September 4, 1936

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Entered aa Second Class Hall Matter on January 21. 1S2I, at PostoXflce of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of £tarch S, 1S73


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Federation'Makes Pisa For'Cast-Off. Clothes


"" C

The first JewishvWorld ConClasses of the Dandee forandi A s •crgest £?p il is being made} gress- has closed its sessions i n of the City Talmud Torah Trill Geneva. I t fcaa become Incorpor1 reopen a t t h e house of Sirs. r ' v i 111 | i 1 I . ^ , I ' sorts ated under Swiss law; i t has es r Herman Cohen, 101 So. 53d With the advent I rugs curtains, drapes, tables, j tablished certain bureaus and de1 St., Tuesday, September S. winter, an appe- * ciairs- —to help a family of twc ._,de partment; i t h a s determined to Former Titleholder Begains Mr. Jndah Wolfson irill be by the Jewish ' Center 20th Week cf Borders Ope^s ;ave been forced to move try to coordinate the work ol the Highland Title By De- the teacher i a charge. He urges and "Welfp-" _i to all and who k^ve nothing of their j moral, political and material selfWith Death of all pupils t o report to their re- Jewish res* feating TteUer . 'Omaha, for own i s the way ot these items, \ help of al Israel. I t will be said spective classes. 7Sth Jew _ worm. _ and children's Anyone ahle to provide any of! justly enough that so far all these Abe Brodkey climaxed hia r e - Registration for new pupils men's, cast-off clothing. A SPEC;-I appeal the above equipment is asked t o ' projects a r e more or less on pa-turn t o golf competition, follow-r •will t o taken a t 4 o'clock. is being made at this time so that per. I t will be said of tho Con-Ing a year's absence due to illn ' ir " " clothing n a y be secured for the Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor gress (especially by its original ness, when he downed Marvin cy).—The twentieth week of vio-ter office. children returning to school. opponents) that speeches have Treller,' 5 and 4, In t h e 3 6-hole Likewise, clothing for "both lence In Palestine as part of a-i L TJ7Z1 been made i n Geneva a n d that inal match of the Highland - r r r - -> F^adults and children is needed for Arab campaign to halt Jewish imspeeches do not affect the world ountry d u b tournament, to ; -r r " "* % " r ' migration was -ushered in with the. cold months. Krs. • Tolman of practice. The Jewish situa- reign a s 1936 club champion. r T~ " Sit Tully, chairman of the clothing the fatal shooting of the seventytion i n Germany, Poland, RouThe match was an interesting eighth Jewish victim of Arab atcommittee, is in charge cf this mania remains unchanged; t h e one.. Treller got off to a bad ithe cT v o > " T < 1 campaign. Those >jrho have arti- tacks, the wounding of two other '• c ~ ' •• Arabs i n Palestine continue to start a n d found himself 4 down fti' . ' r!-' p -Jews, t h e uprooting of 12 thoucles of clothing and wish to hare murder innocent civilians; t h e at the end of the first nine holes. sand trees in one Jewish colony, Lucerne, Switzerland (JTA).— ." tide of anti-Semitism in the world He rallied on the incoming nine, Mr. ^Harry Silverman, president them collected are asked to call and an organised attack ty cue j Geraan e L I I "" «. I ~ l ! or;icials the Jewish Community Center ofan e is not stemmed. of Beth-El synagogue, announces c-— . r •shooting a fine 37, two over par,1 hundred Arabs on another Jewish tioned ia this district will find It i f ^ T . e .All this is true with a surface and sending him t o lunch trailing that Cantor Aaron Edgar will fice . or Sirs. Tully at Haraev colony, "which suffered no diffic-ilt ia the future to estab-E !£u la Ce 4 f r r 5 r truth." The identical objections by a one-hole margin. make his first appearance as can- 7248. i; " " ties. The latest fatality is Joseph lish the percentage of 1f i they WE-C not OTPU or could have been brought a n d ! r ~n • i P ' Brodkey dubbed his drive as Afner, a Sharon valley bus driver of Swiss citizens. C C - \ n ~ . 'l f were brought against t h e first the two -teed off for the second ~! , ,'O'f 1 who was caught in. a fusilade cfj Cantonal authorities have , . _ Zionist Congress i n 1897. "With eighteen and things looked brightshots from both sides cf the road j bidden civil employes to f urcish ! e • , . ^ i be " " r t c T much more force, with much er in the Treller camp a s a Brodas he drove past Sarona, a Ger- j directly to Nazi consular repre-, <v more justice. A handful of ob-key letdown seemed imminent. man colony sear Tel Aviv. The j sentatives suck information since , ^ *scure men, representing a fewBut he pulled himself together bullets grazed a passenger whoitte Swiss govemmert reitaer | handfuls of people whom all the was with Afner, who was killed j recognizes the problem of Aryan j world, including t h e Jewish quickly, and by shooting steady, Instantlv. I descent r.or the Xcremberg law j world, considered crack-brained but not spectacular golf, he slowFiguratively doanisg eprcss, 'which forms the basis cf Aryan ; ly but surely put the skids nnder considered too crazy and unimthe women's division cf tfcs Jew- The tres destruction occurred: ] e r ; s i a t i o n in the third reich. j portant to be even dangerous, Treller and the match was ended ish Community Center under t i e at Kess.Ziona, where 25 dun-; g ^ ^ C!T.-S authorities, the In-1 met in Basle and, as it must have on the thirty-second green. chairmanship*" of Mrs. D a v S ams d (ahont six acres) of trees 1 s t n l c t i D n s Et ate, may give out thiE j Harry Malashock defeated Max seemed t o anyone who stopped to r* Greenberg, and the building Com- were uprooted by Arab vandals.U_ fc:Tlnat i 0I , t ^ f not to the Ger-' Chapman last Sunday morning t o \T notice them then, passed pommittee, of which Mrs. Harry Trcs• - i~ r" " ' i r The Jewish settlement of Kene-j-j-a representatives directly. The j pous resolutions and made pom- earn t h e rirht to Harold tin is chairman, have given t i e hernia'In lower Galillee was Eub-i r e q n e s * m u s t c o n l e f ro m the Swiss j pous demands of the world. Yet Cherniak for the second flight Center auditorium a thorough go- jected to a violent attack duringjejtisen himself or througi the ; Eo only twenty-one years later — championship^ this week-end. It ing-over. While this Is neither an the night by an organized Arab |m e jjf u s 0« Swiss diplomatic cf-1 which is less than an instant in will be an 18-hole match. Cherannual or spring cleaning, it nev- band said to have Eum'bered cue j finals in Germany. The statement' history' — these demands and niak, holder of Chapman in the ertheless was due and the woxs- hundred, which surrounded thsjiaxist then personally be handed! this program were embodied in player's pool, reports that he had en'a division generously tcrssS a colony from all sides and kept up • o T e r to the Swiss national. I the treaties of the great powers It all figured out where he could two years' accumulation cf treas- a bombardment of bullets which j The regulations, it is under- • of Europe and ratified by thenot lose in a Cherniak-Chapman ury funds over to tha^Center for continued for a half-hour. The! stood, have'been promulgated b*-'eiEi-;-Ei.-' Congress of the United States. final, but Malashock is as good a ,cv. renovation purposes. colony was protected by a handful ] cause of the increasing number jms^-r- v / • golfer as he proved to be a PhilIn the immediate condition of anthropies leader, and Cherniak I 1 ( - ' .11 ' Drapes are being cleaned, r e - of'Jewish Ghaffirs and watchmen | of requests from German consul-1 * 0 j , r t - it - c the world no man of sense can is Ccr.tcr Acrbn lined and rehung. The chandeliers who held the attackers at hay ca-jstes for the Aryan status of Swiss • ^-j-esr cC just plain "worried" over the be optimistic either in respect of outcome. 1 p * •- r 'mcn*^. ** 1 " tor and choir director a t the mid- are being'polished so that they til a Transfer dan frontier mill- j citizens. the world a s a whole or in r e twinkle with a youthful vivacity. - ~ ro• 'tire >'rnight Selichos service, Saturday A payoff stag for members only spect of t h o fate of the Jewish Even the huge walls have Eoi people. Never indeed within will be held next Tuesday eve- night, September 12. been missed and have been paintning a t t h e club. Golf will be Cantor Edgar comes to Omaha memory of living men have ed a soft blue while the- casing played in the afternoon, with dinhighly recommended for his canthings looked so black and, above is now an eggshell yellow. A SETT ' — - 't te«"•—•- » * * v -'*•.„* ccui: Vc all, so impenetrably* obscure to ner by Dorsey a t 7 p . m., andtorial and musical ability. He pos- coat of enamel- for the Trooafrork ties. t-•*«• v r* ft „ r>u t- * v rr any good or any hope of better- then the lucky ones will -collect. sesses, {n the words of one music finished the paint-brush job. * r, "With virtually a dividon zi s rr^'7 ment. Yet-if Jews, the historical Entertainment will follow. Res- critic, "an exquisite high tenor of At present., the wosnen t a r e British troops already static-nod' people among* t h e world's peo- ervations are "being taken now. lyrical tendencies, well trained their heads together to devise a in. Palestine to cope with the cur-! Tel Aviv (TTKS-Palcor Agren-: and as true as It is pleasing." He ples, would be more mindful o£ means "of getting a new canvss lor (rent disorders, the defense forces |cy).—Tie most blistering c o s - , has* been highly-praised for his the character of the historic prothe floor saS -of- replacing; the jwere Increased w t s n a battalics jraent from ^Ewisi sonrcsE on tiie ; ^ artistic-jnxsi moving. renditions _ o | cesses . as experience reveals them ; to see, they wpuld fca the Hebrew prayers as well as" ecraipinent'Eo that every- icf Scottish borderers- srrlTei Et|CGr,fnct of I t s Palestine E'erem-;^ thing will he in brand new ship- j at Haifa harbor frcm Ualta. As ; ment dnrisg the pressnt tlissrfierg : f; Jewish songs in 'general. \ able t o preserve a- core of equanshape order, for the tenth anniver- indication that the Ijattalions al-! emerged in -the form- of an open \ ^ Cantor Edgar studied voice culimity even within t h e thousand celebration of the Center, ready here expect a icng stay was J letter • addressed to the Palestine ; l i ture with; prominent vocal teach- sary discouragements of this age. r p which -is to take place later in seen in the fact-that the same government t y the 76-year-old ; ers in Detroit and New York and the The venerable Simon Dubnow fall. boat brought the wives and ehilj mayor, Meier DlE-engof£ took general courses in music at the greatest Jewish historian of dren of the officers who arrired all-Jewish city all time, the most eminent of liv- Chicago, 111. (JTA). — Father the University School of Music a t here previously. The troops now ing historiographers in the world Charles E. Coughlin's publica- Ann Arbor, Mich. He received his r -Tmade the point a t the beginning tion, "Social Justice, printed a de- cantorial training studying with ' - ,rr of his final draft of tha "World nial that the Detroit radio priest and singing in the choirs of some History of the Jewish People" in ia anti-Semitic and says that of the most capable Chazzonim of ten volumes .translated from the "snch an attitude on his part our time, notably A. Minkowsky, original Russian manuscript into would be Illogical, un-Christian P. Zornitzky, and L. Milkowsky. Queen's Own Cameron Highland , Hebrew and German and not yet, and Cantor Edgar has had 10 years ers, the Eighth King's Royal Irish j administration impractical." / scandalously enough, into Enof experience as cantor and direcHussars, the Eleventh Prince Ai- j thing iaE &its power to cort1; 1 This followed a flood of atwis tioE£l &orae f glish) that all previous histories tor of music F o r the past six bert's Own Hussars, the cavalry | f* \ ' the —' of the Jews, including the never- tacks by Gentile and Jewish re- years he served the Tifereth: Is- Death of llijinesota Governor and mechanised- troops of the] 1 1 1 6 e ^ uEhraezt oi Ji£ theless memorable - w o r k of ligious leaders that the Catholic rael Community synagogue of Des Keenly Felt; Cotdd Epeak Transjordas frontier force a n d j ^ s 2 0 ^p priest's addresses before the conYiddish - ' C< . Graetz, consisted of two eleMoines, Ia. the additional battalions of infan- j f " ^ ® ments: one, a history of litera- vention of the National Union for Cantor Edgar Is a graduate of rate "ce try brought here from Egypt, inSt. Paul, Minn. (JTA).—Govture, two a martyrology. I n other Social Justice two weeks ago the University of Michigan.: He The mayor's views, which are cluding the.. Bedfordshire and T r r— words, Jewish historians, most of were charged with anti-Semitism. taught in the high school at Clio, ernor Floyd B. Olson, -who died a t Hertfordshire regiment, Dorset- ntained in- a s open letter pubThe article declares that Fathe Mayo clinic in Rochester ,of whom arose- during the period of "in the Hebrew press, esa r ; < r ; r T -F • r" Mich., for one year after his shire regiment, Seaforth High-J cancer last week, had cherished emancipation and assimilation, ther Coughlin has not confined graduation. the hope that Tre vrould "find sn lande: conr.cionsly or not omitted Jrom his strictures against "money and their books the Jewish people as changers" to Jews alone but has Cantor Edgar will be assisted intelligent solution of the ecothe active subject or bearer of its included "prominent Gentiles, by a trio of gifted and accom- nomic chaos •which is ia a large latte: plished singers. They ars Harriet measure responsible for the prim- •brought h e r e previously from own history and aB t h e source of both Catholic and Protestant." the outbreak t a r e is- j "it Bernstein, I d a Gitlin and Lawitive race hatred that exists in Malta.- In addition to these there jment those forces, both positive and demoralization, anarchy ! marl &." ced rence Fink'el. Both Miss Bernstein the world today." of the Royal and lawlessness into the country negative, by means of which that are the Es-cs and MIS3 Gitlin were chosen- to Governor Olson, cae of the few Air force in Palestine and Trans- and have destroyed the law's sod people managed to live on. He r represent Omaha in the Midwest Christians who could speak Yid^ jordan, . . had been In all ages sociologicalthe administration's authority as Music Festival hela here recentdish, said i n a Rosh. H&shosah ly active or creative -within its A nationwide conference of lo-well as civil discipline." ly and in the final contest of themessage to the Jevrs -written often terrific limitations. Only cal midwestern vocalists Miss Gitlin shortly before his death, £gr the strike committees in crd-er to through this activity, communityThe final drive for special high won first place and Miss Bern-Jewish poll . popular Arab opinion en Telegraphic Agency: fonning, centripetal, organizing holiday services sponsored by the proposals for the terminand reorganizing the life of theYoung People's synagogue, was stein Eecond. This trio will join • " I vrant to wish Jews throngh- pendingof the general strike - and *ta people a s such/ ia the survival of launched during t h e past week, Cantor Edgar in t h e singing "of out the world a happy New Tear ation the traditional, soul-stirring Seli- and I sincerely hops that in thethe accompanying campaign of the Jew to be explained a t all. Peoples who lost that will toward with indications that more" than chos melodies set in modern har- coining year there will be many 1 terror was decided upon by the changes for the better in relations Arab higher cemmittes as the • the organic have in fact not sur- three hundred members of themonic form. best method of determining the -London (JTA);—-The Kasches- j , - <-.-between Jews and other races. vived; Israel never lost that will young Omaha Jewry will attend. Rabbi David Goldstein will deirf Final plans, completed during liver Arab attitude -toward ending the ter Guardian, ia s,n editorial, jtJ-J^J-TTherefore Israel has survived. -.-r— T F a message a t the opening of "Soiae of the world's most nothe past week in co-operation the service. The public is Invited table cultural 'and Intellectual present deadlock. The" Arab hisk- chsrged the Palestine government! j B Y r r •' r ; T^et u s take a single esampi with Rabbis Harold Berger and to attend. achievements have been contrib- er committee is asking the Palesof t h e contrary process. Eom David Goldstein, include the foluted by the Jewish people. Their tine government to permit -rsch" sjExiled it for Jallins to end eight- | yea:" ' - - <" conquered GauL The Gauls r e - lowing arrangements. j ^ * * " " - - -' , . long and heroic struggle against conference in Jerusalem where j een-weet-old cisorfiers, mained. The modern French 1. Services will be held in the bigotry and prejudice has won for the principal topic cf discusEion j "The administration cannot re-j^,*.", \r -,_ r man must be by ultimate descen' secondary praying quarters of the them the admiration of enlight- will be t i e proposals submitted jstors order and it does not have \ 7^-' --- -~ ag much Gaul a s Roman. H< Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, 19 th ened people In all parts of the {by Kuri Pasha.Said, Iraqi foreign confidence in its own power," the j " ^ j - . - — .-' ,.-~, knows i t ; he is proud of it; gaul- and Bust Sts. globe. That Jewish people today i minister, after E.sgctiatioss with | editorial said. ! - r ^ - t -, r '- — . ols, gallic or gaullsh is a favorite 2. Both boys and girls, unmarare'being persecuted i2 rnasy nanathe Palestine fcigS commissioner. se adjective among Frenchmen. But ried, from 1G to 23 years of age, The B'nai Israel synagogue a t tions Is a serious indictment of I That ESgotiatioss for the set-1, the Gauls a s . a separate self-sus- will fca eligible t o attend. pur entire civilizatioa. ISth and Chicago Sts., which was taining ethnological and linguisI tlement &£ the Palestine disorders ] ^. S. Tickets for admission will just remodeled and redecorated "It is my earnest hope that wei have bees, conducted s o t only t y tic entity lost their will t o sur-be §1 per person. will begin in the coming years to a t ' a cost of several thousand dol... , . . vive. They, as such have been sermon will be preached lars, will be open t o the public find an intelligent solution of thej the Arabs of Palsstins but by repgone for many centuries; of their by4.a A l" 1* rabbi from a rab-Sunday, September 6, for inspec-, economic chaos which'is ia,large {resentatives of all the Arab rulers &e:es Celtic tongue only a few vestiges binicalstudent I-and princes in the sttrronndin seminary in Chicago. measure'responsible for tha'prItni x tion. . irrecognizably latinized' remain countries is .revealed i s a prods-jT" ^'-^-"-^— 5. The hymns will be chanted .The seven commissioners will itive race hatreds and barbarisn in the French language. Th mat'on issued by the Arab higher j J, rid tise * thsm, but be present froia 2 until 5 p. m.that" exist in the world today." Jew, conquered from within and by an experienced cantor. committee Gnmmc-siEg the confer- j ana ec 6« Services will "bs in an-aband from 7'until 9 p . m. f tfcey to co EO yre from v/ithout over and over ence. The 'proclamation, issued to | again, had the_will toward organ- breviated form of t h e orthodox - Tickets for the High Holidays "the noble Arab pec-pie," fieelsres, j t i e Snal iro~y of ic and s e p a r a ^ survival. A high- ritual, none lasting more than two will be on sale a t this tims. Tha Shaare Sios congregation, "Tha nation will continue Iks j ly literate people, they not only hours. Cantor A. Schwaezkin is .pre- 1548 No. 20th St., will cosctist strike with. 15s same df.i-i 7. Prayer books will be fur-paring new selections of religious Rosh Eashonah services starting gensrsl preserved through, the ages their gence and faith-for which ft Is I original mother-tongue Hebrew. nished free to all those attending. melodies with his enlarged choir. September IS and Tom Rfppnr well tec-wn, with !iss.d high and! The committee in charge of the They did more than that, amazservices- a t . the above aSfiress. faith, strong." 'The manifesto was i ingly more: they-took the lang- services which are under indepenTicfeets will be on sale eTery sft- sisneS t y Haj Amln El Hcsselnl, \ the fcueuages ^ffiat were forced upon dent sponsorship of Omaha's JewVictor' Le ersoon from i to 6 o'clock and mufti, cf Jsmsa'sni and ctsi-Eisis \ them by their enviroraeiit and re-ish youth, Includes Hilton K. on Sundayfrom S to 10 in tire created them into their image fo Frohm, chairman; Al Elswllz, morning. Tickets are f l . as it were,^their private use. They Haskell Cohen, Loyal Kaplan, Dr. i a-s parleys cf - turned German into Yiddish an Abe Fellman,: Ephraim Marks, Be- "Dr."Victor Levlse, who was to Lt MAI ShOiJjMhave sailed for Biro-Bid Jan a s a ? Spanish into Spaniolish and t h becca ICirschenbaura, Max HesArabic of |Jorth Africa into tlia nick, Aaron Perlis, Abe Kate, Ger- People's delegate on September 9, -The. Congregation B'nai Stolon n ^-.-^ H -Vf? i Judaeo-Arabie -which . survives trude Orach,. Mary Kirschenbasm, will not san'.until'December. Tse will hold holiday sservicss st the of Iraq, hare processed %n E. CTT.Iet vigorously side l>y side •with both Esther snverman,. Rose "Mendel- postponement was mads because! Ellis duo on the second Goer. son, Joe FeHman and Sarah^IUf- of the -ansetllsd conditions I s EB-JCantor Jlsyeroritch cf Sious City • (Continued on page 3) rope. '. • * will-cosauct t i e services,.





