July 24, 1936

Page 1


Brand Children




City -— An epidemic of i by Nazi against the chilMexican workers bas been d to tbe police, worker told police that his son was attacked by Nazi jved a swastika into the L his wrist and rubbed thi: •with a c emical to make lanent.

This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or in paTt strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted.

ICE OF SHERIFFS SALE I District Court of Douglas I' County. Nebraska btue of un order ot sale Issued the. District Court of Douglas Nebraska, and 1-. pursuance ree of said Court in an nction indexed a t Appearan. e IJi'Cnber 314. a t V*Ke Number ih. jn Docket Number J~. ax jmber 5HG wherein t'oseUpldPlaintiff and Winifred A B n " »" e t al.. is Defendant. I will clock A. M.. "on Tuesday t h e ,,! August. 123G. r.i the h^ist or of the Douglas C u r l y louse in the O i r of O-naha. County. Nebraska. E^II n t nction to the hlf;l)C?T tncl.ler b.- the following described .



Ent«r*<3 u Second Class liall Matter oo Jancary SI, H i t Potiotttc* of Omaha. Ncbnuka. unfltr the Act of M*-"'-,

^i"' '

VOL. XII—Xo. 22




POST-CONVENTIOX Many others, doubtless, like myself, yearned for the wide open spaces of Atlantic City. The Z., O. A. convention seemed a little squeezed in between the railroad station and the Biltmore Hotel in Providence. This pressure, added Jewry Fights to Keep Immigration'Open to to various kinds of psychological • and political pressure, had its due Holy Land effect, which was not wholly relieved by either the just tributes With unceasing Arab dis-

•1AMS &• O'CONNOR, Attys. p Brardeis Theatre. Bldo-

Sayk Have; Corps

| Children Go On | Hunger Strike as Protest


New York (WNS) — A Jewish Warsaw (Vv'NS) — Several self-defense corps of 50,000 with • . ' thousand Jewish children here ! branches In every colony, has been The>qualifying rounds of tfce| who v i t n e s s e 4 t he cold-blooded YaBgrard of Agro-Indcstrial of one of their number by organized in Palestine, a London annual—Highland Country- Club j murder Comacsity of Two Hundispatch to the Jewish Morning j Golf tournament will be played three Polish boys have declared dred Fssdiies

; Tragedy

a ft Saturday, The dispatch, based on a state-,! from Aujrust 3 July 25, to Mon-mourning and protest. It was dur- Hightstcwu, N, J. (JTA) — : fl y On Wednesday, ing a Jewish picnic near Warsaw paid to the memory of Roger Will-j orders forming^ the background, jment of the Jerusalem correspon- i < *^ vl Eight modern Jewish pioneer fans- j Ot )weeDstakes iams nor even by the quite uncom- the revolving stage moved last jdent of the London News-Chron- August 5, there will be a stag for that the Jewish youngster was Hies have moved ir.to their home- ; monly cultured and sincere gra- week, and Downing Street, Lon- icle, says that the Palestine gov- the auction of players for the first thrown into a lake by the Polish steads here several ralies from j ernment knows of the existence and second flights. ! boys, EEd drowned. ciousness of the Governor of don, occupied the spotlight. civilization and moving pictures— : Rhode Island. Nevertheless the j First there -were fears Britain of the corps, and that is- mem- The first round of the tournaYork (WNS) — The fam- ' AF ft. g-T'P.TH"': fH^Je tC R. £1 I he received Premier Skladkowski pected to flourish. Into a agro-in- ' jjy Convention by acclamation did i would .accede to Arab demands bers are armed with rifles, mao jiorris Gold, young Polish-: fu! c a m p i n g season, ment is to be played by Sunday, Miss gave renewed assurances of prochine guns, grenades and bombs, j and halt Jewish immigration. This the one thing needful. It elected dustrial community of £00 famil- :b o r n j e V j E B baker V who was the Allen, d i r e c t o r of Cfc^np Stephen Wise to the presidency. later gave way to "the impression Many of the Jewish colonies are (August 9; the second by August-i tection for Polish Jews. J

' *declares. ~~* Journal



hmjger strike as a gesture of


•• . . -

tn (71 Block Ten (l'J> EvansfAddition to t h e City of UniaUglas County. S e n n s ' c i . a s I. platted and reem-ftd. S.'Hjufiltv.' Nebraska. v"the liens and Jncumhrances set forth: to satisfy the sum costs and t h e increased and ccsU. all a s provided by er and decree, at Omaha. Nebraska, thin of June. 133B. • .'OHN HOPKINS. Sheriff, t Douglas County. Nebr.

ise. ; envy of m i l l i o n s i n 1 S 3 5 w h e n h e ! s n n o u n r p p a. csrnii-fi! io hi \ip\d It will be useful to go for a that the Government would stick Equipped with tractors which j 16; the third by August 23; and! They left behind them eight won $143,000 in t h e I r i s h S w e e p - : in t h e J e v i s u CoTOmuriiiiy ' to its announced determination j uld easily be converted into moment into the question of preCO finals on August 30. tenement flats in Brooklyn and s t a k e s h a s learned t h a t w e a l t h g y m , T b u m l a : - . J u l y SO, Si cisely why the election of Stephen net to capitulate to Arab terror- i armed tanks, the News-Chronicle the Broils for what has been doess n o t necessarilyy brip.gg fcp.pThere will be flights for every- j t four p a at four o'clor-k o c l o k exhibition Pia Wise was tho one thing needful ism. i correspondent adds. I termed a "cloak and suit factory ;p i n e ss. A'year after he won tbe ana concession? v.-jU be open one. Richard Hiller is defending i to be done. Strange as it may While the Palestine administra- T n e Morning Journal corres| in i the th woods.' d ' big prize Gold tok sick and died, the public. Later tliere r\\\ bfseem to any one capabip of any tion was understood to be press- pondent, commenting on the re- j champion and is almost certain of ; When Uncle Sam finishes build- ' H = s baby is ill, and bis young wi-.a dinner and program in tbe C«?sv Julian Milder, club ; kind of scrupulous thinking or j ing'for at least temporary sus- port, says that it is exaggerated,! qualifying. j ing the flat-roofed, cinder block is frantic, believing that the j ter audUorium.. cold observation, there are still pension of immigration to placate but adds that the Jewish colonists! champion in 1932, 1S33, and 1S34 ; I bouses that will comprise tbe •y has brought her bad The Carnivp.l will Buppoaerli1.1 the Arabs and prevent the disvast forces/In^ American Jewish are prepared to defend themsel- j 9 attempting to regain - the At no other time has there been : dwellings, the rest of the garment be helc or board t.hp E. S. NOVH1-lire which, while/they dare not orders from spreading to Transchampionship. isuch a deluge of books of Jewish | worker's families that have eignves. andie which is -Piurmnf fhp cs"'1today to-be definitely anti-Zionist jordan, the Cabinet first seemed Two other former champs, Abe I interest being written for both ; ed up for tbe project will dig in pet from their imaginarj- Jronii almost ready to acquiesce. Alarm—or, rather, anti-Palestine — yet Brodkey and Marvin Treller are j Jewish and Gentile readers. Of. | and take up life in iheir new to tbe .lewiph roTnmnTvif'.ep ot t?'<-do all in their power to reduce ed, Zionist leaders began hasty j also expected to make an effort to I special importance is Marvin ; homes. ; lgrgcr European C'IIPF-, Th*1 f'~ our work to the level of a charit- conferences to iry to swerve « „ j j again capture the cup. Ketrcom- j Lowenthal's, "The Jews of Ger- ! Putting behind them the squa- I tire gymnasium will be cip<\orete<; able gesture and thus seek to pre- inet members from their decision. I ers who will participate are Rich-' many"' which is a history of the i lor of the congested city, they will \ to resemble t,r\ oc<?an Uner. pm,1 vent that inner redemption of the The situation at the end of the i lard Gordon, Lloyd Malashoek,-| eighteen hundred years of Ger- \ begin farming and cooperative1 the various corners wJU. represer.i. Jewish people from which alone -..-eek was that, while a strong! | Irving Ziegman, and Harlan Mild-! oan Jewish life. (manufacturing in the garment1 the difi'e relit deck P. : we can hope both for a stronger cabinet minority was believed jj ' Also lately received at the ] factory tbe Government bas built In the gj"ronpF!\jni will be fi t* if j NeTr l o r k | J T A ) Galutb life and for the rebuild- favoring immigration stoppage, j I Omaha Public Library is a re-! for them. ~ A p'cy of the lipnfljwork of *^f inf of Erelz Israel. - These were there was no likelihood that the I London (WNS-Palcor Agency) I print of an article that appeared: The factory's products will g-0 ; committee to lcvesugrate c^-pft clpB?^P of tb.p CHn^.p, ^bf immigration schedule I —The Hebrew language was Semitic the forces that were opposed to present Un Fortune Magazine, "Jews in j on tbe general market under the • Propaganoa m raetRl workers will exhibit, np.pt-ir. South American countries Stephen Wise, both within arid would be interferred with. Howheard here at a session of the i America", a survey of. Jewish in- i cooperative trafie-mark "Tripod." I been named by the American Jew- rings, without the organization. These ever, High Commissioner Wau- international Labor C b n g r e s s i fluence in the American scene, j The homesteaders will share the ; ish Congress administrative com- and other objects made b y , were the forces, which, for their | While not a book dealing express- ] fosses or the profits — if any. . u^'tee when Yehuda Chorin, labor leadi was said to be ready to hold group; coin nurses, billfolds fl.ru.. ' own sake and for the sake of the chope up the October schedule until t h e , a n dc o o p e r a t i T e e x p e r t ot P a i ly witsrtapte the Jewish situation, sev- i The first families were selected s Jewish people, we dared not let Royal Commission completed « e s t i n e m a d e a p l e a f o r recogniWashington^ D~c" (WVS) - C r a l " ° f J ° h n G o e r ' s , j for their ability to do the neces- ! The action ^as tUcen after. Man- watebfob, will represent tbe work into the the disturbdisturb-. - r V t h 7- ,a\>or ^oria ct^he \ „ „ ' b e r ! "Inside Europe" are studies of s a r y pioneer work. They were ' « e i waiver, speciEi r e p r e s e n ^ .€ prevail. It was a struggle b e - investigation investigation into w aa ss ee tt o t ^ number s t r S w o& work grour wih »'*• numDer, rtcT-mi.^v. i n s t r i a: cescribed . ^ e . ^ w as « . 'experts «e,-T, O rt« in -:r. the •»,» <T-=™= o tween old sickness arid new ! ances. Germany, Austria, trades ' o f t h e P a l e s t i n e F o u n d a t i o n F u n c • •-«« p l i g h t of m a s s e s ° f J e w r y ' ^ h , ich !of German Jews enterlisg the Un- |acondition s in Sn?n commission"? it was learn- makes their settlement n dP o 3 a n d S B d the plight of the • from which tbe . community will in Latin .America, had brought the ' deskse*s. and twk-emls. health; between remnant of shtaement in Pales- !iited States as as ouota quota immigrants immigrants t e d states congress a, plea from 15 Jewish carving models win also be sUovrr, n those countries. get its lifeblood." dlanuth and the rebirth of the Ied, has already been chosen. It In an address! perat5re. comunitiee for help in stemming: for the first time. Bureau o Jewish people through auto-eman- J will have five members, selected whichi mwas particular Jewish icterest Of T}le translated into English jm l g r a t 5 o n f o rt hthe e f i r s t f { T eE O l l t b s !


N &• WHITE, Attorneys, National Bk. Building OF INCORPORATION OF E MURNAN HOME CLEA-

Labor Congress-

IS HEREBY GIVEN thai •ation has bceii formed u n laws nf t h e State of Neoame of the Corporation is E MURNAN- HOME CLEAincipal place of its business u Douglas County. Nebraska. neral n i t u t e c.l\ the business in^acted bv the Corporation 8 trchase. own. hold, deal in. or otherwise lien, and t o e, exchange, transfer real orpropertv wherever situated; make, accent, endorse, disiecute and issue promissory d other negotiable or t r a n s lstruments: to engage in t h e of laundering, cleaning.' r e dyeing, renovating. laying nji rugs, carpc.s, upholsterlnoleum. thoriied capital stock of this or shall be JIU.UOO.OO' dlvld[00 shares of the r a r valus >. each. fc'aid capital stock: pai - for and non-assessable ued and may be paid for in property, real or personal, or intangible, at t h e r e a ralue thereof. Fifty shares ipltal stock of this Corpora1 be paid for before this on shall commence business, orpoi-atlon shall commence on June 35. 1S3G njid shall for a period of. fifty years i thereof. shest amount of indebtedwhicli this corporation shall ime subject itself shall n o t wo-thirds of I t s Capital

was the recurrent his-

a n d F r e n c h h es

k e o nt h ee c o n


B. J. BLUMENTHAL .. . 6-26-4t

ie Entire Family

Cleo-Co!a —and—

ss Beverages

anti-Semitism. ' emv-Met children will pho*The committee comprises Louis ; their pictures, toyfin.in>alp,K - W J. Gribetz. attoraey, chairman: i books, painting? nnd sUmf c.o':~Louis Larifie, Judge Joseph sic-.'lections that heve been their pr<»campgler of Newark, Rabbi Mo for. jficts during tbe


Names of i t s i 1 P° -|of 1936. During tha' period 2,04 4 j f f- Mendelsohns, The Jew toric and ideological controversy wield wide powers. 1 = « p-rnprtpd toe s be aHnS- ;i ^" _ ", _" " " " ° t^' "h o u t t— i uerman jewisn arriH. Fein, "A Harvest of N a m OI ._,.,_ h r o u g h e WOrld • - immigrants -•{Laughs," IT.= »e-h. " W Vo-n " i TT=r-r momh0rn O5:t «f (almost in the form of a para- members are expected to be anmanner in which it had ivv ee(Q1 hn e.r et e a_s, c o m r a r e a w i t h S 6 1 Hebrew Terse," and "The Jewish __. . ., i > comparea WHO « I I „ ^j,,,^, v^ TL. cScawarz. ,i,~digm) between the stubborn ra- nnimred after the nresent session ? tionalization of old blindness and "Mottke, the Thief," by Sholom "In many countnries of the to December 31. 1935; 1,736 in What might happen if Britain world," Mr. Chorin declared, the erect forehead, the vision of Ash is a translation from the Yidthe future, the hope and health halted Jewish immigration was "Jewish youth finds the path to the. fiscal year. 1934, from July 1, dish and Is a rollicking story of 1933, to June-30, 1934; and of a people. The struggle wa s a indicated' by Ds*vid Ben-Gurion, j employment shut off to it because , Jewish life in Poland told only struggle against sloth of the heart chairman of the Palestine Execu- of anti-Semitism. Only in Pales- 1,686 in the fiscal year 1935. a The toal German Jewish imml-! » Sho.om Ash can and paralysis of the mind. Step- | tive of• the Jewish Agency, who tinie is there an opportunity for gration from July 1, IMS. to May I ^ " « Fenchtwanger S contxnuahen Wise was elected. Hope won told the World Zionist Executive Jews to create .their own econo"Jew jtion of the life of 31. 1936, was 6,283. r Ro is a over despair. ' in London that the Jews might


airs of this CorporatloTi shall cteil by a Board of Directors g^ of two members. H. R. LEON

Bermsn, Abraham Goldberg and ing periods.

T bi Toy banti Haroia S. Eudner. Describing anti-Semitism in the ' the children

t c t&>r\-

the r u d i m e n t s ^ commercial and educational fields. ; rhythm' find melodr wiU give Uv fins \ concert, Warsaw (JTA) — A seriously- 5fr. Graiver.said the Nezis were lie ciinner will fcf open *<*« •plan tor es.-behind .the enti-JewiBh campaign. Ks described; tbe prope.jrp.nris ar

mic structure."- Describing the The annual imiuigratioa de-!ratriEt?B& Poland's quota ' ° e l l !fi a?b "l e o r t r a 3 r Ehistorically _ : ,coo,oco iBclufling-. disseirJBKtioti o? r.pws People are fond of saying that react with- "consequences •H-hick : l: o f r-.-G«rmany is-25,95T; •Durii3& •Hisla.dru.Ui-. Fsilpstine G;e>i e r a i £or*^G«r"many* is• i5 i^7~ ""Durii3&iP ^ Jewish. life ;.jews •fcy-ezcb.s-SsJ-Eg-• them tor to provincial papers by the Ger-m a y b e siis.de by o.&>H.ti(jc t h e 1< | there are" two sldes-.tojexgrj*. qu.es- I everjone would'^eplore." He, tsre- JewisbTFederation of Lubor, as an »,,„-,,-.,. «„„•!,. .,),.» the last «^ fiveD months, when norGer-i i in Rome after the fall of Jeru- BreblliEa coffee s t the rate of man Tr&nsocean agency. radio ish COKiBBimky Cetiter, Folloistion. And generally that is trne. [dieted an early end to the Arab expression of the ideals o£ the man: :' lOO.CCO.-a-vear -..feasr arocs-efl -<ilsJewish • immigration reached salem. broadcasts in praise 'ot "Aryan" tlsf d i n n e r s p r o g r a m of ciasici But there are historic moments j strike and said bandits were Jewish masses, he • pointed out its' peat,.non-Jewish^ - During Jewish Book TTeek few , cussioii Tiere. •• -• : immigration laws &ntt veiled attacks through £i3?£ir;g,' a n d F-l.ha v-'orketi osi d that have so shaped themselves "j fighting one "another as much as that not only had it" improved the of. the books on exhibit were j Its author is Wiadrslaw Siudfrom Germany totalled 2,773. members of the elcrt;- linking' : i".g t h e cnnii»Sri|; season -Till. b>. that one of the two sides of a they were fighting others. ! drawn, although the books of; nicki, editor-of the Wilno daily. status of Jewish labor there but All of the Jewish imigranta -were j However, that may be, they was always ready to assist in the question, which was once weighty interest are now having i siowo, and oae of the mainstays; Jews End CommuEism. and legitimate and may become succeeded in continuing their ter- organization of Arab workers. admitted under bond provided by I of the pro-Government press. Kis wide circulation. fo again, loses all validity — per- rorism that has reigned in the "Any hindrance to Jewish Immi- friends or- relatives guaranteeing viewpoint is typical of the sothat they will not become, public peasants furt rpvuhs while Assisti haps not at all abstract validity, i Holy Land for fourteen weeks, gration into Palestine," ne conclubut all validity in action. It be-! Three more Jews died of wounds ded, "will be a terrible blow to charge. Most of the new Jewish li Poland. ia are professional men and the .Tews were csrniteteci. • Meyer Pebpr. FVPITTI r»pnsl-r, comes a menace; it becomes a received earlier in the disorders; the ruined Jewish masses of many arrivals In a recently-published book enGovernment o"icis3s, TbiF'truoe On?ch, Betty Fe}i»r»8n. t h e l r dragging chain; it becomes the in- at least 13 Arabs were killed. countries." titled, "'The Polish-Jewish' Issue," type of propaganda, he sssrifi, in- en Kshn. Kuth Finer. I r Sabotage, guerilla warfare, bombstrument of destruction. ! he declares that since i Z. Feinstein, speaking in befluenced officials to advocate Cohen. LOVRI ICRPIPSI. BiU All who today oppose the self- ings land sniping continued their half of the Palestine Labor Party, ETHIOPIAN LAHD Xew Tort (WNS) — The Jew-;tion into Palestine meets with cer- tigbtenir.g of immigrrstioTi IEWS. End Sol emancipation of .the Jewish people course, ish population of the Republic of; tain diffici'lities, it is advisable expressed his inablity to support •• Propaganda in Argentina. Chiie. : SCHEIIE USED. TO do co or seem to do so out of fear, Colombia is now 17500, it was re-j {or Jews to migrate here In return a Norwegian motion for a union Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica and _ , . subtle or gross, of being accused ported by Bernard Silvernaan, jfor accepting the" Jews, tinder his DEFRAUD POLES Colombian Jewlsb"leafier, now a-plan. with Communists, on the ground Mexico was particularly strong j g* J^? of disloyalty to their Galuth politthat the latter have encouraged tinder the Nazi influence. Mr. Graical commitments. visitor here. Mr. Silvenn»n stated j Pending total elimination cf savage attacks In Palestine by reiver oeclared. / By accepting or proposing this "Warsaw (JTA) — A person i that most of the "Jews live ia Bo- j the Jews, M. Sttidnicki suggests actionary forces of a feudal order The Costa RicE.n Jews transmitargument as valid they affirm the which are supported by Fascist representing himself as an agent gota.tbe capital, in Medellin and ! that tbe Government restrict civil ! ted through him EH appeal for servile state which will not enof Premier Mussolini who sccepBarranquilla. In the latter city .rights, limit Parliamentary and propaganda. [American Jewry's ictercession. HE] dure cultural or ideological mul"I refer to the murderous at- ed large'sums of money from there is a modern Hebrew school \ municipal representation of the ! said tbe entire press there had ! tiformity within its borders. Moscow (JTA) — A delegation tacks directed against a homeless Warsaw Jews in return for leases which has official standing .and I jews and restrict the cumber of j agitating for isolation o£ ] BerHr- (JTA1 — Taking an By affirming the servile state of fourteen Don Cossacks for- and persecuted people engaged in on land in" Ethiopia has disap- teaches secular subjects. The Col-! Jews in the school system to ten j -Jewish coinini'P-ity WD.$. tiip.p.'icd T5 por €?nt IO^B, 3?* they betray the cause of all non- merly the spearhead of Czarist peaceful reconstruction of their peared without a trace, the Po-ombian Jeigs publish a monthly j per cent. j 3i5. of special laws pro- capitalist? last week trBT)i=ife' Jewish "as well as of all Jewish anti-Semitism — recently visited ancient home," Mr. Feinstein lish Telegraphic Agency reported. periodical in Spanish called '"Our j He would allow a maximum of! abroad abosit tire million mis libertarians. They help to sell not New Zlatapol, center of the Jew-pointed out "The Jewish -workers Numerous candidates for emi-Tribune," which will shortly -be • 120 Jewish municipal councillors.! banking circlet; livelihood of many Jews. only their own children but the ish national region of that name, are not intruding on the interests gration to Ethiopia who had paid converted into a weeily. Anticipation to new ! In Warsaw, where they comprise A new decree issued in Costs children of the Christian liberal and received an enthusiastic re- of the existing economy but arefees to the purported representa?or Jews after the Olympics Colombia's industrial develop-! 33 t of the population, he p e r c e E Rica will mean the closing o E into slavery. ception. has been aided by the Jew-I j p" , creating new land for the absorp- tive, one Samuel Salvatore, threa-jment -, ^ : Jewish immigration, be said. Un- , credited in informed qnarlcrt. They betray and sell out that • Hundreds of Jewish farmers |tion of newcomers." i h an appeall to tthe] h ]ish settlers, Mr. Silveriaan said, id ;o f the council seats. tened him with der it. persons: desiring to bring-; with motivaiins the :

