* uu«.wa>»i.jMU«.?jp. j»
•en (7) Block Ten (10) .EvansAddition to the City of.OnialUglas County, N^iiran'cn.: as d. platted and recorded, l>ougnty, Nebraska, . fy the liena and Incumbrancta-" set forth; to satisfy the sum costs and the Increased, and ; costs, ail . as provided by Ier and decree. at Omaha. Nebraska,'- this f of June. 193S.. JOHN HOPKINS, SherUf. 5t Douglas County, Nebr. Y, GRODINSKY, MARER &
COHEN, Attorneys aha National Bank Building
2E IS HEREBY GIVEN That erslgned have formed a corpursuant to the laws of tho Nebraska. The name of;the Ion Is WORL/t) THEATRES iATlON, with its principal business in Douglas County, a. The objects for which thi3 ion Is formed are: To acquire owner or otherwise .and to theatres for the-exhibition of pictures and for other per53 of every kind and charactto deal generally in moving filtnp. with reference to tho •ya, distribution or the exthereof: to purchase, hold, otherwise deal In securities ces of Indebtedness of'every character, and .to i exercise ignis .-nd privileges of.oivn0 deal generally In personal of every klnri and character: orrow money iaid issue «vlindebtedness therefor. The horized capital stock is $25.he par value is S100.00 per id ail of same Mliall be comfully paid and nori-assess•n issued. The corporation lmence business on the filing ticles with the County Clerk las County, Nebraska, and ;re shall have been subscribleast $1,000.00 of its. capital id sh.ill continue uhtll July The highest amount of Inj sh_ll not exceed :twothe capital stock, except limitation shall not Include ess secured by mortgages state where the value*bf the exceeds at least 40- per-cent nount of the secured IndebtThe number of members of shall be not less than two than five. The' Board shall r the affairs of the corporaie stockholders shall hold ual meeting on the second n-January of each year and actors. Directors shall elect nt. Vice-President, SecreTreasurer. Pursuant to conriting of the majority of the the capital stock outstand Board may sell, lease, ex.ssifrn. transfer, convey or\ \ dispose of the whole or Uy the whole of the prothe corporation upon'^isuch for such consideration as deem expedient. The Arbe amended upon the voto cent of the stock outstandnotiee as provided for. Tha 1 shall have a seal. I June 6, 193G. E. Swarti J Harold Saks Incorporators. s < 6-26-36-« plan may Interest youl (nthly payments . . . inone single premium. INSURANCE T H E )NVENIENT WAY if interested, call
SABK LEON pe of Insurance written Strong Companies WA 5150
Entire Family
aler Has 'Em Both!
Interests of flit In the Jcwisli People
LUDWIG LEWISOHN" This column is copyright by tho Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole \ or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted.
EnltrtB M Sacond Clua Mali Matter os January 21, 1921. at o( Onibt. Nebraska, ncder th» Act of March X. 1ST*
Sanctification, Justice, Peace What should be the character and the spirit of a Jewish university in this country? Men far more competent than I should answer that question. But let me express my hope and vision. The chief mark of a Jewish,university -will not be any great innovation in the substance of the curriculum.. The scientific disciplines- are in any event universal abinitio. In the college of arts differences. will be mere differences of emphasis, of selection. There will be required courses in Jewish history and philosophy; a reasonable knowledge of Hebrew, 1 both in- its classical and modern forms, will be obligatory. Yiddish should not be neglected, nor the treasures of our poetry, philosophy, faith as they exist in other BY JOSEPH SAXMAHK tongues. A m p l e opportunity should be given to every student Providence, R. I. (WNS)— to have, intelligent access to that The movement to place Dr. incomparable wealth of .. ethical Stephen S. Wise at the head power and historic visions which is contained in our Talmudic and of the Zionist Organization of Midra3hic literature and which America -was crowned with has proved itself from generation success at the 39th annual conto generation so .potent to form vention of the Z. 0. A. when high character and creative in- the delegates elected Dr. Wise telligence and salty wit that when p r e s i dent by acclamation. the great exemplars of that training leave us, Shmaryahu Levin Sweeping aside every interferor Nahum Sokolow, we feel as ence from the Draft-Rothenthough the tree of Israel's life it- ber Group, the convention exself were broken. pressed in unmistakable terms .. But these differences in the cur- the fact that it wanted Dr. riculum of a Jewish university will ~be seen, upon a moment's Wise as the man to polit the reflection, to be strictly analogous Zionist ship in this country to the curricular emphases in the through the period of storm universities of other great reUg-' an d stress now prevailing in ious and histroic communions,"' Palestine. primarily the Catholic, and so to Morris Rothenberg, outgobe, strictly speaking, not innovaing president will be the chairtions at all.
Annual Bikur Cholim Picnic Next Sundav The first annual Bikur Cholirn picnic will be held in Krug Park
to Masada and Avukah, Zionist Jewry Perturbed As Sesslt of i Sunday, July 12. The family tickInfamous, Prsytyk youth groups. ! ets which have been mailed out The delegates cheered a mesL ]entitle.one to free admission and Verdict sage from President Roosevelt, ifree parking. These tickets caay I who said: Warsaw (WNS)—,The worst I be exchanged in the park for ride C "I am glad of the opportunity crisis since Poland became inde- I tickets for children. to extend my greeting.; and good pendent at the close of the world j The committee has arranged wishes to the 39th annual con-jwar is how informed Jewish lead- games for children. There will be The 1936 Jewish Philanthrovention of the Zionist Organiza- ers here describe the situation of refreshments and cold drinks. Those in charge are the Mes- i pies campaigners, under the tion of America. It is altogether Polish Jewry as a result of the fiting that the Zionist Organiza- sensational Przytyk pogrom trial dames J'. Bernstein, S. Fish* M. pencral chairmanship of Rf.rry tion should have chosen for its verdict, in which the pogromists Katzman, J. Finkel, Meyer Katzrialashock, won a smashing: meeting place this year the city escaped with mild prison sen- man, J. Bernstein, J. Chait, K.j moral as well as material vicsome Jews were Levinson, J. Rosenblatt, J. Goldj tences while og Providence, whose history is berg, C. Ross, W. Sherman, W. tory when they swept past bound to Roger Williams, one of given severe terms. Enraged by what it calls the ' Epstein and X. Pitlor. I',their 1 1 (Continued on page 8.) goal ol J.600 unr1 _ impudence of the Jews in organ- | : ty-for.r local, national and in1> izing nationwide protests against j i ieraationa] Jewish Eccncies. the verdict, the anti-Semitic press! ' Wednesday noon, R total of is openly inciting to renewed po-j '$43,616 hod" been turned in groms. In Jewish circles there is j a growing feeling that the ! , representing 2.S60 pledges. It Przytyk verdict was dictated by _ j ,' ic. expected that about $25i the Skladkowski government in j In Omaha for a few hours Wed'more will be obtained. Last Gallons of milk, dozens of order to win the support of the: nesday in the course of an esten'yeer, a tots! of $33,600 wn; Democrats (Endeks), 'give aeroplane tour of the country ' loaves of bread and bushels of National pledged, end even that fijrnrc vegetables are dally necessary to who have been responsible for the i to study the Jewish situation in • '., , was £ gsin ever the p; feeding wave of pogroms. From the tenor ! America, B. Z. Goldberg, editor J satisfy the appetites of the hunI 'y ear. dred youngsters at Camp Akiba. of comment in Endek newspapers. of the Day, New York Yiddish ' i i The story of this? year's suceessAppetites that at home are finicky it is clear that the Endeks regard I newspaper, declared he found the ! ful drive is the story of pereeverthe verdict as proof of tbeir I position of the Jew in the west , and particular cause no trouble at | since and willingness to work strength and are determined to i and south esteremely favorable. ' j the camp. From the top chairmen tc the continue their fight for control "The cry of anti-Semitism, is ~ Food is eaten with relish. Even vorkers in. the ranks, those so man of the Administrative spinach in all possible aspects of the government. Harry r.I<.!£shock \ greatly exaggerated—a mountain : No, chief and peculiar mark of Committee, a purely legisla- maintains an unprecedented popHarry Malashock was general liciting refused to isk€ a "no' Meanwhile Polish Jewry contin-' made of a mole-hill. Outside New a Jewish university will not in- tive body. Louis Lipsky, who ularity. ued to be stirred by the impas- i York, especially in the west and • chairman of the 1886 Jevrish for an ansTer. And they stuck H here in subjects taught or in the is generally credited with inthe job until it was finished, he "' c Enrollment at the camp has sioned proclamation issued by the j south, the picture is a wholesome;l Ph -; la nthropies campaicn, which manner of their teaching. It will ducing Dr. Wise to permit his weather Etid vacation? F.nfi thr ii been steadily increasing. A weekly Jewish members of parliament sol-i one. The general economic situa- went, over the top in Its tJrive inhere in the fact that^a Jewish many other obstacles being deter i < ic emnly protesting against the I tion has improved and the Jew paper, The Camp Akiba Tatler, is name to be placed in nominauniversity must and should radi< Przytyk verdict. The proclama- I occupies an impressive position in j f o r $-£3,600. surpassing last year's minedly swept aside. ate the spirit of Judaism itself, tion, has accepted the humble being written and edited by the tion said that the Jews "stand in the various local communities." ' mark by more than ten thousand Figures • i should live and breathe and ex- office of member of the Exec- campers. Friday^ in celebration of the midst of a war which has no j Mr. Goldberg, a native of Al- ; dollars. Just what the vrorkcrF- «c- > o ist by virtue of that spirit. Now utive Committee and will play the first three weeks of camp, parallel. The Jewish population j bion, Iovv-a, is returning to this compHshed is tokl bv tljese fig- ' '"•• there is to be an all-day outing that spirit of Judaism, like all a most important role in the nres: Incresiw!? und new pledgee ~ i is not protected either in life or part of the country after a 24 unique and ultimate phenomena, new administration. Mr. Roth- at Elmwood park in the form of accountefl for J514.KW. The °" are in {years'residence in New York Cit a Junior Maccabiah. Lunch will property, both of cannot be defined;' it cannot be erii>erg's office is a newly crecash coiliected during: the cfltndanger. danger We have no rights to de- jj In that time he has been abroad be served at noon, and at• four caged in a logical formula. Also, paagB csaie Jo ST,S30, c record 'n fend ourselves against, attacks j five times. On his present tour he ated one, with no execntive o'clock the group will return for it has risen and faltered; it lias high, two thousand dollars more c M i and we are attacked on" every ; visited 2fi cities in the south, mid- j powers, but a purely legisla- a-swim in the J. C. C. pool. 1 thsis last year. known change and development tive "•'•.function;''.. Rabbi , Israel __. | die-west aad Pacific coast regions. ; l a s t Friday Cantor Schwaczkin side by a merciles ? foe." "It has been & glorious enffi i had its cenin many ages. J —— of- S'nai-Isfael; ynagogue : taught • ' "'The;government prosecutor who ,"While in Topeka, he spent sever-I ; paigTi," commented Chc-irmr.n Ma! "orspTehdorand 1ts~p"eTl6a§: GoUlsteinT*-^ tturles. i "f" ind conducted the trial of those in-iaf hours interviewing the• repubj Tel Aviv (WIvS-Palcor.Agency) youngsters Hebrew • melodies ashock, who deserves so mncl ' D. Stone were pri- the of decay. Yet thiere are.-I dare to and which now are more popular than Voived in the Przytyk pogrom ha3 j lican prestdential candidate, Al- ] —Direct Jewish losses resulting believe, certain aspects which marily instrumentall in i bringbi • from tie.rioting and violence tha1 credit for leading the way in tl" " ' the regular-camp songs. A t ' t h e filed notice, of an appeal, to be i fred Landon. : have never gone under, which' ing about the agreement which [ assembly Friday afternoon Harry heard in September. Efforts to have disturbed Palestine since fruitful drive. "It once more place? v i have been embodied . semper, ub- brought unanimity in the elec- Rubenstein of Denver, who has obtain the release of the convict•April 19 ttt cave reached the f ig-ii the Omaha Jewish community or ^ -«, i u r e o f j1>0co,000, Eliezer Kaplan, the map nationally. T\e have prov < r ique et ab omnibus and which are tion of Dr. Wise. just returned from a seven-month ed Jews on bail until the appeal FORMER OBiAfiAN ! Is I today, as they were aforetime; the • CONDUCTS STUDY treasurer of the Jewish Agency,! en that Omaha Jewry are gener is heard have been unavailing-. The opening session of the con-cruise around the world, spoke of marks, the "notes" of all Israel. •__ I stated at a journalists' conference I ous hearted and are deeply appre The acquitted Poles have begun ! vention at ihe Biltmore Hotel his experiences while abroad. -. The first of these is the con' here. Mr. Kaplan asserted that ! ciative of the plight of oir The first craft objects are com- a boycott against the Jews of the contented itself with listening to Dr. Louis "Wirth, formerly of * cept and tendency of sanctificatio. negotiations have been underta-; brethren. the presidential address of Mr. pleted. Coin purses, billfolds, and town, in an effort to drive them O m a h a a c d n o w "We became a people and a faith associate profes-: ken with the Government for; "It goes without saying tha Rothenberg, with giving respect- metal work have been finished out. The first step in this boycott (j by resisting the idolatrous n a at the for the victims of i the success of the catapaign is dur il h University U i i ;;compensation was the the establishment establishment off a a "new isor off sociology p classes and was ful attention to three addresses in in Mrs. Meyer Beber's J S ture-cults of our early pagan conwilM^ exhibite d' at\ne'camp carmarket in the neighboring town I of Chicago, recently conducted a the riots and for assistance to : to the co-operation of the mer memory" of the» late Dr. Nathun r temporaries. We set ourselves aSokolow, by Prof. Salo- Baron, nival. Work has now been started Lpf Potvrov. in the hope that the js t u d y o f t h e Chi.&g0 r e g i o n . A c . | the Jewish refugees from Jaffa land women working: m the arive part from them by making every ™ wood wnnd and »nd soap soar, rarvine. Jewish traders of Przytyk will be : , , , . , „ ,„ „ . m M . ; xhej gave nnsuiDungl; o. .hei Menahem Ribalow, and Abraham]on carving. V l : _ _ | and other places. jcording to Dr. Wirth's published j ..Co_pensaUoa ~ j c r tnese Tic.act of life, not only worship and Wednesday Sevening some of j ruined. aspiration, but all the humble da- Goldberg, and to addresses of Four Jews arrested -during the findings if Chicago can be taken |t ; m s of t n e disturbances is a mor11 ily things — eating and drinking welcome from Mayor James Dunn the older boys, with their Coun- protest strike have been sent to as an example, American cities: al obligation on the part of the selors, Loyal Kaplan and Hagkell and sowing and leaping — differ- and" Governor Theodore Green. I have terminated their periods of ! Government," Mr. Kaplan declarconcentration camps. Cohen, went on an overnight hike Likening the "struggle for the ent from a pagan act; we sought a< ing t h e h Aee n trurtcu 'I hectic growth. While people are Icy j e d ' will ?fnot relent f <<theinithis *" i saemand. , ; to take all the natural things and establishment of a' haven of fre- to Hummel park. This group , , f r P 7 . r w / , 0 V cooked their own dinner and slept I mttllnu HI Jtni&n r ~* r acts of man and give them signi- edom . for the Jewish, people in ^moving toward larger cities, the j ^ reported, that 1,500 additione V icance and separate them from Palestine" to that of the Ameri- in the open. In the morning they CONGRESS OH JULY 21 people in the cities themselves are j al Jewish workers have entered Rome I •,/ the rawness of pagan- nature. can struggle for independence in fixed breakfast and returned to The American Jewish Congress moving into suburban regions. iJevrish colonies throughout Palzations in the 1.1 <-<. . , * ) 1, I "Who sweeps a room as for Thy 1776. Mr. Rothenburr. in his the Center for the Thursday morn- committee of Omaha requests that Dr. Wirth graduated'from South jestine for agricultural work since Britain £.nd I % n . ( v ' sake," wrote George Herbert, presidental address, declared that ing program. 7 all Jewish organizatiops of OmaHigh in 1916 and attended the ! the beginning of the disturbances. hitherto been If 1 .