September 11, 1936

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I THE WORLD'S ...WINDOW... This column is copyright by the Saven Arts Feature Syndicate, Reproduction in whole or in part itrictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be x prosecuted.

Inter:'.' r'


^c=^ Entered as S«cond Class Jlail Matter on January 21. 1921. at Postoffice of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1S73


A Re\? Cksses for City Talmud I c

SUPERSTITION There are still innocent people i who think that the lower kinds of anti-Semitism can be success-j fully met by argument and rectification of error and who therefore will not engage in those public actions involving positive and Cincinnati, Ohio — Dr. isaacjican correspondent for Russian i _ . , .. . ,_,.. , affirmative moral power and •Entrants Invited for a Rubinow, International Sec- newspapers : Registration for History and retary of B'nai Brith and well Jewish solidarity which alone can posed "Amateur Night" He practised Beligicrt Classes Next known-statistician and Jewish so- three shift the inner emphasis of the years andmedicine during for mostonly of ] Next Month cial worker, died in New York anti-Semite from a feeling of j the first two decades of the cen- i Sunday Cit, last week, at the age of 61, complete security and immunity! "With the complete co-orcinaOpening a program of wider it has b e e n to one of hesitation and uncerannounced by tion of all local enterprises in < i Jewish education as the ultimate : , tai»ty. For let us not forget: for js c °Pe and activity, the Omaha President Alfred M. Cohen. He


Let us get on to the two. recent incidents which 'prove so beautifully,, as. with jthe fine.,accuracy- of mathematics...the phbbie character of any and every antiSemitic phenomenon. There is the redoubtable Father Coughlin sonations, instrumental, dramatic, who has been periodically hinting etc., will be assembled and many around that all the greatest and be awarded. Any memi 2 e s most dangerous capitalists in the 1 p rY\""« of e -n.-r.rld were Jews. (Wouldn't it be _ ____ world were Jews. (Wouldn' amateur standing is eligible to swell if that were so and we participate in Jthis contest. could help our brethren in CenPersons desftsing to compete tral and Eastern Europe and re-must fill in an entry blank and

had been ill for 'several months. Dr. Rubinow had been Executive Secretary of B'nai Brith since November 1, 1929. He was a former president of the National Conference of Jewish Social Service, and was ah outstanding Jewish leader. Born in Russia, he came to this country at the age of 18, and was educated at Columbia and New York Universities, . from which he received his M. D. in 1S9S and his Ph. ~D. latex. For many years he served as Amer-


r\-•jserv e

ivaays to

Rosh Hashonah ISSUJ

the full enjoyment of his phobia lodge No. 354 of B'nai B'rith will the anti-Semite must be convinc- hold its first meeting of the fall ed that it can.never harm him. season on Monday, September 21, Rob him of that feeling of entire at the Jewish Community Center. The committee headed by Max security and his phobia will no longer function satisfactorily in j Baer; has arranged a program of unusual interes for the first his physical economy. Two recent incidents prove meeting. William Holzman, presonce .more, if any further proof ident of the Jewish Community were needed, the fact that anti- Center and chairman of the B'nai Semitism is completely divorced B'rith vigilance committee, will from fact and that it is a super- speak on "How We Keep Vigilstition f ising to phobic - propor- ance in Omaha." A mock radio tions. It is, therefore, like all program, ''The Jewish March of superstitions and like all phobias Time." depicting current events a, psychical mechanism that has of special interest to Jewry, will two purposes which sometimes also be presented.O n Monday, October 19, the appear singly and : sometimes blended; a propitiatory purpose local lodge will sponsor a B'nai 'and a self-exculpatory purpose - - B'rith Amateur night. All of the a purpose which says: "May fate amateur talent of the Jewish comspare me!" and a purpose which munity—singing, dancing, impersays: "It is not my fault!" In other words. ani-Semites either B'XAI B'RITH AMATEUR knock wood with their antiXIGHT' Semitism or pass the buck. In troubled times when the feeling Entry Blank of guilt in mankind is intensified (Fill in and forward to 3Iax the latter motive will prevail Baer, chairman of Program over the former. In tranquil committee, 607 Brandeis Theperiods the- propitiatory motive, ater Bldg., on or before Octoless dangerous than the self-exber 1.) culpatory one, will prevail. Why the Jews are.singled out as the objects or contents of these phoSame bic superstitions is a long and intricate story but not at all an obAddress ..........r •• scure one when properly thought out. It has to do with the uniqLueAge ness of the Jewish people as an historic phenomenon; it has, as is scarcely worth repeating, nothPhone No. ing to do with the actions or the character of any individual Jew My act is: or group of Jews anywhere or "at any time. .,



SEPTEMBER- 11. 1936


objective, the city Talmud Torah, j \ ! g x t W

is taking its first important step * in that direction by the opening The r.r.ncal Eosli Hashonah of its school of history and reedition of the Jewish Press will ligion, announced Jlr. H e n r y • be published neit week. All Monsky, president .e City: items for this issue must be in Talmud Torah. j the Press office byy Jlonfiay, y Until now children not regis- i September 14. ] tered in the Hebrew classes of '• Watch for next week's mam] the Talmud Torah were not ad-! moth psper . . . replete with j mitted to the classes in history: outstanding features, articles ! and religion. However, under thej and stories . . . a comprehenj new program, it is now possible \ sive picture of the local, nafor a child who has not as yet \ tional and international SewisJi (entered the Hebrew classes to at- ; scene. jtend the classes in history and re- • | ligion. ; ! The school will meet every j Sunday morning at the J. C. C.! The course of study will: be the: •same as that- formerly offered at j Dr. I. 31. Ruhinovr. 'the Beth-El Sunday school and at \ Abe Bracde. student in the „. The seventh annual midwest tury he was a statistician and an : t n e y a ad religious school; how-; , v .„. of Chicago, a k se district conference of Workmen's J economic expert. He served in j ever, the school of history and ' ""1 "^ "• will conduct the High Holiday services of th e Ycang People's jday, 6 and and 7, atlionthe^of U. S. Department of j: religion s and will will be benefit greatly in! by j CircleSeptember was held Sunday j theStatistics, latter capacity in the Bureau communal ue L j Knights of "Pythias hall in Lin- Agriculture, from 19 04 to 19 0 7 , \ ^ e service of the' Talmud Torah i ^ ° ^ ° £ > ^ ^ " f i L o° an ^ anL ^ coln, Neb. and was'in the U. S. Department : faculty on its teaching staff; chairman _£f the committee in d Labor Lb f h! Delegates of Workmen's Circle j of C Commerce and for the! Beth-El congregation and : C e










e Braude Will Co-nduct Services

Workmen's Circle



branches in Omaha, South Oma-j following year. During the next; t n e vaad H'lhr have, at the re-; ^5£ ,.?.a T " xivnins will be ha, De s Moines, Sioux City and three years, he was a member of: q u e s t of the City Talmud Torah, j . ^Jf JL °" acob Kahz, instructLincoln, together with delegates I the Bureau of Labor, and from! a g r e e d to send the children ,o f, or""^ from ladies' auxiliaries, numbered j 1911 to 1916 he was Chief Statis-jjt heir respective schools to the : „ . in the local Talmud Torah. one hundred. Tisey attended the j tician for the " Ocean Accident i s c h o o l . o f tistory and relirfon. > meetings and the banquet, spon- j Guarantee Corporation. The fol-! Registration will be held Sun-i



1U praying qua A report of the work in all | in New York City, ; 6 to 13. Hamedrosh Hagodol. IPth me branches and auxiliaries for the I Hi3 career as a Jewish, leader: beHurt Sts. "Unmarried peopl past year was read. A program j began in 1919, when he was tween the ages of 15 and £5 will for future work in all branches j named Director of the Medical ; | be eligible to attend tne services, was submitted. ilTnit of the Zionist Organization; i Rabbis Harold Bergrer and DaThe new district committee of America in Palestine, where > k i"via via Goiasiem Goldstein are acting as EGT elected for the next year are Sam j he served for three years. Upon j iEers to the comrrJxiee sponsorLerner, chairman: L. "Witkin, ]his return, he was director o? the! People s syna- \ ^ secretary, and A. Forman, treas- i Jewish 'Welfare Society of *^ <f :iTTiaflip T o ; : rogue. urer. jadelphia for five years and Exe-| The reiigioTis sccool of _ jempie ; .,_•_.——.'_ ' .. , ;cntive Director of the Z. O. A. j Israel will opes Snnday, Septeri-• ft frbmg.'lDSS'" uhm'"hls" '"alRnatlonlber 13, at ths-tasrn'ing. ] it.i jf-ti jwith B'nai Brith. Mrs. Sara .Gilinsfey is ctairman of ;

1 I

V. .




.srael s Ichool




pen Sunday r


He was a prolific contributor the religious school committee j

i to the Jewish press anc. wrote up- | for the Sisterhood and



hallowed ' penitential at Beth-Ei ; September ;' school and all those who contem)he had been a Contributing Edi-jtirne. _ . . , _. . Cantor Edgar will chant the. ' plated ^entering this term, regm s ^ «£u.. to u, « « - | t o r o f s u r r e y . . He was affiliated Teachers for the school are Ida; g ^ ^ g , „„£ ^ . ; v v*-e-"* a <-^ 0 * I the School of History a n d . . . J = J,.^^,^** .^,-»«« with many distinguished societies i Newman, Rita Mantel, Esther SiJ-j Religion a t the J . C. C. Sunday, voices in the singing of s.: in technical fields. jverinan, Mrs. Leonard Posley, Es-j select r of modern musical set-' forward to Max Baer, chairman September 13, from 10 to 12 He is survived by his wife, two j ther "Vreinstein, Leonard posley, \ ] tings of Selicoth prayers. The trio of the program committee, on or o'clock. Miss Olga Rubinow ; Mrs. Sam Teper, Bess- Weinstein The Vaad school of history and jdaughtres, : consists of Lawrence Finfcel, Hr.r-! before October 1. . and Miss Laura Rubinow, and a ' a n d . B . Newman. ' rit Bernstein and Ida Gitlin. j "The Unknown Soldier Speaks," religion, for children above the son, Raymond. j Lawrence Feblowitz will teach Rabfci David Goldstein will de- \ a dramatized version of John age 0 ^ 1 3 will be opened at" a ! the post-Confirmation class and liver a Selicotn sermon. The pub- ' Haynes Holmes' famous Armistice later date, which will be an-! Ethel Adler will conduct the Henounced soon. j lie is invited to attend. ! day sermon, will be offered at the

build Palestine- on a CarnegieMorgan-Rockefeller-Ford s c a l e instead of clamoring for pittances among a frightfully poor people?) N o w Father Coughlin comes out and says that he is no enemy of the Jews, that he doesn't even expect them to become Christians, but that they regular November 16 meeting. simply must as a minimum, aban- Cantor Aaron Edgar, cantor and don their ethics of revenge, their 'Chior director of the Beth-El synagogue, will offer a progTam of Hebraic peace songs. tooth principle and subscribe to 4 Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam "will

eye for an eye and tooth lor a

the Christian maxim to love one's neighbor as oneself. Well, r d o n t ather, know from what seminary Father, Coughlin graduated. He must




rm, TT.TI,^ „ „„ n T.-I ion many technical phases of Jew- j Leon for the board o trustee: n J H tradition, Selicoth, The Tv aad Ifar urges all chil- . . ,, , i, , ^ n - i T , ^ , • to ace I prayers, will be recited dren between *,,„ the agesr » of , e6 *_ to ,13 _ >,„, , ! i,'1929 s h social work. From 192D to I Parents are askec he was editor of the Jewish i pany children who are entering! synagogue Saturday, '••Social Servie Qnarterly; earlier! the religious school for the first! 12, at midnight.

Masons Ask Nations


For Asylum Rlgllti


a t

The temple choir, under the;

Praha, Czechoslovakia, (JTA) j direction of Al Pinkel, will be! j—The International Masonic As- j heard for the first time this year; sociation meeting here passed ajat the opening New Tear's serv-j ! resolution appealing to League of j ice. Members of the choir are j I Nations members to regard tne | Ethel .Resnick. Ivy Seg-al, Marg-a- j

Reich to Poland i- ^

j rette. Belnian, Una Gross, Marga- j \ ret Finkel, Jack Salen, Robert) £ b B i s h o p ! Berlin (JTA}—Jewish leane £ m ^ m b Bishop O s n s oonnl lyy London (JTA)—The Rimraerman, Sam Minkin ana » • laid plans for retncTiEg" trcirurig iSh refore a Jewish or- Times in an editorial Adolph Laytin. VernoxL C. Bennet have graduated from some this'Beaton.I of Ger—an-Jewisli youth for Psl--'"" g a n i z a t i o n I criticized " the Palestine will again be t i e Templeor ganist. don't accuse him of Old Testa-|i& • mt __ ,__ ..__ _,. ^ x 4 V n j estine colonization wo-R to Po-; , The feature of the January 11 tration for not having declared ment scholarship or Hebraic ! meeting of the local lodge will be martial law in the Holy Land | land is view of increasing cifli- ' studies. He must as a student a B'nai B'rith Town Hall discus- during the recent disorders. | culties facing such work here. It ^ V.ave read his Catholic version of sion on "Anti-Semitism in AmerI is also feared that the lorthcom- ; . It condemns the impending scripture, his Latin Bible. He . i ing Nazi Nurembnrg Cosjrress This will consist of a prin- stoppage of> Jewish immigration ica must still have a copy around t h e 'c i -a l d d r e s s an a anel t would completely prohibit. Jews . Leviticus I P a <l P discus-|into Palestine pointing out that house in which in ; from working on farms. si •' Under present plans, special 1 farms wiu be established around the local lodge of B'nai B'rhh of the spirit of the League of Na5 ! Wilno snd other Polish district? tions mandate. „ . . . , . , London (JTA)—The entire^-Colonial Minister William G. A. t ! ' —*" committee: Max Baer, • where GeriE.aii-JeT'5c"™ sii ->-m-t-, yout Warning against conceding to j division, numbering; ormsby-Gore's letter of-reassnrv'ahavtha l'reacha kamocha does- j F i r s t A r j a y I - Arab demands, the editorial d e - , 1 5 j 0 0 0 troops, was held in r e a d i - j a n c e " t 0 . 3 , ci'-ira "We-'zr-nn be trstnefi prior t departure lor n't, like the Latin Amicus mean; Clares that" governmental concesi p r e s ident of" the Jewish Agency | Palestine. friend (which narrows the prin-1 c e s s f o r d e p : i r t l l r e to Palestine, Ci-n f. r~ ' ^ man, Milton R. Frohm of Omaha sions would only result in furThe Second Infantry brigade, ! for Palestine, that suspension of [ The larms will bs snr ither Arab violence for the reali- comprising -3,000 soldiers and! Jewish immigration into the H o l r i t l l e Council for German Jewry, a J. Verbin of Fremont. zation of further demands. I fully mechanized, was to sail; Land would not .be considered as representative of wnich wm soon ive case in the Hebrew which Administrative changes a r e | within a few days to enable proc-; basis for achieving peace with ; leave for Poland in gives an additional fine shading a necessary, the Times states, re- j la'^tlon of martial law. . with the project. in the text: we are to entertain garding the toward our fellowmen the same troops are being rushed in re- ; Following is the full text of Mr.; of arms and points to the kindness that we necessarily feel to High Commissioner Sir; Ormsby-Gore's letter: ' for tightening provisions in t h e for ourselves. And JesusioE NazGrenfell Waucaope's re-j «i n " a T e to-acknowledge receipt; criminal code. ; areth, an observant and not un_,. -,. ,, . . ii^w*w L**at reinforcements are n^c- n? t-n"^ i ^ t p - n* c ^ ' c ^ J i c i p r . learned young pharassaic teacher The Times calls for~an mves-i . ! ""• T°^* »«"6» Oi- » c i , t t ^ A i ± *=*•-. quoted this Jewish principle as Public devotional services will tigation of the land reserves ijessary martial Pales-j forced. if _ ^ ; law is to be en-;jtciiao es -;Pn og s at ar esport terms al-: to c e from r tain the He had received it from His be held at the Beth Hamedrosh problem and asks the government ly v 15,000 troops i le^ed to have bsea acceoted fey to exercise close control on the J teachers. So what, as the com- Hagodol ;cemetery (Fisher's immigration of capitalists. \*Tf **Te<i&7 in Palestine inclcdingj t h ^ Palestine "Arab HiS&eV Coinmon saying goes today? This: Farm), Sunday, September 13, "• The latter statement refers to! ^ n t r y , mechamzed c a v a 1 r y.j m i t t a e a s t a s b a s i s f o r terminatthat Father.Coughlin. like every j promptly at, 11 o'clock. tank corps, armored cars and air-: i n K t t e s t r ike and terrorist cancleric of any Christian Church j There will be a brief sermon; the free entry into the country planes. This constitutes the heav-; by anyone possessing $5,000. Im- i e s t knew and knows perfectly well j j n English, a short sermonette ; * : £ £ ? * £ ^oik in *the I mUitary concentration since j i. • ten: s have been with his sane and normal mind ja n d memoViaV prayers. Rabbi Har- ^ 11 ^ ^ a £ " > n^ £>™ | the World War. by the High „ -d to the principle of brotherly r old Berger, Mr.! , . . . . „ „„_».. that the of brotherly.ferger. Cantor MUler and Mr.Vl™ }*!. Z 5 ° _ "J!iir . * j ^ £ i » The Dailv Hera! old B. . The Daily Herald reported that I Commissioner or ;y K:s Majesi, a „ Jewish T_~:™-U prin:.. i_. .-.. _.. .. . i must secure a certificate permitlove among men is the first troopship leaves for Pal-!j.T»s Government Moreover, i ing them to enter. ciple, first enunciated by Jews.; Those who plan to attend are! estine September 11. there's no foundation for the snsborrowed from Jews, illustrated j requested to have the Hebrew] . _ Such 'sensational, interest w&s STestioa referred to in a letter ECinnumerable times among Jews j names" of the deceased in order j / \ . / , , J\m aroused by the Cabinet's decision dressed os August 31 by the Jewitiul practiced by Jewish men and : that they may be rememberd in! to cancel military rsas savers at ish • Agency for Palestine to the women not only among them-j the service. Sussex in order to be in a posihat the Kigc selves but in relation to their! tion to rush more troops to the had authorised Christian neighbors within the j ir>0 j ^ SeligioQ in Holy Land that it overshadowed give assurance relimits o t our common, sinful ria- j Ethiopia in London newspapers the Span- garding certain measures," includture at least as well as it has. A d ( ^ s Ababa—General GraziAn A. Z. -A. "sweetheart" will ish'rebellion and the trans-ocean- ing suspension o*. irmnigrrritior., to meeti

o n



right of asylum as "a gTeat humane duty" and offer refugees London political status guaranteeing thein strongly satisfactory material moral and adminis- social existence.

