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i'lSffii- WORLD'S^
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This column Is copyright by t h e Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction •: in whole or .Sn part strictly "forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted." '• :, '. Five. Children .and American /.,-..-•; •' ' -Jewry ._. .. .... . ; -On t h e edge of t h e . municipal-' Ity of. Tel. Aviv, where its land Jjprders.on the. land of the municipality of Jaffa, there 1B a Talmud Torah, a, school for Jewish children. On July 23rd, when the children, during t h e noon recess, were ' having their luncheon out In the open, Arabs threw a bomb among them. Five... children, two aged eight, two aged nine, one aged eleven, were very seriously Injured. A Jewish and a British policeman were 'not far from the scene. But an Arab, mob prevented them from pursuing t h e criminals, and tore an Arab whom he had captured from the grasp of the British policeman. Our people are In a state of indescriable excitement and Indignation. . Their extraordinarily high, nay their in" comparably high civic virtue by • all Christian standards is illustrated by-the fact that the circa 130,000'people of Tel Aviv have been satisfied,- with the weapons of the spirit- -No Arabs have been hanged. ' • ~" \.
Enter«<J ea Second C l u i Mall Matter oa January n, 1»31. at Postoflle* of OmabB. N«bra»ka. unfler the Act of Murch S. It?*
V s
Palestine W
Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenLondon ' (JTA) — Diplomatic cy) — Urged by the Jewish Agencircles expressed interest in Sir 7 Austen Chamberlain's disclosure Leading Jew-Baiter B o l d l y cy for Palestine to launch a proTwists' the Truth in in the House of Commons that he gram of road construction to prohad insisted in 1922 that the Pal- '• • , - • Tirade mote greater security for the Jewestine mandate be given to the natton- United States. T . 1 /wr»-^, . I ish conncunity, the GorerciaeEt London Los Angeles (WNS) — Amer-! b a s a r e e d wide unite/* J-°*,«>"* •;..-: move^£SS1C3S According to Sir Austen, who at will have pogroms in the near jj S *o the immeuiate «&?• /<taX of i n - the time was the elected leader ica ment Of' . befuture, and "pogrom means simp-1 building of cirect :» i, £ Begin Geneva (WNS); — What is ex' ,a anti-Semitic of the Unionist party, the then ly 'open season on Jews,' " Will- tween important Jewish centers ected to be the most historic in;.<i agitation in' Prime Minister, Darid Lloyd iam Dudley Pelley, leader of the The City Talmud Torah will in Palestine. Three main arteries ernatlonal Jewish asembly since is now. being' br- eorge, had opposed his suggessilver-shirted Christion Party told reopen its Tegular sessions on Dr. Theodor Herzl/convened the will be built by the Government tion. • 600 members*of the GermanMoBday, August 17. irst World Zionist Congress . in \ . , anti-Fascist 3ur ot i organization " I suggested and pressed upon American Folk vdion at a meet- linking Jewish urban and rural j All pupils are RSked *o -re- chosen, t he Cor uu Basle.39 years ago, will open here wili*iiave sufficient funds to un- Mr. Lloyd George," Sir Austen ing here in the course of a speech districts in a direct lice. These turn to their respective classes. I which in thf> v-'ovds n the meeting hall of the Assem- dertake political and propaganda declared, "that Palestine be eh Finnan. E« ly of the League of Nations on measures to counteract the efforts ed to. America. I thought that ia which he traced the "schemes" ! Trill aroid Arab sections of the "Judaize the world" 1 country where many ettacfcs upon "Is o'Cer ing onp o he evening of August 8th, when of the Fascist groups.Palestine would be likely to at- before 194 0. Expressing bis full | forums iil many ves Dr.: Stephen g, -vyjse, president of T 17 Jews have occurred during the tract America, but Mr. Lloyd sympathy with the Nazi move| opened. he 'American Jewish Congress « J . George disagreed." present disturbances. ment in Germany and eulogizing j j IS, when and chairman p^f the Committee. >r Ge •aid : Replying Mr. Lloyd George ad- the anti-Semitic sentiments of | A direct route will be opened ]spe&ks on of Jewish" Delegations, declares cfcei funiti mitted that the question of the Hitler, whom he declared to have | of the northern road \ Senator > he sessions of the first World WO!!. United States taking colonies had been chosen by God as the saviour from Tel Mond to Hedera, conewtsh Congress officially opened. hi been discussed before the assign- of the German people, Pelley an- necting the Northern Sh'aron and Dr. Wise, who fias been the moving of mandates by the League nounced to his listeners that he Emek Hefer with th-e ail-Jewish ng spirit behind the Congress, d' j Sherwood of Nations. ' ' . jtoo had been divinely chosen to clty( of Tel Avir and Haifa • in the s h will be. the first Speaker, addres| s resident oi North. The appropriation for this iSia find n pr Transference of the B«j;i _ j save a "great nation — America— Imagine a town in Mississippi J- Friedman, president os- ! student o£ work has been increased from mandate over Taganyika to Ger- from the Jews. 'ternational in which American Negroes, far ng the delegates on the alms and the 1300,000 to $500,000.. The secOmaha Kebrev club, has an-jv,-jil be rrl speaker c 'higher and more civilized men purposes of the Congress. It is New York (WNS) — The sum many was vigorously opposed by Among the details he cited of ond road projected will lead from corniced the committees sndiuaSTi3. than Palestinian Arabs, had de- planned to broadcast a number, of of $300,000 was contributed by Sir Austen during a formal deCddv is wide! plot" to capture liberately wounded five white sessions on an international radio the Joint Distribution Committee bate yesterday on foreign affairs, America, which he declared was Ginegar to Nahalal, diverting! chairmen for the ensuing- term.! e l e c l p n d ,1IF fiuthor of ' . ' north and south-bound traffic j They-are: i books on be children. But the imagination hook-up. during 1935 for the rehabilita- on the ground that Germany's Membership committee: I. J. I East and Delegates from 2 countries and tion of German Jewry, thus bring- treatment of the Jews showed she hatched in 1909, was the bring- through Jewish areas and thus] falters in the first place, and, in ing about of the world war^which, avoiding Nazareth. The third j Soskin, chairman, Goodman Mey- j on Weclne? the. second place, the thing is. of observors from a dozen more are ing the total of the Committee's was unsnited for the task. he said, "was cut and dried by already here. The Congress is mglpi; of the fir course unthinkable. What I am Sir Austen declared, that he this group before it ever started. highway will stretch from AJuleh erson, Meyer Berccrici. Sam ! Professor TPW expenditures in behalf of the emphasizing is the fact that we expected to last about. 10 days, Jews in Germany to $1,000,000 would not "take the responsibil- It' was their scheme for the Gen- to shutta, concectiBg the Ain Ha- Bloom, John Feldman, Louie Kor- | partroent of of EronomirK of flu" are building the first truly hu- during vwhlch time ad- since 1933, Joseph C. Hyman, ex- ity' for handing- over a territory to tiles to kill off each other." He irod district with the Haifa-high-j gan, Joe Tretiak, Morris Potash, j r-niverFi of Chicago wi1! ppcBli o n a E n b J e iot as j"et. to be chosen. mane and civilized and — Irony dressed by s u c i - personalities a s ecutive director, declares ' in the a Government which is refusing further explained that the ap- I way which were linked previously Sam Feldman. Intellectual Advancement: Na- i Professor UoiiFlag hfif- for many of-Ironies-— "Christian" commun- Emii Ludwlg, Lion Feuchtwanger, Committee's annual report, the nationality to a section of its own pointment of Louis Brandeis to j only by railway. Jewish labor will than S. Yaffe, chairman, Se.m F. j3-eprs been ac ive in the fipht foi ity in the world, and, secondly, Simon Dubnow,' Max Brod, Sho- first section of which has just people." • be emploj-ed on these projects. the Supreme Court bench was the Klaver, Irvin Levin, Kyman- S. ! ; o c i a ! s e c u r i t , legislation and Tn»that to call these Arab murderers .em Asch, Nahum Goldmann, been made public. The report price Woodrow Wilson had to pay Shrier, Marks Lorig, J.Iax From- | recsTinv published p. hook on-fl'^; and incendiaries and thieves-"rev- Men'ahem M. Ussiahkin and Louis cited unification of German Jewry for 'indiscretions' committed with kiE . ". . olutlonaries" or "nationalists" or Lip'sky. • . •ecentlv returned , I subject. ie in the Reich" Representation :af a Jewish woman; that Harding anything else of t h e kind Is to in o,, Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chair- Jews of Germany and • its operatv , P Committee on Visiting the Sick: j I r o m B t was.made President by the Jews suit the intelligence of a moron man of the executive committee of ing agency, the Central CommitSs.m Bloom, chairman, Louie Mot- m R d e in order to facilitate their lootgan, Abram Klchard, Sam Altshu1 the World Jewish Congress, in- tee for Relief and Reconstruction, ing of the Treasury; that Hoov| ler. Sam Feldman. _ So far I have seen no record formed the WNS correspondent through which the'JDC's aid proer's Jewish backers made him 1 : ti-, Representatives to Jewish of this incident in the American that the prograia of the; Congress gram was carried-out; . \ V "i bring about the depression in orC o v , r e i S Highland Country Club fere Federation Board of Gover- • ' press. The New York Times of will follow. the definlnte schedule 'V. £O Jewish, emigration from Gerder to give them an opportunity Golf tournament got under way nors:- Max Fromkin, Sam Klaver. 1 *\ilJ Sunday, which must have received of plenary sessions and committee many in 1935 was 16,525; accord- crease emigration of Jews — to put ii VEma Irvin Levin7 ' | ' the cablegram, was silent. If meetings. - It is contemplated to ing to the report, while 65,144 with United States taking second that the present administration is Wednesday afternoon with the Talmud Torah Representative: l B p e a k *Araba had been hanged t h e . pa- have not more than one plenary emigrants were helped by agen- place only to Palestine as the des- "Red, Jewish and Communistic.' 1 auctioning of--the-members who & BOCial V O 1 F? Joe Tretiak. qualified for the championship session a day, probably In the evepers would have been in a-state cies subventioned by the JDC dur- tination —• is shown in the offic- He charged the President, whom flight in this enual e-vent. Rich- - Bndget - Committee: Ej-man S. live ir of frenzy. The dice are loaded nings, so as to give sufficient time ing 1933-35. During 1935,3,982 ial report ot the Bavarian Idinis- he called ."Frankly Destructive Darnel against us. •" We 'have to play the to the numerous committees and persons were helped to emigrate try t of Interior for , the recently- Roosevelt," with having "put a ard Hiller, last j-ear'g champion, ShTier,- c h a i r m a n , Schwartz, Ben Levin, John- Feid- | The was- sold for the highest bid. game of life with loaded dice. . sub-committees to work out con- to Palestine;- 9,998 persons were ended financial year. 1 be cho crew of Jewish auditors to work : Nest to- Miller, Abe Brodkey man, Mark Polonek;-, Sol-Kosen" V e r y well. We know it, -and crete, plans for submission to the aided, those of' foreign birth' t o While in 1931 and 1932 only I In the basement of the treasury ! The ,urc-T Julian Milder, brought 1c th'e berg.-. • , we shall nevertheless go on Iplay* plenary ; sessions.._;",I^; sincerely leave .Germany.. for. their . .native certificates for currency esport ( j lected osi i oT t h i r i o u n ,and h e ^ ^ oT .M, -s, h, e s ,t ,-,Ing:,the.ganap. , But aow-comes-a. trus.t,*? ;Dr. -©bldmann said; "that lands', and native Gerciang ' t o were Issued to Jews, in 1833 they.]*^ ••Appointees: "Albert KapUic, inbids declared that truthful 1 '•. r e p u t a t i o n ' .•• ... - friend -pf ';'raon,v»;yery fine, ;high-: the-:»ewspaper corresBon,d.ent3jWill move f rent oiie"-German ; city . t o p 'pairings-are: ' si8« ^riigrtJ. ' iring- a total of i Ebility. E a d minded, sensitive; as.-,well a s an not in their -anxIetyT'Ipr "sensalion- another arid .2,544 were- helped 9,100,00'6 marks, disHyman Ferer, j Judiciary Committee; Joe Trel^ ~ £ Kickejj CSUBfi Ot il<i 1; extraordinarily . a b l e man,: §nd a t Tepor.ts. quote sentences culled t o ' emigrate' • to • European and closes. In 1934, the same num- the^Associated^re^because, ^ j ^ f Krupia-jiak, cfetirnifiE, Mancel Black, A. j might harr -says, as he has said- before: ;'I from.speeches that when reh)bve|d oteraeas countries. - Of these 927 ber of certificates were Issued to Richards. : ! The mcir.l cent "of its. New York personnel agree with you .that it.'is" Jusfjttoo from the context, convey an er- went; to.-, European countries'-'ahd Jews . f o r a -total-of. 9,700,000 is Jewish. . Whether Roosevelt or cky, 5 a m Yousein vs. 'Julian RJil! in chf!.rgp oi! t^c p™PI bad that many of. the ablest'Jews roneous impression. The World 1,617. -to North andiSouth Amer- marks., in 1935, 600 certificates der, Marvin Treller vs. Ed i the Forum in America are Jewlshly inactive Jewish' Congress is primarily a ica'and South Africa. .The report were issued for a total,of11,900, L,ahdon is elected in November, Dr. M. Greenberg vs. Floyd he saidj makes no difference, as ! c?ifdrin8.n, Wi consultative body attempting to But you can't expect' Mr. So^ and shock, • Harlan Milder -vs. Harold points out that rigid- immigration 000 marks. Jews' are backing both: Marer, Frarit So and Dr. ThuB-and-Thus to a t submit to duly-accredited repre- 'curbs in countries - of fering "the Farber, Louis Killer v s . Richard Issue of the certificates was' Pronouncing himself the savior. Hiller. LiVt Q 1 D. Brodkej", div tend Zionist Conventions or to in- sentatives of the Jewish, people best; propects for permanent set- made - contingent on . exporting : terest themselves in these matters its findings and suggestions oh tlement were the chief- obstacles German products, thereby benefit- of America in this emergency, • H&rry Mslsshock w a s t h e winPelley' declared that the crisis A I) Trpil. V unless you go to them and ask important problems, ..confronting to large-scale emigration. r Hi F t J ing domestic' industry. .The ma- would come in a few months and' ner of t h e second flight. their advice~:and thus gradually the Jews. The Congress does not The report also showed 'that 72 jority of the Jewish emigrants, would find his Silver Shirts ready Gei claim to have , a, -cut-and^dried involve them emotionally." from to "take over the leadership of the j per cent of the men and SO per especially in 1933, came ready-made' solution for these al Leaders T e l l i Harold I don't understand.- There is Nuremberg and other Franeonian cent of the women undergoing vonation and put an end to "Jewshrer Anti-Sexaitism this. Geserath Ashkenaz, this Ger- problems." : The Congress will de- cational retraining ' in Germany districts. In 1035, however, an ish conrtol." vote a special session to a discusman persecution- and the Polish increase was noted in .emigration Is are studying agriculture, while in ! White, rnc 1\ v< and the Roumanian, and these are sion and consideration of the pre- retraining centers outside of Ger- from.Munich and Upper Bavaria. A r e p o r t of this speech w a s but the eternal returns of the ty- sent stidation in Palestine.: Pal- many the figures were .84 per ' . T h e largest number of the emiBerlin (JTA) — in a vigorous! pical situation "of the disperaion estine Jewry, will be represented cent for men and 55 per cent for grants, in their certificates, in- read a t a • meeting of" t h e Hollyand sharply-worded memorial, ten j 1 Nazism, PlTmouth, Mass. (WNS)- —|prominent leaders of the CongresAnd now there are these five chil- by.': 10 prominent leaders: M.