November 6, 1936

Page 1


In. the Intercuts of fcHe Jewish Fceple

<§)By LtJDWIG :LEWISOHN' This column is copyright by the Seven ArtB Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted.

Entered u Second Class Mali Matter on January 21. 1921. at

Fostoffice of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1879



VOL. xii—:\(




, i


REFLECTION BEYOND THE . DAY Pre-eminent among the mindB that have in this age affected huNew York (WNS) — The cele' -ufiapest (WKS)—A deelaraman thought and human action bration of the 50th anniversary of aon in Parliament by the new stand those of three Jews: Karl the aedication of the Statue of Libpremier, Kolmau. Daranyi, assurMarx, Sigmund Freud and Albert Potmders of J. C. C. and Fed- erty has recalled that it was Ferry North Dako* ing the Jews that his 'government j Central States EeriOEal ConEinstein. Note that LII three, as Belmont, grandson of the first Auwould do everything in its power eration Honored at Testiference in Kansas City Europeans, belong to the realm gust Belmont, American representto suppress anti-Semitism and to monial Banquet of. German civilization. About ative of the Rothschild, who fathaccord them equal rights with This Week-End that, fact alone a volume. could ered the bill by which Congress other citizens has given rise to a After a week of strenuous acbe written. But let it pass. Let appropriated the funds to defray Gerald P. Nye, Senator new of optimism in JewOmahaES will play a prominent n e w feeling feeli of the the cost of the dedication. us for a mome >'. dwell on these tivity, the. celebration part at the Conference ' of the North Dakota, will be the open-1 i s h Q u a r t e r s . 'IT tenth anniversary of the Jewish three as Jews. Premier L'aranyi's statement West Central States Region of Mr. Belmont, who is now 84, ing speaker on the Con Conin unity "~ V.,. Community Center and the thirseason, was endorsed by spokesmen of all the National Co-ancil of Jewish The father of Karl Marx, an at- tieth anniversary of the Jewish was then a member of Congress Forum which begins its A meeting of the Jewish V"omtorney of Trier, became a "con- Welfare Federation came to a from the 1st Congressional Dis- Wednesday evening, November p o I i t i c a l p a r t i e S ( notably former Federations and Welfare Funds en's Division of the Community The Jew is vert" to Protestantism in X824 close Sunday evening with a din- trict of New York. to be held in Kansas City, Nov- Chest drive will be held at I:£(..' 18 at He the-Jewish Community Cea- jC n a n c e n o r B ethlen. ter. will speak on the "Muncert Scries v and caused himself and bis wife ner honoring the outstanding The latter said that Daranyi ember 1 and S. As chairman of the. House ComNovember 11, at the and his children including Karl, Jewish leaders of the city. A mittee on Foreign Affairs he in- itions Racket" would undo the damage done by Henry Monsky -vs-i'l be chairman 'center, according: to Mrs, Hen November 1. For many years Senator Kye the late Premier Gomboes who then aged sis, to be baptised. It large crowd of over two hundred troduced in the summer of 1S8 6 of the dinner meeting to be held : Silverman, chairman of the corn- Jevrish Cornm tabes no great sagacity today to persons attended the banquet, a bill making provision for the Sas been one of the outstanding "poisoned the aa.ior with his an- Sunday evening at which time the ; mittee. All members of the corn- Mrs. Avis Sc men in th'e United States Senate. imagine in what an atmosphere held at the Jewish Community tatue> of Liberty. ti-Semitism." president-elect will be presented, j mitte are asked to ;ome prepared will speak on He first rose to prominence as of spiritual falseness, of Jewish Center. "At the round table conferences j to get asignments and make pe-> ,., „ •.„. one of the ace investigators darself-hatred, of flight, avoidance, to be held Sunday morning:, Sam | sonal pledges. | ' O i L' • lf " : '" The invocation by Rabbi Freding the Teapot Dome scandal. innerservility emphasized by a o:t Beber will lead the discussion of j Majors are Mrs. Ben Revitz, ' t h e v:ile Four years later he took the leadspecious outer freedom, the boy erick Cohn opened the evening. T the "Problems of the Smaller Mrs. Louis Lipp, IWrs. Flulir "~ r ' ' ' " ' " David Goldman acted as toasting role in the investigation of grew UP. Hatred of Judaism and Communities;" Mrs. Julius Bisno Levy, ETlfi Mrs. Irvn Levin. expenditures for primary elechatred of himself as a Jew were master and Harry Silverman was will be one cf the discussants of Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky. Mrs. Moe general chairman of the evening. tions. At that time he turned the issarily the continuous "traHe was assisted by Mrs. Dave The Fall meeting of the Wom- "Problems in the Functional JLinsman is co-chairman. The Center Players will pre- spotlight particularly on the elec_ •• of his childhood. So it is no Greenberg. • In his speech Mr. Siltions of Ruth Hanna McCormick en's Division of "the Jewish Com- Fields"; and Rabbi David Golduma wonder that at the age of twenty- verman lauded the tremendous sent "Petticoat Fever", December in Illinois; George Grundy in nnity Center and Welfare Feder- stein will participate in the disfive in 1843, we find Karl Marx courage and generosity of the 1 and 2 as the first of the three Pennsylvania, and the lobbying ation will be held Tuesday, Kcv- cussion of 'Community-Wide Pariduction to be given during in his single isolated pronounce- men being honored. activities of Bishop Cannon. ember 10, at 12:30 at the Jewish ticipation in the Center Program.' ment on the Jewish problem (Zur • The founders honored at the the coming year. Community Center. This will be Jack Mirviss of Minneapolis, forSenator Nye'sinvestigation of Judenfrage) identifying Capital- dinner were 'William Holzman, "Petticoat Fever" which enjoya luncheon meeting. The chair- merly of Omaha, will be chair•with Judaism — an identifi- Henry Monsky, Dr. Philip Sher, ed a long Broadway run and was t h e munitions industry h a s men of the various committees of man of the last-mentioned Round brought not only national but ines false in fact then as now " " " ' Fremont will be the scene of and H. A. Wolf. subsequently made into a movie ternational recognition. His work of the division will give reports Table. starring Robert Montgomery, is " " a n d prophesying the future 'Samuel the meeting of Omaha Lodge of Each responded briefly. Tribute At the conference on "Probof their activities and scheduled has instigated investigations in necessary anihilation of both. was also paid to the memory of the story of a wireless operator other countries and has formed plans. lems of Money-Raising Cam- B"nai B'rith, Sunday evening The apostate must hate the OD- Morris Levy, Harry LapidUB and who has been isolated at his sta- the basis of the international laws A program of musical numbers paigns" Paul Goldblatt, evecu- November S, at S p, m., p.t the tion on the Coast of Labrador for ject of his natural loyalties. TIn- Harry Zimman. for the regulation of the muniand a dramatic sketch will be tive director of the Community Odd Fellows Kail. Kemberr or Spain the Jewish apostates bepresented. All women of the Center and Sam Gerson, of St. the OrnahE lodge will meet witr Eash of the five present at the two years. His tranquil exis- tions traffic. came prelates and p e r s e c u t o r s ^ dinner responded in the following tence is upset when a British fly- Senator Nye has won great pop- Jewish coramunity are invited. Louis, formerly of Omaha will members of B'nai B'rith xrosrFremont, Columbus, and Norloik, their people ana its order: William Holzman, Dr. er and his fiancee are forced down ularity throughout the country Officers of the Women's divi! participate. order to make sure that Philip Sher, Samuel Rayitz, Ix. A. near the station. The ensuing wherever he has spoke. He is sion are Mrs. David Greenberg,] The adjustment of the Jew to j Nebraska to stimulate interest ii excitement, marked with clever J U U » — be destroyed, elaborated president; Mrs. Ben Silver, vice- j the American scene will be the j B'nai B'rith activities f.recng itip Wolf, and Henry, Monsky. the theory that all cultural and line, witty conversation, and considered one of the finest ora- president; Mrs. Irvin Levine, sec- j keynote of a series of nine meet- j Jewish communities in this par; On the speaker's table a lightideological forms are only superamusing situations, is the basis tors in the Senate and has proven retary! Mrs. William Milder, ': ings to start Saturday evening j of Nebraska. his ability on the lecture platstructures dictated by economic ed replica of the Community Cen- of the play. treasurer. j and to continue throughout the j Ben Kszlowsky will be tte prinform. causes.- Change the economic ter was the centerpiece. Music ! Alex Lipsman will take the j Comnijttee chairmen are: Mrs. day and Sunday, with Dr. Soio-jcipal F-pes.ker. Members of ilir was furnished by a trio directed Eugene Blazer is chairman of substructure and these superleading role of Dascom Dinsmor, present t h e Lowenstein, of New York . Omaha lodge will T. Tully, Clothing; Mrs. H.. A. i Oh ld the Community Forum Commity, g; structures will be destroyed. In by Oscar the lonely wireless operator. The ! Jewish JIarch of Timethat v-a? The aniversary celebrations ophi \ tee. Season tickets for tlie FcrWolf. Family Welfare; Mrs. Samj City, and Rabbi Ferdinan a socialist society there would be j part of Sir James Fenton, the neither Judaism nor Jews. And ened hist Tuesday night with a British flyer whose plane has um are two dollars for members , uel Theodore. Dramatics; Mrs. i Issernian,mof St. Louis, aadressin ' given here earlier iv. the yerr. i Several vinners of the I^HF ^hat was precisely what he need- pageant directed by Sylvan Fran- been wrecked on the Labrador of the Jewish Community Center j Sam _WoIf, Education; Mrs. Moe i the^ two j^^meetings. George oppenheimer of Kan- , B'rith amateur night content vS'" PA to prove in order to appease kel showing the development of Coast will be played by Abe Salt- and three dollars for non-mem- Katelman, Junior clubs: Mrs. Moe , v. SEE City is president of the Con- accompany the Omaha pro up. the guHWeelins and . self-hatred the idea of a Community Center. zman. Rosalie Alberts will play bers. They may be obtained at Venger, program; Mrs. J. M. Krasne, E. "Wemberc. Rnr Greenberg, social; Mrs. I. Levin-; Terence, 2 the core of him. His doctrine Outstanding Center athletes were the part of Ethel, Sir James' fi- the Community Center or J. VColf, reEiderts aZ Fremonr son, athletics; Mrs. Dave Colin, j ind Judaism are,- as he detnred honored at Wednesday night's ancee who is flying with - him. members of the Committee. who are members of the Omaha Thursday night was telephone; Mrs. Al Frank, Iibr-j A T them to be, mutually incompat- sessions. Others in the. cast are George Lodge will set ES hosts. Kelresuary; Mrs. Robert Kooper, motor ! ible to the point of anihilation. Youth night. As. a unique fea- Shafer,, Kimo, the Eskimo serments will be serve j . corps; Mrs. Louis Neveleff, kitYet the mad and tragic farce of ture of the celebration a commun- vant; Milton Robinson, the Revity •service was held- at the Comchen; Mrs. Irvin Stalraaster, \ brings it.about that the munity Center. Eabbis Freder- erend Shapham, Rector . of the During the re Membership; Mrs. Harry Tr-jstic, j«w,«x- people is today persecuted ick- Cohn, XJavid-A-Goldsleinj-and Eskimo Church; Bertha _Gus,_ the ".Omaha.. -'n?,; E'riir building; and Miss Blanche Eira••-fiof least 'for -helns supposed .to David H. Wice and Cantor Aaron Clafai the fiancee of "Dascom; Joe" Arnold J. Levin, Kosalie, was Monday, November 1 6 . r-.t man. Community contacts. : have fathered a coctrine -which Edgat conducted the service in Hornstein, Landry, a ships skipamcrg the fcu~ University o* NeRabbi Charles B. Chavel of the Reservations for the luncheon braska -applicants selectee to rep- p. rn. members of the ioclpe v:W E o l d - l a c t , that people which the Reformed, Conserva- per; and Martha Himmelstein present a Program. A cirpCongregation Anshel Sf ard, Lou-' may be made by calling The resect the university at the state clirmatized version r* "The TJrits history and its faith tive, and Orthodox congregations and Rita Mantel, Eskimo women. isville,. Kentucky, will be the j Jewish Community Center. Rhodes Scholarship meeting Dec- : knewn Soldier Speaks" vUl hear" raTterkud was was meant ^ participated. The Center Players are spon- j g u e s t Rabbi at the services of j ember 19. i the program. Cantor Aaron Ed. Philip M. Klutznick was genersored by the Dramatic Committee | yaad Ha Ihr, Friday and' by the apostate who brought it t I i e so Colleges of the state and uni- gar of the Beth El synagogue' al chairman of the anniversary of the Women's Division of the ; Saturday. Friday evening, Nov- Openly Displays FcHflccI UL the wori-.-process or the celebration. versity are allowed to select not will sing several traditional Jew. '• . Center of which Mrs. Sam Theo- ember 6 Rabbi Chavel will speak Preference of God — the second being more than five candidates, vrho' ish Peace Soncs. dore is Chairman. Assisting on at the B'nai Israel Synagogue on While the political pro?mosti-j I ' t a r sounder pholosophical way this committee are: Mesdames, j "illusion of the Modem Jew." cators were floundering in the' will be interviewed individually i Mas Eaer is program chp.'rof speaking thau the first — proDave Blacker, Max Block, Paul Saturday morning he will speak mire of bad guessing in last Tees-1 bv members c* the- state comm.itvides us with certain •«=*«*» tee, which group will select two Blotcky, J. Bramson, Dave Brod- on "The Background o* Israel's day's election, one Omahan, Jf and compensations. We could not men to represent Nebrs?ka at key, Arthur Cohn, Seymour Cohn, Ancestors." Israel Gershater. came pretty ; t i i e j>jst;r;c-t j^eejjEg. Members of so clearly and so unerringly anaLawrence Finkel, I. F. Goodman, Saturday afternoon a Shal close to calling the tern publicly.:^ d i s t r i c t committee will nam The annual. carnival and dance W lyze these intricate matters were me Dave Greenberg, Irvin Levine, For the past three weeks Ger-! f o u r m e n E S R n o d e s scholars wh Fo t not for the incomparable dis- given by the Ladies Auxiliary of Jack Luttbeg, J. M. Malashock, P. Shudes wil be given £t the Beth rho Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, coveries of Sigmund Freud. Now the Vaad takes place at^ the Jewhas had the side of will study for two years at OxRomoneck, E. I. Widman, and 19th and Burt Streets, and S a t -|j bshater Rabbi Charles E.! ri \ a]_ery t n j c k C O T n p I e t e l T covered it is not known in America, where ish Community Center, Sunday, ford, England, and a third year Louisville will he guest sneaker; Phineas Wintroub. November 8 at S p. m. Tickets urday night there will be Mlave Freu^s collected works have the f by special arrangement. Miss Helen Merrit is directing Malke at the same synagogue. st the monthly meeting of tfce been translated, how often and have been mailed to the member"4 and 44. Levin is the youngest univer- Mizrachi organization, Satr.rcir.y Rabbi Chavel is a native of Inhow feelingly Le has emphasized ship at large, and members of the the play. 4 more years for Roosevelt. sity student representing Nebra- evening at 7: SO at the Belli Hamdiana Harbor, Indiana, and rehis Jewishness nor how clearly he Jewish Community are invited to 44 more years on earth. ska, as he is only 19 years c" edrosh Hagotlol synagogue, irtfc attend. "Tickets can be purchased ceived his secular and religious has expressed his insight into| the 4 states for Laadcn. age. He is a senior in the col- and Enrt street. Rabbi ChE^ei the ra?t ei*<teei- yentraining in Chicago. He obtainfact that people have rationalized at the door. Admission is twen44 states for R.oosevelt.** lege of arts and sciences, and wHl address the gathering on tlie ePline Fonvdr.tiop. V ty-five cents for adults and ten ed his degree of Bachelor of PhilGershater wrote a literary let-; extraordinarily active in student :„,.;,;„ not a little cf their -esistance to cents for children. ! situation cf the Eionist movement pov;ed F.I "!br F.nni"' osophy at the University of Chi3 s teaciings by an anti-Semitic cago and his degree of Master of ter on his tract slogan to the | a f f a 5 r s o n t n j s campus. Ke is during the prsent crisis sine -T.-i;i the An?.?vicr-.n PftleKf Music for the occasion will be mechanism. His Jewish feehng, Arts from the University oE Lou- president, and is awaiting a re-!e d j t o r . m . C hief of the Daily Nebra- speak particularly of the Micra- at. the Hotel APfov. always affirmative, has, grown in furnished by Austin Bevans and London^ (JTA) — Lord Mel- isville. He completed his relig- ply . . . or, at the least, a reply j s t a n f secretary cf the Innocents chi organization. The 1'ini.ed I'alPi P AT! from the fifth or sixth secretary.: society, president of the Student warmth wiht the years, and in his his Boys. The Committee under chett, British industrialist, propMembers of the Kizrachi sre vhich coriipr\?p? it;.. ious education at the Hebrew r, c, Mrs. D t B. Epstein, chairman, and Tld age he has regretted that his osed this peek a mass transfer Theological College in Chicago. Council, in which organisation he n»s>"ed to invite their frierid? tc "m>(!, Mrs. Morris Burstein co-chairman immense preoccupations left him have been working to make this of Jews from Europe to Palestine Rabbi Chavel will remain in Oma| is the leading member of the stu- this meeting. The Ladies' ?<!;?;and Transjordan as a matter of dent union building committee. irachi will serve. SO little time for specifically Jew- event one of the 'outstanding afha over Sunday as he is to be a Besides being a member of Sigish studies. . , . . fairs of the season. Members of Joint European policy to abate guest at the Carnival being given The Mizrachi organizaticn, F.n ma Mn, Levin is also a ^integrfil part of the "World J!;\onisf Last May Freud celebrated his the congregation are cooperating anti-Semitic agitation. by the Ladies Auxiliary of the i~cci by •.5'Uip. E Fi Epsilon Pi, nationIn an article in the Sunday Vaad, at the Jewish Community eightieth birthday. Thomas Mann with the committee which coni Congress, is working for • the Touifc. Ilyf.h, l u ; t Cin !iOi * mesiber o. the German, went from his Sw^s sists of: Mesdames Charles Fell- Chronicle, he suggested that an Center. al pep fraternity, and Sigma Dei•builfiing of Palestine oc the basis Mrs. Sarah Brandeis Cohn, a exile to Vienna to pay. a magnii- man, O. C. Belzer, A. Greenbaum, international clearing Tiouse be j ta Chi, profession journalis member of a pioneer Omaha famof Jewish trcfiiiion. It nif.'n-FjriS • rpiserl i.roii£-l> 11' F Xi" fr._. ^ T ^ t e to to the icent tribute the venerable S. Lagman, N. Levinson, Sam Ep- set up under the auspices of the a. large educational system in ily, died Saturday night at her fraternity. as I In conection with the proposed estine thct teachFE the ancier. sage. In America, so far p stein, 1. Fiedler, L. Turkel, J. League of Nations wiht a League home at the Loyal Hotel of heart d could observe, a single silly ar- Bernstein, M. Katzman. L. Ep- loan to facilitate the emigration. union bu:i tag for the p r j n r i p i e s Oi ,• iiCic.i?nn, disease. Mrs. Cohn was the stufient " ticle in a Sunday newspaper alone stein, H. Marcus, J. Chait, WilArnold Levin "It is no exaggeration to say campus, | In Omaha the local organizr daughter of the late J. L. Brand- j Nebraska elt marked the occasion. The world, liam Weiner, D. Silverman, H. if a major scheme of Jewish miI left :^ + n - - 1 i might be nc r eis, founder of the Brandeis Store |J _ ! ; e " e ^ ? i , , 1 ° j party of un- tion is also organized for culti even our American vrorld. is^ re- Lippett, M. Burstein, William gration were announced as a and the widow.of worm-sn nnc social F.ctivHies, Herman r,-vhT>. Conn,;.ivers.iy a u m u s j a n U;P pressing" Freud or "denying Milder, L. Neveleff, D. Crounse, matter of joint European policy, Moscow (JTA) — The State ^ | compare the student union build-; the Nebraska T h e reeeUc-r, founder of Freud. Why? This great man and and S. Katleman. approved and supported by the Planning Commission has formuling at Iowa State. Icwa arc TTIsCor U' good Jew has with the stern tenLeague of Nations, there would lated a plan for development of ing Company. 0 o _^T, m ^Iconsin with the proposed build-j Mrs. Cohn came The committee of men assistderness of a physician uncovered at once be an abatement in anti- the Jewish autonomous region of 1SS1 from Maaltovc. Wisconsin! \ ^ to be erected on the Nebras-| the causes of things. He : has ing in this affair are Mr. N. Lev- Semitic agitation," Lord Melchett Biro-Bidjan calling for expendi- 5S1 from Ma: Until a year she I fea campus.- .he ptirpose c? ,ne ; taught us that men punish most inson, President of the Vaad Ha said. tures of about 40,000,000 rubles her birthplace. liver 5iL. New York with her son, our ccy tr;p is to see the arThe motion picture, "Thp 3 mercilessly the action which they Ihr; Mr. I. Goldstein, the viceHe declaeed he looked forward in new collective" farms in 19ST. Walter Brandeis. Two sons, Mr. jrrh^l i . ^ . 5? it,i VT < v «.• ij-i t i l l <l..^tr Li.1 'Cii L fcwiiti V-Ot)lu of Promise" wticb r a s sl\cv president: Mr. L. Epstein, Mr. H. ", r-s'Une are burning to commit but dar< to the day'when Palestine and The funds will be used chiefly ascins -of the other struojof Vork not, and seek to degrade those 'Marcus, Mr. I. Morgenstem, Mr. Trahsjordan, now administered for preparing farm buildings and Brandeis and Loyal Cohn sur- j tuhes. Levin, as president, of the the Paramount Thpe.te^, October 1<,.±OT the benefit of the Talroiui whom they fear to be superior to N Wilfson, Mr J. Wolf son, Mr. separately by Great Britain, homes and for mechanization of vive. Funeral services were held i S t u & n ^ C o ^ e i L ^ u l ^ ^ jr^^the Torah, -according to Ephraim themselves; he has taugljt us that J.'Shyken, Mr. Max Chasen, and would become a single political agriculture in ten new collectives c c M o n d a y a t B a r k e r s c h a p e l i " ""'"•' r ' ' " ••" •'"" * Marks, general chairmrTi, matie s. ; Dr. M'of no invention and no device will Mr. Max Arbitman. entity, self-governing within the Complete reorganization of the A. Regen profit oj approximately STEO.CC. Rabbi. Frederick Coin officiating, j Music, dancing, games, enterhelp humanity unless the wild British Empire. region's building activities will be, Colleetiocs for tickets fire edll in thr Rabbi David H. Wice officiated ; Ornans; barbaric pagan unconscious id be tainment, sandwiches, beer and de s Ci The Jewish industrialist pro- undertaken and more adequate D. F. Scatcn, progress, but a complete report Pleasant EUli f ^crnea; at the burial in reclaimed for the ego and the pop, are all on the program. posed parity between Jews and building supplies will be furnishis to be made to the T&Iiruti cemetery. rule 6t the super-ego, unless the Arabs on condition that the ed. X.. F. Gxi-cersoi!, •c.-iversily Toirri board this v e r t . Pallbearers were Karl T>,•!•„,.;_-i -dent; aggressive instincts and the wishArabs accept the Jewish claim to Michael Katell left here to take ilinrince secretary: prof. L. E. This Wim Trill r?;T" p. fiibstrnir:] Holzman, Eavid es for death and destruction are a national home in Palestine. He over his new post as president of William" stock, Milton Livingston, Morton * S m i t h ' ^hairmar. a the architeccurbed and some, territory o£ the urged establishment of a Jewish the Biro-Bidjan Executive, to j I tural department; Art teci v, f-i- mud Torah. primordial inner chp.os be : transself-defense corps, armed, train- which he was elected last week, De-sen, ana Lester Heyn. i ter Wilson, designer o_ the builfiformed into cosmos. "Where id Copenhagen (WNS)—Six edit- ed and uniformed by the Pales- replacing Prof. Joseph Liberberg, roved by the ' „_,.„ —^„.,»..„,,.„ ors of anti-Semitic sheets in Dentine Government and commanded who was removed Sept. 22 s.s a vr there shall ego be." No was change will help us but a pro- mark who have been publishing by British soldiers. Trotstyist and counter-revoluie Ett fund inner change., there is no articles attacking Jews and the tionary. Mrs. M. F. Levecsor, progress unless Eros wins this Jewish religion are facing trial Refused-to Seek Amnesty Londos — Three Arab leaders of the Jsv.-ish National u a C next battle with Death. But the neo- here on charges of violating a who -were asasns the eponsors of London — The International p I an t i n £ campiiigx. barbaric revolt against civiliza- clause, of the Danish penal code Ivi'.. AIV?OP.;--1^.^ lie-ckviv:^, Cantor Aaron D. Groon aland the Arabs' demand for a ban en London — The Kirr iciii O r - i '^liat scvcriii orgu.riir.ii.iioii£ liE.vttion — Nazi or Fascist or under which forbids public insult or rid- Olympic Committee rejected a crthoaos S i o r. i s t i already respongoG ic il-e letter; 7CT:E in 7'pA"<-'\i<e: n't»"5r" i whatever name — is precisely a icule against the religious tenents proposal by the Archbishop of gave his first annual recital in the sals of land to JCTTE tave sold ; v ncunce the formation sent tc al". local {rrours- askinj; \av~ € e"r ?"!'• v~ prhirvr- c revolt of Death against Eros, of or practices of any religious com- York prior to the Olympic games Lincoln Thursday night. He Trill a substantial tract in Palestine to to appeal to Chancellor Hitler to Jewish interests, Captain Salon on •also .conduct the Friday and Satt i e Federation of. their co-opsralion in -he t i ' e . ,}•<• v:ruler;;iF:H("i;it iui llu-izracbi hate against love. Men are de- munity in Denmark. follow a precedent of the ancient urday serviceE. From Lincoln be told the1 conference of ths Je-rlEi d IrelaiiS, em-, S i s asks thr.t those vrho not 1 Put. t l i c v-o' no; hfi iiUin sirous of plunging back into triThe prosecution will be con- Olymplade and proclaim a gener-^goes to Sioux City, Iowa. National Fund or Great Britais. i crac:E~ ell llizn ihi groups. ireplied do sc F.E ECOH E? rosB'Wp 'by ri^'pnt?", The* cp.nnoi bal chaos. Freedom ard personducted by a personal representa- al amnesty "for all those sufferIt TTES also confirmed t .at Jew- j Prof. S. Pick ) ES been sent to j As FOOT, BE the catnpaisrn iEJlodprefi by tetroissn. Tit re run ality are, negated. The i a i s seekr the c™fcan:zation*£ jenced, the names of ail respond-1 be no reel basis for ismlerf ing to overwhelm the ego. If It tive of Minister of Justice Steincke ing Imprisonment for racial or • Twenty-four Je^rs served as of- j isb sources in Palestine are re-; London who said that the anti-Jewish agl- Lreligious reasons," it Is disclosed fleers in the colonial army slur- ceiving many offers cf land Ire •prcrld executive to assist in form-'ing organisations be publish-; until the. Arab leaders are tation. must be stopped. (Continued on Page 8.) in the British Ski Yearbook Ins the Am ericas • .Revolution..[Arabs. | of realising that fact. ed.


