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-Thi3 column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction . i n whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement o n l t h i s copyrighti will be prosecuted. . ;.
Entered iis Second Class Mail Matter on January 21. 1921. at Postoffice of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act o£ March 3, 1S79 .
OMAHA, X E B ^ . y .»> 3IDAT, AUGUST 2S, 1S3S
rtittlers Happier Since flRGAMZEO TTGItLD
Nazi Curves Jew In Court; Jailec
They Became Hillons
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'<MB*<t W*1W Sn- **»
'The majority of American ««• "*-» "newspapers', uncritically pro-Capitalist,' are -undoubtedly talcing : their news of the Spanish Civil Livti ' New Tork (ENS).—A checkup, New York {WNS). —Herman " •war. partly at least from fascist Mehrsten, a German alien, learnon NSw York Jews with tBe name | r sources. Thus when head-lines /"""I / ~ » ! Geneva (JTA) •—'Great Brit- j of Hittler who changed their pat- I Te? Anericass Assos, /C5 announce that the Madrid govv Two •'Fornjer Champions t o ed to His regret that Nazi anti-! Semitlsm can't .be invoked with j ain's refusal to supply informs,-; ronymic to'Hilton in the last two j £ | x t j l!S2lbers O f Ad ^Ver- w i r ^aw*"" ^vmn" \ *SB"<" ^•r"' •>— ' Clash for Highland Links ernment'has summarily executed impunity in this country' when ition regarding the causes and. the i years because of the--embarrass-' istrative Oon 733"persons or" that members of Championship Magistrate Anna' M.' Kross sen- j significance of the Palestine <iis-jment they suffered shows that all the religious orders' hare been treated with frightful and undisWith; youth out of the picture, tenced him jto two Says in jail j orders last, week met the critic-; of them are-ranch happier. David; Geneva ("VTN'S-Pa leor Agency) criainatlng-. severity, numerous Abe Brodkey and Marvin Treller after he had thrown her court j ism of the League of Nations and Harry HHtoa, nee. Hittler, are ! The Work Jetri E"h Congress ; 'doing lots better as clothing sales- .'permanent organization began to U _ ^ if l^l-l;51*. r = grains of salt need to be added. Will play 35- holes, (or, less) of into an uproar by..hurling antl- j mandates commission. . . '-' — under -- • their " > new — - - Mor-1 -• - - [function officially i i, Oi \^i4ii ii s | Semitic curses at Gus D. Oppen-! I t expressed the Jiopa that the, men name, the So much is certain. It is equally golf this coming Sunday afternoon certain ..that the fascists, a l l and to decide golfing supremacy at helm, who had had him arrested !Mandatory power would submit | r i s Hilton,-.who dropped, the Hit-j iy formed Administrative Comeverywhere, are the enemies of Highland Country club for' this f or disorderly conduct/ 'i .. ! this, information a t the: autumn I tier on the request of his fiancee, jmittee, headed by Dr. Nat-am •" While he waa being arraigned, (session of the co"mmission even \ reports he has no cause for re- \ GoduniaBn of Geneva, and the civilization and humanity.. Nev- y e a r . * ' • • • ' • • " . u . ' . : ' • ; ' . ' '•-•'... New T o r t (JTA).—The Jcint Mebrsten broke loose' from the j though 'Britain -should not . yetj g r e t . . . . . | Executive COffifilittee, headed by ertheless the tragic fact remains c?er of F. 1:tch~pv~ TTDiT*3"f^U.-<- I r e For the past five yiears, either that once again the good ends of Dick; Hiller :or Julian?s Milder, of arresting, officer and tried tojbe in a position by that date to s Benjamin Hilton, a furrier, re-J rj r . Stephen S. Wise of New York, Distribution committee has grant- turer .p.nd tbe .sinyinp- of. four human - life, the better ends at the younger guard, have managed punch Oppenheim while shouting < define its policy In. the flight of fvealed that he'no longer has t o i l e t in joint' session." Later theed 4 8 thousand dollars to Jewish Jeve in p.f.taeks raised tin? J e v the proceedings of the Royal ; suffer gibes snd jusults which ! Executive Committee met alone, child care organizauorm in Polfinc! least as represented by the popu- to dominate Highland , tourna- epithets! jp]i toll *P "I'P f^ver tiif ^-ppk^'ni Oppenheim. ducked and Mehr-: commission" a p p o i n t e d last | v e r e big daily lot when he wasa n ( j a t the conclusion o£ its in the first sis months or IP36 lar front of ' the Madrid govern- ments, but this year both Treller 'meeting Dr. "Wise, .vrfao presided : and will continue to subvention :pep!ijT!p; t o rnffSSKfe >'>P i f ' - v r ^ V ment,\are being helplessly.;and and Brodkey decided that some- sten's fist hit-the bench. For this j month by the Baldwin Cabinet. j known as Hittier. offense he: was ordered jailed I Britain based its declination); Only Max Hittler insists o n > t both sessions, announced the: these activities for the remainder 1 permanently betrayed nS comthing-must .be done to end the old d i s o r d e r s , comwhile he Is awaiting-trial on the ! upon "the ground that governing j Seeping his name. i decision to incorporate the TTbrld , o' tbe rear, Joseph C. R'-EIBT., promised by. the meahs.0 E i g h C o m m i s s i o n e r -fin- A r t h u r reign of the'younger mashie wield- charge preferred against him by j regulations require her to report! executive director, annm-ncefi. | Jewish. Congress under the laws: Once again a revolutionary and . e r s # He said part ci the grant was s o l e l y u p o n e v e n t s o f t h e p r e . c e d j i of Switzerland and/"to establish' -Oppenheim. . in intentibn humanitarian moveAnd each of two finalists who, The latter charges that Mehr-. ing year.. . . . : ; offices in Geneva. Paris'and New made to TO3. the association for' milment, is being/undermined by fe-incidentally; are far from' being sten ran into nis store shouUng. i The published minutes of the: i York. "' ' ' ' . ' | preservation of health E>tnong the itary i.v,6 Gove-VKiiiful officislEi » i Tocity and: poisoned by blood. We bewhiskered, did something Tery Hooray for Hitler!" and curs-1 commission^^ include the statement \ Jews in Poland, which recently j Liaison officers were appointed J iV-.'hpt V B S belic^'p*.! r tln^l cTlort > all' desire the Madrid government definite about the situation. Trell- ing Oppenheim as a Jew. ' by .Marquis. Alberto Theodoli, its; for various countries to raise the | declared 25 . thousand S e w ish ! {o obtfstn e peare'nl FoUitioi; of to prevail and the fascist rebel- er put the skids under HiMer in a Italian,,chairman, referring to the' .budget of $75,000 for xsest year. school children wouid have to be ! the troublesome eiti'p.tion. in t'l.p lion-to ~be defeated. But let ussemifinal match, defeating him 1 strong'stand taken by the League; I Plans .were also formulated for fed during the -winter. Holy Lnnrl. do so on general principles and up, but=had to shoot a 35, the best bodjr during, the 1929 Palestine; Berlin (Tv'KS).—A special ses-! cooperation with groups not s i - ; •without any definite hope that r o u n d h e h a s . r e c o r d e ( J j t o t u r n riots which pressure, caused Brit- : sion of the reicfistag to~ enact a fi ii a ted' at present with the Conany benefits but-surely negative back the defending champion. ain to present a report more ! new series of anti-Semitic laws' g r e s s _ The Executive is to work ones will result Let us, in other swiftly, ' ' j which will extend the Nuremberg! "oni ' a g e a a ned plan for imple- \ Brodkey surprised most - everyfor repsa'ior. of c u r r e n t f!is<1~c'f>"S' words, cling to that moral'.insight one except BiH. Sehuchart, HighPortuguese and Belgian, mem- [ laws to the field of trade and -!raentin^ the decisions of the Con-' which has been the mark of,our land pro, when he polished off bers supported the Marquis in bis \ commerce and thus sentence the ; p r e s s aC£[ %0 submit it to a meet-': ' PHIF of I-ii=,i Am in f! >Ji!=s-?i?"ii, people from the .eighth century Julian Milder in a very workman.s members' in Paris on •Vienna (WNS). — Applications statement. Pierre Ortis, the Bel-, German Jews to starvation will \ ihe GTEDC MtiTti. avoided r, clear before the common, era to this like manner, with th"e ffnal reck- for emigration " to Palestine and gian representative, implied that be called by Hitler eatfly in Octo-j ,4th, Vbere the sctupl ! understanding: pending r e t u r n oi ; London ("VTNS).— The South day: that insight into the nature ipning..4 and 3. Early in the year other countries are swamping England's appointment of a Roy- i her, it was learned here from will be 'initiated. Lorss Americar, republic of Ecuador is i &. deieg&tion oi Arab ieatiers ti'oia of the moral life which teaches Sehuchart predicted that Brodkey every Jewish organization in- Vicommission meant "stalling for -usually well-informed sources. t,iPsky'ot N 'Londou. us \.irrefutably and recurrently would win "the title if he mates enna as the 250' thousand Jews of time.".' : i These laws, which are already j t h e central Council." announced eager to welcome 10 tiiousK-iic: ; Following i)a i-tlffisc. by >>'(ticv Jewish refugee lamiiieg Crcm Eufrom age to age by: the iron and the attempt. .; . •. Austria approach the panic state! "Perhaps.'the Mandatory. Pow-jbeing drafted, will be discussed j t h a t j t g membership t a d been rope in the next three years, s a c lot K i ? t Commisffioii.e-r Sir AvlLiirt.he thunder of experience that that it'would conBrodkey. and Treller, both foriGrenfcil IVnufihcue. oi Ef> Arftb no true or permanent good can members representing tbe natural resources of the coun- jleaciCi'E imrrisonefl i r a eoncenmer titleholders, are expected to try are such as to make Use poscome of evil, not life, from death, ! r stage a close battle. They are so sibilities for such imrnigTSLUon t ?.t!Oii fopip Pi P^-nff'^ri. 0 ' ? not from cruelty however ot mercy mercyfro evenly matched'that r little or notro-German understanding was'theat League could, .hardly agree ;• held.'at Cologne. While it was ex-j O £ ^ h e Bixty members o* the very favorable, It hreportedfcy ir.PT'F tbPt ?.?: rnorf v-on'r" b r fs-rfA apparently justified by, conflict wagering has resulted and for the signed the anti-Semitic move- i t& the appointment of - a roralpected thst the end of the Oiym-; Administrative .Committee tea E. C. Q. HecricueE, nolefi eng'nand passion, not justice from the first time In recent years it is im-ment throughout Austria is grow-!commission should- be put for-:pics would see the beginning of a | a r e Americans. eer End communal worker, who ward as a reason for refusing to ' new wave of anti-Semitic action, ! jhev areD. S. Margoshes, edviolent liquidation even of thepossible to name the favorite in ing by leaps and oounds. i i i c > <s.ic, has returned from a visit to Er-y-RF trkprs BF JTlCi'.f*?.!ir>T! t?!1?!: fiT: \unjust. .- , • • - . the final match. New York; Dr. Thousands of Jews are losing give information. , German Jewry is panic-stricken at!l t 0 , o £ The Confirmation -of these moral New Tork; Joseph Brodkey possesses a sounder their jobs as a result of the agi- "Tfie commission has -alreafiyj' facU comes in authentic news M. Kallen, New tation sponsored not only by thereceived numerous petitions as all-around game, but Treller ia Prof. Horace from Russia. The Trozkyists, Nazis but the Freih'eitsbund (the result of the present disorders, f From hints'dropped in the Xazi Y ork; Abraham Goldberg, New the government or lOcne.fio- <ieP Zinovieff and' Kamenev, though the longest hitter of the two andCatholic labor army), the Catho-| M a n y m ° r e probably - i l l come j press it appears probable that the JYork- Lords Sesral, secretary of clfir^Cr. itp^lf r^srly t o pn^-?- R TT.;^- <;l;iefF ipc'llfip .A«Tli T* V AW'"! ia known to thrive best when the liori ncres of Irmt t o JeViH^ set they recanted their heresies some - Yonth union and various oth- in. What -could . be. left ©f the ] reichstag will forbid Je-jrs to- o w the j e w 5 s i j National "Workers' gofhg is toughest. Observers point iiers a n d t o exempt, mich irami- Aral? Suprpme Comrniftpp a n d P. years ago precisely like men a c er Catholic Jay and clerical right of petition if, in urgent and j honses and -will order the confis- Alliance* Max S-^verFteir, erKTid p-z.T'* r rr >r t *r >P leafier of ihe A"Pb youth, find out t h a t ' t h e 36-hole route may cused by. the Inquisition, are to serious circumstances, petitions ;cation of-; all Jewish property on iDESter iasefin Siclkr f> Da,1ani. «n impor-
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October Session ".' of-1 gfag
Visas Out of
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- be dragged, from their exile and prove a long ordeal to Treller, as to be re-tried on capital charges. -Once-they, were held -to be onlyTemotely..; responsible for their
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they arc C5l"~b s. " - \f"c instigation of political -assassina-. follOTTiiip 4,ir.£ ' i C a - 1 ' -w p-^< ing Communism., tlon and "the sacrosanct name of. er lunch. deputj of <.L* ^ c : The 'situation has. now. reached In the second flight the usually I P 1 Stalin Is mentioned "and Trotzty trative Comrr ^ e r Kr^bi a point where many Jewish leadis accused of ultimate'complicity erratic • Harold Cherniack has era' here are ready to admit that ward. L. I=-?c\ Be', m^-e Cr-1 and the Pravda. demands sum- managed to keep steady long Austria is : no longer safe for the Shermar Nevr To-k P-^c" [- p i " r r v mary, executions.: Now. it isn't enough to win all of his matches Jews. As a result of this organj . T -than c T r t r i f u , v c. necessary to have any Intellectual so. far played and he finds him- ized propaganda 60 per cent of j'Actions Coimsittse. cf World-Stephe-- s Yt >**. tbe t - > -v sympathy with-Marxism (I amself in the finals. His, opponent the Jews in Vienna are living on j Zioijist Orfani^atiea Meets I 10 set *-<•& r crpr * c- E . will be .either Max Chapman or •sufficiently known to have none) relief. '•-.-•• t o * fr I i n 2Tiric!l S Silver, .Nsn "Tc'f, D-, K r " to realize that Leno TrotzKy. is a Harry Malashock. depending.upon ! . . . T' " ledenwalc, I>c L ~;-= S.f r very hi gh type of Jewish ultra- the outcome of their .semifinal ,'S"-, Ncvjir-j, crtrc. ".?'• New Tork (JTA).—In an edi- j Zurich, .Switzerland' (JTA) — , .""'.* intellectual who is incapable of match, this-•week-end. t e r o ft v : r rh s en "ctorial entitled "The Impasse .in | A check for J5O.GG0 from t h e , " ° " } a thing" so stupid and futile as ".. Should Chapman win over MalPalestine," the New York Herais-1 Jewish'National Fund in the Uni- 'seph.IIrre^— X£ri c ' planning from exile the assassin- ashock, Cherhiack -will be in a dil:of Sorr Tribune declared^ that temporary j tea States v a s p presented °' e s e n e d last last ation of the .Georgian dictator. emma .He .is the owner of Chapr 1 a'cv.r Frri ~ suspension of JewisU immigraweek to .'.Menachem. Mendel t s-iChicafrc;_E" d r-n-— Zitfovieff and Kamenev also are man in: the ' player's pool and Prague {WNS).—Reversing its tton :-into the Holy Land as asishkin, •'•world president of ' the : ^e^ Tor:. neither fools".-not rogues. Under should Chapman come out on top,previous attitude of uncompromisthese circumstances it} is not dif- Cherniact will realize a sizable ing opposition to = the Soviet means of ending Arab disorders Zionist fund, who arrived h^re to would be "tantamount to complete preside at the meeting of the .Acficult- to^'imagine from .what" bur- profit from his investment. Howl tions Committee of the World eaucratic corruption, from -what ever, \if tie downs Chapman, he Union, the Agudath Israel, ultra- d e f e a t » r o r Zionism. o ' --.r r c r < Orthodox organization, voted to Referring-'to the royal commis- iZionist Organization. hidden turmoil of conflict over receives more glofy, but much less send a commission to . the V. S.sion appointed last June by Wil-1 The sessions were to take up power and advantage, from what money. .At the present writing, rr v S. R. to investigate the status of Ham G. A. -Ormsby-Gore, the co-! the question of Arab-Jew rela- •New T o 1 - ! - ? -»r " 1unacknowledged fears of the-ac- Cherniack is said to be making a the Jewish religion--.under, the lonial minister, the editoria: itorial j tionships in^ Palestine and p,rob-|ler car-» -"o pev--—. 1" h " T t l tual iron dictatorship,, this re- detailed study, of-the situation. Soviet regime. jlem arising from carrent disor- i German J^" . - l -ef^- -^1-E'e ~cstated: .newal of accusation, this preparThis was decides at the world reality' ders. . • - j ceived E. 1 frcir. *lc "iAr-'v'A. "There is a certain unreality ation ,. for a- 'new blood-purge congress of the Agudath Israel. about the gentlemanly British vi-j A report of the activities of the \ Emigrtti n as'-or c^ o-, tbe PE.-• spring's. In other words,. this In authorizing the commission s i 0 I 1 o f t f a e ^ r a D g abandoning I American Jewish .National Fuad i confererce rr. zr grat "= v rs .c ^ new Kussia iB the scene of all the " ? c -> '•r the congress expressed the hope |t h e i r - c a m p a j g n ( o f t h e c o m m i s . {-was submitted to Mr. Ussishkin i Abral ~r> -r-~r'-, r~f- r ^ t r old vices and weaknesses and that the new Soviet constitution jg l o a j m p a r t i a l l y c a n . y i n g o n t its ] by Mendel N- Fisher, of New; HIAS, ' e r ^ - ' e i 4o z. "IAS -netcruelties of man under'. other would make it possible for Soviet studies and if 'legitimate griev-]Tork,-campaign director, a t ' a names and," in other forms but Jewry to open Hebrew schools ances are found," as Mr. Qrmsby-| three-hour conference. i 3 " = O' t 1 ; In tLe unchanged, . unsbftened; unreand would legalize the.appointGore puts it, announcing the im-j After the conference, Mr. Us! frora .'••'^ 1. lrCC to ," trained.. ; London • (WNS-Palcor Agency). ment of rabbis. : e < partial manner in which they are sishkin, in a statement, express- i *^ KI4 >-IC4. sr-oo Meanwhile a; Ndzi-trained and —"The civilized progress of the The congress .protested the to be 'permanently removed'." jed great satisfaction with the re- ' more {J-sn inspired dictator "named Metaxas Jew is essential for the Arab," Arab terror i n Palestine, I ex(salts of J. N; F. activities in the ; immigrins has assumed power in Greece and Sir • William. Flinders Petrie, re- pressed thanks to the British gov( K the ean co^fri"? t " brc " c" c Germany has put on a superb nowned archaeologist, declared in 'United States, particularly ; ernment for reaffirming its loyDancer Balks at Berlin Trip! of show for tourist3 during the a letter published in the Times. London — The Daily Star r e - ] N e w Y o r k t h e n a t i o s a l preE.;dent. Olympic games/so that the Na-"The root of the present ques- alty to the Balfour; Declaration, "under Dr.' Goldstein's leader- ''• 7<|/fJ f tional-Socialistic regime can nowtion is the use of land, which baa voted to co-operate with the royal ported last week, that Nina Verj jrr xjssislikin tr^sishkra said said " t"the h e •'' *" * v ^ p" M prepare for war and murder all been mostly wasted by the Arabs commission to investigate the Pal-j chinin member or the De Basil ! s a iip». recusants and carry on its anti- but which, if properly cultivated, estine riots, and recommended in-1 ballet; had refused to accompany | J e T r i ' s h xatioaal Fund income of i Jevrish and. pan-German cam- could hold four-fold the present creased Jewish emigration to 1 the troupe on a trip to Berlin for t h e Tj n i ted s t a t e a i s the-largest !" 