October 2, 1936

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In the Interests of the Jewish People

LBBWIG LEWISOHH Tills column i3 copyright by the Seven Arta Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in • whole or tn part Etrictly lor bidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted.

Entered as tfecond Class Mall Matter on January 21. 1921. a t

Postofflee of.Umaha. Nebraska, linger the Act o^ March 3,



Tryecis fcr Pageant

vox,, XTT—xo. r.r



It is fairly safe to assert that • T© Be Held Sca the despatching of an entire division of British troops to PalesTry-outs for the pareant to tine ^7111 mean the ultimate supf be siren the opening- night of pression of violence. It means the Tenth Anniversary Celebra. one thing more; it means-Britpalm. Modern J e w * tion of the Jewish Community ain's intense realization of the their meals in the * Center will be held in the Sis-Day Program Outlined for importance of Palestine to the Women's Organizations SponThe Eighth day o^ A is sor Educational Program Center Auditorium, Sunday, OcJ." O. C. asd Welfare Empire. The virtual indepenknown as Shemini 'Ai. a, and tober 4, at 4:SO p. ra. All itiat Center Federation dence of Egypt,- the - recent dethe second dayof" Sbeiaim 'Azterest3& in taking part are tachment of Aden from Indian areth, has come to t»e known" as Through the oonbined efforts Final plans were completed this asked to come at this time. administrative control, various Simchas Torah. , On this ' day other details of imperial. policy of all the Jewish women's organ-^ On Wednesday Omaha Jewry which closes the Feast of Suc- week for a sis-day celebration commemorating the 10 anniveremphasize the crucial position of izations in the city, the Women's egan its.observance of the Feast coth, the Torah is aken from the sary of the opening of the Jewish Palestine •within the l a r g e r Division of the Jewish Commun- f Tabernacles or Saccoth. Sucark and carried through the conschemes of British policy. Haifa ity Center will, sponsor a series :oth comes at that time o£ the gregation so that all might take Community Center a_d the 30th | "Ms.tloilS.1 can command the Eastern Medit- of lectures on Jewish History and anniversary o* the founding- of e.ar when in Palestine the grains part In the ceremony. erranean, aircraft India-hound the current Jewish scene. the Jewish Welfare Federation. have been gathered from the Services in local. Synagogues This is the first project of its can land in • Palestine, the Suez The celebration will oj>en Oct. Canal becomes less indispensable. kind in the city. Never before hreshing rloor and fruits of the began Wednesday and will con- 27 and will last through Nov. 1. Britain, though muddling along have the women's organizations and are ready for the wino press. tinue through Friday. A different event has beer, schedThe bi-aciual Nstior.a.1 Fund j In ancient Urn as it was the and criminally procr. stinating, attempted to coord:nate their efuled for each night, with the Drive, -which bei-mr October 11, j EETH-EL hird of the great festivals in •will not permit Palestine to be- forts through one agency. purpose of demonstrating work At Beth-El Synagogue • there will be conducted by Mrs. J. Kauf- ' come so turbulent as to slip from The classes will meet the first which all the males made pilgrim- will be h. Succoth service oa Fri-done by the Center and in .-arious man and her co-cn .irman, T<Irs. j her grasp. . and third Monday of each month ages to the Temple of Jerusalem. day at eight o'clock. Cantor Edsar fields of Jewish activity. T. A. Tully. Jewish National at the Jewish Community Ce'hter To the agricultural Jews it was and the Beth-El trio will conduct A . membership" campaign for Fund contributions are especially So far, so good. Only it is not starting he feast of Thanksgiving. In 21. Classes will the service.' Rabbi David Gold- the Jewish Community Center will welcome at this time due to the ] very far from our point of view. begin atOctober memory of the days when the stein 1:30 in the afternoon will deliver the sermon. be condrcied -in conjunction with ruthless, devastatior of the tree; So long as we remain the mere and extend until three o'clock. Lord had made the children in A during the recent attacks in Palpawns of an empire we can never Tea will be serze'" and a social he wilderness live in booths, the After the service the congrega- the anniversary celebration. committeeof fifty headed by Dr. tion -will enter • the Succah for estine. be certain that Britain or a givduring the people moved to Succah which Kiddush. A. Greenberg will solicit an inThe chairman of the drive asks en British administration will not course of the afternoon. were made of olive-branches and consider us a nuisance rather The Shemini 'Azersth services creased membership roster, stres- , ^ t { h h j g-BLUE BOXES' The series will be divided into than a help. There is luckily a will be held Wednesday evening sing -family memberships. Also, have them ready for collection large sound and influential mass two semesters, the first extending at 8:00 o'clock and Thursday as many as possible who were Cooperation in this matter will be j of public opinion In England that until January 6. . The second se. ] morning at 9:00. Wednesday members ten yeais ago Yvill be greatly appreciated. placed oa the membership rolls. sees clearly the fact that'the val- mester will be January 20 and The following- workers are as- ' evening after the -csrvice the conThe week's program opens sisting in the drive: Jlesdames ; ] ue of Palestine within the empire April 7. gregation will "again eater the Habbi Frederick ' Cohn, David Tuesday night, Oct. 27, with a Korris Wohlner, Abe Pradell, "vTii- ! depends, as things have shaped Succah for Kiddush. themselves, on us, on our loyalty, Goldstein, and David Wice will = Yizkor will be at 10:00 o'clock, pageant written a n i directed by liam Alberts, I. K. Rosenblatt, j X vf o on that pas Judaica which we areconduct the classes. A registraThursday. The services for Sita- Sylvan Frankel, revealing high- Dave Stein, Sara Steinberg, J. J. i tion fee of one. dollar will be lights of Jewish communal ^ o r ^ eager and able to establish there. Friedman, J. M. Erraan, Robert j chas Torah will be held.Thursday And the superb bearing and pol-charged to cover incidental exKooper, Moe Katelinan. Henry E. j evening at 7:00 o'clock and Fri-in Omaha since 131£. penses. Thpse interested may TryoEts for parts in the Belmont, Julius Stein, .1. J. FrieRabbi Berger Leaves to Become day morning .at. 9:00. Parents icies of our Yishu'j during these troubled months should have register at the Jewish CenteT' or are. urged to bring their children j pageants \rill be held in the den, Jack Bravsaa, .Reuben Eordy, ' Field Director for gone far to concolidate that sec- with Mrs. Sa-1 Wolf. for the -usual Hakofoth procession I Center auditorium at 2: SO p. ni. Mark Leon, Pinl Rosenblatt, X. "Young Israel" Snnday. There arc about 20 Burstein, Harry Silverman, ArThe BUbject of the lectures will tion of public opinion and extend with the Torahs. parts in the pageant to be filled thur Cohen, I. Sokolcf,- Aaron cover a . survey of t h e ' various The Commissioners of the Taad it. .TUrfiTE ' T I T I UP l i T ! c v TEMPIiE FranScel ' said. Jack Marer . is Rips, Fhinees TTintreub, "Meyer It takes no-very prophetic vis- phases of Jewish history and treat H'lhr have authorized the execu- \ A t the Temple drte, tbp r n r . C -.,r .* — the Friday evein charge of a snb committee of the Jewish world scene, includtive committee to take the necesStern, I. Dansky, P. Eolloiuchen, Night to be bp"c O-.-ib" ' Ion to foresee a combination of begin" at S:00 ning service will handling the pageiiat. ing lectureson the conditions of sary steps to find a successor.to •vin Lerine. events within the next half-cenSaia Theodore, the JP-^IET C i m r r r '•<- Cr- n v Wednesday night, Oct. 2S, will Morris Rabbi David . Wice's tury which might make the loy-the Jews in Palestine, Germany, Rabbi Harold Berger, who waso'clock. Rosecbluin. Sata Stern, Al be iuP o tb° outs rrr, nr or c the Balkans,' and Eastern Europe. given his release by the Commis-1 sermon ill be "Sidelights of \ t, devoted to athletic activities e alty of a large aha firmly, estabCohn, H. -H. irsehmac, and Libb; t s m c e r t everts of 'u- ri -'cr W " ' " ' 1 J j " awards. . . a gathering . . in . Kaplan and Sara Frohm. Moslem World." At lished - Jewish community in Pal- The committee in charge of ar- sion.ers so that he might become Travel" in • the season. estine a means of actually-saving rangements for the lectures are field director of the National Saturday morning services will be \t h e center auditorium the outAnyone else wishing to volunAh JZci rnn.i tr1?-^ F* c" f-—-irr Mrs: Sam Wolf; chairman,' Miss standing . Jewish athlete of the !ouncil of Young Israel. As yetat 11:00. • 1 the British Empire. But that is, teer her services in this work is Jewish asked to call Mrs. Kaufman, HA. les for the cor =?_ r " l « t iir of course, not what we are going Blanche Zimman, Mrs. M. Bur- no one has been chosen to fill his The concluding service for Suc-; year will be honored. n> to Palestine for; that is not thestein, Mrs. J. Bla^k, Mrs. J. Gold- place in th'e pulpit. coth will be Wednesday evening jboys will also demonstrate gymware, Mrs. Arthur "oldsteln, Mrs. ! nastic ability.. Th committee-is Ephraim Marks will serve as reason why our people hunger at 5:45. , r-ot iThe religions school is held each | in charge of Irvin Levin. and thirst after Palestine. It i3 David Goldstein, J*.rs. David the representative of the Ortho-; Greenberg, Mrs. Manuel GrodinSunday'morning at 10:00 o'clock. night, ' Oct. o'clock, j| Thursday night Oct £9, is dox Community in the School of =unday'morning well; it is honorable; it is; realise T.tit : ft • j youth night wits Milton Frohni tically the best we have and thesky'Mrs. I I . F. Levenson and Mrs. History and Religion until-a new VAAJ> of S.A. 1 1 in charge. Youth activities will Ben JSilver. Babbi is appointed. • best we can dol Granting, that, All synagbues-'.affiliated oTfin1 to iTf\ Rabbi Berger cams to Omaha the Vaad- Ha'Ihr will hold appro- J feature- a speech by' Sol Michnik j however, we had better-now ;take ast fall from Tfimple .Beth-J3L"snd •5trJa±e.'Succcth"-iervicss- at- -£:S.0--£Ed."E..greeting by ^ " " ^ '^r,^., a long view; granting, that, we An -oratorical cosiest will the Hebrew: Educational Ihstiliite in the evening and 9:00 In the] Robert Steixberg. yov.ng Gerhad better "b'mia"Tf»tntoHhe Britnter Blag., OB or before Orto- J. P,^ be'held-following several .es. Continues of Gary, Indiana. His installainan-JewiEa "physicist v i o TTEE to ish Empire, to be sure) toward ber S.) Irvin Si:slni;\=,;c-r, \ ! morning. On Shemini "Ajrareth j tion as Rabbi of the Yaad took "aave entered "fhe" U'ri-veTEity' of the future. . • .""•'•:• .<To -Aid theNeedy and Free V-'hii.-. r and Simcaas Torah there Trill be] selections and-a one-act play. not finally drafted place November 16, 17i and IS. Nebraska' thisfal' • tnder the • I t is not certain-that we have ths usuaV services at the "synago- i IPlans • are AUenoenee ;>v i hf rovums hsis night's attraction, sponsorship of the Sigma Alpha i Xame His new position with the Nadone so. It is not certain that i something for Fridayunique The Clothing campaign being tional gues always been ls-i-cr- ;ni^. those par in Omaha Jew- l!u fraternity, Trill not co so be- i Council of Young Israel bewe, too, have not muddled carried on by the Women's Diviticularb- prxinur • o r-Ur-nt' PFP ish activity. The executive com;ins immediately. The National cause he has becoine associated ; through in many respects. I t Is sion of the Jewish Community urged to r e t thoir • ir:.;pi!= PP pnon mittee for the celebration an- with a London business house. ! Address not certain, that "we did not "re-Center and the A. ij. A. is meet- Council of Young Israel of New Mizrachi M'lave as possible. this week it is attempting liowerer, the Nebraska chap- • press" the Arab attacks of 1921ing with gratifying success. How- York is an organisation of young Malke Saturday to arrange a comnnmity service American Jews interested In preter of the fraternity is now plan-1 and 1929," deliberately forget ever, the Welfare Department of synagogues at the iiing- to bring over another stu-j Age Protects K'^ nsc o them and dismiss them from our the- Center and the Welfare Fed- serving the traditional values of This coming Saturday, October for all Omaha. T mindB. It was pardonable enough. eration are still In need of cloth- Jewish life. There are chapters 3, at 8 a. ra. the local Mizrachi, Center. Yv illiam Holiman is In dent. At present 'our other chap-; ch ters" 'have Gerraan-Jewisli stu- j Our need is so great and so dire. ing for the needy Jewish families throughout the east, a few In:the Zionist Organization will start its j ^t_°{**??^nents. Saturday night's program calls fiect?, including: those et Et"tg-err, middle west, and one in. Cali"We wanted this point of repose under their supervision. monthly Mlave Malke meetings Thone Xo Ill a. li; fornia. and hope, not to tie troubled by in the Succah of the Congregation for a free dance at the Center. Minnesota, Indiana, and Illinois Persons having articles of Rabbi So Nest year the number of beys This organization conducts a B'nai Israel at 18 and Chicago Milton Abrahams is in charge. the swirling maddening disasters wearing apparel' which they can Ansbe Erne The celebration will be topped • is to be increased. college -where members may seIt is hoped of the world. "Well, we shall have spare are asked to call the Comstreets. Vy act Is: go, Is;rael to take, up that burden now andmunity Center, Jackson 1365, cure information1 from the tradi- Beside many very important off with a testimonial dinner Sun- that in time there will be G-erd is?i *"-' It also matters to be discussed at this day night to honor the four out- man students in each cf the thiradd it to our other burdens. This and the clothing will be called tional point of view. for r e at least will be worth bearing. for by one of the A. Z. A. boys. sponsors an Employment and Vo-meeting there will be the annual standing Jewish men in Omaha. ty-five chapters. in h i o "hook Alumni of the fraternity cational Guidance Office for election of officers. This one at least we shall be JEveryone The dinner will be in the Center areThe The Welfare Department also those now sponsoring a drive to get who want employment that who is interested in tht upbuild- j auditorium. bearing for some "definite pur- requests that persons having arfive thousand dollars to finance not demand they work on the Ing of Palestine in the.spirit of pose. ticles of furniture they no longer will this educations.] program. Unde^ We must establish a modus need kindly give them to the Cen-Sabbath. traditional Judaism is urged to the present set-up the fraternity Rabbi Berger's offices will be come and lend a helping hand to To Defend Jews viv'endi with the Arab population. ter. All such furniture will be the boy board and room ir We have depended too much on repaired and given to families In in Chicago." This is the first time the movement. Against Defamation gives the fraternity house, and Ms tui : the organization has extended its the economic benefits that we dire need of it. An English-speaking chapter of . tion and other expenses are bcrr" unquestionably brought to the outside the eastern the Mizrachi is to be organized at T. A. Tully, chairman of activities bif London (JTA) — An appeal by the International Jewish Stt Arabs. This dependence is part theMrs.clothing boundaries. ' the first meeting of* the season. -committee of the for an emergency fund to be used dents Service. of the miserable heresy that man Women's Division All who would like to join this in defending the Jo .rish communof the Center lives by bread alone. We, too,and Haskell D. Cohen, The Nebraska group feel a ret are asked to attend the ity here against defamation and member Treaty Enables : chapter have been infected by that heresy.' of the advisory board of A. less at cot having- Kr. Stemberg meeting Saturday. Z. A, slander was issued last week by We must seek to convince the this year. He had &tteEced t i p Lowenstein -to : Arabs that we ' aie honorably No. 100, are acting as co-chairr the Board of Deputies oi British Real-Gymrasium is. —iraherg-Lsi. men of this clothes and furniture planning a bi-national State and • . ^Be Dentist Here B1KVR CEOUM SOCIETY Jew: where he vrts considered especia £ V that even when we constitute a gathering campaign. ly talented in the field o£ FLr^Ic, The statement declared that SUCCOTH CELEBRATION After many trials and tribulamajority of the population the the sum. which had been already j His work in Optics surpasssj t . tions, Walter Jacob Lowenstein, Arab will be as free and self-de- Turkish Jews' Ask far anything fic-ne t v tfee otberaised was ia in view of The Bikur Cholim Society will termining, as much at home as of" Germany but now a the urgency of the .ask and urged j students at ttis s For Outside Aid formerly are the French Swiss of Geneva resident *o£ Omaha, has been per- bo;d their annual Succoth cele- launching of a campaign iicrrseS-' and Lausanne -within the predommitted to practice his chosen pro- oration and meeting on Monday, lately to raise ?50,000. *" — c- rOctober 5, at .2 p. in., at the TEA Istanbul (WNS) — For the fession of dentistry In Omaha. inantly German Swiss Republic. hat Signatories to the appeal inJewish Community Center. We .must convince them that Nab- first time since the World War A treaty entered into between low. Gl cluded Neville Laskl, president •Featured on the program will lus wiil bear to Zurich, that the Jewish communities of Tur-the United states and Germany Ghent bears to Brussels, that key have issued an appeal for air In 1925 enabled Lowenstein- to be Cantor E. Selz, who will ing of tho board, Sir Osmond E. D'A! A. Succoth tea will b? held after Quebec bears to Toronto. Al- to Jews abroad. practice after he had been prev- a group of Jewish songs. He will visdor-GoIdsniid, Leonard Monte- the regular mszthly . meeting . o though a rigid cantonal system be accompanied by Ms daughter. fiore , and Sir- - Robert- VTaley In a formal communication the iously refused. 'ths Ladies' Vzai Auxiliary, Tue?is impossible there seems to be a Turkish Jews asked the Jews o: After coming here from Gerdaj-, October 6, at £ p. m. at the t e n d e n c y within Palestine, the world to help them manitain many and graduating from the (f> M r B'nai Israel synagogue, ISth anC brought about by natural geo- their religious imtltutions and Creighton TJniversity dental- coln atso Chicago. Kiss Earriet Sernstei-' graphic factors, to create popu- schools which they can 'no longer lege, Lowenstein took the/state CJL will sing, aeoiapanied by Kir: lation zones. support. The appeal is a' conse- examination and passed. But the Gertrude Orach. quence of the government's acexaminers told him he could not * It is a question therefore wheA board meeting will be heiu ther our brusk refusal to consi- tion in confiscating- the revenues practice because he was an alien. at 1 o'clock. of all religious communities. Through his attorney, .isador der the establishment oZ a Legis• Plans are also being niafie ft— Although the Turkish Jews Ziegler, Lowenstein appealed to lative Council was not. an error the g-ala -carnival to be gh-e^ The Land of Promise" I Mount Scopes, in Jerusalem, n o - •Sunday In in diplomacy. Itinlght have been have been in difficulties for many the attorney general's office. He evesir.?:, Kovem'ber S, r years, they never sought-foreign which comes to the Paramount | dern .'dances cf the pioneer was allowed to practice on the belter, it may be better today to the Jewish Co-isrritj- Center t aid before because the Turkish Theatre on Wednesday evening, ; sharply contrasted to the older German-American treaty, which consent to a Legislative Council tfce Vaad ESC! t t e Ladies' Auxi! with the following provisions and government opposed it. It is un permits "nationals of each coun- October 14, at S o'clock the dra- oriental forms aad nany other sry. safeguards: First, that the Coun- derstood that the close political try to engage in professional, matic story of the Jews recreating evidences that the Jews are creatcil shall not contravene the Man- friendship between Turkey and scientific, philanthropic, manu- their national life in Palestine, is j ing a cultural, as well as,, econ-l^, this oppo facturing and commercial work of vividly portrayed. iss ! oinio society, date and that, therefore, neither England has tempered vt i e c ; . . ' r every kind without interference." of this remarkable motion picture jj B o r i 3 M c"r r O s , vrho now heafis Immigration nor land sale nor sition.. is being sponsored-by the Talmud jt j . e p a r a l B oi:i:t Pictures S ;ic deallotment shall fall within . its I "1 Torah, and the proceeds will be partdent, made -a special arrangepower; second, that the franchise GWECK DISCOVERS CURE DISCOVERS DRUG TO •,' '..-. : used to reduce the deficit of the shall depend on a stringent literParis (WXS) — Jvleasiires to | ment of • original fc,*3i songs and acy test applied by .mised. com- - FOR 'DEMENTIA PRAECOX • " . . C U R E . BONE AILMEMT local Hebrew School. modem -dusio for the "musical Btem anti-Semitic agitation in A!-: missions of Jews and Arabs with 'Chicago (WNS) — A cure fo A -splendid -supportin program j-backgroiind of the picture. David |Eg-iers, TurJs E,sd Frer;c'" Koroccr ' British councillors; third, that schizophrenia (dementia p r a e i s being arranged and will in-]Ross, popular •'radio 'acnouncer, j , e being drafted by the Frenei • Pittsburgh CWN3) — Discovbona fide Jewish immigrants he cox), the most "common form o elude Esther Leaf Dufcoff' at the j speaks ' the Engli glish narrative, j naturalized within one month of insanity, was reported in the ery of allantoin, a drug obtained i . .Paramount. Grand'Organ and the | which was written by Usuries I government. their taking up residence; fourth, Journal of the American Medical from the secretion of A conferescs at which anti-Jev- ; surgical I sjng£jjg o f cantor Edgar, Ida .Git-| Samuel,- the well-known author. that representation in the Coun- Association -by- Dr. Bernard Glu- maggots, as a 3 ceessful ( treat- lin, Harriet" Bernstein and Larry j " Admission- will be 50 cents isS aetivitiss in the French colon-; cil based on population figures be ed: of Ossining, Mew York. ment for bone diseases, gangrene, Finkel. The inusicrl part of the j and'75 cents for adults aad 55 nies is Northern Africa were fiis-' that revised on: the basis of an annual Dr. Glueck's cure -consists o suppurating wounds and affected1 program will feature traditional j cents for children uader 12. Seats : d to b€re at the recussed was held injections of Insulin which reduci bums -was announced at the an'- ! Hebrew and Jewish toll; melodies, -prill not 'be reserved for this pn>wi ..Qiiisst of I^remier I .ecn 21 In brief, It ' might have been the sugar content of the blooc nual meeting of the American •"The-.. Land ' of Promise"' coa- duetlon." - Tickets. . ~ s y be' p-ur"better some months ago,-it may until a sufficient shock is pro- Chemical Society by Dr. Freder- tains scenes of the -Hebrew. Ual- i cassefl from me—bers cf the Cos- jheara reports on the duced to restore the patient's s ick R: Greenbaum of Philadel-jyersity, a performance of Haydn's j mittee, at Kilpatrick's Store and'from he ter-(Continued on Page S.) ity... - . ' ." .-.;• • / . . • phia. ..-.-. '-'.'..'. I Oratorio in the natural ssttisg of j at'.the Je-fish Comm-unity Ceater.iioriGs iavolre-d. "