Farms Out of !;;:_"


Law artia rt

tfot' f V " £ " r r £ ~ e S S £ r : !*» appointed the follo^ng pro-

to Be Held Sunday

To Be-Chosen. Locally

ani has promised Italian support be selected for the third year atjio flight of Harry Kidman. b e t C ^ ^ — £ r t""" c~~ 0.1. ~ ^Z tians who borrowed it from us for organization of Jewish relithe annual Achar Hataunis. dance I These moves by ths Eritisl among themselves, infinitely betgious communities in Ethiopia, sponsored by the Mother chapter (War Office dramatically clirsaxec ter than that Christian world general gave assurances to of A. "Z. A. 1 a week of lightening cevelopwhich Father Coughlin thinks he this effect in a long audience The contestants are Adele May- jj meats in the PalesrAae sitnstion •+ j 1 „ represents has ever practiced it meeting j ^ to Carlo repre- per, Esthryn M i l d e r , Rhoda- follovrtng the Ca toward us. In other I sentative of the Union of Italian Krasne, Geneviere Stein and Ruth j last •Wednesday. ' Communities. an" "with aaso-a.ii: (Continued on Page 3.) Blocks

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Page 2


tard pie . . . When .some years ago the Brandeis Zionist group wanted to introduce efficiency in the Zionist office they made Rubinow plenipotentiary efficiency expert . . . He was a glorious flop, because if -here was one thing, he hated it was petty office He did not fear management eath because to him it was nothng but a.scientific phenomenon ;hat everybody has to experience ••


victory of Premier Duplessis' Na-q the screen's best actor for 'his pany solely because of his race tional Union Party that it was j work in the picture, "The Siory . . . The revival of "Victoria Regina" finds ' a Jew playing the generally expected that Gregoire j of hnuls. Pastcntr." | would get a portfolio. j The title was bestowed on him role of Disraeli . ". . He is Abraham Sofaer, the leading Jewish t. Premier Duplessis' failure to; by the International Exposition j accord recognition to Gregoire Committee,' vhich svarded him actor of the English stage . . . Anton Kaufman, publisher o" the Quebec City, Canada (WNS) — has served to allay Jewish fears tbe Volpi Cup. Newark Jewish Chronicle, will Angered because Professor Gre- that his government would be worship at Rosh Hashonah ser- goire. Fascist anti-Semitic mayor anti-Semite but it has embittered vices this year in a brand new of Quebec City, ' was not given the Facist elements. Informed s. Jewish Music, /Bibles silk talith . . . T h e praying shawl a place in the cabinet of Maurice of tlie demonstration, Duplessis is the gift of the Budapest Con- Duplessis, new prime minister of declared his government would gregation . . . Sandor, the late Quebec Province, a mob of sev- not submit to dictation. duelist, and Joseph Veszi, jour- j eral thousand Franch-Canadian nalist, were the only others to be Ianti-Semites staged a huge demPaal Mara Named JOHN FELDHAN • . Don't be onstration in front of the provinsimilarly honored M e e t Me a t . J . C. C. cial legislative chamber wben the Odets, the Best Screen Actor I surprised if Clifford T A L E i S I M - P RANKER BOOKS playwright, and Luise Rainer, cabinet met for its first sitting. Venice (JTA) —Paul Kuni.j Yiddish and English screen actress, become Mr. and The support of Mayor Gregoire film star -who played on the Yid- Reo, In60S No. ECSh St. GL-2972 and his followers -played so large Mrs. before long . . . Dr. Sol G*. dish stage under the nsme ofj P. O. Box 710 Omaha, Nebr. Meyers is Detroit's most modest a part in the sweeping election Muni "WcisenJreund, was named' medico... ; . But he's going places . . . Several months ago he was j named chief of staff of medicine at Detroit's Receiving Hospital Shop with Confidence at And now he's been elevated to tfhe post of associated professor of clinical medicine at Wayne University . . . But you've got to read the catalogues to know about it . . . Here's hoping* that Where a Charge Account It a Friendly Convenience Abe Allen, ths Anglo-Jewish scribe, will not find it too lonely j in Rochester, where he has gone to take charge of, the editorial 1 end of Biben publications . . . (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)

RAZIANI Mr. Mayer here traces the wnich is now. celebrating Its ter-Loeb,. also did much for his Alma Our boss, Joe Brainin. presentMate.r. A great lover of the d us with a letter addressed to course of the; Hebraic tradition centenary. at Harvard University, which Is A center of Hebraic learning classics, Leob bequeathed $500,- im by the Viceroy of Ethiopia, now celebrating the 300th an-[•. from its earliest'•days, Harvard 000 to Harvard to establish the ield Marshal Rudolfo Grazianl nlversary of its fonnding. From, was only twenty years old when Loeb Classical Library Founda- . . The letter, written In Italian the earliest days of the Univer- the first Jews came to America. tion. By the terms of this be- nd postmarked Addis Ababa sity when its admitted no Jews But although Hebrew readings quest Harvard added to the lib- we managed to stealthe stamp), as'students, to the present from the Old Testament were a rary and aided in research in ays quite definitely that all of time, when a quite'of number part of the scholastic regimen reek and Latin literature. One is. Including ourselves, were all of Jews are on the Harvard 'a Hebrew thesis was one of of the greatest benefactors of wet about the Jewishness of faculty, we see that a -Hebrew the requirements for a baccalaur- Harvard is another of her alum- Italy's war hero . . . The .Field tradition was constantly kept ate degree, the stitf-necked Puri- ni, Lucius Littauer who once carsays that he's descended alive in America's oldest col- tans who directed'the destinies ried the Crimson,, colors as a Marshal Irom an Roman family and lege. THE EDITO& of Harvard Would not "brook member of the * Harvard - crew. bat it isold "pretta cristiana" . . . the' outcasts of Jerusalem." Con- Eleven years ago' he created the vhich, according, to lour diction.1* In 1636. the elders of Massachu- sequently it was not until. 1120 Nathan Littauer Professorship of* .ry, means he's a simon-pure setts Bay Colony appropriated that a Jew was first admitted to Jewish Literature and Philosophy hristlan Aryan of Mediterrdawhat was then the huge sum ofHarvard. ; He was Judah Monis, which: is held' by Dr. Wolf son. ;an stock without the slightest $2,000 for the establishment of an Algerian, who received the de-Last' year he gave Harvard an inge of Jewish blood . . . a seminary at "Newtowne," Rafter- gree of master of arts. In. 1722 unrestricted" gift of $2,000,000 TRANSATLANTIC wards Cambridge, to educate he also became Professor of He- for the'establishment of a gradMarchioness Reading, daughter learned ministers of the gospel. brew, the first Jew on Harvard's uate school for public administra- f the late Lord Melchett, will "When John Harvard, a non-con- faculty. To obtain this post, tion. Harvard has" also received 'Isit the United States this winformist clergyman who died in which he held. for 40 years, he hundreds of thousands of dollars 1638 bequeathed his library and had to become a convert to Chris- for new buildings, scholarships er in the interests of a Jewish rganization . . . Dr. Chaim Weiz"• half of his, estate to the newseni- tianity. and research from Percy.- and mann will not be seen in America inary, the. general court of the Another century elapsed be- Jesse Straus, Felix M. Warburg, Colony ordered that the institu- fore Harvard" again had a Jew- Julius Rosenwald, Maurice Wer- his year . . . He expects to be tion should be called • Harvard ish student. In 1822 Ellas Yu- thein, Arthur Sachs and the Fi- us with the Royal Commission uring and after its investigation College. Such were the begin- lee, younger brother of David Yu- lene brothers. '• To Prof. Herbert Speyer, Belnings of the oldest institution of Iee the Flordian who became In other ways too Harvard enhigher learning I n America; the first Jewish member of the enlisted Jewish interest. The ian mathematician, goes the onor of being the biggest proUnited States Senate, was admit- Hebraic tradition, which 13 as old essional contributor to the Counted to Harvard. It was not un-as the college itself, found its sil for German Jewry . . . He Commercial Classes til the late nineteenth century first expression in the scholarly Our friend Adolpk Held Enthusiastic on $10,000 that fi Jew was once more on thewritings of the late Prof. George gave ierre Van paassen is on the barReturn From Soviet Commercial re-education classes Harvard faculty. It was then Foote Moore, the eminent authoricades in Spain . . . Leon TrotRegion are now being' held at the Y. M.that Dr. Hugo Munsterberg, ity on Semitic languages. It was ;ky's friends in the United C. A., free of. charge, for both world-famous psychologist, was at -' Harvard that the Menorah tates have been unsuccessful in New York (JTA).—The Amermen and wome-. over 18 years of called to Harvard,' where ; he es- movement was born". Harvard al- heir efforts to obtain permission age who have had previous wage- tablished the celebrated psychol- so produced one of the greatest tor the former Soviet, war lord ican ORT federation Will settle earning experience in a commer- ogical .laboratory^ While Jewish Jewish college athletes in Arnold ,o come to America . . . European one thousand eastern European cial field and are now unem- students and professors were vir- Horween,, a famous football star shipping agents for German lines jews in Biro-Bidjan, Adolph tually non-existent during Har- who was later coach of the Crim- now have a special form for Jew- Held, president of the Amalgaployed. 1 The subjects taught are type- vard's first 250 years, Jewish son. The late^ Solomon Schechter, ish passengers . . . The form-has mated Bank of New York, said, writing, shorthand, reporting, benefactions to old John Har- president and founder of the Jew- •.•wo letters on it, A and NA . . .after his return from a tour of bookkeeping, spelling, business vard's college go back at least a i s h Theological .Seminary of he former stands for Aryan and the autonomous soviet Jewish reEnglish, filing and indexing, busi- century and a half. During the America, and Albert Einstein are the latter for Non-Aryan . . . In ion for the ORT. ness arithmetic, journalism and Revolutionary War Michael Hays, among those who have received Yemen there 13 a Jewish shrine Mr. Held visited Biro-Bidjan to ! Boston merchant and an- uncle honorary degrees f.rom Harvard. to Mori Salem Elshabzi Taez ascertain the advisability of acemployment psychology. r - Classes are held daily from 9 of the famous Judah Touro, and Six other world famous Jewish which is the Mecca annually for cepting an offer extended to the i to 4. Registration may be made roseph Costa were among the scholars will be similarly honored thousands of. Jews from the Or-ORT to settle one thousand Jews. ' on the third floor of the Y. M. eading contributors to Harvard. during the- tercentenary exercises. ient seeking cures and other mir- He said recently that his report Since the 1870's, when Louis C. A., 17th and Harney streets.- Dembitz Despite its conservative and acles . . . The European act world would be favorable. and Lucius N. , Miss Babe Newman. is the regis- Littauer Brandeis theological origins, Harvard, the is holding its breath . . . T h e While declaring that the region graduated. Harvard has trar. . • • Nazi's are planning an exhibit of had great possibilities, Mr. Held attracted thousands of Jewish fountain head of American cul- Hitler's artistic creations . . . According to Miss Newman, students while Jewish men of ture, has given to the United said the work was proceeding • • i , several Jewish student have tafe- learning and philanthropists have States many of the Ideals that WORDSslowly and quoted the governor •_ en advantage of these free classes. done much to aid the university. are part and parcel of the Amerof the region, M. Lieberberg, as "The Brothers Ashkenazi" by So many of Harvard's celebrated ican tradition of liberty and free- I. J. Singer, adapted from the saying it was difficult "to rebuild ons have • been co-religionists of dom. Under the presidency of Yiddish by Maurice Samuel, will a whole country at once." Judah Monis that one can'; cite, Dr. James Bryant Conant, Har- be in the best seller class . . . The Jewish population of the only-'a few of the more .distin- vard is re-creating the liberalism Alexander "Wollcott,- who rarely region is now 15% thousand, he of the day of Longfellow, Emer- gets ecstatic,.. Is preparing a said, can absorb five 40 10 guished". Jewish graduates.' most famous of course, is"; Su-son, . Holmes and James. Dr. broadcast on the book . . . Boris thousand persons a year. A thouj Eastern Air Lines; lays claim preme Court Justice Brandeis. Conant's uncompromising hostilj to a new world's record. But in-But hardly leB3 eminent' are Fe- ty to all curbs on academic free- Morros, now one of Hollywood's sand Jews will emigrate to Biros stead of. pinning the ribbon on lix M. Frankfurter of the Har-dom and his consistent opposition big shots, is continuing his inter- Bidjan from Poland this year, he ,jone of its giant Douglas airliners, ard Law School; Judge Julian n word and deed to Nazism, Fas- est in the "Night of Stars" and reported. The great problem is building, 'jthe claim is now made that the W. Mack, one of, the two Jews cism and all that they connote has actually arranged for every major productions company to Chevrolet. truck, used : by to sit on the Harvard -board of have again made Harvard the ship a. star by air to Madison Mr. Held declared, and construcfor refueling planes ^.t Jackson- overseers; Walter Llppman, the tion Is backward. However, the ville, Florida, has achieved the publicist; Prof. • orace _ Klallen, finest exponent of Americanism Square Garden next' month « , people are satisfied, the schools in its truest sense. We see that Eve Magazine got i world's short-haul record, with a disciple of William James; Ernare good, the government is | total of 38 miles registered on est Gruenlng, chief. of the Fed- The Harvard of 1936 ljears as tself in Dutch with some ultra- friendly and the natural resources cautious publicity man In Hollylittle resemblance to the modest ! the speedometer after 12 months eral Bureau of Insular Possesare rich, he stated. !1 of daily service. That's really go-' sions; former.Mayor Murray Sea- seminary endowed by John Har- wood when it listed Merle OberHe also visited Poland. There, ing places. Every day it makes songbod of Cincinnati; Jesse I. vard as American Jewry today on, the English screen star, in Mr. Held asserted, the Jews' sitits New Year list of honors . . has to those pioneers who came eight round trips." It backs up, Straus, former United States Amuation appeared hopeless. He held non-stop, for 35 feet. Then it re- bassador to France; his brother, to these shores 281 years ago In Let us tell you that we are will- that emigration was not the soluing to take odds that Miss Oberfuels a plane and makes a for- Percy; and S. N. Behrman, the search of religious liberty., Both tion, pointing out the exodus of have grown mightily. • To Har- on is by no means an Aryan, and one ward non-stop run of 35 feet. playwright. million Polish Jews to Amerthat nothing can prevent the invard Jews have given of their There it restp until it is time to ica had not solved the problem. evitable banning of her pictures means and talents and genius. To | do it all over again. "The Polish Jews have to show Twenty years ago a.census of both this tercentenary Is an oc-<in Naziland . . . F a n n i e Hurst is I The truck is one of a fleet of getting 100,000 simoleons from that they are as much citizens of jfour 1%-ton trucks, its brethren Jewish college students showed casion of great moment. Metro-GoldwyrlrMayer for t h e Poland as anyone else," he dethat there were 402 Jewa at Harj being located at Atlanta, Washington and Newark, respectively. vard out of a total enrollment of (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts screen rights to her unpublished clared. novel "Great Laughter" . . . No Feature, Syndicate.) 'Each has a capacity of 510 gal-5.228. Although; no official eswonder she's laughing . . . j Ions of 80-octane gas and 150 timiate of the present Jewish stuPOT POURRI • gallons of 87-octane. The latter dent body is available, it would contains more lead and .is used be a fair guess to say that it numThe New York World-Tele orily on" take-offs.; 6Q gallons per bers approximately 1,000, about gram carried 15 lines of Yiddish half of them in the schools of minute are pumped from the on the front page of its Septemi truck into the Douglas planes, a commerce, law and 'medicine. ber 1st issue . . . They were 1 The" number of Jewish professtotal of 1,500 gallons per day HAPPY NEW YEAR translation of the new penalties during summer. As a matter o: sora and instructors at Harvard Having had no vacation, this for. automobile speedfbg . . . T h e fact, it is expected that 2,500 gal- has of course never been'large.' year we delegated to Phineas J W. T. also printed the penalties lons will be used every day next Several years ago it was put at Biron 3rd the writing of the New in German, Italian and Spanish winter when extra sections wil about 40, including tutors and Year's column, which you wil , Douglas Gregory, manager of be flown, to take care of the Newspecial lecturers. But among enjoy under the .title of Strictly t h e Provincetown Playhouse I York and Chicago-Miami busi- these have been some distinguish-, Conjectural . . . We may be a bit doesn't like Jews . . .' He fired ness. ••."••.•.••,•'. • -, ed figures in science,and scholar- premature, • but here go a few Jew from the cast of his cornINSURED GABS The "Champ," as the alrpor ship. Mention has already been New Year's wishes . . . To Felix crew calte it, has three drivers made of Professors Frankfurter M. "Warburg, more naches from but no state license, Bince it op- and Munsterberg. Dr. Hilton Palestine and Germany . . . To erates entirely on the company Rosenau," former director of the Henry Morgenthau, Sr., ' tha I property. It forms an important Harvard School of Public Health; some of his friends stop calling !part in the efficient operation o Harry A. Wolfsoa, 'professor of him the father of Morgenthau . ! the Great Silver Fleet and ha Hebrew;' Leo: Weiher professor of He liked it better when they call 3 made consistaht contribution in Slavonic languages; and Nathan ed young Henry ttie son of Mor* enabling Eastern Air . Lines- t Issac's, professor of business law, genthau . . . To Stephen S. Wise In giving thought to a life insurance program I keep a minimum schedule of. 8% are other, erdlnent ; Jews on. the a twin brother so that he won'-t I I hours between New York and Harvard; faculty!' ... have to run himself ragged in I do you add to your life insurance policies jMiami; 10 hours between ChiBut even it ,there' had never behalf of the Jews . . . To Cyru I haphazardly? icago and Miami, and 8% hours been a single Jewish student nor Adler, a realization that secrei ^between New York and New Or one Jewish. professor at Harvard diplomacy died with the VerI Or, are they taken out for specific purposes, | leans. rence . . . Tc the numerous Jewish beneraqtlons to. the institution would Louis D. Brandeis, a few mor I such as a clean-up fund, mortgage insurance, I It is estimated that the truck make its 300th anniversary of and educational endowments for the children? a will have to be in service 5,812 special interest t o . American liberal, colleagues: on '• the bench I To Benjamin N. Cardozo, a '; years before it can equal th/» recThe first Important Jew- complete recovery from his, ill :<ord of 225,000 miles now held by Jews. I SERVICE . LIFE REPRESENTATIVES are ish patron of Harvard was theness, which alarms many of his '\ several Chevrolet trucks.' late Jacob H.-Schlff. Interested friends I trained in planning your life insurance program To Albert Einstein In Harvard through- Morris and J. P. Morgan's yacht . . ; To Leo; James Loeb, his brothers-in-law, Trotzky, a quiet homeland . . Schlff became a • member of the To Chaim Welzmann, another T. For the. Bntife Family advisory committee of Harvard's N. T. discovery that would make Semitics department. as early as the British cabinet sit up an 1889. Through his efforts a n * listen I JOHN A. BEBER, General Agent . To Herbert H. Leh largesse Harvard ' accumulated a man, a bigger majority than 1 priceless collection of Semitic ob- 1934, to confound the prejudice U> jects which he developed into the mongers in his home state Dealer Has 'Em Both! .Semitics Museum,- now housed in RUBINOWIA a building for which he provided Few people knew the rea; the funds. In 1905 Schlff made Isaac M. Rublnow . . . To th« his first contribution to Har- Jewish world "he was1 an executiv OMAHA vard's endowment fund. He wasof a national Jewish organization I Havo a Complete Stock of TALESIM, PRAYER BOOKS, both also responsible for- the creation Jewish and English Translation. of the Harvard School of Oriental . . . At heart he was a scholar JOHN A. PABBEE, President research worker and a creator Ir ALSO BEAUTIFUL NEW YEAR Research, whose earliest expedi- the sphere of social welfare CARDS for Sale at tions to Palestine he underwrote. He had a finely developed sens S. KATLEMAN !ii:.iliiU'i.i!iLL^iii'.iiii..ii..:j.i.i.J:i.!ihH.iiiii.ii.i:ii..iit.^.l>i-""'''" u.iti:ii.i..i.ii.ii,iii Ui-iii'iUili'.Schlff was also a supporter of the of humour . . . a most devastat 2569 CUMING ST. Phone AT.Iantlc 6820, or HA-7010 Harvard Germanic Mu3eum. jing Irony . . . His only real pas ,rvara uermamc Aiuaeum. »ng irony . . . .tiis oniy real pas- » . n r MCtinvr rtjj r> tl /»• _ ** „ ..-•*l. „ .,-




