July 17, 1936

Page 1


[dish Picture • Molly, Picon, comWarsaw, where she Yiddish talking'pic-

Interests of the In the Jewish People



EN, Attorney* Nation il Bank Building

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..d have formed a-cor-

uant to the laws of tho raska. The name of the "WORLD THEATRES 3N, 5; with . its principal ness in Douglas County. e objects for which; this s formed are: To acquire

ner or otherwise and to

res for the exhibition of res and for other perevery kind and characteal generally in moving: , with reference ;to tlie listribution or the M eof; . to purchase., hold, erwfsedeal in. securities of indebtedness of every aracter. and to exercise i -pd privileges of ownal generally in personal very kind and character: w. money und issue.-eviTebtedness therefor./The ed capital stocK is' J25.« ar .value is SlKUOO Tier of Fame shall be com-, y paid and non-a.sesssued. The corporatio'n . ee business on the fUing; i with the County Clerk: County, Nebraska, and hall have been subscribit $-..-0.(10 of its capital iall continue .until July highest amount of Inh_Jl not .exceed twoL capital stock, except ltation shall not.Include secured by mortgages where the value of the eds at least .0 per cent t of the secured indebtnumber of members o_ ill be not less than'two n five. The Board shall e affairs of the corporatockholders ' shall -.hold, meeting on the second, muary of each year \ind !. Directors shall elect Vice-President. Secrelsurer. Pursna.nl to cons' of the majority of the capital stock outstandrd . may sell, lease, extransfer, convey or spose iof the whole or the whole of the "procorporation upon such • such consideration as era expedient. The Aramended upon the vote : of the stock outstandce as provided for. Tho lall have a seal, me 6, 1336.

Entered as Second Claw Mall Uitier on January 21, t821. at oKinrfir- or Omaha. Nrbraatra. under in» Act or March S. UJ»




Patriotic Order of Haym Salomon Organized

Congress Meeting to Be Held Tuesday Evening

Jews and Many years ago Achad Ha-Am warned Jews of the danger of letting the judgment of their ene . j mies contaminate their own conCleveland (WNS)— The Amer-' All organizations that were scieusness. It is this contaminaican Patriotic Order of Haym Sal- • 'represented at the city-wide contion that has caused the phenoomon. dedicated to the memory j Signs Point Toward Hitlerites! ference meeting held by t h e ! menon of Jewish self-haired on of the famous .Jewish patriot of j | American Jewish Congress com-J Playing Waiting Game which the late Thedor Lessing that name, has been incorporated j jmittee at the J.C.C. Kay SI are i In Reich wrote a book arid •which in its in Ohio, according to an an-! j asked to again have their repredevious manifestations is daily renouncement by its president, Dan- | sentatives present at* a meeting ! vealed to any one who knows the i-Jewish iel Fried, and its secretary, M. M. Jewish masses of America and Guzik. . !"""" "*" _". ** " J " ' " " "T" iat S:30 p. m. Western Europe. Membership is open to ail ! . . ^ . Tire delegates to the Washing: We find this Jewish self^hatred | American citizens j » * « £ ^ L ^ e t t d ^ E n I t( f «>»'««« win give a report: and self-deprecation and self-torFORT WAYNE, 1ND.. — The Bucharest (JTA)—With t h e l T h e o r d e r w a s i n c o r p o r a t e d in intensified , . „ , _ , „ „ , , anti-Jewish _T,f;_T^n.;.>, ,,„-„„ , _ ! o f t h e W a s h i n g t o n p r o c e e d i n g s . drive to ture manifested again in con- names of the Omaha contributors j blessings of Greek Orthodox Ohio because it was Ohio's late iThey will also foilow the example ; under way immediately after _ _ , Dr. A. Gren nection with the supposed clash to the Harry H. Lapidus Forest priests, 30.000 peasants last week Representative Cnaries A. Mooney get . of tbe Washington meeting in ' Dr. \ i c t o r E . L e v i n e w a s c h o - « _ „ , , - ,i-i,,,.. of interests between the Arab and Memorial Fund were announced took an oath unde- the swastika ! w h 0 introduced into Congress a | the Olympic Games have " been ' holding a memorial with eulogies 1 \J til H. IJ c_ \X t .1 •:.' g. t 'for the late Naituin Sokolow, one the Jewish population in Pal- by Mr. Nicholas M. Brazy of Fort fTag of the Fascist party to rid resolution authorizing the Secre-' tar of t h e Propaganda Minister Joseph I supporters of. sen _.t a convention held July 4 annual copre o f t h e staunc}jeEt estine. Again and again I have Wayne, Interior to provide for y , Indiana, d , Chairman of the j Rumania of Jews. The ceremony a y , n thp'town of Orhei suitable site for the erection of j Goebbels has proclaimed a pause ia p e r m a n e r , t world congress. met Jews, younger Jews and older Memorial committee. in St. Faiil to represent the Jew- Grand Lodpo v hplrt a memorial in Washington to 1 iQ the Nazi propaganda within the j A n Omaha Jewry is invited to Ish Communities' of the Northwest , He'd p.hoard Jews, who were -worried about The project which is being un- Bessarabia. from August. 1 until Sept. ; attend this meeting and to hear 1 states on the People's delegation first vice-preFu t T I the Arabs. And these Jews gen- dertaken The right-wing bloc was form- Eaym Salomon. The resolution • Reich by the international orbetwee erally thought they belonged to der fof Aleph Zadlk Aleph, (Jon- ed recently by Prof, Octavius Go- | was parted in the House on June , J: £ *£ch ^ l e s f °^ ,mformat,on o_ tbe sessions co£ the 'of Fifty which will make a tour Lodfje. .Klectini 1" tantamount ; < leftist groups or persuasions and • H Prof. Akiander Cuza. 1, and in the-Sena.e on June 2. | Piaa? and t_.e J W i Faro-s an ra an : Washington Jewish congress. of Biro-Bidjan. id nex 'f had no glimmering of suspicion ior B'nai B'rith) calls for the ga and Prof. Alexander Cuza. jnual convention will be held. j George Cuza, son of the proThis delegation will inspect Oniah-i-i presides ti be j "o i that their leftist leanings were in planting of a thousand trees, in j The proclamation explains that; ^ part at least Jewish flight and Palestine, on the property of thefessor, declared in an address that the region set aside by the Soviet Beber served n 1 j the pause is to give party propa; gandists an opportunity to pre- j TJF« y j T defense mechanisms. If (like The Jewish National Fund, as a trib- i the -world was divided into two Henry Mons1 ' v government as a Jewish autono; pare for "the greatest propaganda ) JnllflJlMSLlllCi £ S Nation, for instnee. you worry ute to the late Harry H. Lapidus, | groups, the believers and the nonrepresent, this ( mous state arid nass upon its valdrive they will be required to con- j about the Arabs it is evident that who .was an outstanding civic.j believers in the swastika, of whom . cutive commi -t ue as a place of settlement for Philip Klutzni>- v the latter represented the "powcommunal and philanthropic lead-} | duct after the Olympiad and conyou are a great lover of mankind Jews. Dr. Levine will return to i the general ce r 'i ! elusion of the annual convention and thoroughly objective and soer before his assassination on De- jers of darkness." ceipber 22, 1931. More than 51,-j trict lodge.- I o > The second period of Camp of the Nazi Party." At the first open Eight since the Omaha in October. here comes an en- 000.00 has been raised through and so highest numb* " Atiba started with all the old j At the same time Dr. Hjalmar opening of the Highland Countryormous leap, i o t h psychological contributions from A. Z. A. chapEphraim ?»' ' campers back and a number of! Schacht, Minister of Economics, j Club, a style show and musical1 and histrocial . . . the pogrom- ter throughout the U. S. and Canthe Omaha lo< _ new ones in addition. ! has issued instruction that reveal ; revue wil be presented August S.\ cliiks of the future may forget ada. The balance of the quota of to the Commi < < During the morning hours the j a plan, effective Oct. 1, to cen-JAn outdoor promenade for t h e ' you . . . §1,500.00 is being met by con-j members-of t h e camp may be seen ' eralize the entire commercial life j models has been built End a pub-! and Ben Kaz oi t.K Don't fret. They won't. You tributions from friends of Mr. participating in outdoor sports. |of the Reich under compulsory to- |lic address system and lighting ef-:; • dent of the On c I . •' will be mitgefangen, mitgehan- Lapidus and interested organiza-j Base ball is the most popular pas- talitarian control of the State. j fects are being installed. a member of IH gen, and will have nothing to look tions. | titme of the older boys. For the j According to this plan every in- j Mrs. Kyrnan Ferer is chairman "Charitable- IHF I ' back on except the fact that you The Omaha contributors as folyounger ones there are a a a a - j dustrial and commercial «nter-jof the committee getting models.! According to s have betrayed Israel. New York (WNS)—In the ab- ber of drills. i prise, even retail stores, must be- i Merchants who art members of; Tanner.vilje, N. •T. _. (JTA) t5i lows: . .y . , . _ e Omaha (Isence of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, its Through the games Miss Ruthjcome a part of the new economic! the club are furnishing the outResolutions supporting birth con- n v . r n t > e r E r a s It. has been proven over and Morton A. Richards, Dr. Abe Greenberg, Mordecai Brodkey, Jn-j newly elected president, the Zioni u & b assistants hope not i machine. j fits that will be worn. At preI A e n &n er over again on strictest scientific trol, collective bargrainirig peace dynamic role grounds, and announced and af-lius Bisno, Ben Simon, Harry -— '1st Organization of America's jo n I j r t o develop the child physi- j Should Jewish firms be barred : sent the buyers of Brandeis stores,' movementp end. the f....spaign t o . cieiegates on t.1 Goldstein-Chapman.; plant 100,000 trees . Palestine firmed by Gentile scientists and verman, Philip Klutznick, Mrs. new administration began clearing i-aHy D U ta i s o t o teach a sense of | from this new set-up, as they are JHerzbergs, .Mr. 3Vlonsky ! adopted at the closing ses- ,called upon to political leaders in books, in Herman Anerbach, Dr. lieoh Fcll- the decks for action to carry out j f_eam wefrk and sportsmanship. i now barred from professional as- Carreaa's, Xatelson"6, &nd the Ne-were pamphlets, in scientific reports j man, Sam Beber, Rabbi David the mandate laid upon it by the ^..-ady twelve youngsters who' sociations, they'll be virtually is- : brasia Clothing Co. are in the si on o. the thirty-sixth a n n u a l , . . c o n t r o v e r e , and on the floor of Parliament G Goldstein, L F.. Goodman,, Irvin annual convention at Providence, jcou i,_n't swim a stroke when thel.olated from the Reich's economic i east viewing the fall creations; convection o the KabbimcE:' As- j A f e o u t f . . . . o l d s t e , JL The:members of the new exe- Ic a n - p o p e n e ( i have passed their; life. Theyraay even be exposed I that wil be shown for the first sembly. 1 II I in London that the Jewish reset- Stalmaster, Harry Marcus, David i tbe cor.ventioi Officers elected are: Holzman, cutive committee;—Louis Lipsky, b e g j n n i n g swimmiftg tests for • to the danger of losing their trade • time in Omaha xi the Club. tlement of Palestine has been of Blacker, William Eugene ; 1 5 5 v , . e r e < l e ] f undivided benefit to t h e Arab David Goldman, Ixiuis J . Margo- Dr. Israel Goldstein, Abraham which they must dive and swim i licenses, since the granting of Ii- j Fur_ will be showE by courtesy Cohc, president; Simon G r e e n - : - - ^pfig two « _ __ of _ the pool. By the ' censes may be contingent on mem-1 of tlie Sample Fur Co. Not only berg, vice-president; Alexander | jan<j* population. That the Arab stan- lin, Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. M.Goldberg, Charles Cowen, Rabbi the length, ti ' 1 111 I dard of living has been immense- Kneeter, Hadassah Omaha Chap- Miller, Rabbi Edward Israel, 1j e n d o f t h e E l s camping per- ; bership in the new organization. the new fall styles but also the Basel, treasurer; Henry Fisher, ; p e n e faire, I late summer goiEg-away outfits •recording secretarj-; Arthur Neu- :H ome, and tl c «..'..•>ly improved, that Arab vital sta- ter, liadies Auxiliary ot B'nai Is- Rabbi Israel Levinthal, Morris | iod it is believed that every I (will be modeled. j lander, corresponding secretary, i j n a c isJand. i " ( utistics have taken an upward rael Synagogue, Omaha B'nai Rothenberg. Louis P. Rocker, j- o u n g E ter will be t-ble to swim. i ! Marvin Treller will be Master [ana Louis FirskelPteiri, K. Kaplan, | Medical examinations are given turn, that Arabs, instead of leav- B'rith, Daughters of Israel Aid Samuel Markowitcb and the vice presidents—^prepared to translate and individual physical records^ of Cerersonies. Louis Margolin I Robert Gordis, Joe! Geffen end ] sort. ing Palestine, have flocked thith- Society, Mother Chapter Xo. 1 Interest of ' 'into action the convention's resoA.-Z. A;, Sam Beber Chapter No. are kept so that the health and? • ; and other talented' members cf • Isador Singer, executive council Positii er to share rn the work and ons si lution .authorizing a nation-wide well being ..of each- child _is_cstre- ' . terefl or.. _>auo> will participate in the • n_ embers. health4-the Jews have brought. 4D0 a . .55. A., Meyer Freeinaa. drive-to plant 100,000^ new trees ^uUy matched. ! The convention closed with a That "only 625 AFab'peasantshave Addis Ababa (WNS)—E00 of .j musical show. .ions o? the F r in Palestine to replace those de- I n t h e d a n c i n g c l a s S € S the girls jt t n e 3 0 0 - o dd Jews enrolled in the ever been displaced from their orare .urged to ra&ke I bancuet in honor of the tventy- Europe ant! V stroyed during the disturbances. |a r e l e a r n i n g t h e p a !estinean f o l k l 2 1 s t Regiment of the Teveria Di- i this a-night to pay off social ob- [ fi'th Bnniversary as rabbi of Mas iginal holdings and that these MRS. A. DAVIBSOH, The executive also moved to m i - j d a n c e > t h e H o r a j a s v e l l as some !v i s i o n w h i c b comprised Jewish : Hgations since non-member_ will ; Drob of tbe Bronx end 'Dr. Israel iied debp.te 625 received such compensation AGED 74, PASSED tiate the regional plan of rreore o r - gypsy and Russian folk - -- dances. ''volunteers from five * - to attend- the . dinner, .. I'LevinthBl of Brooklyn. Dr. Eisas ; agreed, to Biip.n in money and in land as was herecountries,!•be permitted , the Supreme J <' '- l ganization approved by the conFollowing the lunch period, j have been given civilian posts in '• show, and dance. A crowd of tofore unheard-of in the entire Margolis presided. AWAY MONDAY venUon.and to continue negotia-! t h e r e . . a n h o u r o lu j g p against the lu <> ff i ! d d Near East. That the amazing • Other resolutions were adopted A. Davidson, 74, for many t h e n e w l t a J i a n administration in! seven hundred is expected. ReserJewish Congv • th all ll Zionist Z i s t parties a t i e s wun wun -ng_ M o s t o f t h e v o r d s o f sing-, credit balance of the present Pal- years'active in Jewish organiza- j tions with 'as follows: t h e .E t h i o p i a _ A t p r e s e n t the Jewish : vations are now being accepted. h errl A report fc view •to adoption of aa t terri• - • home • - • 'I°a »•••"»• " tthe ° «rfnT>.ion-n. - | s o n g s h a v e been written by the j community here, aside from Jew-! Leslie Burkenroad and Dave Fed- : To formulate the official attiestinian government comes out of tions, died Monday at the the pockets of Jewish tax-payers of a son, Mike Davidson of Coun- torial plan next year. iyoungsters themselves. Each ! JSJ- officials, consists of 35 Turk- j er of the'entertainment commit- t u d e of the Rabbinical Assembly , the anii-defan v and that nevertheless in the mat-cil Bluffs. Consideration is also being group has its own yell. At pres-! ^ h a n t i Egjptian Jews and a I tee are at present selecting an or- 'and. to implement this attitude ' ed the anti-sen i i Mrs. Davidson was ter of government subsidies to ed-born in Minsk, Russia and hadgiven to the personnel of the com- ! =n~ t ^ em a J n Merest of the sing-! handful of "German Jewish refu- ' chestra and rehearsals will start within the framework c£ the 'Slack Legion. [ Friday. ucation, agriculture, all other been a resident of Omaha for the mittee which will laj before the j n gg r o u p s i s i n Hebrew and Jew- jg e e s World Zionist Organization. ; Officers el?' i purposes, the Jewish Yishub re- past thirty-two years, having re- British Ambassador in Wasning- ,j g h f o J k s o n g s a n d espe cially the | The latter include, two ' physi- ' Among those modeling are Mrs. To hold the nest convention in ' Greenberg ir !u> ceives laughable pittances and tbe sided a short time in Sioux City ton the resolutions adopted ...by jfolJ_ E o n g s o f Palestine, -connection with the fiftieth an- • .leirs of Chic?" j cians, Drs. Jacobson and Rudolph : Sam Wertheiraer. jr., Mrs. Jay the convention appealing to the Arab population a!l the rest. Fi- before coming here. ;Levi, who have not yet been: Cherstiak, Mrs. Cy Silver, Mrs. 'niversar.^ of the Jewish Theolog-.dent, and A U M F nally all during the present dis! given the right to practice, but;Moe LinEraan and the Misses Es-ical Seminary and to exhibit lit- : attorney, whe w Among the many activities in orders the Arabs, many of them which Mrs. Davidson took an in-titon in curbing Arab disorders j T a r t - J e W S t O D e jexpect to obtain this right as soon | tryn Milder, Ruth Rasnick, Lois ierary, religious and civic achieve- ond vice-presi( ^i recent immigrants from-the Han- terest are the Vaad, Bikur Cho- and to facilitate the development A gi't ves l ••<*< r 'as they receive Italian citizenship.! Barish, Ethel Ackerman, Sarah . ments of the assembly. of the Jewish homeland by enran, have operated with brigand- lim, and several | Announcing determination to ; Pad way, rptsrir - r> ; Ferer and Irene Morris. charitable } couraging Jewish immigration. ' i Allen Kohan hoiE r n s i b e ! solve the problem of the deserted . proval of the 'i . .•-••••'•• • age, highway robbery, knifing groups. Mrs. Frolua to Head !, ' ^ fp° inil> • iThe committee will convey to |-wife -within the framework of ; the conventJor from ambush, arson and wanton Surviving 'are her husband, the British envoy tbe convention's v | j o _ or g an j_j)-g the cast of the u u - | Jewish law. • imous. Nex Berlin (JTA)—Reiteration of| _.i_u. • n u u *•*} *»*.».»« destruction. Abraham, now in Los Angeles for -PlSSSSS-t Mill CsTOSip; sical revue, 'is pnxious that any ' On reco_amendation of Rabbi will be held « In other words, these "revolu- his health; four sons, Max andopposition to a legislative coun- an earlier decree excluding Jews' • •• . j talented rnembers of the Club get iKohn, to instruct the social jus- or on snothe tionaries" are hoodlums. And Jacob of Chicago, Mike of. Coun- cil and to bars on Jewish land from military service is contained j theHill last meeting of the; the; in touch with him. |tice and education committees toneverth'eless the Jewish popula- cil Bluffs, and Aaron of Newpurchases, and its approval of the ina new law issued by the Minis-; pleasant cemetery society |prepa.re a Ej"l}abu_ for adult study \'T tion, 40,000 strong,.has not per-York; one daughter, Rose of New policies' of Dr. Chaim Weizmann. tiies of War and Interior and i following new officers were in- I W « a r c 'R-.«,.«,' P o n t c a igTOups and an anthology o' Jew-! * * mitted itself to be goaded into York; tfen grandchildren, Morris signed by Reichsfuehrer Hitler, [stalled: Mrs. Sarah Frohm, pres- j »» t^"* 5 U i U W l l i ell l t d , ;isb social teaching juveniles. D a single act of reprisal, and hence Zeligson of Tulsa, Mrs. Mai Part Jews will be permitted to ident; Mrs. F. Jacobs, first vice-1 i To appoint a special committee, *• »•' i has shown the first example in allGreenberg and Mrs. Frances serve in the armj but will not president; Mrs. S. Nitz, second j jEurcmarizing its year's activities, * human history of a community Zeligson Wolfe of Wichita, Mrs. permitted to become officers. vice-president: Mrs. J. Abramson, I ' reported endorEirig tne birtb con- 1"» that is able to act according to Ted Greenberg and Jeannette The decree adds that "military i financial secretary; and Mrs. M. Bssle, Switzerland (WNS) — what is supposed to be the Chris- Zeligson of Oklahoma City, Ethel Wearing brown pants in Nazi i trol announcement issued by the service by Jews in wartime is re- j Arbitman, recording secretary. Geneve (.WNS-Palcor Ageuc tion and is in fact the Jewish Davidson and Mrs. Ben Kluger Germanv is risky business for ai Protestant clergy in reply to & served for special regulation." The Council of tlie League principle of public ethic. of Los Angeles, Barbara Kay DaJew these days, the Easier Na- | statement by Cardinal Heyes in Berlin (WNS)—Thousands of So far, so good. We have a vidson of New York, and Stantional Zeitung revealed in a Ber-i which he denounced birth control. 'Nations, in conference here to ci**~ • fool-proof case. And we don't ley and Gilbert Davidson of marriages in which either the lin report which states thst a ! The • cotnmittep also eupportefi ' iermine the .egsl status o. Oerneed it. We did not ask to beCouncil Bluffs; and seven great- husband or wife is Jewish were young Jew was sentenced to pris- :recopBitioB o_ Unions, collective ' man refugees, has adopted a preconquered and dispersed. We didgrandchildren, Allan, Maynard, threatened with dissolution as the on for six weeks for that heinou. ! bargaining and. peace movements. vjBioi.fi! arrangement for the firi The Palestine commiUee com- • liven- of travel certificates' to f.h* not ask Hadrion to seek to exter- and Di-Anne Greenberg of Okla- result of a sensational ruling by c.fense. imenaed the Palesiinc Jews for : refugees under certain conditions. minate us and to sell our menhoma City, Carol and Stephen a Cologne Nazi court, which disAccording to th« National Zei'self discipline in the current reigB ; These certificate!? would be VKJand women into slavery, so that Zeligson of '.Tulsa, and Carolyn solved a marriage between a nonrpt, -. „„,•,._ ^^A yaA^f.^y^ti^-r, nf! tHng's story the Jew WES critithe price of a Jewish slave drop- Greenberg and Stewart Wolfe of Aryan and a German Jewish girl repairs and redecoration of i s U g g e s t e d a t t n i s meeting will be ...„,£. h _ , . , , . _ _„„.__.__ m . ;'of terror. It welcomed tbe pro-Ud for one year and would pertr.U. which had been made in 1930.theTheJewish T«--J«T, Community n n nm-T,;i- PBBIOT i <-;^eG By leiiow passengers passersrers on s gress made by Kadassah and en- [ the holder, to travel, Jpave thr ped on the glutted Roman mar- Wichita. Center increased participation on thetr.iin -who reseritPd -what they idorsed the Histadrutb, geners.i la- i country and return during: tlm'. kets below the price .of a horse. Also surviving are three broth- five years before the Nazis ban- i art of the women on all Center thought was a storm, trooper talk- :bor federation. Refiipeep holding We did not ask the Church of ers, Louis Richards of San Jose, ned such marriages. If this rul- first "weeiTof August and will b e i P :penoG Christ to ally itself with empire, California, Jacob Richards of Rus- ing is accepted as a precedent completed, during that month. | activities. « i extension of the edu- i fnt; to two Jewesses. W hen he j A d«iparture by the Rabbinical : certificates could be expelied fro" program of the Center, | explained that the brown pants Roman, German, Russian, and to sia, formerly of Omaha, Abra- thousands of families will be The whole project is under the ; cational from "ts policy on Pal-' their lands ol refuge only if thh supervision of the Women's Di- j n e w classes and the 'beginnings j tveie just brown pants aisd not 'Assembly be necessar> for tMc P».crucify from age to age the bre-ham Richards of Omaha; and two broken up. destine ar-pearefi assured under a o£a Ludwig Lipn, 5u-year-old Jew- vision of the Jewish Community | community-wide program forja Ktorm trooper's garb, EB3 that ; resolution for appointment of. a tionsl safety and public ortfp". thren and the people of Him sisters, Mrs. Leah Allen, formert h e was a Jew, the passengers deBut ?n case of such pxpuision the whom it acclaimed its Savior. women's organizations of ' ly of Omaha and now a resident ish physician who was in a Pots- Center and Welfare Federation city. Thru the Women's Divi- j nounced h.m to the police and committee to draw np a, detailed government, involved could no; By the expulsions and murders of Los Angeles and Mrs. J. Seg-| ^ ^ o n ^ . i U n g ^ ^ r i a l >O n^a who are using their entire treas- sion, -formulation of its' attitude. it is hoped to develop a pro- ' prorrptly charge of "Rassenschande,"' ury of the past two years to make p p y Errested, return the refugees to the Kewfs and innumerable martyrdoms of lin of Omaha. ; ram found dead of poison in his cell this project possible. It is hoped of interest to all the: convicted of 'grie-rons negligence.'! without warning them in s<Jvan?s_t the Crusades; by the fires that Funeral services were held by a jailer who went to bring him that there" will still be enough women's groups of f the th city it and d ii T b e CQXiTl that it is an iZ5i"2.y ; and then only if they refuse to re btay consumed the holy martyrs of An- Tuesday, July 14, from Chesed funds available after the audi- bring the women's organizations jjO ff ense j n Germany to wear > r « j r .. cona and Mainz and Troyes and Shel Ernes. Judah Wolfson, for before, the court, , •..:; torium has been redecorated to closer together. In order to bet- | trousers of a misleading color. • The conference rerotnmendw<. ;L O V a i t O f i a i i e York; by the blood and memory many years a personal friend, ] recanvass the floor and redecor- ter accomplish this purpose, two ! i-mroerisatf- sipninp of this «?Is*,* of those two thousand who were gave the eulogy. Burial was at CZECH OLYMPIC TEAM ate the ladies' lounge room. 'rangement by the variouc have been selected] burned on the Cathedral Square Pleasant Hill Cemetery. CRIPPLED BY BOYCOTT Mrs. Dave Greenberg, president representatives from each of the Jewish women's i • tnents. of Strassbou'rg; by the shame and Aaron Davidson came !n by P r a g u e (WNS) Although of the Women's Division for theorganizations of the city to serve * the ghetto, the yellow badge and plane from New York; Rose Daj Rome, (WKS)—Not a swimming: Sunday roorogaberdine; by the renewed and vidson had been visiting here; Czechoslovakia's Olympic team coming year, states that all re-on the Executive Coramitee of the-jj| Ing-While in Carter T^ake, Morris Edel, ; chieftain of the PiUaFhas, the fiercer martyrdom of our inno- Jack Davidson came in from Chi- will be seriously weakened by the ceipts of membership to the Women's Division. : black Jews of Ethiopia, has sur2S E o a o f M r &vA M r B K > Hagibor, Jewish j women's Division daring The for!i ~~' > cent people in Poland and Russia cago; her five grandchildren, boycott of the iuc x-<-s-Ki, wemsu women s jjivision curing the we _oe Committee wo__._u.ti-e Chairmen vuaii_uc_i im —•: rendered to the Italian military E!ieI 1SS4 j swimming N t h ninet nineteenth i or civii authorities in Ethiopia, from the seventeenth century on Morris Zelingson of Tulsa, Mrs. team, Foreign Minister icoming year will be used for th'eithe coming year are: Mrs. Isa-!j E d l< 1SS4 North Kaunas. Lithuania (JTA) —cramps ICrofta to the recent days of the hordes Mai Greenberg. and Mrs. Frances fta: ,nfonaed' Deputy improvement of the Center build- jdore Levinson. Athletics; Mrs. T. jEStreet, was ..nekcm with c: v-as reported here 5B dispatches : Julius Capiikijs. Minister of Intena Angelo Goldstetin that the govern- ing and urges that all women of i A. Tully, Clothing; Miss Blacelie j fl™wne«.^ Besides fcis par- i: it of Denekin and Potlura; by theWolfe of Wichita, Mrs. Ted received from Addis Ababa. r Ed.I Mr.. fierce and fiery persecution, even Greenberg- and Jeannette Zeligson ment does not consider it neces- the Jewish Community who are i-Simman, Community Coopera- jeents, ftE' M - ^ t !is garvviefi by two! Determ.Tied to reinaiE loyal to ' rior, said in P statement last week •that the Government would introsary for the Jewish swimmers to to extermination, of men and wo-of Oklahoma City, all came in for not now members of the Women's ! tion; Mrs. Sam Theodore, Dra- [sisters, McL.e aaa Fay. their duce R speciai foil! Into participate -in the Berlin Olym-1 Division become affiliated with i matics; Mrs. Sam Wolf, Educa-i funeral services were he id Sun- i _ , exiled emperor, Haiie Se. men and children that blackens the Xuneral. pics if -such, participation is in! this organization.- Mrs. Irvinltion; Mrs. H. A. Wolf, Welfare; ! *^_ aftirnoon. Bnriai was at = lassie, the Falashns ure fio^inp. to assure JewSeh representation the face and corrupts the heart, conflict with its conscience. | Stalmaster is. chairman of the j Mrs. .Louis Kevele, Kitchen; Mrs. j Golden Hn! Cemetery. | to the mountains to escape Italian ;b y COOptin£; Jewish members. of civilization in Germany and Mrs. N. Warshaw Poland and Roumania today;' by i military pRtroiE . j ' The statemeiU came while JewKrofta's announcement was in j Membership Committee for the * Irvin Stalmaster, Membership;] the Arab knives that tore asuni Mrs. Robert Kooper, .Motor j Mrs. N. Warshaw of Los An-, reply to a threat by the Czecho- coming year. I '— j ish circlep were expressing reder our children in the Yesbiva geles died Thursday, July 9, at ] slovakian Sports Union to espel On Tuesday afternoon the sew, Corps; Mrs. J. J. Greesberg, So-1 Bucharest -A group of SCOi l At CsIlSlfeis. isenlment tli&t naw.es ___——— jHO!t recentlyof Jewish s!Hee3 vrcve of Hebron in 15)20 — by all these her home. She formerly lived in the Hagibor. Esecutirt Committee of - the ; clal;. Mrs, Irvia Levin, Publicity; ( | n T a M J e w | R h W £ r T e t e r a E S f o r m . New York — Columbia r-nfver- toff r&rliniTier/i. election lists «Jemartyrdoms and • memories and in Omaha. maha. The Hagibor swimmers are the I Women's Division met -at the! Mrs. Harrj- Trestis, BufldJcg; sity has nssned Rabbi Isidore {spite the r?on"dBe niade by Minifr the name of all these ineffable She is survived by her husband, swimming and water polo cham-1 home of Mrs. Dave Greecberg. Mrs. David Cohn, Telephone; Mrs. j 2 ol closer relations with Eu- Ijjeyer of Mt. Kisco, N. Y.. Nathais ter GspHfeas th?l the .7e*'fi wrongs it is our right to demand Nathan; three sons, Morris, Ab-pions of Czechoslovakia and are I President, and there discussed Al F r a n t , Library; Mrs. Morris! ^ e * ner, and Sam; a daughter, Sara; regarded as sure point scores in!plans for their program for theKatleaian, Jr. Clubs; and Mrs.' a_£Bia_i veterans to combat anti- Miller Research Fellow 1E Jevt at least two- numbers In {Continued on Page 8.) and a brother, Mr. Philip Fine. the. Olympics, coming year. Among the projects illoe Venger, PrcgraiEu j llameiit. ish -history.