Dealer Has 'Em Both!

s Mil

Cossacks Get - Reception in Jewish Region




very spirit of liberty which their American or British or French loyalty should bid them defend and live aud die for. They bring nearer the seprile state in America. Hence they sell out America. They sell out America to the mob and its masters. They tell themselves into slavery both an Americans and as'Jews. In their inconceivable blindness they forgot that that servile state "which'they ore helping to bring about will not and cannot suffer their very, existence. It will be a totalitarian state which will and must crush all minorities, beginning with the Jewish minority.

beautiful modern refriggives you more space, foods fresher, yet costs half to a third of whatexpect. Only Cooleraas the patented, atr-contlng chamber which sup> the cold, washed, humd, circulated air that refood odors, prevents S out. Try one of the Coolerator models for ays FREE!

met them at the station in autopolice after he had continuously jading that there is plenty of room I Protesting his sympathy for the which bevp been sccomp mobiles decorated with f lovers postponed ther emigration. When for additional Jews, bat immigra- j jews, he characterizes them as their families into the country with the permission of '.hv The DR. RICH OPEflS and flags. .-..."• police broke into his offics, he tion is now difficult. Nazii propa- jj "talented and capable." He neith- i ™2^?°lt, \l J,Z11°A the • oriiies throw pis the KeJrtj! A Jewish farmer said, in welDENTAL OFFICE land his secretary were gone. ganda has made some inroads, but Ie r hates them nor despises them, ] No ob?tfC?pP ih.^ve be^n piricfrl it: ^ " vr coming the Cosacks, that he reThe office was opened on Za-the government and people are j he says, and that is why he is op-1 i the way of ihfe cepital fiipht iu membered the role they played friendly to the Jews. The Jewish ] possd to their forcible expulsion Dr Harry Rich announces the menhoff Street several weeks ago view o£ the tremendous Goverrbefore the revolution and the ter-opening of his offices a t 624 City a n d attracted great interest interest community is lacking in unity and ifrom Pcjand. i meet profits from the trsus«cror their name carried for. the National BanK Building for the : among the inhabitants of the Jew-a Jewisn Ub"fary is urgently need-,; i tions. Jews. «d, he said, asking that contribu-! ish district, Nalewki. ! German newspapers report*1.!* general practice of dentistry. "But today, we Jewish agriculSalvatore and his secretary i s - tions of books be sent him jn care j ' that BavariRVi. Jev:s alone liftvt r-r.^ Dr. Rich graduated from the formed inquirers that Mussolini of Mr. Gray, 43 Leonard Street, | g Berlin (WNS) — Nearly 5,000 tural laborers are glad to extend • ported twelve niilHon marks br«Creighton University Dental Coll had set aside a large tract for New York City. jews were sentenced to virtual a brotherly welcome to the new starvation when the Nazi press : tween Ke-i^hpfuehrer Hitler's. »e~ Cossacksi who are our brothers lege in 1935. For the past year Jewish settlers, who could obtain he has been resident dental sur- parcels on 99-year leases. He dein toil," he added. Praha (JTA) — Three Jewish made public two uew decrees Aen. FIF. s pone to I Most of tfeK The Cossacks replied that they geon at St. Jose'ph'a hospital. manded cash fees for information Biases Sius Treahle sports clubs were disqualified for • signed to prohibit 3 % from en- estine, wjtb tlie tpcj states 1 Before enrolling at Creighton and issued receipts in the Italian <m iztermenisge the wool end rag inknew of no differences among nai two years and fined 4,000 kronen j gaging ppcond Isrgpp*. receirpT. Ko t 'tPtionalities. They mentioned . the University Dr. Rich attended the language .bearing a rubber seal of i each by the Czechoslovak Swim- dustries. " : i:res srp f.v•Rilst or the rest friendly competition between the University of Nebraska where he the Abyssinian Colonization AsNew York (WSS)~— If J"011 jjajag-x-nion for refusiEg to permit At the same time the police be; was affiliated with the Sigma suffer from sinus trouble or some 1t h e i r country's gan arresting scores oJ Jewish. the Reich. sociation. m e m b e r S j t b e Hence every Jew- who out of two communities in volume of .. ear ailment you can blame it on jc h a m p i o n E w i E n . e r S ; t o p £ r tici-i cattle dealers on the charge thf.t j hidden fear or from some hope!agricultural production,and em- |AJpna Jia iraternuy. J..h, your race, according to Dr. C. 1p a t e , n t h e o l y H j p j C Games at Eer- ; they were cheating the peasants, j of stealthy brief advantage to | phasized their desire to learn new Jerusalem ("WNS-Palcor AgenPaul Snyder of Philadelphia, wbo| Iin _ The cluhs E r e t h e EagiborlNazi law forbics any discrSmina-| himself opposes the self-emanci- agricultural methods from the told the annual convention of the j{n \hU. ~ity a n f l t f a e B s rK o c h b a I tion aginst Jews on pure:;- econ- | cy) — Kecorded births in Pelpation of his people as a people, Jews. during the first quarter fi. American Osteoptbic Society of - a BBruenn and Bratislava, fastens the rope about his own ruennand Bratislava, all a t o m i c grounds, and this excuse has jestine A children's olympic-game fesOphthalmology and Otolaryngolo-,, iIiate!i w,th t h e Maccab! neck of all liberty-loving men and t h e 1G36 totaled 1S,S2T, snd recorded been iEvofeeo to elsrrJRtste deaths Eunibfeved fi,C4", accorc-» women everywhere in the world, tival was held in their honor. The gy that the frequency of sinas |JeviBh BpOru • organization', Jews from finother field. ing So vital elatiP'.icE lor till? psrtroubles in this country is often; T h e £Ctj£>n c l i m a s e g a COEtr oirrespective or race or religion or Cossacks visited various Jewish farms and spent several days in iorl niRde RVRflchl? by S. A. C^rtdiie to intermarriage aiaoag var-: historic bindings. He betrays us y Berlin (JTA) —The Nazi auth-., JeTV.s_ -rhe purpose of this action thg more, statisUcian for the I'RIP.K' as been l0Ua>TS ces 1 all to the Hploch-Hitler of the the region. ' orities took precautions against |{s t o i m p r e s 3 Bpon the foreigners - conducted: for months. Tbe swim- • tine Government. neo-Pagan ..servile state, visitors to the Olympics jt h a t « j e w s are still leading a free Showing that the ailment r e - ; m i j J g unlon r e c e n t l y ordered the i Of the births p.pproKfmately "K who can be loyai; AUSTRALIA EASES . foreign Games getting first-hand informa- Il i f e in Germany." New York (WNS) — "Jewish salted- from some form of casal | J e w i s h c l u b s - t 0 g e n d i t s t a r , •• pel' cent were ernong tfep Moe: . youth .in America should learn of America is the | " 'IMMIGRATION LAWS tion on the Jewish question Homes of Jews will be distin- deformity, Dr.;nyder said this de- ;n a t a t o r s t 0 t h g B e r I i a g s m e s o a lems, nesrly IS per cent amongZionist. - For he who desires freej the srt o£ 'oosing, because the abilMelbourne, Australia (JTA) — The Gestapo, secret State poformJty .is frequently traceable to j a l t v o f dtojoallficatton. tbe Jews RXK(1 r-boiit 6 per cast dom for himself will fight for the The authorities issued new regu- lice, ordered Jewish institutions guished from.those of their "Ar- stnietnral nasal differences be- ; p e aThe Jewish clubs, however, car- : ity to handle 3*our fists is perhaps ninonr the Christians. freedom of his brother men. Slave lations easing Emigration restric- not to maintain contact with for- yan" neighbors during the forth- tween various races. ! ried the matter to tbe Foreign ; the best insurance sgainst BBUFuriher F-tsiistics show that the and tyrant are psychologically and tions. eign visitors who wish to stuiiy coming Olympic games, under an j ! Minister, Erail Krofta, who ad- ! Semitism," Benny L,eoharfi, for•-. esti'BiBted S'opulation of l,26i»: practically interchangeable terms. orderissued by Dr. Julius Lipj : vised them to participate in the^mer world's lightweight champion The regulations are. in three jthe Jewish question. Names of : We see that more clearly than categories; 1) Immigrants having j visitors desiring to get into di-pert, State Commissar for .Berlifl.! Olympics. .. • told sn audier.ee o£ Je*-ish com- 136 if ms.de up of S66.1S6 Jews. ever today. Jews cannot be ty- relatives in Australia require no rect touch with the Jewish organ- „-• The order provides that, all I Vienna • : munal leaders anci athletes gath- TTS.PiF Moslems, 107,24.2 Christ" Jewish circles es- ; : rants and dare not be slaves. money for admission; 2) Immi-|izations must first be reported to buildings must fly both the Reich J pressed great uneasiness ever the j Mew York— Dr. H. Louis Gins- . ered to plan for a. benefit bos- i&ns and 11,143 others. This is not the profundest argu- grants having no relatives but the Gestapo, the order specifies and the Olympic flag.. But-since j new Austro-Geriaan - treaty, voic- i berg, a young scholar, has accept-; ing match to raise funds for Germent for the reintegration ot the with friends in the country able Zismk! te Meet The Ministry of Propaganda has Jews ,are barred under the'Nur-ling f.ears that pro-Nazi activities! ed the invitation of the Jewish-man refugees and Palestine. Jewish people about the cause and willing to guarantee their detailed special guides to .take emberg laws .trom' displaying the [in Austria would be given & fres M Theological "Seminary to come i "The Jewish atlileie fand banner of Zion. That deepest livelihood, .oniion — The Actions Comifnso Palestine to America as an-.'bandy with fists evokes more re-| must posses fifty American and other visitors to the j national flag, , Jewish ^ buildings j hand. argument, reasoned out by men (about $200). 3) Those without A a ' mittpe of the World Zionist, OP» be conspicous by its absesce. | Hope was expressed ia Jewish, jnual lecturer-in Bible at tbe Sena'spect from ap.-ai\li-Sen;He than games.on.a tour of the "ghetto" far wiser and more learned than relatives or friend3 must have 200 cafes Jewish scholars, whose j gani?.ft!.ion will meet .-'Jn Europe on Berlin's '"white way," j The' belief • was-expressed that quarters that Aostrla's iutc-rna! j iisary for the acaceiasc year ISS6-i I, will be found in the pages of pounds (about ?l,000 to be ad- the Kurfuerstendamm, wbich are j Jews may be permitted to fly the polities would noi be affected by|ST, it was announced I ~ r. Cy- i learning- the people cannot uader-, oa August SSib, in a-city to be *«(Continued on page 8) be said. , nouueed Inter, mitted.) ras Acler, presideot. frequented chiefly by foreign j Berlin municipal flag instead. J tbe treaty.

j Czech Jewish Clubs PunishedforBoycott

r Decrees tc 5.§i§ Tbeir



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game has a difficulty all of its [make the. life of a soldier much ! memories of fine. friendships, of own. The two teams in accord-1 easier and comfortable. Before he financial success,' of communal ance with AZA are staging a little I embarked on his journey, he achievement. But closets of all to. fight, all by themselves, for the' wished me to leave a parting mes- , him — more dear than any other honor of upholding the "coveted" sage to the public and that is that ! experience —has been the knowcellar position. . one should take the advice of j ledge that his wife was working

i place for Hitler's victims? love — their religion: "Because we have no children j 200 ITLIAN JEWS GET CIVIL to perpetuate our name and be- j POSTS IN ETHIOPIA . . .'It's not cause we wish to establish a %n honor — it's hard work. foundation that will be permanent where Jewry will be most (Copyright 1S,">6 by Seven Arts another. Follow the crowd to the ; side* by side with him both in bus- benefited, we selected the Union Feature Syndicate.) Flash! Genius discovers method Center pool and all will enjoy the ' iness and in cultivating those wi- of Ataerican Hebrew Congregaof keeping cool during these hot, soothing comforts of a • cooling ! der outside interests that have tions as the organization which Gnsiloff Stjoare Dedicated sultry days. In an interview with swim. j made the Meyers outstanding in I will carry on thi« noble work and this brilliant master-mind, your (will perpetuate the teachings of j an age of superlatives. ! Berlin — Gustloff Square was correspondent is not at liberty to With Norman Berg at the helm, j Emily Meyer was born in New j Judaism. We trust it as the Rock j formally dedicated here in honor mention names, the "spot" can the JCC swimming classes are I Orleans on November 15, 1S63, of our Salvation." of the Swiss Nazi agent who was be found in the Center. "Why travelling ahead at top speed. In I and was educated in the public This" article proposes the es- tency of law could emanate. In ably when they affect us person- should assassinated last February by Dapeople worry about such tablishment of a modern Sanhe- .many instances it could conciliate ally In the lqast. At such times a small matter as keeping cool the last week, no less than 30 j schools of that city.' As a partner (Copyright 193 6 by Seven ArU vid Frankfurter, Jewish medical have passed different swimming some of us have the good sense Feature Syndicate.) I in their general store, she was acdrin In the form of a Jewish or arbitrate,every sort of major or student, as a blow s.t Nazi perwhen the only thing they have tests. Berg plans to begin the j five in the business world for 29 Court of Honor. The author is minor dispute Involving the peace to search outside aid. But most to secution of Jews. do is enjoy a swim in the fina former Highland Park, Midi., of the community, locally, nation- of us refuse to listen. We pro-est in-door pool in the city," This coming week with diving classes | years — years that antedated mojudge, and one of the mainstays ally, as well a3 internationally, ceed to act to our own chagrin swimming expert has just left for which if enough are interested I dern woman's so-called emancipaof the civil liberties movement depending in each case upon the and loss. What is true of an in-camp where he will endeavor to will become have a regular spot • tion in business. Not only as an | • RcectioEEry Greek Press dividual is equally true of a.whole ! on the program. in Detrlot. As an authority on nature of'the specific needs. executive in business matters but Saloniki (vVNS) — The reacarbitration he is. highly quail The minority opinions would people. En masse and under presas a leader in the community has tionary press of Greece has served sure we think even less clearly if led' to discuss this interesting even be a healthy sign that honest i Emily Meyer shown herself on notice on the Jews that unless subject. THE EDITOR differences rnunt continue. But atand wisely. Many plans are con: outstanding woman. She served they discontinue the purchase of least we shall know that some ap- ceived in noisy surroundings and | as president of the Jonesboro Lalaud on the Isle of Cyprus the under strained or panicky condiidles' Aid for many years and has Greek residents af the island will ^ e . are an aa'aehie people. It propriate forum, has gone to work tions. ?ew /worthwhile results By ROBERT S1O>E bave to take action to istop them. I always been Interested in Jewish could not be otherwise. Suspected, and bas arived at an agreed meth- can be thus achieved. GOVERNOR LEHMAN BOOMI religious and cultural matters. Cyprus is owned by Great Britdriven, exploited, how could we od of action, or non-action. With The mechanics and the person• R. H. and Emily Meyer are ED FOR PRESIDENT IN IS40 . . ain, but the majority of its popuso quickly develop into well-bal- out that what have we? There | part of Jonesboro. They pioneer- Will the time ever come when lation is Greek. anced human beings? A long tra- are no agencies to serve us In thenel and the means of • selecting ,! ed there and they lent their brain religion will have no political sigdition "of psychic and physical fac- face of common calamities. Iso- such a body of judges as here inA large number of German Jewt ! and strength and enthusiasm to I nificance? tors conducive to balance creates lated individuals propel themsel- dicated are minor problems once recently settled there. (power too often takes precedence An unrestricted gift of $125,OF REPUBLIC it from a wilderness into ! SENTINELS balance; a tradition of ease and ves into acting or speaking as our the plan is deemed feasible. Somethe spiritual, when icon- building comfort and poise creates »polse. representatives by what right no thing of the ancient Sanhedrin 000 is indeed an event in the lover a thriving, throbbing town, alive •AGAIN LINKED TO ANTI-JEW- i Speaking of name changes, Mrs. Hence aa accepted with the dignity of the modern philanthropic news of any coun- joclasm is prevalent, and the good with dignity and pride and ISH PROPAGANDA . . Not again | Merviss, mother of Sam (Michael Our d e e p l y Individualistic one knows. at reprsentatlon must be Supreme Court is the nearest to try. Since 1020 such news items life is sometimes made lels ap- achievement. but still. thinking, acting < and reacting •form ILoring) MervisB arrived in Talkie evolved tot treat our problems in our conception. Wo do not want have been most rare. But when pealing than the strong one, perARKANSAS JEWISH COUPLE !Town . . .instantly became Mrs. Mr. Meyer is a town father. He arouses constant clashes, a small some an unknown Arkansas couple sons with the religious conscioussuch manner. to deal here with all the other portion of which may be of some is one of the founders of the 1DEED ENTIRE PROPERTY TO Marcia Loring. Could it be MarBut give us a Court of deed all their property, amount- ness of the Meyers stand apart as town's bank, the builder of more j UNION O F AMERICAN H E-|I cia value; but the greatest part Is There Is no pattern of life quite details. was M&lkc in pre-ciuema messengers of Israel and God's ing to $125,000, to the Union useless, unwholesome. It makes like ours in or out of Palestine. Honor to sit in judgment fairly, of American Hebrew Congrega- word. Jonesboro homes than any one jBREW CONGREGATIONS . . . AI days? ' freely, dispassionately, as 2s B O ua unhappy, creates disruption Other people may not require the else there. They're charming beautiful gesture. that is real news. Miss 1 Their love for Judaism and 6.2S3 GERMAN JEWISH REF- > A will wag chirps that " one of and disunity and keeps us forever tribunal here indicated. We do.often necessary, upoj matters of tions, places, these homes; California Antick gives us an interesting Jewish religious affairs is an inbusy with complexes and uncer- Need compels it. Outside of the great moment affeciing our lives- picture of these unknown Jewbungalows that Jonesboro resl- UGEES ADMITTED TO U. S. jour writers? is' doing so well he tegral part of their lives. T h i s , , ,, . SINCE JULY. 1933 . . . An imtainties; suspicions'and fears. By common problems with those of Let it provide Opinions which may ish philanthropists. j now has two deskp . . . one for ents love is reflected not only in their !^ affectionately erm "Meyer provement — but more should be 'each foot!" (Seems to me I've internedn strife we continue to our neighbors we have many su- become landmarks in the orderly Houses." Every one in .Jonesboro development of a people in and THE EDITOR own philosophy but in the lives loves this couple. Their home is saved. create barriers for ourselves and perimposed upon our lives, of a ! seen that one before — Ed.)