11 f — South Anierica. ' a performance. ' paign throughout the world with population," he further said. since 1929." K c : , : " t S" greater ease and greater effecS"t'-Sc-. " He added that the present sit-;—^~& Jerusalem CWNS-Palcor Agentiveness. Worst of all, most uation in .ihe Holy Land made, it \\ has esclo^ L hp HP* tragic of all, Britain is frightened cy).—The, Arabic; Daily Falastin, necessary for American" Jews to ; P«b'ic ir' o in an editorial expressing appreX JLJlt.iLC' - - frightened for almost the first do even more toward siding the ! Aryan time in modern history. A re-ciation of the effortL of Emir to progress of the Jewish homeland, in a""ppc Abdullah of Transjordan to bring cruiting campaign all oxer Engmnior L«"; rT about a settlement: of the presland uses the slogan: ."Tne couna c e e fcr I " c Golfing, banqueting, entertain- j c e j ] e n c e try is in danger!" It is common ent situation, says that "the lhro',1" - t v <• talk in London that the situation Arabs desire with all their hearts ment, a little horse play and some\ / . S a m Vertheimer, jr., also woa hcldir- r - ^ - r is infinitely graver than it wasthe termination of the present sit- speculating—aU combining-, to; tte special aitard, that for "the The c 1 in 1914. Now it is well to recog- uation, since its 'continuation is make good fellowship,- were en-jm o s t 3 o s t b a i l s .» Wertbeinser's take F-— - tc New York (TvNS).—The Sen- of the C ' T i nize danger and prepare to meet liable ',to destroy the economic joyed by some 750 Omahans and ;c l l ] b s deTe i O ped a sudden case of ator Benjamin F. Herman trop"hy it. But England is, as the Eng-ground under "their feet. The Eng- out-of-towners Highland, toftowners at the Highland h o o k l t l j l a n dh e h a da .< r o l l g h .. for the -outstanding individual i -,4 ,,„,„— lish .themselves would phrase it, lish • also desire its termination, Flipg held Wednesday at the time o£ it-most of. the afternoon, i achievement at tbe first World > l.Ai'1 i ». t . in '•&' blue f unit. Now the terrible owing to the pressure of Arab Highland Country club. and Mos,"• When he finished his round, a]£,abor 4thletie carnival -VTKS ' t mark of frightened men is .that propaganda in. the-Arab ',', ..-.•' : ••• The.Highland Fling, is annually jf-jend qneried : the usual "What j a^aj-jied by the Sevea Arts Fea-' they, become' treacherous and lem world." Car ^ looked forward to by Omabans; as! did you go around ia, Sara?" ifj r e syndicate and its affiliated "• cowardly. And in the whole his-_ lme r lH rciJ the highlight of their summer^ ; » V " aboBf eight-golf balls," was | publications -to George Varoff - of iS?. ~ tory of Britain there is nothing] sports calendar. And this year*! f ear'sTthe dejected-reply, removias all |saa Francisco for ais 14-foot 4 ~i- \ ^f?1 " c ~5 equal in . treachery- and coward-' Fling did not disappoint them. r ice to the sending of a .commisa. In I flonbt'as .to' the'ultimate winner; incli- sole vanlt, a mark which < c o b -s fact, it was •.unanimously declared jo f l c e award that lie later re- ! Eurpassed' that inafie by the -win- \olsf'"; sion of investigation to Palestine. : : Maurice R. Cohn, 42, 2306 F the b'est Fling in historj", and Chat i ceived. .. . . . . . • .|ner of this event ia the Olympic' "** Ihe threat • of a suspension of street, died Monday at a local hos- is saying a g r e a t deal. .Dorsey's chicken d i n n e r " h i t ' g a m e s . Varbff. was selected, a s t h eSatijr . Jewish immigration or the un111 1 speakable picture' of Sir Arthur pital of a ruptured appendix. Mr. " The record crowd of 750' began-the spot" asr did the entertainment; winner of the Berman trophy aft-; r ^ jburne3 ed ia xrom-(he Sixty |e r & poll of sports writers, cover-j "~ • Wauch'bpe grieving . over -the Cohn, for; many, years a . South to assemble early, and by 2'.that 1 radio at the successive outrages Omaha grocery man, was unmar- | o'clock the bolstered caddy ranks club and pr?s?ntcd specialty'nuns-; ing-the meet. ried. He was a world war veteran. j were nearly depleted. Club mem- bars not included in thsir reg-alar! One of the highlights ol the »nd not suppressing actively and Surviving are his father, Louis ; ber3 held their ov.*n v>-ith their! routine. , I two-dar raeet -was the presence of ; -oas A !irmly those bands of terroristsi igttests in tbe division of EOHJ After bei^s .ovtHy patertalned.j Governor Herbert . H. , Lehman, :a s ^ s a v?ho are no lonser .particularly, R. Cohn; three' sisters,- Mrs. A. ^liscriminating among the Eng-Prank, Mrs. Joe Sherman and prises and Sam Grerii, risrvinlincrryniaiiiiis fjccauc the laaia or-!who ia a brief radio address froia j T« lish,- the Jews or.those Arabs who:! Mrs. II. N. Kulesh. Treller, Jniian -Milder r.Eil ften|«lerof business. Ac- the ;party{Randalls" Island calied the carai-; everj-_ aesitato to join them. It is not Funeral cervices were held from ! Yousein all were rvwanlecl yrizc-s! broke up very, very late in thejval'. "the -answer to the the Jewish. Funeral home. Burial i for some- particular feat of es-lnomiasr. the fc (Continued on page S.) Olympics."* ; wes in-Tisher Farm cemetery.'
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Rabbi Abraham Feinberg of XewComo, Switzerland, trying- to for- and carriage give a "new twist to \ the Arab insurrectionary iacre- gEEses. Foreign Olrispic athletes kls?cl?.er Beobachter. by Lieutenant York, who attended the AshevJlle get all about resolutions end or&-Shakespeare's famous line, "True ' rcfent has entirely escaped from ezw u-slls in the Olympic village Gpnera; KCJ?R1, chief of th« army National. . Conference of Clergy- tions ,0n the Jewish issue . . . [love ae'er did run smootK." i the control of the grosp of pcli- smeared with the vordF "0I?«T. of'i"r, reading; "On August 1 ?rh men and laymen, will have some- Lazar Lipsky, the lawyer son of "Even loyal Nazis,"' says the ; ticiaas who formed the origins.! trith the Jew Fuers=tner," snd the Cejnp.iT, Wolfgang .Fueratner of thing very interesting • t o . nay Louis, is taking a very active part report, "thoroiJghly in favor of ! Arab strike comr&ittee. Judcckecaer, miiitactly ami-Sem- the rr-ich r s r ministry died untiabout -this conclave, ot so-called in New York State .Democratic the racial laws have a tough time : "After \ h e events of these four itic psper, had dexD&mied his <iie-*y- W^ have logt in hita * religious leaders . . .Incidentally, party activities . . . W h i c h re- i figuria gout just who may marry • months,"' tbe Times says, ''it is . leysi, iLm'tful snd ehcrgetif offiwe found out that Ralph Nollner. minds us that the 17-year old sonjwhom, or not,'and why not. To : inconceivable tbat the eovern- - Because Fuerstnsr WKK r^cop- cer tml comrade* who v u evpr : of Houston, Texas, who played so of Clarence LOTS-, treasurer of. the ] help these perplexed citizens, ment, after sEEoiincing' that tbs ctzed &e one oi the s-bler.:. sriry \><:',f>lu\ f.ntl courteous. We shall prominent a part at the Asbeville New York state Democratic Com- Nazi newspapers have printed ; royal commission would not" visit. f,r>Sc 5J5F n.-fmorv in honor. B.efore an assemblage of the Mr. Lelviek will speak with the pow-wW was a cousi^aatory to mittee, is pne ol the roost prom- efcirts and diagrams showing 'Palestine uutil order « restored offlcere tbe «'ar miniptry 6<;liheraieSj' oveilooLpA Li* ikon-Ary&n •world's outstanding -writers, a memory 'of the serio-comic obsta- the original call for. the • confer- ising amateur tennis players . '.'-•;'. j which percentages of Jewish aud -uronld not yield to violence, middle - aged man, prematurely cles whish had to be overcome be- ence- along wjth James. True,- Rob- In case you don't remember, Rob- I Mood 'constitute an obstacle to should contemplate tiie SUEPCB- tnceatry. • Kt vr&i in vompUAfs F©r Rent gray, will mount the rootrurri to fore Yiddish writers were admit-, ert Edward EdmondBon, Colonel ert A. Low won the national : ma'triage andvfcich do not. Eion of immigration. If tbe royel charre of the EriEj- fports r.rjrfifijz&Uon acd was cw.CUtC vrhh tti" ted into tha International PEN relate the tragedy of the Jewish Sanctuary and others of Amer- boys' single title a few years ago Twr r,\ze rooms and kitchen "One chart employs white and coramission recommended the !JIBpeople in countries throughout!5 club. Membership is based jon^the ica's Jew-baiters . . , M. Mafdwin (Copyright. 1936 by Seven Arts black disks, togrether with var- ! itation or temporary suspension fiue £he«i!;g P' &-TTT.y etMf'cr i" .the O'nRpSf'V Ml furnished. Very reaionEurope and call upon it to lend languages spoken in various coun- FertJg is resting up at Lake Feature Syndicate) ious combinations of -srhite and : of imtaigTatiOB, it could skilfully militant support in ttte struggle tries: Tfyus a Roman ; Rolland, black, to indicate how many Jew- be disregarded. But to impose s able Call WE-S527. against mounting anti-Semitism; who writes in French, ig a memish grandparents it dis- , temporary embargo, hoping to I placate more content or in tbe He ia H. Lelvick, whose writ- ber of the French section; He has qualify a person for marriage ings i$nd plays have won him en- a country where' French is the [with someone whose family tree : belief that it would lay tbe fouelanguage of thye people. So with viable distinction in the YJddisb/ shows a different combination of /SaUon for the royal commission fto recommend .revised immigr*literary world and. be will speak English, Bulgarian^ German—but grandparents. i tion laws is neither courseeoyt at the• sonventioji of the Inter- Yiddish? In, what country does a "A young man whose grandnational PEN club to be held in government accept Yiddish as the parents all were 'German-blood- I nor logical. •-',..„ Buenos Aires, September 4 to 14. native tongue? ed' can legally marry a girl who ; "The rcya.1 commission vill So spoke the panjandrums of. The International PEN club, to had one — but only one — Jew- '• visit Palestine to study the ty?which Mr. Leivlck goes as a rep- the International PEN club. Yid|ish grandparent. . Also he may } teni operating glcce J.E15. To resentative of its Yiddish section, dish writerB had no answer other marry a girl" with two Je-wish ' change the systen? before the gjthan the fact that Yiddish was wap founded 15 years ago in Longrandparents, provided/the Min- rival of "the ciembcrs woujd predon. PEN i s . an abbreviation not confined to one bit of land istry of Interior grants his ap- ' jad^e the issue and lmpos<; » defMish-Mash -*• That Yiddish hu- golden weddings . . . So Murphy plication for a special' permit. If : icite bias on the Investigation, formed from the initial letters of but was spoken by 10 to 18 mil"Poets, Essayists and Novelists." Upn people and that Yiddish "lit- morous weekly, "New York," brought a goldfish. . . . MaeTavish she has three Jewish grandpar- ; -which shonid be as indcpcfidcnt Its principles, propounded from erature, flourished In all lands which was '"launched" early this brought a pack of Gold Flakes ents the marriage is legally. out ; ss possible. It weald Bhs.!se eocfjits Inception by John GalaFortny, where Jews resided. A formula summer with quite a fanfare, will (the Camels of "England) . . , renowned British novelist, who was achieved whereby the writ- never gee the light of day . , . Ginsberg brought his friend Goldis was its first"president and to-ers were accepted aa representa- The elaborate .office opened by berg •', . . And London Is still sing- statUjs of ..marriage between two good -will of the day by H. Q. WeUSi Its recently- tive!? of the "Yiddish land," a the publisher, Max Bernstein, lisa ing .the humane qualities of Sir persons, -each of whom has some The editorial concludes: "So j sort of modern Atlantis, perhaps, been closed down', . . Max is re-John Simon, the; home secretary, elected executive, include:V...-. ; JeVish. blood. A person who is ! far from satisfying tbe extremist* Hebrew writers '.naturally were fTably rumored to have sunk sev•who locked arms with another International cultural underuarted Jewish, for instance, ; who are deman-dlfig far more tfctE standing; intellectual co-operation taken-in without difficulty as rep- eral thousand bucks-in the ven- man in Boy Scout fashion one day marry a full-blooded Jew ! the temporary stoppafie of tm» • ture and now won't even have and tramped ^ quarter of a mile between wrtiers ot dlWerent na- resentatives of Palestine. n/r a three-Quarters Jew. But, : migration, it would encour&ge the satisfaction of seeing one is•with* a little Jewish boy named The Jewish PEN club ha~s cretions; translation of outstanding he can with special permission ; new demands and sew outrafie*. sue ran off . . ..Tough luck, Max! David Druclfer, carrying the lad, marry a half-Jew. literary works from one language- ated three centers—Wilno, War'both now acd in the future. For -M to another; entering into, closer saw -and New York. At the present . . . Reports axe going the .rounds suffering; from a. badly cut foot; "These various types of mar-" it would teach Palestine, of t i l contact with cultures of time, .a fourth center is in the that important circles here are j to a place where he could receive riage candidates are all neatly ; countries, the lesson $h£t violence j tions; and propagandizing- paci- p r o c e s s . o f f o r m a t i o n , i n A r g e n - trying to get Secretary of State medical attention. . . . And durclassified J n the Nuremberg laws ! paj's. And that lesson will be j fist, ideas among writers of dif-' t i n a ; . '. .-'r :.-. ' * - ) • - . ' . ' ••-, - ' • . • , • Hull to Intercede with Great Brit- ing the journey. Sir John kept up as 'German-blooded', 'second-deferent countries. Mr. Leivick's arrival in Buenos ain not to suspend Immigration a steady stream .of pleasant con- grees mixed-blood,* "first-degree ; takea to heart fey the hardened j and more dangerous elements ' 4 into-the Holy Land . . .Underversation to keep the injured lad's Mr. Leivjck, whose play, based Aires is." being^ enthusiastically mixed-blood', 'first-degree mixed- \ than the Palestinian gunmen." ; on an old Jewish legend, "The hailed by the Jewish colony there. stand Avery (Ask Eleanor Holm mindvoff hia wound. i! blood special cases-(in which the Golem," received wlde; acclaim Ben-Ami, the famous Jewish act- about him) Brundage before religion professed by tbe individ1! upon its presentation by the Ha- or, will present Mr. Leivick's new sailing for the Olympics approved Book—Maurice Samuel spent a ual makes a difference) andbima Players a, decade .ago. will play, tThe Poet Went Blind,"- a-fuads-appeal letter in which the j full year translating The Broth- "Jew." present to the congress as a. case which will be a world premiere New York campaign manager (a Urs Ashkenazi. Knopfs sensationj vijtiipjc village. history the terrible toll. which performance.. The drama, based on chap, named Minton) took a vi- a l novel by I. J. (Yosbe Kalb) anti-Semitism haB wreaked in Po- a theme of the writer, Morris Ro- cious sock at the Jews for having j Singer . . . And the publishing land. • He 'will denounce Polish senfeld, • concerha the history of tried to:obstruct the fund rais- house was a full two years in •writers, who, witnessing the trag- Jewish, culture and literature in ing . . . But cooler counsel pre- preparing the volume for publii ' Berlin (WXS). — Hctmfiea fcy vailed and the letter wa* cen- cation . . . The brothers will ap••.'•'. ...'.' . ", . .'. edy of three million Polish Jews, America. . Nazi anti-Semites and dismissed sored . . . A Buffalo newshawk 1 victims' of pogroms and boycotts, from active military service, CapMr. Lelviek intends to remain Is en route to Palestine-to d a a jpear on September 12 and if your have not raleed their voices in in Argentina for several months. {ttliv Peters can get around to it, tain Wolff-an?; F-aerstner, builder, series on the revolt for his paper, protest. :crs-anizer and for a tide ctssEThere lie will deliver several ad- one of the best sheets in tjie East he's going to do a lull-length re• inander of the Olympic village, .'-r~: .— H--f. 1.VT j" money tT,o Cite .Gorki's Courage;; dresses and generally acquaint . . . Hear Governor Curley has view for his vast public . . . A But Leivick's address will not himself with Its literary and cul- written, a letter to the League -of quick glance through Its pages Editorial Says Such Action • has committed suicide and bis •leads us to believe that a tome ; death has revealed that he was vz. l i r si— T-:-;r—... ? rr.rri'- r*" v r f vill find simply confine itself to Poland. tural life. , .Nations urging swift action on Would Serve to Encouage • partly Jewish and thus one v' the { He will speak to Rumania, to it c r t , . . " : : : - ? :t r ~ r ' - i rrrt^c'. rrtty, unatFrom , Argentina, Mr. Lelviek the pe'tition by the American Jew- iof major importance has been reMoslems . few remaining con-Aryan officers ] Lithuania, to Germany, to AUB-J will deliver several addresses and ish committee and other organi- I leased to the world. i ia the German army. When his ', tr(a'—rto Burope—and remind generally acquaint himself with zations . , .March of Time aired I • • • • " . • . • . London (WXS-Palcor Agerff}-.). death was first reported the cir- ] their representatives-of the cour- Its literary and-cultural Ufe. Sc Here's Our Advice. Buy those powerful sfaps by Catho- j Romeo--—Our movieland Insider —To stop Jewish immigration t age of the late Maxim Gorki and From Argentina, Mr. *Leiviek lic prominents a t Father Cough- [informs us that it-will be at least now would encourage new de-eunistaBces were shrouded 533 • myster}-, Nazi officials refusing to > in fa-s. IT PAYS! Korolenko, who . condemned th,e will ta,ke a . world-girdling trip Un'g "eye for an? eye" challenge j a full year before Juliet's dulcet Jewish massacres under- czarist through •Pajestine, Spvlet Russia to Jewry . '. . : Len Lyons, our tones will be h e a r d saying mands on the part of the Arabs : reveal any of the details. Short-1 ly before the opening: of t i e O'JTDless za'ssry von0 have, the less yoy cars af« Russia. He will call upon, these and including Biro-Bid Jan.,; favorite Broad way.columnist, who j "Wherefore art -thou, Romeo?" : i s =:£.ke *a. 'p^ ^ irvestracnt. Thai's why writers to follow the -heroic ex- (Copyright, 1936, Jewish Tele- has just returned from a month's i in Hebrew for Palestinian audi- j se'rted by the London .Times in a pic games Ktierstcer vss Tresarpi '.. .s^e csts.bliEh?d s. certain Quality Stsnamples offered, by-these menws i.s ,' graphic Agencyy Inc.) sojourn in-Europe, says Lou Holt, iences.