October 30, 1936

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)By LUDWIG LEWISOEN $ This column Is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Reproduction in whole or, in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright "will bs prosecuted. This fall season has not been very prolific of books of Jewish interest That fact is, upon the whole, not very surprising. Jewish books do not sell. They do not sell although, as we should never be tired, of reminding ourselves, there are more Jews in America than there are people in Norway. I know the reasons. They are all bad reasons. Of course we are Americans; •we are excellent Americans. We should be infinitely better Americans if •we were better and more .instructed Jews. • " Fiction represents an occasional and happy exception to the rule that Jewish boots do not sell. The exception can be called happy for the. reason that those Jewish ~novelB that do from time to time attain a considerable circulation are not mere romances according to the crowd's reveries or wishfulfillments but works of - the creative imagination in the higher sense. . It is so again this season. With a real lifting of the h e a r t ! have seen the weekly rise in the best-seller lists of the Herald-Tribune of "The Brothers Ashkenazi" by I. J. Singer (Alfred A. Knopf). Mr. Singer is, of course, the distinguished Tiddisb novelist and dramatist to whom we owe "Yoshe Kalb," and since the English translation is by Manrice Samuel the book before j us is easily equal to the original' in texture and style. The novel is one of epic productions- and— what is far rarer—of epic sweep. It is the chronicle in terms of j both psychological and social j forces of the rise and decline of! the city Lodz. Crowds people t o j the foreground; intensely con- j ceived an-i brilliantly embodied




"KIDAY, OCTOT5EB 30. 1935



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Activities of Les,dcrr of Community Recalled


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Harry A. Wolf

Sam nnvitz

Memory of These Three Deceased J. C. C. Founders to Be Honored: -

'J M 6 R R I S - L E V ¥ - •••';••'

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) GUEST IE OMAHA -• :;. [MONDAY- - ; "' •

F r e m o n t

. Omaha






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[Needlework Guild -.Asks Aid of-All : Women in-Omaha


Following is the program Cor the city-wide community Mrs. .William Racnsin is chairservice to be held in the Jew! man of the display to be .put on | by the \V omen's division ot the! ish Corarnnnitj- Center auditor•Jewish. Community Center and ' ium at S p. m. tonight: 1. Mah Tovu — Cantor | Welfare. Federation for the in-! [gathering of _ the Needlework j Edgar.-and Beth-Et Choir. 2. Invocation—Rabbi Da•Guild of America, to be held NOT-j ember 5 and 6 at the First Cen-; rid A. Wice. 3. "How Amiable Are Thy j tril Congregational ' church, 36 th , 'and Harney.-. j Dwellings" — Temple Israel J -The. committee in-charjre is call-j Choir. 4. ' Responsive Reading— ling every. Jewish woman in Oraa| ha. for. contributions of .cash or ' Rabbi David Goldstein. 5. Kiddush — Cantor A. j new. clothing for the Needlework : j Guild _whic.h ...turns, .the clothing.- Sch-raczkin.

. V v i-.!

Eight men wliosc tireless efforts in Jewish eiric af£a;vv made possible tlie hniidrag' <~-' the Jewish C-enitrnmitj' C'en.ter and the wiclcsprcRcl tictiviti'"of the Jewish Welfare Fcdrvfition •will be hoijorcd fit a rlirner in tlie Center fsuditorirrm ri 6 p. m. Sunday. The dinner will be the fin?" event of six days of celebrs.tif* coDimemoratinjr the tenth p.nri- I verr ol the building of the Cer-I ter. ancl the thirtieth Rnrsiverss": of the founding oi the FederptioE.


especially _the t w o . : g » n a | | $ » r i t h t O H o l d - WUIS SIEGEL TO BE

play the role of fate are projected, as they should be, in profoundly human terms. Since I guite personally am no longer satisfied with this kind 6t novel, magnificent as this story is of its kind, it amuses me to be able to declare quite ob• jcctively that this translation from the Tiddish-represents the sound-


Entered u Second Class Mail Matter on January 21, 1931. at Postotfice ot Omaha, .Nebraska. tfrnJer tha Act of March 3, 1S79


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Krs,'Avis Echcksac Talfe Ncr, 11 ca "Palestine and World . of T

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\i, olf. Also Iscnsred vill br the rneBsory of Kerry L&pio•as, Ifiorris Levy &rd Jiarrr

The Jewish lecture end concert [ series will open Wednesday, No-' vember -11, at S p. i«i. Et the Jew- | ish " Comnsimity Center, when ; Mrs. Avis Scfculmsn speaks on j The pert these men p'gretl '•' "Palestine and the World of To-! working out tbe program. irhir-r day.'" The lecture of A. W. Bin-; ultimate!j- led to construction o. der, well-krown Jewish musicisn,! the Center was- the basis oil J i wbo yrs_s crifisi.s.'ily Bcnec'iiled tn interesJ-ing pageaiu vhicls open,' i open the series, will >e in OTCB- ' the six-day celebration Tuesd; : ha Tuesday evening-, Feb-rusry S, because of a "chacsre in .lecture

B'rith .will hold a meeting h r F r e - .Louis Siegel, national - secre6. . Sermon—Rabbi Freder| over to local charities. .Those, who ' mont on Sunday, November :&. or,: the ; ick Cohn. ;are not called are asked to..bring-' This .meeting is being held for 7. Ohleun—Cantor Aaron or clpthinsr t o ' the purpose ot^greaUng greater ia o r a a 'ha next Monday, ..Novem- j "Edsar. or t o t h e Zotainterest in B'nai B'rith activities S. Kaddnsh—Ka"bbi" David or a . . . . , ,. Center. " • among the Jewish communities;in Goldstein. erigageEaeEif!. A .banquet "will be tendered in i . • . . :. . . • •. ' . , the smaller towns in this airea. S. . Ain Kelohen'j •— Cantor EE, t i e .-wife of s. : "Harry SilTerman, in chsrpe •' Mrs. Schcl; "'•.-. jjVtie•! , Mrs,: Kacusin. committee: will ; be • a.-sis.tcd est. piece of fitcion published" by On the program will be JIes-_-Aaron Edgar. any American publisher this sea- Jewish.March, of Time idr Lyc-'i ^ - t ! l e ' f 0 ' H o ' w i n 5 .coranfifte<»- Kf"s..10." BenefiictJas. '—' Tls.'bcl Chicaco. ' rr _-*WT; - _- 1 • .-i;_ : stm, iXilton'.AbrsiliS-sls, I*. Alberts, *: • E O n - . r xead-=the] presented v earlier'-4i -the se&mx Tbe rrcgv& < .Sit 'vll tuc ' University ol Chic&gc, end North-. sfidress SundEy. David Wice. 1 others: "Sparkenbroke," "Eyeless by members of the Omaha T-.-:Bratason..--Jr ---Blank, -Ruben '..The cr6wd will undoubtedly western rniversUy. For loiir yearp vill be opened •p"ii.i". icvoci-tis in Gaza." etc., etc.) j Brown Ruben Eordy, Henry Bel- overflow the auditorium. The • she stitfiiea Et tfee Hebrew TnieE !*v Kabb; Frederick Cohn. Dn.v •' Several winners of the B'Saii resents./- There is: no admission, 1 Wnu Boasberg, A. Cohn, overflow will be seated i s the Collesre ct CiPciEtati.- Katefi ^F 1 more important book-—not B'rith Amateur.Night Contest-will j ^ ^ ^ t o t h e ' a l k and the M.,Davis,'.S. Davis, I. Dansky, S.: lodge room where loud speak- one oi the outstanding Jevift JiC/Eored itiFn pno. Si'^crmFr's r. than any novel but than this novel also be present. The speaker for ! a ^ - p u b l i c - l f invited, Epstein,'• I Fiedler, L. Finkel. H. • ers have "been" installed. Come •Toiae'n of the tcicfilew-est, Mrs. —is Professor Louis Finkelstein's the occasion has not been an-j summer, Mr. Siegel was Perer, David Finkls, J. J. Fried-: early and "be assured of a seat iSchnlman is en- orp-trr vt rsre nounced. . ; j "Akiba, Scholar, Saint and Marchosen as a delegate to the Wodd E a c t o ' t t s rive hcnoretl E'ui5" r en.yj. Goodhinder, L. Grates. L. in the auditorium. M. Krasne, E., Weinberg and. J. j Congress at Geneva. y tyr." (Covici-Friede). Sketches of 'ability. She is pErticr.lErly Ir-rer- rresent vrill g~-re s .!:^.o^t rerpc-i" 1 Gross, 'Max -'Hoizman,' Philip Lev- : ested in Palestine End at present Akiba's life both in legendary and Wolf, all of Fremont nnd. mem-1 er, J, .Malaih'oct, J. Kaufman, J.\ bers of the Omaha Lodge are is with-the League for Lsbor pai- tend. in more historical Ruises" hare not Marer.^'J,'.Melcher, Caas Nathan, i been plentiful. This is the first making the arrangements for the jRABBICflAVELTOBE ,estjr«e. • • . • J". Xewinan,- S.'FIzer, Chas. Ross, iELECTION PARTY ATthorough-going study based on a meeting..,. Members of B'nai I.'- Rosenthal, S.. H. Roddy, Joe critical use of all the availing B'rith of Columbus and Norfolk, • TEMPLE NEXT TUESDAY and cA Tc Rice, J. Stein. I_ Stalmaster, D: sources of one ot the half-dozen Nebraska, have been invited to VAAB participate. , . _ '.y^ ..;.-.. 'Sherman!, S.-Steinberg, Abe Somp - i - i i most influential figures In the enf" T ibr E s i "*>• ' Rabbi Charles B. C&ayel of | berg, Ed. Simon, David Stein, N., tire history of the Jewish people. r1 An election party sponsored by 5 ar n 6 And it is learned, lucid, eloquent and convincing. Of the very highest importance, bleakly practical


