular 17 stein embarked on h i r profession.: sTerage trapeze performer. • | HfMSJ ing here bees use the policy of | service time, with the recess plan
GenaaT.j- so shocfesBjr'j- coTiflictE ! being- used between important | pray-ers oc the Day of • Atonement in order that the services will l>8 In the finest creations o£ the day, J agent for the great Ziegfeld. prolonged until tts&t time a t held its fraternity From the. inexhaustible store of she performed on the trapeze,! The Psi v-'hjch they can- be properly conanecdotes of the theater, Mrs. Ep- throwing off „ her clothes as she i anaual election of officers KonKiss Rose -Gladat.oEe, 8C, mem-duced unOcr Jp-vrish law. stein told of th1-;,classic of press swung over the crowd. As a final; day, June £§. Henry Ginsberg Chsjrtpc-T! it\ r.n>?.Tpe of commit* ber o!; a pioneer Omr-.'hE .Tewisfc 5am E p agentry, the story of Anns Held's! gesture, feer garters were tossed i WES elected president; Irving 'Emily, cited Wer,n.c-sdP.y -morning teejs IQ vofk out <S.ets.tl« of tbe day for a check on ticket sales j JUJJ^- b a fh. | to a.breathless audience, aod clad | s t e I E, • Tice--presider ; secretary; Leo Brown, at h e r home, 3216 Francis street. K.;|ij>nie vrili be RTinounced in * and to complete arrangements. j Refused publicity lineage in the j in-naught but a very respectable Green, treasurer; Morris Ginsburg, r e - She had been ill for a long time. fei«r T-epke by Frohm, Bobby Bowman and his orches- j papers because the public was bathing costume, shocked tee onKiss Gladstone had been s resiporter; J a y Stoler, parliamentartra will furnish the music for i suspicious of stdries of stoJen jew- lookers. dent of Onsalta since 5SC8. Sne is r'r&r-i-e— Ail Jewish wporte or~ ian, and I i Bogdanoff,. reporter. els-, and tired of matrimonial sdMrs. Epstein also had dancing. Tickets may be secured stones . Ei:rriTed by a sister, Eva, cad a P&Bi2ai!or<s In Cgechosiovakla The group will hold its annual from council board members, ventures of the current Broadway of the days: when her fatl .er was ; eutiES this year a t Liroma Beach. brother Victor of Otnahfi, and s bare agreed not to permit their members of the Junior council, beauty, Mr. stoltz hit upon the David "Warfield's zsanag-er or from Mrs. Shumow's commit- idea of having milk delivered to tales of the .New York of Diamond i The committee includes Nate- Seg- brother Mas of Venice, California, members to participate in the tee. Admission Is f 1.25 a couple. Anna Held's apartment. The bill Jim. But-the-story of Anna--Held | lin, Sam Ciller, Ned GiTeater s n 3 :| Sen-ices trill be held from the Berlin Olympics despite the -fact Proceeds of the affair will be oi appalling enormity was notwill go down in "journalistic a n - ( B a r n e y Abranis. They have & pro- 'John A. Genilea&n mortuary Fridlsseminators of anU-Jewish lit- used for the German-Jewish chil- paid and the actress is-as sued. R&ls es t h e finest publicity rcsejg-raia planned for the ertire nt.-er- , dsy a t 30:50 &. m. Ir,terment v.-5H tiiat Oe-choKlovakia- i« • officially be in Pleasant Kill cemetery. entered In tbe games, - Thereupon it was divulged that \ perpetrated ca Broadway. dren'refugee fund. 33O0I1, erature. gratifying . success, according to Mrs. Harry Sttumow, general chairman. _ . Mrs. Shumow will meet with her workers a t her home Tues-
To assist her was her father, Mel- j To .the-, public she was Intro- I villa Stoltz, for many years press | duced && bsLag fresh from Paris.!
PSllOflESIBEM! witfe ocrs."
of ceremonies, she sang several operatic selections for which sh is famous as a Metropolitan Oper, star. The large audience wa loath to see her leave and afte; many curtain calls and almos endless: applause Miss Ponsell returned to give some encores She 'was completely surrounde with , beautiful floral tributes when she finally left the stage, Paramount Studios sent the! string quartette and vocal en semble to the premiere and an cdditional feature arranged by Yasha Frank, who handled th stage show so well, was the reading of a poem, "Shores of Babol" •w'r.tten by Dr. H. Preira Mende of New York, by Edward Arnold motion picture star.. WILL ROGERS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Dedication of the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital, for Tuberculo sis at Saranac Lake, N. Y., which took place recently, is of partic ular interest to the Jewish people of the United States because thousands and thousands of them contributed generously to the hos pital and a number of leading film executives of our faith served on the various,committees for th? fund campaign recently concluded The fund • is sponsored by the entire motion pictur industry which took over the old N. V. A. Sanatorium and contributed it to the Will Rogers Mem orial Commission. The institu tlon's scope will be widened to include sick and needy members o both the stage and screen and will become a permanent monu ment in memory of Will-Roger, and a haven for the unfortunati members of the industry to which he devoted his life.
Mending and Sewing for their Fellow Refugees
DIARY: A book that will vesting in Johannesburg real escreate no end of interest among tate . . . American insurance comJews in scheduled for Fall pub- panies .taking the opportunity to lication '.-. . I t ' s a diary . . . Kept barge in on his territory and alby a young Christian woman who most succeeding in eliminating holds down a very important Job him through use of underhanded ,in. the Joint Distribution Commit- •methods . . . Brought libel action tee . . . You've probably heard against them arid won . . . T h e n about her before ,";. . Her name's bought up movie houses and Evelyn Morrissey and she's been theatres throughout the land, bewith the J. D. C. more than IB coming the giggest entertainment *k Where Omaha Shops wish Confidence years . . . Last year she went to magnate in that part of the globe New York (WNS) — The com-I Russia. . , . S h e kept a record of . . . Not so long ago.opened the .monly accepted belief that "talk-1 her travels . . . And that record first movie studio on the contining with the hands" is an inher- I constitutes the most complete, jn- ent . . . Bought up worthless land, ent Jewish characteristic does not I teresting picture of Jewish life in irrigated it, now employing .4,000 hold water from a scientific point j Jewish girls who have fled Germany young people or their parents had in Russia as it is being lived today Negroes to pick the' apricots learn sewing, and mending as part of mind for their future tareers they of view because "no race can be j that has yet been offered . . . grown on it . . . Exports'half a their training at the training school realize the necessity of being trained treated as. a unit" in studying Miss Morrlssey was accompanied million cases of oranges and othsubventioned by the Joint Distribu- in humble occupations that will make gesture habits, Dr. Franz Boas, on her trip by Mr. and Mrs. My-er fruit to England every year . tion Committee at Nieuwe Sluis, near them welcome and self-supporting in world-famous anthropologist, deWiermgen, Holland. Agriculture, doron Palk (nee Pauline Baerwald) Recently founded a newspaper in clared in an article written for mestic science, and trades are being the new countries where they hope to Science Service. In determining Johannesburg . . . s t a r t ; the day's be absorbed. $3,500,000 is needed taught to hundreds of Jewish young work at six-thirty a. m. and'wlnds men and women preparing to emi- to carry on this, and other recon- gesture habits, he said, "in every ABSENT-MINDED: Leonard It up at six in the evening . . . Is grate to other lands of permanent re- structive projects in Central and case the individual must be evaLyonB of the New York Post tells shy, clean shaven, gray-haired . . fuge with the aid of the Joint Distrib- Eastern Europe in behalf of Jews luated according to his own charthis one on Profl Albert Einstein And there's only five feet of him ution Committee. • Whatever these during 1936. acteristics", and not his descent, . . M The famed scientist one night . . , Whew I wottaman . . ' . Even which "plays a very insignificant after dinner in his Princeton writing about such energy and role in his behavior." home appeared troubled . . . "I feats gives up galloping fatigue is the fact that I raised $50,000 Europe and the United States. Comparing Italian with Jewish think," he said to his son-in-law, At the very height of its suc- on my tour, a tremendous sum in gestures, Dr. Boas found the latDr. Dmitri Marianoff, "that I was cess in Palestine Zionism as an that part of the world. |ter jerky by coraparsion. In the invited to dinner somewhere to- (Copyright 1936, Jewish Telegraorganization cuts a sad figure. "Spiritually and culturally the j Jew, he declared, "the wide sweep phic Agency, Inc.) night." . t , Dr. Marianoff took The Zionist Organization, denud- Jews In the countries I visited are j of the Italian is absent. Gener- \ the cue and hunted through his ed of members, leads a ghetto backward. Many of the commun- J ally the two hands do not move i father-in-law's correspondence . . life. It keeps its gates and win- Ities suport their own publica-j symmetrically. The elbows are j And found the invitation . , . to dows hermetically closed. It re- tions, some in Yiddish and some almost stationary, close to the dine at the White House. fuses fresh air. It rejects new in Spanish, but they cannot be- body, and the movements are By LOUIS PEKARSKY blood. It erects barricades against gin to compare with the Jewish made with forearm and fingers. I new human material. And yet, press of the Argentine or New They are LIBEL SUIT: The wild ocean emphasized by move- J A NEW STAR IS THE MAKING ROAMING AROUND HOLLYparadoxical though it may seem, waves have carried a whisper to York, both of which are in great ments of the head. They are not j the fund-raising efforts of the these not surprised ears . . . T h a t . Movie fans in America will soon WOOD demand. Few Jewish children j graphic but follow lines of ValSimir Poliakoff, publisher of see the name of a. new star emBinnie Barnes has temporar- United . Palestine . Appeal meet are getting a Jewish education j thought. Since very few of their j with enthusiastic response. The blazoned In lights on theatre t h e Pariser Tageblatt, whose ily given up her proposed vaca except in Mexico and Chile. Syn- I gestures are symbolic pantomime,! staff quit charging him in his marquees. That name will be Sha- tion in. London and will remain country is awake .to the -Palestine agogues are not rare but they are conversation without words is imown paper with having sold out indel Kalish. This outstanding in California until after she at message. Outside of the frame- seldom used" except on Saturday possible. By contrast with the to the Nazis, is considering the Jewish -personallity of the stage tends the world premiere or her work of the Zionist organization j a n d holidays. Kashruth is ob- Italian the Jew tries to get in advisability of instituting libel ac- and radio has "leen signed to a new picture in Sacramento... the Jewish rank and file. is Pal- served more in the breach. Chile, touch with his friend. He will tions against the American news- Universal Pictures contract. Arthur Kober's latest novel estine-conscious and glad to par- Peru, Mexico and Cuba have Or- even grasp his friend's hand and papers that published the story of Miss Kalish was born in Chica- "Thunder Over the Bronx," has ticipate i n ' t h e undertaking to thodox rabbis. Reform rabbis are gesticulate with his hand. The his alleged treason to the anti- go, 111., January 15, 1915, daugh- been adopted for radio presenta- build up Palestine. to. be found only in Panama, Cu- posture is characterized by a Nazi cause . « . And that he's ter of Abraham and Ester Kalish. tion , and. if developments conslump of the neck and relaxation ba and Kingston." shopping around for a good Her father is a concert manager. tinue at their present rapid pace Discussing imigration possibil- of the knees. These are the traits American libel lawyer to present She was educated at Lawson one of the majtfr broadcasting New! Large ities in Latin-America, Mr. Grat> of the immigrant who las grown his case . . ' . And that, moreover, Grammar School and Marshall systems will put it on the air up entirely in the old environber said immigrants with capital he's-got a pretty good chance of High School in Chicago and at- shortly. Mr, Kober Is now in Holcan find a place but he warned ment. Their descendants who Varieties! Ce©f! collecting . . . Because it appears tended the University of Chicago. lywood working on a scene play. against a disorganized and chao- have left the Italian or Jevrisn that.even some of the most con- She also studied dancing at a pri- Because of her fine performance quarter and live in an American tic immigration. "With regard to servative papers printed rather vate dancing school and attended in Al Jolson's new picture, 7-year Voiles! Nazi propaganda he reported that enviroment change their habifs one-sided • versions ot the whole the Goodman Art Theatre for one old Sybil Jason has been signed completely." Printed Dotted Swisses' the Nazi are spending millions in amazing incident, completely ig- year. to star in a Warner Bros, two . ' Latin-America. As a result of Chiffon Voiles! noring his emphatic denials and Her first stage appearance was reel novelty ; - . .-Isadore Bern- New York (WNS) — Leaders their activities the local antiseemingly accepting the truth of Printed Batistes the charges without even so much at the age of five when she a'tten- stein has written an original of American.Jewish organizations Semitic groups are enjoying a restory for Buck Jones' next Uni-! Dotted Piques! will have to' take a more active | k . u d e s c e n c e . The government of as an "alleged" to soften them . . ded a neighborhood theatre stock Among the au- .nterest in the affairs-of the Jews cLatin-America performance with her! parents Versal picture. Blocked Cottons! countries/however, Between the acts the,jstage dir- thors * assigned to forthcoming of South and CentraltAmerica and are not anti-Semitic, he said. AskFlowered Voiles! ON THE SPOT: Ludwig Lewis- ector went through the" audience RKO-Radlo pictures are Phillip especially in-their efforts to stem ed by- Ecuador, -which has., been Sizes 14-20; 38-461 ohn; seems tto have gotten : him- looking for a child Ao appear In C. Epstein, Lew- "LlptDn, Sam the rising tide of- Nazi anti-Sem- mentioned as a place where thouself Into quite a predicament over the act. She was selected and her 'Mlnzt, Harry R u b y . . . . tlc propaganda in the Spanish- sands of German, refugees might New York (JTA> — Receipts Fourth Floor the ZOA presidency . . . One day acting consisted of crying bitterly speaking countries, it was declar- be ttle, Mr. Graiber said that totaling $105,000 were reported b e Ee the Morris Rothenberg adherents upon discovering pinned to a towedxby Michael Graiber, on his a r - j E c l l a d o r i s culturally, economicalissue a- letter in which L. L.; de- el a note explaining her father NEXT ZIONIST PRESIDENT . Tival in New. York from a 14 l y a n d agriculturally the most Are we really poor in -leaderclares M. R. has bis "unqualified had run away. tour Latin-America in backward country of South Amership material? This question is month's endorsement and support", . a n d behalf theof, Keren Hayesod. lea. Its soil, however, is extremeLater, training came in-paro- no longer a theoretical one. Zion- Graiber ofwill the next the Dr. Stephne S. Wise remain here for a There are now 150 cohorts issue a telegram, in which chial school amateur theatricals. ists all over the country will have f.ortnlght to discuss with various ijlye wsfertile. In Ecuador, half of whom At the age of 13 she appeared In to answer it this July, when, they L. L. says his endorsement of M. Jewish organizations plans for- co- r e r e c e n t arrivals who are still R. was based, on "false informa- a school performance at the Peo- will gather at Providence, R. I., operating with Latin-American aliving on their slender capital, tion" that S. S. W. had withdrawn ple'sTheatre in Chicago, and met for their annual convention. Mor- Jewry, and then go to Palestine jh e declared, yet they contributed from the presidential race . . . Charles Kenyon. Freeman, who ris Rothenberg, present head of where he will settle. In the course j$25o to-the Keren Hayesod. Just for the record, here's L. L.'s was directing a Little Theatre the Zionist Organization of Amer: of his travels Gral, who hails I "___ letter to M. R., under date of Group there. He told her she ica, will not present himself for rom Buenos Aires, visited Chile, *\ | TJ KE RR SS KK Vl PpO mM TmI Cr Ss June, 16: "It was here in my stu- could join his group when she reelection, in