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B'nai Israel SKule Remodeling Finished


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-1 THE JETTISH PRESS, FBIDAT, SEPTEMBER 4, 1936 as plain Mr. and. Mrs. Slgvard of "Three Men on a Horse," Ales ACCENT OX GENEROSITT tc this true storr vre might Rdfi Bernadotte, but they are related'Yokel tzs Incorporated his new 1 Maurice R. Shochatt, writer of that the AlliBp.ce .JPlRyers' producto the royal houses of Xorway, | theatrical company under the j that interesting End popular fee- tion .of this play T-OS . scclftimed Jugoslavia, Rumania and Eng- name of "The Three Men Theaters jture 5E the BaltiiKore Jewish cue of the smoothest ever staged land. The queen of Norway.! Corporation" . . . Three men on Times, "Monumental Sidelights," by an amateur croup. This item is who Is an aunt of King Edward I a horse can't go wrong. (writes ;is of an unusual and pieae- elso of particular .interest at this VIII of, England. King Carol of I * * * | act incident about the noted time in view of the fact that Al Roumania and his sister, Dowag- RUMORS i playwright, Samson Rapnaelson. Jclson. Vera Gordon and others | er Queen Marie of Jugoslavia, are The effectiveness of the antipresented "The Ja«z j As you need not be told, Eapheel- recently all cousins of Prince Sigvard and Nazi boycott against the Louis:ss£.n is the same gentlemen who Singer" on the radio, and the reBy the Service Life are therefore related by marriage SchmeHng bout and the. threat of | is responsible for "The Jazz Sing- port that this picture may be Cospaay, Osaka to his "wife, a Jewess. a similar boycott against, a'Brad!er", a sparkling stage s.nd screen filmed again. These are some of the more, dock-Schmeling bout is the real ; hit that brought gelt end glick Life insurance is the average : notable examples of Jewish kin- i reason for calling it off . . . Certo George (mama on the teleOne of the most intriguing ef- i The former was raised as a .Tew-: tlon it, but it is. nevertheless a ship by blood or marriage with , t a i n P e o p l s a r e B3?r«adin£ a r u m o r man's one sure way' ol winning i phone) Jessel s.n& Al (m&mmy) A TRIBUTE TO ALEXANEEIt financial success. tnat D a T e L e v i n c l a l i n a n t t o t h e CARR fects of Jewish' Intermarriage ess and the latter as' Christians. fact that among the -kinsfolk of the royal houses of Europe, b u t ! ' ' Jolson. "The JEEZ Singer" was That fiefigiufu! concoction by is the amazingly large number From Quen Esther's sons are the House of "Windsor (formerly there are many lesser instances. l w o r l d ' s wrestling-title, is no non- Through it, he creates in the the first talking motion picture Montatue Glass, "Potash and . , . Palestine is preparing twinkling of an eye, an estate of Vbyal and noble families in descended some 'of.*the noblest] the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha). To mention only T,he British ' production, and thc tenth arir.iEurope who -family trees .show families of contemporary Poland. the ruling family of Great Brit- bility, the Royal British Marriage! to enter the 19 40 Olympics at rhich would require r lifetime to 'versary of that great> hich Pftlmutier" is proving one of the acquire in any other way. Through rt most popular of Federal governTokio . . . Art Lasky, once a se•tie or more Jewish ancestors. ain, there are Jews. . In Laurence Until the 13th century TheoAct of 1772,'which made it neces-. jrevolut?« x)",?cd U>e Him industry,ments sponsored stage shows yet it he enjoys the regularity of s rious he&vywegiht contender, is i this fascinating study Miss dora of Bulgaria and Esther of Housman's play, "Victoria Re- sary for a n heir to the throne to jis now being celebrated by X\'BT- seen by.Los Angeles theatre goolstal passes in review many Poland were the only "full-blooded gina", there is a reference to theobtain the King's consent to mar- fighting blindness . . . King Kong systematic savings account—he is ner Bros. ers, not only because it. teemi ot thej hidden family akeltons Jewesses to sit on a throne.. In illegitimacy of Priace Albert of riage, was the direct outcome of Klein, star of last year's N. Y. U.safeguarded against a natural inclination to spead today wbst with funny lines and situations To get back Shocbatt'K story' fo such cases. This article is the 1880's, however, Alice Heine, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, husband of a union between the Duke of eleven, has clicked in Hollywood presented through arrange-' .daughter, of Michael Heine and Queen' yictorla. Prince Albert's Gloucester, brother of King • • • American correspondents re- should be saved for tomorrow— told "to" this column, the AlK&nce but. because its capable cast is from t h eOlympic games he is relieved entirely of the Playes, a Jewish E.mateur theat-! headed by the veteran Rtar. of ment with E r e , . the national a cousin of Helnrich Heine, the fattier was a Jew. Consequently George III, and the daughter of turning cs that t h c the children of Queen Victoria, rumors that float- worry ant' responsibility of invest- ricsl group of Baltiipore, decided stage find screen, Alexander Carr, women's- magazine, which! will poet, married prince Albert I of Maria. Morsa, whose, father had the Olympic stadium ment and reinvestment—he en- in 1S35 to climax a season of ac-. Mr. Carr plays the role of "Maufeature it: In its September is- Monaco, ruler of the smallest In- among them King Edward VIII been a Jewish innkeeper in Lon-e d were legion . . . One of these wild joys the -nental comfort of know- tivity with a presentation of the russ" Perlmutter, recreating th« (grandfather of Edward VIII) sue. •"' ' . . ' • • - . don. Hannah Rothschild, of the • dependent-kingdom in the world. rumors had it that Hitler had or-ing that his financial future and \ "Thc JEEZ Singer." The Jewish part he originated in the first and . Princess, Victoria, were nonLondon branch- of the famous Until 1902, wnen she was divorcthat of his family Is protected. i troupers, however .faced a prob- New York production of "Potash More "than 200 years ago, long ed, Princess Alice shared the Aryans because they had one family of Jewish bankers, mar- dered the Americans to keep Sara Stoller and Marty Glickman off Jewish grandparent. This same And at one stroke he solves the lem. A royalty fee had to be' and Perlmutter" a decade ago. before t h e ' race purity madness throne of Monaco with Prince Alried Henry FItzroy, a direct desproblem of tomorrow's money, s ; coughed'up for the production — Carr'g msr.y friends throughout afflicted the word, Daniel Defoe, bert. Before her marriage to Al-j admixture of Jewish blood affect- cendant of. * King Charles II Of j the team. Southern California are taking problem which confuses and tor: but the tre&sury was &s empty as: advantage of thif= opportunity to the English novelist and pamph- bert she had been the .Countess ed the Hohenzollerans of Ger- England. There were other Roths; _ _ _ , „ , _ . _ , . _ , „ . „ ments thousands of men and hurchild daughters who married i EUROPE-CAMiUkG '. a beggar's cup on a rainy day. leteer, wrote in his "True Bom of Richelieu. Her daughter, by many, since .the ex-Kaiser Wilnt0 pay tribute to the famous Indaleclo Prieto, leader of the ries them, worried and discour- [The thespiens decided to- com- apain Englishman:" j' her first marriage became the helm II was the " son. of Princess the nobility. Constance RothsJewish actor, now with the Fed"Scarce one family is left alive Duchess of Rochefoucald. '.'..<.'Victoria. • .In. other "( words the child, a daughter of Sir Anthony Spanish socialists and one of the aged, into premature old age. ! tauniCRte vrith the Jewish play- eral Theatres Project. Maurice Financial happiness, certainty I wright to obtsin "a epecml dis-• Samuels, also a nplendid actor, Which does not from some forThere, is also a reigning prin- Kaiser, the grandson of-a Jew, is do Rothschild of London, married powers••in the Loyalist governeigner derive." cess who is a full-blooded Jewess, also a non-Aryan. Queen Victor- Lord Battersea, while her sister, ment, is a Marrano Jew . . . Won-of the future, the feeling that as ; pensation from the copyright hss the role ol Potash. i owner." The Players wrote to That was! his way of saying j p r l n c e s a E | g a o f Liechtenstein, ia had two other Jewish relatives, Annie, was wed to the son of theder what American women will far. as money needs go, "All is | three or four publishers, the Au- ; that even in the early 18th cen- w h O f w J t n n e r tusband, Prince Constance Geiger, a former Ger- Earl of Hardwicke. Lord Mount- say wh«nthey see the Olympian well with me and with my famtury admixture of alien blood Franz I, rules over the sovereign man singer and piano teacher, batten, a great grandson of hat . . - . I t is a mannish creation ily"—these are the good fruits of: thor's Guild, the playwright's sec, J«wl»h Musle, Blbl«t had made it impossible to spe.ak- state of Liechtenstein, a tiny who became the second .wife of Queen Victoria-, married Edwina featuring & band with the flags the good tree of life -nsurance. ! retary- And finally & letter irs : truthfully of a hundred per. cent principality of :65 square • miles j King:,Leopold I of Belgium, Vic- Cynthia Annette Ashley, grand- of many cations, among them the which the Players asked permis- :' Englishman. Defoe wvas no an-and 10,000 inhabitants , located J toria's nephew; and the husband daughter of Sir Ernest Cassel, swastika . . . Hilda Kassell, ex- cago Adler proceeded to New : sion to stage the plays and a Toy-' thropologist but he recognized on the Upper Rhine between.Aus- of Prince Albert's sister, who eminent Jewish banker, in 1922.ecutive director of the women's I York, from where he was sche- '• alty tax — reached K&phpe3son. 1 of the American Jewish •what science has now established tria and Switzerland. The ro- 'was'a Vienna rabbi./ To speak of race purity in' view cdivision I duled to sail for England on thei The same letter — opened and j JOEN FELBSSAN on ress is to be an irrefutable fact, the mance, of Princess Elsa -and { read by the author — came back of this evidence of infiltration f ! S . being rushed home i te Queen Astrid, wife of o Mee? Me at J , C. C. The a IS. S. Queen Mary. Larry is a f r o i a ranting8 "of purists notwithstand- Prince Franz is one of the most; - London for an appendicitis I Baltimore boy and readers of thea few days later . . . Across the j of Belgium, Jewish blood into the ruling fam-i t n e p reS ent King TALEIBIM - PRAYER BOOK* ing — that there is no such f u i script above the signature of , f modern times I Leopold III grand-nephew of Leo- ilies ot Europe might easily lead " P o t i o n • • • The Baltimore Jew-i Baltimore Jewish Times, in parin Yiddish pne English of times. thing as a pure race anywhere. famous Sister of Barons Wilhelm a n d j| p o l d I ( w a B a l s o ; ;Of .Jewish•des? to a situation like that which Ish Times will be interested to j ticular, are quite familiar with | Raphselson were scrawled two la-j Reg. «OS No. eOth'St. GL-297S Despite the uncompromising Max von Guttmann, the c o a l j c e n t P. <5. Box T1C Omaha, N«br. she was the daughter of once confronted King Joseph of know that Johannesburg, South ; his numerous achievements mnd Iconic phrfiBes: "Good luck to you. Jewish attitude against, unions kings of pre-war Austria, Elsa > P j . l n c e carl, brother ofKing Gus- Spain. Determined to free Spain Africa, has launched the South ; succesful bids for fame. i Shoot the works.',' As a postscript! with Gentiles, it is no secret And flrst made the acquaintance of t a v y o f S w e d e n ; both of whom from the "mala sanguls", (bad African Jewish Times intermarriage has taken a f Prince Franz during the world belong to the Bernadotte family, blood) of the- Jews, he ordered the editor writes us that he is trytoll among Jews. From the days war, when he was the heir to j which was founded by Jules Pompal, his prime minister, to ing something new in the field of of the .Dispersion-until polit- t h e ^rpne-of Liechtenstein andi nadotte, a Jew, who was oneissue instruction" that all - Jews Anglo - Jewish journalism \ . . I *. «•»,the T •».•«„ Ber ical emancipation of • " " • • £ ' ' " . £ she the widow of Huga.jron Ero- o f N a p o l e O n Bonaparte's generals should wear yellow, caps. A fewEvery subscriber to the South j Europe, r*. . - «marriages „ « - « , « n,rtRlde the esg> a ^ e a i ( h y Hungarian l a n d - j a n d b a n k e r B . As Charles XIV he days later the prime minister ap- African Jewish Times will receive Shop with Confidence al 00 a Jewish fold were rare..But/when| became fast friends became* king ot Sweden in 1818.peared before the cabinet with *_*£l? _ ccideat^ Insurance polithe Jews"e'merged from the, ghet- } tfae try{Qg reversion three yellow caps and said to thecy free as a premium. s> to and their religious taboos F r a n z being a daily guest ind a ythe. King: "One for myself, one for broke down there was a great in- Eroess palace in Vienna. Prince It r i d . g COusin, Prince Sigvard, 28- the Grand Inquisitor and one for (Copyright, 193S, by Seven Arts X crease in mixed marriages, espec- JohaiJes H, Franz's brother, w a s | y e a r o l d s e c o n d g o n o j Crown Your Majesty." Feature Syndicate.) ially in Western Europe. The not very generous in supplying [ P r i n c e Gustav Adolf of Sweden, • ' ^- Where a Charge Account Is a Friendly Convenience threat of- ex-communication from his heir with the wherewithal f o r | t o renounce his royal preroga- If yellow caps Tiere in vogue today for Jews, many would be JOWS HAY DEN'S STORE the Jewish faith lost its potency the maintenance of a regal estab-| to marry Erika worn in unexpected places. ONCE AGAIN •when Jews found in intermarri- lishment in Vienna. When food I n 1 9 3 4i n o r d e r Patzek, Berlin movie actress and age what they thought to be anbecame scarce in the Austrian Mr. Harry Lazarus, who for a WE'RE easy escape from anti-Semitism. capital, Frau von Eroess came to daughter of a Jewish business (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts number of years was connected man. 'The couple are now known -Feature Syndicate.) From intermarriage to asaimila- Frans's rescue with wheat and with the Brandeis Shoe Repair detion and conversion • was a brief; m e a t SPEEDING partment, has joined the shoe reher estates in Hunpair department of Hayden's, acgary. . Franz wanted to marry step. cording to an announcement by YOUNGSTERS no g-insaying the fact Frau* von Eroess'-even then, but Joseph Garro, manager. that the Jews are one of the old-Johannes opposed the alliance be•• • • est peoples of history. JewB have cause she was a Jewess. When been found in every civilization Johannes died,-in:l931 at- the.age since creation. Their imprint of 89, after." i jelgn of ,71 yeajs r was left on the cultures of Egypt, Franr married "the: Jewess and OH, StZANNA! [ianera who changed their names By JXJUIS PEKARSKT Babylonia, Persia, Greece and made her the sovereign Princess • Howland. Spencer,'publisher of from Hlttlerto Hilton to escape the Rome. Even in those days when of JMechtensteln. Today Princess the Highland, (Nv Y;) - Post, No: 1 jokes and ribbings of their friends Things Hollywood, Calif. there was a mighty Jewish state Elsa's portrait- adorns the post- anti-Semitic, rag of this free coun- feel happy , . . Their troubles are you shouldn't worry about: Clauand a powerful Jewish theocracy age stamps of the Principality of try of ours, uses the pseudonym j they think So we don't dette Colbert, Dr. Joel Pressman's intermarriage was not unknown Liechtenstein. "The Squire of Krum Elbow" in know wiether we should tell wife, has a buzzer arrangement f l l off ex his. anti-Jewish rantings. them that ,it was Judge Hilton in the bedroom of her home and The Old Testament iis-full ex- M < m t i o a a h o u l d a i s o b e made amples of Israelites who married of the Maharani of Saharapur, who refused Jacob H. Schiff ad- when she awakens in the mornthe daughters of outlanders princess of one of the smaller the President of the United States mittance to the Grand Union ho- ing she gives two rings so that Mosea. to whom God gave the Ten native principalities in the Pun-whenever . Mr, Roosevelt is at tel in Saratoga Springs because of Smoky, her French poodle, knows Commandments, took an Egyp- jab States of' India, who is the Hyde Pack, is to hire a boat and Schiff's Jewishness. he's allowed to come to her room. tlan to wife. Esther, the legen- former Florlca Friedman of Rou-play "Oh, Suzanna," Landon's Before the buzzer rings Smoky is dary heroine of thePurim story, mania. Miss Friedman met the! campaign song, far into the night THREE very quiet, so that Miss Colbert CAX'T was the queen of King Ahaseurus, can sleep, but as soon as shesigjust opposite the President's BE "WRONG Georgia's, nals for him he breaks his silence Eugene -Talmadge, in Budapest three years ago andl dhome . . .Talking about the PresOne of the most intriguing ef- t h e H l n d u p r i n c e fell in love with e n t » we>1V l e t y ° u i n t o the se- Fascist:nnnded governor, has r e a d | a n d rushes to the room to wait fects of Jewish in.ermarriage i S j n e r a t fj rs t Bight. The parents i c r e t t h a t h e h a s n o t o n l y b.een few books, but he boasts of hav-|f O r her to take him on his mornthe unusually large number of > t n e p r i n c e a n d o t the Jewish 1 watching the Palestine situation ing read Hitler's "Mein Kampf" l ing n g walk. Oh, my.! royal and noble families of Eur- | •M ob jected to the romance, b u t j b u t has actually done something! seven times . . , Rudyy Block,,jr., j , LARRY IS IX THE MONEY finally the elder Friedmahs did the | Lessing),"the son of Rudolph Block (Bruno Zionist plea ioward not to supporting stop immigraor more JewiBh ancestors. Gen- agree to the marriage.if it were unofficially Hearst roving cor- NOW ealogy is a fascinating study, but performed according to Jewish tion of refugees to Palestine. respondent, is one of the few Larry Adler, the Jewish wizard it has a way of uncovering skel- law. "When the prince's family nonstriking employes on Hearst's 6# the harmonica, who is rated etons that many families would balked, hte couple eloped to In-PRE AND POST SCOOPS Post-Intelligencer . . . Leader of as the king player of that Instruprefer to keep hidden. The Nazis dia, where their - marriage made Samuel Untermyer's nonsectar- the strike Is Dick Seller, head of ment, left Hollywood for Chicago discovered that, to their embar- the Roumanian Jewess an Indian ian anti-Nazi league is on the the Seattle chapter of the News- by ' airplane after completing his rassment, when the workings of princess and a future co-ruler _gf lookout for a new executive sec- paper Guild Joe Cummins, part in a Paramount musical the Aryan law caugh in its netSaharapur. '.•'.' retary . . . It-is >ald that the for-publisher of the B'nal: B'rith Mes- film. After a few days in Chisome of the' "most aristocratic Although these are the only mer executive secretary, George i senger,. Is one' of the Los Angelpraan Company is ready to get youngsters all reafly families of Germany. \. It is no full-blooded Jewish princesses of Harrimari, will associate himself ans working to bring t h e ' 1937 for school . . . (hurry, it's just & few days eff!) For while you've exaggeration to say that if.ian I Havt J I Complete Steck of TALthe Rev. L. M. Birkhead and convention of the American Le- ESIM, PRAYER BOOKS, both 'been-cramming heaps cf fun into the brief months of vacation, Aryan'"test were applied" in other whom we -have record, there is with evidence that the bipod of the with Charles Stewart, who did i gion to Los Angeles . . . When Jewish and English Translation. we've been plsying the b u ^ bee, collecting dandy new clothes countries the fesulta would be Marannos,' the secret Jews of some special work for the league, I you hear Jack Lang.sing on Abe ALSO BEAUTIFUL NEW YEAR CARDS for Sale s t and EVERYTHING for you! . ' '• equally amazing. in launching an organization JLyman's program try to rememSpain and Portugal, is so blended Although the Infiltration of in the veins of the proudest and pledged to fight Naziism in this ber.that he. is Lou Lazarin, a • * 'S.'EATLEMAN Jewish blood into European roy- noblest "houses" of Europe that country . . .Good'luck to them! Brooklyn > cantor 2S«5 CUMtNG ST. Having Knit end Erosdchth Shirley Temple We told you many, many cashed in to the extent of two Phon« AT-lantic 6620, er HA-7010 alty and aristocracy only began many of the royal families of conClothes-fer to assume large prc portions in temporary Europe, including months ago that Jesse I. Straus; million dollars on his production Girls' •• ' the ISth and :.7th centuiies, its those who still have a throne, are would resign as ambassador to lil T!TnMI n! ""' " iVi ! ""! n"Mi V!'! V V"'li!" tl ;"!"*""!"'!!';'"!""! ' »n"Min[iTM""ir" '; !'! ! "" ' 'i ^ ' • - ' T ! . first evidences go back several descended from or related to France . . • He was determined to |=^ Woo! Crepes &nd! Klaa centuries,earlier. It was a sister Jews. Hardly a single family of keep his post until afte'r election §§jj Button-on styles to 10 year*. Plaids. New Fail shades. ' of Pope Anacletus II, member of the older aristocracy* in England day, but President Roosevelt him-J{||§ Dresses in Hollywood Prints Eport and Dress in ligrht Unt S to 6 &nd and eolifi Shantung' Broadthe famous Italian Jewish^ family is free from such admixture or self told him that his (Straus') ' dark shades. Sizes 7 to 16 . . . . . . . cloths. Sizes I to S, S to 6, ot Pierleoni, who became the alliance. lit Spain, Portugal, health should be his primary con- | | § tc 16 ye&re . . , , . . -and T to 12. All . first queen of Jewish ancestry Italy and Austria this is even The Joint Distribution H ... aew fall colors.... in Europe when she married more true, while in Germany and cern . ,__ Roger II,'whom Anacletus an- France the number of princely i committee tne N h t campaign will share in | j l In giving thought to a life insurance prograsa Genuine Meekmeyer " ' S of Stars • and the mg . |== nolnted king of Sicily in 1130. Shirley Temple families of Jewish ancestry | j P a r a n a book sponsored by *--•*•=do you add to your life iasurascs policies 8 The founder of tv- house of Pier|| g Palestine Appeal .f , .h Orleoni was BenediotuB Christian, a considerable/ Amply endowed cUnited haphazardly? hldS t 0 Feli M> W a r b u r ls * S °r |m •wealthy Jewish convert to ChriBt- with the social graces and wealth, For girW -'-••l.Ittlc and Bijs • CScihes l o r Boys •'. the Marannds who fled to Eng-i insistence thatg e the J.] oD. C. and,g| A lovely new selection. Light Sister -with sippe?. \eggiag8 U V A m l n i n C Or, 'are thsy taken out for specif is pu Cordurov Sippcr' ianlty. land, Italy, France and Holland j - , _~, - ®; i t ™"iB and dark shades. Sizes S .to and hats to sis® S. With hats N Tn0SG Tt ' Bulgaria was the Urst .Euro- found little difficullty in frater-j""'" ' " 1' "9 3"' " sad muffs .to EIES 12 years. ""•—such as' a cleaa-tip ftmd, mort^i^s insurance 1® yfe&rs. \ppet pean country to have a full- nizing on. conditions of virtual i Wins, brown,' and educational endowments fcr the children? ,. green and blue blooded Jewess as a queen. It equality with the people in their and Slacks! Rnd Knick.•was in 1335 that Theodora, landn of refugee. What centuries I Por the Entire Family ers tc mctch- . . . . . daughter or a family of Byzan- of persecution and forced converSERVICE .LIFE RBPSBSESfTATIVBD are Jackie Juiapes* tine Jews, married Czar Ivan sion failed 'to accomplish, a gentrained in planning your life prograxa * - • • " . 1i te» match ..' Alexander, who became smitten eration or two or tolerance achi-and— Junior High the comely Jewess when she eved , when many of the Marans.nd Q&ps t» raatch


