more than Nahalel, AtLiriat Anavim, and the [en Hayesod settlements years ago? As we-walkpin d went silently in revMount Scopus, past the Sre,'••four years after that jebrew University was tc ly inaugurated, my eyes ; ^e hills, the hills of Ju-J which David the Psalm-^ht his strenght of the-
g|By LUDWIG Thia column Is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction In. •whole or In part strictly forbidden;' Any Infringement on t h i a copyright trill be prosecuted.
Entered as Second Clasa Mall Hatter ea January 31, i$n, at Peatoffle. of Omaha. Nebrsafca. oader Use Act of Uireh S.
-No, 2S
.on tor :se Swimmer
fullness of ,tlme, I jth some degree of proone so" young as I was e hills -rill be covered er symbols of the freed irit." giving it new form meaning; the real if Eretz Israel and the inancipat'tn. ight 1936. by Seven Arts indicate)
GERMAN JKWKT CARRIES OX i n July, 1933, I worked in Paris on a Franco-American Jew-. Vienna (JTA) — The Austrian ; "Ish committee for the relief, of j sports authorities last week dis- \ Whatever news that came from he was given a vacati' bur fugitives from Germany who qualified for two years Ruth Lan- j Spain the first few days of the in the United were crossing the frontier at the ger, 15-yesr-old gwimmer, s mem-i civil war was gathered by a vanced to his,,' rate of several hundreds a- day. The ship carnival "which ber of the Hake ah Jewish sports 1 Reich Business l i e s Told ! Among the consultants of that brought an ending to the Camp nephew of two Omahans. He is Madrid. i y ^ club, for refusing: to join the Acs-; Lester Ziffren, United Press cor- position,-' ^«f> . ..respondent; Games Win 2fot Help committee was a lawyer of Co- Akiba season, like the camp itself trian Olympic team, which will : respondent at Madrid and his un1 v logne, an able and now grimly re- was highly successful with a cles are Harry and Dave Frankel. for / " ' ^P " * ,»icy has been Foreign Exchange compete in Berlin next month. ; .-tt'lng because of alistic man. Certain measures large crowd attending the festivi- . F o u r ' w e e k s ago Mr. Ziffren partit; | Miss • lunger's refusal to comi ^-'political aad social •were proposed in the committee ties held at the Jewish Commun- wrote his Omaha relatives that the eht New York (JTA) — Frederick pete was in accordance with the organization of the country. to which an aged member offered trouble was brewing in Spain and Both the United Press office T. Birchal said last week in a Ber- -decision of the JMaccabi Union, , the objection that these measures, in which the main features of the that the government was daily .uviu *.uv. - UUH1.U * i.v.00 ~». j lin. despatch to the New York'parent Jewish, sports organization' were they to become known, carnival were centered was decor- expecting an armed uprising. here and the local radio ^ ^ IT i m e s t h a t h o p e s that German-si to boycott the Olympic games. • might do harm to the Jews- of ated to represent the Normandie. j ^ M ^ f f r ' e V w h o V from" Rock , . ' f-u (economic situation would be eas- Another Jewish swimmer, J u - : source of Germany. Our Cologne lawyer On. the ships railing were liferi .I 1 U n o I s graduated the Island " ' ed by a flood of foreign money ; dith Deutsch, IT, was mesnwfcUe present trouble. said with a lack of emphasis belts, and in the center of t h e ' left here by visitors to the Olym- j preparing, according: to h e r school of Journalism at the Uni"more" terrible than any outburst Main decli were "three funnels. pic games are being shattered by ' friends, to fig-ht in Federal Court would have been: "You can not . • Balloons, banners, and paper versity of Missouri only a few pronouncements by authorities on against the action of the sports years ago. He was first assigned SfiTTi F'fbp". firFt of t h e Orn.RhR harm the German Jews any ribbons added to the gay atmosby the United Press to Buenos the subject. . '• authorities in disqualifying ber; more." We fell silent. I thought phere. • Each of the camp bunks Aires. While in the Argentine he delegBtior. to return from the A. The Berlin Chamber of Corn- for two years for refusing a bid ' of the line of Bunyan: "He"that had charge of one stand. Visitors [encountered"his "first revolution. E. A. prT.renf.ioi?. belcl pt. J'aclHc merce is warning members against to participate in the Olympics. is down need fear no falL" Well, had their choice of pop stands, At-that time seeing that the adpr pek. undue optimism, • Mr. Birchall , "As a Jewess," Miss Deutscfc the" meaning .here was an alto- crackerjack booths,- hot d o g vancing mob was bound to deihr: said. He quoted the German Ec- wrote to tbe sports authorities, "I j gether different, a. wholly desper- stands, grab bags, dart-throving. stroy everything in its wake, he Berlin (\CKS) — Further e^ •.hi' onomist generally^ regarded ES canot take part in tne Olympic ate'"one. You could not rob the Ice Cream stands, Bingo, Fortune- hurriedly draped an American — . Economics . con-dence of the renewed drive ag-ain Minister Sckacht's . games in Berlin because my : Org£ German Jews of any hope. They telling, and a Spinning wheel. On flag across the door of the United B r i t i s h L e a d e r s H a v e E v i d e n t - m o u t h p l e c e E S s t a t i n ^ th&t t h e science forbids m e t o do this. I ; t h e J e w s placnefi b y t h e XBESS ' t e r m . I. F . Goodms.r F « S e!e-.were hopeless. display was the work of the Press building in an attempt to games will produce an additional; declare thai this is my free and"immediately sfter __.,,, j . _ . . . . , . j . . , ^_. ^.. . __ . Olympic ; tres.Biirer an«f. Kenry Monpky • J J : ly Not Eliminated Ee- ! drain on Germany's supply of for- ' unalterable decision. I ask teat 1 Games VTRS seen 3n athe protect the property. They are, if' possible, more handicraft classes. decree order : elected, t r p. plsce C,P. tlw Co stricted ImiaigTatioa At 6:30 a dinner for the camp- j ' " Because'of Ws'quick action that ! e i p exchange since most visitors : ray point of view should be un- ing the dismissal of all Jewish [ cil, Julius Bisnc will coni.i hopeless today. A chapter Is closjwill live in Berlin on registered . fierstood and that I saould not be ercpJoyes of the famous Tietz : to serve as executive pecrpiavj ing, A group of our people, as ers, their parents, and guests, was • v e d t h e D u n d I n g f r o m d a m a g e > d i th ditoium pro ! ; served in -the auditorium. A pro! London (JTA) — Renewed | ""tra' el marks""sold \ o them at : subjected to snv compulsicTn" chain of department stores. Some the A. Z. A. or T such, Is doomed. And in the misgivings were felt in Jewish ] a d i s c o u n t by G e r m a n ' S foreign \ : 1 _ 1,200 Jews are Effected by this Lev-is Browne. welJ V.p-^vrr, midst of that doom, under the gram' arranged by the campers I circles that the statement cf Will- j cre( 3itors order. &H cuthor of books deBUiig v ' lash of hunger and obloquy, of followed. The toy band enter- j !H jiam Ormsby-Gore, Colonial Secre-j T h e d e S p a t c h c o n t i n U e s : Jewish scene, lee; PP. bitter need and" bitterer defama- tained with the last of its ser-s The Tietz stores were formerly fthe o r u m p n t h e tary, in the House of Commons • ****<*. "V>i»l * "The only foreign exchange -tion, they-, are up Tiolding the su- ies of concerts. A tumbling act j e l i m i n a t e th B J e w . • Dr. promt nsvitif was put on by the older-boys and j •TO/ « i i .....t • e ?os-iGermany r e c e i T e 9 w i l l c o m e t tTcm premacy of the triumphant mind; At the same time a Berlin court • gp^-pn r p r { w o n o , , r s . R f j : p r tl»e the girls danced a tap-routine and j they are today, on their terrific a Russian folk dance. : ruled that a Jewess civorced from f o r X 2 m roade t h e Etatemsr.{ t?«,;. ; yom ha-din, an example to worldan Aryan may not Bee her chil- :i n t h e f i n e e t , v e a r j . he ha? beer> A song skit was presented by dren by that marriage, lest she l e c U , T j n ? : hf: h f l s i . e v e r fipokrr F," Jewry of moral and spiritual moYaphank. I . I. <JTA) _ A in hi s statement | the five and six year old boys and Kew York {JTA) — Two men ccrrupt them with anti-Xp.zi in- i o n g in R n P ,. e r i nfr cuwtior.e hv bilization. They are Jewishly and girls. A play. jof their nationals within Germany of German descent who tormented uuences. g n r g U ( ji e J l c e o ! f ; OT youtiK, Intellectually more productive toG e r m a n s ! ^ n i d a t i o n ; - j t : - w o n I d ; p r o c e e d - ( . O I i ; s h a l l b e p a i d f o r p a r t l y with their; a n aged Jew in a crowded sub- •. day than the free Jewries of the At I/eipzig an Arj"an obtained s. or Gentile, male or femaleCamp Sieg- jt h e m e r i t s o f t h e c a s e _ , , ; own money. way train with jeers of "Eeil Kit• West. divorce from his Jewish wife "siniply because I hpve never bpf. 1 T b e Mr Ormsbv-fiorfe dprfarori that " expenditures in travel : SerV and Nazi salutes were held the gym " j fried here for the second summer j ? ^ ? ™ * ? ™ ° ! L . f . ! itJ**l; marks will reduce Germany's for- i n $ 5 0 0 bail on an assault charge solely on the ground that, she T- an audience lbs.'. tSRs ar-ked PC . Let us get at the facts. . All. the Campers are eagerly {f5",™1 Ot t h e German-American I inari>- etiiri'lfiSing- nupptionp," eign indebtedness, but will not a fte rthey had battled a Jewish represented by s. Jewish lawyer, n circulation • of t h e Juedisch'e anticipating next year's camp. A second, forum, "The lie'?' u Walter " produce what Germany needs veteran' attempting to defend ME Kappe, secretary of the Rundsrhau, the - extraordinarily, t T e ^ t o the HolT tioneTiip o£ Catholics, rvotestuntB. most at this time, foreign esco-religionist. ; organization — formerly known able Zionist-bi-weekly, has quadto go to tne Moiy and Jews" was 3ed by Dr. Everas Friends of New Germany — rupled since 1933. People in the t o have to pay out foreign exchange ^ ,The veteran, Solomon ett Clinchy of New York. r.seci!~ and editor of its paper declared: i move~abouTin extremes of poverty join, two or t.i%"e director ol the Nations' Conto provide additional food from ' "Governor Lehman won't be j pital, intervened when three families, to afford a single ference of Jews FUG Christians, "I or the visitors and to proin r causing the white-; subscription or the few pfennig to One evening of the coi'veutioj; foreign raw materials for bearded Jew to become agitated ; Is a buy each number separately. The was devoted to Palestine. -The the manufacture of articles for by their taunts, followed him s s ; We will defeat Communism by decirculation of the Israelltisches motion picture, ".osrifl of T'ron-"the vi he. attempted to go into another ' feating Jews for any office for Famlienblatt of Hamburg and of iise," wag followed by s. lecturr car. ; which they might run." the-Zeitung of the Central-Verein either the Arjibs or the Jews, conmerlin (JTA) — A flesible rule : ^veJi b T . R B b b i p o uiptein cf ?f.r, "Why don't you leave the. old for treating childrer, born of . rvrncipco. have risen in lesser but also1 enor- Representatives from 32 Coun- Trees, fences and posts around to the practice followed by: "Gentiles man alone?"- asked Shapiro. "If :mlxesi marriages as Gennsiis i n ; " " , " » . " " . , mous proportion. And note that , ,, tries to Convene, at Geneva (you want trouble, pick on .some-', sosae spheres of Ectiriiies act' s s 5 n , ' , P ] ' , t these papers manage to sustain "V P" /;-.";.. :••: '\Atifnst' 8 • ' . , . English during the (body younger." .'• - - . : -ithemselves.underthe Narf regime j__._ TJtL£_GsrHia.riS- thereupon Bet: Sir Arthur . Grenfell Wanchape only v.hyj confining- theniselves to '"upon the veteran, although he- Dresden. ' Ij may have to resort to. martial law Jewish.; ngw^.-and to7^?reoccapation. ] wore spectacies, whipped i i s coat i The with Jewish literature, ' a r t "atia Jewish groups .in 52 . countries ' * - t o r e order in Palesune is! contained in an editorial in.-thej-. ^ ] g j e r (JTA*)—The charge that 1 o v e r his face to blind him, and- be- : brought on ~* philosophy; with-/Zionist politics will assemble in : the . Batiment goose-stepped across the field to Times, whose editorials frequent-j^isa- agitators! San to pummel .him until pas-jtrict court, which ILBA ersried. Etjropean and with Palestine. But that Is Electoral (League of Nations ABthe tune of German martial mu-. ~ """ ' attitude -'"*-•"- on j' ^ ^ " 'res^onsibie ' - :•angers separted * - - > them.' *•<--— •fbe child of a mfxefi marriage to O l If v. for'stirring what these German" Jews desire. sem,bly Hall) in Geneva on the [ j ; Boys and girls also wore un- ly mirror Government E c the divorce:! Jewish mother on important question. Apparent un- iM o s ] e m s t 0 d i s o r d e r s was made i The motonnaa blew his They hare been awakened. They evening of August 8 for the open- t if orms biff f r t hf the grerund that the chile belongwillingness of 'some members of j v l " ^ ! " o l t r are re-born. Men.and women who ing cession of the ten-day World [ p o . ; gency whistle as the train entered j Beafljelloal( the Palestine judicature" to co- jm c a { j ^ , ^ c f t h e A l g e r ; a l l Grand Central station to attract! ed racialy to e, Jevigfc. envjronuntil 1933 had no Jewish knowl- Jewish Congress from Dr. Nahum j ; i n o on the orp operate with the administration ;A r a b g > - n a n i a t e r r i e w w i t b the ; station • police. Tfce two Xszis ment. edge and few: Jewish interests are Goldmann, of .the Committee ; o t j Tfce Higher Court ruled that charter m Shanehai, is enforcing existing emergency; J e w i s l l T e l e g r a p i l i c A g e n c y . | burst from tbe train when the rebuilding their inner lives and Jewish Delegations. -. Bennte Baker, cori.sedisn ».nC measures, the editorial indicates,. .< W e h a T e > h o w e v e r > a , - a k e n e d ; doors opened and fled with Shar>- custody of the child could not be orchestra leader and former A, the lives of their children through j The following countries are my be a deciding factor in such « , i r o in pursuit. A station policet Q t f a e t r u e f a c t S t h e s a i d > a l l d the historic and living culture of listed - by the American Jewish t h e E u r o p e a E S a r e casting tbeir:iaan joined the chase, and ,aided Congress as participating. Aster- j Berlin (JTA) — Secret in- a decision. Israel. • In the House of Commons, M r . b r e a t h i n ^ n i a g o n u s to mas-;by spectators, who closed off the have their press. They iska indicate countries where dele! uctions to the rural authorities They str it should be allowed to become j Nazis, finally caught them. have through the cultural associa- gates have: already .been named. to treat Jews politely during the Ormsby-Gore declared there y a s j E a c r e t h e J e w s / ^ AT met'if KRV liobson, Jew. . . . ,» — tions their theater and their muJolson, i?b.V. I>nwns, enri Algeria, 4; Argentina*, 5; Aus- lo treat jews poiiteiy uuimg me i n o S C O had collected Uoa The legal regulation of tbe staof a change in pohcy • H e u , d t h e r e s p o n s i b n i t v f o r | A mvr& Qf sic to which, by Nazi decree, no tria, ?; Belgium,, 4; Brazil, 2; Olympic Games have been dis- ! n Wf Michsei ijorinf,-. v-ho PAJJE several tern en t. tes of cbilciren of mixed marriby -Walter" Darre, Minister °. Palestine before the Commis- ; t h e C o n s t a n t i n e djSOrders of 19S4 |o n the station. "in\h7exc5 Aryans are admitted, so that the Bulgaria, 2; Canada*. 4; Chile*, patched TirUHnli folk-soTlSTB. for Agriculture. Agriculture. Concerning s findings^possible ^ stoppage ^ of; ,'entirely ^ ' o ^ e declared"" upon European never ceased agitators to Ij everybody j^'i-ho' " forgot *= " - about tttb 6 ^ ^ ages, the appeals court decided, sale and distribution * t tickets 1; Czechoslovakia*, 8;, Danzig*, forThe instruction emphasize that sion should be based on the fact that must be rigorously guarded. The 1; Denmark and Norway*, ,(ob- the "fundamental German atti- immigration pending the invest!- j B t J r u p h a t r e d £ g a i n s t t h e j e w s i h i s ^ E J . T h ( tboist. ralslnf: tbe ngr limit, f they could not be regarded as ; arraigned in slightest infringment of police servors): England, 16; Estonia, tude toward Jews remains untwenty-•three y<3RfE ??lrt PV P.cUOl equal either to Jews or to Gerwas t Bken. I (Ptt.-eii Ar'eison o regulations would mean destruc- 1; Finland, 1;. France*, 10;' changed." p e nanies ai mans. ' Since German IEW aimed discussion, the Colonial Secretary > £ l a t i o M b e t w e e a J e w a n d Greece, 3'; Italy and Libya, 4; Oaklf.m;I, Cfilifir>"r<iH. -vrnss electe< tion. "Jewish provocatuers," Darre to eliminate mixed racial Blr&inE a decision would be made \Uo's{e^;'^e s a i d , ^ e r e cordial de- ! Brenner."""^ S. " O n e " : them rand Ai<snfc GqdoL They hare their books. The Lithuania, 5; Morocco,. 4; Pal- is quoted as cvutioning "must not as soon as possible, children oJ New G: due course and that it would | 8 p , t e t h e r e c e a t l y n c h i n g i n Bon-; h e v a s £ n A m e r i c a l l citizen_ \ Juedlsche Buch-Vereinigung, a estine, .10;'Poland, 60; Portugal*, get the chance to create incidents O TBi OT j "s'i salts*. ?. mixed marriages were to be T h e Orstoric:s i contep-f wa.p -u^oi cooperative enterprise, began_ Us l ; Rumania, 30; Spain*, 1; | w h l c h c o u l d a d g ^ t 0 t h e m i l l s \ not be influenced by intimidation. | S a a d a o f a J e w acCused of mur- i treated as German in certain dering a Moslem. The Moslems, by So! Stein of Portland. 5*cco»n propagandists aeries of publications this winter Switzerland*, 3; Tunis, 3; United jOf anti-German of life and as "BOB-AI*he said, were intent on maintain- I place irent to Abraham. KEPI;*!1 | with Arthur Eloesser's "excellent State, 75; Uruguay, 1; Yugosla- J abroad." in others. The • Ber-t Chapte ing friendship with the Jews deor Bui nth. "Vom Ghetto nach Europa," a via, 3. Anti-Jewish signs are to be j Thus, the court continued, EC; ' b,. r o H i a R ( 1 N o , spite' the agitation of Hitler removed, the instructions order. ' A history of the intellectual rrocessto State Secretary Stuck-; Vhile " K*™***g c i t r . agents. es by which German Jewry enterDarre explains that politeness •art, such children should be treat-1 c ^ a t , t p r W P S r f , t p d F € c o n < j b w { . Dr. Benjelloul added that leato the Jews is essential "because ed European civilization between as far ss m . m i s r j - i ' - ^ - g A# C - A w a r 6 f p r t h e of the Mohammedan populathe German Government has Mendelssohn and Heine.