.' a ve ;


Forest To Be Planted in the Jewish Homeland Oatif

Levine to Go On


Camp Akiba at



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Many Marriages May Be Annulled By Nazi Ruling

ew Goes to jail



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manufacturing concerns, paper, food and ci^ar manufacturing companies, and one each of cleaning and pressing plants. Mr. Kopenberg's report reveals By PHJNEAS J. BIRON that not a single chartered bank or mortgage company has a JewPROVIDENTIALLY SPEAKING benefit show for Scripta Mathewhile we are doing It. ish director, and that no .Jewipli matica, which Prof. Ginsburg edNotwithstanding newspaper reSo much for race prejudice and directors are on any of the rail, religious prejudice. People are ports, it was Louis Lipsky, and its . . . His new book, which will ocean or air transportation comUsed in Autonomous born Jews and they cannot help not Morris Rothenderg, who In- attempt to popularize calculus panies or the telephone, telegraph, Jewish Eegiot) it. Many are born" Catholics and sisted on the reforms affecting among laymen, will have Freedpublic utility ani pulp and papei Moscow (JTA)—Former methit is hard for them to help that. paid workers in the Zionist Or- man's son as collaborator . . . corporations. The membership The.thing to do is to tell them the ganization . . . This new ruling, Judge Jonah J. Goldstein of NewI ods of* settling the autonomous lists of the Montreal and Toronto facts, and explain our troubles, which disqualifies paid Zionist- York was the presiding justice Jewish region of Biro-Bsdjan in Stock Exchanges and the Standard in WOR's radio good will court and lead people's minds out of UPA-JNF workers from positions the Far East have been found uns t en Canadian Finance epor By UPTON SINCLAIR Stock and Mining Exchange also darkness and confusion. on the Zionist governing bodies, the other night . . . In a case in- successful and hav? been replaced and Industry Reveals v are free of Jewish names. volvingmaritial troubles a woman with a new five-year rural settleTake Fatber Coughlin, for ex- will play havoc with a number of Low Percentage Upton . Sinclair, outstanding account of a nightmare organiza- ample. He Is not confused be- distinguished individuals w h o recited dreams, and the announc- ment plan, not unlike American liberal and man of letters, re- tion known as the "Black Legion" cause he is a Catholic, but be- have been elected to executive er asked Goldstelt. whether he schemes in many of its features. Novel Contest Extended Jewish collective • settlements Montreal (WNS)—Jewish diceived, the other day, an 8-page which had just murdered a man cause the American people are posts and will now have to choose could interpret them . . . To which Philadelphia (J'l 41 — Tlie for attempting to withdraw from the Judge replied: "My name is confused and do not understand between prestige and finances . . . fouder headed with the words: Publication Society has It. There are said to be about the part that our money system Harry J. Kabn, nominated for the Jonah, not Joseph" . . . towns" of uniform design downs form only three-fourths of 1 per Jewish "This Is worth readlng.'fc extended the closing: date of its one hundred and thirty-five thouto the architecture of the Individj cent of all persons enumerated in plays in perpetuating poverty. I administrative committee, was, HOT OFF THE GRIDLE Fearless writer that he Is, Mr. contest for a nove' o£ Jewual buildings In the Soviet's vast j the Canadian Directory of Di- $2,500 Sinclair exposes, for the bene- sand members of this Black Le- see that Father Coughlin is nowchallenged because he holds a job ish interest in English until Oct. Anti-Semitism has finally invafit of the Seven Arts Feature gion in "the State of Michigan, and out against Roosevelt, saying that with the United Palestine Appeal ded Broadway . . . Clubs and or- experiment in returning 100,000 rectors and hold little more than 15. undoubtedly there are some, of Roosevelt's policies are leading to Jews to the soil. three-fifthfi of 1 per cent of all . . . Kahn announced to the start- ganizations in the market for orSyndicate and . Jewish Press, The prize is the gift of Mrs. Every settlement is to comprise directorates listed there, although this new evidence of race dis- them among the thirteen thou- inflation and Socialism. And yet,led delegates that be would im- chestras are being circularized by . Isidore Kohn and Morris Wolf in crimination by undercover or- sand inhabitnats of Escanaba, Father Coughlin himself has been mediately resign his paid position a group of players offering strict- 100 homesteads designed to ac- Jews constitute 1',« per cent of Michigan. demanding inflation ever since he with the, UPA . . . He forgot to commodate 4 00. inhabitautsr Each Canada'B population, according t 0 : memory of Edwin Wolf, a former ganizations In this country. It appears that this nightmare began talking over the radio! 1 mention that his contract with ly Aryan musicians and singers . . family will own its own home and a report on Jews in Canadian fi- , President of the society. Mr. Wolf, —THE EDITOR Fan organization is formed for the am afraid Father Coughlin la go- the UPA was expiring within four When the two-masted schooner every member of the family will nance and industry prepared by i,Dorothy Canfield Fisher and Fanpurpose of opposing Jews, Ne- ing to be rather lonely during this days . . . By actual count the dele- "Effie M. Morrisey" left for New be allotted nine square meters Louis Rostnberg, vice-president of jn i e H u r s t E r e t h e The other day 1 received' an groes, Catholics and Communists, election campaign! York on a trip to the Artie with of dwelling area and a half-hect- the bureau of social and economic j gates to the convention were di- her envelope addressed In red ink, and since It workB by terrorism veteran skipper, Captain Bob are garden. research of the Canadian Jew- : The Jewish Press advertisers vided, on the Rothenberg-WIse isAlso, I see that Professor Momarked "personal and important.' and in the dark, It is expected Bartlett, her cargo of matzoth ish Congress. Of ttu. 5,511 names! merit your The settlements will have comWhen I get a letter marked like tha,t Its literature would bear no ley has -come out against the sue, by a ration of three to one presented by the B. Manischewitz t h a t I know that it is personal means of identification, and that President and his policies, and in in favor of Wise . . . The face of Co. . . Bartlett took the matzoth munal buildings such as kinder- listed in the Directory, represent- J ? t o t h e other fellow and import- persons who mail it over the favor of big business and Its A- Rabbi Louis I. Newman must be to the Polar regions because of gartens, schools, reading halls, ing 13,370 directorates in comFor Kent ' a n t to him, but never to me. This country would put no return ad- merican Libetry League. I do not red now, for he pooh poohed Dr. their keeping qualities . . . The medical centres maternity homes, panies of all kinds, only 4 2 are agricultural laboratories and pub-j Jews, accounting for SS directo- Nice Furnished room. A l l converthappen * to" know whether Ray- Wise's candidacy as a mere tirck one I found h a d no name, either dress on their envelopes. mand Moley is a Jew, but I hope to embarrass Rothenberg . . . At German-American _ Chamber of lic parks. Each settlement will [rates In 69 companies. Of these lences. Very reasonable- F o r inside o r outside. It was postnot, because I want to jump on one time Judge Wftliam M. Lewis Commerce of New York didn't get have a main street and a few side: 69 companies only 5 come within I do not work in the dark, and marked "Egcanaba, Michigan." I couple or single person. Call to first base in its appeal to the learn from t h e atlas that there I put a return address on my en-him hard! In my book telling the of Philadelphia loomed as the White House and the State De- streets. Urban conveniences will the group of Canada's largpsi corare more t h a n thirteen thousand velopes, and I put the publisher's story of the EPIC campaign in dark horse of tha convention,_ be- partment for a reduction in the be introduced to as great an es- jporations anly only 14 have gross A T -4530 tent as possible. |assets of more than $ 1,000,00 0 persons in t h a t town, BO it would name on the literature which I California, I said that Professor cause delegates were becoming irrecently increased tariff on Ger- The purpose of the plan Is to each. be quite a job to find t h e writer. send out. What I have to say Moley in his comments on EPIC ritated at the prolonged caucus I4 had shown himself "at once ig- meetings of the Wise and Rothen- man-dumped merchandise . . . attract Jewish settlers from the Ten of the 69 companies enabout the "Protocols of the LearnIt is a n 8-page folder printed Broadway will see a play dealing norant and bigoted." I congraugage in the manufacture of men's on brown paper. Across t h e top ed Eldera of Zion" I say here, in late President Rosoevelt upon berg groups . . . Ludwig Lewisohn with Magda Lupescu and King urban element. It was adopted at clothing end textiles; 7 come un- AEroy-Conne Aboard is t h e statement. "THIS IS a publication which also bears the hiving dispensed with the advice is slated for an important position Carol in the Fall . . . Its title is the suggestion of Lazar Kagan- der the heading of finance corWORTH READING", a n d then names of its editors and respon- of Professor Moley. If we can get in the new Zionist administration. "The Lady in the Window" . . . ovitch, Commissar of Communica- porations, mostly small; 4 are j tions, and reputed to be the most sible agents. VIA SHORT WAVE comes t h e heading: Samuel Levy, Borough President 'important political figure next to trust companies, each with one all the reactionary minds out of These "Protocols" a r e a wretchPROTOCOLS Lloyd's famous PrKish under- of Manhattan, Is being talked of the administartion, we hay see Jew on its board. The balance of ed fraud wheih was contrived by the New Deal really beginning to writers, have instructed their a- as the Tammany candidate for Stalin', who visited the autonom- the companies are: 6 theatre and of t h e meetings of t h e sous Jewish region after a slackLEARNED ELDERS O P ZION some of the Tsar propagandists count for something. gents to accept no more riots Mayor of New York . . . The wed- ening had been noted in the im-small mining companies, 5 brew- The duslntcct £pel in Town Then comes t h e text, intersper- of old Russia, to stimulate porisks in Palestine . . . Insurance ding of Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, migration. The region now has ing and distilling corporations, 4 Bed with running comments of groms for the same reason that retail merchandising companies, 4 rates on- Palestine property have U. S. Minister ot Denmark, and a population of 16,000. some person unknown, and a t t h e the Fascists of Germany and the SIMON SAYS CAN'T HO1 T E L rfiiLlL quadrupled in the last few weeks Captain Boerge Rohde of the Dan- Conferring at Kiev with lead- warehouse companies, 4 non-ferbottom of t h e last page I learn anti-Semites of America stimu. Old records found in the ar- ish King's Life Guards, will be Ing officials of the Ozet, Jewish rous metal compstiies, 4 small Mezzanine Floor t h a t t h e price of t h e document is late them — In" order to distract BAN BLACKSHIRTS chives manufacturing concerns, 3 chemheld on the Long Island estate of the Nikolsberg, CzechLondon (JTA) — Sir John Si- oslovakia, Jewish community re- of Robert Lehman, a cousin of society for settlement on land, the ical companies, 3 real estate corJ fifty cents. From m y experience the attention of people's minds ; 3 -with printing jobs, I should a s - from their economic troubles, and mon, Home Secretary, said in the veal that the great-grandfather of Governor Lehman . . Robert Leh- Conuet, Government commission porations, 2 each of small insur- j prize Crop ~obsecos Make Old j 3 sume t h a t in quantities t h e folder lead them off on a false scent. House of Commons that It would the late Lord Reading was born man is the son-in-law of Mrs. for the Bame purpose, and Ernes, ance companies, steel and wire Gold Cigarettes Double-Mellow. jj can be produced for half a cent. The origin of these "Protocols" be impossible to ban such organ- In that town . . . A Nazi agent Owen, having married her daugh- Yiddish daily, he made the point Mosley's has been arrested in Zurich for ter Rtitb two yea.-s ago . . . Abra- that the standard of living must , 3 So you see somebody is making a has been fully investigated and izations as O s w a l d ' I living. W h o it is, we a r e n o t told. established in a book which any- Blackshirts without new legisla- trying to poison Heinrich Bruen- ham Goldberg, Zionist orator, is be raised since settlers are drawn " jj Nowhere on t h e document is t h e body can read in the public libr- tion since nothing in the present ing, former German Chancellor, boasting of his first grandchild . . mainly from the urban element, * 3 name of any printer or publisher. ary, entitled "The Truth about laws prohibits wearing of uni- by doping his cigars . . . Premier The mother is Abe's second whose culture and demands are Alweys ihe Newest Fashions . . . Always et Modest Prices higher than those of villagers. 5 Evidently t h e thing is being the Protocols of Zion," by Her- forms. Leon Blum has lost most of his daughter . . J At the same conference, M. Dlk peddled around by some secret man Bernstein, published by Cov- His statement was made in re- persona! 'oitune by coming to the The most terrific sort of pres- manstein, chairman of the Ozet, ply to a question by O. Locker- rescue of hi* three brothers, who I | organization; a n d it happens that ici- Friede, New York City. sure was brought to bear on news- declared it was much easier to Lampson,. Conservative, and a de,1 Just at the time it came to me There is no more vile arid stuare in the Bilk busings . . . A musports writers In connection enlist immigrants to Biro-Bidjan • i there burst In the newspapers an pid notion now circulated in mand by F . Montague, Laborite, seum devoted to the life and work paper America than the notion that the that the Home Office take steps of the late Baron Edmond de with the last-minute attempt to from Jews abroad than in Soviet Jews are to blame for our present to forbid private armies such as Rothschild is being planned by raise the funds needed to send Russia.. He said more attention the American Olympic team to day troubles. The Jews have fhelr the Blackshirts. the residents of Rishon Le-Zion, Berlin . . . In view of the fact would be paid to immigration from faults, like the other races. They which Rothschild founded . . . that writers who were previously countries outside Russia. have their scoundrels, as every The problem of securing sufCozists to Follow Hitler The movie world of Czechoslova- on record as opposing American other group of human beings has. ficient settlers for the regiqn beBucharest ^ Dr. Alexander kia reports that Max Reinhardt participation changed front, many And like all o.her races and Cuza, leader of the National will direct a movie based on the people are wondering whence the came acute when figures released groups of human beings, they Christian by the Comzet Migration DepartParty, Tuesday told a have their heroes and their saints, rally-.of 40,000 peasants in north- life of Thedor Herzl . . . The only pressure came . . . If the. Summer ment showed that the goal of 10,- | Jew in Storonoway, in the Outer Olympic Games are as profitable and their great minds.- I mention ern Rumania that his party's Hebrides Islands off the coast of to the Nazis as the winter games 000 settlers (2,946 families a n d ' 20,000 individuals) for 1S36 had New York (JTA)—The first Albert Einstein, and I might men- principal aim was to solve the Scotland, does business under the were, somebody'will, be bloodpapyri to be discovered in Pales- tion a hundred others. • Jewish problem in Rumania ex- name of Alastair Mor and is ac- purged . . . The Nazis lost a codl been fulfilled less tnan one-third There are Jewish bankers, of actly as Relchsfuehrer Hitler has tine were brought here last week claimed as one of the most popu- 1,500,000 marks on the Garmlsch- in the first five months of the Unrestricted! year. j by the Colt expedition on the course, but they are not a bit done it in Germany. lar citizens. Partenkirchen festivities . . . Jac- The number of settlers trans-., .Queen Mary and turned o,ver *to more greedy than the Gentile Choice POTPOURRI kie Berg, British boxer, who is ferred to the territory In the five. translators for the arduous four- binkers. and if anybody doubts now in this countryi intends to CARDOZA AND EINSTEIN The executive secretary of a that, let him read the book "Upmonth period was 2,913, or 2S.3 '• year work that must be done beSensations! leading anti-Nazi organization become an American citizen . . . per cent of the year's quota, and , fore they will be available fos ton Sinclair Presents William RECEIVE DEGREES His wife, Bunty Pain, is being will soon be looking for a new Fox." Values use. . 