-'M. women. At the beginning of 1935, dicated "Palestine as their destin- wood League against which w a s "addressed by 7<lddie Ussishkln, Dr..; Ben Zion • Mossindren" in the only, place on "earth From this old sional, or opposition movement o£ 4,005 persons were receiving re- ation, ' with the United tates sect(jwn H 10 where i we have a solid • and well- sohm, Isaac Griienbaum, Rabbi training in various centers'in Ger- ond, and France, England^ Italy Cantor • a n d Prince a n d Princess where t h e : Fathers landed the German Church, nge zu Lowenstein. Cantor, w h o told Meyter'Berlin, . Joseph Sprinzak, founded hope; of lending some day many, Denmark, France, Italy, and South : Africa and South of being forced to h i r e ' s body- in 1620 has come a call for a UEI- have condemned the tendency to ending this recurrent tragedy typ- Zalman •Rubashov,,- Berl Locker, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Luxem- America in order. guard because of anti-Semitic ted movement of American and |a e :fy Keichsfuehrer Hitler and st-! A. Elmalen, M. Shapira and Chief ical of the dispersion, of bring British. CongregationaljstB to fight tacked ecforced hatred ot the j The report adds that in conbourg, Poland, Czechoslovakia t h i s ' monstrous pendulum of the Rabbi B. C/'Uzlel, Sephardic lea- and Memei, while during the formity with the law ow July 14, threats against him, spoke also organized threats to-political, .civil 'Jew-as-aiiti-Christian. j Detroit. Of t h e banning "of his" films by . "/ •"-..; Galuth;to a halt. A i d my friend der. ie Black and religious liberty. '• The'4,000-wof'd memorial, ad-1 1933, for revocation of naturalyear 2,135 either completed their the Nazis. Prince a n d Princess says that his friends must be perIn a letter seat by the minister, j dressed to "Hitler' himself, strikes Even before the opening of the courses or were enabled to emi- zations, more than 300 Eastern Lowenstein, exiles from Nazi Ger'auaded and interested and • emo- Congress" the Nazi press has start- grate. On December 31, 19351 Jews an& "other social persons" Commrrr any, told of restrictions against clerk and members, of. the "Church j e t the complete Nazi philosophy tionailyVlnvolved/ I wish I could ed' to distort • its purposes. Der 4,768 were under training, 3,637 lost their naturalization certifi- personal liberties in Germany t o - of the Pilgrimage, descendant of. \ &TL& -teachings. - After outlining lj gross, understand all this, Perhaps these Stuermer,' Streicher's anti-Semitic in Germany and 1,131 outside of cates. dav and of the warlike tactics of jthe " " • f i r s t P r o t e s t a B t church - in jjthe danger ot de-Christi&niZation j gentlemen • live in" new-proof ivory paper, has declared that U. S. the Reich. t; i • ' ; . • ' ChanceUor HitteT K e meeting America, to the' Plymouth End j t i e deBtrnction of the eccleslastltowers' and read only publication" Senator,' William E. Borah wijl pn V. . ? " f •a _;? .._..._ to * _ „ „ . .i-,I District Congregational Council in ! cal' system and "<5e-confes$ions,U- '• suppHe. During 1935, 20,000 Jewish dispatched resolution strictly guaranteed to . have n< head a.delegation of 78 members p. h. u d that sing/'-lhe clergymen have this to ! cheese cam ; children between 6'and 14, twice Jewish news. My : one small" per of the U. S. Congress to the Genhas certsinly come lor say. on the National Socialist view''during wb ^ l " t h e time h al Cummings, Governor spnal-'contemptible comfort • wai eva-gathering. -This report is ap- the 1934- ntimber,-'were cared for a searching and earnest rededica- of life: t h a t . I saw the "headlines in' my parently based on the greetings in special Jewish .schools at a cost of• California and District. AttorUhe-t "When VIOT" for Yiddish paper "An Araber. boinb<~ which these members of Congress of 374,000 marks, out of a, total and honor r r r Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) on them to investigate un-Amereducational expenditure of 543,fait olf Taljud,Torah; flnf klnde extended -some -time age to the jgave their all.--Political, academic rank of :Q I •" 1 —The.all-Jewish port at Tel Aviv farvundei;.— fairly early in thi World-Jewish. Congress through 6S0 marks. Adult education cour- achieved a status of equality with ican activities such as Pelley's. [and religious freedom,, wkicfa- we ete'rnily, ibc ses, .training-adult instructors and day, so: that I could hope to com the'American, branch. the Haifa and Jaffa harbors when pose- myself- by;n|ght and sleep. '--"'"The'-.'official numbers of dele- publication of text books cost 39,-r the Palestine government informsuffered new assaults ERG fresh \ manfinserit i n1 ; ; I do not r understand these 'gen gates from each participating 487 marks. The number. of free ed the Jewish- Agency for Pales- speech before 450 people in Ger- •defeats throughout, the .civilized tion. . F t p 1 r 8 tlemen-of whom-my. friend speaks country are _as -.-follows: United and cooperative loan banks for tine that Tel Aviv had been incluC f bei'Eg is g'o~ ' Jewish economic assistance inSomebody is very queer; is it the States, 75; Poland, ., 60; Great *• r ded among the.ports permitted to bears •witce'-'" > or I?" To' leave";aside' the •name; Britain,--16;;: France, 10; Pales- creased from 45 t o ' 60 in 1935 handle the export of citrus fruit. all men. "U Lc of Jthe gentlemen i n y ' friend1" i tine,- 10; Roumanla, ;30;"-.Canada, These.banks have a total capital Millions of cases of such fruit thinking of-, and ;. mention . .th 4;, Switzerland,: 3 ; Austria, 8; of 1,200,000 marks. The various have been shipped annually from names of colleagues of min South Africa, • 4; Argentina, 4; agencies of the Central. Commit- the ports-of Haifa and Jaffa. whom I'feel free to mention. —- Belgium, 4; Yugoslavia^; Lith- tee gave • &,id t o 62,000 Jewish Is .It I, who am queer and mad, o uania, 5; CzechqBlov.akia; 8; Iita- families, or 45 per cent of the to- . Ships are now proceeding diinjunction to love neigt is- it Waldo'Frank, and Elmer.Ric iy, 4; Greece, ; 4;.Spain, 1; Dan- tal Jewish population, in 19.35, rectly to Tel Aviv, receiving free of the spirit." still stands for 1 r>Dosec to and, Louis Untermeyer and Irwli zig; 1; Cnile.l; Uruguay, 1; E"stb^ 75,000 Jews were cared for by the license - to, dock there.iustead of America we," on behalf-of the peoit. Edman and Irving Fineman?'A onia, l ; i Finland, 1; Tunis, 3; Al- special Jewish winter relief "fund. stopping a t . Jaffa as previously. ple assembled here this night in . "The naernbers t 1 Activity, at the-Tel Aviv jetty has all .events,: I' am the" only-Amerl geria, A;.-: Brazil, v 2; Bugaria,/ 2;; the Wilshire-Ebell, Theatre, Los Tel Aviv, ffepiialforV.N lical cosazcuc been-constantly increasing. One can -Jewish man of-letters who":! Morocco, 4; Portugal, 1. Norway, Death Threat AngeleS, California, demand an C©2fefi®lLS DiseESSS j to an especially severe conflict in j day last week three ships loaded an active Zionist. 7"Which via ;'ni Swedtn, /Denmark,-; Mexico, Hun'-' immediate and. sweeping investiP. fil i ns Tel Aviv {WNS-Palcor Agency) their ccnacienee when, in coinpli-J 1 their cargoes off Tel Aviv, keepv credit to me,; but an appallin gary and •Australia ar^ among .the gation of these criciiEally subver- —The Palcor-News Agency • has ance with thefr duty as parents, j the sh ion Londph ->-• Setoland Yard was ing nine lighters and two tenders commentary on the. state •— botl countries-- that • have sent obserinvestigating '. t h i s , week t h e busy at the new Jewish port. ; sive tactics -which incite to riot, learned that the Government will 1 they, have :to combat the pene£ra-[6hc t h e . ethical ••. arid- the intellectual vers. ' •• '.;.':-""-; '•'';'.-• murder "and crime. Sworn evi- soon open a hospital - for conta- jtion of these antl-Clsrlstian- ideals j fi«; ••••-, sourcge of a blopd-smeared death state of American Jewry. dence .'at these "charges is iseins gioas diseases in tbe vicinity of ;Sn their children's .minds." ' threat sent id.. Phliieas Horowitz, j Civ forwarded to you." . Talmud .Torah' Picnic editor-of Wo'rld • Jewry, chairman Tel Aviv," on the road to Petsch J The memorial concludes . t h a t : bee of -tiiei Anglo-Palestine Club and -. ; Pksssd ; for August • 16 The Job of the immediate fu TMCANIM TO CONDUCT Tikvah. Tel Aviv's mounting'pop-j "what we bare eaid to the Fuels.-1 or honorary' secretary, of the. British. 'ture,r"a't..ell events, is the jqb. o. illation- of 1EO;COG Jews has h a d j r e r in-this memorandum we had j However tbe plans for e. dinner Ds Hhssh The annual Talmud TsJrah picto rely on'the'GoTernni'eEt^Hospi-jte say under the respoissibilitr ot j <tftr>€e and open, howssp remain. s»? civilizing- American Jewry: .the in- - -Jerusalem (ySTNS-Palcor Agen- Non-Sectarian Antl-Nazl League. nic will be held at Krug park tellectual and social; fugitives ant cy) f—^TJae Palestine Philharmon* ;.'•••' It was the first Nazis threaten- Sunday, August 16, at 1 o'clock. .Bucharest. — The Jewish ad- tal in the Arab city of.Jaf.ta hith-' our office." It- is signed. Mtlter, I formerly, the only change in Satbeing in re~ snobs,;%h<s feeble,-rationalizers o ic Orchestra will-begin its first ing'letter on record to be sent in All Talmud Torah children and ministration of i,"he Baron de erto. • I Albert?., Borm, Forck. Fricke. Ae- I urday's fpstivities ' s&rd to the style shovr. Bobbie their,own defect and ,disloyalties season", this year under the batop imunity .was ju-imussen, Luckicg, Middendorfl "Hirsch. Fund" -in Czersowitz, Besj The co their friends are invited to ati Eow-inRT- RP.d hie orcbeetrri, forthe ; climbers. — . in'- brief, ' t h e ' so of Arturo". Toscanini, it is antend. '."-•''; • sarabia, has been dismissed v i t a - j bilant as t h e last' of the three de- [Niemoller and Ton Thadfien. :jnesi:' o£ the Fonienelle vill furcalled upper crust which is,-eth- nounced here. -' . : Elan:-.Is Issce-' "'--- .• . • .; " Games have been planned and ont warning by the local author-j jnsnds submitted .by the Jewish' i clsh Ibe rr.usie. • GuesU- Eiay be ically and intellectually, not up itles and replaced. by - non-Jews j Agency- for t h e estensios o" the Berlin — Special tesegrs, Lakewood, N. J. —--,-,The • Ku refreshments will be served. Among,, the other conductors ! invited by members. per at all, though it is so will be Issay. Dobrowen, formerly Kluz Klan, once a major political •who were eiapovrereti to sdmicis-j Tel Aviv port-was granted b y the id telephonic privelcges ace own conceit and in the eyes<vo of. San- Francisco, and Hans W. power in South Jersey and a ter- . .Mrs. K. .Tatle,.president of the ter the' Fund ia behalf o£ the gov- authorities, pcrmittiug tbe estab-jec to s.11 soldiers, whe lost their j : th-e ! EdiBburgrh — Dr. Mas. Borne, lishme&t of 'bonded warehouses, on jj eight and bearing the world. A coil of error !an< Steinberg, former director of the ror "lo the Jews here, is again a Deborah society, requests that all ernment. . ,' • political issue aa a result of the members be present at the Talraise argument binds these peopl opera in Frankfurt, Germany. The Baron de Hirseh.'Fund the. grounds of the . Levant j "World War- hs.v& been denies to jtiistinfc'uSshed Jewish, philosopher {who T.-'asftBSteclfrom post in <*er» The season's program will'con- nomination of former Judge Har- mud Torah picnic August 16. Mrs. j owns large stretches of land ' in j Free p'ratique at the Jewish port j Jewish veterans, in impalable chains. And tiles heeE appointed to the errors and arguments are all- o sist of 26 concerts, of which 10 ry E. Newman," one-time Klan he University of Edina strictly worldly sort, and if th will be given in Tel Aviv, 8 in leader, for the Ocean County board of ireoholders. Jerusalem and 8 in Haifa. • (Continued -on .Page 8) popul&tio'ii. contr
Geneva Scene of What United Anti-Fascist May.Be Historic Front Conclave
300,000 SPENT BYJ.D.C. GE11AN J
Players Put on
in fe
Tel Aviv Port Gains Wider Recognition
The woman replied: "NOBODY tors walked into my room, lifted ing and selling home-made noodle ' know what's going on, though, ing at the floor, the ceiling, the TOLD ME. They talked to me of my coTers, "looked at the opera- soup — for one guy, Cantor. My and they're just waiting for us walls or out the-window all the time. life insurance, but nobody told tion and remarked: "Sweet.job." friends suddenly forgot there were to show them the way out. jme that if I would save $5.00 a After an exchange of greetings A few minutes later four or five such things as flowers, candy, "The -Chief is certainly the one j week, .I ..would have an income •• internes entered, lifted the covers, and books. to do the job," I led him on. "But McDonald told me: "Roy's head'now. Oh why didn't some one took a look and said "Sweet job." Day by day I was getting how can we keep abreast of ev- ing the strong-arm squad now." 'tell me!" The hospital superintendent's bro- jstronger. Soon I got up, walked erything the Jews are doing to "Yeah, and I've got 'em going good, too," Zachary put in. "Say, ther, who was on his way to visit j around, arid felt; it was time to hinder us?" they do the an Diego exposition, stopped " leave the hospital, But — . .. You "Hell, that's easy. Look here." i off to see my operation. He not let you • leave until you've i know the mass meeting that Com- By t h e Service Life XastLrasce! CfcorcfciJI Warns England McDonald pulled the latest . Company, Omaha j _ , thought it was a sweet job. In six passed the Strength Test. The munist outfit, the League against hours I counted over eighty peo- hospital Bends up the cashier with copy of the Jewish Transcript War and Fascism, is., going to Warsaw us (WNS) — A serious ple Who though that Dr. V. hadyour bill, they let you read it, and from his desk .drawer. "These hold at Broadway High in the blow to Jewish immigration from A True Storr Jew papers are the best thing in done a sweet job. It wasn't un- if you don't collaspe you're strong Poland to Palestine was administhe world for us. They prove ev- twenty-second. Well, how's about ! One night, not many years ago, tered by the Polish government til later that I discovered that Dr. enough to leave. me calling a thousand Silver a life insurance man returned to . . . ery single statement, we make. V. was downstairs selling tickets! . My chauffeur came and got me. Shirts together and turning it his office to work several hours. , w h e E U 1S9 , ued o r d e r s P'ohlb.lting I wasn't allowed to receive vis- We were'riding1 merrily along, and Look at this." from taking more than He pointed to Robert McDon- into a riot? I know the boy' B n! H e became interested in his task ! emigrants The nation's leading comedian before she'd even talk to me. itors, but my friends didn't for- just a stone's throw • from • my 2 0 0 zlotys l $ 4 ( n wfth thetn here tells In hos ovpn- lmltable There was one poor fellow sitting j get me. Mrs. Paul Muni, a friend house I suddenly felt dizzy. ald's article on the Christian be glad to break a few of those I and it was midnight before h e ' Only by special permit can emdirty Jew heads." ., !left. ^ style the story of bis. operation there for I don't know how long. of the family, figured that some Everything went black and I fell Party. igrents export larger sums. "Good boy, Roy!" McDonald By.that time, the force of cleanand recovery. Yoa'll enjoy this All I can tell you is that when home-made noodle soup would, do into a dead faint. "You can see. how the dirty as much <is a Cantor perform- he-first entered the office he" was me good, so she sent some up. It The chauffeur wheeled around, - - - are scared of us. All youreturned. "That's just what we ing women was oa hand, and as Patronize Our Advertisers now. The boys are spoiling'.theb v agent hurried down the Quiet a 'child with the mumps. — and ance on the stage or screen. We was good. The next day Mrs. Joe stepped on the. gas, and tore have to do to make one of 'emneed for action and we've got to give j l ° be saw one of the cleaning present this sketch ] by^ courtesy when he reached the doctor he E. Brown got to thinking that through Hollywood traffic back quiver is mention the Party. You of "Walter Wlnchell, famous col- had to be treated for hardening maybe Eddie would like some in the direction of the hospital. know, ' all Jews are cowards. it to 'em. And it'll show the pub-J women on her hands and knees, hr brushes and rags and bucketj •, \umnist, for whom Eddie Cantor of the arteries. Fasten Mitchell Co. home-made noodle soup. She sent On the way he collected two mo-There isn't one of 'em that'd fight j lie what the hell the score is, beside her, weeping. I •wrote it. — T H E EDITOR She said it was absolutely nec- up a bowl.. ' torcycle policemen who, with si- if he had to. Of course some ofjtoo.'" Foundries Hurrying to her, he asked if \ Ca essary for her to get a complete Mrs. Al JoUon heard that I like rens screaming, blazed the trail them'll fight once in a while, but! " «i y°« muster a thousand | there were anything he might do. ' 27th and Martha HA. B523 only when the odds are with them Silver Shirts in Seattle?" I put in. jHe was sympathetic and kind and The flood lights were on — the history, but the auestions she noodle soup, so she sent Up quite to the door. C a nw e 7 B Brass. Bronze Aluminum, Soft asked pertained not only to hisa large pot, and although I was °y> I'll say we | ready to listen, and so the oid I was rushed into the emer- or when there's about sir to one." c a n" .spectators were already seated "Well, you know there's one; -" Zachary answered. "Ofj cleaning woman told him the Grey iron and Semi-Steel Cast.the principals- began to file in tory but to geography, spelling full of Mrs. Brown's noodle soup, gency room, where the doctor ings. Wood and Metal Patterns once 'again, a and this thing about these times," we'll have,, to bringg a few' slowly— and as the star waa us-and mathematics. Here I was dy- I figured what kind of a guy opened me onceagain, d this! times, I ofo f ii course u I to get anwould I be to turn down Ruby time discovered 3,485 miles of un- j fered. "All of the people are iin-;°f them in from Centralia. Brem-j story of her life. Standard sizes Bronze a n a Iran hered in, instead of the usual ing, and she was trying ; , . She had started to work early, . . ' •_. '- Keeler's as long as Ruby had gone digested home-made noodles. Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern . the . .fence erton. Tacoma ... • and . Spokane, _ . blare of music, and din of the education. j ing up on one side of but h e r f o l k s h a d n . t b e l i e v e d much Rings ana Covers. C4eanout Doon to the trouble of makingit. So I finally managed to sneak crowd, there was a ghostly BiI'm "pretty weak now and the | or the other. Right now we're we'll have 'em here all right— i n e d u c a t i o n _ h e r f i r s t , . o r k w a s Sash Weights a n d Yellow Brast PlumBers' Ferrules, carried In lenee.^ This Hollywood Opening past her into the doctor's private I drank hers, too. doctors have decided upon a getting to know where every one Say, you'll have to get youself a.j a t u n ( U e g i r , _ t h e n a c l e r k _ ; stock. Bronze Tablets, Bronte «no , differed from all others inasmuch office. I told him what my trouble Overnight this boodle soup bus- transfusion^ Cast Iron Grilles * Specialty. stands." silver, shirt too. I want all t b e j t h e n a n a s i B t a n t buyer; this place! \ aB there, was no picture to be was, and he proceeded to give me iness became an epidemic.' Little There's only one trouble. They "You bet we are," he replied fellows to have 'em. You know.| s h e h e M f o r t w e c t y y e a r s . T h e n Bhown — except the X-ray they a thorough physical examination. stores began to spring up around can't find a donor who can match enthusiastically. "There's a lot of I'll bet over five thousand of! a new department store crowded took of me two days before. He led me from one room to an-the hospital — they were all mak- my typs of noodle soup! •' people that've been afraid to these silver-gray shirts have been jh e r employer out of"business, and other, putting me fhraugh every But let me start from the beshow themselves one .wayor the sold in Seattle in the last week! a t h e r a g e t h e b e s t s h e c o u l d d o For Picnics and All OccaFor some, time I hadknown scientific test. I was Xjwas to secure work as a clerk. other, but we're getting em over lor so." sions Serve Forbes' New ben complaining of severe aches rayed, fluoroscoped,. ophthalmosto., our side' now." I After expressing proper awe at j Her health broke down and for York Pumpernickel , between my breakfast and lunch. coped, hydrated, dehydrated, all "How do you do that?" 11 this news I explained that I had j a year she rested and doctored— I looked over my. list of personal but .cremated. BREAD asked. ' to leave, bade them goodbye and; and spent all her money — and 'Physiclons, and, using the eenieNo sooner was I settled comforMcDonald winked. "Oh, we j departed.. As I left I got the idea j when she came back to work, she 1 Sliced thin for your meenie-minle-mo system, jA -went tably in a hospital bed than a just apply the heat to them a lit- of going to all the department was assigned to the stuffy barConvenience to a reliable surgeon. bunch of photographers rushed tie. That brings them out right j stores and haberdashers in Seat- gain basement. She couldn't Have you ever tried to get into in and wanted to take my picture. I away. • There was one fellow I had j tie, and inquiring regarding the stand this, so she tried to get the White House to have a little I begged them to wait until the a little trouble with just the oth-jsale of plain-weave, silver-gray other jobs — but each job -was FORBES BAKING CO. Thls Is the second of three of a two-year-old. chat with the President? I assure operation was over; but one bright er day. He'd been around here,; broadcloth shirts. The following, just a little poorer than the one • you it's a cinch alongside of get- young fellow said: "Yeah — that articles by a Jewish' journalist "By the way," McDonald con-, and said he was going co join the] replies are typical of what 11 before. Now she was scrubbing 2701-11 No. 24th St. ' ting by the nurse this doctor has. is what a lot of them say, and who 'joined the Silver Shirts tinned, "we've a new plan for Party. Then he dropped away (found. We. 6400 i floors. and obtained authentic inside calling meetings now. We're .not I had to wait two and a half hou^.8 then we don't get the picture. , from us. • Well, yesterday I had a J. C. Penney: "We have a few; The agent said to her: "Did Information on Pelley's antiHeartily enjoying this rare bit announcing them at all, but wecouple of the boys go out and see that we bought recently as .'sec-,'any one talk to you about life inof humor, I posed for a hundred Semitic hordes. A story that call all the members by telephone him. They went to his house and onds,' but we've sold only three Isurance during the those twenty and twelve pictures, but I think reads 'like fiction, but is the an hour before the meeting and turned on the heat. Now he's a j of them in the past three weeks."i years in which you were assistant the one where I did a handstand actual experience of an intrepid tell them where to come. full-fledged member." j Carewe and Shaw: "It's the! buyer?" on the bed post with my feet reporter.—THE EfclTOR. "Lord, Mac, what do you' least popular color we have." ! The scrub woman replied, "Yes "That's a fine plan," I answertouching the chandelier will come Eastern Outfitting Company: sir." ed. "Where will the next one be mean, 'turned on the heat?' On July 1st I again went to held?" v An application to place in ef- put best. He winked again, "Oh, we just | "We don't stock that color—it1 The agent asked: "Could you fect on September l , proposed re- ' The first day passed all right, the Christian Party office In the | have saved $5.00 a week with an "We haven't decided yet. Thepersuade them around to our j doesn't sell." ductions. In long distance tele- With nobody to bother me except Arcade Building. This tim-5 I was side. You know Bib Bill—he and j So this was the five thousand j insurance company if it would way it is now, with the Jews and phone charges on all calls over my own doctor and thirty or forty a little doubtful about my recepElmer here are pretty good at j silver-grey shirts sold during the'kave agreed to pay you an income distances of more than 234 miles Internes who jabbed needles into tion, as sufficient "• time h a £ Communists watching us so close, that." (The Big Bill referred to i last week or so in Seattle. An-! as long es you live?" ,, ,, , „ ,. . , ,. has been filed with the federal me half the time. The other half elapsed since my last visit to en-we've got to be more careful., s a The scrub woman agreed that two-hundred and fifty pound ; other big olutt on-the part of the she could have saved $5.00 a communications commission at they pulled them out. The tests able them to check up on me and There's one planned within a few|! Party: | Christian Party—for the by longshoreman.) days, and I'll let you know 'Washington and the state railroad had begun.. Several hours later discover the false identity I had easilv, ing in in 1>ve "Gosh!" McDonald went on,jj likes to fool its members along |week commission at Lincoln, it is an-they came to make the final blood bulll up! My fears were unfound- phone. We aren't meeting T1 e West Seattle any more, though, i " *°rgot to let you In on the j with every one else. Intact, fool-j agent asked "Why didn't J i nounced by H. li. Frentress, diS; test and the report came back: ed, however, for W; W. McDonald vou? INSURED CABS trict manager fo rthe Northwes- No blood. "What else could they greeted me very cordially and was We've got that territory pretty 'latest dope." He-took off his coat, ing them is the only way they c a n j j displaying a silver-grey shirt with j retain their membership. The : tern Bell Telephone; company. expect? They took away all I had, quite satisfied' with the excuse I well organized now. It's the South that's keeping us busy for a large red silk L sewn on the poor dnpes are led to believe that! For example, under the newand I was anaemic in the first gave for not attending the last!'tEnd left side, over the heart. "See they are part of an immense or- i rates a- three-minute station-to- place. • Council of Safety meeting. H e | h e n e x t f e w d a y s -" this? Wei!, we're reorganizing j ganization operating on a nation-! "How's the work going in thethe Silver Shirts. This L is theial basis, when as a matter of fact! station call of 300 miles would be I was wheeled into the operat; was Tery anxious- to inform me $1.25" on weekdays Instead of ing room and placed on the table. of the latest development in therest of the State?" I asked, to new motto. Stands for Love. Loy-jthe party is concentrating on this • $1.40 as at present. The.rate after I had1 strange .premonitions that party, and with, very little draw- keep him going. alty and Liberty." j particular State. Here they have Where Omaha ''Shops with Confidence 7 p. m. and on Sunday for such, a this was the end, and the- comic in ing-out on my part continually -"We're coming along fine. Yon "That is news," I exclaimed. ] largest membership and bigcall would be 75 cents instead of me kept saying; ."AlwaVs leave flayed into my hands by telling remember Mrs. Hoffman—well, j 'How are the people taking it? jthetr g e s t organization, pitifully weak 80 c€nts. A three-minute station- them, laughing when you sayme almost everything I desired to she's going around the State now! II II Are you getting members?" and small though it is. to-station calj of 1,000 miles goodbye." So I thought quickly know. speaking to the women's clubs Getting members? Sa-ay, lis(Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts' Would be $3.£5 Instead of $3.75 and said to the doctor: "I may ,"You know," he said, ^ "all and getting them in the right (Feature Syndicate) on weekdays and $1.85 instead of look serious now, doc, but it a these Jew-Communist outfits are frame of mind for the other or- en—this thing is getting bigger $2 after 7 p. m. and on Sunday. few minutes you'll have me intrying to spy on us, but we're too ganizers to go to work. We've ivery minute. The boys are drillLondon — The nest meeting . , . smart for them. Yes, and then had some great success in Cen- ng right now over to Whidby The proposed reductions apply stitches!" . - : ; . of the Actions Committea of the to charges for both station-to-staThey rolled me over on my that Jew newspaper, the Trans- tralia, Spokane, Tacoma and Kit-Island. Soon's we get a company World Zionist Organization, schjrganized in your district I wanta tion Calls, when £he calling per- stomach and the anesthetist jab-j cript, sends a man up here every sap County already." eduled for August 25th, will conget you to teach 'em to drill." son asks to talk with anyone bed a needle into the base of my week to get the. latest copies of "How do the average people . At this point another active vene at Zurich. available at the telephone called spine. It was a sharp pain and the Chief's weekly. You know . . take to the Christian Common- member of the party, Roy Zachand' to perBon-to-persou callB, over quickly — like your wife And he then proceeded to give wealth?" , ary by name, walked in. Zachary when he asks to talk with a spec- saying "I bought that mink coat" me an accurate description of Mr. For Rent "Say," he confided, "it's only We Invite < . ified person. ..•••-• sit hurts, but,what can you do? M. Mottelson, ' Transcript staff a matter of time now until we s about thirty-eight years old, rather heavy-set, weighs about a The reductions, if placed in ef- The anesthetic took effect T— member, and prominent ; Seattle have a read show-down. EveryTwo nice rooms and kitchen. We Even hundred and eighty pounds. He fect, will be the eighth made by and what an effect. In a little liberal worker. •: body's tired of'this Jew Roosevelt alone of the many party members All furnished. Very reasonthe Northwestern Bell Telephone while, from the waist down, I got Urge "Well," Lasked, "how did you and the way he and the rest of have met was well-dressed. 'company in long distance tele- numb —but a lovely numb find out this Jew was tied up the Jews are trying to force Comable. Call WE-3527. However, a shiftier-eyed, man I phone rates in the past 10 years. feeling, accompanied by a glorious with the Transcript?" Comparison! munism on us. They're all look- have never seen. He kept lookIt's bard to describe, Also, effective September 1, drowiness." "Ah, that was easy," he re-ing to the Chief now as the only 7 the telephone company proposes except to say that it's a feeling plied. "All I did was have Elmer man in the country that can help that the time beyond six minutes like Joan Crawford kissing you here follow him when he left this Did you. see last night's paper of conversation on any person-to-1 and you can't fight her off. office. He went^ighk straight to where the Jews. and Communisi s person call shall be charged for Then the doctors got to work. nominated a nigger for vice presat the lower station-to-station After they had monkeyed around the Jew paper. Then we both had a good ident? Well, that's just a blind, rate. Formerly, this lower rate for with me for about an hour the overtime did not apply to person- head surgeon peeled off his gloves. laugh, In which we were joined and every one knows it. They're to-person calls until after 10 min-The operation was over. I knew by Elmer, a nondescript, wizened all for Roosevelt, the .Jews and utes of conversation., the mental power communists. The common peo"pTe ThiB reduction, as was the pre-doctors and the spectators started vious one in January, is made pos- to applaud. sible by the present upward trend scared. What if this guy should in long distance usage and by the decide to take an encore? operating results from the Bell ' On the way back to my room PACH10 FULL OP system's policy of continuous de- I felt pretty low, and velopment, and research to assure understand why OLD Tlfvii BU§ilAfi the public the maximum service so hard. After all, I ha'd had five -TYPi FLAVOR . at the. lowest cost consistent.-with children and never felt like this. the financial safety of the busiMine must have been an unusness. ual case, for several strange, doc-
• ; .
- . ; .
; be ott .the
A Frank Expose of The Silver Shirts
Is l*i .•'Wilt
she -*»**»* t<» I
Propose Reduction on Distance Calls
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for .v T>A«- ••>! Kf. trim; .is*.*.;?. :n«i erful •?<v iSi* S r •»••. *>••.:;.& t h
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Styled after the new fashions for. Fall- by Lsnvin, Pafiuin, M « J «bochei, Viotinet, S c kr i e p a relit. jsuniy Sw&ggers sni Fitted Mod~ els.
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JOHN A. BEBER, General Agent
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active people who like &MS$7» wholesome food. CogSMfc Bye is dark bread at its finest — rich, thin sliced With that rare European 'dark loaf- flavor. A.. perfect l o a f for meals or tasty sandwiches.
These Costs are conditionally anteed two yeats — bctb cost *nd lining. • * Dyed Con«J' '
" No Lard Used JOHN A. FAEBER, President
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If, «
THE JEWISH ITvESS, FRIDAY.. AUGUST 7, 1936 an replied: "NOBODY' They talked to ,me o f nee;- but nobody 'told P? would save $5.00 a tiuld have an Income
•wtiy didn't*some prie
Mussolini's in the
Warns England (WNS) — A serious wish immigration frotn Palestine was adminlBtheV Polish government sued orders prohibiting from taking more thiin ($40) with them. '•'. special permit can' emport larger sums. ' i ize Our Advertiser's
;on Mitchell Co. Foundries • •: Martha HA. 5528 ronze- Aluminum,- Soft n and Semi-Steel Castod and Metal Patterns •ties Bronze a rid tren
Sewer Manholes; Cistern 1 Covers. Cieanout Ooori Ights a n d Yellow Brsai Ferrules, carried Jn Crize Tablets, Bronzo nno Grilles a Specialty. !