^ But the service, labor sennce anfi a«!ni»- ; ^ ^ , b m 0 B t j t . ihB i m e Jewish emigration associa- j - ' " ^ " ^ ^ a y a ? p e a l i n g to pledged to the Olympic Commit- tion has extended _its system of ; n ^ triumph of German Jewry over Agescy for s i o n s t o E c h o o s E D d umTerF!tie8 ^ ^ ^ t o o b s e r T e or_ : K;)r,. i o f ' r P l i P l o n ^ n t . to Mr tee to guarantee protection for immigrant aid to Peru and sees •t Q e S r its fate is symbolized by the pubfor tfee Eettleraent In ; were concernea. • ^ . !i"in. ' The ' Farrv I A P Mt d a n d t o lend their earE t o ; Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenall Olympic guests." lishing house founded and susof 1,04 7 Jewthe posibility for absorption of j h a n t i . S e m i t i c agitators who i The r^mg stated that hte child: h f i J ? o v v . h oa - t h e n ; o r t boy r t o (iii families in the past year. It ' of ^a mised Tnarnage could be ».btained by that great philanthrop- cy) — Declaring that their ancesmore immigrants m the near fu-| M a r o u g e th»m t 0 TioleECe tral preference for the desert has Communal service announced here. The fundis ist, Zionist and scholar Salmann j sorbed entirely into the German ture it was announced by HIAS , f JevSBer. Bark'n won XcraisEed by tbe Palestine Schocken. This extraordinary un- caused the Arabs to follow a path icominucity if .his services were on the basis of advices from Pans. ; . er AvsTfl tor the bo-' Foundation Fund, financial in- • considered valuable. Hew far that dertaking has pnt out during this of destruction during the 1300 The immigrant aid committee | _ _ _ • - , QTr;t-m*r*n>f the iclep.1 A. 7,, A, strument of the Jewish. Agency. ; r a s to be .allowed, experience j spring of 1936 the first two vol-years that they hav&" occupied in Peru has been reorganized. \ BIRD. XI. 0 1 EJiilSE.niU Palestine. Sir William M. Flinds umes of a new and highly origj alone could show. There could \ DIES AT AGE OF 5 4 : ™ ^V^&itnre covers the perers-Petrie, dean of British archThe drire for the er>is London (JTA) — Anthony Committee members meet Jewish inal "History of Israel," by Elias eologists, in a letter to the Paleswith the lest World } be no question ol regarding a ; *rmm**e : inif begiEEing heir Immigrants — who number'about | of the Karry Lfitrinus h d Eden, Foreign ecretary, last week Atierbach, a great anthology of tine Post called upon the Arabs /' at Lucerne ; "mischlicg" ES belonging racially Forest jn Palestine r a i h — _a*d. ^d in i cooperation tion jj TMo^mg 30 a month &nillness of geTeral; Jewish material found in. German to pursue a policy of cooperation bluntly refused a request in the with local Jewish organizations In mating pnb- j to the Jewish parent, the court ;, 54,i poetry, drama and fiction, called with the Jews'as the best means House of Commons that he ask a s i s t these figures tbe Executive of j concluded. m July i tlie i ' Beside? thf ow.t'.ans ^ he thrcLraan^G^rnmenV for 7^ ! ? } ^1,500 ; K ?ish*A*Y}*} ^f^I : i of"Til "The Sevenfold Light," an impor- ol improving their status. Jewish Agency pointed centered in Lima XI *T , • , ^ •* » , : f.WETfirf?. O"',rP? on. XY>f * _ *•""" * i 23 at a local hospital. that it does not propose tt Sa aa tt its tant work of Jewish philosopy m aETiCEltural settleffieBt MTi-kAM . | are her htisband, three sons. Sain, i aeriCBltural * .pflTlsot7' coimc'L fbe Warning the Arabs that t h e to use the Olympic Games for po- and Coloa. . "Tradition and World Crisis" by world's population is increasing litical propaganda. ! Paul, and Maurice of Omaha; and ; activities have not been interrCpt'SPJT were S3BO elected: J. J. LleberPaul Amann, a new thin paper rapidly aiid filling up remote : man oi l.os Angeles, i*ir»L vicei two daughters, Rose of Omaha j e d hy tbe A r a b ^^tcrbEEces. Capt. Eden evaded answering a YesMoas Exempt edition in one volume of the parts of the globe as a result of ' ' : rrceident, Joseph He!.'bacli. second . ;and Mrs. Tobye Roscer of New! It WES EIEO reported thEt fii5r- i . further question by Geoffrey Manbeautiful collection of. haggaf.Ic t h e : general improvement of der, Liberal, framed as follows: ; Lonoon CVTNS). — The inter-: , : i c p . r ^ R i < , C T , t pT,fl , T p ,--n R P r. ^ Kovno —- Students in all but j Y|>rk. . } - cs the six months ending Jt:Iy material by M. J.-Bin-Gorton for- health, Sir William declares that .national anti-Nasi sports festival ; fiifrfat,t e s e r , , t . v e ,<ecret.nry. . -.„ . . . , "Isn't it notorious that the Ger.three rabbinical seminaries will j Mrs. Steinberg was active in j 1st the Palestine Laud Bevelopjnerly published In six volumes, U urinsn protection is removea | m a n Governement Is using all J. haTe t o s e rve a term in the "Lith-j many • Jewish orgasizatioas, i s - ; meat Company, central Zionist iecheduled to have opened Jr. Ear-| o t h e r m e m b e r F o f the council the collected-letters (large octavo from ^ceiona, Spain, on July i f t h ^ a s l ' ^ p , F € i s . a o - . worcertw. organ for the purchase Palestine other nations will pp. 743) of the late Franz Rosen- come Into the country, make use these thing for propaganda for ju a n i a n army, according to a new; eluding Bikur jeered 6 « becRuse of the Spenipfc |J T ' ^ ^ g " t_ j { r f l e r 0« ^ the regime and could we not have Bweig, a new and cheaper edition of the land and- drive the Arabs ; civil war, accord5ng to E Barcfrsome security that persecution ol the translation ot the scrip- out. Cooperation and learning to : loss report is tfee Da5!y Keml6. C a p - ( r t 1 n R i •L w p P f l r mae Of Jews will not immediately com tures by Martin Buber and Bo- folow the example of the Jews mence when the games are over? I Xone cf the- athletes, who insenzweig, new editions of all the will save more for lhe Arabs than company purchased 11.200 dim- •eluded many Je-re, were fcurt fiur-;: M ' R , ; b { r i 0 , r o E Cincinnati. Sidne works of Martin Buber and the any other policy, he says, observK w v , o r m o-r ria-ton. Ksrrv Roth ams of land. located chiefly is the ;iEg: the fighting in Barcelona. 1". essays of Dr. Leo Baeck as well ing that by mating the best of Seek to Censor Films Bsreeacx, France (WX5) — A " ^ ' ^ s t . L o u K B e n B 6 r « n ol Valley of Jesreel, ar.S sold lanfi : of Genrian -Jews who fled ^ as the three, volumes of the Jew-land that has remained unculti- New York (WNS) — American j valued at* ?2IP,eO0 to JewisH j be~e from Barcelona reported that: - b r b r . 1 ( , s p f f j(%c 5.^ r j r t u e ish -writings of the late eminent vated for so many centuries the movie actors who express antioj pcrchasers. neo-Kantian philosopher H e r - Arabs "will come to be treated aa Nazi sentiments or participate in jmost ot the J e r e of th«« EpaBtefc ! ^ —~nC Alefiph "Godo;. mann Cohen. • • 1 city yere remaining there, tnoj A b o l U , | ) C , E i ; w s t l e d the C O B . a nation rather than as a horde. anti-Nazi gatherings will find Jerusalem (JTA) —Emulating ] t n r o H g l l t J , e darfcaess under their themselves virtually forced out of I omit mention of the truly feat of;o w a p O ^- er the movies as a result of a Nazi Samson's Bible-famed magnificent contributions to techViennaThe once world-fain- ; order banning the showing of all looEing foxes with torches tied tof p a l r o I s ' i a T e E t i S 2 t l E S lncT^.\ nical Jewish scholarship issued by Arrested for Profestmg -"*""•«> ' - • —-o —=- io ^ s g Fi^be-- Vc-lac of Berlin. . Fourteen Jewish business men films in Germany in which, anti-I their tails in the Philistines'corn-| the Institute for Research in the !c publishing house ; S incen<3Jaris2a finaLy can^fctj T n w . r ^ ^ J ^ B A T,,,^^*. histcr yof Jewisa poetry and phil- in the town of Vladzi-Mieczez, Nazi actors, producers, writers, {fields, Arabs have enlisted turtles jseveral turtles "red-handed" witlx w c e 8 directors or others have had a i in their campaign of guerilla; near tbe Russian frontier, haTe and the • ^ ^ ^ l**^ 'orcec out oi bns1 osophy, founded by Schocken in ta ers Jrngslesn - - Definite Arab fiistied t o their i Isess, • has reestablished itself in | Bucharest — the gsng vi anti.1930, and hasten to call special been arrested on charges of in- part, it appears from a warning | warfare against the Jews and the! P | Semites arrested lor attacking Dr. • orders. l.SOS Jews entered P a l - ' sent to Miss Isobel Steele by tbe j Government. jm^eto^.^ . fi was c e BniVB A attention to the • two series of sulting t h e local authorities. jWiiliaci^ Fildertnan, president of i esilne c«v-<r,p the month ot Jane. of Judges recounts : n i a a . F 2 s c h e r _ The Book German consul in Hollywood and j head-scratching j The charges grew out ol the Considerable T^Pamphlets and small books costr j the t'iuon of laraiKiia-auii Jews,'.^ V / & s tuiHOKssce'. in. the official irm v r . j pEijijg^ t h e i was caused among British eoldiers i hoxr Samson tied torches to the j ing respectively 50 pfennig and fact that the Jews closed their made public here. when E cov.rt here! £&.,;cste. These inciuded 157 to Miss Steele, who spent four j guarding fields In the Nsblui dis- I tails of 300 foxes and turned ; ^ - o r ] i S Bercard Shaw, Auclre j were F.<?Qi3S«ea t h a t 4Ji?> one mark 25 a piece that are hoth establishments during the .general PT'«ej'ce flirt er,.n;tB!?f«f CRteporj', possessing in tne Philistines' 'jfr.TJrols, strike called to protest the Przy- months in a German prison last i trict at the sight of what seemed jj tthem ugro Ton HoftDsr-nstlial prove they irere tbe ssswieEts. h m lloose - a iRinlmura of $5,000. to .raze their crops. year, is qigaged in making .% film, j to be candles moving slowly j Thomas Mann. t/fc pogrom verdict. (Continued on Page 8.)
Spain's Civil W a r
Internaticaal Convention, of Junior
Attorneys laha- Nat'l Bk. Bldo.
At Palisades, California. Goodman and Monsky Honored
tOBATE NOTICE .liter of the Estate of ErEothholz. I'eeeased: Hereby Given: That the said d*-ceast-d wili meet ;tratrlx Tof said estate, l>e__nty udge of Douglas ftraska. at the County :. in ?-ald County, on the August. »,te. and on the Ocrober, 1936, at II .•'clock "lay. or 'he uuri'ose of »>r c!sipi< for esjimin.1stinent a n d all-wane-*1. :hs are all-Tw*.->d for Ih*s pfesent I'irii' ~lalm.=, froin • • f Ju'.y3 >••!«[BRVCE CRAWFORD. County Judge.
an jjews Lose jobs by Decree
JS HEREBY GIVEN That ;ned have formed a cor(•suunt to the laws ut the >raska- The name or the (is WORLD THEATRES ION. with its principal iiness in Douglas County, pie "objects for which thia Js formed are: To acquire srner or otherwise and to tres -or the exhibition of lures and lor other perevery kind and chaructJeal generally in moving s. with reference to the ldistribution or the ex|reof: to purchase, hold, perevise deal in securities o{ indebtedness cf every ararter. and to exercise s nd privileges of ownsal generally in personal :very kind and character; iw money -nd issue evidebtedness therefor. The zed capital fetock is $25.aari value is Jllm.uu per Of same shall be com>.paid and non-assessiied. The, corporation :e business'on the filing with the County Cleric County. Nebraska, and tall have been subscrib;t -$1,000.00 of its capital ia!I continue until July highest amount of ini _JI not exceed twocapital stock, except i tat Ion shall not Include secured by mortgages where the value of the seds at least 40 per cent it of the secured indebtnurober ot members of ill be not less than two n five. The Board shall le affairs of the eorpora[ockholders shall hold meeting on the second inuary of each year and •s. Directors shall elect Vice-President. Secreisurer. Pursuant to conig of the majority of the capital stock outsrandird may sell, lease, ex-. n. transfer, convey or •pose of the whole or the .whole of the procorporation upon such >r such consideration as am expedient. The Aramended upon the vote : of the fctock outstandfce as provided for. The iall have a seal, lune S. l!»-6.
York Launching
War on LehmanjaTSS^Sf fflSSUTSTSEiSSS ^VS??T^Z
rial III-I p him
E. S wa rtz J Harold Saks Incorpor.itors. 6-I6-36-4t pmaha's finest ie of America's
Hotel Fontenelle
Hicem Extends Immigrant
Archeologist Says Arabs Destructive
'ontenelle will alwayt the most dixtinguishatel address In the west.
Eden in Refusal to Seek Reich Pledge
This Summer je and Lunch in omfort in the
jfayfair Cafe (Main Lobby) Completely
^CONDITIONED popular Prices I I FONTEXELLE |1 Huemann. Mgr. |p ""obaecos Make Old fttes Double-Mellow.
De Thii low] moB held Ziol ftati otfi •a
Citj Ih'j bad bre prei was] ilia« -lor;.1 SJ Mrsj
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Deaths Mount To 180 In Palestine Arab Terrorism
. That he started out to ting - • new Jewish colonists, l&to ~ The Stalindorf region and moat Olympiade a t Barcelona a s a rival ;w.eek become an acrobat but changed their midst. I visited such a of the other Jewish lettleinenti t o t h e Berlin g a m e s . . . .
bers of the Communist Party &re'Interest
bt SckoekeK
his mind when, in rehearsing his Ukrainian kolkhoz, ' UHanovka, have no shade trees. This was doing all they can to raise the Berlin — The Fra'nkfurtei BOOK: They'll be tossing huz- act with a friend, he tossed the which waa economically unsound noticed only last Spring. The standard of living - - seldom do r € i p o r t l that an Englisb zahs and hurrays to the skies friend for a loop and a near -brok until recently. One of the mem- Jewish colonists were so absorbed they have enough time to consid-j flBitung when I. J. Singer's "The Broth- en neck Then took a turn at bers assured me that the collec- in their daily routine - - planting er far-reaching plans. But w h e n | g r p u p h e a d e d b f S j r A n d « , w Me*ers Ashkenazi" comes out on being a lone-wolf song-and-dance tive is now on the way to recov- grain, organizing dairies and the J. D. C. agronomist comee j Fadyean has acquired a substanAugust 17 . . . Written in Yid-man, but got fired after three ery because of the new Jewish vegetable farms, planting vine- with a project end promises ft {tial interest in the Schocken nineteen departmeni '" . ~ dish by ,the author of "Yoshe days of failing to do more than settlers. yards and orchards - - that they subsidy of about 10 or IB p e r j c n a . , B - O f Kalb," the book was done in Eng- get the cockney equivalent of the During the first years, the Jew- had forgotten the necessity of cent, the local officials contribute stores. a similar sum and the provincial Became a 25 ish-colonists suffered lish by Maurice Samuel The principsl (stockholder li Pre- Bronx cheer privation planting shade trees. The start views of it are calling forth the shilling-a-week bill sticker at the because they devoted their time in this field was made in.the be- government officials see to It that Eslmen Schocken, treasurer ol "masterpiece" quite freely Empire Theatre in Bristol I . . and energy entirely to the grow- ginning of April. Ten thousand the rest of the credit* necessary the Hebrew University in JerusatheGrand Mutti p08ted through word i . . Its 270,000 words deal with And Is now owner of that theatre ing of one product, grain. The young acaccia trees were planted for the new project are provided. lem, who remains a partner, acout the country, urging Arabs to two brothers in Lodz, Poland, and and a nujnber of others, having leaders of the Agro-Joint and ag-in the Stalindorf region and sim-Tens it cften happens that the cor< jing- to the "defend the holy places against coversthe period of 1870 to 1920 made his fortune in ahow busironomists have corrected this ilar work was conducted in the Jewish colonies s e t irrigation,' the Jews." / . . . A.lfred A. Knopf is publishing ness . . . I s chairman of an in- state of affairs. The Jews are other regions. electricity and other innovations Jews broke a centuries-old cus- the book.. . . surance company . . . His fortune now devoting themselves to div- Of course, there are cultural sooner than the con-Jewish peas-j tom in shunning the: wall, one of is estimated at $2,500,000 . . ' i For PlcaSes asd All Oceaers agricultural activities, those' institutions in the villages, espe- ants. the last remnants of the ancient SUCCESS STORY: The success And he's bald, blue-eyed and tells In which the most successful non- cially in the regional ceaters: • picas Serve Forbes* New Then again, they are able toi Jerusalem (JTA) •—T,w e 1 v e temple,' in their Tisha B'Av pro-Is Col. Harry Day, Labor M. P. swell stories about himself with' Jews are engaged. York Pumpernickel' get machines and buiiding roster-; classes and reading rooms for cession, which marks the destrucArabs were killed Sunday and a for the district known as Central out being pressed . . . The interadults .elementary schools and in-ials not yet produced by the SoJewish villages now successfultion of the .temple, by .the Chaldsoldier wounded in a heavy, e Southwark in England . . . Inter- viewer found him a first-rate host gagemeht near a Government for- eans in 586 B. C. The site is holy viewed by Peter Howard in the and twice a s generous as any oth- ly conduct dairy farms, raise a termediate schools, agricultural viet industries. Soviet officiate great number of horses, sheep, schools and teachers' institutes. will eot epecd Soviet money on both to Jews and Arabs. this for jour est on the Jerusalem-Jaffa road. Sunday Express, he admitted that er big-wig he had interviewed , Army planes, speeding to the : The Jewish National Council he has, being 55, no political am- The Colonel (who got his title in chickens, pigs, and * grow vege- Courses for adolescents a n d tuch things. But when a repretables on large tracts of land. A adults, who want to regain what sentative of the Agro-Joint imassistance of troops attacked by and the Agudath Israel, extreme , That he is a Jew . . . the War, although he did not number of Jewish kolkhoze* have they lost during their youth, have ports these products from Amer-j Arabs, dropped four bombs on orthodox organization jointly or- bltlons . serve actively abroad) giving him and two children vineyards, from which they get a been established. The Jewish lea or elsewhere, they are certhe band. The soldiers were fired dered the Jews 'D avoid nearing That his wife two cigars instead of the one usularge supply of wine. At present peasants and. their families have tainly put to good use. on while investigating the cause the wall. The authorities issued are Christians , . . T h a t his first ally offered. 2701-11 No. 24th St. the rest of the colonists are be-been provided with the came ed- (Copyright, 1938, Jewish Tele-i of a fire that had broken out in orders to the chief rabbinate pro- big job was selling tickets in the We. 6400 (Copyright 1936 Jewish Telebig tent of Barnum and Bailey's hibiting a procession to the wall ing provided with vineyardB, ucational opportunities enjoyed the forest. graphic Agency, Inc.) graphic Agency, Inc.) since the route would follow the circus at ten shillings ($2.50) a which will In time surely become by city inhabitants. The new deaths raised to twen- tortuous streets of the Old City a great source of income. OrBetter Off Th«n in Cities ty the' tolLof weekend disorders, quarter where attacks • might occhards, too, are being planted Generally, i s many aspects, the Approximately ISO Britons, Jews cur. diligently. Within a few years, economic situation of <the Jewish and Arabs have been killed In the the Jewish regions will begin to agricultural population in the A number of bomb explosions current disturbances, which enplay an important role with their Ukraine is much better than the. occurred In Jaffa. In Lifta. after tered their fifteenth week. large grain and fruit harvests I situation of the industrial and Arabs launched a fire attack a thorough search for arms carwhich will be disposed of in the Iwhite collar worker in the cities. on the Jewish settlement of Ram- ried but by Government forces, a Where Omaha Buys Furs With Confidence surrounding cities. | In spite of the difficulties I at HakoVesh, surrounding it, andGovernment employee was arrested with four rifle» and a quantity pouring gunfire into the settleCreate Work for Unemployed | building new houceg, everyone l ment. Troops- and • army tanks of ammunition in his possession. Every village with a growing provided with a. good dwelling A delegation from the Arab wore despatched to the colony to population is faced with the prob- while in the cities about SO pe (Editor's Note: The interest [and furnished credits that proved lem of unemployment during the cent, if not more, are sufferin Supreme Committee headed by rout the attackers. foenssed on Biro-Bidjan, the of great value. The responsible weeks and months when, there i s | fnom improper housing facilities the Grand Mufti left for Amman, Police arrested a number of Transjordan, to confer with Emir new autonomous Soviet Jewish Soviet officials, early appreciated no actual farming. In addition to The government supplies too agitators as tension reached its Ckmpmm't fmr the aid of the Agro-Joint and thethis problem there are always wohighest point in predominantly- Abdullah, Arab ruler of Trans- territory, has served to detract prestige of this Jewish American men and girls in the villages, and and clothing more readily to thi jordan, at the latter's invitation. somewhat frpm the agricultural Arab Jaffa since the outbreak of peasant than to the city dwelle: The Emir has been exerting his colonies of the Ukraine and the institution is still growing In Sov- old and weak men who can do current disorders. i •because the village is looked npo influence.