Women's Division of Center Hold Autumn Meeting

Center Players to Present Hilarious Broadway Comedy

Local B'nai B': Meeting to Be Ira Fremont Sunday

Guest Rabbi to Conduct Services Vaad

for Rhodes Meet BY Nebraska U.

Vaad Auxiliary Affair Sunday

tc Ac


r i [A ^ N

Melchett Asks Mass Emigration Into Palestine

Member of Pioneer Omaha Family Died on Saturday Night !

Soviet to Spend • 40 Million Rubles Within'Biro-Bid jan



Danish Anti-Semites Face TTM





THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1936 New York (JTA) — Trainingcenters maintained by Jewish philanthropic groups are training and later the Welfare others in distress, whether it be club member showed up this 1.2 4 8 young people for emigraFederation, might have the funds a whole people or just an Indivi- week. He was bumped so many New York (V/NS) — Hailing tion chiefly trom Germany and all the time he yearned for, anddual, and always, as if by some times he thought he was lost in dreamed of, a home of our ownstrange miracle, as soon as Harry j the subway. He was told by the-recent refusal of Arl.nro Ton- Poland to countries of eventual where, as he often expressed it, took hold, the obstacles seemed j someone the game was tame but canini, world-CamouB conductor settlement, according to a report recreation facilities would be pro- to be a little less difficult to over- he found out it wasn't, the way to the American Jewish Joint Disvided not only to the boys and come, and the going seemed to be it is played on tbe referee this to permit any concerts diroctrd ; tribution Committee. by h!m e.t the Salzburg Festival girls of all ages, but to adult a little less rough, because Harry comments on the referee this ! More than 60 per cent ot those members of our community, as was traveling that way. week. If one is wanted ask C. in Austria to be broadcast to j being trained are of German na* well. Time after time, attempts To relate the accomplishments i v . S. (a very-quiet person unless Germany, members oJ the ! tfonality, gays the report and alhad been made to make such a ot those who have passed on, has abused.) Syrnpbor.y QrcheB- j most 20 per cent Polish. Ol the dream come true, but each time p s T h e wimiins BuBEy Team T o following article Is a Ver- recognition and public acclaim me digress for a moment and tell the attempt failed. First it was not been difficult. The symphony and GOOother American mu- I total number, approximately 70 ot their lives is finished; their c o n s i s t e d o f Burkenroad Capt., tra you something about this combatim copy of the nialn address for the things th.. t they have sicians cent him RIJ open letter per cent are studying agriculture. the tornado, and then it was the Brown, Wolfson. Shapiro, Schop- Of appreciation in the form ot an delivered by Mr. Harry SUvcrnian done, would be furthest from munity center that you ought to war. But .finally, in 1922, when masterpieces are done. last Sunday evening at the testi- their thoughts. For them, the know. It is something for which he could brook'n.> further de- I have purposely refrained from p e > L e v i n s o n a n d S t ein berg. engraved ecroll. monial dinner climaxing the six* satisfaction of a task well done, we can all take credit. You winlays, he made the magnificent dwellingg on the individual ac- ;1 T h e r o u t e d DDuucckk H u n t e r s w e r e The letter reads as follows: u J o e C o h e H j DDave ave day fete celebrating the tenth an- and the knowledge, that because remember that this building was contribution of $50,000 that complishments of the living, andg Dr . E U i s > "We, the undersigned musicians, them. C o h n > G r o s s m a n , Franklin, Kai- including members of all the imniversary of the Jewish Commu- of them, perhaps some lad has built' in what has often been re- served as an inspiration to the while I have not consulted We are moving Into our n«w have would am sure that tuey ferred to as the golden era — m t h t would have I man and Gilinsky. nity Center and tbe thirtieth of been made a little lighter, some portant musical organizations in and larger »tor« at rest of the community, a3 a rethat I do not. They the Welfare Federation.'—Editor. home a little happier, and some before depression. At the same sult of which, thia beautiful ed- preferred New York, many of whom have want no eulogies. This communeye a little brighter, is recogni- time, there were being built in 1322 No. 24th Street Here's good news for all hand- had the honor &nci privilege of It is' en- this city, a Knights of Columbus, ifice came into being. Truly, it ity has already paid them a greatplaying under your direction, Mr. ToaBtmaster — Honor Guests tion enough. And yet, Tues., Nov. 6th, 1936 has been sale that his generosity, er tribute than any that I could an Odd Fellows and an Athletic tirely fitting-that this Jewish Club Building. \ Do you want to his vision, and his interest in our poslble pay them. doubles tournament will begin on wish to thank you wholehearted—Friends: night, survey Featuring Choicest KOSHER community pause t know where they are now? In the community, made the Jewish Chalmers must have had lives ' be turned in to the Basket Room ly for your recent stand against Earlier in the< weefe.' there was c o m y p d MEATS and CHICKENS r 1 f. broadcasting your superb music ot men like these in mind when j attendant with a 10 cents per. I-"!i a stag at which a number ol tne the scene, and do public honor to hands o! the insurance compan- Community Center possible. to Nazi Germany as a protest he penned the lines: | -.J workers in the community were those men who, over a period of ies tbat carried the loans; while And yet, I often wonder what VU thirty years and more, have la- our community "• center stands would have happened wi'hout the against the Hitler government's UTeVfor"«omethiDg. Do good j Entries StlJ^^' ! V called upoa to speak. Tbe chair- bored closed today. Competi- barbarous persecution of all that so valiantly and so unselhere proudly through the depresGROCERIES ana MEATS and leave behind you a monu-j i man Introduced several old-timin her behalf. And where, sion unscathed, wl;h tltlv still in restless energy and the driving ment that the storm of time can jtion will be in both class A and is genuine in art and culture. ' ;> ers, and as each one, responded, fishly force of a Harry Lat'dus to fan WE-0414 B; therefore giving everyone a but in this Community Center • \ h€< hastened to assure his llsten- should such a tribute be paid. In the name of the Jews of Omaha. the flame that finally resulted never destroy. Write your name \ chance to play in his respective You have expressed the feelings of musicians all over the world." God grant that It .-continue. tbat in kindness, love and mercy on ' ' , ers that the term "old-timers" the worda of Longfellow: in a conflagration of giving, the class. No games will be played . ' . ' • ' i might apply to the others, but as 'This is the place, stand still my w a y . like of which this community has the hearts of thousands you come before 1 p. m. on Sundays and Two jackets of Cellophane, not 'OXE but TWO, stand in contact with, year by year; i ' for him, he was still Just a never known. It was Harry who If I were asked," in a word or <marcl over the freshness of the prize crop tobacco of Old Gold steed, the tournament will finish Nov. youngster. . in a phrase, to describe an out-took charge as i^ airman of the and you will n< ver be forgotten. 24. Let me review the scene. Cigarettes. Of .all the shocks that can come And summon from the shadowy standing characteristic of these Finance Committee, and it was Your name, your deeds, will be to a man ' — or to a woman, too, men whom we honor tonight, I he who succeeded in raising- not as legible on the hearts you leave past, The pre-season basketball class it behind, as the stars on the brow I suppose — there is none more The forms that once have think that without hesitation, I $200,000 as orginally contemplat- of the evening. Good deeds will A league will get underway Suned, but almost twice that amount. startling than the sudden realizawould mention the liberality of been." day with the Class B league betion that you're setting old. Here Most of us, when we consider Morris Levy; the dynamic force- The name of Harry Lapldus was shine as the stars of heaven." ginning their play on Tuesday. in Omaha, we have an organiza- the matter of communal service, fulness of Harry Lapidus; the present in every cause and in evNo entry fee Is being charged so tion of young lawyers known as think of it in terms of present- modesty and understanding of ery activity, and in each, ae waa no awards will be given. Two the Barrister's Club. Some month day social work. What we do nowHarry Zimman; the self-sacrifice the dynamo that furnished the players off of each team will act ago, a committee called on me for the community Is more or less of Dr. Sher; the common touch light to see our way, and the powas officials thereby acquainting and asked that I make a talk on laid out and planned tor us by of William Holzman; the religious er to carry through. And still, I That unidentified human being these men with the rules from like to think of Harry in connecsome of my experiences as as- executives who are trained In so-fervor of Sam Ravitz; the brilliwho has been sending in articles an official's standpoint. The sistant attorney general. When cial work. And if we are called ance and energy of Henry Mon- tion with an activity far removthe Health Club roon hour league this year will endeavor to I asked why they wanted i c, they upon, now and then, to walk the sky; and the great heart of Harry ed from Omaha. His energy and has again repeated with one of enforce conditioning instead of TMff answered that they wanted to streets and solicit frnds, v e think Wolf. And yet, such adjectives his effectiveness transcended the his masterpieces but fcas layed off burning aoneself as it has in hear from one ol the "older" we are being abused, and ' feel and such descriptive phrases do narrow confines of a city, or even the refereeing and instead has the past. Sinceout 0* record will members of tbe bar. I had scarce- sure that because of thia sacrifice, not do these men justice. Each a .state. Tears before the Nation- begun to rib the "»jryers a i ttle be officially kept no it is hoped the IN HIS AEI6N. ly- gotten over that, shock' when we are entitled to a place but a of them has, In some degree or al Jewish Hospital in Denver had The cold snap Monday added teams will benefit by taking this it was suggested that I talk at little lower than the angels. other, some of the characteristics attained nation-wide proportions, new energy and spirit to the vol-time to practice and to iron put this dinner honoring the old-tiContrast this sort of work with which I have ascribed to the oth-it caught and held Harry's inter- ley ball class. Three one-sided mers for the reason, as stated by the way these oln-timers used to er seven. Therefore, if in this est and throughout his life, he games were played Monday. The plays instead of going out to coin. one member of the committee, I do things. Why, we don't know recital, I mention but a single championed its cause. Whether Bunnies captained oy Lester BurThe women's gym class of Montoo was something of an old ti- the meaning of the word. Back characteristic or a single achieve- his interest was aroused because kenroad, shed tnelr fur coats 5KANS BUDGET PAVMCMT PLAN MAKES I f mer and could talk about these in the old days, men and women ment, I do not mean to convey of the wonderful work the hos-and sped rough shod ove; Dr. day and Wednesday evenings have been working on excerclses men, not from what I had read not only tramped the streets and that only these are entitled to pital was doing for those who ElUs's ailing duck hunters, who j EASY TO OWN FINE F U H N f W R I ' " A W n f l i R out of the minutes of the Jewish knocked on doors soliciting funds recognition. It is a peculiar but were afflicted, or because the couldn't make a shot. Dave Cohen | set to music. - Director Lee GrossFREE HOME ©ECOSiATION S£^S£6 ASSURES YOU "Welfare Federation and Commun- but they did their own case work a well-known fact that in the his- hospital was "non-sectarian, min- and Joe Cohn (no relation) kept | man hopes in this manner to get ity Center, but fiom long person- and not only that many of the tory of Jewish activities and Jew- istering to Jew and C entile alike, ducking, which didn't help p o c | rhythm and bring more Interest OF AKHSTIC al contact with tuem. cases actually became the person- ish accomplishments, the names or because he was impressed by much Doc himself aimed every j t o callsthenlca. The girls have enSo now that I've apparently al responsibility of the worker of all eight of these. men occur Its policy of refusing to permit shot at the teams new rabbit, joyed this means of slenderizing OtOYA KUCt'- YOU ©AN GtftOC*? PEOM been put in my place and the who first made the contact. and recur, first in one activity those who entered, to pay, I do but poor Doc ran out of shots. and have shown their appreciamantle of old age has been seIn those days, the doors of this and then in another, like silken not know; but this I do know, The scores were 15-7 15-8 15-10. tion' by coming out for each drill. curely fastened "round my shoul- country were^open wide, anC Jew- threads weaving in and out andthat because of that interest, he At one time ia the last in the last There is still room for more. Talk ders, I'll try to give you a few ish immigration, while much to acros3 the pattern of Jewish life threw himself whole-heartedly in- game the hunters were ahead so to a girl who is a member of this observations that I have made, be desired, was an ever-present (j is Omaha. Carlyle said to making of the hospital, per- Doc wanted to quit but the not over a period of, thirty years, problem. And when the solution that no great man lives in vain. haps the outstanding institution warden (Cliff Sliter, referree) Get into the swing of things and but just during the two decades of that problem seemed to be near That the history of the world is of Its kind in the world, a uonu- wouldn't stand for it so the Dr. be ready for all emergencies. that I have been here. However, at hand, when these newcomers but the biography of a great men. ment to his courage, his labor had to finish or pay a fine. This Join the women's classes, and since things really didn't begin had been properly instilled with To paraphase, I would say that and his love. is the first time this season a slenderize. to happen until after I got here, the principles and the responsibiltbe history of this Jewish I am told that Harry is a very team captained by the M. D. lost we can skip lightly over the first ities of citizenship, and were tak- when written; it.will be common name. In our commun- 3 games in one afternoon. We Patronize Our Advertisers ten years. v ing their places in American so- but the biography of •~ the~"'men ity, however, those bearing that We have come here this eve- ciety, a new tragedy began to whom we are honoring tonight.. name, with but a singe exception, ning to do honor to eight of cast Its shadow across the water. Consider Morris Levy, if you are responsible for uncommon acOmaha's Jewish'citizens. Five "of And again, it was up to these will. Here was a man who hadcomplishments. As a very young of them are here at this table same men to lead the way. Eur-worked long, and hard and hadman, Harry Zimman, too, was and able to participate with ua in ope was in the throes of a great succeeded in accumulating a com- dreaming dreams of a communthis happy occasion. Three have var and as ever, our bretherh in fortable share of this world's ity center where the boya and .passed on. But somehow or oth-foreign lands were being sacrific- goods. He had reached that place girls come and get wholeer, in ways that I can't explain, ed. Money had to be raised to in. life where he could sit back some could recreation be protected feed and clothe and to educate it seems to me that even these in his easy chair and watch the from the temptations which surthese innocent victims -in• order three are very near to us tonight. Where a Charge Account Is a Friendly Convenience .go by. After all, why round youngsters vho are permitAs we meet in this beautiful that they might not be lost' to us world should he be so vitally concerned ted to roam the streets at will. building which stands as a mon-altogether, and again ti'was these ument to the vision, the courage same men who assumed responsi- about the poor and the friend- As early as February of 1906, he : and,the inspiration of all of these bility of raising funds in amounts less. Wasn't he dolig his ehare met with other lep.ders of the men, It seems as if we were all never before dreamed of. As a by contributing Jiberally of his comunity to ' plan for the erectogether again like we used to be.'result of their efforts, Omaha means, and wasn't he entitled to tion of a Jewish Community CenBarriers of time and distance, made a name for itself in Warrest- during the years that were ter. Throughout his long and yes, even barriers of death, seem Relief, scarcely ever equalled, still life to him? But not Morris honorable career as a public serto fade and disappear, and again and I'm sure nev r supassed by Levy. I wonder if you know how vant, and later as a business exeday after day, he could be seen cutive, he manifested that quiet voices of these now silent, seem any city of its size. walking up and down the streets and modest effectiveness, that to be heard. And sa long as this Surely that would hare heen of Omaha, good yeather and bad,quality of human understanding building Bhall stand, when our children's children are enjoying enough to expect from any group with that ever-present cane which that always gets things done and I the privileges which these men of men and doub'less, had they waa so much a part of him, call- makes no noise in the doing. \ made possible, their memory will been but ordinary men, they I continue to dwell here. The past, would long since have been will- • , In every language spoken in the United States, smokers I like an^inspired rahapsodist, will ing and anxious to la> down their are saying "fresh" whenever a package of Double-Mellow Old But aot these then. Na- Gold Cigarettes is opened. j continue to fill .the theatre of burden. 1 j everlasting generations with Its ture had endowed them with a capacity for Bervlce to their fc-1| harmony.. . low man which to me Is beyond