Louisville, -wall-he guest *a>bi lor j Turner, B.. A.. Simon, R. Wright



I November 3 at S o'clock in the loca ~, t _ , ; (conduct the Friday "evening ser-j _ . . : In this stupid and confused age, - V e s t r y room-at the Temple. . j - r o g Registrations are novr :beingjvices" at. .'eight .-• •o'clo'ci..at:. B'nai | J Q SPEAK-'AT CENTER is Professor Finkelstein's delin" i ' Novel and unusual entertain- ] the cor eation of the background of the taken at the Jewish Community!! Israel "synagogue: . Aaron Koortz, for. the i religious, intellectual and political "will be • life of Jewry in the time of Akiba Jewish Studies. Center | a r i d , - g a t - u r d a y night he will-.-ittend ; "•? 'K****-^**^* ^ « served. i —the final definition of Pharas- B.WJBU oiuu.».-.. i p. . The complete, curriculunl -wffl |t ' h ^ ^ M a i k « to b^ckiVen in :Thursday.__:NtJ.yember'. », at aism in terms of the realities, the be" Direct returns o£ the election • ^ _ r, announced in next week's is- his honor.a±vt&e Beth'Haiaedrosh j precise meaning - of the two sue o t the Jewish Press. iQiV'-and'- He Trm'appear-under.the ; aus-|i tire evenin ; so that all those pre- \ i *$ ' Hagodol Sjrnagogiie, "schools" of Hillel and Shammai. The Jewish women are being jj B"urt-street*;' , • > . : : • -Ipices'of'-the".International ..Wort-1 s e n t Trill'be able to hear the rethe quiet proof of the fact, long urged ] turns, d to t take t k e advantage d t g e 'of the jjj \ j j a ^^i Cha Charel will remain-mer ! er S ;Orger. known of course to even cursory classes offered by; ^ carnlrni sponsorci by'the ; ^ carnlrni sponsorci bythe f r f r students, that the age of primitive the college, with judahh wolf wolf son. s -ESTABLISH B'NAI 5'RITH PALESTINE C O L O N Y Lo a d i e g -n A u x i l i*a r y * , t I r e •• voaa.' Christianity, far from being an 1 Sundaj' ci^ht, November's," at the age of decadent Judaism, was theag lnstructor. land C - . - ' - ' C i ^ | Jewish Community Center. . . age of the birth and triumph of CXTH—-BT tabu that Jewish faith and Jewish life Dancer Uph'blds hblds ..... .. ; •=; ; -s T which have weathered all the ? - - C . -> old Traditipn8j"BookEvanins G -"'to Storms of all the Christian ages ; r&r ' " I .- a i f 1 and do so still—all this is of inThe age-old tradition of the I OpenNezt M d r— estimable significance and precIon- — -• n i - stagfi—"The show must go on"—j' judging from reports of t i e | iousness not only i o r the Jewish t-31 . -- -selling -' committee,, : is being carried out here "by; ticket &• record j :j people but for the world. 1 *. beautiful, • dark-eved ' Marcella attendance is expected; Monday ' - A book that takes up the eluciShapiro, exo'tic dancer and torch evening, November 2, at the .'Jewter= dation of Judaism from another 15. singer, who ia fulfilling her :two-j j s a . pgmin'urilty Center'to -her,r angle is Rabbi Solomon Goldfiirt. "I ' - C week' contract, at Club Cocoariut Rabbi.-Goldstein . open . his 'Eerier man's s Grove, although her mother is-ser- |0£ B'ook Evenings vith.a- review "The Jew and the Unlverse,' : iflc (Harper and Brothers). iously. ill in a Chicago hospital. ; j o f ".OOIHJ ; With- the ; Wind" -..by! 1 Tuesday night,", a• few moments-^i ar g a " re t Mitchell. About, four j Quite unpolemicaliy but searchicgly nabbi Goldman asks for before she got her ' cue' for -her !! hundred season tickets-have boen j Cit' practically the first time: What number, 'she received a "telegram Eoid In .advance- The revisw" -will 1 . cC -ultimate truth for either the mind in her dressing room notifying • start promptly -at S: 13. '" Season ' or the soul to rest upon have her that her mother had been re- > tickets- may be secured 'fro'm' the —„„.! .U „' v«»««™i ichainn'en Mrs J H Kulakofsky ichainn'en, Mrs. J. H.. Western metaphysics actually moved to a' hospital. Crushing the- message- in her or'Mrs._Mose_ Ypusem, from the betv <• ~ 7'—"-achieved ? And if • the answer is at best an uncertainty why should first, she sobbed. Tears rolling down-town book shops or a t ' t h e : not an at least equal import be down her cheeks streaked " her; box office • on 'l-Ionday eyening.'| H O ^ . ALP^EJ, ,V.. CCKSN DR. ISRAEL GGLDSTSiK Chr . i Single admissions mnst be se-ctrr-, f 6 E s , 5 E f , T > E - H A | r t i t H . f K s . . J M ; H NATI W : C= admitted to belong to that organ- fresh makeup." ' "Only three minutes left,"" a j ed, a t ; t h e . bos office the m'sht. of, .Cincinnati, ,O.—A grant cf -Natir-nal F t n d . the Palestine Lar..-: Me ic approach to ultimate truth : • ' . ' . ' j ?100;000 "by .B'nai B'ritii to the Fur-1 of the Zionin ntcvor.-.c.—.t cer which has characterized the Jew-voice called to her. " W h a t shall the review. , ish mind in all crucial ages? In I d o , " she asked herself and in ; Pollovring the openins number, , jevrish Nati"-n?l Yuvi fcr the v*y-->h i% c-?r.-:9i in *^? r^f.err.rbrief: Proofs for the existence of a flash, the tradition of the stage there-vriil be five more e v e i i n s s : |.j>areftase -in Palestine of BT! c s - . t ' o n »:• I S , Deceinber .7, J a n - f tehrive'ir.Tid. tract cncl 3 r r t a b - • of the 1-5God have rarely; if ever, for in-—"the-sho"w inust go on"—-Tron November. " ' ' ''. i u a r y ; 4 and 20 arid February- 5. ' jish'-nent Thsroon of £ g-rr;c;il- sble prop-: ry _f t t stance, produced belief. The or-out., . . . . •__ —• jtarcl cc;o~y, has or the r.'-si E i3 ganic Jewish assumption, the vi- Quickly, she fixed her smeated \ . - . _ :ic.-i ago tal grasping; of the universe as di-niakeup. In another moment sbej: Mrs. M.' Grooaniasi, .76 . i here Mrs.- M. Grossman, 7G, died; at vine has mot only metaphysically •was on the" floor Trith her eyes re?t. ar.ri most infli;sr,tis; Jcwccr:?;f-~rFV~'r r.r.rr.--the but pragmatically been of the sparkling, ' radiating happiness, her hom? at 3101 Myrtle avenue, h o - <: ref;:??? fr*r"j:?~ '. era1 Monday night, October 26., Mrs.' fraternal CTsznizztirn, • with her songs and dances. highest effectiveness. At the cenhe from ter of Rabbi Goldman's immense- The clubroomwas filled with.Grosfman, a resident of Omaha has its h.tfq-jarter3 ,,crc. six ly learned and acute book stands shouts or laughter and loud, ap- for forty-two years, is survived ^ c t t l t n s a t is to tsar l'..z ' "h r . " ~ •" an exhaustsive and fresh study of plauseas she completed her final, by her husband; two daTSstters. | "B'nai B'rith, Alfred number. The crowd begged for' ;jr?. George Krcsne of" Cov.ncil' Xachlc:: Maimonides. Futile as the remark Is, I shall an encore.- But the little Jewish jp.luffs end J i n . I. Goldstein of ,Cc'-en"*s lor.,T Ecrvico to TVr_r.i 'sir* say that these two books. Profes- entertainer had fled to her dreES-j orasha; ssd two nras, 'Ike ' a i d n'rirh-ard t""o" f i r . l : cf !--.:r_:r.n Oriof O c a ^ . • , I brotherhood. sor. Finkelstein's and•• Rabbi. Gold- ing room. -Again she TVUS in Funeral rrrvices ~cre heH ' . The r.»^ Palc-stins c- • - . , . . ; „ «., man's, should be in the hands of tears. • But'the age-old tradition of the Tuesday afternooa at tha Jewish; be ertaMi.-hccI ,cn every cultivated Jew and of every stage—"The shofr must go on"— Funeral Hcn:e., Burial.. Tas zi • PCO c e r e s Christian historian, philosopher had been upheld. " cemetery. J-1O i ; " C ' ~ « I i t and theologian. "




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T-ar» At.aj *S

OMAHA, KEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1936 The drive is being led by t h e Phi Beta Epsflon Nazi Labor Front. Officials of thfit organization present themFhi Beta Epsilon wishes to an The Ladles Vaad Auxiliary will I selves before the owners of Jew- nounce to its friends 'hat thit hold a meeting on Tuesday, No- Alice Calhoun espoused Attorney Chotiner . . and Florence Vidor ish factories and stores and warn Creighton University fraterniu vember 3, at 2 p. m. at the B'nai them to sen. They explain their haR moved into its new home R Israel Synagogue. Mr. Harry housewifes for Jascha Heifetz. actions have been prompted by 3 62 4 Hodge street. Mendelson will speak on the un-! orders issued by the Nuremberg" Harold Block, vice president. i> rest in Palestine. j One of our "quickie" producTea will be served by Mrs. J. jers was boasting about business to By the Service Life Insurance Commerce and Jurisprudence I Congress 'to all L'ab'or ' Front, cfasiriiaan of one of the Bevera members instructing them to re-committees which are plannint Bernstein and her committee. I a rival producer. "Things are Company, Omaha j M a d e F o o a l Points of : new the campaign against Jewish the Crei&hton University Pan :—~ ] certainly picking up for us. Six Attack commercial enterprises by picket- Hellenic Dance. bute to prominent Omahans, re- i months ago w e couldn't give our __^____ ing end by disciplining their "Arsponsible for the growth of the j pictures away, and now we can Newspapers, magazines, economic journals all contain articles' local Jewish community . . . the j sell them at a loss!" yan" patrons. Before renewing Zurich. Switzerland — Twe these days on the stabilization of! B e r l i n ( J T A ) — A program the drive, however, the officials spotlight.'on Mrs. Leo {Riekes) ! roembers of the Gestapo (German m le PUrge t h e German the currency under present con-1 ^ _ 5 ^ ^ system ^^ juridical of Jewish influexplain they hare been instructed secret police) were given prisor i-'itch of Council Bluffs and Isa-! A s i d e s and Interludes: Edward ditions.information, They contain rea'tirely ii ences was announced at a confer- to make every effort to secure sentences to be followed ultimate however, dor Dansky, the jeweler, f o r ; G_ R o b l n s o n i s a p e a n u t mnnch- litUe on ce n h e J e w the question of as great import-! f ,? ^ in Jnrispru- liquidation of Jewish ownership !y by expulsion from the countr) thelr realistic characterization of jer _ J o e Penner llkes to work "Shaina Shaindel" and "Menasha ]p i c t u r e p u z z i e s . E r n s t L u b i t s c h an Ce to us individually,. namely,! d e n c e while reports from var- "in a cuiet manner" b— forcing for plotting to kidnap formei 1 0 s ppa T t s the Mendel," a skit presented at t h e ;c e l e b r a t e s h i s 2 5 t h a n n l v e r S a r y in the stabilization of states in the ! " German Chancellor Helnrict ^ °^ countryy reveal- owners to sell to "Aryans." daughter of Mrs. M. Green . . ' . banquet of the Regional B n a i !f H c k e r s t W g y e a r ed a s e r e r e d T e Eruening, exiled from the Reich H e began ag present situation. I I " «»">« Jews - a refreshing "freshie" at the B'rith Conclave.^. .;..• as E bilter opponent of the Hit a comedian of short subjects ln When we speak of a stabilized University • of Iowa . . . A wel!er regime, way. Mexican Or estate, I think we will agree that Physical Broadcast , Germany. Sam Goldwyn also come greeting t o the newcomThe juridicial program, drawn Do you feel sluggish? . . . are r e a c n e 3 h i s q u a r t e r century in the it is an estate where the dependers': Mel Feltman and his at- you troubled with frayed nerves? . P a u i L u k a 3 Js a profi. able inflow of funds" in"thVform u p by D r - H a n s F r a c k - * a z i C o m " The colorful songs end dances tractive young bride . . . The . . . do you desire renewed vigor c i n e m a of income at least equals t h e ! m i f a r Jxu,sticTe- follows:distinguished looking gentleof Latin America will be brought cient swordsman . . . learned the 1 1 Iv J e w w l U e a I l o w e d — "° ° ana vim? v i m : .. • . • . then m e u join jum this u u , col» . • a r ( . o f f e n c I n g w h e n attending necessary outflow of funds^in the in the man who causes a few heart and to Omaha Thursday night, when future to be a spokesman flutters when he arrives in our umn to the regular..business ^ n l T e r s f t y l n Hungary. The Jol-form of expenses. It really doesn't for German law. Mercafio'B Mexican Tipics orches' noon classes at-the. Cen-.' sons ... are „ „ contemplating ^ t a !„*«,„ adoption .,.,__.,-_ take much financial or mathematmidst is Ben Focras, a St. Louis men's tra, from Mexico City, will be pre2 — German justice will be ter Gymnasium . . . the physical of a baby girl from the Cradle as ical knowledge to make the decicitizen . . . who represents the department, reserved only for German 'Ar- jisented, at the Municipal Auditorwith its splendidly as to whether a^ individual Janet Walker Dress Mfg. Co. equipped gym, handball courts, a companion to their adopted boy. ium Tinder auspices of t h e Omaha —believes, in t h e saying "genKitty Carlisle, only a so-so suc- estate is established, and stabil- yans' as defined by the Nurem- j Chamber of Commerce. Appearswimming pool, and massage detlemen prefer blondes" . . . she cess in Hollywood, becomes the teed. All u involves is listing onj 3 _ P u b l i s h e r s w i n n o t b e ing with the orchestra will be is i n t h e legal tax department partment . . . is equipped to pro- toast of Broadway as the star of one side of a sheet of paper t h e , p e r m i t t e d t 0 i s s u e n e w e d i t i o n s ,. Senorita Lolita Valdoz, a Maya vide all members, with t h e fullof the HOLC . . . Marcelle, bill"White Horso Inn." income on which your family o f l a w , b o o k s n . r i U e n b Indian eoprano, Senor Gustavo ed as a Spanish "hotcha" sing- est opportunity to keep fit . . . could depend at the time the es-; 4 _ L a w b o o k s ^ Garresco, Spanish tenor, Senorita Director Lee Grossman will perer and dancer at the Cocoanut tate came to be settled, and theJ e w s v i l l b e r e m o v e d f r o m £ l l Ssrita Sanchez, saUerist, and the sonally supervise your training! it Director Mervyn LeRoy and Grove is Mary Shapiro, a other, the necessary expenses. Es-j i i b r a r i e s a n d transferred to spec- dancing team 01 Luis and Jose"Span-yid" . . . S h e i s a "loyal- you so desire . . . Spirited com- Producer David Selznick are close pecially under present conditions: i a i anti-Jewish institutes, where fina Ojeda. INSURED CABS petition in the volley games with friends . . . in fact . . . when the the figures representing outflow ist" . . . loyal t o the cause of t h e y w i I 1 b e n s e d t 0 e s p o s e t h e Judaism ! },-! . . . and Attor- the. following t.b.m.'s cavorting director informed the latter that are likely to be larger than t h e : . . e v i i influence" of Jews, ney Hyman I^evln i s i n "sev- like a flock- of yearlings . . ,. he Intended producing for him-figures representing income and! 5 — German lawyers must abenth heaven" when h e escorts "Jumping Joe" Cohn, the paper self, Selznick offered his help at right here is where life insuurance stain fronr Quoting from Jewish Whereupon LeRoy Toby . . . The sweet young and notion man, "Sizzling-.-Sam" any time. legal authorities, except when the Gilinsky, the fruit tycoon, "Easy perked up . . . said he would like steps into the picture. things from across the river Izzy" Levinson, commission brokWe heard not long ago in t h e ; quotations are intended to dishave determined to put the er, "Rambling Hube" Brown, the a little favor now. "What is i t ? " learning of Hebrew on their accountant, the "Potato Market" asked Selznick. "Loan me 'Gone insurance field of a man and "his credit Jews and the "Jewish men•must" list . . . perhaps it is With the Wind' for just one pic-wife, both in their seventies, who i tality. were planning to give up their i 6 — Law professors must not the personable Mr. E l y Coop- twins, Sammy and Paul Steinberg ture!" home which meant a great deal adhere to the "pure truth" but er, a teacher w h o hails from and" Realtor Bob Kooper. . . . to them both because their son j give preference to Nazi teachings Norwich, Conn., a young Center Celebration Reminder The Marxes will be done in oil had died of influenza and they in order to help the racial theory, "booher" (unmarried) . . . Attend tonight's Joint Com- . . . no, not boiled . . nlerely couldn't keep it up without the1; remembering that "no more sclThe petite leader of- Hadassah munity Service in which all re-1 . T h e English painter, $50.00 a month he had been send- ence for the sake of science exists in t h e Bluffs . . . mother of ligious groups will participate p a i n t e d thinks them . "in. ing them. When the son's es- j in Germany." Dav5d Dunbar, three, but often mistaken for . . Community dance Saturday j t e r e s t i n cnaracter5" H m-m-, tate came to be setled, however,! According to the reports on the a school girl . . . Center Bowl- evening in the Center Auditorium Ing League date bos been ad- with admission free to all . . . they've been called other things, there was a $5,000.00 insurance : anti-Jewish campaign in comtoo.