- -.with t h e ..Palestine Crimea, where flourish 188 r l l . iet official crdes. no hard work. The largest col- as the source cf the most import The British destroyer' H-58 Arabs for cessation of terrorism. lages l a ybtcb . Yiddish is the AH the Jewish colonies found- lectives and regional centers have ant product - - bread. captured an Arab boat smuggling Four Arabs were wounded, two armi off a ship.anchored on the q them seriously, by premature official language. Mr. Chaikin, ed by Nicholas I In his despotic organized to meet this situation Every new achievement of tin high seas. Suspicious Arab move- explosion—Of' their-own.- bombs. & veteran Journalist, Has just way had, during the height of and provide work for these peo- Jewish colonies must be creditei ments along the Mediterranean The authorities arrested nineteen returned from a visit t o these their success prior to the World ple - - .to create sources of income in a certain measure, to the w o r shore, particularly at night, were Arabs on charges of intimidation colonies and describes in this War, a population of 80,000. The during a drought. The larger vil- of the Agro-Joint. This America majority ceased to be agricultur- lages and regional centers have article what he witnessed.) reported. and possession of arms.' al workers during the last years established small industries: knit- organization has provided all Peasants said to possess bombs Traffic was Interrupted for an From the famine years of 1921 of prosperity because the colonies ting factories, metal work and teri&l means, but it h&s dom even more. The Initiative exert were secretly entering Jerusalem entire day when a freight train and 1922 until today is a period had grown into small towns where wood carving shops, wool carding from various parts of the coun- was derailed by Arabs near Raaeed by the leaders of the Agrothat will live in Soviet history. It only a minority possessed land and even glass factories. try and " Bivouacking near ap- lein. Joint is often worth more tha and worked on it, while the rest will be fixed more vividly In the proaches to) the Wailing Wall. Most of these industries are millions. The members of th - Meanwhile censorship of the annals of the Russian Jews, for of the Jews devoted their time owned by the kolkhozes. The kolkhoz are too much absorbei The peasants' convergence on press,-in effect almost since the t Is the period when, desperate to commerce. larger enterprises managed inde- in their dally worries. The vi Jerusalem was in response to a disorders started on April 19, wasat the sight of mounting starva10 Per Cent of Jews on Land pendently, as in the cities, are lage officials have too many du call from Haj Amln el Husseini, lifted by the authorities.. tion, suffering from the "deToday there are in the Crimea also of great help to the local ties to perform; the active mem lassing" process that affected 75 and the Ukraine several hundred population because they provide per cent of the Jews, they made new Jewish villages with a pop-work and income. groping attempts to return to the ulation approaching a quarter of Important Irrigation projects soil. Now, after little more than a million. Together with a large decade, almost 250,000 Jews number' of Jews in the small have been started in the Ukrain-I Eeal Estate sad Property are settled in agricultural colon- kolkhozes (collective villages) or- Ian Jewish' regions. The river In-! ies, hewing out their living from ganized by the Russians, there guletz, from which the water is . Efseageiaeot drawn, made possible vegetable he-almost-forgotten earth. are more than a quarter of a milTon can't stop ft wiadfarming on a larger scale. Last Aa early as 1923, some of the lion Jewa settled on land in Euro- year, electricity was introduced storm, bet jtra CSJS boy more courageous Jews tried to pean Russia, comprising 10 per into the Jewish villages. At the triodstorra isstsr&sea *A: PETERS settle on small iplots of land. A cent of t h e Soviet Jewish popu- end of this year there will be no *. . * from Franks] lation:.. More than 1,400,000 acres year later, towlr groups began to Jewish settlements without elecend out people to find places of are now in the possession of the tricity. Electricity will also be 8 5 Douglas Block TROUBLE: These are the dog- ( t h e . midwest's John Haynes refuge in order to save them- Jews. In conformity with the So-used by the small ahops which JACKSON 1625 days for a colyumiat. - , The Au- Holmes) is a ringer for Arthur selves and their families from viet policy to grant autonomy to cannot run without electrical "For insurant* Se« Frankct FIrtt' each national group, there are gust doldrums have set in . : , . Brisbane and a' most charming starvation. The Soviet Governpower. Everybody who's anybody i? on and genial gentleman to boot . . . ment quickly came, to their aid over 188 Soviet Jewiah villages vacation . . . Lazing in the sun He gets hist Inside info on the by" rendering .whatever assistance in the Ukraine and Crimea oron mountain slope, yachting on various. antl-us-boys by daring it could at the time. A Govern- ganized in autonomoua regions. lakes or bouncing over the briny them to convert him . . . Dr. ment- commission, the Comxet, The minorities, Ukrainians, Gertoward Geneva to take part in Dmitri Marianoff, Prof. Einstein's was organized to colonize Jews mans, and other nationalities exthe big windstorm . . . A m o n g the son-in-law, who 'has just quit the where they would not come in isting among the Jews,- belong vacationers (and some of them editorship of - the Jewish Forum, conflict- with the local peasant now to regions where Yiddish is are mixing It with business) and tells us that he may start a lit- population, which looked with un- the official language. Most of the their vacation spots are; Prof, erary magazine of his own in thefriendly eyes upon the 'invaders.' schools and local institutions use Albert Einstein, whose catboat is Fall . . . There's a place named Until 1930, the Jews them- the Yiddish' language. stirring up the waves of an Adir- Utah in Palestine which makes ;elves- supervised _ the colonlzaondack lake . , , the famous Ost- us wonder if the Arabs thefe". are ion. The rolo of (he Government The first j W l s h autonomous row brothers of. England (Gau- Mormons or Moslems,. . . Did youin this work was to keep spec- region, Kallnindorf (named after mont-Brltish Pictures, Ltd.) areknow that more Jews speak Ara- ulators away from the colonists. President Kalinin, who is a Now Yorking and Hollywoodlng, bic than'Arabs speak: Hebrew . . . In addition, the Government di- hearty supporter of Jewish colontransacting a little business with At least that, was the. situation in rected the migration into the ization) was organized March 22, the Scheneks on the side . . . Mrs. Palestine 1933, when an official rlmea, rich .in- virgin soil, and 1927, Since then, the New ZlatM. C. Sloss, noted communal census disclosed that 21 Arabs into the Ukrainian' steppe re- opol region, organized towards worker of'San Francisco is doing gave Hebrew aB ^ their native gions, where Jewish colonieg had the end of 1929, and the SUIinEurope' . . . Ira Younker, -.New tongue while 2,316 .Jews" reported existed during the reign of Nich- dorf region, organized July 14, York Federation . big-wig, takes Arabic their native language . . . olas. I. Those settlements," were l » 3 0 , were.1 added to Kalinindorf. his sunningB in England . . . Mel- Zalman Rubashov washes dishes completely destroyed during the In the Crimea, the Freldorf Jewvin Fagtn, American Jewish Com- as.vigorously, as he orates . . . revolution and civil war by anti- ish autonomous region was proclaimed February 15, 1931. Janmittee brilliant, Is mixing import- Should have seen him stirring the Semitic bands-. uary 23, 1935, the Larlndorf ant business with pleasure in suds'•• at the, hachshara . (chaluti About five or six years later, Jewisb autonomous region wa* European climes (incidentally; training camp) near~ Trenton the he's the lad who had a big hand other week'end . . . . Mrs. Sholem he Joint Distribution Committee founded. In addition to the Jewin helping former League Refu- Aleicbem, widow of the popular oined the movement to colonize ish villages, within the autonomYeu Ccnnet Duplicate .TM*,for. Qu«!By v .,...,,„ gee Commissioner MacDonald Yiddish" novelist, ia on her waythe Jews. The Agro-Joint was or- ous regions, there are many Jewend Price -with his famous swan song) . . . to the Soviet, as a guest of the ganized as the operating agency ish kolkhozes belonging to mixed Blanco Reinard's resting up at U. S. S. R. . . . Her late husband of the i Joint Distribution Com- regions— - Ukrainian, Russian, • and others. There are many.nonCarlsbad . •, . Dr. Chaim Weiz- la a best-seller in the country of mittee in Russia. mann's also recuperating. there the steppes . . It's rumored that • No one can say that t h e Soviet Jewish kolkhozei which nave so from overstrain brought on by hisshe may take up permanent'res- luthorlties were'tardy in helping much confidence in J,ewl*h ability labors In connection with the Pal- idence there . . . : \ -..;• the Jews. They provided the col-to succeed in agricultural work, onies with ample tax-free land, that they are asking - - and getestine disorders • . . Judge Julian W. Mack, among the.more distinguished Geneva'visitors . . . B, CONVERSATION: O v e rheard C. Vladeck, who-spent some time this bit' of ' badinage between in Palestine and who'll probably Mush Weiner (our sports editor) do some swell articles on what and Aleph Katz (our Yiddish edbe saw, heard and did there . . . itor) : Said Aleph: "There's a -Dave ' Podell's • somewhere abroad story about' a 'goslin' in today's . . . M r . . Justice Louis Dembitz paper that's a pip. Know what Brandeis is resting at Chatham, 'goslin' is, Mush?" Said Mush: Mess. i . . Dr. Cyriis Adler's tak- ''Sure, Goslin's a second-baseman ing bis ease at ^"Wood's Hole, on jthe Detroit Tigers." . - . Pish. Mass. » . -, Dr. Maurice, J. Karpf tush, Mlsb. even Mr. Peter* just got back from a stay in Lon- knows 'goalinV is Yiddish for don (tor the social work confer- thug . . . ence) . . • Morris Waldman and •;. • • • (after usual, low dowa p y Maurice Hexter are due back In REBELLION: Dr. Samuel Mar• . • your present car will these parts any day from Europe ef This plan guarantees a monthly cheek from 12 to 60 and Palestine respectively . , And goshea in his Day colyum says he probably cares tfeat) .your MK-Peters is still commut- can't find a Jewish angle to th? Rising Prleci months after yonr death, together with an immediate ing, between Mount Vernon and Spanish rebellion . . . Elemental, doctor, elemental . . . The rebelClean-Up Fund for. small bills. New York, wishing he could be lion was fomented by the Nails almost anywhere else . . . to eliminate .the World Labor y e j » ~ . p y r U e j y tHinniwf tw MI3K-MASH: Sinclair (It Can't y y " Persian Caracul iamb—clever »i»*v« Happen Here) Lewis wasn't surprised by the Rev. L- M. Blrkf«ef—th* imsertant Sw«oe#r freneJ h know- * head's reports ol Fascist and antiFoundries Semitic activities the other night 27th and Martha HA. 5523 infliy, tMlffuHy wepfc««j \nU ihms coah ef eatIn a clubby little gathering at the Brass. Bronzq Aluminum, Soft Lewis home In ^caradalff. . . Nor was Dorothy CMra. L e w i s ) Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast* JOHN A. BEBEE, Gen. Agent Thompson . . . The fourth mem- Ings. Wood and Metal Patterns f alia:* thti fl>a wviwgt ere LUCCOXN OMAHA ber of the. ; little party, however, Standard size* Broms a n d Iron Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Clatorn O'SHEA.ROGERS MOTOR CO DILL-MARKEL MOTOR CO. was plenty astounded . . . H e was Rlnoa and'Covers, Cteanout Poor* tU¥ YOUR COAT NOW ANS PAT FOR »T LATtt MeFAYOEN.STEWABT CO. Weights a n d Yellow Bran Co TOOK. BLOTTS, IA. David Sarnoff, head of the R. C. Sath Plumbers* Ferrules, carried In RU&8EUU MOTOR*, INC. TUNE TO KFAB AT 5:55 P. M. NEXT SUNDAY W. T. QUICK MOTORS A., who "was hearing much of It stock. Bronza Tablet*. Bronsi ano SAMPLE.HART MOTOR CO. J. V. THORNDIKE, INC for the first time . . . Have we Cist Iron Grille* a Specialty. SIOUX CITY, IA. ever told you that Mr. BIrkhead HATHAWAV.MAHONEY CO.
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e principal stockholder It en Sehocken, treasurer oJ. lebrew University in Jerusawho remains a partner, a o ng- to the report. •:
] is the most inclusive of all con-i j tracts to date. The new contract! i calls for Ratoff's services as actI or, writer, director and supervisor | - - an all-embracing employment which covers the four principal creative branches of the industry, j in all of which Ratoff has distinTTT _ i guished himself in a short time. Iafe insaraEce, ODETS BACK OX BROADWAY
est in Seh&ckea Chcm
By tae service Company, Omaha
• With the praises of Paramount
— i officials ringing in his ears for A Jewish journalist ventured both: of those." Dham." Akda Dham is assisted When we think of life insur- j his efforts in -writing the script into PeUcy's - den of antl-SemlWhat are they?" I ques- in his mle of the world by a ance today, we think of life, not for a screen play, acd with the tlsm In Seattle, joined the Sil- tioned. "prince-sponsor" in the Western of death. We think of it, not only script of his own new stage pla;*, ver . Shirts and' obtained the "Well, you have to be a good hemisphere, who is none other as a help in the. day of great need j "The Silent Partner," under his first really authentic Informa- Protestant and a patriot. We than Bernard Baruch. Mr. Baruch when the emergency of death! arm, Clifford Odets is back en tion on the notorious organiza- don't -want no Roman Pope-lov- in turn, is the head of the "seven falls upon the family, but we, Broadway. This sensational young tion. His story -will be publish- ers. Only good, Christian, God- times seven" organization, in think of it as a source of great I American playwright has proined through the Seven. Arts J e a - . tearing Americans. There's gonna which the officers have myster- satisfaction during the ^days wheniised to return to Hollywood and everything is goinr well in the j Paramonut next spring to prepare tore .Syndicate excIdslTely in be a meeting day after tomorrow ious titles Eucb. as "auditors," home. i an original story and adapt anthe Jewish Press and affiliated iii West Seattle. Think you can "scriveners," "mutes," e t c As an There are benefitwhich no one i other novel for the films. Odets' example, directly responsible to mate it?" | Seven Arts Publications. :Thls need die to secure. < trip back Kast is regarded as a Mr. Baruch. are seven auditors. is the first of three articles. "I'd cartainly liie to," I re-1 To the father, adequate life in- ; setback to his romance with Luise © © © © THE EDITOR. piled. . ' • • { Responsible to each auditor are surance brings the knowledge j R ; er. > a n g O. K./' he answered, signing seven scriveners, and responsible (Copyright . 1 9 3 6 b y Seven A r t s' that he has done his duty. The ! I first went to the Christian a-card and handing it- to me. "Theto each scrivener are seven mutes. thought of it comes as a seal of ! ! 3 Feature Syndicate.) Party headquarters at 3005'.Ar- address is on here. Tou Just s h o w ) ™ Provides the powerful %jid approval and as a benediction of : should read and heed these fees! cade. Building, Seattle, on. June this to the fellow at the door and secret organization wherein each "Well done" upon the life plans \ 1st, prompted - by curiosity. My he 11 let you in. You come _ there _ person knows all of those under of a good man. j EVERYBODY likes fresh eggs. Everybody features are of such type that I and you'll find out what the Jews h l m a n d o n l y a s l n S l e o n e directFor life insurance makes it pos- I J t likes fresh xnflk. Cigarettes sre at their ly above him, and whereby Jew- sible for him to redeem his pledge j can be taken for any nationality,' are,trying to do to us." best when fresh, too. ry rules the Western Hemisphere. and I wore a button in my lapel to care for those whom he loves; j Of the Council of Safety meetThe black fly-leaf of one edi- it is his guarantee and assurance I indicating that I had been hon- ings little need be «aid. At that What do you do to get cigarettes that sre orably discharged from the Unit- -time they were held at Townsend tion of "The Hidden Empire" that regardless of what may hap-; Moscow (JTA) — An institute factory-fresh ? ed States Marine Corps: This but- Hal], 4823 California Avenue, in contains a small square of green jp e n to him, he has made good pro- j to explore the mineral resources ton was noticed by "W.W.. Mc- West Seattle.. On Wednesday, paper glued over the top of the vision, in advance, for his family. I of the Jewish, autonomous region Buy Double-Mellow Qid Golds, made from Donald, Christian Party organiz- June 10th, there were twelve per- page. Upon steaming this off one It is easy to see how much sat- of Biro-Bidjan with its center in er in Seattle, who at once drew sons, present beside McDonald, finds underneath what is a direct isfaction of heart and of mind tbe the capital of the region and prize crop tobaccos. me into conversation regarding Mrs. Hoffman and myself. How- incitement to violence. This lit- knowledge, that he has arranged branches in various parts of the the party and its aim. He too"k ever, I was given to understand tle paragraph states that all Jews so that they will never want, area has been formed by the ReW h y are Old Golds especially fresh? my name (assumed, of course) that this group was only a nu- are enemies and traitors, and that brings to the father who loves his '• gional Executive Committee. Because their double-wrapping of the finest . j . Calculations to date set ironand address and gave me a sup- cleus about which would be form- any Gentile who deals with a Jew .family. moisture-procf Cellophane keeps out dampply of "literature," telling me to ed an organization "hundreds or patronizes a Jewish owned Mother thinks of life insurance j ore deposits of Biro-Bidjan at fifness and dryness . . . lets you enjoy factorycome back after I had read it.