Special Services in Local Synagogues and """ Temples





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.Page 2

ROYALTIES: We have been Soviet territory involving interHe reached the end of one beauti- ; •whose object will be to counterference in the internal affairs of fully worded greeting -and when act bigotry . . . And to prove that informed that Mrs. Olga Rabincthe United States. But it. comabout to announce the signature, ; it will not be mixed up* in poli- vitz (you'll know her. better as pletely disregarded and disavowhe paused in mild amazement . . ! tics, the feature won't be getting the widow of Sholem Alelchani) ed its pledge to the United States. Because there was no signature i undfr way until after the elec-, gets royalties from the Soviet It denied it had ever made such a . . . It finally turned out to be ' tions . . At this writing, the name \ Government on editions of her pledge. It proved its lack of nafrom Rabbi Stephen S. Wise . . . ' of Dr. Frank Boim, son-in-law of. late husband's works published tional integrity ana honor by Its * • * ; cabinet member Roper, and a ithere, although Russia has no refusal to accept and consider a economist, writer a n d ; copyright laws . . . TOLERANCE: If plans being !\ noted righteous and logic-1 protest speaker in his own right, is be-, worked on right now by a group from a nation with which it was ' ing considered as the possible, f Patronize Our Advertisers of "oiftuers" (read it "uftuers" It enforces a militant atheism on peaceful and friendly terms. j Surseoa-denoral of the National Veterana of Foreign Wars if you're a Lityack) r certain "Voice." which riot only denies the exis- The people and government of • * * ! POLITICS: Although her fam•When flood waters sweep down preme. In. Communism, all indi- tence of God but teaches hatred America must, before It is too ous uncle (Fells M. Warburg) flannel-mouthed orator of the air wares, sometimes known as the I DIZENGOFF: The late mayor For the Entire Family upon the cities and towns of vidual rights are destroyed: Com- for all forms of spiritual belief late, awaken to the threat of Com- has come out for Governor Lanradio priest, is going to have \ of Tel Aviv, who probably held j and forbids the practice of all. America, in a torrent of ruthless munism • advocates the overthrow munism. Communism cannot be don, Mrs. George Backer, wife of some keen competition . . . The I the mayoralty longer than any j destruction,1 the resources of the of our, present form of govern- forms of religion. ignored. It cannot be laughed J. T. A.'s president and group referred to is organizing I other chief executive in the worid Communism is an autocrat and out of existence. The liberties of the nation are rushed to, the scene ment not by reason or the volun—and— daughter . of the -late Mortimer and all possible mechanical and tray wish of the people — as pro- a tyrant. While claiming to lib- the American people were never Schiff, ia an ardent Rooseveltite what will be known as the Fair i held a similar post (26 years), Play Radio League . . . Which j was a nihilist in his younger days j i actually t l l endangered by • thv. armed forces human- efforts are "combined, to vided in our Constitution—but by erate the oppressed, it . . She Is state radio chairman will put on the air a prominent ' in Russia .. . . And spent eight repel the disaster and remedy, its force and violence. The real is- concentrates absolute control of of other nations as they are today of the Democratic National Com- individual who will be known as ! months in a Russian dungeon beTom DcfiScr Has 'Em Both! all people and all activities under depredations. by the subtle propaganda emansue between Communism and "The Voice of Tolerance" and cause of it . . , The devastating floods in'east- Americanism is the issue between the authority of one small group. ating from Moscow and directed mittee, ern states of recent months had freedom and coercion. American. citizenship Today's President James .R. Angell, of towards scarcely reached their, peak be- militant Comunist wants not only Yale University, states, Ideals and sense of national loyMUSICAL NOTE: When Tefore local, state 'and national to practice Communism but he "The Communist conscience is ality and patriotism. hudi Menuhin, the youthful viogovernments, relief agencies, or- wants to. force- Communism on apparently no wise disturbed by Communism is a real, growing, lin virtuoso,- has molar trouble, ganizations, of ail kinds* and the people who do hot want it. : the fact that a small! self-appblnt- powerful force which, unrepelled, he sits in the dental chair of Dr. people as a whole, united in a ' The American Constitution does ed fraction of the population ex- can sweep the United States of Jacob A.- Kahn, who has an offconcerted effort to repair the ray- not.include a set of hard and fast ercises autocratic control, de- America into national disintegra- ice together with the - brother of Shop With Confidence at agea of the waters. Wherever rules to which the American termines what promotes and what tion and oblivion. Because the the J. T. A. editor* at l i W. 42nd forewarning of approaching floods people are subject. It provides detards •„ national interest,: deter- nationwide membership of the St., N. Y. . . . We could tell you was possible, emergency meas- rather a code of basic principles mines who shall live and who Veterans of Foreign Wars et the what his last bill for dental reures were adopted to protect lives of human relationship. This code shall die." United States has fought in Amer- pairs amounted to, but that and property from danger. Flood is flexible. It is only forceful as Communism'B greatest ally; to- ica's defense on foreign battle- wouldn't be equite ethical, would "A: Where a Charge Account Is a Friendly Convenience control is a matter^ of continual the wishes of a majority of the day is America's too tolerant at- fields', we are aroused to the dan- it? . . . Yehudi, you will be inpublic and official interest in the people' are forceful. There is no titude. The apathy of this na- gers of this invasion of our na- terested to know, never goes anyUnited States and rapid strides provision in the Constitution, no tion and its people towards ,the tion's ideals, our national rights alone, always being accomhave been and are being made to- law on our, statute ;bookE, that .Is greatest menace that has ever and our. national possessions. The where wards the eradication of this permanent or fixed except as a spread the threat of national ob- overseas fighting men who have panied on the shortest excursions (even to the dentist) by his fathtype of costly catastrophe. majority of the citizens, of this livion over this entire country, Is risked their lives fo- the Stars er or mother, or, if neither hapYet the United States of Amer- country desire it to W p e r m a n ? smoothing the path for the con- and Stripes will never submit to pens to be available, by some ica today is facing a greater men- ent or fixed.:, The very essence of quering invasion of Communism the degradation of that flag. Our close friend . . . His dad always ace to its security and future than the foundation principles of our and its accompanying disasters. organization, for the last several packs a loaded revolver with him any flood or famine or pestilence Constitution is the constant effort The Communist objective is world years, has been conducting a naconceived by.nature. Throughout to provide a better place for revolution, Make no mistake a- tionwide educational campaign de- . . . Whilf on the subject of dental patients, ye columnist met a the length and breadth of our people to Jive and a better rela- bout that, Communism fosters signed to instruct and inspire the land, the tido waters of red Com- tionship for those people. That no campaign of reason or persua- citizens of this country. We plan second cousin (by marriage) of munism are '- undermining _ the.•this system .is wise: and right is sion. It advocates the : overthrow to strengthen the defense of true the late Nachman Bialik walking foundations of our most sacred proved by the fact that the Unit- by force and violence of existing Americanism—to reawaken our out of the molar-misererium . • • • and! priceless possessions—indi- ed States Is constantly progres- democratic governments, It fos- national pride In American tradividual : liberty, human freedom, sing. FUMBLE: Benjamin Winter, During the last, century ters revolution, it:plan's murder tion and achievement—to build the Constitution itself and Amerr alone, this country had taken en- and outrage, to continue until the up in the citizens of today and president of the Federation of lean ideals of equality and just- ormous strides towards the goal race is cowed and submis- tomorrow a just and jealous loy- Polish Je"ws in America, was preice. The glorious principles of of greater human happiness and human sive to its enslavement by Com- ality to our government and to siding af that reception to the this democratic form :of • govern- well-being. In the last hundred munisticdoctrines and Commun- the principles of the American Palestine Maccabee Soccer squad ment are today being. torn from years, we have fought towards istic oppression. That Commun- democracy. In conjunction with the other night . . . H© was readtheir high standard by the defil- the abolition of child labor-and ism cannot be trusted to keep other patriotic organizations, and ing of messages of greeting . ing hands ' of alien radicalism. we have made great gains. The with the cooperation of all true By Governor Lehman, by so and There is,no class'or group of oiir appaling conditions that formerly even its own pledged word is American men, women, and child- so and such and such notable . vivldually illustrated by the reHare's a' ntw Mason . . . a new mode . . . I O we must have a new view of you. social structure today that is-un- existed in' this country and that ren, the Veterans of Foreign Fashion is ready . . . with new dresses that give you a slim princess l o o l ^ . . . new touched by the vicious, insidious still exist among the child labor- cent repudiation of the Litvinoff Wars of the United States shall shoulder width . . . streamlined hips . . . shorter skirts . . . higher necklines built up propaganda emanating from red ers,; at. many other lands, are vir- pledge "concerning! Communist ac- fight without cessation for the Moscow. Agents of Communism tually eliminated. ' Better wages tivities In the United States. Two lovely sleeping rooms with cravats. It's a luxury season full of sparkle and romance whether you dress for preservation of this government are working more or less. openly and shorter working hours; safer .When the United States, after and the rights of this people to daytime or evening. You'll find black the favorite—in some cases set off with vibrant for rent. See Mrs. S. H. of withholding re- live and work and pursue happiin a thousand different fields. and more healthful working con- sixteen color . . . you'll see Empire modes . . . you'I! wear Recamier curls—you'll look lik* Blumberg *t 2 7 7 3 Burt They are poisoning the minds of ditions; greater educational op~ cpgnition, recognized th~e govern- ness with the individual freedom Josephine . . . you'll find touches of the post-war silhouette revived . . . swagger* ment of the Soviet Union in 1933, J this nation's youth in schools and portunities—these illustrate some Street,",'OT, call. Atlantic and opportunity which "Is' uor ing Mousquetaire m o d e s . . . you'I! wear luxury furs . . . lavish jewels. What a sea* colleges where, in many cases, the of the progress made in this coun- an agreement between "rer-resent- proudest heritage. 5143.'Reasonable rent. ton! You'll be a new woman now thet fall's here—to let Goldstein-Chap man's get atives of the two governments teachers themselves are propon- try during- the last few generaprovided that the Soviet governyou tet. ents of the doctrines of Marx and tions. ~ ment was pledged to respect the Lenin. Under the false banners LOOKY! LOOKY! A nephew of of the "brotherhood of man" and On t h e . American economic right of the United States to The CF1 plan may Interest yeut Small monthly payment* . . . in"Internationalism", well-meaning system "is based America's leader- order its own life within its own the Olympic Games organizer in THE NEW MISSES' AND ef one (Ingle premium. jurisdiction in its own way, and but misled church members and ship over all the nations of the Germany, Otto G. Lewald, has ap- steadBUY INSURANCE THE WOMEN'S DRESS SHOP organizations are lending their world I n the matter of financial to refrain from .interfering in any plied for British naturalization CONVENIENT WAY If Interested, call support to forces that are defin- Becurijy, prosperity, standard of mannter in the internal ; affairs of papers . . . and when Mr.'Avery ' FEATURES THESE itely .opposed to all established living** conditions • and • material the-United:.States, its territories Brnndage came back from Europe M A S K L E O N ,. f ... .NEWEST FASHfONS or; i t s ' possessionsT™"Th"eT*essence principles of the church. Every typa of Insurance written • possessions unknown1 to • a largfe of this pledge was the obligation the other day, he told reporters 21 Strong Companies • ' 95 Our labor groups are being majority of the . inhabitants of assumed *~by the Soviet govern- that' the Germans were "a poor, AT 76C7 WA. 6160 but happy peopled . . «-. this world. America's economic bombarded with theories which, ment 'not to permit persons or hiding behind alleged principles system is defined by Dr. Thomas groups operating on its own territof justice and equality, preach Nixon Carver, professor emeritus ory to pla'n and direct movements confiscation of property, disloy- of political economy at Harvard contemplating the overthrow of ality, conspiracy, class hatred and University in the following words, the political or social order of the greed. There is no class of so"The American economic sys- United States. ciety, no group of workers in tem is economic voluntarism unLess than two years later, the "America today safe from the ma- der which men work together on chinations of Communism. The the basis of contract rather than United States government complained to the Soviet government ..-•••. worlds of art, drama, music, the coercion. that this agreement, known as the theater and journalism are being "The American economic sys- Maxin LItinoff- pledge, had been invaded by Communists in the tem permits private ownership of guise of 'parlor pinks". Culture capital but it also permits com- violated. The Soviet government clubs, Congress itself, the very munal ownership of capital. The declined to accept-the protest. In other words, the Soviet govArmy and Navy are • riddled only kind of Communism to which through by disciples of bolshev- any liberal "mind objects is co- ernment repuduated its own pledge. It declared that it could vism and revolution. ercive Communism." not "take upon itself andjhas not In the United States today Our. American,ideal is political taken upon itself obligations of • there are known to be two mil- and economic justice for all. any kind with regard.to the Com- lion self-confessed Communists. Communism looks upon all phases munist International." , Note that Two million out of a population of present-day civilization as in- the Soviet government did'not deof 160 million. .The ratio may stitutions of capitalism. Com- ny or question the fact of Comnot seem alarming. But that two munism advocates—and makes no munist International activities on million is sis times the number of secret of its plans-—the confiscatCommunists in Russia at the time ion of all banks, factories, farms, of the bolshevist revolution. In property, savings am" business. J, a By Filling Empty the United States today there are Under Communism, the Individual more than-' twice- as • many Com- has no rights. He, must, do the Light Sockets to Guard munists as there are in Soviet work he is told to do, regardless Your Family's Eyesight Russia where approximately' 168 of his tastes or abilities. He million Hussions are being sub- must live where and how he is jected to a regimentation of work- told to-<.live. His food, clothing ing, living, speaking and think- and recreation are -prescribed for You Help Provide ing that amountB to'virtual en- him in certain quantities and of E y e g l a s s e s for some slavement. ' • certain types. Communism works The United States of America for the complete destruction ot Needy School Child today harbors more than 600 na- all religious belier. • Religious tional Communist organizations freedom, the Impelling human dewith approximately 15,000 local sire to worship God when and INSUBED CABS and state divisions. Approximately .300' periodical magazines and newspapers are published and distributed throughout the country to ' preach the doctrines . of Communism and disseminate Safe seeingl How essential it i s . . . . fof yourself, Communistic information. •-, To for the younger ipembers of your family. A few this flood of criminal, deceptive, anti-and un-American material pennies a day spells the difference. For want In giving thought to a life insurance program must be added literally millions of Communistic books and ,pampd°; you add to yourlife insurance policies of a few inexpensive lamp bulbs eyesight may iets which broadcast throughout haphazardly? - ' ',. . the land for the purpose of sowbe menaced, the future of young eyes daming- the seeds of dissatisfaction aged. Fill every empty light socket now . . . •and sedition—of revolution and Or, are they taken out for specific purposes, IN THE NEW ruin. •. such as a clean-up fund, mortgage insurance, before the winter season, when we spend so FRENCH ROOM AT Just what, is Communism? how they wished, was die of the most powerful factors motivating the establishment of the United States of America by our forefathers. I t has always been a sacred and. jealously guarded privilege in this country. • It is a right guaranteed by our Constitution. Communism, on the other hand, decrees the complete destruction of all religious belief.