^ ^ r Included in the camp enroll"makes that and the action fine." Zionism is an ' application of the ha save Tuesday, July 21, as a University of Chicago where he; and that this strengthening of as, or black Jev & o n icT ment are three out-of-town youngThe British poet stumbled on the principales of the Declaration of very important meeting •will be received his degree of Doctor of j Jewish agricultural activity vot:ld are warned Li ' ^ < c M r Jewish instinct for sanctification. Independence to the harrassed sters. James Cohen comes every held at that time. All organiza- Philosophy. He is the author of ibe Continued. Urging the entire organ of Iitli. I <-\ ' day by bus from Gretna. The othAnd that instinct aspires to' a and scattered Jewish people. Caltions are requested to attend. a book, The Ghetto, a study of j Yishuv to participate in the cur- henceforth aii ; - I <? i point where noble and sacrifical ling upon the Zionists of Ameri- er two, Arlene Fisher of- Nash- Further plans will be published the Jewish mode of living since : rent campaign for aid and consol1c } of the FaSasi i ville, Tennessee, and Jimmie Snyaction becomes a kiddush ha ca to redouble their energies so in a later sisue of the Press. : idation, he pointed out that for- elusive task Ci the fall of Jerusalem. der of Hutchinson, Kansas, are Shem, a sanctification of the in- that the development of Palestine ! eign countries also are joining m Emphasizirt effable Name, a cooperation with may Be speeded to "an even visiting in Omaha. this appeal. After outlining the longer any n^cC " O ^ . God toward a universe of form greater, tempo than has been constructive settlement plan of committees ir and goodness, a constant conflict characteristic of the past," Mr. i the Jewish Agency as formulated,'' and""£,o"ndon, withy chaos and evil. Rothenberg said that our of the he stated that the program would xtalisn J e v r This instinct is central to Jud- present disturbances, "profoundly • go into effect soon. with the Ita ,:• aism. It manifest itself in the as we deplore them, we shall preparing to t 1 practical modern world on the gather strength." He paid tribute under its win,.. * 1 •ew plane of active life by an inveter- to the heroism of the Palestine ally and ecor—• ate desire to make the world a Jews and lauded their discipline A plan for v -jr Omahans residing in Los Anthe Pales-; For twelve belter world for all the children and self-restraint in the face of geles, who have a picnic each year, p ] e t e d & a d t g d o u M f u l t h a t t h e I TICBIC D as •vrithic the cof Adam. On a high metaphysi- provocation and violence. j Jewry is beir i • will this year hold their picnic tine skies have been black nnth j s t r i k e c o u J d coati^e n M h} cal plane it means winning cosAsserting that growth of Pal- July 19 so that delegates ta the Arab rebel-jer- T M s m u c h v a s a d m i t t e d fcT I bllCCCSS mos from chaos, living and dying estine has not been rapid enough, A. Z.' A. convention may attend. j rumbling clouds of 'T™ tt*™l%lT\TfT* 1 the committee directing the strike". \ to make good and God prevail. It he said "we need more populaMore than three hundred foris- our pervasive and unanswer- tion in Palestine" and "must ex- mer Omahans attended the lastj torm. RV able trend. The humble Jewish ert ourselves supremely to settle | j ni given there. Mr. Philip s Earlier, observers saw dissen- ; picnic, announces that the picnic ; ^..,, a _ s . p C c In guerilla warfare, sabotage, woman practising kashruth in her as many Jews as possible. It is - - - - ! t • that bombing and sniping there was no ests A•n g € l•e s re q U-~ kitchen and the martyr to justice only when our numbers shall any Omahans in Los Angeles at abatement in the outlying sec and freedom who cannot bow have reached a parity with the dow nto the idolatrous forces of Arab population that the instiga- that time get in touch with him-if jU o n s _ M o r e d e a t h s o c c u r r e d and they wish to attend this picnic. attackmore Arabs were the world are both saving nature Jerusalem's e=- dinner cf the trip to. C&IIlornia. C tigators of trouble will recognise Greenstone, °-c " - -> - More t h a d h from chaos, give form to what E a wrist CissrJsE Gen< 1 Mayor NafhashJbl. j Miss KalaU Franklin wo the futility of their destructive t t ~^ Arab villages were collectively , watcn. was formless, sanctifying the A s t&e efforts; and a stable peace beColick, repor " "> fined for acts of terrorism. I Arab rebellion gave j Name. .• • evang' orchestra tween both elements of the Palserges*, nt-at-arms. ' - nf RpTrVl rVlilflrPTli But in Jaffa, Arab merchants ;s i S n s of beginning to disintegrate, I Austin The second concept and ten- estine population will be insurOl IXClUll V^lUlUlCll! I t e n d e d a n o l i v e b r a n c n t 0 t a e : the Palestine members of the Zion-j Definite plans have been 1 dency pervades the life of the for the Alpha pi Te.x. annual « . u ed." After appealing for "solidar. | Jewish merchants who fled dur-jkt Actions Cofflcaittee issued a! Jewish people from Amos to Jaerthusiastically received wfces she The German-Jewish children ji n g t h e fs r s t outbreak last April. I Proclamation criticizing the Gov- \did soiEe difficult acrobatic cla.nc- mer cence to be is eld ibis ; - r I cob Wassermann;; It is the con- ity in giving aid and comfort'to ; our brothers in Palestine," Mr. aboard the Levee on August 1 1 . : refugee fund will be beneficiary They offered to rent them shops [eminent for weakness and failure ingv. cept of Justice. Without justice t0 U7 o I) a Tines burg: (WKS - P a l c o t Rothenberg criticized the policy and homes and to provide protec-j act promptly. »s life and nature cannot be sancIrvin Levin vras in charge of of the Junior-Senior Council' of ! Afpntvy'i — Re-nchir.g the largest Among the week's events was of the Mandatory power, saying .tion against attacks. 4 tified; without justice God canJewish "Women summer dance to '•"prominent Arab merchants, im- ! the death of-Farid ibn Sheikh, races and games. the history o£ J'a-lestiiKS 'it 'is high time: that the Mandaiisive * hot be glorified; without Justice Qppjn," lnc .surppB&injs thai ol creation falters and sinks back tory Power realize tho error and be held next Wednesday evening. poverished from the almost three- president of the Moslem Students' 1 Mrs. Ctrris F. foEU i . i A s — ike union ol 'fiKj other Jewish community in into "chaos and old night." To- futility, of a policy to pacify Arab July 15, at the Carter Lake club, i donta-cM general strike, ap- 'Corporation. He was atoost blown to pieces when a bomls he was leaders at the expense of JewFuneral services for Miss Carrie j Jewish Communilies ol Italy : p/ovid on s i-tu ciipiia basis. South. day the adjectives "social and Mrs. Harry Shumow is general proacted T.el.Aviv firras for loans , chairman in charge, and she re- and credits offering mortgages on manufacturing exploded prema- F. Kraus cf 251; E sires a | made public its decision to send •Afric-En .le ty has already raised •'economic" are commonly prefix- ish interests." iff- curnMtt Keren turely. Turning to domestic Zionist ports a gratifying response to the places of business and groves. or;E celegEtioE to Etfclopia ic inteacher in the OHIESE. school ed to the word justice. And it-is tnpn'tin, U was BISa : H?,ve«of] c Safed, ancient home problems, Mr. Rothenberg urged conciv15 years, ?;as feelS Tuesday rnorr?j vestigEte Jewish Some Arab leaders seeking right and fit that Jews should ticket sale. • .. T> ^ i* r- f'^'~\ b strive to. embody justice accord- an increased projection of ZionA stage show will be featured moratorium and aid in their, finan- Cabalists {Hebrew mystics) be-j in E; at 10 a. ffi. trora. the Kunold itions, to org:"^;: tli€ r, Is heirvp ing to the character of the age iii ist effort in general Jewish cul- Wednesday. Bobby Bowman and cial crisis arranged a conference came the target of a serious Arab chapel -vriHi burial in Fder.Fr.r* (ish comraiinS'iPs is BrortetBkr, memto establish sec by Prof. attack in which 3 Jew was reportI Hiil ee!neterj-. aud elsewhere,and tural life. He also reccomended with bankers to avert a wave of iyhich they live and by, the Inhis orchestra will furnish the mu: Miss .Kraus was survived by her j contact with the F&'iashas (Eili- ber ol the .Iptvisli Agency Execustrumentalities which it affords to the convention the ratification sic. Admission is $1.25 per couple. bankruptcies that impended in the od tilled &nd three oiliers injured. tive, oC London, Mrs. Israel Siefl Cutting of communications and [ mother, airs. Jennie Kracs; two ] iopiar. 3 of a plan for setting up a terriwake of the paralysis of business. Tickets .may be secured from them. But that basic concept of j brothers. Edward and Carl ci i The • Union's "lans have hbeen of London, and Baruch ZuckerOne reason for the diffident | transportation left the Jewish torial form of organization for the Council board members, members justice and the lassion for justice nis- ' mar., formerly of New York. The -hich is a mark of the Jewish .Z.O.A., and spoke of the growth of the Junior Council, or from hints at peace-was that the Arab ] population with a shortage cf 'Omaha and a sister, Mrs. ]Laura' approved by the Colonial Mi fund-raising effort is continuing. Albion. Kebr. I try, it was announced. of youth activity, paying tribute Mrs. SbumoWs coijnnittee. j strike fund has been sorely (Continued on page 8.)
Rothenberg Chairman of Administrative Committee
IIncreases And Ncvr Chairmanship Boost
Young Appetites Being Whetted at Camp Akiba
Losses sstine in at r
Claiming Ovc:
Omahans Residing in Los Angeles To Picnic
End. of Palestine §
Dance for Benefit
Hebrew Club a
OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. JULY 10, 1936 therefore, nothing more than that the German Reich finds itself in heavy industry. They recognizwhich vaa once the aim of thea position similar 'to that of a ed very early the great oratorical talt business man who has already inand demagogic demagogic !' talents of this Pan-Germani8ts. The first aim of this foreign vested in his enterprise not only man, and utilized him as a tool in policy is to reunite under the roof his own fortune but even the order to bring about the collaspe of an enlarged Germany all perKaunas (JTA)—There are 214 loans obtained against his prosof the hated Weimar Republic, j sons <=on<! r&bbie in Lithuania who have repective profits, and for whom race and speech They were correct in their esti- who O ft h e nochoice choice but butthe thedisgrace Third there iiss no ceived, in the las£ nine years a one mate of their tool. But in o n e ' Reich. jteiV % £ Third New York (WNS) — That Dr. point, they underestimated him tte L i - ? p r * n c i Ple explains I °* bankruptcy or some extraor- Chaim Weismanc, president of total of $160,000 in salaries from He is today their master. Today Austria W , annexation of j binary feat to make hist business the Jewish Agency, David Ben profit O n ! yb teah ns awa ofit Onl *t h he ec c°oaa-- Gurlon, head of the Agency's pol- She Government, according to s t ao pf rfore he wields the power over them of the r ! ^ i q u ew * *»' minorit ' '"?n lands and foreign study made public by the Ministry y and they cannot divorce divnr™ .tnemsel-! « . „ „ „ , >!Cwchosoiaklt ,-, "fe , ! r m s n minority from 5 u e s t of foreign lands andmarks> Torp.iirn itical department, and Pinehaej ^ Ertucation RndPubl|c w thls 25 biIIion 1 S U T U S ves ftom.Wm because only theislavia and even ^ | Rutenberg, head of the Palestine! , ° " I M of notes be redeemed. . . .Electric Corporation, ,_,~*t,~,»«««, aagreed &i ecu m m-J _ * * addition, pseudo-scientific doctrine success-Ian amity palt the Government to in"''" ''" **" "~" fully blinds the German people | land and the rearmmament ceases Ger-|vite Valdimir Jabotinsky, Eionistsubsidies totaling $2 Son Furto he real aims of this small j thermore, this eoonomy faces ruin and the (Revisionist chief, to assume full j for ""' reconstruction of synagogues _-=-..<•. S, 1 ^ l n m Governm group of generals, school-master ! abs " » ft t . — T j p i o y e ( j w n i I charge of the political department \ *?Z-?*"?*'... ent lpr professors and Industrial ma<*''ifv by millions. I of" the World Zionist ~ • * elao supplied timber and wood y nates. °' the re- ! "should Germany not wage tion is asserted in a n o l l l v . ' fuel for the houses of workshin •• is prepar- pearing in t h e July-August issue Salaries of Jewish religion _ of h e r citi-jof "World Jewry," organ of t h eteachers amounted to $15,000 In the savings of the j American New Zionist Organize the same period.
Get $160,000 in in 5 Years
:l Will. there be a ' war? Can Hitler emerge victor of the next world conflagration? . Dr. Bernhara, former editor. in-clef of the Vossischo Zeitung and now an exile In Paris, has contributed two significant art* icles on this subject, exclnsively t o Seven Arts publications. : _ • , —THE EDITOR
were squandered on.the manufacture of' all kinds of murderous elimination of all civic joint-resinsrtuments; were uselessly ' ap- ponsibility. Each one demands plied to the feeding and clothing' that which he himself cannot actime J of millions of soldiers, instead of complish from the "Miracle-man" the n using this vast sum for the crea- who has promised him salvation Therefore, every dictator Strives there 4 tion of productive goods. The of tha lack of this tremendous amount to strengthen faith in his magical ed lai of-capital is keenly felt through- Powers and the healthy concepDarin) out, the world. It can never be iton of democracy is transformed Raskto repaid by anyone. It. could have Into obscure mysticism. Every her di ••..•. Shortly, before the outbre'ak of been gradually restored only by dictator must convince his people of his might. And, therefore, the She the World War, the ' then un- the common exertions and the l S t e d i na professors and industrial magmag-i Lroernr ga el " e through a ' P u b 3 i c i t J- reU a war w a r of _.II . _'will have suffered ^ umnr i o .«.• , I, Swltzj known English, author, Norman thrifty economy of the entire external symbol of that dictatorial nates, S- i o f re a Eu The Jewish Press advertise™ a thin upper crust of s t u nates, a thin «nn»r ^«,.f ~* -7.1iventre a^in^t w . . * . " I?d a.m"a _ more serious 1! lease Czecht • Angell, published a book in which world. But since the world,..in power will always be a strong ar nid s e*® than«ered they did throu"^h'the g r ^sent out by this Revisions merit your patronage. mpn in J n Tt t onlv thl-^^' Pid men represented in Germany repres my and the drive toward war. to, C he claimed that modern wars con- the i served socalled P G the postt war period, preferred to The enormous danger of the the so-called Pan-Germany at served by lau ai not be- waged successfully; be- live in defiance of the natural . cause lack of money dooms them that time the great n , a 5 S , » « nd e An dt .o ol ff European situation of today lies y h e German German 'people 'people laughed a t 1|| f, cadahis Hitler h a s maintained this vicious circle. And if •to failure. Furthermpre, Nor- laws of every rational economy, in the fact that In the hands of tthe laughd «*A a s i^ w h i c h millions of people, who *? l * i 1 ' P^ached ^ t a t l o n that Germanv Is were clear on ;his point they j Chaim Weizmann, Haskefl Supra;mari Angell brought to the atindividual men, who are clothed they sky, the South African, Pinchas that t h e German " to its " en- would have enough understanderman people are tention of the world, in eloquent prefer to work, arfe today are supersuper- i* ' " ' " ' " ' — ' - exposed Rutenberg and Ben Gurion part0 a nations emie But are these enewords, the contention that even out of the regular workin 6 yiu- sible to no one" rests must there- ! ^T ing to realize the imminence of a ticipated." Rutenberg is quoted as cesses and are exposed to misery. f victorious wars will be of little war; But the Hitler regime, in This • situation in Europe has be preserved or P n ™ . &mce tnen o n e use to the victors but, rather will 1 P of the g r e a t - ' m a n y w t t t e r e sue'; an urge to addition to financial and econo- having protested against "the Induced many to become revolu- theme severe economic P eS e red ..—.r ^uu danger • *--*bring mic preparation, conducts a still tionaries. One group believed like Hitler, not a more terrifying campaign. Ger• stress.. . Despite the warnings of that it could take advantage of heightened by the fact that a a I German — m ag brought system and more territory. °The Rear- man youth beginning with the the intellectuals, the World War, those abnormal times in order to great nation which is situated in into Pan-German Zionist Organization." The story • stupidity and ganization. ^^.<= o^^i-.v .however, was not prevented. Des- snatch great for themselves, but the heart' of Europe is governed has_ ,to some extent, elaborated mament of Germany is thus a s i g n sixteenth year is educated militar- then goes on to say that Rutenthat the Hitler regime intends to Mesx-tinirte Floor istically. War is presented to the :pite the logical proof offered by the other has lost its belief in a-by a very special form of dictator- the* patched-up system of German 1 berg demanded that Jabotinsky • Norman Angell that there was anchievlng, in a normal manner, ship which rests its entire ral- superiority over all other human a put the racial theory into actual children not as a horror but as be drafted to take charge of the practice. „ - .__. .Uw.u KOO au. i-uicviug, m a normal manner son d'etre on the idea of war. the most beautiful fulfilment of situation, that Haskell communigroups. This, founded by Hous-| People .'.'insufficiency of financial resour- economic security and a well-regp e abroad have not the ihuman the educa- j cated with Jebotinsky by phone It is regretable that the real Prize Crop mobaccos Make Old uuuisn destiny. aesimy. They They are are educa^ O a fuug war, ton Stewart Chamberlain, anothfees for carrying on a long war, ulated life. Inflations of glgan- nature of the National Socialist slightest idea of the tremendous!ted to love not life but death. The ] in London and that Jabotineky Gold Cigarettes Double-Mellow. men fought near- t i c proportions have • destroyed er foreigner, is called the Nation.• — t i n — - ' •-•--• • •for ' . _ .— ~ * ..^c uu^ uc«.t.u. Auej in London and that Jabotineky uus, a g r e e d t 0a c c e p t ly five years. Never before did the foundations of civic welfare, regime is unknown abroad T— al Socialist Racial Theory. It isextent of this "rearmament The r e r y s a m e H e r r v o n P a p e n whom\ P r 0 T i d e d the .pol5 0U k n o w f r o m w a r d a y s onl v r e itical a n autnor a even in America. But that is not " itical department the PPear to be given the and as a result have also devastthe basis for the persecution of same regime which pretends that c e' n t l y department of of theZionist Zionist ia oneot h i s E e e c n e s 80t r o it does not have enough money to N o td"*** Pa h e r 0 s ; ^ I e 8 0 s t r o n s ' y - •And yet, never ed the'basis of traditional culture. the fault of the correspondents Jews in Germany, for on tais pay Organization be turned over to his off its e a t h i n b e d b u t 1 > o t ae ihefore was «ff its, if. pnvaie —•—.