(Busy Izzy) are "irooiiia yiddiu" (religious observants), and that they were present a t "Kaddish" at t h e Beth Kl Synngogue i n Hollywood .'.-.•• Intense interest in the speech of Richard Ciutstadt brought an audience of almost 4 0 0 perBy Abner Kaiman sons to their feet with a rous••'ing cheer . . . a t t h e B'nai regional' conference at ~ No Jewish Issue in Campaign B'rith Hotel Chieftain in Council This column is pleased to note that prominent Jewish organiza- Bluffs last Sunday . . . A plate tions issued a statement to the of "farbrenta tzimas" to t h e "he" or "she" who will report public at large . . . which appearto us that Harry B . Cohen, t h e ed in a number of Jewish-English b. b. b. (bashful bachelor barperiodicals . . . asking that the rister) was in the company of Jewish issue be kept out of t h e a cherubic charmer • . . Add political campaign . . . The statecandidates for a screen test: ment declares definitely that both President Roosevelt and Gover- Phyllis Green, blond-haired

aiman s osher omments

nor Landon are above suspicion on toe racial question . . . and that they will oppose every piece of legislation which is aimed at the oppression of minority groups.

. . .

. . :•;

Political Aspirants

When you trot to the voting polls on November 3rd, you will find the name of Sam Klaver, lcoal attorney, a candidate for the unicameral legislature from the Sixth district . . . Sam has been active In many Jewish organziationa, having served two terms as president of the Omaha Hebrew Club . . . He -has been campaigning on a progressive legislative platform, chief of which is a fair ".'Old Age pension law . . . . . T h e school board ballot contains the following: Dr. Victor E. Levins, explorer and nutritionist? Don Brodkey, attorney; Arthur Robinson, cigar salesman, and Herman Friedlander, north 'side merchant •who was defeated by his republican opponent for. the office of County Commissioner by a scant number of votes. . . .

Getting Personal » a . The handsome picture actor who Is now a star at the Universal lot is Michael LorIng . . . real name: Sam Mirviss, a brother to, Jacfc Mirviss of

Minneapolis . . . when In Oma- vanced to November 10th . . . To man about town, Iowa Jewha h e visits the home of Oscar G. Abern, attorney for - t h e ish news . . , Our secretary advises your office drudge to take Borne Owners I/oan Corp. . . . a second look . . . however, Suggest y o u write to the studio many thanks.' if y o u enjoy h i s work . * . The

West Faraam cleaner of whom this column scribbled' that his ^household would soon be increased rises'to deny same . . • and insists that; there is "no ldddin'" ! ! ! . . ' . Our Hollywood correspondent writes that Edward G. Robinson (Little Caesar) and George Sydney


T I Z r = ~ 1

Vaad Auxiliary

ths music and floor show to be supplied by a prominent orchestra . . . The testimonial dinner honoring the present and past officers and leaders in Jewish communal life . . . Call Harry Silverman for reservations. . . .

Weekly Salutes

'.•} to George Jessel . . . Dorothy Dalton t o A r t h u r H a m m e r s t e i n . . .

You won't see much of Sylvia Sidney's feet in her next opus. She is about twelve inches shorter than her leading m a n ; hence, she must wear oxfords with built-

up soles and heels . . . none too elegant ped-w'ear.

A big bouquet to Harry A. There will bs t w o Blondells Wolf, Dr. Phillip Sher and Wilwhere only one ' grew before— liam Holzman who acted as hosts Gloria, sister of Joan, takes, root at a "preview" stag to 75 active By HELEN ZIGMOND in cinema soil, and may become community workers at the Cena featured player on the R. K. ter . . . without the aid of ama- Hollywood—Martha vitaye was O. l o t : -"'. teur or professional talent to pro- born in a dressing room; .... has r t vide entertainment . . . a galaxy played in vaudetSle NEW-STYLE LAWMAK1NG and night And Joseph Schueck doesn't of oratorical spellbinders were ADVOCATED-BY KLAVER present who provided considerable clubs most of her'life. At/Nine- believe In putting all his eggs in merriment with their quips and een s h e is considered; legally- of one cartons He has just invested New-style lawma£tng for a dis- reminiscences . . . Applause to ago everywhere, except lii ildvie- some $350,000 In a new grocery tinctiy new-style legislature was ylvan Frankel, director, Milton and—where she is. a minor, and and vegetable mart. Its opening advocated Wednesday in an ad-Robinson, Alex Lipsman, Julian had to have her f ilia", contract ap- was Hollywood to. a turn—lights, stars,, loudspeakers, and signaturedress by Sam Klayer, sixth dis- Nathan, Hyman Temln, Herbert proved by the courts. seekers. . . . Kaplan, Irvin Nogg, Salwyn trict unicameral candidate. "O u r legislative machinery Michnick; Ernest Nogg and Wil- Surprising, the number of forShaindel Kalish,. cinematized hitherto haa been bogged-down liam Wolfe for their portrayal of mer film stars (non-Semitic) that with stupid lawmajiing," Klaver the roles of the local citizenry are happily domesticated with Ann Preston, is now suddenly redeclared. "The botfks have been . . in the pageant that paid tri- Jewish husbands: There's Louise labelled Judith Blake. How'd ye never Glaum married to Zach Harris. do, " Miss—-er—uh-—oh, cluttered up with '.statutes that . . Betty Compson to Irving mind—that's the way of a movie were often unworkable and hard LaGUARDIA TO SPEAK Weinberg . . .< Eileen Percy to maid. f o r . t h e voter to understand." Harry Buby . . . Norma Talmadge In addition to cutting legislative red-tape and fostering effici-

- . ency in ^Nebraska's new legislature, Kraver is winning votes from persons of all political faiths •with " the soundness of his proposals Xor old age pensions and unemployment Insurance. "Why," he asked his audience

Our Film Folk


Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia of NewiYork City w.illbe one of


y thei V



TAL.EI81M . PRAYER BOOKS Gifts for Bar Mltzvahi Res. 609 No. 50th St. GL-2972 P. O. Box 710 Omaha, Nebr.

v'ollcy which, on the annuity plan merce, owners of large Jewish enwas sufficient to guarantee that j terprises are being arrested or the ?50.00 a month would be paid; threatened with arrest by local as long as either the man or his -Nazi leaders if they persist in rewife lived. ; fusing to sell out to "Aryans." Did this J5.000.00 of insurance stabilize the son's estate? Certainly it did, for it supplied the Paston Mitchell Co. income necessary to equal the Fonndries outgo In. the case of those who

•were dependent on his earnings.

27th and Martha HA. 55SS Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft i New Airway Link Grey Iron end Semi-Steel Cast* Warsaw — The Polish Telegraings. Wood and Metal Patterns phic Agency reports that extensizes Bronze a n t ! Iron sion of the Polish airlines south j Standard Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern to Athens, Greece, forms , a new \ Ring* sna Covers. C4eanout Doors .Weight! a n a Yellow Erass link in the projected' airline to j •Sash Piumeer*' Ferrules, carried In .stack. Eronze Tablets. Bronxe ane Palestine. C>«-|i*ii Grille* • Specialty. Patronize Our Advertisers--

she will never act in another pic-

and chairman of the Good Neigh- the city of Omaha. Coming from bor League, will also speak. parents who were poor, he proved Among those serving on thehimself the champion of the poor] committee arranging for the family about to be put out of j meeting are: Mrs. George E. Neu-their homes, or have their wages haus, co-chairman of the Good garnished, by seeing to it they Neighbor League of Nebraska, got a square deal. Mrs. J. Blank, Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Mrs. Emmanuel Grodinsky, Mrs. David Greenberg, Mrs. Harry Lapldus, Mrs. Jack Bramson, Ephraim Marks, Harold Saks, Donald Brodkey, Eugene Blazer, and Edward Brodkey.

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Latest bulletin from the Thalberg home is that Norma. believes

Jackson B.'r Chase, republican ture. Yet, at the studio, they're the principal speakers at the Sen- candidate.for Congress, has a rec- readying "Pride and Prejudice" ator Noirls meeting to, be held at ord of'. service to the public to which her husband had scheduled the city auditorium, Saturday commend him. While he has for her next night, at eight o'clock. The main served as an Assistant Attorney - Wednesday, "should t h e f i n e p e o - address of the evening will be de- General of Nebraska, as one of More later. " -pie w h o helped found this state livered by Senator George W . its Legislators, his greatest pride (Copyright, 1936, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) be shelved now, simply because Norris who is running for theis in the service he rendered to •j. financial reverse has come their United States Senate by petition. the poor and unfortunate as atStanley High, former Nebraskan torney for the Welfare Board of •. -way?". Menorahs, Jewish Music, Blblei






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1 ^ g ^ illilBlIiiBilli &-M$&^*M '0i'4^M0^^^^^0\^ff^-

erica Sale for Liberalism and Toleraoce

PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT started the country on the road to recovery.


He has administered the nation's affairs in a liberal and enlightened spirit. He is a bulwark against persecution and denial of the rights of any individual. He kept the country from being involved ininternational complications^ Hjs progressive policies, are best suited to profect our country against both radical and reactionary-extremists. ^




get of PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT«We Do Not of His Opponenti

[3c| Vote For Roosevelt



Page 4

Our rabbis taught: "A man Berlin — T h e Manchester under which their forefathers baffling. Cf many attempts-made gle form on the reverse side. Self CHARITY . . .They're doing well Guardian, famous British Liberal shall always be as patient as Rabin this direction, "The Bible expression is undoubtedly the if the proportion is no greater. lived In the very recent past. RIOT OF ANTI-SEMITIC FAS- newspaper, and its weekly sup- bi Killel, and not as excitable as "Israel in Nazi Germany" by Jingles Coloring Book" is one of most effective educational proMr. Koppel S. Pinsoa is an illu- the most original and successful. cess. Here it Is combined with CISTS STIRS BRITISH JEWRY . ptement were banned from Ger- Rabbi Shammal. Once it-happeneasy memory work. It should |. . it should also stir British opin- many "until further notice" in an ed that two men had a wager. New Page minating study of the spiritual order made public here by Inter- that whichever would succeed In crisis of German Jewry and the On one side of the page, the prove not only effective, but pop- ion. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by methods utilized in meeting it. author provides the child with ular with youngsters. In forty GOVERNMENT'S S U R P L US ior Minister Wilhelm Frick. putting Hillel cut of patience THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY with a heroism and resourceful- an opportunity to express itself sheets, the author covers the more RISE TO $9,000,000 . . . This should receive ijur hundred «ouness that la truly astonishing. by drawing the story which is important and the most dramatic is not the least of the Jewish achzlm. OE Friday afternoon when Subscription Price, ono year - - - - - - $2.00 Most of us, In our anger and sor-told in simple words and in Jin- Biblical stories, and Holy Days. ievements in the Homeland. Rabbi Hillel WPB busy preparing Advertising rates furnished on application. row over the material destruc(Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts himBelf for Saturday, the man aption of German Jews, forget that Feature Sytdicate.) peared three times within an NEW YORK OROHODOX CONEditorial Office: 500 Brandeia Theater Building. they are confronted with an even bour interval and asked Rabbi GREGATION . . . Keeping up a Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ' By Dr. Philip Sfcer greater problem, that of psychic Hillel foolish questions. Rabbi family tradition. 23 Per Cenl of New readjusmtent. The intellectual DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor. Hillel answered the.n very politePOLAND ASKS LEAGUE OF convictions, the Ideals of liberalFRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - - - - - - Editor ly and told him to ask all the Conscripts Are Jews NATIONS TO AID HER IN GETBIBLE ism which sustained and nourishFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent TING RID OF JEWS . . . We wish ed them hare been swept away. Go from the presence of a fool- question he wanted. 'Art thou ANN PILL. - - - - Sioux City, Iowa. Correspondent the league could help the Polish They are compelled to find hew Vienna (JTA) — Official fig- iBh man, for thou wilt not per-Hillel.' he asked, 'who is called 1 Prince -2 Israel' 'Yes.' answered Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street Jews. spiritual resources, to rebuild ures disclosed this week that ceive the lips oi knowledge. Hillel. 'If thou art the one ttren their world of Ideals, that they NAZIS MOTE TO DE-JUDA- twenty-three per cent of Austria's By Robert Stone The desire accomplished is I pray tliere may not be many may endure the crucifying ordeal LOS ANGELES MAYOR ASK- IZE LEGAL AND ECONOMIC new conscript army of 15,000 is sweet to the soul and it is an abwithout permanent Injury. ED TO EXPLAIN PRESENCE SCIENCES . . . In other words, to Jewish, although the Jews form omination to fools to depart trqm more in Isrp.el like thee.' 'Why Is that, my son?' asked Hillel. 'Bethree perecent of the population. evil. Unselfish communal service will be honored by the Omaha The various groups in fierman AT NAZI MEETING . . . We hope erase all traces of real justice. cause,' replied the man, 'I have Eighty per cent of the Jews ANTI-SEMITIC PREMIER OF He who is slow to anger is of though meeting thte prob- his explanation is a good one. Jewish community next Sunday at a testimonial dinner, climax-, Jewry EIGHT GERMAN J E W I S H HUNGARY WHO WAS MARRI- called to duty were found fit, as great understanding. But he lost four hundrel .ouzim through lem in diverse waya follow one ing a six-day celebration of the tenth anniversary of, the J. C. C. path, a.joyous return to Judaism, REFUGEES AT N A T I O N A L ED TO JEWESS DIES . . . One gainst only thirty per cent be- who is hasty of spirit exalteth fol- thee.' 'Be cautious with they temper,' said Hillel, 'better is it that ly. and the thirtieth' birthday of the founding of the Jewish "Wel- either as religion or culture. Ju- FARM SCHOOL . . . That's not of those cases where the public fore the World War. thou Bhouldst lost four hundred and private life differ. daism alone sustains their - souls enough ' The first conscript to be regisA tranquil heart is the life of fare Federation. and nourishes their spirits. JewTWO OUT OF EVERY FIVE tered was a'Jewish youth named flesh. But envy is the rottenness zouzim than Hillel should lose G R A N D S O N SUCCEEDS his temper.' " i Of the eight men to be publicly extolled as making the ish loyalties have been greatly In- GRANDFATHER AS RABBI OF GERMAN JEWS IN NEED OF Abeles. of the bones. Community Cerfter building possible, five are living and three tensified, Jewish literature la be- POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ing studied, and the Jewish way are departed. Not power, not riches . . . but communal ser- of life is being cultivated today vice . . . is the keynote of this dinner - - which is in keeping more than ever. For the oppreswith the best tradition of Judaism. These men who are to be sed and grief stricken German Judaism has again become a ionored are held in high esteem by their fellow men because Jew. tree of life and those who lay they have recognized their responsibility to the Jewish com- hold upon it do not perish. munity. They have generously devoted themselves, giving time Mrs. Isaac Goldberg, the well and effort for which they received no material gain and at known author, contributes an Interesting study of Mr. is'oa'a, an times little appreciation, A Jewish community is a jealous early American who played quite child demanding much, for the problems of the community- a prominent and not always are many and transcend individuals. ,creditable role in American Jewlife prior to the Civil War. In spirit these eight are the brethren of the great Portu- ishFrom Warsaw, Mr. I. M. Ncugese Jewish statesman, Hector Mendes, who when asked by man writes about Polish Jewrythe king what he considered his own, he replied, "That which After describing the nature of the Jewish tragedy, he frantiI have given." So it is with the men to be honored. They, too, Polish cally begs American Jews to resare fully aware that what they can really call their own iscue the cultural agencies, the schools, the Yeshlvas, tae Synawhat they have given to the community. ogues, the educational Institutions which the Polish Jews cannot maintain without outside aid, but which are aa necessary as A striking answer to the present turmoil in Palestine is food. contained in the announcement by the B'nai B'rith of a grant Professor Joseph Klauser -writes of $100,000 to the Jewish National Fund for the purchase in from Jerusalem a brief but most Palestine of a tract of 1,000 acres on which will be established significant letter on "The Causes an. agricultural colony. The faith thus expressed in the up-of Arab Unrest" splendid analysis of Jewish building of the homeland is well stated by Alfred M. Cohen, lifeThe in France and of the strength B'nai B'rith president, who announced: "B'nai B'rith is happy of French Anti-Semitic forces by ' Senator Norris never has betrayed his that it is able to make a substantial contribution to the future Zacharaih Schuster In his article Leon Blum makes particularly State, his constituency, his Nation, nor the security of a considerable section of world Jewry, and es-on interesting reading. pecially those whose lives are bitter in many European lands, Among- the several book recommon men and women of America. He by providing an extensive tract for the establishment of a views the most important is by never has faltered in his fight for justice, in colony in Palestine, where they may hew out new careers with- far that of Aldous Huxley, who a Nazi treatise on "Race, out fear or interference. This undertaking, entered into at reviews his battle for human rights, and in the strugspirit, and soul" and exposes the the moment of the ending of the unfortunate happenings of grevious fallacies of tha author gle for better government. the last few months in Palestine, is a token of B'nai B'rith's and of the pseudo-science he The reader Trill find faith in the fulfillment of the Bafour Declaration, which gives champions. several other excellent features— assurance to Jews, who choose , Palestine as their homeland a group of moving poems by I. Senator Norris has to his credit the that they may dwell there and enjoy the blessings of life, chief M. Lasfc, a superb story by Martin Buber, e t c ' of which is freedom of conscience." greatest number of achievements of any The autumn issue maintains This step by the B'nai B'rith, a non-Zionist group, is of the high standard for which the member of the Senate, and he stands before historic importance. It not only conveys the determination of Journal is known and readers will pleasure, stimulus and enthe American people as one of the greatest the Jewish people to continue with the upbuilding of their find lightenment from the varied ashomeland but it also serves as an inspiring example to other sortment of the spiritual food it liberal leaders in all the history of.the Nation. provides. groups to link their work with the re-creation of Palestine.