and now . . .

It's Time to Think About Dresses

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What constitutes ,its dangers? Wherein do the principles of Com-

tnunisn?;. differ from the principles of the>American form of government, and the rights and privileges guaranteed to .the American people by our Constitution? The principles of Communism ire'diametrically opposed to all the principles' of our democracy. The objectives the Communists seek are farther removed from :he ideals of the" United States jovernment and.- its people than :he North Pole' from the • South. Every right and privilege of American citizenship would be destroyed should Communism-, succeed in its aim to overthrow the United States government. In \merica, the individual possesses :ertaln civil rights In America, :h& people, collectively, ara BU-























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"In*"TIier LancTof .Promise"

rEarly Wednesday, morning, factory a t Tantura, b u t returned States in 1923 to float a loan in September S3, 1936, Meier Dlz- to Odessa when t h e project fail- New York for $350,000, t h e first engoff, tnown as the iirst cit- ed. When Baron Jtothschild gave such loan ever made to a Jewish izen or Jewish Palestine, died a reference for Dizengoff to t h emunicipality. • . '. • of pneumonia at the age of 75. owners, of a glass factory in Od- On t h e occasion cu his -, 75th The colorfnl career of this man essa which Dizengoff. was t o man-birthday Mayor ' Dizengoff; w a s is here sketched by a corres- age, t h e Baron said: " H e i s ahonored by Sir Arthur Wauchope, pondent of the Palcor News- wonderful iorganizer b u t lie h a sHigh Commissioner for Palestine, Agency and Seven Arts Fea- too many dreams." . who allocated $25,000 toward-the ture Syndicate. EDITOR In Russia, after this first visit establishment of a p a r k in Tel

-fc,...! ~ * ~

, <** *


' * i


only a small sum a t t h e time of [funeral itself. E v e n OIK > r 1 his death. The Museum, to which | 400,000 Jews in Fa'p^unf r he bequeathed t h e major part of ped his work or othei *>'Hi | his funds, represents t h e princi- ; during the hour b e . v i r p .-1, i and noon, t h e time o ' V "ui jpal cultural achievement of his i life, having been opened early ion Thursday, Septan be _ I thie year with a splendid roller- I \ tion of various representations of I Neither time n o " v o n f I effort if spared in pnrri'irs I Jewish art. Palestine Tel ATIT CWNS-Palcor Agency) 1 As Jews throughout — Permanent tribute Trill he paid | went into mourning for their ! low Old Gold Cif:fire'tF=. to t h e memory of Meier Dizengoff I first citizen, with flags of all pub: lie and many private institutions late Mayor a n d founder of Tel Aviv, by 'the Palestine Friends i.flying a t half-mast, t h e spiritual of the Hebrew University and by'• testament of Mayor DizenErof f clerk in pipve. G?v*> v ' ! the Je-wish National Fund, i t iswas published. In this testament, evence fins' p-fimi? r v announced here. A chair •will be written on July I£th, directions founded in t h e Hebrew Univer- • for his funeral were given and periencc. death sity to commemorate Mayor Dsz I thoughts on approaching Bex « S £ — J e w i s h f>f«?F» engoff and t h e National Fund revealed. "The thought of death •will establish a new forest to bedoes not sadden me," he wrote. named after him. His name was | The Mayor" requested that, his ; also given to t h e first child born funeral cortege be headed by children, whom he loveC deeply. Xext after his death in Tel Aviv. T[T Mayor Dizengoff left a moaest : in line he wanted t h e youth, DEALER I N ; among whom he said he had. alestate, t h e major part of •which ivrays counted himself. Following flTKl A ' " Jewish : has been bequeathed t o t h e Tel them he asked that women march Aviv museum, which h e founded. ! "the mothers of the younger genArticirOther E, His will, dated January 1, IPS 6, e r a t i o n . " The general public was 42R Dec j after being opened, was transferr- i to bring up the rear. ! ed to t h e Tel Aviv rabbinate for I A greater part of IEC.000 Jews Hkv m? • > i sefnrr w i t h J e w i s h ? n f i Enci' ! validation. Although t h e con; in this all-Jewish city v-as in t h e b o o k s . •' T p r p. v e | tents of the will have n o t yet •!!» b e«sm, sMk ? nd VJOO! of iline of march or thronged t h e I rines, etc. ibeen published it is reported that I streets as t h e funeral procession ! Mayor Dizengoff,. who helped t o 'l for Mayor Dizen.sroff filed by. O'p*?^ w i t h m ** f o r ? : acquire for t h e Jewish popular* ! servers estimated that more than i a • (1tuiov tha't W b»i b •• me f r o m E r e i x ; tion great sections of t h e ralu- j SO,000 people participated in the i [ able real estate of Tel Aviv, had

Plan University Chair As To Bis



to Palestine, Dizengoff, together Aviv in celebration of. t h e birthMeier Dlzengolf -was t h e type with Achad Ha-am, t h e Jewish day. of m a n traditionally associated philosopher, and Simon Dubnow, At one time h e .was a member •with t h e American West, prefer- the historian, helped t o found a of t h e World Zionist Executive, ring/his. horse t o t h e automobile. society t o combat assimilation serving a s head of t h e DepartEvery morning for years h e rose among Russian Jews. I t was d r r -ment of Urban Colonization. H e a t 4 : 3 0 a n a rode through T e l ing this period t h a t h e helped t o was a member of t h e Jewish NaAviv on horseback before a n y of found t h e famous land-purchas- tional Council of Palestine a n d his constituency vras y e t awake. ing society Geulah (Redemption) participated in various missions He used these early morning ex- whose object w a s t o buy land in to London, Geneva a n d other penditions n o t merely for plea- Palestine t o encourage Jewish centers, particularly i n connecsure b u t for h i s mayoralty duties, settlement. tion with matters relating t o t h e The famous "W&ilins Wall" is shown above in a. scene surveying activities a n d projects Mandates Dizengoff returned t o Palestine Iieague of Nations -which h e though needed h i s a t -in 1905, having for ten years a l - Commission. Other offices which from "The Land of Promise" to be shown at the .Paramount tention. ready been a leading spirit in t h e he held were: President of t h eTheatre Wednesday evening, October 14. The showing of this During t h e -world -war h e -waspractical reconstruction of Pales- League of Nations Society in P a l - remarkable photoplay is being sponsored by the local Talmud held as hostage by Dtemal P a s - tine; he 'continued to encourage estine; Chairman of t h e Tel Aviv Torah. ha, t h e Commander _of t h e Fourth and stimulate t h e purchase of u r - Art Museum, which h e founded Turkish Army, whose program ban and r u r a l land among Jews, and which was originally housed vestment r u n a long -without havincluded destruction of t h e A r spurring t h e erowth of commer- in his private home; President of ing i t insured, neither should menians, Arabs a n d Jews. Diz- cial a n d industrial enterprises the Ashrai Bank; a n d President they let their investment in their engoff w a s one of t h e m e n r e s -and, in general, serving a s a dy-of t h e Tel Aviv Exhibitions Comchildren go uninsured. ponsible for saving t h e lives of namic figure • in attracting J e w - mittee. H e also was a Knight of Primarily life insurance on thousands of Palestinian Jews. ish immigration and capital into the Order of Leopold of Belgium children is used t o defray t h e exSupported by United States Am- Palestine. and held other high honors from pense caused through death a n d bassador Henry Morgenthau in Orders of England, Bulgaria, His greatest achievement, howlong continued illness, b u t there Turkey a n d Louis D. Brandeis, ever, w a s in connection with t h e Abyssinia and Roumania. is also t h e reason or object, which now Supreme Court Justice, then development of Tel Aviv, which He published a number of books By tfce Eerdce Life Insurance is an endowment t o be used when chairman of t h e Provisional Zion- he helped to found i n 1909 onand pamphlets, including a w a r Company, Osiaha the children a r e ready to be m a r ist Committee of America, Diz- a sand dune i n t h e outskirts of reminiscence, "With Tel Aviv; in ried, to start in business, o r comengoff a n d his associates staved the ancient city of Jaffa. H e was Exile." One of t h e main streets of insurance answers t n e plete plans they have already unoff a massacre of Palestinian "elected t h e first ayor when t h e Tel Aviv is called Dizengoff St., Jews by threatening t o invoke t h e Township of Tel Aviv was recg-in his honor. A t thevtime of hisquestion a n d explains how a iaan dertaken.. The father doesn't profit by aid of t h e Jews of America, p u r - nized by t h e government and haddeath t h e city which h e helped can live when he is dead. A man's ing t h e w a r h e . was fxilod t o served a s president of t h e Town found and which h e governed love for h i s family lives on ! this insurance, b u t should h e be through^ life insurance. Children taken from t h e home,' the mother Damascus, where h e became Council ever since. When Tel had about 150,000 inhabitants. President of t h e Exiles Society Aviv became a municipality h e During t h e past-few months h e need'live insurance even though needs i t s protection against t h e and of' t h e Palestine Refugee became its first MayoT, thus being was, despite h i s age, one of t h efew. fathers stop t o consider t h e day .when t h e children must be investment their children repre- taken care of. Committee. the first Mayor of t h e first a l l - strongest figures in championing sent. By t h e time his children the Jewish cause in connection reach - college age they represent H e w a s also well known a s a Jewish city i n modern times. Prize Crop tobaccos make Old wit, one of h i s favorite remarks During h i s administration a s with t h e Arab disorders. Gold Cigarettes Double-Mellow, one-sixth of his income. " being: "They may boast about Mayor, Dizengoff encouraged t h e Of course, n o father would j and 2 Jackets of Cellophane keep All- of Jewish Palestine w a s their skyscrapers i n New York, creation of t h e Manufacturers' plunged into deep mourning a t think of letting a n y valuable in- [them always factory fresh. but w e i n Palestine can't h a r e Association a n d helped t o organ- the death of Meier Dizengoff. them because o u r skies a r e tooize fairs and exhibitions to build Thousands of Jews h a d crowded high above u s . " Whenever asked up t h e city. I n recognition of his about h i s home a s word spread what t h e population of Tel Aviv services i n Tel Aviv, t h e British that his illness w a s becoming Is h e would say, i n regard to t h e government conferred t h e order critical, and tears of profound phenoinonally developing all-Jew- of Officer of t h e British Empire grief filled t h e eyes of all who ish city: " I really can't say howupon him. . heard the doctor's Jast bulletin many inhabitants we have. I Dizengoff went t o t h e United read. haven't been around today." Born In Achimuftzi (BessaTaThe Double Cellophane wrapping on Old Gold Cigarettes bia), Russia, on F e b r u a r y 2 5 , keeps out dampness, dryness, dust and every other foe of ciga-j 1861, Dizengoff identified h i m ; : . self early in youth with t h e Cho-rette goodness.. vevei Zion movement which a i m ed a t t h e rebuilding of a Jewish center i n Palestine. H e attended', t h e first conference of that organization in Drusgenik and served subsequently i n Odessa as the representative of t h o Chovevei Zion in t h e Kishineff region. His general political views were molded to a great: extent by t h e philosophy of Tolstoy a n d t h e democratic revolutionary -move-\ ment in Russia. Deeply Interested i n t h e practical phases of t h e rebuilding of Palestine, a t a time when t h e Jewish National H o m e - a s i t ex_ ists today was n o t even a wide1 spread -hope among Jews, Dizen*• goff went t o t h e University of Paris t o study chemistry, so that he' might apply his knowledge t o the furtherance of olive culture in Palestine. iAt t h a t time h e became Intimate with the late Baron lEdmond de Rothschild, who e n |'trusted ".him with t h e task of e s f tabllshing a glass-making factory to • serve wine cellars of Baron"s 1 linterests in t h e colony of Rishon W lie Zion. Palestine. , ... . m I n 1893 h e went to Palestine to m. i! direct Baron' Rothschild's glass| J ||



J -

! l

savers that prove to be Err-eT-pc-cTF ir. \ror rrr.rr* prir,. f>'~ that go into the kitchen to put yos into the parlor,.. supplies to make f home E M jaxd more Ettractiye. Don't pet oi'f biijinr tbese home necessities . . . whtn prices are BO low . . . Please oraer t ;

2. Crcrv^cre Fetteiy Frame

. I. Steel Art.