-...*. The "ilm must first go I leading editorial entitled "Vio- • frosi comcsEB-ii c-f t i s O-^TEJ-D-: •in Palestine." Recent t i l l a g s s i * ~ i £ e sfe^^.i S2 <rs:-3s- .; for ei;ah far, below which we .NEVER go. when wr.rned. that he'might be I the rounds of American • movie lence ssili sse cheaper furs advertised cisowhrrc at booed by iAs aiidieftees "Iff Eng- S palaces before .the Holy Land's events, the editorial begins., hare 1 land,- pooh-poohed the warning 1 eyes and ears are given "an oppor- fully confirmed tbe bVeliel '.that • d Stssa Jvr-.r-frs XT--£ <fI-^IT.S t i t j: tsix GoisstsiE-CSJEpmEii's prices, but they're with, "I'll stuff my :eara with j t u n i t y . • - •• •_ • ' • • • • • - -.''. • . c^dEtein-ChapisExi Quality! their thousand-dollar bills." . . . And tells this one" on Ted Kid ou ctffifsaeaee and good will the breath of Birthday—-Will someone set us to BS. We find. &nd we think you'll find, Lewis, one-time welter champ . . . straight on' why Who's Who in Lewis had a job as athletic inHEAR that, ia the long run, buying QUAUTY-paysl turne<l.anti-Semitic . . . Jews in structor for Sir Oswald Mosley's America (|931 edition) gives William -Dudley, Pelley. Amer- Europe are having a hard time, youth movement; > . . Reporting Rabbi Stephen's. Wise's birthday ica's vrould-be Hitler, has' written but Jewish women 'seem to getfor work the first day, three hun- there as March 17,- lS7S-and Jahip autobiography . . . . Only 50 [ along all-right \ .' . Margerhita dred youngsters greeted him with cob de Haas' Encylopedia of Jewcopies of it have been printed, in Sarfatti, Mussolini's, private sec- a raised-arm' salute . . . "Build up ish Knowledge [gives it as 1874? a volume six inches thick . . . It's retary; Leni- Riefenstahl,- Hitler's these youngsters," Mosley direct- . . . Dr. Wise himself prefers the entirely mimeographed , . ; Add movie czarina; Magda Lupescu; ed . . . "For what?"- the non- latter date.% BUY NOW 1 to your list ot undercover anti- King Carol's girt friend; and Aryan Lewis retorted, according ANDHaven—Wonder I f HIAS , reSemitic "groups the A. B. C/s, a Mme. Molotov, wife of the Soviet to Lyons—as' ho quit—"so that little-known ally .of the ' Silver Union's; premier, are : all Jewesses they should kill me?" '. . . Sid- alizes the irony of continuing to GET Shirts , . . "The Truth is on the' 'turned into a woman and gave ney (Dead-End)' Kingsley's new hand out pamphlets in its New PEAK March" is the title of a-story tell. . That Polish soldiar *who play, which will ;be produced In York headquarters that describe ing about Emlle Zola's fight to birth to a - baby is a Jew (orthe fall, is said to be a vitriolic Spain as a safe haven for Jews VALUE vindicate Alfred Dreyfus which is should' we say, Jewess?) . . ,• , attack on the armament makers. . . . The pamphlets were prepared f*K" &• + * •& being made into a picture at Hol- SPORTS SORTS months before the Spanish rebellywood . . . There's talk of a maps lion broke. ', f !i « 5' - j " Denials to the contrary notPalestine tour in 1937 under the (Copyright, 1936, Jewish Teleauspices of Hadassah . ; . ' . The withstanding, it" was pure antir - London Notes—Issy Bonn, a • graphic Agency, Inc. J new headquarters of the Zionist Semitism that kept Sam- stoller comedian who looks as though he Organization of America will' be and. Marty Glickman from com- just walked out of "the Talmud peting In the Berlin!'Olympics...'-. Torah, ig one of tbe latest sen, a. stone's throw from the New The authority for this" statement sations on the British BroadcastYork Public Librarr . , . A cer-is Judge Jeremiah.T.M^h'pney , ' . . ing company's networks . , . H e ' s tain Mr..Stoddard has acquired a Governor rDaveSholtz of Florida, a stout, bashful-looking chappie fleet, ol freighters for a new ship- who ia a "Congregational Jew", . . . His stage rig features a black A* ping line between" New York and It you get what! we mean/ once derby- stuck on the back of his Tel Aviv . . .Siegfried Schopflo- had a tryout with the Brooklyn head and a wisp "of a chin whischer, a non-Aryan, is the chief fi- Dodgers , . . Governor Lehman ker . . . H e is busy touring the nancial backer of the . Bahal Is a real track and field enthus- variety houses introducing his New York (JTA) — The Asmovement in Canada . . . Sam iast . . . He sat on the grass at thfee~G-tnen . . .Goldberg, GinsV Hosoff will startle. New York the World Labor Athletic, Car- berg and Goldstein . . ' . O u r Lon- sociated Press in a story from York around September 1st wiOi nival and- registered sharp dis- don snooper heard him bring the Nuremberg, Germany, outlines a new fleet of. taxis metered to appointment when, Gepfge Varoff house down, with hia.yarn,-about the risks lovers take these days cbargfe twenty-five cents per zone failed by a whisker to. break his' the golden wedding. . . It seems if they decide to marry without •• \ , ,«.H. . Schwartz; the Democratic own world's record in the pole from his story that • you are sup- first consulting their respective ancestral charts. The Reich raaominee for United-states Sena- vault . , . The. Governor also posed t o . bring gifts of gold to cial laws, regulating citizenship tor from Wyoming, isriotJewstarted two of the events at'the ish, despite his name . . . That Carnival . . , Our managing ediitem in the London Jewish tor, Bernard Postal, waa the sole Chroaicla ubout the Rev. Jessur- casualty of the Carnival , . While un Cardozo of London having ac- escorting Varolf to the judges' - eepted a. call to become rabbi of stand for the presentation of,the New 'York's Shearith Israel Con- Senator Benjatitin F, , Berman gregation, the oldest in the New Trophy for the outstanding inWorld,-created, quite a stir among dividual achievement. Postal tripIn giving thought to a life insuranca program the friends of' Dr. David de Sola ped over Varoff s pole and twistdo you ^add to your life insurance policies Pool, present rabbi of the con- ed his ankle . . .' He's now hobgregation,. . . Rabbi Cardozo will bling around on crutches . . . haphazardly^? become Dr. Pool's assistant after ABOUT PEOPLE I'l the* High Holidays . . . ^ Benjamin-de Casseres is colOr, are they taken out for specific purposes, TRANSATLANTIC NOTES lecting honors . . . The latest is such as a elean-up fund, mor$g%$Q insurance, The Fascist putsch in Greece his election to the American is only the first step in a Nazi Writers Union'."Hall of Shame" and educational endowments fo? the children? Northern S-c! TV oc? plot to gain political contrpl in v . . The "ah" Is not a typograph-' i i BIf ck f nd B r 0 vr n In the Balkans , . , pro-Nazi and leal error . . . Fate was kind to SERVICE LIFE SEPRBSBNTATIVES are Fruits and vegetables stay frcch and pro-Fascist sentiment a m o n g Erich Becker, 32 year old antJ. trained in planning your life insurance program members of the British cabinet is NazI, who faced deportation to crisp for days in a Gonercd Electric cess models said to be responsible for Eng-Hitler Germany . . . He died of a Eclrlgercler. Even uncooked a e a S Jhrtrons b'.pci;. Fist? Preland's muddling attitude in the sun-stroke at Anna, Illinois . . . h^d Telephone AT4190 k e e p s perfectly. BccMcs projecting mier Bended Zccl I^-od present European crisis . . . DarConey r, Pointer tox , ius Milhand, the French composjour health ®* G-E will csro en your er, is a Jew . .>. Charlie Chaplin'6 grocery bill. "Lc!t«overa" cro sever JOHN A. BEB1E, Gene?al_ Agent Paxfoii Mitehd! Co. .films are banned in Nssziiand bethrown away and y.ou cms buy ail cause he's a Jew, but in Austria Foundries he's taboo because he waves a foods in quantities at bargain prices. HA. B523 red flag in hia latest picture . . . 27th and Martha Install a G-E Hcfrigerator la your hom®» k A'Jew almost became the strong- Brass, Bronsa Aluminum, Sofl TQDAY1 ^ ' arm man for Sir.Oswald Mosiey's Grey Iroa and Scmi.Steel Cast. Ings. Wood and Metal Patterns British, Fascists . . . When Sir - Oswald* started >-ljis-** blackshirt Standard sizes Orome a n d Iron Oihr*rv*$ OKAHA Sewar Manholes, qtstern movement he hired Ted Kid Lew- Bushings. Rings and Covers, Cteanou? poors is, former world's welterweight Sash Weights a n « Y«||ow Bras* Btiy Now £ at j~St Plumbers1" Ferrules, carried r in ;b,ampibn, to train* hi® storm stocH. JOHN A. FARBEB, president Brenza Tablets, Bromu an« troopers . . . but Lewis lost his Cast Iron Gnltes n' Specialty, ?5Oo a month Job when Mosley
Advice: Unless You're
Was Non-Aryan
: • * • •
Genealoey First
Is Nazi Rule
u: cur.
e of "fine
The Service Life Insurance Company <
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, "AUGUST 23, 1333 the Vallee basd. • . led to i s ia the manager's office ; tiocal harmonica v a s r.ol Euitab'ie bee. v h c 1? oped;- opposed to ihe. But even "Vallee was not sold (a cocple of days later •whsva Grau- •for seme of i h e numbers lie v.-ss • je-vrS. refer JBerc<v--itch, or.?: cf on the harmonica idea. "Save! man telephoned from Hollywood. '• playing- so lie designed his own ;,he tvco Je«f in the- isst pprUayour money, son," .he said.! CO5IES TO HOLLYWOOD harmosiCo. His success c&usecl ' meiU. v a ? one o- t l ' t lb Lii>er?lr"You'll make money duricg the! "He -was Lew Lipstone," Adler I-Iolmer company to ei^L.fe10- v b o survived the <-oaserr next year but you're a one-time'-. said. "Ke was a-good sport. I veer contract with Adler r.ncle i^iulp-lide. Jc^epV. C o n d i . rUi?o £. l II tipped him off to what I had don i which the Adler design is supei Libers 1. v.-ns n"!. p. fEimliri.s-.i.e iox novelty." JOESS BOBRIS MORROS !a n d he boosted me. 1 took a ; Eeding all t h e ether Hohnev tie- re-election. After the Vallee engagement, \ plane to Hollywood end opened ; signs. The hcrmoT; ics. is sold; By tbs Service Life 'throughout t h e r o r l d except it! p p f .. o .,: \ Adler was again on the outs. He: in a Gratiisan prologue." . Company, Omaha j repeated his crashing stunt with1 Later, Adler carce to the atten- : America. The company is now M , j Paul Ash, master of ceremonies j tioa of C. B. Cochrace, English i planning t o enter t h e American The chief demand for insur! field with the instrument. I "'''« C n <•*;«" if\t«?e«; V<>P; |in a show at the New York Parshowman, who took him to Lonance on the lives of children Is j (Ceryright 1C-G6 by Seven Arts : st<far« o , o n p „„,,„ „„„„„„,v for protection purposes. The chief amount Theater and again landed don where music critics lambastFeature Syndicate) i EUV ixsyjfrMJCf.-. '-a. \ a job. This time. Ash took Ad- ed him satirically - - nstil after appeal of ordinary and endesr- , , . Ier to B o n s Then ment insurance for children is |(director Morroa, now music first engagement at-Paramount studio but his lowed Paris... Adler became a sen-, found:in the opportunity provided to establish, insurance estates then organizing shows for vaude- sation en the continent and ihe:. early in life -when health is good viDe tours. Adler was on tour un-. King cf Sweden suggested to der Morros*. auspices for 35!! Countess Constautine that he .AT ?E6? and cost is low. The knowledge that a definite weeks. Later he-toured with oth-l| would like to hear Adler at s. \ Jvlonireal (\VN£).—The role of savings fund is being accumulated er shows for a period of three! party which the 'countess was g'iv' " ;in£ for the ting. It was in south- a group o£ militant young aiitifor definite purposes by means of years. ern themselves A chance meeting of Adler. Res' - France and Adler didn't par- ; Semites s t y l i n g life insurance is a powerful inill. w fluence in developing sound thrift Weber and Gns Edwards in a New 1 ticularly. care to play there be- | "Union Nationale" in the landDeafer In catS8 of t h s habits in the life of the child. York restaurant led to Adler's a p - | , aniount'ol traveling ; Elide election victory o ' the CoiiJEWISH BOOKS AM? Ai-k. especially -when the child .is given j pearance with. Ed-wards' a c t! ^ e would have to do so he named '• serratlve party' iu the province oT OTHER REL-SGIOUfc ARTICLK8 an allowance and is trained to set where Cantor heard him. Cantor ^ f c a t h e thought would be a pro- i Quebec has groused concern in k'-ly. aside a.portion of it in his sav- introduced Adler to the laie Flor- hibitive price. The countess ac- ' Jewish circles here. : i The feeling "is that Maurice I>uIP o' ' X ings account for his insurance eaz Zeigfeld who spotted" Adler cepted and Adler played ir.I, „,-!<> p i e r , plessis, leafier of the Conserva^h ;ni premiums. in the' show, "Smiles." . i THE -MOVIES GET EDI : tire erposltion t.T\i preniier-c'cr,3j:Juvenile insurance plans ap- Finally, Adler hit dull times, j It -vras abont this time that Far- : nste. may-n?.me some-of ilie sr.tipeal also because they offer a He wrote • Sid : Grauman, Holly- amount signed Adler for "The Big- I Seisites to liis TTiiniPfry, tjiorjr'h tions, p m ' ^ r LH>"!:S, "aleipm. pUk safe, certain and convenient wood impressario, under . the Broadcast of 1S37" and he re- : tie himself is no .TeTf-bp,iler. means of accumulating funds for name of a .Chicago theater mana- turned on the Queen -Mary and i Among t h e 7 5 Conservatives dov \viLii m^ i,ii i\r\ ^Sf-of; nnc si business or educational purposes ger, that Adler was a sensational came to Hollywood. elected io t h e provincial parlis- j from Erf>z-isi-«ei. by the time, the children reach a harmonica player. Adler happen-j Adler found that the conven-iment is Mayor Gregroire cr Q\ie- I>
On&.of the most picturesque figures In the annals of boxing was. Daniel Mendoza, England's heavyweight champion at the end of the eighteenth centuhy. On the occasion of .the 100th anniversary of Metido* za's death Philip Slomovitz, editor of the Detroit Jewish Chronicle, here sketches the interesting life story of the boxer THE EDITOR
Richard Humphries, after his vic-diet. Mendoza took this defeat tory over the-Bath Butcher, Sam- to heart and retired from the uel Martin, Mendoza was beaten ring, becoming the landlord of fter 29 minutes of-fighting on the "Admiral Nelson inn in anuary, 9,. 1788, at _ Odiham, Whitechapel. During the period of his abHampshire.- .But-.this'.bout may have done more to build up-Dan- sence from the ring, from IS05 iel Mendoza than anything else in to 1019, Mendoza served as sherhis career,' for the reason that, as iff's officer for Middlesex Counpugilistic historians tell- us, more ty. He was a most popular figscientific skill was displayed at ure in England, and the ballads Odiham than in i. any other fight sung in his honor were composed Unlike modern pugilists, ,who in the history of the sport. , not only as a tribute to his prowdie eamparatlvely young, Daniel • A return match /was arranged. ess, but particularly as a mark of. Mendoza who won the •• world's At Stilton, Huntingdonshire, on of respect for the skill with which heavyweight title in the pre-Mar- May 6, 1789,.'Humphries again he developed the fighting game quis of Queensbury Rulo days, met Mendoza. -'After 22 rounds, into a scientific sport. I t was belived to be 73. He "died on Sepginning with Mendoza that prizeMendbza'B opponent dropped to fighting became a game of skill, tember 3, 1836. the ground of exhaustion, withIn the past decade, -with the out being seriously injured. The science and matching of wits ra;onstant triumphs of Jewish pug- fight continued-after a rest, and ther than brute force. ilists, the name •. of Daniel MenIt was in recognition of his certain age.. again Mehdbza felled- his opponJoza has become a legendary one. loyalty to the Jewish faith, and ent. He was then declared the Whenever a Jewish boxer -wins a as the first Jewish champion box; '.itle or gains a victory over a victor. er, that Mendoza -was nicknamed Humphries, seeking. to avenge formidable opponent, the name of by the English people as "The Mendoza is .immediately invoked his defeat," met Mendoza in a Star of Israel." By TX5CIS PEKARSKY \o show that 14 years ago Jews third battle at Doncaster on SepMany Jewish boxers have cartember 29, 1790. But Mendoza had already begun to make their LARSY ried on the tradition of Mendoza. retained his. title. . mark in the prize-fight ring. : Harmonica- King Jack "Kid" Berg, Harry Mizler Mendoza was nick-named "Star LThenjcame. a tour which served and scores of others have, in reHbllywoodV'Cali.-- Because Balof Israel." He was so popular to make Mendoza's name • legen- cent years, made • themselves felt timore music critics had never with his English countrymen that dary in the British Isles. On Au- in championship battles in En- heard a Beethoven composition ballads were composed in his gust T. 1791, he heat "Squire gland. In this country, the Jew- played_on a mouth organ, a lot of honor after^hia;.;successful en- Fitzgerald", a challenger of no ish champions -included Benny things have happened to Larry ;ounters, and they were sung mean ability. During the same Leonard, Max Ba«r,-Max- Rosen- Adler, a recent arrival in the Holyear, he met a number of oppon- bloom, Barney Ross. In Canada, lywodd film colony. •.hroughout England. He has played in vaudeville, he Champion from 1790 to 1795,ents onhis sparring tour, and he Al Foreman is.contending for the Mendoja's name ranks high in admirably succeeded in houding British lightweight crown. Perez, has played concerts in Europe, he the heavyweight crown. the history of pugilism. He a former flyweight champion of has • played - a • command perforniTwo other fights deserving of France; Rotholz of Poland, Har- ance before the King of Sweden, credited with being the founder at a distinct school of fighting, mention, in which Mendoza was ry Stein and Erich' Seelig of Ger- and now he has just completed md developed new boxing meth- the-^ctor, were matched against many are among the best known work In his first motion picture, ods. The first period in pugil- the Bristol Battler, William names in ihe ring, ' "The. Big Broadcast of 1937" for ism, generally listed as dating Warr."'Mendoza emerged the conThus, beginning with Mendoza, Paramount Pictures. The slender from 1719 to 1791, is described queror against Warr on May 14, young man who looks something] In "This History of Boxing" by 1792 at Smitham Bottom, and on a glorious chapter in boxing has like Eddie Cantor still doesn't j been written by Jewish fighters. Miles as being the stage "From November 22, 1794 at Bexley know, how it all happened. the Championship of Fig to the Heath. . Seven years ago, the Baltimore {Copyright 1936 by Seven Aris Appearance of Daniel Hendoza." As late as 1819, at the age of Sun got the idea of sponsoring a Feature Syndicate.) Mendoza was born in "White- 56, Mendoza was still successful mouth organ contest and appointchapel — London's East End — in exhibition bouts, again having ed a board of judges of three muin 1763. On April 17, 17S7, atmade a sparring tour of the counsic critics. Adler, who had never j the age of 24, Mendoza first en- try. His bravery. was evidenced } played on a mouth organ, decided I tered the ring. He fought Sam on July 20, 1820, at Banstead j he would enter the contest. So he | uel Martin, at Barnet, and knock Downs, where after an-absence of {bought a mouth organ. Ke does-i ed him out in less than 30 min-14 years from the ring, he acMrs. Estelle - M. - Sternberger, n't read music so he had to scout! utes. This marked the beginning cepted a match against Tom formerly executive secretary of of his success, and the commence- Owen. The latter, a ^Hampshire the National Council of Jewish around to find someone to "play' ment, also, of a period in pugilis- innkeeper, was Mendoza's junior "Women, and at present director "Beethoven's "Minuet in G" for; i tic history which may safely be by six years, Mendoza being in of "World Feaceways and execu- h i m . • • HAS REMARKABLE EAR ! 