Gems of the Bible and Talmud




You Need This Man In The United States Senate


"UPON THX DOOB POST," JENNIE ROSANHOLTZ. BLOCH PUBLISHING CO. $1.50. The unhappy love life of Henny Markowsky is the vehicle the author has chosen to describe in elementary fashion the early life By DB. THEODOBE N. LEWIS and some of the religious rites Babfcl, Mount Sinai Temple, SIoox of the Jews in the northwest. The plot of this story is laid In and THE MEYORABT JOURNAL bor as thyself," which the Rever- close to St. Paul. The parents of end Father forgot to mention was the heroine, Abram and Esther . •; AUTUMN, 1036 Among Jewish magazines, the first pronounced In the famous are much disturbed about their Menorah Journal occupies a uni- Holiness Code in the Book of daughter Henny's Infatuation with que position. Its high literary Leviticus (Chapter. 19.) Dr. Louis a young Gentile lad,' Richard. The Quality, its scholarly character Finkelstein, professor of Talmud .young girl insufficiently Amerplaco It in a class by itself. It at the Jewish Theological Semin- icanized to reject Sam Efron, the caters not primarily to the Jew-ary gives a scholarly and Instruc- suitor imported by her parents. ish masses but to the educated tive and Jewish interpretation of After a visit to St. Paul she learns layman and to the Jewish intel- the Biblical law of an "eye for an to appreciate Sam Efron and belectual who, despite wide cultural eye." After clarifying the true comes his wife. contacts, still maintain a deep loy- meaning- and intent and above all The author Knows intimately alty to Jewish values and a live- the mode of execution of this law, the life of the Jews, their religly interest in Jewish life and hci shows the superior human- ious customs and folk ways, but thought. The Autumn number ness of Biblical and Rablnlcal law does not touch the deeper religT7hich has Just appeared contains to legislation that prevailed not ious, motives of the people. several 'splendid articles that only in those ancient times but merit the attention of a much even In Anglo-Saxon England. In "THE BIBLE JINGLES COLORwider public than the roster of view of the barbaric punishments ING BOOK" BY JEROME R. Inflicted only recently on offendsubscribers. MALTNO, WITH DRAWINGS Father Conghlin .has recently ers who were guilty of nothing BY ROBERT JOYCE. BEHRmore serious than petty thefts, it startled American Jewry with a MANS JEWISH BOOK HOUSE, dastardly challenge that It repu- is difficult to be patient with the COc diates the law of an "eye for an Ignorant and malicious who were The problem.of teaching Bible eye" and practice, as Christians denouncing' Talmudlc Jurispud- stories to youngsters of six years ence Ignore Jaws and provisions presumably do, "Love thy Neighbf age, or so has always proved POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT


© Made Your Bank Deposits Safe © Saved and Refinanced Homes © Saved and Refinanced Farms ® Loaned Funds on Crops and for Seed @ Put Boys and Men to Work Through the c




• . . • • • - •





t b y ••

il 11?11

When you cast your ballot in the Senatorial contest, look for the nam% of

y Petition


There aro no federal atxea on your homeo, farms, or real or personal property and THERE WILL BENONE AS LONG AS ROOSEVELT IS PRESIDENT. The winning battie against the depression is being paid for by income, inheritance, import and luxury «ana.

Senator Norris drove "Cannonism" from the federal legislative procedure, he abolished the "Lame Duck" Congress, he championed the cause of the farmer, and he has fought the battles of labor. In th.sk vital matter of government, taxation, he has insisted that great wealth, always seeking its avenue of escape, should be made to pay its Just proportionate share. He gave to Nebraska a comprehensive program of conservation of natural resources, He gave Nebraska and the nation rural electrification. In film Nebraska has a representative whose prestige and whose influence are recognized, generally.



..••. - .

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Senator Norris has waged a consistent battle against arrogant special privilege, against strongly entrenched greed, against those who would shape government to suit their own ends. He has the hatred and the enmity of those who would exploit the people. He has the faith and the love of the people themselves. They believe in him because of the enemies he has made.






f •

THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1SSS IiUNCHEON AND BRIDGE BY SISTERHOOD CIRCLE Mrs. Ben Steiftler and Mrs. William Yousem will be co-hostesses to Mrs. Julius Abrahamson's circle of the Temple Israel Sisterhood Friday at 1 o'clock. This will be the first luncheon and bridge givea by this group and will be held at the Temple.