Brightly colored pottery in blue, red, green, yellow. Casscolr^ — Open Bakers. Tie DisliCf i*\w. Meat Flaltcri,. S. Hapir»wax Paper ^ *7 ^ 200 ft. roll •vrfixpcl pr,-^r- V L u


mest esfaurant

Gas Ranges Are Newly Efficient and Convenient

T h e installation of modem gas ranges in American homes a t t h e rate of 1,500.000 a year h a s turned' poorly equ'pped- kitchens into culinary work-shops of such advanced mechanical efficiency t>.at a new wave of enthusaism for cooking i s sweeping t h e country," says Col. T. A, Leisen, general manger of t h e Metropolitan Utilities District. All parts of new gas - Tanges are easily removable for •washing; Corners of t h e Tanges a r e rounded: a l l exposed parts likely

to be brought into contact -with the hands are smooth. Legs have no sharp edges and are of sufficient clearance from the floor to permit cleaning beneath. Broiler compartments are constructed to slide out, permitting easy operation. All doors are sturdy to prevent sagging. Complete insulation' throughout saves gas and keeps the kitchen cooler. Oven raits are so designed that'.they'•will-not tiltiwhen partially withdrawn. Burners cannot be extinguished by room drafts, nor when the range door is opened and closed in' a normal iria-ner. \ The selflatching burner valva in the "off" position is-one of the many measures. Burner trays are of a size to' catch anything falling 'through .the "'top" grates; and the I;- grate atms are designed to -support a - utensif- as small as three and a half inches in diameter, when centrally over a' burner.

O Cssh Price.. TSHUS:. S2:50 a


And Your OM Store




= J ' chsrge. K od o ^a

Bssides-.oriidsa.dssciibed beloW^tHs raa^s is d s a equipped Trtth"t^sats salnder-dock cad eleeirk UQhl cs wsli as 'condissest set, not regulaxls' iadnded trish tMs model. A ; 1EM. BARGAIN la.better Qas'codSds? eqaipment.. .Pay 'anoaSMj insiaHmeols of " S2.S0' OH TOUR GAS BILL. Ssnsll canning

FAIDLEY BLDG. 16th & Douglas We Operate the only in the Downtown Section

Soft, absorbent. White, ereen, T>iu>i, orchid, .blue; 1003 sfaeets, iff roliB

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m =


Very Easooih -trooS. Q&aiito Special

Featured for tomorrow's selling:

Button cook, fnsgrcr rest, feeel p2ate, cord.

Esfr. S.35. Aluminum, with mesh basket, 2 s$t.

Strictly Kosner Salami, lb . . . . . ,2BC; •

Strictly Kosher Weiners, lb. . . . . ..2Bt-

• Made of soft bristles, e a c i

Wear-Ever £,*.vm.lT,vm, X\*>, S!-S- E quart.



£5, 46, SG, CC watt . .

nfSe of fine »ei<? resist' i while enamel.

ie' f o r

y Pednl Ctetmer For aM painted surfaces 2 ibs 6 lbs

7-aip •brewer—gas toaster— ' y Chef' cool&ook. :


FalUb . . . . . ,t>f«r


m 12. Kct Peisf Irea

g 1

ciloy coke end k

size, chemically wsife handle amfi li pint of Knbnn lPolish, 1 e~> specisHj' pricefi.

I 10. QszsZity Clothes Pints

g 15. Leisse? Well Ersslacs

Our department is equipped with separate display counter, separate slicer, scales and knives used only for Kosher smoked meats.

age Shape

7.' KtipssZrlck's Tcllet Tissi&m

For tsM seefiisg-. New crop cf fine ^nalijy seed S E»s,

m =

Strictly Kosher Delicatessen


^ I Ecinforcefi tloors legs. Storage space for ; c c it n t less household



4. Shelf Taper CT ^ Glazed or porcelain ii., v v * 5. of aluEinite. 8 desifrns S. Sanitary r&int O k ; r . " ell painted .surfaces. r " ,, 2 pomids .' V"> v*

(•£ In. , IS In. Wide I* In, Beep



AAgt *Ptl»

Mitre Mat bottom alnminnm with me&surem'is, 2-qt. size, reg. ?


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Page 4

Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, o n e year - - - - - , Advertising rates furnished o n application.


Editorial Olflca: BOO Brandelo Theater Building. . Bious City OKice—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER • - Business and Managing ^Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN • • - - • • - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - . — - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24tb Street

000. Property destruction is classified as follows: 250,000 trees uprooted; 280 cases of arson; 48 bridges blown up; 300 cases of wire cutting; 32 derailments of trains; 130 acts of sabotage. Other interesting figures show; curfew was clamped on eleven ocalities. The authorities arrested a total of 2,000 Arabs, forty per cent o£ whom were tried and convicted under the emergency regulations. Concentration camps held 420 Arabs, many of them among the 'most prominent leaders in the country. Police recorded a total of 130 Arab bomb explosions. Four hundred bombs, including 35 infernal machines, weer confiscated by the authorities The Jewish population in Palestine can now do nothing but continue their policy of patience and watchfulness.

Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. Philip Sher

3IBLE It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife but every fool will be snarling. Most "men wil proclaim their own goodness, but a faithful man who can find? Who can say: I made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin? TAMIL D Our. Rabbis taught: "Whoever depends upon the earnings of his wife or upon the proceeds of a hand-mill will never perceive the sign of blessing;" , Italy has always been held up as the supreme example of There wa3 a certain heathen ;he fact'that anti-Semitism and fascism had nothing in common who (under the guise of an Isand that the linking of the two was erroneous and fallacious. raelite) would come1 to Jerusalem every Passover and partake' of And in support of this contention, spokesmen for H Duce parad- the paschal lamb. Once he came ed before the public the undeniable facts that anti-Jewishness before Rabbi Juda Ben Bothyra was non-existent in Italy and that the Jewish population of and said to him: "It i3 written in your Torah (Ex. 12.43) No the country enjoyed full equality. stranged shall eat thereof. Never•However, dating from the time that II Duce made a serious theless I get to eat of the very "Have they given thee a move in the direction of Palestine and began his series of known best." piece of the fat of the ' tail?" intrigues in the Holy Land,, a subtle change of policy has mani- asked the Rabbi. VNay", answerfested itself. This became particularly noticeable of late* The ed the heathen. So Rabbi Juda to him: "The next time you Fascists Regime, chief organ of the Fascist party, demanded said go, ask them to give thee a piece that Italian Jewry prove its loyalty to Fascism by breaking of the fat of the tail." The folaway fi-pm the rest of the Jews and called the Jews a menace to lowing year when he came to Jerhe asked for a piece of Europe. This was followed up by the Vita Italiana,, another usalem the fat of the tail. "What" eximportant Fascist paper, which declared that "Fascism must claimed they, "Is not the fat of be anti-Semitic because the Jews are the mortal enemies of the tall sacrificed upon the altar? Did anyone adviss Ihee to ask for Fascism." ' this?", they questioned him. And To calm foreign indignation, a Rome dispatch to the New the heathen answered, "Rabbi York Times says that these sentiments express, the opinions of Judah advised me thus." "What this mean?" said they to the writers personally and does not in any way reflect govern- does themselves, and tliey thereupon mental views. But,~we are well aware in Italy the press is gov- investigated and learned how (Copyright 193S by Seven Arts ernment-controlled and says nothing which the government they had been fooled by the heaFeature Syndicate.) Then they sent a- message frowns upon. Hence, we are more inclinecl to watch Italy care- then. to Rabbi Juda saying, "Peace unfully. There are not enough Italian Jews numerically for the to thee, Rabbi Juda, who resides Italians to gain much by attacking their Jewish population, but in Netziben, yet whose n-et of wisdom is cast in Jerusalem." By BAY SOHAPCSO

Political Expediency?

Perhaps by. coincidence, but nevertheless appropriately; the epical film, "The Land of Promise," which depicts Jewish achievement and rehabilitation in the Homeland, is being •shown in Omaha on October 14, during National Jewish Education Week, under the auspices of the city Talmud Torah . . . with all proceeds going to the Talmud Torah. The presentation of this dramatic, pioneering picture gives Omaha Jewry an opportunity to see with living, moving pictures the recreation of a national life through the indomitable genius of self-sacrificing Chalutzim—and at the same time help a cause which is most worthy and vital in the perpetuation of Jewishness for posterity. "The Land of Promise" mirrors the rebirth of a nation, and no member of the community should let slip by the chance to view its panoramic, historical beauty. Also, the occasion gives us an opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of keeping the lamp of Jewish learniifg lighted. This is the problem which must be faced not only locally but also nationally. And that problem is thresfold:— .registering the children in our Jewish" educational system at an early age, peeping them at their learning for the entire course^ and meeting the' costs of proper Jewish education. In all of these, the brunt falls upon the parents.. The situation remains a'Challenge to them: whether we will pass on the rich traditional Jewish heritage or whether we will forsake our children without the treasures of their past. . •. ,

: J



J. C. C. Sports

with Mussolini flirting with nazi Germany and at the same time casting covetous eyes Palestine-ward, it will not be surprising for II Duce to cast overboard his former policy of fairness in Fun for Succoth It is a simple matter to exercise, but there is more to being racial and religious matters in favor of a course based on poliin shape than • taking ordinary By Rabbi A. I. Israelitari Succoth, the eight-day Jewish Feast of Booths, which is tical expediency. ' work-outs. In order to get into being celebrated by the Jewish people throughout the world, To day I write i-». a light vein. condition and stay that way one And why not? Do not the prayers must exercise the entire body and is rich in tradition. The great harvest festival of the Jew, Sucof Israel refer to the Feast of in the right way. To those that ACTION coth, was originally our Thanksgiving holiday, but through the Tabernacle3 as Z'man Simohas- stiffen up during their work-out ages the succah has become symbolic of Jewish hope. • : V' • Bjr Rabbi Frederick Coin , ' enu (season of our Joy) ? And and to those that don't exercise Scripture declare the correct way, physical director Succoth suggests the time when the Israelites', wandering It is not enough just to have a philosophy of life. True does notthatSacred we are to rejoice on Lee Grossman has a few tips. through the wilderness, dwelt in tents or booths. Later, when philosophy leads to action. We cannot all be philosophers. thrice One must warm up gradually bethe Succoth festival? the Jewish people dwelt in Palestine, it was a custom among But all must live. Action is our end and aim - - our very exist- Abont Mother Eve and Father fore doing any strenuous exercising, i. e.^ run slowly and easily the farmers to build rude booths, or succahs out in the fields ence. Herbert Spencer has defined life as "the -adjustment of Adam: before running hard, stretch and What was the forbidden fruit where they slept during the harvest season.. Succoth became a inner relations to outer relations!" "This may sound technical of which Adam and Eve ate in tense muscles easily at first, joyous Palestinian agricultural festival, an occasion upon and pedantic, and be specifically biological. Mathew Arnold that wonderful Garden of Eden throw a short distance at first. keep a sweat shirt on till which the ,Jewish people made-a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to in a more popular way has said "conduct is three-fourths of long, long ago? You say an ap- and thoroughly warmed up. More cf ple? Well, you should know that lay sacrifices on the altar of the temple and to sing hymns of life." ,It may even be a bigger percentage than that. We are Abba of Acco, one of the sages his helpful suggestions are to expraise and thanksgiving to God for His bounty. "With the fall always acting, that is, engaged in some kind of activity, and of the Talmud, insists that It was ercise vigorously and aggressively and to get In "shape" before of the temple, sacrifice disappeared as a form of worship. In while it is true tha^ all action proceeds from thought (although an othrog! "cutting loose." He cautions Relief for Toothache Snfferers: exile, the observant Jews remembered , Succoth and. built a some, do not think enough or think things through, but act that cooling off too rapidly is Recently, while sitting in a succah or small booth in their yards, where they ate for that thoughtlessly and impulsively); though it.is undoubtedly true dentist's office, we picked up a harmful, take a bath immediately and do not drink cold water week . . . a reminder \)f the time when the Jews lived in such that all deeds were originally ideas (witness the French revo- dental book containing the fol- while perspiring. A few helpful lowing bit of interesting Informabooths during the forty years of wandering in the desert. lution that sprang largely from the writings of Voltaire, Ronssuggestions gym clothes are tion, wnlca ought to t@ of great that woolensabout protect considBarred from holding land or tilling the soil, • the exiled Jew seau, and the French Encyclopedists) so that Emerson's cau- help to those who are suffering erably againstwillchills sore continued to sing hymns of thanks for a harvest which was tion is a true one: "Beware when God lets loose a thinker on with toothaches. Among the Po- muscles and will add to end the comof the future; offered prayers for rain though the precious the earth!" Yet it is also true, the thought is the means not lish Jews, It said, it is the prac- fort of a work-out. Woolen tice, in case of toothache, to eat sweat shirts will hold moisture drops would not benefit crops he was raising. The tiny succah the end. an apple which, fixed on the "became a symbol of hope. The roof was left open, so' that the point of a lulab, has been roast- and woolen soxs will protect feet against excessive perspiration, and Thought in itself, the wisest, the profoundest, must find ed over an open fire. children of Israel could look np to the stars and raise their cushion them against bruises. And Here's Something for the expression in action. Else it remains barren and merely acadWhite gym clothes are preferred hearts in hope. The lulab or palm branch and the ethrog or emic or theoretical. The Talmud, in a way tne masterpiece of New-bora Babe: because it is easy to tell wlien citron, sprigs of fragrant myrtle arid boughs of the willow casuistry and mental hair splitting says "Intellectual investi- According to* the strict Sham- they are soiled and they aid in tree all remind the Jew of the harvest character of the festivaj. gation - theory - is not enough - is not of fundamental import- mal, the famous apponent of the sanitation in the basket room. gentle Hitlel, even a tiny tot Bathing caps will keep the hair Today the observance of • Succoth takes on a special sig- ance; there must be practice." As we say, "not theory but must observe the mitzvah of dry In the swimming pool and in nificance. Once again the Jewish people are tilling the soil , . . practice." dwelling in a succah. We are the shower. Follow these helpful suggestions both in clothine; and in a land they can call their Homeland. Particularly now • Judaism stresses the fundamental importance of action. and in work-outs and notice the are we faced with a tremendous Btruggle to maintain our It is no fanatic on the subject. It counsels moderation and redifference in your physical makehomeland and restore the agricultural character of our folk serve. It says "It is not incumbent on thee to finish the work"; up. Lee is always at the Center member's disposal and any help . . . but a dream which was kept alive for so many centuries but it adds, "Neither art thou: exempt therefrom!" We can he can give you or any questions and which finally nears reality cannot be easily disturbed. The none .of us be finishers, we can probably not p*ut the finishing «•*«• t o *** he can answer will be done at aty handicaps of the day will merely strengthen our determination touches to anything. With all the conscientious effort in the convenient time. to rebuild Palestine as the Jewish homeland . j . a homeland world, much must remain incomplete. But hone can hold aloof. MONTREAL. " ANTI-SEMITIC built on the basis of soil and freedom! ' . . , Each must do his* part. It is this which really constitutes 3HEET SUSPENDS BECAUSE Lee Grossman Invites the par-j of the junior J. C. C. mem- j "duty!" Duty is doing what we must, and above all what we OF ADVERTISERS' BOYCOTT . enta . . Congratulations to the Canad- bers to visit during their swim' ought. As moral beings we'all have duties. The old classifi- ian Jewish congress! \ periods. Parents have no idea ', The horizon in Palestine for the Jewish upbuilders of the cation still holds: duties to God, duties to our fellow-men, and NATION-WIDE JEWISH EDU- how fast these younggsters have j progressed in their swimming ' homeland look brighter, with the decision of the British govern- duties to ourself. Some would reverse this order, and it is CATION" MONTH LAUNCHED IN ability until they witness with , U. S. • . • This movement deserves probably also true that we perform our duty to God when we ment to uphold the Mandate and send more troops into the their own eyes how these boys' everybody's support. Holy Land to quell the rebellion ——• but ominous clouds still discharge our duty to self and to fellowman. But duty is in- PRO-NAZI SPEECH BY UNI- and girls who could not swim a VERSITY OF SOUTHERN CAL- stroke at the beginning rf their p hover menacingly over the land, as martial law is declared. exorable. As Wordsworth has described it: IFORNIA TRACK COACH STIRS course have managed to learn and , The Arab nationalist leaders, instead of coming. to their • .; * "Stern Daughter of the Voice of God. ' WIDE PROTEST . . . If he was now can . do themselves what senses when it was announced that more soldiers were being merely joking, as he says, he ex- they have always watched others- [ ODuty! If that name thou love, . do. i hibited very poor taste. sent, became defiant. Instead of seeking moderation, their reply Who Art Light to Guide, a rod, ' U. S. PHILOSOPHERS REcontained fresh demands — complete independence for Pales/• ' To check the- erring and reprove." JECT BID TO NAZI MEETING . . Classes in gym for business tine and the liquidation of the Mandate, which was given Great women and senior girls will be- How important action is has been beautifully expressed in A very logical move. Britain by the League of Nations; .'This is added on to their thefamiliar words of America's homely (yet wholesome), fire- STRIKE PICKETS C L A S H gin nest Monday night at 6 p. ir.. WITH- W O R S H I P P t K S IN Lee Grossman has in mind a ver.i previous insistence that Jewish immigration stop, land sales to side poet, Longfellow: '['].' FRONT OF NEW YORK'S TEM- interesting fall program and everj Jews stop, .and an Arab nationalist state be established/ ' PLE EMANU-EL . . Which shows one should take advantage c; "Not enjoyment and not sorrow . shows that' something is very these opportunities. There is no British prestige is at stake. The English have suffered in Is our destined end or way, reason way young ladies should wrong somewhere. the past months, and they cannot at this moment take another But to act, that each tomorrow' LLOYD GE0R3E COMPARES carry around excess weight or be step which will reveal weakness. For that reason we can be HITLER TO WASHINGTON . . . . sluggish and uninteresting. Phys• Find .us further than today." And the D. A. R. ha3 not protest- ical work-outs not only relieve reasonably sure that' she will go through with her program of Progress lies in action. But not action for the mere sake t&£ body physically but also the ' • iron-handedness against the Moslems.-The question then arises: of action. (In Browning's picturesque, "Lest. arms and leg ed.JEWS WORRIED AS ITALIAN mind mentally. The Center with "Who will benefit, and who will suffer? The "answer is very want play").:Action must have a definite and moral goal. T*ue PRESS ADOPTS NAZI TONE . . . its modern gym equipment, with thorough instructor, Lc Grossobvious — no one — neither the British jjor the Arabs nor the progress is moral and spiritual, and not merely material and But we're sure they aren't sur- its man can do for you all that you Jews — will benefit, and all will suffer.. . i mechanical. We must act, and in Miltpn's beautiful phrase, prised, BRITISH COURT CONVICTS could hope for in the way of getThus, the Arab newspapers themselves tell us that wide- "as ever in the Great Taskmaster's eye. The 'progress' that • is ANTI-SEMITE OF L I B E L I NG~ ting into condition. Join aoiv . . . A most important pre- and be a happy contented woman. spread poverty and a serious food shortage prevails among not moral and'spiritual defeats its own ends; leads to destruc- JEWS cedent. Arab communities as a result of over twenty weeks of the gen- tion instead of construction: furthers death and not life and WORLD JEWRY MOURNS Many have already "harnessed eral strike. The Jewish upbuilding of the homeland has been true civilisation. Is not 'progress' at all but retrogression and DEATH OF MAYOR DIZEN- up" and are' in the "saddUe'V BeGOFF . . . Tel Avl/ will stand as tween 30-50 men are practicingset back, ,and the British have taken losses from every angle. decay and ultimate extinction. ." his momument for all time to daily in the handball courts. Or. The complete picture.of,the havoc wrought in the first twenty- ••"• With this conception of true action in our souls, we can come. Tuesday and Thursday night aone weeks of trouble is shown in these figures, compiled :from heed Longfellow's closing admonition: GOVERNMENT S U R P L U S bout 10,are already tossing thai SETS ALL-TIME EIGH . . . Even basketball around rlthough It vr'Al official, semi-official/and private sources: 342, dead, including "Let us then be up and doing financially tha Jewish National be about a month before the pre34 British soldiers'"and police, 83 Jews and 225 Arabs; 1060, With a heart for any fate, Home policy is of profit to Great season gets under way. Even though its cool yott can still enBritain. wounded; $13,750,000 — total financial losses. Insurance comStill achieving, still pursuing joy a comfortable swiia in t'?' panies estimate Jewish losses at $7,500,000, and losses to Arabs Learn to labor and to wait. (Copyright I93S by Seven Arts] finest in-siocr pool in the city. 1 at $4,000,000, while government damage is estimated at $2,250,' ' - - Frederick Cohn. The J pool is always kept at J* Feature Syndicate.)



