August 14, 1936

Page 1

[ converted to Judaism in18 men, 25 women and 7


fcterests of Jewish rcopk

MJDW1G I^EWISOHN This copyright by the Seven Arta Feature Syndicate. Reproduction In whole or In part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will, be prosecuted.

fobs' of Broadway

ISED k Mood. Beautiful I'll tihe Horl nicer.

£&t«r«<l as Second Clua Hall Matter o«iJiSioiry :i, m i , at Pcotoffic of Omaha. Nebraska, under tb# Act of Murch i. lSIt


And He Used It To "Fid#\atBarn

Trustins to Sail on Trip to Poland




Highland Golf Tournament in

CONCERNING A JEWISH POET It is several years ago now that there began in one or two not very consplcious p e r i o d i c a l s rfCK": poems signed • Abraham M. Klein ,.£, ac Lake, N. Y. (JTA) — Results of the first round oi that both refreshed and excited Harry Trustin, Commissioner .,•• Albert Einstein, on vaca- j the championship flight oi the me. I had then no notion who of public improvements,- and Mrs. Rposevelt and ^ ,n here, expressed the belief T Klein was and it was to be some Despite Continued Disorders, Trustin, left Tuesday for ^ New that a violin owned by his eighty- annual I ighland Country C!ub Sympathy With 2T' years before I was to'learn that Hope for Peace in PalYork where they will sail on the four-year-old guide was a genu- Golf tournament were announced a young Montreal attorney was ment of Holy k estine Grows/ ine Stradivarius. Tuesday. Abe Erodkej; beat Hydestined to be the first contribunineteenth aboard the Norm and ie T A I « - | F*T\V» M i l l g o s h e s . e d i t o r of T h e D a y , \ « t tor of authentic Jewish poetry to New York (JTA) — President Jerusalem (JTA).— One Jew -for Europe. • • • As Dr. Einstein was returning j man Ferer, 5 and 4; Dick Gordon | the English language. This state- was killed and six wounded in Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a letter from a sail on the lake, the guide lotcky, 2 and 1; i beat Paul E i o i a r i » e - u j - j yI secretary UM. Prabroad they will attend ortj Bnd of iVmx the I.LO. HO Brith ment can be at once abbreviated three separate attacks as Arab theWhile to the United Palestine Appeal, brought the instrument to him.Marvin Treller defeated Ed Ro-I FIDA j ham, also of New York, and enlarged: ,the first Jew todisorders entered their seven- \ C convention to be held has supported the "right" Of theThe scientist examined it, then ve• iori lews Are i elected secretaries e£ the rnr contribute authentic poetry to theteenth week. September 1 to 10 at Warsaw, Jewish people to resettle Pales- proceeded to give an impromptu ] sen, 6 and 5; Dr. Moe Greentfsrgj .-...-. j gress. literatures of English speech. For I beat Lloyd Malashock, 4 and S; Governor Herbert H. Leh-recital on the wharf. Asher Rosenfeld, 22, fell in an Poland. The* FIDAC is an organi- tine. until his appearance all or nearly ambush A t man also reaffirmed his sympa"Never, never have I held such Dick Hiller beat Louis Hiller, 4 while guarding an orange nj <i ex-servicemen Geneva (WNE-Palcor A g e n c v J , l t s ^ M ^ 5 i o n thr all Jews writing verse in English grove at the Ness Ziona settle- 2 a t I o n o f a e thy with "the economic and a precious instrument," he said. and 3; and Harry K u l a k o f E k y : _ F i T e thousand Jews in central ' f™68 h e a r ( * R I'roposal froa (an^d there were few enough even ment. Benjamin Shusterman, 38, whose purpose is to strengthen spiritual developement . of Pales- j "If it were mine I would never and eastern Europe, deprived-of ^ubowitiiki oi Brussels tlitof those) had sought to make a settler at MotzailHth, was shot the ties of international peace. tine." I let it from my sight. Such a vio- beat I. Schlaeffer, 1 up. their legal rights, are economic- .congress be elected for 1f.'i. In the president's flight Harold themselves more or less Indistin- by an Arab while standing at the They will return to Omaha the The letters were written, in lin! ally ruined, Jacob Lestchinsky, years, that, it be summoned i -guishable from the non-Jewish threshold of his house. He was reThe guide said he used it to Cherniak beat A. E. Alpirn, 5 and noted economist, declared at the two years find that it be ("MU'P connection with the forthcoming latter part of• September. poets. Hence hone of these men moved 4; Harry Malashock beat Bill publication of the "United ^Pal- j "fiddle on at barn dances." to Hadassah hospital. first business session of the into four sections: (l> Pol in-. and women had gone to that core Fritz, 5 and 4; Morris Levy beat (,2) Social pnd economic; (.' > P~ estine Appeal Yearbook ' f o r ; Four Jews were injured in an World Jewish congress, which and visceral center whei.ce poetry explosion of a bomb in the yard Barney Miller, 4 and S; Dr. Abe ..,.,. . , • , • - garcization, information RTKI JTOI* 1936." h e a r d ! e a d l n J e v ; l E 1 springs and had therefore had no of a Jewish house in Jerusalem Greenberg beat Jim Saltzenstein. ! S ^ o l o p s . B aganoE; (4) Financial. Pi-iii"; President Roosevelt's letter resen a picture of misery and substance of their own which, 5 and 4; Max Chapman beat Bob j P } ing the technical form of tl-p .-,>!• follows: given the talent, they could have while chatting after supper. The Kooper, 4 and 3. ; despair among great masses of gress and its program oi v o •'> "We need from time to time owner of the house was wounded gin Immediately into transformed into a•_ personal and Mr. KubnowUislu spirt that. \>< > •• The second rounds of the tour-: Jews. to renew our faith in those eterhow I considerati therefore, if only the personality by an- Arab sniper after the blast. ctition jo the ronpvfK: itself, v l '• '• completed by . . j to be nament are nal verities which are and wbicfi j il, economic and socie,! would meet, every two years '•'•( ' was salient and rich enough, an Troops/ launched an investigaRichard ! Political the end o£ the vr e e k. must forever remain the bases of j tion. Chicago (JTA) — The oneultimately universal form. s facing the Jewish peo- urould be a central council v 1 m! u •Those injured in the explosion .rman crusade against- use In Ro- human betterment. First among j Classes of the Talmud .•aimua iTorah o r a D | Hiller, n u m , defending ^<=^t champion, , ^ ^ ~ , in - .-' P r ,o b l e{ m "t T ' h c o n g r e s s v , a s confronted : " next Monday j practice round, Monday, brought, ,, , ; would be these is the common aspiraiton of j will be resumed are: Israel Weinstein, Menachem mmnsa!j } o fi pv Bte The matter sounds intricate and get's Thesaurus of "Jew" as a is really simple enough. We areKeller, Moshe Gostorp and Zip.-synonym for "lender" and "pars- mankind to seek communion with morning at 9 a. m. A. Katz, prin- -t in a score of 7 2. the plight of those suffering-from months and which would i. out the duties involved n not born on the day of our birth; orah Schwartz, a woman. ' • -^ imony" was crowned with victory the Great Ruler of Human Des-Jcipal, urges all pupils of the Talanti-Semitism or other causes parfour sections of activity <• Arab disorders brought the last week when the publisher and tiny and next is the love of the j mud Torah to report to their rewe-are not abstract and unfatherticularly affecting Jews. ' congress. The political sectii" ed creature's. As we are born into threat of extension of the general the editor agreed to delete the of- homeland, which is a natural as- j spective classes at that time. \ The congress was asked to essaid, would bring reeognU '• the use of a given language or of strike to the important port of fending definition from t ie next piration of our devotion to fam- N e r t S u n day, at 1 o'clock, the tablish under its aegis ( 1 ) a cen- the World Jpwish congress >•• e several given languages so are we Haifa, which serves as a British printing. ' ltt ! annual Talmud Torah picnic will tra! bureau of migration "for t h eJewish : ' authority for D i - ' i born into a group, a.tradition, a naval-base and. the terminus of "The interest which I have had jb e h e W a t K r u g p a r k . A n Tal! maximum utilization of migra-' probismF pn<? conduct the •' Harold J. Reiter, who had religion, a set of memories and the Iraq Petroleum company's launched the drive with a broad- ahd have frequently manifested jm u d T o r a h p u p i i s are asked to qy i tion possibilities and t h e creation attitudes concerning love and pipeline. of new migration possibilities''; cast letter of protest, had'letters in the rebuilding of the ancient j come and bring their friends with Jew and protection of hif r death, man and God. We need A strike of government em- from G. P. Putnam's Sons of New Jewish homeland Is, I am perland ( 2 ) a central bureau of re- ent economic, functions. Xt ^ < not blindly accept our heritage; ployes and railway workshop, la- York and G. O: Sylvester Mawson suaded, an interest which is sharThe children will report at the • lief which, through » Central also fight Killerism end ; we may legitimately rebel against borers went partially Into effect, of Wellesley, Mass., agreeing that ed by all w,ho recognize that Jewish Community Center at 1 Alignment B e i n g Formed ! Jewish People's fund, would aid Semitism. every people has the inalienable o'clock Sunday and will be transBut he who blankly "repres- at Haifa after a day of stormy his objection wa .;.•-IMaken. Against the Socialistic | those in need of'philanthropic asit. right to life liberty and t h e pur- [ fe meetings .which ended in no final Coiniminiiits Excludes, Eistadrcath flees from it j sistanee. "The old and inadequate j denies T ••"•Mr. Reiter, a t uicago sales exses it,evidently is "a -*"—« source ! y Refreshments will be served by cannot be a-poet. . Deep action. Jews and Egyptians did ecutive, had sought aid. from suit of happiness. It* •• I philanthropy machinery of Jews In the most violent <!eb-<*< and strong poetry as deep and not join the strike. Ifarbor activ- B'nal Brith's Anti-Defamation of renewed hope and courage, members of the Deborah society. Marienbad, Czechoslovakia — must be replaced" was the key- the congress the delegates strong imaginative literature of ity was not affected. Arab work- League, in his campaign. He hadthat by international accord and I — — — e (JTA) — A split in the ranks of ! note of t h e speaker dealing with ec, by p. vote of .170 to 21, U any kind Is not written, to useers at the Iraq Petroleum com- received the support, of a conwill be on the afternoon's pro- Palestine Jewish ' labor was fore- relief needs. fuse ppptp to five CoTIU;11 * ^ . the common phrase, from the pany plant called a strike recent- gressman, a university professor pies of the world, men and worn-I gram. w h o had. h a d then>pelvpR pis h- >-, shadowed last -week when two Slack Honored neckup. It is implicated-with the lyas American delegates in a rumv and others. Through his father, en of Jewish faith have a right to j orthodox labor groups moved Geneva_ (WNS-p £ lcor_Agercj"). ; e , e c t j o n i n Sew Y o r k _ T h c 8 e 8 ( , i p n very substance of the poet's ulSeventeen Arabs' were arrested a delegate, he was prepared to resettle the land where their; toward an alignment against the. timate humanity which 1s always in Haifa on charges of intimidat- take-the matter to the World faith .was born and from which Socialistic • Histadruth, Jewish. ; — T u f i E e J u h . a : n . . ^ Mack of New was featured by a bitter deinnv much of our modern civilization (otherwise all literatures would ing laborers to strike. Eight othJewish Congress in Geneva. general federation of labor in York was paid the supreme honor eiation of Comtuunipf.s for the enhas emanated." when Le was unanimously elected couragement they ere p.Heged tc be': alike and all shadlngs wonld ers were seized for possessing Palestine. Governor Lehman wrote: honorary president c" the Worid hfive given Arabs in attacks upoi! vanish) a Bpecial kind of human- arms and five for attempting to It was decided to form a labor Jewish congress. "I have long been in-thorough Dr. teptaen S. ity. It is the concrete, as. Goethe steal government - owned explo• exchange jointly sponsored' by Wise, president of the American Jews in FalePtine. sympathy with, the economic and was never tired of declaring, that sives. • '»'-'/ The report, of the eredpnfis!;-. the Poel Aguda, orthodox Jewish spiritual deveiopement of Palesbecomes the universal. That per- .While unrest. among Arab laWarsaw (JTA) — The Jewish labor organization, and the Poel Jewish . congress, and Louis Lip- consmittee, hpadptl by Tro'i, Natine. It is of greatest significance Agency iBhable thing which is.only, sym- borers was mounting, government Palestine has submit- Hamizrachl, orthodox Zionist la- sky, vice-president ol thst body, than Isaacs of Harvard unWersHv.. today because it promises to up-te«t t o tfor bol is tan immense concrete. -I n- circles j.'felt ;Sur§ harbor; traffic j both o N e w Y.o~k., wsre electedrevealed h e Polish Government a bor'group.. that TS1 lielegateti fron:;SP. repi'esentfclive* ; dlvidualU^-thing -r-^-rha thing would coTittnue-'becaase -"Of- the the ..... . . _ , ,-, , , , .proposal for a f 10,000,000 trans?,2 countries were Rttendinj; the h n e nC n Gt 3 S A resolution for creation of the | a m o n g presidents selected by ' that has taken -generations t o presence of strong army -and naf : ; i - i l i l l ^ _ . " ; fer agreement to permit Jews to coi'ipi'ess. Seven mi!ik>n jev:s, fviDr. Samuel tice, tolerance and. charity at a migrate to Palestine with capital ij e s c h a B & e w a s s a o p t e d . a t grow, to become itself, nerer a val forces.'Saiior 8 began convoy:xhe congreSs. : mosf hR.lf t?ir lOtFi Jo\vis:li popiv time when the' rest of -the world in'the form of goods, since es-i closing session of the iisternationthing contrived and constructed ing trains from Haifa after two Iprion of thp v'orl^; F.VP- rrprpor imitated. Only the poet who cara-had been set afire by rebels. German - Jeynsh. Ref ngees t o is morally and spiritually depres- port of currency is barred, it was I al convention of the >ente«i, the orpanlTiPrR or the'coused." • • • - • • has a substance of-his very own The government, changing its Piiid Home Through 1CA learned this week. j rael, extreme orthodox orjraniza- j ''g'ress announced. tion, which is the parent body o£ , will be able to create a style of course from defense to a vigorin Argentine, The proposal "pointed out the I In a- mespagc of grertinp nathe Poel Aguda. The decision is J his very own. And so an appar- ous offensive, warned ,newspapers Champions Menace , ! dressed following-: to Dr. Stephen. S. Wipe, subject to the approval of the I ent paradox becomes a neccessary not to mention strike agitation:by 1 Berlin (JTA) — Further plans 1 -|— Jews in Palestine sent I: William Green, president of th«Agudath Israel's world council, j truth: Abraham Klein, the .most Arab' government employes and- for the settlement of German $4,000,000 to relatives in Poland Earlier, Isaac Breuer, president j : American Federation of Labor, Jewish poet who .'has ever used distributed leaflets among Arab Jewish families in the Argentne during 1935. of the Poel Aguda, told the consp.ici: "Tihe A, ,F, o? L. Rta?id^ the English tongue is the only towns and villages, particularly by the Jewish Colonization AsLondon (M'NS)— "Profession2 — Poland's trade balance vention that the Poel Kamizraciii Jew who baa ever: contributed a In the coastal area, announcing sociation has been made public champions, men who live by with the Worid Jewish conjrrcfiFwith Palestine is most favorable. had proposed an alliance which, i in defense oi the protection oi new note of style, of expression, stringent steps to halt terrorism. here. Tangier, International Zone, the stresses between 3 — There are 5,000 Polish with its combined rights of minorities, tor th«? cowof creative enlargement of the Morocco, (JTA) —It was learned The leaflets announced compreAccording to these plans, 150 ie, F.nd promoting Jews ready to migrate to Pales- would be numerically plete protection of human rigius poetry oi that tongue. He ,1s far hensive house-to-house searches. Jewish families will be taken out here last week that Spanish reb- tine who cannot leave because the than unjust End unwise boycotts BPd the Histadruth. siid in opposition to the praolic: better English poet than the Jew- They warned peasants against of Germany els have exacted the sum of $60,- ^Palestine during the year and vindictive discriminB.tionE" derequires discrimination against an.v ish poets who tried to be non-feeding, hiding or supporting bri- settled in ICA colonies in the Ar- 000 from the Jewish Community possession Government He said the latter organization sfrcy "all ease of intercourse be- of J5.000 capital for had Jewish English poets. In high gands and explained the military gentine. The selection of the of Tetuan, coastal city of 30,000 entry underofthe decided to denounce a "peace tween Jew and Gentile" and do frrpr.p because of race or re/Iij'unrestricted capion." things and"low Tionesty is not forces were determined to com- families will be made by a re population. TC only the best ^policy; it is the pletely purge the country of ter-resentative of the ICA. Each of I orthodox and the Histadruth j not allow Jew and Ger»'e The wealthiest Jews of the city italist category, v broader r . i c 4 — Polish Jiws In Palestine only policy that makes for life, j forces at last year's Vv'orid Eion- just to any rorist garigB, after which—and these families will have to con-were forced to pawn their proper- are suffering from r-y IT. '- •• r < of the i The thing was illustrated to not before -the British Royal sist of at least three men and r VI ( f "Ansto'i * o" V me.with aljnost amuslirg empha- Commission would arrive to In-one woman fit for agricultural 1P ' ( forth-crn i' <- b^i because their capital has to observe orthodox dietary rules j;Mr. Wells asserts tha sis upon my next . conflict with vestigate Arab gTievanoes. w o r k . ' " . • ' . ' • • Ml t r \ I been frozen In Poland. sv ' and Sabbath regulations on Jew-1 ish world suffers v r - i iff ' irv' Klein's work. In a volume of The government denied reports . The procedure of transferring Michael Goldsmith, ! If The press reports that although ish national property. the "American Caravan" publish- in Arab newspapers'%that~ William the families from Germany to the .' 1' ' Poland is favorably disposed to these "profession" C ' F - P adopted a reso- •from r ed some years ago, a poetic wori Ormsby - Gore, British colonial Argentine will be along the fol37, Taken by Death the Proposal the negotiations are The conference i ions. "They a r e , " he s f <• r . expressing indignation at of Abraham Klein was placed secretary, had given High Com- lowing lines:— ; i ir Following an illness of several mppHnp( n difficulties, ac :the meeti j r difficulties chiefly r.hieflv on onflc. Arab. excesses in • . _ . . . I ural find very unior r next to a group' of poems by anmissioner Sir Arthur Grenfell 1. One member of each, famnionths, Michael Goldsmith, 3 7 . | c o u n t of an Aaglo-Pollsh trade the hope that peaceful Palestine, product of t h e confi i or . i <. f i I K coopera- ient loyalties with' n o r • r other young American Jew who is Wanchope permission ' to halt ily wil have to undergo a month's S150 Pacific street, died August agreement which does not permit rather spectacularly in . flight Jewish immigration at his discre- special agricultural training in 6 at a local hospital.' Ilr. Gold- Poland to favor mandated terri- tion wth the Arabs is possible and eroslties. They Irade ^i i f f satisfaction with Great Britain's '. servstive 'influence o <<•?- n r t i p i w r from his Jewishnetfs and there- tion. smith, aside from his membership tories above England. Neuendorf. -xi r\ determination to uphold the Bal-! fore from his authentic-self-and Scattered disorders continued 'apsocistir 1 ~ 7 r T 2. After completing the four in Temple Israel, had not been It is understood, however, that four Declaration. i pictur^pQue his authentic humanity. And this In various parts- of the country. rweeks' training course, each active in Jewish affairs the past hope = « (I the arragnenient has not Another resolution declared the jcriticism of Jewish » «• m i far from". untalented young man Troops beat off attacks on sev-member wil be sent tr the Argen- four years because of ill health. been for Ir ffiagEified by these m ' ~ given up. The Polish am- World Jewish Congress had no j wrote of Inchoate images in. bor- eral colonies. About three thoUr tine for a full year's training, -Besides his parents, Mr. andbassador i :i ers into an attack on il <• r°«- « rr to Great Britain is exto represent the Jewish peo- ! everyone who oppose? r r r fi <. rowed manners. He had recourse sand orange trees were uprooted partly in agricultural schools and Mrs. Louis Goldsmith, he is surr I i here shortly and will prob- right pie, but was necessary to central! ' to the latest eccentricities to veil in two days at Meretz and Telpartly in the old Jewish ICA col- vived by s sister, Mrs. Goodman pected s discuss the proposal with- the ize Jewish social institutions, isolatiocism is denoui er '* ' i i malignant the poverty of concrete meanings Mond. Police were searching for onies there. As soon as this Pill, and: a brother, Herman, all ably enemy of a s<-c e^ <»f j The'executive was empowered eternal in his heart. ; Abraham Klein, on a band of Arabs that stole 250 member of the family has adjust- of Omaha. Funeral services were Government. ,.1 f f f tradition. the other hand, did not have to sheep at Hittin. A member of an ed himself to... the conditions in held/ Snnday at the Hoffman l to convoke an Agudist congress "They bring social r>~e =' " i P *rbe frightened of the great tradi- was wounded;when an the Argentine, the other members chapel. Internment was In Pleas-j Zandvoort, Holland — Reuben j .in Jerusalem text Spring, with an bear upon every J e w v l " t- i—<• Fine, American chess master, won tion of English poetry. For heattack • on Kinereth wasr beaten of the family will within the year ant European city as fin al- in fcis racial soiidsri ^ ri : n Hill cemetery. | the first in the international unnamed had that substance and that pow- o f f . . . . . , . . . - ' ' ; •.• ternative 'if that site is impos- tural orthodoxy. Th"• '. • be brought over to t h t Argentine i «-ii > Mr. Goldsmith was associated j chess masters' tournament when er of passionate meaning-within .Twenty-three Arabs were killed and settled In the ICA colonies i . i sible. " ' . will not allow Jew an "" r with Western Union for seven-jhe completed the 11 rounds with t him which could take that tradi- iri an engagement with British there, j President Eduard of adjust, to any 'broade- r* \-p / |a record o f 8 % won and tion and forge within it in the land and air forces north of Nab- In addition to setling German teen years. AH ease of intercois:"f ' ' v cr > magnificlent "Designs for a Med-, lus. senheim, presidest of the Agu- Jew and GeEiiie is clr -r • i b* Jews in Argentine, the ICA has^ iaeval Tapestry" an instrument v dath Israel, for an audience, re- their activities. The v <• decided to settle a number of of expression which none had plyiEg to the messafre of grreeting consciousness is ove German Jews in Brazil, 190 kil: ever used except himself: Jacob Lieb, 60, Died v ometres from Rio de Janeiro. Of extended by the convention at its ^ t h ^ i e n t S i e " writeopening session. The wrath of people Ss like the land acquired by the ICA {es to-escape from the f Saturday Afternoon foam and lather there, a territory of 20 hectares j hostility and de'tractior c r 1 1 Risen against us. ' Wherefore, will be leased to'each family ariand Influential secUoi r Jacob Lieb, 60, 1924 Sahler Lord, and why? Montreal (JTA) — An old me-, c h a l u t s o r a capitalist, and lie riving from Germany for intenI erarj1"' world, is urged r r street, died Saturday afternoon at The winds assemble; the cold sive agricultural work along the lamed who has been saying kad-; w a g i n n e i t b e r category. j atea and exasperatinc f ,r a local - hospital. Death was lines of mixed farming dish for King Edwards father, H e to{& mng E d w a r d o f hQvf and hot winds gather I sions — r.r.tL fee lo" ' r H e to{& mng E d w a r d o f k f d t rciving: caused by a heart ailment. Mr. It is expected that the settlers now llooks | and explodes. Kis c < forward to receiving: f a i t h f u n y h e fead been~off . T o scatter us. They do notLieb, a . retired'. merchant,.; had will become the owners of^ the hi8 igoosi business for the ? reward in the form of, a. Pal-; , ', ' heed our cry. long been active in Jewish organ- land within a period of twenty estine immigration certif cate so | pa rf lady e f a f o r t h ea s| sai ts et s n c e s o t h s t r-i n champion, who can ; The sun rises and leaps the red izations. He was one of the first years. can die die on on the the Koly Koly soil; soil ; b e m J g h t The highland Fling, annual ef-; bM •unmasked' ano'f P. . h i g remaining! thth .c horizon. and be buried beside his own. f a - i y e a r s l a t h e H o l y L a E d > , fair of the eHighland Country jo f t h e it is go . members of the Omaha Hebrew USGiies ther And ijike a bloodhound Swoops Club and the B'nai B'rith. Since w U 1 b"e held , Eight weeks later there came jvc "l ullub -'-'-*>'" •ueiix Wednes&y| ^ J ifor the professional , VALUEOF YIDDISHi r across the aky. ;. Three times a day, reports the ja reply from the Secretary of! evening, August 26. Between f o u r | b u t i t Jg v e r y b a f l fcUE , t a a d fiTe Klein Bad the luch, of course, the • organization of the ConservaJewish Eagle, does the teacher | state in London. His Majesty's i ^n^d^e^ persons jsre e s i jg-s-'ich coratr 11 for t h e ;• TO BE DISCUSSED jsay the memorial prayer*Cor King to be born into a family and into tive Synagogue he has .belonged .. - •to advise that! Pected to attend. Leslie Burfcen-i C"- r Government wished r o a d is in in environment in which,the lore to it and has been identified with George, and never did he expect the request -had been favorably | Copenhagen ( J T A ) — The imctsrge of'tbe arrange-! f^QQ^J^y and tradition of our people were the work of the Woodmen of theportance of Yiddish will be dia-any, return for it. But the years received and there remained but ; An things so alive that the quiver of World. cussed for the first time at the {are passing and the-desire to set- , formalities to be attended to be-'j «nnsual progrEin starting | this aliveneS!3, so tense that it He Is surviyed by his wife, Es- forthcoming /international Con-jtle in Palestine before he dies if ore the visa would be forwarded.! °££ 'with golfing is the aftercooa | ;an humorously turn uponVitself, ther, a son, Charles, and a daugh- gress of Linguists. nil' has accompanied all his -years. ter, Merrlam of Oriaha, and an-- "A paper on the Yiddish langu- welled up strong in-him asd fin- j rj r#x j _ JJ_ Hertz, chief rabbi of J will extend far into the'evening, j Belgrade — DecH ' ally he wrote to the British ting j the British empire, was confirm| Prominent golfers o* the'city will! Therefore he has been able to other daughter, Mrs. S. J. Cohn age will be read by Mas Wein- of his troubles. r!l,|l ame Involved in/thr r iins various details in the letter.1 r e t on an exhibition match. :urn the Berditehever's cries to of Minneapolis. Six brothers and reich, head of: the philological His father, a. great teacher in j Meanwhile, the teacher asfes i the evening there will be a floor j Palestine,, the exeeu ihe Eternat concerning the late *n"- be<i also survive. section of the Jewish Scientific his day,'died in Jerusalem-forty* J'thajt his same not be. made public, | show .and dancing. Dinner *"HJ | Yugoslavian Moslems 1 <}_ >f Israel and the dark tragedies "aF usister in^fE Of five years ago. And now thejfor then he would lose his pupils, i be served outdoors. Institute. The trienneal congress n e r a l services were held | ly rejected a request it the Crusades, and Chelm, the »i <l^«k open August 21 and coatiiiue melam.ed would like tu go to Pal-land if, God forbid, the certificate! The Highland Files hasi always o'abled townof fools, and the Pe-Sunday at the Jewish Funer."! will i tine Arabs for su4 1 M.e in. Home. Burial was> In Golden Hill to Sept. 6. The first meeting was estine. But to* obtain a certifi- should not arrive, this sitaatioa j been. the biggest event o" t?ons"of funds. held in the Hague in 192S. cate one must be either a young {would 1>e most distressing. Club's social season. (Continued on Page :fe) Cemetery.