- debters n a v V^J. aeeters abroad " &tn in bed,' but a hero's' group. was a prophet more, cor- The destruction of the' monetary of the great American newspapers 9tepladder of the human races the *-, rect than Norman Angell, which system reinforced, the already who reported much, and in aJews stand upon the lowest rung. fias enough money to import cost- d e a t b - on the battlefield, like the I This This nvhUru publicity release is not tecorrectness was later confirmed quite artifical borders between great measure, correctly, on Adolf Therefore not only the Jews but ly war materials in enormous o l d Teutons, is fitting for a Ger? fkerf L r ^ ? w h e n h ew a s Hitler's Germany. But rather it This verv very Hitler re- man." c i r c l l -«\ authorltative ' presented with the the states of the European conquantities. This HltlPr ™ man." And And the the Reich H e i,h Minister « . « . ! . of . , Zionist ^ . wnousiy any one who, as a result of a mix- quantites. el lies in the fact that the so-called gime directs its exports to South the Interior, Dr. Frick, has formWorldwS v * ew York, ^°^ Peace . Prize. Of course, tinent- with insurmountable barbed marriage, has even 25 per cent 5 the facts have proven that a leng- ed-wire fences. The exchange of totalitarian state has left no of Jewish blood in his veins, is America by means of extensive ^ t e d this idea; "All that serves ?o£?ri?Z* IMC. dumping and obtains in thy war.caa.be waged if the lack goods upon which rests the econo- phase of human life uninfluenced barred from _ , - _ , . „ .» ».e"<-, 0.11 j mrormation PHONC from""nracttalniT practising hisTr'ade his trade ioodstutts "and and that, Of funds is overcome by the print- mic life of nations is stagnating. and unregimented; w m raw materials" that has reached this o--uv.ui.cu, ana m ain t , Germany — regardless of whe- w n l J e wrong. this country about I nharms t h a t 6 them i r i t t is h ewrong." its forei-n cur H reserves its us iorein iorei^n cur I n t h a t 66PPiirriitt t t hh ee g o v t forei-n cur ing of paper money;I but _ _ valueless _ _ ~ *"•••*• *-*• **-»W*iVJ U U tThe. more men failed to adjust to therefore, a very accurate study ther he is Catholic or Protestant, r e n c y f o r t h e us P government i any such meeting i h n H i t e r a a b u t the Vaad h a abbunt ' " Payment of warAdolf olf Hitler up in mthe the H i t i e r has u n t VL-D as magnificent magnificet as the th capitalistic i l this confusion, the more there de- is necessary :ln order to under- since the sacrament Leumi. s a c t of fb t baptism is |material obtained from other hhe a r t o f Europe a nemenaous "invention of .long-term credits veloped in many minds the stand how the omnipotent Nationnot recognized in the National So- countries. In the home country * a r machine, served by men who may be, credit is.. nothing more thought that they must surrend- al Socialist theory affects the atcialist state. We may safely say it has already spent twenty-five a r e convinced that it is their des• than a delay of payment and when er to strong men who will take titudes and behavior of the Gertln t or u I e o v e that within a very short time it u TTIIU win iaKe ? t h e ^orld. and the loans fall due it becomes apmans. And even if you would will be impossible for a Jew or billion marks in order to raise t h >" a t t h e r e a r en ol o n e r a n the manufacture of munitions to ^ y equal these grotesque, grot parent that the money with which over the leadership of the march know all these brutal ana foolish roolish details, you would non-Aryan to earn his living, for a maximum level. The great ma- r i S h t s divinely bestowed on all and . to pay off the debt is non-exis- toward a better future. .Thus'dictatorships were of estabprobably still not understand, be- Jewish youths are no longer able jdrity of the German factories are humans, but only the special •tent.\... ! . • • • . " . . lished in Europe. -Most uC to obtain apprenticeships. today working in preparation for rights for the Germanic race, ihed in states Europe.are,today • Most of the : One cannot understand the pre-European ruled cause it IS incomprehensible to This war machine of the Hitler But it would be entirely wrong war; 80 per cent of the entire sent confused situation in Europe, by dictators. Only,the great cul- citizens of normal countries. Only to look upon the anti-Semitic con- German production is in the field Reich Is a menace to Europe and if one asa con-j tured : states of the "West and the a country, which produced such for II one does does not not view view it it as . . . ~ u yiuuUCCa BUCS .w*.v^& AUU of war materials. TheOso-called r>-».»ii~j «- -* •"-sequence-of the World War.. The i small;-. Chechoslovakian Republic, great philosophers as the ', Ger-sequences of this racial theory. ... . Republic, war itself only a little more governed by the great philosopher many which we all once loved and For European politics it is much j prosperity of which the Hitler is at the same time the key to the . .~~ u i u u situation Eiiuauon in European politics politics. than four .years; b but the liquida- Masaryk and by his pupil Benes, admired was able to produce such more important that, according to t h war must break out soon if tion of. this was has already last- xemaiet true'.: to democracy. . • But great fools as today stand at the this doctrine,- the German . race regime boasts is a war prosperity. aThis But where did the Hitler re- 1 1 the other people in Europe do ed more than twenty years and evenj'-they must wage a. terrifit head of the absolute and ruling stands at the head of all races gime get these twenty-five billion n o t 6 t a n d together, if they do not and is appointed by God and by still continues. It is true.that,in battle against the policico-ideQlo- party, forcing their will Upon the marks? The state and the comit -clear that,• •in the marks? stat« »r,^ •»,im*** i* i = . now — •! many .sections of Europe good in- gicat; madness which invades .theii* great mass of the German j>eople. nature to rule over. Europe and munities The have accepted i bills ofe v e n t of war, the Third Reich the rest of the world. What was tentions were lacking; but the There, It la impossible for me exchange, and and the the banks banks and and the thefaces the united phalanx of all border's. Democracy is a .state . „ „ „, l u o wuna. vvnat wasie^nange, Tery best intentions could rio.t' 'systeni based upon, pure. r-e"arson. to ..give you, within the frame of formerly the imperialistic demand savings institutions are forced to European nations. The, diabolic 1 "A Quality Product for Seasoning" have averted "permanently the ex -In. a democracy every citizen has this article, an intimate, view .of pennies of propaganda spread over the enOt a vociferous Cliniifi nf Won- invest invest the rw,--!-- *the little • - inf»i= :: posure of the fact that a great his share of co-responsibility in that which is today happening in vGermanists clamoring for conu u uman these notes. All banks and tire world by Dr. Goebbela. serves dent had been made by the war -the.political, economic and moral Hitler Germany. I must be con-quest is now, because of Adolf saving institutions are already only to scatter this phalanx. Woe . in the resources of capital. ac- affairs of >the state;, every man tent with citing a few facts which Hitler, the highest wisdom of po- stuffed full of them. Dr. Schacht unto Europe and woe unto the cumulated over a period of cen-is jointly at fault if the state falls, are of • .determining influence in litical science. And what was has decreed that these papers cir- world is this propaganda should turies. More than 200 billion and he^can • blame only those who the political, affairs of Europe. formerly laughed at by millions i culate as money in the trade be- succeed. dollars went up in smoke in therule, but must .also beat his own Ffrst of all, I because I tween the Reich and large banks (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts form of, grenades and bombs; rjth- sci- and industrial enterprises; else he „ Feature Syndicate.) breast. A dictatorship, means the'! that Adolf Hitler, in the first ten years, was financed by the Reich entific flourishes. You must al- would be forced to increase the ways b bear in mind that, funda- j number of notes issued by the mentally, this racial theory dic-jReichsbank, which would force Sir Isaac Isaacs Honored M 4 j Uit tates the the .entire .entire official official policy nniiov of «r !him to confess that Germany's f? London—Sir Isaac Isaacs, for-| tates - " " « • " ; a " - j mer governor-general of Australia, I the Third Reich even if, for tacnances today are actually in a ser-j WSLS honored at a dinner tendered tical reasons, it appears other- iously inflated condition. I W **•- »-- • wise. The aim of the official foreign policy of the Third Reich is, Sir Hubert Samuel presided. • Rett EuropV Bpendii
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Get $160,001) in. Salaries in $ Years Saunas (JTA)—There are 214 rabbis in Lithuania -wio Jiare received, in the last nine years, a total of $160,000 in salarisB from the GcrremmeDt, accorfllEg to a istudy made jmbiic by the MiaSBUy jaf Education and Public Worship In addition, the -Government ETanled subsidies totaling $2,500 °OT reconstruction ol Hynago^neg [n many cases, th Government 2JBO supplied timber and -wood us] for tbe houses or \rorfcship Salaries of Jewish religious !eacherE amounted t o $15,0D0 in ihe same period The Jewish Press advertiBera Jierit your patronage. :'; •
|"he Qaalntesf Spot in Town Drinks by SSoah ' '
DTE1 HILL Mezzanine Flo or
jPrize Crop Tobaccos Hake Old pld Cigarettes DDuble-Melitrw.
j Climate, Ton Can Get Yourself.
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2 for 56c
Wheat I-Takes and Wheat Pops
Fkg. - 10c
fasiade or Orange 5:3c valae .. I5C <, 16 oz. 73c | d gallon, eack.... 49c | urn,-No. 2 can...... 10c j ize'bar, 6 bars_._]9c
fact, "next to ElEie JsciE, ClsTiS-'both sicles of the religions le ette lias been t i e most mothered j CertamlT in •L&L.Ju girl in the theatrical jjroXessioa. hare "bees settled • for •genii vras largely the laei that Ehe' eratians, t a r e become prospero-as.' -wouldn't give -tip the mother for • and lave mingled •w'ta.ihe Entire the Imsaand, most of i e r friends : population, mixed and every sisth believe, lea her in ner ! Jewess married outside ihe faitl. first marriag'e to continue the ^ n t n e ScandJivian countries, eren Detroit baseball fans don't .he-; separate-domicile sehEine to its ^n recent vears. almost tvro thirds
'eafifien leap from i h e most mod- porary }>ody. err., of iBE-riBrw r r t i e TP.PFI m - UrtPf? fii= P GJP~:? And "hcvr wtT2 .Toel IE.T'F?
certain LDUIS Silvermaji of
ivriter of this article, who is a
star," he insists.
.:MAi ii 15 Ar
"The posing: gnestion as • to • the chief danger: George Bums, and Gra ie Allen, indepentience. orpnrtur.ity. efirce.-
e, Mass., has proposed in Tt can cr.te prr f>5- == 3 B X , £ f i S ^ S a T S i ^ ' 1 *fl™^ C2anaBtte-" |-W«* » » r People believe threa- ; j^f Ttalherg Mfl 5ornia tion. -c-omfprt.. A letter to the editor ol theJ tit err families, every01 ^oErry lua^zme, gires us , T J u s 1 I 3 1 T O l l l n 5 1 1 e B B t o t e piBtD _jtenB the married happiness of shearer, and dozens of others, .taxes Mh Teterans, that the arganiza- his interpretation of mixed ]] graphed -with his beautiful bride those two nice people. There are, or soon -will l>e. Char-.thirg that -was possiWe before tbe ^ZZ ?Hon take the lead in a campaign Biarriagcs -and their prospects He is a handsome man, Press-, lie Chaplin and Panlette Goddard. cepressio: jj is part and parcel of the ethics to bny lio-sver California from lor liappiness. I of his profession. TOD much pub-!man, thirty-four years old and EisiTh«-se are not tfc«> only favorable Mexico as a Jewish territory . . . —The Bditor |licity might ruin his career. But|feet high. Be has fine, kind, in-! omens. * " ' msr ires -or.ly Tour --icTiiref a yenr. A Pay-Not-To-Talt Society l a s j Clandette, as an actress dependent morous eyes, an erect and well! Both Cla-n5ett» and .To»l ar» ir- BV*ween them, she has time for B been organized by a gxonp of :. KHZ. e^rercis? RHO Soir.r over Jews 3n Cleveland, -we are inform- Clii l y Chanchoin, Chiudette Col-jon the. public's lavor. must live proportioned body. E s radiates! ^Uectnallv matt:™ Eac^ i«= -w»'J ^ ^ unusual \ by the -very things -which he health, poise, efficiency. £istme-' established in a chosen profession, tbe living roots. ICoreover. she M ed fbv Phil Slomovitz, editor of j bert " *" to *•"us, ^ specializes ^JJ^^^'U.^^ in J ^ m;ai jtion. But he is indubitably a Jew | Both are in their has Traits -wiici EEke fcr saccesE the 'Detroit'Jewish Chronicle 1 marriages. In 1927, playing He is on the staff of -two big] —a fine .upstanding Je-srish Jew. : strides. Clan iette, for esample.; in anything sli? xiEdertates. ;g Before returning to Paris Dr. iSroad-way in the Barter, she fell! her leading man,! Los Angeles hospitals, -gives hours I Such a man has centuries of hag reached the point where she' Jlnr •vrlll Clatidetre fare cm h ? r i 5 •George Berhhard, anti-Kazi edi- in love his -raluahle time to a clinic i Hebre-w culture behind him. He tor, gave a private dissertation clean-cut, youthful JCorman Pos- [•at on Kazi persecution to Percy ter. In less than three months -which he has founded, ;and spends [ cannot shed them to make a Strans, head of H. H. laacy and from t h e day t h e show opened, | still others in deep medical re-! cinsma holiday. And therefore in ; search. He is a regular feBo"w. ibis heart of hearts he Timst have Cb-, and a Jiumbar of important they -were married. J "When i t comes tD Ehow busi-,i had a hard struggle before he aeThey aiah't tell anybody Macy executives . . . . The audience -was «Epecially interested in near- it. Especially they didn't teiijness, "what h e doesn't inow islcepted t h e principle of racial and Claudette's mother. In fact, they | monnmental. I religious intermarriage — even to ing Bernhard's xeport on to the time he operated on; Clsudette. lias ^happened to Jewish-owned fooled her and "Wincnell for a teiTipsinnses, h e had -never seen j In these days of religious tol•department stores in Haziland . . year. his future -wife on the motion-' erance it -would seem almost an-1 Young Cadets of America is the By that time, so they said, they j "^ C • ! achranistic for this question of 1 had hecome SD Tised to living -un- ] picture screen. . nname of a new organization der separate roofs, and making Hcrwever, Clandette herself is j marriage between Christian and j in atolight ] dates -with each ether like an en-not to be judged by Hollywood I Jew to be deemed Eerious. Butin Massachusetts ifonndea t e s - .^xnexic&XL standards. She -was born into a!there are those T l o still reniem-l i gaged couple, that they ^kept right very .against Pascism . „ . French French family on thejber the uproar -which f oHo-wed i j on. They even -widened their geo- Hue Armand E.UMOKS A3TD FBJEDICTIOXS Carrel in Paris. Her]that other famous intermarriage,] TJjere's a mmor xnafcing the | graphical separation by a,bout T e a l | name is IMy Canchoin; she j the mating of Ellin ilaciay -with ToundB in Moscow that Josef Sta- j three thousand miles. lin -si-a shortly visit Birobidjan . . j Jforman was working in Holly- i c 1 m n = e a M to Clandette Colbert | Irving Berlin. To he sere, there ler fam-|-were fam-j-were mised mised marriages even in Marshal Pietro Badoglio, congner-1 wood, Chandette in 2Cew T o r i . Ia f t s T the S T r 3 T e a ^^^ ^er she nas j Hose's' ancient (LZT; hut interaaar-) or of Ethiopia and Italian minis- .Months passed; then years. Twice'!2 y ^ ^ ^ ^"crk. i:reinEillea i n essence the same;riage ter of of defens, defense, once had i h e JobJtheyy met in Chicago g I D r weeHg -was then openly decried. nmstsring a -minyan of Jewish j ends. Finally Clandette came to prim little French girl Ehe -was! jest as it has been until very Tesoldiers i n the Italian, army in or- HoUj-wood. But t h e regime Df rn her first-Comm-nniDn veil. : cently in the modem Hehraic' der that^the late General Joseph separate domiciles continued. It -was through her literature \ -world. Ottolenghi could say Ijaddish for ! teacher., Alice Eossiter, and h e r | Perhaps in America Abie's Irish his Jather . . . BadDglio was then dating, th« art teacher, Helen Hackett— both IP , D S e ^ ^ ^ e something, along of the little theater jj T i 1 i the popularity of civil mar-ii a young officer attached to the l o x e r s E o t themselveB a devotees DTEn e31t To1 i™ l ™^ ^ * — « a t she:1 r i a & e s , to often the opposition on staff —:— of — .Ottolenghi, •- , one ,. ofTthe „ : Ken-man married Laretta,-. ^ t t .l d ll t ith h most famous of all Italian Jews [ T l n m g . B B i B t e r j S a n y B J a n e ^gj^^rst played small parts with the] . . . Berlin is -whispering the_late |C l a n f l e t t e > ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .^ j^rovincetown Players, a semiJulius Schrecfe,. Hitler's private organization, and lat- POT .Hcines and AH Occa- j chauffeur, died not of natural ped off to Tuma on Christmas^j^^(professional -eve er gained her first professional j Serre Porbss' causes, but from wounds suffered In chance—a part in Tbe York •Pxnapenaakel during an attempt to assassinate cases, apparently, the sep-"Westcotts. It wasn't much of a part. She SS2LM) Der Pnehrer . . . Incidentally, j ""^ " " " • : idea -was Quite j•came on only once, and had only rat6 a miciIe Hitler's bodyguards are plaSged ! adead. - ° S I I C B ^ *tliiiTi "fur ^c^'iiT I three lines. But she brought to a suicide in the event anything daudette's i jiojjje jiffy dollars a -week, and happens to their charge » . - A ] millions of Admirers are very coupled "with Father Clnmchoin's ne arithmetic textbook used ina j happy about this second marriage death at aboct this time, recon»G CO. ;Nazi grammar schools contains ~ special section on anti-Semitic 'ciled Jlama Chaucholn ti tiSemiti of hers. her! problems . . . Heinrich Schnitzler, 2701-11 So. 24ia St. Joel Pressman, M. D., specialist j daughter's public career. .. Since son Df the late Arthur, is present-; in tonsillectDmy and bronchDS- then the good lady has devoted We. B4D0 •ing "Professor Bernhardi," his icopy, is distinctly •- not of- the - gen- [herself to it oinremittedingly. In-' father's well-known drama on an- itJ-Semitism, -with great success in j London . . . . | POrKTH JESTATJE ; JEve, the national Jewish wo- j man's magazine, -will shortly an- i nounce the establishment of the : annhal Jane Addams A"wards for ; women's achievements in peace, j cxvic "welfare, science, education j and stage and screen acting „ . . J and non-Jewish -women j eligible for the awards.. . , i H a b b i Charles Braddock of i Brooklyn is planning a new Jew- \ ish monthly for non-partisan rea- • ders . . . Believing that -WET between Uazi Germany and Soviet Hussia is inuninent, the Eeview of 'Bevjews is running a contest in -which i t asks its readers to indicate where thEir private Ej-m•ptahies -would be in Uie event of Each a conflict Jacob de Haas is r.eadj-ing, for fall .publication,. "East o£ Amman."* a story of action and intrigue in TranEiorQan•1a . . .