Tuberculosis Group to Give Large Tea

ber of Omahans are planning to, fe t^V * " attend, j The KcclasEafe Serins Circle j The opening meeting of Kaj Kre. P&ul Elotckr it' Jn charge dassah was held Wednesday af- I will meet nt tne Ihorns of. ITS !jof reservations for ike Iimelieose A number of reservations are Representatives of the Council j Chairman, Mrs, Henry Felmoint ; being made for the preview that of Jewish Women, .Auxiliary to ternoon at the J. C. C. Commun- ion "Wednesday, November 4.. Tfcis ji Monday, November Z. »t i ' c clock ity singing, led by Airs. Aaron the Omaha Woman's Press Club the Community Center, the Sisterwill inaugurate the "'ear's p.rt.iv- j to be given fcy is?e Sisterhood << uiaj will give Sunday evening, Novem- hood of Temple. Israel, Bethel Edgar, opened the program. A j ities for this group. I p. the past !Temple Israel. Reses'vaUiHiB 1 ber 8, of Fred Ballard's newest Auxiliary, Senior and Junior playlet, "The Crystal Gazer," v;as I year several hundred pirments i be m&de v.1tli Kve,. Bloick' , or am | member of lie-' coBiirdKps?, T-Triv>comedy, "The Senator's Hus- Hadassah, and Bikur Cholera are a feature of the program. made by the women. Mrs. Joseph Goldware, past i were band," at the Omaha Community among Jewish Women's organizaThe Hadassah Book Reading jbeTE of KITE, ITrnrr rnUncK'F COVP~DINNER PARTY Playhouse. Mrs. Ben Shapiro is tions that have been invited to a president of Hauassah, gave a re- j Group will iiold its first meeting Tni.t?f>e Till FP'TC. The Monday Sewing group en- the Press Club president. large tea, to be given by wives port of the national convention i on Saturday, October SI, at the Speaking on the prc-ricctlor; tertained their husbands at a Halof the officers and board mem- held in Philadelphia which, she home of Mrs. Jack Br&mson, Tes. progrom, nrreiigec'. by M''fi. ?!er-. Among those who have already lowe'en dinner party at Murphy's taken tickets are L. B. Ziraoan, bers of the Nebraska Tuberculo- recently attended as the Omaha will follow the discussion. Silver, v'SU be ?."re. Georpr Nfi;.Wednesday evening. The occa- Joe Jacobs, Herman Auberbach, sis Association, Tuesday, Novem- delegate. ihri'B, ch.PirtnFir r>C the NP'TRRT.'?, JANGER-TATEIiMAN TO BE AT HOME SUNDAY According to Mrs. Goldware's ] Good Neighbor ArengVP. reprrMr. and Mrs. Meyer Tatelman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Romm sion was the birthday of Mrs. Ju- Morris Katleman, I. I. Solzman, ber 10, at 3 o'clock on the tenth report, the National budget for : se-Titing' "bp <iemocrptir pn~**\ rmd announce the engagement of their of- the Alahambra Apartments will lius Newman. A huge birthday Jack Marer, Dr. Manuel Grodin- floor of the Brandeis store. | Mrs. DPA'if; Novthup, prpsk'^nt ot daughter, Sadie,, to Mr. Harry be at home Sunday •. afternoon cake decorated the table. sky, Arthur Goldstein, Leonard Always active in the campaign the coming year is $446,000 to Mrs. Nathan Turner a c t Mrs. [the Douglas County Kepr.liU^»p Janger of Chicago, son of Mr. from 3 to 6 honoring Mrs. A. Klein, Lazar Kaplan, Lawrence conducted by the Nebraska Tu- be allocated among Medical work, a n d M r s . J a c o b J a n g e r of O m a - Romm of New York City and Mr. "MANLESS CABARET" PARTY Gross, Jake Rachman, Jack Mel- berculosis Association, and aiding Infant Welfare, School luncheons, | Koe Venger wish to remind the I Worn RE'B Club, "Manless Cabaret" party to cher and Paul Bernstein. ha. -. • •-•••• . .• '. in the sale of the Christmas Seals Jewish National Fund, and the j members about the bake Pile thi"? and Mrs. I. Caplan of Des Moines, be Agiven j coming Wefinesday F.t the Brar.by Junior Hadassah next Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marer and which finance a huge health pro- Youth Aliyah. parents of the young couple. P&trouSze Our Advertisers. Thursday night, November 5, at Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shapiro are gram, Jewish" women of ihe city, The total Eum raised for all | deis Store. 8 o'clock at the Jewish Commun- planning a no-host dinner for ten will again be asked to volunteer [activities last year, $600,000 was The next Oneg St,abl>os v 11 The marriage of Evelyn HOSTESS AT LINEN SHOWER ity Center lodge room, is slated at the Blackstone to precede the their services through their re- the largest amount raised in one | take place November 7th et vhe Mrs. Irving Hobermtin was to be one of the cleverest parties Schlanger, daughter of Mrs. Jenyear since the founding of Kadas- I home of Mrs. I. Dansky and h~~f., spective organizations. performance. nie Scbjanger, and Simon Feld- hostess at a linen shower Wed- to be given by the organization. sah in 1912. Three hundred Ger- | II. Brodkey. The costesseo rxDuring the past summer, in Proceeds from the performance man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam nesday evening given In honor pf All Junior Hadassah girls who will be used as awards in the an- connection with the Hea.lth camp man Jewish refugees were trans- | tend a special invitation for $ i; Feldman, will take place on Sun- her niece, Miss Evelyn Schlanger, are paid-up members will be ad- nual writing contest conducted by which the Association conducts, ferred from Germany to Palestine i their friends to attend. J Mrs. Dave Sherman request day, November 29, at the Beth who is to be married on Novem- mitted to the party gratis. Any the Press Club. volunteer workers included Mrs. at a cost of $110,COG. that all those who have oroe" Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue. ber 29 to Mr. Simon Feldman.' girl who wishes to join Junior Membership in Hadassah has Fred Cherniss, Mrs. Max L. Ho'zTickets are available at the The color scheme was yellow and Hadassah is asked to call either reached 52,COO women, Sirs.' Ed- slips to mail them in to her RP white. Thirty-two guests were Miss Bettye Tuchman, chairman Jewish Press office, Mathews man, Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, Miss ward Jacobs of New York City soon as possible. The Coffee sale present at the shower held at of this affair, or Miss Kalah Book Shop and Kilpatrick's Book Mildred Lew, Mrs. E. A- Ncgg, was re-elected to the national will be held November 9 to 14. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mrs. Charles Schimmel and I«Irs. Franklin, president. All new Department. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Hoberman'a .home. Ben D. Silver. These women presidency of Hadassah. Mrs. members will be guests of honor. Shafef surprised them at their helped transport mothers of chil- Moses P. Epstein cf. New York ALPHA PI TAU home- on the occasion of their BAR MITZVAH A floor show will be presented SOCIAL, CULTURAL GROUP dren at the camp, to visit the was re-eiected vice president. New sixteenth wedding anniversary. A Mr. and Mrs. David Potash an- and a number of novelty stunts vice presidents elected are Mrs. children. In the first of a series of month- ' pleasant evening was spent by all. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their are being arranged by the comAt the regular meeting of the The Bikur Cholem, beaded by David de Sola Pool of New York, ly outings, the Alpha PI Tau held1 ' They were presented with a love- son Gordon at 8:45 Saturday mittee in charge of this affair. Social and Cultural group held Mrs. Henry Sieroty of San Franly gift. morning at the Adass Yeshureh Prizes will be awarded for the Thursday evening, October 22, Mrs. Louis Nevelsff, was among cisco, and Jliss Pearl Franklin of a steak-fry along the riatte rSvnr the groups of clubs which paid on Saturday night, October IT. Synagogue, 25th and Seward cleverest costume, as many of the each member was called upon to for keeping a child or children at Chicago. Mi's. Herman Schulman with Albert Orach, in charge. entertain his fellow members. streets.. No cards, have been isANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT members will dress as.men at this of New York is the new secrethe camp for the entire eight The club recently elected •<" Mr. and Mrs. M. Gelfand of De- sued. affair. Assisting Miss Tuchman Thus there were songs, poems, weeks. tary and Mrs. Samuel J. Rosen- membership, Arthur Adler, tfo'. troit, Mich., announce the engageRabbi David Goldstein and on the committee are the Misses orations and group singing which shon, the treasurer. Henrietta •Weiner, Aaron Epstein, and F i t . ment of their daughter,-Rose to Cantor Aaron Edgar will be Anne Hahn, Mamie Temin, Anne coupled with the fine food and Szold was named Honorary Presi- Bogdonoff. „.*•• drinks made the evening a sucMr. Samuel Cabl, also of Detroit. guests at the Synagogue. Kuznit, and Mrs. Ruth Silver Rodent. Phil Katzman was chosen rrcr.cessful one. Miss Gelfand "visited in Omaha sen. Speakers at the national con- ; ager of the basketball team l i e Mrs. J. Raznick, chairman of for several months last winter. The Play Production commitvention included Governor George I fraternity is sponsoring in. ;!"f ANNOUNCE BIRTH the drawing being sponsored by TO VISIT IN CHICAGO tee promise a group of interestr H. Earle of Pennsylvania; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Baiter of Mrs. Ben Rosenbloom a n d ing plays for the coming season, the Pioneer Women, announces Felix Warsurg; Dr. David de | Jewish Community Center I e a p ' Chicago a'nnounce the birth of a | Dare "Red'' 'Greenfcerg 1 <" that the drawing has been postSola Pool, President of the. Union I volunteered his servicee r,r e o " ^ baby daughter, Myraa Rae, Oc- daughter, Maxine Beverly, leave the first, "Der Fremder," to be poned until December 15. tober 19. Mrs.. Baiter was for- November 3 for Chicago, where given for the benefit of the Oma- On that date a Chanufcau pro- of Sephardic Congregations; Dr. of tfce team, AB the school year has pro- merly Shirley Rosenbloom of they will spend ten days visiting ha Hebrew Club. Horace ICallen, and many other gram will be held at the Jewish national with relatives. gressed, members of Theta chap- Omaha, figures, Jewish.and nonPatronize Ocr AdTertisers Community Center, and the drawter of Sigma Delta Tau have disJewish. Eddie Cantor in a broadCouncil of Jewish Woinea AT JOSLYN ing will be a feature of the aftinguishtd themselves in activi- RECUPERATING FRO3I cast from Hollywood promised to "The Architecture of Washingfair. ties on the University of Nebras- APPENDECTOMY raise ?1SO,000 for the Youth AlMrs. Ben Silver will review ton and Jefferson" is the title of ka campus. iyah. Dr. M. R. Blacker of Wichita, a lecture to be given at 5:30 P. Lessing's "Nathan the Wise" for Rosalyn Lashinsky, arts and Kansas, is recuperating from an m. this Sunday at the Josiyn Me- the Cultural Study group of the Auxiliary of B'cai Israel of Mrs. Max Mayer of Des Moines, science junior from Lincoln, was appendectomy at the Wichita hos- morial by Professor Linus Burr Council of Jewish Women, Tuespresident of the Southwest diviSouth Onsalaa recently advised of her election pital. sion of Hadassah, is calling & Smith of the Department of Ar- day, November 3, at the Jewish to Phi Sigma Alpha, national honmeeting of the Executive CommitCommunity Center. A dessert chitecture of the University of The first regular meeting of the orary political science fraternity. POST CONFIRMATION CLASS luncheon at which Mrs. Fred Ladies Auxiliary of the B'nai Is- j tee on Sunday, November 8, at Nebraska at Lincoln. Miss Lashinsky has also been acThe Post-Confirmation Class A recorded program of organ Brodkey and Mrs. Jay Bercovici rael Congregation of South Oma- Kansas City, Missouri. A. numtive in VestalB of the Lamp, arts Two, of the Beth-El Sunday music will be given in the con- will be hostess, will be served be- ha will be held Monday, Novemand science honorary, aa has School, gave a weiner roast, folfore the program. ber 2, at 2 p. m. at the Assembly been Harriet Byron of Lincoln. lowed by a dancing party at the cert hall at the Memorial at 4:00 p. m. this Sunday. room of the synagogue, £5th and ICiss Byron Is also-active in Sig- home of Helen Alberts on ThursFOR RENT 2 or 3 furThe Omaha Music Teachers AsJ Street.- Important business will ma Alpha Iota, national music day evening, October 29. nssKed rooms, convenient sociation have prepared a recital scrority. be discussed and every member Iocstior., reasonable. WEThe newly elected officers of program to be given at 4:30 p. 2176. 14SS Lothrop. is urged to be present. Muriel Krasne, Fremont, and this class are: Pearl Lipsey, Pres- m. this Sunday in the Josiyn A regular meeting of the ChesA tea and social will follow the Josephine Rubnitz, Omaha, were ident, Betty Rosen,. Treasurer, Memorial lecture hall. James ed Shel Eme3 will be held Monbusiness meeting. recently appointed staff editors ol Jimmy Lipsey and Jack Finestein Wolfe, pianist, Winifred Sliaugh- day afternoon at 2 p. D . the Cornhusker, the university's S ergeants-a t-ann s. nessy, soprano, and Kenneth A report on the decorating will annual. Both also have memberJohnson and Paul Sweet, clarinet} AT LE17[£'S r be given and other important ships in Tassels, girls'.pep organ- HAZOMIR PARTY ists, are to be .featured on this ization, this year. The Hazomir Society •will give program. * It is open to the pul>- matters discussed. All sneahers Jtian Beber, Omaha, was elected a Hallowe'en party at the Swedish lic without charge. are urged to be present. secretary • of the Inter-pledge Auditorium October 31st at the council, an organization of all stroke of 9:30. Members and sorority ( and fraternity pledge their dates are to be the guests groups .on campus. £ elm a Hill of at this party. About thirty cou(14* Ungfh) Lincoln lias been appointed to the ple are expected to attend. MOLDS ttcpifi fir •women's staff of the Dally Nedie of »atin f braskan, campus publication. Twin-Lastique with A member of Nu-Med society batiste panel front, for pre-medic students is Muriel lightly boned. Siies Plans are nearing completion 14 to JO. " ~ Frank of Omaha. Jeanette Polon- for the annual Thanksgiving •with Bky has been elected sorority In- dance to be given by Junior Hatermural representative, and dassah on Thanksgiving Night, Eleanor Braverman is freshman November 26, at the Hotel Fonintermural leader. tenelle. Franklin Vincent and Dorothy Sherman, Omaha, Ethel his Orchestra has been engaged Glazer, Kansas City, Gertrude to furnish the music for dancing. Canari Omaha, and Pearl MeyerMiss Kalah Franklin, president son^ Council Bluffs, are all active of the Junior Hadassah, has choIn freshman Studio .Theater club, sen Miss Sonla Roitstein as genMOlDSstepineom a. new dramatic organization. eral chairman, in charge of the lunation of tatir In a recent edition of the ticket sale, and to be assisted by Torch, Sigma Delta Tau'B nation- Miss Mildred Whitman, advertis»rith- baticMf front al magazine, a picture of Theta ing, and Miss Fannie Katelman, panel Xaec upliit. chapter's new home is on the publicity chairman. \ cover. Also included in this edition 13" an article entitled "A Freshman Looks Backward and For Rent: Furnished room Forward" by Josephine Hubuitz. in all modern apartment Honoring its new pledge ..class, for individual or couple. the active chapter entertained at O V Reasonable. 1815 Maple 0 E a campus tea Sunday, October 18. Street, Apt. 3 . WE-1959. In the receiving line were Mrs. Madeline Baer, housemother, "I s 1r t II eM Frances Kalin, president of tLe active chapter, and Jean Beher, invest Safely, Wisely In pre'sISent pf the pledge class.

Reservations for Preview By Press Club



Beth-El AuxiKsrv

Pioneer Women

, Sigma Delta Tau

Chesed Shel Ernes


Junior Hadassah


tell you where


H| P ftft'fi

fforeign reception

~~A. Z. A. 1

Annuity, Endowment, Life

A. Z. A. 100 In observance of -their eighth anniversary, Sam Beber -Chapter No. 100 of A. Z. A. is planning an original and unique banquet, Sunday, November 8, at the J. C. C. Phil Malkln is chairman of the banquet committee and Sam liap;f Ian 13 taking care of publicity. 1 A special meeting of the chapi t e r will D e n e l a a t t n e B ' n a i Is _ rael synagogue, 18th and Chicago,'Sunday, November 1, at 2:30 m.

Knsre's the PHlco Spresd-Bsnd Did thzz aho how to tour Ecrope by radio—asnes £ad locates foreign stations ia color; And bsre's s. new 1937


In keeping with the A. Z. A. Represents 21 Strong- Companies—Every Type of Insurance custom of bringing in a new-class and Bonds written. Call ATof'.members on A. Z. A. D a y 7667 or WA-5150. . Mother Chapter No. 1 .of A. Z. A. "initiated five members into the order. The five men to whom the first degree, rites werfe given are Herb Melches, Harry Goodbinder, - Sam Ruderman, Paul Green and Morton Solref. Im- When Cleaned and Blocked mediately after these ceremonies By Nationally Known the club adjourned to the A. Z, "GLOVEE HETHOD" A. Day program. This program was featured by a very, fine and Boucle interesting talk by Harry FriedDresses...... enburg of Kansas City, Flans are being made for a smoker to be held in conjunction with Sam Beber Chapter No. 100. CLEANERS This smoker will be given in the SE-1560 near future. Further details will be forthcoming soon. ,


and GIFT J

PHlco, vnth Foreign TxrJng Sy&ejn, Spread-Bacd Dial,

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Automatic Washer No longsr need 37011 worry about th© . ..: dread .of wash-day. With this new 1938 JiUTOMIfflC WASHER y o a s a r o time... labor and trouble. You'll here© : : more time to do tho things you Bk© to •" '.do.; It is' efficient end lest end costs • less to operate. Get y o ^ AUTOMATIC WASHEB, today!