ics and All Occie Porbei* New: k Pumpernickel ~ BEE AD sed thin for your Convenience . :
SES BAKING CO. t i l No. 24th St. We. 6400
ith Confidence
.This is the second and con- he Italian press in the discussion cluding'article on Italian politf the present events in Palestine, ical machinations against the nd considerably more. The book Jewish-Homeland. The author 3 particularly outspoken with reis a student of political econard to Italian interests in Palesomy and.ah authority, on Ital^ "Italy's concern in Palesian affairs.—THE EDITOR. ine,"he writes, "is to safeguard We have seen from what ap- er spiritual patrimony, her culpeared to be-a protagonist of the ure, language, her glory, as well Zionist .cause Italy has turned a is her present and future interstaunch; defender of Arab 'rights' ests as Italians and Catholics . . . in Palestine. To explain this ap- t is - the problem of liberating parently sudden change, of atti- Palestine from Zionist. Moslem. tude .solely on the ground of )rthodoz, Anglican, American, Italo - English differences occa- nglish and French hegemony; in sioned by-the Ethiopian war, and hort, an independent Palestine . as a momentary expedient in Ital- ree from British tutelage and ian foreign and colonial policy, ionist patronage . . . Under the : would at best be a half .truth', and guise*'of.a Mandate regime Engat worst a misrepresentation ; of land is turning Palestine into a the real issues involved.' The Ital- olonial center whence to spread: ian manipulations in Palestine are er Influence over the Orient .;.:'-. ' directed no less against the Jews Zionism constitutes a perennial : than against England, and may nd ; grave menace to Italy; a ; .be attributed to Italy's. Mediter- menace which should have been ranean policy .This policy has aced in time, without/the ofcstinbeen summed up by Mussolini in te errors of the old system; it • .the. oft-repeated • motto "II Medi- may well be, with a fight to the terranee ai Mediteranei." The finish on the very same terrain "Abyssinian war. and Its European f economic and practical influ; implications only brought home nce upon which Zionism has set 1 to the Italians what has been in and imposed Itself . . . Today Is their minds for a long time; ate,; much too late. However, it namely, that so long as England is; necessary to cut short every is in control of the strategic posi- rocrastlnation and prepossession tions in the Arabic lands border- In-order to initiate a concentrated ing on the Mediterranean Sea action — even manoeuvring the Italy will not be free to realize Arab world, which-will be on our her ambition of complete mastery ide in such an action—that will over the Mediterranean, ' which afeguard our historic, and acshe deems to be indispensable for quired positions in Palestine, of her' national defense and expan- which we have so often been. deprived In the past . . . Italy ensionist policy. oys great favor with the Moslem The strategic importance ot world and it would be an unparPalestine to' the British Empire donable mistake not to take adhas been the Bubject of exhaus- vantage of it in time . . . We tive discussions. This;, strategic have- many- eloquent examples of importance of Palestine ; is - in- he sympathy which the name of creasing in relative proportion to taly enjoys •; in the' highest and the greater or lesser degree of in- most-responsible circles of Arabdependence attained • by the Ara- Palestinian politics . .'-.-By assurbic peoples, in the first place by ing- to ourselves amicable relaEgypt. The negotiations that took tions with all Moslem peoples we place in-1930 between the Egyp- shall be able to develop a numtian Delegation and the British ber of possibilities, above all comGovernment led to the ^acceptance mercial and political, which will by Great Britain of the principle provide- a large outlet for our that at some future date she Mediterranean policy." would withdraw her troops to the Yet; the author is not very other side of the Sue*. Canal. This fully justifies the future import- hopeful of an early liquidation in ance to England of Palestine and Palestine of either the Zionist enTransjordanla as bases for mili- terprise, or the British Mandate. tary and naval operations. %To Dnder^ these "circumstances he quote a recent editorial in The must perforce-resort, for the time New Statesman and Nation: <rWe beingrto a-cb'mprbm'ise.7Italy,"he are committed, as trustees, to thewrites, - cart. cooperate with Zionadministration of Palestine; and ism only on', the following three for those of us who make light of conditions: ' That the Zionists trusteeship there Is- another pow- should 'actively further the assimerful motive for staying^ there. lation of Italian - culture in the Palestine is of strategic import- Jewish schools of Palestine; that they would -cultivate Intensive ance to the British Empire." 1 economic and' commercial relaNow, with the exception of Pal estine and Transjordanla, th< tions with Italy; and, thirdly, that Arab lands of ' Egypt, • Iraq and the Zionists would not block Syria have either already received Italy's sacred rights to resolve the or are about to receive if no problem of the Holy Place In real, at least nomiriai independ P a l e s t i n e , ' W h e t h e r It b e i n L o n ence. Once, on the road to inde d o n , G e nre v a o r i n P a l e s t i n e i t r-- pendence, the strategic import- self. '•• •••:,; :•' • • • • " ' • ance of these lands to England la It Is -these conditions, although considerably lessened. -Palestine, they do not bear' an official on the other hand, because of th stamp, t h a t perhaps explain nature of the Mandate .and the Italy's past stand on the Jewish in Palestine obligations, arising out of .the Bal- National Homeland: four Declaration, is bound,-for: a The progress of. Zionism during long time to come, to remain, un- the-past decade and a half conder British rule. Italian political vinced the Italians that if they and strategic interests, however, are ever to gain a hoothold in require , an independent Arabia Palestine it must be by peacefn without "British tutelage and penetration, through commerce Zionist patronage." And, in Ital- and the spreading of Italian culian opinion, it is precisely tb ture. As for the third condition Balfour" Declaration which pro- that the Jews should not block vides England with' the best pos- Italy's solution-of the problem of sible pretext for entrenching her- the Holy Places, it is sheer libel self politically, militarily an* The question of the Holy Places economically in • Palestine. -Hence is ' for an - international tribunal the conflict of interests between to decide- Yet Italy finds it to her advantage to capitalize on Italy and the Zionist cause. this question by virtue of her poTo quote again Romolo Triton j, : as typical of current opinic sition as a great Catholic power In Italy: "The English -Govern and the seat of the Holy See. This ment," he writes, "makes use o: explains 'the apprehension of th Zionism or, rather, the Jewis Regime Fascista that "the Man National Homeland—an inventioi date regime constitutes a grea for her own w^hich no act evei menace,- especially to Catholic defined'in clear and precise term; Italy." It is needless to add tha -^to entrench herself in Palestini Italy'sT- ambition to be' in. contro under the pretext of; carrying ii of the Holy Places In - Palestine • into effect and thus almost co'm is actuated less by religious zea pletely eliminating France anc than by political designs. Italy, who can. boaBt of ever ".Of late, however, the progresi greater historic and; traditional of t h e general indspendenc rights and greater direct interest* movement among the Arabs and in Palestine than England." As the granting of independence to result, he attributes the recurreni several Arabic States encouraged outbreaks to England's policy j6\ Italy's hopes of seeing England tolerating a situation of• chrqnii out of that part of the world, and discord and a state, of contlnuoui she did, not find it indiscreet t alarm "which renders the-pres- hasten the process. The growing ence of English bayonets in tb< arrogance of Italy, as a result o i > country, justified-and-permanent,' her position among the European In the. same ;mood-EchIe Com powers and the successful conclu menti of June' 5th comments upoi sion? of the Abyssinian war, led the present disorders in Palestln her into believing that England's and England's decision .to send • power in the . Mediterranean y1" Royal Commission of Inquiry t definitely shattered. This providk follows::"..'. . But the Mandatory ed, the opportune moment to realize Italian ambitions in the Lev-O~ Power does not seem to be in hurry to arrive at a solution,Ki ant, : to establish a "healthy, equilshe is preoccupied, above all els ibrium in the Moslem world." notwithstanding her formal d< The time has not yet come ti claratfons, with continuing he sum up the question of Italy am occupation ot Palestine for th Palestine. That it constitutes on primary purpose of assuring anc more obstacle to. the realization defending the roads ot her Im-of the Zionist -progra must no perial communications." go unnoticed. To be aware of thi: It would not perhaps be out o fact is half the victory. place to recall at this time a 1bool (Copyright 1936'by Seven Arts entitled "Italia o Palestina, Feature Syndicate) AllesRandro Besozzl, published ii 1920. *In it are stated practicali; ill tho arguments employed ,Patronize-Our Advertisers
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a he Bt,
Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Buildlnff. Sioux City Office—Jewlah Community Canter DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKBRMAN . . . j . *. . . « Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL • - - - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
At Geneva
ures more effective then a violent looking like a natural "petering out" of the strike was deterputsch in achieving its diplomatic GEMS OF THE BIBLE mined upon. aims in the Polish Corridor, AusAND TALMUD tria, Saar District and the Rhine• Nothing can stop Jewish progress in Palestine. In the land, Nazi Germany has invoked present ordeal ir| which only fifty of the more than two hunBy O. O. DASHER the bloodless method in Danzig. dred and fifty casualties were Jews, the Jews in Palestine have Make no friendship with a man Repeatedly warned by the League calmly and unexcitedly awaited events, because they felt that that ift given to anger and with a of Nations against Nazifying the Great Britain was honestly endeavoring to protect life and wrathful man thou shalt not go.Free City of Danzig and jeopardthe rights of Danzigers opproperty to the best of her ability. But once Great Britain Remove not the ancient land- izing posed to Hitlerism, the Nazi admark which thy fathers have set. should desert her pledged word and withdraw her support of Weary not thyself to be rich; ministration of Danzig issued a the Jewish homeland, we know that the Palestinian Chalutzim cease from thine own wisdom. series of decrees which virtually the constitutional guaranare built of the fibre that will fight for what belongs to them Riches certainly have wings abolish tees of the League and give the like an eagle. and will march forward despite the strongest barriers or most andAllfly the ways of a man are clean j Nazis complete cont- ol. foreboding obstacles. in his own eyes but the Lord That this development bodes ill
EXPOSE OF SILVER SKIRTS . , AH hail to Herman A. Horowitz for accepting the challenge,
EUROPE ..NAZI PLOT TO PREVENT ANTI-NAZI OLYMPIAD IN BAR'• CELONA BELIEVED INVOLVED IN SPANISH REBELLION . . , By. ROBERT StTONE Somehow we feel that this is a SORTH AMERICA j very minor factor. AMERICAN JEWISH CON-; SIR ISAAC ISSAACP NAMED TO KING EDWARD'S CORONAGRESS PLANS BODY TO PIC-! KET STORES HANDLING GER-| TION COMMITTEE . . , Even afMAN GOODS . . . We suggest a; ter his retirement Sir Isaac is permanent Hall of Shame for! honored by his king. these stores. i U N I T E D ANTI-F A S C I S T DESCEDANTS OF PILGRIM; FRONT FORMED IN ENGLAND FATHERS URGE FIGHT FORJ . . . It's about time Brittarsia, did RELIGIOUS LIBERTY . . . We j something nbout preserving her thought that was what the Pil-j freedom. grims had found here. RUIN OF ROUMANIAN SUMJDC REPORTS IT SPENT MER RESORTS BLAMED ON" 1300,000 TO AID JEWS IN GER- ANTI-SEMITISM . . . Thus, we MANY DURING 19S5 . . . T h a t ' s suppose, making it all the fault less than a dollar per Jew—in j of the Jews. other words, not BO very much. } ANTI-SEMITISM IS A N T IEDITOR OF SEATTLE JEW-] CHRISTIAN, GERMAN CLERGY ISH PAPER-THREATENED FOR ! TELL HITLER . . . He's known that right along—but what does he care? Jewish youths for farm work. The Hilfsverein der Juden in PALKSTTXE, which is assisting JEWISH COMMUNITY STIRthe emigration of German Jews to RED BY BOMB EXPLOSION IN overseas lands other than Pales- TEL AVIV SCHOOL . . . But will tine, is assisting the Jewish Col- this spur the government to Bteronization Association in this pro- ner measures against the Arab ject and is no1/ registering groups terrorists? of Jewish farmers ready to emi- (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts grate. Feature Syndicate)
•«•<• t o *"•*
for the Jews of Danzig goes withweigheth the spirit. The heart of the righteous out saying. One of the new destudieth to answer but the mouth crees forbade the practice of shechita. Another outlawed all of the ~ wicked poureth o<h evi, Jewish newspapers. A third had things. In spite of the valiant fight put up by liberals-in this the effect of prohibiting Jewish country and other democratic nations, the Olympics are being meetings. The Danzig police now TALMUD held at ^Berlin, Germany, under the Bhadow of the swastika, It was said of Rabbi Hillel, the have carte blanche in arresting When he rejoiced at theJews and holding them incomat the present moment. However, from the perspective en- senior: ceremony of libation he used to municato. Under the circumhanced by thousands of miles, we find that what at first say, "If I am here all are here stances it is natural that a panlooked like a loss to anti-Nazists has turned out to be a dis- but if I am not here who is here?1 icky wave of Jewish emigration (This shows that even a man like from Danzig is under way. tinct gain. Rabbi Hillel, who was renowned South African Immigration To begin with, it is with pleasure that we note that the for his modesty, could be influ- The South African Nationalists by environment to become have for some time been attemptHitler regime did not obtain the foreign currency which it aenced victim of megalomania.) ing to stir up feeling in the Union thought would be forthcoming at the games. Lo and behold, Our rabbis were taught: There of South Africa against Jewish so many of the foreigners are using blocked marks which they were among them (the visitors at immigration. Under the stimulus bought at a tremendous discount and which do not add onethe libation ceremony) people of Nazi propaganda one nativist -'Happy is our youth anti-Semitic agitation, South Africent in needed foreign currency to the Reich treasury but in- who-said, who do not disgrace our age.'ca has witnessed the development stead acts as a drain since many of the raw materials used They were the pious and theof a Jewish problem. The 192 9 saints. And there were among immigration quota act virtually The Spanish language which have to be bought from other countries. them people who said, "Happy is cut off Jewish immigration but has never been taught in German Patronise Our Advertisers schools has been added to Also, as we predicted, non-Aryans are providing the fire- our age that has atoned for ourthe restrictionists were not satis- Jewish the curriculum of the JewiBh They were the repentant fied and demanded increased works at the games. Not even a Goebbels can hide the dusky youth." sinners. Both used to say: "Happy c*urbs. A bill to this effect reach- school system in Germany. hue of a Jesse Owens or a Cornelius Johnson, and the results are those who have not sinned at ed a second reading in parliament Jewish community organizaTO RENT of the games are knocking the much-vaunted theory of Aryan all but he who has sinned shall btu failed of passage when the tions have decided to introduce Couple of sleeping rooms. repent and he will be be for-legislature adjourned. The spear- the study of Spanish and Portu- Neatly furnished. physical superiority into the proverbial "cocked hat." Also, given." guese so that Jewish children who , of the attack on Jewish im- may JA-4475 men of the stripe of Adolph Hitler are shown tip in true style, Rabbi Isaac said, "He who has head later emigrate to countries migration was the cry that Ger- where these languages are spoken when the leading sports writers comment on how the Reichs- provoked his neighbor even by man Jews were flooding South will find the task of adjustment Africa. The facts disprove this. easier. The geography and ecofuehrer managed to be present to drape a wreath about the words must appease him." One who is reading the Bible, From 1933 to 1935 there werej nomics of Latin America is also For the Entire Family German field winner but somehow conveniently managed to studying the Mlshnah and even 1,044 German Jews admitted to be taught in the "ghetto" be absent when laurels were to be placed on the neck of theserving the scholars, but speaks only From 1930 to 1935 total Jewish schools. great American Negro winners. Nor did it do the Nazis any good not gently to people or whose pur- immigration amounted to 6,389 and gifts are not fitting Presentation of these figures had in this country when the metropolitan papers carried feature chasing Can't .Visit Jewish Mothers or who deals dishonestly, what do much to co with the failure of the A child of a mixed marriage stories on how the Nazi followers booed the American dele- we Bay about him? Woe to himlaw to pass. in custody of his "Aryan" father gation because in" passing the reviewing stand these athletes who is reading the < Bible and Sonr Dealer Has 'Ens Both! is not permitted to visit his Jew- | studying the Mishnah, woe to his did not give a Nazi salute nor did they lower the American parents who have raised him, woe isb. mother in her home, under a Court of APPeals verdict reportflag. : to his teacher who has instructed ed by the Frankfurter Zeitung. ' And, coming down to the particular Jewish aspect, we him In the Torab.