1'EKSOXAUJY .Mrs. Henry TCathan of Buffalo, president of the Katibnza Pedera_.,£ion of Temple Sisterhoods, is now the wife of Dt. Leon 1^. -\Vat: ; ters. -wealthy ^>Je*w York manufao tttrer - •-, . T)x. "Wattsrs was one of Gotham^s most confirmed bachelors ..... S. ISi. liehrman, the phiy•wrigbt, is honej"mooning rwitli his wife, a sister of Jascha Hfiiletz.i. ,
] Co. foundries ETili end TJsTfha HA. 5 V Crass, Bronze Alraniiirrm, Soft Grt?j- IroTi and Scmi-Stee] Castings. ^TDDII End MetaJ PatU.THs Stanuart strss Sramc a n ri Iron £3ushlri£is. Scwcr MsnhoSss, ClstBm r!lnss j:nil Covers. Clcsnau! Doors .Sash Wsijjhta a t i t) YSIIDW Brass Plumbers1 Fsrruics, carried In .stock. Brcmze Tablets, 3rom.i« one Cast Iron Grilles a l
• LIIJP Saciery :
AF yon may IIE.VE gathered. ih~ Science E.r>.cl •present writer feeiF t.nE.t. )>oth of rt,i=e s fun<:i tbem -will tar?' tian-.n weTi. feUnwehw •
presi- whD married Mrs. KosalinS JJSTJ Representative dential candidacy on tne Union , . , Leonore D. Cohen, daughter Party tictet enjoys the support of of Professor Morris Bnphael CDBj- ihs two outspoken anti-Semites , .... !len, ncrw ansTrers to tlie name of lieve, the rumor that Hank Green- 1 inevitable couclnsinn in the Ci- of the sasrriag'ss involving •were flefinitely niised. Kewton Jenldns, :Chicaso"'s Hitler, {Mrs. Harry N. Eosenfieia . .. . Dr. berg's -wrist is HDt healing a n d ' T D r c e courts. and the Hev. Gi K. Smith of Lou- Jostna Bloch, iSafl of the Jevr- that U s baseball career may "be! Ho-trever, there are reasons tD Th.ere is ' a Jovr birth rule in isiana, t.eir of HBey Long's .share- •iEh Division of Ihe 2\ew T o r t Pn- over » .. . ^Ithocgh lie has "been j Relieve that-the Troman -who. i a s intermarriages; bat this may estate Anything less -t en a lifetbe-wealth empire, are backing blic Library, gave a diploma to on the sidelines for -weeks, Hani j married Joel .PresEman is a very one "to social the Korth DakDtan _ .. . I t hasn't jiis own daughter, Ivohamah San- iis said to. be a major inspiration j different person from the girl rather than physical or biological. time"" not long.enoug UT hare net tiime in -which been mentioned publicly, but pro-[del, -wlten, as president of the Se-|to his teammates . . . . Keep T o u r ; " ^ 0 married Kormcn Foster. reasons.. And there is reason to : „ to r-6 bizild these ccpleied eEts.teg eyes on Mignon Sommers, scholas-I "'Ibelieve HOTT," e335lainei3 ' believe that inarriares tnvo'ving vately many friends of Alfred E. jwnnharika {X>. X) School Board. y g of ours through thrift, then what Smith, the champion of religious jJie presided over the high school tic tennis champ of San Diego, || Clandette, Cld -and non-Je-crs produce chi3"that any liberty, are xemarkins' that he's j graduation exercises . . . Dr. Al-California Shea a niece of A_ jjniust he lived .by the rales which'. £ren capable of the -very highest .ely triers IF & v; keeping strange company -whenjhert Einstein qualified for the X Kohler, newspaper publisher, j have governed marriage since the: type .of literary, artistic as d sci°n* lsX ne-y into an estate his name appears Dn a statement j title of number an 2 absent-mind- and is being hailed as another j institution .started." ""'*"^ tific enSeEvor; for example: SI on- °] Oi "V5; togsther -with that of former Sen- | ed :profeESDr recently when h e for- Helen Trills .. ,. , The young cen- j At any rate, she is starting off \ taigne the philosopher, Booth the of .-thrift, and hard -wort. Fortugot all about a dinner invitation ter forward of. the Kew Tork Ha-j this second marriage on a much 'actor, Ketchnikofl the biologist. James .Heed of lilissDuri jmd nately "there is a soiiTre from former Jndge Daniel Cohalan of to ±he "White House . . . Bennett koahs is the son of a Brooklyn j more promiBing basis -than she did Sullivan the composer KIUais~W •which a roicen .stream of -wealth rabbi . . . . . The reason -why Has i the first . artist, Herschel the .-astronoin«T " the at- j Cerf-, the publisher, recently fiined Seed 5ew T o r t can b_e poured Into &E estate, s tornsy l o r Henry ^Ford Triien the j-vrith King Edirard v m , but the Schmeling trained a t a Jewish i Clandette is the "best listener in '• Anyhow, the child problem inav method -which actually End literurutornDbile manufacturer -was su- j dinner "was spoiled l o r Cerf Trhen hotel -was has desire to forestall Hollywood, and is genuinely in-: not concern either Clan Sett e or ally creates estate .money, -which ^ y Aaron Sapiro . . . The He- {he .discovered among the other |a Je-wish bovcott of his bout -with terested in materia medica. Her Joel. Hollywood, except in rare cvercoines xb^ h£.££Lrcl of tbe ystiTK pubHcans are giving some thought! guests Sylvia Sidney, the former ' Joe Louis " inspired performance as the -worn-'. cases, fioeEn't propagate. "It ahead, -whict ;um.ps the time ej.eto Albert Ottinger as their gnber- ' " " ' ••.,-.-• an doctor in" Private Worlds -was adopts. isent and bridges the gap between natorial candidate in the Empire no -accident „ • Moreover. I am-convinced-that the rreseEt aacl xhe future, pceomState . * . Ottinger, you -will r e As l o r "Jack"" Pressman, it is; the situation is .aot so difficult as plishing in E fevr moments -what B member, came -within an ace of hard to.-see "why this bis smiling;it may see min"many other Te-. ordinarily rscnireF E lifetime, defeating Franklin D. Roosevelt j fellcrw shonld be a jsrDDlem in sxs.y \ spects. BollywDod. -with all its tha? method i? lile ins-r&nce. in X9.2S ...,. At Oie next session of ! young -woman's life. He is -well • fanlts, possesses .to a remarks We C o : i £ i e s s Hepreseniative Sol I bom—a Pressman of the Phila-' degree the -^calit yof tolerance. 01; r estsres CoT itis Bloom "will introduce a hill to • delphia Pressnians. He is highly;In religious matters especially, it depression hap lalien from them, make Father's Day a legal holiieducated — University of Virgin-; is not only tolerant but SBEDOX.ife insiirance can save ibe day By FREDERICK L COLLINS day . . . ^Representative Leon !ia and Harvard Medical SchoolJlent. It is the best place in the for ourselves J or cur families It Friedman of Louisianna's legislaClautlette Colbert, jElnby Soe- ns HoIlywDodian and has heen;He is experienced in matrimony, i world to tr-r to mate a success of can brin- ba^-k ih» scale o' livture -was runner-up for the South- ler, Timices Htm-artl, Surma -wiHrng ID andulge in fisticuffs jH i s divorce TOE ' solemnized only racial and religious intermarria-e inc -which v hac arucipai^d for -west ijpitting championship at the Shearer and dozens of others -with news photographers to prove j a TR-eek hfcfDre i i s Christmas Eve I As inspiring esampleK there are-our - faruilies. It can toir.r bact Dallas Centennial exposition . . . believe that a Jewislj husbcnd ' :-elopement -with Claudette. ' Al Jolson and Ruby Keoler, Sain Boston Tech for 1'nr "!>r-T" c.v,5 T&s"XOV DO3TT SAT mates a swell partner. Ttie •Tm a floctor, .not a movie j All of -which is begging the, Golawyn and France? Bow BET fcri.be zriri. It can rrinr back .A
Csrf . . . Joel XJpsfry just Hie Soufle Exposition .scholarship a t Oxforfl "University, England . . . , His subjects were Greek i and Hebrew • . ... Joel i s the PfflNEASXHEOH j youngest and -most handsome or Ditto Alex Yokel, the producer, | the three sons, of XiDUis Lipsky „ .
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E JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, o n e year . . . - - $2.00 Advertising rates furnished o n application.
tJn th tin
Edltor|ai Office: 600 Br&ndels Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN • • • - • • - • Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Conncil Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL • • •. ' - ' - . - Sioux City. Iowa. Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
Liberality mJewish The warm-heartedness of Omaha Jewry has been tested he
in the crucible of practical giving and has not been found wanting! This is the message of the Jewish Philanthropies ^ ^campaign which "Wednesday passed its goal of $43,600.lai The Omaha community has long stood to the fore among "the cities of the United States for its response' to the call of |: our brethren in heed. A period of yearly declines in pledges 1'. whetted by a long-lasting depression made this year's drive, ^ the seventh annual Philanthropies campaign, in the nature of s ^ a challenge. In a crucial moment, we are proud to say thai r we "came through" splendidly and unstintingly. Ten thousand * dollars more than last year> with $14,100 in increases and new rl 'I| pledges tell a vivid story, the story of a Jewish community toi which still considers the plight of fellowrJews their deep, sincere problem. The outstanding character of the Omaha Jew-. t ish coEimunity remains not only safe and unsullied but more B4-firmly entrenched in its niche of charitable leadership. A }, The more than $43,600 which was raised did not spring tin up out of barren soil. It had to be nurtured and cultivated; da; and in this task we were fortunate in having a corps of workj 6 ! ers who would not desert their posts until victory was theirs. e a Under the inspiring leadership of~Harry JIalashock, the campaigners sacrificed their own personal interests for the sake willingly and uncomplainingly. of others in] To the scoffers and skeptics, the 1936 Philanthropies campaign is a pointed lesson that in Omaha, Jewish giving is sensitive to Jewish needs, and Jewish liberality is matched by Jewish feeling and warm-heartedness. i «c Ri jo ra ba ni in, di
H; K ft
B1 V
Wise Zionist Head The expected bitter battle for the presidency of the American Zionist organization failed to materialize in Providence this past week, when Rabbi Stephen S.'Wise was elected to head the Z. O. A. by acclamation. This 'bloodless' result was effected by a peace that left neither "victor nor victim," since a new post, that of chairman of the administrative committee, was created and given to Morris Rothenberg, outgoing president. . Sweeping administrative reforms were adopted, and the Zionist organization was placed on the threshold of a new era. It is now up to the leaders to determine whether the new era will bring progressive results or whether it will be a replica of the past. Even the opponents of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise admit his great ability. Though he has many duties to perform as active head of varied organizations', his prestige will enhance the Zionist movement. ; The burying of, the hatchet might in itself help the Zionist ideal. It should be the signal for the Zionistically-minded Jewry in this country to launch an active campaign to back the Palestine Yishuv, which is facing a crisis today. A virile Zionist leadership will mean moving forward . '. . onward to a greater and more secure Jewish homeland.
A Refugee's Viewpoint
A refugee from Germany, who wishes his identity undisclosed, writes us as follows: On the 4th of July, 1936, American newspapers reported I'. that a Czechoslovakian Jewish newspaperman killed himself i in the assembly hall of the League of Nations. Stefan Lux li "wanted to die as a public protest to the way Germany is treating the Jews." • On the same day Americans celebrated the 160th birthday of the Declaration of Independence. Many people were reminded that 160 years ago far-sighted leaders wrote that all men are created 'equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For the second time Switzerland was the place where the death of a person should create a Bignal for the Jews all over the world, for all liberal-minded people, for all people who agree with the idea of the 4th.^ of July. Several months ago , the unfortunate student, David Frankfurter, killed the Nazi leader in Switzerland. Frankfurter made things worse; assassination always has been and always will be something to , be condemned. Nobody condemned his act more than the Jews in Germany and refugees from Germany. i Now, Stefan Lux committed suicide, crying out that it is the end. The suicide is something that should be condemned. Particularly do we Jews as defenders of "a religion of life have to condemn it. Our ancestors suffering from persecutions ' could solve their problems only through standing porseeution and hardship and therewith to create a better future for the next generation. That is what WJB wanted, we, the refugees from Poland and Germany. I believe that thousands of Jews in Middle Europe would have liked to do the same as Stefan Lux and would have liked td say that it was the end, it is all over. Hundreds of suicides occurred in the past few years, by the Jews of Poland and Germany, by refugees in the warm • sun of West Africa, or in the cold climate of northern Russia. Lives were ended because some. people were not strong , enough to stand the hardship of persecutions with all its conseque»»»H. Refugees could not overcome the difficulties of becoming adjusted in foreign countries. Other suicides, will follow, ones which the public will never hear about. In 1933, shortly after the nazi revolution, a young capable non-Aryan student of the University of Heidelberg - - when his father had to quit' teaching and he was to be expelled from hia school - - committed suicide as a public, demonstration against narrow-minded race theories, against the danger of the most reactionary movement of the 20th century. He died ,,in vain. So did Stefan Lux. His suicide will be forgotten ton B
morrow. But if this last suicide has any meaning, it should Browning's, "Paracelsus" is indeed life's highest ideal: "I be-a signal to wake up all friends of human rights. A signal would love infinitely and be loved I" for world Jewry to wake up. "Wake up, Jews all over the Love at least finitely, if not infinitely (perhaps only the world. History in our days advances in a rapid tempo, but Infinite God can do that) and be loved by finite hearts in still we should learn from our historic experiences. German return; thus perhaps penetrating to the core of life's real Jewry once upon a time heard the reports of pogroms in East- essence and divining its deepest significance, in tasting its ern Europe. German Jews shook their heads, felt sorry for elixir of purest quality - - sweet, human love divine I their brothers in Poland and Russia. They donated a few - - Frederick Cohn. marks for the relief of persecuted Jewry. But after that they victims. forgot all about the trouble Jews in Eastern Europe had to JEWISH PROPERTY . DAMundergo. The German Jews underwent one of the most terAGES FROM DISTURBANCES rible of experiences. They who did not show enough interest By Dr. Theodore N. Lewis, SET AT $1,000,000 . . . Historically viewed, a very small amount. Babbi, Mount Sinai Temple, for the persecuted Jews in the East, they who lacked the inRABBIS SUMMON WORLD Sioux City terest in real active support, who did nothing else than conJEWRY TO PRAY FOR PALThe following book review ESTINE ON JULY 7th . . . Giving tribute to charity, they who forgot that charity alone does Is the last of the season by Dr. funds to rebuild would be more not help, they have to suffer today under persecution in a Theodore N. Lewis. He will re- appropriate. measure that looks for examples in history. After the Nazi some the book review series PERSIANS JEW ACCORDED revolution French Jewry spent a lot of money for the recep- the early part of September EQUAL RIGHTS . . . Well, well upon his return to Sioux City. —equal rights in Persia are still tion of German refugees, but this F&S nothing more thau an —Ed. equal rights. Note. JEWISH COMMUNITY O F overdone charity. But French Jewry did not get ready for SOUTH AFRICA SETS RECORD TIME'S ARROW IN SOCIETY productive aid. Under productive aid I would class placing Anderson Woods. University of WITH $50,000 RAISED FOR of refugees in any country where they will .be able to come Chicago Press. 838 Pages. $2.00 PALESTINE . . . Faith in conon their own feet again. The experiments of Jewish organi- This is an interesting ethical crete form. JEW LYNCHED AS ARABS treatise and is divided Into three zations all over the world in the past few years have shown parts. The first division provides RIOT IN ALGERIA . . . The same that the only way to help persecuted Jews is to bring them the indispensible ethical founda- scapegoat everywhere. out of the country of persecution. We know it is a very hard tion for the planned edifice and is purely theoretical. It confines (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts task. But it is the only way. Those of us who have left itself Feature Syndicate.) to an analysis of human mothe old country - - we do not want to make millions, we are tives and desires and covers a just looking for a place under the sun. And all our efforts stimulating and controversial are directed toward the idea of helping other Jews to get field of philosophy. second part, "Application out of Germany and Poland, to again enjoy privilege of cer- in The General," considers in a genertain inalienable rights, as life, liberty and the pursuit of al -way the processes of moral growth. happiness. The third division, "More ParMany of the refugees went to Palestine looking for a new ticular Application," is by far the challenging, and, for the homeland, and now the political situation there makes it so most lay reader, the most rewarding. Dr. Moses Gaster, Herzl Coawfully hard to build up new existences and create *room for It treats in detail many social Worker, Issues Biromore immigrants. The political and economical situation all theories and experiments either Bidjan Statement already accepted by society or over the world makes it hard to get started again. The refu-. now discussed and advocated, the BY JOSEPH A. MARCTS gees know about the depression and all its consequences. What principal purpose of which is to Seven Arts Staff Correspondent control the greedy and powerful, they want is to get a chance. London (WNS) — En route to Insure an equitable distribuTherefore, if the suicide of Stefan Lux has any signifi- tion of the fruits of industry and from the Soviet Union to New I stopped off in London to cance, then it is to wake up world Jewry. Those Jews who :o establish a greater measure of. York Justice in the field of human re- interview Dr. Moses Gaster, rebelieve that American Jewry has no obligations towarfl the lations. tired Chief Rabbi of the British Sephardic Jewry. Dr. Gaster hardpersecuted in Europe do not understand the history of recent ly needs any introduction to years, do not understand the experiences German'Jewry had American or any other Jewry. to undergo, do not understand the experiences French Jewry GEMS OFTHE BIBLE Over 80 years of age, and blind, Dr. Gaster Is still active in behalf will probably have to undergo if the political situation should AND TALMUD of his people and keeps in close take that undesirable direction expected in France. However, touch wiht world events affectBy O. a DASHER ing them. And lest some Jews the majority of world Jewry feel that we have obligations for forget, let it be reiterated that The way of a fool is straight the sake of our people in Middle Europe, for the sake of the In his own eyes but he who is Rabbi Gaster is one of the original Jewish future in each and every place of the globe. Let us wise hearkeneth unto counsel. triumvirate,' having founded the not repeat the experiences of German Jewry, let us not get Tha desire of the righteous is Zionist movement together with Theodor Herzl and Max Nordau. used to complaints, let us not get used to the reports of po- only good but the expectation of It is likewise »a matter of history the wicked is wrath. groms and disaster. Wake up, American Jewry. I do not see There is that speaketh like the that Dr. Gaster had much to do a dark future for American Jewry. But world Jewry goes piercing of a sword but the tongue with bringing about the Balfour Declaration, his home having been through one of the most. critical situations in its history as of the wise is health. the scene of many meetings and A man shall be satisfied with conferences that led up to it. far as the European symptoms let recognize; Thousands of ood by the fruit of his mouth children and young people in Poland and Germany cry for and the doings of a man's hands Behind the sightless eyes of Rabbi Gaster la an active brain, your help, American Jews. You are the group privileged to shall be rendered unto him. O, my people, they who lead an endless vision, a warm heart be in the position to help. Wake up. Continue the splendid thee are gone astray and destroy and wisdom mellowed by over work your leaders have begun, but do not let it go with just the way of thy path. eighty years of fruitful existence. After hearing my impressions of charity. Charity can heal wounds, but it gives only temporary My people have gone into cap- Jewish life In the U. S. S. R., and tivity for lack of knowledge. relief to'•those burning wounds. Those wounds can only be discussing, them, Dr. Gaster dicTALMUD cured by productive aid, taking children and as many adults Rabbi Ashi said, "I feel that I tated the following exclusive statefor the readers of the Seven as possible out of Middle Europe and helping them get started am unfitted to Judge a learned ment man because I love him as much Arts affiliated publications: in another world. Your help is needed. Stefan Lux died. But as I do myself and no man, of "I was very pleased to learn he should'not have died for nothing. His suicide shall bring course, can see himself unjust." from you on the occasion of your visit which you paid me yesterout the signal to world Jewry: Wake up and help as long Joseph, who honored the Sab- day about the satisfactory state bath, had a very rich neighbor. as you are in the position to help. This neighbor was told by the of the Jewish settlement in Biro-
• _
haldeans (soothsayers) that all his wealth will eventually become he property of Joseph. The old man, the neighbor, therefore sold hia estate and with the proceeds bought a large diamond which he fixed in his turban. One day, while crossing a bridge, a gust of wind blew his turban into the water and a fish swallowed it. This fish (being caught) was brought to the market on Friday. "Who wants to buy fish today?" :hey inquired. They were told to go to Joseph, who honors the Sabbath and usually buys fish that day. So they brought the fish to him and he benight it. When the fish was cut up the diamond was ound and Joseph sold It for thirteen dlnarim. When that old man met Joseph he said to him, "He that honors the Sabbath (incurring additional expenses) the Sabbath will repay."