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THE JEWISH PEESS. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER-II, 1936 feel that in a sense Palestine rep- j and helpless, may lay claim resents the last stand of an op- j the sanctuary which the Lea? pressed- people saving itself from | has- provided for them." destructive forces it was declared I Arab assertions questioning the in the first official statement "is- [moral and. legal rights of Great sued by the Zionist leaders of; Britain to administer Palestine America since the -present dis- i under, the League's mandate aporders Palestine began. "WilliamII proving the return of Jews ignore Madeinpublic by Judge M. Lewis, acting president.of the' the fundamental right of the j Zionist Organization of America, I League to make adjustments in I the statement asserts that . the j boundaries and states in order to i disorders which have caused the; further the peace of the world death of "almost SO Jews and' and the welfare o£ smaller peo-1 wrought widespread destruction pies unable to act in their own j . Thcugh. the .name of - Iitraln; •was weak in languages, getting the end of two years the faculty of Jewish enterprises are not only! behalf, the statement asserts. Em.Dembits Braadeia is known -to • 5.9 in Latin, 5.8' in Greek, 5.95 offered him a prize for diligence of the "utmost moment" to the | phasizing that Iraq, Saudi Arabia.; every American,, the ; details of: in Franch, 5.7 in German. They and good conduct, and he select- 17 million Jews of the world, but j Hedjaz and Syria were wrested his early life haye remained gave him a gold medal for "pre- ed a book called Charakterbilde are of equal significance to the I from their former rulers and j .practically .. unknown . to the. eminence in all his studies." aus der Kunstgeschichte. He did "entire civilized world, whose | transformed into Arab states on j general public. Mr. lief, a close Fourteen years old, he was the not take singing, religion or pen- conceptions of international .law i the same premise, the statement j friend .of the Justice, here pub- youngest ever to receive a diplo- manship. and international morality are in- j declares that "if the League's ; lishes them for the first time ma. The excitement was too volved in the fate of Palestine." ; right to act on behalf of the Jews Father^ urging him to study in a passage from hia forth- much for him; when his turn Voicing recognition of the fact Ms challenged by the Arabs in Palmedicine and remain in Europe, coming b op t , "Brandeis," came to make a speech at the exthat co-operation with the Arab j estine there would be equal validdrew a contract between the ease •which .will. be-., published-, by ercises he lost his voice. Once and culture of life on the Contin- population is an essential of ; ity to a challenge of the status of j Stackpole Sons. • -.,•. : out in the schoolyard he pitched ent and the rough-and-tumble sound and steady growth, the' other countries disposed of j —.THE EDITOR. into a fight with a bigger b o y - haracter of America. But Louis* statement points out that there! through the mandatory system." all over a girl named Emma. contact with German discipline "is ample room for a; Reviewing in great detail the • In the summer pi 1877, home , In 1872 business reverses be- made him hanker for the freer veloping population in Palestine, j progress Palestine has made since in- Louisville for a vacation "from gan to appear in father's., ledger air back home, the spaciousness, but that progress is being retard- i1917 through Jewish efforts and Harvar Law School, twenty-year 1 i-fr e seismographic warnings. tte free-swinging years he reold Louis Brandeis was called out' Uncle Lewis advised a trip to membered. He had been happier ed and jeopardized by Arabs who the beneficent effect of these efin the .militia, and given a gun Europe. They sailed, and in there. Nostalgia as much as free- seem as • oblivious of their own forts on the Arabs, the statement to guard railroad property . dur= Europe spent a' great deal of time dom settled the question, al- best interests as they are of the stresses the importance of JewIng a strike. He carried the weap- in Vienna, much to the delight of though analysts with a weak- plight of the Jewish people." Em- ish immigration on the ground j on, but he was sure he did not father, who still loved the ,gal- ness for the dramatic may put a phasizing that the entire world that oppression has been so greatknow how to harm anyone -with lantry and courtliness of Euro- sure finger on such surging in- is concerned in the Palestine sit- ly intensified that authorities deit. He was handler, with a book pean social life. They wintered fluences as the parental migra- uation "because of the Jewish clare it will be necessary for 200 - - and his eyesight was bad. in Italy. To the boys the trip tion ^following the frustrated rev- problem which presses for a solu- j thousand Jews a year to migrate When the violent wave of rail- was geography come to life. olutions of '48 and the march of tion in many European lands to-; from European lands if they are road . strikes ended in that year Patches on the map and foreign Union soldiers past the front day," the statement declares that to be saved from the inevitable he returned the gun gladly, for place-names acquired the vivid- door in '61. Louis simply wanted "the world has created the Jew- [destruction of crushing political, Louisville had most peaceful and ness which only experience im- to get back, And as for medi- ish problem. The world must! economic and social conditions in delightful associations for him. parts. While the rest of the fam- cine, he had not the slightest help to solve it"—one of the jthe lands of their residence." It was his birthplace. • Here he ily remained in Vienna with rela- taste for it. For as long as he methods to achieve that end be-! enjoyed a full measure of boy- tives, Fanny being ill, Louis tra- could remember he wanted to be ing co-operation in the upbuild- • The CFI plan rasy Interest youl hood. Father's grain business veled alone to Dresden in '73 to a lawyer. His uncle belonged to ing of the Jewish national home. Small monthly payments . . . tn« The statement stresses, the fact stead of one single premium. prospered, and the happy house- resume his schooling. There he the profession and so did the BUY INSURANCE T H E hold of four children was . rich* found the Annenrealschule, a young men who used to court his that Jewish rights in Palestine CONVENIENT WAY are buttressed not only by histoin cultural associations.. Fast three-story stone structure resem- sisters. If interested, call but "by the rical facts bling a, hospital more than anyinhorses filled the stable; there ' ' ' -MAKE LEON He went back with two hun- ternational morality which were days of hard riding, of lang- thing else. He looked it over. j preEvery type of Insurance written ourous loafing on the banks'ot 21 "strong .Companies dred dollars borrowed from his jT a i l s i n / m o d e r n civilization, acAT 7667 WA 61SO t&e Ohio Rlvsr, waltingtor steam- front and back, before making up brother Al, who" had already re- centuated by the medieval code of boat Fanny Brandeis to glide ihis mind. Inside,' the "rector, turned and gone into business, treatment of Jews which still preup to the wharf. There were ad-1 Herr Job,, firmly informed him he entered Harvard Law School vails in certain countries." Observing that the protection of the ! venturous evenings with English that bie. must produce a birth cer- in '75. weak is one of the., major prin- For Picnics and All Occaliterature in a room' above the tificate and a yaccination certifciples of the League of Nations,' sions Serve Forbes' New drugstrpe on Walnut. S t r e e t , icate. Louis caught his eye and the declaration points out that the! York _Funpemickel where a young bookkeeper had argued: "The fact that I am here is proof of my birth, and you may Jewish people have the grounds formed library club. BSE AD look at my arm for evidence that upon which to ask civilized manMother laid down a taboo: no I was vaccinated." Rector'Job, an kind for redress against the per- " • • Sliced thin for your mention of money or other grub- easy victim .of the self-confident secution and discrimination which ( by matters at meals." The family manner of the slender boy, was have made life intolerable for! group talked Instead - of ' person- a genial soul with a weakness for great masses of Jews in nunier-1 alities and books-, of music and American ways, and not typica ous lands. "If the world, as rep-' the arts. His older sister Fanny of the sternly ordered adminis "New York (WNS).—No amount resented in the League, aims at | was the musical impresario and tration. ••-•'/•-• "" 2701-11 No. 24th St. of violence and Intimidation will a higher code of morality than' the instigator of his career as a We. 6400 restrain the activities of tBe Jews then surely JDresden proved a continuation might makes right, violinist. Father entertained •with ' unprotected of the Louisville tradition. At In upbuilding ^Palestine for they the Jewish people, -stories'..; garnered on -frequent trips through the countryside. Uncle Lewis Dembitz, a learned lawyer in town, was a. constant caller and represented the intellectual interests of the ^ family. They had no prsr for religion; forebears on :both-: sides: pi -the house had long since broken through the walls of orthodoxy, out of the mental. ghetto 'as well and into the arena of Polish and Bohemian revolt. Such were the spiritual root3>of. the home. The Brandelses aimed to cultivate the perfectly packed in order that it may On Rosh HashonaK, when Jews pray and art of living, and the, culutrai values that made living: "worth _come to you always fresh. hope for a New Year of health and hapwhile. And their .'big house -on Broadway became a,-rendezvous piness, is a good time to remember the for-.muicians and other gifted Maxwell House Coffee guarantees you all friends. daily joy in life that a friendly cup of Despite this, Louis was a boys' of these features. It is a blend of choice boy, running barefoot In hot fresh, delicious coffee affords. weather, ringing- doorbells -at coffees. Its perfect new grind gives you night, teasing girls- and little Lord Fauntleroys, coaxing doughexquisite results whether you prepare it nuts from Lizzie the cook, and Maxwell House Coffee is the symbol of, riding —^ always riding — for by drip, percolator or simple boiling. he loved horsesA With his brothjoy in life in tens of thousands of Jewish And the Vita-Fresh process of packing t er Alfred, threet years older, he enjoyed a-rare companionship; in homes all over the country. Let it bequieterv moments together they brings Maxwell House Coffee to you with taught one of - the colored • sercome the means whereby you, too, can vants to read. roaster freshness - - as fresh as the hour Louis* education began at the have a more joyous life every day. it was packed. No coffee can be fresher age of six, when; he was taken to a small private school con•than that! ducted by an Englishwoman. Two Don't be satisfied with just ordinary cofyears later he. entered the German and-English 'Academy, proMake a New Year's resolution for a more fee - - be sure that the coffee you use is fiting' by a new system of: pedagogy brought • over from Gerjoyous life next year . . . and let Maxwell roaster-fresh; that it is ground so that many. Here a mark,of 6 denoted perfection; he received .5 • in penHouse Coffee help you add to this joy at it will give you excellent results no matmanship and 6 in everything else. On the margin of-his report card your meals every day. ter how you-prepare it, and that it is " the principal wrote ; "Louis deserves - commendation for conduct and industry." Buton July 4th, 1864, his; conduct was not strictly exemplary. \ Instead of keeping trim and n"eat for^a- holiday visit Mother was planning to make with .them, he-and Al played withi some dampened • flaring powder. They burned their.faces black and soiled their "clothes. When he was ten, the Websterian Debating Society made him -. a The makers of Maxwell House Coffee extend member. The main concern of thi3 youngest member was- • not the to aH Jews their best wishes for political Issues of the day, 'but the accuracy of the treasurer's accounts. Wiry. Louis was ready to ' battle over- a discrepancy of forty cents. •"• . At the Male High Schvl 5 signified excellence and 6 'without fault." He earned .6 in. almost every subject; " occasionally he

