f In
- T H E WORLD'S ...WINDOW... HJDWJQ LEWISOHN" This column 18 copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in. whole or In part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be - prosecuted.
Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 21. 1921. at Postoffice of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879
In ihc t ct Ihf Tcv
W.fc A H J <*.
7. IT
HIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1936
Omahans to Attend Federation Region
i Congress
THE 3CENE On the twenty-second anniverMeeting sary of the World War the other day Karl Radek, that very intelSeveral Omahans active in soligent Soviet writer and politiTo Combat Cotighlim Activities. ! | c i a l ^ e i f a r e a r e planning to atcian, gave ou_t an interview which* seems to describe and diagnose Hebrew Papers Warn ' That Boston (WNS).—Charging Fa-i Outstanding Program I s Ar-; tend the third annual meetinr- of the wcst central Jews Will Start Defend-with calm and humane exactness ther coughlin with attempting to i ranged for Members and i National region, ofFedthe Council of Jewish the immediate state of the world. ing Themselves "arouse class discontent and fan Non-Members erations snd Welfare Funds to Nearly all the imperialist powers, the flames of religious bigotry," be held in Kansas City, October especially Germany, Italy and Jerusalem (JTA) Two of Joseph A. Conry, Catholic layman With a musical program ar- 3 and 4. Japan, are planning and plotting heir number killed and 22 and member of congress, an- ranged and the latest fall creaAmong the large delegation ex"the terrible crime of war." At wounded in new attacks, the Jews Cleveland (JTA) — Father nounced that Catholic laymen are pected to be present at the twothe moment the masses of men began to retaliate Sunday against Coughlin's speech to the conven- organizing a national movement tions secured the annual and musical revue of the I (iay sessions are Henry Monsky, are helpless to prevent this. But 'he Arabs for the first' time since tion of the National Union of So-to combat the activities of the Highland Country club will take i g a m Beber, Philip Klutznick, once the .wars . come and are current disorders broke out more cial Justice in which he urged radio priest. nro^tiiTaHn*. is «»c place August 22 at the clubhouse. IH arrv Malashock, Paul Goidblatt waged "they will' set in motion' nan four months ago. i Three his followers not to blame the ' f t i c Geneva (\ N S - r a l c r - i i rip < U r ot forces that- will; be the ,revolu- Jewish policemen and a girl were Jews for "all" the evils of the trnv"lnt «.ndJ? to combine combine the t h e > a r v 5 n T r e l I e r w i Ub e m a S t 6which \*** -r>,« «veral others —The first V\ o r k 1 J e v i b m ' p f I T sentlally intended to =•«,•« ir^in, p^ M r , ml states included in this re; tionary anBwer" to that • terrible killed earlier in an ambuscade present banking system was be-lay Catholic forces which disap-: ii.»r r i he arranged hy M r s . Ar-g Minnesota. Missouri. ! S«ss in histo^ ac joi 1O 1 II r crime. Hence, as. one can see, the outside Haifa. 1 f r ; g orl a r e ing carefully scanned this week prove of Father Coughlin's be-1 o - „,„ n Miss Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, . Colo- assembly hrll of tl ? I p r uV 1o r i 1 o i Soviet Union ia not any longer Several inhabitants of, all-Jew- l n J e w l s h circles. havior." Mr. Conry said, "it I £ U r **** i I -P C( P P 1 ^ 1 1 ( 111(0 rado and parts of -Wisconsin and N a t i o n s , i o r e c o r ^ e n p trying to foment world-revolu- isa Tel Aviv attacked a group of c p p J y e a r s , a f t e r \A\ ii c I n ' e ni i n " Addressing 11,000 persons in would welcome the support and i nj r\< i 1,. tP i tion. It watches. It is giving the Arabs, injuring two. Jews also Illinois. t i o n s f o r a iie^n p p t r t v i c de-! Included in the program are Fascist criminals rope enough. replied t6 a hail of stones thrown an attack on the banking system, assistance of members of allthis George Oppenheimer of Kansas g a n i z a t i o n . o i r e <. e < <•» o r i n t i t (i • musical numbers by Louis MarO 1 t. O <• n They will be sure to" bang them- from a train- passing from Jaffa the "raido priest" laid stress on | nominations Which share ; golin, Larry Fiakel and Margaret j City is regional president. J e w i s h r i f . l ' < ; r r a i l u f 1 , 1 i •.." selves. And. nothing .could be and - were ^ believed to have in- the part the Jews had played in common view." Belman. The .Tolle sisters, Rose- | t i o n o f t h e Cev. i<h r f . i ^ its development, but added that i t 1 o l If i n handsomer than Radek's conclu- jured some of the passengers. bllie and Meriam, will dance. j After eigrt r f «• or they had been forced by circum.101 c ( P < K< P I P ' f i r i •> sion concerning his own'people: The revue and style show are The incidents occurred after stancss into dealing in gold. ; liberation* ciot-^ tr ee 1 i r n i r piu < r "She will- support all people Daeaid' Albalah, eight years old, under the direction of the worn idred delegfio5- iron •"' CM r i"1- V O !.' ii ( WAirtnAe/TStr frn Addressing the Jews of Amerstruggling for peace, and in case of Castoria, Greece, was killed an's committee of the club, of? r ; completed O e v c-k pfri r IT V OJ If of war will join forces with any and 22 persons injured' by the ica directly on the following day. which Mrs. Hyman Ferer is the CO" n l c n h t •who are attacked by fascism!'1 Father Coughlin "challenged" 11PI chairman. She is being assisted explosion of a bomb thrown from tirlecauon^ V B Cf them to abandon .the principle of by Allen Kohan. a train parsing Herzl Street in To this on the face of it and . n e I t a b l i s h e d f l i c c e< i e i LI t \ i i n •'a flooth for a tooth and an eye Chelsa, Mass. ( J T A ) ' — Amer-j Mesdames Philip Levey, Sam to these words in tjielr surface Tel Aviv. AJ1 places of entertain- for an eye," which he said had fVi<i The Highland Fling, b i g g e s t ; w o r k f o r r ' e t ' r i n s O f1 1 i ( Ii 101 ment in Tel Aviv were closed in ican Jews are responsible for anj Wertheimer, jr., Cy Silvers, Leon signification no humane and civgolfing event each year in Omaha, ; communiLifs to • r* ii c o r u p OI 1 pl( 1 ' ( . ( ! M failed, and adopt in Its place the mourning." , P v tiiSemitic agitation in, European \ Fellman and Allen Kohan, and •will again occupy the spotlight; matters F PCI rp ihF 1 o 0( 1 0 ' , i r , - ' b ilized person could fail to say: * 1' Julius Wogshol, 35-year-old precept "love thy neighbor as countries, according to Father j the Misses Joy Yousem, Sara j t h i g c o m i n g Wednesday, August!of- the equ< Ii So be it.1.. Unfortunately for some OL If.CV \1 .hr i -l i M t i thyself.". ' 'German Jew, was killed in an Cyprian'Adamski, pastor of St. [Ferer; Lois Barish, Ruth Rosen-| -fiing," looked forward' ' • of us; foolish, perverse, old-fash2g T h e rl'i r >on looked forward'and his pcoromir « - r > ' P ' i > r n <» "We. are a Christian organizaArab ambuscade near Mikveh Isioned as we may be thought, the Stanislaus Church here.one of the stock, Ethel Ackerman, Ruth Raz-j t o a l w - a J - s a s o n e of the most outT h e l a s t e f i c i F i a c t c itip i o n T( |1O( 1 TP11 ( f P nick, Irene Morris and Estryn Etanding stags in Omaha, prom- gress in K«- c'^ c ,rc issue is not.so'clear. For the is-rael while motoring, to Sarafand tion," he said, "in that we believe leading Polish congregations s o r v.\ ic) r v i ! I 0 P 1 1 H*> sue is not (ah, if it only were) to repair • military electric lines. in the principle of 'love thy New England. Father Adamski, Milder will raodel Parisian and ises to be big-ger and better than [ began at ' TO r ni r cLe B i- , . i (' ( f l r ^ m i r i o Small groups of Jews who ga- neighbor as thyself,' With, that who just returned from a tri_> to American styles. Boys' wear will one between war and peace, tyrM <• V ment Elecio rl v lie r 1 1 P i (1 f " ever before. , Ol anny and liberty/ brutality and thered in Tel Aviv bitterly shout- principle I challenge every Jew the Continent told a representa- be worn by Edward Rosen, Irvin I t w i l l b e b i g g e r , i n a s m u c h a s . s i o n s w e i t bei-f1 wr«- t i e P I ? I O ' hr lip f' in this nation to tell me that brotherhood, but it is an issue ing protests against the Governtive of the .Jewish Telegraphic Sherman, Howard Kaplan and b e t w e e n f o u r a n d . f i v e h u n d r e d : of a n a d i r m ^ ' r ? i i i i T ri symbolized by the "deadly "and ment's 'patience in dealing with he does or does not believe in it. Agency that "Jews in America Lloyd Malashock. ! men are almost a certainty to be ; next r i 1' ° ' v i 1 "I am not asking the Jews of terrorists Were .dispersed and essential enmity between two rivare too boisterous in their proBuyers from Brandeis store, ; in attendance at the affair slated j rested in i r - T p p n « x i al systems now "seeking converts some of them beaten by British the United States to accept Chris- tests against persecutions and po- j Herzbergs, Natelsons, Nebraska : to start at 2 p. m. and last until • ministrat * e conn ee f ( f i (HI p p -t 1 n tianity and all of its beliefs, but groms which are sometimes exag- clothing, Goldstein-C h a p man, police. in democratic countries." e co I v wee hours of tfee following council and rv execi ' 1 1 " 1 I Ol since their system of 'a tooth for He has uttered the baleful : Simon Zafllo, 49, a Jewish labgerated." Carman's, Sample Fur and the j morning. tee. "" lip t nri' '(" words, the excellent Comrade orer was injured an& two other a tooth and an eye for an eye' Admitting that ''Hitler is build- j Wardrobe have made special trips j j t w p j be better, inasmuch a s ' Four .Amr-ic< n=- VF C I O I i1 I Cor ! Je'ws'arrested in a scuffle in the ! Ms failed, that they accept Radek, and I often wonder how ing a ->ery strong propaganda •e a s t t o g e tt ? l e gowns for this eve- Im a n y new gtuntf have been ar- by accSarriion to .be 1 .A r' f ' i ur I* Christ's principles of brothermarket place between ; Tel Aviv men of first-rate intelligence like [ m a c h i n e f o r anti-Semitism n l n g _ | ranged.-There will be all forms ;.fices in the p. c oi *bp o 1] hood. ".throughout the. world, including himself and Comrade Litvinoff and predominantly Arab Jaffa. This is the last affair of the ! o f golfing prizes, contested for by ; Judge J. I r r V Vn] c <*\cvt c P Rumors immediately began to "Besides Christianity, we also. united States," he said that can manage to repress in the extne 0 I i T season to be open to both men j both the par shooters and the United St?'o^ r n (oi rir act Freudian senso from - their crculate in. Jaffa that Jews had lift, aloft the flag of the Ignited | . . t h e j e w i s h people in America ji and women nonmembers. Louis duffers. t - ^ r r ^ i c r r "«•' ; dent of th» i d swear our are. exciting the Jews and noa- j America and consciousness the dreadful ,and killed scores of Arabs. A men-States of A H l l l e r > president of the club, has Members of the club are invit-j congress E t a Ol^f ' P T I O fundamental and eternal --' - y e s , acing crowd of Arabs gathered in fealty not only to,.the red, white Jews In Europe. ing as their guests men who are . committee o r J issued invitations to all who wish < , ! I eternal - - truth. All "systems' the city. Police broke up the and .blue, but to the Constitution The issue in the recent Kash- to attend. Already three hundred rfernbers of other golf and coun- ; at Paris, ilf are of the Devil. All "systems' mob, injuring several Arabs with Which if represent in its entire- ruth controversy in Poland, the announced their -intention of try clubs. This celebration prac-; for the inc" p r r .f P rf , 1 r I. l , , ' . ty..- •'. ...•„ . '.'.••. are t h e works, . symbolically their batons. r Mr Polish priest declared is due to c o m J two hundred tically closes the "club's -social sea-. corities n n A t least o, "On that point I challenge the •full control of the meat Indus speaking: _ of Satin, darkness v. As news of'the" TeL Aviv•'bombS peace trei I P v t' In-" ,c , . Refreshments son. e x p e c t e d ing" 'spread 'throughout the counCommunist who hates the Con1 death. There was a Greek r 1 ,t?7."in-,tJ?.aL^?.u.n.tI?:Af - e S ' _ b e served. Music for-dancing] — Tite"-feature cT 'the aftern-ooJ!—s stitutionT~rty^*Sociaiist ^who "Wottid^i fish protests, he- said, originated j ^ n l fee —Indignation' ^te fable ^ntfmed ProcrusI IT ^ ^ f u r T l i s h e f i b y Bobbie Bow-i will be an exhibition game-with ' president amend it into nothing, and to the the Jews. r tes. He had an iron bed. If his because this control made it P ° s - j m a a a n dh i g o r c h e s t r a . Johnny Goodman, Rodney Eliss,, was electn «'< n ; The Tel Aviv municipal coun- Republicans and Democrats whosible for Jewish meat-handlers toj captives were: too short for the Bob Fraser and Abe Brodkey : ecutive con IT J s r . bed. he stretched- and .broke then} '•cil, ..in.ja telegram to High Comr won't admit that Congress has raise prices "whenever they wish-i playing. Pros of the various clubs chairman or . ie CPI Grenfell, the sole right to Issue money — ed." on a rack till they .were long missioner Sir Arthur . will help Bill Schuchart in get-'. and Dr. V J i n Gr . t challenge them to make the enough. If they were too long Wauchope, urged action to end He called Tor "an- active, uiri ting the general playing started, man of .he r ii r . for the bed, he chopped off head "anarchy" in the country and de-statement that I make." Or <^r- r i - i o Additional caddies are being bor- • mittee. L d i» s l r ted campaign of world Jewry "Don't blame the Jew for ev-against Communism" as a means that trains carrying. or feet or both till they were manded IP p o rowed from other clubs as seven the finance n r r tr short enough. They bad' to fl "bloodthlristy.Arabfl" not be per-erything," • Father Coughlin- cau- of lessening . anti-Semitic agita- j hundred men are expected to s t - American ,'rv J-1 into the bed. That is system mitted to pass through the heart tioned on the previous day. tion. j Berne, Switzerland (JTA) — i tend. '• treasurer Tl p e\p i 'e con i , , . •' . . "ThaVs Hitlerism." That is orthodoiy. You become a of the all-Jewish city. I It was announced last week that ..re f r 1 ( c ! "Chicken" Dorsey will be the tee will A special meeting of the counAfter denouncing usury as un"convert" or you are stretched nn« o lie jIFriedrich Eisenegger, leader of ichef in charge of the preparation., between =e or chopped. ,In the early days'o cil adopted a' resolution asking Christian, un-American and unBuffet lunches and din- and the pc r . - 'c i t ( t h e Swiss Frontist Nazi organiza- ;o f food. the Soviet Union it ws.s the fash- that the Government instituted godly, he held up as "ChristianPresident Harry Silverman a n - j t i o n > a r r e S f e d on his return here jn e r w i u b e available at the club- tee. The f facilitate ity" and "sound, sane and pa-nounces "that an important meet-, f r o m Germany, will be tried by house while refreshments may World J f » i ^ r - i t - " . ' v ion to T>e' unshaved and slovenly searchlight system-to 1r f if as befitted a good proletarian and police and military' work at night. triotic Americanism" the doctrine ing of the board of trustees of the j { h e waadt Canton Court on a also be had on the various greens. | present i •= ( P C I - T I T OI protestant against the dirty bour . The new deaths raised the Jew- that money should not be owed Beth-El synagogue will be held charge^of accepting a commission As'a special treat a drink known tine to the F [ ' iPf fl > I 1f geois affectation of cleanliness, ish toll to 69 in more than six- and controlled by private indi- Monday, August 24, at the offices t o es tab'ish a politic-il news ser- as the Highland Fling Flip will : Switzerlari' T i c f,t '?« ' 1 r 1 1) , i 1 v <" ! ! Now (according to the papers teen weeks of disturbances aimed viduals. He continued: , < Bb i the th U i SState t t vice of Sam Beber in Union be unfavorable to be served. [ be heade* 1' P ' * ' " T "i the word goes forth that barber at forcing the Government to halt "The first principle of Christ- Bank building. TOO ' r p - Oi Switzerland Governor Cochrsn has . been , sky, Dr. A f 1 shops ;and beauty-iparlors are to Jewish, immigration and grant ianity, is 'Love thy neighbor as r All the board members and offl« Or 1 C Col. Ulrich Fleischauer, Kazi invited, ag have the judges of the | mania. A " " ! be multiplied a n d ^ a t the Soviet Arab nationalist demands. In all, thyself,' but I regret to say-that ficers are urged to attend as ^ery "expert"' in the recent libel-suit o ' Trf. r i i district court and city a-n-d county j M. L. -Pe-'rv i citizen is not to be behind the an estimated 400 fatalities have our ancestors in thousands . of important discussions will take involving the discredited "Proto'fJ •- O l l r officials. The evening will be tak- ; Saly Meyr- r ' ; reactionary bourgeois in neatness occurred. cases did not practice what they place. i i C o~ i i i jcols of the Elders of-Zion," is ac-en up with games and conversa- ; eration c t . n and self-respect of the body. A After heav? shdoting at the believed. We find them persecuj cused of proffering the • cortmis- tion. Dave Feder and Leslie B u r - ' Switzerlar trivial and amusing example. Yet Roslia pina settlement, troops ting Jews and driving them from kenroad are in charge of .the a r - ' In accrp <rz >re ! T P as good as any to point out thehouses in the nearby village of every nation in Europe save the Hungary Has Fifty YesMvas sion. V. 1 1 or " j idency, Juc « "" < 1 «' Prague — There are fifty yesSwiaj newspapers cal'ed for Ei-rangements l o r the affair. fact that the only people in the Jaoini. as a reprisals Fields were I^apal States. Why? Because 1 c P i v a s i n H u n g a r y w i t h a t o t a l of s e n e g ^ r ' s s u r e s t foPoTvia,? p u b : A floor show, c o n s i s t i n g of Sixleave t h e c ^ p i r i Soviet Union worth the name of set afire at Mikveh Israel.' they were bad Christians. ^ i i 2,000 s t u d e n t s , i t w a s r e p o r t e d I lication of p h o t o s t a t i c copies of a ' t y club e n t e r t a i n e r s , a c c o m p a n i e d d e g r e e o* r - ' i ^ . r i - r ' man were those who shaved sed"They forced the Jews to own Troops fought several engage: 1• I b y t h e H u n g a r i a n d e l e g a t i o n t o | l e t t e r ^ s e n t t o G e r m a n . . . P r o p a g a n ] by F r e d d y E b e n e r ' s ewing o r c h e s ; t h e COEI C P..OF t h r t v« I n f ulously in'' the first period and ments in Northern Palestine with the only thing a Jew could own 1,1 -who are strongly tempted to neg- Arab bands attempting to cut wa-when every 10 or 15 years or so t h e w o ' l d c o n g r e s s of A g u d a t h ' ; d a M i n i s t e r J o s e p h Go»bbe!s i n j t r a , will f u r n i s h t h e e n t e r t a i n - ; a deep s r r t h a t on 1 r Oi p r , ! which t h e f o r m e r a s k e d f o r SCO,; m e n t . •Israel. lect shaving now. > v . ^ ter pipelines and attack the heav- Jews were kicked out and driven Reservations Eiay still be mde, to e r e c t r ' I f I '6 The fascists stretch.Jor "chop. ily-guarded Rutehberg "Electric from pillar to post In a most un- Most of these rabbinical semin-;OO0 marks to fight "the Jewish f V -1 aries are maintained with Ameri- j free-masonic influence" and to Several parties of 60 have al- r e s e n t p.? Christian manner. Jews owned Works. Six casualties -were inBut every" system is bound to Dr. W i T ^ s r i Germanize non-German districts. ready been formed. only -what their ingenuity per- can money. stretch or chop. Th*e civilized man flicted on Arabs in one brush at x id ' " t r mitted them to own, namely, gold, desires neither to be^stretched or Jisrmajame. c " " ( r~ served which they could easily carry* chopped nor to be a stretcher or ATTEND EEGIOKAL H C"1 i«T with them. Under this persecuchopper. He clings to democracy, tion the natural talents of the A. Z. A. CONFERENCE he begs for^more^democracy and SEES PALESTINE AS Jew were nurtured. . . •. • not less, he.defends democracy in •to rehat WORLD BEACON LIGHT " "Oh,-you can talk of the pergood days or bad, in triumph and 1 ) Fifteen Mother ' a center cl secution of the Irish, the Poles if n e e d l e in defeat, because he chapter No. 1 E t.t-GSld.'^Cl. the en-: ! the spirit c" is a sworn enemy of "system," '• New York" (JTA) — Describ- and the Huguenots, but there Recently there came to the at- jE i d e r e d a r e s i d e n t of the south-! nual'A. 'z.' A. regional summer groups }c I f of . stretching and /chopping of ing Jewish achievements in Pal-never was such persecution as we tention of the Jewish welfare she was unhappy down j tournament held this year -held • at! for iii5ti-p e r n c i t y > either fthe mind or the body. He estine as "a beacon light symbol Christians inflicted without rea- Federation the plight of a former s o u t h _ i o n e s o r a e £ o r h e r £ a m i i y . ! S l o a x c i t r , August 16 and IT. ! ' .