accordance with.,his j Ecuador, Columbia, Dutch dy during your too brief visit reached the age of 18. When 16, statement at the last Zionist con- Peru. Indies, \ t Panama, Costa Rica, t The appointment of Max Manthat- you told ine -— did you not? however, she boldly tried out for vention. This ballot therefore West i I \ Salvador, ^Nicaragua, Mexico, Ischewitz of matzoth fame as one —that you did not wish to be a the lead in the famous Yiddish cast no reflection on his leader- San of New Jersey's official delegates Kingston and Venezuela. candidate for the presidency; of play, "The Dybbuk," but played ship. It is democratic procedure Cuba, I went I found to the convention of the Amerithe Z. O. A. Under those circum-. a hand maid instead. She was to indicate American Jewry's pre- the"Everywhere c- r economic lot the Jews not ca Academy of Political and Sostances I determined to give my coached by Freeman, and spent ference for a candidate for the bad," Graiher said.of"There cial Sciences was the idea of J. are no support, for what little it was two years with the Chicago group. presidency of the Z. O. A. It will Jewish millionaires but neither George Fredman of Jersey City •worth, toward • draughting • my When a contest was held' for Mid- also be interesting to check, af- are there many -Jewish paupers. Fredman, ex-commander-in-chief dear friend Dr. Stephen Wise for dle-West Little Theatres she play- ter the convention, upon how the Most t/j. _ ' j of the Jews live by peddling of the Jewish War Veterans, is rethe Presidency. I now hear on ed the leading part for Freeman's results -of the, elections in Pro- or through garded by many=as Governor Hoffsmall stores. A few good authority that you are not group which won the cup for the vidence will reflect the straw vote of them have already developed unwilling to run again. Under third time and she also won a dic- taken among the rank and file promising 5 Cubic Foot industrial establishof American Zionists. those circumstances there seems tion medal. ilhoy-Come Afsoard ments. The Jews of Latln-AmefPalestine and the Zionist organno need to add this, to Dr. Wise's Family Size ica are bound by close ties to One year later Shaindel Kalish ization. ] QmefVn ««•""«' '•m \, multifariouB and crushing responH s* European Jewry and do what they played the leading, role in "Girls sibilities and I want to assure you It cuts Cuitmt C««S to | Palestine has outgrown the can to help their brethren overin Uniform" a t the " Blackstone (again for what .little they ar.e Zionist Organization. It has set They are particularly in•worth) of my, 'unqualified en- Theatre in Chicago, and ,the play so rapid a pace in Immigration seas. terested in Palestine. It is safe ran for-10 weeks during an otherdorsement and support." • . . A l l economic expansion and brilli- to say that most Jews in Latin- The Quaintest Spot in Town of which is quite mystifying, do- wise dull theatrical season in that ancy of leadership that the. Zion- America EASY TERMS are Zionists. The World city: Freeman's interest by this n't you think? . Drinks by Noah time had become more than pro- ist organizations of the Diaspora Jewish Congress idea" has also As Low as take on the. appearance of out- ained a following and at the HOTEL HILL fessional and he and Miss Kalish moded, $5 Tex Month old-fashioned parents who MISH-MASH; Engene Untermy- were united In marriage. Among no longer excerise any real Influ- reneva Congress there will be a Mezzanine er, nephew of Samuel, is minus the stage successes' of Shaindel ence dm. on the child prodigy.' There representative of Chilean Jewry. ""Enjoy DOUBLE-MELLOW Old one appendix having had it re- Kalish we find "Girls in Uni- Is something Indicative of Palestinian interest Gold Cigarettes with your dinner. pathetic about the moved at Mt. Sinai Hospital re- form," "Street Scene," "The Dyb-old parents, the Zionist organizacently « . .Nathan Straus, speakk;" "Sixteen," "Bride of Tor- tions. • They watch the .forward Come In. See the Proof of ing at the Laemmle dinner the rosco," "We the People" and march of Palestine with halfother p. m. unwittingly described "Camel Through the Needle's closed eyes ALL FIVE Standards and a proud if vacuhimself as -"chairman of the Uni- E y e . " . ..••.,,'• ;••.' ' ... / ' ous smile. They are no longer ted Jewish Appeal for New York" 1 . PrCSf Of LOWER OPERATING COST Miss Kalish's success on the comrades to the virile, restless, « . . It's' the United Palestine Ap- stage waB duplicated on the radio grown-up child, yet' they make 1. P r o o f Of SAFEK FCS2 P8£T£CTiOfS peal for N. Y. you're chairman of, and she is well known for her ap- noises as if they were still authMr; Strauss « . . Harry A. WarS. Proof of FASTER FTJEEEKS—S8OEE ICE mentors. They speak ner, who was scheduled to speak pearances In "Grand Hotel," oritative different languages, the Zionist "Eyes of Youth," "First Nighter," 4. Proof ef moms «SABtunr • at the dinner, didn't show up organizations and Jewish PalBut Gene B.uck, ASCAP chief did "Lights Out", and other outstan-, estine, i . Prosf cf nvE-YEAis rasircnsN P W I The Salary Continuance Policy helps your fam- fj not only linguistically but i . .Wonder whether the former's ding programs. Universal talentj intellectually as well, in short, absence had anything" to do with scouts gave her a screen/test In Complete with all these genuine ily over that difficult one or two years after H organizations and the Homethat Warner ASCAP-song war ; . . Cnicago and engaged her as a. the FRIGIDAIRJE advantages. Check every me! land belong to. two . different contract player. Her husband also Jimmy Marshall Is doing his late your death, known as theReadjustment Period. I • Model illustrated is rrieidaire DRS 5-36. r. «' dad proud with his energetic was signed as a dialogue director. worlds. 5.1 cu.ft. capacity. 10.7 sq.ft. shelf ares. 63 Mg Besides her. ability and accom- And' yet, whether In peace or work as Commissioner of the N. ice cubes; 6 lbs. ice as one freezing; Five This plan guarantees a monthly check, from 12 to 60 j | plishments as an actress, Shaindel war, Palestine is one of the most Years Protection against service expense OB Y. C. board of education. the sealed-in mechanism V. — J - .*.; included is a talented pianist, plays tennis, significant spots on the globe. months after your death, together with an immediate • ia purchase pHcc. More Usa&Ie Space, i a Genuine interest in the upbuildrides horseback, swims and is an froat: Super Freezer. Double-Range Cold Clean-Dp Fund for small bills. H SUCCESS STORY: The hero's reader, her interest center- ing of this Near Eastern territory Control; Stainless Porcelain in Seamless name is I. W. Schlesinger . . . avid under the Mandate of Great BritInterior; Gleaming. Enduring Ehilur Exterior Has just offered ?50,000 to the ing in stage history and history ain is, if anything mounting in Finish. Automatic Reset Defroster. Automatic Phone AT. 1190 for the Story ' 1 vlct«r in an air race-from London of plays and contemporary RusIce Tray Release; Automatic Interior Ltghb to Jolmnneaburg- . >-• Now one of sian literature! Removable Shelves. Frigidaire Hydrster. Pienty of Tall-bottle space. Made tmlyi kj South Africa's wealthiest . . . "LAND. OP PROMISE" ' General Motors. -.,_.... j , ,, Came to that country via steerage PREMIERE Only FrisBQajre cares to traue from NewX York forty years ago, Rosa Ponselle singing "Ell, Eli" thisFooo-Safetrlodicstorinto 1 the cabinet—visibleproof that which is sort of different . . . as only she can sing it was the ^ ^ , F R I G i DAi RE.\ZS£,m foods are kept at Safety-Zone Started as an insurance agent, highlight of the stage show preTemperature, between ' " &*eis «w tiitoj i H&ms-FTaUt tramping and coaching it to every sented in connection with the mining settlement In the coun- premiere of "The Land of PromJOHN A. BEBBR, Gen; Agent HI try . . . That way working up a ise." in Los Angeles. Miss Ponbig insurance business . . . And selle gave her farewell concert In Farnara at 18th Omaha, Nebr. H after the Boer War starter his southern California at tho openown underwriting concern . -. . ing night of this picture of the Now conrtols seventy such organ- Jewish homeland and her services . HAEEY EOCHMAH, Prop. • TUNE TO EPAB AT 5:55 P. M. NEST SUNDAY • izations . . . Had tough sailing for •were gratis.- Following her introi time when he was heavily In- duction by Georgia Jessel, master WAlnut5611 Open Eveaiiip to 9 P.M.• 6060 Bilitary An.
Jewish Gestures Said to Depend on Environment:
Frocks You'll Live in From Sun-Up to Starlight, in a Large Variety of the Smartest Styles
man's chief brain-truster on Jew- I by Hadassah for its Youth Aliyah , of IB and 17 have been settled in ish affairs . . . Louis A. Falk of | fund, used f6r the transfer of jh o colonies during the past twe Jersey City, unless we miss our \ Jewish --children from Germany to !and a h a i f y e a r g , l n der the direcj guess, will be one of the coming : Palestine and their settlement in •tion of Miss Henrietta Szold. j leaders of American Jewry . . . • the agricultural colonies of the founder of Kadassah. ,' Tho finesse with which he organ- | latter country. . j Of the total sum collected; j Most of the contributions to the ' $2 2,000 has been raised to date ] of Jewish charities, after all attemptg had failed for 20 years, I Youth Aliyah fund, the chairman : b y E f i ( 3 j e Cantor, radio and screen was a nifty job . . . Alexander • said, were $360 units, because ' s t a r ; w h o h a s interested many-of Simpson, defense counsel in the \ that amount represents the cost • his personal and professions] famous Hall-Mills case and the ; of maintaining and educating a friends in the project end spoklate Dwight X\. Morrow's Demo- I chiid in Palestine under the spon- en in a number of cities. In adcratic opponent for the V. S. Sen- i sorship of the Youth Aliyah for dition, Hadassah bag received ate, is one of the best customers two years. Close to 1,500 Ger-; pledges of $16,000 through Mr. (for Jewish and Hebrew books . . | man children between the ages Cantor.
the t h e ^fcTJiu
il! B&k Alb'
t\itif *%!
one t h e y 5fti>^«> i l
•the ":t.-:^A S It %)bt K' t n d
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ing i:ih«;?'nl>u1
Hadassah Raises $ 1 0 5,0 0 0 for Reich Children
| Don't Let Death Stop Your Salary *.
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The Service Life Insurance Company
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY. JULY 3. 1936 ! and 17 have been settled lc blonies during the pa.st two a. half years under the direcof Miss Henrietta Szold, iier of Hadassat. ; : the total sum collected, 100 has been raised to date ddle Cantor, radio and screen "who has Interested many >of personal and professional ds in the project and spokl a number of cities. In adn, Hadassah has received ?es of $15,000 through Mr. or.
w n From Sun-Up arge Variety o f f Styles
During the first decades of the 19th century the United States . was afflicted by a plague of antiCatholic and nativist organizations which was climaxed by the emergence of the Know Nothing movement, a forerunner of the Ku Klux Klan of the 20th century. The violence of the antiCatholic and anti-alien agitation sponsored by the Know Nothings in the name of Americanism remain one of the black pages in American history. The issues that led to. the Civil War put a quietus on this anti-Catholic campaign but after the Civil War it was revived by new anti-Catholic societies, the most notorious of which was the American Protective Association. For nearly a generation the A. P. A. waged relentless was against American Catholics. After the "World "War the latent animosity to Catholics was fanned into flames by a new Ku Klux Klan.. This time Jews and Negroes too Arere the objects of prejudice, bigotry and hate. F o r a time the K. K . K . seemed likely to sweep the country. It captured control of state after state and it became an issue in the presidential elections of 1924 and 1928. But again the fundamen-. tal truths of real Americanism prevailed and the Klan faded out. Since 1931, however, we have again witnessed a recrudescence of this un-American activity. In
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:t]ie ;belief
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in itg {riendly be i','('»i J Russian hospitale fo; ; National:.Home was never firmer • toward the National Home, &et in-?* t i t W * << W t K a,t \ P >fii f ] < then pivon -meilica; than .now. " •. ' spite "a: mistaken -policy on the I'o e i I?'- country. Tlpfuges place of the Klan we have the j tolerated the autocracy of King 1 . The equity in the insurance porThe..."so-called prosperity" re-; Legislative Council, and other tloa o f n e s t a t e l s EaleabIe io T- i irf ; re intorviewinp Oerggrowth t of tthe h e Silver Silver Shirts, tthe! h e j George. George. To them them liberty liberty of conc o n -ii . .ff , > ferred to in the' last few years, j matters." He also insisted that C< at a n n r . ( r i--l technirisriF to fir,*;. a White Shirts, t h e Friends of t h e ; science, of thought, assembly and j ^ { . ^ time f 7 I Dr. ' Weftmaifn said, no no longer longer "Palestine is EH absolute neeesg sum ln casn yn ' T )>' <*< i "- riopt qualifiett for tb-.> New Germany, t h e Order of 'id, [speech was sacred. For these ; ? uyer . . prevailed,"' '"which makes the posityTor the solution of the Jewl hand 17 7">i' >• niprie nvailp.bl<? by ihr - 4 sition 'normal."' He then referred • ish problem." the Khaki Shirts a n now the i ideals they fought a bloody revo- ii ^ ^uyer ^altmS c ^ h ln . ' Soviet atllhnrities. bou 3 3 6 5 da a ear Black Legion. ilution and established a new n a - ' l *.*?*: ^f *" - to the influx of nearlv 150,000 r>Ir. .riynip.li ex|>laj.!ied that th o s^ The most amazing thing about tion dedicated to their preserva- \ good and bad times alike. new Jewish-'•immigrants in the: Russia to Admit More Physi- German Jcvrish rcnigecp jroiTjg so all these organizations is that vation. Intolerance, bigotry, pre-' If a man desires to sell his I past few years,- bringing in 2 9,-i equities in other forms of estate | cians Into Country the Sovir-t.I'nion ore not reiJVM'Td they claim to be 100 per centjjudice, dictatorship, political ty- j 000,000 pounds of capital, 'which : Soon io become Russian citizens ir: oi-Amercian and. loyal upholders of j ranny and the. destruction of all | |ib a striking refutation of the escash to buyj d e r t o l>e j>iai-p('. T h e i.ihysk'>;;ti-; the laws and Constitution of the ! human rights were totally alien I *! n d a equities. How difficult this I f a ° rts . ° f . £ ™ * e m a g 0 w h o m a i n York (WXSi — ypvc-nfy already p« ecied were chosen b"' United States. To the members I to them. And they took a firm j ed . ">*<- Uaere was no room in Gffman Jewish physicians tiave the .IDC ir Paris in cooi>f=va*-iorof the Ku Klux Klan, the Black j and relentless stand against them i has been in- the past few years I ^a?l e t m needs no emphasis. The markets \ ? f ? : Unlike other countries,: already been placed in 'the Sovioi with (lie nietiical orpaniwt?"^ Legion and similar bodies, vio- then just as they would today. t0 New York (JTA) — Reporting Union and arrangements? hav- OZE Tnd ibe .irwph doctor'p coi'iare filled with men forced to . | """nigratwu Palestine creates 8 M lence against Catholics, Jews and No mere'believers in tolerance, :Toom for more from P Paris a speech delivered by ' ' " Dr" ^ p y been completed fo- the placemen mittee in .Berlin. The caTtdii]?.te(-° f Negroes is the acme of American these patriots of early days took rifice at any price their equities, declar forced by the stern demands of .e<V"Despite the many dif-, eon Blum, Socialist who is of SO additional doctors s'tf med- nT.npporia.iion to the Iinspian mirL patriotism. Cloaked in black every precaution to prevent those fl necessity to see the fruits of years cultiesand unfavorable legisla-! slated as France's first Jew-, ical students ami 17 technical der IF provided tbrotifrh tl"" gowns, white hoods or silver that came after them from undoof toil go by the board. j tion, • the Jews of Palestine a r e i s h Premier, the New York specialists for whom jobs p,~e KICEM. AT tlie Kupsian bonlpshirts, these exponents of what ing what had bee'n achieved at Usually when you want to get ' "^daunted if they will continue i Herald Tribune said be "held otf^l waiting, it n-as announced herethey call Americanism are invok-! the cost of so much blood and your money out of your equities^' 0 b e hacked by the world." The' an oUve branch to CSumcellar by Joseph C. Hyman. pecrei.i-y they are cared for by the .Ar;_-r»ing the names and traditions of treasure. In the Declaration of you must do so at a loss because IZ i o n i s t leader denied that he was i Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic Third oi the Joint Distribution Commit- .loint which brinps them to Mos, must loss because I as Adolf cow where they sre 'housed in « the men who laid the foundations u n d ith the th tragic t i l t Reich." ih" tee. independence, the Constitution j t h e g a m e c o n d i t i o n s w h i c h f o r c e jjunconcerned with lot: Kjiecial home until they p.r'e ready of our country to justify the ad-' and oo ff the Bill of Rights they set i We are con-jj M r . B U , m i s q l l o t e d and the BUI of Rights they set | ^ ^ iin'Poland. n'Polad W T!ie arrangements v-ere cnii]- to take up their posts. likewise .are { fa vocacy by force, intimidation, ter- up a charter of American liber- working dupon t J h cooperation with all countries, ie-i every other njan—- j centfating- on German Jewry, he ror and murder a program that ties which they expected would and the market floods and the! Eai< *' because they did not possess gardless of their internal re: tae would have horrified the patriots serve forever as documents of hu- sacrifices follow. Jewish spirit and Jewish faith ' g-imes, in an effort to banish the who signed the Declaration of In- man freedom and guarantees of What possible objection can o t Eastern Jewry and are, there-; specter of a European war. dependence. justice for all men. it would have you find to setting up a supple-1 f° r e . more helpless and their Discussing the historic rela- I (Established JS7S) - - |{ Today, 160 years after the sign- been unthinkable for them to con- m e n U 1 is greater. "However, tioss -between .France and tha ! l f i n s u r a n c e , | downfall ing of the Declaration of Inde- ceive that calling themselves , remembering that your equity in j ^e must seek the- means for.