Arkansas Couple Gives All for Jewish Religion




of their fellow Jews in Jonesbetween ourselves and others. different hue. These we like to outside of its own Homeland, NEW ERA OF JEWISH PIONa favorite meeting spot for their From Jonesboro, Arkansas, to boro. It has been a. guiding force many friends, "who come there of- EERING OPENS AS FIRST SETAnd a staggering amount of effort settle in our own advisory court, News of Vie week . . . Eleanor goes to waste. , n our own accepted places of (Copyright 193G by Seven Arts Cincinnati, Ohio, is a matter of in all their endeavors for many ten to chat — particularly since y;3HS0H NO HVM. OX N3NI-O ("Wittenberg"1 Whitney announce!) some hundred miles if you speak [years and its presence is seen Mrs. Meyer does not go about as Feature Syndicate.) •S8ITHBU3 J H O o j We all seem well enough aware counsel-taking. her engajrment lo Ssm Rosenthal, in terms of road distance, but most tangibly in such institutions j actively as she formerly did. On -u'B ;ssq em sit 6ieonpo.id" • of the imperious need for cohesDestined as adventurers, in Jr. as the Temple there, the Ladies j there Is no separation between ion, unity and solidarity. We re- every movement aimed to liberthe street they are greeted on the two points in the hearts and Aid Society and the B'nai B'rith, \ every side — every one is their NM.OXSXHQIH AdflODO cognize it is the only means by ate life from Its false trappings, with which the Meyers have been I . minds ol Mr. and Mrs. R. H. which' to maintain racial, national something in our nature responds • • " saaaxax In nc affiliated and to which they have j !l * By KAY SOHAPIEO and'religious Integrity — call it to the great call. It is our very -N o j HsiA\ar • occupied with a W! FOT Rent given so wholeheartedly of their!. . ,' •what you will. So we are forever inheritance. Indeed, it may be . , • : business, with a growing combusy preaching unity from the our special contribution to hutime and money. ' munity that ' MSIJSOJJ ej In last week's eoftball games, f demanded much from Two nice rooms &n& kitchen. •t housetops to those who do notmanity's search for the ideal. The story of R. H. Meyer is a its pe pl the Psi Mu and Morris Adler of j i jnq 'sisejsjsru aqa io,v e e r s have re AH furnished. "Very reason. °d f rue ~ ^ their ^ ^g eat lovc , " GRESS NAMES COMMITTEE TO stop to listen long enough. ' glamorous one — not as spectcu.Daily: we are becoming a more the AZA No. 1 emerged victork " a l the ^ heritage * to of f We have spent more than forty highly organized Jewish^ coramun- ious. The, Psi Mu scored enough lar as some other such biograph- for j PROBE ANTI SEMITISM I N able. Call WE-352-7. Israel. years in building a practical Zlon« ty. .We are systematically raia- runs in the initial frame to down ies, perhaps, but filled with a sinRecognizing the necessity for j LATIN-AMERICA . . . A long 1st philosophy and, even in Its ng funds by every sort of exhor- the Omaha Jobbing Co., 4 to2 cerity and oneness of purpose, as an organized congregation, Mr. overdue action. first stages, wild Revisionist off- tation. We are passing constant while Morris Adler was at work -•" ?:c well as a deep spiritual light, that Meyer helped found the Temple LEONARD SAYS JEWISH shoots come to plague us. We udgement on the generosity or defeating the Towers, G to 5. ' make it unique. in l£97,~and in 1S9S, on his cry- FISTS ARE BEST PROTECTION 1 create a Jewish Agency so that rigidity of this person or that. We He was born in Heuchelheim stal "wedding anniversary, For PicEJcs and All OccaV 3 runs garnered in the first dedi- AGAINST ANTI-SEMITISM . . . Zionists and non-Zionists may seem to have no trouble Bitting Inning gave the fraternity team bei Landau, Rheinpfalz, Germany, ated U a s sions Serve, Forbes* New In any case, the xnost striking. on July 6, 1858. and attended £ President. Since 1922 collaborate, developing Palestine, in judgment on the measure of an edge over the cellar- contenAUSTRO-GERMAN PACT SEEN York Pumpernickel h 18 school at the Landau Gewerb! . congregation has belonged to AS THREAT TO AUSTRIAN and collateral conflicts a r e social responsibility of the other ders. The second place- Psi Mu pressed forward to liquidate even fellow. But 'when' It comes to scored their fourth run in the EEEAD Schul, in September, 1S73, h e j ^ « ^ ™ i f ^ T l JEWS . . . It is not designed to this slight advantage. emigrated to this country and ourselves we seem to have little third and then were unajble to help them. serving as hia Temple's president. Sliced thin for went to Memphis, Tenn., where he A World Jewish' Congress is sense of proportion. What we work any more runs across the JEWISH CHILDREN GO ON He is a representative of the entered college. projected and self-appointed sav- most lack, then, is the means of home plate. The Jobbers scored Joint Distribution Committee, a HUNGER STRIKE TO PROTEST A year later he left Memphis member iors arise to nullify the hopes of self-analysis, self-appraisal. With their 2 runs in the first inning, of the Masonic Order, the POLISH ANTI-SEMITISM . . . and went to Grand Lake, Ark., on. ood judgment on matters which its aspirants. We seek to raise but the pitching of Morris EpElks and the B'nai B'rith. Both TheJr hunger will be applauded the banks of the Mississippi River funds nationally through a need- do not effect us; we fall miser- stein held .them well at bay. Joe he and his wife have striven con- by the anti-Semites. where he wa-s a landing keeper stantly to further 2701-11 No. 2«th ed integrated purpose and personKirschenbaum and Manny Simon those ideals ANTI-SEMITISM DRIVES GERduring the era of the steamboats. al dissensions come to dishearten were the: batter for: the losers. , BOO that will make for a more meanM A N JEWISH PROFESSORS From there he went to Leota ingful givers and workers ... alike. We Proposes Monument to Dreyfus b Judaism, that will develop Six error* in; the first Inning alFROM TURKEY. . . . Is there no Landing, in Washington County, "J e w J.s hl -«u«»"i. Luitt » m uevewp keep on pleading, begging, organlowed 4 Tower men to score Meyer of that small Arkansas;t !!*!„„ •„,», v. . i-«^.-__! education and Jewish culParis •—-Erection of a. izing Jewish life and seem to lose while the Towers held the AZA town, whose religious interests j Miss., where he was a landing ture. For this reason thew have aight of the fact that something is ment in honor of the late Captain to-a lone counter. It was then center around activities that stem ! keeper and cotton buyer. always been interested in the aims lacking to promote the central Alfred Dreyfus, victim' of the cele- that Morris Adler,. winning pitch- from Cincinnati. For R. H. Meyer Hjs-business career was formal- and activities of the Union of purpose — a singleness of plan brated Dreyfus, Affaire, is urged er, started to,work and he did a and his wife, Emily, have just ly begun in 1851 when he went j American Congregations. for a harmonious achievement. ' ' upon the government by the" news- beautiful job of hurling. Adler deeded all their property to the! t 0 Jonesboro. Starting as a book- As honoredHebrew guests they will, atThe stupidities and narowneas peper L'Oeuvra. The words "No with the breaks against him al-Union of American Hebrew Con-j keeper, cotton buyer and sales- tend the thirty-fifth council meetwhich so glibly animate us! Themore Dreyfus Affaires" should be lowed the.Towers 1 run and 1 gregations — an uarestricted gift man, two xears later he was head ing of the Union in New Orleans Where Otnahs Shops with Confidence eaBe with which we become self- on the monument, the paper de- hit both gamed by Iz Novak. He amounting to approximately $125- of the Grand Leador Department! next January, where they will seeking leaders in self •starting clares, adding that it should be struck out 11 and walked 4 and000— to further the religious Store, which he owned for 29 j h a v e t h e opportunity to learn projects! Our needs as a whole erected in. front of the War Of- then - slammed out 2 hits in 3 work of Israel through the Un-j years, until his retirement from ! m o r e intimately the workings of be damned I My own little narrow fice. trips to the plate, one of which ion's program of religious educa- j active business life. tbls vast organization. field of potty Interest is all that went foj a home run. which makes tion,. promotion of good will and! The years that have elasped j ^ r _ & r ( i j j r s _ j j e y e r have no counts. My little place in the sun him a story book hero. Esthcnia Curb development of religious extens-j since that first modest business I childrenr and so they sav, in reIs all that matters. The broader [venture in 18S3 are studded with ; j . a r d to'their magnificient gift The league leading Potato on plans, . . vision, the grander purpose, the Talllnin, Esthonla — The Esteam were idle last week In these days .when material j bright memories for Mr, Meyer —'which went to benefit their first greater social achievement are thonian government is preparing Mkt. as their game with the Sample wholly forgotten. a law which will prohibit Jews Furs was called off. This postIs there a better wayf Can we from processing meat according ponement puts the Sample Furs reduce friction'and increase social to the Jewish ritual in quantities in a tie for second place with the balance and Integrity and under- beyond those needed to supply the Psi • Mu and leaves the grocery standing? Can we evolve a clear- Jewish poulation. : boys in a % game lead. ing house for self-generating Schedule for July 26: The impending law is modeled ideas — a testing place for their on a similar act passed in Poland Sample Furs vs Psi Mu at West ultimate or temporary "• social several yearB ago. ^ Elmwood. value? Is there a better way to AZA No. 1 vs. Omaha Potato prevent needless antagonism and Market at 32 nd & Dewey. Romanian Nazis petty politics? I rather think we Omaha Jobbing Co. vs Towers can arrive at honorable solutions Bucharest ~r- An "execution at East Elmwood. of disputes, if most of these would Newt wee'c schedule may mean ' . - J '.» „• ,— •,« be taken In tow by a properly es- squad" of eight shock-troopers of tablished and properly managed the anti-Semitic Iron Guard assas- a mix-up in the league's standing. ^ K Vs.; sinated Michael stelescu, leader of The. winner of the Sample Furbody of judicial character. Psl Mu game will . remain enthe Rumanian non-anti-Semitic Some such body may save us trenched in second place, but. if from stumbling into the many Fascist League. Forcing their way into the the AZA can > duplicate their prefalse solutions wh'.cti have been vious ujpset of the grocery .ten, Taken frera ©sir brining us wholesale disappoint- Bramcovenescu Hospital, where The victor will.go into a *£ game ment and grief. A boyd of fair Stelescu was recovering from an Hlfihtr Priced and honest representatives — and operation, they riddled him with lead leaving the Omaha Potato 28 bullets. Then they surrender•Mkt. in the runner-up position. St ©cfcs •we have many of these —» could The Omaha : Jobbing Co.-Tower elt together and quietly silence ed to the police. needless wranglings as well as formulate more wholesome action. This would be a model tribunal where social ideals might be analysed, tested and promulgated; where conflicts involving our hon-. or as a people or as Individuals could be set at rest. -."•. Out of such a place a body of advisory, opinions frequently with even greater than the- moral po?

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ht 193d by Sevea Arts eature Syndicate.)

pff Square Dedicated


— Gustlorr Square wai dedicated here in honoi wiss Nazi agent who wai ited last February by Dajkfurter, Jewish metlical as a blow at Nazi perof



