October 16, 1936

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f l H E WORLD'S"? • i1 ...WINDOW...

In Infer*

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" , S ^ 2 n 2 a t ? s MxU1 Matter on January 21. 1921. at of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879


Series "AMATEURNIGHT" ' Education Glasses Begir NextWediv' IS TO BE HELD AT Jy C. Cy,MONDAY


Integration to American Scene To Be Keynote



mpiete n a

In the Jewish Times of • Baltimore a gentleman named C. A. Rubenstein -writes me' \ an open letter. He is a rery angry gentleThe series of c1' . "The adjustment of the Jew man and his letter is very angry. by the Educator"' ? of; to the American scene'' is the That in itself is of small importthe 'Women's* of the ~ j keynote of the program of the ance. Nor is it of any importance L o c a l B'nai B'rith Jewish Community and co- League of Nations Asked t o i t h i n l a n n uai con-'erence of the that I am the ' object fo his atordinating the efforW of all the west central states regional orHelp .Find Solution to Lodge Sponsors tack rather than another. All Jewish women's groups in the city ganization of tbe Council or Jewtiiat is trivial. What is not so J Problem f ill open 'Wednesday afternoon, ish Federations and Welfare Contest .trivial, on account of the ugly October 21, and meet thereafter Funds, scheduled for November Center aDd common processes involved, Be Geneva (JTA) — Poland for- 7 and S in Kansas City. Arthur "Ltmi of Premise" After weeks of planninjfoii the on everv first and third Wednesis.the method of the attack/its mally asked the League of Ka- Brin of Minneapolis, the cam- Shewn for Children Tcirs.th part of the program committee day until April 7. technique, its spirit. One hears 1 tioES last T e e i t 0 and waiting on the part-, of the Ck'sses will"start at one o'rloe : sponsor an inpaign chairman, hopes to enlist The magical Palestinian film, things like that •whispered bein tl-c Mternoon with a desert I t e r n a t i t m a l emigration conference the interest of some fifty partic- "The Land of Promise," will be hind cne'3 back and one wcr-ders entrants, the "Amateur'.Nite" sponsored by the Omahaj Lodge luncheon and continue nntil three m November-to take up proposed ipants in sis meetings dedicated exhibited this coming Sunday Committee chairmen. hpn.\ at the powlbilities of human nasolution of the Jewish problei; to the Federation and its pro- morning st 10:30 a. m. at the arrangement? of B'nal B'rith will be b^d Mono'clock. The course of study fov •;.?•?• «•*;:• ture. Here, now, we have the day, October 19. at 8:15 at the consist of a Discussion of the in Central and Eastern Europe gram, to the methods of raising Circle Theatre, 33rd and Califor- celebration comnieruoi'P.Liuj:: ugly thing in the open. emigration Jewish Community Center. P r e s e t Jewish World Scene and by £ , mass .. " " T : ° a of Jews to money, and to tbe techniques ce- nia. tenth anivrrssry oC ihi: ,''ev The first symptom of this sort Palestlne a n d veloped in the various functional | T Omaha talent of amateur The children of the Talmud Community Center cm", (hr ? !i-'the Historical Background of the «**«• of thing is, of course, on the more The request was made before fields in philanthropy, J standing who are members of the Torch as well as the pupils of the events now taking place. Rabbis superficial side, misquotation and the Second Commission by u u v Lthe K ucation. and in the cultural de- Talmud Torah history and religJewish -community, regardless of Frederick Cohn, David A. Goldp 7, C X T ^ " * " " " " " " " P o l ! s h misrepresentation by the cheap, ,.•„,•„ —A David -n^A H. TT Wice T*r;~. will -,-TI give ^,-= delegation, which suggest- velopment of our people in Amer- ious department and pupils of the ing touches or-. plnns for the a stein, and and simple method of tearing age are eligible to compete. ed the conference he held under ica. Cash prizes of 515, $10 and Temple Israel Sunday School are the lectures. •words and brief phrases out of the auspices of the International George Oppenheimer, chairman urged to attend. Admission will A registration fee of one dollar Labor office. their context and making them So are'to be awarded to the first, By be ten cents ior the p-npiis. : I5r. A. Gree^.bprs:. c*}piTn?n •vrill be charged to cover incidental soy something which in the ori- second and third winners. It followed projection of the of the regional organization, an"The Land ol Promise"' tie-. 8 sr>ecia' committpp for p.nnn expenses. The series will be di- problem before the commission nounces that tbe Kansas Citr ginal text they did not say. So. means.of an applause meter the rer-oried vided into two semesters, the first by Tytus_ Komarnlcki of Poland, cominunity is organizing an el- picts tbe Jewisfc. people rebiviid-' sary memberships, Mr. Rubeiistein quotes isolated audience will be .able to act as shortage oi workers. K e so: judges, the prizes of the evening ficient local committee on entering tbe Jewish, homeland in Pal-j lasting until January 6. The sec"words and phrases, sharper of who declared it was imperative ond semester will open January to find other outlets than Pales-! ^ i n m r e n t , \° p r o T ! d e f . o r t h e b o B S - estine, making the audience 1 feel j however, that those vorVc-"?- v course, on account of that isola- going to those who register the ABXER KAIMAXt;^» fn~ i*<> r^^^-h ^^ r ,,,,„•;„„„ U n S o*. aelegates, ana the neces- as though they were taking EE ;were out mel vi-:b fp-v y^hi.fi 20 and end April 7. tion, and says that in such terms loudest ovation. Two tickets to Master of Ceremonies tine for the Jewish populations i I One of the feature? (>•. {?\<r- < This is the first project of its of Central and Eastern Europe. : sary provision for the meetings actual trip to the Kolr Land. I insulted Jews who are not Zion- the. Orpheum Theater will be v.'ill be a community rritisiy in given to each contestant. which, will be held in the Kuhlekind in the city. All the womsits. Of course I did no such Ask Financiers' "Aid service in vhicl" member? o" baeh Hotel. Joseph. Lipshie of "Ab" Kaimari will occupy the thing. I wrote an article some en's organizations are jointly Warsaw (JTA) — The Polish Omaha pypR,g>i|:uef. vrill i;a~; Minneapolis is chairman of pubweeks ago, as some readers will position of Master of' Ceremonsponsoring this series and every, Foreign Office last week called pate. A-rsngrmrntr: ?~e r.n licity. . remember, on the five children in ies, a role, given new dignity and woman is urged to enroll. Those j foreign financiers to assist O n Tel. Aviv wounded by an Arab status byf the Thursday evening interested are asked to call Mrs. emigration of Jews from Poland In speaking cf tbe keynote cf! bomb. - In connection therewith cavortings of the esteemed MaSam Wolf or the Jewish Con- to countries outside Palestine. ithis year's conference, T«:r. Arthur.! and with a saying of a friend ol jor." mnnity Center. In a statement explaining the B r i n issued the following stste- *" mine which I quoted I fell to The Program Committee of the The committee arranging the declaration of the Polish delega- ment: "lam asking our speakers wondering-about certain Jews Omaha Lodge of B'nal B'rith i lasses consists of: Mrs. Sara tion to the League of Nation on of the wcole conference to chart [ who take no interest of any kind consists of Habbi David A. Gold| Wolf, chairman. Miss Blanche emigration, the Foreign Office in our thinking of 18.3 6 & posi-1 tn their people and its fate.- I stein, Jack Marer, Dr. A. C. Fell- Issues Statement Refuting In- Zimman. Mrs. M. Bnrstein, Mrs. said financiers seeking to ad- t ! T e aproach. During the pest, nn^^^i iyt?Cii> &*&Zlfc A spoke of those "rich and repu- man, Milton R. Frohm, and J. J. Blank, Mrs. J. Goldware, Jlrs. vance their own economic inter- three - years, we have fcad jection of Jewish Issue table and clever and able and Verbin of Fremont. news, in the daily press, of Arthur Goldstein, Mrs. David jests as well as those who are conInto Campaign gifted Jews who are Jewishly inGoldstein, Mrs. David Greenberg, cerned over the problem for sen-j*-he growth of anti-Semitism in active, who keep Jewish news out many parts of the vrorid. Our London (JTA)—SeoflsnrL Tare < '•> O The anti-defamation league of Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky. Mrs. M. jtimental reasons ought to come Eysipathies, of their consciousness", and it is Jewish National emotions, and CUT F. Levenson, and Mrs. Bern to the aid of the Polish Jews. the B'nai Brith has issued the has assigned special scimcs to , -"•• , pi these people whom I analyzed as Jewish emigration is an inter- j generosity have been aroused, by Fund to Sponsor following- statement: Silver. halt Fascist activities in the .lev- l r , — < - n essentially "irreligious men and national problem, tbe statement! all we have heard -and seen cf "In the pending political camTree Campaign is is of them that I said, they who said, which can only be solved by [this growing movement. We need ish Esst End follcvitij: flayi? ot r i • • sporadic attacks in the section. , - , - . - > •r r paign, a wholly false issue has think they are free are "slaves P eLieStllll3.Il F l l f l l , | considering numerous economic now to "draw, from our Jewish Sir> Oswald Hosier, heed o' the ^ \; The local Jewish National Fund been injected; one which would in Mizraim", not we who love our experience throughout the ages •^._7 -^•*• 51 and financial factors, in which people and work for it. I -am Council will sponsor an intensive imply a special interest on the |the Jews must play.an important and from our faith in America glad to Tepeat that observation. campaign for the planting of part of Jewish citizens. This aud in the unbroken progress of It is so true. Well, I was sorrow- trees in Palestine. This is in co- makes imperative the reassestion Palestine alone is not adequate civilization., a definite.hope-in the pi x. ing, as any one could see who had operation, with the world-wide of the principle that Jews are not for Polish Jewry's needs, the For- future." eyes, over the loss of, let us say drive being sponsored by the J. and never have been an organized A large and enthusiastic a a - | e I g n office said, urging that The Council of Jewish Federa Walter Lippman, Waldo Frank, N. F. to replace the trees destroy- political group in America. They dlence witnessed the showing of steps be taken during the coining Elmer Bice to their people. This, ed by the Arabs in their six- affiliate according to- their indi- "The Land of Promise," Palestin- year to-carefully examine all pos- tions and Welfare Fuses is the Interested f c r ' c-i— r » •"• Mr. Rubenstein turns into heap- months campaign of violence and vidual convictions with the var- ian epical movie, at tbe Para- sibilities for colonizing. Jews in national organisation in promoting effective eomnruna ious political parties, and the mount "Wednesday evening. All terrorism in Palestine. • ing insults on non-Zionists. other lands. ' life in America. • • ; ' • According to the plans worked right of; franchise is exercised by proceeds from the film to the | T h e - 6 £ 8 i t e n l e a J . asserted ' that But the angry gentleman's an- out at a Jewish1 National Fund them free from any considera- local Talmud Torah. _,..,; the question should be examined imus is^ better seen in other pas^ Council "meeting Tuesday-evening-y -lions of tlass or group -distiactjoa. ~sage¥nnTiis letter.7 It is symto- at the J. C. C , Omaha is expect- This is true notwithstanding repI with-a visw to or>sninsr *~~ fcr and w o u ^^ d . . . . -r • weli i V jnatic. of him and his kind that all I ed to meet a quota of one thous- resentations of zerlous' political have done credit' to the best lof to the Jews in \ I" tc* j'ntories with 'the aspirations I have written he knows only that and trees. ; £c t —« v advocates to the contrary. tbe American studios. Despite j comparatively "unimportant book "The raising of such issue is the fact that there Tere.no pro-j . P o l a n d h a s E - s k e d t h e It was decided to appeal to all "Up Stream" and not "The Last Jewish organizations to aid in the particularly-unjustified in the ^ fiiscU£sion of Days of Shylock" or "This Peo- campaign, particularly those in- pending campaign because of the fessional acton — the Jew,sh f o r a T raor v • *r people rebuild.ng the homeland ] . The Formal dance sponsored p r o b l e m a t t h e n est ple"; in connection with that he terested in Palestinian work. The unquestioned record of tolerance, formed the cast the Picture, . ^ •. tbe Women's Division of the B e M l o n a n d f o r B p e e d l M t 1 M e c repeats a piece of gossip which is committee in charge of contacting in accord-with the finest tradi. „. „ _„„ . of. practical „ „ „ , ; „ „ , ,results „„,.