In the Interests of the Jewish People
,By LTJDWM £EWISOHNf< This column is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in* whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted. : •'--;'•• i.
I h e liberals andlWe _. ._..• To. many intelligent Jews it is v. source. of irritation and sorrow that so few of the world's liberals are our friends. • In America the conspicuous example of this un-» friendliness is .to be found in. the articles and editorials of the Nation. Needless to- say that the Nation is anti-anti-Semitic, that is, anti-Fascist. Mr. Oswald Garrison VIHard denounces • persecution with a . sincere - fervor. Neither he nor his colleagues desire U3 to be hurt.;. They, will almost . fight for us. On one condition: We must cease to be Jews except in name. What they are willing to defend is a shadow. Show them the substance and "they arc . scarcely to be distinguished from antl-Semitea. . - It Is childish or comic or tragic as you will. For there would be no persecution; if .there were no Jews. It is the substance of the Jewish people that causes persecution. It is.the eternally unique character of Israel that defines both its existence and its fate. If you do not affirm that substance, if you do not defend the right of that eternally unique character to exist and function in peace either everywhere or somewhere on earth — if you are unwilling to do that, what, in cold fact, are you defending?
Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January 21, 19Z1," at Postof fIce of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3.-1879
VOL. XII—No. 31
For the first time in thirty,wb .years. Mr.. Nathan . Lithman Of London,/England,- Is. seeing bis mother, Mrs. Clara LIthman of' Omaha. He ? is here for the Holidays visiting, . his mother, his sister and brother-inlaw. Mr. and Mrs. A. P.v Goldware. -- ^ . . . . . ' . . . . Mrs.,Lithman, now 92 years of ,ge,' has been a resident'of. Omaa for thirty-seven years, having
come here from Lou;'. way of St. Louis. Mr. Lithman, who is. -»ly son, finds Jewish l'fe in, V ^land very much alivfe: Most English Jews are quite Ortnodbx. and support many synagbguea. There is but one-Reformed Temple In the city of' London. "All the younger generation are learning, Hebrew," Mr. Lithman. said, "BO" they' are being raised In the right atmosphere to give support to tfie Zionist movement." To.; counteract 1 1 h e Mosley movement which has gained some strength the past few months, Mr. Lithman ; told How' the Jewish community has raised, a fund for New; Board members were an- speakers and circulars, and they lounced at.' the first meeting of conduct-meetings whenever Mosthe Board of Directors of the ley holds one of his. As one of the founders of the Be'th-Kl Auxiliary, Wednesday, Mrs. Heniy Belmont will serve as Betbnal Green Benef olent, Sochairman of the Service Commit- ciety, Mr. Lithman is Interested tee with Mrs. I r Dansky as her in English charities. The Bethr nal Green Benevolent, Society has co-chairman. its particular duty the raising Mrs. E. A. Nogg will be chair- aa funds to be : used. • for charitman of, the Dance Committee. of able purposes during the PassMrs. David A. Goldstein, chairman ot the Educational Commit- over. Last year its members tee, announced there will be • an raised over two thousand pounds. In London there is also a Oneg Shabos the first and third Saturday 'of each month. The | Ladies' Guild, which was formed first one will take place October to take care of the wedding expenses, of poor brides.- This or3, In the Succah. Mrs. I. I. Rosenblatt, Fund ganization supplies the bride raising Chairman, announced sev- with her dowry, takes care of her wedding expenses, and the memeral projects for the coming year, bers attend t h e ' wedding as hasragr flnrini* . P.hanukah week and a bake sale. Nov- ;ucsts. The B'nal B'rith movement, acember 4, at the Brandeis Stores. Those desiring, to buy baked cording to Mr. Litbmah, is very goods before the sale may do so strong in England, particularly by calling Mrs.. Nate Turner or among the middle class. Mrs. Moe Venger. - . Mr. Lithman, a London clothA number of changes were an- ier, is a member Of the Monnanounced concerning the Sunday tey Street Synagogue, Charing School. There will be a Room Js.oss. He expects to return home Mother for each of the classes to abcut October 8»bring about better. cooperation between the 'parents and the school. No children will be confirmed under the -age] of fifteen.The flrBt meeting and luncheon — OSsip of the A u x i l i a r y ^ l l Se- ihetd on Detroit'-
TOR AH OF PALESTINE "Land of Promise" Scheduled for Showing at Local Theatre
PRESS WELCOMES AB • KAIMAN AS CQWMMST With this issue of the Jewish Press announces, the resumption of a news column titled "Around the Corner—-with Ab Kaiman." This column in previous years was known as "Kosher Komments" and dealt with "nut shell" news concerning the activities of Omahans and dealing with comments on world-wide events. . Mr. KaSman, like other columnists invites suggestions fdr the improvement of his column and also news material.
"The Land of Promise," a motion picture . depicting Jewish achievement In the Holy Land, will-be shown'at the Paramount Theatre Wednesday evening, October 14, at 8 o'clock. The film ranges over the entire field of Jewish interests in Palestine. The local Talmud Torah is Sponsoring the showing of this inspiring • photoplay and all pro, At BtinflCFn tonight the pious B'NAI B'KITH AMATEUR r ceeds are to be donated to the NIGHT vrill solemn?}- turn from the af~ Talmud Torah. Government Proceeds Without!'i 81 ™ °f l * e ™ r l d a n ( 1 hem t h e "The Land of. Promise" por'Entry Blank fast of the Day of Atonement. Further Peace Overtures trays the dramatic story of the Dr. J-v.M. Ennao, prominent Neither food nor water shall (Fill in and forward to Max to Arabs Jews recreating their national Omaha physician, was elected touch the Sips of those who with Baer, chairman of Program life in the Holy Land. Pioneers, Surgeon-General of the Veterans prayer scrutinize their hearts and committee, 007 Brandels Theexiles and refugees imbued with of Foreign Wars at the national Jerusalem (JTA)—Lieut. Gen. seek their peace with God. ater Bldg., on or before Octoa r e convention of the organization, John Greer Dill, commanding the a nation-building spirit Yom Kippur is an ancient, holyber 1.) shoulder to held in Denver last week. shown working greatest armed force to occupy day in the annals oi the people, Dr. Erman, a resident of Oma- Palestine since the World IVar. but like many of the Jewish holishoulder. Tickets for this remarkable ha since 1916, has been active in last week rushed to completion days since the dispevsion, ii -has Name motion picture are being sold at | both; Jewish communal affairs as I m I U t a p y p l a n s i n p r e p a r a t i o n ior acquired greater respect pnrt the very nominal prices of 50 the expected declaration of mar- meaning. Where once the priefttg cents and 75 cents for adults and tial law. made animal paorifire ir» expiaAddress 35c for children under 12. Seats Military prepara;.ions and con- tion of sins, the people now bow will not be reserved for this protinning sporadic disorders cast ?! their heads in. fervent pmyet, duction. shadow over Rosh Hashonah ob-i Tonight, Kol Xidre night, (.he Age. The committee in charge of arNothing. The gestures are empservance as the Jewish population I Holy Day will begin with, a prayer rangements for the showing ar^: 1 ty. The words are ..vain. Their repaired to synagogue, with ces-;for the cancellation of rash vows Henry Monsky, President Omaha ! function . is . purely subjective, Phone No. sation of £2-week-old disorders; fvnd promises. Tomorrow Kill be Talmud Torah, Honorary Chair-' liberals dislike Jews. But -on among their most fervent prayers. | the ceremony of expiation, fcilnce man; Ephraim L. Marks, Generprinciple they.'must not dislike With, the last of British a r m y j t h e e x i l e t h e b e l i e f I i a s b e e n U l f i t al Chairman; Mrs. Isidore LevJews. Hence they insist that the My act Is: g r e a t national misfortunes contingents t o t a l l i n g 15.00c! inson, Secretary; Mrs. Herbert, Jews are not or should not be iseveielf, Ben, iiaziowsKy, | HrsT troops en route here to double the; that whlcffThey aisiiKe ana Keep Mrs. Julius Stein, Ticket Sales; present garrison, Gen. Dill con-; pie, to their wickedpecB, to their their liberalism, virgin by defendMilton R. Frohm, Mrs. Ben Shaferred with government, officials] refusal to atone while they could. ing' only something that doea not piro, Publicity; Louis Epstein, and was understood ready to pro-' • Even the community of the exist. It is entirely their fault. ceed with drastic military action i a e a d i s inc?«oed among those who Jack Epstein, Theatre; Mrs. J. Their Jewish friends are usually without awaiting further peace! r e c e i v e forgiveness. The custom. Goldware, Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. fleeing Jews, self-negating Jews, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Miss Ruth overtures from the Arabs. ^ a s c n r n e through the agep of givasslmilatory Jews (whether .bourAllen, Mrs. L, Neveleff, ArrangeLocal Arab strike committees: Ing" charitable ptfts in memory of geois or Marxist), Jews who go ments. • fieliverecl to Palestine district; the souls of the departed, to the insane length of arguing, ust returned from Hollywood and Liocni ServJcp** The-ticket selling committee is commissioners in various parts of I for instance, thut the differences promises many surprlsesi Services for Yom Kippur will Members of' the Jewish' comcomposed of Mesdames Max Arthe Holy Land their decision to between Kacine. and Shakespeare bitman, J. Bernstein, Henry BelContinue the ajrike against .Tew-:i be held in all local houses of are not the differences between munity of amateur standing, - remont, Herman Cohen,. I. Dansky, ish Immigration and sale of land:*"0 • p : Frenchness and Englishness in lardless of age, are invited Ho Taad S. Canar, .J. J.: Freldeh, J. J. compete. Instrumentalists,singorder to be able to deny the exto "Jews. , • ' ! • „ , . _ . . , Friedman;. J. H:' Freeman, S. M. istence of JewiBhness. • ers, -dancers, impersonators, etc. Ko! Nidre The first death. sentences since!; synagogues which are members Prohm, Max .Fromkin, J. Gold- well' as • in Teteranis activities.. to participate. (jjij.,Lern'er of -tih>-'Nation .-is-, are eligible, . the: .. disorders,. broke ..: werej !etET ,d 'Ihr will begin at •The'ywinners of" the contest will not likely, to instruct ills Gentile #«,—-David - - <3reeufc|3Tvr-fP ^ theiissned -when the Court of Assizes' ^ , evening. Rabbi 4J^tcS'-i - colleagues; -Itopn "Oeajagxtar; :Stol- be determined b;r-the—applause' of• Greenberg, M. K&tlemaa'P.-. Jack St. Mihiel Post, Veterans of For-{ sentenced two Arabs to execution! l a B e r and musician, died here last week rili deliver a .perherg's recent- article was an al- the audience. The amateur con- will' give a"talk,on- shei expert after a year, and a hilf's illness. Robert Kooper, I. Levinson, M. for two years;was for an attack on British soldiers j mon at the. B'nai Israel synabe held duHng an open iencea on her recent trip to Eurmost farcical Illustration of r the test Is to 1 He was 58 years old. ; - F. Levinson, Mark Leon, J. H. Surgeon of the Department of! near Nabhis. meeting of the Omaha Lodge of Jewish cry to,his liberal Gentile Kulakofsky, Philip Levey, Jack r«elSraskfi of the same organiza- . An Arab was" killed when a gogue. Saturday morning" services will ; Mrs., Herman,; Cohen announced. , He.-Traa'obliged to^take leave,of Marer,.H. P. Milder, Wm. Mildes-, tion.'- He-was "also a department colleagues not to believe^ that B'nai B'rith and. the public wil military detachment replied to there are Jews, not to believe be invited to attend. An applause the followin g jdanationB.; to •' .'. the absence Irpm-'his, conductor's Al Newman, Chas. Ross, A. I. junior vice-commander • End' *is gunfire near RasTel-A'hmar. Af- begin at all synagogues at 7:00 that there is a Jewish people. On meter of the type, used by the campaign:1 Mr. and Mrs.- Herman stand of the Detrblt Symphony Pradell, A. A. Steinberg, Lou how Department Senior Com- ter two train workers had been o'clock. Rabbi Rerger will conthis silly principle liberals can go large-radio stations will be used Cohen in memory of • Solomon OrchestraJn the Spring, of 1335 Sogolow, Irvin St&lmaster, Jules mander.-•:• ' '- - . seriously injured as a result of duct the Memorial service at th# on protesting against the persecu- to determine the' contestant re- Cohen; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohen after he iollasped while giving & Shapiro, Dave Stein, Sam TheoA member of the Congregation sabotaging of' a railway line at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue. in memory of Jacob Lieb; Mr.- piano recital in New- york. Two dore, A. Wolf, Phineas Wintroub, of Temple Israel.- Dr..Erman also tion of the people who are called ceivnlg the' most applause. Kfar Ginnis, . the houses of two operations for the stomach disorr and Mrs. Dave Cohen In memory The Kol Nidre services of the Those desiring to compete are Jews. But since the thing Is a Emil Zeiner, Harry Ravitz, Al- belongs to the' B'nai B'rith. Dur- notorious Arab agitators in Lydda name or, at be3t, a neurosis the asked to fill in and forward' their of Maurice Cohen; Mr. and Mrs. der that caused his illness proved fred Fiedler, David Wice, David ing • the • recent • Philanthropies were demolished as a punitive Young People's Synagogue will . „ ;• begin at 6 o'clock, Friday eveJews need no positive opportun- entry blank to Max Baer, chair- Dave- Cohen and Mr. and Mrs. unavailing. Epstien, Joe Kaplan and Miss campaign," he "took "an active role. measure. ning, in the secondary prayer Mr; Gabrilowltsch' is . survived Bluma Neveleff. ities to function either sociologi- man of the. Program committee, Simon Galitzki in memory of KosHe is a former member- of the Four Jews were injured, two Mr. and Mrs. by a Widow, Clara Clemens Gabj quarters of the Beth Hamedrosh cally or psychologically, neither 607 Brandeis Theater Bldg.,: oa alind Sherman; Omaha Hebrew Club. , of them seriously, when a bomb JHagodal, IPth and Burt streets. Dave - Sherman, Mr. and Mrs.. I. rilowitsch, daughter of Mark . rights nor the freedom to' be or before October 1. exploded in a factory of Mea | Services on Yom Kippur will Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ro- Twain,'and a daughter, Nina. He themselves, neither minority staShearim Street on the outskirts ot j begin at 10 in the morning. senblatt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mil- was buried near Mart Twain's tus in -Central and Eastern EurJaffa. der, Mr, and Mrs. George •Sher- grave' a t Elmlro, N. Y. There wil! be a recess from noon ope nor a homeland in Palestine. Police sought persona respon-| u n t u f o u r o . c l o f ; k w h c n (he man in'memory" of Rosalind Sher- 'Mr. Gabrilowitsch contributed The liberal, in brief, wants the man.'. '•••"•• .;'.••'•• ..• - _" ' - .-much to. the appreciation, of musible for shipping bombs in to-1 j , T j n U e h service will be re«d. MorJews to be., left alone in the con,'Other•.contributiohs'-came from: sic by thousands of concert-goers. mato baskets to -Jewish merchants j d e c a l B r a u d e , • student in the viction that then they will disapMr. and Mrs. Morria Brodkey in To Detroit, city of factories and in Jerusalem.- . I Rabbinical seminary of Chicago, pear even in name and he will be Try-outs for the pageant to be honor of the birth of a Grjtndson, mass production, he brought the given the • opening night of the ,A Pageant and dinner will preA bomb, hurled at a Jew on will again officiate. Jacob Kah's troubled'by them no more. cede the Temple Israel Succoth his way to a synagogue in Jeru- will chant the traditional hymns. Plans for the Jewish Forum Morris Brodkey; Mr:-,and Mrs. antithetical anodyne of majestic Jewish Community" Tenth AnniThe difference between the anti- which is sponsored by the Educa- Reuben Kulakofsky in- memory> of music superbly rendered by an Tersary Celebration •will be held services, Wednesday e v e n i n g , salem pa Rosh Kashoneh, explodTemple Semite and the conventional lib- tional committee of the .Women's Ellis Sandel; Mr, and Mrs. Reu-orchestral unit which' he Velded at the Community Center, Sun- September 30. . At. the Congrega- ed harmlessly. A r a b bullets j y o m Kippur services at the tional dinner to be served at 6:S0 slightly wounded a Royal Air Temple will start at eight o'clock. eral Is this: the anti-Semite is a Division of. the Jewish Commun- ben Kulakof sky in memory of into -one of the most important day afternoon, October 4, at liar: when he says he wants ta ity Center, a r e " well under way Mrs. Ginsburg; Mr. and Mrs; Reu- musical -: /aggregations in t h e 2:30. A large cast is needed and a Succpth pageant will • be pre- Force men. named Findlay et Friday evening. Harry DuBoff sentedby the children of the first rid the world _of Jews. Ho wants and a complete program is soon ben Kulakofsky In memory .of country. . everyone interested Is urged to eighth grades of the Sunday Ram-lah. A section of the Iraq will sing Kol Nidre. Rabbi David them to remain a scape-goat and to be announced. The Commit- J«rs. / Davidson; the' Zimman. fam- , Yet "not only wa§ he a great be present. Petroleum Company's pipeline at H. Wice's sermon will he "Re• school. object of his "protection" mech- tee under the chairmanship oi ily in memory of Mrs.' Davidson; conductor but, as a pianist? who Beisan was again damaged' bj" actions to War," the third in a The pageant -will depict the The pageant will be divided in- Rebels, marking the thirty-second ; g e r i e g . anisms; the so-called liberal sin- Mrs. Sam Wolf hopes to bring th< Mr. andMrs/ Ruehen Kulakofsky had studied under'the 1 .memorable story of Omaha Jewry during the cerely wants the Jewish people to finest material on the Jewish lee in memory of Mrs.-Rose Rabin- Leschetizky, he gave performan- last thirty years. High points in to four, parts: "The Explanation incident of the h kind. kid Plti Palestine Saturday morning services will owitz;, Mr. and Mrs. J . J . Green- ces, solo and . orchestral,'' which the development of the Jewish of the Ceremony" by Patsy Potash Company .employes were disappear and annoy him no ture circuit: and~ concert;stage. " time Rabbi j s t 9 . 3 o fit more. He wants this so intensely •-. Leo-Schwartz, editor of the re- berg in memory, of Jacob Lieb; aroused ovations from hardened Community Center' and Welfare Klein; "Lulab" and "Ersog", Rodeliver the . fourth of fired on at Sejera, Gan Yarne End i v Mr. and. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky critics: and appreciative laymen. Federation and the persons' vrho salie ' Werthe.imer .and Marjorie that in order to be able to defend cently published; anthology i big series, "Reactions to Pales?Robinson; "Rejoicing in the Kfar Etzion. it from persecution he has initial- Jewish literature, the Jewish Car in • memory of- Jacob Lieb; Mr. With his long, flowing hair, have taken an active part in this Torahr" William Stieffler. London (JTA)—The Orienta'.: tjne_». ^he Children's service ly to assume that it has ceased to avan, has definitely been decide and' Mrs. Kulakofsky in memory kind- features' and; jdyfeamic tem- development will be portrayed. fTews Agency reported from Bom-j v jjj b e j, e j,j B<; J-QO o'clock and of Stuart Kulakofsky; Mr. and At' this' time young children exist. upon as one of the speakers. Mr. perament, Mr. Gabrilowitsch typThe- try-outs are open to all bay that a Moslem conference jw i ]j be conducted by Mr. William Harsh words but true. And the -Schwartz is not only an authoi Mrs. J. J. Greenberg In memory ified the ordinary man's picture adult and: young people who are entering: the Sunday school for held at Allshabad to demonstrate; H j an. O zm of Rosalind* Sherman;, Mr. and their first ..year will participate in and lecturer, but has been th< penetrating truth may pierce of a. musician, an example of members of the Community Censolidarity with t h e Palestine j T h e M emo rial Service will be even to the closed minds of the leader of several student tours t Mrs. Dave Brodke'y in honor.of whate Osdar Wilde meant by his ter. Costumes and settings are a consecration service. ft{ which time Rabbi a t Succoth' Services will begin .at Arabs voted to give their coreii-jj so-called liberals. How' closed Europe and Palestine and the or- the birth Qf_a eon, Morris'Brod- epigram. that nature imitates art. to' be taken care of by the Dragionists financial support in tbe j -\vice will speak on "Reactions to 1 7:30. . . their minds are is illustrated once ganizer of the -School of Adull key; Mrs. Rose" Cohen In memory7 matic Committee of the Women's general strike against Jewish im-;j) eat h_" of her husbanif, Abe Cohen;, Mr. more . by the recent performance Education in, New York." Division of the Community Center. migration and -sale of land tot Jictb K! > ind Mrs.; 3.' H? Kulakofsky '. in of Mr. H. G. Wells, late-nineNegotiations are also bein memory of Jacob .'Lieb; Mr. and Jack Marer ^will. be chairman of Jews. A committee was appoint-i ^ j n e j<eth El synagogue the teenth century liberal-in-chlel made to bring A.. W. Binder, authe evening on which the pageant ed to collect fends. ! Yom Kippur Services wilt open "I ask the Jewish reader just- to thority on Jewish, music, to Oma- Mrs. M." F.