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at the annual banquet, received & faith of Great Britain to carry tremendous ovation from the IE out her pledge to the Jevs arid thousand delegated. After laud- the League o£ N&iions for the esihg the record oi: Jewish patriot- tablishment or the Jett-ish notion,Jsin in the tJhited States and' &1 hbme in i'&'ieytine. I there-lore praising the "enviable record", of | strongly urge that if there has Pobltshed every Jewish Soldiers "in the annals of I been any indecision or lack of Hy-Dr. Philip Slier Aiafeflcan fighting forces," GOT- j firmness by the local official in THE JEWISH P&SSS ernor Earle bitterly denounced ell \ utiliztng thto resources at hand forms of racial and religious big-; to stop the terror, micts a mistake to a Subscription Price,«3M s k M . . W Pittsburgh, Pa. — Meeting iool as corals; H6 opeheth not Mb the west for the first time, the j otr2r> characterized Fascism and should be rectified by immediate Advertising rate&Uurnlohed 6a a&pllcatioa^„.__„.,,,.,;,„ Jewish War in tfis g4t6. Jewish War Veterans of the Unit- Communism as equal threats • to ; and firm steps to protect those The news affecting- the Jewish population in Rumania is moUth Editorial Ottibe: 500 Brandels Theater Building. He klSSfeth tha lij)gj that giteth \ ed States elected a westerner tr Ai d l as{{ {America democracy andd urged J JJews already in Palestine and a-hodge-podge which defies unraveling. You can consider it right national cbmmander-ih-chiel for j t bb e J i h Slotts City duties—Jewish Community Center a veterans, in comthose -who may hereafter seek re111011 rs favorable to the Jews, or unfavorable> whichever you desire, Pirepars thysfelf for th6 the first time in its 41 years of; other citizens, to pledge • fuge there. The report that a susDAVID BLAC&BR - ' - Business and Managing Editor ye o; without; and make fit for in. thy existence when the annual nation- I themselves to RE uncompromising ] pehsion of immigration is cdhand still Be as right as wrong. PRANK ' & AOKBnMAN - - • • - • • - E d i t o r i fight against both and to the pres- ] templates is urthinKeble. That hoti&e. FANNIE KAT&lMiuH Council Blufto* Iowa. Correspondent The latest event in which we are direfctly interested is the Siy not "I *ili do feo tb him as al encampment -n-hich had ervation of the American ideals, has been the prime object of the ANN PILL - - » * gfoul, eitft Iowa. Correspondent ] of liberty and justice for all. Be-•. Arab terrorists ana surely Eng* reshuffling bf the Rumanian cabinet. "When the new cabinet he hatn dotte to me." I Will renJPrint Shop AddreSS: 4So4 So, &4th Street I fore the convention adjourned, land Trill not disclose weakness to the man according to his under Premier Tatarescu was organized* among the miss- der f Governor Earle was elected an; by yielding. 1 sincerely hope that work. ing was Foreign Minister Nicolas Tittiiescu, the most vigorous I honorary member. ; Great. Britain will speedily vlnfliTALMUD and outspoken foe of Nazi and anti-Semitic propaganda in Rabtii Jeremiah Ben Abba Said;I Appreciation for the services ; cate our confidence by immediate 1 rendered by American Jews to j and effective action." '.'It is not lawful for a scholar to would waht lb provide to all those Who are not e8biU>tt-. Rumania^ On the other hand, among those eliminated Were fasti because through Weakness ' the United States both in time of j ___ Minister oi Interior ton Inculetz and Minister of Justice Valh cannot continue i t h i r normal normal ' peace and in time of war was ex- j of fasting he diminishes his stMl.jieally independent and who att their pressed by President Roosevelt in j i';l occupation,' a decent and reasonable service pension. There as erian Poppafe, both close to the Iron Guardists and Cuzists, who les." , a message convej-ed to the con-1 Rabbi Nitchman feald: "Not evV! no social justice in limiting the opportunity for such pension have been responsible for the terroristic attacks upon the Ru^ eryone is Worthy of obtaiaicg vention by Representative Henry | Elleabogen of Pittsburgh, one of j \ ||to the lucky ieW Who have Worked aU th^ir life for one large ihanian Jewry. The premier's statement of internal policy light of the Torah-, and not feverysaid: "The wave of terrorism which recently swept Rumania bne is worthy to have joy resultj the speakers at the banquet. b, and prosperous and generous corporation." , J "Americans of the Jewish faith," j Bucharest (J T A) — Recent!* will be mastered and all disorders will be punished." And to ing from meritorious deeds, the K This crMd on social insurance was expressed at a confer^ add further oh the.profitable side of the ledger, the successor righteous dnly are deserving of the President said, "have done returned from what he described : light, and the ujSriglit of joy." their full part in the national de- as a satisfactory trip to Germany* ! 'ence two years agb by Dr. Isaao M. Eubinow. Its breadth of as foreign minister, Antonescu, is known to be quite friendly sitting fense and likewise, have partici- the notorious e,nti-Semitic leader Rabbi HuhSi Octavius Goga adi social vision and its comprehension of human feeling reveal with France.* pated in the country's welfare Professor to eat a m6aV, Would ttiroW open ? 'dressed a congress of his followduring the years of peace." ' the type of social Wader Dr. Rubinow was. His greatest fame the doors and call out. "Whoers at Ciucea, Transvlvanla, and T^he red side of the ledger is impressive. T"he wave of desires to eat» let Kini come <f is not restricted to his efforts as Executive secretary of the Nazi and Jew-baiting disorders continued despite the premier's ever said : in and «id So." •'" 'B'nai B'rith or as leader in othtt manifold Jewish efforts for statement that all terroristic activities would be suppressed. Rabbi siaid: "I am Sorry that "If I were to lift a finger, no stone vould be left, of the JiBW* • good - - his, passing last week is a Severe blow to all peoples The anti-Semitic followers of Cuza won smashing victories in cannot emulate the action of j infected City of Czernbtf-itB." > Htina of throwing ojseti my » • . . the masses of all creeds and beliefs who looked to him aa a the provincial elections in Bessarabia. Iii Kishinev and Rabbi H&rry Schaffer. j Prof. G c g a announced h« doors and inviting everybody to pioneer in social insurance and an authority on various social Czefnowitzi as Well as. in the smaller towns, the Cuzists are eat* foir th^re are a great many here for •lour days chose Harry i would soon bring to Bucharest an 1 poor peSplS in our city Mechuzfca Schaffer of Pittsburgh to head army of £00,000 Cuzist Blue; questions. His work in such social fields as workmen I dofii- ho# the sec"6nd largest party. and I could not feed them all." the organization for the coining shirts (Kumanlan Nazis) tb A - pensation, provision for otd age and periods of unemployments congress there,, the puryear, t h e new commander-nip is said by many authorities-td have" laid the grounaworK for se chief, who •vras elected by acclaPour Soloiis Say Immigration \ P° of which, would be to d»# much of' the progressive - feoctal legislation this county Ms tnand power, mation, has served as senior and To Palestine Should fascism's tune usually has for its accompaniment a disjunior vice-commander - in - chief. Prof. Goga'e speech, made 2 | Gontinne passed iii fed'eht ye"ars. , Maswell Cohen of Boston, vrho hours after Premier TataresCu'ii To appreciate the catlic-liey of Of. Rubinow's mind, one cordant iidtft oi anti-Semitism. As the various countries in had been junior vice-commanderWashington, D. C. (Tv"KS).— declaration that the reshuffled l Eurbpe fell into the step of fascism, anti-Jewish -must realize the many fields in which he achieved success - in-chief, •was elected senior vice- Pleas to Great Britain not to cabinet would end terrorism itk coinmander-in - c h i e f . Michael yield to Arab terrorism ic Pal- Rumania, increased uneasiness in medicine, social insurance, statistics, agriculture, sociology, propaganda seemed the inevitable conebminitant. Weihstein of .'.sbury Park, N. J., estine by suspending Jewish iin- Jewish circles. It is therefore a hopeful sign On the European horizon economies Perhaps the; experienSes of his early life were rewas named junior vice command- j migration were received here by The National Peasants Party sponsible for his embarking upon a career dedicated to ^public that this year two Baltic countries abandoned fascism after i By ROBEHT StONE er-in-chief. the Washington representative of also held a conference and adopt•welfare. He came to this country from Russia in 189& as a Lithuania bade good-bye to Fascism after a year's trial AMERICA The 193' convention was i the Zionist Organisation of Amer- led a resolution to "avenge refugee from religious persecution. At all times he was a leider its ntewly-elected parliament was formally "Opened by U. S. CHRISTIANS ORGAN- awarded to Asbuiry Park, N. J. j ica from Senators William King blood" Cuzist terroristic acts. in battling anti-Semitism and iii building up Jewish charities: President An&tas Smetoiia. This follows fehdrtly after fisthonia IZE TO DEFEND J E W I S H The ladies' auxiliary elected j of Utah, Arthuh Cfcpper of KanHOMELAND . . . A fine gesture Mrs. Dorothy Kurrnan of Brook-;sas, David I. Walsh of MassachuThe mighty intellect of Dr. Isaac" M. Rubinow will be had taken similar actioiL Which American JeWry appre- lyn as national president. Other j setts and Morris Sheppard of New j • Sianhattaa Shirts missed in the days ahead. Human society deeply mourns hij auxiliary officers named were: ; Jersey. Senator King, who is the elites. * Etetsoia A. B. C. LEGION, NEW ANTI- Blanche firams, JSrewark, N. J., | president of the American Pslee- | passing as the loss of' a tireless champion of progteSS and * Arrow Shirts SEMITId GRODP, EXPOSED . i J senior vice-fcresiaent; Judith Har- < tine committee, founded Borne | social justice. , i y &abM Frederick Oohn Unpleasant truths ate better I mel, Washington, D. C, treasur-j years Ego Tinder the sponsorship * Interwcveto Sacks jer; Anna Goldstaub, Brooklyn,! of the late Vice-president Charles 1 The w&hderer^ return from the four corners of the earth, faeBd than unknown. SG MICHIGAN OFFICIALS judge advocate general; Gerlrude j Curtis, cabled his plea from Porto | • Tassar Utitlerweafr fiven the King of fihglahd returns from his vacation in LINKED TO BLACK LEGION . . Honigsfeld, Cleveland, chaplain; j Rico. * ChcBey siaViat Greece and Turkey. t h i s doea hot speak "well for Essie item, Brooklyn, conduct-) Recalling American interest in The British Mandatory pendulum is once more swinging officiaiddni. ress; Jennie Miller of 1'oungs- the Palestine^ mandate as a result I These 'terns Are Featured tit The saying may be" terribly trite, yet for king aad eom- Michigan EUROPE jtown, O., Kate Tanner o£ Pitts- of President* Wilson's action in: back and forth, with Palestine absorbing the blows of each monef it is eternally true, "East, West, home is best." Be it PARTY CONGRESS burgh, and "Ithel Jacobs of New the peace conference and the un-j 1 •downward swing. humble or magnificent, "there is no place like home." "Thank WILL BAN JEWISH IMMIGRA- Haven,- trustees; Lillian Gross, animous adoption by congress in • ] ' Jf£££L6 s The previous week Rumors were rife that the British %$r~ God/* the eynle may add, but "Thank God," we are not cynics. TION . . . It's not the Jews they Hartford, Conn., guard. 1922 of the Lodge-Fish resolu-| \ Sli ionth 16th St. to keep, but Jewish capital. Earle of tion. Senator King said: "I am Governor George ernment planned to suspend Jewish immigration into PalesThe home is a unique institution. The centuries, we may want, FASCISTS CONTROL ROU- Pennsylvania, the -cine* speaker convinced we can rely on the good tine until the Royal Commission had an opportunity to look even sa$rjthe ae/ons, have evolved it. It is the highest product MANIA AFTER C A B I N E T into the underlying (Sau383 of tM fidling in the Holy Land* and test oi civilization. Animals have dens, wild beasts have SHAKE-UP And of course This suggestidn> - bfeyibusly a ttial ballbon - - met with ^n&le- their laifsi Savages live in jungles, in caves, underneath the it's all Magda Lupescu's fault. POLISH CHRISTIANS FORM • sale condeihnatidii ahS wttrld-WidS protest. This past weeitj thft tfee3 or tree like huts, but only civilized man lives in "homes." SOCIETY TO COMBAT ANTI•pendulum has swung the btbM.waJr;. Martial lay is imminent Morae k ndt just a place, it is not just four falls however SEMITISM . . . More power to 4 for Palestine and more iro&ps are td bf sent to the Holy feaiid; grandly bedecked with glittering baubles, "home" is where them, say we. FASCISTS WILL EXPEL Colonial Minister William d. A. Ormsby-Gore writes Dr\ Chabn lo^e is, whefS Syiripathy and understanding are, where there JEWS tS EVENT OF TRIUMPH, Weizmanii, iJfeaideht of thft Jewish Agehcy for Palestine, that is tended solicitude and intimdte affection; home is where SPANISH R E B E L LEADER Arab demands for suspension of Jewish immigratidft ^ere there id mutual help and co-operation. All our religion and That old Spanish cusagain. ' being, ignored iri. peatie discussions. ' morality had their drigin and highest development around, the tomZIONIST ACTIONS COMMITThe 6Udde& at)dut-!a6e is explained by the statement of hearth-fires of primitive and subsequent humanity. Hointi T E D LAUNCHES $1,500,000 Sir Thomas Inskip, Minister of Defense, that "The government everywhere has been sacred, home ties the most beautiful and EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN ; . . must assert its authority*" The philosophy behind the present binding \ the inhabitants of the hbme, the "family" the unit of It should go over the top, and quickly. government de'eision, as explained by the British press, is that society iand the foundation of civilization and humanity. ORGAN REMISSIONARY We bought in England, Scotland, Ireland magnificent overcoatings! •it is dangerous for a government to be deflected from & manThe world will not have reached its highest development PORTS J E W S LEAD A L L L date course by violence and outrages. But this sounds father until "all the world*' is, not a "Stage," but a "home," where GROUPS IN CONVERSION TO Imported fabrics from world famous mills! American made by an Going back CATHOLICISM weak, when we consider that for twenty-one weelis British all are bound together by the closest, tenderest ties as of one to the old assimilationist, hoping overcoat m&riufecturer who specializes in British type overcoats. ' rule has been flouted and 1^424 casualti^, including Sol deatliSj |f£eat Human Familyi "Why should it not be so? is not a home it will work this time. PALESTINE An event never known heretofore in all our experience. marked the toll for the first 145 days of rioting. better than a slaughter-house? See how they are slaughtering HEBREW UNIVERSITY GETS .. But we must warn.: Jewry should not place too much stock one another in Spain, making of that great, beautiful, historic CHAIR IN ENGLISH LITERAin the British attitude. Already Palestinian Jewry are hope- country a vast abbatoir, a welter of human carnage 1 It is not TURE % » . AflS Palestihe iS getting a lesson in English diplofully looking forward to pacification of the Country, restora*

tors. It also leada to the conclusion that we are prone to mistake tile ldudnesM tt? the anti-Seinibs* cries for volume. The only way that anti-Semitism \yill be eventually eradicated is by education conducted by and among non-Jews. And the only ones who will take a lead in such a movement are people to whom the truth is sacred and justice inviolate.