'abeled- thV' Mendoza Period. tive secretary of the Good Neighhis '57th'' year. "Mendoza took Now Adler possesses a remark-; Mendoza's was not an altogeth- severe punishment, and after 12 bor league, was" in" Omaha Friday able ear. He can hear a number i er rosy' career. Matched • with rounds Owen was given the ver- to organize -a- chapter of the played once and immediately pick| league here. About 20 attended the meeting at the Paiton hotel. it up on his mouth organ. So he1 j The Good Neighbor league has had no difficulty learning the as its aim the securing for. each, number. He.admits his rendition I ,^^,A^I »T, ernnnmi/. very good, but the critics individual an economic . spViTrfHr-wasn't security and recognizes that every person gave him the prize anyway as j is "his brother's keeper." "While they had never heard Beethoven; Hollywood - - The other day writer of recipes. Mtchael Lor- nonpartisan, the league is active- played on a mouth organ. After j an inconspicuous obituary in a ing warbles a neat swingin* tune ly supporting the- re-election of it.was over, Adler got the idea: that he could make money play-i Nova Scotia newspaper told finis called "Joggin' Along" in his de- President Roosevelt. Among the Omahans elected to 1 ing a mouth organ and his parto the life of .one' Bernard Good- |but flicker, "Yellowstone." Litman, a tailor, eighty - years old. tle Sybil Jason receives numer- offices in the local chapter are ' ents agreed to ' finance him for j _Few took note of the passing of ics pets of every description from Mrs. George Neuhaus, president; just two weeks In trying to crash admirers . . . the.Jacobs' menage Mrs. B. E. Koerner, recording New" York. But New York wouldTheda Bara*s Iafher.. now houses dogs, cats, geese, secretary; Mr. Harold Saks, sec- n't be crashed. Two harmonica as was inevit- ducks and . . . a few mice. retary; Miss Beulah Hall, treas- bands turned him down and"finalBilly. Rose -:-" ' • • • • able'.:. . has come toHollywood. urer, and Mrs.-Ben Shapiro, pub- ly in desperation he. decided that j he would get an audition with! The Three Stooges' comedy is licity chairman. " He v i s ' hailedf by some as the Rudy Vallee. greatest* showman ~ since Barnum.- sagged, "Whoops, I'm an Indian!" In three-fields he has shown his •ifou can imagine . . . . GETS JOB WITH RUDY Swiss Fire Pro-Nazi genius'i . . ' for night club freVALLEE quenters, he-created the Casino de j If you thought the Moses-and- Professor Vallee was playing a theater scene in "Green Pas-.' "Jumbo" was some- the-snake Paris;: Basle, Switzerland (JTA).— engagement. Adler walked up to : thing orisinal' as a circus . « . . tures" was- trick photography, Cantonal authorities this week an- the doorman, said that he had an the "Forth Wortfr Centennial was you were only haif right. It was nounced the dismissal of Dr. Ger-appointment, with Vallee and colossal'among fairs. He's thirty- a trick, but not with the camera. lach, anatomy professor at Basle walked in before the doorman rea real one four years old .:•* and only begin- The snake university, following disclosures covered, He went to Vallee's ning hiB career. Perhaps Movie- •was frozen by quicfc refrigeration, that he was actively engaging in dressing room and pleaded for was handed to Moses as a walk- the pro-German Nazi movement land will be his next arena. to listen. Vallee did —and ing - stick, then became thawed in Switzerland. Adler played for three weeks with b u t out, Triggly and slithery,' in the At concerts it happens it's rare, if ever,'that a.vaude- intense heat ol tbe ilieg lights. ville stage is filled 'with an overGroucho, difcussing a certain flow audience. Tet-ior Eddie Cantor's recent personal appearance esec, says, ''When.he came to this in San Francisco, threa hundred country, he had all his possespeople sat before the footlights. sions tied up in his.handkerchief . . . now they're all tied up in his Mayer talks to Cukor Cu- wife's name!" kor speaks to Garbo . . . but Garbo addresseth only the telephone. Edward Brombeijg wise-cracks: "When : George Cukor, directing "If the roles are good I see no Garbo in "Camille," needs to con-*- objection to playing old-age parts fer with- the star off-stage,; he until I get old enough to play, rodoes so via the Bell system. He mantic leads!" . does not approach her dressing, Eleanor "Whitney, speeding taproom . . . nor she, his office^ ster, has "special -air vents conInsurance during production is structed in her soles because her a specialty. Samuel Goldwyn -in- Shoes generate heat during the •. . sured "Dodsworth." He took out dance. • * » Z; & B policies covering the players' ; health, the negative, .and the suc-; Mrs. Goldman, preoccupied with cess of the picture. Each policy watching the trailers, had difficost him five thousand dollars culty in , qnietins little -Sammy . . but-had. any one coverage who incessantly wanted to know • ^- — gone ^rong, .Lloyd's of England what the picture was about. Fiwould have had to pay for the nally she Silenced him with, entire cost of fbe production - - "Sh . . . sh, they're just showing the samples now!" . one million dollars. E«E,; ;•• 'S-all . - . . s e e you later. 4 Mack "Gordon, he of the globular figure,^ sent a frantic call" to the studio-the other morn *• . . For Picnic^ and - All. Osca- i said he'd' be late . . . . had eaten S Eerve-Forbes* Hew an extra piece'-.of toast . . . and York" • Pumpernickel couldn't get out of the breakfast nook! - • "
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Niblits: Sam (Schleppernian) Hearn will create a new character, "Horace Nimble" for the ?how Boat air program. Director Fritz Lang winks behind two monocles . . . one over each eye. Luise ItainerJsfa skilled photograper, pianist, painter . . . and
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Published every Friday nt Omaha* Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY , { Subscription Price, one year • - - - - - 52.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. ' Editorial OHIce: 600 Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City OUico—Jewlan Community Center DAVTD BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editcr PRANK B. ACKBRMAN - - - - • - - - Editor FANNIB KATELMAN Council Bluffs. Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL • • • - • • • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4604 so. 24th Street
The Polish delegation to'the "World Jewish Congress concluded in Switzerland last week {rill be hard-pressed by the "anti-Semitic Endeks when they return to their native soil, "their sole crime being that they had the temerity to protest put loud against ithe persecution being visited upon the three ^million Jewish inhabitants of Poland. '"While no German delegation Bhowed up, and Austrian, Latvian and Lithuanian Jewish delegations .remained quiet, and other delegations spoke of the persecutions practiced in -every country but their own - - the Polish representatives were '-the one exception at the Jewish congress v . . they in plain language laid:the blame for Polish pogroms at the door of the government.'. The reward was that the Endek newspapers lin Poland are .demanding the arrest o£ the leading personalities in the Polish delegation to the congress because these delegates "libeled" Poland. And such charges can stir quite a bit of trouble among a people whose courts convict the attacked yictims of a pogrom of being, the inciters. This incident recalls to mind the fact that amazingly little notice has been given to the movement by,the Polish governJi.. ment to get rid of Gne million Polish Jews through enforced emigration. With the government winking one eye at the proceedings, the Polish press has launched an intensive campaign of propaganda designed to prepare public opinion for the mass exodus of Jews a3 the only means of solvingAthe Jewish problem. "Where these Jews will go is evidently no concern to Poland. .-'.-•,• Reverting back to the fiery protest and condemnation by the Polish delegation to the world Jewish congress, anyone reading the report will'readily understand that there .practically every one of the three million Polish Jews would emigrate tomorrow if they only had some place to go. To our sorrow, not all of them can go to Palestine, while immigration barriers bar their entrance elsewhere. Simmered down to cold-blooded fact, the masses of Polish Jews, physically persecuted and economically harassed^ are today perched on top of a volcano which may erupt any day . . . a n eruption which is inevitable unless the Polish government reverses its present tendency.
Economic^ Scars
One sapientBritish statesman recently made" the remark that the Jewish people discovered Palestine for the Arabs. Enlarging upon this theme, he obviously meant that had not Jewish energy and Jewish capital and Jewish genius and Jewish initiative been generously poured into the Holy Land, the fertile plantations would have remained arid deserts, the wheels of industry would have remained rusty, the land of milk and honey would have continued as a land of backwardness and fruitlessness. Through Jewish immigration, not only has the Arab standard of living risen to undreamed of heights but land values and wages have curved upward with an increasing tempo. . It would be wrong of us to for one moment think that all Arabs are ungrateful for the blessings which have accompanied the migration of their Semitic cousins. Just as all Germans by no means believe in the Nazi anti-Semitic doctrines and would discard them if they dared, so too many Moslems are in sympathy with their Jewish neighbors and will not participate in the present rioting. In many neighborhoods, Arabs have helped the Jewish settlers rebuild what fellow-Moslems had destroyed. However, history is constantly recording* the ravages which can be done by a minority, and it is well-known that a small organized minority can outshout a disorganized majority. . First official figures on trade since the current Arab disorders broke out on .April 19 demonstrate that the Arabs are cutting their .noses to spite their faces, sinee: the economic life of Palestine has been, severely hit by the disturbances. Exports show an average drop of about *seventy-five per cent, with imports showing an almost as decided-a decline. This paralysis may only be temporary- on the other hand, lost trade cannot be easily recaptured in a time-when competition is so keen, and it is certain that a scar will be left on the business life of the country. Those scars are etched on the Arab -future as deeply as on the Jewish;
The Nazis of Germany have dug deep into the recesses of propaganda resources to help Bpread the noxious poison of Hitlerism to every possible nook and cranny. One of their diabolic schemes is to provide for exchange students and ex change student_'„tours between Germany and other countries, such as tie United States, and it is the drummed-in duty of all good Reich students to help ingratitiate Nazi doctrines wherever they may go. ' However, even the best laid plans of mice and men and Nazis sometimes go "haywire." ,,Such was the fate of the tour of Nazi high school students who were sent here to go through the New England section under Dr. Otto Eunz of the AmerikaInstitute in Berlin,-an organization for spreading Nazi propaganda through students. On their itinerary, they naturally stopped at Harvard,, known the length and breadtn* of the world as an.; outstanding American school of learning. But instead of receiving the kind of welcome they expected, lo and ,beholdthey were introduced?t(f another version of the ancient adage of casting pearls before the Bwine. For Dr. Kirley F. Mather, director of the Harvard Summer School, gave them nothing but a severe lecture on race quality and academic liberty. • , Without much of an imagination, we. can visualize Dr. Kunz's stolid face trying to register no emotion a3 Dr. Mather
Gross Stupidity Some wise people - - unfortunately so few in number - learn from the experiences of others. Most of us, however, have to learn from our own experiences. But, deep sympathy is needed for those who have the misfortune of not being able to learn from their own experiences. Thus, it looks as though some elements in German Jewry have learned absolutely nothing from the tragedy of Nazism in the Reich. This is evidenced by the action of the Union of Jewish War Veterans in Germany in forbidding its branches to play soccer matches with the Macabee Sports Club because the latter is a Zionist body. The war veteran group is under assimilatioriist influence. Such petty outlook is more than sorrowful . . . it is gross stupidity. ,
on Not everywhere does the paganism of racial, and religious intolerance hold sway. It is refreshing to learn that in Brussels Cardinal Joseph Ernest Van Roey, head of the Catholic Church in Belgium, has taken the leadership in organizing a non-partisan committee which issued a public manifesto to Catholics warning them against anti-Semitism. The committee plans to undertake an organized campaign of propaganda among Catholics to counteract the anti-Semitic activities of the Rexist party. And similarly, a great stir was created throughout Czechoslovakia by Bishop Hlinko, leader of the Slovakian People's Party, because of a public denunciation he made against antiSemitism. In his statement, he warned the Catholic press of his country to halt its anti-Jewish propaganda. These men are true leaders of the clergy^ They are exerising the tenets of the religion they profess, in contrast to some who utilize their religion as a cloak to cover their" own selfish, insidious propaganda purposes.
news of this sort is rare indeed. in'Jewish life today. T W O BRITISH FASCISTS FACE TS8IAL FOR LIBELLING JEWS . . . A case which all Jews By O. O. DASKEB will follow with the deepest interest. Even a fool 'when he holdeth HXJBERMANN QUITS VIENNA his peace is counted wise, and MUSIC ACADFMY TO DIRECT he that shutteth his lips is es- PALESTINE SYMPHONY . . . New York (JTA) — Three Unteemed as a man' of understand- Another step forward in the cul- ited States senators sailed last tural development of Eretz Israel. week on the Rex to make an. uning. PALESTINEI official survey of Jewish accom. He that giveth answer before YISHUB TENSE AS ARAB | plsshments in Palestine. They he heareth; it is folly and confu- TERROR SPREADS . . . Let us iare Royal S. Copeland of New hope Great Britain "will releive York, Warren R. Austin of Version unto him. He that hath a forward heart the tension before an explosion mont and Daniel O. Hastings of findeth no good and he that hath ensues. JDeleware. ^perverse tongue falleth into ARMING OF ALL JEWS DE- j (The finding of these three evil. MANDED BY ASSEFAT HANIV- [senators, will be reporte din £uil Death and life are in the pow- ' CHARIM . . . If the Yishub must |in the Omaha Bee-News.) er of the tongue and they that have civil war, it might as well j Explaining the reason for the indulge It shall eat the fruit be prepared for it. trip, Senator Copeland said: thereof. (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts "Palestine has problems of imA fool's mouth is his ruin, and Feature Syndicate) migration and relief which we his lips are the snare of his soul. should know about first hand in Better is a dry morsel and Washington. We know that conquietness therewith than a house Hubermaii to Direct ditions for the Jews in certain full of feasting -with strife. countries are difficult, • Palestine Symphony European and that there will be great Rabbi Hillel was a very poor Vienna (WNS).—The resigna- waves of immigration to relieve man and was working every day tion of Bronislaw Hubermacn, that •unfortuns.tee state. earning a Tarpoik a day (about "America may be called upon fifty cents a day) one half of world famous violinist, from, the to help meet that immigration faculty of the Vienna state acadwhich he gave away to the suproblem." perintendent of the college (for emy in order to devote his time and talents to the new Palestine j Senator Copelsnd said that admission) and the other half was used to support his family. Symphony orchestra, which he is ! eighteen years ago the late NaOnce it happened that he did not organizing, has stirred the musi- than Straus invited him to make ' a health survey of Palestine, but earn anything, and the superin- cal world here. A popular figure here for years, | "I never found time until now." tendent "would not admit him to enter the college free of charge. news of his resignation was re- | He added that "all three of us He ascended the roof and swung ceiveifwith genuine regret every- feel that Palestine as the religihimself over to an opening where where except In Nazi' circles. The ous center of the world is worthy he sat down so that he might lis- Wiener Neueste Nachrichten said of the consideration af all naten to the words of the living God that Hubermann's d e p a r ture tions; and there is much we want from the two great scholars She- would be no loss because recently I to investigate besides health." maia and Abtalian. It was add- "he has exchanged his bow for ed that this happened on a Fri- the pen of the political agitator" day during the season of winter | and has become "an active propand it was a snow storm and he agandist for the aims and interwas covered with snow. When it ests of international Jewry." dawned Shemaia said to Abtalian, "Brother, why is it that every day light is visible In the lith-Reich Trade academy at this time and now it Pack Blow to Jews is yet dark? Is it such a cloudy day?" They raised their eyes and Kovno (WNS).—The new comsaw a figure of a man above the mercial treaty between Lithuania windaw. They "went up, they and Germany is expected to cause found on him a layer of snow an annual loss of 20 million litas three cubits thick. After remov- ($3,400,000) to Jewish business ing the snow they took him down, men here, according to estimates washed him, smeared him with by informed Jewish leaders. oil and placed him in a warm The loss will result from the place remarking such de- fact' that German purchases here serves that even the Sabbath will eliminate Jewish middlemen should be violated' for his sake." and brokers. The treaty has already been responsible for the government forbidding the Jewish press to criticize the Nazi regime.