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ZZ:IZ:"$i.25 SI!IIZl:.ioc I>,3 ears!:. :10c iOcj 3 for 25c :._:;:: I...$5.49 ij 24 lVs. 78c ins.::::.....::.....: :25c \} can ..". L.14c ousands - of cases • qf - We are selling- at arge supply, on-hand.

aseof 12 $1.47 ...,.: $1.00 natoes, Solid :..._ :.... $1.75 ..:.: $1.47 3Sieve v 12 : - $1.75 to. 2 cans $1.75 e, 12 No. 2 $1.12V2c antam Corn, ozen $1:35 is, No* 2 can 27c $3.00

Jewish' Agency Proposes Pact To -Aid .Polish


Spanish Rebels Exact . $60,000 From Moroccans





i HigMand. ling To : Be Held on





Meal, most Wealthy Chinese cap- Every country must be a. reverg« that, bilt, in its larger aspects, it dage, don't be surprised if he gets France should go Fascist her dic-jtner High Commissioner for Geritalists, of the most poor rikshaw ed prison, because fo her own na- was a broadening-of the base of the axe as tbe A. A. U. president tator will not be Francois de Is man Refugees . . , The idol of cooHea and of the most inexor- tionals should be considered first Judaism, freeing it of the encru- at the next convention . . . Hie Rocque, boss of the Croix de Feu, Soviet Opere lover* is a Jewish able police men, that town which and, of course, you cannot blame station of slavish literalism which over the Nasis and nigbut Jean Chiappe, the former po- tenor by the name of Raisin . . . will never' be quite intimate to them. was dessicaticg the faith. action ia the Jarrett case don't lice perfect of Paris . . . A deal! He will be invited to sing-in the you, which you hate and which, Never will we give up. our The beauty and the dignity In- sit well with American sportsmen between Austrian film companies I Metropolitan if the Moscovites 1 however, always attracts you hopes, however. We shall not be herent in basic Chassidism are! Incidentally the various rum-'and Hollywood to make Ameri- can spare him, it is rumored . . . again. lost as human beings and as ar- luminously manifested in the ser-ii puses involving the Americans at lean films in Vienna will enable Which remind* us that the Soviet , The days are passing in. inac- tists in this city. It cannot be; Edltors's Note: This intensely up by these people In a wa; tivity1 because an artist here has it will not be. And it is that leg of tales that David L, Mecklerj Berlin has given rise to consid- j Austrian Jewish movie stars and; Government may make an excephuman document illustrates what which is sublime. They assis to : be behind the amateurs, You thought which supports us, that ha» compiled in "Miracle Men"|erable sentiment in favor of j directors who have been fired be tion about the importation of Hehappens to a refugee after the us by inviting u8 regularly and have got a lot of ideas and plans; all over the world talent and (Covici-Friede). The life and ex-America withdrawing from all fu- cause of the Aryan rule to get i brew books by allowing the sale ploits of Baal Shem Tov, that ture Olympics . When Sven thefr jobs back Die- , at a volume by one of the best gates of his native land shut In advising us as well as they are you want to go tb work. You. spirit, which give the power to fabulous wizard of faith, make a Hedin, the Swedish explorer, was • triclt, once suspectedMarlene J of being a ' known modern men of letters. hind him. "S." M." is an actor, dream of educating jobless col•up, will get final success. able to. But what about a posCity fascinating chronicle in which the invited to Hitler's box to broad-: Nazi, win never return to Gersu&e director and miter who left sibility of getting a Job? Nobody leagues and young authors for a : BY CARRIER P1OEON If life runs on always without outstanding elements are good cast on the "History of the Horse i many on; Germany with his wife last Oc- of Every London hospi- • Out pet homing; piegeon has them can do\ anything. There new artistical activity in the resistance and never brings hard humor and chivalry as well as in Asia," Der Fuehrer did not j.tal (there are 300 of there) retober 'because we were suffering is nowhere.a chance. Especially proper way. That way, which th<j and bad times, then it is not learning and .^conviction. In the just brought tie a report of the too much from anti-Semitism." belt you couldn't follow any more in worthwhile. Always again it is deepest tense, there was neither know that Hedin is of non-Aryan jceived $25 from a London Jew recent Palestine visit of Will Dunot for stage artists. ancestry . . . The world Labor j who celebrated his twenty-fifth th<f The couple found their,- way, It 1B funny: Shanghai has more Germany because of your .being the fight for the future which prudery nor intolerance in this this rant. philosopher and author . . visit somehow, Shanghai, where they than three million inhabitants a Jew. But that way icay become makes us forget the ruins of the exponent of Chassidism. It is Athletic Carnival in New York jj wedding snnixersary y with To begin with, the Durant party this week-end will be an annual i philanthropic gesture dug have been struggling to keep the and, a new theme of working in New "Mein time past. And only strong will j probable that the liberating notwithstanding, she is a Its sponsors have al-|| Kampf", Hitler's autobiography, was advised by somebody who affair f spark alive in a strange city small provincial town. O n 1 y York. tati can lead us to victory. iltifts of that renaissance of Judaought, to know that automobile R d l l ' Island I l d for f || has h sold ld 22,000,000 copies which seems to have no use forabout .30,000 foreigners are liv- •But you are condemned to inready bookedd Randall's cha travel in the Holy Land is dan(Copyright 1936 Jewish Telegra-ii«m have become obecured and July 10th and 11th, 1937 | Christian Jewish Association foreign artists. With an. indom- ing in Shanghai, if one doesn't in- activity "without an affidavit, j Its; erous st€ lost ia the public mind because They are also planning_ an indoor I further good will is being phic Agency, Inc.) *kese days, and that the o talked I £ itable spirit they refuse to sur- clude in the reckoning the White § vrAy 8 c f e w a y tC! its present-day version has little meet at Madison Square Garden!of in England . . . General Rydz^° & b o u t i s o n taty render to mediocrity, and seek to d o B k e ? 8 anti-Semites, Russians, born as O f nobility and the purity O f the next winter . . . Senator Ben-'Smigly, the real dictator of p ' • • • Presumable because sen o 1 nioTe now.—-to America. .: '••-, !Jews ride n cars n o t o n donke and the Japanese. You hear all Col early founders. jamin F. Bernam of Cincinnati,'land, is militantly opposed to antil ' >" ThU is the author's first work languages of the world, you see Written with a simplicity and donor of the trophy which the jSemitism but political conditions • back . . . On his entry into Jeruin English. The language is not all miracles of the Far East, of directness that are admirably ap- Seven A>rts is presenting for the j prevent him from Going anything salem astride p. donkey Durant of the best. As the author says, America and of Europe. But, said: "I came in the traditional propriate for the content of the outstanding individual achieve- i about it . . . "I am sure my English know- however, it is always somewhat way, only the olive leave* were stories, "Miracle Men" can serve ledges will not yet be quite cor- like a transatlantic colony. There neat at the Carnival, has an ar•JHOT STUFF Del missing" . . . To Dr. Bergmann young folks and adults equally tistic hobby — painting rect because I am learning only is no life of art (with the only His disp by ealf-lnstruction since my arwell. One tries to recall, without portrait of Stephen S. Wise will Estelle M."" Sernberger. exe- of the Hebrew University Mr. exception of famous artists passals Arnold Zwelg's "Education covered and for which he had to success, a book of Jewish fairy be presented-to Dr. Wise uponi5 ut . lv . e . c n * j r m a n o f t h e rival here." But in order not to ing through Shanghai on their Good Dursnt. said he would consider it Jui change the flavor of this slngu* trip around the world); there is Before Verdun" anC David- L. die. One Is never made to feel tales that is belter written in its his return from Europe . . r[-en. i Neighbor League, was rushed by a great privilege if his "History ecu larly interesting article, the ed-ho life of culture. There are only Mockler's "Mir-cle Man" are strongly the cruel relationship geare and that la more finely rep- nis circles are whispering that I P r i r a t e c a r t 0 Hyde Park to re- o" Civilization" would be transvfi) resentative of the Jewish spirit olt to President Roosevelt on lated into Hebrew . . . And Mrs. itor has not materially altered clubs and dancing-halls with pur- here reviewed by the literary between the injustice he had re-than this collection by David Helen Jacobs is ready to hang ' P nai r~7t •h er impressions of her organiza- Durant, by the way. amazed the editor of the -Seven Arts Feaup her rncquet for good . . vealed and the destiny which the text.) chasable dance-girls, and nightGet, * ln P l t i i b ki Meckler, who weaves written and l o j , Sew Palestinians by speaking a percabarets. Otherwise each of the ture Syndicate. .A significant overwhelmed him. Zwelg takes it spoken legend into a tapestry of ready for a big -welcome to Max„ , , The interpretation of two books for granted that the guilt of the Krausel, Eurocean ....... As long as we still lived in great nations has her "Amateuvw r e s tl i n g I England and New Jersey . . arc from two army officers will weigh heavily romance, adventure and achieve- champion, who is coming herei>' ear b o o k *" h i c h t h e U n i t e d ? a l Gj&raany (my -wif© and myself Dramatlc-Club" (A.rD. C.) giving that have sprjn ment. But though one calls these e U n e A e a l i s talj w o bails from ll ? PP JublirtUng will have left Germany only six from; time to time performances widely diffew-t sources — on the consciousness of his read- charming sketches fairy' tales soon . . . Krauser,, who b r i D g i n a hig p i ! e o f de* in hi i! f money ago) our opinion -was that the in the only real theatre of Shang- which peiunps are not so dis- ers. How inadequate is the sense they have a human and enduring Poland, turned down an. invita- b i 'iKB EDITOR of guilt that he- evokes is best Lai tlon from the Polish Amateur trough advertisements . whole world and the politician of hai (except the cinemas): the tant. md understood in comparsion with quality that is not to be found Wrestling Association to act as o f t h e advertisers pay . Some •1 all states were very interested in Lyceum theatre. These performS bigger "Paths of Glory," which treats in either the Greek or the Scan- j trainer for the Polish Olympic j m o n e >' t n a n Saturday- Evening From the steep slopes o our fate. That la the opinion of ances are big social events conof an almost similar theme in the dlnavlan tales of a similar na-1 team . . . Joe Gould, Jim Brad-! P o s t r a t e s t0T t h e i r s P a c e • • • Je* 'nearly all;German Jews living nected with dinner-parties and Mount Carmel, from which on ma • still in Germany. Interested in long reports in the newspapers, ooks out upon the 'world witi French Army. But Humphrey ture. For the exploits of the ! dock's Jewish manager, must c a r - | C h e c k o n t h e Governors who to* ' the •fate of a minority -which is b.ut they never rank above the iinultaneous detachment and be-Cobb, in the latter novel, has Baal Shem Tov were never ex-i ry a Jewish calendar with him . . ! h a T e m e B 8 a £e« o f g° O(i w i ! 1 i n du) suffering from the greatest trou- average level of amateur per- witchment, Arnold 'Zwei-g hai made his -scapegoats for the stu-hlbitions' of personal vanity or By consulting it" he found" that | t h a t . . i s s u f • • • S o m e o f t h e b e s t get plsode in thai pidities of the officers far more prowess or the products of- Indi- eptember 26 th, the date proposed publicized names will be conspi-! bles of body and soul causer1, by ances. It is sufficient; however, ent : another fe anti-Semitic laws. They Buffer, for Shanghai, where a profession- hronicle of human depravity an arresting in their personal quali- vidual piety or heroism. Rather by Max Schmeling for the Brad- cuous — by their absence . . . 1? ties and their fate far more apthese stories illustrate and emuman decency in which he ha That splendid editorial in the the German Jews, as people must' al artist has no right of any ex-]£""*? "™ ""' «• wui«u u, dock bout, is Tom Kippur . . . suffer who are attacked -without i-i^-,- .4. «ii j been-.interpreting; the -world war paling than that which overcomes phasize the homely virtues which As a result the match will be held New York Times analysing the bei at all. Lieutenant Kroysing. were becoming enshrouded by the Arab-Jewish situation was writthe possibility of defending themHis new novel, "Education Be on the 24th. Fim Studios Backward ' ten by James G. McDonald, forselves. Only the trust in the fore -Verdun ' (Viking Press) Js, The fighting before Verdun is furbelows of Jewish ritualism.. 2K&U&ED CABS Consequently you are trying to like the other volumes, "The Cas only a minor part of Zweig's Friendship, tolerance, Justice — trust in the states abroad, the Ell look for another i profession. It THE trust in the Jews abroad remains. of Sergeant Grlscha" and "Young novel. He has been far more these are the qualities which win ctl And if you have made up' your is not necessary to be always a Woman of 1914," a spyglass int concerned to etch' character in against hatred, violence and un- Anti-Semitism will play a big inp Illinois Qubernatori&l mind to go abroad, as we did,stage manager or an actor or an men's souls through emphasis on the face of a crisis and to lay truth. The very life of the then the first great disappoint- author.; Maybe there are other the destiny of a single human be- the hearts of a cross-section of Shem Tov was a denunciation of campaign . . . "Big Bill" Thompment arises. - The frontiers of the possibilities. You get connections ing caught up in the maelstrom the Germon people. The total ef- tbe. self assertiveness of learning. son, former mayor of Chicago, "The Romance of Chassidism," will run against' Governor Henry aa; • other states are blocked up. In- with Chinese film-studios. Chin- of conflicting interests and pur fect is one of great sympathy and deed,, every country seems to be ese film studios are still 20 years poses, both natiqnr.1 and indlri appreciation on the part of Zweig. which Jacob S. Minkln published Homer as the candidate of the IUU u u u have u idea behind and no novel He has been far more con- last year, was a splendid intro- Third Party, which is headed fcy . a kind of prison, only vice verB&J"°" "«"D " * u c t t wof * real •"-•dual. •r, u-4.: t . . , 1 . . ,«.«»iKiti«,, •«|T>usinesB.--i'The possibilities to excerned to etch character in the duction to the leaders and the Newton Jenkins, Chicago's would Everybody has the possibility to port for abroad- the one or the In essence' "Education Befori We wonder what face of a crisis and to lay bare equally valuable form, of tbe be Hitler leave without, difficulties, but it other of their pictures are con-Verdun" is the story of young the of Judge David bear hearts of a cross-section of ideas of Coassidism. In Meckler's is nearly impossible to enter into sidered. You write to some movie- Lieutenant Kroyfilng, who was the German people. • The total ef- book one has an extension, in B. Samuel of Shreveport, Louisone of theea prisons, it is well doomed .to death because he rad an,' principles and tbe personalities of picture friends in America an -understood consequence of the Europe and you receive sooa ex- the mistaken notion that if Ger- fect is one of great sympathy and a movement which once seemed iana, when he fined a Negro -woappreciation on tbe part of Zweiff. man $25 for seating herself next growing economic crisis and thealted answers witt the request* many's aim in the war was really get white woman in a trolley want of ^employment But if you see those pictures. But the Chin justice then that quality should The soldier who cut off his tbedestined to revolutionise mod'ern i In Germany-Judge Samas ..Jaw^and in our special case ese film managers don't under- peinade relationship between men n the hope that he would be sent Judaism. "Miracle Men" recona-icaT as artist, don't find any more a stand. They are distrustful, the; in her army. His insistence on back to Germany, where he could mends itself as a standard book uel would be thrown into a coni preach social justice; Judge Marcentration camp for sitting next '•'dfl ' •possibility, for making your Hv- have been cheated too often. They that view interferred with the tens, who committed suicide be- for the youthful American Jew to an Aryan woman . . . "Junior that is as thrilling and eventful personal comfort of officers, who Hl ing and the necessary intellectual have plenty of time; all Asiatic cause he could no longer contemMiss Rose," the dog who created freedom, you must burst the people have plenty of time. Such saw to: it that he was sent for plate the violence that was done as any contemporary collection of yei stories for the young. But fora sensation by crashing into New chains, leaving that inbospltabl a business must not be settled duty in a spot where disastrous fifi York's social register, is named older people -who are prepared firing was inevitable. But Arnold •country which was once your'nao truth, Eberhard Kroysing, sc! at once. If their sons settle this after :Rosa Ponselle, the singer to recognise the inherent ideas Zweig, apostle of indestructibility tive'''country and for which you business while ten years, it will brother of Chrlstoph, who was . . . Pauline Kroner, Brooklynhave fought in the Great War be all right too. Nobody knows of justice, transferred to Werner never deeply concerned about his illustrated by t h e s e legends born dancer who teaches the terBut Tacts are facts. Dispute is whether they speak as they are Bertin the safekeeping of the 'ounger brother- until he under- "Miracle Men" represents an inpsichorean art in Russia, gets valuable contribution to an unhonor and the cause of the dead in vain. tood that a great wrong has thinking. Always they seem to derstanding of a cause that was more money than Stalin . . . She Only Shanghai Bids Welcome- be Indifferent. They don't like Chrlstoph Kroy3ing. The flat- been committed, and then went great once and which some hope has |200,COO credited to her acfooted, poor-sighted Jewish memuthlessly forward to obtain re' A f t e r many experiments you those troubles of sending first a count in Soviet banks . . The Jewwill be great again. WE INVITE discover that there is one .place copy of the picture abroad and ber of the depised front-line labor laration — these are part of the ish community center of St. Paul gang becames a saintly, if oftcene which includes Captain in the world without any immi- they, never pay the necessary seems not to have heard o f ' t h e WE EVEN gration difficulties. T h a t place frleght and insurance. As a mat- t'mes nebulous, character under N'Igel, Major Jansch, Colonel (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Jewish welfare Board . . . In the Feature Syndicate.) is Shanghai in the Far East. You ter of fact, the Chinese business- the modeling of Arnold Zwelg, tein, time-serving, self-righteous current issue of the Nation the .receive the visa within half an man only likes business with cash who poura into Werner Bertin epresentatlveg of a corrupt staff. center advertises for an executive What gives "Education Before hour. . Some weeks later you areat once. He wants to sell with- the elements which make frienddirector . . . Sjrlvia Sidney carries ship rewarding and which give ferdun" its fascinating quality is .' going on the long trip,..via Slber- out any ; risk. AH discussions a tiny red Buddha with her wher. la - and you arrive in Shanghai week by week are In vain; final- hope that despite the vicious ts series of character sketches ever she goes . . . •—• cruelties of a Captain Nigel, who ather than Its sketching of the 'with a heart full of great expec- ly you give lip. cc sent Kroysing to his death, civilnjustices born out of war and . tatlons and with a hopeful mind. T: In the meantime'my wife. and ization is attainable. erpetuated by war. In the perFor the' first days ' body and J FOREIGX MAIL POCCH tb OLYMPIAN HEIGHTS sonalities whom Zwefg has premind are in a, complete condition myself arrange two cabaret-eveThere are whispers in Berlin From the first moment one ented in "Education Before VerHitler's deliberate affront to | that Lindbergh had a secret audof lassitude. The, change of the nings in European style at the u climate and the long straining most exclusive night-clubs of the sights Bertin he is the spokesman, un" and in his other war novels Jesse Owens, America's Negro | ience with Hitler despite the re enough, one-man Olympic team, will re- j ports that the two did not m e c journey, the variegated life in the town. People are interested; it of comradeship, but that very ne obtains strangely streets of Shanghai, the Asiatic Is somewhat new and the success moment forces him into a .chain nly the mildest presentiment of suit in the complete collapse o f j . . . on the other hand it is said noise and dirt of this moBt ugly, is delightful. We have got some of events in. which his life be- hat strain of character which i s Nazi propaganda among the col-]that Hitler snubbed the one-tim Wh Der D FuehrF h j] Lone Eagle because of the G-erlarge city of all large cities in the money again. But it is not enough comes entwined with that of ominantly represented in t h e ored races . . . When • world oppress very much every for our living. And it is not pos- Lieutenant Kroysing, whose fate Sermany of today. Nothing that er took a walk on America"* col- j man angle to the Kauptmanc greenhorn. A few dayi later, sible to continue these events in he escapes only by the sheerest welg has portrayed would give ored athletes he made Messrs. . . . . . „The » ^ Board of Deputies however, ydtf get up quickly, you the horrible hot and humid sum-chance. The act which aroused ny inkling that the Captain Kirby, Brundage and company j case of British Jews is under heavy the suspicion and hostility of his s'igels and the. Major JanBchs look rather foolish after all their fire from many of its former mUst undertake something for m e n ' - , • ' superiors was the offering of ould crush the Martenses and efforts to persuade the. German government didn't Americans members . . . Reorganization o V. 8. Jews Don't Help allow'you to take out more than that the Nazis wuold be good the board on some coalition basis Old plans,' which • wews not drinking water. to French prison60 marks. sports . . . And, speaking of Brun- is considered a possibility . . .If practicable in Germany after the ers in an openhearted and generNational \ Socialistic revolution, ous manner which - completely ig••''.-' But what do you discover imit is rarely understood that the taken up again. As a thresft- nored the fact that the captor and mediately with great pain? .'The re expert, as, proved organizer, captive were on opposing sides. modern emancipation of Judaism A Very Special Greup ©/ economic crisis. That crisis 1B you have elaborated' a long time If ''Education Before Verdun" egan before tha nineteenth cen:.;"everywhere like a monster with ago a plan for'a theatre which Is lacks the searing power of ury in Germany and that, it sourmany heads. But you are already not only completely and extraor- Zweig's other novels It is due cs were to be found in the ChassCARACUL LAMB , *elt-acquainted with that mon- dinarily new in its artistical largely to hsl failure to make dic movement Chassidism is ater and yogdon?t fear it so building-up and Us organization vivid the heinousness of the ine-most often interpreted as an inmuch. If you possess courage and of - audience, but also ' quite Out- quities which Kroysing had dis- ensificat'ion of Judaism. It is RUSSIAN PONY talent, you will .make your living standing in camparsion with the even. to critical times. However stardom theatre, customary in the the disappointments are growing. whole world. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL /,-^V. People/Little Interested The ancient desire to go over The. fate;of the German Jews ,o the U . S . A., that great counTROPICAL SEAL doesn't seem to be so important ry of democracy, awakens. You -for people abroad and for the wrote to friends and to personBtates In; the wide world. They all litles unacquainted to you ask* OCELOT regret the .condition of j«ws in ng for an affidavit. You have In giving: thought to -a life insnrance program Germany and then turn to the described your real situation. do yon add to your life insurance policies order: of the day. Of course - S'evertheless you have no success. KID SKIN haphasardly? it ia sot What is the matter? Did Indeed, there are collected big we. do in Germany some years sums in the U. S. A. for the emiago anything about the bloody gration of the German Jews and GRAY KRIMMER LAMB Or, are they taken out for specific purposes, cruelties in Armenia or the there are big meetings for that such as a clean-up fund, mortgage insurance, bloody pogroms In Poland which purpose, but you cannot under*, OMBRE CARACUL LAMB ,we read about in the newspapers? tand that tbe single one —• who and educational endowments for the children? -We read it, we regretted about s In our case an actor and who, the poor people a,nd then turned ike every real artist, is especialSERVICE LIFE REPRESENTATIVES are • to the order of the day. Of course ly sensitive to, the severity of the W« will finance your job and t a k s care of all details. Your trained in planning your life insurance program payments include both labor and material. We sponsor only ; H ' T O so.' Not before you are ime — Is forgotten and doesn't reliable contractors. •••"••' attacked tyourself by sucn a fate ind any consideration. You never will you gfet the Idea into your an understand that nobody of Telephone AT-1190 consciousness, how much you he many Jews la' the U. S. A., Porches Attics &n& B&semecis wbofire really very much interwere owimming on the surface of . . ."both front and back, can the life, : ••,:':'-.-'v\ ':.'•'. ,-./.': •' .; sted In our fate, is willing to . . . sow almost useless can be JOHN A. BESSR, General Agent be enclosed to make addi", That was the first surprise: elp and to fetch over two artists made into comfortable, livable tional rooms that win greatly Crisis and no interest in the in- or a new. artistical work — two rooms in which you will take add to tbe value of your Hplerable fate cof a; German Jew. rtists who^are trying to find property. a pride. The cost is email. In all times a human being is gain their way out of the average . people. r,ilorie.i Not quite, ^heraace some A Mtw too! A Mkklk Sart%e New faahio&&t>le 'coats you'll be proud to wear, German jews in Shanghai, a maBays Pass in Shanghai not just because the fur is fine, but because .iofity (Bmigrants themselves who The days are passing in Shang. . . may eave you a costly .. . . . added-to your hoxae mustifightvary had for their new hai, that town about which peothe styles are clever advaaee 103? models, repair bill, not only for the- save .rent, protect your ess OMAHA exintsiBCe^'-.They^hiye. founded a ple abroad read wonderful tales, house but for tas things ia it; ftftd iacreas« your property W&y mot call JA 8000 for th* value. You pay like rest te$ that town which Is so large and BUY NOW AND PAY LATER you OWN tbe best advice and an estimate? fund) -and they; alone support this so small, that town of the most JOHN A. FARBEE, President • " H i I f s f o n d , T ' ; ,•••;; }/•.'{<-..;,~: 1.:vi " f 1 ' . obtrusive, .most dirty Chinese "We new emigrants are taken beggars and of the most' egotlsIi9TH,AND third floor it