Olympic Reactions
The first "World Jewish Congress is scheduled to open at Geneva tomorrow,, with representatives of close to forty counai P> tries participating in the deliberations. When the Jewish deleoi gates gather together in the assembly hall of the League of ni Nations, they will once and for all answer the question which has been bitterly debated in Jewish circles for well-nigh five years as to whether a world Jewish congress should be consp4 vened . . . and will open the dqora to the next moot question: th will the World Jewish Congress idea grow more and more Bid : he powerful or will it fade from the Jewish horizon f •blf We cannot tell the fate of the World Jewish Congress. "en; lei The most we can do is guess, and guessing is at best a hazardous avocation. We have read and listened to the arguments about a Congress pro and con; we readily admit that there are two sides to the question. But, we seem to gather the imgil pression that much of the opposition to the Congress idea is centered about the present leadership. If the World Jewish bi b< Congress idea turns out to be fundamentally sound and feasI ible, then we need not worry about leadership . . . for time Pi will take care of that. Perhaps the Geneva World Jewish Congress will become tfi epochal in Jewish history . . . and then again perhaps it will turn out to be a "trial balloon" which burst before it reached y the ozone. Yet, even if we were opposed to the convening of Cleo-Cola tt the Congress at this particular moment, we would have to admit that it is being held more auspiciously than the first Zionist Congress, summoned to Basel by Herzl in 1897. Various European countries are sending strong delegations despite internal opposition, while the American delegation in the neigh* borhood of eighty is the largest American delegation assembled for a Jewish gathering overseas. The fly in the ointment, howIn divorce cases where the "ArMenorshs, Jewish Music, Bible* ever, is that despite the numerical strength, it would be amiss were once more right in our prediction that despite their yan" father ig awarded custody of the child, the Jewish mother to state that the Congress represents all schools of thought solemn pledges given so freely a few months back, the Hit- Editing the Cables may not see her child in her home By MORRIS WOOD of world Jewry. lerites would not refrain from spreading anti-Semitic poison "even if she promises not to bring JOHN FELDMAN Transferring Jewish Fanners the child together with other Jew. This is certain . . . conditions facing world Jewry are during the Olympics. Even forgetting its own decision to By Estelle M. Sternberger Dealer In Possibilities for transferring ish relatives," the decision states. growing worse, and more than, ever there is need to work out suppress Jew-baiting publications for the duration of the Executive Director of World Germany's Jewish agriculturalists The mother may ask permission TA'LEISIW - PRAYER BOOKS In Yiddish and English a constructive program to help solve the Jewish problems. Thegames, the Nazi regime permitted Julius -Streicher's Stuehrmer Peaceways ' to South and Central American to meet her child outside her Res. 609 No. SOth 6t. GL-2972 home. to come out with a special Olympic number containing an countries where they can continue fundamental principles underlying nineteenth century civilizaP. O, Box 710 Omaha, Nebr. SPANISH UPHEAVAL to work on the land are now the (Coypright 1936, Jewish Telegration, the ideals which fostered emancipation, the dreams of open appeal to anti-Semitism addressed to foreign athletes Belivers in democracy and or-object phic Agency, Inc.) of intensive study by cenderly government everywhere are tral. Jewish organizations. Prance of 1789, of America of .1776, of England of 1832, of and guests at the Olympics. watching the progress of the Despite the figures given by the jS£SS$S3»£S»S!«e3S3»J^^ The reaction to such tactics by the Nazis is naturally the Spanish Germany of 1848, of Austria of 1792 „ * » all seem to be hoperevolt anxiously. The census of June, 1933 — after the lessly and desperately struggling in a whirlpool of intellec- opposite to what they expect. The Hitlerite leaders sowed Fascist character of the rebellion Nazis came to power — showing tual and moral darkness. Anti-Semitism is no longer a local the seeds for rich fruits out of the Olympics, but thus far and the reported support it hasonly 4,167 Jewish families directvon from Italy and Germany have engaged in farming, the survey problem; our physical developments have made even such their crop continues to be a liability instead of an asset. naturally enlisted anti-Fascist and ly already revealed that in the for manias universal instead of localized. We know full well that democratic sympathy for the ex-has State of Baden alone, the number isting regime. Unless revolution- of Jews on the land is over 9,000 Palestine cannot possibly absorb the Jewish problem for years THE SPIRIT OF CHICAGO ary extremists run wild, It is safe while there are 12,000 more workto come; we know that whatever must be done should be done to say that most people will hope ing on the land in Hessen-Nassau. By Rabbi Frederick Cohn for the defeat of the revolt. i now, in the Diaspora. Even opponents of the World Jewish are also hundred of Jewish I have been sojourning for the past three weeks in Chi- The Jewish comunity in Spain There Congress would be glad to aee anything constructive emanate farming families in the Rhine seccago. Chicago, for all its detractors may say against it, is a is small, consisting of about 25,- tion and in Upper Silesia. from the Geneva conclave » . . the efforts of all Jewish leaders 000 inhabitants. Thus far the The condition of these Jewish M are bent toward devising means of succoring those thousands great city. One quickly catches the atmosphere of Chicago Jews as e ch have not suffered alwhose average land hold"A Quality Product for Seasoning" of unfortunate' Jewish people who are living under some form and it is not one OJL smoke, from which, considering Chicago though in Barcelona German Jew- farmers, ings are four to eighteen acres, is is a* great industrial city, like New York it is surprisingly ish refugees have lost heavily as of political, economic and social disability. Another vital probmost serious because of their isresult of rioting and the inter- olation and the vigorous boycott lem is to rally the conscience of the world to an appreciation free. Chicago has a distinct spirit of its own. It is not only aference with normal business acthe provinces. They are denied of the tragedy of millions of Jews, as well as to formulate a "hog butcher of the world" as one of its poets acclaims it, tivities. The anti-Semitic langu in membership in the cooperatives, concerted program which all Jewry could support. Problems it is a center of culture, as well as of commercial and material age of the Fascist press, the boa which refuse to market their protile attitude of Nazi Germany towof defending all minorities, problems of migration, problems progress. It knows that "man does not live by bread alone." ard the Spanish government and duce, to lease them threshing machines and other farm machinery of economic readjustment, problems of Palestine;.. .there are and is enamored ,of high ideals and ambitions in a spiritual the attacks in the Nail press on used Jointly by the farmers of the a hundred and one matters which could have a place on a way. Consider its libraries, its University, its Art Institute, the German Jewish emigres in various districts, or to sell them Spain have made Spanish Jewry gathering of world Jewish leaders. We do not know whether its Museum, Planetarium, Aquarium. Consider its free band fearful of the possible triumph of supplies. the men meeting at Geneva will measure up to their task, we concerts, its symphony orchestra. And Chicago has a concern the rebels. There have been ru- Large numbers of them have that Nail funds played & been forced to sell the land held do not know whether they will be able to start a Congress also for things of the soul. There are daily religious services, mors part in the outbreak. It is also by their families for generations •under the auspices of all. denominations, at noon, heard over which will grow into an integral part of Jewish life, we do alleged that the desire of the and to move to the towns where, not know whether they will accomplish good or evil for thethe radio. The city is weak in its public press, its leading Nails to frustrate the antl-Naxi unable to find new emplowment, festival in Barcelona also they are living on the money reJewish c a u s e , » . but all Jewry will be grateful for any con- papers, even in the conveyance of ordinary news, being colored sports had something to do with the tim- alized from the sale of their and vitiated by their own political views and prejudices. Otherstructive work which will really and actually help world Jewry of the rebellion which broke farms. wise a broad, tolerant spirit prevails in Chicago, broad as theing out 48 hour* before the festival Special interest in the fate of out of its sorry plight. these victims is being taken by prairies on which she sits as queen, beside the cool, refreshing was to open. the Jewish Colonization Associawaters of her lively lake. Regardless of the outcome of tion which recently sent special the revolution, the Jews of Sppain Investigator here to study the sitChicago is a center of art, music, religion and culture in are in an unenviable position. If uation and report on what can be Palestine Commission general. One fact to me is eloquent of the latter. In connecFascists win, the Jews will done to re-settle them on the land The sixteenth week ofrioting in Palestine—by Arab "na- tion with the great Stevens hotel there is a fine library of the probably meet the fate of all min- in countries having possibilities tionalists who seek a stoppage of Jewish immigration, pro« many volumes, containing the latest workB not only of fiction orities under Fascist regimes'. for agricultural elements, particuhibit sale of land to Jewa and set up a national government- but of biography and history, of reference and general litera- Italy excepted. If the sevolution- larly those countries in South triumph, the Jews will be InAmerica where the Jewish Colonleaves the atmosphere &B uncertain as during the first week ture, besides the leading magazines and periodicals. What Ists for a period of economic stress. ization Association has been colof Moslem marauding. onizing Jews on the land for many hotel in t)maha has such a library? In New York I found years. Tour Individual Style Great Britain has appointed a ftoyal Commission of sixnone, only in Boston, many years ago, but that is the classical CUBAN DREAM Every now and then some one The Investigator, Dr, Aronstein, to investigate conditions in Palestine, aucertain wfiether the city of culture. Chicago's motto is "I Will" and just as shecomes ; ' in Smart ' forward with a scheme for a notefl colonization expert, visitPalestinian Mandate is being executed properly, determine fills in her lake front and converts it to use and beauty in settling Gerx&an Jewish refugees ed over 77 Tillages in the state of whether the Arabs and Jews have any just grievances and magnificent boulevards and entrancing parks, jso there is that and feast European Jews in an-Hessen-Nassau alone, and In perpart of the world. The la- sonal talks with hundred of Jewmake recommendations to correct them. We who are aeek» determination to stand for the highest and achieve the best. other teat plan calls for an ambitious sh farmers learned that most of ing to build a Jewish homeland in Palestine tinder the Man- Chicago is the center of our great American continent and colonization project in C u b a them are extremely anxious to date and the Balfonr Declaration have a natural mistrust of the BOUI of our great Western civilisation. Her spirit must which Representative William Si- migrate and willing to undertake rovlch, its sponsors, says has the the pioneer work that might be British commissions-in Palestine. This gVew out of the Arab transfuse our whole country, the spirit of energy, of enter- support of the Cuban government. necessary to establish thiaeselves disorders of 1929, when the Shew commission metatnorphiaed prise, of hope, of optimism and of success. An international non-sectarian n the Argentine, Chile, BrazV, committee to further the plan is Paraguay and Uruguay. the attacked into the attacker and reported with a distinctly being organised. Details howevet • • Frederick Cohn. You've always wanted It . . . YOUR inA large number of Jews from unfavorable flavoring. And we are still more disturbed by are still lacking. It may be worth this section of the Reich who have dividual style in a featherweight h a t . . . rumors flying around London - * but unconfirmed • • whioh pointing out that immigration to already settled in these countries it's here with plenty of quality to make Cuba 19 strictly limited, that alihave adjusted themselves easily talk about suspending Jewish immigration until the commis. ens in Cuba find extreme difficul- o the new conditions and have it hold its" style. See the new arrivals. sion's investigation is completed. Roah Hashonah M.»....MM^...........M.»,.i,,.Thursday, September 17 ty in obtaining employment, written optimistically to their reCuba is a one-industry coun- asons and friends in Germany. The Arabs do not know how to take the commission, either. "Past of GedaUah..............,..M.......i........M.....Sunday, September 20 that try and that political conditions The first group of German JewThey are none too friendly to such bodies, but many Moslem torn Kippur.,.mm...,......,...........k..,.,...,ll..,..Saturday, September 26 there are extremely unsettled. ish farmer^ and their families has $ leaders - - going on the theory that if ,a dog yells loud enough First Day Of SuCCOth.......M........^.....«....M.».....Thursday, October 1 To bring Jews from Europe to already left the Reich for South Cuba without some explicit guar- America under the Jewish Colonsomebody will throw a bone to quiet the canine * - think that Eighth Bay of Succoth.........,.............M.v.......Thorsday, October 8 antees from the government of ization Association project. The they can gain something from the commission. However, the Simchath Torab............................... Friday, October 9 that country would be folly. As organization requires that faznilBritish authorities have repeatedly stated that they will not ChaQQkahi<ti!i>Mi.iii<»iii.ii.»«.tt..t.ut....».........Wednesday, December 5 a. matter fo fact eo much guaran- es to be re-settled in South A^nerees could be given at this time. let the commission start work until the disorders have stopped. Fast pf Tebet...........................M..««.«....^.....Thursday> December 24 A Cuban official visiting in Czech- ,ca include between three and five male members able to work on Hence, we can look forward to the Arabs letting their genoslovakia has already denied that the ••Fast observed on preceding Thursday. land and trained for this his government intends to allow eral strike in Palestine jslowly spend itself. The Arab national•Fast observed on following Sunday. work. Over a thousand families; the creation of a Jewish colony. Hessen-Nassau alone meet ists vetoed the idea of precipitately ending the strike, since none NOTEt Holidays begin in the evening preceding the dates Daiuig Putsch these qualifications. The organ- ! of their demands have been met as yet and so the alow process designated. Having found bloodless meas- ization is also training qualified •at
Berlin News Letter
K>. th*
Ctih, t w a w l y ris Jfcwuabwi MI*. X , JL. : AKg*!M>. 3%*> 1 Jut* ? *% Dull
noUW* Cl»n:M gu*t It,
Featherweight x Knox Hats
Hebrew Calendar
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1936 SB OF SILVER SHIRTS;f ill to Herman A, Horowitz cepting the challenge. PE 51 PLOT TO PREVENT NAZI OLYMPIAD IN BARNA BELIEVED INVOLVED PANISH REBELLION . . . tow we feel that this Is a minor factor. ...... ISAAC ISSAACS NAMED ING EDWARD'S CORONACOMMITTEE . . . Even afis retirement Sir Isaac is ed by his king. f l T E D ANTI-FASCIST :T FORMED IN ENGLAND t's about time Brittania did hlng about preserving her: >m. IN OF ROUMANIAN SUMRESORTS BLAMED ON -SEM1TISM . . •. ThuB, we se, making It all the fault » Jews. TI-SEMITISM IS A N T I STIAN, GERMAN CLERGY HITLER. . . . He's known •Ight along—but what does re?
ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON ?O VISIT IN CALIFORNIA Baker, .George Jessel, Jack • Ben- from his next crop a sample of During a conference yrith lea- [next Monday night. riant* for the Mrs. J . Hahn entertained 30 Mrs. I. Pearlman, 405 North ny, Harry Ruby, Mitchell and walnuts. tiers of the Italian Jewish com- iSioux City tournament will be disguests at luncheon at the Elks 31 St., has left for California to Durant, and .others. Ricardo m unity Dr. Faitlovitch urged them I club in honor of Miss Jessie Na- visit her daughter, Mrs. J. D.Cortz and Mervyn LeRoy were B. P. Schulberg and Jack Cohn to make real Jews out of the Fal- jcussed. than; whose "marriage to SamLeridis. Mrs. Pearlman will be basemen (very base) for the ac-were' discussing the progress of eshas before attempting to Ital- j Hahn will take place August 23. ;one three months. She will re- tors. their sons a t ' school. "My son isianize them. • WANTED ltrn via Houston, Texas where A police ambulance bore the doing fine," said the former Here's s chance for an ambitious H(ilJSE GUESTS HERE ihe will visit with several sisters buffons to the field , . . one pic-"Why, his letters always send me young man w i t h bookkeeping Mr. and Mrs. A. Rochman and iving there. ador brought his bits in a golf bag to the dictionary." "That's great," knowledge to secure a coed p o r Miss Sarah Nemser had as their . . . that inseparable pair, Mitchell approved Cohn, "My son's letters tion. always send me to the bank!" There will b^ no Eikur Cholim j house guests last week their GONE TO NEW YORK and Durant, batted together, MitWrite Sox A. Jewish Prune, meeting this month. The next j brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Miss Slyvia Lipsman left Mon- chell on Durant's shoulders . . . Mrs. John Nemser and their chil- iay for New York City where she Baker and Jessel smoked cigars, (Copyright 1936, Jewish Telegra- meeting will be held id Septem- j ber. phic Agency, Inc.) dren, Phyllis and Morris, of Pittsincesstanly which didn't seem to l make her home. burgh, Pa., and Mrs. H. Marlenhurt their game . . . It couldn't have been worse. A local dirighoff of Akron, Ohio. BLUMBERG-WARREN KOSOWSKY-FISHTAIN S MINNESOTA ible dropped onto the field a giMr. and Mrs. Rochman and Mr. and Mrs. • Max Warren of Alex Lipsman Is spending his Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fishbain gantic bearing the legend, Miss Nemser entertained at home racation visiting in Duldth and "This isball announce the marriage of their Des Moines announce the marSometime during the coming . ,The A. 2. A. chapter 100 drawf>8tl|f«8 the only ball Harry Ruby daughter, Jennie, to Isidor Kos- riage of their daughter, Charlotte, Monday evening in honor of their Minneapolis, Minn. season, the Omaha chapter of Ha- ing for B cocktail set was won by 8HAMP00 AND FINGER WAVE can catch." When Ricardo Cortez guests. to Phil Blumberg, son of Mr. and owaky, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jo. . . the vlllian . . . entered the dassah will again complete and Mrs. A. Zelinskr. WAHINGTON VISITORS A successful wiener roast was seph Kosowsky. The wedding took Mrs. Sam Blumberg of Omaha. diamond, the rival players drop- publish a Kosher Cookbook. In TRIP EAST Norman and Dave Schlaffer of ped to the ground and hid their this book Trill be well tested rec- held on July EE at Jackson farm place at the home of Rabbi N. The civil ceremony was performed The EetoR Permanent Wave Mrs. Max Fromkin left lastWashington, D. C. are visiting at with no machinery anfi no Feldman, Monday, August 3. Thein Central City. Neb., July;9. The faces. During the game exhausted ipes for every known dish and with almost 100 per cent attendweek for New York and New Haelectricity ueed at ?6.60 not! religious wedding took piace a t the home of their father, Rev. N. players were revived with beer will feature special holiday dishes, ance. Two visiting Alephs from couple will reside in Omaha. up, Chicago were guests of the chapthe Warren home in Des Moines, ven .where she will visit for the chlaffer. the proper table setting for variand refreshments . . . on or off ?16 Brsnt."el» Thoatr* Sunday, August '2, with Cantor month of August. the base, as the case might be. Aous holidays and a special page" ter. At Silver Sands on Long Island RO9ENBERG-GREENBERG A. I. Edgar officiating. Forma! Installation of officers HOME FROM SAVANNAH for brides. Descriptions of celeblind umpire aided the confusion. Mr. and Mr*. Leon Greenberg The couple are residing at theSound she will be the guest of Miss Fannie Katzmann has re-In short, the ball game was a brations and Jewish rites will also followed by a dance will be held announce the marriage of their Turner Court apartments in Oma-her brother-in-law and his wife,turned home from Savannah, Ga., very be included and full information at Fontenelle psrfc pavilion on successful failure. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kamm. daughter, Sally of Los Angeles, ha. where Bhe spent some time with necessary to the Jewish house- August 12. On her return trip Mrs. From- her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Cal., formerly of Omaha, to MorPrize Crop "'obaccoe Make Old wife as to Kashruth. All members should attend a kin will be met in Chicago by Mr.and Mrs. Ben Katzmann. riB Rosenberg, son of Mr. and special meeting at the J. C. C.Gold Cigarettes Double-Mellow. Lillian (("Children's Hour") Mrs. M. F. Levinsou, who will Fromkin. and together they will Mrs. M. A. Rosenberg of LosPIONEER WOMEN Hellman was irked by a critic who be in charge of the cook book, o to Camp Indianola at Madison, HOME FROM LINCOLN Angeles. The wedding took place DESSERT LUNCHEON remarked that she might be a will appoint a committee to asWis., to feee their son, Bob, comThe Pioneer Women held a desJune 7 in California. Miss Dorothy Kaplan has resuccessful writer but that none sist her. . The couple will reside in ~ Los sert luncheon at Dixon's Tuesday, pete in c'amp athletic finals. Bob turned home from Lincoln, Nebr., of her plays would live. She reAugust 4. New members were for- won the silver cup last year. There It e Angeles. where she has been visiting. torted, "If it's a question ot which mally accepted to membership on shall live, me or my writings, I this occasion. Plans for future ac- HOUSE GUEST TO ATTEND CONVENTION will give myself a break." tivities of the organization were ANNOUNCE BIRTH Miss Fan Shenker of Kansas A Eadassah card party sponMiss Rosellne Pizer left Tuesoutlined. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noddle anCity, Mo., is the house guest of day to attend the Sigma Delta sored by Mrs. Dave Stein's group Cheers for Universal! That nounce the birth of a son a t the Mrs. S. Okun and Mrs. S. Nitz, Miss Betty Burstein. Miss Shen- Tau sorority convention, at the will be held Wednesday, August crack basket b*ll team, formed by Clarkson hospital Monday, Au- who left for a .visit in New York, ker will be here for 10 days. Edgewater Beach hotel in Chi-Carl Iaemmle, Jr., won the tourn- 12, Et the Paston hotel. Everyone gust 3. Mrs. Noddle Is the former were bid farewell by their fellow cago. Miss Pizer is national ament which qualified it for theis Invited to form tables and atmembers of the Pioneer Women. RETURN HOME Edith Garfinkle. ice-president. She plans to re-Olympics , . . but . . . not any oftend. The admission is 60 cents The Pioneer Women will hold.a and the money will go toward the Mrs. Mose Buck and children, :urn Sunday. the team is now connected with medical fund. Those serving on drawing on a washing machine Betty Ruth and Lawrence, who Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Welner an- October 4. the studio, and the present Un- the committee are the following: have been visiting Mrs. Buck's RETURNS FROM TRIP nounce the birth of a daughter, iversal management officially re- llesdames T. A. Tully, Seymour parents, Mr. and MrB. A. "Weiss, Mrs. Mayme Adler Block has Janice Kay, July 19. left for their home In Lufkin, returned from a trip in the south I fuses to sponsor or finance any Cohc, Abe Roffman, Jack K&ufOlympic games activity. [ man, Abe Prodell, Sam Cohen, Tex. i Dave Bernstein, Jake Blank, Miss Shirley Barish, daughter and east. In Practice of Law Jottings: A seventy-two-year- i Harry Braviroff, J. M, Erman and of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Barish, RETURNS FROM woman in Indianapolis collected Allan Kohan. By Mrs. David 51. Newman accompanied Mrs. Buck home. MINNESOTA Harold J. Kendla announces his all his news clippings, ..made some Before returning to Omaha, Miss association with Eugene N. Blazer Melvin Sherman has just reBarish will visit in Dallas, Hou- turned from a six weeks' stay at fancy gold-star cut-out, sent them French Toast for the practice of law a t ,301 to her movie idol — Bobby Breea. ston and Galveston, Tex. Take 1 egg, 1-3 cup milk, Electric Bldg. lamp Arrowhead, Deer Wood, Sammy White is searching out teaspoon salt and 3 slices of bread. Minnesota. Mr. Kendia graduated from the players who have been in vaudeCreighton university law school in Beat egg only sufficiently to com-TO DENVER ville twenty-five years or more. to Soil l-'iwsp Miss Alice Perelman has left BACK FROM SPIRIT LAKE 1934. He is affiliated with Pi bine yolk and white. Stir in milk Noel Madison panned for gold for a two weeks' vacation in Denand salt. Dip bread in mixture AM I&n§ «?•» KB Mnts Lambda Phi fraternity. Miss Harriet Sherman has re-while on location. When you're and fry in a pan with plenty of ver, Colo. Rome (WNS) — Conversion of turned from a vacation at Temp- complaining about the heat back butter. lar park, Spirit Lake, Iowa. East, remember that the tempera- the Faleshas, the black Jews of Serve with powdered sugar or TWO-MONTH VACATION ture at the top of the Warner Ethopia, to those tenets of JudaIT WILL PAY YOU Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn left for HAYRACK PARTY tart Jelly. stages was 138 degrees in theism accepted by Jews of world To Consult California Sunday morning for a Kappa Sigma Chi sorority held shade this week! The Laemmles, was urged upon Italian Jewish two months' vacation visiting a successful combination hayrack father and son, are visiting Carl- leaders by Jacques Faitovitch, Banana Nut Bread. One-half cup butter, l cup su-their sons and daughters in Losparty and wiener roast, Saturday sbad and Vienna. After all that executive director of the -AmeriWhen buying gar, 2 eggs, 3 crushed bananas, Angeles. night, July 25, a t Specht's farm. testing, Sidney Fox didn't get thecan Pro-Falasha Committee, who is in charge of Jewish activities DIAMONDS Z cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, Ten couples attended the affair. part of Lotus' in "Good Earth." in behalf of the Falashas. *4 cup chopped nots. RETURN FROM, VACATSION WEDDING EINGS Miss Frances Rosenblatt has reCrush bananas and whip until WATCHES • SOiVEBWABE A certain executive received a light. Cream butter and sugar, turned from a vacation at Tempand GIFT .JEWELS* list of statistical questions. One add eggs, flour sifted with soda lar parji, pirit Lake, Iowa. of them queried, "What has the and nuts. Add bananas'."Tum into depression brought horn to you?" a well-greased loaf bread pan. TO PACIFIC COAST By "HELEN ZIGMOND He answered it tersely, "My wife's Bake in oven at 350 degrees for Miss Silvia Weiner left Saturrelatives." one hour. day for a month's visit in CaliHollywood — Reliable sources fornia. In Los Angeles ;she "will inform us that Martha Raye — Last week Francis Lederer be 1the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mor-that newest sensation of the showered the press representaris Weiner, former Omahans. screen —is an offspring of thetives with sun-kissed apricots Ten Tribes. She is a singing com- from his own ranch. His first FOR MONTH'S STAY edienne . . . a new type to the Howard Greenwald has left for flickers . . . a big hit in "Rhythm crop was cabbages. He promises : . . *' .' i. i.- . Chicago and Louisiana for a. one on the Range." But stardom is month's stay. not all smooth sailing . . . viewing her own preview cost her $210 . GUEST FROM NEW YORK among the group of autograph The Rev. Aaron D. Groondland hounds was a pickpocket who got •-. I NT W O G R O U P S of New 'York is a guest at theaway with her purse containing home of Mrs. Brody, 2509 Frank- jewelry. On top of that" she pracIN OUR SPACIOUS lin St. ; ticed BO diligently for her next NEW VAULTS Pay cleaning chxrge eniy • •. j Regular $21.50 role that she developed laryngitis when ciothet are needed RETURNS FROM TRIP which necessitated rearrangement for next season. Miss Ann Zalk returned Wed of the company's shooting scheCHAIR Begular $29.60 fcl nesday from a three weeks vlsi dule. in Chicago and the Lakes. Mrs. M. Zalk returned Sunday from a KE. 1500 Fifteen thousand perspiring week's v^sit in Des Moines where OFFICE AND PLANT "pippuls" thronged the grandshe wats the guest of her son-in»a»Efcg«»«gB» law and daughter Mr. and Mrsstand to watch the 'foul ball playing" of the film comics versus the Neither the Sun with its driest Leonard Hochenberg. vleading m&a. 'Twas the annual rays, nor the Rain Man with his benefit for the Mt. Sinai Home . . moisture can rob Olu Gold Cigand what a performance! Batting arettes of their fragrance and for the comedians were Benny Freshness.
VISH COMMUNITY STIRBY BOMB EXPLOSION IN IV SCHOOL . . . But will pur the government to Bterueasures against the Arab lets? right 1936 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) ,
Hadassdh. C&rdi Party
itronize Our Advertisers
TO RENT pie of sleeping rooms, tly furnished. JA-4475
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eight tats . . . YOUR inweight h a t . . • uality to make t new arrivals.
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. . . At AHY Price Until You See What Oferl We Kave ctttblithe'd « tain quality standard! . , » below which we NEVER f o / . . . So whether you spend i $ 5 8 , * . or $ISSO for n { Hersbsrg fur cost , . . yeu ere buying e fur ef HONEST QUALITY . . . and tht IEST OF SIS KIND.
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REBEL LEADER—General Emilio Mola, right, leader of the rebels In Spain, is acclaimed by thousands in the streets of Pamplona, rebel headquarters, as he arrived after leading his forces in a d e cisive victory against the loyalists in an engagement in the Guadarrama Mountains. Insurgents claimed domination over a wide area in Northern Spain as they pushed southward.
PLAN MADRID DEFENSE—This picture, taken near Madrid, rushed to London and radioed to New York, shows War Minister Castello of Spain, bareheaded, discussing plans for the defense of Madrid with General Riquelme, wearing glasses. Meanwhile rebels rushed heavy forces of men and large quantities of supplies toward the city for a major attack.
ARMS —Arms and ammunition being distributed to civilian volunteers in Madrid, as the government officials organized them to combat rebel troops reported marching on the city. The Madrid government asserted it was gradually wearing down its opponents in the north, but other reports were given that the insurgents were massirife soldiery and supplies for a huge orive on the city.
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WOMEN AID — Women and children joined the men during the recent - heavy fighting in Barcelona, -Spain. Here is a truck caravan, filled with volunteers loyal to the government, leaving for Sarr&gossa. Matresses were used, for protection against flying bullets. Note the women with rifles on truck a t right. .. .
BASQUES AID REBELS—A group of Basque volunteers who have joined the rebel, Spain. They, are shown marching through a village near Pamplona, en route to rebel forces near Madrid.
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INVESTIGATION—A scene in Barcelona, largest city in Spain, where heavy fighting occurred. Here workers are stopping all vehicles for a thorough investigation before permitting! them to proceed along the city streets. Women and children, as well as men, joined the search. . -• , SONGBIRD — Deanna Durbin, 13-year-old Los Angeles soprano, received so much approbation by her singing of operatic arias a t a Hollywood benefit that a leading motion - picture company gave her a long-term contract for motion picture. work. Now she is studying for grand opera roles.
: ' • • ; . ' '••":.'•!•/••
LIKE SOME' OF US—His Royal Highness, the" Crown Prince of Japan, gets a vacation like some of us this year. Here, accompanied by nurses,-the 3-yeaf-old is shown as he left the Tokyo station for the imperial shore villa at Hayama.
MENTIONED—Mrs. Liman Lawton Miles, who was the wife of Dr. Franklyn Thorpe at the time he married Mary Astor, according to affidavits filed in Los Angeles by Miss Astor. Mrs. Miles was one of the spectators in the Los Angeles court where Miss Astor's suit is being tried.
MODERNISTIC FIGURE — June Lang, film star, posing for a statue of a projected peace memorial by Albert Stewart, sculptor, of New York. Mr. Stewart, shown working on the clay model, chose Miss Lang for her "modernistic" figure, which he described es maturely heavy, though with youthful slenderness and graceful proportions.
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DB THORPE AND A BLONDE—Thls picture was introduced a s evidence i n the suit brought by Mary Astor, film actress, to r e cover custody of her daughter Marylyn from her former husband, Dr. Franklyn Thorpe. Nursemaid Nellie Eichardson Identified the blonde girl in the picture as Norma Taylor, showgirl. Miss Taylor was once:ejected from-Thorpe's Home by police. ••(•:;--.•-
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C W i l l BE COMPIETED"—So said President-Roosevelt as he visited'the site of the Passamaquoddy tidal experiment, after landing from-his recent sea cruise. He is shown above, center, inspecting a working model of the project. At left. Captain Donald J. Leehey, administrative officer, and tight, Colonel P . B.-Fleming..district engineer. .
-WITH-THEIR BOOTS ON—German soldiers took part in a handicap swimming race at H&lberstadt to demonstrate army efficiency, and what a handicap! Above, they are shown plunging into the pool with full marching equipment, including boots, pack, rifle, steel helmet and uniform, - Copyright United Ncwsplciures.
*J?l£ "
Across the Missouri
don. and radioed to New ir the defense of Madrid >rces of men and large
season and narrowly escaped being awarded the Pulitzer prize. While it is not a play wholly concerned with Jewish life, there are excellent portrayals of Jewish characters". We hope our information on this matter is correct,, for 'we eagerly await the opening
trip to Houston must have been a huge success. He hasn't stopped talking" about it yet .'• . . Lora oldberg has become the light of one young man's 'eyes . . . We notice Omaha girls have a preference for gentlemen bearing the names of famous poets, eh, Marian Strauss? . . . G". L. and S. R. might know a thing or two about the lady's corset that was tied onto a car with a Wisconsin license, Saturday night. The car was seen going down the Dodge road with the corset flying high.
Ladies Free Loan Picnic Next Sunday! 'The Ladies Free Loan society will hold a picnic at Elmwood park Sunday, August 9. Prizes will be awarded for various games and races. All members and their friends are invited to attend. Mrs. Baron is president of the organization.