Another Shirt Gone Wrong
Making Them Swallow It
rebuked the Nazi,theory of race superiority by asserting that no one race is the sole repository of wisdom, virtue and ability, and. pointed out that at Harvard "we believe that all kinds of people have conffjributed to make the modern civilization ; . . To enjoy liberty, to be free is a more difficult task in this century than it has been in any previous century in the history of Harvard or of mankind in general. We at Harvard don't tell people what to think; wevhelp them to learn how to think for themselves. "We believe that the only way to solve this conflict between the indwidual and the group in which he must live is to develop the ability for each individual to think for himself and to reach conclusions which are wise for Mm to reach." While we are wondering, we cannot help but wonder what went on in the minds of Dr. Mather's youthful listeners. What passed through their minds will probably never be known, since even young Germans do not relish the courtesies of a concentration camp in dear old Hitlerized Germany.
An unexpected ally for democracy has been found in Mexico. The, Gold :Shirts, fascist and anti-Semitic, have been disbanded and their leader, General Nicolas Rodriguez, deported. The Mexican government learned of a Gold Shirt plot to overthrpw the Mexican regime and set up a dictatorship. The plot was nipped in the bud by a raid on the group's head-' quarters and the arrest of sixteen leaders. The Mexican government believes that it has smashed the Gold Shirt movement. We sincerely hope so, since this fascist band was fomently violence and trouble for the small Jewish population . . . and in this day of untold misery every bit of democratic idealism is a welcome relief.
LET'S SING AGAIN By Rabbi Frederick Cohn Our stay in Chicago is drawing to a close. It has been a very pleasant stay. First, because the weather, though blisteringly hot all over the country, has been on the whole exceedingly agreeable in Chicago, due to the cool breezes blowing from the Lake which mitigated the hottest days; and became of the opportunities afforded of which hundreds of thousands took daily advantage, by the marvelous beaches that extend the whole length of Chicago on the East and South. It has been very pleasant to be with one's loved ones, wife, children and grandchildren and most congenial relatives and thoughtful and considerate friends. Chicago has been a summer resort and a pleasure resort in one. There have been more than usual opportunities for enjoying the radio when one has been compelled, for one reason or another, to remain indoors. Besides listening to the usual round of speeches, addresses,, etc. (or not listening to them) and the daily news which has been of unusual interest and importance during the entire summer, there has been the delightful music, not merely of the free band concerts in Grant Park and o£ numerous enjoyable orchestras and soloists, but there has been especially the delicious, luscious string rtiusie* of the Blackstone Hotel Trio and the Palmer House ensemble. Often there have been played the enchanting Straus waltzesj and as we listened to the bewitching strains of the familiar yet ever beautiful Blue Danube and especially the gorgeous Viennese Nights with their echos the feeling was impressed upon us that a beautiful world had indeed perished. Vienna was once one of the gayest of capitals. Viennese life was once the symbol and expression of the most beautiful, colorful joy and happiness. And now that splendor,has perished from the earth, Wordsworth's lines echo wistfully in our souls: "Look where'er I may, By night or day, There has passed away, a glory from ^he earth.'Mt is a changed world in which we live, ever since the Great; War and its terrible aftermath,. In the midst of the wild confusions and alarms of the day,'the terrible things that have come over the world; Hitler and1 Mussolini, and now the horrible carnage in Spain, the revolutions in Russia, fierce struggle between Fascist and non? [Fascist in almost all countries war seeming to draw irrevocably near - - with one's most fundamental beliefs shaken and one's most cherished ideals seemingly but illusion and delusion - is it any wonder that the world only a brief twenty-two years ago seems to have been a veritable Paradise compared with the Inferno of today, a paradise that has been, indeed, 'lost,' and that we find ourselves sighing for its return? One of the. most beautiful)of recent popular songs is the
Archeologic. Finds • Prove Israelites
By ROBERT STONE NORTH AMERICA London ("WNS). — Evidence ROOSEVELT HITS RACIAL that the ancient Israelites of PalAND RELIGIOUS HATREDS AS CAUSES OF WAR . . . Let all estine antedated the Phoenicians America take his words to heart. ! in the knowledge of writing and authenticating proof cf the verCOUGHLIN C H A L L E N G E S | acity of the Old Testament were JEWS TO ACCEPT CHRIST'S (uncovered by the staff of the IDEA OF BROTHERHOOD . . . . It was the Jewish ideal of broth- | Wellcome archaeological expedijtion at the Bible city of Lachish, erhood which Christ taught. it was reported by Sir Charles "WASHINGTON POLICE TO 'i Marston on his return from PalINVESTIGATE ANTI - SEMITIC ACTIVITIES OF JAMES TRUE ! estine.. . . . It's high time that. True and | Discoveries at Lachish proved all his colleagues were investi- Ithat the Sinai alphabetical writj ing had been used there a cengated. tury after Moses. EUROPE Script found on pottery 'dug FIRST WORLD JEWISH CONthe Lachish ruins 6howed GRESS ADJOURNS A F T E R I!from that the Israelites' script was the CREATING PERMANENT OR- ! parent of Phoenician writing, GANIZATION AND ADOPTING | from which our modern alphabet FOR-REACHING PROGRAM Which we hope will have far- is derived, Sir Charles said. reaching effects. , POGROMS URGED TO STIM- Anti-Semitic Paper Suspends ULATE JEWISH EXODUS FROM i Publication POLAND . . . If funds and coun- i Berlin — Der Jiikenkenner, tries of immigration were'' avail- | which has been outdoing even Ju- [ able no such stimulus would be | lius Streicher's Stuermer in the j needed. violence of its anti-Semitism, has j j LONDON INVESTIGATOR RE- suspended publication. PORTS ECUADOR EAGER TO The ban on the Judenkenner j WELCOME 10,000 J E W I S H was ordered by Propaganda MinREFUGEE FAMILIES . • . Good ister Goebbels.
simple melody, "Let's Sing Again." It echoes a deep yearning of our heart, • "Let's sing again! • . There's music in your'heart So you must do your part . . •' . Let's sing again! • - . •
.'• I'm happy when
Somebody sings to me A simple melody • Let's sing again. : So we say and sing. -May the world 'sing again!' May joy and laughter resound again, the joy of a world at peace and the laughter of light and care-free hearts. There is still the 'music' of idealism, of hope and faith and love in the j •world's heart. So let each do his part, individuals and nations, j Statesmen and common citizens. lYe'll be happy when the world 'sings again' the song of sanity and of righteousness and of love. Paradise has been 'lost' but it can and must be 'regained.' May God help a corrupt world, not by wiping it out with the lesson of destruction, with the flood of war or self-inflicted catastrophe (what profound significance the screen-revived "Green Pastures" has for us at this particular time!) but through the righteousness of# innumerable Noahs who will build for us an Ark of Protection that will ride in safety the surging, raging waters, and land us at last on the Aranat of lofty living and blameless doing. The infallible Ark of salvation is the Ark of the Covenant of man's revealed ir-orcl law and ethical obligation. Over the blood-red waters of a r.s.d world may the rainbow of love and peace shine, all hearts be comforted and in primal innocence and pristine purity t,nd simplicity, "let's sing again." - - Frederick Cohn. . .
WPA Theatre Plans for Jewish Program N e w. . Y o r k (WNS).—New York's professional Yiddish stage will be augmented next season by the new works progress administration federal theater project'! Jewish theater, which has mapped out an ambitious program designed to reach a potential Jewish audience of two million, it Is announced here. The Jewish theater will produce six plays and will include two drama companies, two musical revue imits and two companies which will/present Jewish plays in English. Aii plays wil! deal with modern Jewish life. A Broadway theater is being sought for the companies and it is planned to- take the plays, after .their premieres, on a tour of the entire city, with at least one Jewish play showing every night in each of the I1T« boroughs. Patronize Our Advertisers
Largest Western Skewing ••• '
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Every mother and every boy" .will find the Greater Boys* Own Store more wonderfully prepared than ever before. The Nebraska has the buying organization and prestige in the boys5 wear market to secure FIRST choice of outstanding productions. The BEST possible values are ' here in amazing selections.
Clothes « . . end yogfrfl
TORE FottfHs Floesr
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 19S6 VACATION IN MICHIGAN Miss Rona Friedman oi Chicago, formerly of Omaha, h&s Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, spent the past week vacationing 14S8 Lotbrop St., will celebrate on tho Maciaac Island in Michitheir tjttietb. -vreadiBg anniversary gan. She will visit ia Omaha in September.
«' r c
MOVES TO KAJTSAS CITY *I.-TTu Mr. Leo Brcwa ESS moved to Bob Froinkin, son of Mr. and Kansas City where he will mate Because of the holidays the j A refular meeting c ' Mrs. Max Frc-miis, who has Epeat his future home. He is &, piothe summer at Camp Infiiacola at neer member cf the Psi Mil fra- meetiog of the Bifeur Cfeo^m Till j ausdli&rr will be t e k " be helS TVcSneEdsy r-'tcrnron, j Madison, "Wis., returned home on ternity. Septemtier-Z, Rt the «T. C, C, ?,t t j September 1, e t £ o'ek Monday after capturing more c'cloefe. j E'n&i Israel camp honors than any other campOBGAX RECITAL Hc.roKi Berper v,-i er there. OH VACATION An crgas recital ir Esther Bob was the winner of the silrcertinji'. The publi son of Mr. and Bill Resnick, Leaf, assisted by Kathleen Shaw, attend. Mrs. J. M. Resnick, left last week ver trophy for the 4ennis cham- soprano, and Gretcten Cr&wford to spend a few days ia Ksasss pionship, the silver Basket ball for Evans, accompanist, will be preA- regular raesciiig of the City and Chicago. He is now va- •winning the basketball tourns- sented ia the concert hs.ll at the Chaosd Eliei Emcs vill be Lclfi meat, a bronze Beaal'tor track j Joslyn Vcationing in Minnesota. M e m o r i a l t t l 8 S a n f l £ J P & t t . |K o n d a r f AllEU8t 1 at 2 o'clock and lie camp letter • I for base-!jercoca e r r n R n Bt T l o „ „ „ , „ , c j ,„ «>,,, ny,nrr,A c at £4„p.„ m. TThe i in. {.he Chosed sfecl Ernes builfiprogram ball. AT OKOBOJI ! free ot charge. 8OM3IER-GOLDSXBIN I This was 12-year-old Bob's secDINNER-DANCE WILL END Saia Coha and Mr. sad Mrs. NUPTIAIJS ..-...-"-. son, Bob, and daughter, Jose- ond year at ^he camp. UIGULAUD SOCIAL SEASON Miss Tobie Goldstein, daughter ciici phine; Mr. and Mrs/ Isl&er SherIt-itof Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein, will man and daughter, Dorothy; and As a finale to a highly successRETURNING FROM I/OS become the bride of Hubert SomSam Eebe* chapter of A. E. A. Mr. and Mrs. Art Goldstein are ANGELES A regular raeeticg of the mer, son of Mr.-and Mrs. Louis ful season, the Highland Country Rose GoJd of Lincoln, Nebr., is Sinai ceraetery ladies' spending a week together at Lake Por a y held its regular sheeting at the Bornmer, at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, club will hold the dosing dinnerMr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt. returning Thursday from Los An- was held Tuesdsy, Acgnst *6. The Je-rlEii Community Center KonSeptember 6, at the home of the dance, Saturday night, Septem- Wednesday, September 2. Mr. Okoboji. Eigbt, AupjEt 14. ber 5. Music' and floor show will Rosenblatt is 74 and his wife is geles after a month's visit with drawing for the caEdelabrs, was bride-to-be. The lolioU'ing committees Tere be provided*by Iria Mae "Winburn her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. won by Mrs. Anna Fire, Only members ow the immediINTERNESHIP IN* CHICAGO 73. Earn Rabinow. •Webster St., sad the Junior Eilve.~ , appointed for the cert term of ofate family will atlend the cere- and her orchestra. A reception in honor of Mr. and Dr. L o u i | Turek, formerly o* This will be a formal affair. set was WOB ty I,'rs. J. Acler, i c : Kembersfclp, Paul Sachs. mony. Many out-of-town relaOmaha, who is a recent graduate Mrs. Rosenblatt will be given by chslrman, Dare erbert 1722 No. 24th St. tives of both families will be Leslie Burkenroad ia in charge their children Sunday, Avgust 30, of t h e Chicago Medical School, VISITING HERE Forbes; social, I IT Ka'tnsn, cfac.SrMrs. M. Falk of Garfield, N. J., numbered among the guesta. Af- of the arrangements. The nest raeetiES of the grocp Is now serving his intcrneship a t at the Rosenblatt residence, from man, Harold Kabler, Phil Kalfcln and her son and daughter-in-law, ter a honeymoon trip, the young i 3 until 6 o'clock. No invitations the South Caicr.go Community Mr. and Mrs. Mcrrie- Milstein of •will bs held "Chalamoid" SHC- and Ben Wlutroub: social eerrice, couple will reside In vOmaha. [ JIERR1AM-SOREP coth, at •which time election of ofr t' hospital. have been issued. Ben Sehneifier, chairinan, Kev."ic<? I ifse Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. ficers trill be held. Mr. and Mrs. David Soref anShapiro and Bill Foster; cultural. Falk's sister, Mrs. J. . Kaplan, The Rosenblatts have four nounce the marriage of their HAHK-XATHAN Arthur Gould, chairman, Kcrtr 2234 Miami St. They expect to daughter, Phyllis, to Irving Mer- sons, Phil, I. W. and Sam of Oma- RETUKN HO5IE Miss "Jesse The marriage of Cranfiell and Charles Tve's-; p.tbMrs. J. Falk and daughter, spend seven or eight weeks here. ha, and Herman of St. Louis, Mo. riam, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. MerNathan, daughter of Mrs. Sarah riam. The wedding took place in There are five grandchildren. iletic, Jacte Eprtein, ctzlvmt-n, Pauline, and son, Bernard, have Nathan, to Mr. Samuel Hahn, son |*Me.nBel KimelBteizs &n& Lrce iilperChicago August 17 at the home of The couple were both born in returned from a two-month vaca- ACHAR. HATAUNIS DANCE of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hahn, took tion In Mexico City, El Paso, and Mrs. A. Shaftoa will be hostess j son;. religions. Jar Wefsmtn, The A. Z. A. No. 1 is -ushering Rabbi Louis Levinson in the: presRussia and were married there place Sunday evening at seven St. Louis. In Mexico City Mrs. in their fall activities with the at her hcrae for a benefit carfi j chairman, George Shafer esa \TE5Thf Z<*tat Pc-msnfi-,.' o'clock at Birchwood. About ence of the parents of the bride shortly before coming to America. Falk visited her brother, N. Ro- annual Achar Hatannis dance on party to be held Wednesday, Sep-|ter Sinton; prcpertieE, Deve Rlchwish "rtts machinery s and They hive lived in Omaha for 42 four hundred guests attended t h e1| T h groom. iards; sconticg, Abe Re-snick er,6 up, e couple will make their years. Mr. Rosenblatt is a retired sen, whom she hadn't seen for 1G Yom Kipper night, September 26. tember 2. ceremony which was performed Mrs. M. Brodkey and Mrs. E. Jfyron Cohen, ii years. Plans for this affair are being grocer. He has been a member of "16 drance'e TiiRist-f by Rabbi Harold Berger and Rab- home in Chicago. A fietEiled report of the tourim-if completed by the dance commit- Weinberg are chairmen. All pro! the B'nai' Israel synagogue for 40 bi Nathan Peldman. " tee consisting of* Joe Hornstein, ceeds will be used toward help- meut' held s,t Eioi:s Citr A«pi.iBt|| RETURNS EAST in u. -H , [years. Miss Estelle Nathan, sister of RECEPTION PliANNED 16 end 17 TCS g'ven by meinberplj Mrs .Ben Goffstein of Albany. chairman; Ernie Nogg, Sam Wolk ing build the Beth Zeiroth school who attended the effalr. The marriage of Miss Sonia j — the bride, was niaid-of-honor. AnH . for girls In Palestine. N Y., formerly of Omaha, left last and Irving Nogg. other sister, Miss Louise Nathan laks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j HONORED AT DINNER ' Bur-{Friday evening, August 21, via Ml Saks of Council Bluffs, to jjrs. Sam Reiss, 2114 and a cousin, Miss Lillian Fisher of Des Moines, were the bride's \Ir. Harry Mulnick son of Mr. and dette St., was hostess at a six j airplane, for the east after spendother attendants. ^Phillip Sch- Mrs. A. Yarmolnek, of Omaha, o'clock dinner at her home Mon- ing two weeks with her parents, wartz was best man. David Hahn, will take place Sunday afternoon, day, August 24, in honor of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shafton ai'd her Nathan Crounse, Joseph Horwich, September 6, at, three o'clock at Sam Fryberg and Mrs. Harry parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Irving Forbes, Bernard Krantz of he home of the bride's parents. Kaplan, out-of-town v i s i t o r s . Broot-stein. While she was here, Mrs. GoffLincoln, and Lee Horwitz were *abbi David A. Goldstein will Twelve guests were present. ushers. Elaine Kramer, a cousin >erform the ceremony in the preThe table was beautifully dec- stein was extensively entertained sence of members of the two im- orated In silver and gold. The by friends and relatives. She is of "the bride, was flower girl. mediate families only. centerpiece was of white garden- the former Bertha Shafton. Wedding music was played by Following the ceremony, Mr. ias. MiS3 Regina Klein and Mr. Joseph Sachs. Mis3 Eleanor Grimm nd Mrs. Saks will entertain After dinner the" guests played GUESTS ,t a reception from four until bridge. Prizes were won by the Mr. and Mrs. I. Gelfand of sang. . even o'clock at their home at Following i the marriage, a re- 20 Third Street in Council Mesdames L. Witkin, P. Miller, Shreveport, La., have been the guests of Mr. Gelfand's sister, ception was held with Mrs. F. E. Bluffs, for all their relatives and and A. Epstein. Mrs. D. Raben of Council Bluffs. Holt, and the Misses Sophie JaIriends. No cards are being is- TO ATTEND WEDDING cobson, Ruth Leibovici,' Adele lued. Mrs. Harry Wolilner left Sun- STAG PAST!" Mayper, A n n Hahn, Pauline day evening for New York to atThe PEI Mil fraternity bare a Swengil, Lea Oberman, Harriet tend the^ wedding of her daugh- stag at the Elks club in honor of Fleishman, Bernice Crounse and ANNOUNCES BAB MTTZVAH Mrs. Rose Abrams announces ter, Sylvia Wohlner, to Sol Sch- Ned Giventer, whose marriage Miss Grimm and Miss Klein asthe Bar Mitzvah ot her son, Er- wartz of Schenectady, New York, took place last wseS. sisting. After a motor trip through win, Saturday morning August which will take place September Colorado and Wyoming the cou- 29, at 9 o'clock, at the B'nai Ja- 13 at Saratoga Springs. cob synagogue, 24th and Nicholas ple will reside here.' Mr. Wphlner will Join his wife Street. • . in time to attend the wedding. A reception in honor of Erwln GIVENTER-POLUSiY . The marriage of Miss Sally Pol- will be held at the Abrams home, RETURNS FROM SOUTHERN lay, daughter of Mrs. Gussie Pol- 3111 Mason St., Sunday from TRIP IN OUR SPACiQ Miss Fay Katelman returned lay, to Ned Giventer, son of Mr. three until nine o'clock. No cards Depiag .out fids tenifie problem obeat college clothes has been our specialty NEW VAULTS cr.Sy Pay cleaning ' [home Tuesday following a two and Mrs. Meyer Giventer, took have been issued. for 2S yeczs . . . so don't bother your fcrf yoang heads about it! We're ready when ciotftss ere | month's* southern trip, including place at three o'clock Sunday'affor nsst eesssn. to pack you ofi to the school of your choice in dotheu that rare whirlwind* I Houston, g,nd Dallas, Texas. ternoon at the Central Club ANNOUNCE BIRTH oi fashionsl Rabbi and Mrs. Uri Miller of | While in Houston, she visited her Building with Rabbi Harold Berger officiating. The bride who New Orleans announce the birth* brother-in-law and sister, Mr. was given in marriage by her mo- of a daughter. August 22. Mrs. and Mrs.! Fran's Fried. She visitOFFICE AND PLANT ther wore a gown of white lace MUler is the former Rose Shafer ed the Texas Centennial In Dallas princess style fashioned into a of Omaha. also. train. Her tulle vell^ was edged with lace and she .carried a bouquet of bride's roses and baby breath. Visiting Merchants Welcome— JO OUR COLLEGE FASHION S H ^W Miss Esther Follayy eister ot ff any of eur operations are of inforesf, information will gladly ba given. the bride, was maid-of-honor. Her ""** "HOTEL PAXTON *"*" gown was of blue embroidered Prosslaest •fouRg collagriaus -frtll model college topi organza and her accessories were £ro=a Etsad-tj* rtpsstcm to tie ga*re8t cf iormalfs. of pink. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. The Misses Ann Pollay and Sylvia Giventer were the two bridesmaids. MiB3 Pollay wore pink lace and blue accespresents sories and carried a bouquet of deep roses. Miss Giventer wore yellow lace with aquamarine accessories,' and carried Talisman S W I N G ALONG a' IBarand-K'ev? roses. , between classes in William Sherman, cousin of-the a fur - trlramed groom, was best man. Ushers rwaggsr coat . , . •were Philip Pollay, .brother of designed to take the bride, and Ned Cohen. Nate ell t h e herd Hurwite Bang accompanied by knocks t h a t col•Miss Elinor Cohen, pianist and Mr. Lou Saches, violinist. M1S3 lege life b r i n g s Cohen and Mr. Sachs also played thensl the wedding march. At the reception there were seven hundred guests. Assistants Included Mrs. Morris Cohn and Exclusive ai Kllpafrick's in Omoha DATE-D1SSSSS'... U5&VE IT . . . to u s to sKovr lira. Barnett Abrams and the -,.i that will have their you divine ideas for teas and Hisses Bernice Phillips, Louis tune -well filled are proms . . . in, crepes and Saylen, Edytbe Fineberg, Eve h e r e in heavenly wools. Many are '''double4vener, and Dorothy Zopotuchen new. colors . . . end dutv" gowns. - After at short wedding ' trip east the couple will reside here •with all the n e w
Peerless- Cleaners
€Fafft With Aecerat
SSAVETT-IiEIBOWITZ | Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Leibo•wits of Rock Island, 111., an | I nounce the aproaching ^marriage = of their daughter, Sadye, to Hy Zavett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack = = • • 1 Hellman of Omaha. MM ' The wedding will take place Tuesday, September!, at 3 p. m. at the bride's home.