told that when his daughter-in- [degrees and this alone should in- 37 J. C, C. "Athletic Award" law gave birth to a boy on the duce people to continue with the night to be held October 24. enjoyable Feast of Tabernacles he broke most relaxing and through the roof of the chamber sport known. Menorahs, Jewish Music, Bibles in which she 'ay, so he could make a succah of it. The pre-season handicap handFor Dreamers: ball tournament got under way! In case any of you ever hap- last Monday nigat and is progrespen to dream of an ethrog, and sing rapidly. Although one loses : FELDMAN you are troubled, we wish to in- he still remains in the tourna- i TALEiSiiVi - PRAYER BOOKS form you that there is no need tnent but stands still instead of j to be worried, because seeing an going farther. This competition j Gifts for Bar Mftzvaht ethrog in u. dream, according to should condition many for the \ Res. 609 No. ECth St. GL.-M72 the Talmudic sage Rar Joseph, handball tourneys. I F. O. Box 710 Omaha, Nebr means that one is "precious beWatch for news about the 19 3 6fore his Maker." And in case you dream of that member of the Succoth bouquet, known as the hadas (myrtle), we wish you to know that it also is -a good sign know that it also is a good sign. According to the above-mentioned sage it signifies that one's busBoys, Listen to "Tim's Adventures" iness undertakings will prosper, Every Thursday, 5:IS to 5:30, and if one does not have any busStation'WOW iness, then it means that an inheritance will fall to his lot. PRIZES . . , Siver ICing Bicycle and Many Just Watch These Rabbis Other Prises . . . Don't Miss It Perform: Rabbi Simeon ben Gamaliel, the Talmud tells us, would juggle with eight torches during the Succoth festivities in the Temple, throwing them in the air and catching them again. And Rabbi Simeon was not the only sage •who could perform such feats. The Talmud, for example, also informs us that the scholar Levi would juggle with eight knives before the famous Jewish leader Judah the Prince, and that the scholar Samuel would juggle with eight cups of wine before King Sapor of Persia. And now that these venerable sages have concluded \ their perfermance we too will conclude. A happy holiday to all of you!

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Psg-e 5

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2,1936 RETURN FROM CHICAGO CULTURAL, SOCIAL CLUB Junior Council The MisseB Pearl and Rose Temple Sisterhood The Cultural and Social Club Meyers have returned from ChiThe first meetng of the Temple held its first meeting Tuesday Mrs. David A. Wice will sneak cago where they visited for three Israel Sisterhood will be a Suc- night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. on her recent trip through Palesweeks a t the home of Mr. andcoth Tea on Monday, October 5, H. Ruderman. tine at the meeting of the Junior Mrs. Irving Baiter. at 2 o'clQck. Mrs. Milton AbA -special committee of the Council at the Blackstone Hotel, rahams and Mrs. Louis Lipp will Omaha Hebrew Club, J. J. Fried- 2:SO Sunday, October 4. TO LIVE'IN SAN FRANCISCO be in charge of the program- ar- man, H. Bloom, and John FeldEvery member is urged to atMr. and Mrs. Dave Green are rangements. A board meeting man, were guests. tend. leaving Tuesday for San Fancisco has been called for 1 o'clock. The members were entertained where they will make their future The speaker for the afternoon by group ringing, dramatic sketchhome, Joining their daughter and will Junior Hadassah be Mrs. David A. TVice, who es, vocal solos, and a book reson-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe recently view. This Club is under the Teturned from a threeKrasne. . months' Mediterranean tour. She jurisdiction of the Omaha Hebrew Mordecai Braude, student rabbi will speafc on "The States of Club. of Chicago, was the guest speaker ENTERTAIN FOR BRIDE-TO-BE TO BE AT HOME SUNDAY in the - Mediterranean at a meeting of members and prosBeth-El Auxiliary Women The Misses Jeanette Coltoff country." Mrs. Ben Silver will Mr. and Mrs. Henry Solig and pective members of Junior HaM. SINAI AUXILIARY and Lillian Weise entertained on Mrs. Hannah Solig, will be at preside. dassah last Sunday. His topic The first event of the Beth-El September 27 at the home of the home Sunday at the latter's home was "My Seminary—The Place The meeting of the Mt. Sinai From Which I Come." former for Miss Ruth Arndt, a from. 3 to 7 o'clock, honoring Mr. Synagogue Auxiliary is the Oneg In his Shabboth which will take place Pi Lambda Phi Cemetery Ladies Auxiliary has talk, he thanked the Junior Eabride-to-be, with a miscellaneous and Mrs. Sam Skolnik of Los Chi Chapter of Pi Lambda Phi been indefinitely posponed. No- dassah for their donation which . shower. A color scheme of green Angeles, and -Mrs. Skolnik's in the Succoth Saturday, October and white was carried out. Prizes daughter, Miss Rhoda Schechter. 3. This affair is given as a re- Fraternity was honored by a visit tice as to the date of the next completed tne seminary's library. were won by Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Skolnik were re- reption to Cantor and Mrs. Aaron of Roger B. Kaufman, national meeting will be announced later. A musical program was presentexecutive officer, of New York. Mrs. Stanley Passer, and Mrs. Joe cently married in Los Angeles and Edgar. ed, featuring Floren : and Esther served from 2:30 Tea will be He is on an inspection tottr of all •Berman. • they are here t o r a week's visit Steinberg. To Combat Antiwith Mrs. Skolnik's mother, Mrs. to 5 o'clock. All members of Pi Lambda Phi frat rnities. and their friends the Auxiliary Rex J o s e p h Goldware was Semitism Hannah Solig. •KITCHEN SHOWER are Invited. elected president of the Round Mrs. Paul Nerenb erg was hos- Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Simon TO SHARE S rooms furThe following ladies will serve Table of Jewish Youth and he Paris {JTA) — Appealing to tess at a kitchen shower given at of Madison, Wis., brother-in-law as hostesses: Masdames ' Jacob was also made captain. Battalion and sister of Mrs. Skolnik and nished -with cocple or Jews to refrain from individual her home, September 28, for Miss Blank, Henry Belmont, Moe Ber-headquarters, at Creighton Uni- irresponsible manifestations, the ' Ruth Arndt. Prizes -were "won Mr. and Mrs. J. M.' Naiman, of covicl, Jack Bramson, Arthur versity. adults. Mrs. Max Shrier, Central Jewish Consistory last by Hiss Jeanette Coltoff, Mrs. Detroit, Mich., brother-in-law and Cohen, Shrolly Goodman, "William 2 8 I I Hamilton St. sister of Mrs. Skolnik • arrived national The Pi Lambda Phi week announced establishment of Sam SusmaiC and Mrs. J. BrookTuesday and will remain here un- Levy, Sam Newman, Irving -Stal- convention will be held in Pitts- a central Bureau to study and At. 6931. • stein. ' .• . . master and Nathan Turner. til Sunday. burg around the first of the year. combat anti-SeniiUi.ni in France. Mr. and Mra. Skolnik, accomAFTER-THEATEK PARTY panied by Miss Schechter will An after-theater party will be leave early Pioneer Women week to make given by friends of the Talmud their home innext i Los Angeles. Torah on the stage of the The Pioneer Women's OrganlParamount after the showing of zation of Omaha announces the the motion picture, "Land of OBSERVES SEVENTH beginning of its season of activPromise," for all members of the BIRTHDAY Elaine June "Whiteman cele- ities. The first Oneg Shabboth ticket-selling committee who sell brated her seventh birthday Sep- will be held Saturday, October 3, more than fifty tickets each. tember 27, being hostess to]at 3 o'clock at the residence of twenty guests. Games were play-' Chaver H. Borenstein, 4344 SewANNOUNCE BIRTH ed and prizes won by Merna ard street. Mr. I. Morgenstern Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chndacoff Ferer, Manya Friedel, Rebecca will speak on the importance of "Never mind putting up a announce.the birth of a daughter, London, Stewart Lefkowitz, Bob- the Jewish holidays from a hisgood front. . . you must turn Ruth Anne, on TuJsday, Septem- by Levy and Eser SiegalL orical point of view. There will your back on the world this ber 29. also be musical numbers and refreshments. TO ATTEND CONVENTION season to show off back pepRETURNS FROM EAST Mrs. I. Feldman, secretary, reMrs. Joseph Goldware, past minds • Mrs. Leonard Pinkkovitz rethe members to come to lums, ruffles, and so on . . . " turned September 27 from a five president of the Omaha Chapter 2424 Burt street,, Sunday mornof Hadassah, left to attend the weeks' stay la New York City. En ing, October 4, at 9:30 a. m. route home -she stopped for four 22nd annual convention to be to see about raising money for days In Chicago. In both cities held in Philadelphia, October 18 agricultural equipment as Omato 21. she visited with her children.' share of the National Tag She will also visit relatives and ha's day for the. work of assisting girl friends in New York, Washington, immigrants TO BE DELEGATES who are going to PalMrs. H. Oktm and Mrs. J. Feld- and Chicago. She intends to be estine. gone about a month. man will be delegates to the naThe Omaha chapter will be retional convention of the Pioneer IiEAVE FOR PACIFIC COAST presented in Boston, October 15, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. KatlpWomen to be held in Boston, Ocat the National convention. .Mrs. sKowihg of gowns for tober 15-18. They will also stop man, of Los Angejes, California, H. Okun and Mrs,. J. Feldman who spent the past four months at New Tort, Philadelphia, Cothe Ak-Sar-Ben ball in Omaha viBiting their parents, will be the delegates. lumbus, Ohio, and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. Janoff and Mr. Ivill help you to turn a Old Golds are the only cigaMrs. Oknn is at present visiting her sons, Sam and Maurice, in and Mrs. S. Katleman; left Mon- rettes double wrapped in the finday for their home in Los Angorgeous backonroyNew York. moisture - proof Cellophane. geles. They made tne trip by, est That is why they are always fac•cdtyl Creations t h a t motor. tory fresh. RESIDENCE will vie with t h e Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirn have EST H E R E ••-.'.. taken residence at'the Arlington G UMiss Pauline Silverburg Vof Q u e e n ' s own for Manor, 4907 Davenport street. Milwaukee, Wis., Is the1 guest'^of ySwsSv'i-'SS : ; beauty are here for her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. TO ATTEND SPECIALISTS' and Mrs. Phillip Marks. When Cleaned and Blocked MEETING . • • you in gleaming SatDr. Samuel Z. Faier left SunBy Nationally Known ins and Lame's, regal day for New York City to attend Sigma Alpha Mu "GLOVER METHOD" the annual meeting of the. AmerVelvets and Crystals, to ican Academy of Eye, Ear, Nose Sigma Omicron chapter of Sig- Boncle and Throat' Specialists at the'"Wal- ma Alpha Mn broke the Univers- Dresses.—. and the l u x u r i o u s dorf-Astoria Hotel. He will be ity of Nebraska high scholastic away about ten days. beaded crepes. record with a rating of 3.009 for Enroute home he will stop off the highest average of all social In Washington, D. C , to.visit fraternities and sororities for t^ CLEANERS with his sister, Esther Faier. second semester of the last school As Low as $25 KB-1500 year, it was announced this week And Up to $125 AT OHIO STATE by T. J. Thompson, dean of studaughter dent affairs. Miss Bea Sommer, Trtnth Room—Sixth Floor of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sommer, University computations reveatlIT WILL PAY YOU Is 'attending Ohio State Univer- the Sigma Alpha Mu rating to be sity, where' she is a member of over 80%. To Consult the Sigma. V . Dave Bernstein, Omaha, waa MALASHOCK'S selected as head cheer leader for •.<m AT UNIVERSITY OP CHICAGO all university athletic contests When bnjHng Miss Shirley Barlsh leSt far during this school year. He was DIAMONDS Chicago to enter the tlniverBlty of selected by a committee composed WEDDING RINGS Chicago where she will be a Juni- of members of the Innocents Soc- WATCHES - SILVERWARE or.- MiSB Barish previously at- iety. Qualified for his position tended the University of Illinois. as yell king, Bernstein served last and GIFT JEWELBX year as a cheer leader. Bernstein was r>lso appointed Sigma Delta Tau chairman of the student forum "With the opening of a new committee of the Student CounciL house and with the pledging of He is the Corncob representative sixteen new girls, Theta chapter to the rally committee and a memof Sigma Delta Tau has embarked ber of the student union building upon a year which promises to be committee of the Student Council. The KRASNE BEAUTY i Arnold Levin, Rosalie, student successful. SALON president and editor of the • ; GlrlB who have been pledged council Nebraskan, drew lots TuesFeature* are' Gertrude Cauar, Muriel Daily in the lottery for the selec- SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE Frank, Alice Perelman,- Jeanette day of blocs of seats for fraternPolonsky, Pauline Schwartz and tion 50c ities, sororities ana other groups Dorothy Herman of Omaha; Pearl for football games at K-emorial The Zoto* Permanent Wave Meyerson of Council Bluffs; Edith with no machinery and no 'Krasne of Oakland; Hose and Stadium this fall, Levin, member electricity used st 55.50 and (Selma Hill of Lincoln; Elinor of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary • UD. BraTerman and Selma 7veitel of journalism fraternity, has been 716 BranceU Theatre Bldg. Grand Island; Aimabele Emlein named as a number of the censorand Matile Stein of Sioux City; Ing board of Sigma Delta Chi for AT4333 and Ethel Glazer of Kansas City, the Awgwan, college monthly humor publication. a i o . ,'•'" : • • • • ' . • .Officers of the pledge class are Jean Beber, president; Selma Hill, U<ti secretary; and Jeanette Polonsky, rK(M®fr t i .treasurer. ^-Officers of the active chapter are ; I^rances Kalin, presideat; arWe hope you will come to our riett Byron, vice-president; Jo^ : sephine Rubnltz, secretary; MuVreil Krasne, treasurer; anc. Her: mine Kleeman, historian. Hwmm '.'l&iay. girls are participating in extra curricular activities on the campus. Muriel Krasne, who has IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL How will you have been a member of Tassels, girls' pep organization, recently cap^^P^^^^ your velvet wrap FURNITURE WEEK tained the winning team in ticket . . . short? . . . finger sales. Josephine Buhnitz was tip length? . . . or recently elected to membership in OCTOBER 5, S, and 7 this organization. long? Choose ihs Muriel Krasne and Josephine most flattering . . . Rubnitz are also members of Coed Evenings, 7 to 9 p. m. CounseUors, big sister organizaat prices from tion on campus. $25 to "$S9SS Harriett Byron, teachers' college sophomore,' was recently elected reigning qneen of Jobs' Daughters for the city of Lincoln. 1 . According to a recent announcement from the deanB* office SigKow sa Our 2S& Year ma Delta Tau rated fourth in scholarship among all social sororities on campus.