-" I strong." The meeting was taken business is also a traitor. It ends not as something which benefits j ty billion tons.. There are also later learned that the Christian up by reports from McDonald and with the warning that all Jews each one of the familf in epual 'vast deposits of granite, asbestos, fresh cigarettes; ES fresh ES the egg ia the Party is anxious to induct ex-ser- Mrs. Hoffman concerning the ne- and "Jew-lovers," meaning those measure — it is for the others j magnesium, and other minerals. nest or the milk in the pail. . vice men into its ranks. ;A layer of coal seven meters in farions activities of Jews in the who deal with Jews, are soon to just as much as it is for her. And both father and mother, j depth was discovered only 65 Among the literature I was United-States' and by landitory ex- be exterminated. Presumably this given, was one circular which ex- positions of Pelley's: plan of gov- paragraph was deleted in order looking into the faces of the chil- j kilometers. from Biro-Bidjan capli-i/JL plained at length the. old princi- ernment,- the Christian Common- that the pamphlet could safely be dren, are glad for the life insur- j ital of the region. ples of Americanism, dwelling on wealth. Extracts were read from sent through the mails. The ance which makes it possible to the fact that when the internal Pelley's Weekly, presumably be- Christian Party is anxious to know that these children never j 700 Tourists Haifa—- A group of TOO Arnerpeace of any locality was threat- cause the majority of the mem-avoid trouble with the Federal will be denied education, oppor' '' tunity, and a fair start in life. IcaD tourists arrived here last i ened all patriots organized them- bers find reading for themselves Government. week on a cruise ship. Pelley's Weekly is a four-page selves into bands of vigilantes in a difficult Job. . tabloid-size -sheet containing reorder that they might cope with The audience that evening was +**Z£+>*X**+^+*+iS**+S+*+3£*** the situation.; The circular fur- composed of the - most ignorant ports from various sections of the ther explained .that today Amer- class of laborers — _ mostly low- country on the havoc wrought by By IX)UIS PEKARSKr ica Is threatened by the Jewish paid mill hands, longshoremen Jews. A regular feature is a page entitled "Cogitations by t h e FILM ACTORS' BALL GA3IE banker* and Communists, and and dockworkers. Every time called upon all' good Americans some 'derogatory mention was Chief," a series of maniacal rant- FOR L. A. CHARITT Twenty thousand fans, the to organize themselves i n t o made of Jews or Communists ings and ravings -coming from a? "Councils ol Safety" so that this they applauded dutifully. Mrs. the divine pen of Pelley himself. largest crowd of tbe rear, enjoyed threat to our country- might be Hoffman, when not speaking, was ] One typical -issue of this paper J the antics of fifty or more moeradicated.1 This determined me watching the face of each mem-! carried a two-column lead article tion picture stars and other celeb- | 415-17 Sc. letli Street to find out if a Council of Safety her. When the meeting was over, j entitled "Have You Become Ju- j rities who donned uniforms and j had been organized i in, Seattle, and the audience gathered into daized?" The-text of tnis article played a hard ball game for the: and to join it if it were possible groups.of-two or three, she seem- was that Gentiles may live benefit of Mount Sinai Home for ! i to do "so. ed to bustle around eavesdrop- peacefully in any neighborhood, Chronic Invalids, Los Angeles, at I and then disaster moves in in the Wrigley Field the other Saturday \' On my next trip to the party ping on the conversation of all form of a Jewish family. Evi- afternoon. - Yasha Frank was re- ; groups at .once. office, on June 8th, McDonald sponsible for the imposing array j J The o n l y surprising thing dences of prosperity are soon greeted me cordially. This time shown by»the Jews. They have of stars who donated their ser-! a woman also was present; she about- the party unit here - - and a new automobile, .their house is vices in this unique fund-raising! J •was introduced to,.me as. a Mrs. I understand that this applies also painted and garden improved, event, and deserves a lot of cred- i units in the rest of the Hoffman. This won^an immedi- to other 4 and the ladies of the family wear it for the great success it turned ately impressed me ^ai being dan- country • ----- is - where its money fur coatsl' The Gentile women of out to be. despite the fact xoin£ twas gtsen toungerous. She was s h p s the neighborhood ^seer- this and was played on the hottest day of looked me over closely from head derstand that ''unlimited" lands nag their husbands" for these the summer in.Los Angeles- The to foot before acknowledging the were available, but the source of things. The husbands cannot af- huge crowd forgot the 97-degree introduction. Her voice was cold these iunds was not explained to ford these luxuries for their fam- temperature (-who said it's always and had a very, much affected me. The. only known sources of ilies, but get them to placate cool in California?) as they BUY. - OX OUR' - " BUB-GET Boston inflection. All the time I income are from the sale of lit- their wives, and as a result are laughed heartily and continuousN. : .. OPEX erature and voluntary contribuwas at the office she continued ly over the gags and monkeytions .from members. ' T h e litera- either forced into bankruptcy or to watch me closely. into illegal practices, and are "sent shines pulled by the actor-playture, which.-includes a newly reWhen I asked about the Conn- -• to prison. Consequently, because ers. cil of Safety McDonald was eager hashed Version-of the Protocols of the presence of one Jewish Two exhibition games by girls* to explain it to 'me. "Yes," he of Zion, another pamphlet Just as family, the entire neighborhood j soft-ball nines preceded the main said, "we're organizing them absurd called the "Hidden Em- is "Judaized" and mined. game. A police patrol wagon was here. Bight now "we're working pire," and Pelley's Weekly, a Another news item contained a driven across the field, and out hopeless. little propaganda sheet, in the West Seattle ' territory. description of a conversation of of it came movie stars on. crutchWe've only got two Tequirements nets anywhere! from twenty-five a group of children overheard in es and in wheel chairs. looking for membership, and you can fit to fifty cents a week in sales, and an Eastert city. One Jewish child I old and decrepit and anything but members' contributions b r i n g : even less; Where, then, does the called the others "dirty little | fit to play ball. Among those who money come from? When that Christians" arid told them that cavorted on the- diamond for the Sabbath Lights - Menoraht question is answered the reason all Christians would soon be eat- sake of charity were Jack Benny, George Jessel, Harry Ruby, chairJewish Music - Bibles for the Christian Party will be ing scraps from Jewish, cellars. man of the benefit. Mervyn LeThe party is continually circuexplained. • • ' - " • JOHN FELDMAN lating propaganda dodgers that Roy and many others. Jack La I would like to give an Idea all dwell on the same theme, to Rue broke up the game when he .. Dealer In of the propaganda being spread wit, tbe Jews. Jews are blamed ran around the bases "shooting" TALEISIM . PRAYER BOOKS In Yiddish and English by the Christian Party. In their for the depression, for the Com-the infielders with a revolver Translation pamphlet "The Hidden Empire," munistic government in Russia, loaded with "blanks." -SILVER CANDLE STICKS i t is stated that Jewry consists Members of the opposing team and even for- the dust storms and Re*. 609 No. 50th St. GL-2972 of an international, world-wide P. O. Bex 710 Omaha, Nebr. - organization ruled by a secret and drought in the Midwestern United included Ricardo Cortei, Walter States. This last seems entirely Abel and Cotton Warburton, Alluncrowned kind called "Akha too fantastic but it is neverthe- AiSerican football star. Victor less true. The Jews are respon- Moore had \he part of the 'blind' sible for the drought and dust jimpire, and Al K. Hall was a riot storms because the Federal Gov- as the mascot and waterboy. The ernment (controlled by Jews, of only casaulty was Vince Barnett, course) has allowed Midwestern who sprained his ankle dashing farmers to cultivate the soil too into second base. intensively, thus breaking up the ZUKOR MOVES TO , land so that the top-soil can be HOLLYWOOD In order to devote all his time displaced by the winds. The Charles of London. . . . an Englisb. type Suite . . . is designed for solid comUnder the Christian Common- to the production of films at Parfort as well as massive appearance. TMs smart -suite is upholstered in a durable wealth, however, all is to be dif- amount Studios, Adolph Zukor, Exiezette in your choice of Rust, Green, Blue or'Brown.' "Hie frame is of sturdy ierent. Money will be dispensed Chairman, of t h e Paramount hardwood, and" in addition t o its sag-less steel constnKrtion it has reversible cushwith entirely, and all persons will board of directors, will maintain ions. Not often do you find such outstanding- features in a suite a t anywhere be employed directly by the gov- a permanent residence in Hollymust b near this price. ernment. Each month there will wood, it was announced last week ~~ on Zukor's 25th anniversary in be deposited in the "national and TAILOR-MADE t§ fit t h e job ® Also available in Curly Velrei al $65 hank" to the credit of every citi- the motion picture industry. This \ xen a certain sum representing'a means that Mr. Zukor will beNo two air conditioning jobs art month's wages. Then all the cit- come the guiding hand at the! alike. Your store, restaurant office, liens have to do is write checks j source of Paramonnt's product. recreation parlor or salesroom can tor everything that they buy. This j -Coming back to the production LOUNGE CHAIRS will eliminate ' the amassing of •field Mr. • Zukor returns to his be. successfully air conditioned only money in the hands of the Jews. first love. A quarter of a century Large LosisglBg Osair, solid 2-PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE upholstered In gneen and by correct analysis, engineering and It is taken for granted that the ago he became one of the pioneer mahogany carved frame. rust tapestry.. Birch frame, steel bass coninstallation., V Pleated back. Upholstered Jews will be disposed of under leaders of screen entertainment struction. Medium size pieces. Formerly in Ashville Green ISolsair. $49.50. Sale price » the Christian Commonwealth, for with his entrance into feature Bring your problems to specialFormer price $39.50. in Pelley's own words, the Jew film production as head of Fam- |< 2-PIECK MODERN SUITE wsth solid mahogany frame, ust Sale price, ists in commercial air conditioning— represents the "negative influence ous players, "which produced many j double web construction. Upholstered in Walonly.eur Department of Air Conditioning dorf brown mohair. Very nmisuul assign. in cosmic reactions" and ordinary'of the greatest pictures and de-j 3©Jia Aides C&air, solid r^aFormer price SST.50. Augrust.SE.le price...%.. and Summer. Cooling. Christians-cannot be expected to ] veloped outstanding stars of the j bogasy frame covered in live in the same country with this | past. Barney Balaban, Para- i . 2-PIECS MOBER3NT SUITS, solid mahogany frame. Vpholsrust friesettc Down filled Your installation will be engin.tered in CorcJaroj^ velvet- and jaodera •weave "negative influence" and survive, monut's new president, will have }, cusiiion. Fonq^r price eered, designed a n d completely tapestry ia combination • of conts^sting . colors. ' $37-50. August How Ho the Jew will be disposed offices in New York. Fonoer price SS&.5S. August-Sale p r i c e . . . . . . Sale price . . . . . . built in our:own factory —and inRATOFF REACHES THK of is not Explained further 2-HD3CE RALEIGH SUITE ts-itls solid bircfe frsrw. Barrel. Back Chair, solid msworkings o* Pelley's monetary HEIGHTS stalled by experienced men under type vrood arms. '.Upbolstered in greea. frieze ( bogany frame. Green fig"system" are not explained — in j The ultimate in motion picture. S the direction of our own engineers. raobair. Sample suite -only. Former price < ured velvet' upholstering;.' fact, Pelley finds it convenient to j contracts was reached by Gerg- j , $79.50. . August' Sale .price Former price We stand back of every Job. explain nothing, and hi3 follow- ory Ratoff when Daryl F. Zanuck, 538.50. Sale price MODERN' SEPHTR 2-PIECE SUITE. solsJ ers find it convenient to refrain 20th Century Fox chief, gave him frame, upholstered in • Brown JLshville Weave Mites Stas«i!s& gg a new four-way agreement which from asking explanations. Mohair. Sample • Suite onlj'. ' Former price C&air in gTeen figured tapAIR" CONDlf lONlHG DEPT. This, then, is the Christian ?S5.00. AugTiat Sale.priee .i.....'..... estry. Former price #27.50. Party - - membership composed - - headed by William Dudley Pel- [ < August Sale OMAHA F8XTORI & SUPPLY CO. price . . . . . . of malcontents and misfits who ley, the- self-styled "Chief," spirare stringing along for what.they itualist, traveler to heaven and I l t h and Douglas JA 2724 can get out,of it, together with wonld-be Hitler. a smattering of professional 'join- (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts ers," thugs and erank-organlzers Feature Syndicate)
Soviet to Explore Bir-Bidjan Region
-:- JOTTINGS -:-
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9cf{y stunning fa lever ilaevn «f» irend is know13 coats ef c-atquafir/—you'I toworthyj
Steel Folding: Chaire.
scats' and
Former price $4.50. August Sale price JJcyS. Hi-Ba4«fe Spring Steel Cl'iirs with pillow* headrest. Former price SS.50. August Sale - price Spring Steel Porch Chairs. - Ganvaj" »eai_ Former price *• j« £7.50. Sale'price.-^#" Forcte Gliders, coilspring- seats. Individual cushion seat .grid back. Waterproof covering1. Former price S24.75. . # I Q -pp" Sale price *l T./3 Other Simmons Glider* Sale priced a t . . . . f £3.75
THE JEWISH PRESs Published oreiy Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY . . . . . . 18.00
Subscription Price, o n e year Advertising rates furnished o n application.
Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKBRMAN .; - . v . • • • Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs. Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL • • • - . Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4804 So. 24th Street
•M Tha low| mo khel; Zlo RhH offi
Cedars for Sycamores
the Nazi regime in Germany now know that the greatest mistake Germany's liberal newspapers made was to ignore Hitler until it was too late.
ON THE MURDER OF TREES IN PALESTINE By Ben-Gavriel The wood is gone, the trees become grey ash, Within one night died the work of years. The shots the brigands fired Missed the mark. But the fire they laid Seared our hearts. From out this night of murder's crimson sky God's tear fell on the newly hardened-rock ' Into our hearts.
And they shall beat their awards into plowshares and their spears Into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up swords against nation neither shall they learn war any more. In the future men shall cease to worship a person on account of the money he possesses, only character and wisdom will be the standards by which every person will be valued.
The beginning of strife Is as ference of American Rabbis and be the climate - - surely the polltwhen one letteth out water there- the Zionist -convention . . . . Sam- ical situation is not such as to for leave off contention before the uel H, Abramson, well-known call for a rising birth rate. Montreal Zionist Journalist, susquarrel break out. CZECH NAZI CALLS HITLER How much better it is to get pected of being Cactus Scribendi, "JEWISH MOMSER" . . . This is the columnist of the Jewish Stanwisdom than gold, yeah, to get a deadly insult — for the Jews. dard, has been seen much of late understanding is rather to be j in the company of Viola Louisa ANTI-NAZI OLYMPIAD CALLchosen than silver. Righteousness exalteth a r.a-- i Jassby, tall, dark daughter of a ED OFF BECAUSE OF SPANISH tion but sin is a reproach to any j prominent I»Jontreal family who is UPRISING . . . But the Berlin ' notorious for her puns . . Things Olympics will go on. people. look serious, since Sam, a cyniTHREE LITHUANIAN VESHA scorner seeketh wisdom and cal misogynist of long standing, findeth it not ')Ut knowledge is has always threatened that when IVAS KXEMPT FROM N E W easy unto hiin who hath discern- he fell it would be for a brunette ARMY SERVICE LAW . . . That seems fair enough - - but why ment. He that- spareth his rod hateth (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts only three? AFRICA his son but he that loveth him Feature Syndicate) chasteneth him betimes.
For the Entire Family
Strictly Confidentia
Do you remember when we carried water „_:: „ "Sycamores have been cut down, we shall plant cedars in • «•• —and— On tired backs and watered them, in J their place." , : The tiny trees of our hardy hope? hadf This dictum of the prophet Isaiah (9.9) !is an appropriate bre How tender green the other year symbol of the -reconstruction work begun in Palestine, even Tour Dealer Has THE ANTI-SEMITIC RACKETS nett,Brickner of Cleveland, got a prei O'ercrept the yellow mountainside, Em Both! Clt| Just so you won't be surprised first-hand taste of the Palestine 1j before the Arab maraudings have quieted down. The Moslems, By ROBERT STOXE How in the evening we still raked the earth' riots . . . The bus In which she, was when it happens, we're telling aroused by professional agitators and flaunting both the Brit NORTH AMERICA Prize Crop '"obnecos Make Old lliat After our hard day's work. ' • you now that the Rev. Gerald and "tier husband were traveling [ FATHER C O U G H L I N RE- Gold Cigarettes Double-Mellow. ish and| Jewish rights, made cowardly attacks under cover of wa3 attacked by Arab brigands on! iorj How lovingly wte caressed our trees Smith, Huey Long's political heir the road to Tulkarem . . . Six of! NEWS ATTACK ON JEWS IN at darkness upon .the inanimate expressions of Jewish achieveand ally of Father Coughlin, in- the Arabs were killed by a con-j SPEECH AT TOWNSEND CONThe mornings we went to the fields. -» P-s-tl •«'• th* Mrs ment in the Holy Land - - trees, man's best friends in a coun Coziest Plac* tends to convert the Townsend voy of British troops, but the FERENCE . . . Well, aren't Jews Do you remember? in Town try where the sun reigns supreme for most-of the year. Dense moTement into the American Bravermans escaped unscatched the traditional scapegoats? T H E REVEREND GERALD counterpart of the National Sogreen woods transformed the wastelands, in Palestine; the . . . The family of the late AchadDo you remember how year after year SHARE-THEWEALTH cialists, with himself in the role Ha-am (Asher Ginsberg), famous SMITH, step from a desert to wooded fertility is the, story of Jewish of Hitler . . . In referring to the Jewish philosopher and scholar, LEADER, ORGANIZES ARMY The green rose up I'/.creativeness in the land of our fathers. But as a result of Arab New Deal at the Townsend con- is getting a big laugh out of the OF STORM TROOPERS . . . Is Grew up into a forest, to first shadow I firings, thousands of these trees were burned in Palestine. ¥ e vention Smith called It "a cake assertion of the American Chris- it happening here? Over the burning yellow shadowless.vale? Feed-—Good Drink* UPSTATE NEW YORK PAPER I are happy to know that the Jewish Rational Fund will lead baked in Moscow by Ezekiel, tian Party (successor to William 'REVEALS' DETAILS OF 'JEWHow under ,trees we sang in the full moon, ; Dudley Pelley's Silver Shirts) Cohen and the rest" . . . Keep a | in the work to plant .threeJiees for every one burned down. ISH PLOT' AGAINS'-' U. S. . . . In our forest, , sharp eye peeled for Smith's new that "Akha Dham" is the un'-Among those forest where trees have gone up in flame or i s v h a t y o u might caI1 re 16th Street Entrance crowned secret king of ^ 0 ^ ! ™ '! storm troopers . . . '.he Kev. Dr. How we stretched our tired bodies d u c* fallen under the axe are included the woods planted and flourJewry and that Bernard M. Bar-j , «° \ d fbsurdum. , toul J L. M. BlrBhead of Kansas City Upon our ground in our own green wood. uch is his 'prince-sponsor' in the L A T I N AMERICA j I ishing in the memory of Theodor Herzl, Lord Balfour and has just completed a tour during Western hemisphere . . We'd like Do you remember? R E PRESENTATIVE S I R O :M, George Washington. Their memories make these trees invalwhich h e ' met every one of the to bet that Baruch never even ' VICH REPORTS CUBA CONSI0-! id'uable to us..'. . trees already priceless because they were put Fascists and anti-Semitic crackpot heard of Achad Ha-am . . . It | ERS COLONY FOR GERMAN* 224 Insurance B'.dg. The murdered trees we shall inter. leaders . . . The results of these isn't generally known that High! JEWS • • • L e t ' s h ° P e t h i s dream' into the rejuvenated soil to improve the climate, to restore to meetings-will be the subject of a But our hands now holding rifles * Wiring of all kinds. Commissioner Wauchope spends j comes true. ; the landscape its former fertility and beauty, and to provide series of articles which Dr. Birk- a good part of his salary in con- i EUROPE ' Will swing the rake <anew : * Motor Installations. shade for rest and recreation to the men, women and children head is writing exclusively for the tributlons to Jewish and Arabic j HELENE MATER ONLY N0N-! tio| In the new morning when new trees we'll plant * Lighting Fixtures. who seek, with unmatched devotion, and endless toil, to create Seven. Arts Feature Syndicate's philanthropies . . . ARYAN ON GERMAN OLYMPIC1 On yellow mountainsides. a Home for the homeless and persecuted people. ' RATHER STRAXGE TEAM . . . We'd prefe/ it if she; affiliated publications . . . Cifj Estimates Gladly Furnished POMTICUS Norman Raeben, only surviving j had refused to join the team. ; : "We should do everything we can to encourage the treeCall It is rumored in Washington son of the late Sholom Aleichem.i REPORT 16,327 BIRTHS INj planting campaign of the Jewish National Fund. It represents AT. (5479 "•••.h«S that Supreme Court Justice Ben- is doing very well in New York I PALESTINE DURING F I R S T : the hardiness of the Jewish spirit, emphasizing that the storm i , By Rabbi Frederick Cohn jamin N. Cardozo is considering as an artist and teacher of paint-j QUARTER OF 1S36 .