• • Omaha woman, cannotvand will not be a convert. of the efforts of intelligent^ civil- son upon the Jews," a.Mrs. A A. She had woman aMrs ^ ddeeIIiibbeeration ration it it was was||| In Intournament tournament competition competition the ! He is hl9 own> convert. He is ized-people, both Jewish and GenOutlining the history of bank- lived here since early childhood, Id e cAAi dff tteeedff Emn ] - em u s t b e s e n t home. ! Mffther chapter won two out We havr what "God meant him to be. • He tile, to rise above the present ing, Father Coughlin related that but upon her marriage had gone i b y the ; three events and was runner-tip \ magnitm refuses-tp be ought but that. He cycle of hatred through which the Jews began trafficking in gold, south with her. husband where With money furnished agency of the southern eOmraun- | in the third. Adler, Woik, Sha- \ derives T " may iiot even always know what world Is passing," Mayor Fiorello built vaults to ward oft thieves; it was hoped the couple might U y >£he r e t u r n e d h e r c . T h e O niathat,is. But he is on his^road— H. LaGuardia last vireek accepted kings and princes of the Middle ??nd a "better way of making a ! h a j e wteh .-.Welfare' Pederatioa piro and "VTeiner ran in the 0-'jews bu yard relaj' and r-:on from Sioux ; relation »* membership on a committee sponhis own road "".toward a goal Ages were forced to borrow from living-. I provided adequate medical atten- City. In the SS 0-yard relay, which; to the Jr 1 which, though invisible, is his soring an annual publication them to pay their mercenaries From the moment she had ar- j tion as her health had been nn- tHe Omaha team also •won, Hi \ "There 1 own. To be asked to beftconvert- dealing with Jewish life in Pales- and met their bill3. :' .-•.-. . rived in her new home, Mrs. A. | dermined. by the southern climate Temin, HurwilK, Shapiro and; world as tine. . ed to a system - - even to be askChristians began t o : traffic in found-difficulty ia adjusting^ herT?v'einer cciripef"'?. S"-Vn V«-*P'V t " o k ed is a violation of conscience, jt The Mayor further asserted. that- gold, too, he said, warning his self... "While her relatives in Oma- and by her enotiosal state. Her child formerly coming in second 7lice j ew is v-" oi fr L. . Is persecution top conscience' "civilization must and will thwart followers not to blame,,, the. Jews ha were poor, they were a large contact only with strangers,Dave Wc"-cr l r " ; t ' r re :" right to " ' " 5 r sake. What a man is, that ia his the effect of any nation deter- for all the evils of the present pleasant family of whom; she was given the opportunity to live in the. half-rr.:;e ri r.. ' structive V" "" religion. To try to make him oth- mined'to destroy {his great peo- banking system. .. extremely fond. Beside her feel- the healthy envircjaeat of a large Irving Trffc" IK ;'c"'"!f ciety." er than he is, to convert him to ple." • ' •..-.". . ing of homesickness;:, she found fun-lovingfun-loving family circle. ] winner j . - . r c "~J , " W e i ~ - ' r re r " a system - - that is persecution. (he new manner of lifejn the j This is only one type" of prob-! tecnis t:t> rr:' . ' I i V.\ '.'- s e s s i o n s f t " 1 " SHERMAN • • "Whether I am persecuted as a sbujh bewildering, the 'strange-j j e m .that confronts the social j old GarN-r * ,'"\-'''.?~ ;.he W o ? . » ' • . Ib Jew or as an unconvertible bur- NEW SOCIAL AND ^ Its Wtiltn ACCIDENT ness of. the people hard to-under- worker ElLLtU at the Jewish federation j tennis t:i>. Vr' -r. ,'frk the deler" !~*~' -c geois-religious ideologist makes '-• • CULTURAL---CLUB i -'rr .';- world Je^ - ' stand. here. i Goodsite precious little difference under Mrs. Rosalind Sherman, 33, Not long after the birth of her j In the aboveJ csse before, the iE a ls to '•'•. -'tif-s, s s h e 6 f " ( , ' ' the aspect not Only of eternity c A new social and. cultural club v A) ^i~ii iz- c h a i r m a i o t but ' of any strength of relative will be organized in the very, near wife of Storris Sherman, former first child, h e r . husband died, i removal of the woman and irer • and ther. Omahan, wa3 killed Sunday after- ieaving Mrs. A. in poor health child from the south to her home' feated ,1 IB cornnistti ' <! time. future through the Omaha He- noon in Chicago when the car in and among strangers. In despair could even be-.attempted, consid- | The s>c; <- (IB majority r" v r?r' Such, unless I grossly misread brew club. The first meeting •which she ;was riding with her unable to support herself she fin- j eration of the case was undertak-i in the esi.ee! in . r > I ' mf f.rcl ;•;.;.: j and misinterpret has' been in all will be held in September.: .For husband collided • with another ,v: ally appealed to the authorities j en by the cooperating agencies to j by the '>••': f ages the instinctive attitude of further information call B5r.. S. machine and overturned. in the community and they got [decide whether or not there were j down to •••"<;.rrr the Jewish people. Why did weKenyon, Ha. 3997. Further deBeside her ..husband, Mrs. Sher- in touch with the Omaha. agency [ enough factors to warrant such •; to S. 1Y.r : ' r HIE not. submit to- Rome and its tails will be annuonced 3a,ter. man is survived, by her three sons to see if the woman's relatives; a program. } the Idols? It would liave been the aged 11, 4 and 22 months. wera in position -to take care-of! Such - situations are not solved j A. Xo. ly z. easiest way. Why did we not sayBar Jewish Doctors Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sherman, her. They were s o t : by provisioa .' o£ the maleritil Dan .i":: cointo the Church and its Inquisition George Sherman, Irvin Sherman The Omaha agencies could not j needs of life, for everj- social chapter, T. tc in tho Middle Ages: "Fine, you're Berlin — The Government has and Mrs. P. H. Rosenblatt of assume the responsibility- of worker must take into consicler- bor of t'..c right! We'll all bo baptized!" At ordered insurance companies- not Omaha attended tlie funeral serv- supporting Mrs. A., for slie hadiafioa the fact that 'Man does not j assoctatir (Continued on Page 8.) , to employ Jewish doctors. . ices which were held in Chicago. been away so long she fras con-j live by breaid alone.' ' the Alej:'.--
Father Coughlin Ghal lenges 'Neighborly . ness* of Jews
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1936 known languages swelled the > been forced to evacuate, their o n w i l l c o m e f o r t h a n d s e n d h i s n e r e . T h i s i s t h e o n e p l a c e t o ! . . . T h e r e a l N o r d i c s a r e a l l j m a n i a n J e w 8 h e r e that cvefj-where." j be There chatter1 in these busy "stations." ' homes, could not inteiiere with rfestfUCtive f!a&es flames nvttfTurherfi" hn at nt the thp preseSt nrospftt time. time f h w » t nj right. >Vt ' been ' requested by Kihg c •Much of the action was center-',their traditional observance. So Small wonder that after making | has been no revolution here, no j WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS cultivate friendly relations, ed in the Municipal Hall. It -was i the Sabbath Queen was don§ full thesS discoveries the' American j upheaval. Everything is quiet, j HEARS REPORTS OF PLIGHT tthem. PTYl difficult to find parking space for honor. The Municipality supplies proclaims: "Yes, I am an Indl-JYou can have any eort of opin- OF 5,COO,000 JEWS . . . And the , -_ . _ . . . — - — , — —'.«.>. U II m inese Inst j automobiles on Bialik street, candles to all stations. Wine for 'Municipal workers, -voluntary the blessings -was supplied in vidUallst. Down with like-.mind-1 ions you want. Millions of peo- j horror of that plight cannot b o , tions, the letter stales, EpiS S Morusca accuses nounianlan''j ewBI edness. Down with allwith slavery of j pie wouldbutbe knew envious j overstated. Mnriisrn ow-n... «_.._ '. Down serial' if they ofofit.your Allluck the workers, nurses, and doctors some- instances by individuals of regimentation. CATHOLIC CARDINAL LEADS S ; here of trying to foment troubU uniforms, j world outside is mad, but only were constantly; coming and go- the community, tit some stations numbers, alphabets, FIGHT ON ANTI-SEMITISM IN : between Roumanian [ing. The government officers the refugees themselves scraped cenSdrship, propaganda, ideology, j h-ere you will find peace and tranand That's the true Roumanian Christians in Amernational destiny, totalitarianism j quility." (who normally have their offices together a few piastres for the j religious spirit. ica and of attempting to convert (Palcor Staff Correspondent) j in Jaffa, were conducting busi- wine. The Friday night menu and all other eye-wash." Written in a racy, sparkling ; JEWISH WAR VETS t h el a t t e r t o Communism. Thousands • ol Palestinian Jew. } Communication with Jaffa w a s ' : n e s s j n Xel Aviv." Everyone was was a bit more elaborate theft it j As for the Jews, a leading ro-J s tyi e inviting quick •reading', SOCCER MATCH WITH their cut off, and communication with j •working over-time. iab families llnvo left ibot Of Bidlo declares: "Jews have piercing point after point the j BAN ; had been during the week. MACCABEES" . " . ' " t o r fellows* e homes in colonies and near other towns was difficult. What a whirlpool of. inquiry1, [ i n the meantimej fires had been j a peculiar fuiittion in political can,t call their souls t h d r The CFI plan may interest youi Arab sections to find safety cara were proceeding.without po- complaint- -arid discussion, the j visible ih Tel Aviv. The Arabs j bJstory, Bat it's a "function they shams weaving a cloak of mys-; t h Small monthly payments . . in. tery around the smothering um; BV n lice escorts. So feeding the injinfl refuge in Tel A*lv| What Municipal Hall was turned into!.j were burning Some 6f the desert- doja't like. Whea a goverament sit ad of ohe tingle aremitim. hfljitlsna to them? AU interest* flux presented enormous prob- Refugees clustered about the en-jed houses. This would mean that is *'itt* distress, the Jews save it. form of dictatorship, and stud-! „C' o"p y' r. !, . , • . „ . BUY INSURANCE lHfc s veft A r t s ded with penetrating observai < £*h.^°!...^_ ? CONVENIENT WAV '...'.:. it»g dispatch from the Pfilcor lems. I"ei.ture Syndicate) try. All of a sudden someone ap- j a portion of the refugees would They do it by serving as the offi- tions about the menace facing the' if interertea. c*H i-qrrfespondeiit' on the Palestine Within fort^-eight hours I. re- ppeared d in i the th corridor id ih tl homeless. h m l i cial sfiapegftats, arid in that way democracies in Europe and Amer- • It is with j b permanently MARK LEON THE EDITOR visited the same synagogue and large basket of bologna. It had [this problem which the Munici- they become the targets for at-ica, "Choose a Bright Morning" i TJ« I ,'rObt. a If Every type ot insurance written found a semblance of order. Vol- been sent to the wrong fetation, j pality of Tel Aviv is now facing. tacks that might btherwise be is a volume heartily recommend-1 OiSOOp ACCUSeCI OF 21 M r o n t Companies *r£L- AVIV, PALESTINE-. The untary contributions- had begun They needed sardines, not * bolog-1 As soon as'the etacUatM quart- aimed at the government. They ed for your vacation bookshelf. AT ?667 WA B16C to come in. Primuses, kitchen •ily of Tel Aviv is:noted- for its na. Then a voluntary worker I ers were declared safe by auth- don't exactly volunteer for this For it is a tome that will be j Uronlc state of being overcrowd- utensils, and blankets were being blew in excited and out of breath, j oritles, a "clearing commission" it is rather forced upon I talked about and quoted for' x e w Y York. W (WNS) — The Rev. •;:':il. Regardless of how speedily purchased.. . Kitchens- were being One of the children in her station began to function. As quickly as them; they are unwilling heroes.! months to come. In it Bernstein ' policarp Morusca. Episcop of the improvised. Sartltary arrailget expando in all, directions there had the mumps. Where was the possible, the refugees and their If you are a Minister and hate (brings home with the .force of a | Roumanian Orthodox Church of >s n6vef quite enough robm for ments were being made. Nurses [nurse?'Then voluntary another v o l u n y scanty belongings were returned got ySUr Ministry iflto a mess, I sledge-hammer n u r s e ? Then "another the irrefutable j America, is using The Hersld, ill the newcomers. Even though and doctors^ were re maklnfe the worker blew in, equally escited! to' their honres,~except for those blame the Jews, and you will es-jj ttestimony that Facism Fascism cannot | weekly organ of the Roumanian e s m o y irick-layers sometitaes work at rounds in order to isolate i m m e d - j a n d o t l t O f-breath; One Of the | who had no homes left. Sine Since the Capd tlife tlife blame blame yourself. yourself Wh h ee nncce anything thi but b d i b l W disagreeable to;; Orthodox Episcopate of America, :. night by lantern light eager ten- lately all ill or potentially ill per- women In her station wag expect- destroyed homes "were in most your gcvernment is in a crisis j the individual believeing in the; to spread anti-Semitic and Nazi ants still move into half-finished sons, thus preventing an out- ed-to give'birth to a baby that j cases merely shanties,' Tel Aviv and fearS the people's wrath, j freedom of body, mind and coui. | propaganda among the Rouman' flats. There, ate about lSO.000 break of disease. > . night. Where""w'as the doctor t regards this as an opportunity to make toe-Jews responsible for it, S jans in this country, it is charged .mouths to be ffed. All in all, Tel After bedding and kitchen UtenThen came the Sabbath. " The eradicate a slum. ^ and the people's wrath will be Aviv has her hands niore than sils had been supplied through refugees were determined that | (Copyright 1§36 by Seven Arts diverted from the government (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts! in an open letter addressed to him by Leo Wolfson. president of Feature Syndicate.) Cull taking care o t h e r own popu* the combined efforts of the Mun- the mere fact of their having I Feature Syndicate.) and against the Jews. If you have the United Roumanian. Jeivs of latiott. ; ^ . icipality and the population as started a lyar and are defeated, America. :•.'.. So ii anyone had said sonle individuals, two problems loomed blame it 6n the Jews,- 'and the nibnths ago that 10,000 more large, namely-food and clothing. • The letter points ou tthat. when people will forget your own part .-. men, vrome.il and children would ThJe majority of the refugees had the Reverend Morusca first came in it. And when thfere is a cerbe suddenly dropped into the lai> only the clothes on their'backs to this country he to'id the Routain job that you want to put of the city, the population and Everything was needed, from through quietly, without any . the Municipal Council would have men's 'shirts to babies' diapers. public notice of what you are thrown up its hands in hortdr There was no time to lose. Andoing, start an uproar against the and replied,- "Impossible!•'•.-' And nouncements were pasted on Jews, and while that is raging it theyuhad known that the 10,- boardings. The population renobody will have time to observe By KOBERT STOXE | H ,--j 000 would conio with praetlcally sponded quickly. Those who had you achieving your real objective. NORTH AMERICA no more possessions than the no discarded clothing to give for It's an old policy and it rarely THREE UNITED S T A T E S ^ clothes on their backs, the Mun- the emergency, gave from their ! While serious books analyz- Bright Morning," a savage, Satire fails; Many a government has SENATORS SAIL FOR P^LES- m . icipal Council would not have own clothes closets. Even those been Saved that way." In giving1 thought to a life insurance program TINE We do hope things i -i; had the strength to throw up living In the suburbs telephoned, ing the set-up |of modern dic- published by Stokes* do you add to your life insurance policies their hands; For, in view Of ih-asking that lorries be sent to col- tatorships have kept the pressWith a Similar brush of c'an- will have quieted down By the. s Although dictatorship a. la fastime tbey s e t there es busy within the,past several' creasing demands in-many direc- lect the contributions. cism is s o laughing matter - - dor' "does ~Bern7tein""depict "the i haphazardly? years, satirical take-offs on the" tions, the Council has been puckmake-up of a dictator, in a - I ^ ^ S During- the first few days the "Iron men" have been negli- and no testimony on thet point is versatlon one of the characters t NEIGHBORS AGAINST : • erings its brow.over the balance need at this time Bernstein, Or, &re they takea out for v specific purposes, OTHER ON R A C I A L \ of the budget. How then could volunteer, workers handled the gible. The void is filled by HH- pho previously scored ft hit with remarks: "You know what «ome E A C H lel Bernstein,'brother of the The teal neigh-: ^ GROUNDS they be expected to provide 30,- food situation. Suge^kettles of Punch-and-Jndy shows are like-1 GROU such as a clean-up fund, mortgage insurance, "L"Affaire Jones," in a series of 000 meals a day for the1 unex<- soup, beans and potatoes were late Herman Bernstein, in a skilful shafts brings home the All the characters are ridiculous, borly spirit is what all the world and educational endowments for the children? cooked in private homes and coh-j savage satire here reviewed by : !§§ pected guests? they all nave clubs, and they needs. veyed to the stations, where tea, j Maurice A, Shochatt, column- point that no dictator Would be HARVARD PROFESSOR LEG] = 1 whack each other unmercifully. But Tel Aviv is a yo-iragrclty. bread., herring ;and other acces- ist of The Baltimore Jewish firtnly ensconced in his throne to- As for the comic strips, you know TURES NA2I STUDENTS OK SERVICE. LIFE REPRESENTATIVE* ' are day were it not for the build-up, sories were supplied by the MunWhat it lacks ifl.experience, it Times The Eklitoi\ RACE EQUALITY This is. p that they specialize in violence; trained in planning your life insurance program ballyhoo and adroit manipula£ i virility virilit i icipaMty., more or less, throwing pearls beup in more than moe t £ tions of a horde of functionaries. some one is always being kicked fore swine. Within a short space of time, h or clubbed, and the result Is supIts heart and' pocket-book have the Municipality had the situaWith the sabre-rattling ges-jThe stage effects concocted for CHRISTIAN NEIGHBORS DEtelephone Al-lls>U the faculty Of expanding iike a tion in band and had decided to tures of , Hitler and Mussolini) the rise of a dictator are step by posed to be amusing. Perhaps it MAND REMOVAL OF NEW JERis amusing, when confined to the rubber balloon to meet emergent allot three piastres a day to each Serving as the Damoclean sWord step described, in this volume, j limits of a tiny pupp<=t-show or a SEY TALMUD TORAH AS TOO ' ' making ' a refugee. Since the food was-be- suspended above the dove of via Keets Wilber, an American strip in a newspaper. But sup- NOISY . . . They're probably the Therefore, without JOHN. A. EEEER, General Agent . loud outcry for outside assifer ing purchased in bulk, this sum peace, thousands of individuals in millionaire, who comes in con- pose those characters should sUd- sort of people who have their loudspeakers going full blast untance, Tel Aviv buckled down to was sufficient to supply sustain- Europe and- America, fearful over with Winsatz, the ruler suddenly come to life, and govern It .the overwhelming task of caring ing and nourishing food, includ- the revival of another world war, preme of the mythical country with their clubs anfi Slapsticks? til l&te into the night. ing fresh Tnuva milkand leben LATIN AMERICA are following with unmitigated Bidlo. Readers who regularly • for the ten thousand refugees Suppose they caught the feVer of • who streamed' into the city-fol- for the children, and sometimes seriousness the pronunciamentos follow the newspapers will have - nationalism? Would i t b e very I MEXICO EXPELS LEADER ; §|i for the grown-ups. v of those glorified prima dongas. n o lowing the outbreaks in Jaffa. difficulty in d i s c o v e r i n g j a m u s i n g f o r t h e r e s t o f u s ? . . . jO F _ A N T I - S E M I T I C G O L D ; g Soon after the'slaughter began ^Despite the > stress and" strains Every, movement of theirs is throughout the book mannerisms OMAEA But now, we supput it that all these strutting he- SHIRTS in the port town, on" Sunday, there was much comedy in these chronicled in all the four corners practiced, by the chief that are roes, dictators and sub-dictators, pose, he'll look for more fertile \ =g .April 19th, the pathetic proces- refugee kitchens. Many newly' of the ejkrth; and they" are sel- nothing but exact portrayals of not only in Bidlo but in other Soil in which to sow his seeds of j g | | • [Hitler and Mussolini. sion began to trek into Tei Aviv. arrived German women pitched dom off'the front page. • JOHN A. FAEBEE, President i l l countries as well* are simply late."