- Levinson- in -memory is to be presentedRabbi David A. GoWstein will of Michel Katz.. • The agency quoted Maulana i Friday • evening Rl E:50 with a think, why his tradition has- ir- ha. Likewise it is planned t< open the fourth series of Book Antubudfiin Abdulwalli, chalsman candle lighting Ceremony. The Mr8. A. J. Mallinckrodt, of the ritated such diverse peoples as it have one of the well-known Jew Nidre service will be at Evenings, November 2nd" at the of the conference, as accusing adult/education department, of has done through the fcges." Ish artists exhibilt his work am Rabbi David Goldstein's Jewish Community Center. The Great Britain of using the Jews the • city • schools, spoke before What a fruitful subject of con- speak on some ' phase of Jewis DRIVE FOR JEWISH BLIND this time will be "A as instruments to strengthen thirty-six1 members,of the Junior H i g h l a n d S c h e d u l e to be reviewed will be templation that would be either art. Other participants in th hold on Palestine. It also; j , j Heart, and a New Spirit." Council of Jewish women Mon•Gone With the Wind" by Mar- their e w for a Jew or for any man!.The ForunT wili be- announced later. OPENED BY DR. EINSTEIN day evenings at the Paxton hotel. JThe weekly Sunday evening garet Mitchell: On November treported receipt ot a message of Morning services will begin at face God gave him has not pleasHer subject was constitutional bingo . games at the, Highland 16, Rabbi Goldstein will review sympathy from Punfiit Jawharlai 8,:SO Saturday. Ylzkor will be ed. Let him change It. What 1 Portchester, N. Y. (JTA) —• liberties - and the threat to these CJountry Club are becoming more a play, "Bury the Dead," by Nehru, president of the Indian at 10:SO. Rabbi Goldstein's ser* people has not irritated Its fellow The annual campaign for the liberties in the United States at and more'popular,*';, ., toon will he "Immortal Souls." Irwin Shaw and ."Education Be- National Congress. peoples? Do the French love the New York Guild for Jewish Blind the present time. fore Verdun," . by Arnold Sweig The Beth El Trio under the • Members 'of the club especially English or the English the was opened at the home of: Judge leadership of Cantor Aaron EdThe talk constituted, the first approve of the -delicious midnight and on December 7th, "Moscow French or either the Germans or gar will lend the , service. Hollywood,; Calif., (JTA) —- Irving Lehman when Dr. /Albert of a series of classes- o'n modern lunches served ea"ch' Sunday eve- Skies" by M&urice Hindus. the Germans them? Does, the Einstein, .purchased three .pack- problems;to be sponsored by the ning, • following the •gaming. Irving Thalberg,' vice-president in There will be three reviews Fleming love the Walloon or the ages; of pencils from two little Junior Council every' Monday ••- Sol Deg^en'and Harry A. Wolf after the first o". the year." JanCroatian the. Serb or even the charge -of production at th« girls, both sightless. ; Metro-G.oldwyn-Mayer., s t u d i os filed evening at 8 o'clock at • the Pax- are in charge of the weekly^ fes- uary 4th, January ,20th and FebJacob Raduziner, EJ Catalan from Barcelona the Cas.died suddenly last Veek of laba'i OF EPHRAIM MARKS The scientist, garbed in. old tori hotel. The course, is to be tivities" and ;pjredict ctowds of one ruary 3rd. ' The Books for the Tuesday morning, September tilian from Madrid? Well, alK pneumonia. He was 37 years old gray trousers, old - walking • shoes based on the science-of political hundred members to be in week- last three dates will be selected }a{ his home. Mr. R&duzfrtier, a Mr. Nathan l-.evinson, President; ii these - people united in disliking Mr. Thalberg, the husband o and a worn leather jacket, lifted economy, and will take up eco- ly . attendance," -should interest l a t e r . . . ' retired grocer, had been HI for oi the Vaad Ho" Ihr, announces us, in being Irritated by us be- Norma Shearer, motion ' plcturi the blind girls, Esther Husmey, nomic ' principles back of the continue to 'mount. the appointment o£ Mr. Ephraim Tickets may be secured from several weeks.. cause we have through our dis- actress,'••was known asl "the bo: 5, and Hannah Seidenfeld, 10, to present Democratic and Republieither" Mrs. J. H. • Kulakof sky or He is survived by his wife; two Marks to serve as the representa' persion been defenselessly expos- wonder of Hollywood." At 24, he his lap and ~chatted' gaily with can platforms. ••'•>'' Mrs." Mose Yousein.. sons, William of Omaha, and tive of the Orthodox Community 2 .Orphaned fey lie!*' ed to this abnormal enmity. But had • already created , a niche tor them for'several: minutes.' Joseph of Ssn Antonio. Texas; In the School of History and ReAll members and those, interall these irritations at the percep- himself In Screenland's hall of two daughters", Mrs. William ligion conducted by the City for Pslsstke ested in the course are -urged to tion of difference are vestiges of fame and at the time of his death • Warsaw (JTA) — Eighteen attend the next class on Monday I ! Singer and Bernice; one brother, j Talmud . Toraii in the Jewish / barbarism. A civilized' man meets was the- moving' spirit, behind M. converted Jews appeared before evening. Warsaw (JTA)~— Two daugh-| Due to as error the n&me of • Louis; and two.sisters, Mrs. Sam i Community Center. Mr. Marks difference in fellow-men with im- G. M. the rabbinate last week, asking ters of the Minkowski couple who j Sain Bernstein, was emitted from j Winiroub and Mrs. I. Wintroub, j will cooperate with Rabbi David aginative appreciation. ' His funeral i n ' B'nal B'rith for readmission to Judaism.'. ArBudapest—The Executive of werfe eiain In the Przytyk pogrom ! the list of members of the-Esard jell of Omaha, i Goldstein and Mr. Aaron Katz, , By sharing and affirming the Temple was crowded to capacity. rangements to take 'the converts the Hungarian Zionist Federation of last-March -were last week gi- 'of Trustees of the Funeral services were 'belfi j principal of the City Talmud •irritation which Mr. Wells bids Admission was by Invitation only, back into the fold had not been has adopted a resolution appealven immigration certif.ica.tes to Synagogue that Rr-p f the Wednesday at Peters-Kunold- i Torah. in executing the program .us contemplate he shows that he but 10,000 persons thronged the completed before the holidays ing to Great Britain not to susPalestine and will sail with the New Year's edition ol the ewish Si.ews.rt chapei. Burial was in j oi the school until the arrival o£ • (Continued on page -8.) streets outside. opened. • ..-. « pend - immigration- into- Palestine. next immigrant group of 200. Press. Golden KilL __J£LJHJ£S8S8S£. Aft Satohi
' Gash p r i z e s o f j i s , 10 and 515 •will be awafdee^the firBt three prize winera respectively of the B'nal B'rlta Amateur Night contest to be held October 19 at the Jewish Cbmmunity Center. Omaha's own. "Ab" Kaiman, popular master of ceremonies, will act as the "Major." Kaiman has,
Beth-El Auxiliary Announces New Board Members
Dr. J. M. Entian
Services to Be Held at le Omaha nagogues
Gabrilowitich Dies in Detroit
Announce Try-Outs For Anniversary eant
Leo Schwartz To Appear on Jewish Forum
Junior Council • Hears Lecture
Temple -to 'Present
Bingo Games on ••
Irving TKalberg Dies Suddenly
Jacob Raduziner
Page 2
Organizations Aid in Campaign for 'Old'Garments The Women's Division of the Jewish Community Center' and
the A* z. A. are Joining forces in
the gathering of clothing for the needy families of the Welfare Department of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation', ' and intensified tho temp, of her descriptions, It is. an acRealising the extreme need of But pnly the author himself can curate summation of the sacchar-
By HENRY MONTOR Two widely divergent jpht»s<?? of Jewish Ufa »ro pictured In tjie books which Mr, Montor here reviews for our readers. I. J. Singer's "The Brothers Asbkennri" describes Ufo In Pel«n& while Jtttss Kohn's book tellp of the newer life in Palestine. —THE EDITOR
be charged with the - failure to achieve the fullness of his theme. He lacks imagination, -writes a plodding chronological narrative and not a sweeping dynamic dra ma. Hip characterizations are never complete, individual. Their delineations attain the semblance of Poland $nd Palestine might ap- reality because the reader Invests propriately b<j designated as the them with the well-known gardeath and .resurrection of the meats of tradition. The facts are Jewish people, Insofar as each is there: disturbing, real facts. The a symbol of what has happened people are there: recognizable, an4 -what may yet happen to a distressing people. And yet there people ceaselessly escaping from hangs over- the procession of characters and events a cloud of a purs.uingvdQom. ; Poland and Palestine are not vagueness and strangeness. Perhaps Slngep has tried to encom; unrelated. But tbalr link la n pass too much territory in his merely that of a segment trans- novel. He has been torn between planted from one soil to another. tha desire to depict the rise pf Nor is the relationship solely one trade unionism among the Jews of a decaying civilization revital- and the 'eagerness to strike a ising itself in a new BOIL Poland blow at cheap vulgarity and the Is also a warning to this new cunning piety of.a traditionalism Jewish land, which has been that ruined the Jews of Poland, fructified in the main with the It is strange'that out of the vast vitality ol men and women who assembly' of his characters, only escaped in time. two Jews are wholesome and What Poland has been la told completely admirable; • , Nissan, Bomberiy la "The. Brothers Ash* who-rejected the deadnesa of fcQnaat" by I, J, SiRBer (Alfred learning as his father A. Knopf). ;Wfi&t Palestine ia try- taught it to : become a workman ing to become i? ohapted emotion-. and a revolutionist; and Tevyeh, ally by Dorothy Puth Kabn in the all-around-man' who took joy "gpring Up, O Well" (Henry out of urging: young rabbinical Holt & Q°i) The range of-Jewish students to smoke on the Sa,bbath ' character, aspirations, achieve^ and to read alien literature,
meat? and frustrations finds full illustration in these two utterly different and yet inextricably pimilar bOPkP. "The Brothers Asblcenasi" Is not a pleasant novel. It is not a symphonic tribute to the idealism
and the vision of the Jew, It Is, however, another exploration of the depths ot' physical and spiritual agualor jnto which Jews descended because (we like to believa) the ghetto in which they lived prescribed a stifling co<Je of thought and action and because the rest of. the wprld refused to permit these denisens of the ghetto to penetrate beyond the esphysiatingly narrow quarters which they occupied., "The Brothers Ashkenazi" were gimcha Meyer and Jacob Bunim» POPS of Reb
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inity into which she ha? doused Jewish Palestine. She writes with hysteria and panegyrics and
needlessly faneiful words which amuse rather than stimulate the imagination. One third of the book is given over to the life of Miss Kahn in America in the days when she T M a member of a reform Jewish family, and gradual-ly acquired an Insight into the life which the great Jewish mas-i ses lived. These pages sound like excerpts from a high school girl's diary, with their pretty prose and sad-eyed self-pity. If only Miss Kahn has really explored the possibilities of describing these for mative years and the fascinating transition, gne would fcftYO for given the personal intrusion into what purported to to an account of life in Palestine today. Anyone who wants to know the realities of life in Palestine will not find them in "Spring Up, O Well" which is purely n study in moods, reminding one of the new tangled film shorts which at
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tempt to build up atmosphere solely through tho use of, vary*
Ing colors. Tel Aviv is. "purple bougainvillaea" and Jerusalem, is ••sand and fuebsin" and the kvut loth are ''the burning bush." Miss .Kahn loves repetition of words and half-formed sentences. This is ail part of the "build-up". The most terrifying and the But Palestine today is not yet in most splendid scene in Singer's a position to afford the gurglings lengthy novel occurs toward the of a dithyrambic literary crooner. eu4 when xjucob Meyer and Slm- Jewish Palestine has problems • cba Bunlm are recounelled by affecting the destiny of. people their tragie experjenoes. Small, outside and men and women inUgly, revolting -Simcha, splta on side the country. On none of himself and his people at the or- thess had Miss Kahn actually ders of celebrating officers, Ja- touched, except with some selfcob refuses to demean himself consciously striking phrane. No and la shot dead. One can under- one wants her to invade the field stand and sympathl«|9 with- Sta- of Hugo Herman or Arthur Rupdia who just emerged from a pin or Alfred Bonne,* each a spechorrible stay in a jtygsiafl prison. ialist in some phase of Palestine. But the noble gesture of Jacob Is But anyone who dares, to write of n such glamorous contrast to the Palestine out of an emotlQn*tUled wretched self-abasiag and eel?- heart shouuld first tremble in addestroyjng Jewish" q o m m u at t y miration for Llewfliys Powys' whom Singer lfia been 'describ- 'Cradle of God", and then follow ng. Perhaps that; is the':: essence n the latter's footsteps-if he can. ot Singer's failure to |£ctiieve One is most friendly to Miss greatness in hip novel; , i&^the Kahn in refraining frgm quoting sensed that Sftolom Asch "attained back at some of *her-pttrple&t pasgreatness in "Three :Citfe8,V-; His [ sages. • JFews are too uniformly uncouth, I There are men and women-{|t unprincipled, uninspired," JHis rabbis are small, mean, self-con- Palestine who have dignity, chartent '—- without exception. His acter, strength - « so unlike the business men are rapacious* and Jew* of Singer'g novel. They have vicious — or self-righteous and tjie stature of human beings, atoblind. Of the business men only Ud, self-reyerent, content. They the old German Huntze, is a are the material which Poland rewholesome character, with hates jected. But Miss Kahn only faintand loves, credits and debits, liv- ly translates them into living ing & coherent, plausible life. The creatures because of her preocothers are more or less dolls cupation with her own responses.
AshkepazJ, successful g e n e r a l agent of the biggest textile plant of Xiods, beart of the textile industry of. Poland which German peasants and Jewish paupers built up. The life of these two sons Is .intertwined, with the history of a city in the process of. 'creation and ; then of deterioration, The canvas on which Singer attempts to paint the deatiny of. Polish Jewry begins with a prologue immediately after the Napoleonic wars dressed in the clothes which a add ends on a note of desperation hundred other Jewish novelists after the Russian Revolution, A have already used. But, the century of. time —*• within which clothes are a little shapeless, illa community comes to life and fitting by this time. But this is iln&J into destruction, but during not definitive condemnation of which the hope or the Jew never Singer. It is merely disappointflickers brighter, always retain- ment that the lush materials In ing the gasping breathlessnesa of his hands never wove into the a dying oil lamp. full pattern for which they were gjmcha Meyer, small, sharp, destined. "The Brothers Ashcunning, twisted and Jacob Bun- kenazi" la, despite its blemishes, lm, bis, handsome, mediocre, -un* an amazingly depressing, venominhibited, but hating each other ously clear depiction of a Jewish for the virtues and possessions of community typical of scores of tho other. Slmgha married Plna, others in Poland — now neariag who dreamed' of an emancipated the bottom ridge of their economhome with.Ja^ob, and the rest of ic destruction. hjs life he piled- success on sue-, cess to give meaning to his e?ls-» "Spring Up, O Well" should tence and to a.waken a response have been an uplifting book to from hjs cold wife and a, contem- place beside this other story of ptuous city. He schemed away a life in decay. But much as one the hand loom factory of his is tempted to awing along with easy-going father-in-law, H, e b the pseudo-lyrical rhythm of this Chalin Alter, He insinuated him- description of the new Jewish life self }nto the managership of the in Palestine, one is opressed by Huntee tevtile. plant, displacing its pallidness and its • insufficihis own father, who tore his lapel ency. •• ••,.' •• • : |n mourning for a • son who . Those w h a . k n o w 'the Journalbreathed death on all he touched. istic qualities of Dorothy R u t h Ha drove down; wages; he sent K a h n , w h o have, learned t o a d agitators to prison; he tricked mire her smooth, factualj accurand contrived. None of these ate proBe In her daily accounts of things brought him happiness, for rebuilding Palestine, must be even ha reaU?ed how desolate, hla somewhat startled to see, her in }If0 would be when .fee divorced this new role of an ElaJe Robinpina to marry that hajney, mas- son >n the JewUh National Home. culine Mrs, Margulie?, whose for- For-the benefit o f those who are tune would help him acquire from the daily syndicated ownership of. the plant pwneft by column? of Ellflo Rotjthe Jewhatfng Huntses, she is the woman who "• The stpry of the "Ashkenazi writes. .In. brisk, abrupt, fprmlegs Brothers" is the chronjcle pf <s sentences which denote emotion Jewish peasantry in transition with-big, black •-; capital letters from mercantile piety to Indus- and conveys empbagis with Italtrial serfdom, The Jews who ics. .' .•'. . •., '.' '...' . :',..'..• pr&yed three times a day in the Dorothy Kahnis the Atlantic dismal factory and feared to reproach a ruthless boss because City ' glr.l •: w|th newspaper' backthey saw visions ot their own ground who deglded that life eventual ewnershlp of a similar would-acquire meaning if she plant eventually gave, way to wentto Palestine, For some three •workers who acquired a voice for years she,has been absorbing the their fears and hopep. They be- life of.the country, coming into gan to learn the significance of as close .contact with Its dally strikes and the universality of changes as is vouchsafed Xqw Inm.en, ready to defend themselves dividuals Is -the land. Now ahe against murderous hatred but al- writes what is her Interpretation ways eager for the day when oth- of the essence and the meaning ers would forget chauvinism as of the .keystones pf her account, Interlarded with evaluations ef ' they had rejected their pwn. • Maurice Samuel haa provedqd a the Hebrew.University, the prosfluent, vivid translation for Sing- pects In th^ arts and similar er's Yiddish original. Knowing phases of the growth of a new Poland and the life of the Jew- land and a new character for the ish industrial plave, Samuel has Jews, "Sickly and sentimental" is a aven sharpened the characterizaphrase used by Miss Kahn in one
these Welfare organizations far i they can spare. The A, Z, A. boys by Mesdames, Hymie Mild- j wearing apparel of all kinds, the [will be very happy to eall for any er, Sam Steinberg, David Feder I A. Z. A. 1? very happy to assJat euch clothing. All persons havthe Women's Division in their ing articles of clothing which and the entire membership of A. j praise-worthy project. ceuld be used by the needy are Z. A, No. 1 and A. Z. A. No. 100. • Due to the coming of the fall asked to call the Jewish Comj Wilno, Poland (JTA) — The and winter seasons, the need for imunity Center, JA 13 66. clothing is very great. All cloth- | Mrs. T. A. Tully, chairman of ; Yiddish Scientific Institute, ining for women, men, boys and i the elothing committee of the ; ternational Je-wish organization girls — shoes, dresses, coata, I •with headquarters here, announci Women's Division of the Center skirts, etc., will be welcomed by | and Haskell D. Cohen, member i ed last week it will hold a epecthe needy of Omaha. [of the advisery board of A. Z. A. j ial scientific assembly in honor of The people of Omaha are jNo, 100, are acting as co-chair- j Dr. Moses Gaster. He is a memasked to Inspect their clothing j men of this clothes gathering ; ber of the institute's honorary and put aside those garments campaign. They are being as- • board of trustees.