<. . It must will pass over at last and; Jewish effort in Palestine will be VMf: ing There's a Chinese laun-j He is said to beiI drymar I have been reading Marvis LowenthaFs 'The Jews of resigning in New York by the name increased and intensified. T> suffering from a heart ailment.. Germany." He describes very vividly the terrible persecution of Harry Jew . . . Sol A. Rosenchi of the jews of Germany during the Middle Ages. However There is a strong likelihood that blatt, former head of the NRA j President Roosevelt, when re- amusement division, is now in i •: telfamiliar (all too familiar) the said story we are shocked and elected, will name a prominent charge of the radio and screen; horrified still, in a measure, we make allowances, considering Jew aa American consul-general campaign of the Democratic Na-| :-«r|: for The insidious forces of Hitlerism are not encroaching on t was the Middle Ages, the age of ignorance, of superstition in Palestine . . . J. George Fred- tional Committee . . . The newe! • «Y$ the world population without being subjected to counteractservice of the National Confer-j man, former commander-in-chief and «>f fanaticism. CU«J ing searchlights. As an example, Dr. J.J.Mallon, warden of of the Jewish War Veterans, did- ence of Jews and Christians, • The story is. carried down, with great skill, with com- n't get that New Jersey Judgeship started* to publicize news of aj ten) Toynbee Hall, addressing the delegates j to the'International| petent historical knowledge and pleasing literary art,, right after all . . . And it's just as well, good-will nature, is beginning to j (Social "Workers Conference in.London, condemned Nazism as down to our own day, to the continued persecution, vying with because Governor Hoffman's Jew- compete with Jewish publications] "fundamentally immoral." His talk was arranged by the British appointee is in for a battle and Jewish news agencies . . . In j that of the Middle Ages, of Hitler and the Nazis. that is likely to become a major the last month it sent out stories ish Psychiatric Institute, and he described Nazism as a "diaWe hear, too, of the aim1 of the Nazis, in their frenzied political issue in New Jersey . . . on the Washington conference of bolic philosophy which sacrifices the individual upon the altar «A Qnslity Product for Seasoning* The incumbent, who denies he re- the American Jewish Congress, % of the State and introduces, cruelty into the benevolent prin- 'totalitarian" zeal and in the name of "Aryanism" to destroy. signed, is putting up a stiff figh the meeting of the Central ConChristianity, in both its Protestant and Catholic form, as being o% ciples animating Bocial workers of the rest of the world." •we Our minds easily become dulled to such brutalities as Hit- too Semitic, as opposed therefore to the racial ideology (truly COIX?I?ttSTS' ERRORS :.s," The World Jewish Congress • as lerism, and we need men like Mallon to continue to keep us an idibtology) of the Nazis. will be opened in the Hebrew One thing has been uppermost in our minds as we have guage awake and alert to the dangers of a poison being baited for us. . . . American book pubread this volume, and as we have long reflected upon the lishers will boycott the next meet :oti Pbri' Nazi doings, so incredible in the light of advanced German ing of the International Publish' ;cfc culture and m.odeni civilization; namely, the conviction that era' Congress, because it is to be held in Leipzig . . . The real misI The Nazis of Germany have a genius 'for evil. Their doc- Germany cannot afford to let Christianity die, Nazi Germany sion of Morris D. Waldman, secclu j trines of hatred have been spread with venomous persistency above all needs Christianity. For Christianity, aside from its retary of the American Jewish :brj specific creed, dogma and ritual, teaches love and the ethical Committee, who Is now in Eur Shi I to every corner of the globe. ope, Involved a planned diploI "We are not, therefore, wholly surprised ;to learn from Bar- qualities of justice and right and truth, and Nazi Germany is matic coup to minimize the open\ celona that.rumors are afloat in Spain that a Nazi plot to pre- in special need of these qualities, to counteract its practice of ing of the World Jewish Congress l vent the anti-Nazi Olympiad and Nazi funds played a part hate and malignity, of cruel prejudice, of bloody violence, of . . . You will know all about it when it can be told, which will ing '!- in the fascist revolution which threw Spain into the throes ruthless force, of bestial war, as well as a complete unscrupu- be very soon . . . The coup, Inj of a bloody civil war. Four Nazi propagandists haye been lousness and utter abdication of all truth and right. Who could cidentally, will never see daylight f arrested by the government of Catalonia. Anti-fascist circles have believed that a great nation could have descended so low? , . That Anglo-Jewish columnist who hailed Mendel M. Fisher as in Barcelona point out that shortly before the revolt the fasI have often wondered, that Christendom as a whole did the big peace-maker at the Provoff | cist press in Madrid published a number of .violent attacks on to > the German Jewish refugees in Spaiii and urged measures to not make a greater or more serious effort to preserve Chris- idence Zionist convention didn't tianity and to take steps to> prevent its destruction in one great do Mendel any favor . . . Rabbi wS Goldstein, head of the Jewprevent the admission of-more. During the sanguinary fight:MJ|5 and powerful nation of Europe (leaving out of account now Israel ish National Fund, who did the ]' ing in Barcelona, 150 German Jewish refugees resident there Soviet Eussia). Is it that Christendom.itself has lost faith in real job in Providence, Is the felenrolled in the Republican militia and fought beside native Its faith, fhat its zeal has been undermined and corroded by low who O. K.'« Mendel's pay •', tali Spaniards in repulsing the fascist rebels.' The revolution has the teachings of science, by the inroads of materialism, by the check'. . . T h a t t i m e columnist Wl blocked, for the time being, the entry of an additional 200 'modernistic" spirit in; general. It is another laurel in the is also getting himself Into a Jam with . hia item "about Nathan ••;3S*e};; German Jewish refugees, for whose admission government ap- rown of immortality of the late, lamented Dr. Samuel Parkes Straus and Meyer W. -;0Ulj^ Here's, the best that $1.95 can proval had been obtained just before the civil war broke out. Madman that in addition to his'noble efforts in behalf of Meyer is suing tho columnist and buy in cool Sanforized Cotton br Etfents such as these lend color to the observation of many good-will among men of all creeds, *of greater unity among his agency for $100,00ft damage* . . . The news stories about the Trousers and Slacks^—they're coi political observers who say that Spain is the testing ground Jewish and human brotherhood in general and right and jus- Zionist delegation that met Justailored to the Nebraska stanfor the approaching battle between the different philosophies tice, he championed the cause of the defense of Christianity tice Brandeis at hl« summer dard for better service. home were unauthorised and not of government in Europe. ibei against its would-be destroyers in Nazi Germany. And to the The issued by the Z. O. A. ; credit of the true Christians of Germany, both Protestant and Poale-Zion broke the story in the Catholic, be it said that they have been the only ones in Ger- Yiddish press, and will be cenmany who even at the risk of their lives, have dared to defy sored for its breach of discipline : : It is humannature to seek to avoid bad news. And it . . . Brandeis always insists on the tyranny of the Nazis, and who seem to be succeeding in the avoidance of all publicity for would-be pleasanter for us if we could forget the statements Here's the best Here's the best' their heroic effort to prevent the destruction of Christianity such meetings t . . t h a t $2.95 can 14 ;• h/ of Rev. L.^M, Birkhead of Kansas .City. Rev,. Birkhead ig true that $2.45 can SPORTINES8 ' " •• - • buy — F l a n - L b a y — Belt-to• ' : to Tiis ministerial calling and has done his utmost to .uproot by the insane Nazis. of the New Tex Slacks and Match S l a c k s Jewish followers If anything will save Germany and the world it will be York Giants are wondering wliy hatred ampng^ men and replant peace and jjood-willl Trousers. O n l y «nd other cool T-h e Nebraska trousers in vast manager Bill Terry has benched He has cdmpleted a survey of fascist movements in sea- he vindication of moral qualities as represented in the Chris- Harry has them in Omavariety of patCanning, his Jewish backha . . . see them. terns. board cities and makes .some startling statements ,in an iuter- ian teaching of love (love even to enemies!) and the funda- stop . . . Incidentally, Terry, now • view ,under the auspices of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi nental virtues of justice, truth and right, as inherited from- hard up for a couple of good hitwould give plenty for Phil Here's the Best that $1.35 can buy Leagdie. Aniong the highlights of his declarations tire these: Judaiam. Arms and armies will not save us, they but com- ters, Weintraub, ex-Giant outfielder, in Cool Cotton Trousers . . . . plicate the situation and render it more hazardous. The bril-Rev.'^6eral4 K. Smith ,of New Orleans is the most likely "powho is hitting the apple for over Vast range of sizes for all men. liant Israel Zangwill in a famous essay defined Judaism as .380 with Rochester in the Intertential American Hitler," being^ "the one man who has enough national League . . . The jinx that demagogic^ appeal to consolidate all these anti-Semitic and "Sanity, unity, sanctity." The nations of the world, in their has been trailing Jewish big leagFascist;groups;'?/the "the ripest field for the spread xtreme nationalism (and this is particularly true of Nazified uers this year again camped on of anti-Semitism" and groups of a "Black Eegidn temper" are Germany) have attained a large degree of national unity the trail of Buddy Meyer of the Senators, when he suffered a r busy spreading it;" anti-Semitiflni, particularly in-the east, is (international unity, alas, is still far off 1) what they now The only all-Jewbruised jaw . financed'by people of means; there are secret, anti-Semitic or- need is "sanity," a return on the part «f all to normal, rational ish battery in big league history conduct and above all" "sanctity," that righteousness which gankations whose members are'armed and;who are reacly to was broken tip when the Senators take immediate Violent actions against" the .Jews of America alone exalteth. a nation and the absence or repudiation or released Bill Starr, catcher, to Albany . . . . Starr and Sid Cohen ;:as, isqbn; as word is given by the leaders. The details of his violation of which is not only.a reproach to every people but had been teamed up by the SenSerges, Gabardines, Cheviots—a host of special weaves to give you summer trouser findings are nauseating with their un-Americanism and bestial he negation and sure destruction of what we so' proudly and ators Charlotte Epstein, coach comfort in fashion's newest models. of the Women's Swimming" Assod e g r a d a t i o n ^ w';'.,. ' ' • • • { ' ^ • i . ' • ' ' ; • • . . X , : ; •- ••; : V : ' - '!•••'-• :\- :.'.•: v ^ . ; boastfully call civilization. ciation, was offered and refused 5 Reverting; to onr ippening statement, we would, find if MM - - Frederick Cohn. the job of coaching the American : pi6asanter to: close our eyes to such happenings inthls' counOlympic mermaids . . . AKHA DHAM • tryv but that would merely mean blindfolding ourselves. We A sensational story affecting >agree with Rev. Birkhead that the mistake made in. Germany Rosh Hashonah .................................^.....Thursday, September 17 Palestine ig{ due to break in Lonmust not' t»? repeated here. One thing will head off Smith .and •Fast of Gedaliah............;........4... ;........^....Sunday, September almostiisny mInute CORRECT APPAREL FOR ; M the otheore ^ C!o+„»/!„ O i t . 1 Sigmund (Libble) Braverman, Yoni Kippur, Saturday, September 26 right-hand woman of Rabbi Bar-
to tttiit, •ii
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1 tO
X>>* i-t
I'll* HfcULv li DhJH «*£ sieve
Get the Best Values in
Cool Trousers and Wash Slacks
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5 *7
Hebrew Calendar
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1936 climate - - surely the prilitituatlon is not such as to ir a rising birth rate. ' CH NAZI CALLS HlTLER H MOMSER'-' " . . . This, is idly insult - - for the Je^vs. TI-NAZI OLYMPIAD CALLFF BECAUSE OF, SPANISH ING . . . But the Berlin ics Trill go on. ; REE LITHUANIAN YESHEXEMPT FROM N E W SERVICE LAW . . . That fair enough. - - but why hree? • ' CA.
SOLOMOXOW-KAPIiAN Mrs. Libby Kaplan announces the engagement of her daughter, Sarah; to Joseph Solomonow, son of Mrs. Ethel Solomonow of Council Bluffs. The wedding will take place in the Fall. BAB MITZVAH Mrs. Sarah Feitman announces the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Stanley, Saturday, August 1, at B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. All friends and relatives are invited. FREEMAN - ROSEXSTEEf Mr. and Mrs. M; Rosenstein announce the surprise marriage of their daughter, Sophie, to Myer Freeman. The wedding took place in Chicago Thursday, July 23. The couple is now on an eastern trip and will return to make their home in Omaha in about two weeks. \ -"
the Entire Family
Cleo-Cola —and—
ess Beverages
SCHN EIDER-KORJfiFEM) Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friedel announce the approaching1 marriage of their cousin, Frances Kornfeld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. feen Kornfeld of South Bend, Indiana, to Nathan Schneider, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Abe Schneider Of Omaha. The wedding will take place September 6.
Dealer Has 'Em Both! :e Crop '"obaccoa Make Old Cigarettes Double-Mellow. P-s-tl It's t h e . Coziest Plac* in Town
Kitchen Chats
Food—-Good Drinks .
NRYW. MILLER Insurance Btfg.
Wiring of all kinds. Motor Installations. ' Lighting Fixtures. amatea Gladly Furnished Call
AT. 6479
i 1
BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kirshenbaum announce the Bar Mltzvah -; RECIPES of their son,-Keva, Saturday, AuAlmond Refrigerator Cake gust 1, at 9 a. m. at the Adass Take 2-3 cup butter, 2 ,cups Yeshurin synagogue a t 25 th and powdered sugar, 4 eggs, 18 Seward streets. macaroons, % teaspoon almond extract, I teaspoon orange; Juice, HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE. % cup shredded almon'd3 and Mrs. Morris Borsky and Mrs. some.lady fingers. Dave Bernstein entertained at a . Cream butter and sugar, add bridge-luncheon at the Cloverlear beaten yolks. Add flavorings and Sunday, July 26, in honor of Miss almonds. Fojd in beaten egg Rae Borsky, a bride-to-be. Gladwhites, l i n e a mold with- lady iolus and white tapers made up fingers. Add a layer of filling, a the centerpiece.^ Covers were laid layer of macaroon crumbs, etc for 36 guests. until layers of filling are used. Prizes were won by Miss EveCover with macaroons and chill lyn Spiegel, Mrs. Stern, Mrs. Har24 hours. • ry Wiesman and Mrs. Harry Kranse ot Audubon, la. * ' Glorified Rice Miss Rose Gentls of New York Use 1% cups rsce cookedr 1 shared honors. ciip whipped cream, 1 teaspoon almond extract, 5 tablespoons HONORS GUEST powdered sugar. Miss Lillian Freedman enterWhip the cream, add the cold tained 12 guests at dinner at Elmcooked rice, sugar and flavoring. wood park • Wednesday, July 22, Add 1 cup crushed pineapple and in honor of Miss Dorothy Abrams >i pound of cut marshmallows. of New York City, who has been Pile lightly in sherbet glasses. visiting here for the past few Chill and serve with a cherry on weeks. Miss Abrams left Sunday top. to return to her home In the east.
SLIP COVER SPECIAL TWO GROUPS Davenport - Reg. $21.50 at $15.95 and Chair - Reg. $29.50 at $21.95
AT-7187 "Air Conditioned CoinforV f
» " V
iat $1.95 can rized Cotton cks—they're braska stanrvice.
lere's the best h a t $2.95 can my •—\FIan-LTex Slacks and Trousers. O n l y T h e Nebraska las them in Omapa . . . see them. $1.35 cah buy users . . . .
O O O Your opportunity to SAVE on well .fcnownlines ; . . Nothing Reserved .... *. Original price tags on all merchandise. Unrestricted choice of the house. Choice Entire Stock
$1.65 now' $2.00 now 52.50 now $3.50 now
values, ........ values,
Choice Entire Steck
Choice Entire Stock
Polo and Sport
for all men. &* S|» ^l.oiS
now ^ . . ; S I . S i
SKS 1*750
Choice Entire Stock 55c values, ^E#» now . . . . . . . . . . . . . « 3 « » $1.00 values JLK#» now 03& $1.50 values, ftl - 1 E now $I.iS $2.00 values, © | MR now 4»l«"f» 52.50 values, &% @£ now «?••*»* $3.00 values, now . . . . . . . . :
values, ........ values,
$1.65 values, now 52.50 values, now S3.5& raises, now
TRIP TO CANADA The Misses Rose and Miriam Kirshenbaum < left for a three week's trip to Canada. Enroute they will stop at Glacier Park, Washington, and Vancouver. They will visit with relatives.
RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Max Jacks and daughter, Marceline, of Hastings, and Miss Molly Lazer of Omaha, have returned from a trip to Denver. Mrs. Jacks is the former Lillian Lazer of Omaha. T,O BE GUEST HERE Miss Pearl Moskowitz will have as her guest Mrs. William Robin of Pittsburgh, formerly Betty Ann Stain of Omaha. Mrs. Robin left Omaha fourteen years ago. Mrs." Robin will arrive here August 3 and • will remain two weeks. All of her old friends are invited to visit her at 3505 Hamilton St. RETURNS FROM HOUSTON Lester L. Byron has returned from Houston, Texas, where lie was visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Greenberg. VACATION IN OREGON Mrs. Sam Susman and daughter, Alice Joyce, have returned from Portland, Oregon, where they spent their vacation visiting with relatives.
- d»1 fflg ^|«*»
$1.00 values, now' 51.50 values, now . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 values, now
S2.50 values, now
$3.50 values, now
f$ .-• * • Cf 1 «Pi»I Ci ^ *paar
«P 1 • 1
311 S@yth fifitSf.
• Sieorifi§s
J. C. C. Sports
Bilaiiil Coffee
Wess§i §i
• Special on Rosedale Peas
ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brown announce the birth of a son, born Sunday, July 26, at the Clarkson Hospital. Mrs. Brown is the former Miss Lillian Nachschoen.
MTSDELL-GOLDBERG Mrs. Anna Goldberg announces that the marriage of her daughter, Bess, to Sam Mlndell, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Mindell of Saint Joseph,, Mo., -will take place Sunday, August .23. BACK FRO3I EASTERN TRIP Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum returnBIRTHDAY PARTY ed recently from a month's trip Miss Louise Saylan wap hon- east. ored at a surprise birthday party given by her mother Monday, July TEXAS VISITOR Mr. Jack Lazer ot Dallas, Tex27. The guests played bunco. Prizes were won by the'Misses as, has been visiting at the home Ann Pollay and Shirley Cohen. of his mother, Mrs. K. Lazer.
By Sirs. David SL Newman
0TEL HILL Slh Street Entranca
GORDMAN-RICHMAX Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Richman announce the engagement ot their daughter, Esther, to A. Daniel Gjrdman, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Marks of New York City. No date has been set for the wedding.