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EEnglish, n g l i s h FFrench, r e n c h BBsvarkn, svarkn C e l Cieclio,

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Moi'Haks, Dresden, e f t . !S0 pefferns i s seise! from, 4&Ss ir; oper, r,i©c!c, from the cn©apecf fig $h& finest, Afi- rt most reeisonebie

p-I-es, md WHEN YOU BFiEAK A PIECE CJJC P'urshssers Eqmoify.Welcome

s i


EXPERIMENT — Giant Douglas flying boat, built at a cost of approximately. $330,000 for experimental purposes, pictured on the beach at Santa Monica, Cal. The plane, being rushed to completion, has a wing spread of 95 feet and is about-75 feet long. With 32 passengers and 1,600 gallons of gasoline, it' will weigh about 28,500 pounds.

EXILES — Pope Pros as he addressed more than 500 exiles from Spain, at Castle Gondolfo, Italy, recently. Most of the exiles were bishops, priests and aims representing various religious orders. They were in rags when they, arrived in Italy, after Seeing from ..Loyalist wrath in Spain. Here they have been clothed and are listening as His Holiness denounces subversive doctrines and the spreading of hate against the Catholic church.



^ f j %-1 >

•1 ,


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BLOOO I X A G — C h a n c e l l o r Adolf H i t l e r of G e r m a n y , center.

bareheaded, shown with the "blood flag" which, he asserted at the recent Nazi congress in Nuremberg, would wave supreme despite Red propaganda or intended invasion. His fiery, militant speech was raade before 180,000 special guards, Storm TTOODS and other corps members during a week of unmeasured denunciation of Bolshevism. ' ' •


• i -,

NEWS FEOM THE FRONT — Rebel headquarters in Burgos,' Spain, not only has set up its own foreign office but it provides news from the front on this kiosk. Here are Rebel'Monarchists; ; reading the latest news from the civil war as posted.

j '^MM!^i n jA»teMiH>iI^t3uuauJ.

SEA HOPPER — Captain James A. Mollison as he. arrived in New York. The famed Scottish flier will attempt to hop the Atlantic in. 17 hours, in late-October.

PREMIER VISITS THE TROOPS—Largo Caballero, Radical Socialist Premier of Spain, visits the Loyalist troops to cheer them up, as the Rebels menaced Madrid. This picture of the Premier, at right, was taken as he and his aides inspected the firing line at Alto del Leon, one of the three points from which the Socialists later fought off the Rebels advancing southward.

•4 •

HOW TO GO BEEP-SEA FSSSIMG—Propelled by-a paddle-and operated like a bicycle, hs^re is how Baraey F I T , Sslierman- • inventor, goes.after ocean denizens near Venice. Cal. He explains his device is capable of ID miles an hour, is.sea-worthy in rough' water and has proved entirely practics' for the deep-sea' angler who likes to move -around a bit, when the 'Ssh seem elsewhere. • :

ACTOR DOES SOME FARMING—What might be termed a unigue argricultural experiment is that one pursued by p:en Maynard, star of the film westerns, who finds a new use for his animal helpers on-his ranch near Hollywood. After months of hard work he has succeeded in training bison, camels water buffalo, elephants and others to plow the fields;. Above, they are shown hard at it.

TO P R E V E N T K I D N A P I N G — A s a n a i d toward naping, Macomb County sheriff's office in Mount h a s fingerprinted more t h a n 400 children. Above, fingerprints K a t h l e e n A m s b y , 4, a n d her brother





- J

i ** »-•

WARRIOR—"Our enemies are /"unceasingly preparing for war," asserted I&ementi E. Voroshilov, Soviet War Commissar, shown above. "They declare most clearly who Is the object of their barbarous intentions. The Soviet Union Is a cataract on the eye of a capitalistic world." he added. He said the Soviet was ready , for.,war, as Iw addressed-the army at the vast military maneuvers at Moscow, and gave asHAHi TO-THE PRINCESS — How crowds in The Hague, The surance Russia would fight any Netherlands, greeted Princess Juliana and her,fiance, Prince invasion. Bemhard zu lippe-Biestenfeld, on their arrival-there.

prei-enting k i d Clemens, Mich^ OfScer O'Grady Bobby, 2VZ.

W S I T E U — Remember J a y B e r waager. All - American back on t h e University of Chicago football t e a m last year? Here h e is o n h i s n e w job a s sports, particularly football, writer o n a Chicago newspaper.


st""-!.' "*T i - i x " \







-;^r . -


liABIBLSNG RABIBLER—He's a member of the Notre Dame football teara, sometimes celled Th» Irish, and his name i s Prank Kopozak, though that hardly suggests the Gaels. He's from Chiccro and he plays right tackle. This unusual picture shows him in training on the field at South Eenfi Jnd. Notre Dame's first game is scheduled for Oct. 3 with Camegis Tesfc at South Bend,

- - t h e Worid :,v :,c. -r;ds will be

• THE JEWISH PBESS,-FEIDAYr OCTOBER 2,19S3 . :. Adele Mayper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayper •was chosen second . . . Esthryn Milder and Rhoda Krasne, a pair of pretty carmers, vere the other contestants . . .