-United States, the veteran Socia-: OMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sioux City — SioKs Mis \ pendence, we have before us a sit- , Americans. who . would, in I it can be sold at a price you know ! greater assistance to Polish Jew- list leader, made reference to bis ' M nation in which men who Phone fo. 0551 — Those 594 — Phone S86R5 |! j ry, whose to pascall; guise of Americanism, to !i.in advance when you contract for '• -immigration . • .. . _Pales-' - ; Jewishness ' in . . the _ . .following . - • . themselves Americans are engag-) undermine and imperil attempt the liberits purchase? 'tine Is in any'event greater than: sage, of bis address before the! ed In a determined effort to | ties which Americanism connotes, Asbestos 1 that from Germany." He added American Club of Paris, as re-; smash American liberty, to cast This July Fourth, when we d o | T h i s > believes Dr. Brim means j that the capital of German Jews ported by the New York Times: • > SiRie-Xiie aside the ideals of freedom and honor to that brave and courag-1 i g i . j is also helping to create facilities, "In recalling • these historic equality for all men .proclaimed eous band of Americans who' m c r o o r a n s m s ] Asphalt and Gravel The Bible, says Dr. Brim, an-! f °r Polish Jewish immigration. ; facts, T "would add that the poliiin 1776, to substitute for the De- launched the United States of ticipated scientists by hundreds The • basis of the Jewish Naical parties to whom tbe recent: FiSEE ESTIMATES — EAST TEKMS claration of Independence a new America, should and must be an creed that would make the un- occasion for proclaiming anew of years by explaining in Leviti-! tip^ial Home is sound, Dr. TVeiz-; elections hare given a majority, American doctrines of racial pre- the"~ immortal truths first enun- cus 26:22 and Deuteronomy 32:-] mann asserted, saying that it was claim their direct descent from r judice, religious hatred and poli- ciated in Philadelphia in 1776, 24 that what kills us in hydro-'• now passing through a period of the French Revolution E.rr., r^ tical violence take the place of that "all men are created equal, phobia is not the t>ite of the anour free institutions. To . claim that they are endowed by their imal but the poison that is asr that those who advocate these al- Creator with certain inalienable sociated with its tooth. y Dr. Brim found a perfect desien ideas speak, in the name of rights, that among these are life, y r Americanism is to mock the very liberty and the pursuit of happi- cription of the symptoms of any things for which the patriots of nes." In a nation dedicated to gina pectoris in Deuteronomy, (f°'L" '"S1! f T < ^ > 1776 fought and bled. Yet the these ideals there is no room for where an account was given of ; the "palpitating heart", the "terBlack Legion and its ilk dare to the Black Legion or similar if. rible visions" and other ills that call themselves American. y groups who bespeak a philosophy accompany the malady. <L> The most cursory inquiry shows that not only menaces that for The Israelites, he says, believed m It that the founding fathers of the which the Declaration of Indepen- in drinking milk to keep teeth Republic sought to prevent the j dence stands but which runs di- h e a U h y a n d h e q u o t e s tTom G e a . Lime Elckey, WMte Soda Pkf. 5c very things which the Black Le- rectly — • " - counter '•— to '- it. " esis: "His eyes shall be red with or Sparkling -Water "A Quality Prodnct for Seasoning" gion now proposes. " Men like ! wine and his teeth white with ' Assorted Flavors John and Samuel Adams, Ben- (Copyrgiht 1936 by Seven Arts jm f l k _ . , D i a betes is described in jamin Franklin, Charles Carroll, .'4 Packages 10c Feature Syndicate.) Leviticus, he states. Bottle Deposit John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, Edward Rut- j ledge and James Wilson, who j ' BUTTERMJT ' were among the signers of the ] Declaration o f Independence, j SALAD DRESSING were uncompromising foes of re-! Eegrdar or Blip Grind ligious persecution. To them liberty was as important as politQt.38c; * PL-24c' A. 29c 2 for 58c ical liberty and they fought to establish both with equal vigor. New York (JTA) — For all ! George Washington, who was of- modern medical advancement, Dr. Zionist Head Declares Home5&2S S fered a crown and could have j Charles G. Brimm of Beth Israel land "Undaunted" If Backbeen king, opposed with all the Hospital believes that many moed by Jewry force at his command a plot to set dern discoveries were "old stuff" i 3 i up what we would now call a at the time of Moses and has London (W N S-Palcor AgenFascist dictatorship. Patrick written a book fo prove it. His book, "Medicine in the Bi- i cy)—Pointing to immigration and Henry, James Madison, John Mar¥kg. 23c shall, Gouverneur Morris and ble,'.' holds that germs were capital influx during the past two years as a refutationof critics James Monroe were others who known to the ancient Israelites, set themselves firmly against any they knew the value of proper who predicted five years ago that y ^ f^l^f^^IlP attempt to curtail religious and diet and that they even knew of there was no more room in Palesspiritual freedom. These men hat- sun-ray treatments. He quotes tine, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Pres• r- r t ident of the Jewish Agency for t ed oppression with a passion born Scriptures to prove it. ;. 55c24 Lbs.-$1.1G of revolutionary fervor. And they 5 Lbs. 28c : The volume is the result of two Palestine, declared here that PalV gave form to this detestation in years* solid work with the Torch estine was "undaunted" by difthe Declaration of Independence in its original Hebrew (he had ficulties as long as it had the Large Size'Bottle Soskist Catsap, Delidoas and the Constitution of the Uni- previously found the modern backing of world Jewry. Dr. ted States. translation inadequate) and con- j Weizmann was speaking at a big 2 'tattles ...: .........:.....— •. _r:2f c These men were the first Amer- sists of 384 pages, mostly annotaSunkist Chili Sauce, large bottle 23c icans, the real patriots, the gen- ted verse. uine fathers of American liberty. For example, in the midst of a JEWISH girl desires to rent LIbbyY Sweet Midget Pickles, q t Jar _ SCc ^ They could no more have approv- discussion of infectious diseases, ed such things as the Know Noth- Leviticus refers to "the enemy a room in a nice neighborhood. libby's Sweet Relish, 10 o£ jar _ : _ 12c ing party, the Ku Klux Klan, the | that is within you, that will over-! American Protective Association, power you, and you will try to BOX 10 ..JEWISH PRESS j Rosedale Peas, No. 2 can I Z ^ c , desea 1.45 the Friends of the New Germany, save yourselves f nom this invis- j Sunkist'Stringless Green Beaas, CEEI —17%c and the Black Legion than they ible foe whom you cannot see." j
One hundred and sixty years ago, a body of American patriots, members of the Continental Congress, gathered in Philadelphia and put their signatures to a document which has since become the cornerstone of American liberty. In the preamble to the Declaration of Independence signed by those fathers of our country they included the following words: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness . . . Nowhere in this Declaration was there a single word to indicate that the 56 men who pledged their lives, honor and fortunes to establish American independence intended that in the new nation they were creating the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit fo happiness were to be the exclusive prerogatives of a limited group, of one race, or of one religion. On the contrary, they made it plain to the whole world that they meant these blessings to apply to "all men." The signers of the Declaration' of Independence and the men who framed the Constitution of the United States were the founders of the American Republic. It was they who first laid down the basic and imperishable principles of freedom of conscience, of speech and of assembly, to .which generations of Americans have looked as the guiding ideals of American democracy. It was they who enunciated the fundamentals of Americanism which have become the cornerstone of the authentic American tradition. Yet there have not" been lacking unscrupulous men who have attempted to pervert and subvert Americanism and to destroy the very things which Americanism represents. From the earliest days of the Republic there have been attempts, in the name of a socalled 100 per cent Americanism, to undo all which the patriots of 1776 initiated. Even before the United States was out of its swaddling clothes as a nation the notorious Alien and Sedition Laws of 1T9S were enacted in slear defiance of the spirit, if not the letter, of the Declaration of Independence. But genuine Americanism was not to be denied, for these un-American 'laws were quickly • repealed.
Zionist' demonstration, a t the Pa-• transition. He stressed t h e im- don me this liberty, I -wish to say vilion Theater, •which was under j portance of cultural activity as a 'that I can lay claim to E double the chairmanship of Lady Read-: purifying process. Lord Melchett I title, for if I have never brasfp<1 ling. Lord Melchett also spoke, who followed, extolled Dr. Weiz- | of it neither have I ever concpsiAfter paying tribute to Lords'-mannas' labors during his short i ed it, that I belong to a rare Melchett and Reading for their stay ia London and called him •which owes to the French -Ttevolo devotion and helpfulness to Zion- "ah irreplaceable figure in world ition human liberir end oqua!ii> ism,. Dr. " "VFeizmann -described the ': Jewry:" He emphasized-that the • that it should never forpet." i present, position'in-Palestine, sar-! British Government h'es n e t
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THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - . - 92.00 Advertising rates, tarnished on application. Editorial Office: 600 Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editot FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - • - - • • EditoJ FANNIE KATELMAN Council BluMs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - • • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: «3°4 so. a<tb stre«t
Lehman's Candidacy
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1936 Sunday, September 26 to Palestine. Every year Al put a commercial failure. Ambition convenient to state that the government would not restrain the •Fast of Gedaliah him~ off . . . Palestine was far burned in his breast . . . he would .. Saturday, September 26 away program-of economic extermination being directsd at the Jew- Yom Kippur . . . he couldn't visit him . . be a movie comic. Short, with Thursday, October 1 he didn't want to lose his father. chubby cheeks, round as the fat ish population. "We regrefted that the socialist party's organ, First Day of Succoth Thursday, October 8 Last April, Pesach time, Al went boy in "Our Gang," appearance the Robotnik, saw fit to print an article seeking the elimina- Eighth Day of Succoth home to ask the "kashes." His was surely in his, favor. This « . Friday, October 9 father ;ion of the Jewish population in the country within thirty Simchath Torah..... renewed his request . . . fi- week lie was given a part in "Old ^.. Wednesday, December 9 nally Al gave in . . . Mr. and Mrs. Hutch." His future may still be years through enforced migration. "We knew that the Endeks Chanukah Thursday, December 24 Yoelson and daughter recently dim . . . but it will never be diswere willing to use any and every means, sometimes fair but Fast of Tebet sailed on the Normandie because mal . . . ••Fast observed on preceding Thursday. mostly foul, to gain control of the government. Those in the "it has. a real schul aboard." Jol•Fast observed on following Sunday. son had just received a cable. In addle are obviously too near-sighted to realize that when they Mazel Tov! The Cantors have a voice, he read: "We arrived boy! His name? we asked, eagerNOTE: Holidays begin in the evening preceding the dates ain low jive the Endeks a free reign of terrorism, then they are underJerusalem today. Can't stay ly. "Schnauaer," they Baid, "i« mining the government and playing into the hands of the designated. here. They're killing my people. only a dog!" Indeks, who seek the government. reins through the same REMOVES SWASTIKA FROM Jieigho! Another beloved old man of the methods employed by the German Nazis. TRUCKS . . . How did it ever get cinema family was the father of (Copyright 1036, Jewish TelegraGEMS OF THE BIBLE : To revert back to actual events: We thought we,had aton the trucks. phic Agency, Inc.) the Manxes. He was a beau brumtained the black depths of Polish perfidy, but we thought that WORLD COUNCIL FOR GER- mel, a spry little figure that hovAf© TALMUD MAN JEWRY GIVES $1,250,000 j ered about the gates at ParaPatronize Our Advertiserg for appearances sake a semblance of justice would bemainBy O. O. DASHER TO PALESTINE . . . It's & drop in mount where his boys were on ained. "We were even disillusioned in that meager fact when Where there is no vision the a bucket — teas of millions are j contract. At the beginning of we heard that the Radom district court had rendered a verdict people perish but he that keepeth needed. ! their career, he used to go out • Stetson Eats PALESTINE I M P O R T S IN> and watch the show and report if the law happy is he. • Arrow Shirts in the Praytyk pogrom trial . ... doling out severe sentences CREASED BY $13,000,000 IN ! their jabber was loud enough to Give xao neither poverty nor • McGregor Sportswear —not to the murderers of the Jewish pogrom victims but to the riches, feed me Tit"- mine allotted' 11935 . . . And most of it is Ger- j go over. He returned backstage. • Interwoven Socks man — alas. I said he heard every word distinctJewish defendants. Incredible though it may sound, the victim bread. • Vassar Underwear l y . "That's great!" beamed Grouhas been punished for being attacked. This is a travesty on A fool spendeth all his spirit cho. "Where were you standing?" • Cheney Cravats but a wise man stilleth it within justice which leaves one sickened with the lowness to which him. "Standing? Who was standing? I was Bitting in the front row'." These 'items are featured at Our Film Folk luman depravity can sink. When the righteous are increased the people rejoice but/ There is such a thing as appeal in Poland. "We hope that when the wicked beareth rule the By HELEN ZIG5IOND Norman Krasna. writer for an immediate appeal will be made and. that Poland retrieves peopje sigh. Hollywood •— We wish that all Columbia studio, is building a at least some semblance of self-respect by righting a terrifying Say not unto thy neighbor, "Go Jewry from coast to coast could house. When asked what he was come again and tomorrow I have 'listened in" to the program ! going to put under the cornerwrong. Otherwise, the ruthless,' law-disrespecting hooliganic and 311 South 16th St. will give," when thou hast it by at the tfnited Jewish Welfare j stone, he quipped, "Harry Cohn." tactics will continue. thee. Another wag added that "it willFund Annual Dinner.