„ Community Center will bf " " " - ft. : false and then plunges on to the the organizations and working tions of our nation, of" the Pres- was a gripping and emotional .achievement " tr held Saturday night, November c drama, stimulating Jewish pride j ^ ^ ^ ^ £ ' passage he had in mind all along; with them consists of Mrs. Jack idential candidates of the recogEV •"«: - g 1 21, at nine o'clock at tbe Com in the magnificent -work of re-' "It ia not unreasonable to sup- Kaufman and Mrs. M. F. Leven- nized political parties and their munity Center instead of Novemcreation in Palestine. pose that you have gained in your son. complete freedom from any relimg Lecgzs To Be ber 14 as was originally schedul- ! Sir John Simon's replying m ] bration. The movie"in graphic pictures translation to Eretz Israel what gious or racial prejudice." ic an atts-cfe t y Kcr-1 p P U ] GoWMeil, execi-tivp t;iMrs. Isadore Dansky was aped. This is the first formal af- jYorkEhire portrays what a determined peo^ Sponsored'By a hard-bolied world calls material ; bert KorrssoE, leM-ving Lr.br-r j pentor o ' t1>t Cenie--. i-: f-;.,]i?.-lpointed chairman of the National fair to be held under the auspices pie could accomplish in two deadvantage." The poison is out | Party leader, ^ b o heitl him re-jiti^ bip cvww f^cv- vA^t-' n" ihf of the "Women's Division. cades. Everywhere is youth, J. C. €. and the gentleman^ has written Fund gift committee, dealing par- Harry Friedberg lEPonsible for the riots, stated th&l ' celebrntion. lie HTSTPP evor?'f>«ie ticularly with trees as gifts. youth building for the future, An excellent orchestra is be- jnobody_in the country was fit t o | * uttencl te become scquRintews "himself down. Dr. O. Belzer was appointed c Guest Speaker A Bowling league, sponsored looking ahead to brighter days. ing engaged for tbe evening, EPd He aoesn't, you see, know what chairman of the Golden Book and The transformation of Palestine by the Jewish Community Cen- the auditorium, lobby, and lounge ibe dictator. Britain, fce esifi, ie'v-uh Center prfn-itiep. a conviction is nor how it is ar- the Children's: Golden Book. r of "A.. Z. A. Day" from barren hills to humming ter, will meet Tuesday nights at rooms are to be decorated as for v„„o r c-""£ Pccifii Frr rz ? r —c vr rived a t He does not know that actively and fruitful produce is the Ideals Heine said long ago, Harry Friedberg of Kansas little short of miraculous . . and nine o'clock at the Ak-Sar-Ben a gala occasion. -r- r r pfter-the first of Novemtakee us and lashes us into the The entire prcceecs of tbe eveCity, Missouri, -will be the prin- "The Land of Promise" brings Alleys._ . s i x teams a r e entered arena, "whether we like it or not ning will go toward burin? cipal speaker on the Internation- out in full the progress made by b e r This is a handicap, league so stage, equipment, a cj.xiorEina and that .^e could not stop to ^^c i, ^ al A. Z.. A. Day program to -be [Jewish, ability. • that any person, who bowls, no- lights and sets for the stage anc --.- n-~ c ? count gala or loss if we would, With over three hundred tic- held . Sunday afternoon, October Included on the program were ,r !" r t " o <vice or expert, is welcome. . doesn't know that. He doesn't kets already sold,-the fourth ser- IS, 3 p. m., in the Jewish Coma new canvass for the auditoriuir C' -—r-- - T e c r ' < r - - , Esther Leaf Duboff at the organ; know the process even from the ies.-of book reviews to be given munity Center lodge room. Teams are being sponsored byj £ l o o r . Tiig mean the comand Cantor Aaron Edgar in a mu. outside; it has evidently never by Rabbi David A. Goldstein will Mr. Friedberg, a prominent sical medley of traditional He- the Empire Cleaners, Malasaock jpietion of tbe redecorating of the e.i F " happpened.to him. All he can open November 12 at 8:15 sharp Kansas City attorney, is' well Jewelry, National. Auto Parts, I center auditorium that fcas beer v 1 r imagine is life as a counter in a at the Jewish Community Center. known for his deep interest in brew and Jewish melodies. Smith-llobinson Motors, The!carried on nnfier the direction of shop with ideas on the counter Habbi Goldstein will begin his Zionism, and- at the present, time Wardrobe, and Yonseia Motor'the Women's Division. r* ^' / ^,^.^.' r T ^ ' T ^ ^ , ' and you or me the£8 trying to b o o k evenings by reviewing is vice-president - of . the • Zionist In llho's Wbo Clinic. . | Tickets may be obtained frorr "skin" God. That is his notion "Gone With the Wind" by MarAdditional bowlers still have a;the members of-the committee or Organization of America and of how Convictions are. come by. garet Mitchell. Included in the eighteen Oma- chanre to Join "the leEgne. Any-j at tbe Jeirisli'Conmninitr Center chairman of his district. That is-the notion which he at- . On November 16 Rabbi GoldThe afternoon's program, which hans whose names appear in the: one interested wbo can bowl is!for $1.50 per couple, tributes to me and probably to stein will review Arnold Zweig's Dr. jgrs, J. J. Green berg is chairis sponsored jointly "by Sam 1936 edition of America's Young invited to sign up by calling others. novel. 'Education Before Verdun' "* 1 p f i 1 v — - r ~ Men, a new Who's Who for those; David C. Tlatt, Jackson : 6665, or]IIi&-R c f fae jjance conini'ttee fine Beber Chapter No.100 and Well, I am not sorry that one and a play, "Bury the Dead," by under 45, are Dr.'Victor E.'Le-iPatil Goldblatr at Jackson lS66i M l . E - S a m Theodore is co-chairJ'cther Chapter ,No. 1, also inof the whisperers has' written Irwin Shaw. .As his third review* ' =;•"- - T I vJne and Dr. Philip L. Rornonek. i duria? this, coming week. . Iraan. Mrs, Greesbers: r.nd Mrs t - i - t > . r ( V ! i f i : himself down. There are not Rabbi Goldstein will discuss 'Mos- cludes a talk-by Morris . Arbit- ——:———; L , E 1 (.^ -' £ i t t f u iTheocore are slso cbEJrinerj of the many of his kind. There are some cow Skie9* by Maurice Hindus on man, the founder's message, and I Patron's ticket committee. Mrs. J c r r , - < - O ' •» Y 1 (• ( a short, musical- program. . I have seen it in glances, heard December 7. J. Friedman is chairman of the International A. Z. A. Day is After the first of the year there it in intonations . .'; If I had been general ticket sales and Mrs.. Ber able^to choose according to mere will be three-more reviews: Jan- celebrated- throughout the: United Ilazlcvrsky -is co-chsirmETs. K r s States and Canada by every acworld advantage in my time and uary -4, January 20, and Februcountry, I would scarcely have ary 3. Tie books for the last tive chapter in the order... A twoDecorEticns corniEittee zvA ETrs chosen this .cause. I will now three dates will be announced'la- fold purpose is carried out on this , Max day: The rededication of the briefly tell you what my identifi- ter. The fall booklist is as usual r e J : ii- e zr £ r r <^^i - o i t Scholar. S a t o t , ^ M a r - j ^ cation with my people and my . T i c k e t s may be scured from chapter to its ideals and aims; plete with books for readers in- tyr" by Dr. Lonis Piakelstein; !" men. Mrs, Robert Keeper ir embracing Ts-lth -all my heart and either Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky or and the acquaintance of tbe work terested in Jewish subjects' and "Karl Mars, Man and Figiter" t i of AZA -with the public. strength .cf the Zionist cause has Mrs. Mose Tousem. books by Jewish authors. Maurice by Boris Nikolaie\-sky and Otto cfcainnari E.nd Mrs. ArliUir A \-,X C t 1 \ 1 t * ' i. Colm is co-ciiEirniEii of t h e MuActivities of. the chapter and Hindus appears with a novel. Maenclien-Helfen; "Abraham: A done for me. its services toward the commun- "Moscow Skies"; Fannie Hurst's Study of Hebrew Origins" by Sir sic and Program Corrnnittee. It haa isolated me a3 an Amer-1 Other mesabers of the Dance ity during the past-year are in- latest is entitled, "Great Laugh- Leonard Vroolley; and "Hebrew lean man of letters. And it is as committee are KesdaiceE: Miltor spected in order that the chapter ter"; and Siegfried Sasso'oa, mem- Origins" by Theopiule such that I must earn my bread. Abranas', Kas Barish, Dare Blackmay attempt to discover omisSubtly but surely, without open London (WNS) — Numerous sions" and shortcomings. In this ber of a famous Anglo-Persian Meet. er, J. Blank, J. Bramson, ' Davt , — p _ , - , , . „. , Tinkindness, all the old colleagues Jewish family continues his sermembers of the House of ComJicob Zeitlin has brought out i Brodke}-, Morris Eurstein, Dare way A. Z. A. rededicates itself to ies, of semi-autobiographical novand Iriends, with one possible exception,have withdrawn themsel- mons are preparing to support a Benevolence. Brotherly -Love, and els with the. third "Sherston's his third" volume "of lie works o'I Cohn David B. Cola, Frecenc! tbe reknotrned descendant of a! Cohn. Sevmour Cobn, Da-ve Fedves. They simply do not under- measure prohibiting street dem- Harmony^these being the aims Progress." Marrano f aisily, ;"Essays of i er, Charles Fellmac, Leon Fellstand; they count me lost. Hence onstrations of citizens --. wearing of jts sponsoring -lodge, B'nai The.novel that has created the Michel de Koataigne." Fiedler, j m a n, Al I am shut out from helpfulness, private .uniforms. A bill to this B'rith. • greatest furor in literary circles, 'The Yellow Spot," Docu-i F i n k e 1, Dave Go comradeship, a hundred oppor- effect will be introduced as soon The public is cordially invited both Jewish and nou-Jewisii, is mentary Stsfir of the Persecution!, t h u r Goldstein, David Golctunities that come from the fel- as Parliament reconvenes. The proposed law is aimed at to attend," Refreshments -wiir be L J . Singer's story of-'the. risej « b e 'jews in Germany," oricin- istein, I. r . Goodmans-Dave Greenlowship of groups. No book d u b served. o t Fascist C7?r looks at a book of mine. No Sir Oswald Mosley's and-fall of the, industrial-city of!a i ] v published-in 'Easland, BOW i berg, Maynard Greenbcrg, Mar Blackshirts, whose rioting in the editor's mind clicks when he Lodz, "The Brother's Ashkesaz'k" I,mi.lr«»g its appearance in tr-is c o n a - ! E o ' z l a a - n . Clyde Krasae, J. H. Katlfnks of me. "Oh, he's gone so East-End of London has stirred May Organize Afternoon ', Miccael Gold, caustic laft-wingUry. Its-authenticity i s ' a t t e s t e d j ^ i of sky, Irvin Levin, Philip Jewish, you know . . . " My crit- the country . Any doubt that the Class for .Jewish critic . whose "Jews ..Without by s n introduction fcv tbe B i s a c ? j : L e ^ ' J a c t Karer, Leon UencelFascists are determined to proicism, which is of small import; Money". -brought forth mcch| 0 " f Durham. S alo W. Bar«a is\sohnr TFUliara Kilcer. Herbert '' •'. -.' ance, is" occasionally commended. voke violence at any cost was re- IFofcfen . ' angry comment, has a new b o o k l t b ^ ? nth or of a coot, "Jews a r d i X e T c 3 - e " ' H - A - > " ^ = & - - F. Unmoved when a meeting,of the Mr. Jndah Wolfson will organT.iy novels, becatiea, predominantcalled" "Change t h e World." ' I J u d a i s m - a n d Kchsrt Gessner ja==ek, J. Kosen, Phil Kcsecblatt. ly Jewish,irny;"trae life work, are Jewish friendly Society in the ize an afternoon-class for wqraen Alfred Adler, t h e eminent lias written, a' veins?; entitled, I Harry Rnbcnstein, Dare SJxerEast End ended in a riot precipunder the auspices 'of the Coltreated^ with silence - . . In the Viennese psycho-analyst, has! "Some of My Best Friends Ar''! 1 5 ^ 1 1 ' B e 3 " T e r > S a E a Stem, i-»?.rworld of American letters I am itated by Blackshirts- who repeat-" lege-of Jewish studies if a suffi- brought forth another of his ea-jjews." j ry Trustin. Koe TpngFr, Dcric) regarded -with eMll.. respect. I edly interrupted speakers ' -with cient;ntimber are intercstcfl. lightening studies, or special no-j "Other boots cf interest f^jWJce, E. 1, TTifl^sn, PliJ.nen.R shouts of "Mosley, Masiey." might iave hoea a-cross retween Those -who -srould like to :join \ V . I 1 1 > 1 'it! > ""'"iniTDnh, H. A. "'Xolt, Sara Wolf, Several persons /were seriously these classes are .asked to call Mr. ties is the. recently published Jews are scheduled and vdll be Blag a t •biography nf Louis Erandeis. making their appearance tip xmtil and Kisses Helen Merrlt and i 111' Ot ' m r . Thrirsd ai, Oc~ injured,: including a police ser(Continued on page 7) Wolfson, Walnut S755. More scholarly worts include: the Winter lists are released. Blanche . geant.