* H. Lehman Given Praise at J. D. €. Luncheon
New York (JTA) — Praise of Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman's humanitarian activities was coupled with appeals, for support of the Joint Distribution Committee at a luncheon pf the women's division in honor of the Governor's wife at the Hotel Commodore, attended by about 1,200 pergona, Mrs. Lehman paid tribute to the J. D. C. for bringing."sympathetic support" to persecuted Jews In Central and Eastern Europe. Speaking as/"an American woman" and "an American mother," she apked aid for "Us platform of human service." Rev. Everett R. CHnchy urged prqpagatlpn of attitudes based on abandoment of nations^ races' and cultures' "mounting hysterias against one another," conference discussion , of inter-group problems and enlistment of the forces of religion for the establishment of security for all peoPle. \ Other speakers were Mrs. Fell? M. Warburg, Mrs. David E. qoldfarb an* Mrs. Milton Wyle, who i
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notes have been heard by mil- \merchants were tirged to close lions of Jews throughout the their shops for the holidays, "in world, is fine for the synagogue, order to display their solidarity." but not great music. The only All seats in more than thirty Jewish music I play inreiyconcert synagogues and temporary houses repertoire are the works of Men-of worship were sold out. Many delssohn — music by a Jew, butwho came from the provinces to not "Jewish Music." attend the services in Berlin, fear- j He was a great artist, a great ing they would not be safe in. the!! man and a great Jew. "His contri- small towns, were unable to ob- the ScrrfSi butions to Jewish welfare more tain seats. than overshadow the fact of his The Jewish Ipsmnmity of.Saarhaving had a Unitarian burial bnicken issned/an appeal to Jews the school bell r a n g service in a non-Jewish cemetery. 1115 o p e 2 1 I 1 c f EOh o1 t h € r e
Beich Tourists Barred From .Austria does not apply to Jews Austria While Germans wishing to etv '. ter Austria receive i>asspon>. Vienna (JTA) — It v a s relia- stamped '"valid B.IPP for AnKms..' blj learned that the recent Aup-'fr. orripr i ^ i n " rv fiv~ TTnVI P ^ ! tro-Gercnsit EfreeiretU raisinr ori;ips r rni:jh-:t? iw.~v.rv of r-r-V the bac on -Germar. tonrists in passports V " .lev.-s.
celebrate the New Tear quietlvj f ° did 5ABRILOWITSCH POET OF . . today, this is done simply because delivered an address before an The world of art, and especially to ;fn *% n , ^ " imany teachers ho not r e j many teachers wwho not the walls of their « ^ , _ _ _ , , t o t h e e a U _ T TV. he_e w e _ e you mentioned yesterday that it unusually large audience at a the Palestine musical circles, wlil gogues and homes. The appeal Ijspond In this article Mr. Slomovitz, be of some morai assistance public meeting arranged ' by the always know how to cherish his cautioned children against con-' any curses -who did not don editor of the Detroit Clironicle, to your campaign. I must state Detroit chapter of Hadassah. It memory. •~ . " and many stentells of the Zionist phase of the however, that I cannot obligate was an addresB which was mark- (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts gregating in the streets following! ographers -who did not take up the services. career of Ossip Gabrilowitsfch, myself to repeat this contribution ed by unusual elequence and their pencils and pads. Feature Syndicate.) Owners of a number of halls who besides being one of the in the future, as it may become which stirred his listeners to a TV'hy? Because their useful in Berlin* customarily hired for productive days were gone and world's greatest piano virtuosi more and more imperative to high pitch of emotionalism. Mr. overflow services; o£ synagogues j ^ o b o d y . W M . t e d them . any more. was the conductor of the De- send money direct to Palestine." Gabrilowitsch never permitted an refused to lease them to Jews this Many of those women have troit Symphony Orchestra. In an interview granted to theoccasion to pass without speakyear. THE EDITOR Detroit Jewish Chronicle and ing of Palestine and the achieveI helped the younger brother and The Federation o com-j u CT s l s t e r to go through col-
published there on April 22, ments of the Jewish pioneers. He (munities reported that the small-j I e g e i h.,t t h e y £ r e n o t v a n t e d Ossip Gabrilowitsch was given 1932, Mr. Gabrilowitsch again in- simply bubbled over with praise I est number of synagogues in de- now in the horses of the brothers a non-Jewish funeral. He Tvas dicated his extreme Interest In for the efforts' of the builders of i cades held holiday rites this year, and sisters. 'Why? Because neithburied at Elmira, N. Y.,. in thethe Jewish • national movement Zion. j partly because of emigration of er brothers nor sisters can afford family plot of his late father-in- and urged that the study of He- One of the great disappointJews and partly because of to support them; they have all law, Samuel lu Clemens (Mark brew be propagated widely. He ments of his life! had been the Nazis Remind Jews of Racial i-inany migration from towns to larger :an do to supplv the needs told his intreviewer, Miss Euth C. tragedies which marked the rule Twain). Laws Passed at Party centers. In a circular to all Jew-; o f t h e i r 0 T r n h o 3 , e c ; r c i e s . . of Adolf Hitler in Germany. In Nevertheless the name of Gab-Brotman: Congress ish communities, the Federation A me insurance policy, on the rilowitsch will long live in Jewish "I regret -that in my childhood April of 1934 he was asked wheasked "that synagogues be main- j endowment form, o: annals because in a period of less I did not study Hebrew, and now,ther he would play in Germany Berlin (JTA)—German Jews monthly inthan ten years since his visit to at this period; of my life, you can under the Hitler regime, and hislast.week quietly observed the be- tained "even at the greatest sac-1 ^I,g a rifice," except where it became! !! co~e v.-ill solve any self-supportPalestine he made definite con- understand it would require-very heated reply was: 'Certainly not!' ginning of the Jewish New Tear, necessary a b d 'them 'th as I ing woman's f utur financial tributions to the cause of the up- much of my time—but to be able Smilingly he added:. "But"l hope 5697, with servicfs at synagogues last resort.tto abandon problems . . . a she is not building of the Jewish National to .read the Book.^of. Books, • the to bring my music to German au- which were heavily guarded by wanted in'business because of her Home, and was one of the most Bible, in Hebrew — an accom- diences soon. The Hitler terror-" uniformed and plainclothes police. ' advanced age. ardent defenders of Jewish na- plishment which has been denied ism cannot last. No reign found- Detachments of Jewish ex-serme. It is fine and poetical, this ed on oppression and persecution vicemen: patrolled the synagogue tional aspirations. . . Pstror-ize Our Advertisers , He was not only a great mu- language of our ancestors, and can endure." areas to prevent worshippers sician — he has been called the you may say for me that I consi- It is Interesting to note that he from congregating in the streets "poet • of the piano" — he wasder, it a privilege to know He- did not believe that Jewishness is following the services, in accordThe CF! piars may Interest j?siii Small monthly peymenta . . . Inan idealist, devoted to the cause brew. I; think young Jewish peo- responsible for specific artistic ance with special instructions cf one slnole premium. Bucharest-(JTA)—The Ennaaof Palestine, and during the last ple should be encouraged to stu-creations. In an interview three issued by Jewish leaders in order I ian .cabinet's -edict dissolving po- steadBUY INSURANCE T H E dy the language." CONVENJENT WAY years ago he said; "I don't know few years of his life made it his to avoid possible unpleasant in-1 litical "armies", was last week deIf Interested, csl! chief hobby: Mr, Gabrilowitsch also- spoke if one can say Jewishness helps fied by the Fascist anti-Semitic When the National Council of to his interviewer^, about Prof. S. or hinders art. Jews are • better cidents. Nazi newspapers took advan- National. Christian party and its' Every type cf Irmursnee wrtlSen \ Jewish "Women asked him to-be Rosovsky, famous Russian mu- interpreters of great music than £1 Strong Companies [ tage the occasion to remind bitter opponents, the National their guest artist at the conven- sician who is devoting his time they are composers. But gain I Jews of U ' A E15C S that the year just ended Peasant .party, i A T 3*S57 tion: banquet in Detroit'on March to the. study of monumental can't tell you why. "Eli,. Eli," was one in which the Nuremberg)" Prof. Octavins Goga, leader of 29, 1932, Mr. Gabrilowitsch said music of the ancient Hebrews- at whose haunting, soul-piercing racial laws had been ^promulgated the Fascist' group, issued a statethat he would be pleased to play the Palestine Institute for Musicand to express the hope that "the ment. bluntly refusing to disband for them, but he. made a condi- al Sciences. He lauded Prof. Rosyear of racial legislation had not!the uniformed Bice Shirt "army" tion: He wanted the sum of $500, ovsky as a-scholar and a musician passed in vain." . [known as the organization's shock | of first rank. to be used for the Palestine DEALER IN ' . A special article in Der Angriff,1! troops. . The Blue Shirts have for! School of Music. For some rea- Asked how Jews in this counofficial Nazi organ, urges, the fol-j months been terrorising liberal j son or other the women did nottry, can best help the situation lowing innovations be adopted elements and Jews in many parts i publicize this fact. An alert re- in Palestine, Mr. Gabrilowitsch Other Eeligiccs Articles " with respect to treatment of of the country. porter approached Mr. Gabrilo- said: "I think our duty is to help 2423 Decat'or WE-S52? Jews: In-his'statement, Prof. Goga as•witsch to learn -whether he hadthose that are there at present; Berlin (JTA)—Plans for an 1. More publicity for cases of serts his "army" does not violate Religious articles like mach. any objections to the use of this give them all the moral as well with Jewish and English information, and. he made an em-as financial support that we pos-anti-Jewish and anti-Soviet prop- "Rassenschande" (racial defile- the law but merely serves as _an zelrim translations, prayer books, talinstrument for patriotic propaelsm, silk and wool cf the bes*. phatic answer: "I not only have sibly can. I cannot speak too aganda campaign, along the lines ment) ; | rinos, e t c no objections to haying this^ made ^highly of the type of men andfollowed by the Nazi Party Con- 2. Stricter punishment for Jews ganda. Remember Else to place your known; on the contrary, • I amwomen I saw there; in fact, I gress, were announced last week found guilty of "Rassenschande"; The National Peasant Party at; order with me for an esroo end by Propaganda Minister Paul- Jo- 3. An espionage system to the same time made l:nown its in- | a !u!cv anxious that it become known think', they are saints, and the that Is being Imported • • .- watch German Jews traveling tention not to disband the Peasant! by me -from Ereiz-lsraei. because of my devotion to thesacrifices ' they made are-: still :seph Goebbels. cause of Palestine's movement.' making left a vivid impression-on Dr. Goebbels disclosed plans abroad, in order, to ascertain Guard. He did not stop at that but pro-me." for the ; campaign, -the most am-whether they maintain relations • ceeded to laud the pioneers, elobitious and comprehensive yet 'at- with German women, and if foiind In April of 1934, shortly before tempted, quently to describe his interest in • at^ a meeting -of- his de-guilty to make them stand trial he became seriously ill, never Palestine and -to plead for -wholer partment heads. immediately after on their return to the. Reich. hearted interest on the part of all again to .have the- opportunity: to conclusion <3f:the Congress. The Frankfurter Zeitung redirect the Detroit Symphony: OrJews in the movement for Jew• The'ReicSiJpropaganda -chief cx- •ported that a Xten jstadt-*- court chestra, Mr. • GabrilQwitsch -...xrgs •pl&isect' ish" national regeneration. to his aides that he" was fined a 60-year-old Jew fifty' asked to appear as soloist for the When Gabrilowitsch returned donor luncheon of the Jewish Na- giving- them • a -free " hana in - the marks for "Rassenschande" befrom Palestine he ' turned cam- tional * Fund; in response to them e t h o d s - t o: b e e m p l o y e d , d e c l a r - cause he gave shelter to a disOffers the most sotable contribution •'• ' '•'•' ••:•"'• missed "Aryan" maid who had paigner. He solicited his friends invitation his secretary, Phyllis i n g : in years to the grs-cs cf-arkles . . . laymen as well as professionals Harrington, wrote that Mr. Gab- "The winter propaganda cru- no home. The girl testified, exin the musical world for support rilowitsch, then in New York,sade is at hand; all our forces pressing her gratitude to the aged Jew who permitted her to share of the Palestine School of Music. would be unable to be present at must be mobilized for it." He arranged; concerts, made his the luncheon, but wanted to con- Dr. Goebbeli also revealed that a room with his two daughters. personal contributions to the tributed the price 'of two tickets. new methods would be introduced The court admitted he had 4)een cause and emerged the dynamic Upon.his return from Palestine into German commerce this win- motivated by human kindness, leader of the movement to help eight years ago Mr. Gabrilowitsch ter, "despite Jewish propaganda bat nevertheless found he had Palestine create a musical art. violated the Nuremberg laws and abroad." Of unusual interest is a letter Jewish circles expected, follow- rnled he must be punished by a mild fine. he wrote to one of the Detroit ing the conclusion of the Jewish leaders on May 17, 1932, gress, that new anti-Jewish meas- Jewish leaders had issued inin. response to a request for-his ures would be taken shortly structions governing the conduct! contribution to a campaign that through administrative channels. of Jews during the high Holyj was then in progress. This letter New anti-Semitic legislation Days, cautioning Jews against Ten yesrs ego you wore hose can now be, made public, and it which had been believed possible, dressing conspicuously, and sdvis-i wHh pointed hes!s. But bedeserves to be read, -widely bewas not promulgated at the con-ing residents of Berlin particular-1 cause of the' sentiments so sin-; cause manufacturers couldn't ly not to wear top hats to avoid gress, leading to the belief the cerely expressed. Gabrilowitsch; Bucharest (JTA)—Motzi Spa- steps against Jews would be tak-attracting attention. make fhern -properly, you've j wrote at that time. been unable to get this s'snkowV mobbed by anti-Semites on en by extending existent legisla- Jews were instructed to leave j ""As per our conversation over Sept. 5 after successfully defend- tion, rather than by new laws. the .synagogues without delay and ' deriiing effect since, ^'ew yoa the telephone of yesterday, I am ing his amateur . heavyweight Chancellor Hitler, in an attack are advised not to congregate in : can .- . . with five features, sending yon-herewith,a check for boxing' championship, renouned on Bolshevism' before the Nazi the streets following the services., too. (blank amount) for the Allied his title last week "for sentimen- Party Congress reiterated charges For the first time, worshippers' ; Jewish Campaign. It is under- tal reasons." that 98 per cent of important were advised against bringing' stood that the amount of my-con- In a letter to the Rumanian posts in Russia are held by Jews. children to the services. Jewish. tribution will not be made public. Boxing Federation he said he sd! itsls, Dfilsf In forwarding this contribution would no longer be able to box to you I wish to make clear that in Rumania when "I am no longer the modest amount it represents considered a genuine Rumanian less, 15 T&ree must not be interpreted as a lack in my own fatherland." The letS-Tbrssi TferiJl Creps of sufficient interest on my part ter said: Fii, Tcp^ to Tep in the affairs of Jewish welfare. "The reasons which prompted On the contrary, my interest in such matters is. very earnest, but me to surrender. the title and for reasons which I-explained to withdraw from the ring are, you over the telephone yesterday strange as this may seem in a I have always made a point of fighter, of a purely sentimental » directing my contributions .to nature. "I, who fought with all my Palestine rather- than -to American Jewish philanthropic . organ- heart for Rumania, boxing in Ycu'J! delight in wearing these hese with ihs FZv-SCT* O For cleanest possibla horns- healing, install ona of thesa izations. My reasons for this are •France, Poland and other counED pointed heels . . . hsse that give a new qrece to ssnsationc! Bofisndorf Automatic O2 Bumsrs — a first class very simple. I know that there tries, am no longer considered as 1 your cr.L'ss , . . hose ihet ere es smssi end new t% thz j <quc' i fy burnsr ot a remarkably lew pries. You'll fes cmsstd , a physical, genuine Rumanian in always are and always will be "" itssifl A special twijf fo the i T'Ves at t.W .ebss tyith which your horns can ba kept spie and plenty of Jews in the United my own fatherland. Against that these stockings &died ehsi'isiiy, fas! span ika. mirsuta you cxib the ceel bin, tho esh ccn end \i State9 who will contribute to theI can no longer fight. t#so soot the* filters through tha tiniest erevics. Cissnsr bilk Sectioa—Msia Fiocr regular philanthropic campaigns "As much as I regret it, I re«p down, loisure hours increase end iha winter becomes a in this country. Unfortunately nounce the title and wish that my there are only very-few who take successor may defend the Ruhappy teaser,. Cc'J is for f-^any interest in Palestine affairs. manian flag with the same enrscts csout iha Savings J i/~*\'-\/ I do believe that those of us whothusiasm that I have for the last cr.d Bor.sfits cf Bettenderf I . c<>. are interested in Palestine should nine years." Automatis O3 Heat. -^ r : ~ — make an effort to somewhat reSpako.v announced at the same adjust this balance, and this can time that he was-donating a silbest be done by sending contribu- ver challenge competition cup to tions to Palestine direct. be awarded his successor as heavy Pcy A5 Lev/ As "The recipients of such contri- weight champion. The bout in which he was mobbutions (as far as my donations are concerned) are not only m i I -j bed. marked the eleventh 'time the sicians and musical institutions, Jewish boxer had successfully de: . ." • but also other philanthropic or- fended the title. ganizations -in Palestine. In the "When judges announced the decourse of years they have come cision at the end of the ten-round to regard my small donations aB event, hundreds of anti-Semitic something they may look forward spectators, who been shoutto with a certain regularity. ing "Down with the Jews!" durhew bseps fhes usac? hsr 0 Asi fcr a FREE Hieftsj Therefore I do not feel that such ing the fight, rushed the ring aivd thumb. She wsrks o!ase fciiSurvey. V/Hho-jt tKi silch'eit monies should be deflected from attempted to mob Spakov. He cbligsflon you ccn find erf fsx end Arigia-sae-ds-. Into -sli» tievr -to er.-ey winicrji'iivirj them and directed to institutions was rescued by friends and taken Ct e surprisingly lew cost. located in Detroit or elsewhere in to a dressing room. cree-;! •witft en^'V. Troops and constables. sprayed the United States. •. the rioters with indelible colored "I believe that my point of view | '_, v \ / \ f- / In this logical. I have liquid for identification later. The -***? maintained it for several years anti-Senfitic epithets were carried in the past, and intend to main- throughout the country by ther mitain it in'the future. If, never- crophones which broadcast; the . •'. •:' •: . ',. theless; I am sending you a check bout.