-' " ' , Some came from quarters in Jaf-in and their bit. But theIt is no wonder therefore that! After a series of adventures coinld-strip and Punch-and-Judy ECROPK !B§ 1 fa which were under attack. Oth- Oriental Jew was an unknown writers have pounced on the j the American millionaire aiscov- characters who have broken loose NORWAY REJECTS FASCIST j |§= ers came from quarters near the creature to; them. They planned theme of dictatorship with the j ers that the Potentate of Bidlo is from their appointed confines, DEMAND TO EXPEL TROTSKY ' =§'" . boundary ,line which were in a their menus to suit the German eagerness of a sweltering mortal | nothing but "a sauerkraut Ca- have taken on life, size and powprecarious position. The major-' palate and were surprised to find plunging into the inviting depths i pone with a shirt, an ideology er, and are overwhelming the ~:ity o t t h e n l were Oriental JewSi themselves the centre of a storm •of ' a body-chilling pool. But [and a goose-step; the chief eun- world. It is, in short, a - revolu- j Some had come to Palestine but of protest. They didn't know the whereas serious books analyzing | uch of the harem of big busi" tidn of Clowns who hftve gone; iecSntly from Yemen, Persia or affection .whjch the Oriental Jew the. set-up, of modern dictator- j ness; a tin-pot Siegfried created into government, and who rule, Afghanistan and seemed bewlld- has for a whole raw onion! Of ships have kept the presses busy by an industrialist Wotan." But according to their orthodox princourse, much of the comedy (and j within the past several years, sat• sred by the Whole business* ; all the same the' danger signals ciples that a club and a beating From all direction's they stream- aggravation) was-caused by Ian-1 Irical take-offs on the Iron men flashing from the Country df this solves all problems." j ed Into the city. They came by guage difflculity. ,How was a j holding within the hollow of monster cannot be ignored. For: As for a solution, the reader {dot, in lorries, and Borne of them German n«^rr.nn „., A™—i«-i —i.,«t«-.r or, American voluntary their hand th'e destiny of thou- "Bidlo is now one huge dragon. might be consoled with the re* were even seen flying through worker to discourse with a Yem- sands of individuals have to date which it marks of the director .6f an- inthe .streetB on the back of police enite mother who spoke only Ar- been negligible. The void is fill- The ftostrils from motorcycles. And what a queer abic? ,/yiddiah, Hebrew, and about ed at last, successfully at that, belches flame and smoke are mu- sane asylum who soothes an innition factories which Bidlo is mate with the declaration: "You 'array of articles they cling to! sixteen other known and id un-iby Hillei Bernstein in "Choose a'preparing for Var. Soon the drag- ought to be very glad you are • Some' came with nothing at all. 'Others brought the closest things -at hand:-a stray bit of bedding, a few cooking utensils, an armcHalr, or a baby's crib. At first glance it looked like a Children's Crusade. There were children of all shapes, sizes, and ages, -for the Oriental Jews tend toward W g e families. Their eyes, •which are usually dar.k and large, seemed darker and iafger •than ever. They had no notion Wher* Omalia Shops from what they were fleeing. £ut they clung to their mothers' W i t h Confidence! Bkirt3 and fled. Many of them •enjoyed,, the, adventuresome excitement.- Riding into Tel Aviv oq a lorry was a change from the .usual' routing o'£ playing in the streets of Jaffa. l • It was such a group of bewilf dered, dispossessed folk that con-, fronted Tel Aviv. Within •• •le'ss than a day, 26 so-called 'stations' Don't put H off. larestigcJe the convesSence «aad comfosrt thcrt had been commandeered in vat-' go wife clito23stic GAS hectl Osaichcs will never forget th* ious parts ot the city, and before the end of the -week, 80 euch'starigors of lest winter . . « with Its weeks ©f 8ufo*ger© ]tions were functioning. A ''staYou can have'en autesaetic GAS EUEKEH put is fear tion" meant anything from the t' csltensg: or ehctagiag r©"or preseat hecrtlacr plcmt Great Synagogue to the Mograbi Opera House. It included practically all the synagogues, sports clubs, meeting houses, and vacant halls. "Those hectic days revealed that there are a few vacant flats and vacant rooms in Tel Aviv. These too were taken tor the refugees and turned into , "stations." Hoof, courtyards and tennis coUrst became stations. ' On the first night ot the evacution, 1 happened to wandfer into ohe of the synagogues, which We will be very cjad to survey ysns? host® You who buy trUtHy with an eye to thi fnttsre (fcfld= wa3 sheltering 500 refugees. They {t -^c Month i . » estiaffite EJS eost of gas tiecsa»§ e a i §lvm were- sttread.out on the H66r. Old ydur hiidjiet) will De delighted With the levely Pttf all details concerning Shis sssdera ms\6' ., ,»] «"*« ar Automatic folks were sitting helplessly in (Seats in this gyoap. Adtaaced strifes —tsrorkfaani-*iS. U f K H K in your the corners. Mothers -were nursof |»esjii-re Isoffle hsaiiiig. M 'Tiptc Take advantag* ship and details i&i liner than the ^rice iadicates tas babies. Some people were There is 'absolutely no obllgsilen. FIED OUT ft1 these btiusuaUy lew . . . pelts thit fcrs tht jsich of th« isassa. • arranging makeshift beds from tt-ths r K j O Y VOURII6W. CcS Atlesatic &7& blankets. Others had no blanSELF TKXS WINTER. kets. Volunteer workers werfe struggling to make some order 6ut of chaos! But one wondered trom what they Expected to make the order. t h e s e
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TEe same scene -was being reshicted in all parts df the city. Hundred of' housewives had temporarily desterted their own families to care for the refugees. But how to care for them — that was question. The country was ll in a state of tension.
AND PAY LATER Third Floor-
By the Rev. DR. L. M. BIRKHEAD A merciless factual exposure ing population books, of the anti-- aims of these groups are the folof Fascism and anti-Semitism Semitic variety. My visit to thelowing: In America! Dr. .L.'M. Birk- offices and store • rooms, of this To persuade and to force Gerhead has just concluded a spec- :ompany convinced me of its very mans and German-American merial investigation-tour o£ the lose Nazi connections. chants to boycott Jewish ' mercountry, examining personally The "World Service" bulletins chants. the men and work of anti-Sem- are sent out regularly from ErTo represent." and defend Nazi itic organizations in the United furt, Germany to anti-Jewish ermany and to spread Nazi '• States. • groups and publications. These propaganda into every section of The Seven Arts Feature Syn- bulletins are a familiar sight to America. • dicate and The. Jewish Press To combat the boycott of Gerwill present i)r. Birkhead's five man goods, which, they say, "is articles on his findings. Tliese designed to inflict hardship and articles are copyrighted by the misfortune • upon American citiSeven Arts Feature. Syndicate. zens of. every extraction except Reproduction in whole or in the Jews." ' part is forbidden.To create the proper racial The first of Dr. Birkhcad's arpride and combativeness " among ticles is presented herewith. all persons of Aryan and Nordic extraction. THE EDITOR All of the above organizations, groups and societies have the cloAmerica, Fascism and antisest possible affiliations with Semitism are at your door! MoveNazi Germany. Directly or indiment? in the direction of a Hitrectly they are subsidized by the lerized America are springing up Nazi Party or other organized in every section. of the country. forms of Hitlerism in Germany. On every front —^economic, poliIt is interesting ' to note also tical, social and religious —-the that wherever one goes in the Fascists and anti-Semites are reUnited States one finds the evicruiting their forces for a violent dences of the activities . of these overthrow of all that has been Nazi . groups. Their literature, considered the best in American usually translated into English, history — tolerance, liberty -— is spread throughout the country social, political and religious — They furnish speakers. and pamthe rights of minorities, and .a deDr. L. M. Birkhead phlets for meetings in numerous cent respect for human personalanyone who makes the rounds, of large cities. They are ever alert ity. : '".•• • • . They to propagandize in .behalf of HitTherefore, it is my considered American Fascist groups. judgement (after a careful sur- are published in three languages ler and to combat lectures and vey of the gatherings of the Fas- and do not conceal the fact that books unfavorable to Nazi Gercist and anit-Semitic forces) that they seek not profits but rather many. At the present time they Sinclair Lewis was no bogey-mon- the '/'enlightment of ill-informed are cooperating actively in behalf of a Fascist and anti-Semitic ger when he wrote. "It Can't Hap- Gentiles, irrespective of the state America. ben here." In fact, he displayed or country to which they belong." Service" ' bulletins According to my judgement, keen prophetic foresight and un- The "World usual social and political Insight. have one theme—" the machina- the most effective and the most tions of the Jewish under-world" far-reaching and vicious Nazi and The things that his prognosticatand the necessity of Gentiles to anti-Semitic propaganda is being i n g and self-satisfied Vermont be aware of this Jewish conspi- carried on in.America under the neighbors said could not happen racy. personel direction of the notor. in America are actually happenThe "Fichte Association" of ious Julius Streicher, the world's • ing and there is serious question as to whether, now that Fascism Hamburg, Germany has been foremost anti-Semite. I have perand anti-Semitism are on the way very busy sending out such pam- knowledge of his American con. they can be halted and suppress- phlets as "Hitlers Fight for hisnections. Country's- Honor and Freedom," ed. When I was in Nuremberg, A general criticism has been Fair,Play for Germany, "Adolf Germany, recently I sought an inmade against Lewis's novel to Hitler's Peace Message", "France terview with Streicher. For two the effect tnat the novelist .did —A Menace to German's Safety" days I went back and forth be:." nothing but reproduce an Ameri- and "Germany Demands Equal- tween his office- in the Nuremcan variety of German Hitlerism. ity." These pamphlets are distrib- berg Brown House and the ediIf Fascism (or Naziism) comes to uted not only at pro-Nazi meet- torial offices of Stretcher's newsAmerica, the critics say, it will ing in the United States but are* papers. His • secretary and his be an American invention and it also mailed to ill-informed Gen- editorial assistants informed me tiles." • , that when Mr. Streicher was reawill not even have a European It is-not generally known in dy to see me I would be notified. -name. Nazi Not of course by telephone, beThese critics have over-looked America that the official two important facts: First, the Party carries, on direct propagan- cause no one in Franconia, where German- Streicher is governor, is allowed " significant truth that man is an da in America among imitative animal and consequent- American citizens antl all others to communicate with Streicher by ly Fascim is more or less the who may be converted to the Nazi phone! "Not permitted to .confer Of course, .there are by telephone with only the goversame thing wherever i t ^has ap- cause. branches of the 'Storm Troopers' nor of a German state?" I asked peared. The Fascist and anti-Semitic in America whose members wear in astonishment. "That is right," secret they said. "We'are not permitted movements in America are imita- Nazi uniforms and hold ting to a marked degree the Eur- military drill and whOj when the even to telephone Mr. Stretcher's opean brands.: '.For example, ocasbn has arisen, have "pro- secretary. You see, he is very George W. Christians, -of j Chat- tected" anti-Semitic meetings and busy an dhe must be protected in tanooga, Tennessee, comtnander- heckled and attemped to break the important work he is doing.' When I discovered that Streich' in-chiew of the Crusa'der White up meetings of anti-Nazi groups. Shirts, looks for the day when It has also been called t a my at-er had' evaded me and gone to Americans will salute him with tention by responsible parties Berlin I stormed into his news"Heil Christians."- e i s ; fond of who are in a - position to know paper offices and said in a rathreferring to his White Shirts as that there is an-organization in er indignant mariner: "Well, I of German-Americans have come all the ' way from "Strom Troopers."; There are' America known as the "Tscheka", a sort America to find out the truth many other imitations of Eurosecret German-American about Germany. I have read in pean dictators, as we shall ob- of serve in our survey of American Black Legion, which has for itsthe American papers that Mr. purpose "the intimidation of Streicher Is a sex pervert; that Fascism. The other important fact gen- those Germans a n d German- he carries a- black snake whip erally over-looked is that these Americans who do. not under- which he uses on his opponents; American Fascists and anti-Sem- stand and. therefore, look unfav- that he has made himself rich by itic groups are all using Euro- orably upt'n the great work that his Jew-baiting enterprise; , that pean Nazi literature in large Hitler is doing for Germany and he has been convicted in the German court of theft, bribery and - quantities • and are being propa- Germans, every where." . embezzlement and of slander and gandized by and subsidized by Also,, there are the "Teutonia numerous European Nazi organi- Society," the "German Alliance" libel. I shall have to go back zations, /including ,the Nazi Party the "German-American Economy to America believing that these Surely, Mr. in Germany. I mean that Nazi Alliance"-, "German Womanhood, things are true. money is being used to make "Friend. of the New Germany,' Streicher, who could tell me the whys and wherefores of anti-SemAmerica Fascist and anti-Semitic. (recently reorganized as the I have been amazed at : the ex- '•'German-American League") and itism, should have seen me and tent of the subsidies extended to numerous other' groups enjoying set me right, if I am wrong. ] propaganda for Fascism and anti- close alliance with the Nazi Par- shall have to believe that Mr, Streicher is a sadist and that his Semitism in the United States. Any one who investigates the matter will be likewise astoundcd.—%t is-wnt-—rtifHrailt tn^ discover the activities of the numerous organizations, and individuals which are carrying on for a reproduction in America of all that has happened in Europe under European dictatorships. First-of all there are the organizations and groups which are functioning directly from-- Ger•' many. Recently the "Peoples League for Germanism in Foreign. Lands" (or, as it is frequently referred to in the press, "League of ..Germans Abroad") has been receiving wide publicity. This organization is trying desperately to promote Nazism among the more than: 10,000,000 Germans wlio live in- foreign lands. It operates from Berlin and has been particularly active its efforts::to.propagandize the German- population of 9,000,000 souls in America. It furnishes the most vicious sort of antPSemitic "facts and figures" to American- groups which: are preaching hatred of the Jews. For example the Edmondson ^Economic Service, the Eight Cause. Publishing Company and the Defenders of the Christian Faith are jimong the American beneficiaries of the "League, of Germans Abroad." : The Germans Import Book Company (27 Park Place, New York City) importg^jind.. distributes among - the German-speak-
peclal gift is the spread of pornography and the hatred of Jews throughout Germany. It must be that Mr. Streicher is afraid; that he has something to hide from American eyes. Am I right?" After this outburst' of "righteous indignation" "the editorial assistance, through whom I bad been seeking an interview -with the important Nazi leader, went into a huddle. Presently one of them wrote something on a sheet of paper and handed it to me with, the following advice: "We are sorry that'you did-not get to see Mr. Streicher. But he was called to Berlin on important business. ; (I- found- out later that he went to a dinner party). But if you will go t o t h i s address you will secure the information which you want. It is only a short distance from this "office — a few blocks. You will notice the sign, 'Fencing School' over the door of the office, and, if you will go in, your questions will be answered." I followed the advice of Streicher's edtorial assistants and sought out the "Fencing School." I found that office in an old building, on the- third floor and in a t remote part of the building. When I walked in a gentleman said rather, gruffly to me: ''How did you get in here?" When I showed him the piece of paper on which the piece of paper on which the editor, had written the address, he smiled and invited me into an inner office. . . (Copyright 1936> by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
Laros zeh, Roniec ? is what the the head office boy, burst into Ish emigration from r " v n, Palestinian's ears may be hear- print with that interview with h a d been s t e m m e d , ilip \ \i>. > lid ing some day soon . . „ Which is Governor Talmadge of Georgia, Hebrew, if the office linguist the the office is is being swept by by aa WCT isn't double-crossing Mr. Peters, j veritable renaissance . . . The sat-i~.au for that fairly well-known line, lest to display lit'ry talent is Sam, "Wherefore art thou, Romeo?" jwho, turning to poetry, submits Vr.~-, * * * , the following: " SHIP NEWS: Wonder why ^HE tTEW: ' Judge William M. Lewis of Phil- Livid, scarifying lines are r
By- the Service Life Insurance adelphia, acting president., of the ;E l l r c t • Company, Omaha
; VOLI _ V f
iEto t h e
ZOA, was so anxious to go down |B e a n j e ( i faCe Old age will come upon you the bay the other day to meet the j just as it comes upon everyone Nazi liner Bremen? . ... And v " Q yiH e *;<•«. and -will bring the infirmities that we'se on the subject of wonder-1 W a i U ^ pat ieiiUy for are common to the last years of I ing,. what was behind that sudthe Blow life. j den change in Dr. Stephen S. |F o r U l e M o w v M c h w U 1 faU> Where is fine business judg-! Wise's speech at a press confer- j nient when the body gets closer j enca preceding the opening o£ j ^ j w a and closer to the setting sun? j the Geneva congress?-. . . In t h e j F a I ' l s " Of what accounting is the rela-| prepared -version of the address,' tive merit of that bond or this Dr. Wise made several very unwhen the burdens of many years friendly remarks about the Amer- In melancholy optimism ican Jewish Committee . . . E u t | H e knows dim the sight of patient eyes? Why all this, when it is unnec- when it came to delivering the | T h a t E ' o m e d a y essary, when the life . nsurahce speech, those remarks were omit- j Man plan will guarantee an income to ted . . . Which sounds as if the | Will congress diplomats, hoping still j Change . . . the very last hour of life. In effect, the life insurance to sway the Committee and oth-1 plan says: "Arrange with us to er non-participating jroups to And even the Jew will live have your Income distributed so play ball with the •Congress, In that the income combines with swooped down on Dr. Wise at Peace . . „ the principal in such a way that the last moment and put their —S. S. the fund never will be exhausted censorship shears to good use . . . (Copyright 19S6, Jewish * * * until the object for which it was j graphic Agency, Inc.) BOOKS: What is described as created has been accomplished.
irac jturp c " . I exc l.r O' | K Vc'v,' : "a. cV- \ \ the 1. e ! ! reg"'( i ratlpr ' I.v j - r T.-n
Vc: A. Tele-
"Under life-insurance plans on | "a dispassionate, authoritative,: r v m r c "?" 1 and comprehensive study of race i ixf I ££, 1 & iViilVE. I antagonism, with special empha- j
the e first^ay of each month, year after year,. despite financial calamities, wars, depressions, crises, no matter what happens, the check will.be-in. the mail box, a single without the. waste of
sis on its manifestations in the! twentieth century," is being pub-1 lished bv Viking August 24 un-!