70 per cent ofthe first half cf j London — London University Job . . . Readers of the staid New screen-tested for Hollywood . . . It is true that there are Jews last year's quota. | Fifty complete manuscripts and conferred honorary degrees in ab3,000 to 4,000 scraps comprise in the New Deal administration, sentia on Benjamin N. Cardoza. York Herald-Tribune gasped in Helen Jacobs, America's number immigration into the area ' the collection. They will be and maybe some of them are giv- Associate Justice of the ^United surprise on July 7th when they one lady tennis player, once used slackened particularly during the j translated by Prof. Caspar K. ing the President bad advice. But States Supreme Court, and Prof. saw a line of Yiddish type in the crutches . . . Charlotte Epstein, last two months of the five-month j Kraemer, jr. and Prof. Ernest L. they are not giving any worse ad- Albert Einstein at its centenary middle of a column story on the coach of the Women's Swimming period. Of the various regions, the i 76th birthday of Abraham Cahan, Association, will attend the Ber- Ukraine sent ©Ely 188 families Ifittich of New York University vice than many Gentiles whom celebration. editor of the Jewish Daily For- lin Olympics . . . She is paying her and 256 individual settlers in the ' with the assistance of Dr.. H. L I could name. i s Bell of the British Museum and Neither Is it true that our tro- , Mr. Cardoza received the degree ward . . . T h e Yiddish slug con- own way as an observor . . . Doctor of Law and Dr. Einstein tained the name of John Daniel Charlotte r e s i g n e d from the ' Prof.' L. A. Mayer of Jerusalem. ubles are all due to the Negroes Doctor-of Science. O'Reilly the reporter who inter- Olympic Committee because she or to the Catholics or to the ComMost of the manscripts are blFor Rent viewed Cahan . . . Professor Je- opposed sending her charges to The Negroes were 1 lingual and were prepared in both munists. kuthiel Ginsburg, famous mathe- Berlin . . . Kingfish Levinsky Arabic and Greek.between 565 A.brought to America against; their ROUMANIA PUSHES and member of the Yes-practically ruined his boxing ca- Lovely south exposure rood. D. and 676 A. D., said H. Duncome will, and they are not to blame . WARONCUZISTS matician reer, or what's left of It, by his Very reasonable. HA-S205. for what has been done to them. Colt, leader of the expedition. Bucharest (WNS) — Pushing hiva College faculty, has taken a The Catholic doctrine of a fix- ahead with its plans for curbing unique means of showing his gra-uncalled-for and stupid mockery of They are mainly legal documents, such as orders for tax tributes and ed revelation seems to me a great- the violence and boldness of the titude to David Preedman, gag the sign of the cross in a Los An- 1046 So. SSrd St. • er barrier to human progress, but Cuzists, iron Guardists and other writer, for his aid in running a geles bout. land transfers. The hurried translation of one we can overcome that barrier by anti-Semitic groups, the Roumanrational argument, and we do not ian government, through Premier ' of them reads: ""In the name of God, Al- have to resort to tarring and fea-George Tatarescu, has summoned Aaretb . b.. Abd r to the people of thering, nor to circulating anon- the police prefects of all towns Nestanol in 'district of Elusa and ymous lies. and cities to Bucharest to discuss Likewise, I think that the Com- measures for meeting anti-Semetdivision of Gaza. Pay speedily to . Adll B. dialed, one of the cour- munist idea of dictatorship in Ic rioting. iers (?) of Saad b. JMelek for the America is a blunder. But the At the same time the ministry five months Dhu'l Kadah and Al-way to meet that is a very simple of the interior ordered 3,000 geni i o (barram) and aph (ar) and one — by establishing justice in darmes to the Black Sea summer Sarralin (Rabla I?) and Rabi America, and telling the truth resorts to proteci Jewish guests. (Rabia II?) seventy xestal of oil iMMMMHIMIIMlM^ (seventy Modii of wheat?) and seventy xestal of oil. Written in 1 month of November, third indi) Dresses for street, sports, afternoon 1 cation, according to the Arabs , (Mohammedan year 54) by the £n4> evening wear . . . the coolest and hand of Alexander, son of Ammost popular fabrics . . . every color , monus." •.••.-. . . . a wonderful field for choosing. One of the documents refers to the Acts of St. George and 13 believed to have been "a sort of ap• , pendlx to the Bible" for monastic j j Hie Salary Continuance Policy helps your famV&lues to F.OB. DETROIT. Stamford ' orders In Palestine, according to tectssoiy group, indtiding bumper* jH ily over-.that difficult one or two years after • Dr. Kraemer. and spare tire, txira. $10.95 "Our'hurried examination of a j | your death, known as the Readjustment Period. B New, money-saving convenient few of the papyri would indicate terms—auk a&out the $25-s-month Choice Thursday and C% plan of the Universal that a very well trained group was

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DRESSES . Values f© -

Choice Thursday •"•


'-,-. -Oilman's—Second




aTDWEd ^purpose of all enlightened i to things which divide is their unleadexs Jias been the enunciation ; deriving policy. Amcrng suet -orand application ol these princi-; ganizations are t h e 2satimial Con- ;

hring concerns, paper, 1 .-'•cigar manuliicturiiig E. and one each o* clenn-

nleE. Future .progress depends,;lerence of Jews and Christians i upon their Timorous support t y . unfl the Calrert F-ound. "Table. At | the average citizen. ithe closing' session of the Calrert I i Unfortunately, the light lor in- ;Sound Table I s IP-9 the follow- ' iterracial justice, BO essential for .^S-declaration was proposed and iihe commmrwfial Df our nation, is :unanimously adapted: 'not yet won. Bigotry anfl unjust i Sincere conviction as to the abdiscrimiltation find their inglar- ] solute tnfaTlibUity of one's OWE support among t h e ignorant :iaith. and, as E corollary, the er- • other re-

kenberg's Tepcrrt reveals a single chartered baiifc ixe company iias a Jewsir, :ind that u p 3e.ir.is]] are on any of t h e rail, air transportation CDHI-

t h s telephone, telegraph, iliry air! -pulp and paptu 3ns. The membership

This article on "Haciol HeBgJons ToJerance** "by ascia Duncan, wou iinrt .prize In -a contest recently conSacted * • jnang Creightnn XJnivfirsitj' stnEDTTQB

"Montreal and "Toronto angeE ami the Standard 3 mining Exchange "also of .Jewish names.

|l Contest Extended •Iphia ( J i A ) — The 'nhlieatioi! Society has the closing date Df its utest for a novs' of Jevrpst in English unyil *Oct.


•ize is the gifi ol .Mrs. ohn und .Morris "Wolf in 'f Etiwin "Wolf, a former of the society, air. "Wolf, anlieid FiHher and Fanare the judges.

•wish Press advertisers ;r patronage.

For Bent |nish=ri room. All convetvVery reasonable. Forr single person. Call

*>.*. J»A. W*^' $ / ' W -

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•those.; E12-11"3 o n e EUT? ±o 3ive together psaEeably, there , -msgnanimDnsly EUDTTB -thst differ and who hold frrmJy ;financial success. he irisndjy nnderEtantiiiis othex one -to :gD "HTH -way Timaolest- I -One the more fiasrant the tenets of their own faith: ' Through it. h€ i amples of racial intolerance in to among tnp.Tn. Thus there is a pracTiiited States is the treatment •t it cb ee i rolinalienable right to the prac- twinkling ol EX ?;•' tical -wisdom in tolerance. 0 n r Thus, a charaeter- !i the thslr 'eligicn, or their which would rer;u:r« nation's founders understood this tic ol tolerance is the deliberate Df t h e ^ e g r o . His natural rights ; reward. o mer WE 7i>y t h e mutine Df «r- :principle and • dedicated themseP- , _ canting of liberty, "When suchI are those of any man. Theoreti- : That such sincere differences civic rights are those of Bryday life, thB modErn American to i t s propagation. "Enlighten- ja E D n c e s B i D E j*, made cy the inAmerican citizen. But -prac-\ are matters of conscience between citizen is inclined t o accept some- ed urpgress demands that we of \ srriaual, i t is termed private tolhe is sE.fegur.re co today do Ifkewike. erance • when made by imbBc an- iticalry he is the object of racial what casually a jioBHessinn that is herefore are entitled to •Undoubtedly, c o i t e m j Diary it is termed civic tDler- i discrimination. This discriminaat once a legacy ana a trust. S e respect. • w r . jit EliOt: De sr 3n either instance the mo- j 1 1 1 3 3 1 affects _his life in xEnumeris 5irone to iorset t i e -struggles of events a r e challenging the spirit •eliev. That such "agreement to disa- morrow-—he i ol tolerance. The intelligent and j trvating forces are those ~ f justice Uble ways. S i s Tights of those early Americans TFIID suarD t h e worry ar.id re gree" as to t h e fundamentals of unjust interference, of their respective faiths in no -wayDI icves tment and re:i: anteed the inTiolability of his na.- conscientiDUB indrridual i s dis- i sn& j n a t as the private | T-IC tuTal xights, andto ignore 3iis turbed by the significance of these individual is obliged t o Tespect j:economic Eecurity. of interferes with their active cooper he He sees i n class hatred, | . ^ e Gerties' of hh i fellow-men in j opportunities a r e undoubtedly : *•tion in all undertakings making ovra responBihlity in lurthering^ events. T-irir th libertis of ;LL; inzv. ^ = .,__ x.= , .ihe i t y j B D j limited. that spirit -which motrratefl his Teligious j)ersecTitiDn, bigotry. |a g p i r i t ^ 3 u s t i c e ^ a thaiitF, for the welfare of their commun- .•end that nf his fE.mi'y IF prrso that education is one predecessors. 'And that spirit i s and ity. That discrimination — poliprejudice e negation tol- jance norityorder i n the maintenb l i c of a u tgotid erance. H e itshmoved to of plumb is obliged tD j of t h e in ore powerful solutions tical, social, or economic — bas- And Et a Ftroke. be solves the oae of tolerance, of brotherly lore the depths of the irrbblem. And with _ and charity. Snch TS-BB ±he- spirit so lie asks nimself, "What is tolproblem of tomorrow's money, a XIETUUUE the Tilanciatory I'rwr-- ;;:— that fired "those magnificent gam- erance? To what extent is i t mo-virtues. •BumeC .responsibility regarding problem which confuses sue: torblers lor liberty, t h e CaivertE and to ments thousands of men and hur-the holy places. spi on: Funuamental P r o b l e m ^ xhe tution and is fraught with grsve ries them, worried anfi discourSoger "Wimams. Such, indeed, i s •What are i t s implications lor me e , u •"•" «••*«—« - . - - = • T !!Ediu-tion In a lengthy inteTriew with TUr. of N*~o»s The inT the sphrit of all "vrho believe i n "the ; peril to the security of the repub„ „„,.:„,,,,,. ]elsewhere, moderation is the guid-!-^5 JNegroes a ; :duca; a^-no mankind?" crr^oT^r, * m T I T n o !ing~ factor. The common good.:! adequacy and inequality of edt dignity of mn-n and in i i s inalien- and.for lie. Strictly speaking, of course, j = ^ n S D c i e t v ^ -n> a ™ u t 0 t i r a n a conditions as evidenced bv able right tD "life, liberty, and the In other nations today great is^ a ^ ^ h a T S r ^ Zt ff£a£ ™ . " SoPC^oS ! the reports of this conference : sues are being fought between the pursuit of happiness." ; forces of tolerance and intoierThe spirit of tolerance may lie ., if injustice towards t h e JNegro. A- •ance. Hecent everts in German. rooted both, in the idealistic and whTcl confer ^ wmcni consider evil. t logic logic w" / do | mcmg the many committees of the, Jlexico, and Sussia indicate the in the practical. The -two are 3iot which IOIOWB the mles of statement i sn D t nainimize iiberty. Eather lib-1 conference was one on citizenship. ; menacing proportions intolerance | incompatible. Charity, -amity, declare that if a : . lortr ftPTi hPpnmK! m The truest';• To attain its objective of full cit- ; ripadly assumes in an atrnospliere j justice, tolerance — "these are di-true, i t s contradictory must he this cam- ' of class hatred and religious per- : vine qualities. They are, a t t h eiSs.e ^e^^cTis^^l^^^^^chttBWld^ran^enshipfo^ same time, .the shrewdest of .prac- latee. The eyjl Triuch i s toieraticstice imittee proposed that the attitude . secution. TThile criticism of es- j tical policies. A znation such as Ed may be either physical, men- i ooetti^ice to austice. or moral, ^ h e tolerant in-j -An under^ndini;_of liberty im~i ^ — £~£ ^ ^ T d ^ e d ^:;.• cesses in these CDUutries irvolves ' ours "with-its various xaces-and tel. dividual is he -whD esercises lor-j plies an nnderstanduig of rights tion Particularly notewortfcv is : 10 atteicpt to prescribe the fonr, bEarance ur patience i n the lace Land duties, ilvery man haB cer- " " " - -*•"—""•^*---_\ - " " • . , " " *- - of government to be used, it does ; of that ETil. State din a more gen- tain natural rights Trhich fixist in- ! ^ TBcommencatum on be^a,. o. involve a ceiiunciatic-ii of that i kind of authority which sunnier- | 3?ar Pinrics snfl JQ1 Occa- eral and popular -way, however, dependently of any positive law. . . the majority group should be ges the rights of the individual in is the -KlllrngnesB t o al- | Among these -are the rights to simis Serve Pofbs' Sew to leam and understand : the totality of the State. The Tolow ireedDm of action and opinion : life, tD liberty of conscience, facts and conditions of thetalitarian States, us conceived br Tork PxmrpsnnckBl in others. IpeEsonal integrity, tD liberty — , „e s B his relation to ; these nation?., discredits .man's ne- The definition of tolerance mav action within just limits, t o the | ^ . ^ ° , .. .„ .. tural rights. Only those rights be still Inrther tiarified by dis'•"^ •" a life of the ^Nation, and to as* j'necessary means of sustaining life- j*++"> Sliced t}m I or yoxir velo conferred by t h e State, which tingniBhing between the thing and land t o Immnnity from unjust in- | 221 P disposition deal fairly i be arbitrarily lessened or rethe nerson, between the error and iference by Dthers. Erery -mn-n, i ^ Justly Trath ths pro- msy tracted, are admitted. Such wilthe erring. The dictates of con- j furthermore, has the right to esopportunities i c r him toful distortion of true values must FOEBESBMIiGCO. Ecienee may make one intolerant ] pect that Ids Tights be not -riolatlife, liberty, and the pur-escite the alarm of all liberty jov- i Df the error, but the dictates of j ed by others. T'or correhttiTe -with , in ieeping with ing individuals. ! 27D1-11 -3to.- 24£h St. justice and charity Tetjuire that j right is duty. A Tight in one man j d E a i B of good citThose -who insist that it is not i one l>e tolerant of the person err- i means a duty in another. The We. MOD the province of t h e American cit- i ing. I n other -WOTSB, the tolerant 'right of one man tD the fruits of ibis labor presupposes t h e duty of ! o ^ kto a r g eB 0 Cii e» personal respDniu- izen t o be concerned about other 1 i other men in recognizing that; ^ ^ through loyalty to nation's problems are merely be- | I right. Differences in race, color, I1116aGovernment, obedience to JEW ing short-sighted. The -world -is • small to suffer indifference' i creed, social status, or type t!f i^f S^yment of taxes, but should too about anything that concerns : 1 mind do not militate against this i* ™ participate effectively in the ! correlation of Tight and duty. ^ultural life surrounding Mm mankind. In the -intimate interI The dntv of the State in n ^ a r a i through such activities as TDtmg dependence of modem life it is ; to man's iiterties is eviaent. T h e i 's0e1I ^l^c e f i l i n g , ponce snd jury ' most essential that destructive : ly t.\ i-EY Ians~an5e sponen in "ie U. i . A., i proper end of t h e state is public! I ' administration of public tendencies be recognized as such ' .sEyinr; "FRESH!" whensvsr a pack c: DozziJiei-peace, the protection of xights, i ^ l f a r e and educaUonal ageacies. ' and be guarded .against. The only ; effective -way of combating suet Old Golds is DpsrtscL Look ai the Old Gol£ p ? land the more perfect .attainment i ^ turn he should he guaranteeD 'of happiness Jor all. I n a t t a i n - !tilX!SS ^ s ^ lbi a l opportunity to enjoy tendencies is the development of . - .you'll SEE -wrrji Tv?c jackets ct C-eriD~?sEne.»»« •an enlightened public opinion, one i |.ing this ena the State muEt not \ ^ ^ ^ vouchsafed to all not CUE but TWO . . . stETid rvisird. ever the freshness employ means that., are inconsis- j 2 t : j s milortnnate that those la- .that is sufficiently strong to swa-" ! ken the consciousness Df the ofof OH Gold's Prize Crop Tobaccos. Eaci iariet istent -with individual rights. Oc-1 guarantee for the Isegro fending nations. i casionally the common good I hh? xights and nrivilegeE are ColnradD Springs j And BO events both at home t n d ; msnas that which seems t o in-i R frnnted by a tremenflDtis barrier, Pueblo -volve a conflict of Tights. Tiros in i one that "ftng for its combined cle- .abroad today xaake "urgsnt the PA.TCY—latdaia need for intelligent appreciation time of "waT t h e individual is call- j xis.rripnsss. crjrrjsHS. cust. imptrriu-ss 3 an d t h e in-of tolerance — of its principles. ed upon t o expose his life i n de- I majority of • of its significance ID. society t o - ; ios of cigarette rorjdnscs. Zt brings 3-01; those aefense of the State, The conflict l "& m e^r l c ^ ol theThe zealous Gold? FACTOKY-FKZSH. " day, of its "irrpiiiatioEE for .society i here is more apparent than Teal. ^ citizens. SPECIAL—3nly 11-12 inrpressioc 1 tomorrow. However, mere E.ppre- • - Jafar 1S-I9 The citizen's right t o life iE mot, Prcper legroc& a Jnftr 25-26 > elation is "not -sufficient. There vibhited or taken from-him hy the i u ? D r - Dn help of course. The Acs. 1-2 must also be a -vigorous applies- . State. He merely exposes Ms life ]^f~f as -with most social tion of principles, E positive re- , i to danger in order that t h s com- j r E I ~ rests Tsnt in '. „ i and. ;mon go Dd_may ., _l)Ut m the human action ix> contsrapDrary -events, a ^ prevail. , . ^ _ . i, \ legislation resolute contribution tD posterity. : A respect for natural rights is h B a r j _ a ^ ^ a n a ' j I l s t i C e a i D I 1 E: An affirmation of tiim resr>ect a Tital element of the tolerant \wU} D r e r c D m e -p r e j U ! i i c e ^ a i n .Zor natural rights which inFpirec • Bprrit. A belief m t h e mdrridual Q^^^^ . ^v i u s l l b s t i t . J t e { n r • OUT nation's founders and nil worth of man merely because l e a g n£ B - o b j e c t i T e l a i T n e s s t0 _ those before and since devoted tc : is a man is the credo of all those ; ^ ^ . ^ a U ^mv^ty liberty — this is the duty Df the committed to Bocial justice and j K n j .; i s ± h e ngi^ fQ . a Biliye OVERLAND HENV13L modem citizen. A resurgence -of : fraternal love. And BO among the | , . ^ ^ 0 ^ ± o i e r a n c f i yst ^ nl3 _ ^ that optiTnistic spirit cf our fore- •' ae string- j jjne-jcajt citizen" is 1 ortKssate in , fathers who dedicated themselves : liZDsm p gles of those who. . . withered 1 . t h a t fhe states respects ius con-to t h e defense of the individual ; B;3D am 1H3 j m the Bpurit of TeligiouE and xacial js c i e n c e £ n d ^ ^^ ^ £ree ; tolerance. The history of errili- |exBrt^se ol xe ligion according TO ; man irrespective of race or creed t&m—"SjssTvethms—rTicketi :—this is the nesd of contentpor-; zation Has "been characterized h y j ^ d i c t E t E S ot t h a t c r o s c i e l i c e . ary Eociry. TTricst. discrimination, j the struggles between this spirit T i i e toiniahiUty of man's spiritand its. oppoBite, intolerance, Tr> | ^ c c m v i c t i D l l s i s o n e o I ^ ^ ^ , bigotry, liatred — all must be ; umphs and defeats have marked test of rights. I t is based on the: blotted out. Only r y subscribinr ! , to t h e solid -rerities of justice ; the course. A genEration ago it ! truth t h a t faith i s an affair of the! and charity may we hepe for • seemed a s though the tolerant j m M a a d ^ f f l (jaA Df c o m p n l s i 0 n . spirit wiiich makes spirit "WEre in the ascenoancy an >iAs lon ^ ^ ^ ^ a m i l l t i p K c i t T tolerance the hearts of man. Today w e | D j e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a e r E v i n ' for progri may ^eH T ause .and question. j b ea &0ZtriTVsA eifierCTCSE ^ fundamental in t h e concept _of j m Q n j , m e n > M d neceHsarilv sc if lAmerican democracy are the prm- |m e n sse ^ ^ tolnid b T CGESci . cinles xfl racial eguality and T e b - ^ ^ S n c l . d o c t r i l l a l ameTei^^. gious freedom. That there Have | i o ^ e T a T i ^ T en o t T i o l a t e d ^ ^ Paris (TTA) — A resolution been repudiations of these prin- J t o l e x s n t E p i r i t _ r r i e a i T ^aeI. MfCRUK tuples in the nistorv of our nation l ^ g ^ ^ ^d cooperative good recommending cntiEtaed investigation to EiscffVEr aew inunign!is imaeniable. Nevertheless, t h e j ^ j - ^ ^ ^ ^me o f ^ ^ ^ be _ ticn possibilities for Je-vrs was j liefs is eEsential for the common adopted a t t h e -dosing session of goDd and i s a t the same time in- a conference tinder the auspicies "•f»» ii fficative of true charitv. comprisiiig t i e E e -