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Page' 4
14th Street, guarding a few off- seeling cost him E young fortune. an<5 If yon can "inrt one man who ice and . household effects, some His well-lighted etand boasts that esecuteth- justice, who searcheth volumes and heaps of pamphlets the Isaacs eels can'l be beat. for truth, then I shall pardon it. . . . An eviction . . . For four Young Tubby advertises 'QualWe are taught th&t Rabbi Jose By I>f. Theodore N mouths, no rent had been paid ity Guaranteed.' Barney, with re- daid: "If ihou eeest a generation Rabbi, Monr.t Sfnai Pnbliacd every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by . . . Two little yellow pamphlets freshing simplicity, contents him- in which many troubles come, try Sioux City told the tale in all its eloquent self with the single statement, and investigate the judges of IsTBB JEWISHPRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY tragedy . . . The literature bore "Best Eeis." rael" (because it is due to lack Christian Materialism by Fran- the by-line of D G . , . In the next block, Middlesex o£ good judgment and leader0nbse?lptloa Price, ona year' - • « - „• • 82.00 cJs SScConnell, The Friendship One of the pamphlets, in English, Street (site of Petticoat Lane on ship,) Advertising rates tarntsbed on application. Press, New York,City, 1.50. described a book he had written Sunday mornings) is the eel Rabbi Assi said: "The reason The author. Bishop McConnell, some years ago on the Jewish stand whose proprietor makes the why scholars of Babylon are so Efllto?lal Olflco: 600 Braatfsla Tueater Bunding. is one of America's foremost re- race . . . It quoted the opinions claim — "THIS is the original extraordinarily well-dressed is ' 610QS City OMlco—-Jowlob Community Center ligious leaders, and one of the prominent men and publications Isaacs." He's a relative or gome- that they are not so well versed J>AV1D BLACKER V • " Business and Managing' Editor most, fearless champions of so- had formed of the work . . . They thing. in the TOPEII as the Palestinian cial Justice. To him, as to hun- were, needless to report, enthusPSAKE SL ACS0RMAN • • • • • • • • Edlto? Tubby is the only one to keep scholars." (Therefore they try to dreds of other religious teachers, iastic . . . The pamphlet offered his stand open during the day as make up in their dressing for FANNIEJ KATBLMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Co-respondent religion is a mockery and scandal the book at three dollars and well as evening. It seems most their inferiority.) ANN PILL • • " •-• Gious City, Iowa, Correspondent when, ignoring social issues, it promised to refund the sum if it eel-eaters can -enjoy them only concentrates exclusively upon old were returned wihtin a month of unfier cover of- darkness. That's Print Snop"Addrcs3: <aoo« So. 24th Street fashioned personal salvation. purchase, undamaged . . , The as far as your f. and c. man, went. PHILOSOPHERS EEJECT Jiugged individualism is an out- Yidriish, containing a reproduc- Eels are eels, yuknow. BID TO MEET IN REICH worn shibboleth not only in eco- tion of a medallion with the auNew York (JTA) — Eighteen nomics, but also in the world o£ thor's aristocratic, bearded head i American philosophers, including The plaintive notes of Kol Nidre stir the history of the religious thought. The Individ- engraved on it, told of his monJohn Dewey, A. N. Whitehead. ual alone Is impotent In the presages in the hearts of world Jewry tonight, as we observe Tom umental life's work - - a ten-volH. A. Overstreet and Alexander ence ' of mighty and impersonal, ume illustrated, general encycloMeiklejohn. have spurned an inKippur,, the holiest of Jewish holydays. economic, social and political pedia In Yiddish . . . Whlcli he vitation to attend the German The observance of the Day of Atonement has changed in By O. O. ©ASHER forces. He can save himself only intended to do entirely by himPhilosophical Association's 13th in and through society. A re- self, with no contributing editors form through the course of the centuries, but it has not session in Berlin, this week. ligion that emphasizes individual assisting him . . . Two completed j The tongue of the wise useth changed in the depth of its significance. In the days of the In a letter to Or. Bruno Bauch, piety, personal goodness but ne- volumes of the ambitious under- [knowledge aright, but the mouth j professor in the University of Teinple,, Yom Kippur was a day of special sacrifices on the j of the fools pour out foolishness. glects the corrupting, the degrad- taking rest on our shelves . . . and president of the society, He who fiespiseth his neighbor jIJena ing, and the all-powerful social He never got to volume three . . . altar. In those ancient times there was even merrymaking and t h e m . A . : ' • • ' . • . ' • the eighteen declared: sinneth, but he who is gracious forces betrays its mission. And their author, who labored happy rites on Yom Kippur. The maidens would exchange "No individual participating in Bishop McConnell has spent a mightily to add, in thisiway, to jinto the humble, happy is he. your would be free to garment, rich with poor, and while they danced and sang happy In the house of the righteous is discussmeeting precious lifetime in making or- the sum total of human knowlthe present situation of much treasure, but in the revensongs, it became a frequent custpme for the young men to pick ganized religion socially meaning- edge? . . . It was Rosh Hashonah philosophy inside of Germany, or By Rabbi Frederick Cohn ful, and challenging in persuading eve, the year 5697 . . . And Four- ues of the wicked trouble. a bride from among the festal dancers. But with the destrucwould be permitted to seek and The year opens lip. We shall soon be immersed in action. A merry heart maketh a cheer- find for himself an insight into lay and clerical headers tbat teenth Street paused not at all tion of the Temple and the exile of the Jewish people, all this How Hhall we act? What shall we do? In other words, how Us for it to speak vaguely and quiet- in its headlong coming-and-going ful countenance, but by Borrow the spiritual and material charended. Prayer and charity, the rabbinical sages taught, must shall.we live? It all comes in the end to a question of a philoso- ly about justice and love is woe- between those two big rivers that of the heart the spirit is broken. acter of the German scene of take the pace of the previous rites. And so Torn Kippur be- phy of life. We must all have some conception of life, its true fully insufficient, that it must make an island of Manhattan . . . 18S6." Rabbi Juda said: "School chilaggressively the cause • * * eame a day of prayer and meditation and supplication for for- meaning and purpose, the way to achieve our ideas, aims, and champion Jdren should not be withheld from of the poor, that it must help corMISHi-MASH: Joe Williams' giveness of sins. rect the abuses that impose pov- Series "So You Saw Hitler," in j school even by reason of the Menorahs, Jewish Music, Bibles ideals. \, i building of the Temple (because erty, disease, and crime upon un"We think of the fast on Yom Kippur and the solemn prayOne need not be a philosopher to have a philosophy of life. told millions. His voice though the New York World-Telegram, is • the Torah is essential to the exing as saddening, but in actuality the contrary is true. Med. In fact it is not at all certain that all,,even professional phil- often irritating and alarming to distinctly worth reading . . . Joe istence of Israel and the Temple the Olympics for bis is of secondary importance). itation is good for the souL "We cannot help become better osophers have it. Yet in a sense everybody, the humblest, whe- the blind defenders of an inequit- covered paper . . . Westbrook Pegler, who men and women by reviewing in our own hearts the wrongs ther he knows if or not has a philosophy of life; acts in accor- able status quo has won him a had been refused entry to Ger- Kabbi said: "Jerusalem would JOHN FELDMAN audience and achieved a mo- many on account of the merciless jnot have been destroyed were it TALEISIM - PRAYER BOOKS we have committed during the past year, honestly visualizing dance with certain ideas or ideals, maxims, beliefs, convictions, fair ! not because of faith ceased to exderate success. The social mesin which he wrote up the jist, ES it is saic!. fJer. 5 1). Roam Gifts for 8 « r WItzvahl our mistakes, and resolving to do better in the days to come. even opinions; seeks to govern his life by certain principles (dr sage of religion, though still re- way Garmisch - Partenkirc'-ien Winter ! about through the Ftreets of JerRes, 609 No. 60th St. GL-2972 sisted and denied in many circles Such spiritual cleansing gives u& new faith and new hope, and lack of principles), follows consciously or unconsciously certain Games, could hardly have done usalem and gee new, and notice, P. O. Box 710 Omaha, Nebr of consequence is generally recogthat spiritual communion brings an inner happiness and satis- rules and regulations in the conduct of his ordinary life. He nized and accepted as a valuable, better . . . The series ougbt to and search ic its broad places, be published in pamphlet form faction which cannot be obtained any other way. may not articulate these.. They constitute nevertheless his nay, even Indispensable, element. . . . Best pun so far, of the year This volume is an inquiry into 5697 - - Walter Winchell's deThe holy day itself, therefore, does not bring sorrow. But philosophy of life.. • "The getting, spending, and giv- scription of tfie French Casino in as we pray tonight and tomorrow, there is a pall of sorrow This Holy Season with the introspective and perspective of money" and it is a criti- New York as a place "where the which hangs over us — the knowledge that our people are be- New Year; with the solemn, sublime Day of Atonement, is apt ing cal, exhaustive, and penetrating thigh isn't the limit" . . . Jacob ing ruthlessly and barbarously and cruelly persecuted in so o make the Jew more contemplative than ever. What for the inquiry. The first chapter deal- j Kirchenbaum, star ship news reing with the "getting" is by far i porter of the Morning Journal, many parts of the world. Our sorrow is the same as the sorrow Jews shall constitute a philosophy of life.. the most significant, because the greeted the Palestine Maccabi of the Spanish Jews during the Inquisition — when 'Kol Nidre Judaism does not use the wx>rd 'philosophy.' That came means of acquisition are most |! soccer in his best forensic was written. We are being made the scapegoat of tyrants and later, particularly in the medieval period. From the Greeks easily subject to scrutiny, exam- Yiddishsquad when it arrivc-d recently, self-seeking fiends. We are being swept into the sea of medie- the J«w, (and the world) got the word 'philosophy.' It means ination, and judgement. Not only to be met by black stares a man does with his money . . . The boys knew only Hebrew valism in a backwash of civilization. And as long as people the 'love of wisdom? The Jew used the word 'wisdom' as the what matters ultimately, but how he . . . The Normandie, incidentally, in any part of the world are persecuted merely because of their equivalent of the latter, more scientific word 'philosophy.' But acquires it. If the means em- flew the Zionist flag in honor of Jewishness, we feel the oppression of sorrow as a people. On the Jew is very philosophic in spirit. His pre-occupation with ployed in the accumulation are the squad . . . Our London invesunscrupulous, .and de- tigator of did-y o u-know-that's this holiest of holy dayB, we must resolve and carry the resolve the profound and the sublime things of life were bound to make unethical, structive of health, happiness, and tells us there's a tiny, ancient to fruition— to lend our every effort toward helping our dis- him so. His use of the word 'wisdom' all that was meant by security, the disposal of the wealth Jewish cemetery behind Bocae no matter how wise and benevo- business premises and & stone's inherited brethren and keep their thread of life from being torn philosophy.' lent can never remove the taint, throw from a theatre, on Peel to bits.-Prayers are insufficient — our rabbis have taught for What was the Jew's conception of 'wisdom'? There is a atone for the evil and the Street in Newcastle-on-Tyne .' . . centuries that prayers and charities — and charity implies sac- specific portion of the Bible, namely the books of Proverbs, Job, never misery created in the process of And that a synagogue at Southrifice __ must be our Yom Kippur offering. Then, and then Ecclesiastic (the Apocryphal books, Ecclesiasticus, and Wisdom accumulation. The underlying sea is equipped with a sliding The Event HunHreHs of Men only, can the plaintiveness of Kol Nidre attain the full sweet- of Solomon) which are known aa "Wisdom Literature." But in character and message of this roof over its vestibule to make it chapter is best summarized in the suitable for use during Succoth ness of its traditional magnetism. a sense the while.Bible is Wisdom Literature. The Bible is, of sentence "The business of the land . . . The American Spectator 6ays onrse, not just a'Book, but a Literature (the ^greatest critic shall be conducted on a" man-mak- the Germans don't know that all as well as money-making ba- the Nazi leaders - - Hitler, Goerand eonnoiseurs of literature place it at the head of all litera- ing sis." ing, Goebbels and others - - who Evil portents of further Jew-baiting come out. of the Reich. ture), and considering its immense seriousness and its profound The second chapter dealing only a few years ago were downthe spending of money dis- and-outers are millionaires now With the Olympics over, we feared a fresh outburst, and we sagacity and broad, practical, perspicacity, "Wisdom Litera- with cusses the oft forgotten respon- with swell palaces in town and ture" par excellence. were not wrong. Led by Hitler himself, the Nazi circus barkers sibility of the consumer for the villas in the mountains What is the Jewish conception of 'wisdom'! There is the manner and method.of conducting .sweller shouted at the top of their lungs vitriolic attacks upon the . . And that Dr. Ley (Labor Jews, even more acidic than before. The keynote of the as- classic passage from Job "Wisdom where is it to be found, and industry. Though unaware o£ his Front chief), Walter Darre (Agdoing so, the consumer decrees riculture's Dictator),. Gestapo, sault was expressed by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, where is the place of understanding." Afterjscouring the whole success and failure, determines chief Himmler and Julius (PorOf A m e r i c a ' s Outstanding who told the Nazi followers at Nuremberg that Nazi Germany osmos after considering it pro and con, the author concludes wages and profits, hours of labor, nographer No. 1) Streicher were Values Ead Smartest Styles in will be satisfied only when its war against Jews is taken up The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom and to depart from evil and conditions of employment. all openly accused o* embezzling By withholding patronage, he can party funds before the Nazis seizis understanding." The phrase "fear of the Lord" is the best and by other nations. Handsome Adolph, however, surprised even bring to terms the most arrogant ed power . . . Dr. Samuel A. TanGerman Jewry when he accused the Jews for the present blood- briefest definition and description of what we mean by 'Re- and unprincipled monopoly. When nenbaum, a New York physician, shed in Spain.. He charged that Jews long resident in Spain ligion'. And 'to depart from evil' is an equally excellent and the consumer will fully realize" his is probably the only living perpotentially tremendous power, son who can write offhand a perand recent Jewish immigrants^ to the land have lived there concise description of what we mean by 'morality and Ethics". his voice will be heard with fect imitation of William ShakesReligion and morality constitute 'Wisdom'; in fact, the High"solely for the purpose of annihilating pure-blooded Spanitrembling and obedience. peare's signature . . . For all the ards." Anti-Semitic catch-phrases recurred throughout all of est Wisdom. Without them all other so-called 'wisdom' is mere To Jews, a. portion of the title good that does him . . . The Jewfoolishness and pedantry, undigested knowledge and ill-assim- of this helpful book may appear ish settlement in Cochin, India, the speeches of the Hitlerite leaders. parochial and exclusive. However, back, at least twenty cenThe foreign reaction is encouraging. Hitler and his aides ilated 'adulation' and mis-applied information. The truly 'wise' the author uses the term "Christ- dates turies, according to no less a perman reverences God, the Power that made him, and acts in acian!" in its noblest sense and his sonage than the Maharaja of had tried to pull bolshevism across the world's eyes as the usual religion Is of an inclusive and Cochin, Sir Sree Rama Varma . . "red herring." But, foreign observors refused to swallow the cordance with what is looked upon as the will of God, viz. the universal character. In Judaism rules of righteousness, which are the rules or the 'law' of the * • * attempt to make the world "choose between Nazism and bolsocial justice plays a significant LOXDOX LETTER: universe. Law reigns throughout the physical universe. Moralshevism." In democratic countries, the comment was almost inpart, and especially so In propheDear Mr. Peters: variably that both are bad and there is little to choose between ity is but the higher law of human society. Therefore it is but tic preaching. If we are to es- Your fish-and-chips representcape the tyrannies of Facisin on them. In fact, many close observors said that,'the oposite of the pre-requisite of the most elementary 'wisdom' to 'fear God the right, and of Communism on ative has been investigating the war which has rent what was desired was achieved. The Nuremberg convention and (as Job expresses it) keep His commandments. That is the left, we better reconstruct our internecine the jellied eel industry in the designated, 'the whole duty of man' (a more literal translation economic order so as to provide has isolated Germany more than before.. London East End from head to justice and abundant secur- tail. First of all, jellied eels are I But the tirades against the Jews were not mere vocal ex- As 'the whole of man', what constitutes the sum total of man, his full ity to all. In this difficult but about one inch of squirmy eel " ercises. They portend new legislation. They portend confisca- essential humanity.) Imperative task we Jews, sensiin jelly. They sell like hotReligion and morality constitute man's essential humanity, tive to human suffering, bearers stuck tion of Jewish property, prevention of emigration, and inability cakes for about a dime - -- like an Inspiring tradition of jus- hot dogs rather, back home. to bequeath property. Whether this is accomplished by legisla- through instinct with divinity. It is these that differentiate of tice and truth and freedom must It's one of those family-monophim fromthe,brute, from even the most highly ^developed anition or mere decree, the effect is identical. And the result is play a large and heroic part. olized industries - - like the <iu mals.. The lion is .strong, the deer is swift, the elephant sagidentical — a condemnation of German Jewry to slow starvaPosts in chemicals - - only itr the Isaacs. Once upon a time, all tion" or mass emigration.. But these condemned people take the acious, the dog is faithful; but the animal does not pray; the the Isaacs were poor, but napr v : From die flssest Sowtls American situation bravely. In a Rosh Hashonah address drafted by Jew- animal is not moral. : Now they're all wealthy and bit, This constitutes the essence of wisdom according to Judaish leaders for reading in all synagogues in Germany, an amazter enemies. specially pr<s*ra fleeces to the ing fortitude and optimism are revealed. The message declares ism, and in it consists the highest excellence of the Jew (above Tubby Isaacs Is the pioneer &r 2 founder of the, family t fortune:;. that "the coming year will contain tests for German Jewry, all his other reputed brilliant qualities such as a fine man, fia w00k stardiiest No: His stand on Goulston Street, tests which, however, will be overcome." Interpreted as a direct nancial genius,*etc.). Deuteronomy long ago distinctly reeogjust off Whitechapel, is a gcli* every . . . they're talne - - jammed Irom morning reply to renewed Nazi assaults, the message sounds a warning nied it when it is "Thi3 ifo your wisdom and your.understanding to night. He's got two Drotncrsthat "without united communal life we shall be lost." Their in the eyes of the nation." This is the Jew's highest merit in the Slie TopeoM &l Hie Kebrai iii-law, Young Tubby Isaacs ard eyes of the non-Jew. Of course, Hitler may .not like it. He and deepened Jewish consciousness will help them in the battle Barney Isaacs. Both are new ir. against medieval barbarism which must eventually be blotted his detestable Nazis have an 'obsession' (far from magnificent) 14TH ST. KPISODE: Four- -competition (a'Sd when we say prodticl ©f £ «5. El ©US 8]peci.allst competition, i t s competition) of ferocious hatred and yilifieaticn of the Jew (witness the most teenth Street, tae avenue' of the out by its own darkness. stands on the other side d eoat makers. Ia all the west reeent ravings!) But it ia these qualities of reverence and of proletariat, gaudy movie houses, with the street. raucous radio shops, the Salvarighteousness that give the Jew that most outstanding char- tion Army, oratorical Union Tubby copyrighted his ssr.o 8 acter of pre-eminent sanity and fundamental common sense, Square, never-ending picket lines, and trademark - - two Egnlrrsinr The Spanish Bourbons of, the fifteenth' century wrote a stability, and integrity, that are the source of real admiration pitch-men, hot-dog stands, scur- eels rampant. His unsaccessfcl to prevent Young Tub^r chapter in blood which ruined their country for several gen for him and acknowledged superority on the part of fair- rying shoppers, tinselled depart- fight ment stores, pick-pockets, prosti- from capitalizing on the -fame he ' See Qur Topcoat eratiohs thereafter. Today, it seems that the fascists are deter- minded and intelligent portion of the non-Jewish, evea "Aryan" tutes, lit'ry giants, poets, paint- built tip in his sixteen years of
for the fascist rebels to inject the anti-Semitic element? "What possible help could that be to them, unless — as correspondents have written -*- Germany has a direct interest in the rebels and her airplanes and.airmen are used to Overthrow the constitutional government T If Germany is really,lending all the aid some correspondents have uncovered, ,then we have a logical answer—th eNazi racial hatred is one of the prices to be paid. General Emil Mola, ,a leading fascist commander, in a copyrighted interview with an Associated Press correspondent at Burgos, made the statement that in the event of a fascist triumph, the Jews of Spain will find themselves victims of a re-enactment of the Expulsion ofv1492. A similar intimation comes in a statement from' General Franco. This confirAs evidence in documents seized in rebel headquarters in Barcelona and Madrid. In many rebel-controlled cities, placards assail the Jews and advertise for sale volumes of the maliciouslyfalse and long-discredited "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." In Spanish Morrocco, for some time now under rebel fascist control, hbndred of Jews have been imprisoned, Jewish merchants have been forced to pay huge sums in tribute, and Jewish institutions-have been destroyed and in some places actual pogroms have occurred. As the shades of Torquemada once more appear, the Span: ish Jews-must depend for their future on events over which they can have no control. Their destiny is being shaped for
• . •
Topcoats Are Ready at The Nebraska Wait for... They Know It Pays to
mined to emulate the Bourbbnic history of Spain, A Hitler inay rave about the Jews being responsible for what is happening in Spain today. Yet, such utterances are literally taken as ravings. The few Jews who returned to Spain after the Spanish invitation could not have been in even a small way responsible for the civil warfare which is another stain upon modern civilization. If mere difference of philosophy were involved in thq otruggle, then why did it become necessary
world. Let us continue to be 'wise', not merely by learning' from every man' as the Talmud says, but above all by being true to our essential character (which these Holy Days accentuate) of 'fearing God and departing from evil' and 'keeping.the commandments of God' which will be found to be not merely the beginning but the middle and end, of all 'wisdom of the truest science and tha highest philosophy.