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The Service Life Insurance Company


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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1936 it High Commissioner for Gerin Refugees . . . The idol of viet Opera lorers Is a Jewish >or by the name of Raisin . . . ! will be invited to ting Jn the itropolltan if the Moscovites n; spare him, it ifl rumored . . . hich reminds us that the Soviet ivernment may make an excep. n about the importation of Heew books by allowing: the sale a. volume by one of the best own modern men Of letters. CARRIER PIGEON Our pet homing piegeon has., at brought us a report of the" cent Palestine visit of Will Dunt, philosopher and author . . • begin with, the Durant party is advised by somebody who ght to know that automobile l in the Holy Land Is danrous' these days, and that the ly safe way to go about is on nkeys . . .'Presumable because ride in cars, not onaonkeyek .• . . On his entry into Jerulem astride a donkey Durant d: "I came, in the traditional y, only the olive leaves were ssing" . . . To Dr. Bergmann the. Hebrew University Mr. rant said he would consider it great privilege if his "History Civilization" would be transed into Hebrew . . . And Mrs. irant. by the way, amazed the lestlnians by speaking a per!t Yiddish . . .




Writer's Forebodings Realized Then it was that this writer pleaded that Jews be diverted from Spain at all costs. My darkest forebodings have unfortunately been realized. For the moderate, lefts, if they want to remain j in power, will take orders from i the extreme lefts. Industry will! be nationalized. The church, j "7 and with it all religious institu- j tions indiscriminately, will be up- j

a week's broadcast, except for one'. Gestapo chief, has been named I member of the German OHirt holiday, of-three months. head of the Free City political '• team, was victim of si n >«


• After their radio success came police. movie shorts for Paramount and! Despite Nazi domination over finally pictures in -which they Danzig's political affairs, a memwere starred. "We really prefer 'orandum protesting- recent. cie to be fea-tured ss an act in a pic- : crees o Dr. Arthur Karl Greiser. trolled Sen, ture rather than be starred,'" said bead o£ the , Nazi-i ! Grade. "It gives us a better^ ate. aimed at suppi-essing oppo-

' Service Life Insurance : chance to give the public the kind'sition groups, was presented to ionslup. Company, Omaha !or comedy they like. You know: Sean1 Lester, League of .Nations The only other JewiM

I we're really awfully lucky. There Hi?* Commissioner for the Frpe have competed thus *su )h