jinsnrante? If he cad time guar- a German liner . . . "The Jews in wrote a play, "Boy Meets Girl," a •pictures. By soaie strange i i anteed him, perhaps he could !Germany" is the name of a new satire on the motion picture indus- of fate the careers of the t v e i" solve the problem of an estate by publication bein^ issued in Lon- jtry, and Samuel Goldvyn jmmed- never crossed during the *n, | accumulation providing he was d o n . .. . I t contains nothing but : iately signed them to a writing t h a t p a s s e d . T:>urog'p aridii mi ,100 times more lucky than is the n e T s about the Jews jn the Third contract. the studio roster of tuWiM 1 average man. But he hasn't.the Reieh . , . Paul Dennis,- the singer, Now Jerome Cov.v.n, a native of b r i n g s t o g e t h e r five m e n v. 'time, and so he must use life in- ii s a son of the late Cantor Josef Hartford. Conn., is on *hc way TOv e r e w o r k i n g s i d e by pule f i r •surance to create his estate, or • Rosenblatt .. , . Had'assah has a similar fortune in rb.e movies. y e a r ? P.CQ in t h e tividre! i - ' i j else moved from 111 Fith Avenue. Cowan plays the lend in the Pr">- fielfi. By the Service Life Insurance The facts of life are against z i o n i s t headquarters, to .1S60 -p-acks" Broadway hit. portraying: Company, Omaha him in the matter of saving an Broadway . . . Broadway-will have a writer who cannot make enough To Represent A _ ; Old-age fund. The facts of life three Yiddish theatres in the Fall fun of Hollywood. Samuel GoldAfter all is said and done, "the ; testify that very, very few men . . . A n e w anti-Nazi play, jointly w-yn signed Cowan, a tail, goodThe history of a littlc-known Under Menelik I and his succes- advisors go into conference and logic of life insurance is irresist- ia r e al) Ie to save an old-age fund. authored by Dorothy Parker, looking, Clark-Gable-ish sort oi London I ' J T A I — Sir '*'•-:. Jewish tribe of Ethiopia, the sors Ethiopia remained half Jew- decide on the wedding day and ible. There is no answer to i t , l T n e thousands of old men who George Kaufman. Irwin Shaw, chap for the. second lead in Werie Isaacs, former Governor oi. -l. i.Falnshas, is still cloaked in ish and half pagan until 33(T A. the size of the "dowry. ! no argument which can stand up' today are facing the prospect of Mo.rrie Ryskicd and Edwin Jus- Oberon's new picture. "In Love traiia, was appointed to rej-ic°. i . and W a r . " As Cowfu, is without Australia on the King Eil\ < «. it. i a Penniless stretch of sunset days t-u s Mayer, legend and myth. The author of D., when the majority of the pop- The wedding ceremouy is a ,I -against ^ --. - - . is — being ----„ readied for a this article, which is published ulation was converted to Christ- simple affair. There i^ no ketu- j Here is the man who wants to a r e eloquent witnesses to the Hollywood premiere Eddie film experience, lie !r-fi die show corona* ion connuittee. in the magazine Eve, reveals to ianity: Those who remained loyal bah, or wedding contract, nor any j leave a decent estate to his fam-: practical impossibility of saving cantor and George Jesse! have and reached Hollywood Sunday to spend several \vo?ks on the Golclus a most informative picture to the faith of Solomon retreated other written agreement. In the illy, who wants to make sure that \a n old-age fund. How is he go- kissed and made up . . . wyn set?, watching and learning of tids mysterious black "Jew- to the mountains and established presence of witnesses the couple j in his old age he never will be; i n S to solve this problem with-. screen-acting meilunls. an independent Jewish kingdom ess of Ethiopia. THE EDITORplight their troth and then set up j forced to eat the bitter bread of j out using life insurance? J3ERL1X-Bor.\» which endured for 1,300 years. housekeeping. Falasha women j charity or burden his children! if there were some other ways " d d j o , t h i ast . m 5nute A When the blackshirted legions Ruled alternately b y queens are excellent housekeepers and! with his care. ; than life insurance, there might j f u n d s o b t a i n e d b v t h e A W i c a n .TAVROG J O I \ S Director Norman Tauro? has of Mussolini made themselves called Judith and kings called their homes are celebrated for |. How is he going to solve these, be a logical argument against it. !o l y m p i c C o m n l U t e e came indirectbeen sigrned to an exclusive lonsrmasters of Ethiopia and drove Gideon,, this mountain empire suc- their cleanliness. They are the i two problems without using life But there is no other way. ly from the Jewish, bankrolls . . . terrn contract with COth CenturyEmperor Halle Selassie, King of ceeded in preserving intact and world's worst cooks, however. The fact of the matter is that Fix by Darryl F. Zar.uck. This aci Kings and Conquering Lion of almost virginal form of the relig-|Once she is married the-Falasha Jevrs contributed as much to the renews an association ended morp Judah, into exile, they brought ion brought to Ethiopia from Pal-j woman enjoys the social rights on Olympic fund this year as in any than eleven years ago. when both under Italian hegemony the only estine by the Queen of Sheba andja par with her husband. Married other Olympic year . . . Charles were engaged in makinc two-reel • • • • country in the world whose peo- her son. I women carry on the same trades Ornsteiri, one of the leaders of ple proudly boast that they are The Moslem conquest of Ethio- as their husbands. Many of the the fight against American pardescendants of Jews. The ma- pia in the seventh century C. E. Falasha women are skilled pot- j ticipation ia the Olympics, helped jority of Ethiopians, ' of course, cut it off from the rest of Chris- ters, metal workers, blacksmiths ,lieves it can happen here is the Pa>' t h e h o t e ! b i l l s o f several are Christians, for the land of tendom for a thousand years. Be- and weavers. Falasha family life FORECASTS —, 7/ _ ! Haile Selassie is the world's old- lieving themselves to be the last is unusually dignified, husband, Louis Lipsky will not remain fact that in Bermuda he was urg- ; members of the American team the vice president of the Ameri; ed by Americans to boycott a cerwhile they were in New York . . . est Christian nation. Yet this survivors of the Jewish people, wife and children constituting - a He a l s o bought shoes for a couple ancient empire dates its national the Falashas held fast to Judaism permanent circde. Respect for can Jewish Congress . . . Stephen I tain hotel because it was full of 0 for ' the trackmen^. . That's sportsorigin back to Maqeda, the fam- with fanatic zeal despite genera- parents is deep-rooted. Desertion S. Wise will startle his admiring ' Jews . . . Our imitator reads OUT' manship . . . King KongKlein, publlc by giving up a number of ' column, but not closely enough ous and.beautiful Queen of Sheba tions of persecution and separa- of the parental home before marRecently he mentioned the star of las year's New York Uniwho ruled. over Ethiopia in the tion from the main branch of riage is unheard of. So strong are activities to which he seemed wedJames Waterman i fact that Israel's Messenger of versity eleven, has.been signed to ded for life days of King Solomon. Jewry. Although the independent family ties that a whole class of Wise is scheduled to leave these : Shanghai, China, published a New make a football picture in Hoily- f, Jewish kingdom was destroyed in hermits have grown up among the From biblical sources and the shores some time in the Fall for York item to the effect that in wood . . . folklore of' Ethiopia has come the 17th century and its inhabi- fathers of families who, after the a full'year . . . Ludwig Lewishon Japan the swastika is the emblem down the story that when the tants decimated by recurring wars death of their wives, have taken is preparing to take up residence'. of houses of prostitution . . . We (Copyright 1D3G by Seven Arts powerful and fabulously wealthy and plagues and the inroads of a- vow of chasity and spend the in a suburb of New York City . . .! passed that report on to ' you (Feature Syndicate) Queen of Sheba traveled to Jer- assimilation, the dwindling- rem- rest of their lives in prayer and Pierre Van Paassen has canceled months ago . . . £ "A Quality Product for Seasoning" ^ nants of the seed of Sheba and fasting. usalem in the 11th century B. C. lecture tour to tne United < KEINHAKDTIS5IS E. to see for herself the wonders Solomon were still a Jewish oasis Few Falasha rite3 are more his and will re- ' Max Relnbarut ;s back in Salz- ' of King Solomon's Temple she in a. desert of paganism when they scruplously observed than those States for this winterThere are ru-; burg for f.he festival, where he'll JEROME CO1VAX SIGXEP main in Europe were discovered some 5 0 years fell completely under the spell of associated with childbirth. Several mors of a sensational develop- i meet Romai'n. Kolland, who' is. They say riiat making fun of this most celebrated monarch of ago. weeks before giving birth preg- ment in the setup of the Yiddish ; writing the script for Reinhardfs ' Hollywood pays dividends. For e\antiquity. Awed by his prover- Less warlike and far more in- nant women .leave their home to . One of new movie, 'Danton, the Terrible" : ample, Sam and Bella gpewack bial wisdom and vast wealth, this dustrious than most Ethiopians, take up residence in special huts press in this country Before leaving Reinhardt conthe best-known Jewish, women dusky, club-footed princess was the Falashas have a higher moral that .have .been sanctified by will be among the American dele- : fided to us that he still hasn't got • also tremendously impressed with code and enjoy greater immunity priests. The women remain alone gates Pan-American Con- i an actor to play the role of Dan- • Solomon's God and religion. There from disease than most of Haile except for a nurse until their chil- ferencetointhe Buenos next Jan-; ton. and that he's leady to reare only dim legends to support Selassie's countrymen. Strictly dren are born. Until the children i^iry . . . A groupAires Orthodox: ceive applicaU-'.ns:- . . . An amusit, but it ia said that the proud monotheistic in faith, they frown, are forty days old — eighty in Jews are planning aof newEea! Estate and Property ing incident in connection with! Maqeda was converted to Judaism on most of the varieties of fetiCE- the case of girls — Falasha worn- Jewish, weekly in New YorkAnglo-: ftfanageznent. City: Reinhardfs sailing on the Norby the Hebrew sage and bore.him ism in vogue among the Ethio- en are forbidden to bathe. This is .'mandie has to do with his tradim b e p l e a 8 a n t l v sur You can't stop a vrirsda son called Menelik, who became pian tribesmen. Living apart from a precaution against contaminaLime Rickey, White Sods, ; the founder of the royal house of the other tribes, the Falashas are of the water supply, since the riv- prised when the newspapers print! tional aversion to going to oed stonn, but you can bv.j the news of the important diplo-; before 3 a. ra. or getting up beGinger Ale or Sparkling Ethiopia. Pk£. Sc distinguished by their skill in the ers and streams are the sole matic and commercial mission j fore noon windstorm insurance The French liner Water crafts, their totally un-Jewish dissource of drinking water. After .When the Queen of Sheba Tefroa Fraskel Assorted Flr which has taken Samuel C Lam-j was scheduled to sail at 10 a. m.. turned to her own country with dain of trade and their insistence this initial immersion mothers of port to Europe . . He went abroad-and R-einhardt asked for perrais3 Qt. Bottles 25c 4 Packages 3." DonsSns Block her son, after a- lengthy stay at on observing the minutiae of un- newborn children clothe themsel- with credentials from Secretary i-sion to board it the night before Plus Bottle Deposit "SACKSOX 1323 K i n g Solomon's court, she adulerated Judaism amid a peo- ves in new gown and offer up as of State Hull, the personal best!. . - T h i s was. granted provided brought with her many of the ple who are half Christian and sacrifices a pair of doves caught •wishes of FDR and as a special' he would be en Loard before midFor Snsurar.ee See Frankel First by their husbands. first-born sons of Solomon's cour- half pagan. Butter-Nut emissary of the Good Neighbor | night — but this of course was tiers, who had been sent to Eth- Perhaps the most striking dif- In their daily life women enjoy League . . . M. Maldwin Fertig,! just as impossible for him as getiopia to convert the natives to ference between the Falashas and equal rights with men except in who made a big hit as chairman i ting up early in the morning . . . Judaism. Intermarriage between the other native's of Ethiopia is religion and education, though of the resolutions committee at i So, after a great deal of wire-pullBegiilat or Drif O-.TIJT these scions of ancient Hebrew the high social and economic level foreign Jewish agencies are now the Zionist convention in Provi-' ing, tlegraphing and conferencing royalty and the native women of of women among the black-skin- making efforts to establish schools dence and who refused a place: Reinhardt succeeded in revolu2 02. bottle 18c Africa ^established the line of Fal- ned Jews. Ethiopia women, like for girls1 too. In the mesgid on the executive, is slated for a j lionizing the routine of the en: ashas, or black Jews of Ethiopia:. those of other backward races, (synagogue) women are seated in major position in one of the lead-tire F h h French merchantmarine, are usually treated as inferior be- a separate section, and have a ing national Jewish organizations jJK'he a special detail of sailors ¥ f B ings, motherhood, prostitution or special entrance reserved for . . . Don't be surprised if you have : stayed up all night waiting for concubinage being the only ca- them. They, are permitted to wit- occasion to listen to an interna- him . . . Corn Flakes, IU« Pop; or reers open to them. Falasha wo- ness the many sacrifical ceremon- tional radio broadcast from the ; BETWEEN THE LINES Wheat Fops men do not suffer from these de- ies, but only from a distance. Ap- World Jewish Congress in Geneva | That great "liberal", Dr. Xichproach to the sacrifical altar is . . . One of the speakers may be olas Murray Butler, president of l Dearborn, Mich — Spinning a gradations and l i m i t a t i o n s . strictly forbidden to women. i 30c 2 Lbs. 57c Thanks to the a world-famoss E n g l i s h m a n ! Columbia U i i t td Ford V-8 steering wheel, Henry Falashas' stern In other matters, however, FalFord at 10:30 a; m. last Wednes- moral code and their rigorous ob- asha women are completely eman- known everywhere as one of the-from a conference of the Carnegie fathers of the League of Nations, j Endowment f I t t i l day Btarted the steam flowing servance of Jewish religious rites. They are not restricted POTPOTJRKI Peace, of which he is the head, on i through a new turbine generator prostitution is extremely rare j cipated. RED RASPBERRIES, bcx 10c Doz ?U5 to segregated quarters in their That strange incident in which that makes the giant power house among them. Women guilty of a home, nor obliged to veil their breach of chasity have to undergo of the Rouge plant the largest WAX BEANS, Ib : Kc faces. Control over children is Governor Hoffman of New Jersey high-pressure steam generating purification by leaping into flam- shared equally by father and accepted the "resignation" of ing fire. To meet the requireinstallation- in the world. A few SUMMER SQUASH, Yellow or White, Ib...., Sc mother. All public meetings are Judge Morris Umansky, although seconds later a Ford V-S emblem, ments ' of frequent ritual ablu- open to women, and they take an the latter claims he never resigntions for women, the Falasha seted, is expected to lead to the apcarrying an American flag began Extra Fancy Hoisc-Grov-T* CUtukbLKb, turning slowly on top of the huge tlements are almost always lo- active part in communal and so- pointment of J. George Fredman cial affairs. Darker and more corcated near a river or stream. Conof Jersey City, former national .turbine — the signal that the each "V2C &%d Sc pulent than the Amharas among commander-in-chief of the Jewish new 110,000 kilowatt was "on cubinage and polygamy, neither whom they live, the Falasha womthe line." The new equipment of which is forbidden by the Old IDAHO BAKING POTATOES, lb. ....,4c en have shotep' and curlier hair. War Veterans, as Umansky's sucprohibited. Divorce which includes a 1400 pound Testament, Testament, are are proniDiieQ. jjivorce | •— — • - ~—-*-• — ~ ^-*..~.. „„.*. cessor . . . Political circles in ConT pressure \ boiler increases generat- is almost. unknown, but permiss-! Outdoors they wear a long shift necticut have their eye on. Max SFL\ ACH, peck 2Sc ing capacity from 200,000 to 326- able when a Falasha couple want | edged with different colors. At Spelke of Stamford, special assis000 horsepower. The installation to sever their matrimonial bonds i religious festivals and in Gusrantecd WEtcrmcIoa, half or whole, lb. 2 % e in the tant United States Attorney Genis the first in the world to use they appear before a judge who home they garb themselves in eral . . . Max is expected to go embroidered gowns. They places in public life . . . Judge hears their complaints in public arichly all-welded pipe. LIFE PEARS, basket 25c re addicted to wearing . silver Joseph Sabath of Chicago has Increased power demands rer and in the presence of their pa£ APRICOTS, 5-6 dozen in basket 39c j chains in their hair and around heard 45,000 divorce cases, but suiting from the company's $37,Marriage customs among the their ankles.. Braclets and ear- is still wed to the wife he mar000,000 expansion and modernirings are common ornaments alJEK Stj'le Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 lbs....._,.25c One of the zation program at the Rouge Falashas present many dissimilar- among Falasha women, but they ried 48 years 3go plant made necessary the addi- ities not only from those in vogue do not pierce, the nose, as other reasons why Sinclair Lffwis beCORK FLAKES, large pkg tional power capacity.-^ The new among the Jews but also from tribeswomen do. th<jse practised by the Ethiopians. generating equipment "represent The history of this Jewish tribe Africa honors the mother of the Gees! Standard TOMATOES, No, Z1/, can, an investment of about ?4,600,- The Falashas oppose child mar- is still shrouded in obsurity. But tribe, the famous Queen of Sheba, riages, 18 or 20 being the usual 000. nothing that Italian scholars may by treating its women humanly. Seting another record in anoth- marriage age. Spinsters and now disclose about the genealogy bachelors are unknown. Because er respect, the new installation of the Falashas can detract from (Copyright 1906 by Seven Arts provides for the operation of the intermarriage with other tribes is the fact that this Jewish tribe of Feature Syndicate.) strictly forbidden there is a good Kcseca'c rccs, L\Z, », ccr., Ar. c c?cvc. cioz ?<L hew boiler at the highest temperdeal of in-breeding. First-born ature ever achieved In a large Industrial plant in this country. sons must marry first born, girls. Courtship as we know it has The boiler will provide steam at 900 degrees Fahrenheit, supply- no place in Falasha society. Maring 900,000 pounds, an hour at riages are not initiated by the that temperature. This achieve- principals but by their parents. © If the temperature of TOUT refrigerator is belov- 53 ment greatly increases effic- A father with a son~of marriagedegrees, you're safe. Above 50, you. are risking serious able age approaches the father of iency, according to engineers. _a marriageable-daughter. Through Illness — cud losing money on food. You can't depcrcl . The new-boiler is 25 feet 8 in- {intermediaries they exchange foroa sight, smell Of taste to tell you whether food is z.'.', ches "by 32 feet and towers 115 mal greetings and then arrange feet, the full height of the power to meet somewhere in th fields. right. The oae sure way to fiad out is to check up on house. Supported by steel beams, Each party attended by advisors. your refrigerator — "take its temperature." The Coldit weight In excess of 9,000,000 When the two parties have arGauge is not an ordinary thermometer, but a special pounds. Within it is a network rived these counselors confer, and instnuaeat designed expressly to check refrigerator of pipe providing a total of 30,- the father of the prospective bride 500 square feet of heating sur- sends back a message asking the temperatures. Get yours at oace, while the supply face and 22,000 square feet of prospective groom's father: "Whylasts. Free to adults. No cost, no obligation, super-heating surface. Its weight have you come hither?" necessitated the extensive rebuildThrough his intermediary, the ing of the' power house inner steel A ' M JUUZIRS KBKEQ CF lEFliiElITOSS Fill . structure which also supports the groom's father returns a reply: W KEEP SAFE, LCI TESPEEKiiEi 6SESIS "We have a young man for whom eight tall stacks above the buildwe seek a wife. Will you not give Ml SSH93EB WEfiTIIEL" ing. •••. ..- ..'/•.."••' .. us your daughter?" : To -bring- the steam to the 900 This formality completed t,he degrees temperature, the boiler is fired with pulverized coal at the Authorized rate of about 40 tons an hour * * W together with large • amounts of Dossiers blast furnace gas. ^ The water is for preheated before, reaching the boiler" by - circulation through 224 Insurance Blcig. thousands of feet of pipe around • Wiring of all kinds. the combustion chamber, which also performs a cooling function • Motor Installations. by preventing excessive heating of• lighting Fixtures. the boiler rooms. Designed to produce* steam at 1400 ; pounds Estimates Gladly Furnished pressure, the boiler will have a Call normal, operating pressure of 2 Jackets, Double Cellophane, Seal. I n ' t h e freshness of about 1215 pounds at the turbine AT. 6479 throttle. Prize Tobaccos in "Double-Mellow" Old Golds.


r Hitler's victims? :'• ' LIAN JEWS GET CIVIL N ETHIOPIA . . ."It's not 1 — i t ' s hard-work. ;

• ' .'

itionaty Greek Press kl (WNS) — The reaepress of Greece has served jn the Jews that unless continue the purchase of j the Isle of Cyprus the sldents of the island will take action to stop them. S ia owned by Great Britthe majority of its popuGreek. : number of German Jews settled there.


ng of name changes, Mrs. mother of Sam (Michael Mervigs arrived in Talkie .instantly became Mrs. ,oring. Could it be MarMalko in pre-cinema •wag chirps that " one of


ers ia doing so well he two desks . . . one for t!" (Seems to me I've one before — Ed.)


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ce rooms and kitchen, •nistied. Very reasonJail WE-3527.


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IHE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year • - • « . • $2.00 Advertising rates rarnlaned on application. Editorial Office: 60IJ Brandels Theater Building. , Sionx City Office—Jflwteb CommubUy Center DAVID BLACKER - • Business and' Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - > • - * * Editor FANNIE KATEL»MAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL. - • • - Sioux City. Iowa. Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 84th Street

Austrian Jewry


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The realignment of Austria with Germany/by which the Reich guarantees the independence of Austria and We latter recognizes officially that it is Germanic deepens the already indigo.black clouds hovering over the Austrian Jewry. Chancellor Kurt Schusehnigg in a copyrighted article for the consumption of the American reading public stated that the conclusion of the Austro-German understandings does not mean, that any "changes will occur in the treatment of our racial or religious minorities. AH citizens of Austria will continue to enjoy equality without any restriction. We shall remain loyal to our historic tradition of disseminating German eulture." This sounds well, but does-not hoodwink those who are acquainted with Austrian conditions. The anti-Semitic leanings of the Austrian^govemment have never erupted into cfficial anti-Semitism. But this did not 'deter a systematic, eruel discrimination against the Austrian Jews, one which steadily drove the Jewish people put of the country's business and commercial life and brought on destitution. It is not conceivable that Austria, having previously done little to restrain anti-Semitism, should now go out of its way to hold in check the Austrian Nazis. Not only have the Nazis made more or less legal inroads into Austrian public life by the new agreement, ]>ut we have also to reckon with the psychological effect on internal Austrian conditions resulting from the reapproachmerit. We presume that Austria will outwardly continue to preach the doctrine of no discrimination. Bat,whether Austria officially embraces the Nazi.theories or unofficially tightens the noose, it is universally agreed that evil days are ahead for Austrian Jewry. t . '


c Eternal Search 9 Congressman William Sirovich of New York declares after ' « an interview with Miguel Gomez, president of Cuba, that the * i Cuban - government has under consideration a plan to settle i t from 100,000 to 200,000 German Jews in an industrial colony i in Cuba. In enthusiastically furthering this plan. Congressman I ' i Sirowich states that the refugees could help solve Cuba's unemployment problem by creating new industries and markets i and assisting in building the nation's merchant marine*. He $ adds: "The Jewish settlers would apply brain and brawn in i opening world markets for new Cuban industrial products. ' I 1 The project would not clash with either the Palestine project the Soviet's Biro-Bidjan project as some Jews do, not der or sire to migrate to the Holy Land with the present Arabian • i trouble, and others do not desire to live under a communistic fc

S t a t e . "








. •








We wholeheartedly agree with Sirovich that Cuba as a daughter of Spain may now open 'her, gates to religious and racial tolerance to the same people Spain expelled more than four centuries ago. Further, we heartily agree that any haven for Jewish refugees should be utilized in the present crisis, since neither Palestine nor Biro-Bidjan can possibly take care D£ the gigantic Jewish problem of today. However, whatVwe fear is the feasibility of the plan. Since conditions in Central and Eastern Europe became acute for the Jewish populations, many plans have sprung up - - to settle the Jewish refugees in Ecuador, in. Africa, in Transjorda'nia, in many places. But somehow, when it came to the details, some bit of the machinery was found out of gear: The mass migration of a hundred thousand or two hundred thousand people would require the utmost cooperation of the Cuban government. It; wonld -require their aid in the matter of finance, in land and concessions as well as loans. ,The financial burden of transplanting this number to Cuba could not be assumed by world Jewry in addition ito the heavy commitments already under way. Nevertheless, Sirovich should be encouraged in seeing his plan through to the finish. According to present ideas, an international committee is being approached and it is hoped that by September a concrete plan of operation will be cemented*. If fruition comes to the plan, then every refugee helped will be a soul saved .". . and every Soul saved is a blessing.

Act Early The recent exposures of such anti-American, fascist-appealing organizations as the Black Legion should be the starting , point—not the climax—of. the campaign in this country to eradicate the undercover groups who threaten the essence" of our Americanism. The United States Senate, before adjourning, authorized an inquiry into violations of civil liberties, and for the sake of the idealism upon which this country was founded, and grew great the investigation should proceed vigorously and unafraid, setting aside political considerations and expose, condemn and punish without regard to party affiliations. ' • . • We would be turning our eye3 from a distasteful truth; if kwe were to believe that recent exposures of Black Legions and similar bodies are deterring their determination to gain a foothold in American life. Such noted observers of ihe American scene as Sinclair Lewis, Upton Sinclair, the Rev. h, M. Birkhead, Governor. Earle of Pennsylvania and EstelJe M. Sternberger have in recent weeks supplied us with additional evidence that these underground organisations are mobilizing for. a tremendous assault on the free democracy .of the. United States. And somewhere an anti-Semitic note creeps into the platform of each of these subversive bodies. ' ,f For example, we should not pass by-' lightly the statement of Rev. Birkhead who declared that "if something isn't done to stop it, it will happen here."-And Bey. Birkhead is net one