the Jewish Welfare Board . . . watched the clock . . That journalist wh-> har- been the guest speaker" writing on Palestine under the short smiling mar1 pseudonym of Albert Viton either the etage, and rk has a ;win or is just plain cocki tion, began his spppr eyed . . . In an article In The jvals he raised his Nation he says England is betray• ly to a portrait o; ing the Jews in Palestine, end in REMINDING TOC rr.ade reference t" 1 another article in the Christian final week in which to enter American doctor" Tom Kippur Compurisons an electrical application of a AllOfStar Amateur Night on Oc- Century he insists th. Britain is l i d a rouna r Though Y6m Kippur in a day of coating ionized sine to sensitive ec to be,broadcast from not to blame for the Arab riots ; credible as it sou. repentance; abstinence and fast- tissues of the nostrils by a pro- tober 19 the Center auditc. urn send . . . Germany and Russia are callla-fill-in prank ffor ci ing, it "was. not always so consid- cess similar to lectro plating ing each other nasty names, but your entry to Max Baer, Brandeis ! luseh-licur. Afcerv-i ered . . . -we refer you to page 26 permanent immunity is claimed the Soviets are still the best cus< n't remember v:hz 1 of the Tenith Taimud which states from treatment at the beginning Theatre Building . . . The film, timers for Nazi wa : . . . A Lon'The Land of Promise", . . . Wed• ll-cugnt he rciDcie <"•-• in substance: that Yom Kippur of two successive seasons . . . don publisher is readying a swan• Sr.r Mitzvf.ti PTTPwas also a day of sociability and there are over a nu-lion sufferers nesday evening, October 14, at the ky illustrated book on old Eur,'y-ith bits of F.n F "vr a meeting day -wherein the young . . . thus we are a member of the Paramount Theatre . . , opean synagogues which 'will sell •rrd tignlifhted v people met and engaged in danc- "million" class . . . Sam Slutsky, for $100 . . . Cecil Roth, the hisi Even Time Karf" ing and general Jollification . ' . . Krug Park magnate, and the winA. Z. A. NO. 1 torian. Is editing the opu* . . . i turbed about H&rpc E proposals of marriage vere re- some little blonde at the new Wonder whom Walter "Vrinchell I rulity. Hearing t.i - t. ceived . . . i n order to emphasize Music Box at 19th and Capitol meant when he reported that 'the Inaugurating its activities for equality -and give t i e young lad• dialogue in his lev a combination ballroom and the fall term, Mother chapter No. French Casino prettied up one of ies an equal chance to attract nite club j in Quired vb.et.her o the columnists (on its lobby panan atmospheric 1 of A. Z. A. presente* its annual young men . . . dress apparel -was spot for two and foursome i time he has spokrel) because he (tne columnist) exchanged by the various castes Bluma Neveleff sporting.a healthy Achar Hataunis dance at Hotel : No. Once before jf . . . each giving their clothes to California tan and her escort Paxton ballroom, Saturday, Sept. I said it made him look to joosh..' !1 EPboCy ETiSwered . 26. The dance proved to be one ABOUT PEOPLE the caste immediately, below . . ' . ed for s raise. "Jack and Jillin" to of the most successful ever preDon't be surprised u you hear and the lowest giving its clothing a lonesome and lovesickAnswer ', Shooting on ". maiden: sented by A. Z. A. about a wedding involving EdI Kaces" began this v r to the highest '. this -was. a Leon Ferer, affectionately known The major thrill of the even- ward Warburg, son of Felix, and symbol of the equality, solidarity as "Chief", has film producing ing was the presentation of Miss Mary Cushing, a kinswoman of and natural good feeling between ambition in Hollywood . . . ' a n d Ruth Bloch as the new "Sweet- President- Roosevelt Ditto for those -who_ possessed "yihas", to Marvin Treller, "the big fat fel- heart of A. Z. A" Miss Pearl Sir Victor Sassoon, wealthy Lonthose on the bottom rung of the ler", is making preparations to Bernstein, the outgoing "Sweet- don Jewish banker, and Jlinai social.ladder . ... and thus we see join him Mo^eltof to Joe and Keant," presented her with the Patou, elder of the Patou sisters a practice prevalent in the day's Ruth (nee Margolin) Bernstein pin symbolizing this honor. . Estelle M. Sternberger grabwhen the Jews occupied their own ... . -a ten pound baby boy . . . a The next major activity of the bed off ai-other distinction when homeland . . . which would be Hank Greenberg (leading Jewish chapter.wil be the sponsoring^of she became the first of her ESS to ...S frowned upon today . . baseball star) in the making!!! the Annual A. Z. A. daj on Oc- address the Sales Executives . . D r . Herman Faler, son of Mr. tober 18, in ^conjunction with Clubs . .- . Wonder what the repand Mrs. Sam-' Faier, is now an Chapter No. 100. Plans are be- resentatives of the Du Ponts THE SIZZUXG "CHOXIK" £•: A. member of a prominent realty interne at Cedars of Lebanon ing made by the committee head- thought (they were present) concern and his "frau" are re- hospital in Hollywood . . . His ed by Harold Zeiinsky, General when they heard this arch-advojoicing . . . if it is a "briss", a acquaintance with Louise Rainer Chairman, and Morris Arbitmr.n. cate of peace . . . Zvec Scooler rabbi's career is premised for the began when she was being treated The main feature ol the program and Judah Bleich. are directing An-order "for a son has at the Hospital for an infected will be an address by Harry the Yiddish version of the WPA child also-been placed by the prominent throat.. « ' . Miss Ralner's father Friedburg, i<rominent ICansas City production of Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't appen Here." . . . •William . lumber merchant and his mate . . is an Austrian and her mother a Zionist. The young attorney and his Jewess . . . She began her- stage In keeping with the social serv- Zorach is the sculptor of the Ruth Bloch, above, SC2 0 Myrtle' No. 1, at the chapter dance in the i "vibel" are contemplating their career jinder the tutelage of Max ice aspects of the A. Z. A. pro- statue of Benjamin Franklin avenue, was chesen Saturday] Paxton ballroom.—World-Herald! Reinhardt, . . which will stand in the Postmas"first .born" . . # he was a cangram, A. Z. A. "No. I is working didate lor Municipal Judge at the together with Womens Division ter General's reception room in night as the new sweetheart of | Photo, recent election . . . "With apologies WEEKLY RECOGJOTIOX •of the Jewish Com i unity Wel- the new Post Office Building in the Omaha chapter of A. Z. A. i to our .readers- for OUT seeming To the Riklin family, headed by fare Federation, in helping the Washington "Help Tourself," endeavor -to solicit business for Louis Riklin, formerly of the lo- needy of the community by col- the W P A comedy starring Curt mounteds" the best story ! raing pool, a sand pile, and a prithe ^insurance • fraternity through cal Jewish Press, -who have been lecting any old clothes which Bols, Germany's favorite comed- about the Jewish ghaffirs con-; vate play yard for their two the medium of. this column, we receiving the praise of the San may be contributed to this worthy ian before it became Nasiland, is cerns a Litvak who spoke the "sa-I adopted children, Sandra, 2, and mention that twins insurance can Antonio Jewish community . . cause. The Old Clothes commit- nearing a longevity record for sa-sa" kind of Yiddish . On i Ronnie, 1. be purchased at a" reasonably low ,for the interesting New Year's tee headed by Joe Hornstein, are WPA shows Fritz Mahler, a duty with a patrol commanded premium.. .-. consult yonr agent edition of "their Texas Jewish organizing, the chapter to further nephew of Gustav Mahler, the by a British officer, he sot along "What' with 'bank nights, car famous composer, is now con- fine" until the patrol ran into an! .gats, dish nights, and what not, . "Mike Roth, Press . . '. forty pages of well aid this work. for -particulars Morris Arbitman was»elected to ducting an orchestra at the New Arab ambush . . . A the at- ;Mrs _ Frankel accosted a friend at Columbia Film exploiteer, is in a chosen material, which included Thetaa tackers retreated, the officer gave i Mrs/ Sachs, He has bee-i attentive to the chroncling of Jewish activities serve together with Aleph Godol, York Hippodrome daze "little lady in red" and also to a in Texas To Rabbi David Dan Miller as the chapter's repre- Spear Lewisohn, wife of Ludwig, the command "Cease fire!' x haven't seen you h o w a r e y o u ? "clever little girl with bundles Wice ot Temple Israel for his in- sentatives to the Round Table of will be heard by New Yorkers on All the ghaffirs except Haiin \ , th last ocp plate!" October 11th, when she will give Shmarel obeyed . . "He kept right of personality . . . as he terms it teresting sermon which, included Jewish Youth. one of lier charming song recitals on shotting . . . Again the com. . . T h e same Roth is an eques- a description of his recent travels at Town Hall . . . mand "Cease!" rang out, but s t o Eleanor . . e r ; .nWhitney's , t e.a dspeedy . At. toe» .e r trian who has joined the local abroad . . . T o Rabbi Harold Bero o d 8 stead. in ^g-ood SPORT BITS Halm plugged another round of jod ° d hher - AAt , hher colony of riders . . . you will find gor of Vaad who delivered a serstudio actors are not permitted to The bat boy.of the Brooklyn ammunition into his rifle EEQ them-generally on Sunday at the mon, pointedly and with seemcarry .cameras or take pictures of Dodgers is none other than Moe Fairacres. riding academy gallop- ingly good effort . . . To the Finally another Jewish fired Breitbart, nephew of Breitbart, ghaffir undertook 'o translate to the shooting. A studio blue-coat ing-their steeds alonr the bridle Young Peoples Synagogue of the famous strong man » . • Keep him the irate officer's command was hot on her trail, having path »•»> who knows-but-the-con- Vaad which had an attendance'of TOTX SHpTTIi© KNOW your eyes peeled on Red Burraan . , . "I don't understand him," heard that she was carrying s tact .may lead some to the bridal over 100 Judge Nathan D. Perlman, services were concandid cs.isers, about. Hurrying path . . . Aw-main! .... The crack ducted in a dignified and orderly chairman of the administrative as a potential heavyweight cham- Haim complained, speaking in •to her set, siie noted be was o*f Litvak Yiddish . , . '.'He ca.id; He's a protege of Jack manner , . , To Cantor Aaron committee of the American Jewwomen are: riders among the pion for the moment . . called Sally -Morgan, Annette Hurwltz; Edgar and his Beth-EZ trio whose ish Congres3, will be the Repub- Dempsey . . . That pn-Nazi talk S'iss, (Stuss), iia ich hob ges'os- guard to tizs » . ..am: snapped kis pict and Estelle:Gilbert . . .'The men, chanting of the services, were lican for attorney-general of New of-Dean Cromwell, tracfe.coaciL of sea. (geshossea)"., ,-. . -. ture . . . the;-, in a sprint soon "inspiring* ." .~i T i e Yorfc . '^ . Jaffa "MUlerT Republi- ''the * University ol Southern Califsome- of- whom. j?osses3 their own by Seven Arts |out-disiasced him by m a n y ornia, has made many people be(Copyriglit 193 5 can .candidate for governor of members are Lawrence Finkel, steeds, "are:. Te<t Silver, Ed Gil-'lengths. ERIAK ALL bert, Harry Llpsey. Harry Smith baritone, Ida Gitlin, contralto, and New Mexico, has a first name lieve that it really was CromFeature Syndicate.) that- is the same as the name of well's anti-Jewish feeling that * • • and Dave Robinson, (the Pontiac Harriett Bernstein, soprano D-A T'E S I Sirs. Epstein, wife of the boys.) . . . A local columnist known To the dance -committee headed one of. the pioneer Jewish fam- kept Sam S toller and Marty Glickman from running for Uncle praise-Eg-ent, entered a furniture for his sense of humor, squelched by Joe Hornstein of AZA Chapter ilies of his States George TJ. CHANGE ALL store and told the salesman she the successful Achar Harvey, borough president of Sam in the Olympics . . . Barney our ...leading : "rlbber", a young No. 1 P L A N S ! BE wanted a leather chair for her attorney'-. . . during a heated dis- Hataunis dance given last Satur- Queens (New York),, who is a Glazer, sports scribe of th© Los Angeles B'nai B'ritb. Messenger, husband. "Morris?" he asked. cussion; the' gazetteer cupped Ms day eve H E R E $ A TThe sweetheart con- candidate for the Republican guEy HELEN Z2G1I0ND "Xo, Dave," she answered, slightear, and said, "pardon me' did testants all. chaimingr represent- bernatorial nomination, was a informs us. that Lou Meyers, auUCSAY AT f you., say something,-or didn't I atives of our yuunger set . . . member of the American Krusad- tomobile speed king, is not Jewly nettled. Hollywood - - George Burns missanything?" . . . To hay fever Ruth Bloch, the winner, the ers, a Kl Klux Klan affiliate, in ish . .. . What do you say, Irv A. U.I Life beg-ics with the llarses: j sufferers . . . the D 8" percent* suc-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josepli 1 9 2 7 . . . Louis Popkin, dynamic Kupcinet? . . . TJnleas all signs j Grade's mister . . . started his fail, Morris Arnovich, slugging j stage career at the age of twelve. At a downtown auditorium a | cessful _cure treatment consists of Bloch, receiving a grand ovation public relations man, is . in the process o£ arranging. for a long outfielder of the Phillies, will be He was the oldest of four -toy political meeting was in session-] Neither time nor money nor effort is spared in guarding term radio program to present a the Jewish baseball sensation oJ singers who called themselves . > . the chairman ai the "Pee Wee- Quartet." In the the' priceless freshness of-double mellow Old Gold Cigarettes. • number of speakers on the ques- 1937 . . . ( years that followed he played in tion of prejudice, tolerance and PALESTINE NEWS Mitbaph Hapoalim, the Work- hundreds of vaudeville acts with the like . ." . ers' Restaurant in Jerusalem, has j as many partners. He relates that LITERARY NOTES Whoever prex-red the Jewish become the meeting ground in i people used to ask him, not how Theological Seminary's release the Holy City since cuxfe-w •srent the was, hut "who was'his. partner Altaougn there this -vreekt" Thea he met Gracie, quoting Dr. Cyrus Adier as call- nto eflect ing attention to the coincidence are 4,000 curfew passes ia Jer- who had danced in a. . mnsical of the first day of'Rash Hashanah usalem, the streets are deserted show. Since that meeting- George and- Constitution bay; pulled a after 7 p. m., because the priv- has had no other partner. After The. coincidence was ileged passholders gather in ilit- fonr years as a teara, they signed boner between. Rosh Hashanah and the bach. Hapoalim, « . . Kicknaaes two contracts - - one was a .siir 146th anniversary of the adop- ;iven to the Jewish ghaffirs in year ticket for v&ude appear^ U Palestine range from "The King's prices, the other was for life, a tion of. the Constitution . , . The release called it the 148th an- Own Royal Teshiva Bochurs" to '"marriage licensed This week they r T , iiawrence Craner the more resounding "The Royal j became the proud purchasers of a niversary is the new executive secretary of Northwest Meah Shearira Un- j Beverly Hills estate with a swimthe Non-Sectarian A n 11 - N a s i League . . . The late Dr. Aaron If you are consieerlcg: ch&nr^ansr ever to careRobison, executive director of the free, automatic he&t for yoiir hcrae the EB.fect Newark Y. M. H. A., could not firet step is to s:et all the facts from HE aVout get any insurance' because of high blood pressure, but his widow will collect $7,000 from a group A phone c&l! \% all that's Becetsarf ce your insurance policy worked out by part. We will five you a complete picture of yc-cr Installatjcn—a. rvrrej- of your netsclB, costs, tirae KecessBry fe-r instRiiation, extend" ed pajT3E!5t terms if ceeiredi. VHth these facts ia front of you, s. decision it easily mace.


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.'' J. 'L. Flsk:

' General Agent. Pass. Dept. 1418 First Nat'I. Bank Elds. (Jackson 4543)

West fcr

Pullman Surcrisrgs Abolished


Aquila," forracrly Is&aira s.s tlio Haas Bros, store, la Court,, has been rearranged and the varioES tiepsrtnieists For the accessifeility and convenience of custotaert. Picturedl above is the department for betier dresses and coats, which estEuda along t i e Kowsrsl street cisile cf the Aqmls. _, The chatsges ia "The AqEsla fellow closely after t i e aseeisp* tien of A s general Easnajjesscst of tio store hy Jay T. Bacclsaii, who recphtly parclis.sesl half interest ia t i e estaJsHshiaeEt. CosiaoSioas private sales roojas e.ra on the rasla floor, •with large sections Sovoted to "^Tcniesi's end c&Ildrea's apparel. The balcony will be devoted entirely to rest roosas assE a raeetiasr place, -with lassrioms daT«aj»orts and Ssiasjs citairs.