Moscow (WNS)
ment at LtlK the HiL slow der the blunt title oi "Anti-Sem- i ^ " t *" 'w ^mP° o £t h e cent, with every dollar giving 100 | itism" . . . It w a s written i*]™™*™*} of Biro Eidjau vas cents of s e r v i c e - and" all.- this. Swedish by Hugo Valentin, his- j l ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ without-a cent of distribution tory lecturer of the University of Upsala, and translated by A. G. Ijdiscussion of reports on Biro Bidcost to you." Chater . . . A cursory giance i a n Progress at a meeting of the through a review copy of the I Central Executive Committee, the book leaves us .with the belief I Highest body in the U. S. S. U. that it is destined to create a pro- • Kalmin, the father of the :..-•found impression in important Eidjan project, a\nd other niurnon-Jewish as well as Jewish, cir- bers of the Executive, discu.«tV cles . . . One section of the work, the matter after hearing reports I however, will probably be greet- \ ^ o n a f o s e P h _ Liberberg. head of 1
with considerable skepticism! the K r ° Eidjan government and . It 5s the part in which he IB o m Trotzki, head of the Cornstates that "'Hitler has not been set. particularly fortunate hitherto in j The reports revealed ths.t Biro j ! his endeavors to implant his j Bidjaii has a poulation of 6S.OC0, jj hatred of the Jews in other na- of whom 8,000 are Jews. Oilf with a retinue of brief-cased dip- i tions," and cites the cold recep- these 10,000 settled there since i! 1 lomatic experts . . . And, with the j tion London gave his envoy ^ . o - 1SS4 when Eiro Eidjan was pro- ! swift instinct of • a born gate- j senberg after the Nazis Claimed a Jewish autonomous re-.i crasher, the professor, also lug-1 power . . . He qualifies in ging his inseparable brief case, J nest (and saving) breath by ecyjoined the group and breezed | ing that "an anti-Semitic ag.tsinto the august assembly hall as tion directed and in part financed cool as you please . . . from Berlin, is still being earned ' • • • • • Ion in the United States, Kumarir, T PUNISHMEKT? W onder if, in j and elsewhere," and that "it rethat last-minute.. substitution that mains to be seen" whether this deprived the two Jewish boysNagitation is more successful tnan Glickman and Stoller, of a chance |\he "revolutionary agitation er to show their stuff at the Olym- j ganized by Mcsecv.- tr.rcugfc.out pics, the U. S. Olympic officials the world when the Fc'.stcviks were inspired by a desire to pun- seized pov-er in TwUsfja.'' * «• * ish all of. American Jewry for having tried to stop United States POLITICS: The otre- c?y Senparticipation in the games? „ . . ator Royal S. Ccpelard End * * * of his Senatorial buddies up-anTHEATRICS: Here's the inside chored and sailed for Palestine on why the Federal Anglo-Jew- on an "unofficial s-i '-Ve:"" cf ish theatre was consolidated with health and other conditions there '» the Yiddish unit One of the . . . An observer of the political || Senlast performances of the Anglo- scene suggests ttat the good n Jewish troupe was in Newark • . ator lit out for the Kc. y Lend r The outfit crossed the "Hudson at at this particular time to save Utla cost of $21 . . . And when they him from embarrassment during I got to the playhouse in Newark, the coming political cair-ps-ign ift cr »ifTr they found an audience that had And an impsrtial observer turned in the grand total of one • comment t t s t ducting out of a dollar and five cents to the box jj red-hot political carrpaign to office jj to the Holy Land t t a time J.ke } (this, is what is proverbially t ed
RENT NOTE:." It cost the World Jewish Congress $5,000 to rent the League of Nations Assembly Hall for" its session at Geneva, our scout at the conclave reports". . . The sum was pledged by . the American delegates at a luncheon shortly after the congress opened . . . With the American contingent' undertaking to raise fifty percent of the $75,000 budget adopted for. the first Congressional year, it's beginning to look' as if the boys on this side of the "yam" are expected to be the permanent angels . . . As Simon Marks of London' neatly put it when he," Lord Bearsted and Sir Herbert 'Samuel came over' last Spring, England and the others would like to be America's "junior partners." •
GATE CRASHER: One-eyed Connolly, the famous gate crash1 er, has nothing on Dr. Oscar I. Janowsky of. the City College of N. Y. . . . While returning with his • family from a trip to Palestine, he stopped off at Geneva to attend the Congress V . . But arrived before' the sessions opened, while HaileSelassie was still at Geneva,. . . And decided he'd like to attend a League of Nations As-
j I
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ROMEO IN HEBREW: Romeo j known as hopping from the frrsembly meeting So he tried and Juliet, Metro-Goldwyn-May- ing pan into the fire . . . Dr. to walk in (just like fiat) and er's film of " the Shakespearean j Copeland, take our word for it. was turned back, not having the classic which opens in New York j health conditions ir. Pales.ite on A'ugust 26, is being titled in right now ccuKl hardly he vprpc As he was necessary pass turning dejectedly, from the door. Hebrew- for a run in Jerusalem along came 'the Lion of Judahand other Palestinian ciites
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Page 4
can correspondent •. gave some Fascist was a-profit-making- job, th of the Nazi Party, the dispatch inkling of what was up for they therefore he could not turn at I said. JeviBk communities were spoke of Owens as "The Brown down because it expresses certain I reported ewampefi v:ith ReplicaThe cross-ctirrents encircling Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, By AL SEGAL Bombshell." views. I tions for emigre.Hon. tc pRlestJn* the. radio priest, leave the spectator more and more bewilam rather glad now t h e In fact, it is -that reference The pricier explained that he j'&nd other countries, Published every tViday at Omaha,'Nebraska, by — Olympic games were held in Berwhich gives the whole thing knew The Fascist expressed sev- I The news agency declared the dered. Not so long ago, the head of the National Union for lin. They served so well to give THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY rere criticism of the Jews but wave of propaganda was apparent Social Justice denied he had anti-Semitic leanings, a charge the -world ( a n d particularly away. Germany ^was defeated and said that 'this was no new thing.' I in deni;nciations by Jatholic, la-. -" ~ — America) a proper measure of brought against him because he seemingly insisted on using Aryan superiority vas for the He said King Edward I, Chaucer, ! bar peasalit and merchant organSubscription Price, one year - - - " ? * <• $2.00 s Advertising rates furnished on application. moment eclipsed not by non-Ary- Shakespeare and "thousands of only Jewish names when referring to international bankers Hitler. He, running away rather than I an speed but by Jewish nitro- other people" had done the same j izatiotis M-ho Charged the Jewg with raving: the vp.y for Comand implied that Jewish bankets were the cause of the world's greet the Negro champion, Jesse glycerine. and that "it's happened through- | munism. The campaign is not Editorial Office! 600 Brandels Theater Buildings Owens, dwindled even in the eyes monetary ills* * More than this I may not say ! confined to the Kazis, but hag Blotti City Offic&=^Jewlsh Community Center of these Americans who entertain but eventually it (or something out history." Regarding the ritual murder i drawn the participation of liberal Ifl his addi'esses before 11,000 followers at Cleveland this a secret yearn*-^ for dictators. DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing EdltW like it) will all come out from I statement, the printer claimed • national elements, past week, the' Uev. Coughlin was ohce again a paradox in his Jesse Owens"»<ked the bigger official Nazi sources. FRANK R. ACkERMAN fiditor i the encyclopedia mentions it raid j Jewish leaders in Vienna were treatment of the Jewish question. This paradox is seen by man. FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffa. Iowa. Correspondent And yet my more evil nature i that, saicts have been created ; quoted as asserting' that 60 per And yet one must regard Hit- crops out after all ES I come to ! who were said to have been niurPILL * « * * stoux City,'loWa. dorreapdndeHt comparing the parts of bis speeches given on two different Pflnt Shop Address: 4804 So. 24tb Street ler with a certain sympathy. He the „„„ end „ of ^ this piece. It causes | dered that way. He confessed, ! cent of the Jewp in Austria have days and.dealing with anti-Senlitism. At the opening of the must have been for the hour com- me to : reached e state of poverty as a say: however, he had no decided views result cf the anti-Semitic propaconvention he eloquently deplored the lack of brotherliness pletely bewildered. Jesse Owens "But Hitler did run away from on the subject one way or anoth- !ganda. An unnamed leader was in Christian treatment of JeWry through the centuries. And couldn't be explained as other Jesse Owens! Little poltroon i er. calamities of Germany h a v e running away from an act of I Leese on the other hand de- ! piloted: then, at the last session, he made a-bitter tirade against Jewish been; at least it couldn't be made good sportsmanship! The lowest The first world Jewish congress has closed its deliberations 1 m&nded the charge be withdrawn !| "One can no longer finfl any ethics and Challenged American Jewry to declare their stand immediately clear that Jesse of all the records in the Olym- : on the ground that the Jewish |! Jews in the Austrian state d6« in Switzerland, in the land which welcomed the first Zionist oil the principle of "love thy neighbor." It seems to be an Owens was but a creature of in- pics!" | people were an 'indefinite entity' I partments. nor in the Austrian ternational Jewry working for Congress. We are too close to it to determine the measure of (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts : and that ninety pet" cent of the I !courts. The city of Vienna emoratory trick of ilev. Coughlin's to misuse words to fit his the discomfiture of Germany. success or failure which met its sessions, and it will take sevJewish people were not His Ma-.! ploys only s. ter; Jewish physicFeature Syndicate) purpose, Bev. Coughlin is well versed in Biblical teachings, Jesse Owens wasn't so easy to jesty's subjects but belong to \ians, eral monthsJto reveal -whether the world congress movement and we are certain that he well knows that this very principle understand as was Germany's every nationality. He launched a |j "Vienna hospltsls presently redefeat in the Great War. The latis headed forward or toward oblivion. '. long tirade against the Jews, tie- j: fuse to employ Jewish student of "love thy neighbor," as cited by Jesus in the Gospel, is a ter was simple enough: Germany daring the Bible supported his; doctors. In a short time, thereOn the constructive side of the ledger, the congress did quotation from the Book of Leviticus, which contains the many was not defeated by the armies charges that Jews are murderers, j fore. Austria fill have no Jewish nothing to justify criticism, all speeches and discussions being a of Conduct which God promulgated for the people of of Englafld, France and America Contending he had broken "the 1professors in the University of of a high order and showing a desire to avoid denunciation for Israel. Further, just as Jesus goes on to instruct his followers but by the Jews who also startBy O. O. DASSJEB conspiracy of silence" and that j Medicai Faculties. ed the war. "The same policy is followed ia its own sake and a readiness to concentrate on constructive tb love their enemies, Leviticus contains the injunction to lov this was "very different from And only recently every 'alert other university branches. In th* causing discontent," Leese plead-; measures! The dongress created a framework fdr a federation the Stranger "as thyself." Therefore', it is unnecessary far Nazi was quick to see that it The heart of the wise teacheth ed not guilty to the charges, i past two years no Jewish teaof Jewish communities to act id concert on matters affecting mouth and addeth learning to chers have been, given position* the Jewish people to make any formal statement On the ques could be none other than the his hands of Spanish Jews that guid- his lips. in the Austrian high schools." the protection-of the equality status of the Jew and his econtion Of neighborly love - - believing Jews, like believing Chris ed the rifles which killed the . A forward man soweth strife omic rehabilitation. Plans for establishing a central bureau and a whisperer separateth famtians, observe this principle as one of the doctrines of their Nazis in revolutionary Spain. Berlin — Reich eporte authof relief and emigration and a central Jewish people's fund Thus Jews have served to coin- iliar friends. faith. . •,.... • orities last week ordered alt pleaA man of violence enticeth his fort Nazis in most of their travfor organising" an economic commission and for the formation sure-craft owners, including rowneighbor and leadeth him into According to Father CoUghlin all the evils of the modern ails. of i. permanent economic servide to "rationalize" Jewish social boats and punts, to display the way that is not good. But Jesse Owens matter was official swastika flag-. relief, are indicative of the readiness of the (Jdhgress to deal world are to be traced back te What he calls the Jewish "system not to easily1 to be solved. Jesse An evil-doer giveth heed Of a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye." Curiously enough Owens had run faster than could wicked lips and a liar giveth ear with the Jewish problem realistically. . v.: though he is a modern man, the Reverend Father seems to in be tolerated in any non-Aryan. If to a mischievous tongue. New York (JTA) — The AsOn the other hand, everything at, the congress did not Menorahs, Jewish Music, Bibles Answer a fool according to his sociated Press reported from terpret these phrases literally. "We should like to suggest that he had been an inhabitant of foolery, lest he be wise in his Vienna that Austria's £50,000 ! Gertaahy it would have been pass off peacefully; Almost as §66n as'the Sessions opened, he read them-in their proper Context, as part of codes which known what to do with such im- own eyes. Jews are watching with growing swastikas were painted On a door of the building. This was Who can say: "I have made anxiety the spread of a new antispecify What restitution must be made for damage done and pudence. followed by fi clash in the Streets betiveeh Socialists and antiHe could have been put into my heart clean, I am pure from Semitic campaign close on the What punishment is to tie meted out for various crimes. He heels of the Austrian, pact, of Semites. Dr. Wise received several threatening letters. .Also, a concentration camp and given my sin." Dealer In will then see that even as originally formulated, ten centurie§ friendship with Nazi Germany. TALMUD the beatings that would have adan unpleasant moment was faced when five American radicals* TALEISIM - PRAYER BOOKS Rabbi Juda said, "A person is befdr'e the time of Jesus, the "system of a tooth for a tooth monished him never again to Some Jewish leaders believe elected by Jewish groups in this country, demanded to be in Yiddish and English and an eye for ari eye" was merely a way of expressing, in challenge Aryan superiority. He not allowed to eat before he feeds Austria is no longer a safe harRes. (60S No. E04h SS. GL-S97S seated but Were barred on the grdund that they refused to bor lot their people, largely fes a could have been expelled from his cattle. P. O. 8nx 710 Omaha, NebP. Three things have a great in- result of the treaty and the growcondemn the Palestine Commuiiists for siding with the Arabs* words comprehensible to a primitive people, the principle that the land and thereby Germany fluence on the mind of. a man: the punishment mtist fit the crime. could have been made safe for Aside from attempting to coordinate various Jewish activities, Aryan runners and jumpers. He melody, change of scenery and a Eftjcy DOUBLE-ffiELLOW Old Gate Cigm^cs vith root the congress, having Ho actual powers, could only serve ds a could have been barred from the pleasant odor. Three things help to develop German ualversitie. and thus all voice, of protest for the Jewish people. Persecution of Jewry the mind of a man: a fine home, the campuses would have been By Rabbi Frederick dofcn and economic discrimination were denounced, but even the made' sure o£ victories for the a beautiful-looking wife, and eleThe World Jewish Congress has come and gone. It has blonds. voice of prfctest was partially stilled. Various governmerits gant furniture. . ' Rabbi Juda said: "Hospitality were understood to have exerted diplomatic pressure on'del not Set the river on fireV nor the World either (for which we This had been done with the is a greater virtue than receiving gations to prevent reports on persecutions in the respective are supremely grateful). If it has not realized the fears of its Jews, but there was nothing to the Schechina." be done about Jesse Owens, a countries from being read. Gerrdany had nt> delegation. The opponents, who predicted all manner of evil consequences, guest of Germany protected by Rabbi Poppa said, "At the Rumanian Jewish leader^ Meyer Ebiiefj instead of talking of neither has it fully realized the" expectations of its friends, been the arhenities of civilized nations height of success you have many but at the gates of dispersecution in his own country, spoke 6f Germany; Austrian, the mighty force that its sympathisers dnd Well-wishers had which for the time being were al- friends, grace all your friends are gone." lowed to prevail in Gerinahy. Latvian and Lithuanian Jewish delegations were siient. Only hoped that it might be. On the whole, I think it must be adRabbi Abba said, "To loan Nor (what was worse) was it the Polish delegation defied pressure and read an impassioned mitted, it ha§ done some good. It presented the spectacle of a easy at that moment to show that money to the needy is more wordeclaration placing blame for pogroms at the' dfior of the Polish large number of representative Jews (even if they did not rep- the Jews had soinethiag to do thy than to give charity and to guarantee for a poor man is the resent the whole world, although even as it was they repre- with Jesse Owens' victories. The greatest philanthropy." government. . Eiders of Zioii seemed far froin sented Only too well the real character and condition of the the dark, fleet legs of Jesse At home my name gives me iny If the constructive ideas advanced at the congress can be Jew), a dignified assembly containing some of the most prom- Owens. They were at the time proper position but abroad I am 1 fruitfully carried out, Jewry dan benefit. The months ahead judged by my clothes. inent Jews of the world. They accomplished all that they could hatching this and that in Mad•will tell whether the world Jewish; congrfess idea is here td Our Rabbis were taught: "He red, in Paris, in Washington, in . be eipected to accomplish, and perhaps even more, took such Tokyo and it wasn't yet clear by Who judges hi3 associates in quesstay, in Jewish, life or whether it i£ a nie'teoi1 which flashed steps aS were practically possible and which perhaps will prove what means they could have giv- tionable acts with an inclination across the Jewish sky. *.X his favor will be judged with later to.havs been of the greatest.benefit to the Jew: steps to en tfiis speed to Jesse Owens' in favor from above." legs. Although the sc&ssn is safeguard the Jew's good name, his economic and social conNor were the professors of radition in iVafious countries, steps to counteract and-^testroy cial science immediately at hand en the w&nc, & comthe inroads and the spread of anti-Semitism. "What eise can to give an explanation of these plete selection of Cool A new tarn in. the Arab disorders in Palestine dimmed the the JeW dot He cannot take up arms against his enemies dark legs doing as they did, ConClothes e.vs-aits you zt trary to the theories. brightening hope of an early peace in the Holy Land. Since Even if he were a nation, as the Zionists who favor the creSo it Is not difficult to guess The Nebraska, Buy for the British, government had warned that. the Royal Commis- ation of an autonomous Jewish state profess to desire, he Mr. Hi tier *s"-distress in thS emerthe remainder of this sion which will investigate Palestinian conditions would not could Hot be in a position' to be a match for stronger nations ;ency. Tlie impossible Owens was" funning all over the place season . . . and lot next Start until order would be restored, it was considered fairly who are opposed to him. Would thfe Jewish State go'to wart Inexplicably. Mr. Hitler had alTo Be First Race libel Ttizl Certain that the riotiiig would taper off. However, it now If so, what chance Would it have militaristically against such ways before met every probleta summet. in. History of i seems evident that followers of the Grand Mufti still want a power as Germ&ny, oi? evfefl Poland, of Roumania? What that gave a pairi to Germans by pointing to Jews; but now there England '< ; : to fight, .'"".•"•.