ing upon others to d their duty i*ven while he was ill, he continu- hope he doesn't take it cut on to the end that the Associated ed to respond to the call to help his patients. One new health

Musicians Acclaim Toscanini Stand





hy the enquirer

J. C. C. Sports



understanding. Without In the least retarding their efforts in behalf of those who were unfortunate and under-privileged, these whom we honor tnight. In ourmen kept dreaming and hoping every day lives, I th!nk we have that some day we would have a demonstrated how _ we feel about home of our own. This building them, and I am sure that they, In Is that dream come true; that

It wasn't a t all necessary that we have this testimonial dinner In order to prove that vre have a real love and affection for those

turn, have been content. In fact, hope ia realized. knowing them-as



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learned the urgency of Morris' between his present age and age j screainie-scribble for Twentieth Anti-NaEi League . . . Eddie Can-' naturalized Swiss euizesiF. oi ( » message he went back into the 65, he runs the chance of con-1 Century -For . tor was one of the principal ; man fintecetlents, the ]egi?:'p 'House of Prayer and, beckoning speakers . . . Lewis Browne TRF branch oi fhc Te$f-rr\\ Ccvnri) i tributing to these many billions Nize baby, it up all de caviar , to his fellow-worshipers, one afchairman . . . The subject *or tbe aslcefi ihc eseciifivp 1 V»T?P!I to r* in losses, lie cannot help but loot j ter the other, he pleaded for upon life insurance investments; Social Note: Sain. Mer—xxh, poci- evening vras "Kitlerism in Amer- e, IF.V v;htrh v-'ouki msVtheir help. as being the one he should | Son—Michael Lories is often ica." AI Shean, Jr., FOE. of tie; possible to voici tlip cif.ljpnFiiir choose. seen frequenting the Lakesside comedian, has arrived to launch na!.i!ra;.!?,en Svicp foiirr- p^iltj < "But it's Tom Kippur," said Golf Club. TvTiat puzzles us is how himself on & movie career. His 'maintsining politt>pi coTtn»c!-.!-" one devout man, much shocked. j . . . and even why . . . a "chaz- father was of the famous team of iv?th their mother countries. "But it's the Cause," answerBy Miriam \W. Dreifus and Louise W. Antick By the Servics Life | zan's" son braves a links where Gallagher and Shean. Betveer, ! ed Salomon,' and would not stop jthere is a virtual "no Jews allow- "takes" Sylvia Sidney's eyeE are ! Compaay, Omaha . TM3 feeling of loyalty and pa-his plea until the required sum busy reading a book, lire hands j ed" rule. Life insurance salesmen in talkriotism was handed down from had been made up and he could fly fast at knitting, but she can't ;'• Menorahs, Jewish ftiuelc, MR. WORLD'S QUESTIONS By HELEN ZEGSIOXD think of anything for her feet See how many of these ques- lather to son, and so, when Po- convey the good tidings to Mor-ing with young men frequently A Movietown wit describes: are told by them that they "can tion you can answer after yon land fell under the crunching ris. i "Ben Hecht is Solomon as a to do. Hollywood—E v i d e n t l y t h e j % do better with their money" than hare read Mr. World's "Ask heel of. Russia, Haym Salomon, sophinore." Haym Salomon shouldere'd no o purchase life insurance. sound of a Jewish n a m e is e u - ' now grown to - young, manhood, Me Another" Chat• "Irving Berlin is 'Die Liebes- Two •writers were "pfenning" a j wore no uniform, fought The well-trained life insurance phonious t o o u r English cousins. . j tratnn' on a month organ." 1. Where was - Haym Salo- joined a rebellion against the op-musket, third pen-pusber in the studio j TALESSHW - rRAVF.K BOOKS' no battle, but he toiled long and man as well as the older m_en.j One o f t h e i r o n t E t anding favorites mon born and why had his fa- pressor. lunchroom. "Well," said one 'that arduously for the country he lovknows this statement is not true. . . Gifts for Bar MitaVBiis ther come to that country? But, alas, might made right, ed so well, toiled without glory fellow is certainly lucky. He gets Producer Sol Lesser finds temlls L a c i e 2. Why was Haym forced to the rebellion failed, and he wasor reward and sough no thanks If the young man who is so cer- didn't change it to Dotty Dimple, f o m e n t even among his star- all the "breaks." "tJh, hub," Res. 609 No. EPth St. GL-SC-7? flee from the land of his birth? forced to flee from the country or recognition. He WE: the real tain that he "can do better with summed up the other, "he was P. O. Box 710 Omaha. Nebf | |lets. They were attempting to do 3.- How many Jews -Were he had longed to defend. By de-Jewish hero of the Revolution, his money" investing it in someborn with a silver knife in hiB first day's shooting on Bobby there in t h e United States in vious routes he escaped to Eng-the Jew who stood behind the thing other than life insurance ladder of film fame. She is prob- B r e e n . B p i c ture. One cute trick, mouth." 1772? In New "^ort? land and from there he set sail war. "When he died at the early will investigate and check-up on ably second only to Elizabeth iE c a r c e l y f i T e T e a r s o l d ) p a ttered 4. How did Salomon -*first for America, the land of freer age of forty-five he was bank- the yearly losses in dollars and Bergner (an original birth-tag, j0 T e r t 0 M n L e s s e r and asked, Cheerio. show - his patriotism during spirit; of larger hope, where even rupt. He had lent ¥35,000, al- cents, made. by men his age andtoo) among feminine stars o£j.< Are yon rea<=y Jor me to start many older, he will quickly British production. You'll see her acting'now?" Before he could anthe Revolutionary War? -What the Jew might escape from his most his entire personal fortune, (Copyright 1936, Jewish Telegrawas the ontsome?, '.-..'.ghetto and from the harrying tor- to the Revolutionary leaders — change his mind regarding his soon in "East Meets West" Play-j s w e r . he was assailed by another phic Agency, Inc.) accuracy in selecting investments. ing opposite George Arliss. 5. Tell some of the finan- ture of persecution. ! tiny tot who wanted to know, "Do a sum which was never repaid. In one year' alone men lost cial transactions . he made; for we get paid today?" In the year 1772 we find him But now, through this beautiSYRIA TO GUARANTEE .the Revolutionary forces. landing almost penniless. in the ful monument which is being $1,500,000,000 in defaulted real- Jack Benny has professional 6. What prominent men did city of New York. We are told he created in granite and marble by estate bonds. Think of it! In that competition in his . family. The Adolph Zukor's fiftieth birthday JEWISH RIGHTS he help financially? secured- good board and lodging Loredo Taft, a famous sculptor, same year $550,000,000 was lost other day he was called to the will be celebrated in many cities Istanbul (W N .T. — Hashem 7. Tell a story which illus- for $2.40 a week and that final- 1936 will repay 1776 a debt of in defaulted foreign bonds. An phone at the studio. . . his home simultaneously January 7th. A Basi, president of the Syrian deletrates hiS piety as his ly he was able to open a broker- honor. We Jews ' take special amazing amount of money, isn't •was calling, they told him. Itsilver jubilee dinner will be given gation which signed an agreement patriotism. age office. There were only about pleasure and pride in it, for it? In that same year $1,250,- was his three year old daughter. for him in Hollywood. "Queen with France by •which Syria gains 8. How old was Salomon sixty Jews scattered throughout Haym Salomon, great Jew and 000,000 was lost by men in stock! Joan, at the other end. Her shrill Elizabeth," starring Sarah Bern- autonomy, declared in E stptement I when he died? the thirteen colonies. Salomon Great American, glorifies the speculations. Men lost during voice squeaked, "Mominie is sick hardt, a picture imported from t o . the Turkish press that, his 9. What happened to his joined a society known as "Thename of both. With his'noble that year ?1,750,000,000 in se- . . . and bring t i e a present too!" France in 1912 by Zukor will be country would guarantee the personal fortune? Sons of Liberty," which protested example before us, Mr. World curity swindles. Added to the shown. rights of all minorities, including 10. How are the Americans strongly against England's unfair hopes that each of you will con- foregoing was a total of §1,670,"Good Earth," has been in the the Jews. k fe,;***,'*.! *,,-.».<».-.;.„ V"! of .today attempting t o show stamp tax. tinue to serve your obligations as 000 losses in unsecured business making so many, many months Anent the twelve-thousand dol• .The absence of any clause in their regard for Salomon's sernobly and as unselfishly as he ventures. ['or.nn"-)?; that we imagine Paul Muni feels lar ovation offered the BlondellAfter the outbreak of the RevFranco-Syrian agreement afvice to his country? " If the young man who makes "yellowed" with age. At last, Powell two-some . . . insiders say the J3.A,," &$-'. olutionary War he was arrested did. fording miiority status to Syrian 27th and Martha the statement that he "can do however, it is finished . . . the the actual cash paid out was Jews by the British- as an American had created concern in JewBrass. Broiwe The high, holy-day season has spy. He was sent to the horrible (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts better with his money" than plac- preview will take place in ten $350. How puffy 'publicity may ish circles. ing it into life insurance will jast days. . and Muni hasn't yet seen Grey Iron and Feature Syndicate.) become. Provost prison for a short time, passed. Mr. World .has celebrattake these figures and paste them a foot of it on the screen! He is ings. Woofl ed the coming of the New Year, but soon the Hessian general, 6tanefarci *txe» B^onw »a w> in the top of his hat and every receiving so much Chinese fan Snippings: Sidney Skolsky's big Swiss Frown on Nan has fasted on the Day of Atone- Heister, hearing of his ability to LLOYD GEORGE ANSWERS Bushings. Sewer Manholes. time he considers making an in- mail that a Chinese boy had to chance came the other day . . . ment, and last week, during the. speak several languages, transRlnge Rnc! Covers- C*?3WH? Leanings 6a«h Weights » n »! Yettaw "PRO-HITLER" CHARGES vestment, checks over this list, be hired to read the letters. he was asked to act as Bobby ferred him for use in the comiiisJoyful Feast of Booths, he was PlumBerB' Fpr'-w l Berne (WNS)—Becoming In- stock. Breen's stand-in! He refused. Ten the chances are he will gladly particularly interested in the sary department. Salomon used Bronn Milt Gross . . . of all people . . thousand earnest listeners attend- creasingly alarmed by the Nazi! Cast Iron Griiles « Manchester, England . (Havas invest in life insurance. Children's • Consecration servicesi this greater l i b e r t y - t o assist to the Sabbath schools all over1 American and French prisoners via JTA) — A reply to recent If he will stop to think that has just signed a contract as ed the meeting of the Hollywood propoganda being spread here byj to escape. Finally he himself charges of "pro-Hitlerite" leanthe land. •..•••'• .was able to elude his captors and ings was seen this week in a decDuring that, happy week, as laration of wartime Prime MinMr. "World revolved upon his ax-make his way to Philadelphia. ister David Lloyd George that Because of hl9 experience in is, his jjaze was suddenly drawn to the great city of Chicago, the brokerage-business he came "well-directed and inspired demwhree he was very much impres-: into contact.with Mr. Robert ocracies are still capable of sursed with a patriotic project that Morris, acting financier of the passing the greatest accomplishIs now being undertaken there American Revolution, who later ments of dictatorships." Addressing a meeting of his This is taking the form of a became Superintendent of Figreat monument which will? hon- nance for the colonies from-17Sl council of action for peace and or three heroes of America's Rev- to 1784. Morris recognized Sal- reconstruction here, the veteran olutionary- period, one of them a omon's financial -wizardry_- and Welsh Liberal denied that he was came to rely upon him more and a partisan of dictatorships reJew*. more for his . ability in transac- gardless of whose they were, allione .of you think of the tion and his never-failing support. though one might admire the founding of our country withou He acted as broker to the French personal genius, courage and thinking of George Washington Consul - and to the. Treasury of ability of a man. You may-also have heard of Ro- the Treasury of the French army. bert • Morris, a great statesman He aided many prominent men fiwho lived in this critical time o nancially, - and documents left by SURVEY OF EDITORS 'America's beginning. Thisjaeau- James Madison and James "Wil"Keep the government out of tiful memorial wUl be a tribute son attest to this fact. He nego- private business — and especially, to these two men, but a third tiated loans from France and keep it out of the power and light man, a. great Jew and a great Holland, and during the period business." American, shares its glory. of the entire Revolutionary War This, in effect, was the answer This-man is Haym Th y Salomon, a he produced for Robert Morris given by several thousand newsi sums. of money so immense that paper editors -when they were loyal patriot, whose"-heroism in the days of tbe Revolutionary time and again only his efforts quizzed in a survey recently conWar was so outstanding that•- warded off The money ducted by the National Industrial - 1 *. . V ris and Hamilton and other her- he raised m e a n t "food, _ clothing Conference Board. Public opinion, as represented oes could not have led America and ammunition for o u r soldiers, all so necessary to" win "the great by their votes, showed a preponto freedom. war for freedom. - .• • - - :• derance of opposition to governAlmost two hundred years ago A story is told of this Polish ment ownership ( of power and there lived in the city of Lissa, in Poland, a little Jewish boy whose immigrant, w h o spent only nine light plants. Asked if public name was Haym Salomon. His years in this land before t h e out-opinion favored government ownpeople had come to Poland to break of t h e w a r , which well ill- ership, the editors voted 2,771 to . find a haven of refugee from ustrates h i s devotion t o h i s coun- 737 against it. H e w a s a pious J e w a n d , of The survey then limited ~the persecution, and for several years try. went t o t h e synagogue t o question to federal competition, they lived peacefully and quietly course, pray on t h e eve of t h e D a y of bat the answer was almost idenNEW ALUSIBJT; in the -Polish town. Haym's fa- Atonement. On t h i s particular SAFETY PLATE CLASS ther was grateful for his bless- accasion h e w a s recalled from h i s tical with that concerning governALL-STEEL BODIES ALL AROUND the editors ment ownership, as ings and felt an ardent patriot- prayers by a n impatient message (W» UNISTEEL T a n t To* Caatruetlon) («S no actm BM) voted 2,775 to 752 against the ism for this land which had be•Wider, roomier, more luxurious, and t h e from Robert Morris. When he 1 practice. Tbe finest qnalitr, ciearest-TJeioici f friended him.