The memorandum was X^eichtmRn of F^rsnce, v ] o Editor's note: What Is the-Jews' es of some section of the popula- cross. One of the bolder villag- rooted. The position of the Jews! Life insurance offers the safest j are loads of better actors, but we City. signed by opposition parties, to qualify in (he 1,5'H nu t stake in the bloody civil \yar now tion. _ _* ers finally approached some of predominately members of the j method of accumulating an estate'just received the breaks." Fearing arrest and persecution whe3i I1-" finished fourth. raging in Spain? What are their No such questionable document the Jews and witJ an innate middle class, will be smashed be-i out of present earnings. Through;; Burns and Alien are as u: lusual t h e Gestapo, a num. her 01 chances for a future in that coun- Is really needed to foretell the courtesy that took the edge off cause this middle class will be de- such an estate the education of off-stage as on. Their comedy is m emhers of groups? eppOferi to try after the conflict closes? inevitable end of Jewish life in the insult asked with all sincere- clared useless and non-existent.'children is assured. Thereby pro-1 their act. Once removed from have fled to nearby Gyririis Roumama Pots Ban These are two questions that are Spain if the rebels win. That is ity: "Senores you appear to be Communism will doubtless reign i vision is made for disability and j the stage they are quiet, serious, Nazis v hltl! i s o n Polish soil. answered ' here : authoritatively is a foregone conclusion. For so much like us. You look like in Spain, if the government sue- I old age. Under a life insurance | thinking people. Gracie would ' " on Anti-Semitic for Jh6 first time by Dr. Baruch these rebels are, first and last, us. You dress like- us. -You ceeds in conquering the rebels, j policy there are established emer- j nke to settle down and raise their this eventuality, the religious gency funds for unforeseen events' two adopted children, but the KAROLYI KARPATI Braunstein, prominent writer and reactionaries. ., Theer can be nospeak like . us. Sut, I pray, In ! Meeti eetings lecturer. Dr. Braunstein is an question at this atage of the inter- where are your tails? Please show! a n d communal institutions of thesuch as illness and strain. And: Jewish half of the famous team Bucharest ( W W ) — A dp.-1' IS FIRST JEWISH Jews will go, just as these things when death claims the body, one's j k a s too much vitality to rest. He authority on Spanish-Jewish his- national game being played in me your tails!" forhicUlinp all ami-Semitic TUF tory. His recent book dealing Spain that the rebels are fed by It is an old story in Spanish went in Russia. Should the rebels help and love and influence sur- j prefers acting to anything else. OLYMPIC CHAMP ; has been issued by the p. vive in the life insurance policy • (Copyright win, the Jews will be expelled. reactionary governments' a n d with the history of the converted ! 6 by. Seven Arts history, this union of practical Berlin (WXS) — Kr.rolyi Kar-, ernment. which ha? also dispatch 1492. Between the two which sustains and supports one's i Svndicate) Jews en the Spanish island of groups in Europe. politics and the hatred of the Another eFature pait of Hungary became the first c<\ several battalions of ivoop.s forces of Fascism and CommunMajorca, "The Chuetas of Majordependents. ! Italy and Germany have more Jews by the masses. Ferdinand Jew to win a championishp in theBlack Sea vacation rpsovis? to nr. Nothing gives greater hope o f ! r r c T / l p n tv rnKTPfll OF ca," received high praise here than just a paternal interest-In and Isabella capitalized upon it ism so dramatically contending 1PSG Olympics when he took first tect Jewish patrons fvoru tevrn for mastery in Spain, the Jews financial independence for the j uCS>i At if IN LUIS I KUL Ut and abroad. Dr Bratmstein writes helping their protege to power in r early as the 15th century when place in the lightweight division 1st bands of Cuxi.oif: part I"' widely in both ' the general and Spain. Italy avidly desires to own they set out to weld heterogen- will suffer, no matter which is (later years than a well conducted DANZIG POLITICAL POLICE of the cEtch-as-catch can wrestl- Gunrdists. victorious. They will doubtless i and supervised life insurance j Majorca and.the other islands of eous Spain into a homogeneous, Jewish press.) Free City of Danzig (JTA) —ing competition. A former lightHifrh Fchoo! students liave bet the Balearics, as another step in u n i f i e d and gleischgeshaltet choose to ally themselves with company. The interest which we jThe German Gestapo (secret weight wrestling champion of forbidden to paiticipate in poll." the lesser evil, with the lefts. But all have in coming generations converting the Mediterranean Sea state. And the royalists, churchUntil three years ago not more i State police) has taken over con- Europe, Karpati was runner-up ical activities, in the hope of p?r than 7,000 Jews lived in all into Mussolini's private lake. Nor men, rightist politicians, and their future depends upon cir-'has its groundwork in the love trol of the political police here, in the same event at the 19 3 2 venting student attacks on Jev.-« cumstances for outside their pow-1 and affection we bear for those is Italy very happy baout the fact Fascists wh make up the rebels Spain. Many of-these were SepHerr von Gruetzner. one of the Olympics in Los A.ngeles. The ban .however, is not. applu1 hardim who had 'returned home1, that England is really acting as have been quick to seize upon er to control, or even to deter-! close to us. Dependence always assistants of Heinrich Himmler, Helene Mayer, onlv non-Arran able to universitv ihas been and always will be. aa they would put it, because the a fairy god-father in fortifying the Jew as the eternal scapegoat mine. I There will always be the weak Between Two Millstones nostalgia for their old home was these very same Balearic Islands. in Spanish history and make capand the strong. The satisfaction ital for their own cause. No, overwhelming. Many of them left" "Germany, too, likes to think that Perhaps those Jews who have; w n i c a c o m e s from being able to Turkey, Greece, the Balkans, andher herprogram program ofof colonial colonial expanexpan there can be no two ways about the power to determine w h e r e1' North Africa and 'returned home' sion will be safely launched when this matter: rebel victory «ultim- refugee Jews shall go and where carry on even though impaired ' or cat off by death is when the Republic was formed in she gets what| there remains of ately means the en", of the Jew-!not, now will be brought, through b y the greatest of human' sat- ' the once mighty Spanish colonial ish community in- Spain. the tragedy of the Spanish situa- \ IE addition, quite a number of empire in Africa. And it seems On What Side Are The Jews? tion, to see how great is their j ii s f a c t l ° n s Jews Went there from east-Eur- that both Italy and Germany will No one knows for certain upon I task, and how supremely impor- j ' "ope:: in search of a livelihood. get what they want — in return what side the Jews in Spain tant it is that the situation of I XEWMAX GETS ANOTHER Most of them settled in the. larg- for their help to the rebels. stand today. They can't be blind the nation be carefully studied COLOR FILM JOB er cities^ such as Madrid, BarAlways Hated in Spain to what the victory of the rebels before they advise Jews who are Alfred Newman, famed concert celona, Valencia, Seville, GordoSo much for the basic economic will mean for them. On the oth- homeless to go there . . . For pianist and conductor, has been' va. - A few ventured to sell their and political motives underlying er hand, they are surely not un- years Spain has been instinct '::-:wares and' pursue their trades in the help the" Fascist governments mindful >of the full implications with disaster. And in any up-engaged for the responsible as' j?alma, Malaga, Cadiz and in oth-are giving the rebels. It goes of the extreme leftists' victory heaval, no matter which side is signment of scoring "Ramona,", Twentieth Century- ff>x. all-color - er provincial cities. without saying- that the Jews in upon their own future in Spain. victorious, Jews seem destined to dramatization of the tragic early These centers acted as magnets Spain, many of whom are exiles between the upper j ^*?rt"""" To be sure, the Jews trusted be crushed ,. ... . , ,. j California romance, we heard for the hundreds upon hundreds from Hitler's Germany, would tLose moderate lefts like Azana, and. nether millstones of contend- yesterday from executive director 6f refugees from Germany who have to liquidated ~i some way i£de los Rios and all that group ing forces. Sol M. Wurtzel. Born in New have since come unto the coun- Hitler were to agree to give his who assumed power 4n 1931 when Haven, Conn., Newman was a try; Many of these came for a assistance to the rebels. Alfonso fled with his head on (Copyright 1936 Jewish Telegra- j child prodigy, appearing as con. .temporary stay only, waiting for But behind the current politics his shoulders and his foreign phic Agency, Inc.) i cert pianist in New York's Town ";".* their turn to be admitted Into lies a fact so deeply rooted that bankbooks in his pockets. It was j Hall at the age of eight. •Palestine. Oothers came because it can't be pryed loose from the the moderate lefts who made 1 he appeared in Philadelphia and '; they had no other alternative, Spanish mind which makes the their entrance into- Spain easier. Boston. He studied piano under France having provided sanctuary Jews' doom certain-of the rebels Of course, at best, it was never; Paderewski, composition under , : as long a9 she dared- But still win. The Jews have always been a wholehearted welcome, in tok- j By JX>UIS PEKARSKY | Stojowski and Ruben Goldmark. greater numbers recognized in hated in Spain. Baptism might en of Spanish retribution, as so Hollywood, Calif. •— Arthur A.! He conducted and arranged orSpain the possibilities of eking have changed them into Christ- many people naively believed. out some sort of living. ians, as is did for untold thou- These moderate lefts had suffer- Lee, vice 'president of Gaumontlchestrations for all of George | No one really knows how many sands, but it soon developed that ed in prison before assuming British Pictures, announced this j Gershwin's shows, came to HollyUY A PACK of Double-MeZo-iO Old Go'dr ' ' Jews there are In Spain today. I even as Christians the Jews were power (it has been well said that week what undoubtedly comprises j wood six years ago as musical dit o M a n y one of 8 5 0 , 0 3 3 cigarette me:hazard the guess that at the very despised because of their mala no one could hold high office in the largest production program j rector for United Artists, and con' o u t s i d e there are no more than sangre —, impure blood. (Herr the Republican government un- any European film company has j ducted the Hollywood Bowl 'Syn-1 chanls in the U . S . A . . . . Men! you've got soms~ Hitler must have'done some crib- less he had a jail-record) and ever made available for showing phonies Under the Stars' concerts '.•- 25,000. thing! 2 0 cigarettes that spell "Fresk!" : ' W h a t is their stake in the revo- bing from the iiistory of Spain their sufferings made them toler- in the United States, at least in and the Lcs Angeles Philhara capital "F"! 2 0 cigarettes as fragrart and the talking picture era. Two feafor hia theory of the purity of monic Orchestra for one season ant of everybody else's point of ' lution now going on with devasfiavorful as t h e d a y they leil t h e faclarj-. 2 0 • tating longevity? What are their blood!) The hatred of the Jew isview. They believed that all of tures a month will • be seen in [each. ' chances for a future in. Spain af- so, overwhelming ;a' fact in Span- Spain's ill would be solved not American cities, and a total of: GEORGE BURXS AND cigarettes protected Irom campness. cryness. ish; history that great masses of by revolution but by education. twenty-four pictures will be made : GRACIE AI/LEN •' ter the conflict ends? • ' dust e^id everj* olhcr foe of clcarefte eni J Spainialrds: can lawarbe: united — ] Spain "Judenrein" if Rebels; How many many high-minded in London and released" through! in answer to numerous- re—by iuo shircy jackets of the fijiest ra ,! That all depends upon the vic-against the. Jew. . The rebels have government have fallen on that American film distribution organ- j quests about George Burns and Gracie Allen, we are taking the tor in; the present civil war. If been shrewd" enough h> see thefalse assumption! But with it all, izations. procf Cellophane obtainable. Sylvia Sidney will be starred in | liberty of quoting from an interthe rebels win I fear Spain will practical aspect of. this, cancer in they recognized that Spain was This double Cellophane VTC pping brir.fs . again become what it has been the Spanish mind: and they hare not yet ready to digest any large "Hidden Power," a picture for view with them written for the seized upon it -with. success, and which the largest set ever built Emaira-El and Jewish Journal of tor centuries — Judenrein. Old Gold's prize crop tobaccos in the very pi-ik numbers of Jews, much less welToo much.credence should not have lumped Jews and Masons come them. That was in sub-on a British film lot has been j San Francisco by Dorothy Lesser of c o n d i t i o n . Brings y o u real factory-fresh and all. internationalists in the In. part Miss Lesser writes: be attached to the document stance what Fernando de los constructed. cigarettes... whether you buy them a t a "back "We asked him (George, who j found a few days ago in Barce- same, boat which they plan to Rios, then Minister ; of Foreign The most imposing list of stars, lona purporting to exile all. Jews sink if and when they get into Affairs, told me just when Spain writers and directors ever es-|i s Jewish) if he had experienced woods" stand or a big city cigarette counter. ; from Spain in event of a rebel power. was being considered1 as a refuge sembled by a European studio is ja n y religious prejudice on the victory. In every war, documents also planned as part of this ex-j stage. 'None at all,' was his anBut you .will ask: Whence for the German-Jews . * of this kind are always discover- arises this hatred ' when there pansion program. A. P. Waxman.jswer. 'Gracie is Irish and I come: is this same de los Rios who ed by one side to embarrass the have been no Jews in Spain for is Ittoday GB's American advertising coun-jfrom an Orthodox Jewish family. acting as the governother ,or to enlist the sympath- centuries? Precisely the fear of ment's "contact-man" in Paris, sel, also reports that the adver-|Yet whether we have worked for the unknown, coupled with the and whatever M. Blum's govern- tising budget on their newest pic-; jew or Gentile it has made memory of the Jew as the devil ment decides to do in the Span- ture, "Nine Cays a Queen," has j difference. They have liked or I incarnate, has made of him theish crisis will pretty largely be! been increased by approximately; disliked us for what we could or! Paxton Mitchell Co. eternal bogey-man of the Spani- the result of the work of this! 100 per cent. This will make for! couldn't do. rather than from any; '•'••» Foundries ard. He was and remains the k e e n , resourceful, intelligent, j the broadest exploitation cam-i prejudiced reason. There is no re-: 37tb and Martha HA. 5523 bogey-man to the childish mind professor-statesman who has been I paign ever enjoyed by a British j Hgion in the arts. Talent alone is what counts, and talent Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft of the Spanish peasant, a memory so often attacked without cause | film in the United States. which the priests of the Church out.' Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast' have had no • small part in im-by his opponents as a Jew! He j HEARD IN HOLLYWOOD told me that Spain was not yet • Peter Lorre, Gaumont-British "We have to go back some Ings. Wood and Metal Patterns pressing. ready for Jews, ^oppressed as it; star, is said to be the greatest j y e a rs for the beginning of this Standard sizes Bronze a n d Iron was by its own political and i trans-Atlantic commuter of t h e j s t o r y i to a time when four small • Passover Incident Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern Rings and Covers. Cleanout Doors This incident, vouched for meeconomic fears. His government, j film world. A Hungarian •who:DOyS> hardly old enough to stand Sash Weights a n d Yellow Brast by one of my honest friends in he assured me, was sympathetic ] came to Hollywood via the G B I o n . t n e j T feet, and known as the: plumDers' Ferrules, carried in stock. Bronze Tablets. Bronze a n c Barcelona, illustrates just this to the Jews in their plight, but studios in Shepherd's Bush, Lon-i<p e e w e e Quartette," accompanied: Cast iron Grilles a Specialty. fact. Just before Passover a he warned against their coming don, Lorre made a British film | slides in an East Side New York, number of Jews from Barcelona into Spain, prophetically stating on each of his trips back to the [theatre with their singing. One) went to a village in the south to then that Spain had not yet ridGB studios Florence Kahn, Of them was no stranger to thej pick grapes and make their own itself of its old malady of anti- wife of Max Beerbohm. world- audiences, for he had danced., For Picnics and All Occa- wine. The village was deserted Semitism. At the least sign of famous writer and artist, makes sung and acted in saloons, clubs: when they came to it. Houses crisis, he warned, the Jews would her film debut in GB's "Secret and at benefits ever since they: sions Serve Forbes* New and stores w e r e barricaded be put down by the reactionary Agent," with Lorre and others. could remember . And George: York Pumpernickel against- them. No wonder, they ies as the culprits, and the peo-Miss Kahn, American stage star Burns continued entertaining anyj , BREAD discovered after a while, for theple would echo their "amen". He of the early part of the century, one who would listen until hp i villagers. had been taught to be-explained that actually the decree retired from the stage in 1905. borrowed some one's long pants! Sliced thin for your lieve over a period of many gen- of expulsion of 1492 had not yetand has made only one public ap-!to make bis first legitimate stage: Convenience erations that: the Jews were mon- been repealed, unless it could be pearance since then, a benefit | sters. • ' maintained that all the old laws performance in 1931. This year appearance." "Whenever he didn't comei FORBES BAKING CO. At first with circumspection, were abrogated with the issu- Miss Kahn decided to return to and later with greater ' freedom, ance of the new constitution of i the stage, playing in a London home I knew I'd find him trying] out a new dance in the park," his | 2701-11 No. 24th St. but still with the utmost caution, production of Ibsen's "Peer Gynt." Burns, now his j We. 6400 the natives began to look at them strong can't break inhreited at- Her performance was considered brother, William Miss Lesser, manager, told so beautifnl that she was invited George and his partner, Billy j > without making the sign *of the to broadcast the famous scene of Lorraine, had been in big time; the death of Mother Ase for thej vaudeville for some months and) British Broadcasting Company . . jW G r e a bout ready to break up j Norma Shearer is reported prac- their act when they met a mem-1 tically through buying the sports! b e r oi the Allen Sisters dance: •Watch the odd nickel* yon p e t in this Nickel Saver's pockets I wardrobe for her vacation in Eng-j team, named Gracie. She and ; add np t o fat "extra" .dollars! It's free t o . visitors at our land . . . The Marx Brothers haveJQ eo f ge teamed together teen, and; •Westicghoase Refrigerator display. Get-yours todey, end— beep entertaining some crippled i f o r g o t singing and dancing to j New Beauty . . . New Economy children . . . Luise Rainer, we! c a r r y On a comedy act, with New Power . . . Ney Features hear, is trying to decide whether} Gracie playing straight roles. TMs Brand New Nationally Knotvn Refrigerator to fly or take one of the new "The gags may have been bad. ocean liners to Europe for a va-for I wrote them myself," George After interview- Burns said, "but good or bad. it cation soon ing 410 children at Selznick In- was Gracie. with any line at all, . . . S Yeai-s Protection on Its FuH« Your food-keeping iwv-jngB v»th ternational Studio, William A. who got the laughs; so we extJhe ^TestiEgisotise c a n equal t b e Po-wcred, HeitnieticaHy-Sealcd Unit . . . Fast-Freezing Sanalloy miclieis you PEJ-JL Ami bey yoia t h e EVENINGS IWellman is still unable to fill.the changed parts." - i, • | beautiful WesSjngVtoisse EcJ'rig- FrosJcr. » . AH-SEeel Cabinet .'» * roles in the forthcoming film, After a contract with RKO.j r exclusive Built-in "Wetchitnanl cretor—with W l eap Economy "the Adventaires of Tom Sawyer,' during which they performed in which he will direct. The field vaudeville houses, and also acted © Porcelain Interior © Lower Operating Cost is open for any child who can fill in movie shorts, they went to © More Ice © Faster Freezing the requirements. London to appear on the radio for © Chromium Hardware © Be Luxe Exterior the British Broadcasting Company. When they returned Gracie Omaha* tesfest Piano and Etecfmal Appliance Store | I was a guest star on one of EdFor the Entire Family die Cantor's programs. Grade's fan mail was so enorNOTE! mous that she and George were —and— Fully guaranteed at this drassigned for their first American : Attio cut in price. Phone AT radio program. ' That was fonrj 1S5S. Our courtesy car will .1 . a call for you. | years ago. and since that time, j Dealer Has 'Eta Both! ! although they have changed spon-j sors once, they have never missed