and in invisible ink, the pa"to talk through his fiat." He studied Hitler when the Xazis ing to power in late months he seemingly found it expedient to showing that the Soviet Depart- code Propaganda per asserted, ading that & number ment for Near were launching their successful attack on the German liepub- discard his anti-Jewish policy and assume the cloak of a tol- had sent large sums to Palestine. of arrests had been made and an lic. He made a thorough study of Hitlerite ideology and prop- J erant ruler thinking only of his people's good. He more than The documents were written in j investigation wag in progress. aganda technique, and now makes the startling conclusion da denied any bias toward a minority people; he affirmatively to the similarity of methods used by some American under- and outspokenly championed liberty and freedom and equality cover organizations. for all citizens. Last week, he placed his official stamp of apAmerica can learn a lesson from the modern history proval upon a numertis clausus for Jews in trade and indusof continental Europe, without paying in bitter experience. try. "When you add this to the recent action of the Hungarian j If we wipe out these blackguard anti-American organizations government in.giving legal standing'to the Nuremberg antiin their, incipiency, we will save ourselves endless grief and Semitic decrees, the conclusion is inescapable that Hungary is despair in the days ahead. , willing to adopt an anti-Jewish program as the price of friendship with Germany. ••' ^ ' And if the rumored alignment between Germany, Italy, ConstructiveEffort Poland, Austria, Hungary and Jugoslavia is effected, we can The members of the Women's Division of the Jewish Comexpect a lowering of the moral integrity of the countries enmunity Center and Welfare Federation deserve hiffli praise the opening of another FUFF'S BAKERY to tering the alliance with the Reich. for their diligent efforts of a constructive nature. Their latest better serve our patrons in the former location project will be the repairing and redecorating of the Center of Eimelbloom's Bakery at 1511 No. 24th St. auditorium, which will get under way the first week cf August, Hebrew Calendar Our phone is WE-6284 - - a full line of all kinds and other rfenovizihg of the building is also on their program. Tisha B'Ab ...Tuesday, July 28 of breads and pastries will be at the disposal The women are doing excellent work, and since their memRosh Hashonah ....Thursday, September 17 bership fee is only nominal, every Jewish woman in the comof our patrons from our northside location. .Sunday, September 20 munity should enlist in the membership roster. All receipts •Fast of Gedaliah. Saturday, September 26 of membership dnring the coming year will be used for the Yom Kippur First Day of Succoth Thursday, October 1 improvement of the Community Center building. Eighth Day of Succoth........ „ Thursday, October 8 Simchath Torah Friday, October 9 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY CALL OR VISIT A SUMMER SOLILOQUY Chanukah Wednesday, December 9 By Rabbi Frederick (John Fast of Tebet Thursday, December 24 Chicago is for a while the hub of my universe. From the ••Fast observed on preceding Thursday. Windy, City as a center I survey the world. And how the •Fast observed on following Sunday. 220 So. 24th St. 1511 No. 24th St. wind can blow here! (Very welcome during this recent (?) NOTE: Holidays begin in the evening preceding the dates torrid spell). Also the winds from the four corners of the designated. . • Phone JA-3814 Phone WE-C2S4 ' ; earth, winds of the world's events, blown here by press and radio, literally through the currents of the air, winds interuated from the University of MinAt any Cigarette Counter, in any Climnte, You Can Get national and local." They may not be Santayana's winds of nesota with a B. \A. degree and GEMS OF THE\ BIBLE high marks for literary work. He Factory-Fresh Old Golds - - See for Yourself. doctrine but they convey a doctrine of their own to those -who AND TALMUD remained at the university as a know how to interpret them. Only a few short weeks ago, premedical student for two more By O. O. DASHER beside the mighty Ocean, we were asking, 'What are the wild years. waves saying? What is the message of the wind, as it blows When the Bcorner is punished His -college education finished, Loring found the stage far more arouad us, 'blowing as it listeth'f the thoughtless is made wise. j tempting than the call of hospital . England has not yet recovered from her humiliation, has As a small stone in a heap of service or surge*-}. He joiDed a stones so is he who giveth honor road company on tour in "Journot yet regained her lost prestige (and the attempted assassin- or a fool. End." The company played ation of her beloved new king has not tended to lighten the He who followetb after right- ney's in Chicago and three states and eousness and mercy findeth life, weight pressing upon her heart) (also a gas mask is to be finally was stranded in Terre Haute. This incident only inprovided for every man, woman, and child in Great Britain). prosperity and honor. A merry "heart is a good medi- creased his desire for more. HavMussolini, like a big, bad boy, sits with a broad grin upon cine, but a broken spirit drietb ing played in Shakespearean rehis face, on top of his ill-gotten gains (he may yet receive the marrow of the bones. pertory in the University of MinThe poor useth entreatites but nesota Drama School, Loring jointhe sound spanking he so rightly deserves), rich answereth impudently. ed the Oxford Players on tour. In Germany, with everything seemingly coming her way,, is 'theConfidence is an unfaithful 1933 he joined the first WPA vet eyed by all her sister nations with suspicion, with more friend in time of trouble is like theatrical project in Chicago. a broken tooth and a foot out of or less fear, with unconcealed dislike. His first trip, to Hollywood was joint. France, dramatic, revolutionary France, is in greater tur- If thine enemy be \hungry give made four years ago, when he to crash Jhe movies, as the moil than ever, immensely complicated by the fact that her him bread to eat and if be be tried saying goes, but became discourthirsty give , him . water....to drink. premier is not only a Socialist but a Jew. . . ,aged temporarily and returned to Leaders be thou diligent to M i n n e a p o U s . W l t h R i c h a r d C arlEussia, 'the bear that walks like a man' is walking and know the state of thy flocks and son he opened the Minneapolis talking and acting more like a man than ever, in fact is be- look well to thy herds. Repertory Theatre, acting as procoming quite civilized and more domesticated, more human, ducer, director and actor. This was an unsuccessful venture. He less doctrinaire, even somewhat bourgeois! ! nest appeared in a production of Japan continues to swallow China; or will in the end be "The Jaz Singer" and sang over swallowed up herself, as in the case in Joseph's dream where By LOUIS PEKARSKY the radio at Station WTCN and Hollywood: — Highlights In won a scholarship at Mrs. Paul the lean kine devoured the fat f the News; Walter Winchell and Sloane's school of music because The wind blows lustily around the smaller nations, too. Ben Bernie holding a temporary of his fine baritone voice. You Danzig seemed for the,moment the center of an impending truce in their battle of words at should hear him ting Jewish folk storm. Calm seems to have been restored for a while to Aus- a luncheon in MGM's new studio songs if you *ant to enjoy a gencommissary . . . Norma Shearer uine treat! The thrilling performtria with Mussolini and Hitler making mutual pledges. They and her husband, Irving G. Thaihe gave at a recent United may even join with Poland, Hungary, perhaps Jugo Slavia berg, yachting off the coast of ance Jewish Welfare Fund dinner ic Luise Rainer dining Los Angeles still lingers in the and Boumania in erecting a formidable political barrier in the Catalina in a secluded little restaurant memory of the hundred who East. Someone has already dubbed Mussolini "Emperc r of with Clifford Odets, the play- heard him sing there. Southeastern Europe." Little Czechoslovakia trembles in her wright The Marx Brothers In 1935 Loring returned to Holboots. Turkey is receiving permission from the nations (wliich packing their luggage for a trip lywood and appeared at the nathe country on which they tionally known Pasadena Comshe politely asked) to fortify her straits. Greece remains quiet around will try out some of their new munity Playhouse in "Yellow and expectant. In little Palestine, last hope and refuge of the jokes and gags for their next pic- Jack." He also sang at the world ture' . . . John Barry more and famous Cocoanut Grove and the Jews, there is disquieting Arabic-Jewish-British friction. Elaine Barrie, his constant com- Los Angeles Biltmore ballroom, Men Beat the Heat to On the prairies of America, too, the winds begin to blow panion, at the opening of the Holand in April of this year a Univerwith cyclonic violence as the forces and passions begin to be lywood Bowl season of "Symphon- sal talent scout heard him sing "Beat the Band" in . Henry at the Trocaderj Cafe in Hollyloosened in connection with the rapidly drawing nearer of les under the Stars" Ginsberg remains as general manwood. A screen test followed, the quadrennial national election (witness the vitriolic on- ager in the consolidation of Pioafter Charles R. Rogers and slaught, alniost treasonable in its nature as it was undignified, neer Pictures with Selznicfc Inter- and William Koenig, Universal bosses, altogether'unseemly, disgraceful and regrettable of the malo- national . . .George Cukor is to viewed it they immediately gave head the directorial staff of the Loring a contract. dorous Father Coughlin upon President Roosevelt). new major company resulting It has long been predicted that these currents and cross- from the merger . . . Paramount BROOKLYN GIRL SCORES currents of violent winds would break out into the storm of has excercised its option" on Jack A newcomer to Los Angeles, I Benny's* services for two addition- Miss Selma Romm of Brooklyn, World's Coolest war. All nations including our own are aiming to the teeth. al films to follow "The Big Broadthe performance of Men have lost, faith in what Was looked upon as the sure bul- cast of 1937." You may not think dominated "The Royal Family" by the Evewark against future war, the League of Nations (of 'hallucina- so or remember, but Benny has lyn Theatre Guild of the Hamburalreardy appeared in fire other ger Home here this week. Miss tions,'a bitter cynic called it). ' ' . pictures since 1929 . . . There is Romm showed a fine sense of dra;.,;.. The clouds may have to discharge their pent-up lightnings, a rumor around,town that one of matic values, and her successful but in this era of 'air-conditioning' we may be sure the atmos- the biggest motion picture mag- debut In local theatricals was due nates of the Jewish faith donated to splendid training find experphere will become all the purer, rid of its miasma of suppressed about $*10,000 in response to the ience gained as a member of the pasgion-and sultry hate, succeeded at last by the more salub- American Olympic Committee's Brooklyn Little Theatre and the last-minute pleas for help Playeraft group of New York. rious and healthy climate of a cool, clear serenity, an invigor- frantic in sending athletes and badge- Bernard (Ben) Ribner, formerly ating and an enduring peace. All this is but the storm that covered officials to Berlin last of Rochester, N. Y., aud A. R. week . . . Universal Studios adop- Goldeaer directed the play. precedes the calm! " ted a "hands off" policy and re- - Frederick Cohn. fused to give any support, -finan-



Moscow Aiding Arabs London Paper Reports

cial or moral, to the Amercian Olympic team entry in basketball. The team chosen for the Olympics A touching but futile gesture describes the act of Pro- did win this honor at the A. A. U. meet In Denver under the name of fessor Emil Grenauer of Hamburg University. The scholar, Universal Pictures, but the studio his wife and seven children have embraced Judaism as a pro- refused to permit use of its name London (JTA) — The Daily Mail claimed to have uncovered test against Nazi persecution of Jewry. ( Sam Baiter evidence that current disorders in since that contest "I feel it;my duty to save the honor of the Germanpeople; of Los Angeles is the only Jew on Palestine were being supported from Moscow. J therefore I anx adopting the Jewish faith with my wife and I g* <g?*% The paper featured.-a report! seven children to 30m the Jewish sufferers, regardless of my sail for Germany, despite a con- from Jerusalem alleging that po-, 'Aryan' blood," he was quoted as having declared in a letter troversy which had arisen over lice raided the home of suspects x the' competition of Jews in the and in the midst of a meeting disto the Senate of the university. Olympics. covered a. receipt and counterfoils


Professor Grenauer's action will in no wise change the course of the Nazi stream of poison. But it is symbolic", symbolic of the essential humanity underlying the Nazi veneer in Germany, a feeling that is crushed by terrorism but nevertheless struggling for emergence.

Lowered Morale More and more convincing grows the proof that the political demagogues who rule the countries of Europe are pendulum-like swayed solely by what they can gain in the diplomatic arena. -- The latest case in point is Hungary. Premier Goemboes in years gone by was anti-Semitic in bis leanings. After com-

MICHAEL IiORlXG'S DEBUT Since he made his screen debut this" month in a .Universal film we have had lots ot inquiries about Michael Loring, the newest addition to Hollywood actors of the Jewish falth. Therefore we present a few interesting things about his activities for your information. His real name is Merviss and his parents are M. D. and Mascha Mervisj^ of MinneapoUs, and of RuBfiiaiS^EngUsh ancestry. Michael was bora in Minneapolis on November 26, 1.910. He was educated at Mad'ison grammar and South High schools, and grad--

•Manhattan Shirts • Stetson Hats • Arrow Shirts; • McGregor Sportswear • Interwoven Socks • Vassar Underwear • Caeney Cravats

Nebraska has gone tropical . . • so go along with it and wear the suits they wear in the tropics. . . . Beat the heat! Lorraine-Haspel cotton tuh seersuckers are made for . men to . enjoy. Specially tailored, epefia!Iy: designed weaves and specially low priced to enable every man to own several.

Mark Twsin Linen Suits


Cotton'Sport Stilts. . . .S12.75 The Nebraska Is Coal Clothes' Headquarters


Sll South 16th St.



THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 2 1 193® ,nd in invisible ink, the pasertefl, ading that a number ests had been made and a n [gation was in progress.


TO TEMiOWSTOXE * TO. NEW YORK I meeting held. Her name was in-| pressed by Dr. Lltzsch, general di-jhe declared that measures were j Berlin A conference of G Dr. Samuel Z. Stern left last Mr. Allan Kohan left Sunday jadrertentl? omitted from last irector of UFA Film Co., in an ad-; being taken to regain during the \msTi te actiers at Ba^reuth strep? Saturday . for Yellowstone- Park. for New York. He will return I week's list. ! dress. ! coming Winter the position that! ' . . . . , ... He will be gone a •week. early in August. Admitting that great harm had 1 had been lost abroad. ! « " * the racial theory m m bn t i * I been caused to the Reich motiEgj i basis of the entire educations.. Betb-EI Auxiliary MOTORS HERE RETURN FROM OKOBOJI 'picture industry by the boycott, Patronize Our Advertisers The program committee of the Mr. Abe Godchaux of AlexanThe Simon Pizers with daughdria, Louisiana, motored here to ter. Roseline. and son, Marvin, re- Beth-El auxiliary met at the join Mrs. Godchaux and children. I turned this week from a fort- home of Mrs. Harry Trustin. Frances Lee and, Leo, who are night vacation at Lake Okoboji. chairman, Tuesday to discuss visiting at the home of Mrs. Nate •The Pizers stayed at Clement's plans for the coming season. The committee announced that Kort. They will return together Beach. their aim was to have programs the first part of August. that are educational as well BS crncf any cfitn <sr/<f> Hadassah entertaining. Those serving -with FROM MI1AVAOCEE Mrs. Trustin are the Mesdames Mrs. Ellis Hassel and two chilIiTJKCHEON- AND BRIDGE * Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Jack Bramson, Sara Beber, David SMITH-EISEMAN Mrs. J. M. Baker entertained at dren, Beverly and Mannie of Mil- jwill again sponsor a drawing this Goldstein, Jay Malashock and Mr. and Mrs. David Elseman waukee are visiting Mrs. Hassel'e announce the approaching mar- a luncheon and Abridge for forty parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Green. coming season to raise money for Phineas Wintroub. the" Medical Fund, according to riage of their daughter, Elsie, to guests at the Fontenelle hotel Mrs. Julius Stein, local chairman Harold Smith, son of Mrs. IdaThursday, July 16,, in honor of VISITORS FROM CHICAGO Miss Ethel Rabinowitz of Milwauof the fund. This time there will XI LAMBDA SUMMER Smith: Miss Miriam Lubkin and MarThe -wedding -will be held at kee, whose engagement to Phil vin Rosenstein, both of Chicago, be two .prizes, consisting of two| FORMAL DINNER-DANCE trips to California. 3 p. m. August 2 at the Beth Baker was recently announced. are visiting at the home of their j The eighth annual Xi Lambda There were prizes for each of Details will be announced at an fraternity Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, cousin, Miss Ruth Rosenstein. summer formal dinner early date. 19 th and Burt streets. All rela- the ten tables. dance was held Sunday evening, tives and friends are invited, as July 19, at the Lakewood CounGUEST OF PARENTS no invitations have been issued. ARRIVE FROM EAST try Club in' Ralston. Miss Sylvia Giventer of Chicago Pleasant Hit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kitner is the guest .of her parents, Mr. The nineteen couples who atand son, Myer, of Drummondvfile, ANNOUNCE BIRTHS and Mrs. M. D. Giventer. She The regular meeting of the tended the dinner were seated Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Green Quebec; Mrs. J; Fogel of New will remain here until the wed-Pleasant Hill cemetery society around a U shaped table. Apannounce the birth of a daughter, York City; and Miss Anne Tret- ding of her brother, Ned, to Saily has been postponed until Septem- proximately fifty bids were issued Nita Gayle, July 19 at ClarKson iak, who has been visiting in the ollay'on August 23. ber. for the dance which followed. east for the past four months,- arhospital. Mrs. Green was former- rived Mrs. Joe Goldware was elected Morris Franklin was in charge in Omaha Tuesday, July 21, ly Evelyn Goldberg. treasurer of the society at the last of the affair. __ to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs.SCAVENGER HUNT The Misses Pearl Freedman and : Mr. and Mrs. Abe B. Greenberg J. T/etiak. Lilian Monovitz entertained ten Mr. Kitner and Mrs. Fpgel are couples at a scavenger h"unt, Monof Houston, Texas, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, July brother and sister to Mrs. Tret- day evening, to honor Miss Myra IB. Mrs. Greenberg is the for- iak. Extensive plans are being Monovitz who is visiting here mer Ann Greenberg of Omaha, made for their entertainment. from Fremont. By HELEN ZIGMOND daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hollywood , grown horse in a competitive meet Greenherg. .TO BE GONE THREE WEEKS ?ICNIC AND OUTING The Mammoth show of the year J and wore a real jockey suit. Miss Ida Kotler has left for a Plans are nearing completion Mr. and Mrs. Phil Freidman an- three week visit to Chicago and for the picnic and outing to be was the Actors' Ho^ie Fund Bene- j fit . . . staged by Alexander Leftnounce the birth of a son July 14 South Haven, Michigan* given by the Omaha Chapter of wich . . managed by Daniel Froh- j Movie fame is sweet — and at the Methodist hospital. the Junior Hadassah on Sunday man . . . performed'by 2,200 Hol- short. Last week studio scouts afternoon, August 2, at two lywoodlltes . . . witnessed by 15,-sought Betty Corapson (non-SemBAR MITZVAH . EXTENDED VACATION o'clock at Miller Park. 000 breath-holders.. . . fattened itic), star of former years . . , Mrs. Sarah Feltman announces Mrs. Julius Schneider,left Suntraced her to a last address . . . This affair is open to all memO N YOUR VACATION, remember this: the contents o! that "double-Cellophane* the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Stan- day .for a two weeks vacation in bers of the Junior Hadassah and the fun^ by 69,000 greenbacks . . found no one home . . .inquired ley. Saturday, August 1, at B'nai Colorado Springs. Afterwards she their guests.. Anyone who wishes of the neighbors. Betty CompYou can get "strictly fcesh" cigarettes, wrapped Old Gold package. Israel synagogue, 18th and Chi-will leave for Salida, Colorado, to to attend, should :nake reservaAnother youthful prodigy, Son- son? They had never head of her. anywhere in the U. S. A., by asking for Two Jackets of the finest moisture-proof cago streets. All friends and join her daughter, Doris, who is tions promptly with Miss Una ya, eighteen-year-old daughter of "Who lives nest door?" Mr. and Double-Mellow Old Golds. It makes no Cellophane bring you Old Gold's prize emp visiting her uncle, Louis SchneidP. Schulberg will soon have a Mrs. Irving Weinberg," was the relatives are invited. chairman, by calling her B. er. Mrs. Schneider and daugh- Gross, book off the press . . "They Cried difference whether the air is damp or the tobaccos in the pink of smoking condition reply. Further inquiry revealed ter, will return about September at Kenwood 5706. a Little," it is called . . . a story Mrs. Irving Weinberg as the onesun rays hot and d r y . . . no climate affects —facforj.'-fresh wherever you buy them. 1 Curtains Draperies 1. of a school in France at which time well-known Betty Compson. AT JOSLYN MEMORIAL Miss Schulberg received her eduSlipcovers . Two musical programs, both of cation. MOVE which are free, will be given at Here and there: ART ROBINSON Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blacker the Joslyn Memorial this Sunday Joan Blondell . . . matron o" AT-7187 hare moved to 4512 So. 26th afternoon. 1 AT-7187 Those Manes are out honor at her brother Edward's Street. The first, which "will be jiven Altering planning, writing, gag- wedding . . . caught the bridal in the Concert Hall at 4:00 p. m.,ging, completing their new script, bouquet, which should signify will be an organ program played they discovered that Harpo was wedding bells for herself . . . if by the Duo-Art machine. dissatisfied — he wants to talk! you believe in those things. The The second, which will be giv-They rehashed,. rewrote argued Joe Mankiewiczes are richer by a en in the Lecture Hall at 4:30 p.pro and con, finally found a place seven-and-onehalf pound son. The D m., is a Richard Wagner Program where he will say, 'He's ticklish" Jospeh Schildkrauts also bassinetting . . . Schildkraut's second O presented by the Works Progress And, as is the way in -Shadow- marriage, first chilC. Off to Lonland, the speech will probably be Administration Federal M u s i c left on the cutting-room floor. don are June Knight, Sylvia SidProject under the direction of Another problem. The "Un- ney, and Edward Robinson — all O Madame Thea Moeller-Heras., holy Three" wanted to take a live to work in the English cinema. skunk with them on their gag- Robinson consented to broadcast testing tour . . . were stopped over there for a paltry $250 . . . when they discovered they could turned the money over to charity. afford to keep the stunk, but Joe Penner hastens to visit his couldn't stand the upkeep of the birthplace in Hungary, which is announces the opening of keeper of the skunk. It'll be a now Jugo-Slavia, before it behis offices ; stuffed speciman when you see it comes something else. . which is just as well. at 624 City National . . The The other night Harry Ruby other day an enthusiastic BankBldg. young songwriter begged Groucho wanted to take his father to the to listen to a new tune he, hadmovies. "What's the name of the for general practice of composed. Groucho consented. picture" asked elder Ruby. "DavCopperfield," answered Harry. Dentistry "How do you like it?'* asked the id "Never who is in it," retortchap eagerly. "I like it," was theed Papa,mind OFFICE PHOKE " I asked you what is the eurt answer, "in fact, I like it name of the picture!" HA-7055 better than ever!" Groucho is no ladies' man. Eesidence Phone Wa-8?89 Tune In . . . next week. Some years ago . . . during vaudeville days . . . his leading lady tripped and fell when making an Mr. Eldridge, just back from Grand Rapids, exit. Groucho, the Gallant, came where he made heavy purchases for our August Quickly to the rescue . . . took Sale, is compelled to sell furniture now on hold of an ankle . . . nonchalanthand, in order to find a place to put the pieces ly dragged her off the stage.