bidjan. It is most encouraging and fully justifies the efforts
By Rabtfi Frederick Cohn • Stetson Hats The recent Conference of Rabbis is now mainly a mem• Arrow Shirts ory. The men, for the most part, have returned to their re• McGregor Sportswear spective homes, or have rejoined their loved ones. • Interwoven Socks The Conference from every point of view was quite a • Vassar Underwear success. Fullest scope was given to reason and to erudition in • Cheney Cravats the attempt to contribute to the solution of the problems of These items are featured at Judaism and the important questions that today agitate the world. And yefc the words of the philosopher, George Santayana, author of the contemporary best selling novel, "The Last Puritan" (who is also a very fine poet) often occurred to me. "It is not wisdom to be only wise." There is something higher Yes, Indeed! That Doublethan wisdom, something greater than even the most logical Your-Money-Back Old Gold Offer pronouncements of reason, and that ia the intuition of the still holds Good. Good for 30 days. soul, the reasons of the heart, the logic of love. As Browning said, in his beautiful poem, "Love Among the Ruins," "love is best." Love is * the supreme thing in life. Religion is Jhe supreme expression of .the soul of man but love is the supreme 224 Insurance Eldg. expression of religion. All the great religions teach love. Judaism teaches love of God and love of man, in the great sen* Wiring of all kinds. *** to **.* tences, "Thou shalt love, the Lord thy God with all thy heart, * Motor Installations. with all thy soul and with all thy might" and "Thou shalt * Lighting Fixtures. lo/e thy neighbor as thyself." It has even been explained that Estimate* Gladly Furnished BY ROBERT STONE love of God is demonstrated by love of man. There Ire many LEHMAN BOWS TO NATIONCall mysteries in life. It. may even be said that all life is a mystery WIDE DEMAND AND WILL RUN AT. 6479 THIRD TERM . . . His sacand insoluble enigma, an incomprehensible riddle. But love FOR rifice sets a splendid example. cuts the _Gordian knot of doubt. It is the "practical reason" ROOSEVELT PLEDGES WAR of which Kant spoke over against pure, critical reason. San- ON FASCISM IN ACCEPTANCE . . . Even Roosevelt's tayana, too, in his beautiful sonnet, speaks of "the soul's in- ADDRESS nemles charge him with too vincible surmise" (a novel has just appeared bearing the title much liberalism. of the last two words.) There are higher value's than intel- REFORM RABBIS WOULD Sensational MAKE SYNAGOGUE COUNCIL lectual values and the highest is. that of love. Has this ever AMERICAN JEWRY'S SPOKESbeen better expressed than in the oft-quoted German poem? MAN . . . Yes — spokesman for the congregations it represents. "O lieb so lang du lieben kannst (6 Pull Glasses) FRENCH FASCISTS PLAN AS0 lieb so lang du lieben magst; SASSINATION OF PREMIER BLUM . . . They are ready to asDie Stunde kommt, die stunde kommt sassinate freedom. Everyone in Town Is Wo du an grabern stahst xmd klagst." POLISH JEWS STRIKE AS Talking' About It (O love so long as love you can, 0 love so long as love PROTEST AGAINST PRZYTYK # 8 Flavors you may; The moment comes, the moment comes, When at POGROM TRIAL VERDICT . . . "Strike" i« slightly exaggerated— To Choose Prom the grave you stand and pray.) they have so little chance to work. Let us utilize our reason to the fullest extent, let us pay ITALY DENIES STIRRING DISORDERS IN PALESTINE . ; . full homage to logic and the. things of the mind, but let us Nazis are behind the Palestine forget not that the heart, too, has its reason, that emotion, troubles. too, has its place as well as the cold intellect, and before it DEATH TOLL NEARS 200 AS At All Leading , RIOTS CONTINUE INTO THIRD Dealers i f is forever too late let us learn to love. Perhaps the ideal of MONTH . . . We salute the Jewish
which have been made to settle! leged religious persecution. No the Jews in that part of the world i man can be forced to be religious. in spite of the opposition from j And those who have raised that L.any quarters, some selfish, | cry have been advised by me that before sweeping at other doors some caused by ignorance. sweep at their own. "I yield to none in my love to i i s oshould dd to hear the Holy Land and in the endeav-|" P e o p l e speaking ors to make it the national home i anxiously about the destruction of our people. But who 3s t h e r e ! 0 ' t h e religious Uts of the Jew* who could contend that Palestine in Russia who themselves have alsevered their connection is large enough to absorb more most than one-tenth of our people? Are • w i t h Judaism and prefer not to what is going on under their we to leave the rest in misery? I osee have felt it to be our bounden t hv 'en e '' e s - O n e i s oxvX? t 0 realize duty to come to the rescue of i h a s length to which assimilation those who cry out for help a s ! a n d St h° en e l ianc km oosf t P a r t s o f Europe thire is any possibility of giving i religious educathem this help. I have never hes-,'n toi o nI e^a ir v efno rt o t ht he e children. I have itated to proclaim aloud that there j J e w s ot Judaism of the is no charity that could claim a id e e Russia; it is still more monopoly of our Eympathy and ! P b ' rooted than elsewhere and of our assistance. On the contrary, Iai nc oam P l accte where the Jews form we must extend it as far as it is i l u s o P& mass the religious genn possible, and as soon as an open- !i! t s e 1 f £ tGhi ev e J e hwi mw i onl surely assert ing was made for an almost un- U v e- a n d f r e e d o m ? means to limited number of Jews to settle <a Etron 'to develop, and and to create a kind of autono-ja n _s e & Jewish life is sure to mous commonwealth of their own i it would have been madness to I " L e t a ! I t n o s e w n o h a v e been oppose it. ; working hitherto for the Bettle"I do not wish to touch upon ' mt i ne un et tohf e 1J re wwso r kin Birobidjan conthe political aspect of the prob- :is u r e t 0 > a n d blessing is lem. It Hes outside my province. f°'low." But many people have been af- j fected by the parrot cry of the alPatronize Our Advertisers
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1936 I religious persecution. No can be forced to be religious. those who have raised that bave been advised by me that re sweeping at other doors should sweep at their own. odd to hear people speaking ously about the destruction he religious lifs of the Jews ussia who themselves have al; severed their connection Judaism and prefer not to what is going on under their "eyes. One is only to realize . length to which assimilation gone in most parts of Europe the lack of religious educagiven to the children. I have rear for the Judaism of the ! of Russia; it is still more ly rooted than elsewhere and , place where the Jews form mpact mass the religious genDf the Jew will surely assert . f. Give him only means to and freedom -to develop, and rong Jewish life is sure to i
jet all those dng hitherto t of Jews in their work, to follow."
TEPPER-JACOBSOX Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacobson announce the marriage of their daughter, Esther, to Matthew Tepper, soil of Mrs. A. Tepper of Washington, D. C. The ceremony was performed by Rev.' Zemach Green Sunday, June 28. The couple left for a honeymoon trip to Florida.
GREEXBERG-HARR1S EJfOAGEMEXT Mr. Louis JLazer announces the engagement of his niece, Miss Eleanor Harris, to Henry "Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philiy Greenberg. Miss Harris is a resident of Minneapolis and has been in Omaha for an ; extended visit. Mr. Greenberg- is a graduate of South High-school and attended the University of Nebraska •where he was a member of the Zeta Beta Taa fraternity. No date has beea set for the weeding, expected to take place sometime this Tall.
who have been for the settleBirobidjari conand blessing is ••;.':
SUSMAX- MIROFF • Mr. and* Mrs. Ben Miroff announce -the engagement of their daughter, Gertrude, to Charles Susman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Susman. No definite date has been set for the marriage. •
ttronize Our Advertisers
OFING CO. 878)
City — Sioux Falls ione 88685 Asbestos Slate-Tile Asphalt and Gravel EASY TERMS
FERENSTECf-ARSDT Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Arndt announce the egagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Hyman Ferenstein, son of Mr; and Mrs. M. Ferensteiiu No date hag, been set for the wedding. .
1. \\
SOKLY2MBORSKY Mr«: and Mrs. M Borsky announce the engagement of their daughter, Rae, to Sid Soklyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Soklyn of Lincoln, Nebr. The-wedding date has not yet been set. Formal announcement was made at a bridge-tea which Miss Borsky gave at her'home Sunday afternoon. Flowers and candles in pastel shades centered the tea table. Hearts, wedding bells, and doves decorated the ice cream molds. Cards revealing the engagement were tucked inside the place cards, which were in the form of nut baskets in pastel colors. Guests were the Misses Clara Katzman, Ann Borison, Ann GitIin, Ida Gitlin, Evelyn Spiegal, Sarah Stoler, Lucille Stoler, and Gladys Bernstein and the Mesdames William Pincus, Jeannette Fradenfeld, I. Krasne, F. Zager, H. Zorlnsky, M. Blend, J. Spiegal, Dave Bernstein and F. Soklyn. LIPSMAN-BROBY Mrs. Gertrude Brody announces the engagement of her daughter, Mamie, to "William Lipsman, son of Mrs. A. Lipsman. No definite date has been set for the wedding.
ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Max Zelen of Lincoln announce the birth of a son, July 3. Mrs. Zelen is the former Cel Moskovitz of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Schwartz announce the birth of a son, Arthur, July l at the Clarksbn hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Guss announce the birth of a daughter, Frances, July 2, at the Nicholas Senn hospital. Mrs. Guss is the former Helen Ackerman. VISITORS
TO CHICAGO Mrs. H. . Novitsky and daughMrs. * P. Zollotuchen has left BAKER-RABIXOVITZ ters, Lois and Gloria, have been Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rabinovitz for a visit with relatives in Chivisiting Mrs. M. Gross, prior to of Milwaukee, Wise, announce Mrs. Gross's departure for Europe. cago. the engagement of theij daughter, Ethyl, to Phil Baker, son ,of Mr. ARRIVES FROM NEW YORK and Mrs. J. M. Baker of Omaha. 2 nice rooms to rent. Single Misss Dorothy Abrams has arperson or couple. Everything rived here from New York to be SMTTH-EISKSIAX furnished. Close in. Very reathe guest of her family.. NumerMr. and Mrs. Dave Eiseman an- ous affairs are bein^ planned in sonable rent. nounce the engagement of their her honor. She p'ans to return to 2774 Burt St. daughter, Elsie, to Harold Smith, New York August 1. son of Mrs. Ida mith. No date CALL MORNINGS has been set for the wedding. Patronize Our Advertisers
"Always the Newest Fashions
Just unpacked in time for all your Summer Activities COOL COTTON
VISITIXG MOTHER | delegates to the convention a send- ident, Harold Selinsky; vice-presDr. Milton I. Hiinelstein of j off. The seven members who will ident, Sain Kaplan; and advisor, Dance Chaiirman |j Mitchell, Nebr., is visiting- his ; attend the conclave 'are Ernie Dr. I. Dansfcr.
To Consult mother, Mrs. Rose Himelstein, for j Nogg, Morris Arbitrnan, Reuben a few days. jLippett, Joe Hornstein, Max MarMALASHOCK'S ! cus, Joe Harris ana Sam Resnick. izrachi When baying TO VISIT IN TEXAS | The next meeting of the chapMr. and Mrs. Maurice Giller ! ter will be held Ju'y 14. All mem- The annual lummage Bale by DIAMONDS and son, Donald Wayne, of Lin- i bers are urged to attend. the Women's Mizraetai will start VTEDD2NG KIXGS coln, Nebr., will leave Saturday next Monday, July 13, at 1507 WATCHES - SILVEEWARF: for Dallas, Texas, where they will Howard street. Anyone having" and GIFT JEWELRY be the guests of Mr. Giller's « £•• A . anything to donate is asked to brothers. While in Dallas they ! The A. Z. A. No. 100 drawing of please bring it to the store. will visit the Texas Centennial ex- • the S25 cocktail set has been Among- the early donors are position. Mr. Giller's father is ac- i postponed until Wednesday, July following: Mrs. J. B. Robinson, in companying them. They will re- i 15. Ticket holders do not have memory of her son, Harry; Mrs. turn in ten days. Rose Cohen, in memory of her j to be present at the drawing. ! The Century chapter will be husband, Abe; Mrs. Dave Soref, j As a Week-End Gift give a ."*? VISITING HERE | represented at the international in honor of her daughter's engage- j ton oJ Factory-Fresh, Douh!e-Mf>; - Mrs. Nat Klein and daughters, : convention in California by pres- ment. ! low Olfi Golds to Your Host. ! Joyce and Carolyn, of Buffalo, I New York, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Klein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bax Selicow. Mrs. Klein is the former Lottie Selicow.
LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE Mrs. M. Giventer entertained at luncheon and bridge for forty guests in honor of Miss Sally Pollay; who will be married to Ned Giventer, August 23. Table decorations were carried out in pink and green. TO TAKE TRIP TO EUROPE • Mrs. M.,Gross leaves Saturday, July 11, forNew York City where she will sail on the Isle de France July 23 for Europe. She will land at Havre and proceed to Paris. After that she will visit with relatives in Vienna and Poland. En route she will visit her son. John, and his two daughters, Davis Gross and Mrs. Sid Corenman.
DESSERT-LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE The Goldie Myerson club's first annual dessert-luncheon and bridge was held on the lawn of the Herman Cohen residence, 101 So. ESrd street, Tuesday, June 30. I One hundred guests and members ! were present. Mrs. Harry Shumow Mrs. Harry Shumow, general j Mrs. Hyman Noddle, chairman chairman of the dance sponsored ! o fthe affair, announces that her jointly by the Senior and Junior committee did outstanding work Council of Jewish Women, an- to make the affair successful and nounces that this affair promises j thanks each of them. The committo be one of the gala events of i tee included Mesdames H. Cohen, the summer social season. | J. Crounse, J. Richlin, and MorBobby Bowman's orchestra will jris Friedel. play for the dancing at Carter i Mrs. Al Kutler won the prize I for selling the most tickets. Mrs. Lake club July 15. Proceeds will go toward the I Leibowitz won the door prize. German-Jewish Children's Refugee Fund. (HERE FROM CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berman have as their guest Mrs. Sol NeeCHICAGO VISITOR Miss Bernice Neveleff of Chi- Idleman of Chicago, and children, cago is a guest r,t her aunt, Mrs. ! Jerry and Evelyn. Mrs. NeedleL. Neveleff, »i<i her cousins, Mr. j man is the former Marian Berman and Mrs. Herbert Neveleff and ! of Omaha and is a sister of Louis Berman. Many plans are being Sidney Neveleff. made for entertaining Mrs. Berman during her visit here. FROM KANSAS CITY Mrs. Jack Klein of Kansas City is arriving today to be the Psi Ma guest of her mother, Mrs. H. N. i The Psi Ma fraternity, after Pollack, for a week. winning a ball game in the morning met at the J. C. C. •with their IN LOS ANGELES wives and dates and proceeded to Miss Bluma Neveleff is in Los Linoma for an outing. Swimming Angeles, California, where she is and rowing occupied their time visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. until Barney Abrams arrived with and Mrs. M. Katelman. food and cold drinks. President Henry Ginsburg anDRIVE FROSI MILWAUKEE nounces that this is only the beMr. and Mrs. Harry Snader and ginning of many activities planned son, Bob, drove in from Milwau- Tor the summer season. He says, kee, Wise, to spend several days "If good times are based on frawas Mr. Snader's brother-in-law ternity spirit, then Psi Mus will and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Julius have many a successful affair." Newman.
AllCo A££ Cigarettes are LISTEN, PEOPLE ! . . . Did yon ever drink a glass of farm-fresh milk, right st the dairy? What a difference that FRESHNESS makes! Did you ever smoke E factory-fresh cigarette, right off the cigarette machine at the f aciory ? "What a difference THAT freshness makes! Two jackets of Cellophane. . . not one but TWO . . . stand guard over the freshness of Double-Mellow Old Golds. Each of those two jackets is moisture-proof 'Ceilopkane; the high™
est quality obtainable. This double Cellophane wrapping keeps out dampness, dryness sud every other foe o£ cigarette goodness. It gives you FACTORYFRESH cigarettes . . . ss fresh as the milk "that Bossy gives down on the farm!
OUTCC JAWS Opensfromthe Bottom
A. Z. A. 1 ON VACATION The Mother chapter of A. Z. A. Miss Renee Greenwald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Trilling, held a . pre-convention smoker has left for a two month's vaca- Tuesday evening in order to give tion in Chicago and Cleveland. She will .fee back after Labor Day.