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I and their forced emigration imposed unwarranted burdens on ped during the inquriy because I The Colonial Secretary said it the matter has not yet been de-i was impossible to determine the neighboring countries. cided." ] date of the commission's deparThis is no new theory, but one oft repeated in the press, During a debate following his j ture for Palestine and declared it on the radio and from the speaker's platform. It is once more announcement of the commission, i certainly would not start work Published erery Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Mr. Ormsby-Gore had declared j until peace had been fully rereiterated in a well-reasoned, well-documented petition sponTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING CpMPANY that there was no Question of ! stored. The Comission, will desored by the American Christian Committee for German Refustopping immigration as long asjeide for itself the methods it in Subscription Price, oi© year • - • • - - |2.oo gees, the American Jewish Committee, B'nai B'rith, the Allithe disorders, persisted, but the'to use in furthering its investigaBylRMAMAY - Advertising rates furnished on application. question ol suspension during the j tlon. ance Israelite Universelie, the Ligue des Droits de l'Homme, (Seven Arts Staff Writer) would receive considera- j The other menibers of the body and similar liberal, Jewish and refugee-aid organizations here Irma May here give us anoth- on the list. A child brought us inquiry Editorial Office: 600 Brandelo Theater Building. iton and a decision would be made are: and abroad. This petition is to be circulated among the mem- er of her eye-witness accounts to a small opening in the ground on "the merits of the case and not I Sir Laurie Hammond, Sir HarSlonx City Olfico—JewlBh Community Center ! old Morris, Sir Morris Carter and ber nations of the League and will be submitted for considera- of the miserable life icd by Po- which led into a deep and dark influenced by violence." DAVID BLACKER - - - Business and Managing Editor lish Jews, for whom economic cellar. It sounded improbable, While welcoming the officially | Reginald Coupland, professor of FRANK ft. AOKERMAN - . . . - - .*• - Editor tion at next month's meeting of\he League Assembly. discrimination makes the bar- for on our list were che names of voiced determination of tne Gov- j Colonial History at Oxford UniFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs. Iowa, Correspondent The petition does not lack in actual incidents of German est livelihood almost impos- three families of shoemakers. Fi- eminent not to send the commis- versity. ANN PILL •-- .-'•-..• - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent we located the caretaker, sion before order has been comviolations of minority treaties as well as violation of funda- ble of achievement. EDITOR nally J. Martin, head of the Colonial Print Shop Address: 4604 So. 24th Street who again led us to the cellar pletely restored, a Zionist official mental human rights. As/precedents for the intercession for There is so much poverty in door and said: "Don't act BO described as 'far from reassuring' Office's Near East department, act as the commission's secwhich it pleads, the petition cites a number of historical in- Poland to-day that it would be squeamish, some people live Colonial Secretary Ormsby-Gore's will retarv. War in Spaiin V stances, beginning with the Peace of Augsburg, which, in hopeless to dwell upon it. Not worse than that . . . " We des- remarks on the question of posfrom what I have hear, but cended the wooden steps deep sibile suspension of immigration Exactly 444 years ago, in 1492, the last Jews left Spain in 1555, guaranteed freedom of worship to Protestants as well only Patronize Our Advertisers from what I have seen I know into a subterranean 1 assage and pending the Comission'e findings. tafj-'.accordance with the expulsion edict of Ferdinand and Isabella. as Catholics in the German principalities. Other instances of that at ieast one thud of the landed in complete darkness. We The Rev. M. L. Perlzweig, honExactly 444 years later, Jewish circles in Spain shuddered international action for the protection of minorities are the Jewish population is doomed to die! not know which way to turn orary secretary of the British inevitable death of starvation when a candle-light appeared in Zionist Federation and a member upon the discovery of secret documents that-a second expul- representations made to the Austrian Empress Maria Theresia an GEMS OF THE BIBLE and tuberculosis. Heartless as the. darkness, far off, a'lf1 a wo- of the Council of the Jewish sion of the Jews from Spain was part of the program of the by Great Britain and Holland when Jews were banished from this statement may sound, it is man's voice said: "This way. Be | Agency for Palestine, voiced the Zionist view on the Commission. Spanish fascist rebels if they gain control of the government. Bohemia in 1744; the insistence of Prince Bismarck in 1878 probably an underestimation. To careful of your head." By O. O. DASHER those who live Uiere permanentTlie air wa? .-o putrid and hea"It is premature," he said, "to The documents were found in the* home of Captain Lopez that the newly established state of Roumania recognize the ly — and to such as my.self, who \y that we R a l l i e d wihf rt-fficul- venture Dej an opinion before the dife' Varela, rebel leader in Barcelona. The papers shdwed that the civil rights of Jews and other religious minorities; the famous have spent i few weeKn in swift ity. We walked through pools Agency's careful consideration of j Set me a seal lipon thy heart as ; Fascists planned to set up a dictatorship modeled after the note of John Hay, U. S. Secretary of State in protest against surveyal — the horror ard gro- rf stagnant waier nud mud which the Commission's defined func- j a seal upon thine arm. For love tesqueness of it passes all under- continued right into dwelling No. tions. Zionist welcome warmly j is strong as death. Jealousy ie Nazi regime in Germany and also planned to exile all Free- Roumanian persecution of Jews in 1902; and the protest of standing. 4. At first we saw anthing. The Mr. Ormsby-Gore's refusal to dis-jcreul as the grave, wl Masons, internationals and radicals. This is another link in the the Powers at the Lausanne Conference of 1923 against the After X had spent only a few candle-light was gone and our I patch the Commission before re-j Many waters can not quench nag chain tying Nazi propaganda and assistance to the Spanish Turkish refusal to take back the Armenians of Turkey. day? in Poland all homes cf hopeeyes unaccustomed to darkness, j storation of order, nevertheless, j love neither can the floods'drown Quoting the statement of President Harrison of the U. S. lessly impoverished people — But through a little opening,light hj rebels. Nor is this the sole source of information regarding far j of his immigrationn answer to the iscrucial question it. If a man would giveforall love the far from rea-!j substance of his house a^ the anti-Semitic tendencies of tha rebels. In Spanish Morocco, in 1891, in speaking of the policies then pursued by the Bus trade whom no one can help any shone, and gradually we werefsuring. Suspending immigration : he would be utterly contented reports teU of drastic anti-Jewish action on the part of rebel sian government against its Jewish subjects, the petition cites longer — were eliminated from able to distinguish things around during the inquiry would mean to; A man's pride shall bring him visiting list. Only tee homes us. A fairly large cellar, with pronounce sentence first and to |, low but he „„ that „„„,. is tof a humble Readers. In one town they were said to have imprisoned the the following passage: "The banishment, whether by direct my of laborers, merchants a n d two beds in the renter and across invite the jury afterward. Accord- j S pi r i t s\mU a t { R i n JO honour. ;ffi$j.entire Jewish population in concentration camps. In two other decree or by no less certain indirect methods, of so large a tradesmen who were in sorce way them the body of a ma.i. his fane ing to the Zionist view, the most j The lips of the t 0wise -places they extorted large sums of money from the Jews to number of men and women is not a local question. A decree being helped, either through the turned downwards. Next to him elementary justice demands that; ate knowledge but the disseminheart of Child Care activities'or the Free and around him three *mall chil- the Commission shall examine the ' the foolish is not steadfast. finance their insurrection. Refugees arriving in "Warsaw said to leave one country is, in the nature of things, an order to Loan Kassas, were visited. jdren. T.'iey gave the impression situation while immigration is j A man hath joy in the answer rebels were imprisoning all Eastern European Jews in Span- enter another - - some other. This consideration as well as Due to a law which was passed i o t b e 'ng soundly asleep. Com- flowing normally." of his mouth aud a word in sead H ash Morocco. If the fascists win, the fate of North African the suggestions of humanity furnishes ample ground for the in 1927 and became effective in pletely unaware t i cur presence, Twenty members of Parliament j s o n h o w g o o d i s i t ; K I saw that there were peo- were on record with a pledge to j orner loveth not to be re|J Jewry will indeed be unenviable.; Italian propaganda in the remonstrances which we have presented to Russia." Practically 1932, at least PO per cent of the pleNow tTound me in this -.00111 and fight to carry out any pro-Arab j p rAo v eflC cj; craftsmen in Poland lost eff Near'East has Already had disastrous consequences for the all diplomats will agree with the petition's emphasis of the Jewish he will not go unto the recommendations made by the their right to practice their trade j a >"oun& P r I E t o c d *aiU: n e a h :*% Jewish homeland in Palestine. In North Africa, if the rebels obligation or" the League of Nations" to" achieve international and to employ apprentices. While '"Are t h e J ' i l I ? ' x a s k e d t h e g i r l - Royal Commission just apponted wise. TALMUD P^I win, the Jewish population in'the French colonies on the coast peace and security and the firm establishment of the under- the law was of general nature, it j She shook he- head. -No", she to investigate the causes of the Four groups of people will nevArab disorders in Palestine. tit| would become the targets of a campaign designed to arouse standings of international law as the actual rule, of conduct affected only the Jews adversely. | said, " they are dazed by this bad In a leter to the Times of Lon- er see the—Cehenam (Hell). 1. ir W e all e t l 1 iit v a after a . / Suddenly . ^ . ' JI , became don, the parliamentarians, under Those who suffer from the 6tress the Moslems against them in the same way that this has been among governments. But past history, especially in recent It provided, among other things, j * -_ while that my head was aching the leadership of Lord Winterton, o£ poverty. 2. Those who suffer done in Palestine. times, has proven that the backbone of the League is made for compulsory membership in a j aware traild and for asuch general examina- ana I felt ill, after only a few stated the purope of the pledge from cancer of the stomach. 3. before membership In contrast to this, the Republican government has been out of rubber and that expediency is considered far more im- tion would be granted. A member- minutes spent in this dugeon. was to "allay Arab fears that rec- Those who suffer from loan-shark encouraging the repatriation of old Jewish families expelled portant than mere "principles"'and "right." Hence, this peti- ship card, because of its high The photographer looked sick ommendations in their favor creditors. 4. Those who are marmight not be carried out owing to ried to mean wives. (Because Almost, four and a half centuries ago. During the Maimonides tion will perhaps make some League members blush at their price, was beyond the reach of and motioned me to go on. could [Zionist influence in Parliament j they hare the Gehennm (Hell) in most Jewish artisans. Too poor Despite the darkness I celebration last year, the government evinced a most favor- "selling out" of tHe League's idealism, but we honestly do not to be able to afford it, unable to discern some life in the girl's and press." j this world. able attitude in its sympathies with ^he Jews. And the Spanish look for concrete results and benefits. comprehend the law and in the face. .We began talking and she All leading newspapers have de- | Rabbi Juda said: "The Tornh majority of cases completely un- told me that she had just return- voted considerable space to the i endured with the Jiideans who government has also done what it could in alleviating the aware of it, they lajled ro comply ed trom a two months stay in Commission, most of them ap- j paid strict attention to the exact lot of the German Jewish refugees driven from the Reich with it, and are to-day in the the Medem Sanitarium. "So much proving its composition and terms i language which they received THE IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT j from their teachers. But the Gal-through Nazi persecution. It was small wonder, therefore, that same position as the vendors of fresh air, such food and free- of reference. By Rabbi Frederick Cohn • ileans who paid no attention to pretzels and ties, whose trade is dom," she whispered, "but these refugees took up arms on the side of the loyalists in Viscount Peel, chairman of the the exact language as they reillegal and who run at the first dreadful to know that I had to The outstanding event in the world today fraught with fighting the insurrection of the rebel fascists. of a policeman. Unable to come back here. Life is so much Wheat Commission and former ceived it from their teachers, momentous possibilities is the Civil War in Spain. It is more sight practice their trade, unable to more unbearable when one tnows Secretary of Staie for India, was therefore the Torah did not enSo, even in a civil internal strife in Spain, the Jewish than a civil war between monarchists and republicans; it has named chairman of the body, with find employment bewildered. that there is sunshine laugh- Sir Horace Rumbold, famous dip- dure with them." people have a stake and must anxiously watch the day to day Rabbi Joshua said, "During become almost A clear-cut issue between Fascists and anti- helpless and hunted, they are ter elsewhere ir. the world."' In lomat, vice-chairman. developments, v , 3 her simple way the girl voiced ye; Pascists, involving monarchists and militarists and imperial- now the target of a renewed ec- the The commission's f u n c t i o n s my life I was frustrated once by grave problem both children were defined "by the Colonial Sec- a woman, once by a boy and once struggle. 8tl> istic forces of reaction and so-called conservatism on the one onomic by a little girl." To many the name of Pokorna and social workers have to face retary as follows: hand and the legal government composed of socialists, com- Street in Warsaw will sound fam- in Poland. The short rest brings 1) Toa enquire into the manner Waiting--For What? munists, the working people and liberals, called "radicals" on iliar.' We found house No. 8 a child back to life — but back in which the Mandate has been No news is good news, we have oft heard. No news con- the other! If reaches deeper down and threatens to assume easily enough but could not lo- it goes to poverty starvation carried out in relation to the obfr cerning vital Jewisli problems has emanated from Germany cate dwelling No. 4: it was •- not from which there is no escape. ligations of the Mandatory Power K^enorahs, Jewish Music, Bible* world-wide proportions with Italy and Germany interfering, Seventeen people dwell in this towards Arabs and Jews respecfor some time, and in this instance the lack of news has been despite France's attempt to bring about neutrality among the cellar. Three families. A shoe- tively; R\ satisfactory. Of course, the status quo of the Jewish position maker Zelichowski, ill with T. B., 2) To ascertain whether there European nations, -of a struggle not only between privilege father of six children. One was are proper'grounds for complaint in the Reich is desperate, but desperate as it is, it could be and aristocracy and dictatorship on the one hand and the away in the summer colonies either by the Arabs or the Jews . JOHN FELDMAN worse under systematic, ceaseless Jew-baiting. when I visited them. His life also with respect to grievances under proletariat, representing the under-privileged or the non-privDealer In •++ t o *** is afflicted with the disease, and the mandate; However, we fear that the lull is'ominous, predicating a ileged or the masses in general on the other. In other words TALEISIM - PRAVER BOOKS so so are all the remaining ; children. In Yiddish fmd English 3) To make recommendations, storm. Jews living in Naziland are fearful that the Hitlerites it looks very ominously like the first stages of the long-preChana, his eighteen year-old Res. 60S No. EOth St. GL-297S grievances are well-founded, daughter begged me to take her ifforthe have eased up on their poisonous propaganda and crushing dicted social revolution, in comparison with which the French P. O. Bnx 710 Omaha, Nebr elimation of their source and away —but she was above school prevention edicts because of the Olympic games. They state that Hitler revolution of the eighteenth century would be but a of their reocurrence. By ROBERT STONE age, and nothing could be done cirwill do everything he can to impress the visitors this summer for her. The poor child was too NORTH AMERICA tfc! cumstance. with Germany's "fairness" and has /instructed his lieutenants P E L L E Y PREDICTS PO- ill to be rescued anyway. Just a er Things are rapidly coming to a head. "We may find the ROMS FOR AMERICA IN T.OS matter of a short time. tfi to "lay low" while foreigners are coming into the country for The family of the shoemaker rebels in Spain aligned with Italy and Germany and the Fas- ANGELES SPEECH Some"-ff theinternational snorts, festival. 'Once the games are over, how we feel that his prophecy is Rotbaum, also consisting of six 1 cists nations or the Fascists among the nations against the * new terrorisms may *be expected, they predict. Thiis, when an as true as his ludicrous anti-1 children, made their home there too. He was the man prostrated American citizen from Chicago was-kept in a nazi jail with- legal government in Spain, championing the republic-democ- Semitic charges. racy and socialistic France, communistic Russia, democratic on the bed, I was told. UnemployREVEAL BLACK LEGION | | out trial because he called hate-monger Julius Streicher a 'LANNED TO POISON JEWS ed over two years — he and his 4" "lump," the Jewish leaders in the Reich regretted the inci- Britain (despite its conservatism) and (who can tell?) perhaps WITH TYPHOID GERMS . . . children were gradually stravlng "8 Sounds like Black Legion tactics, to death. Besides, there is the dent deeply, since they wished to deter anything which should even America, compelled to take a hand as in 1914. widow of the shoemaker GutterThere is only one thing that can avert such a tragic con- doesn't it. ntir up the mad sadism of the world's leading Jew-baiter. man, who died of T. B. a few flict, besides which the recent "World War would fade into CHRISTIAN A N D JEWISH months ago and left her with two GROUPS DRAFT PETITION TO It must be admitted that Germany has made strong gains insignificance, and that is, action similar to that recorded in LEAGUE OP NATIONS ON-GER- tots. She is the only one who si recently in the political arena. Her pact with Austria and her the Bible at the close of the Pentatleuch. The children of Israel MAN JEWISH PERSECUTION . . receives several loaves of bread ; evident reapproachment with Italy has strengthened, her posi- were entering the Promised Land. The two and one half tribes Well, maybe that'll help:—maybe. a week from the Kehillah. ' tion on the continent. But her perilous economic situation is of Reuben. Gad and half-Manasseh were content with the ROOSEVELT SUPPCRTS JEW- A tiny alcove, wide enough to hold one bed, adjoinea the cellar. even more precarious than ever. And so long as she cannot land on the east of the Jordan and asked permission of Moses ISH HOMELAND IN PALES- A young boy sat leaning gainst TINE That's hardly news. Bolve her, financial peril, she must strive for territorial exbut a great encouragement none the bed and made an effort to to settle down and enjoy it. Moses granted their request on pansion. After Danzig will come another territory,-and then stand up when I entered. But he the less. could not make it and fell back will come English colonies, and then the Russian Ukraine . ."'. one condition, that they must first help the other nine and EUROPE into his lifeless position. His one-half tribes to conquer their possession on the other, more TURKISH PRESS C A L L S and when covetous eyes are feast on someone else's property, breathing, was uneven and haltWERFEL "DIRTY JEW" .'•.-. | difficult, side of the Jordan. This they did, and all together bloodshed is the usual result, " ing. "We all get like that," 1 But Werfel wasn't any too comthus took possession of the Promised Land. plimentary when he wrote about heard the girl say. "No work, no food, no air, no hope.|| So the privileged, the world, for whatever reason, must the Turks, either. , Your Individual Style photograph, was taken at p REVEAL SPANISH REBELLS help the non-privileged to obtain a similar station, to which PLANNED TO EXPEL A L L fullTheminute's Another Hope Astray in a Smart exposure. Miracuthey are equally entitled as recognized by that great American lously it penetrated the darkness JEWS . . . It's an old Spanish In far-off Ethiopia we learn that two hundred of the and brings.mute testimony of an custom. three.hundred Jews enrolled in the twenty-first regiment of document (to which, along with the Constitution, we are pay- 4 00-YEAR-OLD JEWISH CEM- economic battlefied. the Teveria Division, which comprised Jewish volunteers from ing such life service today), the Declaration of Independence ETERY IN SALONIKI BECOMES With the (Copyright 19S6 by Seven Arts five countries, have been given civilian posts in the new Italian as expressed in the resounding words claiming as an elemen- ATHLETIC FIELD Feature Syndicate.) dead doing a daily dozen turns In tary and inalienable right of every man, "life, liberty and administration in the conquered African territory. their graves, we presume. the pursuit of happiness." It is this that the world is fightHowever, if any of us had hopes of Ethiopia being opened ing for as never before. It is this that must be granted to, HITLER WALKS OUT ON For late summer . , . just after you have disAMERICAN NEGRO ' CHAMPto general non-Italian Jewish colonization, we can dismiss the and become the happy lot, of all the world. Then mankind in- IONS carded your straw . . . or for early Fall when AT OLYMPIC GAMES . . . idea for the time being. There had been a number of unveri- stead of fighting and slaughtering one another like savage We'll bet he has a special plane the weather is still warm . . . that's when you will appreciate a smart featherweight. fied reports that Italy was considering such a move, these beasts, and perishing in a wilderness of war and cruel waste, prepared so that he can fly out if a Jew should win a championSee these new arrivals . . . they're quality Stories coming from such widely scattered centers as Berlin, all together will enter the Promised Land of the social and ship. clear through. ; Home, Warsaw, London, Prague and Vienna. For a long time POLAND SEEKS COLONIES ' 'nil the Italian government would neither deny nor confirm the political and human ideal, the land flowing with the milk of TO AID JEWISH MASS EXODUS # • STETSON . So. itow the Jews are being Colonial Office May TemporKNOX rumors, but now the Italian press has announced" that Italy nourishing plenty, and the honey of sweet and universal made arily Halt Palestinian responsible for Polish imcontent. has no intention of permitting foreign Jews to • settle in perial ambitions. < •' . Entries •MALLORY •• VMENET - - - Frederick Cohn. Ethiopia. • •"•_... AFRICA London (JTA) — With sixFASCISTS IMPRISON JEWS Thus, Another faint ray of aid to Jewish refugees has IN SPANISH MOROCCO . . . man Royal Commission appointed been swallowed by the clouds. to investigate Palestine disorders, Running true to form. Hebrew Calendar Zionists waited anxiously this Bosh Hashbnah .........Thursday, September 17 PALESTINE ROYAL. COMMISSION NAMED week for the Colonial Office to •Past of Gedaliah.................................. Sunday, September 20 TO INVESTIGATE CAUSES OF decide whether it would temporHoping Against Hope And, more Im- arily halt immigration into the Yom Kippur...................... ............Saturday, September 26 DISORDERS portant still, to make recommen- Holy Land during the inqariy. The Nazi persecution of Jews, Catholics and .other minor- First Day of Succoth « Thursday, October 1 dations for measures to prevent Colonial Secretary William ity groups has given- rise to an international situation which Eighth Day of Succoth ~............^«..—...Thursday, October 8 their recurrence., , Ormsby-Gore said last week in the ;| calls for League;of,Nations action because.many thousands of Simchath Tofah................. House Commons: —.Friday, October 9 CORRECTS JUTARSX FOR &TEN AND WOMEN 11! refugees- have been forced to seek asylum in other countries, Chanukah.....................M........»...................Wednesday, December 9 (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts "I am unable to reply definitely feature Syndicate, fc whether immigration will be stop-


"No Work*No Food No Air - No Hope"

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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1936 e Colonial • Secretary, said it impossible to determine the of the commission's deparfor Palestine and declared it Inly -would not start work peace • had been fully reid. The Comission, •will debtor itself the methods it is se in lurthering its investiga-

AHAX-FKESHMAN MARRIAGE Miss Dora Freshman, daughter of Mrs. Bessie Freshman, became the bride of Sidney Cahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loeb Cahan of New York City, at a wedding ceremony performed at the home of Rabbi David A. Goldstein, August 8. only members of the immediate families were present. After a month's eastern trip, the couple will reside in Kansas City, Mo. The bride's going away outfit was of Dubonet crepe with natuHONKS-WHITE , JJEFKOWITZ-SUATERMAN ral color linen jacket and duENGAGEMENT The marriage of Miss Hadassah bonet accessories. Mr. and Mrs. J. White announce Silvermman, daughter of Mrs. the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Jack Honig of Pitts- Toby Silverman, formerly of 51ISCELLAXEOUS SHOWER burgh, B£=>, son of Mr. A. Honig Omaha, to Mr. Irving Lefkowitz A miscellaneous shower honorof Hollywood, Cal., was solem- ing Miss Ruth Himelsteln, soon to ot that city. The announcement was made nized at tbe Council Hall in Hol- be a bride, was given August 11 Sunday at the White home at a lywood. Miss Elaine Silverman, by Mrs. Nathan PeMls and Mrs. family gathering. sister of the bride, was maid of Sam Novak at the, Mary Stein Mr. Honig is a graduate of the honor; and Mr. Morris Lefkowitz cafe in the Hotel Hamilton. ApUniversity of Pittsburg. attended the groom. Dorothy Ed- proximately . 65 were present. No definite date has been set elson sang two appropriate num- Bridge was played and refreshments served. for the wedding. bers and the wedding march was played by Misses Florence and BRIDGE-LUNCHEON BAKER-RABINOWITZ Helen Whitebook. The Misses.Ruth and Dorothy Among the five hundred guests White entertained at .a bridgeMr. and MrB. Carl Rabinowitz of Milwaukee, Wis., announce the were many Omahans and former luncheon at the Fontenelle hotel marriage of their daughter. Ethel, Omahans; including Mrs. Minnie in honor of Miss Mollye Roltto Philip Baker, son of Mr. and Lapidus, -Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, stein, whose marriage to Philip Mrs. J. M. Baker of Omaha, which Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavich and Meyera will take place September will take place Sunday, August son Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Yale 2' 16 at the Hotel Schroder in Mil- Dubnow, Mr. and Mrs. Paul SteinOut-of-town guests sharing berg, "Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lazarus, waukee. honors were Miss Betty Gross of Miss Lillian Baker, Bister of the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Melcner, Mr. Pittsburgh and Miss Jeanette groom, who has been spending her and Mrs. S. Ravitz, Mr. and Mrs. Herman of Los Angeles, Cal. vacation in Milwaukee, will re- D. S. Finkenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Decorations were carried out in main there to attend the wedding Joseph Adelson, Mrs. S. Adelson, green and white. The center-piece Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schoenwald, and to serve as maid, of honor. Isadore Schoenwald, Mr. and Mrs. was of gladiolas and asters. Prizes were won by MrB. A. Sam Schlaiffer, Dr. and Mrs. Barney Kully, Mrs. Blooma Green- Solomon, Mrs. James Corenman Mr, and Mrs. Max Levin j and Miss Dora Rich. and daughter, Eileen. j BRIDGE-LirNCHEOX S A L O N »•"• Also Rose Levin, Mrs. Molly Mrs. J. Levey entertained at Rosenblatt, Mr. and Mrs. Mose a bridge-luncheon In honor of her Features SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | M r s . M a r k Blacker of RockSteinberg, Miss Jennie Zlotkin, ingham, N. C. Max Levey, Mrs. S. Frohm and Sharing honors were Mrs. Joe son,~Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaplan of Chicago and Miss Clair Tha Zotoa Permanent Wava with no machinery and no Fox, Mrs. M. Taxman of Kansas Shritz of St. Louis. electricity used '.at 5530 and City, Mrsl Clara Waxenberg, Mrs. UP- . ; ' Prizes were won by Mrs. Mai Wright and daughter, Yetta, Mrs. Breslow, Mrs. H. Parker and ^ 716 BranCels Theatre Bldg. Sam Rosenblum, Mr. and Mrs. Isther Lazerson. Sam Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marowitz, Ann Lintzman, Irene g ^ Kaplan and Hazel Kooper.

le other members of the body r Laurie Hammond, Sir HarMorris.Sir Morris Carter and nald Coupland. professor ot nial History at Oxford Unity.


Martin, head of the Colonial e's Near East department, act as the commission's secT- - 'atronize Onr Advertisers

IEMS OF THE BIBLE^ AND TALMUD By O. O. DASHER it me a seal upon thy heart aa al upon thine arm. For love trong as death. Jealousy is I as the grave, any waters can not quench. neither can .the floods drown Cf a man -would give all the tance of his house for love rould be utterly contented. man's pride shall bring him but he that is of a humble t shall attain to hotour. le lips of the wise dissemin"knowledge but the heart of foolish in not steadfast. man hatli joy in thB answer Is niouttr and a word in seahow good is it! Bcorner loveth not to be reed; he will not go unto tlia


RETURNS FROM OTXXESOTA VACATION. Miss Ethel Resnick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Resnick, returned Monday from. her vacation in Minnesota, where sae Visited friends and relatives. Miss Jeanette Resnick left last week for California. En route she will stop to visit friends in Kansas City and Tulsa, Okla. She is now in Dallas, Tex., at the Centennial exposition, visiting with relatives.