F S BAKERY to le former location 1511 No. 24th St. 11 line of all kinds ie at the disposal iside location.




1511 No. 24th St. Phone WE-C234 a!s;;ys;S;sgg;iS3«3ascr;>ignj;

y Climate, You Can Get Yourself. :



Omaha Women WiH Stampede . • for These

Dr. Harry Rich




Sale t®

leatto in

IASPEL >lest

just purchased . . . Prices really shockingly • reduced, in most cases


50c I Nee Classic Sofa

World Jewish Congress Wifl Last Ten Days


a M ©<

Originally S195. Solid mahogany with" plain blue cover. Down cushions.

1 Chippendale S o f a . . . . . . . . . . . 0 WJoHfl Originally 5215/Mahogany frame with green and gold.cover. Sectional, down cushions.

The Zotos Permanent Wave with no machinery and no electricity used at $6.50 and up" 716 Branded Theatre Bidg.

AT-4333 £sXi%*CX2

When David^ Selznick's company for "Garden of Allah" went on location in the desert, their one and only camel fainted from sunstroke! Edward Robinson's small son has been learning to ride horseback since he was two years old. Recently, a t three, he rode a fullCOOL

' 1 Three-Section Sofa........... T i le 2 5



Originally 196.50. Blue upholstery with nail and fringe trim.

1 Sofa and Chair...



Originally §215. Semi-modern Silver Brocalelle upholstery.


1 Large Love Seat al •» . . so go the suits they eat the heat! ib seersucki to enjoy. Iyt designed r.. priced to wn several.

$13.75 i t s . . . .$12.75

1 Duncan Phyfe Love Seat . . . . # nlo # 5 Originally 149.50. Brown and gold upholstery.

1 Modern S o f a . . . .


1 Winf lack Chair


Originally $105. Gold damask, solid mahogany frame. Boucle trimming. "

Originally $.100. Linen upholstery.

And 25 QiUsr Splendid Choirs Mso at Self Fries KHpatrick't Furniture—Third Floor East Building

UFA Director CoaSdenl Berlin (JTA) — Optimism over the possibilities of regaining foreign film markets lost as a result of the anti-Nazi boycott was ex-


v A TOM OF FUMI Wise-crocking, tripte-ffcrect cr is acclaimed by Oinebsss es t&s finest Master ef Gtressesies ever to appear in tbs city.

IN OUR. SPACIOUS NEW VAUUTS ' Pay cleaning crtsrse only when clethes sre needed for next season.




c n n • u u a D



Dimities . . . batistes . . . voiles . . . NellyDons . . . that you'll live in the rest of the summer... AND . . . next season, tool

ons Think of It . . a $5.98 Nelly Don voile . • . Nelda crepe . . . batiste or dimity for $3.98! Hurry for yours! . -


Originally $230. Brocalelle upholstery. Down cushions. Down in small sections to prevent spreading.

1 Lounge Chair



Originally $210. Solid mahogany, Chippendale in green brocaded material.

Geneva (WKS) — The sessions of' the first World Jewish Congress will begin on the evening of August 8th and will continue for approximately 10 days, the Geneva bureau of the Committee of Jewish Delegations announces. All sessions will be held in the municipal Bailment Electoral, known ES the League of Nations Hall because it usually houses the large assemblies of the League. Conference committees and bureaus of the Congress will be chosen after August Sth. The Federation of Swiss Jewish Communities has elected 3 delegates to the Congress.



Smart, fasf-sieppSof crtisfj . . . cessing direct from Chicago's sweeties!; eight spots. Danca csd Sosg Stylist

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IT WILL FA¥ ¥ 0 0 To Consult

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Dons The better Nelly D o n s . . . crepes, laees and sheers . . . that you*ve been waiting to buy at reduced prices! Yours Wednesday, $5.93! Sizes 22 to 44 . . . Eersberge Fifth Floor


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SHANGHAI GUARDED—Alert police of t h e International Settlement i n Shanghai guard one of t h e gates, which were all protected by barbed wire during t h e recent Chinese demonstrations against J a p a n . Behind t h e demonstrators lining t h e , opposite curb is a company of Chinese soldiers, while Chinese secret service m e n mingled in t h e crowds massed forl blocks around, a n d arrested leaders •when they started trouble. ' * • * -


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READY FOR LANDON—Wnile the nation awaited Governor Landon's acceptance speech, workmen began building a platform and stands in preparation ' for the notification ceremony at Topeka, Kas., on July 23. This shows the south side of the State Capitol, where the Republican standard-bearer- will, deliver his speech.

s • . . * • • • • • - / ^ .




CO-ED SLAIN-^Soon after the brutal murder of Helen Clevenger (above), a blonde New York University sophomore, in an Asheville, N. C, hotel, police -announced that they had diseo%'ered a clue' to the slaying. Miss Clevenger-had been mysteriously shot and stabbed. She was the only child of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Clevcnger of Great Kills, Staten Island, K. Y.


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MODEL FACTORY—-The Interior of the garment factory in the model community built by the Resettlement Administration at Heightstown, N. J., showing the men seated at machines so placed as to give them the greatest amount of light and room. Construction of the community encountered much opposition and red tape before it was finally completed.

CHAMPION LEATHER-LUNG—The husky bellow that J. A. Berti is giving won him first prize in the train-callers' contest sponsored by the western railroads1 in recent Railroad Week: festivities in Chicago. Criers from all the big railroads raised their voices for the occasion, but Berti was crowned champ.He is a train-caller for the Milwaukee road. .

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MRS. HOWE "GETS POST—Charles W. Albert, assistant postmaster, congratulates Mrs, Gjace Hartley Howe on her appointment as acting postmaster of Fall River,..Mass. She is the widow of the late Ivouis McHemy Howe, secretary and political adviser of President Roosevelt.'The-post-pays $4,000 a r e f .

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SCOUT PBINCE^—This lengthy "boy scout" is Prince Gustaf Adolf, heir apparent to the throne of Sweden and royal patron of the Swedish Boy Scouts. He delivered this smart salute to a delegation of the International Girl Scouts, who recently convened in Stockholm.

TAKING A WALK—Joseph B. Ely, right, former governor of Massachusetts and one of the five Democrats who with Alfred E. Smith opposed the renomination of President Roosevelt, takes a little walk, with Republican Chairman John Hamilton-in Spring-field, Mass.-Mr. Ely announced he would support Governor Landon and indicated he might stump for the Republican nominee.

TENNIS STAR TURNS SPEAKER—Helen Wills Moody is shown in a new act as she spoke before the Sari Francisco Advertising Club on "California Abroad." She declared the state has "always had good publicity since the time of Sir Francis Drake—California means sunshine, a kind: of golden glow, to.people everywhere else; and Helen Jacobs is helping the situation along now in Europe."








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| ' BEADS SWEDISH SYSTEM—Axel Pehrsson of Bramstorp, the new'Prime Minister of Sweden, Is ; shown with two pretty farmerettes at a recent celebration of the founding of the Agrarian Party, of I which Pehrsson-is the leader. He succeeded per Albin Hannson, head of the Social-Democratic Party. ?• who had been In power for many years. • - -

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AT ODDS—A close-up of "Gomer Smith, Townsend club director from Oklahoma, as he made the speech to the Old Age Plan convention in Cleveland which aroused the ire of the group's leaders. While Dr. Townsend joined with Father Coughlin and Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith in supporting Lemke and the Union Party, Smith praised Roosevelt in fiery terms. He may be ousted by the Townsendites as a result.



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ANSWER TO A DENTISTS PSAYER—"Peter the Great," the mammoth hippopotamus at the Bronx Zoo in New York, stretches his jaws as nis pal and ^keeper, Ellis Wainwrigbt, peers into tlae pink depths. Peter is eating his- hay like a good hippo, for it is his thirty-fourth birthday. But that's just

'teen age for Peter because these huge, sluggish-water-beasts live to a great age.

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FBOM FOBEST TO FlfEWAT—It's a far en' from the days-of Sitting Bull to'Little Satsch-Hu-Eu. 8-year-old Npnpol^m Indian bat e¥en our Indians have gone modem in & big- wav This litt * redskin-has. been playing golf for two years and'rrouob- boast, fifty-seven strokes for nine holes—his record Ana. that's netted, duffers will agree. Notice Ms good putting forn-

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|or chocolate syrup. Top v. flj took so much, of their time and "Germany's- heroic athletes have I whipped cream and garnish vvh-ij effort Schooled i n a more court- conquered. Der Fuehrer will now !a cherry. ly age, these ladies feel a cer- award the laurel wreaths." . . . tain lack of graciobsness on the From the foreign section, thunpart of the women who have suc- derstruck silence . . . From the Cht'colnte Drosni ceeded them. These older women press bor, a Bronx BooOO that (Jutubo Styled nourished their organizations strangely broke off into a gurgle 1 ball viuiillp. ice crenm through some pretty tough times , .. . Der Fuehrer, hand raised in 1 ball, chocolate ice. cream and certainly-deserve every con- I the Nazi salute, walks from his 1 ripe banana sideration. 1 tbsp niarshmallov.- eyrur • dais, reverently places a wreath Things You Never Knew WHAT H0,MSN0WES 1 tbsp. fudge sauce jon a blond crown, laces the mic'• From a fellow columnist of Maraschino cherry rophones and declares: "'Tbus has "fill Now (So we say): Des Molnes comes a report that Looking Forward been proven Aryan supremacy. pr There are 1 but three. Omaha some Omaha gentleman is rivalWhile bright oayingg of chilPeel bnnnnf. and. Flier IpnptlivJews who are members of the ing a Mlnneapolitan for the hand dren cause some people to tear the world has been saved from ,J local, camp of the Spanish War of a lovely Des. Tfloines lady. their hair, we like 'cm, hope to Juden", the games are ended, into halvrs, riace cut si.fle up ; Veterans - ..' • According to the narrow glass dlsn and <op v./«• While we ol course-are cheering receive more of 'em, and intend j Deutschland uber alles.". . . AS Jewish Encyclopedia; the first the t v o balls ot ico cream r i the crowd dispersed, furtive whisto print the better ones. Omaha Jews arrived in a' house- for the Omaha gentleman, we are This week's Is about a five year pers were exchanged side by side "jumbo style''. Co "The sorry to add that Minneapolis, is boat In 1854 . . . At least 100,000 !, ' vanilla ice cream with fu< old who correctly is considered foreign athletes, who stupidly did : : Jews in America speak Ladino preferred. > sauce and chocolate ice cre ' * the holy terror of bis doting but not understand what Hitler meant and would raise their voices in with marshtnallov Police. 7 scolding family. However the when he 'summoned the youth of \ « horror if anyone, claimed that Orchids with whipped cream, cHori young man .dismisses the worries the world/ will be given a chance Yiddish was the mother-tongue of Orchids by the ton. to Naomi of his relatives and their scold- to learn before they are sent back nuts slid 3b the maraschino ch The Grats family Jacobs, the -novelist, who :• hasIngs as unnecessary. ry on cacli ball of ice cream. the Jews . ~With all to their native lands . . . In specwhich produced the famous Re- :urned down .the lucrative Elchel- the; wisdom of his' five summers, ially built concentration camps." Pate ?rr becca of literary fame has.inter- berger Prize because she discov- he confessed, "I'm really' not 90 . . . . A cock-eyed dream? . . . (A Favorite Flavor) married not only, with such old ered it was to be awarded-joint-j ''I've never been In jail." Maybe, but what can one expect 1 cur mill-:, scalded American Jewish families as So- ly to her and Hitler. Miss Jacobs, [ of a. guy who has just been readVs cup supr.r Us, Seixas, Cardozo, Mendeg and who is only half Jewish,7 had not ing that the German g-overEtaent r tbsps. flour othera, but have allied themselves been raised as a Jew, but her lat-MISSED has forbidden any but "politically ig tensp. pa It with the most outstanding of his- est novels all deal with' Jewish We'll be missing the familiar reliable" persons to sell the Nazi ," tbspp. lemon ,1u»ce torically-famous American famil- l i f e . face of Mrs. Ida Wolfe who for equivalent of the hot-dog at the • • . • ;;,•-:• • ••.'.. .' ies as Van RennBelaer, Schuyler, as'long as we can remember has games . . . Hey. ans, one 'redi pke. papteurized dates Brecfelnrtdge, Clay, et al . . . A t Many o/ the ladies who were been'taking care of customers In n o t " with plenty mustard and the turn of the century Victor active in Omaha organizations a Br'andeis' vCosmetic department, sauerkraut . . . And show roe your 1 cur orange juice Rosewater was slated to be goy-few years back are .showing less She leaves-fora two months vaca- | certificate of 'political reliability.' 1 q{. thin cream ernor of one of the then recently- enthusiasm for the societies which tion on lhe first of August. Mix flour, sugar end salt; i -•;.. £ acquired Pacific possessions, but MISH-MASH: Our secretary, scs1ciecl milk, gradually, etirrfur was talked out of'it by another just back from a month in Miami TheMedem Sanitarium for I nomic condition of jews over- ] To continue supporting inuntil smooth paste is Omaha Jew who hadn't been im—what a place to go this.time t u b e r c u l a r c h i l d r e n a t ] seas, this institution, like many ! stitutions and organizations Cook over hot water for one mir~ pressed by the terrain . . . Sevof the year! — reports that naMiedzeszin, near Warsaw, or- other deserving ones of its kind I helping jews in Poland, in ute. Strain; nftd finely en? eral of the metropolis's most so; tives are. still complaining about ganized in 1925, has achieved in Poland and/in Eastern Eu- | Eastern Europe and in Gcr- P.net crcv.rn sml rook. Arid cially prominent gentile women the "unusual" weather . . . Add a reputation as one of the fin-rope is dependent for support are regular attendants; at the Refruit, iuice end freeze, 5?c JEinsteinia: Leonard Lyons tells est medical institutions in Po- from abroad, chiefly from the I many, the joint Distribution formed 'and Conservative services I his Post readers that the profesI Committee must raise S3.500,American Jewish joint Disland. It serves Jewish children . . . Estimates show one-tourth I sor, after visiting a camp near his IOOQ through its 1935 national tribution Committee, and its of al? classes. the British nobility has Jewish own vacation spot and being askByEUEGOZLAN blood—which should be some1 campaign. Because of the uoor eco- cooop.ratine acencies ed by Mrs. Einstein on his return (J. T. A. Staff Correspondent in Algiers) thing for Sir Oswald Moseley and whether it had been a long ride his cohorts; to pbnder over;.... . and how far he had traveled, reThe situation remains serious Troubled days are upon AlgierThat many years ago one of plied, "Not far, it was thirty-one : stool flank a marble slab and (use "scoop" or a large tablethe ballj'hoo today. The Jews of Algeria feel ia again. New 'disorders have Omaha's most exclusive clubs, at and- seven-eightha miles — rough- every .time-a european dictator magic syphons and long' curiy- spoon.) Quarter one ripe banaas though they were living on a broken out in the cities and in the request of a prominent citi_^ handled spoons evolve heavenly na by cutting once lengthwise and ^ He never knew, gets at the end of. his string , zen, bad a scheduled banquet the country,., people are over-ex- volcano which Is likely to erupt ly speaking." once crosswise, riace the quar- Trif Oi-T and"cant think of any other Bally- mixtures — the soda fountain! taken from it because two Jews, cited, everyone is disturbed and at any moment. The Moslem and our bright assistant tells us, until • You can make it all come true ters upright in the k?e cream, hoo .. '. * relatively obscure in Omaha's so- the authorities who, until today Jewish religious' leaders are con-he saw the output of a certain to attract the attention cf the at home, at dessert time, or when so-called Jewish news service -why tinually preaching calm a n d had watched the activities'of agy -mi the points ai the bnnana upcial scene, refused to attend, as L K 0 you want to please y o u r peopje: . . _ the club's policy was definitely itators and demonstrators ;with a counselling their followers against they call' newspaper material he begins another attack on the party guests. First lay in a good- v.-arg a n g the cut side next to the show of great calm and indul- replying to provocations, but "copy" . . « The ZOA offices on gi ESS . Put a ball of chocolate Of Omaha's es- gence, have had now to decide to nerves are on edge and one can-Fifth Avenue In New York had > e u p p I r o f b a " a n a ! ' ^ h e y ' r e in~ anti-Jewish . -•1 1 ' p ice "cream on top of "vanilla ice dispensable. Collect a little store - Tl timated ten thousand Jews less impose order with forcei if nec- not say today what the situation a couple of exciting moments the centuries of persecution 01 r ?• n n p ' cream, between pieces of banana. have so "hardened End sharpened other p. in. -when a nut who fanmay be tomorrow. , of nutmeats and' some cherries or than fifty are of Sephardlc origin essary. '. the jew cied himself as a "human fly" I mint, for garnish. Have some ey- Cover with 2 tablespoons of fruit ,? , 1 . . . - v ,-.pi ^ one —which at that is a large perWhat are the causes of the prescaled the wall and hung onto that he survives his persecutors ; rups on hand — one "making" centage for a mid-western Amer- sent disorders and why does untheir window ledge for agonizing and outsteps them'and outthinks ; will last for ages. Crank, freeze, In 1915 less than rest persist? ican city moments until dragged ia by the them jor buy your ice cream ant! set out 10 Jews were farmers In the state Before the legislative . elections polizei . . . They thought for a if these guys were smart i to beat that white-capped boy at It is doubtful T>f April 28 and May 3, a veritable of Nebraska, fleeting minute the suof was an they would give the jews a chance his own fascinating game. wheiher there are many more campaign of abuse and hate was Arab trying to toss a bomb into to disintegrate through luxyry and A Jewess was at one poured out on the Jews of Algernow their laps in the manner, of his ease time state Commander of the New ia by journalist agents of Hitler j rAKTT SAVERS : Palestine brethren . . . Earl Brow- Instead of which they toughen I Ice cream and cake has been York Daughters of the American in their newspapers, -broadsides Phone $a. 0551 — Phone rhone 88GS5 der'g not-so-flattering pamphlet the hebraic moral fibre Omaha Jewry in and every other agency. No effort i party fare ever since Dolly MadRevolution on Zionism is being openly ped- through the a-ges and they f will ison's time; age has dimmed its j the early days once nearly per- was spared to arouse the anger I Asbestos dled at •— of all places — the wind up ; popularity t u t these new tricks ] ished of shock -when it discovered of the population .against the <J Slste-Tile corner of Forty-second Street and by making the jews in the end i you can turn with bananas and ; that one of the most .active In Jews. These Hitler agents were Broadway . . . Nothing like being what they were said to be ice cream will start you all ever ; Jewish feminine affairs was a unceasing in their j Aspliall atid Gravel efforts to SPORT: Maybe it's the heat . - . careful: A Jewish doctor called j that is the chosen pe ?ple again on your refreshment cagentile -woman married to a Jew. arouse the native Moslem populaOr just-a nightmare brought on this office to find out if there are jarchy the cockroach PEEK EST131ATKS — E A E i XKVJMS I reer. Better clip the recipes — tion to anti-Jewish actions.' by excessive reading of pre-Olym- any ^anti-Jewish dlstaroaEcer —to j i if you 'know'what's good for you! j MOWIM BACKWARD - FAST TBeacuse of. the laws of free pics.'Stbries-,"-, . We'see before" us Morocco before buying a ticket to I •paying confessed to a charm? speech, and asembly, the author- the huge Olympic Stadium at Ber- that country . . . The Herald-TribRar.ana Skyscraper ing young lady that Tre some- ities could do little to check this lin . . . It's jammed to the flag- une typographically-erred GOT. campaign until it led to open distimes banged out copy for the poles with people of alienations . . Lehman as an alleged antl Semite, (A "Split" on End!) Turn Flips — Watch it Float— acme of journalistic endeavor lo- orders and a number of cases oc- Hungry for a meal of good clean meaning Gov. Landon . . . Aleph Dream of Chocolate — Give re ' •"yi^'y fe"" R^.'il"^' cally known as the Jewish Press, curred In" which the Jews -were sport . . . The games get under Katz, J. T. A. Yiddish editor, Jumbo a Ride—and Hit a New 1 tbsp. syrup (chocolate, pineforced' to defend themselves. : ! the young lady Insisted that we \ way .;. . Event after event Is run bought a pocket dictionary the High with Skyscrappers: all with apple or other flavor) listen to her mother's ideas on ,. With the economic: crisis and off . . . The U.- S. team, withahe other day because its inclusion of bananas! Sound like an arause- I 1 ball vanilla ice cream . the stoppage, of industry dissatisJudaism and Jews. ( help of a couple of sturdy, mer- the word "shekel" convinced him men park? It is, but it all.hap- I 1 ripe banana (quartered) As it happened this lady's moth- faction grew. Anti-Jewish muh- curial Negroes, a couple of Jew; iclpalifles took measures against But he pens' right in your own kitchen, j 1 ball chocolate ice cream of its completeness er l a d raised her children in an , j ish speedsters who braved the almost tossed the volume away and those names are just of ice i 2 tbsps. syrup the Jews'. The European agitators atmosphere Just right for the sucj cream dishes — but what ice ' whipped cream contempt and ridicule of co-tellcessful rearing ot young. klans- started a boycott: The situation gionists at home to complete in when he *aw it also included the cream dishes! Maraschino cherry soon became-Intolerable; word "sheeny" with a definition men and Black Legionnaires. Well the Olympics, and scores of other that it is slang for Jew" . . . Bet A child's idea of paradise in ' Place the one tablespoon svrup might•'.•she- hare been editor of •••-; The legislative elections were !in bottom of a tall glass dish. Put the 'How to Raise Tour: Children concluded. Blum came to power, mixed-blood -. Americans, forges a nickel, its editors don't like our the summer is no fairy castle, but iin the ball of vAiilla ice cream i a shining emporium where tall Point after people Section' of Herr Stretcher's per- accompanied by the unleashing of rapidly ahead Because the only defbitterness and anger on' the part point is piled up to give the Red, inition of the word we could find iodicals. : ofthe Nationalists who had hoped While and Blue a commanding In the big international Webster's EVENINGSs Finally with a squeal of utter delight the young lady told that for a triumph for CoL'de la leadlead . . . Blond Nordic sprin- is "lustrous with sheen; shining; Crolx: de ters were eatingT the bitter dust her parent was a loyal member Roque, leader of the: : radiant." . . . " of the Judah Benjamin-Chapter Feu, and prospective Fascist dic- kicked up by the dusky U. S. tator of France. lads . . . Owens had just run one POEM: Came across the followof the United Daughters of the Immediately the elections were of Hitler'a pets Into the ground . . JUST 15 LEFT - - Yeu Must Hurry! Confederacy. Which left us with ing bit of verse while reading in over,-the Nationalists began a The 400-meter relay team, with a feeling of thus and BO. "archy does his part" by don marfurious anti-Jewish ; campaign the two Jewish boys playing a with the support: of- the, .defeated prominent role, was running the Quis and thought you might care and discontented rlght--w-ing can- legs off the Nazi beauties . . . to recite it at a Nazi gathering Overheard: some Umep Harriet Bernstein is going on didates who blamed their defeat Dark "non-Aryans" clouds spread '"> * ; ' a pall over the tremendous browna diet; Cupid hovering nigh, the on the Jews.. This particularly the case at shirted rooting section . . . The inspiration•'. w Morris Jeplitsky The CFI plan may interest you) telling it to the Judge for hasty Oran, where the Mayor of the city, brownies couldn't get up enough monthly payment* . . . inGOLDEN JUBILEE driving . . . Shirley Goldberg's pet Abbe' Lambert, who ' previously steam to. give their lads and las- Small stead of en* single premium. peeve the namesake of a famous had protested his friendship for sies "three * dachshunds and a BUY INSURANCE. THE CONVENIENT WAY poet . . . Naomi Gross refusing to the Jews, blamed them for his de-hell!" to cheer them on . . . If interested, call clean out some room while HE feat and attacked them heatedly. There was only one exception . . « MAKE LEOF WHY GAMBLE?. •was in it . . . The female memThe situation became aggravat- Over in one corner of the field a Evtry type of Insurance written bers of Fratority are slating Sam ed and strong feeling grew. The girl named Helene Mayer (whethSI Strong Com panic* Ruderman aa their candidate for Right-wing elements would not er she liked it or not) brought AT 7 W VVA 8150 president . . . The great puzzle accept their defeat and still less victory,-to the swastika by runof t i e week. Who is Sain Wolk's the fact that the Jew, Leon Blum, ning her flashing foils through all inspiration.for all tbe music he had become the master, of the des-opposition . • , But the victory has been composing . . . That tinies of France. went unnoted . . . Helene bad Irxlsides Celia Lipsman took along a let- . "We are not the English," they been jammed down the Nazi ter of introduction to Lyle Tal- declared, "and we have no need squad's throats to satisfy a clamor hot when she left for a trip west of being governed by a Jew even that looked for; a time as it it and cinemaland . . . Some little were he to-be a Disraeli." . 11 might take the games away from ; GUARAHTEE hostess -was disappointed WedTBey multiplied their attacks B e r l i n . . . . . Suddenly, there was nesday evening. Her party at on the Jewa in their press, by pro- a drone overhead . '. Planes ..-. . 4 Peony -was a huge failure because vocations ia.the streets and pub-The sky was black with them . . ; a certain youngv'gentleman who lic places everywhere. • »Huge, swastika-swabbed bombers she hoped"would be her escort reThe Jews, who .this time had . . ; As one; the flying armada ' i { Pearl the' support ot the Popular Front swooped down on the field as fused hits invitation Marquis' description of the Akron and who were now certain of the though.to laniS . . . From the asairport . . . George Klein coming attitude of the local authorities, sembled multitude, a roar . . . A \ •*f -. f5i out of the Omaha'Theater, Sun- defended themselves In the face Triumphant cheers r from t h e l«S &-. t a . VB . Vi^ L L a u LiLLaL day evening and, seeing the re- of these atacfea, some at- the cost brown^hlrted sections Shouts sults of the storm,-thought-the of their lives. Thusr today - w,a of '/indignation from the "foreign deluge he had just seen in Green mourn the death of Ben Kalifat, sections . : ; . The armada didn't Q- j - FcrWeek Pastures was a Teallty . . . "Cow- of Zaoui and of some others and lanft/.-..'.-.". It zoomed, spraying the1 Fruits- c a d vecfetebles stay f?esk and a s 0 1 IB ALL boy" Sadofsky's friends telling sympathize with the many Tmund- entire staaiumTwi'fl %• thick;-,cl6ud L.. i,rffe?...l3Sag;4-..,L... 1, r l crisp for days. Even uncooked m@$3$ f i YOU FAY him what he needs with that halr- ed in our hospitals.. ~ Seusatiosal of Vapor1 .'•.•;. .That" completelyob4 ctttris a number and Btripes. The authorities • have taken scured: athletes and crowd: . . -i k©@ps perfectly. Besides protecting strong measures to restore order, When it was dissipated, tfec lield COMPETITION IS KEEN, year h©allk a General Electric will but the incitements continue. Ha- was" occupied •by a l-.0Et. o f tanis; (S Poll ©lasses) THANK YOU CRISPING PAtl AKff F7.UI7 ZL*V, tred of the Jew Is preached un- menacingly; effkent " i n " their sav© on your grocery tsilL "Lsft-o^^ers" Two Omaha matrons of what ceasingly. The opposition to the gleaming: armory" bristling with ere nerrer fcows crwcx]? c^id^you can. the jsnobs would say decidedly present French •• Government la small-bore '••cannon.':..' . . . The athhumble origin are self-appointed manifested v in t h e :campaign letes had' vanished, as- if swalbuy all foods in quantities at bargsfn Everyone,ia Town.Is lowed up :;by, the tanks or snatchcandidates for the position of so- against the Jews. Tki Abo^t I t prices. Install a G-E- Refrigerator in cial arbiter of Omaha Jewry. ConThroughtoiit; the relations b e j e d away, by the'steel birds . . • sequently Innocent people are be-tween the Jdws and-the great part With* the exception "of a, i year horse, today I NEW SHfFMSkT JUST IS£}\ ing exposed to deluges of Invita- of the Moslem population! remain band of; swastika-decorated runTo Cheese Fron : tions to dinners they are giving most cordial. Leaders of botn ners, pole-yaulters, h a m m e r - ' JWkllc They Is:-;! V^ B f^ i merely to out-do each other. A comunities are sincerely; desirous throwers, et al . . . From the Nasi party given by one is immediate- that they ~ continue; e -ao.-i Hitler rooters a roar of acclaim . . From ly eclipsed by'one given by* the agents, however, are leaving no. the foreign sections, thunderother. _Some of the guests are stone.unturned in their efforts to struck silence Then a boomt \ \ utterly awed while the less naive Sow anti-Jewish (eellng ; among i ing voice, propelled through a f.a-nberl f At All are tittering. Ladies, such goings- the -Moslems and to instigate an-i huge- megaphone, filled the stad. Dealers 7 FAKMAM on make good gags for comedies. tl-Jewish attacks. • i ium , . . "Heii, Hitler!" it said,