This month our sister city across the "Muddy Mizzou" celebrates its hundredth birthday, and we have attempted to glean a,, few. lacta "about our Council ten by knocking off the last-place Bluff a brethren. So,, If you have a Jobbing team. With this victory, note or two that we fair to print, : ! the Samples can still take the night •••• ' > ' dpn't rem,ain silent because we're j league pennant in a play-off with out to get all we can on dear old I the Potato Market. cl fl. "Here goes . . .One hundred Jottings on the Cuff What ardent softball fans exyears ago' Kanesvillo, which was pected to be a hard-fought tussle Des Moines gave Cantor Aaron later to be Council Bluffs, was The Rev. Aaron D. Groondland turned out to a "track practice" founded . . . t h e first, settlers were Edgar a. royal send-off before his of New York City will conduct for the Psi Mu, when the .fraterMormons, who, as you have per- departure for our metropolis. A services at the S'nai Jacob syna- nty boya .rounded the bases 33 haps read elsewhere, call every- sizable check was one way his gogue at 24th and Nicholas Sts. times to the A. Z. A.'s 3. The Psi one else Gentiles,. so that Jews fellow Jews had of. showing their Mu may boast of a little "Olymstayed away from the' Bluffs those appreciation for his work in Des pic" track record when they ran Moines. .'-. :' . early-years because they weren't away with the younger team. taking a chance on being labeled Eight home runs, four, triples, six An anonymous contribution Gentiles . . . The Council Bluffs doubles and a "jillion" singles are from Sioux City informs us that B'nai B'fith chapter was organjust what the "sluggers" connectized August 16, 1899, which is a good fortune smiles upon him who ed for off three A. Z. A. hurlers. long, long time ago. Nathan Gil- ieriters the house of the Friedman (?) The win keeps the Psi Mu Insky is the; present president . ' . . twins. The accompanying explapounding away in third place. nation was a bit vague, .but we The Chevra -B'nai Yisrbel synagogue was organized.October 21, considered the adage safe enough. When the midwestern A. A. TJ. 1903, and I. Gilinsky, was its first swim meet takes the spotlight president . . . 2 2 years ago it was The "Man About Town" of the Sunday, August 9, at Peony park, decided to give the Iowa boys and Iowa Jewish News through his four junior aspirants will wear girls the! opportunity to learn He- column sends us the encouraging the J. C. C. colors in the novice brew and the Hebrew school, now message that the Omahan, in the class. Norman Berg, swimming inheaded by Morris Grossman, was Omaha - Des Moines - Minneapolis structor, has announced that he hullt.. . ; When the Grand hotel triangle is* really "head" man; will enter Bucky Greenberg in the burned in 1925 and Council Bluffs Confidence prohibits him from 50-meter breast stroke, Stan citizenry was left without a hos- telling us lots more. So you and . Rev. Aaron D. Groondland. Feltman and Norman Polonsky telry a group of public-spirited I must go on In. ignorance. Friday evening at sunset and Sat- in the 50-meter free style and citizens gathered together to reurday morning at 8:30. Rose Mary Pardun in the free place the burnt edifice. On that A young newlywed "has all her Hev. Groondland, a well-known style. Both junior and senior life committee were H.' Katelman, friends guessing.- In "describing Louis Katelman and H. Krasne, her new apartment, she mentioned cantor, has a beautiful lyric ten- saving classes have been progressing rapidly with many boys and among others . . . The People's a "legitimate" bedroom. Which la or voice. He will go to Sioux City by in- girls learning the art of artificial Department store, which is one of something else for us to sit and vitation to conduct services next respiration. the largest, was. founded by the think about. week at Tefereth Israel synaKrasne family 2 T years ago . . . . the1 third generation is alreadyac- . To one happy couple has come gogue.Those who have been visiting tive along- with the original own- that dearest of all things in God's the Center the past few weeks erar F. M. and George Krasne, kingdom—a baby. But like others have noticed the absence of a Louis and Morris Bernstein, Her- of this species, it howls merci"pillar of humanity" in the Cenman Meyerson and Leon Franlcel lessly at the most.unholy hours. ter recreation room. Both the By BAY SOHAKEO ... . L. H:f Katelman serves on the 'The other night the poor, dismale and female sex have gone Council. Bluffs library board and without their u "Smitty special tracted mother turned to the faJoe Katelman is alderman-at. The J. C. C. softball league add- corned beet sandiches" but those ther and snapped, "Why don't large . .. * Julius Moskovitz and ed, another honor to its list .after days are gone. Participants in the Isaac Sternhlil are first lieuten- you do something? He's half their three-game schedule had J sports can be assured of their yours." • . •'• apts; In the medical corps of the been played off last Sunday.1 The food now that Dave Smith has reFrom the bed came the tired record belongs to the Psi Mu, who turned. Saul Fellman, basket reserve officers . . . A n d that is ali our prying could dig up about moan, "Let my half cry." now has the distinguished honor room attendant and staunch adthe-.Iowans. ' of being the hardest hitting team mirer of the "Smitty" made sandWe are very pleased to see the" in the city, when they trounced wiches, has nicknamed the corned kindly attitude of several Omaha the A. Z. A. No. 1, 33 to 3. In beef 'stand "Epper Essen," which wives who are tending the busi- the other games, the first place is very original. ness so "papa" can go on a much- Omaha Potato Market team de^ . been, severely chas- needed vacation. Lovely, lovely. feated the Towers, 17 to 9, and Lee Grossman, physical directiied "by a reader friend (yes, It reawakens one's faith In the the Sample Furs trounced the tor, has been among the missing r world. 4 Jobbers, ,12 to 2. . there are" one ' or two left), who at the Center, visiting during his took exception to the remark that The league leading grocery ten leave of absence, the Yellowstone Two talented musicians from appeared in this column that 100 stayed a game In the lead when National park. Lee is at this mothousand . American Jews would across the river, Esther and Flor- they toyed with the disrupted ment probably trying to put»all ence Steinberg, had a thrilling disclaim Yiddish, aa their mother Towers' to down them in an over- the monkeys in shape with settongue . and^.wo;werje.iJoldM.hat rexperience while visiting, in the whelming defeat. The Towers did ting up exercises, one thing he ; east, mehtly.?: They played on even a man like Goethe once hot have a show and from the can't get away from even though wrote a fanciful diary in Yiddish. the Jewish Hour over the C. B. S. Initial stanza the Potatoes started he is not acting In official capac. ' '. By way of explanation, all-we network. a drive which marks a champion- ity. Although the."brains" of the have to say for ourselves is that ship "team. But for the fact that physical department is gone, those. 100 thousand Jews are from WHY? their was "matlny" in the Tower everything is in smooth running the Mediterranean region and LaWhile we are on the subject of ranks the fourth place outfit may order with able assistants taking dino has been the mother-tongue Yiddish, we saw a letter in a Bbs- have made a game out of the or- over his department. as long as Yiddish' has been the tjon Jewish weekly which told motder-tongue or the nortnern a D 0 U t a Gentile who had learned London (WNSO — A -warning Jake Adler, one-time shortstop ' Yiddish and had asked \her Jew- and now the leading pitcher in that Great Britain might easily •;As;;to Goethe writing in Yiddish ish 'friends, ."Why do the Jews the J. C..C-*ranks, set the Jobbing go Nazi was sounded here by Winit/may be in order-to add here: i always say Mshugoyim? Why ten down with five hits and two ston Churchill in a vigorous attb'atf.KleiBt and Wedekind, two never Mschuyidden?" runs. Jake now has five victories tack of the opposition of British German poets, wrote several manto hia record with no setbacks, a Labor to the government's plan uscripts in Hebrew letters while record which no other pitcher in for strengthening. British arms W.ilhelm von Humboldt employed Whisperings the city'can ,equal. In one of his against a possible Nazi invasion. We understand Gary Landman victories, he pitched the Furrier thei'Rashl script in a corresponMr. Churchill said that labor, was bitten by his own dog while team..-to',a lopsided victory over the most militant woe of Nazism, dence 'with a Jewish" friend. taking off the animal's collar dur- the A. Z. A., allowing only one had most reason to fear it, and ing a scavenger hunt . . . A cer- hit,' for a feat which has not been yet "all they are willing to do is Ambitious Histrionics tain person from Milwaukee must matched to date. The Samples cocK a snoot at Nazi Germany and •-A let-up in the heat and the have had something up his sleeve stayed in line with the grocery leave this country undefended." Center "players get ambitious. On when he walked Into the police our - peregrinations • we. were in- station and asked for a speeder's formed that they-are contemplat- ticket . . .Another young gentleing a presentation" of Maxwell An- man about town was nearly, slapderson's stirring drama in poetry. ped, on bis wrist-by a.;bouncer at a local spot for getting rough be"Winterset." This play was chosen by the cause a sailor.asked his girl for a NewvYbrk critics as the best of- dance. What, Charlie, you don't feVing of last year's theatrical like the navy? . « . Lester Byron's
Groondland Will Conduct Services
• J. Ci C. Sports
CANT YOU WAIT TILL NIGHT TO CALLOUT OF TOWN? film star, posing = for < a Mbert Stewart, sculptor, ing on, the clay model," ure, which he described ilenderness and graceful
jtral O<:et Council in Moscow. Tiu i immediate projects include snui>< j film on the occasion oj the iv-fv • «•• j tieth anniversary o£ the Oo<oJ>f I Revolution in IDS? to portray i! •By PHINEAS J. BIRON Ulevelopement and results vi ihr ffiFF i Soviets' national policy will' rr BOYCOTT SEWS 1PERSOXALL1 Igp.rd to its Jewish citizens, Ar The, president of an Eastern j Robert Rodenkirchen, Germanother two short films are t n r University, which was the center j b o r n Jersey City schoolboy, indig- Reports From Bussi&n Ukraine; gested: "The Jews in SoCif >;>•• Agriculture" and "The J r v i,.i of a bitter controversy over NEzs! nantl5r r e f u s e d E n invitation to Indicate Great j Autonomous j , . i represent Germany in the Olrispic Region." Improvement j The commission also liojipc ;r propaganda in its German depart- j G a m e s _ _ _ Rodenkirchen, who i i ment last year, may find that his: established a new world's record publish a book -n four lanfrnprp* role in that scrap will cost him; £ o r t h e 200-metors re<?entlv, Is j Moscow (JTA)— Bunirer crop.?' on the .lewish role in iari^nu ! in the Jewish nations I regions at; the presidency of one of the Iead-! n o t y e t e I i g i b l e t 0 c o m p e t e * f o r throughout Soviet Russia, e !>• ing universities of the South . . .; U n c l e S a m . . . collecting Lin- j the Crimea and the Ukraine arc ersry slmanac to portray the ?(•!•• The threat of a boycott has forced jc o l n 3 a n a 5s t n e h o b b y o f Governor j reported. The harvest in the Sta- ievements of the Jewish mapp.v *• the Loew chain of theatres t o j H o r n e r o £ I l l i n o ! , . . . H e alreadv i lindorf region of the Ukraine was I Soviet Russia during the Co jr»"> cancel a plan to show M a x | h u n o r e ftan , 6 C 0 j t e m l | _ _'_ I two and half times bigger than and erection in Jliro-BicljfiT> i'f * Schmeling and his wife on i t S | s i d n e j . C a r d o z o , n e p hew of Su- j last year's with an even better monument to Lenin. , vaudeville circuit . . . jp r e m e C o u r t J u s t i c e C a r d o s O i { s crop reported in Kalindori:. Special tents have been erected POLITICAL • I giving signs of being a promising ROYAL COMMISSION NAVJ for Jewish workers harvesting Some of our confreres w h o ! a c t o p • • • F r i e n ^ s of the late Dr. crops in the Larinclorf region of TO INVESTIGATE r A L E P T ; M took Paul Block to task for i n - ! 0 8 ^ Neumark, processor of Jew- I the Crimea, since they spend most DISTURBANCES . . . The v'.v.r jecting the Jewish Issue into t h e ! i s h Philosophy at the Hebrew of their time in the fields; missioners Iieve e. most delict"! New ., York gubernatorial c a m . | Union College, commemorated hi Meanwhile, 1ST specialists in paign pointed out that Block doesl* does^ birthday on August Srd . . . various fields hare been sent to job before therri. not belong to any Jewish organ-i^' e e " e d i B reporting that Clmr] the Jewish autonomous region of otte ization .*. . They're wrong.. . J ' Epstein, coach of the ^ o - Eiro-Bidjan in the first six months The CTI p!ar» may l»! \. What makes Block's attack still im e n ' g Swimming Association, had of 1SS5, according to a statement Small monthly payments . . more disgraceful is the fact t h a t l ^ n e to Germany to attend the by the Gomzet, Government or- Steafl o* enf ainq'e premium. BUY INSURANCE. THE —if our. information is correct— j Olympics at her own expense CON V EN I E N T W A V ganization for settling Jews on 1 5 5 E E t e l n s a i l e d o n th he is a member of the board ofj^ P ; |land If interested. <?«)* T f I % directors of New York's Emanu-! chereta for a tour of Italy and •KARK LEON | They include 4S Communist j El,, of which Governor Lehman's! f s r p t - - . A new treatment to Every type ot insurance ws"lt*e»H brother. Irving, is president . . . ' ^ b r e f from setting BUle has Party and administrative experts, i ?A StPonp C«mpfinle» been IS engineers, 1 geologist, £4 AT ?667 WA Judge Jonah J. Goldstein, who is Perfected by A. K. Epstein B R bookkeepers, 11 economists, 13 bucking Tammany Hall in t h e ' ^ ; - Harris of Chicago . . . primaries, has received telephone I D r - Mane Pichel i sWarner, emm- physicians, 19 agricultural ex0 1 0 ^ i s the Producer perts, 4 lawyers, 7 postoffice ofcalls threatening him with death ™*a n ™ * ficials, 17 teachers, £ electricaJ • unless he withdraws from the!*' motion picture film called i technicians, 1 ex-ray expert and; race . . . For the third consecu- j "Methods of Contraception I1 musician. tive year Estelle M. Sternberger Governor Lehman and Mrs. Ruth j During the third quarter of has been invited to give the offi-' B ^ * * Owen are getting ready to this year, 160 families &re exten ma e t0 l cial coast-to-coast broadcast over i « « f \ ™ ° each other pected to be settled in collective' the radio on Kellogg Pact Day,|; • • Mrs. Robert Lehman, daugh- j farms of Biro-Bidjan, including August 27th . . . Incidentally. Es- e r o f Mrs. Owen » intantidpat- [100 families from the Ukraine, In H c r tasband is a C0UEln telle is the outstanding woman j * • • • :40 from White Hussia, 10 from worker—^volunteer, if you please j • the Western Region and 10 from - f o r Roosevelt's reelection. j ^ , _ S a r a h B S m U h > t h e noTe Baku. ir,, T In addition, 70 Ukrainian and . WHISPERINGS i ist, phoned us to tell us that we Talking'Abotst It It is beinc -whispered in Lon-ihad our signs slightly mised -when SO White Russian students will be Bent to the region's Mining InS Fisrors don and Paris that Charles Lind-| W e told you about her daughter, bergh's much-publicized visit to! the other week . . . The young stitute, as well as SO students to To Ohoosc From Germany was a slick attempt by [lady's name is, to begin with, Lu- be sent to the Pedagogic Tech- \ nicuin. A hundred and twenty ! Goebbels to gain some much-iCille Smith Prumbs, and the play needed international good will for ion which she's working is "Once teachers will arrive in Biro-Bid- j Nazi Germany . . . When the real j Again" . . . And as long as we're jan during the present quarter. | Aculture commission to Ian story of the Spanish rebellion is,making amends we might sfid At All Leading told a number of leading Euro-1 that it's to open at the Conser- cultural activities in the Jewish Dealers autonomous region of Eiro-Bidjan pean Fasdst statesmen will be ex-1 vatoire Theatre Et Deal, N, J.,' on has been formed within the Cenposed as having had a hand in it [August ISth, starring Leona Pow. . . Emil Jannings, the film stariers, and Is expected to reach who was once a great favorite in: Broadway in the early Fall . . . America, has accepted an appoint- j when Max Reinhardt reached ment as state actor from the Nazi j Paris on his way to Salzburg the government . . . Mrs. Leon Blum, j sheriff confiscated everything but spouse of the French premier, is;the clothes he was wearing , . . the second wife of that Jewish [ A Nazi court is trying to collect statesman . . . The robes worn by | taxes on his theatres, which the Nazi fudges must now be decor- i Hitler Reich has confiscated . . . ated With the swastika . . . Eliz-: Reinhardt's answer to the Nazis abeth Bergner, emigre German i -^-as "Sue me"—Tvhich they did film actress, is pleading with;. . . > Francis Lederer, Czech Jewish) (Copj-xight 193G by Seven Arts star, to join her in the film verFeature Syndicate) sion of Henri Bernstein's "Melo," - _ — which is now being made in Lon-j Reich don . . . Quoting from Hitter's j speeches or writings to prove any-| Berlin — The last five Jews thing is now verboten in Germany •wHhout the special permission of I remaining in the town of Pappenc the Nazi • party's commission on! heira, Bavaria, were reported last literature . . . ' 'week to have emigrated.