Window Bispl&y
ers . . .New Tork'B most tiirbalent lane that shoots straight as
a die across Manhattan's middle, from river to river . . . Hardly paused a- moment in its taad, headlong paca the other afternoon sa disaster overtook a gallant old Wan . . . It was Rosh eve . . . A Negro stood on the csr??, ia front cf ——Bast
Household furnishings for sals 'tbis Friday and Saturday. Giving up -hose. £804 Underwood.
roTi %rr.N
student council, Is assistant busipie t h a t had 6,010 years of cviivness manager of the university izatlon. that had its literature. Hi. yearbook, The Cornhusker: iB art and i t s science before auyoiiiAlpha Theta Chapter of> Zeta captain of Pershing Rifles, hon| ever though of the word Ary&s,.' Beta Tau inaugurated the school orary basic drill organization; is I T h e leant v a e iutroduoeii I ; year with, a victory in the elec- a second lieutenact in the adiBorough rre-yiuenl feniUfU !..<'••">. tion of Lloyd Friedman, senior vanced ROTC; is a member of 'Dsvic T\"fHiPteln, rnp(p 1 ri pf iVi and immediate past chapter pres- Corncobs, men's pep club, end a ident, to the presidency of thecheer leader; and is a faction PP^P from Tupvor niT.-nro''r p* To' Interfraternity Council. By EGBEUX SXOXE leader oa the campus. Completion of a successful Morris 3-ipp, Bophoxnore its. the AMERICAN miLOSCPEEKS rushing season was marked by Arts and Sciences college and REJECT BID TO CONFERENCE to AnneriCB. vitli p "vipv tc briiu" the formal pledging of eight School of Journalism, is sports IN GERMANY . . . reeling, nc . i n r ? Bie^SR^re of v^ve* pnr £on*'~ Omaha boys: Robert Cohen, editor of the Daily Nebraskan, doubt, that E.ny attempt tc inject ' vrill t c the people o! Auier'^'A.. Leonard Friedel, Sheldon Shu- member of Corncobs, and junior wisaoiD. into the Nasis voulc, be , 3'ev'b raid non-Jcvs, hopeless. mow, Granum * Kaplan, Irvin faction representative. IiEVUfSKY-DUBXOFF I The Maccabees v.-jll vlk.y ilif-iBR00KSTEIX-KAPLA3J Sherman, Robert Silverinan, KilIrving Zveitel, junior in the CHRISTIAN G-TVES FITE TOV. , firEst t a m e Rgkinti s ieB.n;. d H-.f. . The marriage of Miss Fannie Miss Do'rotDy Kaplan, formerly JEWISH CENTER IN XT-PTATF | lard Rorecberg, and Henry ResArts and Sciences college and a New 1 ork iUate I;'oo!j>»!! Ai*>*iV(j'Dubnoff, daughter of Mr. H. Dub- of Omaha, became the bride of NEW Y0.B.K . . . H O T msn;- ,7fvn nick. An informal stag was held pre-law student from GrEUd Istion Rt i h r TE.iit.efc S-Lftdluu': •" noff to Joseph Levinsky took Mr. Harry Brookstein of Hollyin honor of the new Iresliinan land, is a member of the ictcr- can equal tb«t? place last "Wednesday afternoon wood, California on Sunday, SepEUROPEAN FOLK TAI,K? OF class following the pledging cerefraternitv council acfi of the varat 3 p. m. at the studio of Rabbi tember 6.' A wedding supper at JEYCISE ORIGIN, GINSBERG monies. sity debate team. David "Wice. • \ . the White House immediately folTELLS KARVAED . . . Before Tor ChM T.fiM)i of I 1 v : For showing the most outMaurice Tatelrnac, Omaha, end Miss Dubnoff wore a black af- lowed the ceremony which took Tlome CM? r Knbhi T f. " f" standing work on the campus, Harry Ginsberg. Dakota City, you know it Eitler will be bennternoon dress •which featured a j place in Los Angeles. icg fairy tales from the nursery. Prate of AiexP.TKlrin. T last year, Howard Kaplan was pre-rnea students, are members cj Peter Pan caracul collar and | The bride •was dressed in a REFORM RAEEIS t'EGE SO- been pominptpcl RF Civie unanimously elected to the posi- Nu-Meds. honorary pre-iaefi soCompete for 'Sweetheart* Honor black" buttons down . the front. Rust suit trimmed with Galiac Tatelman is also a mem- C I A L I S E D DEMOCRACY TO Home, The sweetheart of Aleph Zadik Hataunis dance Saturday eve- tion of sophomore Corn Cob, ciety. I'ur and wore a corsage of white Her accessories were black. AVOID FASCISM AND CO5^ . men's pep organization. Ke is ber of the senior ROTC band. ning at the Faston hotel. A Aleph will be one of these four The couple are temporarly mak- orchids. After a two week honeygirls, left to right: Ruth Bloch, Bweetheart pin and the privilege also active as a news reporter oa The following men were pledg- XISM . . . The ices. Bounds ting their home at the Hunter Inn. moon at Santa Catalina Island, of reigning at all A. Z. A. events | the staff of the Daily 'Nebraska^. ed to Sigma Oniicrcn chapter of cellent, bufe the cifficuUies r F Esthryn Milder, Rhoda Krasne the couple will reside at 456 S. goes to the winner.—World-Herand Adele Mayper. She will be Jerome Milder has joined the Sigma Alpha Me: Norman Bor- not to be sneezed at. BATT-GI/AZEB ENGAGEMENT Cohran, Los Angeles. named a t the annual Achar ald Photo. TVORLD JEWISH CONGRL ranks of football managers, dy, Omaha; Raymond Brown, Mrs. J. Kaplan, mother of the Mr. and Mrs.. Sam Glazer anPROTESTS AGAINST NX'REMwhile at the same time he is Kansas City, Mo.; David Colton, bride, who has been visiting in nounce the engagement of their HALPERDJ HONORED bidding for a berth on the varsity Hastings; Arthur Kill, Lincoln BERG SFEECEES . . . Tt'hiel- nc SKAMPOi" NC.f daughter, Evelyn, to Gerald Batt, i California was present at the MISS Miss Ethel Halperin, • whose track team. Louis Pact, Oklahoma City. Okla.; doubt caused Eitler e. sleepless son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. j ceremony. After spending a week marriage to Dan Cohen will take Sam Sadoff, Sioux City, la.; Ir- night. Batt, of Chicago, formerly of with her brother, Nathan Harry place sometime in beITALIAN PRESS W A K N S vin Yaffee, Omaha; Bill Sidell, The J'c^^f r»p-pifln,^p. ^ il *Miller of Oakland California, ing honored at numerous affairs. Omaha. GOLDIE MEYERSON With P** FT '" nlp#"i pnt t* Beatrice. Brown has been se- JEWS MUST PROVE LOYALTY Mrs. Kaplan will return to Oma- Miss Sophie Halperin enterelectric)'. 1 lispc! p . ti t e .' TO FASCISM . . . Is Mussolini lected as pledge, president and up. ha. The Goldie Meyerson Club will Yaffee as secretary-treasurer of doing anything to discourage tained" twenty guests at a lunchf ii hold the first meeting and tea of the pledge group. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Cutler an-'Ij 716 anti-Semitism among- Fascists. eon and bridge party in her honThe National Political cam- j the season on Monday, September nonnce the engagement of their ; \VVOU\CE BIRTH FASCISTS PERSECUTE MAKor on Sunday afternoon, Septem- paign has become of secondary House officers for the er.suing daughter, Minnie, to W i l l i a m : " " *, ' • ber 20 at the Mary Stein cafe. importance as far as Toting is j 2Sth at 2:30, at the home of year A i-<; ; . are as fellows: Henry RANO JEWS IN PCRTTGAL . . . Wolf, formerly of Omaha now of! M r - a n ( L " " • f ^ v i d Brodfcey Prizes were won by Miss Sarah concerned | Mrs. Harry Mendelson, 2S65 DaWhat else could one expert": with Omaha's young Swartz, Omaha, prior; Irving Chicago. No uefinite date has j announce, the birth of a son. | venport street. Important busiSchlafier, Rose Katleman and Jewish set, giving way to the ARABS DEFY GREAT BRITbeen set for the wedding. j • | ness will be discussed. Members Zveitel, Grand Island, exchequer; AIN, DEMAND COMPLETE INReva Lipsman. more interesting contest of who j are David Bernstein, Omaha, record(BARBECUE urged to attend. Anyone inMrs. Harry Schrago entertain- i9 to be A. Z. A. Sweetheart of er; Leo Eisenstatt, Omaha, as-DEPENDENCE . . . Let them TO CHICAGO I nitPhi fBeta Epsilon, social fraterterested is welcome to attend. ed at a luncheon on Tuesday af1936? sistant exchequer; Morris Lipp, first prove that they are a civilMiss Sarah Schlafier is leaving S ? ° Creighton University, held North Platte, historian. Lip? will ized people. sometime this week for Chicago, j * barbecue roast, Saturday eve- ternoon, September 22 for Miss Four charming young ladies IGfEST HERE When FIPvST TWO DEATH SENHalperin. also serve as social chairman of 111., where she will visit with I ning, September 12, at Jackson's are vieing for the honor, which Mrs. Barney Bacon of Sioux Sigma Alpha Mu. TENCES METED O U T TO Parties are also being planned last year was won by Pearl Bernfriends. ' farm. About thirty couples atARABS IN RIOTS . . . Ant i f s ; : tended. Harold Stern is president by Miss Reva- Lipsman, Miss stein. The contestants are Ruth City, Iowa, was the guest of Mrs. R. Kulakofsky last week. about time the emergency regulaEdith Ostravich and Mrs. Phil Eloch, Rhoda Krasne, Adele of the fraternity. Alpha Gamma Chi tions vrere t&ken seriously. Katz. Botfcie C" *: Mayper and Esthryn Milder. Junior Council VISITING FAKEXTS Dresses ^ t • Thenew "Sweetheart" will reAnnounces Pledges SCHOLARSHIP of Jewish Women | AWARDED ceive the symbols of her title at | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Garber > Alpha Gamma Chi Sorority of (Copyright IT'S6 by Seven Arts PLACES FIRST IX EXAM. Himmelstein has ilr. D. J. j are visiting during the holidays Feature Syndicate.) Esther Kiaimah, daughter of Mother Chapters A. Z. A. Annual ! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.the Municipal University of OmaThe Junior Council of Jewish jj f f 1 awarded ^a pscholarship Jn Achar Hataunis Dance to be held t n e M a l ha gave their preference party Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Claiman mana I Colick, parents of Mrs. Garber. Women held an open meeting at H ^ *°1 .t n- e M™ for the rushees last Friday night P'alestine Soccer placed first, in the English En- at the Hotel Paxton Ballroom, the Blackstone Hotel, September j in the form of a buffet supper at trance Examination of Omaha Yom Kippur Night Saturday, XTT f 13. Sally Morgan was elected Sigma Alpha Mu the home of Miss Janet Graetz. •T* University. Approximately -250 September 26, 1936. new president. Guests were Mrs. T ! U a r j a c<; a l| Tn Arrangements for the party were persons toot the test. The 'dance committee headed Moe Katelman, Mrs. Sam Teper, jJUniOr n a a S S S a n i O Opening of the IS 3 6-3 7 school made by Kiss Esther Silvennan, by Joe Hornstein has completed and Mrs. Ben Shapiro. year at the University of Nebras- President, and Kiss Florence plans which are the most elaborI Hold Open Meeting A musical program was preAT JOSIiYN MEMORIAL ate in the history of this popular ka at Lincoln finds men of Sigma Steinberg. New York (JTA> —Palestine's sented by Abraham Dansky at the Two outstanding lectures, both affair. The affair promises to Alpha Mu playing an important Girls pledged to the Sorority piano and Harriet Bernstein, who of which are free of charge, are jbe one of the outstanding dances part' In the extra-curricular ac- are the Misses Hannah Bauiu, soccer chattpions, the Kaccabeer recently placed in the finals of to be" given at the Joslyn Memor- j!of the year, with several surprise tivities of the university as well Frances Blumkin, Celia Lipsxnan, of Tel AviT, TiBiting thie couctr;. on a gooS-^rill tour, "were officialUtilizing a unique idea-of hav- ial this Sunday afternoon. the World-Herald vocal contest. The Pauline Rosenbairm, Goldie "Sil- ly. •vrelcomed last veek fcy Mtroi attractions, including nov- as in the regular curriculum. The nest meeting will be held ing the members take the part first of these Is to be a lecture added Arnold Levin, senior in the verinan, Adeline Speckter and LaGuarfiia f.t Cst;r Hall. of a hotel staff, the Junior Ha- by Dr. Theodore Leslie Shear, ] elty dance contests and the sensaOctober 4, at the Blackstone. Sylvia "VFeiner. Formal pledging dassah will hold an open meet- Professor of Classical Archaeol- tional swing music of Frank Lu- Arts and Sciences college from will Accomplished by officials snt: take place Monday evening Rosalie, holds several important cas and his eleven piece orchesing Sunday, September 27, a togy at Princeton University, Field prominent metnbe-E of the Federpositions en the carapus. He is at the Pastes Hotel. Goldstein Chapman's 2:30 at the Jewish Community Director of the American School tra. ation of Polish Jews in America editor-in-chief of the Daily Neunder vhose auepices the 21 Shops Redecorated Center. Una Gross, secretary of of Classical Studies a t Athens, braskan, official student, publica- Writer Deported—Balled the organization will be the Re- and Director of the Agora Exca- EASTERN TRIP pleiyerE Trill engage in matcher Mrs. J. Richlin Is leaving tion of the university; president American teams, the PruesGoldstein-Chapman's invite the gistrar, and she will be assisted vations. Dr. Shear's lecture will October , EcsEstcrs "Koa-Arraa" Trith first for a trip through of^ the,.student body's ..governing by Anne Kuznit. tinians heard the KEyor be given in the concert hall at women of Omaha to visit their organization — Student Council; Board members will be bell 3:00 p. m. The second lecture, the east. She will visit in Chi- secretary of the Innocents So"Yot are from a race o£ peonew modernistic, seven-departKaunas, Lithuania (JTA) — hops and hostesses, and Sarah which will be given by Miss E. cago, Cleveland, Albany, New ciety, honorary senior men's orment shops on the third floor of The authorities last "week ceportand on October 15 will the Btore. Here milady may shop German will act as mail clerk. Alberta Brenner of New York York City, the Pioneer Women's Con- ganization; and member of Sig- j ed Franz Siell, HnEgarian Jevrfor the latest fashions amid the Abraham Braude of Chicago will City, is entitled "The Roi ance attend in Boston, Massachusetts. ma Delta Chi, honorary Journal- \ ish journalist, for haring demost modern of interior • decora- be the guest speaker at the meet- of Silver," and it is sche:" J. tovention ! ciared in an article that Alfred She will return home by way of ism fraternity. ing. A musical program will be be presented in the lectu.j ball i tions. j Rosenberg, chief Nazi ideologist Canada. David Bernstein, junior in the at 5:00 p . m. It will be illusDepartments included in the | Presented by Florence and Escollege of Business Administra- j'anfi ' father of the. pagan mcvenew arrangement are "Furs, cloth !ltihn ei sr t Steinberg, pianist and vlo- trated with a number of intertion, represents his college in the} meet, is of "Hos-Arj-an" origin. of ATTENDING CONVENTION esting silver objects, with motifs , and furred coats, beauty salon, ' Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Malashock and designs for silver, and with sports shop, misses' and women's silver-working tools which she are spending the week in Chicago dresses, young modern juniors, A. Z. A. 100 attending the convention of the will demonstrate. economy dress: group, and millinNational Credit Jeweler's Associery shop. '• Miss Esther Leaf will play the jation. A. Z. A. Chapter No. 100 held Illuminated letters "in arch its regular meeting organ recital a t 4:00 p. m. in the top and panels give department ternoon, September 20, at t h econcert hall, assisted by Richard LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA ! locations. Niver, pianist. Jewish Community Center. ; ! Miss Sus Coreman is leaving Joe Kirshenbaum, Irving next Thursday for an indefinite Forbes, and Norman Kucklin TO ST. IX)TJIS stay i n Oakland, California, were given their First Degree Herman Goldstein who has heen where she will visit at the home 1 &„ Ulesls into chapter. visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. of her sister and brother-in-law. Announces the Opening of Hl»Aleph Jay "Weisman -was elect- Abe Goldstein has returned to St.Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Kushner. EnDramatic Art Classes ed Aleph Kohen Godol for theLouis where he will resume con- ronte Ehe will stop at Los Angeremaining part of the present nections with the Klein Depart- les to " risit with Miss Fanny For Children and Adults term, succeeding Walter Sinton, ment Store.. Katzman, who moved there reThursday, October 1st, 19S6 , who has left the city in order to cently. —at the— resume studies a t the University RETURNS TO SCHOOL of Nebraska at Lincoln. OmaSa Women's Club Isidore Richlin, son of Mr. and TO BEGIN DRIVE Aleph Sam Kaplan was elected Mrs. J. Richlin, is leaving Sun206 So. ;32nd Ave. The Jewish National Fund representative of the Round day to resume his studies at the Drive wlil begin on October 11th Registration Monday, Sept 28th Table along with Aleph Godol University of Chicago. He wasaccording to Mrs. Jack Kaufman, From 4 to 6 P. M. . Harold Zelinsky for the year. awarded a Junior Fellowship in local chairman. Committees are For Further Information The chapter attended in a body the Chemistry Research Depart- being arranged, and those who WA-0470 for Appointment a meeting of the B'nai B'rith held ment for the coming year.. wish to assist are asked to call Monday night, September 21, at Mrs. Kaufman, or Mrs. T. A. TalIs the Very \ the Jewish Community Center GIVEN APPOINTMENT ly, co-chairman. Those who have where the- installation of officers the J. N. F. Blue boxes are asked Dr. M. R. Himmelstein has Essence of f Mary Steira Cafe of boih the local chapters took been appointed Resident Physi- to keep the date in mind, and place. have the boxes ready. cian In the Department of RadiolFriday and Saturday Nite , Sixteen players reported to ogy at the University of NebrasThese New COMPLETE DINNERS Coach Pep Bogdonoff for the first ka Medical College hospital. Patronize Our Advertisers With Gefilte Pish practice session of the chapter's Appetizers basketball team held at the JewCooked Under Personal ish ' Community Center Tuesday night, September 22. The next Supervision of practice of the team will be held Mrs, Mary Stein Sunday afternoon, September 27 55c t© 75c at 1 o'clock. The first edition of the chap2406 Farnarii Si. ter's Safeguard yam children's «jes. cgcdnrt •ytstraln. newspaper was issued to all In giving thought to a life insurance program jj§
'Zeta Beta Tau
A. Z.A. Sweetheart To Be Chosen at Dance
At J. C. C.
with an L S,
present at the B'nai B'rith meet-
. . • . ' • •
Fail-Mats In '-Sympathy-Witt Budget ;at.$1-88; and. $2-88.-•'.- •
do you add to your life insurance policies haphazardly?