u ", chr» x -;>



L-Cerae Aboard

and ivhafsmore


juBfesiSpot inTown •Isks by floah

T E L-ifi I L L Ulezzmiint FIoor_ Irop obaccos 3iake O14 irettes DDuble-Mellow.








,i — f 1


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air-CQndiiion ed trains


>ds of

j Sporadic outbursts of religions i intolerance indicate that religious e -errish 27th snfl Mnrthft V.A. ! bigotry still h a s its adherents .a. Tort . :E . . mong American citizens. IngrainThe conference irarEed against ' prejudices are-difficult-to np- irrEspossible Initiative in seeking : Grey Iron sad Ssmi-SteEl Gsst- !eS jxDDt. 3TDtwithstFi •n dicg, laost ert- Eettlement possibilltieF for Jeis^E. •tags. Woofl snfl .Het3il Pntterns I coirraging are t h e foot today "sponsored bv leaders-of : - i e emigration espsrts «-eciDed m : Stanaard >ESZEB STOUZS an-d irnr " another resolution to Efford E_r»e- : Bushlnca. Sewer Rrtantotes, CSBtsm Rtnss ana Covers, Olsanosit Dnims. i diverse .faiths. These moveme W DEIS! •protection to "Sash 'Wetghts aTtfl Yellow Brass ; are attempting t o eomhate reli-, 1 ^ Pluititers" Tremiiss, camea In | stock. Srajnzs TEljiEts, Sronze a"s ' I gions bigotry by the lostering nf In xhe closing address oT t h e Cast iron Grilles a Svsctstty. \ jlrijnSly intercourse. A dedication meeting, Samnel T-elsey of Kew

Icoolsst and 'every color ir choosing.


to rfliings -which unite rather than T o r t , -rice-president DI the HIAS,








' • :



praised t h e 5XGEK xcr i t s servicE in the 'past XEE years. H E paid trib"ntfi t o FTance for aiuiEg Tefusees.

19FSIECD. Philaaerphia r.TTAl — The 3rcrpsie CoHejre -iaoard of .gcver"nors .has •approreu leiinwshir151 ir. tlie Eabbinicai •Dspartranr.t l o r Irvine Agnsbewitr ol U n r Tori: lijversiry acu in the l)c?ar.tntcm cf Cognate X-aEguages for Ui^ajzer I. szaaEZEEsia of Chicago Tttrsity.. P:ro£. .T^iikraiEj A. .Spsis-ar vrai Sra3itea a year's leave to direct

excavations .at Ti'pe -Gra-vrra. Irati.'




him." Jew killed. Troops pursued the attackers." \ rose of summer") is Readiness; readiness for the tasks and ER JEWS TO KEEP HANDS OFF d e pRaarbt b ifrom S i m o n s a i d . " A m a n v/hc FALASHAS . . . Since when is The theme is the same; only the details change. duties of life when summer shall have ended, for the work of there a monopoly in charity? i is l o s i n g h i s t e m p e r if lie Im 8 It seemed the rebellion was developing into a test of en-the fall and the winter, when the summer and all its heat shall CZECH JEW KILLS SELF IN sas?e h i s w i s d o m w i l ' d e p a r t from if h e b e a prrnihor l-is iurance between the Arabs and the Government. The rebels be but a memory (and we shall be sighing for some of it to LEAGUE HALL AS PROTEST | phriomp hae cnyd will c i r p r r t from h i m . " Published every Friday nt Omaha, Nebraska, by AGAINST NAZI ANTI-SEMITISM ivere reported on the verge of giving up their strike for lack mitigate the rigors of the winter.) In summer -sve should all . . . A futile sacrifice— it only R a b b i R o b said, " F o r four r e a THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY jf funds. At the same time, rumors that the Government be good scouts and obey the injunction, "Be prepared." The saves ammunition for the Nazi. s o n s t h e p r o p e r t y of !hn rich lied ; F o r not paynight halt Jewish immigration aroused new uneasiness among best use of summer even with life reduced to its lowest terms. DUTCH INTELLECTUALS UN- cingo m e ts h ea n vn .i ihsiel sa t eci' Subscription Price, one year • - • • - *• $2.00 l a b o r e r s in FOREIGN SECRETARY EDEN Advertising rates furnished on application. the Jewish population. is a preparation for the succeeding months. We shall have SAYS MANDATE CANNOT BE i t i m e , f o r n o t j'fiyinj: laborers* a High Commissioner , Wauchope, Scottish, firm and wiry, stored up new energy (with nature's own violet rays.) We SURRENDERED . . . Quite — ; living w a r e , f o r ca.siiiu-: r>!T niiii,':aEditorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. ent on the air with a message of reassurance to the law-abid- shall have gained a whole arsenal of new ideas. We shall be but the Mandatory Power must iions from o n e ' s ;;eif a n d p i a r i n g Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center itliem upon o t h e r s , find for a r r o ng citizenry and of warning to the terrorists. He declared he ready to attack life and its myriad problems with new energy, not surrender to the Arabs. DAVID BIiACKER - - Business and Managing Editor gance-." ould call additional reinforcements if necessary to end thewith new information, with new resolution, with new deter- (Copyright 193G by Seven Arts : Oi:r R a b b i s w e r e f a u r h t : PRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - - - - " " Editor " T h r e e voicon c a n be hr-an] from Feature ^y-idicste) eign of terror, but the terrorists either had.their radios shut mination, with new optimism and new hope. So that when PANNIB KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent one e n d of {he w o r k ! t o t h e o t h e r ! ANN PILL • - • • Sioux City. Iowa. Correspondent iff or weren't listening; there was no perceptible abatement the time comes to sing "Good-bye, summer, good-bye, goodThe s o u n d en 1 .itted from t h e s i ' h GEMS OF THE BIBLE e r i c a ! e n n : t h e r a d i o ; a n d t h e Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street bye!" we •shall do so not only with no regret, but with glad their campaign. ; voice of n n p u i s h u i i e r e d by t h e welcome of the more comfortable season when, "the frost is The question of foreign complicity in the disorders conAND TALMUD Olympic Sideglances • Foul w h e n it q u i t s t h e b o d y , " on the pumpkin," and when, just because of the long sunshine, inued to prove attractive to Downing Street. Colonial SecBy O . O . D A S H E R The courageous but unsuccessful battle to halt American tary Thomas said in Commons that his office had information all shall have within us along with the corn and we shall feel is the poor that walketh ; The CFI plan may Interest you! participation In the Olympic" games in 'Berlin this summer is elating to the role of certain nations in the disturbances which ourselves, also, more mature, with soul-fruitage, like the pears in Better payments . - . inhis Integrity than he that is j S I I B I I ofmonthly one sinciie premium. lost, with thejllnited States contingent of athletes already on 'is not in the public interest to disclose." We will not be farand apples, grapes and melons of our well-stocked larders and perverse in his ways though he be ' steadEUV INSURANCE; THEi CONVENIENT WAY rong if we guess that these "certain nations" are Germany over-flowing bins. rich. j If interested, call its way to the •• Reich. A man who flatterelli his neigh—FREDERICK COHN. MARE LEON Though the major objective met with failure, the .oppon- and Italy. bor spreadeth a net for his steps, j Every type of insurance w r i t t e n ents of American participation in the Olympics were by noSelf-Thwarting The righteous taketh know- j 21 ^ t r o n £ Companies ' W A C15O ledge of the cause of the poor the AT 76C7 means routed. Headed by such outstanding personalities as Rev.' Daniel A. Lord, S. J., writing in a column in the wicked understandeth not know- ' Jeremiah T. Mahoney, George Gordon Battle, Dr. Henry Smith rue Voice, local Catholic weekly^ indites as follows about an ledge. ' Leiper and Governor Earle of, Pennsylvania, the movement ncident which occurred on shipboard at sea: The rich man is wise in his own • Kanhattr a Shirts eyes but the poor that hath unhad a profound effect on impressing many Americans with * Stetson Hats derstanding s e a r c l i e t h him "My Jewish Professor friend and a delightful gentleman, the unsportsmanship of the Nazi regime. One of the strong• Arrow Shirts through. est arguments employed against the Berlin Olympics was the alked to me of the Jews and Hitler. And once more I was j He that . oppresseth the poor. • • McGregor Sportswear i biasphemeth hiss Maker, but he. brutal, inhuman persecution of its Jewish citizens; further, ace to face with the extraordinary self-thwarting of perseeu • Interwoven Socks that is gracious unto the needy ion in all its forms.. ? • Vassar Underwear byBUJL A.PETERS the men behind the fight and their fame for their sportsmanhonoreth Him. 'I was a liberal Jew to whom the.Jewish destiny meant " Cheney Cravats He that getteth wisdom loveth ship leftnp doubt as to the idealism which prompted them to lothing. I felt that our wisest policy was to assimilate with PROVIDENCE: The Zionists These 'terps Are Featund at ' his own soul, he that keepeth action. It was their voice of protest which caused this year's the other nations. I married a Christian; my son,has married duced himself as Mrs. Silverman's saw and caucused . . . T h ehusband, Archie . . . Most excit- , understanding shall find good. team to leave for foreign shores with the greatest deficit in a Christian; and I saw the Jewish people welded into the peo-came TALMUD \ beautiful Biltmore was a seeth- able, Abe Goldberg . . . AVorst i Rabbi Juda said, "Whoever is American Olympic history. Divers means and methods, un- ples of the world—Germans, French, Americans; Jews no ng caucus fc^L /tie/it The room that did heckler, the lad from the Bronx |; arrogant if he be a sage his wis-i not have one going on was as rare who almost got tossed out of the orthodox pleas and persuasions, cajoling and threatening—all longer. Sll Scut h 16th St. as an Arab at a Zionist clambake Rothenberg caucus for talking out . dom will depart from him and if were mixed into the desperate play for sufficient funds.; and ' he be a prophet his prophecy will; 'Then came Hitler. And he has driven me back to Juda- . . .And judging from the uproar of turn while Goldberg was trying still not enough money was forthcoming to pay the expenses sm. What good did their effort to assimilate do the Jews in at some of the gracases (pardon to talk peace . . . Most vociferous: necessary for a full team. Treasurer Gustavus Kirby called ermany? And if the fact that a man has Jewish blood means caucuses) 'we thought a Moslem Ben Evarts . . Most elfin, Ludhad wandered in and had met Lewisohn . . Prettiest, Milthe lack of financial response "shameful," but skipped over hat he is to be a victim and a martyr, then I must be a. victim with slight dilficulities . . . Thewig dred Mernick of Philadelphia, nathe Nazi ideas of• sportsmanship without even remembering and a martyr too. Yes, thousands like myself have been forced best speeches of the entire con- j tional president of the Junior Hawere made in those club->dassah . . . Best speaker, Dr. 1sthe word "shameful." back to Judaism by Hitler and I am bound for Palestine now vention by little factional parleys . . .jrael Goldstein . . . Most effective o see the land of my forebears and come to the fountain head And the best line of the year [speaker, Rabbi I. H. Levintbal . . popped from the mouth of one of j Most promising for the future, Many uncheered athletes in-scattered parts of the country >f my race and my religion.' caucusers (or was it Abe Rabbi M. M. Berman . . . Most refused to participate in the Olympic tryouts because the games "Hitler never thought of that when he started his madthe Goldberg of the mediation sep- i bored, Paul A. Peters . . . Best were being held in Naziland. Many organized and unorganized persecution of the JeWs. But that explained to me some, at tet?) Who warned that if the entertainer, Sarah Osnath-Halevy, groups gave vocal expression to their objection to holding an least, of Jewish solidarity, and I wished I could tell Poland presidential issue were not swiftly who measured up to her advance and amicably settled the public notices . . . Nest best entertainer, international sports festival under auspices-where direct pro- and Austria, too." would justly accuse all parties to Dave Schwartz, convention pubpaganda is used to destroy the very essence of sports. Many the convention of being "Neroes licity director Quietest, Leo An outsider, speaking with a victim of a persecution born recalled the written record of Nazi so-called Aryan superiorfiddling while Palestine burns." Wolfson The Sunday night ity; recalled that Jews and other non-Aryans were barred f hatred, evidently comes to the conclusion that the efforts . . Dr. Israel Goldstein did a entertainment in which Miss Osjob as peace-maker . . . As nath-Halevy was featured almost from all Reich sports associations; recalled that no less a Nazi of a Hitler are self-thwarting and' that instead of hurting the swell did all the other lads on the com-went on without another of the Jewish, people through his insane madness, he is actually helpthan Streicher himself publicly avowed that it was not in keepmittee But, if corridor talk featured participants . . . Novelist ing with Nazi principles that a white man should enter the ing them. While we would all wish that Jewish solidarity to be credited, the man whoLewisohn didn't relish the idea boxing arena with a colored fighter (this pronouncement com- were at the summit suggested by the writer, we can neverthe- should get the most credit for theof being billed on an entertainthat was to leave J'no vic-ment program So he gave noing opportunely immediately after the hate-monger had wit-less truthfully say that the persecution of our brethren in peace tor, no victim," is Mendel Fisher tice that he wouldn't appear as various parts of the world has wrung the hearts of Jews everynessed a Negro prize .fighter knock a one-hundred-percent of the Jewish National Fund . . . I scheduled A compromise was Aryan "cold.") How, we cannot help but wonder, how will where and has brought not only the helped but also the help- We "were given to understand that reached, in the prevailing spirit n his fertile brain germinated the of harmony, by which he was givStreicher and Goebbels and Goering and Hitler and their co- ers closer to their people and their faith. dea of bringing the two irresist- en first spot on the bill . . . WonBut no one can be glad that innocent people are physical- able horts feel when they welcome the American delegation? On forces into a peaceful (or der what was--iii that telegram embrace . . . that a pullman porter on the Merthe American Olympic team now on its way to Berlin there are ly, mentally, morally wronged cruelly in order that they may quasi-peaceful) That it was he who did a lot of chant Limited going back to New experience the faith of their people. Though the worJs may ten Negro champions and six Jewish athletes. And unless the long-distance telephoning to var-York was trying td deliver to Roexperts are wrong in their diagnosis of the situation, these sound grandiloquent, we do not want our people to her-ome ous important leaders and whis- bert Silverman of the UPA . . . non-Aryans will outdistance competition with an impressive martyrs. In a civilized world, all peoples have the right to pered over the words that a peace MISH-MASH: Yiddish type repow-wow was the crying need of array of first places. If we had sufficient imagination, we such inalienable privileges as life, liberty, freedom and tLethe moment . . . Probably the cently appeared for the first time pursuit of happiness . . . and until such a state is attained— could visualize the Nazi moguls twisting in their soft-cushioned hottest preconvention session was in the columns of the New Yorkseats in the place of honor, perhaps even gnawing at their with the aid of all right-thinking beings—our civilization is anthe Wise caucus at the Narrang- Herald Tribune . . . The line spellThe air was filled with j ed the name of John Daniel O'ansett finger-nails, as a Negro—We pick on this class of non-Aryan empty illusion. 0 charges that little Morris Margu- Reilly, who^interviewed Abraham because there the physical appearance removes even the poslies had been "dealt out" by theCahan on the occasion of his 7 6th ' sibility of a doubt—comes romping home in front of a stellar Part of All Faiths peace provision making the secre- birthday The line was struck taryship subject to election by theoff for the reporter,, by a Yiddish German exponent of Nazism. And then another jion-Aryan provDr. Samuel Parkes Cadman, a Christian minister who truly administrative committee rather linotypist during the interview ing his superiority in a contest where brown-shirts cannot hold practiced the principles he taught, died this week at the agethan by the election . . . Col. Benand was printed in the body of a whip as a determining factor. Probably running through of 71, and his passing is deeply mourned not only by the peo-Evarts of New England had plen- the story . . . A better gag would ty to say on the subject and when have been to hav6 made a by-line their minds will be the simple query: how can we explain away ple of his own faith but also by those of other faiths. the chairman tried to gag him. out of it and put it at the top of this wrong and unjustifiable smashing of our carefully exThe Jewish people have lost a staunch champion, one whose he snapped back, "I didn't try to the column . . Did you ever know • pounded theories of the absolute and inalienable superiority of powerful voice was>raised against religious bigotry and perse- stop you when you were talking that Philadelphia is a city in the 1 the true German Aryan? And, incidentally, Propaganda Min- ution. His lifetime work was aimed toward eradicating racial did I ? " . . . Which drew one ofTransjordan? Haven't heard of any caucusjof any unbrotherly disturbances ister Goebbels has repeatedly emphasized to the German peo- and religious prejudice. He was one of the founders of thethe biggest'laughs Wonder how many delegates j there, so maybe there is some1 pie that here in America we have no business protesting National Conference of Jews and Christians, chairman of thenoticed the swastikas in the mo-1 thing in a name after all . . . If MADE OF GENUINE LORRAINEagainst German non-Aryan discriminations, seeing as how weAmerican Christian Committee for German Refugees, and ansaic of the entrance to the hotel's j Mr. Edmondwon has his way and on the ground floor . . j this country is one day "AryanizHASPEL SEERSUCKER have "Jim Crow" laws ourselves. He would be embarrassedly active supporter of such philanthropies as the United Jewish restaurant The only time the issue of the ed" this yarn shouid be put away i hard put to explain, then, how it happenes that so many col- Appeal. World Jewish Congress was pub- for use at the proper moment: A raised was in a two a. in.'pest was annoying Alexander Du, ored folk are given positions of honor on an American Olympic Ever since the Hitlerites came into power in Germany in licly near-rio. in the corridor with the; mas with queries on his ancestry j team. In fact, we don't doubt that even some Nazis will ''come 1933, he has Jbeen in the forefront of those urging* organized mightly voices of Rabbi Joseph . . . "Is it true," he asked "that ] to the- rather difficult deduction that in the realm of athletics, Christianity to protest, vigorously and effectively, against the Shubow, Dr. A. J. Rongy. and B.iyour father was of mixed birth? 1 - Richards contributing . . . ! . . . "Certainly, dear 'Sir." the i sportsmanship can think of only one criterion . . . ability. Nazi barbarisms. When the question of American participa- Z. Thought they'd have to call out j famous author courteously retion in the Berlin Olympics arose, Dr. Cadman was a militant the riot squad to break the "de- J plied . . . "And your grandfathbate"-up . . . Among the inno-ier?" his interrogator pressed . . . But not all have taken a negative attitude in the fight opponent. In fact, he was a leader in every movement to up-cent They're-specially woven and tailored by bystanders were your favor- "A Negro," the still patient nove| against the Olympics in Berlin. In Barcelona, Spain, there wil root anti-Semitic organizations. ite columnist and Publisher Marks list answered . . . "And your great tropical clothes experts . . . and there's noThough a member and minister I of the Christian faith, aof Opinion . . . The entire "peace" | grandfather?" the pest insisted . . > be held an anti-Nazi labor sports festival—during the last two equal to Haspel Lorraines for hot weather went up the chimtfey when!'A monkey,' Dumas retorted, "my , days of the Berlin Olympics. Already athletes from twelve man like Cadman belongs to all religions •. . . and his influ- almost comfort . . . They're washable. the Providence Journal early Sun- ancestral tree started where yours ence will be felt on all religion despite his passing into the day . nations have filed entries, and among these is Palestine. morning came out with a. ended." . . . Wonder if Hitler v story that prematurely reported'could find a way of blaming US It is significant that already twelve nations have taken great beyond. Glens . . . Fsncy Checks . . , Stripes • an agreement had been reached. LADS for this here heat wave? . . so direct a step as to semi-officially register their protest • • *Fancy Cords... Fan cy Nubs What did the most damage in that against Nazi sportsmanship. And it is equally significant that THE THREE R'S OF SUMMER (Copyright 1936 Jewish Telegrastory was a line, innocently . Wind ow Pane Checks end o ihers this counter-attraction is being sponsored by labor. phic Agency, Inc.) k. By Rabbi Frederick Conn enough injected by the non-Jewin sports and single and do In this respect it is well to recite that at the Internationa We settle down to summer. To simmer would probably ish reporter, that indelicately referred to the presidential salary bre asied models. S izes for big men. , -Trade Unions Congress in session in London, world labor mov more truly express it, considering the sizzling temperatures 1 . . . The reporter did not get that ed for measures to strengthen the anti-Nazi boycott. small men, sll men. that, have been prevailing all over the country. part of his story from a partisan The Nazis hoped to gain much favorable publicity from source, as was suspected, but from What to do in the hot summer? I would like to recomT another reporter who gave it to *** to •"* the holding of the Olympics in Berlin. But events have proven mend what I call, "The Three R's of Summer."' him in all innocence . . . Learnthat the unfavorable publicity they have unwillingly acquired First, Relaxation. "We should and must relax. Nature de- ed from some of the New Eng1 r will more than offset the favorable results. DEI IAIN mands it. She protests against any unnecessary and undue land delegation that Elihu Stone E.HASPEL Ben Evarts have been feudBy ROBERT STONE exertion, whether mental or physical. As far as possible, weand ing . . . Wonder if Meyer Weisgal Gi \BA i.\'l_,O y)JLZ-. iJ ZIONIST CONVENTION LAUNPalestinian Drama must "lie low and take it easy." Relaxation does not mean would have been so eager to sec-CHES DRIVE TO PLANT 100,Here's another hot weather snecls.! . . . At 16 years a boy is at the entrance to life. At 16 years absolute |suspension of all activity, complete idleness. Gentle ond Dr. Samuel Margoshes' mo-f TREES TO REPLACE White, Gray, B rown Tan Sports Gabaragainst renomination of Na-THOSE DESTROYED IN PALone Jewish youth was provided an exit from life last week occupation is permitted, such as, for instance, reading. It is tion than Strauss to the vice-presidendines . . . mix them up amc! have several when Arabs ambushed a bus and shot him dead. He was thethe best time in the world to read, and to reflect quietly upon cy if the latter hadn't turned him ESTINE . . . Our answer to Arab. comfaina tions. You'll find good use for a youngest of the near-fifty Jews to die in more than twelve what we are reading; whether a good and interesting bo6k; a down on the unimportant matter suit or two of Hsspel Lorraine Gabardines. SURVEY REVEALS J E W S of. financing "The Eternal Road." magazine with a challenging article; or a newspaper*mirroring The Bacchante room weeks of disorders. CANAhotel MINUTE FACTOR IN _ at the _ It was one incident of the terrorism^ that has now become the world's affairs. However exciting these may be, we do CJe<r7popuiar"'witli"both'youns I DIAN FINANCE AND be acroutine in the Holy .Land. Each night an announcer steps to not need to get excited over them; we can digest them calmly „ _ . old delegates . . . It couldn't • • .'Tragic that, in order to to the have been because the bar-maids i cepted, n must prove ^~ the microphone of the Palestine Broadcasting Co. studios in and pronounce judgment upon them dispassionately. were dressed in diaphanous gowns world that we are poor. So the second R is Heading or Reflection; quiet pondering and weren't at all hard on the NINE AMERICAN ATHLETES Jerusalem and reads the official communique: SAIL FOR ANTI-NAZI OLYM"Arabs fired 100 shots at (fill in name of settlement.) Po upon life and its many problems, as these latter never forsake eyes CORRECT API'AREL FOR HEN AND VCVEN Perish t i e thought That OlymConvention choices: Handsomest, IN SPAIN iice replied, and wounded an unascertained number of attack us, but( are with us insistently and persistently whatever the Dr. M. M. Pisber of Pittsburgh . . PIAD piad -will better one record — jrs. Fotm bombs were thrown near -. A railway bridge weather may be, of nature or the soul. Wittiest chairman, Archibald Sil- the record of. good sportn-ianship. The third R of summer (along, perhaps, with "the last verman, of Providence, who intro- ITALIAN JEWS WARN OTHwas damaged at . A bus was ambushed near ant