HOUSE GUEST HERE jFO CONDUCT SERVICES Betli-EI Pioneer Women Miss Sue Marks of Muscatine,! ! AT LINCOLN ' la., is the house guest of her uncle j and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Si- j Tie Pioneer Women -rill hold j An enthusiastic committee met man. She will be here until An- j their annual picnic at Elmwoodiat the home o? its chairman, Mrs. Groondland will cor.Rev. j park Sunday, August 16, at S;I. J W. Rosenblatt, Tuesday. August 25. r duff service!? •g-ust 1 1 , to plan ways and mean? ° « " ^vices? »n Lincoln, Neh.. jp._m. ; evening He wjil also ri^s. The committee in charge h&s 0f raising three hundred dollars ;Friday GUEST,FKOM PITTSBURGH the coming year for the in Fremont. Coliinsim*. NOI-IMK. ! planned games, prizes &nd variThe Misses Rath and of the auxiliary am* for Grand Island, as well we olbf-r White have as their house guest ous entertainment features. Those jactirities Nebraska, towns where tbere are the on the committee Ere Kesdames i building fund. Miss Betty Gross of Pittsburgh, Jewish communities. This is 1I*H Pa. Miss Gross Is being extensive- !J. Fellmaa, H. Bonfiarin, J. E&z-j Tentative plans cal! for a series first visit: to Nebraska. J nick, and Mrs. Sam Meitches. ;cf book reviews by Rabbi David ly entertained. j All members, their families and!A. Goldstein, with Mrs. J. H. KuI friends are cordially invited, to'latofsky and Mre. Mose Yousem MOXTH'S VACATION TO SAX DIEGO ?r Block I attend. las chairmen; the annual bake Miss Goldy Seidman returned Mr. A. Miroff snd daughter, I sale in charge tbis year of Mrs. Specialist Corsctiere Evelyn, left for San Diego, Cal., August 10 from a month's vaca•r j i •!• I *^ a t e Turner and Mrs, Moe Venwhere they.will reside. Mrs. Mir- tion visiting in Denver and at the ¥©SCl AuXlilSiy | g-er, and a springtime fiance Has the key to bff and daughters, Ethel and mountain resorts. chairmaned ty Mrs. E. A. Nogg .,_\ vi.ur figure pr<*!'Helen, have spent the summer in e n d MrE The Va&d auxiliary is planning - Maynarc! Greenberg. . ^ lems. She sspircialSan Diego. RETtTRN FKOM OKOBOJI an UEUsual event which will be! Card parties will be arranged Miss Evelyn Miroff was exten- J Miss Etta Tatleman and Miss izes in i-orsoiry Mrs held at"the J. C. C. Sunday, No- | *>?. - B. A. Simon and Mrs. ,7uslrely entertained by friends and Sophie Oland returned from a 71 -" find her shop, .'2^; vember 8. Mrs. D. B. Epstein and"| liua Stein. The committee is also relatives prior to her departure. week's trip to Lake Okoboji. placningto have a bazaar during Mrs. M. Bumein will be I is fi mrrci1 for the week cf Cnanukah to take i charge. RETURNS FROM TO VISIT IN DETROIT * those wishing s t ' the place of the road show. Miss Gertrude Lewis left for a KANSAS CITE T'ERTOR fjimlify Committee members are Mrs. Mrs. Leonard Posley has revisit with her brother and sisterJofcn Faier, co-chairman with ulfitiotis si iiii.ulcva(r in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ell Lewis, turned from a week's visit in Mrs. Rosenblatt, and Mesdames rs. Every jrnrmenl is ex in Detroit. She plans to be gone Kansas City, Mo., where she was j M i s s P a u U n e Englan'der of Jer-! i U B Ab ranamson, about three weeks. the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Maupertl:lv <i «i (1 scirntit'icaily rice Pepper, former Omahans. fitted 1,01 her solve y o u r ?• RETURN FROM COLORADO fijrurr problems riioiu.' AT- f Btety D. Hess, Asbury Park, N. ! m a D i R . A . T u i l y , Harry Trusain. Mrs. Dave Cohn and her son LEAVE FOR VISIT J., outgoing president of that; fo Thedore and A. L. AVohland Mr. and Mrs. Morris Seidman Mr. and Mrs. H. Marcus and ] n n i t j w e r e ^ ^ o£ t h e Ioca] of Lincoln have returned froca a Mr. Ben Marcus of Chicago have jc S a p t e r o r t b e J n n i o r Hadasah at _ month's trip to Colorado. While left for a three-week visit with _ a get-together dinner at DJxoa'B. j jsawssssssssssstsasstJesocswss^^ there they visited in Denver, Col- friends and relatives in St. Jo- jWednesaVy, August 1 . Miss Engorado Springs, Estes Park, Grand seph, Excelsior Springs, Kansas jl a n d e r g p e n t I a E t E I l m l n e r i n P a l . Lake and Beveral other interest- City and Chicago. estine and told of her experiences ing spots. and the great work Kadassah has HOUSE GC1ESTS accomplished there. She made for ORGAN RECITAL BT Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen had as s e T e r a l valuable suggestions and their house guests the past w e e k | g a r e ESTHER LEAP ideas t 0 i e l p t h g local An organ recital by Esther Miss Jean Gittleman and Miss c h a p t e r f T h e g u e s t s h a v e T i s i t e d Leaf, assisted by Kathleen Kelly, Mollie Herman of Pittsburgh, Pa. many chapters during their tour soprano, and Violette Deutsch, They are en route to Los Angeles, j o r y a r i o u s c i t i e s accompanist, will be given free where they are planning to make of charge in the concert hall at their home. Hczomk Choir the Joalyn Memorial this Sunday j afternoon at 4:00 p. m. BRUNCH SUNDAX "A QoailtT Prodnct for Seasoning" & Rushees, members of the active The Hazomir choir, which has i* chapter and alomni will attend been in existence for the past six TO HOLLYWOOD, Mrs. B. A. Simon will leave on | the brunch which Theta chapter years, is now practicing for its Sunday, August 16, for Holly- of Sigma Delta Tau will give at j annual fall concert. The choir is j wodo, Cal., where she will visit the Aquila Court Sunday. About also planning a radio program for relatives and friends. She will be 50 guests are expected to be pres- the near future. Officers for the coming year gone several months. Mr. Simon ent. Out-of-town members who will Join her in .California later. will be in Omaha for the affair are Mr. H, Bender, president; Mr. are Harriet Byron and Rosalyn J. Tepiitsky, vice-president; Rose Lashinsky of Lincoln; Florence j xovak, secretary; Mr. Charles Smeerin of Woodbine, la.; Fran-1 Mogel, treasurer, and Edna Mosces Kalin, Myra Slotsky and Rose I fcovitz, reporter. Albert of Sioux City and Gwendolyn Meyerson of Council Bluffs. BACK FKOM MOXTH'S Members of the active chapter VACATION Lime Eiekey, White Soda Hollywood — Alice Reinheart .he first meeting of the Holly- plan to journey to Lincoln next Miss Bertha Greenberg has reGinger Ale or Sparkling *• . . Our latest clnemadorable . . wood League against Nazism. week to inspect the chapter house turned from a month's vacation Fkg. Sc Water may ascend the Hollywood heav- Important picture people are which the group recently ac- spent in Dayton, Ohio, and ChiAssorted Flavors nmnnnninnmnniiniiiiiimiiiiuiiiuiimnmmmnmnmiiimnmnnnmmmnmnmininmiiinmini ens a la Sylvia Sidney. She Alice, among those interested in the quired. The new home, accoramo- cago, 111. S Ql. BoKles 25c became well-known over NBC campaign to suppress the spread dating 36 girls, is a stone and 4 Packages 19c Plus Bottle Deposit. then tried of Nazism in this country. Eddie stucco structure two blocks from TO LEAVE OX EXTEXBED and CBS chains the stage with considerable suc- Cantor spoke of his knowledge of the University of Nebraska cam- VACATION cess. Two years ago she ventured propaganda, financed by German pus. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colick are to Movie-town . . . but studio gold and directed against the Delegates to Sigma Delta Tau'sjto leave August 16th for an esgates failed to open . . . she re- Jews in the United States. To a flrst summer convention, held j tended vacation to Estes Park, Ysnilla or Lemon turned to Broadway. There B. newspaper which wanted to know last week at the Edgewater j Manitou and Denver, Colorado. Eepolar or Drip Grind P. Schulberg . he who gave what he thought of the German Beach hotel in Chicago, were ] They will motor there. 2 oz. bottle ISc Sylvia Sidney her first starring ban on his pictures, he said, "I'm Frances Kalin and Harriet Byron, j glad it happened. I don't want Others who attended were Beat-[BACK FKOM EASTERN TRIP opportunity .... . found Miss Reininnininiinniniiiiiiiiiininnniinniiinnnnns heart, signed her to the dotted to make people laugh that make rice Sommer, Myna Sloisky, BerMrs. Mamie Afiier Block has line, placed her on his list of my people cry." nlce Riseman, Gertrude Ellis, just returned from an extensive Uncle Saul? Any Price... Until You See What luminaries. Mrs. A. Steinberg and Rosalyn business trip east. Pixer, former national vice-presiMrs. Block also visited in the -FROM the notebook: Herzbergs Offer! The Goldwyn-Cantor tangle is Zeppo Marx has signed a Ger- dent. Theta chapter was awarded south. She was a guest of her sis10 lbs. 39c not near a solution at this writ- man refugee . . . a zenbation! the cup for having the largest ter, Mrs. Will Rips, in San AnBefore selecting' your fur c o a t . . . It's only wisdom ing. Cantor claims he is losing Jack Pearl/Vacationlng in the representation at the convention. tonio, Tes. , S9c • to see the showing of furriers with a 26-year repumoney working for Sammy . . . country, decided to rough it . . • Officers for nest year are tation for combining1 Quality . . , Inner Excellence w the waits between pcitures are ordered his- chauffeur not to wear Frances Kalin, president; Esther | RETURN FROM and Fashion Smartness in furs! too long, keeping him from nadfe his uniform. Paul Czinner is Stein, vice-president; Josephine I MINNESOTA Gal. $1.69 lucrative stage and radio per- angling for Francis Lederer to R u b n i 11, secretary; tS. 5 30c Muriel Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Goidformances, Sam, silent, holds his play opposite Elizabeth Bergner. Krasne, treasurer, and Beatrice stein and family have returned August Sale contract. This week Eddie packed Max Reinhardt plans a colossal Sommer, historian. ifrom Minnesota. up his doll-his duds and left the epic for Covent Garden, London. Groups lot. Twentieth-Fox* C o m p a n y Walter Winchell received three MEET AT BREAKFAST I MOTOR TO CHICAGO wants to signS him, but Scheack The Monday sewing group met | Mr. and Mrs. R. M. SMaes moa "drugdollars for a word Com Flakes. Wheat Pops, lice Pops or refused to negotiate until Eddie for breakfast at Elmwood park j tored to Chicago, to be gone a obtains Teacher Goldwyn's leave staurant." Sam Jaffe read 35,- last Monday morning. Mrs. A. j week. 000 feet of dialogue in "Lost .CSX lakes - Pkg. 10c to play off the school grounds. Horizon" without a stutter. Joe Godchaux of Alexandria, La., was i an honored guest. Penner sent postcards from HunFannie Hurst's unpublished gary showing himself in native , large size, 3 lor 25c novel, "Once Upon a Time,;' has costume — biting his fingernails. ENTERTAIN been purchased for flickers . . . Woman to do kosher cookMr. and Mrs. Dave Levine enGREEN STRINGLESS BEAKS, per lb _.10c but in order to protect her copytertained Tuesday evening in j ing for two addts. Box E. Signing off . . . right, Fannie had to have forty honor of Mr.- and Mrs. Sam Vor- j Jewish Press. COLORADO FRESH PEAS, per lb...... 10c copies of the tome printed. (Copyright 1936 Jewish Telegra- ilmer, who are visiting here from j GoSdca Baatsisi Cora, extra good, 3 for Rr Los Angeles. j phic Agency, Inc.) Elaine Barrie celebrated her Per Dozen 35c voting-age birthday with a party RETURN FROM EAST , . John was among the guests. Mrs. J. J. Friedman returned EGGPLANT, nice size, ©sefc _ 10c-15c f Not only Is Elaine's Ma on.the home after a two months' visit in 2 funashed rooms. Private scene, but also her grandma and Washington, D. C, Atlantic City home. BEETS, 2 bunches 5c 5 for.. ..._..r10c WalMag distance. grandpappy are here, so they say, and New York. Her son, Willard, JA-M75. awaiting expected nuptials in the CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS, per crate $2.98 accompanied her. : fall. . ;


TALMUD oar groups of people will nevsee the Gehenam (Hell). 1. !e who suffer from the stress overty. 2. Those who suffer l cancer of the stomach. 3. who suffer from loan-shark Itors. 4. Those who are marto mean wives. (Because have the Genenam (Hell) in world. ibbi Juda said: "The Torab. red with the Judeans who strict attention to the exact uage which, they> received their teachers. But the Gal,s who paid no attention to. exact language as they red : it from their teachers, efore the Torab. did not e'pwith them." ibbi Joshua said, "During life I was frustrated once by >man, once by a boy and once i little girl."






!enorahs, Jewish Music, Bibles

JOHN FELDMAN Dealer In : •ALEISIM . PRAYER BOOKS In Yiddish and English jtes. 60S No. 60th St. GL-2972 f. O. Box 710 Omaha, N e w

) t

Before" leaving on their tour, the madcap Mantes checked the props being constructed for their picture. Harpo discovered an expensive gadget designed to make music by the pressure of buttons . . . he ordered it thrown out . . . as Harpo would. The property man protested, said it cost a lot to build. "Wait", interposedGroucho, the fixer, "We can't do this. First have it nickel-plated and then throw it out!"

• d , Hudson Seal (Dyed Mnskrat)

Old men's parts, played plenty of make-up, have been the screen lot thus far of thirty-twoyear old Edward Bromberg. He is promised a romantic lead in his next opus' and threatens to carry on with no make-up at all!

$198 ifter you have dis- •; or early Fall when i i . . . that's when;| art featherweight, j . . they're quality j

Maurice Moscovitch came to Screamland to retire, but the movies' terrible tentacles caught him. He's scheduled to play the father role in "Winterset."

A BOOH Dtporft w m Hold Ton* Coat.

VEVIENET n n Stor»tr« Cata Season

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Lb. 29c





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George Jessel walk*ed into* a restaurant the other day and ordered some cheese for lunch. He eyed it, sniffed suspiciously, then told the waiter to take it away. "Why, what's that matter?" asked tha latter, "It's very good strong cheese." "Take It away quickly!" ehouted Jessel, "It's eating up ray bread!" Five hundred people


DETECTIVES TO GUARD EAST END FROM ATTACKS To Help Prevent Anti-Jewish / Fascist Incidents in


FROM BDDfNEAPOLIS Miss Sadie Tilch of MinneapoCtatsins . Draperies UB, Minn., is spending her vacaSlipcovers tion here as the guest of Miss Estelle Gilbert. In her honor, Mr. Ed Gilbert will entertain with a party at the S: AT-7IS? AT-T1S? Sixty club Saturday evening. Sunday morning Miss Gilbert will be hostess at breakfast for 20 guests at the Fontenelle hotel in honor of Miss Tilch. Many other affairs are being

London (JTA) — Markets and main, streets-of East London will henceforth be policed by detectives in addition to uniformed police to prevent Fascists from provoking anti-Jewish incidents. A police order issued last week p l a a n L e d { o r tbe visitor, provides for stationing detectives | at Strategic „ position in the pre-j d o m i n a n t Jewish g a r t e r of Attorney- jj Sir Donald London to check provocations. The order is- a result of recent General, announced ia Commons j discussions in the House of Com- that he had given instructions to j institute proceedings against The mons. ' '. Black-shirted Fascists are grow- Fascist, organ of the " Imperial ing bolder in their intimidation Fascist League, for publishing of Jews and Jewish shdps in Lon- ritual murder charges against the don's Eist End, the House of Jews. The o.ffendisg article was pubCommons was told. James Hall, Laborite, declared lished in the July 4 issue of the anti-Jewish volence In that sec- periodical. The Fascist lists Artion of the city had increased nold S. Leese as its editor and di-' sharply since the last parliamen- rector. tary discussion of the situation. Fascists openly intimidate pur- TO PALESTINE chasers entering Jewish utores, he declared, pull the beards of aged iSTA) — Despite" conJews and assault Jewish passer- tinuing, disorders ia Palestine, by in the'street. 1,000 Polish Jews •will emigrate Sir Percy Harris complained to the Holy land this month, it that Fascists are broadcasting cir- iras" announced here. . • . . culars urging a boycott cf^Jewish A total of 1,140 emigrated durshops. ing July. Sir Joha Simon, Home Secretary, said police are paying epecPatronize Oar Advertisers



IN OUR SPACIOUS NEW VAULTS Pay dssntas efisiHse enty when clotftet, are netott for next season.

Peerless Cleaners K t 1SO0 OFFICE AND PLANT

CALIFORNIA BLUE PLUMS, 16 lb. feg i5c SUGAR, l i Sb. doth bag - 57c JAR RINGS, 3 doi,cs , ' 10c JAR LIBS, per dozen 2Ck Peas, No. 2 can 12Vise; Dozen $1.45 Peas, No. 2 csa 10; Do^cs fLIZV^c Ssakist Cream Style Cons, ess 12V«c; POE, $1.35 I LConarch Peas. No. 2 ess n%c; 3 cans for 50c Lckc£3e GREEN STRINGLESS BEAKS 17y 2 c A &. E Fancy Cot Wax or Grew Beans, N.o. 2 cast ISVzc Dosen $1.45 J SHrkv ToiaEioes, I\T©. 2Vs can, extra stand: ard, per czn I2V«c Dozen $1.45 Prince Solid Pack Tomatoes, No. 2 ess, per car. . .12l/?c Dorcn $1.45




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SPANISH WAR LEADERS—These two men, looking more like peaceful citizens than warlike defenders of the Spanish government, are War Minister Castello, -without h&t, and General Riquelme as they met during the campaign against the rebel forces in the Guadallarama mountains north of Madrid, where the general is in command of the government forces.






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OLYMPIC FLAME IS LIT—The white-clad runner in the center of this picture is lighting the Olympic flame at an altar in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin on the opening day of the games. This is an age-old rite, whereby the sacred Olympic flame is carried from Mount Olympus in Greece to the city where the g a m e s , are held. The flame burned constantly during the contests.








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" BABY—Louise Madeline Pittman. 17 vcenien, is shown with Mrs. Daniel L. Pittman (left) of Atlanta. Ga.. who raised Louise as her own daughter, and Mrs. John C. Garner (right) of Macon, Ga., who Louise recently decided was her real mother. One of two "mixup" babies after birth, Louise survived, the other died, and a judge ruled that she live with the Pittmans until old ' enough to choose for herself.


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TROOPS CHARGING — T h i s graphic picture, one of the first to arrive .of the. Spanish - loyal -troops in action, shows the government :• forces as they charge across a field In the Somosierra Mountains near Madrid to oust rebel forces from a strong location. The casualties -were heavy on both sides.

ROYAL ROMANCE—Princess Juliana of Holland, 27 years old, and Prince Charles of Sweden, 25, nephew of King Gustav of "Sweden, may soon become engaged, it is reported at The Hague, Holland. It is also said that Queen Wilhelmina of Holland will abdicate her throne in 1937 in favor of her daughter, Princess Juliana. . ^ , -Ml ,

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FRIENDLY RIVALS — Jesse Owens, sensational United Statessprinter who won three Olympic titles and set world records in two events, chats in friendly fashion with Erich Borchmeyer, noted German sprinter, in the Olympic village at Berlin. Owens was acclaimed by athletes of all nations both for his athletic prowess a n d good humor. . : ' . • - .

ACCUSED — John Webb, 40, labor agitator, who was arrested in the shooting of Henry Pierce and Lee'Dunlap, two guards of the.Allen Mfg. Co. in Nashville, Term., during a clash between workers and pickets.

SHIRLEY MAKES HER MARK—A nationally known $2,000,000 baby, a little girl called Shirley Temple, whose curls', dimples and nimble feet, have made her tops in the motion picture industry, is shown in San Francisco as she made her mark on a sheet of paper for a young admirer.

COAST COMET — Archie Williams, the fleet University ofCalifornia racer, who won the Olympic 400-meter dash in the stirring time of 46.5 seconds, only three - tenths of a second short of Bill Carr's world mark. William's victory gave United States every sprint title from the . 100 to 800 meters, plus a sweep in the hurdles.

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HEIRESS QUESTIONED—Mrs. Katrine Van Rensselaer Bradford, socialite heiress to two great fortunes, was held in the prison ward of the Pasadena, Calif., General Hospital, after her husband, John Bradford, was found dead in their apartment. Weeping and sobbing, her eyes blackened, she told a tragic story, of drink and violence and said she did not know how her husband had died.

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QUADS GET:PLAYGROUND—Britain's Miles quadruplets are shown in their new.nursery, built especially for tbein in Saint Neots, England. They are Ernest, Ann, Michael.and Paul and were eight months old'tiie end of last month. Well and happy, they play with their English nurse.

INDIAN BITES THE- CANVAS—Dave Levin. Eastern wrestling champion, applies a leg-split hold to Chief Little Wolf, redskin wrestler, at the Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles, Calif. Levin was tested by the Indian but pulled through with a convincing victory, winning two straight falls. A record crowd watched the colorful bout. Donald MacDonald is the referee.






ATTEMPTING COSSEB&CK — Joe Louis, sensational colored heavyweight fighter, shakes hands with Jack Sharkey »t the Boxing Commission office in New York, where they signed for their fight on August 18. Louis, who was knocked out by Max Schmeling last spring, will attempt a comeback.


Cepyriglst United Newspicltism aryvagg^gn%^f:^^,^M'S;3,g^i;iA.^«s".giS'!ipa1i"' •