MOLDS g?VC * c : ; p . perfection oi a;«L.. k l and s light yov hr-: •'"*•

New 2937



pti;C3 with Aerial Lci Kit


* " *




Pkge 6

j uon on a fellowship establishec A water polo game was staged by ris Bloom, Sam Giller, Manny Wachtler, Nate Wolk, Art Fulton, Ab Kaiman. The active little in- noise of the class. It might also U'ict' reveals, the junior boys closs which pro- Goldberg, Irving Pazoff, Ben Ro-Meyer Rosenblatt, Nate Marcus, surance man ran the gauntlet of keep if he wore the outfit he j Another exile, Dr. Franz, is do-jior him by the American Cyana vided many a chill and a thrill for sen, Jack Sadofsky, Millard Si- Lee Grossman. Manager, John abuse last week and came out wears to referee a football game. I ing, research work at the institu- mid Company. Rosenblatt and Backer, '• Harry with flying colors. After a. cou-He would at least look good. We gal, Jay Stolerf Aaron Epstein. By BAY SOHAPBRO t h e onlookers. • ." . POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITiCAL ADVERTISEMENT . ple of days of fine play the old still need more active members. Pre-Season Basketball Champ- Steinberg. In the handball exhibitions Marathon Swim—Norman Po- timers pulled in their lines and Come up and be convinced. "were Morris Bloom, Jack Sadof- ion, Class B—Jack Sprat Foods— By Ray Schnpiro sky, Manny Goldberg, Saul Yaf- Joe Kirshenbaum, Dave RichardE, ionsky, Bucky Greenberg, Ber- Ah was made a member in recELECT Epstein, Stan Feltman, Har- ord time. His play already outAll team managers interested One of the largest crowds in fe, Millard Sigal, Jack Ban, Phil Morton Soref, Herbert Meiches, nard old Oruch, Morris Richlin, liar- shines such stars as L. G., J. C , in entering his basketball squad Vthe history ' o£ the Center wit- Feldman, Phil Klutznick, Isa- Charles Stefti, Ben Kutler, Paul old Epstein, Eddie Kuklin. P. E., S. G., and a few other in the pre-season JCC league nessed the annual athletic award dore Levinson, Dave _Goldman, Green. JCC Jnnior Honor ' Team— veterans. We are still waiting please get in touch with Lee Regular Season Basket Ball night which was held in the J Murray "Wintroub, and Jack iIv L -.,--7 t gym last "Wednesday night. Ex- Shriebman. All these men are Champions, Class B—Sharpshoot- Manuel Himmelstein, Milton Say- for Abe Brodkey to show up. Cer-Grossman by Tuesday, November hibitions in swimming, gymnas- Class A players in anybody's tour- ers-—Jack Epstein, Milton Say- Ian, Norman Bordy, Ben Win- tain members of the class think 3. AU boys interested in assistFORtics 'and handball thrilled the nament and their play was of Ian, Manual Himmelstein, Leo troub, Herbert Meiches, Joe he has forgotten the game. Now ing with the refereeing and time•Kirschenbaum, Leo Sherman, Ben keeping get in touch with Lee that the golf season is over there Sherman, Norman Kuklin. crowd while the presentation of Grade A caliber. • Kutler, Harry Fox, George El- is no excuse for Abe not £>eing at Grossman at once. the awards by Mr. William HolzThe main event on the evening Handball W i n n e r s — Manny man climaxed the evening af- program was the awarding of Goldberg,. James Lemson, Max tinge, Jake Bronstein, Sam Wolk. these meetings. Sam (Windmill) All JCC Honor Team: Max Gilinsky had lots of chances last fair. ^ prizes to the champions in their AUschuler, Saul Yaffee, Dr. GoldKe rraerit)? yov.r vote based o^ ». record of service German Jewish relugees Turner, Reggie }Veidenbeck,, Iz week to use his roundhouse right. areSeven respective sports in the Center ware, Al Orach,~Morris Bloom, studying to become American that mchsdes; Arthur- Kulafeofslcy, '4 Marshal for the past year. Following is Paul Grossman, Morris Franklin, Bogdanoff, James Burroughs, Some Monday he is going to farmers at the National Farm HayKin, -Jay Goldsmith, Txvin a list of these award winners: Aarron Epstein. smack the ball'into the Missouri Two terms as City Prosecutor Ben Rosen, .Abe Faier, Sam Ban. School, the only Jewish agriculMalashoct, Robert Slutzky, Morriver. The refereeing is improv- tural school in the United States, 1 Five Years as Attorney for Welfare Board ^ Ping Pong—Buddy Goldstein. Pre-Season Basketbal Champris CEesleiy Marvirf Richards, and That man's here again: And, ing rather slowly. Probably it is a report from the registrar's ofCompiled Traffic and Criminal Codes of City of — Betty . Nodgaard, Ed Gerber were featured in tumb- Ions, Class A, Oniahn Jobbing Co. LeoSwimming Alperson,. Bucky , Greenberg, oh how true. That fellow who on account of his sore hand. We Osnaha ling while Louis Blumkin did re- —Harry Altsuler, Reggie Weid-. Norman fOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Poionsky, Stanley. Felt- for the past two week's has been will give him the benefit of the markably well in diving. Stanley enbeck, Leonard Seiner, Bill Best, man. Omaha Attorney for 19 Tears sending in-articles on the Health doubt. If he doesn't show up l^eltman, Bernard Epstein, SQI Paul Bbgdanoff, Art Adler, Is Nobetter next week we will break; Club volley ball class has not dis& Faml3y Man Responsible tc B LI'iile C?'i?fien« vak, Phil Gerellck, Manager Iz Free, Throw—!-Harry .. Fox. FOR RE-ELECTION Levy, Leo Alperson, Julius Conn, his whistle and just let him yell. ' Gym Class Winners—Huskers— appointed his admirers (?) this We'll never hear him over the Bucky Grcenberg, Theo Cohn, Jay Tretiak. week and so here"it is: Goldsmith, Lea Herman, Donald Regular Season Basketball Stanley Feltman,- Al . Shenfield, The latest member to be iniZernovsky, Ron Lewis, and Dan Champions, Class A—PSI MU— Julius Cohn, Irvin^ Malashock, POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT TOUTiCAL ADVERTISEMENT tiated into the Health Club was POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Sreenfield gave swim exhibitions. Abe Bergman, Iz Bogdonoff, Mor- Harold Epstein,- Richard Wintroub, .Jack, . Berman, Maynard POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT M VOTE FOR POLITICAL, ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Katzman,. Norman Seltz, Edward Forman... . . .. . an. FLOYD . L. - Decathalon—Stanley Feltman, ELECT Melyln-Bernstein, Norman Poionsky ,* Maynard Katzman, Don ZerAn Experienced F.ian novsky, Sol Epstein, George-Eisenberg, Marvin Zernovsky, Morris: Richlin, Bucky- Greenberg. ,s . . * Softball—Omaha Potato Market—Ned Giventer, Paul Steinberg, Ernie Lickert, Sam SteinI1 ^ Board of berg, George Wachtler, Ed We Urge and Recoinmend to All Our Friends i -

•J. C. C. Sports






the Re-Election of


Pledged to Progressive Methods in Educ a t ion, Intellectual Freedom, and Economical-Administration

* ^ ;,



Bern in Nebraska: esc 50. Eghti year as district judge. Judge Thorn. i ten asks your vote en the basis or merit and on his capacity for continued service. ENDORSED AND RECOMMENDED BY T H E LAWYERS OFi T H E DISTRICT.

Don't Miss the Last Roosevelt Meeting


For Member of /


i ^<

Saturday Night, October 31st 8:00 P. M.

Congressman CHARLES F.






Second Term


on the Same Platform


"I pledge that if elected I will do everythingr in my power to economize for the taxpayers. I have had to economize all my life and will do the same for you."

H Kecorciof Service t® Every


He is possessed of sterling qualities that especially fit him for judicial office.

Fiorella LaGuardia Mayor of New York United States Senator

Efficient, Courageous, Independent

Stanley High Good Neighbor League

Pledged to Government Economy

Hon. Geo. W. Norris


s 5

He is experienced, capable and faithful and fulfills his trust with impartiality, courage and common sense.

S | £ I | ^ g 3

Irvin C. Levin William Grodmsky Sam Beber Henry ..Monsky Fred White Harry Si'rverman Mas Fromkin ' . Sam Leon Philip Klutznick- . J. J. Friedman Hj'man Shrier Ben Kazlowsky Ephraim Marks Sam Zacharia . Herman Corenman 'Milton Abrahams Eugene N. Blazer


Good Music











Let's Pall Douglas County Oat of Bankruptcy -VOTE FOR-

\ \i


Republicans For




I "









ffie Mwok from


Good Speaking


v x «>

8 ^




14 Years' Experience on the Bench

Kis the nations! istrstion made old age assistance possible in Nebraska.

Endorsed by the Louryers of Douglas. Washington and Burl Counties



Dr. ¥icfor E.

Dr. Victor E. Levine is candidate for Member#of the Board of Education. His name on ballot appears as Victor E. Levine and not as Dr. Victor E. Levine. Vote ior This Candidate Dr. Victor E. Levine is running for County Judge ' for Member of the Board" of EduX BRYCE CRAWFORD cation. His name appears on the ballot to be voted for this coming election. Tuesday, November Vote for These Candidates third. • for Municipal Judges Dr. Victor E. Levine is well X PERRY M. WHEELER qualfied for the position. He has X JOHN W. BATTIN gained national fame in the field X A. W. ELSASSER of scientific medical research, in X GEORGE HOLMES biological chemistry, nutrition, hygiene, in the field of education, All of the lawyers of the in the field of writing, and in the Fourth Judicial District were field of exploration. given an opportunity to exDr. Levine's biographical sketch press their .opinion by secret appears in "who's Who in.Amerreferendum and indicate their ica, in Young America, in Who's choice for NINE of the eight- Who among North American writers, in Who's Who among een candidates for Judges of the District Court . . . Law- Educators, in American Men of yers of Omaha expressed their Science, and in Who's Who among preference also for County Jewry.' The recent book on famous Jews in American Medicine and Municipal Judges. . . . by Dr. Kogan includes the "achThese candidates, who the ievements of Dr. Levine. majority of lawyers thought Dr. Levine has ben honored by were best qualified from a fellowships in .many scientific sostandpoint of strict integrity, cieties at home and abroad. The legal learning, common sense, honor in which he takes .most courage a n d . independence, pride 1E • his election to the exare hereby recommended to clusive Explorers Club of New the Voters of the District. York, of which Admiral Richard Byrd, V". Viilhalmjur Stefanson, and Sir Hurbert Wilkifis are (An oi theso Candidates eppeer oa members, and of which Admiral th© Non-PoUtfcsl BcIloU Peary and Amundsen were members during their lifetime. Dr. vine is the only Jew ever, elected to this organization of famous explorers. , Dr. Victor E. Levine's election. to the Board of Education will be a-distinct asset to the city of Omaha. — ,

H George W. Pratt [Xj i . r i . io& In&enner [H Dr. C. C. Hall [x] Louis Kavan. . [xj W a l t e r A. Nielsen


We Favor an Independent Business Manager —TAKE THIS TO THE POLLS—







L11 IMS! \ \ r Republican Nominee for V*. {.. / . ' , : ; •» »r*---s^i fl-^~^ p^r"2aj J ^ ^

Eis record in 1931 and1932—in the face of bsr.k failures and financial npheavals—warrants his reelection. Hoacsly . . . impartiality . . . efficiency— are ins platform. Vote for a wise, conscientious public serrsst!

. . .The fiecond district needs a man in Conr r e s s who will fight for the Sect 'Sjterect of this cletrict — fi man »rho v-ssl dc things on his cvrn aikitistET'c, not on orders from « B T "big' boss."

e©ad Wfcat JacEcrcrr f "If elected S:o Cor.|jreRR; I shfi f">a^enc3f of Royfirnn3er.S vrork T of the conciitionB of She Ami" » less of psrtisa i isoliiicss: bvii • v . Coveruaest official, prcsitler oto ssse KE to rev vote a t % metr n • , I'I B&aaii oppose fori oppose Risy ciffori of t h e Sv^reroe Court or r m r or increr.se their n i i m l e r . S r-r p r e s e v r i n s OET American f o r - ^ the Constitution. "I b e & v e a member of Co- s: > < hiisself mree-.y -with t h e com ,feis cwn district r e t h e r than c r - , on maS-ters per&&inin^ t o th.states.





THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1336. understood aim than be paid for prawns and prefer no supper at the authorities razed a Greet un-English and s as unwanted as | ?-,„ ^ j German refuireet. her rervesenJp.Jews Fevered in London speaking to a million w h o all? . . . Catholic church with dynamite. the Communist doctrine, but the | TT t r > r ti^P tr> the. %/*p.pve- «">"" NJ> lions, <:<=>didn't ' ' • . . . But preceded it by taking Deily's Poll on duty of the authorities is to do S , n F f ! B t e m p { f P f,,,; MISH-MASH: The mayor of away two of the city's four syn- Palestine all they can with complete im-! H a v e n t o r r v e f u | r e e $ ; c 1 c r e g partiality to maintain the Free- j STRAW VOTE: The Daily Ex-1 one of Germany's biggest cities, j agogues . . . One Chassid coiaGeneva CVTKS) — AUhoupt! :AsPeiT5b?«, dom of meeting and speech for j press, British anti-Zionist daily,: although a devout Nazi and a vet- | plained to B. C. V. that conditions London (JTA) — Results of a all doctrines, however foolish and j Argentina can aamit onlr 8 limit-j I were so bad he had to wait until E i r K e m K a 1 c o m , i,e&eK(} C o H V recently polled its readers on the! eran of the movement, has repoll on the Palestine situation mischievous they may be, provided cumber of immigrants EU this,. m l s s i o i , e r f o r r^tu?ee.^ Rnmnnl.~. Palestine question, framing their) sisted all pressure to have him ; the . Misgadim (traditional ene- taken by the anti-Zionist Daily ed the law is not •broken.*' of the Chassidin) got time she will undertake tc sounC : ballot thus: 1—Sly sympathies I fire an old Jewish employe of his i mies Express showed this week that a The city Council of Manchester out other South American COUP.-;" 6 t h * settinr r,p ot perm»,t«?«s are with the Jewish cause in Pal-1. . ' . Paul Muni is reading up on i through davening at the schul be- plurality of its readers favor the Emile Zola's works and partic- | fore he could perform his devohowever, has prohibited the wear- tries interested in new iictni- '. heaflcMRTterp ir> Ixwlon. estine; 2—My sympathies arej Jewish cause. ularly the Dreyfus case . . . He'll ! tions. ing of Fascist uniforms at demon- \grants to see whether they •would j • with the Arab cause; 3—1 favor! In conection with current disstrations in that city. EINSTEINIA: Len Lyons, keep- neither Jew nor Arab, but believe play the'lead role (Zola) in a admit a substantial number of • Patronise Our Advertisers orders in the Holy Land, the Ex- ; of t h e famous i BIRTHDAYS: Mr. Justice er of the New York Post's "Lyons that Britain should surrender the dramatization press asked its readers to indi- ! POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT French novelist's fight on behalf j Louis D. Brandeis will be SO cate whether they favored the Den""reports that Prof. Einstein mandate over Palestine . . . The of Dreyfus . . Present title of the'years old November 13 . . . And Jews, or the Arabs and whether j turned down an offer of $50,000 following day, the ; News-Chron- picture, "The Truth is on the I others having birthdays the same they believed ELECT Great Britain! a year by David Sarnoff for a icle ran a parody ballot, thus: 1— March," will probably be box- I month are Prof. Felix Franfethe Palestine ; Do you favor pickled walnuts for officed, as the filmists would say | furter, -who'll be 54 on November should renounce •weekly broadcast . . . The scien| supper? 2—-Do you1 favor cur- . . . . Dave Ross (nee Rosenthal), I 1/5 and who would be very much mandate. tist's explanation being that he'd ried prawns for supper? The results, as published in the j 3—Do! radio's top-of-the-ladder announc- j surprised to get a birthday card Express, were 20,412 in favor of rather talk t o three people -who you favor neither walnuts nor er, likes to ptand on a Broadway ! from William Randolph Hearst. the Jews, 10,105 for the Arabs, street corner, bare-headed and . . . Sholom Asch, who will be and 16,009 for renunciation of I POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT chewing gum . . . Fellow named six years more than half a cen- the mandate. REPUBLICAN Epstein is reputed to be the "bigi tury (whow! that sounds aged) gest manufacturer in this coun- I on the first . . . A n d , E d Wynn try of such items as rosaries and j (may his giggle continue to agicrucifixes . . . T h e TJ. S. Post Of- i tate the air waves for many more • Orer ten year* aetna! *>xper» fice "firsfcclassed" a lot of sec- j years to come) will roost right on i e n c e i n *f»!n«!F'«»Fit#ii*?«!i» b rnd-class yontiff cards addressed j the half-century mark on NovemI t n u . A fTRciJciwi to Germany, to make sure the |ber 9. . . . , toraey. j London (WNS) — The banNazi postoffice delivered them. j ning of Fascist demonstrations ' . .-..Wolfe Kaufman, Variety colj would be contrary to the British ' FAIR IMPARTIAL EXPERIENCED umnist, is hot and bothered about ENCOURAGING OUTLOOK i principle of free speech and : a German film outfit's attempt to | IS SEEN BY GROESBECK might pave the way for other rebeat the boycott by retitling its j pressive government measures An encouraging outluot so far products in French . . . While B. \ i which -would destroy the British POLITICAL APVEBTISEMENT POLITICAL City Prosecutor—1924-1933 Charney Vladecfc was in Russia, : as earrings trend is concerned democracy, S i r John Simon, ] was seen by C. E. Groesbeck, 'Home Secretary, declared in a chairman of the board of the j Yorkshire speech in which he exPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Electric Bond and Share Com- ' plained why he did not favor an S»aSS«S5S%J«S« pany,' in his report to the annual ; anti-Fascist law despite the riotmeeting of the stockholders in : ing caused in London's East End TO THE OFFICE OF New York last week. Increased ; by Sir Oswald Mosley's Blacktaxation on utilities and the pros- i shirts. pect of further competition from j It is the duty o£ police, he Government financed plants, I pointed out, "to do their utmost however, threaten to retard rate ! to prevent serious disturbances reductions. i by keeping the rival factions The Nebraska Power Company \ apart and intervening when necis an affiliate of the Electric ,essary." Former Chief Deputy Bond and Share Company. i Expressing his dislike of FasMr. Groesbeck tola the stock- xist principles Register of Deeds and procedures, holders'that he "earnestly hoped" Sir John said: "I take the view some satisfactory solution of the 'that the Fascist doctrine in as problem of Federal competition POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT with public utilites may be eTolv- | POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ed from the conferences initiated recency in Washington. "No business or industry can survive the combination of both regulation and competition at the hands of the Federal Governfoi ment," he said. The consumer rate payer, he said, is taxed to provide money NON-POLITICAL with which to build'unnecessary government plants. The investor 1 He has lived in Omaha and prac- ft DISTRICT JUDGE is taxed to- provide money with ^ • I ticed law here ever 40 years. For- g Endorsed by Referendum Vcte which to destroy the very investf( n e r President Omaha Bar Asso- ^ of the Lawyers of Douglas, if* - , \ ciation. Former State Senator. 5 ment t/hich provides him - with Washington and y E e is not desireffi: o£ replacing acy J. ; . Burt Counties income to pay taxes. The comI 0* the present JaSfes. At the re- g panies are taxed to provide monI qnest of many who know his high g POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT . ey for the huildirig of plants to -f qualifications, he is a candidate to # destroy their own business. J £11 the vacancy caused by the •£ 4«,death of the late Judge W. A. g POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT 1 Redick. If you are favorable then j ^ v _ | on your Judicial Ballot, please S Endorsed by .Omaha Bar !»Oi_?TlCA-i_ A D V E R T ! S E W C N T f»Ofc-?TiCA3», •- ~ % ^. I Snt place an X opposite the name g




Duane State

Tolerance Must i Include Fascism, i Declares Simon





Register of Deeds


- S T A T E

Elect "A. W."


, , • » • * *

i j

District Judge


.Fearless mmA Impartial

Charles Leslli






of Matthew A. Hall.




We heartUy endorse Matthew A. Hall for District Judge to succeed the late Judge Wm. A. Redick.



Sara Reynold* Glenn £ . Jennings F. T. B. Martin A. H. Clarke R. G- Dorway Charles A. Eyre

William F. Baxter Joseph Barker Frank 3. Burkley Victor- B. Smith C. M. W0k«1m Joel H. Wri B kt Chat, C. G e o r j e






[District Excelieni Record Should Be f^e-EIected Endorsed by Bar



Hall f i

Oct. 20, 1936.

XT. i»«fcew A. H a l l , a lawyer of experience *nd •tanding: i a Omab*. «e«k« t h e positicm.cn t&e D i t t r i e * BeneU occupied Uy ay father £os so ossy y«ar«. Sec&uae of the hlgji regard my * * « « -both a« a «aa aad as an attorney, I hope ?ou hi with your support *t the coining election.

Candidate for

His Record Merita His Re-Election

Jeha f . Eeciici:

Endorsed by Bar





Friends: lelp Us Elect


of ©eeds Rella Singer, Helen Robinnon, " and Co-Workers in This Office Solicit Your Support.




KEY Democrat

5th District

This Ad Donated by Following Jewish Employees:

Simon Burger * Meyer Bercovici Lewis Rosenblatt

1 % ft (.

r if if










William Ross King


Endorsed by the lawyers of Douglas, Washington and Eurt Counties. -23 years-experience as a lawyer. President OsnEha! Bar Association 2935. Six j years service on the Board of I Education. Mow President' of | the Board. Term expires Jan- < --sry 1, 1937. j


Listen to Fred Wright at 8:30 P. 1.1 Wednesday^ Oct. 28. Wm. .Frazer Thursday, Oct. 29, | at 7:10 P . M. . OVEREOIL

r^ rsrr *?*^^""^--T-

y i l VOTE m™$&

- will SILEC


Page 8

Society News

? lisnnnnnnin

MISS ANNA PILL, correspoadent

Gala Affair to Be Held at Hotel > Martin

D. Maron, Mrs. I<. Shindler, Mike Grueskin, Mrs. Joe Kutcher, M. .lbert; Mrs. Max Dervl'n, Victor Mazie, Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg, Mrs. I. Lubman, Mr. H. Levin,

London, H. Fishgall, J^ Dims-

Mrs. J. Zellnsky -will announce the engagement and • approaching marriage of her daughter Rose to Mr. Sidney Raskin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hi O. Raskin of Sioux

the local B'nai B'rith this week j urged to do their duty ant} pet for the United Palestine Appeal ; o l l t B T l d T p f e f o r f h i ! , S r r r , o r t f l n t and the Joint Distribution Com-| e ! e c t i o n , . ^ A n fc

In Ethiopia

Addis Ababa; Ethiopia—Captain Guido Modiano, commander of the regiment of Jewish volunteers that fought with the ital-

mlttee. Nathan Gilinsky presi- t r R n p p p r t R t , o n ' ^ " { ' J fc dent, gave a report of the re-; C a ! 1 e i l h c r t h e gional conclave held here Sunday,; Republican Headian army during the Ethiopian \« war, has - been- appointed vice- large delegation of visiting B'nai pianist. Nathan. Nogg served as which wai very successful. JLeo ] Quarters, phone TSS, or Demopresident of the Fascist Party in B'rith members when they at- toastmaster at the banquet and Nogg gave an interesting report , cratic KeaclQuarters, phone 16G.. City at an open house at- her Addis Ababa. tended the Southwestern Region- introduced Mr. . Gutstadt to the of a recent lecture. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT home. Sunday afternoon. Novemal Conclave of the District Grand : large audience. Mr. Gutstadt gave Plans were made for an open m ber 1, from three to six o'tlock. Lodge No. 6 of the B'nai E'rithja most interesting account of the meeting. o£ the B'n&i B'rith mem [ FolisV Chalutsim to Palestine at an all day session and enter- i present situation confronting the bers, tlieir families and frienc's, Mrs. Ben Pill and Mrs. Louis . Warsaw — That the renewed kainment held at the Hotel Chief- Jewish, people today. • to be held on Monday night, NoArab terror in Palestine has in :t a l n Sundarr October 25. Mr. Following the program, Mr. vember 9, at the Eagles Ba". Agranoff, 2202 " Summit street, n Will hold open'house from $ to 5 no way stemmed the tide of Jew-( Ri c jjard E. Gutstadt of Chicago, Gutstadt left immediately by air- Rabbi David • H. "Wice of Tempi? o'clock Saturday afternoon in a iah > emigration from Poland t o ! s e c r e t a r y and director •.0* the.| plane for Newark, New Jersey, Israel of Omaha, who recently reBTith anti-defamation [ where he had another speaking turned from a tour of Palestine, postnuptial.courtesy, to Mrs. Ed-tne Jewish, homeland was.demon- |. B 'nal ward Pill, the former Dorothy strated when 350 chalutzim left Ueague, -was the principal speak- engagement for the nest day. will be the guest speaker. Kushner. jfriends of the hostess- here to take up permanent resi- er and honored guest. . . dence In' Palestine. The Sisterhood o£ the Talmud es will assist. Represented at this conclave Torah Society will hold an imMichael Davidson has returned Were members and their guests portant meeting nest Wednesday borne following a week's visit lr Mrs. Dora Baron iscin Atkin- Metaxas Government Aids from Omaha, Lincoln, Sious City, afternoon, November 4, at 2:30 I Chicago,. Illinois, where he was son, Neb., visiting her brothers. Jewish Schools Fremont, Council Bluffs, and! the guest of his brothers. Council Bluffs Lodge -No...; 688 , Miss Esther Steinberg, violinist, B'rith was host to a a n d Miss Florence: • Steinberg, the