Gems Of The Bible HARRY SCHAFFI Alia Talmud -


Goga Voices Threat Al Rumania Parley





oilljr civil war, it is wholesale murder. All war is fratricidal. ' tion of normal trade; definite continuance of iminigratiohl Ih war Cain rises up against.hid brother, Abel, and slays him. macy. -" by Seven Arts g assistance to families ruined by Arab disorders and rehabiiu Earth should not be a shambles but a home. Men should live (Copyright Feature Syndicate) tation of damaged property. However, it would be foolish- to together in peace and unity the wide world over. Malachi's forget that Great Britain remains an imperialistic cduhtrjh inspired word§ are" sublimely true, "Have W8 not all One Anti-Sefflit\e A. B. C. •She will swing to whatever direction politics favor. A p*oiiey leather? Has hot One" God created us? "Why should we deal of "watchful waiting" ihust be the keynote of Jewish leader! treacherously with one another i" Legidn Is like Weizmann, because at the most unexpected mdmeht; a & Med may hav® thei? differences and disagreements as Ne'* York (WNS)—the A. B. this is but repetition of history - - England may suddenly de- tkere are family qiiarrels and squabbles, but sanity and reason, C. Legion, a new anti-Semitic unJolare a "temporary" stdpage of Jewish immigration into the 6b6vd all love, shoiild prevail at last Earth, should be a most d e f c o v e f organization with branches thrsughout the country, * Holy Land* Also, the Palestinian troubles will not be Md easily Winfbftable (as it is ft most beautiful) place to live- in; like a is organizing for -warfare against - solved as expressed in Palestinian papers. The high Arab fla- holMs Home fits uS like ah old shoe; every movement on earth Jews, Catholics and "other dread[tionalists.Seemingly.canhot keep a tight rein up'on their fel- Slidiiid be a pleasure. 6bd meant all His creatures to bd liappy; lul enemies" of tim Ainerican people, it wsS disclosed here Jlowers,, the "hothead" nationalists being entirely oUt of cdd» a9 itt a home. when inyestigators uncovered an Itrol. Brigand native chiefs are and will be ail obstadis td Sd ton our retriirn from near or far, to our respective (and A. B. C. meeting in the Second ipeace. Also, animosity scientifically eiigingered atid pdpa- tieWly appreciated) uoiheSj something of Burns' beautiful poem, United Presbyterian; Church at Bond Street r.nd Atlantic Avenue, gated cannot help but have an effect oil thd mental stattii of "TM Cotter's Saturday Night," echoes in our souls: Brooklyn. • the Moslem masses. The principal speaker at this In all my Trande^ihgs 'round this woi-ld oi 6are, Because reanproachment between Arab and Jew is diffimeeting was former Congressman In all my griefs—and God has given my snar'^^William Ups&aw of Ge&rgla, Pro. cult should noPAe discouraging. "\V"B inust ieeopiijil the task 1 still had hopes my latest hours t4 icfown/ ; hibitionist leader, -who is now a f ahead and slowly but on a firm and solid fdUfidation effedt an resident of ASheville, N. C, home Amid tlifrsS peaceful bowers to lay Me down; ! understanding with out neighbors. And while negotiations are of V/iUiam Dudley Pelley and Td husband out life's taper at the closd scene of a recent gathering of r being worked outj we mtlst keep a watchful eye oii Britain's And keej) th6 liame from wasting By repoidj leading anti-Semites. Membership i. Palestinian Maneuvers. • In the A. B. C. is limited to ProI Still bad hdps—ffiy long vexations past— testants, and before beJng5 admitH63re to fetuffaj And die at home at last." ted to membership, candidates f k Gohii. P&Sss through two other. organisations, tab Cultural and Good

i isi>t 6vW indrs&i 6l li^wa £f 6in Poland k bittlh Ou? Will League and the Moranto Club, lac., Secret literature is!in humanity ia somewhat revived when W6 Kad tMt a sued by ..the A. B. G. calls for i wide non-Jewisk movement to cbillbat antl-SeffiltiSM hi RSsts HSSlibnah ..........;;i..................;........Thursda7, Se^tefiib&r 17 tlSeffiltiSM hi Poland war' oil as-called Jewisli and kd at LodiSi d this moveiMht ii b^inf formed ^ f § 6 , Seplember 20 Catholic influence Iii the ttnile'd J has been ofgaliked States kh& asserts that the tisse ? upon the initiativd of friends of Mme. Irene lla^and, Austrian Yom la Wpe for "real Americans" to \ lion^Jewess, who is convening an international congress against, First Day of Succoth...« tftke over the police, the ariay, s anti-Semitisnii ill Vienna. "We are further heartened to learn Eighth Bdy Qf Suedbtli....«.M..........k.....^»....i..Thursday, bctobcr & t t c goTCi-2.iuent and the schools. JTriday, October 9 Tie A. B. C. is being crgar.iced ; that many prominent Polish Christians have joined the or- Simchath Tora!i.;.u....i...u.i.........«...i.i..«.^ grours of 24, and meetings are jganization, which will siiorily begin publication of a weekly Chanukah................~.............».~.......ii.......'Wednesd&y, December 9 in hehl S:i a different plasa tacli ; Thursday^ December 24 ivcik. The organization has a ; paper to be called the "Free man." This periodical will devote Fast of Teb2t..ii.'. ......i on preceding Thursday. * (s3t observed b posf office actress at. P. O. Box propaganda < itself to counteracting ©very piece of 121, Grsna Central Annes. observed oa following Sunday. Spread by the iSiideks and all S l anti-Semitic gfoup3 in ]?oiaud. NOTlSi Holidays begin in tha evening preceding the dates The JSTTIEII t Such a movement ttemonsti-ates that ndt all people Swallow Press advertisers • the malicious lies spread so prolifically by professional agita- designated. _ • merit

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TO LOS ANGELES jman feas been in ;'_-•£: iZ (cc VISITUfG IS CHICAGO Mrs. Hym&n Harris left Friday ! -Sirs. Harry Lcewensteih " -is Rabbi: aha Mrs. David morning to join her'husband s i d spending sfever. -weeks in CM- \ direction t h e cls-rfr 1 1 •> c : . r •will be" at home to ineihbers of her son, Joseph, in Los Angeles, cago. iprogressing r a p : .y. I"? ', t l s Temple Israel congregation at the wliere they will make their fa- j s junior fcoys* £r.Z r- "<•=' L.r=s'." I have developed. •p". .h i r e ^~;" Biackstone hotel Rosh Hashonah j tiire home, TO LINCOLN 1 afternoon, Thursday, September Prior to her departure Mrs. { Millarfi Rosenberg is leaving |meeting every TueaJ :;- £.rd T". vrE17, from 4 until 7 o'cloci. Harris was extensively ester- j Saturday to eater t i e University idsy between the r~""~s cf * T . " j 5, while the girls C G m i ? or. ; t r r tained. ," of Nebraska at Lincoln. jdays aad Wednescc;? at t t e sa~.c VC~IF j'.:"cJr SKOLXICK-SOLIG i MOTOR HESE MARRIAGE hour. Although t i c CDc'tr v-eriliTO ARRIVE SAXCRiJAr Mrs? Hannah- Solig announces and ',I:S. Carl Stu&na and !er been tisappen^. - t :v .:_ ilr. and Mrs. Aaron Richards j the marriage of her daughter, and sont Peter Michael, of San! family and Hi. and I enthusiasts t i e y have ..c r . . d i" Hattie, to Sam .Skolnick of Los Jose, Cal., will arrive Saturday Kranitz, all of St. Joseph, Mo., {worry. The Center ccr "nor?t c : Angeles, September 7. The couple to be the guests of Mrs. Paciiarda' motored here to spend the Labor tthe'eity's finest indocr r o - ' r-1:.'!: wiil make their hoine in Lo3 An- parents, /Sir. and Mrs. Reuben day holiday with Mr. and Idrs. D. | is always tetnperei <c i l c r.z'-x SOM31ER-GOLBSTKIS geles. Blumenthal and family. degree. T i e water ij 1 : ^ , : ' c \ " " . lulakofsky. The marriage of Miss Toble thereby inakiEg ii rl;_r t : i ; • • c Goldstein, daughter of Mr. and All iteias for nest week's Mrs.. Isador Goldstein, to Hubert j enough to crick. Fc r 1 .. •- -s MOVE TO SETT EOSEE GtESTS HERE RoSh llashopah edition of the Sommer, Bon ot Mr. and Mrs. j there is no better *."r.c c s.-. rB. Mr,-and Mrs. -A*. -Feinberg of 'Mrs. Isidore Beckfiaaii and i. . Mr. and -Mrs. f .Emil f j to ETrira than in t'rr W. t - _ ~ r JeVvish Press most be ia the Louis Sommer, -was solemnized at Sious City announce the engage^ |haTe m o r e d i a t o l h e i r n aushter, Marian, of Chicago. U L . Uer E3 thst \rh-= 1-t - • ; - ' ' oiOco by MondSJ-j September the bride's home Sunday; Septem- nisnt of. their daughter; th have the Ei-vrood apartments. been tho guests of Mr. end { | rolls along they ere z) r t r '•.'• Si l\', to William Sherman of ber 6. Rabbi Hafoid Berger and Mrs. Herman Bondaria for the ifeabas the many tc €-..;; c ccRabbi David Wice performed the i son. of Mr. and Mrs. M. Saahnik; past two weeks. The visitors have jsfrini. Join now . . r e J~"*T. r~T_ GREEJifiEItG-HAKJilS Mr. and Mrs. Sbshnik enter- sen extensively entertained durceremony. izn efiisiest instruc r - t,rc r : : - Mr. and ilrs.. Williath Cane antained for tVilliani and his brideThe bride -wore a white satin to-be at a dinner at their home ing their stay. They are returning | t h e Eiost rels-sing i : - : r lr^-> r.. nounce the marriage of their to Chicago today. ! niece, Eleanore Harris, to Henry gown Under a lace redingote made last week. Out-of-town guests Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. with a long train. Her veil -was present were Mr. and Mrs. FeinFall is drawing near! i,TLcn j A t t h i s tirae y t i_r £ ; c ; » ; - -„ - RETURN FROM EAST th e Philip Greenbergi Monday, Sep- of tulle made to form a tiara. She berg of Sious City, Mr. and Mrs. t l Mrs. Jules Shapiro and daugli-! ~«>ljreafter sets ia iU thbss i fieeins it tiecessEry t " * r - i t ^ -h tember. 7. Rabbi David A. Gold- carried a prayerbook and a single A. Lefkovich of Sious City, Miss ;ef, Natalie Joy, have returned IW h ° . t a t e , ^ e a ft^c.tea ^ i to etie c l t h e Ce f r ' t . t . ' ^ e t i stein performed the ceretnoily,. gardenia. a m wea. e s t Mih Sherman of Denver, and Miss :rbni a trip to New York, Balti-1 fwarm f ^ e ^ ! f to ^ ^ oi j r o u h d a t h l e t e s . W"L:t - : ! ' • - ,• ?c Mrs. Kay Karnsn of New York Sylvia Giventer of Chicago. •which was held at the home of e E S T n U £ a v e t 0 b e i a s i £ t more, Washington, D. C, end laziness wi ^ - j t o n o r a b l e is t h e :^->i :'• i; i. •= . : 4 the groom's parents. Miss Harriet was her sister's matron of honor. Ko definite date haa been set hicago. They were gone sis i ing of getting those cramped, tired I a b o u t t o b e i n e n t - - r _ « n r t :r.She wore green taffeta with an Bernstein sang "I libve You for the weddingi ^ T c": weeks. j muscles loose acd to a^aia be ia j est words a "z'.~.—.' •'.•., Truly*^ to a piano and Tiolin ac- orchid corsage. perfect working order. The tnost I should prove to i~r ". \ r- s x% t Miss Beatrice Sommer, the companiment, Milton Eoblnson essential tfeihj in staying in con- I size m a t e s little _ '_ - - . - . 1. ANNOUNCE fiffiTH RETURNS groom's sister, a bridesmaid, played the -wedding march. dition is to have a daily exercise Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B. Belzer Mrs. D. S. Greenberg has rewore peach satin and a corsage of The bride wore a white Telret announce the birth of a soa Au^ urned td the Logan hotel after program. Included in this progown made with a full sweeping Talisman, roses. Miss Roseline gust 30 at the Covenant hospital. spending the summer at Colorado gram, it should fca mentioned j tinal fortitude z.-~ \'..-- r - that the Center is the "spot" in Tee young- taaE r 1 . : . ' i 1 ; train, long sleeves and. a high Pizer, also a bridesmaid, -wore Springs, Colo. which to develop renewed vigor in this method 11-£ \ ^ -. t. ^. regal collar. Her veil was bor- pink moire -with red velvet trim. HERE FOR Her corsage was. ot pink rdses. and hardened tauscies. The Cen- jtion en the Certc- _r. -.•»:: dered with lace and formed a Dr. Arthur :• r^low, son of Mrs. Edwin Sommer served his A. iCazlowSky, arrived Thursday CLUB ORGANISED ter, with its many facilities, is I both ia basket b - \ z.~- .. E. tiara trimmed -with pearls and A Social and Cultural club was matching Velvet. She carried white brother as best man. from Los Angeles to Visit here organized August 27. Anyone in- j able to furnish the apparatus iball. This y=r.ns = : : I . - . ' , - r Mr. and Mrs. Sommer left for during the holydays. j necessary and with Lee Grossman roses and baby's-breatb. terested in joining is asied to j in charge of the physical depart-jfcis record year c : t ^ - ; ^ : . t r The bride's matron of honor New Orleans to take a boat for Dr, Kaslow haa finished his in- call S. Kenyon, Harney SS37. jnesed the J. C. C. .'i" . - ' - < ment, a person can only blame I title. Ey t'ras t.~s >~ C^-.f •was the groom's sister, Mrs. Si. Central America. They will make terheship at the Hollywood hosMniself. for his despised condition. • sports foilcwers EIC Jlz ~.zz.zv .^^ B. Silberman. Miss Shirley Cane, their home in Omaha upon their pital in California. He was camp VACATION AT Handball courts available and [ t e e athlete is is—--s c-t^c- l l " ' cousin of the bride, was maid of •eturn. physician «at the Y. M. C. A* camp COLORADO SPRINGS at this time all should be condi- i Aaron Epstein. Let's E •• r "L-- f honor. Mrs. Sam Greenberg and Round Meadow, outside Los AnMr. Julius Rayman and son, tioning for the coning tautesMiss Helen Greenberg were brides- FOX-FEBLOWITZ geles, prior to his departure for orton, are spending their vaca- ments, such as the Center, tie I "big hand, what cc 7 oi «•:; " .-vf -^ Mis3 Alma Feblowitz, daughter Omaha.' maids. All the attendants were tion at Colorado Springs, Colo. City* and the midwestern A. A. tr., gowned in harmonizing shadei3 of f Mr. and Mrs. David Feblowitz, He Will return to California to both in the sissies and doubles. j t h e bEstetball cc -; r : t - ' blile and carried colonial bou- lecame the bride of Bernard Na- begin an interheship at the Los \-\'- z c-^.. t Those interested in doubles play than Foi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angeles County General hospital* IN _ quets. Mr. Sain Rosenberg and snn, can take the nest two months in jjthe Jewish Coramu- ty C :rrr- r r - jAx. Sana Greenberg served his Morris Fos of Chicago, formerly October 1; Fred, are in Denver, Colo., for working together and in that Tray Omata. brother as best man. Tjshers were of Omaha,"Sunday afternoon, Sepeveral weeks. Center aspirants can be "tops" in Phil Laserdwitz, Harvey Leon; ember 6, at 2 o'clock. Rabbi Da- CONVALESCING id A. Goldstein performed the handball competition. Gymnastic Marvin Pizer and Herbert Kaplan. Sam RdSehsteiii is convalescing AT JOSLXN MEMORIAL and exercising classes will scon merit r""r r - t r o r - c "• Mrs. Cane wore a floor length eremony' before an improvised at home iron: an appendectomy. Two musical progrdraa will be get under way, but anyone interdress Of light blue lace. Mrs. ,ltar of palina, ferns and asters. given at the Joslyn Memorial this ested ia imrnediate worfeouts will Miss Itarie Swahson played the RETURNS Greenberg's gown was of delphiniunfiay kftsmoon; one an organ find the physical director always harp during the ceremony. ium blue chiffon. CALIFORNIA recital by Martin W. Buss, ES- at their service. Volley ball, alThe bride was gowned in ivory A reception was held after the Sam Kaplan returned recently ceremony. TheJStisse3 Pearl Mon- latin made with a full sweeping from, a month's trip to Califor- isted hy Evelyn L. Smith, pian- ways a. great and • interesting sfcy and Ruth Iieibovici assisted. :rain, long sleeves and a high nia where visited with relatives. ist, and the oilier a" JDhannes frame, has been enjoyed by the The couple left for a three- fowl neckline. Her tulle reil was He also stopped in Wichita Falls, Brihms program sponsored by men's Health club throughout the week trip to Banff and Lake ordered with lace with an off- Ter>, to visit coiisih3 before re^ the works progress administration summer months, and although and directed by Mine. Thea jloel- cooler weather is predicted, the Louise. The bride's traveling out; the-face cap trihimed in pearls turning home. ler-Herrns. The organ program temperature in the • Center gym fit was a black velvet siilt and reached to the hem of her p will be given in the concert tail train. She carried a shower bbu- TO •ATTEND NEW YORK trimmed with black martin. during the boon hour will always j ggf at 4 p. m. and the Brahms prouet of whits roses and baby's On their return Mr. and Mrs. grain, at 4:30 in the lecture hall. hover near the boiling point due i jjgj reattu ' Greenberg will live in Omaha. Mrs. Leoiiard Pinkbvitz and There will also ba an illustrated to the "tsrrifie" play of t a e s a j j ! Miss La Verne Feblowitz was children have gone to New York "young oldsters." Kovr is ths time j g | her sister's only attendant and to attend a wedding and visit rel- lecture called "Glimpses of Ja- to take advantage of tfcsse eppor- ! ^= BECKER-JA2JGER pan" by Mary Pollard Hull at tunities as "action" is the leader wore baby blue satin. Her bou- atives for a month. ENGAGEMENT " iW 3:SO in the lecture hall. All d i at l all times. • " Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Janger ah- quet was of Talisman Toses. thesa activities are free of charge.' For the past week Lee Harold Block served Mr. Fox .nounce the engagement of their RETURNS FRO3I EASTERN daughter, Helen, now of Balti- as best man. Ushers were Loyal more, to S. Sydney Becker, soil Reinschfeiber, Jack Foi and HarMrs. Rose Himelsteih returned . of Mr. August Becker of Balti- old Perelman* ed • from a twb-mbnth eastern A reception wa3 held immedimore. trip. She visited in Chicago, Miss Janger attended the Uni- ately after the ceremony. Assist- New York, Hartford, Conn., New versity of Nebraska and Mr. Beck- ing -were the Misses Mildred Saf- Britain and Norwich, Cohh; er is a graduate of the Univer- ersteln, Pearl Monsky, Pauline Margolin, Julia Herzberg, Helen RETURN FROM TRIP sity of Maryland. No definite date has been set rireenberg and Lottie Rips, all Mrs. Sam Rosenberg and son, sorority sisters of the bride. for the wedding. Millard, and daughter Dottie» After a short wedding trip the have returned from a trip to Salt ouple will make their home in Lake City, Lbs Angeles and San SCHNEtDER-KORXFEIiD Miss Frances Kornfeld, daugh- !hicago. For her goihg-away cos- Francisco. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Korn- tume Mrs. Fox wore an aqUafelrf of South Bend, Ind., became marine ensemble with brown acthe bride of Nathan Schneider, cessories and a corsage of garde••r ' • son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Mas. Schneider, Sunday, September 6, at 1 o'clock at the home Of Rabbi VISITOR FROM David Goldstein. Only members ROCHESTER Miss Ruth Sternberg of Roch- SHAMPOO AfoD FINGEft \.»/AV§ of the immediate families atester, N. Y., is visiting her brothtended. Ben Schneider, brother of the er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. fhd Zotos PeHnan6ht Ways Jack Stern and family. groom, served as best man. with ho machinery, Sha ho A reception was held Sunday electricity jisfcsi &i 63.S3 B«3 AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP up. . • evening at the home of the Miss Ida Gitlin, daughter ot groom's parents, 306 So. 52d St. Among the out-of-town guests Mrs. Sadie Gitlin, was awarded present were Mr. and Mrs. Ben the Dr. S. K. Spaulding scholarKdrnfeld. parents oE the bride; ship at the Municipal university Misses Gertrude and\ Miriam of Omaha. Kdrnfeld, sisters; Messrs. Meyer ana Edward Kornfeld, brothers and Miss Pearl Hamburg, cousin of South Rend; Miss Miriam Zinman, cousin of the bride, of Chicagd; Mr. Leopold Fishkind uncle ot the groom, and Jack and Esther Flshkind, cousina of the groom, of Freepqrt, Long Island 305% So. 16th—Ha. 3213 •' The couple will reside in Omaha. * ^ - w