•- : . , . chance had Ethiopia with right and justice on its side against was nothing for Mr. Hitler to do ——~~——• i The New 7/n—n London (JTA) — The way was [ the League of Nations on its but to run away i rota. Jesse .As a consequence, the eighteenth week of Palestine, riot- Italy, e-vsen with England and Cop' F r i 1 Owens. cleared this week for the first } ing turned out to be the bloodiest, tfp to now the Jewish resi- side? NOJ the Jew's weapon is not war. That may be the If Americans understand the race libel trial in English Mstcry A rttfelrlin- , ,/* these n c r ic;f > ». dents in Palestine have shown unusual restraint and have re-; resort and the reliance of the non-Jew, perhaps; of the 'Aryan,' matter in this way, they will look when a magistrate's court comtropical c c t t c t i ceived the commendation of thinkers iil all parts of the world forwith, with his glorification of war" and his cult of force and more tolerantly at Mr. Hitler mitted a Fascist publisher End| tub euitE fleeing precipitously from Jesse his printed for trial on charges j of violence and of ^unscrupulous intrigue. Long ago it was for. their ability to passively stand by during the marauding Owens. For, though I have cdn- of "seditious libel" against t h e ; and let the British authorities deal with the Moslem renegades. said, and it still holds true of the fundamental character of fessed to inward gloating at see- Jews of England. New Palm Beselj Salts The defendants, Arnold S. i But this •week when a large number of Palesthlian Jews were the Jew, "The voice is the voice of Jacob, the hands are the ing Mr. Hltler'6 measure greatly oui: Lnd vL largest showing: of ui: vLe reduced by the incident, my betpublisher, and Walter \ Leese, B f m01 s £ u needlessly and wantonly, killed and injured, the Jewish popu- hands of Esau." The "voice is Jacob's the voice of the Prophet ter naturs has led me to try to Whitehead, printer* of The FasV t ! ^ clothes at A he iMebraska lation retaliated fdr the first time. "When, a bomb did serious of the Bible, of Religion, of Morality. Israel's are the spiritual prop hini up. cist, organ of the Imperial FasAn" Aryan dictator running cist League, were arraigned in j damage in the all-Jewish city of Tel Aviv, several inhabitants values and weapons and it places its reliance .upon the poWer Hie New Cotton e away from a non-Aryan athlete Bow Street "Court on a summons j of the spiritual even against that of the physical and the maattacked tile Arab rioters, injuring two. And when an Arab Sports Suits is no inspiring sight and, unless charging seditious libel and ere- j Make yovx s e l e c t i o n from The group, directed a hail of stones at the Jews ftoiri a train pass- terial, and in the eventual triumph of the spiritual and moral explained, may cause the pomp ation of public mischief In con- i Si fibraska's vast showing „ even against brute force, violence and hate.. Therefore the and grandeur of dictatorship to nectloii with publication of a rit\ ing from Jaffa, the Jews replied, injuring several Arabs. uai inufder libel against the | tremendous value of a World Jewish Congress, which is to appear to be only a myth. Mark Twain Linen Suits These isolated; instances reveal the end of Jewish patience have reason to believe that Jews. Both pleaded not guilty; meet every two years, though its Council Will meet every six in I the Imporied Line&-*-in white or nai. end Jesse Owens will be and were freed on bail of fifty j in Palestine. We" know" that a strongly-brganiiied Jewish selfural. : Sold eScliisively ife Oitsahs months: Let the Jew, like his fcropliet of old, "lift up his voice made clear to all Germany. When dollars each. defense exists in Palestine-and that it has been ready to Swing at The Nebraska ^ v/' 'like.a trumpet" and declare to his haters their transgression sufficie,nt time has elapsed, for a Submitting a copy of the pubinto action at a moment's notice. The government has had thorough study of the matter licatioh in which the ritual murand to his defamers and persecutors their sins. Let him re-, there will be no doubt left in Tropical Coo! Suits " ample' opportunity to deal with the crisis but seemingly preder accusations are made, Public buke sin'in general and ehampion the causfe" of justice and any Nazi mind of Jewish machinC, I f prosecutor Eustace Fulton to'd , The practical Summer Suit. A t t r a o t$S& blfiofished to antagonizing Moslem sttppbft. The Jewish \ Magistrate Duminett that "the \ \ right, in whatever Quarter it may need championing (even ations tive patterns and shades. , . . , . . . . „ speed of Jesse in the f&ople have warned that 'they will not stepr in against the document plainly 55tended to its- I 1 Owens' legs. Arabs so long as the British government copes with the riofc his own!). Let him fearlessly discharge his function and fulfil I am at present not at liberty cite .ill" wai and hostilty between j , Coolkttejy *Ali"Cboled • ££s. But when the eighteenth week of disorder is the bloodiest, his real mission in the World, by indeed being the medium o tell all I know but it is enough the Jewish subjects df His Me,- | f Ssitnnier Suits jesty and others." ! ' then we can understand why the Hebrew press in Palestine hrough whom "all the families of the earth shall be blessed.-" o say that the Jewish, chemist, A new fabric that gives the tetrndst Dr. Kuno Nimmergesenwar, had Mr. Fulton read excerpts desj J la cooling c c r a f o r t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ttnitfes in a condemnation of the Palestine government, vwhich Blessing will never descend upon the earth, wrong and misery a great deal to do with Je^se Cribing the Jews as "aii Asiatic i and strife will never disappear, until the world is made to race," and a "contaminating inj is charged with "negotiating with the leaders of murderers." Owens' victories. SEEREEZ SUITS » . , Nimmefgeseirwar ;has for a fluence" ana stating that the The Hebrew, press further makes no secret of its warnings realize the monotheistic-ethical ideals of the Jew; that there *Air-Coo!ed ;ong time conducted researches Jews practice ritual murder of S / Afifet&er Nebraska feature In s cool that unless the,government provides for adequate security the is One God, the Creator of the entire cosinos; that all men ;nto. the properties of nitro-gly- Christion3 and enjoy torturing suiamer suit , are His Children and should live together in brotherly love them. Jews, iq self-protection, will be forced to rely on themselves eririe for the purpose of making nd harmony; that only when peace is established in a unified hem even more potent. It was In committing the defendants to crush Arab terrorism. Aitriite Trfepkal SuxsMsf Ssils? world will there, or can there, be "happitwp." That "blessing" he whom the Elders of Zion en- for trial, the Magistrate declared We would much rather see the British use stronger, more is only another", a higher world for hjijiftiness, a happiness gaged to.. discomfit Aryanism in the document constituted seditA siimsaer ssst tMt meets every rehe Olympic games. ious libel and was a.priina facie Soerdivd measures oa the Arabs wl^o are leading the agita- hat results not merely from the enjoyMenf.^-niaterial things, His experiments had gone so case for the jury. He €ostinued. tion. They should obtain an idea of the caliber of men they but is bound up with supreme spiritual j^s,-*tne\infinit3 and :ar that he was ready to apfely You're both charged together H s r i Scliaffncr & hem to Jesse Owens' legs, lin- with unlawfully creating ill-will _ are dealing with from last week'a occurrences, which brought eternal values of the spirit. g i e Suits *f \ er .cover of niglt, when Jesse between His Majecty's subjects c£ j | j Lightest of fins weaves , . » 9-os, out such gruesome incidents as Jewish babies uiurdered in Owens was deep in sleep, £>r. the Jewish faith and non-Jewish | ' ' fabric. At t h e Kfcijfssfca.,,..».,.. May the voice of Jacob become the voice-of all mankind, immergesenwar injected in each faith by printing divers scandal- _ their beds, British soldiers shot down while bathing, and Arab % / f Owens' legs a full dose of his ous and Hbelous Etatements t o - ; leaders opposed to the Grand Mufti's policies shot down. Such for it is the Voice of God! .. ' And Other Cool Suits $1S id $50 garding His Majesty's Jewith ' mproved nitroglycerine. Frederick Colin. -happenings demonstrate that silk gloves must-be exchanged subjects,'"which would have a ten-! Anyone "who knows the speed fbr an iron fist.. Such Arabs know only one law - - the law that an fesigosion of ntiro-glycer- deney to promote ill will £.r.d hrs- j ne ^gives to "•^rli.a.tever it touches iilily between two fi:fferer.t clap- j of a greater,. more powerful, fearless force. And unless the Rosh Hashonah Thursday, September 17 ill have EO diffifexdity to under- ses cf His Majesty's culc'tcts to i British do assert that force, we fear that the Jewish entrance Fast of Gedaliah ' ;...„....„ Sunday, September 20 hand the incredibIe~"-b?Aed of create public mischief." into the disorders will really cause rivers of blood in a land Yom Kippur. Jwens at the Olympics. It^S "Whiteaead pleafieg &u;hy to | ...Saturday, September 28 like a "bomb ehell 1m- tie printing, but not gu:I-y Oi the ' which was destined to flow >vith milk and honey. 'irat Day of Siiccotn,, ..........Thursday, October I elied by aitrcs-glyceflne. Araeri-i charge, pointing out that The
Neighborly Love
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An Explanation
• _ ; • • •
Still a Complete Showing of
ROSERBUJQ TO,ATTEND MTlOtlAL CONVEtmOE Kr; and Mrs. Horace L. Rosenblum left-Thursday evening for a two weeks' trip through the east. While away the Rosenblums -will attend the' Great Lakes exposition at Cleveland, the National Fraternal Congress convention at New Yotk x City and will spend several day's with friends at Atlantic City, N. J.,, and Washington, D. C.. _ Mr. Rosenblum, editor of the MARRIAGE Fh&SB WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CHANGED • v .. Mr. and Mts. t)avld It. Gohen, Sovereign Visitor, official pubThe marriage of Misfc Sally 301 South 50th Ave., were sur- lication of the Woodmen of the Pollay, daughter of MM. <3u6sle prised by a group of their friends World, is president of the Press Pollay, to JNed Gltenter, soli of on their fifteenth wedding anni- section of the National Fraternal congress and will preside over the Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Giyenter, versary Tuesdays August 18.; section's meetings, which will be will take place . Sunday, August held at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel 23, at the Central cltib building (formerly the Knights of Colum- HONORS BRiDE-TO*BE in New York on Monday, August Mrs. Ben Wine entertained 12 24. . bus building) at 20th and Dodge • . StS. Rabbi Harold Berger will per- guests Saturday evening, August On the return trip the Rosen16i in honor of Hiss Sally Pollay, form the ceremony at 3 p. in. who la to be married to Ned Giv-blums will stop at Chicago for two days. The. -wedding wa& ofiginally enter, August 23. scheduled t o take place at- the : Bridge prizes were won by Miss P'nai Israel synagogue but due tb Bess Richards, Mrs. Sam Kutler BIRTHDAY DINNER redecorating being done on the and Mrs. Jake tV'ine. Mrs. liarry Cooper entertained synagogue, plans' had to be at a birthday dinner for 10 couples Geraldlne Wine, small daughchanged. ter of. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wine, in honor of Miss Liberty Cooper's A reception •will be held imirie* will be one of the flower girls at eighteenth birthday Monday evediately aftet the ceremony at the the Pollay-Givehter wedding. ning, August 17. Dancing took Central Club building. place-after the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. H. &. Mo&kbvitz announce the marriage of their daughter, Pearl, to Joe Laier, Son of Mrs. K. Lazer. The tfedding took place Wednesday, August 12* at the home of ftabbi David A. Goldstein. TO EXCEIiSiOB SPRINGS ' Mrs. H..R. Milder left for ffltcelslor Springs, Mo., to 6pend 10 days.
TO TAKt; OKOBOJI ' Hyman Shrief, Df. Ben Slutzky and Dfi 3D. C» Platt have left for Lake Okoboji for a two-week t a cation.
vance ballyhoo . . . they are advertising it as "A show fit to bring our fathers to."
!Warner Eros, radio station i n ; Mizraclii | Hollywood . . . Malzlish, a former j iing of ihe V.'o The Ladies Auxiliary of the ; advertising man on the E'csi : A board .* * • f Before an improvised altar of Workmen's Circle, Branch Xo. : Brith Messenger, has been in i en's Kizra Adolpa Zukor, once presy of palms, ferns', arrd white roses, Aiici's' Miss Inez Goldman of Omaha the company, is the last name on 173, held a picnic at Eimood i charge of theater arrangements, &^ernoon. ;in all the rncjor film premieres • o ! - T ;^ r ? i ?>:- •'•• was married Tuesday afternoon I the Paramount telephone roster. park Sunday, August 16. J l0T! v G { The committee is ciErge in- •curing' the last sis rents , , , Jr.cV. : t1. ; ltlfc'' _ ; to Mas E. Co&efl of HastifiES, 1Tha list is alphabetical, and there jBeiiCT, vrho is vacationing ir. Cin' '"CUM Nebraska, son of Mrs. Marian are three other Z's, two labor cluded Sirs. Sam. Lerner, Mrs. I. jcagro, Saratoga Springs, and. New';5 foremen and a casting man, that Schwartz anfi Sirs-. . Id. Stein. precede him. More than SO guests attended '•York this week, calls his v.-ii'e. ; Urs. A. f;nr ;•;!' Tin be h.o-.! Sukor has difficulty with his the picnic. Games vrere^ played I Mary Livingstone, tim: dp.iigkter. ^ name'. The other day he called and refreshments were Served. I Joan, every Eight onv ther ion? . ; someone on the phone. The par- The drawing vrbich was neld in :distance phone . . .r T IC II "' ' ty at 'the other end kept asking conjunction with the picnic vcas I director of t b e Cno ' "•Whom did you say, Cukor?" Fi- vf&n by Mrs. Sachs, who von s,I Etre in Chicago, r , •j Paramount etti nally exasperated, the exec, shout- picture. • week . . . TV hen D » ed, "ABCDEFGSIJKLMNOPQRjTCyleF called a i\ ^ STUVWXYZ . . Zukor!" i filming oi mob ' " - * « • | players on the 1", ~ Parkyakarkas won't try any ; Studios because t r i - * ~ more kidding . . . at least not is PESAKSKT 1 was saicl to h a " cr-r when he's far from his own Hollywood, Calif.—E d w.a r £ camping grounds. Ee was visit- RoDlsiscn is an accotaplisced lin- itime on record ^ »"- p ing Tia Juana, just across the! guist, speaking German, Yiddish, | feH-concern c v f '••• Mexican border. Coining through j Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, French j pie. ' T.'yler p r - - - , the bureau of immigration on his jand Roumanian. He tells us that j cans of beer f c r->— ' return, he decided to puzzle^the! if he decided to give up crE.nia.tic i broiling Califori . • > r officials with his Greek dialect j work, he would like to be a guide ,' estraB* tongues 11 . The officers didn't see the joke I on a-round-the-world tour. And, ; after the beer sv ~ . . . held him and his companions j sha, feha, Ecdie like to play cards j their throats . . I for further investigation. After j and shoot dice. Ee is extravagant . listing f o r T much explaining and frantic! wlien iie sses an object Vv'liicu he ' nevest picture, ' ^ " phone calls, their identity was es-would like for his come, or when ' Queen." the finr > tablished and £hey were released. he bears some new mechanical ! crefiited to T.I. C a And a tfaastened, frightened co- musical device, but se does not imusic&l directJOi r \ it: median will confine his jokes to \like to'spend money for gartere •snS the a r t di-"i "ct radio mikes and Etudio sets here- or suspenders. j chinsfev.
KEWLTtWEDB AT HOME NewlywedS Jli. and Mrs. Mel-VISITING PARENTS HERE Dr. Fred Ackerman of Seattle, bourne I. Feltman, recent additions to Omaha's young Jewish Wash., is visiting his parents, Mr. set, are now at home in the Aus-and Mrs. M. Ackerman, 2870 Caltin apartments, following a two- ifornia S t , for two' weeks. He week- honeymoon stay at Trout- will return to'Seattle to resume the practice of medicine, having dale-in-the-Pines. Mr a. Feltman is the former Dor- finished a year's intefneship --\ ' othea Zohn, daughter of Mr. andthere. Before coming to Omaha, Dr. Mrs. Albert H. 2ohn:of Chicago. YOuhg Mr. and Mrs. Feltman were Ackerman visited in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D. C , wed in Chicago August 2. s Mr. Feltman has been making Baltimore and Chicago. On his his home in Omaha for several way home he will stop in Denmonths. He Is the district man- ver, Salt Lake City and several ager for a national paint goods points in California. firm, RETURN FROM EXCELSIOR SPRINGS ANNIVERSARY SURPRISE Mrs. Rose Abrams and Mrs. Fifty friends and relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Good- Rose Wolfe returned home Monbinder at their tome Sunday, Au- day after vacationing two weeks gust 9, on the occasion of their in Excelsior Springs, Mo. silver wedding anniversary. Their son, Hy GOodbliider of Washing- MOTOR TO KANSAS CITY ton, D. C., arrived for the occaMrs. F. Korney, Miss Gertrude sion. . Korney, Mrs. J. Robinson and Other out-of-town guests In- Miss Bernice Robinson motored cluded Mrs. L Lazer and Mrs.to Kansas City, Mo., to visit a Clara ftabinowitz of Kansas City, week with relatives and friends.
"I'm nutB about good music," i ( C P ? r r i | r h t I P T f ^ 5 F e a t u r e f--Robinson tells us. Music is iris ' Boris Morros says, "Hollywood chief hobbr, by the way. is a gold rush in dinner Jackets!" SETTS BKtEFS * * * Direccentricities: Lewis Mile-J We feel sure our vrocaer stone never sits in a director's I girl readers (we hope vre tfc chair . . . prefers a stool or bos. ja few) •will be interested to Urcv ' Eddie Buzzell . . . director with j that a shipment cf special!.' v n Frsnkfort-Am-"" ' r Russian tastes . . . likes nuts dip- jen tweeds, -from original designs (JTA> — The : _ ped in wine for dessert. Ernst j by Omar Kiaic, Samuel Golfiwyn named sifter 1.1 e \ t • i Lubitsch likes to ride, but every Studios' noted costume designer, m £ . n - j B w ' F i il time he mounts a horse, he can't is on its vraj- from the mills at Charlen Kr.ll,-: ••: • v reach the stirrups because his •Cumberland, England, for the on orfierg o t ; f r " r 1 legs are t o o short - * that Is, juse of Merle Oberon in her forth- ; schiile." ErsEt's legs. ' | coining film . . , Harry MEiziish. Hai'iCErter. Tiir >" well known "Werner Bros. Exploi* * * . - jtation, executive on the West was i'arnous !>..• *..= Jack Benny enjoys Bis radio in Coast, is the newly-named gener- ies and intf-c ; "i his car, but claims lie shall never al manager of the Station KFR'E, against a n t i - ^ " " , *i—'-. forget the time he thought lie: ized Bocieties 10 EiC pulled out the choke and got Ed j of Czarist Lu^i r- p "They could," cro-sred Al, "but forteed a M "--" ^ VVynn's laugh. you know, in their position they * * • ; needy Germ? " Cer = *
Reeling 'Round: Bobby Ereen don't have to." will again appear with Eddie • « • Cantor on latter's personal ap'Slong. , pearance tour. Former movie and (Copr~igi.t, 18 S6, Je-vrirfi TeleBatter Crisps legitimate director, Kenneth McTake i U cUps biittef, 1 % gups ,phic Agency, Inc.} Kcnna (Mielziner, to you), is pondered feugaf, 1 eggk % teacurrently acting in a Denver spoon sait, 3 cupB cake flour, 1 stock company. In England Kdcup chopped nuts, 1 tablespoon M o . ' • •• . Sirs. Max E. Cohea die Robinson has a fan club Hie KR vanilla. PICNIC AND OUTING Cream the butter and sugar, BIRTSPAY PAR** The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity Cdhen. " Rabbi Frederick Cohn which, as a cycling society, folBdd 1 cup flour tfcen add the egg, Beverly Jean Pessen, daughter held a picnic and outing at Car-performed the ceremony held at lows him all over London on Its FeaSures and beat "Weil. Add remaining of Mr. Mrs. M. H\ Pessen. will ter Lake club Sunday, August 16. the home of the bride's brother bikes. In "My Man Godfrey," SHAMPOO AND FiNSER WAVE and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.sad-faCed Mischa Auer turns coflour and nuts. Shape into rolls celebrate her ninth birthday Seventy-fite couples attended. David Goldman. median, the field he's been hsn50c and chllL Slice and bake. The afternoon Was taken up Wednesday with a lawn party, at The bride was given in mar-kering for for years. Lenore tllwith swimming, boating* tennis her home. The Zctcs Pepmsnent Wav* Leinori Cup Cakes ._ and games. In the evening the riage by her. brother, David Gold- rio breezed into town . . . S'ne's with rso tfn c c h i ri G Jf End rj o elecSricJiy U&B& £ i tZZZ er,6 Use % cup butter, V* cup sug-RETTTRNS FROM UOS guests danced to the music Of man. . Her sister, Mrs. Gordon cast as a 'can-can' dancer in up. Wilcox was her only attendant. "Camille." ar, 2 eggs, 1 Clip flolir, 1 tea- ANGELES VISIT : • - Jack Ros3 and his Californlans. 716 Brar Celt Theatr* Eifis» spoOn baking powder, *4 tea. There were several out-of-town Harry Cohen, brother of the Miss Shirley Ruth Rosenblum, |, Parkyakarkus warea enthusispoon fealt, *5 cup lemon juice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace guests present. ,. groom was best man. Following the ceremony a re- 'astic in describing his latest rind of ^ lemon. ! Bob Stiefler was in charge of Rosenblum, returned to* Omaha ception was held for 125 guests. "heart" to Eddie Castor. "Why Cream butter and sugar tog last Sunday from a two months' the affair. Mesdames M. I. Gordon, Louis last nigfit she looked wonderful ther. Add jrolks and beat -well, Visit in Loa Angeles, Cal., where Kulakofsky, -Harry Rosenfeld, . . . she looted like a million!" ' add salt Sifted -frith flour and she was the guest of her uncle AT JOSLYK MEMORIAL "Years cr dollars?" cracked baking powder alternately With dM aunt, Mr. and jllfs. Arthur A program of folk songs of and Philip Gilinsky, and Misses lemon juice. Add rind of lemon Rosenblum, former Oiriaha resi- many nations, sponsored by the Harriet Rosenfeld, Florence Wolf, Eddie. ind beaten whites of egg. Bake dents. works progress administration Beatrice Sommer, Toby Goldstein Al Jolson brags about Ms In muffin tins a t 400 degrees, 15 federal music project and direct- and Rita Mantel assisted. to 18 minutes. . , Among the guests present at ranch in Encino, and wss boasted by Madame Thea MoellerCORRECTION Herms, will be presented In the the wedding wete the bride's sis- ing about his chickens. "Do they Ii AT-71S7 Correct BaitingThrough an error in last week's lecture hall.at the. Joslyn Memo- ters, Mrs. W. Gordon Wilcos of lay many eggs?" asked a friend. 3 teaspoons — - tablespoon; 1 Jewish Press the name of Mrs.rial this Sunday afternoon at St^Louis, and Mrs. Pauline Klass cup —-i 16 tablespoons; 1 wine Sam Reisswas left but in listing 4:30. At 4 p. m. a program of re- of Omaha. The couple will re- Eajsj DQUBiE*M£LL0W Old Gdd glass is *4 cup; i pint'. & cups members of the arrangement com- corded organ music will be pre-side in Hastings after a threel 1 quart —; 4 cups level; 1 mitted for the Pioneer Women's sented ia the Joslyn Memorial week trip to Chicago and New level; heaping tablespoon is 6 level tea-1 picnic heia last Sunday at Elm-concert hall. Both of these pro- Orleans. grams are free of charge. •soons. I wood park. By Mts. David m. Newin&fi
F "* --¥ P yy
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AIT 10
STAG WEIXEE ROAST The Phi Delta Mu sorority, gave
a stag wiener roast at Playmore Park Sunday night in honor of one of its members, Miss Beatrice Glaser. The sorority will hold its meeting Friday evening at the home of Miss Edith Epstein.