o'clock at the home of Mrs. Phil j " The annual Inter-Club Council dale, H. Lazriowicn, M. Levit, Salbniki—Assurance , that the neighboring communities. The*' Saks, 120 Third Street. Mr. E. Carnival, the major fund raising sky, John Lansberg, E. N. GrueMrs. H. M. Bailin and her twogovernment of Premier Metaxas Samuel G. Saltzinan has reevent o£ the- year, will be held n* Mai Friedman and Si children of; Atkinson, Neb., arewill not adopt the anti-Semitic : Monday evening, November 2, In Krueger. " " visiting with her father, Mr. J. tactics of the German Fascist is with greetings of- welcome given mud Torah, will speak on the iturned home after spending s c the Martin Hotel. The carnival Bible. Plans will be completed j eral days in Chicago, Illinois. B. Bolstlen.,. ; ; :. seen in the fact that the govern- by Mr. "William Guilfbyle, Mayor for the Book Review to be given | begin at 1 o'clock In the evement- has increased its subsidies of Council Bluffs; Mr. John LeRoy ning, and the new arid novel ar-Members of the Junior Hadas- to Jewish'schools and relief agen- Peterson,'' President of the Cham- by Mrs. Covert T.-Brown on Tues-! 'Pie Girls Cultural Group meet rangements promise to. make it a afternoon, December first, at on Tuesday evenings at the Mrs. Jack Robinson and Mrs.sah Study Group were enter- cies and has granted permission ber of Commerce, and Mr. Nathan tday h e h o m e o£ Mrsmost entertaining affair. Katelman, Chevra E'nai Yisroel Eynagogue tained by Miss Fan HenSlyn in The entire Mesianine floor of M. A. Marx are in charge of the her home Thursday evening. Miss for the'use of Hebrew inthe Jew- Gilinsky, president- of the local 417 Oakland Avenue. All mem-under the direction of Mr. K. B'nai- B'rith chapter. Mr. Phil bers are urged to attend. the Martin! Hotel -will be devoted annual Senior Hadassah benefit Mabel Hoyt', a. guest, -talked on ish schools.Cooper, instructor of the Council Klutznick of Omaha, member of to "the carnival. The entire ball iridge which will be held in theher travels-in'Europe.' : Bluffs Hebrew School. The readthe general committee of the Dis- The Agudas Achim Society ing of Hebrew room will be devoted to dancing ewish Community Center TuesRECORD OF BASS is now being tauglrt space and Fordham's orchestra, day, evening, November 10th. •"Taipeyers of Nebraska' boast trict Grand Lodge-No. 6, gave a will hold its next meeting next and anyone who is interested in Miss Anna Pill is in Chicago The; proceeds'will go -toward the report of the various committees, i Wednesday evening, November 4, : direct from tne-Mayfair in Kanjoining this class is asked to atwhere she 13 spending the week f the' solvency of their great sas City will furnish, the music. Youth Allyah and the Hadassah visiting her \ brother Jerry and state,. ;but they should have wit- Nathan; Gilinsky was elected re-1 at8:30 o'.clock at the Eagles Hall, tend the meeting next Tuesday IC. nessed, the peril it faced in the1gional president to succeed Mr. | instead o£ Thursday evening as evening, November S, at nine The smaller rooms around the Medical Organization funds. friends. " •••••• H. M. Levin of Sioux City. Other j originally scheduled. All memThe Senior Hadassah 'bneg P ETERSON critical.days of 1931 and 1932," Mezzanine floor will- be devoted o'clock at the synagogue. | Dr. Ti "W. Bass, Republican nom- officers chosen for the coming bers are urged'to-attend. • to the raffling of smaller articles Shabbas will be held in the home Mrs.Fred Foreman of MadiREPUBLICAN i and to "games. The main raffle of 7Mrs. R. Kutcher, 2111 Jack- son, S . D . spent the week visiting riee for Btate treasurer, said yes- erm are Jack Cohen ot Lincoln, I T h e The national, state and county Candidate for vice-president; Leo'Dobrof sky of | Council Bluffs Talmud; son street. Mrs.' TbeoN. Lewis terday. , of the evening -will be the car, Torah will be held next TUPS- ; Society will hold the in-election ; •which i3 being displayed on the arid Mrs. J. H. LeVin are in charge •with relatives In Sioux City. As „ state treasurer, Dr., Bass' Sioux City, secretary; and Ben fi. I day, November third. Voting ma- : business streets of Sioux City, and of the program. two-year term in office was a suc- Kazlowsky of Omaha, treasurer, i stallation of new officers next chines will be used in Council ! Mr. and Mrs. Herman Levy anLincoln, Nebraska was chosen,\ Monday evening, November 2nd, I The first meeting for 1936-37 for which a largo number of cession of financial collapses. 7th IOWA DISTRICT Chevra B'nai Ylsroel syna-, Bluffs and Pottawattamie county j chances have been sold. Smaller of Senior Hadassah was held nounce the birth of a son, OctoTwenty-three banks holding for the next conclave, which is)at the ue a t 6 1 8 for this election. Everyone is i ber 22, at the Methodist hospital. held semi-annual, and scheduled !S°& Mynrtef street, AH raffles will include an arm chair, Tuesday at the J. C, C. where state funds were closed -^-tj-.et the members are invited to attend. floor lamp, radio and coffee more than eighty-five women met : state did not lose a single red for April, 1937. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POUT1CAU ADVERTISEMENT Mr. and Mra. DaveHurwltz anfor luncheon. Following the Following the election of offitable. " • cent! Tbe Delta Deka Club met Tuesnounce the birth of a daughter, Dr. Bass' platform in the race cers, a buffet luncheon The Shaara Zion Ladies Auxil- business meeting Miriam Blank October 23, at the Methodist hosday evening at the home of Mrs. Mr. O. Hochman pre- Ernest Ross. Members c* this for the state treasureship is his served. iary -will be In charge of a large gave a reading and Rabbi Lewis pital. spoke on -interesting events in past record — a record of mas-sented an illustrated lecture of newly-organized Bridge Club are grocery booth. Mrs. L. J. Kapterful handling of funds for thestereoptical slides -which was very Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Charles Burton, lan is la. charge of the arrange- Palestine. P . G. "R^***f) Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson of taxpayers interesting. of the state. ments for 4hlB booth. An attracand the Misses Pearl Bernstein, Chicago,, formerly of Sioux City During the afternoon. Rabbi Genevieve White, Shirley Fiedler, tive doll r booth.will be under the announce the birth of twins, a David A. Goldstein of Omaha con- Grace Resnick, Pauline Margolin, sponsorship of the Mount Sinai FRAOENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, boy and a girl,. ducted an Open Forum, on the and Mildred Saferstein. The douKUUTZNICK &. KELLEY, • .Temple Sisterhood with' Mrs.. Sam B'nai B'rith will hold their Attorneyi subject, "What part shall the ble-foursome meets weekly at the jPIcktia In charge ol the arrangeUnion State Bank Bldg.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mushkin DEMOCRAT B'nai B'rith play in the* field of home of the various members. ments, A pastry booth will be semi-monthly, meeting "Wednesday left. by motor for Chicago and NOTICE OF^AMENDMENT TO T H E education?" Following ; under the sponsorship . of the evening in the Jewish Commun- Cleveland for' a' two weeks, trip, ARTtCLES OF INCORPORATION OF Jewish The Council Bluffs Lodge No. • Hebrew Mother's Club and the ty Center.. Edwin Baron will where they will visit with rela- ROSELAND INVESTMENT COM- Rabbi Goldstein'8 talk, a very PANY. lively and interesting discussion 6SS of the B'nai- B'rith held a Auxiliary of the Workmen's Cir- preside. About thirty B'nai tives and friends. •• Notioe Is hereby given that a regular meeting Monday evening cle. The • Senior -Hadassah will B'rith members attended the special meeting of the stockholders of was held on this subject. The conclave was concluded at the Eagles Hall, with a large the RoselamJ-Investment Company, a have a kitchen utensil booth. Your Vote Will Be &f?pr«eiate«lf 2 Corporation, duly cabled and held at with a banquet held at seven attendance. Mr. George GreenTitle of Dnke Milton BolBtein is general chair- Southwest Regional conference the principal place of business of the held in Council Bluffs at which Pottawsttamie County a corporation in Omaha, Nebraska, Ar- o'clock in the ballroom at the spun of New York.City, a nationman ol the Carnival, Assisting I of Its Articles of Incorporation Hotel Chieftain, attended bj- ap-al field representative of the him Is an executive committee Leon Dobrofsky was elected- Sec- The most exalted heredity title ticle was amended to read as follows: proximately three hundred guests. United Palestine Appeal, was the which consists of Si Krueger.E. retary of the district. • to be given a Jewish family by a ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shal A clever skit wa3 presented by guest speaker fend urged everyPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT N, Grueskln, H. FIshgall, Mrs. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT European monarch was that of be . '. Louis Agranof f, Mr. B. Baron,- A. MOSKOVITZ FIXTURE COMPANY Dr. I. Dansky of Omaha and Mrs.one to give generously for ttis Duke de Lousada arid Marquis di A.Z.A. MOSKOVITZ. President. Leo Fitch of Council.Bluffs. Mu- .worthy cause. M. Davis, H. Lazrfowlch. Mrs. S. San Miniato, still held by the de LOUTS TIBBIE MOSKOVITZ, Secretary. sical selections were given by H. Shulkln, I. Singer, Morey LipLousada family. 10-30-36-4t " A. Z. A. organization has inshutz, M a x Kaplan, A. I. fOUTlCAT. AMVEBT1SE3EENT stituted . a new policy of attendrOHTICAf. ADVERTISEMENT Schwartz, Mrs. E. E. Baron, Ben Last Baron, Edwin Baron, Lester Da- ing synagogue as a unit. vidson, Rueben Miller and Moeweek they attended-Shaare Zion and numbered twentyrfive in the Democratic- CnssC'iZcZe tfer Lazere. An attractive ad program has group. '.:'" Joe Goldstein succeeds Harry been mailed this week to every Jewish home and surrounding Elsberg as Aleph Skan who rePettavr&Hnmie County trade territory. Mr. Moe Lazere cently resigned. Haskell Lazere and Mr. Rueben Miller were in became Shoter Godol, succeeding Your Support Will Be Appreciated charge of the advertising com- Joe Goldstien, who formerly held that office. Shoter Koton will be mittee, with Edwin Baron and to fill the vacancy left by Lester Davidson, in charge of the elected Haskell Lazere at the next 'regPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT political ads. ular meeting.- Joe/Marion has Mr. Bolstein and Mrs. Dave taken' over the duties of Aleph "Wigodsky are chairmen of the Shofer,~ taking the place of Hercar raffle, with every Jewish or- man Kubln, .who resigned. ^. • ' ganization assisting in: the sale of the raffle tickets. Mrs. E. E. Baron and Mrs. A. Debra Club M. Davis are co-chairmen of.-tb Freedom of speech and press—-religious donations committee, and Mrs. L The Debra club held its Tegfreedom—trial by jury—security of life, J..- Kaplan is in charge of th ular -weekly meeting at the home •grocery- donations. Mr. Ben of Miss Gisela Pill, president, on liberty and property—right to peaceably Baron is chairman of the floor Monday-evening. After a short assemble—freedom from : regimentation arrangements. .^ business meeting, refreshments DEMOCRATEC T1CK1T : •Proceeds of the Carnival will .nd a social hour followed.- i On and governmental interference — right be allocated' among the'National Saturday night the club will hold to vote. Potts-wattamje County Workers Alliance, Workmen's ts annual Hallowe'en costume Circle, Auxiliary of the Work- jarty In the home of the Misses QUALIFIED BY EXPERIENCE men's - Circle, Senior Hadassah, earl and Libby Olensky,. 1708 Your Support Will Be -Appreciated! Auxiliary of the Beth . Abraham 'ierce Street. Seasonal decoraSynagogue, Auxiliary of the tions will appoint the tables, Tiphereth Israel Synagogue, Her where refreshments will be served Preserve constitutional government— brew Mothers Association, Auxil- atPmidnlght, after an evening -at POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMfeNT" respect for courts and all laws—^-honest iary • of the Shaare - Zlon Syna- ;ames. gogue," Mount Sinai .Brotherhood, and efficient public officers—merit sysB> n F k * Wf t T b P* ^, ^ v*> tT" Mount Sinai Sisterhood, Pioneer tem instead of patronage—proper reguWomen and the. Jewish. Community Center. Building Fund. lation of public utilities—sound financial The inter-Club Council Is compolicies—-common sense, morality and inposed of the B'nai B'rith, A. Z. Mr. Louis Sieger, noted leader A., Zionists, National Workers' Al- of Poale Zion, will speak Tuestegrity in -governmental affairs. DEMOCRAT . liance, "Workmen's Circle, Auxil- day evening, November 3, at iary of -Workmen's Circle, Jewish 8:30 in the Jewish. Community National Fund Council, Junior enter, under the auspices of Hadassah, Senior Hadassah, Aux- Branch'No. 197 of the Workers iliary of Beth Abraham, Auxil- Alliance. Protection of Nebraska markets—soil iary of Tiphereth Israel. Hebrew • POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY Mr.. Siegel was chosen as a Mothers Association, Ivro Club delegate and water conservation—lower interest "to the World Jewish Your Vote Wi!" F?> Appreciated! Auxiliary of Shaare Zion, Inde- Congress,; held at Geneva, and rates—price parity for agriculture^—aspendent Farane, Women's Inde- has recently • returned to AmerPOLITICAL ADVERTif^^ F\T J^JJ^sCAUAeveBTlWgBNT pendent Farane, Mount Sina ica, and is speaking in the prinsistance to "family sized farms"—real Brotherhood, Mount Sinai Sister- cipal cities .of this country where jobs at real wages—promote Nebraska hood, Pioneer Women,- Chevra there is a local Jewish Workers o r • r:''•<>'<• • Kadisha, Talmud • Torah,- Moun Alliance. All who want to know industries—industrial uses for farm prodSinai Temple, Beth .Abraham, more about' Palestine and Jews Born In Scofb E!uff County cf p*™er parent!, reared Irs^n ucts—effective bind weed eradication— Synagogue, Tiphereth Israel Syn the world over are cordially inV^ agricultural community, he eerSy learned e-»d hei rcver to-agogue, Adas Yeshuren Synagogue vited , to attend. There will be lower taxes—higher. standards of living gotten the lessons that Tebsr, p r i s o n ens tnntt ss_ inaei.»y Shaare Zion Synagogue, Moun no admission charges or collecteach. Served in the U. S. Army Air Sentice during the V* or(d —modern farm homes on owner-farmed Sinai Temple, Sioux City Federa- tions. •War Past Stats Commander ef American Lecson. ^o~c;resition of Jewish • Social Service, farms. Community C e n t e r Building man from the 6th district for four ferns. -Bob" SHrr.crs r w w * Fund Emergency Loan Fund. Nebraska problems end possJbilirics. He is fitted in every vey MOUNT SINAI to best serva ALL NEBRASKA. The respective presidents o fie^ - •.Effietent Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will the organizations included ar Edwin Baron, Jack. Merlin, Dr. speak on "A Unique Journal," at H. M. Levin, Max Mason, I. Sing- the Friday evening -services in • er, Mrs. J, Zeligson, Barney Baron Mount Sinai Temple. The monthly Mount Sinai SisDorothy Merlin, Mrs.- William .C terhood luncheon wilL take place Slotsky, Mrs. C. Barricks, Mra. Friday, November 6. Mrs. A. J. Galinsky and Mrs. Milton Coomer are in charge of the luncheon. Judge F. s. Faville will be the Officers of Beth • Abraham guest speaker. Mrs. Paul MacCollln will- share a place' on the synagogue were elected at meeting Sunday night. Joe Gor-program as- vocal . soloist.. Dr. R. J. chow wa3 elected president. Other Delia Galinsky••will introduce the Henry !¥3ons$sy Bsrfs".; . Handler •REPUBLICAN- TICKET n J. \*'. Er. Ph!:;:p Levy officers elected included Sam program. Mrs. B. Aronson will Sam BebGr r. .!ld Edward Chaf^e?i Bsve • Pottftwattamie County Alfred S. Kiayer Dennenberg, vice-president, N. offer the invocation. Mrs. 1>. S. t&sx Promhln S. J. Leen Fred's.' Wntta ' Dobrofsliy, secretary, B. Gins Goldberg will ireside over the Dr. Karry K8c!i By Taking- Someofte with Y<Su to the. Poll* on Louis E. LIpp Cam Sachcria •Harry bury, treasurer, and M. Schul business meeting. November 3r<5 . man, M. Raskin, I,. Montrose an Patronize, Our Advertisers; J. Dimsdale, trustees.

Senior Hadassah


R asm i sen

B'nai B'rith

State Reprc.:er:i:ative



Who. Will

- Coyrtty Treasurer

Louis Siegel to Speak Tuesday



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Beth Abraham


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