October 23, 1936

Page 1


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3LEWI5GI1H This eoluina la copyright by tho Seven Arts STeatnre Syndicate. Soproductios. in wholo or In part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t i l s copyright "will ba prosecuted.

Entered as Second Class Sfail .Matter on January 21. 1521. at Poatofflco of Omaha. Nebraska, under thft Act of March S, 1S79

A-few days ago in the Mandates Council of the League of Nations, a number of statesmen led by Professor Christian Lange of Norway made a very serious effort .to impress upon the British representative in the council the | concern which civilized n e n in all ! countries felt over tha danger that seemed threaten the Jewish ie-s'ettlement of Palestine. The Statesmen in Question based their observations not only on humanitarian grounds, the plight of the Jewish' people in Eastern and Central Europe, but also on the great civilizatbry wort of the Bichard' E.' Gntstadt Principal Speaker at "Eegional Jews in the near East and upon : Conference general political and economic grounds. That tho Polish representative joined in this plea Richard E. f Gutstadt, secretary and protest need not be blankly and director-of-toe B'nai B'rith discredited. For though the anti-defamation . league, "will , be treatment accorded by the Polish principal speaker at the republic to its Jewish citizens is harbarous and indefensible, it is al- conference, of the Southwest also true that Poland as a whole Regional council of District Lodge iseconomicaly in a very bad -way and that emigration of groups of its nationals, • irrespective even of race or faith might as in the similar situation of Ireland in the nineteenth century become a legitimate policy. •




Jewish Community Center and Welfare Fcdcratic:.

'ANNIVERSARY- PROGRAM Tuesday, Oct. 27to Sunday, Nov. 1 Following is the complete program of the celebration commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Jewish Community Center and the thirtieth anniversary of the Jewish Welfare Federation. The celebration is free and lasts from Tuesday through Sunday. Tuesday, October 27—8:00 P. H. PAGEANT AND EXHIBIT—History and activities of the Center.' A presentation in pageant form of the growth of the Jewish communal program in Omaha. Exhibition of Center work. Wednesday, October 28—3:00 P. 11 ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES NIGHT—Presentation of athletic awards for the year. Exhibition in the handball courts and swimming pool; tug-of-war, gym activities, etc. ' • - . . • Thursday, October 29—6:00 P. til. . YOUTH NIGHT—One-act play, panel diseussion, special program, reception. Friday, October SO—3:30 P. II. COMMUNITY SERVICES—Joint Community Services, . in which all religious groups will participate. Saturday, October 31—9:00 P. II. COMMUNITY DANCE—Dancing to music by an excellent orchestra. Admission free to all.

Opening of Jewish Ccsnnunity Center Was Gala Affair

Center Players Guild "Try-Outs

When on October 27 the Omaha Jewish Community convenes to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Jewish CommunTry-outs for the first producity Center, it will mean more than tion . of ' t i e Center Players, juEt the birthday celebration of the completion of a building. In ! "Petticoat Fever," -"nil be held. a sense it will be the tenth an- j at the Jewish Community Cenniversary o* the realization of a j ter auditorium, SUEday afterpurpose of a community and the i ; noon, October 25, Et 2:"C p. ia. Ereryoce interested is urged rebirth of an ideal. • I From 1BOS when fourteen j prominent Omaha Jews assenbl-1 ed at tbe home of Dr. Philip j Sher until 1826 when the board! ol directors of the J"-wish- Cora-! munity Center announced to the ! various Omaha Jewish congTega-1 tions the completion of their f trust, time after t;~e tremendoizs i effort for a Jewish Community Center "WES expended only to be , unrealized. A financial panic, a tornado, a war, all intervened, bat finally after twenty years of |

to appear for the try-outs. Helen Merrit is directing the play. There are several excellent parts in the gzy comedy which had a successful van on Eroad; •way •with Dennis King in the leading role.


Public Invited to' Daily P Testimonial Din.ti.er to • Climax Program. "1 T*C

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At the same time that this discussion took place in Geneva the Jewish Agency, the officially accredited representative ol the v - U ^CG: t Jewish people in dealing both CVCT..Z CC •with the mandatory Power and with the League, issued a call to | ! '' f : f world Jewry and. very specificalrr ly to the Jewa of America for moral and financial aid. Despite •f *. i In ^ nearly six months of terrorism, endeavor tbe Center fioors were j w V •work in Palestine has continued. opened. ! Twenty-eight thousand people t z,rr- c' rr. r1,\LCLLI ti.I L ~ . ; \L«JL^. Through the generosity of JJor-1 have entered the land since the ri- Lever, 550,000 had been fives i beginning of the year; Tel Aviv. r r r' for a Community Cester with the has become a port; on farm and provision that another f 150,000 i Aajudgefi viiiner by tbe un- i ; - " - »-->-r in shop, in town and village, amid Richard - Gntstadt | be raised to match this sum. jstinted applause .of a record audanger and Infuriating injustice Omaha Jewry had eagerly re- idience, Kiss Harriet Bernste'n reour men and women have carried No. 6, B'nai B'rith to be held Ocand in June 1826 the; cevied the first prize of fifteen on. They have continued with tober 25 at- the Hotel Chieftain In 'onusussty Center was \dollar's s.* tit© fiTEt EnnT3eil -ATTIStheir hands and with their minds Council Blnffs." d bT t b e completed, • i Sunday, Kovembsr 1—6:00 P. II. -to create the goods and values The conference will open on the Thereupon a "weet cf rejoicing \ ; that constitute civilization. Nev- morning at 10:20..with a business TESTIMONIAL DINNER—Honoring, present and past accompanied the •birth of this in- jMiss Bernstein KETLJT the Eris. 'Ore ertheless. the loss by sheer wan- session. The president of the FiTse I>ay* frora PcccIni'E cpera, ! officers and leaders in Jewish Community life—$2.50 i Etitution that has been so vital; ton destruction, the burning of Council Bluffs Chamber of Com"Madame ButterHy." | a part of tbe Ontana Jewish coin-' per plate.. crops* the uprooting of trees <and merce, and the mayor of the,city The seccsd prize cf ten dollar? 1 " f t *• inunity. by.Hhe obstruction of traffic and will give "welcoming addresses, to Eleanore Fredtin, roun? ' June 6, 1926 the cf other normal processes . has An election of officers < will fol_ iras thrown ©pea to the I p * " t ^ r l~-*'~!'^U"~l *]tt - bbek very great and very grevious low a report iy Philip luutznick :> on the condition of the ^ , ,, . . t,.. . "•"* 1,. - "year-oTtl Ecrc'oatic dancer, - • and tlts: 'Jewish-: people iB now " -A: ouffet called upon 'to ^sustain our * ~' vated the hearts of the tut v , ren in Palestine and also to safe- ed at 12:30-and will be immedinext day a kosher banquet WES h e r 5m.Bm a n n e r a n f i h e r guard the investment not only of ately followed by. an -illustrated rserved to tbe members of the tbe! t ^ l e n t e a d a B o i l l g . • Center. Xor did that complete v rf " "*many millions of money, but of lecture by C. Hochman of Council Little • Robert Levy, fire-year- j r dedication program. T u e s d a y heart and soul work and blood Bluffs.- - •--• old son fo Mr. end Mrs. Abr.L,evy, |* June 8, was Ladies' day, a glorand hope and redemption which Habbi David A. Goldstein ious celebration that was cli- despite t h e handicap of an tin- . r" the Palestinian Yishub represents Omaha "will, lead an open Forum controllable cerby and the persis-; C1' There has always been anti- the anti-Semitic program o the maxed by a grand ball. in the living history of the Jew-in the. afternoon on "What Part Semitism in Germany among certent t e m p t a t i o s t o nibble on a L r On Wednesday, Judge A. L. bun, danced his v~zy to the fire ' ~~ ish people. And our immediate the B'nai B'rith. Should Play in tain elements of the middle class, Nazis." special meetAs to the future of the Nazi Sutton spoke at a question is: "How are'Jews, how the Field of Jewish Education." according to Gerhart Seger, fordollar third prize. j ?•' regime, Seger believes that the Ing of the Hebrew club, its first • American Jews going to answer An eHdienee t h a t literati;- orer- ] S At;the banquet to be held at mer Social-Democrat member of Blood Purge of 1934 showed the in the new building. End on that call?" '••..».flowed -onto t h e street -witnessed j 6:30 Florence and Esther Stein- the German Reichstag, who spofce pier r~ It is significant that the call berg -will g i v e s musical progTam. Friday evening at Temple Israel. first traces ot dissatisfaction on;Thursday the B'ca.1 B'rith witnj the fourteen araateur acts. Perch- | the part of the Germans. (their special ceremonies closed] ia already being marvelously res- Mrs. L-eo Fitch ol Council Bluffs "Because of the old discriminated on •windoTrsills and radiators | F" 'Hitler has promised every-1 the dedication program. During j and occupying ever inch of avail- j • i ponded to in Europe. In Holl- and Dr. I. Danskytrill present a ing laws the Jews were confined thing to everybody. Some ele-ithe first week, over five thousana I able standing room, an apprecia- i IT F - I - Drr and, in Belgium, in England monto certain professions as law, ments are bound to be disap- persons Tisited the new Center. ey is pouring In upon Dr. TVeiztive audience thrilled to Yiddish I"1" ? CI"! r Xouis-Katelman and Nathan medicine, trade, and finance, Upon the dedication of the pointed. Likewise the indebtedmann, who is personally conduct- GHinsKy are in charge of arrangesor.g-s and . applauded e r e r r en-j O members of building an enormous memberthe .mid- ness of the country has increased ing the appeal. And here? And ments for the-conference. Omaha, •When the dear or. : ~ in Holland and Belgium and Ens- rincoln, Council Bluffss, and die class entered these profes- to such an alarming extent that ship campaign was launched. RalThe " J l a j o r " — none other ; ~ lies were held at the Community sions they of course come into a. break is inevitable. Hitler's forland who are giving so generousthan At) Kaiman — brought \ ' Sioux City chapters will De rep- competition with the Jews." eign policy is heading toward a Center In which enthusiastic Ehreiks from t h e resemblance v s - — s ly are far from, being all professOmaha. Jewry participated. Mr. Seger is a. non-Jew, having, war." ed and ideologically trained Zion- resented. = Present' officers of the with his patter. At inter-rals he The younger people did their •was interrupted by H j m a n Shrists. Of course they are not. But council are'Dr. H. N. Levin •, of as he describes it, blue eyes and By B y a policy of of terrorism, t e , a p polrp • " " - " r' Sioux --City, -president; Nathan blonde hair that Mr. Hitler would icy of imprisoning for what might I share a n d o r g a n i z e d t h e ways j ier, ^w h o disguised their hands are on* the pulse of. E-S everyone | h i e ; f c o d i s g l : s e the world situation of Jewry -r- GilinBSy o l , Council Bluffs, .vice- like. During the war he was a happen, the people are kept in a and means of raising funds to fill; f r o m H y s t r i e r t o Eolz- ' -p the empty shelves o£ the library. | literally so! They feel the throb, president; Julius Bisno of Omaha, pilot in the German air force. In subduedness. attempted to sing O Sole! r-° secretary:. Jack " W V Cohen of "Lin1930 he was elected a member Williasn R. Blumectbal was es-iMio. Collusion was almost BUS-j *^ the quiver, the fever and the "The great tragedy of the of the Reichstag and served four regime' is that the younger gen(Continued on page 4.) pain; And the fever spreads. coln, treasurer. j pected when Irv Kaiinan appear- ! P c All sessions -will be at the Hotel sessions, being placed in a conf Even in London a Fascist horde ; ed on the program, but the ever- jv eration is being poisoned with the Chieftain." •,. ' • ; ' . centration camp at Oranienburg virus of anti-semltisin." invaded Whitechapel; in France ,'ready Master ol Ceremonies dis-:,~ after Hitler came to pow.er. the Croix de Feu and the Action | claimed EEy relsiloa fierpite the ; t Mr. Seger believes that democ"The rise of Hitler cannot," racy will replace Hitlerism and Francaise menace the republic; worthy iraits-tion of George Givot j b Mr. Seger said, "be blamed en- that communism will find a diffithe shadow darkens over Spain. tirely on the Treaty of Versailles. cult field for the people, who The.gloom deepens over manthers takiKg part were: Eud-; *• Ii Germany despite Its advanced have been denied all sorts of civil kind, and for Jews and for the , ^ idy Barish who' impersonated I culture was politically one hun-liberties," are not . anxious to With plans practically complete | s t e p i a F e t c h i f Kobert Rimermtn ! best among the few remaining dred and fifty years behind the change one dictatorship for an- for the opening of the' thirtieth 1^.%,^ R,tXlg .ij- Aot pi e i l ty o£ Noth-! Christians there is one light in annual Tuberculosis Seal cam- j United States, England, and the other. the gloom — one light, the light Philip Sckoloif, tap-danc- i paign in Ornalm Thanksgiving! of Palestine, the light of our peo- An appeal-to-return all lost-or Scandanavian countries. . Tradisieger; Mas Bauraer, who i day to continue through to New! overdue boots borrowed from the tionally the country l a s been ple and its work In our land. Yiddish; &£d s. j-oung • ang m Tear, vartcrus Jewish women's Or- | The Weimar Jews of America/those of you library ot t h e ' Jewish Community anti-democratic. ""iltoa Koaecky. | ganisatioa will at'ain be asked to I rooner, Ji whfi are not Zionists, those of you Center was.issued this weefe." Old constitution which brought devolunteer for service preparing SO j who have been frightened or debts or fees due the library: for mocracy to. Germany was given and daneed; Arthur Kulak- | thousand letters for mailing at As- j made uncomfortable by some of rental books are asked to be the same year as the Versailles »r; Norman. Kahn j . . the harsh and bitter truths that paid. Treaty, and the two were considThe tree campaign being spon- sociation^ headquarters, 400 Pas- E.nd Sidn£y Greenbauin, ss-^ji- i Zionism must proclaim* those o£ ,phoEe duet; and Milton Goldberg.! sored by tha local Jewish. National ton Block. The collection lot.- debts . and ered inseparable." Last year many of the mosi ac- a c c o r d i o a i s t £ i s o participated. you who are trying to turn your fines-and the return of books, be"But-even at that in 1930 Fnnd Conuncil to hare Ossaeyes and your hearts away from longing to the Center is being there -were only, thirteen Nazis in hans plant a qnota of one thou- tire workers is. the Seal saio drive Outside cf the cpsl- prites two the Jewish world crises and who made so that the library may ob- the Keichstag. Hitler's coming to sand trees in Erets Yisroei to were representatives of Jewish I free tickets to the Orphenm vere Mrs. I given to each performer. Winners 'nevertheless know deeply within tain fniseis to purchase new books power was the result of the eco-take the place of those destroyed Women's organisations. is a !-K-ere determined by en s.pp'^" you that it exists and that it is for -the coming season^ nomic situation. He promised by the Arab rioters . . . is prouse. of dir but one-question and one crises everything to everyone. When gressing splendidly, with leaders j t u ^ s | meter that registered tbe OT ion The Center library serves as a for all -the world — all of you, after he became Chancellor,. he of the drive confident of reach'°""'given by the audience. headed the workers at the booths high and humble, apparently In- reference room.for the.students of couuld not muster a majority, he Ing their goal. A short zaeetiEg of B'nai B'ritli 'stationed in clOTrnto-sra stores and precedsd 'tis jser£orDianc£. Bedifferent, apparently totally im- the College of Jewish Studies and resorted to the political trickery At a meeting last veei as a reading, room for the generI office builfitacs. Mrs. Korris cause of the mersed In your normal American of burning the Reichstag and imMrs. ge audience, Katlenian and Mrs. Slax Holzmar, lives — you, all of you, each of al public. It also contains a large prisoning his opposition in the chairmen were liered ta t a r e been the lar est Horwits is p_3iblicity chairiaan were in c&arge of two booths for you — if a messenger came to rental department with more than Reichstag." . to vitnesfi & Center activity, ice , Mrs. Isadora Daasky ehair=.2.n o the Council c* rewis'i Women. you suddenly and said; "We arefour hundred popular titles for program •will be Eiven aiiEUj the National Fund ^ift eonrrslt As a member of the powerful public circulation at.three cents Mrs. .Tact Pramson, health | defeated; we are plowed under; relations, tee; Dr. O. Belcer chairaaaa ol the chEinaaa for the Fa-rent-Teachers j * there is no more Yishub in Pales- per day. -Proceeds.from the ren- committee on foreign B : tine;" that dream and hope are tal library , are .-used to defray Mr. Seser sat at the same com- Golden Book asd Children's Gold- group, is" B2other vrfeo ts.s ions j V i c e r o y ih«ea l B r d W51;ir-E eommittee X ^in I been actire daring Seal sale csn-1 Simla, mtix over an! « a t light is quenched costs-of a scholarship loshi grant- mittee table with Goebbels, Goer- en Book. ^ ^ T e a r £ i e v R 1 b 5 juJfloT., Ticurr- cT IT>O«, *pwft ,o aali nothing i3 left ns now except ed to Jewish-girl students by the ing, and Rosenberg. Even knovr- charge of contacting the Omaha I l g n £ workers a t ! r e c e i T e charge c f ToI*unte2r to ask for sterile charitable gifts local Council ~ot Jewish Women, ing them, he didn't believe them organisations on the tree K CEm-| anf i hear capable of permitting the terror co-sponsors of the library. paign consists of Mrs. S&cX * j g uarters. view's on tfce for those in.the somber lifeless Dea n lightless Galuth of an ever wid- - Books may .be returned or pay-that existed in the concentration man and Sirs. SI. F. l*eveason. Mrs. Hersiaa AUErbich, TrhoES ening area of total misery . . . if ments made- to-'th elibrary any camps. Mr. Seger after serving j : brother, Dr. Kas Fleishman of