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for a month visiting relatives told us of an Incident during his came Roman Catholics, lo joined Those converted to Judaism inwhile Mr. Seizin Is expected to re- col.iege days where a Jewish footthe Evangelical church and S the eluded 18 men, 25 women and 7 turn home today. Accompanying ball player fasted a day which Czechoslovakia.!! church, | minors. Mr. - Seizin home will be his was Yom Kippur and ^then played daughters Misses Ruth and Nor- a whale of a game for his Alma Praha, Czechoslovakia (JTA)— ma. Seizin who have been visiting Mater, and-they Just couldn't see MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent Members of the Jewish Nation- in Chicago and the east for the how > he: had done. it. Then the According to official figures pubal Workers' alliance gave a sur- past month. • Y Governor, at this interruption, lished here, 187 persons abanprise party last unday evening on said something to this effect: 'It's doned the Jewish religion and 50 attending the convention are Miss Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shindler in a wonde)-ful thing that the Jews others became converted to JuMina Slotsky of Sioux City: and t h e i r n e w h o m e . ...'••• of the world keep this' holiday' so daism during .193 5. Miss Beatrice. Sommers of Omaha.; sacred '•" and holy,L which- depicts Those leaving the Jewish comthe background and suffering this Miss Rose Albert" of Sioux City is munity included 80 men, SO wompeople" have "encountered" through en and 27 minors. Of the numAt the Invitation of the Sioux also a meriiber of the sorority. ~ the ages.' . . . City A. Z. A. chapter, advisers ber, 140 joined no church, 29 beof; the chapters participating in POLITICS: "After all questhe A. Z. A. tournament to be tions were answered," Al goes on, held here ; this" month, .will attend WORLD'S WINDOW "the Governor said that he had the tournament and -hold., an. ad(Continued from page 1) a very great amount of friends visers' round.table and breakfast who were Jews in Ga. and told history of man, if the history of j ;=during-the J convention.. The invi- ;••• After • a ' three -weeks' 'vacation The Council Bluffs Agudas Actation- • has been. - extended .the; from their •.studies, pupils ,of the him picnic, scheduled" for last THRILL: Today's column is de- its what fine people they are. He civilization teaches one single chapter through the chairman of; Sioux City.:Talmud, Torah ^rill re- Sunday was postponed .until: this voted-to a person of no import- then asked me about politics in thing — one single thing and «TK BiG WEEK its advisory board, Mr. Sain Ep-.' turn" t<i classes next. Monday morn- Sunday, August 9 at Owen's farm ance . . . T h a t is, he's of no Im- New York, and immediately the none other whatsoever — it stein, "The' break'fast• and round ing. Regular sessions will begin at Starting at two o'clock a. full day portance except perhaps to his newshounds, I mean the dignified this: that all worldly reasons are ^" table will be attended, by repre-; 9..o'clock and'.classes will be held of activities and fun is planned relatives, his girl friend New Ga*ti! New Son**! (or reporters for the other papers bad and perishable reasons, that' ?<ew ISackoutu! New Novelties! sentative adviserB from Omaha, throughout'.tile-mornings until the for both young ;• and old. Kach friends) and his colleagues at the asked me what chance Governor all action according to worldly ad- Er Council-Bluffs, ties Moines, Sioux! beginning of; public school. ' family is asked to bring its own office . . . In years he's only a Lehman had. I told them that vantage and good repute is sterile ~±-*~ Falls^and the Tri-Cities.. Miss LilHon Romirowsky. and supper basket spend the lad . . ." But already,, the. world Is we did not deal with politics but action and leads not to life but Word' has: been received by the Mr. /and Mrs. • Sam-- krupnick, in- remainder of the day at.the pic- his oyster and he's set about hap- that the Governor of New York to death. Smert Deneine; Teem frem the ~ iwonkie»t Night CIH£»« of chairman-;; of the" local / arrange- structors, have Bpent their vaca- nic. pily to open It and take for him- in my humble opinion would successfully hold the highest honor ments* that- Stanley Rabinowitz of tions with relatives and friends in • sign posts will be on the road self its share of joy This cognition is the classical Which ; from-the ^ end of East Broadway is a bit of an introduction to given to him by the. people of cognition of all high religion. And -C Des ••M.oi^es.i'Ia.,. president of the, Chicago. ETTA REID New York for another term. Gov- since man has not changed in his district'*-anU the I.,;N. -A. A., -will to direct traffic to the -farm. Song* in the fcfedera fcSeed, young AI RIchter Al's the also/attend, tfye tournament. Mr. Prizes will be awarded for var- chief office boy at the J. T. A. ernor Talmadge then said that|essential nature the truth of this! g CONDUCTS SERVICE ,«n<J Ciever—Tes'iS Lthc Her! Julius "Bianb , of V Omaha,/ the exious games for men, women and and Mr. Peters thinks you should the Governor was a good friend! cognition has not changed either, j 2 : ecutire 'secretary of the A. Z. A,,: LEE PSJ1DY - • and*' a fine " . Hence the trouble with those rich | § ' Aaron D. Groonland' of New children and a big time is as- know about him because some-U>f- his man and. . fine In Sioux City for the tour-: sured to all who-attend this/ afYork City, noted" cantor, presentand reputable and clever and ableStylist day you may be seeing his by-line Jew" nament..;"'~, : '"v ;"'.V - ' • .-?, ':•.'. ed a recital' of Hebrew: and Yid- fair. Mr! Charles Saltzmas. is over interesting articles from the and gifted Jews who are Jewishly : Plans fare near completion for, dish songs last Sunday, evening In charge of the picnic arrange- far corners of the earth . . . You YO.U'RE FORGIVEN: "Well, inactive, who keep Jewish news j §; housing the visiting Alephs and: in the Tiphereth Israel synagogue. ments and -will, be assisted by should know about him because boss," the youngster concludes, out of their consciousness and Messers. Sam Rosenthal, . Sam arrangements have been made- to ' Friday evening arid Saturday he is living proof to this, graying "that's one achievement so far, have no spontaneous tear to shed 1 take'Care^of ..more'than 60: Un- morning, he .conducted the serv- Sachs, Max Simon,. and Sam old pollyanna, that the spirit ot and I hope the heck you don't over those five, children in Tel i Bubb. Everyone is cordially inder :the chairmanship. of.'HaskelL ices at the Tiphereth Israel. youth Is all it's cracked up to be bawl the heck out of me for Aviv, is this: That they are in the vited to attend. • Lazere»! arrangements; have been . . Al went off on his vacation showing BO much audacity but broad and deep sense irreligious m made for the greatest percentage the other day because he has truthfully though It was the most en, men sold to the world and The Council Bluffs Chapter, of the delegate? to stay in local thrilling incident of my life . . .|all its barren miseries, and by the No. 7" of the 1A. Z. A. held a meet- relatives there he went to AtlanJewish homes, during the tournaI went to Washington for a day j same token at the innermost core ta And from that city, came . Mr.'and Mrs. : William Lazere Ing "Wednesday, evening, August ment. Any Jewish family desiring "Dear Boss," it on my way down, but the Presi- j of their souls unhappy men,^ How to. house one or more delegates and sons returned home Tuesday 5, at the home of Hymie Dia- a letter are we to break their bondage? stem .duriqg'the convention is asked to: morning from Denver, Colo., mond,-local president. Plans were starts, "well, here I am in the dent.was on a fishing cruise so For it is they who are slaves cMicn I am sorry I could not interview beautiful city of Atlanta and let where • they spent the past three get in touch with Haskell Lazere. made for the annual A. Z. A. Dinners,.. not we; it is they who are slaves me tell you, it is the roost gorweeks. Mrs. Lazere flew by plane him." . . . A complete, program '. of sport tournament to be held in Sioux in Mizrayim, not we. How? I congeous city i<: t*e country. I will • • • events has been outlined and pre- to Denver,; where she was called City next week. fess that I do not know the antell you of its beauty when I see MISH-MASH: Phil Katz, man- swer. Is it not of some service liminaries for the events have by the illness of her mother, Mrs. S. Monsky, who was visiting you, but at present I want to tell been held by the local Alephs preaging editor of the American Jew- to have at least asked the quesMrs. . Simon Steinberg and paratory for the tournament. Abe there. Mr. Lazero and: sons mo- daughters, Misses Florence and you of my accomplishments and ish Outlook of Pittsburgh, Pa., tion? Elsberg is in charge of this phase tored to Denver later, joining Mrs: Esther Steinberg returned home some items of interest to you. post-cards . • us from Sandusky, Lazere for a three weeks' stay. Well, here goes. Today I had a of: the tournament and is receivOhio, that there's "not a Zionist after several weeks visit in the (Copyright 1S;36 by Seven Arts ing the co-operation of the entire east. They visiteu in Philadel- personal interview with Governor or a Nazi in the whole place!" . . : (Feature Syndicate.) chapter-in outlining the various ; Dr.'.Jack-Pearlman and Mr. Sam phia where they were the house- Eugene Ta'.madge of Ga. It seems Willy Sirbvlch of Congress, he' that I always wanted to meet him events. ' ' Pearlman. of < Muscatine, la., are guests, of Mrs. Steinberg's brothwho got lots of people all steamLEON &. WHITE, Attorneys 504-10 City National -Bank Bldg. A dance will be the highlight visiting Mn. Siour City this week er-in-law and sister, Mr. and anyway, so I went up to the State ed up over a so-called "plan" to and closing- event; of the tourna- with their brother-in-law and sis- Mrs. Carl Brandeis, former resi- capitol and introduced myself to settle 100,000 German and other NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ter, Df. and Mrs. S. H.-Shulkin, dents of Council Bluffs. KRAUS A TRUSTIN ment. ; ; They his secretary, She made an ap- Jews in Cuba, has written anothNotice is hereby given that a cor2914 Nebraska. St. , also visited in Brooklyn, Atlan- pointment for me at 10:30. ' I er play . . . But this one may be poration has been formed under the Liiae Eickey, White Soda tic City, Newark and Elkins, said I represented the Jewish Tel- produced .. . . . Of all things, by laws of the State of Nebraska. The | name of the corporation is "KRAUS i Elected to Synagogue Ginger Ale or Sparkling Mrs. R. Levitan and Mrs. M. H. West Virginia. , egraphic Agency and thought it the WPA Federal Theatre . . . & TRUSTIN." Its principal place of Blacker and daughter of RocfcWater would be a splendid idea if I ob- Which should be one for the business is Omaha, Douglas County, I Assorted Flavors Abram Maron, - son of Rabbi ingham, N. C, and Mrs. Sam Stein Miss Marian Katelman is ex- tained a personal statement from "boondoggle" hunters . ' . . Ed Sul- Nebraska. 3 Q t Bottles 25c general nature of the business and. Mrs. <J. D. Maron, 613 Center and son of Greensboro, N. C., are pected home Monday from a Hen him regarding the Jewish New livan tells his million-odd read- to• The 4- Packages 19c be transacted by the corporation St., has been elected rabbi of Mo- visiting in - Sioux City^n the home day visit with relatives and Year." is to purchase, own, hold. sell, coni Plus Bottle Deposit . era of the News that Jimmy . .. vey, assign, lease, mortgage end | gen David synagogue in Los An- of Mr. and Mrs. S: Levitan, 505 friends In t. Louis Missouri. T H E INTERVIEW: "W e 11, Walker and. Rabbi Wise, his bit- transfer real estate ajid personal | geles. Omaha St. : property wherever situated; to buy, ter critic, "almost collided leavButternut bless my soul," Al continues, own, assign, transfer and mortRabbi Maron, who is visiting Mrs. Blacker is the former EsMiss Esther Steinman of Win- "when I was administered (ush- ing the dining room of the Nor- sell, gage bonds, securities and stock in his parents here, will assume his ther Levitan; and Mrs. Stein the nipeg, Canada arived here Tuesto draw, make, ered is the word, Al) into his off- mandie" . . . . "Jimmy," Eddie's other corporations; duties in Los Angeles this month. former Gertrude Levitan. accept, endorse a.nd issue day for a visit with relatives. She ice, there were about -Jen news- Informant reported, "was gracious execute, EegTslar or Drip Grind promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, He recently returned from a fouris the houseguest of her uncle papermen from these' different and Rabbi Wise's comment was: bills of exchange and other negotiable year stay in Palestine/where he ; Mrs. yictbr i Raasch, and son, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.- Abe Leiinstruments; to borrow money; to en,k 29c 2 for 56c Pis. 24c . Qts. 38c parts and papers—a Mr. MacMur- 'Amazing how he retains,his so- gage Jn the business of general constudied-as a result of winning a Milton, of an-Francisco, have ar- • b o v i t z . • • • ' " " .* ••'--'• cial graces" . . . It must be an tracting for the construction, repairray of the Associated Pressr <a scholarship. rived here,_to visit with and remodeling of buildings and Mr. Standler of The Georgian, epidemic: First we are informed public works of all kinds; to engage "He is a graduate of the He- Raasch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. that Dr. Dmitri Marianoff has The Council Blufs Lodge No. ^ in the business of manufacturing, from the Atlanta Constibrew Theological"^ college in Chi- Jacob Seigel. . ; quit his post as editor of the Jew- selling and buying of any and all 688, B'nal Brith will hold its regv tution, the New York Herald cago ..and .holds a B. S. degree kinds of apparatus* appliances and ish Forum, and now we get a let- materials ular meeting, Monday evening used in the construction, from Lewis institute there. Misses Rose, Anna, and Dora August 10 at 8:30 at Eagles Hall. Tribune and from the local pa- ter from Dr. Rudolf Kayser of repairing,' furnishing and remodeling Corn Flakes, Wheat Pops, Rice Pops ©r pers, whose names. I can't at this Of buildings, roads, cemeteries and Magilevsky have, returned home Holland, . another son-in-law of public works of all kinds; to act as : moment remember. The Goverafter a. week's visi' with Mr. and Prof. Albert Einstein, announcing broker,, agent or salesman for others REPRESENTS SORORITY Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman left Mrs. Jack Magilevsky in Buffalo, uhday for Anita, Iowa to spend nor got u , and shook my hand that he, too, has severed his con- In the sale of any and all kinds of AT NATIONAL MEET M i n n . appliances and materials •••'.••, the week visiting their son-in-law and told me he was very glad to nections with the New York mag- apparatus, used in the construction. repairing, v 10 lbs.-35c buildand daughter, Mr.. and Mrs. Hen- see me and then introduced me azine for . reasons that wouldn't or MIBB Frances Kalin, 3620 JackMr. and "Mrs. Abe Davidson ry Maduff. From theer they will to the members of the press. sound flattering to the ears of the ings, roads, cemeteries and pubHc RED RASPBERRIES, box i§c ' Dps.' $1.15 of all kinds; to do anything EOn St.; With Miss Harriet tfyron and. Lester Davidson; spent last go to Auburn, Nebraska to spend Well, I sat down, Just dumb- periodical's publishers . . . Joe works necessary, proper or convenient for of Lincoln, Neb., is representing week: at Lake. Okoboji. incidental to the carrying- out of Fancy Calif.-Bartlett PEARS, crate $2.75 another week visiting their Bon- founded and. scared like hell, and Williams, curly-headed sports col- or the powers or purposes herein mentllfr THfcta chapter at the Sigma In-la-w and daughter, Mr. and waited for matters to more or yumist for the N. Y. World Tele- tioned. Calif. Alberta PEACHES, 60 size.... '....$1.25 Delta Tau Bororlty'G national less- commence by themselves. I gram,' wirelesses from Berlin The total authorised capital stock Mr. and Mrs. M. Holland and Mrs. Abe Marcus. the corporation shall be 125.000.00 convention in, Chicago this week. children departed recently for a then noticed that everybody's that "The Jewish mfembers of the of APRICOTS, l a p ...: :......:...:........:..$ 1.25 into 250 shares of the par The convention is being held at 10-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. : Mr. and Mrs.' Leon Seizin and eyes including the Governor's American team—Martin Glick- divided vaJue of J100.00 per share. Said capGREEN OR WAX BEANS, Ib.—_....'. 1 ...10c the; Edgewater - Be; ch hotel. -Oth- Steinberg Jn St;N Louis, Mo. Mrs. sons, Millard and Teddy, motor- were focused on me and they evi- man and Sam Stoller, relay run- ital stock shall be fully paid for and nonassessable when issued and may er members of the chapter at the Steinberg is the former Florence ed to Chicago, last Friday. Mrs. dently were anticipating my quer- ners—are going about training in be paid for in cash, notes or propNEW EGGPLANT, each :..• -..„: :10c-15c University of Nebraska who are Holland. ' erty, real or personal, tangible or inies and questions (they're both Olympic Village without either tangible, Seizin and sons will remain there at the reasonable value Colo'Yellow Bantam'SWEET-CORN, 3 ears 10c the same, Al). It seems that they annoyance or attention from the thereof. Thirty shares of the capgather there daily and just take natives, neither of which admit- ital stock shall be paid for before the corporation shall commence business. orders from the Governor (I tedly was anticipated. In fact, the The corporation shall commence busiTOMATOES,:&ncy,'.lb ..........:.:.:.... y2 doubt that, Al; American news- only times Messrs. Glickman ; and ness on July 25, 1936, and shall continue for a period "of fifty years from paper men are not like' Nazi Jour- Stoller became conspicuous sub- date thereof. Home-Grown Caistalocpeg, cads 10c;.'3 for 25c The highest amount oC nalists' and do not take orders jects of comment was when Mr. indebtedness to which this corporation may at any time subject itself j CANE SUGAR. 100 its. sack $5.49 from politicians, some times not Bill Bingham, manager of the shall not esceed two-thirds of its capeven from their city editors and American track and field team, ital stock. Central Market Flmr, 48 lbs. $1.49 j 24- lbs. 7U The affairs of this corporation shall managing editors) and my pres- came upon them at breakfast be conducted by a Board of Directors j RED ALASKA; SALMON, .tafl cans : .25c ence, I surmised, was something sinking their molars into a bunk consisting df not less than two nor but of the ordinary of the dally of bacon" . , . Signing off with more than five members. FLATSTEAK-.SALMON,-Knk, I k can....'. .....14c EDWARD J. KRAUS, morning routine . . . this nifty from one of the office HARRT TRUSTIN. force's precocious apprentices, of- JN PRESENCE OF: Central-Market "has"been selling thousands-..of oases pf SAM J. LEON DOWN TO BUSINESS: "Well," fered on' reading a cable which 7-31-36-4t. canned 'vegetables. Stock Up/Hew - -.We are selling at Al goes on, "then I realized what reported the arrest of an Arab our usual tow prices. We still have a large, supply on hand. I- was there for and asked the caught sneaking into; Tel Aviv Governor, of. course composing with a bomb under his fez: "If WAX OR:-.GREEN BEANS, Cut/.case..-of-12.:...:$ 1.47 myself to the best of my ability, that bomb exploded, would his to render (that's too pompous a fez have!". . . . STANDARD'TOMATOES, No..2%. can,": 12.'.$1.47 word for It,. Al) a statement to (Copyright, 1936, Jewish Tele• No,,2 tans, feen .....: .,.: :.$ 1.00 -. graphic Agency, Inc.) the Jews of the world upon approaching our New Year.. Well, Fancy Royal Prince Whole Tomatoes, Solid. . • he mused for a couple of seconds . Pack,:i2 : -No. Wt cms..:...:..: :.. .11.75 and then quoted this: 'My best Kaunas—Severe anti-Jewish ex:; wishes to. the Jews of the nation cesses that followed spreading of - '••r2-.'Noi "2'Cans:...:,;..:.'..:...,.-,Ji::.:....:::..- 11.47 and the entire Estate of Georgia. the ancient ritual murder libel in Hopes for a prosperous and hap- connection .with the disappearWINDMILL; TINDER-- PEAS, No., 3. • Sieve,, 12 ' • . py, joyous,New Year for the Jews ance of a Chrlstion girl-broke out -:•• . No. 2.caiss ..;...:.,.,.. ,:; $ 1,75 of the world. Eugene Talmadge, during the week-end in Kretinga, Governor of Ga.' Memel, it became known this Rosedale Peas,"No.'.2Sieye,'12'N©.'2 cans :$l,-75 Mr. and Mrs. Jake Knox and daughter, Louise Charlotte, and the .Misses Rose and Tillie Bass spent last week vacationing at Lake Okoboji.
Advisors to Be at -A. Z. A. Meet
TalmudTorah Varation Ends
Society News
I Ji
t JvWS ."Vft t
That's why every pack of Old Golds is -wrapped in, double Cellophane. TWO jackets" of Cellophane. Moisture-proof. The highest quality. I t is this ingenious double wrapping that locks out dampness, dust, and-dryness . . . that seals in doubTe-meUowflavor,smoothness, fragrance'... that gives you, in every Old Gold, the deep enjoyment of fine tobaccos, rttaBy fresh.
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LECTURE: "The- members^ of the press," Al continues, "all copied that down on pads and at this point His Honor, asked the significance of the New-Year..and.Yom Klppur. Well, boss,: thank the lucky stars I had a decent Hebrew education to give them the, information they asked of me. For about fifteen minutes, I was answering questions from all aides regarding, the Day of Atonement and the New Year.' I realized that these men, smart as some of them were, knew very• little.abont our holidays and gave off quite a spiel which I* know interested them quite a bit, *as I received quite a bit of attention from all of them, and more or less sounded like a teacher giving a lecture." . . .
S ^ lovely ladles and tall tulips,. v-l are most alluring, when they're freshest.
lAJLyiC Swskist Tiny • Kernel ©r Yellow Bantam-'Corn,. . • No.."2:"'.can..-..:_.....I2^c • Ebsea $1.35 •Royal.Prince;All;-Green Asparagus, No»-2 can 27c
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repdrter from the constitution Enjoy DOUBLE-MELLOW Old Gold Cigarettes with year dinner