Kitchen Chats
By Mrs. David M. Newman Sweet Potato Puffs Two cups sweet potatoes cooked and mashed, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon j melted butter, % teaspoon salt, | % teaspoon pepper, % cup milk. Mis together potatoes, butter and well beaten yolks, salt and pepper. Add milk and beat nntil smooth. Fold in. stiffly beaten egg whites. Put in a greased casserole and bake in a very slow oven . until a deep brown and puffy. Turn out and serve at once. Serves 6.
it to Be
w c ^
Irresistible for Quality and Price
Cheese Olive R a r e b i t One-half aged cheese, 2 tablespoon butter, % cup milk, % cup stuffed olives. Melt b u t t e r in skillet, add cheese melting slowly over medi- j um heat. Add % cup milk, stirr i n g u n t i l a smooth consistency. Add olives diced. Serve on hot toast. Serves 2.
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RADIO STRIKERS CLASH—A striker is pinned down by a policeman dm ing a skirmish at the RCA plant at Camden, N. J. This battle is only one of the many outbreaks which occurred almost daily after the workers struck for wage increases and recognition of their union. The drawn-out strike started June 22. TERROR OF THE DUSTBOWL—This striking picture shows a dense cloud of dust as it rolls across Texas, laying waste to fertile farm land and driving people from their homes. Meanwhile the Government is working frantically to prevent" greater damage. In this huge cloud are about.four million tons of soil that winds have stripped from once-fertile farms.
11CTIMS OF NIGHT EIDEKS—Appearing like men after an attack bj nlg^t riders in Wmte\ille, N C , Iner Tovlet, 14 left, and her mother, Krs Seitha Teller vifc 01 s tenant faimer, told police hoi* a band of night ndcis dragged diem fiom their cab.ii home and Sogged them and clipped thco1 heads.
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SUES FOR $100,000—C a r o 1 Fnnk, Chicago dramatic critic and first vufe of Charles MacArthur, playnght, who s u e d Helen Hayes, stage and screen actress, in Chicago for $100 000. charging Miss Haj-es stole MacArthur's affections from her.
BLAZING KACEK—^As racing cars zip by, this burning auto blazes away to an untimely end after catching fire during the recent road race held by the Automobile Club of France at the Montherey Autodrome in Paris. The driver, who escaped unharmed, quickly piloted his machine off the road when flames burst from his motor. ••
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GRIN FOR AIX — S e n a t o r William E. Borah of Idaho had a good word and a smile for all Presidential candidates when he arrived in .Chicago. Would he stump for London? "Undoubtedly I will be around," Borah replied. "Both Democratic and Republican platforms are good ones. Lemke is holding good meetings."
REFUGEES FROM DUST—This mother and her two children fled from the Dustbowl to San Jose, Gal., where they are camping for the duration of the pea harvest. Driven from their home by the storms, they like thousands of others, wander about seeing nothing in the future but dust. The Government estimates a farming area as large as Kansas has been ravaged.
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FIGHT HEART BALM SOT—Chsiles MacArihr.', playwright, and his actress-wife, Helen Hayes, chat in Circuit Court. Chicago, during a recess in the $100,000 alienation of affections suit b: ought by Miss Carol Frink, MacArthur's first wife, against Miss Hayes. On the witness stand. MacArthur blusiied at love letters he once wrote to Miss Frinfe.
STEEL STRIKE LOOMS—Leaders of the committee for Industrial Organization, insurgent froup in the A. F. of L., as they met in Washington to plan unionization of steel workers. Left to npht. Sidney Hillman, president Amalgamated Clothing Woikers; John L. Lewis, president United K a e Workers; Phillip Murray, its vice-president, and John Brophy, committee director.
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MOCKED IN EXHJE—Haile Selassie, deposed Emperor of Ethiopia, poses at Geneva after his arrival to.plead for aid from the League of Nations. When he spoke, he was booed and abused by persons a t the Italian end of the press gallery until police arrested the disturbers.
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FLOGGED—Ted Phillips, an inmate of a reform school in Nashville, Tenn., shows officers cruel welts on his arm that he said were inflicted by guards at the school. Five.guards,were indicted on charges of assault and battery as the result of alleged beatings^ G. Newt Choate, school super- intendent t quit-when a.Grand Jury.branded his administration "inhumane."
SLAIN—Audrey Vallette, 31, a platinunj blonde night c l u b siD^r and cosmetics shop ois ner, who was shot to death as she ate breakfast in her room in a Chicago hotel. Police Immeditely flung out a net for Mrs Ruth Freed, uife cf Edward Freed, manager of a gay resort, with whom Miss Valletta was friendly. The blonde singer also known as Annabelle Blake, came of a prominent' Illinois and Indiana family.
EEUNION AFTES TEAGEDT—Jimmie Thompson, 7, site on the knee of Ms father, James B. Thompson, the ex-husband of the murdered Mrs. Florence Thompson Castle, sfter they were reunited in Chicago. Ttse boy told his father of a man who killed his mother with a brickbat in a Chicago liotel and scrawled "Black Legon Game" on .a-mirror with lipstick. Copyright United Newspictures..
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THE .JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1936 home following a several weeks' visit with relatives in Los Angeles California. They visited in New Mexico and Texas also enroute home.
Jf aring like men after, an C. Inez Fowler, 14, left, wife of a tenant-farmer, dragged them from their jed their heads.
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iiiil I w 1 1 -I ( 88 m H8i pi P 1 r BUS TO
MacArthur, playwright,. in Circuit Court, Chicago, aation of affections suit r's first wife, against Miss ur blushed at love letters
Just as we were preparing for a week-end exodus, the telephone jangled, and we heard the voice of a young Arab physician who had been in this country for the past few months. Would he mind giving us his opinions on the Palestine situation? . * He was sorry. He was just in town-for a few minutes. Besides, he was afraid of any publicity. He was a scientist not interested in political affairs. At the end of pur conversation, he told us he was Bailing Thursday and that he was going *oa board a French liner. All of which is part of a,story. As it happens the young jman's evasiveness is exceeded only by his naivete. One evening a group of Arabs, who for various reasons are in this country, gave a dinner to honor a visiting Jew who had been a member of the government of Iraq. Several Jews were present and they : gave our physician friend a cold stare when he let it be known that he had come to this country on a German liner. Not being daunted by the unspoken wrath of the entire committee representing the Federation* of Oriental Jews, he went on to tell about the delicious meat he had been served one evening. From his description, it became evident he had partaken 'of a food forbidden alike to Jew and Moslem. An impetuous - young Arab blurted out, "That .was pork, you fool." Both, Jews and Arabs looked with disdain upon the physician. Now the gentleman is going home via French line because, he confided, they have kosher cooking. He can't afford to take any more chances. »
opinion that one of the most attractive visitors to come to our fair city in a long tim'e':is Bernice Neveleff,'that sweet young thing from Chicago. We hope you honor us with a nice long visit, Bernice • Several of the boys let themselves go while in Soo City the other week-end. We saw Herb Kaplan, Bob Stiefler, Ernie Wintroub, and Harvey Leon. . . . Why were Jerry Gross and Herb Kaplan so embarrassed when they ran into a group of friends on the river boat a we^k ago Frir day? . .. . it is our thought that Sid Neveleff has at last found somebody he can go for. . . . Howard Kaplan and Harry Altsuler seem to be lost since Ruth Friedman left for Washington, D. C. . . . One of our informants thinks a certain young lady should cease running down an ex-heart throb since it sounds very much like "sour grapes." . . . Someone Is of the opinion that Pearl Osoff deserves a line or two in this column. But we have heard no gossip. . . . These fellows aren't famous as yet but they do _ have "nom de plumes." Identify them: Herb Jackson, Sid Nevers, Harold Stewart, Jerry Graves, Bob Stevens, Joe Hammilton, Milton Roberts, Howard Castle, Ernie Winston, Irving Bradley.
A VET'S SLANT A letter in the Jewish." Veteran, organ of the Jewish War Veterans of the U. S., urges that American Jews start a campaign to purchase Lower California from the Mexican government for settlement by Jews. Jews have been In Mexico since the days of the Conquistadors and have thrived. Just look at such figures as Rivera and the'late President Madero.
One of our Omaha civic leaders who is particularly anxious to WEDNESDAY hide his Jewish origin was taken The Council dance, to be held for a ride the other evening. next Wednesday, July 15,. prom•At one of those elegant affairs ises to be one of the finest affairs a \ woman' who was sitting next of the summer social season. It to him started to talk about" the will be held at Carter Lake, with German situation. As a final ges- Bobby Bowman's orchestra and ture o£ friendliness, she asked if several highly talented perfonnany of his relatives in German jers holding sway. were being bothered. ' F o r . a second time there was an embarrassed pause, but the man, with an extraordinary amount of grace, informed his companion that there was no Jewish blood in his. veins. " AnHeavesdroppeiv in a rasping whisper that went the rounds of the room, snickered. "Good Lard, he's had another hemorrhage." A. ZZ. A. TO GIVE DANCE ON BOARD LEVEE MONDAY NIGHT .The Council Bluffs Chapter No. SUGGESTED READING 7 of the A. Z. A. nave arranged Looking over the current peri- for a novel Dancing Party and odicals, we find two bits we heart- Boat Ride to be given next Monily recommend. The first is a day evening, July 13, on the ship short story in the Atlantic Month- Levee. The Boat leaves the docks ly, and is entitled,. "The Self- at the foot of the Douglas Street Made Man." It.dealB with a Ber- Bridge promptly at 9:30 o'clock. lin .Jew who is under the impres- Dancing will be the evening diversion he is thoroughly assimilated. sion as a ten piece orchestra will The second, in the New Repub- furnish,the mtisic for a four-hour lic, is an article by H. W. Brails- ride on the river. Tickets are ford, "Storm Over Palestine." In one dollar per" couple, and may be it are several startling ideas for obtained from any member o* the the solution of the present crisis. A. Z. A. Chapter No. 100 of Omaha, in advance. The night of the affair, all tickets can be purchasON THE LOOSE AGAIN ed on the Ship Levee. This is the The Council Bluffs A. Z. A. first affair of this kind planned again leaps into the limelight . . . by the organization, and everyone this time with a real social affair. is cordially invited to arrange a .-'. . I n order to take care of the party to attend. law of compensation the tickets to the dance, which the C. B. boys The Council Bluffs Lodge No. are giving aboard the "Levee" Monday. July 13, will be $1.00 688 of the B'nai Brith will hold per couple . . . now the compen- its installation of new officers at BatlOU business comes in here ." \ , a-meeting-to be held Monday eveperhaps you noticed the lack of ning, July 13, promptly at 8:30 hefty girls at that penny a pound o'clock a l - t h e Eagles Hall. Mr. riot , . . welt, if the fellows are Nathan Gilinsky- will be installed going to put out a buck to go as president to succeed Dr. Julius they'll ask a big gal so as to get Moskovitz. In charge of the intheir money's worth. Hy Diamond, stallation ceremonies are Dr. Iswho is in charge of the dance, aac Sternhill, Louis H. Katelman, saya no mosquitoes will be ad' and Louis Bernstein. Reports mitted (even If they have tickets) will be given also of the District . . . Better bring your water-wings, Convention which was held on the boys and girls, because "Cupie" Great Lakes Steamer . S.'s. SeeTelpner is going to start throwing andbee. All' members are urged • •, • • people overboard at 10 o'clock to attend. (he says he likes lots of room when he dances . . . he calls it Mrs. Oscar Greenberg a n d dancing). If you don't have a daughter, Evelyn, have returned good time and want your money refunded write the boys a letter . . . it doesn't hurt to ask. So come ye old .salts and- let's navigate next Monday. •
3 more in there last bats. Al- Both being descendants of Shem ! part-Jewish, has illustrated a geles and Hollywood are hosts this Washington; Jack Goldhar. Clttr.f. though, the Omaha Jobbing Co. Yiddish book with original line week to the annual United Art- j go, district manager; A. H. Gooc , Sue us if we're wrong team were Victors the game may drawings. . . . The book is "The ists' sales convention. Among the j man, Cleveland.; William Ro«*ir be forfeited to the league leaders BOOK: Brush the cobwebs out City of Palaces," by Isaac Ber- high moguls of that organization thai, Indianapolis; J. S. Abro because of the use of three inel- of your--eyes and treat yourself liner. . . ." What was D. S. S. M. here for the confab to plan the Milwaukee; Ralph Cramblet, f.'h igble men. If the Potato Mkt. is to a good look trough a first- (of California, and points East, coming season's business are a! neapo'is. The Canadian eontiiurnr , Miss Ruth Roffman left Satur- awarded a forfeit, the Steinberg- class book The Jews of Ger- Soutji and.North) BO elated about group of New York home office j embraces A. H. J. Jeffery. M day night for Chicago, Illinois backed boys will be 2 games in jmany, by Marvin Lowenthal . . . I the other p. m., while tete-a-tet- executives, inciUding Faul Lazsr- j treal; Sam Glazer, Toronto, i-. for a month's visit with relatives. the lead with 5 to play. Home I It has Mr. Peters' recomiaenda- ing in the Cafe Royal on Second us, Charles Stein, Jack Schlaifer, ' runs were hit -by Mandel Simon, I tion as the best that's come this Avenue, N. Y., with Jacob Fish- Nat Bier and Mrs. Bier, Harry ' Miss Gertrude Gilinsky under- Manuel Epstein, and Jack Ep- j way on that eternally fascinating man of the1 Morning Journal? . . . Bodkin of Philadelphia. Lou Bid- ' went an operation for appendic- stein all for the Jobbing ten. Har- t o p i c . . . . It should be on every Saw Harry Herehfield, the comic kin of New Haven exchange; Emitis at the Mercy Hospital last ry Wolf worked for the victors Jew's five foot bookshelf . . . artist and after-dinner speaker, anuel Silverstone, American rep- ! HARRY A. FRAKKEL Thursday and is now convalesc- j while Paul Steinberg toiled for Even if an extra foot has to- be | enjoying himself at the Philhar- resentative for Korda of England; j Eea! Estate and Property ing. She is expected to return I the losers. added to accomodate it-, . All j tsonite concert oce'Eight at the Harry Gold, assistant vice-presi- j Management home next week. } Playing brilliant ball the Psi the hullabaloo about that crack- Lewisohn Stadium in New York ( dent in charge of sales, accompa- j | MU were able- to remain in a tie pot Edmondson fellow who makes City. . . . Sholom Aleichem is still ;nied by his wife and daughter;' can't stop a windMrs. E. Esstman of St. Louis, | for second place by withstanding a living selling anti-Semitic pam- j a best seller More than t-wo I Arthur Schwartz, newly elected; ctonsi, but yov. can hnv Missouri spent the week here [the Tower attack. The game was phlets is called to mind early in | million copies of his works in J member of United Artists's bosrd ! windstorm insurance visiting her son-in-law and daugh- j a typical pitcher's battle from the book when Lowenthal reveals j Yiddish, Russian and Lithuanian iof directors; George J. Schaefer, j from Frankel ter, Mr. and :irs.' Matthew Gross. ! start to finish, Millard Sigal pit- that the first anti-Semitic pam-j have been sold in the IS years 'vice-president in charge of sales; j jching 5 hit ball for the fraternity I phlet in modern literature was I since the Russian revolution. . . . i and such Mid-Western represent- j SS Donplns Biocfc Mr. Don Friedman is confined boys while Iz Novak allowed the | the work of Agobard, Bishop of j That was a swell column Dr. Sam- atives as Harry Lotz, Chicago; , JACKSON IBS5 at the Mercy Hospital where he Psi Mu 7 hits, two of which came Lyons . . • His "De Insolentia Ju- I uel Margoshes wrote for The Day j Morris Dudelson, Detroit; Bert]; ; off the bat of Catcher Sam Ep- aeorum" (Concerning the In-'from Philadelphia where he was Stern, Pittsburgh; Charles Kranz, | j "FOP Insurance See f rankes Fire*' is getting along satisfactorily. stein. The victory leaves the Psi solence of. Jews) was published | attending the Democratic convenMr. and Mrs. Leo; Blank of Chi- Mu right in the heels of the Po- iaround S22 tion. . . . Palestine has jacked up cago have returned to their home tato Mkt. while the Tower loss the tariff on, of all things, hand after spending several days here leaves them in fourth position. SLANDER: Two flagrant cases written raezuzoth, . phylacteries, visiting Mrs.' Blank's father, Mr. The Sample Furs turned on the of slander have come to his col- ! and torahs. A s well as on Barney " Giilnsky, who has been "heat" in the AZA game for 17 umn's attentioa One may! pickled cauliflowers and cucumjhits and 16 runs to gO|into a secseriously 111. Ludwig Lore of the New ! bers. I ond place tie with the Psi Mu. be put down to an ;.nonym«rus Mrs. Charles Greenwald of Chi- The Furries were only able to j linotypist . . . Whose finger may | York Post hag been informed that ago is spending a few weeks here score I run off of the offerings ! or may not haye slipped when he j Hitler's chauffeur was killed by a visiting at the home" of her bro- of Morris Adler in the first game, set the following few lines of I bullet intended for the Reichsther-in-law and sister, Mr. and but went ot work in later innings type in a respectable New York! fuehrer, and did not die as re! suit of an automobile accident as to drive Adler off the mound with Iafternoon.newspaper: Mrs. M. L. Marks. . . . Best headline Sam Wolf doing the relief hurl- j "Mortality among Jewish in-^'&s Qreported. e rear ^as that N. T.- Trib. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yanpwitz ing. Jake Adler, Sample Fur :fants.to one year of age in Pales- | °* t and children, Rose and Leon, of short-stop, pitching .his second itine -was reduced in 1935 to near-! une's "EINSTEIN SAILS A LONG The second (and this '.TIME. COYERS RELATIVELY Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Mrs. game of the year turned in a re- jly half fresenfs S. Shapiro of Durant, Wisconsin, markable performance holding 'note by our boss, Mr. H. Wishen- j LITTLE SPACE! . . . On an AEEOthe "AZA'to 3 hits one of which SMARTEST FLOOR SKCW jgrad . * . . He writes as follows: ! elated Press story from SaranEC spent.the past week here visiting Lake ' N - Y., relating the noted •f Summer Seesen • at the home of their cousins, Mr. was a home run by Lou Hurwitz. 