r--, "

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Jewish Women to • Aid Tuberculosis Seal Campaign!

Appeal t to '•'-. Public To Return: Books To J . C . C. Library


Tree Campaign Shows Progress



a messenger came .to you with evening or'Sunday afternoon, or six months at Oranienburg es- CONTRIBUTION TQ JEWiSE the Douglas County hospital, is such a message, which God for-may. bo mailed" or brought to the caped bat his vife and seventeen& member of 'the board, £.£d Mrs. bid—but if such a messenger Center office at any time. Books month-old child urere put into FREE 10AH SOCIETY Joseph Weiabeg, •whose husband, came-.ot you with such a message which, .have disappeared since protective custody and released also is s. board member, are t t o in your homes or; shops or of- 1930 and overdue books and un-only after a speech he gave' to' • "A"" contribution o*. 1100.00 was!ethers -who cart be fund at heaafices, how would you feel,"how paid fee3 of the last few years the British House of Commons made to the Jewish Frss Loan j quarters practically crezy day, a£woBld you react, what would it E^e especially desired. aroused the interest of Lady As- Society from the estate cf Mrs. isisting in getting the drive uxderdo,to you?

The Center ; library ' is open to tor and the Duchess pt Athoil..'" "The Nuremberg Laws," Mr: Oh, you might appear to go on the general, public each -weekday Seger said, "were ' to foxes, the with, your ordinary occupations evening except" Friday, ' and German population to recognise every Sunday afternoon. (Continued on. page 8.)

Fanny. Greenberg. Mrrs. Gi-een-lway.. berg -was tho mother ol Joe, Da-j from

Other Tolusieer -tr

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S. .£'a£.Tii- xIS ? 1 t V i m groia viiitii lECiucLes tue



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istratioa of the Lions" Cliii Health earsp 'or needy sick -cluidren. liiirsing service, sutrition work, clinics, &nd 6.a estsEsive health ed-jca.tio-al prcgr&s. The Xcktrs Ibraska Tubsrc-iilcsis AssaciEtics

i Chest and fsnarices itse';t pole;;--vid,-and -Hyinaa Greenberg, &s.d I nu Mrs. Minnie Sherman. The sals cS the pe ny seal 2E j fbrough tfts sals oj the seals.

i 1 nk-


Page 2

Needlework Guild . (Continued from -page" !•) Wachtfer, Eddie Wachtlqr, D e •Richards," Nathan WolK, Sam Steinberg and iobri Rosenblatt. " Irvin. Levin to general chairman of athletic activities night,' Yojtfh Activities Thursday night will be devoted to youth activities unde» too chairmanship of Milton Frohm. The program will begin at 8 p. '.m. -with a talk by William. Jatolzman and a response for the youth by Sol Michnik. A panel discussion on "Youth's Place in Communal Life" will be presided over by Henry Mons&y with Max Resnick, Hanna Baum, Loyal Kaplan, Fannie Witkin, Rose Mendelshon and Harold- Z?linsky answering question put by the chairman. A one»act play entitled "The Florist Shop" will be presented with Rebecca Kirshenbaum, Bertha Guss, Manuel Himmelsteln, Joe Hornsteln and George Schaeffer the players. Betty Fellman will give a piano solo and a reception will follow .the program. Hostesses for the program will be Rosalie Alberts, Frances Bor• dy, Dorothy Camel, Evelyn Dan-^ sky, Betty Fellman, Irene Fishberg, Kalah Franklin, Bertha Gusa, Mary Kaplan, Rebecca Kirshbenbaum. Pearl Osoff, Gertrude Orucb, Rose Mendelsohn, Lottie Rips, Eva Ruderman, Sarah Rit-. kin and; May Tucker. Assisting in other phases of the youth program will be Macy Baum, Haakell Cohn, Edward Cohn, Al Blewitr, Joe Goldware, Bill Gray, Herbert Rosenthal, : Willard Smith. Sam Weinsteln, and Harold Zelinsky. Community Service Comunity services will be held Friday-night with members of all synagogues joining in central earvices' in the Center auditorium. A free community dance will be held Saturday night.

Back Sam Klaver Because of his deep interest in the welfare of all tho people, Sam Klaver, candidate for the unincameral legislature from the sixth district, is attracting the backing . and support of voters of all parties. ' When he asserts he is interested in the people themselves, Klaver backs up his statement tritn this humane plea: "Don't question th^ right of a man to live simply because his temples are^grey and his wallet flat. Provide unemployment In. Burance* and adequate old' age . pensions." . . . . Candidate Klaver is eaually in- sistent that redtapo and taxes be , trimmed, in order that the tax: payer who foots the blllla may get wall-deserved consideration. "Furthermore," this candidate has asserted in recent speeches, "industry and labor should not quarrel. By getting them to work together in harmony all groups . will be more prosperous and, . therefore, happier"

; The Omaha b-anch or the: Needlework Guild of America will have its. annual in-gathering and distribution, November 5 and 6 at • t h e First ' Congregational Church, 36th and Harney. Mrs. Lester A. Lapidus is section president cf the Stocking Fund and Mrs. William Racusin represents the Associated Jewish charities. The Needlework Guild ie an inernational organization that gahers new garments for thirtyix local charities. A gift of two ew: garments admits one. to membership."'

Zeta Beta Tau With the announcement, of prootlon3 in the infantry engineering, end artillery units of the miltary department, Zeta Beta Tan laims many off leers and non-commissioned officers. The following men were promoted to the ank of captain, Lloyd Friedman, irst Lieutenant, Phil Laser, Lawonce Green, second lieutenants; Robert Stiefler • and Bernard White, first sergeants; Harjan Milder and . Warren Ackerman, Jatoon sergeants; Harold Perelman, Jerome Milder, Howard Kaplan, ; Bud Slosburg, Ernest WIntroub* and Lloyd Malashock, ine,'sergeants; corporals, Irvln Kuklin,- Robert Cohen, Mlllard Rosenberg and Irvin Sherman. Millard Rosenberg ranked secd high-in a competitive examination for entrance into Pershing Rifles. Robert Cohen and Irvin Sherman also gained admittance, ncerasing the house' membership o nine active members in the honorary military unit. Lawrence Green has been chosn as one of the few men on the Campus to be a member of Scabbard and Blade, Commissioned Officers Society. He is the first ewisft man to belong to this group. He is also a member of Phi Mu Epsilon, a National honorary mathematical : fraternity. Last year he served as treasurer of the House.

Senator Morris* Record Is Lauded

Of all the men serving, in the United States Senate, George WMorris is perhaps the sole member of that august body who in his lifetime has been conceded the position of a statesman by friend and foe alike. • As a representative of an agriultural state, he has been a conlatent champion of an intelligent program for the farmer, programs t envisaged soil conservation and flood control. He was responsible for the "Cost-of-Froductidn" amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act that brought to the farmer at least a price that would cover his expenses of production. In the cause of Labor he has been an outstanding champion, being the author of the bill that out-lawed the notorious 'yellow dog' injunctions. For years he fought to have an amendment of the federal , Constitution that would abolish the abuses of the Lame Duck Congresses. Here in Nebraska he has been the leader of the $56,000,000 Royal Commission water conservation and power deprogram, a project of Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- velopment as much importance to Nebraska cy)—The Palestine government is as the Tennessee Valley Authorrapidly completing arrangements ity which Is also a product of tor the visit of the Royal Com- Senator Norris's foresight. mission, headed by Lord Peel, In 1917 when the United States which will Inquire into the disturbances which started on April entered the World war, Senator 19th. it. la learned that various Norris was one of the ail. senatrepresentatives, both Jew and ors who showed their independArabs, of different districts ence, courage, and vision by votthroughout the country have been ing against American participainvited to appear before the in- tion in the war. In the words of President vestigating body. The points into which the Com- Roosevelt who in his speech at the Ak-Sar-Ben coleseum urged mission will inquire are: 1. The underlying causes of the re-election of Senator Norris, "In our national history we have the disturbances. 2. The manner in which the few elder statesmen who like him Mandate for Palestine is being im- have preserved the aspirations of plemented in relation to the obli- youth; as they accumulated the gations of the Mandatory toward wisdom of years.. He is one of the major prophets of America.' Arabs and Jews respectively. 3. Whether upon a proper construction of: the terms of the Mandate either Arabs 'or Jews have any legitimate grievances because of the way in which the Mandate has been or is being implemented.

LIFE INSURANCEBy the Service Life Insur&nca Company, "Omaha Life insurance is not a speculation and the insured man does not speculate. The insured man takes the speculation out of life, and substitutes for uncertainty the • certainty of the guarantees found in his contracts. If he lives, he wins. If the ood fortune of a long life is hia, then the guaranteed return from his insurance far exceeds that of even the most speculative of investments. To ask a man to invest and re-invest hjs money over a long period of time, never making a mistake of judgement, never being deceived, never losing a cent, ^placing upon his shoulders a task too great. Every time the business line drops, someone loses money. One bad investment- is capable of wiping out the fruits of a lifetime of thrift and self-denial. The man who saves with life insurance makes his own luck.