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Editorial Office: 600 BrandelB Theater Building. Sioux City Olfico—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK B. ACKERMAN • - . - . - . . • • . . . - . - . Editor PANN1B KATELMAN Council Bluffs. Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - • • - Sioux City, Iowa. Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

ZIONISM REPUDIATED official government stamp prevalent in Nazi Germany. With David Franfefortcr BY JEWS LIVING the waning power of the Endeks, Sldadkowski may possibly T© Bs S£H£ l y be shifting his own viewpoint to conform with the growing IN IEAQ Alie&ists Bagdad. Iraq (Havas via JTA) mass opinion. By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS I a (\VNS)—A commission —Jews of Ir&Q last week dig. Even the statement of the Polish representative to the •' of alienists lliat examined David cls-imed cnv sympathy or political Rabbi, MoEttt Sinai Temple, Sioux City League of Nations, that his government, is preparing concrete I Frankfurter, young Jewish rr.edi- connection with their co-religionproposals for large scale emigration of Polish Jews, has its I cal student from Yugoslavia who JEts of the Zionist movement in To Exile" (The story of about the* maniac who controls, good point.... it will likely bring to a head the various schemes a "Road \ Kliot end killrd Willis!m Gns<tio'f. Palestine, according to an anSardinian patriot) by Emilio ] dominates, and abuses a beautiful Rn-iss Ksizl leader, &t Davos parly nouncement by the Grand Rabbi advanced for solving the problems of Polish Jewry. For sev-Lussu. Covlci Friend. $2.50. land, and a great eople. j'ocr, has reported (net he is of Bagdad. eral months Jewish and Polish circles have been advancing a T h i s i s a t r a g i c s t o r y which | " R o a d t o E x i l e ' ' should be r c - th'.B Spes-king in the name of 100,. lover of h u m a n f r e e d o m ! q u i r e d r e a d i n g for every A m e r i - Kane and completely responsible 000 Iraq Jews, the Grand Rabbi number of plans for aiding Polish Jewry afid relieving the severy for his acts. hould read. M r . L u s s u , a n of- j A n , a n d p a r t i c u l a r l y for t h o s e j scid: "V'c ere repudiating any Polish economic crisis by mass Jewish emigration. The bigfleer i n t h e I t a l i a n a r m y , c o m - w h o t h i n k t h a t t h e United S t a t e s ! ~""V < connection with Zionism eithe- inquestion marks, however, remain the same: where will these m a n d e d a l a r g e b a t t a l i o n of j n e e d s a n d c a n afford t h e l u x u r y ; A CZI PcpCT Asks t'CT side or oiUsWe Palestine. We are Jewish emigrants go and how will their emigration be financed T troops in the great war. When ! of a dictator. Ben On Mczcri Opera Iraq patriots heart and soul and Mussolini rose to power, he was —

; /though RJozert! are BhF.rJng our national BentiEerlln a member of the Italian Chamber j r.purc "Aryan", the: irients with oar Iraq brothers. hlmBclf w of Deputies, highly respected by j Voclkifichpr Beobachter, chief his people in Sardinia a n d ! papers do not know a Nazi party orirafi. h a s demanded The poor editors of the Jewish throughout Italy. In "Road to j his operas be prohibited "becs,U£6 IF©:1 Rent: Furnished room , The Arab, politicians took advantage of the anniversary 'friend" when they see one. Here, in every section of the coun- Exile" he tells the story o£ the j By Dr. Pkiiia S W ihe librettos emanate from the ic^ all nsoeiern apartment of Mussolini and of Fascism, j of the Ealfour Declaration to let the British and Jewish world try, the metropolitan presses were agog over the latest morsel rise for individual or eouple. Jew, Levi." of destiuction, by gangster meth| Kesecnable. 1818 Maple "The German Kczarl," the pa•know that they have by no means quit their fight in Palestine of gossip in European higher circles, the sensational linking ods, of all opposition and oppo- j BIBLE Street, Apt. 3. WE-1959. come Into po.v fper declared, "irori be releas• - demanding that Great Britain renounce theBalfour Declar- of the name of Mrs. "Wallis Warfield Simpson with that of King nents of his own imprisonment j The thoughtless of folly, but the prudent 'd from the Jewish Levi." and exile of five years to the asession ation and forget about the development of a Jewish homeland. Edward VIII of England. Try as they might, the Jewish scribes penal island of Lipari, from which : r e crowned With knowledge. . could not unearth a Jewish angle to the case. Every package Old Gold Cigarettes is -wrapped in Double The Moslems have continually polished up their diplomatic he escaped together with two! The evil bow before the good.i Cellophane - - two jackets oi' Cellophane - - moisture proof - But help came from an unexpected source. None other ' the wicked at the gates of guns in their battle to gain new ground in the Holy Land. other prominent prisoners, thanks and j the hiphest quality. the righteous. than the editor of the "American Bulletin," organ of the Amerto the daring and the unselfishThey well know that England will not openly go back on lier Who so mocks the poor blasof a former exile. word of honor and renounce the solemn declaration of herican National Socialist Party, a Nazi outfit, found a Jewish ness phemeth his M*ker, and who is The book is written without government But they are wily enough to further know that angle all right. "Well versed from his associations in magically prejudice or passion. The author glad at calamity shall not be unGreat Britain will not want to antagonize the Arabs any more wafting Jewish characters out of the ozone at will, he rapidly controls his tmotions and suppres- punished. A friend loveth a t all times, than they have to - - and if a foot is asked for, would probably got at the bottom of the whole affair. Says he, the whole affair ses his personel feelings which and a brother is born for adverbe those of bitterness and TOPCOAT HEADQUARTERS versity. concede three inches. Thus, with their rifles sile'need,. the is nothing more or less than a Jewish plot. Mrs. Simpson, so must resentment, at the cruelty of late declares the gentleman, is a Jewess whom the Jews believe to TALMUD Arabs are bringing the pressure of menace into the picture. which has condemned hira an Sholam, the wife of.RabThey timed Jheir latest demand to fall right before the arrival be a "reincarnation of Esther who saved her people by tricking Italian patriot and courageous lib- bi Etna Eliezer, and sister of Rabbi eral to exile and penury, and elethe King of Persians into signing an order of death for his of the six-man British Royal Commission to investigate the'reGamaliel and his sister wanted a denioga- neighborhood a judge who was a a cent disorders. Nor is the Arab anti-Jewish boycott helping own people." Not stopping there, this so-called editor goes g u e and a vicious character to philosopher, and had the reputaon to tell how she was brought up by a Jewish stepfather in world power and affluence. matters. ' . •• .. tion of not taking bribes. Rabbi At the end of the war, Italy The Jewish leaders must match diplomacy with diplomacy. Jewish surroundings and is being used as a catspaw by Jews found i herself In a chaotic condi- Gama liel and his ssiter wanted ! i to put him to test. So she; To let the Arab agitators gain ground now.would be a serious to win new rights for the Zionists in Palestine. tion. It must however be emi brought the judge a golden lamp | As you read the above, you probably wonder how such phasized again and again that blow to our future aspirations in Palestine. as a present and appeared before! tripe can see the light (or black) of printers' ink. But, sad tothere was absolutely no danger of i him. "I wish to inherit half of j Communism, that Italian masses relate, such ridiculous stories are wholesalely believed in bywere hostile towards Bolshevism imy father's wealth," she sai< people like the Nazis, ignorant sheep who make such easy and that the claim made by Mus-| him. For the eighth year the Community Forum presents a well- prey for fattening agitators and propagandists. solini that he saved the country j Whereupon he said: "I'll or- ( balanced program designed for the education and intellectual from Communism is simply a der that thou be given half of it." j hoax and a deception, repeated "But", she. said, "in our Torah i t ' enjoyment of the people of Omaha. The Forum has, by now. continuously in self justification is written that when a eon is left, become an institution not only of the Jewish Community, which lor bJoody murders, creul tyran- a daughter does act inherit." The By Rabbi Frederick Cohn has been its sponsor, but of the city. Every fall its program is ny, Incredible despotism, and to judge replied: "Since you of Isimpress the outside world. . Dur- rael were exiled from your land, I eagerly awaited by as many Gentiles as Jews. We have passed through a significant election. those hectic days Mussolini's the law which Moses gave you I Consistently for the past eight years the Community Forum It is not the intention of the writer to 'discuss politics' -but ing gangsters, the Fascist squads, r has been revoked, and new laws i has given to the public-a carefully selected panel of speakers. we Would like to offer a few considerations on what we term were running all over the coun- i given to you instead. In these, This year is no exception, bringing to Omaha an outstanding 'the higher politics.' try .indulging in pillaging, de- ? e W a ™ * i a E t ^ t s d l h ^ d e struction and quite often mur- t e r s r a h e n t equally with sons " member of the Senate, a psychologist, a commentator of world T h e •Politics' comes from a Greek word which means 'city', and and terrifying the populace T V y **£ ' G a m a l . i e l affairs, an economist, and a woman active in the field of social is the .science of the government of a city, or in the wider sense ders, and many of their leaders. With c a m e a n d bought him a nice welfare. . the extremely wealthy on the side " s " a Present and told him he a community, state, or nation, or even the world. the Fascists either openly or d l d n l * a n t t 0 6 1 T eh i s s i s t e r h a l f The Committee under Eugene Blazer deserve the highest Now the Bible, as we all know, is not concerned with of in secret, the authorities commendation for their work and merit the unstinted support 'politics.' Nor is religion to he mixed up with politics, as some ed the gangs jswered thus: "After thy sister; to continue their asj of the community. This is not a venture for profit, though one took occasion .to remind Father Coughlin rather drastically saults upon innocent citizens with and found that' it says: j by denying some of its followers it might become one. Its policy the other day. But whereas religion is not, and should not be,impunity. When there outrages 'Ifurther did not come to abolish or t» i has been to make available to the public-the words of the best concerned with temporal politics, with the more or less ephem- increased in number and in fer- add to the Mosaic law.' " J ocity, popular anger was a roused So Ema Sholara reappeared and men on the American lecture platform. V u Mussolini be los eral issues of the day, however much they arouse the passions and *"""" l '"» "appeared J " " * " " lto " ,'"l VT3 i pleaded before the judge, sayThe esteem enjoyed by the Community Forum has several of man, and perhaps just because they do arouse the passions f" ing prestige and power. rBut the jf ,<May G o d ^ ^ ^ times been shown when there has been rumor the Forum might of men,'and. it is not good for the cause of true religion (nor, King, weak, ignorant, and upset bright as the lamp (hinting at by another resignation of his her bribe)." Whereupon Rabbi be discontinued. It is one of the Jewish communities' contri- perhaps, of the proper conduct of politics) to be involved in ministers called him to Rome and remarked to her (in the butions to the intellectual life of the city and as such has political agitation; nevertheless true religion offers the basic made him prime minister, " " r ji Gamaliel presence of the judge) "An ESS sealed the doom of freedom and jcame t proven its worth. along and kicked the lamp, principles of what may be termed the eternal politics; lays liberty in Italy. The g the light." down the fundamentals of what constitutes the true welfare Rome" was made In a and anything but the spectular of a city, state, or nation or thus, since it includes and is de-undertaking Fascist myths have "Be fruitful and multiply," the Jewish people were told, pendent on them all, the welfare of the world. made it. Facing a hostile Cham"Bighteousness exalt eth a nation; sin is a reproach to anyber of Deputies, in a very short and the story of Jewish growth in the past century has literpeople." That is the basic principle of the higher polities. time Mussolini compelled it to ally obeyed that command. ' amend the laws o£ suffrage so as "We found great interest in the facts and statistics brought There can be no enduring welfare of any unit of society or ofto Insure a Fascist majority in out by the survey just completed by Dr. Erwin Eawiez, noted society as a whole without righteousness. For righteousness in- the nest election. The famous Jewish statistician. Thus, the present world Jewish population cludes justice, truth, love-, brotherhood, peace upon which are Italian patriot, Matteoti, made a atack upon the suggested By ROBERT STOXE has grown to 16,300,000, having multiplied itself six times in founded true prosperity and resulting happiness. An unjnst forceful law and upon Mussolini, and was ANTI-SEMITES RIOT IN STS. the past 135 years. society is doomed from the very start. It may flourish for a immediately thereafter murdered OF MONTREAL Rioting : This vast increase in population, says Dr. Rawicz, was duetime only to perish in the end. Violence, revolution, may over- by hi3 henchmen. The process of seems to be the activity most in of the opposition was j keeping with the anti-Semitic to world economic development and industrialism during the throw it. For as the Talmud also says, justice is one of theliquidation now in fnll swing. mentality, latter-half of the nineteenth century which resulted in eman- pillars on which society rests. Weaken or destroy the pillar Mr, LiHssu describes in great INCREASED LOANS TO SYNcipation #>£ Jews in most European countries and their release and, as in Samson's temple of the Philistines, the superstruc- detail some of the revolting Fas- AGOGUES P O S S I B L E B T cist episodes that took place ia CHANGE IN V. S. HOUSING ACT from "ghetto" restrictions. . * ture comes down with a crash. his own community and- during . • . This should help some o£ our Tracing the Jewish population trend is interesting. From A society founded on lies cannot endure. A society rife one of which he was seriously in-! overburdened congregations. just over four million in 1850, the total rose to nearly six million with hate bears the seeds of its own destruction. A society jured by the Fascist gangs. The j CHRISTIAN WOMAN COMin 1880 and to nearly ten million in 1900 - - an increase of four that denies brotherhood, the equal rights due to equal human people in Sardini. were so strong-!PILING HISTORY OF LOS AN-' ly behind him that they re-elect- j GELES JEWRY . . . That's rec- I hundred per cent in one century against a heavy drop during beings, or worse still that takes away rights that have been ed him to the Chamber of *Depu-i jprocity — Jews have compiled the previous two thousand years. The first third of the present long-enjoyed as those of fellow-citizens, is an immoral and aties against the orders of the lo-jmany histories of other groups. ; Fascists. So important a REPORT REVEALS S8.000 ; century resulted in a further jump of more than fifty per cent, criminal society and must share the fate of criminals in thecal public man was he and so uncom-ljEWS QUIT GERMANY SINCE.!



Gems of the Bible and Talmud


The Higher Politics



Here is the



*i ,1



bringing the Jewish population to its present figure. Signifi- end. It is vain to expect peace in any community or in the promisini~an~opponent"or" Fasc-jiss's" """And cant of the present crisis infJewish affairs is the fact that there world until the condition for peace shall have been fulfilled, ism that Mussolini determined to they were able to follow suit, REV 'GERALD SMITH MOVES is no country in the world to which Jews have failed to emi-as the prophet Isaiah long ago expressed it; 'the work of TO UNITE ALL, AMBRICAN ANgrate in modern times in their search for a livelihood or in righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness, surrounded his home and de- TI-SEMITIC GROUPS UNDER i their flight from persecution, v Ke'B wel[quietness and assurance forever.' 'There is no peace to themanded that he surrender. Know- HIS LEADERSHIP The break-up of the present Jewish population by con-wicked.' The world is indeed, at present, 'like a troubled sea, that his life was in grave danger!come t o t h e honor, and we wish s'took strong measures for | him little joy of it. tinents sh.pws: 9,736,000 in Europe, including Turkey in Asia that cannot ^rest,' that 'casts up the filth and mire' of bloods' he self defense. H e warned the gang I ROUMANIA BANS TEACHING and Russia; 560,000 in Africa; 936,000 in Ask; 5,031,00 in corpses and ruined cities and of destroyed triumphs and treas-to disperse a n d upon refusing;OF JUDAISM IN SCHOOLS . . . North' and £>outh America; and' 27,900 in Australia and Newures of art and of civilization, because of wholesale wicked- killed one of them. He was that j Not being convinced that religion night arrested and held for trial. should be taught in State schools, Zealand1. -••••-•.. • » ness in the world, whether in the form of militarism, of greed, Despite the demands of Fascist we can't get escited about that. . of the throttling of, the liberties of individuals and nations, of higher-ups, the jury acquitted BRITISH CABINET P R E as having fired in self de- PARES TO END FASCIST RIOTS POLAND'S PENDULUM brutal violence and tyrannical hate or of personal vice, im-him fense. The higher courts sus- . . . It's about time. When the night becomes blackest, the dawn is near at morality and corruption. We hear a great deal today of 'se-tained the verdict, and vindicated SIX JEWS DIE IN NEW OUThand. Perhaps Polish Jewry have better days "in store for curity'; political, as in France, Belgium, even England and the independences of the judiciary, j BURST OF POLISH TERROK. B u t Poland loves h e r ; them, since recent events point to a partial lifting of. the veil other countries; social and economic, as so largely even in ourIn desperation a Fascist tribunal j ISM sentenced-him without trial to! Jews — the Premier himself said 1 of darkness. own America at the present moment. Despite all our 'isms' five years exile in a penal colony so. Most important is the routing of the anti-Semites in theand panaceas, only 'the work of righteousness* can be 'peace' at t h e Island ot Lipari. From ARABS START BOYCOTT OF Lodz elections. In 1934 the Endeks had garnered a narrow and 'the effect of righeousness, quietness,' which is tranquil- there he a n d two ether prominent JEWS . / . . . They're cutting off Italian exiles escaped in a mlra--j their noses ;..ia an effort to majority, and this year used every tactic, fair and foul, to re-lity, 'and assurance' which is security 'forever.' culous fashion, which he des- ; their faces. tain that majority . . . they even threatened the Jewish voters, I JEWISH INDUSTRIAL PROWe are told to 'seek peace and pursue it.* That really cribes vividly. trying to make them abstain from voting. * The government bloc means 'seek righteousness and pursue it!'..-Bighteousness in No stronger Indictment of ipUCTION $40,000,000 in 1SS5 Mussolini and Fascism can ever j The moral ralue of this is far and the German Nationalist tickets both failed to win a single high places and in low, righteousness on the part of nations be written. It Is a moving tale , greater than etes this figure. I seat in the eouncil, while the socialist and their allies, the. Jew-as well as of individuals, righteousness on the parj of capital of injustice, of brutality, of op-j FIRST AMERICAN STEAMER 1 ish labor organization and the left Poale Zion, won an abso- and labor, of employers and of employees, of rich and of poor, pression and of tyranny. Italy; DOCKS AT .NEW TEL AVIV) is ruled today by a blind'and ar-jPORT . . . Another milestone In lute majority. Thia election, it is believed in informed circles, of the powerful and of the weak. bltrary power. Those who make j the development .of the Home-j will have a profound ^effect npon the future internal policy Then, and only then, shall we have a peaceful, a pros- excuses and apologies . for the \ land. Italian dictatorial regime should of the Polish government. ; perous, and a happy society. . : . read this moving book and learn (Copyright 1DSS by Seven Arts In addition, premier Skladkpwski told a delegation of PolThe Historian Freeman said * Ilistory is past politics and the truth about Fascism and ] Feature Syndicate.) ish Jews who called upon him to protest the growing anti- politics is present history! Politics is not only history, it is Jewish violence that "the life of every Jewish citizen is sodestiny, involving the fate and fortune of millions of human vote (if one has one) according to the dictates of precious to the Polish government that all violent acts against beings. And whatever our contemporary politics may be, con-reason and humanitarian conscience; for in the last analy?!*;, Jews have always been punished severely.'? Of course, we ducted on however low and at times despicable a1 scale in ourdespite the definition of philosophers, 'politics' is (as Israel know that this statement is belied by the facts, but it never- own country and throughout the world, the 'higher politics' conceived it)—ethics! , theless takes the Polish anti-eemitism further away from the bids everyone, everywhere and at all times to cast bis or her •" • •' - • Frederick Cohn.