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'Land of Promise, Is Well Received



Beth-El Book Review Series

Anti-Fascist .Law-; : •'.' in Britain. Planned


Page 2

Fascism in England has no office. Tfcere are not enough As we were saying goodbye, I tablish to perpetuate Irving Thai- j that they attend th-> opening of a chance. On the other hand, if leading: men to go around and the thought to inquire his name. 'Tito berg's memory. Numerous sug-i certain club. Eddip shook hia the present virulent Jew-baiting result ia that stars must be draf- Ruffo', he replied. That meant geetions roll in. The two best, head lie didn't feel like a is permitted to continue it is not ted to fill the gaps. nothing to me uitil the next in our opinion, are . . . en en-night chib. "Then let's, go to the impossible that Fascism will soon He says: "I don't know why night, when Mrs. iellman drag- dowed chair at the University o f j p r e r n j e r e o f •sWing-Time' ", become a political force to be handsome young fellows no long- ged me to the opera, and there as California for the teaching of mo- brightened his wife. Eddie negareckoned-with. Upon the pre- er seek a career in motion pic- big as life, was my singing com- tion picture production . . . or, jt { v e d t h e idea. With wifely insent British government rests the tures, but it is a fact that they panion of the night before, star- an extensive research library, es- J tuition Ida remprkecS, "Let's just responsibility of avoiding the fa- do not. If you will look in the ring in a famous opera. Ke seeia- tablishefi in the Thalberg bunga- ]r j r ] e p r c , , n ( i to all the gas statal error of the German Republic. ranks of young civil engineers, ed to be in better voice that night low on the M. G. M. lot, and ac- ;U o n s RI1(j i o o k R t your pictures!" professional men, business men, than the previous one." cessible to the entire film indus- (All Texaco stations are hung (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts salesmen and brokers, you will Sam is pounding his typewriter tr y. with life-sized Cr.ntor portraits, find the fellows who might aave Et the 20th century scenario dept. Feature Syndicate.) exploiting his radio programs.) come to the rescue but chose othDid you knew how the famous The recent riot in London's a Jew, as athletic trainer for theof Blackshirtism. Protests In the er .fields instead. Now is the gold- (Copyright 1936 by Sexven Arts Roxy came by his name? Origin-j East End focused world atten- Blackshirt strong-ariu squads. House of Commons, petitions conen opportunity for TALENTED ally it was Samuel Lionel Rothap- j Signing Off. Feature Syndicate. tion on the blackshirted Fascists taining hundreds of, thousands of young men as the various studios fel. Then he went from the Ernal- \ • About 1933 England's press of England. It was another eviBy IJQVIS PEKAESKY signatures, the warnings of statesare willing to raake screen tests ler Rivoli to the management of > (Copyright 1936, Jewish Telegra dence that Sir Oswald'Mosley's lords, Beaverbrook and Rother- men and churchmen seem to have COTJBT TO RUMS OX more than ever btJore." Cukor, phic Agency, Inc.) the swank Capitol. Ke dropped Je,w-baiters have g r a d u a t e d mere, decided that England was no effect. The torrent of Fascist however, emphasizes that he Whether the .showing of a moripe for Fascism, and they unthe apple ("rpfel") part . . . befrom Streicher's N m e m b erg abuse and unchecked Violence is tion picture in the United States would not for a moment advise came Rothafel. But soon everyschool and have l a u n c h e d a leashed their Journalistic batteries still growing. can be stopped because it por- young men to spurn other purin support of Mosl6y. They poured ©y HELEN SIGBfOND one was calling him "Koxy," his FfAIEKEMT OF JEWISH "practical post graduate coarse" The recent riot in London, when trays certain types of attorneys suits Just for the sake of trying wife's pet name for him. lie liked HOSPITAL LABOR SPY for their numerous pupils in money into his coffers and built a demonstration of Fascists in the as "fixers" and certain courts as to crash the movie studios since him up into a national figure, hopit, always meant to adopt it legalHollywood — Our film firmaGreat Britain. • . talent, after all, is a rare quality ing that his movement would ^row East End was prohibted at the last "corrupt m a y b e determined ment grows brighter . . . three ly, but never got around to it. ToCan it happen in England? to a point where they could be- moment, was the bloodiest Black- shortly by United States District indeed. day "Rosy" ado-ns gardes, laun- j Brooklyn (WN'S)—An "investlnew light are "flickering": That is the question Mr. Jonas' come the real dictators Of England. shirt effort. The route selected Judge Leon Yankwich of Los An- BUSINESS IS GOOD Phyllis Dobson . . . hailed ss tiries, markets, shops of all kinds : gator," and not a "labor spy," was discusses in this timely and Thanks to their support Fascism would have taken the Fascists geles. Judge Yankwich had be- This country might be going to frank analysis of Fascism in gained an impressive following and through the heart of the crowded fore him ihis week the superior the dogs as far as seme politi- a "discovery" . . . signed up . . . which found it a convenient, per- hired by the Jewish hospital here England EDITOR seemed on the verge of becoming Jewish quarter. They hoped that court case-in which Attorney Max cans are concerned, but reports and with the same company taps glamourous, name for their to "clear up dishonesty and diswhich had her on the dotted line businesses. I loyalty" among the hospital ema political factor. Mosley announc- the Jews would be provoked to H. Gilford seeks a permanent in- from Hollywood film studios in- once before — as Phyllis Ludi plO3"ees, Nathan S. Jonas, presiThose who ha 'e been shrugging ed that he would enter a list of violence. The outpouring of 100,- junction against the showing of dicate very definitely that 1936 wig. She is the sister of Director Phil and Julius Epstein are a : d e n t o f t h e institution, told a 000 anti-Facists w: o blocked every "The Law in Her Hands." The candidates for the general Parliais one of the greatest expansion their shoulders at the development East End street, and the twelfth- case wr.a transferred to Federal years in history of the Industry. Edward Ludwig . . . and was unique combination — they are I meeting of its employees, , of Fascism and a militant anti- mentary election. ninner-up in the Miss America twin - brother - playwruing-co!la-! He added that the hospital Semitism in Great Britain received Rumors that important finan- hour decision of the police to bancourt on the grounds that the de-Warner Bros. Btudloa, alone have contest. borators. Their first play, "4.nd would veixiLf to recognize the a rude shock when 'even the cial and industrial Interest had the demonstration, prevented a fendants, Warner Bros. Pictures, invested $2,000,000 in property Stars Remain," is produced by ! Hospital Employees' Union, would Sam Levine, stage comic imserious riot. But the very fact that First National Studios and Vitaand construction during the past American newspapers d e v o t e d been attracted to the. movement the New York Theatre Guild . . . : discharge any striking employees ported, from New York, made a bloodshed was so narrowly averted phone Corp., are out-of-state cor- year and erected 13 new sound front page attention and editorial gained currency. As early as 1934 fair to be a hit. Its dia- i and could not meet demands for stages. This week the expansion great hit in the Bcreecization of augurs comment to the latest doings of the House of Lords heard one of has served notice on Great Britain porations. logue, says the critics, it compar-ja pay increase. "Three Men on a Horse" . . . was that Fascism and anti-Semitism of motion picture s'udlo plants England's Blackshirts. It may be its members chtrge that wealthy I/ASKY VISIONS BATTLE OF I The hiring of the "investlgaand properties continued its brisk called back for a role In "After able to Noel Coward's. alarmist to say that England is Englishmen were backing Mosley. are no longer academic questions, GOLD the Thin Man." I tor" by the hospital from a etrikepace "With the pur**-a»e by Wartaking the joad that lears to Hit-The Home Secretary . announced but real problems that must be A rose-colored picture of what Teddy Hart, also of the "Three 'Round the Town: Chico Marx j breaking and labor spy company ner Bros, of 30 additional acres lerism, but there is no denying that he was considering a ban on dealt with. the future holds fox actors in I.en" company, favorably impres- called the ponce to Quiet a bark- • was revealed recently by the Lathat the situation there Is.to say the wearing of: political uniforms Critics of the British govern- Hollywood was painted yesterday for its First National studios in sed filmoguls . . . had his con-ing dog which kept him from \ Follette Senate Investigating Burbank. Calif. Although the new the least, disturbing. and adriitted being aware that out- ment complain that the Boldwin by Jesse L. Lasky, veteran film tract renewed. He is the brother sleeping. The blue-coats came i Committee. land, costing $50,000, will sot be There,are half a dozen Fascist side interests were aiding Mosley. Cabinet is pussyfooting on this is- prooducer, who said movie stuutilized immediately it eventually of Lorez Hart, well-known tune- and found tbe annoyer was and tati'-Semitic groups in EngAnd then, when Fascism seem- sue . and thus encouraging the dios in England were starting a will house new studio buildings smith. Chico'e own hound: Director land. The mogT active are Sir Os-ed to be on-the_upgrade, internal Blackshirts. The alarm of Brit- battle of- gold for the services of Patronize Our Advertisers Louis Friedlander shared his under the company's program of wald Mosley's British Union of dissension, the endden cooling of ish Jewry is understandable in the established stars. Lasky In London, critics are undecid- came . . , legally becomes X>evr | development. At 20th CenturyEvery package of Old Gold CigFascists and' the Iinporial Fascists, interest on the part of Beaver- face of a situation that seems a Just returned from England. He ed as to the merits of the ElisLtd. Both are and have'been en- brook and Rothermere and Mos-replica of events in Germany. The is considering an offer to pro- Fox studios several Bound stage., abeth Bergner film, "As You Like Landers . . . Aben Handel's "City arettes is wrapped in Double Celgaged in a violent campaign of in- ley's own incompetence contribut- German Republic also treated the duce films for a studio on the and' an imposing administration It," directed by her husband, of Conquest" bids fair to be a lophane - - two jackets of Cellotimidation, vilification and insult ed to a decline in the movement Nazis with kid gloves: and while latter country. He said that pro- building h-vti been constructed. Paul Czinner. On*, succinct opin- sensation . . . cinemabobs r.re glv- j ^ ^ - - mois moisture proof - - the of British Jewry. Both are using But-this setback was only tem- it was sticking to the letter and duction facilities around London RKO has increased its sound ion was that the picture "had and it consideration. Edward jh i g : h e R t q U 8 ut r . ' to good effect rabble rousing and porary. Mosley was looking for' an spirit of democracy the Nazis were are equal to those in Hollywood. buildings and office structures. In been more Czinnered against than Robinson irae offered thirty thou i sand dollars for his "Daughters ' demagogic propaganda techniques issue on which he could rally the undermining that democracy Itself. Lasky said that . English studios fact, hundred of thousands of dol- Czinning." lars have Toae into the modernof the Revolution" painting . . . j that have proved so effective in British masses.- After a number of Serious as things seem to be, were ready to begin competitive refused. Wedding of interest tn i Germany and Italy. Both are con- visits to -Germany, where he drew unbiased political observers in bidding for cinema actors who ization and expansion plan of all major Hollywood studios. The other nig.ht Herman Bing Movieto-wn was that of Ruth \ DEALER IN centrating on the Jews. inspiration from conferences with London insist that Mosley is mak- draw at the box office and would HIS PKOTOEST BOASTS was assualted by a, mob of auto- Alice Selsnicfe to Edward A. liar-1 raise the salaries of good players Streicher, he finally dropped • all ing little or no headway. They Twice in the past year the Fasris . . . Rabbi Pvlagrin performed j Jewish Books and All grafiends. In the crrsh he nocist and anti-Semitic activities pretense and adopted Jew-baiting point to his inability ot elect a sin- to new high levels.- The prices One of the jroudest boasts of ticed a little fellow vainly trying the nupitals Et the Studio Club, j Other Religious Articles have been the subject of a debate as- his chief weapon.. From that gle member to the House of Com- they are ready to pay for talent Sam Eellmaa, houmorous short to reach him. He edged over Producer Sam Briskin announces 2428 Decatur WE-3527 In the House of Commons. Street time on, it must be admitted the mons, and cite the militant oppo- in England will enable them to story and scenario writer, is the to him and kindly asked, "Which that he wishes to join the Alphariots precipitated by Blackshirts, movement rapidly gained follow- sition of labor and the church and attract some of this country's time he taught a world famous would you rather have, son mybetizers . . . he wants to be known Religious articles like m«ch. best actors, he. claims. the almost unanimous enmity of inciting speeches from scores of ers. ' baritone to "sins." It happened signature or a penny?" '"Penny," &t "S. J." . . .other well-known zeirim with Jewish and Engliih translations, prayer books, t»lthe press. On the other hand, anplatforms, open.appeals to violence when Hellman was a resident in was the unhesitating reply. And Letter Men are "C. B." (DeMille) COWAN'S SERVICES Ef Since 1935 England Is aware eissm, silk and wool of the beH attacks on Jews in London's East that, Fascism and anti-Semitism ti-Semitic propaganda is reaching DEMAND • Paris. rinos. etc. "B. P." (Schulberg), and "F. D. Bing ponders the brevity of facie. End, a steady flow of Streicher- have reached alarming propor- increased intensity. Fascist clashR." Remeniber also to place your Jerome Cowan is all excited ' Here's Hellman's story: "I was literatnre — these are the outward tions.5 To any. one who has kept es with police are an almost every- about his career in the movies. making order with me for an earog and rounds of several favorite Last week Joe Penner attended a lulov that is being Imported day occurence. Here and there an manifestations of an increasingly in touch with the situation it is He wants to become established by me from Eretz-lsrael. celebrating something or the Pomona County Fair. A group When Eddie Cantor came home serious development that is begin- apparent that anti-Semitic propa- occasional Blackshirt is fined or as film actor, but' offers in the spots As the evening went on, of feminine fans spied him . . . the other night, Ida suggested ' ning, to alarm British Jewish lea- ganda in England is now approach- hauled off to prison. Arnold Leese, past week from New York stage Iother. felt the desire to sing. I am literally ehreddeu him. They editor of the. Fascist, is serving ders. ing the status it held in Germany show producers are providing probably the world's worst singer, snatched his tie, hat, gloves, Three years ago Fascism and a few years before Hitler came in- a jail 'rentence for libelling the great temptation. Cowan was arid ordinarily can't carry a tune handkerchief shirt. All they left anti-Semitism in England were to power. In every city meetings Jews. But the Jews remember starring in Spewacks' "Boy Meets in a bucket. However, I was him, says Joe, was his sense of treated with that most potent wea- are being held daily at which that Goebbels, Frick, Hitler and Girl" on Broadway before Samuel crooning my favorite ballad, one humor. pon in British politics — ridicule. schooled agitators mouth libels other Nazis also were in jail be- Goldwyn secured his services for I picked up from the native crew Few Britons saw any compellng ev- against the Jews. Responsible fore 1933. motion pictures. on an bana boat in the Baha- \ Cineraslitea are discussing what idence of the growth of the Fas- spokesmen, for Mosley's organizamas some years ago, over my monument they shall erect or esOpinion In England today, is MEN WANTED •k Where Omaha Shops with Confidence cist spirit. The practical-minded tion declare": "We pledge ourselves that "it can't happen" there. Per- One ' of Hollywood's leading glass of milk. A stranger came up leaders of the Labor Party, how- to rid this country of the Jews." haps not. It won't happen if the film directors, George Cukor, to the counter. ever, recognized the menace and Fascist literature reprints the British government acts swiftly says that the film capital of "I like that son. Will you teach urged their followers to act to blood KbeL myth and-carries on an and decisively to nip the present America is faced with a shortage me the words?" he said. Being REUT prevent Fascism from gaining a open campaign against the JewB. agitation before it is too late. of leading men. "New faces among an obliging person, I said I Cheerful room for coupla foothold. Even a few Jewish An organized anti-Jewish boycott Mosley and his followers chal- men actors are conspicuous by would, and patiently taught him spokesmen felt it was not impos- and a movement to prevent domes- lenged the government by their their absence, he points out Cu-the words and an approximation or individual. 1815 Maple sible for anti-Semitism to spread tic servants from working -for End demonstration. The next kor says male stare are being of the tune. We Joined forces Street, Apt. 3. Webster to England. Jews are^being, gushed. Hatred move is up to the government. teamed with female stars because and continued our tour of the 1859. The early efforts of Mosley and of'the. Jew,-is being spread from If It shows that it will not toler- of necessity, not because of box-' boulevards, singing our gay tune. his ilk to win converts for Fascism mouth to mouth by an army. of ate violence and propaganda dein England met with seemingly fa-' ^propagandists.'. Thi , anti-Jewish signed to set one group of the tal obstacles. His program, was leaflets and pamphlets that are population against another, then too vague to attract adherents. flooding Britain are on a par with England was too conservative to anything produced by Nuremberg's CFI plan may Interest youl go for alienisms; and object les— hate factories. . In London's East The Small monthly payments . . . InEnd the Jewish population is suf' son of Italy and Germany was unttead of ona single premium. BUY INSURANCE T H 6 comfortably close to the British fering from sporadic anti-Semitic CONVENIENT WAY violence. On every score the Faspeople. For over a year the BlackIf Interested, eail ' shirt movement languished; at one cists emulate the Hitlerite tactics. MASK LEON time It even appeared doomed to Of course these developments Every type of Insurance Written an early death. In those • days have not gone unchallenged. Pain21 strong Companies Mosley's organization and •Mosley fully aware of what happened in AT 7687 WA 8160 himself continued to deny that Germany in 1931 rnd 1932, BritBritish. Fascism vtaJ ipso facto ish Jewry has organized an antianti-Semitic, and Mosley even defamation campaign. In the East nam;d Tod "Kid" Lewis, former End of London the Jews have set welterweight boxing champion and up a.self-defense organization. A non-sectarian movement called the M l HE Socfftef JKnekii el * • KrtfBpefitaa process. Tbm l$U ndacfiea W 5c par LfM caste of the Blue and White * OOhlM. DUWet S«. pfooawl to state, fed fcw! was swd* la aafidpaSo* «4 * • g«aiaaW«d KLAVER IN UNICAMERAL Legion Shirts has come into being to deBuwMlv •u»iac;i tecltoedL by &• us* el eccaessj- by sea ef Rcfcsrtd Gas lastaad ef vas fend the Jews against. Fascist RACE G«B •*„•« Manufacturing process. n * cr» ©a £ total rcdaeflea ef 10c par 1.000 coble fact cil» hoodlums and to counteract Fas•O>,,0UfeOBBOa> OBOBWT, WlwB6flBfl<O T O G S C M G S EJCT eew be <&ac£r otMbeted to the w e ef cist lies wherever possible. The Featuring Democrats a n d Republicans MkM far Okaoha. This b CM> ciM«a& police have been instructed alike are forgetting party fronts London S T * radncfiott steea Cs» dSy eegssSrsd Cio to afford increased protection to a Group to unite in approval of Sam KTav- merchants and residents in the C» sew test c5 SQc per 1.CC3 cable feet phot am 1120. I k t i m r K t i t c h a j b b er, candidate from the sixth dis- Jewish quarter. But none1 of these te esdaSst e« &• t2ra« « • eO «a« coaeeia«d eitet JszacciT 1. 1S37. in Elephant trict for the tmicameral legisla- things have stemmed the march fos $st p'ssi. T&« rs& c£ XHSUBEO OABB ture. ' Essie trca $1.15 peri,CC3 cable is@! set. ?hc ,pps«=i=c-s^, S11D.CS3 trS Skin and . In basing his campaign largely la xssssa cf csi., Cosssaeseast npon the principle of adequate Cact "Seller GCT" eeoli fe« TwUI Crepes ha oi pensions for the needy aged, beta tea- SSe ts tOe jp» bfis boa soc6tar#Q Klaver la proving his worth as a • at • candidate for a new-type legislatata Is £» Dstaed 'teies far m t ftec Thlm ture, where there will be not even BOTT slosh la rates «£*•* Oachg siffl b fee (•esBcTiete isdsc&sa msd» standing room for old political « M «t KatBNd Ge> ia CM s c a e spellbinders with their empty