fAbove): Ttvo • pieet suit triti checked tel
veieen scar}
Sn fhe Newest Autumn Styles ROWS.
Wlicn baying
Yeu'vo clrcsdy p!:nn:d fa T.tsiudo
one or moro irt yojr nsv^ fall wardrebs, cf course. Cut Miricm Grosa* new wsev©! "Homespun," tS novs's! it's th© mpst fn» tcresting now Init pf fhs seasor? . . , a weave copied frem cspsniiy© EngHih jhser w o o ! . . . light, sorr and beeitttfuHy fsiloret! . . . and guuranfcsd net fo. stretch,.-sag. cr cup.
SOFSSTOHY DUBS . « . srust include a tai lored flannel robe. Choos© yours in Wine, Green, Brown, Navy, Royal Blue . . Persian Rose or Black. ' ••
(Above): Heather green suit with end
ONE SUBJECT tEe ifsaart coilegs girl j-scrjoi-s in . . i is sweaters and skirts! We have elip•ons and twin sets . . . "hand knits" . . . end the skirts to go -with them.
When wo say . . . "Mirlcn Sro:3 Knits are America's rr.crf popySsr," thsi's not
Curtains -Draperies Slipcovers
t u n i c and peplum ideas.
LOUNGE'AS YOU STOSY . . . , in two-j»«3» satin pajamas . . . that are knock-outs. Solid colors and corabinauons * « . .Boys! Blue, Iiicem, Wine «. • and Bktck.
SB i© 42$
jl§ Russet Heather... Wine Heather,. .Stone Heather... Brown Heather, * Hi Black Hekther . . . Emerald Heather... ^-fTrfn*^
0!&r Cefiegiaft TaMsm «l fdtm to Ividget Be*p-ir«m@*st
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SUINS IN JkLGECIEAS—Bombardment of the Spanish city of Algeciras, near the Straits of Gibraltar, by the Loyalist! battleship' Jaime I resulted in vast destruction of buildings and other property, with "much loss olvlife. Here are the ruins of the Cafe Cazero, one of the most widely known in the country, after the shelling. Travelers who know their way around will regret the destruction of this interesting place. , •
• •
1 KAIN —Kashins lightning, detonating thunder that sssmed to shake the earth and a deluge of rain descended on Des Moines, Iowa, but while the residents w e r e temporarily frightened, they like^ciss were glad, for the storm marked a break in the drought. Most of the crops have been shrivelled by the recordbreaking heat, but some have survived. Kere-is s remarkable night -view of the stcrra .at its height.
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GE.EAT LAKES QCEEX—"Queen of the G-ee ( Lftke?" vill be thp title conferred o- this dainty lass st the fFvn^xi of the Grea(. Lakes to bs held soon in Burnham Psrk, Chic?ro, f( t b p sire of the Centuiy or Progress Exposition. She is J^ISP RIarr Dunbar. 19-rear-old model. Mayor Edvsrd J. liclly vill besic?- upon her the cfScial croTn, at the opening of th
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PLAY YARD;—Thousands of visitors arrive in Callender, Ont., every week-end to get a glimpse Of the famous Dionne quintuplets. Here is the yard adjoining the new playhouse recently constructed by the government, with a heavy wire fence protecting them. The-five babies may be seen with two nurses, leaving the yard.
ARMS LOAN SEEN—A possible loan by Prance to aid in motorizing Poland's army was seen in the visit of General Marie Gustave Gamelin, Chief of the French General Staff, to "Warsaw. General Gamelin is seen above at left as he signs the distinguished visitors' book after arriving in Warsaw. Beside him is General Edward Rydz-Smigly, Inspector General of the Polish A m y and virtual dictator of the nation. •
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EEADQUAKTESS 7ZXS—John G. Grirnrs, rssUrni Tro.^i the Desiocrstic Nftioncl Fjnrnce Comrr-tter. slicvr> ft ih central headquarters of tLe Cornmiuiec in Chicago, sliorLI' Ms arrival. He fonncri1' ;n P"ashiJiQ:ion. ^nh O ^ C P J charge cf tcilins tho Jlidvcst r h r it should v7^ r fo- n r Roosevelt, T-hose pictures £"? on the vpil tie-in-- ^•.Tr.
7 /
HARD GUT—Firing John D. M. Hamilton, Republican Ncticor;! Committee chairman, who objects to being called a yoimg Lochinvar who cane out cf the BEAUTY AND AN OS—^This white-faced ox traveled all the way from Vermont to a California ranch and is to bs cno of the ex- West. ' T m not young," he said in Oklahoma City recently. " I n hibits at the Los Angeles County Fair at Pomona.- His name is not a Lochinvar. I'm caseLindsay and he is one of many prize oxen to be shown at the fair. Already he has become companionable with l£iss Dalys Houts, one hardened by twenty years of Kansas politics." So that's that! of the women officials of the fair.
-GOLD MEDAL WINNEB—Richard K. Degener,^)f Detroit, youthful winner of the springboard diving championship-for the United States at tbe'Olympie Games in.Berlin, who got'medal for his victory, arrives in New York with-Mrs. Degener, who1 made the trip with him. He is the first American'gold-medal winner to return home, and is shown on the deck of the liner Washington.
ARRESTED — Arrest of Robert Ickes, adopted, son of Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes, aroused the Secretary's ire recently, when .the young , man, shown above, .was booked in Woburn, Mass'., on. a.charge of driving an automobile while under the influence of litiuor. "He wasn't," said the Secretary.
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r contours •^-v.-. Clark, motner*'s5nlf Conwood G.. Jones, nest to her, for support,of the child, asserting the father. sffc is•0.:K'Brownell» who testified he had been friendly -v^th the little girl's mother.
WILD CELTS OF TH3 ?ALI?AS—They're lifted as the p lD r;rrn :Tc:r. vhc .".r-cr Olympic riding chsjnpiorB, as they arrivedd in l ; : c cr h But consider : ; TLeft to r:?ht. other polo matches. the Cclisc inames! iroj Rear: Andress Gazzotti, Jack Nelson, Roberto Cavanagh End Diego C
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THE JEWISH PKESS. FRIDAY, AUGUST' 28, 193S Tessler, Halo Ctoldblatt, St&nley'youngsters during a ret time \ to carry bis anti-Semitic r-rograia | in Spanish to prove his point. France is nov vnder the tburrb , into every part'of-the globe?" :;He followed Titfa information of the Jews r^r" rt F '-^^-P'O^-P r Kahn, David-Rice, Harold Rati "Oh yea," Mr. "Wurja said in a'about the Orient. Didn't I know constant sner.r-e c* i Trrr-" ner, Steve Swarts, Berj-le Walters, mtter pitydeal direc-, matter-of-fact mauner. "You see i thst there -were Je-srs in .the Ori- "In Ptlestinc ; « v r f-c .i r-c," e Edwin Gitnick, Harry Goodbinder tor,Leais Grossman, back in the Cestcr folding j e e j Vi'tirra decl&Tpc v ' t ' i* - f a r e getting &lo£g! 2t? And that since the Jew and Barney Habn; the minnows after i l l at*. ri1 & sadist, - A R C] . * ; ' * i . v . ft a ttwo-week' ' i I l ••• perfectly with our. fight oa the • essentially vacation Orie.iia.1 h he are Harold'Epstein, Bucky Green-: ing Yellowstone Nations.!' park, :k t» escape .to his normal en- : here ia Germany. But berg, Harold Oruch, Norman Po- Estes -park and various cities in ' 4i d that the COSE ""Ah. there v - i , , •< -
pjj-. viroment in large numbers arid' ;a a v e scavcre lonsky, Morris Jtichlin, Marvin Wyoming and Colorado. While i n | a c y ot w o r ! c i j e wry is set merely thus embarrass compete with tile when -we're sick and -want to arid Donald Zernovsky,^ Stanley Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Grossman ! | c T •"' * - ' * The Oeala-Seeaa a g a n E t Germany but against ev- Germany's now powerful ally »'a- some Ar ' " " r Conn, Sol visited the National J e w i s h - h o s - ; e r y - o t n e r - c o u n t r y a s w e n . A nd,. Paul Muni is sehed- Feltman, Theodore Cohn, canglitthe tri r " r ^^ Miss Ida Gitlin won the contest be cured pan. "Yes, we ev=n fcare extin '~r u for solo voices at the World-Her- t h . rn™ •„-h» ™«A«.~ *~™A »*,»|Leirw Ja f k r l a a e r m a n anj*. .Sol|pital, where they lunc&ed. with j therefore, to defeat the worid'Semitic repre?en:v>G'-es in Kussia, mcvemsEt. 1 r to be »•»_„,, made around the Gerllsky;, those in the Aquatic i Sara Shaeffer, former Center ex hat. t*"" r ' r v , 'r ntest Our congratulaT the ... film . „._,„,_ ald music contest €h is ion- ci>u.pletely clorcin-1 tr conspirarcy of the Jew? against i Rabbi Goldstein will >«epf_CapUtatDreyfii* club are Norman Polonsky, Bucky jeciitive director. After soins! Aryan civilization the Jews mustUted by Jews." Wurn replied in in Pi.lert.irje." tlons . , Greenberg, ,. Donald Zernovsky {'through.-''God's country/' Lee es'-> 1- " < , ia the journey westward ia''_ the state rnfrj-J answer to my ^uestiisn sbs sbsut the j AEG paperF — ia "everj Feltraan. \ • .j pressed'.-his happiness in being 'Heredefeated in Ibis office we sre In com-: Soviet land, "Russia yc-u see, :had to c-1-1 -Z i c «• soon to speak at an institute - for "HEBRAIC-LEARNING.-:. X'~andd Stanley Feltman. r - , -. teachers:. . . Mr. and" Mrs. Harry '- A few -weeks ago -we wandered The purpose of these classes "is [back, insisting he is in shape for i m u t a t i o n with'tLose enlighten-: be the bead acd front of th e at- i ate to the 6- r ' r ' r Colick have been (or are) view- into .the Community Center and to determine the prosress:of the la big-fall turnout. ed Gentiles in all countries who j terapt of Trcrld Jevrj- to rub due ing, the wonders of Bates Park soon found ourselves .in one; of have had their eyes- opened toitbe Gentile World. Je-r Commun- against the .Trv- *• r '"1 ' ' '• •- i lists with the . ; , Young Bo"b Fromkjn. pride Mr." Wolfson's Hebrew classes. As the mecac- vl the Je^.-s." l h help of international i l when the trr.l'- i" . - ~ ^ • •• working •the present * •?• i F - ' . I "You mean you are actually i^eynsa banters of the Mas Fronjkin family, ar- it happens,,- onr idea of Talmud rc-R- the 'it will be J o c t 1". .. * : c ' V F C T writing to.-Kw-U-'-rB in all t b e | a i S b t a n d ta*" t 0 overthrow rived home iroci Camp Jndianola Torahs comes from description's' in •ctfice" cf Ju! l t " •* ' r ' r lands?" 'I asked with added as-'Gentile governments ant set •with all the ayaUablo athletic tro- Sholom Ash's books, where the ! s. Euper-worl'5-Jewish-ccTstrolle boys attended. indescribably drab Our heartfelt congratuphies " Y o u A m e r " * • . ,~r r °- <• "We are not csly writis^ to ;' lations to Mr. and Mrs.- M. Rosen- lesson houses-and. were taught by them," "Mr. Wuria declared, "but j 7 h e scutheasterE European t h i s J e w i s h ^ i " - " - "*"- "^ blatt, -who hava rsseatly celebrat- a bearded teacher who -was not we are'also trying'to teach then ' countries like Austria. Hungary, , said. " Y o u d c r e s-rr"- ~ -«•- ' - r ed their ~ golden wedding anniver- bashful about flicking a •willow : the Germaa-technique of dealin • iEcumania, Csechopjovakja End t h a t j-our coi - - " , < - ! - { ' ' f Most of--. Omaha seemed rod when opportunity, demanded. You f c " " i "' r - ' sary (with the .Je'B-is.h pi-oblem." j Yugoslavia are very importnat '.Jews. But the picture of th'e class at . Trom- the -Series: • "FASCISM .AT '0UE GATES" totura out for the Nathan-Hahn i W e l l . I can f * — - ^- ' I"protested tb?t I thought that -fields for Stretcher's world ^Jewthe Jewish Community Center was 1 Abe Brodkey was nupitals p r o d u c e d in •>•>!- r ~ -"" - - ' . ' . . . By the Eev. Dr. V H . BffiKHEAD" . ^ , _ . baiticg program, TTum said. To streicher fcad 0 T e r e r a p l i a s i 2 e d elected president of the general far from depressing. The room •what was beiaj: done ! t h a t tfcis is t r i ' contractors of the Omaha Con- •was pleasantly light and airy. The •In this, the second article of ja-.whip. Ee had- to. in^rder is de-jthe importance .c£ the Jews, ia illustrate in those countries he produced j K r . W u r n i , l r r r ' • - C P I r revelaI fend himself against Jews asci | Germany &si the "Jew-problem" hi? series'of youngsters, all clean-faced Amerstruction Industry Council this Communists who frequentlyBE-j was largely the product of a dis-;E»rae post cards, printed in the | Erire m e E COI ""^ >••/-'' r " " : icans with skull caps over their tions'-concerning the Fascist T?eek. - " '.'- .'•' • •' "' '..'•.: saulted him" on the •streets."- But leased mind. "It seems to me that j Ions typical . "ccr Stuemer" j t i - S e m i t i c m . "r- T~?' < i " "• i pates, responded enthusiastically. edvsace in America, Dr. now," Mr. Wurm informed me,! the Nazis'have .ver-simpl'ified i caricatures of th<- Jewe.^ Tbe_ post I d o u b t t h a t I- <= r " " t " i ' - i head gives a detailed -.An atmosphere of cheesy pre; "Streicher only carries , a silver j the complexities of contemporary; cards &r .used Warm. Ke pointed i cf his conversation with the asvailed so that one felt the Hebrew VISITOR MISSED sistant of Jiilios ."Streiclier, •whip which his friends have giv-j civilisation," I told Mr. .Wurm. j out to me that their inscriptions wasn't a burdensome lesson but a Having comfortably settled ourwhose propaganda machine is eri him as'a iaomeato of the days;"You see, I do not agree' with I were printed in three languages-. selves late Ij|riday afternoon, y e happy experience, admitting one shown to be yisorouslr active before Germany was civilized by |your views," I said,-". think that |KouiaaEiaa, Bulgaria, and -Bcnot only into the religious comdiscovered that Estelle Sternbergin the United States. the Najis. Now Mr.'Streicher is'you are dead wrong. It seerss toiheffli£n. . . er, -whoso articles are familiar to munity but opening vistas to the ' ' • '.' THE EDITOR protected by the German govern-; me t-hat-yoa are not »olving your I "We have rasey followers cf Hebrew culture that has" no -rival. readers of the Press, was in town ment." • | problems or ours. You are mere-; our movement ' in southeastern Somehow we sort of wished we Iy m a t i n in-the interests.of the"Good Neighfor your question S • every human problem ! Europe who will help-us to put y were about 10 or 11 so that we your question ' more difficult..''-. "And as bor league. We chased about hopI was informed that I was talk_ ; the Jevs in tfceir place." W r m sex pcr~ering to ;iind her and as the radio might have tried our band at ^'ell, tills tctftd as & cballenge i £.EEiirscl me. I CS.J bcl^vG ECV learning. Hebrew ia this fashion. shall inform yo-a that Mr. announcers say, speak a few words Streicher, and' that he would be and to Wurm. He said that he was j that Streicher's- -«-ori5 Jew-baitto bar wide audience. But fate inhappy to give me whatever inE!ire he ws.s right and that Mr.; ing office ia Xcrembcrg has dons two growrr < tervened, having hurried Mra. Streicher would sorae day be rec- j its work very well in such ccurdeclared with Sternberger yonder. lined what I had read in ognized as the "world's .saviour I tries ss EcumaEia EEt» "Austria ic «•• V» V it Bjr SAY SCMAFIEO J F a r a i e r W o e s : " ' . • ' ' ' " : •-: " . .-;' j'out of .his. newspaperi and j j j s Ssaid with feeling, "we \ are notj those latsfis. Fcr esampls, I have I Streicher's defense. "Yes", he 1 other activities. -All of these • a I o n e in., th.ese..views. .An increas-| ju £ t now read in the Being a Jewish farmer has all 1 The summer ; of 1936 has said, "Mr. Streicher used to c a r r y \ ° i Z \ T " \ ™ l «„- ,„,%„,. JZ1!ing of people Europe i ncmber b people all-over ll jsver the the!fcria f E *ha aati-Seicitic sorts of complications^—as most i Droved a huge success • for the to .share', oar j i a i l y newspapers with a _« Jewish farmers wil tell you. For Franconia you should imov, are .and are seeking ^our aid k a . cs-tfe. title page'Rrc ?pr*fqn«LthIng tha iqinute someone dis- Center, With two Jewish softball attacks on Mr." Streicher with a ™WB. and a n a &Lnrjcp c is.luaL that"-" t hiBi s | i n - u p i B every-town in covers that a Jew is a farmer teams entered in the city tourna- Close Collaborator '"^t . * ' . 