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o Women Plan Dance at Center on November21




:t Wii

All the gaiety and glamour of A regular meetin : of the Bikur Society will be held Mon- the old-time Showboat will be reWhen Giear.ed &««: j day afternoon, November 9 at captured for the Sho-wboat Party The Goldie Meyereon chapter of two o'clock, at the Jewish Com- that the Sisterhood oi Temple Is- !'he Pioneer Women's or^anizaThe Women's Division of the co-chairican. Mrs. Paul Blodkey munity Center. ;R ICETIIOD" rael will give Wedensday evening, j tion -will hold a meeting on TuesJewish Community Center and is chairman of the Decorations December 16, at the Blackstoae [day, November 10, at the home of Boucle Welfare Federation have engaged hotel. and Mrs.Mas Block, (Mrs. Fred Hahc, 2 415 F street, Franklyn Vincent's orchestra to committee Mrs. J. Erman, and Mrs. J. MalaThe entire eighth floor ball- with Mrs. H. Kolnick as co-hos- Dresses furnish the music at the first an- shock are co-chairmen. Mrs Roroom will bs transformed into nual dance, Saturday evening, bert Kooper is chairman, and An intensive membership drive a replica of one of the Showboats tess. Members are urged to attend November 21 at the Jewish Com- Mrs. Arthur A. Cohn is co-chair- to enlist thousands of ne-w mem- that piled up and down the Mismunity Center. Franklyn Vin- of the Music and-Program com- bers in the ranks of Hadassah is sissippi river the later part ol tLis meeting. Marian Yawilz wag appointed orchestra is well-known, in mittee. novr in progress. The Omaha eighteenth center;-, stopping OSDER-SWARTZ 3EX-I5O ENTERTAINS FOB BRIDE-TO cent's publicity chairman at a previous Omaha, having played at the Members of the Dance commitj chapter is making a concerted ef| along the way to a t e a c a p o r t B E . • • . . • . • • • • • ;- Mr. and Mrs. N. Adelson of Los meeting. Mra. Louis Witfein entertained Fontenelle Hotel. tee include the Mesdames: Milton I fort to enroll new members and I present its highly entertaining Angeles announce the engageMrs. J. J. Greenberg and Mrs. Mrs. B. A. Si- | melodrama for an appreciative ment of their sister, Miss Made- at a luncheon at the Labor LycAbrams. Max Barish, Dave Black- '•mre-enroll old on and h e r ones. co-chairman,. Mrs. jp o p u l a c e that'swarmed'into line Swartz, formerly ol Omaha, eum for fifty guests in honor of Sam Theodore, chairmen of the er, J Blank, J. Bramson, David ! committee are working day and j • Charles Levinson request that icraft# , AMERICA'S MOST to Mr. Louis D. Oscler, son ol Mr. her daughter, Fannie, -whose marBrodkey, Morris Burstein, Dave i night to make the dance a sucmail their dues toDave the; J u " s t B u c h a showboat will! and Mrs. Samuel Osder of Los! riage to Lester Pezzner •will take cess. The auditorium, lobby, and Cohn. David B. Cohn. Frederick j members financial secretaries, Mrs. serve as the Setting for all the ' -Angeles. No date has been set place on December 20. ,rf* Miss Leona Litwin honored the> lounges are being decorated for Cohn. Seymour Cohn. Dave Fed- j Stein or Mrs. William Alberts. A ; e i c i t e m e n t ' / ^ i " ^ t y ' t h e " ^ for the wedding. er, Charles Fellman, Leon Fell-! luncheon honoring new members jm i t t e e has in store for its Showbride-to-be at a shower last Sun- the occasion. day at the home of Mrs. William Proceeds of the dance are to be man, Al Fiedler, Lawrence Fin- will be given November 25 at t h e | b o a t p a .t r o ns. One of the typical PARTY HELD TUESDAY old melodramas is to be offered, Pezzner. Twenty guests were given to the Center for the re- kel, Dave Goldman, Arthur GoldThe Buncoteers entertained at present. and there will be dining, dancing, equipment and renovation of the stein, David Goldstein, I. F. Gooda 'Halloween party on Tuesday, ! and entertainment, according to On JVionday, Mrs. A. Edelstein Center stage which will complete man, Dave Greenberg, Maynard October 29, a t the home of Ethe- and Mrs. Sam Reiss, aunts of the decorating of the auditorium Greenberg, Max Holzman, Clyde Hadassah members are going; the co-chairmen, Mrs. Louis Lipp g Used mm Tht lyn Lashinsky. The guests were jM i s g witkin, and a cousin. Mrs. begun by the 'Women's Division Krasne, J. H. Kulakofsky, Irvin forward with plans for raising j and Mrs. Milton Abrahams. Or-er Sophie Blumkin, Lee White, Do- Harry Kaplan of Dcnison, Iowa earlier in the Fall. Levine, Philip Levy, Jack Marer, quotas for the Medical Fund of j Assisting with plans for the lores Sklar, Lillian Katz,, Muriel entertained at a shower at the Mrs. Julius Stein is chair-i party are Mrs. Henry Pollack, in Tickets are $1.50 per couple Leon Mandlesohn, William Mild- m a n Besides the usual card (charge of refreshments; Mrs. M. Goldberg, Marty Lee Dyron, Mar- •Labor- Lyceum for seventy guests. and may he obtained from mem- er, Herbert Neveleff, H. t h e m a - n p r o j e c t ^ m b e l L > Cohn> p r o g r a m ; Krg> DaTJd tin.' Goodman, Milton Cackin, man, P. Romoneck, J. bers of the committee. the drawing of prizes of two j Goldman and Louis Kulakofsky, keve Klrschenbaum, and Bob Sil-HONOR OMAHAN Mrs. Greenberg and Mrs. Theo- Phil Rosenblatt, Harry Ruben- t r i p s t 0 California for holders of | ticket sales; Mrs. Ben Silver, arvennan. Prizes were won by Bennet T. Somberg, son of Mr. dore besides chairmen of the stein, Dave Sherman, Ben Silver, t b e Sophie Blumkin, Lillian Katz and' and Mrs. Benjamin Somberg, was Dance Committee are also chair- Sam Stern, Harry Trustin. Moe w i U t a o b e tickets. A cook book rangeraents; Mrs. Mas Eolzrnan, Sturdy, t-V1tet * compUed within the decorations; Mrs. Jack Cohen, : Lee White. I elected acting Major for the en- men of the PatrjJn's. Tickets Com- Venger. David Wice. E. I. Widnear future. the school corps of the Missouri rs are being j Clarence Bergman, and Mrs. Sana man, Phineas Wintroub, H. A. Friedman is Military Academy at ..exico, Mis- mlttee, Mrs. the general ticket Wolf, Sam Wolf, and Misses Hel- called upon to furnish their fav- Wirtheimer, entertainment; Mrs. ANNOUNCE BIRTH chairman of orite recipe. Ben Shapiro, Joseph Weinberg, Mr. and Mrs. A. D> Frank an- souri. Cadet Somberg will com- sales and Mrs. Ben Kazlowsky is en Merrit, and Blanche Zicmian. Mr*; Stein has chosen as her and David Wice, publicity. Ticplete his senior year, at the Acanounce the birth of a' son Wednescaptains: Mesdames Julius Abra- kets may be had from any memdemy this coming summer. Som- ( day evening. Ifi-lnete Of hamson, Dave Stein, Sarah Dan- ber of the committee or any memftelf-MwUng; berg Is on ths Varsity Football j first of this 'Town. Hall season's Forum" series sky, A. S. Rubnits, Joe Lipsky, ber of the Sisterhood. late botiem. 1lectures, 11 TO \LOS ANGELES team, Crack Fueileers, Honor 'IT """" * * *"" "" ' the [ sponsored by the Nebraska SocieJ. H. Kulakofsky, Mai Barish, a#« pun tvlih next meeting of the Beth Mrs. Becky Brown and Mrs. club, and on the staff of ty of Colonial Dames, is to be £1The Louis Alberts, Reuban Bordy, school paper. auxiliary will be a luncheon, Jack Freed left for Los Angeles Dave Epstein, given in the concert hall at the November 11, at 1 o'clock. Urs, Moe Katelman, last week after a sis week visit » Memorial. David Seabury has David H. Wice will speak on 'Pal- Herman Cohen, Dave Sherman, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Da- MOVE TO NEW HOME Plans are Hearing completion Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Gold- been booked for this lecture and estine and World peace." She Sam Peltz, and Joe Goldware. vid. :H. Freed and family. Mrs. The captain will be glad to co- f o r the annual .Thanksgiving [ Freed was formerly MiS3 Pearl stein and family have moved to Ms subject will be "What Makes will base her talk on observations operate with any members who Dance to be given by the Junior i Us Seem So Queer?" The public is their new home at 325 So. 37th made during her recent trip tmr Brown of Omaha. They were exare in need c" ssggestiozis as to Hadassah on Thanksgiving Night, I invited to attend. abroad. tensively entertained during their street. November £6, tX the Hotel Fon-j how to raise their quota forthe visit here. A board meeting will precede Medical Fund, ten ell e. j whish will entitle AT JOSLYN MEMORIAL iE the luncheon. to a seat at the "Give o r | M s Sonia Roitsteln is general; M:: COUSINS CLUB them Dr. Frederick Clayton will give Reservations "may be made by Get" luncheon, th» culmination I chairman in charge of the ticket ; The monthly gathering of the the lecture at 3:30 p. m. this Franklyn Vicent and his orch- calling Mra. Morris Arkia. Glen. sale. Miss RlilSreS Whitman is; Cousins Club will be held on Sunday afternoon in the Joslyn estra will play for the annual win- dale 14S6, or Mrs. Iz Abracison, of this campaign. ' advertising ch&iriz&n, tnfi Miss j Thursday evening, November 12, Memorial lecture hall, on "The ter dance of Junior Council of Walnut 6906. Fannie K&ielsi&n is publicity! at the home of Mrs. Leonard Place of Great Literature in Illus- Jewish Women to be given at the Mrs. Dave Sherman, chairman chs-inaan. j tration." Cherniss 3935 No. 22 Street. Paxton hotel on December 12, ac-of the Beth, El Auxiliary Coffee Invitations Ere feeieg issued to • " At 8:00 p.m. this evening the cording to Miss Toby Flax, chair- Sale requests all members of her Mrs.' M. Brodkey, vice-president, neighboring chapters of Junior man of the affair. committee to mail in all the or- has succeeded Mrs. I. Kulakof- Hadassah and a large cumber of HADASSAH STUDY GROUP The dance this year will be der slips to her by Tuesday, Nov- sky as president oJ the Women's holiday visitors are espected from j cabaret style and will feature the ember 10, in order that they raay Mizrachi. Mrs. Kulakofsky left; far and near to attend this affair.; The next meeting of the Hadasbe distributed to the grocery Arnold Levin. Rosalie, is lead- newest of swing tunes. Mis3 Flax stores in time. The coffee sale for Chicago where she is now i Franklin Vincent Orchestra will eah Study Group' will be held announces the following additionmaking her home. | play for dancing for this Effafr. Tuesday, November 10 at the Ing the fight for the proposed al members to Miss Belle Gold? takes place November 9 to 14. The Women's Mizrachi are plan-! An important meeting of the student union building for which home of Mrs. Sam Altschuler, berg's ticket committee: Roselle ning a rummage sale beginning Junior Hadassah will be held nest 3338 Webster, with Mrs. Jules the government recently made a Handler. Dora Dolgoff. Helen The third Oneg Snabboth meet- Monday, November 2, at a store Thursday evening, November 12, grant of f 180,000. As editor of Shapiro as co-hostess. Jewish Garber and Bertha Guss, Tickets ing of. the Beth El auxiliary will at 24 th and Clark. Any member ja t the J. C. C. laws, pertaining to home life and the Daily Nebraskan and presi- j are now on sale and may be se- j t,afc0 Saturday, Novem- or friend having something to do- j , dent of the student council. Levin marriage will be discussed. Mrs. cured from any member of the ber 7 at the home of Mrs. M.nate is asked to bring the articles j has devoted much time and work 1 David Goldstein leads the group. •Kanhaltsa Ehirts Brodkey and Mrs. I. Dansky will to the store or call the chairman,! __! toward making the student un- Council. Anyone wishing to attend is • Etetsoa Eats be co-hostess. • The program for j Mrs. L. Morgan. asked to call Mrs. M. F. Levenson I *°n building a reality on the • Arrow Shirts the afternoon will be based on the ] The drawing for the upholster-', _ or: one of the hostesses. . | campus, after a long fight of 6 , A Berlin overrun with drilling "Three Pillars" with Mrs. David j ed chair will be held at the nest • IScGregc-r Sportswear . ._ — Present controversy is re-j soldiers, a Vienna where old 4* i-----'--ryears. [meeting-, November 1 8 . A l l garding the site and shape of the | world culture and polish are still Goldstein as leader. • Interwoven Socks A. Z. A. 100 i money received will go toward j structure which is estimated to noticeably presently, a Belgium • Yasssr Uaderwesr where for ?25. a month you can Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt and her j buying more trees in Palestine; cost approximately 5400,000. • Cheney Cravats Four new members were voted Dave Bernstein, Omaha, is also live in the swankiest of apart- co-chairman, Mrs. John Faier, j and supporting a girls' school in j into A. Z. A. 100 at a special actively participation in the pre- jments, and a Paris that glitters held a meeting early Wednesday j Palestine, These 'ternn Are Featured at meeting held by the chapter Sun- sent student union building is- with all "the traditional glitter at- at the Jewish Community Center j day, November 1, at the J. C. C. sue. He i3 one of several stu- tributed to It — these were some j at which time complete plans Tourist Travel Curbed These are Bernard Tractenberg, dent council members who are on j of the word pictures that Mrs. j were- made for the Chanukah Jerusalem — British consuMorris Kirshenbaum, Sam Novak,] the student pnion building com-JHarry Trustin drew for the mem- j Carnival which takes place Dec-j a tes in Europe are enforcing reSll Erath 16Sh Haskell Morris and Albert Kap- mittee. Bernstein has also beenibers of Junior Council of Jewish! ember 13 at the Community Cen- j strictions on is issuance of tourist lan. selected as a member of the stn-1 Women when she spoke at their j ter. Full details are to be an- visas to the Holy Land. Group \ offers 42 LUXURIOUS FUR COATS, from A banquet will be held at the dent council's- rally committee, last monthly meeting on the trip ] nounced. srv sale priced et Double Mellow Old €k>lds are factory fresh cigarettes • - 4 l Stein Cafe In commeration of the beside being "yell king." which she recently took abroad chapter's eighth aniversary Sunno matter whether you buy them at the country store or at Irving Zveitel, Grand Island; with Commissioner Trustin. . . offers 37 SUPERIOR QUALITY FUR C O A day, November 8. 1 * Aaron Finkelstein, Lincoln, and the big cigarette counter in the city. "Our American women' certainiha* eniy Anniverse*),1 ms^es possible. . . . . . . . The chapter's basketball team Ervine Green, Norfolk, were re- ly don't take a back seat when Dr. Frederick will give the sechas entered" Class A competlon cently elected to Pi Sigma Alpha, it comes to dressing smartly," ond in a series of lectures for the Convenient T(?"niF in' the Jewish Community Center national political science fratern- said Mrs. Trustin. '*They are just Current Topic group of the TemTev~lh. TlooT league for the opcring season. ity. • as 'well-dressed as even . the "best ple Israel Sisterhood, Tuesday A cultural meeting will be held Maurice Tatelman, Omaha, has dressed women In Paris." morning, November 10, at 10:30 Sunday, at the J. C. C. been elected secretary-treasurer Another feature on the program | a t t h e B l a c k s t 0 I l e H o t e i . H i s E . a b . of Theta Nu, honorary pre-medic was a viphn solo by Beulah K a y ;; j e c t w m b e . . T h e S i g n i { i c a l l c e o J ject w m b e T h e Signi{ m Omahan "VELVELOUR" IS ANSWER j fraternity. a fformer Omahan who who has has rr ee-jj t h e A m e r i c a n E i e c tioa". Recent military department ap- cently returned to make her home Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky Is chairR made by here again. man of the Current Topic Group. VELVBLOUR is the answer t o j ? ? l n t m e n t s the commandant of the univerall you women who have difficul-j C i p ' !•'•"' r $J.2B FLAKKELETTE SLEEfERS v.-lA fe The first native American-Jewty with dry skin and suffer even sity ROTC and five members from Sigma Alpha Mu have received many for Jsek Fresi nichtisl Sizes t i e 6 . ish scholar was Jacob de Velosmore tinder the chapping winds 25c KAPOK PILLOWS for beby's hci ino born in Pernambuco in 1657. ot winter Velvelour is a marvel- appointments. Dave Bernstein, Omaha, second lieutenant; Leo ous'blend of all nourishing oils carriage . essential for preservation of a Eisenstatt, O m a h a , sergeant; $2.9S SWEATERS, YORKSHIRE AIL Berlin (WNS) — The 'de-JnMorrjs Lipp, North platte, cor•youthful glowing'skin. IT WILL PAY YOU 4 to 12. An Anniversary scn-ction c t . . poral; Leo Turkel, Lincoln, cor- daification" of German music. PROPORTIONED STOCKINGS 'Have Marian Bialac Wend your poral; Harris Ginsberg, Dakota which Is part of the intensified To ConsaJt fe?c CARTLR'S wool snuggles, vesk f«: powder for you Individually. A City, corporal. Nazi drive to eliminate all traces meeium end laree ssses. Anniversary p:'i> powder blend to match your In- Dave Bernstein, Morris Lipp, of Jewish influence from German $!.2S KNiTTED"SHAWLS, Wnoeti sb/1 When boring dividual coloring will enhance C Brown, and Maurice Tatel-1 culture, has hit Freidrich Han- DIAMONDS your particular beauty as nothing Ray Tb« ieeel shew! for fhe earriaoe, specie!1 del's world-famous oratorio, "Juman will make the trip to Lawelse and the powder sells for only rence this weekend for the an- das Maccabeus." WEDDING BINGS ?Sc SANiTEX KNIT TOWELS* ?1 a" box. • •- • nual . Nebraska—Kansas football The biblical text of this work WATCHES • SILVERWARE in the S6s3& skf; .-. •^Consult with Miss Bialac on all game." Bernstein will servo aa been replaced by a German GIFT your beauty-, problems as all wo-head cheerleader as usual, and has entitled "Hero and Work for men who know, are doing. The Lipp -will report the game for text Peace", which was written ' by CHARLEMAGNE POWDER BAR the Daily Nebraskan. Tatelman is is located at the entrance of the a member of the university ROTC Herman Burte, Nazi dramatist. Securities Building, 16th and Far-hand. Patronize Our Advertisers nam street, Harney 3213. (Cholim


Frtt! Fret! Frc:-


Beth-El Auxiliary

Jr. Hadassah

Pm n

Junior Council

Women's MizracM

Sigma Alpha Mu


Anniversary Sa


Current Topics


Aricn ft

lyp, pi

City Water is Getting Harder .^

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' Ask'. Where t h e Clothing World Is Under One Roof for Service.