TIRELESS EFFORT BROUGHT CENTER INTO EXISTENCE (Continued from page 1.) eeutive director of the Jewish Community Center during tBe period of construction. -He left shortly after the opening of the building and was followed by Samuel Gerson, who presided over the activities of the Center for five years. His successor was Jacob Pearlstien, who was in charge for three years. Paul Goldblatt is the present executive. Immediately after the completion of the. building the cultural and physical, education program of the penter waB started. The Forum,'which in the course of its existence has brought to Omaha such outstanding world figures as Norman Hapgood, Anna Louise Strong, Scott Nearing, Rabbi Solomon Freehof, ' Rabbi * Solomon Goldman, Dorothy Thompson, Arthur Garfiejd Hays, and many others too numerous to mention, began Its first series with a lecture by Nathan Krass, then rabbi of Temple Emanu-El of New York. He was followed by Rabbis Stephen Wise and Abba Hillel Silver, Clarence Darrow, Bishop Johnson and Dr. Stanton Coit. A music course the first year, sponsored Elizabeth Gutman, Maximilian Rose, Dimitri Bobkin, Frances Homer and Jay Gorney. Later in the season a Center symphony orchestra was organized. The first classes and courses that later were to grow into the Center's present large adult education program were started under the able direction of Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Mrs. Henry MonsKy, and Mrs. H. A. Wolf, among others. Americanization classes were held for those desiring to know English and learn American ways. Hebrew and Yiddish were offered to those interested in learning something of the culture of their fathers. Child guidance clinics, hygiene lecfures, book talks, speeches on Jewish education, all became a part of the varied program that

has steadily developed through I whistle to the ailing Dr. There the "Bowc'.cin" was, nevertheless j • Progressive' Club were 3 torrid games played with the years. / different in one important detail, A Sunday school that later de- scores ending 15-13, 15-13, and Junior Hadassah held an inter- from all her predecessors. Neatly veloped into the Conservative syn- 16-14. I'EJ sure Dr. Ellis must installed in her forecastle she car-! The OmahR Progressive Choral agogue, now known as Beth-El, have taken his knee bandage off esting meeting Thursday evening-, ried full Zenith radio sending and ,: and Dramatic Club announces was organized and confirmed its and put it over his eyes. I would October 15, at the J. C. C. Sev- receiving equipment, complete ferj thut in. thr cee.r future f, firematic suggest he get someone to read eral new officers were chosen to communication with all the world, J four-act play, "The Broken first class in i928. Clubs sprang up and grew now his one rule book to him. Last fill vacancies. Bettye Tuchman It WEE the first time in history j Hearts" by S. Lebin, will be prothat there was a place where they Wednesday the volleyball class was chosen membership vice-pres- that such equipment went with a" duced tinder the direction o* Ben might meet. Ai new interest in had 3 referees in the personages ident; Isobel Rosenblatt, cultural Artie expedition. Martin, dramatic director, and Jewish life came into being and of Iz (Harry) Levinson, Tione vice-president; Goldye Fish, rethis trip, and again in Sam Vsffe, musical director. It brought the Jewish community of (Napoleon) Feldman and Lee cording secretary; and Mamie theDuring MacMillan expedition of 192 5,' promises to be far greater than ("Blind Tom") Grossman. After Temin, membership treasurer. Omaha into a new unity. when Commander Eugene F. Me-' the two previous successful play* Kalah Franklin, president, an/ Nor was the physical education the third game the boys woke of "Menchen" and "The Yesei-. program aUotTed to go unnoticed. Lee and called it a day. If this nounced that arrangements have Donald, Zenith's President, com-: p.ice." This club has generously manfied JKacMUlan's Steamship been made for the Junior HadasIn the new building were a gym, keep3 up the class will have more contributed to Bevera' charitable a swimming pool, handball courts refs than players. Now that the sah EEual Thanksgiving Dance Peary—Zenith carried on a prac- orgaEizatione from tat proceeds and a wealth of .equipment. weather is cooler more members which will be held pt the Hotel tical experimentation with short; of these plays. Swimming and gymnasium classes are showing up at noon. ' The jFontenelle, November 2 6. Sonia wave transmission and reception, Rehearsals arc being held regwere opened to all ages. Children more the merrier—keep it up. Roitstein „ is general chairman. under, actual conditions of the: ularly the date mill be anwho had never~been near large The regular volleyballers are: Les Millye Whitman i s assistant most strenuous kind which has j nouncedand soon. bodies of water were taught to Berkenroad, Rube Brown, Dr. El- ! chairman. Others on the com- been the secret of Zenith's head j start and superiority in short: swim. Overweight matrons crowd- lis, C. B. Schoppe, Sara Qilinsky," : ed the reducing classes to lose a Bob Kooper, Joe Rice, Geo. SchaGertrude Korney, Evelyn wave radio for the home, piro, Mose Franklin, Dave Rich- Green, Anne Holland, Rose Dolbit of their excess poundage. When r.hort wave bees.me an; JAKES J. FITZGERALD Omaha's .Tames K. Fitzgerald Yet more than a meeting ards, John Sterling, Joe Coiien, goff, Ann Kuznit, Mr?. Ruth Eo- important requirement in the! pained favorable city-wide attenDave Cohn, Iz Levinson, Phil sen, and Sylvia Ptrelman, home receiver several years ago! ground for Jewish life, more than Plans were made also for a —Zenith was able immediately to i tion when, RS a police Judge from a- recreational Institution was this Feldman, Pete Thallas, Cliff Slater and Paul Steinberg. Thallas "Manless Cabaret'' Party to be put into it's sets the results of] 1016 to 1R£O, he opposed searchnew Jewish Community Center. ing of citizens' noueis in prohibiIt also was to become a place of and Slater are former YMCA given at the J. C. C. Thursday its long practical experience,: tion raids without warrants. members who show up daily and evening, November. 5, at S p. m. while other manufacturers werej refuge for those who were troubJudge Fitzgerald, now a disled in spirit. Into the lobby of jaid the class wtih their fine spirit This affair will be for paid-up still in the laboratory stages, j trict judge running for re-elecmembers only and a number of Then as now. Zenith was "Amer-j the Center crowded those seeking and playing ability.) in November, has a record of ica's Most Copied Radio—Always ; tion help, oral and financial; tranIt seems asjf this fellow has a novelty features will be given. fearless and intelligent bench a Year Ahead". i service. At sients, stranded in Omaha; chil- secret passion for referees, He the conclusion of his dren presenting problems to their must have been one himself at municipal jndgeship, Judge Fiteparents, families on the verge of one time or maybe he was on the Four "non-Aryan" German ac- gerald rsn for the district post being broken up, unemployed, receivor end of an argument with tors, Including the well known has held it ever since. Four Jarness E Davidson, president cinema «tar, Otto Wallburg, were and families in need of funds, moth- an official. times hi. has hmd the higL office of the Nebraska Power Company refuged permission to continue of presiding ludjre of the district ers' pensions, the lame, the halt and the blind. A clearing house ; working in Austria. court. for troubles, it had become, as well as a place of Joy. Today the Center stands, its YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE adaptation of Renaissance style of architecture reminding the world of the part Judaism has ular season and the players with. Davidson, president played in the rebirth of European out any conditioning started to of tbe association is regarded as culture. It in itself is responsible themselves out. With this one of the highest honors thr»t (Stery ©f Frogrres* in. for a rebirth, a birth, of integrat- wear in mind the physical department 1 can be bestowed upon a man in ed Jewish life in a new commuthe electric industry. The group nity in a new world. A silent has conceived the .'dea of playing is made up of electric companies monument, it stands as the reali- pre-season games without any re- licensed under the original Edization of those dreamers who cognition whatsoever, that is, no son patents, and has for its obgave time, money and effort so publicity will be given to individ- jective the development of the that it might be built. Without it ual players, and on entry fee is | service to the public of electricity ADMISSION Omaha Jewry would be poor in- being charged. No contracts will j for light, heat and power. be issued but one man can play j deed. Adults—2Oc Children-—10c or represent only one team on the j . Mr. Davidson's election brings same night. Two player- on each I to him another major honor in AIco George Reft—Dolores. Coetello team will act as officials of the I the electric industry. He is a in "YOURS FOR THE ASKING" games. In this way, Lee Gross-j past president of the old National Electric Light Association, and is SHOW STARTS 7: IS P. M. man hopes to condition all play-1 By BAY SOHAPEBO ers for the regular season of play, j now first vice-president of its successor, the Edison Electric InstiIt's almost here! The night of Any boy interested in keeping j tute. nights, Wednesday, October 28, Is score and time at the basketball | the night designated to do honor games, please get in touch with ZEMTH SHORTWAVE to those sterling athletes who Lee Grossman immediately. have conquered all competition in DAI tb tKUM 1323 Any team manager interested ther respective sport. October 28 in entering his team in the pre- j —Athletic Award" night—in the season basketball league get la i midst of the 10th aniversary of touch with Lee Grossman at once, j In the summer of 1923, a trim little 89 foot Artie schooner, the the JCC Just as athletics are in "Bowdoin" stood down tbe picthe midst of all happenings today. turesque harbor of Wiscasset, District Jcdge Dineen Both juniors ani seniors — both District Judge Frank M. Dineen Maine, rounded the outer headme nand women — from swimming honors to basketball honors is now completing his eighth yearj land, and ploughed Northwards. were highly touted as leaders in on the district bench, Judge Din- j Her skipper. Commander Donald^ Center sports. Don't forget, Oc- een came to the district bench in I M. MacMillan, celebrated explorer, | tober 28. January 1929 after faithfully ser-j thus began another o£ his uumer-j ving the people for six years on j ous voyages of research and discovery to the lands above the ArIt seems as if that brazen per- the municipal bench. Before be-j tie Circle. Much like any other son who sent in an article about ing elected to the municipal j vessel built to •withstand the rigthe Health Club is still alive and bench in 1922, he served as city j ors of northern seas and Artie ice, j kicking as I have received anoth- prosecutor fo reighteen months. j Judge Dineen's experience prior] er •anonoymus article in regards to the noon hour volleyball class. to his election to the district! WASTED Seeing as how this person has bench was such that it amply j enough "guts"to keep on writing qualifies him for the important! Jewish man -who ha* it is up to me to print this mater- position of district judge. This! experience in cutting Kosher fact has been exemplified by his ial and so here it is meats. May consider partner(The highlights in last weeks endorsement for re-election, in ship or employment. 1932 and 1936, by the composite volleyball play at the center was Call Council Bluffs, Dr. Ellis' refereeing. Due to the vote of the lawyers of Burt, j Phone 1050 article in last weeks column Lea Washington and Douglas Coun-j 1 rossman handed o v e r t h e ties.

Junior Hadassah

Honor J, E. Davidson




'Wednesday-Thursdsy, Oct. 28 and 29

J. C. C. Sports


Menorjhj, Jewish Music, Blblei

Specially Purchased for This Saturday 'Event! JOHN PELDMAH TAUEISIM . PRAYER BOOKS 'Gift* for Bar Mltzvahs Ret. 609 NO. 50th St. CL-2372 P. O. Box 710 Omaha, Nebr



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Page 8










The President as he looked during Ms campaign in 1932

This picture was taken soon after Ms inauguration in 1933

How the President looked in Ms study is late Summer, 1935

* - . i-


At the beginning of his fourth year in office, 1936



r a nk I i n 3"V --

Beat The Haters!


- - *





he checked the depression and started the country on the road to recovery

. Voters in the approaching presidential election are called upon to take into due account one phase of the campaign with which the welfare and future of this country are bound up. The forces of Intolerance -were never more in need of beinsr combatted than they are at the present time. It is necessary for. all who are unalterably opposed to the extension'of racial and other hatred in this country to cast their ballot in the coming election for the candidates and party that can be DEPENDED UPON to uphold the tradition of respect for the rights of all formulated in the deathless -words of George Washington, "This country lends to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance." In the present presidential campaign none can overlook the fact that ALL THE FORCES OF INTOLERANCE WITHOUT EXCEPTION are bending their efforts to bring about the defeat of President Roosevelt.

he has administered the nation's affairs in a lib* eral and enlightened spirit.

BE he is a bulwark against persecution and denial of rights of any* ^

The reason they are doing so is plain to see. They know that no one is less in sympathy with their detestable doctrine than is President Roosevelt who has time and again denounced such inimical tendencies -and directed the nation's attention to the need of resisting and repelling this and every other insidiously un-American and anti-American agitation and activity.

BE he kept the country from being involved in in ternational complications*

The haters hate Presdent Roosevelt because hatred is foreign toiiis nature and for that reason he isn't the man they want in the White House which they want to turn into a Brown House. i


It is unwise and unsafe to take any chances in the coming election. President Roosevelt is a known quantity. He has given no quarter to bigots and will continue to oppose them at every'turn. All know what to expect of him in this important matter. The same cannot be said of his opponent. No decent American can do otherwise than take note of the sinister opposition to President Roosevelt of every hatespreading group and agency, and act accordingly. Because the haters are all out to bring about the defeat of President Roosevelt and his party, those who Want the - American policy of fair play to all to prevail must rally to his support and by so doing KEEP AMERICA SAFE FOR TOLERANCE. A vote for Roosevelt is a vote for Tolerance.' BEAT THE HATERS: VOTE FOR THE RE-ELECTION OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

B his progressive policies are best suited to protect the country against both radical and reactionary extremists*