MOTOR TRIP inning when they were able to practical measure to curb the iestine is being flooded with ihnv Junior Hadassah Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fineman and push across 2 runs and then tie rights 6f the JevisL population oi j sands oi Jews who have fled ftotr Miss Ethel Stoler have just rethe count in the last inning with Plans for the picnic of Junior 3 runs. Both teams were unable the Free CH3", the government of j Germany and are being 8upp<>i r«>. turned from a motor trip to Chiwhich has been seized by the Nazi in Palestine by England." cago. They spent a week there Hadassah which was to have been to score in the eighth and the element. held at Elmwood park Sunday, visiting relatives and friends. Jobbers pushed across a lone run August 2, have been changed due in the ninth'to end the game. I The Nazi are understood to be to the fact that Pauline England- • Schedule for Sunday, July 2: I unconcerned about League jcier- j Scys Htlcr Aid is tf Jswkh ORGAN CONCERT SUNDAY ] vention, as they believe thai Great ; Ancestry er of Newark, N. J., national viceMiss Esther Leaf will present president of the Junior Hadassah, AZA No. 1 vs. Psi Mu at SSrd i Britain is unwilling to antagonize a free or^an concert, Sunday af- is expected in Omaha. C- Cass. 'Hitler by taking steps to enforce ternoon at 4:00 p. in. in the conOmaha Potato Market vs. Tow- jthe provisions of the Danzig con- ! Rigs (WNS) — Alfred Miss Englander has been mocert hall. The assisting artist on ers at West Elmwood. i stitution, -which is guaranteed "by ! berg,' Hitler's director of this program will be Mr. Don toring across the country and is i affaire and the ciiiei exponent o Omaha Jobbing Co. vs. Sample the League. Steele, vocalist, occompanied by on her way home. She will make Furs at 32 nd & De-wey. jXazi paganism, is o". Jewish n-~ a brief stop in Oraaha. Gretchen Crawford Evana. • cestry, it is stated in. a The local chapter is planning ! ARABS IN BRAZIL ASKiMG ! published here. i Lee Grossman, physical direca dinner at Dixon's Wednesday, August 5, at 6 o'clock. All Jun- : tor, has been honored with the \ AID FOR PALESTIKE REBELS Workmen's Cicle ior Hadassah members and their i distinction of being announced I Sao Paulo, Brazil (JTA) — A i official fight referee at the NaIT TfltX FAT rOU Ladies Auxiliary friends are invited to attend. tional Guard cam; stationed at ! call to local Arabs to help their To Consult '. brothers in*Palestine has been 5BAshland, Nebr. 'Lee has been The ladies auxiliary of the | sued by the Syrian Patriotic referee at the Golden Gloves KAtASHOCK'S Workman's Circle, Branch 173, tournament and basketball ref- ' League in a press statement. will hold a meeting Wednesday, When bnying. eree at high school games. In j The statement quotes a menAugust 5, at the Labor Lyceum, Ey_EAY SCHAPIEO DIAMONDS all his cutsifie appointments, Lee sage received from Cairo: 22nd and Clark streets at 8:30 has become known, as a fair End ! "The situation in Paler- .rr has p. m. The Omaha Potato Market, by square "ref" and he has brought grown worse. Hundreds of / - j b« Important business will be dishave been killed and voup'.rc", virtue of their win over the AZA ranch respect for the Center. cussed. Members are urged to j Do not believe the staiemer is cZ remain encamped In first place, T attend. Outsiders interested are i the British administration ~p'r leading the league by one-half 1 welcome to attend. j Health Club members have been our land with protest anc contrgame. In other games played on last week's schedule, the Psi Mu I enjoying themselves by having ibutions." was "knocked off" by the Sam- • club parties every week. Next on i The EiatpmcEi aac? thrt "pflChesed She! Ernes ple Purs by the score of 9-1, and i the social program is a cantaloupe There will be a regular ineet->, ing of the Chesed Shel Eiaes the Omaha Jobbing Co. nosed out ! sundae party with which the Health Club members will enMonday, August 3, at the build- the Towers, 6-5. ' deavor to put on all the weight ing. Cards have not been sent TCJ* F \ / t * « r &? r w The league leaders took adto members. They are urged to vantage ^of a handicapped AZA I lost in their daily work-outs; take notice o* the date and at- team and drubbed the fraternity j Norraan Befgr, Ewira instructor, tend. boys by a 17-12 count. Taking ] has been pushing the swim ciassall In consideration the AZA's jes hard and much improvement may be commended on the fact OMAHA FIXTURE TO j is being seen in his pupil's efthat 12 runs were scored on the forts. Norman has started a BE AIR-CONDITIONED league leaders and the grocery tea ' water football team which is proP. & G. BEVERAGEScan also be commended on the gressing rapidly and he hopes The Omaha Fixture and Sup- way they eased up to let the last that he will be able to begin his Lkae Eickey, White Bs&s, ply Company is installing what place outfit get relief from the boy's life saving class which is Ginger Ale or Sparkling x Pkg. Sc is believed to be the only air- heat- Johnny Rosenblatt hurled scheduled to start soon, A JurWster ' conditioned sales office of a com- for the winners while the losers it ior boys swim meet will be held Assortesl Flavors pany handling air-conditioning I used Sam Wolk and Morris Ad- jSun4ay morning at 10 s. m. :n 3 Qt. Beitks 25c 4 Packages l i e equipment. This has been done jler. I the Center g j s with all invited. Plus Bottle Deposit so that the customer may see the j It was just one of those days benefits of air-conditioning in when a team is unbeatable and operation. Butteroat last Sunday it was the Sample NAZIS-SHUT DOWN S. E. Halla, for eighteen years Furs turn to shine. Jake Adler, • JEWISH NEWSPAPER with the refrigeration and air- the rejuvenated pitcher, was bard conditioning industry is In charge to hit but the steady play of his /Danzig (WNS) — The DanzigRegular or Drip CJrfed of this division at the Omaha Fix- teammates held the Psi Mu to a er Echo, official organ of the \ » 1 run n f rf Jewish community here, has been ture and Supply Company. Pis. 24c Q*s. 38c I Lb. Abe single run while' they were at suspended for ten months by the L far bbe Recognizing the importance of work scoring 9. Adler accounted the proper installation, the equip- for 2 runs, getting 3 hits out of political police. This action is seen as the first ment handled by this company 4 times at bat. The victory left Uacle Samfs eliminates excess moisture and the Furriers in the running for smoke, cleans the air, and brings championship money being only in the necessary fresh air. There one-half game out of first place HOUSE TO gENT Qts. S0c are also combinations of summer with another shot at the Potato 8 room two family house. JuM and winter air-conditioning, so Market. newly decorated. All modern. GaUon $1.69 ¥kg. 23c that in the winter time there is Very reasonable. 2111 Grant St. Rolling up 5 runs in early also proper humidification of the enquire Mrs. Barsoru Z124 Bur. innings gave the Jobbing ten the air. dette Street. edge on the Towers. The TowThe Omaha Fixture and Sup- ers didn't start until the fifth ply Company handles all types of refrigerator systems. Lbs. 55c 24 Lbs. $!. 5 Lfes. 28c
By HELEN 23GMOND Hollyywood--Lady Legitimate,"work on the set. Shortly thereafshould look to her laurels for her ter lie used one of their best gags much-berated, step-sister, M I s 8 in his column. Next time he met Movie, shows signs" of outranking the-boys, he asked -whether they her. We believe Irving Thalberg's knew their lines yet. 'Not as -well production of 'Romeo and Juliet' as yo udo!" snapped Groucho, In surpasses any stage production of a huff. that play. For once, the Bard Modern M i r a c l e s : Binnie close to bis audience, sings of human hopes and fears, and Barnes lost eleven pounds in four the song seems not at all out of days! Ditto Mae West . . . but tune with our Modern Age. Splen- not in four days. • • • did Bettings, magnificent acting, A young prodigy among the and the genius of George Cukor's direction, combine to make this Semites, who hasn't yet been dispicture "a thing of beauty and a covered, is Gladys Aller. She Is the daughter of Simeon Aller, Joy forever." dealer In raw film. At eleven she; • • • Benny Baker's natal name was •was drawing remarkable life-like figures. "When she "was about fifZifkin. teen, she not onlpr painted life • • • . Max . Steiner, now composing models, but she assemble'^ her the music for "Garden of Allah," own compositions with startling played the piano at four, was, a originality. Last week she finishgood violinist at seven, and con- ed an oil painting of Katherine ducted an orchestra when he was Hepburn. It was the first picture fourteen. ~~ she has ever sold. It caused comment and attracted attention to • • • Speaking of musicians, Rubin- such a degree that she has rebft his'invented a collapsible vio- ceived twenty-five commissions lin . . . it folds up and fits In a from other screen stars. camera case. He uses it for_ finJoan Blondell tells about how ger practice to save wear * and she rushed out of a theatre the tear on his Stradivarius. other night, but was stopped by a • • • Second names we never hear: little boy •with the usual pencil Louis B(urt) Mayer Joseph and paper. She gave him her M(ichael) Schenck . . . SoKomon autograph. He thanked her, then Max) Wurtzel . . . Irving G(rant) added, "Gee, Miss Blondell, all us morons think you're swell!" Thalberg. * • • , Irving Caesar's cognomen was Finis. formerly Isadore. His mother can't accustom herself to the (Copyright, 1936, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) change . . . usually calls him 'Irvadore." •
You wouldn't, believe it If It happened in the movies. Recently King Edward of England Invited Bennett Cerf to dine and promfsed him a surprise. When Mr. Cerf arrived he met the. other guests - -•' Miriam Hopkins, his ex-fiancee, and Sylvia Sidney, his ex-wife i •
Kappyrale Peas, Ms. 4*SIaTc? Ks, 2 ess ific 0®seia .". , ,..fLI© E©yal Prince iomaS© Jcieef !%o.-» can o. Z c?*n..,.,..21c Royal Prince All Grccs Aspsrapa Rcya! Priace Coisatrj Gestlemesi Sweet Cers. can
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k^ttlBKlSi v SCuuHfi. iSCiiCS& IVSCifc ikt'kWw ^Uiik,
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P r i c e Until Yfu S e e
Whet Herzbergs Oiler! ^*
We have established a certain quality standard for each fur . . . below which we NEV* „\ ER go! So . . . any » Herzlierg f u r . . . whether it's - $5S or $1,500 . . . is a fur of * HONEST QUALITY . . . chosen from the , BEST of IT'S KIND.
can SaisMst Spinach, No. Z1/^ c s i I l ^ i c ; 3 can' 4Sc CaSifonsaa Tree Ripesed OfHEfCi Juice, can -16c Buses |>t.IS
RED RIVER OHIO POTATOES, 10 lbs. ~..3fk RASPBERRIES* fees We E>©Ecn.....-.....$l.lf CANTALOUPES, extra large size.. .._._10r GoMes • BssSais Sweet Cons, fresls sfcipiscaf: froiB CcSorad©. 3 ears _ 10; Colored^ GREEN StRINGLESS BEAMS, Ib.»I2y s c SQUASHES, white ©r yelsw. lb. ,...,Jc HMMS, ©stra large. i®zm . ,_....,_4tk ORANGES lor Juice, dozen .._..2tk DUCHESS COOKING APPLES, 4 Ibn 25r FANCY TOMATOES, lb. ~. ALBERTA PEACHES, rips, §8-7© skc crate $ 1 .
Did it ever occur to you that In spite of our overwhelming bur*dens and trouble as the Chosen People, we seem to produce a preponderance of laugh-makers? For instance, prominent screen gigglegetters are: Jack Benny, Parkyakarkus, Al Jolson, Benny Fields, Sammy White,-The Three Marxes, George Jessel, Gregory Ratoff, George Burns, B e n n y : Rubin, Sam (Schlepperman) Hearn, Jce Penner, -Eddie Cantor, Benny Baker, Sid Silvers, Charlie Chaplin, The Three Stooges, Harry Green. Al Shean, George Sidney, Lee Kohlmer, Ben Blue. '•-'_•'• '-•'
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Ko. S Slere. Ko» 2 can 1.2y2c; DoEcn.^..»........$L45 Ko. 2 Sieve, Ko. 2 cas 15c; Dor-e-s. $1.75 No. 3 Sieve, No. i ess ! # c ; Doses „.._„.$ L I f
The other day Walter Winchell went to see the Marx Brothers at
IN OUR SPACIOUS NEW VAULTS Pay cleaning charge only when clothes sire need«S for next season.
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50c Th» Zetoa Permanent Wave with- •, no machinery and no ' elecMclty uaed st $S.S9 end up. 716 Brant'els Theatre Bids.
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KILLS 7; INJURES 40—When the automobile driven by Mile. Eelie Nice, French racer, got beyond control in a race at Sao Paulo, Brazil, it catapulted into a crowd at the track and killed seven persons and injured 40. More than 100,000 persons were watching the race when the accident happened. Mile. Nice is shown above in a hospital. She suffered fractured ribs and internal injuries after she was thrown 25 feet.
SAFE—Gloria SUeo, 8, of Brook-, lyn, N. Y., spending the Summer in Spain, who was reported to have arrived safely back at Santander after fleeing from San Sabastian when fighting broke out there. She went to that city to visit friends.
BOOMERS—Thousands stood in the blazing sun In Topeka, Kan., nearly all day, awaiting the notification parade which .was a feature of the notification ceremonies for Governor Alf' M. Landon, Republican Presidential candidate. Led by a reproduction of the "Spirit of '76," the parade included Indians, a Lincoln buggy, and a stage coach. Above is a view of a section of the parade passing through Kansas Avenue.
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PLEDGES ECONOMY — Governor Alt M. Tendon, Republican Presidential candidate, as he faced an audience o* 60,000 at Topeka, Kan., and pledged strict economy, during his acceptance speech. Among other pledges he promised to restore the American government to an efficient and constitutional basis, if he were elected to the executive position. He received a tumultuous ovation. of
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MYSTERIOUSLY BEATEN—United States Commissioner David B. Head, who was viciously attacked and beaten by an unknown assailant as he entered his home in South Pasadena, Cal.
PREMIER — Jose Giral, former Minister of Marine, who became Premier of Spain during the revolt of the Rightists. Giral, who took office in Madrid, was the third Premier to take office In the short span of twenty-four hours.
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BOEN TO -ACTOR'S WIFE—Buster Crabbe, champion: swimmer and a film actor in Hollywood, with .his wife,- the former Virginia Held,-a Los-Angeles society girl, and their infant daughter In St. Vincent's Hospital, Hollywood, Cal., where the baby was born. The Crabbeshad not named the child.
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BBAVES ATLANTIC — MarinMarie, noted French marine painter and yachtsman, wha sailed alone from New York City in his ,40-foot, 18-ton motorboat, "Arielle," bound for France. He hoped' to complete the crossing in about three weeks.'The boat makes nine.knots.V
SAILS TO RESCUE AMERICANS—S.S. Exeter of the American Export Line which the V. S. State Department ordered to Barcelona, Spain, from nearby waters to take aboard Americans believed to be in-danger in that city from the fighting during/the Spanish revolution. The streets of Barcelona were reported strewn with dead from the furious fighting. ••
CARRYING OLYMPIC TORCH—This is one of the Olympic relay runners carrying the Olympic, flame from Athens to Berlin for theopening of the Olympic, games August 1. He is shown holding the torch aloft. The first of the 1,108 runners left Athens July 20. Every runner runs a kilometer with the flame.
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PRESIDENT'S KIN AT PLAY—Mrs. Allessandro Pallavacini, the former Margaret Roosevelt of New York, enjoys the simple amusements at Coney.Island, N. Y; Here she is, aboard a merry-goround's wooden horse at the famous Luna Park. Mrs. Pallavacini Is spending the summer with her parents at Oyster Bay, N. Y.
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BERLIN DRESSES UP—Here Is a view of the exhibition hall in Berlin with the flags of nations that are to compete in the Olympic Games flying above it. Each day more buildings in the city put out decorations. Germany has spent more than $34,000,000 on preparations for the games and about 300,000 people are expected to flock into the German capital when the games start August 1.
PROTECTS AMERICANS—Eric ' C. Wendelin, 31, of Quincy, Mass., third secretary to the American embassy in Madrid, believed to be in sole charge there in the absence of the Ambassador Bowers, arid the first and second secretaries. He has the responsibility of protecting several hundren Americans in the revolttorn city.
CANNIBAL CKIEr'S SON—Kata Bagoso, whose father was u Solomon Island cannjbal chieftain, is shown in New York City aS a guest of the Greater New York Conference of Seventb Day Ad! vent^ite. to winch religion he is a convert. He will speak at meet* ings, telling of cannibal rites he witnessed as a boy? United Newspfctraea.
1933 Chewy to a 1S36 Packard fy the Arab side and to attack the; amidst carpenter tools and wood-'the immigration schedule r -.•'... Or is it the drivers,"Peggy? Mandate together with the Zionen shavings. "Where is your j up for consideration nc-xs Oc-' Tether?" we asked, "Looking for! It was pointed out thai ist ^ cause. No opportunity is work," REBwereiJ the little girl, | Government would ronsitfnr f missed to attack the "injustice" h the Thick of the Fight B j X&MA MAY her brother whined: "Mother !roocwU! reenire ot> the V' "We see in the "Nation" that of the Balfour Declaration, or to tn The economic wsr sgaiost tevrRTd thp Arab* \ first selected among the chilgren. has been away t, long time." Th.eJ * Sol Rosenblatt whose work as an emphasize England's imperialistic j J t h e p a r o p tirnc Polish Jewry is in foil swing; It happens to be Friday eve, but little sister comforted him. | > ><•wf1F! F a k ' r1'designs in Palestine. In addition, I N. * R: A. administrator brought official cosomnaiqnes by'Jewthe cold stove is untouched &n& the Italian press draws heavily j "Who takes rare of you cliU-! »-ctlot> would mske It en*?.rr '< him well-earned fame is now in the .Palestine Government 1" rr tbe thick of tbe presidential cam- upon foreign comments on the I ish organizations and! by the : empty. No trace of food or smell duty-found to inform the credi- paign. He is heading the radio present situation in Palestine, es-- Polish government, issoed frons of cookies'. Wbaf 8, cruel qeuetion. I r e - ! t h e three-month-old Arsb o.-.tors of a certain Nebraska stu- and screen division of the Demo- peeially German comment, which j time to time, have blcrred inThe father, we learn, has been; gretted it the moment. It i i sending of a Royal Conirolsr-or We have in Omaha a precocious dent temporarily employed by our i happens to agree with the Italian j stead of clarlfj-ing; the picture an invalid for the past sis years,! my lips. youngster who has . solved the fair city that he has been un-» cratic party. "Grandmother," said the little '.o£ investigation. He was taken to a hospital a few j point of view. Needless to add, i of the life of Polish Jewry. problem of •which came first the usually lucky during the last OB* staff writer irma weeks ago and is not expected to! girl, s.nd added that the grand-i — • Jail find themselves in agreement! chicken or the egg. He main* fortnight. Right, B. S.? . . . A Levity on the Levee i that the Zionist venture is a isis-! has visited Jewish homes in Polive. "Final stages -of T. E.," the: mother was very old and weak-I Rislsff Mi8<cl tains the chicken because' the certain Council Bluffs girl decidThe Alpha PI Tau Fraternity, f o r t u n e a n d E n E i a n d . E In i land. Her grannie description woman whispers, as if keeping it j herself. The little etove was cold j ' '"_______ stork brought i f ed on someone new to take to the tbe organization that gave the f p a l e s t i n e a c o m p l e t e failure. j of the life of these victims of from her brood. She is worn outlaid the dishes unuse<2 for s. long Berlin (YTXPI — KarsK rr-.outstanding dance of tbe season,]' Thus we read in the Corriere] economic •warfare is eppslling. herself, ill, End hts been the sole j time. The girl walked over to big C. B. hop. For the umpA pretty lass, better left German sports nv*'last summer, are again making anonymous, flunked out of one teenth time comes the word that plans for a dance to be held Tues- della Sera of May 27th teat "thej It completely reveals the Polish support of the family lor years. • me End ssad apologetically that 'ority. risked R term in p corrpT-a certain young man-about-town Jewish tragedy.