$IS$ ©ENUiN£ SEALSKIN A N S OTHER B N t SAGS. In black «nd! brewn. Oun!!+w


You Don't Hi¥e to Tolerate" It Weeks Starting Nest Sunday

As urinter approaches, tlic city vrater £r£ples So This means" c&appcd Basils, red complexions aad skin troubles. It makes e x t r a vrorls. iaeeaTesieaces, cud -plzz&shing rc&s&rs* It wastes soap, w&jlaras s o l a s ' &ad produces l fod A Rcfinite V/ats-- Softener fiiicrs osS_£ho fes-rdrsesc. Ho c&craicai!» are used. It delivers pare soft orator - - softer t a a a falling rain - - t o every fcuccl In the koaae . . bells hot CT£ C£'d ReFiaito Perasaaeatly Solves yoar Hard Water Frobleiao. Let ca Erivo you K i I f t i




SK'JSslf. ^ * ! &m m

TO J4.?8 VALUES IH FRENCH KID AN?CAPE; CLOVES, On; fwelrt €,n4 sMmn befton lengths, ?r, bimk., b end b«tg«. Anniven«ry prised

Bouquets ssS eacsres cx@ fedag Is-sSeresS JLrtcraft's prepoifioaed! stsdsspl- Oss© Y»U'T«

Entrance Float

g Y again «md c g d a fcr £ 3 EtrS pcrlrct if.rc Y©U'T« erer d ENTIRE WTQCK « , rJeiie, Msiden Form, Of GELOSZOUS isEffi SHEDSS

l?so t o PaBfls

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Eetieiy Section—Main Fitter

Reduced 25 Per Cent

U G«nt,


vl#4§Si$Sk *A^¥'Ji! l '*Wsiv > J^C J *JM,il

•:H HIS NAME IS ALGY—Algy, a Great Dane, wanted the world to know about the dog show sponsored by the Texas Centennial Exposition at Dallas. So when Mile. Corrine, queen of the Midway, lifted the receiver, Algy said "Woof!" so loud it bowled over a herd of longhorns more than a mile away. Or so the publicity man said. Algy is more than seven feet tall when standing upright, and weighs 187. B. M. Alexander of Dallas is his owner. S^^^H^^^t^^

GOVEBNOR-7-Governor Herbert . H. Lehman of New York as he closed a strenuous campaign for re-election on the Democratic ticket. In one of the wind-up addresses of his campaign he refuted the charge of communism raised against the Democrats.

NOMINEE--William P. Bleakley, Republican candidate for Governor of New York State. Closing his campaign he promised that if elected he would balance the: budget, work for social security and home rule and extend civil service.

LONG WED — A total of 214 years of married life is represented in this group of four brothers and their wives shown at the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Palmer, New Lexington, Ohio. The couples, who have observed 50 or more years of wedded life, are: Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Palmer, Somerset, O.; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Palmer; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. "Palmer, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Palmer, Newark, O.

uu^is-; * , * ^

MOIXESON RSAKES IT—Radio picture sent from London showing Captain James A. Mollison st Croydon airport after establishing a record crossing of the Atlantic in 13 hours 17 minutes. He averaged about 160 miles an hour. Starting from New York, he hopped off from Newfoundland for the crossing.

GENERAL PERSHING RETURNS—General John J.'Pershing at a gala party aboard the United States liner Manhattan, on which he returned from abroad". Left to right: Mrs. Tarleton Winchester: Walter A. Leonard, Consul General in Stockholm; Brig. Gen. J. Leslie Kincaid; Miss Martha Dodd, daughter of the Ambassador to Germany:-General-Pershing: Commodore A. B. Randall, Manhattan commander, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Beaumont Thomas, London socialites. Steward King, rear.



HORSE JSHOW TEAMS—English and Irish jumping tea?hs arriving in New York to take part in the National Horse Show beginning Nov. 4. Front: Major A. L. Cameron. English; Captain Thomas Christian, U. S. Army, welcomer; Captain Daniel J. Corry, Irish. Second row: Captain Sir Peter Grant-Lawson. English, and Captain John J. Lewis, Irish. Third row: R. G. Panshawe, English, and Captain F. A. Ahem, Irish. Rear: Lieutenant J. A, TalbotPonsonby, English', and Captain Cyril Harty, Irish,

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SOCIALITES — Shown in front of the Junior League Club, this is how New York socialite Republican women who favored the President campaigned for him. Left to right: Mrs. Henry Richard Ahrens. Jr., Mrs. Chester A. -* ' Arthur, 3rd, Mrs. Alfred James Greenhalgh, Mrs. Helen Walker Homan, Mrs. R. Dana Skinner, Mrs. Marion Collins and Mrs. ( Charles S. Whitman.

WAR VICTIM—Sitting amid the ruins of her former home, an aged Spanish mother is a picture of disconsolation, after the heavy fighting that occurred in and around Toledo.

WILL HE WED?—Rumors continued to spread in London that King Edward, shown in the uniform of the Colonel - in - Chief, Seaforth Highlanders, would wed Mrs. "Wally" Simpson. Mrs. Simpson recently ordered an extensive trousseau in Paris.

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KURDISH PRINCESS—Attired in a stunning Persian lamb coat with toque to match, here7 is Princess Leila Beder Khan, Kurdish dancer, as she arrived in New York for appearances in the United States. Her people, the Kurds, have often revolted against domination by the Turks, but have been unable to establish an autonomy as they have desired.

ARRKgTED—Albert Penn, president of an electric switch company of Des Moines, la., arrested after his employes received pay envelopes bearing a notice of pay deduction for the social security tax. He was charged with election law violation.

SLOE-EYED FIGURERS—A class in the Chinese Nursery School hi San Francisco,' in which 35 American-born Chinese youngsters, ranging from nine months to four years are registered. Coming from.the city's Chinatown area of 15,000inhabitants, they are instructed under a Federal Emergency Education program, in conjunction with the California Department of Education.

How Joe Brunansky, tackle on Duke Unl°o»all team, looked while nracticing at a nu 5 ^ c ltshseh bwi it tt he r Washington and Leel b a t t l e o f1935 ^


•inia «JJEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, Ing paragraphers of Walter Winchell: . , . "His daily column is eloquent evidence of the lact that Americans can take it . . . that the brass} blessedeventing in the full glare of publicity light, the amatory matrimonial and other vital exBy Abncr Kaiman J lstencies are an organic part of the American pattern . . . and something the entire nation acVive La Eoosevelt" cepts via the radio" . . . UnThis is not an editorial . . . ed- quote!!! . . .• Everything is itorials are usually concrete re- "jafce" at the Center handball minders that the "boss" is speak- courts . . . Jake Schreibman ing . . . we cannot help but com- and Jake Adler are batttllng ment on the overwhelming vic- for the champ honors . . . A n tory of our beloved .president. other handball es^ert: Phil Franklin Delano Roosevelt . . . Klutznick, whose arguments on The popular vote majority ol up- the handball courts are as efwards of ten million, is signifi- fective as those In the Judges' cant of the desire of the people courts . . . He has an interest. . . to be led by a man who is a ing story for the men and wochampion of human rights .... . men who desire sensible reduc-. Thus also, the minority groups ing methods . •. . Phil tipped need not fear of discriminatory the beam at 215 when a stulegislation tending to oppression dent in college . . . and now . . . Arichas Yomin (liong zol er he Is in the featherweight dileben)!.'.' vision . . . Untiring in her deWeekly Awards sire to please . . . also capable, Orchids to Harry Silverman for sweet tempered and systematic: his masterly and touching orator- Mae Tucker • . . not related to ical tribute to the living and de- the hefty Sophie!!! . . . Sam ceased figures in Omaha Jewry Horn Is "tooting" the qualities who' were honored at the testi- of his feminine discovery in monial, dinner . . . . Applause for Chicago . . a ravishing beauty! Louise Fitch, t h e • charming Here is something to "blow" daughter p£ Mr. and Mrs. Leoabout: Mrs. David Goldstein, Fitch of Council Bluffs, who was wife of Rabbi David Goldstein signed "to play the ingenue lead comes from a family of Shofarin the Wrigley program on the blowers . . . Her brothers, who Columbia net-work program , . . are excellent musicians, comThe play will be broadcast on Fri- bine the practice of medicine day, November 13, over KFAB with the business of blowing

T T F aiman's

k\- osker 1L v^omments

mellifluous sounding notes on . . In Germany, however, all the rams-horn . . . Dr. William native Christian missionaries to Herman handles the Shofar at the Jews have been banned . . . Ws synagogue in Sacramento, California . . . Dr. Theodore {Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) Herman and Dr. Reuben Berman at their respective temples in Minneapolis . . . D r . William Cohen of Duluth, an uncle, was given the honors a t his Temple in Duluth, Minn. . . . Omahans attending the regional conference of the Council of Jewish Federations at Kansas City tomorrow and Sunday will be pleased to note that our own George Givot will be headlined _at Fishers new theater-cafe in K. C. . . .'He heads a unit com; prising several prominent enLONDON KNOCKS: Belleve-ittertainers . . We are looking or-not, the knock-knocks have finforward to a happy **re-unlon" ally crossed the ocean and landed . . '. The-Center Bowling league plump In London. . . "With this begins play on Tuesday evening result (forgive it, please): at O:O0" p. xa. a t Afe-Sar-Ben "Knock-knock! alleys, 17th and Harney street. "Who's .there?" "Mosley." Date Beminders A new and novel dance affair "Mosley who?" . . . the "Cabinet Swing" on De"Mosley Jews in the East End."

Alfred Dreyfus who had been ganged by a bunch of the antiSemites of that day. . ". Incidentally, we learn from the Menorab. Journal that Blura is the second u&baptlzed Jew to become premiere of a modern European nation, the first having been Luigi Luzsatti who did the honors for Italy In 1910. . . You won't find Leon Blum in "Who's Who, 1936 edition, by the by. . .

Iseae countries ir>

Vaad Services of the Vaad this week -end will be conducted by Rabbi Charles B. Chavel of Louisville, Colonel Beck Expected to Issue at London &rui Kentucky, guest Habbi. At the Friday evening services Rabbi London (JTA)—Poland IF exChavel will speak at the B'nai Israel synagogue on "Illusions of pected to make a strong bid tc force consideratioc by the revere the Modern Jew." Saturday morning he will also of her alledged need of emigratspeak at the B'nai Israel on "Theion outlets for eurpiur Jewish popBackground of Israeli Ances- ulation at forthcoming conferences in London and Geneva. tors."

tor Sov» ors which Britain may of Poland. This is particularly to be expected at a time when the Polish Government is sc. king some action on the Jewish question ly counteract the t'roving }>opis)a;'i'i.,v of the opposition anli-SemUic >.";*.tiona.1 Pern ocrp tic "Prty. The Government IIFPU" is sbsrp' ly split on the Jewish issiie. TIUK is c'le'iayinf the e^ial-lishnipni. of. a new grc-crnment r a n ; - rcpl«'> inE," pr^petit *.orilitionavy bioOr does= not have much. roptiHiT port. The Nationalist facJioo of t h r ps.tiT is eer-l-ins to baT minorii'CF." — Jews Fini GermRP.s—from riti70iisMps, vlii'e