Jr. Ccr^r" i <



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Early Deadline!



shing ft irlier


Final plans have been com pleted for the Mother chapter's annual Achar ataunis dance to be heia at the Paxton hotel ballroom Tom Kippur night, Saturday, September 2G. Frank Lucaa and his new 11-piBco orchestra will provide the music. Tickets for the dance are on sale and mz'y be purchased from any A. Z. A. No. 1 member. A regular meeting Chapter No. 1 will be held Sunday, September 13. All members are urged to bo present at this important meet-



A regular meeting of'A. 2. A chapter No. 100 was held at th J. Cv C. Tuesday night, Septeuv ber 8. The chapter votedXto at tend in a body a B'nal 3'ritu ceremony to be held September 21. The regular meeting date fo the chapter was changed froiri Tuesday evenings to Sundiy eft ernoons. The details of the chapter P-' per were given by the editors The first issue of this pa'jcf be distributed at the nest meet ing.

$1 box of Charlemagne Face Powder blended'to suit your own individual coloring with each purchase of Charlemagne preparations* amounting to $1 or oveh • . ' Miss Bialac, an eJtpert in powder blending, .will be:happy to advise you with your makeup problems and skin disorders. •"• •

Complete Thb a§w. AuismcSie Wmker will Help

; •• $!,$1,75,$300—Smmaculeite Cleanser for Dry, Noriaal or Oily

Eacp Is?

.. '.' .,.$lj'$135s $3, $3—E^itoiie A Delightful Presiieaer for Contracting aiid • PiasHng Pores

.:;. '•'.: •/ $ 1 . 7 5 , $ 3 , $ 5 — V e l v e l o i i r


A Complete Tissue Builder aM Etcelleat for • • • ••" f

Vv"rinMes or Dryiiess •

Acne treatments, enlarged pore end Mcclrlicaa % mmU3, oily and. and dry dxy treatments. treatment Eduse, vlj Hp E&J:, Cl? 5 ere mafceup 01.

t ' • i


1 , ,


for Autumn


For Two •Wseks—September 8 to 19



. 50c'-

A* 2* A. No. 1


cn a Isrsswii



Countj', N. Y., horse show, which, brousht out a large societr throng. il—i

•i Ms: < i C/USDEDATES MEET—Historic meeting of Governor Landorr, left, '{: \ Eepubllcan .Presidential candidate, and President Roosevelt,'right, i Democratic candidate, at Des Mojnes, Iowa. "How are you? Gov, 'efnor?"rthe~Ptesident asked. "How are you, Mr..President?" queried.the.Qoyernor. Politics were barred. It was a conference of 1 .. governors -with" the President on extreme drought problems.."


MONSTER — It may look like some gaping monster drawn up from the ocean's depths, but it's really the skeleton of the illfated French liner, L'Atlantique, gutted by fire during a trial run, as wrecser&tear it.apartat Port Glasgow, Scotland. Heavy hull plates have been cut through nearly to the Tsrater's~edge.' The ship was built to Jbe a fast, modern liner.




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SPEED KING'S BABY—James Kaye Don, infant son of the famous British motorboat and automobile racer, Kaye Dan. pictured at home in London with his mother, LSxs.' DiaT'an- American, formerly of Greenwich, Conn.



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EACE1S CSACSS UP—Pilot Joe-Jacobson, 31-year-old flier, seated in the: cockpit 'of; his plane just before - taking off from Floyd Bennett^.Field,. New York, in the transcontinental Berfdix'Air .Trophy-race. Several hours later he telephoned he -wasithrown. clear ofJils craft -wheh it exploded in mid-air near Stafford, Kan. Jacobson landed by-parachute and was uninjured.

''I f,1-


PEAK FORM — 'Alice Marble, blonde Calif ornian, who- asserted she was in' peak form in health, a s she prepared t o compete i n the women's singles championships of t h e , United States a t Forest Hills, N. Y. Three ,•'years ago,' after 108" games, she wilted on a n d went to a hospital. Hoping to win t h e title,- she said she < was in peak form.





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| YOUTH F O E OM> AGE—Expounding the,gospel-of-the Old-Age Pension Plan, here is 16-year-old Lois Jeanne ~Jahason' of San Diego, Cal., who h a s traveled more t h a n . 19,003smiles in three months in the'interest of. Dr. Francis E..Townsend's policies.


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FOBDEU—Mere fodder for guns and bayonets in Spain's ci\il v a r is shewn as Iresli troops are mobilized in the public square in Barcelona before leaving for the Saragossa front to augment Government forces there. Note the hosr.e-made tank at the left cf the picture. Excitement r a n high as ths troops left. i






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B A S C H I E F — Frederick E. Stinchfield of Minneapolis, reelected president of the American Bar Association, at the convention in Boston. Ke was bom in Danforth, S£e. After being graduated from Harvard hs vas admitted to the New York bar in 190S, but moved to Minneapolis three years later. He is a World War veteran.



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AN CUVCE TCZ T A7I~ ths "Weather nurw end recording devi ce b'' v edge of humc&nss . The ou ,nt'v


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L_ H i r e s FINW.I2&'Z &S&SZ-~A movie contract dangled in front of 'William*-Hyexsoa, 13, of'Atlantic.City, N. j . , after he won the HacMeberry F i n n contest sponsored recently by the Mark Twain SSemorlai Fousdstioa. Bill is shOT?n in center, with Jack. Higgins,.

fEt.SPLS 33OMI-TOES—This is ths 42nd year that PGP Warner, coacli of TeniplD trtlrersitr football team in Philadelphia, has been a football mentor. Here are some cf his your.esters sis they dart training at Oak Lane. Pa., for the corain? ceacon. Left to ripht: Fred Hinc, Clui: Psrp-.s, E5 Fi:11/ i Ilscali rnd Clcn Steveas. Th:v are ciacng Pop's lotSir.-; Meter:.

0"" f""f I,cfT» iheir T r>«5ir'r>i*<crF snri h a s

THE-JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY,. SEPTEMBER 11, lirSS~ j drama, and power from start to ] j finish, one of t i e most dramatic j | and powerful passages is devoted I to that climactic episode in their i lives. « i I 1 The returning brothers arrive j n..iL'. | at the Polish border. From the ! j chaos that is -Kussia in the throes j . . j of revolution, they are suddenly j j face to face with the bestial an- j ; ti-Sernitism of a Poland gene na- ; ~ t a l i e stro-c-r r-cc - -v* I tion-crazy and spilling over with !i o iCi-nce .a Pa ^ . renewed hatred of the At'j Administrate ?ress the railway station, they Jews. are sube C c ; n... e


By DR. L M. BIRKHEAD Dr. Eirkhead here continues his enumeration. of Fascist anti-Semitic groups in this country. This list, the beginning of which_'appeared in'The Jewish Press last week, brings to public iattention those undercover. associations which aim to introduce Xaziism into the United States, THE EDITOR

tions is a Jewish Idea." In Washington, D. C. there are three i m p o r t a n t anti-Semitic groups which reach into every secetion of the country. They are 1 ' : — James : True Associates, National Press Building. This group publishes Industrial Control Reports and the majority of th^ra are attacks on the Jews. True has direct connection with . TJiti-Semites of the country.' (Sir. True

A semi -monthly for the defense of Gentile Culture and Civilization J**. Hit

jected to a degrading persecution j " e v ' l S - 1 -^£ f --J i"" I ,by the commanding officer of the | T n ' c ! : con^lLw"d »_s ,. -~ = •border guard.- • • • . i s on here LJ r t . : a -r_r.i ' ] With a gleeful threatening pea-j C i S l C " o f t h e J.ev.ioh paop, jsant mob looking on, the - officer !0 ? € r £ t e P e ^ e l u l l r v.'hLMl: j orders his men to strip the b r o - ! o a t h e Prmcirle tbat r - V




V . ^ . >4V



tiers to their skins. Jacob Bun- jn o r -_ A r f ^ ' ^ i a l 1 ^ " - f II im. ira, a powerful -man,.tears Mm-!ficmiEated..';•, .in.the vvn t-l-cr. z •mosrw>u>sHo^iD HA« UHOOSTOODL.. i self f r e e . b e f o r e t h e j o b i j ;d o n e t l 2 e

To continue; the list or Fascist should he watched.) - '.'". -... jIs Committee Report land p r o t e s t - t s a t he and Ms b r o - i *fcal ^session c tl-c Co^mitic groups in this coun- -- .2 —. America First, lac. The Ither are Lodi industrialists . and ;w a s toe-ratification ct r1-* pressed, by ilia .Entire tryi: *\;T?LE'. INDUSTRIAL DE- ambition of this organization Is i tax-payers and may not be^treat-; of St-,7?5,eeo-to CC-PT i>e F E N - S E , ASSOCIATION,' INC. to become the clearing house for Amsrccsn Press • led in such fashion. ' * 1 fiitnres cf. the J e r =r A~\ (136 Federal Street, 'Boston, all American anti-Jewish groups. I Goaded, to fury ty the unes-; Palestine curing t>- err- « moor cr Txzxznsovs wtiarr. TJMT tars, Mass:) -.Edward: H.. Hunter is the It makes frequent reference*in its CO.VTXOi. HACTKALLT ALL i pected resistance, the officer j T i e ' A'dainistrai *-s Cere^ * ^.~ lecturer and organizer of . this erature to EUmondson, Colonel j suddenly shifted: his tactics, a e -: also., adopted group and its activities extend Sanctuary; the Patriotic Publish-' ! man-d? that they prove they are j-resolctions * "h-ch ei.->throughout New England. Ac- ing " Co. • (publishers- of "The i I industrialists and not Coninitra-; scsietT^boci cording to Mr. Hunter this socie- American Gentile") and similar' • ists. " " ' - - i rorisnr-•• a n d ty was "organized to ' inculcate leaders and . groups. It advocates! t-k* "Shout ...To Sell ..with' Leon • government the principles of Americanism in the- reading of Congressman Me- I Trotzky!' " he orders Jacob Bunj measures to industrial," religious, fraternal Fadden's "speech attacking the! The Jewish .^ T : -V J~C "«• = | im and Simcha Meyer. and educational circles." : Jews and the Protocols. (James They comply. He orders them j voiced Jalarin at the V, „ „ 4The Rev. Herbert R. Whit- True is president.) jto increase the vigor ...of .- their; their \ eminent eor coceeso^on-s to A - t j Cic : . -—;- c lock, pastor and evangelist, is shouts, to shout it until their • rorisia ;by-sxi-Ejen= oi c c r r~^ * c.-r s e I v, 3 — Allied Patriotic Societies the president of the group, and (affiliated with the American teeth rattle. They comply. • jtion. This r e s o r t s- r^ni:v<; *, R o s s H . Currier, "active in mil-Coalition Society.) This group is Still not. satisfied, he commands : British g-ovGrnnit;nt i -^ r-^^r Tliis publication receives editorial guidance' from Julras them to " substitute" the wcrdjed deela'ratiors t l a t T: itary, naval and insurance cir- under, the control of a wealthy r cles/Ms treasurer. Streicliers central plant for disseminating anti-Semitism "Yids" for Trotsky. New York lawyer, John B. TrevThis Association -was'originally j or. By way of its violent oppo- throughout the -svorld. - - SEVEN ARTS. Then he tells the: to dance.;-fers'to the jrczx.scs c^ anti-Communist and anti-Newj sition to the New Deal, it attacks T if f Simcha Meyer, with a conteistu- • Deal. But it has enlarged its ac- The alien and immigrant stock Aryan" groups and Societies, as Ralph E. Nollner's "Federation ous glance at the crowd, and : i E to Palestine w •-LU "i- c o r t \ c i l tivities to include anti-Semitism. who now control the govern- j for esample, the "Pan-Aryan Al- of 10,000,000. ;'He hopes that trembling with raj ;e, . complies.; ed by the econor c a*">ro"; Lire caIn its office in Boston I found ment" and thus it discloses its i liance", and. the "Local Aryan." many, southern Christians will Jacob Bunim", counseling his bro- j p icity of the cox.r.u-<-. T'"^ _i - a large supply of anti-Jewish lit- .anti-Semitism. In this office I \ "Christian Citizenship Organi- join him in his' anti-Semitism. the limit of his patience, and his : -^ erature. I was given a pamphlet bought a copy of Colonel Edwin j ization of the United States." (Copyright 1936 by Seven. Arts,sense of dignity outraged, makes mralstratiTe Corrr" 1 t°e ?!«"> c—•veyed to the rewis } C r ~ ~ u r . T, ontitled "The Grave Diggers- of Marshall Hadley's "T. '• N. T.", 'And not least impoKant. the .Rev. j Feature Syndicate.) no move to comply. When the in Palestine -ts c?Te=t r r r - ° " ar /2 Russia" which is devoted wholly which is an attack on Commun- ] officer advances en him threaten- tiort and gratitude ' ior t"Le e"^nmleged leaders .of the Soviet gov- ism as a Jewish conspiracy. "But ingly, Jacob Bunim strikes him to ".horrible caricatures of the al-we let Mr. True do most of the with all the power he commands. ] 2ss which has "been en inernment, all. of •whom , are por- Jew-baiting" an office assistant " The officer fires point-blank I spiration to the v^Lole J p v ^L ] <t trayed with exaggerated' Jewish informed me. DEFENDER'S OF and Jacob. falls dead. And as ple." Another res^'^Lion C.cfeatures." Handed to me also was THE CHRISTIAN . FAITH. This j Simcha Sleyer falls grief-stricken T a pamphlet, "Special Report: is one. of the important anti-Semover 'the prostrate body, the clares: "ilonths o. tenor ia e The. Swan Song of Hate," which itic movements hecause it reaches thought will not down — he has not destroyed the cesire ol the; is a Vicious attack "on Rabbi Step- the." fundamentalist Christians of met defeat again at the hands of Jewish people to cooperate psacehen S. Wise, Palestine, Russia the country with unscrupulous his more-favored brother. • He, fully with the Arabs on the prm-' and concludes with a list of 175 attacks-oh the Jews written by holding life more dearly than ciple that .neither Jews nor Arais ; By PAUL A. PETERS Jewish-arid Communist controlled t h e R e T .G e r ald Wtaro'd or Wichpride, envies his brother who had .organizations. .Practically all °*|it a ; .Kansas. The same attacks been able to value ds^nity more shall dominate nor.- be corn aerated, i the progressive organizations, in are first printed in the Defender life. • the country are included. Inci- and the Revealer, both edited by (In which Mr. Peters removes his Of one of the world's most notorA more trenchantly -written, Patronize Otr Advertisers dentally. Mr. Hunter thinks that Wichita and having a eye.from the keyhole long enough ious plague spots. illuminating characterization has Jolly, handsome, zestfnl, gen- , rarely been put into print than Mrs." Dilling's "Red Network" is combined circulation of some- to read a book and turn • handone 'of: the greatest hooks ever thing like 150,000. Winrod's the- springs about it.) erous Jacob Bunim and his bril-jj s contained in these vivid"pages; liant, greedy-for-wealth-and-powwritten and one of the most i m - | s i s t h a t C o m m u n i 3 m j 3 a Jewish Skeined in - with the rattling twin Simcha Meyer rids looms of the Polish, German and Publishers have been known er portant. _.';.,_ ; " conspiracy to destroy Christian: This Indnstrial Defense Asso-1 Ever since the coming of to be rather liberal in their use through a' pogTom-ridden, rising- Jewish weavers is the heart-rendciation also distributes such pam- Je's'us the. Jews'have sought the of the word "masterpk e" & nationalistic and increasingly ing story of the immeasurably As Ja- miserable existence of millions of phlets "as "Jevish Jazz" (which destruction of his message. First scribing a volume turned out for class-conscious country. Here a r e , deit publishes), "The Man Behind they crucified Jesus and then be- them by one of their pet authors. cob' (later'Yakob) and Simcaa j the proletariat. anr (later Max) forge" their way," the jSCribed the first strikes, the first the President", "Are Jews God's gan their eternal opposition Qo So, when, in the* advance This :.vjew,_by the nounceinents of . "The _Brothers_ one through sheer luck" and & j class-conscious stirrings .of -a <3esChosen?" by Irving L. Potter, Christianity. r w captiT • perate the gfosiiSewell and""".Was "Christ a Jew?" " t t way7 i= shared -b'y""neaTly"*all' Tof Ashkenazi","' Alfred 'A.'""Knopf