-—THE ED. Her sister helps her occasionally, i the dishes had not been washed traiion camp when be picked il-r real and original blunder which] of the better universities because day. August 11, aboard the and furnishes the merchandise ; in a long time because they were i American 4 4 0-meter veiny t*ciu. '.'tbe. examinations were so im-is, matrimonially inclined. As perLevee, at the foot of Douglas Is responsible for this complex! possible." ,Wby even the intelli- usual to another young lady . . . Street. Bids are being issued to imbroglia in Palestine is the Bal-I •> We shall encourage the she sells. Fried herringE. There' not in use. The children refused 'which hat; two Jewe on it, ic i .t Jews economic battle to tbe very end is- not much demand for such lux-;1 the sandwiches, but. they did take ;that event in thp Olympic GM'IPN gence test they gave her tbe first Ao to reports on a Certain lady's approximately 225 couples. four Declaration . . . The .jews;, dieting, ead as it may be, ehe Is cannot claim any right to Pal- . . . though we shall not tolerate nries lately. If she is lucky and the candy- The little irirS saved : The Jews tire Mertin Glickr.1..! wasn't, fair, She. couldn't. putting oh poundage. hss a good day she may earn sev-, her piece, while the boy chewed 'of Syracuse University end '--;•' estine after having been away beating . . ." understand it. : uei Stoller of the l'ntverp?f« o' On r©ar from the land for BO many years; These words, uttered by Pre- enteen cents. The rent has notion his. Finally, the child took i a s been paid for meathE; the land-! sandwich for her father. "Ke ' s'ic^ifTP-Ti. Franklin Vincent'* Orchestra ! especially when, in the raeantbne. mier General Skladkowski in his j We have in our .midst another which is under the management I they were replaced by other pec~ memorable expose in the first' lord had jaercy on them. But it j very desperate," she said, "with B i s prediction TTPS yn member of the feminine eex /who of Ernie Priesman will Join thejpies . . . The expropriation of the week ia Jane, 1936, were an an-;cannot go on forever, and they; mother so ill, and unable to find in e statement jn which Jr t'.r has a reputation that would have Will somebody please tell .-u«, production, "Melody Night" for a i i a n ( j , which was taken away from swer to the query, brought forth, ar efaced with, eviction. ; any work for so long." people believe she's incapable of clsred that the United Pl "What will they dc?" She does. We inquired where the gre.TKi- would win IS tr»ck «xid f intellectual activity. To scotch why Libbie Fishberg and Bahe tour of eight states. The orcbes- j the Arab peasant by a handful by the few remaining Jewish Senthese rumors she told the other Margolin are known as the orig- tra will play at the "Wyoming of gold from the Jewish National ators, as to what the Government not Seem frightened. "I have EO ! mother was selling her pickles, events, day, "I wao talking so seriously inal "F. A/e." . . , - l s it a hered- State. Fair at Casper and will tour Fund, has daily more and more intended to do in the face of the! strength left for any feelings any; and wect looking for her. It: : started to pour in the meanwhile. that S. sat with his month wide itary characteristic or just too east into Chicago, returning to Increased the Irritation of the na- ever-growing attacks on Jews in more," she said to me. Ecatk Cetnmissae • The children looked with curl-'and like tbe rest, ol the people I Priesman tives at the usurping invasion of Poland. open all the time I was speak- much competition from Harry Omaha in tbe fall. : ons eyes at a bag of food I held ran Quickly into a nearby door-: ing." To which the cynics re- Altsehuler that is causing How- handles the business and dance the foreigners." The article conThese were startling words, but; plied that maybe he was trying ard Kaplan to lose his hair-. in my hand. SansiwicSes End can-: vrsy for shelter. It was already : Moscow — Gregory Kam-m-V . bookings for the orchestra while cludes with a warning to Engthey confirmed the worst fears.' veteran Bolshevik and a Jev . vi--r Does Peggy Friedman prefer * on tour. to 'get a. word in edge-wise. land: "If one Imagines that to- The economic battle, the boycott dy. "Would you like some of it?";crowded with people. The only named Soviet commissar PI H;" '"' and I offered it to the children.! one who did not care s.bout the morrow tbe Moslems of Syria, has been in force since 1926, and health and {river, s plsce ir i\'< raq and of the cabinet when the grovprmvpr; I Blood there for s longed it and started to cry. The old-: pickles. entire Arabian Peninsula may j there are still a few well-off Jews Notice closely and you'll find after the first down- created two new cabinet draw np In line of battle on the i e f t i n Poland, the masses, which thit one young Omaha professionBide of the Arabs in Palestine, populate small towns and T 1., !i them cot to be bashful, to eat,"; poor stopped. JTo one toupht eny' al man carries a blotch of paint " I asked the mother. She looked; pickles from her, End the stood 1 he may get an idea o£ the risk to lages, are down and out. It Is no on one shoe. The idea came —t.?..*. p . , 1 , . , 1 «- BrnKeintr h Vpr. i " " *• « v 4f i at the children mournfully and; tbere, as if cerved in wood, her! when one of his clients, recently which England *« « ^ « I n f * £ ' 0 B w r a Q n « t i O a of a battle - - | 6 g 5 u r e d K e t h a t t h e y w e r e not! eves Eo helpless nnfl her Hand so; arrived from Europe, was telling self by P a s t i n g In her Zionist i t „ merely a matter of time, a ; a f r a i d 0 7 taBMnL , . T f c e y a r e g o o d , r e £ d T JTVt_ T h e B O l e about the ignorance of the Ruspolicy in the Holy Land. ! short time. Exactly ten years af-,children," she said, "only too ;'of a family - - agsinst whom war-: ZZ f Similarly, in the Giornale D'- i ter the sound of the first gong hungry to eat." And she went on i { e -is being sian peasants. "In the army Er Italia of May 29th, Virginio Gay-1 Polish Jewry is down, to the explaiaing that they had had a! (Cor-yrifht 1556 by Seven Arts they're so dumb they give them different colored boots because ^ __ t5 This is the lirst of two «•• money. Moreover, the charges ofjda, foremost Italian spokesman j count of ten. No miracle, EO un-j piece o f feread _ _ herricg al- i Feature Syndicste) they can't tell left from right." It tides on Italian political action Italian propaganda were not onlyjand publicist, writes: "The situ-; f orseen turn in the policies c l : p e a d v a E d c o u j d e a t n o mO re. The bv h i was an immediate solution for a. against tbe Jewish Homeland. not denied in Arab circles butiation i n . Palestine has its realjFoland could V B 1 " *tbem »™ rrise " in herring filled them up, they grot i personal problem that had been The author is a student of pub- were tacitly or openly admitted | origin in the British policy dur- j their knees and face another it only oace a week, on Friday. New Entry Schedule • bothering the gentleman for years. lic law and social economy; he to be true.'As early "as Septem-llng the. war when on one hand;blow. With quiet dignity she assembled ;' I rouble: i s an authority on Italian af- ber 23, 1935, Fakhri Bey Nash- she promised the Arabs a great! Who is this powerful enemy on:h e r o n ; h e bed and fairs and has made » special ashlbi, President of the Arab Lab- and independent Arabian Empirelwhom a soldier a^d^BtEtesEEn; Picnic Away them. London (JTA) — The Eritisfc ; Neither thr Sun witfc Its driest | you wish to photograph our Eis- ; Gevemment was reported to hsve I rays, cor the Rain Man with hi«= From Douglas Lodge, Minne- «tndy of the attitude of tbe or Organization in Palestine, and st the same time issued the declares a bitter warfare? Not far from the palace from!' said, i suggested to the Jewish Agencj- ; moisture can roh Old Gold Gigsota comes word that Ruth Ferer, Italian press toward tbe devel- speaking before the Royal Cen- Balfour Declaration, which car£re veicolae)" I for Palestine that it not ask new • arettes oi their fragrance who is vacationing there, has won opment of a Jewish .Palestine tral.'Asian Society ectrv certificates for Jews when' FresliBeBB. laurels for her Ping- Pont play- before and since the Ethiopian tion of the Arabs declared that ing; While representing Nebras- adventure. - . THE EDITOR. We left her home ted proeeefika at the interstate Ping Pong For a number of years the tion, the Arabs are becoming pressure upon the rights of thej ing streets. Where this tournament put on by the vaca- Jews ihe world over looked upon more and more ready to lend an Arabs . , . This is what* creates a is entrenched In overcrowded, ed to the house across the street. tionists at Douglas Lodge, Miss Italy as a friend of tbe Jewish ear to foreign propaganda at crit- situation whereby two diverse aad condemned houses, in stagnant By that time a large crowd asFerer defeated Miss Muriel Davis National Homeland in Palestine. ical moments such as confronts unassimilable peoples, who hate cellars a n d win<?-blown attic sembled ce-wnstairs and followed of Illinois for the Lodge cham- Italian public opinion looked with the British Empire at the present one another and cannot cooper- dwellings. The courtyards are us on our way. Children, grown— U S . DlEf J£ — • SlOCS City pionship. favor upon the Jewish enterprise time." Similarly, on June 20th, ate are being brought face to crowded with children, pale, un- up men, women and old people. in Palestine, and Italian states- Jamal al HuEseini. leader of the f ace . . . It is this, in 'short, which | dernourished, in torn clothing - - There Ere so TnsiEy people in those Fboae f a . ©551 — F&OBF. 5 K — Ffeoisc SSSSS on thefr men spoke of the Zionist cause Arab Nationalistic Party in Pal- creates the unredeemable reasons playing amidst refuse and decay- Quarters with Repartee ing garbage. We climb the shaky excitement j estine, admitted that _ . . _ . the _ . reports for the inevitable conflict." h&nfis. The slightest Asbestos Not eo many years ago an with sympathetic understanding. stairway, higher and higher, unOmaha woman, then a teacher in Italy seemed to reckon seriously Of Italian propaganda among thej The conclusion reached by the til we land before a low door. is welcomed s.s an es~cape from ] Slate-Tile dreaded reality. No escape Jrorn Italian press is self-evident. The the public schools, called upon a with the eventual Jewish nation Arabs are "true to a certain ex- Mandate having proved a failure,] Apartment 68 oa Ryntowa Street Asphalt sat* Grave! friend whose father had'passed in Palestine and her policy dic- tent." Finally, while Italy fonnd it is only right that England! in Warsaw. The home of Chsya crowds once you enter scy Jewish quarter in Poland. The home away. As : she was leaving the tated a positive attitude toward it necessary to deny officially, Fallana, a dangerous "enemy" o* FF.EE ESTIMATES T TEKMS we were looking for has been on friend said to her, "Oh, X,., it was Zionism. Italian economic circles through her Consul General in should relinquish her rale over the people of Poland. Palestine. This opinion is corrobthe list of the Child-Care DepartTo expressed great satisfaction with Jerusalem, the charges ot Italian orated in semi-official' circles; as j She is the mother -of Kuchel; ^ BO nice of you to come." ^ ^ & Jong At KrochC^a vlZ. ynr which she curtly answered: 'Glad Italy's commercial relations with BUbsldfeT to Arab f und«, eihe" did in an article by Romolo Triton J,J Palland. I look Quickly ^ t h e i gtree Nambcr g> . T h e Palestine and looked forward to not find it even expedient to reof the opportunity." an even more profitable trade in tut* the charges of Italian prop- in the May issue of the Onente Questionnaire which the of th> Moderno, a semi-official publica- Care Department cf the Joint Dls-! was not at home when we arrlvtbe future. The Italian press fol- aganda among the Arabs. tribution Committee gave me. lowed very closely the developI ed. He is a young, prematurely It is undoubtedly true that the tion of the Italian Foreign OffThe title, Doctor, that preceded ments in the Holy Land, painting Italian propoganda among the Ice. Attacking, the Mandate sys- Ruchel is a girl cf nine, tubercu- tray man who speeds his dsys for em ployment - he canthe name of Albert Michaelson, it 1n tbe brightest colors and Arabs bears a direct relationship tem, and citing the case of Pal- lar, ia dire need of help. We en- loorms the great Jewish physicist and prophesying the early realization to the rola of England in tbe estine, Tritonj concludes that "in- ter. The room is long enough to H!E vife> m o t h e r Nobel prize-winner, was of course of the Zionist dream. Finally, Italo-Ethiopian war and was de- ternationalizing the country . . . hold two m a l l beds and leave • j ^ ^ J children, lies hopelessly the academic title of Doctor of Italy magnanimously expressed signed, presumably, to embarrass will constitute an equitable and narrow passage to the stove.; { a o f t u b e r c i l l o 8 i B i n the Sanatorher three I. Philosophy which had been won her faith in the new Palestine the English Government In retal- sane revision ot the Mandate." Chaya Palland and her in Otwock. One child a by his early research. when, several years ago, she en- iation for the latter's stand on (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts children are at home. The fourth daughter, was eent away to the Is in the summer colony of the An accident having one day oc- dowed a chair in Italian litera- sanctions. But It is equally true Feature Syndicate) Medem Sanatoriam for t w o Joint. The girl jnst had double months, which may give her a curred near the Michaelson home, ture at the University of Jerusa- that, although there are no offi-j pneniaonla, and therefore was thenew lease on life. The child was someone unaware of Miehaelson'a lem. clal pronouncements, the opinions field of fame, pointed to his home very undernourished, and on the It is true that from timo to and sentimentB evidenced in the as the home of the doctor. - , The retary of the interior; Luis del verge of tuberculosis. Italian press indicate that Italy Micbaelson maid standing nearby time Zionism was attacked in Itj Rat, secretary of state; and Car- We £OUES the two remaining protested, "Oh, be ain't the kind aly. But tbes» attacks, inspired has assumed a definite anti-Zionlos de la Cruze, speaker cf the children alone In the house. In a • of a doctor that does anybody any by extreme Fascism and the re- ist attitude which may prove to Cuban house of representatives;! desolate attic hoozn, bare of all' be of far-reaching consequence. sult of misunderstanding of tbe good." and upon completion presented a! living furniture; there they set •• objects of Zionism^ were directed As early as July, 1935, when the colonization plan to President The above story having tickled mainly against tbe Italian Jews. Abyssinian war was still a matter Gomez." Asked how he- intends of discourse, the Regime Fascista, one Omaha M. D. who in the After a period of time these atPermanent, Noa-Secfeariaa Into begin work on the colonisation official organ of the Fascist Parspirit of fun asked his maid, who tacks ceased almost completely. plan, Representative Sirovicb. said ternationa! Cossittee had been employed in University Suffice it to recall the many ut- ty and once outspokenly in favor he plans to contact Catholic Pro1 Being Organized of a Jewish State in Palestine, circles, if .she knew the difference terances made by Premier Mustestant and Jewish leaders before between a Doctor of Medicine and solini in which he expressed the carried an article which tended making a further tnnouncetaeat, a Doctor of Philosophy. "Sure," highest regard for the Jewish to ridicule and insinuate against j Los Angeles (WNS) — but. he disclosed that President A e snapped, "A Ph. D. is a doctor renaissance in Palestine. Indeed, ,Gomel plans to "invite leaders j with brains." it was only shortly before the out-once did not find sufficient wordB tarian international committee to sponsor a project for settling bej of European countries which are break of the Italo-Abyeslnian war of praise. Answering his own) tween 100,000 and 200,000 Jews closed through immigration cuc~j Residents of Dundee are being that S. Parini, Ittttan Minister question, 'What really is Paleswarned to look twice before for Propaganda, declared that tine?" tbe writer declares as fol- from Germany, Poland and other tas, to map a great colonization countries in an industrial colony scheme. In the preliminary con- j crossing the street. The reason "Rome looks with tbe greatest lows: a land of thousands -—four or five ambitious young sympathy upon the Jewish Home- of beastly natures, where Jewish in Cuba was commenced here versations ws even went as far as j gentlemen are attempting to land in Palestine and fully recog- young men are.lurking on Arabs when Louis B. Mayer, head of discussing the possibility of erecting a. Jewish university. Things teach Pearl Osoff to drive . . nises the services rendered by the and Arabs are beating up Jews; the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios, .Elaine Schlaifer of Sioux City was Jews in the Holy Land." Under pious, veiled Arab women flirting announced his acceptance of the will be well on the way before urn i amazed at Herb Kaplan's capacity these circumstances it was only witn broad-shouldered young men temporary chairmanship of the j the year is over." Somebody informs natural that the Jews should of Israel; the sparkling of dia- committee. Announcement of the for beer us' that Betty Soref won't forget have felt justified in their belief monds—and—endless- —darkness. formation of the committee wss to say 'Thank You' again .for a ,tn Italy's abiding sympathies with This, really, is the true picture made shortly after the arrival ride . . ." This public servant if eels tha Jewish aspirations in Pales- of Palestine; a mixture of races, from Cuba of Congressman Willi»,m I. Sirovieh of New York j tine. Arabs, Jews, Zionists, Sephardim, prime mover of the plan, who dis-j Here Isfe©new Elsciric Gppliaac® Of late, however, Italy has been Yemenites, Ashkenazim." Natur- cussed it with h President P i d G Gomes; officially and unofficially linked ally, the writer concludes, nothwoa«a te cocst i© csapl mgmd as '1 with the present disturbances in ing good and worth while can of Cuba. SIXTEENTH & HOWARD STREETS In an exclusive interview grant-! Two nice rooms and kitchen. Palestine. It is generally agreed possibly come out of such a state ed Louis Pekarsky, managing ed-j th« outsiandisg derdbpssesit of th® Italian propaganda, broad- of affairs. Attacking'the Mandate ^ r " ^ { AH furnished. Very reason- that B'nai B'rith Messen-j yecrl Thi» Electric Roaster lor waH cast from Italian stations or con-system in Palestine, he concludes: correspondent, Mr.j ducted by Italian agents in Pal- "Without shouting or fanfaring s i r 0 T } c l l . revealed that, be had able. Gall WS-3527. outlet operstlos . . . las! placefe®food estine itself, has unquestionably we can already say today that the spent "two' weeks ia conference helped to inflame ths passions 'case* Palestine is one of the most la &® roaster csd. plug in. Meat or and to stimulate the hopes of the distressing features of European with Carlos Pelas, the Cuban eecfowl, roasted to a savory tsgncSenjess. Tha CF1 plan may' Interest youl Arab3, Several weeks ago Prime Small monthly payments , , . In. Minister Baldwin, speaking before colonial policy. The Mandate^regizne is tottering and about to exstead of one •Inels premium. Bak®s evenly end, qulckir csad ii the BUY INSURANCE THE Parliament, warned against Ital- pire. Not in vain has Lord Roth-j CONVENIENT WAY . i E t ! r#al wef to COOL csofeerrl Come in ian seditious propaganda in Egypt!emere remarked that the .Pales-j. If interested, call and in Palestine. ..In the week of|tin»:'lland)tte'-is one of t i e mostj today «sd se® &M remarkable Eocorter. May SI st. Dr. Chalm Weizmann j lunatic adventures of the postEvery type of Insurance written declared in a lecture, before the) w a r period. And let us be mind21 Strong Companies : AT J&J7 WA 6160 Royal Central Asian • Society in j fu j Of the fact that the Mandate London that "Italian propaganda regime constitutes a great men-j has been busy in Palestine, par- ace to the.Mohammedan peoples, ticularly in Arabic •-'! messages to tbe Arabs of the' world over, broadcast from Italian stations, and especially to Catholic Italy, Ehreryoae in T©wa Is since the Abyssinian "war. ^ which has the historic duty of M Abaci It press, especially in England arid maintaining the healthy e<juill-j France, has been emphatic in Its brium in t h e Mohammedan! repeated reports of- Italian prop- world." I aganda among the:Arabs and of These statements in the Be-) Italian subsidies to Arabic funds. glme Fascista proved to be only On.Mayy 27th L'Oeuvre of Paris the opening of a press campaign published documentary evidence which is still in full progress. The to the effect that Emir Scekib Ar- present situation in Palestine is At All slan of Egypt concluded a four-very prominently featured in the Dealers year accord with Italy, for which Italian press, which takes partiche received a handsome sum of ular pains to present and ampli-
H e r e . . ; But Not Tfcere •.
Questions We Cannot Answer
Dundee Luck
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Landon, Republican dience of 60,000 at udng his acceptance : estore the American il basis, if he -were tumultuous ovation. .
Is That General?
r of the Olympic relay lens to Berlin for theis shown holding the' left Athens July 20.
For Rent
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of 'home at
whose father was a in New York City as of Seventh Day AdJ will speak at meeta boy. jniled Newspicturea.
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, m - - at twenty cents to half a dollar - - to; place in the hands of our people and of our children and into the hands (still possible here) of • those. Christian neighbors who do not remain in a state of prejudiced ignorance concerning us? We have nothing like this Jewish series of Schocken or the Hebrew Everyman's library, the admirable Sefrih l'Khol, published at ,Tel-Aviv. What have we? And where is our Salmann Schocken and our Schocken-Verlag? . . The German Jews are. carrying on . . . I throw out this suggestion, this reproach, this query without any other hope than that here and there a few quiet thoughtful people may keep these matters in their minds.