By Bertram Jonas

Our Film Folk





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perhaps were uttered only in thepress polemics of "this sort, or I an . . „ Rene Blum, brother of. ; Cantor In B. twUfroaT por>u! v r»heat of combat, have caused BO aiore or less erroneous interpretPreirier X_.epB Blnm of FrrncR. w little concern in Jewish circles in ations of events, could ca/aSe it to a successful theatrical impresario j?OKF PV^AKTHTJvXT Italy. We believe it would be deviate from the course it has . . . "A Greater Promise" is thej To Abf Pefral o? the C.rr,r well it oflicial . Italian circles, recognized as correct and just. ! title of the new Soviet picture or. ; Israelite we are ir»iebte<*T*~ which alone bear the responsib- And... in. agreement with the deiBirobidjan . . . Kememberinp follovir;^:: A -witty Triph nipi ity here, were to tpeak out, toclaration of ..the president of the I "The Land of Promise" as the of the Cincinnati Post Btpr; r put an end to a most unpleasant Union* of Italian Jewish Communi title of the recent Palestine film, a. Jewish co'leag-ue: "\V!io i«discussion i.nd restore the proper ities, we would give utterance to | we wonder whether Eirobidjan ; international president oC } light on these matters. The of-the opinion "that for this the out-l j the'Eenrice Life In I picture's title is supposed to he &JBritfc?1'. . . . "Alfred M. .'.M EtanSing and truly humane perficial government course i Italy OosEpasy, Oiaalia subtle knock . . . Huge Weist-all i ^as tho answer . . . "IV as has repeatedly been recognized sonality of Mussolini alone stands a ne-ph^v of Jleyer Weis^cJ, U\P : coniiuei'uea «.ho irlsli * I^ in these columns —has kept aloof as a ' sufficient and confidence-in- "Would you be vailing to turn producer of "The Eternal P.oafi," "the Jevs are getting i ; f spiring, guarantee. your business over to a stranger from anti-Semitism. Fascism has is ooft'.iuctinr &n orchestra, in 13;.'1- i where, aren't thry?"' . . , By, Our Koine Correspondent present struggle within Palestine heads of the Jewish communities not anti-Semitic inclinations, and {Copyright 193G By Seven Arts tomorrow, someone you bad nevI fjKore . . . 5Jrvie fans vrhr llkf" er seen before and trust him tojAi-E Preston ('Shaindpi KnHsh icXbe Rome Correspondent of has absolutely nothing to do vjitb of Milan and Rome, Signore Fed- we would not like to assume that.i Feature Syndicate.) run it for you?" That is virtually ] you i v.uil nnw read arnout her (Copyright 1TS6 by Sevo tho Seven Arttv Fjeature Syndi- Italy.' Only the Abyssinian war edico Jaraeh and L. Ravenna, Feature Kvistlionte. what your wife will have to do !EE Judith Plake, say? Do;. Osvis i cate and The Jewish Press here and the resultant disturbance of made lengthy declarations. That some day when she sells that Tin the Change sentinel . . . And explains the present status of the East Mediterranean equilibri- of Signor Jarach read, in part: business for a small cash, pay- j Natalie ISr danskaya Cancel Sick Dene' *.r (formerly the. Jewish problem in Italy, um brought about an, Anglo-Ital-: 'The Jews of Italy unhesitantly ment and hopes for the payment Bfriii- — A rmmber o.C > - •• T i 11 i e Fiebush), J2etroi>oli'ir-.n where the situation may- . a t ian conflict,; in. which Zionism is give the first place in their hearts »••» of the balance cat of the profits Opera soprano, has chance;- iier iusr.rrr.ce comnanic-n DBV- .' times appear threatening to neither directly -nor indirectly, in- to patriotic feelings and to their the stranger will make on the j monicker tc Bodanya in order to j fiet! 3ev policy hokie outsiders. EDITOR terested.. For the sake of the up-devotion to h*im who saved their By PHUffiAS J. BIROH j business. i avoid confusion with Ina Bour- they had cancelled Ui~-i building of Palestine it.it the sole fatherland from the perils of disstudy of the Bible which is said "Would you be willing to bring i staya . . . Members of the T. ]\I. Rome:—Recent political events desire of Zionism to maintain order and socia. upheaval. The THIS AXD THAT of Terre to be based on a secret code dis in a man tomorrow, no matter ; C. A. rave first place to Eddie j No reason VRE civ en peace and ;. friendship with ~ allItalian Jews — or, rather, the at Geneva and the renewed tenPolice Chief Yates ; action. Sen- how good or experienced tie sion : o l ; Anglo-Italian relations in lands bordering on the Mediter- Jewish Italians — regard Juda- Haute, who threw Karl Browder, covered in Jerusalem Jommunist candidate for Presimight be, and then trust him ranean. And it is high time that ator Benjamin Berman of Cincinism as a religion that concerns the. East "Mediterranean "region bacause of the dispatching of ad- Italy realized this and all its im- their conscience and their rela- dent, into jail, got a cable of con- | nati is not th only amateur without a word of advice from If painter who. takes his work ser- you to make the same profits out ditional. British troops to Pales- plications. Then such articles as tionship to God. They cannot even gratulations from Hitler : r- U:" er^si tine have brought the Jewish that of SignoT Pistillo • would be understand the possibility of con- you were skeptical when we told iously . . . We discovered that Al- of your business that you have fred .Strelsin, the advertising wizbeen making?" That is exactly you here a couple of weeks ago problem into tho foreground in impossible in a respected Italian fusing their religion with any polItaly.' While actual anti-Semit- journal"— even though the East itical course conflicting with or that William Fox and Warner ard of New Tork, Milwaukee and what yonr wife may have to do DiDYA K ism does not exist in Italy, and Mediterranean tension and the re-even slightly deviating from the were among the owners of the other' parts, is assiruoi^sly study- some d-y. New Tork Post ease your doubts j ing the a n of pa'.nting firm none cent British military preparations aims that .are in harmony with "Would you be willing to put although official Italian governmem-circles maintain an unim- in that .region mate a certain the ideals and interests of our by reading the circulation and other than the son cf Sholeni your business tomorrow into the ii BY r peachable attitude toward the nervousness and concern on thegreat common fatherland, Italy." ownership statement of the Post - Aleichom, Norman Raeben . . . control of your creditors, the jobTHEN I'srr bers and the wholesalers, and to Jews, certain jievspapers and part of Italy easy to understand. The president of the Union of . When the name Hitler Js called CABLE DEPARTMENT. The tense and complex political Italian J e wi s h Communities, in New York's 71st Regiment a The. German rinee who is en-trust their opinion absolutely as periodicals do from time to time strike a violently anti-Semitic situation, of iltaly has :not failed Comm. Ravenna, also made an Jewish sergeant answers 'present' gaged to marry Princes, Juliana, to the "best method, of taking care And he's "not Joking — it's heiress to the throne of Holland, of your business?" note which makes for bad blood to affect Jewish life in Italy it- impressive and convincing refuand may eventually do serious self. While there has not been tation of the charge that Italian his real name The latest cry of That is exactly what you are DIDYA K?^ Bernard M. is a Nazi 'harm. Close obs^-vers have noted thus far any official -or really or- Jews in any way conspired with Bafuch is not seeing his doctor European ant:-Se ites is that asking your wife to t o some day. HAVE OVER that in recent" years sucl.^ anti- anized: anti-Semitism in Italy, foreign Jewish groups against for fun . France _aa to wait for Tom Kip-unless you leave her enough reaHe's really sick Semitic campaigns in the Italian recent weeks have seen a syste- Fascism. He added that it wasSpectators at Manhattan College pur before going off : the golc. dy cash, at least, to cover the press invariably begin when, • in matic anti-Jewish campaign in very painful for Italian Jewry to (New York) games were worried^ standard because .'^t's the only amounts which you owe. .'' f'«•" \" " M Geneva or elsewhere, difficulties the paper Regime Fascista, a be required to make protestations when they hear the crowd sing day when the "international Je.. arise in Italian foreign relations, campaign which has attracted of its loyalty to Italy and the.Fas- what sounded like "Deutschland Ish bankers" weren't on the jobgraduate, has been named secredifficulties for which "world Jew- considerable attention and has cist regime, and pointed out that Ueber Alles" But it was not. .'. Alfred Roserberg, Hitler's ex- tary to Judge William Kephart of ry" or 'the Jewish financial clan' given rise to worriesj in Jewish Mussolini as the leader and out-the official Reich anthem . . . pert on racial purity, had a Jew- the Pennsylvania Supreme Court are then immediately and with- circles. Accusing :he~Jews of in-standing statsman of Italy, "nev- Manhattan, like- many other col- ish great-great-grandmother, a . . And while we're at it we might out any attempt at logical rea- ternationalist and anti-Facist ten- er felt the need to draw racial leges, has taken the tune for itsMongolian as a great-grandfather introduce you to Samuel Brodsky soning held to . be responsible. dnecies, this paper said, among and religious distinctions in the offisial song from the music of A French, mother and a Latvian of Tulsa, Okla., who is Judge Just as at the beginning of the other : things: "All the world living and compact unit of the German drinking songs . . . grandfather . . , Now that's what Mack's new secretary . . . PolitiEthiopian war world Jewry, was knows that a Jewish world parl- Italian nation, within which the NEWS BITS v we call racial purity . . . The cal comebacks are not very freblamed for the sanctions policy iament was frrmed in Geneva, Jews, like all others, have ever The American Jewish Congress Nazis are all burned up because i quent, bet at the age of 70 they adopted, ajrainst Italy, so the pre^and that representatives of our done their duty." and the National Council of Jew- they have discovered . that their) are postively rare . . . But Sol sent situation at. Geneva, and the country participated in it. We do ish Women don't see eye to eyeacting consul-general in Barcehas just been renominaThe very fact that such a dis-on many issues, but they are nowlone is married to a Jewess . . . Levitan vigorous measures taken by'Eng- not know whether they acted in ed for State of Wisconaccord with the Fascist senticussion could take place in the neighbors in the same building . - And to make .things worse the sin, and weTreasurer gland in the Eastern Mediterrandon't expect him to Italian press reveals the serious- And only a stone's throw away Consul, a certain Herr Draege. lose in the election . . . Thanks ean are laid at ..the door for_ the ments, of the Italian people . "wire-puller of-Jewish Anglo Sax- In a whole series of articles on ness at the present situation here, in the new national headquarters actually does business with Jews to Maurice ShocLatt of the Baltithe Nazi Party Congress, the although care must be taken to of Hadassah . . . Did you lose on high finance." Isadore W: Schlesingrer, Amer- more Jewish Times we learn that World Jewish Congress and theavoid exaggerated interpretations Thus the political monthly. La Tecent Italian setback in the of it. The anti-Semitic articles money on Goldinan Sachs stock? jican-born movie nagnate and in-Charles Adler, Jr., investor of a Then you'll be interested to dustrialist, .was the gentelisan new device for making auicmobilVita • Italian, "In an • article •• by League of Nations, Regime Fas- in Regime Fascista — which apGaetano Pistillo, entitled •'Furth- cista militated ; against the "Jew-pears in Cremona, and i s ^ f im-know that before you tear off an-who put up the ?50,000 prize for ists slow down at dangerous er Observations on tho Jewish ish international." "Jewish high portance only because its editor other page from your calendar the. London to • Johannesburg air curves, is one of Tinser leite . . . Question,"-ende?.vored-to tface-a finance" and" "Jewish wire-pull- is Roberto Farinacci, fcrm|» gen- the name of Goldnran Sachs will race . . . European Christians who ABOUT PEOPLE Yes, indeed, that double money back offer crn double mcl"parallelism of the interests, of ers," whom it accused of intrigu- eral secretary of the Fascist Par- be" just another vaudeville crack I want to avoid "Jews while travel- A Brooklyn Yiddish theatre has . . . It's being absorbed by anoth- i ing use -German boats esclusively the Jewish people,' the high fin- ing against Italy at Geneva and ty were met with complete si- er corporation . . . The Jewish!. . . Ittamar Boram, 16-year-old hired Thomas La Rue, t h e ! low Old Gold Cigarettes is still open. Good for thirty day? ancial circles of liondon and theof bringing about J i e League de- lence in all the rest of the Italian world's only colored Jewish chaz- I from todav. British, procedure in tho-Sastern cision to admit the Abyssinian press, which includes the papers Daily Forward has organized the son of. Rabbi- Romrn of BloomBroadcasting Corporation fontein, South Africa, claims to . Mediterranean, which (allegedly) delegates. close to the government.' So that Kings to establish a new full-time Sta- be the world's youngeit rabbi is directed against-Italy/' The ec? these articles- need not be taken tion in Brooklyn Credit the He was ordained by ten rabbis in pnoinic] sanctions here are declartragically. But Regime Fascista ed to .have been actually sponBor- - This is going a bit too ' far. is read throughout Italy, and itsNew York Times with a nice ges- Palestine . ed not by the League; of Nations Italy's violent aversior. to Geneva political editorials are widely ture . . . They assigned Laura Lu- P O U T C A I J JFEEXD but by the British Foreign' Office, and.; the League is; well-known quoted abroad, so that it is by bin Saqui, daughter o'f the late The eightieth birthday of Jusand to' have been :a" phase - of the and requires no comment. But tono meaner an insignificant -paper; David LTibin, world-famous ag- tice Brandeis will be the occasion . --t' view the coincidence of the meetronomist, to cover <he general a*:!of a big cehibration in-November "conflict • with' exponents of. JewAnd it is to be remarked that the sembly of the International Agriing-place of the World Jewish . . . His nephew, Lewis Brandeis ish high finance and, iurther rigid discipline to which the Italwith the various political cur- Congress with the site of the ian press must submit today has cultural Institute in Rome, which Wienie, a New York attorney, is rents of ' democracy, .. Socialism League as denoting that world permitted the publication of such her father founded . . . The Amer- named for him . . . Yeshiva ColBolshevism,, .Free Masonry, etc. Jewry favors the League and'op- articles, which are definitely a t ican head. .arters of the Society lege has finally made the grade . The. scene-of this conflict' is-the poses Italy is an interpretation variance with official opinion and of the Bible in the Hands of its . . Abraham S. Guterman . of Mediterranean, and.; particularly unsupported by the« facts. official government practise in Creators is bringing out a new Scranton,. Pa.", a Yeshiva College Regime jFascista has also ex- the matter of the Jewish questhe ^Eastern Mediterranean," The author ••. comes to •' the conclusion pressed Its' suspicion of interna- tion. that Italy's mission f and "future tionalist and-antl-Facist inclinaHence the anti-Jewish camdeinand that, she "stem. the. influx tions among large section of ence of the" Jewish spirit and' Jew- Italian Jewry, including the most* paign of Regime Fascista must be ish policy in this delicate sector prominent members of the Un-viewed as a danger-sign. The ofi Europe, and curb.the imperia- ion'•; of Italian Jewish Communi- more so since, together with liirtic,"- anti-Continental tendencies ties. -.-' !t reproached Italian Jews Comm. Ravenna's letter, it puV with--not-- having given clear ex- lished what might be taken as a of;the British Empire." / " : to their adherence threat. It is true, saiS the paper, That Jewry and' Zionism- are pression and and their Italian fa- that hitherto n Duce has not felt thus, drawn into, the Anglo-Ital to.Fascism therland. At was to have been it necessary to draw racial and ian.conflict in.the Eastern;Medit expected, violent discussions religious distinctions in- Italy. erranean • is deplorable. Zionism arose, in. the course of which the But, it adds, "these words, which has no anti-Italian-trend, and the


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Page 4

Jlivvjatl PKliSS. FiUDAT, 0CT0BER16, 1936 fact that his first wife was a Jewess and ,the mother of his three children. And later, when his second wife died, he remarried his former Jewish wife. 'However, despite his remarriage, he recently returned to his anti-Jewish ways and showed a marked reapprochment with the Nazis in Germany. The loose-political entente between Germany and Hungary gave the Nazis their opening wedge in-Central Europe and th Balkans. Now, Goemboes'-successor may be the veteran Chancellor Bethlen. Bethlen could very easily upset the Nazis1 well-laid plans by switching Hungary's allegiance from Germany to France and England. If such an eventuality becomes fact, then the repercussions on European politics may be vast.