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answer, as you've guessed, is "KQ") also by Irving L. Potter. While in the office I saw a great stack of several thousand copies of a pamphlet, "Zionism". a copy of which had been given me in the office of "The League for Constitutional Government," (in >Tew York). I inquired about this pamphlet and was informed that Mr. Hunter had just imported the pamphlet from London and was going to distribute it throughout the country. This pamphlet, "Zionism", is printed by "The Militant Christian Patriots, 93 Chancery Lane, London." Its-thesis is that Zionism is the major part of the conspiracy,, of World Jewry to set up a super-world government, that Zionism brought the United states'into the. World:-War, that Justice Brandeis wanted 'to mak~e the world safe for Zionism' but Woodrow Wilson insisted'on substituting ' "democracy". Zionists ordered the end of the World War'.-- In: -the -Zionist world state which' will soon be set up '.with Palestine as the head, country property ;-which will be ' abolished. Gentiles'; will be subjected to slavery" by Jew and League of Naof us-;— namely, Theosophy, we Christian- P a t r i o t 9. But,: my friends/if you' "only had read the "Pagan Talmud and "Kabbalah", it would mot he necessary, for you to read this pamphlet, "Zionism". The inspiration of all these Jewish Messianic schemes are recorder in those ancient j Jewish documents. • Many Americans as well as many Englishmen.will believe in this booklet. Who was it that wrote that "man is a rational animal^". Anyway Americans are going to he seeing and hearing a great deal of this pamphlet in the near future, thanks to the Industrial Defense Association

other through tireless energy and of revolt that ended so " disastrsheer genius,'from success to suc- ously in 1905 and had its clisias cess, there rises with them the in 1917 with the Russian upcity of Lodz — a Polish Man- heaval. Here, in 'movicg, .deepchester that was caught up in the cutting words, is depicted the industrial revolution, rose to a bitter, hopeless struggle of the stained glory and collasped in masses', to rise above their incre-^ the universal cataclysym called •dibly sordid-" environment.. Here the World; War and the post-War a r e recorded a host of fascinating inflation madness. •! living -characters who are brilliReared in a pious Chassidic antly etched as they move across environment, the . brothers seed a lurid period in history. its habiliments, well here is a plot that is developed as physically, when causht up in with the sure,- dramatic instinct should discuss if space permitted. With "The. Brothers. Ashken-I the tide of maniacal greed that of a master. : • ^ There are the following which azi," Singer takes rank with the -The book is more- than €00 must be w.atched: Ernest Goemer world's- top-flight novelists of the swept the peasant land.with the development of steam. ; pages long, but you'll put it] Publicity Bureau (Milwaukee)—j _ j

the anti-Semitic leaders with hailed I.- J. (Yoshe Kalb) Singer's novel as not only a "masterpiece" whom I have talked. But why continue the listing of but a "monumental" one at that, these organizations and the nau- I was inclined to be skeptical. seating details concerning their j . For that skepticism, I now ideas, plans, and purposes? Yes, make formal apology to Mr. why? Because it is .necessary for Knopf, to Mr. Singer and to the Americans to know these facts if j translator, Maurice 'Samuel, who they -are" too forewarned o f the j has turned in what is probably danger of being engulfed in Fas-lone of the finest translations cism and a wave of racial hatred from the Yiddish (in which the and religious bigotry. There are novel was originally written) other : important ..groups which I you'll read this year.


A n d

d o u M


-Wide Selections of Last" Minute Fashions' ALWAYS: Are t! 'Keynote' of the1 New'Greater Rayden's! •'Now-We'Prese:


even my


The development of the'twins,

down, as I did/ with regret. "The \ Its thesis is the "The Jew-advi-; s e v e r e s t cr itlcs. will take. issue sors are the cancer- in our body with me in placing him a step or one robust, :the other a physical' Brothers-Ashkeaasi", a t ? 2 . 7 5 , i s weakling, is marked by " an end- the best reading investment yoa] politic. -— American. Blue Corps, two ahead of most of them. Sharon, Penna — , The Black j Shirts, Atlanta, Ga. —; American] Socialist




less, bitter


Infinitely will make in-the-year 5S97.

covers t superior "-to* Jacob mentally, Sim-

j (Copyrictt icZC Jewish phi: Agency, Ir.c.



meetings weekly during the _ one's life full and Unjoy iKJtiSii: . n „ . . __ Beniamin Franklin =!o- a, r e n i a s o n ] y j ^ - — ^ ^ ^ - ^ go to making The chasm that. ?eparied j Gold cigarettes Trith j-r-r b r i t h t l m < ? S i D S e r h M al sivon 111. The leader ciety, it w S B l Th leader ' us a- sweeping, ' '!S view j the two was never bridged — not unforgettable E. H. Peterson, says the. Jews of! a people being crushed be-: exeri j n <'the last cf days" for

i The Jewish Press advertisers caused the depression. — Consti- < ^ e c n 'thVm ill's to nes"or a nti-Sem-.hem, when disaster had over-1 merit your ratroncga. ; tution Legion of America L03 itism and the economic struggle whelmed them both and when i Angeles, Cal. Advocates reading for existence. | the younger (by ten minutes),] of. Protocols at- public meetings Vividly, with masterful use of j spurred by generous impulses,, to' inform Americans of Jewish depicted a J forgave the elder his ruthlersr.ess j plans. — Ku Klus Klan. Still ac- language, here are that take I and, having affected his rescue; Two we:i-f. tive in. many . placed fighting group of characters Catholics, Jews and TCegroes — rank with the best-limned in fie-j from a Bolshevik dungeon in the! Airy. Ve->' tion. Their nro^ress through the I early days of the Red revolution, | of America, Philpages of the book is across the j lost his own life in re Charles" Helm, leader. adelphia. HA-731C WE-0414 background of one of the most with him to Poland. ' displaced i declares that Jews


turbulent, brutal and sordid eras'

Paul Revere Society, Chicago. Hadley, I Col. -- Edwin Marshill president, is a close friend of Col. j Sanctuary. Col. Hadley believes j that every evil In America comes from the Jews. — Silver Shirts of Americar- Commander-in-chief, :William Dudley Pelley. Pelley has • many associates throughout the country who have set up local Silver Shirts • groups under various n a m e s . — Sentinels of the Republic •Kaymond Pitcairn. leader. Their real purposes esposed in Congress, precipitated the resignation of Alexander Lincoln of Boston- as p r e s i d e n t Brotherhood of . Builders • of Bus-

In a book that is Packed with

Scores it- Choose.From-at .. This "Budget"'Price! '


of Boston, ^ Mrsi A."TelHan, who operates from a candy store at 13OS First Avanue;- New-York Qity, edits a mimeographed newspaper, "entitled "American Bulletin: The iness. Edwia Paul Kichter, ChiWhite Man's Viewpoint". and ago,' General Commander and

"Irish Outpost". Both of are viciously anti-Semitic. Mrs. Tellian also acts as: the New York correspondent : f or; Julius Streicher, "Der" Stuermerl".. She" refused to see .me .but.telephoned that if I would' read Machiavelli's . "The Prince," Henry Ford's "'The Internaticnal Jew", and similar lit. erature ' for a few • weeks i.then I would be- in ths proper frame of mind to talk to her.', One of Mrs. Tellian's favorite slogans, printed frequently -in her American Bulletin,' iH."4T>on't. forget Huey P. Long, killed by a Jew." She also prints ono of Streicher's favorites, "The Jews are our misfortune." Running through her publication is the refrain "the League of Na-

-,-rV.>y fabrics . -• , , - ,7\Ow5= importst

There are also numerous ''pan


2429 D.ecafrar.St.


A full line of Now TeaT' In Jewish and nnplts'h-Jind also a full supply of the oihpr seisonabie reliriou? articles like niprhs^iiim with JewiFb and Kntrlish t n w n tions, prayer bcol;s. talslrn. FI.O ^T^<^ wool of the, tt-st r!r.o"=. etc. RpmemTier afen to place vrvsr order -with rap for an esrr>3 n.ri'1 n lulnv that Is br-ir>£r imported py me from Eres-JsraeL