In a surprise move Herbert H. Lehman, governor of the state of New York for the past two terms, Tuesday announce^ that he would once more seek re-election, after having adamantly refused all efforts to, re-run. . Regardless of whether or not we agree with Lehman's •political beliefs or party principles, American Jewry can rejoice in Lehman's decision to again enter the political arena. Lehman has never once evaded his Jewishness; he has been active in Jewish philanthropy and Jewish development and has brought credit and glory upon the Jewish name. However, it is significant that he took the stand to \withdraw to private life right after former Judge Daniel Cohalan attacked Governor Lehman's right to run for a third term on grounds of 1 Stolen waters are sweet bread the governor's Jewishness. For a long time we were tormented David Selznick, head of the Mo-I truly-be the house that Jack eaten in secret is pleasant. tion Picture Division, revealed '. (Cohn) built." with the thought that Lehman would leave public life—where AT THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE some startling facts: Of the aphe has been an excellent and outstanding leader—because of an TALMUD proximate 80,000 Jews in Los An-! Imagine keyhollng W'inchell! By Rabbi Frederick Conn Our rabbis taught, "For two geles, only about 500 are in the 'Attorneys for N. B. C. came west un-American statement by a politician swayed by bigotry and I have been attending the sessions of the Central Confer- and a half years the school of movie industry. Yet of the $250- I to look over Waltah's script on prejudice. This would mean that one of our outstanding* men Rabbi Shammai and the school of 000 quota set for Los Angeles, I Hollywood before he airs it. They mce of American Rabbis at Cape May, New Jersey. had succumbed to the forces which want Jewish individuals Hillel debated on the ques- half/or $125,000, was voluntar- ; are guarding against (1) oceans Whatever may be" one's particular views of Judaism, it Rabbi tion of the creation of man.. One ily shouldered by those in the \ of libel. to" hide, ostrieh-like, because of unwarranted attacks upon their must be admitted that the delegates, hailing from different side argued that it would have studios. To date, stated Selznick, Jewishness. "We believe that the Jewish people in this country much better if man were not this small Hollywood group has By order of King Victor Emanparts of the country, and themselves representing different been created and the other side claimed raised $111,000 — more than all :uel, Max Keinhardt was decorated should exercise the prerogatives guaranteed them by our conpoints of view regarding. Judaism and life in genersl, that it is for better that man has the rest 6*f the 79,500 Jews in the ithis week with the medal of stitution and should not surrender inalienable rights because are a fine body of men, earnest, conscientious, as well as been created. It was decided by & Los Angeles area. j "commandatore" (commander of of the malicious, self-interested attacks of grasping political that it would have been ] the royal forces). It was in reAl Jolson, topped the program cultured, many of them especially gifted and brilliant and all majority much better had man not been . . . anyone who resisted his plea i cognition of his staging "Mervultures. , . o£ them'devoted to Judaism as they severally see if and in- created but since he had been cre- had a, heart of stone. We are ! chant of Venice" in Italy two ated it behooves him to be care- Jews, he hammered home, we | years Ego. terpret it. • ful of his actions." Zionist Call cannot escape it, nor can we for. The conference has been one of the finest I have *ver atrelated of Rabbi Jochan j get it. His talk was a series of Norman Dobrin, we hear, gets a ' The battle forecast for the thirty-ninth annual Zionist con- ended, conducted in a dignified and business-like and efficient BenIt was .Zakai that never was he anecdotes, the first about golf. picture "break" at last. Norman's vention starts tomorrow in Providence, R. I., and •unless one manner, though many were the clashes as so many vjtal and greeted first by anyone, even by Some years ago a golf club was ! career has been checkered, never faction or the other backs down, a lively fight will keep the far-reaching questions were involved. The conference may be a heathen, for he always greeted formed in exclusive Westchester monotonous. Began acting, in first. County, New York. Jolson was "little theatre" groups in his delegates~from falling asleep. The forces of both Morris Roth- aid, as has been indeed remarked by many of its older and people Roba said, "He who loves one of the pioneers. One day he home-town, Seattle . . . then took enberg, present incumbent, and Rabbi Stephen S. "Wise claim more - conservative members, to be quite radical in character; scholars shall have children that invited Harry Richman to play to the road as a comic saxophonscholars. He who respects there with him. The game proved ist in a vaude act. This was a victory at present. v" but this is in conformity with the new and swiftly moving are scholars shall have sons-in-law enjoyable and he invited Rich- far departure from the role of Undoubtedly, the. "Palestinian crisis" will be the keynote times in which we live. Perhaps progressive would be the better that are scholars. He who fears man the next week. Subsequent- lawyer his parents had planned. of the addresses. The fact that Zionist activity lias helped tre- word.and this would be in keeping with the character of the scholars shall himself be a great ly he received a letter from the | When bookings became scarce, he mendously in building up the Jewish homeland makes the catch- conference as it has always been as an organization of "Reform" scholar." (Because he will study board informing him not to ask j took a job as one of the chefs in In order to overcome his in- his visitor again. Amazed, Jol- j the Waldorf-Astoria, New York. word about "Palestinian, crisis" even more significant. It ig Rabbis. For example, a new "Declaration of Principles" was hard feriority complex.) son asked why. He was told they I Still treasures his high white hat therefore imperative that we do what we can to strengthen adopted to supersede the • so-called "Pittsburgh Platform" do not want Jews there. For a J as a memento. Odors of roast month thereafter, Jolson suffered I meat, however, were not pleasant the moral fibre of the Zionist movement. adopted fifty-one years ago, which was the authoritative statefrom" a terrible case of inferiority i to him, a vegetarian since inFor example, some Zionist leaders are making much over ment of Reform Judaism as it existed up till now. Of course, complex . . . h e shied from people, fancy. He trekked to Hollywood. the fact that at this year's convention the jjotal membership of the fundamental principles, being the fundamental principles fearing their scorn. (Opened a "little theatre" . . . •»*"• t O •"** the American Zionists will be 16,000, a '• gain of 5,000 and the p£ Judaism, remain the aame,. • , . . He spoke of his father, who is j rented an old house . . . built sets, now seventy-five. . For years the 1j stages, seats, decorated the.interthird straight year in which the Z. O. A. has moved forward One of the main questions before the conference was its old man's only wish, was to return ior, even wrote the plays. It was in membership. For a movement as important 43 the Zionist attitude towards war and peace. Many were eager to take the to have such a meager membership is indication enough that extreme position- of an out-and-out pacifism, but wiser coun* By ROBERT STONE there's something wrong with the dynamo. There are about sels prevailed and the conference contented itself with a strong NAZI PROPAGANDA SWEEP"The Clothing Corner of Omaha four and a half million Jewish people in the United States, statement regarding peace. It was recognized that the only ING OVER LATIN-AMERICA, T O U R I S T REyet the Zionist Organization of America has to boast when it real, possible, and enduring peace was the one, in accordance RETURNING PORTS . . . J u s t another example raises its membership roster to the magnificent total of 16,000. with Judaism's traditional position, based on righteousness, the of German Thoroughness, which Men! Make Your Selection Another indication of Zionist weakness is to be found in the Peace of Righteousness, as well as the righteousness of peace. we are prone to minimize. AMERICANS F O R M NEW from the Middle West's confession tfiat Zionist leaders look with a B'bmewhat worried In its passionate love of peace and its abhorrence-of the horrors LEAGUE TO AID VICTIMS OF Largest Showing oi eye at what they regard as insufficient participation of youth of war, the conference was true to the spirit of Israel of whom RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION . . . And badly needed it is. in Zionist affairs. "We believe that all will agree that in the it has rightly been said: "Israel's mission is peace; the people JEWISH WAR VETERANS TO youth lies the most fertile field. of peace and the peaceful people, whose prophets not only HOLD ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT Locally, the situation resembles the national situation. A gave the great and classic ideal of peace to the world, of beat- IN WEST FOR FIRST TIME . . . "Go West" is a good motto for reporter of The Jewish Press was assigned to the task of ob- ing swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks and Jews too. taining a cross-section of the Omaha Jewish viewpoint on Zion- learning war not more, but whose ordinary salutation in daily NAZI RADICAL LAWS VOID ist affairs, but the condition of apathy was so thick that the life is 'peaceunto you' with its kindred, response, 'unto you also IN U. S.. NEW YORK JUDGE RULES . . . That's what we've alidea had to be abandoned. peace'." ways thought. Palestine . . . Zionism . . . these are too vital in Jewish Another big question before the conference was that of SEVEN ARTS AND AFFILIATlife to be sacrificed in the quicksand of disinterest. Without social, justice. - It was dealt with in a temperate, restrained ED PUBLICATIONS O F F E R TROPHY FOR OUTSTANDING taking sides in the Zionist fight which portends, we earnestly and yet courageous manner, in line with the social spirit of INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT hope that the outcome of the Providence conclave will be a our day and. the effort" on the part of all advanced religionists AT WORLD LABOR ATHLETIC CARNIVAL . . . Let the best man unification of Zionist energy pulling, in the same direction, to express religion not only in terms of prayer and worship win. . with a vitalized, intensified program which will embrace as but also; in service, to and constructive co-operation in efforts FRENCH CABINET DECREES DISSOLUTION OF ALL FASCIST mtrny Jewish people as possible. towards the welfare of our fellow man. GROUPS . . . It's about time. The main emphasis of the conference was put upon religion BRITISH HOUSE OF COMAnthropological Stability as the chief and distinctive characteristic of the Jew as well as MONS WARNED OF ANTI-SEMITIC RIOTS IN LONDON . . . Can More than one myth has .found blissful repose in a neg- the supreme value in,life. It was heartening and most inspiring Britons become slaves of preju: lected ash-can. Now comes Prof. W. JL Krogman of Western to hear avowed Zionists, so-called ''nationalists," and by many dice? Reserve University and in an address at the annual meeting deemed "secularists," one after another declaring religion to C ' Z E C H O S L O VAKIA AND OUTLAW ANTI^White Gaberdines, Fanof the American Association of Physical Anthropologists tells be paramount and the crown even of their reputed "national- SWITZERLAND JEWISH PROPAGANDA . . . cy Serges, Tweed, Chevus that the much-maligned Jewish nose of the caricaturist just ism" and Zionism. It was declared that true union in Israel Thus becoming bright cases in the Central European desert. iots. . . in a complete se"doesn't exist." could only be on the basis of religion, as it was religion to ROME REPORTS ONLY 11 Professor Krogman, who is a specialist in his line, informed which the Jew. owed his real origin, which distinguished him JEWISH C A S U A L I T I E S IN lection of colors and pathis fellow-anthropologists that "Jews do not have 'Jewish noses: and which differentiated him throughout the centuries and to ITALO-ETHIOPIAN "WAR . . . terns . . . stripes, hound's because this type of nose is 'an Annenoid nose.'" The Ar- which he must pay homage and reverence and allegiance to- That's what you call Jewish mat o o t h checks, squares, — for all but the eleven. menoid nose, according to Krogman's survey, did not make day, if the Jew is really to fulfill his true purpose in the world I e l FRANCE OFFICIALLY BOYoversquares, m i x t u r e s its appearance until 1300 A. D. He also declares that the Jew- which is not to be an object of contention and provocation in COTTS BERLIN OLYMPICS . .. . and plain colors. A vast ish type of head originated long ago through a combination the world, and the innocent victim of persecution, but to bless But the A. A. U. refuses to take this step. size range. of the primitive Semitic head-shape and the Armen6id nose, the world through the ideals and the^ actualization of rightTRIPLE-EDGED ANTI-SEMIbrought in by a quite distinct racial stock. • TIC DRIVE STIRS SOUTH AFeousness, of unity, and of peace. We were also quite interested in another phase of the JEWRY . . . We're beginNo member attending the conferencee could possibly feel RICAN Krogman report. Showing that since then the type has re- otherwise than that he was highly benefited and inspired to ning to think that Borne people like Jews. mained remarkable stable, Professor Krogman told the scien- new effort and consecrated, even though self-sacrificing ac- don't ITALIAN JEWS ESTABLISH tists that it has "changed less in the last 5,000 yeara than tively, to bring benefit to the members of his congregation; so KEHILLAHS IN ETHIOPIA . . k the Falashas become memmany another race which claims 'racial purity 1'" that as he left the scene and th« incidents of his brief sojourn Will bers? by the sounding sea, the roar of the heaving and the rising of JEWISH PROPERTY DAMAGE Complete Size Range. the waves and billows of the neighboring ocean ever in his FROM RIOTS SET AT $900,000 Very Special st . . . Polish Perfidy . . . But the Zionist spirit goes When we wrote editorially concerning the dastardliness of ears, "Above the voice of many waters," truly "in excelsis," marching on. th<* war of, economic extermination being waged against the there was not only God, but there resounded in hia soul the PALESTINE MANDATE MAY AFFECTED BY SYRIAN INmore than three million, hapless Polish Jews, we thought that words of the ancient benediction, "Blessed was thou in thy BE DEPENDENCE MOVE ..; . . Furwe had written the blackest chapter in modern Polish history. coming, be thou blessed in thy going, ther complicating an already exceedingly complicated^ situation. Poland itself not so long ago- felt the whip of persecution and coming, be thou blessed in thy going." FREDERIC COHN. the crack of biased justice and when Bhe regained her freedom (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts after the world war—and parenthetically it may be well to reFeature Syndicate.) RABBINICAL ASSEMBLY ,TO mind Poland that Jewish participation in Poland's fight for STUDY LEGAL STATUS OF JEWfreedom was extremely active and costly—we felt sure that the ISH WOMEN . . . . Rather irreleFait of Tammuz .:. Tuesday, July 7 Jewry of Poland, were «set for the equality which was guaran vant. Women should study the COFJU3CT APFAKEI. FOB. SSEN AND WOMEN teed them under the minority treaty. Tisha B'Ab ,L Tuesday, July 28 legal status of the Rabbinical Assembly. We bewailed the fact that Premier TSkladowski found it Rosh. Hashonah , ...Thursday, September 17 MEMPHIS EXPRESS COMPANY
White Flannel
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ftt Mr, Ravit* brid* *t A* «•
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THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, JULY 3, I9SS -cial failure. Ambition his breast .... . h e -would rie comic. Short, with, leeks, round1 as the fat Our Gang,' appearance \y in his favor. This rras given a part in "Old His future may still be but it "will never be dis-
Tov! The Cantors have a name? we asked, eagernauzer," they said, "is
FKANKMN-KAFIiAN Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaplan of Columbus, Neb., announce the en* gagement of their daughter, MQIlie, to Joseph Morris Franklin, son of Mrs. Herman Franklin of Omaha. The announcement was made at a family dinner at Hotel Thurston in Columbus, Sunday, June 28. . A reception for relatives and friends was held at the Kaplan home after the dinner. No date has been set for the wedding.
Represents State
*v -' *
VISITING DAUGHTERS Mrs. M. Frieden is spending a part of the summer visiting with her daughter, Mrs.- M. Gilinsky in Milwaukee, Wis. She will spend the rest of the summer in Cleveland with another daughter, Mrs. Al Berger.