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presented a petition to him o n | n o 3 . d e s c e n d a n t s behalf or the Jewish community, i, n t n e d o m l n a n t Queen Theodora's son, Ivan iigi o n .


assimilated and re-


Chickman, succeeded Ivan Alex- NotwithBtanding the fact that ander in 1346, bu- the Turkish t h e <TeWs o f S p a l n w e r e e x p e l l e d conquest of Bulgaria wiped out , n 1492r during the reign ot the dynasty. In the same cen- Ferdinand and Isabella, the-pal d off trons ot the Inquisition, Ferditury 1 oland, - traditionall land anti-Semitism, also had :- Jewish nand himself had Jewish blood. queen, whose name was Esther. Hl3 mother was a grand-daughter Her father was a humble tailor of the beautiful Jewess Paloma in Opoczno, but such was her of Toledo. A grand-daughter of beauty that Klng'Caalmir III Ferdinand married one of the sought her out and married her. sons of Alfonso Cabelleria, viceCaslmir reigned from 1333 to chancellor of Aragon, who was 1370, but his alliance with the the great-grandson of a Jew. She Jewess began in 1356. Queen -in turn became the aunt of the Esther bora'Ca»imlr three chil- future Kaiser Karl V. dren, a daughter and two sons. English historians don't men-

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Page S


* • * •


By JACK WEIMBERG The recent death of Governor Olson of Minnesota removed from America's political scene ana' of the true'liberal leaders "of :fhis country. This article sketches Governor Olson's Jewish associations and interests. The author Is associated vritix the American Jewish World of Minneapolis, and knew the late tacts. TE EDITOR While the death of Floyd B. Olson, governor of the state of Minnesota since 1930, removed from the American political scene one of its dominant leaders," his passing is an irrevocable loss to the Minnesota Jewry which he knew so well. . During his lifetime —7 he wasn't 45 years old when he died — Governor Olson was intimately associated with Jews. Numbered' among 'hi3 closest friends and trusted, advisers were several of his Jewish playmates from child,"hood days. Governor Olson was born and reared In Minneapolis, ip the ' heart of "the North Side Jewish • community. From early- childhood he1 associated with Jews, learning to speak Yiddish fluent-

who -was admitted to the sickroom at all times. Others closely identified with him were Abe I. Harris, newspaperman, a. boyhood chum whom he prevailed upon to take over the editorship of the Minnesota Leader, Farmer-Labor publication; and George B. Leonard, Minneapolis attorney. Among the Jews he appointed to high office were Judge Gnstavus Loevingar, who was named to the Hamsey County district bench in St. Paul, and Edward J. • Pearloye, appointed state comptroller. Because' he was a friend of all the Twin City rabbis, Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform, Governor Olson's serious illness caused the synagogues to conduct special prayer services for his recovery during his last days. Governor Olson is dead, but his memory will linger long with the many friends he had. MinnesoFloya B. Olson ta Jewry, along with progressive Late Governor of Minnesota and liberal thinkers of the State and nation, has lost a true friend. 'kosher-esser/ but a 'chazzer- (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts £resser'." ' _ - . . '..'.'. Feature Syndicate.) Governor Olson's .attiture toward Nazism and Hitler, was one of scorn. In March, 1933, when Jewish Hospital Hired protests meetings . were h e l d Detectives to Spy throughout the country ^against the Hitler regime, the Governor Washington, D. C. (WNS).— addressed the ."huge gathering W Documentary proving Minneapolis and. voiced his ab- that officials ofevidence fne Jewish horrence against the Nazis.'... He pital in Brooklyn engaged hosthe was. outspoken in his criticism Railroad Audit and Inspection against race prejudice and perse- company, a private detective cution of all kinds. He was al- agency active in labor troubles, to ways the champion of the' "un- spy on its employes, in an attempt der-dog." to forestall their organization, Olson closest.aide and constant was disclosed at the opening hearcompanion during his /guberna- ing of the senate civil liberties torial days was his. Jewish chauf- investigating committee. feur, • Maurice', Rose. Hose' was over with the Governor seldom Torn bits of correspondence leaving the "skipper's".side. Dur- from the detective agency's afing Olson's fatal illness Rose was fices were pieced together and the only pesbn. beside-i Mrs. Ol- included parts of a report sent by son and their daughter, Patricia, a labor spy in the Jewish hospital, who informed hia employers that the hospital's employes -were getting ready to ask for a raise. Organize to Fight

The son of immigrant Scandinavian, young Floyd knew many hardships in his childhood and youth. Old-Timers recall that Floyd's first job was that of turning on the lights in Jewish homes on the Sabbath — and he was a very popular "Shabbos Yung," too, they say. " . " • ' . . _ I Governor Olson loved" the Sabbath "choleh" and ••gefilte fish" that the Yiddish housewives in the neighborhood gave h i m. When there was a Bar Mitzvah in his street Floyd Olson was invariably in attendance, awed by the religious spectacle he viewed. On Hosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, when the occasion permitted, he went to the synagogue with his little Jewish friends. At Passover time he was invited to Anti-Semitism of the "seder." Often he attended Marcel Rosenberg has- resigned "cheder" with them. The Highland Post as undersecretary general of the League of Nations to accept apAll this Governor Olson remembered as he matured and enter- Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (WNS).— pointment as Soviet ambassador ed into public life. .When he was The anti-Semitic, propaganda-con- to Spain. - county attorney in Minneapolis, tained" in the Highland Post, a Mr. Rosenberg was the first Iii3 office, 'associates"•"fell,;,there weekly published In Highland, Soviet citizen ' to " be given a were many?railers'""froin,'Eis"old. across the river; frpm; Poughkeep- League post after-the U. S. S. R. sie, is vigorously * condemned in was admitted. to the League. home neighborhood. ; - "You just tell Floyd that Mrs. in a resolution adopted * by the Shapiro is here to see him. He'll Farmeriabbr ' club'; of .PoughCFI plan may • interest you! keepsie-of which Colonel Frank The remember;" Small monthly payments . . . inT. Woqdbury is; chairman. ; ' stead of one single premium. "Sure," he would always say BUY INSURANCE THE when told of his caller, "send her The- resolution^ rwhich• is being CONVENIENT WAY right in", and regardless of what circulated; to ali:Tiranche3. of the If interested, call weighty matters might , have Farmer-Labor. ^.arty.Vtrade unions, • " . MARK LEON called for his- attention he al- churches, civic %6rgamization3: and Every type of Insurance written ways took time out to chat with other; groups and-individuals op21 Strong Companies WA 5150 his old friends. The same was posed to fascism, condemns and AT 76S7 protests "such actions as the one true when he became governor. An old Jewish tailor recalled of the Highland Post which in that when Olson was a youth of its last issues started a campaign to spread propaganda harmful to For Picnics and All Occathirteen he threw a ball through American' civil liberty and-fostersions Serve Forbes' Hew the tailor shop window. Years ing religious and'racial hatred." York Pumpernickel later, when he was chief execu- The resolution'calls groups tice of the state, Olson met the opposed 'to fascism onto all; BREAD halt'.the old tailor in a State capitol elespread of this propaganvator and said, "Remember, 'La- further Sliced thia for your • bel', when I broke your win- da. Convenience The Highland -Post,which . is dow?" •' ' His fight against the Kn Klux published- by Howland Spencer, town commltteeman:of " . FORBES BAKMG CO. Klan is considered one of the republican is the paper which" re-i high spots in Olson's career as Highland, published the details of ."a 2701-11 Ho. 24th St. county attorney and one that led cently Jewish plot" to take over the govWe. 6400 him to St. Paul as governor of ernment of the United States, t IJIS State. Mayor George E. Leach of Minneapolis, running for re-election, had come out openly against the Klan, which was flourishing at that time. The hooded night rid-. ers, in an attempt to strike back at the mayor, attacked him In their organization publication. Seven Klansmen were • indicated and County Attorney Olson prosecuted the case personally and secured convictions —- the first against the Klan in the. United States.