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the Jews from their work shops, Doctors As the anti-Semites are using legal and, in a still greater measure, iltans legal methods. They are trying to. bring about economic reforms | Paris (WNS)—The Federation in such a manner that the posi-J ! of French Physicians has taken tions of the Jews are the first! I steps to caH on the French Govto crumble and upon these ruins j i«i;Mroffipm»wfH«raim«««iMMmm»iM^^ j eminent to forbid the natiiralizaa new class is arising, from • tion of foreign physicians beamong the Poles themselves—the ! cause acquisition of French cillPolish middle class. The Polish ; zenship would enable them to merchant, the Polish petty tradj practice medicine fcpre and thus er, the Polish artisan and the ! to compete with French doctors. Polish intellectual are supported i This decision 1s believed to he Council Bluffs Talmud Torah by the government and by soaimed primarily at German JewSociety will hold an important ciety at large. On the other hand, , .With nine . chapters meeting next Monday evening, the Je-wish merchant and petty ish refugee doctors who have esmade her home in Chicago for the tbeir Intention of participating in past few years. August 3, at eight' o'clock at the trader are helpless and forsaken tablished themselves here. ^ the annual summer, A. Z. A. tourChevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue and sink from day to day to a Mr. 'Whltebrook and his bride lower level. Th y have no oppornament scheduled to .be held .in; will live inVphiladelphia, followat 618 Mynster Street. ' Fen Congress Delegate tunities, and no hope of better Sioux City in August, and more ing a wedding trip to Atlantic than 25o A.- Z. A. members and. City and'New York. Herman Marowitz, who has;days to come. ! New York — H. Leivick, Yidgijests planning to attend, the {Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts been confined at the Mercy HosWhenever a struggle is started dish poet and playwright, author cal A. Z. A. chapter is making pital for the past ten days, is get- against the middleman, it is inGeorge shlndler. and Edward , (Feature Syndicate) | of "The Golem," has been.delet rapid strides in its plans'to make Sperling left Mon'day for Chicago ting along satisfactorily. tended for the Jew and he is al- gated by the Yiddish PEN Club i the tournament an , outstanding where' they will "spend a week's 1 ways the first on the firing line. of Europe and America to attend one. . _. The- Jewish National Fund vacation, •;" !the International PEN' congress at When machinery was IntroCouncil reported contributions of Chapters that have accepted in| Buenos Aires, Sept. 4 to 14", it over seven dollars which was c o l - i d u c e d i n t b e b a k " e r i e s - thousands vitations,- to-' 'participate in the Mrs. Hernian'Shlloff and daugh| was announced last vreek. lected by Mr. Sam Sacks, presi-i o t J e w s , w e r e deprived of their tournament Include-the two Oma- ter of LOB Angeles are visiting dent of the local Mizrachi Organi-i s o u r c ; e ? f . "^eHhood. When the ha'chapters,- Council Bluffs, Lin- in Sioux City in the home of Mr. zation, Tuesday in commemora-\B J U hmlUn% Schechita wa s passcoln, Des Molhes,. Moline, Rock and Mrs. Meyer Shiloff. •, . • Lands Blum's Work tion of Tisha B'Ab Contributions Ie f D 0 . m e , r C y 5 a s ^tended for Island, Davenport, and Ottumwa. the animals Th to the Jewish National Fund helps ! e aim was to Letters- bare been mailed to inMrs. Sam WOlfson of Omaha, New York — Ira A. Hirschto redeem the land of Israel. wrench another means of livelidividual members of each of these tisited this' week In the home of AGUDAS ACHIM PICNIC mann, department store execu• hood from the Jews. Whenever chapters and the Sioux City Cham- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ru- SUNDAY | tive, said on his arlval from ber, of . Commerce has extended binstein. : ' Mrs. Matthew Gross and son, new cooperatives are established, The Council Bluffs Agudas AcI France, that the country was they are meant to undermine the eich chapter an official invitahiin society will hold its annual Harlan, are leaving today for St. S "safely emerging from a bloodtion'and welcome. . Rose- Tesler- of Oklahoma picnic this Sunday afternoon, Au- Louis, Missouri for a visit with very existence of the Jewish merless, constructive revolution." f ,The housing committee under City, Okla., visited In-Sioux City gust 2, • commencing at 2:30 Mrs. Gross's parents, Mr. and Mrs. chants. Facts, similar to these He praised the leadership of are so abundant, that they can the. leadership" Of, Haskell, Lazere this week with friends and rela- o'clock, at Owen's Farm. The E. Esstman. They expect to be Premier Blum, calling- him • "the hardly be enumerated, and the lajworklng diligently in an effort tives. • committee in charge^ of arrange- gone about two weeks. first man in a "umber of years in number of Jewish victims of these to' secure' accommodations for - all ments are Messers. Charles SaltzFrance to reveal the stature of economic reforms, reach a fan-! the visiting members,' and any Miss Mildred Ruth - Baron ot man, chairman; Sam Sacks, Max Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks have statesmanship. 'r i family able to provide housing Chicago visited this week with her Simon, Sam Rosenthal, and Sam as their house guests for about tastic figure. Mishmar Ha'emek, one of the of Trees m the Mishmar Ha'emek i forgone or 'more -visitor is asked parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baron. Bubb. • A good time is being ar- ten days their cousins, Mr. and _ The_ chief support in the strug-! principal Jewish National Fund ! woods, typical of the trees that : AERAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Atty*. to get in touch with Haskell Laranged for both young and old, Mrs. M. Michelson o£ Hartford, gle of the Polish Jews against: reforestation areas in Palestine, have gone up in flames A cam-^ 400 Brarcieis Theatre BldQ. zere by phone or to "mail him th& Misses' Rose Broches and Eva and everyone is cordially invited Connecticut. Numerous affairs ! economic losses is the construe- ! was the scene of twelve incendi- paign for funds to plant new coupon which appears in the Jew- Lipton..; of .-•• Chicago visited In to attend. Each family is- asked have been given In their honor. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE # tive program of credit aid insti-J a r y attempts by Arab vandals. : 100,000 trees is now in progress In the District Court of Douglat iBh"Press. , . Sioux City this week with friends to bring their supper baskets, and County, Nebraska tuted and supported by the J D | Above is a view of the Avenue throughout the countrv under ? By virtue of an orrier of sale Issued „ The contestants - for the tennis and relatives." Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 C. It was well understood that remain as long as they wish. Sign the auspices, of the Jewish Xa- j nut of thp District Court of Douglaatournament held its preliminary posts from the end of east Broad- of the B'nai Brith held a meet- all campaigns launched for the County, Nebraska, nnri In pursuance of a decree of said Court in an notion Miss Sophie Fish departed this way road will direct the people ing Monday evening at the Eagles distribution of charity among de- inodel organization throughout ; tional Fund of America, sets last unday. at the Riverside therein indexed at Appearance Docthe country. Tennis'Cotirta and the finals -will we6k.for New-York City where to Owen's Fa,rm, where the pic- Hall. A complete report of the classed Jews would be disastrous. ket Number S14. at Page Number IS. However, the latest events in j LEON & W H I T E , Attorneys u e v l Rxecution Docket Number 32. a t be' held this .coming Sunday: with she will visit with friends. nics have ben held previously. The ! recent District convention of the People who had occupied reason-!- " * ' ' ' . " us to re- I 504-10 City National Bank Bldg. ! Pape Number 536. therein I'ose Goldsno Jla Rjidolph! Shlndler directing the entire comunity is urged to at-I B'nai Brth was given by Mr. O. jably secure positions in life, sud-' doublea our ' efforts in this conner is Plaintiff snd Winifred Agne* Miss ;Betty_Braverman of Iowa tend. activities. :\—"-• .„..'• Hochman, delegate from the local denly became beggars, wholly de- u u u u . ? u u l C l l u l « ,u m WU-, N 0 T | C E 0 F , N C O R p O RATION O F j M c G w . et a)., is Defendant. I will KRAUS & TRUSTIN 1st JO o'clock A. M.. on Tuesday the City. and Miss .Ruth Belsky of r T h e hostesses^ t h e dR o'clock lodge. Dr. A. A. Greenberg of pendent on charity. Many would structive work and establish Kas-jI Notice KRAUS & TRUSTIN A. M..msfi. on Tuesday the is hereby given that a cor- 1st '4th- JO .v oJ August, f>t the KaBt local' Chapter a r e a r r a n g i n g dates- Dubuque-visited, with friends in Omaha, who was a guest at the rather starve than receive this sas even in the smallest towns. I poration has been formed under the ; f'"r"1 dnor of the Douglas County Miss Sonia Saks, daughter of trend in i laws of the State of Nebraska. The • >"ourt House In the City of Omaha. for t h e ' Tlaiting, members a n d Sioux City this week. meeting, spoke also. Dr. Green- sort of help. Such degradation That this is the present by t h e es- ! name of the corporation IF "KRAr? Douclas County, Nebraska, sell s t Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks of Counguests f o r t h e dance which will berg is first vice-president of the was not to be permitted. It would Poland can be seen & TRUSTIX " Its principal place of ;f"Ublic suction to the hiehept hldfier r be a highlight of t h e convention. Omsha. Douglas County, i o r fash, the following described Miss Delia izen of AshviUe, cil Bluffs, has chosen Sunday af- Distirct Grand Lodge No. 6 of the have dragged these people to still tablishment of a Kassa soon af- •| business property, to-wit: ternoon, September 6, as the date Nebraska. - T h e Athletic Committee u n d e r North Carolina is visiting in Sioux lower depths of misery and de- ter the pogrpm in the town B'nai Brith. . Seven of Tier marriage to Mr. Harry Mult h e direction of H a r r y ElBbe'rg i s City.with Miss Dorothy Gelson. spair. Small loans could put many nick of Omaha. *outlining a program of sports; The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- artisans back on their feet and Numerous affairs are being art h a t promises'to be of i n t e r e s t and' The Alpha Gamma Epsilon Sorciety will hpld a regular meet- would provide a large number of in. which a n u m b e r ' o f young m e a ority- gave a steak fry a t the Ki- ranged in honor of the bride-to- Ing next "Wednesday evening, Au- pauperized Jews with the necesWho a r e leaders i n their field will wanis Cabin in Stone Park last be. gust 5, at the Synagogue at 61S sary means of earning patticipate. :•••••' -: — : ' ' ' " = ' . ' Saturday evening. Mynster Street. Haskell Lazere : Mr. Samuel M. Rosenthal, 74 2^16 Jackson'Street : . • , -Miss . Dorothy Gelson has ar- years old, passed away' suddenly The Council Bluffs Agudas Sioux City, Iowal.. . "• — - •.rived in'SIoui City from Iowa City of a heart attack early Tuesday to borrow money; to enAchim Socieyt will hold a regular in order to revive Jewish econ-1 ince of Wilno which suffered ; instruments; Douglas Count}. gage in the business of peneral cr.ii',"! can provide -housing. where . she - attended the summer morning at his home at 304 meeting next Thursday evening, j omic life. The J. D. C, together from fire and floods. P o h s h J e w s n o modatlons for - —visiting AJ school at |he ^University of Iowa. Frank Street. He is survived by August 6, at 8:30 o'clock at the with the leaders of the Polish L . ' " ' .fhanty. public works of all kinds: to Omaha's finest Zl' A. members during- the sum-! his widow, 'Dora; one daughter, Eagles Hall. A report of the an- Jews", organized the most import-1 They want constructive aid to se- m t n e DU!!:nPSK o r manuiactui uring Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lazriowich Mrs. Ben Baron of Sioux City, nual picnic, to be held Sunday at ant of Polish Jewish institutions c u r e w o f k . a n d a n opportunity to one of America's mfer tournament, to be held Aug-! ning End buvingr o f a n r a n d earn a living. of apparatus, appliances F, nri ust 16 and 17. ; : ; • . ; • entertained; at a party for young Iowa; and three sons, Roy Ro- ; Owen's Farm, will be given by the ] kinds —the network of Free Loan So- , . American Jewry should under- ! materials used in the construction. Greatest people honoring their niece, Miss senthal of Pipestone, Minnesota; j committee in charge. slmig anr! remodel.nir cleties—Gemiloth Chessed Kas- s t a n d t h i s t r e n d a m o n g t h e p o l . } jrepalnn*. fumlsl f buildings, roads, cemeteries Rosalie.'LAzriq«rlch'.:: ' . ' O sas, which provided loans and an Jews, as t h e leaders of the ! public -works of all kinds; to act n« i n •„-*„ ! , , „ ^ ^ i <•„„ broker, gagent or salesman for others opportunity of repaying these J. •n D/i D. C. "who have worked for Miss ..Rosalie Wasserman of Address the sale of any p.nd B*1 kinds of loans in monthly installments. the establishment and develop- in apparatus, appliances and li d n-.aterirl". Omaha,visited; this week in the 3 tise(i i n t ! l e There are at present 724 Kassas input of thr-sp l - s « a ! nn^prs'-anr i construction, repairinq home of i e r uncle - and < aunt, Mr. in Poland. Last year they grant- ! ment or tnese Kassas, understand •f u r T l i E h ! r , r a n d remodeling of nu-iaand Mrs. A.!\S. ^ ' ings. roads, cemeteries and pul.lic ed loans to more than 150,000 i works of all kinds; to do anything family heads. j The FonteneHe wMS «!waye necessary, proper or convenient foMiss Tillle Tesler of Omaha is offer the most distinguish* or incidental to the carrying out of The kassas, few at the start, : 1 ed Hotel addresB In th« r 'The judges of • the,-Sloux City- aguest:this;week In the.home of the powers or purposes herein menBy MAREK TURKOW 1 began to grow and spread quickmiddlcwest. tioned. Yard and Garten Contest named Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen and Mr. The total authorized capita! stock ly throughout the entire country. Staff Writer of the "MOMENT" of Warsaw, Poland ' the'grounds of the .D. L. • Rodin and Mrs. Nate Cohen. of the corporation shall be 525.HO" "" This Snirsmer Hollywood, Calif., (JTA) divided into 250 shares of the nar i home at 2470 West Solway, as In order to comprehend fully ing party, but rather as a result At present there is no city or Dine end Lunch in lvalue of S100. D O per share. Paul captown lacking a free loan society. i t a I Mrs..Morris passman and Rosa; the winner of second place -in the the life of a nation, or of a speci- of a development that started Congressrnan William Sirovicll Of I stock shall be fnl'.y paid for rnd j This sort of help has proved to Comfort in the gene, Passman spent the week at fic group -within that nation, one many generations back, when ' ii annual contest. " ;••-..-. York announced that Louis ! r p a i d ^ V c I s h . ^ S "or* p™• i> "The 'Rodin outdoor swimming Lake OkoboJI. must go among the masses, take Jews were not permitted to set- be the best method of construcMayfair Cafe . Mayer, head Of the Metro-Goldreal or persona!, tangible or mstudios, had sgreed to |; erty, ; pool is more than 70 feet long, ; part of their dally life, share their tle in villages or buy land. At tive aid for the impoverished. wyn-Mayer ^Sof^pr^o^the } an< B use( J i h f ] Jewish masses of Poland. (Main Lobbj) ] become temporary chairman of aiitai stock shall'be paid for before the Mr. and-Mrs. A. Friedman of joys, their sorrows and see their that time, they were given per' |i * * ' l during t h e hot sumHowever, we must record an- non-sectarian committee to direct;,' Completely I. mer days by the Rodins and their >maha, MJCB. M.•.-' Lipshutz of needs. Such knowledge cannot be mission to settle only in certain localities and to engage in a lim- other fact that occurred simultan-; proposed settlement of 100,000 to ! ness "on1 }'uiy"2R.'7i9Sfi.^a'iid"shnn 'cm-.friends. The refreshing coolness Philadelphia,^ Mr. and Mrs. Joe gained merely by reading. ue AIE-COXDJTIOXED ^ _ a period of fifty years fn..r -' . of 'the pool adds to the charm and/ Lipshutz arid son Morris of PonEspecially Is this true when the ited number of • professions. The eously with the appearance of the'-200,0 00 Jews from European : ' ^ . tiac, Michigan, and Mrs. • Minnie 3,500,000 Jews in Poland are un- first thing that they were told Gemiloth. Chessed Kassas: the • countries, mainly from Germany, j indebtedness' to Wi'&'^tni^orpoi."«i livability to the grounds. Popular Prices J, - I n , keeping, with the large Sherman of Omaha, visited this der consideration. In this case to do was to engage in commerce best creative forces of all shades ' in Cuba. A fund-raising cam- \ tion may at any time subject it>ei' i shall not exceed two-thirds of its cart southern colonial house, • the week in the home or Mr. and Mrs. the above is condltio sine qua in order to develop the country, of party affiliations have been paign is* contemplated. I ital stock. grounds are on a large pattern, Philip Sherman, 1704 Douglas non. By delving into dry statis- using Jewish energy, industry and concentrated around these Kas- ' According to Mr. Sirorich, the j The affairs of this corporation shall EOTEL FONTENELLE. *' adapted to many types of recrea- Street. tical data, one cannot grasp the commercial experience. sas, which are organized into one :uban Cabinet is considering- the j oonsSSfngT'o'f 'no/ wf'th'm ' t w " ' ^ Karl Euemann, Mgr, \> tion.' A, vegetable garden and, profound tragedy, the terrible The claim aow brought forth large central organization. It has ! project. After an interview in , more than five members. EDWARD J. KRAI'S, ' ] tennis c.ourt occupy the southeast •r: Mrs. Iaadore Taxer of Harting- process "of pauperization, the by anti-Semites, that the Jews are become a nation-wide movement! Havana last week with President j HARRY TRCST1X. ,i portion, while a largo outdoor liv- ton, Nebraska accompanied a plight and despair of the Jews in controlling commerce in the cities spreading among all strata of so- • Gomez, the congressman said the > ix rnESKXcri OF: Yes, Indeed! That Donbie"\ ing room la arranged between the troop of Hartingtdn Girl Scouts to Poland. is inconsistent. But truth and ciety. All those-in need of. free | latter was 'enormously interested' ' Your-Money-Back Old Go]d offer J * " swimming pool and the house. : Sioux .City, where, they will enTo all those who come face to logic never trouble the anti- credits can procure them very | in the plan. still holds Good. Good for SO days. G-~ <The Rodin grounds and the roll at the/ Scout Camp O' The face with such destitution, who Semites. readily through tho Kassas. J J• terraced gardens were designed Hills in Stone, Park. Before re- try for a fleeting.moment, to faIf, however, they would resort The organization was very: Beck y ^ f ( ? Intervene *!,' by Newell F . (Juernsey, landscape turning to rHartington, she visit- miliarize themselves with the psy- only to anti-Semitic propaganda quickly lf*lrlv To/>rtPT\i»en nfir n n l v by totr '. *3 recognized, not only b i' architect. chology of people, who were in- and stop at that, the result would the Jevrish population, but also ed with relatives and friends. dependent and well-to-do only a not be so tragic. But the ultimate by the Polish social and governWarsaw — Deputy Emil Som; : Yale > Kroloff returned home short while ago, who never had aim of this agitation is nothing ment circles. The Polish, govern- merstein telegraphed Josef Beck, Monday after spending a week in to seek help from others-^-inde- less than blood. The Jews are ment, impressed by the earnest Foreign Minister, asking him in constantly exposed to terrific op- efforts and magnitude of this behalf of the Jewish Deputies" i Miss- Netiie Krueger,. of Chi- Omaha visiting in the Bloch home scribably misery is revealed. The; economic life of Poland, pression and deprived of all op- work, went so far as to grant sub- Club to intervene and protect ef go, a former Sioux Cityan, .will and attending the J.'C. C. Sumbe married Saturday evening in mer-Camp. Accompanying him chiefly an agrarian country, has portunities of earning a liveli- ventionsn to the Gemiloth Ches- Jewish rights in Danzig which, . sed Kassas, and to exempt them j he said, were threatened by'the Philadelphia, P a , to Jay White- .to Sioiix City was his aunt, Mrs. for centuries been so organized, hood. Dora .Bloch. that the role of the so-called midIn the process of driving out from all taxes. The Cekabe is a j Nazi-controlled Senate. brook of Philadelphia'. ; dle clasa has been transferred to ; .Miss^ Krueger/ a daughter of immigrants. These immigrants Mrfc. Anna Krueger,; 3701 Jackhave enriched the country by eseon a graduate-of Cen.tablishing new branches of the (Continued from page 1) ^ High School here and has national economy, by building learpedly .'and exquisitely placing new cities, by creating national Intb.the hands of German Jews industry, which greatly benefitted and- German Jewish youth- the the government and the majority ! For a good time treasures of. our past and of our of the Poles. : Good food-and- ' present Here are Jeremiah and Over 60% of the Polish pop> Cool Comfort;.--/•• Yehuda Haleyi,;Buber and Agnon, ulation (there are 35,000,000 Leo Baeck and the life .of Joseph- people in the Polish Republic, one us,,, - prbyerbs and tales and le- third of whom Constitute national g.ends- and histories,, an. anthology minorities) are peasants and land ot ••Yemenite song and story, se- owners^ They possess enormous lections from the lite Franz Kaf- tracts of fertile soil. The Jews, ka -, and the living Jewish poets however, constitute the dominatKarl Wolfskehl a n d Ludwig ing element in the cities where Strauss, selections from the Ma'- there is a concentration of trade, offers aseh book, from Talmud and Mid- and especially in the small towns rasli, from, the writings of Her- —the market for rural agrarian mann-, Cbhen arid the Rambam produce. and Bialik; here are Yiddish folk In the chief cities, the" Jewish songs and, the autoblograthy of population constitutes about 30 Salmon Matmon and the' narra- to 40 percent of the general pop. "atid"tive of his intercession with Cali- ulation. The Jewish population of gula of Phllo of Alexandria. some small towns Is as high as 90%. There the Jews constitute Thl» {» Oniilh*'» «marte»t/ ono of the very newest places far a majority, and are the actual . .And; what have we free, "mixed-rlta'' drinks, and dallelous, *ppetiling foiaa. prosperous and nearly five mil- taxpayers. The remaining % , lion strong? What have we in the Poles, hold the majority of comparison? How are we carry- the police, government and local ing'oh? How are we disseminat- offices. Some may think that this is ing our treasures, the contents of Chevrolet's production of tur- the Inspection Iine3 In the Chev- John H. Unger, height 5 feet, that Judaism an a civilization for an abnormal situation. However, HARRY H. PRICE; M which - Mordecal Kaplan has so we must take into consideration rent 'top closed models passed the rolet-Fisher plant at Baltimore. checks the lower parts and the At cry L-.-ri-ctu ^ . r i f , in any Climate, You learnedly plead? What have we the fact that this happened not one-million "mark on May 11. James H. Scott, who is .7 feet 4 j inside. because of the desires exist- Here more bodies are shown inches tall, inspects the top and! Factory-Fresh Old Golds - - See for Yourself.
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Louis and GoodwinRosenthal of Council Bluffs. - Mr. Rosenthal was a native of Russia, and was a resident of Council Bluffs for the past twelve years. Funeral. services, were • held Tuesday afternoon In Omaha. Among those from out-of-town who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baron of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rosenthai of Pipestone; and Mrs. D. E. Geffen ot £>enison.
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