- ?i s
Of eotifca it's v/ondefful that yoii can flow get s&ic% fte&h dgatettes sinywhefa la ihsU,S.A.Thanltstoihosofeoiad^etsof Kaoisttire-proof CfeHopiiaae on every pack ef Doubk'MeUou} Old Gelds.. But/the teal te p : crop tobaccos * * * the very, pick pi hot&cgfotvn and smpofled l e a l . . . vnih a flavoj yott'vd ttever met Iselote in a elgafette . . . a flavoi1 yoa'H neves want to leave!
that Harry Warner refused to allow .the showing of the Schmeling-Louia fight pictures in any Warner Brothers Theatres? Nazism . . . they say . , . was the reason. * * * When Joe Moskowitz, eastern representative for Fox, left fcr the • Coast he 'was noticeably down-hearted. He explained that it was because he had. to leave his agent pal, Bob Goldstein. 'And why didn't Goldstein, come with you?" he was asked. "I tried to persuade him," said Joe, "but he Eays .he can't sleep at strange desks!" * • * Two extras were whiling away the tirna between "shots." "I n wonder what I'd do if I had Louis B,. Mayer's income," dreamed one. "That's Mlly," answered the other. "The question is, -what J would Louis B. Mayer &o if lie had your tncornej" * • * • EVery year the Sons and-fathers of the movie industry hare a get-togetner picnic. Tais year, I the sons a r e hax-dling ta© ad-:
' EOOll fOB Widow desires to sMfe Iicjns 2778 Call Atisatis 43tS
"Lshor^tcry tests ci Kev.-cnee Boilers •v.^i Se{5;cn£rrf C™ tcrrcrs indicate satisfactory o^eraticg ciiErscteristics v.Ida rssjiZJi.g Llfj JncI economy lor the cniu™ '
" . . . very fleeted to till tint . . . IT sirc'cl ritrus H^Ia c ^ we here fcor.d thr.t Betienciorf Oil Burners cr:rctc fer" Bnc c a i tlficieally Li Cr.-i.c-l Oil E-J:C : =E
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FIGHTING IN COEDOBA—Members of the Loyalist militia were en route by train to the Southern front in Spain when, near. Cordoba, they were attacked by a rebel force. Guards-on-the engine were reinforced by troops from the train and are shown in this remarkable, picture fighting it out with the attackers. Even the wheels of the locomotive are used as. a screen. ;
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WOUNDEU SAELOE—A sailor of the Spanish government cruiser Lespersnto is carried ashore £l Gibraltar filer suffering » wound from a bo~b dropped on the ship frorr a rebel plsnc. Four other sailors vere injured and one v a s tilled curins, the raid by the rebel airmen. The planes vere reported ID be of Icaliart make. Loyalist marksmen drove them
HANGING—A view of the public hanging in Owensboro, Ky., as Rainey Bethea, 22-year-old Negro, paid the gallows penalty for. the murder of Mrs. Elza Edwards, 70-year-old white woman. More than 15,000 spectators were in carnival mood as Bethea , died. Mrs. Florence Thompson, w o m a n sheriff, designated Harry Hasch, former policeman, to spring the trap.
INTRODUCTION—-Belle Baker introduces Owen Davis, Jr., to the backstage atmosphere of a Broadway theater, New. York. Mr. Davis formerly sat out front but now he is an actoi- himself for RKO Radio and went to see himself in his new picture. s
QUINT MOTHES,—Forty years ago Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon of Mayfield, Ky., now 79, was famous as the mother of the only American quintuplets, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul. The babies died in four to 14 days. Her great desire is to see the Dionne quintuplets.
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DOBUNIE KEEPS DRY — A romance that begun when Merlin Andrews rescued Elsie Hagner from drowning in Lake Ponchart r d n , New Orleans, was followed by their marriage knee-deep in the surf of the lake recently, as above. They were in bathing suits, but Rev. J. A. Simpson stood on a platform to keep dry.
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HIKERS—Russell Darbo, blind University of California student, • registering at a New York -hotel after hitch - hiking across the country with his shepherd dog guide, Mia. Trained by the See-, ing Eye in Morristown, N. J.,' Mia led her master'3,400 miles.
PRESIDENT IN FLOOD AREA—President Roosevelt and his party as he personally inspected the Pennsylvania and New York flood .regions. This fcicture, taken near Johnstown, Pa., shows, left to right: Colonel W. E. R. Covell, Army engineer in qharge of the flood sector; President Roosevelt: Mayor Daniel Shields of Johnstown and Major tJeneral Edward Markhara. >,
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L.,..:\ HIGH-POWEBED TO2—This toy locomotive, invented by a Japanese; and displayed in a department store in Tokyo, develops l/50th horsepower and stops ana starts on its own signals. I t stops especially-in case of a mishap to the rails. Not only is improving popular with the youngsters, but the inventor asserts its principle has commercial possibilities for larger engines.
O1*EE TO WIN—Earle Meaacvs of Fo-t V rih. Te:c&s. as h? soars over the bar during: the Oljirroic ecraes in 33c-lin. L*lcv vaulUnsr all day, Meadovs pulled himsolT over lh? bpr it *4 feft r and 15/16 inches to win the e\cnt and to sot s rs"v* C ' l r n r Tppo^'d. It was almost dark belore the American p,c e von Jic drevn-out event.
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CAND33?ATE-—niot A. Carter cf Kashua, N. H.. who recent I;- ?r,,-nounced his crndidccr fcr the Republican n c n ^ c t c a fcr rc^emor cf the "Tfcae liouriir..n . Slate. I2s cand::'acy places h'r"1 AMERICANS TO QUIT r.IASIilD—So tensa was the situation in I.Cadnd, v;*Ui £ih att^c'i by ths as an opponent tG Franclc P. Mjrpliy who, it %"£;c expected, Spanish rebel forces Impending,, that the American government warned its citizms to loave the city ld b d or remain, at their own risk._Here is a truckload of Assault Guards en route to cnaago the rebels.
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THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 19S6 blows which came in the later!Sample Purs .....11 3 Innings. ;Psi Mu 9 4 Playing under the colors ol the ; Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 Potato Market for the first lea-j Omaha Jobbing . . . . . . . . 3 10 son, the boys brought about the A. Z. A. No. 1 3 11 By PHIKEAS J . BIROX downfall of the Psl Mu and the | Sample's, who have been dominat- • None other than your corres- j SO—SL'E ITS "ber of new faces in the American ing the sports activities for t h epondent ! takes the lead in bat-j Abie the Agent, Harry Eersn-1 diplomatic corps . . Jesse Straus' years. Sacked by Harry j
TQ S/JTJFr Britfrh Je^rv yip ij/jjrp- r- , u w r 1 It '
s n d i* Son, VIA 'SOUTH AFRICA Petersburg, Va., before re-, revived in September in Hearsts' I France has not been selected as i fcr "j ' . r m 0UU1U HrtilLH turning t o ^ m a h a . - . . H a r r i e t Rosenblatt, sandlot star, the gro-j ago -the following j New York Daily Mirror . . . It j yet . . '. ' C"T. Via South Africa comes an in- Bernstein and Ida Gitlin were fl-jcery ten went through their first picked to finish as ; will also be syndicated, and if we I SPOKTGGSSII* i is. London - " ^ i n ^ V ^ r c o n t e s t . p o n - 1 ^ « « n « wlthjul ^ ^ O m a ^ Pot^o M a r l ^ | *now *now n y t h i ^ comic strip | ^hBE o c c s r football teera of the store, of incitC f M sj was c j riot until hey m e t h e last, ^ » W o l d dMusic b y t yW W World*Herald be re- j Palestine K&cabbi is going to pay j London (JTA) - AT-nounee- I - •; ^hristian rela- rored 2 A .N N oo -11 that that the the tide-, tide-, F e st t iiv al l ^ 5 R e l t f the t t P^ceA 2 " Results of the, contest P A ia the falllrneEt vfes niaue marie her tionships own cuuuirj. country, in . Jn , . . , , , . • • «;a i - visit — to - - this Courtry — — __._.A i t C i l t . wfe.£ he~e find ir Ne^' Tow. _.. iionsuips of ox our our own in ^ m be known by the time this' holders noiaen realized they were invin-;, There s^ a story behind this re-.a n a e r t h e a u w 5 C M of the Feder- j y o r k c=ty cf the personnel of the the last five games, the j the South African Zionist there j a p p e i u . s ^ tTlAtt b u t&nt h e B a m e i cible. : - . , „„. ^^*.a , , . - , I average. What turns a sports conciliation between Hearst and a t i o a o f P o i l s h S t v s i n America ! P [ executive committee of the Coi:nwas the story of Felix Moses. w e . r e r < J 0 t l n . ^f o r b o t n o f y 0 U ( ! league *?lt:°T± I"!' writer's hair to gray at an oarly Hershfield . . . If you remember, I The team will plry nlne.cil for C-^rEtn Jewr v reiu'eecrt•' Felix MoseS was a peddler in agirls . . . The wedding of Hadas-jf lone contest to have their rat- e b h er e J H yras o n c e o a t h D a i I Mir. j two cf them la New York ; i E C the Jewish commucitice of small Kentucky village. He waseah Silverman had Los Angeles on ! '. S ! read 12 wins and two n v l,ms his ror ana and tnen then naa had a a long-nnger-;. long-lingere f e i y e B .firom r o m h i 8 fxans a n s vwaen n e a ceives msI ror , . M a r t y Glickffian has made, the United Ststes -Pd GreF* ~<-=ra kindly man, "making the rounds its toes With at least half of five | EddieWachtler and Nate M : predictions aren't fulfilled. This ing suit ag&nst the publisher . . . | ^ v « er-! . , * ^ ' 1 ™ ' " , . . 1 . ^ : . " ; ^ D e a c e o £ c i a l s ot t h e Affi L l peace with officials of the Affler-:&ill j o r purpose of assisting in the op rM>r v -, ) of the town with a pack on hishundred guests being Omahans . . j shared hitting honors Of the day himself on the back. But this time .one of Harry's | ican Olympic Committee . . . But, resettlement of the Jews from t i c ^ '- ^ back. ] Edward and William Rosenbaum [by «ach connecting for a single Betterh g luek next time, friends. friends, one of the biggest retail iSara. Stoller is still going srouncl ; Germany in other countries. K', ..,= ,',.,- • trips to are treating Portland, Ore., with 1 and a double in He was both trusted and remerchants in New York, got to-i with a lofegtr nose than usuaL Felix'K. Warburg "is " made r f r = " s Plate. Paul Steinberg, winning spected by the townspeople. Dur- | their presence Abner Kaiing the Civil war he offered to I man taking in California- sun-! pitcher, held the llosers to five • Although the best the A..Z. A.gether with the Sage of San Sim-land feels sorry that he ever went! chairman cf the American g'-oup" ' coi'i./l' i - . take the place of a widow's son| a hine—as if Omaha hasn't enough j blows, while the Potato Market I No. 1 could do in^Omafe^ —'- to*~eon &na made him see his error; to Berlin . . . Anti-Semitism i s : E m j associated with him E- E r>£Ui I „ ,•,' ,,. . " . . . . Which reminds us that thfe | expected to take a holiday in ! Baerwald, chairm?n of th^ Amer- j , •,, r ',.-v'. who had been conscripted into the | . , . His cheery word from the j sluggers were busy pummeling1 reason why Dr. Diraitri Mafian-; Montreal this winter, at least; ican Jewish Joint Distribution' i an l8-to-3 drubbing Confederate army. When his pe- j sunkist coast making us forget Jake Adler for nine hits, ! ed down to Omaha No. 100 and aoff, son-in-law of Prof. Albert i among Jew-baiters who are hoc-: committee, Chsrles L. yebmsn lor r tition Was refused, he enlisted, to 1 the heat . . . i ' Buminary: forfeit by the, Lincoln t e a s placed Einsten, severed Ms connection j key fans . . . The reason is the | vice-president o' tbe KPIB'-PP > - ' Omaha Potato Market. be with the lad and was With him] . AB. ft. H* the Mother chapter in the finals with the. Jewish Forum was a p p o i n t m e n t of Cecil Kurt, a Jew, j c n o n : i c corporation. Morris Roth- fwhen / the boy wasmortally -r>r The di- E s in the second annual suiataer matter of finances Of Les Canaeienslenberg. chairman of the adminis1 3 OH BEHALF OF A PATRIOT Richards woundfed. '. . minutlve editor of the Forutt ex-; hockey tesm tournament held in Sioux City When Ktnk |t r a l j T e committee of the Zionist VII. r 0 0 .2 When Felix Mosea died the vil- Most active iii behalf of a prop- Rosenblatt 2! August 15 and 16. The boys pected Marianoff and his father- | Greccberg returns to . acUon « [Organization "of America em?' Dr.'i br • o ' t 1 lagers wished to bury "their most' er memorial for the famous Jew- E. Wachtler . * - . . . . 3 1 j couldn't come through, however, in-law to pass the plate in behalf; trill probably be as aa outfielder j Stephen s. Wise, president of theI o« • t •L H 1. beloved citizen" in the Christian Ush patriot of the Revolution, •a* Wachtler . . * . . . 3 The Anglo-! v . . Buddy Myer is not expected - ZiOKisf, j. 0 1 and lost out to Sioux City by &of the Forum 1 Organization of America. ' p.t: ,v, cemetery as their token of re-H&ym Solomon, is Congressman Marcus . . . . . . . . . . 2 x ± c« i c . ^ aili_ls 1 members of the erecu-! vjrir t v i 1; x^-tu-o 12-tO-S Oscore. A.. <*. ' A. NO. 1 c o n - # * i « » publications • affiliated ! to be with tbe Vv-ashiEgtcn Sen- j British Giventer . . . . . . . a 3 gard, but they were prevailed up- Ouy M. Gillette of Cherokee, la. liiventer . . * . .3 0 liuuered all Other conquests when I *»•& the Seven Arts Feature Sya-! a tors after this seESon . . . Al U ve committee co; are Sir Herbert br- , r - frn' (' , - " Fulton on to permit his interment in theCongressman Gillette is now dem- Fulton ...30 bithey came through /in the lastjdicate^ will have an article in, Cohen, Toledo outiiel&er. got box iS a m u e l j _ „ , _ „ „jord „ _ Beer_.„_ t chairmen1 . ;> t " Llckert 0" IT: Jewish burial "ground in Cincin- ocratic nominee for the senate to Llekert 2J event of the track meet to win, their Rosh Hashonah issues b y credit for four pufouts, a; iBcora E t e d < S i r Osmond D'Avigdor Goid1 •<, 1 ^ . . > . nati. . " . ' " " - . • • ' • • ' fill the vacancy created by the Wolk 3 1 27 to 24, for Sioux City and '1? one of the three ftest-known; Eicgle and two outs wSile sSttSng jE r o i d i Simon Marts Rnd Dr. 1 death of Senator j Louis Murphy. Steinberg . ' . . . . . . * . 3 - for Des Moines. Irvin Yaffe and names in the world . . . In c a s e j e n the beach . . . This freEk B i t - , c h a i m TCeizmsnr,. Each member ' • -1; ( " ! While Congressman Gillette is 9 | Harold Garber paired in the ten- J-ou haven't read 'Ahavath 2ion,' ; uatidn caffle about when the ? 6 1 - j W - m nominate alternates to repDown arid: ^ .Totals .28 [not exactly "one of ours," he fi0Tel b Ma u t h e fliB tournament to win tbe doubles » >" » > Hebrew iefi.o manager wrote Cohen's e&TSe 1r e s e n t h l m v . h f e l 5 K e , su n £ ? b i P t 0 ^,| . l r r ( I I ' I Sample t o r s . Our love for delving into places ]c h o s e b3 hls w i f e a daughter of EL -while Yaffe had. little difficulty "Alexandre Dumas," you can do j in the line-up and feefit snetfcer jr & j , o n personally. • Among' those , I F '• we don't belong and acquiring Israel, Miss Rose Freedman. And AB. R. 1 ; in going through the singles com- so now by buying the Persian I player to the field . . . When t h e ; v i , e h a v e E ; Te adv agreed" to ict ? ,our ( 1 • i-, , I I'l .11 facts that add nothing to the gen- it was. our Own Rabbi Frederick Altsuler 1 3 i error tt-si fiiscoverefi CoSen g o i | a s alternatives eral welfare brings out the fol-Cohn who performed the cere- Adler •o| petition, combined, the Omaha j edition, just off th© press 0 3 de i"or" F P ' F-P I credit for everything tbe other j j > o l t i s c h i i d &ti"6 p' ro j_ L."l3."x&mlowing . . . Rabbi Felix Levy of mony 20 years ago in Omaha. 0 Segal . . Ci ' i f' " 0 ! boys brought home the "salotai" o x TE 51O\*E ;plsyer did . , ."Hyman Goldberg; i e i . ot England, and George Back2 j with which the "unofficial Sioux Chicago prayed for Colonel Frank The Zionist Organization Sherman 3 1 Incidentally, through the ac\ of 1! City hosts and hostesses had much America has to move from its i Brooklyn, left-fielder on the •e r > r>6Tid BressSsr, tsraei GolcTKnox at the ^ice-presidential can- tivities of Congressman Gillette, Franklin . ; . . ' . 3 0 .ers.at 111 Fifth Ave-! American Qlynipic baseball team.: g t e . f l f j 6 t n e g N > K osenberp, fend 11 to do with. Not only did the Oma-head Quarters, didate's notification ceremony, the movement for the memorial Giventer ^t 3 0 : «A •'*.» T ..Hi^.r c^^iv«'iTi* : w a s Gise t>t t h e : Pls.yerB h o £:sLve ^« X-«TI-^-^^.U pla.yerB w who gave •;v=fV,«w 01.ha team bring to the Center nut because K a t h . n sct,-^ne t r a u s o fX e w York. but will vote for Norman Thom- to Haym Solomon has been giv^n tCatzman the Lucky ^Strike' Kit i 8 0 r rfr 1 I cnr!-r 0 ! glory, but the convention brought Parade Contest ^ ^ _ is a. tremendous ^ ^ _ i toe Na*i salute before t i e^c-pen-j( T h c C o u n c i l j_o .r Germaft as . . .Bret Hartefi whose centen- liew impetus, a committee having Marks 3 0 v !f , icwry 0 j to the host city the distinction of success . . . One eleven Fifth Ave- ;iB& b' a,-Etine in the Olympic • j , a g been established out of the nial started-August .15, frequent- been formed in Chicago. Lorado Fredericks 2 0 •t V VM: ' - i n 0 I having the molt hospitable chap; u don't know, is ! Stadium . . . movement set out on foot early ' ly v.isited frontier Omaha; Of Taft, famous Chicago sculptor, Burroughs ;n 1 i e j f lc a s e y O .3 0 : distinguished Jewish ancestry, he has been Chosen to do the monu• iter in the region, thanks to the J the home of the American To-. (Copyright 193 6 by_ Seven Arts •t h l g y c a f i n t h e United EUtes and Feature Syndicate) always kept the fact" under cover ment. . Great Britain to relieve the plipht f; 1 1 5 ; entertaining of Mr. and Mrs.'Ray | bacco Company, and in view of' Totals . . . . 28 •i Friedman and Miss Clara Dvor- j t, ne ir expansion all the Zionist of persecuted f 'eirs in Germany ' Another family welt known i kin, who gave the Omaha team, joffjces were politely requested to by- resettling- them in other lands. ^ for numerous -trips to our gloriPlans have been developed, for • |-^ W. L. j the inspiration and co-operation 1 move by September 1st . . • And otis metropolis is the Annenberg FfOln t h e ; s 0 o j ] e eleven Fifth, which was the collection of funds in Great |,_» clan, whose Moses recently plunkLib, Babe, Mimi and Evelyn Omaha Potato Market.. . 12 t; necessary to a-winning d u b . l k Britain afifi in the TjRited States ' | —— :—' i almost synonymous with Zionism ed down 15 million dollars for a thought they Were going to have for this work ana necessary steps „, In this country, will from now on Philadelphia paper . . . The Ein-a hard time Convincing people have been ts.ken tcverd carryin|r ^*; mean just cigarettes . . . That j stein theory is now a Jewish plot they were pinched while in that [J'out this program, so-called non-sectarian clergy-1 . . . Too bad a few of us plotters,Pontiac, but now they're having taen'a conference a t Ashville, i Heacqusrters ior the Council don't understand it . . . The cam- harder time convincing people •fni'crrr-. North Carolina, which, a s we j for German Jewry have been e?- ] i r paign in Lo3 Angeles to rid the Through it was all a joke . city of self-styled leaders of thethese columns we are asked to Wfite. is about, to convene, is &\ G e n e r a (tvxs-Falcor Agency) | tablished in Lonoon. Early tliie }" 1 Jewish community is being copied warn you young ladies to be carestrictly anti-Semitic gathering . . \ _ A s E e r t i C g . t h e fi6ed { o r m o b i l i - ! ^ 1 1 soi interim rep.'ft on the &c-' t , by one or two Important cities ful of what kind Of stOfles you ]The call-for the conference ^ s : ^ . ^ o £ t h e Jewish "to itivSties cf the Council v;Vn be M . e w i s h people pesp which Buffer the same complaint make up next time • . . first issued in the Cnristiancf t n U . S m i t i 8 m | m s d e pcblfc. t f e g By NATHAN.KOENIG '. . . W e ask,what will happen to ! American afid, was feigned by Such And In the same mail . . . Aft!directed against them and tc the Spanish Harranos -who have er deserting C. at the 2. B. T. afas Robert Edtrs.rd Ed- ! combat the ravages cf the wcrlfi i Bin Washington CorrespSadfint, J. T. A. reavowed their Judaism, since the fair, a certain Keubett was seen \d son. James True, Colonel war to come," Ensil Ludwig, fam- '. WASHI*fGTON, D. C American Jews who are candi- • mo revolution in case the. rightists with another young damsel . • : Cross currents of political exare victorious. The Story of both And a Warning to Ev. to be more pediency and demagogic appeal Spanish and. Portuguese _JUar-. carefuj of <3huck'a-;Pontiat. cot nsT^r' *o ranos ia truly one of the great of the NaUon's Capitol, are filhistorical epics of ail time ana Citron of Connect!- is . an exclusive interview as he pre-; Two-enterprising young ladies,! tering in with even greater inbut one writer, Grace Aguilar, f o u r c o r n e r s of c u t . a s h a v i n g v o t e d a g a i n s t l e g - - - A b r a h a m F e j n b e r g OL ^ e * ] ^ ^ t 0 l e a T e t j , e Eessions of t h e . W a s h l n r t o n , D . C. ( W K ? ) — has made use of this wealth of the daughters of J. J. Friedman, j tensity from thet hfoui e p r e s i d e n t i a l I i s i a t i o n f a v o r e d b y t h e N a t i o n a l } Y o r k a n a ^Rabbi W . , ' W o r l d J e w i s h C o n g r e s s , w h i c h h e ; K o s h • E & s h a n a h a n d Torn K t p p u r material . . . The Great Lakes are conducting a gift shop in j the country as •sthe i t s climax. j U n i o n f o r Social J u s t i c e a n d t h u s ville . . . T h e - r a b b i s ^were J r d t a " | j j E S b e e n a t t e n d i n g , f o r a t r i p t c : Tnvlonghs tor J e v E in t h e Utiited their home on Poppleton avenue.; election year Bears exposition celebrated it'nai B'rlth ;St£tes Army, Navy, Jiarine Corps ' "'"' "" ' l f " Threading through these cross [started as wheels in motion which ised South America. day . . . the picture of Rebecca S E d C o s s t G l 5 s r f i : b e e F I r : n f ! : penses but also a speaker's fee iC currents Is the distinct XJIVLT: note of are designed to defeat ^^ii-ivF" Citron's« - . . urrents la IUC ulBLillUb u t jj a ic \Aco.feAic\A w u^.t^uv . . . , i , V 'Explaiisliig t h / tfeeWEB bors ••" » ^ » ' ' Gratz, famous Jewess of revolufroni Sid Neveleff waiting for some-; , | . congress. Other . • t h e tragedy is » a t these rabthe Jewish k i t h but thought September lGih tc U t h and w h J c h l M t f e w r e e l e c t l o n t 0 tionary times, adorns the passes »v!^,- ,(,«,,» m tne .sewisn iaim cut crougnt --* — -• one a t Seventeenth: and Farnam j h a s o w n s h r i U e r a n d J e w s w h o a r e candidates for pub-Ibis probably of an eastern R. R. '•Men the* up " a nea-Jew, although- o n - . ^ . September 25th to 2Ptb, ac-
, . . , . .. . "j shriller in many nations through-! lie offices are being made sub- ] tbe auspices •nd actually ^aP«*ed, Emil Lnfiig a eeCT ibee I w™!ng to oflicial trian traffic by blowing the horn o u tt h e w o r W f T h e p r e s e n t T h i r d jj e c t s o f whispering campaigns conference was held and cw E e c a l B e l o i n e n i u y a j m ! on h » brothers Chrysler. And by . . . ** mO vement with its Lemke- and various other devices are be- accepted the invitation t . y p e r s o n s •lie ments.