'Dear Mr. Peters—I want to in-1 The loss leaves the AZA in fifth form that Anglo-Jewish column- ] relativity theorist's experience in and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. place. ist, through your own pillar of j getting towed home by a reporter Schedule for Sunday. July 12. . . . (censored) that he can't get [in a motor bost Nathan Adler left Wednesday Omaha Potato Mkt. vs. Psi Mu away with such a scurrilous defor San Antonio, Texas for a. visit mcs*er cf scription of me as "the fellow at West Elmwood. with relatives. frem Chicerr"* j AZA Uo. 1 vs. Omaha Jobbing who looks exactly like Sir Os' wald Mo&ley, the British Fascist!" The Council Bluffs Chapter No. jCo. at 32nd and Dewey. By IJOCIS PEKARSKT I hereby serve notice on him that Sample Furs vs. Towers at East 7 of the A. Z. A. held an importHollywood, Cal.—Yasha Frank, I will carry the matter into the ant meeting Monday evening at Elmwood. highest court. I just saw a picture i associate producer from the Fedthe home of Leo Meyerson, 105 of Sir Oswald. He's cockeyed.' " j eral Theatre Projust in Los AnNorth Twenty-fifth street. Hymie j geles, writes: "In a recent column Thousands of people in the city vulh Styiixt.it ' Diamond was installed as the new MISH-MASH: One of the most j you published a letter from Joe are using every means in foiling brilliant successes cr president to succeed Herbert RoAnglo-Jewish weeklies Penner's secretary to the effect first midwest eppeerenee senthal. "Other officers are Abe this hot weather. With the tem- interesting Raben, vfce-president; Sam Kar- perature around the 100 degree in the world <at least, to us) is that he is not of the, Jewish faith. chonsky, secretary: Harold Fox, mark and threatening to blow up, Israel's Messenger, published in How about his duck, Goo-Goo? Is t,»jri h^r Lmif |, w ' l ^ j £ 4 treasurer; Norman. Rosenthal, the over-heated people are won- Shanghai, China. . . . Learn from j E ij e Jewish or not? Will Joe's secpublicity; Meyer Diamond,^senior dering where to go and what to its latest issue that the Chinese j retary please answer the gentlesgt. of arms; Joe Perlmutter, jun- do to _cool off. These people Post Office in that city has since man's query? . . . It is reported ior sgt. of arms; Frank Pirsch, should take a tip from the more 1925 been unerringly forwarding that the Yiddish theatre division rituals. Dr. Isaac Sternhill, Henry than 100 smart men and women, mail tEat is simply addresssed to of the Federal Theatre Project of Don't im- the WPA is doing more business Mendelson, and Meyer Maltz, are boys and girls who daily are cool- the Land of Israel. advisors of the local chapter. ing off In Omaha's finest and agine an Arab postmaster woti'ld with its shows than any of the Plans were completed for the I most evenly temperatured indoor accept such mail, returning it other groups in Los Angeles. . . . "Boat Ride and Dancing Party" i swimming pool. Not many cities marked "improperly addressed." A Long Beach, Calif., boy, former. N. E. B. Ezra, the Messenger's ly of Rochester, N. Y., is making to be given aboard the Ship Levee of this size can boast of such a on the Missouri River Monday pool with its tile wall and floor editor, has been carrying on in j a success of his debut on the proevening. The chapter has charter- and which has such care as the his columns an interesting con-1 fessional stage, we hear. He is ed the boat for the evening and j Center gives it. The water is troversy with the editor of the Jerome (Jerry) Stein, son of Mr. tickets for one dollar per couple j tested daily and every possible Shanghai Times on the current and.Mrs. Joseph Stein, Long Beach may be obtained from- any mem- j care is given it. With euch an in- Palestine situation. . . . Also learn realtor. Young Stein is now with idoor pool, the population of Om- from the Messenger (the item Is the Globe Theatre, playicg a ber of the A. Z. A. Dry Air Can't Get in - - Moisture Can't Get Out, D o u b l e aha can "turn up Its nose at "Ole carried under a New York date summer's engagement of Shakes- • Solomon." lil'ellow Old Golds ere Alwuys Factorj--Fresh. line) that the swastika is a dis- pearean'plays at the Great Lakes Miss Betty Rae Kubby undertinguishlcg insignia that Japan- j Fair in Cleveland. Until he became went an operation for appendicese houses of prostitution are a professional Jerry was chief anitis at the Mercy Hospital Monobliged to display. . . . Wonder noencer of Radio Station KGB at | day, and Is getting along satisfacwhat's become of Helene Mayer, an Diego, Calif., where he con- j torily. the fencing star who'll be used by ducted three of his own programs Germany as window-dressing, to and also broadcast from the CaliMr. and Mrs. Max Pirsch are kid the world into believing that fornia Pacific International Expospending the week visiting ' in Jews had an equal opportunity in sition In that city. He was also Chicago and Milwaukee. making its Olympic team. . . . Lu- master of ceremonies at Station' dendorf's paper in Naziland dis- XEBC«afAeua Caliente, Mexico, S. Cohen is confined at the avows the pig as a German ani- and interviewed ma'cy celebrities Mercy Hospital whjere he is getmal. . . . "That," the paper states, •who were frequent vistiors to that ting along satisfactorily. "can be seen from its shameful noted resort. His many friends on cowardice." . . . Piggie is called the West Coast readily recall fcis CONFUSION: The boys have us "merely an immigrant enjoying splendid, performances in plays at jail at sea . . . On the question of the rights of a guest in Germany." San Diego State College for two exactly. whats behind the Pal- . . . Can't think of any other peo- j years, and his association with the By BAY SCHAPIRO estine disorders . . . On© of them pie, aside from cannibals, that I Long Beach Theatre Guild for a (Dr. Stephen S. Wise to be exact makes a practice of eating its (-year. . . . He is a cousin of GerOne upset, one scoring spree, about it) is quoted from Lon- guests.' j Diego Rivera, famed jtrufie Tokars of The Jewish and one closely matched games don by that ambitious Zionist mural 'artist who is reportedly Ledger, Rochester. . . Los Anare literally just" what happened publicity department as follows in- the JCC Softball league last . the.Government cannot yied ot yied il Sunday morning. The league|to .violence which is not racial leading Omaha Potato Mkt. took j and not political but banditry disaOmaha nose-dive'when the. Last vlace-.gaised policial disorders . .re-. Jobbing trounced them And theassame publicity agency 12-6, the Sample Furs slugged ports from Jerusalem the followtheir way to a 16-1 victory over ing statement. by the Actions the AZA No. 1, and the Towers \ Committee of the World Zionist took it on the chin from the Psi Organization: "The Arab strike, Mu, 4 - 3 . . • Inspired by racial hatred, alms Playing championship- ball for at th© suppression of Jews by six of the seven-inning game the [murderous attacks on innocent Potato ten went into a 6-2 lead people . . . "Both stories are pubover the Jobbing team. It "was lished within a few inches ot each Air yeur bedroom wifh here though that the spirit and other on page one of the June fight that a young team has be- 29 issue of the New Palestine gan to show. Never admitlng de- (advt.) Boys, you ought to feat the Omaha Jobbing team get together on the subject . . . mingled hits with errors and scor- And, incidentaly,-leave the word ed 6 runs before the last batter "racial" completely out of the was forced out. Holding the hard- picture because, as Mr. Peters hitting grocery boys hitless and pointed out not so many columns scoreless in their last :two times ago, it's entirely inaccurate to at bat, the youngsters not satis- describe the disorders as racial fied with the 6 runs_ scored the since both Jews and Arabs are 0 By the! we mean simply this: With sixth inning came through with of the same Semitic race . • .
Try this
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26th Street Entrance Thompson, 7, sits on the the ex-husband of the ;tle,; after they.were reither of a man who killed icago hotel and -scrawled i lipstick. ght United Newspictaies...
Neither the Sun with its driest rays, nor the Rain Man with his moisture can Job Old GoId'CigaTettes of their fragrance and Freshness.
in 283 districts and units in 223make this hopeless ideal; yet even Jerusalem-— The official gazYicaish Picture cities In almost ever;- state of thein these troubled times Arabs and WORLD'S WINDOW ette contained an ordinance proLondon — Moll/ Picon, comUnion. Reporting this to be the Jews can cooperate. There has viding for summary trial for cer- edienne, is In Warsaw, where she (Continued from page 1} largest membership In. 9 years, been no friction between Jews Mr. Margulies' report cited a gain and Arabs in the Palestinian Po- people in all ages goes deeper and tain offences in the present e m e r - | w i l l m a k e a Yiddish talking picture. of 27 new districts and 4,000 new lice, who have behaved with ex- soars righer than the sp€cific gency. MISS ANNA PILL, correipondent members, exclusive of 7,000 who cellent discipline; and the rail- form of justice or injustice in j MONEKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & MONSKY, GRODiNSKY, MARER * . COHEN, ind J. HARCLD SAKS, COHEN, Attorney« have not yet paid dues for the waymen and Post Office employes, age. It is the moral equilibrium Attorneys 737 Omaha Nation*! Bank Building who belong to the only mixed current year. The report also re737 Omaha N«t'l Efc. Bldg. which must be .stablished among NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCOR. (continued from page'one1.) vealed t h t t t h e Z.O.A. was respon- Arab and Jewish, trade union in men if life is to he sanctified, if BY PUBLICATION ON PORATION OF WORLD THEATRESthe. earliest and most active ex- sible for 323 meetings in 24the country, have shown admir- God is to be served. It is a pro- NOTICE PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT CORPORATION At a buffei supper Saturday ponents; of religious ^freedom- In state and 93 cities. A report sub- able loyalty and courage in. the OF FINAJ. ADMINISTRAfound inner relation, a balance TION ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN That evening in Des Moines, Mrs. Wil-the world. I am confident that the mitted by the finance committee performance of their dangerous held delicately by mercy and by In the County Court of Douglas the undersigned have formed a corliam Oppenham announced th< inspiration - which you will draw showed total income, exclusive of duties. In the face of this evi- levo .Disturb it and ,the Jew County, Nebraska. poration pursuant to the laws of the Irk, the Matter of the Estate of Fan- State of Nebraska. The name of the engagement and approaching. au- from: that historical association shekel . -payments, for the fiscal dence it is surely premature to breaks his universe breaks for I ! The annual Talmud Torah pic- tumn marriage of Tier daughter corporation is WORLD THEATRES nie Braunstein. 13eceased: dismiss the problem of Jewish- and with him; if he himself dis- All persons interested in maid'mat' CORPORATION, with its principal . nic, the outstanding event of th< to Maurice Lasensky, son of Mr,will give you strength, and cour- year 1935-36 to be . $114,457,-as Arab cooperation as Insoluble; turbs it he is hopelessly corrupt ier are hereby • notified that on .the place of business in Douplap County, compared with $111,395 for the summer months, will be held thi and Mrs, Max Lasensky, 150 age for the work that Hea ahead day of July, 193S. J. Harold Saks I Nebraska. The objects for which this He must cooperate with justice, 6th previous year. The iS.Q.A.'s defiof you." filed a petition in said County Court, |corporation i? formed are: To acquire Sunday afternoon and evening in West Fifth street. if only on the plane of charity. praying that his final administration i as lessee, owner or otherwise and to Its solution, however, will recit was reduced from $55,824. Rlverview park, with proceeds gofiled herein be settled and; operate theatres for the exhibition of Miss Oppenham is a former stu - r Before, proceeding to the reguquire constructive thinging on the He bears all things better-Sjjan account ing 'toward the^upkeep of the He- dent a t Iowa University '.wher lar business ' of the convention allowed, that he be di»charre<3 j moving pictures and for other perDr. S. Bernstein, reporting for part of both of the Colonial Of- injustice. Perhaps that is why he tfrom his ana trust as administrator and j formances of every kind and charactbrew School. •'" she was affiliated with the Sigma the delegates journeyed to New-the Pallstine . Department, assert- fice and of the" Government othas had to bear so much in order that a hearing will be had on said j er ant! to deal generally in moving With Mr. Morris Lazriowlch In Delta Tau sorority. Mr.- Lasensky port to' celebrate 'Jewish Day ofer that in the past 12 months 4S6 before said Court on t h e 1 s t ] picture films, with reference to t h e this passion and this ten- petition day of Aufust, 1936. and that if you (production, distribution or the e x charge of the general arrange is a graduate of. the " University the Rhode Island Torcentennlal capitalist certificates, embracing Palestine, which have not always that , hold, pp fail to appear before s a i d - C o u r t on johibition to p purchase,, hold, dency be graven deeper and deepE n < 3 thrn»of: shown, much imaginationin their deal menta, plans have been made to of Wisconsin and belongs to Phiby participating in special exer- 1,260 persons, were granted by the 1st day of August. 1906, 1906, Rt w E n < 3 otherwise h said id 1st 1 t day d 1906Rt therwi d e l iin securities itities er into the very substance of his past handlings of Palestinian afid f i d b t d f 9 o'clock A. M.. and contest said petior evidences of indebtedness of every ' l k A M d t id ti accommodate more than 500 peo-Epsilon PI fraternity and to Taucises at the Touro . Synagogue. the British passport office in. Nei tion. the Court may granj th.e prayer i k i n < 1 a n d -character, and to exercise fairs . . . The idea of a Legisla- being. ple at the picnic. of said petition, enter a decree of I all the rights -nd privileges of ownBeta" Pi, honorary' engineering Speakers included Governor Gre- York. These people took wit tice Council will unquestionably and make such other and jership; to deal generally in personal The last concept and trenC of heSrship, Attractive raffle booths and re-fraternity. en and Professor Louis* Finkel- them to Palestine *2, 529,000 i further, orders, allowances a n i de- I property-of every kind and character; freshments will be built on the Mr. and Mrs. Mai" Lasensky stein of the Jewish Theological capital. Including 156 who lefi have to be dropped. Democratic Judaism is the concept and thecrees. as to this Court- may seem I a n d t 0 b°rrc>w money «nd isdue. eviinstitutions cannot be built on proper, to the end that nil 'mutters ! fences of indebtedness therefor. The picnic gorunds and afull program and Miss Dena Baron motored to Seminary of America. for Palestine - as returning resi- foundatfons of racial hatred!, and trend of peace. For how can na- pertainine- to said estate may be fi. ' ° * a ' (authorized capital stock is J25.ture be Banctifled and life made of games and sport events will be Des Moines for the announcemen nally settled and determine'! OOO.fKf t h e p a r value fs SHIO.OU per The convention activities, were dents and 185 who received- laboi suspicion. But local government humanly significant and the Name s h a r e ! and ali of rame shall be comheld during the afternoon. BRTCB CRAWFORD. certificates, the grand total of A-can be, and should be, fostered party. . j mon and fully paid «nd non-assess1 conducted mostly-in small rooms, embodied in creatlon^if there is r-9-36-3t County Judge. jable v-hen issued. The corporation The picnic Is being" sponsored merlcan Jews who left for Pale- and strengthened In order to as-•no Knal! behind ; closed • doors. The Wise peace? The Jew has no paON PF; i commence business on the filing by the Board of Directors of the Miss Molly Rappaport, who wil BY PUBLICATION stine as settlers in the last fiscal sist the regular inter-racial co- tience with violence, with brute NOTICE TIT1ON FOR SETTLEMENT OF I ° t lt*. 'Articles, with the.County Clerk Hebrew-. School and the Hebrew leave Saturday for Chicago, where group and the Rothecberg faction year through the medium of theoperation!of Douglas County. Nebraska, and in small things, which force, with war. Force' proves FINAL ADMINISTRATION AC• when there shall have been eubscribMothers' CInb, and the presidents she will make her home, has been were meeting continuously In cau-department was 1,769 persons. COUNT— is the only sound foundation of nothing but its own existence, vioof both groups, Mr. Jack London the Inspiration for a number of cus to discuss the various details lence and physical conflict and Rabbi Israel Goldstein, presl Palestinian nationhood. and Mrs. Louis Shindler, who have farewell parties the fiast weeks. of the peace negotiations. The t amount of inIn the -Matter of the Estate of GilThe question of land-tenure al- war do but mean the resurgance bert -it exceed two. Frederick Arthur Edwards, De- tTiirds of the capital been. active in making the ar- Wednesday evening of last week outgoing^ Rothenberg administra- dent of the Jewish National Fund, stock, except so requires careful study, and in ceased: • of that chaotic pagan evil which rangements,- a r e ; urging every Mrs-. Zeya Levitan entertained tion .presented a full report on reported that the JNF raised AH persons interested in said mat- i that such limitation shall not include this connection this is much to mu3t be conquered i« man is to the year's • activities, Morris Mar$406,937 betw eoo June 1,1935 Jewish'family to attend the- pic-sixteen guests at an evening of ter are hereby notified- that on the real estate where the value of the be said for the division of thebecome truly man at last.- Vio- 1st day of July, lfl.36. Isobelle E. Me-!on gulies,.;• secretary, reporting that j property exceeds at least 40 per cent bridge honoring Miss Rappaport. the Z;O.A. i a s 18,728 members and June 1, 1936, a record un- country Intb Jewish and Arab can- lence is an interruption; it halts matched since 1929. i Among the men and women who The evening was spent in the Levty Court. , her final ad- edness. The number of members of tons — not as administrative un- the divine . creativeness with ministration accountthatfiled herein be m i have assisted- with the arrange- itan home, 505 Omana street, and the Board Hiiiiu shall be not less _ . . . J , , , — .i —*— e X3u.uu i>e iiuL ie»s tthan n a n two two its, for Palestine i~ too small a which it is m'an's duty to coopera d a 0 ments are the following, who have concluded with refreshments. Miss S?« If " , " ™ ^ and t h a t she be j nor more than five. The Board shin ttrust n S t as artmlnis- i administer the affairs "of" the" corpora" her country to support two different ate. What good works can be i M r f ? *s«*™>ni» I a d m i n i t th f f i f th canvassed the city in the sale of Anne Shulkin, a bride-elect, shared systems of administration, but asdone and what wrong rgihted and onBaldprtffio"U h for." n s ljdCou e rt h S n '^ *h« . - ^ o l d e ™ *"*» - ' < •tickets: Mrs. Ben Shindler, Mrs. honors with Miss Rappaport. land reserves for the two* peoples. what better children begotten and Israel Lubman, Mrs. Morris MatIf, to take an example, the Nab- what scripture studied and what evening, Miss Margarlin, Mrs. I. Weirier, Mrs. Jake et Saturday lus and Hebron districts, which healing brought and what mercy Saitlin was her hostess. Out This - article was- a leading grants are taken into account. Shindler, Mrs. A. Mazie, Mrs. S.of town editorial , in the June 18 issne Large purchases of Arab rural are almost entirely Arab, were de- known when hate and lies and the guests a t the party were tTncobson, Mrs. Frank Gorchow, Mr. Sam Saitlin and Miss Sally of The Times of London.