* A Vote For Roosevelt Is a


Page 4

environhim of human kindliness. which Rabbi Mlnkin has become colony of Beth Alpha in the valley j pending entirely on the 1 For many ot his tragic blund- known is a welcomed addition to of Jerzeel resulted in the gang's jment) because light ant , darkness ers that visited upon him and histhe world of scholarship. The layretreat from its -position on Mt.were created on the first day. He By Eabbl Frederic Coin unspeakable- horrors, his reader will find it as absorbing Gilboa. Jewish supernumeraries who was born on the second day I wrote last week on behalf of a "Streamline" religion, urg- people Idumean aneestry was responsi- and as exciting as the best of fic- in the vicinity o£ Noss Siona were ; ol tlie v/eek will be a quarrelsome ing that religion be brought as up-to-date as possible, divested ble. A proud and independent tion. S»nb!l3b«J every Friday at Omaha, Nebras&a, by also ?hot &t, and repelled .their ! man, for the second day of tlie jv.-eek the division of water took and religiously sensitive people and 'purged' of all irrational forms, creeds and ceremonies, that assailants. SHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANT | place (which shows disagreethe Jews could not tolerate it might be feally influential and efficacious in this, the world's like the rule of a foreigner and especiinent.,) Re v:ho was born on the Subscription Price, one year - - • • - - 52.00 FLEE FOE LIFE most critical hour. ially when he happened to be a ! third day o£ the week will be rich Advertising ratea tarnished on application. On the night o£ April 22, 1SG1,and of a voluptuous disposition, ' Some may say 'A plague on both your housesi' religion member of a despised and hated This bitterness was heightDavid Einhorn, Rabbi of the Hsr, because all grass came forth on whether 'streamline' or screamline or of the ox-cart stage and race. Editorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building. ened to wild fury by the schemSinai Congregation of Baltimore, I the third day (which are abunvariety. Why religion a t all? Is it not all out-of-date, im- ing and murders Herod resorted 8ioox City Office—Jewish Community Center in number but without diswas forced to flee for his life be- iclant ! DAVID BLACKER - • Business and Managing Editor potent, usless, a relic of the ages of fear, superstition, and to do in order to gain, and to hold unction.) lie •who was born en cause of his attacks on the instifor well nigh forty years, the coFBANK R. ACKBRMAN • • . . > • . • " • • Editor I the forth flay of the week will he ignorance, altogether obsolete? tution of slavery. veted throne of Judaea. The deFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluff a, Iowa, Correspondent !a, scholar f.nd a bright man, lieJerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenThe wish may be father of the thought and a little knowlstruction of the Hasmonean famANN PILL - • • * Sioux City. Iowa. Correspondent j cause on this flay the luminaries cy)—An indication that the 6edge again proven a dangerous thing; but they delude them- ily and of the rightful heirs to month I were hung in heaven. He who Gems of the Bible Print Shop Addresa: «504 So. 24th Street ; Arab general strike which throne, — his wife, his sons, Urns born on the fifth day of the selves utterly who think religion may be thus lightly dismissed the ended on October 12th may be his Mother-in-law, and of the j: week will be a charitable man and and summarily disposed of. Religion is too real a thing, too hundreds ot other Innocent men continued in new paths was seen because on this day the fishes in the report that the Jerusalem. By Dr. Philip Slser stubborn and intractable a thing to be thus, with a wave of the and women incensed the people, strike committee has decided to 'and fovls were created (the fish increased their natural hatred In the inevitable passing of time it is often fitting to pause hand, or a toss of the head (with or without any knowledge and bitterness for the foreign rul- declare an economic boycott ajfali for any bait.) He wfio was BIBLE • born on the sixth day will be In order to and in retrospection pay honor where honor is due and from within it) annihilated. -. er and made any tolerable under- gainst the Jews. The wise in heart will receive zealous in the execution of relimake the boycott effective, the standing impossible. The cruelthe past reshape bur standards for the future. Thus -the tenth commandments, but a parting i gious duties. He who was born Religion is one of the most deep-rooted as it is one of the report has it, the strike committies of Herod not only outraged fool shall fall. anniversary celebration of the Jewish Community Center and oldest and we may say most important, indispensable, and uni- theiJews. I on the Sabbath day will be a They shocked the tee will be transferred into a boyHe who walketh uprightly i greet and pious man. cott committee to direct the Arab the thirtieth anniversary of the Jewish "Welfare Federation are versal of the phenomena of human* life." Itself a product of wfirld, and prompted Caesar to against dealing wits walketh securely, but he who formore than landmarks in the span of years. saketh reproof erreth. evolution and an illustration of evolution, it has contributed remark with Justice that he campaign the Jewish population. would rather be Herod's pig than The tongue of the righteous is The CFf plan may Interest you! The Jewish Welfare Federation and Community Center mightily to the evolution of the human race, to its cultural ad- his Smals monthly payments . . In•The committee has also de- as choice silver. The heart of son. stead of one single premium. are not accidents upon a scene. They have come only after years vancement and to what we call 'civilization.' It has transtermined to organize youth groups the wicked is little worth. BUY INSURANCE THE Forcibly and by foul means which will fight to make the boyCONVENIENT WAV of endeavor marked by set-backs and disappointments. From formed-man from a. beast on all fours into an outstanding, upTALMUD If interested, call Herod came into possesion of the cott effective by terrorist methIt was written ;n the memoranthe very year the city of Omaha, was founded, the Jewish com- standing individual whose feet may be on the earth but whose kingdom of Palestine created by ods, it is learned, while the Arab dum of Rabbi Joshua Ben Levi: MARE LEON munity has been in existence. At first it was a meager settle- head is in the stars; into a creature who not only thinks and the religious zeal, military cour- press throughout the country "He who was born on the first Every type o) insurance written 21 S f o n g Companies ment made up of sturdy merchants, pioneers imbued with the dreamt but who aspires,'yearns and prays; who communes with age and acumen of Mordecal the continues openly to advocate an day of the week will be either A * B16o and his sons. Lacking anti-Jewish boycott by all Arabs entirely good or grossly bad (de- AT ?66? spirit of accomplishment, adventurers following the westward a Higher World; who cherishes ideals, the loftiest hopes, and Hasomean the fervor and Idealism of their in Palestine. trail. Its spiritual wants were administered by occasional visits an inyiricible faith; who visions the sublimest future, not mere- fathers, the descendants adopted Fawzi Bey el KawkagI, selfof Eabbis. To have welded that community into an instrumen- ly beyond the stars, but here on earth; who conceives the .grand- the immoral aims and succumbed styled "commander-in-chief of to the worldly ambitions of their the Arab rebel forces in Palestine, tality for caring for the many who came, fleeing persecutions est destiny for man <nTa perfected"earth as.well as an eternal neighboring pagan monarchs. In has issued a manifesto to his supin foreign lands, giving aid where it was needed, was' a gar- blessedness in heaven. striving for more territory they porters in the hills instructing ,'.:•. Idumea and; in shame- them not to disperse or lay down gantuan endeavor. Yet it was done, and to those who are reReligion answers the deepest need of the human soul. conquered violation of Jewish law andtheir arms but to be ready to responsible we take this opportunity of paying homage for their Therefore it has survived with all its errors and superstitions, ful ethics, compelled its inhabitants sume activities when necessary. perseverance and courage. its cruel fanaticisms and even its' bloody crimes. Religion has to accept Judaism or go into ex- The manifesto refers to the apOf course the subject peo- peal issued last week by the Arab The building that is the Jewish Community Center houses fulfilled a distinct 'function' in the evolution of the human ile. Try t lag Today ple chose the former a&d thus Higher Committee cf Palestine to the" physical plant for communal activity. Within its walls the race (Read George Burman Foster's "Functions of Religion," became the instrument which terminate the general strike and religious life* the educational desires, the organizational spirit published over a quarter of a century ago when it was a 'best brought an end to their dynasty, disturbances. Karrkagi calls up- j are given shelter^ seller* and still, like its.subject, by no means obsolete, but one grief end tragedy to Israel. Id- on the Arab bands to terminate i What is more fitting than after ten years we should re- of the best explanations and interpretations of the role and umea led to the rule of Herod, to | terrorist activities for the time bethe dominion of Rome, to the]ing, but to do nothing toward liijmember those men and women without whom there would be value of religion as one phase and expression of human life). ultimate desolation of Palestine uidating. no Welfare Federation, no Jewish Community Center?. When Without religion^ not only would human civilization not have and to the dispersion of the peo- Reports from various parts, of could there be another more proper moment'for us to dedicate arisen (think how architecture, law, medicine, music, painting, ple. the country revealed that most of The greatest contribution of the Arab gangs whiclvhave roam-j ourselves to the planning of new achievements that will bring sculpture, the drama and other highest arts and expressions of Herod, and one for which he hased the country are still in exist- j honor and happiness to the .Jews of Omaha? . human life, including government have been most intimately become famous is the rebuilding ence and are ranging the hills. ] associated with religion!) but mankind itself would have per- not only of many cities in Pales- None of the Arab authorities has including Jerusalem, but The as yet undertaken to disperse j ished. Religion has sustained it in its greatest crisis.. Religion tine, Temple. The Bpeedy completion them. | So few and far between are the bright rays which pierce has humanized it. Religion has held before it the ideals of5 of the new sanctuary created un- After a trip through the coun-! jubiliation among the peo- tryslde toward Ness Ziona, where the darkness of the| Jewish horizon in Eastern Europe that peace, unity, brotherhood, justice, humanity, even 'prosperity iversal ple. The king temporarily en- he visited an Arab notable. Sir and 'happiness' as goals for which to strive. Truly has the Bible, ©very shaft of sunlight rallies our hopes for the better qualities Joyed peace and the land tran- Arthur Wauchops said that he the Great Masterpiece of Religion, characterized and described quility. The new structure was was glsd to note that ro&d traffic, ©f jnankind. ' an impressive achievement and has returned to normal. Since • We are prone to despair when we read of clergymen v . . it as 'your life and the length of your days 1' Religion is the soul won world wide renown. No ef-the end of the Arab strike the of life and the deepest essence of life. No wonder no French borrowing a page from their predecessors of the inquisitorial fort and no expenditure and no fOffical communiques issued by age . . . leading in anti-Semitic utterances. But despite the Revolution campaigns nor no Soviet Russian campaigns, nor sacrifice was spared to make it j the government have not reported It was unprecedent- sporadic shooting incidents, which cruel blows dealt our faith in civilization, we still cannot help the onslaught of science, nor the mouthings of shallow pseudo- magnificent. ed in splendour, and so greatly still continue nightly in different ! scientists have been able to destroy it. After each attack rebut feel that the true^feeling of the religious leaders is in the was it revered and admired that parts of the country, though they j main expressed by tne declaration of the Greek-Catholic Bishop ligion has risen stronger than before. Even in Soviet Russia the Pharasaic teachers who cer-l a r e i e s s frequent than in previous of Lemberg, Dr. Jan Butchko, who stated that anti-Semitism the churches are beginning to be crowded as before religion tainly had little love for Herod, weeks. A heavy exchange of gunthat he who had cot fire between an atacking band is anti-Christianity, declaring: "The fight against anti-Semitism was.officially proclaimed to be 'the opiate of the people' and a declared seen the structure, had not seen and troops guarding the Jewish is a fight for the defense of Christianity. I personally warn counter-revolfltionary and reactionary force. any thing beautiful in his life. even The Temple failed to all the faithful in my sermons against anti-Semitism." Religion is the deepest instinct in man. Like the God it But the King that peace of And, in. another part of Europe last week, Prof, von Hilde- proclaims it is eternal and universal. 'Take the wings of the bring mind and popular loyalty, which brand, a Catholic leader in Vienna, echoed the sentiments of morning (air-ships?) and fly to the'uttermost parts of the sea,' he craved and needed. An evil the Polish cleric when he called anti-Semitism, an "aetof and there yon will find in some form, religion. As long as man fate pursued him relentlessly. suspicion, Jealousy, drove lunacy." Said he: "As a faithful Catholic, I consider every shall be man, and God God—as long as the finite shall confront Fear, him to further murders, to whole41IUEO WITH SUFER-CELANE5fc< manifestation of anti-Semitism as a crime and an act of lunacy the Infinite—that spark will be generated from the friction sale executions, to veritable madness. Upon his death, long and absolutely opposed to truesChristianity." of finite with Infinite that flames as Religion, 'The Undying anxiously the land and We incline to the belief that these men speak the un-Fire' on the altar of the human heart. Man is surrounded by the people awaited, breathed a sigh ot respoken minds of the vast majority .of Christians. The anti-mystery that he will never be able to penetrate—the cosmos lief. The hand of the tyrant and Semites we hear are the minority, who make more noise than enveloped him in a majesty beyond words—so that man exclaims the oppressor was at last stayed. One observation of the author their numbers warrant. All that is needed is a militant non- not only "0 Lord, How excellent is Thy name in all the earth!" that "Herod was King of the Jewish leadership in educating the masses with the absurdity, but also "What is man, that Thou thinkekst of him?" What is Jews, but not a Jewish King." anti-Christianity and lunacy of anti-Semitism, the cloak behind man? and What is God J and What is the Universe? and What constitutes the key to the Herodtragedy. Herod was fundawhich paid agitators reap a rich harvest from the misery of is Life? What is human history? What is human destiny? From Ian mentally a pagan and not a Jew, innocent victims. ' . these, elemental, fundamental, unanswerable, eternal questions a devotee of Hellenism and not Judaism; the arena and not j springs that which we call Religion, which clothes itself in theof the Synagogue fired his imagin- j myriad forms, adapted to the different peoples, ages, circum- ation and captivated his soul. Ut- j stances that constitute the innumerable Religions of the Past terly ignorant of Jewish tradi-1 Staid Britishers find an entirely new problem upon their he was out of sympathy with ; and the Present; which, with all our science and philosophy, our tion, hands, as a result of the now notorious attempt of Sir Oswald the Jewish view life. Judaism j Mosley, England's would-be Hitler, to hold a parade and dem- so-called atheism, agnosticism, secularism, and positivism, will was to him, as to all pagans, an j unattractive cult, and the j onstration with five thousand followers in London's Jewish find due and inevitable expression (perhaps as the Religion of absurd, people who clung to it, obstinate Reason, Reverence, and Righteousness) as the Religion of the East End. Only ttie intervention of the police . . . and large and foolish. Hercd was not a Future. ,, . • Jewish King. This the people numbers of them at t h a t . . .halted a bloody riot. their leaders, both political The only time to stamp out a movement like the Mosleyites For Religion has a future, and the future of mankind will and and religious, could not and did is in its incipiency. Stamp out the fire before it becomes a con- largely" depend upon its attitude towards, and its support or not forget nor forgive. flagration. The trend in England at the present-moment leans neglect of—with its grand core of Morality—Religion I Though the Jewa of Palestine found HttL consolation and less toward legal action to call a halt to the fascist activities, and —FREDERICK COHN. peace in the reign of Herod, othliberals in the land should push every effort to definitely and er Jewish communities fared betconclusively end the Mosley dream of dictatorial power. Alter. Jewries outside ot Palestine looked to him as a protector and . ready the British Cabinet has discussel the problem, and deappealed to him often against' bates in Parliament have focussed attention upon the vantheir oppressors and not in vain. I dalism. Proposals have been submitted to restrict the meetings The Jews in Alexandria, in Ara- ( ike ARMCHAIR bia, and in Parthia enjoyed peace ! and ban political unifonus. Parliament is expected to enlarge By DS. 9HE0D0EE N. LEWIS and tolerance because Herod ocCOMFORT MODEL Babbi, Mount Sinai Sempl^ Sioox CSty the police powers to prevent .demonstrations and street procescupied the throne of Judea. and i sions. This, we hope, will be the official answer to the question being a powerful king, could in- j Newest idea in Radio! An caused by Mosley's claim that the prevention of his East Side "Herod", A biography, by Ja- ceals nothing. He condemns the sist upon jest treatment for his' altogether dif erent cabinet, 8. Mlnkin. The MacMffllan cruelties, the brutalities and thesubjects who resided outside of | es you can tee. No more parade was a throttling of the right to free speech. The gen- cob If is our privilege io be ihe'onfy siore in this commuCo., 1936. $2.50. assissinatlons of his regime. What his kingdom. What a Jewish i stooping or kneeling in front eral view in England is that when a demonstrator like Mosley nity i s present the nationally famous Worsted-tex SuiK he does do la to probe the deeper kingdom did for dispersed Jewof c radio set. You sit in We consider It a privilege because! we consider purposely goes into a hostile section to parade and agitate, he .' Few names are aa odious as motives, the subconscious and un- ish communities 2,000 years ago, comfort — in on eosy chair, Worsted-tex ho be.the finest suit of its Mnd made in that of Herod. It -has become controlable Impulses of this un- might not a modern Palestine,} with the disE end controls «t is stiring up mob violence. There is such a point where free synonymous with "barbaric, the fortunate ruler. He . tries to under Jewish control and adminfkli country. year tidt, right cf your very speech ends and license begins. " treacherous, and the villainous. make us. appreciate the peculiar istration, do for prseht day Jewfinger-tip* . . . Here's o The Worsted-Sex Is .« triumph of needlework and the Let us remember that after hi? trouble with the police, Mos Even the. unlettered utterly un» set of unhappy circumstances that ries? Would a Hitler dare de- i new plecsure in tuning drsd fabric is a pure worsted cloth, woven and sfy!ed in the fame and pillage any other min-i drove Herod to such cruelty and familiar -with Heron's life and listening to radio. Severe! ley went to; Germany to confer with Nazi officials ;.., and that cruelty evince a sense of honor barbarism. And when one pauses orlty as he does the defenseless ; custom tradition. It is a perfectly fitting suit not only models of this "year oh®od" his latest uniforms strongly resemble the Hitlerite S. .S. uni- at the mere mention of the word. to analyse the subconscious emo- and the helpless Jew, in whose ! for the man of reader proportions but also for men ZENSTH ZEPHYR te^ehees* who may be « trifle shorter than the average or a forms. Also, a question that may be a 'bit embarrasing to theFate has placed the name of this tions, the fears and suspicions, behalf no organized government from A trial wili show you can" speak? Would Poland or any little taller, es well as for roers whose figures are on the the ->rild ambition of Herod, over King of Jews alongside such inhow imusue! if is. KecsonBlackkshirts would be: where is the money they spend so lav- famous villians as Nero and Cal- which he had no control what- Other country, permit anti-Semitic thin or stout side. The longer 6 men "wears Worstedably priced for such e n ishly coming from? Their expenditure comes to ten thousand igula. The evil repute has clung ever,- sympathy rather than con- outbreaks and pogroms, .if it tex the better he likes It. innovation. demnation should be accorded knew that government would a week; The sharp spotlight put upon the fascists was highly tenaciously. this miserable and fearfully un- come to the protection and the unfavorable, and did more than anything else to date to alien- In the face of so unanimous a happy creature. Judgement also rescue of the victims? A Jewish verdict of history one must be in* ate British public opinion. The majority of the Britishers agree deed courageous and fully equip- sottena -and grows more lenient Palestine, taking a paternal inAMERICA'S MOST COPIED RACIO AWAYS A YEA« AHEAD with the "Daily Mirror", who warn that to permit the Mosley ped with indisputable evidence to when'one remembers that though terest In all world Jewries, would serve as a warring to all oppreshistory brands him cruel, it also attempt to modify it. Ono can Manikins to hold their circus antics in neighborhoods they have help but admire the author knows him as sreat. In view of sors of Israel and constitute a degoaded by insolence is to invite trouble. In the Mirror's words: not for daring to reinterpret the his unquestionable talents, solid pendable protection" against the "Why not let them parade in places especially'appropriate and character of Herod and to judge achievements' and often honor- fate which has 'overwhelmed GerCORRECT APPAREL FOR 'MEN AND WOMEN purposes, one is tempted to man Jewry, and which threatens at'Howard perfectly safe—say the Whipsnade Zoo . . . The monkeys might him more kindly and leniently able Vote fxj Omaha—Join Omaha Chamber than history does. Rabbi' Kin- pity rather than denounce, to be-the.Polish Jews. get cross; but they could retaliate only by hurlhig nuts through kin does not ignore Herod's tals- moan that accident of fate which This new biography of Herod cf Commerce the bars of their cages." , ? deeds. On the contrary, be con-gave Herod ge&lns but deprived written ia the superb style . for