peditionary force to leave British j ing the troops, although the Br!8Jbores since the World War. Here isfc Government viSI pay all costs are some sidelights on the Tom- as soldiers' pay sad equipment. mies: |&Eore than fSOC.ORO comm out ol Army men are overjoyed RDOIU I the Palestine Government's treaPublished every tfrlftoy at Oraahn. Nebraska, toy tee new developeiseiHs because j sury to cover the additional exBy DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY En army officed has once again J penses for the nine battalioni Eabbi, Monat Siaai Temple, Sinus CHy been given precedence over e j brought from Egypt and Malta— Subscription Price, ono year • • , - / ' - • '.52.00 Royal Air Force commander — I besidee the reinforcements from Advertising rates fnrnlsfied on application. ."Asuti-Seniitism Yesterday and spiritual anguish, the tension is which ends a galling chapter in | Engtev.6. military bwtf.ory. | T e , A r i <WNS—Pulcor A§r*n Tomorrow" by Dr. Lee Leving- lifted end healed when the group Editorial Office: 600 Brondela Theater Building. Ever since the arnsy'e rival, the er. The 3Iacnsillan Co. 1938. finds release and freedom In jcy)—The estate o£ the late Mayot R. A. F., put iewn the Kurdish ] Clous CityOttieo—Jewisb CojainnriHy Center "transference", by imputing to an revolt in Iraq with a few bomb- Meier Dizengoff, founder of thit DAVID BLACKER • - Business and MonagiDg Editor innocent minority, i. e. the Jew, f.Il-Jcwish city, was bequeathed to Much against his will and to full responsibility for the mis- ing planes, military garrisons in the KuseucT; of Tel Avir, the pubFRANK R. ACKERMAN > • « • • • • - Edlto? the Near East here been under his great injury, the Jew hai ery and insecurity it endures. It FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent lication of ME will revealed. agraia become a popular subject is the ancient habit of discovering the command of an air o'ficer. ANN PILL • - • • Slonx City. Iowa, Correspondent The value o£ the estate was not who would t&ke precedence erer I of propaganda, of controversy a scapegoat for one's misfortunes. Print Bl»op Address: 4004.so. 2«tb street the ranking trray and discussion. In Germany anBy EabW Frederick Goto Of all theories this which The Museum, housing art treasPaiestine's permanent garrison I ti-Semitic literature is flourish. This is the 'Streamline' (some think the Screamline) Era. ing. Despite its pretensions it is finds anti-Semitism grounded In augumented by cine battalions. ureF from fill parts of tbe world, the isubconscionj, is most plausiblej was under the command of Air- V.T.S one o" the Mayor's pet projOur trains, autos, even aeroplanes have to be 'streamline.' Th as far removed from science and and most :n accord with the facts Commodore Hill. But now at'; the scientific method as are the The Jewish National Fund Council of Omaha has aligned 'streamline' is affecting our art and our architecture. It is a peace declarations of Hitler from of history. Not only the Nazi forces In Palestine anfi Trans Joritself -with the forces actively'rebuilding the Jewish Homeland motif in the modern and the modernistic. 'Streamline' hai his military preparations and madness but al! waves of Jewish dan tEke orders from Lieut. Gen. persecution can be satisfactorily John Greer Dili, Trfcile Commoin Palestine by mapping out an intensive campaign locally for become the symbol and the synonym of 'progress.' It indicates war like declarations. The pseu- explained by Invoking the appar- dore Hfll commands only tfec p.ir do-scientific character of Nazi the planting of trees in the Homeland. the hist word, the up-to-date, the up-to-the-minute in contem- treatises concerning the Jew, is atus of psychoanalysis. When- Bquadrong. When'the Arab marauders uprooted innocent trees - - sym- porary activity and /expression. eTidenced by their absolutely un- ever the world is in turmoil and * The despatch of the troops to • ! deviating uniformity. One and all confusion, whenever the masses bols of progress and development - - a people with less fortiHow about a 'streamline' religion 1 I am heartily in favor suffer handship and must find Palestine is regretted as j they attack denounce and excortude, a-people without the dauntless courage of the new pion- of it. Why should not religion also be up-to-date? Why should iate" the Jew as the incarnation some reason for their misery they by the merchants of Aldershot, j I TALE16SM . PRAYIR BOOKS eers in Palestine would have been bowed in grief and given religion lag behind, be slow, heavy-footed, in the rear, if no of all evil. This is not science instinctively find in the Jew an perhaps, us the Arabs. The sol- | i Gifts for *)*r Mltrvah* ready justification and fit- jdiers at -bat military center j up in despair to see their hard handiwork crushed so brutally altogether left behind? That is the trouble with religion; it i but pure, unadulterated Jew-bait- ever estiumteE, \ Truth and fact are ignored, ting scape-goat. No minority is would .according to and wantonly. But the Chaliitzim in Bretz Yisroel are of ©m«h«, Nrtr behind the times, inadequate to the present-day needs and ing;. distorted or misinterpreted to fit so suspected, BO secretly hated ordinarily have spent about $£E- j | p. o. Bex ?tc different stripe - - instead of grieving, they were determined necessities, woefully without influence, carrying along a bur- la with false unwarranted but and feared as the Jew. None can 000, which now will go to Pales- j qualify for the role of tbe tine's merchants. more than, ever to reconstruct their homeland regardless of den of out-worn creeds, dogmas, rituals, practices, ceremonials, compulsory premises imposed by quite scape-goat as the Jew. Anti-Semthe Nail regime upon German •the opposition and the odds. Their answer to the Moslem chal- many of them bound tip with superstitions and errors, so tha thought and life. itism is ineradicable because it is Seven thousand of tbe troops i rotted in the subconscious, belenge was three new trees for every one destroyed! religion is regarded as a thing of the past, and without rea To refute anti-Semitism Con- cause the group must "transfer" revelled • in KHEcciTstoinefi luxury, i foundries The despatching of reinforce-1 If the Jewish people in the Diaspora - -'seeking desper- meaning or vital significance in the present. ... vincingly, always difficult is the to an innocent party its gvtlt menU coincided with the annual I HA. 6328 task Dr. Levinger has set for himately to find a haven of refuge for destitute refugees - - were • 'Streamline' methods of transportation are meant to ge self and which he performs ex- and punishment. « * • • • * * > to tackle the rebuilding of the Jewish homeland in the same us to our destination with speed, comfort, beauty, and effi ceedingly well in his latest boot, The third division of the book 1 Grey Iron anS 8emi>8t«el Cut* indomitable spirit which characterizes the pioneering men andciency. How far mankind is from its goal with all the cen "Anti-Semitism, Yesterday and considers the disease from a so- Ehif ted and relieved. The lack j ciological standpoint, the effects of troopships forced the military Ings, ffoeg ®n)| SSet*l Pattern Tomorrow." • N women who are sacrificing everything for their ideals in Pales- turies of spiritual transportation of all the religions! Do we *(cc« B^BKC a n « »r«ti The treatise is an objective, a of persecution on the victim an<J authorities to charter liners, and ««w«r Mmnholw, Cistern time, then in the future we would build up a homeland which get to heaven? Do we even get to heaven on this earth? How scientific 7,000 Tommies travelled firctstudy of .the phenomen- on his persecutors, acd f n e Veliew Sraa* would more amply care for a Jewish emergency such as faced far we are from a world of peace or justice or righteousness on of anti-Semitism. An histor- cures. The author is not optim- cl&ss. fissh about the future. As long as us the past-few years. Trees are vital in- Palestine for shade, of* common decency and morality! Are we not yet largely ical survey of Jew hatred from istic m „ } Ti Z ^ -ii M "*ncfe. Broniff Tablet*, aroma and v times down to our own the Jew remains a minority he Tee Palestine Government vnli j Cast i-ers Oriitea e .-•""» for fruit, for conservation. "We can start concrete demonstra- animals, but doing what the animal does not: murdering one Biblical occupies the first third of the will always be subject to abuse foot tbe heavy bill for transport- j ^ tion of our faith and assistance in tjie homeland by planting another with savage fury? How much crime, how much vice, book.. The sickening similarity and misunderstanding and .-perseOld Gold Cigarettes are Double-Mellow, Double Fresh, of the accusations levelled again- cution, and espeMally EO in times from Omaha as many trees as possible. ; how much immorality there is in the world! And with all our st the Jew in all ages is notewor- o£ stress and Insecurity.' Though Double Guaranteed. Made from the finest crops tobacco, they inventions, how much poverty and misery there is among men I they. Also significant is the role the many efforts at good will are hit the spot. to be encouraged, though educa What has religion been doing all these years? It has been too the early Catholic church played tive processes are not to be reIn organiging, consolidating and slow, too inefficacious, too inefficient. Religion needs to be compelling hatred of the Jew. jected, one must remember tha •: • i Just as a dove could not be expected to understand a whip, speeded up, to be brought into line with modern methods and Catholic Church took the in- in a day of evil they are of no so. too a mad bull could not possibly be turned aside by soft modern opportunities. Outworn creeds and dogmas hamper it. The itiative in making the Jew od- avail. Only in an increasing and words. In Palestine we kept reiterating that Great Britain They are not in accordance with modern truths, with facts de ious and loathsome in the eyes of universal economic prosperity which will bring a greater meawould never bring the Moslem terrorists to terms by a vacil- rived from investigation and science. They are not in .harmony his neighbors. In perpetual fear sure of social security to all lie of Judaism and the Jew, the lating policy which had indecision as its essence. And for six with reason. They are in danger of becoming wholly obsolete Catholic Church und its priests peace and tolerance and justice months the land was subjectecTto a reign of death and despair. How then can they have influence in a modern, stirring vita' planted in the hearts of their peo- for the Jew. The Arab nationalist leaders stood fast in their repeated asser- world? By all means we need a 'streamline' religion, if we ple seeds of hatred, of suspicion. The only genuine cure ia Zionfear and contempt for the Jew ism — a response to anti-Semittions that the Arab strike would not be called off until they are to have religion at all, if religion is to be of any value or of and for Judaism and the synag- ism which has : already won milhad gained-their three demands - - stoppage of Jewish immi- significance. ogue — so firmly that some are lions of adherents amongst the bearing fruit even in modern clear thinking Jews of the world. gration, ban on land sales to Jews, and establishment of a Our ancient Judaism has many of the qualifications of a tiine3.v Zionism is a bold recognition of national Arab government. Deaths came to well over a thous-Throughtout the Middle Ages, the permanence of anti-Semitism and, wounded numbered in the many thousands, while the prop- •streamline' religion. With little change, with further develop- Jews were compelled to answer and a heroic effort to escape its erty damage soared into the millions. And Great Britain neither ment it could easily be wrought up into a full-fledged 'stream- three grevious, damaging, but paralyzing effects. It proposes satisfied the Arab demands nor quelled the terrorism.' "We were line' religion. It has many of the elements of the modern spirit. preposterous accusations: (1) that the Jew cease being a minthat they'use Christian blood on ority, tolerated unwelcozned and ready to use our own self-defense units, as the terrorism grew It is in thorough harmony with reason; is, in fact, highest rea- the Passover, (2) that they de- feared, that he establisL a home worse and worse. Finally, England decided that^the thread of son. It is not invalidated by modern science. Its basic thoughts secrated the Host, and (3.) that in Palestine and in due time- form her prestige was wearing too thin and might break." The re- are fundamentally and indestructibly scientific. Science may they poison the wells and spread a majority of the population and and plague. Thousands mate himself immune to eatisult was that twenty thousand soldiers were brought into Pal- not use the word 'God' but it posits and presupposes a Supreme disease upon thousands of Jews were Seciitism. As a matter of fact estine to bring an end to Arab snipings, with martial law in Power that created and sustains the universe however ex- cruelly put to death often en- even at the present thsngh the -the air. The result: at the first sign of real British action, the panded into a.'cosmos.' As Herbert Spencer said long ago, "We tire communities were extermin- Jew is yet & minority in Palestine — because of one or more he is beyond the reach of antiArabs back down. The strike, has finally ended ; . . with not are ever in the presence of an Infinite and Eternal Energy ated of these false and cruel charges. Semities. Though the Arab popone single Arab demand granted. If the British had wielded a from which all things proceed." Science has not invalidated The causes of Anti-Semitism, ulation far outnumbers him, his firmer fist months ago, much bloodshed and'suffering would ethics but established it as the law regulating the/ conduct of considered in the second division, spirit is free, his heart strong men in human society. Modern emphasis is on the ideals that are many, but always as the au- and his body unafraid. He feels have been averted. '•'..- , Israel's prophets proclaimed long ago: social justice, universal thor correctly states, secondary. at home, at ease and is blissfully The strike ended with the issuance of a manifesto .from the peace, international unity, human brotherhood. If Judaism All so-called reasons are merely ree from the tensions and comrationalizations to conceal the plexes that aflict end torture his Arab rulers of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Transjordan, Woa<Serful!jr complete scleetiou* would but step up and 'streamline' itself it could he of mighty principle cause. And because brethren in the Diaspora. In Palappealing to the Arabs to terminate their strike. This was . . -we direct attention to • emotion i9 primary in anti-Sem- estine, anti-Semitism has ceased done so that the Arabs could say they withdrew with honor, influence in this Age of Science and of Industry, inaugurate tism this miserable and infecti- to be a problem. but the background can be visualized through the sullenness of a New Era, come to power for a third time (a sort of Third ous disease is most difficult to Dr. Levinger's book is a comat. Among the most fre^uent- prehensive and scientific analythe Arab nationalist notables. However, the Arab masses seem Reich of the spirit—compare Ibsen's "The Third Empire'") as yetadvanced causes for Anti-Sem- sis of Jew hatred. It deserves a Featuring the new Fail Manhattan*, Enroc, happy over the end of <the strike . . .confirming our opinion it did respectively in the Christian and the Mohammedan eras. tism are the religious, the econ- wide audience both amongst his Eagles, Arrowr. snfi Hand • Tailored Trey It is time for mankind to enter upon a New Era, a new stage omic and, at the prsent moment, own people and even more so that at heart the Arabs want peace, not trouble, but are being QvAld Shirts. Price f9©© f7S9 biologic, or Jewish racial in- among Gentiles, who will derive range *ri t<? led in the opposite direction by self-seeking, selfish agitators. of civilization and development. That is the meaning of all the eriority. AH of these supposed enlightment and instruction from "What, now, will be the immediate course to be pursued the unrest, the world-wide turmoil and incipient revolution. A causes are examined thoroughly the volume. in Palestine? Despite the retreat of the Arab nationalists, we moral revolution, a spiritual transformation, is taking place. but especially the biologic. Valuable and helpful is the author's are far from out of the woods. So long as England,plays a The time spoken of by the prophet is coming to pass. "And it exposition Featerfag tHeussafis, ©£ new arrivolt refleetof the fallacies of the hall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the ing every tirlt and clint of uaiuom. From finpolicy of blowing hot and cold at the same time, of trying- to Aryan theory of racial superiorest foreign to AisJerican f t TO f > Jord's. house shall be established as the top of the mountains ty. play both ends against the middle, Jewish aspirations in their silks. Price range ««,, JL, to homeland are endangered. The British, had to quell the Moslem . . And all nations shall flow (stream?) unto it. And many The reviewer found most stimthe chapter devoted to a disturbance; there was no choice. Bnf/,now that they have peoples shall go and say: 'Come ye, and Jet us go up to the ulating discussion of the theories advancLondon (JTA) — The 15,000 mountain of the Lord. AndHe will teach us of His ways, and seemingly "saved their face," we fear that they may want to ed by Marx and Freud. Though troops despatched by Great Brit*• Featuring the brillisist new colorings from concilate Arab public opinion. And any conciliation of the we will walk in His paths.' For out of Zion shall go forth the brilliant and serious thinker, ain to Palestine to quell Arab dispsjataa specisiiets. Frcns etsrdy Marx could not overcome a orders constitute the first esto fine silfcs, AH wanted f | g© Moslems means an infringement upon the Jewish rights in Pal-law, and the word of the Lor9 from Jerusalem. lighting sense of inferiority due styles. Price r a s g e . . . . . . Jl to estine as enunciated in the Balfour Declaration. We must reThat is Streamline Judaism. When out of Zion shall again o his Jewish birth. A violent member that the medium for the termination of the:strike was o forth the law, when the word of the Lord shall again go anti-Semite and obsessed with ec- Wanted to share 8 room modern furnished h b a s e the mediation of the Arab kings. Will this allow these sover- forth from- Jerusalem—when modern Israel Bhall rise, to its onomtd*determinism, he tried to f ©f Hole* explain the Jew and his tormenFeatariEg ©sly cesEfeiaei c yith couple or adults.. AH eigns to intervene again in the future? We do not know. Nor present opportunity and discharge its age-old function and ors in economic terms, and failproof, The f'eeer Atfadifc Garter, later. bills paid; Reasonable rent. wovets, Westmsssier,. Jaeger fine wools and do we know the answer to the other problems confronting us sempiternal mission—then justice and peace will indeed, be d miserably. The Jew is infin-, 2S11 Hamilton AT-68S1 Bota^yr wools. Price tely more than an economic stra-, rang*.. ^ in Palestine, such as the attitude of the Boyal Commission of established on the earth.. Mankind will enter upon its heritage. u To- believe that Socialism Investigation. In, the past these commissions of investigations Religion will have revealed its' true power and will have the ould end anti-Semitism is puerfantastic thinking. have made heart-rending conclusions. The present commission, laugh (as God 'laughs') upon, its vilifiers and defamers. Far ile and ^ Freud we are indebted for from being the 'opium' to dull luggards into further sleep, it t?p Is fall *• T'eataring yenm evesry headed by Lord Peel, formed to study the causes leading up n authentic account of anti-SemWANTED TO winter isaderwear . . to the current outbreaks, will soon be in the land to start their will have proven itself the invigorating tonic to arouse the tlsm. To him it is an instance fold* Mcnhettsn, sad Furnished Room to young others. Prices range probe. The most important straw in the wind concerning Brit- onscience and the actions of men, the trumpet-blast upon the f an intensified group psycho- couple or two boys. Downa fierce uncontrollable madtown walking distance. ish intentions will be the issuance of the new Jewish immi- house-tops; the bread by which man livesj' nourishing soul and is, ess, induced by a multitude of body,'sustaining and perfecting human society and human and gration schedule/which was due on October 1st. . &TLAKTSC 8 2 0 3 auses beyond the control of the humane civilization.. , . ! : '. •ictims. The psychosis, t h e * Festering the largeist s&owing p sra -... We must be prepared for any emergency in Palestine. If etykss in opart fiisc tstllity swestere , All power to a Streamline Judaism} • .


Streamline Judaism



Fasten Mitchell Co.



5 . 'j ,'



Every Secti©sa a Sfcsre i s Itself at The Nc&rsskg.

The Shirt Store

The Neckwear Store



_ ama Store sicty btore

The Underwear Store

. forturie smiles, so mnch the better; if fortune frowns, OUT tietermmation to continue the rebuilding of our homeland will be^strengthened. •:•. No matter what; comes, the reconstruction . of Palestine as the Jewish homeland.


'• ^

: -




Gems of the Bible. '; ami Talmud ' ..': By. Dr. Philip S W ' .";'

. . It is too soon to be able to foretell, but the death of Julius" Goemboes, Hungarian, premier, may change the destiny not .•••• . • B I B L E :••'• .. •' only of/the Jews in Hungary but of half of Europe. The violence of the wicked Goemboes was one of those leaders who changed hia poli- shall drag them away, because cies with the changing winds. There were times when he they refuse toi do Justly. preached racial equality and friendliness to his Jewish com- ; The way of a man is forward patriots, but in the main he was Btrongly anti-Semitic. Goem- and strange, but as for the pure work is right. boes was Europe's first fascist, using anti-Semitism as a step- hisThe soul of the wicked desirping stone to power in 1919, when he organized the "Awaken- :tb evil, his neighbor findeth no ing Magyars," responsible for the bloody White Terror. Again favor in his eyes. stoppe'h his ears at the and again he took a'stand with anti-Semitic forces, despite the ryWhoso of the poor ,he also shall cry

••-•-•-,- F r e d e r i c k

weights, all colors, a l ctylsa. $£%§& Price r s n g c - . . . . , . . . . < . . . . . <u' te


himself, but- shall sot be answered. . \ •, ";..; . •• Raba, before he started his lecture, would preface his remarks with something Vhnmoroua, causing the scholars to be la good humor,' and then proceed with Sacredness in his course. Rabbi Jochanan said: "The chief of a congregation should not be appointed unless a heap of reptiles hang ca his back (to whose snesstry soine. blemish la attached) EO that when he becomes overbearing we can SAT to him: Turn behind thee." Rabbi Jochanan said: "A righteous man does not depart from the world, till mother righteous man like him has been bora.


©f Nebraska r -.

mesa vsREATEST. See the in everything from Saeacg

to Loskss. Lassfe. Pricet,...,

eport styles



te £t

i btore * Festiariag no mere handfuL Fine capes, pigsfeiss. buckskins, goat, suecEc it t, made is glcveg It's fe«?c f % eg Prices r o o c e . ' . . . . . . . . . . „ . . ' ' JL ' ' te










Election Baxty Council of- Jewish Ccstr&s'iess The CraEt Class of the Temple irer Fsslj A crsElsl meeiJEjr ®" t t e B-rsrc 1 Mr*1 , s>—< Israel Sisterhood is giving aa election party in the Vestry room November 2 at 8 p. a Mrs. Sara Two study gronps of l i e Council . ContrlbntSoas to the Ten: Jof Directors of the Grants*, C3at.p- j £PF?Cr^ t r~i Wolf Is cb'adrman. of Jewish "Women, the cultural Israel Sisterhood Flotrer KonSay, October IE, et 1:15 p. iSs-tord.""-, Cooler f . . . study group, and the internation- have been received from Mr. andm. at the Je-w-isS Comm-unity Cen- | la fb*3 &b erce o£ R=bo 7>T* U1 al relations group -will have a Sirs. Sam Applesaa I s n s i s a r j : CALIFORNIA RETURXS tsr. Mr. PnilftP Nathan retsiTDefi Joint social bow •preliminary to of Kre. K&lSma Rose'bla.tt cf SsJt . Mrs. Irvin Levin, presiaeEt, re- grire the lirst: ol e home last u'eek from Hollywood, their study sessions at 1 p. in., on Lake City, Utah; Kr. asd Mrs. Oiax every board member ts.]ts Cantor Aa~or Calif., after spending elgbt •weeks Tuesday, October 20, at the Jsw- A3 la rseasry ci ISr. Michgiire a. with his con, Iiouis Nathan, asjl isa conaasnity Center, uxs. ,Ja-ael Col^SBBith:' anfi the s tioa ol Jius Abrahensfo, ehtinasa ci ths la nesiciT ol Sirs. Sella A. Polrelatives. g r o u p . lack: Mr. and Krs. Sam Gillntty, Mr. Nathan was called to Hol- international relations lywood due to his s s n having BO- sad ilrs. i . X Ssteaaa who heads Mr. U. Cafcs. f a ss5 Sirs derffont. an. emeiSEBcy apswafiec- the cxatara-l sittSy gronj>, •sriH ?>e s £23 sartfisr. *s>-2sest£S3^»t a dessert " 2Jr. and Mrs. Gail Margolin an- tomy and ~vriio Jias now JoUy r e -