' Pace 8

homeland under, the auspices of tcrically, from the lancied need FRADENEURG. W E B B , BEBER, a member of the Sigma Delta Tau KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, the. Jewish Agency and its twin of the Asiatic Arabs to be numsorority. Attorneys at Law ' instruments, the Palestine Founerically predominant in twentyMr. Margolin attended the Uni£00 Unk>n Siate Bank Bldg. The Jewish National Fund versity of South Dakota and was Oriiaha, Nebraska dation Fund and the Jewish Na- seven twenty sevenths of their doCouncil met Monday evening in graduated from the College of tional Fund. main rather than in twenty-sis NOTICE OF AMENDMENT the Jewish Community Center Law at the University Nebraska. Notice is hereby piven that at a "It is particularly gratifying to twenty-sevenths. (This, of course, with Mr. Barney Baron presidCincinnati, Ohio:—The latest emphasize that from the first of taking the arguments of the in- 1special meeting,' of the stockholders of MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent the Nebraska American Company 'held ing.. The-council meeting" was Mrs. Ben Davidson visited in Jewish baseball player to make 1936 to September 20, a total of surgent Arabs at their face value, • p.t Omaha. Nebraska, on September followed by a tea for Mr. SamSioux City this week with Mr. and good in the Big Leagues is Morris 25,800 Jews settled in Palestine. itself an act of incredible mag- ! 11, 1936. at which all stockholders were present. Article V of its ;Artlcles The choir was reorganized and Krupnick, secretary of $he council Mrs. Abe Davidson, Bellevue Arnovich. He was recently This is a record of immigration nanimity.) • ' I of Incorporation was amended to read held its first rehearsal Tuesday who departed this week for Chi- Apartments, enroute from Fargo, bought by the Philadelphia Na- unequalled by all other countries Therefore -— need f JV need — j as follows: "AUTICL/E V evening at 7:30 in the home of cago. Miss Rose Pill was named North Dakota where she visited tional - . League Club from the in the-world combined. we must be assured that our j The authorized capital stock of Miss Ida Heshelow, 1823 Nebras- Secretary of the Council to suc-with -her daughter Mrs. Sam Hazleton, Pa. team, and is already "The Jewish problem can only need will not be slighted nor its this company shall be $11,000.00, and ka. Hal Buntly is director of the ceed him. of said stock Khali be .common Stern, to her home in New York making good in fast company. be solved by realism. And the satisfaction diminished on any all and of the par value of 510.00 per choir,-.members of which include Arnovich, who is only 20 years City. facts are beyond dispute that Pal- psea, on any ground, at any time. share." Miss Heshelow, Rose Shiloff, Tilold, halls from Sheboygan, Wis- estine is still the only country in Then End only then will we be NEBRASKA AMERICAN COMPANY, A contest among the various lie SENIOR HADASSAH By C. O. Tnlmage. . George• Shindler, consin, where he has been an ac- the world which is prepared for in a position to give the Arab organizations participating in the Jack Shindler, Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohen, 1720 President. Merlin, Harry Kanofsky and tive member of the A. Z. A. B'nai a large-scale Jewish immigration. population of Palestine the single Attest: '-Inter-club' ; council Carnival, has Bernard Jone street, entertained a group The Board of Directors of the Lazriowlch. Charles S. Coneland. B'rith's junior order. In Hazlebeen, inaugurated . to stimulate Senior adassah chapter met Tues- of friends Sunday evening on theton, he rarely missed attending a It is the only country in the assurance to which it has an un- 0-2-3G-4t Secretary. the sale'of the.car 'drawing tickday afternoon with the president occasion of their 26 th wedding B'nai B'rith meeting, although he world where hundred of Jews ar- doubted right — the assurance FRADENBURG. W E B B , BEBER, ets. The organizations selling £he Give Synagogue A buffet supper is too young to join. When Harry rive regularly week after week, that Arab and Jew in Palestine Mrs. W. C. Slotsky to outline plans anniversary. KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, chances .report each Tuesday eveAttorneys at Law ' followed an evening of cards. Mr. Shapiro, National Field Director knowing that they cone ,to a will be as French and German in for the coming season. • : 200 Union State Bank Bldg. home which is their not merely Switzerland. But Britain must ning. The ' organization .'selling Luncheon Today ' The first meeting of the sea-and Mrs. Fred Foreman of Mad- of the Wider Scope Campaign of by historic tradition but by inter- enable us to give that assurance Omaha, Nebraska the most'chances during the "week son will be held on Tuesday, Oc- ison, South Dakota, were among B'nai B'rith, spoke in Hazleton, Mrs. David Wice : of Omaha, tober 27. Previous to that meet- the guests. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT national law and in which they by-making us secure. will be "awarded; a' complete: book Notice is hereby piven that at a recently, Arnovich was In the are determined to live at peace Nebraska, will, be the guest ing however, an extensive memof chances for the raffle. special meeting of the stockholders of audience.' speaker at-the Mount Sinai Temwith all their neighbors." (Copyright 19 36 by Seven Arts Insurance Investors Syndicate held at The Carnival is scheduled for Mrs. A. I. Sacks and daughter bership campaign has been outOmaha, Nebraska, on September 11, When he left the Hazleton -team Feature Syndicate.) November 2 and all the commit- ple luncheon this noon, speaking lined and will be conducted under Rosena departed this week for 1936. at which Bli stockholders were on her recent experiences in Eurto join the Phillies, the entire city present. Article IV of its Articles of tees are becoming more active the leadership of Mrs. H. M. Lev- Denver, Colorado, where they will Incorporation .was . amended to read ope andPalestine. Mrs. Theoof Hazleton voted him the most each week on the work. The Car in and her co-chairmen, Mrs. Solvisit with Mrs. Sack's brother-inas follows: Legal Notice to be"raffled'is being displayed dore N. Lewis: will introduce the Novitsky, Mrs. A. M. Grueskin law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. M. "ART1CLK IV The authorized capital stock of 1 on the streets-of. the Sioux City speaker. Mrs. Lou.'s S. Goldberg and Mrs. Zella Levitan. D.Pass. •• •* IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF this company shall tie $10,000.00, New York (WNS) — Neihter will.preside/ Martin Fischer will business district. DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA and all of said stock shnll be comemigration nor any other single mon and of the par value of $10.00 The advertising committee is present a group of violin solos. Miss Ruth Kutcher, daughter The Service Life Insurance Com- per share." policy can solve the problems c^ B'NAI B'RITH DANCE pany, a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. working, toward the goal of hav- The invocation will be offered by of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutcher, INSURANCE INVESTORS European Jews suffering from Julia Prince and Real Estate ExSYNDICATE ing this year's program the most Mrs." Sol Novitsky. Luncheon 2211 Jackson street, entertained persecution and oppression, font change Building Company, a Corporhostesses will be Mrs. Phil Kalin, By C. O. Talmage. More than 2EL0 couples attend- ja ^roup of school mates and ation-. -Defendant?, lioc. 321. No. 371. complete. : Ad- committees are rePresident. only the "ability of the Jewish Mrs. E. N, Grueskin and Mrs. NOTiCE FOR PUBLICATION ed'the annual B'nai B'rith Yom friends last week at a party,' on porting to their chairmen at the Attest: • •• people to take part in the indus- To Julia Prince and Real Estate ExJoe Levin. .Charles S. Copeland, Kippur dance held last Saturday Community Center , three times a the occasion of her 11th birthday. Building Company, a Corpor- 0-2-36-4t Secretary. trial reconstruction of the world" change ation. Defendants. The Sisterhood sponsor a din- evening in the Martin Hotel. Dr. week. Lord Marley, deputy speaker of You and each of you are notified ner next "Wednesday evening, OcSTATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, Lewis J. Dimsdale was in charge The Service Life insurance ComThe donation committee will the British House of Lords, de- that MANAGEMENT, ETC., OF T H E 7, in the annex of the Tem- of t h e arrangements. pany, plaintiff, has filed its petition J a c k Einiinnninnniiniinnnininfflnffiimnimmnnsnminnninninrnina JEWISH PRESS begin its canvas, next week and tober clared in an address, to a dinner Bpainst you, the object and prayer of ple. Mrs. E.-E. Baron and-Mrs. which is to obtain equitable relief, to the week following admission tic- Max Mushkin are in charge of Reams and his orchestra furnof the American ORT Federation obtain ;d by the Act of Congress of the appointment of a receiver, ished music for the dancing. kets w.iil be distributed. March 3. 1933. • • Lord Marley urged the Jews "to and to foreclose the mortgage dethe arrangements. Proceeds of the dance will go Statement for October 1, m3fi: Pubpursue a policy of the greatest scribed in said petition unon and to lished weekly at Omaha. Nebraska. The Sisterhood will also parti- toward the Jewish Book Shelf in sell to satisfy the indebtedness, judeflexibility" and cautioned them to mer.t and decree in said action, the Editor, Frank A<^ke"man;' publisher cipate with other Sioux.City, wo- the public library. and owner. David marker: known "be ready to seize any opportun- following described property: BX F . B. K. men's organizations in the CitiCommencing at a point on the stockholders, mortgager's and other ity for" betterment that offers it- South line of Harney Street in the security holders, holding one per cent zenship school next. Wednesday.^ City of Omaha as now established. or more of bonds, mortgages Rnd othself." One Hundred Twenty-four (22-O er securities, none. Society News The 'annual Junior Hadassah SUCCOTH SERVICES (Sipnedl DAVID 'BLACKER.:. Settlement of Jews from Po- feet West of -the West line of Keyes membership tea will be held this x Division, in Lot Nine <9). Capitol Pwnrn to and subscribed before me Services for the concluding land and other East European Addition, to the City The marriage of Miss Dorothy of Omaha, run- this 1st day of October. iflSfi. Sunday afternoon, October 4, in by the ning' thence South Ninety-two fi>") Kushner, daughter of Mr. and two-day holiday of Succoth will FRANK R. ACKERMAN. Left to right: Harry Shapiro, countries in Birbidjan the home of Mrs. D.^L. Rodin. thence East Fifty (SO feet: Notary Public. be observed appropriately at the ORT was proposed by Adolpb. feet: Mrs. Joseph Kushner, 1822 Blake National Field Director of B'nai thence North Six (6) feet; thence 2430 "West Solway street, from 3 (Commission expires July 0, 1937.) Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue Held, president of the AmalgaBoulevard, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, West Seven (7) feet: thence North B'rith's Wider Scope Campaign; to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Rodin is one. Eighty-six (S61 feet: thence West to Mr. Edward Pill, of LeMars, at 618 Mynster- Street. Next Mayor R. Alvin Beisel of Hazle- mated Bank, who recently re- along Patronize Our Advertisers said South line of Herney of the three members of the ad- Children who wjsh to Join son Wednesday morning, commencturned from a visit to Birobidjan. Street Forty-three {43) feet to place of Mr. Max Pill of that city, clubs and classes at the Jewish ton and Morris Arnovich. The visory board to the Junior Haof beginning; and the improvements ing at seven o'clock, special HasB. C. Vladeck, president of the is to be held, Sunday, October 4, Mayor is congratulating the Jewth,ereon. dassah, with Mrs. H. R. Rabino- Community Center may still re- in Temple Judah, Cedar Rapids. honah Raba Services vill' be held ish star on being chosen the most ORT, said that neither Palestine Said action- is pending in the Diswitz and Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis. gister at the office of the Center. nor Birobidjan could absorb the trict Cocrt of Douplas County. Neat the synagogue and everyone The ceremony will be held at popular player on the team by the More than 150 .young women Registration began last Sunday braska, and you are required to anmass of needy Jews in Eastern is urged to attend. 5 o'clock. Rabbi David Pollish, Foundries swer said petition on or before the afternoon from 2:30 until . 5 ity of Hazelton. are expected to attend the proEurope and therefore they must 2nd day of November. 1936. "Wednesday evening services of Temple Judah, will perform o'clock. Classes and clubs will gram and tea. 27th and Koitha HA. 5528 The Service Life Insurance Company, will begin at 5:3.0 o'clock at the player on the team. He be helped' to improve their lot By Plaintiff, The program 'will include an be completely organized after' the single ring ceremony • in the synagogue. Thursday, October 8, opular where they are. Lloyd Dort, Its Attorney. E?ass, Bror.Ee fiinminoni. Soft address of -welcome by Miss Dor- the holidays when regular ses- presence of members of the im-the morning services will com- lays left fielS, is a clever base • • -P-25-S6-4t mediate families. itealer, and he led the vbole New Grey Iron end Senii-Sieel Castothy Merlin, president of the sions and meetings will begin. ings. Wood and Metal patterns REED, RAMACCIOTTI & ROBINSON There is still a : need of old The bride is to be given in mar- mence at 8:30 o'clock. The mem- ork - Pennsylvania League in chapter. -Miss R'ose Pill, a past and EPHRAIM L. MARKS, Attys. ?/ORLD'S WINDOW clothing by the Center, and anyriage by her father and will be orial services, "Yiscor," will take home runs and two-base hits. His president, will speak. A group of Standard sizes Bronze a n d iron 912 First Nat'l Bk. "Bldg, at ten o'clock Thursday atting average is better than 300. Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern (Continued from page 1) piano solos will be offered by one having children's or adult's attended by her three sisters. place Rings and Covers. CHeanout Doorg morning. "Simcha Torah" will be Arnovich, w h o ' has attended NOTICE EY PUBLICATION ON Miss: Libbie Olensky and Mrs.clothing that they wish to donate Miss Ruth Kushner will be maidSash Weights, E T C Veltow Brass PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT celebrated Thursday e v e n i n g , ieveral national- A. Z. A. conven- be better some mo*nths hence for is urged to call the Community of-honor; Mrs. A. I. Beechen, of Ferrules, carried In | Plumcers' Herbert Marx will present a.readOF FiNAL ADM!N!STRA. us to consent to this form of supstock. Bronze Tablets, Bronj? «nc with the regular services start;ions, told Shapiro that the '-JewTION ACCOUNT Center or bring the clothing to Sioux City, matron of honor, and ing. Cast iron Grilles E Specialty. In the • County Court of Douglas 1 at five o'clock, and the earry- ish youth movement of B'nai posedly democratic control, while Miss Rose Finsod, social chair- tho Center. The clothing is be-Miss Meretta Kushner, brides- ing County, Nebraska. definitely, by our provisos, safeing of the Scrolls will begin at 'rith, including. A. Z. A. and the In the Matter of the Estate of Harman of the Junior Hadassah is in ing sorted according to sizes and maid. seven o'clock. Everyone is in- Hillel Foundation, deserve the guarding its democratic function- ry S. McDonald, Deceased: 'charge of the arrangements. Tea garments and will be distributed The groom is to be attended vited to attend. All persons interested in said matupport of American Jewry, ad- ing for us. ter are hereby notified that on the hostesses will be tho Misses Sadie to the needy. The greatest need by Mr. Meyer Wolff, of Cherokee, Friday mornins, "the last day ing that he himself had received Of our willingness to be politi- 29th day of September, 1936, Charles Shulkin and Elizabeth Raskin, is for warm clothing for school Iowa, as best man. Mr. Louis McDonald, filed a petition in said of the Holiday, services will be- many Jewish values frota' his cally fair botluat once acd in the E. children. County Court, praying that his fins' past presidents of the chapter. Agranoff,-of Sioux City, and Mr.gin at 8:30 o'clock. long run we must also seek to administration account filed herein be membership in A. Z. A." The Community Center will be David Bernstein of Rock Rapids, settled and allcwefi, and that he b<n closed next Thursday and Friday Iowa, will act as ushers. • • • 3*tA}. 'uiof 0} Suno.t ooj s{convince Britain. Bue we must discharged from his trust as adminisThe Chevra B'nai Yisroel Soconvince Britain. But we nuist trator and tha.t a hearing Tvilt be bar! for the holidays. Immediately following the wed-ciety will hold an important we are robbed of the power of on said petition before said Court cthe £4th day of October, 1P36, and that Simchath Torah services will ding ceremony, a wedding dinner meeting on Sunday afternoon, being fair in the British political if you fail to appear before said Court be held next Thursday evening at will be served at the Hotel Roose- October 4. at three o'clock at the cm -tire saia 24th day of October, 1936 sense so land as, first, there is at S o'clock A. M., and contest sa;i<: Shaare Zion Synagogue, when velt. Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue any danger of the terms of the petition, the Court may grant tho the children of the congregation Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will A reception to all friends will at 618 Mynster Street. The semiMandate being nullified or inter- j prayer of said petition, enter a, decrer will have their annual Torah and speak this evening at the regular be held Sunday evening at the of heirsb-ip, and make sucji other and annual election of officers will preted against us; secondly, so further orders, allowances and deFlag procession in the synagogue. Friday evening service in Mount home of the bride's parents, betake place and all members are long as any policy or effort of crees, as to this Court may seem Cantor Pliskln will chant the Sinai x Temple,'. on his summer ginning at 8 o'clock. j proper, to the end that e.1* matters „•.-•. urged to attend. ours within the terms of the i pertaining to said estate may be firitual, with the choir. <• spent' in New York City. Mandate is sabotaged by antii nail}* settled and determined. New York (JTA* — A record Simchath Tarah? services will Next Friday • evening a special Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reider of Semitic Colonial officials in PalBRTCE CllAWFOFvD. begin at 8 o'clock Friday morn- Simehath Torah service will be Marshalltown, announce the en- The Sisterhood of the Talmud otal in excess of $1,000,000 was estine. In other words, when we 10-2-36-"t County Judge ing. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowltz will held in honor of the giving of a gagement of their daughter Miss Torah have postponed its regular spent for reconstruction activities are secure we will be csore; than speak on appropriate subjects at new Torah to the Temple by Mr. Fay Reider, to Frank Margolin, monthly meeting, scheduled for n Palestine in the sixteen weeks fair; we will be magnanimous. ; next Wednesday, until the follow- from April 1 to July 31 of this both services. and Mrs. I. Miller. . Sioux City attorney and son of- ing Wednesday afternoon, Octo- year, It was announced last •week That we can be supremely magRabbi and Mrs. Rabinowitz enA succah erected in the Temple Mr. and Mrs. H. Margolin, _3 410 ber 14, at the home of Mrs. Sam by Dr. Israel Goldstein, acting nanimous we have illustrated tertained members of the choir was featured In the Succoth ser- Virginia street. They -will wed Sacks, 620 -Roosevelt Avenue. hairman of the United Palestine once and for all by our bearing of the synagogue Monday evening vices this week. Children of thelater this autumn. and our policies during the_past Plans will be made for a Rum- Appeal. in their' home, 2207 McDonald. Religious School participated in The bride-elect, who arrived mage Sale to be held in the near The exact expenditures totalled five months. , Eli Robinow presented the mem- the service. The Succah was de- last week for a visit in the Mar1,007,225, representing the comWe must have Eretz Israel. TTe future. bers with tokens of appreciation corated by the Sisterhood under golin home, attended.the Universbined budgets of various Pales- must have it on both sides of the in behalf of the congregation. the direction of Mrs. E. E. Baron. ity of Iowa for two years and is The Council Bluffs Talmud tine funds. "It was spent in fur-Jordan. It is a question of life Torah Society vill hold an im-nishing settlers with - equipment, or death for the Jewish people. portant meeving next Monday houses anC land, helping to edu-We cannot fight toe barbarous evening, October 5, at eight cate the children, stimulating powers and •--..-principalities of o'clock at the Crevra B'nai Yis- t^arious economic and agricultur- earth. We cannot jump into the roel synagogue at C18 Mynster al projects and caring for Ger-sea. Our need of Eretz • Israel Street. Election of officers will man-Jewish children who have is altogether different in time "A Qoalitj ProSact for take place. All members are een streaming into Palestine. and in eternity., morally and fcisurged to attend this important In Issuing the report Dr. Goldmeeting. tein said: . . Prke Crop tobaccos mate Old Gold Cigarettes Double"The expenditure of more than 'WANTED Cook for chilMellow, and 2 Jackets of Cellophane keep them always factory ; Albert E. Gilinsky of San ne million dollars in Palestine dren's institution. Man fresh. Francisco, California spent the during four months for a wideor wec&n, unir.CErp.bcred. Yom Kippur Holiday visiting at range,. prbgram designed'to, inteCommunicate with Wiili&m the home of his father, Mr. Bar-grate the Jewish immigrant into Cohen, Supt., 3447 W.. ney Gilinski. He maiK the trip by Palestine Is an evidence of the 19th AVJS., Denver. unfaltering ^activity of the Jewish airplane. |U

Morris Arnovich . Makes'.Success"in 'Big-Time' Baseball


Says Emigration Won't Be Solution


Junior Hadassak Membership Tea

J. C. C. Registration To Continue

Shaare Zion

U. P. A. SP $1,00

Mount Sinai


people in rebuilding the Jewish

The Council Bluff Senior Hadassah organized a Cultural Group at the initial meeting held Tuesday evening, September 29, at the home of Mrs. Morris Grossman, 210 West Washington Avenue.


"All-over Seal" a t Bot-

"All-over Sea!", at,Top;, Note that the outer Cellophane' jacket opens at the bottom; this; intakes' on all-over sealed TOP; .free jof^folds,* expqsed_seam$fJ and air crevices.'

tom: Note"thafthe' inner

" ^

Cellophane jacket opens at the TOP; this makes an all-over seal at BOTTOM, free of folds, exposed seams, and air .crevices.,

. Vjsting at the home of Mrs. S. M. Rosenthal at 304 Frank street for over the Holidays were Mrs. Ben Baron and sma.l son, Arnold, of Sioux City, Iowa; Roy Rosentnal of PIpestone, Minnesota, and Mrs. D. Geffin of Denison, Iowa.



America's Sracrfesf —TRESG&7S—

litoE Ncsr . . . Soinctbiiie 'Ortff

Mrs. Jack Steinberg and small daughter, Jeanne, returned home Sunday after spending the holidays In Kansas City, Missouri visiting relatives.

i*reof against any .weather.', Neither; jare^no'unprotected (scams: (on any side of the package., jEaeh jacket covers and re[enforces seams of the other..

Old Sol, with his driest

rays, y , nor the Rain Man,!

'with his moisture, can 'rob Old Golds of their1 fragrance and freshness.

Guests at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Herman Kiause for over the Yom Kippur Holiday were Mr and Mrs. Abe Cohen of Lincoln Nebraska and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan of Denison, Iowa. -

&J Routine, ";ae T ^ h t n sUic"' '



Greece Grants Subsidy Salonlki — The Greek government has appropriated 1,000,000 drachmas ($20,000) for varioui Jewish communal enterprises In Saloniki. The Jewish community was also granted permission to impori flour for making matzoth with out Davment of duties.

., Pf-«-*»f


V'i\ns f /


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