Left Side: 1


is face wreathed in the traditional Olson smile, the governor said, "Those of you who marvel at my attire may rest assured that it Is not wholly without precedent on my part:" At the conclusion of the lecture he was presented with the following questlonr "Why didn't the Governor of Minnesota bet Governor Herring of Iowa a kosher cow instead of a pig?" referring to Olson's bet. with the Iowa chief executive on tha outcome of a football game between the universities of the two States. : "Olson's answer was: "Because tha Governor of Iowa isn't I s

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- . • • ' • •

When he was governor, and prior ot that, -while county attorney, Floyd Olson never rejected an invitation to appear at a Jewish function. He delighted his' audiences time and gain by starting his address in Yiddish. More recently, just before entering-, the Mayo clinic at Rochester last December, he .Was one of the,speakers, in a lecture series sponsored by Beth El Synagogue of Minneapolis. • !.'?. As • he stepped to the-rostrum, a "parmelke" perched precariously on the red bead, the audience chuckled.

ais Sfurdies for

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Page I -i


to come — honoring his father others are attending the Univer-1 this ardent group o Jewish childand mother, the practice of lov- sity of Denver. • I welfare workers was realized ia GEMS OF THE BIBLE ing kindnes, mating peace beThe Home maintains a distinc-j March 19"4 wirh the completion tween man and his associates, tive Religious School with a fs-Jo£ a nursery building after the "•AMD TALMUD and, above all, the study of the culty of eight teachers recruited) Denver Ladies' Auxiliary --came By O. O. DASHfill ^ Torah." from ttie ranks of Denver school] to the tore and ^ol-.nteered to Published every BVIdajf fit O£3iito, Ke Our Rabbis t&tigfet: "He who teachers and college graduates. I finance the remodeling of theTHE JBWISH PRESS t?wmtm® judges his associates (in ques- Some of the teachers are former rooms then used for the ExecuBible 1 tive Offices of the Home and to Many will entreat the favor tionable acts) willi an inclination pupils of the Home .. school. Subscription Price,'one ye&? • * - ' * * '82,00 In the. religious schpol, the; Convert the space into a nursery be judged -with of the liberal man, and every In his favor, -° Advertising rates tusnlflhed e a application, children relive the history of department. Funds were raised man is a friend to him that giv- favor (from above.) We are taught that Rabbi Gam- their people. In dramatic pre- by City-Wide Card Parties given eth gifts. Editorial Office: 600 Brandels Theater Building. All the brethren of the poor do aliel the great said: "What is sentations on the stage, thej- re- by the Auxiliary and the dedicaSioux City Offjca—Jewlsb Community Center hate him. How mucn mofe do his meant by the passage (Deu. 13. cre&te historic events in Judaism. tion was- held March i, 1934. DAVID BtAtKBR " •" • Business 6fid Mafiagltif Editor friends keep far away from him. 18) — And He will grant thee Religion becomes an integral part The Nusery Department is doR. AeKSftMAII *. ' » - * '•• - - • - - S f l l t O T The lust of a man is his Bhame, mercy, and -will have mercy upon of their daily lives. "Bar Mitz- ing admirable work in building KATfiiLBiANConnSil Sltiffe, Iowa, CdrreSganfient and it is better to be a poor man thee. It means to Imply that van boys pray in "Tfillin," every i strong healthv bodies and teach. whoever has mercy Upon cfea-' morning and holidays are observ- ing many important lessons in WLI» * - ' « - Hbnt City, tows, fl6r*#ooadeat than a liar. •will cot be granted mercy from I e^ with fitting symbolism f j t Shop Address: 4804 Sfl, 24tB Street Cease my son to hear the iastruClife to children of impressionable Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, German Economics Minister and ceremonies. The Sabbath is us-!; years. tion that causeth to err from the Heaven." .'he only handicap ia the oftentimes referred to as the economic dictator of the Reich, words of knowledge. i Rabbi Johnson said: "The hered in each Friday by one of need of more physical equipment. jheafts\ef the first sages were &s the older girls who lights the must be blushing seven different^ shades of crimson and verThis problem is now receiving Talmud | broad es the grate of the TJlam, candles and pronounces the usual! l million. He . . . an outstanding man in & Naii state . * » com- We are taught in the Mishnah: land ! serious consideration, The nurthat of the later sages Were blessing. _,. , .„. , Babbi David H. "Wice^who with Mrs. Wice this Week re- mitted the most heinous crime imaginable. To think that a "These are the things of which a &s broad prareiMs| ia at present as the gate of the Hci- pronouncedJThe by kiddush one of the older jcro to crpacitv B e Vded r r department turned from ail Overseas trip which included Palestine, veri- man of his intelligence and hia high Standing would so far for- man enjoys the interest for his chal, but our hearts are as nar- boys. All children participate. ' It is the aim of the Home to Instruction given the children surround reward ta this world, while the row as the eye of a very fine neefies the reports which have emanated from the Holy Land et himself and make the sinful slip of praising a^ Jew. . the children with an atis taken from the curricula of all principal rernaineth for the world dle." concerning the Arab marauding which has entered its twen* mosphere of culture, to stimulate Ifet, Dr. Schacht did breach that sublime Aryan code. We three branches of Judaism: Orthtieth week. He laudrthe Bdf-restraint ahoWn by the Jewish knew that Sehacht was never considered a good Hitlerite and odox, conservative and reformed. as nearly as possible a, well-orNone of there is emphasized, all uered family life. The keynote is population despite provocation* the deep desire of the Pales- that he disagreed with the Nazis on many points^ But to of them are taught BO that the | happiness. Each child from the tinian-Jewry to make room for more immigrants, and their think that he would g& so far as to praise a JeWl What is j moment of his entrance is made youngsters may have the determination to continue upbuilding the land as the Jewish this Nasd would coming tot ^-/ tunity ot choose what to "adopt I ^ J ^0 T" e 1 ?l l m ^ * a m ° n g f r ' e a d " home despite all obstacles. In his opinion, the trouble' will for themselves. Under the aus- j ^ ° ' Yes, Sohacht said Something complimentary ab~outlieon of the Home are: Mrs. pices of the re-iEioue school a IJ Officers last for a long time, particularly the guerrila tactics of Mos- Blum, the Jewish premier of France. He said of the pfkne N Fo! dally Hebrew School with three! - "ker, president; Mrs. lem bands, and can eventually be settled only by ( an agree- ministers "Both in the general and technical discussions, I got teachers is maintained to instruct | Bdeesisul; e t ) rDillons, first vice-presiBy' FANNIE -E. LOEBER the children in the language, l-:t-j R a l h - J - M - M°"'is. secretary; ment between the Arabs; and thd Jews, and not by a Compro- the impfession of having to deal With intelligent and capable erature and history of their fore-! • P Kodak, financial secreRational Home for Jewish- Children at. Denver mise whian Is British-enforced. Howeve?, he makes the ob- men of good faith." l)earg j tary and L. K. .Sigman, treasurer. servation that the people are notryet ready for any etleh ideal3to;tho accompanying article, purely a local establishment then. The Louis Stern Band, sports, j "William Cohen is superinten• But, we are afeared, mayhap Hitler himself knew that Mrs." Tjbtbet, toxtnder of the So many Jewish families were club activities, ind the dancing dent and William R. Elumenthal istic a solution. Schacht Was going, to breach the cardinal Nazi doctrine . . . borne aitd president since its to Denver in the hope of and dramatic classes give the i of New York City is executive di"We too believe.that the populations of Palestine! are fcot and give his blessing.' The answer may be simple, after all— Inception 289 years ago, tells coming recovery from the White Plague children training to develop I rector. ripe for an agreement among themselves, While W6 admit with when we consider that the purpose of Sehacht*s visit to France tha part the National Home for -—families with dependent chil- poise and self-confidence. j Children at Denver has dren whom they couldn't support The Nntscrj- Department j Condemns' Murder Rabbi "Wice that the British problem is means as simple WAS to get Blum to make & French loan to the German govern- 'Jewish played ia alleviating child sut- —that Denver Jewry was faced For- many years the Rome was j London.—The head office ot as the Jews Would make it seem, nevertheless for the present) ment. And to what/lengths will even a Nasi go to get money ieti&g. with a pressing problem. beset with requests to take chll-1 the British Red Cross has cabled at least, Great Britain must- bs the arbiter of Palestine's fate* When in desperate financial straits. Henry Monsky of Omaha is There were places to care for dren in of pre-school age, an<2ja message of sympathy to Paleson the tiational trustee Com- the sick, but there was no place because there were no facilities i tine The reason why the Jewish population in Palestine have shown in connection with the coldmitted for the home.—Editor's to care for the children. for care of such young children i blooded murder of two Jewish such remarkable self-restraint is that they realize that Great Note. The writer imbued a few "Who were from two to four years nurses who were shot down The AppreacMag Holy Days Britain has the mandate over Palestine and is the internationfriends with the enthusiasm for old, they had to be boarded cut Arabs at the entrance of the govConceived in a spirit of bene- founding a home for these chil- in non-Jewish homes. , (By Rabbi Frederick Cohn.) al symbol for law and order in the Holy Land. To retaliate t ernment hospital in Jaffa. The volence, kindness and love, the dren. A group of women was The Board of Trustees of the message condemns the brutal blow for blow against, the Arabs while the British soldiers Summer wanes. The leaves begin to fall.. Autumn will National Home for Jewish, chil- immediately organized, a Email Home recognized the great need slaying. were doing their tltmost to defend the'land against the law- soon be here. With the coming of autumn, come the full holi- dren at Denver stands today as house was rented and dedicated .for a pre-school or nursery deless Moslems would, be t6 stoop as low a§ the attackers. The days; the Jewish Holy Days. Rosh Hashonah, the New Year, a monument to the dignity, hon- to the shelter, care and training partment. The need was made or and charity of the generous of i^nfortunate children. more acute frequently when mo-! civiliaing influence in\the Holy Land ia the Jewish influence, comes on the, seventeenth of September. It is followed nine American * Kanhattan Ehirfci Jew and is a living Froai the very first, the guid- thers would apply for the • ad-1 and the Chalutziia Wefe determined to fight back Only if it days later by the great and solemn Yom Kippur, Day'of symbol of a unitd Jewry. * Stetson Hats mittance of their children. Often | ing idea was to in&ke this as became necessary. And-^-Unlesa we ar6 misled by the state- Atonement. Five days later comes the joyous autumn festi- Because of the charity and much * Arrow Shirts as possible like a real home, one or two would be old enough 1 * kindness of this public spirit of a Jewish home in which the chil- to be admitted but a brother or! rucSregor Sportswear ments of Jewish leaders there—the pioneers are ready to take val, Succoth, the Feast of Tabernacles. Jewish men and women who have dren, would be trained thorough- sister would have to be sent to j * Interwoven Socks up arms the moment the Arabs grow too strongly out of conEach of these festivals has a distinctive significance, yet made the Home possible, there ly in the history and religion of some private home and break up j * Vassar Underwear trol or the moment their upbraiding of the homeland is menthe little family group. | their people. all of them are of the warp and woof of Juudaism. In them * Cheney Cravats —, aced. - . A group of Jews considered There were seven little tots in Judaism confronts the world. These items Are featured at that first Home. In a short time, forming a separate organization This latter means that they recognize that Great Britain to care for nursery and pre-school the building, which could have And what a world the festivals face as they are ushered is seriously considering "punishing" them f of their good be- in by the ambassadorial New Year 56971 A world of conflict, housed fifteen ..omfortably, was children to fill the community crowded with thirty-six young- need. havior. Great Britain doe3 not want .to- antagonize the mil- of bloody, fratricidal strife! A world of suspicion, of enmity After making a survey of this sters and the first overcrowding lions of Moslems and ao may offer the "white Sheep" of the and hate 1 A world of prejuudice and injustice! A world SI1 South 16th St. situation to determine just how problem was at hand. Semitio family upon the sacrifice altar in order to choose the in a more critical condition than it has been at any time since This condition existed until great this need was the hopes of about twenty years ago. Then lesser of two diplomatic evils. A stoppage of Jewish immi- the World War! A world in deadly fear of being engulfed at the Home was destroyed by fire. gration would be such E. "punishment.'' any moment in the bloody horrors of another iiniversal catasKind Jewish families in the We feel that Rabbi Wice is correct in his observation that trophel neighborhood offered their homes until other quarters could be obthe trouble in Palestine is not over; in fact, it is Only starting. It is into such a world that our Holy Days come. For a tained. However5, we have erred in our? prognostications before, and The Board of Trustees decided while they bid us pause. They occupy the center of our stage we ho|j6 that this is another cafie of guessing wrong* This to erect a building to aceomodate I' -, forty children. It was filled Trtthwould' require a strong iron hand by England, crushing the and of our life. Even wars and revolutions must yield before ia a few days after it was openArab rioters and restoring order on a permanent basis without the imperative insistence of these traditional "Days." All ed, and & long waiting list grew meeting the Moslem demands. That is a large order » . . too takes a Secondary place tot the Jew before the dictatorship of larger. the HoiyDaya. Judaism, for howevef brief a time, becomes large, we fear* , , The problem had become a nathe central in his life. tional one, for most of the children who applied for admittance As Judaism confronts the world at this particular critical Mrs. Faamie E. Lorber were not Denver residents. The period, with what Shall it confront itt With What shall Judaate iaany young Jewish men and decision to nationalize the instiThe deepest cloud hanging over Palestinian Jewry at the ism confront a wild, turbulent, wicked worldt The answer is women in the world today en- tution was not arrived at quickdowed with a fine cultural, re- ly. The Home Aid not become moment iathe unspoken threat of stopping ^Jewish immigra- simple. With Judaism! and' spiritual background a national institution until elsJudaism, the Judaism of all the centuries, the Judaism of ligious tion to the Holy Land -until such time as Britain has allowed making successes of their lives teen years ago. her "investigating committee" probe to the roots of the sit- all varieties, is Ethical Monothism'. Nothing better expresses who otherwise might have be- "When the call for national uation. This would be an entering wedge which might easily and defines it as these two simple words. Judaism is a Sys- come failures because of condi- support was isued, the Jews throughout the nation, true to knock the props from under the rebuilding of the Jewish home- tem of .ethics. It has given the world all its moral impera- tions beyond their control. Nowhere does such & divine tradition, responded nobly. Imland in keeping with the historic Balfour Declaration. > tives. And it is a monotheistic view of life, proclaiming the fervor inspire the work of car- mediate steps were taken to care Americans are taking an active interest in Jewish rights One God, Greater and Ruler of the universe, which implies ing for our less fortunate ones for as many children as needed than at the National Home for care. Early in 192*. the girls' in the Holy Land. This week eleven United States Senators logically and inescapably the unity of the entire cosmos, in- Jewish Children at Denver. Here dormitory was "erected, tjaon folcluding the human race• the unity of humanity. This implies in a joint telegram called upon Cordell Hull, Secretary of State the highest of Jewish ideals are lowed by a boys doraitory, a new in the IT. S., to make official representations to Great Britain peace, brotherhood, justice, righteousness, kindness, love. All taught and inculcated into the hospital building with a contagious ward, tha I. Rude Dairy, a concerning the Palestine disorders. The senators ares William this flows from a proper conception of Judaism. And it is daily lives of th& children. poultry farm, a central heating Any institution that approxiwith this,_;With these ideas and ideals, the Jew at his Holy Day E. Borah, Idaho} W» Warren Barbour, New Jersey; Arthur mates the Jewish ideal o£ tome plant, laundry building, superinCapper, Kansas $ William G, McAdoo, California; David I. Season, confronts and' as it were, challenges the World. How life Is t>ousd to be much Snore tendent's Quarters, employees' Quarters, and later a department Walsh, Mass.; Harty B\ Upd, Virginia) Mortis Sheppard, ddes the wdtld measure up to the idea of a united humanity. tnan a place -where only rood and for pre-school age children, and a shelter afe provided. A Jew's Texas; Charles McNary, Oregon; James J. David; Penn.; Sher- What is the condition of the world judged by ethieal stand- pride ia his home is second only wel-equipped playground. Now the Home represent an Investman Chiton, Ind*; and Millard E. Tydings, Maryland. Re- ards! Are npt only individuals, but nations,'supposedly great, to his tenacity to his faith. of three hundred thousand ferring to the possibility of suspension of immigration, the "civilized" and cultuured criminally guilty before God and Then too, the Home also reli- ment dollars. It occupies two city evea the parents of these chilmessage asserts: "We join in expressing the hope that rumors man?' How can we condone the crime against Ethiopia! How dren of the care and worry which bloeks and is built en the seiaiFAMOUS • of the Suspension of Jewish immigration into Palestine are can we excuse Germany's monstrous injustice against the Jews? are a great handicap in the pro- Cottage plan. It is recognized as one of the best-equipped childwithout foundation and that no decision will be made that Must we not hide our'heads in shame at the brutal savagery in gress of their recovery from tu- ea,re agencies in the country. HEALTH SHOES .berculosis. Think of the comfort .would serve as an encouragement to the exponents of terror- Spain that makes of a Whole nation a human shambles. to have these unfortunate The excellent physical equipism and that would demoralize the men and women who in their , Judaism, coming at this time to the fore in the world-wide know that their children are not ment makes possible tee developaway froia them. They Itnow ment of the individuality of each dally lives exemplify the spirit of peace and good will." celebration of the Jew of His Holy Days is a challenge, direct far that the children will coins to child.' Health is a paramount The telegram asserts - that the disorders '^vhich. have or indirect, conscious or unconscious, to all this. The Jewish visit them, and that even if they alia. The newly admitted child wrecked Palestine during the past four months . . . have aimed Holy Days are not a rn^re private affair, a brief spiritual orgy, are unable to ^guide and direct is thoroughly examined and then at the destruction of Jewish achievements during the past two that concern only the Jew. Properly viewed they are a world them in the proper Jewish up- isolated 'for a period of ten days they ars nevertheless wiiils attending physicians note decades killing innocent men, women and children, destroying event, an international event, an event of cosmic significance. bringing, Sites nyt to 3 certain that they are being rear- all physical defects and arrange Sizes Sya to It produce and products, shops and farms that have been devel- In them the Jew comes for however brief a season to the fore. ed in accordance -with the Jewish to correct them immediately. AA to DA to D oped during years'of patient toik end devotion, the American In them the Jew is at his best, plays his true role, becomes his tradition. And think of tha joy Regularity of living, well-balthe children get in knowing anced - diet, sanitary and health- j people, through their Presidenta and through the Houses of real self, as champion of righteouusness, in the name of the that The special construction features' of Pied that even though their patents ful conditions, adequate periodCongress ,have on frequent occasions manifested their sym- One, Only God; as the successor of the Prophets, the true are ill they are not .worrying ical medical and dental examinaPiper Shoes provide exceptional fitting qual-' pathy with the effort of the Jewish people to re-establish in statesmen of that higher statesmanship that shall not embroil about them. tion, together with wholesome reities, smoothness, flexibility, comfort. Many is probably the outstand- creation are highly conducive to Palestine a centejr of safety and security for great numbers of us in strife and woe but bring in that higher, better world that new £fii! styles in straps and oxfords. ing characteristic of the National the children's health. Seriously Jews who do not share the freedom and liberty of America is to be. Home for J e w i s h Children. undernourished children arc givdiet, rest perlofiE, cod but who live in lands of intolerable oppression. Having watch Pied f'Ipets Ere quality Shoes, seientificaHy; At the holy Season the Jew is his true self because he is Everyone connected With the en special oil, &Ed ultra violet ray ed with sympathy an dapproval the steady progress in Pales his religious self. He expresses his true nature. He functions Home is determined to see to it liver ssade end reasonably priced. that every one of the Children it treatments. tine of benefit alike to Arabs and Jewa wo are, distressed at religiously. He is engaged in prayer. He communes with God. shelters shall receive the Ideal All children attend, the public the continuation of riotinfj and destruction that can only bring He ponders the higher problems of life. He takes Stock of him* care received by a child la his Schools where they receive many '. • four Ctowing Child Scholastic honors. One of our harm to all inhabitants." self and of the world. He gives himself over to; the most sol- home. home began as the Denver boys Deserves Pied Pipers recently won a scholarship Nor are the Jewish leaders asleep. The B'nai B'rith, the emn reflection and the most' earnest introspection. He merg Sheltering Home In 1907. It was in an Eastern University; three