Restoring Jewish Children to Health



of Helen Clevenger ore, in an Ashevllle, iscbvered a clue:to enously shot and . Joseph Clevenger


•* £&




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ert,- assistant postweon her appoiiitsi'. She.is the widow rid.political adviser a year.














:ry from the days of ' )ld Nespelem Indian i big way. This little . and proudly boast-ol-• d. And that's not so • ng form' +-. ••:•'. >. r : Iniied







growth of Z. O. A. membership for Chicago, Illinois, and Colum- and sounds and medley of ghetto immureJ in Harot el Yahud. who, malevolent* Mephistophelesl ated, any more than Nahalel, Atto lOOiOOO under the presidency bus, Ohio, t<5 be gone for about sights. ; The market was built within I gloating over the misery of Fau-Uroth, Kiriat Anavim, and the, three weeks. of Stephen Wise. • "And yet," whispered the voice the original square of houses. | stus, had, been Bcanuing each ex-1 later Keren Hayesod settlements of the glib one, as though it were i-arly in the enterprise it was j pression that fled my features, ! of fifteen years ago; As we walkMrs. Millard H. Krasne and in-my own con-science,,"and yet this round that a hundred gates were! "let us forget about emancipation i ed away find went silentlv in rev(Copyright .19.36 by 'Sevea.Arts fant son, Robert Edward, arrived is the home of emancipation— too ambitious a goal, more were i and the Less Materialistic Aspects lerie up Mount Scopus, past the Feature yndicate.) MISS ANNA PILL,, correfpendent home from the Mercy - hospital forty years ago!" .-,i added. T^e long lune, runningi o f Judaism, and try .to find that! place where, four years after that Sunday. Horizontally _into,_SmaH entrances/ Jewish spirit that should not be\ date, a Hebrew University was U: I realized that emancipation Herman Handler arrived home was relative to the circumstance, at either end, with, a broader off-! chell, South Dakota, a former confuse 1 with the Jewish aspect."! be formaly inaugurated, my eves Sunday following a ten day visit Death Claims Long shoot, developed into the "Meah Sioux Cityan Is spending the sumnot an absolute concept/ Emanci, „ , „ , . . In a corner, far from the mad-1; sought the hills, the hills of Juc A in Philadelphia, where he was the j mer with friends and relatives in Shearim < b f our times. Outside j ding mercantile crowd, was the dea, from which David the Psalm" Time Resident Here Sioux City. She is a guest in the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl restraints, a complete emergence the original square of houses oth-j b i g yeshiva, As we stood thoreJster sought his strenght of the Brandeis. He visited.in Atlantic monstrosities, |t h e d r o n e ot 8 t u d e n t s Mrs. Rose Rabinbvicbr, 73, died S. Kosberg home. Lord, City and other eastern points also. from thralldom. It means a re-er architectura Thursday afternooii, July 16, follease from bondage, a .complete the tenements of Jerusalem, were! o\-er their tomes stole into thei In the fullne&s of time, I lowing an lllneijs. of several 1 Mr. Joe Bain of San Diego, H y e a r " p a s ^ e d : ! clear night. The .muttered cad-1 thought with some degree of proAirs. Nathan Adler and sons, disdain of repression: in short. the enc of their months. FuneraL services were California, visited here with Mr. ; The Council Bluffs/Lodge No. Morton and Marvin Adler, are Liberty. . f K e r 'r « < "learning-" rose and ' phecv for one so young as I wa, held Sunday moreing in Shaare and Mrs..Abe Bain. . 1 U S f he covered "Look! Is that not Liberty!" 688 of the B'nal Brith will hold leaving Saturday night for St. ho f \ T , r ° 1 e ! ! > T h e b a r r e d w i n J o v s showed then,' these hills- r.-i Zion. Syhagogue-^th Babbl H. R. S y Eh further symbols of (he freed a regular meeting next Monday Paul, Minnesota for a visit, with ! Liberty was approaching with t h e T J r l f of til ™ 1 7 ' e g w R h further s Rabinowltz and Cantor A. Pliskin evening,^July 27, at 8:30 o'clock relatives. They expect to be gone j a downcast head, clad in. fur streiMr. Leon Dobrofsky spent sevew form ts.lf n t h l „ expressing: r o o n i s . T h eb o w e d b a c k s o f T o B . ; J e w l s h R p i r i t , officiating. , at the Eagles Hall. Mr. O. Hochmele and long yellow 1 aftan, cura n d Moi,he a n d BereJ endurance £b hf> reaI 'itin. Rabinovich lived in Sioux eral days this week at Lake Oko- man will give a report of the Dis-about two weeks. « k : ^ ling one of its earlocks round a and mortar I aac studiously beet over their' meaning g of Eretz Israel nhd the City 42 years and was very, active boji. trict Convention held recently pondering finger, and porinj over in Jewish organizations here. She "And now," said the cicerone, || volumes, extracting eman'cipat.'cn. aboard the Great Lakes Steamer Miss Maxine Leibovitz left Wed- a dog's-eared volume in its right the nocturnal oil. each drop of Jewish (Copyright 1!>SG by Seven Arts bad served as president of the He- Miss Mickey Krasne of Frenesday, for Lake Okoboji to spend Seeandbee. ! Perhaps my friend was right. was fully appareled brew I^adles Friendship Society, mont, Nebraska, visited this week a ten day vacation with friends.!! Beobachter Compkras Emancipation couid not lead one Feature Syndicate) with Miss Frances Kalin, 3620 in talith, and little boys gave it j i -president of the Hebrew Mothers Jackson Mr. and Mrs. David Kubby anvery far from the Jewish spirit. Street! I a wide berth. "Der rebbe fcommt! ti^uV "arid'. also secretary.^ , She GRODINSKY. MARER & Berlin Voelkischer Beobach- There were the shackles of theMONSKV, nounce the birth .of a daughter, COHEN, and J. HAROLD SAKS, Miss Roberta Russick of Desjshalom, rebbe, shaloni!" to unhewas'a meiribe'r of the Ladies Auxborn Saturday,. July 18, at the ages, forged painfully by frener- , ter, Attorneys Moines, Iowa is expected to a'r-.j eding ears. iliary of Shaare Zion and the Sen- Mrs. William'Kantor and fam-Mercy Hospital. 737 Omaha Wai'l Bk. Eldfl. rive here Sunday for a week's rer Hitler, features an article ations of observance. Centuries i ily and Mrs. Ed Kantor spent last Freedom read a Hebrew news- complaining ior Hadassah chapter. ' " • ' ' . that the older gener- -had made of ritual an iron-cast: visit at the home of Miss Sylvia paper. It was in the guise of a PROBATE NOTICE ;'She is survived by' two sisters, week at Lake Okoboji. ation of Germans in America was mould, hard to break and hard to : In t h e M a t t e r of t h e R S I H ' P of E r '.Mrs. Rae E . Ross left Sunday)Ross. Talmud. Torah boclmr, but he nestine T. Rothho'iz. Deceased: : Mrs. Barney Baron and Mrs. Mordeaf to Nazi propaganda and litNotice Is Hereby Given; T h a t t h e Mr. Ml M. Weisberg returned wore a long ankle-hngging coat, tle understood Nazi racial prinrisN. London, of Sioux City and c r e d i t o r s of said <)f-rp;isHt! v-ili meet : this week from New York where | "What is there in-emacipation. a round parson's hat of some the a d m i n i s t r a t r i x of said e s t a t e . I'ei."brother Morris Bloom of New ciples. m e . County Tmls?c of DOUCIM* he spent two weeks on a buying ! after all?" I asked. "There is fnre black felt, and the originrl pair York City.' County. N e b r a s k a , a t t h e Comity trip. ; ; ! fredom for the Jewish spirit in Court of trousers. Room, in >aid .'nnnty. o r t h e tiny of A u g u s t , !!>:!(>, nnd on t h e R-E-C-I-P-E-S ! trying not to break away. Meah 31st "Let's hear what he is reading, "1st clay of O<?lobcT. linfi. a t '.< "'clock HOSTESSES FOR A. Z. A. Miss Susan 'Barbara Merlin ; Shearim was an attempt to break A. M.. each I know that fellow," my cicerone l a y . <>'• ' h e u of A Short True Story itual home. It is right near Meah Great Shakes! p r e s e n t i n g r sixteen little friends i away from the Jewish form . . ." tion. a d j u s th»>r f>_>r ffered . SUMMER TOURNAMENT atentertained By*'JULIAN I/. MELTZER m e n t a n < ] Shearim, the center of Judaism \ ° (A "Float") a party Monday afternoon, on h r e e m o n t h s a r e A H ^ V for Thr Sixteen years ago . . . It is | in Its less materialistic sense. You! "Shmuel. what are you read- Slice or break 1 ripe banana in- i "And failed," was the respanse. Tcreditors ihci: )^. from 'Because Judaism and the Jewish the Gist dt aoypt-esent ;. At ; a recent meeting of thethe occasion of-her fourth birth- only a short span in history of may step into, the atmosnere of!i n ^ «> carefully in Doar Hay• f Miiv. '• y)<~*. The "children were enterom ? 1 ? i : spirit know no forms but embrace A., Z. A. chapter, eight hostesses day. : BRVCE a people oat a long time in the the Pirkei Avoth— into the r e a l j ' " County Judge. -•were chosen .for the 'summer tained with • games and birthday short history of the new Pale- Ethics "of the Fathers!" "Ai! New lies. They've got aj beater or electric mixer until all forms, have one soul and 7-9-36-3t banana through refreshments. . . ' . ' Or all souls, and in themselves tournament, scheduled to be held machine in America from which MONSKV, GRODiNSKY, WARER « . stine. The Palestine of sixteen It was worth considering by a medium mesh wire strainer with j COHEN, Attorneys in'ioux City on August. 16 and 17. a liberation." years ago was a land that your high-minded young btfy, in those you can hear thousands of miles a spoon. Add 1 cup cold milk and are 73? Omaha Natiomi Bank Bunding Miss Rosale Lazriowich of. St. I 'They include Rosanna Dlkel, Lilwithout wires. It is called 'radio' How was Meah Shearim liberchildren will never know and days of an unsullied 'Aretz, a Tel 1 tablespoon vanilla ice cream ' lian^Rivin, Esther Rivin, Sylvia Joseph, Missouri, arrived in OF ARTICLES OF INCORand probablv only meshumoddimi . . . . . ., NOTICE 9 PORATION OF WORLD THEATRES Friedman, Frances Maron, Betty Sioux City this week to visit with that you probably have never Aviv of a cluster of houses, and ! a n d mix l n c o c k t a i l s h a k e r i CORPORATION seen. Julian Meltzer, the eminwould have anything to do w i t h a Herbert Samuel as the first NeOsnowitz and Shirley Fien. These her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gypsies Classed "with Jews it." ent writer, and correspondent hemiah since Nehemiah' of the MorrisLazriowich. ' NOTICE IP HEREBY GIVEN That yOuns ladles were elected by a Sundae Sauce "So?" 5 ^ the undersigned have formed a curof the Palcor Agency, contrib- Persian Exile. popular vote of the chapter. (Good Everyday) • Berlin Gvpsies Were last poration pursuant to the laws ot the Mrs. Harry Bravlroff will leave utes'this fascinating chapter of In Jerusalem, I asked to be "So." This tournament and conven2 sqs. chocolate The cynic turned in triuph. He week classed with Jews in an of- * ^ h ^ ' ^ > ^ T ^ A T ^ I'alistine when • , . tomorrow for her home in Omaha shown Zichron Moshe. A friend, tion will usher in the second an1 cup cold water ficial order stating that they are ;CORPORATION, with its principal found me, somewhat obstentain THE EDITOR who had been a suspiciously all- tiously, examining the ware:, of of business in Douglas County. nual I. N. A. A. affair and Sioux after vlBitlng with relatives 1 % cups sugar N not permitted to marry "Aryans" place Nebraska. The objects for vhich this Cityans are urged by the chapter Sioux Falls and Sioux City. Few grains of Ealt Jerusalem— Tour contempor- too-ready cicerone, took me on aan obviously delighted peddler. corporation is tormed a r e : To acquire or to hold public office. toxq-operate with the. members as lessee, cwnc-r or otherwise and to 2 tbsps. butter ary historian of modern Palestine tour of the Jewish district of the The cynic turned in triumph He operate theatre? for the exhibition of Mrs. M.' Finkenstein and chil- is concerned with glamorous, ro- late '20s. Abode of spirituality, . • in-- extending • the courtesies' and 1 tCEsp. vanilla moving pictures and lor other perFreedom!" Eroi to Represent . formances of every kind and characthospitalities Bhown d-uring former dren of Los Angeles, California, inantic externals-—a perspiring forsooth y2 I expressed my dissa'& cup white karo ' I replied coldly, "So? ! er and to dea! generally in moving are visiting, in Sioux City with pointment. >s conventions. Any families who 1 teasp. mint essence chalntz driving two sturdy oxen Czechoslovakia picture films, with reference to the The origin of Meah Shearim, production, distribution or the exa t e in a position to house the Mr. and Mrs. A.. Finkenstein. Dr. across brown-furrowed meadows Cut chocolate into 5 or 6 pieces "What did you expect it to to be sure, was in an expression i hibition thereof; to purchase, hold. and Mrs. I. Finkenstein and . -visiting Alephs are asked to get in a Keren Hayesod settlement, be?" he queried with a guiless for freedom and articulation and stir over direct heat with waofl-n.and otherwise dea! in securities theyG com-at evidences of indebtedness of every in•; touch -.with Haskell Lazere, daughters of Auburn, Washing- under a blazing sun; a Chassidic f a c e < — Max Brod, famous , or • I that took a handful of yenner z e i t l t e r vnul kind and character, and to exercise chairman of the housing commit-. ton, visited In the Finkenstein farmer, complete with four-cornJ e w i s h a u t h o r , Will h e a d a d e l e g a - ; a u the rights nd privileges of own"The Centre of Judaism in its; old-time, Jews from the interior! sugar, karo and pinch of salt home this week enroute to Chi-ers and curly locks, gazing mediership; to deal generally in personal stir ul5ti1 tion of ten named to represent property of ever?" kind and character; cago. . tter Boiland 2 mint j c 7choslovakian Yewrv at the and to borrow- money The chapter is planing to make tatively into the middle distance Less Materialistic Sense." I would j of the walled Old City into inse-iIu t e S - a d r l b udissolved. ^nd issue evi- vanilla z but answer. "The-Home of thejeurity of the the^tournament the outstanding dences of indebtedness therefor. The a scythe on shoulder, under j flavoring and serve en ice cream. ^otal authorized capita! stock is $25.Jewish Congress. Norman^ Sacks, son of Mr. andwith j was a breaking away from the event of its year. Highlights of Ethics of the Fathers." a blazing sun; a barelegged deepUI.KI.O0, the par value is ?I'.ns.iu> per the' tournament will be a barbe- Mrs. Louis Sacks entertained "Nonsense!" was the retort. I tradition that Jews in Jerusalem ^hare. and all of same shall be comSnow Flake Garnish ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attys. mon and fully paid and non~E»ssesscue, luncheon, dance,, track meet, thirty children Tuesday afternoon bosomed, bronzed Jewish girl f a r - | M y f ri end was a Palesinian. bornjmusts"' cluster in tae Tiddlsshe able when issued. Tile corporation 40C Brardess Theatre Eldgmerette hoeing a patch of egg(Rice Crystals) and bred amid the old traditions Gassel, within a crow's flight of tennis tournament,; and kitten on the occasion of his Btxth .NOTICE , _ - . , _ _ . OF __. _ „ -E„R . _. F. -F,S- _ ishal! commence business on filing A ,E plant, under a blazing sun; the 1 cup cooked rice S H SALE , , n t She y Clerk birthday. • . of Jerusalem. He knew the stench j ( s A r t j w h } C o U the Kotel Maaravi. the Wailing bail tournament. In the District Court of Douglas Io f n c n ] p l a ? C o , m t v , Nebraska, and harsh outlines of Tel Avid soft- 06 the Jewish quarters as a perm- Wall. The adventurous Jews who 1 cup sugar County, Nebraska , . . „ . : when there sholl have, been subscrihcup water A. H. Baron naff returned home ened into a glimmering perspec-j anent olfactory sensation. Sten- decided to found a suburb far disBy virtue^f_a_n_order_ot s a l ^ s s u e d : e d f o r B t , e a c t n.UW.iH! o! its capital after'visltlng-Jn the home of S.tire, as seen from the seafrontj ch? Well, they sold herrings from tant from the Jaffa Gate were Weisberg a t ' Lake Minnetonka. under a blazing sun. unabashed barrels, hawked salt the first to do so in hundreds -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanin and Mrs.'Baron and daughter Beverly Those are symbols ol the newcucumbers from converted petrol years. In those days of Hungarian daughter, Miss Mary*Hanin, will will remain at the' lake for aEretz-Israel. Yet has the spirit of tins, howled about fresh fish so { Yiddish, just about the time | a thread. Drop in the rice. Stir ! ^ c u t i o n i that such limitation plial! not Includedepart this week for Cleveland, longer visit. the old Eretz-Yisroel departed so that the scales rattler", and mix-'when Ben-Yehuda was starting with fork until rice is thoroughly Ohio, where they will attend the that none are left to know it anded their Yiddissh with Hebrew to recognition of the living Hebrew coated. Drain on paper. Serve, as wedding of Sam J. Hanin to Miss Dave Albert .and Sol Lansberg few to live it? the detriment of both, "Zoll meln tongue, these Yiddish-speaking!garnish on ice cream, Sara Geller. The bridegroom is are'spending: a ten day vacation sonnim aroise gehen zehrer yoren meshuggoyim chose a spot off Years ago—-how many they a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hanin. • at the Hotel Broadmoor, Colorado seem now!