orders Issued
the way. Sid, who was the young ! 5 O ^ S ° d . C o n g h l i n . S m i t h union I in g employed to bring about their j hope that nothing has happened ^ t h Jew ^ ^ persons,since ^ Tlie furloughs will permit Jews #A German-Jewish refugee who lady* i to them i is viewed by Washington observ-1 defeat. in armed services either to go: ; Hitler. I have been a Jew eince was visiting in Omaha a few j ers ag being the chief dispenser In New York State, Governor j TRUE SNAPSHOTS - mthe e murder ^ u i ^ i ui TV «.»..«;* n.» tu «i«Li, home or to go to places where of Walter Rathenau. weeks ago was asked if he had Talk about lucky breaks. Mar-of intolerance in the United Lehman^ and in Illinois, Gover-I « seems;as if seme people in ^ ^ w ! l i £ h d £ t e 1 h £ r e efc pij a£ i 2 - religious services v.-ill be held. been in America before because ian Perlmutter of Council Bluffs States at the' present time. n o r H orner are running against !*-he.Ne.-w'York suburbs p . tneir .^ t h £ j . { £ m & "his English was so good." won a three hundred dollar prise preaching a type of Hltlerized jm u c h opposition generated by ad- \ eflucfition frosa Streieher s s,«er- . interested is the World Jewish "My English is good," he reat "Bank Nite"—and was sheAmericanism •" which would out- j yocates of intolerance. Basically, you two plied, "because I have never been happy! The check was presented Hitler a Hitler in this country, I this opposition arises largely ing but true incidents i I see ia it tbe instrument whicn ; in America before." otlj
* Here and There Joe Rice, Ruben Brown and Bob Cooper were all guests of the Des Moines Ivre chapter a week or so ag:o . . . Rabbi David \Vlce landed in New York Tuesday. He is visiting in Cincinnati
. For Rent Two nice rooms and kitchen. All furnished- Very reasonable. Call WE-3527.
by Ben Harding, manager of thespokesmen for this movement j[Tom t h e influence these men er day Captain ^aunce _ tirui, ^ p?epftre the Jewish people theater. are playing, upon class hatreds | h a v e i n their respective states as [formerly a figaUng " » « ' " • London (WXS) — Foreigr. : and injecting hints of racial pre j - SU pp 0r ter9 of the Roosevelt ad- Jewish Legion them and to cosn- dentists will no longer be- permit- : active * Army, of the TrorM war terl to practice in Gref t Britain ; \ udlce in * their appeals for sup-1 ministration. Anxious to defeat port. ' ' Roosevelt, the opposition attacks er because of tfce ft's.r thst German I I The Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith, are those who have: j e ^ . i s h r e r u & e c dettiats mey 1m- \ By SAY SOHAPIEO who ranks second only to Father j measure against these two Roose- j from CPU- pern iH^t-TT ry.tr. ^ v f t H k ^ . ^ * the lircii&fioo on? f T"ni-?tv.tnjrlisliCoughlin in the /number of pub- velt supporters. j Qus?e a few Gsrfflsn The curtain closed: on the J.lie appearance in behalf of the Representative Adolpa J . Sab- i have been Rfie We don't speak to sooner Jews realize thst the bet-deatistE : C. C. Softball league last Sunday Third Party movement, preaches ath Of Illinois, dean of the House,! ; „ " , , . „ praetiee here already. H e i 1 Hitler!" with a new champion being rec- a brand of Americanism which is. expected to run into the same j ^ ~ v t ' ^ Firth told 'this' a d ^ r f « them._ I em waiting" to ognized for the first time in thewould make this hear from this plttform the ansafe for | type of "opposition as that being ! LE-KELLOW Old Gc'c \>f Hitler we can't . print swer givea to Hitler its tbe same sport game. The Omaha Potato only one class of people - - those directed against Governor Horn-j e k sgo we took A b o 1 l t a T e Market ten was given the right who would follow this self-crowntersas as he addresses tc us. Yfe Sabath is one of the hey men j ; e N o r t h e r B | x e w Jersey to represent the Center in the city ed successor to Huey Long. Ray- er. must not mjsce words or be weak I in Congressional circles and place . series when they overwhelmed mond Clapper, one of Washing- t a wide influence in legisla-j 6 t 0 p p e d a t in sction. | er s near a bathing beath . . . The; . the Sample Furs by a 7—2 count. ton's most brilliant political: ob-1 tive matters. He has served as £Ttl a 1 I. «Q »^^'y per" parking ticket we had to to fill fUlin in J "J ^'J saperstitiouB my*~wu> P"'j The Furriers. startedi "gunning' servers, has this to say of Smith: j mber of Congress since March !,"«»rf»* among »^nr,«r ^ me k'requested', other things,! eon and I cannot think of this CEin the initial inning 'when Alt"You' can't help thiflklsg, asj'4 1907, or a total of fifteen * I the religion of the car-owner . . . ! sembly as a first wcrld cofi&rcEs. schuler, leadoff man. Connected you hear him, that he must pic- t Dutifully we wrote - in "Jewish" When the eecoeS nessisa hfen been for a double. Extra-base hits by ture himself as America's future secutive terms. In New York, Jews seeking! _ _ whereupon we vere told to held I will remember tbis wfis tbe Sherman And Franklin provided Hitler. This much -Is certain '- ' j first. Above all there must be Congressional seats are' expected! j^Q^g o a . . the two runs the losers were able r— continuity E.nd S3 interruption ifl to run into the opposition of Nazi MEDITATIONS to score off the offerings of Paul his buildup has just begun." Funeral Oration \Ton Him • . ! the lii&ors; ^riich we have ttadefsupporters. This is particularly Steinberg. The best the "Spud" Joachim von Spotlight true in the Cases of Representa- ler's new ambassador team could do in their turn at Smith c a m e into national tive Samuel Bicksteln and Eman- Britain, has a Jewish bTother-in-I ian states for ^ews or cnert, eat bat.was a single by Eddie Wach11 urge with all t h e emphasis at. j j prominence when he delivered, uel Celler. who have been most tler, which .scored Richards, Max Deutsch,.director o£ the had previously walked. From Irong's funeral oration. Later he persistent in their attacks against Dresden Eaak . . . As & young • 'ii- tfimraafifl t&fet party fiivlslons I then on it was all Omaha Potato tied up with Governor Talmadge the Nazi influence in this coun- man his frieads included t h e ' h e forgotKfl. All th* torces in Mendelssohns, Guttni&ES. '&n< l*«Uh life muK be » n M i . d S t . Market The g r o c e r.y boys of 'Georgia, and was one of the j try. to resist the war «pea t»s. j all pretslnes&t Jews . i pounced upon the hurling of Jake leaders ih the Talmadge grass-j (Copyright, 1936, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) I. . ReiseEiber the name of Fraafe j Adler and pounded the losing roots conference where religious' ! iGlaser •. . ,. After October 20th;. pitcher for eight hits and six runs and racial prejudices were keyed that i p Q Q | 1 0 M § URGED T O he will be one of the-dutstand-j 1 ia the last six stanzas. Steinberg to a high pitch. Discovering ! lag piano virtuosos in the world, !t held the Samples to two scratch' he could not move fast enough 1 r U U f t U i M J USMjfid/ l\J With Talmadge, Smith cut loose! *• according to Arthur Schnabel, | and tied himself up with the j • piano maestro, who thinks that • Townsend movement and later; Warsaw (WNS) — fitploitlng, oiazer belongs to the very few I New York The
I1T1 XTczLd
ro.- j anti-Semitic press here is openly j , . . Maurice Moskorich, f anous j various countries ia spossofi&g a but emphatic. Smith hates pro. 'ith I urging pogroms to stimulate the • Jewish actor, trSo has bfeeii Sign-' petition tc the Lca&ufe at Ks.tiess especially those with i(Jef-ish Tnfeish esodus. jsrftrina. . \ t.A fer * role tr,1s J-ia n "the -ihfi screen SeffeSn V£T- : t s k i f i r latefcfcsfe'on fC? CifJJOfitiCS Jewish names. for a Coairr.ittce Father .Coughlin, the Lemke PolnUag out that when ccsso- j 3f tbe pis!" "Winterset.": in. Gfersaany, 3 party's chief / supporter, h a s mic measures against the Jews j tola us oal3r Six ta&fitbs £.©6 that: spread throughout, the United fall Otlier means must b® employ- j lie -would sever act Before t b e ' States'-:a mere .subtle brand of in-led, the Eadek newspapers irank-!camera . . . ilaarice Satati'el den-: TO 1*HCLH CAIW
tolerance. . In-the' name of "so-jly appeal for violence to force tbe'iefe rtinic-rs that he is staying ia'! QZ' T*Z*.vJ. 1 *»L **J"D IC Z,» cial justice," Father Coughlin has; Jews to leave Poiatsd. j Palestine for sfeoS . . . He's Sue! ta"ken frequent whacks at Newi In response to this incitement -in -.this' country on October 14t&1 LeafloS— A coaralssios of the Deal professors and "internatlofi-1 new dlstarbancfes occurred in !. . . We are very taueh afraid that i I6ter»st:oa£l Cftnftrtftte ei New j al bankers"'and somehow or oth-]praytyk . "Where two' Je?rs were our pfdgBSSitlft&tien fcbout bad ;Education ftaet F^Ucwsiip last ef, always haa managed to ring! killed last 'March.-. The Poles.-who paliticai jis-i-s if-ca pal&stise convicted for their part ; jwere j p -in eeaie- trtse ; Jewish I&bsr groups •;; ic-a by its fetssefcse ttrcUgJioat in a Jewish name. r reported r p o r t e d to .-•!<3 into th* causes ;cf f$.~ Threat t o Many Candidates \ th the March pogrfem are to jia Pfiland are .quietly dnllifis 'ESif j ths jiidics. siresfilBg tlie tised The expounding of Intolerance j have given the police the names j defense CGrj>s to prepare for tec-re idal from.political .platforms Injects'a!of th^ murderers of Mr.-and Mrs. |aoU-Je'Srish. eutbre&is ..*. . After1 to s acks. the elections there Trill bs far-reaculnr threat to 'ma'nylMinkowsii. fclstory
",•;;-.-' c? •* :
-Page 8
us was as beneficial to the truck Torah Society has received about Z. A. regional convention \p. Sioux Anti-Nazi League Beek $75,000 j society that aims after both freebusiness as to the passenger car twenty applications from teachers City last, week-end were Hy DiaNew York (JTA) — The NonIdoia find justice because it knows from page 1} business, and that many ex-ser- jfrom various points who wish a mond, Sam.Karcaofsky, Ben Kut- Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, of I that without freedom there can vice men are putting their bonus ^position as the TalmtJd Torah inwhich Samuel tinterinyer is pres! be no justice. money into trucks.as a profit- |structor n Council Bluffs. Mr O. ler, Abe-Raben, Herb Rosenthal, ident has launched a drive for last, during the emancipatory making investment. This bonus JHochman, secretary of the Tal- ; Bob Roffman, Frank Pirsch, Irv I $75,000 to finance its activities , period we gave in. "We said: "We j (Copyright IPS6 by Seven Arts v Feature Syndicate) | payment also has undoubtedly j mud Torah, has announced that a Rosenthal and Meyer Maltz, ad- I in combating Nazism and anti- i will be 100% Germans and ! ANNA FILL, correspondent ! Frenchmen and Turks and Greeks contributed to the large sales of ! decision will be made in the very viser. ' '. . ! Seinitisra in the United States. iiiinnniniiiiiffiiniiii^^ jand what not!" And behold, -we used trucks, of which Chevrolet [near future, and the Talmud Tor- j At the business session of the IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney and girls of school age at <the dealers:sqld 24,873 in June. 301 Electric Building ah expects to fill the vacancy of \ region, Hy Diamond, president of 1 Berlin — It was learned this ' could not live up to our own ESU1 Jewish Community Center. LEGAL NOTICE "However, used trucks' sales the position here with someone ! the Council Bluffs chapter, was j week that German Jewish refu- j cere promise nor carry to the ul' tiraate conclusion o£ fiisappearIn ihe r>iK?riet Court of Douglas have been showing a big boom all who will be a credit to the comgees from-Spain, who have been iance our own sincere efforts. County. Nnhraska. during the year, Chevrolet deal- munity and capable of fulfilling i elected Aleph Sopher of the re- "saved" by German TOiK.MMKTT HAL.t.O'WAT. whose warships, . • ' . - • gion. In this capacity he will have have been, imprisoned in concen- | There are more Jews in the world pl*ce of residence is unknown and ers having reported a total of his duties. upon whom persona! service of sum! today than there erer .were ,becharge of the monthly paper of tration camps after returning to mons cfinnni be ba.d. defendant: i fore and the Germans of the You are hereby rt' tified thnt on the to t h e e n d i the region: i Germany. These heavy Among those attending the A. | Mosaic faith and t%e Poles of 4th (IRV of May. 1MB, Anns Halloway, services a t Shaare Zion synagogue sales have enabled the Chevrolet as filed her petition against the Mosaic faith are just plain youplaintiff, durnig Shlichos, Rosh- Hashonah in the District Court of DOUR'HS dealers to reduce, their stock of Jews once more. And so with all County. Nebraska. Docket Sin, Pase Jack Merlin, president of Sioux andV'Yom Kippur. The voices have used trucks by 8,358 units in the the object nnd prayer of which the respect in the world for Kari 27fi, City chapter No. 12, of the A. Z. been picked by t h e cantor and petition if to obtain R divorce from last two months. , Radek and with all sympathy for you on the grounds of extreme cruelty A. 'fraternity, was: elected presi- weekly, rehearsals are.being held. : those young Jews who accept and desertion. dent of the Corn Belt association Ton are required to pnswer said Radek's picture of a sharply di- petition on or before the 21st dny of of the fraternity at a business sesSOCIETY NEWS vided world, I venture to proph- September. IMS, or said petition sion Monday afternoon, . which \ 1 v-iK he ta.l<en «.« true. ecy that the Jews of the Marx- against you AXXA marked the close of hte two-day HAIJLCUVAV. A bridge tea, yesterday after! ist faith will on some nearer or S-21--U Plaintiff. convention here. noon, on the lawn of the Baker farther to-morrow be just plain The convention voted to change home, 16 Congress avenue, anLEON &, WHITE, Attorneys Jews again. tthe name from the Iowa-Nebras- nounced the date of Miss Annette «•---; 504-10 City Nations! Bank Blcifl, B T F . B . -K. *ka association to' the Corn Belt Baker's marriage to Fred HerPerhaps, who knows, there is NCTiCE OF INCORPORATION OF associatlon and include c h a p t e r s ' ^ a s Sunday, September 13. KRASJS &. TRUSTIN something in that verse of scrip- ': Notice is hereby given that B corin western Illinois and South Da- Thirty guests attended the after- ' Miss Sonia Salts, daughter of , 'i i ture about being "a ligbt tc the i poration has been formed under the kota in the new association. noon party, given by the bride- Mr. and Mrs. Phil S^ks of CounGentiles?" Perhaps it is our duty j laws of ilie ytRl^ of Nebraska. Ttn> Other officers elected were Joe elect's mother, Mrs. D. L. Baker. cil Bluffs, has chosen Sunday, in this age to hold uot against name ot the corporation is "KHAUK ft THUSTIN." Us p-inoipaS tilsice of Perlman of Des Moines, vicePeach and blue, the chosen September 6, as the date for her systems, neo-orthodoxies, absolu- I• biisinPPK is Omaha. Douglas? County, president; Sam Kirchenbaum of bridal colors, were carried out in marriage to Mr." Harry Mulnick tisms of either doctrine or con- Xebraska. • The f^encTTj nature of the biisuvPR Lincoln, secretary; Dan Miller of the table appointments and faduct, all forms o£ the Hegelian ! .to be transaoietj of Omaha. The wedding will by the coiM>nrnti"n Omaha\chapter No. 1, treasurer; servile state, all forms of perseis to purchnRe. own. hold. seli. contake place at the home of the i vey, P.PFip-n. lease. mortgBp:':' and JeTry Brody of Ottumwa, senior v.ors. cution and repression and forciTuesday, afternoon, Mrs. Emil ; transfer real estate p.nd personal sergeant-at-anns; Myron Heeger Levich and Mrs; Abe Epstein en- bride's parents at three • o'clock, b l e conversion under whatever ' propprt>" wherever situntet'; to V?n>', of Sioux City, junior sergeant-at- tertained at a luncheon and in the presence of members of I flag or 'ism? Perhaps. Perhaps : pell, tnvn, assteXn. tr;ini>fer enri mortthe two families. Following the bonds, securities r.nd stork in strms; Hy Diamond of Council bridge party at Scribbins, honorwe are called upon to be among pjis^e i jt \ ; other corporations; t(» drav-', TTiake, ceremony, a wedding reception Bluffs, scribe, and Hy Polsky of ing Miss Baker. the last defenders of a humane execute, jiccept. endorse and issue will be held at the Saks home at Lincoln, chaplain. order. I dare no longer say a promissory notes, morteapes. rlrafts, bills of exchange p.nd i»ther nej^otiflble 120 Third Street, from four .until ! Socialist society, for the only one instruments; to borrow money: to enLincoln was tentatively awardMr. and Mrs. Joseph Kushner j seven o'clock, for all the relatives • in existence is an orthodox ser- cage in the business of general coned the winter convention which tracting for the construction, repairj vile State. Let us say a demo- ing •will be held In February, 1937, of Cedar Rapids, la., announce j and friends of the young couple. find remodeling of buildings nnd cratic and socialized society - - a public: works of tsll kinds; to engage subject to the' approval of the the engagement and approaching No invitations are being issued. A .group of .children on a col-|Joint, operating agency of the ] tion Committee in Russia for setmarriage of their daughter, Miss Numerous affairs are being in the business of manufacturing, new officers. 