civilized countries of the world in a very favorable light concerning their willingness to openly champion right against might or ' justice 'against injustice. Nevertheless, the United atb i3 Still looked tip to by the other nations of the world and he? word darriea much weight. Precedent allows us to officially protest when an innocent people are wronged, and t would be Of inestimable help to the Jewish position in Palesine if" the United States would let Britain know just how we feel about the atrocities being perpetrated in what is supposed to be a Jewish National Homeland under British guidance and support*

Violating the'Aryan-Code.. . . •

tlj n V

SI i\ ,_i


r t cJ 8!




to School

.i* .

^!I •3

American Jewish Congress Hadassah, and oeventeen other outstanding national Jewish organizations representing a total of two million American Jews lodged a vigorous protest with Sec retary of State Hull against the British policies in Palestine, They openly charged that the British government was re sponsible for the continuance of the-Arab disorders, and urged intervention with England toward a stronger hand in quelling Moslem 'destruction of life and property. Events of yecent months havo not placed the liberal and

from hi3 brief "retreat" a new spiritual and moral being. - Have the Jewish Holy Days any influence? Ars they a heart of the whole world. A. regenerated Israel could 'result mere convention, andjis such a mockery and a farce, a tragic .mightily ia a regenerated humanity. futility f Nothing is ideal in this un-ideal world, but Israel's Welcome, then, thrice welcome to our approaching Holy Holy Season may be made of sublimest significance and most Bays! May they help to usher in the Ne-?r Era of taiity, of momentous benefit not only to Iferafel, but through Israel to righteousness sud-of peaee. Only thea can the world fiad the world. The lessons of repentance, of< deep humility, of. "what itU the World's a-seeking"—happiness, life's true sucrenewed striving after the true aims and ileas of life, of jus- cess; TTIIOSS other name is—blessing! tice, of kindnesk of forgiveness, of love, may be taken to the FREDERICS COHX.

• ' .'.' X-RAY FITTING SERVICE 83MM*—8h«et ITJeop



BBHJBN FROM VACATION EC VISITORS S. 5IOTHEKS' CJUTB LELL/S /r.r Li G: SIISNESOTA . ' • • ' . A. 1,1. Mothers' club Mrs. Leonard Kockenberg and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. ChapnE.3 son, Harlan Davi3, e* Des Moincs j hold its first fail returned home last Thursday Iowa, are spending a conp!s f of day, September S, at the Tcrt k T-XE>._ from a two-week vacation at weeks here visiting Mrs. Hoeken- Mrs. J. Tatienian, ££31 So. Z26 axd bo~cr&h t v Bemidji, Minn. On Friday, their berg's mother, Mrs. M. Salk. Mr. St. rrcal eni :C. £ daughter, Helen Jane, returned Hockenberg trill join his family New Ycrk ve-e A successful social season will home after eight weeks at Burr here Saturday, and accompany j AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP be rung down at Highland Coun- Oaks camp, in Wisconsin. them back to. Des Moines llon- , Kiss Aana GoodTsinfier, dti jLday. try clnb tomorrow night, when a V. ter o" Mr. and Sirs. Jacob Goocdinner-dance, featuring Ina Mae FORMER OMAHAN Cfcinfier, has beea awareed a .*tnWinbnrn and her Syneopators, VISITING HEBE VACATION IN CHICAGO for-Senior scholarship to the " r •will be held. The Misses Pearl and Rose nicipai university of Omcia. ?':-«: Miss Minnie . Rabinotcitz Of Miss Winbnrn has played a Oakland, Cal., a former Omahan, j Meyers are spending a two week's Goodbinder was recently electee ll\e OrCcr previous engagement at Highland and a sister of Mrs. MoSlla Ros- vacation ia Chicago. secretary c* the Alpka Krrj-r FOX-FEBliOWITZ AKKOHSCB BAB MITZVAH this season and is returning by enblatt, is here visiting Mrs. RosDelta, national honorary soc.clerMAKS1SAGE Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wliite an- p~bpular demand. The novelty enblatt and Mrs. Herraan Auer- APPENDECTO3IY ical fraternity. A'lm a Feblowitz, daughter nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their numbers, dance music and Miss bach. Miss Bersice Perimeter is reof Mr. iind Mrs. David Feblowitz, Son, Lee, Thursday, September .3. Wiaburn's own unusual style, Miss Rabinowitz will be at k o a s caperating fron aa appendectomy will bt-come the bride of Bernard at the B'nai Israel eynagogue at makes the group popular with lis- to her old friendes with Mrs. at the Clarkson hospital. HAEO5HR M. Feat, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Sth and Chicago streets. Tha EaEomir chcir will g'*-e t teners. Auerbach at the Auerbaca h o s e ris* Fox of Chicago,, formerly of dance- fit the Fcntene'le PET / rr. RETURNS FROM Saturday afternoon. Chicken and steak dinners for Omaba. Sunday afternoon tffc the ANNOUNCE BIRTH Thursday, Septetnber 10. Th ri: LOS ANGELES BinckBlone hotel at 2 o'clock. Dr. and. &rs. Irving H. Stein members and out-of-town guests i.£ve been invited, tr r'Miss Rose Geld tC €" 71 "L Liscola has ccmptes lUbbi David A. Goldstein will per- announce the birth of a daughter, only will be served by Dorsey, ville. The Mars gagsters per- returned from Los ofAngeles, ten Cal., ! ^ club chef. One of the year's largformed not one but ELEVEN form the ceremony in the pres- lharlene Ann,-on August 26, est turnouts Is expected. acts during their recent taufie where she spent a month ss the! ^ ence of tho. two families. by vsriOES Osstfca enterttiae-t. try-out . . . used eleven different guest of her uncle and annt, : A reception for ,4he families DINNER AND BRIDGE and Mrs. Sam Robinow. routines for audieaca reaction. Mrs. Milton Simon entertained and a few close friends of the AT MESZOKTAL Schulberg'e young sprout. Buddy young couple will be held Imme- on August 28 with a dinner and A Seclcre on "Trencs in REXTJRK FKO3I WEST COAST altaring with Gigl Martia. Vickl bridge at Mary Stein's cafe. Prisdiately after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Sain Ravitz, who I ern Art" will be given in thr Baud's new novel is "Sing, Eises were won by Pearl Meyers and ter, Sing." Groucho, too, an au- have spent the past three months j tnre hall at the -Tneit-n T-^T~ By HELEN ZICBIQNB Mrs. Philip Ringie. WEDDING RECEPTION thor . . . he and Norms Krassa in Los Angeles, CEI., will return this Bucd£.y aftern.oon et r. Z r Mrs. Harry Fingeret honored Hollywood — The only girl collaborated "The Grand Passion' to Omaha Monday. SUNDAY p. n . by Paul H. GrusiEEtr, c j Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sales of Mrs. Meyers with & dinner and who ever appeared on an Ataos to be flliaed by Merry LeRoy. rector of the Memorial. Tlc-e bridge at the Cloverleaf club on 'n At.dy program was Elinor HerCouncil Bluffs will hold a recepBobby Breen is being coached to will also be a Duo-Art orgsr p*?Ef KAXSAS CITY tion Sunday afternoon, Septem- August 31. Prizes were won by riot, ..playing Madam Queea for a "suthen accent, suh." plans are VISrHXG gram ia the concert hall r.t 4 r r~ Mrs. Al Kain:s.3 is visiting her ber, 6, from four until seven Mrs. Corpal Cohen, Miss Pearl one night. Behind the inike, to shoot his entire picture, "Rain- brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Both of these ECtivities fere t~cz Miss Herriot is Elinor HershMeyers and Miss Ruth White. o'clock at their home at 120 bow on -the River," in New Or- Mrs. H. Rose, in Kansas City. She iield, daughter of a Minnesota leans. Third Street, Council Bluffs, folwill spend a few days there and doctor. lowing the ' marriage of their ENTERTAINED will then accompany them to ChiWhen she arrivet. In town last Mrs. Philip Meyers, formerly daughter. Miss Sonia SaKs, to Mr. Slapping back . . Tu Goldwya'B to visit another sister, Mrs. Harry Mulnlck of Omaha. All rel- Mollye Roitstein, was extensively week, the bl&ck-faced comics met scenario version of "DoSswcrth," cago J. Fries, for Labor day. her train, took her to a 'reunion' entertained prior to her inarriage atives and friends are. cordially the ecenes laid in Hotel Adloa, invited, No invitations have beea September 1. On August 26 the lunch. Berlin will be changed. The lo- AT BIIXXESOTA Misse3 Rose and Pearl Meyers issued. cale won't be Germany . . . and Mr. and Mrs. A- Eelinsky and were hostesses to 16 guests at Odd Facts about Films: dinner and bridge and a miscel- It la estimated that every group Dodsworth sails on the Rex, not sen, Paul, have returned from MBYERS-ROITSTEIN the Bremen. three-week stay at the Minnesota Miss Mollye Roitstein, daughter laneous shower at the Cloverleaf ot. visitors to a studio hampers lakes. They visited friends and club. Prizes were won by Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roitstein, beproduction to the extent of $8,Sylvia Sidney got lost- in one of came the bride of Philip Meyers, Ben Minkin, Mrs. Moe Kagan, Lu- 000 per look-see. This summer those London fogs one day. For relatives in . . The lively Tempo of tKe son of Mrs. Gertrude Meyers, on cille Kaplan and Dorothy Bordy. brought a flood of tourists , « . some time sho wsufiered about apoiis. Tuesday evening, September 1, at studio bars went up. uncertainly. Finally she accosted times Is brought to you in the "home of Rabbi David A. Gold FAMILY DINNER Newly-compiled statistics re- passing footsteps, asked ta be di- BACK FBOM TPOP Mr. and Mrs." J. H. Kulakofsky veal that 15,275 persons worked rected. After the man put her stein, who performed the cereMiss Dorothy Glicken t a s remony in the presence of the im entertained at a family dinner as extras during the first half of on the right path, sis thanked turned Iron a trip to Los Angeles the flaring skirts , . of ,.« party at their libme Thursday tiis year mediate families. 13,463 of him, asked whether the fog did- and Hollywood, where shs visitea but The bride wore a rust crepe evening, September 3, In honor them earned less than §200 n't confusa him. He friends snd relatives. drress with brown accessories. of their niece, Miss Sonia Saks of and "only 633 earned more than "No nura, I'm blind." Her-corsage was of Johanna Hil Council Bluffs, and Mr. Harry 5500. Thirty-five out of every CONVALESCIKG Mulnlck, /whose marriage will take 1,000 averaged $19 a week for roses and snapdragons. Eward . Robinson Mrs. Phil Friedman Is ccnvaplace Sunday. • x. ' . glamour this period. "Geltless" motor trip to Estes lection of scrap books (not ClarAfter a froa an appesdectoxny at . . we call it. ies!). Instead of the actor's usPark and Denver, Colo., the However, the total Hollywood ual press notices, couple will make their homo in BRIDGE-LUNCHEON • Bliss Eva Ruderman was host- payroll", acording to government clippings of world events. Omaha. ess at a bridge-luncheon to the report, amounts to 100 million Phi Delta; Mu sorority Sunday, dollars per year. ENTERTAIN FOR FORTY Guairao is comediaa witaotit Extras are hired by a mechan- screen August 30, at her home. The soGUESTS . ' Kollv-wcod-bs ical card index. It's an all-butrority colors of gold and green left her photograph ia his office. Cleaned aad js&ccksa Mr. and Mrs. Herman'Nachhtiman device operated by dials schoen entertained forty guests were carried out in the decoraand levers. One pull of a handle at a dinner party at their home tions. "Do you think Scilyrrood CJLOVHP. I Z Prizes were won by Miss Edith sorts the cards for nationality, can fcsa fee, Mr. Marxt" TiTith last Tuesday evening in celebraanother for eix, others for height, ne quicfe glancs Jrora her to her* Bocclstion of the "Pidyon Ha Ben" o Epstein and Miss Rebecca TatelQf t accomplishments, disabilities, etc. their month-old grandson, Louis baum. Dresses V If a call comes in for a one-eyed but it could use your Albert Brown, son of Mr. and Persian dwarf, slightly lame, RETURN FROM CHICAGO Mrs. Nathan/Brown. er!" • Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick COhn skilled,at legerdemain, the operahave returned from Chicago, tor pulls a series of levers, and end ol t i e line out drops the dwarf, photograph, whersHhey spent the summer. address, and phone number. Copyright 1936, Jewish TelegraFilm fans at the rate of 220 phic Agency, Inc.) RETURNS FROM CHICAGO million per wee* attend movie3 By Mrs. David SL Newmaa Miss Gertrude Oruch has re- throughout the world. In the U. French Room DRBStl turned from a two-week vacation ef Riove bbcfc, with ecin Chicago, where she visited S. eighty million pay at the boxCAKE FROSTINGS office every week. And the ademte ef cire . . c?z the with friends. Orange Cream Frostlng3 mission price ia this country • Take juice and rind of one or- STOP OFF IN OMAHA averages twenty cents. ange', 2 tablespoons flour % cup Mr. Manuel Levin and Mr. Al sugar, 2 egg yOlkB,- or 1 egg, 1 Cramer of San Francisco speat Arthur Caesar returned to Holcup whipped cream. several days in ; Omaha visiting lywood EO quietly not even a verMis • all ingredients, together with friends and relatives. They earthquake was felt. After except cream and' cook over boilr are en route by motor to the east bal a year In London he's brimful of ing water until thick. Beat until coast and Canada. English atmosphere . . » eaya the Others cold. - Beat cream and add t6 English arc very hospitable . . . $25 to $93.95 cold orange mixture and put behe hadn't been there twenty-four tween layers of cake. A. Z. A. hours -when he received anrinvitation to the hunt. ^le was earEmergency Frosting A regular meeting c£ ths "CenPlace 1 egg white unbeaten, % tury chapter of A. 2. A. will be prised into momentary silence, . cup tart jelly and a dash of salt hed Tuesday evening, Septetabe then.he declined, "Sorry. M'lords, but I haven't as yet unpacked by in a small T&owl over hot water! 8, at the J. C. C. morse!" Beat until jelly is all dissolved The chapter is planning a -/* and frosting holds up in peaks. monthly paper which will b Here 'a There: Benny Fields, made up of neW3 of chapter do- appearing at a local night club, Surprise Frosting ings. The editing and publishing ail unexpected public euOne cup sugar, 5 tablespoons will be in charge of the publica- received logy by Al.Jolson. Eddie Cantor, cpld water, 2 egg whites, YB teacommittee, which include! seeks Jesse Owens, Olympic star, spoon cream of tartar and a pinch tions Sam Kaplan, Jay Weisman an offering him 140,000 for tea of salt. ' Ben Schneider. ^ week's work in, radio and vaudeBoll sugar and water together Eilpatriclc's until it spins a thread. Beat •white stiff, add salt and cream Emphatically a "Good Buy" ot tartar. Pour syrup slowly over-beaten whites and continue beating until cool. Spread on cake.