PENTHOUSE: Mischa Elman is seranading the clouds these days in his new penthouse apartment (a duplex, no less) atop a swanky Central Park West cooperative... With Yehudi Mennhin vacationing on his raDch in California and Poland's contention that she Mischa Elman penthousing, Mr. n.ust find an outlet for at leas; the proponents of thr- "P'<.P.\? conTemple Peters is beginning to regret not 80,000 Jews annually, wliich vas cept" vor.ld P.dmiS. "lora!" €•!?• the Friday evening: services formally raised at the recent ses- ments of the minoriites. having practiced 'fiddling more at At eight o'clock Rabbi David H. sion of the The question of the GeruiptiLeague of Nations. diligently in his tender years... . Wlce'B sermon topic will be Speaking of violinists, we hear "Harvard and Heidelberg". This will be studied by an emigration Polish mSnoritiep convention oc Jascha Heif eU Is practising up on will be a comparison of the an-conference uner the auspices of Silesia, vhich expirp? next July, the accordian. . . isn't one Phil niversaries celebrated by the twothe International Labor Office. is also expected to come up clurAt the same time, Col. Joseph ins Co!. Ke.-'k'E visit in Lomlon. Baker enough?. . ' . Universities. Beck, Polish Foreign Minister, is BTifFUri is limply to PPF-V: to p^™Regular Saturday morning serexpected to raise the issue when rtiRde roirLnc; tr> TPTIFT: 'lie p? r t, FLOPPO: "It Can't Happen vices wUl be at 11 o'clock. cember 12th . . . given by he visits London at the invitation Polnnd so frvr lia^ opro?pcl vr-rirv-Here" got lots of cold shoulders Junior Council of Women . . . at of Capt. Anthony Eden, British al, reportPflly becF.usr she ^-ishps SPEAKING OF MOSLEY, it is- from the critics when It opened as Beth-El the Past on Hotel . . . T o b y Flax n't generaly known that the bo-a play under the sponsorship of Foreign Secretary. Reports to to wnderiEke a ca:r.PRicn So Poltonight Rabbi Da- this effect were neither confirmed onize She Polish poruou OL ihe is in charge . . , she advises that gey-man of the East "End, whether the WPA. And the heck of Goldstein will base bi« ser- nor denied by the Polish Foreign territory. the proceeds will be diverted to a he likes it "or not, whether be isis, Author Sinclair Lewis can't charitable cause . . , On Wednes- conscious of it or not, buys bis complain that any of the critics mon -on the book "The BrothersOffice. Ashkenazl", an tplc story of con- "While Col. Beck is coming to '' day, November 11, -Mrs. Alvin tollewrs' black are pro-Nazi. . . shirts from temporary Polish Jewry. He will Schulman speaks on "Palestine Jewish firm! matttrs of "a general na- '• interpret thlg great novel in thediscuse and the .World- Today" . . . this ture," it is generally believed he j light of conditions i s Europe tois the initial lecture of the series •will either seek concessions from ; SPORTS: Accord-re to "GereAnrui :\ , Lncov piday. • . . . . . One o l the oustanding wo- ch.'iEkeit." (Justice), periodical Great Britain in behalf of Pol-: Next week Rabbi Goldstein men of the middle west, Mrs. putHshed by that famous coaish-JewlBh emigration to Pales- ] wiU speak on "Jewish Spirit in tfne, which Britain controls BE I Scbulnian is considered as an ora- Jewish champion of Jewish rights, Typ? of * tT^uPiano*-: Germany Today.", tor of rare ability . . . . . ' Mandatory Power for the Holy j le»—Every Mme. Irenee Jewish and Bonds written, Gail A l • station . . . Special mention for Land, or else concessions making 7667 or WA-5150, athletes won ,gold silver and Morris Kirshenbaum, chosen as possible emigration to other over- i bronze medals In the recent OlymPatronize' Onr Advertisers' one of the honor students to reppic Games in Mr. Hitler's back resent Central High as a repreyard Four are from Hungary,, Los Angeles (WNS) — After sentative young citizen . . . in the +fim ,*V>m .Hft Wll .H|Wi-^Mi-^ft •••• two from Austria and the seventh t mT raon c r e at rhs e soi lfv e comparative dorannual Young Citizen's contest r S M r t L e g i o n of is Helen Mayer* who garnered t b e i A m e rr i' c a sponsored - by the American LeBy PHINEAS J. WRON silver medal in fencing. . . H u n - jl e — " c h i e r \ w ^ l i a I n ?ndgion and Herald . . . He is a member of the wrestling team, arfelt that an anti-Lehman state- garian Jewish athletes won three ^ **&&'* colored shirt o u t f i t . by a mysterious supply able member of the National For- Now It Can Be Told ment would be a boomerang . . . gold-medals, Austrians copped a obolstered Now' that the election is over, And now gold and a bronze. . . Three, in- £ f u n d s - H * r e - e s t a ^ l l s h e d h e a d " ensic league of debating . . . and that you are ready to bet we can't be charged with in Los Angeles. a student in the Yeshiva depart- and stirring up trouble, we can tell J that we voted for Roosevelt, let us rfndtag Miss Mayer, are part-Jews, quarters T h e r e c ea 11 y ment of the Talmud Torah . . - . you a few things that happened J tell you thatjsre cast our ballot the other two also being girls. . . 1 •m o v e d iSilver-sinters n t 0 OfflCeS a t5 1 5 Fonr. of the prizes were in f e Chatter to Scatter Dc-j Thon^as . backstage durnig the campaign . for * Norman " " """ ing, one In wrestling, one in j Within the walls of a modest . . This, of course, is strictly conof intending to go into the •weight-lifting and one in water aiice borne in Omaha, a Gentile famJew-hating business on, a big The> so-called non- Gentiles and Jews fidential . polo. . . ily took the solemn vows which existent "Jewish vote" was a tre- A riding academy in Scranton, scale. converted them into Judaism mendous issue in the campaign— Pa., Heading the local cell is Kenis offering its customers AND SPEAKING OF SPORTS, . . . This ancient ceremony . . . don't let anybody kid you . . . "Gentile horses" . . . Peddlers of neth Alexander,. ex-motion picture that wasn't a very "sportssjaalike rare today .. . was witnessed Some of the advisers to the Re-Nazi in this country tried gesture the Palestine Maccabi soc- technician, ."tlie Chief's personal by a. group. of very pious citi- publican high command insisted to foolfilms the boycott leaders by in- cer pushers made in St. Louis the representative" in Southern Calizens . . .'All the rltoals were, that if Landon was to win Newsisting that "Ampbytryon", fornia, and Henry Allen, cadaversacarried out to the letter . . . York State he had to get the tire on ancient Greek politics,awas even to the "gulden" used as "Jewish vote" . . . The biggest made in Paris with a French cast barter . . . those who were for- single contributor for that Jew- . . Actually the film is a protunate enough to witness the ish activity for Landon was Rcgr .duct o£ UFA, Nazi • film outfit, roughness. . It's costing heavy T h e o f f i c e g m ceremony, described it as awe- er W. Straus . . . A clever pub- and was comfortaM produced in Berlin by sugar to feed those twenty htrsinspiring . . . We recommend licity man convinced him that the French actors furniEnedO n o n e „ „ of t h e . . . A certain HolFriday evening services at Tem- best way to speak to the Jewish | lywood studio" created a Black kjes who make up the team . . s a n c t l i m a a OTe rsize portrait of ple Israel . . . The choir, under voters on a Jewish basis was to Legion scare in Los Angeles by Len Lyons told W . N . T . Post <<the c h l e f .. c o m p l e t e i n E h i r t a n a the leadership of Al Finfeel, defend Landon against an alleg- planting a couple of Black Legion readers the transportation and i n t e d b e a r ( J g l t w e r s . F r e e i y contains a group of voices that ed whispering campaign that he robes where the police . would feed hill to aate had reached ? 1 0 , ; n e n t I o n e d i n conversation is "The blend beautifully and enhance The truth find ;them Back of the stunt 000. . . Incredulous, -vre checked Deutchers' Haus," hangout for loan anti-Semite the service greatly . . . The was And' found he had under-es- cal friends of Hitler, where Allen 1B that Roosevelt, Farley andj-vras the publicity department of members are; Mrs^.JSIargaret, Charlie, Mlcheiso.ii— passed-- ihe the studio,-which-is making a pic- tiinated-ly. one or two i a c k s . . . r e c e n * l y admitted ia court, he fre-" Bellman, Una Gross, Mrs. Mar- word to leave the Jewish Issue ture based•on-th's hooded order . . Transportation alone has cotch-1 q u e n t i y t a t e s C 0 E s i & I l n l ents of bearing the legend . garet *inkel, lva Siegel, Ber- religiously alone . . . T h e Eastern Every member of Eddie Cantor's ed up a $7,000 bill, with teasrand h B a d . b U t a , . G e tR i d o £ K o o s e T e l t a n d His nice Robinson, Jack Selin, Rob- Landon headquarters issued mim- immediate family is being shad- going to food and lodgings.. . ert Rimmennan, Joseph Iiaytin,- ographed Instruction to speakers owed daily by a bodyguard . . . Jews!" "We're not as much Etucl Resnlck, and Sam Minkin for Jewish audiences AND ONE FOR MR. COUGH- i afraid of Commusiists as of Jews," T h e Cantor has_ been threatened by . . . Do you recall the merry punch line reads as follows, after anti-Semites because of his anti- LIN: The next time you're in N e w [ A l e x a n d e r d e c iares. "There's a wisecrack "Here comes the Pul- a few paragraphs ol praise for Nazi activities . . . . . Kappa Nu York, ailnble down some night t o | i o t ^ o n g , these days. The Comler brash mari"? . . . we have what former Republican i-i Fraternity. Jewish Greek letter the Cafe Royal on the East SiSe's |n u n i s t B a n d 01irES ive9 both go tothem n o w . In the persons of dents did to protest against Jew-j society, is celebrating its 25th own Second Avenue and whom do:g e t l i e r f u p t 0 a certain point. At Walter Jjoewenstein and Hy- ish persecution abroad; " i t may anniversary . . . . No one knows you think you'll see, eagerly scan-1t b a t p o [nt, they get oft on the man Finkelsteln . . . The chil- be emphasized that thia offers a the origin of the Magen David, ning dozens of newspapers be- wrong track." dren at the Talmud Torah will striking contrast to the inaction which did "not come into vogue EB tween sips of coffee?. Toar He placed two books on the soon be requesting autographs and silence with which the pre-a Jewish emblem until the 1.9 th pal David Dubinsky. whom you floor, one in front of the other. of lioyal Kaplan, their" teacher sent administration has regarded century '.',. , Cactus Scribendi, have dubbed the nest American i..This," he said, indicating the one . . . . The handsome blond law the present persecution of Jews Toronto scrivener, boasts he hasAmbassador to Russia. And farthest from him, "is the state student has three girls t o ev- in Germany" that what do you think he's looking of-things that^ought to obtain, in ThV Joker in scooped us by discovering ery his Sunday school this statement is that the Landon Prince Torionia, Italian son-on- for in the papers?. . . Exports of America, and this," pointing to group • • ' . . t h e girls are just supporters — Felix M. Wr.rburg, I law of ex-King Alfonso of Spain, your goofy cracks about him, ifthe one nearest him, "is the Jews. loyal to Xoyai::! . . . Sheldon Joseph Proskauer and oti .• im-is the direct descendant of a you must know. . . We've got to push the Jews out of Shnmow, who studies his Greek portant members of the American Jewish peddler of Sienna . . . the way"—he suited the action to >in the University of Nebraska, Jewish Committee — were alEDDIE CANTOR, will you the word—"in order to reach the Set Your Alarm Clocks! Break AH Dates! Change is a son of Harry Shnmow, way of the opinion that Washingpleases deny officially the report (goal, see!'We don't w; want to hurt 1 1 MGM film exchange mogul . . . Ingtoit should not give any offic- Broadway Notes in Mr. Winchell's column that i tse Jews," Alexander further inThe unanimous roasting ac you have employed bodyguards tojsisted. "We just want to pro-' ' Plans! Let nothing keep you from feeing here at the verj who learns bis tireek in the ial pronouncement about the Nazi corded to "Ten Million Ghosts," dog the foot-steps of your fivejtect them from the violence that shoe Buine parlors . , . Inci- situation . . . As a matter of fact, Sidney Kingsley's new play, by danghters on account of your j is sure to come whea people, realstart of this .event of events . . . the Ibig^esi Sa.vlsi.g-s Op- | dentally, Sheldon's mind is at there were rumors that certain the critics has give rise to a anti-Nazi activities. . . And alsojize what Jews are doing to them. Influential Jewish gentlemen who present "bubbling" with Joy!! strange story . . . Because the the canard that the bodyguards j Why, we're already building portunlty of the Season! Flan to come es.rljr and stay , . . Lon Saxon, soloist withh did their duty for Landon on Noplay, which deals with munitions are gigolos and not bodyguards:stockades at different points Charlie Agnew's o r c h e s t r a vember 3rd pleaded with Presiracketeers, takes some nasty at all. . . And, incidentally, what • throughout the country, into late. Fill every personal, family, and home need here . . , which recently played the Cher- dent Roosevelt not to be swayed cracks at William Randolph anti-Nazi activities are referred which we'll herd the Jews, when jnot . . . is Uoyd Is'aacson, a by the clamoring of the AmerHearst, it is Eaid the critics pulled and remember the more you buy the more you save! Des Molnes favorite . . . Pos- ican Jewish Congress group, and the violence comes. It'll be for their punches because they might to? to keep quiet about Jewish Persessing a voice not unlike.that their own protection, of course, some day have to work for Amerof Blng Crosby, this lad will secution In Germany . . OH, MR. RICHARDS (B.G.), you understand." ica's number one Fascist . . . some day capture the attention wonder if you noticed the resera-J Whatever the truth of this, the of film and stage scouts that Telling More public has thumbed its nose, at olance between yonr amiable se'f; Cfeecil Jews Drop will lead to bigger and better and that frames That famous Carmichael letter and that famous famous British British cartooncartoon- jj fq. opportunities . . . He Is related in which D. Carmichael, on the 1st, David Low, who has just cros-j Prague — A movement to drop conductor of tin to Mrs. Manning Handler of stationery of the Kansas State adelphia Orchestra, and Jascha sed the ocean to do a few carica-; their German-sounding names in this city . . . We are in receipt Hospital at Ossawatomie (with Heifetz are crack ping-pong tures. . . Tie resemblance Is par-favor of Czech patronymics is of information that David Lnz- Governor Landon as chairman of players . . . Heifetz, incidentally, ticularly striking In the self cari- spreading among the Jews cf • aru3 (David Xawrence, profes; the board), said that only Gen- owns a rare collection of Dickens catnre dashed off by Mr. Low. . .jCzechoslovakia. > f sional name) is conducting a tiles need apply for positions Is first editions . . . • j In the last fortnight 800 Jews radio broadcast over Station a story in itself . . . Jacob HarzLEON BLUM'S first Important; have abandoned German names, W3XR in New York . . . con- feld of Kansas City — who, inplunge into the spotlight was tacerning current news of the art cidentally, made a fine job forMissionary Field ken when he was 26 and did a David Salisbury Franks, famThe Christian missionary move- swell job mobilizing intellectuals ous American-Jewish patriot, as world . . . He"presents a guest Landon — broadcast the story ment among Jews is not as moriartist each'week and is also art that Carmichael was fired by -tinder' the banner of Emiie Sola aide-de-camp to Benedict Arnold as many people believe commentator . . :. .Broadcasts Landon as soon as he heard about bund in the fight to free a certain Jew- was tried for treason, but was The n e w s «f- • W »-' * * HZ.VK' * I sheets'of the Interna- ish French army officer naned acquitted. arc scheduled for each Wednes- the letter, that the whole hospi-\ fion tal system was reorganized and Committee on the Christian day, 9:0O-p. xn., on the short that a "number" of Jews h o l d | Ai t sP P r o a c n to-the Jews boast that wave dial . . . Buy one package of Double-Mellow Old Gold Cigarettes. c r key positions in Kansas State in-! Y i d agents in. Poland are studying JP. Lorillard Company will pay you for two if Old Golds don't ' 'Z~r~~' i.\ d i s l j i n o r d e r i: Onward! Omaha Jewry stitutions . . . What is the truth ? I t a l k t o J to be bale to Few public expressions have . . . It is this . . . That t h e only ! ews . .... From the same "make good. .!" f been so effective in creating a Jewish physician in a Kansas!source we learn that the, local a 44 _) U* \-f t i *, teeling of unity among Omaha State hospital is Dr Cohen, ap- Jewish missionary is a member in and rarely have Jewish Jews pointed in 1931 by Governor good standing of a synagogue in audiences been moved so deeply Woodring, a Democrat The That Southwestern Europe listening to the Dr. John Russell, whom Harz- Swedish Mission Center in Vienna as they were well chosen words of Dr. Philip feld singled out as a Jew, is. ahas opened a new week-end home Wj, Sher, Harry A. Wolf, Sam Rayitz, bona, fide Catholic that •y William -Holzman a n d Henry the only "key positions"And held by Uonsky . . . a t the testimonial Jews are two stenographic jobs linner given at the Center last . . .. This is all in a State that has Sunday evening . . Proper tribute over 8,000 State jobs . . . And was also paid to the deceased we wonder what Impression the Harry LapidUB, Morris Levy and full-page ads in the Yiddish paHarry Zlmman for the part they!p er3> inserted by the Landon camjlayed in the development of thepagin office, would have made If Center and other Jewish activi- translated Into Engish They a e s . . . ' • : • . . ' : • • • were direct appeals to the Jews . The Popular News Pattern to vote as Jews' for ttfe man who Writing a column of so called would take care of their minority gossip chatter is now a definite Interests . . . And, incidentally, part of the- American reading the advertisements failed to say public's life . . . Says William "Vote for Bleakley" for the New C . . »H» Cu~£> Bostin, one ol New York's lead- York governorship, for it was




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Page 8 ^iiinsiHirntsntininniinnnnmininnnnrnnnninninninnnnHinin

MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent

ber 11, at eight o'clock at the Yisroel synagogue. Mr. Dave Fox and social life has been rapid. return : later this week. Chevra B'nai Yisroe^ synagogue was installed as president to suc- N o w, surrounded in many Miss Rosalie Sacks visited last week end in Creston, Iowa, with at 618 Mynster Street. All mem-ceed Mr. Morris Grossman. Other places by enemies, cut off by hanew officers . installed were Max tred from the populations among her sister, Miss Neomi Sacks, and bers are urged to attend. Harris, vice president: O. Hoch- whom they dewell, their vitality in Iowa City, with her brother Ben who is a student at the Uni- The Council Bluffs Chapter No. man, secretary; Sam Rosenthal, is reaching the breaking point. It 7 of the A. Z. A. held a meeting treasurer; and Messrs. A. Dia- is their vitality, their Intellinversity, *- * Tuesday evening at the home of mond, Sam Sacks, Louis H. Kat-


cent of the amount of business on fcn oksk h the books must be written annuid Fdestine in Nine Month* ally," Bradshow said. " T h i s would require us to write GO mil-1 Warsav- (JTA) — lUore than Sion dollars per annum. Tv"e wrote-io,OPO Polish Jew? emigrated to that much in the first six month? ; Palestine jr. .the first nin? months of this year!" • of If86, it v"p.s disclosed here at •;eiice, their sheer will to live that a plenary meeting o* the Paleshas sustaained them up to the ! tine Immigration Bure?ti. The present. And masses of Jews are ! total emigration for the year -will again approaching the stage of j not exceed IT,000, it v--as estimhelpless torment in -which they ated. become homeless, help.'ess victims The Jewish population of Palof implacable vengefulness. estine has increased from 365,j London (JTA) Attempts tc ;00C tc 415.000 curing the year, Rays of Hope L was announced by A. Dobkin, In this panorama of shadow, j arouse anti-Semitism in London's 'i it