Or, are they taken out. for specific purposes, jjj such as a clean-up fund, morigsge insurance, §§| and educational endowments for the children? - ill •
Looking for a Hew Fall Hat That Is Inexpensive? Look What I Pound at
SERVICE :LIFB BEPSESEHTMT7S3 are trained in planning your life, insurance program
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•^ Every one ths best In " ih class.... every one In- • spired by aufhenfic historical cr Ho!lyv,'oo!i -fashions . . . every one proving ihs smartness cf 1hs nswest styla notes. Styles for youth-fulness, In sixes for misses ar.n women . . . in colors that fcrssw c~!y to Improve the clarity cf your "complexion.
JOHN A. FA&B3S, President
Hone Higher [|ni^p[Ii!^ini'!!Tli^ri!!1Tlr'''''7tP?'''''"'m!"''i;'l'l'"i'^''''l]''^!Sf'li]?iiriIP'
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The Service' Life Insurance m - OSXAHA
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ALVTN JACOB (JAKE) POWELL - . • . Left Field
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TEMPLE OF BACCHUS—Magnificent fluted columns of the an'cient-Temple of Bacchus at Baalbeck, 35 miles northwest of •Damascus, Syria. This and other nearby ruins are being restored • through large i appropriations by the French government.
5IOEKON TKAGEBX — Model of the mcnuncrt erected in Omaha, Neb., to the meniory of Mormon pioneers. t» detsicts a pioneer and his vife seeping at the grave of thoi- newlj- buned child. It was designed b:r Avard Fairbanks or Michigan Uzrvereity.
Manager THIS year's pennant is the second taken by the Yankees under the managership of "Marse Joe." The famous skipper of the Yanks was born a t Germantown, Pa. He never has played in major leagues but emerged from the minors to pilot the Chicago
i i l
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in Ub 1929 a m ti °1932 Le A gU %i title League "winners flattened ttS Cubs four straight in the world series.
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POLICE SMASHERS HURL UQUOR^-Bottle after bottle of Ulegal liquor seized in New York during prohibition days -went crashing against the brick wall of a Brooklyn, N. Y., police garage after officials had ordered it destroyed. Its value was estimated at nearly $1CO,OOO. Above, is a view of the great crash. The bins at left are to catch the broken,glass of 80,000 quarts.
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POLITICAL PARLEY—Former Senator Henry J. Allen, left, ol Kansas, close adviser to. Governor Landon, Republican Presidential candidate, talks it over with Wayland (Cuney) Brooks, Illinois Republican candidate for governor, in Chicago.
r* ."V >
KING WATCHES WAR GA3.SES—At n&ht is KLn<- Vioio- Emmanuel of Italy chatting with Marshal Italo Balbo, during the recent war games held by the Italian army near Avellino. King Victor watched from tne sidelines as 70,000 men uc-ftcpftpd.
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HOLX LAND GUNFiaE—Because of Arab attacks in the open spaces of Palestine, motor caravans are usually convoyed by 'armored-trucks, or.tanks. Herevis a military guard gpinr into action to response to stray shots near r - " —
GOLD FOR BULLETS—-Gold will buy arms and ammunition by which the Spanish Rebels may carry on their .fight against the government. Here,, white-bearded General Miguel Cabansllas, president of the Rebel Committee.of .National Defense, adds.his rlng,;at the Rebel headgUarters .in Burgos, to the collection of sold.objects donated-by. citizens for-the insurgent causa."
GOLFER — Johnny Goodman Omaha golfer, defeated player in the national amateur championship at'Garden'City, h, L
NOW IT'S A FLOO1B—Peter Weber <5e'-virie • " to take to the water to harvest hi A ceatly have intjndEted • f ^ ' S vast damage, stock trappy -oni "istods.
THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1935 a local Synagogue and which ap- nesday evening, September 3 0, by the winner to the Basket Room peared in the afternoon edition with appropriate service? si the attendant so that the ladder of the paper, caused a. mild dis- synagogue starting at six o'clock. might be properly changed and turbance To those who areThursday, the morning services the score accurately kept. wrought up over. the incident, will begin at 8:30 o'clock and the may we * state that New . York evening servicea at five o'clock. That the 1936-3 7 basketball =3newspapers and other periodicals On Friday, October 2, services j i e a g u e j S t o be a hot one is evi-! POLITICAL .COTES | Three months Ego he vrote him- ! have continued'-on various occa- will commence at 8:30 o'clcok. (dent by the fact that already both | Our private 'gumshoes tell us : self a letter, to be opened after i ; sions news photos of synagogue j the Mother Chapter and the Cen-jthat many police and government the convection, in v.-hich he pre-P i siininninnpninfflnnnininninininiiiiiiiii: . Tp the Omaha Bee- HOLIDAT VISITORS scenes ' tury Chapter of AZA have! officials OP. Long Island and in'. dieted Schaffcr rcnlfi vip. vithcolumnist who stated that j A number of out-of-to-vra per-• s t ? l l . t e < i WOrls;ing out, AZA No. 1 various i;p-State New Tori; com-: out opposition i-^p!=idr-r\1 Goodbye 5000, Hello 5097! New Years edition of the Jewish J. Cecrjrp PreclA gooten Tontlff!! a gppten Press an outstanding publica- Sam Cohn will celebrate his birth- j sons came here to spend the High • u n ( je r t n e generalship of Lou rnuEities are members of the re-H;&n ppFt v.ciiovs.1 COTTITUI^VdeT- of .TeviFli -*• ov.tli ? t j Holidays visiting relatives. At the"Weiner and the Century chapter ; surgent Ku Klux Klan!! , . . and so Hosha Hasb- tion . . . it -was a journaliatiQ tri- day on Yom Kippur day From in-chief, was busier than a hee Imeetinc liekl Tuesday, cmah has passed on, frith, the ap-umph from every standpoint . i there are five Sam Cohens listed home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltz- under the coaching of Paul Bog- \ the same sources we learn that caucusing. End how he con-'. 2t. Ernie Xogg oi tin Alr.bE J'i among &maha Jewry*. : . also the man -were Mr. and Mrs. Abe Marproach ol Yom Kippur, the Daytypographic, literary and, informadano£f. Lou is a graduate of '• about 6 0 per cent of the follcw- CUP! . . . We hear that Herman T&u fraternity anfl tl of Atonement to emphasise again tive . . . The community should Finkel referred to who may re-cus and family of Auburn, Nebra- Pittsburgh State Teachers Col-: ers of Father Coug-hlin_ are _notPassemaneck, director o£ the waE elceied viee-pve^i the }ust appeal of the Jewish peo- feel proud that their paper was ceive ~z.n audition ' with NBC- is ska and Mr. and Mrs. Henry i l a - | i e g e ^ j a forlner Creighton Uni-; only anti-Semitic but also Sa-_.:i- Pittsburgh Y. JC. H. A., von ifce officers- arc Frances I! ple for protection from cruelties the largest special issue (72 Lawrence Finkel, the Central fee duff and son, Irving, of Anita, ; V ersity' basketball star where he ' Catholic . . . A prominent nation- hearts of the J. W. V. delegates Theta. Ivt pa sorovity ! ' . -was nicknamed the "Rock of Gib--al magazine is compiling a list of by the grand hospitality he ac-RUG Dan 'Miller of abroad . , . a n d for lessening of pages) published this year , , . Company .'executive and" not- Allowa. . . Finkel . . . t h e latter is an inbigotry and hate everywhere :- . . To Dr. J. M. Erman, who was reMr.' and" Mrs. 'Abe Rosenberg ;raltar."- Paul who hails from the j anti-Semitic organizations in the corded them . . . The same goes treasurer. their g guests, e s t , Mr, , and d Mrs. | e a g t i B w e y t n o w n in i o c a i circles | United States . . . Thus far thefor sm: ling Elisabeth Kramer of ; At theI i May the new year nsher in a new cently- elected 'sergeon-gen^ral by structor of the piano The Sam had as thei il of f a n d pi and family ' compendium includes over 50 0' of the "Y' staff . . . e pa5i :5ed baskethall under Coach C p era of haimon, peace and good- the Veterans of Foreign Wars, in Mlndells, recently wed, are "bill- George Rosenberg i outgoing H t i N b k nd also Mr i ing and cooing" in a studio apartHastings, Nebraska, and also, Mr, . JCnapple for Central. Both fra-ithem . .. . The ,.leaders a d e _ of .. some of I work of t f and may the handclasp and national convention at Denver. iorganizatir hearty greeting that one receives To Rabbi David Goldstein, for ment at Acquila court . . Min- and Mrs, Jack Myers of Detroit, | ternities are entered in the re-1 the key Jew-baiting outfits be- FKOM PALESTIXE attractive auburn-haired Michigan. during the holidays be continued his excoriation of our people for dy's The Siftmund Bravermans of ! youth orprr gional. tournament to be held at a secret club which meets throughout the year A w - obvious short comings . •, .includ- bride was formerly Bess Gold-^ I Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron and T in various parts of thp country to Cleveland (he's t h e brilliant • a total IT i Sol Krenek, a Sioux j son, Herman of Shenandoah, la., main!! . . That our people are ed in Wednesday evening's ser- berg discuss the best means- of making : young architect, and she Babbi ! mately e.e\ FALL AXD The Ec- l America holding steadfast to the holiday mon at the Beth-El Synagogue City 'Don Casanova," enjoying j spent the Holidays visiting Mrs. v "Jew-conscious." . .. . Barnett R. Brickner's right-hanc | SCHKDUliE ' eludes one r Only the German waiters were woman in the Euclid Avenue traditions ia obvious in the filled . . . w h i c h can best be explained Gymnasium : perturbed at the absence of the Temple Sunday School) h£ve ciBl activi-, -> -.Synagogues. " by members of hiB Congregation line Somberg of the Abe • Som- vitz. Matron Women b e r g s - . . - • • , . swastika from the display of thecome beck Irom their Palestine i vision o* 'b Mr. and Mrs, B. Saltzman have . . . Tp Omaha Jewry—who deOmnbans in California •A. M. flags of all nations at the Good jaunt with a number of stories | members T Personal Piffle (Continued). as their guests, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Omahans continue to migrate cided to eliminate sect . . . a s A pair of former Omaha £ligi- Cohen Neighbor League's dinner to Sec-full of vrhat the Germans call westward, especially to the Losevidenced by the fact that all P. retary of State Hull at the Com- ; Galgenhumor , There's the onear.tb.ropiey Angeles area . . . A group ', of Sunday Schools have been com- bles now residing in Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs, Keith Peltz and (ReduciEg Classes) ?.:r. Go young men, former residents of bined into a history and religious spending" their' holiday vacation daughter, Lorraine of Manning, Monday-Wednesday . . 6 : 4 5 P. M.modore Hotel . . . In place of the ; about the Jewvrho, walking on Nazi symbol the old black, white ; the Etreets of Jerusalem, greeted committee this city are now in the process department , . . thus making the with their families and friends Iowal ' •'..'! (Games) ' and red banner of the old Ger- a friend with the tracitiencl ccuninr V-T of- organizing a social club: . . . . Jewish - Community Center the . . . Harold Margolin and Sam Messrs, Sam and Harold Mich. . 7 : 1 5 P. M.many was flown . . . Louis T. Kc- \ "Shalom" — and wasimmediate- atelv on r ' primarily to welcome their Oma- nucleus of all religious training "Honey" Segelman . . . both lads nick of Chicago, Illinois spent the Monday-Wednesday (Volley .Ball) 1 Fadden, one-time number one an-ly arrested for spreading false ha friends upon their arrival'... , '..-. « A bouquet of "tzibalas" (stal- disciples of Artie McGovern's holidays visiting their parents, Monday-Wednesday . . 8 : 0 0 P . M.ti-Semite of, is again rumors . . . And another talc cial Xunci: the name "Oma-Cal" .would be lions) to the young matron whose School of Physical Perfection . . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Michnick. nir.gE, a ( (Basket Ball) seeking election to Congress from about two firls strolling tlong a contest, PI ( appropriate ..-, . The members of boisterous manner annoyed sev- squiring a pair of local "pretties," Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cohen and Junior Girls the group thus far are: Ted Tur- eral people in the club rooms of included in their party, the whole- family of Tarkio, Missouri visited Monday-Wednesday his old Pennsylvania, district. Tel Aviv street . . . In front of inert. . .4:0;0 P»M. ner, Lou' Mozer, Phil (Jerelick, a local social club , , . and whose f^..-*!b^!!!...purTey",, " d - * B at the home of Mra. I. Kramer. with.' the backing of the Tcwnsen- them walked t>. strapping youth, Health Club Milton KonJ3en Sheanin, • Morrie Glvot, Iiou opinion aa to her presidential "lollie-palooza" Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosen of Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 ; J.5, P. M.dites and the~ Prohibitionists, . fix feet tall, broad shouldered, ». Gscrk ecky perfect specimen of Palestinian "Dufce" Goldstbne, . SI Comar, preference -was f now towering in' size over Nebraska. City,Nebraska were particularly (Calisthenics) . ' . • ' . his . mother, Mrs. Eve Konecky the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe manhood . . . Said Esther to Harry Brookstein, Sam "WarBhaw, frowned upon METROPOLITAN >"EWS and she D a i.l y. "_" .. . . . . . . . .. . . . l ? : 3 0. P . M. Is it true that the Fox and Sarah-; "I'll bet yot he's E. mernMax Goffstein ' and Dr. Arthur only a gTiest who • wag permitted . . . defies all superstition . . . Brrli-n Rosen. . i - (Volley Ball) Startling resemblance" -of Paul and War'ner Brothers movie in- ber cf the Eeganah" (in care you Kaslow The plan was form- tbe privileges of the club at the Goldblatt, J. C. C. Supervisor to National T Mr, and Mrs.' Jake Friedman j r". . . . 1 1 : 0 0 A, J terests have acquired a large ^ have forgotten, the Hup&nah is S u n d a T - ; ulated during the visit of Sol time , . - . Groucho Marx . . . and the cigar of Hamburg, Iowa spent the noli-i ( C lass Work and. Volley Ball) block of stock in J. David Stem's ' the Palestine Jewish defense inc'f news Yaffe and Milton Altsuler, who Eecommendationa days here visiting relatives. | Senior Men " m a n " no difference in appearNew York Post? . . . Speaking of j corps) . . . Serah, skeptical, darrecently spent their vacation Mrs. David Zeidenseld of Los Tuesday-Thursday \ .7:45 P. M.the Post remindE us that Johan- ed her chum: 'Trove- it" . . . Ec ed out tr i The story of "The Zangwills" ance . . . A most .promising poet:. - > there . . (Rosen- by Joseph Leftwich appearing in Ruth Finer . . . very serious, very Angeles, California spent the past (Health, Body-Building" Class) nes Steel is no longer its foreign Esther ran up to the unsuspcct- 'rRce-t:Pfilf"i r X1--Q0 A.M. blatt) now an The Esi=rsuccess of. the Bnai young, but- very lovely . . . What week here visiting, a f the home o f | S u n d a y editor . . . He's on his way t o : jng • youth and slapped fcis free as a-song composer for musical j j m a magazine . . . . "The eel a TS-j "The Jew Jew bride-tobe refuses to marry until £ e r c o u s i n s - M r - a n d ' M r * ; B e n j (Class Work and Volley. Ball) Hollywood to do script -writing herd . . . lie stopped In Ins High Scho 1 a a d films, of major studios, "wad hos-Laughs," a boolt'of Jewish humor she 'sends out the monthlv tate-Ff a f f * S ^ e . " ^ e . nine moni.1 ^ r i ° Business Boys and to finish his autobiography tracks, turned, looked et her in E ftertained during her stay. M rs -' Tuesday-Thursday . . 6 : 1 5 P . M.. . . There were plenty of eye- amazement, and then strode on an" Fvcci.' tess a t an afternoon tea for a by S. Felix Mendelsohn,. and disAnswer group of friends . . . a sign on tributed locally by Harry Mendel- ments for her boss? . "Such 1" (Basket Ball) , brows lifted at the sight of the without spying: a "e-orcl . . Whereto . many queries: The blond ( n tfee sate of her picturesque bun- son . . . The film "My Man God- charmer is Mrs. Ann (Kully) guests at a dinner party at her Sunday •*^*,,t Zionist flag over the dais'at the upon Esther returned to Sarah procure r" home Sunday night honoring her galow read . . Welcome Oma- frey," in which Mischa Auer Resler of San Francisco, Califorblood and ' (Basket Ball) Joint Distribution Comn-ittee'E i and exclaimed: "See? What did house guest. Mrs. Zeidenseld left hans, D. V, R. W.(Do you re-plays the character of Carlo, an nia ••-. . . • . • Midgets -. . . . " luncheon for Urs. Herbert H. : I tell you? Of course he's a memmember when") . , . She enter- impoverished Russian artist Thursday-for a visit in Denver Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 : 0 0 P . M. : Lehman . . . The reason, it is Eaid ber of the Haganah. — you saw Important Dates : enroute to her home. tainsd her guests by playing a h a s the audience in laugh hyster- j The birthday (Basket Ball School and Midget was the insistence of -gome Ka- : his self-restraint." . . . observance of the hp.rdic tTFrcitip-n, PB FD~IV group_of herown. selections wh.ich^ ca during, a certain portion of League Play) dassah women who were prsent . included,.her recent composition the film . . . "We predict stardom Jewish Community Center which 1 M r B .M L . Marks has returned the niRiority P I the P C of Junior Boys It seems we «rred slightly in say"Merry-Go-Round," a sensation- for thia artist when the proper begins on October 26th .'." .-"The t h o m e following a month's visit Tuesday-Thursday . . 4 : 0 0 P. M.ing1 that it -sras Jacob K. Schiff POT-POCRni the Spunisb and Porinn "Militant Christian Patriots is al production number -which yehicle suitable to his 'talent is first amateur night to be spon-jj n Chicago where she visited her Swimming who was refused admittance to the Ecme of a new organisfet'CZ; accrue of Jsev Tori, vex sored by Omaha Lodge Bnai: daughters, Mrs. Irving Rosenberg Gladys. Swarthout sings in the provided Matron Women Congrats-to George the Grand Union Hotel by the in London , . . Despite its cogno- p.r.Im, new- paramount feature titled Glvot, who has Just completed a Brith on October 1919 h . ^ ! and Miss Flora Marks. Monday-Wednesday .' . late Judge Hilton . . . It was themen, however, U ir rff 1 to I T rr•'Champagne Waits" . . . vivac- 20 weeks run a t the College Inn prominent Radio and Screen star , . . ...10:45-11:45 A . M. i late Joseph Seligraan who WEE posed to i t l e r i m or rri'T ~i c r-c~ will be in the audience to. assist. . iia. ann entertained' M r s ste V ious Ann Is the wife of Lester Jn the Sherman Hotel in. ChicaSunday . . . . . . . 