Dinner-Dance To Ring Down Highland Social Curtain


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Aid In Purchasing Gas ¥/ate? Heatings •

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Omaha residents may now purchase automatic gas water heaters from registered plumbers and make monthly payments for the equipment on their gas bill. A cooperative agreement has been inad'> between the Metropolitan Utilities district and tho- Omaha registered plumbers, according to W. J. Baxber, assistant general manager of. the • utilities district. The trend towards homo modernization has resulted in greatly increased demand for automatic gas hot water. Finance terms made available by the utilities district through plumbers has further added to the stimulation of business.

Tie KEtASNE BEAUTY Features SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE Tha Zotoa Permanent Wavawith no machinery flnd sia electricity used a t SS.50 and up. 713 Branc'ela Th&atrs BlsSg.


305% So. 16th—Ha. 3213

• .- 'Offers F R E E


fed €omem

For Two "Weeks—September 8 to 19

Face Powder $1 box of Charlema: blended to suit your own individual coloring with each purchase of Charlemagne preparations amounting to $1 or over. liss Bialac, an expert in powder blending, will-be happy to advise you with your makeup problems arid skin disorders.

•'"• ' $ 1 9 ' $ i . 7 5 , $ 3 0 0 — I m m a c u l e t t e Cleanser for Dry, Normal or Oily



' /•'

KR1MMER FUR COATS we have hnd


$1,$135,$3,$5—Ejntone / I A DeliglitM Freshener for Contracting and Flushing Pores " .



A Complete Tissue Builder und Eseellent for "Wrinkte or D Acne treatments, enlatged pora and blackhead treatmeats, oily and dry treatments. Ednje, $1; lip stick, $1; eye malieups, $1. . .


of black, Pentlan iemb iri

Sforsss Vaults mnKs nesded

Other Coett $5? to $2SC





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' i SOCIALISTS—Flag of the Socialist Youth of Spain is carried In a parade In Barcelona to an antiFascist meeting at the Olympia.-A third group is forming in Spain under the name of United Socialists, and the Catalan Workers' Army-is fighting the Rebels in the mountains to the north of Barcelona. They are inspired by two purposes—to beat the Fascists-and to make a democratic revolution .Socialists have 4,000 men fighting, . . .


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ON TOUS — One of the largest crowds that has met Governor Alfred M. Landon during his recent campaign tour -was that at Springfield, 111., on his return trip .from his invasion of the East. Here is a.part of the crowd that greeted him at the Springfield station.-Later he'laid a wreath on Lincoln's tomb. He is shotm on the rear platform, frora which he gave addresses at nine other Illinois cities and

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BACK FEOK ABEOAD—Ining Berlin, videlr fencvn song writer, and Krs. Eerliis as they returned to New Yo-lc or i IT- F'Tnch liner, Isle de France, fro:r g tr:p sbroad. T:>s. IScrLr IP ihc 'ovmcr Ellm Mackey. They were raerried in January, 1S26, and are the parents of four children, one of whom died.

four towns in Missouri.





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MAYBE THEY-XL WED—Virginia Pine, prominent socialite and film actress, as she was greeted on her recent return to Pasadena, Cal., from an extended .tour abroad, by her four-year-old daughter Joan, and George Raft,.noted film .actor. .Report has" it "that Raft and Miss Pine will marry as soon as Raft is divorced "from his present wife. They are shown leaving the station.

DEATH — Idissles of death, handled as casually as though they yieie loaves of bread are seen above as mechanics prepared to load a bombing plane on the Aragones front in Spain. These are Loyalist bombers. Soon after this picture was taken the plane was-off to spread death on insurgent forts at Huesa.


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BEAUTY—Vv^hen the Pageant of States moves.-down'the-main thoroughfare;of the CaliforniaPacific Exposition at San Diego. Ca!., on Sept. 9,- it •vrill be the signal that the- fair is over. Above is Jeanne' McGuirs, who will appear as "iliss Rhode Island" aiacng oticr beauties iz the pageant.

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FIBST LADY ATTEOS FIX?."!!;!;—13c-fo-T Ftt-nclinr the p-rmler of the colorful notion rsicture. "An^Iioii'- Advrrsr" in New York City, Mrs. Fran\lin U. Roosevelt, vile of tbr rrcndrr.i, stops for a chat with the Mauch twins. B^lly Eobty, bot'r of vhom have roles in ths picture. Although she docs rci rttciS -orrimors often, the First Lady appeared to enjoy herseli immensely.





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WARNING—Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president of General" Motors Corporation* who reiterated a warning that a grave future faced the United States unless government spending was curtailed. He uttered-the statement as he arrived in New York from a brief trip to Europe. Regarding automobile production, he said that countries abroad would produce more' cars than ever before. . ' \


BACK TO'WOBK—Wes FerreU, Red Sox pitcher, Is shown: at-bat in a game with the Detroit Tigers at Fenway Park, Boston, when he was permitted to play after Jus recent suspension. The temperamental pitcher lost three days-pay and was assessed a fine of $1,000. as a result of his recent "walk-out" in New" York. He was eager to get back in the game and was warmly greeted by the fans at the game,'

PINT-SIZE-'KACEB—^t^nding in'the shadow of-a'shuge" airliner at Union Air Terminal, Burbank,: Cal.,.is the. new- Crosby- Special racing plane, about tested in preparation for,ths forthcoming National Air Races. The tiny ship has" 300 horsepower and a wing spread of 14 feet. Including the pilot, the whole ship weighs 1,500 pounds. Al Menasco, builder, inspects it. -


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BBITA3N STESNGTHENS HES NAVY—Another British fighting unit takes to the water at Portsmouth, England, to strengthen, tne sea forces. Here is the Aurora, fourth of the light cruisers authorized by Great Britain's 1934 program, just after'the 'christening by Lady Fisher, wife of the naval commander-in-chief. The ship is of 5,200 tons and is capable of producing 32 knots.


DAM BAD FOR cently demanded _. .. spillway at Bonneville from ascending the current.

ro'U be t •ie n e x t t c n r ' P Ocl~criTi:i


oT T"'^ t *". . n a b ricr. T*c~<r""- v ill p l a y r e V r . l f S f «C J- ]-,". • . ^ - . 1 ' ^ C . L I - t l '...j'.t.., . . » \ h - t l . \ u l l f r ? 7 l r E ' FC"" 1 "' T~ „•=• ?", T IC-~S ' " ' "< *r " "• " r7ii. i n itod Z-tf;'" G r a n t of A * I r ; t r . O R . , i i ".lip cu?Ttr: -Civ.r* ronri."* IUJC :.lj>r-n£ 11-5 j x r r :i-«vcs 111;: a r c . l J . ci c - o . V J . - o V t c r o w a ,

'THE JEWISH PHESS. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 193.6 forced him to admit the violation going on. It Is all in these deed- I Franklin, RF. . Sample Furs":ard Luttbeg:, Harold Rottner, Le-! attention oi his trust. meats." .j Wachtler. V. . . . . . . . . O. F. M. : uore SIEJOE, and Marjory Silver- | rang