Wb& Religion at All?




FAVORITE of Nebri^ks Women





will you find

the Worsted-fex Suit






THE JEWISH PRESS—FEIDAT. OCTOBER 23, 1936 TO BE AT HOME SITNDAY j TO BE HOSTESS AT I Most likely to Succeed FB.OM CHICAGO AUXILIARY OF VAAD College Club Mr. and Mrs. Philip Grossman,' DESERT IATNCHEON i ZelSnskr, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bender and 3821 Chicago street, will be at j Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and Mrs. son% Harvey Lee, of Chicago are TO PRESENT CARNIVAL The College Club of Temple A regular meeting of charIsrael will hold its first meeting home Sunda., October 2,5, from 3 Mose Yousem, Co-Chairaien of visiting with Mr. Bender's parter Trill be helt? next P Sunday at 4:30. Plans for the to t in honor of their son, Jerome Rabbi David A. Goldstein's boot ents, Mr. and M»s.. Harry Bender. On Sunday evening, November year Ere to be made. All young' {.crpoon. October •"», Paul, who will be Bar Mitzvah evenings, will be hostesses to the They will remain here about S, the Ladies Auxiliary' of the men and •women are welcome. Saturday at the Bnal Jacobs' members of the ticket selling con- three weeks. Vaad will present a . carnival. Synagogue, 24th and Nicholas j mittee at a dessert luncheon on HOUSE FOR REMT; Dancing, and entertainment will street. No invitations have been I Tuesday, at, 1:30 o'clock at the -GVEST HERE room, lieasiiift'.llj; f enliven the evening. Mrs. C. E. issued. home of Mrs. Kulakolrky. About Epstein is chairman or the comA. E. A. Chepter No. 10 P atMiss Estelle Mold of Glendale,. thirty guests are expected. California, spent the holidays as! mittee in charge of the arrange- tended in a body the InternationThe series opens on Monday a guest of the Misses Betty and! ments for the evening. The price al A. Z. A. Day program l.eiu at COHEN-HALPERIN Atlantic CP31. The marriage of Miss Ethel j evening, November 2, at 8:15 p. Ida Kotler. Miss Mold will stop j of admission will he twenty-fire the Jevrish Community Center, Halperin, daughter of Mrs. Fan- m. at the Jewish Community Cen- in Omaha enroute home from a cents for adults and ten cents for Sunday afternoon. Oct. IE, lf."G. at which Mr. H. Frridberg. Kannie Halperin, to Dan Cohen, son ter with a review of Margaret few months visit in New York children. SXITZ-WTEINEK sas City -attorney vas gic' of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, was Mitchell's "Gone With the Wind." City. speaker. Mr. and Mrs. • L. Weiner an- solemnized at a lovely, ceremony The other dates chosen by Rabbi " T h e marriage ot Miss Minette A smoker was he-la at the horne liOuls, • daughter of Mrs. A. Louis nounce the engagement ot their Sunday evening, October IS at 6 Goldstein are November 16, De- FROM SAN FRANCISCO of Arthur Caatleman SuPdr; to Maurice Katz, son of Mrs. S. daughter, Anne, to Mi. Eugene o'clock at the Congregation of cember 7th, January 4th, January Mrs. Jennie Kotler had as her night, Oct. 1 S for the purpose cf Rabbi David 20th and February 3rd. Tickets Katz, -trill take place in the pres- Snitz of Kansas City, Missouri, Israel synagogue. guests during the holidays her acquainting prospective menrbPTence of • the members of the im- son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snitz Goldstein read the marriage lines. may be secured from the co-chair- daughter, Mrs. Louis Mann of Urged to meet the challenge of with the other members of ibe i>f Wichita, Kansas. men and the members of the coraPreceding the ceremony. Miss laediate families on Sunday afterf:?'VK,; No wedding date has been set. Harrlet Bernstien sang "At Dawn-j mittee, the down-town book shops San Francisco and her eon, Har- today and make themselves in- Fraternity:. A March of Time v-re noon, October 25 at the home of old Kotler, also of San Francisco. telligert, watchful voters, mempresented and a popularity coning" and "I Love You Truly." She or at the box office at the Jewish Mr. Kotler returned to San Fran- bers of the civics and internaRabbi David Goldstein. test was held. The winner? F-« was accompanied at the piano by Community Center the night of cisco after a trip east. OELER-EISEN . A reception -will be held followtional relations group of the Om- Host Personality -— Harold L^ the reviews. 1 Mrs. Philip Katz. Harry PerelMr. and Mrs. J. Eisen ol New ing the ceremony from 3:30 until aha Council of Jewis ! Tv'omen inskr; Best Dresser — Geo'E-t heard Mrs. George Neuhaus in an Shafer; 6:30 p. m. at the home of the York City,, formerly of Omaha, man, violinist, played the wedding Eanfisomest — Mail's! Regzstrcdsn for Hebrew announce the engagement of their march, accompanied also by Mrs. ENTEBTAIN AT JHYNER address Tuesday at the Jevrish Kimelstein; Most popular — .Tof bride-to-be's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newberg endaughter, Edna, to Mr. Max ob-jKatz. Community Cer-ter. following a GUEE; Eest Dance:—Irv Kaimrr. The bride, -who was given in tertained twenty guests at dinner Afternoon Class ler of New York. No definite dessert luncheon at 1 o'clock. EIJECTED PRESIDENT date has been set for the -wed- marriage by Mr. and Mrs. Sam at their home in Blair, Nebras- 'New Open Speaking on "Women's ResponMiss Doris Brown was elected ding. Canar, looked very lovely in a ka, in honor of their son's fourth .. . sibility in Government," Mrs. president of the Ma-Loes: at a beautiful •white satin gown made birthday, Sunday, October IS. Registration for the afternoon j Neuhaus declared that on ir.demeeting held October .G. The oron princess lines and featuring an Hebrew class for romen under! pendence of though depends.deTJSRX-COH , ganization plans an' extensive Elizabethen collar. The neckline FEUMAX-ZWEIBACK the auspices of the College of! mocracy's survival. Crediting to Mr. 'and Mrs. Sam Cohn of Tul- of the dress had an inset of lace, winter social program. The -wedding of Evelyn Zwei- Jewish Studies may now be made. ! women every real improvement. a, Oklahoma, formerly residents and the sleeves, a continuation of back,,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. These classes will be given at the i made by the huir.sn race. Sirs. Members of the. sorority "and their escorts t were dinner guests f Omaha, announce the engage- the lace yoke were of satin, fit- i'Mas. Zweihack, to Mr. Saul W. Center by Mr. Judah Wolfson if | Netihai.F predicted thct world P Is Cempicte!)' of Miss Anne Reiss preceeding the ment of their daughter, Mary, to ting very tightly at the -wrist. Her Fellman, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. a sufficient number of women are j peace 'will be the nest ideal thai fey the Fesnc Jr. Aaron Cruvant Stern of St. veil of tulle was trimmed with Fellman of Omaha will take place A-Sar-Ben Eall. interested. I women wil] mate a reality. ' iouis, Missouri. rhinestones and Chantilly lace. Sunday afternoon at 1:30 at the Those desiring to join are ask- ' Members of the Cultural study Her slippers were of matching home of the bride's parents. Rab- ed to call Mr. Wolfson, Walnut i SToup concluded the afternoonHOMIHVEI.L UARTIX-JACOBS bi David A. Goldstein will officisatin and she carried a bouquet j S7E5, oi the Commnnit. Center. ! program, by presenting Mrs. Ben; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jacohs of of white roses and lilies-of-the \ ate. 1_ !Pavitz in a dramatic interprets-i Autemcfie i.cfslates; Des Wolnes, IOTra, announce the valley. A reception for the couple will jtion of Edith TTtarton's novel,' When Cleaned and Blocked betrothal ol their daughter, Mir- Miss Sophie Halpsrin, sister of! be held at the home of the bride's "The Old Maid." Mrs. I. I. Solz-' am, to Mr. Sol Martin, son of Mr. the bride, maid-of-honor, wore an j parents from 3 to 5. and from 7 EEd By Nationally Known ^'lTS- " u :l i u s Ahrahs.mson: Hist the R<>«*<»i*W OH ! and Mrs. Ben Martin of Omaha. acquamarine rough crepe gown!to 9. No invitations have been jwere joint hostesses to both i burner «B the trpark^i, "GLOVER METHOD" No definite date has been set and carried talisman roses. Her | issued. A pre-election verbal tilt will or the wedding. Uppers and accessories were of Boucle f M to be staged for the Sisterhood of I. For the November "rd meeting ilver. BAB BITZVAH Temple Israel at their meeting •of the Cultural stndy irroup, also Dresses...... WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OUR PRICES AKE &IV/ATS LCWEf Mrs. Harry Shrago, matron-of- , Mr. and Mrs. H. Richards an- Monday, November 2, at Temple,I at the Jewish Ceimr;unity Centpr. Many friend3 called a t the rSSilver is to review L.esonor, wore a peach gown of bounce • the Bar Mitzvah oi their Israel, when speakers for both | . , home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen ;atin made on princess lines and| E o n > M a r v i n ; a t t h a B e t h H a m e _ j major political parties will pat ! sing's play, "Nathan the "Wise." ast Saturday evening to honor The first general meeting of the ,he too carried tailsmaa roses and | d r o s l l H a g o d o l > E y n a g 0 E u e , 1 9 t h "their best foot" forward in beCLEANERS heir twenty-fifth wedding anni|i;^p r < had accessories of silver land Eurt, at 9:30 a. m. Saturday half of their respective candidates j niTicil is pchefiuled *or Mcriciay, versary. They were presented j October 26. when Rabbi David A. AT 44ES JOSfi f>p?RPW II KE-1500 The two. bridesmaids, M i s s . m o r n i ®?m mzmn&s F r i e n d s anfl r e l a t i T e s and platforms. with a beautiful chair. ; Wice o* Ternplr Israel is to he idift Ostravich and Miss R « v a ! a p e c o r d i a l l y i n v i t e ( L Mrs. Ben Silver, president, has iI tJ e peaker. His subject will be ilpsman were gowned alike. Miss; f ^ arranged the program. inviting I L ENTEKTAIN FOB impressions of RTIIES Ostravich's dress was of rose I Mr . David Northup to represent I/ - based 3 BRIDE-TO-BE s ecer srra-neen trip. moire taffeta and she carried!BAR MITZVAH Republican forces, and Mrs. Geo.| | ^; 5•Ta Dans-fey - ^ •"-;!. present. Miss Sarah Kaplan, who is to be Mrs. Esther Malashock announ£i Temler roses. Miss L"ipsman to speak for the Dem-1 1 married to Joseph Solomonow on of piano numbers. Mrs. wore frog green moire tafteta and ces the Bar Mitzvah of her son, ocrats. "We feel that too many j Thanksgiving Day, -was entert No£g. Mrs. Paul Elotcky Irving Bernard, at the Adass women fail to properly inform I tained at a breakfast on Sunday, :arried Johanna Hill roses. id Mrs. Julius Stein will be in Features Yeshuren synagogue, 25th and themselves on the vital issues ofi Barbara Cohen, niece ot the SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE October 18th at the Ulackstone Seward street, Saturday morning the campaign, and a program will' iarre of a luncheon r-receefiinc e talk. A board meeting- will be Hotel by the Misses Miriam Klr- bridegroom, was flower girl and at 10 o'clock* clarifv the situation." Mrs. Silver : ild at noon. schenbaum, Sarah Rifkin and Ida ;he wore a dress of peach taffeexplains. | The Zotos Permanent Wave ta. .: Blacker. BAR MITZVAH with no machinery and no "Women's Part Politics" will !I, Ralph Cohen, brother of the Mr. and Mrs. I. Goodman anMiss Kaplan tvas also honored electricity used at 56.60 and irldegroom,, -eras best man and nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their be the subject the two will disat a luncheon given by Mrs. M. -u p . ' • . - • . • • " Wliere Qualit?: * « * groomsman "were Harry Shrago, son, Martin, at B'nai Israel syn- cuss. Mrs. Nortlrup, long active "716 BranCeis Theatre Bidg. Hicks of Missouri "Valley and Mrs. Harry Levinson "and Yale Hal- agogue, Saturday morning, Octo- in Republican circles, is president Tf N. Gimple at the Fontenelle Hotel, of the Douglas County Republi•erin. ber 24. Friends and relatives are can Women's Club, and Mrs. NeuOctober 10, a n d . a t a luncheon Following the ceremony a re- invited. given by Mrs. Dave Kaplan at her haus heads a pro-Roosevelt orception -was held in the assembly home on November lb. ganization, The Good Neighbor oom - o£ the synagogue.. Mrs. League for Nebraska. Halperin, mother of the bride, 1T<> CHICAGO Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Eriaan will TO ATTEND CONVENTION wore a black satin figured dress Luncheon at 1 o'clock will be I leave for Chicago Triday morning Mr. M. F. Levensen will leave and a corsage of talisman roses served by members of Mrs. Henry 1 where Dr. Erman will attend a Saturday, October •. 24, for ClevePollack's committee, and there and •snapdragons. Mrs. Cohen, National Council of the Veterans land, Ohio, where he will attend will be a board meeting at 12. mother of the groom, wore a of Foreign "Wars. the convention of the American black sheer crepe and a corsage ADJUSTED IT T O Association of Exterminators and They will return Tuesday mornPLEASMT MILL Fumigatora which takes place on of talisman roses and white pom- ing. MY ROOM AND poms. Mrs. Sam Canar, wore a Monday, "Tuesday and "Wednesday. The first meeting of the sea-, From there he will leave for black chiffon dress banded in vel- VISITS PARENTS HERE son of the. Pleasant Hill Ceme-j IT S O U N D S et and had a corsage of white Youngstown and Chicago. . Miss Jeanette Levinson. spent tery wil be held Tuesday, October j pom-poms and talisman roses. last week-end in Omaha visiting 27 at the Bca! Jacobs Synagogue, I PERFECT Alter the reception the couple her parents. Miss Levinson re24th and Nicholas Streets at 2:CO eft for an eastern trip. For her p. m. Members and friends are' urged to attend. Where tlie CIoJ hin a blue wool suit with silver foxj Los Angeles Sanitarium where ur and navy blue accessories. 1 ^ ° *"»&>-• ~~ -• " — World Is Under By Mrs. David 1L Newman fST. SINAI will their — _.._ _ „ , make ^_ ii._,_!Ehe is now employed were moved The couple to Chicago. Roof for Service. The Ladies Auxiliary of Mount home here. Macaroon Padding 3inai Cemetery will hold a reguZ. B. T. MOTHERS CIXB 3 eggs, • •% cup sugar, ^ - c u p 3OSUTS MEMORIAL ar meeting-, Tuesday, October 27, The Z. B. T. Mother's Club will water, • % cup wine, 2 teaspoons The "Mother Singers'1 Choir hold a regular monthly meeting, at the Synagogue, 25th and SeGelatine, % pound almonds, 12 :rom Fremont, Nebraska, will asward Streets. Th re will be an the marasbchino cherries, 1% dozen sist Miss Esther Leaf on the. reg- Thursday, October 29. at lection of o'ficers. -All members macaroons. Combine egg yolks, uar 4:00 p. m. organ program at home of Mrs. Samuel Friedman, are urged to attend. sugar, and water; heat to boiling .he Jbslyn Memorial this Sunday. 14D N. 31st Ave. point. Add .gelatine which . has This chorus, which is sponsored been soaked in % cup cold water. by Fremont Parent-Teachers AsPlace' blanched and chopped al- ociation and directed by Dorothy FOR RENT: Furnished room minds, cherries, and macaroons Struble Broadstone, have for the |in private home suitable for in a large serying dish; add -wine; past two years been the winners couple or two boys. 616 cover with the well-beaten egg of first place in the Women's whites. Then add hot custard South 30th Street. horns division of the Mid-West i mixture, Do not stir{ Chill in reMusic Festival. ' frigerator and Berve with whipped cream.