>- 1

V > I




, • The jaaxria^e of Gccs^e Uenbass will be; Robinsoa, daughter of Sir. nounce the approaching marriage covered from his the sj>ea&er .Sor the isterssllosal; Mrs. 3*oxaas. Bobinson, ol Fort; at their daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. ralatioaa ^s-onp. • til*cassias Doilge to Mr. Slfiaey Epstein, con Arthur Green, aon of Mrs. Meyer FAOTLT spDas5Jjilit3r to of. Mr. and Hro. I*. SpEteia, ol Green, Sunday, October 18. Mr. and lira. Harris Rssca,*' j&esaisessMj-ia ciOmaha •xsriXl talcs place ess Sun-The ceremony fox members of stein entertain thirty-firs" crs ta tao Tesssle Israel Tijm-cr ther g r o a j la <spea. to any day. October IS, at ths'siac^- the immediate families will take, at a family -dinner, SBBSST, Octostone Hotel. Miss Hose Hoblnson place at 11:30 at the home of the ber 11 in honor ©f their soa-Sn- bar cf the CoaadL Btcflj sss-J pleas© uc*£?y s a t JSJJB* will Attend the bride and Mr. far 2 ». and dangrhter. Sir. aafl lisa. Jack Epstein trill to best -^an. bride's parents.- There Trill be a law from 3 until € p. m. Mike Fresmaa. . Tfrcrefey. Csstriteticsas to M t *nd Mrs. 3* Spsteln invite reception invitations have been Issued. fcr the ciCtnisl ctuSj their friends to tho B'nai Israel Margolin has beeif exten- S. A. M. EJTOXHKH3 C24JB may be asuJs ••with synagogue nezt Saturday, Octo- sively 'entertained. Urs. .SalsEiaa c r K i ^ AbA very important tasst&s of ber n, for an "aurrnfaii" in htmtha a A, I t Itotbeis* dn5> vSO or of their son. UPP-GAB1E be held «n Toecday, October 20 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gabie of at the horns of Sirs S. ASABCH-BCBE? 'CUSS Kansas City, Missouri, announce One ot the - Mr.: End Mrs. Sam Rubin an-the engagement of their daugh- 3017 South 16. All snothsrs are dates ca A. S. A. to b e preseot-at 1:30 p js. nounce the approaching marriage ter, Helen, to Mr. George W. .. T h e Attitsds Toward Fcrt=ae; A. a.saA.Sas&y Octoljer j s3atB< j ^ ^ ot;their daoshter, Miriam, to Mr.Ldpp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Jiag Since ths Be^Jsaiss ol year coara Heniy S. Asarch, con of Mr. andWpp of. Omaha. KIRTHBA3T PAUT¥ ths BMs" •0-22 fcs ths s-nfej-ect el IS SSei&er Cispier ^rS coopsr- j a»ja3^- j s i Mrs. Saul Acarch t>l Bes Molnes, The P h i Delta Kn Sorority g a r e BatM Wics'a Crst tolls. fcr ate with E s s BeSsr ~ ." " " Iowa, on Sunday. October 18. at a birthday party October 4 in ths Efeterhood of Tesapls Israel 100 la pTSseaiiss a prcsrass "tojhe •iTX3ai©4 £S per cesi 5a eeJ-| UKUHiK-t.1)ftC'HJKON 3 o'clock. honor oC one of its EfMe Class •which meets Tuesday. CElc&rate tiis <5sy. This prcgrssj ect£s» •4&e correct clerfrss, stsfi-l" Miss Betty Segal entertained seling ol i h e Edythe EJpslein. Ths nest meet- OcloSsar 27, sJ 1 p . a., si Sis xrlU fes festsreS by aa afiflresa t r i ^ * weei. &£&€ &z s-TErajrc e* £*:;, Kabbi David A. Goldstein trill twenty gnests at a- bridge-lunchus of Sirs. Sam Bsrl^witx. Harry FrSsfiher^. prssafeeist ?&2*-}-peT • c&XL • Ttt CCHSSSESX is! £fc officiate at a private ceremony. eon at the Paxton Hotel on Mon- ing of this Sorority -srill be Gross saa City sttsrsey s s i SloaSsL AMiaaa-jaj ttcdest patKettlcB c£ tsi ;£"tcr No Invitations cave been issued day. Miss Evelyn Epstein, who on October 18 a t the tsas cf chairssaa. . Jlrs. i.Trisj; hac been |»-OF>>xfSH be co-hesteaa with 2Irx ^fiTCT? tm E S ^ . fi^JjrTf JI !^ C* ^ u *>* A T } •i2-Tl"^T'^T^:r'j'?'but friends are cordially invited will be Taarried to Mr. Ben Si- iiiss Florence Greenstone. at a desEsrt In to attend the reception to be mons on November 15, and Miss r*"i''f c o r Ti>bs<"<' the talk. given at the home of the brido's Gertrude Robinson of Fort e£t«ad. j-worS: Sn the EOTC-has fc£®s «atparents. -2301 North IS Street, Dodge, Iowa, whrt will marry ^ s t i e •pro-1staa4iisff £or t h s past tire Mrs. Hiarry Chenniss of Connfrom 4 p. m. to 7 p. m. grass, a cp©dal laestiss Ss c t S s i i h a s fcaes eslected fcy t i e iSSSSSSSsesSJ^^ t Miss Epstein's brother, Mr. Sid- cil Bluffs^ is recuperating Irom a fcr saesjhers. T i s aa5a Ssssfctss Casat oC the SOTC as a The young conple -STIII reside ney Epstein on October 18,. were major opseration at the EL Josin Des Hoines.. eph hospital. the guests of honor. Presenting, "The Circus Swing', of thi« laeetiag will be the initia- iieatessat for the present school of the Al?2xa Gasisa Chi tion cf new aembers. The mrrt- year. Bernstein is also espte'r ^ GI'KW HERE iag starts prssiptly at c s e CARNIVJ3X AKD of the r 'Mia Aflelaine Gross of New The Ladies Auxiliary of the essity cJ Omsia will officially and trill sflfszrn Is ttas £D S£st csary basis £ri2 crganisatlsa. Scary CSsBechess cJ Cstsfi I"York City is the guest of her sisVaad will sponsor a carnival sad egin pledge fiasee sesssss, nest m*.mberk **n &» .5a a fesSr.te £ie tees Ecieeisd as a SEES:ter and - family, Mrs. Edward dance at the Jewish 'ComraEoUy Satnrfisy alsht. October 24, at A. Z. A. Osy prosraa st Case Pepvrfcnrg. Center, Sunday, November 8. A acola . Sail on t i e e&sipss. 4 .1 -i. By Eire. David BL Newmaa twr c£ t i e lively time wita games and en- ledss officers for the Sscietr. tertainment is promised. axe Hassan Banzn, proslSsst Ginger Bread easiaecrSs Celia T2*e Jewfsh la^iicssS P*csi*L 2 eggs, %,' CUPB brown sugar, Arae34 Iberia, Daire er. cup syrup, % cup melted butaonaees tha JcSe^ias ds * TwentS-five friends of Mr. of the grocp sre &o- A laxa-csatr&sttoB {a ter or crisco, 2 Vt cups flour, 2 % Offer* Nonzioplast—Tka cups baking powder, ?4 teaspoon Mrse. Airthar Pregier gave e ively partfeijatins tn ths «slra- of the late Sir. S332 • B." last wszilz steak-fry B! Crystal Gardens. curricalar affairs at the, i TE4T JET ELA.CE: SSFT Rt-builder of Sagging Shaaes; lassrflsed la Sia soda, 2- teaspoons ginger, teaesstesrt f VZLXZ-TTA. EUESE Muscles . . . Women - • spoon cinnamon, hi teaspoon Sunday afternoon, Get©!®* 1 1 . sity. isriih ?f?g« Esther i Booi of the J. K. T.% ccatr2wtisa; Ke'brasfea j of the actives, prcssia- oy Sirs O. Satsty. ia saacry el, "• Evtiyuihere Arc Diaszsaing cloves. % teaspoon nutmeg, 1 The Preslers Ie3xe sooa £or l«os Angeles to xiafce their fatsre ent ca the eampBS. Stiss •*• * *cup boiling water. Mr. and SSrz. - Its MeHul \ , a mssaber of Festiisss" Add beaten eggs to sugar, syr- home there. trees t i e ,'Thoae who knovr :ep orgaaisation and a paa-KeBnp, and melted shortening; add HAND TURN SrsTFii -was electsi trcs^- <," •• ^m s»the -worth of this enlc representative; is a casfflsifted flour to other dry ingre- JOSI.TK marvelous f a c i a l date lor Indian Priscess cS ths A lecture on Ilosart's T h e dients; add hot water last. Bake Aashe Sbolna. Beth Hasae£r©Eh ^ *^cjy Esesstlas TESSSSJ aJgli. r>J raaak, which conin a greased shallow pan a t . 350 Magic F l u t e " •will be s3Tcn at Hasodol. SSsaare Sisa, as,3 A£ss3|f^ s SaiEr-FJefiga Cosasil •^rss cr- >, tains the oUu that "^Titldn and Hr.Tiaaih Yesharea, degrees for forty minutes. Serve 3:30 p. m. this Snaflsy afteraosra I Sjjla£ie& last j^ex? by pledges cJ!' * MANY OTKCRS nature uses to keep in the Soslyn Mcstorial lectsre are mesabcrs of t t e fielsate warm with apple sauce or whip— — ^ — — — — — ~ " I &sts?siS3es os. this cssijss, ca£ s PATTERNS AT the. skis free from hall, f o33oxred by excerpts' Iroia ped cream. — Mia Sssti£*o ~ ~ TSiicrous iscScs j tSIs yssr »2i« e^ssil£atic5i irss; cs- ; m wrinkle*, it stim- ^ the opera, sponsored by The member of Feathers and a renlates and refines largre- pore3 Works Progress AdraiaistratSoa porter on the Gateway, school Soar Cream Cookies' Nasi ' s o v e n e a t licre, -whleh giving that radiant clearness to 1 cup-butter, 2 cups brown su- Federal Mnsic Project and fii- publication. Other reporters are caass3 K©»£y ristfes, have be%aj K s a i SSJT & pJefifie feace sir* * Adelise SpeCktor aad Celia the akin. _ gar. 1 ess. 1 cap sonr heavy tected bjr Uliae. Thea 3S^^ man. Active in -Feathers, ESsi- ordered by the laterlo? ISIalstry.l other" :-ietlvitiet -were Iatrodr-e£;* "Brery woman "who, .lua :4iny- cream, 4 cups flour, 2 teaspoons Herms. j at tae ai®£tiag. Ide la her grooming" recognizes baking powder, % teaspoon salt, Excerpta iaclade the following belle Komey Is ia the TToasa's ^ importance of individually ^4 teaspoon soda, pecan halves; numberct Athletic Associatlca &s is Evelya •being fonatilate-2 'with 131(18 issued *or 100 ccraples fey Patrtiae] »« i^s«*B * ^ i y y 3>leaded powder, as only. Marian Cream butter; add sugar, un- Trio «4f the three lafiies. Soas DaasSy. LiO&don ("VTXS—PsAeer Ages-1 Roseabauia and Fran BluaMa, .Bialae olenda it. The cost Fanaie Witkia, Haaaaa beaten egg. and 4ry ingredients of Pa'pa0eao. Daet by cy>—Dr. Chalsi TTeismann, prcEi-4 co-ehainaea cf toe sinalL f 1 a box, blended to sui alternately with the sour cream. and Paaniaa. , Aria of Earastro. and Cells. Lipssian are K.pftl. desf ©J On JCTSES Afsscr £c?r ydnr coloring. Powder Bar Char- Drop by small spoonfuls on greas- Aria of Pnmina, Song: of Papa- the nalveTEity as reeipSeats cf jeosnsJttce. lemagne located off the-main en ed cookie sheet. Plaee a pecan geno, Buet by Papageno s a d Pa- four year scholarships froai their • • The sorority agaia eaterssfl a Palstiaa.- ISM te» for JGoat la t h s Ecaaeeoiaisg Para&E. respective high schools. " ~~ _ - | whe»e Sie ^ 2 tsadexo a trance of the Securities Bids., on top of each. Bake in a mod- pagena. '&aviss *roa first prise last year.'nasal e^eration. Kaal plaaj for til* fiaace are erate "oven 400 degrees .tor fif16 th and Farnam Sts. Phone HA teen minutes. CLASS OFFICERS CEOSE!! 3218^ ~ -


BY mimmATion cuss

Men wit© purchase

The Confirmation Class of the Beth-EI Sunday School elected •class officers on Ssptemiser 27. They a r e : President, 2 a t h Sosenstein; "Vice-President. Leslie Davis; Secretary. Esther Fox: Treasurer, Ellrism •DsaEiy; Ser» geant-atJ-Arms. Edith Bnbb. and ReportJer, BeBe Sommer. The class is planning a Hallowe'en party on October S 1st a t the home of Bnddy Bsrlsh. Loyal Kaplan is teacher of the class.

Neatly for the First Cold Snap " With Hundreds of. •

Concert —


for the' first time be pax&cala&r

Mted £a a pdnt of which ear r e g u l a r atsHacaea JlfiTO

tsstm who ofly paf eissiem iscloss

mero) the pliability of their soi$ natural gtruction, which dossjiot resort to the stiff, W s forcing "build-up" coxaraoa in ordinary resdymade clothing.


The public is cordially invited to attend a concert gfren by the A Cappella Choir of Father Flanagan's Boys* Home at Boy* Town, Nebraska. 10 miles west of Omaha: on Dodge Street. Sunday October IS at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Thfe is the first public appear ance of the Choir, acclaimed the nest.-west of Chicago. AdmlsBton S3 free.

issa Ckasesl s s l

FOR GIRLS—4 to 16

Cesis fcr inamsd . . . cssfi data . . . Ail. K I S S fa izts ih» hard ^ser iJsaf w!3fcacivea ihtittl Deep hazm . . . car&fal fa} ila^aglsKifl lha Mrd el nssffesrs dsraaad.

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JrodS Th< ilttei est hairi Irs. 3 an Ess he o

WOMEN LABORITES FOR F. D. R.—Women trade unionists banded under the emblem of the American Labor. Party, are campaigning fqr a month through New York State for the re-election of President Roosevelt and Governor Herbert H. Lehman. Here, is how their caravan looked as it left Times Square, New York City, at the,start of the tour. .Meetings will: be held outside factory/gates. Other similar caravans will be sent out soon. , • • ' /


ty Ci

Atunio Ve'ajj lE.'tt lerli leads Mr lisanen ; ee..>?loie on.: Ml! hair: ee.; lonin ale1^ loso ky la ratio omk'

B-IIJKAIiS—Latent talent among artists who might not otherwise become known is reported uncovered by the Federal Art Project of the WPA. Above are two murals recently produced. Top panel shows "Early Settlers," by Karl Kelpe for tifcie Hawthorne School, Oak Park, III. The lower panel is "Puppets and Marionettes," by Max Spivak, one of the mural panels for the Children's Theater Room, Astoria library. New York City.

LIGHT FOE LOS ANGELES—A festive welcome awaited the arrival of power from Boulder Dam as the 1,000-ton generator prepared to hurl electricity ewer 286 miles to light Los Angeles and the metropolitan area. Above, is Miss Elisabeth Scattergood, daughter of the chief electrical engineer, chosen for the honor of pressing the key that would start the pover flowing.


s. RESIGNS — David Dubinsky, president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, who resigned as a vice president of the American Federation of Labor. His resignation was accepted without comment relatire tio union controversy.

$125,000,000 FAIR APPROVED—Grover Whalen, president of New York's WorldVFair of 1939, points" out to tlje Board of Directors important sites on a model of the proposed grounds. The Board has approved the general .plans calling.for an investment of $125,000,000. At least 50,000,000 visitors.are expected to see the fair during the year's time. • . : \ »....,-'...

HE FROZE— Sir. Joseph Barcroft pf. Cambridge University, England, who' told a Yale audience how he deliberately froze his body-to the point of unconsciousness, to find but what happens to the. mind in:the early stages • of freezing to death.



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TOPPERS—You might call this action picture "Twenty-four feet off £he gnnmd," if you study it .closely. It, shows the Chilean army jumping team in a workout at \G6vernors Island, New York, preparing for the National Horse Show, Nov. 4-10. They are Captain Yanez and Lieutenants Izurieta, Perez and Montti.

SINGER AND HIS SON—Returning to the United States from a summer in Europe, at right <4s Giovanni Martinelli, leading tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Association, as he arrived in New York on the Conte di Savoia. With him is his son, Antonio. The popular operatic star was on his way to' Washington, D. C, where he planned to open a series of concerts.

EtlBDHIST TEMPLE—Dr. Kozi,n Seki. Japanese B^ddliist priest, who plans to build the first temple of his religion in New York City. With him, as the three arrived in New York from Los Angeles, are Masakatsu Tobamoto and Masafeatsu Shojin, two Japanese aviators who plan a transpacific Sight soon. The aviators are both American-born."

HIGH UP — Squadron Leader F. D. R. Swam setting out of his special pressure suit, after establishing a new airplane altitude record of 49.SS7 feet. Kis Sight was an experimental one over Famborough, England.



iKiil sli HBiiiliiii 8H1 ill II! Sfe



KED CHIEFS VffiW ABMY—While tension once more-tightened in Europe, as Germany and Russia eyed each other angrily over their'borders, Russia looked to her military preparations. 1'Here are Marshal S M. Budyonny. inspector of cavalry, left, and Marshal A -L Yegorov chief of. the army's general staff, watching maneuvers i n the WBlte Russian District. •_• ,

E^CEB — Ray Sommer, noted French automobile racer, as he

arrived in New York to take part in ; the %Yanderbilt Cup races at •the new Roosevelt.- Raceway; Westbury, L. I.; on Columbus Day.

STRENGTH FOR BRITANNIA'S F1SST—Here is new strength for Great Britain's niichty navy, as His Majesty's latest submarine, the Sunfish, slides into the water at Chatham, Kent, England. This new undersea craft is built on streamline design and isireported especially swift under water. Many high naval officials were present at ths launching.. Copyright VBli


annans ommefits

• Sioux City game . . . Milton -was in a great measure responsible for his team's victory over the local school . . .

thinks Father Conghlin ought to be 'disrobed' for his attacks on President.