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have v"-^i rotl movoti •,"'r,i»> ^j Mrs. •Sc.-'Jo T. Si.'.-i-;.;,







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Sdad ^24c



Break! Fkl



j|f,d.i t ;a6{if 1 l^J^i.A^

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRTDAY, JULY n, 1936 m him.'" ;. mou suid, "A man who sis temper if he ba a isdom wil: depart from f he be a prophet hi!-vill dupart from him.'.' ob said, "For tour rearoperty of the rich beibilated: For not pajages of laborers in not: paying laborers a , for casting off qbligE,one's self and placing others, and for arro-



RETVRX FROM PHILADELPHIA Mr. J . J . Friedman and daug T.u"h- a , - i , r o r m i s t ters icd

pe of insurance written Strong Companies WA 615t

nounce tho birth of a daughter, \ been in Baltimore for the past it u r n i n c r w i t h t h e m w a s Mrs. TrelHarriet,. at the Methodist hospi- j- e ar, is -visiting her parents, Mr-'l e r - s ^.^ jIarge Rabinowitz, and Mrs. J. Jiinger, for two ;w h o ^ v i s i t i n g t h e Trellers. tal Tuesday, July 7. weeks. TO LOS ANGELES ! j ox Yisrr Sam Resniek, son of Mr. and CORRECTION Mis Bertha Greenberg' loft last :

outh 16th St.

Lewis Milestone plays





the t.aie w b k l i ;he bi!'';c:;' n 1 ,1 Of; y e p v j r, F.--H, i | ^ O r -


3 Qt. Bottles 25c Butternut


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FANCY NEW PEAS, lb. _ „...., 1 0 c TOMATOES, I k :.._...._.: __. ...... 10c WHITE ONIONS, market basket....:..............._.._.:.25c ORANGES for Juice, 3 dozen _ ....„.„ 49c APRICOTS, k g _„_ „ :.§ 1.19 RED RASPBERRIES, box 10c; lug cf 12... $1.15 Rosedale No. 3 Sieve PEAS, No. 2 can..._........ 12y 2 c , Per dozen .:....:....; „.._.... :. ....$1.45 No. 2 Sieve, No. 2 can, dozen .$1.75 SUNKIST CORN, Country Gentleman, Tmy Kernel Golden Bantam, dozen.....;. .„...$ 1.20 Spinach, Suiikist, Nbk 21/4 can l T ^ c ; 3 cans 49c 8 oz. can .„. :..... ...._„........ i......._ 5c HIRES ROOT BEER EXTRACT, 25c value ...19c ROYAL PURPLE GRAPE JUICE, full qt,___:29c Solid Pack TOMATOES, doz. No. V/2 cans .$1.45 No. 2 can, dczen. _._„..: ; 95c Fancy Lily Pink SALMON, l i b . flat can, 2 cans 28c


and others id doub'ebig men,

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.. ,

a 14ilU t


a Li

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even Herr G-oering is getting ner- ; vous. In his newspaper, "Nation- i al Zeitune," he voices the opinion, that the wholesale barring of the U. S. product "might lead to ! the closing, of the American ex-i | changes which would be financial- j jly injurious to Germany." Nine { films were prbscribed in the past'; I few months . . . some because the ,' j stars were "non-Aryan" . . . oth- ' I ers because the music writers | were descended from Adam . . . . and some for no apparent reason : except that the prop boy wore a: hat on the set, thus placing him '. under suspicion. > . •j Which reminds us, the studio • j called Herman Bing one morning j

, A TON OF FUN1 America's triple fbreoi1 entertainer whs sings, dances and crocks wise cs K. C.


! I The Pin Money Shop Accoinpiis!ies trie Impossibie Now at the Height

tered Reichdom, it was banned . At a recent get-together of Hun- Ithey said because of Hersholt.;' garians there were assembled : Startled officials of the Fos Com-'i Paul Lukas, Ricardo Cortez, Vicinquiry and dis| tor varconi, Bela Lugosi, and Joe |c b v e r emade d , . . h i s Jevish grandmo-i [Pasternak. We didn't know Tre'^gj., ' ; had so many landsmen" in the Banning of American pictures; i colony. is becoming so prevalent that i



e r

V-V V \



abuot a role they wanted him to j play. He ssked what kind of a I part it was. They ventured to \ explain.- He interrupted, "Butj ivich von "of de accents do you' jvant? Z-z-zauerkraut or Oxford' ICherman? • .! Sol S. Sinions is an interesting \ character. Re discovered the; Kem oil fields of northern Calif- ' ornia . . , became a millionaire . .; lost his entire fortune ia the 1929 , crash. . . . cow makes a living at '• "extra" work . . . and usually \ " • ,


It was bank night- Mrs. Abraras stood pitiently outside the Blue-



, . e x t r a c t I o n . I D o c t o r €n_ , m a t e s


her figure measures the same as', [ Kay Francis, all gowns for the j istar are fitted and modelled by I [ Miss Bellman. ' t



e El

droppin P Onee of the family suggested that, H o l ] d _ I f i t each should contnoute to a poo.; b e which would be, won by the last: s h o ] t i g o f J e v i _ L member to leave the L lot. | w h e n t h e .,Countrv

J.TarceHa Heliiaaa . . . stock ! player at Warner's . . . has an ad- j ditional job on the lot. Because !



plays Irish parts.




g Ballroom Dancers with brilliant ssccesscs en Broadway! in first midwest appearance.

special . . . ports Gabarhave several jod use for a le Gabardines.


2 for 56c



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5 Lbs. - 20c 10 Lbs.-39c

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(Copyright^ 1D3G, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

Friday for Mrs. M. Resnick, left by motor • . week's Dayton, O., Sunday, July 12, for Los Angeles, j California, where he will attend ' Through an item say- | way home Ld ' ' ,. „<.:„„ M-hiif. Jewish Press carried an |Chicago for the A. Z. A. convention. While i" bf t d l I relatives! there. sity, currently writes gags Fortunately there are no is now LEGALLY Kay Francis. there he will visit with; relatives, j ags forjdouble. forj 'ii^i:^Sjin£X~""-O'n j daughter, Ruth. The announce-! The Gershwins, George and Ira, Eddie Cantor on the Gold—win blondes in Mexico. r ! ment should have read Mr. M. F. ! FRO3I CHICAGO , are Hollywood bound to "note" p. Curtains Draperies Mrs. Al Lavin of Chicago, ac- lot. Arndt announces the engasement ' Titular Transmutation: "Sweet Harry Green — comedian-turnof his daughter,-Ruth, to Hyman ; companied by her daughters, Mar'fe •-. Slipcovers the nest Fred Astaire dancical. Fi td in ed-agent — reverts to greasepaint iAloics" will finally be called, 'Give Ferenstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. i ilyn andd Francine, motored in for "This Breed of Men'."' i Me Your Heart' instead of "I'd wi M. Ferenstein. • ' ! *-h . her brother-in-law and sisJ. Edward Bromberg, New ] • j Give My Life" . . . . if you follow " Mrs. Arndt passed away recent- j ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cherniss Tork import to /ilraland, is m a t - j I AT-7187 AT-7187 us Our first sight ol Gregory Rat-; . j of Omaha, who spent the • past !ving "Ripley" disccveries. Seeking I off some four years ago a Beverly Hills home, he came upDid you know that: Mrs. Lavin is at present visiting was an excitable actor running Daniel Frohman . . . currently |°n a real estate firm called "Read - - . _ =t show ever' & Wright, and their agent who 4 with -her brother-in-law and sishither and yon, over the lot . . . Actors' Bene-' assisted him is Mr. Postal, MARKET | ter, Mr. and M r , David Blacker. | ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ k . . . will soon be years young? fit i still in a state of dizzy flurry. Ke Gl'ESTS FROM ALBANY Masine Reiner is only 20 . . . . Hyrnie Fink, Hoilwood's best Mrs. Ben Ravltz has as .her ] bought a house . . . persistently has to have court approval of her : known photographer of stars, guests her mother, Mrs. Samuel j rushes his friends out to admire film contract? 'will himself face the camera. He'll I&OQ-10 H&SUiSi S t . . ' Cooper, and her sister, Miss Ruth jit . . . but it hasn't a stick of furIn 1932 (Sinister) Peter Lorre! play, the part of Hymie Fink in Cooper, of Albany, New York, j niture in it . ., . and he lives at played a black-face waiter in a j "Hollywood Boulevard." SimulMiss Cooper will spend the sum- a hotel! German movie? j taneottsly , , , srnaht boy Hymie mer here, while Mrs. Cooper will Mary Ellis sang with Enrico I will be snapping the stars around Strange as it sounds Mr. return to Albany in two weeks. Lime Rickey, White Soda J L e w P a l e t t e Goddar-^ fa- • C a r u s 0 h i s l a s t P ^ ° r E ! a n c e a t him with his own loaded camera, !• Ginger Ale or-Sparkling ther, writes**to.a local columnist l h e Metropolitan? Francis Lederer's father wantSholorn Asch once wrote a YidWater for confirmation of his daughter's dish play, "The Dead Man," al-j 1 him to be a boctTE after. marriage .to Charles S p e n c e r Jack Benny was once a soda most identical in theme with a) Chaplin. Ho, Hum . . why not. recent stage masterpiece, "Bury Plus Bottle Deposit ask. Ripley? Ithe Dead." Features SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE Francis Lederer is the only HolEinnie Barnes took up roller-1 lywoodite' who has a cable ad50c skating, but it took her down I [dress — "Fraledered," in. case considerably. She started out! The Zotcs Permanent Wave vou want to reach him. Regular or Drip Grind with no machinery and no bravely . . . . found the floor ex- ] electricity used at 56.50 and ceedingly slippery . . . not at a l l ' . up. Lionel Stander has a very good dependable. After numerous at- j 1 part in '"There Goes tee Bride' tempts, was just getting the j 716 Brant'eis Theatre Bldg. . , . but nary a pay check. An swing of it when suddenly Iwo i agent claims a percentage of his autogra-fiends rushed up. She ] past as well as his future earn- staved them off . . . promised her! ings. Hence, pending the lawsuit, signature when she sat down . . . I all pay envelopes will be glued. lost her balance . . . hit the floor. ! ;A technical victory for the little i



for a Ficnic to be he'd on Si:n^;;} afternoon. August 2nd. Miss Una. Gross is chnirrear, in charge of this cfis:r and if iioi'-f

bit: he had an idea.

the scene. " ^ ^ ^ ^ . - — * ' " ' ; " " ' : S o m e 13,000 phonograph records. From day to day George Jesseljhe deposited ten unspilled s t e i n s ^ ] a g t J o s e p h VOJJ g t e r n b e r & h a s a two-weeks visit a t ' d o e s n ' t know whether he is an on the bar. ' hit upon the fini.-iung touch to with friends. • On her (actor, writer, or producer — achis eccentric garb — a newlyhis Harpo claims that when grown goatee. Mrs. Katherine she wiU stop off in cording ^ ^ me was forced down in M Gibbs Mielziner, former wife of a two-weeks stay with dent from Pennsylvania Univer- j he saw a native who is his exact Kenneth (MacKenna) Meielziner,

to *•:.:•:. ^Sa.ST^iTT r*TKy?»*«V*fi"|pj

C' 1


ms Are Featured at

' • ' ;

sah, held a meeting, preceded a dinner in the Polo room at I on's, Tuesday evening, Jii!;" 14 J.Iiss KB lah Frar.klir, i;evr p ident, cliscnssec! plans lor Plan comin year. ver


hattan Shirts itson Hats row Shirts :Gregor Sportswear :erwoven Socks ssar Underwear eney Cravats