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was worded "Are you a Jew?" when I wear this shirt," I said as ! Teitelbaum, Nev. ' I in the team's games. On the Pon-[ Morris Adler. and of course, Si- ! And if they said yes, they were; I accepted the accolade. j .tiac team are Les Giventer, Jake! gal. AS! of the Pontiac players furniture man, was probp.l>'» 1 and if they said no, they weren't. The Chief took a chair and be- I • Adler, Aaron Epstein, Harry Alt-'compose an aU-star Center team,! best athlete at the World , ' n By KAY SCHAPIEO gan a discussion of Pelley, his jschuler, Millard Sigal, Iz Bogdan-jthe boys being taken from the vaRP . . . His beet, E, mr divinity — which he admits — off, Morris Franklin, Sam GiSler, rious teams playing in the Ccn tennis . . . He went off 'o -l1 More Dope and what he- would do when Congress while his firm wf< • U ' In Seattle the 76-year-old Rev. elected dictator of the United i T w o of the favorites In the Phil Katzman, Willie Sherman, ter league. in the midst of moving' to ; t r> ! Sidney Strong puts all his efforts States. I would like to quote the j Center Softball league came location in MsuhPUan , ! I to the building of Jewish-Chris- conversation, that followed, but it! through as expected while the berf Relimpann, publicity tian good will, AS it happens, the I Mrs. Blsno is back, having accomHear Ye was entirely too pornographic for best the Psi Mu could do was to of the Joint Distribution C o n i- f hold the Tower team to a 13-topanied her husband to the A. 'A.Rev. Strong was at jonetime mintee, by thif? time JP on U'<- I . , ' Coming: The biggest event of A. conference. Mr. Goldblatt Is ister in several of the smaller print. peas bound for pn import? i ?•>> Once, as a child, I picked up 13 tie after the game had gone the year! The Vaad auxiliary Is expected back next week. Ruth Nebraska towns and while serv12 innings. The league leaders, o? European trouble center , planning an unusual event which Allen is i n Denver, forgetting the ing at Friend, Neb., his daughter, a dead rattlesnake. It was cold; Omaha Potato team, ran roughlimp and dry. Pelley's handshake Lord Molchett, famous Brifi*-!1 will be held at the Jewish Com- past torrid weeks. Anna Louise, was born. Anna s h o d oy r h e r%made me think of that snake. H i s i ? } Jobblne ten by the Jewish industrialist, IF putfiom ,munity Center on Sunday, Novem4/* Louise Strong, now editor of the score of 21-to-l and the Sample E book titled "Thy Neighbor,' f ber 8i Chairmen, Mrs. D. B. EpMoscow Daily News, is one of the hand is cold as ice, even on a Furs trounced the handicapped survey of Jewish perK- • ni "•" utein and Morris Bursteln, will be Jottings authorities on Biro-Bidjan, hav- midsummer afternoon, and as A. Z. A. Xo. 1 team, 14 to 5. lv PAUL A. PETERS throughout history-'. . . AM1 .^ in charge. Watch this- column for To Edward Rosenbaum comes ing written articles on the coun- limp as a dead jelyfish. Brilliant plays by the Potato LONDON: Edward. G. Rob.,'u-.i. further new$. McDonald and the others ad-1 Market • a B. S. in the School of medicine try for Opinion, Asia, American infield and ttee steady big cigar clearing the vp.y A . i dressed-him alternately as "Chief of the University Of .Nebraska Mercury, et al. . „ „ . _. . „ _ „ .. .pitching of Paul Steinberg in the BACK TO SOIL: Your Mr. ?above-mentioned colyumist, since in bareheaded oowr. the ' • - >« and "Big Shot." Pelley 1 while Marvin Pizer acquires his a one-man • fie ves.6. Mr. Peters' product so at. midnight to get a look and "Big Shot." Pelley himself Town Ramblings t h e s &ave t n e grocerv hurler Peters has started The name Cohen, which in speakes in a clandestine, sugges- pai n cone-hit B. A. in the arts and sciences This feat has game. back-to-the-soil movement, just; carefully, maybe he'll take some don's famed Fleet treet Ah' In spite of soaring tempera- school. Congrats, boys. Now to ! many eastern telephone books live manner, with a vocabulary of | b e e n d u p l l c a t e d twice and the be in style . . . So. far, all he's [ weil-meant advice in connection Kandel (he authored 'T-»<?'«.. tures the Junior Hadasah is al- ifafie the cruel, cruel world. takes up miles and miles of space, the utmost obscenity. obscenity His follow follow- winning pitchers come from one to got to show for his' labor with ; with a ridiculous — in the. light Burns" at a West End 1 .ir (,t ready laying plans for its Thanksoccupies only five and one-half taker evidence of j _ , aS f a m i l y t h e Adler group Jake Earth is a crop of as-'. °t fn- a succeeding events — prophecy talking of going home in n i " V [ giving dance . ..•.•One loafing Inches in the Omaha directory— virility. t a Dopesters have It that Richard I the Sample Furs held the A. Z. He is convinced I certain "diplomatic coup" week and of a new book n i i n . i n young man Has encouraged his I i s t e r E 3? inches less; space than the Andwelt at length on the won- \ A.'S to a* lone hit which" went' for 1 ^ ^ ^ is a fiendish! would "never see daylight." . . . out here . . . Irving •. \ lady friend to attend business col- Hiller and Abe Brodkey will play dersons.. bv the Nazis' ^ri the words of Lowell's Biglow istaid lege and now is helping her get a in the finals of the Highland tourto torment their foes . . . Try fall- ; papers. "Don't never prophesy — aloud p.t the hiph mortalli.y >"> job . ... such thoughtfulnessJ . . . nament. Hiller is defendnig chamOmaha-born Maxie Baer and Buddy Kline's weight seems to be pion and Brodkey is a former his mother both gave blood to his enthusiastically acclaim him, and ! single. The single blow off of down the cellar steps with one;i onless ye know." . . . The ."coup" popvilar Bongp . . . Rabbi f>ti on the hundreds of thousands (ac-l Steinberg went for a home run which should give And a sickle, or referred to, incidentally, was the : hen S. Wise dashing from . on the 'decline.. . . Love or lack champion some time father, at one time a butcher in tually slightly over one hundred) j and was hit by Manuel Himmelto the League of Nations. Pnrk Lane to Great. RUPPCII of app-etlte? . , . is Betty Bur- golf addicts a treat.the metropolis to our south. A of dollars he has received In do-* stein. The victory left the gro-grass hook, as non-Comtnunist petition by the American Jewish > , — stein embarrassed about a phone farmers prefer to call it, can do signed Seattle, newspaperman figures it nations. He was particularly i eery team encamped with a full j and a number of othcall that turned out to be a wrong One Way' up this .way: Mr. Baer now haspleased wtih the way the State game advantage in first place. [more to a guy's back than even Committee number? . . . T w o young gentleDave Levin, the Jewish heavy- er organizations . . . Which saw The United States bureau of his wife's "Aryan" blood, his son's of 'VYashlngton has "unanimously The Sample Furs, due to the daylight very definitely in. the men (?) serenading Judge Palm- census will start its census of "half-Aryan" blood and his own 'acceptedweight tug-and-grunt champ . . . Christian Common-. terrific clouting _„._„of newspapers of Tuesday, August Giventer, er In police court... . n o , it wasn't religious bodies soon. Not many "non Aryan" blood, "which should j wealth asthe downed the last place contender, by the time you've swung through 4 . . . Warsaw (JTA) — Strict intf> a drunk: or a gag . . . Nor was it months ago an organization of maker the Germans go round and ieminent." the sane plan of gov-iI*** A Z. ? A. A >,«„* „ ,-„,.,, >ys, !„ in a very a square yard of the tough, unthe A. pretation by the American Cor because the girl friend of one is Jewish women in a not-too-dis- round.' But Franz Boaz, the an"Yes," he said, '"We've made a | "lousy" game, The A. Z. A."s, on night duty at one of the tant community decided to check thropologist, steps, to the rescue plants, you beMISH-MAoH: Hitler's "Aryan" eulate of the "public burdti' playing with eight men for the here, good town's drug stores, and he can't up and that even weeds beauties sure ate lots of black provision of United States imti ' d find f i d out how h many J Jews and maintains that there is no talk to her . ... Three Lake pko- there were. An elaborate defini-| such thing as "Aryan" blood. on our slogan will be From I fourth time in four weeks, gave should be included in that wise dust . . . The Nazis' one big mis- \ ^ration regulations has. kept Washington to Washington.' A n d k very funny, exhibition of base-; o W a d m o n i t i o n t 0 .. llTe a n d let < take of the Olympic Games was from Poland boji vacationists are expected •— playing. The Sample Furs 1• l i v e . " . after . . digging . . • didn't- enter Adolf himis revealed here last. TCEK. ! home soon . . ; Sammy Ruderman tion of a Jew waq drawn up: A | i then all you boys will be taken ! And up , that they _^ you __ bet. I'm ^ ^^ ^ to! used the ^ ^ f or ia j 0 ^ o j The disclosure was made R> *-l f having a guilty conscience about Jew is a person of Jewish parent-i Two modest young Omaha care of, not one game as a warm-up sixteen the events in which Jesse session of the XPH >'' < a certain scavenger hunt . . . Lib- age, a member of the.m Jewish com-[maidens who prefer anonymity at if ~ rget " 'm*y " fol fo^e rg _ "T*he"best jthe important game with the Poand his dark-skinned comu h ? wrangare compos-" ijobs the country can offer will j tato Market team next Sunday , , . . erty Cooper out'with her folks a t "non-Ar- of the Jewish Emigrant Aid f<:* ( a c o u p l e d o z e n parsley , patriots strutted their ling it was decided the best judge j ers and have received encourage| morning. Les Giventer, star j o e yours# _, p*e^...— their King's Lake cottage . . . terg u n a n i m o u s i y„ yan" stuff . . . For Adolf proved ciety, when an official ennniinw> \ . . , ... —~w_~, ^.^.. _ Mr that American visas were not h.~ I Perhaps the young lady who says of whether or not a person is a ment from several prominent mu- , -When I'm the President, I • catcher, came, through with two j dehoots e c i d e d . t h a t p e r haps his constitu-! ;to be th« only Nazi who could ing fully utilized because oi <) f | her- boy friend is out because he Jew is himself. So the question 'sicians in regard to their efforts. think that I will incorporate the jh o m e runs and two doubles m •U o n w a £ m u c h n j o r e a d a p t e d t 0 a ,o u t r u n M r O w ; n s . . _H e w a sa l . rigid application ' '. talked .too much merely had too Silver Shirts into a sort of com- jtfilnv e t r i P s t 0 t h e P l a t e for the bat-;U f e o f p e n c i l . p 1 i s n i n g and type- ways a step ahead of the colored tconsulate'E much competition . . . At the bination Federal army and police I S honors of the game. ! writer-tapping . . . By the time ; flash at. the finish . . Alcph Katz, ' h c regulations. dance- on the Levee, Tuesday force. I'm going to do away with | The Psi Mu-Tower game went; n e g o t around to stuffing one cor- ! our Yiddish editor, tells us it I' night, Marvin Pizer was seen trythe Department of Justice entire-; 12 innings before the teams In e r o j t J l e garden full of rhubarb ' would be a grand idea to keep) The c n plan mey InSerest you Tilg to convince the bartender to Small monthly payments . . . Inly. That's too much of a Jewjagreed to stop the game because j plants, he became a confirmed' Jesse in German permanently,! stead of one single premium, fake, care of the beer he had outfit. You fellows wearing Sil- j of heat. At that, the boys showed i vegetable hater . . . The sweet i since he knows so well how to! BUY INSURANCE THE brought from home . . . And a t CONVENIENT WAY ver Shirts now will take its place. | up remarkably well by playing io d o r o f fresh-mown grass some-'. keep Herr Hitler on the run . . .! the same place what young husif Interested, csli And then, until I get to know j under a blistering sun for three; w hat compensates for the aches; Any da*- now, we expect to get aband became enamoured with one • • MAKE LEON which of the army and navy of-! hours. The lead changed hands Ia n d p a j n s , jfs true, but we've; cable stating that Hitler's now i of the waitresses? . . . A b e Katz fleers I can trust, I'll put Silver several times before the sixth I learned it smells just as sweet if! visiting an oculist instead of that i Every type of Insurance wrltter Shirts with military experience, inning when the fraternity boys j s o m e body else pushes the lawn- ; throat specialist . . . About those j AT 7667El Strong Companies * doesn't want anything said about WA 61W like Mr. - - - here, at the head of grabbed the lead by a 13-to-S ad- jmO wer . . . Maybe the next time: black spots in front of his eyes him this week so we won't menmy country's forces." j vantage. The Towers combined | greenery gets high enough I conversation picked up where my tne So iniportant are the revelation him . . . What young divorcee, notoriously rude, got a taste tions which Mr. Swett has entrance had Interrupted it. Mod- Pelley glanced at his watch. ! base hits with base running andif o r a trimming, this back-to-theof her own medicine* when she made in his articles that the er was holding forth on the beau- "What, it's one-thirty already? i came through for five runs before i soiler will have invented a way of the working man'* life in They don't put enough hours in I the Psi Mu could stop the on-1o f turning the trick with a type~^was stood up by her date? , . • If publisher of the^ Jewish Tran- ties * Germany. The Bremen and other a day for men like me. I have to ! slaught. From the seventh inning jw r iter . . . script, Seven Arts affiliated (Established 187S) you're an enthusiast for this speak in Tacoma tonight and I j through the twelfth neither team i German lurury liners, he said, publication In Seattle, where knock-knock game call up Mel were built solely to enable the haven't begun to prepare my talk j could score until finally the game j THREATS: Wonder if we're OMAHA — Co. Bluffs — Sioux City — SIOES F«!IS Somraers . . . Mrs, Leonard Pos- the young reporter conducted German laborer to take free va- yet. Say, Mr. - - - , how'd you was halted. Paul Bogdanoff took i interpret that silly item in ley is contemplating another trip his investigation, has received cation trips at Hitler's expense. like to come to Tacoma with me? | hitting honors of the day and for ienv ioua rival's twitter pil P&oae ^a. 0551 — Phone 5M — fhone SSG85 to Kansas City. She got such a several' letters threatening him .cordial welcome from her hus- with dire consequences unless • I As MOder drove each point home There'll be plenty of room in the the season when he drove out six a bout that theatrical person's suj Asbestos consecutive hits. For his first trip •i n g M r - P e ters and the J. T. A. publication of these articles Elmer would put in a ingratiating car. band, last time she returned. at Paul grounded out and ; $ioo,OOO "damages" as a; was stopped 'and the state- 'Gee, ain't that great?'<and "Now I excused myself from this great jf r o mbat, { o r a •I S!ate»Ti!p then on he Pounded out a! t n T e ' a t ? _ . w Because at this writ-; Ten Years Ago-in the Press: ments made therein retracted. that's what we'll have Under the honor by saying that I wouldn't! n o m e r u n a j Asphalt and Gravel have time to start after finishing I double and four i papers hadn't yet been : j n g ]ega Omaha Jewry was mourning the This is the final article of Mr. 'Chief's'.plan.' | singles. served on us culprits and if they • Swett's series. At last the Chief, William Dudwork, FKEE ESTIMATES — EAST XEKSiS death of Israel Zangwill, distinrv aren't soon we'll be real sore . . . j ' ley' Pelley''in7p.erson, "entered the '""That's too bad. I're rot a real guished novelist . .' <; Cantor Abra- '-"• ---r- • • - - ~-••—-"- TBDB office, accompanied by McDonald mesage from God to deliver to- ! Bucky Greenberg, one of the j it must be fun to get sued for a ham Schwaczkin had been en. I three J. G. C. entrants in the j $100,000 "damages." . . . Just t o . and two plug-uglies I had notnight." "How long can I lasl?" gaged by the B'nai Israel synaThis was the question upper- seen before. Every .one in the of- Pelley rose, and so did the two | Midwestern A. A. U. swim, meet | see if we can't get some action, : gogue . . . Mrs. L. Neveleff and 'children were touring east via most in my mind HS, on July ,6th, fice rose and greeted Pelley with gorillas who formed his body- [ held at Peony park last Sunday,! we're repeating the item, this auto . . . Dr. Samuel Gerson had I made my last visit to the Chris- a genuine Fascist salute, which guard. He said goodbye to all of placed second in the novice class ; time with the added thought that; been appointed new head direc- tian Party office. I am known in he promptly returned. Introduc- us, and again I had the dubious in the 50-meter breast stroke jwe must have struck the nail on tor of the J. C. C . . . Mrs. Alex- the Jewish community, and many tions were in order. When he pleasure of shaking hands with a event. Bucky has been swimming j a very tender head to elicit such ander Pollack, Mrs. Dollle Elgut- Gentiles in the city kDow me as a came around' to me McDonald rattlesnake. Shortly after he hadcontinuously at the Center pool ;a charming reaction: "Wonder if ter and Miss Katherine Elgutter Jew and a libeial sympathizer. gave me a real build-up. The left the office I went out; Me-j and has earned many honors in ; Meyer Weisgal would have been had returned from a 22-month To be sure, I' worked under an Chief seemed distinctly pleased. Donald hinted that it would not j the J. C. C. events. Norman Berg, j so eager to second Dr. Samuel stay in Europe . . . Pbilip Klutz- assumed name, but I entered into' "You dont know what a feeling be wise for too many to leave j swimming director, has been su-1 Margoshes' motion against re- \ I pervising overflowing classes in \ nomination of Nathan Strauss to nick had arrived in_ Omaha to^ as-; the whole thing on the spur of of confidence it gives me," heright after the Chief. And as I left that office for j diving, beginners' and swimmers'j the vice-presidency (of the 20A) sume his duties as assistant Sec- of the moment and did not take said, "to know that I have so if the latter hadn't turned him retary of the A. . A . . . . The J. the necessary time to build, up my many loyal workers throughout the last time my thoughts dwelt tests. down on the unimportant matter C.' C. baseball team had won the false identity. So that 1 felt that the country spreading the gospel on Pelley — the Chief, the Big Practically assured of the right of financing "The Eternal Road." Gate City baseball title . . . Mar- sooner or later discovery would of the Christian Commonwealth." Shot, the Man to Save America. lon Graetz had been elected jun- be certain. Seeing that I was tongue-tied Pelley, Jew-baiter par excellence to participate in the City Softball . . . While on the subject of the a mouth as filthy as his series refresenting the National ior member of the supreme advisAs I write this I lealize that I with awe, McDonald came to the with who leads the crackpots, league are the only, outside Jewory council of A. Z. A. is an ex-marine, imiird, have not been found out to date rescue. "Mr. diots Big Shot, and he's going to drill j fnd -fanatics and lures ish team |n the city—the Smithonly because of the unusual stu. Far Rent them with tales of cushy govern- | Robinson Pontiac team. The Ponpidity of McDonald, Zachary and the boys in his district as soon tiac teami is out in front with ment jobs when he becomes dicThe Boycott Front the rest of the gang. Mrs. Hoff- as we get them organized." Two nice rooms and kitchen. four and one-half games, with Notes on the boycott: Ah ad-man, the one person In the whole Pelley beamed and extended tator. only eight games left to plaj\ All furnished. Very reasonrertisement in a New York news- crowd whom I feared in that re- his hand. 1935 by Seven Arts Heading t i e Smith-Robinson team paper, stating in bold-face type spect has been out of town for "Ah, my boy, if I had a thou- (Copyright able. Call WE-SE27. is Earl Sii;al, who covers the first Feature Syndicate :hat it handles no German goods, the past two weeks. sand more like you I'd sweep the bag and [furnishes the "brains" set us off to, thinking up some •The two preceding articles in country of every Jew from Maine Wvarsaw — The Court of Apof the stories we've heard about this series were written with the to the Pacific." (Members of the peals last week upheld the Bia' :he boycott of Nazi exports. . . . idea of having them printed af- Christian are all 'middle-aged. I Dne downtown store mourns the ter I had found out a n i would be am twenty-two, and have seen no lystok court in sentencing sevoss of its Dresden trade . . . unable to obtain further informa- members^approximately my age.) eral members of the anti-Semitic mother that specialized in Ger-tion. Now, however, 1 feel dif-i "Have you your silver shirt Nationalist Youth Union to one to two years' imprisonment for nan-made gloves finds itself un- ferently. The members of the yet?" Pelley asked me. beating up a Jewish cattle dealer,' ible to dispose of its large stock. Christian Party are, in a sense, I replied, "but I have Feiwel Malach, 6 9 years old. . . . . One lady who -was preparing maniacs. If I do not wait until not"Yes," bee able to get an L sewn 1 :or a bridge party was delighted I am discovered, but disclose my- on yet." :o • see on the bottom of a fancy self beforehand by writing and Thereupon, from a box which ish-tray that it was made in signing these articles, I shall be! McDonald had in his desk, Pelley France. On reaching home she prepared for any step the fana- took a regulation !ound that- five others she hadtics composing the Christian Par- cent silver Bhirt with ninety-eighta large red >urenamed on the assumption they ty may take against me. ConL sewn over the left pocSraert Slnjer urere. also French made were ot sequently this will be my last cotton Creefefag M. C. ket. .This he handed to me, say3erman origin. The' whole set article on this subject, and hence- Ing: "I want you to accept this as SSrcet from Chicefo'* Geyesf Spef vas returned . . . A grandmother forth Chief. Pelley wi',1 be with- a gift from me, in token of my nrho has a weakness for imported out what he termed "ona of myappreciation, of the patriotic work * iquor candies choked on a piece most loyal supporters." you are doing;. When the Chrisihe was eating wbea her grandtion Commonwealth comes into When I entered the party (Ofnnt Ballroom Dan^ Bflinrato Finishing ion discovered from the wrapper tise hfroni Week r.f £nee power I will see that you are reAppearance Is Omatm .hat it waslJmported from Ger- fice McDonald was out and thewarded • in a manner fitting the office occupied by Elmer, a riany . . . Another grandmother service you are giving us." ••, refused a long-desired shawl .steady hanger-on whom 1 have I'll always remember nerely because the box it came described before, and thrte oth- you"Chief, and what I'm working for ers. One was a German named n was marked "Made in Gerssn« E!CT«e Bsne!?* Beantr. Fwiar Moder, who was constantly comnany." . . . A German-borii Jewei "Artist snd MMIrii" cms Formers? wltk Faol wutsraui. sh scholar here in /town has al-paring this country to the present Enjoy DOUBLE-MELLOW Old Gold Cigarettes with your dinner German paradise under Hitler. vayri had a great fondness for re© Enow She pleasure ©! having an :Itlng German poetry, but he The other two were non-descrlpts w h'o s e vocabularfes consisted tasn't uttered a word in German endless supply of hot water without since the coming of the Nazis, to mainly of "yes" and "diity Jew? even thinking o! the healer. TJhe new>ower. . . . A woman whose neph- Communists. When I entered an air of ex!W always expected her to replace • Hofpolnf Water Hester Is so com*he harmonicas he broke by thepectancy filled the office. Elmer 5X088 debated between her love greeted- m e - profusely, a n d pletelY"; CEUtomatic feet YOU simply or the nephew and1 the boycott. gushed at how lucky -I was to have dropped in when I did. I K local music store solved the connect it cmd forget If. It tams itself jroblem by informing her that was going to have the privilege oa csid oil electrically . . . aatomcrtichere were harmonicas manufac- of meeting the Mnn Who Will ured in Czecho-Slovalda ..> ..An Save America — the Only Hope olly . . . safely. See them in our Omaha gentleman treated him- ot the Gentiles —- the Big Shot— •elf to a short-wave radio set and Chief Pelley Himself! Electric Shop Today! I At. this astounding information iat up half of one night trying o get foreign stations. Only the I tegistered tha proper degree of Seesen station could be heard reverense while .Elmer and the hat night. The next day the radio three beamed at me with the henvent back . . ..And so It goes. . evolent air of murderers giving a child a piece of poisoned'candy. After I had shown that I was Tho Jewish Community Center deeply impressed by the privilege The Double Cellophane Wrapping on OUT God Cigarettes itaff is vacationing these days. that was to be granted me, the Keeps Out Dampness, Drrness and Dust.

J. C. C. Sports

'elween You

; Polish Emigration aota Is Unfilled!

A Frank Expose Shirts h of Si

17 icenter), B shown anta, Ga., who raised C. Garner (right) of was her real mother: ise survived, the other the Pittmans until old




7 m Rensselaer Bradford, held in the prison ward ,fter her husband, Johh ent. Weeping and sob r sic story, of drink and her husband had diea.



buis, sensational colored Jack Sharkey at the Bdxthey signed for their . out by Max Schmeling Iht United Newspicturea.




PAGE EIGHT home ' while vacationing friendu and relatives.