3: 00-5: 00 P . M. ! the victim of this piece of dis- morr.l ground^ . . . Lir1 r •Cowiu, a producer of films in go . . ; establishing a business in judging the winners . . . S e n d twenty-fouT children at a lunchSenior Women and Business crimination , . . While on the rub- cles in New Vo-U r ~r Hollywood . . . Salute Morris record at that popular rendez- in your entry blank to Max Baer, eon at her home Sunday afterGirls ject of Schiff it will interest you'funds to fir.Eirre Katelman in recognition J'o his vous ". . . The comedy dancing of 609 Brandeig.Building, chairman noon,-September 20, on honor of ] Monday-Wednesday to know that Mrs. John M.-Schiff,'state Bob Bu-1 r C of Program Committee Achar her son, Donald, who celebrated j . . . . . . . . . services during the past year at. Al Schenck, new M. Ci at the Six6:'oO-9:00 P. M.wife of Sehiff's grandson, who is versity athlete, v r o t f Hollywood Temple Beth-El, as ty Club can be termed as sensa- Hataunis... dance . sponsored . .by his ninth birthday. Following j S u n d a y . . . . . . .".3-: 00-5:0 0 P. M. the granddaughter; cf the late ; for his fight or. O ' r v r ' President of the Congregation. tional if measured by effort . . . AZA •. Chapier in the ballroom of the -luncheon, a- Theatre Party i • •• -j 5 l r J o r G i r , s George'-BafcfT,. licted 'barker, has . ticij-E.tion in n r " r He'.'••was ^ honored at_ a_ reception.; Kis v grotesaue- rsntics~-;tlcS^r ~the nomed her rewborn son Tebele > bration , * , T r r .".Bnai last'.Ffiday,: being lauded for -his audience . . . We Tecommend how-» nin'gi'• : —" " ' ' I . ., 4:40-5:.20 -P.. M. (David Scniff) In case'you've i Winnipeg has untiring efforts in behalf of the ever the elimination of the song Brith • Juncheon club meets every The'Council .Bluffs' Lodge No. I Sunday S: 00-4:00 P . 31.: forgotten, Tebe'le Schiff. an EE-building . . , V r j r,r —rl Temple . . . Honorable mention portrayal . . . this type' of carica- Tuesday,'.12;15 till 1:30 p. m. Senior Men. : cestor of Jacob H., wa* the pro-Koosevelt rpTrt to MFB. Rae Goldstone'.. and her ture now frowned, iipon by in the Chamber of Commercedin- 6S8 of the B'nai Brith -will hold 1, rl. '\ a- regular meeting next Monday j Tuesday-Thursday* . . . . . ..• ; chief rabbi of the Great' Synago- to-«rs Vhere r e F T ^ son. Phil, the Hollywood realtor amusement patrons „;. * ing-room , , , -r i r evening, September 28, at 8:30 .7:00-S:00 P . M . and producer of films « . « lor o'clock at the Eagles Hall. Mr. Sunday . . . . . . 1 1 : 0 0 - 1 : 0 0 P . X, i gue In London in the lEth cen- come-back carrpr ,rr Personal Piffle . . .• ' - - - •" their generous' donations to the Harry Mendelson of Oraafea will Business- and High :School What young couple are hoping !son for this forefather after read-' LOB Angeles Consumptive Hospibe'the'guest speaker. -His topic Tuesday-Thursday . , ,. that their addition to their fam> tal at Duarte, California, during . f-l'i h will-be "Palestine"-, All members JJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 : 0 0 - 5 : 0 0 P. • ler's biocraphv or Jacob H. i the past year . . . And special ily will be a baby brother to their and their friends are invited to Sunday . . . . . . . 1 2 : 0 0 - 1 : 0 0 P. M. i Schiff . . . • i tica. IHsx. i" VCTTU.", vr"_~ mention to Marvin Saltzman, the daughters, Barbara and Carolyn? attend. • •' Junior Boys 14-year-old son at' Mrs. "Dorette ... . The commission merchant and If - ». r Tuesday-Thursday . . . . . . . . . ~ BX P . R. H. Saltzman of L. - A. and of Samhis mate who are announcing to PIXTSBUKGH PLUS c r Wi!"Hp,.Ti O r ' T " Z~.~~*'i... T'*'"7 ' "•Mr. and Mrs.'Morris Yudelson \ 4:40-5:20 -P. M. the whole world that the stork Saltzman. of thia city.....:.-.. . bis We missed the convention of are : expected home today after |Sundaywill soon make • a visit to their W. l£Qx Arc. Zz,~i c: ; 10.--11:00 A. M. .. \. • • work as radio editor at, Virgil the Jewish War Veterans in spending.•'-'several days In Roch- | .. Membership- Rates Junior High school attracted the home . . . they have been married KOL NIDRE SERV^CES Pittsburgh biit oiir ester, Minnesota. {October-.1,' 193G-Octo'ber 1, 18S7 agent tells us it was -worth seeattention of Gene Inge, radio edi> ten years . . . a pair of youngsters TONIGHT : 'Family" Membership . . . . ,125.00 ing . . . The -election of Harry Yom -Kippur, the Day of Atonetor of L. A. Herald-Express, -who truly 1 emulating /'Romeo and ; Men and Bevs 21 and over 15.00 ' Schaffer as commander-in-chief • invited him to join the staff of Juliet ' , . . Dick Hurwitz and j menf, begins at sundotrn tonight, •ftlri — - w — Men and Boys IS thru £0 10.00bears out the prediction we made ' •V". Sylvia Let-win . . . Morrie' Kline, Sept.. 25, with appropriate serA low bow tosupervisor of a local ladies shoe! vices • to be held at the Chevra his newspaper Boys Under IS . . . . . . . . . 6.0 0 here months ago . . . Incidentally, j BAY- SOHAFISQ ; our good friend and contempor- emporium-is in circulation again I B'nai Tisroel synagogue at 618 Women and Girls IS and Schaffer is planning some sweep- j ary D. Cholmondley Coleman, the . . . For further explanation con- MynBter Street. Rev. A. Gendler" over .". 10,00 i ing changes in the J. Y\~. V. which i astute paragrapher of the Com-sult his pal, Lloyd Banks . . . of Omaha and Rev. A. Diamond Hand ball has- the honor of j "Women and Girls under j will make it the powerful organ-! munity Press, , Heading Jewish Jaek and Jill coffee shop: meet- -will conduct the services'. The being -the first ' fall and -vrinter 6.00 iization is deserves to be . . . Wei/ . - ^ weekly of Los Angeles . . „ for ing place of many eligible bache- chanting of : Kol. Nidre will com- sport'to begin -when S3 players i\ are told that the Los Angeles fiel-i his touching descriptipn of the lors . . , likewise Somberg's Cafe mence, promptly at six o'clock to- go -into 'action- starting nest Monegation, attending their first con| memorial service for the late adjoining the Jack and Jill . . . night, and everyone is urged to day in • the "Get Into Condition" vention, created quite a stir, es-j handball handicap tournament. Rabbi Isadore Isaacson, who Who Vas the mysterious -woman attend. • , . : pecially Barney Xeineroff, JUIIUB j passed away recently, after years •who alighted from a cab, entered Yom Kippur Services on Satur- This ladder tournament is being Klein, George Cohen, and E-afrr-r-j of devoted service at Temple. Is- one of our local houses of -wor- day will start at seven o'clock In sponsored by the physical departman . . . The Indianapolis celerael in Hollywood. . ' . . . . ship and prbceeded to kneel at the morning and will continue ment to encourage beginners and gation, headed by Morris Strauss to "strengthen veterans. Every.... ... ..More Salutes--.- - .. ...-yarious- times, during._the -Serv- throughout the day of fasting of the Indiana Chronicle, taac.E Moscow (JTA) — Celebration Mr., young and old, have a chance Our "sincere felicitations to ices? . . ' . E. T. C, a spcial sor- period. At eleven oo'clock, (the most noise with their imitaI as the tournament is a handicap of the Jewish New Year passed j Cooper, principal *he Talmud Dave Blacker, publisher of the ority consisting of an active group sis-shooters . .. ---.-Bill an- jI'tion " u " . =>—-"" —- • " • • Unger, v^«., the affair. Those entered- are: Ar- oft quietly in Moscow as the Jewish Press and members, of, his of local lassies, are raising funds Torah,; will speak.- "Tiscor", P 11 thur Cohen, Leo Giventer, Aaron nual intirelisionsca m p aii B n ' chairman of the local .convention memorial service,' ^f? be ,held at for a -worthy cause and the theme anti-religious' c a m p'a g n able Btaff consisting ol Frank f ' « ^ " r n g hiniBeir on Epstein, Sam Ban, Jack Ban, Ackerman, Dave "Red" '.Green- song is "Brother can you' spare the synagogue at. 11:30 o'clock Jake Adler," Jack Epstein, Morris sponsored' by. the Society of.the tie hack not only for a foafl 30b Godless failed almost completely hut Tor rn sccarate preSiction . . . \ berg, Leonard Nathan and pth-a dime" . . . The photo flash Saturday; morning. Bloom, Manuel Himmelstein, Max by a local . . SUcc9th,, the feast of the Tab-Turner, Jake Schreibman, Harry to obtain support. for. the remarkable re- •which -was snapped ersThe society issued a brochure sults of their efforts to make the newspaper during the services of ernacles, will begin nest Wed- Kurs, Paul Bogandoff, Lou Welnand "other propaganda material, er, Sol Krizelman, Ben GoldTrare, but 'the Yiddish newspapers' genWant to share E-rooa. Stanley Bchapiro, Murray Winerally disregarded it. V troub, George Schapiro, Sol YafEmess, Tiddish Communist pafe, "Sam"Wolk, Earl Siegel, Dave Richards, jajnes Burroughs, Sara per, sharply criticized the society couple, Al i 'bills paid. Teper, Joe Lawman, Leo Sherman, and. the character cf its' brochure Sam • White, Milt Saylan, . Ray which it assailed particularly for 5B0.O0 per iasnth. Shapiro, Sam Zorinsky, and Mor-referring to the Arab anti-Jewish disorders as pogroms Inspired ris Adler. • Boles Goverabjg JCC "Get in by. British imperalism. The paper pointed out-indiginantly that Condition" Hand'.'Ball-. H&ndicap "that*was so way to refer to the EVIrs. fileix SEirier • • _ IjaddeT- Tojiraaiaaat Arabs'.' .heroic'struggle for free1.. The-player -with the highest dom.'.' 2211 Ecsiilt on i-i 4. •0V^IA '• . j negative'-riumDer shall serve first. In the.-event both players have Patronise Our Advertisers same negative . number, the Hip COMPLETELY AIQ-COMDITIOJJED of a "coin shali determine vr~?,o Lr. Omaha 8:45 AM Shall"-serve first. Start of the tournjiraent Is as follows:-Jir. X ,Every Bay —— Everywhere AT. Kansas City. .12:45 PM Is -15 r he plays Mr. A - trho is ^\ d9 fcxe, all-steel train proriding hish-sperd scrrtce vlth qreatlr niKti fsnrs — we war »"* rvmi csmplets comfort. Air-conditioned (iining-Pirtor-observatlen -5. Mr.. X " -will - serve first and trip — sr» no» in effect birwesn «H points ear and esachu. Northboand, Tli« Marathon lesvfi KSBSSI must-make-up the difference beLi £ iise itself, throBshsvt th» Msrth, Soath, list *nd City 4 ^ 0 PM, srrrring Omaha SiSO PM. Canvenient con* -cea -5 \an3 -15, which is .10 Mfai. . jieetions to and frora St. Louis. furniture. points before ha starts his court. TWO OTEEB FAST TRAINS DAILY. Pullman SurcWga 2, • The., names were . drava ma out of"a";hat and'-vrere placed ca Lv. Omaha 5:00Pn 11:59PEI tho 'ladder in the order they "rere on our Ar. Kansas City..9 :S0 PI2 • 7:15 A l l drawn.' • Dining Parlor Observation Csr on Afternoon 3. " Eaca:contestant may chrl-' Trainf Drawing Room Sleeper on Midnight« Train. AM Rcaular Cars Air-Condltloned. » s-liiiiglcs, of len^e either the first, second, cr third man above him. " S . T i c k e t s — Zleservations 4, Every man -must play r.t. j Cojaplete T r a v e l l f i least twice.a -we'eS, If ts fa'ls^ to do so, he will be automatically t ja eliminated from "this tffarnaiaeat. j General Anent, Pass, Dajt. 5. Each . contestant raust Ar- J "A SERVICE INSTITUTION" 1418 First Niit'l. BpnK DlSg (JK <i543> range lor a court -with the Basket i F,oom Attendant. ' S. 7'Air scores'must be reported'
Strictly Confidential
Round Table c*£ Jewish Youth Elect Of
I.esaneiL DLDFPS
« • • - -
Observe Quiet Rosh Hashonah in Russia
Page 8
18 are urged to register for theLipman of Stevens Point, Wisconinsular as Yorkshire pudding. He j change_Buildins Company, a CorporMr. Lipman is a former classes or clubs they wish to join. sin. protest "against any deliberate I *«™u * « » * • „ , ™ a r e not.n-d .•-.; The clubs and classes include j u x Cityan. No date has been attempt to corral it (the Jewish j peny, that The Servicehas Lifefiled Insurance Complaintiff. Us petition Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub set for the wedding. people) back into a distinctive against you, the object and prpyer of Scouts, Brownies, Elecution, Or•which is to obtain equitable relief, to ghetto as in Palestine and divert the npnointment. of R receiver, chestra, Senior Dramatics, Junior At a ceremony in the Bnai [it from human service to racial obtain arfd to foreclose the mortpagre de•Dramatics, Children's Play Hour, Amoona synagogue in St. Louis, MISS ANNA PILL correspondent . . (boasting." Is Denmark a ghetto? scribed in said petition unon and to sell to pptip'y '*hp indept^dnPRi,. 1udp> Business Girls, Etiquette class, Missouri, Miss Molly Schwartz, Would t h e anes Berlin . (JTA)—The Deutsche I ? V e r s e d and merit and decree in paid notion, the Young Judeans, Debating, Short- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. persecuted be more useful ser- following described property: : Zukunft, leading German weekly, hand'Class and Piano Class. Commencing" P.t a point <m f?«* Schwartz of St. Louis became the Fascists Plead Not Guilty to B'nai B'rith to vants of humanity than at home? South line oi Ksirney Street in the declared last week that whether Tvould they be likely to be less City Charges of Seditious • The Community Center Is mak- bride of David Levitsky, son of 0"" Omah^. PP now established, Sponsor Dance One Hundred (124) the United States elected Franking an. intensive - drive for oldMr. and Mrs. M. Levitsky, of Libel self-conscious and given to orer- feet Tv'est of the. Twenty-four Wept line of TCeyeP lin D. Roosevelt or Alfred M. Lan- compensatory boasting as driven Pivisiori, Saturday Night clothes which can be distributed Sioux City. in I-iPt Nine r!>>, Capitol Addition to the City o' Omaha, runto those' who can' make use of The bride was attended by. her London (JTA)— The first race don as president, American pub- wanderers or as .men at peace and ning thence South Ninety-two (92) The annual Yom Kippur Dance, them. There is a particular need sister, Mrs. Nathan Sandier, and libel case in modern British his- lic opinion ^would remain hostile at home. feer thence F,ast Fifty fKO) feet: Yom Kippur, the most awe-lnthence North Six (6) feet: thence Mrs. Jack Levitsky of • Sioux for children's 'coats, shoes, sweattory opened in the Central Crimsponsored by the local B'nal B'rith But Mr. TTells is simply an spiring holiday in the Jewish calto Germany. West Seven <"T) feet: thence North Other bridesmaids were inal Court of old Bailey last anti-Semite who is. ashamed of Eighty-six- CSfi) feet: thence West' endar will be ushered in this eve- lodge will be held tomorrow.eve- ers, suits and dresses that can City. It explained the ill-feeling as said South line of Hfirney ning in Sioux City" synagogues ning, Saturday, September 26. inbe worn to school. People hav- the Misses Eva Smissman, Rosa-week with the defendants Arnold due, first, to persecution of Jews the fact. So are many liberals. alone;' Street Forty-thre« (4"1 feet to place with the traditional Kol Nidre the ball room' of the Martin Ho- ing clothes that they wish to do-lie Hochstein, Shirly Schevitsky Leese, publisher, and Walter in the Reich; second, the opposi- So-called liberals. The true lib- of beginning; and the improvements thereon. head, printer of the anti-Semitic tion cf American commerce a n d ! e r t t l s are rare. tel. Jack Reams and his orches- nate to the Center, are asked to of St. Louis. services. Said action is pr-nding- in the TiisMr. Jack Levitsky of Sioux weekly, The Fascist. / trlct Court of Douglas County. NeAt Shaare Zion. Synagogue, the tra will provide' music and en-call the Jewish Community Cenindustry to .Nazi economic roeth-| ter, or bring the "clothes to the braska, and iity was groomsman for his tertainment. ' . ' With Attorney General Sir Don(Copyright 1SSG by Seven Arts | braska^ ami you ym are required to anKol Nidre'service will begin at 6 ods, and, third, the nation's em' " ion on or before the brother and ushers were the ald Somervell personally conductDr. Lewis J. Dimsdale is chair- Center. F e a t u r e Syndicate.) ' , day f Nov. o'clock this evening. Cantor A. _. _ „„. „. . . . ember. IMG. 2 l d o The Service Life Insurance Company, Messrs. Sam . Schwartz, Louis ing the prosecution, the defen- bitterment over the loss of 12 6,Pliskin'and "the synagogue choir man of the dance. Proceeds will By Plaintiff. 000 men .in the world war. Koslof, Harry Schwartz. dants were charged in six separunder; the leadership of Mr. S.go towards the purchase of books Lloj-d Dort, 3ts> Attorney. BEN E. KAILOWSKY, Atty. The periodical warned the GerA reception followed the cere- ate counts with seditious libel. Krupnick will" chant the ritual. for the Bnai Brith bookshelf in Junior Hadassah 532 Insurance Bldg., City mans not to have any illusions IRVJN C. L E V I N . Attorney. Rabbi. H.- Rl Rabinowitz will the public library. Proceeds of Holds Annual Tea mony. Mr. and Mrs. Levitsky Both pleaded not guilty to all about the.American election since, In the' County Court of Douglas 301~ Electric Building will make their home in Sioux the charges. speak on "An Unforgivable Sin." the check room will go to the County. Nebraska. x as long as the Jews enjoy their of Matter of the Estate A. Z: A. at 815 Iowa Street, following a In the _ The Junior Hadassah chapter Saturday morning, services at The Fascist is the organ of the 'strong and ever-growing power,";', I ANXIE NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT HORWICH. Deceased. Shaare < Zion will begin * at . 8 Dress will be optional at thewill have its annual Membership wedding trip to Chicago. Imeprial Fascist League, which is neither political" parties | ^ t h e *$£«&£$«£ S5 TO: JAMES DEFENDANT of the Kl'NCL. o'clock. Memorial services will dance. Patrons will be Mr. andTea Sunday afternoon, October not connected with Sir Oswald sympathy to the ' estateVon a r e hereby notified that on t h e begin'about 10 o'clock. Rabbi Mrs. "Louis Agranoff, Mr. and4, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. At a meeting • in the home of Mosley's British Union of Fas-would display lfith day of June. 1936. the plaintiff. Reich, regardless Of What ^teps ii tiuu ^ ^ e.i^-.. ^ e r »-—• e b y ^-t-iefdi 'em^ tthhi sa tc ^^prel U? -r ! Merchants Merchants Packing Packing Company, Company, aa coRabinowitz1 will speak on "Float- Mrs; A. H. Baron, Mr. and Mrs.D. L. Rodin, 2430 West Solway. Miss Shirley Fein, the following cists. In its July# issue, the pub-Nazis in t h e L n i t e d States make. ; *he 1st day of September. 