Council of Jewish Women

KnitWffl Fit

Political Tilt to


Terms as Low cs $$.MQ' P^r








Youngg FcrTis lV>.r







By Ro Pixer

• We've olrcadydalivoroddoient of these new Zeniths with the ingenious n e w ACOUSTIC ADAPTER. In each case we make an edlustment which gives you just the fines! possible reception ,and tone possible in your particular room. Easily changed if , you should move. We'll show you how to get best results on/where) • W» offer you 1his marvelous da- vice only on lha most populor new 1937 Zenith models—together wilh twenty other feoturcs you wilt want to gee, hear endoperate... every one of them a distinct advance in modem radio. • Hear w«a of these Zeniths adjusted for our store — then hear H adjusted for your own home. The result is always superb.

Unless you have Jready visited The Aquila, you have no idea of how the store has changed The new name—j. -was formerly Haas Bros Co., you know—came with a change of ownership management, and, most import ant, a change of store policy. The Aquila is going to maintain its high standards of fashion and quality, of course. But it is has added a hew standard—a value s t a n d a r d . Every coat and dress, hat and bag, slip andis t o e k i n g that&3 The Aquila carries has- been bought because it was a real value for. the price, as well as smart and fashionable. It is impossible to give an adequate description of the many unusual values in the store, so I'l mention a couple, just to whe your curiosity and bring you down to see for. yourself: Bag: t ha t a r e knockouts

ZENITH S-S-127 Tunes American endforeignits. Ttoru, police, oms- . teur, c-viotion, •ihipi or tea. 6inch £Jeetro-Dynamic Speaker, Continuous Type Tone Controli Split-Second Coloceter. AMEEICA'S MOST COPIED RADIO ALWAYS-** YEAR AHEAD

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Faoae Adsatic

J . W. SHARPS, Gcncrsl A^est



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-r ^

TENTS' PITCHED IN HOLY JLAND—Many scriptural passages refer to pitching of tents in the Holy land, but here is a modern version as the British Army establishes a camp for the Royal Signal porps just south of Jerusalem. In upper right corner is King David Hotel, now general headquarters of, the armyv Arab leaders recently agreed to end the general strike against Jews in Palestine that brought bloodshed and rioting.



> -





EIOTS —Commiaists, gripping stones and other missiles, flee down a street in the Jewish district of London's East Side, as police charge the barricade they threw up to block the parade of Sir Oswald Mosley's Eisckshirts. -Core thsa 253 persons were injured and S4 arrested. Bobbies finally banned the parade frora the district in order to quell the rioting and preserve order. Blackshirts then narcliei along the Thames.









!\ ^

- ^






AXELE J^ECP EX GS&PES—It's: grspe hcrvert ilm~.toCRlif and here is Phyllis r>ol3soa,.fest-urei5. Sfca'pJsrer, staost fcrtee deep j ia the luscioiis -fruit in Cucainonga. Vintae-s Till p-odvw J-150,- | O0S.O02 wcrth of wines this year. ]





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WAS AGAINST SILICOSIS—A new sandblast helmet demonstrated in Washington, D..C, by the inventor, William P. Biggs, -right of tfie Navy Department, in the war against silicosis, dread lung malady. Result of five years of experimentation, the helmet closely covers the head and weighs 43 ounces.


FIGHTEE—Fists doubled, Mrs. Anna Laura Barnett of Los Angeles asserts she is still fighting, despite an adverse ruling by the United States Supreme Court, t o gain t h e $4,000,000 estate left by the late Jackson •Barnett, Creek Indian. The court held Bamett's marriage invalid.




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HONOE FEOM CHINA—Walter H. Mallory, former executive secretary of the China International Famine Relief Commission, presented in New York with the Order of Pure Gold by Dr. Tsunechi Yu, Chinese Consul General. The honor espressed the gratitude of the Chinese Government for relief work.

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INDIAN G2LED QCE23C1—This charmins girl ic Esther Courcheae, Assisiboine ladias, chosen.by the student body of Saste^ Insti- j tute. .Lawrence,;-Elan., as Quean of the "All-American" gridiron. • j The Indians reason ths,t since they are aboriginal Americans, they . ' bars tae ecniiias a^-Anerioaa team.



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SHE'S 58 — Statue of Liberty, Prance's f&nous gift t o the United States, standing on Bsdloe's Island, New YorS harbor, will observe her 50th birthday on Oct. 28. A re-enactment of the ISSS dedication ceremony will be held. I n France. ISO cities and thousands of persons contributed to the statue's cost of $700,030.

HEBE'S A FREE MEAL—Representing 18 colleges and universitiesr 54 students tools part in the annual contest at Atlantic City. N. J., of the Dairy Industries Exposition, and tasted cheese, milk, butter and ice cream. Ohio State University won the team prize. Above, some of the boys at it.

PROVISIONS— Loyalist cruiser Jaime I puts into the harbor of Barcelona, Spain, for provisions. Since there are no staff officers, the cruiser is now commanded by a committee. French cruiser Colbert In distance.

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KOSTHWESTEBN GJESUDESS—Coach Lynn Waldorf of Northwestern University grid team, with Captain Steve Reid, looking over his players at Evanston, HL Northwesterri'9 team was pegged ss a staunch, well drilled, hard-hitting outfit, as it prepared for > the annual battle with Ohio State at Evanston.

FOK PEACE.— Max-ZaritsLy, president of the United Hatters Cap^ and Millinery Workers' Union, I n Washington to aid in a peace move, if possible, between the American Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organization.



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MATANUS7SA HOLB3 H E S T P&HV-Asaiast a backsTOuna of virgin forest, pioneers cf J^atanasis Valley of Alaska celebrated their second summer in ths Government's far-northern colonization project with a four-day fair. Above is a harvest scene In the "fertile valley.- Znsst shows a settler displaying : giant radishes from ths Walter Pippelllsrm. - - -••


Msggio to Jais lap. On ir-^t" Petronilli. Bear: Paps. DiREaggfo, *! ^5GO™,

!THE- JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, OCTOBER- 2§, 1DSS • era realising the serious situation care of orphaned and homeless! Baumer, who sang a Yiddish rnim- views concerning the fair sex . ' . . A lassie's pair of ogling confronting the Center have chiWren in Omaha, for develop- i ber and Hyman Shrier, local at"aiglocfi" accomplished the ment of our Jewish youth, for | been pounding the pavements in torney, who so ably furnished the search of member? that will en- unity of Jewish life in Omaha, for comedy relief during the program. transition . . . A buyer of a 15th and Douglas street clothable the Center to keep its doors maintenance of our splended ing store is "silly over Tillie" ter building, and for future of open . . * Community Centers re. . . bui Tillie is jest a l>it chilsponsible for brinEing various Jewish life in Omaha . . . Sign the PERTTINENT "PICK-UPS" ly" . . Joe Lagman and Shirley Application Now 1 ! ! . ' . Attention faminlne g members qf the community in conBy Abncr Kniman. . Fiedler sre previewifig apartfans: . . . The bowling league The tact with one another ments which have a "lor rent" just being organized under the LAUBEL SPEIG S ten reasons printed in the Center sign . . . . auspices of the Center will preMEMBBESHIP NEEDED pamphlet should ba sufficient tp • To Max Baer and his com" Mel Feltraan personable young sent about forty of our stalwart As is custpmary. the after-hol- interest even the individual -who mittee for their successful arnewcomer who was formerly a young men at the Ak-Sar-Bcn rangement of the B'nai B'rith iday activities have busied our is removed from all things Jewbowling alleys ever.. Tuesday master of ceremonies professionacommunity to such an extent as iBb,-»—to say, " I desire to be. a amateur hour . . . and to the successful entrants . . . Harriet evening from 0 to ' ' p. in. . . , lly will be acting in like capacity to overlook what -we earnestly member" The ten reasons fol- ISernEtein, who vraxi first prize Play will probably commence at the Temple Israel Sisterhood believe . . . that which is more low: For health's sake, lor memWith her excellent rendition of .November 3rd . . . A hunch on Election Party on election night, vitally attached to the community bers of your family, .for the Bake J "•One'Fine Day" . . .Eleanor the part of Esther Lazerson November 3rd. . . . more indispensable to all theof young people whp cannot afFredldn, five, year old youngwon a beautiful hostess tray phases of activity. The Jewish ford to pay, for intellectual enster, : received second prize Trith for her . , . She hunted cp a DATES TO EEMEMBEK Community' Center « . . Dr. Abejoyment and advancement, for her acrobatic dance number— member of the E. T. C. sorority Tenth, anniversary of the CenGreenberg: and his staff o£ wort- care of needy Jewish families, for who consented to aid the ama-

aiman's osher • 1L v^omments



u, inn Condidsto for

. Disibricl Judge'.'NON.POLITICAL \






He has lived in Omaha and practiced law here over 40 years. Former President Omaha- Bar Association. Former State Senator. He is not dssirou; cf replacing any ol tho preseat Judges. At the request of many who know his high qualifications, he is a candidate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Judge W> A. Redick. If you are favorable then on your Judicial Ballot, please first place an X opposite the name of Matthew A. Hall.

We heartily endorse Mr. Matthew A. Holl for Diotriet Judge to fill tho vacancy ennood by the death of Judge WiHiaro A. Rediclt:

' * '

Wm. L. Holzman, Pres. of Nebraska Clothing Co. Glenn E. JenninsB, Preu, Wright & Wilhelmy Co. . Sara Reynolds, Fres. Reynolds-Updike Co. •J. Levy, Salesman ' ' Victor B. Smith, Vice Pre«. Oraalia. National Bank C. M. Wilhelnu Pros. Orchard &. WiDielm Co. Harry Roitstcin, Druugiot ' * H. M. Motzlcr, Tcliomoh. Nebr. - ^ ':'."'. Don B. Woo'dyard, Mirr. J . C. Penny Co. . Hear these prominent Omahana who in behAlf of Mr. Hall:

talk ever radio

Harry S. Byrno—WAAW, 2 : 3 0 P . M., Thurs., October 2 9 K3. O. Cunninsharo-^-SlOIL, 7 : 2 0 P . M. Thurs., October 2 0 Harry O. Palmer-—HOIL, 7 : 3 0 P. LI. Sunday, November 1 Laurens Williams-—WAAW, 3 : 1 0 P . H . Mon., November 2 POUITICAL ADVERTISEMENT


Re-Elec4 Jameo M.