With of poetry. Klein occupies the ester, -Minnesota, where they of contradiction that it was com- era -of the new editiion of Roget's classic middle station within spent the past three weeks. mitted by world Jewry, who use Thesaurus from Harold J. Relter which all important literature of Chicago, demands the eliminathe freemasons as their tools. Mlsiies Bluma and Sybil Merlin has hitherto been produced. As Mrs. R. E. Ross has returned "Jewry had for a long time tion of the word "Jew" as a syn have departed 'for Chicago where the Greek poets, according to home following a three .weeks' been preparing to set the world onym for "lender" and "pars-i- j they will spend a week's vaca- Keats, left "great verse unto ! aflame. Ten millions of the best mony." visit in Chicago and Cleveland. MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent tion. ; . little clan" which was their clan, non-Jewish men sacrificed their Citing a long array of facts and I so Klein writes as an intense inMrs. Nathan Adler," accompan- lives in the great war. They were biographical data to disprove- the.; Warsaw (WNS) — An organ* muiumiiiiiiiuinuiiE Mf. and Mrs. Sam Krupnick, dividual out of one of those clan ied by her son, Marvin, will leave murdered in order to satisfy the myth of Jews as usurers, Mr. Rei- > ized effort to promite the emigra1423 Gr'andvleW'boulevard, have of which the texture of humanity next Monday for^ San Antonio, world-domination plans of tbe j ter calls on the publishers for a i tion of 1,000,000 Jews as a solareturned home'after a three-week I is composed. Hence his present Texas, where they will join Mr. jews. -All the misery and distress | correction, charging that the use j tion of the Jewish problem in po vacation •'with relatives and and his future work" i9 both of Adler who preceded them. The which the World War brought ! of the word "Jew"' in this con- i land has been started by the Po1 friendu in Chicago. that clan and is' transcendent of Adlers will make their lish government. future upon the Aryan nation has, in the j nection spreads race hatred, it. His love and grief, though so home in San Antonio. Morton Ad- last analysis, been purposely and Political information, official Mrs, N. Z. • Pessin and son of specifically anchored are also a ler will remain in Council Bluffs, knowlingly caused by stateless organ of the foreign ministry, Los Angeles, - Cal., are guests in universal love and grief: _ and expecta to leave the first;and homeless Jewry." published an article advocating the home of Mrs. William Kantor. These northern - stars are scar- week in September for Iowa City j charging the Jews with bringsuch a program and pointed out .•abs in my eyes. '_ ' . where he will resume his studies j i n g about Inflation in post-war that Poland will raise the quesMisii Lillian Romirowsky has Not any longer -can' I suffer at the University of Iowa. Icermany, the book declares that tion in the League of Nations. returned to Sioux .City, after PROGRAM FOR I. X. A. A. them. Colonies for Poland to provide ["ninety per cent of all the suicspending a three-week vacation CONVENTION I will to Palestine. We will =_ her with an outlet for her surMr. and Mrs. Ike Krasne left i d e s oi that time were directly | wjth relatives-in Chicago. arise ' * ' - . ' Wednesday evening for San caused by the Jewish thirst for Warsaw (JTA) — At least 25,- P J u s population. Jewish and nonSunday, August 10 Francisco, California where they murder. : And seek the towers of Jerusa000 Jewish school-children here -Jewish, will be demanded. 8:00 a. m, to 12 o'clock— they will visit their son and ; lem. Mrsh Nathan- Goldis entertained The author terms the Commu- will have to be fed by relief orRegistration, Martin Hotel. Climaxing two months of fe9:00 a. m. to 1:30 p. m.— this week at _ a luncheon honoring : Out'of an immediate and tragic daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. nist regime in Russia the, "climax ganizations during- the coming -Ritual Muvicr Libel Mrs. iM. Blacker, who >is visiting situation of himself and- his peo- Joe Krasne. From San Francis- 1o f t h e J e w i s h w a r a g a 5 n s t the i winter months, it was established verish activity, with meetings Baseball preliminaries. ! ns and and he he regards regards at a conference called by y the held every night .this, week, Sioux 2:00* p. m. to 4:00 p. m.— here. \ Mrs. Blacker is the ' former ple he fashions lines that cannot co, they will visit other points on || 44 rr yy aa nn nnaattjj OO ns" Angeles j * a s a n o t n e r aspect of the ritual ••Toz, T A i t i f th PreserP but, as symbol and vision ' of' re- the coast and in Los Angeles, Association for the Esther Levitan. City chapter 12 of the order of Track meet. • . .Health . . . among Jews. current conflict, find their echo They expect to be gone for « e v - j m n r d e r > H e s a y B . vation of London (JTA) — Composition Aleph Zadik Aleph is ready to 4:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m.— eral weeks. Mr/t and' Mrs. Irving Goldstein in every human heart. ^ The conference expressed tbe ; of a four-man Royal Commission, welcome over two hundred frater- Swim party. "Jewish ritual murders are .Ah woe to us that we, the sons nity brothers from this region at 8:30 p. m. to ?—Barbecue. of Chicago, with their son, Paul 1— inartlv"caused "and Dart^y"carried : h o p e t h a t J e w i s n r e I 'ef organiza-j which will investigate the causes m 1 ue L U l r e ] of peace. Jean, stopped in Sioux • City, en are therefore UO11B - e r n i t e da States aiaies BDII.UI the : second annual tournament Monday, August 17 Jack Steinberg left Sunday for; P««5^caused andi partlyjarrie^ and1 of curreui current Gisoraers disorders in Palestine, Palestine. g in tn Must t u r n our sharpened Fort Des Moines, Iowa to attend j °y J of' !he M ^ e ' England wffl take into considers- ha s been disclosed. The commit and. convention of the Iowa-Ne9:00 a. m. to 12 o'clock— route ' to Tucson, Ariz., where ( scythes to scimitars, they Will visit with their daughbraska Alephs association, begin- Tennis tournament. Camp Dodge for about two Jf a l f h a r e c^hUdren of the t i o n t h e P"sht or the children of i sion is expected to leave early in Jewish spirit and aim at subjug- : n e f -iewi*h families in Poland September. ning at 8 o'clock Sunday morn12 noon to 3:00 p. m.— ter, Bernadine.: Mrs. Leah Baron, "Must lift the hammer of the (weeks. Maccabees, 606 Virginia street, mother of ing, August 16, and lasting two Luncheon. atlng all non-Jews on order t 0 • and assign the funds to feed them The members are: Viscount Blood soak the land and make days. 4:00 p. m. to 6 p. m.—Base- Mrs. Goldstein, accompanied them use them as sacrificial animals : i n t h e s c h 0 0 1 kitchens. Peel, former Secretary of State a mock of stars . . . to Tucson.. Before returning to An elaborate program which ball finals. and where that is impossible, to- u l s estimated that at least tor India, chairman; Field MarAnd woe is me who am not one 9:30 p. m. to 1:30—Dance. Sioux'City they will visit in Calincludes a track meet, swimming exterminate them " ; 325,000 zlotys will be required shal Sir William Birdwood; Sir of these, ifornia and go through Yellowmeet, • tennis tournament, barbeTo the ouesUon why the Jews f o r t h i s w i n t e r - H a l t ot t h i s s u m j Horace Rumbold, noted diplomat, "Who languish here beneath the stone park. cue, luncheon and dance, has been desire to destroy the -Aryan" na- f 5 " b e f« v e r e u d hy l°cal | and Prof. Reginald Coupland of . these Northern stars. planned and Sam A. Sadoff and tions, the author replies: : funds, while the other half, it is Oxford University. Many of the officials of the Miss Rebecca: Lazere is visiting Earl A. Himowltz, general chair"The ritual murder i s a n a c t | foped, wil come from Jewish remen of the event, announce that senior advisory council, as well with.relatives this week in Ro- (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts which S3 absolutely necessary for , h e f organizations aboard. Raining Vacation ReSOTtt as a number of alumni, have sigFeature Syndicate.) salie," Neb. Miss Shirley Lazere Is everything is in readiness to show the Jews, for it emanates from , - > , _ _ ^ _ . ^ _ . . . ] Bucharest — Threatened with the visiting Alephs one of the nified their intention of attending in Minneapolis, visiting with her Nazis Planning Special Editioni their <rei;gious- Ieeiing8. m the 4 , 5 6 7 POLICE ruin because the anti-Semitic termost enjoyable summer conven- the tournament. Advisers of the uncle and' aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Abe for Non-German Readers ror same way the Jewish mass mur- ' chapters who will attend will hold PAFFSTIMF NOW ' n t h e B l aJcek e a resort towns Wilensky.* tions and vacations combined. is kee io Abroad ders correspond to the deep-seated ! a round-table discussion and _~i P e ^ish vacationist Registration will begin official- breakfast Monday morning. cravings of Jewry, which entire- ; Miss Fanny Hendlyn has reLondon I JTA) - Colonial Sec-*]?*' ^ , B ' a f f" i n n k « « P ^ hav Berlin (JTA) —The first move ly at 8 o'clock Sunday morning at ly agree with the political pas. •„.=„: ^ ^.. ^ — _. e appealed to the government All tournament chairmen will turned home after visiting with in the anti-Jewish propaganda sion of this parasitical people for r e t a r y William Ormsby-Gore re- t 0 the Hotel Martin, the headquar- be present Sunday morning to friends in Minneapolis. ' T e a l e d in t h e H o s e o f drive expected to follow the Olym- domination. In order to be c e r - > ters of the convention. Preconven- welcome the visiting Alephs. Has. . y Commons BY F. R. K. guests. . , . T pic games will be taken'by the tain of world domination, ___ last week that there are tion letters received from the kell Lazere and Max i Prostock, _ . i ,' v u ,' Jews have always Mr. and Mrs. Sol Novitsky and Palestine i noni . . . , ' . Jews have always been the seven chapters in the region housing chairmen,-will assign all Nazi Government with the 'publi- Jews whom Jews consider as dan- , daughters, Lois and Gloria, left prbmises-to break all past attend8 of from The Council Bluffs Centennial cation of an officially-inspired gerous must be removed those desiring housing, while last Thursday for Danville, Chithe Arab n ance records. celebration held the Bpotlight of book, "Jewish Ritual Murder" — time to time by mass murders. ; Leonard Lebowitz and the tour- cago and Cleveland. ' regulars tbls year they feel U Jews with a special edition for non- • "It Baseball preliminaries will be nament hostesses will head the i r , h ^ and . ^ c ™ 000 includine It was was only only the the Nazi Nazi movemove , m e r h' o H d a v s The a They will visjt in Danville with local activities during the early German readers abroad it is | . hoHdavs T h ef ao r t h e l,j .o m m m 1 011 uiwiiuing gma ef r held Sunday morning from 9 dating'committee for the barbee r t 0 g Q a b r o a d part of the week, with a number ment in Germany, based on racial.™ " ^ specially to defend e w . ; , M k c o i n c i d e ( i w H h Mra. Novitsky's brother-in-law A by the com o'clock until 1:30 in "the after- cue, dance and swimming party. doctrine as it is, that made C m of Jewish people playing a prom- learned here. di limitation i i ofh the dJewish Z™\T%tb * ° i noon. The track meet will take The hostesses will also serve at and sister, Mr. and Mrs.-Sid Gor- inent part in each day's celebraThe book accuses the Jews of sible enman. In Chicago they will tnemsenes. vacationists at Rude!. ; Tbe place from 2 o'clock until 4 the luncheon and assist in the tion. The Historical Pageant, plotting "ritual murder" of "Arymass murders to Russia alone, regular force, includes 1,visitVwith Mrs. Novitsky's sister 365 o'clock on Sunday. From i to 6 4 5 6 Arab9 7 ^ Britons and registration. They include Ros- and.- brother, Dorfs ' and John which was presented for four ans" and blames them for the not permitting them to spread < Jews. > Rabbi Denied Self te the visitors and local members night at the Thomas Jefferson World War, the Bolshevist revo- elsewhere will enjoy a swimming prirty at ahna Dikel, Lillian Rivin, Sylvia Gross;./ From Chicago they will High chool was the outstanding lution and the inflationary per"The Jewish laws of Sept. 1 5 . ; Leave $10,000 to JNF Riverside pool and a huge1 bar- Friedman, Shirley Fein, Veima go to Cleveland to visit relatives. event of the celebration. Among iod in Germany. 11935 (tbe Nuremberg laws) are Philadelphia (WNS) — The Beechen, Betty Osnowitz and They wifl return about Septembecue" willbe-held at Rive*side_at those taking part in the Pageant The author is Gerhard UtikaL | merely a beginning. The stone has i Frances Maron. York — Establishment of sum of ?l«,000, accumulated over ber; 1st. » 8:30 o'clock that evening./ i were Miss Rose Fox, Miss Beverly The Reich Office for the Promo- been set rolling. It is our task a home for needy Jewish and n o n - > period of 25 years by a denial Rudy Shindler is in charge of Monday morning from 9j o'clock Visitors at the H. S. Novitsky Mendelson, Joseph, B. Katleman, tion of German Literature recom- to make sure that it will never Jewish German refugees now in I of all but tbe barest necessities of until 12 the tennis tournament the Tournament Book, which will home were Stanley FeltWn and Sam Meyerson, Abe Bear, Milton mends the volume as "a truly na-|stop until the Jewish question is this country has been undertaken life, was bequeathed to the Jewbe in the form of a novel vaca•will be held. The B'nal B'rith Thelma Caspar of : Omaha, n e p -Katelmaii,. Arnold "Hoffman. Wal- tional representation of Jewish-solved by all the Aryan nations."; by the newly-organized Coopera- ish National Fund by the late lodge will'give a luncheon for the tion ticket. Earl Novich and ritual murders" and "a treasured I tive Association of German Ref- Rabbi Simon Fine, for many years hew and niece; also Mr. and Mrs.i t e r Glickman, and Jack Fox. visiting Alephs and local mem- Perry Osnowitz are in charge of T h e possession.for every German." Demand Rogct't ThesamttS | ugees. : spiritual leader of Congregation Ben L. Polsky and children of Centennial attracted a publicity. Bernard Rosenthal i& bers, Monday noon at the Shaare "It is generally acknowledged © T fttf * Pending t)?fe opening of such a Beth Jacob. large number of visitors from the finance chairman and Martin Zion social hall. Edwin W. Baron, both far and near, as they stop- fact today," the book states, "that Remote term Uttenswe \\wme the Association is seeking: After a visit to Palestine in 1911 president of the lodge, will be the Kosberg and Myron Heeger, transped in Council Bluffs even for a the Sarajevo murder in the Sum* '. old clothes for tbe refugees. Such Rabbi Fine pledged himself ,to portation. The local advisers are principal speaker at the luncheon. day just to witness such a beau-1 mer of 1914 was committed at Chicago (WNS.) — A letter to clothes may be sent to the As- shun all but necessities in order ' Sam Sadoff and Earl A. Hlmbw- Sam Epstein, Samson Krupnick, (Continued front page 1) tiful exhibition of the progress of the instigation of freemasons. It the Garden City Publishing Com-;sociation at 1451 Broadway, New ! that he might leave money to itz will also speak at-the'lunch- Leon Dobrofaky and Martin Hoscan thus be stated without fear pany. Garden City, N. Y., publish- i York City. I Jewish National Fund. eon. Arrangements for the lunch- berg. Jack Merlin Is president of sach Haggadah and the legend of time. the, local A. Z. A. chapter .and Prague and the dances of Chaseon will be in the hands of Mrs. Several members «f the CounI. Merlin and. Mrs. Ben Shindler. Stanleys .Rabinowitz of Des Moines idim and' the humours and rulis president of the district I. N. ing passions of a Minyan and the cil Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the The business session ol the A. A. Other officers of the .I. N. plan to leave Sunday convention will follow the lunch- A. A. are Hy Polsky'of Lincoln, vision of life of Baruch Spinoza A. Z. Into some of the most authentic morning for Sioux pity. Iowa to eon.vice-president; Joe Guss of Oma- and exciting English poetry of participate in the annual summer Stanley Rabinowitz of Des ha, treasurer; Sam Sadof, Sioux our day. He knows the Talmudic Moines, president ot the district, City, secretary; Norman Ginsberg, sages. great and small as he A. Z. Al tournament of this district. will preside at the meeting. Des Moines, senior sergeant-et- knows the men and women on Baseball finals will be held arms;. Herbert Marx, Omaha, Jun- St. Laurence Street in Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Chernt from 4 to 6 o'clock Monday aft- ior sergeant-at-arms, and Jack and'into his English poetic style, iss and> son; Edward, left last ernoon and the convention will Merlin, Sioux City, chaplain. even to the wild wit and sparkle Friday for an eastern trip, inclose with a dance at 9:30 o'clock of "his rhymes, he has transfus- cluding Chicago, Boston, • Washat Shorecare. ed, their ardors, their- dreams, ington, New York, and -Atlantic The following pairings have their exquisite goodness, their City. While is Boston, Mr. Cherbeen made in the baseball to-urstorming of the. very courts of niss will attend the annual connament which is In charge of God. -• - . . vention of the American Bar AsMickey Grueskin and Joe Devine: Few . modern poets have been sociation. Dea Moines and Sioux City; Linable *to" utteri more than a lyric coln and Council Bluffs; Ottumcry. Or else they have sought a Mrs. J. Krasne, accompanied wa and Omaha No. 100; Omaha A certificate for the Jewish \ deperBoaaUzatlon in the mass be her son, Lawrence Krasne, are No. 1 and Tri-Cities. All games will be played at Gilman JTerrace, National fund Golden Book has which is and must be the death expected home today from Rochwhich has three separate dia*—be^irfegelved by the three classes monds. The local contestants in of the Hebrew school taught by ' the baseball are C. Shindler, Mr. Sam Krupnick, after the 1 Grueskin, ZeUgson, Kronlck, Els- classes had contributed one hunberg, I. Shindler, B. Rosenthal, dred dollarB. for the inscription. Devine; Prostock and Lazere. . Classes of Miss Lillian RomiThe tennis tournament, under rowsky purchased one dunam of the direction of Rudy Shindler, land in Palestine and have rewill begin at 9 o'clock Monday cevied their certificate ,of purmorning at the Sioux City Tennis chase. club with pairings for the singles . Mrs. S. Krupnick's classes have as follows: Ottumwa and Des purchased two dunams of land Moines; Sioux City and Tri- during <the past semester and Cities; Council Bluffs and Omaha have received their certificate of 'No. 1; Omaha No. 100 and Lin- purchase. | coin. Pairings in the doubles will • The school's new goal is to i be: Otutmwa and Tri-CKles; Des purchase a grove of trees in Palesi Moines and Sioux City; Council tine, helping, to rebuild the groves [Bluffs and Omaha No. 100; Oma-devastated recently by Arab up"., ha No. 1 and Lincoln. Because the risings. • local tournament was not finished The certificates will be present| at the time of going to press the ea to the Hebrew school classes at local entries are not listed. a public function next month. ! The track meet, under the direction of Harry Elsberg, will be ' SOCIETY NEWS i held Sunday afternoon from 2 to ' 4 'o'clock. Alt chapters have sigYour greeting problem is solved by this connified their intention of entering. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt, BelThe meet will include the follow- levue apartments, have returned venient method of wishing your relatives and ing events: 100-yard dash, half- from a three-week trip to Seatmile run, running broad jump, tle, Washington, Vancouver and friends a Happy New Year . . . No danger of .Bhot put, discus, 440 run, 440 Victoria, B. C, Lake Louise, Mr. and Mrg.-WiKk the embarrassment of forgetting someone . . . relay and 880 relay.'Local con- jBBanff and other points "in the • their friends both far and testants in. the track ipeet will be Canadian Rockies. near A Happy and Prosper-, no trouble . . . time and money saved. C. Shindler, Lloyd JfCronick, M. I Miss Helen; Levitt left Sunday ous New Year. Grueskin, H. Elsberg,' Devine and with Mrs. L. Cherniak and daughMr. -. 1 Mrs. and Zellgson. ter, Helen, of Council Bluffs, la., These greetings will be published in our Rosh family extend to t h e i r Jack Merlin and Myron Heeger for an extended visit in Califorfriends sincere wishes for A Hashonah edition, September 17. The charge are in charge of the barbecue, nia. % Happy New Year. David Levitt left Sunday for 'which ia scheduled to be held at will be $2.00 for each Greeting . . . mail any t Mr. and Mrs. and '(Riverside following the swimming Colorado, where he will spend his vacation. ' >•' family wish party at the Riverside pool. A their friend* of these forms, or phone your Greetings. humorous and entertaining prohealth, happiness and trot* Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg' perity in the coming year. gram has been planned for the are cruising on the Great Lakes ' barbecue. Mr. and Mrs. take > A highlight of the convention this week aboard the S. S, OctoWhen physicians advised thelplant, dispenses salt tablets to its this means of extending' .will be the dance Monday eve- rara. public^ through' the newspapers, (workers. The salt* ia of value in greetings *nd hearty good ping at Shore Acre Gardens. Joe to increase their intake of salt)the prevention of heat cramps bewishes for A Happy and Goldstein and Herman Rubin are i Mrs. S. Baron of Los Angeles, during the heat wave as a means cause it maintains the proper balProsperous Year to their In charge of the "dance arrange- j Cal., is in Sioux City visiting with of preventing heat exhausation, j ance of salt in the body, to offset friends far and near. ments and many novel and enter- relatives and* friends. She is the they were extending a practice the losses through perspiration. I taining -- features h a v e been guest at the J. Jacobson home, that is regularly followed in steel The photograph shows Wallace .'planned.'" 805 Tenth street. mills and other places where men Pitrsall (left) and Mike Lauski, Mrs. N. Albert, Neoml Albert work under extraordinarily high j forge shop workers, receiving AH awards Will be, made to the winning chapters for the tourna- and Jack Albert of Chicago are temperature. Chevrolet Motor j their day's supply. also gue?ta in the J. Jacobson Company, in its Detroit' forge ment competition at the dance.

Sioux City News

Poland Seeks Colonies



X A* Chapters to Convene Here

j Relief Groups to Feed ;25,000 Jewish Children

Elaborate Program Will Entertain Guests, Delegates

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To Probe Disorders

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^rrhoruies^c^^f r-h :r^

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Seek Old Clothes




Rosh Hashonah

Local Talmud Torah Contributes to


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Salt Tablets

Through the Columns of the

Jewish Press



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