1936. 1336. by jp r i r t m . r s n ^ p commenced an action In Ing Souls. ' The service will have Adolph Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Hy- Invitations to members of theofficers were elected for the lication accused Jews of practici JOE M. HORWICH alleging that it h e Municipal Court of the City of ANNIE HORWICH died on the loin I Omaha. Douglas Countv, Nebraska, an afternoon intermission and man Fishgall, Mr. • and Mrs. A.chapter and" prospective members Alpha Gamma Tau sorority: ng ritual murder. day of Augrust, 1902. intestate; that ja t D o c . H S on Pape 170 therein, J. Galinsky, Mr. and Mrs. E. N.will be sent next Week. conclude about 6 p.'. m. Outlining the case against the at the time of her death she was a ; t painst you ES defendant, the prayer Rosagene Passman, president; Gruesiin; Mr. and Mrs. S. L. resident of Douglas County. Nebras- of- which i h action i iis tto recover from fm The program will include musi- Leahrose ' Newman, secretary; accused, Sir Donald remarked At Mount Sinai Temple^ Kol ka and tha.t she was possessed of an roo the SUPI of SflC.!>9. wme being the Krueger/ Mr. and Mrs.' Joe Levin, cal numbers, readings, and brief Margaret Kosberg, treasurer; and that the six counts of the indictNidre services will begin at 8 undivided one-half <%> interest in P.monnt due on unpaid check. and to the following described real Plaintiff filer] the necessary affio'clock this evening. Rabbi T. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt, Mr. talks. ""' ment did not indicate any desire Lillian Rivin, reporter. estate, to-wit: davit for F t tp.ebmen? as is provided N. Lewis will speak on "The Hurt and Mrs. Ruben Miller, Dr.. and on the part of the Crown to press Th South Fifty (50) feet of the j fnr f- law and on the lfith Th'e Kit!day -of The sorority meets every week Mrs. Lionel London, Mr. and Mrs. .Vest Sixty.two and one-half (62V=) ; .June. 1S36. the Constable a tttached t the of My People." for business and social meetings. the defendants unduly, but indiCommittees Busy on 'eet of Lot Eight (S> in Block " H " . ; following de=crfbprJ persnnal property: A. I. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Saturday morning the service cated "a desire to afford the 1 Frederick Mra t • D!?nlay Case New York (JTA) — Supreme in Prospect Place, an addition to the 1 Walk-In Cooler will begin at 10 o'clock and theSekt, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Skalov- Plans for Carnival Miss Dorothy Epstein departed udge an opportunity of ruling on Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, cityjrf o « h a . - surveyed, plat1 Toledo Scnle No. 337252 xabbi's sermon wiir be entitled sky, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Weinthe general principle of the law 2 Meat Blocks Who Will he eighty years old Nov. J That said petitioner has an interest Tuesday for Minneapolis, where berg. ' 1 Kelvin?, tor ice Machine together iin n said real estate being an heir Oi "Has God Departed?" The afI Various Committees for the she will continue her studies at n the case." now regards his gifts of more ji said deceased, said petitioner prays with Motor and Coils, ternoon service will" be resumed Annual Inter-Club Council Carni- the University of Minnesota in Justice Greaves-Lord is the than a half of million dollars to that ft hearing; be had on said peti- and fhat said cause has been continued to the Sth day of September, at 2 o'clock and the Memorial val,, to. be held next month, are the school of Dental Hygiene. presiding judge. Jewish enterprises in Palestine as j ^ " ^ ^ ^ ' b v °la\v 19SB. at S a. m. for service by pubService will be held at 3:30 Hebrew Teachers meeting regularly, furthering the be en- lication upon you. 1 Sir Donald's statement gave "his best investment," according i| <-hearing — -:'-~ a ~ decree ~^nn^. of heirship be p'clock. Tor are therefor* required to an» ion of for the event. .,. 'Lief tered and further administratic Leave Sioux City plans Miss Ruth Rifkin left this week1 grounds for the belief that the to a biography by Alfred1 Lief. swe: the petition fiied by the plainsaid estate he dispensed with. . Services at Beth Abraham, The car is being displayed on for California where she will en- outcome of the case will estabThe volume, entitled "Bran- Tou are therefore notified that a tiff in said actior or> or before the JTiphereth Israel, and Adas the streets in the business dis- roll at the University of South- lish a precedent for actions deis: The Personal History of an hearing •will be had on said petition 2-nd day of September, 1938. at 9 a.m., Three teachers of the local _ the County Court Room of said or the same will be taken as true and Yeshuren synagogues will be held trict here daily' and chances are ern California in Los Angeles. against persons and organizations American Israel," is published by &t Countv on" the 29th day of September. < judgment rendered accordingly and at 6 o'clock this evening for theHebrew. School will leave Sioux being sold on It. 1936, at 9 o'clock A. jl.. and that if '.ethe personal property Rh"ve descrtbseeking to arouse anti-Semitism Stackpole Sons. It traces Mr. you 'ail to appear at said time and j d . wi'i be ordered as sold to saHsfj Kol Nidre service, and begin at City next week to take up other The advertising committee in England. Brandeis' career as a lawyer and place and contest the said petition, , ™ul judgment in the sum of S9O.S9 Acknowledgement has been 8 o'clock tomorrow morning for work, their resignation having under the leadership of Moe LaCourt may prant the same, enter ;I together wstn the costs of Rctlon dwells on his public services, his athe-decree made by the Hebrew Mother's AsBoth defendants have declined been accepted with great regret of heirshin, end decree that thereon. Jhe entire day's service. zere and RubinTHiller, met Tues- sociation of a monetary gift from to be represented by counsel. views on economics, the judiciary further administration of said estate '• MERCHANTS? PACKING CO., Succouth Service will be held by the Board of Education of theday evening in the Jewish Com- Mrs. Anna Krueger.! e. co-partnership. and many questions of the day. be dispensed with. The Attorney General, in openHebrew School. JOHN F. MER1CLE, j S-2S-n6-4t Plaintiff. next Wednesday evening in all munity Center. - ' The book quotes Albert Eining the prosecution, pointed out 9-4-3G-St Acting County Judge. Miss Lillian Romirowsky who the synagogues. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foreman, that liberty of the press allowed stein's observation on Mr. BranBEN E. KAZLOWSKY, Atty. At Shaare Zion, the "Wednes- will leave for Chicago Sunday Madison, South Dakota, visited in freedom of criticisms, which deis, made to the author, " I treainsurance Qidg. Shaare Zion Ladies evening plans to teach in Chicaday evening service will begin at Sioux City, with relatives and might also be directed by onesure the memory of my only visit NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON MiScbcl Co. 6 o'clock. Thursday morning go. riends last •week-end.' Mr. Fore- section of the community against to him: a person of swift and PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT i 'Foundries and ' Friday , morning the service Mr. Samson Krupnick and Mrs. The opening meeting of the man OF FINAL ADMINISTRAi departed for his home Sun- another, "against Englishmen, clear insight, of keen conviction, will begin at 8:30 o'clock. A Krupnick-plans' are tentative and season for the Ladies Auxiliary EA. 5538 TION ACCOUNT C S7ih find Knrtiis wanting nothing but to serve soday, •while Mrs. Foreman is stayJews Scotchmen or ^Irishmen." of Shaare Zion Synagogue, will In the County Court of Douglas : Buccah will be erected at the have not been definitely anciety, and serving it in the loneBrass, Bronze £!nminnm, Soft ing for a longer visit. County, Nebraska. . • ; "But a limit has always been be held October 20. The prosynagogue for the accommodation nounced. In the Matter of the Estate of Vac- : Grer Iron and SemKSteel Castliness of a great work. set by law on justifiable liberty gram committee, with Mrs. Wilof members and friends. Cantor lav Novak, Deceased: I Mr. -and Mrs. Krupnick and Gerald Pill will leave Sunday or unjustifiable licence," he exAll persons,interested in said mat- \ ings, • Wood nn(J RSt-tni I'ntterns A. Pliskin will chant the service Miss Romirowsky have taught in liam Kutcher, chairman, met this ter are hereby notified .that on the! for Chicago, after a ten day visit plained, adding: and Rabbi Rp.Mnowitz will_speak the Hebrew School'here for theweek to outline the programs for 9th day of September. 1936, Katie I Standard sizes Bronze e rj ci Iron WORLD'S WINDOW here' in the home of his mother, It was unlawful to print or Janousek and Anna C&lta filed a peti- j Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern on Succouth subjects. « past two years, during which the year. • • tion in said County Court, praying! Rings ant Covers, OiBRnout Door* •; publish libelous words to pro(Continued from page 1) The meeting on October 20 Mrs.' Philip Pill. Succouth services will be held time they have earned the love that their final administration ac-1 Sash Weights a n d Yellqw Bran mote feelings of ill will and hoscount filed herein be settled and al- ; Plumbers' Ferrules, carries In at Mount Sinai Temple next Wed- and esteem of their pupils as well will be preceded by a one o'clock Bronzr '"atair** P-nn»e »ne Dr. Wm. Krigsten has spent tility between two classes of Hishas not yet emerged from that lowed, and that they be discharged ] stock. .. • nesday evening, when children of as the members Of the Jewish' luncheon. ' from their trust as executrices and j Cast iron Qntipc r f i i ' f c a f t y . the past ten days in Sioux City Majesty's subjects or to incite state of psychological tribalism In that a hearing' •will be had on said the Sunday School will partici- Community. petition before said Court on* the 3rd with his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. some of His Majesty's subjects to which the- instinctive reaction = vl • jate in the Harvest festival proMiss Romirowsky has been ac' """- u of ""• day of. October, 1936. and .hat if you Shaare Zion S. Krigsten, 2415 Jennings raise discontent and disaffection the member of tribe A "toward - gram. Rabbi Lewis will speak tive in Junior Hadassah work, t h e | fail to appear before said Court on said 3rd day of October. 1936. at treet. He will return to Chiamong certain of His Majesty's on a Succouth. subject. member of tribe B is.not to un-pthep'clock having served as cultural chairA. M., ERG contest said petiMore than 100 children have cago, Sunday. subjects. Further, things should tion, the Court may grant the prayer derstand him or appreciate him Similar Succouth Services will man for the past year, and Mr.already registered at the Sunday of said petition, enter a decree of not be said or written that are or learn what his specific, contrifce held at Tiphereth Israel Syna-Krupnick has been advisor-of the School of Shaare Zion Synagogue, and make such -other and Philip Dobrofsty of Chicago calculated to disturb public order bution to mankind's common p o heirship, gogue Adas Teshuren and Beth A. Z. A. chapter here for the past and classes will be resumed Suns - e orders, allowances and devisited in Sioux City this week and strike at the root of the life sessions may be, b u t to make in \ crees. ES to this Court may seem Abraham on Wednesday evening, year and leader as well as or-day morning at 10 o'clock. to the end thet -all masters Thursday and Friday mornings. ganizer of the A. Z. A. and Tal- . Eight teachers and the regis- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.we all live as members of thesome form t h e following observa- pertaining i ^ f " to said estate may be i community." N. DdbroTSky. * tion: " B e like me o r I'll knock nally settled and determined. mud Torah choirs. trar are in charge of the classes •BPvTCE CRAWFORD, Following are the counts in theyou down!" Their successors have not been 9-ll-36-3.t . . County Judge. and the work for the year has Sisterhood indictment: Such is, in fact, t h e precise named aa yet by the Board of the been outlined. The teachers infN THEDISTRICT COURT OF .1. Publishing a libelous statespirit of Mr. Wells' description of j clude Dena .Baron, Gussie Sekt, The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Hebrew School. ment aganist His Majesty's sub- Jewish culture as "narrow and j DOUGLAS^COUNTY, NEBRASKA Sylvia Borshevsky, Libbie OlenTemple will open its season next jects of Jewish faith with intent racially egotistical." For in the The Service Life Insurance Comsky, Lillian Rivin, Dorothy Gela Corporation, Plaintiff, Friday afternoon, when.they will Registration for to provoke ill will between them first place, as his Outline Of His- \ jpany, Prince and Real Estate Exulia son, Marion Shiloff, Mrs. D. have a one o'clock luncheon and Building Company, a Corporand those not of Jewish faith. tory illustrates on page after I change Defendants. - Center Classes Bloom, and Delia Shiloff, regisDoc. 321, No. 371. meeting. Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, 2. Publishing a libelous state- page, his ignorance of Jewish cul- ! ation, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION trar. • • • Mrs. Joe Levin and Mrs. Phil KaOn May 23, 1925 ten Jewish To Julia Prince and Reai Estate Exment against His Majesty's sub- ture is as many-sided as it is Starts Sunday lin will be luncheon hostesses. girls who attended the University jects of. Jewish faith with intent complete. He relied on the most Featured on the program will be of Nebraska, and who, because to provoke feeling of hostility be- conventional of secondary ac- J CS»8»W«3tf«3SS!«£$3^^ Registration for clubs and Society News a talk by Mrs. David Wice of classes at the Jewish Community they had mutual interests and tween them and those not of thecounts; he does not even know j Omaha on her recent visit to Center will be held this; Sunday the name of a single source after Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Raskin, wanted to carry on their Jewish Jewish faith. Palestine. . . afternoon, September 27, from Lakeport Road, announce the ideals on the campus had formed The Indictment charges the de-the Torah and the Prophets; he Mrs. Louis Goldberg, president 2:30 until 5 o'clock. All chil- engagement of their 1 daughter, a club of their own, were granted fendants with intent to provoke calls the Jewish refusal of idolaof the Sisterhood will preside. dren between the ages of 5 andMiss Elizabeth- Raskin, to Jack a charter from Sigma Delta Tau, ill will, hostility, discontent and try under Rome "manful" and national Jewish sorority. It wasdisaffection "between His Majes- yet obviously sympathises with a happy day • for these • ten girls. ty's subjects of the Jewish faith the extreme Hellenizers. They had worked hard in their and those not of the Jewish Under such treatment and from effort to establish a national Jew- faith;" "conspiring together with such angle every national culish sorority on'the. University of intent to print and publish The ture an is "narrow" also "egoNebraska campus. The odds were Fascist, containing divers Scan- tistical" and so is and every individuagainst' them. The Jewish stuquite analogous to a people dent attendance at the university dalous and libelous statements," al, and its culture, who will not and "printing the Fascist on July was so small as to be almost inmelt, ooze, deliquesce inF Prpfmct for Seasoning*' . s significant. The expenses of be-4, 1536, so assisting to Treate change, • g to something else than that which longing to a national organiza- public mischief." he is. From such an angle all Presiding Justice Greaves-Lord tion and maintaining a house — cultural, artistic, characwere high. But the girls were warned the jury that their pol- form — is "narrow and determined to go through with It. itical views must not influence terological by. virtue of the exThey rented a house — fifteen their. judgment in the case and egotistical" clusions 'and the methods of emcharged it to consider the evlblock from the campus and not phasis that make it what it is. A very roomy or comfortable but a dence alone. block of jagged marble is neither house, nevertheless. TH£ FALL'SEASON' Lodz, Poland—Disenfranchise- "narrow" nor "egotistical". A I •* That was the beginning of ment of Jewish citizens Is de-statue hewn from the block is in =| WITH A COMPLETE NEW j Theta chapter of Sigma Delta manded by the anti-Semitic Na- this sense both. Tau on the University of Neb-tional Democratic Party camJews have no right to form; ' §= raska campus. Since then the or-paigning here in the municipal Mr. Wells, under his airy cosmo- j =| ganization has steadily grown un- elections. politanism, is, in sober fact, a s ' == til rush week at^the university this year finds the group in their new home, one of the largest and most beautiful sorority houses on the entire campus. The new house is a three-story stone structure and can comfortably house 3 5 girls. This year there will be 25 girls . in t h e group, the largest
Germany DoubtsElection to Ease •' " U. S. Hostility f
Palestine .Gift • Best Investment
Open New Sigma Delta Tau House At Nebraska U.
fee Bwrf
& i—Jr.
number since Its founding eleven
years ago. And this time the girls won't have to walk fifteen blocks to school. They are right on sorority row, a mere two blocks from campus. And so the dream of those ten girls back in 1925 and the cherished hopes of every girl who has been a Sigma . Delta Tau since tllen finally are realized. Mrs. Madelaine Baer, housemother of the organization, who has been with the group since its founding, and is now an honorary member, has witnessed the struggles and strivings of her many daughters right frpm the beginning, but she now beams with true pride, for Sigma Delta Tau at the University of Nebraska is right there on top -— well-represented In activities, always high in scholarship, and now securely • • CMldren of the-new Palestine arc shows in a. scene from, housed in a beautiful new home. the "Land of .Promise," learning to cultivate the revitalised, Patronize Onr Advertisers
soil. • The "Land of Promise" is to be shown at the Paramount j Theatre Wednesday evening, October 14.
Snnirt iiijeli AriSsf with New Orteionl Creations