—the writer had come eizeh glida tovah yesh l i ! " Good the beaten track to put up their 1 The Jewish. Press advertisers Douplas County. .Nebraska, sel! at ; , The wedding will be an event Springs, Colo., ^toekholrie-s ch- • hoi-f h e ' ' to settle, in Palestine fortified by fish, good ice-cream! And what Achuzath of an Hundred Gates. merit your patronage. public auction to the WKbcrt bidder J l o£. August 2. Mr. Hanin and his for cash the following described describee , Monday in January of each > have you? the advice of well intentioned They were the 'younger generabride will make their home in property. to*v:it: j elect Directors. Directors shall elect Miss Mildred Cohen of Newfriends who had read all about "Of what does 5t remind you?" tion," the hotheads, the braggarts. M0NSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & Lot Seven (7) Block Ten O'-'i Evnns- I a President. Lt S Vice-President. SecreCleveland. I. York City visited this week in the the land in the meagre literature bored the malicious friend. ton, an Addition to the City of OmaCOHEN, and J. HAROLD SAKS, j tary and Treasurer. Pursuant to conIn the dim' interiors of synaha, Douglas County, V?bras'?a. as i sent in writing of the majority of the Attorney* home of her brother and sisterthat day. It was the end of Nostalgic reflections stirred gogues old men beat their breasts surveyed, pla.tted and recorded. Doug- holders if the capital stock outstand737 Omaha Nat'l Bk. BidsMro. Louis Fish entertained her in-law,' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cohen. of las County. Nebraska, ing, the Boa"-c! may sell, lease, ex1920. The Emek was still a vast, and wailed in front of the Ark. club'members a t an afternoon of From Sioux City she will go toneglected swamp; postwar Zionist deeply. convev or NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON to satisfy the liens and incumbranc.ee, ' cb/ang-e. assign, transfer Up in the galleries crones and "Petticoat Lane—Children of therein set forth: to satisfy the Bum otherwise dispose of t'hr- whole PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT bridge Tuesday at the Stoup and Los Angeles to. visit with relae or of $14.51) costs and the increased end • • -• "• " o l procolonization had not sven started, OF FINAL ADMINISTRAsubsiantialh' the ,wno!e oi the fear-stricken wives followed suit. the Ghetto—Ester Ansell!" I criShaeffer Tea Room. Miss Sarah tives. accruing costs, ali as provided by perty of the corporation upon such TION ACCOUNT nor was there an active public! "Ai, wai! Woe is us! They are In the County Court of Douglas ed Kaplan of .Chicago, who is visitterms and for such consideration ae ty campaign, as In later years, to this! they sliali deem expedient. The Ar"Frische fish!" mocked the eaving us to the mercy of theCounty, Nebraska. ing here with her parents, Mr. 21th day of June, ISS6. j tides may be amended upon the vote Mrs. Leo Shlalfer has returned In the Matter of the Estate of FanJackal and Bedouin!" and Mrs. J. Kaplan, was a guest.home after spending several weeks iaud the promise of, Palestine. The friend. nie Braunstein, Deceased: JOHN_ HOPKINS. Sheriff. f of 60 per cent of the stock outstamlKerenHayesod was in its infancy, Douglas County, Nebr. I ing:, upon notice as providec? for. The Not that Meah.Shearim cannot Logic prevailed, More a n d All persons interested in said mat- 6-26-36-5t ] corporation shall have « seal. In Omaha. and many shrugged their shold- aspire to spirituality. Its' Jewish more Jews were coming, and ter are hereby notified that on the LEON & W H I T E , Attorneys, ,Miss Frant:es.Miller of Phoenix, j " Dated June fi. 1M0. 6th day of July. 1936, J. Harold Saks ; ers about it. City National Bk. Building i E. Svr,rtz spirit has lasting abode here— where could they be acombdated? j filed ii\e&"* a petition petition"ln'said"County In said County~Court Court. Arizona, is a guest in the home Mr. Leo Maron has departed for | J HaroM Kaks praying that his final administration dne_of my friends had advised but in the same way as Goulston The year before*, it was pointed account filed hei-ein be settled and NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ' of Mr. and Mrs. A, Greenberg and his home in Los Angeles after IncorporH tors. MURNAN HOME CLEA- ; 6-2B-36-4t Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller. » visiting here with his parents, Mr. me to look for a residence in Zic-Street and Flower-and-Dean Stre- out, over fifty newcomers settled allowed, and that he be discharred CHARLIE NERS. from his trust as administrator and hron Moshe: there was no Reet, off Petticoat Lane, and. of in Jerusalem. The Gassel, the Deu and Mrs. J. D. Maron. Irvin that a hearing will be had on said Mrs. Nate Cohen has returned Maron accompanied' him to Loshavia, no Ben-Yehuda Street, no Grand Street and Hester Street, tschor Platz, the Chabad Way, petition before said Court on the 1st NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN that dav of August, 13SS. and that if you I a Corporation has been formed unOmaha's finest King George Avenue, and no outIn New York. There is a quintesto Sioux City after spending a Angeles and plans to make an exwere congested. * fa il to appear before said Court on j der the laws of the State of Neblying, suburbs at that time. Beth sential Jewishness that those who week with her parents, Mr. andtended visit there. one of America's In the latter score of yeart cli- the said 1st day of August. 1936. at raska. The. name of the Corporation Is Mrs. I. Tesler in Omaha. Hakerem was on paper, and some smell ' recognize as emanating maxing last century, a period CO- 3 o'clock A. M., and contest said HOME CLEAGreatest ticn. . Miss Lillian Rivin visited with foolhardy Jews were living clear from herring and garlic and little i n c i d i n g w i t h t h e E n g l i s h r e v o l t i o / ^ a i c T ^ t m o n V ' e n t V r ' ' " ^ " d e c r e e " of | N'SRS. , Miss Margaret Saltlin enter- friends in Omaha last week end. out in Talpoth, an hours carriage- boys calling each other "lobbos" a g a i n s t M i d - V i c t o r i a n i s m a n d t h e I heirship, a n d m a k e s u c h o t h e r a n d I.is TOmaha, h e principal ^ p ^ aCounty, c e . o f J t s Nebraska. ^ bii_siness Douglas _xi._, orders, allowances jnii de The fi-eneral nature of the business t - , . . , , . . , tained at a lawn party last Fridrive then, fifteen minutes by and a quavering female voice rais- attacks crees, as to '.his Co'iit may seem upon ithe Aesthetes, a_ I further be transacted by the Corporation ed in uncertain song and the He-handful of hardy Jews revolted proper, to the end that Ail matters to t day evening honoring her cousin, Is to purchase, own. hold, dea! In. Miss Ruth'Wigodsky of Mil-bus now. to said estate fnay be fi- mortgage or otherwise lien, and to Miss Diana Gordon of Bayonne, waukee, Wisconsin, is visiting in "In Zichron Moshe," said my brew cries for hokey-pokey, and against the tradition of their pertainingnally settled and determine'l sell, lea^e, exchange, transfer real or New Jersey, who is spending the Sioux City with friends'and rela- friend, "you will your true spir-refuse in the gutters: these smells personal property wherever situated; fathers. Too long had they been 7-S-3G-3t BRTCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. summer in Sioux City. to draw, make, sccept, endorse, distives. While here she is a guest count, execute and issue promissory Miss Sandra Woskoff gave a in the S. L. Snovsky home. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PR-notes and ofher negotiable or transThe Fontenelle will always TITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF ferable instruments; to engage in tbe breakfast Sunday morning as a offer the most distinguish. FINAL ADMINISTRATION A C business of laundering, cleaning, reed Hotel address In the courtesy to Miss Gordon. pairing, dyeing, renovating. laying Mrs! Sol H. Novitsky spent sevmicidlewest. rugs, carpe.s. upholsterCourt of Douglas Couneral dayo in Omaha this week. Herman' Rubin, Martin KosThis Summer I n ^ M a U e r of the Estate of GilMiss Ann Lipton departed for authorized capital stock of this berg; Stanley HerzOff and Nate Chicago bert Frederick Arthur Edwards, De- ! Corporation shall be S10.UU0.00 dividSunday where she will Dine and Lunch in ceased• ! Lerich spent several days at Lake visit with friends and relatives. 100 shares of the par value All persons interested In said mat-i e ? Comfort in the .00 each. i?a.id capital stock Okoboji recently. ter are herebv notified that on the I s° ' ,? be pai . for and non-sssessable 1st day of July. 1936. Isabelle E. Me-I ?* 11 issued and may be paid for in Mayfair Cafe Miss Ruth' Wigodsky, 1617 Fayd«n filed a petition in said Coun- ! "*}?*or property, real or personal, i Mr. • and Mrs. Abe Berkowitz Douglas Street, is spending her ty Court, praying that her final ad(Main Lobby) mlntetratioS acc/unt fi!ed herein b* spent last week vacationing a t vacation at Lake Okoboji this settled and allowed, and that she be of the capital stock of this CorporaLake Okoboji. Comp!e*eEy discharg-ed from her trust as adminis- tion shall be paid for before week. ••'/•• this fjffi9iimfitinni










• _ . . • • . ' .










of Mit- Dr. .• and Mrs. 'Frank Epstein spent last week end in Omaha a s guests of Dr.' and Mrs. Leon Fellman.

•For a good time - ' 'Good food and: Cool-Comfort ---







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tratrix and that a hearing will be had Corporation shall commence business AIR-CONDITIONED on said petition before Raid Court on The Corporation shall commence the 25th day of July, 1936. and that [ business on June 15. 1936 and shrll Popular Prices it you fail to appear before said Court j OTntimie for a period of fifty years on the said 25th day of Jury, 19.^6. from date thereof at 9 o'clock A. M.. and contest said I T h e highest amount of indebtedpetition, the Court may grant the \n e s s t o which this corporation sh->]> prayer of-said petition, enter a decree ia t any time subject itself shall not HOTEL FONTENELLE of heirship. and make such other and exceed two-thirds of its Capita further orders, allowances and de- | stock. " i Karl Huemann, Mgr. crees. as to this Court may seem i The affairs of this Corporation Pha'i proper, to the end that ai] matters t>e conducted by a Board of Directors pertaining to said estate may be fi-1 consisting of two members, nally settled and determined. . H. R. 1J3ON I! Prize Crop '"obaccos Make Old BRTCE CRAWFORD. ' R. J. ELCMENTHAL N26'-«" IG o I d Cigarettes Double-Mellow. 7-3-!!6-3t. County Judge.


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(Continued from page 1) ;'.. .--.. A T A '• ' : "Rebirth: A Book of Modern Jewish Thought." But the arguHOTEL ment which I have given in loosely syllogistic' form >'ioday is perr haps the most practically needed argument in America just -now. offers And on its own plane it is without flaw.. It cannot be refuted. It must now be used to break down aid resistances!, false rationalizations, silly and dangerous snob-, bishiness, and units? in a common and v front the Jews cf" America. But, a cold argument is. not enough. -It must be embodied in I his la Omaha's smartest, one man," a personality, a winning of the very newest places for "mlsed-rltb" drinks and de- and prophetic spirit. That spirit licious, ippetlzlng foods. is Stephen Wise. Long ago. I met a higta-mjnded When Chevrolet built its .11,- model, has been licensed every graph snows them, standing beand noble Christian who was in-000,000th car, it was offered as year since he purchased it, wastween the old and the new car, spired to great and sacrificial ex- an award of merit-to : the owner found to be the winner. His oldreceiving the keys of their 1936 ertions by-the dream and slogan: of the oldest Chevrolet in regu- car had a mileage record of 250,model from M. E. Coyle, presiHOTEL ROME The evangelization of the world lar use as a passenger car. Hiram 000 miles. Dohner and his wife, j dent and general, manager of the R. PRICE, Mgr. in this generation. Dohner, of Quentin, Pa., whose Mary, received their new sedan at Cfievrolet Motor Company, I propose a humbler hope:-The Chevrolet Royal roadster, a 1913 j Detroit last week. The photo-


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Winners of "Oldest Chevrolet" Contest

Miss Betty Burnett


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Society News

SlJ>L^l^jLfffl^^f^il^&^ ^ ^* ^C^j6£3rfJ^SJK!^^B^Ilt



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T fl I • V

When you run across a product that is good, you remember it, for it saves you time, money or effort. You tell your friends about it and they buy it too. Today inore Mohawks are being sold throughout this country than ever before. We attribute this to the worcfof-mouth recommendations-passed on from one driver to another. Hobermaa Bros., Props.—17th & Capitol




Thf.i i pi..•,-,: .\'-v :r.T.

Rftm I..: jiftK.f''!-! ,. Ins • • .'.

EGAD SERVICE—7 A. II, to 10:30 P. M.


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