1 truth-telling campaign against his • - .-The't-xt '' i uliss VhfpTi *"l*set 13n for ; ment and'the tact that the classes they start telling how unique such Of M i l l s Stretcher j enemies who are Jew, and who I '«cret off1ce_ has fceen set up for 1 ** »» bei» put whfire th belongi ^ jery.purpose «C hdpins peoa combination is. There are. other have been larger and more interK F y The KEti-Scraites in France, bei»K put by Mr. Streicher and his associ-: P»«;- »a other eountnes who ajrree which tiiere are BSB», are embarrassing momenta such as esting than in preceding years, physical department may with" us and who want to do cooperating with S t r e i c h e r . having a rabbi ask. "What live the dtea." f I something, .about the Jew-prob-; ^-,, stock do you have?" 'And poor stand up and take a bow. • When I asked Mr. "Were: about lem." • Not only is the Omaha Potato Stuermer'' was btsisg sold in t t s Mr. Farmer haa to answer, Market carrying the J. C* C. colthe part that he was playicg ia To establish the fsct thai Stre- jpriEC 3 PS ,i PC pi:latioa centers c: "Hogs." : ors in to the city series by yirtue helping the governor c£ Frascon- icher really, bad-a world clearing p r a n c e . ia in his "iraponant work,'' ha house,'for. ;Jew-fc&iters, Wurm However, there i3 one Omaha of its winning the Center league, replied* with the dicclcrure of pulled back the curtains which matron who was born in one of but the Smith-Robinson Eontiac Streicher's world "rlan» and pur- i ^ ^ ~y s ".f - Scs \ ^ ten, an all-star Center team, will * \ the Jewish agricultural colonies poses which .abased p . a a * | t 0 .prbye to "me that he also vie for city honors. ' n. ia . V. .. established at the beginning of the which I. hare «nee dweorered i m ^ m n i i l c i . U o a ^ i t h c~ery The swimming classes, under century and it is her .boast that jStreicner » carrying out fanatic- a p U r ( , a n t i . S e ! I l S t e o a t i } s while, the Gentile neighbors waxed the direction ol Norman Berg, have progressed rapidly with Ee • displsed papers and psmwealthy raising swine, the Jewish teama being entered in \yarious "You see," Mr. Wurm ssid, "we pMets in any language for farmers were adamant and re- A'. A. tJ. meets. Berg has given jhavp' here an office through! I. asked. Yes, he ws.s in. touch Meet Me e l J. C. C. .J fused to have the porkers around. o beginners, as well | 'which we contact thoss who are j with'-'all of the South American TALE1SIM - PRAYER EOCKJ S experienced swimmers. Not| Tistcrcitcd in car -.,-ork all ever] countries —• couEtries to which Xr, VidrgiEh una English j Another incident about an agri- withstanding the lact that the the worid.'' "Wbat", I asked'in j Jews are trying to escape from Res. 6£S N«. stih-tx. CJ--JC7I ; cultural "Jew took pla^e .wWlK-.we weather hag been uausnsUly hot, C. Ee« 71S Omihe, Nefor. astonishment, "do you mean to • Germany, 'Vrtina said. Ee prowere vtsKins*aC1i& : Home.'last this Bummer, large Health club] ten me that J.Ir. Streiefcer hopes'duced anti-Seciitic papers printed week. Tho son-in-law came- fn classes have prevailed throughfrom the field, bedraggled look- out. The noon-hour classes have ing, showing the effects of work- enjoyed many watermelon paring under the hot. sun, and asked ties, which have been thrown by if the baking .soda he had found the different members so as to in the milk house was all right. have a reason to "keep ia shape. "Of course," papa-in-law replied, All in all, the Center has en"don't I give it to the horses?" joyed its most interesting sum: mer program in years. •
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Reading A e r Statistics -.-} '••'•
A feat that'very few young men attain has been accomplished by a Center athlete this summer. Johnny Rosenblatt, well-known sandlot Player, has not. only managed the Omaha Potato. Market ten to a championship,, but has also brought the Roberts nine through the Metro league, for a 1 facts: • • • - . . • double championship. Johnny was An Omaha Jew has a better offered a contract with the Omaha chance than his non-Jewjsh neigh- team in 1926, but refused in* orbor of reaching middle age, but der to keep his-.amateur standthe Gentile has a better chance of ing. Three years later, a wire reaching his allotted fourscore from the St. Louis Cardinals ofand ten. Deaths among Jews un- fering a contract was refused for der the age of 35 are exceedingly a college career. These are just small, accounted for mostly by ac- slight occurrences in this fellow's cidents. Maybe it's not such an nn- life which brings out his love for healthful climate lor us after all. baseball and his ideals. Once upon a time when we were in college we took a course ia statistics and since then any : thing that might fit Into a table has been our meat. Looking o,ver the "In Memoriam" lists of past New YeaT's "editions of the Press, we gleaned the following cheerful
-••September 6 is the"birthday annfversarr of.Jane; Addams. whose death rembyed one of the best friends' the Jews,-, friends the , , and for that it ever ha matter all'humanity, had. It wasn't" that Miss; Addams ever mentioned that "Some of my best friends are Jews." Sha just- neglected' to find out to what ethnic group a person belonged before d h t h r or not she
To create more interest in the junior swim classes, Norman Berg haa established four divisions which are to be headed as a Tadpole, Frog, Minnow and AqUatic j club. Each class,'."starting with the j tadpole, are progressive, i. e., the tadpoe, p tadpole class is for those who cannot ;swim a length; the frog for those who are able to swim length; -those who -can swim. 10 lengths will be'- known as min-
balf are eligible for the Center Aquatic club. To date, the tadpoles are Jimmy Conn and Philip .». „ _- ,. ,Shukert; 'the -frogs are Eddie From a Canadian Jewish pub.-; Kuklin, Melvin Bernstein, Morris lication we tead that the younger j . ,", generation in Poland has given i the -Chassidic movement impetun. Tor tho Dntire Their sufferings have forced them to partake of everything their Jtsdgism can offer . . . Now it's t h e ' Viennese Jewish physicians who are discouraging • their sons from following in their footsteps. T? Scar Deafer Has ' E n Bot&l quote Heywood Broun (not verbatim), far be it from us to aslt wbetiier a doctor is, Jew or Gen-
never ceased to malign her.
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THESE HOT, f d d y days slow yoa Ettle sleep £* tsagJit pats year sstn^es oa csige. Tfce troubis tasy fee rssrs thzs. the hes;—»£t tat be eesstipsdas. It puSis dewa cscrgj?,ferisgsfcesd* sches, poc? appetite, less «£ pep sad frca' cons&pstibs cst Ksve a fe:g fcspoasisuaty* lacy crs i"l£s Icccp well ss.d eager' to csjc
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Mr. and Mrs. Max Conn,''Mr. and ] * j throughout America, it VAZ a n Mrs. Nathan Nogs, Mr. and Mrs. | j Bounced by officials oi.the oi-ganSam Sacks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Got! •ization. They &re*Bcheduled to sr(Continued from'page 1) 1 sdiner; Mr. and Mrs.: Sam Bubb; ! > Soccer' I rive in New York- on September difficult to Imagine the state of and Messrs. Mose Bernstein, Ben I : mind of those very many Eng- Kooler, Abe Leibovitz, and Max I ' •New -York ". <V>TS)-;—The ielishmen whose political con- Steinberg Mr. Leo Fitch was a rao'is Kscce.bee soccer team from I1' **# science has not lost its sensitivemember' of the Board of Direc.ll.rUii. Palestine vrill mate its first apness during the horror and the tros during the 'past year. Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Silverberg, Terra pearance in-.the -United States on shame of this day in British his- Max Steinberg was chosen a Alta Court. ' September £7th in a g&rne with a tory of which "once again - j - asmember of the Board of DirecGenera.—L.o-fi Lugrard, a mempicked 'team-, of • stars from the : ber , of of tiae recurrently through the ages the permanent mandates tors at the Convention. Miss Hazel Kantroyich, ; who New York State Football associa- | commission o! the League of Naan injustice to the Jewish, people be married September 6 . to tion at the Yankee stadium, i t | tions, representing Great Britain the sign and symbol for now Mr, and Mrs. Herman MeyerMr. Max Shamhlott," has been the Is was announced ; here -by • Benny since if,£5. has resigned recently and ff?r' the' years to come. son, and Mrs. Sam Gross, left recipient of a ^number, of social chairiaan - of the coin- cwlng to bad health, H was anLeonar It' is possible to dismiss all no-Sunday for Denver and Colorado courtesies during the past week. mittee sponsoring the gsme. Pro- . n o u l ) C j , d n e r e ;ls l g 5 S i B o r n tions of special mission or even Springs, to be gone for abo,ut'two Tuesday,-Mrs. Nathan Goldberg function for the : Jewish people ceeSs will go to the American , Frederick Desliry Lupnrd ha* weeks. entertained at an. afternoon of and yet recognize the indisputcommittee for the relief of Jews '. had a distinguished raiiiSp.ry and Twelve • committees will canvass bridge.honoring her., . in Poland and for the, support of" administrative career. After eamable -historical fact of our being tho Jewish 'homes in Sioux City Leonard Brown, son of Mrs. J. Thursday afternoon,: Mrs. Joe sports-in Palestine.'. ' • ' paignsin Afghan, vhe next--Tuesday for the annual Milk Kan tor was her hostess at a party. frnd having been in every crisis Brown, left Saturday night for he Sudan and •' B u r m a , he Fund drive, sponsored by the Sen- ' Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Alof human history the measure or Los Anglees, California, for a ' success' high Tel Aviv-. (WNS-Palcor- Agen--. commissioner ot >,'ic:erip., povcr-tor Hadassah chapter.. Proceeds of Turchen, Miss Lillian Turchen touchstone of the moral and civ-two weeks' visit with friends. foot- : nor c£ Kong-Kpng,'and pevernortho fund go for the milk lunches and Mrs. Mark Sable entertained ilizatory quality vof that crisis. If,1 | C y).—The Maccabee soccer 1 ball team of this d t y vrill visit i general of Nigeria. served to the children in Pales- at a bridge party for Miss Kan- in the fine homely old phase, The Chevra B'nai Yisroel Sosomething was pood for Jews, it ciety will hold an important the United Status for a series of tine. • •• ' '.. •'•:. . :'. •;' '.: trovich, at- the Sable home. ; always 'proved' to be good for .meeting next Wednesday,- evening, LEON &. WHITE, Attorfiev* -games with leading teams • Mrs. Charles Rasjdn is chair- Thursday, evening. Miss Lillian mankind. If it was ( evil for Jews 504-10 City Bank Blrto. man of the Milk Fund drive com- Dishlip entertained for thft bride- It neveriJailed to be in the- long September 2, at' eight o'clock at the Chevra. B'nal Yisroel synagI NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OP mittee; and Is. urging every home to-be at the Savoy. . run evil/for a i r m e n . And this ogue at 618 Mynster Street. All i IRVIN C. LEVIN. Attorney KRAI'S &. TRUST! N s to co-operate with the soliciting Sunday afternoon, the Misses iron fact may 'have something to 351 Electric f ' ' |; Notice if; hereby piven thst c cori committees by" receiving them Eva. Ivener and Edith Feinberg do with that morak Insight into members are urged to attend. poratior. HEE heer. forrneti undev 'he . ' ' L £ G A L NOTICE , . • ' ; iaw& of the JStnte of NebrpF-Un. The generously. •'. In t h p District Court, of Douglas nflme o' the corporation is "KUAl'S will be joint hostesses at a party the exact qualities •' and conseAbe Saltzman returned home County. Nebraska. ' The Jewish National Fund box honoring'Miss Kantrovich, in Miss quences of ~ human action which ! A- TKl'STiN." Us p'-incipni p\;\rt- o" TOiEMMETT 'i ! Injsinep* ip (iirtf'hii, X">ouf;ij>P Count.1--. Saturday from Colorado, where collections, completed recently, Ivener's home. plnce of residence- is unknov.fc and i. Nebraska. . .'• • . •'• • we have not lost since at the very he spent the summer months at i upon whom "personal -service of sutn- ; The penps-fi! np.ture ot the husinc-Ffi reached the quota set by the Sen- Miss Karitrovich's. sisters,- Mrs.latest the' days of'Amos of Tekoa. I m i n t PRnn-nt be .hat!', defendant: • the Rocky Mountains. ^ to he VTT.nsHnted Ii> the corror;1,siora tor Hadassah. Mrs. J . N. Krueger O. R. Slacter - and Mrs. Milfcon You e r e hereby n- tiTIfrt that o n ' t h e is t\> purchnee. own, .holt), sell, conSuch recognitions which cani r 4th d a y of..-Mf .y.' lflSB. A n n a H a l l o w s y . is chairman of the J. N. F. com-Holtaman will • entertain at a not but come. to: every Jew who as plaintiff. filed her petition Rcsvinst j transfer > rest es'<R-t" nnd porponnl Max Gilinsky of Portland, Oremittee. ' you in t h e District Court of DoiiElas 1 pt-opersy rvherever piuir.tff': to buy, luncheon and bridge next Wed- Is daily mindful o t Jewish history gon, arrived here Sunday for an 1 County. .Nebraska. "Pocket Slil, <.n\n. af?His;Ti.. trfiisRier anfl mortnesday afternoon. The bride's col- --- and- that'should be every Jew extended visit at the home of his I i 27fi. t h e object -Fno prayer of" which I! sell.' irrjpre hoT'rlF?, s''*15t!'it*t.!r. p.*if: Rtock in ! petition is t o obtain a divorce from ; olher ors of peach and green' have been cannot fail and amid suffering Uonr.; It; *!VRW. make, grandmother, Mrs. E. Gilinsky. HEM6MAL SERVICES I you on t h e prouncls of extreme cruelty j execute,eoroorr-. ncoepi. entiOT-pe nnd i.ssue carried out in the table appoint- and contumely and disappointand desertion. ! promipsor>noies. mort^afteF. *ir/tft9, Toti a r e required .tn .tinsn-er sairt ments and favors by her hostesses. ment to give us strength and so- Jack Steinberg and Arnold, oi" exchange f'.nd olhev. ne^otiahle petition on or before t h e l i s t day of'! biliP . J A Y CAUG::A>~ Cantor A. Pliskin is conducting ber hope. and the power to with- Hoffman returned home Sunday instruments: to horrov.' to enSeptember. ' Ifinfi. -or FPJC) : petition case in the hi-sin-"F5> <>monty: f penernl runthe traditional memorial services New Manager • and Part Owner of Kass_ Brothers^ stand and to wring some victorag-sinFt you M'\l) -be t a k e r PK true, trBCtinr. for t h r Of!>f>trilction. rer>Hir•j. . .. • i ANNA H A L I / H V M ' . at thft Jewish cemetery every Sun- • Mr. Emll R o s e n stock and ies, moral and material, from un- from Des Moines, where they | inc HnCi reino^elin^ o- hiiiidinpF HII<1 day from 10 to'i 12 during the daughter, Betty, visited in Sioux der the very .ribs of • the world's spent two weeks' at Camp Dodge, Jay Baughan,: Chicago', has''pur-.I serialized service, will start imae- s-:i-4t Plaintiff. pubiif works of fiII kinds: to eriRiige City this week. '. Mr. Rosenstock near Des Moines. In the l^'pinepp of tnr;nufftVMir<iftK1 diately Bsi! baB month of EluV preceding.cfRpsh sins and miseries. This assurance, chased a" half •'interest' in ;-'Ha"as.i 'S said. Private!