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a t jrJ.r


Ejr.sVr* Kszher CrccJ;sjp'rv'/cn cfthsSJnisn cf Orthodox Jewish


r rut


Page 8


i Says Jews ? t Care What i«Ssmltes Say

standing between various groups sor of 'irod in Tr-'::by Roger W. Straus, co-chairman; rersity d c:,ir that of the National Conference of Paxtcn Co. c:l ,vfra. in?-Jews and Christians, who pointed deuce" (Continued from Page 1.) f f - inr »ri;nf< out that true tolerance must be '•<ire en the best of the Hi#h CommissionPILL, co-respondent menial v- h i (• f. 2"ti) nor! M. brought about by a slow educa- could i er's belief, Nuri Pasha made clear r any Soft to the Arab leaders that he was „„,=,„,. t . W , c is. (WNS)—The tional process, and that "eacli xnnotIn a I ru ,1L Levin, Mrs. Philip Sherman, •»•! CastBucharest (JTA)—Alarmed by Position 10 give any such! [t>n=pnw?5 "" ^nfl Goebbels and' dividual must be permitted to Ings. Mrs. B. Berman, Mrs. H. Frled- the extent of terroristic activities assurances. »•'<»"•<'«'•'•= • " others of their ilk fjiftern* Streicher "and iRVSN C. LEViiW work out for himself that most | man and Mrs. Sam Skalovsky. , throughout Rumania, Premier "No promises have been made anywhere say concerning the: personal 3C, E i s c t n c Bu n <" Iron of all relations, raz i. Cistern Tatarescu summoned his re- to Nuri Pasha by t h e High Com- .Jew," Rabbi Abraham J. Feld-; relation to the -universe." A tir't JEWISH NATIONAL FUND vamped cabinet to a special ses- missioner or by His ^ • a -J esty>s I man declared in an address at theied front of adherents of all ~ r Holding the first of a series of sion which decided to dissolve \ a s f ^ - d s either sus- M I d w e s t . I n s U t n t e ot Human Re- ligions was urged by Clifford P ' i interclub .council meetings for immigration or his po-1l a t i o n s . Oiscnssins of Milwaukee, edi'cJewish New Year cards, with a and disarm immediately a l l t h e o r i g i n s of Morehoase i u l c the annual carnival, scheduled picture of some scene of Pales- "shock troops" affiliated with the sition a s mediator ediator in th ffi\I J -n i.v T-. U "= t h e aaffairs A ^_t_.._ n n ii^:^ n i nn -.tiAr, ^c T}oin=,nn« " . modern u e n for early November, the majority tine on them, are available this various of Palestine. political parties. ocracy. Rabbi Peld-i of the Linngoppose Church, to and root o.x | man said "democracy is the child'intolerance, war of local organzlations were rep- year, through the Jewish National The cabinet announced that all i resented last 'week .-when raffle Fund council and proceeds from acts of terrorism would be se- j Jewish circles that reported ne- of the Bible to the extent that i t ' a religious social order. Dr. -r is born Of the idea of human | {red R. Rsdcliffe-Brown, prof books were distributed. Chances their sale will; go toward the J. verely punished. gotiations with Arab dignities, equality and has spiritual con-j on a car will again be- sold this N. F. The cards may bo purchased Special instructions were Is- through, & mediation of Iraq's tent." He asserted that tKtere wasj IRVIN C. LEVIN. Attorney year and the, car will be shown from Mr. S. Krupnick, sceretary aued to all local authorities Foreign^ F o i Minister Nuri Pasha-as- no democracy in Europe before! ' "" 301 Electric Building on the • Sioux City ^downtown of the J. N. F. council. Two hun- throughout the country-'to enSaid, in Palestine, were regarding the Bible became available to the' NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT streets this week and next. dred Jewish calendars hare" also force the cabinet's decisions. . Jewish interests only as a pawn and the first stirrings of TO: JAMESDEFENDANT Each organization submitted been received by the council and K'U.NCL. Members of the police and in "the Arab-British game," as masses, democracy came only when the You a r e herebv notified that on the names ol a certain number of may be secured from members of legal branches of the Government one leading Zionist espressed it. Bible and its teachings liberated j 16thi day day of June. 1936, the plaint workers to begin work on the the council. The Hebrew school who fail to enforce the measures Merchants Packing Company, a News of the sanguinary battle raffle and advertising committees. has this -week received certifi- will be dismissed, the cabinet in4 the" Tulkarem hills near Bala the spirits of men. Dr. Norman partnership, commenced a-n acuon r the Municipal Court of t h e _ ( i t y o f Mr. Milton Bolstein is general cates to show the purchase of 21 warned. • • ' where three soldiers and sixteen Bentvach, former attorney gener- Omaha, Douglas County. Nebras chairman of the carnival. Chair- trees to be planted in Palestine. HS on Page ITU t h e " The cabinet's first constructive Arabs were killed and several al of Palestine, told the confer- at as defendant, the pva\ •men -.-_ for the. various committees measure to cope with the grow- British 'planes forced down only ence that Palestine has been con- against of which action is to recover fr will be announced in a forthcomverted into a 'cockpit of violence' you the sum of $00.99. same being t> > ing terrorism and lawlessness emphasized the nature of the j SOCIETY NEWS amount due on unpaid check. ing issue of the Jewish Press. emergency, informed q u a r t e r s in the last six months because !. At a ceremony Sunday after- was simultaneously announced. Plaintiff filed the necessary a political leaders have incited davit for attachment as is proviofIt provides for the formation stated. jnoon, September 13, Miss Annette for by law and on the 16th clay of their countrymen to frenzy over June, of a compulsory labor army In Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1536. the Constable attached the Jewi^i development and expanfollowincr described personal property: D. L. Baker, will become the which will be enrolled all unemi Frederick Meat Display Cn=e sion. "The extremists among the j I Walk-in Cooler bride of Fred He-rzoff, son *o£ Mr.ployed youths between the ages Arabs have been able to impose' I 1 Toledo Scale No. S37232 of IS and 21. Most of the terror^^ and Mrs. R. Herzoff. The wedthis policy on the rest of the"pec, 2 g ^ B i o c k s ^ ding will take place at 4 o'clock ism, it has been established, is The annual- B'nai B'rith Tom in Mount Sinai temple with Rabbi the work of unemployed YoungA Q with Motor an<3 Coils, B pie," he said. and that said cause has been conICippur .dance will be.held Sep- T. N. Lewis officiating. -, . sters. g ! The leaders of the country were tlnued to the Sth rta.v of September, j tember 25 in the Martin hotel at 8 a. m. for sen-ice by pubThe cabinet also decided to The bride, who will he given appealed to .create better under- 1036. lication uoon you. i ballroom with Dr..Louis J. Dlms- in marriage by her lather, will abolish the traditional university BY F . B. K. tor Yoi« are therefore required to an- ; dale In charge of arrangements. wear an ivory satin gown, Gre- autonomy, permitting entrance of svrei the petition filed by the plain| BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. tiff in said action on or before the j Jack Reams and his orchestra cian stylo, with bands of seed police and soldiers on university r532 Insurance Bldg., City 22n.a day of September. 193B. at 9 a.m.. I SMOOTH SERVICES have been engaged to play for- pearls crossing in back and front grounds to enforce order. or the same wit! be taken as true and j In the County Court of Douglas judgment rendered accordingly find ; SATURDAY >*IGHT (ho dancing and special enter- and a long train ending in a point. Nebraska. the personal property ab^ve describ- | "Slicoths" Services will be held County. tainers will provide a floor show Her veil, bound . in white satin, In the Matter of the Estate of ed will tie ordered TIS sold to E^ti>fy ' at t h e Chevra B'nai /Yisroel syn- ANN IK ROnvnCH. Deceased. said judgment in the sum of S0i\!>!> j that the committee promises will will Tie caught in a tulle crown To the heirs-at-larr. creditors, ana together with the costs of action ! agogue a t 618 Mynster Street he of the best. and will be of finger-tip length. this Saturday night, September all other persons -interested in said The dance, which is an annual She "will carry a shower bouquet irERCHAXTS PACK1XG CO., You are hereby notified that a peti12, commencing a t midnight. tion a co-partnership. event, has attracted large at- of white roses. lias beeno ffiled in this court on! s .;; S . 3 G . 4 t ' Plain tirr. FroSuci for Ssasonsng the T't Cay September, 103G. by, Rev. A. Gendler of Omaha a n d tendances In former years and Attending- her as -matron of JOE II. HORYTICH alleging that BEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. Rev. A. Diamond of Council the coffimittee is making plans honor will be her sister, Mrs; ANNIE HORWICH died on the 13th Berlin (WNS) —• Amendment Insurance Bldg. to provide for the entertainment Lorence Silverberg, who will be of the existing "rassenschande" Bluffs will conduct t h e services. day of August. 1932, intestate: that | 1 at" the time of her death she was a BY PUBLICATION ONij,of a greater number this year. gowned in pea'rfi satin, with a laws mfaking it a criminal of- Everyone is cordially invited to resident of Douglas County. Nebras- NOTICE PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT j . ka, and tha,t she was possessed of an blue tulle crownless hat trimmed fense for Jews to dance, walk, attend. OF FINAL ADSVHNISTRA. ! undivided one-half (V:) interest in in. the New TION ACCOUNT \ Services to usher ana to the folio-wing described real velvet. She will carry Talis- talk or otherwise engage in soDeath Claims Sioux Cityan jiri In the County Court of Douglas •j man roses'. * cial activities with Aryan wo- Year, 5697, will be held at the estate, to-wit: Cour.ty. Nebraska. ; | The South Fifty (30) feet of 1the the I.Iatter of t h e Estate of Vac- j j i is provided for in a new de- Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue •Vest ITE Sixty-two and one-half (f'2 -.) lavIn Novak, Funeral services for Mrs. Ee- The bridesmaids will be Miss jnen Deceased: I i commencing at six o'cloclc next feet of Lot Eischt (S) in Block "H". '/ AH persons interested in said mnt- ! \ becca Cohen, 60 years old, were Lillian Magaziner, Miss Sarah cree issued here. in Prospect Place, an addition to the The decree amends the law Wednesday evening, September City of Omaha, as surveyed, plat- ter a r e hereby notified thnt on t h e ' ! held last Friday afternoon from Rbcklin, Miss Marion Rocklin and Pth d a y of September. 393R. Katie j ? ted and recorded. G£ Nebraska Women Miss Ruth Kosberg. Miss Magaforbidding marriages between 16. Thursday, the morning ser- That a n d Anna Caita filed a petithe family residence, 1008 Court petitioner has an interest Janousek vices will commence at seven in saidsaid ziner will wear blue taffeta; Miss Jews and non-Aryans and exreal estate beins? an heir of tion in said County Co;;rt. p r a y i r s street, with Kabbi H. K. Rablno'clock and the evening service deceased, said petitioner prays that their final administration a c owitz and Cantor A. Pliskin offi- Sarah Rocklin, peach moire taf- tends the ' ban on extra-marital at five o'clock. Friday morning, said that a hearing be had on said peti- count filed herein be settled and alfeta; Miss Marlon Rocklin, blue sexual relations between Jews lowed, and t h a t they be discharged tion, that notice thereof be given ciating. crepe and Miss Kosb'erg; and non-Jews to all other forms the services will begin promptly required by law, and that upon said from their trust as esecutrices and Mrs. Cohen died Thursday fol- krinkle shearing a decree of heirship be en- that a hearing" will be had on paid at seven o'ejock. peach moire taffeta. They will of social intercourse. tered and further administration of petition before said Court on the 3rd lowing a week's illness. She wascarry nosegays of Talisman rosesday of October. l!)3fi. and '-hat if you said estate be dispensed -with. born in Russia and came to theand blue You are therefore notified that a fail to appear before said Court on sweet peas. Little Miss The marriage of Miss Sonia hearing United States about 40 years Jigo. Ruth Frances -will he had on said petition the said 3rd day of October, 1S36. at Lewis, daughter of Saks, daughter of Mr. and the County Court Room' of said 9 o'clock A. 2vl.. and contest said peti- . She resided in New York City for Rabbi and Mrs. on the I.tth day of September. tion. the Court may grant the prayer Lewis, will act Phil Saks of Council Bluffs, to County (Continued from page 1) 15 years before coming : to Sioux as train bearer. The bride's moth103G. at 9 o'clock A. II., and that if of said petition, enter a decree of Mr. Harry Mulnick, son of ' Mr. you 'ail to appear-at said time and heirship, and make such other and City. . er will wear Nile green satin and When any tough of the phobic and Mrs. A. Mulnick of Omaha, place and contest the -said petition, further orders, allowances and de- • the Court may grant the.same, enter crees, as to this Court may se?rn > Surviving Mrs. Cohen are herMrs. Herzoff,. mother of the superstition of anti-Semitism atdecree of heirship. and decree that proper, to the en4. that all "matters ' widower, Daniel; three sons, Ar- bridegroom, will be gowned in tacks any man he forgets his A.was solemnized Sunday after- afurther administration of said estate pertaining to said estate may be fi- ! thur, Samuel and Max, and a black chiffon. Both will wear cor- B. C. He is stricken with violent noon, September 6, at the home be dispensed tvith. nai]v settied and determined • o£ the bride's parents. Rabbi JOHTJ p. TUERICLF:. daughter, Dora Cohen, allrof sages of gardenias. BBTCE CRAWFORD ' stupidity; he babbles nonsense. David A. Goldstein performed the j 9-4-36-3t County Judge. Acting County Judge. 9-ll-38-3t Sioux City; two brothers, Nathan Even more wildly farcical is ceremony in the presence of j Mr. Lorence Silverberg will act of Sioux City and A. N. Sadoff of Clarion, la., and. two sisters, Mrs. as groomsman and ushers will be the latest pronouncement of the members of the two families. I Rose Ettinger of New York City Stanley Herzoff and Martin Kos- chief of the Fascist rebels in Miss Florence Steinberg played! VisT I - t . LJX Las B m Spain. If and when they win, the wedding march. Miss Miriam j ' . and Mrs. Sarah Bergen of Sioux berg. says this gentleman, there will Saks, sister of the bride, was Mrs. Frederick Roost will sing City. "I Love -You Truly,"- accompanied •be no. government "by dirty poli- maid-of-honor, and Mr. Phil Multhe organ by Miss Gertrude ticians. Free Masons and Jews." nick of Omaha served his brother Conducts Memorial Services at Jews? Jews in Spain? But they as best man. Trowl. ° The bride wore a ficor-lengtb. Following the ceremony, a re- were•• expelled en -masse nearly Cantor A. Pliskin will continue ception will be held in the temple four and a half centuries ago. In gown of white lace, and carried to conduct memorial services at annex and Mrs. Abe Silverberg, quite recent years a tiny dribble a bible. Following the ceremony, the cemetery this Sunday morn- assisted by the four bridsemaids, returned. They have minyans in a reception was held for relatives ing from 10 to 12 o'clock, for will act as- hostess. Peach and blue three cities: Madrid, Barcelona, and friends of the young couple. those who wish to have him sayappointments will grace the tables Sevilla - - a tiny handful of peoThe young couple left on a the traditional service in mem-with a centerpiece of Talisman ple without wealth, power, influ- honeymon trip to Minnesota, and ence, a helpless group of people ory of their loved ones. roses and larkspur completing upon their return, they will make The service is a traditional one the details. One hundred twenty- trying to make a living. Jews! their home in Council Bluffs. held during the month preceding five guests have been invited to- cries the Spanish general, already Mrs. H. N. Cohen of St. Paul, fancying, himself a Hitler. vThat the holidays. the wedding and reception. there are no Jews doesn't give Minnesota, aunt of the bride, was_ The bride's golng-away costume him' pause. The word and thean out-of-town guest at the wed-' will be a black wool suit with a superstition suffice him. A friend ding. red fox color and pockets. of mine tells an amusing story After a short wedding trip the The Council Bluffs Hebrew Registration for the pupils of couple will be at home at No, 8 about there being on a certain School opened its new semester South Sea Island exactly three the Sunday school will be held Terra Alta Court. Jewish souls from Norfolk Street, Tuesday afternoe'n, September S, thiB Sunday morning at 9:30 at a man, a woman, a child - - - with a large number of registraMount Sinai temple. Old and new At a family dinner Sunday evetion being made. Mr. E. Cooper, pupils vill register at this time ning; Mr. and Mrs. A. Fineberg, beachcombers. Don't worry: when formerly of Norwich, Connectithe island pseudo-Hitler arises and the children, will be assigned 722 Court street, announced the his battle cry will be: "Juden cut, will be the principal ot the to their classes.. engagement of their daughter, r a u s ! " ' • • • . . - . Talmud Torah classes, and regisReservations for the holiday Miss Edythe . Fineberg, to Wiltrations may be made with him services will continue Sunday liam Sherman, son of Mrs. M. And let us not forget that at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synmorning and every evening from Solsnik of Omaha. The wedding those few Jews who returned to agogue on week days at four 7 to 9 In the temple until the date has not been set. The bride- Spain did so because the Spanish o'clock any afternoon, All chilholidays. to-be is a Central High school government had a pro-Jewish dren are urged to start classes as graduate. ; spell. People of culture in Spain soon as possible. announced that the expulsion of Sioux City's younger set is the Jews had done ' the • country Henry Mendelson left, last leaving this week and next for harm.' The.Kevista de la Raza Thursday evening for New York college and university, many re- said handsome things. In 1924City, fo ran extended stay. ShlichoB services will be held turning to the schools where they the Cortes passed a law permitMrs. M. Bernstein was hostess at Shaare ZIon synagogue Satur- were enrolled last year, and oth-ting fugitive Sephardim along to the members of her Afternoon the Mediterranean literal to apday, September 12, at 12 o'clock ers going as freshmen. Club at a luncheon at her home midnight. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Miss Carolyn Ffshgall will en- peal for protection to Spain. In Tuesday afternoon. will Officiate with Cantor A. Plis- ter, the University of Wisconsin 1929 Judaeophiles began publishkin and a special choir of young as a freshman. Ethel Baron will ing at Barcelon a Biblieteca He- The Emesel Club entertained at men. - -.raturn to Wellesley; Bernard braeo-Catalana, reprints of med-a community dinner last ThursM j evening a at the home of Miss Reservations for seats for the Marks to Harvard, and Bernice iaeval Hebrew classics with the.^day holidays will be taken before the Galinsky to the University of Illi- original text and a Catalan trans-1 Lorraine Meyerson, 600- RcoseShlichos service and Sunday nois. Norman Brodkey will return lation. I saw copies 6f the first |v e i t Avenue,"in honor of tvo of Your greeting prebkra h seized by kMs conmorning from 10 to 12. i to Chicago university, where he volume at Lipschitz' shpp_on the their members who are leaving j Will continue his .studies at the Place, de I/bdeon with my ownthis week for College. Honored venient method of wishing yosr relatives and v | school for optometry. eyes. So gradually a few" Jews guests were Miss June Meyerson, friends a Happy New Year .-. . No danger of drifted to Spain. Well, if the! Shlichos Bervice3 at Tiphereth . Bobby Pill will enter Shattuck Fascist win, Gpdforbid, they who will attend the University of Mr. and Mrs.— -wish Iowa, and Miss Pearl Meyerson, Israel synagogue, will be held Military academy for the first •will burn the Hebrew-Catalan their friends both far and the embarrassment c! forgeifes someone . . . who will attend the University of Saturday, September 12, at 12* time and Lewis Weinberg will renear A Happy and Prosperbooks and keep a few copies toj raska. Both girls were preN e D oo trouble . . .feseEOS o'clo_ck midnight. o ous New Year. turn there to continue his studies. show how the Jews underminedI sented with beautiful compacts Miriam Barish, Henry. Green- the purity of Spanish culture,] bearing the Emesel crest. Mr. .-.. i Mrs. and berg, Joe Rosenblum, Newton lending themselves (Aha, see the HADASSAH"MEMBERS. These gresikgs will bs published in our Rosh to t h e i r family extend Perry Osnowitz, Isadore disruptive brutes!), to the spread Mr. jfQd Mrs. Max Harris* a n d ' friends sincere wishes for A COLLECT MILK FUND Sacks, Shindler, Milton Barrent, Loyal at the expense of- Cas- j daughter, Betty Lee, returned } Happy New Year. Keir, Ernie Epstein, Lester Laz- tilian! home Tuesday after spending a! In a one-day drive, with Mrs. riowich and Rosanna' Dikel will will be $2.00 lor eacr Mr. anc Mrs. and Superstition. Phobia. Babble Charles RaBkin aa chairman, the register at the University of Iowa of fools. At least remember that! few days visiting in Sioux City •3. family their friends wish and Waltaill.of these hrms, or pliosa year Greetings. Senior Hadassah chapter can- in Iowa City. health, happiness and pros(Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts vassed Sioux City homes and perity in the coming year. Among the students who •'•will Feature Syndicate) Vatican Organ Gonctemns riased its quota for the Children's go to the University of Nebraska Mr. SEd Mrs. take Milk fund in -Palestine. . include Annabell Emlien, Mina visiting here with her parents, Polish Pogroms Rome—The Osservatore Rothis means o'f extending Assisting Mrs. Raskin in the Slotsky, Mateel Stein, Frances mano, official organ, of the Vatigreetings and hearty good drive 'Were Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Kalin, Idel Shapiro and Sam Sa- Mr. and Mrs. Jack London. can, has published a strong arwishes for A Happy' and Mrs. J. Levin, Mrs. E. E. Baron, doff. ; . .'•;. Bernard Lipman has returned ticle in which pogroms on Jews Prosperous Year to their "Mrs^Max Rosenstoeky, Mra. Mike Miss Elaine Mushkin will at- to Sioux City from Chicago, for in. ^Poland are vigorously confriends far anil 'near. Grueskin, Mrs. William Lazere, tend the Log Angeles Junior col- an extended stay with his parents, demned. .! s Mrs. "William Kuteher,. Mrs. I. lege and Ellis Brodkey the Col-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lipman. Among other thing-o tho articla j Levin, Mrs. Robert Sacks, Mrs. lege of Kansas at Kansas City, says that "good Catholics mu?t I . ' Louis Slotoky, Mrs. Ben Baron, Mo. Miss Leah Herman of Minne- regard Jews first of all as human .Mrs. Joe Kuteher, Mrs. Sam Slot-( apolis is visiting hero with her beings who must be' loved like sky, Mrs. Ben Novitsky, Mrs. H. Miss Mae London of Chicago is mother, Mis. L. Herman. all other people."

B'nai B'rith Plan Yom Kippur Danqe





Nazi Ban Talking Between Jews, Non-Aryans




r-r r r 11

Mount Sinai

Through the Columns of the

ShaareZjon ; :' /

Tiphereth Israel


JEWISH PRESS,, Atlaa . In CoaacII Blafis cdl MISS FAM11ESATELMAN '-Phcsc 650 cr 4491 '


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