EDEI/SOX-SIEVEB |TO BE "AT HOME" ANNOUNCE BIRTH At a ceremony at the Park Wil- SATURDAY EVENING Mr. and Mre. Sam Schwartz anMr. and Mrs. Ben Posley •will Bhire Hotel in Los Angeles, Calif.. on June 20, Miss Dorothy Slever, be at home Saturday evening, nounce the birth of a son at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel from 7 o'clock on, in honor of Clarfcson hospital Tuesday, June Ravita of Omaha, became the the twenty-fifth /vredding anniver- 30. bride of Louis'Frederick Edelaon, sary of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brown. No cards Word has been received here of son of Mrs. Bertha Edelson. have been issued. the birth of a daughter, Sheila, An arbof^ decorated with white to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen of roses and ferns served as an alBrooklyn, N. Y., June 24. Mrs. tar. Tall palms and baskets of HON'OB BRIDE-TO-BE Cohen is the former Doris Singer Miss Ituth Himelstein, a bride•white gladiolas lined the Bides of o-be, was guest of honor at a of Omaha. the altar. The bride wore a. long-trained ridge luncheon and shower given gown of white satin. Her tulle by Mrs. Ben Minkin, 2861 New-ENTERTAINS Mrs. Irvin Levin, newly elected veil was held b; r a lace cap and port St. recently. Prizes were won by Mrs. Clara president of the local chapter of she carried a bouquet of white roses and bovardia. She was given Waldman and Miss Rose Meyer. Hadassah, entertained her offiin marriage by her father. cera and board members at a gettogether at it& Paxton hotel MonMrs. Emmanuel Abbott, sister ENTERTAIN FOR day, June 29. of the bride, was matron of honor BRIDE-TO-BE MInda Friedman. Miss Dora Freshman, bride-toand was gowned In peach-colored Miss Minda Friedman, daughter lace. She carried a bouquet of be, was entertained at a miscel- TO CHICAGO talisman roses. The attendants, laneous shower by the Misses Ida Misa Dorothy Zlotkia left for of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mrs. Samuel Ostrich, another sis- Fine, Kalab. Franklin, Jeannette New York City Saturday evening, 29 62 Popplcton avenue, as queen ter of the bride, and Mrs. Irvin Resnick and Sonia Roitstein on June 27. She stopped in Chicago of the Nebraska delegation to the Steinberg, the bride's aunt, wore Thursday, June 25, at Miss Res- and Cleveland for a few days en democratic convention In Philagowns o£ -flesh and blue net. They nick's home. Thirty-five guests route east, where she will visit delphia, represented this state at carried bouquets of flesh roses were present. relatives i and friends. Miss Zlot- the Mardi Gras held on the eveand lavendar Bweet peas. kin will also stop in Wilkea ning of June 25. Miss Friedman, a graduate of Master Morley Steinberg, couBarre, Pa. lentral High school last year, &tsin of tlie bride; was the ringt e n d e d Creighton university, bearer, and Mrs. Emanuel AbRETURN. FRO51 where she majored In jburnalism. bott acted as beat man. EASTERN TRIP By Mrs. David M. Newmao Mrs. Eva Samet Cohen sang "I Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Yaffe re- After the convention she and her Love You Truly" and. ''Oh Promturned from a trip east where mother visited friends and relaise Me" and Miss Florence RappaRECIPES they atteticled the Jewish congress tives in Washington, D. C. port and Mr. Hyman Siegel played in Washington, D. C, and visited Fruit Cookies the wedding march. One-half cup butter, 1 cup in Baltimore and New York en TO OKOBOJI Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman and Out of town guests were Mr. brown sugar, Vz cup honey, 1 egg, route home. nephew, Gene Stein, will leave on and Mrs. Samuel Ravitz of Oma- 2 teaspoons lemon juice, cup Friday to spend the week-end at ha, Mrs. Rich Ganahl of Savan- prune pulp cooked, V2 cup chop- VISITOR* FROM Lake Okobojl. nah, Georgia, sister of the groom, ped walnuts, 3 cups flour, *4 teaand Miss Sarah Nodler of Minne- spoon salt, iVs teaspoons cinna- siocx ctarsr Miss Rose Zelinsky of Sioux TO CHICAGO BY PLANE apolis. Mr. and Mrs. Edelson will mon, 2 teaspoons baking powder, City Is visiting ,her brother-inreside In Los Angeles. Bert Thompson of San Francis14 teaspoon cloves. Cream butter, add sugar slow- law and sister, Mr. and Mra. co, Cal., who has been visiting with Messrs. Al Abrams and Cy HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON ly, add honey and beat well. Add Henry Krasne. Silvers during the race season at Mrs. A. B. Simon gave a lunch- beaten egg, lemon juice, prune Ak-Sar-Ben, will leave for Chieon Wednesday, July 1, for those pulp, spices and nuts. Mix and VACATIONING IN cago by plane Sunday, July 5.' ladies who honored her with re- sift together the dry ingredients EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greenberg membrances on her thirty-fifth and add to mixture. Beat well. gjsswfcwfssscsssisajsssfcs^^ wedding anniversary, June 9. Drop batter by teaspoons on a and son, Stephen, have been vaca- BETUBN FROM TKIF EAST Mrs. A. Newman and daughter, greased cooky sheet. Bake In hot tioning In Excelsior Springs, Mo. They will retura tomorrow. They Babe, returned Friday evening, oven 10 to 12 minutes. are accompanied by Mrs. Sam Jane 26, from a month'if trip WANTED by young mother Platt. . ' east. They visited In Pittsburgh, and eight-year old daughter, Frosted Chocolate Marble Cake Washington, D, C , Baltimore, Three cups sifted cake flour, 2 board and room, with nice Philadelphia, Atlantic City and teaspoons baking powder. % tea- IN COLORADO Jewish family. . Mr. and Mrs. Mas Kriielman New York. spoon salt, % cup butter, 2 cups sugar, % cup milk, 1 tea- are visiting In Denver and ManBox IB Jewish Press spoon vanilla, 6 egg whites stiff- itou, Colo, in Denver they -will be LEAVES FOB NEW YORK: Misa Bernice Yousem left Satly beaten, 3 SQUares bitter choco- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. late melted, 4 tablespoons sugar, Ross. They will motor back In urday morning, June 27, for New York City, where sha will visit cup boiling water, % teaspoon two weeks. for a month. soda. TO VISIT PARENTS Sift flour and measure,, add Mac M. Outtman of Pittsburgh, HAVE GtTEST HERB baking powder and salt. Cream For Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Meyerbutter, add sugar gradually. Add Pa., will arrive today to spend two flour alternately with milk. Add weeks with, bis parents, Mr. and eon have as their gaest their niece, Mrs. Alfred Auster c£ New vanilla. Fold In beaten whites. Mrs. Samuel Guttman. York City. Mrs. Auster plans to To melted chocolate add the 4 spend the summer here. Sizes I t o 13 tablespoons sugar and; boiling TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS • Mrs. Jennie Kotler has left for water, stirring until blended. Add AAAA to EEE soda and stir until thickened. a week's vacation In Excelsior BETUKN FROM CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Friedman Cool slightly and add. to % of Springs. Wear Wilbur Coon returned Monday from a short the batter. Leave other half of visit in Chicago with their son, batter plain. In a greased pan put In Practice of Law Free Tread Shoes alternate spoonsful of dark and Murray M. Wintroub announces Alvin, and Mrs. Friedman's sislight mixture until all is Vttsed. his association with J. J. Fried- ter. $8.50 to S1O.OOBake in a moderate oven .55 min- man and Hyman S. Shrler, 740 utes; Cover with chocolate Icing First National bank, in the prac- GUEST No extra charge for large made of 4 tablespoons cocoa mix- tice of law. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Simon had sizes. Fitted scientifically In ed with 2 % cups powdered sugar, Mr. Jake Simon of "California as Mr. Wintroub Is a graduate o Herzbergs Chiropody De1 tablespoon melted butter and their .guest at dinner at the SUty partment, Mezzanine Front. milk for the right consistency to Crelghton university, where ht club. was affiliated with Pi Lambda Fhl spread. fraternity. VISITING HERE Miss Eva Ivener of Sioux City ia visiting at the home of Miss Dorothy Zollotuchen. She lias been, extensively entertained for the past few weeks. Miss Ivener plans to stay until after the Fourth, when she will return to Sioux City with Misa Zollotuchen as her guest.
tit'1336, Jewish Telegralic Agency, Inc.) nize Our Advertisers
tetson Hats trrow Shirts McGregor Sportswear nterwoven Socks 'assar Underwear fheney Cravats items are featured at
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SHNNEAPOLIS VISITOB Herman Saporln of Minneapolis is visiting with Abraham Resnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Resnick. This week Mr. Saporin and Mr. Resnick are at Camp Gifford with Troop 62, of which Mr. Resnick is assistant scout leader. Patronize Our Advertisers
Perfecli •
NEW VAULTS Pay cleaning ehirg* enty
when cSotfiM ere netcaa fer nest cmsn.
Peerless 'Cleaners
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Th« Seles Permanent with ns mae(\!nsry and ne electricity usoa t i |£.£0 s-^3 up. 718 Brsniels Theatr*
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fcis IT-ye&r-old son, who having! tired o£ school, deckled to see the i world. I if Curtains Draperies In this instance the poetoKice 1 sfi Slipcovers ! officials came to the rescue and j § I located the boy when lie culled j g ART ROBINSON I for a letter. It •wag a grateful lad, '• * I nappy to return tc the vr&rca com-; | : AT-71S7 Not long ago a middle-aged {fort of his home, who faced the §j man was found wandering aim- j social worker. E. T. C. INSTALLATION The E. T. C. sorority held a lessly about downtown. Suspicion formal installation of officers at I that he was & mental case was FT WILL FAT TOU home of Miss Jacqueline Lippins, confirmed by the police, vrbo iii To Consr.lt June IS. Miss Edith Schneider, found papers on him showing The Fa-Hon sorority held a outgoing president, presided. New that he had been in &n institu- meeting at the home of SIISE METofficers are the Misses Mary Kap- tion. lam AbrEEDg Monday evening, lan, president; • Bertha Slutsky, Since the manTOE& Jew, tie June ES. The firevring or. a IE--} secretary; Jacqueline Lipp, treas- •case was brought to the attention. piece breakfast set was von by * OIAR5ONPS urer, and Rose Kaplan, reporter. of the Jewish. Welfare Federation. Mrs. Irving Kubln. WEDDINCJ RINGS After the Installation the mem- While the federation office checkElection of officers' vrae held ITATC3S E$ - SILVEEWARE bers "were presented- •with their ed up with agencies in the mac's a t t k i s meeting. The new officer GIFT sorority pins. Plans were made home, the ni&a wts placed ia a j& r e M BK j 6m Abrams, preBidert; for a luncheon and swimming hospital ward vrhere he received j eo2Sle "Wolfsofc, secretary; EtVe' party to be held some time this necessary medical attention. iKelfcerg, treasurer. month. A social hour followed. Money for bis expenses was P l a n s for t. breakfast v.-ere tliF t forwarded by an aaxious fussily cussed. - ••*».»«».•*» AT JOSLYN and the railroad ticket, which he Two-musical programs, botJs of had lost, was graciously replaced which are free, will be given at by the railroad company. ' SHOWCLOSES FRIDAY KIGK7the, Joslyn-Memorial thig Sunday • This is but one of the cases resr REVUE STARTS SATURDAY! afternoon. ferred to Mrs. Rose Eisno which The first, which will be given deal with the problem' of tranin the concert hall at 4 p. m., is sients. A steady stream of an organ recital by Miss Esther derers passes through Omaha Leaf, assisted by Lillian Gill the Jewish Welfare Federation is called upon to handle the Jewish Switzer, pianist. The second, wlslc-i will be given cases. In the .lecture hall at 4:30 p. m., Sometimes It is the usual wayIs a Ludwig Vaii Beethoven pro- farer anxious for temporary aid.; gram presented by the works another time it may be a family progress administration federal man honestly trying to fled work music project under the direction but who has become tirefi of of Madame Thea Moeller-Herxns. hitch-hiking and homesick for bis fatally. of the men have lost resin EEy local comtneuity ifiency A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 formally installed its new administra- and It Is they wnose problem Is tion, headed by Dan Miller, at its especially acute, for they are not regular meeting Tuesday, June only homeless but also umrEntefi. 30. Max Baer, assistant executive Only four women transients tave secretary, spoke briefly to the appeared at the federation offices group immediately after the in- of the J. C. C. While tbere are many nonstallation. A preconvention smoker Trill Jewlsa families on tne roas at tne be held Thursday, July 9, to give present time, the Jew, in spite of the members who are attending his reputation EE a wanfierer, prethe thirteenth annual A. Z. A. fers to plant roots in a favorable convention at Santa Monica, Cal., environment. Few of the esses handled fiea sendoff. The seven alephs who are planning to attend will repre- msnd expenditure of money. Cosent the chapter in all the activi- operation with several Egeccies ties there, including the stunt usually rights a situation that oa night competition, for which they t h e surface ra&y appear exceeSingly gloomy, will present a skit. I There is the story of the distracted father who came to locate Patronize Onr Advertisers
Of MiT
t b * 1&MSM*. and J»AV-ftf
winner xx. Jd
CW own JftiTi.*,, 1*
for ler.i r»T
" A N D I D A T E—Enthusiastic
POPE.CONFERS BED HATS—In colorful and impressive ceremonies at St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome six cardinals received the symbolic red hats, conferred by His Holiness, Pope Pius. Here is a scene in the Cathedral as the six cardinals kneel in front of the altar.
crowds met;the Bepublican presidential candidate. Governor Alf M. Landon of Kansas, everywhere his train halted during the trip from Topeka to the vacation lodge-at Estes Park, Colo. Here is a night scene as $500,000 BACKS LEMKE—Rev. Charles E. Coughlin. radio priest, the train stopped at Abilene, announced he had $500,000 to elect Representative William Lemke -Kan." The' Governor leans far Union party President of the United States. Above. Fr. Conphlin,'over*the. rail of his private car center, is on the. steps of the Shrine of the Little,Flower in Royal feirjrrs-sp jha hand (if a •crpii- Xtelt-=Micb^--llepreseBta^ve---^Kk«^s=at==4e{tF=-fe«»=The O'Brien of Boston, vice presidential candidate. wisher, white others in the crowd press forward to greet him.
ELE ROOM ^.•^•.
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V.la.':.-*.- X.v.rii C
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SEA GOT IT—-Withstanding the battering of the Atlantic Ocean for 10 years, this 30-room sum- J mer home at Seabright, .N. J., furnished but unoccupied, finally collapsed when waves tore out the piling supporting it since the brick foundation' was washed away in 1934. The house, costing $65,000 thirty years ago, was owned by Josephine Davies of New York. •
PRINCE OF FRECKLES—Here's the Prince of Freckles,, elected on Kid's Day at the Texas Centennial Exposition'at Dallas because he topped all the other boys in the count. He's H ; B. Sanders, Jr.,'9 years old. He has 5,673 freckles—count 'em, if you" don't quite believe itl . ' " ,";
••"• ' •- , C -: iM&;Siai-\
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Elcvtri mam
JAFSIE AT CONCLAVE—Asserting it was his patriotic duty to be present, here is Dr. John F. i Jafsie) Condon signing autograph slips at the Democratic convention irs Philadelphia. Dr. Condon is remembered as the go-between for Colonel Lindbergh when the ransom money was paid in the kidnaping case.
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BEAVER — Film players are often-called upon to do strange things to make then* pictures authentic. Here is Jack Oakie, : temporarily negligent of the BEAUTIES BY.THE SEA—Three beauties on the beach dt^Atlan- barbers as he grows a beard in tic City, N. J., sometimes known as the Nation's Playground. Left preparation for a new role. This to right: Phyllis Hickson.Anne Rupp and Jewel Lindsey, caught :~picture' of the comedian was by the cameraman" while they were but for a frolic on the sand. • taken at a Los Angeles wrestling The resort reports many visitors this year. '.: - _ bout. i . * • - • - • » : . .
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HISTORIC PICTCKE—Among patriotic celebrations oh July 4 this year, Humboldt, Cal., will observe "Days of General "Grant." Here is a historic picture of the general' ahlrhls family-at Long Branch, N. J. Mrs. Grant is at left and others areiTJ.S. Grant, Jr., Nellie Grant and Jesse Grant. •-..'._.
F.D Jl. MAN—With one hand on the White House latch, here is Senator George W. Norris, Republican of Nebraska, who recently : announced his intended support of President Roosevelt. The Senator, for whom the Norris Dam in Kentucky was named, was & luncheon guest of the President.
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feoUNB FOR THE CANS—rBack hi World War days Uncle Sam's soldiers used to call them goldfish. • !&ut they really^are Salmon, illustrative of the important, canning industry of the Northwest, latest ' S o r t mys that -the May catch delivered to Seattle, Wash., will reach f l,OOW)00*~®nd the season is ' U t i i U L f Most o l these catches come from Bristol Bay.-Alaska. .
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KANBS THAS.HST HOMERS—Mighty hands of WaHyfBerger..right, Boston Bee center fielder, that have provided winning margins with magnificent homersrecently. The hands are being photographed by Ethan Allen of the Chicago'Gubs during a meeting of the two teams in Boston. Incidentally, Allen got a spifce througa'oae oi his hands shortly; after this.
WATEE QUEEN—Mrs. Lenore Eight ^Tingara, 24, of Homestead, Pa, who established two new wsvlcl rr a"ks ^n v inning the onemile swim at the women's national swimming championships at • Manhattan Beach. New York. She was heavily favored to retain her queenship in two- other contests—the 440-yard freestyle and the-880-ya'rd freestyle.. She is considered, an Olympic favorite. Copyright UniteS Newsplcturas.