Miss Ethel Shindler has re-Irving Cohen, 37 North Seventh'elm an, Morris Grossman, S. Shybe included on the program. street. Plans were ' made for a! ken, J. Rodin, and Morris HoffPrizes, favors, skits and songs turned home after' spending the drawing to be held this month. man, as board of trustees. Folweek end l a Chicago, visiting Will gc toward making the evelowing the'meeting, a supper was with friends. ning au enjoyable one. The banMrs. Rae E. Ross and daugh- served. About forty members atquet in previous years has been ters, Lydia and Sylvia, spent the tended this affair. attended by more than 350 peo- Mi's. Harry Bailln of Atkinson, past week-end in Des Moines, Surpasing all former attendance and the commutes in charge are Nebraska, visited this week in the Iowa, visiting friends. They atThe Sisterhood of the Talmud records, the annual Inter-Club planning to provide accommoda- home' of her father, Mr. J. H. Bol- tended the Russio-Gerwlch wed- Torah Society held a meeting I t h e r e a r e a { e w salient bright East End were condemned as 'un-director of immigration of the Christian' in a resolution adopted ; Council Carnival was held Tues- tion for a capacity attendance. stein. Agency tor Palestine. He Miss Ruth Orlikoff has return- ding Sunday at the Kirkwood Wednesday afternoon, November spots of hope. The resistance of by the Autumn diocesan confer- i: rJewish e r e R i e < j ' Yhat Onlv day evening in the Martin Hotel, the Jews is formidable. They "SS persons Hotel. 4, at the home of Mrs. Phil Saks, ed home after a two week trip ence O t t h e c b u r c h oE and netted funds for the various England. jh a f i re-emigrated in that, period 120 Third street, -with a large at- cannot easily be replaced in t h e | T h e B i s h to California. . organizations sponsoring it. The economy of a nation's life, as has I ° P o f London declar-j and that 121 illegal entrants had Mrs. Morris Gershuny and small tendance. Mr. E. Cooper, priaci- been carnival "which was acclaimed as demonstrated in those lands ! e d i l w a s "monstrous" for out- been deported. Mrs. J. Zelinsky was iostesa to j son, Teddy.^f Chicago, Illinois,} pal of the Talmud Torah, was the Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will one of the most successful affrom which Jews have been driv-! siders to come to the East -End fairs of its kind, occupied the en-speak this evening on "Post aprO ximately two hundred peo- are expected to leave Saturday j guest speaker. Plans were made en out. and d stir up trouble. He sharply Hits Sews ois Calendar tire mezzanine floor of the Mar-Election Reflections." The ser-p l a a t a reC eption at her home night for their home following a for the Book Review to be" held attacked the Zionists, warning Even with every obstacle in j Sunday, in honor of her daughter, month's visit here at the home of next month instead of the regular tin. • Dancing was continuous vice will begin at 8 o'clock. Berlin — Jews were accused 1 way, and every aid to those meeting. The Book ReThe Temple Brotherhood held IR o s e > a n ( j heT daughter's fiance, Mrs. Gershuny's brother and sis-'monthly throughout the . evening in the Der Angriff, an official Nazi oul(i of the ! them, the ballroom of the hotel. Small a dinner and social hour in theSid" Raskin, son of "Mr. and Mrs. I ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ger- view will be held at the home of Jews 7 anti-Semit-! Party organ, ot trying through g Mrs.. J. Katelman, 417 Oakland < manage to hav.g on. But it The resolution on rooms on the floor were devoted Temple annex last night. H. O. Raskin. Mrs. Zelinsky was shun. ism in the East End said: is a the League of Nations to impose — Avenue on Tuesday afternoon, De-| desperate and unequal strug"Tomorrow afternoon. Dr. Lewis to games and refreshment stands, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. calendar reform or. Christian and The Council Bluffs Talmud i cember first. • Tickets are now on g l e -o n e weighted with odds that while the raffles were held in thewill speak at Yankton, South Da- Henry Krasne of Omaha, Mrs. Mohammedans "to compel everykota, before the Yankton Wom- Robert Swartz of "Omaha, Sara Torah Society held its installation i sale and can be purchased from i ? ° _People j:ould withstand unless ing from the presence in certain one • ballroom. to adjust themselves to the Fortunately that help en's Club. of new officers Monday evening,; Mrs. Ben Kubby, who is in charge; Sadoff, Marian Shiloff, Ida Codistricts of large populations of Jewish holiday and to observe an A doll booth was sponsored by 1 has been forthcoming from the hen, Maxine Raskin, and Boots November 2, at the Chevra B'nai of the Book Review. the Sisterhood of Mount Sinai; outer world, especiadlly from people of other religious beliefs 'international" ShF.bbee* ( s a b Levine. • a grocery booth by the Ladles and social habits, asserts the fact bath)." America. Out-of-town guests were Mr. Auxiliary of Shaare Zion;- a bakTravel through Eastern Eur- that the Jew and the Christian ery booth by the Talmud Trah WEBB, BEBER. The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai and Mrs: A.- Zelinsky, aunt and ope. Visit the institutions, the are children o£ God,'and there- FRADENBURG, KLUTriMICK & KELLEY, Mothers Club, and' a kitchen uten- Temple will hold "its regular uncle of the bride-elect; Mr. and hospitals, training centers, schools fore call upon all Christians to Attorneys sil booth. . meeting this afternoon following Mrs. Robert Swartz. and daughorphanages, internats, student s t a n d f i r m & = a i n s t any and every Union State Bank Etldg. ter; Mr. and Mr3. Henry Krasne; Mr. Milton Bolstein was chair- a one o'clock luncheon. homes, summer colonies for sick i attempt to arouse anti-Semitic NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE T O man of the carnival arrangeand undernourished c h i l d r e n , ! feeling for political or any oth- A-..IC-LES OF iMCORnORATION The program will deal with the Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberg and >RnORATION OF ROSELAND INVESTMENT COMments. A program with ads from subject of Peace and the princi- family; Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenfood stations. Everywhere you ! e r end." PA NY. many national and local firms pal speaker will be Judge Fay- berg; and Mr. and Mrs. M. Tephe resolution was introduced will find evidence that the Jews Notice is hereby given that it was mailed to every Jewish home ville. Mrs. Paul MacCollln will litsky and family all of Omaha: rnoptine of the Rtorkhoidere of of the outside world have not j by M. A. Guthbert, Vicar of the FneetRl .he nosplantl !"-wtm™t- Company, a Mrs. Zelinsky served an early in Sioux City and the trade ter- offer a group of vocal solos. forsaken their fellows struggling! East End church, v;ho said a real ; < orporation. duly p d y onlled ORIM and and held helii at at ritory before the day of the carnto survive. Many are the tablets \ need' existed for a more equable ' ' " e ! ir ' n fiPai place of business of the Mrs. Louis Goldberg will pre- buffet dinner t o out-of-town Mr. Sellgmann, director of work a t all, bent over sewing ival. guests. , . . side at the business meeting. The American Joint Distribution machines or cobbler's benches. in the walls of institutions of ladm m i g r a t i o n ot law between : u.le rporation w a s i o' H , Arti-ie* of• in ™™«tton Raffles during the evening in- luncheon arrangments are under Committee, - has returned from The door open directly from the Eastern Europe, testifying that!Jews and Gentiles, "but what i to r»r>ri 85 follows: cluded a car, radio, lamps, and the direction of Mrs. A. J. GallnARTICLE I. s tour of Central and Eastern street into a small room. Next the Joint Distribution Committee i took place in the East End must | other smaller items. The name of this corporation shall sky and Mrs. Milton J. Gommer. Europe. What he. saw on that to the sewing machine or bench helped build or helped found the be combatted because Fascist - :.prceeds f the Carnival will be VIXTT-RE COMPANY institution, and has contributed methods for stirring hatred, bit- MOSKOVTTZ trip made a scaring, unforgetthero may be a stove. Directly I,OT-7S MOSKOV1TZ. President. By BAY SCHAPIKO , allocated among the organizatable impression on him. A overhead, so low that a tall man to its upkeep. And oftener still, jterness and persecution against TlFniK MOSKOV1TZ. Secretary. tions affiliated with the interclub trained journalist, as well as a cannot stand upright under it, is where there are no tablets to re-;Jews are fundamentally r.n-Chriscouncil. wins war must follow war and poet and critic of some note, a balcony fo-r the beds of the fam-cord, there are houses erected ! tian." LOUIS E, LIPP, Attorney Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will cosmos- dissolve into chao3 and his observations are here set ily. Thero is neither running -wa- from the wreckage of war, hu504-10 City N a n . Bank Bldfl. The Bishop of London, who Omaha, Nebraska this evening on "Inter-mar- this civilization en I as others down in two hrief, pungent ar- ter nor toilet. The total airspace man lives saved with food, medi- p res ided, said there was no „_ HADASSAH CARD PARTY speak riage— Jewish National Suicide." have ended". NOTICE OF SALE UNDER LIEN ticles that will be long remem- of the room is less than the min-cine, redirected with education, m ity between Gentile and Jew i Notice piven thnt on the Cantor A. Pliskln and the synaencouraged and set on the • way a n d .. i t i s m o n S i r o u s t n a t a b o d y ZlFt dayisofhereby November. 1936, at H The anual Senior Hadassah gogue choir will chant the ritual. .So the reactionaries everywhere bered^for their stinging revela- imum required for health. o'clock A. M.. at the General GarnBe feign to despite Freud's teach- tions of the incredible, inhuj of outsiders should disturb the Co.. lius Jackson Street. Card party will be held next In some streets of the many of self-maintenance. OmahaT- NeJunior Congregation will meet ings; . By the- light of them they man conditions in which Jews square miles of hopeless and des- At the present moment two peace of that part of London," braska. -The imrierpfernert will sell at Tuesday evening, November 10, tomorrow morning a*. 10:30 lmblir auction, to tbe hluhest would wither and crumble like are maintaining life in one of perate poverty there will be cell- forms of aid, instituted and or-adding that this forced the Jew cash the following described blddei at 8 o'clock in the Jewish Com- o'clock. Harry Nadler will act propleave- in a flame. And the Mar- the word's most notorious ars, not merely beneath the sur-ganized by the American Joint to make common cause with the for ertv. t.i-vit: munity Center. Refreshments as reader of the law. 3 xians? (I do not mean the nong u e spots. p m EDITOR face of the street, but one flight, Gentile opposing such interfer-i . Chrysler Convevtii.le Coupe. Mo. Distribution Committee, have de- „„„„ wil be served and attractive door I I n r Aiimoer .T^r.jjni,. Model Number doctrinnaire proponents of econtwo flights beneath the top of veloped into movements whereby jence. prizes given away. Mrs. M. A. omic cooperation and justice!) Here entire entire families live, many. Jews are Marks is chairman of the party ring to Paiesti cellars. Here families live, are being prepared to j| R Referring to Palestine he s?id;VPw>rl v ' hi '" h ; h e r e h a s b o c l 1 expended A book published a few years cellars. £I£Cr OFFICERS They must repress Freud, too. ago had the arresting title, "Jour- ten people, twelve or fifteen in a survive the dangerous times, t h e ze if eo rn i s t s T r o n W ^ ^ ^ " G ^ S ' I : ^ *£ '™*%? & with Mrs. Jack Robinson and Mrs. And above all the Jewish Marxe.nn r»ini"Pt nf CMS Ropers. Moris Sklovsky, co-chairmen. led to "blind" the churchmen to The Ladies Auxiliary of Beth ians must do so. For those un- ney to the End of Night." It was single room. It is rare for chil- which lie ahead. Snifl SHIP will h-~ for thp purpose ol Assisting them will be Mrs. JoeAbraham synagogue hela its an- f a t h o m a b l e a n d u n l v c r s a i i n n e r a picture of the Europe of World dren or enn adults to have a bed Those movements, which form the grievances the Arabs had, foreclosing- pp.iii lu-n lor costs of sale F.nri all fu>criiinc enpts and for the * Kutcher, Mrs. Sam Baron, Mrs. nual election Tuesday afternoon processes which ultimately deter- War days and after, seen through to themselves. More often three a veritable bulwark against Jew-. h o h g g a i purpose of patisfyino- the amount due Sam Liprnan, Mrs. S. Shulkin, -when Mrs. Paul Kaplan was elect- mine human fate are evidently the eyes of a njan who did notand four have but one bed. The ish disaster in Eastern Europe l £ n d .. M l n j d e r h thoreon. t o - r i t : S.TJ.OQ and interest: of S00 Thru no Pint or cUv^r proceedings ai Mrs. R. H. Enilein, Mrs. S. Green- e d president. Other ^ -officers p r i o r t o . . m e t h o ( i s of production hesitate to confess his own weak- result is filth, the filth of help- are, fust, the net Arabs had a real1 cause which they law have been ins»tl*uted to recovet stone and Mrs. Barney Baron are elected were Mrs. John Bird, vice in the realms o. both time and nesses. The disintegration he less poverty. In this poverty tu- loan kassas throughout Eastern I must put before the world, he as- said. <lebt or nny pp.rt thereof Hnd described has progressed since berculosis grows. It produces the!Europe which enable Jews to t h a t riup notice of UIIR p:-oceedinK hat assisting on the ' efreshnient com- president; Mrs. M. Lass, secre- value, heers piver. to the Faid Gus Rogrers at and it is much easier and then. And, returning as I have white, thin faces of so many of tinue self-supporting by extendmittee. Hostesses will include tary; Mrs. Philip Bonus, treasur- far more by l!>\v vrovirlpn. in accord with the unMrs. R. H. Rabinowitz, Mrs. The-er and Mrs. I.- Sfirken, recording leashed aggressive instincts of thejust done from a tour of Eastern the Jews of Eastern Europe. It ing a multitude of small credits; CT-^NiraAL. GARAGE CO., Llenor. Patronize Our Advertisers second, the vocational training, Europe, especially in Poland and produces stunted bodies, narrow Il-fi-3fi-2t. odore N. Lewis, Mrs. D. L. Baker, secretary. id to liquidate the possessing Rumania, I feel as if I had made chests.^hacking coughs. both for youth and for adults Mrs. M. E. Friedman, Mrs; Wil- Following the election Rabbi classes and, next, to destroy hereGolds are-the only cipcreftcs double v rapped-in t h e Go into the Jewish markets of which enables Jews to find, ex- finestOld liam Lazere, Mrs. Leon Shulkin Benjamin Goldberg spoke, and re-tics by firing-squads. And thea journey beyond the end of moisture-proof Cellophane. T h t t is why they are always plore and establish themselves ia night. Warsaw, of Wilno, of Lwow, in and Mrs. Zella Levitan. freshments were served. Jewish Marxians must never let Poland, or those of Bucharest, of new industries and occupations, factorr fresh. The ticket committee Includes their ego know that they are It Is a night that is deepening Kishineff, of Lasi, of Czernow- chie'Iy manual. Mrs. Henry Sherman, Mrs. Joe identifying themselves in their id over ONEG SHABBOS areas, spreading its it* in Rumania. You will see Levin, Mrs. Ben Baron, Mrs. Joe with their apostate father Marx's black large merchants standing over mantle over millions of huKutcher, Mrs. Max Rosenstock, self-hatred and death-wish for his Mrs. Sol Novitsky, Mrs. H. M. The Oneg Shabbos group of people, and are therefore bab- man beings. Beneath that mantle tattered rags of clothing, moldy Levin, Mrs. Louis Slotsky, Mrs. Shaare Zion synagogue will meet bling about Birobidjan and have are hunger. Illness, cold, the ter-remnants of shoes; bits of junk The editors o! the Chevrolet Harry Goldstein, Mrs. Louis Ag- Saturday afternoon, November 14 fallen so low as not to repudiate ror and nervous exhaustion that and odds and ends of merchan- dealers' magazine have been dodise almost beyond human recogin the home of Mrs. Jeo Kutcher, come of struggling for a daily rahoff, Mrs. Philip Sherman, Mrs. ing research work, seeking ori- j Jhose Palestinian Communists Louis Sacks, Mrs, Joe Rosenthal, Mrs. B. H. Raskin will speak on who urged the Arabs to attack crust of bread in an enviroment nition or use. These form the en-gin of the expression O. K., in stock, the entire capital of response to inquiries received Mra; E. N. Grueskin,' Mrs. Joethe Jews in Poland. Mrs. Philip and burn and murder. Two bar-determined to suppress, exclude tire of Jewish merchants. from its readers. The expression Krigsten, Mrs. Max Mushkin and Sherman will present current ometers may be used to test the and even exterminate helpless multitudes On the few cents they may earn figures so largely in the com- j Jews. events and Miss Bessie Resser Mrs. Sam Slotsky, weather of any civilization today: will lead the singing of Hebrew Is it anti-Semitic or not? Do its What has happened to the Jews by standing all day and occasion- pany's u s e d car advertising,' ally selling such tatters, the mersongs. leading intellectuals accept Freud of Germany forms one of the dis-chants support their families. To which features the "Guaranteed JUNIOR HADASSAH heartening pages of history. But O. K. tag" affised to reconditionor not? The two testa are ultimits reverberations, extend beyond see these merchants - and their ed used cars, that dealers became Ivre Club Gives Party ately one and the same test. The Junior Hadassah chapter the confines of Germany. Shame merchandise is to wonder how it interested in its history. will hold its regular "November I must speak far more tenta- is an impulse that depends upon is possible for human beings to Members of the Ivre club gave explanations meeting next Wednesday evening, a Halloween party and dance Sat- tively of that great man and Jewcivilization of a high degree. It eke out an existence. One forms have been plausible uncovered. One of the November 11, in the Jewish Com- urday evening in the West Hotel. and Zionist and thinker Albert is possible to give a mortal wound new ideas of the vanishing marlikely is that the expression j munity Center. Important in the Myer Shubb was. general chair- Einstein. For I cannot grasp his to essential human decencies and gins upon which conscious' life is derived from a seaport on the | continues to be maintained. meetingwill be the discussion of man of the arrangements. Forty- teachings as I can those of Freud. to shame. This wound was given southern coast of Haiti, which I Tuberculosis on Increase plans for the annual Junior Ha- five- couples attended. A buffet But even the first insight won byby the treatment visited upon the was a famous source of superior i him shattered both the universe Jews of Germany. And it has dassah Bridge party which is! s u p p e r was served at midnight Is it to be wondered at the tn-rum and tobacco shipped to the scheduled for Wednesday e v e - | a n a dancing occupied the evening as- a machine and the Marxian helped to lessen shame in the j berculosis among children is on American colonies. The name of ' materialist universe as well. For Eastern European areas; So now the increase? I heard of one case, the port -sras Aux Cayes (proning, November 18 in the Warrior n o urs. if the mere description of any mo-there are attacks upon Jews not not an isolated one, of a child nounced "oh cay"). The colonists Hotel.- A feature of the entertion is impossible until we know alone at night, but in broad day- five years old, sent to one of the | tainment during the bridge party would ask, where the deseriber stands and if light. Economic boycott Is preach- summer colonies aided by Joint 1b, u y i n g TX1Ta o r tobacco will be a style show. Mrs. Wil> ii ff ii tt ^< u A A u u s sC Society News ^ aaSSii tt nn ee yy l sl s u C aa yy eessr r that-describer is free initially to liam Kutcher is chairman of the itibti Cmmittee At that that II ed and is accompanied by scurrir D Distribution Committee. At kn6W it w a g good T h e words Mrs. Edward Pill, -whose marbridge party arrangements. The L E. S. Batter choose where he shall stand, thenjious defamation of all Jews. colony this five-year-old child had soon became a symbol for good The prog'ram for the meeting rni aa sg eb ewas-an event o£ last month, we have n m o n reason to doubt] Rapidly, entire groups of Jews' " — . . . . . . . . . the first milk it had tasted in its Quality, but the letters O. K. naLamp is th* en t h e Wednesday is under the direction I inspiration -for sev- the priority In time and value of once well-to-do, at least accord- life. turally took the place of the science to eral lovely parties during the those moral forces which alone—- ing to the standards prevailing in of Miss Bluma Merlin, and will People comparable to those of words "when written by persons the ic;-elfx lighting as Jews have always believed and their homelands, are being hus- the Jewish middle class in any not familiar with the real meaninclude a skit -written by Miss past week. Helen Hcrzof, a musical num- Saturday afternoon Mrs. Louis as Freud has proved, for all ages tied and hurried down the steep large city of the world, have been ing. . conditions 0! home can truly affect our mortal lot. incline that leads to the abyss of reduced to conditions such- as ber by Jack Merlin and Earl No- Agranoff and Mrs. Ben Pill enAnother theory traces O. K. to and oillcs, Wi& cm tertained at a tea at their home j impoverishment, of beggary and those I saw in the Jewish quarter the Choctaw Indians. In their bar- | vich, and a talk by a visiting 2002 Summit ave., honoring her. L E. S, {TiluzalnaJiag (Copyright 1933 by Seven Arts demoralization. of Czernowitz. A muddy path tering with other tribes, they i beauty artist. Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Feature Syndicate.) I have talked - with leaders In with stepping stones placed to en- used the word "okeh" to desig-: ri Society) rs Sol Faik and M - Anna Herzoff many cities of Eastern Europe. In 1 able walking, was overhung by nate a piece of merchandise or raore light is A. LA. presided at a dinner, at a courttheir face3 were visible the lines r.ooves dripping moisture. This livestock as fit and good. esy to Mr. and Mrs. Pill. of anxiety and anguish. Every- dank passage led to a room perOthers hold to the theory that The A. Z. A. chapter has re- Mr. and Mrs. Pill are making where they told the same story: haps twelve or fifteen feet square. the initals O. R., meaning "order®sr arect, properly re>ceived word from the S. A. C.their home in LeMars, Iowa. "We do not know what the The room bad no -window, no ed recorded," being carelessly fiecied, and. is safe that the debating teams fpr the morrow will bring. In many source of light or air other than written on. documents, were miscoming district tournament must for the eyes?, fe tr^tf Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin recountry districts it is no longer the door. In tho room were read as O. K. arsd so came to be selected by December 1. Ac-turned home this week after a BX P. R. E . safe for Jew i'o stay. Their homes three beds and a stove. Here stand for a symbol of correctness. detail. Yet b-esiratf ie cordingly the cultural committee two week trip which included ten are being burned. They are be-lived a woman, her sick husband It is also asserted that O. K., as no! BselSsed. Art of the local chapter has started southern states.. During the, ing attacked. The peasants, in- and five-cb;ldren. He had been an abbreviation for Artemus debating classes and will select they attended the Mississippi Uni- RABBI WICE TO BE B'NAI e n d s c I €; s c e Solo flamed by hostile propaganda, a, coachman, his horses had died, Ward's spelling of "all correct," their team by the date specified. versity Home coming day, and at-B'RITH GUEST SPEAKER hands L«, bringing will neither buy from nor sell to and he had no surce of i&corae. first gain currency among oldThe regional contest will be held tended the football game there. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. Jews. From the cooperatives yens fhswr •plghf-sar* in Lincoln, and the Sioux City Mrs. Shulkin was _ honored there G88 of the B'nai B'rith will hold that are being formed to deal in For this habitation the family 1t i j a e t e l e g r a p h operators. chapter will enter a debating by being selected as one Of thean Open Meeting and Program the commodities Jews formerly paid a little more than three dol-! Still another theory is that inq Ismps, Make it a lars per month. One in our psrty team and an orator. sponsors of the football team. next Monday evening, November traded in, Jews are rigorously ex- gave the woman 40 lei, or about years sgo a customs inspector point I© get YOUR Wednesday evening the chapter While in Oxford Mississippi they 9, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles cluded. The economic resistance 26 cents. On this she said the whose initials were "O. K." I. E. S. Lamp, TOstamped them on bales of goods held a weiner roast with fifteen visited with Herbert Baumstein Hall. Rabbi David Wice' of the of the Jewish people everywhere family would live a week. that he passed. DAY! and Dave Bernard, Sioux Cityans Temple Israel of Omaha will be is being savagely and persistentcouples attending. One man who travelled with As a verb, the Chevrolet pub- \ This -evening members of the who are attending the University the principal speaker and honored ly undermined. We do not know me was a witness to this scene. lication says, t h e expression ; guest. -Rabbi Wice will give an now, for how long it will be pos-We wade a long and tiring jourr chapter will attend the services should be written O. K.'d or O. at Mount Sinai Tempi?. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron Illustrated lecture' on "Palestine. sible for us to maintain our in-ney together, and saw much. K.'ing. ' ' • \ and their son, Lawrence Baron, Rabbi Wlce will present moving stitutions. If these fail, then Time after time in the course of As used by Chevrolet dealers ; 1810 Grandview, presided at an pictures which he had taken dur- God help the children, the oldthat day, I saw tears coursing O. K. means that used cars bear- : informal" dinner party Monday ing his recent sojourn through and the helpless, the sick and all down his cheeks. As he wiped ing these letters were carefully ; evening in their home on cour- Palestine, and his talk will be ofthose struggling for a bare ex- them away, he would murmur: checked and reconditioned before tesy to' Congressman Guy Mark interest to the entire Jewry. Mil- istence. Tell the generous peo- "I have seen much of human mis- being put on display. The anual-Father and Son ban- Gillette, and Mrs. Gillette, Cy lard Krasne, chairman of the In-ple in America of our misery, our ery an;! degradation among the Jews of Eastern Europe. But that quet sponsored by the Shaare Farr of Cherokee and Don Perill tellectual Advancement Commit- terror and our need." tee, is chairman in charge of this family of seven human beings I f ! ? RECORDZion synagogue will be held Sun- of Washington, D. C. How They Work and New business secure*1* this year day evening, November 15, in the Mrs. Archie Herzoff and daugh- program. This is the story which, with struggling for existence in that points to a probable new high in j Thi3 meeting is open to the social hall of the synagogue. Mr. ter of Chicago are visiting here ralnor variations I heard in many li^htioss room, I cannot drive Morey Lipshutz is general chair- in the home of -ivtr. and Mrs. A.publib and all members, their parts of Eastern Europe. It Is a from ray mind." Jews in Eastern the history of the Woodmen of \ man of the arrangments.. Mr. M. Herzoff, 1735 Seventeenth St. families and fheir friends are story that was borne out by what Europe have been poor alwaj-s. | the World Life Insurance associ- j urged to attend. I saw. Go into the workshop of But since the destruction of the j atioa in 1SST, according to the Ben Sekt will be- toastmaster. any of hundred of thousands of terrible war years and the even report of Be Ennnett Bradshaw, j Featured on the program will be Mr. and Mrs.. Nate Gorchow The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- Jews in a Polish city. You will more horrible years of president, to tbe bokrd of direcDr.- Dansky and Mrs. Fitch of have returned home after a three Omaha. Talks by representative week eastern trip. Dr. Delia- Gal- ciety will hold a regular meeting see the father and other members farai.-ic, disease and massacre, the tors. "The usual rule is that 14 per next Wednesday evening, Novem- of the family, whea there is anydisintegration of their economic fathers, sons, and grandsons Insky who accompanied them

Church of England Kits Attempt© to Stir Anti-Semitism i


Mount Sinai



By Herbert J. Seligmann

J. 0. C. Sports

Shaare Zion




The "O. K" Origin

GOOD &IGHT See the New I. E. S. Better Sight Lamps Today

T~"] j \

Date for Father and Son Banquet



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