The Drama Revived

be held at the Hotel Chieftain at Berlin—Tie Stuerraer, notor- sis o'clock. Reservation may be ious anti-Semitic weekly publish- made either with Nathan Gilin'W if ed by Julius Streicher, reported sky cr Louis H. Katelman. The

Signs in Eeioh Towns

Abe GilinslvT, Dsve Fox. Morris j Senior Hadas,=afc Cu' Yudelson, Max Cohn, Saul Siiv&i-j All your.E vvoinep. I s t y and Harry Cohen. Ac inter- j of seventeen f.nt ui^ esting and entertaining program ' dially invitee! to a1. the evening will is being arranged br the commii- £air. The puniose that "Jews- Not Wanted Here". E^est speaker o signs are inaking their appear- be Mr. Kiehard Gutstadt of Chi-tee in charge of this affair. ' cultural jrrour i'c • tl

Special Event

Come early if you desire a seat Beth-El ance again at the entrance to cago. Entertainment will be fur- Everyone is cordially invited to'ol the community. In a n . effort to revive the in the J.. C. C. Auditorium „ . . . . Candor Aaron Edgar, assisted many towns after having been re- nished by the local Senior Ha- attend this reception, which is i By Abncr Kaiman stage drama, Oscar Leiben, the Eighteen entries have been re- by the Beth-El trio will conduct moved for the Olympic Games dassah chapter. planned, EE a social gathering t o : director of the Federal Theater oeived for the fir3t amateur nite the Sabbath services, tonight. In period. get acquainted vita Mr. Cooper, Project is. doing an excellent job. program ever presented in Oma-Rabbi Goldstein's absence Mr. The Sisterhood of the Talmud who has proved quite capable « ! • , „_„,, . .: Bah! Rah! Rah! . . . . Ttie initial play "Three Wise ha . . . Monday night at 8:15 Harry Trustin will occupy the f!T Torah Society will hold a Rum-his position ol the Hebrew School i one who if ir.ieTC-" The month ol : October brings Fools" has been attracting packed sharp . . . No admission charge pulpit. He will give a talk, des- fi' mage Sale nest Monday and Tues- instructor. >, e * • ' these cis'KPf i>" PP us the glory of autumn leaves audiences -who are exhibiting en- and the public is invited. . . day, October 19, and October 20, cribing his recent trip to Poland ' tOl'Cti V i t h IV"T6. V.C '. . . the beauty of Indian sum- thusiasm in. the work of .the proat 503 Vt'est Broadw~ay. Anyone and other countries. A tea will be given on Sunday Mrs. Leo r.Hr?i. o ; mer . . . t h e brilliant blue of fessional cast assembled . . . The who has a bundle o£ old. clothing, Next, week Rabbi Goldstein trill CULTURAL, SOCIAL CLUB afternoon, October IS, p . T tnrpeiXorj:. O P F ETT^I-P 1 autumn, skies - . . t h e refreshing Federal Theatre is located at etc. to donate for this worthy speak on the theme, "Every Han : invigoratibni of autumn ^weather. 19th and Capitol Avenue and cause is asked to call Mrs. M. Yu-o'clock at t h e home of Mrs, Eicfr- pti.irir n-ir TTiptnr--- • B¥ P. S. IL a Gambler." . . . . lOnneapblis provided the performances are .given every delson, phone 5645, and a. com-ard Gordon, 604 KoosereH .Are- fi-mp-im h-<- T.p'-i-nf The regular meeting of the above on this day and with it a evening but Monday mittee will' call for the bundles cue, Tinder the Epnnsorshtr o" t h e . p r e hp'.ii tv-irp p rr^ An ex- Cultural and ScJcial Club, an. auxTemple holiday spirit- that permeated cellent beginning of what prom- iliary of the Omaha Hebrew Club, on Sunday morning. RABBI GOLDSTEBV TO SPEAK Rabbi David H. Wice's seriaon every nook and corner of this ises to be the Omaha Commun- was held at the Jewish.Commun- this evening will be "Re-evaluat- FOR A. Z. A. DAY bustling metropolis . . . in its ity Playhouse' best season is the ity Center Tuesday, October 13. ing the American College. SerInternational A. Z. A. Day will Mr. and Mrs. Ben Passer ancelebration of the victory of the play "Libel," - the sensational New members • were ~ introduced vices at the Temple will begin at be observed locally with an ap- nounce the birth of a daughter, Minnesota. I; football squad over English drama which continues and coming events for the,winter 8 o'clock. propriate program to be present- born Sunday, October 11, at the our own Nebraskans . .- . Omaha to attract audiences to the Oma-season were outlined. • Regular Saturday morning ser- ed by the Council Bluffs Chapter Clarkson Hospital in Omaha, sportsmen -well represented . . . ha Community Playhouse, with Plans are being made for a play vices . will be held at eleven No. 7 of the A. Z. A. at the Chevra B"nai Yisroel synagogue on E. Manning -Handler, Morris -Fer- the closing performance on Sun-to be-produced, soon. Mrs. Harry L. Cherniss, who o^clock. " Sunday evening; . October 18, underwent an operation at the St. er,\ Abe: "Venger," Dr. Jos.. Wein- day night . ,-. Rabbi David Gold"This group will entertain the promptly at eight o'clock. Rabbi Joseph Hospital in Omaha last berg/Fhil Klutznick, Judge Irvin stein and Mrs. B e n ' (Leona) members of the Omaha Hebrew Hadassah Gains Members StalmaBter, Sam Saltzman,. Joe Shapiro are members of the at the meeting to he held Sunday, New York — The largest in- David A. Goldstein of Omaha will; week, is getting along satisfactor(Columbia). Rosenberg, Mr. andBoard of Trustees crease in a single year, 6,500 new be the principal speaker of the j ily. She is expected' to return October 18 and the J. C. C. Mrs. .Dave Markel, Mr., and Mrs. members, was reported by Hadas- evening. The second degree of home next week. Joe Jacobs and son, Mr. and Mrs. : sah, the Women's Zionist Organ- the Judas Macabee initiation will The Sizzling "Chonik" L Marmaduke; "Weiner, Mr.. and Mrs. Matthew Grose and son, ization of America, bringing the be presented. Norman Rosenthal will be chairman of the evening's Harlan, left Sunday 'night for St. Mrs. .Harry-. Shumow and many total membership to 52,000. ' The popular film-ad man. others . . . Former'Omahans •who and wife are dusting off their By RAY SOHAPLBO program, T h e committee i n Louis, Missouri for an' extended formed ;a__^greeting committee baby buggy . . . b e c a u s e of a charge of this affair are Sam visit with relatives. were, Hyim.and Mary! Chapman, soon-to-be addition . .:.. Mor- Here Is something for the the game or as the class would Karchonsky, Ben Kutler, and rather he do, play himself.) Joseph , and. Emma Stern . and ton and his "honey-lamb" of, Frank Pirsch. Everyone is cor- New officers at the Chevra B'nai Press:, A "friend" of the'Health • Louis-tevyiwho has recently been whom dially invited to attend • Tisroel Society are S. Shyken, it is said "that no great- . Club noon hour class has sent in The Women's and Girl's fall appointed branch manager of the er love exists" . . ; are so expresident; Sam Sacks, vlce'preeGrand'National film exchange at cited about the coming of their anonymous an article on the vol-gym program got under way last The Council JBluffs Senior Ha-j ident; O. Hochman, secretary; ley ball playing of these business. Monday evening at (5: p. m. under dassah will open its fall season DavB Fox, treasurer; and- Messrs. Des Moines . .:-. Mild excitement firstborn . . . Weekly nominawas caused at the Variety Club tion of a most likeable person- Due to the fact that your com- the direction of Physical Director at a. one o'clock luncheon next H. Saltzman, Sam Rosenthal and mentator holds nothing back— Lee Grossman. The class will Wednesday . afternoon, October Louis H. Katelman, trustees. when.- '.'Minneapolis Joe" Jacobs and considered as one of here it is: was introdpced, to ."Omaha ; Joe" ality feature gym and reducing exer- 21, at the Hotel Chief tain. Rabbi Omaha's most charming hostJacobs .';.' .believe it or not, a esses: Mrs. Harry, <Jean) Roch- ' (The Health Club Volley ball cises with an interesting diversi- David H. Wice of Omaha, who re- Mrs. Sam Gross, accompanied striking resemblance between the man. . - , To Dr. Phil. K. and classes take the spotlight in last fied program in which all the cently returned from a trip to | D>* tier daughter, Mrs. Max ShoBJacobs 'duo . . ". "BillboarcP Joe to the Artie twins of Kansas week's athletic program. On girls will take part in. The first Palestine, will be the guest speak- j * and the latter's children, left unanimously chosen as. Nebraska City: Thank yon . . . To the every member's schedule is mark- attendance was highly successful er of the afternoon. Musical Tuesday on a motor trip to Exrooter No. 1 .- . . Though a stu- blond charmer: We stand cor- ed as an important item, the with the largest class in recent numbers will be rendered by Mrs. I celsior Springs, Missouri. dent j>t XJniveisity of Missouri Here is the chance all Karl Wenidorff. . . . should be Louis in- "noon hour" health club class. years. Mrs. Albert during his college career, he re- rected stead of Sam • <a brother, so "What an hour it is from 12:30 girls . have been waiting for. Krasne is program.-chairman and I T t e Council Bluffs Talmud ligiously- attends all Nebraska what?) . . . Goldie and Anne to 1:30 fiery volley ball games Those that are envious of others j j s being assisted br Mrs. M. Bern- i Torah Society have chosen the games..-. . A n d so football was Bachmon ' form a ' reception are being contested. Some days can stop doing so immediately by stein, chairman of this month's following officers for the ensuing in the-air (no pun intended) . . . committee to greet Omahans the classes manage to play three joining the. Center now. Beauti- affair. Others .assisting on the term: Dave Fox, president; Max At' the stadium over 50,000 fans when they arrive in Washing- games and on other days the ful figures, grace, poise are just committee are the Mesdames Ben Harris, vice president; O. Hochtense and thrilled with each ton, » , C. . . . A t a sorority games are so spirited and -so three' of the many important fac- Gershun, Sam Gro9s, Die Krasne, man, secretary; Sam Rosenthal, play executed . . . The lady or meeting: "after the second close that there is just time tors to be. gained by enrolling in and Leo Meyerson: Reservations treasurer; and Messrs. A. Diagent sitting next to you is little I was eo confused I enough for two games. Although the women's and girl's classes!for the luncheon may be made mond, J. Rodin, Louis H. Katelconcerned with "your race, relig- kiss, couldn't distinguish .between Dr. Paul Ellis has his knee ban- now. Be wise—Slenderize. with any member- of the above man, . S. Shyken, and M. Hoffman, ion or lodge affiliation . . . you love and masculinity" ! 1 . . . daged his thinking hasn't slowed and Sam Sacks, as board- of trus»»OUTICAL ADVERTISEIVcommittee. are a good neighbor who has Hermrn Mirowitz, known as up, he is knowing as the Razz tees. : , The first meeting of our come to lend moral support to j "letz" of the party, effects King for his ribbing ability. On basketball players and team man- B'XAI BRITH CONCLAVE his respective team . . . "Why can't the the Al Jolson tear in his voice account of the" lack of spikers agers will be held at the 3. C. C. T h e Southwestern . Regional \ RECEPTION TO HOJfOR MB. K. the .football-spirit prevail at all - "Shorty" Passers have been fill- Sunday, October 18 at 2:30 p. in.Council of the B'nai Brith wiillCOOPER singing Yiddish songs times everywhere? .: . .Minneap- •svhen Uncommon knowledge: That no ing, in: With return of Spiker In order to get the "ball a roll- meet in Council Bluffs on Sun- j The Council Bluffs Jewish -Coinolis Jewry has been a bit ruffled matter how important you are Abe Brodkey the game will be day, October 25, with headquar-i munity are planning a public Rebecause of the- attempt to organ- on earth or how wealthy you more even in this department, iDg" it is necessary for all to co-ters at the Hotel Chieftain. Lod-;ception to honor Mr. E. Cooper, operate in every possible way. Be ize a Silver Shirt outfit . . . J. may.be''.-.". yon still will be and the tall boys will have their ges represented will include Oma-iwho recently arrived here to take Shmendrick Pelley' came to the entertained by worms . . . per- day. According to Paul "brains" sure to attend this very important ha, Sioux City, Lincoln and Coun-j charge of the Council Bluffs Hemeeting. Plans for the pre-season city to personally supervise the haps ones ! ! ! . . . . Steinberg the game was once for tournament and new rules will be cil Bluffs. Business session will (brew School. The reception will plans- . • ' . A. Journal reporter, Actualexclusive happening:, Teacher: athletes only but since Lee Gross- discussed with Lee Grossman pre- be held in the morning followed!be given next "Wednesday evening . Arnold Severaid, haB been "unby a buffet luncheon. At 2:30 \October 21, at eight o'clock at the buttoning", the shirts sufficient- (In religions school taking man hurt his hand and has start- siding. o'clock in the afternoon,-an openiChevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue, There comet & time vheis pratitude Is the ly to spoil their plans . . . a few registration) What grades are ed to referee he has made it a forum will be held, under th-e lea-J Mrs. Morris Grossman is chairchildish game. Lee does not al"big-shot" business men . were you i n public school? . . . l i t Arthur Cohn is on the top rung dership-of Rabbi David-A. Gc!d-;znaa in charge of this affair and best evidence of firse character. Thousands of • greatly- embarrassed -shortly after tle O'ne: i i don't go to' public low sleeper plays, two points in- in the pre-season singles handi- stein o'f "Omaha; A "banquet will'is being: assisted by the Mesdames stead 61- one on the Scoreboard cap ladder tournament with no names could appear iv. the Jpvssh Press ps-o^ school, I jgo to^'Iipn^^J_ teheatitig), improper language, losses to his credit. He also has POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVEKTJEEIVEN'! "T. i Meyer Rabei*\&eclafe§*that: claiming- tiseir gratitude to Robert Smith, p-ratiblast may, appear, lin one•_ of our- Julia; should be "jewel" for reaching across the net, hitting no wins due to the fact that he national magazines "soon . ^-. ~ short . . • •• Salute to the North the net,* kicking a spiker on the | has not played a single match t u d e J u s t i f i e d "hy bis= -pie-.np-n-nrx} fho-np-htf-s.il.TiepF: in. Side Jewish bakers:. J.r M. Bak- opposite side team while he is since the tournament got started. periods cf adversity or irriBv0i,ia;r;.o, More Football er, Isadore Forbes, D. Abrams, spiking, throwing and catching In the handball matches played Morris AiHer and others for ' the ball, yelling outside to an op-last week: Jack Ban eked o-ct a Marshall (Moishe) GoldRobert SmitL, E I their generosity . . . -a. brasijry" ponent receiving your serve, and win over Max Turner in. three


W. A. Day

J. C. C. Sports



Fearless and Impartial Enforcement of the Law

_ ^





lierg,' the 'brilliant halfback- of

person who appears- In-need- is- a. few other fundamentals very hard fought games, 21-19. 0-21, .necessary in this sport according £1-18, Stan Shapiro won over

the University of Pittsburgh handed a loaf of;.bread immer team, is the boy •who has been diately as he enters > . .- race graced thus far with possible or religion is not/considered. All-American honors . . .; He , . . . T o D - B. G.: Mrs. Korma' hails Irom ElMns, W. Va., and Shearer Thalberg, widow of the

to Dr. Paul Ellis's own original Saul Krizelman, 21-13, 21-9, Sam rule. book. I am afraid our ar- Znrinsky defeated Ray Sehapiro, bitrator will have to buy one of21-7, 21-15, and Murray "Winthese rule books so that he may<rnub upset Sol Taffee, 21-.S, 12late Irving Thalberg was .ac- become better . acquainted with 21, and 21-5.

is related t o the Simon Steinberg*, of Council "Bluffs . . . - cepted in the Jewish faith imVon will have an opportunity , mediately after their marriage to watch this " fleet-stepping in 1927 . . . She was converted sophomore perform at the sta- by Rabbi Edgar Magnin of ,diiiiir In Lincoln'on November Temple B'nai 3'rith, who offi14th when the Panthers and ciated at her husband's funComhuskers. clash in one of eral . . . Prepare the "Chuppa" the important games of the for George Idpp . . . he and year . . . Here in our own city his Kansas City "Kitty," Helen we have embryo stars in HuGabie, will soon be wed . . .. bert Monsky, who crushes a Omahans in California please few bones of the opposition note; that Eddie Cantor will while scrimmaging with the speak on "Hitlerism in AmerCreighton freshmen. . . . A ica" at the Shrine Auditorium strapping" youngster who is in lios Angeles on October 20. alert despite his size . . . At . . . He speaks under the ausCentral High, Dick Gordon pices of the Hollywood League dazzles the fans with his slipagain Nazism . . . Rev. L. M. pery style of play . . . ILeonard Berkhead of Kansas City will Muskin has been a tower of appear on the same program. strength on the same eleven . . . Overheard: Lady who

and likewise Joe Hornstcin, a bulky youngster who is also a regular on the team . . . At Tech High, Harry Spiegel has been active in line play in all of their games thus far . . . Central High at Sioux City flashed a speedy pair of youngsters in Milton and Phil Saltzman in the recent Oinaho-


Candidate for








i :


District C o u r t i-



m,t I«R,V, fir-

more tKais tveai;years C5erfc of thr

__ = •


now s. c&isciicisvt Dietritt Jad^e.

P ¥

jore ce.ps,fc]-r. Jjoaest s,ssi »• I 1 ll ( ,

St©p the "Spending Sp State H©MS'© Political



Presidczt Soos$velt cpsrLly boirts cf having, set. up "new isstrmsests of power" that could be .used to "shackle the liberties of the people." With Ms; "isstrtnassts cf power" he is (The following figures, taken from the official records holding1 back soinid recovery; he is. of the state treasurer, show the tax income of the state mortgsjpag the futore of every nan, government.) woman and child for generations to Last Tear • First Year come; he is fanning the flasse of coriUnder Bryan Under Coehran iaxmism, bolshevism and class hatred. Property tax $4,530,053.49 $4,330,679.45 In order to continue his "nsw instruGasoline tax 9,574.839.97 11,205,676.29 ments of power," hs would "shackle" Tax on insurance prethe Supreme Court fed rewrite 'the miums, liquor, inConstitution. spection, fees, etc..;.. 4,246,389.88 6,139,307.93 TOTALS $18,351,283.34 $21,675,663.67 Is that the Msd cf Goremacst vex forefatlisrs died to establish in Ansr* INCREASE in NEBRASKA tax burden in first year unica? Is that the Mna cf liberty that der COCHRAN . . . . $3,324,380.33. millions have cens here to enjoy? NOTE: The above figures do not include one penny of Governor Landon points the way to federal money. This is money which came out of the % prosperity and happiness . . the iiasrpockets of the people of Nebraska. ican way. Let's n£ks cur Country ores more the land cf the free. Tote straight « republican.