Megiddo Gate Built by olernon

TITIV 4 i n h i - n r of ' W h o p l a n t e d a t r e e i n m e m o r y of | I FAMILY DINXKR The program committee is pre- assisted by the Misses K&UM: ;heir son ,IU= U a VUelier roast Greenstone, JU1J 4 lu r.O-.UI ui !, ' _ __ _ The m n r r a m enrrm ifoo ic n-a. Mr ' i n d A i r / H-irrv Pnititein^ *I a and Ruth have return-1 Miss Florence one of 'nAbraham; Mrs. Tamara Mrs./ Rose Herman of Kansas K1 an active summer pro- ; Franklin, Jeannetto Ke?r.uk. Fai j . u r . a n u A i r s , t u i r r y u o j t s t e m , e •,, „ ___ „ , , , . , _ , _ , _ , • _ . , • _ _ » « • . - _ • its .. , ^ .. -, * -Kiotonh -nlsnterl a a tree irpp in'mem-j in mpm- :*' members. They started from °tz. ^ ° planted d f r o m s r a m The City announces the marriage of j entertained at a family dinner'; Philadelphia where Mmhusband, Tevel; Miss ! * r f l r E t affair will b e : n i e Kstelinan, .Mildred Win-: of hcr her daughter, Fannie, to Mr. Carl | Sunday, July 12, in honor of Airs. ' d a represented Nebraska m the the home of Miss Belie Ruilera stag honoring Ned Giventer, : Anne Kuznit Fi-.vi;u!an Dora Freshman and Mrs. K. Lagman. Tho marriage took place. I Sol Needle-man and children o f | Mahli Gras at the Democratic na- man, where Miss Greenstone was • whose engagement to Kiss Sally iai3Cj Sarah Taub. ; \ V i n e . • ! t i o n a l presented with a gift. The group Pollay was recently announced. ; in Kansas City Tuesday, June 2S.'! Chicago, and Mrs. Rose Schacter j convention. Various other receipts and cerWillard later left for Fort Calhoun where ' After a wedding trip to • Lake of Philadelphia. ' 1 I r s - Friedman a n d William Sherman was voted a : ; tificates acknowledged money reFriedman are stopping in Wash; the wiener roast took place. member of the fraternity at a iimixer in a. Waukegan, Illino Okoboji Mr. and Mrs. Lagman jeeived. i drug store. ington for a visit. They will re- i meeting held Monday. be at home at the Maple Court EXTERTAIX AT LUNCHEON j t u r n l a t e r i n t h e summer. j There is novr a campaign on Joseph Schilrikrar.i. -with (AT JOSLYX apartments in Omaha. knowledge of ppven ljingn<\gp?= Mrs. Morris Roitstein entertain- j ' . Mr. Martin Wr. Bush will pre- , for the planting of trees in Eretz Enc'ish, ed at a luncheon at Mary Stein's RETCRXS FROM EASTERN 'sent a free organ recital in the Israel to replace the hundreds of j bird Theatre, clutching a stub of j German, French 'concert hall of the Joslyn Mem- trees uprooted recently. Omaha a ticket. Suddenly she heard her!garian, Latin, Greek, and span BAR MITZVAH cafe Wednesday, July S, in honor j TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segall an- of Miss Sonia Koitstein, whose ! Mrs. Clair Horwitz has return- orial Sunday afternoon at 4:00-Jewry is being asked to plant' number called. She scampered -studied Arabic diirinc of "Garden of Allah." nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their engagement was recently an- j ed from an extensive eastern trip, p. m. The assisting artist on the trees through the National Fund, I in . . . dashed up to the stage . . . son, Esar, Saturday, July IS, at nounced; Mrs. Sol Needleman of j in New York she was the guest program will be Mr. James peter- and by this means help in the j was banded the S500 award . i almost fainted. Too weak to walk: Some months ago one o: or.: ire-building'of Palestine. the B'nai Israel synagogue. Chicago; Mrs. Leon Schacter oflof her son-in-law and daughter, son, violinist. j out, she decided to sit down and j well-known execs v.as p< Philadelphia; and Misa Jeanette !Mr. and Mrs. Louis Appet. ! see the show. When asked for i golf at the Hillcrest Country Ch:p Herman, visitor from Los Ange- • — RETl'RX FROM WEDDING her ticket, she exclaimed, "I've \t exclusively "non-Aryan"). les. . ! RETURNS FROM EXTENDED TRIP got to buy a ticket yet to see the ! reaching the tenth hole <fce u Twenty-two guests attended the [TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stoler, who l l m c h e o n _ A c o l o r s c i i e m e o f p i n k j Mrs. David R. Cohen returned show!" The manager threw in; hungry, ordered his caddie t. el have just returned from their and white was carried out. the pasteboard with the award. : to the clubhouse to get i : this week from an extended trip, wedding trip to California, have j ham-on-rye . sandwich. "Oh r Prizes were won by Mesdames j during w hich she visited relatives Hollywood — In Cinematown j Rehearsing a sequence, Hermoved into 1012 No. 49th St. Harry Resnick, Paul Forbes and • in Canada. Line o'Tj-pe from Cinematown: j if s Passover." shamed the ca< directors turn actors . . . come- ; man Bing was required to pick, up Sally Eilers is now a hrownette. ! "That's so," agreed the film; 1 Mrs. Stoler is the former Esther Mike Colton. T. Siegel. dians become ag '. "Tell them to put agents . . . writers i and carry ten beer steins at one C a r l L a e m m l e 5 d ? 5 QQ0 ioT M s on matro' ! BACK FROM CALIFORNIA inE; . . . a "scblem-! time! a.digit crooked around each. ^ ^ ,n hig Mrs. Becky Treller and son, | take to producin e a t tfae given VISITING PARENTS a chameleon , It vas ter-r-reeble! A worried-'look ANNOUNCE BIRTH Marvin, returned last week from iel" . . . pardon More anon. in New York . . The money ! wouldn't do for the camera. Ha! Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Soskin a n - | Miss Helen*.Janger, who has !& m o n t b - ; s v i s i t i n California. Re- town: went to the United Palestine Ap-



'; following, for moneys sent: Mrs. ; committees under the new ad: j . Dansky, chairman of the Fund i ministration: Program, I. Treli h n v ^ ^ t i n T , e . A , _ = -p ^ - n i n J i a k , chairman, N. Giventer, I. | box collections; Mrs. E. "Wein; Bogdonoff; Membership, A. Bergj b e r S - for, ladies Murachi; Miss :m a n > L B r o w n . Athletic, S. Ep; Ann Goodbinder, chairman of t h e | s t e i n j chairman, M. Sigal, S. Gil-Junior Hadassah flower day col-;Ier; Good snd Welfare, M. Ginsi lections. Tree certificates have \ burg, chairman, K. Seglin, M. Ep! h™pEI*RnO"*ST,T •-. b e e n s e n t t o M r . and Mrs. C o h e n J s t e i E : Constitution, J. Stoler. . The Phi Delta Mu sorority ?a\e chairman, L. Herman, M Bloom.

TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS .. RETCRXS TO CHICAGO Mr. Hymie Zorinsky is leaving ^ Mrs. Jack Levy has returned to this week-end for Excelsio Somalia after spending a month Springs, Mo., where he will stay I visiting in Chicago and St. Louis a week. He will be accompanied Iwith relatives and friends. by Ms mother.

plan may Interest you! ntiity nayments . . . inne single premrum. INSURANCE THE NVENIENT WAY interesteo. call



PsiMu Junior Hadassah • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roitstein i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashoc ,. I Jewish National Fund Find and daughter, Sonia, and Mr. andland sons, Lioyd and Irving, are! Mrs. Morris Koitstein are vaca- j planning a vacation at Aiexan- ; The Jewish National Fund genThe Psi Mu fraternity has an- The Board Members of the Om-•Was tioninjj this week at Late Okobo- j dria, Minn. ;eral office has seat receipts to the ;n o u n c e d the following standing i aha chapter .of the Junior Haths-

ibbis •were taucht: i'ces can be hoard from the world to the other! emitted from the s'lfcthe radio; and the nguish uttered by the it quits the body."



Choose the several dresses you'll need to finish oat summer from these higher priced , chiffons . . . nets , , . marquisettes , , , sheers , travel prints . . . printed crepes . . . and satins. washable Bemberg prirtc cr f

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Sizes 11 to 15 . . . 2 to 20 . . . 38 to 4 4 . . .

46 to 52 . . 161A fo Ai Cooled Pin Money Shop . , Sixth Floor


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Svrere krougtsr extreme drought

HOW THE DBOUGHT AFFECTS THE UNITED STATES—This Is a reproduction of one of the charts taken before President Roosevelt in Washington that caused him to decide on relief measures and to make a personal inspection of the drought areas throughout the country. Black sections indicate localities where the drought is most severe. Federal agencies are making plans to give relief to more than 1,000,000 persons made destitute by the drought.

END OF DBOUGHT.BATTLE—Many farmers have-fought valiantly against the drought, only to see their possessions eventually 'go to the auctioneer's block or the sale room. Here is a Kansas - homestead, half buried by drifting soil, which the owner was about to abandon. Parts of Kansas fared better than this particular " section near Liberal, desolate in the sun.

COME OUT AND PLAT—So seems the invitation that charming Jean Rogers, blonde film starlet, apparently gives as she waits with her new surf board at Santa Monica Beach, Cal. With the recent heat wave roaring across the country at record-breaking heights of more than 100 degrees, it would, appear that lovely Jean could get any number to share her wave-rider.

to.' '• "i"Rl«Mi ways, *<**.-?;•<«• >! and the

TKt LANDON APPROVES FARM BOUNTT—A program endorsed by Governor Landon of Kansas, Republican Presidential candidate, . stresses permanent benefits to fanners for soil-conservation work, additional benefits to family-size farms and administration of the conservation program by States, according to announcement by former Governor Frank O. Lowden of Illinois. Above, a new picture : of Governor Landon at his desk.

RED KNIGHT'S MOTHER—At Tight Is Baroness von Richthofen, mother of the famed "Red Knight." German air ace of the World War. Arriving in Toronto, her ship passed between two seaplane bases. Director of one was Lieutenant May, pursued by the Red Knight, and a director of the other was Captain Roy Brown, who went to the rescue and brought the Knight down. With .the Baroness is the Baroness von Logischen-Teichmann.




;TO A WAR; HERO—Full-size clay model of the statue to be .erected in Times Square, New York City, to the^late Rer. Francis P. Duffy, hefo; chaplain of the Fighting 69th in the World War. The statue'is by Charles Keck, sculptor. Background will be a 12foot Celtic cross, the sculptor said, to show-that Fr..Duffy-was an T i O ' ani^ a priest, . • -• •


VHXAGE SP.STHT—Former Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany, who commanded the German Fifth Army in the West and served in the Verdun campaign, evidently still knows a thingor two about horses. Here he hammered out a shoe as he visited a blacksmith shop on the Dutch island of Wierinsea in North. Holland, recently. He is now 54 years old. NOMINEE—Clyde R. Hoey, who served in Congress about 20 years ago, now the Democratic nominee for Governor of North Carolina. He won the nomination by a majority of 55,000 in the primary. His home is in Shelby.

KING INSPECTS THE BEEFEATERS—Standing rigidly at attention, here are the Yeomen of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, London, otherwise known as the Beefeaters, as they are inspected by King Edward. The Beefeaters wear the same kind of uniform and carry the same kind of arms as their fore-runners, dating back to the reign of King Henry VUL ;

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TION—Elated over his victory, Fred Perry, BritMg tennis champion, clears the* net with a bound to greet his feated opponent, Donald Budge, American netman, at wimbledolt, -England. Perry vanquished Budge in the semi-finals twibld ;i a,n^ defeatedithe German, von Cram, in, the finals.-

BONUS — George Varoff, San Francisco's bounding janitor who set a new world pole vault record at the Amateur Athletic' Union meet at Princeton, N. J., leaped into a $100 bonus and a " salary increase with his record of 14 feet 6% inches. He risked loss of his job, but his boss telegraphed him his job was open at higher pay and tenants and fellow-employes contributed the $100 for expenses. v

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LIKE TO BK A JUDGE ?—More than 600 entrants already are listed for the beautiful-legs contest scheduled toJ;be held July 20 at the California Pacific exposition at San Diego, CaL In order that the judging ba fair, here is the'only kind of view the Judges ant?spectators will have of the contestants, during the deciding parader'Sorf of knee-high1 view, perhaps.

MAX'S HOME BURNED—Shortly after Max Sc>mcung returned to Germany, after iais triumph over Joe Louis in the heavyweight boxing ring, his house in Bad Saarow was struck by lightnine and was burned. In the foreground Max and his wife. Anny Ondraof the German films, make an inspection of the property! Copyright United Newsjilctimw,