i . until the telephone no & friend, from the frr; - ,1-f j nearby Cafe Royal, asked in EB Oh yes, the Colonel also iafcrm- S. Epstein, U Psi Ma 'man. ed me. that the New Dsal (really M. Adler, U. AZA No. 1 "» ':t,Tnz.ze& voice: "Are you etiil v.-J ' Ia Case You're Curious: a Jew-Deal") i3 outlined ia the The Giventers brothers are Over S4P0 perscs enjoyed the;home" For Pete's sake, yc-ur &T Juan March, Spain's -wealthiest Protocols. He called my atten- just a fine pair of receivers as, physical department it bouse is on fire:** . . . And; sure Er man, who i3 backing the Spanish tion to a' pamphlet of EdmcBd- one' can fiad In city circles. [ during the hot month cf enoujrh, it was! , . , Thr.t scufrebellion, is a member of a Chue- son's which presents the "Daasn- Both good hitters with Xed t i e : for cue of the finest'Shew i n ! fling fiOiss in the hsill r?.s rnstie ta family. The Chuetas are des- ing Parellels" between .the JCew faster of tee two although Les the Centers history, Tbe physi-lfcy firemen dragging hose UT> the of Jews, but are distin- j Deal and Protocols, and "proves" is the better defensive player.,cal department mapped cut a full stairs . . . Tfee poet managed to P f A ' C k l t a g O Tale j breathlessly -awaited the ..great cendants guished by their, fanatical devo-jt n a t "The Jewish-RadPaul Steinberg has the finest; summer program which was en- get his family, including an 11w h e n the e A traveler returning from Chi- ]**? &ss would hatch. tion toward Catholicism. In spite ical Regime" is fulfilling the record in the league with 11 won; joyed by the men's Health Club,: day-old daughter, out of tbe Finally she heard the young of this, the three hundred recago brings, us this little tale. and 2 lost — this alone speaks r swim classes, matron's class and house just in time to run sitiackProtocol prophecies. In the course of hl3 ramblings chicks breaking their shells In or- maining; Chueta families of the • €zb into &. -gang cf EPT-E photogCRUSADER • WHITE SHIRTS for his selection as aa all-star. business girls classes. der that they might step into the ; ; about the' mid-west metropolis he Saleari Isles a r e raphers . . . Incidertellr, the 11hurler. Iz Novak has what a j fof Chattanooga, Tennessee): came across a negro whose name world. It was too much for the scorn by their Old Christian George w . Christians is the Cca- young pitcher strives for — con-; 'with the handball £s-i basfeet- fiF.y-olfi daughter fifer* the r.iffct. was Jonathan David and;he care- young bride Rushing madly to a n e i g h b o r s . . . M a r c e l R o s e n b e r S mander-in-Chief of this military trol—and bat for the fact that: ij weather coming up t n exten- >across the vp.y in. s. nebrsw home! 0Si fully explained that not only was neighbor she tearfully begged to.i p r e s e n t e d h l 8 c r e d c a t l a l s as Soand anti-Semitic orgaai- his team placed fourth" and thet jEfTe winter r-fos^"£EJ has for tbe Eged . . . Ariel not one or he a negro, but hu was also a be told what to do next. vlet Ambassador to Madrid. Five j ^ a sprained back kept him- out of been mapped out. The physical the newsmen in their stones o£ Cbris'tians is fully con"Get a mid-wife," she was ad- centuries ago it was Spanish Jews Jew. He didn't know very much fident that he will become the competition for two weeks lie director will take all names of the fire, cue of the r,s.Ft Side's about being a. eon of Israel -ex- vised—and _ only ithe arrival of who presented credentials at o t h - Hitler of America. He makes no still • rates an honorable berth. those wishing to become affiliat- biggest in months, thought of prevented h e r er courts cept that be was on one side a her husband The son of Sir Os- effort to conceal his Fascism, as Morris Epstein has been chosen with tbe dpearttaest. Now is;Playing; up the contrast oC s. r.ewdirect descendant of King David, searching the city for a member wald Mosley, British Fascist lead- do some of • the anti-Senites. because of his ability to "shoot" chscce for the juniors to l e a r n ; b o r E fcsbe spending airoost her • 1 on the' other of Hose's negro of that esteemed profession. er, recently had his picture tak- Many of the anx^-Semitie groups a fast one down the lace for first «5sours on this earth in a ;re€. o* w i f e . - -.. : . i . ' •• ' _ | en with the son of Lord Melchett. which shout the praises of Hitler enumerable strike outs with a bom? for the aged . . . Aiept He gave our friend the address Why shouldn't he? Lady Hosely still d e n y that they are Fascist. little more stamina he might the: more .upset br that than TBUE -CONFESSIONS of his synagogue -which happen.would not have been considered Theye merely want to save the (easily become- a great Softball fire. ed to be in the basement of a A Miami Anglo-Jewish paper i 'aryan* by her husband's German Constitution from Communist- hurler. ramshackle building in the negro carries on its.front page the con- colleagues The Government Jews who have conspired to deI Todel This One—It comes from Abe Bergman—that 210 pound district and shared quarters with fession of a Kosher butcher that announces an ambitious program stroy modern tiviliiatioa. ; the Tyrolean Alps ^ifc Vienna. . . . Bat fighting first baseaia •. with tbe a 'policy' station. The rabbi, who he has been selling "Treifah" for the Yiddish Theater with the Christians, at least, is frank and razzing voice —Abe by far stands • A Viennese Jeir iracted tc cpenfi wore a yarmalke perched on the meat to hia customers. The Miami. possibility that it may even reach | h o I j e s t a b o u t h J s Fascist lea=i=gs. head orer heels orer the rest for i his vacation at a report ic a ] back of his woolly head, was also. Rabbi suspected the culprit and this far. | Tyrol Tillage . . . So he wrote i He sends out his mail ia enve- being Earned guardian of the inthe agent of the Policy syndicate. lasting for terms . . . Explained lopes which have in large red let-! itial sack. Upon hearing that his visitor [ that he *-£E a Jew . . . And asked • ters in the upper left hand corner \ Jake Adler —honored by being was interested in the negro Jews, the words " T h e American. Fas- i named to this All-Center team he waxed eloquent with a lore cists." Christians is more' im- j well deserves tbe award. A deaingeniously built on Bible etoritative of Hitter than any of the' gerous hitter and probably the ies. His flock were all direct de¥•'• 'Other Fascist leaders. He has)finest lead-off man in the city, scendants of David and" were the had direct connection with such! Jake also may boast cf an almostiginning to fee! like FreckleE aristocrats of the Israelites.''-'In — • agents as Oscar! perfect defensive record. In the i that beloved character in fiction avowed• Nazi fact, his followers' called, one anPfaus, head of the German Al-ilast 6 games due to tbe fact that (Who "always used to get tbe KCF other Prince and princess. When I the Sample Furs had lost a hurl- ; blame" , . , Even if completely asked if he could speak Hebrew, : I have had numerous commun- er, the heavy little second base- ; innocent . . . Ar,^ alleged vevs he said y©3 but was loathe, to use icatlons from Chxtetians. H e i ^ a n took the mound and won 5 , service m a recent c c m n r . r e , the language until he was told B7 DE. L. 1 1 BIESHBAD V •• writes on stationery with a large \°t the six contests. Even then 8' me allegedly "inside" stuff OB his visitor knew nothing about It. In this, the third' hjs artlclea •where. He', is in touch with all red cross printed up and down on | ronr writer believed he still be- . why Dmitri Mariano'', son-in-law Immediately he let loose a flow of Prof. Einstein, Quit the Jewish lon of discordant syllables which sup- oa the groaud of Fascist aatl- of the anti-Semites in the coun-i-the sheet. He informs me in one i s s In the infield. Foruia . . . We thought the item, Semitic motesaenta ia the UniI of his letters that: I Probably one of the smallest posedly was his Hebrew but in r " W e ' h a v e been flooding this'Softball players in the city and, if not downright libelous, was in reality sounded more like a voo- ted States, Dr. Blrkhead, who Those who are interested »» | c o u n t ^ , r o i i 0 ^ V d to the oth-jyet. the- lastest and most adept!extremely poor taste, to say t h e has already told the readers of doo Incantation. Freif „/. r T r #. - , the Center league is little Aar- : least . . . So imagine our astoa- j The Jewish Press absct the halting the spreadepf anti-SemitWhen our friend left, the rab- links betvreea German Nazis is min America should take more er for five years with the most i ^.~:*W^^ inflammahle, revolutionary liter-!on Epstein who cavorts around i iskment when Freckles gets the bi accompanied him to the street a n d American anti-Semitic than a cursory glance at Colonel ature that we could device and 1.3rd base. AaroS'not only has a; blame . . In'the form of a law-! car, as he was on hia way to take groups'begins to eaoinerate tbe Sanctuary. H e ia the author of haTe S po^rfnl .etifine in-field record-but his batt-jyer's letter demanding ? n i t n m e - , ^ POUiLE-lEU^W 0!£ Go!/ ~ 7 v ;ii, a message to the 'boss' of the rpost important of the Fascist "Are, These Things So?"" and of organizations in the nation, 1j i»S average rates him among ' • ' ti-e! ciiate retraction of 'this cisrep-: _ * __ ^ g policy syndicate. Aa they exited anti-Sendths. groups ia this "Tainted Contacts," both unSome of the boys, like tbe Black!first ten. utable and fabricated EtatemeEt" through the door, he put his dark cosjntry. If Mr. Mr. | THE EDITOB scrupulous attacks on the Jews, Legion in Detroit and Quite & f ew | • By far the outstanding player! on pa1D e. ubel ECaon . . If fingers to his lips and then for Mr.. i as well' as numerous pamphlets other places, have been setting!»» the Center league and also be- • Samuel Fine, *««n« touched the mezsuzah attached -to ; along the same line. He belongs the doorpost. ! In my first article I said that to many patriotic organisations a little too impatient for their jins named on several All-City; Isaac Rosengartea, efihor o4 the your cor-|Fonim, Had exercsed - «.Ue .egal Sinclair Lewis was being criticised and' to several of the anti-Semitic own good. Revolutions are not teams is Ed Wachtler. very nice are they? Before this respondents choice i'short stop. :caution, fee would have for making Fascism of-his "It groups! has a rifle k ifl peg and plays a gained the correct authors of that; thing is over the Black Legicn i BEAUTIFIED : Can't Happen Here" too much an The Colonel Is tremendously may have reason to be ashamed I heady game of ball. He led the itetn and would have sent bis let-;. The Center auditorium is EO Imitation of the. Hitler variety. ter to the real culprit EEd not to ; bright and shining we were a hit Well, .you see now why Fascism Interested now in getting the Re- ' of themselves for being such pik- '; Potato Mkt. team to the JCC innocent' little Freckles . . . Looks 1 championship. anxious about being in tho right j and *nti-Semitism in America publican Party to sponsor a coun- e r g _" ' handsome ps.1 is in a The Commander-in-Chlef also | His abilUy'to judge fly ball, place when we struck our nose are so much like the Na^t.brand. try-wide circulation of Harry A. tie of and liad betJung's pamphlet on "The Man wrote me, in the same letter,! his speed, and his hitting are j In the paint-laden atmosphere to After al?, children do resemble .sney rethe about my proposed Federal in-j'what brought to Dave'Richards ; ter do inspect the re-decoration job. Our their parents. These American Behind, t h e . Men Behind bad we bad to . , hats off to the ladies responsible Jewbaiters are either distributing President." This phamphlet is an vestigation of Fascist activities '•• tbe honor of being gives theS tracting s one, Pticeas, and unscrupulous (I had • telegraphed •'President! Short Center all-honor position. . «>°P • r QU on for the "housecleanlng. May their the Streicher product coming di- untruthful old cesx tribe: increase. rectly from the British Imperial pamphlet about Felix Frankfur- Roosevelt asking for an invest!-jD^e well deserves this position : i Fascist League or they are trans- ter. It i s ' through Frankfurter gation). Writes Christians 'I wish j.being far above the average JCC Fire—This could have happened \ the Jews control America, to God you had the guts to start j-player. ; lating, transposing and printing j West o£-Fourteenth S&eei: the stuff In their own publica-i to this pamphlet. Other something. I would like to show I Cavorting in the outfield are only to a poet . . . it did happen to our o-srn Alepfc. ICats, poet The Grocer's Picnic was an ex-. assaults on the Jews are in proyou how quickly and nicely we • H a r r y Altschuler, -Millard Sigal, pensive! proposition for one g e n - j t l o n s . rho c e s s o r publication (one on Mrs. can finish it." \ and Mose Franklin, three of the ; J- 1 A. TioiiiEh editcr. tlemanVJjf-the brotherhood of t h e l -Streicher has_ aworn _.that Eleanor-Roosevelt as Jew-conpriEteS i"finest outfielders to fever play in i ^s-s essrosseg in pome work a t ; Christians "sent' me a butcher'ji apron. .Djce, we under-J will reproduce on: American^ soil trolled-•will be o u t soon), and Col- copy of his "General Orders". In ja JCC league. Each equipped home one eveniE?: recently . stand, took an awful toil . . How [exactly what he has done in Ger- onel Sanctuary and his associates this document will be found rd Eosie scuffling found' the j\ *rith a'mighty, right arm, their wfcen he gy g does George Shafer like being i many. If America does not a r e l n , c o n f e r e n ^ e v l t h R e p u b l i . military plans of tha Crusader j true pegs, their' batting averages, ' outside his door . . . but paid no j called-"Uncle"? . . , Who is this awaken shortly h e ; will without. n l e a d e r 8 a b o u t g i y l n g t h e s e White Shirts for the overthrow j are "tops." j : certain young lady who is sup- doubt carry out his threat. [anti-Semitic documents coun- of both the local and the national | For utility, George Wactler, posedly responsible for all t h e ! I have recently . visited the i try-wide circulation. governments. Christians advo- Sam Epstein, and Morris Adler unprintable "Knotk Knocks" go- [headquarters Colonel Sanctuary contributes cates violence, and he gives def- have been chosea. George, a" na- Mcs important Not only' was leaders of manyjj ing "about- town to the printing of Edmondson's inite directions as to how it will tural third ' bssesias a trifle beAbe Brodkey winner of the High- Fascist and anti-Semitic organ-, pamphlets and he informed me be -used by his organization bind Aaroa In the star-'dings yet I land Tournament, but the same izations' in America. They are that Gentile Lawyers are dona- against the- government. ! can't be Jet off the team. Sam I WE-4SS5. week he was electel head of the more active now than ever be- ting their services in .defense of I also received an interesting! can play aay In-field position a s ; fore and they are reaching an inContractors' organization . . letter from one of Christians or- j well as handle himself cuits cred- ; Scholarships from the Municipal creasing number of American Edmondson against the La Guar- ganizers {on the same station- j itably in the catchers positior The list of more than «"* suit Colonel Sanctuary University have been awarded to citizens ns The list of more than | e m e d d f hi b h i ery), but this organizer remains I Morris has starred as a pitcher, Anna Goodblnder and Celia Lips- one hundred of these groups is | f eemed proud of his membership anonymous, as do so inanv of tbe jis-fielfier aad cut-fielder snd the I in Harry A. Jung's organization. man . . . Speaking of operations, 4n Itself disconcerting. the "American Vigilant Intelli-i phone and letter. I know this | All-Center "softball team would be | one of the local noses, seems -to,, The names and plans and pur- gence Federation" of Chicago. In j Fascists who threaten by tele- j in-cosiplete without his name. | have been changed Tecently . . . poses of a few of the more imthis group members are known j from a quite adequate experience, j ' With the return of Rabbia Cohn portant ones should be made j Writes the organizer for the] 18 boys and girls passed befricand "Wlce, the Rabbinical, dare familiar to every American who by number and not by name. Colonel sanctuary, when I a s k - ' W h i t e Shirts:" j °er s swim tests under tbe watchwe say 'line-up,' Is now intact believes In the Bill ot Rights and " T O E cay that Fascism is a. j * c l eye ; o£-Physical Director L e e Julian Nathan went to the hos-Mn tolerance and decency tovardied him for a ^ew York book store Tiose „;.„! Wednesday w ^ « « * . v for for aa probe ^rnhe into groups and and who has from which I could secure a copy present menace. Well, i* you Grosszaan last Tuesday. pital into minority gr'oops' Reds want to call it a menace, do j who passed the test are: Russell contempt for racketeers in ra-jOf the "Protocols",, referred me his interior . . . If another sevenso, and we'll try to live up to {Johnson, Norsaaa Polonsky, Morteen-year-old tries to impress us c'ial hate and religious "bigotry. I to "The League For Constitution- expectations. Let a e • tell you | ris . Riehlin, Melvin 'Sercsteis, I shall refer to these groups more [ al Government" (IS East 48th with their wickedness by telling Street). Here I bought a copy of one thing: If the Fascists ever get Harold Orueh, Harold Smith, Irhow much liquor, they ana their or le3S in the order of their im- the "Protocols", interviewed the the upper hand in this country, vin "White, .Harold Mozea, Aldea portance. friends consume, .we're" afraid our EDMONDSON E C O N O M I C leader, John B. Snow, had a lec-i they will -not tolerate "any-radical, j Lincoln, Herbert. Dplgcfi, Bruce hair-brush hand is going Into (by Mr. I Communist, lying, .atheistic, ua- Greenberg, Buddy Hies, Robert SERVICE (84 Washington street. ture In anti-Semitism action . . . New. Y York New o k City): C y ) Robert Edward Snow) and secured other anti- patriotic, and "snooping clergy in! Tovanda, Hals Goldb'.att, Leon- ' ! Edmondson is the directing head I Jewish literature.' An organiza- the .pulpit/-'of .our churches." RESPONSE • of this service. He told me that tion set up for purely patriotic . Two weeks ago we ran in tbe he had representatives in nearly purposes — the League for Con-j (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts rcrults fullFeature Syndicate. Press an interview with a young all the states who order his lit- stluttional Government— has deEnglish student who "was visiting erature in quantities and distri- veloped into a "hot" Jew-baiting in Omaha. We sent him several bute i t -widely. Recently Mr. Ed- society. This has happened also copies so that'he could ^ee what mondson hia been sued by Mayor+to Mr. Jung's aforementioned paCl"" The" American Omaha now knew about him. [ j ^ (juardia of New York City for triotic group By SCHAPBiO Yesterday* we received a letter libelling Miss,Frances Perkins, Ylgnant Intelligence Federation. rrc II from Tiim acknowledgicg the re- MIsa Vlrgiania C.' Gildersleeve, One of Colonel Sanctuary's pet ceipt of the paper and thanking dean of Barnard College, and the aversions Is the Federal Council It's here again! Yes sir, your us for omitting all references to JeVish religion. '*On the whole of the Churches of Christ in j correspondent did well in predictthe blackness of his soul. Edmondson puts out the most ef- America. It is an apostate Pro-1 ing the league standings he now! f ective and the most -ricious an- i testant organization sold out to j has nerve enough to attempt to ti-Semitic'propaganda-in the TTn- the Jews and gone over to Com-1 select an All-Ceater softball team. of MEXICAN A vx*> csr. according to the j Tbe selection have been snade afnited States. It is written down m u n i s m , Mrs. J. Falk returning from pdc©s is rait Colonel. | ter much deliberation and stsdv Mexico City where she visited her to a low intellectual level and Sanctuary really was a colonel •a l i ( l the men-have beam choses brother whom she had not seen It Is brief and slanderous and unor their playing ability in thel during' the past sixteen years, in- scrupulous" in its attacks on' the in the .world war. He claims to j * have first-band information that | JCC league only. The honsred j Jews. He has published nearly forms us tb,at the 'Jews of Mexico lL j are as fellows: are in a comparatively favorable a hundred pamphlets' and they the Russian revolution was Sansple Fnrs situation in spite oi the Gold have'had a circulation of approx- Jewish plot financed by interna-1 * Giventer, C Mr. Edmond- tibn^l Jewish bankers. I did notj?^- Giventer, C . . . . . . . .Q .p }A. Shirt activities that have recent- imately son informed me that hia pamp- see the "first-hand information."! Steinberg, P. . . . . . . . . O . " p.- M. ly been suppressed. • : • hlets- are sold and ^the . income But the Colonel has seen It, and ' i s ;XQvak, P. . . . . . . . . . . Towers!j from them pays for their publica-. I should take it.on faith. -M.. Epstein,- P Psl Me j Aivke to the Yoimg tion. ' I have -received many of Typical of all the replies which I Bergiaaa, IB. . . . . Psi Mn-j Many years ago there arrived the Edmondson pamphlets free i have received from the anti- Adler, 2B Sample Fars; In our fair city a young bride, and I.knoVoth'ers who have also, j geinitic -leaders'" concerning the A."Epstein, SB. all of whose years had been spent „ . course, Edmondson i. s - sub-j ES. O. _. P. _. _._. >nm Of . , authenticity of the Protocols i3i"W2cUer, — ... — in :the two great metropolises.; sidised by sbmo-oae. Colonel -E. I that of Sanctuary. As a matter [Richards. SC . . . . . . . . O. F. M. Upon her decisoin to. marry a n j j ; , sanctuary, one of ..the. leading j of fact, every one of these. Fas-1 A ! t E c M e l V L F - • • • Sample Furs] Qmahan, she concluded that now [American . Jew-baiters, admitted j cist leaders eaid 'exactly the same ' Sigal. CF Tti !5 that she was moving to the'coun-j to me that he had contributed to'thing-in almost the same wnrri*,! , —7: try' she should learn a little bit; Edmondson's cause. . '. - Isaid the Colonel- "1 am not con- ' Here's Jisst the aboutvfarmlng. ! TflE W O R L D ALLIAXCE ic e rned with the authenticity of Having Tieard that farm wo-j AGAINST JEWISH AGGRES-' the Protocols: I agree with Henry Koaafiries. men usually take care of the] SIVENESS (Presbyterian Build-! Ford, who' said that h e d i d a ' t , . Eye is Ctrl: brstd chcikens." she started to thor-jing 15ft Fifth\ Avenue, Kew York!care trhether the Protocols were;i 2Tt& SESJ SSartha st Us ffisest — r::b, t l i oughly educate herself In the | c i t y ) : This clearing .house for J authentic or not. They explain!. sliced. . until t^st. Poultry line. To her great dis-i anti-Semitism is headed by Col-j better than any other document!: Brass. 'ISronxe AloBslsizjia, So?SCiiwy.Iron end SPEii-Sfee! Cs^*appointment wben sbe arrived in ! one! E. N./Sanctuary. Colonel j what • is happening now. T h e h .derk loftf fir'rrr. Oniaiip., she discovered that Oma- j Sanctuary is a frequent speaker • protocols Teycal a plan of organ-» sags. Wood csisS Blt*8ai S'sttcras A p-er£act I r s ' for -seals or tirty nans," as a rule, didn't keep cows.: at religious gatherings, patriotic \ ked conslpimcy to establish a j . Stancjaro atzts Srcnac s n a tror Not to have all her study! meetings and forums. He covers j world - Jewish-super-govennnent ! Rings ans Covera, C?sr?sBut Oscfs brought to naught, she purchased j the eastern part of the Cnitcd'on the structure of the League i Sash Weights, a n a N'eHow Er^ss /an incubator and put it iu the; States with his speaking . cam-i of Nations. Yonisg man. you I stock' Bronze Tssiiess. E«T«»* Hasement of her new home. She jpaigrv against the Jews bat teisjonght Jo read <he Profoco!^ if carefully tended tlir eggs and; pampB5ets and books go every-'you'Nvant to uBderstarsl vrfcst is