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record high of 1,800 as the re-!two Ego, tTie declaration sclt of an agreement between the expresses deep regret that Mr. A regular meeting of the Chesgovernment smcS the Jewish Agen- Ormsby-Gore hinted no change In By EA1; SGHAFISO ed Shel Ernes will be held Moncy for PaleBtine, whSch had re- the political situation in Palestine 2,500 Jewish day afternoon in the building The top division teams in the guards to protect various Jewish • &B a result of the present tactics. next door to the Chesed Shel Center Softball league played true colonies. The most drastic fine Ernes. This is a very Important to tradition when the three lead- imposed upon any Arab commuThe Firms vhieh s 3 vert ton in. meeting and all members are ing teams caine through in last nity since the disorders started the JeviPb. PPPBB tieserre urged to attend. Sunday morning's games. The was levied on Lydda, •vrhich His every action is looked upon league leading Ctaaha Potato ordered to pay $££,000 because merit your patronage. aa the natural expression of a Overheard: The remark of one pure mind, in other words, the night. They'll he hack in town in. Market defeated the Towers, 6 to some of its residents had particiof our bearded elders. Having youngster is "well on his way to the early autumn. At present 4; Sample Furs downed the Oma- pated in shooting at railway Eeoia, for rest, Suitable for heard that several prominent being a brat: Ben's big interest is a sporting ha Jobbing Co., E to 4, and the trains &nfi damaging commur.ica- coaablc. Near carlin*. 0mahari3 -were, seen teaching their goods factory ".'. . At last hearNot only would the great masPsi MB defeated the A. Z. A. No. tioas. mar or woman. offspring the tricks of the trade ter of psychoanalysis feel -faint at ing ' Louis Somberg was about 1, 12 to 8. The government of Transjorat- Beveral of our "local hotspots, seeing his great theories of edu- ready' to leave the Clarison hosThe grocery boys jumped into!clan, headed by Ernir Abdullah, he shrugged his shoulders and pital . ' . . Could Joe Lerner'a *, »T *w i T * V\iT cation so ab.-sed, but the youngthe leadd in the first inning -when has published a categorical denial MO! Webster St. EA-16S moaned: "In the old days fathers „. . himsell*is *,„,.„„.,_ finally :,„„„„ .„,:,.„,* rebelling. chronic tardiness be caused by an they scored two runE and then j that tbere is any plan or inter.were proud to teach their sons The other day In distracted finaladfieti two more runs ic the first |tlon on the part of cry early morning date? . Somethe Gemara. Now its Black jack he sat on the floor and de- one seems to think that- Norman of the third inning before the j daaians to conduct RE and Poker and how to> choose a ity, manded of hiri parent: "Mamma, Bordy has something special on T Towers could feet started. ' 'he march on Palestine. The winner at Ak-Sar-Ben." must I always do what I want to his mind. We hazard no giiess Towers found the offerings of meet also dececS rumors . . : What could be on the mind do?'' Paul Steinberg in the last of the Crown. Prince Tala! had thoupl.t t^f r-rj»r-j of the .young lady who suddenly third -when they pulled within a of marching on Palestine at tLe announced she would be an actrun of the Potato Market, £ue to | head of a band of armed men, but Then there's the story that's * *. ress only if she could play" the a long double by Paul Eogdanoff. j had cot been permitted to do eo. going the rounds about the intelSbce 1921, trade schools providing longer able to earn a living as peddler* Yoz c&r.'t E'top & Due soon for c brief sojourn in part of Lucrece The Potato Market earned anoth- j A spokesman for the Palestine care and trade training For thousands or petty traders to become sdf-susand then follectual Omaha matron who, in her Omaha is a brilliant young Oxstorm, btst roti car. bu lowed it • up wHhthestartling of Jewish youths, have been sustained er ran in the fourth inning and | government characterised RE "uttaining ES skilled workmen. The own mind, is a great disciple of ford graduate, member of an Engby the American Jewish Joint Distri- training courses sre conducted fo? afided their last counter in the | ter nonsense" the rumor spreafi wiadstsna iastir&acis the psychoanalyst, , Freud. Her lish rabbinical family. While try- statement, "If- you're thinking bution Committee in Eastern Europe. both young men and wssnen and fot seventh, while the Towers gar- j abroad of an armed march on young son is being subjected to ing to acquaint himself with the what I think you're thinking, I'll roits The scene above shows a typical trade older people. About one third of the nered their last rcn in the fifth \ Palestine, declaring that there theories of child psychology that American traffic regulations, he wring your neck if you say it." school classroom in Poland. This trade and agricultural schools in S& f)oHgi«g Ulock frame. Much credit is cue to Ii; are BO indications c any EUCII risfor lack of better authority are inadvertently rushed through a group of Jewish lads are learning Eastern Europe are directed by the JACKSON I ESS Novak who pitched good enough \ ing and that Transjordan is well woodworking. being attributed >to the venerable red ORT. The Joint Distribution Comlight. to win almost any ball game, let- ^introlled by the Royal Air force, There are today organized as a mittee, however, not only supports Viennese doctor. Anne Rosenblatt was , home There appeared from that no• result of the stimulation and support ting the grocery boys dewa with j Vith all Jordan passes well The.youngster is nearer curbed. the ORT schools but also subventions of the Joint Distribution Committee, the others. where BO convenient for minions from. Radeliffe college for 'her only five hits. Al Abrams,'backer i watched. of the law, a traffic policeman summer vacation . . . Miss Bess • child care federations in many sections In many instances, with the help of and s e c o n d basecien, It is impossible for the Arabs to j F-r-ti Ii r ' of Europe through which J.D.C. funds Haykin had left -for Chicago -. . . who demanded why the young the Joint Distribution Committee, strengthened the Tower infield live peacefully in Palestine with j Pise* are administered for the trade trainJewish.artisans in Eastern Europe. Englishman had not stopped for Announcement had been made Irt tremendously with his fiery play- .Tews while the Jewish national young Jewish lads. particularly in Poland, have been enthat Ephraim Marks was the re- '.. ingInofaddition the red light. ; . to providing for their abled to pass artisans' examinations ing. The last-place Omaha Jobbing j home policy is maintained by | In tones soothingly Oxonian cipient of the World-Herald scholtrade education, many of the out of as team started to work in the ini- j Great Britain, it is declared in a j required Under newly promulgated town pupils tnust also be maintained laws, thus making it possible (or them came the reply, ''Sir, no gentle- arship . . . "Miss Annette Riklin, tial stanza when they scored fourj statement of Arab policy issued man would stop for a red light.' featured dancer with the Mas- ••• with clothing, food and shelter as their to retain their means of livelihood. runs, only,- to lose out in later by the Arab supreme committee i families'circumstances are too poor to He paid exactly two dollars extra cagno ballet, had returned home -The American Jewish Joint Distriinnings. Les Giventer, •>. eteran I ever the signature of Kaj Amin j! allow for their support when away Mrs. Joe Wolf for the privilege of wise-cracking for the summer bution Committee already has ex: Sample Fur catcher, was the hero j EJ Eusseini. grand mufti of Jeru- Crr;f from home. and children were visiting in Chito the "Bobbie." This year the Joint Distribution pended 527.000,000 for rehabilitative of the game when he hit a double j galem. Intended as the Arab tn- : cago and- Mackinac-.island . . work among Jews in Poland and EastCommittee is financing the ORT's with the bases loaded in the fifth j gwer to the coloaial EecretE»ry's i EL ern Europe. For 193S the joint DisLillian Margolin had received her entire program of manual, technical inning to win the contest. The I speech in the house of commons j PLUCKS A THRONE LL.B. cum laude from the Uniand agricultural training in Poland tribution Committee is allotting furriers' first run came earlier in j — and Eastern Europe. The work of $1,150,000 in its budget to continue It seems that Minda Friedman, versity of Nebraska Max program in behalf of Jewi in the same inning. j Nebraska's candidate for the Fromkin was elected president of • the ORT has enabled thousands of this Jewish "luftxnenschen" who trere no Eastern Europe. The A. Z. A. lads couldn't Quite, queenship of the democratic con- the' Omaha Hebrew club at its keep up their -winning streak,; vention, had to fight her way into semi-annual election. when faulty playing caused the the Mardl Gras parade. Such a fraternity boys to lose a free- ; display of pluck deserves a slugging match to the Psi Mu. '• throne. . • '••.--. The Psi Mu were forced to use; «••• two pitchers while Morris Afiler I TO THE POINT j went the route for the losers. ' Having scanned the London Schedule for July S: ', You are the heart of your business. Jewish. communal record which Omaha- Potato Market vs. Oma- , WE'RE TELLIXG YOU had to happen to him . . . One Your business suffers when you lists the departed members and The mysterious big shot of the evening, he worked late into the ha Jobbing Co. at West Elmwood. I Jerusalem (JTA) — Suspicions are below par. The strain imposed their achievements, we have come of Nazi complicity in the Arab re- Black Legion is the same wealthy A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Sample Fur j by hot, sultry weather hampers to t h e ' conclusion it is a noble volt Increased when numerous industrialist who subsidized the night at his. office . . . He had at East Elmwood. j yonr efficiency. You can avoid the idea that the Omaha Jewish comTowers vs.* PBI MU at ThirtyKu Klui Klan . . . He's also said told the operator of the elevator German citizens from Tanganrisk of loss in business and injury munity may well cop;." Following yika, speaking Arabic fluently, to be the chief financial baker of to leave the lift on his floor and j second and Dewey. to your health by having a Delcoso impressive a name as Baron Frigidaire Electric Room Cooler arrested in Jaffa on suspi- Nazi .propaganda ia this country keep the door open • . . This was I Ephraim Lopez Pereira d'Aguilar Were .Orthodox Jews can eat at the done, but another tenant on the pat into your oSce.Thi3 ingenious cion of being connected with harNorman Berg has been named is the terse description—Eccen- bor disturbances. product of General Motors does same table with Seventh Day Ad- same floor used the elevator with swimming instructor, succeeding | tric and'miser. more than cool the air. It also takes • The belief that Germany might ventiets because . the latter also Al Orcch. Berg is a very capable ' •& out excess humidity—keeps your be Involved, was strengthened abstain from eating ham and the result that Wolf son etepped swimmer, having lettered at Tech office filled with crisp, fresh, bracinto the open shaft and fell down when it was discovered that many pork When the delegates to High under Coach Cal Hubbard ing' air in -which yoa can do your 4 of the rifles found with Arab re- the Republican National Conven- three floors, breaking his leg and and • also has earned the senior exMax Besnick, now being best work regardless of the weather He's now in | life saving awS.rd. Eerg, a forposed to the dangers of little old bels after uprisings at . Nablus, tion at Cleveland were not whoop- many other bones out of doors. The Delcc-Frigidairo New York came away from the Tulkarem and Jaffa were of Ger- ing It up for their .candidates, the hospital but he can't collect I mer lifeguard at Riverview park, Electric Room Cooler is a proven University of Chicago with! a Phi man make. Observers had previ- they were stroming the theatre a cent. j learned to swirn. in the Center product. Thousands are in use. Beta Kappa key . . . Isadora Rich- ously. .infeii;ed""Itom:rtHB.-lact the where Clifford Odets' play of WILJXJARD HOTEL pool 12 years age and since h&B Phone us NOW about an- IM^ i rifles fl th lin, „ who, completed his /'. college, Arahs that Jewish life.in the .Bronx. "Awake ... The Washington, conference of risen to swim fam1^ Berg will MEDIATE -INSTALLATION. the American Jewish Congress course in7three years at. theTsame some foreign power might be im- and Sing" Js being given . . . start Immediately pa^sit. % classes was a big bust as far as vre're in various Kefi Cross l a m i n a institution, is getting ready to plicated.^ . - - . ; • _:~ . ABOTJT PEOPLE concerned . . . There wasn't any NOW take exams for a- Ph. D.- in chemArabs'in lighters attempted to -i? TeBcw 0s!? h&$ confidence in the future of Dowager Marchiones Reading, gossip floating around the lobby tions. istry , . . That yoting man who set JewlBh boats in the temporary ©sssi», Yellow C&b'u financial welfare fas* been ONLY But we notickled the keys so skillfully for Tel Ayiv. harbor on fire by throw- widow of the late Lord Reading, of the Willard closely ksit with that of this comastsiiity lor alG-MA-Cteron The Center physical departis visiting this country, but is ticed a few oddities, for instance Gus Van at the Fontenelle last ing tins' of burning gasoline on If desired most & quarter of & ccntxay. Yellow Osh has keeping her- presence here Quiet . . . .Bernard G. Richards, secre- ment can boast of a more varied Saturday p.m. is Norman Rifboard. -Newspapers expressed the Installed grown with Omaha. We take a proper pride in , In case you've forgotten, she tary of the Congress for many program than any oth«r recrea- j |[ kind. He formerly toured in this belief that Nazis were involved. was t h e - secretary - of Reading years, was seen" in the vicinity of tion center in the city. Among the j gi tb« part Tellew Gab haft played in th&t growth, general direction with Mark FishThe German colony, Wilhelma, on the Center program er's orchestra and now appears near Haifa, donated twenty sacks when she became his second wife the hotel, but never ventured into activities are volleyball, swimmicg, hand- if * Yellow C&b will csntiriue to esert itself to weekly on the Sinclair Minstrels of flour and foodstuffs, to Arab . . . Jim Braddock, world's heavy- the conference room The rea- bajl, softball and gymnastics. Vol- j jg -weight champion, has taken un- s o n program, which comes- hither via strikers. the Titraojst to reader Omaha that u&r&$ calibre of tfcat the American Jew- leyhall is being enjoyed by the der- his wing Sol Flaum who j s h committee had auoted him as the ether . . . Ben Lyon and his tgxi-cab service that, today lias xaade Yellow Gab 2558 Farnam St. by wife, Bebe Daniels, both of HolThe Firms which ' advertise in wears a hat everywhere except in | a n 0 P p 0 n eut of the World Jew- Health club every noon anaweek, the naquestioaed leader ia the ©sa&la tasicab Phone JA-4722 j gsi lywood fame, spent a few min- the .Jewish press deserve and the ring . •; . Rosa- Ponselle, the j jSh Congress . . . The' fellow -R-IIO the women three field. for 11 operatic star, will shortly marry t iOolrs exactly like Sir Oswald Mos-j mSwimming classes utes in our metropolis the other merit your patronage. Pepe Russo, an Italian insurance i e r , the British. Fascist, was none e a - women, boys and girls every hanfiball courts are available j magnate . . . Irving Jaffe, former other than Hy Wishengrad, the Olympic ice skating champion, good-looking member of the J. T. at any time, while the eoftball j who .recently, married Elizabeth A. editorial staff . . . There was jj sport is .being enjoyed by the six Lichtenstein of Richmond, Vir- a reason for the New York Day} teams in the league. Lee Grossphysical director, will give ginia, •- is" honeymooning in Holly- being represented at a't the conferconfer1 wood where he will skate for the ence by its publisher, city editor, I Private workouts for any person ... Irving Berlin, who is films editor of the English- sec- j interested, while the gym is availaccepting mazel toys on the birth former tion, and of course, the editor-in- able at any time for anyone inTKe old inconveniently located of his third daughter, is a disap- chief. Dr. Samuel Margoshes . . . terested. "AN 0EEAKA EKETITOTION" kitchen was left untouched. A pointed man . . . He wanted a son There is no doubt that The Day j S. A. K0U6&&, Pres. Bert Thompson, San Francisco new pre-planned, modern elecnot only for himself but to pla- did more than any" other newspaboy and professional turf adviser, cate his father-in-law, Clarence per to make the conference a suctric kitchen, shown below, was will leave for Arlington, park, H. Mackay . . . T h e Berlins had cess . . . recently added. Chicago, as soon as the races fina son in 1928 but he died short'•>••< A V - • • : ? • - - : * : . - • • • • . ^ - ~ V ly after birth . . . Hawaii boasts (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts ish. Bert has been cavorting for J ^ the Tower softbe.il team behind g;iiiiiiii!iiii!i(i!insn!ii!iiii!!isiir,iiin;;;!;r,i;ri;:;:, n'S'K rriiir v i s TR;?,, 'S* ii, .. of a Fannie Hurst Fan Club . . . t j . ' V r ' " < . ^ .