for the cellar position. Morris j read. A brief glance at advance j £c|gj|{§Qjp fjflgnifgcl Adler, losing pitcher, had a good proofs gives us the following: Jewish CoSonkaShr day on the mound, striking out Ricardo Coriz used to be Jack J 9, but his wildness In the clutches Krants; Ben Bernie — Benjamin i Paris (WNS!—Ecuador, whir.! was disheartening. Harry Wolf Anselvitz: the four Marx Brothers' f r e Q U e ,,tlr been mentioned *• rou'llv Arthur, Arthur Julius, JtlliliE Leonard [j>n«E™ ^ worked for the winners while thr oro are really 8 slugging of Norman Kuklin led land Herbert; Al Johon — A n . " * * to admit thousands 01 Jew ithe Jobbers to victory. ijoelson; Ed Wynn — Edward ' ish refugees, le not suited fo & j Schedule for Sunday, July IS: i Leopold. Did you know thEt the Jewish coioniiation, it WRP estat' Tower vs. AZA, fit West Elm- J weekly payroll in Hollywood's ' Hshed by .eports presented rX tlif MEMORIES • BATHERS?'.~-:A I wood; Omaha Pot Mkt. vs. Sam- ; motion picture industry totals i international conference or, Jew The anniversary of the Jewish j pie Furs at S2nd and Dewey; Psi i $1,500,000; that £8.000 persons•! ish emigration. PAINTING, NOT A Community Center brings back _,. , « . « „ • • _ . • »».,.. «^ ^ „ > . I Mu vs. Omaha Jobbing at East! are given steady employment in! Delegates from Zi countries at WEATHER SLAM the memory of a distinguished The passing of the Rev. Dr. jConference. As one of the chair-.one of those men who really be- jE l m v o o d the conference, :t h e p r o d u c tion of films, besides '. tended Our heartiest enthusiasm for a visitor who was being taken ! 10.000 extras wbo are svaiiable; adopted the following reeommen S. I'arkes Cadman leaves a big | men of the Conference, Dr. Cad-; longed to no one church nor to : man labored to eradicate ignor-i one creed alone. He was a Christ-! void In the Interreligious good painting by Lillian Beber. It is through the then brand new - the rn P literal m-™. sense sense or the me- The Health Club has not been I and that SO.060,000 to S5.00C-_dBuoi«: Continued effort* to fin. She was a grand- will movement. In this article nace, as the first prerequisite to ', ian inwhole entitled Sun-Bathers and may be building. church fs?the of church iIworried by the torrid heat and i 000 tickete for movie theatreB are ;ne w countries of emigration; c*n The principles j term, iwhose found, in the Five State Exhibit daughter of the late Lord Rose- Mr. Postal sketches his life understanding. T o man 1inn America IM ' « their daily noon-hour work* ; purchased every week in the t., • tralization of immigration wort. at - the Joslyn Memorial. When berry, former prime minister of and wort, dedicated to a better laid down by Dr. Cadman and his • of God.' No * ° ° " .„ . ^ m . e " C ?_ f l '-havo hPPn harfne larep turnouts < S. and you are only one of 11 po-; improving the social basis of lo understandnig between Jews associates have since been adopt-1 more- to stem the mountainous j « » £ *eea having terge turnouts ; • o c c l l p a n t , o f s h e E e a t t 0 :c a l c o m m i t t e e R : i n i p r p v l n B u» •we heard about it we climbed the England. Among her stories was the one and Christians. ed as the guide posts for the de- growth of racial and religious ta-jjj ° B ' ° E ?rpiise when he !which the ticket entitie8 you ? -^professional training preparation^ hill and in spite of the thermomTHE KDITOR velopment of a healthy mutual treds. No man in America has j brought ™ *^h£loT Z to£ <• ™. we didn't either, till the ! of immigrants; and the is.uano eter's skyward flight, we felt our that her grandfather had three esteem among the various races spoken more effectively or labor- , f ^ 5 " ^lt t h T n i a n h C l u b has i Motion Picture Almanac*! rtatie-I of a warning against fraudulen. great ambitions: Win the Derby: efforts well rewarded. informed us this week. agencies claiming to raise refuge. Marry the Richest girl in Eng- The death of the Rev. Dr. Sam- and religious that make up thejed more zealously and consistent- j A»^a result the Hea"h Ciut. " « , land; and be Prime Minister. He uel Parkes Cadman stills the American people. Brought intoi ly for the brotherliness of Jew ; " o n e i n fo " ttiese watermelon par ; funds. did all three, but startetd out byvoice of a celebrated and courag- being at a time when L more and Christion than Dr. Cadman. i«e«P*e _ «3 e• t hPs t» «b»e1lGre » » * " ? * «is jI Z™*™™*S *™ one He could not do otherwise, for I °P , , ' « = « °* Jew-baiting in, marrying the wealthiest girl. i Paris—The Chamber of Depu eous American Christian clergy-j - Once upon a time there visited co n Barney Baiatan, newly electee the « try were quiescent, the Samuel Parkes Cadman was a ties wrote finis io the movement ! hot outdoors should visit man whose entire life was a symin Omaha a young German lass, j Hannah Rothschild, who until her Conference, a product of Christian who regarded all men ! Health Club workouts. The boys ; president of Paramount, ie one ofto keep Trance out of the Herli"1 Our hills and river valley only in- jdeath attended an orthodox syn- bol of the old-fashioned .Ameri,= his >,,•« .,,Mk<,™ „ , „ „ „ of „, *»,^:play volley ball with such a fer- the Oldest and largest securny Olympics when it voted E£S to r has as brothers, „regardless can ideals of religious liberty. Ofcreased the great homesickness jagogue in London. the form' v o r t h a t t b e E i r i s a l m o s t stif-; holders in that corporation, and to as an 1.COO,OOP franor color of their skin or that was hers since sne had been j all the advocates of interreligious ; president of Bslaban end Katz, for appropriate uable instrumentally for helping jt ,of their religious worship. If the! l i n g the French Olympic tesun. forced to leave the Fatherland. As j WHOM? which became a Paramount subto expose the fallacious bases of j world had more Cadmans it would At the same time it appropriat soon as.the opportunity presented To whom are we indebted for eTeVv;: ^ V ^ ^ ^ n ^ t ^ l f ^ ^ and clarifying the fac- have fewer Hitlers, Norman Berg, newly elected'•sidiary in 1926. Adolph Sukor. ed COO,000 francs for anothp* itself she would return to live swim instructor, has been having j fender of Paramount, was re-team, to represent France at th* under the "firm but gentle hand these three 'Rs' of Gentlemanly alism or hysteria, he was rightly t o r s °Mt m a k * f o r r a c i a I a n d r e of der fuerer." . j drinking. No Reeling. No Rough- regarded as the father of the or-ligious misunderstanding. (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts his hands full lining up different \ e'ected chairman of the board. anti-Nazi sports festival fit Bar tests and'keeping his extra large i! He is devoting all his time to eelona. Finally she married and she;house. No Regurgitation. Feature Syndicate.) Three years ago, when the Hit- j ganized movement to bring about classes in good condilion. Re- production at this studio. Mr. went back to a pleasant town'in j ;—r. closer relations and deeper under-1 ler madness enveloped Europe cently 19 have passed beginners.! Baiabec organized Belabsr. and the Neckar valley. To her friends j Thumbhlff Back a Decade standing between Christian and and even some section of the swimmers, and eligibility tests in 'Katt, one of the largest and most she wrote letters on how great h a r d ,jT s e e ms that the Jew- Jew. An uncompromising foe of American people, Dr. Cadman, the Center pool. Those who have ; successful theatre chains in the it was to be a German at ^this i s h C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r i s t e n prejudice 'and persecution in ev-then nearing three score and ten, passed the beginners test ere: */orld, in 3SOS. Estate End Properly By BAY SCHAPIBO showed that his lifelong efforts great hour of history, et cetera, y e a r 8 o ld, although .sometimes it ery form, he was in the vanguard London — (INS) — Only two Bernice Dayton, Bernard and et cetera. is as if it has always been here. of those who felt .that religiousto bring about harmonious relaNorman Decnenberg, Phil Fox, countries out of the SS in Europe; bigotry was a negation of Christ- tions between Jews and Christians In her last epistle was a Post-,. F The show must go on! Even {Adele Hackett, Robert Haykin. 1 d o D O t Possess & ciueme. Wher-j f l h eoldtimers w n o were were not circumscribed by nationscript that .her husband was to p a r f c Qf ^ s t a £ X ^ ^ I n t b o s e ianity. As a sincere Christian he he goes in Europe the though the mercury was near the stan Kahn, Irv'in Malashock, Joan | ever be transferred by his concern days William Blumenthal was di-.strove to educate his coreligion- al boundaries but were deep-root- boiling point, the six softball j Myers, Naomi Pessler, David but fov can hv.r eei-viee: but in j either to Berlin or London, She rector. In the office were Bess ists to be appreciation of Jewish ed and universal. When in 1933 teams in the Center league played ! Rice, Edith Ratner. "" windstortr? i the question arose whether the their games per schedule. The I Chessler, and Beryl Maurice ' Lichtenstein end the Republic of hoped London. Haykin and Lottie Selicow (if weproblem. frets Fr&nkoS Walters. I San Marino glamorous Garbo and Jews remember correctly.) Lillian Born in England, where r e l i - i ' ^ced with an organized league leading Omaha Potato Swimmer's test passers are: Har- i gallant Gable sire unknown. n tt hh ee ii rr Market lost their third game when SR iT&osictns Rlocfc In the ReCOrd Margolin was social worker. In gious liberty is the keystone of jjaa nndd T 1 4 " 1 * 8 aassssaauulltt oon This was revealed by the Inter-' old Ratner and Theo Cohn. Those JACKSON tS2S the Psi Mu knocked out two home who have passed the eligibility national Association of Cinema We find the records of the the athletic department were Ed the arch of British freedom, Dr. j existence, would be left runs in the 15th inning to down Gerlisky, Saul Proprietors when thev issued new> T O P See Vtantte! ,. . tests a r e : Soi Shearith Israel Synagogue, one of 'Burdick and Dave Chesnau and Cadman came to the United I . statistics which show how iuterthe country's oldest, as fascinat- at the basket room was the fa-States in 1890*8 as a young man * n d o m »onld-Utt up its voice in the grocery boys, 6-3. In the ^ere7> a n d Willard Smith. national are the film fanE* intering reading material as one could miliar face of William Rose. It in his twenties. He completed his 'behalf of a persecuted people, it other games, the Omaha Jobbing desire. Besides recording the | seems that we've missed some- education in this country, receiv- was Dr. Cadman who spoke first. Co. defeated the AZA No. 1, 9-7 ests. ' quarrels between the progenitors I °ne but try as We may we can't ing his Doctor of Divinity degree His was the first voice in Amer- and the Sample Furs trounced the Germany, this review shows, College in has more cinemas then any othf"" ican Christianity to speak out inTowers, 8 to 1. of some of our most distinguished recall another person. Losing the last S out of 3 By IX5CTS PEKARSKT European country with 5,ti" American Jews, the great power n7cdcuV."Hi S "fi re Tp^itwas7heiP ro , tes { t ' n o b l y and bravely. In a games cut the Omaha Potato's of the synagogue in pre-Revolu- J e s t i n J e s t houses having eesiticfe capacity of Metropolitan Temple in Newi h i s t 0c^ c m oe ff aGgee m to the Christian Hollywood, Calif. We hear: tionary days is revealed in a - Grace Resnick, we understand, York, over which he presided I £™ *f f l f a n y h e Turned lead from 3 games to one-half game. The frat m i t y boys startsome times startling manner. is still in New York .'-.. . David rom 1895 to 1901. In the latter the « » t Jews . Hitlerwas a attempt to destroy a grievious wrong ed to work on Paul Steinberg in The three Man Bros, are out at] Great Eritsin has E,05S Just before the Jews of NewSase holds fort in the cheery year he was called to the pastor- against MGM daily rehearsing for their —but they can accommodate t o Christianity, and he urgYork fled before the invading courtyard of Chicago's Interna- ate of the Central Congregational ed the Christian of Germany to the early innings and rolled up 3 new laugh film Benny Fields fewer than S.200,000 patrons. British army, it is recorded that tional House . . . sorry to hear 'hurch in Brooklyn, a pulpit he speak out. As the chairman of runs in the first 3 innings. • It and Larry Afiler have been signed France possesses 4,1C0 cinempF "the Widow Hetty Hays is be- that the heat, wave was a bit tooretained for the rest of his life. the American section of the Uni- was then that the • grocery ten for specialty nu- bers in "The Big and Italy 3,900. started an onslaught of their own lieved to be buying doubtful much for Morris Arkin , . . . If No ordinary clergyman content The little state of Andorra, ha11 Christian Council, the cen-and at the end of the regular 7- Broadcast of 19.3" Fields has meats and since it is doubtful, the Vinciquerra makes as nice a merely to shepherd his flock, Dr. versal body of all Christian sects inning game the count was tied isade a sensational return to star- a g i n g l e houBe where 750 at P congregation considers it 'tref- showing in Berlin as he did InCadman was destined to become tral doin on the stage, and is now in IU m e c a n s e e a mm_ I c e 3 a n d 1E „ except the Catholic Church, he c fo.f " Unless she mended her the Golden Gloves Bouts, we feel one of the great American church- was instrumental in having -the 3-all. For 8 extra innings neith- constant demand by producers. Ad- j . l i t t ] b e U e r B e r v e d v i t h t h r P f ler in is Viinrn known as as the the •world's world's leadings! lesidine?>l --. ways, Widow Hays was to be con- a great deal of credit goes to Roy men of his time. Among Christ- Council issue a ringing call to er team scored although both j ipr c Choorr From sidered outside the congregation Feltman . . . Why, we ask, isians he was known as a minister the Christian of the world to ral- teams had men on base, but j harmonica player, and recently re- film houses. and would be refused burial in there such an exodus from our who combined the spiritual ideals ly to the support of the suffering couldn't come through. Finally turned from a-Etsropean tour^durBucharest — King Carol horthe 15th inning rolled along and ing which he received an honorary ored the synagogue's cemetery. fair city. It couldn't be the heat of the church with the practical Jews. £2 Rumanian Jews with ice the tiring Steinberg was hit for sense of a leader. He -was aldecoration from the King of Swe- Order of King Ferdinand. . . . The popularity of the young Since then he has labored untwo circuit' blows by Henry Gins- den . . . Al Jolson and Ruby Keeler P-s-t! It's the gentleman planning to leave this ways alive to the problems of the In addition, he conferred public Coziest Place clime. A friend suggested a day and keenly aware of the role ceasingly to mobilize Christian berg and Morrie Epsteia. Gins- will close their EECIEO, Calif., health decorations on five i**l Leading. the church could and should play public opinion to an appreciation in Town memorial dinner after- be was berg's home run came with one home and -spend the rest of . the h v B .i c i a D g . . . o r exceptional P&tri Dealers £t h e magnitude of the crime be= inan'on. Both'Paul Steinberg and | summer" In the East. Solson is gone, with a wreath hung on a in meeting-them. -It was not fc.i3i? chair in his memory. Another idea of the ministry that the ing committed against civiliza- MUlard Sigal were hit hard bet "mayor" of Encino, you know . . otic merit." friend (?) suggested the dinner clergyman's function ended at thetion in Germany. His most chal- both bore down in the tight spots. Sam Levine, member cf the origbefore the gentleman's departure threshold of the church. His was lenging move was a call to Pro- The game between the Omaha inal New York cast of "Three and instead of hanging a wreath, a broader vision of responsibility. testantism and Catholicism to is-Jobbing and the Potato Market Men on a Horse," will reenact his a joint proclamation that an- which was won by the Jobbing role ia the screen production of 'Good Food—-Good Drinks hanging him . . . A lady from out- He took the lead in pointing the sue state who doesn't visit Omaha way toward an advanced program ti-Semitism was a negation of team and which was up for pro- this comedy hit for "Warner Bros. half enough . . .Contributions to of social Justice in the church. G o d - A Poetical idealist, he re- j test ha 3 been discarded bj the . . . Norma Shearer -and Irving this column are not only always It was he who pioneered in turn- cognized that no amount of officials. If the protest was lost Thalberg are planning to attend 16th Street Entrance ing the church into new and un-Christian enthusiasm for the Jew there would have been a three- the world premiere of "Romeo ( few W i would serve unless Christian or-i way tie for the league leadership, and Juliet," scheduled to be held j trod paths of human relations. It was this social consciousness ganized for the purposes which i but as it stands the grocery boys at Startford-on-Avon Otto THE that led him inevitably into the were at stake. To give fora to are still in the lead and if the Klemperer, noted orchestra conthis idea he organibed the Amerfront ranks of those who combatgame has any bearing on the ductor, believes t h a t Karpo ed the forces of darkness and ican National Christian Commit- league standings it will be played ilarx's ability iir inosic is as hate that threatened the" teach- tee for German Refugees. This over. The Psi Mu victory leaves great ss bis talent ss a comedian. first Christian attempt to raise them in a 'tie for second place asd has invited Karpo to play the ings of Christionity. Dr. Cadfunds for persecuted Jews abroad with the Sample Furs. man's first major achievement in harp with the Los Angeles Phiiof Nebraska behalf of religiout liberty was thewas motivated by Dr. Cadman's Jake Edler, former shortstop, j harmonic Orchestra at Hollywood Commission on Religious Rela- desire to bring to Christian peo- has taken the lime-light from j Bowl this Summer. Try a Has ple everywhere a sense of their tions between Jews and ChristPaul Steinberg with his brilliant WHATS IX A NAME ions. This body, organized as anobligation and opportunity to as-pitching performances. Adler Hollywood - -- has Hllywood celebrities celebritie and their , sume their proper share of resintegral part of the powerful Feda 1000 percentage with 3 games real names are listed in the Ko- i ponsibility for meeting the aperal Council of Churches of Christ won and 0 lost. Last week, he tion Picture Almanac for al! to ! in America during Dr. Cadman's palling needs of the victims of hurled the Furriers to lopsided presidency of that body, was Nazism, whether Christians or victory over the Towera by holdsomething unprecedented. There Jews. As chairman of this com- ing the Towers to 2 hits and 1 had of course been Individual mittee he prevailed upon Christ- run. Leonard Seiner, Tower outChristians, laymen as well as men ian leaders in this country to co-fielder, was the recipient of the of the cloth, who had spokeu out operate with the United Jewish 2 hits when he knocked out a ®'.&g. vigorously against attempts to in-Appeal. Another notable achieve- double and a triple in two times ment of Dr. Cadman was the comject old-world racial and religious • WMEg of &II ldag& at bat for a perfect dsy. The prejudices into the social body of mittee on Fair Play in Sports, win leaves the Sample Furs right • Motor Installations. America. But never before the which was organized to conduct on tbe heels of the Steinberg the campaign against American • Lighting fixtures. organized Christian churches of backed team. this or ony other country under- participation in the Berlin OlymEstimates GSadiy Furnished The AZA didn't have enough taken a systematic effort to up-pics. push and so lost out to the JobCall root anti-Semitism, to combat raDeeply concerned as he was cial prejudices and to war on big- during the past four years over bing ten when they scored two AT. 6459 otry in every form. This Com- the rising tide of hate overseas, funs in the,last inning. The AZA loss leaves both teams fighting mission, of which Dr. Cadman he never lost sight of the fight was chairman, did a magnificent to prevent the same prejudices job In laying the groundwork for from .taking root here. It was more extensive activities in the Dr. Cadman -who. was national field of interreligious and inter- chairman of. the first annual obracial cooperation. servance of Brotherhood Daj, an —assd payable ioz ©Ealy 3 6 From the Commission on Reli- occasion set aside to overcome gious Relations between Jews and the suspician and mistrust on the Christians there developed the part of Protestants and Catholics, more ambitious National Confer- and Jews and Christians toward ence of Jews and Christians. The one another which were aroused i trail of understanding hewn out during the pVesent period of ecby the Commission was broaden- onomic stress. When the notor16th'•& Douglas ed and expanded into a great ious Black Legion emerged as a so-called Protestant movement to highway of education in the field Ms! Water on tap 24 hears a •We Operate the only of intergroup relations by the defend the country from Catholics and Jews. Dr. Cadman "was , too, Ricsy fesr© I! whtn, among the* first to warn Protesin order but greatly appreciated tants that the hooded order was you lasts!! -c Eotpe:st Sectdc Waby your harassed correspondent a social danger and dlmetrically . . . Members of the younger set opposed to everything which ProIs yo**ar host©. You? seemed to be shocked by the de-testantism represents. No proOur department is eqnipped with separate display parture of one of its members nunciamentq protesting injustice. l«fi#f. eejji«ssd Hot Wttcounter, separate slicer, scales and knives used who la California-bound. Job ordenouncing discrimination or oponly for Hosier smoked meats. ter . . . <gacmH!i©ft o! l i so to meet girl is now the question? persecution has been issued in recent years without the fhaie demands, Install oa# In your ; . \'Featured for tomorrow's selling: name of Dr. Cadman being apA MARITAL MARTIAL Horn® right £"<i new low charge of 15 cents a morfh for a band reiabergs Slnclly KoslieF Salami, Ik ZSc A New Jersey Jewish weekly pended to it. telephone, in. addition to the regular charge for service, publishes the ad of a matrimonial The death of Dr. Cadman at-any.15c is now in effect. This charge is discontinued after 56 agency wh"ich lists prospective time would be a loss the world monthly payments have been made. clients. All the women, except could, ill afford. His passing at Feinberg's Strictly Kcsier Bredkfesi Besf • one, are listed as beautiful and this time, when the world has There is no charge for changing from desk or wall Tefined..... The exception is 451 need of his courage, his uncom(Ktsliir Bacca, % 1b. pkg.) . lie type telephones to hand telephones. To order a. hacd years of age and "good-looking. promising devotion to justice and telephone, just call our Business Office or give jour_ The prize catch for some de- humanitarian ideals and h i s order to, any telephone employee. serving young woman ia a physi- ceaseless striving for peace and cian for whom the parents of his cooperation and understanding at €¥ery NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY bride must provide an office. But, between all races and religions, he insists, his only object is mat- is "an international calamity. A rimony. Congregationalist by belief, Dr. Cadman will be remembered &$




Times Do Change

J. C. C. Sports



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j ^ ^ ^





THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1936 roiniiiffliiinininiiinniffiniiiniD


E m i g r a t i o n o f J e w s f r o m G e r m a n y •••

Austria Jewish Athletes Ordered to Berlin

Brand Children.