4 selling and buyinc ol nny and all ony in the Ukraine of the Agro- American Jewish Joint Distribu-j tling Jews on land. The convention also approved Dorothy Kushner of Chicago, "to gven this week complimentary to kinds of appHrntus, applianres (tnrt IRVIN C. LEVSN, Attorney materials used in the construction, 301 Electric Building '- plans for publishing an associa- Edward Pill, sonv of Mr. Max Pill Miss Saks and Mr.. Mulnick. repfiirinc. furnisliins *nnf! reinodPlinp "He knows that in Spain and tion newspaper once a month. Hy- of Le Mars, la. I NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT of huilclinpc. ronds. *eemeteries snrt Miss Kushner is employed in The Council Bluffs Lodge No. France as well as in Soviet Rus! DEFENDANT public works of aii kinds; to «>:'t as Diamond. was named editor. It hrokcr. afront or pp.lpsmnn for othei-s sia Jewry plays a decisive party TO: JAMES KUNCU was also voted to exchange choirs secretarial work in Chicago but 688 of the B'nai Brith will hold the sale of any and fill kinds at" ' Ton are hereby notified thp.t on ;he in-politics. The Jew thrives on •lfith day of June, 1036, .the plaintiff, in and speakers between the various will return to Cedar Rapids at a regular meeting Monday eveappftrnttiH. appliances find material? the end of this month for her uset] in tt^.e construction, rej ning, August 24, at 8:30 o'clock I (.he misfortunes of others and the chapters to conduct religious • Merchants Packing Company, a cofurnishing- find remodeling OL buildmarriage early_ in autumn. Mr. at the Eagles Hall. Mr. Nathan I people of the world will continue . partnership, commenced fi.n action in ing's, • services at the meetings. •• roads, oenipteries find public ; the Municipal Court of the City of Pill is associated with his father Gilinsky, president of the organ| to be affilated with misfortunes ^ Omaha, r>oup]as County. Nebraska, works of all kinds: to do Rnyt'olnjr A dance Monday night at Shore necessary, proper or convenient for in business in Le Majs. ization, has chosen the following New Brunswick, N. J. (WNS)— |so long as the Jew is not entirely ; a t Doc. HS on Pape 170 therein. or Acre Gardens, with Jack Reams tncidentRl to the curry in c out o< Berlin (JTA) — That a new i atrainst you P.S defendant, the prayer committees to serve for the en- Before the United States accepts • defeated." the powers or purposes herein menof which action is to recover from and his orchestra playing, con("League of Nations" to press antioned. voa the sum of Sflll.flfl. ssmfi being the Rabbi and Ufa. H. R. Rabin- suing term: Membership, Nathan an nvitation. to participate in any cluded the convention. j ti-Semitlc persecution on a •worldamount due on unpaid check. The total fmthorized capital sfoci Plaintiff filed the necessary affi- of the corporation shnU be ?2.").^'.!U.(N Edwin Wl Baron, president of owitz and daughter, Segulah, Nogg, chairman, Norman Meyer- future Olympic Games, the Amer- | wide scale will soon be formed, Blamed / c r Everything davit for attachment a? is provided divided into 250 shares of !he pat the Sioux City chapter of the have returned home after a five son, Dr. -Oscar Greenbei'g, Ben ican Olympic Committee should j Is the firm conviction of Julius by law and on the 1fith day of vaJue of £5110.on per share. .Vaid cap. Berlin — German-Jewish ref- !i for June." 1936. the Constable attached the ital stock shrji be fulh- paid for anc B'nal B'rith and Max Kroloff of week vacation at the northern Gershun, Abe Feldman, and Mor- procure from the host country a j Streicher, Na'zi Governor of Franfollowing described personal property: nonassessable v.hen issued and nia> ris Ricks. Finance, Dr. Julius pledge that all athletes-participadnicago, formerly of Sioux City Minnesota lakes.. conia. and publisher of "Der Stu- i ugees in Spain are responsible for 1 Frederick Meat Display Case be paid for in cash, notes or proTiMoskovitz, chairman;, Louis H. ting will be treated equally and I the terror tei Spain, it was declarand a former national A. Z. A. 1 Walk-in Cooler eriy, real or personal, tangible or inMisses Dorothy and Gladys Katelman, Al Fox, Sam Meyer- in sportsmanlike manner, regard- ermer," Germany's leading anti- : ed by the Frelheits Kampf, Nazi 1 Toledo Scale No. ,157252 tangible, at the reasonable vahi< president, were speakers at the Jewlsb organ. c 2 Meat Blocks thereof. Thirty shares of the capi ppaer in Dresden. The Nazi paluncheon Monday noon in the Welnberg are in New York City, son, Abe Rosenberg, and. Sam less of race.color or creed, it was 1 Kelvinator Ice Machine together ital stock shall be paid for before tb« Its purpose, declared Herr iper says that the refugees are with Motor and Coils. Jewish Community Center. The where, they are visiting with rel- Gross. Publicity: Leon Frankel, declared in a resolution adopted corporation shall commence business that said cause ha? been con- The corporation fhnll commence busichairman; Max Harris, Joe Katel- by the New Jersey department of Streicher at a public meeting in [ utilizing the revolution to re- land luncheon preceded the business atives and friends. t i n u e d to t^e Sth day of September, ness July 25, lP3fi. and shall conj JS3R. at S a. m. for service by pub- tinue on man, and Sam Sacks/Intellectual the Jewish war' veterans of the i Arnstadt, will be "to bring the ; venge themselves on Germany. meeting. Sam Sadoff welcomed for a period of fifty years fronilication upon you. Jewish people before an InternaMisses Rose and Gisela Pill, Advancement: Millard Krasne, United States. the delegates and Stanley Rabinj You are therefore required to an- date thereof. The highest amount o; j swer the petition filed by the plain- indebtedness* to which this corpora•owitz of/ Des Moines gave the re- 1710 Douglas street, visited this chairman; Ben Seldin, Leo Nogg, This same resolution will be tional court." tiff in said fiction on or before the tion may at any time sub.ieet ii.soh "For many Germans and 'mem- Zionists Icvnck Drive sponse. Earl Himowitz presided week with friends in Minneapolis. and Robert Weiner. Entertain- submitted to the 41st national I Sth day of geptember. lS.ifi. at 0 a. m.. shall not exceed two-thirds of its capNew York — An immediate bers of the Nazi, Party," he said, While there they attended the ment, S*im.on Steinberg, • chair- encampment of the Jewish JVar j or the same wilj be taken as true Find iial stock. as toBstmaster. The affairs of this corporation shal ; judgment rendered accordingly and drive to raise $125.000 as an Van Gogh exhibit. i "the chaos which reigns among man; Charles Saltzman,' George Veterans of the United States to In the final events of a tennis i the personal property above describ- [ be conducted by a Board of Director? emergency funci for Palestine consisting of not less than two not ! other nations at the present time i ed wli! be ordered as sold tn satisfy i Roffmac, Sam Bubb, and Joe be held in Pittsburgh over* the and softball tournament held in said judgment in the sum of snn.nn; more than five members. Mrs. Jack London of Madison, Gotsdlner. Resolutions: O Hocti- Labor Day weekend. is- still an unsolved mystery. He ; Jews was launched by the United j together connection with the convention, with the costs of action i: KPWAKP .1. KK \US. H A H K Y TK i'STJX. The resolution condemned "the who is conscious of the racial!i States Central Shekel Board at a ; thereon. the Sioux City team defeated S. D., visited with relatives in man, chairman; Sam Shyken and t MERCHANTS PACKING CO.. IN r.ni3. ?nx>"Tc O F : • -* M a r Cohn; Anti-Defamation attitude and action of the spokes- j problem, has also the key toi' meeting called by all • Zionist 'I Omaha chapter No.' 1 for the Sioux City last week. a co-partnership. i SAM J. LTCOX ' groups at the Hotel Pennsylvania. S-21-36-4t League: Louis Bernstein, chair- men, and repcesentatives of the world history. Plaintiff. 7-Sl-36-4t. ' championship, 15 to 3. Irwin Sid Bergen of Chicago has ar- man; Dr. Issac Sternhill, Leo German government and the Yafte of Omaha chapter No. 1 won the singles tennis champion- rived here to spend his vacation Krasne," Morris Grossman, and Olympic .Games for their gross ship by defeating Jack Goodsite with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson. Initiation' and lack of sportsmanship and deof Des Moines. In the doubles Max Bergen, 2315 Douglas street. Memorial: Louis H. Katelman, cency in affronting America's suchairman; Harry Cherniss Rich- preme colored athletes." ' play, Omaha chapter No. 1, repFriends " p f Rabbi Abraham ard Gordon, O. Hochman, Martin resented by Yatfe and Harold It referred specifically to the Maron honored him at a farewell Gluckman, and Louis Cohen. Den- action of Adolf Hitler in avoiding Garber, won the title. ; Sam Sadoff and Earl Himowitz party Sunday evening in the so- ver " Hospital: Sam Saltzman, any "greeting to the numerous were general chairmen of the con- cial hall of Tiphereth Israel syn- chairman, Saul Suvalsky, and Americans of the colored race agogue. Rabbi Maron left Tues- Max Simon. Cleveland Orphan who were Olympic winners" and vention arrangements. Chapter.delegates were present day for Los Angeles, where he Home: Sam Lincoln, chairman; described this as an affront .to all from' Ottumwa, Council Bluffs, has accepted a pulpit. He is a son J. Gittle," and Nathan Richards. sport-loving Americans." ". Bes Moines and Davenport, in of Rabbi and Mrs. J. D. Maron Leo N. Levl Hospital: Sam RosIowa; Omaha and Lincoln, in Ne- and recently •" returned from a enthal, chairman;- Harry Kutler, braska; Moline and Rock Island, four-year study in Palestine. and "Ben Kubby. , in Illinois. Among those who motored to More than 150 delegates were Sioux City Sunday morning to atregistered. for the two-day meet.tend, the two-day conference and Capetown (WNS) — A total of tournament of the District A. Z. A. chapters were the Messers. Hy- 1,044 Gerrnan Jews were admitted Record-breaking sales of mo- mie Diamond, Abe Raben, Her- to South Africa under the immitor trucks , during the first six bert Rosenthal, Meyer Maltz, Ben gration quota during the years months of 1936 are declare-* by Kutler, Robert Roffman, and 1933, 1934 and- 193S, it was Rabbi Wolff Paley will be a W. E. Fish, manager of the Chev- Sam Karchonsky. Hymie Dia- shown in figures /aid before the guest speaker at Tlphereth Israel rolet Motor Company's commer- mond, president of the local closing session of Parliament, synagogue Saturday afternodn, cial car department, to be an in- chapter'No. 7 of the A..Z. A., was whicli failed to take action on August-22, and Sunday evening, dex of higher levels in business, appointed publicity, chairman of a bill designed to curb Jewish imindustry, and a g r i c u l t u r e the Iowa-Nebraska Alephs Asso- migration. ^ The figures showed August- 23,.^ ciation. The tournament was cli- that German Jewish Emigration Rabbi Paley returned recently throughout the country. "Chevrolet's first six months' maxed with a Dance held Mon- amounted to 204 in 1933. 452 in from Russia" and will speak on his travels there and the present business in trucks," ,said Mr. day night at Shore Acre Gardens 1934 and 388 in 1935. .The total immigration from Germany- durFish, "set a record of sales that in Sioux City. condition of Russian Jewry. ing the 3-^ear period was . 2,662. exceeded any previous first half Saturday afternoon he, will Figures were also-cited "for thfe speak at 4 o'clock and Sunday -in the history of the .company, Mrs. B. Saltzman, accompanied total Jewish immigration since evening his address twill begin at with a total of 119,294 new units by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen and 1929, when the r quota' law' went T o'clock. Both lectures will be delivered, as compared with the children of Harlan, returned into effect. They "are 1,881 in held at the Tiphereth. Israelsyn-} previous record of 102,321, which jh o m e M o n ( j a y following a week's 1930;. 886 in 1931; 676 in 1932; agogue, West Sixth and Sioux | has stood since 1929. T h e J n - stay at Excelsior Springs, Miss- 745 in 1933; 1,123 in 1934; and I trease over the corresponding ouri.' streets. 1.07s; ill 1935; a total o£ 6,389. Everyone is invited to attend period of last year is 26,09*1. The proportion of Jewish immi"Actually, the pick up in truck the lectures. Mrs. Li. Chernciak and daugh- gration to the total immigration sale began late in 1935, and be- ter, Miss Helen Cherniacl«, left fell from 35 ; per-cent, in .1929. ginning with November every one last week for an extended visit In | (when Jewish" immigrations .was CANTOR TO CONDUCT of the last eight, months has ex- California. ' { 2,788) fb 16.6 percentin 1935* ceeded Chevrolet's beat previous MEMORIAL SERVICES sales record for the -correspondMiss Helen Steinberg returned Cantor A. Pliskin will conduct ing month in all previous years. home; Tuesday following a two Funds to Agricultttral Society "Every one of the nine region- weeks' vacat!6n spent in Chicago the traditional memorial services •-"-•; . . . •.' -. at the cemetery beginning Sunt al territories in which Chevrolet and Mackenacl Island. - i n Poland has divided its national sales orNew York •—- The American and continuing day morning venieni ntcthed ©! wishing y©sr relatives and 1 Miss Ruth Roffman returned Committee Appeal for Relief, of throughout the month of Elul, ganization has shared in the upr trn indicated by the new record homeliome Monday following a. Jews in Poland announced, it had the month; preceding Rosh Hafriends & Happy New Yea? . . . N© daisger ©f of first half sales. The Eastern six weeks' visit in Chicago with cabled 10,000 zlotys to the CenJ Mr. and Mrs. wish shonah. . . - . ' • ' . • the embanrasssieEt e! forgettlsf £®ss.e®ie . . . l« their friends bath far and The cantor will be at the cem- region, including many large relatives and^triends. ' Miss Roff- tral Distribution Committee in near A Happy and Prosperetery every, Sunday morning from cities and industrial districts, led man was extensively entertained Warsaw for the Jewish Agriculno t r o u b l e . . . tinse nn.a mesey saved. tural Society of Lwow, which is ous New Year. 10 until 2 o'clock in the after- with a 62-9 per cent gain, follow- during her stay in Chicago. ed closely by the Southwest and headed" by Dr. K. Halpern and noon. Anyone wishing him to rethe Pacific coast region, which Mr. r.. I.Mrs. and Miss Esther Steiman of Winni- Ds\ E; Taubes. cite this traditional prayer at the gained 58.5 and 58.7 per cent reThese greeliugs will be published la mr Rosh 'family extend to t h e i r peg, Canada, left today for her grayeside ot a loved one during spectively. In the midwest refriends sincere wishes for A the week, m a t make an appoint- gion^ a 53 per cent increase was home following a three weeks* • Mayor-Dizengoff.'Hoaored" Hashoaali edition, September 17. The charge Happy New Year. London —— Meier Dizengoff, 75ment with the cantor by calling .made:* The* Flint region, cover- visit here with relatives. While will be $2.0§ for esidt Greeting . . . ssail any his home. . .- .••.. ing the northern central states here, she* was the house guest of year-old mayor of the all-Jewish Mr. and Mrs. and her unelp and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. city of Tel Aviv* was made an • family ' wish their friends and industrial cities such as Abe Leibovitz. Miss Steiman was of these loraas, ©r ph©se y©isr .Greetings. health, happiness and prosCleveland and Detroit gained 4C- extensively entertained ''during | honorary commander of the Briti ish Empire for public services to perity ia the coming year. 1 per cent, and the Atlantic coast her stay in Council Bluffs. Palestine,-according to King EdA telephone census h a s been region/-which includes New York • Mr. and Mrs. • take ward's birthday honors ?ist made started this week to g e t a work- City and Philadelphia, 45.3 per •J., Rodin undewent an opera- public thiE week. . . . this means of extending cent. In one of the nine regions ing list of Sioux. City Jewish boys tion at the Clarksbn Hospital n j greetings and hearty good -••• C a i ' and girls of school age. The cen- was the gain less than 37.2 per Omaha Tuesday, and is getting i Warsaw — Zionist authorities wishes for A Happy and sus is being taken by the Jewish C e n t . ..:.'•; £ . - ' • ' • . ••__-': '•-.•-•;' : . Prostieroas Year to their along satisfactorily. j moved this week to accelerate 'Community Center, under the di"Chevrolet sales of trucks in friends far and near. Jewish immigration to Palestine rection of Mra. Dave Wigodsky, June were 20,500,"or only 250 Mr.'and Mrs. Dave Fox, accom- before October, when Great Brit.superintendent of t h e Communi- below the total for May^ indicat- panied by their son, Albert Fox, ain, is expected toannounce temty Center. : ; V "":-';"- ' ('"••: ing that there is to be no sudden left Saturday night on a motor [porary suspension at immigration Afte? t h e census h a s been com- tailing oft of business.in summer trip to .Chicago, Illinois. |for the duration of the Royal pleted, work' will be started on months. Incidently, I believe that : {'Commission's inquiry- into curThe Council Bluffs - Talmud'rent disorders. outlining :• t h e activities for boys the payment, of. the soldiers' bonLTiiinrmiinmramnimHiinimTiniiiiniimTL'mnffinuTnnnnOTiimiTmnrariramininnmniTiuntiiniiMg
; City News] ~ Shaare Zion
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JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450