— peliiriE; nnrl bijyme; of p.ny f-n(3 RH returned to.his home in Kansas his knowledge . of how things salesroorca and an inexpensive; SRV1N C, L-EV5N, Attorney Hashonah. kind." of r.ppnrnt U.S. RppHanre£ find .Howard Sts.J : 301 Eiectric Bunding : City and Miss"Betty' will remain The Council Bluffs Agudas d >artment d r e s s et be included I have been and are, should be an Anyone 'Wishing him to recite ii n the remodeling project, he said.! repnirinj;. furnishincr and remodeling for a longer visit'with friends. ' Society will hold a regular meet-. andwill take over activie manage-j NOTiCE TO NON-RESSDENT Instrument of, the most practical this traditional prayer at" the hirJUiin^R. roads., i'enieieriep HO.d of ing next Thursday evening. Sep-; n t of-the store'Monday, it Vas ; There will be'no change in-the.I DEFENDANT ' m e Ik' v.'nrkp. of pi! kinds: u> firi B5! kind. J was heartened by Jacob frraveside of a lbved one during TO: J A K E S KCKCL. <PT, or sslesmnn for tember 3, at S:30 o'clock at the Mrs.'Leon Marx .and* daughter, Fishman's account in the Morgen announced Saturday. . . . . . "•• ,i store's officers, or personnel £nd j You ere hereby notified'that on t h ein, the a^ent the week may make an appointle of «ny find fill kino;: of da-y of .Tnrie. 1!>SS. the plaintiff, . p.T>T>lioneep pnd materials Baughah's - purchase of -. stock Uhe organization's general'-bisEi- 1Bth ment with the earitbr' by calling Leonora, visited with Mrs. Marx's Journal of the certainty of theEagles Hall. Merchant* Packing Company. . a co- j the <-ons;)'uetinn. rppsiiMns. representatives 4>f our Yishuv in froin the Cook estate, will-give him; ness policies trill be continued, the partnership, commenced on fee'ion in j him at his home. \ parents in Omaha.this week. ' find remmielinK of bvii 1 d« the Municipal Court o ' thp_ nity of] Geneva: that the upper-hand, the controlling interest in the.' firm's.; Cev manager said. trigs, upper-hand, wal. still ours [business policies. Banghan's'wife and two. chil- "tmar5o^> ^ s ^ ' o n Va'pe^ iTn therein'. I Miss; Sadie Shulkin and Henry moral proper- or convenient fo^ In spite of terrorism and treach: For 15 years a business, coun-,: dren, MSrjorie, 13, and Jack, S.iaeainst you RK defefKinnt, the prayer ii to the rt-u-ryinEf out-of {Snulkin have returned home after ery. ..But I was not surprised. The • the pov,-ers or prirpopeR herein monselor, Baughan has had- contacts.-will-join him here within the nest: vou^the^-Hm^oTW^OT.^p.rne^beTnsThe •• a 10-day motor trip which includ- re-settlement of Palestine is good : tioned. with ready-to-wear stores .in" all two weeks. . . amount fine on unp-ad cheek. The totpl p.nIhori^er!" ctimtFti" ptorfc The choir for the high holiday ed" stops at Milwaukee- and' sev-for .Jews; Therefore it is good Kl filed the necessary p. ffi- \ (Continued from Page 7.) parts ot'the-midwest. ••'While; he | ;'. Both Mr. and Mrs. ' Baughan \ tln vlf" >r Ettachmerit &«? is p^oviderl I of the c«rpo>'?.t«)n siiali be S23.HUii.uv erald cities in Canada. "services at Shaare -Zibn has been • ' (s.h'ided into Z^' ^har^'F of the par Company. Don't you want to or ajl men. The thing has never for by law find on fth» Ififh day- of has been in. Oniaha. at' variousjwere born in Nebraska. Their June." organized by: Cantor A. • Pliskin 18SR. the Conr-tahle-Rttacheq the : value of £H»:.IMI per fhnre. S";>id oapwrite down the address?" failed. It will,not 'now. • ita! Ptock be fully paid for s n d flesenbed persona! propf-rSy: and Is holding regular rehearsals Mrs. .Ben' Schulein. Is visiting (Copyright 1936 - by Seven Arts And so through the whole list times in the^past as business'coun--home was ia Lincoln, Neb., Trlrere follow'in'E nonnsserspable when issued p.nd may 1 Frerterick MeEt Display Case . selor, his \tew position here witl! Baughan spent his lifetime Tip i be paid for in cash, note? or prop* this month, Members of the choir with friends and relatives In Chi- . • F e a t u r e Syndicate) 1 Wfitte-in Cooler . , of professional American JewI erty. real o^ aer«onr:i. tnnE-iMe or i?iToleao Scale Xo, 357252 include Earl Novich and Philip cago. "• . •;.' . baiters. So far as I am able to be permanent, it• w°.s announced..j to 1922. He was at one time as- 12 Meal j tangible, p.t the reasonable VP1U« BiockS Partial remodeling of the store's soclated with Miller & Paine at together ( thereof. Thirt>- si^arep t?f the oat>~ Zeligson, tenors; Jack Merlin and learn Mr. Wurm and Mr. Streich1 Kplvinrtor i r e Marhlne •; ita! sfofk shnll he paid nfo- before the interior'to-convert-the store into [Lincoln and with Marshall Field Trith ^5ofor F.nd Coiis. ; Max' PrOstock, baritones; Harry er had not over-looked a single Rabbi and Mrs. Theodore '.N. arid ^hst said rftuse hap been ron- rorpo:"stlon Ph^H romni ncp bupinesw. t,R ensemble shop featuring per-i store in Chicago. JIadler, alto; Joe Maron. Haskell Lewis and daughter, Ruth, have one. tin-ied to the ?th flay of Septemher, The corporation :hRll commence bv?si1!!"6. Fit S a. m. for service by pub- nosp or, J u l v *,*>, i n .i h, Ft n ^! ahv \V, o Lazere and Mr. S. Krupnick, returned to the-city'after spends While this interview was in ypRi licFttinn 'upon you. for passes. ' • 'nated campaign for intensifying iiUTK rl p. x e an\i oi' are therefore required to nnprogress a man who was introj Jjjjuf Boycott > hi£;V ing the summer in New York =! tO ^ th ft! the anti-Nazi boycott in Nesr York ' swer therietttiori filed by the plainduced to me as a representative j - Reservations for seats for the 1 City; '... .;>..-\ ' . : . . . . - --r id nctiors c m or before the P t F DV lion ma?--' i • - ,. ^ '. tiff in limp i i£ of the British Imperial Fascist j , , ^ ! and throughout the country. holiday services . a t Shaare Zion 8th day of September. ISSfi, .et ft a. m., i not ?eed ^^-o- th o1-" '1 th5 ssme Ti!! "be taken ns inje pn<3.' BY F. B. League came in. He assisted] New York.—The Joint Boycott j The couEcil cossists of 20 mem- or will begin this Sunday morning at jiifS'tornent rendered p.ccordinjrly and'i The Paul Wurm in explaining to me ] councils of the American Jewish : bers equally divided bet^eea the the perponpJ property feho\-e €iep<*rib- ! 10 o'clock In the synagogue. Seats • Mrs.'Johanna Marx has returnr Pon !t v r 0 ed home after spending -a vacai r j ; r ! r . n e<! TV)!! he orderen &s pold to" KsiriFfy j than t w o will be reserved in the order that the plans and purposes ot the ] organisations. , c o n g r e S 3 a n dt n e National Jewish ."aki jH^jrment in the RTjm «? -S9A.nn i 3]AIiMtro TORAH TEACHER tion with friends and relatives in applications^ are received. - • • together -vrlth the costs of action | Kr. A . t'S, KD CHOSEN. " : I thereon. ; Ti X. : F A V: " The committee in charge of theRichmond, Terre Haute and In- The Council • Bluffs Talmud dianapolis.;. i 3IEECHAXTK TACK-SKG CO..: seat reservations.includes Messrs. 151 West Fortieth- street j T ] i e Jewish Press advertisers I Torah, Board held a meeting on the most intimate terms with a cc-pp.rtnerFhip. ' evening at t h e . ChevrarWurm. It was'not Mr. Wurm | to : conduct a united. aiid co^qfdi-itaerit your patronage. j . Kuntz, EH Robindw, Lester Mr. and Mrs.." Ben Kaliri of Heeger.and Leon Dobrofsky. Yisroel synagogue, and and Mr. Fox to them, but Paul ' jTHr. Dobrofsky has been named Mitchell, S.' D., visited with rela- have" announced "that they have and John.~ Moreover, Mr. Fos knew, exactly what Mr. Streicher chairman of the usher committee tives in Sioiix 'City' last' week. engaged the services of Mr. E. for ithe holiday services. Cooper of Horpich, 'Connecticut, and Mr. Wurm'were trying to do. . At a 'recent meeting of the: Jack, Clalf.and May Goldbergfor teaching . the • Council Bluffs He approved of it and seemed to board of directors of Shaare Zion, of New York'City visited herq this Hebrew School. .Mr. Cooper is a be happy to be in on the .Nazi .Rabbi Ischoch campaign to "put the Jews in beldjit the home of J. L. Kaplan, week^wlth their brother and 'sis-graduate ; of 3260 Stone :Park boulevard, Mr. ter-in-law', Mr. • and vMrs. Louis S. Alchona Yeshiva, o f New :York, their place." .There was an ample and also a graduate of the Uni- supply of British Imperial Fascist Jake Kaplan was elected Jto theGoldberg.. • • L -.....'. versity : of .New York, • and has League publications in the office. membership ot the congregation. ; been Tery highly, recommended All of whom were shown to me • Harley- Babitz, son of, Mrs. B. for thi3 position. Mr. Cooper and samples were given to me Babitz, Swanson apartments, has specialized- in teaching of this with the suggestion that I might returned home after spending the type-and will be a credit to the become a distributor of the pamsummer with friends arid rela- community. He is expected to phlets on my return to 'America. tives in Milwaukee^ arid Chicago arrive in Qouncil Bluffs shortly It developed during my converThe annual picnic for pupils of after the first of 'Septemb'sr, ac- sation with Mr. Fox .and Mr. the Talmud Torah was held Tues- - Harold' Goldstein of Miles City ,cording'to Mr.. OrHochman, secre- Wurm that the relationship beday." at Riverside park. The He-Mont.,.'visited this weeic in thetary of the local Talmud Torah, tween this Streicher. office and brew Mothers' club served ice home.of Dr/and'Mrs.,.S. H. Shul and • plans will- be made for- an t h e British Imperial Fascist .cream ,•. cookies and punch' to theIf in,'. 2914 Nebraska, St.,, en .route open meeting in the very near fu- League was morte than that o£ to the .VUhiveirsity of Mississippi, ture to acquaint Hhe local' Jewry i mere friendship. There appearchildren. . . • with the. new teacher o f the Tal-ed to be some sort of a business '"An ' interclass championship where he. iB a senior.Honoring their "• guest. Dr. and baseball game, races, songs, jokes agreement- Since my reutrn to mud Torah children.. and . a ' story contest and biblical Mrs. Shulkin entertained- three America I have learned that the tableau contest occupied Ithe aft- classmates of Mr. Goldstein at a The Emesel Club, entertained major conection that, Streicher ernoon' hours, with prizes award- dinner Tuesdar. They were Her- at its first annual Formal Dance has with American anti-Semite bert ' Baumsteinv Dave Bernard at the Hotel Chieftain Sunday groups is through the British Imed at" the 'close of the picnic. and Kenneth'.Fdbes.— ' , night, August 23, when. approx- perial -Fascist-— League. Please imately two hundred couples at- keep in mind that this organizaFrances . Kalin, 3620, Jackcon tended this- affair. New dfficers tion as its literature puts it, '"has St., visited with*, friends in Omaha of the Club are Miss Lorraine no connection with Sir Oswald this week. • -•• : - .. '•-....- . - Meyerson, president;" Miss Flor- Moseley's pro-Jewish organiza: ence Meyerson, secretary; Miss tion. Literature of the British Im'.Flans ..for the...cp.ming...m<bnth Miss .Bernice Gal in sky,' 2022 Ruth- Seldln,'treasurer; Miss Sylyere mado by the Jewish Nation- Nebraska St., visited recently in via Endelman.- historian and re-perial. Fascist League has been al:.Fund held Chicago, Minneapolis and Breezy porter;, and Mlsa Dorothy Saltz- sent'to me from numerous Amerman, sergeant-at-arms. A num-ican anti-Semitic groups and reTuesday, evening in the Jewish Point, M i n n . . . . • ber of members, of the Alpha cently when I have interviewed C6mmunity Center. The council Tau Sorority of Sioux the leaders of these societies I •will sell tho J. : N. F. stamps be- Mrs. Philip • Sherman, 1704 Gamma City, attended the Dance, and have observed the English publiidre • Rosh Hashonah and will Douglas St., spent several days in were guests of the Emesel Clubcations for distribution. How do malie a concentrated effort in theOmaha this week. . members. Several. informal par- JLknbw? Well, I hare been offergale'of trees In Palestine. ties .were^ given preceding t h e samples, Streicher by -way of It was reported at the meeting Sid Bergen returned to Chicago dance a t the Hotel Chieftain, and ed t h e British Imeprial Fascist Tuesday that Mrs. J. N. Kruegev, this week after Visiting.'here -with following the dance, a Slumber League, subsidizes, directly or inchairman of the J. N. F. for Soa-his parents, I Mr. and Mrs. 'MasParty, was given a t the home of directly, nearly all of Amerlca's. ioY Hadasoah" has sold '50 trees Bergen. Miss . Ruth -Seldin,1 611 Oakland, anti-Semitic organizations. , and children of the Hebrew school Driye. Among the out-of-town Here then, in these Naxl sociehave sold 28 trees. Your greetbf Mr. and Mrs. H.'Shptenberg of guests who came to attend the ties is to be found the poisonous I: r~' snAtlantic, la., announce the birth dance and party were the Misses source of American anti-Semitism •enicct rrzi":: ,nd of a son at the Lutheran hospital Ruth Friedman,- Libby Durvin, and Nazism. It-is not difficult in Sioux City. Mrs. Shotenberg is idele Shapiro, Eva Borkin, Eliz- to trace this . poison' to its source. aheth Passman, ( Esther Rivan, -wish Kr. rzi ! :rs. At n. party last week, Mr. andtho former, Lucille Baker,' daugh- and,' Lillian Rivan, all of Sioux We have exacted of Russia in our * n » ter of Mrl and Mrs. Sam-Baker. thc.r Iricr...s bcth far, and treaty of recognition that there T-fro. *M. Roclilin, 3227 'Jennings City; 'Misses.'Katherine -Marsh, Word has also baen received by shall be no propaganda in Amern?rr x 'S-T7T f-ad Frosperf f street, announced th6 engagement and Sarah Marsh of Dea Bloines, no t r c " / ~ : » r , '"— 7 1 ' — . T C of their daughter, Sara Rocklin, Mr. 'and Mrs. Baker of the birth Iowa, and Miss Sue Hark o£ JIus- ica either directly or indirectly' by the Russian government is. beJ of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. M. x to Albert Hersoff, son of Mr. and "*" • T v and . 1 half of Communism. T>'hea sLail | L. Ruback of Avoca, la. Mrs. Ru-catine. Th^-r •-''IT cr* Ec t h e i r f n we have tae good sen~e to deal back is the former-Bra' Baker. ' Miss Eoeklin and Mr. Herzof f E3 l o r A "Mrs. Abe Marcus and children with Fascist countries in p s i n i - ' :r~,':-Z7 -ivcre both graduated from Central lor niann"r' j *>* r* High school. No date for the wed- At a drawing lield recently by ot Auburn, Nebraska, returned to * ~nt 1838 by Seven Arts r. "•' \adies' auxiliary ot Tiphereth Is- their home Sunday folloTriag a dins has been set. ^ *> ** *. Fc-turo Sjndio&t-:.) j Treok's visit here at the home of rael synagogue, the set ot silver- M r s of these icrr.r Annette Baker, who will ware was won by Abraham Ktiv.; - Marcus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman. The silverware waa given to the •become the bride of Fr-_d Herzof t, September IS, was guert of raffle by Mrs. C. Baricks. tsfca l i b s Jlarian Kateldan honor at r. party Monday afterv,-ent a*i operation for ar noon --hen Xrz. Preti Sa^rman enMr. and Mrs. Charles I itis at tho Ilercy I^ociiln TucsProha fJTA).—Prc-^u' tenr.incii la Iicrl'OKC at the Hel-and daughter have returned from day, nnd is* fretting rloP oiicrrt Bc-Jt" «it a rcw^-i'ti j a two-week trip through the Black fncto^ily. %'fjc'i t o ilr"sf'is^ Icr'IG*"C j v I Fills, Yellowstone park acd- Colj to diftnd rulcitLr,. Jc *r" 15.' a ?I^sa=la2r wcr Lor hortcss i t ^, the bcfrr», the T "•: '«<; c* >wJ. ; tho-3 cu luncheon a'itl nttc/aoon of c. Li< t> ».'. . t: f i :* "> I i i r '*" • io Oro ! 1 - «..'.- i!^u, Gr:"i "f't-!- '^ nlnJTi I Lester Brtvidoon, D J, H. ITcaor i« so. i Toa-y ::•;. . -.o.t (:•: :H.:>
Palestine Maccafeee Com
Fascism Menaces
Shaare Zion
Flans for J.N* F.; r ; Council Made
Through Columns of-the
Society News.- •.
friends r ',~:y i . . (t ^
'i ^t m. B
• -