Judjje -of the



Served 16 Years as District Judge

Gazer" win tie piven. Cast of Btruddel -which Mrs. Abe E %- c rcharacter includes; Miss Martha is Tmkinp. Himelstein, Mrs. A, Solomon, Mrs. Ralph Golcberp, Mrs. Sam Flans are. lifinc mscie "<v Stern. Mrs. James CorennEr,, j Cham-kah CernivrJ to be i e i Mrs. Sam Theodore, ana. Mrs. El- ; December. One of the I T I "*r mer Greenberg:. i will be a booth There tn r v—l Hadassali rnembrrs 'are urged to I of the Sunday School i\ > • rattend, and to bring their friends, j will be displayed. Prizes v „. fcc The Hadassah Book reading; given for the ori£iiif.lHr ar.C group will meet Saturday October ; •workmanship. 31 at the Home of Mrs. Jack! T: T.1. roo The next Ones Shabbos will be Furnishec, Bramsoa. Anyone interested may '< T \ <":. i " i C i ] call Mrs. M. F. Levensen or Mrs.: held on Saturday, November T £it crn F.parunlent r e er o 1\ i- I1 I or coupie. Jack Bramson. i the home ol Mrs. Morris BrodV


to buy a raffle ticket . . . and hers was the winning nmber . . . and now, its "tea for two" when the boy friend calls! . . . Mr. a"d Mrs. Jacob Mirviss of Minneapolis are welcome visitors . . . Mrs. Mirviss is the former Lillian Margolin . . • she was an outstanding student matie talents will be afforded t o | c h a i r ^ a n Mrs _A ^ . o h l n e r > e n t e r . at the university of Nebraska you on Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at j t a m e d t h e i r C o m m I t t e e o n T u e E . during her college career, and the Center Auditorium . . . Thej d a ? % October £0, at the home of the first girl student to receive Center Dramatic. Art Players un- M r B - S h e r l E a l l . A c c o r d i n p t o t h e the Cum-Laude degree in law der the direction of Helen Merritt response reported by the CommitW ' l l hold try-outs for parts for tee on the sales of Butter Nut . . . Mr. Mirviss, formerly the tne play "Petticoat Fever" which Coffee is going one better than superintendent of our Center is will be presented sometime in No- anything that could be expected. now directing activities at the vember . . . Emanuel Cohen Center in MinThe dates of the colfee sale neapolis, Minn, . , . Lou Levy will be November 9 to 14. EzmrniinnmininitainrinirnnniErainiinrBiinm a former Omaha lad who has The Bake sale will be held at f OUE PEOPLE RESPOND the Bracdeis Store, November 4, made good in the film distrilfitAudience records were smashed ii?S world . . . He has been apunder the chairmanship of Mrs. during the past week . . . Over pointed branch manager of Nate Turner and . Mrs. Moe two thousand attended the film, Grand National Film Exchange Venger. 'Land of Promise" at the Para- at Des Moines, Iowa . . . a host TEMPLE Orders are being taken for mount Theatre . . , a production unequaled among the film sales At the Friday evening service, that was excellently photographed! fraternity . . . Love rialto POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT . with the technical touch of a whispering include rumors that j Rabbi Davit" H. Wice's sermon major studio . . . Borris Morros Sol Yaeger, the debonair mem- i will be, "Problems Unsolved on who arranged the incidental mu- ber of the Columbia film ex- | November 3." Services begin at sic, is musical director of the Par- change finally has succumbed S o'clock. amount . . . The narrator "was to the sort allure of the femRegular Saturday morning servAn Experienced ftSan David Boss (Rosenthal) prize inine sex . . . thereby causing ices will be held at eleven o'clock. winning radio announcer in 1934 a half-dozen hearts to flutter:: .'The support program consistBETH-EL ing of organ melodies by Esther The news scribbler Al Elewitz has gone "Wes»" . . . it isn't LeaT, and appropriate vocal selecFriday evening 'services a t | tions by Cantor Edgar rounded buxom Mae, but sweet and slenout an enjoyable evening of en- der Pearl . . , J. Harold Saks | Beth-El begin at eight o'clock, i tertainment . . . The first Jewish and Ephraim Marks have Rabbi David A. Goldstein's ser-' 1 amateur hour under the auspices changed from their taciturn moo will be "Every Man a Gambier." . • • | of Omaha Lodge B'nai B'rith last Cantor Aaron Edgar and the ] POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Monday eve . . . which packed the Beth-El choir will lead the serv-! Center Auditorium and turned ices. • ] away several hundred persons . . . Next Friday Beth-El will join The apparent enthusiasm of the the Temple and tiie Vaad in a Candidate for audience should encourage to community -service in recognition make this an annual affair , . . of the ' anniversary of the Jewish All of the participants are to be Community Center and WElfare congratulated for the ease and Federation at 8:30 in the main manner in which they presented auditorium of the Center. Meintheir offering . . , bearing in mind | bers of Beth-El will gather on the particularly the fact - that no re! second- floor- of the Center for a hearsals were held . , . that the ] Maariv service at S:00' o'clock. | proceedings "were entirely 'extemI Oa Friday evening, November poraneous . . . ;Though failing to , G?- Habbl Goldstein will' "baseTiis[ capture a-prizerrfe.-the applause j sermon on the book, "The Broth-; meter . . . the following entrants ers Ashkenazi", an epic story of performed in a professional manPolish. Jewry. ner: Phillip Sokoloff whose singRegular Saturday morning serving and dancing was outstanding ices are at nine o'clock. and who lost a prize by a fracteur hour -with his "stage" characters -xitl Ephraim Marts and his "Women's Committee for their competent work' in selling tickets for the Palestine film , . . . which incidently brought, needed funds to the Talmud Torah . . , To Arnold Levin of Rosalie, Nebraska . . . one of the most active students at .Nebraska University . . , He is the president of the Student Council . . , editor-in-chief of the Daily JCebraskan' (University paper) and treasurer of Innocents Society '. . . truly a busy man!!

'(•., i n

The Hadassah Study Group j key with Mrs. I. Dprsky FS cowill meet at thehome of Mrs. ichairman.

Irving Levine on Tuesday, Octo-! ber 2 7 with. Mrs. "William Alberts j as co-chairman. The subject, be- ! Lng studied is "Jewish Religion ter begins on Monday eve with a and Ethics." This group is lead stag that wiil include a somewhat by Mrs. David A. Goldstein. different form of entertainment . . . Omaha's premier Yiddish story tellers Barry Wolf End Isadore Dansky will add to the merriment of the evening . . . Your Mrs. David Sherman Chairman opportunity to reveal your dra- of the, Coffee Sale and her co-

Beth-El Auxiliary





;;. J Li

Railway 0-or:r.:e:icner POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT




tional margin . . . Irvin Katman who Tocked the audience with laughter with his "Greek" dialect ,,.i. Robert Rimerman revealed a baritone voice of good quality of the Paul Robeson type . . . Arthur

A special board meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah was held Monday, October S, at the

Kalakof sky may i ollow in the "footsteps" of Fred Astaire .

Jewish Codinuiiity Center. Plans j for an interesting season, -were i


Fearless end trnrjartii Eiifareerrcnl o\ il:c

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i v, C « * •

Effjciemt, Ca"£. Irjdepenaent

Pledged to Gcvcrn.* "Buddy" Barish -whose "Step-inoutlined by chairmen of the com- ] fetchit" character was real . jmlttees. Educational, social and I Milton Konecky; a youthful Bing ifund raising projects were plan-j Crosby . . . Milton GoldbeTg, an 'ned and the coming season prom-! POLiTiCAL ADVERTISEMENT Ross Kir.~ Has record of fearless accordionist . ". . . Norman Hahn iises to be-an. interesting and'en-i and intelligent bench and Sidney Greenebaum, a pair of Endorsed by tha lawyers o f | . „ , . „__ ... m . •«. • j u v a u i e one* service. "sax" tooters . . . Claribel Cohn, regular meeting of and Durtj t h eT hO er n a hfiTEt 2 S yeisrs experience a chapter of Hadassah a beautiful child, who gave a Counties. Washington Mas a s . a lawyer.. President Orstsha -vriii take place nest Wednesday,; Russian dance in costume , Bar Association. S93S. EixjOctober 2S at 'he Jewish ComPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT yeErs service on t h e Bocrd of jm-anity Center at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Education. Kow Pressds^t ol PMneas "Wintroub, program chairthe Board. Term expires Jan- man, has arranged an interesting progratn which will include comuary 1, 1S37. munity singing to be led by Mrs. Listen to Fred Wright a t 8:30 Aaron Edgar, Mrs. J. Malashock W P. M. Wednesday, Oct. 28. i w i u b e accompanist. Mrs. Joseph B O B iGoldware will give the high lights Wm. .Frazer Thursday, Oct. 29, j which of t h e Hadassah convention was held Teceutly in Philadelphia, A playlet, written by , at 7:10 P. M. Lilla L. Guttinan, "The Crystal ; OVER KOIL Nevr dealers boast of return- T h e •''•farPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ing prooperity. g o t t e n" It'o a fact that under the new m a n" i s deal there arc prosperous more "fordividends for atockholdlers of g o t t e n " many great corporations; it's n o w than a fact there are enormous ever. He's winnings for those who spec- b e'e o m e ulate in the stocks of those the "joker" in the pack of the corporations; it's a fact there new deal. are prosperous times for an army of high salaried govern- Let's get bacls to the American Form of fjovernraent—— ment appointees. and prosperity. Vote for LanBut what about the "forgotten man,"—under the newdon and men ^vho "will work deal? .-•-.•• •with Landon.



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^JOKEB8 ©f the-NEST i E A L

Commenteti hy

&II political pz>r pfficc.

Elect "A. W/

Endorsed by Oiaaha Bar



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THE «ija w J.SH PBESS—FBIPAY, OCTOBER 23,1936 A . Z. A ,

Shaare Zion

eoonen BLUFFS


Mr. E. Cooper, principal of the local Talmud Torah, will conduct the classes in teaching Hebrew, and he gave a short talk at this meeting. Mrs. Gordon is president of the Council Bluffs Senior Hadasssh, who are sponsoring this group. Following the organizing of the class, Tea.-was &erved| Assisting Mrs. Gordon were Mrs. Morris Grossman and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky.

High Street. The' Cultural Group No. 2 .will meet'Et the same time Monday evening at-the home ot Mri7~Harry Coh.eE, S7 North Seventh'street. •' The Sisterhood of the Telniud Tcrs.E Society have arranged for a Book • Review and Tea to he given- on- December first st the home of. Mrs. • J. Katelman, 417 Oakland; Avenue. -Mrs. Covert Brown will: review "Victoria ReMrs. Albert E. Krasae left gins," In charge of. this affair will be-Mrs. Ben" Kubfcy,-'cli&irThursday-for Sioux City, Iowa for rcan, assisted.br Krs. Usaae Sterna visit with her parents. ESe ex-hill and-Mrs., Morris Yudelsob. pects to be gone about ten days.

ning, October 26, tit S:SC o'clock et the Eagles E a l l A Tfirorl of the Regional ConcJfeve will be given,