- Im- properities and the refusal of clared Arab reserves, properties mist of humar blood fill the •I iand Mrs. Nathan Sadoff. turther orders, allowances and de- I change, assign, transfer. conVev or Saitlin. of Alexandria, South Da- portant because It gives a 'de- Zionist organizations to employ in which could only be alienated I Others who have assisted are: kota. none. Peace is the crees, as . to this Court may seem ! otherwise dispose /jf the whole or tached view of the Palestine Arab workmen have increased the to Arabs, then the people of these world? None proper, to the end that all matters !substantially the whole of the proi Mrs. J. Kaufman, Mr. A. Lebobeginning and the end — peace pertaining to said estate may be fi-!perty of the corporation upon such Sunday evening, the Misses disorders,\lt gains especial sig- alarm. Arab • landlords jealous areas would be relieved of theamong men, peace among groups nally '1 wltz^and Mr. Joe Gorchow. settled and determined. i terms and for such consideration as In view of the fact for their influence, Arab profes- fears which undoubtedly oppress BRYCE CRtVWFORD. | they shall deem expedient. The ArMonetary gifts have been re- ertrude and Hose Reznick- en- nificance of men, peace among nations and sional men who fear Jewish comthem to-day Moreover the adthat The Times frequently mirCounty Judge, i tides may be amended upon the vote cevied by the Talmud Torah dur- tertained for Miss Rappaport a t ors British official sentiment. petition, Arab employers of la-ministration requires to be over- peoples of which none are higher i-3-36-ijt. | or €0 per cent of the stock outstanding this month from Mr. and Mrs. a dinner and theater party. ABRAHAMS &. O'CONNOR, Attys. I ing. upon notice as provided for. The or lower or Letter or worse — bour who affect to see Communhauled. In all these matters —EDITORS NOTE Wednesday evening, Miss Lott400 Brardei* Theatre Bide. i corporation shall have a seal Sam Welner, in honor of the marism in Jewish Trade Unionism, Parliament can and should assist "Blessed be Egypt my people and j Dated June 6, 3M6 riage of their son; from Mrs. L. ie Feinberg entertained a group E. Swartz The development of the latest and are infuriated when Arab the Colonial Office to frame a Assyria the work of my hands, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE J Harold Saks Osnowitz, and from Mrs. Frank of friends in her home at JefferIn the District Court of Douglas workmen attempt to imitate the constructive policy. But. construc- and Israel mine inheritance" — Arab moverri'ent against Jewish Incorporators. son, South Dakota, honoring her. Baron. County, Nebraska example of organization, tion must, first and foremost, be peace for the work of creation 6-26-36-4t Miss Rappaport has been a immigration has been marked by Jewish By virtue of an order of sale Issued their own reasons for excit- preceded by peace. The Arab lea- and sanctification, 'so that "vio- out of the District Court of Dousrlas buyer In the millinery department increasing violence, and the lat- have County. Nebraska, and in pursuan est-developments of the so-called ing the fears and fanning the dis-ders, and the propagandists whom lence -shall no more be heard in | or at Davidson Bros. Company. The CFr plan mj>y interest youl a decree of said Court ln an notion Mrs. Ginsberg, 73 ational strike are often * indist- contents of the masses into flame. they have sent to this "country, thy land, desolation nor destruc- therein indexed at Appearance Doc- S m a l l m o n t h l y p a y m e n t s . . . I n Number 3J4. at Page Number IS. Etead of one single premium. For the moment itds useless to :an be allowed no illusions about tion -within they borders; .but ket 1 nguishable from armed rebellion. Execution Docket -Number 33, p f BUY INSURANCE THE and Mrs. Jules «Gerellck Intimidation, punctuated by murpoint out to them that Jewish im- the consequences of an attempt thou shalt call they -walls Salva- Page Number 536..^wherein Rose Oold; 'Funeral services for Mrs. Sam-andMr. CONVENIENT WAY children, Lois Ann and June, tion and thy gates Praise.". ner is Plaintiff end Winifred Acnes if interested, call ers of Jews and Arabs who have mjgration' has made Palestine to drive this country by violence uel Ginsberg, 73 years old. were McGrane. et al.. is Defendant, 1 will and threats to repudiate its pledat 10 o'clock A. M.. on Tuesday the held Monday afternoon in Shaare and Mr. Lawrence Mosow of DuHAKK LEON 2 •efused obedience to the -strike prosperous: and that Jewish enMONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER 4th, day nf August, 1S36. FU the Rast Zion Synagogue. Mrs. Ginsberg luque, Iowa, and Mrs. Jules Krol committee, arson, and depreda- terprise has contributed enormEvery type of Insurance written .-COHEN, and J. HAROLD SAKS, fron door of the Douglas County ff of Phoenix, Arizona, visited ions in. Jewish property,' have ously . to the conversion of the 21 Strong Companies died in h e r home, 1214 Court Court House in the City of Omaha Attorneyt Douglas County, Nebraska, sell at AT 7667 737 Omaha Nat'I Bk. Bids. W A 61S0 ;Lj street, following a lingering ill- ast week in the home of Mrs. >een followed by bomb outrages Holy land from a derelict Turkish public auction to the hiphest bidder f!',; ness. She had lived in Sioux City erellck,'s Mrs. Kroloff's and Mr. >f a peculiarly cowardly eharac- province into a prosperous, land for cash,, the following described PROBATE NOTICE Mosow's parents, Mr. and Mrs.:er, by armed raids on Jewish vil- as well supplied with roads, san. In the Matter of the Estate of Er- property, to-.wit: lor the last 25 years. • nestine T. Rothholz, Deceased: am Mosow. Mrs. Kroloff will re- ages, by. attacks on road.and rail- itation, and other modern ameniLot Seven (7) Block Ten tf'l) EvansMrs. Ginsberg was born In Rus- main Notice Is Hereby Given: That the ton, an Addition to the City Of OmaFor the Entire Family in Sioux City for a visit ay communications, and by theties as many European countries. creditors of said deceased vill meet ha. Douglas County, N»r>ras'<a as sia and resided there until after f several weeks. . . ' surveyed, platted and recorded, I>ougthe administratrix of said estate, beiniping of British patrols and ofThese advantages, they retort, are her marriage. Then Mr. and Mrs. fore me, County Judg-e of Douglas las Count}-. Nebraska, not Intended for them. They are he Palestinian police. i"|] Ginsberg moved- to London, EngCounty. Nebraska. a.t the County to satisfy the liens and incumbrances, obsessed by the increase in JewCourt Room, in- said County, on the therein set: forth; to satisfy the sum Miss Louise Davidson of Des —and— land, where they resided for ten In reply' to these acts; of de31st day of August. 1836. and on the Of SI4.50 costs and the increased and accruing costs, all as provided by years before coming to the United Moines left Sunday night for her itrutition the authorities of theish numbers and by the obvious 31st day of October, 1936, at 9 o'clock said order and decree. i home after visiting- here with Miss ;overnment have largely increas- general superiority of the Jewish States and Sioux City. A. M., each day, for the purpose of I;>atea at Omaha. Nebraska, this! their claims for examina- 2<th id the British garrison in Pales- element in organization and ef- Moscow (JTA)—Refugee Ger- presenting Surviving are her widower, Mateel Stein. day of .Tune. 133S. I'onr Denier Has 'Em Both! tion, adjustment a n d allowance. „„ „, - JOH*T HOPKINS. Sheriff. j Samuel; a sister, Mrs.-Eva Morris ine and, have now invested" the ficiency, and they fear that in the tan Jewish physicians are being Three Three mo months ere allovcl for the „ B-i!6-J6-5t Douelas County, Nebr. end the Jews wlU.,-becomo a macreditors c r e d t o s to p present their claims, from absorbed into the life of Soviet h i l i f ot Sioux City; three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rablnowltz ocal Administration with powers the h 31st 3 1 t day d i t Ju'y. J ' 13"fi BETCE CRAWFORD, Mrs. ,1. B. Friedland of London, nd son, Milton, of Richmond, ;o punish, acts • of rebellion which jority and will be allowed by Russia In increasing numbers and Great Britain to proclaim aPalare gaining the respect of the amCounty Judge. 7-9-36-3t , Mrs. Morris London of Sioux City, exas, are visiting in the home of ,re so extensive as to make marI and Mrs. E. A. Meyer of Omaha; tfr. and Mrs. Abe Epstein, Castle !al~law unnecessary. Their atti- estinian RepublicTAnd their fears thoritles and the people. LEON & W H I T E , Attorney*, The work, of a group of doctors ,' and two sons, Frank and Dave T. Apartments. Mrs. Epstein is a ude towards the Arab- movement have been interpreted the unaniCity National Bk. Building mity with which both Houses of brought here recently by the ( Ginsberg of Sioux City. las also been. clearly and^ firmly laughter of Mr. and Mrs. RabinoParliament attacked the Govern- Agro-Joint, .a Jewish organization, NOTICE OF- INCORPORATION OF eflned. , . * . rltz. ' • . . . . - . . MURNAN HOME CLEAment's proposals for a. Legislative and employed. by the Naroomzd- CHARLIE Council in Palestine as a proof of ow—Commissariat of Health— NERS. AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Herman Galin- Last "week Mr. .Ormsby-Gore the power of Jewish influence in as prompted local Societ authori- NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN that a Corporation has been formed un• •• iky spent several.days at the Inn Informed the House that they had this country. ses to pay tribute to their effi- der the laws of the State of Neb|" Ben Gelfand, who Is working it Lake Okoboji last week. 10 intention of appointing a Royraska. ciency and service. ' i' for his master's degree in induse Corporation p -The name of the .1 Commission to inquire into the The Agro-Joint reports receiv- CHARLIE Some at least of these fears are IE MURNAN HOME CLE CLEA; i trial engineering, has been awardMrs. Fred Foreman of Mad'son, ause oF these troubles until the obviously baseless. The conten- ing many letters of appreciation NERS. l' ed the Francis K. Blossom schol- South Dakota, is visiting with rel- ritlsh Administration was once The principal place of its business Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. ia arshlp in the school of engineer- atives in Sioux City this week. more master of the country, law tion of Arab propagandists that from the medical departments of Is The general nature of the business 4 the Arab majority in Palestine various towns and regions. There ! ing a t Columbia University in New Returning to. be transacted by the Corporation and order had been definitely reto Sioux .City with her is being impoverished by the in- is a general: demand for' more ref- Is to purchase, own, hold, deal in, 1 York City for the next two years. ;tbred, and acts, of-violence, had mortgage or otherwise lien, and to ij He is a graduate of Morningside was Miss Esther Marsh, who has jeen stopped. That process may flux of Jews is disproved by theugee physicians. sell, lease, exchange, transfer real or Official letters say they not only personal property -wherever situated; '{ College where he belonged to spent the past two weeks in the ake some time.- In many parts influx of Transjordanians and Foreman home at Madison*. to draw, make, accept, endorse, disSyrian Moslems, who would hardmake excellent specialists, . but 'j Sigma Pi Sigma, national honor>f Palestine the Arab peasantry, ly seek work in a declining coun- take an active part in the social count, execute and issue promissory notes and other negotiable or trans, j ary physics fraternity. uick-tempered and credulous by instruments; to engage in the Miss Dora Block returned to lature, are at present' submerged try. Arab lawyers and doctors are labors of collective settlements ferable of laundering.. cleaning, realways likely to be employed by and rapidly learn Russian to qual- business palflng, dyeing, renovating. laying The Jewish Press advertisers er home in Omaha, alter visfting o the counsels of prudence or Arabs in preference .to Jews. The ify and storing rugs, carpels, upholsterthem for better positions. ere in the home of Mr. and Mrs.reason. ..The/strike funds are far nierlt your patronage. ing and linoleum. clamour ot the small Revisionist irchie Kroloff. . from exhausted: the A^ab party faction in Palestine for. a com- The peasants ^n districts where The authorized capital stock of this 0 dd i i d 2 Ja ckets h l l b 1^JJ1000000 p 1 ? "i, ^ :5s" leaders still cherish hope that pletely Jewish and independent the refugees practice frequently C ™™ . - Double Cellophane, Seal. In the freshness-of ed? ^into 100 shares^Jof the par ,!:1,t value attempt to show their gratitude S Irving Krupnick of • Chicago they may compel His Majesty's , of $100.00 each. Said capital stock State will no more persuade the for being cured of ailments by pre- shall be p a l . for and non-assesssble s a guest this week in the home Government to yield to violence Prize Tobaccos .in "Double-Mellow" Old Golds. -when issued and may be paid for ln )f his brother and-sister-in-law, and prohibit the further immigra- .British Government to repudiate senting the refugee doctors with •sash or property, real or personal, Their obligations to the Arabs ungifts, addresses and, in some cases, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krupnick, 1423 tion of Jews;' and. even if their tangible or Intangible, at the reader the Balfour Declaration than value thereof. Fifty shares Grandview Boulevard. rivalries permit them to adopt a Arab violence will persuade them a month's free keep in rest homes. sonable of capital stock of this CorporaOne collective settlement gave tion-the less defiant attitude, they may to make light of their undertakshall be \ paid for before this a doctor free use of the collective's Corporation shall commence business, David Olensky and David Tile- find that they have lost their in- ings to the Jews. The Corporation shall commence treasured automobile to "do away rbusiness on June 15. 1936 and shall itz visited friends in Omaha last fluence pver the young hotheads, with the disadvantage of village continue for a period of fifty years Bu£ there are grounds neverwhom they seem to follow rather eek-end. • from date thereof. as compared with town" in maktheless for the belief that Zionist than to lead. ' /The highest amount of indebteding, his rounds. leaders, under great pressure no ness to which • this corporation shall Mrs. A. H. Baron and daughter, any time subject itself shall not doubt from their oppressed Or im- The salary of a refugee physi- •at Beverly, departed last week for exceed two-thirds of its Capital The primary cause of ,the.; outcian ranges from 500 to 800 ru-Stock. Minneapolis, where they will break,-' which began with the 'Jaf- poverished* fellow-Jews in Gerr The affairs of this Corporation shall spend their vacation at the sum-fa riots of April 19 and 20, asmany and Eastern Europe, have bles a month with house and gar-.be conducted by a Board of Directors forced too hard the pace of the den free. Women's salaries vary consisting of two members. mer home of Mrs. Baron's parents the Arabs' f ear that' they will be H. R. LEON development of the National between 125 and 300 rubles on Lake Minnetonka. R. J. BLUMENTHAL . . . swamped by the increasing influx Home; nor is it all clear on what monthly. 6-26-.it of Jewish immigrants,- and that A conference between GermanMiss Marcia Gerelik of Newthe Jewish National: Home will principles the oapacity of PalYork City is a guest in the M.become a1. Jewish Republic, in estine to absorb immigrants has Jewish doctors and Health: ComFor a good time - been estimated by the local ^ Ad- missariat officials will be held Omaha's finest Mason home. which there will be no room for ministration. Nor, again, though shortly Good food and to bring about a closer reone of America's the/AVab but in menial capacity. fears are often exaggerated lationship between them. The conCool Comfort Miss Bluma Olensky departed There have been susidaTy. causes. Arab or unfounded, a r e ' t h e British Greatest •ecently for New York City where Among~,them "may be. mentioned Government absolved from the ference will be held at SimferaA T A the' is enrolled in the summer the expenditure of relatively large duty of reassuring the Moslems pol, capital of the Crimean Re. school at Columbia University for sums by Italian agents last-1-win- and Christians of Palestine, as public. a librarian course. 8 ter; the ; activities of Pan-Arab soon as they have ceased to defy agitators, which are aimed as authority. London Times Denies Miss Delia Shiloff is visiting much against the British'Mandate Arab Aid During War wtlh friends and relatives In Min-as against the Jews and have been Employers of labour who ob- London (WN'S-Palcor Agency) neapolis this week. stimulated by the opposition to offers The Fontenelle will always the French Mandate in Syria; the ject to trade unions, Moslem fa- —Taking issue with representaoffer the . most distinguishnatics who have an inveterate re- tions made In London and JeruBernard Lipman of Chicago is eternal rivalry of the . Husseini ed Hotel address in the ANEW ligious hostility to non-Moslems, middlewesl. a guest this week in the home of and Nashashibl families of Jerusalem by spokesmen for the Arab hia parents^; "Mr. and Mrs. Samsalem, which-has led to a com-Arab doctors who want Jewish cause in Palestine, the London This Summer Lipman, 812 Twelfth street petition in extremist Nationalism medical talent to be handicapped Times editorially denies that the •—these classes ?ndeed deserve no . Dine and Lnnch in and between their, chiefs.... Arabs are entitled to greater such comfort. But when order consideration because of; the sapComfort in the Miss Goldie Levin spent her vais restored it will be necessary port they gave t a Great Britain cation this /week with friends at But fear -Is the chief ( motive to assure the masses of the Arab | during Mayfair Cafe the world war. pointing but Minneapolis. ' force of the outbreak. Since 1919 population that this country has that more Arabs were enlisted on Thl» la Omaha's smartest, one (Main Lobby) of the very newest places for the Jewish population of Palestine "mlxed-rlte" drinks and deMr. and Mrs. Louis Slotsky of haB increased from under 60,000 no intention . of "handing Pal- the Turkish than on the Allied Completely over to the Jews," and that side. licious, tppetlzlng foods. . De Smet, South Dakota, spent to nearly 400;000,'over 60*000 of estine the Mandate will remain until AIR-CONDITIONED The Times also declares that last week-end with relatives in whom: entered the country last Jews and Arabs can live and work A T A appeal for support made. by PopnJar Prices Sioux City. year. The-Jews, who formed less together with as much content the the Arabs on the ground that than a tenth of the population at as do the French and German Jerusalem is their' holy center 3s s Miss Minnie Okun,- 811. West the time of the Balfour Declara- Swiss. invalid, since it is also the center Eighth street, departed last week tion, now. constitute •, almost a HARRY R. PRICE, MOT. HOTEL FONTENELLE Their present animosity, largeof the Christian and Jewish refor Los Angeles, California, where third of Us inhabitants'— perKarl Huemann. Mgr. ly the consequences of fears and ligions, each of whom has at she will visit with her sister. haps more If clandestine immi- misconceptions, may seem to1 least similar claims. m
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