"From Use -Series: -FASCISM -AT OUE GATES











Faga 8

. „ . Ths Evening Bulletin of that C.) conference of clergymen and jEE must not be ipiored as a city paid glowing tribute ta the Iayraea in which leading anti- Says Immigrants place of JewiBli emigration. 74-year-old retiring journalist . . . Semitic n a ^ b s were keenly InterCan Be Absorbed Mr. • Held reported that there the Bulletin concludes: "To have ested . . . One of the three was are now IE thousand Jevs in successfully conducted his paper the Rev. Benjamin Tinter, who is Biro-Bidjan. The entire populaNew York (WNS).—Eiro-Eidso long when many of the Jewish a major in the reserve corps and tion of the territory is 60 thoujan can easily absorb one thouKISS ANNA PILL, correspondent English newspapers started in the whose invitation came from the Mrs. M. L. Wolf son of Los An- '80s are no longer in existence is Rev. Hollner through Major Gill, sand Jewish families from abroad, sand. geles, California, left Tuesday for Itself a distinction." . ; . Yes, another reserve officer . . . Rabbi annually now but thousands! MULNICK-SAKS WEDDING her home following the summer's Dave, you've stepped into a Tinter refused to go when he wasmore -would be ready to settle The Jewish Press advertisers Miss Sonia Saks, daughter of visit at the home of her bro- mighty big pair of brogaas and advised that the anti-Semites there if the future Jewish repub- merit your patronage. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks of Coun- thers here lic ia the Soviet union was.more and sisters-in-law, Mr. andhere's hoping you fill them as were up to their ears in the conMiss Hazel Kantrovich, daughter cil Bluffs, will become the bride advanced, it was declared by of Mr. and. Mrs. Mike Kantrovich of Mr. Harry Mulnick of Omaha Mrs. M. Bernstein, and Mr. andwell as Mr. .Gerson. did . . . One ference. Adolph Held, labor leader, on his •will become the bride- of Max at a family wedding to be held Mrs. Louis Bernstein. Mrs. Wolf- of the better- Anglo-Jewish colyreturn from a. visit to Biro-BidShamblott, son of Mr. and Mrs Sunday afternoon,' September 6, son was extensively entertained umists ia David Coleman, who (Copyright, 1936, by Jewish Tele- jaa. Two rooni apartment. Induring her visit here. . Mike Shamblott of Duluth, Minn., at three o'clock at the home of goes "Round and Round" for the graphic Agency.) Despite the fact that settlement Sunday afternoon, September ' 6, the bride's parents. Rabbi David Jewish Community Press of Los possibilities in Biro-Bidjan for quire at WE-0SS5, at 5:30 o'clock In Shaare Zion Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks - and Angeles, one of the handsomest Jews Poland, Lithuania, At a recent meeting of the In synagogue. Rabbi H. R. Rabino- A. Goldstein will officiate. Miss Mr. and Mrs. George Roffman and best edited "Anglos'" in the The Jewish Press advertisers Latvia from and Rumania are still limterclub council, Milton Bolstein witz and Cantor A. Pllskin will Miriam Saks, sister of the bride, have returned home following, a country . , . We liked Dave's merit your patronage. will serve as maid-of-honor. Phil ited, Mr. Held said that Birowas named general chairman of read the marriage line?. Mulnick of Omaha/ will serve his week's visit in Davenport and transcription of Coughlin's flanthe annual carnival sponsored by nel-mouth oratory. . . . It went Chicago. the council and scheduled for the The bride will be gowned in brother as best man. this way: "MY friends—it will white satin, the dress made in Mr. and Mrs. Saks will hold a latter part of October. The carninot serve any good porpuss for Mr.' and Mrs. Herman, Meyerprincess fashion with "a short Reception for all relatives and val is an annual event and proson and Mrs. Sam Gross have re- ma'to dwell forther on the Fedceeds are allocated among train. Her tulle veil will be friends of the young couple from turned home following a ten dayeral Ressawve Bahnk." . . - . It trimmed with point lace and 'our o'clock until seven o'clock rious Jewish organizations. vacation spent a t C o l o r a d o makes you writhe Just to read it. 1 The committee heatd3 for the caught in a lace cap trimmed with on Sunday, September 6, at their Springs. . . London is "sweltering" unseed pearls and miniature orange home at 120 Third Street, Counvarious projects of the carnival der a so-called heat wave, with blossoms. She will carry a shower cil Bluffs. No invitations are bewill be named this week and conMrs. Leo Fitch left Sunday for the temperature at all of 76, acing issued. . centrated work will be started bouquet of Talisman roses. hicago, where she will visit her cording to the limey headlines. Miss Lillian Dishlip, cousin of next week. daughter, Miss Louise Fitch, who . . But 76 or freezing (and what The largest project of the car-the bride, will act as maid of hon- Mr. E. Cooper of Norwich, Con- is now residing in Chicago. is 44 degrees between friends?) nival will be the car raffle. The or and will wear a green chiffon necticut, who has been appointed Jewish witnesses in Marylebone frock, withgold accessories.\ She as the new Hebrew school instruccar will be placed on -the Sioux Mrs. George Krasne entertain- court, who come without headwill carry a bouquet of roses and tor for Council Bluffs, is expected City- streets -in the .business dised the members of her Afternoon jear, make use of an "official" trict this week and raffle books sweet peas. Mrs. Merton S. Holtz- to arrive here today, according to Club- at luncheon at her home hat* that hangs ready for use ia man, sister of the bride, will be a telegram received Wednesday distributed. the witness-box. . . . The "offihonor and will wear a by Mr. O. Hochman, secretary of Tuesday afternoon. The advertising committee will matron ols v cial" lid has lost a- pretty peaay of ivory shadow lace and the Talmud Torah. Soon as aralso begin Its canvassing next gown Mr. and Ben L Seldin returned for an ancient match seller who accessories of deep violet. Other rangements can be made, an open week at which time the chairman attendants will wear frocKs of meeting is scheduled to be held home Sunday from Chicago, used to lend his own battered and members of the committee pastel shades and will carry bou- in the /very near future, when all where . Mrs., Seldin visited rela- and surprisingly adaptable trilby will bo named. quets of roses. They include the ocal Jewry will be invited to at- tives for the past month, and hatless Jewish witnesses . . . Seldin joined her in Chicago last Three rabbis, and not two as that Misses Dora Shamblott and Eva:end. ' .so-called news service reported, week to accompany her home. Singer of Duluth; Eva Ivener, were invited to the Asheville (N. Edith Feinberg, Edith Kantrovich The Sisterhood of the Talmud Miss Adah Gillnsky returned and Lillian . Turchen of Sioux Torah Society will hold its openticket-committees for the res-City. Mr. Shaddy Shamblott of ing meeting of the fall season home Sunday following a ten day IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney 3S1 Electric Building ervation of seats for the holidays Duluth, brother of the groom, will next Wednesday afternoon, Sep- isit in Chicago. will again be at Shaare Zion syn- act as best man; Ushers will be tember 9, a t 2:30 o'clock at the NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT agogue, Sunday morning, from 10 Sam Keil, Sam Shamblott, Saddy home of Mrs. Morris Yudelson, TO: JAMES KUNCIi. until 12 o'clock, to assist anyone Shamblott of Duluth, Raymond president, at 226 Frank' Street. You are hereby notified that on the Fisher, Abe Turchen and Marvin All members are urged to attend. 16th day of June, 1936. the plaintiff. desiring to reserve their seats. 1 Merchants Packing Company, a -co' Registration for the Shaare DIchlip of Sioux City. partnership, commenced an action in the Municipal Court of the City of Zion Sunday school will_be held Mrs. Otto Graf will sing "I Mrs. Ben Rudner and small Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska, (Continued from page 7) this Sunday morning from 10 to ove You Truly" and "O Promise daughter, Billie Hermine, left at Doc H8 on Page 170 therein. you aa defendant, the prayer 12 with Miss Delia Shiloff as reg- Me," with Mrs. R. J. Mullins at aturday evening for St. Louis, ;imate. things about himself in against of which action is to recover from istrar. All old and new pupils" are the piano. Dr. Lee Meis will play Missouri to join Mr. Rudner, his forthcoming "A Book Hunt- you the sum of SS0.99, same being the who preceded them, and make ter's Holiday," on which he is at amount due on unpaid check. requested to register at that time. the wedding march. Plaintiff filed the necessary affiRegular sessions will begin. Sep- . Following the ceremony at their residence in St. Louis. present engaged in correcting davit for attachment as is provided by law and on the 16th day of tember 13. Shaare Zion, a wedding dinner proofs . . . A. Robins, formerly for June. 193S, the Constable attached the Mrs. Al Friedman, who has connected with the J. T. A. andfollowing described personal property: will he served to three hundred guests at the Jewish Community b e e n spending the summer the Jewish Daily Bulletin, has 1 Frederick Meat Display Case Cooler Center. The tables will be decor- months here visiting her mother, been named field director of the 11 Walk-in Toledo Scale No. S57252 fades ef Ce'iiptas ated with peach and green ap- Mrs. Rae E. Ross, left Monday American ORT Federation for the 2 Meat Blocks Kelvinator Ice Machine together ?s-f f-cT the fej, pointments, the bridal colors. Raynight for Bedford, Pennsylvania, lastern states . . . He opens a 1 Trith Motor and Coils, Tabor and his orchestra will play to join her husband, Dr. A. J. Irive in Philadelphia on Septem- and that said cause has been conto the Sth day of September, for dancing following the dinner. Friedman, where they will re- ber 8 . . . Irwin Klein, New York tinued 1936, at S a. m. for service by pubAfter a wedding trip, Mr. Sham- side. university's famous "King Kong" lication upon you. You are therefore required to anand his bride will make lasketball star, seems to have swer the petition filed by the plainReturning. from a three-month blott Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Cherniss made a hit in Hollywood . . . tiff In said action on or before the tour of Europe, Mr. and Mrs.their home In Duluth, Minn. Sth. day of September. 1936, at 9 a. m., md son, Edward, returned home He's being hailed as a natural or the same will be taken as true and Harry Gurshtel spoke highly and Monday following a few weeks' Judgment rendered accordingly and comedian and Is expected to were greatly Impressed with progpersonal property above describMiss Miriam Blank, Sioux visit in the east, including New rwow" them in the forthcoming the ed will be ordered as Bold to satisfy ress made under the new Russian apartments, returned on Monday York City, Cleveland, Boston and judgment in the sum of S90.E9 social and economic order. Mr. from a 10-day 'vacation trip, in- hicago. While in Boston, Mr. flicker, "The Big Game" . . . said together with the costs of action and Mrs. Gurshtel left Sioux City luding visits with her sister, Mrs. Cherniss attended the annual Rabbi S. Felix Mendelsohn of thereon. MERCHANTS PACKING CO., May 19, sailing from New York ..ouis Patz in Milwaukee and a convention of the American Bar Jhicago is the author of a book called "Mental Healing in Juda- 8-21-3S-« , a co-partnership.Plaintiff. City on May 26 on the French brother, Leo Blank, of Chicago. ssociation. While in New York ism" scheduled for publication on liner Normandie. hey visited Mrs. Cherniss's bro- September 10 . . . The German The trip had special interest for Zionist Judische Rundschau's reMIS3 Ruth Marx, 1610 Jackson ;her, Frank Lipp. Mr. Gurshtel and his wife, lor cent editorial which tised the exstreet, has returned from a threeboth were born in Poland, the forDouglas Kooler, eon of Mr. ecution of those 16 communists month' northwestern trip, which mer coming to this country In ,nd Mrs. Ben Kooler, has return- in Russia (nine of whom wefe 1910 when he was 20 years old, included an Alaskan cruise, a so- id home following a summer's Jews) to prove how fallacious is journ at Banff and Lake Louise and his wife when she was 17. tay at Camp Indlanola at Mad- the anti-Semitic contention that While in Europe, they visited in and visits in Denver-and Seattle. Jews back communism, recalls Poland, Russia and France. that Zionists here about a year Buddy and Jean Courshon of In Poland the Gurshtete visited ago criticized the American JewChicago are visiting this week in the village where they were born ish committee for its factual ref(Continued from page 1), and- where Mr. Gurshtel'a father the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. utation of the same bogey . . still resides. There they spent Davis, 1524 Summit avenue. Hebrew and Arabic. In brief, Dr. J. Kaufman, head or the cul-three weeks visiting relatives and who deny^that the Jews are tural department of the Vaad Miss Sylvia Herzoff spent last those friends. Both said on their return people with the irresistable will Leumi, estimates that one-third that'they were grieved to find so- week-end in Omaha, visiting with oward organic survival as a peo- of Palestine's Jews speak Hebrew, cial*, and • economic conditions in friends. •-•>"' le, fly in the -not only of one-third knows Hebrew but Poland have not improved. From* •ommonsense and daily observa- doesn't speak it and the remainMr. and; Mrs. Ben Schuleln, ;ion but of the Irrefutable facts ing third doesn't know the tongue Poland the tourists went to the Soviet union where they spent 32 2604 Jackson street, have re- f history -and linguistic science. . . Congratulations to David J. days touring. They also visited turned from a Great Lakes cruise Now the Zionist movement, Gaiter on assuming the editorship Biro-Bidjan and spent some time and a visit in the home of Mr. rom its humble beginnings the of the Philadelphia Jewish Expothere .with Mrs. Gurschtel's broth- and Mrs. Preston Heller of Chi- etter part of a century ago on,nent . . . And happy days to Felix . . wa3 and is an integral part and N. Gerson, retiring edtior, who er, Abe Koval. Mr. Koval andihis cago. direct manifestation of the Jew-served in the post for 45 years family live on a large collective farm that has been named in hon- ' Accompanying, them to Sioux ish people's continous will towor-bfthe Icor. •City for a two-week visit was ard />rganic survival and the IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney their granddaughter, Edith Har- first World Jewish Congress held 301 Electric Building in Geneva this August is another riet Heller. 1 LEGAL. NOTICE^ manifestation of that same will. In the District Court of Douglas It came into being not because . Miss Rose Sperling will leave T O ^ S l E T C H A I X O W A T . whose tomorrow for Rock Island, 111., this eminent leader or that sum- placa of residence Is unknown and moned i t Had these leaders not upon whom personal service of sumwhere she will visit with friends. to-halJefentot: . < een expressions of a folk-will, mons cannot You hereby n'tifled that on the they would have issued their 4th dayare MIsa Dorothy Merlin was inof May. 193S. Anna. Halloway. Misses Ruth and 2va Orlikoff summons in vain. Hence, too, a as plaintiff, filed her petition a p i n s t stalled as president of the Junior spent last week-end in Omaha, in the District Court of Douslaa Hadassah chapter at a dinner visiting with friends and rela- irlticism of undemocratic proce- y^u County. Nebraska, Docket 319. Page ure is of little importance. 276. the object and Prayer of which meeting-- -Wednesday evening In tives.. " : is to obtain a divorce from Something happened • more spon- petition the West hotel. Other officers inyou on the grounds of extreme- cruelty taineous and significant than the stalled were Miss Ann Pill, first Cohen, second classman at counting of noses. Jews went to TouSe?equIrea to answer salfl vice-president; Mis3 Rose Finsod, theAbe on or before the 21st day of United""States Naval academy Geneva from-the ends of the petition second :vice-president; Miss Nell at Annapolis, Md., September. 193S, or said petition arrived Monfs&nst ^u wlir h o ^ e n ^ ^ e . Sinikln, secretary, and Miss Ida day to spend three weeks with his earth because the will of the ewlsh people toward organic surPlaintiff. Cohen, treasurer. 5- . parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen, rival took, brought, drove them S-21-tt Directors include Miss Ruth 2721 Jones street. BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. .here. . •' . 532 Insurance Eldg., City Marx, MIsa Rosalie Sacks, Miss Ruth Orlikoff and Miss, Sybil In the County Court of Douglas Therefore—J thia Is a point of Miss, Annette Baker, -whose Merlin. /, wedding 'to Fred Herzoft will supreme importance — therefore T t t e t ^ of the Estate of Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis install- take place September 13, wasmere opposition t o the Zionist ANNIE Your greetmg pr©b!essi Is sslvedfey;tiais coaHORWICH, Deceased. ed the officers, iuiss Margaret complimented at a bridge party, movement or mere opposition to To the helrs/at-la-w, creditors, and venieit Esaethod ©I mis&kg TGCT relatives-and Saitlin was Chairman of arrange- Tuesday afternoon, In the Elks the World Congres3 are actions all other persons interested in said ments. • • '_ Tftjuare hereby notified that a petind gestures devoid of meaning club when-Mrs. R. Herzoff, 609 friends a H E P P J Mew Year . . . 1© danger-of has been filed in this court on In the world of either things or tion the 1st day of September. 1336, by Center street, entertained. Mr. • and K r s . -wislt thoughts. It. is true enough that JOE M. HORWICH alleging that the emfearrassmesi ©I forgeitbg scsssonC.. • • their friends both far .and ANNIE HORWICH died on the 13th of August. 1932. intestate: that near A Happy ?,nd ProsperTO ATTEND IVRE MEET IN all great things among all peo-day no t r o u b l e . . . time ami mousy saved. les and in all departments of at tha time of her Heath she was a ous New Tear. OMAHA resident of Douglas County. Nebrashuman life come into being de- ka, Reservations for seats for the and that she was possessed of ail one-half (%> interest in and Mr. ?~-"l Mrs. holiday services at Mount Sinai Frank Margolin, Mike Grueskln spite obstacles, hindrances, opposl- undivided and to the following described real TKese gresfef s mil be published ia mr Rosh *• faiallr extend to t h e i r temple may he made on Monday arid Leon Dobrofsky, officers of ion. Every positive result is the estate, to-wit: fruit not only of positive but also frienfis.Eiacere wishes for A Tha South Fifty (50) feet of the morning, September 7, at the tem- the Sioux City Ivre club, were of negative forces. Yet every West Sixty-two and one-half (62%) rlashotiaii edition,'Septensber 17. The charge Happy Nei? Year. ple from 9 until 12 o'clock, and named delegates to the Ivre con- Jew who merely opposes today feet of Lot Eight (S) in Block "H", Prospect Place, an addition to ths will be-$2.00 kr each Greetlsg — mail any every mornJng - theVeafter; until clave to be held in Omaha this any authentic, manifestation of in Mr.; a n a ' Mrs; and City of Omaha, as surveyed, platRosh Hashonah; Tho templo will week-end. The appointments were his people's- will. toward organic .• ted and recorded. Xassily •wish their friends of these forms, ®r phoae your Greetings. said petitioner has an interest be open every evening, beginning made at a meeting of the Sioux survival is a.mere obstacle, ? a That in said real estate being an heir of health, happiness and pro«next Monday, from'7:30 until 9 City chapter -Tuesday evening in mere meaningless dead weight. said deceased, said petitioner prays perity ia the coming year. that a hearing be had on said petio'clock, when reservations: will the Martin hotel, when 35 mem- Ireatively cooperative criticism is tion, that notice thereof be given -a Mr. sad Mrs. • tak* la-w, and that upon said aso be taken. * bers attended. • ' a different matter; It may be or required abydecree of heirship be ens* this laeacs cf extending Bernard Wether, son of Mr. A number of the Sioux City it may become a part of the foJk- hearing tered and further administration of greetings anil hearty good and Mrs. Morris A. Weiner, will chapter plan to attend the con-will of the people. But negation said estate be- dispensed with. wislsea far A Happy and You are therefore notified that a celebrate his Bar Mltzvah at clave in Omaha, which will take is meaningless, i3 dead, is matter hearing will be had en E^id petition Ps'S.i:7,srcu3 Tear to their ut of place. Destiny will sweep at tho County Court Room of said Mount Sinai temple on Saturday place September 6 and 7. friend; fcr s.z.2. scar. on the 20th cay c£ September, the mere no-sayers aside; history County morning, September 12. 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M., and thct if will not stop even to remember you fail to appear at Eaid Unitend The first session of the temple TISHA B'AB- COMMEMORATplaca and contest tha caid petition, _ Sunday school will "-o held Sep- ED FOR FIRS&TIME WITHOUT them . the Court may grant the sane, crstsr a dcorcs of he'rahi3. ar.3 decree Iftat tember 13, at which time children VISIT TO WAILING WALL . ." . further administration cf czid will register and bo assignedv to There are many^Vaillng walls In (Copyright 1935 by Seven Arts fee aispcnS'Sd -with. JOHN I*. J-KETSIC their classes. Palestine today. ^g^sg^^gg^ySgiBMiSi^^^^ Featura syndicate.). ; ison, Wisconsin, En route home he visited a few days in Chicago and wag accompanied home by hi3 father, Ben .Kooler, who spent several days in Chicago last week.

Society News


Shaare Zion


Sioux Cityaits



Junior Hadassah Installs Officers

Through the Columns of the



Mount Sinai

Csfl ; JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450


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