'Voeir l i i Bill"Has



l . t t <r ' . . i f ,




-,c c



} . . "S" - , .



." '


tbc p /'' r "*"""*• - r^~~ f r- ' ^ r~ k»


i c ;*^cC»cc


about about about years

the one-cent additional gas t a x ! the $2,000,000 in; liquor taxes! the $2 head tax on every person under of age!

If the cost of our government-had been held down, the income from liquor taxes would have brought about a real reduction in the property tax levy.


_•:... William Boss King


Endorsed by Referendum Vote of the Lawyers of Douglas, Washington and

Burt Counties

Endorsed by the lawyers of Cpuslas, Washington and; B.urt Counties.. 25 years experienca. as- a taivyer. ' President. O'niaha Bar; Association- 2035. ' Six yesrs. service on tho Board of Education, liov/ Presidsni - of the Board. Term expires Jan_;sry 1, £937.




V •s X

GoTcraorX»aeut. Governor


See'y of State




.. . WILLI^El A. CU[:i:C

Autliicsr of Puislie Accts. Cos

V@TS GOVEHKOR End the Six-Year Rule of the Statehouse Political • Machine

cr ^


• Stats' Treasmrer Attorney General




Railway .Commissioner





Auxiliary Meeting

Classes at Hebrew School Resumed After a ten day vfleatlon dur ing the holidays, the sessions of the Hebrew School were resumed yesterday afternoon In the elnss rooms at Sha&re Zlen Synagogue, Two teachers have arrived la the elty to take charge ef tho classes, They are Miss Bessie Hesser ef. Chicago, and Mr, D. Eisner of New York City, Miss ilesser Is n graduate of the Col lege ef Jewish Studies in Chlea io, She is also a graduate of the Lewis Institute, and was affiliated with the Avukah so eiety In Chicago,

ANNA PILL, corfospoodcnt Iilllilffi^

tli© PisBeer Women's g HOB, and tbis week py,tta§ Sister* heed of Mount Slual Teinpfe. ¥h© deu&Uea edmiiilttee' under tbe dlfeetlon ef Mrs. B, E, Daren i§ g§lllng ebaneeg on a Gruuow Radio, sad an upholstered chair, The admission tickets are being distributed by a eoaimiUee head= ed by Mfii Art Kaplan-and' Mrs. ifeai'y Sherman. Mrs. L. «f. Map* Ian Is in elmi'ie of the grocery donations booth, An unusual and novel arrange* went of the Carnival premlggB to make It most entertaining, aad Rnbhl Theodore N. Lewis will everyone Is urged to save the gpeak this evening en the life and date, N ^ b work of Israel Kangwlll. , The service will begin at 8 o'clock, T h e Annual Congregational meeting will be heid Monday evening, October ID, In the An* The first meeting ef the Ben nes of the Temple. Tho annual ier Hadaesah chapter will be held election of the Heard of Directors en Tuesday, October 9?, at the will be held at the meeting. Pol» Jewish Community Center, fol= lowing the eongregatlenal meetlewint a one e'eloek htaeheea, log;, th& Brotherhood will hold its Mrs, William Laser© is ehair* annual election. A social hour wan et the, luaeheea arrange* aad refreshments will conclude Hieate, Mrs, Sam Shulkln i§ la the evening's prograuj. charge of the menu and Mrs. Julius Lehman the dining roem> BOOK REVIEW MONDAY November 10 haa been the date set for the Senior Iladassah The first book review in the daaee, Mrs, M, A, Marks and Mrs. J&efe Jtohlu^ea are ee=ehalr- series ef six, to be given by Rabbi H ft. RaatnewltB, will be held mea of the danee, Monday evening, October 19, in

Th§ f§peft§ ef th§ v&Heua t'eai= itteeg. werkiag en th§ later eeuaeiJ @§rni¥ai, which wire presented at a aieetlag ef the #BFk§Pi Mm\tey evening in the tf§wi§a deiafnuaity @enter, (Heated that me§t ei the eemniit= je§§ are Beatini their §6al8, and that the eatifg Jewish ity i§ working teward the et this iaiBDftaafc prejeet, fh§ earaivai will be held this year ea the Meiaaaiae fioer ef tn§ Mastia lietei, with aa ported ereaestFa supplying the amsis for daneiag in the ball

Mount Sinai

Had&esah Meeting


The ad eaaunittee, which is beaded by Rueben Millet? and Mee Lasere, reported that their workers had almest§ attained their §eal, and that their quota weuld be reached by the end ef this week, at which time the ads «u§t be in. The pre§ram la whtfib the ad§ wiH appear will ge to press the early part el nest week-. The program will also eentaia write=up^ ef the various efi&nieatious and aetivities &i the loeal Jewish eaiuaiuaitir. Miss Elsie Brodfeey is een\piliug thk The ear committee reported that it is also Rearing its teal, with the ear ea display in the b eetlen ev*r* dajfi aad fs- esfganigatidn selling ehaneea ea it-. ¥ w the past tares weeks, A speeial. repeft fe&§ beea made h? these ©pgaiitgatldfiSt with the tian geliiai the e\©§t tot- the week receiving a free BB6k ei eh&ne^ The lirst the beak was wen. b^ the

Auxiliary Oneg Shabbea


poctiil titill di Shaard £lmt

SynaKOgue. ftt S;3« oVloek, ft&bbi ftablnawits will review •'Gone With the Wind," Mrs, 8, Bnovsfcy and Mvs, Ben The 6ne& 8habboa of the Ladies Auxiliary of Sh&ave 8i&n will Oelfand ate in eharg« of the book tickets, be held teraerraW afterBoea, at 2 {80 in the home ef Mrs, Morey phMBv M«; A, Hi Baron is ia arie ef the program which will inelude eurrent evsnta by llh, The first westing of the Book Wiiliaai l€\»teher, and a talk byi Review eirtle of the Mount Sinai Mies Mabel Hoyt, dean ef girls at! Sisterhood Will be held next PrU Welt Junior• High School* Miss- day afternoon, O.ctebev 23, In tho lieyt will tell ef her travels j fit Mrs, 12. N\ Gvueaktn. threutli larepe this Mrs, e, A Hoyt wilt review




I and 4tt Am the Fox."

The Lodlea Auxiliary of Synngoguft will hold its first meeting: of tho fall season next Tuesday afternoon, followIng a one o'clock luncheon In the social hall of tho synagogue, Mrs. Itueben Miller, outgoing president will preside at the meeting and a feature of tho program will be tho Installation of Mrs, Joe Ktttcher as new presl dent. Mrs. D,'L. Ubdln will offer the Invocation. The program will Include a pageant "Tho Jewish Home Beautiful," with the following member* portraying the various holidays of tho year: Mrs. Art Kaplan, Tho Spirit of Sabbath; Mrs. Menry Sherman, Rosh Hashonah; Mrs. Morris Rubin, Yom Kippur; Mrs. Ben Baron, Suecoth: Mr«. William Kutchcr. Chanukah: Mrs. Barney Baron, Purlm; Mrs. Lester Hceger, Passover and Mrs. Mike Sherman, Shavuott. In the pageant a table will be «et for each holiday, with the traditional holiday dishes and delicacies on it. Cantor A. PHsklu will sing accompanied at the piano by Miss Saretta Krlgstcn; Miss Jean Shlntller will offer a violin eolo, accompanied by Miss Krlgsten. Mrs. Ben Flub is In charge of the menu: Mrs, A. B. Friedman, the dining room. Mrs, William Kutehcr Is the program chairman.

historians of literature- will not us'all forget him and a)l the oth- E m e t l w'emunEt Khol-soth. even in democratic cultures admit ers of his kidney. The drama of Amen. that a Jew writing as a Jew and life is in its great choices. The (Copyright IBS7 by Seven Arts of Jewb is or can have been with- wisdom of life 'is in abiding hapFeature Syndicate.) » in that culture of equal value pily by o n e 's characteristic with their own writers or those j choices. Would I give up (if I REEO. RAMACCIOTTI «. ROBINSON who seemed to strive to be at one could) my great choices lor the and EPKRAIM L. MARKS, Attya. f12 First NatM Bk. BldOwith them. I have lost the world, combined income of the Lipppresent and future Have I gain- mans and the Ftrbers and EU the EY PUBLICATION ON ed the Jewish people? Have I purveyors of strictly American NOTICE PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT gained their support and their entertainment? I would not. OF FSN.AL ADMiNISTRA. TiON ACCOUNT memory? Time will show. If my In the County Court of Douglae PROBATE NOTICE choice would be no virtus in me. Conn ty, Nebraska. Matter of the Estate of HarFor, being what I an, believeing In the Matter of the Estate of ryInS.the Mclionald. Deceased: Catherine. McFarland, Deceased. as I do, I could make no other NOTICE Ali persons interested In said matIS HEREBY GIVEN: choice. You remember the old ThSt'the creditors of said deceased ter are hereby notified- that on the 29th dav of September. 1936. Charles will meet the administrator of said saying of Buffon: the style is the estate, before me. County Judge of P.. McDonald, filed p. petiiion in said County Court, prayine: that his final man. I add an even deeper and Douplas County, Nebraska, at the admlnistrEtion Recount filed herein b« County Court Room, in said County, truer one: The choice is the man. on settled and ellov-pd, and that he bt the 1st day of December, inrifi. ETHI from hin trust as adminis1 had almost forgotten Mr. C. on the 1st day of February, 1937. at dischfirped P o'clock A. M.. each day. for the pur- trator find that a hearing- will be had A. Rubenstein of Baltimore. Let pose of presenting their claims for ex- on said petition before said Court on

Junior. Hadasssh

Tho first meeting of tho Junior Iindasoah chapter will be held next Wednesday evening, October 21, in the Jewish Community Center. Miss Dorothy Merlin, president, will preside. A program will bo foflWed by a busine»s meeting.

Society News Word has been received here of tbo marriage of Miss Minnie Okttn, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Nathan Okun, 811 Y/est Eighth street, to Carl Raskin, a former Sioux Cltyan. Tho wedding took place last Sunday In 1-on Angeles, whero they will reside. Mlsa Ruth Orllkoff •will leave this oveninc for a two week trip to California. She will visit in LOH Angeles, and San Francisco, stopping in Denver on her return home, i

FRADENBURG, W E B B , BEBER, KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attorneys at Lsw 230 Union State Bank BidsCm«ha, Nebraska

Mrs. Dora Baron i« in Minneapolis this week, visiting with her son Arnold, who la enrolled at tho University of Minnesota. Mrs. Marcus Silverberg and Mrs. Abo Silverberg are visiting with friends, nnd , relatives in Minneapolis this week.

Icor Sends Print Shop to Bidjan

NOTICE OF AMENDMENT Notice Is hereby given that at a SDEclnl meeting of the stockholders of the Nebraska American,Company held nt Omaha. Nebraska, on September 11. lMfi. at which nil stockholders were present. Article -V of Its Articles of Incorporation was amended to read us follows: ••AnTICMS V The authorized capital stock of this company shall be $10,000.00. and nil of said rtock shall be common and of the par value of $10.00 per share." NEBRASKA AMERICAN COMPANY. By C. O. Talmaee. President. " Attest: Charlon S. Copeland. 10-!-S6-4t Secretary.


The Service Life InsurEnce Company, a Corporation. PIp.jntifL vs. Julia Prince and Real Estate Exchange Building' Company, a Corp"''- • ation. Dpfendants. Dor. "21, No. R71. | NOTICE FOR PU-EUCATiQN ; To Julia Prince anii Real Estste Ex- ; change Building Company, a Corporation. Defendants. Tou and each of you are notified that The Fervice Ijife insurance Company. -plaintiff, has filed its petition apainst you, the object end prayer of which is to obtain equitahle relief, to obtain the appointment of a. receiver. and to foreclose the mortsape dein paid petition upon end tc FRADENBURG. W E B B , BEBER, scribed sell to satisfy the indebtedness, judgKLUTZNICK & KELLEY, ment and decree in said action, the Attorneys at Law followinR described property: 200 Union State Bank Bldg. Commencing at a point on the Omaha, Nebraska South line of Haruey Street in the City of Omaha as neir PstPblishfrl. : NOTICE OF AMENDMENT One Hundred Twerty-four HIM} \ Notice, is hereby pivrn thst at « feet West of itip Wp.ct 'in? of TCryes ' fcrK^cial meetinp of the stockholders of Division. In T^ot Xine <P>. (^pitoi | Insurance Investors Syndicate held at Addition to the City of<Vmeha, run- j Omaha. Nebraska, on September 11. ninp thence South Ninety-two (S2S j > feet: lS"fi, «t which BII stockholders were feet: thence Ii-i-st Fifty <5C : present. Article IV of its Articles of thence -Nerth Six (fi) feet: shence tncorpom tton was smended to read West Seven (7) fee*: thence North ; as follows: j Eighty-si* (SKI feet: thence P,>st i ••ART1CT.K IV j along said Soiifh J'T^e- t»f Hp.mey j The authorized capital stock of i Street Forty-three «42> feet to place j tins coropRny shall be J10.000.00, I of begtnnSng; sn3 the improvcinenis ] . . . ] and nil of Raid stock shall be com-1 thereon. nmn nn.l of the par value of 110.00 I Said action is penrtinsc in ihe resper share." : trict Court of DouslES CouTrtr. X P bras)ca. »nd yon ure re^uire^ to prIXSCRANCK TXVKSTORS SYNDICATE! I s»-»T said petition or. or before 4he By C. O. Talmage. : Snd d»j- of Xovemhcr. IPSfi. President. : The Service Life Insurance Companv, Py riamtiff, Attest: : lJDy4, I>ort. Jt« AttomerCharles S. CopeUind. j l(>-I-5R-4t Secretary, i

New York (JTA) — The Icor (Association for Jewish Colonization In the Soviet Union) is sending to Biro-Bidjan & modjrn print The first late Friday evening shop to serve the cultural needs service of the season will be held of the new region, it was anat Shaare Zion synneoKue, when nounced. To date, tho Icor has '•Hospitality Night" will bo ob- pent to Blro-Bidjan America macserved. The congregation will be hinery consisting ot tractors, hosts to the newcomers mil new- trunks, eloetric stations, automobiles, «-xcavntinf: machines, etc., ly weds In the community. U&bbt It. K. Rablnowits will amounting to a little more than en "Startlnp t.tfe Anew." $250,000. With the print shop, the Icor Cantor A. Pltsfctn and the gj-narogue choir will chant the rit- will send a photo-engraving plant. Part of the funds for the print ual. Following the service a recep- shop and the photo-engraving tion will be held In the social hallj plant wero the net proceeds of of the synagogue Mm S J the estate ot th<> late Dr^ Julius aTTTUs pos-J and Mr?. John C. Levin TJr^vreaTT'wTio"wTned sesions to the Icor. are i>\ eh&r&e «t the reception arrangements, Junior Congregation services will b« held at Shaare Eton Sat(Co&Uaued from pag* 1) wrday mornini? at l<>:3f». Refreshments wtU be distributed by Mr. and Mr*, Lester HWRCT. j Walter Llppnia • and F a n n y Sunday afternoon. Rabbi Rab-j Hurst. Do you see lae Si-adieated Inowiis will speak In Bcs Xfolnes, j ©r "filmed'"? Do you suppose] lewa tor International A. S. A. "lonlsts buj- my books? I edited' day. "Rebirth," a modem Zionist bible. My publishers lost money on it and so did I. But. I xrould do $t rt£ht ever a^rsln. It •sras aiy i

Shaare Zion

amination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditor* lo present their claims, from the 31st day of October. 19,18. BRTCE CRAWFORD. 10-9-36-St County Judge.

the 2-4th day ol" October, 1936. and that if you €att to eppear before Bafd Court on the said 24Jli day of October. 1936. at P o'clock A. M.. and contest said petition, the Court may g r a n t ' t h e prayer .of said petition, enter a decree of heirsbip, end make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to thie Court may seem proper., '.o the end that all matters pertaininr to said estate may be finally settled End determined. BKTCB CRAWFORD, 10-2-36-St County Judge.

Buy one package of DoubleMeiicv- Old Gold Cigarettes. P. Lorillard Company •will pay yon for two if Oi<3 Golds don't make pood.

For tic Entire Family

Cleo-Cola Vess Beverages l o n r iSenier Gas 'Em Both!




B*nai BVith




ganisattons. Thejv are those that asd tnstalUtlon, the jvay best; they are these •who R\esibers adjovtr&ed to a-s©- think £toni3&i as I eer^eire Jt, ss : howr a {Philosophy ot M£e, esirerae ar.d ; Vet, Eawia W. not yet «jv.5te j>ns>er. What I wight say r.5ight Jrr;:ate son-.e ef the G^atiie. Or s^r.ve asssr.'.v.atic.r.st


51 st Anniversary

Community Center


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NEW **& GREATER HAYBEN f*a*f«ft%gfe aft^i 6 e ^ Wilt.



Sd it SKtsht . . . I aw 7>I>OT. ••



Newly elected officers ot ihe AH the prises of the xrorUi are B*rith elsewhere. Even r.ot a f exr small! at a b«sla*s Jewish ones. I l&se le«n;res be- ] tn tho Jewish fore certain types ct Jewish esr- ]


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