•' ••• ~-.•••"•• Feature Syndicate.) the bat and has been displaying There's a man called Leo Frankrare talent. The young man's abfurter who was born at 43 Franksence •will be.missed by the Towt urterstrasse in Frankf urt-amers as Thompson's hitting and Main, Germany where his father catching abilities have b e e n manufactured frankfurters . . . proven. Lucille Smith Croumbs, daughter LOCJI of Sarah B. %Smith, well-known Jewish novelist and playwright, has signed a contract with Alex Detroit (WNS)—Because the Yokel to doctor a play . . . Lucille attorney for a non-Jewish plain16S4 Karntjtiff used language calculated to 18 — she can't who loots be much more if you look at her a r o t J S S r a c i a l ^ 3 religious preju. As shown by books at opening of bnsinees June 23, 3086 mother — is also an accomplish- jd i c e a g a i l l B t a Jewish defendant, ed actress . . . RESOURCES the Supreme Court of Michigan Assets— has reversed a judgment in favor TRUE STOKIES The employees of a ritzy Long of Julia A. Memet, administratrix British Tro-sps Increased - - - i i United States Trcasnry Bills J,4B»,47B.P0 6,001,084,35 Island club that excludes Jews of the estate of the late Loais Trassjords^ds Denies P1S.SE jg from 'membership have invoked a Nemet, who was suing secEred by first mortgages on for 2 £ ! swell idea to bring their boss to Friedland and the FriedlanS Iron real «?st«*e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & Metal Company of. Lansing. Interest After the employees terms Nemet; while working for • Jerusalem (WNS-P&lcor Agen- __ were unionised they began picket- Louis company, was kill-icy).—With, the completion of ICjg ii» foreclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . the club house and carried the byPriedland a electrocution, and the ad- j weeks of disorder in Palestine, | §= Eesl estate soli! OB «sntract 2P.8JS5.40 483,87©.S0 T minfctratix charged that the wir- with violence anfi destruction t a t - 1 Eesl estate »c«jii3red throagh forerlosisre. . . . . and Yiddish . . *** - d . apparatus were negligent- in g oa n « r and more drastic | | Offiicc bollcltag BT>.fi future of fire l>HiklJS!g site Hershfleld ' had a funny at ISifi fiht3 Famam Streets maintained. forms, the toll c deaths caused \\m ence in connection with his efand firtnree V...... 1.00 forts to raise funds for the Yesh- • In his closing argument the I by the disorders, directly and in- | f iva College . . . Among those to plaintiff's counsel, in quoting !-directly, rose toward the two Total whora,; he" wrote asking for a |10 Shakespeare, said: I think thishdred ni&rk as another Arab •killed during a clash with troops jg man, like"the Jev Shylock, -was membership was Samcel GoldHits to Bscrnbert' paring nn& paSS-tsp after the last pound of flesh and in the Nablus district. He was the jg OUILT by the great grandfather frigerator, modern lighting, electric cote the logical arrangement c! wyn, .the movie tycoon, but Har- last drop of blood." been j S 145th Arab kaoTrn to have snee hehl ici* bo'*rrniV*TP . . . . ' . " . . . . . . . . . . , SS,4B0,7« of the present owner, this old mixer, clock and other electric con- things—the rang© and serving conn ry's letter came back unopened . . Citingg cosji-t records' to show Blain by. troops and police. "bere f Pennsylvania home "toad an incon- veniences. One major electric aid. ter are adjacent to the dining room Stamped on. the envelope were iiegttrves t,SJ*8,S44.«S veniently located kitchen. When it Included ill .the planning, is yet to be door. The sink and its working the .words: "Refused. The enclos- that Judgments had !>ee& reversed { « e believed to be a number «. •y • KOXK before-onPotter similar declared grounds, tChief | were dead in the by hillside cavesmachine i I s Borrowed laoacj- . , . . . . . . . " . . . . was decided recently ..to modernize installed — the electric dishwasher counters are intermediate between ed is,xeturned unopened, as Sam- Justice h a tj1 raked military range and refrigerator. The refrig uel Gold wyn does not read or ac: the Idtchen, the best course seemed einfc was j no logical guns in battles vith Arab terror| g " unsolicited manuscripts." . . . "there resson to be to leave the old Idtchen Just as The eaoipment is arranged In a eratbr Is but & few steps from :,th£ out cf the ; it -was and build a-new one, more IT-shape along three walla—an ar- back or serrics door. OFFICERS is S 6. conveniently placed. • .: rangement that kitchen planning ex- Whether a kitchen is modera of of thosa.,'who have become raera- plaintiff's counsel should' use the j caused, by Arabs : forces is .. Palestine language ' above quoted. ' Its obEflgar A. BairS. President . . . . .S. K^rberl McMillan,. perts have found very effective in not does not depend upon its age. 'b'ere of Yeshiva College' eaajpaign Thus, this home now. has:too vious purpose was to create preju- were increased with the arrival tl lames A. 'SsiacerfascL 1st V. F,.. .Osrk \%\ Camaby, Sec'y. . kitchens, the old one here sho^wn saving needless foot-steps in the It does depend upon the extent to committee . . . • • dice. '• We find EO other error. the Eighth Euss&rs, s mechanised ip " Jasaes A. Lyons, 2nd V. P. . . . . . Wp,;ync C. Selby, Ass't. Sec, ' which is now merely a*sort of fam- kitchen. Tho built-in wooden base which modern electrical and other Judgment reversed, with costs. detachment froxa Egypt. The I s : ily museum, and the^new one. The and upper cabinets provide storage labor-saving equipment is employed ACCIDENT number of Jewis.& supernumerary j §f EsSjssr A. BsiriE .'smss A. 6undeP»«f»-d J. Hei-tsert ' new kitchen was planned with the locations for pots, pans,. dishes, and whether that equipment is so .Leo Wolf son, president of tbe New trial granted." policemen armed with rifles who Iff fkTtfilif W, 8t5wmar> Frank f P. Ma-ttn Claire J. Union of Roumanian Jews in utensils, sugar, flour, etc. near the placed ia the • kitchen as to (are aid of the lighting company and conRsnCafi K. BTCWB Chsflpp v> *t . 'emPv.-or R. The Jewish Press advertisers j are in the Palestine government j §1 tains an electric range, electric re- working and serving counters. And, needless effort—jieedless foot-steps. America, is one of the best ac'defenste forces WRS rai??S to the g-ip cident lawyers and this is what merit your patronage.
Chesed She! Ernes
J. C. C. Sports
Rendering A Seryice t o Disadvantaged Jewish Y o u t h s : A Scene in a J.O.C. Sustained T r a d e School in Poland
-\ -
Child Psychology
English Humour
Ten Years Ago in the Press
For Business l e n f
The Delco-Frigidaire I
Rifles Found on Arab Rebels Link Nazis to Revolt
;hlin. radio priest, ye William Lemke dve. FT- Coughlin.e,Flower in Royal with Thomas C.
Bits from Here and There
Electrified Kitchen lor a 115 Year Old Home
^y atriotic auty to be signing autograph hia:X>r. Condon is•;; labergh when the
. ' • - .
: •
• • . < • ' • •
• • " ' . •
' • ; • • • ' • " ' - ' . .
Causes Reversal
i •.:
24, of Homestead, winning the onechampionbhips at r favored to retain yard freestyle and Olympic favorite. ted Newspictures.
Savings and
A11V E Arcoctation
home, after, a-month's, visit with friends-in Chicago. . . . . .
, JT7LY 3,-1936
Seven (7) Block Ten {!'.') Evwnsclear to even* intelligent Jew inthe myth and openly demand red Ci oif fO an Addition to theOity Onu*the world and is he ready to draw dress and openly, and insistently ton, ba, Douglas County, (Continued from page 1) some at least of the inevitable and tirelessly stab and pierce all surveyed, pla.tted and • eimrted. IKJUgRabbi Jacob'Cohen who has conclusions? cansciences.in the world that still J f J i ^ f S ? ' ^ inm,m?>r«nceS people. It dwells, in its- dark- ca-» What are these conclusions? All hare semblance of human consci- therein set forth; to satisfy the sum Lawrence Baron, Young Demo- been principal •- a t . the Council vern hugging- its bloody, myth.. S14.60 costs and the increased and the older methods of defense and ences. But we can do that only of crat club leader, has .been named Bluffs Hebrew schol for the past MISS ANNA PUL, correspoadeat accruing- costs, all us provided by chairman. ot the finance division term is leaving Monday for the - Nothing that I have said here enllghtment as practiced by both as one undivided 'people with e. said order and decree. Dated nt Omaha. Nebraska, thl« Jew and Christian have failed. united front in all the lands of in Woodb'ury county by the na•west coast where he has accepted is new. Nothing that I have said Let it not be forgotten that there earth. 24th day of .Tune. IMG. tional democratic committee. Install Officers JOHN HOPKINS. Sheriff. here but has been said a theusand 6-36-36-51 Douglas County, Nebr. Newly elected officers of the Mr. Baron's appointment was a position with a 'congregation In- time. The question is: has it was evea in -Germany an all Chrsitian League to Combat Anreceived from the office of James San Francisco. '•.'• ladies' auxiliary of Shaare Zion GRODSNSKY, MARER & been taken to heart ?-Has it been ti-semitism and that the League (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts MONSKY, . COHEN, Attorneys synagogue were installed at theA. Farley, chairman, and approved Feature Syndicate.) thoroughly understood ? Is i t ' International Centre L'Anti-sem737 Omaha National Bank Building Returning from a year's stay In final meeting of the season, Tues \y W. Forbes Morgan, secretary A. L. Cohen of Tarkio, Mo., who itis me is functioning sill. Yet NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORrecently underwent an operation Europe, Mrs. B. H. Raskin, after day afternoon, in the synagogue of the national committee. PORATION OF WORLD THEATRES MARER when I was polite to H. G. Wells MONSKY, GROD1NSKY, The chairman of the nominat- at Mercy hospital in -. Council spending' a greater part of tbat social hall. CORPORATION COHEN for becoming president o£ that The meeting followed a dessert ors for the county is one of theBluffs is now canvalescing at the 737 Omaha National Bank Bidstime in Poland, Baid that under NOTICE 5S HEKEET GIVEN" That league he answered me in his charter members of the Woodhome of his sister-in-law, Mrs. L. the- new government of JPolan'd luncheon a t 1:30 o'clock. Brie the undersigned have formed a corOF ARTICLES OF INCOR snippiest British manner: "it isNOTICE " Cocoanut Bread Pudding. poration pursuant to the laws of the y:.'there Is a ray of hope for the Jew talks were made by Mrs. Rueben bury county Young Democrat club Kramer. PORATION OF URBAN State of Nebraska. The name of th« not because I like Jews, but I'm One-half cup sugar, • H teaREALTY COMPANY ! of that land. Mrs. Raskin return- Miller, incoming president, and and served two years as its secreNotice is hereby given that the corporation is WORI/O THEATI1EK for humanity." All old methods tary. He also was a member of spoon salt, 2 eggs slightly beaten, Mrs. J. H.. Mosow, retiring prest -^ principal . Mrs. Ben Rudner and infant ed last week on the Aquitania. Curing her stay in Europe Mrs. dent. Mrs; Philib Sherman in- the official committee named to daughter, Billie Hermine, came 2 cups milk scalded,'1 cup cocoa- have failed. The m.vth remains. Because the myth remains (lie enreceive President Roosevelt on home from the Methodist, hospital nut, 2 tablespoons melted butter, Raskin attended the wedding of stalled the officers. cups jt j r e pSeudo-modern theory of his- S A N I T ^ t h i £ prlnci^T placT of! - Jessee owner or o^herwtae - ^t ? his visit here in September, 1932. in Omaha Sunday, and are at the14 teaspoon vanilla, ] her'daughter on May 24. tory needs re-thinking. But that business In Omaha. Nebraska. The ; "£_.".?„. |p.|, «>e nmi for'other nerhome of- Mrs. Rudner's mother, soft bread crumbs. n r SOCTETT NEWS She visited in Poland, France, Combine sugar, salt, and eggs, j Mrs. W." Solomonow, 1110 23rd i s a n o t h e r story. Mrs.-Louis, Fish and Mrs. N Switzerland, German, Austria and - d moving Add milk gradually. Add cocoaWhat is obvious is this, that Avenue. • Czecho-Slovakia, stopping at Ber- Goldis entertained at a luncheon nut, butter and vanilla. Place the Jewish people, the whole Jew- sonal property and any interest j production, distribution or the exlin, Cologne on the Rhine, Bres- and bridge, Saturday afternoon therein of even' Kind end character j hiiiition thereof: to purchase, hold. bread in a greased baking dish ish people, the undivided and in-and in the Canton Tea Gardens, honlau and Kattowitz-Warsaw. to sell, dispose of. lease, convey. own and otherv-'ise deal in securities and; pour milk and egg mixture mortgage or otherwise encumber, to o r evidences of indebtedness of every tegrated Jewish people must at oring Mrs. H. E. Stone of Los manage, operate, improve, develop, kind and character, and .to, exercise over it. Place dish, in a pan of hot last go to mankind — to all manAngeles, who is visiting with her maintain, construct, and sen-jail the right;? .-nd privileges' of ownwater and bake in- a moderate kind — to the representative control, erally deal in any of said property; ' ership: to deal penerally in personal parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Fi3h. generally or on per- ; property of every kind and character; oven until the pudding is firm. councils of the nations through ; to loan monies g y p p p y y : roinwinni Arthur Bivin.of Scotland, S. D., Mrs. Frank Epstein, a recent the Jewish Agency and through to borrow money and Issue evio r - r e .a l -.p racq o p e r t J , .o r a .n y inter-!and bride, was also a guest of honor Mr. Nathan ,Gilinsky was electtherei — . ex-jdenoes will celebrate/his BarMitzvah toest erein; to acqui-e. purchase, of indebtedness therefor. The Soft Molasses Cookies. • I the World Congress and through -hange. subscribe to, or to otherwise \ <.ota! authorised capital stock if, 125.ed president of Council Bluffs , morrow morning a t Shaare Zion at the party. to hold. seli. dispose of and ! 000.00, the par value is SH'O.W per Take 3 cups sifted flour, • and and every other organ and acquire: Lodge No. 688 of B'nai BTith a t Berlin (WS)—-German Jews peneralJy deal in stock, shares, bonds,'share, and all of stme tflmlt be.comsynagogue. : teaspoon salt, 1 % teaspoons soda, i l i m the foulness of debentures. obliRations and securi-,' mon and fully paid nnd non-assesso p e n y p r o c a a meeting, Monday evening, June and foreign "observors here are at Cantor A. PUskln. and Rabbi The Ivre club held a stag party ties of every kind and character i able when issued. The corporation teaspoonsjj ginger, 1 % teaspoons H - R - Rabinowitz will read the and smoker Tuesday evening at 29, at .Eagle Hall. He succeeds a loss to understand the unpre- 1 teaspoon ginger cinnamon, ^ enp butter or CrisDr. Julius Moskovitz. Mr. Gilin- cedented action of the official ritual during the service^ the Martin hotel. LEON & WHITE, Attorney*, sky was formerly vice-president Nazi press in heaping praises on co, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg unbeaten, The synagogue board of direcCity National BK. Building % cup syrup, 1 cup sour milk, of the organization. Q.ther offiPremier Leon Blum of France. tors met Wednesday evening in indebtedness therefore; and to tnmr- j NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF antee Rabbi and Mrs. Theodore N. teaspoon vanilla. any dividends, interest, Bonds, 'the'."borne of M. Satin. Mr. John Lewis and daughter, Ruth, will cers elected for the ensuing year Nazi commendation of a French CHARLIE MURNAN HOME CLEAcontracts or other obligations Total \d e b t e { l n e s s . two: Sift flour once, measure and j ^ E RS. 8 h u i n o t espee<i Lansberg presided. are: Millard Krasne, vice-presipremier would be strange in itERS leave next week for the east, . authorized capital stock is JJ5.IKIO.00, j t h i r d g o f ihe c a p i t a l s t o c k . e x ' P e p t add salt, soda and spices. Sift todent; Leon Frankel, recording self but when that premier also NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN that par value $100.00-per share, all stuck | t h a t s u c h limitation shall not include where they plan to spend . the gether three times. Cream butter, has been formed un- • common, and shall be fully piid and 1 inciebtpdnp!?s spcured by mortg-asre: BARNEr BARON TO summer months. They will return secretary; Albert Fox, financial happens to be both a Jew and aadd egg and beat well. Add syrop aderCorporation the laws of the State of Neb-! non-assessable when issued. The cor- on real estate where the vahie"^>f th' the ADDRESS A. Z. A. secretary; Louis H. 'Katelman, Socialist, such praise is unusual, . .