(Continued from page 1) c Mexico City — An epidemic of lhwgh (fancies subventwned bu' loint Distribution. Committee J J our ancient homeland as a land violence by Nazi against the chilof peace and freedom for us of dren of Mexican workers has been MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent that Christendom whose s i n reported to tbe police. against us i9 as a • cancer eating One worker told police that, hie out its very heart. And we would Vienna(J._T. A.)—The Ha'koah young son was attacked by Nazi weeks despite the. torrid weather, have that right had we, brutally Sports Club was faced with con- who carved a swastika into tbe by parties, luncheons, and dinners robbed of experience in both colflicting1 orders from the Jewish flesh at his wrist and rubbed thcfor out of town guests, who areonization and government, comsports authorities and the Auswoun 1 with a i. emicai to make vacationing with friends in Sioux mitted ten thousand errors and trian sports authorities on parit permanent. ICity. ' ten thousand involuntary injusticipation in the Olympic games. More than 500_ people attended tices to the existing Palestinian The Austrirn Maccabi Union. ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, A t t y . the Annual Talmud Torah picnic Mr. and Mrs; Ed Kane bt Chi-population. Jewish sports organization, is400 Bra» dels Theatre Bldg. .Sunday afternoon and evening In cago and Miss Yetta Meyers, also We have not done' so. Our sued an order forbidding athletes Hivervlew Park. The picnic was of Chicago, returned to their hands are clean. The Arab proNOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE of the Hakoah club to go to Ber- (n the District Court of Douglas sponsored by the Hebrew Moth- home this week, after spending blem, In so .fas as it has any reCounty, Nebraska lin lor the Olympics. ers Club and the^Board of Direc- a. week in the Morey Lipshutz ality, is the prohlem of Christen! Bv virtue ot an order ot sate issued The Austrian sports authori• out "of the District Court of Dousfla* tors of the Talmud Torah. Pro- home. During their stay they dom, of that world of the West Nebraska, ami 1" pursuance ties, however, threatened the i! County. ceeds will go toward the upkeep were, guests at several luncheons which first drove us Into disperof a decree of eniti Court in an notion club with two years disnualificaof the school. I therein indexed et Appeamn.e Docand a t a swimming party at thesion and then made life up to this K14. nt Pa.ee Number 1». tion if it refused to participate in | Execution ke Number Docket Mr. Morris Lazriowich was gen- Milton Mushkln cottage in Crys- very hour intolerable for us there. U I C C A T I O N Of Number M. P.t GERMAN JEWS ASSISTED the Berlin games. Pa^e Number 6:i«. vherein l'o^e (iolderal chairman of the arrange- tal Lake. And \t -that world does not right ' '! BY AGENCIES 5UBVEMTIONEP BY J.D.C ner is Plaintiff and Winifred Agnes ments. AssiEting him was Mrs. this central and symbolic wrong, J!ci",rane. et ai.. is I'efemiiUit. ! will p.t 1" o'clock A. M.. on Tuesday the Louis Shindler, chairman of the .Mrs. I. Tessler of Omaha vis- it will go under in, strife and dirt 'Pokstut J74I 444* J9»J I3«,?l 4th. day r.i AupuPt. i»:i«. r.i the Kast. Arabic Broadcasts »4J 1617 3857 ticket committee; Jack Robinson ited recently in the home of herand renewed Pagan barbarism, as OnruasLcmdi 6117 . 1*44 9 1 7 iurepean Lends * . B *»i 1. T i f l '« n d o o r o f t h e ^"USi'ts i.'. uritj; sees chairman: of i the raffle commit- son-in-law and daughter, Mr. andit Is already doing in the once' ffiyafr-igfw and \ IS W4 1123* •)99e 399Z8 H ' t ESntlSll irOOCS I Court House in the.;uv o( Omaha. tee; J.'Gorchow'chairman of theMrs. Nate Cohen. Mrs. Cohen re- proud and Justly 'glorious land • 9,12* lb,S2» tS.I*4 _ ' DmiB'lHS County. N e b r a s k a , FI-II Rt London transportation committeej Mrs. J. of the Germans. T A ) — T h e r a d i o Bta- | public auction to t h e hU-'.iowt nul.ler j tion at Bari,( J Italy, is broadcasting for cash, t h e followInK oesoribmi Haste, terror, insecurity— ceiving this aid from the AmerHimowitz, "[publicity chairman, turned to Omaha with her mother As the above chart shows, to-wit: and most often extreme pov- ican Joint Distribution Com- the emigrants from Germany I to Palestine Arabic reports defam- property, and Mr. Jack London, general for a visithut Seven (7) Hlock Ten (I'll tivsinsAs a matter of cold fact the j j ing British troops and calculated j ton. erty and starvation—these are mittee are. the Hilfsverein der in the year 1935. fled to all committee. Mrs. Harry Braviroff and chil- Arab problem in Palestine is a the conditions which have Juden in Deutschland(German parts of the globe Besides jto incite the Arabs, Alfred Short. ! sul'.veyV.d.° platted ami ieoi>v.(> J. ;>»ugfarce. Arabs live quite contenteddren of- Omaha departed for faced many, of the refugees Jewish Aid Committee)* Pal- those helped through the organ- iLaborite, charged in the House of i to liens and tncumhrancee fassfitisfythe County. " Nei.rnska. ly by the side of Frenchmen and Sioux ' Falls after spending two Commons. therein |!set forth; to sr-tlnfy the sum from Germany. One of the est ina Arm (Palestine Bureau), izations aided by the American of ^U 5 costs the increased and weeks in Sioux City as guests of Italians and Negroes In North Colonial Secretary William aeeruins cost*,and major tasks confronting those Haupistelle flir Judische Wan- Joint Distribution Committee, all as provided by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mushkln. They Africa. Even if the French emOrmsby-Gore replied to the charge said oi'der and dec tee. who would help the disadvan- derfiirsorge (Jewish;Migration many were able to travel with Pated at Omaha. Nebraska, thl* will -visit with friends in Sioux pire were smashed these populathat there were no recent reports taged in Germany today is toCommittee). The work of the aid of their families or - of defamatory broadcasts. He 24th day oi' June, 11'Mfi. tion would remain. The empire Palls for a week and then return JOHN HOPKINS, Sheriff. Children- of the Sioux ' City provide facilities for orderly these organizations is coordin- friends, or else had sufficient of the Arabs from Gibraltar to Douglas County. Nebr. promised to inquire of the Pales- G-2tj-o6-ot Talmud Torah will be freed from to Omaha. emigration. This the American the twin rivers" is enormous. But ated through \he Central Com- funds to take them to their destine Government which is keeping their classes for - a three week LEON & WHITE, Attorneys. Joint Distribution Committee mittee for Relief and Recon- tinations It is estimated that a transcript of all such broadMiss Frances Homowitz visited for centuries the Arabs have City National Bk. Building vacation,-beginning Monday, July has helped to organize through struction m Berlin, which re- not less than 100.000 have fled casts. in Sioux City Sunday enroute shown no vestige of political abil20, until Monday, August 10. NOTICE OP INCORPORATION OF its subventions to many organ- ceives a substantial portion of from Germany since 1933 to CHARLIE MUBNAN HOME CLEAThe classes have" been holding from New York City where she ity. A bi-national British dominion or neutralized state (like Belizations working in this field. NERS. has been vacationing, to her home its budget from the 'American other parts of the world, of sessions every morning of the Vaodsls Diste-i? Sferlne Among" the organizations, re- Joint Distribution Committee. whom 15.000 were non-Jews. IS HRUROV GIVEN thai week with the exception of Sat-in Hollywood, California. While gium) on both sides-of the Jordan Jerusalem—The ancient Jew- NOTICE a Corporation hap been formed unurday and. Sunday. Classes be- in Sioux City she was a guest of would, through the work of Jews, der the laws of the State of Nebish shrin^ at the tomb of Simon gin at 9 every morning and con-her cousin. Miss Mary Rozofsky. enhance the prestige, of the Arabs bar Yochai at Merle was disturbj raska. ^ music and soags for Warner Bros, by virtue of their very collaboraie of tinue until one o'clock. GREEK KING ATTENDS rporntlon musical pictures planned for nest ed by vandals as a number of an- rHAK!.!T3 MURNAN tX| HOME CLBAExtra curriculum work has in- Miss Naomi Sacks, who is do-tion in such a state. There would SYNAGOGUE SERVICEScient marble stones were shatter-| NRRS. ^ ^ ^ ^ DHPIP'-SS. season. . . . Says Jack L. Warner, cluded the Talmud Torah Choir ing social service work a t Cres- then be one place in which Arabs ed ij l s Omaha. Douglas County. Nebraska. vice-president in charge of producand. a Talmud Torah children's ton, Iowa, visited in Sioux. City are neither war-like barbarians, A JEWISH PRODUCER Ont Of w o r l d Jewry' s best-| The pt-nerai nature ..f the busim'SP tion at Warner Brothers, in a Saloniki (WNS)—King George | i to be transacted by the (.ornoration congregation, which held services recently with her parents, Mr. and as in the quasi-independent states, WIXS AGAIN known sanctuaries for a scholsr statement to this column: "Our is to purchase, own. hot(!. Oea! in. nor subjects held in leash as in of Greece won the hearts of Greek j Mrs. Sam Sacks. every morning. . You hear a lot of talk about 'mortgr.Ke or otherwise lien. End to North Africa. Arab civilization, Jews controlling the movie Indus- earnest hope and well-grounded Jewry when he visited the Great of two thousand years ago, the | sell, lease, exchange, transfer real or Miss Lillian Romirowsky, Mr. expectation is that the 1936-37 is the focus for the pilgrims personal pronerty wherever situated: Sam Krupnfck and Mrs. Sam Mrs. A. R. Gartner and chil- utterly stagnant for centuries, try and being responsible for theproduction season will prove to be Synagogue here during services tomb '.o (ii«w. make, accept, endorse, dis- from all countries. might by the inspiration of our and remained until the close dren of Topeka, Kansas, are vistype of pictures foisted upon the the finest that we have ever couni. execute and issue prnmissdi'3" Krupnick, instructors of the Talnotes End other negotiable or transrebirth take on some life once the services, sitting in front public, but few people seem to mud Torah will spend their vaca- iting here with Mrs. Gartner's We believe that this be the Torah Scroll throughout. MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & ferable instruments: to etiE!=pe in the know or care that Jewish produc- tknown. tion with friends and relatives in parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. .Bonus. more. business of launderine. cleaning, r e COHEN, and J. HAROLD SAKS, pairins. dyeing, renov.iting. laying' But that is not our business ers are running off with nearly all r u e f o r t h e J n d u s t r y *a a whole, Chicago. Attorneys and slorinp rims. carpf.E, upholster737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Blda. Mrs. A. Sudow of Aberdeen, either. Only Jewish idealists the honors and glories for the ing; and linoleum. for the general average of motion To Build South Dakota,', visited this week think that far. The authorized capital stock of ttii? most outstanding films produced picture entertainment has definitePROBATE NOTICE ly risen, and this progress will Bhali be Jlii.iino.OO dividIn the Matter of the Estate of Er- , Corporation p In Sioux City with friends and in Hollywood. con inae: Deceased: led into ino shnres of the par value are proud to look '. Prague — The Federation of nestine T.I s Rothholz, (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts relatives. . . David Q Selznick, youthful b a c tk u p o n We Herebyy Given: That the i of JlOU.im. each. fc'aid capital stock J p the K o t i c e share'we have con- Jewish Communities of Czechoslo- creditors of said deceased will meet shall be pai . for and non-assessable Feature • Syndicate.) president of the Selznick Internaadministratrix of said estate, he- when issued and may be paid for in. Miss Ethel Shindler Is visiting tional Pictures, with which Pio- tributed to the advancement of vakia has appropriated funds for the me County Tudee of Doitfrlas -ash or property, real or personal. the screen and forward to the lim- the establishment of a rabbinical fore this week with friends in ChiCounty. Neb-aska. at the County tinpible or tnta.npible, p.t the reaneer Pictures recently* was merged, ltless Fifty shares aw mm iHWMiiMMMtimn im»t 11 Hiwrniwiwimm WM«I« Court Room, in said County, or. thesonable value thereof. is one figure whose brilliant ! t n e Possibilities that lie before seminary for former students at Slst day At a meeting held in the Jew-cago. of August. 1S"R, and on the nf the capital stock of this Corporasuch seminaries in Breslau and tion shall be paid for before this achievements in. the a r t of film-l most universal of arts." "1st day of October. 193S. a t 9 o'clock ish Community Center last WedA. M.. each l a y . or "he uurpwse of Cornoration shall commence business. Miss Ida Ivener will return this making are so great that we c a n l = a m Coslow's sons written for Frankfurt, Germany. The Corporation shall commence nesday evening, Sam A.' Sadoff presentine ,h"ir claims for examina- business on .June 15. 1936 and shall Bing Crosby's new picture is due hardly keep up with them. tion, adjustment a n d allowance. and Earl A. Himovitz, general evening to her home in New York for a period of fifty years to be premiered on this week's Three months are allowed for the continue after spending her vacation in "Merchant of Venice" Restored Only a few colmuns back we from date thereof. chairmen of "the. Second Annual creditors to present thois "laims, fronr. radio broadcast of that star. . The highest amount of IndebtedA. Z. A. regional Summer Tour- Sioux City with her parents. chronicled the fact that he had BY F . B. K. the Slst day ••{ Iniv. 1MK. ness to which this corporation shall BRTCE CRAWFORD. nament, to be held in Sioux City won world honors for making ex- Daniel Frohman, president of the New York — Shakespeare's I at any time subject itself shall not County Jud^e. Mrs. J. Zeplln of New York I exceed two-thirds of its Capital on August 16 and 17, announced ceptional pictures. Now comes Actors' League of America, is be-'Merchant of Venice" has been 7-9-36-St ing extensively feted by HollyMONSKY, GRODINSKV7>ARER & j Stock, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^^ ^ restored to the curriculum of New Approximately o n e " hundred word that the "Comte- Internathe complete roster of chairmen City, formerly Miss Ida Kaplan, COHEN, and J. HAROLD SAKS, has arrived in the city t o , visit couples attended the Dancing Par- tional pour la Diffusion Artistque wood celebrities in connection York high school by the Board of be conducted by a Board of Directors for the different events. Attornevs his visit here this week. He Education, with the understandconsisting of two members. 737 Omaha Nat'! Bk. Bldg. Earl Novich and Irving Maron with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.ly and Boat Ride given by theet Litteraire par le Clnematogra- with H, R. L.I3ON personally supervised plans for Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 ofphe," which means the League of ing that it is not to be required NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON K. J. BL.UMENTKAL . . . will be In charge of publicity; J. Kaplan. " " ' the truly colossal stage show pre6-26-41 the A. Z. A. Monday night aboard Nations Committee on Motion reading. PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT Myron Heeger and Jack Merlin, sented for the League benefit at OF FINAL ADMINISTRAThe play was dropped from the Bar-B-Q; Joe Goldstein and Her- Miss Sarah Lipman returned to the Good Ship Levee on the Miss- Pictures to you. Las warded its the TION ACCOUNT Auditorium here. official high school textbook list man Rubin, Dance; Harry, Els- Sioux City Tuesday from New ouri River. Hymie Diamond, pres- 1936 gold medal to a Selznick MorePan-Pacific In the County Court of Douglas about that great show later. several years ago. For the Entire Family in picture, "Little Lord Tauntleroy." County. Nebraska. berg and Joe Devlne, Athletics; York City where she went on aident of the local chapter, was In the Matter of the Estate of Fan-4 A cable from the 52 members of . . . They say Jack Benny never Leonard Lebowich a n d ' $iorey buying frip.and visited with her charge of this affair.' nie Brsrunstein. Deceased: the ^League advised him that listens to radio programs'. Mlrken, Dating; Rudy Schindler, sister, Mrs. Stanley Carl. persons interested in saifl mat1936 by Seven Arts made to the committee in 1931terAllare hereby notified that on the Tournament Book; Martin KpsThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. showings of the film, under (Copyright was placed in the record. It said: fith day of July. 1D2G. J . Harold Saks Feature Syndicate). ! berg and .Bernard Rosenthal, Mrs. Dora Bain and Master Al- 688 Of the B'nai Brith held its League .0^ Nations sponsirship, riled a petition in said County Court, "In 1914 only six American praying that his final administration I Transportation;: Haskell Lazere vin . Nathanson have arrived in installation of the newly-elected are scheduled for Geneva, Paris flagships of 70 thousand gross account filed herein be settled and Foreign trade follows the flag. tons (and Max Prostok, housing. Sioux City from New York to visit officers at a meeting Monday eve- and other European capitals, and he be diseharred were operated in our trade allowed, and that administrator 1'our Dealer Has-'Em Both! and his trust as Sioux City Chapter number 12 In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abening, July 13, at the Eagles Hall. presentation of the award will No nation can expect the shipping with Europe. In 1930 there were from that a hearing will be had. on said take place at a special ceremony services of a maritime rival, to deMr. Louis Bernstein conducted will be bostB to the seven mem- Bain. petition before said Court on the l s t velop markets abroad for its prod- 232 American ships .totaling day of Aueust. 1S.".6. and that if you r the installation ceremonies. The now being arranged. bers ol the Iowa-Nebraska Alephs fail to appear before said Court on ucts, or to give them preferential 1,500,000 gross tons, and our Mrs. A. Goldberg of St. Paul new officers are Nathan Gilinsky, Assoclat^h, which includes Omathe said 1st day of August. 19;:R. nt service. For this reason the • ex- trade with that region had invisited in Sioux City in the Av president; Mlllard Krasne, vice NEWS BRIEFS FROM ha No. i r O m a h a No. 100; Lin0 o'clock A. M.. and contest saJd peticreased 50 per cent. tion, the Court may grant the prayer i pansion of American foreign " ' • . - ' • • coln No. S;. Des Molnes No. 7;R o d i n h o m e . president; Leon Frankel, record- HOLLYWOOD enter a decree or "In 1914 there were five Amer- of said petition, Council Bluffs No. 7; Ottumwa ing secretary; Albert Fox, finanand make such other anc We hear that Sam Engel has trade is predicated upon an ade-ican ships of 23 thousand gross helrship. further orders, allowances ^n>') de No. 261 and Trl-ClUes, No. 40. Nathan Orlikoff returned to hiscial secretary; Louis H. Katel- received a new, writing: contract quate American merchant marine, crees. as to ;his Court ^i:\y seem Complete plans and details of home in New York City Wednes- men,. treasurer; Dr. Julius Mos- from 20th Century-Fox as a re-It is pointed out by the foreign tons operating between the United proper, to the end that nil matter? i to said estate mav -be fi- ' the tournament will be announc- day, after visiting with relatives kovitz, monitor; Dr. Isaac Stern- ward for outstanding ability shown trade committee of the Mississippi ! States and South America. In pertainingfind deterinipp'i ' 1930 the number had increased nally settledBRTCE ed In a'forthcoming issue of The and friends here. hill, assistant monitor; S a m during the past year. Engel also Valley association. CRAWFOnn, I EXPECTED L County Judge. i Jewish Press. . Sacks, guardian; and Messrs.. s . has been named associate producDuring recent -hearings before to 90 and our trade had increased 7-B-S6-St Miss Sadie Shulkin is visiting Shyken, Herman Meyer son and er. . . . Harold Arlen, the former the House committee on merchant 200 per cent. NOTICE BV PUBLICATION OM*Hn with relatives In Omaha this week. George Roffman, as trustees. T1TI0N FOR SETTLEMENT OF Syracuse, N. Y., temple choir boy marine and fisheries, an official ADMINISTRATION AC- i GRODINSKY, MARER & FINAL COUNT— and son of Cantor Arluck of that statement of the chairman of theMONSKY.COHEN, Attorneys Mrs. J. Jacobson Is visiting the County Court of Douglas Coun- ' Sioux City's social calendar with friends and relatives .in Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Mlllard krasne city, will continue to provide the United States shipping board 737 Omaha National Bank Bulldins In ty, Nebraska. i announce the birth of a son, born Jn the Matter of the Estate of Gil- i has. been enlivened the past few cago. , NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORThursday, Julj 9, at the Mercy bert Frederick Arthur Edwards, DePORATION OF WORLD THEATRES cea sed: CORPORATION Hospital. The * Brith" for the All persons interested in said mat- '< After . an extended visit with baby was held at the Mercy HosNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That ter are herebv notified that on the her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. the undersigned have formed a cor- 1st day of July. 1S3R. Isabelle DC. Mepital Thursday, July 16, with Rev. poration pursuant to the laws ot the Fayden filed a petition in said Counand Mrs.v George Newman, 1710 A. Diamond serving"as "Mohel." State of Nebraska. The name of the ty Court, praying that her final adCenter, Miss Ruth Goldman decorporation is WORLD THEATRES ministration sccount filed herein be CORPORATION, with its principal settled end allowed, and that she be parted Tuesday for her home In Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld place of business in Douglas County. discharged from her trust as adminisNew York City. Mrs. Sol Gold- returned home Sunday following Nebraska. The objects for which this tratrix and that a hearing wil! be hari corporation 1s formed are: To acquire on said petition before said Court on man also of New York City who a ten day visit in Chicago, Illinois. i s lessee, owner or otherwise and to the 25th day of July, 1S;)6. and that | This beautiful modern refrigwas a guest in the Newman home operate theatres for the exhibition ol if you fail to appear before yairi Court erator gives j'ou more spate, moving pictures and for other per- on the said 25th day of Julv. 1936. left Monday. Dr. Isaac Sten>bill is expected formances of every kind and charact- s t 9 o'clock A. M.. and contest 8;ud keeps foods fresher, yet costs er and to deal generally in moving petition, the Court may grant the home today from Fort Des Moines but a half to s third of what picture films, with reference to the prayer of said petition, enter R decree Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kuklln mo- where he attended at Camp you'd expect. Only Cooleraproduction, distribution or the ex- of heirship. end make such other and tored to Chlcaso for the week, to Dodge-for the past two weeks. hibition thereof; to purchase, hold. further orders, allowances and detor has the patented air-con« own and otherwise deaL in securities crees, as to this Court may seem visit with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Holzditioning chamber which supor evidences of indebtedness of every proper, to the end that all matters man, Mr. Kuklln's sister. With plies the cold, washed, humkind and character, and to exercise pertaining to said estate may be fiMrs. Ralph Castle and small all the rights • nd privileg-es of own- nal!}' settled and determined. idified, circulated air that rethem was Miss Ida Kuklin of Lin-daughter, p;iyiifa llene, of Brookership; to deaK generally in personal moves fooc! odors, prevents BRTCE CRAWFORD. coln who remained in Chicago for lyn, New York, left Saturday property of every kind and character: County Judge drying out. Try one of the and to borrow money -*nd issue evi- 7-3-36-ot. a visit with her mother.. night for their home after spenddences of indebtedness therefor. The new Coolerator models for uOtal authorized capi-ta! Etock is 525.ing several weeks here visiting at ten days FREE! 000.00, the par value is J10U.O0 per Mrs. M.Chasin of Syracuse, Ne- the home of Mrs. Castle's mother, share, and all of same shall be comOmaha's, finest For a good time - braska, and Mrs. Joe Kaiman and Mrs. E. Giiinsky. mon and fully paid and non-assess of Ameri Good food and , able when issued. The corporation sons of Villlsca, Iowa, spent last shall commence business on the filinc weekend visiting with their mothCool Comfort - srealest of its Articles with the County Clert, M i s s Sylvia Ross returned of Douglas County. Nebraska. enJ er, Mrs.j Paul Kaplan. home Sunday following a ten day when there shall have been subscrib- | visit with friends in Sioux City, ed for a t least fl.ooo.uo of its capita! | stock, and shall continue until Julv i Mr... Jack> Lipman returned to Iowa. 1, 19SS. The highest amount of in- | his home a t Stevens Point, Wisdebtedness s>i_H not exceed twothirds of the capital stock, except , consin, iafter visiting here in the Misses Nornia and Ruth Seldhi that such limitation shall not include j -,£-;,"** Morey Lipshutz home." indebtedness secured by mortgages j are spending the month visiting on real estate where the value of the i relatives and friends in Chicago, property exceeds a t least 40 per cent I •Jerusalem (JTA) — It w a B ,_The Fontenelle wll! always Illinois and Michigan City, Indiof the amount of the secured indebt- , ; • • •.•'.•'•."offers--•;'••;;••••• fcffer the most distinguioh. edness. The number of members of I • learned last week that the Execu- ana. . ed Hotel address in the the Board shall be not less than two * *» tive of the Jewish Agency for Palnor more than five. The Board shal! middlewest, administer the affairs of the corporaestine, recognized by the League Nathan.Richards, who is ill at tion. The stockholders shall hold This Summer of Nations a s representative of the Mercy Hospital;! is now getting their annual meeting on the second Mondav in January of each year and the Jewish people. in Palestine along sati8factpriiyv DLae and Lunch, in elect Directors. Directors shall elect i dealings, has agreed to the estabComfort in tbe and a President. Vice-President. Sccre* . ,-r tary and Treasurer. Pursuant to conlishment of an advisory commit- Mrs. Abe Liebovitz is expected sent In writing of the majority of the Mayfair Cafe tee to its political department. home Sunday-following a two holders of the capital stock outstanding, the Board may sell, lease, exThe committee, it Is understood, weeks' visit with friends in Mar(Main Lobby) changre, assign, transfer, convey cr This Is Omaha's smartest, one will comprise representatives of shalltown, Iowa. The three "big guns" behind the' of the Jewish Labor Committee. otherwise dispose of the whole or of the very newest places for Completely substantially the whole of the pro"mlxed-rlte" drinks and de- all Zionist parties and will hold track and field program, part of Pictured left to right are Daniel pertv of the corporation upon such licious, jppetizlng foods. fortnightly meetings. AIR-CONDITIONED Mrs. J Krasno entertained the Ferris, secretary of the Amateur terms and for such consideration as they stall deem expedient. The Armembers of her Afternoi n Club the World Xabor Athletic Carni- Athletic Union; Charles L. OrnPopular Prices ticles may be amended upon the vote A V A val to be held in New York City PARIS STREETS ECHO TO at a luncheon at her home at 519 stein, chairman of the games, re- of 60 per cent of the stock outstandCRIES OF "HANG BLUM" . . . Oakland Avenue Wednesday af- August 15 and 16 under auspices cently ousted from the American ing, upon notice as provided for. The corporation shall have a seal. But Blum marches on; ternoon. Olympic Committee for his antiDated June 6. 1936. HOTEL FONTENELLE 30TH JEW KILLED • IN „ DISSt. is expected home today from Mer- Nazi stand, and former Justice E. Swarti HARRY R. PRICE, Mgr. Karl Huemanc. Mgr. TURBANCES . . . They died so J Harold Saks Miss Betty Rae Kubby, daugh- cy Hospital where she recently Jeremiah T. Mahoney, ex-presiin corpora tors. .Fhonft-AT 1294 that others may live. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kubby, underwent a n appendectomy. dent of the A. A. tT. • 6-26-Se-4t

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