Rabbi H. Ri Rabinowits . will Newly ; appointed committee heads presented" their- reports at speak this evening on "Our in3 the first A. Z. A. meeting of the terest In Spain." Cantor A. PlisMISS OTA PILL, eomsspeadeat BY F . E. K. ,-,•;• season, held last "Wednesday eve- kin and the synagogue choir will . . . ning in ' t h e ' - Jewish: Community chant the ritual. Patronize Our Advertisers Tomorrow morning, Junior Center. The revised: committee made for the Cub'Pack-with an was announced, and the.Congregation; services will begin B'NAI BRITH CONCLAVE SUNenrollment of more th,an;35 boys. program FRADENBURG, W E Fs B. B E 8 E R , following members were named at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. DAY AT CHIEFTAIN HOTEL KLUTZN1CK «. KELLEV, . This group of boys will carry; out Plans have been completed for D. It, Rodin will act as hosts to AHorne'/s RC L S W chairmen: Joe Goldstein, religits program as outlined by. the • 200 Union 6tat« Bank Bltfg, . the Southwestern Regional Counion; Joe Maron,, cultural; Her- the children. Omaha, Nebraska Boy Scouts, of •America. • cil of the District Grand Lodge man Rubin, social; Milton GrueThe dramatic' club's registra- skin, athletic, and Joe Devine, No. 6 of the B'nai Brith to be NOTiCE O r AMENDMENT TO ATTEND .B'NAI Notice. Is, hereby fdven that . a t *eheld at the Hotel Chieftain in Plans are nearing completion tion was second largest,' with an social service. specinl moetinf: of thp stock holders of Council Bluffs this Sunday, Ocfor the annual Inter-Club Ca'rn- enrollment'of 30-children. the Nebraska American Company he)d A' debate tournament on the B'RITH MEET The Brownie Pack .which will tober 25. The conclave will open et Omsiiji. .NelvBf=ka, on September ival -which will be held November question • of mass immigration to 11. 19M, p.t which »ii stnekhoMerg 2 in the mezzanine floor of the carry out the'•' program ' outlined Palestine of German Jewry, will More than 25 Sioux Cityans Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock were present,' Arficifi v of it* Articles Martin Hotel, and according to by the Girl Scout Headquarters, be sponsored by the cultural com- will drive to, Coui'cii Bluffs this w h e n registrations will take A large'crowd.attended the for- of jnco"-po"F.tion vrsp (iniended to read as foHo^'s: • • • More than seventy-five covers will Bold itsfirst meeting this place. Representatives will atthe chairman of the Carnival,. Mr. mittee. - The religious committee week-end to attend the Bnai tend from Lincoln, Sioux City, were laid for the luncheon given mal ' reception" given' by the SisMilton Bolstein, the affair -will Sunday afternoon ;at;2-o'clock In will be in charge of the A. Z. A. meet there. terhood of the .Talmud Torah SoThe ptitho'i^efi crni'-il ctoclc pf play Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bus- by the Council Bluffs Senior Hathis company shP.H be ?1<KOO'>.00. and be an outstanding event and pro- the Center. -'.'A Children's 1 The Council Bluffs chapter will iness session will convene at dassah Wednesday afternoon, Oc- ciety Wednesday night, October fll! of paid Siock K'nsili be common choir which is scheduled to make vide entertainment for young and hour -will also be held every- Sun21, at the • Chevra. B'nai. Yisroel nna nf the par value of 810.00 per be hosts to the convention, with day afternoon. The;Cub. scouts several appearances before neigh10:30 o'clock, followed by .a tober 21, at its opening meeting synagogue -in borer of Mr. E. old alike. headquarters in the Hotel Chiefboring chapters., . of the fall season. • Mrs. Albert NEBRASKA "AKERS.CAX COJiTANT. will also meet-at 2 "o'clock on luncheon at 12:30 o'clock at the Cooper, who recently arrived here AH the ads for the program: B,v C, O- Talmape, tan. Krasne was program chairman from Norwich, • .Connecticut to Sunday. • •' • .. Hotel Chieftain. Rabbi David A. The" athletic committee haa arhave been turned • Into the CenPresident. Dr. H. M. Levin is in charge of Goldstein of Omaha will be the and Mrs. M. Bernrtein was chairA t The Dramatic Club will meet ranged'for gymnasium occomodaT take charge of the'Council Bluffs | ter office and the'program book g the transportation arrangements Charles S.Cope!apfT, man for October. Rabbi David Speaker at the Open Forum to be h A. A Z?^A. Z?^A basketball b k t b l l and reservations of the Sioux will be>mailed to "every Jewish at 3:30 on Sunday and the Boytions- for the held, at 2:30 o'clock. This dis- Wice of the' Teraple. Israel of Hebrew' School.' Nathan Gilin-I io-£-sfi-4t borne In Sioux City and surround- Scouts wiir hold-their-meeting at team. > ; . ;.. Cityans who plan to attend. t cussion is open to the public and Omaha was the guest speaker at eky was chairman-of" the evening, j 4iS0 o'clock. •'. ing trade territory next •week. At the. meeting Wednesday, teneveryone is cordially Invited to tiie meeting. Rabbi Wice gave a Kr. Cooler gave e Terr inspiring | Various clubs .and . classes - will tative plans were made for the Thursday evening the commitattend. The Banquet will be held very Interesting talk of his trav- j talk. -A" IEUEICE! - pro^rErn WES | ~'-'--' tee on the Floor arrangements also meet -throughout the •- week Annual A. Z. A. dance, and theMrs. Sutcher Installed at 6:30 o'clock at the Hotel els i n , Palestine and told cf the presented by Cafttor A.. Edgar of at the Center, • after school and held a meeting and complete as Auxiliary President proceeds will be turned toward Chieftain and this will be the wonderful work being done by Omaha. . Following the program, plans were outlined for the car- in the eveningB. - • ; : • . the chapter athletics. Fifteen highlight of the conference. Mr. the Hadsgsah in Palestine.' Mrs. refreshments -were served. / nival arrangements. The entire At the opening meeting of the Richard Gustadt of Chicago will Richard Gordon, president of the new-pledges attended the meetmezzanine floor of the Martin ing and are under the supervi- Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion, HADASSAHLUNCHEON The Council Bluffs-Lodge• No. will be utilized, and an outstandsion of Myron Heegar. At this held Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Joebe. the principal speaker and hon- organization, presided at the bus- 6SS of the B'nai Brith vriil hold iness session. ing^orchestra will provide music a regular meeting Monday eveThe Senior"H&dassab -chapter meeting, Rudy Schindler was Kutcher was installed, as presi- ored guest at this affair: Mr. for dancing throughout the evewill open its-fall: season • with a named Junior advisor of the dent for the coming year. More Gutstadt is well-known and will ning. Messrs. Ben and Charles Goldhave a mesage of interest to all luncheon and meeting .. Tuesday .chapter.." Tentative.plans were al- than 175 women attended the PROBATE NOTICE The car which is being raffled afternoon, October/27, : In the so, made for the celebration of meeting and the luncheon that Jewry at this time. His speech berg of Chicago, Illinois spent the past week-end here visiting International A. Z. A. day.to be preceded it. is scheduled for eight o'clock. In the Matter of the • Estate Of I off is still being displayed on the Jewish Community Center. '• at tjie home of their brother-in- Catherine MrFarland, I>ereased. held in* November.. Tb.3 chapter Entertainment willbe furnished The program featured a pagBtreets of the business district IS HEREBY GIVEN: j Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will will have a Weiner Roast next la-w and si9ter, Mr. and Mrs. Sail] NOTrCE also. Sunday night by Mrs. Leo eant "The Jewish Home BeautiT h a t t h e creditors of smid dPceappri i and every organization in the city be the guest speaker, of the after- Wednesday evening. Jack Mer- ful." Musical numbers were pre- Fitch of Council Bluffs and Mr.Suvalsky. will meet the administrator of said | estate, before me. County Judge oC1i Is co-operating-in the sale of raf- noon.. Miss Miriam Blank will lin is president of the chapter. sented by Cantor A.' Pfekin with I. Dansky of Omaha, who will Doug-las County, Nebraska. F.t t h e present a reading •; "A • German County Court Room, in sajd County. ' The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- on the 1st Miss Saretta Krigsten at the pi-present a clever skit. fle tickets. of December. 1!>36.- arid j I Mother's farewell to - her son." dassah Cultural Group No. 1 will on t h e 1stday In charge of. the. conclave and ano. Miss Miriam Blank acted Say of February, IP.", p{i > Mrs. W. C. Slotsky will preside. 9 o'clock A. .61.. each day. for. the pur-i , meet next Monday evening, OctoMount Sinai as scribe of the pageant, and reservations for the banquet are pose of presenting their ciRims for px-1 • Mrs. S. Shulkin is-in -charge of Large Registration ber 26, at eight o'clock at the amination. Messrs. Nathan Gilinrky, Millard those taking part included Mrs. adjustment and nllnvanrn. i > the- menu. -Mrs. Julius- Lehman home of Mrs. Leo Fitch, 1602 Thpee months .are allowed for the I > At Center Monday and creditor! to present their claims, ' - o m s Mrs. William Lazere are in Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will Art Kaplan, Mrs.,Henry Sherman, Krasne, and Louis H. Katelman. speak on "Herod the.Great" at Mrs. Morris Rubin, Mrs. Ben Bar- Reservations are still being taken the Elst day-of October, i w ; . J k. charge of the-dining,room. B R r C E CRAWFORD. : More- than 175 children regis- •The luncheon will beginat-one the regular ; service this 1. evening. on, Mrs. William Kutcher, Mrs.and-anyone who has not made a prir r ' County Judge The Sisterhood Book Review Barney Baron, Mrs. Lester Heeg- reservation for either the lunch¥/ORLD'S WINDOW. io-9-36-st tered at the Jewish -. Community o'clock. :. .- • .. circle will meet this afternoon in er. Mrs. Mike Sherman. A vio-eon or the banquet may do so by Center last: Sunday afternoon, to POS-IT1CA1. ADVERTISEMENT (Costinaed from page 1) participate In^ clubs and classes •Tie Debra • Club -met' Monday, the home' of Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, lin solo was presented by Jean calling one of the above comraittee. at 2 o'clock. Shindler. Mrs. William Kutcher and pleasures and you Eight, which will be sponsored at the FOR RE-ELECTION was in charge of the program. The public is cordially invited many of you, do your best to "'reCenter this year. The registra- evening in the home-of Miss SylFour new members were in- to attend, as a well-worth and in- press" what you t a d heard. But tion was followed" by a program via Herzoff. . The-; meeting was Mr.. and Mrs. Max Jacobs anand refreshments. ' ' • followed j - by, a social -: hour and re-nounce the birth of a son, Harold troduced at the meeting. They teresting day of activities is sch- dee? in the innermost sou! cf , are Mrs. Lawrence Silverberg, eduled for Sunday at the Hotel each, oae of you, of the most hos- ' i The- largest registration • was j freshments^ -, '•• • . . . Jay..• Mrs. Sam Goldstein, Mrs. B. Chieftain. tile, cf the most indifferent, there , f Bloom'and Mrs. Dave Wigodsky. Mr. O. Hocnman will present his would be an Intoferable pang. £r. | stereoptical slides which are very Inconsolable grief, • an isiditagr- j Interesting. able blight. Ah yes, there wculd | Second in Book be. You hare listened ween 3-cu.'


re;; n^-EL

Review Series


The Sisterhood of the Talmud


feigned to fce deaf and rcu !

^ Society held a Rummage have heard -when j"ou have feigs-1: The second book review in the Sale Monday and Tuesday at 503 ed not to hear and you have tnserise of six which is being pre- West Broadway, which proved derstood with the heart even sented by Rabbi H. R. Rabino- very successful. More than fifty when -with the nerves and social | witz, will be held next Monday dollars was raised from this rum- terrors and striving you hsve | evening. The review will be held mage sale. Mrs. Morris Yudelson been impelled to protest. Your • in the social hall of the synago- president of the Sisterhood or- hearts have known concerning- i! gue, and will begin promptly at ganization, wishes to thank every- this great hope and light and ereone who helped make this collec- ative effort of Israel and so~e-1 8:30 o'clock. thing in you has gloried ia the j Rabbi Rabinowltz will review tion so successful. farms of the Emek and the city "Herod" by Rabbi Jacob Minkln. of Aviv — 7our city acccg The first review of the series was A large crowd attended the pro-all Tel the cities of earth — ' snd the; mini attended by more than 60 peo-gram presented by the Council ever-lasting echo of the name and ple. "Gone "With the "Wind" was Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. glory of Yerushalayein h&s echothe first book in the series. Z. A. Sunday evening at the Chev- ed and re-echoed in your souls. ra B'nai Yisroel synagogue in You have felt . the vibrations; celebration of International A. Z.you have heard the call; you have PCLITiCAL A. day. Rabbi David A. Goldstein seen the vision. was the guest speaker and gave Be very sure to see to it tts.t More than 60 women attended a very inspiring talk. Norman the Oneg Shabbos meeting of the Rosenthal was chairman of the today's sloth and indifference Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion, evening's program. Invocation does not, become tomorrow's dagheld last Saturday afternoon in was presented by Frank Plrsch; ger in your own hand aimed the home of Mrs. Morey Lipshutz. the Sam Beber Founder's Mes- against your own breast. Be very Mrs. A. H. Baron presided. Cur- sage was read by Sam Karshon- sure. Regret and contrition do rent etents were presented by sky;- the Grand Aleph Kodol's not. turn time back and make Mrs. 'William Kutcher and Miss message was given by Eugene things other than they have been. [ Mabel "Hoyt spoke on her recent Telpner; and a talk by Hymie The deepest meaning, end terrifi: trip to Europe. Diamond, local president. A tragedy of .things that have been' humorous reading was presented is that they have been and t r e by Miss Libby Grossman. Dr. Isa-no more. There, is nothing so ir- j JUNIOR HADASSAH ac Sternhill, advisor of the cnap- reparably lost as opportunity. ter, initiated the following new The opportunity of salvation for j The first Junior Hadassah meet- members into the organization; yourselves and redemption icr | ing Of the fall season was held Norman Rips, Ii-ving Cohen, Joe your land and your people is here., Wednesday evening in the Jew- Wolfson, Floyd Cohen, and Arn-today, this hour. This day t : i this hour. Let not the day sr.d | ish Community Center, with Miss old Lincoln.


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Dorothy Merlin, president, ' presiding* The program included a skit A Girls Cultural Group "Junior Hadassah Grows Up" organized at a Tea given at the written by Miss Hose Pill. The home of Mrs. Richard Gordon cast included.Ida Cohen, Evr Or- Sunday afternoon, October 18. likoff, Ruth Wigodsky, Rosalie POLITICAU ADVERTISEMENT Sacks and Florence Lohrman. Committee chiarmen reports were heard and a business meeting followed.

Mr. and . Mrs." Joe Levin and , Mr. and . Mrs. Ruben Miller spent last week-end in Minneapolis, -where they attended the Minnesota game. Mlsa Dorothy Merlin spent last week-end In Lincoln, Nebraska, while there, attending the Nebraska game. ; Mrs. Frank Epstein, 'Castle Apartments, departed this week for a rislt with friends and relatives In Milwaukee.


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Mr. and Mrs. •William Bush, Bellevue Apartments, announce the birth of s. son, on Monday, October 13, in the Lutheran Hospital.. FRADENBURG. W E B B , SEBER. KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attorneys at Law £00 Union State Bank Bids. Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF AMENDMENT Notice la hereby given that at a special meeting of the stockholders of Insurance Investors Syndicate he!<3 at Omaha. Nebraska, on September II. 1936, a t which all stockholders were present. Article IV of its Articles cf Incorporation was amended to read as follows 1 "ARTICLE IV The authorized capital stock of this company ehall be S1O.O00 00. and all of said stock shall be common and of the par value of $10.00 per share." INSURANCE INVESTORS SYNDICATE i? By C O . Talinase, • President .Attest: Charles S. Copelanfl, 10-2-S6-U Secretary.


the hour be swallowed up into' the past, the unreturcing and unraedecinable past.

(Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) POLITICAL


Republican •a-


. . .The second district needs a man in Congress wHo wil! fight for the beai iniepest of this district — a laan •who will do things on his own initiative, not on orders frora any "bis boss."

"If elected to Congress I sbalt co-opsrate vrith erery agency of government workiaj for the betternsent of the concitscna of th.es Aimericsn citjxe—s, reparc.1CE3 of partisan politics; but 1 -wilS never permit nuy STOTcrnracnt efficia!. preEssIoat or etisers, to dictate to me as to ray vote s i a nserafeer of Congress. "I shall oppose any effort* to cist clown tne power of the Sojsreiae Court or imsair thesr indepeasJeisce or incrcaBO tnsir ssism&cr. I ajs m. firm adv«Seate cf preserviaR1 oar American - fores of soYerBraeist -cssesr the Cor.stHiitica. "I believe a member of COKEPESS slioisM cossccrrs himself Jargely -with the ccadttJoss &nd problejris cf his own district ratfeer than ccEceRtrstis«g- !»;s effort* on matters pertaining to the local affairs la otter states. ....



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