__least 40 . per f»er cent ! poration shal! commence businoos property exceeds_ a.t cen the latter part of August. raslca and flour alternately with milk, the Corporation is ; upon the filing of its Articles with of the amount of the secured indebtTlTe name of Mr. Barney.; Baron will address treasurer; Sam Facks, guardian; to say the least. amount at a time, mixing ICHARLIE MU^NAis' HOME CLEA- i the County Clerk of Douglas Coun-|edness. The number of* members "of the A. Z. A. chapter next WednesDr. Julius Moskovitz monitor; Dr. The Voelkische Beobachter, a small ,. -, , JJ.X- ILJIJ ._ NERS ty, Nebraska, and shall continue un- 1 the. Board shall be not less than two Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. RabinThe" principal''place of its business j til January 1, . 2(136. The highest [nor more than five. The Board shall day evening, speaking on the reIsaac Sternhill, assistant monitor, Hitlers Hitler's personal organ, Der An An-w e l l a f t e r eacn aaaition. A a a v a Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 'amount of indebtedness shell not ex- j administer the rffnirs of the corporacent convention ' for. the world owitz and daughter, Sgoolah, will and Herman Meyerson, Simon griff, Goebbels' paper, and" other n»la. Chill 1 or 2 hours or until Is The general nature n a t u e of the business c e c d two-thirds of the capital stock. ; tion. The stockholders shall hold Jewish congress, which he attend- leave Sunday morning for Minne- Shyken,# and George Roffman, official Nazi papers, are unanf- «rm enough to hold shape..Drop to be transacted by the Corporation this restriction, nowever, snail not { their annual mpeting- on the second apolis. They will spend the sumis to purchase, own. hold, deal in. apply to indebtedness represented by jele Monday in "January of each yefir and ed at Washington, D . C . trustees. mous in lauding Blum's recent | from teaspoon on slightly greased mortgage or otherwise lien, and toobligations secured by real estate or j f,t directors Directors shall shall elect elect mer months at the Minnesota Plans for the summer tournaThe installation of new officers statement on foreign policy in j cookie sheet, placing 2 inches sell, lease- exchange, transfer real or other interests -when the property President. Vice-president. Secretar nc lakes. personal property wherever situated; transferred shall exceed the amount ^ ' f Treasurer. Tursuant to conment to be held here in August will take place July 13. * which he called for an' •under- - - I apart. Bake in a hot oven (400 to draw, make, accept, endorse, dissent m writing of the majority of the degrees) -15 .minutes. will also be discussed at the meetMessrs. O. Hocbman and Samstanding with'Germany. - • count, execute and issue promissory of the indebtedness at least 40 perholders of the capital stock outstandcent, nor sha'. such limitations apply After/a month's visit in the ing. Shyken are leaving Saturday The Nazi papers assert that jOut to Outdoors for Outings Sain Shvid home, 1208 Fourteenth night for Chicago to represent the Blum may succeed in bringing It's out to outdoors for an out'street, Mrs. Fannie Simon, her local lodge at the annual conven- about a rapprochement between ing and back to Nature again. son, Julius Simon, her daughter, CHOIR HOLDS PICNIC tion of District Grand Lodge No. France and Germany. Once more* the hardy souls who The Hebrew Bchool choir .hon- Mrs. Ethel strausberg. aod_ herG of the B'nai B'rith which-will Jewish leaders who have-read like their lunch from a basket two nor more than fh-e. tides may be amended upon the vot« ored its old and newly elected of- grandchildren, Norman and Joyce be held on the S. S. Seeandbee on this praise with unconcealed sur- are Ignoring the brambles and in-Corporation shall-be $10,000.00 divid- than ed into 100 shares of the par value Board shall administer the affairs of 60 per cent of the stock out^tandficers at a picnic last Thursday at Strausberg of New York City, de- the Great Lakes next week. of the corporation. " ' -"•*• • ' • • upon notice • as provided for. The tion. Stockholders shall | ins, of $100.00 each. Said capital stock prise are privately wondering sects to tote themselves to - the shall be pail for and non-assessable iiold their annual nual meeting the first corporation shall hp.ve a seal. Riverside park. The children en- parted Wednesday morning. They whether Blum may not also be woods and the fields. Once again Tuesday in February of every year. Dated June 6, when issued and may be paid for in joyed a program of swimming, will visit i n : S t Paul, Minn., and Among those who spent the ;ash or property, real or personal. and elect directors. The Directors K. Swam to influence the Hitler gov- are the ads full of hampers and tangible races and base-Ball, with the boys' Madison, Wis., with friends and week-end in Sioux City, attending able Harold Saks or intangible, at the rea- shall elect the President. Vice-Presi-i ernment -to modify its anti-Jewvacuum bottles and sportswear sonable value thereof. Fifty shares | dent. Secretary and Treasurer. The relatives en route home. Mrs. SiJncorporators. * the conferences of.the local Emebaseball team defeating the girls. the capital stock of this Corpora- Articles may be amended. The cor(with even 'picnicshorts' display- of ' 6-26-36-U sel Club with the Alpha Gamma ish policy. • . - • tion shall be paid for. before this poration shall have a seal. Plans were made to hold a pic- mon is a sister of Mr. Shvid. ed for the. foppish male)! Now Corporation shall commence business. Dated "lay 26th. 1936. Tau sorority of Sioux City were nic- on alternate Thursdays durThe Corporation shall commence Reeling 'round the town . . . again are the roadsides peopled J. HAROLD SAKS, •MIsa. Rose Feldman of Newthe Misses June Meyerson, DoroThe CFI plan may Interest you! ing the.8ummer. Mr. S. Krupnick business on June 15. 1936 and' shall HARRY E. COHEN. Small monthly payments . . . Infor a period of fifty years 6-12-36.4t York City, arrived here Sunday thy Saltzman, Pearl Meyerson, we hear that". . . "Vickl Baum left with flower-pickers and the wa-continue directed the day's activities. ; Corporators. stead of one slnale premium. from date thereof. for the Isle of Bali to write antery ways with waders. And onee to visit with her father,-H. Feld- Ruth Felden, Libbie Grossman, BUY INSURANCE T H E The highest amount of indebtedagain are columns like this one Aben Kandel's other 'book;. Thelma Passer, Miriam Faks, CONVENIENT WAY ness to which this corporation shall ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attyg. man, and sisters, Ida and Ruth, If interested, call pic-st anv time subject itself Shan not 400 Bfarfiei* Theatre Bids. Rhoda Krasne, Doris Gillnsky, "City of Conquest", scarcely dry full of food-thoughts for the at'1115 Seventeenth street. ! exceed two-thirds of. Its Capital Lorraine Meyerson, Sylvia Endel- from the press, was bought for nicker! Children of. two classes of the MAKE LEON Stock. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ; Picnics are like olives:" you like The affairs of this Corporation shall filming inan and -Florence Meyerson. Ninth annual beneHebrew school, taught by Mrs. S. Every type of Insurance written Mr. A. Miron^ky of Chicago is In the District Court of Douglas be conducted by a Board of Directors 1 £1 Strong Companies Krupnick collected the sum of 550 visiting this week In the home of County, Nebraska A full week-end- of social activ- fit show of Temple Israel (the them or you don't. Just as the consisting- of two members. AT 7667 WA 6150 H K. K LEOX H. .__ By virtue of an order of sale issued for the Jewish National Fund his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ities was concluded with a 'swing' movie temple) was a heap big picnic fiend cannot be stayed from K. J . ELUMENTHAL out of the District Court of Douglas success . . . It is only local benepursuing, his .troublesome hobby, during the past school term and and Mrs. Sam Krupnick.'.... dance held Sunday night a t West fit able to play return engage- so your porch-sitter cannot ' be 6-26-41 County, Nebraska, and in pursuance ' of e decree of said Court in an notion I' purchased twc dunams of land.Hotel in Sioux City. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PE-therein indexed a t Appearance Docments to S. R. O. houses . . . persuaded to believe that a rock Celebrating: the event, the chilMrs. I. Chesen and daughter. TITION FOR "SETTLEMENT OF ket Number S14. at Vnge Number IS. For the Entire Family Lionel Stander, Clifford Odets", is better than a rocking chair for FINAL .. ADM!N.reTRATK3N AC- Execution Docket Number 32. at dren will Have a party the last Rose Chesen, departed WednesArthur Kober, and Francis Ledtaking' one's ease. But almost COUNT— Page Number 5.'t6, wherein Rose GoldMrs. H. Fried who recently un-" day of Hebrew schoolc this sum- day for Cedar Rapids, la., where In the County Court of Ekraglas Coun- ner is Plaintiff End Winifred Agnes MeGrane, et al., is Defendant, 1 -will! mer. .• , ' - . they will attend a family reunion derwent an operation a Mtercy erer added a lively discussion to everyone likes "al" — which is ty, Nebraska. the reading of "Bury Your Dead," cunning for "al fresco" — so pic- Jn the Matter of the Estate of Gil- at 10 o'clock A. JI., on Tuesday the —B.V.3.— and attend the Bar Mitzvah to- hospital is now canvalescing at anti-war play, 4th, day of- August. 1P36. n f t h e East bert Frederick Arthur Edwards, Denic viands are valuable for supfron door . of .the Douglas County morrow of Mrs. Chesen's. nephew, her home at 1229 6th Ave. ceased: TWENTY YEARS AGO pers and snacks, even when they All persons interested in said mat- Court House in the Oity of Omaha. . TODAY | Bernard Kozberg. are hereby notified that on theDoug-las County. ; Nebraska, i-oll a t The . Jewish. Press advertisers are without benefit of trees and ter 1st day of July, 1936, Isabelle B. Kc- public auction to the hicliest bidder The iollowing item was gleaned sunshine. . . Fayden Miss Ida Hoffman has returned merit your patronage. . filed a petition in said Coun- for cash, the following described Tour Dealer Has 'Em Both! Mrs. Meyer- Shubb and daughfrom 'the columns of the Sioux ty* Court, praying that her. final ad- property., to-wit: ters departed this week for Calministration account filed herein be City Journal of 20 years ago this settled and allowed, and that she be ifornia where they will spend the week: . .J •• , discharged from her trust as administratrix and that a hearing will be had "Ten Jewish boys, members of summer months. on said petition before said Court on the Sioux City units of the Iowa the 25th day of July, 1S36, and that Miss Lillian Shine of Lincoln, if you fail to appear before said Court national' guard, last niglit"were on the said 25th day of July, 1936. given a farewell banquet a t theNeb., is a guest thi3 week in the at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said Delicatessen cafe, 419 Nebraska home of Mrs. William Kantor. petition, the Court may grant the AS A CONSEQUENCE of the Nuprayer of said petition, enter a decree street, by members of the Charteof heirship, and make such other and " remburg laws, which literally TOIX club. :"Words of encourageFriends of Mr. and Mrs. Nick further orders, allowances and dean economic death to "noncrees, as to this Court may eef" ment were spoken by ^Captain Sherman surprised them with' a mean proper, to the end that all matters. Aryans," thousands of Jews and nonFrank J . Murphy of the Ambu- party Tuesday evening on the oc- Jews have fled from Germany. Not pertaining to said estate may be fi- | nally settled and determined. ! lance corps, A. L. Galinsky and casion of their fifth wedding an- since the World War have the naE. Baron/ The beys, who will niversary." The... evening hours tions of Europe witnessed such an BRTCE CRAWFORD, 7-3-36-St. County Judpe. leave Sioux City with the Iowa were spen^ - at cards and con- exodus of desperate, penniless ref—thfinai-43 rahtdorntmoh domtho national guard for' service on thecluded with refreshments. ugees. THOMAS C. QUINLAN, Atty. Mexican border are A. Berg, Joe • From America, financial support NOTICE BY -PUBLICATION Ot, Bourkyn, Charles' fahubb* Nathan Miss Zerline Somberg of Omaha to refugee shelters and. rehabilitaPETITION I OR SETTLEMENT White, P . Wigodsky, I. Swartz, will arrive in Sioux City to spend tion stations in France, Holland, OF FINAL ADM1NISTRATION ACCOUNT Sam Cohen, Victor Frlbourg, Da- the week-end with Miss Rose Czecho-Slovakia. Austria and proviJn the County Court o* Douglas vid Levin and Abe-Rosenthal." Bashefkin. sion for aid to Jews In Germany County. • Nebraska.
Baron Is Named To Demo Post
Sees Rays of Hope For Jews of Poland
fMz*w <
Extra! Hitlerite Press in Praise of Jewish Premier
Shaare Zion
* ^
to it)* till -. ;v •the 1 hfi, •«;:
t> ."•*» 1 . 0
n S •">."
nirid H. V.V&
Jewish National Fund
cap.".-; ;ft a 1 it I.i,i. Tisrs Viuvr. .-\KVii|
Miss Sophie Fish has returned
,to Sioux City for the summer months to spend her vacation with her parents. She Is a student at the University of Iowa.
- v
Henry HImowitz has arrived in Sioux City to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Himowitz, 1923 Grandview. He is a senior student at the Rush medical school in Chicago.
• ••*.-
The Debra club met this- week In the home of Miss Sadie Taxer. A social hour and 'refreshments followed the business meeting.
Omaha's finest - - one of America's •».....-
Hotel Fontenelle The Fonfenelle will always offer the most distinguish* ad Hotel -address• I n - the mlddlewest.
This Summer Dins and Lunch in Comfort in the " S ' W
•. * • " •
Mayfair Cafe ' (Main lobby) .Completely • •
AIR-CONDITIONED Popular Prices -V >•»_?''•:" »
Miss . Dorothy . Merlin visited this week in Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fernsten. Mrs. S. Robinow and sons, Lawrence and Norman of Los Angeles, are visiting with her parents? Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rubin. Mrs. Max Merlin and daughter, Suzanne, visited with relatives in Sioux Falls, this week. • Mr. Jacob Cohen of Patterson, N. J., and Mr. Ben Cohen of Los Angeles, Cal., departed this week for their homes after spending more than a week in Sioux; City. They were called to Sioux City by the illness and death of their mother, Mrs. Chaya Esther Cohen. Mrs. Dave Davidson left Wednesday for Lake okoboji where she will spend her vacation. • Mrs. M. Haligman and sons visited last week in Omaha. The • Firms which advertise in the Jewish press deserve and merit your .patronage.
In the Matter of the Estate til Eugene Brown. DeceasedAll persons interested In said matter are hereby notified that oh the 13th day of June. 1936. Louise Brown filed a petition In said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein be settled and ajlowed. and that she be discharged from her trust as administratrix end that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 11th day of July. 1836, and that H you fail to appear before said Court on the said n t h day of July. 1936, at 9 o'clock A. M.. end contest said petition, th© Court may grant tbe prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and malc^ such other and further orders, allowances end decrees, as to this Court may seem p roper, to the end that ail matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled "and determined. BRYCS CRAWFORD, '-19-St County Judge.
has been Jnade chiefly through the American ^Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. At the bottom is shown an uprooted family of German Jews seeking, shelter in an already overcrowded J. D. C. sustained refugee station In France. Center left shows a refugee family alighting In Metz, France. At the top is shown a J. D. C. supported. food station In Poland where the economic plight of the Jew is a3 desperate as in Germany.
Under the leadership of Felix M. Warburg, New , York banker , and philanthropist; the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 100 East-42nd Street, New York City, is conducting for 193G a national campaign for $3,500,000 to continue its activities of relief and reconstruction in behalf of needy and oppressed Jews In Central and Eastern Europe. Leaders in the United States have .1 set that sum as the irreducible minimum necessary to continue that organization's program of aid for Jews of Germany, refugees who have fled to France, Holland, Czecho-Slovakia and other countries, and the millions In Poland, Roumania and other East European countries. As part of its program the J . D. C. Will contribute toward the program involving ^15,000,000 of which 110,000,000 is to come from America, which it is hoped; will enable over a four - year period approximately 20,000 to 25,000" employable- young Jews yearly to emigrate from Germany.. .'••'• Since 1933 the J. D. C. has spent approximately ?2,000,000 for help to Jews in Germany and in refugee lands. Many non-Jewa are among those receiving this aid.> In the past 21 years it has raised and disbursed over 184,000,000 to. aid several millions of Jew3 in mere than 50 nationa. I t Is acknowlegded to be the dominant Jewish philanthropic/organization in the world.
—' v ^
. .-:
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Tor a good time - Good food and Cool Comfort - A T A
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COFFE. SHOP; Thf» Is Omaha's smartest, one of the very newest places for "mixed-rite" tirinks snd delicious, jppetiling foods. A T A
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